diff --git "a/reddit_finance_43_250k_293.txt" "b/reddit_finance_43_250k_293.txt" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/reddit_finance_43_250k_293.txt" @@ -0,0 +1,10000 @@ +It looks like no regulator wants to step in on their own and shed some light on this situation.German Bafin made a press release that they were notified by retails about the current situation ([https://www.bafin.de/SharedDocs/Veroeffentlichungen/DE/Meldung/2022/meldung\_2022\_08\_02\_gamestop.html;jsessionid=3A832E5A8A1AD57406C37E1CE72402DB.1\_cid500](https://www.bafin.de/SharedDocs/Veroeffentlichungen/DE/Meldung/2022/meldung_2022_08_02_gamestop.html;jsessionid=3A832E5A8A1AD57406C37E1CE72402DB.1_cid500)) - and for this reason - we as investors should have an interest to bring this to the attention of every regulating authority in every country we are living in. + +# WHAT is this about? + +"On July 6, 2022, GameStop announced a 4-for-1 stock split in the form of a stock dividend, effective as of July 21, 2022, for stockholders of record on July 18, 2022." (Source: [https://news.gamestop.com/stock-split](https://news.gamestop.com/stock-split)) + +While Gamestop issued a stock dividend - many broakers and banks handle this event as a stock split. + +The difference between a stock split and a dividend is: + +Stock Split - You divide your share/cookie into 4 pieces. + +Stock Dividend - You recieve 3 additional shares/cookies and now own 4. + +Gamestop further stated:"*GameStop has notified its transfer agent and the Depository Trust Company (“DTC”) that some of our valued stockholders in international geographies are still trying to determine if they have received the proper stock dividend associated with the Company’s recent 4-for-1 stock split. Please note GameStop has already distributed the shares of common stock required for the stock dividend to its transfer agent, which has confirmed it subsequently distributed the appropriate number of shares of common stock to DTC for allocation to brokerage firms and other participants.* ***We recommend that stockholders using a brokerage firm contact that firm with needs or questions.*** *Stockholders may want to make their brokerage firm aware if they recently moved shares to the Company’s direct registered list, as we have been informed this move could impact a firm’s distribution of shares.*   + +*We appreciate your investment and enthusiasm.* ***Although we are not able to engage with individual brokerage firms***\*, we are monitoring this situation and will keep you informed of any relevant updates we obtain through our transfer agent or DTC."\* [*https://news.gamestop.com/stock-split*](https://news.gamestop.com/stock-split) + +&#x200B; + +# For this reason, I think it is really important for every investor to make sure he recieved a dividend and no (!) split - for this reason WE as INVESTORS should use every legal option to bring this situation to the attention of: + +# 1. The bank and broakers we use! + +# 2. The Institutions and Regulators who are monitoring the banks and broakers we use! + +&#x200B; + +# Below: The Guide how to complain according to [https://www.eba.europa.eu/consumer-corner/how-to-complain](https://www.eba.europa.eu/consumer-corner/how-to-complain) + +# "How to complain + +As a consumer you have the right to complain against a credit or financial institution in case you are not satisfied with the products or services provided. Although the EBA has no direct competence with regard to complaints against a credit or financial institution, in this section you will find some suggestions on the submission of complaints: + +&#x200B; + +1. **Contact the credit or financial institution** +2. **Submit an official complaint** +3. **Contact your national competent authority or Ombudsman** + +## 1. Contact the credit or financial institution + +If you are not satisfied with the products or services provided by a credit or financial institution, you should first contact the customer service department of the respective institution. Contact details are usually available on their websites. For a prompt identification of the problem, it is always advisable to support your claim with relevant documents (i.e. the contract you concluded with the institution or any other document that would help identify the products and services for which you are complaining). + +At this stage, credit or financial institutions are usually willing to help consumers in addressing their disappointment. **Nevertheless, in case you are not satisfied with the solution proposed, you can still submit an official complaint.** + +## 2. Submit an official complaint + +Each credit or financial institution shall have in place specific procedures for dealing with complaints, which are usually available on their website. Therefore, you should follow the procedure indicated for the submission of official complaints (preferably in written form). Again, supporting documents will be useful. + +## 3. Contact your national competent authority or Ombudsman + +In case you are not satisfied with the response provided by the addressed credit or financial institution, you can refer to either the respective national competent authority or the Ombudsman, when appropriate. To identify your national competent authority, please click on the corresponding country from the list below. + +\[ -- Add from: [https://www.esma.europa.eu/investor-corner/file-complaint](https://www.esma.europa.eu/investor-corner/file-complaint) + +"According to EU law you should have access to simple, effective and low-cost out-of-court ways to resolve disputes with your service provider. These are known as Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) entities. They should respond to your complaint within 90 days. + +Please refer to [Directive 2013/11/EU](http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=OJ:L:2013:165:0063:0079:EN:PDF) of the European Parliament and of the Council on alternative dispute resolution for consumer disputes for more details" --\] + +&#x200B; + +Austria + +[Financial Market Authority](https://www.fma.gv.at/en/complaints-and-points-of-contact/)[Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection](https://www.sozialministerium.at/en/Topics/Consumer-Protection.html)[Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs ](https://www.bmdw.gv.at/en.html) + +Belgium + +[The Financial Services and Markets Authority](https://www.fsma.be/en/how-make-complaint)[Ministry of Economy](https://economie.fgov.be/en/where-and-how-report-problem)[Ombudsfin](https://www.ombudsfin.be/en/individuals/introduce-complaint/)[Insurance Ombudsman](https://www.ombudsman.as/fr/complaint/formulaire-de-plainte) + +Bulgaria + +[Commission for Consumer Protection](http://www.kzp.bg/index.php?mode=viewd&group_id=12&document_id=19)[Conciliation commission on dispute payments](http://abanksb.bg/pkps/pkps-sporove.html)[Bulgarian National Bank](http://www.bnb.bg/bnbweb/groups/public/documents/bnb_download/bs_cust_info_pdf_bg.pdf)[Financial Supervision Commission](https://www.fsc.bg/en/for-the-consumers/complaints/) + +Croatia + +[The Croatian National Bank](https://www.hnb.hr/o-nama/zastita-potrosaca/prijavite-pitajte)[Croatian Financial Services Supervisory Agency](https://www.hanfa.hr/consumer-protection/complaints-to-hanfa/) + +Cyprus + +[Central Bank of Cyprus](http://www.centralbank.gov.cy/nqcontent.cfm?a_id=1&lang=en) + +Czech Republic + +[The Czech National Bank](https://www.cnb.cz/en/public/contacts/electronic-form/)[Czech Trade Inspection Authority](https://www.coi.cz/en/for-consumers/consumer-rights-advice-and-information/complaints-submissions-information-requests/) + +Denmark + +[Finanstilsynet](http://www.ftnet.dk/?sc_lang=en#)[The Danish Complaint Board of Banking Services](http://pengeinstitutankenaevnet.dk/) + +Estonia + +[The Estonian Financial Supervision Authority (EFSA)](http://www.fi.ee/?lang=en)[C](http://www.fi.ee/?lang=en)[onsumer Protection Board](http://www.tarbijakaitseamet.ee/et) + +Finland + +[Financial Supervisory Authority](https://www.finanssivalvonta.fi/en/Consumer-protection/questions-and-answers/problems-with-a-service-provider/)[The Finnish Financial Ombudsman's Bureau](https://www.fine.fi/en/frontpage.html)[Consumer Disputes board](http://www.kuluttajariita.fi/en/index.html)[Consumer Advisors](https://www.kkv.fi/en/consumer-advice/)[Finnish Communications Regulatory Authority](https://www.traficom.fi/en/customerservice?group=initia) + +France + +[Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution (ACPR)](http://www.acp.banque-france.fr/protection-de-la-clientele.html)[The Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF)](https://www.amf-france.org/fr) + +Germany + +[Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin)](https://www.bafin.de/EN/Verbraucher/BeschwerdenAnsprechpartner/beschwerdenansprechpartner_node_en.html;jsessionid=EED43FBA16FBCCB4E6BC1A0E8D604DDE.1_cid361)[Federal Ministry of Finance (BMF)](https://www.bundesfinanzministerium.de/Web/EN/Home/home.html)[Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection (BMJV)](https://www.bmjv.de/EN/Home/home_node.html)[Federal Ministry of Economics Affairs and Energy (BMWi)](https://www.bmwi.de/Navigation/EN/Home/home.html) + +Greece + +[General Secretariat for Commerce and Consumer Affairs](http://www.efpolis.gr/)[The Bank of Greece](http://www.bankofgreece.gr/Pages/default.aspx) + +Hungary + +[Magyar Nemzeti Bank (Central Bank of Hungary) ](https://www.mnb.hu/en/financial-customer-protection)[Financial Arbitration Board](https://www.mnb.hu/en/hungarian-financial-arbitration-board) + +Iceland [The Financial Supervisory Authority](http://en.fme.is/supervision/consumer-affairs/)[The Complaints Committee on Transactions with Financial Firms](http://en.fme.is/supervision/consumer-affairs/the-complaints-committee-on-transactions-with-financial-firms/)[The Consumer Agency](http://www.neytendastofa.is/English) + +Ireland [Central Bank of Ireland](http://www.centralbank.ie/consumer/Pages/Introduction.aspx)[Financial Services and Pensions Ombudsman](https://www.fspo.ie/) + +Italy + +[Bank of Italy](https://www.bancaditalia.it/servizi-cittadino/servizi/esposti/index.html)[CONSOB](https://www.consob.it/web/investor-education/l-invio-di-esposti)[Italian Competition Authority](https://www.agcm.it/servizi/segnala-on-line)[Arbitro Bancario Finanziario](https://www.arbitrobancariofinanziario.it/) + +Latvia + +[Consumer Rights Protection Centre](https://www.ptac.gov.lv/lv/iesniegt-sudzibu)[Ombudsman of the Finance Latvian Association](https://www.financelatvia.eu/ombuds/)[Financial and Capital Market Commission](https://www.fktk.lv/klientu-aizsardziba/veidlapa-sudzibas-iesniegsanai/) + +Liechtenstein + +[Financial Market Authority (FMA)](https://www.fma-li.li/de/kundenschutz/beschwerden.html)[Financial Services Conciliation Board](http://www.schlichtungsstelle.li/index_en.html) + +Lithuania + +[State Consumer Rights Protection Authority](http://www.vvtat.lt/index.php?225846438)[Bank of Lithuania](http://www.lb.lt/consumer_protection) + +Luxemburg + +[Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier](http://www.cssf.lu/fr/protection-consommateurs-financiers/reclamations/) + +Malta + +[Arbiter for Financial Services](https://financialarbiter.org.mt/) + +Netherlands + +[Authoriteit Financiele Markten](http://www.afm.nl/en/consumer/vertrouwen/klacht.aspx) + +Norway + +[Finanstilsynet](http://www.finanstilsynet.no/en/)[Forbrukertilsynet](https://www.forbrukertilsynet.no/english) + +Poland + +[Komisja Nadzoru Finansowego](https://www.knf.gov.pl/dla_konsumenta/Ochrona_klienta_na_rynku_uslug_finansowych)[Urzad Ochrony Konkurencji i Konsumentow](https://www.uokik.gov.pl/consumer_protection3.php)[Rzecznik Finansowy](https://rf.gov.pl/) + +Portugal + +[Banco de Portugal](https://clientebancario.bportugal.pt/en/formulario-nova-reclamacao) + +Romania + +[National Authority for Consumer Protection](http://www.anpc.gov.ro/) + +Slovakia + +[Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic](http://www.finance.gov.sk/En/Default.aspx)[National Bank of Slovakia](http://www.nbs.sk/en/home)[Slovak Trade Inspection](http://www.soi.sk/en/SOI-News.soi) + +Slovenia + +[Ministry of Economic Development and Technology](http://www.mgrt.gov.si/en/)[Bank of Slovenia](http://www.bsi.si/en/) + +Spain + +[Bank of Spain](http://www.bde.es/bde/en/secciones/servicios/Particulares_y_e/Servicio_de_Ate/Servicios_de_At_6d9079a9970c631.html) + +Sweden + +[Finansinspektionen](https://www.fi.se/en/)[Konsumentverket](https://www.konsumentverket.se/languages/english-engelska/this-is-how-you-file-a-complaint/)[Allmanna Reklamationsnamnden](https://www.arn.se/konsument/) + +Good luck everyone - and buckle up! +Guten Tag to this global band of Apes! 👋🦍 + +As we close out another week of significant price attacks, I am reminded of all of the times that this has occurred in the past. +Amplified by an uptick in FUD, these dips tend to have less effect than I think the SHFs expect them to. +Apes are not selling. +We've seen this all before. +The discounts are only temporary. +We own a huge portion of perhaps the safest company to be invested in right now, and that company is in the best shape it has ever been. + +Consider, for example, their partnership with Immutable X to deliver gaming experiences unlike anywhere else. +GameStop can usher their existing customer base into this new frontier of gaming. +I cannot wait to see where this partnership leads to, and I am hoping that in this upcoming earnings release we'll start to see metrics to track their progress. +What I know for certain is that our Diamantenhände can easily withstand whatever the SHFs throw at us today. + +Today is Friday, September 2nd, and you know what that means! Join other apes around the world to watch infrequent updates from the German markets! + +###🚀 Buckle Up! 🚀 +*** + + +- 🟥 120 minutes in: **$28.26 / 28,25 €** *(volume: 30517)* +- 🟥 115 minutes in: $28.33 / 28,32 € *(volume: 30196)* +- 🟥 110 minutes in: $28.47 / 28,46 € *(volume: 30192)* +- 🟩 105 minutes in: $28.47 / 28,46 € *(volume: 30117)* +- 🟥 100 minutes in: $28.46 / 28,45 € *(volume: 30108)* +- 🟩 95 minutes in: $28.51 / 28,50 € *(volume: 30058)* +- 🟩 90 minutes in: $28.48 / 28,47 € *(volume: 29158)* +- ⬜ 85 minutes in: $28.41 / 28,40 € *(volume: 28233)* +- ⬜ 80 minutes in: $28.41 / 28,40 € *(volume: 28208)* +- 🟩 75 minutes in: $28.41 / 28,40 € *(volume: 27306)* +- 🟥 70 minutes in: $28.20 / 28,19 € *(volume: 26402)* +- 🟥 65 minutes in: $28.60 / 28,59 € *(volume: 17993)* +- 🟥 60 minutes in: $28.76 / 28,75 € *(volume: 14893)* +- 🟥 55 minutes in: $28.76 / 28,75 € *(volume: 14893)* +- 🟩 50 minutes in: $29.14 / 29,12 € *(volume: 7999)* +- 🟩 45 minutes in: $29.09 / 29,08 € *(volume: 5757)* +- 🟩 40 minutes in: $28.85 / 28,84 € *(volume: 3911)* +- ⬜ 35 minutes in: $28.44 / 28,43 € *(volume: 2611)* +- ⬜ 30 minutes in: $28.44 / 28,43 € *(volume: 2601)* +- ⬜ 25 minutes in: $28.44 / 28,43 € *(volume: 2576)* +- 🟩 20 minutes in: $28.44 / 28,43 € *(volume: 1345)* +- 🟩 15 minutes in: $28.16 / 28,15 € *(volume: 415)* +- 🟩 10 minutes in: $28.01 / 28,00 € *(volume: 415)* +- 🟥 5 minutes in: $28.01 / 27,99 € *(volume: 335)* +- 🟩 0 minutes in: $28.02 / 28,01 € *(volume: 161)* +- 🟥 US close price: $27.63 / 27,62 € *($28.10 / 28,09 € after-hours)* + + +*** +FAQ: I'm capturing current price and volume data from German exchanges and converting to USD. Today's euro -> USD conversion ratio is 1.0004. I programmed a tool that assists me in fetching this data and updating the post. If you'd like to check current prices directly, you can check [Lang & Schwarz](https://www.ls-tc.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) or [TradeGate](https://www.tradegate.de/orderbuch.php?isin=US36467W1099) + +Diamantenhände isn't simply a thread on Superstonk, it's a community that gathers daily to represent the many corners of this world who love this stock. Many thanks to the originator of the series, DerGurkenraspler, who we wish well. We all love seeing the energy that people represent their varied homelands. Show your flags, share some culture, and unite around GME! +I'm at the stage where I don't lose huge anymore but I'm in that 'death by a thousand cuts (trades) phase. It's clear to me that it is time to take an extended amount of time back testing and studying market data to find an edge. + +I was wondering what your thoughts are on the below statements. I want to know if I am making true or false statements, or perhaps partially true. This is not for people who are newer and don't use trading plans or journals. This is for people who are following their trading plan rules to the T, risking no less than 1% a trade, using trading journals to track their trades but are dying slowly. + +\- Even if your psychology & risk management is perfect you will just die slowly without an edge + +\- Back testing to find a profitable strategy (edge) will take time and dedication - this could mean hundreds of hours of chart time, months of reviewing and tweaking, even so, the market can change environment 3 months or 1 year in to live testing rendering your strategy useless. You may realize this after a strong of unusual losses. If you are forward thinking you will have a drawdown threshold where you will halt trading and review what is happening. You may then need to back test again. + +\- The concepts "you can never fully trust an edge" & "you must trust your edge to succeed" are both seen as true +I heard that Forex is hard, then how did they do it? Even if they were demoing, they were still using huge leverage, 1 pip can wipe out their profit in a blink of an eye, yet they were still able to do it. + + +I'm confused +What are your opinions on this? I’ve been trading part time for a year. Still trying to work out kinks in my scalping strategy. I use technical analysis. I basically follow buy low sell high entry points on trend continuations or reversals. Have had good success but miss opportunities cause my confidence isn’t 100% there. Like I’ll wait to enter and ending up missing the trade that I would of been right on. + +I trade multiple pairs but focus mostly on GBPUSD. I go for about 15-30 pips a trade at .50 lots which isn’t bad money at all at this point in my trading career but I’m trying to take it to the next level. + +When I execute a live trade, I also do one on my demo account but don’t use a take profit or stop loss. I usually forget about it but a week later when I check it my demo account, I’m like 200 pips in profit and get mad that it’s not my live account lol. + +Starting to think maybe swing trading off the daily and weekly time frame would be a better strategy. Easier as well. + +What style of trading do you utilize? Thoughts and opinions? +If most people there are not from the world of finance. +I'm invited to a Christmas party. I'm not a full time trader yet but if I keep half the pace of the last 1.5 years I could support myself in 3 years. So I'm looking forward to it. +I have 0 coding skills. Based on my interests below, which language would you suggest me to learn and where to start (books+websites)? I've read a lot on this and know that there are two different languages but some suggest me to learn python first as it can be easily converted to visual basic or mt4 coding language.. I have no idea whether it is good/bad etc. Any suggestion would be much appreciated. + +- I work with excel a lot and I'd like to create scripts so that with a press of a button or automatically by the end of everyday, it can pull exchange rates and save there. + +- Create EAs of my own strategy to backtest on mt4. +My trading account is profitable with only one loss in the last 12 trades. However there’s a few things that I’m not really getting. + +The demo account I’m using has $100,000 as starting money. Now obviously I won’t be starting with anywhere near that. So will that mean my profits are also less? Or does that depend on the leverage and margin? How do I figure out what my profits will be with my starting money using same strategy? I’m having a bit of a headfuck with it all. + +Also another thing is this. Although I’m doing well on my demo and only had 1 loss in last 12 trades. I’m still not confident that I’m just getting lucky. Even though I’m not blindly guessing. My strategy seems far more simple then everyone else’s. All I am doing is scalping the 5 or 15 min chart using, RSI, moving average and envelopes. Sometimes the trend isn’t so clear so I switch it onto hourly chart to see the trend in that too. I don’t hold onto the trades longer then I need to and the small profits of £20-£60 really add up fast. Does anyone else here use a similar strategy? It feels like it’s so simple I must be missing something? + +Thanks for any advice x +I've been looking for [this study from the Cato Institute](https://www.cato.org/blog/high-turnover-among-americas-rich) for quite some time. I think it speaks a lot to situations that pop up here. People have high paying positions young in life and are questioning whether they should bail and risk not being able to break back into that income strata or should just ride the lightening. + +The churning of high income earners is pretty amazing. The study found that "[s]ome 94 percent of Americans who reach “top 1 percent” income status will enjoy it for only a single year. Approximately 99 percent will lose their “top 1 percent” status within a decade." + +I very much ascribe to the "make hay while the sun shines" mentality and think that studies like this can serve as a reminder that high income can be a fickle, fleeting affair. Thoughts? + +Edit: I really like /u/SeriouslyJoking88's comment. A massive problem I have with mainstream retirement planning advice is that it tends to suggest a fixed rate of saving to hit a retirement goal over a very long time. American's incomes are not guaranteed, are often interrupted by periods of unemployment, and do not grow at a fixed rate. Someone saving 10%-15% may be in for a violently rude awakening if they find that they suffer a stint of long term unemployment in their 40s and cannot find good paying work again. +Lost my job in the live music industry and it's probably going to be one of the last industries to see a return to normal. I'll be surprised if I'm back at work before 2021. + +I don't really have any questions, I guess I'm mainly looking for anecdotes from people who have been through it and how they came out on the other side? +So in reference to the Great Resignation thread, seems a lot of people are jumping ship for 50% pay increases. + +What kind of industries are experiencing this? Being Perth based I know FIFO jobs are in need. + +I'm in accounting and these kind of increases don't exist for me. +The splividend day disappointed, and reports are amassing about: + +\- trading suspendend + +\- shares not yet tradeable due to splividend shares not arrived (or settled) + +\- 1 share being sold / 4 new being bought + +&#x200B; + +Why is that? + +**Step 1: CNS** + +I believe the Continuous Net Settlement of the DTCC, which settles trades of equities for cash, is currently in turmoil. + +A share of GME, if not tradeable for another share of GME in a buy-sell-transaction, will be traded for CASH in the CNS system. + +This means, if i buy a GME share, but there is none available, the selling party puts CASH in the CNS and on the other hand a GME IOU share comes out for me. + +If i sell my GME share (lol), the IOU is returned to somewhere and i receive the CASH from the CNS that was put in beforehand. + +Makes sense so far? + +**Step 2: Who holds Phantom Shares?** + +Phantom Shares can be created in 1 of 3 ways: + +\- Stock Loan Program of the NSCC + +\- Failure to Deliver / Receive, e.g. someone sold shares before locating them, giving the buyer of the borrower phantom shares. + +\- Shorting, e.g. lender gives borrower shares for annualized CTB return. The SHARE RIGHTS are forfeited with this action, meaning no splividend shares for the LENDER! Yet, if your're on a margin account and the broker loans out your shares as per terms of service, you still see IOUs in your account. Theses are the *phantom shares for the lender*, you non-DRS rookie. + +To be conservative, lets just say everyone DRSd 50% of their shares, DRSd are 16x4 = 64m shares. + +If apes own 128m shares (2x DRS shares) of the new 303m shares outstanding, as per [computershared.net](https://computershared.net), every share sold short somehow is a *phantom share for the lender* in regards to the splividend shares. + +As per YellowWolf on twatter, [https://twitter.com/WeAreYellowWolf/status/1550553157251567616/photo/1](https://twitter.com/WeAreYellowWolf/status/1550553157251567616/photo/1), officially as of 6/30 13.3m shares were short. + +At 150$ thats 1.995.000.000 $ short. + +Now post-splividend, theres 53.2m shares short, at also valued 1.995bn $. + +BUT, the phantom share for the lender has just been divided by 4 in value! + +Meaning your lent shares, which now is an IOU in your account, is only 37.5$. + +Now you get 3 more IOUs, otherwise you'd see your account be quartered in value. Sound familiar to anyone today?! + +**Step 3 - Splividend IOUs (phantom shares) in the CNS** + +Circle back to the CNS - if your broker buys your lending ass 3 IOUs, they have to post CASH as collateral to the CNS. + +Thats 150-37.5 = 112.5$ per share, for the 3 new IOUs in the lenders account. + +That accumulates to 13.3m\*112.5$ = 1.500.000.000$, 7.2% of the market cap of GME. + +Who would pay that on free will? no one. + +Instead, if brokers sold your shares at 150$, received the CNS cash and then re-bought 4 cheap IOUs for the same 150$, they'd pay no extra cash. + +Dont accept brokers fucking us cause they cash cheap loan fees (cost to borrow) and then not post collateral for the splividend. + +Others may not let you trade / wait for the real splividend shares to arrive and i guess thats okay, because T+2. + +**Step 4 - The kicker (DRS)** + +If you finally receive tradeable, settled shares in your account, you settle to believe these are in fact the real ones, this time surely. + +Would be a shame if someone handed just more CASH to the CNS to receive DTCC IOUs called GME in your portfolio. + +But why not just DRS the little fuckers just to be sure? Then every 3 in 4 GME shares booked into your accounts would be exposed for what it might be, an IOU which WILL SHOW ON RECORD, as an FTD. + +Imagine 3/4 of trades failing to deliver and DRS approaching final velocity. + +This is the time to DRS the fuck outta the DTCC. + +Apes gotta start the MOASS by themselves. + +Because fuck'em thats why. + +DRS. BUY. HODL. +https://www.propublica.org/article/senator-dumped-up-to-1-6-million-of-stock-after-reassuring-public-about-coronavirus-preparedness + +Lol wonder if he’s buying the dip now +Good Morning Fellow Apes, + +Today is OPEX T+2 + +https://preview.redd.it/08nmgqjx5lj81.png?width=1882&format=png&auto=webp&s=38b87d09f8619a43d0ff0638aa49cd1d2cbcf49b + +**while settlement of obligations can drag into tomorrow or even tomorrow at market close** (like Feb 2021) usually today is the day that sees the most price action and with Cohen's tweet last night I'm actually jacked to the fucking tits. + +This might help explain it further. + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/sz6ord/69\_shortsaarghfuk/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/sz6ord/69_shortsaarghfuk/) + +So let look at that expected price range from this weekends DD... + +&#x200B; + +[My highest confidence price targets are between 125-148. If call buying continues the price could drive high as OTM calls are purchased driving Gamma Max up. ](https://preview.redd.it/zdwzvzyj7lj81.png?width=2451&format=png&auto=webp&s=975b960506499bb33e737869af3c34de6f10ffd6) + +[Gamma Girl's latest update ](https://preview.redd.it/bydhph0s6lj81.png?width=909&format=png&auto=webp&s=2e9e91166ca947a7d7dd34c046c842d5ba60de9d) + +Delta and Gamma Neutral climbing + +**DIX pics** + +[Dix up significantly ;\) from yesterday well over the 10 day average. Asymmetric risk is elevated. ](https://preview.redd.it/220c7z688lj81.png?width=2477&format=png&auto=webp&s=333e1bf306be3dc071692685fe31774ad9da8b24) + +[IV30 sitting at about 110&#37;](https://preview.redd.it/sj0e7exf8lj81.png?width=2486&format=png&auto=webp&s=8ab4bef306536b72571a71c9c661d03958324a2b) + +[Naive GEX sitting at about $3.9m or 32,500 shares hedged for each + $1 in price](https://preview.redd.it/kjb9h5kk8lj81.png?width=2480&format=png&auto=webp&s=1856201ac3801d67d98ce7118b2e03dbf20b096f) + +[1hr trend looking very strong in the premarket](https://preview.redd.it/awdpx654alj81.png?width=1587&format=png&auto=webp&s=a45856d016057e126b0e374841dddb90be32d106) + +I also want to take a moment to warn people about cheap weekly options that expire Friday 2/25. Since they can begin covering at EOD Thursday these contracts could lose as significant amount of value before the price rises to a level where they are profitable. They are cheap for a reason and with a 4 day trading week the risk is enormous. + +As always don't attempt to trade options unless you understand the fundamentals and have some skill exiting high volatility events. Options present significant risk and while you can only lose the money spent upfront on premium you can lose 100% of that money. + +**You are welcome to check** [my profile](https://www.reddit.com/user/gherkinit) **for links to my previous DD, and YouTube Livestream & Clips** + +Historical Resistance/Support: + +46, 92, 98, 100, 104.50, 116.5, 125.5, 132.5, 141, 145, 147.5, 150, 152.5, 157 (ATM offering), 158.5, 162.5, 163, 165.5, 172.5, 174, 176.5, 180, 182.5, 184, 187.5, 190, 192.5, 195, 196.5, 197.5, 200, 209, 211.5, 214.5, 218, 225.20 (ATM offering) 227.5, 232.5, 235, 242.5, 250, 255, 262.5, 275, 280, 285, 300, 302.50, 310, 317.50, 325, 332.5, 340, 350, 400, 483, moon base... + +# After Market + +This failure to cover presses price action into a narrow window tomorrow, this could mean significant volatility\*. They can Use dark pools as they did last year to offset their T+2 settlement requirement. For those saying it's over, wrong and incorrect, that is false. T+2 settlement is a 3 day window. + +[Monday was a holiday. The \\"T\\" date was Friday. ](https://preview.redd.it/yni3fxquenj81.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=cbe27060055c1aa7fde05c00a0354984446020a8)[Rule 204](https://www.sec.gov/investor/pubs/regsho.htm#:~:text=Rule%20204%20%E2%80%93%20Close%2Dout%20Requirement,of%20like%20kind%20and%20quantity.) + +Thanks for tuning in. + +\- Gherknit + +https://preview.redd.it/so6x3cx2fnj81.png?width=703&format=png&auto=webp&s=00f4c038fa489029afe10837f4cc91e438e2783a + +Edit 6 3:02 + +Stabilized at 15.50 slight uptick volume is still inconsequential, the day before the august run we had 1.094m volume. Yes, still bullish as fuck. + +https://preview.redd.it/f8cwez4q2nj81.png?width=1556&format=png&auto=webp&s=a64f025054fa9df95d701a92a2028f88a223f942 + +Edit 5 2:25 + +Market is still sliding GameStop holding ground but slipping slowly, now slightly below our intraday low. Waiting for a market correction before covering seems to be the explanation here they do have through tomorrow because of Monday's holiday. + +https://preview.redd.it/xby3fkzyvmj81.png?width=1560&format=png&auto=webp&s=beb54bac7cef427b0b9e83055d805ed7986dedfd + +Edit 4 12:59 + +Little consolidation off our test at 121 they are fighting for max=pain/gamma neutral right now. The lack of covering is bullish, because they are pushing that exposure into a narrower window to cover. + +https://preview.redd.it/ysxsakawgmj81.png?width=1580&format=png&auto=webp&s=ecd040575f17c3388c0a5a920c65575d08216f3a + +Edit 3 + +Inverse H&S on rising volume, LFG! + +https://preview.redd.it/968fzdpc5mj81.png?width=1585&format=png&auto=webp&s=21bf4a596a905866a5102a288b2a3c18d1c9c9f1 + +Edit 2 + +Did an ok job of resisting that massive downturn in the market just now, outperforming the S&P again today. Possible bounce on 116.50 again. + +https://preview.redd.it/um5hguw8tlj81.png?width=1568&format=png&auto=webp&s=068dd2d49d9a97be32d61dc69bb3c4f0babd7402 + +Edit 1 + +Slow start to the day with only 287k volume traded so far. 200k shares returned to ibkr + +https://preview.redd.it/kprilgqvnlj81.png?width=1586&format=png&auto=webp&s=1e9af81ccefcd5cb86aceed704b5849f940435b2 + +# Pre-market Analysis + +Nice steady price climb right from market open I think if they are gonna cover OPEX obligations today this is a very nice leading indicator of that. + +Volume: 22.04k + +Max Pain: $120 + +Shares to Borrow: + +IBKR - 2,000 @ 1.8% + +Fidelity - 72,482 @ 1.75% (went up again yesterday) + +[GME pre-market 1m ](https://preview.redd.it/2nd0ettualj81.png?width=1587&format=png&auto=webp&s=8958005b13a1a95c03b3a160f43edb7281c82a19) + +TTM Squeeze + +https://preview.redd.it/usnlw1f3blj81.png?width=2454&format=png&auto=webp&s=f36f011950e01d72a5f9ec6e3e88a55e09905a37 + +CV\_VWAP + +https://preview.redd.it/qbgz8widblj81.png?width=2450&format=png&auto=webp&s=6d08b8faab18b8682043ae6c9b763a26571ef215 + +**Disclaimer** + +*\* Although my profession is day trading, I in no way endorse day-trading of GME not only does it present significant risk, it can delay the squeeze. If you are one of the people that use this information to day trade this stock, I hope you sell at resistance then it turns around and gaps up to $500.* 😁 + +*\*Options present a great deal of risk to the experienced and inexperienced investors alike, please understand the risk and mechanics of options before considering them as a way to leverage your position.* + +\**This is not Financial advice. The ideas and opinions expressed here are for educational and entertainment purposes only.* + +*\* No position is worth your life and debt can always be repaid. Please if you need help reach out this community is here for you. Also the NSPL Phone: 800-273-8255 Hours: Available 24 hours. Languages: English, Spanish.* +A few days ago, one of the world's top ten container carriers in terms of capacity filed for bankruptcy. HANJIN Shipping is South Korea's largest shipping company and its fleet consists of over 200 containerships, bulk carriers, and liquid natural gas carriers. + +Basically, HANJIN had applied for debt restructuring from its creditors back in April in order to avoid formal insolvency proceedings. 5 days ago, they filed for bankruptcy protection at the Seoul Central District Court after losing support from its banks. All of HANJIN's vessels are experiencing access issues to ports globally. Ports and other firms (Vessel leasers, longshoreman, pilot associations, stevedores, vessel crew management agencies, vessel crews, etc) are demanding arrears and prepayments before providing services to HANJIN vessels. + +HANJIN Shipping is the world's seventh largest container shipper and represents nearly 8% of the trans-Pacific trade volume for US markets. By Thursday, three HANJIN container ships were offshore or anchored off the coast of Los Angeles (the US's largest port), a fourth that was supposed to leave remained anchored inside the breakwater. One ship in Singapore has already been seized and as of Friday, 27 ships had been refused entry to ports or terminals around the world. This number will continue to grow sooner rather than later. Also, the crews aboard these vessels have enough food and fuel for a few weeks, but after that they'll run into humanitarian concerns and can be deserter risks aboard their vessels. Leaving their vessels and cargo anchored offshore with no oversight. I imagine this problem will only exasperate as time continues and nobody fills the void. + +When the world market is designed to get goods from point A to point B, on time, at the moment they're needed, what happens now? + +It's been reported that the price per container rose from $1,100 to $1,700 from China to the US West coast as a result. + +There's been a downward trend in terms of shipping rates due to weaker trade and overcapacity. Basically, the shippers built more and larger vessels that were conceived as cost-effective when freight costs were higher several years ago are no longer cost-effective when shipment fees aren't even covering the cost of fuel for the huge ships. + +These ships, with their cargo, whether onloaded/offloaded or waiting to be, are in a limbo status. Think Tom Hanks from The Terminal. Nobody wants to touch them because they wont be getting paid for their work. Right now, there are vessels sitting off coasts with an uncertain future. Cargo worth millions of dollars (hopefully non-perishable), is sitting idle, and manufacturers and consumers will eat the costs. This could go on for months considering the complex legal hurdles related to dealing with every nation's bankruptcy laws around the world that HANJIN's vessels are currently sitting at or en route to. + +As of Monday, 79 Hanjin ships including 61 container ships and 18 bulk carriers have been denied port access, according to South Korea’s maritime ministry. Hanjin has 141 ships, of which 128 are operating. + +Hanjin vessels are currently carrying cargo worth 16 trillion won ($14.5 billion USD) belonging to some 8,300 cargo owners, the Korea International Trade Association said, adding that the carrier has unpaid bills of 610 billion won. + +Hanjin Shipping is part of Hanjin Group, which also owns Korean Air Lines Co., the world’s third-largest cargo airline. Korean Air loaned funds to Hanjin Shipping and bought shares in the container line in 2014 to become the biggest shareholder with 33 percent. The group, which also counts airport services, logistics and mineral water among its businesses, is headed by Chairman Cho Yang Ho. + +LG Electronics, the world's second largest television manufacturer is one customer of HANJIN that is impacted as HANJIN had previously accounted for 15-20% of LG's deliveries to the US. + +HANJIN last year had an impact to the Port of Portland- their ships accounted for 78 percent of the business at Terminal 6, moving 1,600 containers per week, providing about 657 jobs, paying out $33 million in wages per year. They closed their Portland operations last year. + +**Points for discussion:** + +* Is the house of cards falling? + +* Is this a litmus test of the global economy? + +* Will my Christmas presents be more expensive this year? + +* What happens if more shipping companies go broke (even though so many are nationally incentivized)? + +* Why would the South Korean's let it fail? + +Could be a possible shock wave into the markets in the near future. + +Curious to know what others think. I am no global trade expert. +Hello. Basically I’m looking at redoing my Roth IRA. I’ve only had it for a year and maybe I’m being too anxious about it but I just think there has to be better mutual funds or an etf ratio that I could do. Currently I’m with vanguard and I have their life strategy fund. I have and 80/20 mix with stocks being the 80. All I’m wondering is if my investment is smart and I should just stay the course or try a different fund or etf. Any help would do. Thank you. Also I’m not the most knowledgeable in the investment field so my vocabulary isn’t that great. +I'm one of the few that slips between the cracks of not poor enough to receive help but not rich enough to pay for it. + +The problem with ACA is single fathers like me who pay in full for their children to live at their mothers and pay to live at dads can't freaking afford ACA with my income. + +I have looked at the requirements for exemption and none apply to me. I can't seem to find any special requests for exemption. + +I'm in debt 30,000$ for fighting custody of my boy. I have already cut my expenses to the very bare minimum and I still can't afford more then 25$ a month to pay off the 30,000$ loan but I'm expected to dish out an extra 275$ a month. + +My budget is so beyond tight that if I go over 5$ on any of my budgets I'm in the red. I don't even have budgets for things like car repairs or if I need new tires because I can't afford to budget shit like that. + +I'm so beyond stressed out and feel betrayed as someone who is a huge supporter of ACA watching it come back to fuck me up. + +I'm ranting because I seriously don't know how I'm going to get through this year let alone the next. + + +----------------------------------------------------------------- +Edit: #1 + +I can't move closer to my job my son lives and goes to school in this city. + +As of right now I cannot have a roommate or find a small apartment because I am going through a custody battle and being evaluated. + +I don't have Netflix or any other service like that to be cut. + +200$a month is car gas not heating gas. + +Yes I can quit my brewing job for a construction job, I'll make about the same amount of money with twice the hours. + +A lot of assumptions are being made about my living situation. Assumptions some of my family doesn't even know but reddit seems to know. + +------------------------------------------------------------------ + +EDIT #2-You know this started out as a nice conversation with very helpful people giving me good ideas on how to save and or make more money. Its has turned into a nasty one filled with hurtful comments and idiots that apparently know more about my living situation then I do. I seriously would never assume so much about something I could never know. Im going to stop responding to most comments. I really do appreciate those who did help, I think I may have found a way to make an extra 200$ a month by a helpful suggestion. + + +Also I did not vote for Obama or for Mitt for that matter. Not sure why this has to be political. Im also not sure why the ACA is apparently my fault. + +-------------------------------------------------------------------- + +Edit #3- Jesus Christ some of you are crazy, I had no idea reddit was like this. There have been two very generous offers to buy my son a gift for his birthday and another to pay my insurance for an entire year. The other lot of you just keep spouting terrible things. + +Just some clarification about my rent. Rent is 850$ a month I say just over 900 because water, sewer and garbage is tacked onto rent every month. + +------------------------------------------------------------------- + +Edit#4- My budget, sorry should have posted this a long time ago: + +I have 1900$ to spend every month after child support and taxes. + +940$-Rent + +150$-Car Payment + +175$-Food for 2 + + +75$-phone and Internet + + +75$-electricity + + +200$-Car gas + + +10$-entertainment (I usually take my son to Wunderland once a month with this money) + + +10$-clothes + + +10$-pets + + +75$-unpaid medical bills + + +45$-shopping (paper towels, soap, anything that needs replaced like dishes etc.) + + +20$-Eating out + + +70$-insurance + + +This usually leaves 45$ for when I make a mistake and go over on my budget and or something comes up like buying a present for my sons birthday this month. + +------------------------------------------------------------------- + +Edit #5- There seems to be a lot for confusion about the child custody battle. I can't simply loose or give up the custody battle to save money and if anyone here were in my situation you would never mention such a thing and here's why. + +I was raised a Jehovahs Witness and married young as all Jw's do. When my son was in his mothers womb I realized I was in a cult and stop going so my wife left me for this reason. The Jw's follow extreme doctrines like a harsh shunning policy so there members do not associate with people out side the cult even if its your family. I haven't spoken to any of my family thats still left in the church (4 members left with me) for over 5 years. My own sister being one of them, my wife all my grandpas and grandmas, aunts, uncles, niece and nephews and all my friends from growing up have completely cut off all contact with me. + +If you have ever experienced loss on that scale you would understand why there isn't anything I would not do to save my son from being indoctrinated into that bullshit and in turn shunning his daddy. I cannon't afford to loose anyone else, especially my son. So please stop making those comments. + +------------------------------------------------------------------ + +Edit #6- Since when does not being able to afford insurance mean that my son should be removed from my custody? He is well fed and clothed, I provide everything he needs not his mother. Who by the way makes around 12K a year so by some of reddit's logic I should win simply because I have more money. I can afford everything my son needs I just can't afford fucking insurance which puts me in the same boat as 40 million other fucking Americans before ACA. Really? take my son away because I only make 40K a year? Fuck you. + +----------------------------------------------------------------- + +Edit #7- Thanks for everyones support. I seriously had no idea this was going to blow up like it did, I was just ranting this morning looking for a way to afford the ACA after finding out the penalties while doing my taxes. Had no idea I would be spending all day responding to comments. + + +A lot of you not much better off then I am have offered kind words and support. This especially means a lot when it comes to the custody battle for my son. Ill be thinking of what you said when going to trial. Edit #6 was blunt I know, but geezus christ reddit. + +---------------------------------------------------------------- + +Edit #8- Look for a update sometime next week. That is all. +I highly encourage you to do, too. + +I havent gotten around DRSing yet, my european bank is a bit of a pain in this regard, but I promise I'm on it. I already have an IBRK Account, so it should not take much longer. + +Anyway, I set my alarm 5 minutes earlier, and I quickly go trough the sub and updoot 50 purple rings each morning. + +The apes DRSing have taken their destiny into their own hands, and realized no one can initiate MOASS but themselves. + +I know a few upvotes are a very poor ROI for you posting the deed, but at the moment, it's all I can contribute. + +To the moon! +I had decided weeks ago that I was not going to dump more into gme, but I have been finding myself buying more shares out of spite. Spite for the hedgefunds and upper class, spite for the rampant wealth inequality of the world and shit governments that seem to rule in every country... This is the first time ever I have felt like I am able to "vote" with my money. There is electricity in the air, the MOASS is coming and I am so ready for it. +I had decided weeks ago that I was not going to dump more into gme, but I have been finding myself buying more shares out of spite. Spite for the hedgefunds and upper class, spite for the rampant wealth inequality of the world and shit governments that seem to rule in every country... This is the first time ever I have felt like I am able to "vote" with my money. There is electricity in the air, the MOASS is coming and I am so ready for it. +I’m wondering how people who’ve lived below their means and have had recent accelerated income and NW changed their life style? My context, I worked at a small tech company 5 years ago making ok money $110k/year. Moved to a FANG making 450+, wife also tripled her income to 250+ (DINKs) We’ve always been frugal, saving basically nothing to 1.2MM in a couple years, received another +1MM in cash from the sale of my old company a few weeks ago. We’re not sure what to do, other than keep working and saving for retirement. We have made lots of new friends over the last few years that have lots of money, how do people avoid the pitfalls of keeping up with others while trying to be frugal. +My girlfriend and I are moving in together after one year. I have been renting and she owns her condo, so we are obviously going to be sharing her place. We will be dividing all the bills down the middle (heat, electricity, Internet, etc...), but we are trying to figure out a fair split on her mortgage and condo fees. Since she is benefitting by owning the place and building equity, we agree that I shouldn't pay quite as much, but what is a fair split? 40/60? 45/55? + +Edit: Just wanted to give a little extra info that I left out. My girlfriend and I make fairly similar wages, so in terms of income based payment percentage we wouldn't vary all that much. Also, she does currently have a roommate who is going to be moving out once I move in, so she isn't covering the the costs on her own. Thanks for all the responses. It's really appreciated. +Given the segwit decision for bitcoin and the uncertainty following it, it's likely bitcoin will experience a drop in the near future while people move their money to other cryptos or Fiat as a precaution. What are your thoughts on the way the market will move? + +Personally I've been considering splitting half of my amount into litecoin and ethereum, though I may just end up holding Fiat in the end if I'm not convinced of either. +In any crypto subreddit, there's people claiming that the coins they've bought is undervalued. Which coins do you think are overvalued? + +Here's a similar thread from half a year ago and the top comments were pretty accurate: https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoMarkets/comments/71nx7j/whats_the_most_overvalued_crypto_in_your_opinion/ +XRB just seems... pristine at this time. I'm bullish but would like to hear other people's bearish viewpoints. + +Please, rational discussion, instead of shilling. +XRB just seems... pristine at this time. I'm bullish but would like to hear other people's bearish viewpoints. + +Please, rational discussion, instead of shilling. +Good Morning Apes! + +Right out of the gate in PM today we saw a massive drop in price on GME dipping us down to 169 (bullish) and now are looking at almost 58.6k volume in the pre-market. This is the highest pre-market volume in quite some time and a good indicator that we are gonna see a pretty interesting day play out. ETF FTDs are due today as their T+3 settlement window makes their T+35 settlement day one day later than the standard settlement period e.g. October 14th. I'm gonna stand by my price targets for the week even though it didn't hold for long yesterday it still hit. + +[186.45 Support \/ 192.27 Low \/ 207.67 High](https://preview.redd.it/mb1os37vyzu71.png?width=2437&format=png&auto=webp&s=6d28c57f897af11e12c23d71d5aabbaacb57bca1) + +*\*This is just to give a rough estimate of where we will likely see the majority of our volume trade today and an idea of how high we could spike if they cover FTDs, I'll note with the bid/ask as wide as it is, it's possible we could go higher however with FTDs 87% lower than last year's corresponding cycle I do not expect this.* + +For more information on this and my futures theory please check out my weekly DD. + +Check out this weeks analysis here: [Weekly Analysis](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qa8xem/jerkin_it_with_gherkinit_week_1_futures_wrapup/) + +Join us in the Daily Livestream [https://www.youtube.com/c/PickleFinancial](https://www.youtube.com/c/PickleFinancial) + +Or listen along with our live audio feed on [Discord](https://discord.gg/HbqnUVsSrH) + +(save these links in case reddit goes down) + +Historical Resistance/Support: + +116.5, 125.5, 132.5, 141, 145, 147.5, 150, 152.5, 157 (ATM offering), 158.5, 162.5, 163, 165.5, 172.5, 174, 176.5, 180, 182.5, 184, 187.5, **190**, 192.5, 195, 196.5, 197.5, 200, 209, 211.5, 214.5, 218, 225.20 (ATM offering) 227.5, 232.5, 235, 242.5, 250, 255, 262.5, 275, 280, 285, 300, 302.50, 310, 317.50, 325, 332.5, 340, 350, 400, 483, moon base... + +# After Market + +Well lots of ITM put interest posted up today If you guys have been following my videos and DD on this theory that usually indicates they are done covering. There may some gamma exposure next Tuesday with the last expected fail date on the 26th but I am not expecting a lot more covering of these FTDs in the near term. I will go more in depth with this in Sunday's DD. Thank you all for tuning in and have a great weekend. + +\- Gherkinit + +https://preview.redd.it/vaipqy8562v71.png?width=699&format=png&auto=webp&s=d8328149ac4011a81d1c3db71dd23b149d5d22ed + +Edit 6 3:11 + +Finally coming back a bit from that chop along the daily EMA 160 max pain still at 182.5 so there is plenty of reasonable room to the upside into close. + +https://preview.redd.it/a3g5r8mjw1v71.png?width=1599&format=png&auto=webp&s=f655d64cc417a4f8fa515f3e634db5769bf2a1b3 + +Edit 5 1:56 + +Triple bottoming at 169 looks like our support for the day. Lots of bots joining the stream chats saying things like "sold my GME to buy DWAC" or "sell your GME to buy DWAC" seems super sus, thought I'd let people know. + +https://preview.redd.it/u0qnc7qej1v71.png?width=1597&format=png&auto=webp&s=009c02f78dae731086f14467107e4f66b856253b + +Edit 4 11:53 + +At least we know no one is selling + +https://preview.redd.it/k1eijqe8x0v71.jpg?width=533&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c54953c016f895476c63e9dfe3be58b5f2fa84f + +Edit 3 11:38 + +Volatility spike to the downside hitting exactly 169.16 the exact low from this morning + +https://preview.redd.it/znj9a42ju0v71.png?width=1597&format=png&auto=webp&s=a0378ad6781c9387823a27033deeddcfd4e37bad + +Edit 2 11:31 + +Going lower after the failed bounce on 170 we have no dipped near the pre-market low at 169. Max pain still at 182.50 + +https://preview.redd.it/svucpnqdt0v71.png?width=1586&format=png&auto=webp&s=4d03a2be5b26a41af3f53c5863495f558e4f9ab5 + +Edit 1 10:31 + +Hard push down this morning probably some selling from speculators closing out long options contracts and definitely some shorting indicated by shares borrowed. Still dropping looking for some support but GME's borrow rate is now up .01% to .07% + +https://preview.redd.it/yq9dff9qi0v71.png?width=1595&format=png&auto=webp&s=7a4934f416129b2f98d24fec337fb814977805fe + +# Pre-Market Analysis + +As noted above the volume is significantly higher this morning at 58.6k than normal and climbing. IBKR with + +[🤔](https://preview.redd.it/d9xqlifizzu71.png?width=579&format=png&auto=webp&s=44d772894fd373a1af9de8085602471a58eef78f) + +and Fidelity with 1.349m available. There is a gap up around 189 that we could potentially fill. All FTDs due still from yesterday need to be closed by market open at 9:30am. At 4am today a large sell dropped our price to 169 and we have since bounced back now trading just 2% down from yesterday's close. If the intention was to dip before covering then today is looking promising. + +[GME pre-market 1m ](https://preview.redd.it/fvyw8p6j10v71.png?width=1606&format=png&auto=webp&s=2b521e1bf0cf191454b847562ed8c5b2bc7e58c6) + +This is the largest pre-market price movement since earnings. So a check on CV\_VWAP is in order. + +&#x200B; + +[Large arbitrage spike this morning outside of the rolling average but not yet hitting that first signal line. I'll check throughout the day especially if we see more dramatic price movement.](https://preview.redd.it/3i2djopj20v71.png?width=2402&format=png&auto=webp&s=d051a7b67e8647ea981de2174c9e2a307e5e0249) + +**Disclaimer** + +*\* Although my profession is day trading, I in no way endorse day-trading of GME not only does it present significant risk, it can delay the squeeze. If are one of the people that use this information to day trade this stock, I hope you sell at resistance then it turns around and gaps up to $500. :)* + +*\*My YouTube channel is "monetized" if that is something you are uncomfortable with, I understand, while I wouldn't say I profit greatly from the views, I do suggest you use ad-block when viewing it if you feel so compelled.* *My intention is simply benefit this community. For those that find value in and want to reward my work, I thank you. For those that do not I encourage you to enjoy the content. As always this information is intended to be free to everyone.* + +\**This is not Financial advice. The ideas and opinions expressed here are for educational and entertainment purposes only.* + +\* *No position is worth your life and debt can always be repaid. Please if you need help reach out this community is here for you. Also the NSPL Phone: 800-273-8255 Hours: Available 24 hours. Languages: English, Spanish.* [*Learn more*](https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/) +I’ve been a stock trader for 5 years now. I do it all alone in my home. The money I make is decent but not spectacular. + +My question is more on your personal life and overall feelings about this “career choice”. + +I sometimes feel like I miss social interaction where office mates were my friends, the daily face to face conversations with other people at work, driving and commuting to the office, etc. I do talk to friends who trade as well but typically just online. It’s a little lonely trading alone isn’t it? + +I do have a great family who I can talk to it’s just I feel as though it’s missing that aspect. Also, there’s literally no prop shops in my country so that’s not an option for me. I would like to join one of that was available as it would allow me to trade and have colleagues as well. Any thoughts from you guys? + +UPDATE: thanks for all your responses! + +On getting into a sport: I would love to do this actually, perhaps just when covid dies down further. I live with family who is quite afraid of this. + +On getting a job: lol this would be great if I were in a first world country except I live in one where a full day job gets paid $10-20/day so it would be such a waste of time in terms of income. +Hello, I hope this the right sub, if not could you please point to the right directio please, thanks in advance. +So basically, I am an EU citizen living in UK. +Everything aside I made a disicion to move back to my home country in EU (Lithuania) and since my hit 22's and was enrolled to private pension sheme, and since I was paying around £100 each to it for the last 5 years. +So my question is is there any chance that I can return my money, because I am leaving UK permanently. I can't find any information online. +If anyone has dealt with something similar and can share experience that would be nice. +Thanks in advance. +P.S If this has any difference, but I work in American company, and the name of the private pension sheme company is "BlackRock" whick is also an American company (again if this has a diffrence at all). +I earn around 145k a year currently doing corporate consulting. I went sky high in this corp world and while I'm thankful for it I've come to recognize it isn't something that fulfills me as a person. It's purely money. + +Within the next 5 years ill still be under 40 and I'm projecting to hit my Fire goal...despite this..retirement doesn't interest me. Travel ..I dont want to go anywhere anymore. Covid kind of killed that desire. I'll be able to be mortgage free and one of the things that interested me was going back to university and doing something completely different. Either open courses for interest sake and see where it takes me or a full fledged program in a field that has always interested me, but rather than pursuing the money I'd like to ideally pursue something focused on helping humanity. + +Such as nursing and home care, personal experience recently and I crave a completely fresh challenge based around problem solving and helping people. + +Not the typical path to retiring early but curious if anyone else has done this. Pursued a life of altruism after FIR + +edit: thank you for all of the feedback I was not expecting it. 😊 +I am afraid I can't keep up with replying to everyone but thank you for your comments and stories they give me a lot to think about. +So lately work has been a bigger source of stress for me than normal. There are a lot of reasons for it, some of which may have been self inflicted. \[ I have never been good at office politics. \] + +I don't have a 6 figure job, but I have invested small amounts for a long period of time and made the most of the windfalls that have come my way. + +I decided to take a vacation and during that time I did some math. + +My current NW is at about 1.5Mil. + +My expenses averaged out for the last five years have been about 24k a year. \[I killed the mortgage a while back and that helped a ton!\] + +My highest expense year was last year at 38k but I did a lot of work on the house and had some unusual and hopefully one time medical bills. + +I have no debt. + +So between my savings and my investments it looks like I should be able to support myself for the foreseeable future! + +When my vacation was over I went back and spoke to my manager and let them know I was going to retire early! + +They were a bit surprised but no hard feeling and I have turned in my resignation! + +&#x200B; + +I am officially FIRE! + +\[edit for spelling correction\] +Remember that post from the other day speculating that GameStop would be airdropping plots of metaverse land to each stockholder? + +Even in a scenario where there's a cash equivalent for the NFT the banks still have to cough up that amount times 70 million. + +Let's say the give plots of metaverse land to each stockholder. Maybe a plot of land ends up being worth $1. + +Feb 1: Airdrop 70 million NFTs worth $1 to the shareholders. + +Feb 2: Airdrop 70 million NFTs worth $1 to the shareholders. + +Feb 3: Airdrop 70 million NFTs worth $1 to the shareholders. + +Feb 4: Airdrop 70 million NFTs worth $1 to the shareholders. + +etc... + +Even if the value drops to $.10 that's still $.10 times 70 million they need to cough up every single day. Unless of course they have the shares. +I've read a few comments in here that people were having as hard a time as myself trying to upgrade their options ability level in Fidelity. + +I applied for Level 3 end of January, and got level 1(covered calls only) + +After that sent in another application for level 2. After almost 2 weeks wait, rejected. + +Waited a week , sent another application for level 2. Again another 2 weeks wait, rejected. + +This time waited a 3 or 4 weeks before submitting another application for Level 2. + +This time after 4 days, ACCEPTED. + +I don't understand their evaluation process. But if you are trying to upgrade your options ability in fidelity. Just spam them i guess. And lie, maybe. I kept answering honestly in the questions about "equity options experience", "forex experience", "index options experience" in my first 3 attempts. + +i used to put 10years, 0, 0 for years of experience. + +in this last application i put 20years, 20 years, 20 years. Which was the only difference in the application. + +I'm happy. Can do more with options now. With none of the paperwork as in my ThinkorSwim cash account. Though i may stick with CC only strategies, since there is no Margin in the account cause IRA. And i don't normally leave a huge chunk sitting around in cash. + +It also possible it had nothing to do with the number of applications , and maybe i just completed some level 1 "trial period" of 2 months or something. + +In any case, i will now spam them for level 3. +I’ve been lurking as a member of thetagang for about a year now and I just wanted to say thank you fellas for every snippet of information you’ve put of there. Ive made the decision to soon start managing a larger account by utilizing only the wheel. Still picking up on some more tips to add to my wherewithal but I will soon be 🐌 ing along. This is by far one of the nicest, team player oriented trading communities out there at its size. Just wanted to give credit (Ha) where credit is due. +How do you know when you have developed a real skill in this game versus just riding a rising tide? + +Market is up, premiums are good. Throw a dart, sell a .2 delta put, close at 50% and keep positions small seem like it is really working now but is it working because I know what I am doing or working because I'm in the right place at the right time. + +I have out paced the market but what does that mean. Will I only know if I have skill when we enter a bear market and I'm still making gains? How do you know you have skill versus just being lucky? +I'm on hold with Fidelity now trying to DSR 8 more shares. The guy in the stock department tried to DSR my shares for me but said he ran into an error. He put me on hold for about 4 minutes them said he had to transfer me to the margin department because they are the one who handles DSR now. I made 100% sure I wasn't on margin. The guy confirmed I wasn't but this was a recent change on Fidelity's behalf. + +I'm now speaking to my 3rd representative because the 2nd one "had computer problems " . +It’s been about 3 months since my [previous post](https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/comments/9qohfj/35m_32f_no_kids_with_165m_net_worth_semiretiring/) which garnered a fair amount of attention, so I thought I would post an update for those interested. + +Thus far, things have gone quite well. One of the biggest developments is my previous employer, who had offered me a lowball contracting rate which I rejected, came back to the table. We agreed on a fair rate and I’ve been averaging about 20 hours/week of work for them, while going on-site a few days per months. I’m very happy with this arrangement and they seem to be as well. In addition, I do about 5-10 hours/week for a former colleague. This feels like a good amount of work per week, and I’m looking to maintain that. + +Otherwise, I’ve enjoyed the additional free time. My wife goes on morning walks and I try to join her frequently. When the weather was nice we went hiking once a week. It’s wonderful to go shopping in the middle of a weekday (although stores can still be surprisingly busy). I am very rarely bored. My wife struggles with this more than me. Obviously I am still doing a fair amount of work so that’s to be expected, but I think it’s also our personality types (she has said I’m easily entertained and that’s very true). She has considered either volunteering or finding a part-time job, and I’m supportive of either. + +Regardless of this, I think both of us are happier--not hugely, but noticeably. We often comment that even if we’re bored, it’s so much better to be bored at home than stuck at work with nothing to do but having to act busy. I’ve also noticed that I no longer find myself dwelling on the next phase of our lives nearly as much. We had always planned to only stay here a year or two, but I’m not constantly thinking about that next move like I used to. And I guess this is obvious, but there feels like very little difference between weekdays and weekends now (one downside: that wonderful feeling of it being Friday is gone). The days seem to go slower, but since I’m enjoying them more, it’s a good thing. + +With the rough stock market, our net worth had declined from ~$1.65m to ~$1.55m, but has mostly recovered. Anticipating this semi-retirement for a while, I had been doing a bont tent for the past few years and our asset allocation was down to ~50/50 stocks/bonds, so it didn’t affect us as much as it could have. + +Another thing I’ll mention, which I’m sure is of interest to many here, is health insurance. I was fully prepared for the coverage to be poor, and for it to be a struggle to get much of anything paid for. What I _wasn’t_ prepared for is it being such a struggle just to get signed up! The healthcare.gov website worked pretty well. I knew all the rules and got everything submitted very early on. A few days before the first of the month when my coverage was supposed to begin, I called the insurance company just to confirm everything was ready to go. It was quite a rude awakening when they told me they had no information about my enrollment. Apparently it takes weeks to get that data from the Marketplace. Eventually it did come through, and the coverage was retroactive to the first of the month...but they somehow omitted my wife. It took all the way until the end of the month to get that resolved, and until the middle of the next month for the bill to be correct. +I've seen countless posts talk about psychological strategies that hedgefunds deploy in order to gain an upper hand against retail when they're losing. + +Here we are 13 months later since the sneeze and we constantly fail to realize that divide and conquer is their best tool and it's absolutely worked countless times. We've lost so many strong apes who take time away from their personal lives to empower this community and what do they get in return after the initial internet points? + +They get singled out by bad actors, harassed constantly and this goes on and on while the mods sit idly by and do nothing to shop the community that they are taking it seriously. + +Why would anyone try and take the torch and put themselves in the limelight when it's going to happen to them. + +It's time for a wake up call and for everyone here to DO BETTER AND BE BETTER. + +Edit 1: everyone thinking this is solely missing the point that this goes well beyond one person and that's exactly why it continues to happen. One DD writer at a time and once they're gone you seem to forget what they contributed here. + I've noticed a lot of backlash against it recently. I mean, I understand that most of it are Work-To-Earn rather than "Play-To-Earn". Are there really no "games" that you have enjoyed or that you are looking forward to playing when they are released? There are numerous games available, with more on the way. Do you hate all of them?... +According to Glassnode, [there are around **1,175,681 addresses holding 1 ETH or more**](https://decrypt.co/50571/ethereum-addresses-holding-1-eth-hits-all-time-high-again). This is Dec 2020 data, Glassnode currently doesn't have the latest data even if you sign up for the free plan and login. + +According to [Etherscan](https://etherscan.io/chart/address), **there are around a total of 130,000,000 unique addresses** in Dec 2020. (For fair comparison we have to use Dec 2020 data as well.) + +**Hence, holding 1 ETH or more puts you at the top 0.90% of all ETH addresses!** + +1175681/130000000 x 100% = 0.90% + +(March 2021 data is likely to be similar, because the numerator and denominator should increase at a similar rate.) + +Welcome to the elite group, fellow ETH hodlers at r/ethtrader! (only if you continue to HODL!) + +ETH hodlers will be rewarded for their patience! + +https://preview.redd.it/nnuquqx8mhq61.png?width=1168&format=png&auto=webp&s=18e938f164a641915ac0db344295fde45c34ef83 +In less than a week they're going to release revenue reports for 2020 which I believe are quite promising. + +"For the fiscal fourth quarter of 2020 the Company expects to report revenue that is ahead of the range of analysts' estimates of $23.3 million and $24.2 million, and gross margin percentage consistent with the percentage realized during the first nine months of the fiscal year.  For the full year ended October 31, 2020 the Company expects to report revenue that is ahead of the range of analysts' estimates of $79.7 million and $80.6 million." + +Found this on + https://www.newswire.ca/news-releases/high-tide-to-announce-fourth-quarter-and-full-fiscal-year-2020-financial-results-854161699.html + +I believe based on this and other DDs I have read, HITIF has a promising future and within the next few weeks the stock may leap up drastically. + +I am not a financial advisor nor do I suggest people to buy this security, I am just sharing information I found interesting. +I have about $3000 in stocks that all pay dividends in a traditional ira should I keep it there or move to Roth if I continue to keep reinvesting my dividends into buying more and more stocks until I build up enough to do snorting with +What are the best 3-5 monthly dividend payers I could add to my portfolio? + +I changed my investment strategy to move away from just dividend investments, BUT I bought a truck so I can start my real estate business. + +That means I have higher insurance costs, and gas costs I need to cover, and I want to build a monthly dividend stream of income to cover it. + +Right now I’m thinking + +SPHD 50% +O 25% +MAIN 25% + +I would also like to have a lower volatility portfolio so I can borrow against it to get a higher yield. + +Appreciate the help 😘 +My wife bought a car, basically sight unseen, from an individual in Tennessee. She gave them the money and took the car, but when the title came up, they said they had it packed up from recently moving and that they would "dig it out" that weekend. They have now cut off all communication with her. Is there anything we can do to get this vehicle in her name so she can get plates for it? +Hello! I live in the basement of my boyfriends fathers house with my boyfriend and our 9 month old son. It is a kitchen, a small bedroom the three of us share, and a bathroom. My boyfriend works the night shift at a fast food chain and i work days at a daycare. With rent and payments for the car it is very hard to save. Aside from the fact that it is a very small space for a crawling baby to develop, we recently have had a problem with rats. We hear them in the walls and my boyfriend saw one when he opened the garbage can in the kitchen. I stupidly started googling and saw all these horror stories involving babies and rat bites. I guess i’m wondering if anyone knows any good resources I could use to look for alternate hosting. We recently went on a bunch of waiting lists for affordable housing but it can be over a 2 year wait. Even without the rats, I am worried about my baby living here for that long. In the winter it gets freezing in the kitchen so we are all confined to the bedroom. Our bed takes up most of the space and our son just has a mat to crawl on. I am aware that i should never have had a baby, and i’ve been told this approximately one million times, but at this point he already exists. We currently have WIC benefits we get free diapers/wipes/baby clothes from a local charity and that’s about it. Oh we also live in New Jersey. Thanks ❤️ +**GameStop Corp. (NYSE: GME**), today issued an irrevocable notice of redemption to redeem $216.4 million in principal amount of its 10.0% Senior Notes due 2023 (the "Notes") on April 30, 2021. This voluntary early redemption covers the entire amount of the outstanding Notes. + +Notes will be redeemed by the Company using cash on hand, at a redemption price of 100% of their principal amount, plus accrued and unpaid interest up to, but excluding, the redemption date of April 30, 2021, plus the applicable premium due to holders of the Notes in connection with an early redemption. + +&#x200B; + +[https://www.stocktitan.net/news/GME/game-stop-announces-voluntary-early-redemption-of-senior-w5ybgb8wwsvj.html](https://www.stocktitan.net/news/GME/game-stop-announces-voluntary-early-redemption-of-senior-w5ybgb8wwsvj.html) +TLDR: They may now appear in the thread/chat of a number that is legitimate (ie in the past you've received messages from the organization so you trust the number) + +Got a message in the SMS chat/thread from my bank saying that my account was compromised. I know of this number as in the past my bank have sent me messages from this number, and I was busy at work so didn't do the due diligence I should of and called. Luckily they were a bit amateurish and my spider senses started tingling and I ended the call and called my bank+reset all my pwd etc. + +So just be aware this is a thing now, and verify the number you're going to call in the organization's website etc. Don't be me and nearly get scammed. +Spotify had huge volatility in the share price in the last 1.5 years, so I decided to take a look at the business, understand how they make money, analyze their historical performance, and lay down some assumptions to assess its intrinsic value. + +As always, below is a link to the video: + +[https://youtu.be/zmQanRQ5z8s](https://youtu.be/zmQanRQ5z8s) + +For those that prefer to read, below is my analysis: + +Spotify adds value to the users by providing content in the form of music/podcasts and it is definitely a disruptive platform. Fundamentally, they have two types of users: + +1. Ad-supported users - those that are paying for the content with their time (by occasionally having their content interrupted by an audio/video advertisement). In this case, Spotify gets advertisement revenue, but this represents only 10% of the total revenue. Of course, as the users get access to the content, 90% of all of this revenue goes to the owners of the music/podcast, so Spotify is left with a gross margin of 10%. In fact, this segment of their business is not profitable, but it serves as a stepping stone as it targets a wider audience and if they're happy with the platform and decide that it adds value, they can become premium users. +2. Premium users - those that do not want their music/podcast to be interrupted and are willing to pay a monthly subscription for that. This is 90% of their revenue and the gross margin is at around 29%. Same as in the previous case, the cost of the revenue is the royalty and distribution costs related to content streaming that is paid to certain record labels, music publishers, and other right holders, for the right to stream music to the users. This is the part that is key for their business. + +The revenue growth in 2017 was close to 40%, then in 2018 and 2019 it was close to 30%, now it is close to 20%. Even though the company is growing the total revenue, these are declining growth rates. + +The # of premium users has increased from 71m in 2017 to 172m reported in the last quarter (Q3-2021). However, the average monthly revenue per user has been declining from €5.32 to €4.25 in the same period. Is it worrying? It depends. I see two reasons that can justify this decline in the average revenue per user: + +1. The plan chosen by the users - Spotify offers many different plans (Student plan, standard plan, duo plan, family plan...). The plans that involve more users are more expensive on an absolute basis but are cheaper per user. If more users opt for group plans, then it is not a surprise that the average revenue drops. +2. Expansion in lower-rate markets - Same as Netflix, the pricing differs between countries. If Spotify is expanding in LATAM, then the marginal revenue is lower than the average revenue. + +So, we have two types of users that bring revenue to the company and a gross margin that's at around 27%. Once they cover the cost of the content, they need to cover the SG&A, R&D, and Sales/marketing expenses. Currently, they're at a point where they're covering that and they have an operating margin of close to 0%. So, looking into the future, as the economy of scale kicks in, I expect them to have a positive operating margin. How high? My assumption is 13% and here's why: + +I can see them improve the gross margin and get it as high as 30% and over time, the Sales/marketing expenses and SG&A should be lower as % of the revenue. For the R&D, it could be that they remain to pour funds into that for a longer period. Of course, if you disagree with me on this assumption, at the end of this post I have a table that shows the valuation based on different scenarios (revenue growth / operating margin) + +From a balance sheet point of view, there's nothing worrying. About 60% of the balance sheet (amounting to €4.3bn) is cash/cash-equivalents, short-term investments, and long-term investments. They have only €1.2bn in long-term debt and about €600m in capital leases. + +If you are confused about why I am using Euros, Spotify is a company based in Sweden and it reports all the financial numbers in Euros. So, I'll be valuing the company in the same currency and once I have the value, I'll convert that to USD to compare it with the market price. + +So, here are my assumptions about the future: + +Revenue growth - 20% in the next year, then 17% for the following 4 years and then slowly declining to the euros risk-free rate. + +Operating margin - 0% for the next year, then improving overtime to get to the 13% in the next 6 years + +Reinvestment ratio - 4 (Sales to capital) - Mainly in acquisitions as they have a lot of cash that they need to put in use and possible opening a few more offices around the world + +Tax rate - 25% - although as they have €2.2bn in tax credits, they won't be paying any for quite some years. + +Based on these assumptions, with a DCF model, the outcome is **€174.26 or in USD - $193.43** + +I personally didn't see any fundamental change in what they've been doing or how they were growing over time that justifies the share price increase in the last 1.5 years so the decline was pretty much expected from a fundamental point of view. + +Below is an overview of the value of the company based on different assumptions related to revenue growth (in 10 years) and operating margin: + +&#x200B; + +|Revenue / Op. margin|10%|13%|15%| +|:-|:-|:-|:-| +|180% (€25.7b)|$121.6|$158.7|$183.3| +|214% (€28.8b)|$133.1|$193.4|$201.7| +|250% (€32.0b)|$145.3|$190.9|$221.4| +|300% (€36.7b)|$161.6|$213.1|$247.5| + +I'd like to get your thoughts on the company and see if there's anything significant that I'm missing from my assumptions. +Tl;dr Prosus trades for roughly half of its AUM + +Prosus is the international investment arm of South African conglomerate Naspers. Having grown to the point it dominated the entire Johannesburg Exchange, Naspers spun off Prosus, basing in in Amsterdam. + +Prosus makes it business investing in start up internet and technology companies. It holds stakes in India food delivery service Swiggy, International food delivery Deliver Hero, and Latin America food delivery iFood. It also hold 40% of US reseller OfferUp, and 28% of Russian internet conglomerate Mail ru. They also own 98% of PayU, a fintech payment system similar to PayPal, used across Eastern Europe, South America, and Africa. + +Sounds decent, yes? The kicker, and the single most important investment is a 31% minority ownership of Chinese megacorp Tencent. In addition to owning nearly a third of the video game/social media/entertainment goliath, it also claims a board seat. Tencent has recently become involved in investing in startups of its own, and Prosus has direct access to sit in on those meetings, and get in on every potential deal on its own. + +As of today, Tencent is worth just over $900B. At 31% ownership, this should give Prosus a valuation of $279B, off this one investment alone. And yet the company trades at a valuation under $200B. Prosus has specifically stated it has no intention of selling off its stake in Tencent, but it could do so and immediately have more cash on hand than its entire valuation. None of this even accounts for every other investment they have. + +Management is acutely aware of the discrepancy between its valuation and actual AUM, and is working to get better correlation. It has approved a $5B stock buyback program, and is committed to taking further steps as necessary yo reach a proper valuation. + +In short, Prosus is steeply discounted when you add up all of its total assets, and represents a fantastic buy opportunity. I've been in them since about fall of last year, and have been happy with CEO Bob Van Dijk's candid language and dedication to shareholders. Good luck to any potential investors. + +Position: 1200 shares at $22.23 +Hi. + +&#x200B; + +In DCF analyses I've seen people use earnings, dividends, free cash flows, and maybe others too. What determines which one to pick for a DCF valuation? +Hello everyone! I’ve been interested in investing in stocks for quite some time. +I have read some of the books we all know about, however I still don’t feel quite comfortable evaluating a company. +What would you suggest? More books, online courses, videos etc. +many thanks in advance +I'm new this year to selecting my own stocks, as are many. Starting in January, I started trying to learn more. Below is list of resources I've used, and a second list of what is coming in the future. I'd like to hear your opinions on what I should add. + +* *The Intelligent Investor*, by Graham. Still have a couple chapters to reread to gain better comprehension. +* Towns' *InvestED* podcast. +* *One up on Wall Street*, by Lynch (audio). +* Reading 10K's and 10Q's. +* Listening to quarterly calls on companies I own. +* *Principles*, by Dalio. +* Letters and essays of Buffett (in process). +* Letters and essays of Munger (in process). +* Some of Munger's and Buffet's interviews and meetings. +* Watching *The Plain Bagel* YouTube channel + +I'd like to read, listen to, study (or am in process): +* Aswath Damodaran's series on valuation. +* *Margin of Safety*, by Klarman. +* *Misbehaving: The Making of Behavioral Economics*, by Thaler. + +What *educational* resource did you simply love on investing that I don't have on my list? +Would you buy energy companies solely for the dividends? + +BP is yielding 12%, far above its 6% 5yr average according to my latest screen. XOM is yielding 10%. + +I think we can agree that energy stocks are extremely beaten down, but for the time being, for good reason. + +What factors do you look at in evaluating dividend stocks? +Bought a few share a while ago, the spread between net asset value (98% of it is cash) and the stock price keep widening. Essentially valuing at a very negative value the progress made in the pipeline. + +Anybody already looked into it? What is your opinion +do you know if it is possible that there is accumulated demand due to the increase in vehicle prices? And what perspectives do they have on the sector in general? +I have done a brief investigation, but I think there must be more specialized people who surely have some knowledge they want to contribute + Heijmans is a Dutch construction and civil engineering company founded in 1923. It has 3 mains company branches: infrastructure(constructing highways), construction and technology(improving sustainability of real estate and renovating royal palaces) and finally real estate(building houses). + +When looking at the numbers of Heijmans it might look like a shell of its former self. The stock price is 13 times lower from its all time high. Revenue although sitting at a nice 1.7 billion is still less than half what it was in 2010. But is this really the case. + +Being mostly focused on construction 2009 and the ensuing years hit Heijmans hard declining profits and increasing debt put Heijmans in a difficult position. So in 2016 they decided to sell of all the international parts of their company and use the proceeds to pay of their debt. Even though the company is not the size it once was it is back to being profitable. Better yet they are making just as must profit with 1.7 billion in revenue as they were in in 2007 with 3.7 billion in revenue. + +But of course where is the value?:) Heijmans has a P/B ratio of 0,82; a P/E of 6.8; a P/FCF of around 5.8 and finally the enterprise value/EBITDA is 2.47. of course it’s not all sunshine and rainbows this is not a Jim Cramer stock pick 😊. The profit margin at 4% is a bit low for my liking but it’s not that surprising for big construction companies like these. If we compare it to it’s competitors like BAMNB it’s no different. + +**Future** + +Heijmans has been under some stress over the last 10 years but they have shown great adaptability. They are focussing on the Dutch market and that’s serving them well. Since leaving other countries and focussing on the Netherlands from 2017 their revenue has increased 17.4% and their profits by 157%. There are no signs of this growth slowing down, even covid didn’t put halt to this. Their Orderportfollio is floating at a healthy 2.2 billion. They have recently acquired Fynniq energy in improving energy infrastructure this shows Heijmans is still looking at the future and at ways to grow. The large housing shortage and high migrant intake also means the demand for houses are high and will stay so for a considerable while. +Hi all, + +Looking for some books to add to my reading list. + +I already own the “Intelligent Investor” and “Security Analysis” and just ordered a collection of Warren Buffett Essays. + +Are there any books that y’all would recommend? + +I’m obviously interested in books about the stock market / value investing, but would also love to grow my knowledge of the banking industry and the economy writ large. + +Thanks in advance! +Hello value investors, at the shareholders' meeting of Berkshire Hathaway in 1994. Warren Buffett was asked about BETA risk measurement, and he explained that he did not believe in BETA and that concept entered financial markets from academia, but I did not quite understand it. Can anyone give me an analogy for this explanation? +RIght now I have all of Peter Lynch's books. I try to find a bunch of interviews by Warren Buffet. I have security analysis 2nd edition. + +Youtube channels I watch: + +Meet Kevin + +Everything Money + +Sven Carlin + +Phil Towne + +Bowtie Nation + +Jim Cramer + +Can someone recommend me other youtube channels I can check out to learn more about value investing? Thank you in advance! +*Disclosure: I am long WHG* + +D*isclosure: I am not a financial advisor or an investment professional. This is not investment advice. You should always do your own due diligence and never invest what you cannot afford to lose* + +People say it's hard to find value in the current market, and I agree that if you look at FAANG and that's what your stock universe consists of, then sure, value is hard to come by. + +I stumbled on this completely by accident last Fall, and I figure it's time I share my DD. I have an average cost of around $14.10 at the moment across two different brokerages. + +So this is my DD on it, step by step, how I found it, what I researched and what drove me to start buying. + +I went googling for small cap stocks and ran into Westwood Holdings Group (WHG), which had begun to dip slightly before COVID-19, and took an additional dip during the crash of 2020, just like pretty much everything else. + +But unlike just about everything else in the market, WHG did not rebound at all when everything else went on the uptrend, so I decided to start investigating as to whether or not this is a turnaround story. + +WHG is an investment boutique that was founded in 1983. In recent years, it has had an impressive dividend history, although they halted dividend payments at the pandemic crash and did not reinstate them until 2021 and at a significant cut from the previous payments. (2019 dividend 0.72 per share, currently reinstated at 0.1 per share) + +Now, you can argue that actively managed funds are a dying breed in the face of passive investing, and while I tend to agree with that assessment, I don't think it's fair to say every actively managed fund is redundant, because high net-worth individuals and many institutions still need some kind of protection, and actively managed funds can offer their services in terms of managing risk for when markets tank. + +As an investment firm, assets under management (AUM) is what matters, since that is where the money comes from. From annual reports, these are the figures: + +Year - AUM in millions + +2018: 24.229 + +2019: 16.606 + +2020: 15.235 + +These are significant downtrends, mostly attributed to client outflows from certain investment strategies (see annual reports) but also due to divestitures of operations and market conditions. Some strategies simply underperformed. + +Total expenses have come down (see annual reports): + +Year - Total expenses (thousands): + +2018: 86.362 + +2019: 79.435 + +2020: 68.558 + +Employee related costs have come down due to a lower headcount (we will come back to this later on) as well as a decrease in performance-based compensation. + +Annual net income: + +Year - NI + +2018: 26.751 + +2019: 5.911 + +2020: -8.947 + +Total current assets: + +2019: 116.961 + +2020: 96.314 + +Year-ending 2020 highest decrease came in the form of cash and cash equivalents + +2019: 49.766 + +2020: 13.016 + +however, investments at fair value: + +2019: 50.324 + +2020: 69.542 + +The company is relatively cash rich, at least in terms of current assets, and has virtually no debt. Current debt stands (as of year-ending 2020): 7.839 + +Net tangible assets (as of year-ending 2020): 100.775 + +There's plenty to dissect in the financials, so that's just a brief overview, but in TL;DR: It is cash rich and has virtually no debt. + +Why I think it's a turnaround story: It's a small firm and has plenty of cash to spend on turning itself around, which it has. As of Q4 2020: Revenues are up: + +Q3 2020: Revenues 15.45 - Earnings: -10.29 + +Q4 2020: Revenues 17.11 - Earnings: 2.81 + +Negative earnings relate mostly to one-off items (see annual reports for details). + +I believe it has turned itself around. It listened to its clients and has made a significant shift to digital, on top of which it has revamped its fee structure. Obviously, changing the fee structure also means that they are effectively lower, meaning smaller income, but looking at quarterlies for 2020: + +Q3 revenues: 15.454 + +Q4 revenues: 17.113 + +Obviously revenues do not tell the whole story, but it is a positive trend. + +The 52 week low share price was $9.42 in October of 2020, which at the time gave it a market cap of about $84 million. At that time, its cash and short term receivables were about $87 million. This situation did not last long however, and I was a few weeks short to the party here, but to me it looked like you could have bought $1 for $0.97, which was by all reasoning an egregious mispricing by the market. Sure, with negative earnings you can argue that the company is losing money and you'd be right, but basically what the market was saying was "Here's this company that's been in business for 30+ years and now they've become a firm that is thoroughly incapable of creating any value. They're only paying themselves a salary and doing nothing else." + +So I went to see insider buying and August and November had insiders doing some buying in the $11 and $12 ranges per share. + +Then I went to read earnings transcripts, and I found this gem: + +"**Brian Casey** \-- *President and Chief Executive Officer* + +*Yes. Well, thanks for your question there. I can't even begin to understand how our stock is trading where it is today when we have $77.6 million in short-term investments and $11.5 million, in long-term investments, which includes our investment in InvestCloud and our investment in a bank, Westwood Private Bank, which are both doing exceptionally well and growing, and our stock is actually trading below those levels today. "* + +So I'm thinking: "Here's a CEO who's been investing in and valuing small cap stocks for 30 years. He should know how to value his own small cap business, so either he's been lucky for 30 years in the business, or then he's genuinely astonished at where the stock was trading at the time and that's why him and other insiders were buying. Also, yes, they own a bank. + +EPS in Q4 of 2020 went to 0.36 and they reinstated dividends at 0.1. Also, 0.36 in Q4 of 2020 is actually more EPS than what it was in Q4 of 2019, which was pre-pandemic. + +I believe they cut dividends slightly too late, and it's possible they reinstated dividends too early, but then again, they don't have the need for excess cash so why not distribute it to shareholders. They also have board approval for share repurchases, and they've done that - although I would rather repurchases right now instead of dividends, since the share price is low. + +They've brought EPS from 0.13 in Q1 of 2020 to 0.36 in Q4 (negative EPS in Q2 and Q3). + +I think that a conservative estimate for dividend growth now is 12%, which would give me a price target of about $19. I still consider the turnaround story a success though, and I am planning on, provided I have enough capital, to keep buying until around the $22 to $24 range. I think the stock will be trading at $24 by Q4 of this year, and I think(hope) this time next year I think it will be at $35. + +There is plenty more to dissect here that I can't get into this comment in a reasonable way, but if you look at the revenue breakdown by business area, there has been a shift from this year compared to previous years, and I think that while things won't go back to how they used to be for WHG, they have demonstrated they're capable of adapting incredibly quickly and a large part of that is because they have a solid balance sheet and don't have any need to take on debt. + +Also, they started increasing their headcount in H2 of 2020, which to me is also an encouraging sign. The only somewhat iffy thing I saw was reviews on Glassdoor, which were somewhat mixed but considering that it's a small company, I can imagine that the pressure was very high in 2020 and I'm glad that (I think) they pulled through. + +This is my short form DD on WHG. I think I found a gem, my price point is reasonable at the moment and I am very optimistic about the future. I think I'll be collecting a very nice dividend at my price point going forward, but I'd like to hear your thoughts on my research and my hypothesis in general about a company that is definitely in a highly competitive industry and that is somewhat bleeding when it comes to passive investment. Still, I'm really satisfied with management being upfront about what they're doing, I can't see them hiding anything in the financials and instead address one-off items as they come and I believe their client relationships are fairly valued as well. + +Edit: Also forgot to mention that Renaissance Technologies is a large shareholder of WHG. So there's that too. + +&#x200B; + +**Edit 2 on April 29th 2021: Q1 2021 Results** + +I figured an update would be in order, obviously I would not make this update if the news were bad so let's take the good news as a win: + +AUM in Q4 2020 was $13 billion + +AUM in Q1 2021 was $14.5 billion + +Due to both appreciation and net inflows. + +From transcripts: + +*"Shifting to institutional and intermediary distribution, the team's execution on the strategy we began implementing in 2019 delivered strong result this quarter. We experienced slowing outflows and a large increase in inflows, producing positive net flows for the first time in 6 years and bringing us closer to fulfilling our 2021 sales goals for both institutional and intermediary."* + +And CFO summarizes: + +*"Today, we reported total revenues of $18.3 million for the first quarter of 2021 compared to $17.1 million in the fourth quarter of 2020 and $16.7 million in the prior year's first quarter. Revenues were higher than the fourth quarter and last year's first quarter, principally as a result of higher average assets under management and higher performance-based fees.* + +*First quarter net income of $4.1 million or $0.52 per share exceeded net income of $2.8 million or $0.36 per share in the fourth quarter, primarily due to net realized gains on private investments of $5.6 million as well as higher revenues, partially offset by higher operating expenses and income taxes. Non-GAAP economic earnings were $6.3 million or $0.79 per share in the current quarter versus $4.6 million or $0.58 per share in the fourth quarter.* + +*First quarter net income of $4.1 million or $0.52 per share exceeded net income of $1.1 million or $0.13 per share in the prior year's first quarter, primarily due to net realized gains on private investments of $5.6 million as well as higher revenues, partially offset by higher operating expenses and income taxes.* + +*Economic earnings for the quarter was $6.3 million or $0.79 per share compared with $4.2 million or $0.50 per share in the first quarter of 2020."* + +And in terms of shareholder value: + +*"We're pleased to maintain our recently reinstated dividend, reflecting our confidence in the growth trajectory of the business. We took advantage of some intra-quarter drops in our share price to buy back 92,491 shares of our stock at very attractive prices, with more than half of the purchases made below book value."* + +All in all, revenues are up, and while a lot of the net income is attributable to realized gains in private investments, net operating income is up a lot compared to Q1 2020 (in thousands): + +Q1 2020: $416 + +Q1 2021: $769 + +I think I will keep riding this as the turnaround looks to be working out. I especially like the share buybacks, maintaining dividend and also some investments they're making into their operations. Net client inflows is a very good sign to me - I was slightly worried that if AUM increases solely due to appreciation, it's fine and all, but sales is where business grows and it looks like it's working. + +All in all, exceeded my own expectations by quite a lot. +*Video summary:* [*https://youtube.com/watch?v=Ooszlh7ZxwI&feature=share*](https://youtube.com/watch?v=Ooszlh7ZxwI&feature=share) + +One of the most overlooked stocks on the American stock market is Dropbox. I personally love it. It's got a lot of potential and the recent drop in price opens up an excellent opportunity for new investors. + +# Dropbox at a glance + +So, why should we care about Dropbox? Simple. It's a well-performing business that keeps beating analyst expectations. In fact, Dropbox does not have a single earnings or revenue expectations miss since they floated on the stock market! Yes, Dropbox's growth may be slowing down a tiny, tiny bit, but it is still double digits. This growth is likely led by the overwhelming switch since last year to working from home. A lot of people are also starting their own small businesses and they need solutions like Dropbox to help them organise their files, documents and so on. So, the question is, what does Dropbox actually do? Their flagship product, Dropbox, is a cloud storage solution similar to Google Drive, One Drive, iCloud and so on. Essentially, you can store files on Dropbox and synchronise and share them across PC, mobile, tablets and so on. However, Dropbox is actively striving to become a workspace platform or a smart workplace. Over the last three years they have also acquired HelloSign and DocSend that provide even more capabilities to its users. HelloSign provides the ability to send, receive and manage legally binding electronic signatures, whereas DocSend allows you to securely share documents with other people or businesses, track their usage, provide NDAs, meaning Non-Disclosure Agreements, eSignatures, watermarking and so on. Overall, these three services provide the backbone of the Dropbox product offering. However, Dropbox continues to look for new ways to improve and expand and have recently introduced three new features: Capture, Replay and Shop. I am really interested in the Shop feature, I think that has a lot of potential, but it's still too early to tell. If it goes well though, it could become a very successful marketplace for digital content. + +# Earnings, revenue and key metrics + +This all sounds really good, but let's look at the numbers. Always look at the numbers before you invest ***especially*** these days when there are so many companies that talk a lot, but have nothing to show for it. Like a lot of modern tech companies, the Dropbox business model revolves around subscriptions and that means it is relatively predictable. As long as users are satisfied with the product, they will continue using and paying for it. In Q3 of 2021, Dropbox had over 700 million registered users with 16.49 million paying users up from 15.25 million last year and those include both individuals and business subscriptions. Dropbox's business model focuses on converting existing users into paying users and we can see it's obviously working from this increase of 8.1% in the number of paying users per year. What Dropbox also does is upsell to existing users and nudge them to upgrade to premium plans, purchase additional licences and so on. As they say though, the proof is in the pudding. Over the last year, Dropbox has managed to increase the average revenue per user to $133.79 compared to $128.03 last year, which is a steady increase of 4.5%. When combined with the increase in paying users, that results in an increasingly profitable business and, as a result, Dropbox shows consistent growth every single quarter. Dropbox had 9 consecutive quarters of rising earnings, but broke their streak in the latest one. Q3 of 2021 showed a tiiiny dip from $0.40 to $0.37 dollars EPS, but that is still up 42% since last year. On the flipside, their revenue has grown every single consecutive quarter since they floated on the market with an average revenue growth of 12.5% to 19% year-on-year. Dropbox's revenue for Q3 was $550.2 million compared to $487 million last year so an increase of 12.9%. We can also see a decent increase in Dropbox's free cash flow of 18.4% to $221.5 million in Q3 of 2021. + +# Expectations + +Going forward, analysts expect that Dropbox will see a 9.8% increase in revenue next year and a 6% increase in earnings. This doesn't sound like much, but it follows after one of Dropbox's best years so far. Plus, analysts keep pushing their expectations up, which, again, means that Dropbox is performing better than expected. That's important because that's what drives the share price up! There have been 7 Q4 earnings revisions in the last 90 days and all 7 of them have been upward revisions. There has also been 9 revenue revision for Dropbox's full-year 2021 revenue in the last 90 days, 8 of which have been upward revisions. Overall, this bodes well for Dropbox's performance. + +# Leaner operations + +Also, I've noticed something which a lot of investors and analysts are overlooking right now, but it is extremely, extremely important in my opinion. The operating expenses of Dropbox have barely moved since December 2019 while their revenue has grown by 26% and their free cash flow has increased by 80%. Lean operations are what good tech businesses are all about so this is a really, really big plus for Dropbox in my books. Dropbox has high gross margins, currently 81% compared to the 80% last year and improving operating margins with 29.3% right now versus 23.0% last year. + +# Founder is still in business + +Another bullish argument for Dropbox is the fact that the founder Andrew Houston still owns almost 30% of Dropbox. That's a massive stake and shows his commitment to the company even though he did sell 9% of his total shares on 17th Nov. That's his only sale in the last 2 years though. Founders having a big stake in the company usually means that the company is still in the growth stage and the share price still has room to grow. + +# Financial position + +Then, let's take a look at Dropbox's cash position. They are flush with cash, absolutely loaded! They currently have $1.93 billion in cash and cash equivalents which is more than their debt of $1.37 billion which means that Dropbox is in a really good financial position considering that they are also profitable. Plus, Dropbox is not actually paying any interest on its long-term debt! The reason why is because they raised money using convertible notes without any interest. Instead, those notes give the loaner the opportunity to convert the notes to shares of Dropbox at the price of $35.35 and $38.25 per share. So, what is Dropbox doing with its cash? Well, first of all, they have been buying back shares. In fact, Dropbox has managed to reduce shares outstanding by 8.6% since the start of 2020. Just during the last quarter, they've bought back $181 million worth of shares! Second, they're using that cash to acquire new companies to fuel additional growth. Acquisitions can be a double-edged sword sometimes, but Dropbox has made it work so far. As I mentioned before, Dropbox bought HelloSign in February 2019 and DocSend in March 2021. The two acquisitions boosted Dropbox's capabilities and now allow them to offer a complete, full suite of self-serve products to its users. + +Alright, I hope that by now we all have a pretty good understanding of what is the current situation with Dropbox. Two main questions now remain. One, is Dropbox trading at a good price. Two, what do we need to watch with Dropbox? + +# Valuation + +Let's look at the valuation first. Currently, Dropbox trades for a PE of 17.6 calculated using the adjusted EPS compared to the sector median of 25.3. Dropbox's forward PE is 16.5 which again lower than the sector median of 24.96. Finally, its PEG ratio is 0.53 and anything under 1 means that the stock is undervalued. The price-to-sales ratio of Dropbox is 4.66 compared to the sector's 4.08 and their forward price-to-sales are 4.36 compared to 4.14 so that's slightly higher than the median, but not by much. Dropbox also said that they expect $1 billion dollars in free cash flow by 2024, which gives us a forward price-to-free cash flow ratio of just 9 which is really, really good. Overall, Dropbox looks undervalued by several indicators right now. In terms of valuation, SimplyWallstreed gives Dropbox a fair value of $53.5 dollars based on its free cash flow. My personal EPS valuation of Dropbox gives me a more conservative figure of $40.2 dollars. Finbox's 10-year Gordon Growth model gives Dropbox an average valuation of $35.4 dollars which is near the analyst consensus of $34.5. Obviously, these are not precise targets, but the main point is that Dropbox currently appears really undervalued gives its current price of $24.7 dollars. The price of Dropbox surprisingly dipped 20% over the last 5 weeks which was strange. There was no actual obvious reason for it as Dropbox reported strong results and actually raised guidance going forward. To me, that's just a great opportunity to get a great stock at a discount! + +# What to watch with Dropbox + +Before we finish this off, I want to mention a few things that we need to keep an eye on with Dropbox. First of all, we need to monitor the number of paying users and the average revenue per user as we need to see steady increases there for Dropbox to justify the investment. If those numbers start to stagnate, it may be time to get out of Dropbox. Another figure to watch is the stock-based compensation. In 2020, the total stock-based compensation was $505.9 million which was more than the adjusted earnings of $409.1 million for the entire year! Dropbox is obviously no longer a startup, but it is still in a growth stage so that type of stock-based compensation is normal, but it's still good to keep an eye on it as it dilutes stock ownership. A lot of people have missed the fact that Dropbox has stock-compensation clauses for its CEO, Andrew Houston, connected to its stock price. More precisely, those stock prices are $30, $35, $40, basically on every $5 dollar increment so the more Dropbox's price goes up, the more stock-based compensation Andrew Houston will get. Finally, it looks like institutions are bullish on DBX, but a bit less so than before. The current put-to-call ratio is only 0.8 and that's up from 0.42 during the previous quarter. Essentially, a put-to-call ratio below 1 means that funds think Dropbox will go up. If that ratio goes significantly above 1, then that's one sign of bearish sentiment on the side of funds. Also, it looks like the institutional ownership of Dropbox has gone done from 84% in the last quarter to 76.6% right now. Personally, I think that's because Dropbox hit an all-time high in the latest quarter and funds took the opportunity to take some profits so I'm not that worried about the reducing ownership. + +So, that's all I have to say about Dropbox for now. What do you think? Are you bullish like me? + +P.S. Whenever I discuss Dropbox with other investors, everyone keeps pointing out Google Drive, OneDrive, iCloud, etc. Before you raise a similar argument, make sure you read the post. I do address these, but I'll sum them up here: + +* Dropbox has partnerships with these companies +* Dropbox has a bigger market share than Google or Apple when it comes to cloud storage +* Dropbox offers a different product from Google, Apple, Microsoft, etc. +* As a cloud storage option, Dropbox is one of the best on the market and holds its own against the other leaders: [https://www.cloudwards.net/dropbox-vs-google-drive-vs-onedrive/](https://www.cloudwards.net/dropbox-vs-google-drive-vs-onedrive/) + +*Video summary:* [*https://youtube.com/watch?v=Ooszlh7ZxwI&feature=share*](https://youtube.com/watch?v=Ooszlh7ZxwI&feature=share) + Don’t shoot this stock. Smith & Wesson Brands, Inc. (SWBI) is a stock that is, like Warren Buffett, heavy on the moat whilst, like Ben Graham, holds quantitative value. + +SWBI is a well-known company. Many Americans own a SWBI gun, preferably a six-shooter. Like Coca-Cola to sodas and Apple to computers, SWBI has a moat. This moat allows the company to make money. For the first time in their 169-year history, Smith and Wesson in 2020 posted net revenues of more than $1.1 billion. The company has also reduced their shares via a share repurchasing program by over fourteen percent. + +Now, there has been some criticism and stigma against SWBI due to gun safety concerns. Be it the Mall of America shooting a week ago, or the record amount of shooting in Minneapolis, Minnesota has been a state that I have lived in for years that deals with gun violence. Said stigma is partly why share prices of Gun Companies have declined. SBWI is no exception. Over the past fifty-two weeks, the stock has declined by 55.09 percent. This is partly because the stock plunged 12.5 percent in December of 2021 after sales were down 7.3 percent from a year earlier. + +The stigma against Guns, specifically through Gun Safety legislation, has caused guns to decrease in popularity. There are risks with the stock. With numerous gun legislation, sales of guns go down when legislation is introduced. Furthermore, SWBI has + +Over time, however, I believe that SWBI will rebound. SWBI was among the first firearm companies that provided a safety lock system included in the firearm’s box. SWBI also has joined a program to support the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention’s Project 2025, an initiative to reduce the annual suicide rate. + +The company is worth, according to the market as of January 7, 2022, $854 million. The company in 2020, however, generated $317.3 million in cash flow, meaning that there was a free-cash-flow yield of over 33 percent. Using this load of cash, SWBI paid off the majority of their debt. Currently, the debt/equity is only 11 percent. Furthermore, the company purchased $110 million of stock with the cash flow, naturally growing the price of the stock. The earnings-per-share of the company have gone up by 21.20 percent over the past five years. + +The company’s enterprise value (calculated by market value plus debt minus cash) is $742.89 million. In other words, the company has a boatload of cash compared to its’ debt (3.92 times more cash than debt). The return of equity for the company – a measure that Warren B. likes to use as a metric – is 101.22 percent. Cash has increased from $39.85 million in 2010 to $113.02 million in 2021. Debt has gone down from $80 million over the same period to $41.18 million. The company’s current assets (such as cash and inventory) outweigh the current liabilities; and the quick ratio for the company is 2.06. This has caused investors such as Joel Greenblatt to invest into the company (as seen when he bought shares in the company last year). + +The intrinsic value of SWBI in my opinion is $66.11. The company’s current EV-to-EBIT is 2.04, meaning that the EV-EBITDA yield is nearly fifty percent! The median EV-to-EBIT is 7.62. 7.62 divided by 2.04 is 3.73. Multiply SWBI’s current $17.70 price by 3.73; and, the intrinsic value of SWBI is $66.11. The company deserves a high price because of its’ deep value plus moat. With the best of both worlds, this stock should be held in the long-term. + +My thesis is this: the company is unjustifiably down because of a temporary decline in sales and earnings. Once the company regains its’ numbers, the stock will go up. The stock today – from all valuation metrics – is a -good value stock. +Eric Connor (@econoar) posted an interesting look at the boom-bust cycles in $ETH pricing. We are past the longest stretch of bear market history for ETH. [https://twitter.com/econoar/status/1052965220174323712](https://twitter.com/econoar/status/1052965220174323712) + +&#x200B; + +What do you think will be the key component to kickstarting the next boom phase for ETH? + +[View Poll](https://www.reddit.com/poll/9pdglg) +Wife received a $20k gross bonus with the stipulation that she would pay back $20k if she left in 1 year and $10k if she left before 2 years. Paid out in 2021. We are moving for my job a few months later in 2022. She received about $14k net, how do we pay this back since she was taxed on the $20k +https://lnmainnet.gaben.win/?100= + +Lightning is quite possibly the biggest innovation in crypto in years. Lightning can do what no other altcoin can ever dream of; unlimited transactions per second, truly instant confirmations, and all backed by high level of security. + +Lightning is going to be future of online payments. The developers deserve a lot of credit, as do the brave souls risking their Bitcoin to trailblaze this new network. Great work everybody. + +On a side note. It's funny how throughout November and December, despite all the FUD about Lightning being "vaporware", segwit adoption stalling, blockchain congestion, and sky high fees, we saw unprecedented price growth, up to $20k. + +Meanwhile, now that the congestion is gone, fees are down to pennies, segwit adoption has increased, and Lightning is here and growing fast, we see falling prices. + +This market is extremely irrational. Hodl on tight. It's a good sign when devs are quietly making amazing progress amidst price drops. It's just setting us up for the next big bull run. +Hello + +We often hear about the importance of “networking”. How do you network? Are you a sort of a loud slap-on-the-back type of person who is liked by litterally everybody? Do you do stuff outside of your working hours in order to befriend people higher up in the hierarchy? Do you only network upwards and sideways in the hierarchy? How do you manage to get in touch with the exact people you need? + + +How has networking helped you in your fatfire journey? + +**EDIT:** How do you network and how has it helped you to fatfire? +Typo in the title, can't correct it anymore... +Here are some points so here it goes: + +- Fork. Obviously the BCH fork has caused massive price swings. Whales, bankers, probably the 3 stooges Craig, Ver, and Wu all selling their BTC to make up their agendas thus causing the price to drop, weak hands see this and the price drops even lower. +Some conspiracy: Some of these guys did this on purpose to make tons of money shorting and buying at the bottom, if someone could make tons of money who wouldn't? + +- Holidays, TG and Christmas are times of year when people actually need extra money for presents and traveling. Combined with the price drop this is a recipe for people selling out of necessity. + +- Tech has improved. The Bitcoin network is strong, LN is getting stronger. Basically nothing about Bitcoin's inner workings has changed or been compromised which means that it has a bright future ahead of itself. + +- Hodling. All these new people coming in from last year's all time high have not experienced a crash of this size. +As a hodler from 2013 this would probably be like the 4th or 5th crash and its just like a rainy day that eventually goes away. +If you are new, this whole thing has happened before and it will happen again. Patience is key. + +- Price. This is what everyone is talking about with predictions and which way will it go. +Personally I think (which is just an opinion), that the price will go slightly lower due to Christmas time with the whole I need cash thing, but will go higher at some point in 2019 due to the 2020 halvening scheduled for sometime in the middle of the year. +People are going to start accumulating in anticipation of this. Every halvening there has been a price increase due to the Block reward cut in half. + +- FUD/Memes. Do not trust anyone (yeah that includes this post) on what is going on. Do your own research and do some critical thinking. FUD is spread around for agendas and getting weak hands to sell. Memes are of course fun and they help refocus on the current matters. Just think for yourself and stick to your own plan. + +- Conclusion. If you made it this far, thank you for reading my rant. Many people are feeling down about the market at this point but the inexperienced do not know this has happened many times before and this will happen again. + +The market is very easily to manipulate, it always has been since there is little regulation and oversight on the whole thing. It is a day trader's dream with no regulations and manipulating the market whenever there is an event going on unlike the restrictions placed by the SEC on the stock market. + +Put in what you can afford to lose. This means if you throw in $100 on BTC or any crypto consider it gone. This will help ease the mind. When I first started I stared at the numbers going up and down and getting worried all the time. Some advice I read was "Don't worry about the price, if you believe in the future you have nothing to worry about." + +If you truly believe in the project you really have nothing to worry about. Just wait and be patient. 2020 will be the next interesting time for Bitcoin. +I suspect the ratio will not begin to recover until hard dates are set for beacon chain deposits and beacon chain phase 0 go live. Something else that could help is a commitment timeframe on additional ETH 1.x issuance reductions. What are everyones thought on this? Who in the ETH community is guiding this? EF? + I built a site that takes posts from 14 different subreddits on reddit as well as from thousands of popular crypto investing twitter, YouTube, and tiktok users and places them into one searchable and organized place. The site keeps track of the most talked about cryptos and places them under “Trending”. You can see the performance of all the different symbols across the crypto market. The site is a great way to find new crypto projects to invest in as well as find more information about projects you are already interested in. Simply search for a ticker symbol and see all posts containing that symbol across social media. It also comes with a lot of different tools to build custom alerts and analyze the correlation between social media trends/sentiment and crypto prices. + +This has been a super useful tool in helping with my investments and learning more about the crypto space in general and I felt like it could benefit you guys as well. + +[CryptoCompiler](https://www.cryptocompiler.com/) +KEY POINTS +-All-star hedge fund manager David Einhorn explains in a letter why his hedge funds lost more than a third of their value last year. + +-Greenlight Capital, lost 11.4 percent in the fourth quarter, bringing its decline to 34.2 percent in 2018. + +-He also decided to reopen his funds to new investments, a move not seen since 2014. + +https://www.cnbc.com/2019/01/23/hedge-fund-manager-einhorn-explains-why-he-lost-more-than-30percent-last-year-nothing-went-right.html +Hi everyone, I am the guy who made [CovidHelp.com.au](https://CovidHelp.com.au). Thanks so much for all your support and kind words in my original post. The site has been running for a while now and I have just added a bunch of new deals/offers to help us all through the tough times. + +Hope these will help some people! + +As always, if you spot any good offers, please message me or leave a comment here! + +The site is 100% free to use and no ads :) If you want to support the site, all I ask is share it with friends and family. The more people using the site, the more companies will step up and offer more to help! + + + +[\[Free\] 4-Pack of Beer for Essential Workers @ The Good Beer Co](https://covidhelp.com.au/free-4-pack-of-beer-for-essential-workers-the-good-beer-co/) + +[\[From April 20\] Up to $20 off Per Month for 6 Months for Jobseekers @ Telstra](https://covidhelp.com.au/from-april-20-up-to-20-off-per-month-for-6-months-for-jobseekers-telstra/) + +[\[Healthcare Workers\] 3 months free Postpaid mobile @ Optus for Eligible Health Workers](https://covidhelp.com.au/healthcare-workers-3-months-free-postpaid-mobile-optus-for-eligible-health-workers/) + +[\[Free\] 12 Free Iconic Marvel Comics including Avengers, Spider-Man, Captain Marvel @ ComiXology](https://covidhelp.com.au/free-12-free-iconic-marvel-comics-including-avengers-spider-man-captain-marvel-comixology/) + +[\[Free\] Nikon is offering free streaming photography classes for all of April](https://covidhelp.com.au/free-nikon-is-offering-free-streaming-photography-classes-for-all-of-april/) + +[\[NSW\] 21 Free Courses @ TAFE NSW](https://covidhelp.com.au/nsw-21-free-courses-tafe-nsw/) + +[\[Free\] Virtual Tours of Egyptian Pyramids and Archaeological Sites @ ARCE](https://covidhelp.com.au/free-virtual-tours-of-egyptian-pyramids-and-archaeological-sites-arce/) + +[\[Free Melbourne\] Up to 6 months of Free Ultra Fast Fibre Connections for people affected @ DGTek](https://covidhelp.com.au/free-up-to-6-months-of-free-ultra-fast-fibre-connections-for-people-affected-dgtek/) + +[\[Free\] Free Takeaway meals to anyone who have suffered job loses @ Hearth & Soul](https://covidhelp.com.au/free-free-takeaway-meals-to-anyone-who-have-suffered-job-loses-hearth-soul/) + +[\[Free\] Stream Battlestar Galactica Entire Series – 73 Episodes @ SyFy](https://covidhelp.com.au/free-stream-battlestar-galactica-entire-series-73-episodes-syfy/) + +[\[NSW\] Free Accommodation & Car Parking in The CBD for Healthcare Workers](https://covidhelp.com.au/nsw-free-accommodation-car-parking-in-the-cbd-for-healthcare-workers/) + +[10 Million Free Rides/Deliveries to Organisations for Healthcare Workers, Seniors, People in Need @ Uber](https://covidhelp.com.au/10-million-free-rides-deliveries-to-organisations-for-healthcare-workers-seniors-people-in-need-uber/) + +[\[Free\] 132 Free Udemy Courses – Learn a new skill while in lockdown!](https://covidhelp.com.au/free-132-free-udemy-courses-learn-a-new-skill-while-in-lockdown/) + +[\[VIC\] Free Takeaway Food for Jobless @ Lutfiye’s Shish Kebab Shepparton](https://covidhelp.com.au/vic-free-takeaway-food-for-jobless-lutfiyes-shish-kebab-shepparton/) + +[\[VIC\] Free Burgers for Healthcare Workers @ New York Minute Burger](https://covidhelp.com.au/vic-free-burgers-for-healthcare-workers-new-york-minute-burger/) + +[\[VIC\] Free Telstra Sims or Dongles to Students without Internet](https://covidhelp.com.au/vic-free-telstra-sims-or-dongles-to-students-without-internet/) + +[\[NSW, QLD, ACT\] Free Cooked Food & Groceries Delivered for Socially Isolated, Elderly, Disabled and Needy @ Turbans 4 Australia](https://covidhelp.com.au/nsw-qld-act-free-cooked-food-groceries-delivered-for-socially-isolated-elderly-disabled-and-needy-turbans-4-australia/) + +[\[QLD, NSW, WA\] Free Coffee & Cheese Toast for Healthcare Workers @ Sizzler](https://covidhelp.com.au/qld-nsw-wa-free-coffee-cheese-toast-for-healthcare-workers-sizzler/) + +[\[Free\] Yale’s popular ‘happiness’ course is free online – 1.5million enrolled](https://covidhelp.com.au/free-yales-popular-happiness-course-is-free-online-1-5million-enr/) + +[\[Free\] 886 x Free Comic Books from ComiXology (an Amazon Company)](https://covidhelp.com.au/free-886-x-free-comic-books-from-comixology-an-amazon-company/) + +[\[Free\] National Emergency Library opens with over 1.4 million free ebooks](https://covidhelp.com.au/free-national-emergency-library-opens-with-over-1-4-million-free-ebooks/) + +[\[Healthcare Workers\] Free Coffee for Medical and Emergency Workers @ San Churro](https://covidhelp.com.au/healthcare-workers-free-coffee-for-medical-and-emergency-workers-san-churro/) + +[\[Free\] 82 Sesame Street eBooks @ Google Play](https://covidhelp.com.au/free-82-sesame-street-ebooks-google-play/) +I had a realization yesterday: "it wouldn't be all bad if I got fired from work". The reason I thought about the topic is that I made a mistake at work last Tuesday and I've been wondering whether I would be fired. + +What I realized is that there's both pro's and con's with being fired. Losing income is not good. Having this sudden break in employment history is not the best. My future will be less certain. But there actually are pro's as well. + +I would have the free time and options to consider my next steps. There's so much to learn about the world. There's so much I can do to become a better person. There's books I want to read. There's specific emerging technologies in the world that I want to learn. + +My job is a pretty good deal for me right now, but it is still a trade-off. Being fired is not all bad. + +Then I realized it is my savings and investments that allow me to think like that. I probably have more savings than 90% of people of my age. I have enough liquid asset to live on for at least 5 years. Concerns about money does not need to be the be-all-end-all when it comes to losing employment. + +Ultimately, this is why FI is important to me. This is what people who say "what's the point of having money if you don't spend it" don't understand. This was kind of a stunning realization for me yesterday, so I thought I'd share. + +Have a great memorial day to everyone in the US of A! +Those of you who are going to put on an extra jumper etc this winter, how you do balance that with ensuring there is sufficient heat to ensure the house is maintained appropriately. I am going to try as best I can to just wear more clothes etc and heat the house as minimally as possible, but I have heard some people say this could damage the house cause mould, ruin pipes etc. Is there a minimum temp the house should be at or should you turn heating on when the outside temperature falls below a certain point? + +&#x200B; + +TLDR - Want to save as much money as possible on heating this winter, also don't want to destroy my house. Tips on avoiding please +Hi everyone, I recently lost my mom from cancer in July (sadly the last of my family. Yay being an orphan!) Anyways she left me my grandmothers house which is in Victoria B.C. and the market here is going insane. I don't want to sell, it's been in the family since 1955 but I can't afford to pay bills on it and my options are grim. Either let go, or let go go... If you catch my drift. Because who wants to live without a family? For the past 10 years I was my mom's caregiver and had to quit a lucrative job twice because of it and my work history tho having items like Apple really has not been updated since 2012-2015. What would you invest in to make a happy or any future for yourself if you were to invest $600-700,000 anywhere? + +A large part of me feels tremendously guilty for receiving this now, especially when so many friends of mine and others are struggling hard. I'd give anything to have my mom back anything. Letting go of the house will be the 2nd hardest thing i've ever had to do. + +**Update_feb3rd_10am** + +Oh wow, I wasn't expecting this level of response. Nor was I was I expecting to start my morning of with tears of gratitude, because this has been the best support/compassion i've received in 6 months and I don't even know any of you! I'm very touched by all your advice and will reply to everyone this evening when i'm able to get internet access again. <3 <3 <3 + +**Update_feb_5th** + +Again, I'm totally blown away by the response, thank you all so much! I apologize for slowly getting back to people. I have limited Internet access right now. +[The Role of Monetary Policy](http://www.aeaweb.org/aer/top20/58.1.1-17.pdf) + +> This presidential address is the origin of the “vertical long-run Phillips curve,” +along with a contemporary paper by Edmund S. Phelps. It introduced the idea of a +“natural” rate of unemployment as the only rate compatible with the sustained coincidence of actual and expected rates of inflation. This is the basis of the conclusion +that the Phillips curve is vertical in the long run, allowing only a temporary trade-off +between unemployment and inflation. From this followed possible implications for the conduct of macro-policy, especially monetary policy. An enormous amount of +research and discussion followed. +Hello UKPersonalFinance! + +I wanted to get a feel of when you guys decide that a car is uneconomical to repair. + +I have had my 2007 reg car for a year now, I bought her as my first car for £500. So far, in the last year she has cost me c.£600 in repairs (welding, new shock absorbers, new master and slave clutch cylinders). There were a couple of advisories on her MOT too, the most expensive probably being the exhaust corrosion. + +She is a beauty to drive, cheap to run as she's only a 1litre engine, and very cheap to maintain for your standard maintenance (tyres being £30 each, for example). So I am reluctant to bin her off for a new model. In my eyes she can't really depreciate more than £500, which is minimal depreciation compared to a new reg. But obviously she is going to need more frequent work, at unexpected points and some of which will be big costly parts... + +So I just wanted to send some feelers out and see how you all decide when a car is no longer worth putting money into, and you trade in for a newer model? + +Thanks! +Keep it friendly and civil; this is not WSB and automod will censor your posts at will for unsavory and unfriendly remarks. Try to keep shit posting and bragging to a minimum. +In my last 7 weeks of paper trading (paper trading for another 2 months til I can deposit 4k), I’ve been taking 50% profit and have just accepted max loss. All credit spreads have 30-45 DTE, only asking because I hear some people talk about trailing stop losses or exercising a stop loss if the contract has been held for X amount of days. + +Just wondering what y’all’s takes are on stop losses on credit spreads. Any feedback is extremely appreciated. +Yes it’s absolutely FUD. It’s everywhere on a Friday afternoon. The idea gained immediate traction in the middle of the day after a piece on CNBC. Do you know how hard it is to get a post to hot on Superstonk, let alone several? We should know the drill by now, weekend FUD is here. + +Why would selling at $1000 even have to be discussed? None of you are selling at $1000. I know that you know that, why warn people not to fall for it then? + +If apes think a squeeze is imminent they may slow down DRSing, the only thing we know will cause the squeeze that is under our control. The bystander affect is the only thing that has slowed us down in the past, don’t fall for it. They just want to live one more day! Finish the fight and DRS even harder! +I have been in a semi-retired position for the last couple of years. I consult and do trading on the side, making roughly $200k/year. I have about $5M net worth, including my house (no mortgage). I’m 54 years old. + +I bought a second house two years ago to use as a rental, and I paid cash for it. Now that I know what I want to do to it, I’d like to put a mortgage on it. However, my income is pretty low, and I don’t even get W-2s now (I’m all 1099). + +I was shot down recently by a credit union that didn’t even ask about assets, just income. But I’m curious, how do you all qualify for credit once you’ve FIREd? +Are there stocks you hate but they are moneymakers - and make you hate them even more? + +For example, I don't like McDonalds MCD or Starbucks SBUX for food or beverage choices personally but damn if they don't make money anyway. + +What about you? What stocks do you hate? + +Edit: I'm not an analyst, these are not recommendations for or against any stock, please do your own due diligence before buying or selling or investing in the stock market. +I have a family member that has a mental health diagnosis which makes them genuinely unable to maintain and hold a full time job. They are however not eligible for DSP (which shits me to no end as I’ve seen my fair share of people without genuine disability on it… but that’s a story for another day). + +As I am fortunate to have the means to, I’d like to purchase an investment property which I’ll essentially allow her to live in for free for life. Freeing up her time to work part time or as she is able to given the nature of her mental health illness. + +What would be the best way to structure this financially? We will need to secure a loan to purchase the 1 or 2 bedroom apartment. + +If she hypothetically rented second room out to a room mate for some extra income, would we be liable for any taxation? Technically she would be “subletting” if I’m not mistaken. + +Lastly, could we deduct the entire minus rent (which will be zero) or will we have to assume market rates for rents? + +Please re-direct me if there’s a more appropriate subreddit for this question. +I'm pretty late on the news but just read that 86 400 has been acquired by NAB for $220m. I don't bank with them, but I don't understand how they can be worth that much? Is it really just the app design? Is it their underlying tech stack? + +Each one of their 'key differentiators' are already market norms? List below; + +&#x200B; + +|86 400|Competitor| +|:-|:-| +|No fee banking|Every Big 4 and CU| +|NFC payments|Every Big 4| +|Great interest rates (2.19%)|1.99% and lower rates available at Aussie| +|Automatic prediction of bills|Commbank has this| +|Aus based call centre|All banks have this| +|Visibility of money across other accounts|?| +|Cool looking site / app|Commbank| + +&#x200B; + +What am I missing here? +Well this is completely fucked. + +Today is the final Day for T+2 settlement on OPEX the market orders need to be placed either on the lit market or in dark pools as per Rule 204. + +If these obligations are not covered then GME will likely be placed onto the RegSHO threshold list in the coming trading day, forcing settlement and dragging obligations out of the OW. + +This presents a huge amount of risk to the lenders, they likely will not allow it. + +I frankly don't know how this is going to play out for GME. + +I think I've narrowed down our best and worse case scenarios. + +Bull: + +With obligations due today this buying pressure could stabilize GME against the broader market coming down. If these obligations are not covered then GME will likely be placed onto the RegSHO threshold list in the coming trading days. + +While this event is obviously very profitable for net short hedge funds, long funds and prime lenders may seek to recall their assets and close out margin obligations in order to generate liquidity in their position. + +GME's extreme Vega sensitivity plus Variance swap positions could create a Volga/Vanna squeeze like we saw last January. As market wide volatility rises and funds are priced out of hedging their positions. + +TLDR; GameStop has some factors that could cause it to inverse broader market conditions. + +Bear: + +The SHFs are gonna mark an unbelievable amount of money on this correction. Being short everything is paying off and they will use this massively increased leverage to short GameStop harder than ever before or cover their obligations at much lower prices. + +Market halt on a drop of more than 20% could suspend trading for the remainder of the day. These occur at 7-13-20% respectively (15-15-trading day, time limits). + +The could be deferrals in play due to market conditions that offset their obligations. These agencies will protect their risk especially with a possible crash before forcing settlement. + +GameStop seriously outperforming the market here in the options data from Gamma Girl + +[Our Delta neutral is sitting at $104 .98 this has acted as a floor for us a couple times over the last few weeks hopefully it does so again. Gamma Max down to 148.](https://preview.redd.it/y773aq6wdsj81.png?width=909&format=png&auto=webp&s=591ce6263e67a9aa77df8b1a9177c327291e9f6c) + +[The SPY is actually falling off a cliff. With almost no downside support after a dip below $400 this could be serious. More interestingly the slow decline in delta neutral indicates institutions were expecting a bounce and actually play the market long. Losses will be significant.](https://preview.redd.it/3nwhpjb7esj81.png?width=909&format=png&auto=webp&s=c25543514ae2c56cd2e2678a1882d4f6a1169907) + +**DIX pics** + +[Even more DP volume yesterday, increasing asymmetric risk](https://preview.redd.it/35uouteoesj81.png?width=2522&format=png&auto=webp&s=1810166938fe3965ebd1357126f48aaeeef7ef5d) + +[Volatility rising](https://preview.redd.it/b5tr7qmzesj81.png?width=2486&format=png&auto=webp&s=0dcbf5c630e271533ce6aacbf3f8e9f1c658bcf9) + +[PCR is exceptionally low, meaning GME has very few put options in place currently](https://preview.redd.it/y1a52s83fsj81.png?width=2490&format=png&auto=webp&s=fad1295b1a4430a89ea9dac02007cf206a0e1e94) + +[GEX still elevated so hedging should favor a price increase](https://preview.redd.it/pfew1vobfsj81.png?width=2501&format=png&auto=webp&s=e64e08799b4fbce57ca54bd109bf8e07cfa46482) + +Food stamps or Lambos... + +**You are welcome to check** [my profile](https://www.reddit.com/user/gherkinit) **for links to my previous DD, and YouTube Livestream & Clips** + +Historical Resistance/Support: + +46, 92, 98, 100, 104.50, 116.5, 125.5, 132.5, 141, 145, 147.5, 150, 152.5, 157 (ATM offering), 158.5, 162.5, 163, 165.5, 172.5, 174, 176.5, 180, 182.5, 184, 187.5, 190, 192.5, 195, 196.5, 197.5, 200, 209, 211.5, 214.5, 218, 225.20 (ATM offering) 227.5, 232.5, 235, 242.5, 250, 255, 262.5, 275, 280, 285, 300, 302.50, 310, 317.50, 325, 332.5, 340, 350, 400, 483, moon base... + +# After Market + +Right and wrong I think mostly wrong. I can make claims like $20 up since market open and start shit, but I think it's best to address the elephant in the room and discuss why today was in fact not the expected OPEX price action and the severe risk this presents to the SHF going into tomorrow + +So it's difficult to determine if FINRA Margin deferrals for the the holiday on Monday take precedence over OCC members settlement regulations. + +&#x200B; + +>Based on this rule I think they do and we see our missing volume tomorrow. +> +>[https://www.finra.org/rules-guidance/notices/information-notice-101521](https://www.finra.org/rules-guidance/notices/information-notice-101521) +> +>[https://www.finra.org/rules-guidance/notices/13-39](https://www.finra.org/rules-guidance/notices/13-39) + +&#x200B; + +I don't have historical evidence for this because president's day last February was the week of the expiration and not the week of the settlement. + +2021 + +President's Day 15th-------------> OPEX 19th -------------> Settlement 24th (25th also because of halt) + +2022 + +OPEX 18th ------------> President's Day 21---------------> Settlement 25th ? + +I just can't be certain either way. + +The good news is we moved $20 from our low this morning and an notional hedge of $8.08m per $1 price increase. + +So 8.08m x $20 = $161.6m delta or 1.297m shares of GME + +The thing that concerns me the most is we outperformed the market which indicates a degree of covering occurred outside of active fund trading and if OPEX is in fact delayed a day and we run tomorrow this could absolutely be another rug pull setup like November hedging their obligations slight in advance of settlement to make the peak of the cycle more obscure. + +&#x200B; + +[Hitting and closing in this high confidence threshold indicates the we still have further to run. Also the uptick in volume into close is good.](https://preview.redd.it/kdg0d1nbruj81.png?width=2458&format=png&auto=webp&s=76384f3bc8089463e6cb9771ee07bc8e44e403ef) + +Thank you and see you tomorrow. + +\- gherkinit + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/o3u9zbrpnuj81.png?width=711&format=png&auto=webp&s=205f45cb9ab214e16571e8100b203fe619fabfad + +Edit 5 + +[Thanks for all the fish](https://preview.redd.it/hm8yma24ttj81.png?width=1404&format=png&auto=webp&s=d4ec3855889603aad7ad4fa859994c9749f627b1) + +Edit 4 1:40 + +Buckle up + +https://preview.redd.it/el6lde9vstj81.png?width=1566&format=png&auto=webp&s=cd31b55a392a69eeddb3708413fc2a20fbc3443e + +Edit 3 1:10 + +Moving into the late after-noon now up $13 from open. This is usually the time we start to see DP volume begin to settle. + +https://preview.redd.it/hc62xhpnntj81.png?width=1562&format=png&auto=webp&s=6522fea76302f0d4b32e63260c0f2f387c812654 + +Edit 2 11:18 + +Green baby! still need to break through 120 + +https://preview.redd.it/0dwyql9n3tj81.png?width=1565&format=png&auto=webp&s=73a04b924d3fe7ba4cee9d570bf72f3459e01016 + +Edit 1 + +Up $10 from market open right now we are moving with the market but I fully expect covering to begin into the afternoon other ETF basket stocks are already running. Bid/Ask is remaining wide due to by pressure and we are looking good to break 114.50 if we can get through 120 the delta hedge flips to favor long side at a 3:1 ratio. + +https://preview.redd.it/v3rblf8nvsj81.png?width=1557&format=png&auto=webp&s=e8c0d02f72dedcd2f0afe9f8afe60c535ba810a9 + +# Pre-Market Analysis + +GME down with the broader market, but this could just be illiquidity helping to drive the price down on low volume. + +Volume: 90.90k + +Max Pain: 120 + +Shares to Borrow: + +IBKR - 100,000 @ 1.8% (200k borrowed already) + +Fidelity - 31,495 @ 1.75% + +[GME pre-market 1m](https://preview.redd.it/dupsj4hfgsj81.png?width=1564&format=png&auto=webp&s=1fdc373585822d5ff55e38818d45d5e9383ccd97) + +TTM Squeeze + +https://preview.redd.it/wh0bhojpgsj81.png?width=2451&format=png&auto=webp&s=c25d9e88ebad097ba8dc66c27f156cd251275df3 + +CV\_VWAP + +[Arbitrage is high due to drop in foreign markets](https://preview.redd.it/i2vdby6vgsj81.png?width=2461&format=png&auto=webp&s=1127f9718e02aef7f0e8f9c19f36434e940d5513) + +&#x200B; + +**Disclaimer** + +*\* Although my profession is day trading, I in no way endorse day-trading of GME not only does it present significant risk, it can delay the squeeze. If you are one of the people that use this information to day trade this stock, I hope you sell at resistance then it turns around and gaps up to $500.* 😁 + +*\*Options present a great deal of risk to the experienced and inexperienced investors alike, please understand the risk and mechanics of options before considering them as a way to leverage your position.* + +\**This is not Financial advice. The ideas and opinions expressed here are for educational and entertainment purposes only.* + +*\* No position is worth your life and debt can always be repaid. Please if you need help reach out this community is here for you. Also the NSPL Phone: 800-273-8255 Hours: Available 24 hours. Languages: English, Spanish.* +[Announcement from ASX's website](http://www.asx.com.au/services/chess-replacement.htm). Note, they never use the word "blockchain" (maybe they dislike the hype?) and opt to use the words "Distribute ledger". + + + + +&nbsp; + +I'm kind of confused though. Who does the mining in a distributed ledger without coins? What is the incentive for someone to verify buys/sells? Who is trusted to verify buy/sells? +My girlfriend has a number of student loans (some federal, some private). She has always had a 750+ credit score and checked it this morning only to find she now has a "poor" score. She dug in and found out that one of her student loans is delinquent for non-payment. After investigating she found that the loan had been sold....but she has no record of this happening and thus didn't realize that her autopay was not working anymore. + +Does she have any recourse in this situation? She can pay the entire delinquent balance right now....what can she do to make sure the provider works with the agencies to get this delinquency expunged? + +Thanks so much in advance for any advice!! +With the fed rising the interest rate, does it make sense to invest in a US treasuries / bonds tracking ETF, like e.g. this one: [https://etf.dws.com/de-de/LU0429459356-us-treasuries-ucits-etf-1d/](https://etf.dws.com/de-de/LU0429459356-us-treasuries-ucits-etf-1d/) (ISIN: LU0429459356). Overall, the value doesn't really go anywhere (neither up or down). But the dividends from it should cover a part of inflation. + +Is this something to use when you are very risk averse and still don't want to lose out completely on inflation and might need your invested money? I understand that other ETFs provide way better value for money, but those can experience pretty hefty downturns in times of crisis (like, bigger than 10%) for more than a year. + +Assume I have 10k "semi-expendable" money sitting on the side: Is this a place to look at? The money might be needed in a year, or maybe in 5 - I can't tell right now. + +Hope this question fits the theme of the sub. +Do you think I should begin dividend investing now at 23 or wait until I get closer to retirement and have more of portfolio built up? I have seen that some say it’s better to be a little more risky at my age and then begin dividend investing once my portfolio is built and when I’m at an age where I cannot take on as much risk. Let me know what you all think. Thanks! +If everyone lists 10 picks they think are must have, and then list 3 things to stay far away from, I will compile a list at the end of the suggestions of everyone, and report back. + +Assume this 10 pick portfolio is for generating income during retirement. + + +Edit: If you would like to participate in this hypothetical pick 10 and blacklist 3, please submit the full 13 choices. + +When I try and put this into a spreadsheet, it won’t work to take partial replies. + +I apologize for earlier edits and if this comes off as a moon begging for work and research to be done for them. I do my own research, and part of that is checking “chatter” I guess I will call it. + +I surf the hashtags on Twitter and try and see: + +Frequency posted about +Frequency talked about. +Talked about in tweets also mentioning x y z tickers. + +I look through yahoostocks discussions, webull discussions, 2-3 wide open, high population, multiple stock topic discord servers, I try and find the most mentioned and most despised stocks in sector or industry or div or wsb or stocktwits and compile mentions. But I recently felt like with this group, and the scope of a portfolio, it’s not like you can just say one solid ticker. And now I’m thinking I could do this better as a questionnaire, and maybe differentiate and do a few, 18 year old, 25 year old, 35 year old. Divs to hold till retirement list. Growth list. Maybe a common trap or mistake list, to pair with the blacklist. Either way, the scrapers or bots that tally ticker mentions within a subreddit often have no context or differentiation, so they can be skewed. + +I would be interested in compiling a r/dividends crowd sourced top 10 list for a few categories, and putting out the total mentions data. + +If anyone has worked with those free sites that let you set up questionnaires that spit the data into a sheet for you as part of the process, and knows a site, let me know, maybe I can take this to the next level instead of poorly wording and asking randomly then trying to tally all the replies and mention counts into excel +Hello, + +I've just started investing with the Interactive Brokers platform, but I have some concerns with their fees. + +In July, I bought one share of VWCE (95.89€) and had to [pay a fixed fee](https://i.imgur.com/gV7TEbL.png) of 1.25€. + +Then, I tried to switch to tier pricing and the [tier fee](https://i.imgur.com/7e5ow4C.png) went from 1.25€-1.88€ which is the same or even worse than the fixed fee. + +Are there any alternative platforms that provide better fees for this type of investment? + +EDIT: I'm based in Croatia, so I can't use Degiro. +Is there an online calculator that is pretty trustworthy to calculate the cost of living difference between a small town in Germany and a suburb of a big city in USA? +Hey guys. + +I'm 29M, single, still living with my parrents and would like to get some outside perspective on my financial plan. + +I live in Slovenia, my net monthly salary is 2700€ (quite above average). +I have a brokerage account where I put 150€ a month into ETFs, I also contrubute to individual pension fund (similar to 401K I guess). I am currently putting 1500€ cash aside every month, and my cash reserve currently equals 83.000 €. + +This money has just been sitting and growing in my account for the last 3 years. My plan was to use it as a down payment for an apartment, but I was travelling a lot for work up until 4 months ago, so I never got around to actually buy anything up until now. I know It's not ideal for the cash just to sit in the bank, but anyway, here we are... + +&#x200B; + +My plan is to take all that cash, take out another 50.000€ mortgage (20 year fixed at 3,4%) and buy an apartment that I found and really like for 130.000€. +My reasoning is that even though I could pay those 50.000€ in 3 years, I would rather stretch it out over 20 years, pay some extra in interest, but this way my monthly payment is like 290€ a month. So It gives me a lot of flexibility. At the beggining I would throw all the extra money into the mortgage to pay off principle faster. But after 1 year for example, I could decide to invest more into a brokerage account and lower the mortgage payments. Or if the real-estate market "collapses" and there are good deals on the market, I could buy an additional apartment as an investment. + +&#x200B; + +My concerns are: +\- that it's not a good time to buy real-estate right now (maybe wait for a couple of months for some discounts?) +\- that it's not ideal to take all that cash and put it as a down payment, where there could be better opportunities out there +\- i'm not confident in my 20-year instead of let's say 5 year mortgage reasoning + +&#x200B; + +Any and all comments and ideas are welcome. Thanks in advance! +Hi, + +I would like to setup an ETF savings plan for my 1 year old kid. So the time horizon is 18 - 20 years. which ETF would you recommend? + +Also any recommendations for a platform where I can setup a kid’s account? kinderkonto auf Deutsch :) +Hi, im currently 20 years old living in austria , 2nd semester into university and I wanted to start investing in index funds. I saved up around 5k that I wanted to invest and I don't really know how to effectively use it. + +Appreciate the help🙏:) +Hey guys, we all know about Revolut, N26 and the like to save money when you want to travel and Toshl if you want to budget. + + +What other great finance apps are you using that are available for europeans? +Hi, + +I would like to setup an ETF savings plan for my 1 year old kid. So the time horizon is 18 - 20 years. which ETF would you recommend? + +Also any recommendations for a platform where I can setup a kid’s account? kinderkonto auf Deutsch :) +Hello, have say some small amount like 10k to invest somewhere but want to avoid stock market for now. What would you recommend? For now I see 2 options for myself: 1.4% APY savings or 1.8% APY CD. +The stock I'm looking at is Opendoor (OPEN). I would have been happy buying in the mid teens, and I was accumulating cash to do so when the recent bear trend went in to overdrive. + +I still have the cash sitting on the sideline, but I'm wondering whether it's better to wait for a green "bounce" or slowly DCA in my cash? + +How much more room is there to go down for these non-FAANG stocks? Would anybody like to suggest better value out there? +Crypto traders are concentrating on advancements inside the crypto ecosystem, notably Ethereum's approaching proof-of-stake merging and the optimistic implications for than on Ethereum. Last week, Ethereum researchers successfully tested the long-awaited Eth 2.0, a long-awaited merger of the programmable blockchain's proof-of-work and proof-of-stake chains that would allow users to keep funds in a cryptocurrency wallet to support network operations in exchange for freshly created coins. +As a result, staking is comparable to passive investment. + +Crypto currency has come a long way, a decade ago we had the blockchain and now we have smart contracts and staking, and my interesting projects like SocialGood, Fantom, Avalanche… We will see Ethereum being used for more than monkey NFTs and it’s utility will truly shine. The mainnet launch is expected to take place by the end of June, following the successful completion of the merging test run. Observers predict that after the Eth 2.0 upgrade is completed, institutional adoption will rise. Proof-of-stake is a more ecologically friendly consensus process than proof-of-work, which compensates miners with coins for solving challenging mathematical problems in order to confirm transactions. Today, the deposit contract has almost 10 million ether locked in it. Finally, the merger is expected to turn ether into a deflationary, or store-of-value, asset, similar to bitcoin. Following the merger, the quantity of ETH released is expected to plummet by 90%, resulting in comparable levels of fees reducing the supply of ether by as much as 5% every year. +I want to take a second to thank Ryan for stepping down and moving on to a Polkadot focused platform instead of promoting Polkadot on Ethereum. No one forced him too, he did it voluntarily after numerous outcrys from the community and some of authority. But he could have made this a big challenge, and he did so without trying to play around with rules or definitions. + +So thank you Ryan for allowing our community to grow, even if it is against your self-interest, thank you. + +That's very respectable. You will be proud of your actions here today in the years to come. And thank you for helping Ethereum, while you were doing that too. Thank you. +Houses in my area go for $1 million for a modest house in a modest neighborhood. While I'd be able to afford the down payment on a place, I cannot afford the monthly. + +Hit me with your best shot, fire away! I personally like many others jumped in on some LRC when i started to hear the rumblings about the Gamestop deal. Whether or not that ever becomes reality who knows, but I bought in at around $1.20 so so far so good. I hear rumours every other week about Cardano and what amazing thing is coming there next, but so far since they haven't delivered much in my opinion I am not holding my breath. + +What about everyone else? What juicy rumours has everyone heard lately that they're buying up? +L2 order book data (bids and asks) is available for download on every state change. At least in crypto almost every exchange offers this. + +So why do researchers still choose to 'simulate' trading by submitting new orders and cancelling them through a poisson process with parameters estimated by themselves? + +From Avellenada and Stoikov's famous paper: + +> Here, we will be +focusing on the results which address the Poisson +intensity  with which a limit order will be executed as +a function of its distance to the mid-price. In order to +quantify this, we need to know statistics on **(i) the overall +frequency of market orders, (ii) the distribution of their +size and (iii) the temporary impact of a large market +order.** + +Why the fuck go lengths to figure out all that when you can just use real data? + +From a very liquid pair on a crypto exchange you could probably get about 1 million order book states per day (and 100k trades). Is this not enough data to be useful? +Say you open a position based colour of last candle then close when price changes by 0.5% or something. Has anyone got some stupid simple strategy like this to work? +TLDR; 66.8M DRS'd between October 2021 - October 2022. +0.5M insiders. + +A repeat of this year would see 193.4M shares locked by insiders and DRS. +304.5 - 193.4 = 111.1 + +Institutions + Mutual Funds + ETFs + Stagnant Insiders = 112M + +On to the post - + +Firstly to dispel some FUD - ***It’s not 87.6M in two years.*** + +***It’s 66.8M in one year!!*** ~22% of total float in ONE year. + +**October 30th, 2021, 20.8M.** + ++14.8M (4.93M/month) + +January 29th 35.6M. + ++15.2M (5.06/month) + +April 30th 50.8M. + ++20.5M (6.83M/month) + +July 30th 71.3M + ++16.3M (5.4M/month) + +**October 29th 87.6** (Computershared dot net) + +87.6M /304.5M = ~29% + +I know computershared were 4M off the last official numbers, but they have since changed their algorithm. That splividend probably resulted in a lot of silent DRSers which presumably messed with their scrapper numbers. + +20.8 from October 30th, 2021, to Around 87.6M this Halloween = +66.8M. + +66.8M / 304.5M = ~22% + +That’s 22% of the whole float locked in ONE year for a total of 41% of a 304.5M total float held by insiders (38.5M) or DRS’d by retail. + +polyestermonkey ‘s post about the definition of Free Float leads me to discuss the relevance of all this in different, hopefully better, terms than the incorrect use of ‘free float’. https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/y84fe6/free_float_by_definition_is_shares_outstanding/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 + +The ‘free float’ by definition is Total - insider. Surely DRS shares could be considered as their own form of insider shares held by retail. So I'm gonna go with Total - Insiders = 'Public Float' (another accepted term for 'free float'). Total - [Insiders + DRS] = DRS float (the shares that are left that could be DRS'd). Total - [Insiders + Institutions + Mutual funds, + ETFs, + Stagnant insiders + DRS) = SS Float (essentially what the screen shots of computershared dot net keep referring to as the free float). If there's official terms for these, do let me know. + +So to recap : as of October 29th 2022 Public Float = 266M, DRS Float = 178.4M, SS Float = 66.4M. + +Now on to the palm reading - If the following 12 months did the same thing (+0.5M by insiders, +66.8M DRS’d by retail) that would result in 63% (193.4M) of the total float being locked at the end of Q3, 2023. [39M insiders + 154.4M DRS'd]. + +This would reduce the DRS Float to 111.1M. Institutions, ETFs, Mutual Funds and Stagnant insiders shares add up to about 112M. The SS Float would be 100% complete. + +All that remains that is not locked is those that are 'owned' by Institutions, ETFs, Mutual Funds and Stagnant insiders. The remaining 37% of the total float are the only possible shares that should be able to be loaned out (I say 'should' because, ya know, naked shorts). + +So between October 2021 and October 2023 things would have changed from 80% of the total float being free, owned by the DTCC and being available to loan out, to 37% being available to borrow. Meaning the borrowing power of those into that kind of thing would have been halved (at least) in 2 years. + +With only 37% of the total float left to be used for manipulation of price, how much longer could things realistically go on for until we get true price discovery? Why would you keep loaning out shares when retail are gonna take them and refuse to give them back? Why not buy more shares? + +Sidebar - I think SS Float being ZERO / 100% complete, would be a great time to offer an NFT dividend via ComputerShare. I know many people push the idea that nothing will happen at this junction, but I am a bit obsessed with a Criand possible DD - 'Theory on the January Sneeze' + +https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/q2f3o2/theory_on_the_january_sneeze_and_how_direct/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 + +>And the key to think of here is that while they may have millions of shares to borrow from, those shares still need time to settle before being added back to the "pool" of supply that they can borrow from. We see this through statistics from sites like IBorrowDesk when the available shares goes from 1,000,000 to 500,000 and then eventually back to 1,000,000. There's some downtime as the borrowed shares must settle before being replenished. + +>there can be a critical point where the SHFs, Brokers, and Market Makers have too much demand for the DTC's supply of shares such that the supply can't keep up. + +This critical point is one thing DRS can build towards. It is likely that 100% DRS will not be needed but as Direct Registration has never been achieved on this scale, everything is just a theory. + +I like to compare $GME DRSing to the VolksWagen squeeze as Insider (Porsche’s) shares [74.1% total float] and Lower Saxony’s shares [20% total float] surpassed shares shorted [12%] in that scenario. The situation only fixed by Porsche letting the air out of the tyre (sold 5%) to release the pressure on shorters. + + +Woah I'm getting off point - + + +Summary; 66.8M DRS'd between October 2021 - October 2022. +0.5M insiders. + +41% of total float owned by insders and 'retail insiders' (DRS) on October 29th, 2022. + +A repeat of this past 12 months would see 193.4 shares locked by insiders and DRS by October 2023. + +304.5 - 193.4 = ***111.1M*** ('DRS Float' or pool of borrowable shares) + +Institutions + Mutual Funds + ETFs + Stagnant Insiders = ***112M*** (SS Float 100% completed Oct 23') + +If these entities want to keep their shares safe at this point they need to stop lending and lock them up. Otherwise retail will gobble them up and not give them back. +Hi, I'm 25 and live with parents in Greater London. Salary between £30-40k. + +Currently I have \~£50k saved (mostly thanks to living with parents and working from home). + +**House Deposit** + +* £4k in cash lisa (+£1k bonus) (Moneybox) +* £10k in low interest savings account (will move £4k of this into lisa tomorrow when tax year starts) +* £20k in cash ISA + +**Investments** + +* £16k in s&s isa. (vanguard - global all cap) (long-term investment) + +I can therefore afford a property on my own of \~£220k. In Greater London this is well below the average house price for a 1-bed flat. + +My main concern is I have a lot of money in low interest savings and cash lisa/isa which will be losing a LOT to inflation each year. + +So assuming I wan't to stay in London, what do you think is the most appropriate way forward? + +1. Buy a property asap (within 1-3 years) in a cheaper area of London further out - This will move my savings into property so it's not sitting in a bank doing nothing. (move low interest savings to premium bonds for the time being?) +2. Don't worry about buying a property so soon (7-10+ years depending on the markets). Rent for the time being. Wait for both my salary and savings to increase. Invest the house deposit into low risk investments (eg. lifestrategy20) and move the cash lisa to a low risk s&s lisa to protect against inflation. Also, don't aim for sole ownership but wait to buy with a potential partner in the future. +3. Same as option 2. but don't invest the house deposit - just suck it up and accept the loss to inflation over the next 7-10 years. +4. Get a shared ownership property, which will allow me to afford an average property price now. +5. A superior recommendation by the clever people in this subreddit. +I have no idea what to do. I feel completely dysfunctional and disorganized. My entire life feel like a PTSD fueled joke (or nightmare). I desperately need work or some sort of income stream to escape this hellish condition. But I do not feel mentally capable at the moment (the trap). + +I will break down my life into a few smaller sections to summarize how absolutely screwed I am: + +* Early ages, frequent stays at "daycare" centers and having horrifying reactions + +* At age 6, moderate to severe brain injury from tripping into a large brick surface at full running speed (no hospital trip) + +* At age 8 to 10, I spend two years in a hotel after mold is discovered in a new home we moved into. My weight goes from something like 110 pounds to 180+ pounds. I was around 5 foot tall. My "new" home becomes a hoarding and toxic nightmare fueled with my parents' crazy behavior. + +Most of my early pre-teen and teenage years were trying to recover from the big three points mentioned previously. Food, porn, video games, and school grades were my ways to cope and avoid thinking about my past self. + +I avoided women, I avoided friends, I avoided thinking. I felt trapped either in my addictions (porn, food, video games, school/grades) or my compliance (agreeing with teachers/parents/higher authority). + +I was NOT mentally or emotionally ready in a healthy consenting way for college. I was financially and emotionally manipulated compounded with a learned helpless response to just continue a grind for the sake of a grind. + +Until I tried to kill myself. + + +Anyways, the past is the past. But it has crippled me. I feel completely defeated. I could not even kill myself properly (which lead to the TBI). + +Things I have never experienced and most likely never get to experience: + +* Moving out of this shit hole environment my parents' call a "home" + +* Dating + +* Getting a job that is not fast food or the like + + +I can only do intensive, thoughtful tasks, in bursts. Symptoms of the TBI include irritability, lack of impulse control, ringing of my ears, cognitive decline, and constant headaches. + +What advice, if any, do you have for my situation? + + + +Taking all variables of family status, age, location etc aside. What do you personally have in your head as the first number that comes to mind when you think of a good annual income? + +I’d prefer if people refrain from looking down through others responses until they post their own to get a good, unbiased spread. + +Looking forward to seeing how far and wise the results are. +I am being targeted for a high level position with a startup (maybe just out of the startup phase) but don't know how to evaluate whether or not it is a good opportunity. + +The company just received a large round of VC funding (series A), and according to pitchbook is currently generating revenue. I interviewed with the CEO and he mentioned that they have a few contracts in place with more that should be announced in the near future. They seem to have a good strategy, an intriguing product, and are targeting an industry that has a lot of growth potential. The down side is that it would involve me moving across the country (roughly equal cost of living) and I can likely make a significantly higher salary staying where I'm at. I would get an equity share if I go with the startup though. Obviously the equity could become worth way more than the salary, but I would rather not take a lower salary and move across the country to ride a sinking ship. + +What red flags should I be looking for? Is it ok for me to ask to see their books before accepting a position? If it makes a difference I am currently 8-10 years from FIRE and 15-20 from FatFIRE. Thanks in advance for the help! +Hello all! I’m a regular lurker and occasional participant in this community, but I’m posting this on a throwaway because I’m a C-level executive of a public company and my regular account can probably be linked back to my real identity. + +In short my liquid net worth is about 10M, 80% of which came from a partial liquidity event in my company in early 2020. We’ve since gone public, and I have illiquid stock worth another 14m (about half of which is vested), and I have another 50-60m in black scholes value of options, so a ton of skew if the company does well. I mostly try to think of any illiquid company stock (and definitely out of the money or at the money options) as funny money that doesn’t exist, but it’s a consideration nonetheless. + +I have no real estate. About 1M of my NW is in tax deferred accounts (401k and Roth IRA), and the remainder is in taxable brokerage accounts. + +70-80% of my net worth is currently in cash, and I have a ton of anxiety about getting it into the market. I go back and forth about how reasonable this is - most of it came to me right as the pandemic hit, and the market was first in free fall and then felt frothy. Also I have a ton of highly volatile exposure to the market via all that company stock, and while I’m very confident of our prospects that doesn’t feel like something I can bank on. I live in a VHCOL city and want to stay here, but we don’t want to buy yet because we a) don’t have kids yet and b) don’t know where exactly we would want to live because my wife is still figuring out the location of her long term career. + +Any advice either on whether to more aggressively deploy, or more importantly on how to overcome the psychological concern? I feel like if the market goes south after I put the money in, it would sting a ton - both my company and my portfolio would lose value at the same time - and my company is relatively high beta so if the market stays great my company stock has a higher chance of being worth a lot. I have a wealth manager who I don’t really pay right now - he’s betting on me as a more valuable future client - and he’s been encouraging me, I’m averaging in about 1M over the course of this year into broad market ETFs. + +I’m not particularly frugal, but my rent is low as a percentage of my income. I have annual cash comp in the 1-2M range and get more options of high black scholes value annually. + +Thanks! +# EDIT: Debunked: I knew I was missing something. The Bloomberg Geographical data is for institutional holdings I believe. Also someone in Sweden may technically be counted as US ownership if their brokerage is headquartered in the US. + +*Math is hard.* + +&#x200B; + +My main point still stands though. Can we not use the data that Avanza has released to somehow help guesstimate shares held or some shit? Even by customer size comparison or something. + +&#x200B; + +~~So have a quick read through here:~~ [~~https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/sueah3/we\_are\_all\_swedish\_today\_245m\_shares\_exist/~~](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/sueah3/we_are_all_swedish_today_245m_shares_exist/) + +~~(Don't worry it's easy to read)~~ + +~~Then read my thoughts on it here and let me know why I did the math wrong or explain why I'm smooth af. I probably am.~~ + +~~If we take the recent Bloomberg terminal screenshot of the geographical holdings we see that Switzerland has 0.61% of ownership.~~ [~~Geographical Ownership~~](https://i.imgur.com/IiCWLeU.png) + +~~Unfortunately it doesn't display Sweden on there. But either they are much lower and not displayed, or they are part of the unknown.~~ + +~~Since we can't tell, what if we just take the population ratio.~~ + +~~Sweden - 10.35M Switzerland - 8.637~~ + +~~Switzerland holding % - 0.61%~~ + +~~10.35/8.637 = 1.198~~ + +~~So Sweden's holds 0.61x1.198 = 0.73%~~ + +~~Take their holdings of 511,170 / 0.73% = 71M shares.~~ + +~~So if Avanza is the only brokerage in Sweden with GameStop hodlers then we are already at the entire float almost lol.~~ + +~~Take the Sweden's share number from the chart in that post above and you get this:~~ + +**~~3,146,626÷0.0072 = 437,031,389 shares...~~** + +~~Tldr: this seems biggish and why haven't others looked into this data, or if people have please point me to it.~~ + +~~Apes own more than the float.~~ + +~~DRS GME~~ +My guess is: + +Chairman is a drug trafficer. + +New product catches fire when you try to charge it. + +Negative P/E number on earnings report. + +During live TV coverage the CEO went totally mad and droped his pants. + +Compromising emails involving bigotry leaked. + +Sex scandal involving the whole board. + +Your guesses? + +EDIT: 12% +Guten Tag to this global band of Apes! 👋🦍 + +The big news yesterday was obviously the far-too-high number of available shares reported by Fidelity, which was apparently an error, but also not exactly handled in the best way possible. However, I cannot help but question why the backlash against Fidelity is so incredibly intense. If you sort by new, nearly every post is about this one issue that *doesn't change anything*. When I consider the question of 'why now?', I think it is more to do with trying to bury the much-more-relevant post about the FINRA short percentage. + +In any case, mixed in among the Fidelity-anger are plenty of posts showing renewed efforts to DRS as many shares as possible, and I will *always* get behind that action. Whether Fidelity is a trustworthy broker or not, the most reliable way to ensure that no fuckery occurs using your shares is to get them into ComputerShare in your own name. Fidelity has proven to be reliable at DRSing shares with minimal friction, and I'd hate for this FUD against them to somehow prevent Apes from succeeding at getting their shares in their name. + +Today is Wednesday, December 1st, and you know what that means! Join other apes around the world to watch infrequent updates from the German markets! + +###🚀 Buckle Up! 🚀 +*** + + +- 🟩 120 minutes in: **$198.09 / 174,32 €** *(volume: 646)* +- 🟩 115 minutes in: $197.15 / 173,50 € *(volume: 627)* +- 🟩 110 minutes in: $197.01 / 173,38 € *(volume: 627)* +- 🟥 105 minutes in: $196.75 / 173,15 € *(volume: 536)* +- 🟩 100 minutes in: $196.89 / 173,28 € *(volume: 519)* +- 🟩 95 minutes in: $196.86 / 173,25 € *(volume: 405)* +- 🟥 90 minutes in: $196.68 / 173,09 € *(volume: 401)* +- 🟥 85 minutes in: $196.75 / 173,15 € *(volume: 401)* +- 🟩 80 minutes in: $196.86 / 173,25 € *(volume: 399)* +- 🟥 75 minutes in: $196.41 / 172,85 € *(volume: 398)* +- 🟩 70 minutes in: $196.45 / 172,89 € *(volume: 398)* +- 🟥 65 minutes in: $196.08 / 172,56 € *(volume: 312)* +- 🟥 60 minutes in: $196.44 / 172,88 € *(volume: 311)* +- 🟩 55 minutes in: $196.64 / 173,05 € *(volume: 294)* +- ⬜ 50 minutes in: $196.61 / 173,03 € *(volume: 294)* +- 🟩 45 minutes in: $196.61 / 173,03 € *(volume: 283)* +- 🟥 40 minutes in: $196.48 / 172,91 € *(volume: 268)* +- 🟥 35 minutes in: $196.51 / 172,94 € *(volume: 267)* +- ⬜ 30 minutes in: $196.59 / 173,01 € *(volume: 267)* +- 🟥 25 minutes in: $196.59 / 173,01 € *(volume: 223)* +- 🟩 20 minutes in: $196.67 / 173,07 € *(volume: 223)* +- 🟩 15 minutes in: $196.61 / 173,03 € *(volume: 145)* +- 🟩 10 minutes in: $196.58 / 173,00 € *(volume: 54)* +- 🟥 5 minutes in: $196.41 / 172,85 € *(volume: 44)* +- 🟩 0 minutes in: $196.57 / 172,99 € *(volume: 16)* +- 🟥 US close price: $196.21 / 172,67 € *($195.95 / 172,45 € after-hours)* + + +*** +FAQ: I'm capturing current price and volume data from German exchanges and converting to USD. Today's euro -> USD conversion ratio is 1.1363. I programmed a tool that assists me in fetching this data and updating the post. If you'd like to check current prices directly, you can check [Lang & Schwarz](https://www.ls-tc.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) or [TradeGate](https://www.tradegate.de/orderbuch.php?isin=US36467W1099) + +Diamantenhände isn't simply a thread on Superstonk, it's a community that gathers daily to represent the many corners of this world who love this stock. Many thanks to the originator of the series, DerGurkenraspler, who we wish well. We all love seeing the energy that people represent their varied homelands. Show your flags, share some culture, and unite around GME! +With Covid hampering international travel, I ended up traveling to Hawaii 3x in 2021. The total cost of hotels came out to 50k. This made me think about buying a 2-3 bedroom vacation condo in Kaanapali in the 2-3M range. My plan is to visit there 1-2x a year with family/friends during holidays, and let a company manage/rent it out the rest of the year. Has anyone else considered doing something similar? Paying/financing the condo is not an issue, and I’m not looking at this as an extra source of income, but I don’t want it to be a money sink. I’m not stuck on Kaanapali, but I’m would like to stay close to the ocean. Let me know if I’m better off staying at Airbnb/hotel. +Tether episode may come to a climax soon, if latest buzz in both media and social media is anything to go by. + +Bloomberg has just published a detailed article trying to ideintify the source of the $69 Billion backing Tether, only to conclude that they have not been able to identify the money. + +The only source who would speak to Bloomberg is the person running Deltec bank in Bahamas, who could account for around 1/4th of Tether's money (around $15 BN) but stayed coy when quizzed on the other money. + +Tether has never tried to explain where exactly their money is stashed. If their statements are true, they would be the world's 7th largest commercial paper holder, with almost $30 bn in this..but no one in wall street has heard of them. + +All of this unfolded over the last few months, but just few hours ago the CEO of Tether has deleted his twitter account. + +[Aaaannd its gone!](https://preview.redd.it/s6xbfdja41s71.png?width=1196&format=png&auto=webp&s=5507093080a9cc41ae9472ea42b193ebea717bb5) + +&#x200B; + +There is massive speculation that Tether may be holding papers from China companies, that would explain why Wall St has no clue about Tether, but at the same time make Tether highly risky as China seems to be heading to a financial crisis. + +&#x200B; + +[SEC may be looking at Tether too. ](https://preview.redd.it/c1mlg33d51s71.jpg?width=1430&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=feba7c3ec77f50f7b4ff2dbede0693c27745371f) + +Just yesterday, US Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco announced the formation of a task force headed by DOJ to crack down on crypto entities including exchanges, manipulators etc. + + +[This is the official $GME Megathread for r\/Superstonk.](https://preview.redd.it/gzy9yfftoov71.png?width=778&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ce125aa2d7455f994d74a4192f1a04b7d14448c) + +**Please keep ALL conversations contained to Gamestop and directly related topics.** + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# Brand new to the sub? Start here! + +***You must read the*** [***Superstonk Rules***](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules) ***before commenting or posting on*** [***r/Superstonk***](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/)*.* + +https://preview.redd.it/u7nzd0m0pov71.png?width=1651&format=png&auto=webp&s=df5232178c4035ba1c069f9306b30453b42946cd + +The extremely talented and dedicated [u/zedinstead](https://www.reddit.com/u/zedinstead/) has created this beautiful collection of the most important, groundbreaking **D**ue **D**iligence in PDF format that can be easily accessed and shared. If you're looking to familiarize yourself with the GME bull thesis or the underhanded tactics of the short sellers involved in this trade-- then this is for you: + +# [GME.fyi](https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg) + +[r/Superstonk](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/) employs strict posting requirements to ensure our community stays moderately free from trolls and other such bad actors. 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We call this the "Front Desk". Every day a moderator will create a new sticky comment that includes links to community announcements, fantastic posts that deserve more attention, and generally the simplest and easiest way to interact with the moderators of this community. The rest of the post is designed for general discussion and content/questions that might not need their own post. + +If you are new please mention that when you comment. There are no stupid questions but "shills" (paid accounts with the intent to disrupt the sub) are real. This community sees a lot of trolls. If you do not distinguish yourself as someone with genuine questions it is likely that members of our community will assume you are just spreading "FUD" (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt). I hate that I have to give you this warning but it is just the nature of the beast at this point. + +Please have fun, play nice and be civil. Many of our rules are heavily enforced. Debate is welcome but if it devolves into personal insults please report the comment. *Ape no fight ape!* +Two years ago, a virus attacked my brain. Since then, I've been unable to work and the virus did some significant damage. I went through two misdiagnosis, a year of medication I shouldn't have been prescribed or been taking which did further damage, and spent a month in a brain clinic, all trying to figure out what is going on. + +For the past year, I've been living on $866 a month. My rent is $850. It's been hell. I'm in Canada, so everything is just slow as hell to get sorted out, and it's still ongoing. When I initially applied for help, I was told a lot of misinformation by the case worker I had, so I decided to not file my taxes for 2020 in order to hang on to the refund I was owed - I was told the government would claw that money back. + +Turns out, that's not the case, so I finally filed my taxes. This week, I got a substantial refund ($1150!!), plus a further refund that will arrive next week of about $350 for another refund I would have had, should I had filed my taxes (it's called GST credit, which won't mean much to non-Canadians in here). + +It also allows me to file for rent support. I've been FINALLY assigned a case worker who works with brain-injured people, who understands that I can't just sit and figure out some of these insane government applications and forms, and progress - after two fucking years of hell - is going forward for once. + +Yesterday, I went and spent an absurd $175 on groceries. My freezer, fridge, and pantry look real again, and I deliberately shopped so that the food I got will last for many months. + +This is the first time in over a year that I haven't been worried where I'll get enough money to pay a power bill, which I've had to do by selling things or taking in odd jobs to my home that pay just barely enough to cover the power bill. This is the first time I'll be able to eat more than once a day too - I've been eating only once a day to preserve what the food bank gives me, and it's typically rice and pasta. + +I used to make about $65,000 a year, so I had savings and retirement, a bit, perfect credit and a 'normal' life. It's amazing how fast it all just goes away in a heartbeat, and you find out who your real friends are when shit hits the fan. + +This morning, I had a cup of coffee. Coffee is $8 a pound, and I typically can't afford it. I made bacon and eggs for breakfast. Bacon is a luxury, haven't had it in over a year. It's been a delicious morning, and it feels good to know that, for now, I have a float of money so I don't have to live in fear, and buys me time for the rest of my paperwork to go through for disability (which will double the amount I get). + +It's a little thing, it's temporary, but I SLEPT last night for the first time in eons because I don't have to stress where I'm going to pay power from this month, or the next several months. + +Just wanted to share a little piece of my happy, because it's been a really really REALLY bad couple of years. +## tldr. + +A two-week registration period is now open - you should see an interface within [r/ethtrader (redesign)](https://new.reddit.com/r/ethtrader) for associating an Ethereum address to your Reddit account. At the end of two weeks donut balances for registered users will be distributed as an ERC20 token on the Ethereum mainnet. **Donuts belonging to non-registered users will be forfeit.** + +Reddit user to Ethereum address associations will be public. To preserve the privacy of your transaction history it is advised to **register a fresh Ethereum address**. + +## Donuts-on-Ethereum + +[Donuts](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/donuts) are distributed based on contributions to r/ethtrader. They can be spent within the sub on a variety of features and for sybil-resistant voting. Until now the system to support donuts has been centralised within Reddit, but as [initiated](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/comments/an5577/a_communityled_initiative_to_decentralize_donuts/) in early February, the [daonuts](https://github.com/daonuts) project has been working to replicate this infrastructure on Ethereum. + +The feature set is now ready for integration within r/EthTrader. This transition is scheduled for December 2, at the end of the now open two-week registration period. Please note that registering during this two-week period is required for transitioning your current donut balance onto Ethereum. + +Donuts-on-Ethereum has been implemented as an Aragon dao and multiple interfaces will be available. Features will be accessible directly from r/ethtrader, an alternative user-focused experience on daonuts.org/r/ethtrader, and an admin-focused interface via the Aragon client. + +- **Owning the banner**: + - non-fungible assets can be minted by the community where ownership is determined with a Harberger tax scheme + - the ethtrader banner will be the first asset ownable via this app + - an interface for buying the banner will be available within r/ethtrader + - some banner administration as well as minting other assets will occur via the Aragon client +- **Special membership subscription**: + - buying a subscription (by burning donuts) for yourself or others will unlock new sub features like badges, and gifs-in-comments. see [this fortnitebr page](https://www.reddit.com/web/special-membership/fortnitebr) for more details on what that looks like. + - an interface for subscribing will be available within r/ethtrader + - admin functionality (eg. changing price) will use the Aragon client +- **Tipping**: + - tips can be submitted and the recipient will be notified by comment reply or direct message + - an interface for tipping will **not** initially be available within r/ethtrader + - an interface for tipping will be available at daonuts.org/r/ethtrader and via the Aragon client +- **Tokens**: + - two tokens are used + - CONTRIB: non-transferable and represents earned stake and contribution to the community + - DONUT: transferable and used as community currency +- **Voting**: + - dao votes are weighted using both tokens and determined with *min(CONTRIB, DONUT)* + - dao votes will use the Aragon client + - the existing in-Reddit voting interface will use real balances, but remain off-chain +- **Distribution**: + - initiate, claim from, and batch award fortnightly distributions. + - distributions must pass through a challenge period to become active + - these administrative functions will use the Aragon client + - u/carlslarson will batch award the top 500 recipients for each distribution for 1 year with tx fees paid out of [this fund](https://etherscan.io/address/0xf7927bf0230c7b0E82376ac944AeedC3EA8dFa25) +- **Challenge**: + - proposals are accepted with a stake and can be challenged by burning donuts + - challenged proposals must pass through dao voting + - successful challenges are awarded the proposal stake + - these administrative functions will use the Aragon client + +This thread will remain stickied for the duration of the registration period as a place to ask questions regarding the integration. +I found it via Steam Early Access. I'm a fan of racing games like F-Zero and Wipeout so this has me hooked for now. + +You can check it out [here!](http://store.steampowered.com/app/565390/Hyperun/) + +Like what the hell? Dogecoin market cap is almost 2 billions with almost 2 cents per coin. + +No matter what you buy you will double your money. Dont get me wrong, i am ok with this, but for how long this can last? +So there is a Property I am Interested in which consists of a main house and a back apartment that was added on. Turns out the apartment was built w/o permits. I was previously told on here to back away from the property because of this & also because I didn’t know if it was even zoned for multifamily (turns out it is. its rm4, which in San Antonio is mixed residential). I have signed a “executed contract”, which my realtor said gives me time to get an inspector and contractor to check out the house & apartment. She said during this time (10days) if they find any issues I can back out if I want to (I know I can back out now, but I’m very drawn to the property so I want to go a step further and get it inspected). I’m going to get the city inspector and a reliable contractor to check it out this coming week. My main question is, if they find no issues with the property should I go forward? I guess I’m just wondering if I can trust these two opinions? + +Also, the seller said that a previous buyer got an inspector and contractor out there and they found no issues, but buyer had to back out do to other reasons. I + + +Another question, the current owners recently found tenets for the apartment. is it illegal to have people live there if it doesn’t have permits? + +Again, thanks in advance. +Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you. +I have learned so much from this community! + +Thank-you for sharing ideas, knowledge, and your experiences. + +Yesterday was my **last day of work.** It wasn’t a choice I made because of reaching a FI/RE milestone, but instead because of needing to care for an aging parent. + +Because of the knowledge I’ve gained I am less afraid of my future and am prepared to deal with bridging the period between now and Medicare (am in the US). I have never been motivated by $$ — in fact I think I worked for the feeling of being worthwhile (a different addiction) — and it is comforting to know that if I keep to a limited budget I will be ok. This month I’ll have to figure out which insurance plan to pay for *and* buy a computer *and and and *— basically adjust to no longer being part of the working world and the perqs that come with that. + +I am sometimes envious of the milestones met by some of the younger folks on this sub, and wondering how different my life could have been had I focused on a lucrative career and wealth accumulation in my earlier years. But each of us has our own path, and I would be a different person in a different place had I made different choices. I’m happy where I am. + +Thank-you! +Guten Tag to this global band of Apes! 👋🦍 + +The long-awaited inflation report is due out today, and Apes are ready to see just how fraudulent the system is. Will they report less than 5.5% inflation? Are they going to fudge the numbers to make things look okay for another month? It is plain to see that things are not well in economies across the world, in large part due to this kind of corruption. Regulators everywhere want the impending financial collapse to start on someone *else's* watch, and to be able to claim that it wasn't their fault. Sadly, this game of hot potato is just going to get hotter until it does start to collapse. + +While the regulators fear that day, Apes tend to look forward to that day. Many expect that when the markets sharply correct, the balance sheets of the SHFs will fall enough that they'll be margin called, forcing them to start closing their short $GME positions. While it is possible, it is not guaranteed. As long as these same institutions are able to hide their fails-to-deliver through crazy options contracts and borrowed shares, they'll be able to delay another day. The surest way to stop them is to DRS shares from the DTC vaults into Computershare. They cannot withstand the pressure that puts on them, and Apes continue to drive up the pressure. + +Today is Wednesday, October 13th, and you know what that means! Join other apes around the world to watch infrequent updates from the German markets! + +###🚀 Buckle Up! 🚀 +*** + + +- 🟩 120 minutes in: **$175.43 / 151,82 €** *(volume: 635)* +- 🟥 115 minutes in: $175.04 / 151,49 € *(volume: 287)* +- ⬜ 110 minutes in: $175.16 / 151,59 € *(volume: 281)* +- ⬜ 105 minutes in: $175.16 / 151,59 € *(volume: 281)* +- 🟥 100 minutes in: $175.16 / 151,59 € *(volume: 279)* +- 🟥 95 minutes in: $175.17 / 151,60 € *(volume: 274)* +- 🟥 90 minutes in: $175.29 / 151,70 € *(volume: 274)* +- 🟥 85 minutes in: $175.43 / 151,82 € *(volume: 226)* +- 🟩 80 minutes in: $175.46 / 151,85 € *(volume: 221)* +- 🟥 75 minutes in: $175.38 / 151,77 € *(volume: 216)* +- 🟥 70 minutes in: $176.37 / 152,64 ��� *(volume: 182)* +- 🟩 65 minutes in: $177.17 / 153,32 € *(volume: 170)* +- 🟥 60 minutes in: $175.90 / 152,23 € *(volume: 170)* +- 🟩 55 minutes in: $175.92 / 152,25 € *(volume: 170)* +- 🟩 50 minutes in: $175.91 / 152,24 € *(volume: 169)* +- ⬜ 45 minutes in: $175.90 / 152,23 € *(volume: 162)* +- 🟥 40 minutes in: $175.90 / 152,23 € *(volume: 138)* +- 🟥 35 minutes in: $175.91 / 152,24 € *(volume: 124)* +- 🟩 30 minutes in: $175.92 / 152,25 € *(volume: 116)* +- ⬜ 25 minutes in: $175.65 / 152,01 € *(volume: 116)* +- ⬜ 20 minutes in: $175.65 / 152,01 € *(volume: 106)* +- 🟥 15 minutes in: $175.65 / 152,01 € *(volume: 103)* +- 🟥 10 minutes in: $175.92 / 152,25 € *(volume: 93)* +- 🟥 5 minutes in: $175.98 / 152,30 € *(volume: 73)* +- 🟩 0 minutes in: $176.11 / 152,41 € *(volume: 58)* +- 🟥 US close price: $175.82 / 152,16 € *($175.98 / 152,30 € after-hours)* + + +*** +FAQ: I'm capturing current price and volume data from German exchanges and converting to USD. Today's euro -> USD conversion ratio is 1.1555. I programmed a tool that assists me in fetching this data and updating the post. If you'd like to check current prices directly, you can check [Lang & Schwarz](https://www.ls-tc.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) or [TradeGate](https://www.tradegate.de/orderbuch.php?isin=US36467W1099) + +Diamantenhände isn't simply a thread on Superstonk, it's a community that gathers daily to represent the many corners of this world who love this stock. Many thanks to the originator of the series, DerGurkenraspler, who we wish well. We all love seeing the energy that people represent their varied homelands. Show your flags, share some culture, and unite around GME! +The trade war with China will create uncertainty which will hurt economic growth. However, China is not likely to sell U.S. treasuries despite what some media outlets claim. If China sells treasuries and then dollars, it would put downward pressure on the dollar index which would help America. It could also cause treasury yields to fall in a flight to safety trade as growth would slow and uncertainty would rise. As you can see from the chart below, uncertainty is a large component of the potential effect of the trade war on GDP. + +[Tariff Effect ](https://i.imgur.com/EKE9TQm.jpg) + +[Will The Fed Cut Rates In 2019?](https://upfina.com/will-the-fed-cut-rates-in-2019/) +Global stocks are now worth $111 trillion, a fresh all time high. + +Global stocks have gained $1.5tn this week and hit fresh ATH. Global stocks now worth $111tn, highest value in history. Last week's gains sound rather bullish from a technical perspective. US and International stocks perform well (with the exception of China) while both growth and value sectors led gains. US small caps lagged, however. + +https://www.flowbank.com/hubfs/new%20ATH%20111%20trillion.png +I know diluting is normal for reits but that’s a lot of shares if this news is true. Also what do you guys think of NLY as a reit? I’ve owned them for a while but this is the first time I’ve ever seen news about something they’ve done that’s a big deal. +SCHD is a fine fund, and yes, it does produce more dividends than a total market fund. However, the downside to holding this fund in a taxable account has to do with tax efficiency. The "forced" income that the fund will produce each year is craved by some investors, and is considered undesirable by other investors. By being forced to recognize the dividend income each year on your tax return you're adding to the tax-drag of your taxable brokerage account. +So once you can call yourself a successful trader and you either do it full time or part time but you are a consistently profitable trader making money every month, what can you do to improve? Obviously you can backtest more and obviously you would be reviewing your trades and improving on any mistakes you make, but once you are officially a profitable trader what is there to do apart from gaining more experience in live market conditions to improve? + +Edit: I know i said ‘improve’ but i also mean what do you do in your spare time to keep your tools sharp, not so much improving them but what can you do to keep yourself at that high level, if that makes sense. +Hello, +I have been trading forex for a few hours everyday for 6 months. Have gone through the normal struggles that most traders go through. Unfortunately I’d say I’m stuck in Mark Douglas’ “boom & bust” cycle. I understand that being profitable does not happen over night. + My questions is, for those who have been able to consistently turn profit, how long did it take for everything to click. How many accounts have you blown and how much capital did you lose before turning profit. +My family recently moved to London and whilst it's nice I cannot get over how expensive everything is. From houses to music lessons and tution for the children. Our rent is paid for by my wife's employer for the duration of our stay. But how do people families in particular manage to live in London. Some of the parents at our children's school have 5 children, with only one parent working in a store or taxi driver but they seem to be doing ok.. +As the beginning of next year, California will enforce new animal welfare law for breeding pigs and other farm animals. But only 4% of the hog operations currently can comply. According to one farmer, to meet the new standard, he needs 3 million for the upgrade to raise just 250 hogs. Restaurants owners are worried because bacon is one of the most popular breakfast items and bacon helped their business survive the pandemic. ([https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-07-31/bacon-may-disappear-in-california-as-pig-rules-take-effect](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-07-31/bacon-may-disappear-in-california-as-pig-rules-take-effect?srnd=premium)). People love bacon from all backgrounds. "You know, I work and live with a lot of Asian and Hispanic populations in the city and their diet consists of pork bacon. Pork bacon is huge," Kim said. "It’s almost like bread and butter." + +Bacon love is ingrained into our soul and genetics and therefore an inelastic demand. A small change in bacon supply can lead to a drastic change in price, as explained by graph below. + +[Inelastic Demand Price Action](https://preview.redd.it/huc5pz6xoue71.jpg?width=570&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fcea15c61d5e19157c1cfb07d1e9684142bf67c2) + +According to consulting firm Hitamiya Group, if half of the pork supply was lost, bacon price would jump 60% which means a $6 package could rise to $9.60 cents ([https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-07-31/bacon-may-disappear-in-california-as-pig-rules-take-effect?srnd=premium](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-07-31/bacon-may-disappear-in-california-as-pig-rules-take-effect?srnd=premium)). If 90% - 95% of the supplies are gone, the fair price should be at least 2.5 times the current market value. And that means **1 package of bacon is $15 per package.** + +You must wonder, how do I profit from this? A very ancient trade technique - BUY LOW SELL HIGH + +I am not talking about buying 10 packs of bacon from Costco and resale them later. I am talking about doing it at scale. Go big or go home. + +**Step 1 - Install Freezers in Your Garage** + +Let’s figure out how many freezers you can potentially have. First park your cars on the street and empty the garage. The average garage size is 12 feet \* 22 feet \* 8 feet. So 12 \* 22 \* 8 = 2112 cubic feet. + +The below fridge dimension is 37.25 x 20.75 x 33.25 inches and can storage up to 7 cubic feet items. + +[ Ideal Fridge to Keep Bacon](https://preview.redd.it/yfk3jbp3que71.jpg?width=1282&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=731f5da26e2187ec37b1dbd4fbabc5b7789ebd15) + +Let’s do more math to see how many fridges your garage can potentially store. + +2112 (volume of garage) \* 1728 (1 cubic feet is 1728 cubic inch) / 37.25 \* 20.75 \* 33.25 (volume of fridge) = **142 fridges** + +Obviously you can’t just stack all of those fridges in the garage. Let’s say we can achieve 80% of that. And that means you can have around **110 fridges.** + +Remember to use Amazon FREE SHIPPING. Very important to save cost. + +**Fridge Cost with Tax**: 110 \* 229 \* 1.1 (Uncle Sam wants the tax) = **$27709** + +|**Item**|Cost| +|:-|:-| +|110 Fridges|$27709| + +**Step 2 - Buy Bacon in Bulk and use FREE SHIPPING** + +According to USDA ([https://www.ers.usda.gov/data-products/meat-price-spreads/](https://www.ers.usda.gov/data-products/meat-price-spreads/)), one package (1 pound) of bacon in June 2021 is about $6.67. We can get this much lower by buying from Costco in BULK. As you can see below, **our one package cost is $4.53** AFTER tax including delivery. Again, very important to use free shipping to save cost. + +[Bacon Price From Costco](https://preview.redd.it/4a12382erue71.png?width=1840&format=png&auto=webp&s=48f5dacba1eb055847e3b266aef24fb5abcee393) + +It's time to calculate how much to buy. The size of one package of bacon is about 10 inch \* 4 inch \* 1 inch so 40 cubic inch. And the volume of our fridge is 7 cubic feet which is 12096 cubic inch. So one fridge can store around 300 packages or pounds of bacon. With 110 fridges, we can store 33000 packages or pounds of bacon. Each pound of bacon is $4.53, so the total cost of bacon is $149,490 + +Total Cost So Far + +|**Item**|Cost| +|:-|:-| +|110 Fridges|$27709| +|33000 packages or 2200 cases of bacon|$149,490| + +**Step 3 - Factor In the Electricity Cost** + +Running 110 freezers in the garage is apparently very energy consuming and electricity is expensive in California, at about 20 cents / kWh. + +The freezer is 150 watts so running 110 freezers for let's say 6 months will cost $14256. You can check my math below: + +150 watts \* 6 (month) \* 30 (days) \* 24 (hours) / 1000 = 648 kWh (one fridge running a year energy consumption) + +648 kWh \* 0.2 cents / kWh \* 110 = $14256 + +Total Cost So Far + +|**Item**|Cost| +|:-|:-| +|110 Fridges|$27709| +|33000 packages or 2200 cases of bacon|$149,490| +|Electricity|$14256| + +Step 4 - Sell High And Take Profits + +Don't diamond hand bacon, you are in 2022 and it's time to sell for a profit! + +The cost of bacon per package factoring in everything so far is **$5.8.** And we unload each package for $15. So that means each package profit is $9.2. + +# The total profit is $9.2 * 33000 = $303,600 + +If you too lazy to contact customers or answer phone calls yourself, just hire someone for like 20K a month to the work for you. I expect the inventory goes to zero in a month so at the end of the day, you pocket close to $280,000 profits. + +And you can figure out the tax part and probably can resell those freezers for half the price. + +TLDR: Buy Bacon Now and Get Rich Later +I've been spending the last few weeks browsing this sub and other related sites trying to gauge sentiment and see what other investors like myself (who are on the sidelines) have been thinking about the current market. General consensus seemed to share the opinion that we are only a few weeks into the crisis and things will get worse before they get better. However, since then the Fed has stepped in with unprecedented action and now there is a new stimulus package expected to pass this week. Has anyone's outlook changed? + +A few of the stocks on my watch list (TSLA, DIS, SQ) have seen a massive rally over the last two days and I'm kicking myself for not budging. I'm too stubborn to buy in now but I have this terrible feeling that I will be left on the sidelines while the market begins to make a recovery. +Correct me on this but I think that if GME were to do an NFT dividend, it would help to be able to demonstrate to a court a specific reason it had to do it via NFT. Well, what if the NFT dividend gave you access to a shareholders-only/ape-only lounge in the metaverse? + +1. it would allow shareholders to see first-hand what they have helped fund the creation of + +2. it would encourage new GME hodlers + +3. It would demonstrate a Web3 prototype for keeping shills & bots away from public discourse. + +Number 3 has me hyped the most. A community of 100k+ people would be able to interact without shills or bots?! Being able to compare mainstream discourse with discourse in this "apes-only" room would be so interesting i feel. + +If we assume that GME is doing an NFT dividend then I feel like there's no reason an apes-only lounge shouldn't also exist. It makes too much sense. +I’ve seen a lot of posts on holding cash until after the election and it seems to be a consistent thread across most subs. Could this be setting up some tailwinds for immediately after the election once the slightest bit of uncertainty is off the table and FOMO takes over? + +That said, I’m thinking about selling a few put spreads to ‘hedge’ my conservative positions in case we see money flow back into the market quicker than expected. + +Good or bad idea? +So I just got my hands on a Bloomberg terminal, I have heard about it but cant seem to figure out what the whole fuss is about... Also what crazy stuff can I do with it? +So I just got my hands on a Bloomberg terminal, I have heard about it but cant seem to figure out what the whole fuss is about... Also what crazy stuff can I do with it? +Everyone here hates Robinhood, and rightfully so, I hate them too! + +BUT, their interface is amazing and so user friendly. Don’t get me wrong, I hate the company, but it seems their layout is so much better than every other broker I look at out there. + +They all seem so outdated, what broker do you all use? +Anyone going to calendar spreads? I put my first one on the other day. I don't have much experience at these and I was wondering if any thetagangers had any pointers. +I am trying to figure out what would be an efficient strategy. I tried selling deep otm spreads (like .10 delta), and I don't quite like that profit is usually small but max loss is the same as selling atm spread with higher profit. Yes, atm has higher chance of getting itm at max loss, but because premium is higher, therefore maximum loss is actually less than .10 delta maximum loss. + +Anyone with experience care to share a bit of their experience? +https://docs.house.gov/meetings/BA/BA00/20210218/111207/HHRG-117-BA00-Wstate-GillK-20210218.pdf + +There is no tl;dr, click on the fucking article. + +I adore this man. +https://www.cnbc.com/2019/06/09/american-airlines-extends-boeing-737-max-to-september.html + +American Airlines has taken the Boeing 737 Max out of its schedule through Sept. 3, later than the previously planned Aug. 19. + +The planes were grounded worldwide in mid-March following two fatal crashes. + +Boeing has finished a software patch for the planes but aviation officials haven't signed off on it yet. +Hey all, + +a few months ago I purchased a small loft apartment in downtown Reykjavik, Iceland. It's livable but is definitely a fixer upper, so I'll be spending next autumn on renovating it. Seeing as I've just graduated as a journeyman carpenter, working as an apprentice to a master who specializes in renovating old buildings, I'm confident in being able to do most of the work myself, no problem there. + +I'm planning on house hacking at first, and I've already found a friend who wants to rent the extra room for about two thirds of the overall cost (loan payments, property tax, homeowners' association, plumbing and electricity), who has some construction experience himself and is open to helping out when needed in return for discounted rent. + +So all in all I'm excited for the next few months/year. There were people renting the apartment when I bought it, and they have a three month period in which to move out. It looks like they'll be staying the full period, which works fine for me as I managed to negotiate the deal so that the rent during that period goes straight to me, meaning an extra 1200$ in profit before moving in, which is a sweet bonus for someone just getting started in RE. + +Anyway, I would like to branch out from this apartment as soon as possible. When I've renovated it to my satisfaction I want to rent it out and move into the next fixer-upper. I've been looking at the BRRRR system from Bigger Pockets, which is very exciting to me. My main confusion lies in securing the next loan. I'll need 20% down (as opposed to 15% for this one, as it's my first property). Refinancing after renovation is the obvious option, but I'm not sure if it'll cover the whole 20%. + +Seeing as the loan I have now runs at about 4.5% interest, it would seem to be sensible to put at least part of whatever I save month by month into paying down the loan. Basically, I'm paying about 1000$ off the loan each month, while only about 20$ of that payment pays off the loan itself, while the other 980$ is pure interest. + +Please correct me if I'm calculating this wrong, but it seems to me that paying another 20$ extra on the loan each month would end up saving me 980$ in interest. An extra 100 dollars would save me 4400$ in interest (in the long run, obviously). + +Finally, my question is this: if refinancing after renovation doesn't end up covering the down payment for my next property, would it make more sense to focus on paying off the loan as fast as possible (obviously still keeping a stash of liquid funds for emergencies, etc.), and then taking out a new loan on the capital created by doing that? + +Or would it make more sense to actually just save the money outright for the next down payment? + +Are there other options I should look into in order to be able to quickly move on to the next property after I'm done with this one? + +Thanks a lot for any advice! + +tl;dr + +What are the best options for securing the down payment for my second property, apart from refinancing after renovating, paying off the loan on the first property as quickly as possible and then taking a secured loan off the capital, or saving outright? +Disclosure: I don’t have a need to pump or pimp this stock as I am sitting on 3X on my investment and am a long term holder. Sharing here for general interest. + +The opportunity: The stock I am putting forward is Incannex Healthcare (ASX: IHL). I will link below a few threads which has more than info: + +https://hotcopper.com.au/threads/ihl-summary-november-2020.5786693/#post-49223375 + +Register for free and read an in-depth analysis here: https://tradingformillions.com/were-back-folks-why-incannex-healthcare-is-growing-into-the-next-billion-dollar-behemoth/ + +Jan 2021 AGM presentation: https://www.asx.com.au/asxpdf/20210125/pdf/44rzr1bhj6wgzc.pdf + +My key notes: +Company is going after 4 drugs with very high $$$ markets which have unmet needs. + +Company’s trials are showing the drugs to be of very high efficacy and safety. + +BOD & Snr mgmt interests are aligned to SH and are of very high caliber. + +The regulatory environment globally is legalising/ re-classifying Cannabis (Medical Marijuana) and Psilocybin (Magic mushroom extract). However the company doesn’t use this news to pump their share price but instead focus on delivering great outcomes to the needy patients and shareholders. + +The register is relatively tight with a number of long term investors and Top 20 holding 38% of outstanding shares. + +Extremely respectful and intelligent forum on HotCopper where meaningful Q&A happens (a rarity on HotCopper). + +Company has enough funds in the coffers to see thru the trials. Also about 110 million options (about 10% of shares outstanding) due to expire later this year which will add to company funds. + +FDA approval on any of the pipeline drugs could result in the company going from under $200Mn market cap to a Billion quickly. + +There was a recent acquisition- Jazz Pharma acquired GW Pharma in a $7.2 Billion deal which is heralded as a first cannabis company acquisition by a major. Hence this drive more interest in the Medical Marijuana (MM) sector. (Note that I am not referring to the CBD or CBD oil sector). + +Good luck and welcome constructive feedback. + Hey guys, currently a 23 year old male making about 9200/month after taxes. My mortgage and all monthly expenses add up to about 2000 dollars. I currently contribute 3000 dollars a month to a brokerage account and 500 dollars a month into a Roth IRA. I have a financial advisor that heads the accounts I’m trying to get my savings up to 10 grand, which should be done by June. After my savings is filled up, I’ll have about 3 grand left over each month and I’m just wondering what to do with it. I’ve thought about opening another brokerage account and investing in index funds. Any advice is much appreciated! +So, I own 4 rental properties now and am doing fairly well, but I believe we can always learn more. + +I'd love some book recommendations that can help me figure out what I can do better (my ultimate goal is about 15-20 properties), but almost all the book recs I've seen seem to be geared towards beginners. + +A little more info if it's helpful: I do pretty much everything on my own, apart from when the problem is too big and I need to hire an expert. After I get to the 15-20 house range I might consider hiring a property manager, but for now I'm comfortable without one. + +I also prefer to pay for the houses with cash I get from flips/my job. I know this is a much slower and less financially smart way of doing things, but I'm extremely risk adverse and this is how I feel most comfortable. So, I'm not looking for a book that is really focused on leveraging debt. + +Thanks! +Any self-employed individuals in this sub? I'll be paying myself a salary starting this year via my LLC (taxed as S-Corp). + +Since that will be considered W2 income, how quickly will I be able to qualify for a loan? Are there additional requirements when the salary is coming from someone's own company or am I overthinking this and the bank will just see it as any old W2? + + +Twitter's new owner Elon Musk, who is also CEO of electric vehicle maker [Tesla](https://www.cnbc.com/quotes/TSLA/) and U.S. defense contractor SpaceX, told employees of the social media business on Thursday that he recently sold shares of Tesla to "save Twitter." + +He made the remarks during an all-hands meeting that he hosted in part to motivate Twitter employees who remain after sweeping layoffs to work hard. Musk let go of about half of Twitter employees following his acquisition of the company for $44 billion, or $54.20 per share. + +[As CNBC previously reported,](https://www.cnbc.com/elon-musk/) to finance his portion of that take-private deal, last week Musk sold at least another $3.95 billion worth of [Tesla](https://www.cnbc.com/quotes/TSLA/) stock. According to filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission published Tuesday, the batch of shares he just sold amounted to 19.5 million more shares of Tesla. + +Earlier this year, he also sold over $8 billion worth of Tesla stock in April and roughly $7 billion worth in August. + +Musk has [brought in employees from Tesla](https://www.cnbc.com/2022/10/31/elon-musk-has-pulled-more-than-50-tesla-engineers-into-twitter.html), including dozens of Autopilot engineers, to help with code review and other work at Twitter along with friends, financial backers and deputies from other companies that he has co-founded. + + + +Among other things, [Musk wants Twitter to generate half of its revenue from Twitter Blue subscribers](https://www.cnbc.com/2022/11/10/read-elon-musks-first-email-to-all-twitter-employees.html), and to become less reliant on advertising revenue. + +Musk’s Twitter distraction has shaken some of Tesla’s most stalwart bulls. For example, [CNBC Pro reported](https://www.cnbc.com/2022/11/10/wedbush-removes-tesla-from-its-top-stocks-list-says-twitter-deal-an-albatross.html), Wedbush Securities has removed Tesla from its top stock list. The firm has called Musk’s Twitter deal a “train wreck disaster,” saying the celebrity CEO has “tarnished” the Tesla story and created an “agonizing cycle” for shareholders to navigate. +The Fox news lady had me thinking today and I realized what they don't understand. + +We aren't investors, we are collectors. They want us to act like investors but we don't. Because we aren't. We are collectors. Let me explain. + +This whole thing was my crash course to stocks. All I knew going in was what "they" always told us about the stock market. "Don't invest more than you are willing to lose". So I did that. + +But that was their downfall. + +Now I look at the money as spent. It's gone. It's not really invested. I spent it. **There is a difference.** + +I think of myself more as a collector now. I am a GameStop collector. I spend money on this sick company. I collect the GameStop shares themselves. Look at them. They are sick. + +Just like any collector, maybe one day I'll sell some. For the right price. But for now they are mine. I like looking at them. I can't really explain it. They make me happy to look at. That is all. + +LOOK AT THEM 🥰🥰🥰 + + I also have a matchbox car collection. 🤷🏼‍♂️ +The stock market seems to have been a game of rotation from one sector to another the past 1-2 years. During early pandemic stay at home was all the rage. Then turned into recovery towards the end of 2020 when good data behind the vaccine was coming out. Early 2021 was all about meme stocks. Growth was continuing to have wild swings and retail kept “buying the dip.” Now we’re seeing another rotation away from tech and any company that has recently IPO’d or SPAC’d. Due to inflation concerns the algorithms are selling heavy any money losing company. This “game of rotations” and people panic selling when the fed does anything reminds me to keep DCA’ing into a total market etf or mutual fund (or one of your other favorite broad etf’s). Keep reminding yourself you cannot beat nor time the market and you will win long term. +I worked for Amazon years ago and still have \~1000 shares (cashed out some to put a down payment on a house 14 years ago). My wife and I make $100k combined, and we live frugally in a small town. Not many people know my history, and fewer still know my net worth. + +My job is stable. We both have retirement accounts that are doing okay, and our kid's college fund is doing alright too. + +The question is whether to diversify and what amount. I'd like to work for another 3 - 5 years and then go part-time (employer willing). We think we'd like to someday give some money to local cool stuff like scholarships or park developments, etc., and every now and then we have pipe dreams about a winter getaway (Mexican / Central American condo, etc.). Sometimes none of it feels real, and I want to act as wisely as possible. + +Anyway. I'd love some input. + + +Edit: Thanks, everyone. I'm in the process of finding a local advisor, and I'll talk this over with them. I really appreciate your thoughts about both "whether" and "how/how much." Some truly great perspective and mental exercises here. +What do you think of the primary residence tradeoffs between view+privacy/safety vs being centrally located in a city? I am posting this in FatFIRE since it's hard to find a good discussion of these tradeoffs for our price range. + +We are considering moving out of the center of the city and into a quieter, safer area with great views. I would love to hear from others who have lived in a range of houses throughout their life - and ideally who had kids. How did you make the tradeoffs? Did it go well - or did you have regrets? + +**Life stage:** retired 3 years ago, but might work again. One toddler. HCOL city. Looking at houses in the 3-5M range. + +**Status quo:** + +* House is very centrally located in the city, walkable to many things and 5-20min drive to the rest. +* Somewhat loud, between street noise and being under the airport flight path. Very noticeable when outside. +* Easy public transit access - something we've not used since we had a child. +* Easy bike trail access - also something we've not used since we had a child. +* Safety issues lately around the neighborhood - e.g. had a homeless encampment a few blocks away. +* Minimal views of nearby greenery. + +**New potential house:** + +* 180 degree unobstructed water view from all spaces we regularly use. +* Safe, private, and quiet. +* Great outdoor spaces. +* Not walkable to anything except the community beach access. +* Adds 10-20 minutes to getting into the center of the city, meeting friends for dinner, etc. +* No public transit. +* No bike trail access. + +Thanks in advance. +Analysts don't know whether the market is going to go up down or sideways. + +Classic case is TESLA. No analyst called TSLA at $900 a share last year. Every time TSLA rallied they updated their price target. They litteraly do not know what the fuck is going to happen any more than you or I +My post has been deemed as FUD. So rather than leave the post up, I've decided the right thing to do is to delete the post outright. I've learned the hard way that having opinions that challenge the herd mentality is unwelcome. I believed that the experience I had trading derivatives for an investment bank would provide some valuable counterparty insight, but clearly, I was wrong. + +I'll also be leaving the sub and clearing my account of all GME/AMC related content. I've always welcomed thoughtful debate and the warmth of this community, but after receiving multiple insults, death threats, and being told to kill myself, I now see that this community has changed into something reckless and dangerous that I no longer wish to be a part of. + +Best of luck to you all. I sincerely hope you all receive the life-changing money that you're hoping for. +I have a fairly high household income ~2m this year and live in a vhol place. A conversation with someone very wealthy got me thinking about using my high income to leverage my real estate investment. Has anyone here used interest only mortgage before? If yes, why go down that route vs a traditional mortgage? +I applied to get a credit card in many banks and got denied every single time for always the same reason: "no employment status", which is obvious if you retire. Why asking for wealth and revenue from dividends if they don't consider it? + +The only credit card I can get is through my private bank. It is not bad but they don't offer cashback or miles. My bank offered me the Amex Centurion Black, but the fees are ridiculously high. I used to have other credit cards with perks, but they were only valid before I moved abroad. + +How do you handle your credit card if you retired early and moved abroad? Are there any bank delivering cards with miles to people who fatFired? +I’m considering putting a small portion of my portfolio into syndicated real estate deals. Perhaps 10% over the long run, with the rest in VTSAX. I was convinced by [this post](https://earlyretirementnow.com/2020/02/26/real-estate-investments-and-safe-withdrawal-math-swr-series-part-36/) on EarlyRetirementNow that I should consider it. However, I have no idea what I am doing. So, here are my questions as I get started learning. + +* What sort of due diligence should I do on the syndicators and funds? I’m starting to reach out to a few established firms/developers, but I’m not entirely sure what to look for in their offerings. +* How do I compare offerings? The pref rates are different, the strategies are different, the split of the long term ownership is different. +* Should I believe what the offering memos say? I assume I’m not going to get completely scammed as long as the fund/syndicator has a long history. But it’s easy to imagine they are all being overly optimistic on projections. On the other hand I’m paying high fees because these operators have strong local knowledge. +* How do I get a better handle on the tax issues? I realize I could hire an accountant, but I’d like to read as much as I can myself first. +* Is this really worth it, or should I just stick to VTSAX? + +I’m particularly interested in hearing first hand experiences from people who have done this before. I have no interest in being a landlord or in buying REITs. +Last September my girlfriend bought a 2008 Nissan Sentra from a shady used car lot in Latonia, KY (Time Auto Sales, avoid this place like the plague). They absolutely took advantage of her lack of information about cars/financing at the time and hosed her on a car loan. I wish I would have known her at the time and I would have strongly advised her against doing business with these shady used car lots, let alone purchasing this car. The car was in decent condition but had 100,000 miles on it, they sold the car her for $10,148 (which is more than TWICE what the car is worth) and financed it at an APR of 19.5%, bringing the total to $12,821 with interest. She is to make 128 payments of $100 until February of 2020, this equates to nearly $400 a month which is nearly a 1/3 of her income. To state the obvious, she cannot afford this. I make decent money and I would struggle to afford this. I don't know anyone whose monthly payment is this outrageous for a car, and if it is they are driving a high-end luxury car. She has been paying on the car for nearly a year now and still owes around $7.5k. + +We have looked into refinancing the car with Navy Federal (she is active Army Reserves), but they will not give her a loan because her payoff amount is more than what the car is worth (they valued the car at about $4k in its current condition). The car has about 136k miles on it and is starting to rack up some maintenance costs. The muffler is rusting out (this was something that was not disclosed to her at the time of purchase) and she is going to need her front breaks done soon. I am afraid she is going to be stuck in an awful situation where her car isn't going to last much longer and she is going to be on the hook for the payoff amount of her loan with no car to show for. + +Besides refinancing, does she have any other options? I know there are some crafty and savvy redditors our there, I would love for your advice/take on this situation. Thanks in advance! + +EDIT: I appreciate all the constructive feedback! I realize my girlfriend made an awful decision and I am not denying her ownership of what she did. After coaching her up, she now understands the significance of her mistake and the financial burden that it is weighing on her. + +I am going to have her start with reaching out to her chain of command at her reserve unit and see if she can get pointed in the right direction. In the meantime, all she can do is try to get this thing paid down and keep up with the maintenance on her car, this will require her to work more hours / pick up a 2nd part time job but she has to do what it takes. + +As a side note her ETS date is this September. She is considering re-upping her reserve contract for 3 more years and that comes with a 10k signing bonus, so this could potentially help. + +Again, I appreciate all the feedback, awesome community! +I work in Financial Services and financially the pension and share scheme are the most important to me. + +On a personal level it's the ability to buy an extra weeks holiday every year. + +So, what sector do you work in and what benefits matter most to you/would you look for in your next job? +Nikola's $36,000 quarterly revenue was from solar installation for the chairman + +https://www.cnbc.com/2020/08/05/nikolas-entire-quarterly-revenue-of-36000-was-from-solar-installation-for-the-executive-chairman.html?__source=androidappshare +I did my part today! + +Called Fidelity; agent was super friendly. Did last-in-first-out. + +He did say that it may take longer than average to move shares due to the VOLUME being moved. + +BULLISH AF! + +HODL / DRS / BUY (through CS!) + +Let's set this bitch off to the moon apes. We have the power. No more waiting for someone else to light the fuse! + +DO YOUR PART! DRS! +Guten Morgen to this global band of Apes! 👋🦍 + +On Monday, I asked you to make a list. +When you are closely attuned to what you HODL for, you will know when it is time for you to act. + +Yesterday, I implored you to increase your security and ability to access your accounts. +Do not let poor cybersecurity or lack of preparation be the reason that you are unable to act when the time comes. + +Today, I am asking for you to do something that might be uncomfortable. +I want you to reflect inwardly and identify the ways that you are susceptible to emotional manipulation, often simply called 'FUD'. + +Fear. Uncertainty. Doubt. + +This kind of emotional manipulation takes many forms. +I am convinced that much of the FUD that we see so regularly is *intentionally* obvious, to get Apes to lower our defenses. +Many of us have felt the wave of emotions wash across us while watching one of GME's extraordinary runs. +As confident as I am that GME has every right to explosively break upward, I have not yet overcome my emotional reaction to seeing it. +And we haven't seen *anything* yet. + +I have no doubt that there are experts in psychology helping to create plans to manipulate those emotions to our detriment. +It takes serious effort to look inwardly and identify the ways that you personally will be impacted when those plans are put into effect. +Can you HODL confidently when the FUD machine starts dumping out 'gain porn' intended to make you feel like the only HODLer left, who may be left holding the bag? +Can you HODL confidently while Apes are blamed for teacher pension funds going broke? +Can you HODL confidently when your friends and family start calling because they heard that the squeeze was over and the price started to drop? + +These are but a few of the ways we'll be targeted. +Please take the time *now* to think inwardly on how you'll react during this time. +How you'll react when your brokerage account has far more digits than you ever dreamed possible. +Now is the time to work on controlling your emotional responses, because when the MOASS comes it will be too late. + +Remember to let your list be your guide. + +Today is Wednesday, June 29th, and you know what that means! Join other apes around the world to watch infrequent updates from the German markets! + +###🚀 Buckle Up! 🚀 +*** + + +- 🟩 120 minutes in: **$124.79 / 118,16 €** *(volume: 425)* +- 🟥 115 minutes in: $124.74 / 118,12 € *(volume: 425)* +- 🟩 110 minutes in: $125.19 / 118,54 € *(volume: 424)* +- 🟥 105 minutes in: $124.81 / 118,18 € *(volume: 399)* +- 🟩 100 minutes in: $124.91 / 118,28 € *(volume: 399)* +- 🟥 95 minutes in: $124.81 / 118,18 € *(volume: 397)* +- ⬜ 90 minutes in: $124.88 / 118,25 € *(volume: 392)* +- ⬜ 85 minutes in: $124.88 / 118,25 € *(volume: 392)* +- ⬜ 80 minutes in: $124.88 / 118,25 € *(volume: 392)* +- ⬜ 75 minutes in: $124.88 / 118,25 € *(volume: 378)* +- 🟥 70 minutes in: $124.88 / 118,25 € *(volume: 378)* +- ⬜ 65 minutes in: $124.89 / 118,25 € *(volume: 359)* +- ⬜ 60 minutes in: $124.89 / 118,25 € *(volume: 359)* +- 🟥 55 minutes in: $124.89 / 118,25 € *(volume: 348)* +- 🟥 50 minutes in: $125.22 / 118,56 € *(volume: 158)* +- 🟥 45 minutes in: $125.23 / 118,57 € *(volume: 155)* +- 🟥 40 minutes in: $125.25 / 118,59 € *(volume: 155)* +- 🟥 35 minutes in: $125.28 / 118,62 € *(volume: 155)* +- 🟩 30 minutes in: $125.31 / 118,65 € *(volume: 144)* +- 🟥 25 minutes in: $125.29 / 118,63 € *(volume: 144)* +- 🟩 20 minutes in: $125.32 / 118,66 € *(volume: 125)* +- 🟩 15 minutes in: $125.24 / 118,59 € *(volume: 124)* +- 🟩 10 minutes in: $125.20 / 118,55 € *(volume: 72)* +- 🟩 5 minutes in: $125.02 / 118,38 € *(volume: 70)* +- 🟩 0 minutes in: $124.93 / 118,29 € *(volume: 42)* +- 🟥 US close price: $124.38 / 117,77 € *($124.55 / 117,93 € after-hours)* + + +*** +FAQ: I'm capturing current price and volume data from German exchanges and converting to USD. Today's euro -> USD conversion ratio is 1.0561. I programmed a tool that assists me in fetching this data and updating the post. If you'd like to check current prices directly, you can check [Lang & Schwarz](https://www.ls-tc.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) or [TradeGate](https://www.tradegate.de/orderbuch.php?isin=US36467W1099) + +Diamantenhände isn't simply a thread on Superstonk, it's a community that gathers daily to represent the many corners of this world who love this stock. Many thanks to the originator of the series, DerGurkenraspler, who we wish well. We all love seeing the energy that people represent their varied homelands. Show your flags, share some culture, and unite around GME! +I discovered this sub in 2016 and realized that FI is important to me, so much that it's now one of my two goals in life. But in 2017 I did miserably - only saving 18% of my income when I'd planned for 40%. This year I got really close - did 33% which in numbers was double the amount!! There were some medical expenses that prevented more saving + I really love going out drinking and I didn't have the discipline to reduce it as much as I wanted. + +New things that I did this year: + +* didn't touch my bonus - saved all of it +* increased my credit card repayment minimum (almost fully repaid) +* made sure I have an untouchable emergency fund of 3mo income +* doubled the automatic transfer to a retirement account - in my country I cannot invest in the market either local or international (we're kind of isolated like that) so my only option is stupid retirement accounts with banks or insurance. +* stopped traveling on vacation +* went out less & to less expensive places; drank less per night out, and stopped eating out. + +So basically in 2016 42% of my income went to savings + supporting my parents and 58% to general expenses whereas this year I reversed it and 58% is going to savings and parents. + +For next year I'll be looking to do maybe 45% saved (at least 40%) and definitely reduce what I can in expenses. I'll also shop around for better interest rates with banks. I'll try to get seasonal work that I could do during vacation - this would help for small extras. I will also try to get a decent raise from work. I don't know what I could do further, I already live with parents and don't have a car. Might you guys have some ideas? +Amazon could hit $1 trillion in market cap in the next 12 to 18 months, analyst Dan Ives said Monday. + +The GBH Insights analyst raised the price target for the e-commerce giant to $1,850 from $1,500. + +"The Prime membership moat that [CEO Jeff] Bezos & Co. have built is gaining further steam in the field, and the Amazon 'flywheel effect' is further playing out globally among consumers," Ives said in a note. + + +"The Bezos strategic path, both on the consumer and enterprise fronts, are still in the middle innings of playing out and Amazon remains a 'green light' name to own at these levels," he said. + +Amazon's "1-2 punch" of consumer retail growth and Amazon Web Services — combined with Whole Foods tailwinds and a push into healthcare — could push the company past the milestone, Ives said. + +Published by CNBC.com (CNBC) +Link (Source): https://www.cnbc.com/2018/02/26/amazon-market-cap-could-hit-1-trillion-in-12-months-dan-ives-says.html + + +Note: Amazon like it namesake river could become the largest company in history of business by 2030 with an unprecedented $2 Trillion stock market capitalization (stock value). Long Live Amazon! +So I was accepted into the early access for Robinhood. I linked my bank account and was immediately asked if I would like to perform an xfer. I decided to throw $100 bucks over there just to see what would happen. AS SOON AS I CLICKED "TRANSFER" THE MONEY APPEARED AS AVAILABLE FUNDS. Ya...see ya coinbase. No more 7-10 day waits. Just thought I would share. + +EDIT- In FEB you will be able to buy BTC and ETH - The app also monitors the following coins: BTC, ETH, XRP, BCH, LTC, QTUM, ETC, XLM, NEO, ZEC, XMR, DASH, BTG, LSK, OBG, DOGE. No clue on what they are adding in the future or when, however, I do find it interesting that they only monitor those coins...curious if those are ones that they will be adding as time goes on. +Yesterday I got a letter in the mail notifying me that "THE HOME DEPOT TOOL RENTAL-DIY has not yet received past due amount of $99.46. Unless, within thirty days after your receipt of this notice, you dispute the validity of the debt or any portion thereof, we will assume the debt to be valid. If within thirty days after your receipt of this notice, you notify us in writing that the debt or any portion thereof is disputed, we will obtain verification of the debt or copy of a judgement." + +I never rented anything from HD Tool Rentals, I did go there one time with the intention of renting a tool, but I canceled and went and bought the tool instead. I have a copy of the original contract showing that it was voided. + +My questions are: + +* Has it already been reported to the credit agencies? +* How can I dispute this erroneous collections claim? +* Has anyone else gone through this that could offer some advice? + +I appreciate all comments and advice! +I was looking at land for sale and noticed some marina berths advertised around $17k. +I got curious and looked into what their rent prices were and noticed some around $100 p/w. + + +Supposing I was to buy a couple and rent them out for a little passive income, would there be any maintenance costs or other costs I would need to pay the marina? I couldn't really find much online +Hoping someone with more experience with boats and marina life could offer more insight +I am getting forced to take annual leave. The company decided it doesn’t want to have a large liability. But it’s not like I can go anywhere now. Should I just sell it? Or is there a reason why it is not good to sell leave that I am not aware of. +It's becoming increasingly evident that my own generation (25-40) is becoming less hospitable than those before us. Growing up in a European family, whenever we would have visitors over, culturally it was important to my parents to be as welcoming as possible, part of this being offering drinks (coffee, tea, juice, etc) and providing snacks such as cakes, biscuits, chocolates, dips, etc to be consumed as we caught up with visitors. The expense of the spreads sometimes put out would have been considerable. + +This has been followed on by my wife and I to a less expensive degree, so we always have things like coffee, soft drinks, biscuits, chocolate, chips to offer to impromptu visitors and for those planned catchups go beyond this e.g. cheese platter, cured meats, maybe a small fruit plater, a tea cake. These small measures aren't exactly expensive but go a long way to being welcoming hosts. + +While some people share these values, I've noticed as many, if not more, throw the concept of hospitability out the window. I'm talking being invited to someone's house, spending a couple hours there and not being offered so much as a glass of water. I imagine that for some it is cultural thing but for others a frugality measure. + +I understand that providing a drink and snacks to guests may cost you anywhere from $5-20 depending on the number of guests, but I wouldn't have thought forgoing this is worth the consequence of possible making your guests uncomfortable. + +Keen to promote some discussion on this as it is probably something everyone has experienced and has a view on. Has your frugality impacted your willingness to host guests? To what extent has it impacted on what you offer your guests? Those who have been on the receiving end, are you less likely to visit again in the future? +I don't get why everyone's panties are in a twist. If you want to maintain your dividend yield just sell the new shares (in warner/disc) and reinvest them back into an appropriate dividend stock (or AT&T if it has a depressed share price and thus higher dividend yield than expected. Might be a slight difference, but overall the change shouldn't be too drastic, right? + + +Plus, the new dividend will be safer, more secure, and in a company that is actually investing in a stable growth strategy +I posted this in [/r/BitcoinMarkets](http://www.reddit.com/r/BitcoinMarkets/comments/1yv76o/daily_discussion_tuesday_february_25_2014/cfo2wpt?context=3) but I think it will be useful here. + +If you've just woken up, you're probably thinking what the fuck is going on. Here's a summary of what occured in the last few hours, in order: + + +**1.)** [MtGox allegedly lose 750,000 Bitcoins](http://two-bit-idiot.tumblr.com/post/77745633839/bitcoins-apocalyptic-moment-mt-gox-may-have-lost), according to an **ALLEGED** leaked document by MtGox, titled "Crisis Strategy Draft". TwoBitIdiot, who leaked the document, is a known person within the Bitcoin community. + +**2.)** He then decides to [leak the document to the public 1 - 2 hours later](http://two-bit-idiot.tumblr.com/post/77760399932/update-on-mt-gox-this-document-appears-to-be) confirming this number, and within the document it says they are to rebrand as http://gox.com and lie their way out of this mess. + +**3.)** After the document is leaked to everyone, MtGox halts trades immediately (Around 5 minutes after the leak) + +**4.)** At this point, http://gox.com is still a parked domain, and not long after starts to redirect to http://mtgox.com (EDIT: More information on the domain situation from [chris45215](http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/1yuopj/trading_disabled_on_mt_gox_its_happening/cfnye71), which basically confirms that MtGox were indeed planning to relaunch as Gox.com as explained in the leaked document. Further info on [Domain Investing.](http://www.domaininvesting.com/andy-booth-sells-gox-com/)) + +**5.)** After around 30 minutes, [Coinbase, Blockchain, Circle and Kraken](http://blog.coinbase.com/post/77766809700/joint-statement-regarding-mtgox) simultaneously release identical articles titled "Joint Statement Regarding the Insolvency of Mt.Gox" (EDIT: Since then, some of the articles have removed the word "insolvency", but not all of them.) + +**6.)** A further 5 minutes later, http://mtgox.com is taken completely offline. + +**7.)** And now we are here, with not a single word from MtGox. +**Floki Inu, or FLOKI, is going to be the next SHIB (or bigger).** + +**That's a legit 100x potential... and it can do 1,000x if Elon Musk shills it hard.** + +**This is due to the Elon Musk Factor:** + +**On June 25, Elon Musk tweeted, "*****My Shiba Inu will be named Floki.*****"** 👀 + +**This tweet led to the Floki Inu meme coin being created.** + +**We all know that Elon controls the meme market:** + +* **Elon sent Doge from about $400 million to ATH of $80 billion+** +* **He pumped $SHIB 1,000x** 🚀 **without directly mentioning it (just by talking about Shiba Inus).** + +**FLOKI on the other hand was mentioned directly by Elon and will be the name of his Shiba.** + +**It's almost guaranteed at this point that Elon will be shilling FLOKI as hard as DOGE. 🐶** + +**Elon has always been consistent (in his support for Doge and Shiba Inus) and when he says he will be naming his Shiba Inu FLOKI, you can count on it.** + +**Quick facts about Floki Inu:** + +* **It owns the "FLOKI" on both CMC and CG.** ✔️ +* **Has utility; Just partnered with CryptoCart and is one of the few cryptos to be supported by them to purchase things on Amazon, Netflix, Apple, PlayStation, and 1,700+ stores (using their proprietary "crypto to gift card" tech).** ✔️ +* **Liquidity locked for 100 years+ on BSC and ETH.** 🔒 +* **Over $2 million LP each on both ETH and BSC — which makes it easy for whales to ape and also very big compared to other meme coins.** ✔️ +* **As seen in Forbes, Seeking Alpha, IBTimes, CryptoSlate, etc.** ✔️ +* **Regularly ranked above DOGE and SHIB for social engagement by LunarCrush (reminds me of SHIB in the early days before 1,000x).** ✔️ +* **Only major dog meme that is cross-chain and has a working bridge.** ✔️ +* **10 - 12% slippage on both ETH and SBC.** ✔️ + +**If SHIB did over 1,000x in weeks because of Elon Musk casually talking about Shiba Inus... FLOKI, which he has mentioned directly, and will name his dog after, is pretty much going to do 100x.** 🚀 + +**And it's just $50 million market cap right now (much smaller than SHIB and other meme coins).** 📈 + +**Website:** [**https://theflokiinu.com/**](https://theflokiinu.com/) + +**Dextools (BSC):** [**https://www.dextools.io/app/pancakeswap/pair-explorer/0xb372ea0debcc8235c2374929028284973e4f5e26**](https://www.dextools.io/app/pancakeswap/pair-explorer/0xb372ea0debcc8235c2374929028284973e4f5e26) + +**TG:** [**https://t.me/FlokiInuToken**](https://t.me/FlokiInuToken) +Serious question: why wheel yourself instead of investing in an ETF in which professionals sells covered calls and pay you the premiums they collect as dividends? + +Is it because you feel you can get greater returns on your own? The expenses associated with the funds? You dislike their strategy or management? These funds are not stable? You prefer the control of doing it yourself? Or another reason? + +Thanks +I could buy 1,000 shares of lucid, and sell cover calls over my entry so there’s absolutely no risk is that right? + +Lucid + +1,000 shares @ $40 average + +Sell calls at $1.00 premium at a strike of $42 +1- collect premium +2- get assigned and make $2 profit + +What can possibly go wrong? Even if I get assigned I made a $2 profit or is this to too to be true? +Hello, + +I'm new in the investing world and i really need to hear some of your opinion and comments. Maybe some advice. + +I'm 25 years old, live in Belgium and have an 20-25 years horizon. + +Here is my ETF portfolio + +VWRL 70% + +EMIM 15% + +IEGA 7% + +TNO 5,5% + +IS0E 2,5% + +Thank you in advance! +Should I be going to someone else for this advice or should this fall on them. If so, what's the best way to raise it (they already did my last quarter filing)? +For example, if I sell drugs I will always make back a set amount as there is a fixed price and always a demand. + +What's something legal I could do, just need to make some money and don't have time for a job? + +Edit: Meant steady instead of substantial. +Hoping someone can shed some light on this for me. I’ve never been self employed or worked anything other than as a w-2 employee. But recently I applied for a 1099 contractor role that makes me a little nervous. I think I would need to set aside probably 30% of my income for quarterly taxes and whatnot. I also don’t expect to have many deductions to write off. + +The thing about this role is that they only offer 20-30 hours a week BUT they require that I be “on call” and available during their full business hours. So while I may be able to take on a few side hustles here and there, for the most part I need to dedicate my time to being readily available for this job but only get paid for 20-30 hours worth of work. So would it make sense to set my rate higher to ensure that I take home what I need each month? Also can I ask for a 20 hour/week minimum to ensure I get paid even if I’m used for less than 20 hours a week? + +I’m trying to crunch numbers but it seems like everything is so uncertain. I also don’t want to oversell or undersell myself, but I’m not sure what a self employed executive assistant usually charges in a contracted role. Any advice? +28M here. I've been thinking of buying a house because I see myself being in the area for at least 3-4 more years. I've been working professionally for 4 years at 70k annual salary. I'd like to get 3/2 and rent a room out immediately to help financially. I feel that this situation is ideal for me because I'm young and currently live alone. I also see it as an opportunity to be a long-term income source as a rental if I ever move out of the area. A decent 3/2 house in this area would be about 250K. + +So, convince me, was it a good decision to buy your first house? The reason I ask is I feel everyone always says, "i wish i had invested more soon." And since a house could be an investment, do the same feelings apply? +I am asking for advice as my girlfriend has sold an apartment in Russia a while ago, and is living in the UK. All of a sudden war breaks out and in one day the currency of her saving account has dropped by quite a bit. + +Her savings account has 6% interest rate. + +Personally i have adviced her to convert it as soon as possible to euro's or pounds, whatever option she has to get it out. + +I am curious what you would recommend, and what you would do? + +She is hoping to buy an apartment in the UK within 1-3 years, and needs the savings for this. + +Update: +The money is being converted to pounds. Afterwards in anyway possible they will be withdrawn. + +Thanks to all of you who gave me kind and swift advice :) +So I am sure I am not the only one who started investing in Feb and likely lost almost half their portfolio buying just before correction/crash/selloff on plays like AITX, SNPW, PVDG, OZSC, HMBL, BB and the list goes on. + +I was curious about newer plays that seem stronger at the moment compared to the plays I am bag holding + +For example EEENF is a stock I feel like at the current moment has way bigger prospects and good odds of making big money. + +I was thinking of selling all my bags from the above stocks in the red and transferring into EEENF + +Is this like really stupid? + +I feel like selling in the red will realize my 10k something losses but the 2-4k I have left I can put into EEENF which in my opinion has a greater chance of making me profits in the short term so that I atleast can go back to those plays I sold in the red and buy them now again. + +Ofc worst case scenario is EEENF flops and so me selling in the red for the above stocks means I won't ever get that money back but I doubt they don't find oil based on results they are producing but still have to account for all possibilities. + +But lets ignore EEENF for a sec, is it ever smart to sell in the red your other stocks if you feel like you have found another stock that can potentially make you more money? + +Like their are other plays that I am liking more than the AITX,SNPW etc... Such as IMTL for example but this stock is also in the red and isn't as strong as EEENF so selling my bags in the red to get more shares of IMTL would be dumb but that's not true for EEENF. + +This is a casino so what do I know +So, about two weeks ago, I went under contract on a house. I planned to take a loan out against my 401k, to cover some closing costs. I applied for the loan and it said it was approved, on the John Hancock website. It said it was to be deposited next paycheck, 4/29/22. The money was not deposited. When I called JH to find out why I was told that my plan administrator never approved it. I went to her , (the daughter of the ceo of my small company), and was told she had not been contacted by them, and even wagged her finger at me. When I called JH back, they said , the trustee (her dad) never authorized her to approve it. They have since approved the loan, and it will be deposited tomorrow. I decided to look through my 401k transactions and noticed that the contributions are both highly variable, per check, and often are not taken out in a timely manner. There are contributions from January and February of this year that have yet to enter my account. I suppose I don’t have any direct evidence that they are stealing, but it all raises many red flags. Thoughts? + +EDIT: In addition, the 401k person said that there is not enough cash in the main 401k account to cover all the missing contributions. I guess I don’t understand where the missing money is. + +EDIT 2: I have contacted the DOL to have an agent contact me regarding this. + +Edit 3: I sent my dad, a cpa, all my 401k statements and pay stubs for the past year. He thinks they are both skimming from 401ks to pay expenses and failing to pay federal withholding . So yeah + +Edit 4: Special shout out to Nathan W from WCU ;) +Bloomberg has published the September edition of its Crypto Outlook report, sharing how the company's analysts are navigating the market and measuring adoption rates as well as demand and supply dynamics. According to the report, Bitcoin is set to reach the $100,000 mark soon, a "path of least resistance," as well as establish itself as the global reserve asset. + +[https://assets.bbhub.io/promo/sites/12/1338231\_Crypto-September2021Outlook.pdf](https://assets.bbhub.io/promo/sites/12/1338231_Crypto-September2021Outlook.pdf) +I am trying to decide between 3 upgrades that would be impossible or very difficult to change later. Could this community of experienced investors give input on the best upgrade to pick? + +1. Lot size (this means the size of the land the home sits on whether it could be no back neighbor, cul de sac home, larger back yard, larger front yard, etc; this would be impossible to change later unless moving to a different house or buying neighboring homes) + +2. Structural upgrades (This means outside elevation of the home or interior upgrades like sliding glass windows in the living room, vaulted ceilings, powder bath room, study, 3rd car garage, etc; things that could possibly be done later but will be expensive and possibly require hoa approval if it deals with the exterior.) + +3. White brick or white painted brick home (Straight forward color choice to add curb appeal; will be difficult to change once built requiring hoa approval.) + +Thanks! +Anyone did invest in an African country specifically north Africa like Morocco, as a foreigner, who would like to share their experience and stuff? + +Edit: for context + +well i see a lot of foreigners invest in Morocco, and as my family is a big investor in real estate, i was thinking why can't i open a business for foreigners to feel safer when investing, something like from-investor-to-investor, not like real estate agents or something... something that is going to go all through real companies not individuals, it's still an idea and because it involves foreigners i have no idea how to start working on it, like what would the market research be ... +They’ll obviously say things like “I’m relocating but I know the area well”. But how many honest people would sign a year long lease on a place they’ve never seen? +For those of you who truly understand AI and Machine Learning, I have a question. + +I have decent discretionary day trader experience. Like a lot of people, however, I am bad at not letting my emotions get to me and can often go tilt when I’m losing, suffer from get-even-itis, etc. That’s why I started writing trading algorithms to use the best of my knowledge and insight about how markets trade and remove all of the human emotion. Anyway… + +What if I fed my past trades into ML? Told ML which ones were the good trades and which ones were bad trades. Easy to do after the fact. Would ML be able to create a good trading bot from that? If it would not make a good bot, why not? What other information would ML need to have to make this work? +Guten Morgen to this global band of Apes! 👋🦍 + +I apologize for not having this introduction ready when I posted the thread today. +Some days I run a little short on time when I write, but I wanted to get the thread posted at the usual time. + +Yesterday was exciting, was it not? +Somehow the market rallied, though I don't think anyone truly believes in the rally. +I have a feeling that it was just another case of Wall Street trying to take advantage of retail investors playing Put options on a downward trend. +The manipulation is blatant, but ultimately meaningless. +I don't sell for 8% gains. +I don't play GME options. +I buy and DRS GME, and nothing is going to change my mind that it will lead to the MOASS. + +As we continue to anticipate the fall of Credit Suisse or another of the banks on the brink, let's enjoy the worldwide movement that has formed here. + +Today is Wednesday, October 5th, and you know what that means! Join other apes around the world to watch infrequent updates from the German markets! + +###🚀 Buckle Up! 🚀 +*** + + +- 🟥 120 minutes in: **$27.40 / 27,71 €** *(volume: 2401)* +- ⬜ 115 minutes in: $27.47 / 27,77 € *(volume: 2180)* +- 🟥 110 minutes in: $27.47 / 27,77 € *(volume: 2160)* +- 🟩 105 minutes in: $27.47 / 27,77 € *(volume: 2160)* +- ⬜ 100 minutes in: $27.45 / 27,75 € *(volume: 2160)* +- 🟩 95 minutes in: $27.45 / 27,75 € *(volume: 2119)* +- 🟥 90 minutes in: $27.44 / 27,74 € *(volume: 2079)* +- 🟥 85 minutes in: $27.45 / 27,75 € *(volume: 2006)* +- 🟥 80 minutes in: $27.45 / 27,76 € *(volume: 1973)* +- ⬜ 75 minutes in: $27.47 / 27,77 € *(volume: 1920)* +- 🟩 70 minutes in: $27.47 / 27,77 € *(volume: 1862)* +- 🟥 65 minutes in: $27.11 / 27,41 € *(volume: 612)* +- ⬜ 60 minutes in: $27.25 / 27,55 € *(volume: 612)* +- 🟥 55 minutes in: $27.25 / 27,55 € *(volume: 602)* +- 🟥 50 minutes in: $27.26 / 27,56 € *(volume: 597)* +- 🟩 45 minutes in: $27.27 / 27,57 € *(volume: 597)* +- 🟥 40 minutes in: $27.26 / 27,56 € *(volume: 595)* +- 🟩 35 minutes in: $27.28 / 27,58 € *(volume: 595)* +- 🟥 30 minutes in: $27.27 / 27,57 € *(volume: 568)* +- 🟥 25 minutes in: $27.29 / 27,59 € *(volume: 568)* +- 🟩 20 minutes in: $27.31 / 27,61 € *(volume: 558)* +- 🟥 15 minutes in: $27.28 / 27,58 € *(volume: 557)* +- 🟥 10 minutes in: $27.30 / 27,60 € *(volume: 556)* +- 🟩 5 minutes in: $27.31 / 27,61 € *(volume: 536)* +- 🟥 0 minutes in: $27.20 / 27,50 € *(volume: 316)* +- 🟩 US close price: $27.60 / 27,90 € *($27.58 / 27,88 € after-hours)* + + +*** +FAQ: I'm capturing current price and volume data from German exchanges and converting to USD. Today's euro -> USD conversion ratio is 0.9891. I programmed a tool that assists me in fetching this data and updating the post. If you'd like to check current prices directly, you can check [Lang & Schwarz](https://www.ls-tc.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) or [TradeGate](https://www.tradegate.de/orderbuch.php?isin=US36467W1099) + +Diamantenhände isn't simply a thread on Superstonk, it's a community that gathers daily to represent the many corners of this world who love this stock. Many thanks to the originator of the series, DerGurkenraspler, who we wish well. We all love seeing the energy that people represent their varied homelands. Show your flags, share some culture, and unite around GME! +Apple was hoarding cash through the market peak. According to their last balance sheet, they're sitting on $40 billion. Who do you think they'll buy first? Delta becomes iFly? +What percent of your net worth is in cash? What rule do you follow for cash? + +I'm single, employed, have a huge savings rate etc. But I have more cash than I need for 3 months expenses. I'd probably spend 6k at most for 3-6 months unemployment. Plus I'm young enough to move in with parents. + +Almost all my networth is in equitites (stock) with a tiny bit of bonds. Much of this is in maxed out retirement accounts. So cash is in some ways what I plan to use in the case of a recession to buy more stock. But I'm afraid of all the inflation and taxes on my cash. +Facebook Inc. said it plans to buy back $9 billion more of its shares, in a bid to boost confidence in the company after a recent stock slump. + +https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-12-07/facebook-plans-to-repurchase-9-billion-more-of-its-shares?srnd=markets-vp +Hey everyone! Ready for maybe a case of the Mondays today? + +I'm the guy who flipped off the building we like seeing lights! If you're wondering which one I was, I'm the one with the double-jointed fingers that makes everything I do with my hands look incredibly awkward and uncomfortable. + +https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/p015zc/oi_ken_boy_guess_who_is_going_to_a_bachelors/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share + +^That is a link to the post I will be talking about here! + +Yeah, so the party with the guys from the FBI was actually very interesting, I believe. I will start by saying that I do not intend on revealing any names or personal information about who I met with. + +Before I got several beers into the party, I asked him about what he does and if he can even share that info with people. As expected, he told me that he can't say any specifics, but he tells people to ask away and he will share whatever actually can be discussed with civilians. Fair enough! + +So, I told him about how I have a tip that Citadel Securities, Point 72, and Susquehanna are involved in illegal naked shorting (counterfeit shares), willingly reporting false information to public filings by using offshore accounts and shell companies, and using domestic ones and each other along with possibly big banks to play a sort of hot potato to avoid closing positions that should have been closed at earlier dates. I told him how this may all tie in with their investigation into Robinhood securities' actions in January during the runup with GameStop and how it may be Citadel, P72, and Sus's bad bet with GameStop that is causing them to get involved with these illegal activities. + +I then finished by telling him that rising inflation, collapsing treasury bonds, and rising RRP are signals that a market collapse may be coming soon, and that although I personally believe that it is inevitable to happen, that me and a few friends would like to make sure that public information that may or may not be accessible today or hard to find was in the hands of investigators so that the bad actors can go to jail and be suspended from using the market. This would be unlike in 2008 where only one person went to jail for counting cards at the casino. + +He was definitely interested in what I had to say! As I started talking, he turned in his seat and leaned forward a bit, and he always held eye contact with me. When another guy at the party was asking me about GameStop, and I was explaining marrying options and fundamentals, I saw him in the corner of my eye turning to me to listen to what I was saying. + +He told me that he could give me his contact information and I could share the information with him. He said that he understood a bit of what I had to say only cause he isn't big on finances or the market, but he knows people who do, and that by sending him the info rather than submitting it via the FBI site, eyes will get to it faster than waiting in line, having HQ route it, etc. *Additionally, he said that since he works in Chicago, the team he works with will be right there to access information on Citadel since that's where they work!* + +So I out this as possible DD because this is what I want to do: + +- Compile a document of DD, specifically ones that use publicly accessable information to draw its conclusions, and focuses on pointing out *leads into how Citadel, Point 72, Susquehanna, and other companies are being bad actors and violating market rules* +- To accomplish the above, I would like to edit the document to make it more professionally presentable, removing mentioning of tits, apes, get fuk'd, etc. I love this community and all the memes and shit posts and hype talk, but I think the information will be taken more seriously this way. +- In order to compile all this information, I would like to have some wrinkles helping me in deciding what should go in and what can be left out as being too speculative or not focused on pointing out bad actors in our market. I was hoping that peeps like Criand or Atobit could help me here. + +u/criand +u/atobitt + +The goal of all of this is not to have the FBI shut shit down and start the MOASS. *The goal is to make sure that the FBI has leads and tips and information already on hand so they can investigate before shit goes tits up.* I want them to have leads to get information that could put some of these assholes behind bars. I want them to be able to work with the SEC is possible or necessary. + +I had a blast at the party yesterday, I'm excited for market open, and I'm hoping maybe I did my part for the community by getting some info that could help fix this "free and fair" market. +Also, is that net or gross income? + +My rent is most likely increasing by $200/m soon, which will be 53% of my net income. I work from home so I’m trying to decide how to best handle the change, financially. +I will soon pay off a long term debt and have an extra $300 a month. I was thinking it would be wise to invest this somehow as I live pretty comfortably without it. But I’m not sure where I should start. Should it go into a thrift savings plan, or stocks or something else? Or split it between multiple avenues? And if so, how? + +Essentially, what would you do as a financially savvy young person with an extra $300 a month? + +I have plenty in savings (20k in emergency fund total and another 20k split between other long term savings for travel, large purchases etc) but I know that with inflation these will be worth less and less every year, so am willing to dip into my savings to get a jump start on whichever investment strategy is wisest. + +I really appreciate any advice as I am completely new to the investing world and am a little lost on which strategy is best and where to start. +It took me years to find my way into what I consider to be my "career." Between grad school, some crappy positions that seemed great at first, etc., I'm very late to retirement planning. And until relatively recently, I was just working on building up a decent back line / emergency fund. + +All that's set now, but I'm left with the task of trying to catch up without being too overzealous. + +This is my current situation (please don't laugh): + +No debt except student loan (ca. $47k total, all federal.) + +Credit score in low 800s. + +I own my home ($106k left on the note, 30-year fixed at 3.5%). I have a HELOC for home expenses, recently finished paying off after major work. + +$74k / year gross income. No additional income. + +- $27k in TIAA retirement account from previous job. Was $16k when I left three years ago, so it's done okay (ca. 13% average / year). I just moved the money into a different fund within TIAA (Vanguard Large Cap Index). + +- $42k in current 401k. Employer match is 5% , I'm doing 15%, so total 20% per paycheck. Currently allocated to some fairly aggressive funds. + +- $15k emergency fund in high yield savings account. + +- $18k additional cash / savings + +--- + +I'm intending to focus mainly on aggressive ETF investment. Done some research and have several ETFs that have yielded >10% average / year since inception and are at 15% or greater for the last 5 - 10 years. + +At the moment, I plan to shift (at minimum) $10k from savings into a brokerage account, allocated to the various ETFs. + +How can I improve on this? Harsh criticism is fine, the numbers here are a joke compared to a lot of you who are much younger. + +I regret not learning more about investing until recently, but my financial situation hasn't always been all that great, and this is the first time I really have much opportunity to try to truly save/ invest with an eye toward growth. + +**edit:** Adding to answer a few questions... + +No kids, unmarried (partner earns less than I, is younger), good health. Student loan rate is the typical federal rate. + +Should also note that I'm in no way trying to beat or time the market. The funds I mentioned below seemed like a good mix, but it's true, they're all largely overlapping. Probably one heavily diverse fund would be just as effective, if not moreso. Seems like VTI is the go-to. + +**Is there any sense in putting some of this into a more aggressive fund, though? Like VGT, for example?** +I recently started a new job after college and I work the typical 9-6 40 hours a week. The salary is decent but I want to make a lot more and I would like to work more (this position does not allow overtime). + +This brought me to thinking, "Are there many 9-6 40 hours a week jobs that pay a lot after five years of experience (let's say $120k annual or more)?" + +Certainly, there are leaders/CEOs that have a situation where operations are conducted by their subordinates, but these people got to where they are after working many thousands of hours. Physicians typically work long hours, and you have to consider the cost of several years of school/training. Professional service careers as lawyers/consultants/finance, they generally work long hours, too. + +Perhaps it is realistic to live a relatively comfortable life working 40 hours a week and still make a lot if you specialized and are skilled in a highly sought after field such as technology or engineering. (This is from an outside perspective based on what I've heard from a few friends in these fields. Could be entirely wrong) + +Do you make "a lot"? Do you work "very long" hours? Are these two basically connected most of the time regardless of career path? + +Edit:Clarification + +Edit 2:Wow! Thank you for all the great insight, everyone! I have to go run some errands but I'll be back and read everything. +Hi guys, + +I'm writing a paper on how people can save more efficiently for housing deposits, and creating a bit of a plan for people who are struggling that they can take away and apply to try and get them in a stronger position to buy a house. + +I have done lots of research into this and spoken to lots of industry experts about common difficulties BUT are there any small things that you have found to be obstacles for you when saving? + +\---------------- + +EDIT: Thanks for your responses - so much great stuff in this thread. I'm sure the article will make a big difference for those trying to better understand their options and your insights have been invaluable. + +PS. To all those who said they bought stuff because they needed cheering up - I hope you're doing okay. My messages are open if you need a stranger on the internet to talk to. +I feel this is worth sharing as it relates to personal finance and understanding spending. Please watch it, it's really insightful. + +Episode 1: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x20j885 + +Episode 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2q3eZNVK4AI + +Episode 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bsor4xDdfnU +So I still have one year of high school until I graduate. +I want to be in med school... I know that this might not be the best thing for FI but I know that that's what's gonna make me happy. +I'm currently working for the holidays and saving like 2000 euros for this work (scanning archives for a big brand). +I do babysitting, I help children to do their homeworks and I'm getting paid 10 euros/hour. +As you can tell by the currency I'm not living in any country where english is the main langage but I learn it at school along with spanish german and latin with a major in sciences. +EDIT As some of you may have understood I'm currently located in France and I wish to live and study abroad. +I've honestly not really decided where yet. +I've already paid for my driver's license classes and I'm not gonna buy a car till I'm 18 or so. +What should I do next ? +Investing ? In what ? +Thanks for your advices :) +The levels below are based on my experience of 10+ years of trading. +What level are you? + +1. No knowledge of TA. High expectations. Any profits can be attributed to beginner's luck. + +2. Limited knowledge of TA. Trader may become elated at their new knowledge and the possibilities, but becomes fearful and upset when realizes he still can't turn a profit. + +3. Uses TA to pick his stocks, but his emotions get in the way of applying it correctly. They are stressed by mounting losses, but he may still be hopeful. + +4. Expert in TA but no risk management. Makes great paper profits but still no significant profits with real money. Has no rules, no plan, and no discipline. Most people quit at this point. + +5. The trader is humbled by the market. Understands the importance of rules. Develops a plan with risk management, targets, and strategy. Cycles of euphoria, disappointment, and fear affect his bottom line. On average he breaks even. + +6. Has found a profitable strategy but sometimes doesn't follow his rules. Gains are not consistent and leaves significant money on the table, but losses are minimal thanks to his risk management. He begins to work on his psychology. + +7. Profits begin to see consistency. His emotional management is at the forefront of his trading objectives. + +8. Trading strategy has been mastered and makes a good living out of trading. Euphoria and fear come up but he is able to control his emotions before they start to affect his bottom line. He is able to think in probabilities, accepts whatever the market wants to offer him without getting emotional. + +9. Has the instincts of a trader and can have winning streaks spanning for weeks. Makes more sophisticated trades. Looks for opportunities in other markets. + +10. Picks the most profitable stocks of the day for consistent periods, and buys / sells at the top/ bottom of the day. Being a 10 has an element of luck so it is temporary. +*Sources:* [*Forbes*](https://www.forbes.com/sites/traceygreenstein/2011/09/20/the-feds-16-trillion-bailouts-under-reported/)*,* [*CNBC*](https://www.cnbc.com/id/45674390)*,* [*New York Times*](https://www.nytimes.com/2011/12/04/business/secrets-of-the-bailout-now-revealed.html)*,* [*Huffington Post*](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/bernankes-obfuscation-con_b_1147291)*,* [*Bernie Sanders press release*](https://www.sanders.senate.gov/press-releases/the-fed-audit/) + +**This is why we need cryptocurrency**. From December 2007 to November 10, 2011, the Federal Reserve, *secretly and without the awareness of Congress and the people*, funneled about $19.6 trillion to bail out the big banks on Wall Street and around the world. Just 14 global financial institutions received 83.9 percent or $16.41 trillion. These are the same institutions that were responsible for the financial crisis in the first place. + +&#x200B; + +[A list of the corrupt banks that received the secret bailouts and the amounts they received. \(source: http:\/\/www.levyinstitute.org\/pubs\/wp\_698.pdf\)](https://preview.redd.it/i1hurh03uwu61.jpg?width=510&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e25abd8ee3fd35aaed81273344ee71cdb23d2780) + +This was only found out because Bernie Sanders amended the Dodd-Frank Reform law to audit the Fed, pushing the GAO (Government Accountability Office) to step in and take a look around. Ben Bernanke, Alan Greenspan, and various other bankers vehemently opposed the audit and lied to Congress about the effects an audit would have on markets. This was the first audit of the Fed in the history of the United States since its beginnings in 1913. Unsurprisingly, this was scarcely reported by mainstream media – albeit the results are undoubtedly newsworthy. I find it funny that the American people were absolutely outraged that the federal government spent 700 billion dollars bailing out the “too big to fail” banks. Well, that bailout was pocket change compared to what the Federal Reserve did. Keep in mind that the GDP of the United States for the entire year of 2010 was only 14.58 trillion dollars. 19 trillion dollars is an almost inconceivable amount of money. + +Take all of the outrage and debate over the $1.5 trillion deficit into consideration, and swallow this Red pill: There was **absolutely no debate** about whether $16,000,000,000,000 would be given to failing banks and failing corporations around the world. The Federal Reserve and the big banks fought for more than two years to keep details of the largest bailout in U.S. history a secret. I find it pretty evil that they had such incomprehensible amounts of money to throw around to corrupt financial institutions while regular people were suffering and struggling to find jobs. This kind of gross corruption is what led Satoshi Nakamoto to create Bitcoin. + +tl;dr - Fuck the big banks. Fuck the Federal Reserve. Take back your financial power. Be your own bank. +Been testing out instant payments. $10 goes through to my account first time fine. Next $5000 is held 24 hours as "first-time payment to new account". + +Okay. Wait a few more days. Try another $10. Held again. Try $10,000. Held again. + +Spoke to Commbank - "we hold first-time payments to new accounts for security reasons". Point out that it's not the first time. The customer service person doesn't know what to say. Fumbles around until comes up with "sometimes we do extra security checks". + +Extra security checks on $10? Uh... yes. + +I've had just one payment (the very first test payment of $10) go through instantly. Every other payment is held overnight. + +I'm at the point of escalating it to a complaint with Commbank and then to the Ombudsman. + +I asked about payment limits too - no, there are no payment limits that would cause this. Can't get a straight answer out of them. + +Anyone else managing instant payments from Commbank to another bank no problems? + +I kinda feel like they're deliberately holding payments for 24 hours, defeating the whole purpose of Osko instant. + +Nothing on my account that is a security issue either. + + + +Edit: called up again. Commbank have a secret policy, not written anywhere online or in any PDS that they will hold for 24 hours any payments made within the first five days to a new account. So they hold first payment 24 hours. Make a payment two days later to same account and it's held also. They say after five days it's then instant. + +Queried why they don't use their security token system to verify payments - no answer. Just their policy. + +So you want to pay someone on Gumtree instantly? Nope. Want to send your friend money instantly? Nope. + +Went through it in depth with them. The rep even acknowledged that this appeared to be the opposite of the whole point of Osko instant payments. + +So complaint lodged and I'll lodge one with ombudsman too. Commbank has already been dragged over the coals for delaying Osko and now they're using these secret policies that do not appear anywhere to delay payments. Additionally, they're not using their existing security token system to ensure instant payments. + +Pretty shit Commbank. +Any accountants up in here? Would think by nature of our business that we are the more detailed-oriented ones, especially when it comes to a financial/numbers perspective. Just curious to hear more stories from accountants who are on the FIRE path. + +Our career path and titles are pretty standardized so I would think the motions are very similar, but any tips/advice along the way would be great to hear about. + +For me personally, I've done the Big 4 route as an auditor and am now in industry as an Accounting Manager. I'm making low six-figures. I live in a HCOL area and my savings rate is about 50%. I'm still in my early 30s with about $600K in net worth. Most of my net worth build was attributed to investing in the S&P 500 and appreciation of the home I currently live in. About half of my net worth is in investments, including 401K and Roth IRA. I max out my traditional 401K and Roth IRA annually, and am hoping to FIRE in my early 50s with about $2.5M. I recently started my own bookkeeping practice as a side hustle in hopes to accelerate that even earlier. + +My personal advice echoes what this sub says time and time again, which is that the best time to invest was yesterday and the second best time to invest is today. I wish I wasn't feeling so certain a recession was coming in the 2010s and I know I missed quite a rally in my personal investment accounts by having too much money in cash. Nowadays, I have set up automatic investments of $500 every two weeks into my personal investment account (VFIAX fund), and my only regret is I am not putting more than $500 (still got a good chunk in cash as a safety reserve to hopefully buy a bigger home soon). +I have been investing for the past decade primarily in index funds, but recently decided to take a closer look at my portfolio to see if I could make some improvements. After weeks of reading about various investment vehicles, I am not understanding why REITs are not a much bigger part of people's portfolios. I have found at least ten REITs that have been providing dividend returns of over 13% for years. With the S&P 500 returning about 9-10% over long time frames with high degrees of variability, why are people not invested much more heavily in REITS with high dividend returns? I have to assume there is something I'm not understanding here since most of the advice I have recieved is to stay heavily in index funds, so any help is appreciated. + +Edit for background: I left my career to attend medical school and become a surgeon, so I have some money saved up, but I won't be bringing in much salary for the next decade or so while I complete my education and postgraduate training, so I don't think taxes are as big of a concern for me. + +Edit 2. It looks like I made a mistake in analyzing these REITs. The current percentage is around 13, and they have been providing the same dividend per share, but historically the prices of the shares were higher, leading to dividend percentages being much lower in the past. Still, does that mean it is a good time to buy? +[GameStop.com](https://www.gamestop.com/) || Shop [Internationally](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vyyzmx/gamestop_retail_international_nft_game_informer/) || [NFT Marketplace](https://nft.gamestop.com) + +GameStop [Investor Relations](https://news.gamestop.com/) + +# 🙋 ​[What's GME & should I consider investing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) + +# 📚 Library of Due Diligence [GME.fyi](https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg) + +>A collection of over 200 of the most important, groundbreaking **D**ue **D**iligence. If your looking to familiarize yourself with the GME bull thesis or the underhanded tactics of the short sellers involved in this trade– then this is for you + +# 🟣 [Computershare Megathread](https://redd.it/vp01of) + +>Wondering what DRS is? Want to know how and why people are Direct Registering their shares? Here you'll find our guide and additional resources, as well as a welcoming community answering questions in the comments! + +# 🥢 [4:1 Split/Dividend Megathread](https://redd.it/vtvbl8) + +>On July 6, 2022, GameStop Corp. (the “Company”) issued a press release announcing that its Board of Directors had approved and declared a four-for-one stock split in the form of a stock dividend. Each Company stockholder of record at the close of business on July 18, 2022 will receive three additional shares of the Company’s Class A common stock for each then-held share of Class A common stock, to be distributed after the close of trading on July 21, 2022. + +# 🏴‍☠️ [NFT Marketplace & Wallet Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vluysg/gamestop_nft_marketplace_wallet_megathread/) + +>Why is GameStop getting into NFTs? *WTF* even is an NFT? How do I set up a GameStop Wallet? How do I get a cool/custom wallet address? All these questions and more are answered here! + +**Read** [**the Rules & Wiki**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index) **||** [**MOASS FAQ**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/faq) **|| Join our** [**Discord**](https://discord.gg/Superstonk) + +Low karma? Want to feed DRSbot? [Post on r/GMEOrphans](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/) + +How to [Filter by Flair & Search](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v0oxp2/how_to_filter_by_flair_search_for_posts_on/) on Superstonk + +Tag u/Superstonk-Flairy for user flairs, find [custom emoji options here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v89p0h/new_superstonk_user_flair_emojis_how_to_edit_your/) +My wife's employer is changing their retirement benefit package starting January 1 and is auto-(re)enrolling everyone at the maximum IRS contribution limit divided by 12 months, which is $1,625.00 (under 50) or $2,166.67 (at least age 50 during 2021) per month. They are also giving everyone a one-time $10k taxable bonus in January to help people maintain those max contributions. They made this all clear in a letter and two follow-up emails ("If you are happy with the default auto enrollment, you do not need to take any action. To set up a deferral rate for anything other than auto-enrollment at $1,625.00 or $2,166.67, please follow the enclosed step-by-step instructions..."). + +I cannot decide if this is insane or awesome or both. Has anyone heard of an employer doing this? It is a very large employer with employees at all income levels. I suspect there will be many shocked employees when the February paychecks arrive... +I pay £7.42 per month for my plusnet plan (sim only, unlimited texts and mins, 3gb data) and this morning found out that there were deals on their website that gave more data for less money! Switching literally took 2 mins. Why didn't the bastards tell me? They'd been increasing my plans price steadily over the months while keeping the intro price the same for everyone else! And I could have switched back to the intro price at any time! + +Anyway, this is your reminder to check your plan once in a while +https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-06-26/faa-finds-new-risk-on-737-max-and-orders-boeing-to-make-changes + +There was a [recent discussion](https://www.reddit.com/r/investing/comments/c3x8st/with_cover_ups_trashed_brand_grounded_aircraft/) on why Boeing isn't lower so maybe this will do it? It still has its moat but there has to be some comeuppance for all those deaths +>As per exchange circulars ([PDF](https://www1.nseindia.com/content/circulars/COMP52623.pdf)) it is mandatory to enable TOTP before September 30, 2022, failing which you will not be able to log into Kite. +> +>TOTP stands for “time-based one-time password”. Unlike a traditional OTP that is delivered to you via email or SMS, a TOTP is generated by a TOTP app that is already on your phone. This TOTP is valid only for a short duration (usually 30 seconds) and is regenerated every 30 seconds. +> +>The following apps can be downloaded on PC or mobile phones to generate the TOTP: + +* Google® Authenticator available on Google Play. +* Microsoft® Authenticator available on Google Play. +* Authy available on Google Play. +* Bitwarden. + +[How to set up Time-based OTP (TOTP) to log in to Kite?](https://support.zerodha.com/category/your-zerodha-account/login-credentials/login-credentials-of-trading-platforms/articles/time-based-otp-setup) + +Got this via Kite, should be relevant to all stock brokers as per the PDF from **NSE**. +Ask your investing related queries here! + +The members of /r/IndiaInvestments are here to answer and educate! + +Alternatively, you could [join our Discord](https://indiainvestments.wiki/discord) and seek answers to your queries + +If you're looking for reviews on any of these following, follow the links: + +- [which bank or brokerage to use](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaInvestments/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Reviews%22%20Reviews%20of%20banking%20services%20and%20products&restrict_sr=1&sort=new) +- [which fund house is more capable and trustworthy](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaInvestments/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Reviews%22%20Reviews%20of%20mutual%20funds%20and%20asset%20management%20services&restrict_sr=1&sort=new) +- [which investing platform to use](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaInvestments/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Reviews%22%20Reviews%20of%20Brokerage%20products%20and%20services&restrict_sr=1&sort=new), +- [which insurance company is reliable](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaInvestments/search/?q=flair_name%3A%22Reviews%22%20%22Reviews%20of%20Insurance%20products%20and%20services%22&restrict_sr=1&sort=new) + +Generally speaking, there is no best stock, or fund, or bank, or brokerage, or investment platform. + +Answers are always subjective to your personal needs, but use those threads a starting point for you to look at what other Redditors have to say about a company, product, fund, or service. + +You can then ask a more specific question about what product or service to buy, once you are able to frame your personal situation. + +**NOTE** If your question is _I got 10k INR, what do I do to get most returns out of it?_, or anything similar; there is no single answer to this question. But we will also need A LOT MORE information if we are to provide some sort of answer: + +- How old are you? +- Are you employed/making income? +- How much? What are your objectives with this money? +- Do you have any loan, or big expense coming up? +- What is your risk tolerance? (Do you mind risking it at blackjack or do you need to know it's 100% safe?) +- What are you current holdings? (Do you already have exposure to specific funds and sectors? Have you invested in equity before?) +- Any other assets? House paid off? Cars? Partner pushing you to spend more? +- What is your time horizon? Do you need this money next month? Next 20yrs? +- Any big debts? +- Any other relevant financial information about you, that will be useful to give you an informed response. + +Beware that these answers are just opinions of fellow Redditors and should only be used as a starting point for your research. This is **NOT** financial advice, in legal sense of the term. + +You should strongly consider consulting a registered fee-only financial advisor before making any financial decisions. Ideally, such advisors should be registered with SEBI, and have a registration number. + +[Links to previous threads](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaInvestments/search/?q=advice%20thread%20personal%20situation&restrict_sr=1). +I am not interested in learning online or books. + +I have heard of many personal coaching where they teach how to evaluate stocks. + +However I want to just have good understanding of + +1) Mutual funds fundamentals + +2) Different types and what purpose they serve + +3) Evaluate a mutual funds based on various parameters (not just past performance) + +4) How to achieve various goals by investing proportionately in different mutual funds. + +Of course, investment advisors do this job for you. But after having a bad experience with a (freefincal suggested) fee only investment advisor, I do not want to go that path again. I believe personal coaching can help me pick up the basics and DIY investment for years to come. +The attack was reminiscent of a similar breach at Mt. Gox, a Tokyo-based Bitcoin exchange forced to file for bankruptcy in early 2014 after hackers stole an estimated $650M worth of the digital currency. +(CNBC) General Electric shares were lower early Wednesday, a day after news that the industrial conglomerate would be replaced on the Dow Jones industrial average by Walgreens Boots Alliance. + +Now to me, I think this is a good thing. They no longer have to worry about keeping a track record of being a Dow company. They can breathe and fix themselves. Without needing to please others, which they should have been doing all along. And I think they have already begun based on the most recent interview with the CEO. + +Also, this is a perfect example as to why short-term news doesn't matter. Let's think about this. Does begin dropped from the DOW affect GE's operating business at all? No. Will it have an impact on the operating performance of the future? No. + +But I get it. Everyone would rather be a part of the club than being kicked out of it. But this has no effect on GE's business so to me it's all just noise. + +If it drops low enough, there might be even more opportunity. What do you think? +I bought my first triplex last year, and it’s fairly old (1881), so there were definitely things to go wrong and I thought I budgeted accordingly. Worst case there was a $1,200 delta between my PITI and my rent roll which I figured should suffice for any maintenance needs, and I had a $20k emergency fund. + +Then I bought, and things started to get bad. In the last year I’ve had: + + +A hot water tank burn out + + +$2k of damage from a burst pipe + + +$5k of foundation work + + +$5k worth of damages from a tenant plus 2 months of vacancy + + +$3k of lawyer bills from the same tenant + + +$2k worth of exterminator work + + +In addition to all the standard maintenance, and my property taxes going up by 30% + +I also have on the horizon: + + +Another hot water tank that’s on the fritz + + +$8k worth of electrical work + + +$10k more of foundation work + + +I’m not here to complain-I’m thankful to own the place, I’ve built up a sizable amount of equity, and I still have a decent amount of cash in an emergency fund. And since that one tenant left my tenant problems are near 0. But it would be great to get some guidance on what seems to be like a never ending stream of expenses. I’m getting to the point where my emergency fund is below what I find comfortable, and I’m already financing more items than I wanted to. + +Is this normal early on? The last landlord was terrible so I was expecting plenty of deferred maintenance, but this is just ridiculous and I never expected to be this far off the mark. I’ve really only had two months in the last 12 where I was cash flow positive. + +I’m young (24) and a little inexperienced, so definitely recognize the learning curve. But I’m trying to not get overwhelmed +In theory, I could live rent free or at a very low cost per month, and also build net worth, But I wanted to hear from the more experienced fellows who frequent this subreddit about doing this because I don’t really have any mentors who can give me advice on real estate. I will have a VA loan available if I choose to go this route as well if that helps what so ever. +Long story short is I bought my first trailer park. One of the houses is in the process of being condemned. Ceiling has collapsed, floor joists have failed, half the kitchen is destroyed... + +The tenant of the house has had both legs amputated and he is on dialysis. He is in a nursing home around 7 months but his family doesn't know which one(!), just what state (not the state we are in). So I have no phone number or any way to contact him. Sister is going through trailer taking what she wants to take. Sister said "I (sister) have permission to take what I want and throw away the rest". She has the key and is taking care of the dog inside. I'm not sure she will communicate with me if/when he dies. I have started the formal eviction process. Unfortunately I am trying to rebrand the park and his house is an F and literally the first one anyone sees. It really needs to go. Not that it is important to the issue since the house is being condemned but I haven't received any rent in the two months that I've owned it. + +I'm thinking rent a storage unit and pay for it for a year and move all his belongings there? It's all trash IMO, but you know one man's trash is another man's treasure. My fear is that he miraculously recovers to come home to find his home torn down. Further complication - he is not the home owner, just the lot renter. I have permission from the home owner to tear it down. + +How do I treat this as humanly as possible? What's the right thing to do here? + +Edit: I did reach out to my attorney, who suggested that we get something in writing from the sister, as some of you have recommended. It doesn't clear me of liability, but it creates liability for her. +- DMC interim safety and efficacy review of Mino-Lok® Phase 3 Trial concluded with favorable recommendation to continue the trial as planned, with the protocol-defined sample size and power to achieve the primary endpoint - + + + + + +- Citius to proceed in conducting largest controlled clinical trial to salvage infected catheters with no modifications requested by the DMC and no safety concerns identified - + + + + +https://ir.citiuspharma.com/press-releases/detail/151/citius-pharmaceuticals-inc-announces-positive +So i have relatively well off friends. They certainly earn more that my family does. Im happy for them, they are like family to me. I have told them how i never buy stuff such as clothes full price because i scout ozbargain and op shops. They frown on this and this doesnt ordinarily bother me, because I know the bargains i get and how much i save from it. Its crazy. They buy things such as expensive handbags (like REALLY expensive), expensive cars, private school for their kids etc. However, in the same breadth, they talk about saving on groceries by using woolworths points etc. Such a huge irony for me. I dont have any debt other than my mortgage, whereas they seemingly are in a more debt. This is inferred. I am torn sometimes as to whether i am depriving my family of enjoyment because i am conservative and dont go and get that mercedes on lease, or that i dont buy my wife that fancy handbag or my kids to that private school. I constant question myself on whether my financial conservativeness is worth it in this short life that we have. What are your thoughts on this? +I rent in the St George area of Sydney after selling at the start of the year. Had been looking to buy slightly further south west to get close to being mortgage free. + +I just did a search encompassing the following suburbs: Padstow, Padstow Heights, Revesby, Revesby Heights, Picnic Point and Panania. Minimum criteria is 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. I dismissed anything that was freestanding. + +The vast majority of the 76 search results were brand new or near to new build. So plenty of choice. + +The last 4 weeks of listed sales for these types of places totalled 3. + +There are also 45 of these similarly specked places on the rental market. + +I’m not much of charts and data guy but if you’re an investor or developer in this neck of the woods I sense you are about to get burned. +First: I genuinely appreciate any corrections to any of the language I use in this post. + +I have a nephew with autism who will soon be a teenager, and it’s becoming clear that to thrive as an adult he needs more help and support than he is getting. For a while now, I’ve been helping with his ABA therapy and with an intensive summer therapy program his mom found. I don’t think any of this is giving him what he needs. He’s struggling socially and his grades are plummeting. He’s not okay. + +For context, because I know “autism” can mean a lot of different things and kids can look very very different: he is in a regular class in a public school and of course has an IEP, but in my opinion it’s a joke. He barely gets any in-school support. He is a pretty smart kid, but without someone right there monitoring him, won’t dial in and actually work. His speech sounds “different” and he has difficulty with “normal” conversations — he can talk animatedly about his interests, but will walk away or not engage in other talk in the ways people expect. This is affecting his time at school because he has no friends at all and is starting to understand and talk about how other kids don’t like him because he’s weird. It’s heartbreaking. + +My partner will (fingers crossed) join me and FIRE in the next few years. I want to build supporting my nephew into our financial plans. Unfortunately he lives in an area with pretty limited resources for autism, and I don’t think his parents can move. + +Are there additional therapies we should be budgeting for? Travel therapists you’ve tried that helped? Truly excellent summer programs? Ways (other than a 529 and ABLE) to help fund a secure life for him in the future? Other things that I should know about? I’m looking for anything for him that we should think about and plan for as we finalize our estate planning and set up things for our own retirement. He is not my kid, so I in no way want to come across as criticizing his parents, and want to find if possible ways to supplement what they are doing, if that makes sense. + +Obligatory: It’s mostly there in the flair — 8 figure NW, I’m retired, my partner is still working with 7 figure income and I hope will quit in a few years. +Looking in the next year to possibly hire a live-in someone to full-time cook, clean and run some errands. They'd travel between houses with us too. + +For those of you that have done this: + +---How'd you find them? + +---Annual cost (in addition to the room and board that you're providing)? + +---Pros and cons you've experienced? +RE prices have shot up in many markets, so im curious as to what RE investors are upto in this sub, are you still buying real estate or where are you putting $$ for the time being if not? + +Im in a major city in Canada, and 93% of my portfolio is split across residential/commercial properties around the city with the other 7% being in indexes in RRSPs. I sold off my least favorite residential property which appreciated 50% in the last 2 years and got an amazing deal on a retail commercial unit, however it was a distressed private sale I had to close quick on with all cash, and later I refinanced low 6 figures out of it @ 4% which I am looking to put somewhere but good deals are becoming increasingly hard to find. + +I was thinking of finding older houses with good lots to redevelop in a couple years but i've gotten outbid on the last 4 houses I tried to bid on way beyond what makes sense. Condos in my city either break even or are cashflow negative currently, but I believe there is potential for appreciation due to the rise in materials/land value, and the price of condos has only increased around 5% since covid, while materials have more than doubled, and other detached houses have gone up like 30%+, and this is the only sector of housing that is affordable for new buyers but I am still debating if this is even the right move to make. \[All new pre-con condo projects are building at 1400-1500psf, while resale is currently at 1k-1.1k, and was higher pre-covid\]. + +Any suggestions would be great, thanks. +[GameStop.com](https://www.gamestop.com/) || Shop [Internationally](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vyyzmx/gamestop_retail_international_nft_game_informer/) || [NFT Marketplace](https://nft.gamestop.com) + +GameStop [Investor Relations](https://news.gamestop.com/) + +# 🙋 ​[What's GME & should I consider investing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) + +# 📚 Library of Due Diligence [GME.fyi](https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg) + +>A collection of over 200 of the most important, groundbreaking **D**ue **D**iligence. If you're looking to familiarize yourself with the GME bull thesis or the underhanded tactics of the short sellers involved in this trade– then this is for you + +# 🟣 [Computershare Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/xxh13d) 🎃🐦 + +>Wondering what DRS is? Want to know how and why people are Direct Registering their shares? Here you'll find our guide and additional resources, as well as a welcoming community answering questions in the comments! + +🏴‍☠️ [NFT Marketplace & Wallet Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vluysg/gamestop_nft_marketplace_wallet_megathread/) + +>Why is GameStop getting into NFTs? *WTF* even is an NFT? How do I set up a GameStop Wallet? How do I get a cool/custom wallet address? All these questions and more are answered here! + +**Read** [**the Rules & Wiki**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index) **||** [**MOASS FAQ**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/faq) **|| Join our** [**Discord**](https://discord.gg/Superstonk) + +How to [feed DRSBOT](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/). Low karma? Post your DRS on r/GMEOrphans + +How to [Filter by Flair & Search](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v0oxp2/how_to_filter_by_flair_search_for_posts_on/) on Superstonk + +Tag u/Superstonk-Flairy for user flairs, find [custom emoji options here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v89p0h/new_superstonk_user_flair_emojis_how_to_edit_your/) +When I was in the military for the past 4 years the most I was making was $550 a week after taxes. I got medically retired and have been out of the Military for a few months now. These past few months have been really rough financially since my VA check doesn’t start until October 1st. I have had $0 in my bank account since July. + +I just found out I landed a job making $49,000 a year with the city I’m currently living in. On top of that my VA check is like $41,000 a year non taxable. + +So instead of being in the military making $550 a week. I will be home with my friends and family and new girlfriend making like $1,500 a week. + +I have no idea what to do with the extra money besides pay off my debt but I’ve never been so excited to start a job in my life. +Been a lurker in this sub for a bit without an account but would like to put out a word to those new to options trading - + +The mods and the community have put together, in one way or another, a comprehensive list of [materials](https://old.reddit.com/r/options/wiki/index) which you should take advantage of. It's a good place to start if you're completely new to this. + +You don't need to fully comprehend all the material but it's way better than blindly going into a trade or handicapping yourselves unintentionally. + +I'm often reminded of myself in my earlier years when I see others enter a position and then look for help when it turns unfavourably against them (nothing inherently wrong with doing so), hence I felt like I had to mention it and continue to help and guide others who are new. + +Also do consider trying out paper trading accounts before actually putting in your hard earned money. I personally use TD's ThinkOrSwim platform since it's interface is best suited for my needs but the idea is the same regardless of platform. You can try out the various strategies outlined in this sub or even do some YOLO trades to see what works for you. + +At the end of the day, we're all here to make money together. Don't blindly throw it away. + +Good luck! +I assume that a lot of people want to hit FI because they hate their job. If this is the case, what is it that you dislike about yours? I'm interested to see if a lot of the issues that cause people to dislike their job are shared problems, and what people have done to counter these issues. + +My work environment is extremely toxic, backstabbing is rife, and every single day I want to say FU when I don't yet have that FU money! +Without getting into too many details, I heard a story recently of a distant relative who worked his ass off and then surprised all his coworkers when he FIRE'd at around ~45 years old and able to withdraw roughly $100k indefinitely. This was early to mid 90's. He's now getting to the typical retirement age and was just diagnosed with a terminal illness (100% mortality within 1-3 years). While terribly sad, he's expressed (as has his family) how lucky they've been to enjoy the last 20 years together without a job taking all his time. If he hadn't gone down that route, he'd be one of those to work their whole life for a retirement they would never get to enjoy. + + +It has re-invigorated me to stay on target. I am hoping to get out before 55 (ideally 50), but we'll see. I'm now ~36 years old and have a NW of just over $500k (~300k in investments), so a long way to go. Single earner with 4 kids has really slowed things down. Hoping the wife can get back to work in a few years when they are all in school. Income is ~150k and stable and we're saving roughly 30% and pushing to move that up to 40-50% when we pay off the house in the next 3-4 years. I won't get out as early as this relative, but who knows... Thanks for the motivation and to all those who've made it, GO FUCK YOURSELF! +Eli Lilly & Co. said Friday its new lung-cancer drug will cost about $11,430 a patient a month in the U. S.--well above what a group of doctors say is a fair price that reflects what they call the drug's modest benefit. + +A Lilly spokeswoman said Friday that the price for Portrazza, which received marketing approval from U.S. regulators in November, is similar to other biotechnology drugs. She said Portrazza extended survival among patients with a deadly type of cancer known as squamous non-small cell lung cancer, which has had few new treatment options in recent years. + +But cancer experts describe the survival gain as modest. Portrazza, known generically as necitumumab, extended median patient life by six to seven weeks in a clinical trial versus chemotherapy, to about 11 1/2 months from the start of treatment. Half of patients who received Portrazza lived longer and half lived less. + +Hey everyone, + +29\[M\], live with my GF in NYC. I have worked in finance for seven years but am being let go from my current position at an investment firm due to burnout and politics. I will be moving on from current job at end of year. + +Over the last five years, my earnings have been roughly: 75K, 130K, 270K, 600K,1.4M, and then this year earnings will be \~ 800K. This has been driven by a mix of career moves and career progression although I was working 24/7 and completely burned out by the end of the pandemic and highly looking for some time to spend on personal hobbies, personal business interests, and with friends again. While I reached my peak earnings last year and more than I thought I would ever make, I was not happy and it was having physical and mental effects. Burnout is real! + +**Assets:** + +· 200K cash + +· 440K retirement accounts which are fully invested + +· 1.75M invested in concentrated portfolio of stocks + +· No home or cars or physical assets of any kind + +**Liabilities:** + +· \~ 100K tax liability on unrealized capital gains + +· No other liabilities + +*Net worth = \~ 2.3M* + +**My budget:** + +· Rent: 2K per month // 24K per year + +· Other expenses: \~ 4K per month // 48K per year + +· Total = \~ 72K in expenses per year + +I haven’t taken it to the extreme but I have always considered myself a saver as I wanted to put myself into a position to dictate my path. My original FIRE goal was 10M but given I’ll be leaving my current firm without another job immediately lined up I’m reconsidering. + +My concern is that at a 3.5% withdrawal rate I barely cover my expenses and leave no room for lifestyle inflation or unexpected events (what if I need to help family or have family in five years). And obviously expenses would increase if I had to buy insurance which I think would cost me \~ 10K / year. + +My FIRE dream is not to retire but rather to just have the freedom to dictate my path and freedom to explore ideas and hopefully start a company. When I enjoy the people I’m working with and how I’m spending my time, I actually have a lot of fun and get a lot of fulfillment through work. It has always been my dream to start a company (ideally SaaS), something I had contemplated doing down the line once I felt more secure with my assets but recent career events have forced me to consider this earlier than expected. + +The key thing I’m thinking through is if I need to get another job in order to work more, and save more in order to feel more comfortable or if I should take the plunge. + +I also worry that if I get another job, I may find myself with ‘golden handcuffs’ or without the drive to leave and start a company as maybe I’ll have higher expenses by that point. So it does seem like the time. + +Trying to start a company feels like the courageous route but I worry I’m not in a financial situation yet to be able to 100% commit to that life path. One idea would be to find ways to have some income (courses or side projects) to bring in some income so I don't drop completely to zero. + +**Question** + +I'd love to hear people's thoughts or framework for thinking through this situation and if anyone has confronted a similar situation, what did you do, and how do you feel about it. + +**EDIT** + +Really appreciate all the thoughtful responses. My first post ever and amazing to me so many people take the time to offer advice and thoughts. Would be incredibly difficult to schedule this many calls and have 20+ conversations to get all these thoughts. Thank you! + +Burnout is real and I think everyone that said to take some real time off to recharge and think has it right. It's fear of stepping off the path and out of the game that has stopped me from committing to taking some time off, truly recharging, and spending time reconnecting, thinking through passions, having conversations, and tinkering with ideas. But I do think now is the time. +I’m opening a separate trading account for multi year investments and I’m trying to decide what to invest in. What are some solid dividend stocks that you recommend or some dividend etfs? My plan is to throw some extra cash in every month and reinvest dividends for many years until I have a nest egg +I don't want to burst anyone's bubble but lately its all been posts about how cryptocurrency has helped someone or how someone is suffering in their country and moons helped them out. Where are the good old days when we used to talk about news related to cryptocurrencies rather than personal benefits? I don't mean to be rude but the purpose of this subreddit was to educate people about what's going on in the crypto world, I mean, it even says so in the community description. + +*The official source for CryptoCurrency News, Discussion & Analysis.* + +But lately, it has been none of that and doesn't quite provide any useful information regarding crypto but instead we have posts about how it helped someone from a third world country undergo a penis enlargement surgery after selling all the moons they made. + +Edit: I know that we're all in this together and we should help each other out. But someone who asks for moons because it'll help their financial situation is not more deserving of it than someone who brings in useful information to this subreddit. I believe that if we reward people who provide useful and relevant info, it'll also motivate people to do more thorough research and make better contributions to this society. +Earnings per share (EPS): $27.26 vs $19.34 per share, according to Refinitiv estimates. + +Revenue: $61.88 billion vs $56.16 billion, according to Refinitiv estimates. + +YouTube advertising revenue: $7.00 billion vs $6.37 billion expected, according to StreetAccount estimates. + +Google Cloud revenue: $4.63 billion vs $4.40 billion expected, according to StreetAccount estimates. + +Traffic acquisition costs (TAC): $10.93 billion vs $9.74 billion expected, according to StreetAccount estimates. + +https://www.google.com.au/amp/s/www.cnbc.com/amp/2021/07/27/alphabet-googl-earnings-q2-2021.html +Here to make everyone feel better about their situation. + +I'm not rich - nor am I in the top 10 percent of income earners. I had some cash mostly left behind by my wonderful grandparents and my own money as well. Got greedy when I was up 20k in March and bought more. Learned a valuable lesson. + +When you watch your portfolio drop past 50 percent it has an affect on you. I'm at the stage where I've accepted that this was meant to happen as a learning experience but it also solidified my determination for long term savings. + +Ultimately it's a good thing because I would have spent the money on bullshit had I sold my gains before the crash. I'm now taking a 10 year view on this technology. I hope to god that I'll not need any of it in the near to mid future - that's the only thing I worry about on occasion but at the same time I've always worried about retirement and having nothing in the bank when I'm too old. + +See you guys on the other side. +I am 25, engaged, and I have a very solid job. My fiancee is 27, and also has a very good job. I make around $80,000 a year, and she makes $110,000 a year. I invest around $10,000-$15,000 a year in various stocks which tend to make me money which we use to pay for all vacations. I have a pretty much brand new car, and I split rent ($1900) with my fiancee each month. My fiancee's car is also only a few years old. + +Basically after after 401k contributions, utilities, rent, and other expenses, I am saving $1500-$2000 a month. My Fiancee has $14,000 in student loans, but she is going to pay that off in one large payment in the next month or so. After that, we will be saving almost $5,000 a month. + +I already have $50,000 in my savings, and I really don't know what to do with it. I feel like I shouldn't have that much in my savings. We are saving up for a house, but that probably won't be for a few years. Should we continue to keep putting money into our savings until we buy our home, then essentially restart? Or is there another smarter option? +I’ve just been looking into my mortgage statement and I’ve noticed that the interest charge fluctuates by up to £10 or so each month. It’s going up as well as down. In February it was £146 but this month it was £157. + +Edit: just to clear up some confusion, the £146 etc is the amount added in interest each month. My payment is a fixed amount at £661. +I was thinking about our kids overfunded 529s, which have some $400k in them, with the youngest having more than two years to go before college starts. The account will likely exceed $500k by then, and they are unlikely to go to a top high cost college. Even if they did, there would likely be some $200k in the 529 after four years at $80k+. + +Due to significant deferred comp, we will still be in the top bracket with $600k+ income in those years, limiting the child tax credit to $2000, so keeping them as dependents during college would have gained us $2000 a year in taxes, but by fully funding their 529s through gifts in the past, we can't actually claim them a dependent any more, as we are not providing 50% of their financial support (the 529s they own are supporting them, not us). + +But these years of nearly no income when they file returns seems to give a small opportunity on their 529 withdrawals. + +They should be able to make $12k in non education relevant withdrawals income tax free, paying only the 10% penalty on the appreciated percentage of the withdrawal, in our case about 66%. So they have an "effective tax rate" on the total withdrawal of 6.6%. + +While that is not going to get the balance down significantly, it seems a waste to not get some advantage of those years where they are no longer dependents, but still filing returns, or said differently, not waste the standard deduction. + +Of course the math is thrown off if they have earned income during that time. + +Yes, I realize it is a \~1-2k a year tax optimization, and yes, I could post it in r/tax. + +But when do others drop their kids as dependents when remaining in the top income tax bracket, and is my small potatoes math off? +Keep it friendly and civil; this is not WSB and automod will censor your posts at will for unsavory and unfriendly remarks. Try to keep shit posting and bragging to a minimum. +I have seen this mentioned so much in this sub and in other groups that sell options. If you have the shares, sell near the money covered calls until they're taken, I don't understand the issue. I don't understand why people give up so much money rolling things either. +I have been trading options for a few years. Made some money. Made a lot of money on stupid positions that I didn’t even fully understand. Lost some money. Lost a lot of money repeating the same stupid mistake. But most of all I have paid a stupid amount of money in taxes. In my opinion this is the biggest flaw in investing. If you win you pay. That being said I have decided to start my own church. This is the loop hole no one is talking about. Not only do you get free money from your members but you then you don’t have to pay taxes when you make money with THEIR money! It’s the perfect strategy. If you lose? It’s their money! As far they are concerned it is already gone. If you win? You keep ALL the money. Literally can’t go tits up. + +Edit: typos. Got too excited about my new venture. + +Edit 2: A lot of you are missing the point. We LIKE the Mormons. They have given us a perfect model for unlimited tendies. Take notes. +I was reviewing my November Robinhood statement and saw some strange activity - buying, cancel buys (BCXL) and selling small amounts of GME and BB, landing me a whopping $0.27 profit. This definitely wasn't me and I don't even have BB in my portfolio at all. I have a very boring portfolio with standard stocks, no fancy options ever. This is the only month this has ever happened. + +I figured it was some strange fraud attempt and did all the usual security stuff, but then noticed two even weirder things. 1) There is NO other indication that this activity ever happened. No notifications, no emails, nothing in my "history" and 2) my partner had the same weird micro transactions on his account in November, too. + +Uhhh, what? Can other people check if there was random activity recently in their accounts that ONLY showed up on their statement? What is this? + +EDIT: Waiting for confirmation from RH, but I’m pretty sure me and my partner’s issue was a trade correction from trades I made earlier in the year. I don’t hold the stock anymore but I did in the past and so did he. I suspect this is the case for most folks who had a similar issue, though some say they NEVER held the stock so… good luck with that. + +All that said, it’s incredible that RH wouldn’t inform users that they would be doing this, because as a lot of other commenters thought, it looks a lot like fraudulent trading! I’m a very casual, low stakes investor so RH worked for me. I’ll definitely be changing brokerages now. Better late than never. +I believe that omicron will be the end of covid as we know it in 6-12 months. It is what will finally get world popultion to the elusive herd immunity. Many vaccinated and unvaccinated will catch this over the ensuing 6 months, with only a mild bump in hospitalizatio rates. this variant is on its way to outcompeting and essentially extinguishing the other more deadly variants by having a far higher transmission rate while confering a partial immunity against all variants. It would be quite poetic if what finally rids the world of covid is covid itself. + +Im pretty much a retard throwing shit at the dart board and not a virologist or a financial advisor but have june 2022 JETS calls on this thesis. +My wife and I are in our mid 30s. We both went to art school and we spent our 20s working low-paying creative jobs, but we always lived below our means, saved what we could, and paid off debt immediately. + +In 2019, we decided to make some significant changes. We wanted to build a more stable financial foundation for our family. After lots of careful consideration, I decided I would go to law school, earn a JD, and get a job in corporate law. I knew that I wouldn’t love the work, but it would pay well and I felt confident that I would be able to attend to a top-tier school and check all of the “success” boxes along the way. I was always good at tests and school nonsense. + +Sure enough, cut to Feb 2020, I had accepted a spot at Columbia Law School, my wife had found a new job in NYC, and we were prepping to leave our home in Texas. + +But, Covid. + +For multiple reasons, we decided not to move to NYC during the first Covid wave and I deferred my spot at law school for a year. Then, out of the blue a job at a major technology company fell into my lap when an old coworker recommended me for the role. The pay was about 250% what I had been making before the pandemic. A few months later, my wife also found a job at a tech company. Suddenly, nine months into the pandemic our household income had jumped 3.5x. After a couple small promotions, we’re now making more income than we ever imagined—about $530k USD in base, equity, and benefits in 2022. We have no debt other than our mortgage. We own one shitty car outright. + +We also just welcomed our second child. + +So now we’re wondering what to do next. + +We have about 100k in cash. We moved into a new house in our high COL city and put 28% down. Our mortgage is about $6k/mo. We are maxing out our 401ks. We have ~350k in brokerage accounts, almost all of it in stock index funds. Another ~100k in vested employer stock that we’re holding for the capital gains advantage. Thanks to an extremely generous gift from a distant relative, our kids’ 529s are probably funded sufficiently assuming the stock market performs at/near historical averages for the next 2 decades. We are saving about 40% of our adjusted gross income. + +Should we try to get a rental property? Connect with a professional money manager? Until now, I’ve done everything myself and followed super simple common sense principles. + +Our goal is to be financially independent as early as possible but we’re not looking to FIRE our whole lives. + +We have a pretty high risk tolerance and we’d entertain any opportunity to generate passive income. +I’m really wanting a new Chevy Bolt. Chevy just discounted the price of their Bolt less -$6500. With a trade in I’d be looking at about $24k car or about $555 per month with car payment/insurance. + +I’m not usually a fan of car payments. I have an old Honda Fit that I own and is very reliable, but gas prices are so high right now, even after getting 30 mpg in my Honda. + +My current bills are roughly $1100 per month including rent and my personal bills. I’m going to be starting a new job in 2 weeks that’s $85k per year salary. + +I know I can afford it but my question is should I even buy it? Is it worth it to get another monthly bill just to save on gas? Or continue on with the car I don’t have a payment on but pay exorbenant gas prices. +I'm currently finding myself in a predicament because my relative just died and left me some of her belongings and money. I currently have no plans for it and dont know what to do with it besides keeping it somewhere or investing the money. I was left no instructions on what to do with it. + +In the lock box there are a couple of swiss watches from the 1920s, a silver pocket watch that dates 1918, a small pouch of coins from 1917-1922, and a jeweled necklace. I'm currently 19 and I was think of selling them and combining the money to begin investing. + +My heart tells me to keep it in an area and wait for all the items to be at or over 100 years old as my relative would've probably recommended, but the items if sold might give me a boost in investing. + +Any ideas? +I'm posting my (short) story to hopefully save people some money. + +I always knew I wanted to be an investor. + +When I joined the military the classes I paid most attention to were the personal finance ones. My first paycheck went right into my savings, and I built up quite a reserve during my time in. High five figures, which wasn't easy over 4 years on a junior enlisted salary let me tell you. When my buds were buying new cars, I was saving my paychecks. When they went out and partied and bought shots I stayed in and studied investing, I mean looking back I should've lived a little but that's not the point of my tale. + +I forewent 4 years of revelry and fun to pile up as much cash as I could and plan for life after I got out. I read book after book on investing, finance, portfolio theory, Warren Buffett you name it. + +After reading enough material and studying for long enough I even thought of myself as somewhat knowledgable. I'd learned DCF and was already prospecting positions while I was in. + +So I started investing in 2015 and 2016. I used principles I'd read Buffett endorsed, low PE, worked within a DCF model. I mean I really took my time with these positions. I'd come to think of myself as somewhat of a principled value investor. + +Then the worst thing that could have possibly happened to a first time investor happened: I was successful. Within 5 months my first two investments had gone up nearly 30-40% (Emerson Electric and Nucor Steel for anyone curious). + +I felt like the king of the world, like I was way smarter than I was. Finding solid companies with great moats and low PEs and worked in a few models was easy. People who invested in index funds were chumps. They weren't smart, they were lazy. I was the smart one picking individual 'value' stocks and being diligent. I even started looking up returns if I could just sustain that 40% return for the next 10 years. It was all great. If I could do it now why not in the future? Life was good. + +I could spend the next 5 paragraphs outlying all the other positions I'd initiated because they were 'cheap' and had low debt. How I was finding value where others weren't (ironic given my name, huh?). But I'll forego it all to say that I wasn't nearly as smart as I thought I was, and that my returns as a whole have been meager. + +All in all, if I'd just parked that high five figures in an index fund like Vanguard's S&P 500 fund, VOO, I'd have around $40,000 in unrealized gains. Instead I have $5,000, about 12.5% of what I could have. Not to mention the stress, self doubt, anxiety, and swings that come with individual stock picking. + +I don't tell you my (short) tale because it's interesting, or even uncommon. I tell you because I wish that I'd seen this post all those years ago when I started investing (as if that would have stopped me anyways), but hopefully you will be smarter than I was. + +Stick with index investing, be a boglehead, do the tried and true. Boring wins, and I think it will continue to win. The simple fact is that no matter how many books you read or approaches you take most of us just can't be Warren Buffett. We can't be stock pickers. So save yourself the hassle and don't be like me. + +I admit defeat. I hang up my hat. I'm not a great investor and I'm not all that smart. Thank you for taking the time to read my post. + +Big Edit: Should've put in Original Post; I'm still holding most of these positions. I haven't sold for a loss (or minor gain) yet, as I bought most with the intent to hold long term and still will do so. I'm just hanging it up as an individual stock picker. All future investments will be into index funds. It's the approach that suits my temperment and intellect (what of it I have), the best. +Disclaimer: I live in Colorado, where the Sun shines 300+ days per year, but I suspect this would work for a large part of the US as well (Arizona, NM, TX, FL etc) + +We all know that the two secrets to increase wealth: maximize revenue and minimize expenses. I want to focus on the second part here in this post. + +Solar panels are getting really cheap these days (even with a 30% tariff added in Jan 2017) , and so are many used Electric Vehicle (EV) . Solar panels are costing less than $1 per watt (different efficiency varies) and with professional installations (labors, net meters etc) costing about $2 per watt. A typical 6000 watt system which on average produces about 7800 kWh a year in Colorado (650 kWh/month) would cost about $18000 installed. If you do this before the end of the year, you get a check for 30% of the total system cost from the federal government, for a total cost of about $12000. After the new year, that check would be just 26%, (next year 22%, and then 0% in 2022), and we all know which Orange American is behind this drop, but that's a political rant for another day. + +A lot of cities in the US offers solar loans at about 5% APR. A quick calculation would tell you that with $0 down, the monthly payment for the system per month would be $79 for 20 years, $95 for 15 years, or $127 for 10 years. After the system pays off, your cost would be $0 a month. You could also take out a personal loan from most banks for solar projects. They could offer even lower APR. Or if you happen to have the money on hand, you could just pay it off cash. + +So let's take a look at how much people could save. In Colorado, 1 kWh cost about $.11\~$.14, so let's use average $.12 for the calculation. $.12\*650 = $78. But wait! That's not all. There are also taxes and transmission cost associated with the usage, which means that you save more than that much. If you look at your power bill you can see that taxes and fees are at least 30% of your electric bills, sometimes it could be as high as 70%! So with solar power you are looking at a 0 or negative power usage for most of the year, saving you 100% of the electricity cost. In places like California, where 1 kWh costs getting to as high as $.24, your monthly cost could be $156 plus tax and fees, which means that you will be saving at least $29 a month even if you chose the 10 year payment plan. Each year, utilities companies raise the rates/fees. With your own solar system, you will have peace of mind from rising energy cost. + +But wait! There is more potential savings. Most houses in the US has tanked gas water heater, which requires replacement every 8\~12 years. A tanked (50 gallon) electric water heater cost about $380 at Home Depot. So if you happen to need to replace your gas water heater soon, you can get a tanked electric water heater, and save even more: I used to pay $50 a month for gas for a family of 4. After replacing it with electric water heater, my gas bills in the summer is literally $1 ( gas pilot light for the furnace?) + +But wait! There is even more potential savings. Used Electric cars are so cheap these days it is definitely worth looking into. I bought a used 2015 S Nissan LEAF with 24 kWh battery in 2016 for $9000 cash. It was a great deal. But you can surely find many sub-10k electric cars on the internet these days. And if you calculate the savings in addition to your electric costs, it is mind blowing: People casually drop $2000 \~ $4000 a year on gas alone without a second thought. That's gonna be $0 for you with the solar panels. 10 years of this you will save at least $20000, which is no small change. And then there's the maintenance savings: There is no oil change every 3000 miles; no spark-plug change, no tune-ups, no transmission fluid flush, no $500 \~ $700 average maintenance each year associated with the dirty gasoline engine. There are various subs for EV's on reddit you can refer to. [/r/leaf](https://www.reddit.com/r/leaf/), [/r/volt](https://www.reddit.com/r/volt/), [/r/bolt](https://www.reddit.com/r/bolt/), etc. Notice how I excluded Tesla because it is so expensive it does not really make good financial sense, even for used ones. + +\*\* Edited the actual percentage of rebate changes. 30% 2019, 26% 2020, 22% 2021, and 0% 2022. +I'm just wondering if this is a accurate way to calculate my risk, for my spreadsheet I do + +((Entry - Sl) × (lot size × 100,000)) × quote currency to account currency exchange rate = risk + +Then figure out % in a separate sum as I think its best to see the amount in currency in a cell to itself. + +Just to show a real world example of the maths ( not of the trade ), if I trade AUDNZD and my account is gbp it would look like this conveniently nzd to gbp is roughly 0.50500 so I will use that + +((1.13500 - 1.13450) × (0.5 × 100,000)) × 0.50500 = 12.62 + +This has always lined up with my trades in the past but i just want to check as im still relatively new to trading started in January 2022. + +If my maths is wrong please let me know and if there are any changes you would recommend i'd love to hear them +Hey everyone! I am from Europe, but the vast majority of my investments are in US companies. I started investing last year, like many people did, and I already own most of the classic and safe dividend stocks and will continue to add more to those. However, I feel like it would be a good idea to start adding some European ones as well, but it seems that it is not as easy to find information about dividend investing in Europe. It's not impossible, I did find some things, but naturally everything is much more spread out. So my question is: is there anything in Europe similar to the US's dividend aristocrats/kings? + +&#x200B; + +On a side note, I don't know how many of you are European and if you have the samer perception, but it's weird how we're so much more familiar with US stocks than European ones for the most part! +I’ve been doing some DD and reading this subreddit a lot to hopefully give me the knowledge to build a solid dividend portfolio I will have for the rest of my life. + +My goal is to create a portfolio that will allow me to pay off future expenses. In order to start I’m looking to DRIP most of my initial positions and maybe pick some more up along the way… however for the first 10-15 years all dividends will be reinvested to grow the portfolio. + +My question in simplistic terms is, knowing i would like to use this portfolio first as DRIP then to pay off expenses later in my life, what’s the best strategy? And by this I mean, monthly dividend paying growth stocks, quarterly growth, yearly growth, etc? In your experience what has been the best div. yield percentage and payout dates for an early growth portfolio regardless of the initial total investment? Should I wait until I have more money to supplement the growth process ($2,100 is all i can put in RIGHT NOW)? +Welcome to the Daily Non-Eth Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +The thread guidelines are as follows: + +- All sub rules apply here so please review our **[rules page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/)** to become familiar with them. The rules page is also linked in the announcement bar above. +- This thread is intended as a welcome place for discussion of all non-Ethereum related crypto. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our [Ethereum Education wiki page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +*** + +Enjoy! +Welcome to the Daily Non-Eth Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +The thread guidelines are as follows: + +- All sub rules apply here so please review our **[rules page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/)** to become familiar with them. The rules page is also linked in the announcement bar above. +- This thread is intended as a welcome place for discussion of all non-Ethereum related crypto. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our [Ethereum Education wiki page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +*** + +Enjoy! +Welcome to the Daily Non-Eth Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +The thread guidelines are as follows: + +- All sub rules apply here so please review our **[rules page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/)** to become familiar with them. The rules page is also linked in the announcement bar above. +- This thread is intended as a welcome place for discussion of all non-Ethereum related crypto. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our [Ethereum Education wiki page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +*** + +Enjoy! +Hello RE community, + +I'd like to share with you a long, but motivational journey of me getting into real estate. Let me know if you have any questions below and I'll do my best to answer them. + +I started off investing into a quadplex around July 2017 and got an FHA loan to purchase it. The terms were roughly 3.5% interest rate on a 30 year fixed loan. Now here's the kicker, I did the number crunching in my head and on a computer to confirm and I found that without the mortgage this home was producing as much money as my day job. This was an eye opening moment that made me both upset and happy. Upset that I had essentially replaced myself with a home that consumes very little yet produced so much that it left me with a profit. I was happy because I realized the more I invested in RE, then I could essentially retire super early if I found more deals like my home. + +Before I go further I need to let people know that there are downsides to investing in RE and that includes but is not limited to: dealing with tenants, stuff breaking down,etc. However the upsides far outweigh the downsides and this is obviously money, building equity, etc. You will have to learn to fix things on your own to reduce cost and this is super important if you actually want to come out ahead in real estate. + +Once I got my quadplex I got serious and began studying real estate with books and the internet (biggerpockets). It all provided great information but it's easier when you have someone to communicate and bounce your thoughts and so I stumbled to reddit. (Prior to this I hadn't used reddit so much.) + +So here's where my main problem came and I'm sure a lot of people have struggled with this part. I had maxed out my loans since I only had one job and I wasn't making much (~30k) so when I found another investment opportunity I wasn't able to get another loan. I explained to my loan officer that I had rental money income but was rejected since it takes 2 years for that rental money to count. This was repeated in several big banks and credit unions so the barrier had been set up there. + +Solution? +1) I could find investors to help me invest in more properties. +-Problem is I wasn't too experienced and I honestly don't know a lot of people who are willing to depart with $xK amount of money to a stranger they haven't heard before. +-Even if I could find investors I don't like sharing the profit. More investors = less profit since everyone is grabbing a slice. + +2) Wait the 2 years to get another loan. +-Impatient and opportunities are being lost. + +3) Negotiation. + +NEGOTIATION + +This is where GringoGrande comes in. While exploring and checking out other post I would find post that were informative and provided a solution to my dilemma and I noticed that it was commonly written by GringoGrande. I figured why not DM the person? Worst they can say is no or ignore me. So I get in touch with GG and I share my dilemma with him, I tell him I lack capital and no one is willing to finance me. GG tells me have you tried seller financing? I had heard about it but I had strong doubts since I couldn't imagine the scenario where I could discuss this with the seller. But I had no other recourse and so I began sharpening my communication skills such as: Why are you selling, listening to their problem, and providing a solution where we could both benefit. + +In my area I immediately found opportunities where the seller was willing to finance (Not every deal is a good deal, I simply asked around to develop the courage to get around the subject). At the time I was still building capital but my parents had the money and wanted my help in obtaining an investment opportunity. Using all the knowledge and experience I developed I agreed and we began researching the finest quality of RE for investing. After creating a list I began to individually ask for seller financing to these properties and I was finding no luck. The problem was that most of these were owned by companies and the agents would constantly get in my way telling me that the seller wasn't interested in talking etc. We had given up but I decided to push once more, this time however I was aiming for the best RE and I would find a way to contact the seller directly (It was owned by a company). It took a few days but I eventually got in touch with the owner and we shared some information about the property and my situation. We found we could solve each other's problems and moved forward with the deal. + +It was a rough patch but I had help from GG throughout the way both directly and indirectly. Here's how: + +1) Talk to the seller since it's the sellers that will be the ones to make/break a deal. +2) Develop your communication skills because it helps you see where you're standing in a negotiation and lets you know what the problem is and what you can do to solve it. +3) Be brave/bold: ask the seller if they are willing to help you in your dilemma (financing), you won't know unless you ask. +3) My personal advice: Have capital with you (Based on your area, for me this is 10k) , although it's possible to get a deal with little to no money down this is impossible based on my small exposure. I have heard differently from GringoGrande and I'd like to find those kind of deals eventually but until I can I will always have some money just to be sure. +4) Second personal advice: Besides the down payment capital, have some extra capital for repairs or when problems arise that are out of your control. + +Today I am more confident and my drive to find more deals is stronger than ever. I'm in this for the long term and life could not be any better. I have the people like GG and Joshua to thank for listening to my questions and providing information to help me move forward in my RE ventures. I hope this helps you find the motivation or the information you need to take the next step in your goal with RE! +Hello everyone, + +I'm planning to buy my first rental property. Any advice? +I'm curios on what others are doing to get tenants, or features to make the rental property more appealing, etc, and maybe money saving tips. + +Thank you! :) +Full disclosure - this is long. TL;DR at the bottom. + +Hi all, thought I would put my thoughts on paper from the first investment deal I had, the nightmare that ensued, and what I learned. + +**Context** + +I bought a home in ATL with tenants in it, with the original plan of fixing it up for a quick flip. The tenants however asked to continue to rent and once I found out that the rental was almost 2% of the price, my greed took over and I decided to become a landlord for the first time. Mistake #1 - made a plan and should have stuck with it. Maybe this wasn't the biggest mistake ever, since it's perfectly fine to change your plans, but it was fueled by greed and not logic. + +**The Set Up** + +One tenant advised me he was moving out May 31st, let's call him "Paul," so I now had to find a replacement to rent his room (one of four, in this case the master bed/bath). Another tenant, let's call him "Harry" (fake pseudonym, obviously) had a "cousin" (more like distant relative) visit him in ATL as she was moving from NYC; let's call her "Mary" (again, fake). Mary said she's interested in the room, came off as talkative but overall no immediate red flags. We text each other and start discussing the terms of the lease. Mistake #2 didn't ask for security deposit or first/last month's rent up front. This never really comes into play, as you'll see, but a mistake nonetheless. + +**The Twist** + +Paul keeps delaying his move out date and pays pro-rated rent for the extra couple weeks he is at the property. As Mary waits for Paul to move out, she asks if she can sleep on the couch a few nights since she's visiting. I have no problem with this. Eventually, however, Paul decides to stay in the house and pays the balance of the rent due for the month. I no longer have a room available to give Mary. + +Unbeknownst to me, Mary had take the liberty of moving some of her things into the house, and in the short time she's been there has already had a number of arguments with the tenants. **BIG MISTAKE** \#3 as soon as I found out she moved her stuff in, I should have gone over to the house and removed her. + +**Escalation** + +I tell Mary to leave, and while on the phone she agrees, but then calls the police and claims that she is a resident according to text messages. I hired a lawyer who confirmed that *discussing the terms of a lease does not constitute a lease itself.* This was key - **when in doubt, hire a lawyer**. Best money I've spent so far. + +**IS THIS REAL LIFE?!** + +Mary not only refuses to leave, but now that she's on the couch she refuses to pay rent in any amount. Her argument is BOTH that we didn't have a signed lease agreement (so she doesn't owe rent) AND that she is owed the master bedroom because that's what we agreed on. Cognitive dissonance much? She is now a squatter. But cops won't deal with her, they say take it up in court. + +Add on top of this Mary has called the cops at least once per week, and the building code inspector too. Because the prior owner was a bit of a slumlord, there are a number of things that admittedly needed some attention. But "code" means that all light bulbs have to work, and the kitchen has to be "sanitary." So I literally hired a handyman, paid him $3500 to do things as menial as clean the kitchen and change bulbs. + +**Court Date\_V1** + +Remember that lawyer I hired? Well his advice was to file an official eviction, which I did, but Mary had the guts to respond with an extremely accusatory counterclaim (negligence, fraud, etc). When we show up to court two weeks later, she asks the judge for a continuance! Court delayed one week so she can "hire a lawyer." I decided to lawyer up myself. **When in doubt, hire a lawyer.** + +Honest moment - I broke down and cried here. The process was so emotionally draining and gave me anxiety attacks. I considered selling the property at a fire sale price just to be done with it. My analytical side takes over and I start calculating the "worst case scenario" about losing the house, losing in court, owing a huge settlement, etc. Luckily friends and family were there to support me. + +**Intermission** + +In between court dates, Mary actually assaults another tenant and is taken away by the police. Just my luck! + +**Court Date\_V2** + +Rolling with my lawyer to court, Mary doesn't even show up! Is she in jail? Did she just ghost? I honestly have no clue, but I win by default. + +Which brings us to today. My tenants and I are happy she's gone. I technically have a small judgement against her for the rent she owes for the time she spent at the house. I don't ever expect to collect on this. + +**Lessons Learned:** + +**- Written agreements only -** do not ever rely on verbal *anything* + +***-*** **When in doubt, hire a lawyer -** self explanatory + +\- **Always ask for rent/deposit -** again, self explanatory, and it probably would have filtered Mary out as a tenant to begin with + +\- **Evictions aren't that scary -** luckily most of our texts were pretty clear and I printed 66 pages for court records. + +\- **If ever texting a (potential) resident, write as if a JUDGE were going to read it -** + +TL;DR had a crazy squatter that made my life a nightmare for two months, finally got her out using the courts. +hey, y'all...thought i'd share this which was sent to me a few years ago. + + + +After finding an HML that will lend where your prospect house is (most will only lend in major metro areas or have steeper rates if they do lend outside metro areas), I would ask these questions: + +Are you a direct lender? + +This will be a gateway question. If the answer is no, that means they are a broker of some type. Typically this means they will take longer to close, may not have all the information of the companies they work with, and most hard money brokers get their money by taking an existing product and adding extra points to pay their fee. Only continue on if the answer is yes. The person you are speaking to should have an email address with the name of the company and work directly for that company. Otherwise you could be getting yourself in to a bad situation. + +What is your investor success rate? + +This is important to know but can be lied about very easily. Many don’t track this statistic. I don’t know if it is because they don’t really care or just haven’t thought of it. I think it is probably the most important stat. Look for groups who offer referrals to local contractors, Relators, etc. Also, look for groups that have boots on the ground in each market that know the specifics of investing in that area. + +How many loans have you closed in this month? + +Any good HML will know this number off the top of their head. You want a lender that is busy and closing loan in your area. Who cares if they closed 100 loans in other states, find out what they are doing in the same area you plan to be. If they are closing a lot of loans, they probably have something good to offer. A good number will vary based on the current market and the size of your metro area. + +What is your maximum LTV and Initial Funding? + +This is normally expressed as a percentage and that percentage is of the ARV. Most companies are between 65% and 75%. The higher the percentage, the better for you. That means they will lend more. Initial funding levels are a back way of putting the down payment required. If a company says they have 85% initial funding, what they really mean is they are going to require you to pay 15% of the purchase price as a down payment on top of the closing costs and LTV requirements. Right now most HMLs are between 85% up to 100% initial funding. Initial funding of 100% means there would be no down payment. + +Do you require an appraisal and survey? + +Most HMLs will require these. I am wary of the ones that don’t require an appraisal. The lender will perform a desktop appraisal but they will typically have a short view on the value of the property to protect the company’s investment which means you will be coming out of pocket more. Small-time HMLs may not require an appraisal but this could be because they will drive out and view the property themselves. Survey is a toss-up on whether or not it will be required. + +Is there a pre-payment penalty? + +Some will require you to pay the interest through the term or another length no matter how long you hold the loan. Just make sure that you include this requirement in your costs. + +Do you have relationships with refinance lenders? + +Make sure that they have a good relationship with companies that will refinance the loan for you if you are using a BRRRR method. You want to see something that has low or no seasoning for a cash out refi or that may require low amount of documents. + +What is your draw fee & benchmarks for the repairs portion of the borrowed money? + +Know what your fees will be to take out the repair money borrowed. Draws are almost always held back until you reach certain points in the project or that work is completed. They will also charge you to have an inspection by a 3rd party to make sure the work is done. I have seen this range from as low as $100 up to $300. + +Do I need to pay anything before sitting at the closing table? + +There have been numerous people on BP talking about how they paid application fees but they could never get their loans closed on any deal brought to the company. This is a practice by some less than reputable companies. One I saw charged $500 upfront to be pre-approved and would never actually fund any loans. Just beware. Most reputable HMLs will not charge anything until you are sitting at the closing table and all fees will be listed on the HUD-1 closing document. + +And of course, what are the points, interest, and attorney/document/admin fees for the loan? + +This will vary based on region but in general 2 – 5 points, 11% - 14% APR (meaning this is the annual rate so divide it by 12 to get the monthly interest amount), and documents fees can be from $600 – $1,900. The document fees are what will vary wildly from company to company. Just know them going in so that you can properly budget. You will also want to find out if payments are interest only or if some principal is built in. Most hard money will be interest only payments on the full approved balance of the loan whether or not if you have pull the draw funds for repairs. + +If you have any other questions, post them below so that we can all learn from the answers. +Hi! + +So it's in my 5-year plan to start buying residential investment properties as soon as I have the cash for it. I can live with high interest rates and depreciation as long as the cashflow works, but obviously if rents somehow hit the floor I might get stuck with a bunch of money pits. + +Just curious as to what some variables might be that would cause demand for housing to drop significantly? And what other factors might cause rents to drop in the long run? Thanks! +What's up FIRE community. I wanted to share my personal "FIRE" story. + +I'm a single 24 year old guy, and I got my first job working finance for a large company in March 2020. You know, when COVID-19 hit. I was in the office for a week, and then my company went remote. Remote work was chill. I talked to my friends all day on the phone, played some Xbox, and did whatever it is that 22 year olds do when they have too much free time. I also discovered the stock market. + +Maybe some of you have heard of SPACs. Well I put $6k in a Roth IRA, and I turned that $6k into $300k+ in less than a year trading said SPACs. Was it awesome? I mean yeah, at first. What I didn't realize at the time was how much the stock market was controlling my life. All of my conversations gravitated towards investing. My subconscious mind was thinking about P&L at all times. I didn't sleep well, and I checked my portfolio every 15 minutes or so every day. Now I was one of the lucky ones: in hindsight I had all of the signs of a gambling problem, but I was good. + +Then a month or so ago, I lost $130k. In a day. See when you play aggressive games, you are going to take aggressive burns. I should have cashed out at the top, but that's no fun, is it? + +The problem was when I had $6k, I wanted $30k. Then $50k. Then $100k. Then $250k. Then $500k. If you've never been in the game, it seems stupid. But I kept winning, so the goal post kept moving. I never hit that $500k. In fact, I dropped well below $200k. Losing over $100k at 24 years old should have hurt, but honestly I was a bit relieved. + +Why? Because it snapped me out of the game. I realized that whether or not I was making $$$, it didn't matter because I could never be present in my life. What a trash existence. That loss was the best thing that ever happened to me. + +I sold everything and went all in on SPY. I still have a six figure Roth IRA at 24, which is better than most. I consider myself lucky. + +"Wait Barmelo, I thought this was about travel?" + +Yes, but I needed to provide a bit of context first. + +So my company announced in July that we would be going back to the office in September. Well that didn't sound fun to me. I'm in a unique spot in that I will be beginning graduate school at Columbia University in Fall 2022. I still have a good bit of money both 1) saved up and 2) from stocks, and I realized that I would be selling my car before I moved to NYC next year too. + +I bought a one way ticket to Barcelona, sold my 4runner, and told my company I was quitting. + +Why? + +Well we Americans spend way too much time working working working without a thought for anything else. + +Graduate high school to get in a good college. After college get a good job. Then get married. Then have kids. Then work to put them through school. Then retire and spend the last years of your life chasing ambitions when you're too old to enjoy them. How sad. + +Well the FIRE community wants to accelerate that retirement to let you enjoy those benefits sooner. The problem with that is that many people ignore their present to save for the future so much that they are miserable for years while trying to hit that target. Guess what? That mythical "target" won't make you happy. + +I decided to take the first of what could be several "mini" retirements in life. I mean dude, I'm 24. I wanted to go see the Northern Lights in Iceland. Party in Prague. Ride a camel in Morocco. Walk where Jesus walked in Israel. Smoke some weed in Amsterdam. Fall in and out of love all over the world. Make a ton of mistakes, and even more memories. + +And you know what? I'm a month in writing to you from Sevilla, Spain right now, and I have done some of those things. And it's freaking awesome. + +We spend way too much time building financial capital at the expense of social capital, and that's a piss poor trade off. + +It's okay to have fun. And spend some money. And enjoy yourself while you're young. + +I realize I'm speaking from a place of privilege. I'm going to a great grad school next year that will allow me to get a great job. I made a lot of money on the market which boosted my retirement account AND helped fund my trip. I had a car that sold for way more than it was worth. + +But I know young people like me lurk this forum. Guys who will cut every cost to retire at 38. This is for you. When you're 60 you won't care if you retired at 38 or 40. You will care if you made memories worth remembering when you were young. If the choice is a journal full of incredible stories or a bank account full of dollars, go with the former. + +Take care of your money, but don't forget your life along the way. +Hello, I’m 18 and my goals are a steady source of income so low fees and dividends are always a plus. I have investing knowledge and use M1 finance for my stocks which are adequately diversified but I was wondering if any of you had good suggestions for etfs or funds. Thanks! +**See edit at bottom for answers to common questions.** + +###PREFACE + +Obviously this is dependent on tax laws in your specific country. This post is primarily about the US and other countries with similar taxation laws. + +###WHAT HAPPENED + +In the 2017 bull run, people saw crazy gains (10x-100x) and then traded without considering the taxable events and liabilities being created. + +Then when the 2018 crash happened they did not have money to pay their HUGE tax bill that was owed and ruined their financial life! + +###HOW IT WORKS + +If you bought $10k worth of a coin and it 20x to $200k in 2021, and then you trade it for any other coins, you have a realized gain of $190k. + +Assuming a 20% effective tax rate, you would owe $38,000 in taxes! + +Now if your portfolio dropped 80% back down to $40k and you did not harvest the tax loss (sell to realize the loss then rebuy) before the end of the year… you would STILL owe $38k in taxes for that year, which is your entire stack!!! + +###WHAT TO DO + +If you had substantial gains this year and traded during the peak earlier this year, the smart thing to do is to: + +1. Use a crypto tax reporting software to calculate how much in realized gains and tax liability you may have. + +2. Cash out a portion of your stack and set it aside for paying taxes when they’re due OR if you're okay with the risk, you can even convert to a stable coin and hold on a lending platform to still earn some interest. (keep in mind this trade creates another taxable event so you'll want to factor that in) + +###CONCLUSION + +There were many stories of people in 2018 who owed HUGE sums in taxes that were near their entire stack or even more because they didn’t consider taxes and didn’t plan ahead. + +Learn from their mistake so you don’t repeat it! + +Hopefully we’re in a 2nd leg of the bull run but don’t risk being in this position if we're in a dead cat bounce and/or the market goes bearish. + +— + +**EDIT: Want to answer the same questions I keep seeing get asked:** + +- Yes, in the US, crypto to crypto trades ARE taxable events and are required to be reported. It’s not just if you sell to fiat. +- The info in this post only applies if you trade or sell (USA or countries with similar laws). If you just buy and hold or transfer a coin from wallet to wallet there is NO taxable event. +- I use bitcoin.tax for crypto tax reporting. There are other options if you Google. +- I use Celsius to hold/lend coins and stable coins to earn interest. +- Google “tax loss harvesting” to learn about how to reduce your tax liability and when it would make sense to do so. Wash trading IS allowed for crypto (unlike stocks). +**DoorDash just went public in a crazy overvalued IPO, AirBNB will follow today. Today we get earnings from Lululemon, Adobe, Dave & Busters, Costco & more. Let’s talk about this and everything about the stock market** + +Hey everyone and Good Morning! So, let’s start with the recap of yesterday as we saw the [Nasdaq COMPOSITE](https://ibb.co/bzmy8C4) drop almost 2% and suffering its biggest loss since October after the 4-day win streak, the broad market [SP500](https://ibb.co/Kw3DKxD) also dropped .80% while the [Dow Jones](https://ibb.co/9GvPGh5) did much better, down just .35% for the day. We saw a huge spike in the volatility [index](https://ibb.co/RcShWPM) of over 7% closing at the highest level since the 23rd of November. + +We saw more companies declining [yesterday](https://ibb.co/YkqyTgh) as finally some stocks have started to move below the moving averages on about average volume for the day. + +We saw most of the [sectors](https://ibb.co/Wfn4Trj) in the red yesterday as Tech and Communications suffered the most dropping more than 1% for the day, with small gains being made in just the Industrials, Energy and Materials sectors as Growth companies suffered the most [yesterday](https://ibb.co/5hQKP88), especially the Large-Caps as you can see in this [HEAT MAP](https://ibb.co/V9bfV71), with all the big FAANG names and other big tech companies being deep in the red as Apple, Amazon, and Netflix dropped more than 2% for the day, while FB, Google and Microsoft also lost over 1%, but the big loser yesterday was Tesla losing 7% for the day. + +Today we will get some critical economic [data](https://ibb.co/qnkdTJz), and if this disappoints, we might see another big drop in the stock market, as the jobless claims will start us off in the early morning. + +Alongside this economic data, today the [FDA](https://ibb.co/0906d6L) may approve the emergency use of the Pfizer vaccine, that could lead to a vaccine rollout starting next week. This might help the markets have a more positive reaction if the FDA grants the authorization. + +One good thing in my opinion is that the most recent [survey](https://ibb.co/5WPhj8B) from the AAII showed a slight decrease in Bullish and Neutral investors while the Bearish camp gained more than 4% in the last week. + +Investors had gotten very bullish in the last weeks and this usually is a contrarian indicator, so seeing this small drop is a good thing to see, as I want more and more people to start feeling bearish so I can find and buy stocks at more attractive prices than the current ones. So, the more bearish people get, the more I like to get on and buy stocks. But still… there is to much of a concentration in the bull’s camp so we might have to wait a little, for more fear to appear in the stock market. + +Positive indicators also popped up yesterday as Wholesale [invetories](https://ibb.co/WxPPLpS) rose more than expected in October, as this led the Atlanta FED to maintain they’re Q4 GDP [estimates](https://ibb.co/SBZPtZP), while [Goldman](https://ibb.co/sQ42gCg) also thinks the economy will recover faster than expected starting with Q4 and going on next year. + +While on the jobs front, October job opening came in [better](https://ibb.co/4VdrTbQ) than expected at over 6,6M, as the job opening rate stood at 6,7% while the quits rate at just 2,2%. + +So, DoorDash went live [yesterday](https://ibb.co/LJtbPtH) at 182$ which is insane in my opinion, the current price gives the company a [valuation](https://ibb.co/kcBcpYW) of over $70B, more than 4 times what the company raised at the last private fundraising six months ago. This valuation is higher than Chipotle, Yum Brands, Domino’s and many others from the food industry. + +And by the way, don’t forget the stock is [trading](https://ibb.co/CP0Qgbr) at over 30 times sales of this year, which were hugely boosted by the current situation, and that food delivery is really hard for any company, especially one that expects to grow to have a share of more than 50% of the entire world in the sector so that it can justify the current valuation. + +One of the biggest gainers from this is SoftBank as they have a big stake in the company. The shares of SoftBank [skyrocketed](https://ibb.co/GnTSqJf) yesterday to new highs in almost two decades. Like almost every time, the biggest gainers in this IPOs are the banks and not us the retail investors. + +With the other big [IPO](https://ibb.co/Ld0pMdz) yesterday being C3.ai which also opened way above the IPO price, as investors can’t get enough of this stock’s, I don’t think this is a healthy hype for this type of IPOs, investors expect every new company to just skyrocket but, not all of them will, and paying such a high premium is not worth it most time, better wait for a pullback before getting some action on these stocks. + +Today we will see [AirBNB](https://ibb.co/Hxd70Tb) go public, as the valuation for this company also gets higher and higher, as they have started selling shares for 68$ even higher than the latest targeted price between 56-60$. And if DoorDash is any [indication](https://ibb.co/8cb3yTs), I don’t think we will be able to get our hands on this stock below 100$. Way above my 70-80$ max price that I am willing to pay, so I am going to wait this out also until they have a pullback, maybe once the first earnings come out, that will be the case. But if somehow the IPO is under 80$ and especially under 70$ I would be willing to get some action. + +Some other [news](https://ibb.co/H4Pxqmq) from the stock market which pushed companies like Facebook lower came in when almost every US state filed a lawsuit against the company. In the long run, if this happens just like with the Google lawsuit, the sum of the parts of the company is bigger than the company itself, so I don’t really have any worries long-term about Facebook or Google, as they are the 2 of the biggest advertising platforms in the world. + +While [REAL ESTATE](https://ibb.co/0X85Cb4) is starting to make a small comeback in New York, as leases jumped 30% year over year in November to around 4000 new ones, but it will still take a very long time before things go back to where they stood before this year. + +Also, we will have a lot of earnings results today as [Oracle](https://ibb.co/jb5CPPV), Lululemon, Adobe, Dave & Busters, Costco, Broadcom and others report. + +I expect [Lululemon](https://ibb.co/J2MBWD2) to beat the estimates and the stock to regain momentum after it has struggled since the beginning of September. And just like analysts from Raymond James [said](https://ibb.co/gFL3T0s), the only underlying story problem for investors it’s the valuation, but this will soon go away, as people will buy this brand even more once the reopening begins. + +Likewise, [Dave & Buster's](https://ibb.co/L0rY2YS) may have smaller loses than expected last quarter as restaurants weren’t hit so badly like before or like this quarter. + +While [BROADCOM](https://ibb.co/b5kYKLB) stands to benefit a lot from the recent move in semiconductor industry especially for data centers that stands to benefit them a lot. + +[COSTCO](https://ibb.co/D19qrSc) will also report earnings after the close, and is expected to show over 14% growth in eps and revenues since last year, as they are one of the best retailers to own as a shareholder, even if they always trade at a premium. + +Adobe just released earnings while writing this post and here are the excelent results that the company [posted](https://ibb.co/kyzBLjv). Now let's see how the stock reacts, will it go down or up? + +So, guys, don’t forget not to panic sell when you see a big red day in the markets, just look at this Wells Fargo [chart](https://ibb.co/yQwKpt0). + +Investors who added 30% more exposure to equities, and took the money from investment-grade fixed income largely outperform the rest of the investors, while the average investor who does a quarterly rebalancing also did very good and is still up over 10% for the year, while investors who reduced the equity exposure by 50% and put that money into fixed income or kept it in cash are up just 2%. With by far the worst results seen in investors who removed all of the exposure to equities, they are down 6% for the year. + +Just be patient, trust the companies that you like and keep investing every time you can. In the long-run markets will always go UP & UP. + +Thank you everyone for reading! Hope you enjoyed the content! Be sure to leave a comment down below with your opinion on the stock market! + +Have a great day and see you next time! + + +[This is the official $GME Megathread for r\/Superstonk.](https://preview.redd.it/gzy9yfftoov71.png?width=778&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ce125aa2d7455f994d74a4192f1a04b7d14448c) + +**Please keep ALL conversations contained to Gamestop and directly related topics.** + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# Brand new to the sub? 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We call this the "Front Desk". Every day a moderator will create a new sticky comment that includes links to community announcements, fantastic posts that deserve more attention, and generally the simplest and easiest way to interact with the moderators of this community. The rest of the post is designed for general discussion and content/questions that might not need their own post. + +If you are new please mention that when you comment. There are no stupid questions but "shills" (paid accounts with the intent to disrupt the sub) are real. This community sees a lot of trolls. If you do not distinguish yourself as someone with genuine questions it is likely that members of our community will assume you are just spreading "FUD" (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt). I hate that I have to give you this warning but it is just the nature of the beast at this point. + +Please have fun, play nice and be civil. Many of our rules are heavily enforced. Debate is welcome but if it devolves into personal insults please report the comment. *Ape no fight ape!* +As long as someone only takes on a loan they can afford to pay off, what is the problem? + +Lets say you took out a 10K loan to invest with; even if the stock tanked by 50%, you are still 5k ahead of the person who used the money to fund a holiday. + +*\*purely starting conversation, I have no credit history or intention to get a loan. I have never even had a phone plan.* +**Is it better to buy a house or continue renting?** + +There seems to be two contradictory broad answers out there. There is the old schoolers claiming "rent money is dead money" and encouraging everyone to get in lifelong debt to fulfil the Australian dream of home ownership. There are also some naysayers who believe that home ownership / investment property is not all that is hyped up to be, and you are better off renting and putting all money in a well-diversified high-growth ETF portfolio. + +It is interesting to analyse the financial impact of buying vs renting. To this effect, I wrote up a spreadsheet with interesting outcome. + +Using reasonable estimates, it turns out that **you are more likely to have higher net worth buying your PPOR compared to renting + investing in ETF**. Note that this is not “financial advice”; I am assuming that people who are considering buying vs renting already have the financial health to cope with the mortgage stress. Your personal circumstances would definitely affect if buying a house is right for you. + +Feel free to play with the spreadsheet and plug in your own numbers in the yellow cells (you probably have to save it to your own Google account to be able to modify my figures). + +[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m7S6GZTCJ6wiaZoyWSAn2NKtf\_8w7wJFFHrz-bfoJgE/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m7S6GZTCJ6wiaZoyWSAn2NKtf_8w7wJFFHrz-bfoJgE/edit?usp=sharing) + +Feel free to comment on the model and I might modify it as necessary. + +**EDIT:** I just added another sheet in the spreadsheet with the option of offsetting first instead of putting surplus money straight in ETF. + +It involved a bit of coding but I am pretty satisfied it should be correct. + +&#x200B; + +\----- + +**Instructions** + +\- This simulation answers the question of: "If I have some saving, is it better to buy a house or to invest in a well diversified ETF portfolio while continuing to rent?" + +\- The model assumes that property value and ETF grows at a constant rate. + +\- The yellow cells are the modifiable cells. They have been prefilled with reasonable estimates for early 2020. + +**Legends** + +\- Cost of purchase: It is the stamp duty, land tax etc associated with purchase of property. This is estimated as 4% of property value. + +\- Period: 300 months (= 25 years) is hard-coded in this spreadsheet. + +\- Payment: Calculated monthly home loan repayment based on the mortgage amount and interest rate. + +\- Annual rental yield: In the rent scenario, we are assuming that we are renting the exact same house that we would have bought otherwise in the other scenario. The rental yield is the annual rent in proportion to the property value. Each month the rent is estimated to be the 1/12th the annual rental yield of the property value at that time. + +\- Cost of ownership: Expenses that owners incur that are not present when you are renting - eg repair, maintenance, body corp, council rates etc. + +\- Monthly Investment Money: Money that are available to be spent on housing/renting + ETF. + +**Calculations** + +\- At month minus one, it is assumed that you start out with cash saving equivalent to the deposit + cost of purchase. + +\- Each month the PPOR value is reevaluated based on the property capital growth rate. + +\- Each month the ETF worth is calculated based on the ETF return. + +\- Any surplus money each month is assumed to be fully invested in ETF in both scenarios. + +\- Prior to the monthly ETF purchase, cost of ownership (in the PPOR scenario) or rent (in the rent scenario) is taken out before the purchase. + +\- In the last row for PPOR scenario, an additional row ("sale") is added to estimate the actual return if the PPOR is sold (3% cost of selling is deducted) +\*\*\*\*\* I am NOT a financial advisor & this is NOT financial advice. Take everything you read, see, or hear with a grain of salt. Verify it ALL with your own DD & come up with your own conclusions! \*\*\*\*\* + +TL;DR - New rules #801 & #002 MAY be working their magic. JP Morgan is going to do intraday checks with all the hedgefucks that use their funds to "invest" and make sure they meet the MINIMUM daily SLD requirements. + +If they can't, the DTCC can LIQUIDATE their assets to cover their short positions until they do. They can also "block" any "member" that they deem is a "liability" to the DTCC, SEC & basically the rest of Wall Street. + +The DTCC can force ALL members to help cover any "debts" that any of these "liable" companies may incur through their "actions". 😉 + +Oh yeah, I'm fucking jacked to the tits! See you beautiful APES on the MOON soon 🚀 🌕 + +\----------------------------------------------------------------------- + +Here we go! + +I just posted about this: + +[https://www.dtcc.com/-/media/Files/pdf/2021/7/13/15625-21.pdf](https://www.dtcc.com/-/media/Files/pdf/2021/7/13/15625-21.pdf) + +https://preview.redd.it/3rj5adcjw4b71.png?width=2121&format=png&auto=webp&s=c064e228b21a08b22431b163412af52692f606a5 + +This is one of JP Morgan's account with the DTCC. Apparently there are reports of them having like 30 accounts. Ok that's fine, I don't dispute that ***statement*** unless I can prove it otherwise. But the fact remains that one of the accounts is closing down. So we can agree on that simple fact. + +\*\*\*\*\*EDIT 7/15/21\*\*\*\*\* + +Found out that JPMorgan only had their accounts "retired" by the DTCC only 2 times in HISTORY! + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/hw330ertngb71.png?width=3842&format=png&auto=webp&s=b363e20b104d7297931e9652a9d4058a58db1478 + +I've seen people claiming, "It's nothing! Business as usual!". + +Really? Business is as usual when only 2 of your accounts has EVER been closed according to [DTCC.com](https://DTCC.com) records? Both recent too! + +I believe the "Canada" retired account was in connection with this ruling made recently by the SEC found on the Reg Sho. (Don't quote me on this, I haven't searched to confirm this yet, I think this was jogged from my memory) + +Ummm... Ok, I'm sure you used DD and verified by just simply looking a little "deeper" right? I mean a 5 second search pulled this up. Guess your time is too precious to look? + +Looks like YouTubers are a lot more "news anchors" rather than real "reporters". + +\*\*\*\*\*EDIT\*\*\*\*\* + +I do have a theory, and as with any theory, I can be right or I could be wrong. We won't know unless if someone can dig up verifiable proof to disprove my theory, or ends up truly becoming result of something possibly big. Who knows right now. I just want to share this with you. + +This is the data I dug up and why I feel that this is all connected as it is. You make your own conclusions with everything presented here. + +Now an article released TODAY says this! + +https://preview.redd.it/y08eo6tkw4b71.png?width=3835&format=png&auto=webp&s=9d9cf56329c560258070f0b3384ac16fcd88b57b + +[https://www.risk.net/investing/7853221/jp-morgan-warns-hedge-funds-to-expect-intraday-margin-calls?fbclid=IwAR38LOqoa4u2ErZJ12TYzGw2J2KO7\_iPlZmDW6cZO17GEOwlDufhA6Nug9w](https://www.risk.net/investing/7853221/jp-morgan-warns-hedge-funds-to-expect-intraday-margin-calls?fbclid=IwAR38LOqoa4u2ErZJ12TYzGw2J2KO7_iPlZmDW6cZO17GEOwlDufhA6Nug9w) + +(Gotta pay for their subscription to read the whole article, but just he title says enough) + +What does this remind you of? + +Remember all those little "rules" that we got so excited about not too long ago? + +SR-NSCC-2021-002 in particular? + +Shall we revisit it for just a quick moment? You remember this guy right? + +[https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2021/05/12/2021-10054/self-regulatory-organizations-national-securities-clearing-corporation-notice-of-designation-of](https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2021/05/12/2021-10054/self-regulatory-organizations-national-securities-clearing-corporation-notice-of-designation-of) + +https://preview.redd.it/7m2xsqdmw4b71.png?width=3838&format=png&auto=webp&s=e0bad688d1af04491113966192c927d9ac1b9e1b + +Yeah, this is the one that increases the SLD minimum requirements right? + +Also remember this little guy? + +SR-NSCC-2021-801? + +[https://www.dtcc.com/-/media/Files/Downloads/legal/rule-filings/2021/NSCC/SR-NSCC-2021-801-Approval-Notice.pdf](https://www.dtcc.com/-/media/Files/Downloads/legal/rule-filings/2021/NSCC/SR-NSCC-2021-801-Approval-Notice.pdf) + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/thendwnsw4b71.png?width=3842&format=png&auto=webp&s=61b04ef5a917c62d30bb31df98b6b5ca7216dd98 + +Hmm...."Proposed Intraday Supplemental Liquidity Calls" huh? + +Yep that's right, this allows them to check on hedge funds to ensure that they are within the daily minimum SLD requirements. According to JP Morgan, they're gonna check up to 7 times a damn day to ensure these hedgefucks are able to "reasonably" cover their short positions! + +Don't forget the part that ALLOWS the DTCC to "block" members of the party in the event they do things to become a liability to the DTCC, SEC, & other financial enforcing entities. They will be pushed out like black sheep to have them take care of their own fucked up "business" they have made for themselves. + +Also another fantastic rule they put in place to protect themselves from these "liabilities" is allowing them to force upon other DTCC members to "share" in the debt responsibility if any should ever occur 😉 That way not only "one" member is responsible, but ALL of them will be held responsible to pay the debt of the "offending" party! + +\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* + +EDIT: + +Even though I couldn't confirm any other source of the [Risk.net](https://Risk.net) article, I did find this: + +[https://www.cnbc.com/2021/06/14/jamie-dimon-jpmorgan-is-hoarding-cash-because-very-good-chance-inflation-here-to-stay.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/06/14/jamie-dimon-jpmorgan-is-hoarding-cash-because-very-good-chance-inflation-here-to-stay.html) + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/drf4doaex4b71.png?width=3847&format=png&auto=webp&s=4f2e90a758ab931f54b1c00216f625d0fc52a92e + +It's no secret that banks are hoarding cash. They know something HUGE is gonna happen and it won't be pretty. So requiring more "liquidity" from their clients makes complete sense. They want to "protect" their "hoards" of cash they're stockpiling right now. + +I don't believe this will be the last we'll hear of this. I can almost guarantee you that this is going to happen with ALL banks soon enough. Just a theory, but keep a lookout for it and remember this post if it comes to fruition soon. + +\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* + +Yeah, I know, it's wishful thinking but these are the RULES that have been set into place. Now is this truly the culmination of all of this going into effect? Finally moving the cogs in this system to fix it? Man I hope so! + +If JP Morgan is admitting they're going to do this, who next? BOA, Credit Suisse, etc? + +Either way, **BUY & HODL**! This is the ultimate recipe for our MOASS success! + +Do remember these few things: + +1. Make sure to turn off share lending with your broker. If you have your shares with a "shady" broker (names of which can be found thru various threads here on this subReddit), then make sure to switch to a more reliable one such as Fidelity. +2. Day trading HURTS our cause on the daily. Since there is a T2+ clearing dates on trades, it can give them up to 4 additional days with which hedge fucks like Shitadel can use to cause fuckery with. +3. Don't worry about the price. There is not date but we know from all the evidence we are seeing, the day is coming soon my fellow APE! + +&#x200B; + +\*\*\*\*\*\*\*EDIT #2 + +Thank you so much to [**Luxray0815**](https://www.reddit.com/user/Luxray0815/) **for sharing this!** + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ojhfk2/this\_is\_the\_jp\_morgan\_warning\_hedge\_funds\_article/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ojhfk2/this_is_the_jp_morgan_warning_hedge_funds_article/) + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/2693puukp5b71.png?width=3853&format=png&auto=webp&s=55ee0cc7af029872744bfdd4dc8bc3c940d2c20d + +This is the whole article from [Risk.net](https://Risk.net)! + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +I'll quote it here if you don't wanna go there to read it all. Thanks to that OP for sharing the whole thing. Love the team work of this amazing community! + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +" JP Morgan warns hedge funds to expect intraday margin calls + +*July 13, 2021* + +Author: Nell Mackenzie + +JP Morgan is warning hedge funds clients that it will demand they post more cash at any time during the day if their trades lose value. + +The biggest US bank by assets called clients of its prime brokerage division in the aftermath of the collapse of Archegos Capital Management, according to three people familiar with the matter. JP Morgan told the hedge funds and family offices that they would have to post more collateral on their single-name equity swap positions if they lost value intraday. + +Banks collect margin from hedge funds to cover potential losses if a fund fails. Prime brokerage divisions ask for initial margin when a hedge fund enters a levered position and then give themselves the ability to demand variation margin if the market moves against the client. + +The right to demand variation margin is included in many contractual agreements with prime brokerage units. Hedge funds rarely seek to change them because until Archegos. they were rarely enforced. + +"The JP Morgan standard prime brokerage agreement actually says that they can call you whenever they want for variation margin - like you can get up to seven calls a day" says a head of treasury at a large US hedge fund. "It's up to you to negotiate that." A spokesman for JP Morgan declined to comment. + +The default of Archegos at the end of March triggered losses at multiple investment banks, including a mammoth $4.7 billion loss at Credit Suisse, which collected less margin from Archegos than the likes of Goldman Sachs and Deutsche Bank. + +None of the hedge funds that [Risk.net](https://risk.net/) spoke to have received intraday variation margin calls from JP Morgan, but they all fear that they will have to pay up in the future. The chief financial officer of one US hedge fund says that he was shocked when JP Morgan said it would exercise its legal right to make margin calls multiple times a day. + +"I have worked at small firms and multi-billion-dollar firms and this was a first", he says. "I was surprised to hear this." + +Prime brokers that provide leverage to hedge funds collect two types of margin from clients: initial margin, which is set periodically based on the credit risk posed by the fund; and the variation margin, which is calculated daily and covers mark-to-market losses. + +In prime brokerage, initial margin is primarily based on counterparty credit risk - the chances of a client defaulting - rather than the risk of individual trades. "Generally what happens is someone assesses the creditworthiness, does the know your customer and anti-money laundering, sets a margin, shoves it into a system completely separate from what's going on with the actual trading floor and never touches it again for another year." says an executive at one of the largest US hedge funds. + +JP Morgan is changing how it monitors risk by calculating variation margin throughout the day, a practice called real-time margining that it had begun developing even before the Archegos' spectacular collapse. + +The bank previously called clients for additional margin at the start of each trading day. It is now asserting its right to demand additional margin between daily calls. If a client's positions lose value over the course of the day, JP Morgan may decide that it needs more collateral immediately. + +A fund manager at the US hedge fund gives an example. "If we short something at $5 million and it appreciates to $10 million, the margin requirements would be based on that $10 million market value." he says. + +JP Morgan did not lose money on Archegos, but the family office's implosion has forced banks to look again at the risks in their primer brokerage units. Other banks have taken similar steps, though some have reached different conclusions. + +Credit Suisse, which had more than $10 billion of exposure to Archegos when it defaulted, relied on a 'static' margin methodology to set collateral requirements for the family office, although it had planned to introduce what it calls "dynamic margining" by the summer of this year. A Credit Suisse spokesman declined to comment. + +Two weeks after Archegos' failure, Bank of America called a UK hedge fund manager about his single-name equity swaps. The bank said it would not make multiple margin calls in a single day even though its standard terms and conditions give it the right to ask for extra collateral in between daily scheduled meetings. + +A spokesperson for Bank of America declined to comment. + +Bank of America also lost no money when Archegos failed. A consultant who works with the big prime brokerage businesses says the banks' differing abilities to calculate the risks run by their clients explains why some incurred multi-billion-dollar losses while others were unscathed. + +"It is a difference in capability." says the consultant. "Some banks can do all of this in an intraday system. Some of the other firms end up getting pushed around by the client. They give them the benefit of the doubt - and maybe for a little bit too long." + +&#x200B; +My mom died in February (congestive heart failure, age 86) and left me as executor of her will. She had only about $5000 to her name at the time of death. We did file the will, but did not have to go into probate here in Wisconsin as her estate was well under $50,000. + +Her bank account is closed. I have two checks from her United Healthcare Insurance company, one for about $275 and the other for about $100. + +How do I cash them? + +Edit: It's only me and my sister and we're sharing things equally without any arguing or problems. + +\--- + +Edit 2 days later: Thank you everyone! When I closed her bank account at WF (I've always disliked she dealt with crooks, glad that's done) they had me fill out a Transfer by Affidavit and their notary notarized it. I took that to my CU and they said that form was all I needed. I signed the checks and that was that. + +I lurk r/personalfinance all the time, and Googled for the answer to the above but wasn't satisfied. I learned a lot from all the replies here, thank you all! +Morning UKPF. I'm a regular lurker and occasional poster/commenter here. Using a throwaway account as friends know my main account and there are some things they don't need to know. + +I posted a Sankey chart to /r/dataisbeautiful yesterday ([see here if interested](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/9zoc25/monthly_outgoings_of_a_british_millennial_couple/)) and thought it might be useful to some 20-somethings curious about how much things cost day-to-day. Certainly I would've liked to have seen this when I was younger. I find a Sankey chart to be one of the better flow charts for regular cash flow and it's probably useful to refer to [the one I created](https://i.redd.it/ibzemojrx2021.png) as I'll refer to it in this post. + +We live in the East Midlands of England. 3 bed semi-detatched house which according to land registry is just about the [average price for a semi](http://landregistry.data.gov.uk/app/ukhpi/browse?from=2017-10-01&location=http%3A%2F%2Flandregistry.data.gov.uk%2Fid%2Fregion%2Feast-midlands&to=2018-10-01#property_type) in our area. Was originally bought for £165K in 2016 with a 20% deposit on a 25yr repayment at 1.99% interest (tracker) for 2 years (on £132K @ around £560pcm). He overpaid about £5.5K for 2 years because she put a bigger chunk towards the deposit with help from her parents. After those two years we remortgaged but requested a 28yr term to reduce the monthly payment for now (again at 1.99%). + +He is a 30yr old working for an IT company in an assistant manager role in the private sector. £32K salary, 4.5% employer pension contribution (no employee contribution required). + +She works in an enforcement role in the public sector. £27.3K salary, 6.5% employee pension contribution and pays a "Plan 1" student loan repayment. + +This puts us a little below and a bit above the [UK median £28.6K salary](https://www.theguardian.com/money/2018/may/12/salary-what-get-paid-talk-about-it-makes-brits-cringe) although I believe that figure is skewed by London. + +**His Monthly Outgoings** + +£200 into a SIPP +\~£180 into commuting (80 mile round trip by car, with some days working from home) +£10 towards road tax (could be paid annually for cheaper) +£12 SIMO Phone contract +\~£65 lunch (subsidised meal plan at work, plus some days working from home) +£305 0% credit card repayment (took a 30mth 0% card out for car and another large purchase, this figure pays that off before interest is introduced) +\~£575 to be saved/spent (usually would spend £200-300pcm but this can vary on time of year etc) +£750 to Joint Account + +**Her Monthly Outgoings** + +£30 into commuting (10 mile round trip by car, with some days working from home) +£15 SIMO Phone contract +£300 spending (including lunches. This usually is spent) +£535 to be saved +£750 to Joint Account + +**Joint Account Monthly Outgoings** + +£461 mortgage +£101 council tax +£26 water supply/waste water +£52 gas/electricity +£37 fibre broadband (although just switched to £27 with a Black Friday deal) +£340 0% credit card repayment (see below) +£250 groceries (yay Aldi) +£10 lottery +£12 TV licence +£9 dog insurance +£8 Netflix +£194 leftover (for eating out/holidays/saving/whatever) + +Her lunches etc are part of her monthly spending money/the joint groceries. Any spending/saving in either his, hers or the joint account can vary wildly month to month. Holidays and large joint purchases made which joint savings can't cover are paid by both contributing from personal savings. + +The Joint Account credit card repayment is for multiple 30 month 0% interest cards taken to help with stoozing done over the last couple of years. Groceries and other purchases were made on these cards allowing money to remain in the joint account. These allowed various regular savers and high interest current accounts be opened and maximised leading to \~£1600 of interest & switching incentives be brought in between him and her. The payments going out shown in the diagram are the monthly repayments needed to pay these off in full before the 0% period ends. + +We have a joint savings pot, and our own savings separately. I see many posts (mainly on the US oriented /r/personalfinance to be fair) mentioning putting $X00 away each month for each partner to have "mad money" or "fun money" or whatever; money they can spend guilt free. I gather this is done because all income goes to a joint account and they don't have personal accounts. I don't subscribe to this. We're both sensible and open with money. We both contribute to essentials and transfer money to the joint account to pay off bigger purchases when necessary (holidays, furniture, etc). But as long as these are paid off, the rest of the money each bring in can be spent on whatever they'd like guilt free. This may change with children, of course, but it works well for us. + +If anyone has any questions I'd be more than happy to answer them. Similarly, if anyone has any suggestions for our finances I'd be very interested in hearing them. +- Real estate rental yields are hovering at 3-4%, And there's also a chance that your property value can appreciate as well. + +- Fixed deposits - Some are giving as much as 6-8% P.A. which definitely seems better than real estate. + +- Index funds - with the fed raising rates and the rapid rise of markets in the 2020 scenario - a correction has already happened in markets. But There's also a chance that the overall market can dip into a recession making index funds a pretty risky bet at this current economic climate. + +Out of all the above options, it seems FD is giving the best guaranteed returns. Thoughts? Real estate - i honestly don't understand it much - any one who is deeply involved it is welcome to share their knowledge with us all. +As I understand, reverse repo is the purchase of securities from a party with the commitment to sell them at a higher price to the same party at a later date. + +However, I am not able to understand the meaning of a negative value for a reverse repo. + +The fund I am referring to is Franklin India Savings fund. +I am 50y guy with $8M NW with 2 kids in HS (college fully paid/accounted in separate 529s) + +I had a family health emergency that accelerated my FATFire plan by 5 years in mid 2021.(org plan was FIRE by 55y) + +I really have been enjoying my 6months off and while I do miss some intellectual challenges at work, I don't miss work at all. A lot of hobbies (but minimal travel due to family health and Covid) + +Good news is health situation has turned around and at the same time, I am being recruited for a VP level role at FAANG-like role. I guess TCOM will be in $1M to $2M range. + +I didn't think I would go back to work at all, but have been having a second thoughts for the following reasons. + +1) I am stuck at home for next 3\~4 years 'till kids finish HS and this covid thing is going longer. part of my plan was to travel extensively post FATFIRE. + +2) when I ran the #s, extra 3\~4 years of income will add $2\~$4M to my NW (after tax) . I don't spend much (my spent is $200K/yr) and it won't really be a life changing money after all. It would be nice to have extra money for toys and maybe set up my kids for easier life ( say new car post college or downpayment for new house in HCOL in their late 20s). + +One thing I have come to term with -post FATFIRE (which was not easy and took some soul-searching) is that I don't need to high prestige job for self satisfaction or ego or sense of purpose. + +Any thoughts/advice who went to similar journey in their 40s to 50s? + +Thanks. +Hey there, shills. + +I'm not going to scare you with a war story, calm down. + +Most of us are exactly the same as those who don't join. Same variety of intelligence, empathy, sense of self-worth, etc.... + +Circumstances play a stronger role, IMHO, than core values, regarding who joins and who doesn't. + +So yeah, I'm not special cuz I joined, and none of us would claim that either. Especially when we are older and have the benefit of hindsight and experience to criticize our previous decisions. + +But there's this underlying need to prove (not to any of you, but to ourselves) that we were right, that we fought hard to be heroes. To be honest and good. Nobody joins the Army to be the bad guy. + +So we join, we deploy, we fight, all that good stuff. + +Then we come home, where dealerships take advantage, banks take advantage, even the government takes advantage, of our naivety, our need for validation by the people we felt we were protecting. So all it takes is a flag or a "Support Our Troops" sign and we're suckered right in. + +Now, we get bombarded with comments about selling and taking profits from Cocaine Cramer, DMs for a job shilling, tons of MSM articles that we're losing a battle. + +Let me tell you shit bag shills a little story about the resilient little soldier you are currently "battling." + + + +In Basic, maybe 4 weeks in, I was in the laundry room waiting for my clothes to finish up. + +I get called out by a Drill Sergeant for being a lazy goldbricker and sent out to carry sandbags with a couple other guys who were actually fucking off (wrong place, wrong time, essentially, for me) + +I'm pissed, right? I'm not bullshitting with the guys, I'm not hiding from my duties, just waiting for laundry. + +Silly me, I decide to carry a sandbag in each hand, while everyone else is just carrying one in both arms. + +Just to prove that I wasn't doing anything wrong, I do more than the others. Cause I'm not a lazy bastard trying to do the bare minimum. + +He stops us and tells us to hold them out in front of us. + +So I'm trying to straight arm two full sandbags in the middle of the main area while he gets real close to my ear and calls me all sorts of names and tells me I'm just pretending to be motivated and I'm not gonna pull the wool over his eyes. He's going to break me, right? + +I still stood there, struggling with my two sandbags. Knees bent, almost squatting, pissing sweat from my forehead (literally, my forehead actually sprayed sweat in front of me, both cool and a horrible feeling), feeling so goddamn stupid for holding both bags, but not letting go. + +Cuz fuck him. He doesn't know what I've done to be there, in that moment, holding sandbags like an idiot, regretting every decision I ever made up to that point. + +He doesn't know I stood between my giant of a father and my tiny mother at 14 years old. + +He doesn't know I used to get the wind punched out of me almost once a week as a kid. + +He doesn't know my suffering, and that suffering is now my power. I'm Brad Pitt from Fight Club in that moment. I'm the Crow. I'm every psycho using this unfathomable pool of willpower to hold these fucking things while my elbows say "fuck this shit, I'm out" and my shoulders are redlining, and my hands are gripping so hard they could potentially crush coal into diamonds. + +He gave in first, and ordered me to drop one of the bags. In 6 years of military life, I never had another personal victory that was as satisfying. I won through sheer patience and willpower. It gave me the greatest lesson I ever needed to learn: + +I can meet the challenges that are put in front of me. Without money, without guns, without debate. + +Just me is good enough. + +And here I am now, holding my two heavy bags, down so much money I just want to hold Kenny upside down and shake it out of him. + +Shill all you want. +Threaten all you want. +Tell me I'm a loser, I'm poor, I'm absolutely fucking retarded. + +I'm not dropping my bags, you lil bitches. Never. + +Hooah! + +Edit: a word +Right now I have about a 70% savings rate (and looking to increase that by moving out of my apartment and buy a duplex to rent out the other half) + +I still go out (or did before covid) with my friends to our favorite dive bar fairly regularly + +I go on two vacations a year (I'm a big fan of fishing and hiking, so the vacations are comparatively cheap) + +I coach highschool wrestling, and do plenty of other stuff I enjoy, so it's not as though I'm not living life or anything. Yet it feels like I spend a potentially unhealthy amount of time thinking about the future. Thinking about future plans and goals for myself in 8-10 years when I've achieved FI. + +It's not that I have no near-term goals for myself, it's just that a lot of my goals, like living overseas, just aren't feasible right. Or at least it feels like pursuing them right now isn't worth the risk. It feels like right now I'm just doing what I need to do to get to the destination as quickly as possible so I can do what I really want to do. I'm incredibly fortunate to be in such a position, so I hope this doesn't sound too much like complaining, but it just feels like I'm toiling through things right now to get to the promised tomorrow because obviously money invested right now is twice as valuable as money invested in another decade. + +Anyway, if you have any advice for a guy that feels trapped in the golden handcuffs of tech because it's the most efficient way to reach FI, please let me know +I'm imagining it happening like the infamous and recent, "Josh fight" and how now that it's over, everyone and their deranged uncle Jeff is trying to replicate it for one reason or another. + +I think the term, and just the overall situation in general regarding a short squeeze, will be overused and/or called out much more frequently from now on. As those that missed out are desperate for another one, or those that just think it will happen again because they just don't understand how rare of circumstances they require. + +I think we will be seeing a lot of posts about, "potential squeeze this" and "potential squeeze that" in the next coming weeks/months. + +Edit: spelling and grammar. + +Edit II: THANK YOU! 2 Y/O ACCOUNT AND THIS IS MY FIRST AWARD EVER!! +Hello Reddit, + +I’m a millennial who learned personal finance in a digital age. First online bank account at age 16. First credit card at age 18. Roth IRA at age 19 and an excel model to financial independence at age 20. Ten years later and I’m married and chugging along on my path with technology. Wife and I are on the same page with money. We even sit down together one Saturday a month to track progress and budget the next month. + +Recently my father-in-law asked to gift my wife with money. It’s a long story not worth explaining other than the money being some kind of inheritance with him desiring to be rid of it before and if necessary after he dies. The caveat, however, is that it is a large (+$20k USD) amount of paper cash. As in hundreds of $100 bills squirreled away by the man over decades. He was a frugal carpenter who didn’t trust banks and never purchased a stock or bond in his life. + +How does one collect/transport large amounts of cash legally without risk of confiscation? The man refuses to deposit it in a bank account, and he lives on the other side of the US from us. Flying or driving with it seems unsafe. Even if he did fly with it, how does he not get it confiscated for suspicious cause? The only thing I can think of is my wife flying to him and depositing it without telling him. + +Asking because the situation is ridiculous. +https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/wireStory/deere-workers-strike-rejecting-contract-80573596 + +MOLINE, Ill. -- More than 10,000 Deere & Co. workers went on strike Thursday after “the company failed to present an agreement that met our members’ demands and needs,” the United Auto Workers union said in statement. + +The union had said its members would walk off the job if no deal has been reached by 11:59 p.m. Wednesday. The vast majority of the union rejected a contract offer earlier this week that would have delivered 5% raises to some workers and 6% raises to others. + +“The almost one million UAW retirees and active members who stand in solidarity with the striking UAW members at John Deere," UAW President Ray Curry said. + +Brad Morris, vice president of labor relations for Deere, said in a statement that the company is "committed to a favorable outcome for our employees, our communities and everyone involved.” He said Deere wants an agreement that would improve the economic position of all employees. + +“We will keep working day and night to understand our employees’ priorities and resolve this strike, while also keeping our operations running for the benefit of all those we serve,” Morris said. + +Thirty-five years have passed since the last major Deere strike, but workers were emboldened to demand more this year after working long hours throughout the pandemic and because companies are facing worker shortages. + +“Our members at John Deere strike for the ability to earn a decent living, retire with dignity and establish fair work rules,” said Chuck Browning, vice president and director of the UAW’s Agricultural Implement Department. “We stay committed to bargaining until our members’ goals are achieved.” + +Chris Laursen, who works as a painter at Deere, told the Des Moines Register before the strike that it could make a significant difference. + +“The whole nation’s going to be watching us,” Laursen said to the newspaper. “If we take a stand here for ourselves, our families, for basic human prosperity, it’s going to make a difference for the whole manufacturing industry. Let’s do it. Let’s not be intimidated.” + +Earlier this year, another group of UAW-represented workers went on strike at a Volvo Trucks plant in Virginia and wound up with better pay and lower-cost health benefits after rejecting three tentative contract offers. + + +The contracts under negotiation covered 14 Deere plants across the United States, including seven in Iowa, four in Illinois and one each in Kansas, Colorado and Georgia. + +The contract talks at the Moline, Illinois-based company were unfolding as Deere is expecting to report record profits between $5.7 billion and $5.9 billion this year. The company has been reporting strong sales of its agricultural and construction equipment this year. + +The Deere production plants are an important contributors to the economy, so local officials hope any strike will be short-lived. + +“We definitely want to see our economy stabilize and grow after the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic,” Moline Mayor Sangeetha Rayapati said to the Quad-Cities Times. “Hopefully, these parties can come to a resolution soon.” +Not affiliated in any way other than a fan of the project and member of the community. But all of you crying about what GameStop is doing are missing the big picture. This is all being built and it’s close. Own your own assets. +Hello fellow degens, as the sub continues to grow we are looking to upgrade the look and feel when you are using r/Wallstreetbetsnew, This starts with creating a new logo. Anyone interested please send your submission to the mod team using mod mail or in the comments. + +Winning submission will receive a custom flair as well as additional privledges in the WSBNew Discord. + +Winner will be announced by Friday +Over the past month, Disney's stock has increased over 20% and reaching a new all-time high. Obviously, we've had plenty of vaccine news, but my question is who are the buyers here? Are retail investors piling in supposing on a 2021 recovery, or is someone sneakily eyeing a total buyout? Is there any merit to the buyout theory? +I'm plodding through the Interactive Brokers Python API (using the ib_insync wrapper) to build an algo to trade stocks/ETFs. It seems to be the best option for retail traders, but it's awkward and poorly documented. Assuming I have sufficient capital and am willing to pay the fees for a better platform, what are the best options in the industry? How would a mid-sized hedge fund do this if not on IB? (names of institutional brokers with a Python API, other software needed, etc.) +Anyone that came to this sub not knowing a thing about Day Trading would walk away thinking that the following is the primary activity: + +*Stock is going up fast - lots of volume - buy stock, try to sell it before it goes back down.* + +*Sure, there are some indicators that people like to use and maybe some basic candlestick patterns, but as long as I have a few basic rules on some post-its stuck to my monitor, I am going to be rich!* + +Here's what happened - at some point when Day Trading started to become popular a natural business opportunity arose - people realized they could make money off the influx of new people. + +However the problem was that videos and courses on what Day Trading *really* is would long, arduous and well, not really marketable. So instead they went straight for the most sellable aspect of Day Trading - momentum trading. In reality, this type of trade represents a very small percentage of any successful Day Traders' daily activity; however, that does not matter because - *it is easy to make it look easy*. + +These videos come up with easily digestible terms like, "Three Bar Rule" or "Gap n' Go" - but it is all the same thing - and very easy to show visually. + +And you see what happened. Hell, any post here that is longer than a 2-minute read and people are clamoring for a TLDR to summarize for them because they have things to do, and reading clearly isn't one of them. + +Everything about this marketing push centers around the theme of *Get Rich Quick.* Eventually, that is what most new traders came to believe Day Trading was all about - finding low float cheap stocks with a catalyst and cashing in with a high number of shares on a quick bullish move. + +**Example - This is what most think Day Traders do** ***all*** **of the time:** + +I went long on PROG right at the open at $3.74, watched it drop all the way down to 3.47 and still held the stock (simply because I liked the Daily stock and worst case scenario I would hold it over the weekend). Wound up selling PROG at 12:25pm (est) at $3.90 for a gain of 16 cents a share. It was a trade based on FOMO and a potential hold where I convinced myself that it would continue its run next week. + +Was PROG a bad trade? Well, yes - I shouldn't have bought it on the open. If I were to trade PROG the right way, the best time would have been around 11:15am (est) where I could have gotten it about 10 cents cheaper. + +Many others traded NOK at the 10:10am (est) pullback or EXPR for decent gains based on strong relative volume on low float stocks. + +*These are all high risk trades that even the most experienced traders get into trouble doing continuously.* + +**Example - This is what a majority of Day Traders actually do:** + +*I did 17 trades on Friday (several on SPCE alone), but the following are four examples of the types of Day Trades I executed:* + +On Friday at the open I did a Call Debit Spread on BABA for 220/225 for a debit of $1.45, at the end of the day I received a credit of $4.50, a profit of $2.05 per contract. BABA was through all major SMA's on the Daily, showed early Relative Strength, and had a positive cross on the TSI. + +Or between 10:25am(est) and 10:45am (est) I noticed while SPY declined, JKS climbed. At 10:55 as SPY began to reverse I went long JKS at 41.80 and sold it 20 minutes later for a $1 profit. JKS broke through the 50 SMA and had room before the 100 SMA on the daily, with Relative Strength and Relative Volume over 1.5. + +Later that day at 3pm with SPY increasing TSLA began to drop - at around 3:05 with TSLA at 674.56, I short the stock using Lotto Puts. I sold those Puts 15 minutes later for a 250%+ profit. The SMA 100 gave me a good mental stop if a 5 minute candle could close above it. + +At 3:15pm (est) SPY started to decline again, this time with a bearish hammer on the M5 - and at the same time the stock MA continued to climb upwards. At 3:35pm (est) I went long at 377.42 on MA, given its continued strength against the market. I sold 25 minutes later at 379.25 at 3.56pm as I did not want to hold the stock overnight. Total profit - $1.83 per share. MA broke above the 8EMA around 1pm (est) and held the line all the way up from there. + +*It is not the momentum trading isn't legitimate or profitable, it can be - it is just a small part of Day Trading and requires a lot more expertise than is advertised.* + +Unfortunately by the time most people realize that momentum trading is *not easy* and that their early gains were more due to luck than anything else - they have already blown up their accounts. At this most point most walk away thinking that Day Trading is gambling, mainly luck and that Technical Analysis is Voo-Doo. I suspect if I believed that Day Trading was primarily "Gap n' Go" strategies, I might think that as well. + +My recommendation to new traders is always the same - In the beginning: + +*Don't scalp.* + +*Don't Trade Morning Gappers or Momentum Stocks.* + +*Stick to small positions and make solid Day Trades with a repeatable strategy.* + +***Day Trading is a complex field that takes years to learn and master.*** + +***Anything or anyone that tells you otherwise is either a scam or has fallen prey to a marketing strategy.*** + +***As I preach in most of my posts, Day Trading for a living is a very rewarding life and achievable - but it takes a lot of time (roughly two years) and effort before you can become consistently profitable.*** + +*As usual if you comment just to be purely antagonistic or cynical, bash Day Trading in general, or if you attack me personally, I will not respond.* + +*I do respond to all other comments and gladly engage in substantive debate if there is disagreement about anything I posted. I do not work for, shill, or financially benefit from any service or resource - my opinions and recommendations are my own and based on my own experience.* + +*My profile contains posts on Day Trading Tips, Day Trading for Living, Strategies and How I Got Started - I hope you check them out and find it useful.* +Anyone that came to this sub not knowing a thing about Day Trading would walk away thinking that the following is the primary activity: + +*Stock is going up fast - lots of volume - buy stock, try to sell it before it goes back down.* + +*Sure, there are some indicators that people like to use and maybe some basic candlestick patterns, but as long as I have a few basic rules on some post-its stuck to my monitor, I am going to be rich!* + +Here's what happened - at some point when Day Trading started to become popular a natural business opportunity arose - people realized they could make money off the influx of new people. + +However the problem was that videos and courses on what Day Trading *really* is would long, arduous and well, not really marketable. So instead they went straight for the most sellable aspect of Day Trading - momentum trading. In reality, this type of trade represents a very small percentage of any successful Day Traders' daily activity; however, that does not matter because - *it is easy to make it look easy*. + +These videos come up with easily digestible terms like, "Three Bar Rule" or "Gap n' Go" - but it is all the same thing - and very easy to show visually. + +And you see what happened. Hell, any post here that is longer than a 2-minute read and people are clamoring for a TLDR to summarize for them because they have things to do, and reading clearly isn't one of them. + +Everything about this marketing push centers around the theme of *Get Rich Quick.* Eventually, that is what most new traders came to believe Day Trading was all about - finding low float cheap stocks with a catalyst and cashing in with a high number of shares on a quick bullish move. + +**Example - This is what most think Day Traders do** ***all*** **of the time:** + +I went long on PROG right at the open at $3.74, watched it drop all the way down to 3.47 and still held the stock (simply because I liked the Daily stock and worst case scenario I would hold it over the weekend). Wound up selling PROG at 12:25pm (est) at $3.90 for a gain of 16 cents a share. It was a trade based on FOMO and a potential hold where I convinced myself that it would continue its run next week. + +Was PROG a bad trade? Well, yes - I shouldn't have bought it on the open. If I were to trade PROG the right way, the best time would have been around 11:15am (est) where I could have gotten it about 10 cents cheaper. + +Many others traded NOK at the 10:10am (est) pullback or EXPR for decent gains based on strong relative volume on low float stocks. + +*These are all high risk trades that even the most experienced traders get into trouble doing continuously.* + +**Example - This is what a majority of Day Traders actually do:** + +*I did 17 trades on Friday (several on SPCE alone), but the following are four examples of the types of Day Trades I executed:* + +On Friday at the open I did a Call Debit Spread on BABA for 220/225 for a debit of $1.45, at the end of the day I received a credit of $4.50, a profit of $2.05 per contract. BABA was through all major SMA's on the Daily, showed early Relative Strength, and had a positive cross on the TSI. + +Or between 10:25am(est) and 10:45am (est) I noticed while SPY declined, JKS climbed. At 10:55 as SPY began to reverse I went long JKS at 41.80 and sold it 20 minutes later for a $1 profit. JKS broke through the 50 SMA and had room before the 100 SMA on the daily, with Relative Strength and Relative Volume over 1.5. + +Later that day at 3pm with SPY increasing TSLA began to drop - at around 3:05 with TSLA at 674.56, I short the stock using Lotto Puts. I sold those Puts 15 minutes later for a 250%+ profit. The SMA 100 gave me a good mental stop if a 5 minute candle could close above it. + +At 3:15pm (est) SPY started to decline again, this time with a bearish hammer on the M5 - and at the same time the stock MA continued to climb upwards. At 3:35pm (est) I went long at 377.42 on MA, given its continued strength against the market. I sold 25 minutes later at 379.25 at 3.56pm as I did not want to hold the stock overnight. Total profit - $1.83 per share. MA broke above the 8EMA around 1pm (est) and held the line all the way up from there. + +*It is not the momentum trading isn't legitimate or profitable, it can be - it is just a small part of Day Trading and requires a lot more expertise than is advertised.* + +Unfortunately by the time most people realize that momentum trading is *not easy* and that their early gains were more due to luck than anything else - they have already blown up their accounts. At this most point most walk away thinking that Day Trading is gambling, mainly luck and that Technical Analysis is Voo-Doo. I suspect if I believed that Day Trading was primarily "Gap n' Go" strategies, I might think that as well. + +My recommendation to new traders is always the same - In the beginning: + +*Don't scalp.* + +*Don't Trade Morning Gappers or Momentum Stocks.* + +*Stick to small positions and make solid Day Trades with a repeatable strategy.* + +***Day Trading is a complex field that takes years to learn and master.*** + +***Anything or anyone that tells you otherwise is either a scam or has fallen prey to a marketing strategy.*** + +***As I preach in most of my posts, Day Trading for a living is a very rewarding life and achievable - but it takes a lot of time (roughly two years) and effort before you can become consistently profitable.*** + +*As usual if you comment just to be purely antagonistic or cynical, bash Day Trading in general, or if you attack me personally, I will not respond.* + +*I do respond to all other comments and gladly engage in substantive debate if there is disagreement about anything I posted. I do not work for, shill, or financially benefit from any service or resource - my opinions and recommendations are my own and based on my own experience.* + +*My profile contains posts on Day Trading Tips, Day Trading for Living, Strategies and How I Got Started - I hope you check them out and find it useful.* +I’m sure there are plenty of others out there who have put this off for one reason or another like I have. Take the little effort and do it!!!!! + +1823 for the bot!!!!!! +Guten Tag to this global band of Apes! 👋🦍 + +As we near the end of another week in the GME saga, I remain incredibly excited about where we are and where I see us going. +While the Institutional Shorts have certainly put up some resistance this week, they are still losing ground. +Each day, they pay incredible rates to borrow millions of shares and pay dearly to hide their short exposure with options. +It seems that the regulators are increasing scrutiny of some institutions as well. +Meanwhile, Apes continue to DRS and lock the assets that they are most in need of - real shares of GME. + +While I cannot predict the future, this week feels like a momentary pause as they push back on our recent momentum. +The DTCC still had not implemented the splividend correctly. +RC has dropped several hints recently that DRSing is the best thing we can do at this time to help this movement. +Does anyone need more convincing? + +I will be traveling next week and do not know if I'll be able to reliably post. +While many days I should be able, I will try to arrange coverage for days when I will not. +Thank you for understanding! + +Today is Friday, August 12th, and you know what that means! Join other apes around the world to watch infrequent updates from the German markets! + +###🚀 Buckle Up! 🚀 +*** + + +- 🟩 120 minutes in: **$39.73 / 38,43 €** *(volume: 2729)* +- ⬜ 115 minutes in: $39.63 / 38,34 € *(volume: 2574)* +- ⬜ 110 minutes in: $39.63 / 38,34 € *(volume: 2566)* +- ⬜ 105 minutes in: $39.63 / 38,34 € *(volume: 2566)* +- 🟩 100 minutes in: $39.63 / 38,34 € *(volume: 2546)* +- ⬜ 95 minutes in: $39.61 / 38,31 € *(volume: 2541)* +- 🟩 90 minutes in: $39.61 / 38,31 € *(volume: 2540)* +- 🟩 85 minutes in: $39.59 / 38,29 € *(volume: 2399)* +- 🟥 80 minutes in: $39.59 / 38,29 € *(volume: 2389)* +- 🟩 75 minutes in: $39.60 / 38,30 € *(volume: 2389)* +- 🟩 70 minutes in: $39.54 / 38,25 € *(volume: 2264)* +- 🟥 65 minutes in: $39.51 / 38,22 € *(volume: 2262)* +- 🟥 60 minutes in: $39.63 / 38,33 € *(volume: 2247)* +- ⬜ 55 minutes in: $39.63 / 38,34 € *(volume: 1899)* +- ⬜ 50 minutes in: $39.63 / 38,34 € *(volume: 1899)* +- 🟩 45 minutes in: $39.63 / 38,34 € *(volume: 1899)* +- 🟥 40 minutes in: $39.60 / 38,30 € *(volume: 1709)* +- 🟥 35 minutes in: $39.60 / 38,30 € *(volume: 1552)* +- 🟩 30 minutes in: $39.62 / 38,33 € *(volume: 1415)* +- 🟥 25 minutes in: $39.62 / 38,32 € *(volume: 1412)* +- 🟥 20 minutes in: $39.62 / 38,33 € *(volume: 1410)* +- ⬜ 15 minutes in: $39.62 / 38,33 € *(volume: 1410)* +- 🟩 10 minutes in: $39.62 / 38,33 € *(volume: 1385)* +- 🟥 5 minutes in: $39.62 / 38,32 € *(volume: 1382)* +- 🟩 0 minutes in: $39.78 / 38,48 € *(volume: 80)* +- 🟥 US close price: $39.45 / 38,16 € *($39.70 / 38,40 € after-hours)* + + +*** +FAQ: I'm capturing current price and volume data from German exchanges and converting to USD. Today's euro -> USD conversion ratio is 1.0338. I programmed a tool that assists me in fetching this data and updating the post. If you'd like to check current prices directly, you can check [Lang & Schwarz](https://www.ls-tc.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) or [TradeGate](https://www.tradegate.de/orderbuch.php?isin=US36467W1099) + +Diamantenhände isn't simply a thread on Superstonk, it's a community that gathers daily to represent the many corners of this world who love this stock. Many thanks to the originator of the series, DerGurkenraspler, who we wish well. We all love seeing the energy that people represent their varied homelands. Show your flags, share some culture, and unite around GME! + + +[This is the official $GME Megathread for r\/Superstonk.](https://preview.redd.it/gzy9yfftoov71.png?width=778&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ce125aa2d7455f994d74a4192f1a04b7d14448c) + +**Please keep ALL conversations contained to Gamestop and directly related topics.** + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# Brand new to the sub? Start here! + +***You must read the*** [***Superstonk Rules***](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules) ***before commenting or posting on*** [***r/Superstonk***](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/)*.* + +https://preview.redd.it/u7nzd0m0pov71.png?width=1651&format=png&auto=webp&s=df5232178c4035ba1c069f9306b30453b42946cd + +The extremely talented and dedicated [u/zedinstead](https://www.reddit.com/u/zedinstead/) has created this beautiful collection of the most important, groundbreaking **D**ue **D**iligence in PDF format that can be easily accessed and shared. If you're looking to familiarize yourself with the GME bull thesis or the underhanded tactics of the short sellers involved in this trade-- then this is for you: + +# [GME.fyi](https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg) + +[r/Superstonk](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/) employs strict posting requirements to ensure our community stays moderately free from trolls and other such bad actors. As such you may find you have trouble posting if you haven't fully read and understood our rules. + +**Posts keep getting removed?** [Find out why.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules) + +**Not enough** [**karma**](https://www.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/204511829-What-is-karma-)**?** Here's a [quick guide](https://zapier.com/blog/how-to-get-karma-on-reddit/) on how to get it. + +**Want to learn more?** [Check out our extensive Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index) and [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/faq) + +**Eager for more even more GameStop info?** [gmedd.com](https://gmedd.com/) is a spectacular resource. + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# Flair Links + +[📚 Due Diligence](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%9A+Due+Diligence%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [📚 Possible DD](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%9A+Possible+DD%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [💡 Education](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%92%A1+Education%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) |[📈 Technical Analysis](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%88+Technical+Analysis%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on) | [🗣 Discussion / Question](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%97%A3+Discussion+%2F+Question%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on) | [🤔 Speculation / Opinion](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%A4%94+Speculation+%2F+Opinion%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [💻 Computershare](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%92%BB+Computershare%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [📰 News](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%B0+News%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [🤡 Meme](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%A4%A1+Meme%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [👽 Shitpost](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%91%BD+Shitpost%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [📳 Social Media](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%B3Social+Media%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [☁ Hype fluff](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%E2%98%81+Hype%2F+Fluff%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [HODL 💎🙌](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22HODL+%F0%9F%92%8E%F0%9F%99%8C%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) + +You can also find the main flairs in the sidebar on New Reddit and under the "About" page on mobile. + +**Mod Flairs** + +[📣 Community Post](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search/?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%A3+Community+Post%22&include_over_18=on&restrict_sr=on&t=all&sort=relevance) | [📆 Daily Discussion](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%86+Daily+Discussion%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [🏆 AMA](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%8F%86+AMA%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [🚨 Debunked](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%9A%A8+Debunked%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [📖 Partial Debunk](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%96+Partial+Debunk%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on) | [🔔 Inconclusive](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%94%94+Inconclusive%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [⌚ Pending Review](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%E2%8C%9A+Pending+Review%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [🥴 Misleading Title](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%A5%B4+Misleading+Title%22) + +**No CS/DRS Mode** + +[New Reddit Filter](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search/?q=-flair_text%3A%22%F0%9F%92%BB%20Computershare%22&restrict_sr=1&sr_nsfw=) | [Old Reddit/Mobile Filter](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search/?q=-flair_text%3A%22%F0%9F%92%BB%20Computershare%22&restrict_sr=1&sr_nsfw=) + +To filter out CS/DRS posts, click the links above or type `-flair_text:"💻 Computershare"` into the search bar. + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +***What's This Post All About?*** + +The first thing you'll notice is a stickied comment right at the top. We call this the "Front Desk". Every day a moderator will create a new sticky comment that includes links to community announcements, fantastic posts that deserve more attention, and generally the simplest and easiest way to interact with the moderators of this community. The rest of the post is designed for general discussion and content/questions that might not need their own post. + +If you are new please mention that when you comment. There are no stupid questions but "shills" (paid accounts with the intent to disrupt the sub) are real. This community sees a lot of trolls. If you do not distinguish yourself as someone with genuine questions it is likely that members of our community will assume you are just spreading "FUD" (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt). I hate that I have to give you this warning but it is just the nature of the beast at this point. + +Please have fun, play nice and be civil. Many of our rules are heavily enforced. Debate is welcome but if it devolves into personal insults please report the comment. *Ape no fight ape!* +Like most of you I was going in for the BAT crowdsale for a quick flip. However, working in marketing and having read the whitepaper I can tell you this product will very likely fail. + +1) Advertisers have to buy BAT, which is a speculative asset, to advertise on the platform. Where do they buy this, on an exchange? Like all Ethereum assets its price will vary wildly. No advertiser will buy a token that might change 100% in valuation in the course of a day, because that volatility would risk how much ad space they can buy significantly. + +2) The BAT team says over and over in the whitepaper that "advertising is broken" because it's hard to track results (false), with absolutely zero explanation of how their system will better track results. Anyone who believes this is just buying a dream. Google and Facebook have highly targeted tracking metrics, and while there is a small degree of spam, the ROI for digital advertising is extremely high. + +3) No one is going to watch ads for pennies. BAT whitepaper says 5 BAT per new user to "incentivize" browser switch. That's $0.15. Just LOL. You think that the average person is going to download your browser for $0.15 worth of digital tokens that they have to go through KYC to redeem? I'm literally laughing at how ridiculous a premise that is. +Hello, + +I'm currently in a okay paid role but I'm open to new opportunities. + +When applying to jobs or being approached by recruiters the salary is never listed, I know that's pretty normal in this job market but it can be quite frustrating especially when you work long hours and have to keep finding time for interviews. + +At what point in the interview stage is discussing salary acceptable? I've had recruitment processes where we've got to interview 2/3 and then I find out the role is even less than I'm paid now. + +Because I'm comfortably employed, I have a very strict criteria for what salary would make a move worth it- is screening call stage too early to discuss this? +Six months ago, I made a post about giving my kids $100 in crypto and asking them to choose three cryptos each. I was asked by many in the thread to post a monthly update. I only have the time about every two months, so, here are the results after six months. + +Also, two of the kids have since had birthdays; M is now 10, and E is 5. I have left their ages at time of investment below for reference. + +All of them were up more than 50% in my previous update two months ago. + +&#x200B; + +**M\*\* (9yrs old, boy): ETH, THETA, ADA. Gain + 18%** + +[M - Gain 18&#37;](https://preview.redd.it/vxsvta792l981.png?width=863&format=png&auto=webp&s=ed741510c90a65021c87694ec1020c40794dd4ac) + +**A\*\* (7 yrs old, girl): ETH, AAVE, CRV.** **Gain + 105%** + +[A - Gain 105&#37;](https://preview.redd.it/y4rdryua2l981.png?width=868&format=png&auto=webp&s=1134e8b2c56888fcb7d4159da4d9b3ac8394fddc) + +**E\*\* (4 yrs old, girl): UNI, ENJ, CAKE.** **Gain + 27%** + +[E - Gain 27&#37;](https://preview.redd.it/hhsbwnwc2l981.png?width=877&format=png&auto=webp&s=4c2fab33934a866e6a50a8fe54c1a8053712dd18) + +&#x200B; + +*Original* *Post from six months ago*\*. (For some reason, it was locked, I never found out why).\* + +>I have three kids, M\*\*, A\*\* and E\*\*. I bought them each $100 worth of cryptos of their choice and will give them the entire investment when they turn 18. I let them make their choices based on whatever reasons they wanted. All I did was show them the top 100 list from coinmarketcap.These are their allocations and reasons for each decision:**M\*\* (9yrs old, boy): ETH, THETA, ADA.** He really loved the black diamond and thought the other two had nice aesthetic designs.**A\*\* (7 yrs old, girl): ETH, AAVE, CRV.** She also loved the black diamond, the AAVE has her favourite colour and starts with the same letter as her first name, CRV has a pretty rainbow.**E\*\* (4 yrs old, girl): UNI, ENJ, CAKE.** She loves unicorns and therefore, loves UNI. The ENJ logo has a very pretty E for her name. CAKE because she loves pancakes. +Six months ago, I made a post about giving my kids $100 in crypto and asking them to choose three cryptos each. I was asked by many in the thread to post a monthly update. I only have the time about every two months, so, here are the results after six months. + +Also, two of the kids have since had birthdays; M is now 10, and E is 5. I have left their ages at time of investment below for reference. + +All of them were up more than 50% in my previous update two months ago. + +&#x200B; + +**M\*\* (9yrs old, boy): ETH, THETA, ADA. Gain + 18%** + +[M - Gain 18&#37;](https://preview.redd.it/vxsvta792l981.png?width=863&format=png&auto=webp&s=ed741510c90a65021c87694ec1020c40794dd4ac) + +**A\*\* (7 yrs old, girl): ETH, AAVE, CRV.** **Gain + 105%** + +[A - Gain 105&#37;](https://preview.redd.it/y4rdryua2l981.png?width=868&format=png&auto=webp&s=1134e8b2c56888fcb7d4159da4d9b3ac8394fddc) + +**E\*\* (4 yrs old, girl): UNI, ENJ, CAKE.** **Gain + 27%** + +[E - Gain 27&#37;](https://preview.redd.it/hhsbwnwc2l981.png?width=877&format=png&auto=webp&s=4c2fab33934a866e6a50a8fe54c1a8053712dd18) + +&#x200B; + +*Original* *Post from six months ago*\*. (For some reason, it was locked, I never found out why).\* + +>I have three kids, M\*\*, A\*\* and E\*\*. I bought them each $100 worth of cryptos of their choice and will give them the entire investment when they turn 18. I let them make their choices based on whatever reasons they wanted. All I did was show them the top 100 list from coinmarketcap.These are their allocations and reasons for each decision:**M\*\* (9yrs old, boy): ETH, THETA, ADA.** He really loved the black diamond and thought the other two had nice aesthetic designs.**A\*\* (7 yrs old, girl): ETH, AAVE, CRV.** She also loved the black diamond, the AAVE has her favourite colour and starts with the same letter as her first name, CRV has a pretty rainbow.**E\*\* (4 yrs old, girl): UNI, ENJ, CAKE.** She loves unicorns and therefore, loves UNI. The ENJ logo has a very pretty E for her name. CAKE because she loves pancakes. +I'm nearing 30 and have recently started looking doing more with my savings than just a HYSA. I found r/personalfinance and r/Bogleheads about 6 months ago and have been following their advice pretty closely (setting up a Roth IRA and investing in a 3-fund portfolio). However, I am wondering if, as a relatively younger investor, I should be investing in riskier things? I completely agree with the Bogleheads philosophy of not trying to time the market and that index funds usually do out-perform everything else — but I can't help but think that seems too easy. I also became slightly suspicious when I learned that John Bogle was the founder of Vanguard — of course he wants to sell us index funds! + +I'd love to hear your anti-index fund and anti-Bogleheads opinions, to help me make more informed decisions! + +&#x200B; + +Edit: Thank you everyone for so many responses! I will try to read through everything and comment. +Relatively new to the dividend investing community but I’ve read about CEF and have some exposure to one (PDI) in a taxable brokerage account. Primarily have SCHD and DGRO but was drawn to CEFs due to monthly payouts and overall yield. I don’t see CEF talked about all that often on here, what am I missing? +From the top: BUY, HODL, VOTE. Apes don't fight apes, my post is meant to search for clarity, not to attack. This is not financial advice. + +Alright now gonna fight for my fucking wrinkles here. + +&#x200B; + +I've been getting bothered by [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/np6f78/citadel_has_been_filing_form_d_amendments_and_ill/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) since I read it in the Morning News. Something seems off about its lack of a real analysis. It simply dismisses any reason to analyze since it is just something that happens every year. + +**What makes OP an authority on the subject other than they are telling us they are.** + +# What is Form D + + u/FilingAgentMan gives his definition for Form D as follows: + +https://preview.redd.it/klw70mf09p271.png?width=758&format=png&auto=webp&s=fed6b38bc84937d6a42659d1d307b22af933c2fb + +How does his definition differ from the definition provided by our lovely investopedia. + +&#x200B; + +[https:\/\/www.investopedia.com\/terms\/s\/sec-form-d.asp](https://preview.redd.it/ewa0ixczyo271.png?width=650&format=png&auto=webp&s=1028392dddb14c30dda75b1975a5fba01b8da594) + +Why does he never mention exemption. His definition is missing key aspects of Form D's function which is in my opinion a **Red Herring.** OP is implying they are selling them unregistered through Form D to save money. This is simply one half of the function of Reg D. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/nw1jm4mgfp271.png?width=507&format=png&auto=webp&s=06c53d2dc20106c1d4cbb82cf10be7cd99d971b6 + +Reg D sure seems fairly complicated and u/FilingAgentMan really glosses over a lot of the purpose of these filings. **Reg D provides an exemption for companies to sell unregistered securities privately. By directing our focus away from the anonymity that Form D provides, this post successfully pulls the curtains over any value apes could deduce from the documents.** + +I haven't seen anymore serious viewing of these documents after his post. I don't believe this is a coincidence. + +Also did you see where it says Reg D is almost always used by small companies to avoid larger costs associated with larger filings? First off the idea of them saving money seems pretty stupid considering their current march to the grave. And once again I ask, why are they even filing these? **Is Citadel a small company?** [Whale Wisdom](https://whalewisdom.com/filer/citadel-advisors-llc#tabsummary_tab_link) places Citadel's market value at $400B while all I can find on Google is $35B. They aren't a small company and all of us know that here. So far Reg D appears to me as the SEC's flimsy and worthless attempt to shed light on **Dark Pool Trading. I can't find any evidence of why Citadel is even filing this form unless it is the minimum required filing to continue their Dark Pool bullshit.** + +My point here is that while there are probably thousands of these suckers filed a year and may mostly be irrelevant, without even dissecting the documents themselves, it is unusual that they are being filed in the first place. + +(I've been riding this train since the beginning of February and I'm not remembering us discussing this topic in a substantial amount. If DD has been made explaining or discussing Form D filings or Reg D please correct me.) + +&#x200B; + +# 5/28/21 Form D Filings Section 13 + +**11 of these filings occurred on 5/28 and 8 of them state that total amount sold was all Assets Under Management (AUM).** + +[Link to filings](https://www.sec.gov/edgar/search/#/q=%2522CITADEL%2522&dateRange=custom&category=custom&startdt=2021-03-31&enddt=2021-05-31&forms=D) + +&#x200B; + +[Citadel Wellington LLC](https://preview.redd.it/8mjudzasgo271.png?width=648&format=png&auto=webp&s=45607c8b8f382185df79b13248555a223bb8b6bb) + +&#x200B; + +[Citadel Tactical Trading LLC](https://preview.redd.it/yx5w0u7ygo271.png?width=631&format=png&auto=webp&s=1ce5a310ad22002d56fe819cef2238665cb1dae2) + +&#x200B; + +[ Citadel Global Fixed Income Fund LLC ](https://preview.redd.it/3kbym974ho271.png?width=632&format=png&auto=webp&s=ef4fdc3202bb1c98a7cff4a8d1068d442eaa9b0c) + +&#x200B; + +![img](tl4q271cho271 " CITADEL TACTICAL TRADING LTD + ") + +&#x200B; + +![img](7c43226lho271 " Citadel Kensington Global Strategies Fund Ltd. + ") + +&#x200B; + +![img](6cjszzkoho271 " CEIF LLC + ") + +&#x200B; + +![img](kgly56srho271 " Citadel Global Fixed Income Fund Ltd. + ") + +&#x200B; + +![img](6k9gyhaxho271 " CEIF Partners LLC +") + +If I'm wrong, awesome. u/FilingAgentMan 's post ignores these details in their entirety and I fully believe that it is FUD. This information correlates with the giant sell off of stocks that Citadel was holding long in the after hours on 5/27. Here are some quick screenshots to remind you apes. + +&#x200B; + +[GOOG 5\/27](https://preview.redd.it/cqtlq2vxjo271.png?width=1595&format=png&auto=webp&s=fca8ed2342916e5a97e38a77da31a33ec95739fb) + +&#x200B; + +[AMZN 5\/27](https://preview.redd.it/d23go7qvjo271.png?width=1578&format=png&auto=webp&s=e2c51922dacfae8f22977b63f5d0fa6020899e60) + +Wouldn't it make sense if they sold off large amounts of shares on 5/27, then had to file these forms due to regulations, and subsequently used those funds in an attempt to tank GME (5/28 it dropped only $40 cause they're weak bitches). + +# Previous Filings + +Like I said these filings could totally mean nothing. I went ahead and decided to look at the previous year's filing of the same form since by u/FilingAgentMan**'s logic they should show the selling as either inconsequential or not worth the wrinkles.** + +The comment on Citadel's filings for the sale being all AUM appears on 6 of their 11 filings in 2020. + +&#x200B; + +**Citadel Global Fixed Income Fund LLC $56,742,408** + +**CITADEL TACTICAL TRADING LLC $44,039,054** + +**Citadel Wellington LLC $1,393,099,061** + +**Citadel Global Fixed Income Fund Ltd. -$45,177,822** + +**Citadel Kensington Global Strategies Fund Ltd. $3,307,300,701** + +**CITADEL TACTICAL TRADING LTD $47,570,361** + +CEIF Partners LLC $1,427,351,464 + +CEIF LLC $398,988,783 + + +Each that are bolded appear with the AUM comment on both years, which partially diminishes the argument I've been making, but by looking closely it does prove my point that deeper analysis should be given! To the right of each entity I put a number that shows the change in amount sold from 2020 -> 2021. Only 1 actually sold less. + +# From these 8 entities they sold an additional $6,629,914,010 from last year. + +**Is this important information?** I'm not entirely sure at this point what constitutes important information. I just don't like people telling me things aren't important without valid claims and evidence refuting it. + +That's a large number, and should at least indicate Citadel's desire for more liquid funds. Doesn't have to indicate liquidation to indicate they are having problems, please keep that in mind. + +&#x200B; + +(Quick sidenote only 5 entities from 2020 and 2021 I do no mention here. Citadel Candlestick EIF LLC was filed in both years, but there was no change in value. The other 4 are Citadel Global Equities Fund II LLC / Citadel Global Equities Fund II Ltd. / Citadel Equities Fund LLC / Citadel Equities Fund Ltd.) + +&#x200B; + +# The Questions I Pose + +1. Why are we so willing to chalk the Form D Filings up as being a **waste of time**. +2. Why should we view fellow apes who simply define themselves as an authority on a subject as being correct **without the proper research and evidence to back up their claims**. +3. Why is Citadel filing these forms if not to hide the inner workings of their fraud. + +# Problems with my argument: + +1. My claim that they sold on the 27th and filed the following day could be coincidence since this could be from sales as far back as 5/12/21. + +https://preview.redd.it/66mfoswpzo271.png?width=615&format=png&auto=webp&s=ceca8c20a7b10042a7b41806f76e4ce70800addf + +2. AUM comment appears on 6 out of 8 filings in both 2020 and 2021 indicating this may be BAU + +3. I might be a fucking idiot + +&#x200B; + +# Closing Thoughts + +In this post I just wanted to explore that there is depth to these documents and may hold information for a good wrinkly brained ape. I dont know, but I also know u/FilingAgentMan chose which parts of Reg D to discuss in his post instead of defining it in its entirety. I view this as a Red Herring that has so far been successful. + +Edit: Love you rensole if you’re reading this, thanks for pushing people to write dd. I def wouldn’t have otherwise + +Edit 2: I want to clarify some facts really quick. I never refer to u/AgentFilingMan as a shill. I said he may be spreading misinformation. +Regardless he shows several red flags. +&#x200B; +-Acct is only 71 days old and he only has been able to post on superstonk for 11 days. + +-Making claims being an authority on a topic without immediately providing evidence- almost like being defensive without being attacked yet. + +-What’s with his job? He converts PDFs all day? One hell of a job if you ask me** + +-Why did he slip in his opinion that the docs were worthless in the tl;dr without even expanding upon why they might be a dead end. Real apes say what the fuck do I know, this may be some great shit so let’s talk. + +And even after I’ve said all of that, I have no definitive proof he is actually FUD. Evidence means everything and I’m seeing more evidence leaning towards misinformation therefore I say FUD. If someone wants to prove me wrong or u/FilingAgentMan wants to confirm his identity with mods, I will gladly edit and remove said claims. +My question is: Does marriage affect your taxes, student loan payments (income driven), in a negative way? Does it make it more difficult even if your finances are separate? +Hello bros- + +I am asking this just to validate my understanding regarding PUBLIC universities only + +Background- +My kids are 4 years away from college and I saved decent, if not exorbitant, for the college. In-state tuition would be a breeze but may need additional funding for out of state. Also, I am not against the idea of community college but I want to clear my head with correct understanding of the concept + +I heard/gathered the following from others regarding out of state tuition +1. Out of state tuition will become in state tuition following one year of residency. Somehow I assumed this to be in state tuition from year 2 onwards. + +2. Out of state tuition will remain so for all four years because it is the parents residency that matters + +Which of the above is correct? I mean these two are polar opposite in terms of money. Appreciate your time and response! Thanks +I have a traditional IRA through Vanguard with ~$15K, and my wife has a Roth IRA through Vanguard with ~$15K. We have been depositing the $5,500 max every year. We also have 401ks through our employers that we max out every year. + +We're both working now, and H&R block just told me that my MAGI makes us ineligible to deduct deposits into my traditional IRA. So my questions are: + +1. Should I leave the money in my traditional and open a new ROTH? +1. Should I convert this account into a ROTH? +1. Anything else I should be on the lookout for? + +**Bonus**: H&R Block asked a bunch of questions about my traditional IRA that I don't at all understand--can anyone help me figure out how to answer? + +* Did i recharacterize the amounts originally contributed to my traditional IRA for 2018 so it would be treated as Roth instead? + +*I expect I'll be able to answer this once y'all help me figure out the answer to my original post* + +* Enter your total basis in traditional IRA. + +*I think the answer to this is $0.* + +What’s the best way to start real estate investing? I do a lot of investing into the stock market and I have people who have been real estate investors and still are . I have talked to them and they’ve all been very helpful but I would like to soak up more information . Would like to know if it’s best to pay cash for properties for both commercial and residential or if I should get some kind of special loan . What to look for and what to avoid etc. I woke also lie to to know the pros and cons of real estate investing. Any tips and tricks and or advice would be greatly appreciated thank your in advance! +Graph of this issue: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Df-Pag6W4AEj8Fi.jpg + +During the longest bull market in modern history, the S&P 500 surged a whopping 418% over the 9.5 years between November 1990 and March 2000. + +This was during the famous economic expansion that took place during the Clinton era, in which job growth was robust, oil prices fell, stocks soared, and making money was as easy as throwing it in the stock market. + +In mere months, this famed bull market may lose its title as the “longest” in the modern era. + +That’s because, according to data and analysis from LDL Research, the current bull market will take over the claim to fame in late August 2018. + +By looking at duration, total rate of return, and annualized rate of return, it really gives a sense of how these bull markets compare. + +The current run, which will soon become the longest, didn’t have the same level of intensity as other high-ranking bull markets. Critics would say that it was artificially propped up by ultra-low rates, QE, and other government actions that will make the market ultimately less robust heading forward. + +Regardless, the current run ranks in fourth place among the markets above in terms of annualized return. + +What Ended Each Bull? + +The market psychology behind bull and bear markets can be fascinating. + +Below we look at the events credited with “ending” each bull market – though of course, it is actually the actions of investors (buying or selling) that ultimately dictates market direction. + + The Great Expansion The bull run lasted 9.5 years, ultimately capitulating when the Dotcom Bubble burst. From the span of June 1999 and May 2000, the Fed raised interest rates six times to try and get a “soft landing”. Market uncertainty was worsened by the 9/11 attacks that occurred the year after. + + The Post-Crisis Bull Run Still ongoing… + + The Post-War Boom This boom occurred after WWII, and it ended in 1956. Some of the sources we looked at credited the launch of Sputnik, Eisenhower’s heart attack, and the Hungarian Revolution as possible sources of market fear. + + That ’70s Growth The Iranian Revolution, the 1979 Energy Crisis, and the return of double-digit inflation were the factors blamed for the end of this bull. + + Reagan Era This bull market had the highest annualized return at 26.7%, but the party came to an end on Black Monday in 1987 – one of the most infamous market crashes ever. Some of the causes cited for the crash: program trading, overvaluation, illiquidity and market psychology. + + The Hot Aughts Stocks did decently well during the era of cheap credit and rising housing prices. However, the Financial Crisis put an end to this growth, and would cut the DJIA from 14,000 points to below 6,600 points. + +How long do you think the current bull market will continue? +[IRS Sending Warning Letters to More Than 10,000 Cryptocurrency Holders](https://www.wsj.com/articles/irs-sending-warning-letters-to-more-than-10-000-cryptocurrency-holders-11564159523?mod=hp_lead_pos2) + +&#x200B; + +>An IRS spokesman declined to say whether the letters [stem from information](https://www.wsj.com/articles/do-you-own-bitcoin-the-irs-is-coming-for-you-1521192601?mod=article_inline) turned over by digital-currency platform Coinbase. In mid-March of 2018, Coinbase provided data—under a federal court order—on about 13,000 accounts requested by the IRS. +> +>One version of the letter recently uploaded to the IRS website asks recipients who believe they have followed the law to sign a statement declaring, under the penalty of perjury, that they are in compliance with tax rules. It also notes says that the recipient should understand the IRS may be in touch with them. +> +>In recent weeks, IRS criminal investigations chief Don Fort has announced that the agency is also building criminal tax-evasion cases involving cryptocurrency that are expected to be made public soon. +> +>The Coinbase customers whose information was turned over bought, sold, sent or received digital currency worth $20,000 or more between 2013 and 2015. +I (34F) am at my wits end and considering bankruptcy. I spent years accruing debt after leaving an abusive relationship and then taking care of my fathers finances. I moved to smaller/cheaper housing, I traded my car into the cheapest I could manage, I eat as little as I can, I managed to get a decent raise at work. I cannot make it paycheck to paycheck solely because I pay nearly $1000 in minimum payments. I have a consolidation loan through upstart for $15k that is $350/month. I have a Bank of America credit card for $14,500 that is $415 a month at I believe 22% interest. I have a Truliant credit card for $5k that is 10% interest. I cannot increase the limit on Truliant to eat the BoA and thus have a lower interest. I tried to apply for a consolidation loan to combine all three debts into one payment and was denied. I tried to apply for a zero/low interest card to balance transfer BoA and was only approved for $1,000. My credit score is at 650. My therapist recommends filing bankruptcy, as I can't possibly pay all of this debt off in the 7 years that bankruptcy runs its course. But I would ideally like to buy the home I am renting with my partner within the 7 years. What is my best option? Is there another option that I am not considering? If I file bankruptcy, what happens to my car? + +&#x200B; + +EDIT: my income is salaried at $60k, my checks come out to \~$3,200 a month. + +$1000 towards rent + +$300 towards utilities + +$150 cell and internet + +$250 car payment + +$60 car insurance + +\~$1000 in debt payments + +$250 a month in gas and groceries roughly + +$150 in medication/doctor copays for therapy/psych + +&#x200B; + +Advice came from therapist while I was telling her about my stress in life, not that I was actively seeking financial advice from her. + +&#x200B; +My company’s health insurance has ridiculously high deductibles ($9,500). One of our employees had been having health problems for a while but put off care because she couldn’t afford her deductible. By the time she went to the hospital, her health was so bad that she was dead within 36 hours. + +That situation is my worst fear. I can’t afford my deductible either and I worry that I’ll be in a situation that will either bankrupt me (again) or be my death sentence. +Yes, I read the cars posts in the history. But I also see that the names of the posters have largely changed. So I am curious what the high income or maybe better said "wealthy folks" cars of choice currently are. +Asking for people who have accessed their super via the FHSSS. How long did it take for the money to land in your account? I'm worried about signing to a 30 day settlement period on my contract of sale. +I’m in the camp of folks lucky to work a high income finance job straight of school (VHCOL city, but earned ~$150, $180, $300, $350, now $400 for my 5th year). + +The downside is this career is a real grind and extremely competitive - I think I’m doing reasonably well compared to peers, but the odds seem low I make it 10+ years without burning out and being forced to make undesirable tradeoffs on time with future kids & work. I’m in my late 20s, and I look at bosses in their 30s and the firm’s partners in their 40s, and while they’re all comfortably rich, it doesn’t look like a lifestyle I want. + +Instead, I’m looking at buying a small business - think $500k-$1.5m in owner cash flow, that I’d buy using SBA loans and raising some equity from my former bosses/coworkers. These businesses generally sell for 3-5x cash flow, implying very high returns on capital on an unlevered or levered basis. + +It’s a much riskier path (especially because the SBA debt requires a personal guarantee), but seems to be a way to actually build wealth over a 20+ year time horizon by investing my time and money into such a high return opportunity, while hopefully growing into a lifestyle I like. The goal would be to grind on the business similar to my current job, but eventually grow it big enough to hire a good GM and take a step back. In my current line of work, there’s no stepping back, there’s only retirement. + +If I fail and the business shuts down, I’d probably have to go through a personal BK and then try to get back into a finance job to rebuild from scratch. + +Given this sub has its share of business owners, I’d love to hear opinions on what I’m overlooking, where I’m being overly confident/hubristic, etc. + +EDIT: I appreciate all the thoughts/feedback received thus far, which have ranged from "go for it" to "you're a cocky SOB" -- absorbing and reading through everything, but thank you for taking the time. +Since the last thread a few months ago, I've been in contact with Chase a ton going back and forth, providing additional documents (each time takes a week of processing), and with holiday breaks, I can finally say the case has been resolved and closed. **As of this week, we have been credited back all 132 charges and the total amount has been permanently refunded to our account.** + +tl;dr: we got all of our money back after my wife's card was fraudulently charged on Amazon a bunch. the biggest breakthrough was an email recapping a call I had with Amazon stating the orders went to a different state. + +\--------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +To quickly recap, [in the original thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/qdaprv/someone_charged_my_wifes_card_132_times_on_amazon/), my wife's credit card was used multiple times over the course of 8 months on Amazon by someone else's account claiming to be my wife (totaling about $4400). + +After the last thread blew up, we went through a ton of the suggestions including filing an Internet Crimes report with the FBI, following up with local police report, talking to the Chase executive office rep, etc. After the latest round of Chase rejections (including with the Executive office after filing a CFPB report), Chase stated the only proof they would accept is if Amazon would specifically state in an email that the orders were fraudulent. I've talked to Amazon multiple times up to this point and they're very selective on what they can disclose via Customer Service due to security reasons, so I felt like this was Chase asking for an impossible task to be accomplished. + +However, I still called Amazon up again and when pleading my case with the representative, I asked her to look up a few charge IDs (the unique code after each charge that tells Amazon info about the order, including what account it's on) to prove my card was used fraudulently. When I was able to convince her, I asked if they could provide the contextual opposite of what Chase was asking for and instead of outright claiming fraud, if she could write in an email these orders were NOT going to the same address as my billing address and that they were going to a different state altogether. She agreed to do this and I was able to capture a few of the orders in an email I subsequently sent to Chase. I think we also got a bit lucky with this particular rep, because with other calls with Amazon, I didn't get as much detail in their emails. + +**This email led to a huge breakthrough in November**, as I believe this email was proof enough to convince Chase that some fraud was occurring, they investigated and utilized their backchannel with Amazon and subsequently reversed some the charges that were listed specifically in the email. Over the course of the next few months, we had to provide a bit more documentation, but ultimately we were able to get everything reversed. + +I did follow up with the police department after filing a report, but they said they forwarded the case to the local precinct in the state where the person lived, and I never heard back. I never heard back from the FBI either. + +These were the most helpful things for this case I think we did in retrospect: + +* **Filing a CFPB report -** This gave us a direct line of communication to Chase's executive office that investigates cases like this and also gave a single person that you can actually talk to over the course of the investigation. This was helpful as there were multiple updates and requests that Chase would need for further documentation, which the standard fraud process would have dismissed. Having someone you could talk to and ultimately convince there was fraud going on was instrumental. +* **Keeping your own spreadsheet/analysis of the fraudulent charges -** Having a single source of truth for everything really streamlined and helped to identify the total amount of fraud occurring, as well as making sure when I was being credited that I was getting everything back. Amazon charges are really hard to track because for each order, they can charge you multiple times depending on the shipment/merchant. For example, if you order 3 things, you could have 1 charge for 2 items and 1 charge for the last one. This and sharing an account with my family made it a nightmare to analyze and aggregate, but you can bulk download order history from Amazon and charges from Chase, so it was a matter of lining them up and greasing spreadsheet capabilities. + +Thanks for the tips everyone that responded/DMd. I hope this helps others in similar situations! +Is there any significance that equities are plunging to 52 week lows as crypto is possibly bottoming out? + +Was thinking of funding my Roth IRA into VTI ETF but may look into re-vamping into eth +Are you a true Hodlr? Can you wait two years for the market to recover? Another 3-4 years for it to go parabolic again? + +I've been slowly accumulating ETH since June. My lowest price was $177.52. My highest price was my last purchase, in December, at $444.92. + +I'm a long-term holder. I have a 20-year time horizon. I've set up a ROTH IRA so I can hold ETH. My average cost basis is $358.50. + +I quit buying precisely because I didn't like the run-up we saw in December. Prices went parabolic, climbing too high, too quickly. I was disappointed, because I still had fiat left at my disposal. + +However, I knew I would have the opportunity to buy again, because prices would eventually fall to reasonable levels. They always do. + +Saying this in December or January or even as late as February would get you down votes. + +In December, I posted that BTC would break $8,880 and possibly go as low as $3-4,000. +https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/comments/7lxipm/btc_to_range_between_880015800/ + +Then in January 17, when total market capitalization plunged from $700 billion to $428 billion, I posted that we were clearly in a bear market: +https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/comments/7qrwl8/dont_kid_yourselves_this_is_a_bear_market_and_its/ + +At the time, few wanted to hear it. Now, everyone acknowledges it. + +The only question now is: how low can we go? "Buy the Dip" has not been good advice. If you bought the dip anywhere from $1400 to $600, you bought too high. + +The thing to do is to wait for the market to consolidate. We need several months of sideways price action. Only when prices consolidate for several months has the bottom been confirmed. + +After BTC crashed in 2013, it took about 17 MONTHS for BTC to find its low ... and another year for BTC to climb 100% from that low. It behaved like a stock. I would rather dollar cost average when the market is beginning to make slow climbs upward, than dollar cost average in search of the bottom. + +And are you prepared to wait 29 MONTHS for this market to recover? This is what it means to HODL. + +Past is not prologue, however. The market could recover far sooner. It probably won't go parabolic again this year or next ... but it will happen. Blockchain is the future. + +The next time we approach a $1 Trillion market cap, it will be because the fundamentals actually support that valuation. And from there, a speculative $10 Trillion market cap becomes possible. + +None of this was going to happen over night. But if you have patience (not internet patience, but real patience) you'll be rewarded. +**EXCHANGES** + +Don’t store your Bitcoins on an exchange long term, it doesn’t matter how reputable the company behind it is, the biggest and most trusted exchanges were victims to exit-scams and hacks in the past. + +Exchanges are good for one thing, exchanging, buying or selling for the best rates. That’s it. + +**WALLETS** + +A Hardware wallet will always be the safest method of accessing your funds. It’s a device that stores your 24 word seed offline on a chip. The private key won’t be exposed even if your computer is compromised. Note that no Bitcoins are ever stored on the device itself but on the Blockchain. + +The most trusted hardware wallets by the community are: [BitBox02](https://shiftcrypto.ch/bitbox02/), [Coldcard](https://coldcardwallet.com), [Ledger](https://www.ledger.com) & [Trezor](https://trezor.io) + +Every device has their upsides and downsides, do a comparison yourself to find out which device fits you the best. Make sure to only order from the official website and no third party source. Also request the deletion of your customer data, Ledger was victim to a data breach that revealed personal information. + +**SEED BACKUP** + +You should always back up your 24 words that are the keys to your Bitcoin address. The most common methods are either a plain sheet of paper or a metal plate. I would recommend a metal plate since they are resistant to water, fire and earthquakes. + +[Here](https://jlopp.github.io/metal-bitcoin-storage-reviews/) is a good overview of metal backups, rated and stress tested. + +Only store your keys offline. Never ever type them in any device other than your hardware wallet. There is numerous malware out there that targets this information. + +**USE COMMON SENSE** + +• If it’s too good to be true, it’s too good to be true. + +• Never share your Bitcoin balance anywhere, you’ll be targeted by scammers, hackers and other individuals. + +• Don’t hand out your keys to anyone. Not to official exchange support, friends, invesment bankers etc. (With the key your Bitcoin can be stolen from anywhere in the world.) + +• Most Bitcoin are lost because they lose their private keys. Be responsible, don’t make it overly complicated by splitting the seed. Just store it somewhere securely. +Most of you who have been paying attention to the NFT market will have heard of Flow, the blockchain for the best-selling NBA TopShots, or Terra Virtua, which has launched Pacific Rim, Top Gun and The Godfather NFTs. + +But I claim that it is an investment in Ecomi’s OMI tokens that will generate the best returns in the branded NFT space. Why? There are a few compelling reasons: + +1) Ecomi has secured the most licenses for branded digital collectibles. Comics? Check: Superman, Batman, The Joker, Harley Quinn, Ghostbusters. Video games? Check: Monster Hunter and Street Fighter. Cartoons? Check: Adventure Time, Powerpuff Girls, We Bare Bears. TV shows? Check: Star Trek and Ultraman. Hit movie franchises? Check: Jurassic Park, Fast and the Furious, Back to the Future. Sports? Check: NFL. So how did a virtually unknown company achieve this? Through their head of licensing Alfred Kahn, none other than the man who brought Pokémon to the world outside of Japan. + +2) Ecomi has an actual working product. Unlike the vast majority of crypto projects which are trading on promise alone, the team has kept their heads down and built Android and iOS apps where you can view and interact with your NFTs in AR, in their full 3D glory! Download the VeVe app from the Play Store / App Store and check it out for yourself. + +3) Ecomi has an extremely strong token model. 40% of the max supply of OMI is kept in an in-app reserve. Every time an NFT is bought on the VeVe app, the equivalent value of OMI tokens is removed from the reserve and burnt. The result is that, only a month after opening the VeVe app to the public, more than 1 billion OMI has been permanently taken out of circulation. In addition, 10% of revenues from new NFT sales goes towards buying back OMI from exchanges. This is the best tokenomics I’ve ever seen for any NFT project, bar none. + +4) OMI is still very undervalued. There is no project in crypto with with as big of mainstreams names that they have on their side. Certainly none below $200 million market cap. Meanwhile, OMI is languishing at a market cap of only around $70 million. + +But the price is not going to stay depressed for long, because of these upcoming catalysts. + +1) A big marketing push is coming in Q1. The team will start promoting to both crypto and mainstream audiences by announcing licenses and partnerships to raise the profile of the project and to introduce more users to the VeVe app. OMI will directly benefit as increased sales reduce the supply of tokens. + +2) OMI is getting 2 exchange listings in Q1, including Uniswap. This news was just announced a few days ago in a token update. OMI is currently only available through BitForex, so listing on Uniswap and another tier 1 or tier 2 centralized exchange will bring some much needed visibility. + +3) Interactive and animated NFTs are coming. The first animated NFT is the Ghostbusters’ Ghost Trap, which is dropping soon, most likely in the next 1-2 weeks. The team has also demoed 2 car NFTs, the DeLorean from the Back to the Future movies and Batman’s Batmobile. These have lights, sirens, openable doors, and are even driveable, which means you will be able to race with your friends in AR in the near future! + +Sources: +1) VeVe’s international licenses https://medium.com/ecomi/huge-international-licenses-announced-for-ve-ve-d84f747c96ce +2) Ecomi’s Alfred Kahn https://medium.com/ecomi/introducing-alfred-kahn-head-of-global-licensing-at-ecomi-a96eec674a3c +3) Tokenomics https://medium.com/ecomi/ve-ve-tokenomics-in-app-funds-and-token-buybacks-7ea8ac1a19c9 +4) Token updates https://medium.com/ecomi/q1-2021-token-updates-82c3bfa4f07a +5) Burn wallet https://explorer.gochain.io/addr/0xbBDA162f1E3EC2D4D9D99cafd0c14B03EC4E78d3?addr_tab=owned_tokens +After living paycheck to paycheck for a bit, I was finally able to reach one thousand in savings today. I’m so grateful for my new job, budgeting, and for all the resources I was able to use. + +I have my rent already, food already, and now savings! + +It feels so great being able to start building something. Five thousand next! +There is nothing they can do except to drop the price and "scare" away folks from the stock. The fact that they keep repeating the same scare strategy to "lower" the price with no success must be absolutely morale shattering for them. This familiar tactic is weak, extremely desperate and overall pathetic... what are you going to do guys? Short it some more?? Okay lmayo. We'll buy it up! Thanks! + +There is no escape. You cannot get out. Hedgies r fuk. + +Buy and HODL! This is not financial advice do what you want. +"But paying with Paypal or CreditCard is feeless in comparison to Crypto" + +No, these large companies take up to 4% of all income, even from small local businesses, as "transaction fee". + + +You do not directly pay these fees, but you can be sure the business is adding these expenses to the price they charge you. + +Why there is no outcry about this silent tax? Most consumers dont even know that they pay these fees indirectly, politicians dont care about it because you should already guess why + + +Cryptocurrencies like XLM offer true nearly $0 transaction costs, for everyone. + + + +The argument that transaction costs would scare people away from some Cryptocurrencies is only true because we dont hide it from them +Was there a reason for this boom? Was is because money is moving out of BTC? Was it because ETH is on Coinbase or with other new exchanges? Is there a foundation for the current price of ETH? +Did anyone see a boom coming and can show the metrics of it? +Does converting a 4 to 5 plex warrent a change in mortgage if you buy with a conventional loan? + +Are there stipulations day it won’t turn to commercial property? +Its a fairly simple strategy. Get a loan, buy one of these multi-unit builds and then house-hack and live rent free basically. + +I'm just starting out in real estate and just doing for fairly basic looking on Zillow, but never see many if any of these options. How long did it take you to find one of these multi-unit builds? +I'm a high school senior who just had a grad party and received around $1500. I'll be taking advantage of a free college opportunity offered in my city for the first 2 years of college so I would like to invest some of this money, as I won't be needing it right away. + +Where do I begin with something like this? I know the basics of investing and the stock market but what route do I take to get into that? As in do I open an account with eTrade or something? + +How much should I start investing with? I don't want to use all of it, as I've been wanting a new computer for a while or maybe something else. + +Thanks! +So randomly coinbase just canceled my $10k order. My account is verified, 3 years old, connected my bank to do ACH buy of $10k for Bitcoin. They say it’ll take 5-10 days to show up in my account and it never does. Then I check order history and it shows up as pending and that it was to arrive a couple days prior (never did) and now today it says it was canceled altogether. My bank is chase and I called their support and they said CONbase never even attempted to fill the order and there would’ve been no problem on their end. Price of Bitcoin was $31k at time of purchase and now it’s over $41k. What a disgraceful company. No support. No responses anywhere. Constantly crashes. Complete clown-show. Cost me thousands. Can’t imagine I’m the only one. Good luck to everyone! + +Case# \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* if anyone at coinbase cares +The core question is in the title. This is just a back story that prompted the question if anyone is interested. I imagine that many FI folks find themselves in these types of conversations on occasion. + +I ran into someone I used to be close friends with in early undergrad. We were roommates but had a falling out over something that I don’t recall. I hadn’t seen him in probably 7-8 years. + +He reached out to me on Facebook randomly and we started chatting. He’s a nice guy and I think he wanted to be friends again. A couple of months had gone by and we had talked about our families, sports, whatever, but I never talked about my job or house. I eventually invited him and his wife over for dinner to meet my family. It was a fun evening all around. + +He and I went to a soccer game yesterday and he started asking me about my house, cars, finances, etc. He basically told me his entire financial situation. I would not say that he has been unsuccessful, but there are noticeable differences between our lifestyles and we find ourselves far wealthier than him. + +I didn’t know how to respond to his questions so I mostly just changed the subject or downplayed our own situation to try to level the playing field. + +How do you respond in situations like these? +Bitcoin maximalists are people who believe Bitcoin is the only cryptocurrency that will succeed and call all other coins “shitcoins”. They degrade and insult any newcomer that shows even a little bit of interest in any other altcoin. They call people holding anything other than Bitcoin “shitcoiners”. + +Really? Absolutely no other technology will have any utility other than Bitcoin? Nothing? Smart contracts have absolutely no value? The fact that you can have programmable money has no value? DeFi and providing liquidity to millions of unbanked people has no value? NFTs have no value? Come on. + +I think this is a very closed-minded and insecure mentality. It really feels like a cult. If the slightest mention of any coin other than BTC triggers you so much that you have to resort to name calling, it’s really telling of your intellect and position. I think it’s hilarious that you can’t even admit some of the obvious shortcomings in Bitcoin and some of the innovations of other coins. “Peer to peer electronic cash”. Lol. There is such a vast ecosystem out there and this cultish behavior just stifles adoption and scares away a lot of newcomers. + +Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying Bitcoin is bad or will fail- I love BTC and want it to succeed. I’m just annoyed at the closed mindedness and cultish behavior. This is not a zero-sum winner takes all game. Multiple coins can exist and serve multiple use cases. + +These people are mainly notoriously active on Twitter and a new social media app called Clubhouse. The recent drama with [Lex Fridman](https://youtu.be/yB5WGV4zlgw) really opened my eyes to how toxic this community is. I think Lex is a great guy who often spreads love and positivity and they even managed to vilify him lol. I would love for the cryptocurrency community to be much more accepting and put forward thoughtful arguments instead of resorting to insults. + +tl;dr - Bitcoin maximalism is a toxic insecure cult that can’t handle any other coin seeing success and they spread unnecessary negativity in the crypto community. + +Edit: lol some butthurt people are downvoting this thread and all the comments under it hard. + +Edit 2 : here are some links of some of the assholery on Twitter since some were asking [link](https://twitter.com/apompliano/status/1376300966396452872?s=21), [link](https://twitter.com/excellion/status/1377889241200353282?s=21), [link](https://twitter.com/btcklausschwab/status/1377060728201482240?s=21), [link](https://twitter.com/bitcointina/status/1373601736670261251?s=21), [link ](https://twitter.com/chrisknight407/status/1378008661616902155?s=21), [link ](https://twitter.com/chrisknight407/status/1376246533436366854?s=21), [link](https://twitter.com/americanhodl3/status/1377022078960889858?s=21). + +Edit 3: A lot of salty maxis in the comments are equating this post to a “I hate Bitcoin” rant. Please read it again. I love Bitcoin. I love the philosophy and revolution. I want it to succeed. I want us to be on the Bitcoin standard. I’m just calling out the unnecessary negativity and elitism of a few people that seem to represent the crypto community on other platforms like Clubhouse and Twitter. All I’m saying is that it’s not a zero sum game. There are many other use-cases in the financial world that other projects can satisfy that Bitcoin couldn’t. And that’s okay. We can all win. + October 26 2021 - By Stan Szymanski  + +Yesterday, I wrote a piece titled ‘[Whistling Past The Graveyard-Investors Cheer The Interest Payment Made By Evergrande at the 11th hour-The Veiled Risks And Deception Of The Orients’ Real Estate Developers](https://www.encouragingangels.org/new-blog/2021/10/25/4650nhhdu4zgbuyfg2gsa79x59ovb2)’ > + +[https://www.encouragingangels.org/new-blog/2021/10/25/4650nhhdu4zgbuyfg2gsa79x59ovb2](https://www.encouragingangels.org/new-blog/2021/10/25/4650nhhdu4zgbuyfg2gsa79x59ovb2) + +because of my concern about the Evergrande situation turning into a global event. I name today’s article, ‘A Tsunami Of Bankruptcy Is Coming From The East’ after reading the [English press release via PR Newswire out of Berlin by DMSA](https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/evergrande-international-bond-investors-facing-22-5-billion-usd-write-offs-301407590.html) (Deutsche Markt Screening Agentur GmbH) regarding the research written by former Fitch analyst, Dr. Marco Metzler.  According to the press release Dr. Metzler and co-authors Ewy and Dam they…’*demonstrate in detail in the report for the German market screening agency DMSA that international investors alone have put around 23.67 billion US dollars into 23 bonds and three large loans of the lurching property developer. Among the already known institutional investors are such well-known addresses as Fidelity, Blackrock, UBS, Ashmore Group, Prudential, HSBC, Pictet, Vontobel, BNP and Allianz. "At the same time, we are far from aware of all international investors, but only 148 investors with increased reporting obligations, such as fund companies, who have invested a total of $3.44 billion, are known. There could still be some negative surprises here," believes Dr. Metzler*.’… + +In yesterday’s article I opined about the sheer number of banks and non-bank entities have exposure to Evergrande. Today, Dr. Metzler provides us with the beginnings of a list with names and exposure. Again, please be aware that this list he provides is -not exhaustive-. Many more names will appear and possibly even more liabilities as well as we reported yesterday that [Fantasia Holdings had $150 Million in bonds that do not appear to have been reported in its financial statements](http://%24150%20million%20in%20bonds%20that%20do%20not%20appear%20to%20have%20been%20reported%20in%20its%20financial%20statements/). Will Evergrande also be found to have securities that it has not disclosed to the markets? + +As I also relayed yesterday, investors cheered that Evergrande had reportedly made its past due $83.5 million interest payment with one day left before Evergrande would be declared bankrupt by the rating agencies. Please read what the Metzler et. al. via prnewswire press release has to say about this:…’*The bankruptcy of Evergrande itself, on the other hand, has probably already occurred. As of Monday morning German time, no confirmation had been received - neither from Evergrande itself, nor from rating agencies on the ground, affected bond investors or banks involved - that overdue interest of $83.5 million had been paid at the end of last week - the last possible date of the 30-day grace period. So far, there are only unconfirmed press reports that the interest has been paid into escrow accounts.* + +*However, it has not yet been received by the creditors. This would mean that the company would have gone bankrupt. But even if the interest had been paid this time, it would only be a postponement of insolvency. Because from now on, it will be one blow after the other: The next but one (also already in arrears) must be paid by November 10*.’… + +**So according to Metzler, there is no confirmation that Evergrande actually made the $83.5 million payment even though** [**the press was reporting that Citibank was in receipt of the money**](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/evergrande-bondholders-received-coupon-payment-033037457.html)!!! + +If this is true, it most certainly not only a confirmation that Evergrande is indeed bankrupt, but that the western financial press is compromised and not worth the salt that Edward R. Murrow would have put on his Spam sandwich. + +In the newswires’ paragraph finale:…’*In the view of the report authors, a bankruptcy of Evergrande has the potential to lead to extreme disruption of the global financial system - with bankruptcies of players that are still considered rock solid today. "Triggered by a Chinese financial virus called Evergrande, the world may be facing a 'Great Reset' - the final meltdown of the current global financial system," Dr. Marco Metzler pessimistically concludes*.’… + +How much more convincing does the American public need to convince them to make provision for food, water, shelter, energy, security and if you have the wherewithal, -physical-precious metals to preserve what you have worked all of you life for? Are you trusting God to navigate through what life is getting ready to throw at all of us? + +A tsunami is coming from the East. You must get to high ground so to say. This tsunami has the potential (not a guarantee-this is not financial advice-consult your advisor) to destroy life as we have known it. Can you trust The CCP to tell you the truth about Evergrande? What about the western press? + +[https://www.encouragingangels.org/new-blog/2021/10/26/a-tsunami-of-bankruptcy-is-coming-from-the-east-former-fitch-analyst-confirms-that-evergrande-bankruptcy-is-evident-no-proof-the-company-made-its-interest-payment-as-advertised-last-friday](https://www.encouragingangels.org/new-blog/2021/10/26/a-tsunami-of-bankruptcy-is-coming-from-the-east-former-fitch-analyst-confirms-that-evergrande-bankruptcy-is-evident-no-proof-the-company-made-its-interest-payment-as-advertised-last-friday) + +**Interesting!!!** +I have been looking more and more into FIRE, maybe not as "Extreme" as many on here, but i very much like the ideas and principals behind it. Even if you don't implement 100% so much of it makes sense and just gives you a better day to day life (e.g. cut out excessive consumption). + +I would like to share this feeling/though process of FIRE with my Significant other (female). But what would be the best way? I'm looking for a real eye opener, is there some really good youtube video (would probably be better than a long text), or some amazing overview elsewhere that i could show her/introduce her to that would also make her go "aha"? + +Disclaimer: She is an amazing person and already lives rather frugal so this is not about her being on a shopping frenzy i need to stop or anything even close to that. Its more to have something to have a conversation over really, and maybe most importantly how do we want to live our lives together when we get older (me M 30, her F 28, child 0,6) + + +[This is the official $GME Megathread for r\/Superstonk.](https://preview.redd.it/gzy9yfftoov71.png?width=778&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ce125aa2d7455f994d74a4192f1a04b7d14448c) + +**Please keep ALL conversations contained to Gamestop and directly related topics.** + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# Brand new to the sub? 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We call this the "Front Desk". Every day a moderator will create a new sticky comment that includes links to community announcements, fantastic posts that deserve more attention, and generally the simplest and easiest way to interact with the moderators of this community. The rest of the post is designed for general discussion and content/questions that might not need their own post. + +If you are new please mention that when you comment. There are no stupid questions but "shills" (paid accounts with the intent to disrupt the sub) are real. This community sees a lot of trolls. If you do not distinguish yourself as someone with genuine questions it is likely that members of our community will assume you are just spreading "FUD" (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt). I hate that I have to give you this warning but it is just the nature of the beast at this point. + +Please have fun, play nice and be civil. Many of our rules are heavily enforced. Debate is welcome but if it devolves into personal insults please report the comment. *Ape no fight ape!* +Your markets are run by bots. Now your /r/Asx_bets daily threads are too. + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +Automoderator may provide "Guidance" for Lazy and zero effort posting. + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH) +September marks the end of the morons not getting in on insider trading. Many, many Australian companies will finally enter administration between now and mid 2021, but most will get a new type of handout and continue to fuck around. + +When a company is a part of an industry that is economically raped by a pandemic it means that they can’t make a profit any more, can trade way higher on a stock market and need memes to be made about it so that poor cunts with government payouts can buy into it. At this point, the central bank acts in the best interests of the people who created central banks to get some money from poor cunts to rich cunts. The bigger the company and the stronger their brand is, the more likely memes will be made. + +Amongst many others, so far this year, Hairy Scarfe, Semen Folly and Jeans Wet have entered and exited creditors anuses by lolling at their debts. The administrator axed large bricks of cocaine and then sold a profitable soul to another party to recoup some of what was owed to dumb shits who are still holding BBOZ; ie nothing. + +If there is nothing to salvage, the company may go to liquidation which is when it becomes extremely attractive to spastics who are able to send in 100 points of ID to an online broker. + +We will see many, many, many, many, many more. STA went into administration today - they’ll probably close a few stores that were losing money, shake rental obligations then change their ticker to STI because of how many creditors they have bent and sent. + +TLDR: administration means the government finally allowed capitalism to punish people who may not deserve to be punished but needed to so that money can be spent where a free market tells it to thus allowing us to move forward and adapt to a rapidly changing world. +Liquidation means you shouldn't have reheated and eaten your mum's boyfriend's homemade curry from last Sunday night. + +[context](https://www.reddit.com/r/AusFinance/comments/id4rew/you_are_about_to_see_a_lot_of_misleading/) +Your markets are run by bots. Now your /r/Asx_bets daily threads are too. + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +Automoderator may provide "Guidance" for Lazy and zero effort posting. + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH) +So you bought $BB at $11 pre-market friday. Smart move my fellow degens 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 strap in, cause you're in for a ride to the moons of fucking pluto. + +TL;DR Blackberry/AWS IVY will be in every single vehicle produced after 2022. EV or ICE, self-driving or boomer driving, it doesn't fucking matter. It 🚀 will 🚀 be 🚀 in 🚀 every 🚀 single 🚀 one 🚀 Oh, and Blackberry QNX Neutrinos RTOS is fun too. + +Before you start reading, I'd suggest grabbing a snack and a drink. Cause I'm about to drop a fucking novel. + +You've probably heard Blackberry QNX a few times around other DDs but you're wondering wtf is it and who the hell is even using it. QNX is an Real Time Operating System (more on this later) meant for vehicles, and it's been around for a really long time. Currently there are at least 175m cars running around with QNX. As for what cars those are, I'll keep it short: Apple Car Play was developed on QNX. + +So why haven't we heard more about Blackberry in recent years since there's so many QNX cars around? 2 reasons. 1: Dumbasses like you thought it was a phone company. 2: QNX is so ahead of the fucking game that boomer auto manufacturers like Ford and Mercedes were too stupid to use it effectively. For the last few years it's just been used to turn on your car's radio. *But things have changed now.* + +**Zombie cars and QNX** + +QNX is the first commercial microkernel RTOS. *What the fuck does that even mean nerd?* For anyone like me who's not a software genius, I've done some research so we all know what we're getting into. A Real Time Operating System is developed to focus processing power on two most important things: Speed and Accuracy. This is different from shit like Windows and Mac OS (General Purpose OS or GPOS) as they spread processing power throughout the system because there isn't exactly anything that's significantly more important than the others. However, when you're using a self-driving program you need the hardware to perform the action at the exact time and speed. Your self driving program brakes too late? Crash into the car ahead of you. Your self program turns the wheel too late or too soon? Crash into a wall. + +Blackberry has been working on this technology since 2014. But car makers literally couldn't develop autonomous vehicles fast enough. So these guys have just been twiddling their fucking thumbs. + +Fast forward to now, where the rise of Tesla has made everyone and their momma make a self driving EV. Everyone is trying to make their own autopilot *program* but not their own OS. So who's OS are they using? + +[SONY?](https://techcrunch.com/2021/01/11/sony-reveals-more-details-on-its-secretive-vision-s-sedan/?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAGWdfOT_GLnUXiZBQr4m4lDr6V0nzG6pkRMU6WLRNhsLRKDJHY4MAwxHb-HWZr3pDmEfBYyleSgqSAIjoeXMqU6MfKVSgBbWY5t8brOzZ61dAfzBMOQezOwKfHLLecBdHNEqSjqSskM_c-uUKa-IndxUGWi_Ay9pQMD4kj0iDqvI) Blackberry QNX. [Baidu?](https://www.chinapev.com/baidu/baidu-and-blackberry-unite-to-integrate-qnx-system-in-apollo-platform/) QNX baby. [XPENG?](https://www.caixinglobal.com/2020-08-26/washed-up-phone-maker-blackberry-provides-autonomous-vehicle-safety-system-to-xpeng-101597348.html) Blackberry as well. If you read the article, you'll see XPEV is using DESAY's autopilot program that's built on QNX. Know who else is using DESAY autopilot? [Li Auto](https://en.desaysv.com/index.php?id=4974) But what about Nio you might ask? Well on NIO day, it was announced that NIO will be using [Nvidia](https://www.blackberry.com/us/en/company/newsroom/press-releases/2018/nvidia-announces-world-first-functionally-safe-ai-self-driving-platform) DRIVE....which is also built on QNX. What about the Apple car? There's no confirmation yet, but rumors of them reaching out to both [Canoo](https://www.press.canoo.com/press-release/blackberry-to-power-autonomy-systems-in-canoos-next-generation-electric-vehicles) and [Hyundai](https://www.blackberry.com/us/en/company/newsroom/press-releases/2019/hyundai-autron-selects-blackberry-qnx-to-power-next-generation-adas-and-autonomous-driving-software-platform) makes me skeptical that Apple has succeeded in creating their own RTOS even after rumors of them starting 7 years ago. *But even if they did... it doesn't even matter.* + +You might have noticed that I didn't mention Tesla at all. That's because they have developed their own Linux-based Operating system, which Tesla has been having trouble getting it approved by US safety regulations. QNX on the other hand, already is. $BB to the fucking moon🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 + +Linux is also an open source OS and this becomes a huge problem when we talk about zombie cars. + +That's right. *Motherfucking zombie cars*. You know that scene in "Fate of the Furious" where Charlize Theron straight up just hacks all the cars in the city and starts slamming them into buildings? Yea, this is a legitimate fear of the U.S. government and Linux is not going to pass any safety regulations. And you better believe after SolarWind and FireEye hacks, Cybersecurity is the hottest topic right now when it comes to national security. You better believe the U.S. Government won't just allow open source OS flowing around millions of autonomous driving cars that can be hijacked at any time of day. + +You know who does have MULTIPLE government certifications already though? Blackberry bb. I won't get it, but you can read [u/josh\_moworld](https://www.reddit.com/u/josh_moworld/)'s post right [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/kxknrl/bb_dd_9_reasons_why_bb_is_from_former_bb_employee/) to get a better idea Blackberry's history with the U.S. government and security. + +The best part about it all is, Blackberry designed QNX to be 100% POSIX compliant. In dumbass terms it basically means any LINUX based program can be ported over easily. Come join the dark side, Elon. + +Now that you're pretty much caught up to speed on QNX, let's move over to IVY and why I believe IVY will be Blackberry's return to the throne 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 + +**Blackberry x AWS IVY** + +IVY is a co-development between Blackberry and Amazon and it is a 50/50 partnership. That's right; Jeff Bezos, the second richest man in the world and king of predatory business practices chose to partner with a company that has a $5.5b market cap. All hail, John Chen 👑👑👑 + +So what is IVY? Basically IVY cloud-based software that OEMs can install into their QNX vehicles (or any OS) and read sensor data from the vehicle's DCUs (domain controller units). These are basically sensors that give you data such as: times that you unlocked and locked your car, your car's wheel speed sensors, wiper arm sensors, tire pressure etc. In a Tesla, which is loaded with sensors, you will also see: sentry mode data, when an small object hits your car while parked, how hard you step on the accelerator, how hard you brake etc. + +IVY basically captures this data and in real time sends it to OEMs for them to analyze. Cars are going to be fitted with more and more sensors (regardless of if they have autonomous systems or not) and the data that IVY provides is very helpful. This allows OEMs to see their customer's car preferences or driving styles and can further develop their future vehicles to match customer's interests. Also, since the data is transferred in REAL TIME, things like horrible weather conditions, traffic updates, and icy roads can be communicated to all vehicles within the OEM network so that people can be notified ahead of time. + +But you know which industry would *love* this? Insurance companies. OEMs can gather all the safety data that IVY delivers and actually PROVE to insurance companies that their cars are safer. You know how Tesla had to come up with their own auto insurance? That was because Insurance companies were charging crazy high rates for Tesla's that had auto pilot. They didn't know exactly how to rate the risk, or who would take the blame. With Blackberry IVY, OEMs and insurance companies can partner together and have reliable data to work off of. + +Best part of it all, IVY is extremely scalable and is a subscription based service. There isn't an exact price announced yet, but you know if Jeff Bezos is involved then there will definitely be a lot of profits flowing in from IVY. + +For me, I'm long-term on $BB with some options to take advantage of the recent hype. I plan on holding shares until I see an actual competitor to QNX and IVY... which I've looked all over the internet and I can't find any. And honestly, Blackberry's security suite has so much to offer this isn't even the complete DD. I've just been typing for too long and figured it was a good time to stop. Maybe I will write another post in the future. +China for sure has a real estate bubble, but one could argue that so does the US. However, China's authoritarian political system allows it to aggressively and directly impose severe economic restrictions wherever/whenever they want (I'm looking at you, TAL, EDU, BABA, DIDI etc). + +So when Evergrande was facing mounting debt from the real estate bubble, the CCP took a sledgehammer to their debt problem, and made it a full-blown bankruptcy crisis. **Evergrande will fail, but the question is, will be it a Lehman Brothers moment in China (and therefore, globally)?** Or is this nothing serious to be concerned about? I'm 25% in cash right now, waiting for the September dip, but should we be expecting something far worse? + +TLDR: will China's real estate bubble burst and cause a financial crisis, that has global ripple effects? +Anyone want to shed some light on whether weekend theta gets priced in more on Friday afternoon or Monday morning? + +Sorry if I’m completely wrong, just wanted some insight +I'll start with September '21 and the quote from Gavin Wood: + +Events of today in crypto just go to show that genuine decentralisation and well-designed security make a far more valuable proposition than some big tps numbers coming from an exclusive and closed set of servers. If you can't run a full-node yourself then it's just another bank. + +Fast forward to December '21 and quote from Justin Bons: + +Solana was DDoS attacked again. This attack exploited fundamental design flaws which are considered features by SOL. As it sacrifices decentralization & security for speed while ignoring the consequences of that trade off specifically Proof of History & Turbine (PoH). + +A consequence of PoH is deterministic block creation: There is a good reason why public blockchains before SoL did not take this route. Non-deterministic block creation adds to security & censorship resistance as you cannot predict who will create the next block. + +Instead in SoL it is possible to predict & therefore attack the next block producers. For instance attacking the next 100 validators instead of attacking the entire network. This attack also works regardless of scale, thereby severely reducing SOL security. + +SOL security is not just reduced against DDoS attacks since this attack can also be combined with a 51% attack allowing an attacker to temporarily gain proportional staked control over the network by attacking other large stake holders. These are all consequences of PoH! + +Combining Turbine with PoH leads to even more dire consequences: Turbine divides the transaction memory pool into small groupings of validators. This means that with PoH you can censor transactions by just attacking the specific validators in that grouping! + +This is just one aspect of SOL's design that exposes the bad faith of its creation. Prioritizing attracting ignorant cryptocurrency investors over good sustainable blockchain design. There are many examples like this in terms of design as well as lies & fraud, buyer beware + +TL;DR: Solana is a shit network, SOL is a shitcoin and when VC dumps their SOL it's gonna be spectacular like diarrhea. [https://preview.redd.it/psyasl9d7tv71.jpg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa1df1b169a468d5e8df4b18a4100c6bb7e0540d](https://preview.redd.it/psyasl9d7tv71.jpg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa1df1b169a468d5e8df4b18a4100c6bb7e0540d) + +ETH, DOT and ADA > SOL... + +TL;DR2: [https://twitter.com/hoskytoken/status/1469371394601496581](https://twitter.com/hoskytoken/status/1469371394601496581) + +Source: + +[https://twitter.com/Justin\_Bons/status/1469375118036160529](https://twitter.com/Justin_Bons/status/1469375118036160529) + +[https://twitter.com/gavofyork/status/1437880885676855297](https://twitter.com/gavofyork/status/1437880885676855297) + +&#x200B; + +EDIt: wow the bots are downvoting everything even this comment: " many people actually think centralization is fine. That isn’t a joke, I’ve heard countless times things like: “Centralization isn’t necessarily bad!” People don’t get the whole point of crypto." + +Any negative comment about Solana is downvoted to hell! + +I mean if you downvote decentralization you have no business in being here and if you think that talking about the design flaws is a FUD or network that can be rebooted at any time and several times per year is ok then what can I tell you... +**We already knew they were** ***effectively*** **toothless...now that it's official, they're** ***actually*** **toothless.** + +# = = = = = = = + +**Bloomberg archive article link (full text below):** + +* [https://archive.ph/YlwXN](https://archive.ph/YlwXN) + +&#x200B; + +**Two current discussions** ***definitely*** **worth reading IMO:** + +* [https://archive.ph/RiryX](https://archive.ph/RiryX) +* [https://archive.ph/EHc1l](https://archive.ph/EHc1l) + +&#x200B; + +**Link to full decision by US 5th Circuit Court (PDF):** + +* [https://www.ca5.uscourts.gov/opinions/pub/20/20-61007-CV0.pdf](https://www.ca5.uscourts.gov/opinions/pub/20/20-61007-CV0.pdf) + +&#x200B; + +# Full text of Bloomberg article: + +# SEC Judges’ Constitutional Cloud Darkens After Appeal Ruling + +[The US Securities and Exchange Commission headquarters in Washington, D.C.Photographer: Al Drago\/Bloomberg](https://preview.redd.it/p9j2seu1sb091.png?width=2754&format=png&auto=webp&s=0cc692b50ab728e6792f2016190ca01036454ba6) + +By [Jennifer Bennett](https://www.bloomberg.com/authors/ATgcdH4vO5I/jennifer-bennett) + +May 18, 2022, 2:13 PM EDT*Updated onMay 18, 2022, 5:35 PM EDT* + +The Fifth Circuit darkened the legal cloud over the SEC’s use of in-house judges to hear cases, saying Wednesday the system violated a hedge fund manager’s constitutional right to a jury trial in federal court. + +Congress’ delegation of legislative power to the Securities and Exchange Commission was unconstitutional because it failed to “provide an intelligible principle by which the SEC would exercise the delegated power,” the US Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit said in a 2-1 [opinion](https://aboutblaw.com/24J). + +Statutory restrictions on the removal of the SEC’s administrative law judges are also unconstitutional, the opinion said. + +The US Supreme Court [agreed](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/terminal/RBZBMKDWX2PU) May 16 to take a look at a narrower case out of the Fifth Circuit regarding which courts have jurisdiction to hear challenges to the agency’s administrative law judges. The CPA in that case also challenged the in-house judges’ protections against removal. + +An SEC spokesperson said the agency was assessing the decision and working with the Justice Department to determine its next steps. + +## ‘Traditional Actions’ + +George Jarkesy Jr. established two hedge funds with around $24 million in assets and brought in Patriot28 LLC as an investment adviser. They allegedly misrepresented investment parameters and safeguards and overvalued assets to increase the fees they could charge, and the SEC began an in-house enforcement proceeding. + +The Seventh Amendment “guarantees” Jarkesy and Patriot28 a jury trial because the agency’s “enforcement action is akin to traditional actions at law to which the jury-trial right attaches,” Judge Jennifer Walker Elrod’s majority opinion said. “And Congress, or an agency acting pursuant to congressional authorization, cannot assign the adjudication of such claims to an agency because such claims do not concern public rights alone.” + +Some “elements” of the SEC’s administrative action are “more equitable in nature, but that fact does not invalidate the jury-trial right that attaches because of the civil penalties sought,” Elrod said. + +Jarkesy and Patriot28 also argued that Congress unconstitutionally delegated its power when it allowed the SEC to pick whether to pursue enforcement cases in federal courts or internally, and the Fifth Circuit agrees, the opinion said. + +The agency countered that choosing where to bring an enforcement action was merely a type of “prosecutorial discretion.” But that “reflects a misunderstanding of the nature of the delegated power,” Elrod said. + +Congress “effectively gave the SEC the power to decide which defendants should receive *certain legal processes*” accompanying federal court proceedings, according to the opinion. “Such a decision—to assign certain actions to agency adjudication—is a power that Congress uniquely possesses,” and Congress didn’t give the agency “an intelligible principle by which to exercise that power.” + +SEC administrative law judges have “two layers of for-cause protection” that “impede” the control a president should have over their roles based on their performance of “substantial executive functions,” Elrod said. The court didn’t decide if that alone was enough to vacate the judgment below because it had already decided to vacate on other grounds. + +## Long-Running Case + +Jarkesy and Patriot28’s SEC saga goes back to the agency’s 2011 investigation and 2013 commencement of in-house enforcement proceedings. An administrative law judge ultimately concluded they had committed securities fraud, and Jarkesy and Patriot28 appealed internally to the Commission itself. + +The Supreme Court in 2018—while Jarkesy’s administrative appeal was pending—[determined](https://www.bloomberg.com/politics/articles/2018-06-21/high-court-curbs-sec-judges-backs-buckets-of-money-adviser) the SEC’s in-house judges were actually officers and had been unconstitutionally appointed. After the high court’s *Lucia v. SEC* [ruling](https://www.bloomberglaw.com/public/document/LuciavSECNo171302018BL220188USJune212018CourtOpinion?doc_id=XFP17R5G000N), the agency [offered](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/terminal/PDX75N6JIJUT) parties new hearings before a different, properly appointed ALJ, but Jarkesy waived this right. + +The Commission affirmed the in-house judge’s fraud finding and imposed a $300,000 civil fine, $685,000 in disgorgement, and “barred Jarkesy from various securities industry activities,” Elrod said. Jarkesy then brought the case to the Fifth Circuit, seeking review of the Commission decision. + +## Cochran Echoes + +Jarkesy and Patriot28 attempted to halt the SEC administrative proceedings early on when they sued the agency in federal district court in D.C. in 2014. They twice [lost](https://www.bloomberglaw.com/public/document/JARKESYetalvUNITEDSTATESSECURITIESANDEXCHANGECOMMISSIONDocketNo11?doc_id=X7FVJ6R1T5697RQUKP9S5HHA6NR) on the same jurisdictional grounds that the Supreme Court just agreed to weigh in on in *Cochran v. SEC*. + +Jarkesy and others challenging SEC proceedings must complete the agency adjudication process before seeking review in the federal courts, the US Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit [said](https://www.bloomberglaw.com/public/document/Jarkesy_v_SEC_No_145196_2015_BL_315302_DC_Cir_Sept_29_2015_Court_?doc_id=X1N7PLOVG000N) in 2015. Once they have taken those steps, parties may seek review of the final Commission decision in the D.C. Circuit or the circuit where they reside or have their principal place of business. + +Other circuit courts ruled similarly on the jurisdiction question until the Fifth Circuit’s December 2021 [en banc opinion](https://www.bloomberglaw.com/public/document/CochranvSECDocketNo19103965thCirApr092019CourtDocket?doc_id=X6K0HGII8HC8D6QPF52JBD5KPP5) in CPA Michelle Cochran’s case. The full court, in a 9-7 decision, [determined](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/terminal/R42R4MT0AFB6) federal securities laws don’t actually strip lower courts of jurisdiction to hear constitutional challenges like hers and Jarkesy’s. + +The SEC [pointed to](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/terminal/R8UI4ODWLU6A) the D.C. Circuit’s *Jarkesy* opinion—along with similar opinions in the Second, Fourth, Seventh, and Eleventh circuits—as evidence of a circuit split when it [petitioned](https://www.bloomberglaw.com/public/document/SecuritesandExchangeCommissionetalPetitionersvsMichelleCochranDoc/1?doc_id=X3EHVBSJI4H876RJT55CO80B9SS?fmt=pdf) the Supreme Court for review in *Cochran*. + +SEC files on Jarkesy’s case, like Cochran’s, were among those that were [improperly uploaded](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/terminal/RA6U0ODWRGG0) onto servers maintained for Enforcement Division staff. But “the timeline of filings and Commission actions in each matter shows” that memo access wouldn’t have affected any Enforcement Division filings, the agency said in an April [statement](https://www.sec.gov/news/statement/commission-statement-relating-certain-administrative-adjudications). + +Judge Andrew S. Oldham joined Elrod’s opinion. + +Judge W. Eugene Davis dissented, saying he respectfully disagreed with the majority’s conclusions on the jury trial right, congressional delegation, and ALJ removal protections. + +S. Michael McColloch and Karen Cook, both based in Dallas, represent Jarkesy and Patriot28. + +The case is [*Jarkesy v. SEC*](https://aboutblaw.com/24J), 5th Cir., No. 20-61007, 5/18/22. + +—With assistance from Ben Bain and Greg Stohr. + +To contact the reporter on this story: Jennifer Bennett in Washington at [jbennett@bloomberglaw.com](mailto:jbennett@bloomberglaw.com) + +To contact the editor responsible for this story: Rob Tricchinelli at [rtricchinelli@bloomberglaw.com](mailto:rtricchinelli@bloomberglaw.com) + +(Updates with additional reporting in the 13th through 20th paragraphs.) +Torin Hofmann and a couple developers have just launched a fully operational blockchain platform. His Announcement Video here: [https://youtu.be/gZkjmOmff18](https://youtu.be/gZkjmOmff18) + +&#x200B; + +Welcome to NFTease: THE PREMIER MULTI-CHAIN NFT MARKETPLACE FOR 18+ CONTENT + +&#x200B; + +NFTease is a DApp built on the Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain Blockchains. Our vision is simple, we are building a kick-ass OnlyFans-esque NFT Marketplace. + +&#x200B; + +Circulating Supply: 1.5 Billion + +Capped Supply: 2 Billion + +LP Locked + +Audit info: [https://solidity.finance/audits/NFTease/](https://solidity.finance/audits/NFTease/) + +1% reflections to all holders + +Creator referral program coming soon + +In talks with Top Creators to join the platform + +Regular donations made to women's charities voted by community + +&#x200B; + +[https://nftease.app/](https://nftease.app/) + +[https://twitter.com/nfteaseapp/](https://twitter.com/nfteaseapp/) + +[https://reddit.com/r/nfteaseapp/](https://reddit.com/r/nfteaseapp/) + +[https://instagram.com/nfteaseapp/](https://instagram.com/nfteaseapp/) + +[https://t.me/nftease\_tg](https://t.me/nftease_tg) +Hello, I'm not part of the internal team, + +But I found they are real and new company, so i started helping them as much as I could, because they seems genuine. + +They still have problem with getting traction on their token, they launched last week but they are little late on marketing, because they focused on their product first as they need to think on investors and clients. Currently community for this token is growing steady but constantly. + +The community even celebrated when we reached 200 followers on Telegram group. It’s slow progress but we are determined. + +So I hope this thread can expose more about them, and can improve and grow their community and their approach to the crypto world. + +Please check out their sub [r/4SOFT](https://www.reddit.com/r/4SOFT/) and comment and give any feedback. + +I even volunteered as their reddit mod after communicating with them since they are lacking people on marketing but are so active on Telegram group. + +Thank you for reading, + +website: [https://4-soft.com](https://4-soft.com/) + +telegram: [https://t.me/foursoftcom](https://t.me/foursoftcom) + +token: 0x8a4840dc5975e424ec530ec88a8f27910a3cef51 +Hi, + +I need a bit of advice on a change to my pension plan that my employer is opting us all into by default. + +I am currently on a salary sacrifice scheme. I earn £21k, I pay 4% into my pension and my employer pays 4%. +Today we were told of a new pension scheme that everyone is being opted into. + +Their intention is to have everyone making 0% employee contributions to their pension, with the company making 8%. From what I can tell, this is fine as it meets the required 8% total with a minimum of 3% employer contributions. + +However, they're also expecting everyone to take a pay cut to offset the fact that we no longer will be contributing 4% ourselves. The company is adament that this is better for us in the long term, and showed some numbers to "prove" we'd be almost £100 better off per year. + +They're pitching it to everyone that we'll pay less income tax etc via the lower salary, but I was doing that anyway when I was contributing 4%. + +I'm struggling to see how this could be beneficial for me and my colleagues. Does anyone have any insight on whether this is actually a better approach for us? Should we be accepting this or staying on your current 4%/4% split? + +Thanks! +I earn 3800 a month after taxes. My workplace is in a really nice place in the city center exactly 2.3 kilometers away from my parents house so I live with them (24 years old) and there is no way I can afford a place that close to my work and it doesn’t make sense to move further away and endure the commute. + +Anyways, + +I have been getting paid since April and I only saved 2600! I have no idea what I have been spending so much money on so I checked. It’s mostly clothes (work clothes) entertainment(subscriptions/movie night outs/drinking/books) and food (eating out with friends) and I also bought a computer to my little brother. + +What do you guys think? Is it normal having saves that much? How can I save more? +I am a 21 year old female and I’ve been living on my own for about three years now. 2 years with my significant other and now one year on my own, with just my own income. My parents are dead and no one ever taught me how to save or budget. + +I have no savings, no emergency fund, and have 2k in credit card debt, 2k in collections (from a semester of college), and about 5k in medical debt that has not been reported to collections yet. Thankfully I do own a reliable vehicle (my dad left it to me), so no car payment. + +I work full time at an entry level job. I bring home around 2k a month, sometimes a little more, sometimes a little less. Currently my fixed monthly bills are: +Rent: $650 +Auto insurance: $200 +Credit Cards: $100 (min payments) +Dog Food/Care: $100-$200 +Utilities: $60-$90 +Cell phone: $60 +Internet: $70 +Gas: $120 +Medical Payments: $60 +Gym: $22 + + +My more flexible expenses look like this usually: +Groceries/Household items: $300 +Eating out: $100-$200 +Alcohol: $60-$90 + +These numbers are not extremely accurate because I’ve honestly just been winging it. I get paid and pay all my bills on payday. Then I buy groceries and just waste whatever money I have remaining from that paycheck and do the same thing when the next payday rolls around. I’m starting to realize that I’m quickly headed to financial disaster, if I’m not already there yet. + +There are things I definitely need to cut out like alcohol and eating out, and try to cut down on the grocery bill. Some will say that I need to get rid of the dog too and from a financial standpoint that’s probably right. But I’d rather try to chip away at other expenses before that. + +What are things I can do and tools I can use to get my finances in order and start a decent savings? I’m clueless +🔥Dogefather🔥 + +If you missed Elongate opportunity , don’t miss this token! + + +First NFT up for bidding: [https://opensea.io/assets/0x60f80121c31a0d46b5279700f9df786054aa5ee5/905405](https://opensea.io/assets/0x60f80121c31a0d46b5279700f9df786054aa5ee5/905405) + +Original Elon's tweet here: [https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1387290679794089986](https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1387290679794089986) + +Every single coin that's on ELON's Twitter is going to moon very hard. Whatever Elon tweeted, we delivered! + +A new deflationary token based on the latest [u/elonmusk](https://www.reddit.com/u/elonmusk/) and [u/binance](https://www.reddit.com/u/binance/) tweet now live on Binance Smart Chain! + + +⭐️10 Hours old +⭐️Market Cap: 6M +⭐️6k Holders + +🔸Owner is renounced + +🔸Very active Telegram voice chat! + +🔸5% distributed + +🔸5% added to liquidity pool + +🔸Dogefather have planned to develop an NFT project in the future with charity donation for each transaction. + +🌐 [dogefather.space](https://dogefather.space/) + +💬 [t.me/dogefatherBSC](https://t.me/dogefatherBSC) + +🐦 [twitter.com/dogefatherBSC](https://twitter.com/dogefatherBSC) + +🔷PCS v1: [https://v1exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x3d29aa78fb558f84112bbc48a84f371147a920c9&inputCurrency=BNB](https://v1exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x3d29aa78fb558f84112bbc48a84f371147a920c9&inputCurrency=BNB) + +Poocoin: [https://poocoin.app/tokens/0x3d29aa78fb558f84112bbc48a84f371147a920c9](https://poocoin.app/tokens/0x3d29aa78fb558f84112bbc48a84f371147a920c9) + +[dogefather.space](https://dogefather.space/) +Concert and event tickets. Everyone is seriously sick of scalpers and I am sure Ticketmaster etc just screws the artists out of a tons of revenue AND control. If gamestop marketplace did what it's doing for nft artists for big name muscians, comedians, etc...it would be massive. Additionally, it would be super easy to attach an NFT for the tour you bought a ticket for. What do you guys think? Massive market ripe for NFT take over? + +Edit: onboarding the masses and entering insanely hard to reach demographics (weird off-shoot bands that no one has heard of etc) and then showing a shit ton of other offerings both crypto and tangable goods on the market place would have such a compounding impact. + +edit2: upvote this, not for stupid karma but so it can reach my father, Mr. Cohen. + +Edit3: you could easily have priority purchase from wallets that buy other things or don’t have a high ratio of ticket transfers outbound. It would be insanely easy to cut down on scalping this way. + +Edit4: also, at some point wallets making a lot of purchases stateside will need to be KYC’d so this would help that a lot. In that regards you could simplify the rules for preventing scalping. +I'm asking the learned economists here. I'm an engineer, therefore I don't know any economic theory at all. + +I mean, the planet is finite... but I always see everyone fearing stagnation so much, let alone contraction. We have been enjoying the growth for ages, and I suppose that we find it normal because it always was like that, but it will eventually come to an end (it doesn't matter if it's 50 or 150 or 250 years, exponential growth has limits). + +Despite the nice National Geographic documentaries, nature manages to maintain a balance in a very harsh way. Animals always have more offspring than can survive, and some of them die (brutally, I'd say)... will we reach that? + +So, is it me or everyone knows that an economy has to grow to be "normal"? I haven't seen this explained anywhere... + +Dear Readers, + +Now that we are back from Summer holidays, we're restarting our featured academic article series. + + +Today's Article, taken from the 2016 top ten at SSRN, is: + +"[**How Do Venture Capitalists Make Decisions?**](http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/Papers.cfm?abstract_id=2801385)" (Gompers et al. 2016) + +**** + +**ABSTRACT**: + +*** + +We survey 885 institutional venture capitalists (VCs) at 681 firms to learn how they make decisions across eight areas: deal sourcing; investment decisions; valuation; deal structure; post-investment value-added; exits; internal organization of firms; and relationships with limited partners. In selecting investments, VCs see the management team as more important than business related characteristics such as product or technology. They also attribute more of the likelihood of ultimate investment success or failure to the team than to the business. While deal sourcing, deal selection, and post-investment value-added all contribute to value creation, the VCs rate deal selection as the most important of the three. We also explore (and find) differences in practices across industry, stage, geography and past success. We compare our results to those for CFOs (Graham and Harvey 2001) and private equity investors (Gompers, Kaplan and Mukharlyamov forthcoming). + + + +Dear Readers, + +Now that we are back from Summer holidays, we're restarting our featured academic article series. + + +Today's Article, taken from the 2016 top ten at SSRN, is: + +"[**How Do Venture Capitalists Make Decisions?**](http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/Papers.cfm?abstract_id=2801385)" (Gompers et al. 2016) + +**** + +**ABSTRACT**: + +*** + +We survey 885 institutional venture capitalists (VCs) at 681 firms to learn how they make decisions across eight areas: deal sourcing; investment decisions; valuation; deal structure; post-investment value-added; exits; internal organization of firms; and relationships with limited partners. In selecting investments, VCs see the management team as more important than business related characteristics such as product or technology. They also attribute more of the likelihood of ultimate investment success or failure to the team than to the business. While deal sourcing, deal selection, and post-investment value-added all contribute to value creation, the VCs rate deal selection as the most important of the three. We also explore (and find) differences in practices across industry, stage, geography and past success. We compare our results to those for CFOs (Graham and Harvey 2001) and private equity investors (Gompers, Kaplan and Mukharlyamov forthcoming). + + + +Just wanted to get your opinions about when you personally the correction is due and where you see NEO (realistically) by end of year. + +Pros: + +The project can rival ETH without a doubt but ETH has the head start. However, the dev community behind NEO can amass way quicker as it supports multiple coding languages which could switch some devs to stay away from solidity and rather go with code languages they are familiar with. + +NEO will integrate POS before ETH and can tackle any scalability issues before there network will be overloaded which gives them the edge in terms of scalability issues. They've seen ETH scalability issues and can learn from prior mistakes to avoid overloading there own network. + +China as a society is more inclined to adopt blockchain then all the western counties. For the blockchain to play a major part in the EU it would take ages given how many countries are part of the European union. If NEO receives support from the Chinese government and any other big org like Tenzent or Alibaba, they will have more customers than Europe in a decade. + +Cons: + +Chinese regulation have proven to be tougher toward tech and innovation in a whole. This makes me doubt that the Chinese government will most probably want to build their own network and kill any other competition by forcing rules down their throat which would eliminate any competition. + +Adoption from the western hemisphere would be very hard even though hey are doing a terrific job at westernising their webpage and allowing non Chinese to better understand there project, roadmap and whitepaper. + +What do you guys think? Criticism is more welcome than moontalk ;) + + +ASTI just landed a new project with NASA. Time to deploy the rocket boosters!! Based on other good news that ASTI received in the past, this stock should probably reach around $0.14 to $0.15 during this run. + +[https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2021/03/01/2184008/0/en/NASA-s-Marshall-Space-Flight-Center-Selects-Ascent-Solar-Technologies-CIGS-Modules-for-Their-LISA-T-and-Solar-Cruiser-Flight-Experiments.html](https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2021/03/01/2184008/0/en/NASA-s-Marshall-Space-Flight-Center-Selects-Ascent-Solar-Technologies-CIGS-Modules-for-Their-LISA-T-and-Solar-Cruiser-Flight-Experiments.html) +AMC and GME are experiencing the same bullish and bearish behaviours and thus experiencing some wild volatility. This is all because of the market makers so do not worry, as this is typical and was seen all last week. Even if more restrictions will hit just hold and we will bounce right back up if the consistency of the holders stay unchanged. + +&#x200B; + +AMC going from +20% to remaining unchanged at 0% whilst GME goes to almost +10% and then remaining unchanged premarket at the exact same time will be the norm the coming time. + +&#x200B; + +Best advice is: hold and buy more as this is just the same garbage as went on as a result of the big hedge funds getting hit in the end of last week. RobinHood are still the puppy of Citadel and will keep on making this as scary for new investors etc. + +&#x200B; + +And of course, I am only telling you this because I like this stonk :). + +Edit: I am all in on GME shares holding from 130. + +Edit 2: no need to message me. Not a financial advisor. If you are worrired about any of the stocks on here the best thing to do IMO is to hold. + +Edit 3: this is a short ladder. Just buy up paper hands and hold forever. + +Edit 4: Check out the frontpage. + +"If you see GME falling quickly without volume , this isn't actual selloff of GME shares but a tactic of hedge funds to scare you into selling GME. Read this thread if you want to know more about this. The order book is filled with round number orders like 100 and 200, which is Citadel and Melvin just fucking with us. + + + + +DO NOT SELL. + + + +GME TO THE MOON (insert rocket emojis) + +edit: go buy gme on the dips you retards don't buy reddit awards but thx anyways + +Obligatory im not a financial advisor and this is not financial advise." + +Edit 5: short ladder currently going on. Check front page. +Throwaway account to ask for some advice. I'm mid 30s and FIRED a year ago with 10mm NW and ~300k of passive income. I've been loving my freedom and also moved to our dream retirement destination. + +An unexpected opportunity has presented itself where I could make ~2mm / year. That's similar to the type of compensation I walked away from in order to FIRE, but the difference is, I could have this job where we've **chosen** to live for personal reasons which is highly unusual. In the past, we've always moved because a career advancement opportunity required it. + +We finally decided to FIRE and move to where we wanted to be, but never expected there would be any job that would pay close to what I used to make. + +So now I'm at a crossroads. Had this opportunity not popped up, I would have been happy never working again. But now that it's presented itself, I wonder if I should work for a few more years. + +UPDATE: Thanks to everyone who voiced their opinions. I think what resonated with me most is that there’s no downside so I’m going to explore the opportunity further. + +UPDATE 2: Hearing community feedback and talking through the scenario has been really helpful. One thing it helped me realize is that the main reason I’m even hesitating is I’d feel a personal obligation to commit to the role for a minimum of a few years given that the opportunity is being brought to me by people I consider friends. So while on paper, the worst case scenario is I just quit and I’m no worse off financially, I’m loathe to make a rash decision that could mean burning personal relationships if I soon found I did not enjoy the job and wanted out. +One of the things that my husband and I have struggled with is how to make the leap to a more strategy driven CPA that can create a holistic plan for us and offer ongoing options for tax savings. We have a net worth of about $3.5M which includes brokerage and retirement accounts, real estate and shares of private companies. I think we could RE now if we could get our taxes cranked down. + +We continue to level up with a new accountant every few years and learn a lot each time. We paid a huge sum on taxes last year due to a total lack of strategy and that has spurred me on to make this a top priority for 2021 so we don't make those mistakes again. I suppose our taxes are somewhat complicated because we have multiple LLC's and real estate holdings, but certainly not as complicated as wealthier individuals. We spent about $10-$15K on our accounting fees for 2020, and that is while still doing my own bookkeeping. Ideally, I don't want to do my own bookkeeping anymore! I don't mind spending more than $15K if we get a solid ongoing strategy. But I cannot seem to find that next level of CPA. Where should I be looking? Do I literally need to be going to a big four accounting firm or would they laugh at our net worth? Anyone willing to share their CPA experience or actual contacts? +Moving money into the market using dollar cost averaging over next 12 months (I know, there's some debate over whether this makes mathematical sense, but with the market at an all-time high, just throwing it all in seems possibly silly). Given this, need to find a good place for the second half for 6 months and am suddenly worried about FDIC limits. Options so far include: + +1. Leaving it in brokerage cash account (insurance limit is $1.9m for cash) and ignoring the risk +2. Using CDARS: safe, but the yield is like 0.05% or something crazy like that +3. Moving to high yield savings: rate is 0.3% but FDIC limited to 250k +4. Opening a few SoFi money accounts (0.25% APY, $1.5m insurance) +5. Gold bars, under bed (probably lumpy) + +I'm probably overthinking this, but figured this was a good forum to get ideas... +Hi Folks, + +I have a neurological disability (and on disability) that I don't want to get into and I'm single / 36M. It provides a lot of obstacles in a lot of aspects of life, but I have been able to invest really well throughout my life and, even, afterwards. Here's the scenario: + +1. Investment Condo: $3k rent / mo, $750k +2. Liquid Assets (stocks): $7M+ +3. Private Equity: $25k +4. On disability + +Now, I don't want too much money after reading into various lifestyles at certain levels of net worth. As my illness can affect behavior, I'm worried about getting into bad habits over the long-term. I want anonymity for as long as possible and just want to live well with family and friends enjoying the rest of my life with, maybe, a life partner. If the latter is not possible...well, enjoy being single as best as possible and REALLY work off the bucket list as a single disabled male in his 30's. So, here's the plan and target: + +1. Divest out of Liquid Assets when I hit my investment goal +2. Take out 401k (no addtl tax penalty bc on disability) and into Liquid Assets +3. Put all liquid assets into low-fee mutual funds and do SWR of $500k in annual investment income at 5-6% SWR +4. Annualized giving of $300k to a few local organizations via my DAF +5. Live nicely with $200k income: travel (as best as possible), work through my bucket list, learn hobbies, start a smb, invest more in private equity +6. Sell the investment condo and buy a dream condo for myself for the long-term +7. Help out my caregivers and my nieces with their financial lives while alive and posthumous too + +Is this a good plan? What should I consider? What am I missing? +In your will, how do you manage setting up a fund and ownership transfer for pets? I don’t mean nonsense like leaving millions dollars and the mansion to Fido - but making sure that vet and other bills can be taken care of by the new owner, and the actual transfer to a new owner. +Guten Morgen to this global band of Apes! 👋🦍 + +On Monday, I asked you to make a list. +When you are closely attuned to what you HODL for, you will know when it is time for you to act. + +Yesterday, I implored you to increase your security and ability to access your accounts. +Do not let poor cybersecurity or lack of preparation be the reason that you are unable to act when the time comes. + +Today, I am asking for you to do something that might be uncomfortable. +I want you to reflect inwardly and identify the ways that you are susceptible to emotional manipulation, often simply called 'FUD'. + +Fear. Uncertainty. Doubt. + +This kind of emotional manipulation takes many forms. +I am convinced that much of the FUD that we see so regularly is *intentionally* obvious, to get Apes to lower our defenses. +Many of us have felt the wave of emotions wash across us while watching one of GME's extraordinary runs. +As confident as I am that GME has every right to explosively break upward, I have not yet overcome my emotional reaction to seeing it. +And we haven't seen *anything* yet. + +I have no doubt that there are experts in psychology helping to create plans to manipulate those emotions to our detriment. +It takes serious effort to look inwardly and identify the ways that you personally will be impacted when those plans are put into effect. +Can you HODL confidently when the FUD machine starts dumping out 'gain porn' intended to make you feel like the only HODLer left, who may be left holding the bag? +Can you HODL confidently while Apes are blamed for teacher pension funds going broke? +Can you HODL confidently when your friends and family start calling because they heard that the squeeze was over and the price started to drop? + +These are but a few of the ways we'll be targeted. +Please take the time *now* to think inwardly on how you'll react during this time. +How you'll react when your brokerage account has far more digits than you ever dreamed possible. +Now is the time to work on controlling your emotional responses, because when the MOASS comes it will be too late. + +Remember to let your list be your guide. + +Today is Wednesday, June 29th, and you know what that means! Join other apes around the world to watch infrequent updates from the German markets! + +###🚀 Buckle Up! 🚀 +*** + + +- 🟩 120 minutes in: **$124.79 / 118,16 €** *(volume: 425)* +- 🟥 115 minutes in: $124.74 / 118,12 € *(volume: 425)* +- 🟩 110 minutes in: $125.19 / 118,54 € *(volume: 424)* +- 🟥 105 minutes in: $124.81 / 118,18 € *(volume: 399)* +- 🟩 100 minutes in: $124.91 / 118,28 € *(volume: 399)* +- 🟥 95 minutes in: $124.81 / 118,18 € *(volume: 397)* +- ⬜ 90 minutes in: $124.88 / 118,25 € *(volume: 392)* +- ⬜ 85 minutes in: $124.88 / 118,25 € *(volume: 392)* +- ⬜ 80 minutes in: $124.88 / 118,25 € *(volume: 392)* +- ⬜ 75 minutes in: $124.88 / 118,25 € *(volume: 378)* +- 🟥 70 minutes in: $124.88 / 118,25 € *(volume: 378)* +- ⬜ 65 minutes in: $124.89 / 118,25 € *(volume: 359)* +- ⬜ 60 minutes in: $124.89 / 118,25 € *(volume: 359)* +- 🟥 55 minutes in: $124.89 / 118,25 € *(volume: 348)* +- 🟥 50 minutes in: $125.22 / 118,56 € *(volume: 158)* +- 🟥 45 minutes in: $125.23 / 118,57 € *(volume: 155)* +- 🟥 40 minutes in: $125.25 / 118,59 € *(volume: 155)* +- 🟥 35 minutes in: $125.28 / 118,62 € *(volume: 155)* +- 🟩 30 minutes in: $125.31 / 118,65 € *(volume: 144)* +- 🟥 25 minutes in: $125.29 / 118,63 € *(volume: 144)* +- 🟩 20 minutes in: $125.32 / 118,66 € *(volume: 125)* +- 🟩 15 minutes in: $125.24 / 118,59 € *(volume: 124)* +- 🟩 10 minutes in: $125.20 / 118,55 € *(volume: 72)* +- 🟩 5 minutes in: $125.02 / 118,38 € *(volume: 70)* +- 🟩 0 minutes in: $124.93 / 118,29 € *(volume: 42)* +- 🟥 US close price: $124.38 / 117,77 € *($124.55 / 117,93 € after-hours)* + + +*** +FAQ: I'm capturing current price and volume data from German exchanges and converting to USD. Today's euro -> USD conversion ratio is 1.0561. I programmed a tool that assists me in fetching this data and updating the post. If you'd like to check current prices directly, you can check [Lang & Schwarz](https://www.ls-tc.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) or [TradeGate](https://www.tradegate.de/orderbuch.php?isin=US36467W1099) + +Diamantenhände isn't simply a thread on Superstonk, it's a community that gathers daily to represent the many corners of this world who love this stock. Many thanks to the originator of the series, DerGurkenraspler, who we wish well. We all love seeing the energy that people represent their varied homelands. Show your flags, share some culture, and unite around GME! +Looks like some entrepreneurs are taking advantage of the fact that COVID has caused a lot of future evictions. + +[https://civvl.com/](https://civvl.com/) + +Source: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Jfj4QvPmn8&ab\_channel=TheHill](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Jfj4QvPmn8&ab_channel=TheHill) + Good morning, here's my watch list: + +Gap Ups: AUPH, BBY, BNTX, CHKP, FVAC, HCA, LOGI, MXC, NAVI, OBLG, TER, USEG + +Gap Downs: IBKR, SNAP + +Not a bad day yesterday, SPY tried to start the gap fill but was rejected after breaking into the gap. Overall the trading action was fairly nice with many stocks fading off with the market and oil stocks making moves higher. Today there are some ok gaps but for the most part the pre market is flat with silver and gold stocks moving which to be honest are usually pretty slow to trade, not my preference. My plan is to be patient and focus on earnings related plays that have volume. Could be a good day to run a scan after the open to find movers. Good luck trading + +\*I do not add stocks under $5 to this list. If there is a stock that is under $5 here then it was above $5 when I added it\* + +\*\*This is not my complete watch list\*\* +I make approximately 75k a year (Maybe up to 83 with bonuses). I’m 24 years old, with around 35k saved up in stocks/savings accounts and 7k in a 401k (only started last year). I’m looking at spending about 1400 a month on rent for a 1 bedroom apartment and I like the unit I toured (not a display unit). It’s super new, and has good kitchen space, plenty of room, with a solid location. + +Meanwhile I think the lowest I could find in the area is around 1000 for a 1 bedroom. Location is about the same and the unit would be a bit smaller, bit less modern, and with a cramped kitchen. Do you think I should go for the 1 bedroom to save more or go for the nicer apartment knowing that I’ll be down like 300-400 dollars a month? + +I guess it boils down to whether I think creature comforts are more important than my ability to retire early. Has anyone been in a similar boat, and is there any advice you’d give me? +Hi, sorry, I've tried to find the answer elsewhere, but no luck, hopefully someone here could help? + +When I check my National Insurance record on gov.uk, it states that I have 24 years of full NI contributions. When I check my state pension on gov.uk, it says that if I contribute another 5 years, I'll get the full state pension. + +I though full state pension required 35 years of NI, am I reading something wrong? + 3 days ago the moderators removed my thread titled [‘Open Skepticism on Pulte’.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/u53cwv/open_skepticism_on_pulte/) I messaged the mods to ask for an explanation of why it was removed. To which u/half_dane responded “Please check the mod comment that's pinned to the top of the comment section” + +[The pinned comment can be seen here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/u53cwv/comment/i4zrxa0/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +“Post removed for exceeding the vote bot threshold. -26 at time of removal, with a dozen other reports for harassment, inappropriate content, and unsure but sus.” + +I gave them a couple days to give me an adequate answer after I messaged. No further explanation. + +No rules were broken in this thread, no harassment, no name calling, nothing. [Here's a direct link to a pastebin of the post content](https://pastebin.com/fTBkHrat) + +[This is also not the first to be removed by the quality vote bot](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/u4a7jd/wtf_superstonk/) \- [Despite mod saying they wouldn't have removed it because of the quality vote bot and healthy skepticism is okay the day before](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/u4dekn/comment/i4vzaip/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), it was still removed. + +The quality vote bot is not an excuse to remove discussions that break no rules, it’s not okay to remove discussions simply because people don’t like what is discussed. It’s not okay to remove discussions because there are many reports, when no rules are being broken to validate those reports. + +**Discussions and asking questions is the foundation of stonks. It’s how we aggregate quality content and encourage critical thinking.** + +[It’s the same reason that I fought to bring back the Discussion flair that the mods removed.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qmjzmg/comment/hj9zbzr/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) \- [More than once](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qz5lf6/our_flair_system_has_been_badly_damaged_please/) + +**Please engage this post and help get more eyes on it. This is a serious problem and I need your help to fix this.** + +**I have been banned for this post - reason cited was for ‘ reposting removed content ‘** +My wife was trying to sell some shoes online. The buyer 'accidentally' included more money in the cashier's check that they sent. Now my wife has a cashier's check in her possession for something like $1600 when the total is more like $100. The person who sent it is now calling and texting in broken English wanting the extra money back. + +What can she do at this point? The scams I have read about follow the pattern that they will have you pay the overage, ship the items, and then the original check bounces somehow. But since she already has the check in her possession, what can she do? If there's some small chance the person is legitimate, is there some course of action that would allow the legitimate person to recoup their money? Just send it back to them? +$16 an hour is BIG boy money in my area for a laborer, I was extremely excited to go to the interview, I was in a state of euphoria when after the interview they arranged for me to get the drug test and physical + +I spend days leading up, dreaming about being able to save money, I knew it was hard labor, but I'll do anything to move up for once, $16 an hour, to me I'm out of poverty + +I get to the clinic for drug test and physical and I'm asked to lift a milk crate with 50lbs in it onto a chest level shelf, then move it to a waist level shelf, put it on the ground and repeat several times....1...2.....3.......4......5.....6 + +Okay I was struggling pretty bad at the end but I made it!! + +"Okay now use that sledgehammer and hit the tire 20 times" + +"Okay now grab that 40lbs dumbbell and walk up and down the stairs 5 times" + +"Okay now grab that crate of bricks and walk from wall to wall in the room 5 times" + +I'm exhausted, there are no breaks in between, now I can't catch my breath, I feel slightly dizzy, I'm 30 and I don't do strength training but not terribly out of shape + + "Okay now lift that sack of sand up on your shoulder and walk back and forth in this room 5 times" ---"may I ask how heavy this sack is?"---"80lbs"----i weight about 140lbs and am not a big framed guy + +I lifted it up 5 inches and knew it was over....I can't....I wasn't even told or expecting this was going to be so strenuous + +"I....I can't do it" I stammered between labored breaths + +Such a waste of time, from application to interview to waiting 5 hours at this clinic, I was never told it would be so strenuous and I just got off an 8 hour shift at my current job so I was already spent out + + +For those that made it this far and is curious, the job was working at a lumber yard, keeping the work area clean for the saw operators, I was particularly excited because it was a job that you could move up to better higher paying positions in time + +Whelp back to $10 an hour, silly me for thinking I could move ahead in life +I'm 16 and I live a relatively nice and middle class life. Recently my mom ordered me new glasses, but to both of our surprises, she wasn't able to pay for it. She made some calls and found out she was in $80,000 credit card debt. She informed me that she was indeed in debt and will be asking my dad for financial support, however, we are not on good terms with my dad, so we do not know if he'll help. My parents are both nurses and make a relatively large salary (my mom said she makes $5k a month after taxes. ) + +Will my mom be alright? Will getting a job help her in any way? + +***EDIT***: A lot of people are telling me to try getting a job to support myself and not her. I now know getting a job will not have a long term effect on her, so I will get a job in preparations for college once I get my driver's license in December. Another thing I would like to note is that a lot of people are trying to lend me advice, but my goal of this post was to get advice on what my mom should do instead. + +Something that I forgot to mention is that my mom informed me she will be signing with a company in order to negotiate with the CC companies and try and work things out rather than paying it off. I don't know if it's the best choice, but it's the one my mom trusted. My mom is a really smart woman and I look up to her, she just didn't grow up with financial literacy. She also stated she will be trying to gain a better position at the hospital, switching from night shift to day shift. My mom is a highly skilled nurse with years of experience, so I am confident that she will be getting the position. I am just confused and sad how someone so smart and talented somehow can't manage their finances. + +***I guess my next question is if signing with a company to make negotiations with the credit card company is a good idea or not.*** A lot of people are saying that she needs a proper budget, and I will inform her on that, however I do not think she'd take me seriously as I am a teen with advice from Reddit, lol. + +Thank you all for your help, I appreciate it. + +***EDIT 2:*** I appreciate everyone's advice once again, however I do want to make it clear that my mom will not in fact going to try and burden me with her own debt or do anything that comes at my expense. She is one of the smartest and sweetest people I've ever met, she is just bad at financial decisions. + +Thank you again to everyone who is lending advice for my mom. +Or is everyone preoccupied with dividend problems? Huge green bar on the chart standing proud for all too see. I've been scrolling stonk all morning and hadn't seen anyone mention this. I could link it or upload it but you should just go look at the order of 202,400 shares for yourself. It's listed as a neutral trade on MooMoo and neutral trades don't affect the price, but this one did. Weird, no? +My best mate took his own life yesterday. My wife and I are godparents to his youngest son. We'd like to set up some sort of trust fund or education fund for him. Is there a recommended vehicle for this? Anything we should know? +A little under two years ago, our world and FIRE journey were rocked by my daughter's autism diagnosis. Previous post here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/comments/7ak6w3/fire\_with\_autistic\_child/](https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/comments/7ak6w3/fire_with_autistic_child/) + +Here is our update: + +* We ended up moving to California. I can honestly say the move was one of the most stressful and difficult things we have done but we felt like it was the right thing for our situation. I took and passing the bar. I really enjoy my new job and now make $175K, which is much higher than my prior salary (though the COL is also much higher). +* We lived with my in-laws while we figured out what we were doing with our lives. Not something I thought I'd ever do in my 30's, but it was a necessity for our situation. Sometimes swallowing your pride is necessary. +* We were able to rent our old place and buy a new place in CA. The net effect is that we ended up with an additional rental, which has juiced our savings and FIRE journey. +* We are THRILLED with the services our daughter is getting. She is able to participate in programs which either don't exist in smaller communities or else are not covered by insurance. The level and affordability of care is VERY different from place to place, and we're so happy we decided to move to a place where we could get good care at a price we can afford. +* We just crossed $500K NW, which is much sooner than we thought we would get there. This is a combination of converting our old house to a rental, living with in-laws, and the general rise in real estate/stocks. + +Just wanted to share and let you all know that it is possible to pursue FIRE with a special needs child! +Recently at least in this context meaning within the last year or so. I'm interested to know if anyone has quit their job to be a full-time trader and what the criteria was for doing so. like about how much were you making at your job in about how much did you have to start making trading to be able to quit and still sufficiently provide for yourself. + +How long did it take you to get to that point and was it in your plans initially when you began trading to trade full-time? + +About how many hours a day do you spend on trading? And also what is your end goal in terms of trading and other financial income sources? + +I definitely don't want to sound naive like I'm trying to do this super quick and get to be a full-time trader within three months like some people think might happen. But I just want to get some sort of an idea of what your expectations were and what happened. Thanks in advance for any input!! +Lot of beginners struggle with one thing in the market - a serious edge. + +This is the only thing that matters and that needs work. Use all sort of price action ideas, Snd ideas, SMC ideas, and through naked chart - learn what makes price move, why is there a consolidation in price, how fundamentals affect the market and so on. Start with just ONE fx pair or ONE asset or max 2. Watch it everyday, learn from others everyday - see those patterns through backtesting - do this continually for a year and improve on finding new ideas that work. + +&#x200B; + +This will give you an edge - through trading your ideas. Once, you have an edge - you are set. Then psychology is the easiest part once you understand that even with your edge there WILL be losses and if you find an edge where there is no losses - its a scam one - it wont workout (thats the truth). + +&#x200B; + +For psychology - think of your trading as a probability game. Take a sample size of 25 trades and whatever your win rate is you will have losses however, whenever or in any order of 25 trades. You cannot know what trades will be in losses and what will workout but a good win rate is a good win rate and if you take any trade apart from your own edge you will mess with your trading probabilities that will hinder your account growth and then its a vicious circle. Just trade your edge for an entire month and then improve on it after having the stats for that month. This changed a lot of things in my psychology. Then make sure you never ever risk more than 1% a day. + +&#x200B; + +When you are done finding an edge - trade it and then analyse the market and your trades after EACH WEEK. Look for ways to improve. Improve each week. Study everyday. Trade less. You will easily make money in this tough business. +I'm 19 and I've been playing with FX/Trading for the past 3 years. I only recently got really serious with it, dropping my hours in my career as a programmer down to just 2 days a week to focus on FX \(last time I got mocked for being 'just 19' and supposedly lying about being in a programming career, apparently everyone expects 19 YOs to be working standard retail jobs. Before the mocking comes again, I am not lying about my career, jesus.\) + +I'm currently trying out a strategy provided by my Signal Provider, however they release a lot of signals and I'm unable to execute every trade. My signal provider appears to return around 1k PIP in profit, per month \- or so their website says. I was a bit suspicious, so I've been following pretty much all of their trades and they're all tracked on their website and you can see that they aren't faking their stats. It's definitely not a scam, and the signals appear to be pretty accurate. They make about 1000 pips a month, and lose about 300 \- it definitely appears to be profitable. I'm still learning to be less emotional with my money \(recently lost £500 on a trade due to pure emotion and stupidity\). + +In order to eliminate my biggest flaws, I'm working on a 'robot' which essentially scrapes for new signals and then executes them as long as they fall within my strategy. This would allow me to execute the majority of my signal providers' trades, as well as remove any emotion from it. I'd fill the account up with money I don't particularly need, leave it to run and watch the results. + +This all seems too good to be true, but I can't see any flaws in the logic. I've used the Signals for the past few weeks, the stats of around 1k profit pips per month does not appear to be an over statement. My biggest flaws are emotion and panicking and trying to trade in the opposite direction \(to the one that was losing money\), just for it to bite me in the ass. If I automate the process using Selenium \(Python library\) on a spare PC, run it on a demo account and make sure the figures match up. Then I've found a money making machine!? Am I going insane. Opinions?? \(I'm expecting a lot of criticism, people saying "I wish it was that easy", but please try and explain anything I'm missing.\) + +EDIT: Only flaws I can see at the moment are if the signal provider ended business. Or if the 'robot' fucked up and executed incorrect trades \(this would be my fault for allowing the bug to exist, but I have to consider it\). +I saw this blog post today: http://whitecoatinvestor.com/financial-independence-is-not-the-holy-grail/ + +At first I was like "Yeah, well, that's just like your opinion, man", but in the end he seems to say that people should put the most emphasis on what makes them the happiest, and if that's not working, then OK. + +It is interesting that he would say this though, as someone who's making $300k+ from his job and at least another $300k+ from his blog. +O is obviously one of if not the top most recommended stock in this subreddit, and it's easy to see why. They pay a monthly dividend, have a **dividend yield of 4%** and have been growing their dividends for the past 28 years. + +My concern comes with the data that I see in their financial statements. Their revenue and free cash flow has been increasing, however the amount of share dilution that is being reported means that the **revenue and free cash flow per share** is actually **stagnant**. + +https://preview.redd.it/t0x7auo7erg91.png?width=1653&format=png&auto=webp&s=e39b1ed120ae2b5b6e0f21dd35e6e0d1801f7fc2 + +&#x200B; + +From 2012 to 2020 **revenue per share** has increased at an annual rate of **2.8%** per year and **free cash flow** has grown at **2.9%**. **Inflation** in this period was **1.5%** per annum. I excluded 2021 which I'm assuming was just an outlier, however if it wasn't then the results would be much worse. + +This means that their revenue per share and free cash flow per share only **grew 1.3% and 1.4%** respectively in real terms. + +Given that the **current dividend per share is $2.97**, there isn't much room for it to grow organically as it is 95% of the average FCF from 2016 to 2020 ($3.11). + +A dividend yield of 4% is nice, but it means that the share price will underperform the market. If you assume flat growth in price per share for $O, and no dividend increases as it will get harder and harder to do so since the dividend to average FCF is 95% then using DRIP will only give you a rate of return of 4%. Much lower than the average market rate of return of 10%. The overall market is also much safer than an individual stock. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/brmkyj0sjrg91.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=2ae9b04b1f53db31bbb8afd85197fd45ac10ccd5 + +The image may be a little blurry, but basically using **2.9%** as the **FCF growth** rate; a **WACC of 7.02%**; **CAPM of 7.75%**; The **SP500** historical average of **10%** and the 2020 number for FCF/Share as I believe that the 2021 number was just an outlier. I came up with 3 fair values of $O. They are **$78.80**, **$67.48** and **$47.23**. If you are content with just using WACC then you have a small **5% margin of safety**, however if you want higher returns you might want to find a different stock at the moment. + +I know this subreddit likes this stock, but I think it's important to highlight everything when it comes to stocks as it provides clarity and helps people make clearer judgements on their investments. +How do you decide when to start taking profits? + +Tough question I know. So you buy in at $20. Do you sell at $25, 30? Obviously some stocks are short terms holds, some are long. Any advice on this, I struggle with it. +I see a lot of people excited about cryptocurrency buying into these low prices. This is a generally good strategy, but I would posit this is not a good strategy for Bitcoin. Bitcoin is an asset we really don't understand. Further, it's not the only asset of its kind, and MOST IMPORTANTLY, there are FAR better alternatives already in existence. + +Trying to dollar cost average on Bitcoin could very well end up with you not only trying to catch a falling knife, but repeatedly stabbing yourself in the foot with it while several of us around you happened to put our money in newer technology. + +All I'm trying to say with this post is this: + +This could very well be the beginning of a major move away from "silly" money (pouring billions into Bitcoin, something that is worth what it is ONLY because it was the first, and for literally no other reason), and very much so a move towards investing in projects with better technology. If this is the case, which I suspect it could be, those of you deciding to hold onto Bitcoin could have an extremely unpleasant outcome. + +Edit: People calling me an idiot, asking if I'm being sarcastic. I'm truly not. If you haven't looked into the many interesting projects happening in this area as we speak, I suggest you do so. If you think that Bitcoin adds a value proposition that none of the other "coins" can offer, please enlighten me. + +Edit2: I'm a computer science guy who enjoys graph theory and cryptography; I actually read the whitepapers most of you gloss over. I'm not saying this as a "Bitcoin hater", but rather as a technology and theory enthusiast within the space. + +Edit3: BILLIONS of dollars are being sucked out of the market as we speak. The market cap is currently only at 300 billion dollars. It was over 800 billion at one point. The cryptocurrency space is vastly different than it was one year ago. When this money re-enters the market, it may not be in a similar manner as of last time. + +Edit4: Market cap is not a 1-to-1 pairing with actual invested fiat. Market cap = price of coin * shares in existence. I should have clarified further, that not only is the market cap rapidly dropping, but if you look at the past few days, billions of dollars are being removed from the market as we speak. + +Edit5: I've had to comment in response to many mentions of the price correlation issue. I would expect that the introduction of more fiat/crypto pairs will lead to a reduction in price correlation to Bitcoin. Most alternatives are only available through non-standard means, and so one must go through bitcoin, ethereum, litecoin, or bitcoin cash (Coinbase availabilities) to get coins offered on binance or other crypto only exchanges. This is one of my biggest concerns in cryptocurrency at the moment. +**Edit: I understand no such thing as "safe" however, what is the closest thing to safe? I have heard of investing in Google and Visa as "safe", what other companies do you guys recommend?** + +**Edit 2: Wow lots of helpful replies, for the people that took time out of their day and wrote a lengthy response, I thank you a lot, by major decision I will open an account an Vanguard and go ahead and invest in S&P500 fund. Again thank you all for the help!** + +Hello guys, + +As the title states, my Dad gave me $10,000 to invest for my little sister for when she grows up, but I have never done investing and do not know what to do. + +How old are you? + +19 + +Are you employed/making income? How much? + +If we are talking about my sister, then no she is not. But if we are talking about me then yes I am. + +What are your objectives with this money? (buy a house? Retirement savings?) + +The objective is to invest this money in a few "safe" companies and never look back until my sister becomes 18. + +What is your risk tolerance? (Do you mind risking it at blackjack or do you need to know its 100% safe?) + +100% safe. + +What is your time horizon? Do you need this money next month? Next 20yrs? + +10 to 15 years. + +I already opened up an account with Tradeking and have set up my bank account with them all that's left is to fund the account with $10,000 to invest it in 1 safe company(s), any recommendations? +I'm currently in sophomore year of my engineering major and would be taking finance intensive courses in the upcoming semesters. Being a programmer, I'm already proficient with Python and was looking to do something with it in Algo trading domain. Can anyone suggest me good books to read/tutorials to watch so that I can make a few projects in the same? + +Thanks! +I'm a pro trader, so that is not a newb question. I'm really puzzled on why is there much more topics about "trading stocks" rather than "trading futures". + +I can understand why as institutional trader I might be interested in stocks too, but as for retail traders: + +- No significant leverage. 2:1 overnight under $100k accounts, and 6:1 at best with "portfolio margin" accounts + +- Once you do get leverage, you actually pay a lot for it. + +- REPO costs for all your long/short portfolios you need high leverage for + +- REPO availability for retail is aweful... No way to model that with any reasonable precision + +- High fees. Commissions per share instead of notional and minimum comm per order makes stocks under $10-12 trading super hard + +- Liquidity. Even on closing auctions, liquidity on a lot of stocks/ETFs is not great. You can move the closing price easily even with a $50k+ order. + +- Price/L2 Data. While you can get stocks price data for free (yahoo, tiingo, iex, etc...), stock market is fragmented and you're getting a consolidated price feed, so you still have to get quality data to filter only the exchange you're planning to trade on. On top of that, you have to clean it from delayed trade reports and other non-tradable garbage, which makes consolidated volume figures highly inaccurate. Futures are traded only on 1 exchange so you don't have to bother cleaning it that much. + +So why do people still prefer trading stocks vs trading futures? + + +[This is the official $GME Megathread for r\/Superstonk.](https://preview.redd.it/gzy9yfftoov71.png?width=778&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ce125aa2d7455f994d74a4192f1a04b7d14448c) + +**Please keep ALL conversations contained to Gamestop and directly related topics.** + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# Brand new to the sub? Start here! + +***You must read the*** [***Superstonk Rules***](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules) ***before commenting or posting on*** [***r/Superstonk***](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/)*.* + +https://preview.redd.it/u7nzd0m0pov71.png?width=1651&format=png&auto=webp&s=df5232178c4035ba1c069f9306b30453b42946cd + +The extremely talented and dedicated [u/zedinstead](https://www.reddit.com/u/zedinstead/) has created this beautiful collection of the most important, groundbreaking **D**ue **D**iligence in PDF format that can be easily accessed and shared. If you're looking to familiarize yourself with the GME bull thesis or the underhanded tactics of the short sellers involved in this trade-- then this is for you: + +# [GME.fyi](https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg) + +[r/Superstonk](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/) employs strict posting requirements to ensure our community stays moderately free from trolls and other such bad actors. 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We call this the "Front Desk". Every day a moderator will create a new sticky comment that includes links to community announcements, fantastic posts that deserve more attention, and generally the simplest and easiest way to interact with the moderators of this community. The rest of the post is designed for general discussion and content/questions that might not need their own post. + +If you are new please mention that when you comment. There are no stupid questions but "shills" (paid accounts with the intent to disrupt the sub) are real. This community sees a lot of trolls. If you do not distinguish yourself as someone with genuine questions it is likely that members of our community will assume you are just spreading "FUD" (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt). I hate that I have to give you this warning but it is just the nature of the beast at this point. + +Please have fun, play nice and be civil. Many of our rules are heavily enforced. Debate is welcome but if it devolves into personal insults please report the comment. *Ape no fight ape!* +There’s a lot of discussion to broker liquidation and how they can screw you out of paying when MOASS happens. I think the brokers won’t even let it get to that level. They will do everything possible to make sure they do not default. + +The argument for big brokers defaulting has always been they have trillions of dollars in assets. They cannot go broke. However if there is significant risk they can reverse trades on GME and return you your cost basis. Reversal of trades can happen. Just look at LME (yes I know different exchange but a close enough example). + +According to the rules NSCC should kick out brokers who have FTD’s but because Wall Street doesn’t care about naked shorting these rules aren’t enforced. However once there is significant risk and NSCC does start enforcing this brokers will seek out to protect themselves and reverse your trades and give you back your cost basis. They will just say “sorry the trade never settled. It was an error” and will fight it in courts for the next few years and decades. + +If you’re looking for a credible source on this below is a video where Dr. T discusses this at 5:00 mark: + +[Link](https://youtu.be/0n0OxABkOS8) + +You can ignore the beginning of the video where she discusses NFT’s since it’s not relevant to this post. + +If you think this is a post to scare you into DRS’ing it is not. I don’t care if you DRS or not. If you go through my comment history you’ll see I was one of the people that argued for big brokers and how they couldn’t fail. I have completely changed my mind after seeing Dr. T discuss this. I just hope that you get paid for your shares and don’t end up in a court battle for years. + +This is once in a lifetime investment opportunity. I will not trust a big broker or a bank with such an investment. Better to diversify than be sorry. You can come to your own conclusions and make your own independent decisions. + +Edit: Wow my phone blew up with notifications. Sorry if I couldn’t reply to everyone here. All I’ll say is that everything I mentioned in this post are things that CAN happen. Not things that will 100% happen cause we don’t know what will actually happen during MOASS. In such unprecedented event it’s better to have more ownership and more transparency over your shares than handing over this responsibility to your broker. Just like with everything else on Wall Street everything works fine until it doesn’t. + +Also I would like to say that how many times have we seen Wall Street and brokers use technicalities and rules to screw over retail? From back when we found out about trimming of votes in shareholder meeting to people getting strange cost basis on their DRS shares, everything has been done to make it harder for retail to win. + +If you really trust your broker with this then that’s great. I hope everything works and I hope the scenario I laid out does not play out in reality. But in case it does I wanna be prepared. I’m hoping for the best and preparing for the worst. + +Not financial advice! +[https://www.barrons.com/articles/etsy-sellers-strike-rising-transaction-fees-51649690984](https://www.barrons.com/articles/etsy-sellers-strike-rising-transaction-fees-51649690984?mod=hp_LATEST) + +Thousands of sellers on [Etsy ](https://www.barrons.com/market-data/stocks/etsy)began a planned weeklong strike Monday to [protest a range of new fees](https://www.coworker.org/petitions/cancel-the-fee-increase-work-with-sellers-not-against-us) rolled out by the e-commerce company. + +The protests weren’t affecting the stock very much. Etsy (ticker: ETSY) was rising 0.3% to $117.07 on Monday. + +The company was a [big winner](https://www.barrons.com/articles/etsy-earnings-beat-forecast-miss-stock-51645794875?mod=md_stockoverview_news&mod=article_inline) during the pandemic as more consumers stayed at home and shopped online for things like homemade masks and other trinkets. But it has struggled over the past year, with the stock falling more than 46% over the past year. + +Etsy has a base of 5.3 million businesses, or sellers, on its platform. When those sellers make a sale through Etsy.com, they will now be charged a transaction fee of 6.5% of the price displayed for each listing, plus the amount charged for shipping and gift wrapping. The fee hike is the[ first of its type since 2018. ](https://www.wsj.com/articles/etsy-sellers-strike-as-site-ramps-up-to-battle-amazon-11649681740?mod=hp_lead_pos4)The fee previously was 5%. + +Sellers began discussing the fee hikes nearly two months ago on a [Reddit thread for Etsy sellers](https://www.reddit.com/r/EtsySellers/comments/t0ltfi/yikes_etsy_raising_transaction_fees_to_65/), expressing anger over the situation and questioning the company’s true motives. The conversations then led to the strike. + +Etsy didn’t immediately respond to request for comment. + +Etsy executives have said previously that the[ increases are needed for investments](https://s22.q4cdn.com/941741262/files/doc_financials/2021/q4/Exhibit-99.1-12.31.2021.pdf) in marketing and other seller-based tools. +I’m 33 in a C-level role for a traditional company (non-tech). NW counting home equity w/o appreciation is $3 mil. With appreciation we are around $3.5 mil. Total comp is around $450k (bonus dependent and long term stock incentives + promotes could push it higher). Looking for advice on if I should be chubby given where I am in life and take time off then find work I’m more passionate about or stick it out for another 5-10 yrs to get fat. Any given month I’m motivated to stick it out 5-7 days and the rest wanting to get away from it. I have a 2 and 4 year old and feel this pull to go do 3-4 months in New Zealand and Spain/South of France/Italy with the family before school starts for my oldest in the fall of 2024. And to just spend time with them every day around the US. When the kids are in school, I sense that we will want consistency for them and the more traditional (me working) lifestyle. Therefore, I think I’d be willing to go back to work. I am worried I won’t land something this good again if I leave it. Also, time away with toddlers always sounds better than it actually is. Any wisdom for me? +&#x200B; + +[Graph](https://preview.redd.it/rxuo34jiqd561.jpg?width=1610&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e096a718cda81fbc7ac4ecf161fe2ea3d7d55b2) + +The fact that US is printing alot of money is not solving the issue of common people. Those money going directly to rich people because 40% of Americans don’t have $400 in the bank for emergency expenses: Federal Reserve - [https://abcnews.go.com/US/10-americans-struggle-cover-400-emergency-expense-federal/story?id=63253846](https://abcnews.go.com/US/10-americans-struggle-cover-400-emergency-expense-federal/story?id=63253846) + +Those printing machines just keep printing money and keep creating wealth difference between rich and poor. They will make the rich richer and the poor poorer. + +Do we really need fiat in long run with unlimited supply as its value will keep decreasing over time? I think No that's why Satoshi created Bitcoin. He was Visionary and Revolutionary no doubts. +**EDIT: PLEASE STOP ASKING ME FOR DAY-TRADING TIPS. LEARN BY DOING.** + +I'm in the US. I day-trade cryptocurrencies and have made tens of thousands of orders across many pairs and exchanges (and have made substantially more than I would have by just "hodl xd", even with short-term penalty added, thank you very much). Uncle Sam wants his pie. Okay, fine. I know exactly how much I've made by simply tallying the deposits and withdrawals from by bank to my fiat gateways, and I'm willing to be taxed on that, but... + +The IRS expects me to report every single transaction on a form *with each interval gain and loss step reported in USD*. Every single one of my tens of thousands of orders and partial trades, most of which having no actual valuation or realization in USD, yet somehow I'm expected to calculate the imaginary USD gain/loss of each when BTC/USD fluctuates by whole percents every other minute on the reference fiat exchange (GDAX, say). No matter what painstaking diligence is paid to reporting the notional USD gain/loss for every alt pair and perpetual swap trade by cross-referencing those irrelevant data points, **I will inevitably end up with a totally fictional sequence of numbers that deviates significantly from my known, actual USD gain from what hit my fucking bank and what is presently on my exchange accounts.** This especially when transaction and trading and funding fees are taken into account, as well as the nightmare of slippage and partial fills. + +Also Bittrex completely wiped out my trade history, and everyone else's from what I hear, but my deposits/withdrawals are still there and that should really be all that matters (but not to the IRS apparently). I also had a stint on poswallet.com, same situation. + +Now here's the mind-melting part: I use BitMEX. I've made most of my gains from there. (Yes, I know that US customers are ostensibly disallowed by BitMEX from using BitMEX, but we all know this is lip service, and it is not illegal in itself by US law to violate a site's T&S, plus at any rate I could establish a non-US business entity if need be, and honestly BitMEX rocks so hard I'd be willing to renounce citizenship and *move* to keep using it). The [IRS virtual currency guidance](https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-drop/n-14-21.pdf) defines cryptocurrency as "property" and seems to concern itself with "exchange of virtual currency for other property", which is taxable. Okay, but is a perpetual swap or futures contract taxable? How is it possible to calculate the "cost basis" of a BitMEX position, where posted margin can arbitrarily and dynamically scale? No actual buying or selling of bitcoin occurs on BitMEX, so how is it taxable? How is it reportable? How? + +How the fuck do I even report any kind of short position on [Form 8949](https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f8949.pdf)? This would apply to Poloniex and Bitfinex as well. + +The IRS stipulates different (and highly favorable) tax rules for conventional futures trading, such as the 60/40 rule, where as I understand it 60 percent of futures gains are considered long-term and 40 percent are considered short-term, as marked-to-market. Would this apply to BitMEX futures as well? And how about when, at the end, you withdraw your bitcoin from there and it becomes "property" again to sell for fiat? + +Even if I went to a tax attorney or CPA, as I intend to do, would they know more than me what with the terribly incomplete guidance the IRS has given about all this? Nevermind the logistical insanity of the step-by-step fictional USD conversion process. And forget about bitcoin.tax; they don't handle BitMEX or any kind of serious trading activity. + +I've made a lot of money. I'm fine with being taxed fairly on my net gain. But the IRS has not adequately addressed the problems I have described in their guidance. What the hell do I do? +I think quite a few people need to hear this. It seems like a lot of people think this has to become their main career and it's "make enough to quit my day job or bust." + +For some people it is, but I promise that for the majority it isn't. Absolutely nothing wrong with small profits. You don't need to swing for the fences, so just take the base hit when you can. + +Given 20 days per trading month: + +$20/day = $400/month + +$25/day = $500/month + +$30/day = $600/month + +$35/day = $700/month + +$40/day = $800/month + +$45/day = $900/month + +$50/day = $1000/month + + +Note: This does not mean you shouldn't have a trading plan (should include risk management) in place. I am not advocating for having a daily profit goal or anything, but just wanted to provide some perspective to those who get FOMO or feel the greed creeping up when they see others talk about their big gains. +Wondering if anyone has ever gone in with a few others to buy lower middle market companies. Meet an interesting team today of some younger operations people that pooled money together and now have bought and successfully managed 4 healthcare companies. + +Not really fatfire passive investment, but thought it would be best place to ask. If anyone knows where to even look for these kind of companies let me know. I’ve seen buyabiz and other similar websites, but it’s a bunch of trash deals IMO. + + +IMHO a chance a of a lifetime. An innovative, unique, ultra-microcap NFT platform that has yet be listed on CMC and Gecko. + +I've been following Strainz since late Feb when they had a beta (v1) platform, and for all this time they've been sitting under the radar, developing and perfecting the system, and here we are with the official launch (v2), fully functional and ready to go. The marketing campaign (Reddit/Insta/Tiktok/TG) is about to begin, along with an endorsement from a legendary celeb, and this post right here may be the earliest call of this kind that you'll ever encounter. + +Increasing gas costs have recently been the catalyst which drove major DeFI and NFT projects from Ethereum to the much cheaper Binance Smart Chain. Unfortunately, there are only a few NFT marketplaces that support BSC NFTs and all of them have one thing in common: The NFT developers have to seek integration and the marketplace has to implement custom logic to support each Project individually. That’s where the Strainz Marketplace kicks in: **It supports any BEP-721 compatible NFT which is currently released on BSC out of the Box! Connect your wallet and see all the NFTs you own in one place and sell them on the Marketplace!** + +The marketplace is powered by STRAINZ, a gamified, weed-themed NFT. With it you can buy plants that produce strains with unique DNAs translating to specific appearances and yields: + +🌲 Collect + +Plants are built with different Heads, Bodies, Faces, Pots, Accessories, and Colors. Over 100,000 combinations are possible as of now, with more parts coming in the future. No two strains are the same, and they’re needed for harvesting STRAINZ coins. + +🍃 Harvest + +Plants are also harvestable, which means they produce STRAINZ coins over time depending on their growth rate. Each strain can have a growth rate between 1 and 255 and can be harvested at any time. A growth rate of 255 corresponds to approximately 300 STRAINZ coins which you can mint every day! STRAINZ coins are BEP-20 tokens and are used as the main currency on the marketplace. + +🌾 Breed + +For breeding you have to burn STRAINZ coins, corresponding to the breeding cost. Each strain has its own breeding cost, which starts at 1000 STRAINZ. At breeding time, the breeding costs of both parents get doubled, so it will get more and more difficult over time to produce new ones. The resulting child will have a growth rate which is depending on their parents’. + +All Strainz and other NFTs on Binance Smart Chain can be traded freely on the marketplace. To incentivize STRAINZ growers, 2% of each Trade gets burned in STRAINZ coins, and the seller receives 98% of the buying price. + +With v2 bunch of new features entered the game: [https://strainz.medium.com/strainz-v2-new-features-for-yield-farming-project-on-binance-smart-chain-a8919036ea8a](https://strainz.medium.com/strainz-v2-new-features-for-yield-farming-project-on-binance-smart-chain-a8919036ea8a) + +**v2's Master, NFT, Base token and marketplace contracts have been successfully audited by Obelisk.** + +Roadmap and infos for Gecko listing already complete along with price feeds for CMC and APY calculations for the pools. + +**The project also operates a transperancy hub, a blog where each new step is explained and recorded:** [**https://blog.strainz.tech/**](https://blog.strainz.tech/) + +* Pancakeswap: [https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?inputCurrency=BNB&outputCurrency=0x18fcd272fcbb41cf048c89695dfeb6a8d298beb1](https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?inputCurrency=BNB&outputCurrency=0x18fcd272fcbb41cf048c89695dfeb6a8d298beb1) +* Website: [strainz.tech](https://strainz.tech/) +* Twitter: [https://twitter.com/StrainZ\_NFT/](https://twitter.com/StrainZ_NFT/) +* Telegram: [https://t.me/strainz\_chat](https://t.me/strainz_chat) +* Telegram Announcements: [https://t.me/Strainz\_Announcement](https://t.me/Strainz_Announcement) +* Chart: [https://poocoin.app/tokens/0x18fCD272FCBB41Cf048c89695DFEB6A8d298beb1](https://poocoin.app/tokens/0x18fCD272FCBB41Cf048c89695DFEB6A8d298beb1) +* BscScan: [https://bscscan.com/token/0x18fCD272FCBB41Cf048c89695DFEB6A8d298beb1](https://bscscan.com/token/0x18fCD272FCBB41Cf048c89695DFEB6A8d298beb1) +* Medium: [https://strainz.medium.com/](https://strainz.medium.com/) +Hi everyone. I have a stable security job at the moment. I have no savings, no retirement fund, no 401k, no stocks (don't understand how they work). I need help or resources. I'm turning 30 in 4 months and I have worked for 12 years with next to nothing to show for it. I have no higher schooling or high debt. I have a 2012 Honda that I'm upside down in. Pre-Pandemic it was worth $4000. I still owe 6700$ on the car. It's reliable and gets me around. My car is the only major debt that I currently have. + +What should I do? I don't want to end up like my grandma. A caregiver for 53 years, with no retirement or 401k. She only earns 1.1k a month on social security disability, unable to work. I don't want to end up like her. I take care of her a lot, most of my money ends up paying for stuff for her, getting her things she needs, etc. I cannot end up like her because she's been in a lot severe depression for many years due to finances. + +What can I do or what resources can I get to save enough for a retirement fund, or a 401k, or a Roth IRA, to ensure I have a future? + +Thank you. + +Please keep comments respectful. I'm trying to learn here. My parents never taught money management or anything. I'm learning from YouTube many days just to be able to get by. + +What are the things you've always wanted to know about but have been too afraid of asking? What do you need to retire? Is your financial advisor working on your behalf or just raking in fees? What does it all mean? + +Remember - this is a safe place. Upvote those that contribute, and only downvote if a comment is off-topic or doesn't contribute to the discussion, **not** just because you disagree. + +Consider sorting the comments by "new" (instead of "best" or "top") to see the newest posts. + +I live in Texas and own a storage facility (just me, no partners) I am wanting to start an LLC and put this business under it (currently registered as a dba only). I have checked with the state to see if the name +I want is registered (it isn’t) what are my next steps? +Have a few questions; + +What options do I have as a self employed person? I pay myself as W2, but do not save for retirement with the business. + +I have a few income streams that can be devoted to retirement, meager savings, and an annuity. + +At what point do I contact a financial planner and how do you find a reputable one? +Hello, Braintrust! + +I am wondering what to do about my emergency fund. ~~Can I~~ **Is it advisable to lower my amount (to 2-3 months worth of expenses instead of 3-6) and/or invest it in my Roth IRA?** Some context: + +* I work a very stable job. I am a teacher with several years of seniority and advanced degrees in *very* high needs areas. So I am not at risk of loosing my income. I also really love my work, so I won't be leaving the field any time soon. +* I plan on working until I am eligible to retire from the district. Therefore, I will be getting a ~~pittance~~ pension from the state retirement system. Our state did recently try to pass a bill that would jeopardize the pension, but it didn't pass; I have no doubt that it will continue to be a battle in years to come. Here's to hoping, though.. +* I save 25% of my income in my other retirement accounts (403b and 457b). +* My essential expenses are low, and I am working hard to rein in my spending so I can up my savings rate even more. I have no debt other than my mortgage and my car note. +* If I were to be out of work for an injury or illness, between 66% and 75% of my income would be replaced. I also have insurance with my deductible socked away. + +I am currently adding money each month to a HYSA for my EF, but I was toying with the idea of reaching the threshold of 3 months and then adding the rest to a Roth IRA. My reasoning was that, based on the job stability and the fact that I can withdraw my contributions from a Roth penalty-free, the growth would be nice. + +Thanks in advance for any feedback/personal stories/perspectives. +I have always planned on saving my money, so that I would have enough to anything I needed i.e. car, house, furniture. When I tell people this, they laugh and say I need credit and will have to get a credit card. Am I just being unrealistic or is living without credit possible? +I always followed a typical three-fund portfolio advice from Bogleheads (VTI/VXUS/BND in fixed percentages), however I think the very dogmatic approach breaks down as one reaches 8 figures and > 50X living expenses (I'm not there yet, $3M during this downturn but preparing myself): + +* The part about keeping a constant percentage of bonds to reduce risk doesn’t make sense to me. I find it more useful to keep a constant absolute amount of fixed income to cover, say, 10 years of living expenses during a downtown, which never gets rebalanced into equities. Preferably allocated to individual treasuries and not ever-green bond funds. +* The extreme allergy for any alternative investment, be it real estate, private equity, … + +So I wanted to ask: how are you, as a fatFIRE person, invested? I am specifically interested in the people who are actually there, ideally 8 figures and > 50X living expenses: + +* Overall asset allocation (e.g. 80/20 or 10y fixed income, rest in equity) +* International vs domestic equity allocation (e.g. 50/50) +* Single-stock vs index allocation (e.g. 20% company stock) +* Fixed income allocation (bond funds vs individual treasuries vs muni vs cash) +* Real estate allocation (primary vs rental portfolio, …) +* Any other you can think of! + +Thanks! +We have been saving up some money for about 2 years now since my wife got pregnant with our first child (born last year). We are planning to have another child next year and would like to start investing some of our savings into something that would generate passive income for us when we retire (20 years from now). I have been doing some research on the internet and came across a few sites. I was hoping that someone could help me out with some advice as to which of these platforms would be best for us to invest in early start-ups. My wife and I are both in our 40(s) and have a combined income of around $90,000 per year. + +I've done some research on [EquityZen](https://equityzen.com/) and I'm not sure if it's the right place to invest. This platform is very expensive and way beyond my league since I have to be making around $200,000 a year before I can invest here. + +I'm looking into [Hedonova](https://www.hedonova.io/investments/startups) because they were able to offer me a lower rate than [Fundrise](https://fundrise.com/). However, I'm not sure if this is the right place to invest our money either. + +Does anyone have any experience with these companies? +State turned me down for help, my only asset is my car. I have $500 left in a checking account. I have medical bills, credit card bills, and car insurance that I can't pay. Seriously I have no clue what to do. I've been filling out job applications for months. I'm not qualified to stock cans on shelves apparently. I'm contemplating suicide and that's not a joke. +Tesla's exclusion from the S&P 500 index on Friday was a surprise to many, given that the mega-cap electric-vehicle manufacturer ticked off all the eligibility requirements. + +Tesla on Tuesday fell 21% from Friday's close as investors digested the S&P 500 exclusion amid a tech-heavy market sell-off. + +But the S&P Dow Jones Indices index committee's decision to exclude Tesla despite its eligibility for inclusion was a "brave" one, DataTrek cofounder Nicholas Colas said in a note on Wednesday. + +The decision by the committee could "only have come from a collective and committed view that Tesla is profoundly overvalued," Colas said. + +Tesla traded at a trailing 12-month price-earnings multiple of 913x on Wednesday, according to data from YCharts.com. The S&P 500 traded at a trailing 12-month price-earnings multiple of 21.7x, according to JPMorgan. + +In addition to a steep valuation, the committee likely thinks Tesla "sits on shakier fundamentals" than its August 31 market capitalization of $465.2 billion may indicate, DataTrek said. + +That might refer to the fact that much of the profit Tesla has recorded over the past few quarters derives from the sale of green EV regulatory credits to other carmakers that don't meet the mandated annual EV production quota, and not from Tesla's main business of building and selling cars and solar panels. + +Tesla will remain eligible for inclusion in the S&P 500 index if it continues to stay profitable in future quarters. + +Instead of Tesla, the committee added Etsy, Teradyne, and Catalent to the S&P 500 index. + +https://www.businessinsider.com/tesla-stock-sp500-exclusion-index-overvalued-profoundly-datatrek-committee-why-2020-9 +[**GameStop Wallet Support**](https://support.blockchain.gamestop.com/hc/en-us/sections/4412111751955-Getting-Started) + +# 🟣 [Computershare Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v2ff5r/drscomputershare_megathread_062022/) + +>Wondering what DRS is? Want to know how and why people are Direct Registering their shares? Here you'll find our guide and additional resources, as well as a welcoming community answering questions in the comments! + +# 🙋 ​[What's GME & should I consider investing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) + +# 📚 Library of Due Diligence [GME.fyi](https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg) + +>A collection of over 200 of the most important, groundbreaking **D**ue **D**iligence. If your looking to familiarize yourself with the GME bull thesis or the underhanded tactics of the short sellers involved in this trade– then this is for you + +**Read** [**the Rules & Wiki**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index) **||** [**MOASS FAQ**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/faq) **|| Join our** [**Discord**](https://discord.gg/Superstonk) + +Low karma? Want to feed DRSbot? [Post on r/GMEOrphans](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/) + +How to [Filter by Flair & Search](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v0oxp2/how_to_filter_by_flair_search_for_posts_on/) on Superstonk + +Tag u/Superstonk-Flairy for help with user flairs, find [custom emoji options here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v89p0h/new_superstonk_user_flair_emojis_how_to_edit_your/) +I would love some advice on my current situation from the wiser members of this sub. +I’m 26, male and am currently one week into a biomedical science degree and having second thoughts. I was working as a support worker for the past 8 years and earned decent money doing that (110-130k) but burnt out from constantly being in high stress situations and lost my passion for it. In 2020 lockdown I started a philosophy degree just for fun basically and did really well in it, I enjoy studying. I do not want to work as a support worker forever, philosophy doesn’t really have strong career prospects that I’m aware of, so Ive transferred to biomed with the thinking to either go into research, maybe get a job in pharma. Financial security is pretty important to me, and doing this degree has to be worth the financial burden of HECS and no longer being able to work full time to focus on study. Has anyone done this degree and if so what do you do for work now? + +I should add that this degree feels very stressful to me so far compared to a philosophy degree. It’s content heavy and Chemistry/science was never my strong point but critical thinking and writing come pretty naturally to me +As the media basically follows reporting trends in a horse blinder instead of thinking big picture, I've been wondering about something that I haven't seen covered: + +Why is this a sellers' market? Housing prices are inflated, interest rates are up, sellers aren't paying closing costs, and buyers in many markets are even having to pay appraisal gaps and do other wildly irresponsible things like forfeit inspections to be competitive with offers amid a low inventory environment. + + +And where are these sellers going? Surely they'll then face the same nightmare right after they sell their home and go to find another. + + +In any rational world, buyers would have already been turned off and sellers would have to give in a little on what can be controlled, like paying closing costs, etc to find ways to keep prices affordable for buyers. But that's still not quite happening. + + +Maybe it's a signal that Americans just aren't that financially literate. Maybe it's a sign of the wide income disparity in this country. + + +How do I have mortgage brokers and real estate agents offering to lower commissions yet I don't have sellers offering to do something that used to be common like pay closing costs? + + +My guess is that inflated rent is forcing many to dump most of their savings and cash into purchasing a home fearing a never-ending rent increase, but apart from that it just doesn't make sense to me to buy something that is not only at an elevated price but literally none of the previous concessions and assistance that we've been used to are being satisfied. + + +Serious question: Why are buyers even trying to buy right now and why is this a market where the sellers still have an upper hand? While I get it, it still all sounds counterintuitive to me also. +So super quick background. 40 years old, no real IRA retirement savings(I hate stock market) I reinvested everything into my business and personal/biz real estate and now I have to put money someplace. My plan was always to acquire some rentals and call it. So first mistake was selling my paid off townhouse when I bought my new house. I was 50/50 on keeping for a rental but in 2017 I really felt like trading market values at time and I hate mortgages (personal homes) so whatever and sold that. Paid off current house/biz property last year just in time for the market to be ridiculous and wrench my plans of grabbing RE as next phase. + +My current plan is to wait out this market and continue saving. Don’t mistake patience/prudence for scared to act (I am a business owner and trigger puller) but this current situation has me not enthusiastic. Yes, that has been a horrible decision compared to grabbing something a year ago. I do believe a pullback of anything from decent to full on recession is eminent, but man this is dragging out. Ideally I would like more commercial property (also own biz property) so I guess longer I wait the more I can get when this at least flips to more buyer market. + +What is the preferred strategy to get wet? Do I stay patient then get one more premium or multiple properties when I feel market is more right? Should I just focus on going industrial? I really can’t get excited about 10k roi annually on a property but I need to start looking at this as cash on cash I guess. Where I am prices have outpaced rents and I am just bummed that my plan for years has come time to enact in the worst buying market ever so now I feel forced to just lose money to inflation until this starts imploding a little. + +What says you guys and gals? +I own two multifamily buildings and with the insane prices people are paying for properties right now, I'm starting to think it would be a great time to sell one of them, which is a triplex, especially not knowing when or if a housing crash will happen soon. I owe $170,000 on it but can sell it for at least $500k leaving me a profit of about $300k. What would be the best course of action in relation to multifamily reinvestment so as to maximize those dollars? If I sell, anything I want to buy will also be selling for high price. Any advice greatly appreciated. +Currently self-employed so I cannot get approved for a conventional loan until I have two years of tax returns. My friend said he would cosign for me when we were originally looking at duplexes so that I could live in one and rent out the other and split the profits with him. However, plans have changed and now I could look into a single-family home with 5% down but I still need him to cosign. I was thinking I could offer him $3000 as payment for him putting his credit on the line and then I would refinance out in a year because at that point I will have my two years of tax returns. He’s also going to be away for the next 6-8 months on a deployment so it’s not like he cares about his credit score and liability at that time. Has anybody done this before where they cosign with a friend and offer them compensation in return for doing so? I understand that it varies case by case but just curious on what other people have done out there. +If you had $1M to invest strictly in dividend yielding companies, what would that portfolio look like for you? + +I took a stab at one looking at companies with a market cap >$10B, P/E over 0, and a dividend yield of at least 5%. Here's what I came up with, hitting a ~6.9% dividend yield: + +**Ticker**|**Price**|**Shares**|**Total Value**|**Dividend Yield**|**Annual Income**| +:--|:--|:--|--:|:--|--:| +RDS-A|$71.32|1400|$99,848.00|5.31%|$5,301.93| +T|$32.29|3000|$96,870.00|6.22%|$6,025.31| +HSBC|$47.36|2000|$94,720.00|5.33%|$5,048.58| +PM|$82.43|1100|$90,673.00|5.55%|$5,032.35| +GSK|$41.36|2300|$95,128.00|5.29%|$5,032.27| +VOD|$25.17|4000|$100,680.00|7.10%|$7,148.28| +F|$11.32|8000|$90,560.00|5.36%|$4,854.02| +CTL|$20.06|4900|$98,294.00|10.86%|$10,674.73| +BX|$35.03|2800|$98,084.00|6.21%|$6,091.02| +IEP|$74.00|1300|$96,200.00|9.47%|$9,110.14| +NLY|$10.52|3700|$38,924.00|11.46%|$4,460.69| +**Totals:**|||**$999,981.00**||**$68,779.31**| + + +It's got a little diversity, but could probably use some more. What would you change? +I was thinking of what name we give this year's investing disaster. I know there is a tremendous focus on the equity side, but the fixed income side matters too. It especially matters when it is the harsh interest rate environment that is causing so much worry across the entire investment world. + +Before The Great Depression, many bear markets were called panics. My favorite is the Panic of 1857. I also enjoy reading about The Long Depression. + +https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panic_of_1857#:~:text=The%20Panic%20of%201857%20was,rapidly%20throughout%20the%20United%20States. + +https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Long_Depression + +The Vanguard Total Bond Market Index Fund ($VTBLX) is down 13%. That is a number l, if it holds, would make this the worst year for bonds since 1793. With that, I propose calling the The Great Bond Panic of 2022. + +What are your thoughts? +after seeing [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/EnoughTrumpSpam/comments/5qswfm/math_that_triggers_chumpanzies_you_know_what_to_do/) I figured a good use of my time would be to read up on the world's avocado market + +and I saw this [washington post article](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2015/01/22/the-sudden-rise-of-the-avocado-americas-new-favorite-fruit/?utm_term=.743be25c026a) which states that 85% of the US's avocados consumed are imports, but I also saw this [website](http://www.agmrc.org/commodities-products/fruits/avocados/) which states that the US actually exports Avocados back to the same countries that import to it. + +How does this make sense to do? + +Why is the US exporting avocados when it can't reach its own demand? and why is mexico buying from the US when they produce more than their demand? +Malls, like arcades, are being obviously stamped out by their at-home competitors. But some arcades are still in operation. Is there a way for them to stick around? +Say a client A wants to deposit (via internet transfer, no cash) a super huge amount of money into a small local bank, and the bank does not earn enough from loan interest, to be able to pay client A interest, would the bank refuse the deposit? + +Or is it always good for a bank to accept any amount of money? +I read in the news that inflation in the Netherlands is worse than in Germany. How does this work if currencies are the same? +Or do such statements mean something to the effect of "items which are taxed differently across eurozone countries and are affected by the same inflationary forces result in prices that are noticeably different for consumers?" +Raising minimum wage will cause corporates to reduce the amount of workers they can employ or increase the prices of the products they sell causing minimum wage to be too low again. + +Is it just a vicious cycle of slowly increasing minimum wage and increasing product prices till inflation happens? How can the government of a country regulate it? + +The minimum wage talked about is about US but I am asking in general for any economic situation in a country. +I have noticed over the last 10 years or so that most of my friends from highschool from poor families are still poor or living at home, and complain about how they can never afford anything but also never seem to make any effort to better themselves or get beyond a minimum wage job. I grew up in a fairly wealthy household and I am currently what most people would consider "well off" with my own business which i started on my own with no help or guidance (trucking company with 17 trucks currently running for those whom are curious, not going to give away my identity with the name of the company). i also noticed most of my friends in middle class had middle class upbringing and have a decent life. Another thing I noticed is my poor friends were the first to have children and get married while my middle class friends are mostly engaged/single, none have children so far. I have a daughter but i think i am the odd one of the group making over 50k/yr. +Just wondering your thoughts on this as from what i have seen its around 90% accurate I only have 1 friend from a 500k+ year upbringing who is living in a 1 bedroom apartment barely able to make rent every month. +/r/titlegore + +Second year economics student here, in places like Sydney, Vancouver and other cities along the pacific, there seems to be a big issue of foreign investors (mostly chinese) buying up local property and either leaving them vacant or renting them out to locals. + + +From a purely economic standpoint, is this a good thing or a bad thing? It's a lot of money going in the economy but it also drives people away from cities due to affordability. +I'm trying to understand the fundamentals of the financial crisis; obviously the housing bubble led to hubris, which led to the relaxation of lending standards etc. etc. But I don't understand what rising house prices had to do with reducing the chances that subprime borrowers would default.. I get that rising prices would increase equity and I read somewhere about being able to refinance houses at a lower rate if equity increases, but why would it be in the bank's interests to do this? + +Apologies if this is a dim question, this is something that has been puzzling me for ages.. +I'm a sophomore in college and my goal was to become an economist. This fall term I ran into a course named linear algebra; which is highly proof based at my community college (The only homework problems we have to turn is are proofs). This caused me to look into more of the upper graduate classes required for econ graduate school and I found out you need classes like real analysis as well as many other proofs courses when you actually get into graduate school. I don't think i'll be the john nash of my generation, so I don't really see the use of proofs in the world of an economist. I also don't think i'm very good at proofs, I can do the easy ones in my homework, but I don't think i'll be able to prove calculus or do well in discrete math. I'm more interested in using statistical methods or more computational methods in my ideal world of being an economist. Is being good at proofs essential for being a decent economist? +One fairly agreed upon concept in economics is the long-run neutrality of money which states that changes in the money supply don't affect real variables in the long-run. I've also learned that what's agreed upon as the main cause of the great depression was that the Fed employed contractionary monetary policy and that the depression ended when the money supply was allowed to expand. + +Now what I'm getting from the long-run neutrality of money is that essentially money is a veil over barter and over the long-run it'll normalize. But the great depression was incredibly long lasting. At some point shouldn't all the real variables have adjusted to the money supply without a need for expansionary monetary policy? Why was money not neutral over such a long period? + +edit: thanks for the answers, seems the issue is in my idea of long-run +This will be relatively short and to the point. Just wanted to say, without doxing myself, that as someone who has worked with Jon Stewart in the past: he’s the real deal IMO and someone that actually gives a shit. + +After the absurdity that everyone witnessed last January with GME, the first person who I wished would jump on the story was Jon. Not because of his comedic chops… though he has that in spades… but his honest to goodness empathy that I’ve seen displayed firsthand towards people who are in the right and getting a bad deal. + +Thanking Jon in the past for his working with the 9/11 first responders, and fighting alongside them to get the care they deserve. You know what he said to me? “No, It’s the least I can do”. He treated it like an honor in as humble a way as possible. Something that made his efforts that much more meaningful to me. + +Working alongside him for awhile, I never saw anything but that humble nature (and natural joke telling ability) and as weird as it sounds, the guy genuinely made me want to strive to be the best version of me I can be… like a comedic Fred Rogers without the sweater and puppets. + +No I am not “close friends” or anything like that, but when I say that I am so happy Jon is part of the conversation I hope you understand it comes from a more grounded place. + +What a time to be alive. +Bought 0DTE SPY bear call spread yesterday as I believed that SPY wouldn’t go higher than $440. + +This was my first time trying to sell premiums and it did expire worthless by the end of the day. + +I noticed that the premiums were quite high, so I decided to make an entry to buy $442 calls and sell $440 calls, thus collecting 0.35 credit per contract. I had 10 contracts in total, so I collected $350 premium, its not much but I was excited. + +I’m pleased with the entry, this was my first time and I will do it again the next time I find a good entry 😄 +This ‘what to do with purple circles’ sentiment was spreading about a year ago. Mods had a post where we voted to keep the purple circles posts as is or change how the sub views them (possibly a mega thread or post them on weekends only). The users in the sub voted to keep the purple circle posts as is so that all sub members and visitors would see them. Geez c’mon guys Princeton and Kingston from the Teddy books have a piggy bank with a purple circle! How is that not enough. + +I’m not sure where this FUD all started, but why is the community/the mods entertaining this again? This was put to bed already. + +Post with the poll can be found here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/s65e47/the_elon_musk_of_community_updates/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf +I want to clarify that he used my paypal account with my knowledge, we live basically as a married couple and he used this money to support us while I'm in school. The gross amount is 25k. + +Obviously we live on very little income; our house and cars are paid for so insurance, groceries, and utilities are our only expenses (we are extremely frugal) +I always have a good time reading the feel-good stories of others, so I wanted to share mine. It was only recently that I found this sub and realized that we are not alone in the thought that the main thing we want out of life is financial freedom. Stories in this sub have helped to keep me motivated. I hope that I can contribute in the same way. + +**Brief Background** + +My wife's father once described us as the most successful people in our families. In like, forever. I am a CPA and she is a teacher. My salary has ranged from low 40s in ~2009 to now low 80s. My wife's has ranged from low 40s since ~2011 to now mid 50s. We are both in our very early 30s and our son is almost 3. We have had no inheritances. We have had no monetary gifts. Our growth is largely organic and opportunistic. Our families were challenging at best, being largely broken and not fiscally sound. Fights over money, mounting debt by our parents, poor houses growing up, etc. We've been hardened to life a little, having been exposed to murders, abusive step parents, alcoholism and drugs, suicides, and even homelessness. We have had some important people that motivated us along the way, such as teachers, ROTC instructors, bosses, and friends. I moved in with my now wife and her parents at the age of 17, and we both moved out when I was 19. We got married after a decade of being together. Around that time was when I really started tracking our finances. + +I think our personal experiences shaped us into being fairly fiscally-minded people. In college, I was the guy that turned my vehicle AC on over a certain speed and rolled the windows down below that speed because I had read that it saved gas. I have always been a coupon-friendly guy. My wife loves to cook, so we save a lot on not going out all the time. She appreciates frugality slightly less than I do, but is not a "material girl". We generally live well below our needs on purpose. + +**Education** + +My wife and I are both products of public education and a public university. Thankfully, we were very fortunate to leave college without any debt. In our state, there is a program for a state-funded tuition scholarship when you achieve a certain GPA in high school and a certain standardized test score. My wife and I both got that. I had additional scholarships that allowed me to literally pocket money while in college and pay for my master's, and my wife had some scholarships as well that only required she pay a small amount every year. I finished with perfect marks, and my wife damn near did as well. + +**Portfolio** + +We started saving before 2013, but that was when I really started tracking my balance sheet. I don't really track an income statement on paper, but I have everything in mint and run reports. I keep us in check during the year, but as long as our life-creep doesn't come on too strong, and our balances increase at the rate we hoped, I may not ever put one together. + +Our assets (Major PPE) are primarily our house (I kept the value at cost), our cars (depreciating annually), and my wife's wedding bands. Other investments include a post-tax account that I setup back in 2007 (yeah, I wasnt the best financial advisor to myself then..) and a real estate LLC that a friend and I are testing out starting in 2017. + +Debt is primarily the house and some accrued medical and small credit card balances. I never pay credit card interest, but I use them exclusively for the points (see below). We refinanced our house to a 15 year mortgage in 2012 at ~2.5%. It just dropped below 100K in January 2018. + +Retirement investments are our 401ks. I get a 3% match and contribute 15% (10 traditional, 5 roth). My wife gets a 5% match and contributes 10% (all traditional). She also maxes out a dependent care FSA since we are on a PPO. Of course, the market has helped us achieve this current milestone. + +5 year balance sheet: + +https://imgur.com/a/zn6AV + +Type/Date| 2017| 2016| 2015| 2014| 2013 +---|---|----|----|----|----|---- +Cash - C/S| 35,356| 32,895| 28,199| 34,254| 89,757 +Cash - Interest | 209,950| 170,344| 130,241| 80,858| 0 +Retirement Investments| 168,874| 118,427| 90,221| 70,221| 47,286 +Other Investments | 47,459| 33,234| 29,432| 36,493| 34,383 +Major PPE (>5K) | 164,000| 167,500| 173,000| 177,000| 172,000 +Debt| (105,698)| (113,039)| (118,784)| (127,990)| (135,881) +Net Worth | 519,942| 409,361| 332,309| 270,836| 207,545| 115,848 + +**Reducing Overhead** + +One of my routines is constantly making sure that the bills are as low as needed. Cordcutting has helped for a lot of people, but I have been using a HD homerun prime for years to keep my cable bill down. We installed spray foam and energy efficient appliances/thermostat in the house to keep electricity down. We drive smaller and cheaper cars to keep our gas bill and insurance bill down. I shop our insurance every 6 months to make sure I am getting the best rates. We refinanced our house to save on interest. + +**My Favorite Love/Hate Investment** + +Interest bearing checking accounts. These have been very good to me, but my biggest "hindsight is 20/20" situation is that I do wish I would have put them into a growth fund over the past few years. But alas, I did not. Our plan all along has been to save up enough cash on hand to pay off our next house. Then we would invest those funds in something conservative to offset the interest. So I started opening up various interest checking accounts across the country and in my state. My lowest earns 3% and my highest earns 5%, with a weighted average of around 3.9-4.0%. I use a combination of automatic ACH, mint for login, and spend an hour every month buying Amazon gift cards on the debit cards. I have 8 accounts open now that require monthly "work" and around 16 that are passive. + +**My Favorite Hobbies** + +One suggestion I could give is that if you like any hobby that MAKES money, focus on it. I like to do some resale on the side, and that does make me a little money, but nothing significant. Enough to pay for some of my toys with what I scour from slickdeals and dansdeals personally. + +But I am also a credit card churner. There is something about staying in an all-inclusive for free by 'gaming' the credit card system makes it that much nicer to enjoy! I do not track my points in my net worth, but I am sitting on north of 2M points in total. This is a great hobby and really fits with the FI mentality if you are organized and comfortable with playing games with your credit (my wife and I are both north of 800, so the risk is low). + +**Next Goals** + +One Million Net Worth by 35. Really, I always told myself that I wanted to be a millionaire by 30, but I had to modify that goal a bit! Shoot for the moon, right? Worst case, you land among the stars. + +Two Million Net Worth by 45 (though 40 would be great!) +Hey everyone, I’m currently starting to build a dividend portfolio so that my current savings can actually start doing something rather than having it just sit there but I need some help. + +I’m a 17 year old college student making roughly $400 a week with ~$2500 sitting off to the side. I’ve been thinking since i’m not paying bills other than my car insurance ($200/mo) I could put $300 of each of my paychecks every week into building a portfolio. + +I’m mostly interested in your current favorite companies that offers an okay dividend and why they’re your favorite. Whether it’s because of their balance sheet or just their mission as a company and if you are still actively investing into those stocks + +-Currently using a fidelity custodial account for all of this so i can’t invest into REIT’s and leveraged stocks such as QYLD, O, and SQQQ +Im also looking to open up a Roth IRA when I turn 18 and put some money into that as well +I've been hired as a financial analyst and portfolio manager for a total salary of $0. My dad wants me to deploy his income portfolio. + +After some research and finding this sub, I thought I'd ask for feedback from the smart group of people here. + +I'd like to keep it under 10 stocks, much lower if I can help it (wish I could just split 50/50 between RQI/HTGC). He won't be drawing down funds for another 2-3 years and it won't be a full draw due to other income (SS, RE). Naturally, consistency of dividend is what's most important, growth is a nice bonus. + +Income/yield targets: 5% on $1m, so $50,000/year. Portfolio below is 4.6% at current prices (assuming RQI/HTGC yield is 10%, their actual cost yield is 8% and 14% respectively, opened position last year). + +Allocation timing: HTGC/RQI/SPG positions were opened last year, rest will be deployed in the next 18 months. + +Restrictions: No oil&gas and tobacco + +Equal allocation across: + +**ETF-esque / The analyst-was-too-lazy group** + +RQI - laziness to research REITs, but also because they picked all the good ones + +HTGC - high yield, but I don't think it's a yield trap, though current premium on nav is near ATH + +SCHD - laziness and consistency + +QYLD - high yield...for high yield's sake + +**Individual Picks / Industry Diversification** + +AAPL - safety in terms of equity + +MSFT - safety in terms of equity/income + +LMT - seems to be a popular undervalued option on this sub + +HD - safety + growth + +JNJ - safety / diversification + +SPG - safety + growth + +Anything you would add? What would you take out? Any thoughts around equal weighting vs. going heavier into a particular area? Appreciate the time and help! + +Edit: included income / yield targets / restrictions / timing +Typical normie investors let their emotions make their decisions for them, and this means they often see the field backwards. When a stock has been running green nonstop they think the green will continue forever and that’s when they’re most likely to buy in. When it’s been running red nonstop they think the red will continue forever and that’s when they’re most likely to sell. + +So after a few days of huge gains the Empire had to strike back. They had to bash it down as hard as they possibly could to scare off a huge new threat, all those normies, all those friends and family of apes waiting on the sidelines who don’t know what they’re doing but are attracted to the green like a moth to flame. + +My take on today’s price action is that the Empire aka Shitadel used the news of further dilution in movie as cover to sell off a significant portion of their long position in movie and then took those profits to short gme as hard as possible. + +In addition to scaring off investors they’ll be fighting hard to get it back under 250 and it’s kind of looking like that will be the battleground over the next two sessions. + +Edit: What a stonk! Loving this green dildo looks like their dreams of keeping it under 250 are turning into their nightmare of it going over 300 +I’ve been seeing a lot of posts about some tweets that EVERYONE here knows are garbage. EVERYONE knows they’re “legally” correct. + +And they’re sliding the forum. + +I personally, believe that these were planted to pull from the perjury and slide away from the push for DRS. I believe in the job posts for pushing content. I think it is NO COINCIDENCE that those job posts were dated JUST as these TWEETS show up. + +This post is meta. This post will be downvoted. + +EDIT for Obligatory: Buy, DRS, HODL, and Hedgies are [redacted] 🚀🌕🧑‍🚀🔫🧑‍🚀🔫🦍 +I noticed there's a lot of shilling for memecoins on this subreddit and I figured I should try and "cleanse" with a potential gem with a real use-case, Opacity ($OPCT). They did an AMA recently and covered a lot of things, so I'm just going to point out some things I noticed that were either good or bad. I'll also cite some stuff they said so you don't have to watch the whole AMA. + +This is my first post, sorry if it isn't great! Tried to make a informative thread instead of just saying "buy!! diamond hands!!! low mc!! best community!!!" Also, I'm reposting to not confuse people. (Last post I mistakenly said $OPCTY instead of $OPCT) + +- Dextools: https://www.dextools.io/app/uniswap/pair-explorer/0xd07d843cd1d769cdf918be8a3c2c0b708889f7fc + +- Etherscan: https://etherscan.io/token/0xDb05EA0877A2622883941b939f0bb11d1ac7c400 + +- Telegram: https://t.me/OpacityStorage + +- Telegram Lounge/Price talk: https://t.me/OpacityLounge + +**Big numbers that make people happy to see:** + +- 5m market cap + +- As of writing this the price is $0.070 USD + +- Total supply of 130,000,000 OPCT + +**Opacity AMA takeaways:** + +- Seems the CEO, Jason Coppola, got screwed by the ledger leak and is very against having personal information available due to receiving home invasion threats. + +- Announces new people on the team. New developers, new marketing person. + +- Cloud storage provider - only real competition is siacoin. + +- Big focus on anonymity. No personal identification will ever be asked. + +- When asked about reaching out to companies Jason said definitely but that they want everything to be more stable and user-friendly first. + +- Trying to be more consumer-sided with the mobile app to increase user engagement and involvement. + +- Was added to Uniswap in January so this coin is relatively still new (to most people I assume). + +- They added a lot of liquidity from the companies share of the developer funds (a few million $OPCT) as well as ETH from Jason. This was to reduce price gap and prevent 1 ETH changing the price by 10% to about 2% (which I think is even lower now). + +- You can stake $OPCT in the future, part of the decentralized system if you are a storage provider. They will look into possibly opening it to non-storage providers, but no guarantee. + +- Rather small user base currently, ~2,500 of active accounts for the past year. Hoping on the mobile app to bring in more people. + +- Plan on letting storage nodes set a price to create a competitive market. One can do 1 terabyte for 50 cents while another does 1 terabyte for 49 cents. + +- Plan to start development on the decentralization as soon as the whitepaper is done. Don't want to wait long. + +**Claimed strong points:** + +- Really secure protection for identity + +- Strong encryption on files + +- Shard the files + +- Framework is in place to support the structure of a secure data platform as well as identity protection + +- Nobody has taken the lead in the market, Opacity is more user-friendly which makes it easier for people not familiar with crypto to jump into it + +**Claimed unique selling points:** + +- Brings up the privacy part again. + +- Doesn't ask for information and focused on not tieing metadata or files to the user. + +- Once uploaded and encrypted its no longer connected to you, not even if they got access to the file through +encryption. + +- Doesn't say where it came from, or who it came from, the information just doesn't exist. + +- Identity protection that nobody else really offers. + +**Claimed next big milestones:** + +- There is no road map (This isn't a milestone, but they mentioned that there isn't one so I figured I should bring it up. They also didn't really say if they're planning on making one.) + +- Getting through the draft copy of the whitepaper for decentralization + +- Revamp of the website and web-app. More modern, better UI. Showing progress of files uploading and downloading, and just general better user feedback. + +They actually showed off the UI and a bit of the whitepaper. The UI started at 15:43, and the whitepaper started at 20:16 for anybody that's interested. + +**Woke up and saw some messages in telegram from an admin - so here are some things to look forward to:** + +- Web updates coming in March + +- Mobile app coming (most likely) in May + +- Whitepaper is almost final + +[There's a lot to take in, I suggest watching the AMA yourself but $OPCT seems like a genuinely good investment imo.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZRC8pdWA2M) + +Edit: added dextools, clarified the $0.07 meant USD, added etherscan + +Edit2: Just a heads up, I learned recently that $OPCT used to be $PRL. With the old founder or CEO (Bruno Block) behind bars (with the team also pursuing that to happen), and a new CEO (Jason Coppola) running the project I don't think there's much to worry about, but I also think it's fair to new investors to be fully aware of that. + +Edit3: Added their telegrams +I apologize in advance if this isn’t eye-catching post themed. I use the same account for GME as I do for porn cause I like to see stocks and tiddies, I only post if I think it’s important. This seems very important to me... more than tiddies + +Edit: *thanks all for rewards and upvotes making this my best post ever, please head over to the [WSB VERSION](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/mnfp07/exactly_how_to_make_sure_your_shares_arent_on/?utm_source=share&amp;utm_medium=ios_app&amp;utm_name=iossmf) and spam your upvotes there too so more can see. Bot fuckery runs rampant over there* + +I went to [this corporate finance website](https://corporatefinanceinstitute.com/resources/knowledge/finance/shareholder-register/) to figure out how to register my shares for the upcoming meeting. Here’s what I found: + +*“A shareholder register is a list of all active and former owners of a company’s shares. The register includes details of shareholders, such as their name, address, the number of shares they own, class of shares held, date when they became a shareholder, and when they ceased being a shareholder.”* + +Wait, so there’s a register that shows any and everyone who’s ever owned a share in GameStop? Couldn’t we use this to figure out how much is actually owned and by who? Anyways, I read on and find this: + +*“A company’s directors are required to update the shareholder register on an ongoing basis and ensure that every current shareholder is recorded in the register. The shareholder register serves as proof of ownership in the company, and it shows the number of shareholders in each class of shares.”* + +Cool cool... next + + +*“Apart from including the personal details of each shareholder, the register may retain a record of all shares issued to individual shareholders over past years, as well as transfers of shares and the name of the shareholder who acquired the shares. The register may be maintained either by the company itself or a third-party registry service provider.”* + +Ok, now I really kinda wanna get my hands on this registry thing. How do I do that?: + +*“Since the shareholder register is a public document, third parties and other interested parties can access an updated list of a company’s shareholders at any time.”* + +NO FRIGGIN WAY, IT’S PUBLIC?!?! WHERE???? + +*“Companies are required to provide the shareholder register for free to current shareholders, while non-shareholders may be required to pay a small fee.”* + +So you’re telling me, once I find whoever owns this thing, if I ask for it they’ll tell me either + +A. “Here ya go Mr. Shareholder” + +Or + +B. “You’re not a registered shareholder, you’ll have to pay a fee” + +Well... that seems like the easiest way to find out if my shares are registered for voting, or if my broker has been lying to me. Where can I find this? + + +*“A shareholder register is accessible to shareholders and non-shareholders at any time. Shareholders may ask to gain access to the shareholder register and freely inspect any information needed.”* + +Ok , but where do I FIND it? + + +*“The company may grant such a request”* + +.... well, there it is. Guess I gotta ask GameStop for the registry. I’m definitely gonna do that. + +If anyone gets to it before me, please let me know, and you better bet your sweet ass I’m gonna tag u/rensole + +Maybe he can help + +——————————————————————— + +TL;DR: there’s a public register that shows you if your shares are registered as your own, but the best bet is to make sure you aren’t on a margin account with your broker. If you aren’t, you’ll get proxy card info through mail or email. References to checking different brokers for proxy settings at bottom of post under the last line + +——————————————————————— + +Edit: if you downvoted this after you read it, can you tell me why? That just doesn’t make any damn sense. Is it cause I said this is more important than tiddies? + +——————————————————————— + +*IMPORTANT FOLLOW UP/CRUCIAL INFO:* + +WHAT YOU NEED IS CALLED A PROXY CARD + +This proxy card has what’s called a “control number” on it that you will use to log into the [online voting system](https://www.proxyvotenow.com/pvn/defco5inn/controlI.jsp?app=gme&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;mobile=y) when it updates for the new Shareholder Meeting (that’s last years link, thank you u/camj26) + +I’ve been told that if you use Robinhood and wish to vote in the Shareholder Meeting, you MUST contact them and request a “proxy card” or “proxy vote card” or “vote by proxy card” (use those terms specifically). They file a request with their third party investor communications firm, Mediant who will then give you one and instructions on what to do with it through email when it’s available. + + +I’ve been told that if you use Fidelity’s mobile app, there’s a link for proxy called “Proxy Materials” (thanks u/childishprivito) that will show you your cards for what you can vote on and most likely allow you to vote through it + +—Info from [u/mamaremembersusenet](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mn1p30/apes_holding_gme_in_schwab_follow_link_below_to/) for how to get to proxy card on Schwab + +—Info from u/superstylin1770 and u/dyamond_hands_retard and u/bravewarriorr on how to access your Proxy Materials tab in Fidelity: Login to Fidelity.com. Select Accounts; Trade; Statements; Proxy Materials.— In fidelity you can find the proxy materials [here](https://statements.fidelity.com/ftgw/fbc/ofstatements/getProxyMaterials) — For those with Fidelity Investment App: type “proxy” into the virtual assistant and you should be provided with a link for voting when voting opens + +—Info from u/davesquared1 about CHASE: *”I called Chase today to make sure I would be able to vote (shares not loaned out) and they told me the actual ownership is listed under JP Morgan and they received a lot of these requests and they are automatically sending an info packet to everyone with GME shares that explains how and what to do to be able to vote.”* + +—From u/chaosdne: *Another position I hold has an upcoming vote on may 13th. E * TRADE sent me an email this morning which contained my control number and instructions. It’s about 5 weeks ahead of the vote. I will likely use this as when I expect to receive a similar one related to GME + +— Info from u/redditdude9753 : *For TD Ameritrade, you can access shareholder information and documents by going to My Account; Shareholder Library. I don't know how to confirm that you can vote though through the website, not sure if you have to call.* + +——————————————————————— + +By the way, I am not a financial advisor, nor am I a legal advisor and as such, none of the advice I give in this post and/or any of the responses I give in their entirety in this forum be considered financial or legal advice +I've been pondering this for a while, supply and demand is a big lie. Prices are determined by money supply and peoples access to credit. Supply and demand are variations around this money supply price point. The reason college costs have exceeded inflation is due to student access to no recourse loans. If students could default on the loans, then the price would fall. Same with the housing bubble, it wasn't supply and demand, it was access to credit. Supply and demand doesn't even seem to be a factor in economics, it's all about money creation. Money creation is pricing. I've become convinced that economics as taught in college is a big lie. I don't recall any discussion at all about money supply or fractional reserve banking, yet by my thinking, these are the forces creating price points. The banks are the dominant force in modern society controlling all aspects of modern life. It has been a slow epiphany over time. Dissuade me with your advanced economics knowledge. +I've halfheartedly typed this out so many times, and closed the page out because I've felt all over the place, or some other ape wrote something similar. But this time, I think it would be appropriate to bring up the topic of war again. + +**So fuck the TLDR. This "endgame" isn't going to be two hours long; it's going to be like the trench fighting of World War I. Read it.** + +"The essence of war is a violent struggle between 2 hostile, independent, irreconcilable will, each trying to impose itself on the other." + +Retail and Apes in this GME saga (to include AMC/BB/etc) truly have nothing to lose, and everything to gain. Drive, passion, and motivation is what is needed to fight off FUD/boredom, and keep this side in play. I don't doubt any of the HODL-lords from January and before. Most of the paper hands jumped outta line once the price hit $300 again, so no worries from that crowd. + +- For those new to the game, read the fucking [GOD TIERED DD.](https://www.reddit.com/r/DDintoGME/comments/mnss65/the_apes_guide_to_the_galaxy_a_compilation_of_dds/) + - Don't get me wrong; dates have been wrong, some shit sounds crazy AF, and somethings sound improbable, but the general thought process is strong. Don't just take my word for it, study the fucking posts and validate the data yourselves. + +[This is the opposition](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9cwf-JrrE9g) + - From [u/BetOnThis21](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mou8ww/ken_griffin_exposed/) + +GME shareHODLrs may be fighting for a dream, but SHF's are fighting to keep the status quo. They are fighting as hard as they can to NOT lose everything. If you can't weather a day, a week, or even a MONTH of red, **paper hand out**. +I don't mean this in a mean way, I don't mean to sound aggressive, I mean it in all earnesty. + +- The most BASIC, foundational rules of trading? **Never spend what you CAN NOT afford to lose.** If you're panicking because you can't afford for this to go on for any longer? Don't drag down the boat (your mental state), get off and **take care of yourself.** + +That's the bare basics of war. In terms of a crime syndicate? + +- These fuckers literally own everything. You know how characters in a movie have the ability to control the chessboard? These fuckers can literally do that on a level that purely illegal and protected by the media. +- "But they can RUN OUT OF MONEY SOON right? And we win?" **NO. This is over ONLY WIN WHEN THE FUCKING MONEY IS APE AND RETAIL'S BANK ACCOUNTS** + + + +Tunnel vision and herd mentality is fucking bad. Don't see or hear negative news and immediately get butthurt and give into FUD. Pull a Robert Downey Jr in Sherlock Holmes and SLOW THE FUCK DOWN and actually think about what you heard. +Realize, that these SHF's don't just short stocks, but also go long on certain stocks with [DIVIDENDS](https://www.reddit.com/r/DDintoGME/comments/n9jrif/daily_heat_map_of_citadels_long_holdings/). (Thanks u/HODLTheLineMyFriend.) + + - **It means the SHF have a way to kick the can down the road.** + - It means that they'll most likely hit the shareholder's meeting HARD on 6/9 (hehe) to destroy morale. + + +I'm all for the meme. I'm all for the shitposts. I know that the majority of r/superstonk are silent, hardened apes. I know most of the subreddit believes in the DD, and more than likely did their own DD to confirm their beliefs. **I also know that a cornered animal is the most dangerous.** + +- There may be AMC (425M total shares, with a float of 233M) or PLTR (1.8B total shares, a float of 1.2B), but there is ONLY one GME. +- **Be kind to each other. Share information, CONFIRM and VALIDATE said information. Be open to ALL possibilities.** +- **Never give up hope.** + + +Edit 1: Fuck I'm getting old. I had a badasses MySpace, and now I can barely format my own shit on Reddit. + +Edit 2: I got a few DM's accusing me of qanon/destroy hedge fund rallying. Fuck off, I like the stock, and wanna share information that will give others a mentality that will give them the mentality to weather red days on the market AND start to develop their own due diligence/research into stocks they like. +I've using Seeking Alpha for close to five years. While it's not something that I ultimately rely upon to make my investing decisions I enjoy the user generated content that can come from outsiders with a unique perspective to investing. Through my work I have access to a large amount of equity research reports so it was nice to spice up my research with this content. + +Over the last couple of months I've noticed that more and more articles are paywalled and all older articles are paywalled as well. The cost to get around this paywall is $300 a month. I am sorry but in my opinion the quality of articles on this site are not worth this much. I am fine with them charging for this service but a subscription in the $5 range would be much more reasonable. + +I guess I am just curious with any older readers of this site on here that have abandoned it. Now that I type out my frustrations maybe it's just time to move on in general. +Do they go up for investors to achieve their desired Roi/at least cover their mortgage etc expenses? Or if property prices go down as a result of interest rates hikes, rents go down? Or none of the above/impossible to predict? +There are lots of posts about: + +* "I make money, but it's not what I love." + +I recently stumbled on the graph below and it definitely explains a lot of these feelings and puts it into context. + +This site has the [Venn diagram](http://www.performanceexcellencenetwork.org/pensights/finding-lifes-meaning-quest-discover-ikigai-pen-august-2017/). + +* What you love is either a ***mission*** or a ***passion***. + +* What you are good at is either a ***passion*** or a ***profession***. + +* What you can be paid for is either a ***profession*** or a ***vocation***. + +* What the world needs is either a ***vocation*** or a ***mission***. + +* What you love & what the world needs is a ***mission***. + +* What you love & what you are good at is a ***passion***. + +We all strive for ***ikigai***, but most will not find it. However, if you find a **vocation** or **profession** during your years working for financial independence, then you can focus on either a **passion** or **mission**, since you do not need anyone to pay for it. Effectively, you have created your own ***ikigai***, over a lifetime, rather than simultaneously. + +If you had a *profession* during your earning years, you will likely be searching for a *mission* later. If you had a *vocation* during your earning years, you will likely search for a *passion* later. + +As a CPA (working in finance), I'm squarely in the *profession* category. The world doesn't, really, need us, I'm good at it, I get paid for it. I do love parts of it. There are days when I *feel*, "satisfaction, but a feeling of uselessness" on the days I love it. Other days, I *feel*, "comfortable, but a feeling of emptiness" when I'm doing work the world needs, but I don't love. Therefore, I'm constantly searching for a mission. I know what I want to do post-career, that will negate these feelings. + +I can't speak to the software engineers here, but I imagine, you're in the section between profession & vocation in terms of feelings. Depending on where you work, you may even be between the mission & vocation. Therefore, you're likely searching for the passion, post-career. + +Hopefully, this idea, and chart, can help people answer this question on the sidebar: + +>Discovering and achieving life goals: “What would I do with my life if I didn't have to work for money?" + +I believe it also speaks to this portion of the sidebar: + +>Financial Independence is closely related to the concept of Early Retirement/Retiring Early (RE) - quitting your job/career and pursuing other activities with your time. +Hey guys! + +I recently started investing and I would like to allocate part of my savings into ETFs, the remaining part will be for stocks. + +I’m currently using DEGIRO and came across that we don’t have all ETFs that are available in the US. Therefore, I would like to get some recommendations on which are your ETFs recommendation for long term investing? + +I’m currently holding CSPX (S&P 500) + +Thanks a lot! +Hey r/eupersonalfinance + +I already posted this in r/personalfinance but maybe this is more fitting. + +my grandfather made some interesting investment choices. One of them was buying roughly 120.000USD in cash when the Euro became our currency, thinking that the USD would go up in value. + +He now has given me and his other grandkids the money and I would like to invest it smartly. + +The problem is, that I have now roughly 35.000USD in cash sitting next to me on the table and I don't now what to do with it. Obviously just having it sit there and lose more money isn't what I want to do. + +I already invest in ETF's (50% MCI WORLD, 35% MCI EMERGING MARKETS, 15% GLOBAL REAL ESTATE) with my current income. Should I just put more money into it? + +I have no debt, a stable income and no kids. What would your advice be on how to invest the money in the smartest way possible? I am also happy to not touch it for the next 10years or so. I don't need it right now. + +Thank you in advance! +Hi, after a year of savings I want to create a portfolio to see my savings grow and not just leave that in the bank account. +I have some cryptos but now I want to start with ETF, and I opened an account on Trading Republic that I think is the best broker for me. +I started scrolling the ETF available here and I made my first transaction (bought share of MSCI World USD Dist), but I think I have too much exposure in US market (68.80% US, 6.39% Japan, 4% UK....), so I want to ask for an advice to create a good plan. +What can I do to build a good plan for my investments? Could you suggest me a useful tool to make a prediction? +Thank you! +Lately I have been talking with with people about the effects of Coronavirus in the market (short-term to long term) and I've talked both with finance experts and entrepreneurs. I have also read Ray Dalio's take on this. + +My take, so far is that the Coronavirus effect on the markets is going to be bigger in the short-term, compared to what has been so far. As to medium-term, let's say one year or two, I think it will be over by then. And long-term, it will have no big effects. + +I doubt if Coronavirus is bringing the next recession. Because I believe there are other factors that might propel that next coming crisis: China vs USA technology war; Personal data acquisition; Job market tensions. Anyway, I still reckon the virus may bring the recession that we have coming for a few years. + +Would like to know some more educated opinions on this as I plan to invest once the next big crisis comes up. + +PS: I apologise in advance for any ignorance showed from my part. + I'm a 21 year old Romanian student and have just started my very first paid internship. I've always liked saving up money and in the last few years have lived a very frugal life. I've just started realizing that only saving up isn't enough. + +I currently make about \~400€ month and have about 1230€ saved up. What's my next move? + +Watching multiple Youtube videos I've discovered the stock market, 401Ks, RothIRAs and all the other buzzwords. That being said, most of the advice online is for US/Western European citizens and I still have no idea what to do. This is why I need help from more experienced people and this is where I've come to find them. + +* Where should I read about financing? What videos would you recommend? +* What online platforms are there available for me? +* What kind of retirement accounts should I open? +* How many types of investments are there and which one would you recommend? +* Any other advice is welcome. + +Thanks in advance! +Hello everybody, + +My partner is Polish and i am asking this question to help her relatives who are Polish residents. I already looked online and on reddit but i need some help on a few questions. + +Background: they would be investing for the medium, long run (no active trading). They speak little English. We are looking into opening an account on an international broker in their name and have my partner co- managing it. We live abroad. I am into FIRE myself and have already in mind the ideal products (mostly ETFs) for them, this is really about the most cost effective way to invest in Poland. Here are my questions: + +1) Are there any firms or accountants specialized in producing ‘Polish ready’ tax reports from brokers such as IBKR or DEGIRO that one can easily use when filling taxes? I.e. declaring dividends and capital gains. Is tax easy to do in Poland? Ideally they will not have much to declare with Acc products, but if and when there is the need I want to make sure this can be done efficiently and they will not have issues with the government asking for more details. I really feel they need a professional to make sure all goes smooth tax wise. + +2) What is the best IKE account? Online it seems to be mBank. I am looking for something with low fees and decent selection of ETFs or products (not forcing you to invest in the bank funds). Wondering if it makes sense to do or the high fees do not compensate the tax advantage on capital gains. + +3) are there any decent banks or brokers based in Poland to use when investing ? I would guess that fees tend to be higher, but as long as the product selection is decent and they also take care of the tax aspect, it might be worth for them to go with a Polish provider. Having a contact person to talk to in Polish and such. + +4) are there independent financial advisors in Poland? Someone charging a trasparent fee rather than advisors from bank who sell only the expensive products they get commissions from. If this profession exists, any idea where to find one? + +Thank you in advance. I will cross post this on other subreddits, but this seems to be the most active concerning financial advice in Poland in English. +Hi All, as per subject. I have 10 years experience in Semiconductor Industry. Role is an Individual Contributor in the Procurement department of a semiconductor multinational company. Job location is Munich, Germany. + +What should I expect as base + cash bonus + benefit package? + +I already had a look on Glassdoor, TechPays, Levels and Blind but was not able to get the answers I am looking for. + +Thank you in advance. + +EDIT. Just an update after talking to HR. The Director position is not an Executive one at this company. Executive roles start at 2 job levels above Director, that is VP. + +More disappointing is actually the offer: 120k including bonus. The same salary package that was offered me initially when the position was for a Senior Manager, the one I actually applied to. + +Do not know how to take it. From one side I am indeed upset, on the other could be a good way to get a title I can use in the future. + +Any thoughts? + I'm a 21 year old Romanian student and have just started my very first paid internship. I've always liked saving up money and in the last few years have lived a very frugal life. I've just started realizing that only saving up isn't enough. + +I currently make about \~400€ month and have about 1230€ saved up. What's my next move? + +Watching multiple Youtube videos I've discovered the stock market, 401Ks, RothIRAs and all the other buzzwords. That being said, most of the advice online is for US/Western European citizens and I still have no idea what to do. This is why I need help from more experienced people and this is where I've come to find them. + +* Where should I read about financing? What videos would you recommend? +* What online platforms are there available for me? +* What kind of retirement accounts should I open? +* How many types of investments are there and which one would you recommend? +* Any other advice is welcome. + +Thanks in advance! +Hi, + +&#x200B; + +I´ve been lurking here for a while and I´ve noticed a few posts that mentioned things along the lines of "once the portfolio reaches x amount I move it from degiro in case it goes bust" and "if degiro goes out of business you´d lose the investment". + + +As a complete rookie, my question is, what makes one broker "safer" than another? What are the realistic chances that a broker like degiro would go bankrupt? What happens to my investments if that happens? + + +Thanks for your help :) +Hello, + +Oof... this is complicated isn't it? I've done a lot of research and found a mostly unanimous consensus to definitely not buy EU-domiciled ETFs. So that leaves me with two options, can someone assist? + +1. I wire my euros from my german paycheck to my american brokerage and buy ETFs there. I feel like this is illegal somehow but don't know. I'd lose a lot of money on fees but it seems preferable to dealing with the PFIC situation +2. I open a brokerage in Germany and use the euros to invest there? But if so, I can't use it to buy US ETFs because of EU compliance and I can't buy EU ETFs because I'll get boned on taxes. + +I'm very confused, what are my options? + +All I am trying to do is a passive boglehead strategy where I have three funds (US tickers - [VTI](https://investor.vanguard.com/investment-products/etfs/profile/vti), [VXUS](https://investor.vanguard.com/investment-products/etfs/profile/vxus), [BND](https://investor.vanguard.com/investment-products/etfs/profile/bnd); EU tickers - [iShares MSCI World](https://www.justetf.com/en/etf-profile.html?isin=IE00B4L5Y983#overview), [iShares EU 600](https://www.justetf.com/en/etf-profile.html?isin=DE0002635307#overview), [iShares Global Gov Bonds](https://www.justetf.com/en/etf-profile.html?isin=IE00BYZ28V50#overview)). How do I accomplish this? + +Referencing [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/eupersonalfinance/comments/vzl8jr/holding_etfs_as_an_american_in_germany/) I found with more information about the terrible PFIC aspect of investing in EU ETFs. +Hello and Happy new year, + + +I've recently turned 30 and, during the last 11 years of my career, I managed to secure a decent amount of money (roughly 90k€). I originally wanted to use those savings as down payment for an apartment within the next few years, but the market in my region (Berlin) is insane and I don't think this dream is realistic anymore. + + +As I'm extremely risk-averse, I stupidly kept most of those funds growing on my current account. However, in the last 2 years, I opened a "balanced" (60% bonds/40% stocks) investment account through my bank (N26) and put roughly 40k€ in there. The recent market crash has made me lose about 5%, and while I don't plan on panic-closing everything, it has become apparent that this approach doesn't work on the long term. + + + +This brings me to that question: where should I put those funds? I've obviously looked around for solutions, but I am basically financially illiterate when it comes to investments - all I know is how to save money, not how to make it grow. Here's a few key points: + + +- I intend to keep 20k€ in my current account/emergency fund (I'm a freelancer with unstable income, so I prefer to always keep more than necessary) +- I'm not planning on touching that money for the next couple of years (4-5), but I don't feel comfortable locking it away for 10+ years. +- I would like to be able to see my investment's performance at any time online. + +Thanks to anyone who might help me figure things out! +[https://www.cnbc.com/2019/10/01/charles-schwab-is-eliminating-online-commissions-for-trading-in-us-stocks-and-etfs.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2019/10/01/charles-schwab-is-eliminating-online-commissions-for-trading-in-us-stocks-and-etfs.html) + +&#x200B; + +With Schwab going commission free, will you be moving assets over? Is there any benefit to Vanguard over Schwab if Vanguard ETFs can be bought/sold for free at Schwab? +I come from a very risk-averse background - any money we had was kept in a current account/savings account. I've just opened my first S&S ISA (with Vanguard) and have set up a £200 DD every month. I can afford to save double that (and invest £5k lump sum in it) but don't feel confident yet. + +What helped you feel confident in your investments? Time, reading, etc? I don't want to regret not investing more early on when I can afford to do so. +Current data suggests that the house I’m viewing soon, which is in a lovely area, will be within the annual flood zone by 2050. I’m in my late 20s and want to buy it as a home to settle down in and have a family in, so I’m hoping that in 30 years time I’ll be an empty nester and downsize elsewhere, but will the property value have tanked by then because of climate change? + +It’s not on the ground floor but that’s not much help when the building itself is suffering flood damage, nor insurance, and I am concerned about selling on. + + + +Should I be ignoring properties in the flood zone because they’ll reduce in value? + +Edit: I am looking in London. Half a mile from the Thames. Not the best location, but it's where work and family are. + + +Edit to add useful link from the comments: https://flood-map-for-planning.service.gov.uk/ + +Also [this](https://coastal.climatecentral.org/map/9/-0.0933/51.2441/?theme=sea_level_rise&map_type=coastal_dem_comparison&basemap=roadmap&contiguous=true&elevation_model=coastal_dem&forecast_year=2050&pathway=rcp45&percentile=p50&refresh=true&return_level=return_level_1&slr_model=kopp_2014) is the predictive model I used. + +Edit again to add [this map](https://en-gb.topographic-map.com/maps/lpj5/London/) which tells you how far above sea level you are. + +Edit once more: If the prospect of impending aquatic doom and climate change in general terrify you, I implore you to express your horror to your local MP and hold them accountable to representing your welfare with regard to climate change. https://www.theyworkforyou.com/ is a good website for this! +I was looking at buying a hotel before corona and having a manager run it that had prior experience. + +Would this have been a bad investment before corona? From the numbers it looks pretty good to me. First time trying to get into hospitality/commercial any experienced members look over this property as a “case study” + +This is the hotel: https://www.loopnet.com/Listing/810-Veterans-Blvd-Del-Rio-TX/19873451/ + +Numbers: +3,250,000 19.12% cap rate + +3250000*19.12= 621,400 NOI + +75,000 manager expense (since won’t be self managed) + +621,400-75,000= 546,400-6,400 misc= 540,000 + +Down payment = 3,250,000*25%= 812,500 + +Loan payment monthly = 14,000= 168,000 yearly + +540,000-168,000=372,000 Profit + +Downpayment/Net Profit= 2.18 years to pay off the money I tied up in down payment for another property. +I know a lot of the Lean and regular FIRE discussions tend to centre around moving somewhere with a LCOL or MCOL after retiring to maximise purchasing power, but I see very little discussion about retiring in a different country beyond that. Does anyone here plan on retiring abroad for reasons beyond purchasing power, for geography, a sunny climate, great food, culture, nature, recreational opportunities etc? + +If so, what are your motivations, what is the country in question, and what are the logistical and tax considerations? Countries like New Zealand and the Cayman Islands have peaked my interest as examples. +Just a quick funny story. I was talking with my wife about how we need a new large dog crate because our current is a bit small and faulty. + +I found one on Amazon Prime for $56. She looked on Chewy (we get our dog food there), found the same exact crate for $47.99. I said "Fucking Ryan Cohen, man!" and smiled and shook my head. + +She then decided to turn on auto buy/ship every month for our 47lb bag of dog food (we literally buy it every month so why not).....order total for 36" crate and 47lb bag of dog food? $100.64. Guess how much a 47lb bag of the exact same dog food is on Amazon Prime? I looked it up just to see.... $65.98....LOL + +I believe in Ryan Cohen more and more every day. Bezos, move over. Cohen has a better ring to it in every regard. + +Don't get bored apes. Get inspired and stay hyped! Cheer for a sub 1m vol day if it gets you amped....just be excited to be part of the transformation. + +Cheers! +Hey all! + +Considering buying my first house. Currently have about 6k saved, looking to buy somewhere in the 150-225k range, as I live in a medium-low cost of living are in the midwest. I'm concerned about rising interest rates in the near future and how much home prices in general have risen, so I am considering withdrawing from my 401k to make up the difference in what I would need for down payment/closing costs/other costs associated with buying. + +Current income is 100k pretax. Just under 25k in the 401k. + +Other debt is my vehicle payment at about 480/month and student loans which will be around another 500/mo once payments resume soon. Credit cards are paid off in full monthly, but I do have some black marks on my credit report from when I had a rough patch in 2016/17. + +Edit - just changed employers a couple months ago, and still haven't rolled over my old 401k to my new employer's plan. +Hi all, I am a massive lurker and been enjoying this sub and all the help shared around. + +So last week I STO a 1 SD Naked put on AMD. A few days later I decided to set up a PMCC because I believe in AMD longterm. So my Idea is to keep selling CC on my Leaps. + +Afte I opened my PMCC I realised that I kind of had some sort of Covered strangle but with a Leaps. So it got me thinking and digging on what kind of strategy this is and I could not find anything partially because I do not know the name. It also Kinda look like some Kind of Jade Lizard. + +Anyway few questions: + +1: anyone know the name of this strategy? + +2: anyone has experience with that and if yes can you give some infos on the pros and cons. + +3: I find this strategy pretty safe considering it's similar to a strangle but with no upside risk as far as I can tell. One issue is if the stock/index goes down then I could lose on the Put and on the Leaps. The way I set up the trade is that they are all independent of each other so If one reach 50% profit I close and wait for another entry. Is there anything I am missing? + +Thanks for sharing your Ideas + +Edit: to clarify a little, Sold 1 naked put 30 DTE bought a Leaps ( 250+ DTE ) and Sold a call around 30 DTE as well. +Six months ago, I made a post about giving my kids $100 in crypto and asking them to choose three cryptos each. I was asked by many in the thread to post a monthly update. I only have the time about every two months, so, here are the results after six months. + +Also, two of the kids have since had birthdays; M is now 10, and E is 5. I have left their ages at time of investment below for reference. + +All of them were up more than 50% in my previous update two months ago. + +&#x200B; + +**M\*\* (9yrs old, boy): ETH, THETA, ADA. Gain + 18%** + +[M - Gain 18&#37;](https://preview.redd.it/vxsvta792l981.png?width=863&format=png&auto=webp&s=ed741510c90a65021c87694ec1020c40794dd4ac) + +**A\*\* (7 yrs old, girl): ETH, AAVE, CRV.** **Gain + 105%** + +[A - Gain 105&#37;](https://preview.redd.it/y4rdryua2l981.png?width=868&format=png&auto=webp&s=1134e8b2c56888fcb7d4159da4d9b3ac8394fddc) + +**E\*\* (4 yrs old, girl): UNI, ENJ, CAKE.** **Gain + 27%** + +[E - Gain 27&#37;](https://preview.redd.it/hhsbwnwc2l981.png?width=877&format=png&auto=webp&s=4c2fab33934a866e6a50a8fe54c1a8053712dd18) + +&#x200B; + +*Original* *Post from six months ago*\*. (For some reason, it was locked, I never found out why).\* + +>I have three kids, M\*\*, A\*\* and E\*\*. I bought them each $100 worth of cryptos of their choice and will give them the entire investment when they turn 18. I let them make their choices based on whatever reasons they wanted. All I did was show them the top 100 list from coinmarketcap.These are their allocations and reasons for each decision:**M\*\* (9yrs old, boy): ETH, THETA, ADA.** He really loved the black diamond and thought the other two had nice aesthetic designs.**A\*\* (7 yrs old, girl): ETH, AAVE, CRV.** She also loved the black diamond, the AAVE has her favourite colour and starts with the same letter as her first name, CRV has a pretty rainbow.**E\*\* (4 yrs old, girl): UNI, ENJ, CAKE.** She loves unicorns and therefore, loves UNI. The ENJ logo has a very pretty E for her name. CAKE because she loves pancakes. +My parent just recently acquired over 100k cash and they are 70+ years old. Right now it's just sitting in a checking account. They know nothing about investing and probably doesn't want to at their age. They live in an apartment and have no debt. They've already planned a trip, but is not much of a traveler. Aside from putting it in a HYSA, what would you do with that money for someone their age? Is there something better than that they should be looking at to maximize this money, but nothing long term? +My parent just recently acquired over 100k cash and they are 70+ years old. Right now it's just sitting in a checking account. They know nothing about investing and probably doesn't want to at their age. They live in an apartment and have no debt. They've already planned a trip, but is not much of a traveler. Aside from putting it in a HYSA, what would you do with that money for someone their age? Is there something better than that they should be looking at to maximize this money, but nothing long term? +My benefits stopped for some reason months ago. I finally tried to figure it out and it turns out the county made a mistake. So they just credited me with several months of back benefits. I’m poor af but me and my daughter will be grocery shopping like the bourgeoisie for a while. Such a major relief. +[**GameStop Wallet Support**](https://support.blockchain.gamestop.com/hc/en-us/sections/4412111751955-Getting-Started) + +# 🟣 [Computershare Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v2ff5r/drscomputershare_megathread_062022/) + +>Wondering what DRS is? Want to know how and why people are Direct Registering their shares? Here you'll find our guide and additional resources, as well as a welcoming community answering questions in the comments! + +# 🙋 ​[What's GME & should I consider investing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) + +# 📚 Library of Due Diligence [GME.fyi](https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg) + +>A collection of over 200 of the most important, groundbreaking **D**ue **D**iligence. If your looking to familiarize yourself with the GME bull thesis or the underhanded tactics of the short sellers involved in this trade– then this is for you + +**Read** [**the Rules & Wiki**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index) **||** [**MOASS FAQ**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/faq) **|| Join our** [**Discord**](https://discord.gg/Superstonk) + +Low karma? Want to feed DRSbot? [Post on r/GMEOrphans](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/) + +How to [Filter by Flair & Search](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v0oxp2/how_to_filter_by_flair_search_for_posts_on/) on Superstonk + +Tag u/Superstonk-Flairy for help with user flairs + +&#x200B; + +**📌 Flair update!** Out with the ODL in with the new **🧾 Buy & HODL 💎🙌** with a new background color #242424, IYKYK + +**📌** [New Superstonk User Flair Emojis & How to edit your own flair!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v89p0h/new_superstonk_user_flair_emojis_how_to_edit_your/) +- At this very moment, RaiBlocks is trading at $29 down from its all time high of around $37. This means you are not even buying the top and are likely seeing the lowest entry point you will ever see again. + +- Bit-Z will officially be listing XRB as a tradable crypto tomorrow which coincides with the closure of the Binance poll. The winner of this poll gets listed on Binance within a week. Guess who's dominating the vote with a 2:1 ratio over second place? Yes, RaiBlocks. Bit-Z will open the door for so many investors who were afraid of putting money on the unknown exchanges of BitGrail and Mercatox. I've spoken to many people with big pockets who are waiting for this chance to buy who were unwilling to buy on the currently accepted exchanges. + +- Getting listed on Binance. Sure there may be an initial correction, but every coin listed has since surged to 4-5x past original price within a month. + +- Rebranding: A rumor which has been all but proven to be true has leaked the rebranding of RaiBlocks. This will point to RaiBlocks being renamed to "Nano" a much more adoptable, sleek, relevant name. This will likely be announced next week sometime based on a rough estimate of one of the developers stating that something big was going to be announced. + +- Along with the rebranding, the leaked site shows a beautifully redesigned website and a new wallets. Both of which (especially the wallets) always have a fantastic effect on overall price. + +- XRB is still not compatible with hardware wallets. This is inevitable and if renamed to Nano, the Ledger Nano S is just a perfect fit to work harmoniously with. There are so many investors out there who refuse to invest in anything they cant keep in cold storage. This will bring in a lot of new money. + + +Now if you haven't forgotten, XRB is the quickest crypto on the market, has no fees, and allows for unlimited scalability. The team is brilliant and loves interacting with the community, which as a whole is my favorite I've ever been involved with.... and I've been involved in quite a few. At the end of the day, the choice is yours. However, you'd be out of your mind not to think this is AT LEAST a top 5 coin. See you in the next galaxy everyone. +The worbli network is up and running, it's operational blockchain has over 30 block producers. + +The WBI token is an utility token, representing and needed to access the resources within the WORBLI ecosystem. + +Worbli token ICO has launched and it will take place via ChainRift exchange, the token sale will occur over a period of a few days, worbli will be offering 70 million of their native WBI utility tokens. + +The token sale started on the 15th of November, 9pm US east coast time and it's still ongoing. +You can register and sign up by visiting this link: + +https://www.chainrift.com/?R=UEQAo +Already have some minor skin in the NEO game. I'm very VERY bullish about it, both short term and long term. I currently have about 40% of my portfolio in NEO and 40% in ETH, the remaining 20% in other coin projects. I want to hear reasons to either sell my ETH and go into NEO or why that's a terrible idea. +I bought my first few Bitcoins in 2012; eventually I got around 100 and managed to hold most of them until this point. Yesterday they were stolen from me. Shortly after I made a transaction, I left my PC with Electrum open, I believe there was a key logger waiting for me to type my password as when I returned an hour later, I saw my account had been emptied. + +This happened shortly after receiving my hardware wallet (ledger), which I never got round to filling up. Obviously storing £350k(that hurts to type) on my daily computer was a moronic thing to do. + +See the transaction here: +[220caec53bac39cc1a2d2692eecd385bca796fc1a839254ddd622b911344ae97](https://blockchain.info/tx/220caec53bac39cc1a2d2692eecd385bca796fc1a839254ddd622b911344ae97) + +The Bitcoins were then split and are currently residing at these two addresses: +~~[r18JCmLzKQoZydXspc6CPwovWVwYtUT7DCx](https://blockchain.info/address/18JCmLzKQoZydXspc6CPwovWVwYtUT7DCx)~~ + +[18ZnbD5JQwdEJRwKrb34nXPu7J6pHN1CMR](https://blockchain.info/address/18ZnbD5JQwdEJRwKrb34nXPu7J6pHN1CMR) + +[16YiXuw4eaFVvpyhX7mYufwsj77LHrydUx](https://blockchain.info/address/16YiXuw4eaFVvpyhX7mYufwsj77LHrydUx) + +I know I wont get these Bitcoins back but if anyone knows of a blockchain or malware analysis service or just want to give me advice, I would appreciate it. + + +-----BEGIN BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE----- + +This is 56kbkid and I lost all my bitcoins on the 8th of October 2017 + +-----BEGIN SIGNATURE----- + +1NndjYLXPgHmSFYEk5exCabGbcynzqpii4 +G5UFrkVd1qGcbVlIyUw0yh0Zls/82K7Liuer6UNUK7yiE/I//7f4clNI70sD/w21vh0HJBkPUj3vvfioxIfj5U0= + +-----END BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE----- + + +bitcoinrecovery2017@gmail.com + + +For information leading to the recovery, I can pay 3 BTC + 50% of the recovered bitcoins + + +Good Morning and Happy New Year to everyone! + +Today should be fairly volatile it marks the end of the fiscal year and usually drives a decent amount of market wide volatility and volume. + +We have FTDs continuing to roll in from late November, which should be switching net short today + +https://preview.redd.it/f3quszlwsv881.png?width=187&format=png&auto=webp&s=98b43ad2b41d47f58184cb080af5754d7922fa56 + +However the volume is still very low. + +GME is however trading at max pain ($155) going into this morning. Ideally we will see a Friday close slightly above and maybe some tests of that 160 put wall. Closing above max pain on Fridays, historically, signals a reversal in trend. + +This is something we are looking for moving towards the ETF FTD dates that begin Jan. 10th and possibly the strengthening of that reversal after XRT begins the threshold process on Jan. 6th (T+13 from 12/17) + +**You are welcome to check my profile for links to my previous DD, and YouTube Livestream.** + +Historical Resistance/Support: + +116.5, 125.5, 132.5, 141, 145, 147.5, 150, 152.5, 157 (ATM offering), 158.5, 162.5, 163, 165.5, 172.5, 174, 176.5, 180, 182.5, 184, 187.5, 190, 192.5, 195, 196.5, 197.5, 200, 209, 211.5, 214.5, 218, 225.20 (ATM offering) 227.5, 232.5, 235, 242.5, 250, 255, 262.5, 275, 280, 285, 300, 302.50, 310, 317.50, 325, 332.5, 340, 350, 400, 483, moon base... + +# After Market + +Slammed into the close of 2021, with large quantities of ITM puts, possibly in an effort to reduce reported position losses for the new year, especially considering how late into the day they were held before volume was sold off. But with the new year I am hoping to see institutional interest pick up, especially if we see any announcements soon. Thank you all so much for the support throughout this year it has been an absolute blast doing this everyday with you guys and I can't wait for January! + +Happy New Year Everyone + +https://preview.redd.it/ndyyyz1r1y881.png?width=743&format=png&auto=webp&s=aae77a9b8d806d83ee533ae0cc9a3458ad1b79e7 + +Edit 5.5 1:42 + +They are probably trying to drive it as low as possible to sell off the put walls profitably, once that pressure is relieved we can rise back up towards max pain. + +Edit 5 1:41 + +Just flooding the chain with 0DTE ITM puts to drive the price as low as possible today, the -delta is weak but effective. + +https://preview.redd.it/kotpf4f8bx881.png?width=862&format=png&auto=webp&s=b87d35df377c9a3a9633b2b3dc2d1acdcaf2bff1 + +https://preview.redd.it/wmpo2676bx881.png?width=1546&format=png&auto=webp&s=51dd90d46756ceb5458841164c5833f048a694c8 + +Edit 4 12:21 + +the spike in 0DTE puts looks like the goal for today is at or below max pain, given the low volume (464k) that seems even more likely. + +https://preview.redd.it/1ez8vesqww881.png?width=1557&format=png&auto=webp&s=1ae7356a3e4f597466b733624a626056c52299c3 + +Edit 3 11:49 + +A little of that volatility coming in across the basket as we jump back over VWAP for the intraday closing the gap to max pain. + +https://preview.redd.it/kvd7xr70rw881.png?width=1556&format=png&auto=webp&s=df4a45f161e2bacc11e05717c11bb3b4b9032617 + +Edit 2 11:10 + +Looks like we are finding some support at 152.50, and are on track for one of the lowest volume days of the year, currently at 325k. + +https://preview.redd.it/ndepi5a0kw881.png?width=1578&format=png&auto=webp&s=56fdc931e4d470c7060f811c2b41cf5972c7af12 + +Edit 1 10:05 + +Some volatility at open but very low volume, 167k traded in the first 35mins. Holding tight to max pain for now. + +https://preview.redd.it/ab7fbpmk8w881.png?width=1581&format=png&auto=webp&s=78dbe2a1b84e6fdbe7502bc775b2fb5056a49c79 + +# Pre-Market Analysis + +GME is staying fairly flat through the pre-market . + +Volume: 3.17k + +Shares to Borrow : + +IBKR - 100,000 @ 0.82% (I was going to post Fintel Data today as well but it appears to be the same as IBKR, I'll continue to check and post it in the future if there is a deviation) + +Fidelity - 316,321 @ 0.75% + +[GME pre-market 1m](https://preview.redd.it/lzzrkxndwv881.png?width=1574&format=png&auto=webp&s=c3c8be8ceb0e02843bec77db1c5d2ffa73c3ef85) + +BB/KC Squeeze signal is also about to fire as the slight daily price increase pushes the Bollinger bands in side the Keltner Channel. This is usually (although sometimes false) signal of a shift in Volume and Volatility from low to high. + +https://preview.redd.it/ug1nw4atwv881.png?width=2460&format=png&auto=webp&s=1c86aba20d506196ffcbc750e77f659d4aeb8e80 + +**Disclaimer** + +*\* Although my profession is day trading, I in no way endorse day-trading of GME not only does it present significant risk, it can delay the squeeze. If you are one of the people that use this information to day trade this stock, I hope you sell at resistance then it turns around and gaps up to $500.* 😁 + +*\*Options present a great deal of risk to the experienced and inexperienced investors alike, please understand the risk and mechanics of options before considering them as a way to leverage your position.* + +\**This is not Financial advice. The ideas and opinions expressed here are for educational and entertainment purposes only.* + +*\* No position is worth your life and debt can always be repaid. Please if you need help reach out this community is here for you. Also the NSPL Phone: 800-273-8255 Hours: Available 24 hours. Languages: English, Spanish.* +I've been listening to Bitcoin podcasts and reading posts on here and I've noticed a lot of you Bitcoiners are falling into the same logical error that I would expect a Keynesian economist or a particularly smooth-brained chimp to fall into. Fortunately I'm here to educate you guys. + +Money is ***NOT*** a tool primarily for spending. This is ***NOT*** the most important feature nor primary purpose of money and is ***NOT*** why money has value. You do ***NOT*** use money when you spend it on a ham sandwich. + +Money is a tool primarily for saving. This is the most important feature and primary purpose of money and is why money has value. You begin using money when you save in it and you cease using money when you exchange it for a ham sandwich. + +This is why Keynesians and midwits with limited cognitive ability do not and will never see the value of Bitcoin. In their limited minds spending is what is important and this is why they go on and on about nonsense metrics like GDP. Bitcoin is not especially well suited for transacting, certainly no more so than existing monetary options. This is a problem Bitcoin does not solve better than its currently available competitors. So when I listen to a podcast where someone is talking about how they bought an Egg McMuffin in El Salvador with Bitcoin and it "worked very well" it becomes clear they are blind to the real value proposition of Bitcoin. This is not a problem Bitcoin solves. + +Bitcoin's strength aligns with the true though often overlooked primary purpose of money--saving. Instead of saying "I used Bitcoin to buy some McNuggets and it worked really well!" a Bitcoiner with a correct understanding of money would say "I used Bitcoin as a savings vehicle for the past 5 years and didn't get rekt by the inflation that hit everyone else. Bitcoin worked really well!" Home prices have doubled in the last 5 years? That's a problem for people saving in an inferior money but it is not a problem for Bitcoin savers. Housing prices have dropped by about 90% for those saving in Bitcoin. + +It is only when you realize the important function of money is to save that you will realize Bitcoin will *inevitably* replace every other form of money because it meets this need better and more efficiently than any other market option. The other stuff people are focusing on simply do not matter. If Bitcoin had a bug in its code that caused an interdimensional portal to open where by a leprechaun came out and punched anyone in the face every time they made an on-chain transaction, then Bitcoin would *still* be the best money and would *still* supplant the world's existing inefficient monetary systems. + +You're welcome + +-X +Not totally dividend related but I'm going to explain why I'm positioned in oil stocks and will have a small amount of cash on the side in 2023. + +Oil is going to treble figures, of that I have no doubt. Possibly next year but by 2023 the situation will start to get dire, as in very high treble figures. + +My reasoning is this. Mature oil fields that account for 51mbpd are declining at a rate of 6% per year. If this wasn't bad enough it's expected to increase even further by a couple more percentage points. We are going to have to increase production by 4mbpd each year just to stay at current levels of production. This simply isn't going to happen. Due to Covid lockdowns crashing the price last year the majors aren't throwing money at increasing production anymore. It's going to strengthening balance sheets and buybacks/dividends. Great for the holders over the short to medium term. On top of this you have the ESG crowd which have caused them to divest from oil into renewable projects. Money that should be spent increasing production (or keeping it at current levels) is now spent on green projects. Even OPEC countries don't have the spare capacity now to materially increase production. + +This will cause a nightmare scenario that will also be a short lived gift for oil investors. A major supply crunch within the next few years is on the cards unless there's serious investment in the industry. The shortfall isn't billions but hundreds of billions of even a trillion dollars plus. Either that or we need a major hit to demand and that isn't going to materialise. The world population is growing at an enormous rate. The third world wants to industrialise. The middle class is growing by hundreds of millions of people around the world. Demand is going up while supply is collapsing. When the reality starts to dawn over the next few years oil will rocket. In 2008 it went to $147 a barrel. With the money printing and inflation since then the equivalent price today would be well over $200! + +It may not seem it but the current price of oil is actually cheap compared to other commodities. No matter what Biden says even without accounting for inflation the current oil price is below the 10 year average. Everyone's complaining about the cost of gas at today's prices so imagine a scenario where oil doubles or even triples today's price. This will all lead to a bumper few years of profits for oil companies and large dividends. However the flip side to this is that oil at over $200 will in all likelihood crash the global economy and there will be no way to bring prices down before that happens. You can't just turn the taps on, oil projects are long term multi year entities. Investment needed to have started yesterday but with ESG demands from deluded politicians and NGOs this won't happen until it's too late. + +Anyway, sorry for the length of the post. Maybe disregard it entirely or look back in a few years and see if I'm right or wrong. +My mom has about $2600 in each a Brokerage account and Traditional IRA (both in E-trade) that have lost HALF their original values (so together it was a total of like $11k) because my ex-step-dad convinced her to put money in meme/joke penny stocks that were going to "go to the moooon!' and yeah that of course didn't happen. So I want to sell these trash stock for my mom and place the money into stocks with some steady dividend growth. Which stocks should I look at considering one account is a taxable account and the other is a IRA. Just a reminder that there is only about $2600 in each account and idk if my mom will put in more money anytime soon. I hope that if the stocks show growth though, she'll put more money into them in the future. +Thanks for any advice you can give me! +Ok I might sound like I’m an old hating prick but here’s my reasoning. I come here to better my portfolio, due diligence and learn about dividends stocks but this r/dividends is always cluttered with all of these I’m ?? young years old and just started investing. Is this really what r/dividends for? Please help me find what I might be looking for. +markets are down nearly 25% ytd and we're not in a recession yet. So, are we pricing in a recession now so that when a recession actually hits, it won't be that bad or can we expect another 30 to 40 percent drop after we officially go into a recession? +Always, during bull runs a lot of new people get interested in crypto to join in on the hype! Which is good for crypto because we like adoption! + +A lot of them won’t know the basics, like Market Cap, difference between good and shitcoins and a lot of other stuff. + +Instead of mocking them for thinking Shib can reach $0.1, teach them about market cap and how it’s almost* impossible for that to happen. + +*almost because nothing in crypto is impossible. + +This sub did teach me a lot, but I was a lurker and I didn’t ask any questions, I only read other people’s question and people answering them. Most of them were nice, but some were not so nice. + +Do your part for helping crypto grow! +AMC and GME are experiencing the same bullish and bearish behaviours and thus experiencing some wild volatility. This is all because of the market makers so do not worry, as this is typical and was seen all last week. Even if more restrictions will hit just hold and we will bounce right back up if the consistency of the holders stay unchanged. + +&#x200B; + +AMC going from +20% to remaining unchanged at 0% whilst GME goes to almost +10% and then remaining unchanged premarket at the exact same time will be the norm the coming time. + +&#x200B; + +Best advice is: hold and buy more as this is just the same garbage as went on as a result of the big hedge funds getting hit in the end of last week. RobinHood are still the puppy of Citadel and will keep on making this as scary for new investors etc. + +&#x200B; + +And of course, I am only telling you this because I like this stonk :). + +Edit: I am all in on GME shares holding from 130. + +Edit 2: no need to message me. Not a financial advisor. If you are worrired about any of the stocks on here the best thing to do IMO is to hold. + +Edit 3: this is a short ladder. Just buy up paper hands and hold forever. + +Edit 4: Check out the frontpage. + +"If you see GME falling quickly without volume , this isn't actual selloff of GME shares but a tactic of hedge funds to scare you into selling GME. Read this thread if you want to know more about this. The order book is filled with round number orders like 100 and 200, which is Citadel and Melvin just fucking with us. + + + + +DO NOT SELL. + + + +GME TO THE MOON (insert rocket emojis) + +edit: go buy gme on the dips you retards don't buy reddit awards but thx anyways + +Obligatory im not a financial advisor and this is not financial advise." + +Edit 5: short ladder currently going on. Check front page. +Wow. First of all I would just like to thank all of you for the immense support on all these posts. I was never expecting this type of reception, and I'm very grateful. + +Less than 15 hours ago I concluded my trilogy of DDs on SLABS. Yet here I am, 15 hours later, writing another one. I guess I'm just addicted to writing about this shit. Or maybe I just realized how much deeper the rabbit hole goes. Anyways, thanks for bearing with me guys. If the topic is feeling oversaturated please let me know and I'll try to space these DDs out a bit more. But I'll make these as long as relevant new information comes up. Hopefully this will help you all grow some more wrinkles. + +You can find the other DDs here: [Summary DD (Basically a TLDR)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/rpoupc/the_big_short_reloaded_a_summary_of_my_dds_on/), [Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ros6ii/student_loan_asset_backed_securities_slabs_the/), [Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/rp585d/the_slabs_rabbit_hole_part_2_conflicts_of/), and [Part 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/rpcyt6/the_slabs_rabbit_hole_part_3_revenge_of_the_slab/). Part 5 HERE ([https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/rq6vmi/down\_the\_slabbit\_hole\_part\_5\_the\_federal\_reserve/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/rq6vmi/down_the_slabbit_hole_part_5_the_federal_reserve/)). I would highly recommend reading those before tackling this one. + +This part will focus on Peer to Peer lending (aka P2P), SoFi and other big modern day private loan players, Betsy DeVos' impact on all this shit, and how some familiar big banks are wrapped up in all this. Let's go. + +First, I would like to explain what peer-to-peer lending is and its significance with SLABS. P2P lending is what corporations like SoFi, LendingClub, and CommonBond engage in (however, I will be discussing SoFi seperately, because unlike LendingClub and CommonBond, they *allegedly* take credit into account). P2P lending essentially cuts out the middle man: instead of a financial institution mediating a loan, loans are done privately from individual to individual. What is the significance of this? Well, it *allows borrowers to take out credit without the need for official banks to do the financing.* Holy shit. This sounds really risky. And it is. You see, the entire purpose of P2P lending is to help people that can't get credit elsewhere. But the very fact that they **can't** get credit elsewhere should be a huge red flag. Well, what's in it for these companies to adopt all these risky buyers? Higher interest rates. Which again would lead to increased defaults, thus devaluing the SLABS that are created from private loans under these P2P protocols. These are seriously dogshit. **But miraculously, these companies still pull AAA ratings.** (Li[nk).](https://www.commonbond.co/press-releases/commonbond-sets-record-with-latest-aaa-securitization) Guess who? Yup, the same ratings people I mentioned in Part 2: Moody's. Conflict of interest much? And JUST LOOK at all of the other names mentioned in this report. *"The transaction was CommonBond’s tenth and brings the company’s total securitized loan amount to over $2 billion. Goldman Sachs served as structuring agent, co-lead manager, book-runner, and co-sponsor for this securitization. Barclays, Citi, BMO and Guggenheim Securities also served as co-lead managers and book-runners on the transaction."* Ummmmm... Goldman? Citi? Barclays? Jesus Christ. This shit goes so much deeper than I thought it did. One important thing to note though is that student loans are only a portion of these companies' loans. Still, total private loans make up hundreds of billions of dollars. I don't have a way to figure out what percent of private loans are under P2P institutions. + +Now, onto SoFi. SoFi, like I mentioned, is a P2P lending institution. Yet, unlike the previous ones I mentioned, they claim to take credit into account. Sounds great, right? Nope. First of all, *SoFi doesn't even disclose their requirements for credit scores.* These dudes could theoretically be loaning out money to people with credit scores absolutely in the shitter. Now, third party sources have stated that the minimum to qualify hovers around 680. This is **lower** than the national average, and in some places won't even qualify you for a home or apartment loan. But yeah, taking out a hundred grand to pay for college is no problem. **And you'll never guess what these are rated.** Yup, they're rated AAA. By Moody's ([Link](https://www.sofi.com/press/sofi-becomes-first-fintech-company-to-earn-aaa-dbrs-rating-prices-417-6-million-securitization-of-refinanced-student-loans/)). JUST. WOW. And guess what? "*In October of 2017, SoFi announced a $777 million SLABS deal, in partnership with Deutsche Bank, Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Goldman Sachs, and Morgan Stanley (*[*Link*](https://www.bu.edu/rbfl/files/2021/02/Tanafon.pdf)*)."* This honestly just speaks for itself. Just LOOK at these quotes. *"SoFi CEO Mike Cagney says that every time he’s placed a SLABS offering, Morgan Stanley was involved...* *CommonBond just* [*did its first SLABS offering*](http://www.businessinsider.com/wall-street-is-backing-student-loans-again-2015-6)*. Unsurprisingly, Morgan Stanley was the lead underwriter and sold manager on the deal." (*[Link](https://www.businessinsider.com/banks-are-jumping-into-the-slabs-business-2015-6)*).* My god. And this was all the way back in 2015. Just imagine the SLABS market since then. + +Now, let's get into DeVos. If you are unaware, she served as the Secretary of Education from 2017-2021. And as it turns out, she was pretty fucking corrupt. That's what happens when your family is worth $5.4 billion. Anyways, she did some shitty things that helped jack tuition prices (which benefit SLABS), and appointed many officials who were high up at for-profit universities that were even being investigated for fraud. Here's the quote from [this link](https://manifold.umn.edu/read/untitled-85740014-9b15-46f2-be8c-5d261d587877/section/a7d7ced8-7b4f-4cd0-99f2-e997d6d78f39): *"Rather than curtailing the subpriming of student debt by eliminating student income loans and seeking to reduce the student debt bubble, Trump’s secretary of education, Betsy Devos, has aggressively sought to deregulate student lending for the benefit of banks and for-profit universities. Once in office, Devos appointed leaders from the for-profit higher education sector whose schools were being investigated for fraud. For-profit colleges and universities have engaged in widespread lying to prospective students about the value of a degree and the nature of a program to capture vast sums through tuition financed through student loan debt. Devos and these officials proceeded to dismantle the special team responsible for fraud investigations, and they also moved to protect colleges and universities that made fraudulent claims to students by gutting the 'borrower’s defense' act."* I'm honestly astounded at what such a high level this corruption has spread. Then again, it is Wall Street, so maybe I shouldn't be surprised. Still, these blatant conflicts of interest, of which has clearly benefited predatory SLABS companies, is just appalling. + +That's about all I've got for Part 4. Given that each DD has been getting shorter and shorter, I do expect this one to be the last one at least for a little bit (edit: it wasnt. Part 5 out now lol.) But honestly who even knows, that's what I said yesterday and here I am. Thanks again for all your continued support. As always, I believe that GME is the best hedge against a market crash (not financial advice though). Buy, Hold, DRS. Thanks. +Hey All, + +So I got a letter from HMRC today to say that we shouldn't of been getting the child tax credits we were getting as my partner is on contribution based ESA rather than income based. + +They're asking for all the money they've given us back (almost £20,000) and they're stopping the tax credits (~£400 less a month). + +I'm assuming theres nothing I can do about it but wanted to make a post just in case I'm missing something. + +Any advice? + +Cheers! +**Hello all!** + +I am posting to bring to your attention an SEC filed on September 17, 2021: [DTCC-FICC GOV1161-21](https://www.dtcc.com/-/media/Files/pdf/2021/9/17/GOV1161-21PDF.PDF). We seem to have forgotten about these sus SEC filings, but don't despair, I haven't! This filing announces the following firms will be added as **SPONSORED MEMBERS** of the government securities division effective Sept 23, 2021, and **State Street Bank and Trust Company** will be the Sponsoring Member for these firms. + +* Goldman Sachs Funds, plc - Goldman Sachs US$ Liquid Reserves Fund +* Goldman Sachs Funds, plc - Goldman Sachs US$ Liquid Reserves Plus Fund +* Goldman Sachs Funds, plc - Goldman Sachs US$ Treasury Liquid Reserves Fund + +Given this is a DTCC-FICC SEC filing containing ‘Goldman Sachs’, ‘Liquid’, ‘Reserves Fund’ and ‘State Street’ all in one document, I was skeptical and went digging. + +## **Goldman Sachs Asset Management website** +- It appears these firms’ objectives are for [both capital preservation and income](https://www.gspcs.com/content/dam/gsam/pdfs/international/en/fund-literature/monthly-fund-update/mfui_ulrp_acc_en.pdf?sa=n). It's also interesting that their management team, [Global Liquidity Management Team](https://www.gsam.com/content/gsam/uk/en/liquidity-solutions/fund-center/fund-finder/goldman-sachs-us$-liquid-reserves-fund.html#activeTab=overview), has more than 30 years of liquidity management experience and $250 billion in assets under management. + +## **Bloomberg’s websites** +* First, the firm's ticker price vary considerably relative to AUM. + + * [Goldman Sachs plc - US$ Treasury Liquid Reserves Fund](https://www.bloomberg.com/quote/GSUTLRI:ID) + + * Ticker: $1 + * AUM: 49,037,813,000 + + * [Goldman Sachs plc - US$ Liquid Reserves Fund](https://www.bloomberg.com/quote/GSULQTA:ID) + + * Ticker: $10,656.99 + * AUM: 29,815,030,000 + +* Second, one of these firms appears to be *way* over-leveraged and is super sus: [Goldman Sachs – PLC – GS US$ Liquid Reserves Plus Fund](https://www.bloomberg.com/quote/GSUSDIA:ID). Two of its holdings account for 727.76% of the fund! Both of which are under the ticker symbol ‘JTDB 0’ + + * Ticker: $10,501.38 + * AUM: $1,304,589,000 + * JTDB 0 09/21/21 (BQ009469:COR: % of Fund 421.80%) + * JTDB 0 09/13/21 (BP933995:COR % of Fund 306.06%) + +* A quick google search for ‘JTDB 0’ revealed another Goldman Sachs firm appears to be over-leveraged with the same investment: [Goldman Sachs plc – Sterling Liquid Reserves Plus Fund](https://www.bloomberg.com/quote/GSSLRIA:ID) + + * Ticker: $10,162.69 + * AUM: $31,896,000 + * JTDB 0 10/04/21 (BQ259925:COR % of Fund 448.95%) + * JTDB 0 09/21/21 (BQ009469:COR: % of Fund 212.52%) + +## But it's not just Goldman Sachs +* [T Rowe Price Ultra Short-Term Bond Fund](https://www.bloomberg.com/quote/TRZWX:US) seems to also be invested, but at a much more modest and reasonable amount of 2.93% of their fund. + + * Ticker: $5.09 + * AUM: 5,303,935,000 + * JTDB 0 09/21/21 (BQ009469:COR: % of Fund 1.81%) + * JTDB 0 09/13/21 (BQ259925:COR: % of Fund 1.12%) + +* As well as [PIMCO Global Managed Asset Allocation Portolio](https://www.bloomberg.com/quote/VPVGMVV:US), with ‘JTDB 0’ account for 6.7% of their fund. + + * Ticker: $12.57 + * AUM: 456,797,000 + * JTDB 0 09/21/21 (BQ009469:COR: % of Fund 6.7%) + +## So, what is ‘JTDB 0’? + +* Japanese Bonds +* Here are some similar bonds with differing dates. + * [JTDB 0 01/28/19](https://cbonds.com/bonds/470691/) + * [JTDB 0 11/29/21](https://cbonds.com/bonds/1116541/) + * [JDB 0.1 09/20/21](https://cbonds.com/bonds/249469/) - This one may be the same as the above firm in question ‘JTDB 0 09/21/21’ but I can’t seem to confirm the ticker identity. + +## **TLDR** +I am posting this to get more eyes on recent DTCC-FICC filings announcing the sponsoring of sus firms that involve Goldman Sachs and State Street. Moreover, there appears to be some odd investments within these liquid reserve funds, specifically ‘JTDB 0 09/21/21’, which appears to be a Japanese Domestic Bond that account for >700% of Goldman Sachs Liquid Reserves Plus Fund and Sterling Liquid Reserves Plus Fund. The significance of this is unclear but I was hoping to bring this to people’s attention to see if this reflects looming liquidation by Goldman Sachs or some other firms. + +Buy. Hodl. DRS! + +*edits for formatting +Hello, + +I’m really getting sick and tired of “real estate investors” calling my phone asking if I want to sell my house. + +Where are they getting my number and how can I prevent this!! + +I figured I’d ask here since I assume many of you have been on the other side of this. +My partner and I did some 5 year planning. This is what we're looking to do! This isn't meant to be a brag session. And I know its just a plan but I figured people might enjoy getting a look at whats going on in my business right now. + +In 2017 we rolled our profits from our little old sweaty startup into a real estate development and we finished construction of a self storage facility in Ithaca NY. We spent $2.4M (75% financed by a local bank). We purchased an additional property in October of 2018 across the street for $400k. I own 40%. My partner owns 40%. Investors own 20%. + +Its nearing stabilization ($55k in revenue in July and $12.5k in expenses for $42k in EBITDA) or $12,500 for each Dan and I in cashflow and $15,500 each in income. It's a great asset and it's going to be hard to part with that monthly recurring revenue. + +But the plan is bigger than that so we have it [listed for sale](https://www.loopnet.com/Listing/1401-Dryden-Rd-Freeville-NY/16683427/). + +We got an [offer for $4.9MM](https://sweatystartup.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/IMG_D771D5BA0DFC-1.jpeg) a few months ago but we're aiming for the $5.2MM mark. We're getting a lot of interest and have had action lately. + +That sale would spit off about $880k each for my partner and I to reinvest. To differ the taxes into the future we'd do a 1031 exchange and find "like kind" assets to purchase with the income. + +**IF we sell it here is our plan.** + +\-- + +We'd plan to bank $380k (less after taxes) each for a rainy day or a smoking opportunity in the future or just as an insurance policy. So we'd have $1MM between us to reinvest and grow our real estate holdings. + +We'd locate five or six poorly managed but high potential storage facilities at a total value of about $4MM. Leverage about $1MM in cash and borrow another $3MM on the assets. + +The facilities we’d target would be between 10,000-25,000 rentable sf each in secondary markets (20,000-100,000 population). Small enough properties and cities that the big dogs like Public Storage aren’t in the market to buy them and drive the cap rates down to 5-6. We’d manage them remotely (without a full time manager in an office on site) and contract with a local cleaning company to do the onsite punch list weekly. + +Since we can manage them remotely while others have more overhead we could buy them at what would be an 8 or 9 cap for others but is a 11-12 cap for us. + +That means EBITDA would be about $460k a year. $156k a year would be interest payments and $84k would be principle ([$3MM at 5.25% over 20 years](https://sweatystartup.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/IMG_FD7F51DD05AF-1.jpeg)). + +So that would be $220k a year in free cashflow and $304 in income on our $1MM investment. + +We’d get to claim $145k a year in depreciation reducing our taxable income to only $159k a year on that $304k in income. + +The assets would appreciate by about 5% a year which is $200k a year in equity we’d have on top of the cashflow. We think we can get it appreciating much faster with our management. + +So we’re seeing about $504k in value and only paying taxes on $159k a year. + +That would start the snowball. About 3 years later after raising rents pretty aggressively and achieving $550k or so in EBITDA we'd sell the portfolio for a 7 cap on trailing 12 month cash flows. + +Sell for $7.8MM. That would turn our initial $1MM cash in investment into about $3.8 MM in 36 months. + +The best part is that we'd have the ability to do another 1031 exchange to differ all of the tax on that appreciation and then buy $15.2MM worth of storage facilities at a 10 cap which would generate $1.52MM a year in EBITDA. + +But we'll take it one step at a time. + +\-- + +We also will have made a great return for our initial investors who bought in and owned 20% of our first facility so they would happily re-invest the proceeds ($1MM) into new developments with us. + +They bought in on a pro-rata basis. Meaning if they put in 5% of the project costs they got 5% ownership. They took a second position to the bank. We then financed our ownership through the bank and took the debt service on ourselves. + +So while we're going around buying and building our own profile we'd also build 2 more development projects in really great markets. We'd build them for about $2.5MM each, own them for 2 years during lease up, and according to our projections these buildings, similarly to Ithaca, would be worth about $5MM each. + +We'd sell these to realize the appreciation again and likely use the investor money to build more and our profits to buy cash-flowing assets like the plan above. + +Any feedback, positive or negative, is appreciated and thanks for reading! +I bought my first home in 2016. I lived in it until I bought my current house in 2019. I kept the first house as a rental (still in my name). Should I form an LLC? If so, what's the best way to transfer the home over to it? Do I sell it to my LLC? Is there a better option? +Anyone have any insight on what will happen most generally after this QLD flood? Perhaps people who bought or sold real estate post 2011 flood? Understand we're in weird times for real estate at the moment, but QLD market was soaring entering this third Quarter. Particularly interested in apartments whose sinking funds will be shot. Unconditional offers dropping off, brand new WIP City infrastructure for Olympics being hammered etc. etc. +to all fatFIREs, how has education from private schools, undegrad/graduate degrees from ivy leagues helped you reach SUCCESS? + +or is it the biggest scam of the 21st century? or is it a self fulfilling prophecy? smart people who are driven and focused typically attended universities? +I am fairly advanced in Python and want to break into the world of algo trading. I have tried some libraries but still want to build my own (at least a basic) backtesting engine/platform. Are there any good book or resource that can help guide me for this (either in terms of high level direction, or better yet, teach you step-by-step)? Any other suggestions/recommendations are most welcome. +Wife and I are mid-30s, mid seven figures NW, 1.3m joint income + TBD upside from carry in PE. + +We started a family and cooking frequently is too much of a burden and would take away from family time. We end up ordering in or picking up food most days, and it can run us $70-$120 just for the two of us between what we want to eat and all the fees. + +I think I’ve seen others post here before but not NYC specific - are there other options of working with a private chef where once a week I can pick up prepared food or they can drop it off? How do i find these options? I figure it’ll taste be better, be healthier, etc. + +Thank you +Currently its: BTC, ETH, XRP, BNB, DOGE + +There are more joke coins and centralized projects in the top 5 than there are decentralized cryptos with use cases. + +Now I have no hate for XRP and BNB investment wise but morally it goes against the theme of crypto about being free from control from centralized parties. I think XRP has good investment potential though, and I have a little bit of BNB personally to use "Defi" without much fees. + +And you know doge. I'm happy it brought many people to crypto but isn't it a bit alarming to see a meme coin worth more than ADA or DOT? + +I know I'm going to get massively downvoted. I'm ready. + EDIT: mods please change flair to opinion… thx + + + +1. Context - What Is Steam? +2. Why Might Gamestop Be Successful Compared To Others Who Have Tried And Failed? +3. GameStop As A Game Developer. +4. Conclusion & TLDR. + +**Context - What is Steam?** + +**Steam** is a video game [digital distribution](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_distribution) service by [Valve](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valve_Corporation). It was launched as a standalone software client in September 2003 as a way for Valve to provide automatic updates for their games, and expanded to include games from third-party publishers. Steam has also expanded into an online web-based and mobile digital storefront. Steam offers [digital rights management](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_rights_management) (DRM), server hosting, [video streaming](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Video_streaming), and [social networking services](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_networking_service). It also provides the user with installation and automatic updating of games, and community features such as friends lists and groups, [cloud storage](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cloud_storage), and in-game voice and chat functionality. + +From its release in 2003 through to nearly 2009, Steam had a mostly uncontested hold over the PC [digital distribution](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_distribution_in_video_games) market before major competitors emerged with the largest competitors in the past being services like [Games for Windows – Live](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Games_for_Windows_%E2%80%93_Live) and [Impulse](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Impulse_(software)), both of which were shut down in 2013 and 2014, respectively. Sales via the Steam catalog are estimated to be between 50 and 75 percent of the total PC gaming market. Steam's critics often refer to the service as a [monopoly](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monopoly), and claim that placing such a percentage of the overall market can be detrimental to the industry as a whole and that sector competition can yield only positive results for the consumer. Several developers also noted that Steam's influence on the PC gaming market is powerful and one that smaller developers cannot afford to ignore or work with, but believe that Valve's corporate practices for the service make it a type of "benevolent dictator", as Valve attempts to make the service as amenable to developers. + +Through releasing its first-party games and other offerings from third-party developers and publishers, Steam generated **4.3 billion** U.S. dollars in game sales **in 2017.** This marks a dramatic increase from the 1.5 billion U.S. dollars of revenue generated in 2014. + +**Why Might Gamestop Be Successful Compared To Others Who Have Tried And Failed?** + +Because at this point, well... + +&#x200B; + +[ Posted by \/u\/steisandburning ](https://preview.redd.it/3u25slvza5k71.png?width=577&format=png&auto=webp&s=13ce8b34211f1e7d1f944d0a7fb99bbb3c791b82) + +Posted by /u/steisandburning + +I know I would use it over Steam if it was available. And I know... this is a huge risk going up against such a huge tycoon in the industry such as Steam. But you know what may set them apart (besides their retarded fan base)? + +POWER TO THE PLAYERS. They actually listen. Of course Games for Windows Live and Impulse (wtf is Impulse) failed... & they didn't have the "cool" factor that GameStop has now. + +Plus (hint hint), they are already getting into the NFT space. You know what NFTs would give the capability to do? Virtual Game returns for cash/instore credit. I know you remember these memes... + +https://preview.redd.it/bgd1y531b5k71.png?width=740&format=png&auto=webp&s=1259e2b07d6199400dac8386cdd5b3ca13eba0bf + +lol + +But wait - why couldn't they really do this before... without NFTs? Well NFTs give ABSOLUTE WITHOUT A DOUBT confidence to Game Developers that GameStop isn't rehypothecating copies of their games (fucking lol). Plus - virtual copies of games don't have to be moved or stored AND the market is much bigger since it isn't limited to the physical geography of the store it was sold to so... we may see more reasonable trade in prices. + +You could even set up a barter exchange between players like just how it was in Runescape like; + +*Blue:Wave: WTB Grand Theft Auto 5 for two copies of Minecraft or $25 (also buying gf)* + +As well, since NFTs are already super retarded, at least in my opinion anyway... why not sell limited edition digital copies of games that players can claim. I mean - its pretty much the same as people buying NFT art for hundreds of thousands of dollars. Why not collectors editions/limited editions of games - just like how they already do with physical game copies? + +Using Blockchain as a way of distribution, instead of the way Steam currently handles their own system (which honestly, I have no fucking idea how they do it so this is an assumption but makes sense), is probably way more cost efficient for all parties involved - solely by the nature of how Blockchain works. OHHHHH BUT WAIT THERE IS MORE!!! + +Here is where GameStop might have a leg up and get developers to put their foot in the door. Never has a developer been able to make money off a single copy of a game that has already reached the end customer (I don't know about physical games though). If GameStop told developers, "hey, we will give you a small cut of virtual trade ins via our NFT video game purchase system" DEVELOPERS WOULD FLOCK IN THE MASSES. GameStop would be the stop the competition right in its tracks. You can't offer a developer another source of income, totally for free and not have them take it. + +*GameStop - if you haven't thought of this - I totally would work for you. JK won't have to bc MOASS.* + +**GameStop As A Game Developer.** + +Valve (parent company of Steam), mentioned above, not only distributes games - but develops them as well. Such titles as Portal and Half-Life are award winning titles and for good reasons. My last proposition would be for GameStop to create their own games, just like Valve does. + +I know I would love to see a game developed by GameStop. If corporate is reading this, here are a few of my video game ideas I think you should consider as your first titles. First I list my idea of what the game should be titled and then a description of what it is: + +* *"Try Not To Lose Your Money, Again"* + + * Day-Trading Simulator (if you think this is retarded, Steam currently has a Lawn Mowing Simulator game for sale and it is ranked amongst its most popular right now... [here is the link](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1480560/Lawn_Mowing_Simulator/)). The goal of the game is not to actually make money, but make the character you are playing BELIEVE he might make money. +* "*I'll Be Downstairs Watching Football If You Two Need Me"* + + * Wife's Boyfriend Simulator (again, [here is the link](https://store.steampowered.com/tags/en/Dating+Sim)). Game includes such levels as: + + * Turn up the volume of the TV until you can't hear your wife's ass get clapped from upstairs, but not too loud it hurts your ears. + * Therapy sessions with your doctor. + * Crying in Wendy's drive through at 2am. +* "*Hedgies Getting Wedgies"* + + * Chase former billionaires around the world by tracking where their private jets fly, figure out how they are evading taxes, where they are storing their money before their eventual filing for bankruptcy - and much much more. + +**Conclusion & TLDR.** + +GameStop should become a competitor to Steam differentiating themselves by providing players with virtual game exchanges. Also, they should consider developing their own games. + +This is obviously a POST-MOASS related DD as this will take a while to implement but nonetheless provides current fundamental value based on future outlook if true. + +OK that's all, my pot is boiling now and I have to throw in my pack of Crayons so I can eat before midnight. Goodnight everyone. + +My name is Wet Dirt Kurt, but you can call me Mud. +Nobody here truly has any idea what they're talking about. Even I, like many others, was completely trashing DOGE on this sub when it was $.02, and I watched as it went up to $.70. + + +You can have the best tokenomics in the universe but it doesn't mean shit if people aren't hyped on it and buying it. Are you really buying crypto for the underlying tech or are you buying it with the hope that the value rises and one day you can sell it to someone else at a much higher price? Hype is invaluable. + +A coin like Solana has amazing technology behind it but you wouldnt buy it if it went down 98% every year since inception, even if it had the exact same technology. The smart people are here for the money, if we were here for the tech we would be DCA'ing into things like IPhones and not Crypto. +Greetings fellow apes, + +https://preview.redd.it/wrslj8pybo981.png?width=900&format=png&auto=webp&s=3485e8bb1b8323cb22141df953cf0a648663d90c + +*TL;DR: Wall street has broken the law and their own rules multiple times without so much as a slap on the wrist. There is no reason for them to stop breaking the law, so there's no reason for them to keep fucking up the market just to prevent moass from happening. Should it happen, the government is most likely to do what they've always done in the past: bail them out and give the apes a token prize for their efforts and tell them to fuck off.* + +This is part speculation part fact, not sure what to flair it as. The first part is fact, the second part is speculation based on previous actions taken in previous market crashes. Take it as you will. + +I've expressed this view in a different thread but since the whole sub keeps asking about "Counter-DD" maybe the sub is ready to hear me out for once without downvoting me into oblivion? + +For reference, I am a XX ape trying really hard to get my shares DRSed, but I have to take the eToro sell-buy route due to being europoor + +https://preview.redd.it/hsndln0cco981.png?width=483&format=png&auto=webp&s=693d60d637acd592f0d7af80fd23b58546cc2fde + +What we've learned over the past year is that Wall Street has zero problem breaking their own rules and not facing any consequences, so far we've had: + +* We thought we had them with the Jan squeeze. They turned off the buy button and shorted it back down. +* Then we thought we had them with a class-action lawsuit against robing hood because they literally participated in market manipulation. It got thrown out. +* Then we thought we had them with a vote-count for the board elections. Yet that got suppressed somehow. +* Then the DTCC FCC SEC and other acronyms started making all sorts of margin rules and stuff which looked like things were going in the right way. But then the rules don't look like they get enforced so nothing changed. +* Then the SEC said "we'll make a report!" And nothing came of it. +* Then some other American department (DOJ?) Said they are looking into naked shorting and that's been quiet since. +* Now its coming to light that "naked shorting" itself is 100% illegal (again). Nothing is being done + +This clearly shows that the rules don't apply. They are just there to fool the masses into thinking there is some sort of structure and order but clearly there's no such thing. + +\---------- WARNING, SPECULATION PAST THIS POINT ---------- + +So let's fast forward into the future. MOASS starts, doesn't matter how, and the price starts climbing. Apes hold fast, nobody is selling, because we've seen in the past that nobody is interested in selling and with all the DRSed shares it's pretty much a guarantee. Turning off the buy button will stop buying pressure, but it doesn't fix the underlying problem of being unable to close shorts. + +Trading halts are the new norm, the economy (US and potentially world) is on the brink of collapse, the government is loosing its bananas, what do? Well what have they done in the past to fix a total economic annihilation? Bail out Wall St of course! So here's the conversation + +GOV: "Fine, we'll buy back all the fake shares to reset the GameStop madness" + +APES: "$69,420,420 per share silver plates". + +GOV: "Ah u wot fam?" + +APES: "No, for real, I'm sick of your BS, my ma' is in the hospital and we can't afford the bills, my da' is working 14 hours a day, nana's got cancer, as soon as the student loan vacation is over i'll have to default, I need this money to get out of poverty!" + +GOV: "Thoughts and prayers, don't worry we goch you" + +And the following announcement is made + +"In the interest of protecting every individual from financial ruin and saving this great nation, proving our strength as the best, freest, most fair country in the world, we will be bailing out all GameStop shareholders! A unfortunate technical flaw in our system has cause there to be MANY MANY more GameStop shares in circulation than there exists. This isn't anybody's fault, but it is a consequence for which the government will bare responsibility. As such every GameStop shareholder will receive xxx dollars per each share owned through their broker, tax-free. This will unlock all of them to meet their financial commitments going forward and liberate them from their burdens. Secondly, we will be dissolving all existing GameStop shares direct registered or held at the DTCC and we'll direct GameStop Company to hold a new initial public offering in order to re-integrate them into the market" + +Past this point, there's really only two things that can happen:- People get pissed and actually set fire to a gov building- People take what's offered because they are desperate / greedy and system churns over like nothing happened + +I'm happy to debate this and have constructive counter-arguments, but only if they are logical and civil. + +EDIT: Knew it lol + +https://preview.redd.it/upp4e5kyko981.png?width=325&format=png&auto=webp&s=e83e2db3409de9926ceadce0560bbb3b0065e9cb + +EDIT 2: To all those who have engaged into constructive conversation, thank you, it's been cool. I want to summarise the general counterpoints from the comments. + +- *There are other HFs that are long (Like BlackRock) that wouldn't want to loose out on profits so they wouldn't be happy if governments intervene* - The problem with this argument is that if gov would erase everything they'd stand to make billions of dollars from the government payout and would keep the shitty system alive that benefits them greatly, so I don't see them opposing this outcome. + +- *The govt won't intervene because it would ruin international trust in the system* - And the system collapsing all together from naked shorting and it cannibalizing itself wouldn't cause the same thing? If you're not into GME, which is the vast majority of the investors, especially international ones, you'd actually want the government to intervene and not make all of your investments go belly up. So that theory doesn't work + +- *They can't erase my DRS'ed shares because they are MY shares and are MY property and I own them* - I take it authority has never seized anything off of you or invaded your privacy. Just ask yourself why the minorities in the US are so pissed off. Your property means nothing if you lack any ability to defend it and these shares, DRSed or not, are stored electronically. Why do you think so many fear keeping their money in the bank? It's their money no? Well yes, but actually, no. + +- *It's not just GME that's in this situation, thus it's unfeasible to have every single "meme stock" redo their IPO just to fix naked shorting* - This is a solid argument. Depending on how widespread the problem is and how much of it is surfaced in the case of a collapse, it may be unfeasible to actually do a bail-out, so that's a pretty good argument which I don't know how to counter. +Maybe it's just me, but I feel like people that don't understand what's going on with $GME are automatically inclined to disregard our discussions because it is considered a "meme". Let's be very clear, GameStop as a company and a market investment is NOT a meme! While it happens to have been heavily discussed on a meme-rich social network, and it is very easy to make memes related to the stock, it is very far from being one at its core. + +GameStop has been around since 1984 which is longer than I have even been alive. It has endured numerous economic recessions, and seen it's way through many generations of gamers where the general populace would often call video games a "fad" or "dying market". The company has been successful as a brick and mortar institution for decades and expanded to a global presence. Granted the company has been far from perfect, and certainly still has a good deal of changes to make, but it has a loyal base ready to fight for its success. Looking to the future, its current leadership is poised to put the company in a dominant position of e-commerce, e-sports, and a reimagined brick and mortar presence that supplements its online retail operation instead of carrying it. This company has the potential to be a major market player to rival Amazon, eBay and possibly even WalMart. The sooner people start to understand that this isn't a fucking joke, the sooner they'll realize that corruption on Wall Street nearly deleted one of the future corporate giants that will reshape an entire industry. They will see that no business is safe from this threat until policies are rewritten to close loopholes and firmly punish fraudulent and predatory trading practices. A meme implies something is intended to be humorous and to be shared light heartedly. I'm not fucking laughing. I'm angry. I'm going to park my ass on these shares and hold until RC and team have the power to bring their dreams to fruition and then I will take the fraudsters for every dollar they have. This is war, and when the war is over I will join the ranks of $GME holders to defend the company from future threats and share in the spoils of victory. + +TLDR; if you want to call something a "meme stock" then go play with Doge. GameStop isn't funny. It's fucking serious. + + +Edit: thank you so much for the awards apes. This was just a rant, your awards are too much. +Just wanted to let my follow apes know, my father works for one of the biggest home builders in the US. Their current guarantee is if the price falls while under contract, they will adjust at closing for the buyer, to ease concerns. This is a major indicator of the housing market tanking. + +Stay jacked my friends + Hi guys I have a portfolio with 5 etfs. They consist of $VGT $SPYG $SCHD $DGRO $VYM they are equally funded at 20% each, now I've been wanting to add VOO and maybe replacing one of the 5 but I don't know if thats a good idea or if I should just leave it as it is. Any and all advise criticism is welcome! thanks. 20-25 yr time horizon. thx. +Hey All, +I have had a good amount of luck when investing in new and emerging ETFs such as $DRIV $BETZ $GMBL $CLOU $BATT. These are all in my personal investing account and not my 401k. + +My questions are as follows: + +Are these solid picks? + +Are there any more ETF’s that are moderately priced (35 or less) that I am missing that have high upside? + +Is it worth shifting around my 401k money to add some higher priced and/or lower priced ETF’s in? Currently invested 100% in vttsx or vanguard target retirement 2060. This of course, is a mutual fund. + +I am 25 and I make decent money but I’m not setting the world on fire. Hence the low price and more risk. + +Thank you! +Hi new to investing here. Previously i posted on r/dividend as well and many advice to diversifying my portfolio using etfs. + +Any tips and tricks from people that have been in the game for a while? +I have a full brokerage retirement account at Fidelity as a ROLLOVER IRA since I moved money from another place about six years ago. These are the mutual funds I hold. I am quite happy with their performance, since they've consistently beaten the S&P 500 (aside from that index of course): FXAIX, FNCMX, FOCPX, FBIOX, FSPHX. + +While my other accounts are retirement accounts with a limited choice of mutual funds, this particular account seems to let me trade whatever however I want . While I'm somewhat familiar with stock market trading, I'm not that well versed in it. I'm also really busy and don't have time to do monitor things, etc. So does it make sense for me to sell my FXAIX and go to SPY? Sell my FNCMX and go to QQQ? Or just leave things as they are? + +I asked this question in /r/MutualFunds and I didn't get a clear answer. One response was that ETFs are just a special share class of the corresponding mutual fund which doesn't answer my question IMO and another said "lower minimums" which is a problem I don't have. So why should I continue to stay in FNCMX (which is Fidelity's Nasdaq Index fund) which has a 10 year return of 17.91% (as of 9/30) compared to QQQ (which has a 10 year return of 20.15%), or should I move to QQQ and try to get that extra 2%? + +I'm worried about making mistakes. I could experiment with a small starting amount like a few to several thousand dollars and use conditional trades to make sure I buy lower than my selling point but I'm looking to see if I can do \*better\* than I am doing right now with mutual funds by at least 1% in the long term. My six funds range in 10 year returns from 13.75 (FXAIX whereas SPY is returning 13.62%) to 19.56%. A search of Fidelity's ETF screener doesn't reveal ETFs doing that much better so if it is all going to come back down to luck, then perhaps I'm better off where I am as a long term B&H investor. + +Thoughts? Thanks a lot! +New to this ETF world, started my own investment beginning of this year with below ETFs but due to last few weeks market situation, I feel like I put my all eggs in one basket (ARKs), I should have invested in different sectors. If you have to invest in 5 different ETFs/Sector, which one are good for long term? This is what I have so far. I mainly use Fidelity for my investment. Any feedback greatly appreciated. + + +https://preview.redd.it/36ntrukw10m61.png?width=86&format=png&auto=webp&s=3871174b7d89c28ba68ca5b5ffa21ec427868e6d +Hey all, + +&#x200B; + +Just a quick question on if I'm being an idiot or not. I use Robinhood to invest, which does allow you to use margin equal to the amount of cash you have placed into it. Is it foolish to use 50-60%\~ of my available Margin on VT or VTI? With both of them being quite stable and very much likely to consistently rise, is there any significant amount of risk to doing so barring some entire collapse of the world economy? + +&#x200B; + +I've been doing so for several months with no ill effects, but I figure I should check in now that my portfolio is quite a bit larger than it was when I first started. + +&#x200B; + +Thanks! +I have been casually investing for a few years, but want to put more substantial amounts of my income into a portfolio, 75% of said portfolio being ETF's. My goal is to capture market segments with high growth potential for the next six - twelve months. I also tried to include a mix of actively managed and index funds. There is some overlap but I tried to make it minimal. + +**Selected ARK ETFs and semiconductors - 27%** + +ARKG - 9% ARKF - 7% + +PRNT - 5% SMH - 5.5% + +&#x200B; + +**General Market Coverage - 20%** + +VBK - Vanguard small-cap growth index fund - 10% + +DWMC - Advisor Shares Dorsey Wright Micro Cap ETF - 10% + +&#x200B; + +**Green Energy - 20%** + +PBW - 6.5% + +LIT - Lithium Battery ETF - 3.3% + +BATT - Battery ETF - 3.3% + +URA - Nuclear ETF - 3.3% + +URNM - Uranium infrastructure and mining ETF - 3.3% + +&#x200B; + +**Selected Consumer Interests - 23%** + +POTX - Marijuana. Its much more diversified than MJ - 5.75% + +IBUY - Online Retail - 5.75 % + +NERD - Gaming, Esports, Streaming. Includes Chinese market - 5.75% + +VCR - Consumer Discretionary Index - 5.75% + +&#x200B; + +**Transportation** **- 10%** + +PAVE - Infrastructure and Transportation - 5% + +HAIL - Ride Sharing - 5% + +&#x200B; + +And that's it. I am open to adding another index for general market coverage, but I want to avoid anything too broad or anything that skews too heavily towards tech. I have considered adding a raw materials ETF to that section. + +I also looked into travel and hospitality ETF's but found the options lacking. I don't want to invest heavily in chain hotels. I have worked in and around the hospitality industry for years, and do not see much growth in this segment of the industry. I am primarily interested in cruises, airlines, theme parks and of course ABNB. + +I am also aware of my lack of international holdings. + +I welcome any feedback you guys might have! Thanks for reading, if you made it this far. +I've been hearing alot of opinions, and I thought I'd take to reddit to see what we all think.. I believe India is very underrated although is an extremely volatile choice. +I'm new to this forum. I see VTI and VOO (large cap blends) recommended here constantly, but several other funds with similar holdings outperform them. Does everyone just really like Vanguard? What do you use to evaluate ETFs? I use Yahoo Finance, Barcharts, and Fidelity web sites mostly. Serious question, as I think I must be missing something!? Thanks! +My nephew told me about this reddit the other day and couldn't believe it. Read through a lot of it last night, you guys are fucking crazy but I love it. It's easy for any professional trader to say that you guys are idiots but I respect what you do, so no hate on my end. Trading is calculated gambling at the end of the day anyway. Compared to you guys, I'm basically a boring stock trader but damn good at it. AAPL is my baby. + +I'm a swing trader on the 15min chart and 5min, just depends on the price action. I obviously don't win every trade but I shoot for large profits held over 1-3 days so losses don't matter. Willing to help any newbs sometimes and show you what my targets are on certain days when I see good bets. + +Current: + +For anyone that messaged me in chat, reddit clears out chats that are too far down on the list so if you don't hear from me in the next day or 2 then I've lost you! Send me a DM rather than a chat request to carry on our convo. +**2018 summary**: Excluding healthcare and taxes, I spent $21k. I spent $7.5k on healthcare, and expect to spend about $3.5k on taxes, so my total expenses will be about $32k. I earned $41k from rent, interest, dividends, and a few other small things. + +&#x200B; + +**Thoughts and Plans**: + +* I had no major house or car expenses this year, so I expect my expenses will be higher on average in the future +* During the year I realized I was being a little more “cheap” than “frugal” with friends/family/roommates. It’s hard for me to turn this off, so I’m setting aside \~$3k toward not being cheap with other people, which will increase my spending by $2k next year +* Healthcare remains by far the biggest uncertainty for me +* I want to save money now to help manage future uncertainties, like not having roommates, healthcare costs going up, or starting a family + +&#x200B; + +**Background from previous posts**: I left a good job in my mid-30s due to chronic pain. I had been working toward a regular-FIRE in about 5 years, but due to circumstances I thought it made more sense to lean-FIRE immediately and focus on my health. So I FIRE’d in early 2017, a mid-30s guy with no wife or kids. It was definitely the right decision for me, as my physical health has improved a bit, and my mental and emotional health have improved a ton. + +&#x200B; + +**Strategy**: Moved out of paid-off downtown condo in MCOL city, into a large paid-off house in the suburbs where I rent out 3 rooms. I rent for slightly under-market so I can pick roommates I really like. It’s paid off financially, and I like my roommates. The rest of my money is invested mostly in income producing assets, like high dividend yield funds, REITS, and Bonds. I also 2-3 years of expenses in vanguard's MMA and rolling 1-yr CDs. + +&#x200B; + +\* Mentally, I find it much easier to “live off my income” rather than having to sell my assets to get by. I know it’s not totally rational. But one of the best things I’ve done for my emotional health is to accept that I’m not 100% rational, and to balance what is rationally the right decision with things that make me emotionally stronger. +Sometimes I wonder what is the point of scrimping and saving in order to FI/RE with the rising costs of health care in the US. One medical emergency can set you back $10-20k. One bad diagnosis (cancer, etc.) can you set back $100k-$300k in treatments, if not $1MM. Insurance is supposed to prevent this, but sometimes they don't pay. Insurance premiums for a family will cost $10k-20k / year unless you have a good employer sponsored plan. + +It's a fear of mine that I would have spent several decades of my working career to FI/RE, only to have my savings and investments wiped out for medical treatments. + + + + + +Our interest rate is insanely low (2,375!) and I want to keep our house. The ex is offering to keep her name on and I’ll make the payments. Thoughts? + +To me, the only risk is if she somehow gets deep into debt, then her creditors could come after the house. I suppose she could also gum up any sale if and when I decide to move. Am I missing anything else? +Welcome to the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +The thread guidelines are as follows: + +- All sub rules apply here so please review our **[rules page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/)** to become familiar with them. The rules page is also linked in the announcement bar above. +- This thread is intended as a welcome place for discussion of all non-Ethereum related crypto. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +Ticker SQ + +Payments company Square has invested $50 million into Bitcoin, according to an announcement today. It has bought 4,709 Bitcoin, with one percent of the company's assets. + +&#x200B; + +> “We believe that Bitcoin has the potential to be a more ubiquitous currency in the future,” said Square’s chief financial officer, Amrita Ahuja. “As it grows in adoption, we intend to learn and participate in a disciplined way. For a company that is building products based on a more inclusive future, this investment is a step on that journey.” + +Square is owned by Jack Dorsey, **the CEO of Twitter** (and enthusiastic Bitcoin advocate). Square also owns CashApp, which has been offering Bitcoin for some time now. Dorsey has previously said that he regularly maxes out the weekly Bitcoin buy limits on CashApp. + +Square has been investing in crypto for some time. It set up Square Crypto in March 2019 to support the development of the Bitcoin network. It has handed out a number of grants to Bitcoin developers and companies working in the space. + +This investment follows business intelligence firm MicroStrategy buying $200 million of Bitcoin as an investment, before buying another $175 million of Bitcoin. + +&#x200B; + +source [https://decrypt.co/44319/square-invests-50-million-in-bitcoin?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=social&utm\_campaign=sm](https://decrypt.co/44319/square-invests-50-million-in-bitcoin?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=sm) +So my parents have some large payments due in the future and aren’t very good savers so I suggested that they transfer the money into my accounts to make it inaccessible for them without my input. This way the money won’t be touched. So far this is working and they’ve saved £4000 for the fees you need to pay when you own a flat that then goes towards the maintenance and concierge services etc they provide. I think they are called service charges? So they need to save another £4000 within 2 years and hopefully this system will continue to work and we will reach the £8000 needed without having to get loans for it (which is something they’ve had to do for the previous times the service charge was due). + + + +I was wondering if credit companies like AMEX will go after the money in my bank accounts if I have a low balance still remaining? Just asking this out of curiosity since I always pay off my balances so at most only one statements worth of charges will be due from me. More specifically, I was wondering if student finance will go after that money? About to enter 2nd year so as of now I owe £9250 plus maintenance loans which is quite a sizeable amount. Since my parents’ money is held in my name I don’t want that money to pay off my student loans in the event I’m no longer around. If that is the case I need to open a savings account in their name so I can put their money into that. I’ll keep the password and login details to myself so that way they won’t dip into it unnecessarily. Thanks for the help. + + +Edit: If there are some other methods of saving that will help prevent them touching the money than please let me know +In a letter to Meta employees, CEO Mark Zuckerberg stated that + +“Today I’m sharing some of the most difficult changes we’ve made in Meta’s history. I’ve decided to reduce the size of our team by about 13% and let more than 11,000 of our talented employees go. We are also taking a number of additional steps to become a leaner and more efficient company by cutting discretionary spending and extending our hiring freeze through Q1, I want to take accountability for these decisions and for how we got here. I know this is tough for everyone, and I’m especially sorry to those impacted." + +The company also stated that the company would now become “leaner and more efficient” by cutting spending and staff, and shift more resources to “a smaller number of high-priority3 growth areas,” including ads, AI, and the metaverse. + +The company currently employs around 87,000 individuals in contrast meta had 35,587 in 2018, 44,942 in 2019, 58,604 in 2020, and 71,970 in 2021. The company maintained an increase of at least 20% in the workforce annually. + +Stock is up 4% in pre market +All 9 of em! I've been lurking for a while, and finally decided to put some money in the game. After trading on a practice account for two months I decided I got a good enough feel of the platform (forex.com) and how trading works to start. + +http://imgur.com/a/1i5yN + +I figure making even $1/mo is better than having it sit in a bank and if I lose my ass, it's a $1000 class in the foreign exchange! + +I've been documenting my trades and what I've learned from each, and I'm planning on keeping my profits/losses under $10 until I gain more confidence in trading. + +Any input is appreciated! + New ESMA regulations forced brokers to be more transparent about their loss statistics. The results are fascinating + +https://i.redd.it/x944msd2gng11.jpg + +what do you think about this statistic? +I’ve reached out to the mod team to offer verification for the AMA and for the general purpose of being able to offer thoughts on here without being told I have no idea what I’m talking about :). + +I’m still waiting. It’s been a while. I’m assuming we want some sort of verification before putting a high profile AMA together. If nobody cares, then shoot.. start asking questions here I guess. +I live in Missouri, and my company was just acquired 5 months ago. I was hired on for a new position, and was given 0 on-boarding or expectations, sales goals, etc. No employment contracts were signed. My supervisor has only told me great things about my work, and has told me repeatedly how excited he was to have my knowledge on the team. A business partner of my supervisor told me today I wasn't meeting expectations at the company and would be taking a 28% pay cut. I will also be working for him part time, and my other employer part time. (They both share partial ownership in the other's company) + +I know are there are some red flags here but I'm mostly wondering: +If I accept the pay cut, will it greatly affect my future salaries? +If I decline, can I file for unemployment? + +This was sort of a bomb shell for me, not really sure how to proceed. Any advice is greatly appreciated! +Hi everyone, + +I have two credit accounts and they both **currently list my annual salary at $80k. However, I just got a huge raise and I'm now making $120k/year.** + +I currently have an 800 credit score and never really even get close to my credit limits. Nonetheless, with this massive increase in salary, I'm sure that I could have my credit limits greatly increase which would really lower my credit-utilization. + +**However, these credit limits will have my credit score get hit with a "hard pull/inquiry"** which could knock down my credit score short term? + +**What should I do?** Is it worth it to increase my credit limits but potentially have my credit score lowered temporarily due to the inquiries? How long until the score might bounce back up? +Hey everyone, + +I created a spreadsheet to track & analyze stocks. + +**\*\*EDIT\*\* I fixed a couple of things in the spreadsheet, make yourself a fresh copy** + +[**https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10MRjupIWNNAO4fdKkgW9QM\_IUpPrduHtKz\_JiS8JUUA/edit#gid=1116024769**](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10MRjupIWNNAO4fdKkgW9QM_IUpPrduHtKz_JiS8JUUA/edit#gid=1116024769) + +**It consists of two sheets:** + +1. **Tracker:** A way to track various stocks and automatically pull financial ratios and data. +2. **Fundamental Analysis:** Pulling financial statement data, ratios and key metrics for individual tickers for analysis. + +Everything is automated, the only things you have to change are the tickers and data points you want to pull. + +**How to:** + +1. **Open it, go to File and click Make a Copy** +2. **Follow the instructions on the "Guide" tab** + +**Use the sheet in this way:** + +1. Add new tickers to column A of staticData +2. Sort column A of staticData by A-Z after adding new tickers +3. Add the ticker you want to analyze to A1 of fundamentalAnalysis + +If you end up ever adding new rows to Tracker or staticData you'll need to make sure the formulas are applied to each column, do this like you would in Excel, drag the cells down. + +**Buy me a coffee!** [**https://www.buymeacoffee.com/oldworlds**](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/oldworlds) +The conventional wisdom says that you should hold a percentage of stocks in your portfolio that is equal to 100 minus your age. In other words, if you're 40, you should have 60% in stocks. The flip side of this is that the other 40% should be in bonds. + +As life expectancies have lengthened, and I guess, risk tolerance has increased, some have modified this to 120 minus your age. So, a 40-year-old should hold 120-40 = 80% in stocks, with the other 20% in bonds. + +Me, I'm in my late 50s, I'm semi-retired, closing in on full retirement in about a dozen to fifteen years. My intention is to shift my growth ETFs in my retirement account, about $500K, mostly VOO and VBR over to dividend ETFs: + +* JEPI - (9% historical yield) about 40% of my entire portfolio +* SCHD - (3%) about 25% +* DIVO - (5%) about 25% +* JEPQ - (10%) about 10% + +When I fully retire, I'm looking to have this mix pay me about $6000-$7000 a month in dividends, maybe even $8000. No withdrawals from sales of stock, no 4% rule. + +My question is, what do I need bonds for? What's their purpose in a portfolio like this? I'll answer my own question (I think): To protect me from a market downturn. But since my plan is to live off significantly less than my dividends provide to me, I'm not so sure that that's important. + +Now, you may be quoting John Lennon and saying that "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans." That I may need to sell some holdings off and make some withdrawals. Well, okay, fine, but that's only gonna reduce me for a little while until the market comes back. In other words, I'm in SCHD and DIVO for the growth, to keep up with inflation, to pay off those unexpected emergencies and bills. + +**Why do you need bonds?** +***edit:*** highjacking this post to link to my other post about [Citadel's Death Spiral investment in MicroStrategy in 2000](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vi8zmv/the_death_spiral1999_microstrategy_and_boy_wonder/) + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +NOVEMBER 13, 2008 | PART OF [HOUSE OVERSIGHT & GOVERNMENT REFORM COMMITTEE](https://www.c-span.org/event/?282391/house-oversight-government-reform-committee) + +Hedge Fund Regulation, Fund Managers Panel 2008 +*Hedge Fund Managers and financial experts testified about federal regulation of financial markets, the operation of hedge funds, and the recent global financial crisis. The hearing focused on several issues including executive compensation, proposed regulations and tax reforms, and the nature of risk within financial markets.* + +Link to the video [*https://www.c-span.org/video/?282391-2/hedge-fund-regulation-fund-managers-panel#*](https://www.c-span.org/video/?282391-2/hedge-fund-regulation-fund-managers-panel#) + +Remember that this is after the **2008** meltdown, 14 years ago... + +The first thing I noticed is how similar Ken Griffin and Mark Zukerberg are. They speak and behave similarly in front of the committee. They control the dialog and came prepared, using a lot of logical fallacies to make their points believable. They both don't come out looking trustworthy at all. On the other hand, I've been surprised by the honesty of Mr. Soros on the matter. + +Also, Ken Griffin is the only 1 of the 5 to answer that Hedge Fund does NOT need more regulation ... go figure! + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +**George Soros \[7m50s\]** *Clearly, hedge funds use leverage and they contribute to market instability in times like the present when we are experiencing wholesale and disorderly deleveraging. Therefore, the systemic risks need to be recognized and more closely monitored than they have been until now. The entire regulatory framework needs to be reconsidered, and hedge funds must --need to be regulated within that framework. \[...\] That's because regulators are not only human but also bureaucratic and susceptible to political influences. It has to be recognized that hedge funds were an integral part of the bubble.* + +**Kenneth Griffin** \[***31m43s\]*** *In this crisis, the concept of "too interconnected to fail" has replaced the concept of "too big to fail." The rapid growth in the use of derivatives has created an opaque market whose outstanding notional value is measured in the hundreds of trillions of dollars. As a result, there is great concern about the systemic effects of the failure of any one financial institution. In the area of credit default swaps, for example, there is an estimated $55 trillion of outstanding notional contracts between market participants. This number is almost four times the GDP of our nation, The creation of central clearing houses, to act as intermediaries and guarantors of financial derivatives, such as credit default swaps, represents a straightforward solution to the issues inherent in today's opaque over-the-counter market. Of greatest importance, such a clearing house will dramatically reduce systematic risk, allowing us to step away from the TooInterconnected to Fail paradigm. Numerous other benefits will accrue to our economy. Regulators for example will have far greater transparency into this vast and important market. In recent months, Citadel and the CME Group have partnered in building such a clearing house for credit default swaps. Our solution is an example of how industry, in cooperation with regulators, can solve complex market problems.* + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +**Chairman Henry Waxman \[34m31s\]** *That was in 1998 when only about 3,000 hedge funds managed approximately $200 billion in assets. Current estimates suggest that there may now be more than 9,000hedge funds managing assets worth more than $2 trillion. Some say hedge funds have become a shadow banking system. So I'd like to ask each of you two questions. Do you believe that the collapse of large hedge funds could pose systemic risks to the economy? And if so, do you believe this justifies greater federal regulation?* + +**George Soros \[36m31s\]** *Yes, I think that some hedge funds do pose a systemic risk. And I think particularly leveraged capital was built on a false conception. I talked about the false paradigm that -- on which our financial system has been built, and that was actually embodied in leveraged capital, which was very -- which basically assumed that deviations from -- are random. And that is not the case.* + +**Kenneth Griffin** \[***41m56s\]*** *Just a few years ago, Citadel and JPMorgan created a private-market solution to the challenges faced by Amaranth and its shareholders when they incurred even greater losses in the natural gas market. Private-market solutions can address crises, and we should keep in the center of our minds that we want to foster private-market solutions as the way that we handle crises first and foremost. For the second point, hedge funds are already regulated indirectly by the fact that the banking system is regulated, and the banking system is the primary extender of credit to hedge funds. And last but not least, I think it's important that we keep in mind, that it's very convenient to say we should simply have more equity in the system, but equity is very expensive. And if we wish to reduce the cost of loans to consumers and loans to homeowners, we need to think of capital structures that have the right mix of equity to debt* + +**Chairman Henry Waxman \[41m17s\]** *Well, the private-market solution was organized by the Fed, so it wasn't without some public intervention. But is it your conclusion that we do need some greater federal regulation of hedge funds?* + +**Kenneth C. Griffin \[43m37s\]** *It is not my belief that we need greater government regulation of hedge funds with respect to the systemic risk they create.* + +**George Soros \[47m29s\]** *And I think that the publication of short positions, for instance, practically endangered the business model of long-short equity investors.* ***It's not our business. It's the other hedge funds that do that***\*, because of the action of the companies whose shares they were selling short.\* + +**George Soros \[1h09m05s\]** *At the same time, hedge funds do use leverage, and leverage by its very nature has the potential of being destabilizing because as the (price ?) -- market goes up, the value of the collateral increases, you can borrow more; and also, maybe since you are making profits, your appetite for borrowing more is increasing, so there greater willingness to lend by the banks. So this is, generally speaking, bubbles always involve credit. And since hedge funds use credit, they are contributors to the bubbles. It's nothing specific to hedge funds; it relates to everyone who uses credit.* + +**Mark Edward Souder \[1h12m00s\]** *Mr. Griffin, you've been the most aggressive in saying that there shouldn't be regulation. How would you respond to the other comments there?* + +**Kenneth C. Griffin \[1h12m10s\]** \[...\] in the middle of the financial crisis, we worked hand-in-hand with the SEC to create the necessary exemptions to allow Citadel to continue to make markets every day in options to millions of retail investors. And every day during this crisis, we have provided liquidity in the equities markets to millions of retail investors. \[...\] We've also worked hand-in-hand with the Federal Reserve Bank of New York on creating a clearinghouse for central credit default swaps. + +**Kenneth C. Griffin \[1h17m25s\]** *Every firm uses a different set of terminologies, and a different set of representations to describe their portfolios. Until we create central clearing houses for over-the-counter derivatives, any reporting that we're likely to create will be inscrutable to regulators.* + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +**Christopher Shays \[1h25m00s\]** *Let me ask all of you, then, do you think that you should be required to have your funds your own personal funds in every fund that you have? The implication is that since you make 20 percent of the profit, you might tend to be riskier with the funds you may not have your own money in because you still make 20 percent, and if you lose the funds lose, you don't lose anything.* + +**George Soros** *Well, I exactly in order to avoid this kind of conflict of interest, I only have one fund, and all my assets are in that fund.* + +**George Soros \[1h49m30s\]** *Well, I think that regulators have to understand that there is -- there is this uncertainty in markets. And that's why the risk-management methods used by individual participants who are only thinking of their own risk are not appropriate for calculating systemic risk. And to protect against systemic risk, you have to impose restrictions on the amount of credit or leverage market participants can use. That is actually the core of the argument that I'm putting forward.* + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +**Kenneth C. Griffin \[1h50m00s\]** *Good regulation and good policy reduce volatility in the market. And we are extremely invested in the safety and soundness of our financial system.* + +**Jim Cooper** *But doesn't your firm have a conflict of interest in grouping with CME to create clearinghouses and other means that might somehow prejudice the market? If you're partnering with the market maker or the clearinghouse, how do people know it's going to be a fair market?* + +**Kenneth C. Griffin** *Well, we would clearly have a very sharp distinction between our role as a contributor of intellectual property and know-how to the CME to expedite the launch of this clearinghouse from the day-to-day management of the clearinghouse. We will have no involvement in the day-to-day management of the clearinghouse because the positions of other market participants should not be made available to Citadel.* + +**Jim Cooper** *But that makes investors rely on a Chinese wall instead of a greater separation.* + +**Kenneth C. Griffin** *Well, CME will be running the clearinghouse. So we're not running it, just to be very clear on the record.* + +**Kenneth C. Griffin \[1h55m25s\]** And then I'd just -- I'd like to clarify one previous statement. On the issue of clearinghouses for credit default swaps, there were two primary solutions proposed over the last couple of weeks. One was the dealers in a consortium called TCC. The other is a solution by Citadel and the CME. A key distinction between these two solutions just a few weeks ago was that the CME solution is open to all, all financial market participants, both the buy-side and the sell-side, whereas the TCCsolution, the dealer solution, was to be open only to the dealer community. And I believe that all of us on the buy side, whether we'rePIMCO, BlackRock, Citadel -- Paulson would want a platform that is open to all. It goes back to transparent and fair markets. And we've seen the dealer community trying to create doubts as to why the CME'sis the best one -- this issue of Chinese walls. Let me just make it clear, we need a solution to meet the needs of all market participants, and I believe that our work with the CME to do so is in the best interests of our nation and the entire world financial system. + +**George Soros \[1h58m06s\]** *Well, certainly the introduction of new-fangled financial instruments has made it much harder to calculate leverage because some of those instruments are leveraged instruments. So given all the derivatives that have been introduced, calculating the leverage becomes a very, very complicated problem. And especially if you have tailor-made instruments, this is even more difficult. So I think that it may be necessary to actually -- well, certainly necessary for the regulators to understand what they are regulating. And if they don't, they should perhaps not allow some of those instruments to be used. So I think that the instruments themselves would have to be authorized, approved by the SEC, or whatever before they could be used.* +As the title suggests, it looks like we have a few weeks of doing very little and this will ultimately be quite boring. Now feels like a good time to try develop a habit and pick up some new skills. So, what skills have you picked up over the years that have been most valuable to you? For those like me in the same boat, what are you planning on starting to learn ? +>Disclaimer from Quora: A true short squeeze is a fairly rare event. There are probably 100 predicted for every 1 that occurs.* + +>There needs to be an unexpected positive event. This could be a huge earnings surprise, a takeover offer, new patent, drug approval, etc. + +>Unscrupulous stock promoters (PUMPERS) often dangle a potential short squeeze as a carrot to entice inexperienced investors to buy a bad stock. For instance, you will find predictions of a “massive short squeeze” on virtually every message board for every penny biotech stock. If you point out that there is insufficient short interest for a squeeze, the promoters just add lies about “naked short selling”.* + +There, nobody sue me for the pennies I have. The following is all for entertainment purposes only: + +**The intro:** + +Sup gamblers. Feel bad about missing the gain train on TSLA? Fear not - something much greater and stupider is here. + +You know Citadel? The MM that took all our money today? Well now we finally won’t be at the mercy of the MMs. Instead, we’re going to temporarily join forces with the Galactic Empire and hijack the death star. + +Our choice of weapon... $GME. + +**The setup:** + +Huh?? Isn’t GME an absolute piece of trash stock? NO (will explain below), and even if it is, it's not entirely relevant. The this turn around is going to make TSLA's short burn look like warm afternoon tea. + +Why? Well, most short squeezes are mostly math. This one is special because we have math AND great underlying news. + +To be clear, this will happen whether or not we participate. I prefer us idiots to be a part of history. Here’s what’s up: + +Short interest: + +GME currently has between 85% - 99.8% short interest, depending on what site you use. For context, 20% is already considered high as the moon. TSLA and NFLX were around 30-40% at their peak. But GME’S ACTUAL SHORT INTEREST IS OVER 110%. In case you think I’ve gone nuts, look below: + +=== + +Shares Outstanding (June 2) = 64.8M + +- Insider Shares (June 30) = 8.9M + +Total = Public Float = SO - IS = 55.8 M + +- Ryan Cohen Shares (8/31) = 6.2M + +Total = Adjusted Public Float - Ryan Cohen = 49.6M + +=== + +Shares Shorted (9/2) = 55.7M + +=== + +% Shorted (Total Shares) = 86% + +% Shorted (Float) = 99.8% + +**% Shorted (Adj. Float) = 112.3%** + +=== + +This is unheard of. Also, the short interest ratio/days to cover is 16 DAYS right now. Shorts are beyond trapped in their position. +And the insiders? They won’t sell. In fact.. they’ve been BUYING. + +Fine, what if the shorts are correct? They’ve been printing for 5 years. Ok fellow gamblers, here’s where the real DD comes in. +The reversal: + +3 big things will cause this reversal. Ryan Cohen, retail option buying, and Kenny G (Citadel) himself. + +Who’s Ryan Cohen? + +Ryan Cohen sold Chewy in 2017 for $3.3 billion. He poured most of his money into Apple and Wells Fargo, saying he hates diversification and only goes all in into things he has high conviction in. Cohen is a Buffet-like investor. He is the largest individual owner of AAPL, and has sat on his hands doing nothing for 3 years. + +**Until last week… he went long on $GME.** + +Who cares right? He’s just another gambler like us willing to lose money. Not in this case… RC is special due to his expertise in e-commerce. He understands how a smaller company can compete against Amazon and Walmart despite heavy competition. THAT, combined with his hatred against diworsification makes his interest in GME a bit special. + +RC can spin this into an e-commerce/tech company, which would make Wall Street drool from their mouths. He’s already caught the attention of a few people, hence the recent 75% run up since the RC announcement. + +RC only needs to disclose his investments every 10 days. If he’s been buying since 8/31, we won’t know until this week. + +Add to that, the original contrarian Michael Burry found that 90% of stores were free cash flow positive before COVID. GME’s balance sheet is healthy with $100M in net cash (around $500M cash and $400M debt), so they aren’t going bankrupt anytime soon. They also added 2 more activist investors, Kurtis Wolf and Paul Evans, who were nominated by Hestia Capital Partners and Permit Capital Enterprise Fund, to turn the ship around. + +All this meaning, prominent figures have sKiN iN tHe gAmE, and if needed (unlikely) they have more cash to see it through. + +Second and third, degenerate gambling retail robinhooders + CITADEL. Told you we’re going to work with him this time. + +Thanks to MMs literally not using their brain and relying on ze maths to configure their entire business, we can take advantage of them sleeping at the wheel for a few seconds, and cause them to ram into GME for us. + +It looks like this: RH Call Option buying -> MM Delta hedging/share purchase -> short squeezing -> Greater retail/RHers price action chasing/call option buying -> MM Delta hedging/share purchase -> short squeezing -> Institutional and new channels flip the script -> GME to $400+ -> cash out. + +By the way. This is NOT a pump and dump. This is a kick in the shorts’ teeth. The stock will STAY HIGH. + +For reference: if $GME was trading at the same P/S multiple as $CHWY, the share price would be $420. + +Maths: + +On being delta neutral - quick refresher from a WSB classic: + +>“Part of the reason we see outsized moves is when a stock starts moving the dealers who are short the calls need to buy more stock to hedge. This can easily double the amount of buying pressure out there and lead to very exaggerated moves. + + +>As the stock goes up, so does the delta of the stocks calls and dealers who were originally perfectly delta hedged before the move effectively become short the stock as it moves higher so they need to buy more stock to “hedge up” or flatten their exposure/risk." + +Remember, since GME is literally 99.8% of float short (ignoring RC’s shares for now) they currently HAVE LESS THAN 50,000 SHARES IN LIQUIDITY. + +https://iborrowdesk.com/report/GME + +As of writing this, delta on average is around 0.200, give or take. Higher for near dated (0.395) lower for long dated (0.195). Let’s be conservative and call it 0.2 for the time being. So now, for every call option I buy, MMs need to delta hedge with 20 shares. + +Here’s where it gets insane: + +If $100,000 in calls are bought from RH, Citadel is forced to buy the remaining 50,000 shares. I’m using 10/16 $15C for this example. This is an insanely small amount of money, especially with Ryan Cohen, retail idiots, and the rest of the SeekingAlpha vultures waiting for this play. It’s a ticking time bomb waiting to happen. + +Let’s say Burry wakes up and decides to drop $600,000 in call options. This is going to force Kenny to delta hedge 300,000 in GME shares. When there are only under 50,000 shares available in PUBLIC FLOAT. This has NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE IN HISTORY. In an accidental squeeze (KBIO, VW), the shorts can’t buy back and get priced out momentarily. Pump and dump. Not what's happening here. + +In a contrarian bet leading to a squeeze, shorts bail their positions and the stock STAYS HIGH (TSLA, PTON). The stock is no longer being artificially suppressed, and the shorts are NOT going short again. + +To tell you the truth, I don’t even know how far this is going to blow up, since there is literally no historical precedent for this. I just know things are about to get very very insane. + +Now also add in the fact that GME is at a 5 year low, which means shorts can be largely satisfied with their gains, and are comfortable covering their shorts. Which, as a reminder, they have to BUY back. + +-Cut to Ryan Gosling toppling the Jenga pieces- + +**The timing:** + +Alright, if you’ve read up to now, I can assume you’re in. IV is off the charts right now. That’s what happens when a stonk goes up 75% in a week. Sorry, but the Ryan Cohen news is actually big news. + +PRE-EARNINGS BET + +There’s no idea how the call will go. So place your bets if you think it will go well. If $GME absolutely misses the mark, this DD is worthless. BTW GME flopped the last 2 earnings - that's why there have been no big gains. Proceed at your own risk. + +Few things I’m betting on: + +First, GME beats earnings. All gaming companies, Nintendo, Sony, ATVI beat due to COVID lockdowns. Same store sales should be flat or up, with 300 less total stores. $GME is expected to post a loss of 1.27 EPS. That's way too low. + +Second, activist investor activity. Cohen is sharp as a knife and will make sure things get aligned correctly. He's more financially oriented than most founder/CEOs. He can probably recite CHWY's balance sheet to you off the top of his head, and he understands the investing environment (bad IPOs, interest rates, SPACs). Meaning, he's not a gung ho YOLO Masayoshi / Grant Cardone coked out founder. He's disciplined. Yea I did some stalking... Well you know I had to. + +Third, positive news cycle due to Console Cycle: http://charts.stocktwits.com/production/original_240233258.jpg + +If you’re wondering why fund managers aren’t covering and going long, remember that they have a JOB. They can’t make contrarian bets at the risk of looking idiotic. Cohen and Burry can because they own their own money. + +They can talk about how $GME is going to be Blockbustered. Only one problem - GME’s Netflix… is GME itself. By the way, VW was also heavily shorted during a recession because everyone thought they would be bankrupt. Jus sayin. + +AFTER EARNINGS + +If GME rockets after earnings, the short squeeze has started and we can pile on weekly 10-20% OTM options to force KG to delta hedge by buying shares, ad infinitum: see $TSLA. + +If GME tanks, buy cheap options in anticipation of the short burn. + +**The trade:** + +In order to capture the biggest upside, the highest strike call option is best. Remember when TSLA was going up so fast they didn't even have existing options to match the parabolic gains? Same will happen here. We only have $30Cs now, so these will have to do. + +15 Jan 2021 $30.00 C. + +Also, since we don’t know when GME will skyrocket, this gives you time to capture any squeeze that happens. + +16 Oct $15.00 C. + +This lets you capture more asymmetric upside in case the squeeze happens quickly. + +LAST, and timing is crucial here. ONLY WHEN I get the confirmed signal that the squeeze is happening, I will pound weeklies 10-20% above strike price. Again forcing Kenny to hedge with shares, causing shorts to cover and BUY back, increasing the delta of the call, getting retail and institutional attention, buying more calls/shares, delta hedge, shorts cover, ad infinitum. + +The weeklies have the highest delta, so Citadel will be forced to hedge the most by buying shares. In other words, we’ll get the biggest bang for our buck in squeezing these. + +There is a chance Citadel/MMs switches to buying puts to delta hedge. Like I said, they’re asleep at the wheel for a second, retail will likely ram before they change their algos. + +However, once the squeeze takes off, not even Citadel will be able to stop it. In any case, if they do start to buy puts, we can sell the puts as a bonus. + +Like /u/dlkdev once said, the only way to beat a rigged game is to rig it even harder. + +This is not fraud. There is no manipulation here. We aren’t forcing anyone to do anything. It’s going to happen with or without us. But I want to ride. + +Earnings will light the match, but we can add all sorts of gasoline to the fire. + +I stole some data/ideas from a couple of different articles on Seeking Alpha/reddit/google/youtube. I’m not claiming credit for this trade, I don’t really care. In fact, I beg you to completely ignore me. I even dare you to short GME. I’ll happily take your money. + +**TL;DR: $GME is vastly oversold.** + +**GME is TSLA one year ago. GME is AAPL in 2017. Add to that the greatest short burn you’ll see in history, and you’re in for a hell of a show.** + +Also GME is uncorrelated with the market. It might even be negatively correlated (it was today). It's only worth $500M (3 Bel-Air houses) and fund managers are happy to cut a high risk/low return position. Let your cognitive biases run free. + +Ryan Cohen & Michael Burry if you see this - you better buy as much as you can now. When GME gets to fair value of $26B+, you won't be able to take over the company and kick out the backwards exec team. Good luck. + +**Edit1: $GME missed and tanked. Not much Cohen can do in 1 week. IV is dead and liquidity is still dry. Get cheap calls while you still can. PLAY IS STILL ON. +As the title says, I got a ridiculous 1099 from Acorns for no dividends, qualified dividends, or gains or losses for over $1. I know that the IRS calculates tax in $50 chunks but if I run it thru turbotax and see no change in my refund is it necessary to amend the return? + +EDIT: Honestly only expected a handful of responses to this when I posted it this morning as I was drinking my coffee, but damn thanks everyone! Appreciate the advice! +I did my PGCE this summer and passed. I did not get a job in the UK and looked for anything in inner/outer London. I would have lived rent free in zone 3 with my parents. + +My curret salary in Qatar is 10200 Rial or £2080 per month (no tax). I also get free accomodation worth 2500 real per month (£510) which is decent. However I would be living rent free in London as well and when I send my money back to my UK account I usually only get £2000. + +If I had stayed in the UK my salary would have been £32,157 (pre tax) a year or £2126 per month after tax (according to the MSE caclulator). But I do miss out on my teacher pension and [national insurance](https://i.imgur.com/wCqsIM6.png) of £2719. + +Pros - Job, Free rent in Qatar, Work 45 hours a week instead of 50-55. + +Cons - Miss out on living in London, No friends, No family, No social life, No human rights, No NHS, No pension. + +I came to Qatar for work but am unsure if I should come back to the UK after only 1 term here. Loads of teachers just fly back in the middle of the night as they realise they don't like it. Is it worth heading back at this point for a higher salary and better quality of life? +Washington rushed to pump the American economy with emergency-style medicine in recent years -- even though there was no emergency in sight. Now, there really is a national emergency. And there's a growing realization that Washington blew through a chunk of its recession-fighting ammo long before it was needed. + +https://www.cnn.com/2020/03/18/business/recession-deficit-federal-reserve-coronavirus/index.html +(The May 2022 consumer price index (cpi) rose 8.6% year over year, that is the highest since 1981 and worse then wall street expected. [Dow dives 800 points, S&P 500 posts worst week since January after inflation hits 40-year high](https://www.cnbc.com/2022/06/09/stock-market-news-open-to-close.html)) + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +\---------------- [(full article here)](https://www.bls.gov/news.release/cpi.nr0.htm) \------------------------ + +The Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) increased 1.0 percent in May on a seasonally adjusted basis after rising 0.3 percent in April, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Over the last 12 months, the all items index increased 8.6 percent before seasonal adjustment. + +The increase was broad-based, with the indexes for shelter, gasoline, and food being the largest contributors. After declining in April, the energy index rose 3.9 percent over the month with the gasoline index rising 4.1 percent and the other major component indexes also increasing. The food index rose 1.2 percent in May as the food at home index increased 1.4 percent. + +The index for all items less food and energy rose 0.6 percent in May, the same increase as in April. While almost all major components increased over the month, the largest contributors were the indexes for shelter, airline fares, used cars and trucks, and new vehicles. The indexes for medical care, household furnishings and operations, recreation, and apparel also increased in May. + +**The all items index increased 8.6 percent for the 12 months ending May, the largest 12-month increase since the period ending December 1981**. The all items less food and energy index rose 6.0 percent over the last 12 months. The energy index rose 34.6 percent over the last year, the largest 12-month increase since the period ending September 2005. The food index increased 10.1 percent for the 12-months ending May, the first increase of 10 percent or more since the period ending March 1981. + +\--------------------------------------------- + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +\------------------[(full article here)](https://tradingeconomics.com/united-states/inflation-cpi)\----------------------------- + +Annual inflation rate in the US unexpectedly accelerated to 8.6% in May of 2022, the highest since December of 1981 and compared to market forecasts of 8.3%. Energy prices rose 34.6%, the most since September of 2005, due to gasoline (48.7%), fuel oil (106.7%, the largest increase on record), electricity (12%, the largest 12-month increase since August 2006), and natural gas (30.2%, the most since July 2008). Food costs surged 10.1%, the first increase of 10% or more since March 1981. Big increases were seen in prices of meats, poultry, fish, and eggs (14.2%). Other increases were also seen in cost of shelter (5.5%, the most since February 1991), household furnishings and operations (8.9%), used cars and trucks (16.1%) and airline fares (37.8%) while cost of new vehicles eased slightly (12.6% vs 13.2%). Meanwhile, core inflation rate slowed for a second month to 6%, compared to expectations of 5.9%. + +\---------------------------------------------- + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +(other articles below) + +[US Inflation Unexpectedly Accelerates to 40-Year High of 8.6% Pressuring Fed and Biden](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/us-inflation-unexpectedly-accelerates-40-123613634.html) + +[Inflation rose 8.6% in May, highest since 1981](https://www.cnbc.com/2022/06/10/consumer-price-index-may-2022.html) + +[U.S. inflation quickens to 8.5%, ratcheting up pressure on Fed](https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/u-s-inflation-quickens-to-8-5-ratcheting-up-pressure-on-fed-1.1751160) + +[Prices Rise Rapidly in May: Live Updates](https://www.nytimes.com/live/2022/06/10/business/inflation-cpi-report-may) + +[Fed task gets tougher, putting 75-basis-point hike back in view](https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/fed-seen-extending-steep-rate-hike-path-to-cool-heated-inflation-1.1777179) + +[Stocks crushed after inflation hits 40-year high: Nasdaq falls 3.5%, S&P 500 suffers worst week since January](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/stock-market-news-live-updates-june-10-2022-111928913.html) + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; +Welcome to the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +The thread guidelines are as follows: + +- All sub rules apply here so please review our **[rules page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/)** to become familiar with them. The rules page is also linked in the announcement bar above. +- This thread is intended as a welcome place for discussion of all non-Ethereum related crypto. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +Welcome to the **/r/EthTrader** Daily Discussion thread. The thread guidelines are as follows: +*** + +- Discussion topics include but are not limited to general discussion, details related to events of the day, technical analysis, Ethereum Classic, and minor questions. +- Important content should be posted as a separate thread. +- Be excellent to each other. + +*** + +Thank you in advance for your participation. Enjoy! + +With all this FUD I sometimes forget. I doubt a little. + +Been looking at Steemit for example. Maybe buy some Steem? + +So I spend some hours looking around, thinking, researching, comparing etc. + +I just cant do it. ETH is just to valuable to me. There isnt anything like it, not even close. Its crypto 2.0 + +My crypto holdings are 99%+ ETH. Rest is mostly BTC for practical purposes. + +Aint selling my ETH. Period. +Welcome to the **/r/EthTrader** Daily Discussion thread. The thread guidelines are as follows: +*** + +- Discussion topics include but are not limited to general discussion, details related to events of the day, technical analysis, Ethereum Classic, and minor questions. +- Important content should be posted as a separate thread. +- Be excellent to each other. + +*** + +Thank you in advance for your participation. Enjoy! + +A claim was denied twice for procedure I had and now I owe $2500 that I can't pay, and tried to call earlier today and was put on hold till they were closed and the phone hung up, called back and had to leave a message with the billing office that takes payments. + +One of my bills goes into collections on August 1st because I can't afford to keep paying every month and was told it should be fine to skip some months, but guess not. + +I also have a foot issue/limp and my appointment got pushed back another 2 months due to doctor being 'busy' that week with their week off. + +I just can't win, everything's going downhill. +So to spare you the link Motley fool is trying to get people onboard by promoting an up and coming cord cutting service. Of course they arent telling what it is so you get on their money wagon. + +What they do say: + +* California company. +* In the markets of cable cutting (ditching cable TV in favor of streaming service alternatives) +* NOT a Streaming company, but compares it to being "instead the gold digger, the one selling the picks and shovels" so probably some sort of middle management akin to something like Roku. +* Big moneybag investors are quietly buying it. + +So rather than jump in like an idiot, I've been looking around trying to find this supposed cash cow company, and all i seem to find is nothing. This instantly strikes me as suspicious. Why wouldn't a promising company have their name on google for me to find? So my next step was checking out /r/cordcutters. They know their way around this market, and whatever may be new and coming, yet I havent found anything there either. Frankly after a couple hours searching the closest thing I can find that fits the bill is Roku, which well isn't promising in the least. So I'm posting all of this to share my scepticism in this. That and the very unlikely chance there's actually something here in all this. +With the Tootsie fucking Rolls tweet. https://twitter.com/ryancohen/status/1470363505027129346/photo/1 + +And I predicted it within hours of the tweet: https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/rfr2at/tootsie_roll_meaning_implied_shares_outstanding/ + + +The round-house kick I am referring to is creating a GME subsidiary with its own stock symbol. That gives so many options, like issuing every GME holder a dividend in the form of 1 share of GME Entertainment for each GME held + +After Ryan's tweet I took a little look around and found that Tootsie Roll has **39 million shares** outstanding, HOWEVER they also have **67 million implied shares** outstanding. + + +***Here is a highly relevant excerpt from my Tootsie Roll thread:*** + +**<absolute speculation from here on out>** + +**I don't think it's going to be about acquisitions though, but about subsidiaries coming from within. GameStop's NFT department is like an internal startup as they said, imagine they become their own subsidiary with their own stock symbol, and every GME holder, doesn't matter if naked or not, receives 1 share of that. Possibly through their new platform to kickstart its userbase. The squeeze would set in just a little later: This dividend of 1 subsidiary share could prove once and for all how many shares there are in circulation, since there is no reason for brokers or the DTCC to deny the distribution as it's not a finite amount of NFTs but an infinite amount of new shares in this subsidiary, it could give an actual view of how deep the naked short position is and informs SHFs of the actual amount of shares they need to buy back.** + +**Alternatively, GameStop's shareholders can also just lock the float through DRS and get this shit over with** +With the Tootsie fucking Rolls tweet. https://twitter.com/ryancohen/status/1470363505027129346/photo/1 + +And I predicted it within hours of the tweet: https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/rfr2at/tootsie_roll_meaning_implied_shares_outstanding/ + + +The round-house kick I am referring to is creating a GME subsidiary with its own stock symbol. That gives so many options, like issuing every GME holder a dividend in the form of 1 share of GME Entertainment for each GME held + +After Ryan's tweet I took a little look around and found that Tootsie Roll has **39 million shares** outstanding, HOWEVER they also have **67 million implied shares** outstanding. + + +***Here is a highly relevant excerpt from my Tootsie Roll thread:*** + +**<absolute speculation from here on out>** + +**I don't think it's going to be about acquisitions though, but about subsidiaries coming from within. GameStop's NFT department is like an internal startup as they said, imagine they become their own subsidiary with their own stock symbol, and every GME holder, doesn't matter if naked or not, receives 1 share of that. Possibly through their new platform to kickstart its userbase. The squeeze would set in just a little later: This dividend of 1 subsidiary share could prove once and for all how many shares there are in circulation, since there is no reason for brokers or the DTCC to deny the distribution as it's not a finite amount of NFTs but an infinite amount of new shares in this subsidiary, it could give an actual view of how deep the naked short position is and informs SHFs of the actual amount of shares they need to buy back.** + +**Alternatively, GameStop's shareholders can also just lock the float through DRS and get this shit over with** +That was 21 days ago... since then +-gme Twitter force awakens +-moass tweet, gme moon tweet etc +-RC tweets from Washington GameStop +-Speculative Cohen/SEC meeting +-GameStop stops tweeting +-GameStop.com open for business in EU, UK and some of South America. + +Prior to this, they were releasing new and info on average weekly. And now silence. And that silence is getting loud. + +And before you say blackout period, those prevent executives from buying/selling a stock prior to earnings based on insider info. Does not prevent a company from releasing material corporate announcement. +Wondering if anyone else has had to take a little detour to FIRE because of serious lifestyle creep. + +36 here...about 15m net worth....2-3m (pre tax) current income in VHCOL city. Bought a jet card for the first time two years ago (Flexjet) and now am just hooked. 250k a year for 50 hours basically covers all our domestic / regional flying on a light or midsize jet. Obviously I'm not at the wealth level where we "should" be doing this...and it's going to meaningfully delay FIRE...but it's just SO MUCH BETTER. I still don't see the value in transcon (NY->LA) and certainly not international... but the 2-3 hour flights at 12-15k vs 2k commercial have become kinda hard to give up. Anyone else? Anyone have any tips for doing it more cost effectively? + +The past 6-8 weeks I have bought 100s of shares of mostly what I already owned and on red days. I often sort by % gain that day and scroll down and pick up some of the laggards. Day after day of AAPL TSLA MSFT GOOG UWMC WBA SWKS QCOM TGT XOM MO HD WMT and on and on. I believe in all my positions. + +During this same time frame I have loaded up in like over 50+ LEAPS in PLTR NIO TSLA SoFi TTCF NNDM MU AMD ARKF DKNG BABA Z off the top of my head. + +Started selling more CCs on today’s up day. + +Only time will tell if these were the right plays. I post most of plays and effort to be transparent for all to see and judge. It is not easy to buy the dips as your portfolio bleeds, but scared money don’t make money. + +Good luck-it’s crazy out there! +>Senate Banking Committee, couldn’t help but remark on it a few weeks later, when questioning Christopher Cox, the then-chief of the Securities and Exchange Commission. “I would hope that you’re looking at this,” Dodd said. “This kind of spike must have triggered some sort of bells and whistles at the SEC. This goes beyond rumors.” + +... + +>“I’ve seen the SEC send agents overseas in a simple insider-trading case to investigate profits of maybe $2,000,” says Brent Baker, a former senior counsel for the commission. “But they did nothing to stop this.” + +... + +>According to the former head of Bear’s mortgage business, Tom Marano, the rumors within Bear itself that week centered around Citadel and Goldman. Both firms were later subpoenaed by the SEC as part of its investigation into market manipulation — and the CEOs of Both Bear and Lehman were so suspicious that they reportedly contacted Blankfein to ask whether his firm was involved in the scam. + +... + +>Asked to rate how obvious a case of naked short-selling Bear is, on a scale of one to 10, former SEC counsel Brent Baker doesn’t hesitate. “Easily a 10,” he says. + +... + +>“This isn’t a trail of bread crumbs,” former SEC enforcement director Irving Pollack has pointed out. “This audit trail is lit up like an airport runway. You can see it a mile off. Subpoena e-mails. Find out who spread false rumors and also shorted the stock, and you’ve got your manipulators.” + +... + +>It would be an easy matter for the SEC to determine who killed Bear and Lehman, if it wanted to — all it has to do is look at the trading data maintained by the stock exchanges. But 18 months after the widespread market manipulation, the federal government’s cop on the financial beat has barely lifted a finger to solve the two biggest murders in Wall Street history. The SEC refuses to comment on what, if anything, it is doing to identify the wrongdoers, saying only that “investigations related to the financial crisis are a priority.” + +https://www.rollingstone.com/feature/wall-streets-naked-swindle-194908/ +KEY POINTS +-All-star hedge fund manager David Einhorn explains in a letter why his hedge funds lost more than a third of their value last year. + +-Greenlight Capital, lost 11.4 percent in the fourth quarter, bringing its decline to 34.2 percent in 2018. + +-He also decided to reopen his funds to new investments, a move not seen since 2014. + +https://www.cnbc.com/2019/01/23/hedge-fund-manager-einhorn-explains-why-he-lost-more-than-30percent-last-year-nothing-went-right.html +Hi All + +Long time lurker, first time poster. + +&#x200B; + +I was wondering what your opinions are on a simple 3 fund portfolio for a high net worth individual (10million +)? Compared to a more complex 15 fund portfolio, but with the same philosophy of diversified, low cost index funds? + +&#x200B; + +I have had a few advisors tell me that a 3 fund portfolio is great for someone who is starting out and growing their net worth, but less than ideal for someone who has "won the game" and is looking to protect wealth and be as tax efficient as possible (tax loss/gain harvesting). I just don't know if the services they provide outweigh the advisor fees or if they are just blowing smoke so I decide to stick with the advisor. + +&#x200B; + +Right now, I am with a small wealth management firm that charges 0.2% per year and the portfolio funds have an average expense of 0.25%. So a total of 0.45% per year. I like the idea of a simple 3 fund portfolio, as it is something I can easily manage myself and I would pay a total of around 0.1% in fund fees. I just can't figure out if there are some extra benefits tax wise to having a portfolio with more funds in it that would help me save in taxes through the years and compensate for the additional advisor fees. + +&#x200B; + +Any advice or thoughts would be appreciated! + +Thanks! +I vaguely remember some folks posting here were killing it after the first wave. I'm wondering if pandemic economics has changed over time. If you were doing well, how are you doing now? Better, worse or the same? If you weren't doing so hot, have you turned things around or is the pandemic still making it hard to do your job? What business are you in and how has covid changed it? +If you said "Hey *bank*.. I have $50,000,000 worth of crypto and I am ready to cash in." Is there a process for amounts that large? Always wondered how that works. +Already asked this question on Blind but surprisingly didn’t get many responses. I currently make 550k TC, breaks down as 220k base + 330k publicly traded RSUs. I am losing my taste for Big Tech, however, and have been offered a VP position at a promising Series B startup. Cash comp is very similar and the equity is higher (but of course completely illiquid and of unknown actual value). + +Has anyone ever given up a ton of liquid TC to join the startup lottery? How did it turn out for you? +Hello everyone, just wanted to know if anyones previous knowledge/understanding of calc has helped them in their options journey. Has anyone used their understanding of calculus to profit from options? +Not feeling like things are gonna get better... for a while, I hoped it was just a typical generational rite of passage... you know, everyone who gets over 40 starts complaining about how much better things were back in their day. From social culture to art to inflation. + +But now the fear has been growing that this is so much worse. Probably a repeat of others' sentiments, thus I gave it the flair it has... Thanks for the outlet. Please chime in. +I'd like to see a few examples of folks that have Fire'd with a mostly-equity portfolio. For example, if someone Fire'd with a $5mm portfolio, and they are living on $200k per year, how are they actually pulling the $200k out? +Hey, +after i graduated in october I have a well paid job (about 2500€ after tax per month). It's a consultant job so I travel much. Right now I still live with my parents but in the near future I want to move out there. But, due to the traveling, I'm mostly at home on the weekend. With meeting my girlfriend and such stuff I would be ~8-10 days per month in a flat +We live in a little village, rural, but I want to stay there. With the amount of money I can save right now I had the idea of buying a flat instead of renting it. +If I rent it I pay about 400-500 Euros per month. For the flat I think the price is about 55k. With the aspect of spending only a few days per month in the appartment, buying the appartement seems the better solution to me. With a credit of 50k I could buy the flat. After 5 years I would be debt free and have a flat that I could rent out or still live in it. + +Does make sense for you or would be renting the better option. I see the whole thing, even with the rural situation, as a investment. +Hey everyone + +I'm looking to buy a house with my partner for around 250K. + +Neither of us is in a great place for a big loan. My GF is new to the job market, and her income is moderate. My income is high, but I also haven't accumulated many years, and also I have my own business, which makes it more difficult to get a loan. + +I have around 60K in ETFs, and I inherited a house that I'm going to sell, which will likely get me around 120K. Part of me wants just to save this money for the house, while part of me also wants to give up on the house idea in the short/medium term, and add everything to my ETFs. For the latter, we would rent a house instead and just buy our own house when we're older. + +I was wondering if perhaps I could do both. I could transfer my 60K in ETFs to the bank that would give me the loan, buy 120K extra, and then use that as collateral. Of course, they would only give me a % of that but still sounds like a great deal to me and a great help in reaching the rest of the funds needed (that would be my GF's loan + upfront saved money from both). And this way I'd benefit from having a very significant amount of money invested now, which would pay off massively in 10-20+ years. + +Unsure how common/doable this is? Anything that I am missing that might make this a bad idea? + +The loan payments wouldn't be an issue, my income easily covers it and my job is fairly secure. Nor will I need the money in the ETFs anytime soon (the main goal with that is retirement, and I'm in my late 20s). + +Any insight is appreciated. +Thanks. +Hello, wise minds! +Hope you are doing great today! + +I would like to know your opinions about the mortgage interest forecast. + +I'm thinking about how I can distribute my mortgage debt with the bank, if in several years with fixed interest or stick to variable interest. + + +Do you think that the interest rate will continue going up in the next years? + + +Thanks for your wisdom!! +Now let me state from the outset that I had never heard of this company until I came across you autistic bunch. + +For the fun I jumped on board and it has obviously tanked since. + +However, I am still incredibly confident and fine to sit back and wait because of one man. Alex Waislitz. He is a billionaire tech fund manager who is the guru and one of Australia’s best when it comes to tech investing. His company thorney got in at sub $100m mkt cap and to date appears to not have sold any shares. + +Why is this significant? Well if someone who had essentially 10x their money hasn’t sold down or bailed at all means they’re extremely confident about the companies future. + +Phillip King from Regal is also a substantial shareholder and hasn’t sold. I don’t like Phil but he’s another smart guy who hasn’t sold. Follow the smart money people. + +If management pulls this off they’ll be taken over by an overseas chip maker in no time. Their distribution network and contacts would accelerate the whole project years ahead of where it is now. + +If he sells out though, then I’m out. + +🚀 +Hey, so i just joined the group and have been bombarded by Z1P posts talking about its rich prospects. + +Whats so amazing about this stock and why now? Is it because its gaining traction in the U.S.? + +Im kinda new to investing btw so any help is appreciated. Cheers +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](http://discord.gg/2sQBNuM) +Hi guys, + +I gave it a little thought and to me logically, obviously, factually etc. the best long term investment (at least 20-30 years) in the world is in water. I might have been slightly inspired by the ending of The Big Short where it's revealed that Michael Burry invests mostly in water - he is also short in TSLA :). I was also inspired by Netflix's Rotten documentary series - the episode Troubled Water. + +Specifically I am talking about investing in companies dealing with the desalination of seawater business. + +Facts supporting my claim/analysis: + +Human population doesn't stop growing and the planet is already overpopulated (around 2-3 billions more than it can normally support). This only means more and more water consumption. Population growth will reduce in 2050 or around that time but my idea is achieving growth until then. + +It's projected that many areas around the world have medium to high water shortage risk around 2040. + +Long term investments like Bitcoin and Gold cannot save you from dehydration if there is no water to buy/drink. If two commodities (not essential to keeping you alive) have trillions of $ of market cap, imagine what market cap could the drinkable water reach if it becomes globally scarce. + +Still most water we use is freshwater found in nature - this water is exponentially decreasing due to the industry demands, the pollution and the increase in population. Global climate change probably helps as well. There are also rains but not all rain water is drinkable. Sometimes they are also acid. + +Literally almost everything costs thousands of liters of water to make but we don't notice it because there is still a lot of free/cheap and easily accessible water for use. A cup of coffee takes 150 liters to produce. A kilogram of meat takes 5000 - 20000 liters. 1 kg of chocolate takes 17 000 liters. Sure not all of that is drinkable water but it's not dirty water as well so water treatment plants will benefit from the need of such water. + +Desalination of seawater is a way to turn most of the planet's water into drinkable water. The freshwater sources took probably thousands of years to form and we almost depleted them mostly in the last two centuries! Many people pointed out it's expensive and not economical but they don't consider the labor value if water becomes several times more expensive. Desalination plants wouldn't change much in price but the underlying product will which could make it an economically efficient investment. + +The desalination business is growing steady and is still very small which looks like a great investment opportunity. Market cap is just $32 billion. The global desalination capacity increased by 65% between 2010 and 2015 without any major global water events. Even in California it's already a perpetual water crisis without an easy solution. With the fast depletion of water everyone around the world will be forced to look for alternatives and they could turn to desalination plants as there are not much alternatives. + +At present there are **35 desalination plants** only in the UAE. They have no other efficient ways to get potable water as there are simply no freshwater sources around. + +How to invest? + +The only almost perfect company I managed to find is CWCO (Consolidated Water). I have stocks in it but I cannot make a very good recommendation as I haven't discovered alternatives and I might be misleading potential investors. I call the company almost perfect because it deals with everything related to the business. But one issue is that currently it heavily relies on tourism due to the location of it's plants. Do you know of other 100% desalination companies? + +Most of the currently available investments in water are overall a joke - water ETFs/indexes contain mostly water supply/utility/sewage companies and/or companies which use a lot of water which is very non optimal if one expects the price of water to increase in time. Think about it. If you know that gold will increase in price would you invest in a company which finds gold or in one which sells shovels for digging of gold (and other minerals)... + +Edit: I've corrected some initial wrong claims for which my apologies. Thanks a lot for the feedback and suggestions! I've added also my second inspiration. +The most common theory why Satoshi remained anonymous was out of fear he would be arrested or killed. + +Makes sense. He knew what he was doing, he knew the consequences, he knew how the corporate establishment worked. + +He knew that the corporate establishment would do ANYTHING to smear him as a bad person. They would have looked into his life and found something wrong, and highlighted that Nationwide through corporate media, and all those non-coiners that you see today saying... + +- cryptocurrency is bad + +- cryptocurrency is used by criminals organizations to hide money + +- crypto is a fad like tulips + +- it has no value + +- it's going to destroy the Earth as we know it. + +**All of those people would buy into it like a $1,200 iPhone to use for selfies and Facebook only because it makes them feel smart**. + +But Satoshi didn't only remain anonymous for this reason, he remained anonymous to protect you, he did it for you. He knew the corporate establishment had Mass control over the internet, and your privacy would be invaded like termites in a dead tree. + +He knew your information being exposed can be used against you at any time if somebody powerful wanted to ruin your life for going against them. + +He knew that if he was smeared that way that there would have been Draconian laws well before 2017 preventing Bitcoin usage. + +###He knew the only way for it to be adopted before it can be taken down was for most people... + +- not to hear about it before there were already enough adopters + +- not to understand it so the establishment wouldn't understand enough to see it as a threat. + +He knew it had to be a very slow adoption. + +###Now you have countries nervous and trying to compete with it. + +That's why China has the... + +###e-Yuan + +So hats off to Satoshi + +Thanks for helping us establish decentralization against corporate nation. + + +EDIT: I ACCIDENTALLY HIT POST WITHOUT FINISHING. +I got married a little over a year ago and we have been consolidating our accounts recently. I stopped into a local branch of my wife's bank to change my address and switch over my direct deposit. The bank employee was helpful, but he kept trying to get me to sign up for a credit card the entire time. I declined multiple times, and at the end I told him that I wouldn't make this type of decision without my wife anyway, but I would ask her that night and if we decided to enrol, I would call him back. + +We both agreed that we did not need a fourth credit card, so I didn't call back. He called me a time or two over the weekend and I missed the calls but he left voicemails encouraging me to sign up for the credit card and also said he was looking at my file and noticed that the bank owns our mortgage and that I should consider taking out a HELOC as well. This just kind of rubbed me the wrong way, he was too pushy, so I just never called him back. + +Fast forward a few days and I get a notification that my phone number had been changed in the bank's system. I called to find out why, but nobody was able to offer an explanation. It was weird because it was changed from my cell number to my parents' phone number (I haven't lived with my parents since 2005). I have no idea how this happened, neither of them are with the bank and being a new customer I have no idea how they would have ever even known about that phone number. In the end I just changed it back and let it go after getting nowhere with customer service. + +Two weeks later, I get an email saying welcome to our credit program and I sign onto my online banking to see a new credit card section! This dude has signed me up without my permission. I was furious. I call the bank manager and he confirmed the same employee did it. He also confirmed that the employee had used my parents' phone number on the application (which is creepy because I don't even know how he got that number to begin with). + +What are my options here? I think this guy thought he could just take advantage of me and get a nice commission because I'm a younger guy, but I'm furious and feel violated. + +I also haven't received the card yet and if this dude imputed the wrong phone number, how do I know he didn't send the card to the wrong address? How do I know he didn't take this a step further and apply for that HELOC he was trying to sell me or something? I know that isn't likely, but who knows? + +Any advice? + +TLDR; Bank employee signs me up for a credit card without my permission. + +EDIT: Okay, the card came in the mail. So at least there's that. + +EDIT2: Wow I did not expect this kind of response. Thanks everyone so much for all the advice. I just heard back from the district manager and corporate and HR are now involved. They said they are doing an investigation and will be having a sit down with the employee about this issue on Monday. They also will be providing a letter in order to get the account closed and have the inquiry removed from my credit. I will update as this progresses. +[https://www.cnbc.com/2020/05/18/moderna-reports-positive-data-on-early-stage-coronavirus-vaccine-trial.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2020/05/18/moderna-reports-positive-data-on-early-stage-coronavirus-vaccine-trial.html) +Hey Everyone, +Canadian citizen with Australian PR here and currently living in Canada. Looking to buy a house and move to Brisbane. This is my first time applying for a mortgage in Australia and it seems the debt servicing calculations are done quite differently than Canada. + +My broker is telling me that because I have a large credit card limit (40k) that it’s an open liability and will reduce the mortgage amount I qualify for. I only spend 1-2k on my card monthly and always pay back in full every month, offering to show statements 12 months back to prove this. But no use. She says I have to call my credit card and have them drop my limit to 3-4k which I really don’t want to do. + +Is this standard practice across Australia or should i be looking for another mortgage broker? +Some information : Each month I can contribute about 232usd to this pie + some leftovers. I am 27yrs and willing to hold and invest forever. I was thinking about adding some dividend etf to the pie too, but I am not sure which one. + +Thanks for any advice :) + +https://preview.redd.it/gmym9dtoj3c81.png?width=3440&format=png&auto=webp&s=a4f86cff70c1525bdd685ff5d2c75ba49d2226f7 +#### Statement from the Chancellor of the Exchequer (8th Jul) + +## I will update as I gather more information, but please let me know if there are any obvious mistakes. + +* Act with a plan for jobs +* Protect, support, and create jobs +* 25% contraction in 2 months +* Economic response: moves in three phases +* Now in second phase of economic response, third phase is for rebuilding + +____ + +* CJRS will cease - flexibly and gradually wind down by October + +____ + +* **New Job Retention Bonus** + * Bringing back a furloughed employed, and employed through to January, and pay £1000 bonus per employee (to the employer) + * To get the bonus, employee must be paid at least paid on average £520pm, between November and January (NI lower limit) + * For ALL furloughed employees + +* New **Kickstart Scheme** + * For all young people (16-24) in UK + * Pay employers to create **new jobs** for those at risk of long term unemployment + * National Minimum wage, 25 hours per week, training and support to find a permanent job + * Government will pay salary and overhead fees + * First kick-starters from this autumn + * No cap on the number of places available + + +* **£1k to employers for every new trainee** + * £100m to create more places on L2 and L3 cases + * Funding for career advisers to support 250k+ people + * Expand universal skills offer – tripling number of offers + * Guaranteed job interviews in high demand sectors + + +* **Apprentices:** Pay employers to create new apprenticeships + * £2000 per apprentice + * New bonus: Aged 25 apprentices, 25 and over + * DWP funding expanded by £1 bln to get people back to work + + +* **Vouchers for energy efficiency house upgrades** + * 2/3 cost of up to £5k per household + * Up to £10k for low income households, covering the full cost + * 1bln to improve energy efficiency of public buildings + +* **Property transactions** + * Cut Stamp Duty + * **No stamp duty upto £500,000** (additional property surcharge still applies) + * Until 31st March 2021 (effective immediatley) + * Starts immediately + * https://www.gov.uk/guidance/stamp-duty-land-tax-temporary-reduced-rates + * Updated calculator https://www.tax.service.gov.uk/calculate-stamp-duty-land-tax/#/intro + +* **VAT** + * Mainly for hospitality sector + * Reduction from **20% to 5%** + * VAT drop on food, accommodation, and attractions, and others + * Eat-in or hot takeaway food from restaurants, cafes and pubs + * Accommodation in hotels + * B&Bs, campsites and caravan sites + * Cinemas, theme parks and zoos + * Wednesday **15th July to Jan 12th 2021** + +* **Eat-out-to-help-out** + * Month of **August**, everyone will be allowed a discount + * Meals at any participating restaurant + * 50% meals discounts - **up to £10 off per head** + * Mon to Wednesday + * Businesses to register from Monday + * Paid back to business within 5 working days + * Will not apply to alcohol, but to food and soft drinks up to £10 per person. +You adopted Bitcoin cash. You did it during the time when thousands of new people are rushing to your site each day. People that don't know the difference between the currencies and will buy Bitcoin cash because it's cheaper. You can't even handle the volume of the demand for the three coins you had. You said stability and security and then segwit are your priorities. You then decide to add a shit coin. The problem here isn't necessarily your decision, it's the power you have as the on ramp into crypto. I think you do a good job overall but I really can't wait until you have a competitor. I feel like you just hurt Bitcoin by doing this. +[https://www.irishtimes.com/business/technology/google-used-double-irish-to-shift-75-4bn-in-profits-out-of-ireland-1.4540519](https://www.irishtimes.com/business/technology/google-used-double-irish-to-shift-75-4bn-in-profits-out-of-ireland-1.4540519) + +&#x200B; + + + +[Google](https://www.irishtimes.com/topics/topics-7.1213540?article=true&tag_company=Google) shifted more than $75.4 billion (€63 billion) in profits out of the Republic using the controversial “double-Irish” tax arrangement in 2019, the last year in which it used the loophole. + +The technology giant availed of the tax arrangement to move the money out of Google [Ireland](https://www.irishtimes.com/news) Holdings Unlimited Company via interim dividends and other payments. This company was incorporated in Ireland but tax domiciled in [Bermuda](https://www.irishtimes.com/topics/topics-7.1213540?article=true&tag_location=Bermuda) at the time of the transfer. + +The move allowed Google Ireland Holdings to escape corporation tax both in the Republic and in the [United States](https://www.irishtimes.com/topics/topics-7.1213540?article=true&tag_location=United+States) where its ultimate parent, Alphabet, is headquartered. The holding company reported a $13 billion pretax profit for 2019, which was effectively tax-free, the accounts show. + +A year earlier, Google Ireland Holdings paid out dividends of €23 billion, having recorded turnover of $25.7 billion. + +Google has used the double Irish loophole to funnel billions in global profits through Ireland and on to Bermuda, effectively put them beyond the reach of US tax authorities. + +Companies exploiting the double Irish put their intellectual property into an Irish-registered company that is controlled from a tax haven such as Bermuda. Ireland considers the company to be tax-resident in Bermuda, while the US considers it to be tax-resident here. The result is that when royalty payments are sent to the company, they go untaxed – unless or until the money is eventually sent home to the US parent. + +The “double Irish” was abolished in 2015 for new companies establishing operations in the Republic. However, controversially, it allowed those already using it until the end of 2020 to phase it out. + +Google overhauled its global tax structure and consolidated its intellectual property holdings back to the United States in early 2020, meaning 2019 was the final year in which it availed of the arrangement. + +Up to late 2019, Google Ireland Holdings Unlimited Company was an intellectual property licensing company with turnover derived from the licensing of IP to subsidiaries. The accounts state it had no employees and that it was tax resident at the time in Bermuda, where the “standard rate tax is 0 per cent”. + +Commenting on the movement of the profits out of its Irish unit, a spokeswoman for Google said: “In December 2019, in line with the OECD’s base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS) conclusions and changes to US and Irish tax laws, we simplified our corporate structure and started licensing our IP from the US, not Bermuda. The accounts filed today cover the 2019 financial year, before we made those changes. + +“Including all annual and one-time income taxes over the past ten years, our global effective tax rate has been over 20 per cent, with more than 80 per cent of that tax due in the US,” she added. + +The accounts state that Google Ireland Holdings Unlimited Company became tax resident in Ireland from January 1st, 2021, and that it now just operates as a holding company. + +Turnover for the holding company rose from $25.7 billion in 2018 to $26.5 billion in 2019. The increase was primarily due to a rise in turnover recorded by the company’s subsidiaries, which results in higher royalty payments. + +Dividend income from shares in group undertakings jumped from just $2.9 million in 2018 to $597.5 million a year later. The accounts also show a $3 billion increase in research and development costs in 2019, with the company incurring R&D expenses of $10.4 billion under a cost-sharing agreement with other Google entities globally. + +Google Ireland, the tech company’s main operating Irish subsidiary with over 4,000 employees, recorded €45.7 billion in revenues in 2019 with pretax profits amounting to €1.94 billion. It paid €263 million in tax that year, down nearly €9 million versus 2018. + +It is estimated that US multinationals were holding more than a $1 trillion in profits offshore via mechanisms such as the double Irish and the so-called Dutch sandwich by the end of 2017. Tax cuts introduced by former US president [Donald Trump](https://www.irishtimes.com/topics/topics-7.1213540?article=true&tag_person=Donald+Trump) in 2019 have led to some of those profits being repatriated to the United States. +I have been reading up on real estate investing lately. Everyone kept saying that I should be a place that is below market value, rehab it, rent it, and refinance to pull equity out of it (e.g. BRRRR and similar strategies). I understand the argument that people are making, but I want to understand the flip side as well. To me, a turnkey unit will definitely sell at or above market price, but it's available for renting right away. I don't need to deal with or hire people to do the rehab work, which takes time (both in terms of finding a good deal and vacancy loss during rehab), money, and energy. If I plan to buy-and-hold for 20 years, does it really matter if I have to pay 20% more than a similar unit that needs a bit of work. Also, having monthly net positive cashflow isn't my primary concern. The tenants will be building equity for me already, so I care more about having enough rent to replace my income over time once the mortgage is paid off in \~20 years since I have a rather stable 9-5 at the moment. Any advice is greatly appreciated. + +My target market is Northeast/Mid-Atlantic USA if that matters - DMV in particular, which has a rather stable RE market due to plenty of established government jobs that are more resistant to economic cycles. +Hi, just wondering what the end game is with everyone’s current rental investment portfolio? The way I see it there’s only 3 possible outcomes: + +1) Buy properties, pay off the mortgages, live off rental income. This would take the entire amortization period to come to fruition so up to 30 years + +2) Buy properties, refinance some, live off from rental income & equity. This is the same as above but obviously some properties will still hold some debt. + +3) Buy properties, refinance a few; buy even more properties, sell a few to pay off the rest. + +So my question is what’s everyone’s end game and what’s the best way to accelerate it? +Forgive me for my newbieness, I’m just a beginner. + +Are 30-45 DTE wheel 0.3 deltas any better to the Weekly wheel strat? + +I get how it can prevent you from being assigned (The 30-45 DTE), but what if I’m fine with assignment and holding the stock? + +I hear that 30-45 DTEs offer better premium, but when I compare the options chain to some stocks such as Bank of America or Coca Cola, the weekly % return is far more better than the 30-45 DTE% return. + +I feel like I’m missing something here, any comments regardjng this would be appreciated + +Edit: Even though this was 22 days ago, thanks for those who converted me to 30-45 DTE gang! +I'm in the process of doing a cash-out refinance on one of my properties. I was going to roll it into another one, but then I discovered the wheel :) + +I guess it really depends on the individual. About me: Passive income is important to me. I live off of it. To make up shortcomings vs my living expenses, I freelance write. + +Someone in another thread on this subreddit said the wheel was better than rentals. + +So what you think, another property or the wheel? +My family is not wealthy, but three years ago I started a college fund for my oldest son. It's a 529 account. The market has beem violently crapping the bed the last couple of years, and the account has only lost money. On top of that, my kid is now in 12th grade and is not interested in college. + +Even if he does end up deciding to go, at this point I don't think there's enough time for the market to turn around and start posting profits on this account. It seems wiser to withdraw and just put the money in a basic savings account. + +I'm guessing I don't have to pay taxes on the money if I withdraw it, since it hasn't posted an actual GAIN. But do I still have to pay a 10% penalty on the money? Is there any way to get this money out without losing even more? +Graduating from a university in Texas with about $50k in student loans. Been in repayment for two of my loans and have made an insignificant dent in them. + +Have about $2,000 in credit card debt and working on paying it down with $200 payments a month at an ARP of 19.49%. My credit limit is $3500 + +Have 100% repayment history. + +I have just under $5000 left over from my student loans that is slowly being chipped away due to my paychecks not covering my rent entirely. Was thinking about moving it into a high yield savings account but I don’t know what’s the best currently as rates have fallen from what I’ve been able to gather from older posts on here. + +I have one semester of school left + summer school and was considering taking out another loan (probably around ~7k, depending on summer school) + +I’m scared of the prospects of not having a job and having to enter repayment on the rest of my loans with so little to my name when I graduate. + +What is the smartest move? +I'm thinking about trying daytrading and I brainstormed a couple of rules to follow + +* Mentality - Do not place a trade if you are anxious; only open and close trades with equanimity +* Timing for entry and exit - Base this on technicals. Only trade along the line of least resistance and exit when the position moves against you by 10%. +* Position sizing - determined by the type of position (stocks or options) and my risk tolerance. Never risk more than 1% on any options trade and 5% on any stock trade +* Trading frequency - Increase the frequency of trading while things are going well. If it isn't, reduce the frequency. +* Accountability - Be honest with myself when things aren't going well +One of the most overlooked stocks on the American stock market is Dropbox. I personally love it. It's got a lot of potential and the recent drop in price opens up an excellent opportunity for new investors. + +# Dropbox at a glance + +So, why should we care about Dropbox? Simple. It's a well-performing business that keeps beating analyst expectations. In fact, Dropbox does not have a single earnings or revenue expectations miss since they floated on the stock market! Yes, Dropbox's growth may be slowing down a tiny, tiny bit, but it is still double digits. This growth is likely led by the overwhelming switch since last year to working from home. A lot of people are also starting their own small businesses and they need solutions like Dropbox to help them organise their files, documents and so on. So, the question is, what does Dropbox actually do? Their flagship product, Dropbox, is a cloud storage solution similar to Google Drive, One Drive, iCloud and so on. Essentially, you can store files on Dropbox and synchronise and share them across PC, mobile, tablets and so on. However, Dropbox is actively striving to become a workspace platform or a smart workplace. Over the last three years they have also acquired HelloSign and DocSend that provide even more capabilities to its users. HelloSign provides the ability to send, receive and manage legally binding electronic signatures, whereas DocSend allows you to securely share documents with other people or businesses, track their usage, provide NDAs, meaning Non-Disclosure Agreements, eSignatures, watermarking and so on. Overall, these three services provide the backbone of the Dropbox product offering. However, Dropbox continues to look for new ways to improve and expand and have recently introduced three new features: Capture, Replay and Shop. I am really interested in the Shop feature, I think that has a lot of potential, but it's still too early to tell. If it goes well though, it could become a very successful marketplace for digital content. + +# Earnings, revenue and key metrics + +This all sounds really good, but let's look at the numbers. Always look at the numbers before you invest ***especially*** these days when there are so many companies that talk a lot, but have nothing to show for it. Like a lot of modern tech companies, the Dropbox business model revolves around subscriptions and that means it is relatively predictable. As long as users are satisfied with the product, they will continue using and paying for it. In Q3 of 2021, Dropbox had over 700 million registered users with 16.49 million paying users up from 15.25 million last year and those include both individuals and business subscriptions. Dropbox's business model focuses on converting existing users into paying users and we can see it's obviously working from this increase of 8.1% in the number of paying users per year. What Dropbox also does is upsell to existing users and nudge them to upgrade to premium plans, purchase additional licences and so on. As they say though, the proof is in the pudding. Over the last year, Dropbox has managed to increase the average revenue per user to $133.79 compared to $128.03 last year, which is a steady increase of 4.5%. When combined with the increase in paying users, that results in an increasingly profitable business and, as a result, Dropbox shows consistent growth every single quarter. Dropbox had 9 consecutive quarters of rising earnings, but broke their streak in the latest one. Q3 of 2021 showed a tiiiny dip from $0.40 to $0.37 dollars EPS, but that is still up 42% since last year. On the flipside, their revenue has grown every single consecutive quarter since they floated on the market with an average revenue growth of 12.5% to 19% year-on-year. Dropbox's revenue for Q3 was $550.2 million compared to $487 million last year so an increase of 12.9%. We can also see a decent increase in Dropbox's free cash flow of 18.4% to $221.5 million in Q3 of 2021. + +# Expectations + +Going forward, analysts expect that Dropbox will see a 9.8% increase in revenue next year and a 6% increase in earnings. This doesn't sound like much, but it follows after one of Dropbox's best years so far. Plus, analysts keep pushing their expectations up, which, again, means that Dropbox is performing better than expected. That's important because that's what drives the share price up! There have been 7 Q4 earnings revisions in the last 90 days and all 7 of them have been upward revisions. There has also been 9 revenue revision for Dropbox's full-year 2021 revenue in the last 90 days, 8 of which have been upward revisions. Overall, this bodes well for Dropbox's performance. + +# Leaner operations + +Also, I've noticed something which a lot of investors and analysts are overlooking right now, but it is extremely, extremely important in my opinion. The operating expenses of Dropbox have barely moved since December 2019 while their revenue has grown by 26% and their free cash flow has increased by 80%. Lean operations are what good tech businesses are all about so this is a really, really big plus for Dropbox in my books. Dropbox has high gross margins, currently 81% compared to the 80% last year and improving operating margins with 29.3% right now versus 23.0% last year. + +# Founder is still in business + +Another bullish argument for Dropbox is the fact that the founder Andrew Houston still owns almost 30% of Dropbox. That's a massive stake and shows his commitment to the company even though he did sell 9% of his total shares on 17th Nov. That's his only sale in the last 2 years though. Founders having a big stake in the company usually means that the company is still in the growth stage and the share price still has room to grow. + +# Financial position + +Then, let's take a look at Dropbox's cash position. They are flush with cash, absolutely loaded! They currently have $1.93 billion in cash and cash equivalents which is more than their debt of $1.37 billion which means that Dropbox is in a really good financial position considering that they are also profitable. Plus, Dropbox is not actually paying any interest on its long-term debt! The reason why is because they raised money using convertible notes without any interest. Instead, those notes give the loaner the opportunity to convert the notes to shares of Dropbox at the price of $35.35 and $38.25 per share. So, what is Dropbox doing with its cash? Well, first of all, they have been buying back shares. In fact, Dropbox has managed to reduce shares outstanding by 8.6% since the start of 2020. Just during the last quarter, they've bought back $181 million worth of shares! Second, they're using that cash to acquire new companies to fuel additional growth. Acquisitions can be a double-edged sword sometimes, but Dropbox has made it work so far. As I mentioned before, Dropbox bought HelloSign in February 2019 and DocSend in March 2021. The two acquisitions boosted Dropbox's capabilities and now allow them to offer a complete, full suite of self-serve products to its users. + +Alright, I hope that by now we all have a pretty good understanding of what is the current situation with Dropbox. Two main questions now remain. One, is Dropbox trading at a good price. Two, what do we need to watch with Dropbox? + +# Valuation + +Let's look at the valuation first. Currently, Dropbox trades for a PE of 17.6 calculated using the adjusted EPS compared to the sector median of 25.3. Dropbox's forward PE is 16.5 which again lower than the sector median of 24.96. Finally, its PEG ratio is 0.53 and anything under 1 means that the stock is undervalued. The price-to-sales ratio of Dropbox is 4.66 compared to the sector's 4.08 and their forward price-to-sales are 4.36 compared to 4.14 so that's slightly higher than the median, but not by much. Dropbox also said that they expect $1 billion dollars in free cash flow by 2024, which gives us a forward price-to-free cash flow ratio of just 9 which is really, really good. Overall, Dropbox looks undervalued by several indicators right now. In terms of valuation, SimplyWallstreed gives Dropbox a fair value of $53.5 dollars based on its free cash flow. My personal EPS valuation of Dropbox gives me a more conservative figure of $40.2 dollars. Finbox's 10-year Gordon Growth model gives Dropbox an average valuation of $35.4 dollars which is near the analyst consensus of $34.5. Obviously, these are not precise targets, but the main point is that Dropbox currently appears really undervalued gives its current price of $24.7 dollars. The price of Dropbox surprisingly dipped 20% over the last 5 weeks which was strange. There was no actual obvious reason for it as Dropbox reported strong results and actually raised guidance going forward. To me, that's just a great opportunity to get a great stock at a discount! + +# What to watch with Dropbox + +Before we finish this off, I want to mention a few things that we need to keep an eye on with Dropbox. First of all, we need to monitor the number of paying users and the average revenue per user as we need to see steady increases there for Dropbox to justify the investment. If those numbers start to stagnate, it may be time to get out of Dropbox. Another figure to watch is the stock-based compensation. In 2020, the total stock-based compensation was $505.9 million which was more than the adjusted earnings of $409.1 million for the entire year! Dropbox is obviously no longer a startup, but it is still in a growth stage so that type of stock-based compensation is normal, but it's still good to keep an eye on it as it dilutes stock ownership. A lot of people have missed the fact that Dropbox has stock-compensation clauses for its CEO, Andrew Houston, connected to its stock price. More precisely, those stock prices are $30, $35, $40, basically on every $5 dollar increment so the more Dropbox's price goes up, the more stock-based compensation Andrew Houston will get. Finally, it looks like institutions are bullish on DBX, but a bit less so than before. The current put-to-call ratio is only 0.8 and that's up from 0.42 during the previous quarter. Essentially, a put-to-call ratio below 1 means that funds think Dropbox will go up. If that ratio goes significantly above 1, then that's one sign of bearish sentiment on the side of funds. Also, it looks like the institutional ownership of Dropbox has gone done from 84% in the last quarter to 76.6% right now. Personally, I think that's because Dropbox hit an all-time high in the latest quarter and funds took the opportunity to take some profits so I'm not that worried about the reducing ownership. + +So, that's all I have to say about Dropbox for now. What do you think? Are you bullish like me? +I've noticed a few people here over the last week or so looking for advice because they've made a mess of their finances. I can't give too much advice but I can give you hope, hope that you can dig yourself out of it. + +About 8 years ago I lived alone, earned next to nothing and reached the point where I had to take out a Wonga loan so I could put gas and electric on the meter. I was up to my eyeballs in debt(£25K), of course that Wonga loan and other payday loans spiralled out of control. My credit rating was through the floor. + +I decided to start taking my finances more seriously, I did get lucky along the way with landing some great jobs that increased my earnings significantly and I've been able to clear a lot of debt. + +This afternoon, I've just had a mortgage approved on my first property (subject to valuation, but should be fine). So whilst I can't give any advice to anybody, what I'm hoping this post will do is give other people hope that you can recover if you find yourself in the hole that I was in. +I've noticed a few people here over the last week or so looking for advice because they've made a mess of their finances. I can't give too much advice but I can give you hope, hope that you can dig yourself out of it. + +About 8 years ago I lived alone, earned next to nothing and reached the point where I had to take out a Wonga loan so I could put gas and electric on the meter. I was up to my eyeballs in debt(£25K), of course that Wonga loan and other payday loans spiralled out of control. My credit rating was through the floor. + +I decided to start taking my finances more seriously, I did get lucky along the way with landing some great jobs that increased my earnings significantly and I've been able to clear a lot of debt. + +This afternoon, I've just had a mortgage approved on my first property (subject to valuation, but should be fine). So whilst I can't give any advice to anybody, what I'm hoping this post will do is give other people hope that you can recover if you find yourself in the hole that I was in. +Some ideas I've heard of include: + +* Vending machines. +* Power washers. +* Drone photography. +* 3D camera (like real estate photography) +* Car for Uber counts I guess. + +I have some capital saved. And was wondering if there's equipment you can buy which then you can use to start a small business with regular income? + +Edited to add some good ideas shared by the group: + +* Rent fancy furniture to realtors for staging +* ATM machines +* Tankers and oil rigs +* Buying and renting out tools. +* Mini storage +* Renting out RVs +* Power generators +* Mining you-know-what +* Rent bouncy houses +* Rent out ice machines. +* Rent out vending machines, deer feeders. +Rep. Tom Emmer, the most vocal proponent of GG's removal, gets TONS of campaign donations from financial organizations that don't like what GG is trying to doing. + +Check it out: + +[Digital Currency Group = Greyscale Investments ... the same Greyscale that is suing the SEC to be able to convert $GBTC into a Bitcoin spot ETF.](https://preview.redd.it/07yy3j8n5jz91.jpg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0ed6e853a4518a1195142311d66bedb555c61c0) + +Furthermore, Emmer has been a consistent opponent of transparency in the marketplace, and has cheered rollbacks and stifling of key Dodd-Frank reporting requirements. + +https://preview.redd.it/aaxwzoxv5jz91.png?width=1692&format=png&auto=webp&s=f5694a816ec56934e5f06f94da66990ea08259da + +https://preview.redd.it/r18djfaw5jz91.png?width=1686&format=png&auto=webp&s=5284f980ceca5de00e20d70cc0376e7ec2922c65 + +This guy (Emmer) is no friend of apes, retail investors, or marketplace transparency and fairness. The sudden rise of "Gary Gensler has to go" posts is super, super sus. + +In my mind, the jury is still out on GG. Yes, at face value he looks like a big pussy. But I do like some of the new regulations I've seen, as well as the ongoing DOJ investigations that have been initiated by the SEC (they do take time, but they are ongoing which is reassuring). Of course, the proof is in the pudding and we haven't been served much of that yet. But soon, hopefully. Personally, I'm going to give the process time and space. + +At any rate, question this latest round of attacks on GG, and understand where they are coming from. Make no mistake — GG is making moves that industry big wigs don't like. If he weren't, politicians would be keeping their mouths shut. +I am 23 years old for background. Have been out of my parents house for about 2 years now and it was not on good terms due to their controlling manners. This is my first year doing taxes on my own and after filing my parents freaked out and told me they had things to give me that i needed to claim/submit. This took me by surprise as I had all my W2’s and wasn’t waiting on anything else. They gave me a form from an account that I have to claim interest taxes paid on it since it’s legally in my name. + +My grandma lives with my parents so they can take care of her since my grandpa died. My mom pays herself from my grandmas bank that she controls every month due to taking care of her being her full time job and having to leave work to do so. It comes out like a paycheck, 3k every month. + +I have now learned that to avoid paying taxes on the money even though it’s lawfully income my mother is making and not a gift, they opened accounts to distribute the money into under the gift amount of 15k to avoid taxes. Turns out they opened an account in my name in addition to two for themselves using my social when I was 20 years old without my consent or knowledge and put part of my mom’s paychecks from my grandma into it to avoid the taxes. This money isn’t for me, I have no access to the account, I can confirm it’s not gifts from my grandma and they have no intent to give the money to me in the future. It’s their money and they’re using my name and social to hide it. + +I confronted them and they told me it’s 100% legal but if it were legal you wouldn’t have to create loopholes to hide it and avoid paying taxes. They started to gaslight me and tell me I don’t know anything. Any advice i’d appreciated. +My nephew wants stocks for Christmas. I'd like to get him some books with an IOU for some stocks after he does some analysis. He is 15 and takes college level math. Two questions: 1) what books? 2) what do I need to know logistically about giving a minor stocks? +See title. I couldn't source it but the bedpost tale is not new, I read about it on Superstonk about three weeks ago. And now, the sub is absolutely flooded with it... Okay, Kenny is a neanderthal, move on. Is there some sort of DD that has been pushed to the bottom of all of the spam? +*This is a guide using Interactive Brokers IBKR for a lot of apes out of the US and Canada, particularly in Europe but it can be used globally. Basically, you can open an account with IBKR, transfer or buy shares with them then initiate a DRS transfer via the secured message center. I eat yellow crayons for breakfast and my last IQ test came at 69 so this is* ***NOT financial advice***. This is simply a gathering of information available publicly. + +**^(Last update: Nov 11 @ 01:15am NYC Time // I was out of a computer for a month so couldn't do major updates. Apologies for the delay! Main update is the simplified outgoing process implemented by IBKR vs messaging.)** + +# TL;DR + +A guide to **TRANSFER** a portion/all of your GME shares to Computershare (CS) from Interactive Brokers (IBKR). + +# Intro + +Before I jump into the process for IBKR, let me clarify something. First, your broker might actually allow DRS Transfer (in which case this guide could be useless for you). In other cases, while your broker might not allow DRS transfer, they might allow Broker to Broker transfer. In this case, you could transfer your position from your current broker to IBKR then do a DRS Transfer to ComputerShare. Finally, PLEASE CHECK that your broker won't actually liquidate your position if you do a broker to broker transfer. + +\------- + +# 🇮🇹 Gorilla Italiani (a message to Italian Apes) 🇮🇹 + +🇮🇹 Go to u/-LNZ post for help. He has done [something in Italian just for you](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pzvc4z/italian_ape_here_wanting_to_help_other_italian/) 🇮🇹 + +\------- + +# A note about tax impact of transferring (ie: registered accounts (IRA, 401K, TFSAs, etc), lot method, cost basis and keeping track of your share transactions. + +**Registered Accounts** + +Lucky apes in the US and Canada can access registered accounts with their brokers (also known as IRAs, 401K, RRSP, TFSAs, etc). Because you would be dealing with CS US, a registered account for Canadian and anyone overseas just won't be possible. As a result, before initiating, I would make sure transferring to CS is in my best fiscal advantage (but that's me). + +*As far as US apes go, I understand CS is accepting IRA account however, it's a fairly complicated process and needs more DD* + +&#x200B; + +**Transfer** **Lot Method** + +**ELI5: You can choose which shares you want to transfer (the first ones you bought? The last ones? etc)** + +When transferring positions, your initial broker should be asking or give you the choice on the tax method you'd like to use to transfer your positions. If not, there should be an option in the account management or you could check your statements and list to your brokers the shares you want to transfer. + +With IBKR, it's the same and I would encourage apes to first check the tax method and select the right one based on where you live, your situation, etc before initiating the transfer. More on this below. + +Some of the common ones: + +* Last In, First Out aka LIFO - The last shares you bought will be transferred first. +* First In, First Out aka FIFO - The first shares you bought will be transferred first. +* Highest Cost - The shares with the highest cost will be transferred first. + +There are a few other methods and each of these will be in your favour or not based on where you live, etc. Do your DD. [Here is something I found really quickly](https://finance.zacks.com/determine-shares-sell-fifo-lifo-9766.html) + +&#x200B; + +**Cost Basis** + +Once again, when you transfer, you might see the cost basis a bit all over the place. I encourage you to ensure the right cost basis is recorded before you start your transfer from IBKR. + +&#x200B; + +**Keeping track of your transactions** + +I'm a grandpa at heart and always like written proof. As such, I encourage you to keep your statements on your initial broker and generate a statement from IBKR (keep it in a safe place on your computer or else). + +\------- + +# I want to open a CS directly + +If you are in the US, you can follow [this kick-ass guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ppw723/transferring_shares_to_computershare_part_2_a/) from u/BananyaBangarang. Unfortunately, for the majority of international apes, it is not possible to open an account with CS directly. + +\------- + +# Some DDs to understand more about DRS and Computershare + +Check the following posts: + +* From u/Doom_Douche / [SuperStonk Post: When you wish upon a star - a complete guide to Computershare](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) +* From u/Criand / SuperStonk Post: [Thought I'd make some bad charts for you visual apes to show what happens when shares are direct registered. Hope this clears things up!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptp3a4/thought_id_make_some_bad_charts_for_you_visual/) +* From u/Criand / SuperStonk Post: [Direct Registering Shares (DRS) is the MOASS key handed on a golden platter. Dr T has been preaching this for months with CMKM as an example that exposed phantom shares. ComputerShare is not some shady company. They are the designated transfer agent for 37.4% of the market.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pps2yj/direct_registering_shares_drs_is_the_moass_key/) +* From u/Criand / SuperStonk Post: [ComputerShare and DRS is the way. It ignites the squeeze because it's equivalent to an investor-driven share recall. You aren't transferring shares, you are transferring CERTIFICATE ownership away from the DTC and into retail's hands. Shares can be replicated infinitely. Certificates can NOT.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/prpum9/computershare_and_drs_is_the_way_it_ignites_the/) +* From u/zenquest / SuperStonk Post: [Why direct ownership of GME at Computershare is the most likely trigger and what's stopping](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/prsk9n/why_direct_ownership_of_gme_at_computershare_is/) + +\------- + +# FAQs + +&#x200B; + +* ***"How long does it take?"*** \- There could be 3 parts to this process: + +1. The process of transferring your shares from your current broker to IBKR; +2. The process with IBKR, and; +3. The process with CS (ie: create your account, etc). See below of this post for more on this. + +&#x200B; + +* **"*****Do I need to transfer all to CS now?*****"** \- Simple answer is no (unless it fits your investment strategy). You should have done your DD about your broker and understand how reliable they are on a scale from Robinhood to Fidelity. CS and DRS transfer is suited for some apes wanting to build an ♾️🏊. If I use my personal experience, I have transferred ~~20%~~ 80% of my GME shares to CS because I'm not planning on selling short or mid-term. That's my decision and it suits my investment strategy. + +&#x200B; + +* ***"So why transfer to CS if I can simply not sell some of my shares to create one of these fancy pool for myself?"*** \- Really valid question and it's a personal choice again. For me, I want these shares in **MY** name, not street name. + +&#x200B; + +* **"*****What happens if MOASS starts while the shares are being transferred?*****"** \- Once again, you have to be clear about your investment strategy. If you are not planning on selling these, why do you care if they are in transit? From my POV, it's a plus. I won't be tempted to touch them. + +&#x200B; + +* ***"Computershare has a shitty ceiling on max sell?"*** \- That's true. $1m/transaction so definitely lower than my floor. Anything above this will require written notice. As per above, see post [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pphitt/computershare_sell_limits_per_customer_support/) + +&#x200B; + +* ***"What happens to my shares once they are 'transferred' to CS?"*** \- Well, it's a bit weird. As stated above, they are not a broker yet the shares will show on your Computershare account, not your existing broker account. + +&#x200B; + +* ***"What happens once the transfer has gone through with my broker?"*** \- See bottom of this post for more on this + +&#x200B; + +* **"I already have a CS account, will another account be created if I transfer more shares later?"** \- That question has been floating around lately. If you start subsequent DRS transfer and want these shares to go to your existing CS account, quote your CS account number to your broker. Just make sure the name on the account match. + +\------- + +# LEEEGOOOO + +**A word about IBKR** + +I won't chat about how dodgy IBKR is or how shitty their founder is. I don't care about this. To me, they are a mean to an end (1. Buy shares via IEX and 2. Transfer to CS). I've been a customer with them since 2017 and they've been fine. + +**Be kind** + +One last thing, be patient and kind with the customer service reps and CS side. If you get a good experience with one of them, take another 5 min after you are done to write a referral or compliment, it goes a long way! + +&#x200B; + +**Things you need to know and/or might need** + +* **GameStop Details:** + +**Ticker: GME** + +**CUSIP: 36467W109** + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +* **Computershare Details:** + +**Address:** + +>**Computershare Trust Company, N.A.** +> +>**P.O. Box 505005** +> +>**Louisville, KY 40233-5005** + +**CS DTC #: 7807** + +# Phone Number / GME Team: +1 877-373-6374 and press *99 + +\------- + +# The Process + +>**# LIST OF COUNTRIES:** [Wherever IBKR operates](https://www.interactivebrokers.com/en/index.php?f=7021) +> +>**# NOTE: You don't need to open a ComputerShare account, IBKR will take care of it as part of the process.** +> +>**# IMPORTANT: You need to have funds available in USD on your account for the fees. Don't risk delays.** +> +>**# FEES: $US5** +> +>**# PROCESS COMPLEXITY:** 🔷 +> +>**# TIMING: 5-7 days** +> +>**# METHOD: Online Form** + +First and foremost (and not covered in here), you need to open an account with IBKR, it's not complicated but it's lengthy and can take a few days. I'm not doing this for the money nor the fame but if you want a referral code, let me know and I can shoot one. + +Anyway, so you've opened an account. Well done retard. + +Now it's fairly simple. Essentially, you just have to request an OUTGOING DRS Transfer. + +# BEFORE YOU GET STARTED + +**!!!! Ensuring your details are correct on your IBKR account (Name, Middle Name, Address (to the T), Tax number, Phone number, etc) !!!** + +CS will be using the details provided by IBKR to transfer your shares. If you have a wrong address, you won't receive your snail mail. If you have the wrong Tax number (if applicable), you might not be able to register online, etc) . + +&#x200B; + +**!!!! Ensuring you have funds on your account IN US DOLLARS !!!** + +When you open your IBKR account, you select your base currency and when transferring funds on the account, the money will be added to this base currency (ie: you transfer Euros in, they will show as Euros on your account, so on and so forth). + +For the DRS Transfer, **YOU NEED TO HAVE FUNDS IN US DOLLARS. I REPEAT, FUNDS IN US DOLLARS.** That means you need to convert $5 or a bit more in USD. Keep in mind if you have a cash account, it might take T+2 to settle. I have had settlement in minutes and other times in a few days. + +**Step 1.** In the menu, click on Trade >> Convert Currency then convert some in USD (enough to cover the cost of transfer) + +https://preview.redd.it/c2cvzdu9fnq71.png?width=1160&format=png&auto=webp&s=498f2e3ac23c44ac7e7db6933477655e8d09e5c5 + +&#x200B; + +**Choosing your tax method (ie: what shares do you want to transfer?)** + +**Step 1.** Make sure you have chosen your tax method by clicking on Reports >> Tax Documents on the menu (also available in the app) + +https://preview.redd.it/ux6j0knxcnq71.png?width=1167&format=png&auto=webp&s=5fb31985fa1be930217a9a897cbc7e077d42cf71 + +**Step 2.** From the drop-down list, choose your preferred method then click save. (See above to learn more about this) + +https://preview.redd.it/hmgdmj6bdnq71.png?width=1112&format=png&auto=webp&s=8371185e124430cb439291d8dac378d67e69d1f8 + +&#x200B; + +**Adjusting your cost basis** + +In some cases, during your initial transfer, your lot and cost basis might be all whacked. Adjusting your cost basis is the way to rectify this. + +**NOTE: Keep in mind IBKR has 10 days to do this so even if you have adjusted your cost basis, it might not be reflected immediately.** + +**Step 1.** Click on Reports >> Tax Documents on the menu (also available in the app) + +https://preview.redd.it/ux6j0knxcnq71.png?width=1167&format=png&auto=webp&s=5fb31985fa1be930217a9a897cbc7e077d42cf71 + +**Step 2.** Bottom right, you'll see Cost Basis. Click on the icon near Position Transfer. This is where you can input your cost basis and dates for the lots you have transferred. Easy. Just make sure you have a detail of these by using your broker statements. + +https://preview.redd.it/3h64iku6enq71.png?width=1147&format=png&auto=webp&s=fead6d16fa3d70fc2f88569962cf51131a1b50c5 + +# TIME TO ACTUALLY TRANSFER + +**On Web or Mobile** + +**Step 1.** Click on '**Transfer & Pay'** and select '**Transfer Positions'** on the menu. + +https://preview.redd.it/nf01rjnf4vy71.png?width=2782&format=png&auto=webp&s=7dc20317951c13501942c2ea8aed4e54cf2bcf11 + +**Step 2.** Select '**Outgoing'** (below the top purple box I've placed in the screenshot) and click on '**Select'** for DRS. + +https://preview.redd.it/2mu8bnmg4vy71.png?width=2764&format=png&auto=webp&s=b893c1bc322bf3fdff7f28bba05502aba7e86c30 + +**Step 3.** Fill the details as required and click on '**Next'** + +Note 1: If you already have a CS account CXXXXXXX, don't forget to input it here. If you don't, leave that part blank + +Note 2: Select how many shares you'd like to transfer. + +https://preview.redd.it/ndbpws1i4vy71.png?width=2778&format=png&auto=webp&s=b299d1524ee16ab56f5e6e37962519b261886b8c + +**Step 4.** On the next screen, you'll see a summary of what you are about to transfer, sign with your name (it needs to match) and click on '**Continue**' . Follow the remaining instruction and boom, you are good + +https://preview.redd.it/m1waya4j4vy71.png?width=2750&format=png&auto=webp&s=f99089983a204b4349dbe36eded573e7a4b1364a + +\----------------------------- + +# BONUS #1 - Issuing a Report + +I always ensure to keep track of my transfers, etc. As such, I would always keep PDFs of my broker statements showing when I bought my shares. I would also keep statements from IBKR. + +To generate a statement, it's easy: + +**Step 1.** In the top menu, click on Reports >> Statements + +**Step 2.** On the new loaded page, click on the **+ icon** in the Custom Statements window + +**Step 3.** Give your statement a name and in the Sections part, select All. + +**Step 4.** In the *Sections Configurations*, I have selected **MTM and Realized P/L** for **Profit and Loss.** + +**Step 5.** In the Delivery Configurations, I have selected PDF and save + +\----------------------------- + +&#x200B; + +# BONUS #2 - So you want to buy with IBKR? + +When buying shares, please refer to the currency section. You will need to convert in USD to start buying. + +Once that's done, [you can check my quick guide to buy via IEX](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEJungle/comments/p5ahqq/infoguide_iex_how_to_route_to_iex_on_interactive/) + +&#x200B; + +\------- + +# So what is happening after my broker has completed its part? + +* Your ticket will be allocated to your broker. In my case, it took 3 days but it should be done in about 48h max. +* They will start the process. In my case, it took another 1-2 days. +* Once the shares are out of your account, it basically will take about 72h to land with CS. You can contact CS \~48-72h later to make sure all is fine (**GME Team: +1 877-373-6374 and press \*99)**. I've done that and CS confirmed my account was created and I just needed to wait for my registration details by post (about 3-4 weeks for International). You gotta be patient unless you ain't (see below if that's the case) +* You will receive your transfer confirmation a few weeks later. You can then set up your account. You'll need to set up your account with personal details, 3 security questions and a password. You'll then get a verification link to your email. +* Once that's done, CS will ask for a special token code (kinda 2FA)...and that code is sent by snail mail. You can call CS right away and request an express package. Keep in mind the CS agent might not see your online registration (it can take up to 24h) but you can pay for the Express. +* **INTERNATIONAL APES: you'll need to fill a W8-BEN form** but that can be done online when logged in your CS account. + +\------- + +# "So yeah, I'm not patient, what do I do?" + +**Self-Serve Method (didn't work for me)** + +**Step 1.** Login to [CS website and try registering online](https://www-us.computershare.com/Investor/#Home?cc=US&lang=en) (2) (you might need a VPN or overwrite the default country redirect (1). + +https://preview.redd.it/r627irbd0zq71.png?width=1141&format=png&auto=webp&s=c713e480e4b165e306d81412d6d8078f54f3b826 + +**Step 2.** Register with your SSN (Tax Number or equivalent), your ZIP code, etc. + +**EXTREMELY IMPORTANT: You need to be 200% accurate with these details and they need to be matching the details your broker would have passed on to CS.** + +**NOTE: For transparency, it didn't work for me since my postcode (ZIP) is 4 digits. I noticed it doesn't work if your postcode as letters in it.** + +https://preview.redd.it/uy8373de0zq71.png?width=818&format=png&auto=webp&s=8638e0393c846e9af260bfb3a0dbf3ff26efa6ed + +**Call Centre Method** + +**Step 1.** Call the CS US number on **+1 877-373-6374** and **press \*99** + +**Step 2.** Make it clear you just transferred shares, do not have a registration yet, and don't want to wait for regular post. You'd like **Express Post ($35 for US / $45 for international).** + +NOTE: You can also request Express to receive that special code. Just call them as you initiate the verification process. + +**Step 3.** Provide all details to verify your identity + card details to pay for the Express request. + +**Step 4.** Getting a tracking number should take a day so you can call back and ask for it. +Guten Morgen (¡y hola!) to this global band of Apes! 👋🦍 + +The financial news is packed with indicators that, at face value, look quite bleak for the near future of the markets and broader economies of the world. Events like yesterday's flash crash and dramatic recovery just before close show that there are massive financial forces that have been awakened, and we should expect many more such events in the coming weeks. + +Are we afraid? Most certainly not! Apes continue to vote, DRS, and buy the dips. The DD keeps coming, and many of us have never felt more secure in our investments. While not certain, there are potential indicators that we'll get an announcement about NFT plans this week, but if not we will gladly wait for the big reveal. + +Today is Tuesday, May 3rd, and you know what that means! Join other apes around the world to watch infrequent updates from the German markets! + +###🚀 Buckle Up! 🚀 +*** + + +- ⬜ 120 minutes in: **$118.49 / 112,59 €** *(volume: 677)* +- ⬜ 115 minutes in: $118.49 / 112,59 € *(volume: 574)* +- ⬜ 110 minutes in: $118.49 / 112,59 € *(volume: 573)* +- 🟥 105 minutes in: $118.49 / 112,59 € *(volume: 571)* +- 🟩 100 minutes in: $118.50 / 112,60 € *(volume: 571)* +- 🟩 95 minutes in: $118.49 / 112,59 € *(volume: 571)* +- 🟥 90 minutes in: $118.49 / 112,59 € *(volume: 571)* +- ⬜ 85 minutes in: $118.65 / 112,75 € *(volume: 555)* +- ⬜ 80 minutes in: $118.65 / 112,75 € *(volume: 530)* +- ⬜ 75 minutes in: $118.65 / 112,75 € *(volume: 528)* +- ⬜ 70 minutes in: $118.65 / 112,75 € *(volume: 518)* +- ⬜ 65 minutes in: $118.65 / 112,75 € *(volume: 505)* +- ⬜ 60 minutes in: $118.65 / 112,75 € *(volume: 455)* +- ⬜ 55 minutes in: $118.65 / 112,75 € *(volume: 363)* +- 🟥 50 minutes in: $118.65 / 112,75 € *(volume: 359)* +- ⬜ 45 minutes in: $119.08 / 113,16 € *(volume: 319)* +- ⬜ 40 minutes in: $119.08 / 113,16 € *(volume: 313)* +- ⬜ 35 minutes in: $119.08 / 113,16 € *(volume: 313)* +- ⬜ 30 minutes in: $119.08 / 113,16 € *(volume: 296)* +- ⬜ 25 minutes in: $119.08 / 113,16 € *(volume: 290)* +- ⬜ 20 minutes in: $119.08 / 113,16 € *(volume: 290)* +- 🟩 15 minutes in: $119.08 / 113,16 € *(volume: 290)* +- 🟥 10 minutes in: $119.08 / 113,15 € *(volume: 290)* +- 🟥 5 minutes in: $119.68 / 113,72 € *(volume: 49)* +- 🟩 0 minutes in: $119.75 / 113,78 € *(volume: 49)* +- 🟥 US close price: $119.57 / 113,62 € *($119.50 / 113,55 € after-hours)* + + +*** +FAQ: I'm capturing current price and volume data from German exchanges and converting to USD. Today's euro -> USD conversion ratio is 1.0524. I programmed a tool that assists me in fetching this data and updating the post. If you'd like to check current prices directly, you can check [Lang & Schwarz](https://www.ls-tc.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) or [TradeGate](https://www.tradegate.de/orderbuch.php?isin=US36467W1099) + +Diamantenhände isn't simply a thread on Superstonk, it's a community that gathers daily to represent the many corners of this world who love this stock. Many thanks to the originator of the series, DerGurkenraspler, who we wish well. We all love seeing the energy that people represent their varied homelands. Show your flags, share some culture, and unite around GME! +Hello. Homeless here. I live in my car and I am looking to stocks to solve my problems. Ready to harass me with unkind things? + +Before you do here are some facts: + +I make $11 an hour and work 40 hours a week. + +I make enough to invest over $1000 a month. + +I only spend $400 a month out of my $1500 - $2000 monthly pay. + +I plan on getting an apartment in 2022 at some point as well as a better job. + +I want to invest for the long term. My ideal minimum goal would be 10 percent profit every year and take out 4 percent per year when I retire. + +I have looked at many stocks past 5 year history and many of them are skyrocket. The ones that seem to go up up up and never really go down in the long term would be the ones I think I would invest in. + +I have at least a year of savings at $400 a month meaning my savings is at least $5000. + +Having finally looked into stocks and looking up videos for about 100 hours and still having no real true 100 percent plan I know a few things. First: Stock market seems better than a savings account. Second: If I had invested 5 years ago I would have so much more money. Third: It seems some stocks will almost always profit over the long term. Forth: Inflation means stocks are a decent option instead of a bank. + +I did put a very small amount of money into stocks and so far have a 2.5 percent return. I put the money in 3 stocks and it increased. That was 24 hours ago. + +I have a decent savings account and I was wondering if I should put it all into stocks. The truth is if I put $5000 into stocks and lost it all I would not lose my life and could make it back but it would hurt my heart and make me want to stay in my car a bit longer. + +I currently am trying to better myself and I have come a long way. I won't get into that so try not to judge me to harshly. Right now I am at a point where I can invest a bit more at a low paying job, but I do intend on getting a better job when I can and then get an apartment so I can have a home and invest more money as well. But I also have no friends and no family. I am all on my own with the grace of God and perhaps your input here... + +But currently $1000 is completely able to put into the stock market every month. + +Where do YOU personally put your money and where would YOU personally put your money if you were in my situation? + +With inflation is it okay to start investing or is it too late now? + +Would it be best to stick with the stocks that seem to have a history of doing well or would they be overvalued due to the inflation lately? + +In the long term what stocks do you feel will stand the test of time and keep raising even in times of trouble? + +Please provide your thoughts and hope I am not too much of a loser. Thanks. +Last few days been hearing GP not receiving enough money from Medicare. How much money do GPs actually receive for a 15min consult? +[https://youtu.be/gAiI6FQ9HrA](https://youtu.be/gAiI6FQ9HrA) +In the call he stated that no one had any idea about what was happening, they’ve been too busy implementing the crypto market (CFD>"REAL") and haven’t had the time to go down the rabbit hole. + +When I started explaining to him about the DTCC and Cède and co, he had absolutely no idea what I was talking about and what that had to do with eToro or the stock market globally. + +Even going to the point of explaining to him how their company works, with the account statement being for eToro and the shares held in an omnibus account which is outside of eToro so they can’t give any information, he was shocked. He called me to explain the situation and left with me explaining to him how his company works and how the stock market is structured…when I explained the systemic problem that the DTCC has created by not distributing the shares that CS sent over to them he sounded particularly worried… + +This is basically just an informative post to state that the lower downs at eToro, just like a client relations persons at a bank, have no idea what’s going on. They repeat information given to them by the higher ups, who have no idea what’s going on because only those at the tippy top understand that they’re in a sticky situation which is out of their control. + +Once they send through the updated information which should be published in the next few days I’ll update. + +Just to note I’ve now pulled out 80% of my position from eToro and moving to CS this week. I think I’m going to pull everything out as I’m becoming convinced that the only real shares are in CS and literally every broker is selling synthetics without even realizing it. Hence Citadel’s $90~ billion shares sold not owned… + +Édit: thanks to this mornings fuckery with trading halts, I started having heart palpitations at the idea of missing out so I’ve gone and liquidated the rest from eToro and I’m going 100% DRS ! Thanks for the push! +I have no real point here, other than maybe acknowledging a problem. Call it AA (Angel investors Anonymous) + +I think I have an angel investing problem. It’s relatively small, 2-4 annually. Average investment size: 50k. I only invest in teams of friends of friends. So far, 5 have failed, 7 are still operating at moderate levels of success, and 3 have taken series C at 20-100x angel round valuation. + +I realize that I should likely quit while I’m ahead, but I’m likely to continue doing this because hearing the startup journeys is super exciting to follow along! + +Who knows, maybe my friends of friends are better than the average startup founder? Maybe they’re the blackjack card counters and poker prodigies of the startup world. That said, I probably wouldn’t justify investing 100-200K annually in my friends of friends who happened to be professional poker players. + +What’s your angel investing habit and how do you rationalize? +I posted this as a comment in an older post but thought others might enjoy to read or comment or debate it. +So posting again here. +I'm very curious to hear others thoughts. +It's very real estate focused as that's my side thing. + + +1) You can invest directly in oil and gas development fund as a GP. +The intangible drilling costs (IDCs) are losses that the IRS allows to be realized against W-2 earned income. +Which is different than real estate depreciation that can only offset passive real estate income. + +It's a bit risky though with oil and gas. Do your due diligence and don't let the tax tail wag the dog. +If your risk tolerance is high then go for it. + +2) build up a lot of real estate depreciation through RE asset purchases. Then have your spouse become a real estate professional (IRS designated). Only one person of couple filing jointly needs to qualify. Then all depreciation can offset your earned income while you keep working your W-2 job. + +If you buy some multi family and then do a cost segregation and take advantage of bonus depreciation ( in the year of purchase) you can write off 100s of Ks depending on the price of your multi family. + +3) if you own a multi family and capture bonus depreciation (has to be in year of purchase). +And your spouse is not a real estate professional. +Then in a later year, you can sell that asset and the remaining bonus depreciation that is left over (and being carried over since you didn't use it all) can then be realized against W-2 income. (ONLY in the year of sale). + +So you can create a 3-4-5 year (or so) pipeline of multi family purchases where you are buying and selling one per year. Always do cost seg (in year of purchase) and the bonus depreciation will absolutely crush your earned income into a small %. + +4) conservation easements - not to get into too much detail. But there are legit firms that are creating and managing these funds. You donate money into these and the conserved land delivers a multiplier back to investors as tax deduction. Can be used up to a total of 50% AGI reduction. +Some risk around these. And definitely a lot of scams out there so du diligence required and tread lightly. +many easements do get audited that could result in a clawback of some of your tax savings. + + +Conclusion: +Combine some of these above strategies in the right sequence and you are well on your way to paying a low (or zero) tax. While working W-2 job. +Lots of work to incorporate. But doable. +I'm on my way using my above framework. + +And this is all legal and per IRS tax code. +Basically you are investing in the things that the IRS wants you to be investing in. + +Good luck. Cheers. +So, for starters, I'm Canadian (not sure if that effects anything), but I'm really looking to take a sum, let's say a thousand bucks, and learn from using it. + +I'm curious about where I should look for reliable information, what I should use for trading, and any other information I can learn. Reddit has always been my guiding force in life, so I turn to you! + +Thanks a million. +I’m posting this in the hopes that it helps someone else. + +On Thursday, my husband and I received a CP14 letter from the IRS saying our full balance of 2017 taxes were due. Of course we immediately worried that someone else cashed our check, which was withdrawn from our account on 4/24. We gave the phone number on the letter (after verifying the number was legit online) a call. + +While on hold to speak to someone (which took about 45 minutes), I pulled up the copy of our canceled check from our bank and took a screenshot of it. I also found a Reddit post where the [top comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/tax/comments/28kicj/irs_claiming_tax_not_paid_check_was_cashed_what/cic78di/) was extremely helpful. This gave us hope that our check was, in fact, cashed by the IRS and that there was simply an error somewhere. + +The man who took the call was extremely professional and helpful. He verified my information and I explained that we received a letter stating we hadn’t paid our 2017 taxes, when we had sent it in on time and the check was withdrawn from our account. He then put me on a 5 minute hold while he looked up my/our information and returned to the line to inform me that while I had written the check out correctly (with the notes stating “Form 1040” and our SSNs), I had listed my own SSN first rather than my husband’s, whose number is primary on our joint tax return. + +(Lesson learned: if you’re filing joint taxes, and writing a check, list the primary SSN first.) + +This was a very simple fix. He simply had me give approval to transfer that payment from my own SSN to the joint tax return, and then said it would take 1-2 weeks for the balance to be transferred and considered paid. He also said that they would waive the late fee and interest stated on the CP14 letter because it was paid on time, and our taxes would be considered paid as of the date they received the check (4/18). + +All in all, the conversation took about 15 minutes. The man was very helpful and professional, and very informative. It was, actually, a really good experience (once you get past the initial fear of the letter and wipe your brow of nervous sweat). + +Since there were so few threads that I found about this particular situation, I thought I’d post it in hopes that someone going through something similar will find it informative. + +TLDR: Paid our 2017 joint taxes on time, but received a letter from IRS (letter CP14) that we hadn’t paid. Our check was cashed on 4/24. Called IRS, was informed that I hadn’t listed the primary SSN for our joint return first on the check, so it the payment wasn’t applied in the correct way. Easy verbal fix on the phone, took about 15 minutes of convo with the IRS to adjust. IRS has professional and kind phone representatives, be nice to them. +Hi, + +This is Archit from [ClearTax](http://cleartax.in) + +Here to answer questions on income taxes. http://imgur.com/71yOkN4 + +EDIT: Thanks guys, it was a lot of fun! We are now closing the AMA. You can email support@cleartax.in for more questions any time. Highly recommend the [ClearTax blog](http://blog.cleartax.in) and choose ClearTax for filing your tax return :) +Let us know if you have feedback for us. + +*Two Small Finance Banks (SFBs) - Fincare and Utkarsh - filed their DRHPs with SEBI in early August - within a week of each other! Both are IPOing since they have to - they are mandated (per RBI guidelines) to go public within 3 years of crossing networth of Rs. 500 crores, and they've both hit this timeline.* + +*Not here to give you buy/ sell recommendations for the IPOs, but will instead articulate a framework to help you evaluate SFBs - including the business model and the key factors this business is sensitive to.* + +**Background: Utkarsh & Fincare SFB** + +**Basic overview** + +Fincare and Utkarsh both commenced operations as small finance banks (SFBs) in 2017, after receiving their SFB licenses from the RBI. + +Let's start with some basics - what are SFBs? They are a separate category of banks created with the idea of furthering the financial inclusion agenda. Here are some rules SFBs have to abide by: + +1. 75+% loans to priority sectors - i.e. underserved sectors (40% for other banks) +2. 50+% loans with ticket sizes of <=25 lakhs + +There are a total of 11 SFBs in India, and interestingly, most of these SFBs were micro finance institutions in their previous avatars (except AU and Shivalik cooperative bank). + +Let's now take a look at Fincare & Utkarsh. Here are some stats setting context on how large they are (numbers in crores) - we've compared them to Equitas & AU Bank, both listed SFBs. + +AU - 46K, Equitas - 19K, Utkarsh - 10.6K, Fincare - 7.5K + +&#x200B; + +**Why the IPO now?** + +One reason why Utkarsh and Fincare are hitting the public markets now is because they have to. + +RBI mandates that SFBs need to list within 3 years of their networth crossing the 500 crore mark. With this IPO they will join the list of 4 publicly listed SFBs - Ujjivan, AU, Equitas and Suryoday. + +Here is how they will use the proceeds: + +1. **Utkarsh:** Raising Rs. 500 crores to supplement its Tier 1 capital base. No offer for sale. +2. **Fincare:** Raising Rs. 625 crores to supplement its Tier 1 capital base. Offer for sale amount not determined. + +The fund infusion will give both SFBs enough room for future growth. Now that we have that out of the way, let's get into the economics of SFBs and how they compare to other commercial banks. + +**The SFB business model** + +**1.) High yields** (i.e. interest income as a % of advances)SFBs are targeting underserved consumers across retail + MSME, and this gives them higher pricing power (note that this pricing is still far lower than informal entities). In addition, SFBs have to price higher to account for higher risk. + +**Yields for SFBs range between 18-22% v/s Yields for banks like HDFC & Kotak are \~8%** + +&#x200B; + +**2.) High NIMs**It is important that higher yields translate into higher NIMs - i.e. the spread between the interest you charge and your borrowing costs. + +**NIMs for SFBs range between 5.4 - 9.4% v/s NIMs for banks like HDFC and Kotak are 4.2-4.9%** + +Remember, SFBs are banks - so they can take low cost deposits - this is obviously a large moat v/s what they had prior to becoming SFBs. Which means the higher yields do translate into higher NIMs, and the chart below clearly shows that. + +Now that we've articulated the key revenue drivers, let's move to expenses. + +**3.) Higher credit losses**Lending to the underserved implies higher delinquencies. Not only are SFBs susceptible to higher losses, but they also deal with customer segments that are very sensitive to macro economic shocks. The gross NPA numbers below clearly demonstrate this. + +**GNPA for SFBs range between 4-12% v/s GNPA for banks like HDFC and Kotak are 1.3%, 2.2% respectively.** + +Now higher losses are not necessarily a bad thing - as long as SFBs can appropriately price for risk (i.e. have higher yields & NIM commensurate to portfolio risk), they can deliver strong returns. + +But serving this segment comes at another cost... + +**4.) High operating expenses** + +The inclusion business is a high opex business. Lending to customers in rural areas requires a physical play in the form of feet on street acquisitions and cash collections. And collection costs only increase further with higher losses, and we have established this is something this segment is susceptible to. + +To ground this, let's look at Cost to Income (total operating expenses as a % of total income). CTI normalizes operating expenses to income and is a comparable metric across banks. + +**CTIs for SFBs range between 60-70% v/s CTIs for banks like HDFC and Kotak are <50%** + +Clearly, SFBs have higher CTIs. Note that some of this is driven by the fact that all SFBs just became banks and have had to upgrade their systems to offer new products including loans, deposits, net banking/ mobile experiences etc. - all of which translates to significant upfront set up costs. Some portion of the high CTIs will normalize over time, and AU is an example of this. + +Let's simplify the SFB business model into **three factors that need to fall in place for SFBs to do well:** + +1. **Scale deposits** \- Critical to reducing cost of funds and increasing NIMs. +2. **Cost efficiency** \- Reducing costs (CTI in the ideal waterfall above is 55% v/s current levels of 60+%). +3. **Loss resiliency** \- Not only managing losses to lower levels, but also building a resilient book. + +Let's evaluate Utkarsh, Fincare and the SFB bank model on the above three factors. + +**Utkarsh, Fincare and the 3 factor framework** + +**1. Scale Deposits** + +To evaluate, this let's look at two data points - deposit growth and growth in CASA ratio. The latter is the proportion of deposits coming from current and savings accounts - the higher the CASA, the lower the cost of deposits and therefore lower the cost of funds. + +Both Utkarsh and Fincare have grown their deposits + CASA meaningfully. That said, they both have more room for growth in their CASA, with Utkarsh having some catching up to do. + +**2. Improve Cost Efficiency** + +As mentioned earlier, the whole SFB pack (not just Utkarsh and Fincare) needs to bring down their CTIs - the ideal number for this metric is 55%. AU bank is definitely approaching this number, and we think 55% is a number the group can get to with scale. + +**3. Build Loss Resiliency** + +Like we've mentioned before, loss levels will be higher for SFBs given the underserved segments being targeted by them. Hence it is important this metric is not only managed to reasonable levels but also resilient to macro shocks. + +**Equitas and AU** stand out in terms of being resilient (losses didn't worsen as much as the rest of the pack over the pandemic).But why is this the case? The answer is that resilience over macro shocks is proportional to the concentration of the banks' Microfinance portfolio (MFI). + +**Fincare, Utkarsh MFI concentration = \~75%** + +Equitas's MFI concentration is sub-20%, while AU has no MFI exposure - both these SFBs have diverse non-MFI books, making their portfolio resilient to macro shocks. + +**We think the large MFI concentration for Utkarsh & Fincare is a huge drawback for the business**. These SFBs need to urgently diversify away into other segments and also need to demonstrate that they can build a sustainable non-MFI business. + +**So what are Utkarsh & Fincare worth?** + +Now the market will pay a premium for a business with superior economics. In this case, let's measure economics by return on equity. Hence, the market should pay a higher P/B multiple for a business with higher ROE. Let's test this out... + +ROE, P/B + +**AU - 16.6%, 5.7** + +**Equitas - 7.4%, 1.3** + +**HDFC - 14.3%, 3.4** + +**Fincare & Utkarsh ROEs = 0.8%, 4.2%** + +Clearly, the trend holds - higher ROEs get higher P/Bs. Now it's upto you to decide what P/Bs are reasonable for Utkarsh and Fincare! + +We'd encourage you to not just look at the current ROE but also use the 3 factor framework to evaluate where the ROEs might be headed in the future. + +***Would you subscribe to either Utkarsh or Fincare? Let us know if you agree with our valuation framework!*** + +Note - all data reported are FY22 numbers + +[https://zcharts.rupeezen.com/utkarsh-fincare-ipos-coming-soon-worth-it/](https://zcharts.rupeezen.com/utkarsh-fincare-ipos-coming-soon-worth-it/) +Came across a post from finshots today. + +[Post Link](https://www.instagram.com/p/CVFKevIl7fr/?utm_medium=copy_link) + + + +1. What is your opinion on this ? Are term insurance premiums really going to rise ? + + 2. Will it be a permanent change or just a blip for a while ? + +3. For someone with no dependents right now, is it worth it to get a term insurance now rather than later ? For the benefit of a lower premium? +I always wonder when I read bad news like young people passing away in accidents etc. they must’ve had big dreams and may have started saving up for their family and kids. They must have a lot of equity investments, term policies, gold ETF, bank FDs and what not. Let’s assume they haven’t mentioned all these to their immediate family and not all of them are financially “aware”. I know about the will writing but when bad luck hits on an unexpected time , how does the rightful recipient of these financial vehicles get to these and benefit from them. +What I have done now: I put at least the instrument name and the organization name in a google spreadsheet and shared with my spouse. +Example: demat account (with acct number) in Zerodha. +Hi, + +This is Archit from [ClearTax](http://cleartax.in) + +Here to answer questions on income taxes. http://imgur.com/71yOkN4 + +EDIT: Thanks guys, it was a lot of fun! We are now closing the AMA. You can email support@cleartax.in for more questions any time. Highly recommend the [ClearTax blog](http://blog.cleartax.in) and choose ClearTax for filing your tax return :) +Let us know if you have feedback for us. + +I am personally down to a 90-10 debt-equity split. Most of the equity is in international equity and I own very little Indian company equity. It is basically my plan to invest only in high quality short term (<1year) debt for the coming couple of years. + +[Source](https://craytheon.com/charts/nifty_pe_ratio_pb_value_dividend_yield_chart.php) +hi everyone, 7 months ago i made a post saying that i took my inheritance money and invested into canadian medical marijuana stocks. i got a ton of hate and a lot of name calling/bashing. i said that i would be posting in a year to see how i did, but i keep getting a ton of messages, so i figured that i would do an update post to see how i am doing halfway. + + +&nbsp; + +link to original post: https://www.reddit.com/r/investing/comments/45pg05/i_just_put_my_inheritance_into_a_medical/ + &nbsp; + + +&nbsp; + +here are the results of my investment: + + +&nbsp; + + + +Canadian Holdings: + +Total Book Value in CAD $65,824.65 + +Total Market Value in CAD $130,632.72 + ++64,808.07 gain (+98.46%) + +Intraday Change +4.48% + + &nbsp; + + +Holdings: + +CGC (CANOPY GROWTH CORPORATION) (trades as TWMJF on US exchange) + +18,550 shares | $5.12 CAD (current price) bought at $2.72 + +days gain +$0.23 (+4.70%) + +book value $50,507.60 + +market value $94,976.00 + +gain of +$44,468.40 (+88.04%) + + &nbsp; + + +APH (APHRIA INC) + +5,080 shares | $3.49 CAD (current price) bought at $1.19 + +days gain +$0.17 (+5.12%) + +book value $6,082.40 + +market value $17,729.20 + +gain of +$11,646.80 (+191.48%) + + &nbsp; + + +MT (METTRUM HEALTH CORP) + +3,278 shares | $3.84 CAD (current price) bought at $1.83 + +days gain +$0.18 (+4.92%) + +book value $6,002.60 + +market value $12,587.52 + +gain of +$6,584.92 (+109.70%) + + &nbsp; + + +BLO (CANNABIX TECHNOLOGIES INC) (trades as BLOZF on US exchange) + +6,000 shares | $0.39 CAD (current price) bought at $0.19 + +days gain -$0.04 (-9.30%) + +book value $1,179.95 + +market value $2,340.00 + +gain of +$1,160.05 (+98.31%) + + &nbsp; + + +EAT (NUTRITIONAL HIGH INTL INC) (trades as SPLIT on US exchange) + +25,000 shares | $0.12 (current price) bought at $0.08 + +days gain +$0.01 (+4.35%) + +book value $2,052.10 + +market value $3,000.00 + +gain of +$947.90 (+46.19%) + + &nbsp; + + +not bad, right? this is just the beginning. once it is legalized in canada, the share prices will go up 10 times in the next few years. this is nothing... it's the birth of a whole new industry and market. currently the medical marijuana market is valued at around $150 million a year... the black market for marijuana is valued at over $4 billion a year. just in canada. i read an article on the globe and mail yesterday that said the combined market of medical/recreational for marijuana could be valued as much as $7.4 BILLION after a few years of legalization. that's not even including the fact that a lot of canadian medical marijuana producers just got approval for selling their marijuana to other countries. CGC just started shipping pot to germany and brazil... the german market will be even bigger than the canadian market! + &nbsp; + +&nbsp; + +http://www.theglobeandmail.com/globe-investor/inside-the-market/pot-stocks-undergo-buying-spree-as-investors-pin-hopes-on-legalization/article32279939/ (pay wall)&nbsp; + &nbsp; + + +in november the canadian government will be releasing an outline of how legalization will work, so i think that even buying now will produce very large gains if you just hold. + &nbsp; + +&nbsp; + +there are also a few other really good opportunities coming up to invest in medical marijuana companies in canada. one particular company is about to have their IPO in november. if there is any interest i can do a post on that, or send me your email if you message me and i will email info when i know more details. + + + +&nbsp;&nbsp; + +see you guys again in the spring of 2017 when pot is legalized in canada :) +https://news.sky.com/story/two-more-household-suppliers-fail-as-wholesale-energy-prices-hit-new-record-levels-12407915 + +I work in energy so if anyone has any questions shoot away. You will go through OFGEMs SOLR (supplier of Last Resort) process and will be switched to a new company, you can then choose to switch again to whoever you choose. + +Any credit you have is protected so don't worry about this. + +Good luck to anyone who lost their jobs today. Its a good job market right now, you can get back on your feet! +The house we want to buy will be a stretch for us month-to-month for a couple of years, but we want a larger house for our family and don't want to move again in the next five years. Have you bought a house knowing you'll spend a couple of years eeking out payments? (I'm currently not working full-time but will return when my kids are in school, but I'm a freelancer so my income depends on how much of a priority I make it over running the kids/house)? My husband has stable employment and anticipates promotions/raises each year. We are debt-free outside of our mortgage and plan to continue that way. + +Edited to add: We have lived in/paid mortage on our current house for 8 years and have six months of emergency funds for our current budget. The prospective house is in our target neighborhood and same school district that our two oldest are enrolled in now. We wouldn't plan to move again until kids are out of the house, if then. +PSA: if there is a bank error in your favor, do not spend the money. saw this story this morning and was reminded of an earlier PF post. + +http://myfox8.com/2015/03/10/teen-convicted-after-spending-30k-mistakenly-deposited-into-his-account/ +I see some investors like to put money into separate sector ETFs and others prefer buying VOO, VTI etc. I’m struggling to see the purpose of investing in a sector ETF like VHT compared to ETFs that cover the entire S&P 500. In my head I expect S&P ETFs to have a higher return in the long term, no? What are the benefits of picking a sector ETF over VOO? Does a mix of both make sense? +Guten Morgen to this global band of Apes! 👋🦍 + +Just a quick reminder that since Germany starts DST a few weeks after the US, this week I'll be updating for only one hour starting an hour later than the usual start time. We'll be back to the normal schedule next week. + +Apes, there are many signals that are starting to make my MOASS-sensor tingle. Something about the confluence of rising share borrow rates, rising RRP utilization, rising volume, and rising DRS FUD makes me feel like we're in for an exceptional event in the near future. Could I be wrong? Absolutely! Am I excited nevertheless! YES! + +First, on the topic of RRP: we've seen in the past that this number tends to spike at the end of each quarter as large institutions move cash around so their end-of-quarter reports don't have to show positions that they'd rather not have exposed. This often shows up as a spike in the last week, but particularly the last few days. Over the past few weeks, we saw RRP utilization dip down toward $1.5T, but it's already moving back toward its all-time high. That it is already spiking tells me that there is a lot of unwinding to come, and we may see new records starting this week. Does RRP have anything to do with GME or the MOASS? Possibly not, but there is no denying that it shows the insane levels of cash that have been injected into the markets, and much of that cash will end up in our accounts when we sell a share or two. + +Second, the borrow rate: while I am convinced that the SHFs don't *need* to borrow shares in order to take additional short positions against GME and drive the price down, I do feel that it is nevertheless an indicator that can't be ignored - the fact that the rate is going up tells me that there is *demand* at the higher borrow rate, and there are still people out there who think it is wise to short GME. + +Finally, the levels of effort going into convincing Apes that they shouldn't worry about DRSing their shares is the most tit-jacking thing I've seen. Trying to correlate 'Subreddit engagement' with DRSed shares is ridiculous. There are dozens of extremely plausible reasons why engagement would be dipping, but I can assure you that it is not because Diamantenhänded Apes who went to the effort of getting shares in their own name are losing interest. This has been a long road, and many Apes simply don't have the time / energy to participate at the level that they once did. That does *not* mean that they have lost their ability to HODL with Diamantenhände. It may not be easy for all Apes, but for me, the decision to HODL every share I own is the easiest part of my day. I dedicate huge portions of my day to this community, but I have not once logged into ComputerShare to consider how committed I am to HODLing those shares. + +There is no question. DRSing your shares is peak Diamantenhände. + +Today is Tuesday, March 22nd, and you know what that means! Join other apes around the world to watch infrequent updates from the German markets! + +###🚀 Buckle Up! 🚀 +*** + + +- 🟥 60 minutes in: **$95.52 / 86,54 €** *(volume: 1643)* +- 🟥 55 minutes in: $95.54 / 86,56 € *(volume: 1271)* +- 🟩 50 minutes in: $95.56 / 86,57 € *(volume: 1268)* +- 🟩 45 minutes in: $95.54 / 86,56 € *(volume: 1265)* +- 🟥 40 minutes in: $95.50 / 86,52 € *(volume: 1239)* +- 🟩 35 minutes in: $95.52 / 86,53 € *(volume: 1223)* +- 🟥 30 minutes in: $95.51 / 86,53 € *(volume: 1222)* +- 🟩 25 minutes in: $95.53 / 86,55 € *(volume: 1219)* +- 🟩 20 minutes in: $95.47 / 86,50 € *(volume: 1155)* +- 🟩 15 minutes in: $95.35 / 86,38 € *(volume: 802)* +- 🟩 10 minutes in: $95.34 / 86,38 € *(volume: 631)* +- 🟩 5 minutes in: $95.31 / 86,34 € *(volume: 558)* +- 🟩 0 minutes in: $94.62 / 85,72 € *(volume: 157)* +- 🟩 US close price: $94.20 / 85,34 € *($94.45 / 85,57 € after-hours)* + + +*** +FAQ: I'm capturing current price and volume data from German exchanges and converting to USD. Today's euro -> USD conversion ratio is 1.1038. I programmed a tool that assists me in fetching this data and updating the post. If you'd like to check current prices directly, you can check [Lang & Schwarz](https://www.ls-tc.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) or [TradeGate](https://www.tradegate.de/orderbuch.php?isin=US36467W1099) + +Diamantenhände isn't simply a thread on Superstonk, it's a community that gathers daily to represent the many corners of this world who love this stock. Many thanks to the originator of the series, DerGurkenraspler, who we wish well. We all love seeing the energy that people represent their varied homelands. Show your flags, share some culture, and unite around GME! +I wrote a python program that achieves a bit over 95% backtesting accuracy on the sp500 index. I had over 10k data points (hourly) to test on. What should my next steps be? I understand 95% accuracy for backtesting is not the same as forward testing. My strengths are in CS and not finance. Please do let me know what you guys think!