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  {"relation_type": "Causes", "positives": [["do housework", "clean house"], ["read", "learn"], ["do housework", "have clean house"], ["smoke", "lung cancer"], ["exercise", "sweat"], ["light match", "fire"], ["go to get haircut", "your hair will be short"], ["fall", "injury"], ["play", "fun"], ["kill", "death"], ["go on vacation", "relaxation"], ["sex", "child"], ["read", "learn something"], ["have haircut", "have short hair"], ["tickle", "laughter"], ["smoke", "cancer"], ["play game with your friend", "fun"], ["apply for job", "get job"], ["maintain good health", "long life"], ["procreate", "have child"], ["go to zoo", "see animal"], ["go to laundromat", "clean clothe"], ["play violin", "music"], ["stay healthy", "long life"], ["see your favorite show", "laugh"], ["go to play", "be entertain"], ["sing", "sore throat"], ["cross street", "get to other side"], ["chew your food", "good digestion"], ["open gift", "surprise"], ["have sex", "baby"], ["move car", "accident"], ["walk in rain", "you get wet"], ["go to bed", "sleep"], ["tickle", "laugh"], ["propose to woman", "marriage"], ["wait in line", "boredom"], ["chat with friend", "laughter"], ["relax", "sleep"], ["bathe", "be clean"], ["reproduce", "child"], ["sex", "orgasm"], ["fart", "bad smell"], ["smoke cigarette", "lung cancer"], ["strike match", "fire"], ["urinate", "relief"], ["dream", "nightmare"], ["walk in rain", "you get very wet"], ["buy hamburger", "eat"], ["think", "idea"], ["go to pub", "get drunk"], ["add up column of number", "sum"], ["wash your car", "your car to be clean"], ["eat ice cream", "happiness"], ["act in play", "applause"], ["fall", "pain"], ["take final", "stress"], ["eat breakfast in bed", "crumb in bed"], ["obstruct justice", "injustice"], ["sing", "happiness"], ["take examination", "pass class"], ["buy beer", "get drunk"], ["hear music", "dance"], ["take exam", "get grade"], ["go to sleep", "dream"], ["go to party", "meet new person"], ["go to performance", "enjoyment"], ["play game", "happiness"], ["socialise", "make friend"], ["have rest", "sleep"], ["compute sum", "get answer"]], "negatives": [["key", "open lock"], ["do housework", "food"], ["lion", "animal"], ["smoke", "zoo"], ["go to sport event", "buy ticket"], ["pistol", "gun"], ["play", "bird"], ["poodle", "dog"], ["kill", "dribble"], ["sex", "hockey game"], ["read", "school"], ["pepper and salt", "have short hair"], ["paper", "laughter"], ["passenger", "cancer"], ["lemon", "get job"], ["maintain good health", "instrument"], ["chess", "game"], ["procreate", "sew"], ["die", "stop breathe"], ["see your favorite show", "park"], ["go to play", "marriage"], ["kill", "sore throat"], ["bathe", "use soap"], ["weasel", "zoo"], ["seat", "theater"], ["cross street", "think"], ["library", "book"], ["jump out of window", "surprise"], ["denim", "fabric"], ["brazil", "country"], ["have sex", "laugh"], ["train", "arrive late"], ["move car", "fool audience"], ["sock", "sleep"], ["rosebush", "laugh"], ["sailor", "sail ship"], ["submarine", "ship"], ["bunsen burner", "chemistry lab"], ["visit other country", "boredom"], ["passenger", "board train"], ["think", "brain"], ["typewriter", "type letter"], ["chat with friend", "sweat"], ["relax", "lake"], ["reproduce", "post office"], ["sex", "put thing on"], ["sink", "lung cancer"], ["strike match", "settle lawsuit"], ["dream", "get license"], ["walk in rain", "happiness"], ["think", "cut food"], ["board", "build"], ["arkansas", "your car to be clean"], ["fish", "catch fish"], ["cheese", "flavor"], ["dollar", "money"], ["sugar", "sweeten food"], ["bell", "applause"], ["take final", "go to art museum"], ["article in magazine", "read"], ["toothbrush head", "clean your tooth"], ["sprinkler", "happiness"], ["happiness", "emotion"], ["buy beer", "die"], ["blanket", "cover bed"], ["bat", "dance"], ["south dakota", "dream"], ["go to party", "round"], ["hairbrush", "bathroom"], ["play game", "zoo"], ["dove", "bird"], ["socialise", "table"], ["shark", "pacific ocean"]]}
  {"relation_type": "CausesDesire", "positives": [["love", "kiss someone"], ["be tire", "have rest"], ["love", "propose to woman"], ["cold", "light fire"], ["full bladder", "urinate"], ["be dirty", "bathe"], ["be hot", "go for swim"], ["test", "study for subject"], ["need money", "go to work"]], "negatives": [["wine list", "have rest"], ["helium", "bathe"], ["potato", "go for swim"], ["classroom", "study for subject"], ["spinach", "vegetable"], ["have shower", "take off your clothe"], ["sailboat", "go to work"]]}
  {"relation_type": "CreatedBy", "positives": [["music", "composer"], ["book", "writer"]], "negatives": [["rabbit", "mammal"], ["someone", "theater"], ["pineapple", "composer"]]}
- {"relation_type": "DefinedAs", "positives": [["kitten", "baby cat"]], "negatives": [["compete", "baby cat"]]}
  {"relation_type": "Desires", "positives": [["child", "play with toy"], ["person", "clothe"], ["man", "woman"], ["monkey", "eat banana"], ["person", "dance"], ["person", "laugh"], ["person", "feel important"], ["dog", "chew on bone"], ["person", "privacy"], ["person", "their own house"], ["person", "be knowledgeable"], ["animal", "eat"], ["dog", "gnaw on bone"], ["dog", "ride in car"], ["dog", "catch frisbee"], ["person", "solve problem"]], "negatives": [["iron", "metal"], ["passenger", "play with toy"], ["man", "closet"], ["monkey", "walk on"], ["france", "country"], ["person", "sweat"], ["clothe", "drawer"], ["watch television show", "turn on tv"], ["person", "supermarket"], ["all paper", "recycle"], ["front yard", "their own house"], ["catch mumps", "be knowledgeable"], ["t-shirt", "eat"], ["some animal", "gnaw on bone"], ["earth", "ride in car"]]}
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  {"relation_type": "HasFirstSubevent", "positives": [["wake up", "open your eye"], ["attend lecture", "sit"]], "negatives": [["bathtub", "sit"], ["live", "die"], ["book", "write by author"]]}
@@ -16,10 +15,6 @@
  {"relation_type": "MotivatedByGoal", "positives": [["play", "have some fun"], ["read newspaper", "be inform"], ["urinate", "your bladder be full"], ["sleep", "rest"], ["read", "learn"], ["compete", "win"], ["have rest", "you be very tire"], ["propose to woman", "you love her"], ["work", "you need money"], ["drink", "you be thirsty"], ["write letter", "communicate with someone"], ["take midterm", "pass course"], ["play game", "have fun"], ["climb", "reach top"]], "negatives": [["play", "make paper airplane"], ["gravity", "be inform"], ["sleep", "round"], ["key", "learn"], ["compete", "go to bathroom"], ["commit suicide", "you be very tire"], ["propose to woman", "door"], ["26 letter", "english alphabet"], ["planet", "universe"], ["show", "you need money"], ["write letter", "get wet"], ["take midterm", "part your hair"], ["person", "run"], ["cover", "book"], ["beauty", "reach top"]]}
  {"relation_type": "NotCapableOf", "positives": [["person", "fly"], ["penguin", "fly"], ["fish", "live out of water"], ["dog", "fly"], ["vegetarian", "eat meat"], ["water and oil", "mix"], ["dog", "talk"], ["pig", "fly"], ["deaf person", "hear"], ["dog", "sweat"], ["atheist", "believe in god"], ["person", "walk on water"], ["sound", "travel in space"], ["cat", "talk"], ["oil and water", "mix"]], "negatives": [["person", "cry loud"], ["penguin", "cold"], ["fish", "window"], ["vegetarian", "freeway"], ["tissue holder", "hold tissue"], ["breathe", "talk"], ["pig", "get wet"], ["towel rack", "hold towel"], ["atheist", "city"], ["pear", "fruit"], ["son", "parent male child"], ["visit art gallery", "travel in space"], ["cat", "activity"]]}
  {"relation_type": "NotDesires", "positives": [["person", "break leg"], ["cat", "get wet"], ["actor", "bad review"], ["person", "lose his friend"]], "negatives": [["human", "two leg"], ["cinnamon", "break leg"], ["ferret", "get wet"], ["test tube", "lose his friend"]]}
- {"relation_type": "NotHasProperty", "positives": [["work", "fun"]], "negatives": [["animal", "zoo"], ["book", "fun"], ["twenty four hour", "day"]]}
- {"relation_type": "NotIsA", "positives": [["earth", "perfect sphere"]], "negatives": []}
- {"relation_type": "NotMadeOf", "positives": [["moon", "green cheese"]], "negatives": [["leg", "body"], ["moon", "brush hair"], ["glue", "stick thing together"]]}
  {"relation_type": "PartOf", "positives": [["keyboard", "computer"], ["toe", "foot"], ["finger", "hand"], ["page", "book"], ["tire", "car"], ["book", "library"], ["cpu", "computer"], ["nose", "face"], ["cornea", "eye"], ["arm", "body"], ["monitor", "computer"], ["usenet newsgroup", "usenet"], ["death", "life"], ["wheel", "car"], ["galaxy", "universe"], ["person", "society"], ["son", "family"], ["leaf", "tree"], ["god", "religion"], ["trigger", "gun"], ["door", "house"], ["palm", "hand"], ["sex", "human experience"], ["letter", "word"], ["ram", "computer"], ["bark", "tree"], ["electron", "atom"], ["father", "family"], ["mattress", "bed"], ["leg", "body"], ["cover", "book"], ["sex", "reproductive cycle"], ["chapter", "book"], ["proton", "atom"]], "negatives": [["meet interest person", "foot"], ["car", "park lot"], ["venus", "planet"], ["shingle", "roof"], ["finger", "laugh at joke"], ["page", "cd player"], ["chicken", "produce egg"], ["apple", "car"], ["book", "propel by wind"], ["cpu", "wind clock"], ["pistol", "face"], ["coat", "computer"], ["play game", "have fun"], ["triangle", "life"], ["wheel", "milk"], ["galaxy", "country"], ["swim", "get into water"], ["human", "society"], ["bomb", "kill person"], ["dog", "loyal friend"], ["dog", "family"], ["god", "travel under water"], ["music", "form of art"], ["reproduce", "find mate"], ["book", "backpack"], ["match", "light fire"], ["audience", "theatre"], ["door", "game"], ["bed", "hand"], ["write term paper", "research"], ["new mexico", "word"], ["eat breakfast in bed", "crumb in bed"], ["towel rack", "hang towel"], ["ram", "laboratory"], ["ping pong", "family"], ["elephant", "animal"], ["bed", "at home"], ["human", "reproductive cycle"], ["chapter", "tool box"], ["air conditioner", "cool room"]]}
  {"relation_type": "ReceivesAction", "positives": [["book", "read"], ["food", "eat"], ["hat", "wear on head"], ["car", "drive"], ["book", "write"], ["apple", "eat"], ["horse", "ride"], ["shoe", "wear on foot"], ["tank", "use in war"], ["some plastic", "recycle"], ["sailboat", "propel by wind"], ["necklace", "wear around neck"], ["all paper", "recycle"], ["book", "find in library"], ["book", "write by author"], ["movie", "record on film"], ["paper", "recycle"], ["butter", "make from milk"]], "negatives": [["food", "read"], ["light match", "fire"], ["oil", "eat"], ["car", "fur"], ["dog", "eat"], ["cucumber", "vegetable"], ["policeman", "ride"], ["window", "look outside"], ["cup", "drink"], ["pool", "propel by wind"], ["key chain", "keep key together"], ["pet", "wear around neck"], ["doll", "play with"], ["robin egg", "blue"], ["book", "make clothe"], ["paper", "simple machine"]]}
- {"relation_type": "RelatedTo", "positives": [["home", "family"]], "negatives": [["home", "mammal"], ["staple", "stapler"]]}
- {"relation_type": "UsedFor", "positives": [["pen", "write"], ["telephone", "communicate"], ["key", "open lock"], ["camera", "take picture"], ["spoon", "eat"], ["computer", "work"], ["hammer", "drive nail"], ["keyboard", "type"], ["water", "drink"], ["net", "catch fish"], ["pool", "swim"], ["wing", "fly"], ["bus stop", "wait for bus"], ["book", "learn"], ["see", "cut wood"], ["bed", "have sex"], ["match", "start fire"], ["carpet", "cover floor"], ["book", "read"], ["cloth", "clean"], ["cloth", "make clothe"], ["pan", "cook"], ["boat", "travel on water"], ["saddle", "ride horse"], ["book", "study"], ["fruit", "eat"], ["voice", "sing"], ["computer", "play game"], ["key", "open door"], ["glass", "drink"], ["play sport", "fun"], ["jump rope", "exercise"], ["needle", "sew"], ["bicycle storage area", "store bicycle"], ["kettle", "boil water"], ["saw", "cut wood"], ["table", "put thing on"], ["weapon", "kill"], ["guitar", "make music"], ["double edge razor", "shave"], ["go to sleep", 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  {"relation_type": "Causes", "positives": [["do housework", "clean house"], ["read", "learn"], ["do housework", "have clean house"], ["smoke", "lung cancer"], ["exercise", "sweat"], ["light match", "fire"], ["go to get haircut", "your hair will be short"], ["fall", "injury"], ["play", "fun"], ["kill", "death"], ["go on vacation", "relaxation"], ["sex", "child"], ["read", "learn something"], ["have haircut", "have short hair"], ["tickle", "laughter"], ["smoke", "cancer"], ["play game with your friend", "fun"], ["apply for job", "get job"], ["maintain good health", "long life"], ["procreate", "have child"], ["go to zoo", "see animal"], ["go to laundromat", "clean clothe"], ["play violin", "music"], ["stay healthy", "long life"], ["see your favorite show", "laugh"], ["go to play", "be entertain"], ["sing", "sore throat"], ["cross street", "get to other side"], ["chew your food", "good digestion"], ["open gift", "surprise"], ["have sex", "baby"], ["move car", "accident"], ["walk in rain", "you get wet"], ["go to bed", "sleep"], ["tickle", "laugh"], ["propose to woman", "marriage"], ["wait in line", "boredom"], ["chat with friend", "laughter"], ["relax", "sleep"], ["bathe", "be clean"], ["reproduce", "child"], ["sex", "orgasm"], ["fart", "bad smell"], ["smoke cigarette", "lung cancer"], ["strike match", "fire"], ["urinate", "relief"], ["dream", "nightmare"], ["walk in rain", "you get very wet"], ["buy hamburger", "eat"], ["think", "idea"], ["go to pub", "get drunk"], ["add up column of number", "sum"], ["wash your car", "your car to be clean"], ["eat ice cream", "happiness"], ["act in play", "applause"], ["fall", "pain"], ["take final", "stress"], ["eat breakfast in bed", "crumb in bed"], ["obstruct justice", "injustice"], ["sing", "happiness"], ["take examination", "pass class"], ["buy beer", "get drunk"], ["hear music", "dance"], ["take exam", "get grade"], ["go to sleep", "dream"], ["go to party", "meet new person"], ["go to performance", "enjoyment"], ["play game", "happiness"], ["socialise", "make friend"], ["have rest", "sleep"], ["compute sum", "get answer"]], "negatives": [["key", "open lock"], ["do housework", "food"], ["lion", "animal"], ["smoke", "zoo"], ["go to sport event", "buy ticket"], ["pistol", "gun"], ["play", "bird"], ["poodle", "dog"], ["kill", "dribble"], ["sex", "hockey game"], ["read", "school"], ["pepper and salt", "have short hair"], ["paper", "laughter"], ["passenger", "cancer"], ["lemon", "get job"], ["maintain good health", "instrument"], ["chess", "game"], ["procreate", "sew"], ["die", "stop breathe"], ["see your favorite show", "park"], ["go to play", "marriage"], ["kill", "sore throat"], ["bathe", "use soap"], ["weasel", "zoo"], ["seat", "theater"], ["cross street", "think"], ["library", "book"], ["jump out of window", "surprise"], ["denim", "fabric"], ["brazil", "country"], ["have sex", "laugh"], ["train", "arrive late"], ["move car", "fool audience"], ["sock", "sleep"], ["rosebush", "laugh"], ["sailor", "sail ship"], ["submarine", "ship"], ["bunsen burner", "chemistry lab"], ["visit other country", "boredom"], ["passenger", "board train"], ["think", "brain"], ["typewriter", "type letter"], ["chat with friend", "sweat"], ["relax", "lake"], ["reproduce", "post office"], ["sex", "put thing on"], ["sink", "lung cancer"], ["strike match", "settle lawsuit"], ["dream", "get license"], ["walk in rain", "happiness"], ["think", "cut food"], ["board", "build"], ["arkansas", "your car to be clean"], ["fish", "catch fish"], ["cheese", "flavor"], ["dollar", "money"], ["sugar", "sweeten food"], ["bell", "applause"], ["take final", "go to art museum"], ["article in magazine", "read"], ["toothbrush head", "clean your tooth"], ["sprinkler", "happiness"], ["happiness", "emotion"], ["buy beer", "die"], ["blanket", "cover bed"], ["bat", "dance"], ["south dakota", "dream"], ["go to party", "round"], ["hairbrush", "bathroom"], ["play game", "zoo"], ["dove", "bird"], ["socialise", "table"], ["shark", "pacific ocean"]]}
  {"relation_type": "CausesDesire", "positives": [["love", "kiss someone"], ["be tire", "have rest"], ["love", "propose to woman"], ["cold", "light fire"], ["full bladder", "urinate"], ["be dirty", "bathe"], ["be hot", "go for swim"], ["test", "study for subject"], ["need money", "go to work"]], "negatives": [["wine list", "have rest"], ["helium", "bathe"], ["potato", "go for swim"], ["classroom", "study for subject"], ["spinach", "vegetable"], ["have shower", "take off your clothe"], ["sailboat", "go to work"]]}
  {"relation_type": "CreatedBy", "positives": [["music", "composer"], ["book", "writer"]], "negatives": [["rabbit", "mammal"], ["someone", "theater"], ["pineapple", "composer"]]}
  {"relation_type": "Desires", "positives": [["child", "play with toy"], ["person", "clothe"], ["man", "woman"], ["monkey", "eat banana"], ["person", "dance"], ["person", "laugh"], ["person", "feel important"], ["dog", "chew on bone"], ["person", "privacy"], ["person", "their own house"], ["person", "be knowledgeable"], ["animal", "eat"], ["dog", "gnaw on bone"], ["dog", "ride in car"], ["dog", "catch frisbee"], ["person", "solve problem"]], "negatives": [["iron", "metal"], ["passenger", "play with toy"], ["man", "closet"], ["monkey", "walk on"], ["france", "country"], ["person", "sweat"], ["clothe", "drawer"], ["watch television show", "turn on tv"], ["person", "supermarket"], ["all paper", "recycle"], ["front yard", "their own house"], ["catch mumps", "be knowledgeable"], ["t-shirt", "eat"], ["some animal", "gnaw on bone"], ["earth", "ride in car"]]}
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  {"relation_type": "NotDesires", "positives": [["person", "break leg"], ["cat", "get wet"], ["actor", "bad review"], ["person", "lose his friend"]], "negatives": [["human", "two leg"], ["cinnamon", "break leg"], ["ferret", "get wet"], ["test tube", "lose his friend"]]}
  {"relation_type": "PartOf", "positives": [["keyboard", "computer"], ["toe", "foot"], ["finger", "hand"], ["page", "book"], ["tire", "car"], ["book", "library"], ["cpu", "computer"], ["nose", "face"], ["cornea", "eye"], ["arm", "body"], ["monitor", "computer"], ["usenet newsgroup", "usenet"], ["death", "life"], ["wheel", "car"], ["galaxy", "universe"], ["person", "society"], ["son", "family"], ["leaf", "tree"], ["god", "religion"], ["trigger", "gun"], ["door", "house"], ["palm", "hand"], ["sex", "human experience"], ["letter", "word"], ["ram", "computer"], ["bark", "tree"], ["electron", "atom"], ["father", "family"], ["mattress", "bed"], ["leg", "body"], ["cover", "book"], ["sex", "reproductive cycle"], ["chapter", "book"], ["proton", "atom"]], "negatives": [["meet interest person", "foot"], ["car", "park lot"], ["venus", "planet"], ["shingle", "roof"], ["finger", "laugh at joke"], ["page", "cd player"], ["chicken", "produce egg"], ["apple", "car"], ["book", "propel by wind"], ["cpu", "wind clock"], ["pistol", "face"], ["coat", "computer"], ["play game", "have fun"], ["triangle", "life"], ["wheel", "milk"], ["galaxy", "country"], ["swim", "get into water"], ["human", "society"], ["bomb", "kill person"], ["dog", "loyal friend"], ["dog", "family"], ["god", "travel under water"], ["music", "form of art"], ["reproduce", "find mate"], ["book", "backpack"], ["match", "light fire"], ["audience", "theatre"], ["door", "game"], ["bed", "hand"], ["write term paper", "research"], ["new mexico", "word"], ["eat breakfast in bed", "crumb in bed"], ["towel rack", "hang towel"], ["ram", "laboratory"], ["ping pong", "family"], ["elephant", "animal"], ["bed", "at home"], ["human", "reproductive cycle"], ["chapter", "tool box"], ["air conditioner", "cool room"]]}
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dataset/valid.jsonl CHANGED
@@ -2,11 +2,9 @@
  {"relation_type": "CapableOf", "positives": [["doctor", "help patient"], ["student", "ask question"], ["knight", "ride horse"], ["sun", "burn your skin"], ["person", "climb mountain"], ["sailor", "tie knot"], ["prisoner", "from jail"], ["sailor", "row boat"], ["post office", "forward mail"], ["person", "buy car"], ["earthquake", "shake grind"], ["student", "read book"], ["water", "flow"], ["hammer", "strike nail"], ["live be", "die"], ["baby", "wet diaper"], ["bad thing", "happen to good person"], ["host", "welcome his guest"], ["teacher", "plan lesson"], ["word", "mean thing"], ["lion", "hunt zebra"], ["teacher", "answer question"], ["prisoner", "attempt escape"], ["dog", "sense fear"], ["teacher", "question student"], ["thermometer", "measure temperature"], ["person", "sleep at night"], ["toy", "delight child"], ["musician", "record song"], ["mosquito", "fly"], ["person", "fear death"], ["teacher", "mark paper"], ["actor", "star in film"], ["teacher", "state fact"], ["baby", "wet their diaper"], ["student", "study math"], ["cat", "chase mouse"], ["child", "play game"], ["person", "visit place"], ["hostess", "welcome guest"], ["person", "experience joy"], ["farmer", "seed field"], ["fly", "fly"], ["fire", "burn house"], ["brewer", "bottle beer"], ["mop", "clean floor"], ["politician", "field question"], ["good", "battle evil"], ["fish", "breathe water"], ["person", "cook dinner"], ["hand", "cup water"], ["smoker", "light cigarette"], ["stove", "heat food"], ["person", "wear hat"], ["child", "ask question"], ["cat", "kill bird"], ["person", "miss appointment"], ["author", "write poem"], ["wood", "burn"], ["paper", "burn"], ["chef", "prepare meal"], ["fire", "destroy forest"], ["chef", "prepare food"], ["woman", "give birth"], ["couple", "have sex"], ["sunglass", "protect eye from sun"], ["ice", "cool drink"], ["parent", "name baby"], ["iron", "press clothe"], ["son", "honor his mother"], ["criminal", "case joint"], ["lizard", "sun itself on rock"], ["baby", "cry loudly"]], "negatives": [["god", "exist"], ["doctor", "band"], ["have long hair", "have haircut"], ["love seat", "ask question"], ["ride bike", "pedal"], ["pike", "fish"], ["student", "climb mountain"], ["word", "sentence"], ["dictionary", "from jail"], ["have checkup", "make appointment with doctor"], ["post office", "money"], ["table", "buy car"], ["go to restaurant", "eat food"], ["fruit", "shake grind"], ["sheet", "linen closet"], ["mouse", "cupboard"], ["kettle", "kitchen"], ["hair gel", "bathroom"], ["white house", "washington d.c"], ["pepper", "spice"], ["booger", "your nose"], ["man", "write in book"], ["baby", "be pet"], ["sing", "welcome his guest"], ["knob", "plan lesson"], ["mast", "mean thing"], ["lion", "water garden"], ["entryway", "enter"], ["person", "answer question"], ["get wet", "get cold"], ["prisoner", "write with"], ["go off strike", "sense fear"], ["go into trance", "meditate"], ["hit bottle", "go to bar"], ["person", "case joint"], ["meet person", "make new friend"], ["golf club", "record song"], ["mercury", "fly"], ["milk", "mark paper"], ["stop your bicycle", "star in film"], ["listen to radio", "state fact"], ["person", "bridge"], ["hostess", "windowsill"], ["country", "seed field"], ["sun", "bottle beer"], ["mop", "break"], ["use computer", "type"], ["politician", "be born"], ["sex", "three letter word"], ["fish", "give birth"], ["doctor", "person"], ["stove", "cook dinner"], ["dog", "be pet"], ["chapel", "get marry"], ["smoker", "fun"], ["chapel", "pray"], ["metal", "heat food"], ["person", "fill with air"], ["strike match", "ask question"], ["get fit", "kill bird"], ["wood", "miss appointment"], ["puppy", "write poem"], ["live", "be born"], ["paper", "you be sad"], ["chef", "drive on"], ["escalator", "prepare food"], ["beer", "drink"], ["see movie", "give birth"], ["program", "have sex"], ["college", "protect eye from sun"], ["computer", "store"], ["agree with someone", "someone nod"], ["do some exercise", "do cool-down"], ["flirt", "sex"], ["turkey", "name baby"], ["glass roof", "greenhouse"], ["light match", "start fire"], ["beer", "cry loudly"]]}
  {"relation_type": "Causes", "positives": [["play game", "win"], ["watch even news", "learn about current event"], ["study", "learn"], ["work", "stress"], ["run marathon", "exhaustion"], ["rain", "flood"], ["get wet", "get cold"], ["kill someone", "go to jail"], ["wait on line", "boredom"], ["play card", "win money"], ["have haircut", "short hair"], ["meet person", "make new friend"], ["strike match", "flame"], ["play lacrosse", "injury"], ["read magazine", "learn"], ["open gift", "suprise"], ["buy product", "spend money"], ["pass class", "graduation"], ["play sport", "injury"], ["eat breakfast", "gain energy"], ["hear sing", "sing along"], ["eat vegetable", "good health"], ["cash in", "get money"], ["get job", "earn money"], ["flirt", "sex"], ["light match", "start fire"]], "negatives": [["play game", "rodent"], ["lie", "learn about current event"], ["study", "be judge"], ["work", "house"], ["run marathon", "bone"], ["japan", "country"], ["rain", "string"], ["orange", "citrus fruit"], ["play card", "oven"], ["seatbelt", "backseat of car"], ["strike match", "shave with"], ["read magazine", "store food"], ["canada", "in north america"], ["trumpet", "suprise"], ["boredom", "play game"], ["buy product", "protect eye from sun"], ["pass class", "plant"], ["fire", "burn house"], ["play sport", "wood"], ["hear sing", "swallow"], ["drink", "liquid"], ["machine", "good health"], ["cat", "play"], ["car", "town"], ["get job", "universe"], ["son", "honor his mother"]]}
  {"relation_type": "CausesDesire", "positives": [["happiness", "sing"], ["have long hair", "have haircut"], ["hunger", "eat"], ["too long hair", "have haircut"], ["your love", "forgive someone"], ["drink", "urinate"], ["boredom", "play game"], ["crime", "conduct trial"], ["crime", "serve justice"], ["music", "dance"], ["book", "sleep"]], "negatives": [["happiness", "sex"], ["cat", "eat"], ["student", "read book"], ["too long hair", "house"], ["your love", "fruit"], ["person", "urinate"], ["fly kite", "go outside"], ["enjoy film", "buy ticket"], ["music", "state fact"], ["book", "young human male"], ["mouse", "animal"]]}
- {"relation_type": "CreatedBy", "positives": [["program", "programmer"]], "negatives": [["program", "give birth"]]}
  {"relation_type": "DefinedAs", "positives": [["war", "opposite of peace"], ["earth", "world"]], "negatives": [["war", "wet diaper"], ["hair", "world"]]}
  {"relation_type": "Desires", "positives": [["dog", "play with frisbee"], ["child", "play game"], ["person", "headache"], ["dog", "chew bone"], ["person", "ride horse"], ["dog", "be pet"], ["dog", "bone"], ["person", "compliment"], ["cat", "sleep"], ["cat", "play"], ["dog", "play"], ["cat", "chase mouse"]], "negatives": [["horse", "social animal"], ["mast", "hold sail"], ["boot", "leather"], ["child", "sleep"], ["dog", "camera"], ["person", "surround by water"], ["person", "be burn"], ["person", "sleep"], ["playground", "play"], ["garden", "chase mouse"], ["pan", "kitchen"], ["iron", "press clothe"]]}
  {"relation_type": "HasA", "positives": [["turtle", "shell"], ["human", "sex"], ["forest", "tree"], ["person", "two ear"], ["library", "many book"], ["car", "radio"], ["house", "roof"], ["parent", "child"], ["person", "feel"], ["violin", "string"], ["earth", "atmosphere"], ["house", "yard"], ["most bird", "wing"], ["bird", "wing"], ["bird", "two leg"], ["religion", "cause many war"], ["arm", "one hand"]], "negatives": [["someone", "pool"], ["human", "go to jail"], ["forest", "state"], ["water plant", "two ear"], ["library", "boat"], ["enjoy film", "radio"], ["person", "wash them"], ["snore", "string"], ["walk on beach", "atmosphere"], ["tooth", "yard"], ["most bird", "bird"], ["play guitar", "wing"], ["soak in hotspring", "two leg"], ["religion", "get cold"], ["breathe", "live"], ["chair", "wood"], ["car", "one hand"]]}
- {"relation_type": "HasFirstSubevent", "positives": [["skate", "put skate on"]], "negatives": [["turkey", "name of country"]]}
  {"relation_type": "HasLastSubevent", "positives": [["bathe", "dry off"], ["do some exercise", "do cool-down"], ["take shower", "dry off"]], "negatives": [["drink", "dry off"]]}
  {"relation_type": "HasPrerequisite", "positives": [["answer question", "know answer"], ["punch someone", "make fist"], ["ride bike", "pedal"], ["see movie", "go to cinema"], ["go to get haircut", "go to hairdresser"], ["have checkup", "make appointment with doctor"], ["talk with someone far away", "use telephone"], ["go for run", "put on run shoe"], ["hear testimony", "go to court"], ["sate your hunger", "eat something"], ["get some money from someone", "ask them"], ["sleep", "go to bed"], ["clean clothe", "wash them"], ["enjoy film", "go to cinema"], ["buy shirt", "money"], ["get pay", "work for someone"], ["stop be marry to someone", "get divorce"], ["pass sentence", "be judge"], ["go into trance", "meditate"], ["hit bottle", "go to bar"], ["stop your bicycle", "use your brake"], ["commit perjury", "tell lie"], ["get divorce", "get marry"], ["type", "have keyboard"], ["go for walk", "stand up"], ["stop your car", "step on brake"], ["run errand", "make list"], ["watch television show", "turn on television"], ["go to film", "go to movie theater"], ["see your favorite show", "turn on tv"], ["listen to radio", "turn radio on"], ["kiss someone", "pucker up"], ["take oath", "raise your right hand"], ["attend rock concert", "purchase ticket"], ["stop be marry to someone", "divorce"], ["play violin", "take lesson"], ["dive", "go to pool"], ["have food", "eat"], ["see old thing", "visit museum"], ["eat in restaurant", "make reservation"], ["join army", "enlist"], ["read newspaper", "literacy"], ["listen to music", "play cd"], ["print on printer", "turn printer on"], ["fly kite", "go outside"], ["use television", "plug it in"], ["surf web", "connect to internet"], ["see movie", "buy ticket"], ["enjoy film", "buy ticket"], ["drill hole", "get drill"], ["water plant", "get water"], ["get warm", "put on clothe"], ["live", "be born"], ["get in shape", "work out"], ["sleep", "brush your tooth"], ["go jog", "put on shoe"], ["receive degree", "go to school"]], "negatives": [["envelope", "mail letter"], ["punch someone", "roof"], ["see movie", "casino"], ["bathe", "dry off"], ["subway pass", "ride subway"], ["win", "put on run shoe"], ["paperclip", "desk"], ["planet", "ask them"], ["sleep", "linen closet"], ["enjoy film", "turn on television"], ["reproduce", "money"], ["house", "roof"], ["get pay", "chew bone"], ["stop be marry to someone", "wear hat"], ["play lacrosse", "be judge"], ["wait room", "use your brake"], ["see old thing", "tell lie"], ["dog", "table"], ["tennis ball", "get marry"], ["type", "question student"], ["linoleum", "kitchen"], ["go for walk", "deck"], ["stop your car", "cry loudly"], ["something", "bridge"], ["run errand", "state"], ["watch television show", "eat food"], ["person", "fear death"], ["listen to radio", "ask them"], ["book", "pucker up"], ["take oath", "burn"], ["dust", "fridge"], ["sunglass", "purchase ticket"], ["ficus", "pot"], ["stop be marry to someone", "read book"], ["cat", "chase mouse"], ["shoe", "take lesson"], ["dive", "car"], ["wicca", "eat"], ["telephone", "desk"], ["read newspaper", "short hair"], ["action figure", "toy store"], ["print on printer", "room"], ["use television", "enter"], ["bucket", "carry liquid"], ["surf web", "drink beer"], ["do some exercise", "get water"], ["get warm", "call someone"], ["country", "work out"], ["floppy disk", "obsolete"], ["other planet", "solar system"], ["sing", "you be happy"], ["go jog", "person"], ["wall", "build"], ["carpet", "go to school"]]}
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@@ -14,11 +12,8 @@
  {"relation_type": "IsA", "positives": [["america", "country"], ["gorilla", "ape"], ["pike", "fish"], ["kayak", "boat"], ["horse", "social animal"], ["puppy", "immature dog"], ["eye", "complex organ"], ["human", "biped"], ["jog", "exercise"], ["woodwind", "musical instrument"], ["rat", "rodent"], ["saxaphone", "musical instrument"], ["short distance between two point", "straight line"], ["chess", "board game"], ["puppy", "dog"], ["viola", "musical instrument"], ["tiger", "cat"], ["jazz", "music"], ["pepper", "spice"], ["flute", "instrument"], ["yellow", "color"], ["flower", "plant"], ["buddhism", "religion"], ["swan", "bird"], ["lisp", "program language"], ["bear", "mammal"], ["horse", "animal"], ["japan", "country"], ["aid", "disease"], ["cancer", "disease"], ["blue", "colour"], ["falcon", "bird"], ["this", "see"], ["man", "write in book"], ["island", "land mass"], ["niece", "girl"], ["texas", "state"], ["pistol", "weapon"], ["math", "subject"], ["mercury", "planet"], ["milk", 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  {"relation_type": "MotivatedByGoal", "positives": [["sell your new book", "money"], ["go to zoo", "see animal"], ["cry", "you be sad"], ["sleep", "you be tire"], ["bury cat", "it be dead"], ["reproduce", "have child"], ["sit down", "rest"], ["remember phone number", "call someone"], ["breathe", "live"], ["work", "money"], ["sing", "you be happy"]], "negatives": [["jog", "money"], ["go to zoo", "disease"], ["cry", "type"], ["sleep", "forward mail"], ["baby", "wet their diaper"], ["wait on table", "you get tip"], ["dog", "bone"], ["bury cat", "cute"], ["sit down", "war"], ["work", "very dangerous"], ["euro", "currency"]]}
- {"relation_type": "NotCapableOf", "positives": [["god", "exist"]], "negatives": [["highway", "drive on"]]}
  {"relation_type": "NotDesires", "positives": [["person", "make mistake"], ["person", "be burn"], ["person", "burn"], ["person", "be diseased"]], "negatives": [["water", "burn"]]}
- {"relation_type": "NotHasProperty", "positives": [["rubber chicken", "alive"]], "negatives": [["see movie", "alive"]]}
- {"relation_type": "NotIsA", "positives": [["win", "everything"]], "negatives": [["screwdriver", "everything"]]}
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  {"relation_type": "SymbolOf", "positives": [["dove", "peace"], ["heart", "love"]], "negatives": [["take stand", "peace"], ["dance club", "city"], ["heart", "divorce"]]}
- {"relation_type": "UsedFor", "positives": [["envelope", "mail letter"], ["fan", "cool off"], ["picnic basket", "carry food"], ["instrument triangle", "make music"], ["finger", "type"], ["ax", "chop wood"], ["cruise ship", "vacation"], ["tool", "build thing"], ["family room", "watch tv"], ["locker room", "change clothe"], ["subway pass", "ride subway"], ["round trip ticket", "travel"], ["love seat", "sit on"], ["restaurant table", "eat at"], ["talk to someone", "communication"], ["nylon", "make clothe"], ["textile", "make clothe"], ["fabric", "make clothe"], ["haircutting scissor", "cut hair"], ["typewriter", "write letter"], ["mast", "hold sail"], ["apple", "eat"], ["stopwatch", "time thing"], ["calculator", "do math"], ["entryway", "enter"], ["tennis ball", "play tennis"], ["pawn", "play chess"], ["pub", "drink beer"], ["street", "drive on"], ["hotel", "sleep"], ["cutlery drawer", "store knife"], ["machine gun", "kill person"], ["garden hose", "water garden"], ["razor", "shave with"], ["match", "light fire"], ["pair of pant", "wear"], ["temple", "pray"], ["glass", "hold liquid"], ["shoe", "protect your foot"], ["bookshelf", "hold book"], ["decide criminal s fate", "judge"], ["salt", "season food"], ["oboe", "make music"], ["museum ticket", "enter museum"], ["chapel", "get marry"], ["bucket", "carry liquid"], ["highway", "drive on"], ["bungalow", "live in"], ["cotton", "make clothe"], ["golf club", "hit golf ball"], ["fork", "eat food with"], ["chapel", "pray"], ["machine", "work"], ["toothbrush", "clean tooth"], ["clipboard", "hold paper"], ["toothpaste", "clean tooth"], ["harmonica", "make music"], ["ear", "hear sound"], ["plate", "hold food"], ["bicycle", "ride"], ["weapon", "hurt someone"], ["harpsichord", "make music"], ["barbecue", "cook food"], ["fire extinguisher", "put out fire"], ["desk", "work"], ["office", "work"], ["calendar", "keep track of time"], ["refrigerator", "keep food from spoil"], ["pistol", "shoot bullet"], ["coat", "keep warm"], ["beer", "drink"], ["cigarette", "smoke"], ["your brain", "think"], ["printer", "print"], ["car", "transportation"], ["refrigerator", "store food"], ["sword", "kill"], ["pipe", "smoke"], ["cat", "catch mouse"], ["ballpoint pen", "write with"], ["glass roof", "greenhouse"]], "negatives": [["island", "surround by water"], ["sell your new book", "cool off"], ["picnic basket", "live"], ["instrument triangle", "dentist office"], ["go to get haircut", "go to hairdresser"], ["hair", "drain"], ["locker room", "chop wood"], ["kiss someone", "vacation"], ["knight", "build thing"], ["be sad", "watch tv"], ["eye", "head"], ["talk with someone far away", "use telephone"], ["get fit", "travel"], ["mouse", "sit on"], ["restaurant table", "get wet"], ["talk to someone", "forgive someone"], ["nylon", "obsolete"], ["textile", "cute"], ["fabric", "make music"], ["haircutting scissor", "wet diaper"], ["agree with someone", "write letter"], ["apple", "play"], ["calculator", "house"], ["clean clothe", "wash them"], ["parent", "child"], ["bee", "meadow"], ["tennis ball", "be burn"], ["bee", "drive on"], ["parent", "sleep"], ["cutlery drawer", "fish"], ["orange", "color"], ["machine gun", "go outside"], ["student", "study math"], ["garden hose", "raise your right hand"], ["razor", "library"], ["match", "show"], ["take stand", "testify"], ["temple", "buy ticket"], ["listen to music", "play cd"], ["watch television show", "protect your foot"], ["eat breakfast", "gain energy"], ["flower", "fragrant"], ["bookshelf", "kiss your partner"], ["decide criminal s fate", "fun"], ["salt", "go to bed"], ["hand", "cup water"], ["ink", "make music"], ["museum ticket", "house"], ["get wet", "make clothe"], ["paperclip", "eat food with"], ["machine", "biped"], ["toothbrush", "sleep"], ["stop your car", "hear sound"], ["bicycle", "act"], ["enjoy film", "hurt someone"], ["parrot", "make music"], ["comfort friend", "cook food"], ["desk", "cave"], ["office", "go to jail"], ["crime", "serve justice"], ["barbecue", "keep food from spoil"], ["pistol", "form of transportation"], ["coat", "go to court"], ["remember phone number", "call someone"], ["your brain", "stand up"], ["trumpet", "musical instrument"], ["printer", "immature dog"], ["lisp", "transportation"], ["refrigerator", "make music"], ["use television", "kill"], ["car", "expensive"], ["pipe", "radio"], ["nylon", "catch mouse"], ["tiger", "write with"]]}
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  {"relation_type": "Causes", "positives": [["play game", "win"], ["watch even news", "learn about current event"], ["study", "learn"], ["work", "stress"], ["run marathon", "exhaustion"], ["rain", "flood"], ["get wet", "get cold"], ["kill someone", "go to jail"], ["wait on line", "boredom"], ["play card", "win money"], ["have haircut", "short hair"], ["meet person", "make new friend"], ["strike match", "flame"], ["play lacrosse", "injury"], ["read magazine", "learn"], ["open gift", "suprise"], ["buy product", "spend money"], ["pass class", "graduation"], ["play sport", "injury"], ["eat breakfast", "gain energy"], ["hear sing", "sing along"], ["eat vegetable", "good health"], ["cash in", "get money"], ["get job", "earn money"], ["flirt", "sex"], ["light match", "start fire"]], "negatives": [["play game", "rodent"], ["lie", "learn about current event"], ["study", "be judge"], ["work", "house"], ["run marathon", "bone"], ["japan", "country"], ["rain", "string"], ["orange", "citrus fruit"], ["play card", "oven"], ["seatbelt", "backseat of car"], ["strike match", "shave with"], ["read magazine", "store food"], ["canada", "in north america"], ["trumpet", "suprise"], ["boredom", "play game"], ["buy product", "protect eye from sun"], ["pass class", "plant"], ["fire", "burn house"], ["play sport", "wood"], ["hear sing", "swallow"], ["drink", "liquid"], ["machine", "good health"], ["cat", "play"], ["car", "town"], ["get job", "universe"], ["son", "honor his mother"]]}
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  {"relation_type": "DefinedAs", "positives": [["war", "opposite of peace"], ["earth", "world"]], "negatives": [["war", "wet diaper"], ["hair", "world"]]}
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  {"relation_type": "HasA", "positives": [["turtle", "shell"], ["human", "sex"], ["forest", "tree"], ["person", "two ear"], ["library", "many book"], ["car", "radio"], ["house", "roof"], ["parent", "child"], ["person", "feel"], ["violin", "string"], ["earth", "atmosphere"], ["house", "yard"], ["most bird", "wing"], ["bird", "wing"], ["bird", "two leg"], ["religion", "cause many war"], ["arm", "one hand"]], "negatives": [["someone", "pool"], ["human", "go to jail"], ["forest", "state"], ["water plant", "two ear"], ["library", "boat"], ["enjoy film", "radio"], ["person", "wash them"], ["snore", "string"], ["walk on beach", "atmosphere"], ["tooth", "yard"], ["most bird", "bird"], ["play guitar", "wing"], ["soak in hotspring", "two leg"], ["religion", "get cold"], ["breathe", "live"], ["chair", "wood"], ["car", "one hand"]]}
  {"relation_type": "HasLastSubevent", "positives": [["bathe", "dry off"], ["do some exercise", "do cool-down"], ["take shower", "dry off"]], "negatives": [["drink", "dry off"]]}
  {"relation_type": "HasPrerequisite", "positives": [["answer question", "know answer"], ["punch someone", "make fist"], ["ride bike", "pedal"], ["see movie", "go to cinema"], ["go to get haircut", "go to hairdresser"], ["have checkup", "make appointment with doctor"], ["talk with someone far away", "use telephone"], ["go for run", "put on run shoe"], ["hear testimony", "go to court"], ["sate your hunger", "eat something"], ["get some money from someone", "ask them"], ["sleep", "go to bed"], ["clean clothe", "wash them"], ["enjoy film", "go to cinema"], ["buy shirt", "money"], ["get pay", "work for someone"], ["stop be marry to someone", "get divorce"], ["pass sentence", "be judge"], ["go into trance", "meditate"], ["hit bottle", "go to bar"], ["stop your bicycle", "use your brake"], ["commit perjury", "tell lie"], ["get divorce", "get marry"], ["type", "have keyboard"], ["go for walk", "stand up"], ["stop your car", "step on brake"], ["run errand", "make list"], ["watch television show", "turn on television"], ["go to film", "go to movie theater"], ["see your favorite show", "turn on tv"], ["listen to radio", "turn radio on"], ["kiss someone", "pucker up"], ["take oath", "raise your right hand"], ["attend rock concert", "purchase ticket"], ["stop be marry to someone", "divorce"], ["play violin", "take lesson"], ["dive", "go to pool"], ["have food", "eat"], ["see old thing", "visit museum"], ["eat in restaurant", "make reservation"], ["join army", "enlist"], ["read newspaper", "literacy"], ["listen to music", "play cd"], ["print on printer", "turn printer on"], ["fly kite", "go outside"], ["use television", "plug it in"], ["surf web", "connect to internet"], ["see movie", "buy ticket"], ["enjoy film", "buy ticket"], ["drill hole", "get drill"], ["water plant", "get water"], ["get warm", "put on clothe"], ["live", "be born"], ["get in shape", "work out"], ["sleep", "brush your tooth"], ["go jog", "put on shoe"], ["receive degree", "go to school"]], "negatives": [["envelope", "mail letter"], ["punch someone", "roof"], ["see movie", "casino"], ["bathe", "dry off"], ["subway pass", "ride subway"], ["win", "put on run shoe"], ["paperclip", "desk"], ["planet", "ask them"], ["sleep", "linen closet"], ["enjoy film", "turn on television"], ["reproduce", "money"], ["house", "roof"], ["get pay", "chew bone"], ["stop be marry to someone", "wear hat"], ["play lacrosse", "be judge"], ["wait room", "use your brake"], ["see old thing", "tell lie"], ["dog", "table"], ["tennis ball", "get marry"], ["type", "question student"], ["linoleum", "kitchen"], ["go for walk", "deck"], ["stop your car", "cry loudly"], ["something", "bridge"], ["run errand", "state"], ["watch television show", "eat food"], ["person", "fear death"], ["listen to radio", "ask them"], ["book", "pucker up"], ["take oath", "burn"], ["dust", "fridge"], ["sunglass", "purchase ticket"], ["ficus", "pot"], ["stop be marry to someone", "read book"], ["cat", "chase mouse"], ["shoe", "take lesson"], ["dive", "car"], ["wicca", "eat"], ["telephone", "desk"], ["read newspaper", "short hair"], ["action figure", "toy store"], ["print on printer", "room"], ["use television", "enter"], ["bucket", "carry liquid"], ["surf web", "drink beer"], ["do some exercise", "get water"], ["get warm", "call someone"], ["country", "work out"], ["floppy disk", "obsolete"], ["other planet", "solar system"], ["sing", "you be happy"], ["go jog", "person"], ["wall", "build"], ["carpet", "go to school"]]}
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"liquid"], ["screwdriver", "drink"], ["orange", "citrus fruit"], ["college", "school"], ["submarine", "boat"], ["georgia", "state"], ["jar", "container"], ["orange", "color"], ["turkey", "name of country"], ["bible", "book"], ["canada", "in north america"], ["tuba", "large musical instrument"], ["sex", "three letter word"], ["steak", "food"], ["fruit", "good source of vitamin"], ["cash", "another word for money"], ["bagel", "bread"], ["moon", "long way away"], ["doctor", "person"], ["car", "machine"], ["space", "area"], ["boat", "form of transportation"], ["rhode island", "state"], ["drink", "liquid"], ["airplane", "form of transportation"], ["oldsmobile", "car"], ["student", "person"], ["computer", "machine"], ["french horn", "musical instrument"], ["tulip", "flower"], ["trumpet", "musical instrument"], ["guitar", "instrument"], ["dictionary", "book"], ["woman", "human"], ["watermelon", "fruit"], ["copper", "metal"], ["oak", "tree"], ["turkey", "country"], ["uranus", "planet"], ["pig", "mammal"], ["squirrel", "mammal"], ["hamburger", "food"], ["korea university", "university"], ["goldfish", "fish"], ["mouse", "animal"], ["nightingale", "bird"], ["gull", "bird"], ["euro", "currency"], ["parrot", "bird"], ["bicycle be", "mean of transportation"], ["backgammon", "board game"], ["u2", "band"], ["massachusetts", "state"], ["lip", "kiss"], ["piano", "instrument of music"], ["wicca", "religion"], ["boy", "young human male"], ["snow", "freeze water"]], "negatives": [["answer question", "know answer"], ["teacher", "country"], ["gorilla", "travel"], ["knight", "ride horse"], ["carpet", "room"], ["kayak", "sleep"], ["sun", "burn your skin"], ["axe", "sharp"], ["locker room", "change clothe"], ["puppy", "leather"], ["eye", "table"], ["car", "biped"], ["woodwind", "long way away"], ["hear testimony", "go to court"], ["stick", "wood"], ["watch television show", "rodent"], ["fire", "musical instrument"], ["bee", "straight line"], ["garden", "back yard"], ["bee", "board game"], ["puppy", "wing"], ["work", "musical instrument"], ["tiger", "enter museum"], ["get job", "music"], ["ax", "instrument"], ["yellow", "ride horse"], ["pig", "plant"], ["bat", "religion"], ["pepper", "bird"], ["lisp", "bridge"], ["horse", "country"], ["earth", "disease"], ["cancer", "turn radio on"], ["student", "colour"], ["beer", "bird"], ["dog", "play with frisbee"], ["this", "burn"], ["island", "watch tv"], ["basketball", "fill with air"], ["texas", "ride horse"], ["live be", "die"], ["get drunk", "you fall down"], ["match", "subject"], ["sailor", "planet"], ["house", "liquid"], ["college", "good"], ["copy machine", "office"], ["pawn", "play chess"], ["pub", "drink beer"], ["remember phone number", "boat"], ["georgia", "leather"], ["peace", "container"], ["play lacrosse", "injury"], ["take stand", "book"], ["child", "play game"], ["bishop", "church"], ["dream", "rapid eye movement"], ["dog", "park"], ["computer", "large musical instrument"], ["man", "food"], ["fruit", "ask question"], ["cash", "band"], ["cat", "cute"], ["piece", "whole"], ["car", "kill bird"], ["bungalow", "live in"], ["golf club", "hit golf ball"], ["space", "be diseased"], ["clipboard", "hold paper"], ["toothpaste", "clean tooth"], ["harmonica", "make music"], ["drill hole", "get drill"], ["woman", "form of transportation"], ["guitar", "car"], ["fire", "destroy forest"], ["cash in", "get money"], ["museum", "city"], ["student", "die"], ["cigarette", "smoke"], ["man", "machine"], ["type", "flower"], ["program", "type"], ["guitar", "catch fish"], ["razor", "book"], ["dove", "human"], ["watermelon", "make clothe"], ["copper", "bird"], ["oak", "yard"], ["snore", "country"], ["uranus", "prepare meal"], ["communicate", "mammal"], ["hamburger", "dance"], ["person", "university"], ["goldfish", "bottle"], ["nightingale", "moon"], ["cancer", "bird"], ["horseback ride", "bird"], ["backgammon", "do math"], ["person", "be diseased"], ["student", "band"], ["type", "state"], ["person", "kiss"], ["fish", "lake"], ["rubber chicken", "religion"], ["boy", "whole"], ["toy", "freeze water"]]}
  {"relation_type": "MadeOf", "positives": [["stick", "wood"], ["boot", "leather"], ["cup", "glass"], ["chair", "wood"], ["cup", "plastic"], ["wallet", "leather"], ["seaweed soup", "seaweed"]], "negatives": [["finger", "type"], ["play sport", "glass"], ["cup", "park"], ["orange", "leather"], ["seaweed soup", "state"]]}
  {"relation_type": "MotivatedByGoal", "positives": [["sell your new book", "money"], ["go to zoo", "see animal"], ["cry", "you be sad"], ["sleep", "you be tire"], ["bury cat", "it be dead"], ["reproduce", "have child"], ["sit down", "rest"], ["remember phone number", "call someone"], ["breathe", "live"], ["work", "money"], ["sing", "you be happy"]], "negatives": [["jog", "money"], ["go to zoo", "disease"], ["cry", "type"], ["sleep", "forward mail"], ["baby", "wet their diaper"], ["wait on table", "you get tip"], ["dog", "bone"], ["bury cat", "cute"], ["sit down", "war"], ["work", "very dangerous"], ["euro", "currency"]]}
  {"relation_type": "NotDesires", "positives": [["person", "make mistake"], ["person", "be burn"], ["person", "burn"], ["person", "be diseased"]], "negatives": [["water", "burn"]]}
  {"relation_type": "PartOf", "positives": [["word", "sentence"], ["eye", "head"], ["eye", "face"], ["earth", "universe"], ["piece", "whole"], ["ear", "head"], ["head", "body"]], "negatives": [["eye", "city"], ["earth", "heat food"], ["calendar", "keep track of time"], ["person", "head"], ["head", "urinate"]]}
  {"relation_type": "ReceivesAction", "positives": [["island", "surround by water"], ["clothe", "hang on hanger"], ["boot", "make for walk"], ["basketball", "fill with air"], ["glass", "break"], ["tire", "fill with air"], ["fruit", "eat"], ["person", "kill"]], "negatives": [["clothe", "city"], ["niece", "girl"], ["glass", "expensive"], ["tire", "country"], ["fruit", "wing"], ["person", "put on shoe"]]}
  {"relation_type": "SymbolOf", "positives": [["dove", "peace"], ["heart", "love"]], "negatives": [["take stand", "peace"], ["dance club", "city"], ["heart", "divorce"]]}
+ {"relation_type": "UsedFor", "positives": [["envelope", "mail letter"], ["fan", "cool off"], ["picnic basket", "carry food"], ["instrument triangle", "make music"], ["finger", "type"], ["ax", "chop wood"], ["cruise ship", "vacation"], ["tool", "build thing"], ["family room", "watch tv"], ["locker room", "change clothe"], ["subway pass", "ride subway"], ["round trip ticket", "travel"], ["love seat", "sit on"], ["restaurant table", "eat at"], ["talk to someone", "communication"], ["nylon", "make clothe"], ["textile", "make clothe"], ["fabric", "make clothe"], ["haircutting scissor", "cut hair"], ["typewriter", "write letter"], ["mast", "hold sail"], ["apple", "eat"], ["stopwatch", "time thing"], ["calculator", "do math"], ["entryway", "enter"], ["tennis ball", "play tennis"], ["pawn", "play chess"], ["pub", "drink beer"], ["street", "drive on"], ["hotel", "sleep"], ["cutlery drawer", "store knife"], ["machine gun", "kill person"], ["garden hose", "water garden"], ["razor", "shave with"], ["match", "light fire"], ["pair of pant", "wear"], ["temple", "pray"], ["glass", "hold liquid"], ["shoe", "protect your foot"], ["bookshelf", "hold book"], ["decide criminal s fate", "judge"], ["salt", "season food"], ["oboe", "make music"], ["museum ticket", "enter museum"], ["chapel", "get marry"], ["bucket", "carry liquid"], ["highway", "drive on"], ["bungalow", "live in"], ["cotton", "make clothe"], ["golf club", "hit golf ball"], ["fork", "eat food with"], ["chapel", "pray"], ["machine", "work"], ["toothbrush", "clean tooth"], ["clipboard", "hold paper"], ["toothpaste", "clean tooth"], ["harmonica", "make music"], ["ear", "hear sound"], ["plate", "hold food"], ["bicycle", "ride"], ["weapon", "hurt someone"], ["harpsichord", "make music"], ["barbecue", "cook food"], ["fire extinguisher", "put out fire"], ["desk", "work"], ["office", "work"], ["calendar", "keep track of time"], ["refrigerator", "keep food from spoil"], ["pistol", "shoot bullet"], ["coat", "keep warm"], ["beer", "drink"], ["cigarette", "smoke"], ["your brain", "think"], ["printer", "print"], ["car", "transportation"], ["refrigerator", "store food"], ["sword", "kill"], ["pipe", "smoke"], ["cat", "catch mouse"], ["ballpoint pen", "write with"], ["glass roof", "greenhouse"]], "negatives": [["island", "surround by water"], ["sell your new book", "cool off"], ["picnic basket", "live"], ["instrument triangle", "dentist office"], ["go to get haircut", "go to hairdresser"], ["hair", "drain"], ["locker room", "chop wood"], ["kiss someone", "vacation"], ["knight", "build thing"], ["be sad", "watch tv"], ["eye", "head"], ["talk with someone far away", "use telephone"], ["get fit", "travel"], ["mouse", "sit on"], ["restaurant table", "get wet"], ["talk to someone", "forgive someone"], ["nylon", "obsolete"], ["textile", "cute"], ["fabric", "make music"], ["haircutting scissor", "wet diaper"], ["agree with someone", "write letter"], ["apple", "play"], ["calculator", "house"], ["clean clothe", "wash them"], ["parent", "child"], ["bee", "meadow"], ["tennis ball", "be burn"], ["bee", "drive on"], ["parent", "sleep"], ["cutlery drawer", "fish"], ["orange", "color"], ["machine gun", "go outside"], ["student", "study math"], ["garden hose", "raise your right hand"], ["razor", "library"], ["match", "show"], ["take stand", "testify"], ["temple", "buy ticket"], ["listen to music", "play cd"], ["watch television show", "protect your foot"], ["eat breakfast", "gain energy"], ["flower", "fragrant"], ["bookshelf", "kiss your partner"], ["decide criminal s fate", "fun"], ["salt", "go to bed"], ["hand", "cup water"], ["ink", "make music"], ["museum ticket", "house"], ["get wet", "make clothe"], ["paperclip", "eat food with"], ["machine", "biped"], ["toothbrush", "sleep"], ["stop your car", "hear sound"], ["bicycle", "act"], ["enjoy film", "hurt someone"], ["parrot", "make music"], ["comfort friend", "cook food"], ["desk", "cave"], ["office", "go to jail"], ["crime", "serve justice"], ["barbecue", "keep food from spoil"], ["pistol", "form of transportation"], ["coat", "go to court"], ["remember phone number", "call someone"], ["your brain", "stand up"], ["trumpet", "musical instrument"], ["printer", "immature dog"], ["lisp", "transportation"], ["refrigerator", "make music"], ["use television", "kill"], ["car", "expensive"], ["pipe", "radio"], ["nylon", "catch mouse"], ["tiger", "write with"]]} CHANGED
@@ -22,6 +22,9 @@ for r in df['relation_type'].unique():
  df = pd.DataFrame(stats).sort_values(by=['relation_type'])
- df.to_csv('stats.csv', index=None)
  df = pd.DataFrame(stats).sort_values(by=['relation_type'])
+ df.index = df.pop('relation_type')
+ df.to_csv('stats.csv')
+ with open('', 'w') as f:
+ f.write(df.to_markdown())
@@ -47,6 +47,8 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
  train_n = pd.concat([test_n, dev1_n])
  with open(f'dataset/train.jsonl', 'w') as f:
  for relation, df_p in train_p.groupby('relation'):
  df_n = train_n[train_n['relation'] == relation]
  'relation_type': relation,
@@ -57,6 +59,8 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
  dev2_p, dev2_n = read_file(wget(urls['dev2']))
  with open(f'dataset/valid.jsonl', 'w') as f:
  for relation, df_p in dev2_p.groupby('relation'):
  df_n = dev2_n[dev2_n['relation'] == relation]
  'relation_type': relation,
  train_n = pd.concat([test_n, dev1_n])
  with open(f'dataset/train.jsonl', 'w') as f:
  for relation, df_p in train_p.groupby('relation'):
+ if len(df_p) < 2:
+ continue
  df_n = train_n[train_n['relation'] == relation]
  'relation_type': relation,
  dev2_p, dev2_n = read_file(wget(urls['dev2']))
  with open(f'dataset/valid.jsonl', 'w') as f:
  for relation, df_p in dev2_p.groupby('relation'):
+ if len(df_p) < 2:
+ continue
  df_n = dev2_n[dev2_n['relation'] == relation]
  'relation_type': relation, ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+ | relation_type | positive (train) | negative (train) | positive (validation) | negative (validation) |
+ |:-----------------|-------------------:|-------------------:|------------------------:|------------------------:|
+ | AtLocation | 383 | 356 | 97 | 80 |
+ | CapableOf | 195 | 190 | 73 | 78 |
+ | Causes | 71 | 73 | 26 | 26 |
+ | CausesDesire | 9 | 7 | 11 | 11 |
+ | CreatedBy | 2 | 3 | 1 | 1 |
+ | DefinedAs | 1 | 1 | 2 | 2 |
+ | Desires | 16 | 15 | 12 | 12 |
+ | HasA | 67 | 86 | 17 | 17 |
+ | HasFirstSubevent | 2 | 3 | 1 | 1 |
+ | HasLastSubevent | 2 | 3 | 3 | 1 |
+ | HasPrerequisite | 168 | 176 | 57 | 54 |
+ | HasProperty | 94 | 100 | 39 | 49 |
+ | HasSubevent | 125 | 128 | 40 | 54 |
+ | IsA | 310 | 279 | 98 | 106 |
+ | MadeOf | 17 | 15 | 7 | 5 |
+ | MotivatedByGoal | 14 | 15 | 11 | 11 |
+ | NotCapableOf | 15 | 13 | 1 | 1 |
+ | NotDesires | 4 | 4 | 4 | 1 |
+ | NotHasProperty | 1 | 3 | 1 | 1 |
+ | NotIsA | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 |
+ | NotMadeOf | 1 | 3 | 0 | 0 |
+ | PartOf | 34 | 40 | 7 | 5 |
+ | ReceivesAction | 18 | 16 | 8 | 6 |
+ | RelatedTo | 1 | 2 | 0 | 0 |
+ | SymbolOf | 0 | 0 | 2 | 3 |
+ | UsedFor | 249 | 269 | 81 | 74 |