Upload validation_sql_skeleton_gpt4.json
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@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@
192 |
"index": 27,
193 |
"db_id": "concert_singer",
194 |
"question": "What is the year that had the most concerts?",
195 |
"db_info": "|
196 |
"ground_truth": "select year from concert group by year order by count ( * ) desc limit 1"
197 |
198 |
@@ -1263,7 +1263,7 @@
1263 |
"index": 180,
1264 |
"db_id": "flight_2",
1265 |
"question": "What country is Jetblue Airways affiliated with?",
1266 |
"db_info": "| airlines: airline, country, uid, abbreviation |
1267 |
"ground_truth": "select country from airlines where airline = 'JetBlue Airways'"
1268 |
1269 |
@@ -2166,7 +2166,7 @@
2166 |
"index": 309,
2167 |
"db_id": "cre_Doc_Template_Mgt",
2168 |
"question": "Show all template ids and number of documents using each template.",
2169 |
"db_info": "| templates: template_id, template_type_code | documents: template_id | ref_template_types: template_type_code |
2170 |
"ground_truth": "select template_id , count ( * ) from documents group by template_id"
2171 |
2172 |
@@ -2656,7 +2656,7 @@
2656 |
"index": 379,
2657 |
"db_id": "cre_Doc_Template_Mgt",
2658 |
"question": "Show the document id with paragraph text 'Brazil' and 'Ireland'.",
2659 |
"db_info": "| paragraphs: paragraph_text, document_id, paragraph_id, other_details | documents: document_id, template_id, document_name, document_description, other_details | templates: template_id, template_type_code, version_number, date_effective_from, date_effective_to, template_details | ref_template_types: template_type_code, template_type_description |
2660 |
"ground_truth": "select document_id from paragraphs where paragraph_text = 'Brazil' intersect select document_id from paragraphs where paragraph_text = 'Ireland'"
2661 |
2662 |
@@ -3377,7 +3377,7 @@
3377 |
"index": 482,
3378 |
"db_id": "wta_1",
3379 |
"question": "How many matches were played in each year?",
3380 |
"db_info": "| matches: year, best_of, draw_size, loser_age, loser_entry, loser_hand, loser_ht, loser_id, loser_ioc, loser_name, loser_rank, loser_rank_points, loser_seed, match_num, minutes, round, score, surface, tourney_date, tourney_id, tourney_level, tourney_name, winner_age, winner_entry, winner_hand, winner_ht, winner_id, winner_ioc, winner_name, winner_rank, winner_rank_points, winner_seed |
3381 |
"ground_truth": "select count ( * ) , year from matches group by year"
3382 |
3383 |
@@ -3405,7 +3405,7 @@
3405 |
"index": 486,
3406 |
"db_id": "wta_1",
3407 |
"question": "Find the number of left handed winners who participated in the WTA Championships.",
3408 |
"db_info": "| players: hand, player_id, first_name, last_name, birth_date, country_code |
3409 |
"ground_truth": "select count ( distinct winner_name ) from matches where tourney_name = 'WTA Championships' and winner_hand = 'L'"
3410 |
3411 |
@@ -3531,7 +3531,7 @@
3531 |
"index": 504,
3532 |
"db_id": "battle_death",
3533 |
"question": "List the name and date the battle that has lost the ship named 'Lettice' and the ship named 'HMS Atalanta'",
3534 |
"db_info": "| battle: id, name, date, bulgarian_commander, latin_commander, result | ship: name, id, lost_in_battle, tonnage, ship_type, location, disposition_of_ship | death: caused_by_ship_id, id, note, killed, injured |
3535 |
"ground_truth": "select , from battle join ship on = ship.lost_in_battle where = 'Lettice' intersect select , from battle join ship on = ship.lost_in_battle where = 'HMS Atalanta'"
3536 |
3537 |
@@ -3643,7 +3643,7 @@
3643 |
"index": 520,
3644 |
"db_id": "student_transcripts_tracking",
3645 |
"question": "How many different degrees are offered?",
3646 |
"db_info": "|
3647 |
"ground_truth": "select count ( distinct degree_summary_name ) from degree_programs"
3648 |
3649 |
@@ -4896,7 +4896,7 @@
4896 |
"index": 699,
4897 |
"db_id": "voter_1",
4898 |
"question": "What are the create dates, states, and phone numbers of the votes that were for the contestant named 'Tabatha Gehling'?",
4899 |
"db_info": "| contestants: contestant_name, contestant_number | votes: contestant_number, created, phone_number, state | area_code_state: state, area_code |
4900 |
"ground_truth": "select votes.created , votes.state , votes.phone_number from contestants join votes on contestants.contestant_number = votes.contestant_number where contestants.contestant_name = 'Tabatha Gehling'"
4901 |
4902 |
@@ -5442,7 +5442,7 @@
5442 |
"index": 777,
5443 |
"db_id": "world_1",
5444 |
"question": "What are the Asian countries which have a population larger than that of any country in Africa?",
5445 |
"db_info": "| country: name, continent, population, code, region, surfacearea, indepyear, lifeexpectancy, gnp, gnpold, localname, governmentform, headofstate, capital, code2 | city: id, name, countrycode, district, population | countrylanguage: countrycode, language, isofficial, percentage | sqlite_sequence: name, seq |
5446 |
"ground_truth": "select name from country where continent = 'Asia' and population > ( select min ( population ) from country where continent = 'Africa' )"
5447 |
5448 |
@@ -6100,7 +6100,7 @@
6100 |
"index": 871,
6101 |
"db_id": "network_1",
6102 |
"question": "What are the names of all high schoolers in grade 10?",
6103 |
"db_info": "| highschooler: name, grade, id | friend: student_id, friend_id | likes: student_id, liked_id |
6104 |
"ground_truth": "select name from highschooler where grade = 10"
6105 |
6106 |
@@ -6576,14 +6576,14 @@
6576 |
"index": 939,
6577 |
"db_id": "dog_kennels",
6578 |
"question": "Give me the description of the treatment type whose total cost is the lowest.",
6579 |
"db_info": "|
6580 |
"ground_truth": "select treatment_types.treatment_type_description from treatment_types join treatments on treatment_types.treatment_type_code = treatments.treatment_type_code group by treatment_types.treatment_type_code order by sum ( cost_of_treatment ) asc limit 1"
6581 |
6582 |
6583 |
"index": 940,
6584 |
"db_id": "dog_kennels",
6585 |
"question": "Which owner has paid the largest amount of money in total for their dogs? Show the owner id and zip code.",
6586 |
"db_info": "| owners: owner_id, zip_code
6587 |
"ground_truth": "select owners.owner_id , owners.zip_code from owners join dogs on owners.owner_id = dogs.owner_id join treatments on dogs.dog_id = treatments.dog_id group by owners.owner_id order by sum ( treatments.cost_of_treatment ) desc limit 1"
6588 |
6589 |
@@ -6786,7 +6786,7 @@
6786 |
"index": 969,
6787 |
"db_id": "dog_kennels",
6788 |
"question": "Find the number of professionals who have ever treated dogs.",
6789 |
"db_info": "| professionals: professional_id, first_name, last_name |
6790 |
"ground_truth": "select count ( distinct professional_id ) from treatments"
6791 |
6792 |
@@ -7171,7 +7171,7 @@
7171 |
"index": 1024,
7172 |
"db_id": "singer",
7173 |
"question": "Show the names of singers and the total sales of their songs.",
7174 |
"db_info": "|
7175 |
"ground_truth": "select , sum ( song.sales ) from singer join song on singer.singer_id = song.singer_id group by"
7176 |
7177 |
192 |
"index": 27,
193 |
"db_id": "concert_singer",
194 |
"question": "What is the year that had the most concerts?",
195 |
"db_info": "| concert: year, concert_id, concert_name, theme, stadium_id | singer_in_concert: concert_id, singer_id | singer: singer_id, name, country, song_name, song_release_year, age, is_male | stadium: stadium_id, location, name, capacity, highest, lowest, average | concert.stadium_id = stadium.stadium_id | singer_in_concert.singer_id = singer.singer_id | singer_in_concert.concert_id = concert.concert_id |",
196 |
"ground_truth": "select year from concert group by year order by count ( * ) desc limit 1"
197 |
198 |
1263 |
"index": 180,
1264 |
"db_id": "flight_2",
1265 |
"question": "What country is Jetblue Airways affiliated with?",
1266 |
"db_info": "| airlines: airline, country, uid, abbreviation | flights: airline, flightno, sourceairport, destairport |",
1267 |
"ground_truth": "select country from airlines where airline = 'JetBlue Airways'"
1268 |
1269 |
2166 |
"index": 309,
2167 |
"db_id": "cre_Doc_Template_Mgt",
2168 |
"question": "Show all template ids and number of documents using each template.",
2169 |
"db_info": "| templates: template_id, template_type_code | documents: template_id | ref_template_types: template_type_code | templates.template_type_code = ref_template_types.template_type_code | documents.template_id = templates.template_id |",
2170 |
"ground_truth": "select template_id , count ( * ) from documents group by template_id"
2171 |
2172 |
2656 |
"index": 379,
2657 |
"db_id": "cre_Doc_Template_Mgt",
2658 |
"question": "Show the document id with paragraph text 'Brazil' and 'Ireland'.",
2659 |
"db_info": "| paragraphs: paragraph_text, document_id, paragraph_id, other_details | documents: document_id, template_id, document_name, document_description, other_details | templates: template_id, template_type_code, version_number, date_effective_from, date_effective_to, template_details | ref_template_types: template_type_code, template_type_description | paragraphs.document_id = documents.document_id | documents.template_id = templates.template_id | templates.template_type_code = ref_template_types.template_type_code |",
2660 |
"ground_truth": "select document_id from paragraphs where paragraph_text = 'Brazil' intersect select document_id from paragraphs where paragraph_text = 'Ireland'"
2661 |
2662 |
3377 |
"index": 482,
3378 |
"db_id": "wta_1",
3379 |
"question": "How many matches were played in each year?",
3380 |
"db_info": "| matches: year, best_of, draw_size, loser_age, loser_entry, loser_hand, loser_ht, loser_id, loser_ioc, loser_name, loser_rank, loser_rank_points, loser_seed, match_num, minutes, round, score, surface, tourney_date, tourney_id, tourney_level, tourney_name, winner_age, winner_entry, winner_hand, winner_ht, winner_id, winner_ioc, winner_name, winner_rank, winner_rank_points, winner_seed | players: player_id, first_name, last_name, hand, birth_date, country_code | rankings: ranking_date, ranking, player_id, ranking_points, tours | matches.winner_id = players.player_id | matches.loser_id = players.player_id | rankings.player_id = players.player_id |",
3381 |
"ground_truth": "select count ( * ) , year from matches group by year"
3382 |
3383 |
3405 |
"index": 486,
3406 |
"db_id": "wta_1",
3407 |
"question": "Find the number of left handed winners who participated in the WTA Championships.",
3408 |
"db_info": "| players: hand, player_id, first_name, last_name, birth_date, country_code | matches: winner_id, winner_hand, tourney_name, best_of, draw_size, loser_age, loser_entry, loser_hand, loser_ht, loser_id, loser_ioc, loser_name, loser_rank, loser_rank_points, loser_seed, match_num, minutes, round, score, surface, tourney_date, tourney_id, tourney_level, winner_age, winner_entry, winner_ht, winner_ioc, winner_name, winner_rank, winner_rank_points, winner_seed, year | rankings: player_id, ranking_date, ranking, ranking_points, tours |",
3409 |
"ground_truth": "select count ( distinct winner_name ) from matches where tourney_name = 'WTA Championships' and winner_hand = 'L'"
3410 |
3411 |
3531 |
"index": 504,
3532 |
"db_id": "battle_death",
3533 |
"question": "List the name and date the battle that has lost the ship named 'Lettice' and the ship named 'HMS Atalanta'",
3534 |
"db_info": "| battle: id, name, date, bulgarian_commander, latin_commander, result | ship: name, id, lost_in_battle, tonnage, ship_type, location, disposition_of_ship | death: caused_by_ship_id, id, note, killed, injured | | |",
3535 |
"ground_truth": "select , from battle join ship on = ship.lost_in_battle where = 'Lettice' intersect select , from battle join ship on = ship.lost_in_battle where = 'HMS Atalanta'"
3536 |
3537 |
3643 |
"index": 520,
3644 |
"db_id": "student_transcripts_tracking",
3645 |
"question": "How many different degrees are offered?",
3646 |
"db_info": "|",
3647 |
"ground_truth": "select count ( distinct degree_summary_name ) from degree_programs"
3648 |
3649 |
4896 |
"index": 699,
4897 |
"db_id": "voter_1",
4898 |
"question": "What are the create dates, states, and phone numbers of the votes that were for the contestant named 'Tabatha Gehling'?",
4899 |
"db_info": "| contestants: contestant_name, contestant_number | votes: contestant_number, created, phone_number, state | area_code_state: state, area_code | votes.contestant_number = contestants.contestant_number | votes.state = area_code_state.state |",
4900 |
"ground_truth": "select votes.created , votes.state , votes.phone_number from contestants join votes on contestants.contestant_number = votes.contestant_number where contestants.contestant_name = 'Tabatha Gehling'"
4901 |
4902 |
5442 |
"index": 777,
5443 |
"db_id": "world_1",
5444 |
"question": "What are the Asian countries which have a population larger than that of any country in Africa?",
5445 |
"db_info": "| country: name, continent, population, code, region, surfacearea, indepyear, lifeexpectancy, gnp, gnpold, localname, governmentform, headofstate, capital, code2 | city: id, name, countrycode, district, population | countrylanguage: countrycode, language, isofficial, percentage | sqlite_sequence: name, seq | city.countrycode = country.code |",
5446 |
"ground_truth": "select name from country where continent = 'Asia' and population > ( select min ( population ) from country where continent = 'Africa' )"
5447 |
5448 |
6100 |
"index": 871,
6101 |
"db_id": "network_1",
6102 |
"question": "What are the names of all high schoolers in grade 10?",
6103 |
"db_info": "| highschooler: name, grade, id | friend: student_id, friend_id | likes: student_id, liked_id | friend.friend_id = | friend.student_id = | likes.student_id = | likes.liked_id = |",
6104 |
"ground_truth": "select name from highschooler where grade = 10"
6105 |
6106 |
6576 |
"index": 939,
6577 |
"db_id": "dog_kennels",
6578 |
"question": "Give me the description of the treatment type whose total cost is the lowest.",
6579 |
"db_info": "| treatments: cost_of_treatment, treatment_type_code | treatment_types: treatment_type_code, treatment_type_description |",
6580 |
"ground_truth": "select treatment_types.treatment_type_description from treatment_types join treatments on treatment_types.treatment_type_code = treatments.treatment_type_code group by treatment_types.treatment_type_code order by sum ( cost_of_treatment ) asc limit 1"
6581 |
6582 |
6583 |
"index": 940,
6584 |
"db_id": "dog_kennels",
6585 |
"question": "Which owner has paid the largest amount of money in total for their dogs? Show the owner id and zip code.",
6586 |
"db_info": "| owners: owner_id, zip_code | dogs: owner_id, dog_id | treatments: dog_id, cost_of_treatment | charges: charge_amount |",
6587 |
"ground_truth": "select owners.owner_id , owners.zip_code from owners join dogs on owners.owner_id = dogs.owner_id join treatments on dogs.dog_id = treatments.dog_id group by owners.owner_id order by sum ( treatments.cost_of_treatment ) desc limit 1"
6588 |
6589 |
6786 |
"index": 969,
6787 |
"db_id": "dog_kennels",
6788 |
"question": "Find the number of professionals who have ever treated dogs.",
6789 |
"db_info": "| professionals: professional_id, first_name, last_name | treatments: treatment_id, dog_id, professional_id | dogs: dog_id, owner_id, abandoned_yn, breed_code, size_code, name, age, date_of_birth, gender, weight, date_arrived, date_adopted, date_departed | owners: owner_id, first_name, last_name, street, city, state, zip_code, email_address, home_phone, cell_number | breeds: breed_code, breed_name | charges: charge_id, charge_type, charge_amount | sizes: size_code, size_description | treatment_types: treatment_type_code, treatment_type_description | dogs.owner_id = owners.owner_id | dogs.size_code = sizes.size_code | dogs.breed_code = breeds.breed_code | treatments.dog_id = dogs.dog_id | treatments.professional_id = professionals.professional_id | treatments.treatment_type_code = treatment_types.treatment_type_code |",
6790 |
"ground_truth": "select count ( distinct professional_id ) from treatments"
6791 |
6792 |
7171 |
"index": 1024,
7172 |
"db_id": "singer",
7173 |
"question": "Show the names of singers and the total sales of their songs.",
7174 |
"db_info": "| singer: name, singer_id, birth_year, net_worth_millions, citizenship | song: sales, singer_id, song_id, title, highest_position | song.singer_id = singer.singer_id |",
7175 |
"ground_truth": "select , sum ( song.sales ) from singer join song on singer.singer_id = song.singer_id group by"
7176 |
7177 |