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This subreddit is used for informational purposes only. Applicable laws vary by jurisdiction and may limit or prohibit you from accessing or using various platforms or products discussed in this subreddit. Discussion of any project or product ≠ endorsement.
➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2019-07-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwyTTRrNGZWcU1SMjM0SWkwZHo1aFFoQ1FlNEFUUzB0eFBXLVJmRHJVeV93bk81XzRrWFljRGtkcUY4X21jNkxGbVAybTE0Unh6b3F3TnJNT3d5NWJxcFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzTFZjNmtCaEgyQzQzN1UzYnJMY0Z3U2xSMjRub0doQlFmblNtdkdTeW1CTE5MLWF6MlZsckJRNFROWHZod3V2TE15Ui15OFN2MEh6U3VMWWtzTDNnLXNSTVhwVE4zYVp3THdCVzRsZTlWUGxGbHk4V3VhdVY1RFl5NlI1d0VqZ0Y5X1FnLVJjd2FLSlAzRnBNNXhVdHlTRVEzSUZodVkyZDZoXy01WmpPcjNUdXg1X001bDQxZDFBOVRZYlBla2My |
Welcome to the Weekly Discussion Thread.
With the amount of activity, I think we can go back to weekly posts.
**\*\*\* Remember that there is a** [**Resources and FAQ**](https://www.reddit.com/r/EthereumClassic/comments/n4rawh/resources_frequently_asked_questions_refer_to/) **post \*\*\*** It is a compendium of all the articles and videos released. You would be wise to check it out if you want to explore the ecosystem and community.
Good luck and be kind out there | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2023-02-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwydFlmV1Z3QVVqRTlfQlRvYkxhcXpHSDQ3U1o4TTNId2JDZGZtTV80Y3RTNU9tNWRHek5FMnpNbGY3M2J6MEpvczZpYVNydWNrSDRsOUFhWXFTRGRESXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzcFgzRTVZVTRrdUE5ZkIxSmYwZzVvdXl5a3J5dHZwdTdjRGJ6eXYwRUxDWE16MG14TURJZWZtb3k0WlpWcDEzUnowVHhCUVNHNmhnWWxvQ0JTeEJMU3hDaHg2NkdFMzh2UGc0M2JuYTV0eXdPRURCX01DNzViU2pPb3lXZ1VHb2JFcU5QQU1fTURvSDR3RXVNSmNwTkIzcDdwTGM4NDhiNUVIbzlkRkhZbXhKLUY0ZnpZajE2ZTY5U01wU0duTTB0VWVBamNmcE1vZXE1SG10U192MVVFUT09 |
Hi, I finished some work I've worked on for 8 years. It builds on the Ethereum project (and Classic is the original Ethereum). but is standalone from it. Is that allowed to be posted here? I tried sharing it, but was caught in an auto-filter. I know at least one moderator dislikes me (Kevin, he banned me from the Discord channel because his employer Charles wanted him to, but I was invited back in eventually and he seems to have disappeared from there), and maybe I am flagged somehow? Or, is it just normal auto-moderation of all posts, and will be OK:ed eventually? | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-03-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwyaUNnYWYxdWJWMzZhTlhEV21OVVA0dWZSR21TNE9MaW9TM3VnU0xrOUNVM2N2UkhEUDRLZWVoUHlXbVNHZGpnYlUtanphUThYeU96cmU4RUVSRjBzY0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzUXRUeXpGZk5Xa0dGeU9TWkkzektOOWFEc2JNLTdkM0gtN2tkeWdGRTRhWmFRYWV1bm1heGtwX1NFdHhRVDNlQmJXdmMtQzd5Sm9qRW0zQVVVLW81UGNQTi1VS182ZkZsamxiMnVSUmg1Mlg5OWpRUk5GeHNjVzlvdVF2TWdaRE5ReHV0RnJCOGc3NF92M3RqQnA0cmE3QldUcldpZ2tpZVJMM3ZTenV1YjJRcjRINHdPYWhFb183YmwzNzVhbGtieDMwVFZQMjM3cmpPa25ITnpmckRlQT09 |
ETC seems to have been stuck in limbo the last few weeks around $30. Has anyone else noticed the same situation for all other cryptos? I'm thinking that everyone is waiting for someone else to make the next move before we start to see real movement again. | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-03-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwyNnhHZERzTXNjbnNDdEdFVnFJc00tQnRVcXlJS2JFdlZNdUNfc1ZLbnlKeXhucDRBM3JNeHN1LTNNUmhSb2NpbzRMZ0drWlBYd09tVnlPaFpwV3Nkbmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzWGF4d1BKSGRGSVRrZ0QxYzVNc0RTaUFITFFaQzl4cFp2YlhXbkZJNWxWQzJJWHdJRXI3NjdzUERTc3dfekpoNVFJcllIby1uREc2c19EcEdzVVZvY0t5ZVN4QjlUT2x1dGxZS3NyaUprVmJYcHNBTGR4aTRaQjl2b1EtRlJkWjNGNDNFNm0tWHdsUlVLODhnc2tHMzFVbG1VWEJRMzR3eERWLU0ybWhSVWU0Q1BUdExIenluUnUyUzZPX1NNaHg3 |
A centralized cryptocurrency exchange (CEX) is a virtual location on the internet that serves as a meeting point for trading crypto assets such as Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum Classic (ETC). In today's article, let's talk about trading ETC through Binance. [https://ethereumclassic.org/blog/2024-03-20-buying-and-trading-ethereum-classic-through-binance](https://ethereumclassic.org/blog/2024-03-20-buying-and-trading-ethereum-classic-through-binance) | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-03-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwyUzk2bHo5Y202eGRIQjY5S3E1Yjd3Ti1NWmVWMi1GNDJ5S3czeEs5Qk01c2poMWlSYkR0X0tNZ1dDOFVfcGRlSXlDMU5IMlJmT1MzREw3S3o5MzV4Unc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzWTZpTDluS0RSaVExV1NHY05RSHZUSWNVRXk2TEFnM0RPcTFmRWtRX3ZmR0ZkZ2RNTjd3Nk9rVEZBOXBHQTlrMXZ4a1QyOUhXU1VDejNzejhCak1Kb2doclExSUNuRUFWUHVVT3QzVUdHdDlfTjNERlUxQWlKZ3BTdmw4cUp1ek54X09WWTJIc01yX3RhNGNkYWNuUGNfNXNTNkV3RHVCZUdtSDNPd1BFal9FUnRzVjdENmNaZjFzOUlFQURkV3VkOGhCQVlFX0RSZXhzTzNfcjI2RHkyQT09 |
There is a new crypto called GetGrass. It uses your internet bandwidth to scrape the web to train AI. You can let it run in the background to earn money, and there will be an airdrop soon. Here is my referral link you should sign up.🌱
[https://app.getgrass.io/register/?referralCode=2FiKD6ggvPflpG6](https://app.getgrass.io/register/?referralCode=2FiKD6ggvPflpG6) | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-03-22 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwyeTRucGtWOGlKMjZ3NFN6VmNkcGdRVzh1ZmZzelgyQlZYX2dkaXRzZzNnQVgxQ0UwSlJqeTQ5aWZwVlVDZHhNa2Q0ZFI4WUpKSGVaaTBSQlRaX0JQeEhWZVh5QWxHbGNqNnhvTnlSbEhVTW89 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzSlRJb0NhdGhvNnpqeTNPM0NHT2pRQ1EzQ1hTZlc5T083cXZJcndlSFhXaGI3dW1JWFRWQUFXSXJKa3ZjbF9BeG5rbEtfalBJWjg1Z0NtY3l5NVpTLXAtbkhvRkpOOXN5WW1XS0xQRktJcDRVcnBuV2dVZUNFWDRaNWYtbm5DR3Exc3FYX3ZRbHAzdTNZd0ZUSmNzMUVsbzhSTXFzc0lWU1VmOUQ1c0hDeVctR3Y1Z21XNzA3LXBYTG1QR2R5cFZtQ2NzdS15Y0VyVTAwZEQzRkhZVmlPdz09 |
ETC looked close to reaching the $40 mark before dropping below 30. Now its at $32 again. Is it safe to consider $40 as the point of resistance? Or could it be lower? Is $30-$35 a real fair price? | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-03-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwycFJlRlVMTV9fS2RpOHJKcW1mNWZOem5rN3VIUTVYTlRtZkFmSEpYMUpwWGVCNlljckc0Y3I3QlpIWERBWm1qNFBXLWIwVVU0NW1IdEtTUjdPN0FkRnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzN01FeXFFOUFUWUhSYXVkXzBYOUh1ZkZVT2dhb3VWaGZPRGFLMldFUmRGWV9ZaVJVbWpmaUlKZW9uQVFwV19hWFNOWTYyTndxTnB6ZEYwSms0MGZvQkRGTlVqeWpETDM0aVM3NC1GOXU2Y2VNV1oxY25lcUNVQ1RFTm14bzVUYlNtNGw0SFZMalpZbEx0d0taTXl5ZlRSdFNwVmg5OHZReGRwU25hY1VKOFQ3N2JZYVhiZGRFTDhwdjU1SzhSZnR0 |
If and a HUGE if ETC hits 500 this bull run I will get the logo tattooed on me. Just putting this here to hold myself accountable and if it does to update in two months if it does! | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-03-30 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwyRHNpM0RyZGFmVGY3R3IwdVBUT3AzejNFNWRtS1JyeG1aUXpEb19VdXI2ZnBBc2pLLVBYWW94UjlaOFIwMFdXRWwwNXBqdm5zd2d5Y1EwMmM3NzJxMFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzMEJxVDdDd0NrVHNLcVVTR0FuNWNPLUZxMEJaY3NlM2xrVVpmR0ZSZmF3OFZCZWFuVHNmSW9HUlB0c3pYbXVsZDZrX2JLeXlxcG1tdlVEVVZsd2o3eWJyb0cxemtlaVR2YnRKd2ZCcGdOUUZFSXBfTFVfbDd2QVdjM1ZjZUJidXJFRkJfTm1GdFFsSmZCTUxGQUpCeXN5Z3M2ZTlHRlFhcWJYMXF3Zjc5N21zPQ== |
My transfer transaction on sending end, shows complete and the other wallet I swapped it shows nada. Anyone been amateur as me, and send this cresting a huge-heart ache with no help to recover?
Am I screwed out of the ETC floating who knows where? Or is gone for good? I’ll also give some tips to anyone who has been in my shoes or is good with this project. Thanks and Happy Easter | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-03-31 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwyQTUzUl8zODFKWC1uQXd3QUFscTUtMkZtSG94ODBWRXZRNGpxU185RWZVRXA1TlRFSUJfX0JMUUVnejdrMkRZWDZtem95R1JKZTFYZ1hROWl1UUJvZTgtSHdRNnh4a3c4bzVrUDZxY2tlazA9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzSDdvMW5CNWJmMXRSQkxVU0t2R2UzMEhhc2xhUl85LTJSbDJ3TFptR1NjT2VPaktTMDF2VDlTUl93OUk1cmhPRXUwQzFqZFRVUnlOUGVBVEpwZG5iT2xUXzBVU0VqX2pySVV2dDdlbGdabzBLVHF1V3BJdWdiYkVfMnBIV0lIeEhaMVJNck9vODg4OGZ5MHV2OFFHM3g3SDZTMkY2R2F1a3FaVmhIdDBET2NCZHdiQnl5SzlOWnlyM3ZGQmdfZWYydjV3TDlOTzFDWk1BOEpqOWlvQWRSQT09 |
I am wondering if ETC reduction event has ever spurred so much regard and price volatility in the same form and fashion as BTC and BCH halving events? | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-04-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwyeHhwbDFkeFAybDh3c0E0Sk9wZU1MREJyT1JETXJ1ajk4bW5NV3h3WEllMkg2NFBEUGtDRmkwYlpjeERyMmhhV0NFRnhtaWgzS3pwTndncEFwVkFUWjZhT2duRFlIdFB3am5BZ0Zramg4Tkk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzOVktV2NGR2dOZ2pvV1FEZXN3QmZsQUh0eC1kclQ4ODNkMWlRSHpzTW9mZnFmVF9rTUhCSzN0YWtxd1l2eXFsZ1pxTFhLOXBMdGwzRFpYUDRzYXBQV0JOYXllWTF3QS1lQkc5LXhQV2tHQWJnOWFDVkNINjlRV0VvOEhKY3lPeGJjOTVUZDAwQnV2UjVoV3pfdnp1THJNYmVOblh0Vjc5cUkydGlRSTE0MjJZPQ== |
Probably controversial but unless you’re holding for long term (I am and recommend it). Be prepared for a correction after the pump. Dont panic and sell in red. If you’re gonna sell, do it now and buy the dip again! Just my thoughts from the little I understand, would much rather be wrong and keep it pumping! | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-04-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwyUkdDc09FdlowRTRETUFRMzZDZnF5d0JBZGktVGtNWVZLa3AxVTVTRmc2eF9wWTlyYm5aRXlCZVFFOWowUFlPOC1MbUhRREV4ZkxIY3ZibnVjQ21VdWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzXzRsTHAyMkF5SnZLMDh6X3hQcE5PM2xTR2VkUzNfU3FzSmpfOE9zZTlfVWJVNi04Y0Q3Q09xUHgxYXZ2T2QwRGgzYXQ1YVhvNExEY2hwdXVTOTdleDFWZVJVZHkwX2hybWkzR1RueWs4Q21ZVG03MS1qdnBSMDVqSzh1UWNqMEV5U1RPYW15c2l3ZkpuaWdhQUYxTE5TWHhVeTZ3Yl9fSTVYN2tGVXNtVGh6NTYxaWlhZnZTTDhpdzhtU3F5V0Vp |
Can anyone explain why ETC went from 5$ to 120$ ? Still trying to figure out what happened. | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-04-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwySmw4cV9SS01RUXlMNVJZRkNtYkN6SDhMVHpzdWZxZkI3aEJoeFN4S3M5QzBqUFZsaTFVRG1yY244b1NtS3VwMVNHVkNsQy1pS2Y2S0VMcDc3c25zSmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzS1dMYUhXSFBJSUl4RnhES1RsQ09KQ2N6SlJxajZia2xGN19rQkE5aDFRLWhKNTJxVTl5MUktZU14cDRCTUJQVEFNRUpsVk9CclRYazc5RFlGeWRFRjF0c2laWGFUbVItZVRMYlJkdmlWMWItQks1Z3BZR0Nuc2dveWptZzdNdFEtQ2h6TVpDcERyV3R1Slhfem9ybVEtenk4Z2k1bFUtVE5pVXc4dlFXY1hnPQ== |
📅 Last week at ETC Cooperative, our blogs delved into several topics: 1. Correcting the Binance article about ETC; 2. ETC as a worldwide leading smart contracts on a proof-of-work blockchain; and 3. POW Course 21, "If It's Not Proof of Work, Then It's Not a Blockchain."
Read our blogs & watch our videos to learn more:
Correcting the Binance Article About Ethereum Classic: https://ethereumclassic.org/blog/2024-04-02-correcting-the-binance-article-about-ethereum-classic
Ethereum Classic (ETC) Is the Leading Smart Contracts Proof of Work Blockchain In the World: https://ethereumclassic.org/blog/2024-04-03-ethereum-classic-etc-is-the-leading-smart-contracts-proof-of-work-blockchain-in-the-world
21. If It's Not Proof of Work, Then It's Not a Blockchain: https://ethereumclassic.org/blog/2024-04-04-etc-proof-of-work-course-21-if-its-not-proof-of-work-then-its-not-a-blockchain | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-04-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwyTkxaU1hoUktmZVI2Zk9Pb1RNZ0lGV2ItODVmTWtvTk95MmFjb2U0Q2UzOU9SRmRRaEFQcU9OdWxjY0JPYy1NR3A5RHJNQTFBU0xoTjhFcXVMWGEzMXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzc2hNZC1vRFZpQWJkSlhSMzdWMXQwdUFBc0g3MHJjZEx4NXVRa3VaczJQYk1sblFZLVNzVjZvT0planRQWklKYi1xYjZpb0pDRjNPd2pCNlJfUXduTHR4YTVZYWFSR0Uxc2U2ckRTRjFSZ1d0VFF4RDY1ME5VYkZHVUZ3QzNYWEZEUmdvTm44VE5ZWk1BbDB3b1dkWXdrSmZsTW5RQVFVSXNXRFJjR1BZVlFNPQ== |
In the rapidly changing world of online cryptocurrency casinos, Hugewin online casino uses security mechanisms to ensure the dependability and security of its gaming products. Gamers can rely on the game's robust architecture, which is designed to protect sensitive financial and personal data. Thanks to HugeWin's encryption and fraud detection technologies, gamers may also play in a safe environment without worrying about their safety. Play in a lively atmosphere at Hugewin online casino, where strategy, thrills, and real money wins come together to provide players with an amazing gaming experience and loads of bonuses.
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HugeWin provides discounts on games, deposit bonuses, and tournaments in addition to a one hundred% welcome bonus. additionally, it offers a fifteen% each day compensation on misplaced on line casino video games and a 5% each day reward on sports.
explore the Hugewin world to learn how novelty, entertainment, equity, and sizable bonuses will come collectively to supply every spin within the destiny of on-line casino gaming. Suck on a poem by way of Hugewin. there is extra to playing video video games than just having fun. For online gaming, we are establishing new benchmarks for satisfactory.
[https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/Hugewin/](https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/Hugewin/) | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-04-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwyVDU4RjVscGIwaHF6Zm9oWmdjUVJEcDdzekw0enFGajFCYTJ6dnhCM0hqTWxpcUw0MzFIcTllWXpKdzFNdElmdHhRSVRkdzQ4YjFLTEpFOFduazczemJkemFJM1dyRnlNU2RnMEdUTTZNVzg9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzdEhldVoxODQ3eHU1SmlOLV9LTm55aVp5b2Vrb3FWT3pPZkFkLU0yNEVXWHNrS2hDZ3NwNzZXLUV2XzI5eHRLSDFGNEdNQ0FrYndvSnVFeVp1aXIwdTZha1llcjkzVVRzN1ZVazk4aF9XQzgyaXNHSjF4RFhrX1AyLVhUUl91U3c4MTZXOXhhYmU0SzVTYXF4NFd0d0p4cTBQc0xGaEhEc1lQZEdFWWZsclRkVGwzTF9oUFd5VDlxTVdnNUpNQU4tZ2pYVjlmdTA5akJ4VTVNakgxUF9odz09 |
One of the most impactful discoveries when one starts to learn more about proof of work blockchains is the honesty and truth behind these systems. Discover why ETC is seen as a more honest version of Ethereum. [https://ethereumclassic.org/blog/2024-04-16-ethereum-classic-is-ethereum-but-honest](https://ethereumclassic.org/blog/2024-04-16-ethereum-classic-is-ethereum-but-honest) | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-04-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwyYXdSajNyZ3VuM0k0OWhkbnVVZkVTclk4aDlMRzcyS1l1VzJYQ1ExNGc1VzBQY1RMM3dBUGt3eDdhUWxUYXRhTmhtOE1lQkd4MlFmUWY0aGZYOXUzc0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzMVlKdHQ0SDhzSndMYlZqRlJtRENaeFRzVTZXZF9ZMDRNNXpzZmVya28zaU9ETlV1RUNrZVF0elFlZGtLS1M3M2lxZjdCSWdKUlVJY0FmTkI0RXR3anZSNHpGZ0VQblpRV2FUVFhZWmZ3aFNtX2VpcDV2WDNkMnlIeXpURkdPdFNLUkFPblpmYmZTLWNIMXV1U2J3eUJMcFFJT09COFNqVnVYbGZlWjVKNDdSUUVTbjBlUWRnQ0NqY3l3TkJTTmsybTFZNEdub3dVcGZzYVZucmVmUlExUT09 |
Welcome To The Weekly Discussion Thread !
This thread was requested by the community for weekly chats & Trading talks.
All random & trading talk should go here ONLY. Feel free to exchange news, your favourite memes, crazy ideas and random thoughts!
We experiment with grouping the conversations together by week. As this is still Solana Reddit please keep the discussions Solana related. As always we encourage you to be helpful and courteous to your fellow Redditors and keep the discussions constructive and respectful.
If this is your first time on this thread or subreddit, **please take a look to our official Rules**:
\- No personal attacks.
\- No swearing.
\- No baseless claims.
\- No misleading distortion of facts or news.
\- No targeted harassment.
\- No slander.
Check out **general rules** that apply to all Solana Subreddit:
[https://www.reddit.com/r/solana/comments/ci8qx2/welcome\_to\_rsolana\_read\_this\_to\_get\_started](https://www.reddit.com/r/solana/comments/ci8qx2/welcome_to_rsolana_read_this_to_get_started/) | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-04-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwyS2x3eFFyQ2cyVTJQNzhQb2dUT1N4cU5sZWtZOWdkR0U0T1dqUlozNS05U3JxdlJSajRCVHRvYXZPVnZPemZycG81QUpiS2QwZlpJU21fTW1tM0hlWEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzd1VyNVRfM0E1Q2lXOXhJM3ZMaG01cHpRS09OMENGTU0yRWxoWXNQY0ppR1hzaVdxak1oQzZfQ29VaThVb2doYmdjdmlHbFQwM1dQMmZKb2N1RW5WUUZ4Wm9EblpXUEJPaElPSnAwbVdXVDBtdHo2NnVIQUgySjkxSm9XbDBYeGFMTjBFakYtZXkwQ29JZ2p5ZDZDQ2F5WnZnZm4tNmJZTjN3LS1iMmF0SXR3PQ== |
What's trust minimization and what's trust minimization in $ETC? Read the blog post here: [https://ethereumclassic.org/blog/2024-04-17-what-does-trust-minimization-mean-in-ethereum-classic](https://ethereumclassic.org/blog/2024-04-17-what-does-trust-minimization-mean-in-ethereum-classic) | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-04-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwyWmcyeGRfS0xrNHY1SWFNZXp2MTBkWl9yTVZySk5IR05qb2pySGNyamZ1VDFDQkpFNkZHWFlSWHRQbHlZdlk0N29RR29kS1RyY05SNmpMdmdPeUlNcWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzdzVoQjdkZFVaWkZ3LVJyZGUzTUM1RzF6WEtNelN6anB4ODQwc1NjTC1Kc1NtMUxxNDg5QUNQNGdaRkNodFNYMGtFZnI5R3l5cG12cFFEclNpamxCa2hCdFg4T013YkhUTUptX3BFMDdFclEtY1FtUGxfSlNiWkJIdU56ZzlYWlBMelpNeTRHdzhtSGYwcVR0MERYWWYwVEVTTEdxRExHMmNyQkNTS2RYR0FDSVRGV1VkVzlEMVRlWGdZUUdPc2J5aVQ4UEwxNmtRUXAxZjFCeHlhOVVkUT09 |
We’ve dropped quite a bit. Who’s hodling for the run up? Hoping to at least 2x. Hodling with an average of $39, gonna be averaging down during the coming accumulation phase. | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-04-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwyNy1hdFBQbXJVSzZLZW1GUUdrOENRaG5ybFZzSkk1QUdLdkJFV2pfSUVKVjE4ZEUtMjA4YUo4UU9IRGI2REZCekZMa1NQWm12WUhod042X2ljYXN2YnZfYjhoaC0zM3lnYmhqSEUwZ1A5TW89 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwza1I1MlM3d0o5QjRFOVcya1Fid3gzN1JSMGViZkF5d2w5YnQ5XzY5VktaYWNnVWFIRFp2eTdEejJSX1N5dF9Ea3FZckNpU2VZS3FydDNZWjZuTklnU2t2a2JpSTlYMmhpelVMNzRUTXVqUTZxWGFOWHBoYWt1OVpvVGZxTm1DSWV1QnN2UW1DSVphVjByOThoX2ZndzBHU05xbjdGdVRfZW1iV2JYNDlhRzItUXJMU0swNENuU1ZJMGZGSExDUE5OUVFFam9fUTlZSGZVd0tLdnBVU29RUT09 |
Whether you're a newcomer or a seasoned investor, our guide provides valuable insights into the world of Ethereum. From its groundbreaking technology to its impact on the future of finance.
Learn More: https://localcoinatm.com/blog/what-is-ethereum/ | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-04-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwyZ29HT25DZmYxZXVLcDZ4VzFUbjZKWWNmc3YzQ1REUWRMUWRudkg1dG9idlgyYXVuNHotSEFfVnc2aUZDZTJqeG5qbm5yTy1aSzNFMnBGOVBCbGpmZ0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzY3p3Z3hBUjJvX3FEaUFNWTAtMG40TFFOY1BMUXBVaDR2OTVuTGw5bEhnSjRDbWprcWZNeFdIUmxKektGWWIzSEhVR0E1Y0tteXk0MW0zU3l5VWZYOWFmd0g0YXhfMFNOWWVXUkh5X1JlZFZPR1BZbFQ1WG5pR25nRVJSNmdJYnJQMGtYbjBiTVFieGFFWDR0bVl3NGQzV2JOZV9LOUFvenRWLTVYV1JCaC0ydmNHaE1TY2dXWUd3bjlUVG0wdG95ZjV3Qjk4ZFZ0NmdESEU5ZURPSU9FQT09 |
How to use the Ledger Nano S Plus hardware wallet to send and receive $ETC? This blog serves as a detailed guide explazining the process. [https://ethereumclassic.org/blog/2024-04-24-sending-and-receiving-etc-using-your-ledger-nano-s-plus-hardware-wallet](https://ethereumclassic.org/blog/2024-04-24-sending-and-receiving-etc-using-your-ledger-nano-s-plus-hardware-wallet) | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-04-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwyNkJBeEFMVEhmdUR2VVJ5WU4tRTdDUWtKa29RSkZSVTNFMVlZRDA4NlpnbEM5eHBWNE5MNnhXZ0hDVF9ielpVYl80YXB4M1dQdE5GSHY1SzlJRkdIM1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzbHhnSWNKX1J2ZTRXbEVaZk1TYmxVejByWlpXWUt5YmdtdXlHc3U0SEFOVU5JV0lydTJqc2Q1MXhhTlRZSmtuZm5lWUU0eVk5N25tM0ZySGp3VEFoN0J4aTZJYmNUZlNPaFd6NzBQUThDcFdVaUxwV0puaFNSQUJTeWpGNHpVdVRuc19tRFpLb2JwaGZETXk3LTZIaGk0WXpkRUxWbXdnWlRLT1l6ZnctSVl4Zm9GdWQtZkZxb2NoWG9DazFKZlVndHJ2bGZuQWJCZ214aTVhVnFyX1RJdz09 |
In today's POW class, we'll explain:
Why true decentralization is enabled by the security model of POW?
How the social layer is not a risk?
Why POW ungovernance is the natural way of managing the system?
[https://ethereumclassic.org/blog/2024-04-25-etc-proof-of-work-course-23-pow-security-model-and-ungovernance-explained](https://ethereumclassic.org/blog/2024-04-25-etc-proof-of-work-course-23-pow-security-model-and-ungovernance-explained) | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-04-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwyd0hpeWs1VklzM1drcmVzR05VMzZ4c1pKUjZNM0Fnb1NZNzVPVXI5cjl0ZXJBMHdEYW1ocXc2S0pxZU1xcFJveVpIZDM0SE1scFdlMk8tR0tsbGtaLVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzTFYtSHdNYU1IejBKdFl5aGVCUlNjeTV3dWxNV2J3TnFGUjFMRlN5MW1xVjQxS1pucUxzS1dYZVZ4bENXTElJYXB6VmJ6VVpxSm8xWHBzdE1zTDM5a1QwZkRqSDJyRldKaWkwUHdURFNrWEpCYkFsMmY4WXlscVpzZUNXQXRKc2FGNlo0VXUtLWVjalJJalJ6V1VxVTBMNDhLd3RSOTFoT2pma3VCVE41UjJ0Yy1CYTB3Z2tZTG5LSUpMdHNEV2VWZFRPNF8taGZMaTROcTNiZk83SEdnUT09 |
ETC Radio on 𝕏 / Twitter
Stable coin being deployed
https://x.com/i/spaces/1eaKbgVnjyQGX | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-04-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwyVnhDWGVpRzdoU21MVFd4Z0stckRSS212MkNxSkRVWGVwd29MM1VZWk5BNVNZaEVmSzRNeEd4bE1ycG9IS3pudXVDQVJvMHRyWDYyUUJDNHFJb09NWDBiZnNWVFNqQzd4NGdyaWVBdVJrQ3c9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzMDQtcnN5TTh4T2czRXVid2Z6Y19HRnktMEJacDRMTFdWZXEtRzRKdllhQktuR2p4ZEVSUjQ5ZmpicUVIVFlxSkh1eG5qZHZ0a1BSazVKd3REOWRwVlpZeTd0bGljN0p1ME94TmJISWd5VkhPYWdhdWdaMm5QUkxDWElMOG1pSXM2OUNHX2pxRnNOQWFEd2RqaDVTTjZ2ZFd1UUo4Q3EteHRuSXRaX0YxekFBTlBGRm15cVRzWjFWREtCX2p5TWk4 |
Hello i have gotten mine hands on a small amouth of etc, i now that there is a high chache i wont use it until about 2 years from now. afther some research i found out that some say that you can't stack etc, i also saw a video that you can stack etc on bakeryswap with 713% roi wich i find kind of unrealistick so i did some reasearch on bakeryswap and found mixt opions
if any body now a way i could stack or earn someting useing mine etc perferebly without kys pls let me now
[Etc scam alert : r/EtcTrader (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/EtcTrader/comments/ngenc8/etc_scam_alert/) etc cant be stackt source
[🚨WARNING: BAKERYSWAP SCAM 🚨 : r/EverRise (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/EverRise/comments/wdko3z/warning_bakeryswap_scam/)
[How safe is staking at bakeryswap? : r/BakerySwap (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/BakerySwap/comments/ms7jij/how_safe_is_staking_at_bakeryswap/)
[This is the most profitable Ethereum Classic coin STAKING ever 🚀 ETC crypto staking - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=No0asyrq2QQ)
[BakerySwap (bac-swapcoins.web.app)](https://bac-swapcoins.web.app/token/ETC/earning.html) link from de video
[BakerySwap](https://www.bakeryswap.org/#/swap) when you look bakeryswap up (it thos not not have the earning tab instead its said its comeing soon)
i want to thank you for reading and wich you a nice day. | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-05-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwyOGdzTE43S09oTUJ2MTlZalItN1F0ODZLM0k3OGd5emxmNWY0V2ROLTU2eXN3MXBwaUtjR0hCOS10WEdLbXdRTUtWRmJXVVVkZ2RtbWFkOXR2NFgtX1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzQnViWHhTUXJ2N1N4UlpYRnljTWlpdGlDckxvelZ4U1EzNkNDaEpVZnpZVHBLbzN6eFh3blhvZERYT1IyRzFuT2daSjVoOGJPNThkYjM2S2ZwUHVILS1mTXFvcFNMelM1VjJjeWJIenNsTkRER0w1VWY4cFhMdS1kWVp1YmZjQ0Z2UFUzQVhZbDlwckl1MVJyMnAzMXRSWl9uMTRZVi13RGJ3V0ptRXN0Wi1RN05feHJ1YkVEcm5mdHg5emJxYWFqaVNpNk45N1ZadDRQaWt1amNLMWluUT09 |
ETH: high gas fees!!! - SOL: shutdowns!!! - Base: centralized!!! -
💡 Solution : Ethereum Classic⚡️🔋
⚡️🔋 Low fees
⚡️🔋 Lightning-fast transactions
⚡️🔋 No shutdowns
⚡️🔋 Truly decentralized | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-05-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwya3FHSnB1X2V6MVRZdWNQT2RONk0wX3NZMGo4dWlDaDMxOXFSaFNsaVZtalpFbG5OVHhRVEM2al93NEVueWQ1M0RPbThHempTdDdNNXFOZ0hZTUoyWnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzMkx4bVl6NHFIZ2ljNTM5M2pCS21Ldk52VzdfSTFNanJpQ1ZNVlNpNmJlTVJqR2tWZEFEdHhlTFBuQVZwSUtQUFdDSGNSeFY2QWJ0MzYzRjVrOTBfZnU1WVlNUkdyRHhBR1dEaHY3akpNLTExbk4tQkVkVEF5WXhlYkxzLXJWYnlHSTdHUk9iektOaXRFTENRVHp3MHZEcXFhNEZubWRtQmR1X05la28tYld3NkZwRkZPazRUQ3U5blNpZ3NhVlk1 |
Are you using OKX? Check out this article to discover how to trade ETC with u/OKX. :four\_leaf\_clover:
[https://ethereumclassic.org/blog/2024-05-07-buying-and-trading-ethereum-classic-through-okx](https://ethereumclassic.org/blog/2024-05-07-buying-and-trading-ethereum-classic-through-okx) | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-05-07 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwyQXBfSmVSdEhCMFlMTjNwMVpRNFJVeWxlcUlHNjBWU0Y0NWZYLWhBaGt1c3YzSTlSMS1Vd0VCNU1aMG85MGlQamFURTlqQWd4Umt3ejNsZFV0WjJVVEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzSXUyQzh0bjdIc2VJYm5XOTg2a3VNWkpjUEJPSG5idFQ2MEpvRi00TGxaejdTMzR1Mk1IUkRlZkI3WU94UTZZMjZXcVNDSmVzTFRQVmtYRVRaOWtTV0VKXzlwRVJ3eXYzWGRpTWsxaF9uYVZ4cXJCY2VGNTBMOVBUWWdIc0pFUmdSanFmcmU4UnhRTzk3bmV4QnlkNXVnbzFXakxuR2JQY1JVZXN0akhuR1dQZkptb2YxM1RoXy1RVDQzVVpJTkhYSHZBaS1WdmJ3QnQxY2xDUjZ0dk5lQT09 |
In this post, we'll talk about the essence of security and outline the 4 key elements that ensure #ETC's safety 🍀:
* Full replication
* Proof of work
* Verification functionality
* Coordination problem
[https://ethereumclassic.org/blog/2024-05-08-the-4-security-keys-of-etc-full-replication-proof-of-work-verification-the-coordination-problem](https://ethereumclassic.org/blog/2024-05-08-the-4-security-keys-of-etc-full-replication-proof-of-work-verification-the-coordination-problem) | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-05-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwyZGFsaUhSS3QyUjB6T1hSNmtabDFuLXV5WWl2M2RqV3BjLUNnZzNXSVphc1dfUTNudzhiSlgyZUNnRHRKbHJLWUR2RElsRFNSMHBHQnFtNGY2X0NhR0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzdzJZd09BM2M0WTctU3BnWGNYZnZzaGQ0OEhpam1MZGc5ZGlaamp3alM3NWdqdXZKYkJvcjR6X3E5SmU1b3hVREtJSFFXOVY3TnlmT1JwZS1IYmJ1RnhvZXoxZld2bElWb05kUnpWMWJtX2VOLWlDd1o4QlFBd0RRRjIwNmdnQ2hZM1I4eUUxWGZfQ2tpcjMyOFlJUk8zZGRScU1fYWVDbExHME5BVENDbEdfRFI3N2luWnRjTEtzSTNPTFQ5Q1hHN3RKcTlTaFdvbWwzenlqTHE0bmtBdz09 |
In this class, we'll discuss a fundamental benefit of Proof of Work (POW) and explore how it applies to Ethereum Classic (ETC), highlighting a key innovation: unstoppability of applications. [https://ethereumclassic.org/blog/2024-05-09-etc-proof-of-work-course-25-the-innovation-of-etc-is-unstoppability](https://ethereumclassic.org/blog/2024-05-09-etc-proof-of-work-course-25-the-innovation-of-etc-is-unstoppability) | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-05-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwyT1phQUlhRzhDQjhlZFFhWWVoMnZlM2t1Z2NkbG1xWWpJeWl6MVZOTmRNSWg0aEMwZUhrVVJpNUNGVUZvNFdTa3FmNWxVb0J3ajdVLU1SSHoybGV5TXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzZ0RsQUZPbGxMeHBtMDVBcjBkVGhNbzdRbW1uYUhQenFYZVNxNG1wVno2VmFPaFZGWnVfSk5mZUtDU0xmOHJoR3NIcndWaW9IV0Nldl9odnNMM1FxTUdtNGFUS2s1dlE2dmEzaENxRUpvQXFDblpnczd3cGhDUkVvQWdkN1hQWFpTYzhIaW5WLXRpVHlJYXNmYko4VHlBZjVPVm8xcFVPWHNFeXFfaGJaLXhPanczUVliVGREdXduSUVqbEthc2VuSTczVHhBM3c1MmVUSF9CdlZFQTB3dz09 |
I'm just curious. I've been away from crypto stuff for a few years and I'm really liking what I'm seeing at Ethereum Classic right now as a platform to build stuff. I was just wondering about the ever increasing size of a PoW blockchain, although I personally believe hardware will probably evolve faster and make my point a non-issue.
Is this a concern? If yes, what are the plans/algorithms that the community is thinking about? | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-05-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwyY1BQVmpIMWx4RFNzeHZQUVliVVk3MkNwS1VZX3lYUDk2U3FkSjZoYm1zUlhqWE14S0dxRFBGeFgxVGlJSlQ2UndTVTNPVWM5NXBBR2RnUjBwTkZRTlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzUVUyVlpmX2JWQlJSNDQ3bTZCQ0pJR1hyX0Q0RDZjY3RvZGlNT0Jsc21VMS1FNktmS3ljSEc3ZGtTd3YwVFZja2lpMEx6OGloRVM4cTQ0RXBvWkx6RTdMbkZ0aUhOallWQmVXX3B0b0FMNUlvcW1SREkxNTQyYk5Ba2oxVkFIRWY2SzA0WEgxU2JlZ0xEamZoZFdGMjlIZF9FcVg4ZGxDVVlyelFsT3FPNmEtWFdXOFlXMk45OGV1X0ZJUk9GLVBaSTFLc3dPU25yMGtkNG11TzVWWVBiQT09 |
Last week, we explained the fundamental benefits of POW and how, when applied to $ETC, it leads to the unstoppability of applications. Today, we will delve into the philosophical differences between #ETC and #ETH. [https://ethereumclassic.org/blog/2024-05-16-etc-proof-of-work-course-26-pos-social-consensus-vs-pow-code-is-law](https://ethereumclassic.org/blog/2024-05-16-etc-proof-of-work-course-26-pos-social-consensus-vs-pow-code-is-law) | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-05-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwyeDNJa2F6M2V2SEdYNmo5VWRTU0VoQnVMcmVDaXpZeWZZRmZ3WTh5dXpsTXlIeXZqU2RTcU84T2FTWG9YQnNEMWZ1ZWdxdFFIMGU0SFBCRlVSVVJJcnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzRm9vcmlwaFdtcERrUXNXRG9ZSE9neGl0R0YycDg1c1N0SkoxOTZJTUdTMmFiRm5IemY3SzEzd2JqQnNLUW1pOGtpc0NBRS1HeTQ0QmlGRGpGUHdtakxseUdKN1JvWFZ0WHYtMUZsekJQLVBpQzRtckh3OU5oYnJyc25mQWFRYTlDaEhndVM0N1NVNlI4ZlZ0cFlSWF9CYXNaXzloVjd3dmdjc0VxMDBvRVVrSFJ2VGpjSS0xNTM2QUI5M0pfS3ZMbVc0NEE4RVFnWjEwUHFQbUlwd3FyUT09 |
👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-05-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwyRndlRXEtTGtodlRXczd0UmItTThNUlA3OGdnb0s4WmlTRWl0QndIZGVTVEM3N2h6QUdXSGZjTmJ0SGE3QURzZ3hFZU1yaXVkMHpGdU1SamNfZmZEUkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzTGxwUnk2bk8yN0piWmI4WW1CQTRDY093Q1lKREhOSE9UMHI4UENreF9uMWxtTVphUldlY0JKS3FfWC1xX0lyZFItN3E1WGo3dUM5XzF5VjFXQ1JFekF6NFZOR1d3Tm9lUk9Db0RhYlBsTUE1LTVnVVptOEJFajNCbnVsRTBxeHJldWxBaW1JNnJNaXlZQXVZY2hDRjVBPT0= |
I don’t want to hear $1000. But are we thinking new ATH? How do we think the fifthening will affect usability and price changes/affordability? | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-05-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwyQjVHR3lxU2lDWVpNQ3JOODdqQ3QtNjlfSW5neWpHanJ5aUFXUTNEb1pQNkhMc0Z1WUxJM09hOTBZaU41cjZsQjFEa2ZSbzFpVU1URjhDM3JobElVQ2xGQXFmUjQzUl9wQ1pNREdodE5WQTA9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzSm1SQ0tTUGJxVUFQUUZXTFVMd21QZ2t5MEl1amN1YlhyS3NTMjNOMFZFeXdqRThaaWdJOVB4T3VkU1VwUFc4RU5ZekswWEFONEFpSnZMa2lWbGNYUTc2cHRHZFpDTG9PdVRCclpURzBGeWkxNmxhSzBZY1Z5YlNCVmtLVVhhVnVCbmp3VFloS0tJWE5HdEpfZE93bUpjeWJfWkpINHlKU3IzendIb085RExwUzhqNWVBVFBscHlDeVl6VVhrZlZuY3Rfc28xS1pucW5kRDk4cF9rNVl4dz09 |
The idea of integrating Bit Gold into Ethereum Classic (ETC) stems from some perceived lingering risks that still hang over proof of work blockchains. This video explains the question of whether fees will pay for the future security budget of ETC and how Bit Gold fixes it. 🔗 Watch now: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TqTLhzaDyyc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TqTLhzaDyyc) | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-05-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwyRE5sNk44LU9PNV9aV0ZJUWNZSXlJLW9qQ2pMM1ZVTEg2aWhaZGlOUnd1WmpGcWt1TGw1VGxBTk1tN2pwQlJOUVN2TEY1TWFBMHhQU1B6Sm5EQ083X1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzX3U2ZkktUEQ2cjRKX0xYV1ozM0dIc2lnSGtiUDdYcXgzWk9rYkZYN1ZNT19wQ19ueE1mZ3ZaOUFNbDBIYWo5aHgxQU9CS2JrVGdlcEF0V0ZmOHZYR1hEQmVJVkZWNVZzYzlXQTUtNUZsRjVQMVo5T3JTNjVXazlJdHR0SXhWVVZKblZYcEh5WEttRTRpd3h2WFFIY3VlRFVPUnZ6YjZvVW0taHNBUEItak5TZW5yRE1xS0JCVDhfbHhDUHNzb2laWXZWX0IweHZHRTdwMFktVzVlRml5Zz09 |
If you guys don't mind to share your bag. Mine is 450@ $18. | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-05-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwyQW44S0lOY21wa1hXQWVlSXFRYlhaSGJuTTZTY3JVcnV6WnZEOERNdUhhSWh2c1pjWUthaDAyYmprUWpWUnllMmhQS0ljOEZrV3ctR1FFWUVzSWJlTUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzMHNTSjRaVENuNVFneUtRTkdxN3BaTDktYjFhY2ZZRG1BTHh5VGNQQlMyYzB6ZHBUWFNhQ280ZEtFcG0zZ19QUkxoQVpLTDAtRDFWOGV1eTlFemk1TGlsR1l5elFaVGpzckNOWC01Y2RZNWJaT0lDY2I0S0pnYnZlckJkM2ZBVDhuYzFINWpnSmdVUjFaM05EcFdfNjltTVFEUEp0ZERwNGlnMUlmbFJmMDlzPQ== |
In the previous class, we explained the difference in philosophies between a network such as #ETC and another such as Ethereum (#ETH). In this class, we will dig deeper into what is the meaning of “security” in proof of work (POW) blockchains. Learn more: [https://ethereumclassic.org/blog/2024-05-23-etc-proof-of-work-course-27-what-does-security-mean-in-pow-blockchains](https://ethereumclassic.org/blog/2024-05-23-etc-proof-of-work-course-27-what-does-security-mean-in-pow-blockchains) | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-05-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwyM3N0SjBsYm9jNGM5dDY1d01YWnZpUXphck5nZXhaa3Y4X2dQOVNCaUdvRkdSQzl6c216bzlaV3hQQ01CTlhWX0xMQUcyaDFleEZLRk4zM2daWnczOWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzSVJyNjI2NjNaQzcxWm1TZWVIV3RYbXh5aTQ0TTh6MlB0SzFTMENMam4xVjZyMUUzMlFKSGNOVVJzVUtEc0pIelVnOUtUcmpPNXUtMW82M21IWGkzOGJjaFNMZUMwS2lqWFJ5V0dWZlNiYXpUX3BfUnh2eGRGQWRQbkp3M05HQXJlcThmeVVCQWs2WkVqQWNDMEFoaktVM1gxR0U5TGtoQ2JUcWR2R1dXdEFrNEJyaTJ3WXBKWmNKR0JYMUl0Rjcyc1Y3UUVqR3FwVzZsaGF6dGliOW1Wdz09 |
$BTC and smart contracts are two great inventions. And #EthereumClassic is a Bitcoin with smart contract functionality. Read more and learn why:https://ethereumclassic.org/blog/2024-05-22-ethereum-classic-is-bitcoin-but-with-smart-contracts | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-05-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwybmZ5YTFxOUlMc0VtNmZVdzg0X004OTYwc3F2OWh3clNsS2hXcnc5cWdfWExRcDdYMXBLdVEtVTB3QlFiYUNaYm80V1RhT1Q3Zlh2LWV3SHVCTGtpanc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzUmhtX2RSTGdqTWdtN2FlbVNlQzBVRGdiNzJObXRaeFBQdnZoZXZpVG5xME9reGF1UkVxZVFCNjljMk9aMWlfSVZSS2NzTmhDbF9ZNE5LQTFmV2JXYlpET04zeWxOLWZBQ2NUNDhwUWhlM2Rua0FsTDhLMUJoeW1vd1dvMmRtVy1VQmZ6U1g3cjZkb2p1U3lzdy03OW1LUmEzRnZzQlllcUtQX1RSOVFnSGxvdi02LUZmV2sxdzhuRU83WDlYSHhGcy1INlRIUkFCX3JscUNlNWlxbnBPUT09 |
Key takeaways:
* Floki's new trading bot for the Ethereum, BNB Chain, and Base blockchains aims to boost FLOKI token demand and utility;
* The bot charges a 1% fee, with 50% used to buy FLOKI, increasing buying pressure;
* The bot's ease of use over decentralized exchanges drives its appeal and potential success.
Source: [https://www.bitdegree.org/crypto/news/floki-team-introduces-new-trading-bot-to-boost-token-utility?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=social&utm\_campaign=r-new-trading-bot](https://www.bitdegree.org/crypto/news/floki-team-introduces-new-trading-bot-to-boost-token-utility?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=r-new-trading-bot) | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-05-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwyLUFZMkJnSmR2Q3hXcWxTZWFaLVlhTFhEMDh6QW5ZUTVQeDFhckc0WXBGVmlhR0FpVXRRRjNUYmdJbVM5cHUwTmx1LVZrMGN1ZWhUeWc2RVdQQ21fb1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzQVU1WlpKRWxZem1jS2xkMXgzUG1LdmZaZmdpR3JBSUtYZXRkVmNNUGtPMmdEc0hNZk5RRVNrNll0cnJLVWJGcEFaZjM1MlRiUnl5ckJTY3o1NTRjMjlWdjVrV2JPSzljYUZzY1V6TWV0bGRBeFNvMG1YNVlyZlBRRDhncm92VXJJQndNd21aSjJ3c1RWOGZ4b0Qxamd5eXhGOUVyTXJSamdjZHMzWDE5S0Z3R1lqaFRvUXY5NlRWZEVTemt0UlByQnV4cGxCcUdSNTVkWjNLTUNjWGsxUT09 |
Ethereum's next upgrade, called Pectra and tentatively scheduled for the first quarter of 2025, promises a series of significant improvements to the network, marking a new milestone in its continued evolution. This update, successor to the recent Dencun implemented in March 2024, aims to improve the scalability and efficiency of the chain, as well as simplify the experience of using digital wallets. Highlighting the inclusion of the EIP-7702 improvement proposal presented by founder Vitalik Buterin, which will introduce a new transaction type for Ethereum account addresses. Additionally, Pectra is expected to increase the maximum effective balance for individual validators, allowing them to stake more ETH and reduce network complexity. This news comes as Ethereum establishes itself as a dominant force in the cryptocurrency market, with the approval of the first spot Ethereum-based exchange-traded funds (ETFs) by the Securities and Exchange Commission ( SEC) of the US and an ETH price that exceeds $3,900 USD with a gain of 2% in the last 24 hours. | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-05-30 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwyWWZYczAtaEpWVmF3YVp2MXJONG1CNVRRakwycXJrcXduamVXMmFoQXlZLVBJTUg1ZER6WmZ5R09Vc3UzTzRBVnBiM1hKQUg1ODAxa0VfdkdfZVFBZXhqUkM1OU1pRC0yeXNfb0h4YU44S3c9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzVVlmR0RZTjYyM3F1blo4N3JTdlZGU1I5Nks5a2JaSElLV3hCRGE2VTNqckFhS2ZXZGF3Q2pNbjh5aGx3bHZrMzZFa184YjBvSzRSc2N1OXF4NEhic29yY2xWUnNPSzZWaHZIR1UyZjF1NGdjdTlIalFlNnpQMm1DSDhyMFJoY3pIQjZqbnNRajc4WHRVVTU4YkxFSHVicG0zZVc1SVR1dElZNHZ3dXNJVHVGZ1Rsc05QN0g5NDlSY2pPZVpaXzBDc0JyQkVHOXdwdHBNWmlWcF9OTmZ5Zz09 |
The block reward for ETC will be reduced from 2.56 ETC to 2.048 ETC when block height reaches 20,000,000. We estimate that this will happen approximately on 2024-06-01.
Please take this into consideration when planning your mining activities as your ETC mining revenue might be reduced. | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-05-30 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwyV3ozV3BVSVVsUHdSX3RfVWd5RXh2ZFRLNEhlOHJYSk9FTXZWMjBad0pjMVlUbHN2WTFPZkMxOW40YjNYSG9malRIVmlCODEybDNUTHpURTFDV3BhZ2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzUHBUMnlDUjBhbmFuTWRESEpuOW56N2JjUGdZRXJ6cWNQRlZWSXphSDZHNGlJVWZvcFNMQmNmRjB1Ym1fdUZIVHdVdU4yLWNxZnJVWkRLa25HS013dDVkX3lCc29TUDY3LWhiZTNHSU9ZTVB1SFpRSVViUjRLUXNSQTBUUncxd25hNlFDUTk2Vk1jaHNyQ2l3dS1rb0JIR0IzSTlQOVV3dXlXMXRBS3NRRHNIUHZkYVh6bjdoR3lKOG5haUprMkdL |
The fifthening has been completed. The reward for mining ETC has been reduced by 20%, so it’s gone from 2.56 ETC to 2.048 ETC. It doesn’t move the price as much as BTC’s halving, but it’s still nice. | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-05-31 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwyR1B1SG1DRXljd3lVMS1VOW0xMHd0eU5feXoxRTNQSzNsVkdRYVNNOFZrVUI1VDJEdWNSZlRLNmZNNFVOOUo2dVR2X1BYOWdzeG4wVWtJUnlTWW5hYkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzZ0xLT0FjX240eHhZamMzVnhnR2F4M25BZi1nTXpvLVVEZUlEZEs1WjUzdHFwaEs4TEIyalhGZnJfVUUwTTg0SmVqdkl3LVZVRkZVT3RnMHRlSEduNXNHQ25aRndOWGpWUUNNZDlmUHZEYXl1MmNJRFhLelVxX2VzamowLXE2TFF2WjRXM2JEMTNkOVl5UkFnV0ZXdGhfMlNCZXl2N3NyTmU0VjFBU09Vc1FJPQ== |
Ask me anything. | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-06-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwyQ1RKQjdXQktid2txaDJzYlpuNWNCSC1hbS1TUHpqOURQV29pVnB3azlTcmQtVE1ibEJvLVFCa19VQ1JFdmlScHZjbk9EX0I0Ulh2azBMWEROaGplNFNLYW1BRTV3cVhfV25yVUpJZ0xGbmM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzeFdPZ21QTUlxVmt5WnRGTVAxRXlXUmo2OHh1Qk9Na0h1V2lVcXN4alBiY204Qllzb2RVRVhnaElfbVRiejhwN1NucDNsMmZYbkJKM0J4YlNUdVZRZ2xlR2p0WDBJQS1RT0Ixa0laaXYwQjdhTHB4MEl2WHNQcHM1eEhnU0NCdjRaWXUyTUFRQlJNcTU3YVdkT0d1bHk3VlNyYVB2WGQ4ZEdqVFAtMVJua3pIOVdNdDVnZm5sQ1czbVBtS19TTlVKbkUzcnFLN2pRS2ZMdmEyWjF6SUxpdz09 |
Had some difficulties while buying ETH with PayPal, found this article and it really helped me to simply understand what to do. So decided to share with you all who are having any issues. The article: [https://www.bitdegree.org/crypto/tutorials/buy-ethereum-with-paypal?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=social&utm\_campaign=r-crypto-tutorials](https://www.bitdegree.org/crypto/tutorials/buy-ethereum-with-paypal?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=r-crypto-tutorials) | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-06-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwydDVmUlQ4ZEpDbnNYMm9rR01DZkVqMjNjakRuNU9QZ3ppTlItRnhIWVdSTVpOb08wY0Jrdkt2cUQ5WWw5M1FXX0w4WFRyRE5JZ3M4V1hWeXF3Rmt3VXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzLUJoYmIzMnBXaGdRY1Y3U1JtNmwweGhkME5meEFkQkZGOHF4Wm96M3R6NnZCMUo1MHdYMms5U2xVMjJ0R0JGeVpOT2xUSl92MFFMc2RwbWRSTXk2TnM4X0lmQy10aTJOTG5jY3lFM01STFNXNTM0aEdDM1ZLM2tYZXZOekpPYnlmdS0yY0huSlNKSWdqVkZpT3p6R3ZLdVlrenJiLUtidU00UkU1eUY2VVBTd2dsalhMRWZsbXNySkgxeGk1M0tX |
The crypto exchange Coinbase has two articles about ETC. We will review both articles, suggest revised phrases, add additional content, and explain the reasoning behind our proposed changes and additions. [https://ethereumclassic.org/blog/2024-06-04-correcting-the-coinbase-article-about-ethereum-classic](https://ethereumclassic.org/blog/2024-06-04-correcting-the-coinbase-article-about-ethereum-classic) | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-06-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwyc2hheVRmNVhaZG51QWtRdWh1ZVhYRi1LWEd0ZTQ4azBKZlNkUjRVRTdjeEFHbmxDVkZYem1sdzFoek5qa3hockxoX2pRek1qbVd2dDg0OUJXaUlwTlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzUkhZT3NESERya0hZbzZOYUlRYVRRdm9RUWtoZERaZ2NKbW5peU5zMDNDMXdZMWpSQldkTWtySHJVX2Zlb2ktbVFQV2lQZW1YRVRubE1IaUlKYnR5NkFyVXduWWI2N2JTQ3VQSU8yTFJ3X252MHZNdzJNRTFBVDR4WG1VNDhUN1hZUjJ1NWZSUWF5bVBKcXkzQ2h6RllmZ2tzWjliUHBjQW9RTTdVRVpqSDY3V3FCMndrSzREa2Z5UXZ5OWQ3VnBUS3NRTUlic2ZCd3dEVjctWk1DS0J5Zz09 |
🍀 Bybit is a centralized cryptocurrency exchange. In today's article, we'll explore how to open an account and trade $ETC on Bybit. [https://ethereumclassic.org/blog/2024-06-05-buying-and-trading-ethereum-classic-through-bybit](https://ethereumclassic.org/blog/2024-06-05-buying-and-trading-ethereum-classic-through-bybit) | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-06-05 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwyNHpvbHM4YzZqdXFQV1NpaU9iRXQ2eVY3NlA4UU9zM2J3NW1raDVMYW5fVEpCNkpMdXN0NnJ5NDBlT3Vna3g5TS1ZbHNQQnRkcENSWVhUQWFjdkpLY1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzR0VRNzdVUDB3eWEyb0hJUjJjTUpxcDI0bXFyaXA3dEtWT2ZYcDFKQ1l1UXlBQ3NwMTZTbXdkMTdqaHhGM0dhX1Fhb2NvY2RJNk53blVhYWdkYlh2MV9uMXR4aUQ1UWxKRlFSNmYyMk5JdU8zb1pYX3U4OTlQY0tYWVVtbWlaRzJxZFNwWG1LeWxwX3Rrb2tKaWVzcVZ4STJRRmg1MDc2Zy1mU1Y4SUFMZ0NzcmJKa01ZLTZNS295RUFSd2VIRGlYeEh2YzVCVUhwWXpuYnRjRVlaUFFPZz09 |
* Approval of spot Ether ETFs depends on issuers' responsiveness to SEC feedback, says Chairman Gary Gensler.
* The SEC's favorable stance on Ether ETFs was influenced by Grayscale's legal success with Bitcoin ETFs.
* Analyst James Seyffart suggests political influences, particularly SEC Commissioner Lizárraga’s ties to Nancy Pelosi, might have affected the SEC's decision on Ether ETFs.
Source: [https://www.bitdegree.org/crypto/news/launch-date-of-ethereum-etfs-relies-on-issuers-secs-gary-gensler-states?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=social&utm\_campaign=r-ethereum-launch-date](https://www.bitdegree.org/crypto/news/launch-date-of-ethereum-etfs-relies-on-issuers-secs-gary-gensler-states?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=r-ethereum-launch-date) | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-06-07 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwyYmoycmktaDk4d1pZbFI1ZGhIMktIQXJZRVcycVZZQlpGWWVCMHVzMFVPNGdBRWJqX3JIdmdVS21ieEUwODFkN1hLaEU4dTBObGRSNHM5S1FaQV9iSFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzU3ItQ1JfUjZyTmhheG1vdEp1ZmJiYnJCZW5ITVZyclJnaWpDQjFPUDNEXzVDNnMxeXFXWjd0dS1HSDJRMHhvbHByQ1h1Rzh1bklvS3pCb3NfbXVwVFJZODVmQ3BxR2hvcVRpMU5Jb0VkbkNaX2dVN09NbEVpRFNYMl9WYWh2ZzZXMk9HcnM1eFhjaURiYVlxRG96R3FWSm9mNWxOUXdRenZsSFNzU0Q4YmUzbnJLempGZ0U0VXhMamRudVlDYUdNOG1JT2Fpc0JtMWhRbTNtU2FxVnZNdz09 |
Seriously! We’re -30% over the past 3 months and Bitcoin is the same price it was 3 months ago. So much for the fifthening, or any hype for that matter cuz it literally does nothing for us.
BTC dumps 1% on any given day and we’re down 5-10% like wtf?! When (if ever) will we see actual progress?? We’re just going backwards | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-06-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwyZ0ZaN054cjVuemk5YnpiSW5nYVV4NzdsdlpIcjUtVkVxNlNhaTZLSHJyTWo4c0xsTGpJQXkyQ0lGLVBTV0VlcDc3WWhlelhPQVBDcmMtVGFhSm1VWVIzaWhvX0ZIZm9DQjYzNlI5RkRIaDA9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzSXJNZlhrUnkxeVI0alMyb0RYWGJoUGdQQ2RhQVBCVzJhU2QzWVNVTXhuRGxfeHdKb05UOUJTWUlUaFp2eFZybGpFVW55VUIwVmt3S2VUbkZjMS1WSkUwTnlWV3FLU3JlVENTUENJdmJZUzFiSGt0NTZEMVVaRUZYdVFablFJY2VXQjdJSmxVMDg3ZUpNdUg2YmlCN0FlYnhCelMtNnVuQ3ZvTjY5bWJRSnNjPQ== |
Hold or sell ? I forgot all about this lol | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-06-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwyTFp0VWhwb3hWdllzNUdMQkZZaUdhdnlpMFNJRVRRXzlWTVptWXlvYmF1Sm5rY1M3dGtjY2FPMGxRb2JZR0JJY0lTU2VpUjVHUGRpdWFwY2lIVUk0ZXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzZ19XTkNhd2R3dk9mRzg3d09TQ0haYXkxd3ROclV2M0liRkVWcUhMX0xkVHZENmZlcE93dFdDSl9IR0VyTmNLa3lWUzlodUNfOHNhSld0dXA0a3R0Qk9IOXZxaGx2cG51ZzRzZmcyQVZFb1ptRVp4TzVhNzhVeVU0SmhVbTVFV1Z6cmVEYVJPVlFnVDFaRlQ4by1PWGxfeklFSDd6VVJ3MURHMDlZdVFkeDZaNWR2NDBzWGQ4Q2dVRlhXR0ZZQVoybzNUODBIT1NkamFnM2JJbDlMMVAwQT09 |
Key Takeaways
* Space and Time launches Proof of SQL, a high-speed ZK prover for efficient on-chain transactions;
* ZK provers are crucial for maintaining privacy in cryptographic systems but have been criticized for slowing down transactions; Proof of SQL addresses this with sub-second proof times;
* Proof of SQL processes over 100,000 row queries in under a second on a single GPU.
Source: [https://www.bitdegree.org/crypto/news/space-and-time-introduces-ultra-fast-zk-prover?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=social&utm\_campaign=r-space-and-time](https://www.bitdegree.org/crypto/news/space-and-time-introduces-ultra-fast-zk-prover?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=r-space-and-time) | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-06-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwyMy1qeENpalB6anR2aFBhMFhXNjd6RDdEc1BubTVyLUVZTk9aUFk3OTQ0eDlsYUpiOVdHc0dkUzBjR0Y0eFBaUERkUTZfZnpUbUJiNDVWNGduUXEyeGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzRlpDWEZ4Y2FQRmNtT3Voa01VTi1FaGtLY3Q5ZjRLLUYyMnhSZzY1MEVnVjFTYXlmamxQLU9GZktkT1Vzb1BvV0k4cHJCeHhXVHZXQU5LNmpCbHB0Z1pOaGdndkxYVVo5VjZIVTJWRTJFOVZtblB3LWNZSFBVZl93eWp4dTN1bURpU3ZBaWI0UFhXQi1EOXBfNGdlb1R5Tm5FTHFRQVlOUkJtRFpkZVcwZUVqSkM1N2ZHcFdkYndRZmgwZ2V0LWhEd05ZOEFrVXZSaHhPYVc3aEZqbXZDZz09 |
Title. I'm curious to learn in what ways this project is similar to and different than BTC & ETH. | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-06-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwyTi1CZ0x0b3NuSWJYbHJrZjk2NGtxd0tiNGw3YjJvSHQxMXI4MkltUWpWalI3RWsyZ29UUTFaYzZoMFRuaTN3aVhnVDhwaTFQUk9YeS1FblZueks2a0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzdE5Cd2ozcTFrNWQ4X05HbUVyTmJmUDFvWGR5Q0l0MnY0QzNwT29Fb0FPb0xtbXNZOGd0VmwyV2ZOU2RHNlcwME5VMnhlTm5ETDhDOF81Sk1jdTlOTGQ3cGVGNDBBbWlBNVgxMEhSaG9sYkVvMGRWemlTR3FkM1pHMDdqNkJMY0RKNUVVZGZ3d3pNS0NzMF8tanc3VVoxUHdWMmU1MndnUFNRdzd2SmllT0VRX1Z1Y3hJTDJzckRQaEhHZ2d3aDVVZzFIRlNTdFNvOWxneTBSNUVEVXlMQT09 |
Join us in Nashville this July for an in-person #EthereumClassic Community Event! 🚀 We've partnered with ETC Radio and POW Summit for a meetup on July 25, 2024, just in time for the Litecoin and Bitcoin conferences. RSVP now: [https://etccooperative.org/posts/2024-06-20-announcing-the-ethereum-classic-nashville-meetup-en](https://etccooperative.org/posts/2024-06-20-announcing-the-ethereum-classic-nashville-meetup-en) | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-06-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwyQjI4OHM4YkxKLU1LOWZJbC02UTFRdWNjWEUyQ0hWRFg0cjNvblRlSTNkNnNLczlMejRJejFDSWR6dzROS1JGUlg3cXJNUU1fZElpVHpfMjgzUGRob1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzSkZkSENQUzkyTWhNeXBoa21qcTZETGFCVGVhdnZVMTFrc01WWWhVQmprajhBelo5WXptVFBBRmdQVlpJWG9EYlF1RDF4NWY2TFVINW9wUTNBRzZNMjZpZWpUcXlUcS1kdWkzZ3VtRkg3TmNvcEZyS0hFdVJqWGRKTXVEWk9xUUQyaDZ3Z1daWWw3dzM3T0Rpb0lOdG9mc3hOalZ4Z3JWVU5lUmpMTWJ4YmxxWkdxRXFSM2EwRzF3N2pMVU1YRVR1 |
Do you guys think FIL has bottomed? The support around 4$ seems pretty solid. Also what fundamentals are you looking at? | r/filecoin | post | r/filecoin | 2024-06-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwyX2NXa2J1SDdONTVoZEx1WDRONWU5RVp3T3R5SmNSLUlZOHoyQWJROFVJS2xrX0xFQWNfd205U2FNcEFSb3JmdGZSdnNMQTNleEVEMFdwNGxHRnI5WGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzS3ZqSjRsV29ldVVyZ2tYSVRxbmFpY1VtM3M5RXdIeXdqMjdQczlKZVZ5LWpqdFpVN1EtTUgtSVR5eHBmc3l1RHhMOUppU3RZc01NNlBCY01CYVVVSk1CWlZxV3hRTlBGRFA1NmhHSktvRG9fMUdYU2I1TFZkWVJ5QWNRcGRiUGN6aDJYaHhBQ2h5MWh4c291WEZabk5RPT0= |
After Ethereum passed into its phase of proof of stake we are now witnessing what can happen when proof of work is abandoned. Ethereum classic still has its hard cap and is a deflationary form of payment. Ethereum instead has no hard cap and a potential unlimited supply which is one of the many reasons it is experiencing inflation as more and more coins are created with no end in sight.
[https://cointelegraph.com/news/ethereum-supply-inflated-for-73-days-straight](https://cointelegraph.com/news/ethereum-supply-inflated-for-73-days-straight) | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-06-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwyU0t1MzBZN1RhbFA1X1VISWhtN21BdGZhVEZEUDZtYzZQVUFkd0JkdXFlTHNsWlVqall5NHkyUF9rRzMtNHJLZE9rR0tiMGtiMndOU3ZGcWdaallhb0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzYUR3bXUzRXBjSHRhTUw3aUt1RzMza0EzQnV0V2NrSlBraDdDNkpXWWM0Yzljd1pGMFpMR3VSelI3Z3FDRUFhdkYwTGRyam9QUmJxUy10TnFCcHlSY3F1cDRYZm05MF9SYk90Tk9id1ZHNm5NdmVtZUdYUXdwdTMxUXZtMlFReGIweldpU3MteTBROHdIVXhkYUJKWnIxRUNXd0dWRG82ak05X0otZG50SFJDVzZPNGZUWUV6OVZ5ZTFtR3VOQ3Z0Rk53MmZ5QTg2NmlUSl8xTGE5OFNvdz09 |
Been thinking if I should go big on a position . Thank you
| r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-06-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwycWZGT2Ftam9fd0ItLVNhVmwyNmtTWWU3S2Q0dlF6ZUxseUg5NVY5NlJhSDViTHdnNldzSVdxQVJZejFKSjVjU1lGY0dxM1B0T1hjeVBlTVdDT1I0Qnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzUnhLSFhaWVIySnUtNDc1WjZfcDAtMFRSMXIzNVhmSU51eGxxdzdsQXRxVlJqaUtHVjU0QmJjTUgtYWxsRll3Znl5Q3g1cU90Uml6UWxJelNrTHBBR1gwWDBTUEZybE5jSk91NEJFLUpaZEJWTlRkMlgwV3cxS1doeE1rN2RMdkxjd0VicUI5Z19zNXlrNEJsb3UxN3hTbEhZak80N1pWdTRGSVcxVFZob284aEFOLXVaU1pqc3FvQ2FvMWtUNmJtVFZsR2RyUF9NdzVINGdnZDNLM2VSQT09 |
* PancakeSwap launches an AI-powered prediction market in collaboration with Allora Network, allowing users to bet with or against AI price predictions;
* The AI models introduce a new dynamic to PancakeSwap's prediction market;
* The AI-powered market will adjust payouts based on AI performance, with higher rewards for predicting against the AI when its accuracy is low.
Source: [https://www.bitdegree.org/crypto/news/pancakeswaps-new-ai-prediction-market-goes-live-on-arbitrum?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=social&utm\_campaign=r-ai-prediction-market-goes-live](https://www.bitdegree.org/crypto/news/pancakeswaps-new-ai-prediction-market-goes-live-on-arbitrum?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=r-ai-prediction-market-goes-live) | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-06-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwyNmRPdFVPWU10WC1rcWg4X043dFpNeTN2OHZNdC1vUEptd096M01GVXRWc3RlR2tqMThjVjNrSUp1Z0VfZ0VBU1YtNTZPcWI4b0pGN1Rkd1ZmbkxMeFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzU0pPWmxNWXprbkxaLXp1Q3p6LVgzX3JoNkpwVU1oQkFFbWJfeVZJc3VxUXUwVEYyN0FaM1hwREhuVmJrRm9jU08wT0tIdW90eVBodDF2M1dpUnBMQjU1TF9pR0dOVldvaDRZM1FtX0hXOC1PZjFGUHhodTlRYjRidUVNWEpEcktOVU9vWWdDQlZ0ZGZQeENZc2pLdDltRVJybXZrTXpEQWV5UF9vRXNPT19RSFZ0N08zWWVpYThmQXJRWlRuR3hGeEVDWWZ0LTlJZ3VQT09tdG1EejdCZz09 |
Looking for an easy onboarding to Filecoin? Try out Lighthouse Files here - [https://files.lighthouse.storage/](https://files.lighthouse.storage/)
* Login using crypto wallets/google/github
* Easily upload Files
* Encryption & access control
* Choose Annual/Lifetime plans
* Pay using Stripe/Crypto
| r/filecoin | post | r/filecoin | 2024-07-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwyVzY1cTZHR09MaF9sOHcyQnk1dVptWVVGQnlxeGl6ME1sQzlYTzAxajFGTzYyMWg2bUhzYmRtVkJwc2YxblJwand5U3NFa3o2UDcxc18wNkZzNWJUekE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzdzVUeXhOdmdfaEdBZk9QSllPandiYzhCbTJYVkJBQWFMWklBcDJLVDhtaHBwNzRESWRiaUpMVC1YWWstLW1VaWlVWGt6ZEFtanRBVkswR24yR2d1VXRVWFItT1FQczFLNnc1VE5YWXQ0aWltVzYzaHN2TUcxTjNYUHJndW85UEFyWHF0WVhnZXF4NVFaSXc5QkMzZmRSdGFuQkpjZ2pQbG4wQ1Juc2pORXlZPQ== |
Key Takeaways
* Speculation about crypto integration in Grand Theft Auto 6 has resurfaced;
* A viral post by a crypto influencer mentioned Bitcoin, Ethereum, and USDT as possible in-game currencies;
* The integration hasn't been officially confirmed.
Source: [https://www.bitdegree.org/crypto/news/crypto-in-gta-6-rumors-resurface-no-official-confirmation-yet?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=social&utm\_campaign=r-crypto-integration-gta](https://www.bitdegree.org/crypto/news/crypto-in-gta-6-rumors-resurface-no-official-confirmation-yet?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=r-crypto-integration-gta) | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-07-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwyZW9PZGtjOFNiMkY2QnF2WkRGVkludEU5bjlFX1BVZ3hJM1hWcGE3MHMxOFJrN296Zl8xcG9YVEsyVzlXbkdPUGJWVUdRbzRvRTQ2Q1k3SHd2TGFNMlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzR05BTFZxZzFrUkt6ZzJhMFpRaEpscklmME4yVjhaU2hEMVVKVzJiSkNqd3h5UlRkTGFxR0tCSlg0dWNkdjNyRGttZ0VBY0Z6SWJoWWhFUkotZ0hFY3lsMlNZS19yZERVdlplTUhrTTJYdUlUNy1zRFlTVGlQVkFFNkxQU3NkOVUwWXVQazhGY2pSem93VWt0R29IRk1qTzNiNUFONFdwZGJqT2E3ejA5QkVwV0R6dDVzQWkwVWJuWnh0S3hTYWRDOXNvQU55QVdiSV9IQWQ1MUowdXpLQT09 |
If you use cryptocurrency, you know how crucial secret passphrases are for restoring blockchain addresses. 📜🔒Read today's blog and discover how these passphrases generate private and public key pairs across multiple blockchains using derivation paths! 🛤️✨https://ethereumclassic.org/blog/2024-06-26-a-call-to-wallets-to-use-the-standard-etc-derivation-path | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-07-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwyWk5YMnNhZG95TlZTNlE1NmhKaXFpQi1leGUtVVpNVS1scEFMNWdzRkNrel82R1l1NklsVnJjRnRHTmRKN25zSlY2RHRiaGR5WWF0by00Um1ZLWwxZ2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzVW00cHJ1Zm9GTXZXeVFpLVZoTnJBal9MaG5YenFiU0ZGZ1Fyc0Z2b2xSMWxoN2JGV0dGWG0wNlBJMUN2WFdzdU9uY3RsTkhHNkxfQ0ZFNHgwOElOT3R2RWhJeXpsLW43aGlvWWJqaXFGcWJJQlAxbTFsdXl3SkRlQmdwY2oteEk4aC03Tld0LThIcmVCaHRtRnU2Tk5pWkV4VzNGdFhVTTBJTEVhbE5ldXlPNTY3TkR5LXpOcmw1azZodjJ3c1dUVjAwT0xITkVSNkUwWTU2cGg2LU5Cdz09 |
Let me start by saying that, after thoroughly investigating all the alternatives (Arweave, Storj, Sia, etc.) Filecoin seems like the best option out there for decentralized storage.
Now to my concern.
I want to create a ***decentralized application*** that allows ***the user*** to ***upload and download*** ***files***.
After some googling, this seems like a good place to start reading at:
Here's the most relevant section:
>**Resources for Storage Clients**
>Learn more about ways to store Web3 and NFT data on the decentralized web.
The NFT one is obviously not relevant for my use-case, but neither is web3.storage.
Although [web3.storage](http://web3.storage) eventually makes sure that the files are persisted to the filecoin network, it's:
* Super expensive, order of magnitudes above filecoins actual costs (4x the price of what I can get on google drive, even).
* Not decentralized. It's an API endpoint from a SAAS. Using something decentralized does not make the whole thing decentralized.
So with nothing in the "Getting started" reddit post getting me any closer to my stated goal in the title of this post, I continued reading the filecoin docs. I found this segment to be the most prospective:
[Filecoin programs and tools | Filecoin Docs](https://docs.filecoin.io/storage-providers/filecoin-deals/filecoin-programs)
But again, nothing.
Eventually I found out that there was a "reference implementation of the FileCoin protocol", aka just "filecoin", but which is confusingly named "Lotus" instead. This should have the ability to upload files. But not only do you need 128 GB of RAM to run the damn thing, it also doesn't support Windows. Good luck bundling that with your decentralized application.
After some pillow-punching and further reading I found out that the 128 GB RAM requirement can be mitigated by using the "lite version" instead, which still doesn't support Windows: [Spin up a lite-node | Filecoin Docs](https://docs.filecoin.io/nodes/lite-nodes/spin-up-a-lite-node).
Even the lite version requires 2GB of RAM which is what World of Warcraft needed up until just recently. Why? To upload a file?
So there doesn't seem to be a way to create a decentralized application that can upload and download files using filecoin, unless you're creating a decentralized application that is only available on Linux/OSX.
Is this true? If it is, can you please take some actions to make it less confusing and misleading? | r/filecoin | post | r/filecoin | 2024-07-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwyYVFsVzNkWXMyWkw5Sm5oOEU1bFNJeVk2ZUdZdm96ZHkyOTh3SXUwc1dTVGNEdTEzNFpUWDZ6N0FpOHZ6MG5lWGxIV2NHZ0JrN2QzSVFqaV9ZSE13UkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzLTBCNktqTjllSXBJSDhtc0lhYTFrN1ZWdE1DOFZ6TEU2NDJwdWl2WUhWZm91Y0NQbTFUcTZZS2dsM0hzREFXSXhNbEh3SV83dGQzSnN6TzZBTWt5S1JzQlFHVkpNbnp2Y3BFVG9waF9maTJ3VTNpbllfb1VFMVRqNkh2VVR5UzhDOE9LbWowcXhQb1d3MVhNX29IdDNXM0dZU1JTT05QMnduWHBGUmJiRl9ReUhPYi1EdGdKeWRpdjQ5ME02WXl1eGVrbjdXMWoyTURWT0wxdkNwM29Pdz09 |
I recently saw this announcement from Filecoin about their collaboration with Nuklai to archive the world's data.
It was quite a long read but this should shed light on what it means for the data ecosystem and why it is huge.
**Impact on the Data Ecosystem**
1. Accessibility and Democratization of Data
* With decentralized storage, data will be more accessible to researchers, developers, and institutions worldwide. This democratization of data is crucial for innovation and scientific progress.
2. Enhanced Data Preservation\*\*
* The collaboration aims to create a resilient archive of the world's data, ensuring that valuable information is preserved for future generations. This is especially important for historical, cultural, and scientific data that needs long-term preservation.
3. Cost-Effective Solutions
* Decentralized storage can often be more cost-effective than traditional centralized solutions. This means lower costs for data storage, making it more feasible for organizations of all sizes to store large amounts of data.
4. Boosting the Blockchain and Crypto Ecosystem
* The collaboration is a win for the blockchain and crypto ecosystem as well. It showcases practical applications of blockchain technology in solving real-world problems, potentially driving more adoption and innovation in the space.
**Why This Is Huge**
* Revolutionizing Data Storage: Integrating Filecoin’s decentralized storage with Nuklai's data solutions could revolutionize how we store and manage data globally.
* Future-Proofing Data: This partnership aims to safeguard data against the risks of centralization, cyber-attacks, and data corruption, ensuring the longevity and integrity of crucial information.
* Encouraging Global Participation: By making data storage more accessible and affordable, this collaboration encourages wider participation in the data economy, fostering global innovation and collaboration.
The possibilities this partnership brings are endless and I believe it can shape the future of data storage and management. What are your thoughts on this development? How do you see it impacting the data landscape? | r/filecoin | post | r/filecoin | 2024-07-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwybEZQSUNGZ1RUTEFLOEZtbVpydkdzaXAyM1dnUW5zU3FTM01MeFIxN1hUQ3NXSW5QOElhREVkcGE1emlIcHhGVU14TzI4U3lpZzdtbVZfenZTcUV0ZEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzb1NTUzZkOFA3TnpqRHVicUxZSnZ6VUNoTWd5WTE4NFVFMHFYZ1JvVEtrQWt1aGR3Z0pieTE2VHQwbDdXeHczdjNSRzdDTko5dDdXUnh5ZUZfMzBDXzdWVzMwZVRwTUYxTk1XRENXdG43c2QxRkRGOFFMMXl6S3dPcTFXWEJlY2JjZzdybUI1R2NIVkp2a1pERzdhSzdDSjdzb2RIbGEtaGNYYmhacjJCMG5adXBpam1YSE1za2VfQjZCY3F0SU4x |
In this post, we’ll show you how to recover your $ETC addresses on the Ledger Nano S Plus using your secret passphrase. Perfect for situations where your Ledger is lost, compromised, or damaged. Check this out: [https://ethereumclassic.org/blog/2024-07-09-recover-your-etc-addresses-on-ledger-using-your-secret-passphrase#ETC](https://ethereumclassic.org/blog/2024-07-09-recover-your-etc-addresses-on-ledger-using-your-secret-passphrase#ETC) #EthereumClassic | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-07-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwyOV9ialVxRVJhUk9LaGQ1b1NSazEyeGlhWjdmMXBNUHYtaWM2TlRHNW9JdU1kUktwRGlSVkZUTjZIYmNhTi0zcDNnRDlFYU5Pa3FuOVVlN2JxcnR1a2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzUVVURUVsTG9tQ2JESUota3h0UURMN1phS1VvU3pZeldMOXJhSDlaSldNakNOUmpBSzBOckJaYW0zd3ZoV1BRN3Y1bUNHNmJCcllVY0JSNzUyUGk2S1RxSVRmTjRsTEZNTm5TY1FoZnA3ci02S29uUHVpWGlNY2dnaG1sazZ1a0hoWTg2MzNvaW5kU1ltWE9sLThDQjI0MFBsS0U4RGF3S2JYSS1TTHR2aTJTb0lZS0dzZTlYS09iTmFrT3dYcDc5U0tVRWpuaUxBSkFDXzUwV1FZdFROdz09 |
Check out our series “Why You Should Build on Ethereum Classic” to explore what make #ETC stand out! 🌐 In our latest post, discover why ETC is hard money and how it protects and grows your users’ savings. 💰🔒https://ethereumclassic.org/blog/2024-07-10-why-you-should-build-on-ethereum-classic-etc-is-hard-money | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-07-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwyZU81M2xtMWVwVVk5dlJXd1hhcE5RcHBuMGpNWGZZa3o5V2tTVDMtMGlSRzBOTGRIT2NJY1RWN1IzYTd4a1ZHeEZBSGl3RDhlU0R1ZFlCRl9CQWwwVUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzbVNFM1J0RjE5NWZDX0ZWVHNiU2hRQUQ5Ukw1cFdRaGdnLWcwd1lwd1VsR2k3TzgtTnFyR3RCUk1RZ1oxekE2ZlBKY2FrNjQ0NWtzN3hyR3VBZlpUX3JjRlVGYWdxSlE3QldEYjN0Mlp4WkgxcUttTFR3U3dEbHpPaDVzaV8ycmhzWFlQRUlNVVYtTDhTSEJDT0ZSV2NRUFBIQ1BGS0FmSkxmaV8walUxZTNsQUtTNWtIcmdTbXNOWGNVZmtCa0VmT1ppRi05NS16VW1ibHRtclBab1FSZz09 |
Filecoin and Theoriq Partner to Integrate AI, Setting Stage for Web3 Advancements
https://cryptonews.net/29409233/?utm_source=CryptoNews&utm_medium=app&utm_campaign=shared | r/filecoin | post | r/filecoin | 2024-07-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwyQWxBelNWUnZXVzRCaU1sTFZUTzQ5cWdKTGxXSkZ1c2w1Q3dFdzZQVXlyZTRTRjN1SDFUQnE2ZldwbVhJdHhxZ1hDSzZGQzlCb2JlSmw4YktlUUNlTGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzZHVGWFJXUGhhc3hOUExfeGwzc3FqRnY4Yks3c1VDWEVSZnNRNm1LdGF0RksxVERsczV1WHh5YWFwb0RsNHh0RDdMNzJlZE5kTG9YVk5oMGlTTlhLM0FTb24tVkJ1VHBEN29aRGRXclQ0SDZqb19zSEdfNEtmU0ZBdEktUjhmRHY0eDh1T2Rvc3QyQ3U1R2dIU21DZ09jYW1pTVZ5MmlWX1VkRXJ0MTZ1MGp2YVJsaVh4dlhBdE5QZ2ViOXNLWUtu |
DCA strategy and im almost nearing the green after starting at 120. Besides the possible ETF for ether and the price point, I'm thinking we might see 40-60 soon.
I like the ether for payments, but I sort of wish I could spend my bag in other ways. Any ideas before we start this next price cycle? | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-07-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwyNHVMRi1wLXVacHAwSTBfbkFPQ2p1X05lSHlUX0ZQUFhVTHYwNXg3NndCSTFKVVlaa2FmSGUtbXZBWm4zT1ppa0JwT1hoSjlMSnl3WkZfbWNWWU56MEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzYmV1dmJDRG9CeXdFYnZidEdDc3RYSzZkcktIaFRrdENiN1NCVXlQNC1WNm8ycWFnWXJpT1p4U3Z4bk53ckluTmNGVEhnZzJpU1FoelJuMl9TdTlvSFoyVE1CbzZJaDAwaUJ6ZHU0TWlJM1ljOUVmZ3VaeWJaZ2xtRFdCV0kyZXBONEdHN29xNDUzSnJtWEtIVjlHUzNzdGYxazkxOG9DakRKN3pXSC10MC1JPQ== |
Explore why $ETC stands out in the blockchain world. #ETC combines #Bitcoin's philosophy with Ethereum's technology, offering proof of work and smart contracts in one system. Learn more: [https://ethereumclassic.org/blog/2024-07-17-why-ethereum-classic-should-be-the-second-largest-blockchain-in-the-world](https://ethereumclassic.org/blog/2024-07-17-why-ethereum-classic-should-be-the-second-largest-blockchain-in-the-world) | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-07-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwyRDdJVWhNdmVhMlB4UHBBdjFmLVJpdzhWX3Rmbno4bG1uQ0VEYlR0WmtBS3kySFI3Y1pubEdVT21aQUJ6UzNLbGlLajB1dndmZTBGUDdPZFBxSlZUc2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzUzdvd2hHRmlQU1RmdHZKRVRCTWlZRldlQWZQRHVMTEZ4WkRDa082YTRCVmRQZm5XaWhERlQ1ZEhiYlhfbGtxV0lSWmpLWl94eEFsYVVsUldsVGYwakQ0WTUyU1dQMkxYa18zb0hCNll6Ym94SUJLeFFRdldLcFpoRVZlOFNqOVU1eVhIYlJPSTBVYTJVX0hpamRnWkJLdjlNcERaTHZlVXRQUEptY0Y3cDVsd1lhUHhCTXB4dS1xUklpek96NktRUW1rVU50N2VqMFROUUYzeTdRWk4wdz09 |
Can everyone in this group apply for an ETF? | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-07-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwyX1AycmEzMjQtaEM0Z0hQOHlURzlGNWdra21ma1VxLWRDWVpTNUxNVGJRenJwbGgzenJmMG9rRTVsbEtZZGYtVnNNLTJ0Zl8tWlUtamRmdTdmcndBdUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzdlJxVWpLNUZ4SDlPel95REMxTUhWWHo0RG1TMFNkYmRLUE9Lb2UwOFZfV1FhemtXYTMtUTVlOTlCV1dFdDhMM0x0QWl2UDFVQm5tY1VJMjJPNzh4MFlrWDAxUWsybGFWeFZKbU1tRnhzWndXNDlvVEFab2NUQmhVR01BZUV4WW81azBsNkxtNUdJMDV1QlI5YVZVU05ZWm5uTGI4RURWYjFwYXdNZW0yWURJTXkya0E5RzNmclRjNEN5WWllYnhFWl9oRjdzWkJpRFNHTXNLZlE0Y05DUT09 |
I'm trying to download GHTorrent dataset and noticed actual site took down the data - [http://ghtorrent-downloads.ewi.tudelft.nl/](http://ghtorrent-downloads.ewi.tudelft.nl/)
Noticed filecoin made backups of it to preserve as part of slingshot program here - [https://github.com/data-preservation-programs/slingshot/blob/master/datasets.md](https://github.com/data-preservation-programs/slingshot/blob/master/datasets.md)
Although I'm not completely sure how to recover the data stored on filecoin now. Would it cost crypto to recover and download this 18TB data from filecoin? How does it work? | r/filecoin | post | r/filecoin | 2024-07-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwyMDZxdnphaF9wb2ZrOXhwWlYtRlpUdDRIM2JieU93NTFPeEhtMGs2M1lwb2p0c0ZVZ1FwT0xEVm1QVFF5S2hNMTVzazkzQ2Z1REM0NUpqOWM0eW93VkZwMmRzQUhMQUQzSTdfdXItd3ZxbTg9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzOHdZQWFkc1E0MnBrVkVsMlFvM1pvQlQ1cmhuUnB3LUhBR2pMWllrRUc3WkU4b3V4VjM3amlDMElhdFhWZ3ZHUlE0UEVjRnN4ZDJ5dVBtMDBTVFkyNUV1Mi1SUDlPLXJHSHA4QVlCLW1kV1VJQzVfcUVpYlBOTjJMSHNtQ256cWNERlpwbGV2NFlROXFyNFpFOW15NUxGODBiSEh6eXh5Z29hNTdTcnpSYkhCenVUcnJDS0RBQTZPYTM0RVpXSmUy |
I am looking forward to the second generation of the Filecoin DeFi ecosystem. Especially Filliquid, which uses LST and provides many functions like farming. It will help storage providers build a more decentralized and stable Filecoin network. | r/filecoin | post | r/filecoin | 2024-07-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwyUmU1V1oxM2Zyc2hhX2hfcHFfMjUzcUd1Ny1CYXYxRFRiM0lkaWtMelg4cEpMc1kyU2ZvaW1oRzVDaDhjZUwtT1pxaVhtTFM3NlN3X1RRQ2RuT2oyNFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzR1BONkRZOVJ0UThnd1RRUGFFM19uMHJES3hhQnJKeGlhTFMxYXdiUUM1ZDJ2TW5DOVVMNE8ySnpENE5TQldQWnRVc0hZSTFOMkxyQjdBT3IwX0JtN1lGVVktUTZNRlEzRVZLam8tVmtRbXhsa0VEUlRuNlRkVmJOUHdHNGhMSmZ4cVhTTkdrbzlhSFMtcHYxbXJMWWFuNHFDa2pkMm04ZjZCVDh4MDNKcDZ4dEprRDgzeUdEdWdlMnltdDRzbFVO |
Learn Filecoin / Filliquid and claim FIG tokens
Daily quiz | r/filecoin | post | r/filecoin | 2024-07-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwyaTlIdHdFek1ZckE5VzJ4QWc0V1FPdGxxTElRZ3RpVWQ1YkhQdlh0NFNfdDNjVDZ0Y1FZbUcxR09qUW03Nnhxd01KUHI4QU0xd1luR1VxSWxmRjZRcnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzeU5DZC1ka1liSHBGYlh4Rkd0QTRISHBURmZhYW1JR2Vqc1g4NVNxX2drSWZTVDlzbm1TaTBMbXJiSFBUMTNvMm5ZUmZOTHpCMlZzSGNjaklxLWJ0Z3ZHM3pjbWtKVFZKSlRUMkJkSmUwLVVjZ0xfMGR5TVdFZk1QUlh5U285aWJnOXB0NXZfTW5vWDF2QTNqT3JuQWZRX1RtVVBORG1rbnY0LVZhQWQ1RHVkcmh0eVRFRnk1STE0NTlGeWIxajFFTFhBMU13Z0VJRVJzSmRoam8tbEh4QT09 |
FILLiquid Mainnet For FIL-Based Lending is Set to Launch Tomorrow: Here’s Everything You...
https://cryptonews.net/29471249/?utm_source=CryptoNews&utm_medium=app&utm_campaign=shared | r/filecoin | post | r/filecoin | 2024-07-22 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwyUHV1cWVTSG5uNlg5YkpGbWJGZjFKdEtTMEhsUFBEYlRSa1hubGFyX2ZhYkJhSTFYWVBVMS13UnJ0LUNFNTJseEZwZWtBbUNhalc2Tjlfc2d3X3RxcGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzR0pjUlVYTm00WWxfbzF6blBqVFNMLXZJQ1ZlUE13dXQ1YXJwTW9XcWhINmVnQzJVbW1XRVJSb1duSlJnUE9ReC1pcE50T0hqdng5MGF4Yks1Q1pPVzRtQXk4bmY3OEJYa2xIajJ5RU5lZWNfVTNVcldoc1NfVEJxOGJhb2YwUm1zaEkzOFZUaXdhaFZ3MGFRemlLSmI1UE52N2lCbVVpRUN0MTk2REFQLVlZeVVfZUpZdnVUXzdfZWN0QUtFMDM4 |
Filliquid is like a Lido with Ethereum? | r/filecoin | post | r/filecoin | 2024-07-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwyTGlwa3dZa1d4WXMxZ3M1eUVzVjVXLWRaVlVVMjZ6UEJHRjFQZlpvbXJ5RDNvck5NaV83T082RGtmeEhibFMzS0FsMWNxVFE0aVdQYmtJay12aEJLMmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzcnFuaVN2c25PWDZvZ1VUWWtfVjc1MVh0TndMdW5fZVJyX3l3VnhGU2g5Mm55dzhpMmp4VUx4YWlkQ3JybFJ4eXJudUJKX0g4YzNBU0dKa0YwbVl6Z3BhODg0R2VEbkJEWjlCallxc2Y0NWY4dTlpVTZtY1VPTndtMko0bVFTOENPdlNTTGU0WkRaMk1MM3h1YUZreGdJbXo5WlpsRF8zdUhSX0RwVFNfWHRNPQ== |
Sorry guys bit I'm still new to crypto, does anybody think FIL still has a chance of generating decent returns by the end of 2025. If so how much by? Why do you think so? | r/filecoin | post | r/filecoin | 2024-07-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwyamJFUmhUYUM5SUtfRVFlNWhsTXBSMElzUkh5bUd6SGV0V2YtZDRfSFFUQUtpX1h5TXlIcXR2X0pOX21yOF9RYmlVMEpfSnZtVWRTZDhtN05PZmRSQnhPM2NrbmNta0liQndITVVXZGlfTjQ9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzbDYwRzAzaVhoN3VaY00yeTItMjNlY3EzYVVUcHFDZGQ5WVhzcEdYUUNSRXo2M2sybTlYZXRlUjlkXzU3eHM3THR3V3FTNlNQNHlUV29ZX0lmaHRISy10eWppYkZJMTZkbWhJRWJrRjVKYmd4MzZ1MV9pR0FRaGhFRzF4aXhhOG5XbFZ2NGZnVzMxeFJQcEt4RFEtcjZfdWNDT2ZlbVRLaFJWTE92RXlWUEJjYXlWTkpYMkpCT2JjdHl4N2lmelRO |
- I use metamask wallet
- iPhone, Chrome
I recently tested staking a small amount of my Filecoin. I was pleasantly surprised to see that only a very minimal amount of FIL was used as gas fees. It's clear that Filecoin's technology has improved significantly.
Upon staking Filecoin, I received FIT tokens in a 1:1 ratio as collateral. These tokens allowed me to earn staking rewards from Filecoin mining.
I then used these FIT tokens to mine the initial Filliquid governance tokens. So far, it seems like the return is about 3x.
Assuming one FIG token is worth $1, I've earned about $300.
Given that the current Filecoin price is $5, staking 100 FIL is worth $500. By staking $500 worth of Filecoin, I've earned $300 worth of FIG tokens plus an annual 10% staking reward in Filecoin.
After researching various Filecoin DeFi projects and finding most of their APYs unsatisfactory, I discovered that Filliquid, which launched its mainnet yesterday, offers farming services. I'm planning to farm on this platform first.
I will continue to share updates on my testing progress here.
Lets try filecoin defi
They said it is fully open-source | r/filecoin | post | r/filecoin | 2024-07-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwyd1p2a1BUUmZlWm9rYlRhQlc2eWRieE1QZkppR3l1aEtkTUVXSW1faERXbnl4R3pqbkQ5WGtoc2pvaF9NS0dUNTJfejh5S3M2NWQ5ZEd0cVFuZDUyaFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzZUt3cmVTVTF4dTd0SHZpUGNuY0FxVzlkWEdUTTJGSFFfWVl2cVBScFhJVUdKQTNpVzNwa3QwYUJ1OVducEFHZjl3ZHo5bE93WWd6YUtUcWp1NUNlZGFBWlh5Z2pUUUU5ZXdZOWhyVEhaSllsTS1valB2WGtTMGJpaEJEUU93bjZuWTluaFBCUWVYSFc1cmlPcWtZdVZ3RTUyWTNEbWd6UzFZMHhjZnQ1dDlOaF9aLVpBYjlMa3ZOb2pWbmllR25D |
If interested with future of filecoin defi, you should watch this .
| r/filecoin | post | r/filecoin | 2024-07-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwyYnd3S3p3aHlucjhIV2taWUdKV3BVczNWRWJwWjBUN3Z0WXZod3ZXLXd2MWI3eF9kQV82c2d5OFNCd0tVbF9kTkxSVThidzR4eHRVeC13djZybEtxRnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzN0tmeThDVW9OSmx4RndGWVNOUC1QZFp4a1lIak13RmFiX1Y4RldKMTVrbjdPSUpqWUpGVjREQjJLSlVZcTVfcFlENHZhZVVkeTYzRUNMSDBvVUxrMWNiV3RtMDkwNUd6cHRMMlVsTGx1Y2Q3Z0MtN0JfSk1jbzZjaExFaktFdm1wbUtmRkk0ZU9QOEI3LXRick1RSmNHemc3azFJazd1emZXTVZ3T1VHQUdvNGVES2hCMmoyU3B4LU9ucWtKWjNo |
Here is the link to the AMA replay:
Watch live stream AMA with FILLIQUID on Binance Live: https://www.binance.com/en/live/video?roomId=2211355&utm_campaign=binance_live
| r/filecoin | post | r/filecoin | 2024-07-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwyQXhhdmhYYzEwTEM0Y3E2YjRrcl9FLWd2R1FyRS01NDNHc3FMODA4cFZiZFJXVzhCM0c2QjlIS0FIRHFkamJKUmZFY2hRSlUzMzVuNkdOdTFFT3MxbFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzVjZnZEQ2Umw0M3ZCUlpoc09LdGV6bjAtMGZnNXZCS2xDcjBJdnRuQzkxVHVLUUNFVzJzVGFZN1VmUFUxX1RQelFmNmhLNkpvR0RCVFRLYXRoY2JCSzN2THl4eUlHWGtaMzczZ3JFQ0hHRk5RamF2RUR6M01KdmVfSEVfOWpGYkxVVlF0aXdRV0UtRHAxYm1KWXdCYzZVQlljLTJrUXN1dGd1eXkzYVVpRlkwPQ== |
# There are only hours left before the Filecoin x GetBlock Discord AMA Session! 🎙
Leading RPC node provider - GetBlock teamed up with Filecoin, a blockchain network designed to store humanity's most important data, to throw the most fascinating Web3 AMA session these days!
Join the **GetBlock's Community** to get to know all the exciting events and news first [https://discord.gg/getblock](https://discord.gg/getblock-686478398884675584) and don't forget to join us on **Filecoin's Discord Server**
**🗓 Today**
⏳ **at 2 PM EST (6 PM UTC)**
📍 [https://discord.com/invite/filecoin](https://discord.com/invite/filecoin)
See you on Discord! 😉
[GetBlock & Filecoin Discord AMA Session Tuesday, July 30 at PM EST](https://preview.redd.it/zlnd8fsdiofd1.png?width=2400&format=png&auto=webp&s=caf88733f80a23718a7f65016f4ed1e2933a80c4) | r/filecoin | post | r/filecoin | 2024-07-30 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwyY2JZMW5ZOHo5bzdaSUdUWHlVazVSZFhVYjh2eTJSN1lYdTNIaEN1V2d1bjVMVmV1Z1VCcGZoTWUxWlI2RlhJZzFQV1RMR2pVQzJZR253UzRvWFRXUnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzV3psS0k4QkJKZXZQVVFpMzI1U2Q2dGZLXzhUVUNDNTg5Mk9vbkJJTVFucHg2U1VXU0tLM05QeS1ZM0FJYnVEZU9XbW1JMFVkaWpWTER3SmFnbG1sMjhCbDZmX29hVjNRN0owOFJXQ1NwQkZSSzl3QWxqWmhQSDN1MlhFQldoeGQwWS1iZzdyWWVFWmlBYWtabmYzQndNVmRFMDdmMHFPazRRbnNoR0NSTGJKOGN2bm53UkJzWU5EdmFMQ2lCNmpjUDgzWmh5Y3gxT3lYWnpXdHFWYTlKdz09 |
Is Emerald Wallet safe? | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-08-05 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwydHFfNXBjWjhJVWJMUVR3U194VmZhVU5FQ3NBVlNjajZEZHIxSG9laWd2bXFsaEtQel9pbGFpMHp5UUlfeElhaV9KbHNxbS1Bb01lX00wV2tRT2E2NHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzVTIxVkl0RVA0Y3cxdE1zTi1wSlJDUlVwQVVUMU5tMUpFQWs0XzVHQ2FoS01mcVh3Rnk0bzdtUlZZUmZIeFJnYUlWcnEwU2RxcjduOEU1Tmx0QS0ta2EwVTJsd1lRQ0hJRjA5ekthYnFld1ZJWFo0U1VtT2JPcUlfQUxMMWRQQnlkVXFtSDQtWG9hSXUyZjZ0MmJRZFJ0V01qUVc1a3RmY1lZTWN6RENjckd4QUhJQWFxSzA4ZnV4RjVRWFByUVRX |
The price of Ethereum has been dropping, roughly 20% in the past 24 hours.
**Background:** Jump Trading is a Chicago-based trading firm that was established in 1999 by two pit traders who met on the floor of the CME. Jump Crypto is the digital asset division of Jump Trading, which was launched in 2021.
Recently, wallets associated with Jump Crypto have transferred a ton of Ethereum to various centralized exchanges, including Coinbase. This typically indicates intentions to sell.
In June, around the time rumors about the CFTC investigation began circulating, they reportedly moved about 72,213 Ethereum ($231M) to exchanges. In the past 24 hours, they have transferred an additional 17,576 Ethereum ($46.78M) to exchanges as well. They currently hold around 49,000 Ethereum still in the unstaking process, meaning this ETH is locked up, earning money similar to a CD. However, these funds take a few days to be released for trading or selling. - Numbers from per *Spot On Chain*
Interestingly, these transfers started two days after the U.S ETH ETFs went live for trading. Was this a big trade gone wrong?
**Their past:**
2014 - Jump Trading was one of six firms subpoenaed by the New York Attorney General.
2018 - Jump Trading was fined $250,000 by the SEC due to a "malfunction" in their trading algorithm.
2022 - Jump Crypto faced losses around $300M getting wrapped up in the FTX collapse
2022 - Wormhole protocol was hacked and Jump Crypto stepped in and provided $325M to help recover funds
2023 - A class-action lawsuit was filed against Jump Crypto for market manipulation on a profit of $1.28B for "Jump had made over $1.28 billion in profits from selling the LUNA tokens it received at a steep discount in exchange for artificially propping up the price of UST and aUST."[ ](https://www.rgrdlaw.com/media/cases/1007_UST%20-%20Jump%20Trading%20File-Stamped%20Complaint.pdf)*Per Report* Allegations were brought on the president of Jump Crypto, Kanav Kariya, (a former intern who went to UIUC) for allegedly aiding and abetting Do Kwon. The president and co-founder of Terraform labs, who’s behind the crashed stablecoin UST and LUNA token who was on the run to Dubi with fake papers while arrested.
Jump Crypto was identified as the “unnamed firm” that stepped in to help maintain the value of UST at $1 during its collapse.
It’s important to note that the issues faced by Jump Trading are not uncommon in the finance industry…..
**4 things could be happening**
1) They are going BK and selling
2) They need liquidity for other business needs, and they want to sell crypto to cover it
3) The rumors about the CFTC investigation are true, and they want to exit the crypto market, leading to forced selling.
4) They placed a trade based on U.S ETH ETFs being approved and it's not panning out and their closing position.
**Short timeline from what I can gather**
Friday 7/2 We received bad economic data (The unemployment rate was higher than expected)
The VIX (Volatility Index) was high Friday, the only times it was higher were during the 08 recession and the 2020 Covid crash.
Saturday 7/3 Israel and Iran are going at it again, Supposedly Israel killed the Hamas leader, Iran said we're gunna hit back and the U.S sent troops to the Middle East (not good for Earth)
Sunday 7/4 Jump starts selling
# Conclusion:
The economic data, high VIX, geopolitical tensions, Japan raising rates and Jump Crypto’s actions all contributed to the recent drop in Ethereum prices. | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-08-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwyaXNYYllPWWxWQmhwcEZxMjd3cnZFU29CUVBUNndLc0VFemVQUzljVURtbFdETG9rQlRKQjJlem1TNzNXU3RDWk5CX0VYaUpRNDZpTlhSX2lOZ3I2VFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzeTJiQm1zOVRscDhpMFZBM04tQ2c4TTRTQTZseU9DcXpLZ2EycGpFZjRLak5ha0JYV1l1dlBvQVBEbEo3S1dON1FuRWZnbkJuVl9aSUNOZ1lTMTFOc2JLY1cwejVwWUt0UktTdnBMa0U1LWpya2tJTm1Hd2tSM2lpWWY1U3gybTFnS251SGNLcVNzcVZsMHNOWjVUbXo2YXpZdy1NczcyVHZ6c0hfNEszdmFzPQ== |
Key Takeaways
* Since its launch, BlackRock's spot Ether ETF has garnered $869.8 million in inflows, with $109.9 million on August 6 alone;
* Such performance places the fund among the top-performing ETFs launched in 2024;
* On August 6, total inflows for spot Ether ETFs were $98.4 million.
Source: [https://www.bitdegree.org/crypto/news/investors-pour-870m-into-blackrocks-ether-etf-since-launch?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=social&utm\_campaign=r-investors-ether-etf](https://www.bitdegree.org/crypto/news/investors-pour-870m-into-blackrocks-ether-etf-since-launch?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=r-investors-ether-etf) | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-08-07 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwydHp5alVTMnRsMmRpNGVfV1BQNi1TQ2FxakdxTy1CWno4MlpvZWtiQ2Zrck1Ibm8xVDZ6ZG5yRFNpaERNM0hVc2V6bVRuRXNyWlFsZ1ZfazhrM1hnTkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzWlctdEJiSVpGV05Ka3ZPT0tOQldMOUtmSVZKZkgtMTZKT0Etem9jdjJUYkg1Q19BZ3pPb1lJMDRtRC1qd1lxRndKRVVPLTdLZzNFTmJuUF9hUmZJSWF2RG5VQ0tIR3FOMXF4RC01Q3I5UGdGLS1fTGpESU5tcGREZGhBZDZncTlhbFdaamJoSDFGYWpJTHNhZlhWVUx6SW5RT0kxaTJSb2FZNkY3UlF4SW13TDFjTUJiMko0N3Z4cGRQOEdCNTgwMGxxNDdSLU1LX0tvbG1TWUNsMTVydz09 |
The market has been quite boring lately with FIL ranging around $3 - $4, so it makes perfect sense to consider restaking your assets for additional rewards.
If you're looking to do this restaking your FIL is a solid strategy. Restaking allows you to earn additional rewards by locking your FIL tokens in staking protocols after your initial staking period ends.
Here are examples of protocols that are native to the Filecoin ecosystem.
* A DeFi platform known for its secure and scalable infrastructure.
* It offers an APY of about 7%
* It offers reliable staking services with a focus on high uptime, ensuring consistent rewards for participants.
* Seamless integration with Filecoin services, making it simple to manage your FIL assets.
* Parasail is praised for its user-friendly staking experience, making it easy for both new and experienced users to re-stake their FIL.
* It also offers seamless integration with other DePIN projects, allowing for more flexible and diversified investments making it a top choice for FIL holders.
* Parasail offers an APY of about 18% and it is my preferred choice considering it's flexible.
SFT Protocol
* Specializes in providing a secure environment for staking with an emphasis on performance.
* Known for its strong security measures and competitive rewards.
* It offers an APY of about 21% for a fixed FIL deposit of 6 month
How to Restake:
1. Choose your platform and link your wallet.
2. Select the amount you want to re-stake.
3. Confirm the transaction and monitor your rewards!
Remember, each platform has its terms, so read the fine print to make sure it aligns with your goals.
Feel free to share your restaking experiences below! | r/filecoin | post | r/filecoin | 2024-08-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwyN3ZNeVVyaGlGVGprM2M1TVBiWEVVa2FZdkF5VXZlTDkyQW44cGdDSm1Ncjd1dDBPaHJWWjBhNDhReWJ5TzdBa0toMTVwZ1BLbC1VWlNaMmFyZWRjaWtwcXBwemljQktBMXNUVDhZQUx5b1U9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzZEpDRU1qTndyOXk4Z0p1eDBfdW1aTDZ0V1U0MGdRZjdBaFlTVThDX29jU0xSWlhQd3BfOVEwYmtWM1EtYnkwQWJvcnp0Qkh5UHpZR2R5UjB4SllTTnFjMVVpekZrYW9iN2RJbU45UWRHTUZhOGpDWlE3QmNUMXIyWjVyZ0FOZkRPWXhpQmZWSjR0NS1hbi1nRG16Y042d0VpQnBpX3VCT3NaaVpCVHg1UWpOU085TVJWNjBYZUtYcTEyZXVzOGVXVWNteUdpbDE0RTQzbWdXLVlhOVptQT09 |
Explore how Nick Szabo’s 1998 ideas shaped $BTC & $ETC, the crucial role of Proof of Work in blockchain security, and why Proof of Stake might not be the solution we think it is. 🚀 Dive into the full story here: [https://ethereumclassic.org/blog/2024-08-13-pow-is-secure-pos-is-not-scalable](https://ethereumclassic.org/blog/2024-08-13-pow-is-secure-pos-is-not-scalable) | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-08-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwyR0Nzbng5WmRhVTVLT1RpaFVIQWNGb3lPYWQ2b2pkWV9kMW53S1VuNG1BVzlHaHdTNEtWVkItREhTd0NVVkFhUnRPYkFwUjBxTnpvRGtWdUZQbXFmanc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzSFhDd1FrdHQ0M2xucUlMZWVCaURlS3VtSEtvZU9nWW1TRFdfb19xazNiTTJGUzh4UWpNTU1mTHNhcVBMNXphRkdmb05vbTBIVUJNNmlEbXZ4SDN2bk1Nb2I4eUFGZ0ZrOUE0c0haWG1VM2Vob1VxbWxpeFVGaVZlNkN4V0NEUDBzRWtaTHdLbGs2UlkzUTdkM0RCSXktNFpRNEl4bWpwZTdxcTVmNFdmOFBoU1VBUEpYWF9RVW55c0xMNVlKNTJU |
Not all dapps are truly decentralized! Learn how some blockchain apps fall short and discover key signs of centralization in supposed decentralized platforms. Stay informed and avoid the traps. 🚨 Read more: [https://ethereumclassic.org/blog/2024-08-14-a-warning-of-false-dapps](https://ethereumclassic.org/blog/2024-08-14-a-warning-of-false-dapps)
#ETC #EthereumClassic $ETC | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-08-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwyLWZzLTJ6OW1mTXZzOVdpQV9Qd1VUV2lJcGxpMng0OUdjQS0xMHRMWTRaT2pwYXZyWG5VU1ZZTDNFSVlwTWlJV3BFNW9MdGF2TndzaHJtLXVrTEtKNlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzWDNZM2ZJQjVsYTVndW03ajFkQnEwcm1DcXR6ejFsMzhJTmZNVmNjX2NpZnRWb2lJYkZiRS0zRTdhZkdsMy1ENzdkdDU2TkljTUY4VWJVWUYtTGV0ZDRmdEhzNDFzajRYV1AzOGp0dFo3c2swZExMSWZlOGdDbU5wV21udnRfOVhlUy1GaEFzMWJJa3BkbTNpUlowUWlQWjR1d09uaUEtS3ZUVGpKYjdOM2hqQ0tjT1RTT3RCeDUtbC1xQmlTTVVm |
acunit hacking | r/filecoin | post | r/filecoin | 2024-08-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwyQVBhT1hyS0ZURl9JT0JCd3ladlRDUlNmZFFMQ1YwTVhjUThBX0U5TFNLeDBCb1pCMVAyTjRtRW10dW9Dd1ZjMUtVNjhBZG5xdG15WTB0WGxIekZlVUNYbWlQUldrUWdPRW4tMDItWm1hYnM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzMWZBOU9zRXRDZk5pUktTMXlJZld1NEpRMDJMRjV1Ykxna0JGeEtWXzFnZTVfRk1INUVCWDlKUWJqNWkxbC1kS3JpRzBHT3hHUm1nLWlDWWZVNm1NWTYwcy1CUEtpZFhySEZZNS1Uc29xUjJpdUpBeXhYalREal93Y0tERHpCSDBIbXFwTzFiNHR0TnA0NDhhY0RhemVaWE5SNWpKX1BFTHZmdVlGRFFBU1FZPQ== |
Filecoin Virtual Machine Enhances Ecosystem and Developer Support
https://cryptonews.net/29672055/?utm_source=CryptoNews&utm_medium=app&utm_campaign=shared | r/filecoin | post | r/filecoin | 2024-08-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwyWUIzQ0VEYk5sbVV0ODZoZE1xZ24xSDdBMlFsVE1oX1NPX3BtaG4waU9QR0syYXRDLXNtUzBTdWVYMjM0ek1SUGw1V1RzWm9vWENON0VhR3dOZW9UWnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzcFE5ZjFUcGczZDZtT3dWYWV1UWk4a3hRTlJqMG0xUTY3a0I0bmFlV2ZQYVVuRnJmUWlfM3ZyVk85RmFCR0xQNXo5cFcwSDN4UDBxQnhBRHJrenlBRGNveVBlUy1MamNSYnpLcmhzd0M5Q1UwNmpnWU43S2w4bFNTbk1EUV9YaUhvQVlST01rN1Q2VFYwS0ttYVV0U3ZNRGJnUFNwV2hvYWVxZTAtM2dMOVZvZ2RBc0dZZ1RYTUljaGxJMlM2dGh1 |
Where can I securely stake Filecoin?
Why is the percentage of staked coins only 1.42% of the available coins when the rewards is over 16% ?
Is it beneficial to stake the coin and earn rewards since the circulating supply is only 582.52 M where as the maximum supply is 2B?
Anyone here staking Filecoin?
Thanks in advance.
| r/filecoin | post | r/filecoin | 2024-09-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwyZkhhQzdCeG5laFRwSS1saHN6Z0Rzb1RRUzBlS3Ayb2NwcEg0WWlTSWpmVlE5eXVQYjdURFZ2X1F1UDM0SHFrWDd5eHpINmZTczhDNGt3WklCWmhZb1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzOEdpLW4xWVBpVWU0dU9EWHVyeklZM1ZQaThyQkVTZ3RVYV81MnR2YTVzRVpUaVNUdkhVektGbV9Kc3BaT3E3MHVTYUFGTnVmQkE3aFZZSktIY2xZNWItNWpCTUItUEhFOTVLM2QxY21yVTJONnV2MnJ5UjFGUzJma2hQcWZZOWNvcFVsdmFkcUh2aTRTMlkzRHhrYmVPTE1adGFkVVA5cnZ2cDg1bEtGWlFDT3oyLUlKUXpUQWZ0d2RBR1gybzRu |
I want to try ETC mining. I'm not considering profitability for the moment, I just want to start mining in a pool with my current hardware.
I have 2 options:
1. Use my Dell XPS 15 9520 (CPU: Core i7-12700H ; GPU: NVIDIA GA107M - GeForce RTX 3050 Mobile)
2. Use my 2 very OG USB Asic Bitcoin Miner (I guess it's [this one](https://www.ebay.ca/itm/265399688603?_nkw=asic+miner+block+erupter&itmmeta=01J6QAEHHTC9XJQD70JJR4XV3W&hash=item3dcb0ddd9b:g:ursAAOSwuSlhi806&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAA8HoV3kP08IDx%2BKZ9MfhVJKn6rIh2fE74F8Fi30Fu8gbELZJkAsqs3Vixgrbq7LyhRh8RyWAxbUmHNLRFUEnDSSIGbp8XKUxaRlrFiHP86g8KUTCzUNxbgTmbOetBqdm0Zx6ROdoCw89V%2FkHk3BjxI%2FY0wSwalA5BMotUPQZMjfohSONWg%2FihwmvA8k6fc%2Fp9GqijZC9z6MYsN3WSLJRVUDVytFEsy6owv3GGXJ4sluS9CO6M4jsG42qcldXdzVTMEcqnaqrYzCh4lvxA4QqJ5hEbpn%2BaPIfERF1Cdo0wxwTWmxsrJoq0Qd38OS9fxAwd%2Bg%3D%3D%7Ctkp%3ABFBMgpm66rVk)). I don't know if I can use them to mine ETC but I can confirm they work and provide \~ 666 MHz.
I'm a little bit lost with all the software options.
What is the best way and simplest way to do it?
I would prefer a solution that is based on Linux but I'm OK with Windows if it's necessary.
Thanks for your help! | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-09-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwyYkxBZ2RjOUZCT3BwZ01IT3lxNUZ5bXFxMnBiazZXSmRqcFZXZzhLelExV2Zqb0dwQW1ydmV0dUctejdEWFNOTHAycjFxMjdkUnlPSXVPbTJuY0lXRkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzZm8zT1hWdDE3RHN1YW5SeDRUckJ4SkNVVGk4T2IwNFdkWU03M0RxU2lnSVNmQzA4ZFJDWk1VMU1pNVN3aUZ0VS1MRVBEUk5yclJJZ1VYcWhQbEZ2RE51TVkxdm84dTJpSDBTamlRQzJ3ZWJwN0RZZjR5bVBZQjBGMElKQmVGTHpHMEF1OEpDVEJaUFlSTkZYYnplalFnS1IycUhGZFFtZWw0NElabENGQlJJcXBuRVBUTVV4T25hT3dTWFpYejJQcVd0SFZaZmJTT0NVT0ZzWG12dkZtUT09 |
$Suncat isn’t just another token , it’s the first cat token on the Tron ecosystem, and the first CTO on the chain, leading the way with the power of its community.
From the start, Suncat has been about more than just profits—it's about building something lasting.
Despite the dev left on day one, the Suncat community took control and turned the project into a thriving movement.
In just 9 days, Suncat has achieved a remarkable $25 million market cap and over 15,000 holders-all without any paid KOLs or marketing.
**Linktree to the project:** [https://linktr.ee/\_Suncattron](https://linktr.ee/_Suncattron)
Suncat’s Mission:
🟢 Pioneering on Tron: As the first cat token, Suncat is setting the standard, with low fees and fast transactions making it more accessible than ever.
🟢 100% Organic Growth: Everything has been driven by the community, proving that true strength comes from collective support.
🟢 Community-Driven Initiatives: From a cat-Tron campaign to educational content, Suncat’s community is always at the forefront, leading the way.
🟢 Financial Freedom & Fun: Suncat engages people in a fun, rewarding way, helping them achieve financial freedom within the Tron ecosystem.
🟢 Giving back : Upcoming cat donations and saving campaigns will further connect Suncat with its community values. Suncat is committed to giving back by collecting donations to help animal shelters.
Example: [https://www.gofundme.com/f/saving-cats-in-china](https://www.gofundme.com/f/saving-cats-in-china) we donated to saving cats in china we would like Justin to join us on future donations like this.
🟢 Growing Impact: With free listings on HTX, MEXC, Poloniex and BitMart, Suncat is generating massive daily trading volume and continuing to make waves.
HTX: [https://www.htx.com.se/support/24978547228511](https://www.htx.com.se/support/24978547228511)
🟢 Merch Incoming: Suncat merch that will let you show off your support in style.
SUNCAT was launched on SUNPUMP. Project is supported and backed By SUNPUMP and Justin .
We have 1 million things lined up which will bring a lot of user to the tron ecosystem and change the way of how we look at meme coins but with time we will lay out things.
Suncat aims to reach billion mcap and generate massive transactions to support and strengthen the entire Tron ecosystem as being part of its. We will invite Justin to the 1b party at the sun. | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-09-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwyMGJBYmxfVmtyamoydDJyaUFTX19yaFp4SlczRTY4NFJQNGNKNDI1aHRlWDN4dnp3alYyVFBNVFB2YTVqVEQ5TTltRGpXc2JxdndDRS1FNnp2SEFXS0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzcFF5Z3FQSE8zNXNGOW03WVNyektJRTBsYk9iY0pYWXdETndwbVBvYmJYYVBOVnB3dDhSVVZ1OU0zdlpkZDBBZk9Bc2pMcTRBQXl3SFhVam5Ja2hySGxNQjJ5ZzBJOVluSTVhOF80bDFnaUN5bHZ5Z1pwTjVOWFFoRXgwNVRyTkg0c3FSSXU2VXl1SDFjcU44YlhoRzI2WGxwUzlkYV9TNlRKUDZHUFE3TTNsVWNhOUxLa013ODVvWUpEQjVGY2d6WkRYUGJjTHI1OTBqTGZ1RmJxZzRWUT09 |
$Suncat isn’t just another token , it’s the first cat token on the Tron ecosystem, and the first CTO on the chain, leading the way with the power of its community.
From the start, Suncat has been about more than just profits—it's about building something lasting.
Despite the dev left on day one, the Suncat community took control and turned the project into a thriving movement.
In just 9 days, Suncat has achieved a remarkable $25 million market cap and over 15,000 holders-all without any paid KOLs or marketing.
**Linktree to the project:** [https://linktr.ee/\_Suncattron](https://linktr.ee/_Suncattron)
Suncat’s Mission:
🟢 Pioneering on Tron: As the first cat token, Suncat is setting the standard, with low fees and fast transactions making it more accessible than ever.
🟢 100% Organic Growth: Everything has been driven by the community, proving that true strength comes from collective support.
🟢 Community-Driven Initiatives: From a cat-Tron campaign to educational content, Suncat’s community is always at the forefront, leading the way.
🟢 Financial Freedom & Fun: Suncat engages people in a fun, rewarding way, helping them achieve financial freedom within the Tron ecosystem.
🟢 Giving back : Upcoming cat donations and saving campaigns will further connect Suncat with its community values. Suncat is committed to giving back by collecting donations to help animal shelters.
Example: [https://www.gofundme.com/f/saving-cats-in-china](https://www.gofundme.com/f/saving-cats-in-china) we donated to saving cats in china we would like Justin to join us on future donations like this.
🟢 Growing Impact: With free listings on HTX, MEXC, Poloniex and BitMart, Suncat is generating massive daily trading volume and continuing to make waves.
HTX: [https://www.htx.com.se/support/24978547228511](https://www.htx.com.se/support/24978547228511)
🟢 Merch Incoming: Suncat merch that will let you show off your support in style.
SUNCAT was launched on SUNPUMP. Project is supported and backed By SUNPUMP and Justin .
We have 1 million things lined up which will bring a lot of user to the tron ecosystem and change the way of how we look at meme coins but with time we will lay out things.
Suncat aims to reach billion mcap and generate massive transactions to support and strengthen the entire Tron ecosystem as being part of its. We will invite Justin to the 1b party at the sun. | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-09-05 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwyYTRDV05mQ1gyUXlmdVV6QW5yc3ZCdmFXNDlPZDhVd2s3S0pvTlV3aHpBMGgxYk52ZFNzYWFINTlwQUFqRDlqOWdWMnlMN0NEM1lxWUM4d1pPajJVcVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzdnpKb0tpT0I3M1JZQWRPenlvTi1pdVM1bzAzRUtNbEhoM01DdmVMTlpBWHhQNkJxNWc2RFlZZlpXMVFvUkd1VUROVkktQzlMLVdGSWdpUWdIWGhJYndqNEZlOGVjYkJkTWN4SU82THJralI4dzlCYVBqU05Mc3IxOFVfY256c2UtS2dDR1lTZTBsNHpFX2NrT2FQdEdxejloV0RHSXdUYXJSOXAyRllPWGNJbTJoVkd6NHByTVdrUUVEcjVEU19ZV29LMVoxR0s1Y29GVkFVQk5lakVoQT09 |
$Suncat isn’t just another token , it’s the first cat token on the Tron ecosystem, and the first CTO on the chain, leading the way with the power of its community.
From the start, Suncat has been about more than just profits—it's about building something lasting.
Despite the dev left on day one, the Suncat community took control and turned the project into a thriving movement.
In just 9 days, Suncat has achieved a remarkable $25 million market cap and over 15,000 holders-all without any paid KOLs or marketing.
**Linktree to the project:** [https://linktr.ee/\_Suncattron](https://linktr.ee/_Suncattron)
Suncat’s Mission:
🟢 Pioneering on Tron: As the first cat token, Suncat is setting the standard, with low fees and fast transactions making it more accessible than ever.
🟢 100% Organic Growth: Everything has been driven by the community, proving that true strength comes from collective support.
🟢 Community-Driven Initiatives: From a cat-Tron campaign to educational content, Suncat’s community is always at the forefront, leading the way.
🟢 Financial Freedom & Fun: Suncat engages people in a fun, rewarding way, helping them achieve financial freedom within the Tron ecosystem.
🟢 Giving back : Upcoming cat donations and saving campaigns will further connect Suncat with its community values. Suncat is committed to giving back by collecting donations to help animal shelters.
Example: [https://www.gofundme.com/f/saving-cats-in-china](https://www.gofundme.com/f/saving-cats-in-china) we donated to saving cats in china we would like Justin to join us on future donations like this.
🟢 Growing Impact: With free listings on HTX, MEXC, Poloniex and BitMart, Suncat is generating massive daily trading volume and continuing to make waves.
HTX: [https://www.htx.com.se/support/24978547228511](https://www.htx.com.se/support/24978547228511)
🟢 Merch Incoming: Suncat merch that will let you show off your support in style.
SUNCAT was launched on SUNPUMP. Project is supported and backed By SUNPUMP and Justin .
We have 1 million things lined up which will bring a lot of user to the tron ecosystem and change the way of how we look at meme coins but with time we will lay out things.
Suncat aims to reach billion mcap and generate massive transactions to support and strengthen the entire Tron ecosystem as being part of its. We will invite Justin to the 1b party at the sun. | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-09-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwya01hcVpKMWljX29MbktmYWh5dnppUVJRTHFuY1JXSVVBc21BM3NLSUYtSDl5NmVyb2FiVWh4VkZSOHBobUt0eHpvSHZJbTlIbWU2b3lZNnVmZ1d3R3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzN2hjWV91c3lNcDZkQk9nWkJlR1Z0SnpIUDlGbENxTFQ0SkV1eVo3RUpDWGxMN3VKTG5zVWZvdW5TNHROb19WUGZ3TzRueERHWW91UHpNTnd5QTFEbDRYMzJqTHgxUjR5OENoN0J1MGU1NVdKdHNBRFRDUDk5Ym1oZUg3empUOGJ2Q2pWczhLa1pKR1h0dm5vVnlkb2RFX2pTQjU1R0FwdzRWZmdUWVZsMUF5anE2a3c4d0dDSkFONkpTdHNUbjR5N05LOXVHa3JfMUNjWEVncnZEb3lZdz09 |
$Suncat isn’t just another token , it’s the first cat token on the Tron ecosystem, and the first CTO on the chain, leading the way with the power of its community.
From the start, Suncat has been about more than just profits—it's about building something lasting.
Despite the dev left on day one, the Suncat community took control and turned the project into a thriving movement.
In just 9 days, Suncat has achieved a remarkable $25 million market cap and over 15,000 holders-all without any paid KOLs or marketing.
**Linktree to the project:** [https://linktr.ee/\_Suncattron](https://linktr.ee/_Suncattron)
**Contract Address:** TAwAg9wtQzTMFsijnSFotJrpxhMm3AqW1d
Suncat’s Mission:
🟢 Pioneering on Tron: As the first cat token, Suncat is setting the standard, with low fees and fast transactions making it more accessible than ever.
🟢 100% Organic Growth: Everything has been driven by the community, proving that true strength comes from collective support.
🟢 Community-Driven Initiatives: From a cat-Tron campaign to educational content, Suncat’s community is always at the forefront, leading the way.
🟢 Financial Freedom & Fun: Suncat engages people in a fun, rewarding way, helping them achieve financial freedom within the Tron ecosystem.
🟢 Giving back : Upcoming cat donations and saving campaigns will further connect Suncat with its community values. Suncat is committed to giving back by collecting donations to help animal shelters.
Example: [https://www.gofundme.com/f/saving-cats-in-china](https://www.gofundme.com/f/saving-cats-in-china) we donated to saving cats in china we would like Justin to join us on future donations like this.
🟢 Growing Impact: With free listings on HTX, MEXC, Poloniex and BitMart, Suncat is generating massive daily trading volume and continuing to make waves.
HTX: [https://www.htx.com.se/support/24978547228511](https://www.htx.com.se/support/24978547228511)
🟢 Merch Incoming: Suncat merch that will let you show off your support in style.
SUNCAT was launched on SUNPUMP. Project is supported and backed By SUNPUMP and Justin .
We have 1 million things lined up which will bring a lot of user to the tron ecosystem and change the way of how we look at meme coins but with time we will lay out things.
Suncat aims to reach billion mcap and generate massive transactions to support and strengthen the entire Tron ecosystem as being part of its. We will invite Justin to the 1b party at the sun. | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-09-07 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwyaXI5aFFrNHo5ZlVZdVV2cTRER2FxdmZPdXhqXy1aRnpUandVb05EdHVKalVISk5tWTBTU2dRT1pPVTY3LUt5NC1QN1BidWpRa1pTSEdJRDF3eE9oZVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzREhZcllJYWtHZ2xRVFBHQTgtMmJ4Y3Y4SlM2MG9IUThLN25LSTNDN1lySlJjWjI4cGhGbm00RDZrcHBNTUdVdV9oQkpXRVlQVHR6VllGdGtxdnR5d2RTLUgwa21TQVptdVJUUDhTOWs4OVAtQ1lKbmlEcFFsN1ZWQTdFeHpaUXliQWVuVGs0ZU9LWmNHaXhPTEdkajBDa2RpRzFJS2VydXhFVS1hbERmUzhiWTdSb0x0ME5Edk0wdkY0UDZqMUFOd3MzTFRrVW9veGRHTlhLb3FkVWd5dz09 |
New. Sent FIL from Filestation to 0x address, and after attempting to add to several wallets realized I should have sent to f4 address... Is there a way to reach the FIL in the 0x address? | r/filecoin | post | r/filecoin | 2024-09-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwyVEFVUV8xeFFTMTNoenk0SEpRTkotVnRvLTlCZXp4WVE1SzJRajZ5azlhdEJxaGpzVmhLbllWYzlHZ2tvNUpQTTlYY3dTdEJreXpEcWU4UEU4S2RsWFNfM1VuYU14dXh0VW5adU1XMEFVUWc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzMk12SGF5T3ptUkd1dHZmRjV1TkJMQzY2OVlya1ozdWswSlEzR3pKYzV1S3lTeXBkQWJxWVF0OGtBclJZUE1ia2R6LUluSEVfQUxLRXpGVXVkak9xMExLN2JVNjB4ZkRnUGtyQjdqRVhMWm1HZjBNREVhaFRBbmh4RDVnLWs2Q05ncno4WTJBeUZjb2dsaGl5UWROZTBKSDdYNGlEc3QxeFJtZXd1RTBNcmgtRE9KU1BwRlpRZk9xVWlOcWZKWWJF |
FiLLiquid hasn't even hit the exchanges and has already gained over $2M in locked value.
It's been audited by both CertiK + Salus and was designed by the team's Economist who is a World Bank & IMF advisor
This project makes it easier for Storage Providers to access more $FIL to expand network capacity since they're able to use locked/pledged liquidity on their node as collateral for $FIL loans while setting FiLLiquid as $FIL beneficiary until the loan is repayed.
$FIL holders can easily stake on the smart contract and earn $FIT, $FIL's liquid staking derivative which increases in value as the loan is paid back by storage providers.
The $FIT can be farmed for the platform's governance token $FIG which will be stakable to earn a percentage of the total yield.
Keep an eye out for it's listing & reach out if you're interested in investing early!
| r/filecoin | post | r/filecoin | 2024-09-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwydTBHNnhwcE14VHp3YnNLNjlOQUt4emN6ZEV1LTdXYW03Y29zYm1XQjVUaVhNN2R5QkpGYWJaWWZHNGNCc2E4bHRyVjhuZ29KdDVkdkxCYzNIU045TWxBZENGY0lQcUI1MzN5Q2dYNzRFYVk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzSlp5Z3FBY1lwQ1RMOWp2VEppMzJjXzJ2Um9CYVJMMlcxaHc4ODRBRC14OU52TGItQXE4alpaU0V2aVotTTM3cWtWWHVSdWpqQVlXbUg4UHZGZ3FpeE85b3ZmTWxTeXpYODI2Zmt1eE1BRVpXRGNzSDZGa0Uxam1KV3NxMHh4d0NKYlloU1hQRUdmYm1aREtEMU40Uk54MThfaUlvVkJLR0s1VE5mTG1FdlluSU1taHQxbUpfWmVhTHJMT0FTd0Z3QWY1V0hFbWY0OFllTXU2ak8za0N2QT09 |
$Suncat isn’t just another token , it’s the first cat token on the Tron ecosystem, and the first CTO on the chain, leading the way with the power of its community.
From the start, Suncat has been about more than just profits—it's about building something lasting.
Despite the dev left on day one, the Suncat community took control and turned the project into a thriving movement.
In just 9 days, Suncat has achieved a remarkable $25 million market cap and over 15,000 holders-all without any paid KOLs or marketing.
**Linktree to the project:** [https://linktr.ee/\_Suncattron](https://linktr.ee/_Suncattron)
**Contract Address:** TAwAg9wtQzTMFsijnSFotJrpxhMm3AqW1d
Suncat’s Mission:
🟢 Pioneering on Tron: As the first cat token, Suncat is setting the standard, with low fees and fast transactions making it more accessible than ever.
🟢 100% Organic Growth: Everything has been driven by the community, proving that true strength comes from collective support.
🟢 Community-Driven Initiatives: From a cat-Tron campaign to educational content, Suncat’s community is always at the forefront, leading the way.
🟢 Financial Freedom & Fun: Suncat engages people in a fun, rewarding way, helping them achieve financial freedom within the Tron ecosystem.
🟢 Giving back : Upcoming cat donations and saving campaigns will further connect Suncat with its community values. Suncat is committed to giving back by collecting donations to help animal shelters.
Example: [https://www.gofundme.com/f/saving-cats-in-china](https://www.gofundme.com/f/saving-cats-in-china) we donated to saving cats in china we would like Justin to join us on future donations like this.
🟢 Growing Impact: With free listings on HTX, MEXC, Poloniex and BitMart, Suncat is generating massive daily trading volume and continuing to make waves.
HTX: [https://www.htx.com.se/support/24978547228511](https://www.htx.com.se/support/24978547228511)
🟢 Merch Incoming: Suncat merch that will let you show off your support in style.
SUNCAT was launched on SUNPUMP. Project is supported and backed By SUNPUMP and Justin .
We have 1 million things lined up which will bring a lot of user to the tron ecosystem and change the way of how we look at meme coins but with time we will lay out things.
Suncat aims to reach billion mcap and generate massive transactions to support and strengthen the entire Tron ecosystem as being part of its. We will invite Justin to the 1b party at the sun. | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-09-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwycG9lNTV1WFBRU1Ezb2JFN3c3b1JHR3J0bUhOTDdMeEhMdGI4MWx4SkRJMXVEYzA5cVdZUHNWLVpnRjhGSFB2czgtS1JLMXFIdVgtWDdnX1lhQXZ0TkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzZE1uWDMyNmROdnNMdWVNdHktYndyb0hOWmZaZDVqOWptSU1zbjBTY2RhQk9iTVoyWkp2aTloNkUwSGVacl8zaUtRbXozMW5xRHBsbEdJWTZHd3NDWjNfMnFId1dFSktsSDBPOWQ2RG9HMm1Md1hsa3JBeUcxekgzQXVlOVI5V1Z1TkIyUVczRVNLUW5scE1CSUZJc0RYRHlYeFRwdVducldWbDNqN3JpdVZFalNYU3U3UGxNSkctQ0tEVTdDMmk2NXd2MnlJTEI4SENjSlMyTnFncHdoZz09 |
$Suncat isn’t just another token , it’s the first cat token on the Tron ecosystem, and the first CTO on the chain, leading the way with the power of its community.
From the start, Suncat has been about more than just profits—it's about building something lasting.
Despite the dev left on day one, the Suncat community took control and turned the project into a thriving movement.
In just 9 days, Suncat has achieved a remarkable $25 million market cap and over 15,000 holders-all without any paid KOLs or marketing.
**Linktree to the project:** [https://linktr.ee/\_Suncattron](https://linktr.ee/_Suncattron)
**Contract Address:** TAwAg9wtQzTMFsijnSFotJrpxhMm3AqW1d
Suncat’s Mission:
🟢 Pioneering on Tron: As the first cat token, Suncat is setting the standard, with low fees and fast transactions making it more accessible than ever.
🟢 100% Organic Growth: Everything has been driven by the community, proving that true strength comes from collective support.
🟢 Community-Driven Initiatives: From a cat-Tron campaign to educational content, Suncat’s community is always at the forefront, leading the way.
🟢 Financial Freedom & Fun: Suncat engages people in a fun, rewarding way, helping them achieve financial freedom within the Tron ecosystem.
🟢 Giving back : Upcoming cat donations and saving campaigns will further connect Suncat with its community values. Suncat is committed to giving back by collecting donations to help animal shelters.
Example: [https://www.gofundme.com/f/saving-cats-in-china](https://www.gofundme.com/f/saving-cats-in-china) we donated to saving cats in china we would like Justin to join us on future donations like this.
🟢 Growing Impact: With free listings on HTX, MEXC, Poloniex and BitMart, Suncat is generating massive daily trading volume and continuing to make waves.
HTX: [https://www.htx.com.se/support/24978547228511](https://www.htx.com.se/support/24978547228511)
🟢 Merch Incoming: Suncat merch that will let you show off your support in style.
SUNCAT was launched on SUNPUMP. Project is supported and backed By SUNPUMP and Justin .
We have 1 million things lined up which will bring a lot of user to the tron ecosystem and change the way of how we look at meme coins but with time we will lay out things.
Suncat aims to reach billion mcap and generate massive transactions to support and strengthen the entire Tron ecosystem as being part of its. We will invite Justin to the 1b party at the sun. | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-09-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwyUzM5bHE0eGp4aEM0TWdRSy0wZzVvdU1DMU1DMFQtcTlyWm5IdUtfXzRyTEZaOHVuYnZLQzREa0QzWFZRMnk5d1ZSS19ONUZNV2QydEY3aDNJaUdlVmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzTng1ZHhMd2pQRkhkRzlJNDNoSzlOMmlnUGd6cWZydWQwbnZ5UmJaWFdxMl9DN25Lbk1xUTl6b2daZjVXX2FZck9uQXl4TXBib3dzWVZ1b3pvMDN5Q0pydlpTVEoxWHBoQWpwRmdlSG50N2pFcUlxa2xROEhiRjNHNWFDSHhFVWkwQXJaNXNlWmhEUkFqVHVjQ3ZJSnFIZ3NNWmFWWWExbXROU2tqdDA3Z3JCakI0TDhpaHNUVExDTUV0ek9QQ0syOUZyTlJnRlB0SFl3aUI4NjdQMjJOZz09 |
Simple question, has anyone found a 3d adaptor to fit on the [https://www.bombaxminer.com/EZ100](https://www.bombaxminer.com/EZ100)
I use Fruit design for Kaspa, BTC and Doge.
Thank you | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-09-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwyZlBtMi1RSkhNbzN0UEZ2d25CV21FWDl3dGtSeDVrZHkxWkExZDNuRmNKcnNkZGplSzBJYVY3X2xDOHpnVm0xRmZIMFUwa3dqNklsTUdNd3dvZGd4d1VkbXRmOTBPcWJJODFEeGVVYUJ1X1U9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzTFljY3RYS01aS1I3aFpOYXhXN2lnWVhDV0oxSHU0eE5nckFBUXowc1ZNOHZ0WE00Vzd4WnZqeWkxTEZwV1BQRzBBUWhVUWE5aUtSVV9ZbTNuaEVLV09ndlBaTVF5T3I2d01EUExHX1lpM1YzX2drbEN2SW5VTzlvdXl2SVN5djZuVVdLSXFfYTlLbWlaUE5GN1EzcTZzZUtsWF92YmV3bFdXak5jU3JVMlBIMHh3UXZfVV9YOGxXM0lkTHZ6ZW1sWWtyaS1feXIzaXFhSi02eS02M1VHdz09 |
$Suncat isn’t just another token , it’s the first cat token on the Tron ecosystem, and the first CTO on the chain, leading the way with the power of its community.
From the start, Suncat has been about more than just profits—it's about building something lasting.
Despite the dev left on day one, the Suncat community took control and turned the project into a thriving movement.
In just 9 days, Suncat has achieved a remarkable $25 million market cap and over 15,000 holders-all without any paid KOLs or marketing.
**Linktree to the project:** [https://linktr.ee/\_Suncattron](https://linktr.ee/_Suncattron)
**Contract Address:** TAwAg9wtQzTMFsijnSFotJrpxhMm3AqW1d
Suncat’s Mission:
🟢 Pioneering on Tron: As the first cat token, Suncat is setting the standard, with low fees and fast transactions making it more accessible than ever.
🟢 100% Organic Growth: Everything has been driven by the community, proving that true strength comes from collective support.
🟢 Community-Driven Initiatives: From a cat-Tron campaign to educational content, Suncat’s community is always at the forefront, leading the way.
🟢 Financial Freedom & Fun: Suncat engages people in a fun, rewarding way, helping them achieve financial freedom within the Tron ecosystem.
🟢 Giving back : Upcoming cat donations and saving campaigns will further connect Suncat with its community values. Suncat is committed to giving back by collecting donations to help animal shelters.
Example: [https://www.gofundme.com/f/saving-cats-in-china](https://www.gofundme.com/f/saving-cats-in-china) we donated to saving cats in china we would like Justin to join us on future donations like this.
🟢 Growing Impact: With free listings on HTX, MEXC, Poloniex and BitMart, Suncat is generating massive daily trading volume and continuing to make waves.
HTX: [https://www.htx.com.se/support/24978547228511](https://www.htx.com.se/support/24978547228511)
🟢 Merch Incoming: Suncat merch that will let you show off your support in style.
SUNCAT was launched on SUNPUMP. Project is supported and backed By SUNPUMP and Justin .
We have 1 million things lined up which will bring a lot of user to the tron ecosystem and change the way of how we look at meme coins but with time we will lay out things.
Suncat aims to reach billion mcap and generate massive transactions to support and strengthen the entire Tron ecosystem as being part of its. We will invite Justin to the 1b party at the sun. | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-09-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwyVUY2RjhZc2VJOHhGS1FzUUc3ZmI0ODEzS1BNYkt3czhjYkQ5TVJxY1A1Sm1zc01kcWVodzNVTk1yREEyUXpPTzRPbWdYTi01MThnUkZlb1NoUDNVNUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzc0g3NnpkY0FzdjgtUWtac3YtbHBJbm10S01VLU9peFlEaWJXSEk3OERkU3pnbjVSblpuNWtqcTFYS2hiNS1xdFN1bEx0dWltenIxWU9FY3ZVaERfaGNVREg1WXdNRm9VMkRmR3E3eWZJdkJpOFMzSEdDV1lGYkpKaUVoZnRsUy1HZmVHeFdlQ2pjQW5sY2F6UWpmYTlUbGR1cDBGNGlRNHB1QXJieUEzWjEwSy1vV0pRUkZjdG9xVmtCMGVMSnJ1RDF5bk1GaXVDeGZHM0ZlRlplZi12Zz09 |
$Suncat isn’t just another token , it’s the first cat token on the Tron ecosystem, and the first CTO on the chain, leading the way with the power of its community.
From the start, Suncat has been about more than just profits—it's about building something lasting.
Despite the dev left on day one, the Suncat community took control and turned the project into a thriving movement.
In just 9 days, Suncat has achieved a remarkable $25 million market cap and over 15,000 holders-all without any paid KOLs or marketing.
**Linktree to the project:** [https://linktr.ee/\_Suncattron](https://linktr.ee/_Suncattron)
**Contract Address:** TAwAg9wtQzTMFsijnSFotJrpxhMm3AqW1d
Suncat’s Mission:
🟢 Pioneering on Tron: As the first cat token, Suncat is setting the standard, with low fees and fast transactions making it more accessible than ever.
🟢 100% Organic Growth: Everything has been driven by the community, proving that true strength comes from collective support.
🟢 Community-Driven Initiatives: From a cat-Tron campaign to educational content, Suncat’s community is always at the forefront, leading the way.
🟢 Financial Freedom & Fun: Suncat engages people in a fun, rewarding way, helping them achieve financial freedom within the Tron ecosystem.
🟢 Giving back : Upcoming cat donations and saving campaigns will further connect Suncat with its community values. Suncat is committed to giving back by collecting donations to help animal shelters.
Example: [https://www.gofundme.com/f/saving-cats-in-china](https://www.gofundme.com/f/saving-cats-in-china) we donated to saving cats in china we would like Justin to join us on future donations like this.
🟢 Growing Impact: With free listings on HTX, MEXC, Poloniex and BitMart, Suncat is generating massive daily trading volume and continuing to make waves.
HTX: [https://www.htx.com.se/support/24978547228511](https://www.htx.com.se/support/24978547228511)
🟢 Merch Incoming: Suncat merch that will let you show off your support in style.
SUNCAT was launched on SUNPUMP. Project is supported and backed By SUNPUMP and Justin .
We have 1 million things lined up which will bring a lot of user to the tron ecosystem and change the way of how we look at meme coins but with time we will lay out things.
Suncat aims to reach billion mcap and generate massive transactions to support and strengthen the entire Tron ecosystem as being part of its. We will invite Justin to the 1b party at the sun. | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-09-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwyQ1d5aHhqaldqbkt5TXQtbmJLd2FraXIzdWRIRE5ONi1PMTBOLWhPcHpwaWJIQmM0SDhTbU0yTmZ6Z09tbU9ac3hENmtGbXF2WTFKM0plSUxPd3NNY3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzSFhfUFBoc2VmZVQ4MU1TTnFjMng1LXFNV054a0JzMFFNV3Y4RklfMGxFam9UX1M1cUxIeGd2dUR2STVIRUcyNDVDbXBGWjhnOHdEZDloNk00cExHRjFZazV1ZEkyakVzNkJmTVhRdUoxTl9DYTNxemhFbzJzbVd0b1hlSlVia3ZWRHZ5a0hfVGdZOWpYdjJRT3JTWWREcThrMHBGMWVCbmZGM01MME9sZ0I3MktNMExZbjBzOFp2X3Y4ZnlmM05pdjF3WXlaUmNBNzZmSmlyNkE3czBfQT09 |
$Suncat isn’t just another token , it’s the first cat token on the Tron ecosystem, and the first CTO on the chain, leading the way with the power of its community.
From the start, Suncat has been about more than just profits—it's about building something lasting.
Despite the dev left on day one, the Suncat community took control and turned the project into a thriving movement.
In just 9 days, Suncat has achieved a remarkable $25 million market cap and over 15,000 holders-all without any paid KOLs or marketing.
**Linktree to the project:** [https://linktr.ee/\_Suncattron](https://linktr.ee/_Suncattron)
**Contract Address:** TAwAg9wtQzTMFsijnSFotJrpxhMm3AqW1d
Suncat’s Mission:
🟢 Pioneering on Tron: As the first cat token, Suncat is setting the standard, with low fees and fast transactions making it more accessible than ever.
🟢 100% Organic Growth: Everything has been driven by the community, proving that true strength comes from collective support.
🟢 Community-Driven Initiatives: From a cat-Tron campaign to educational content, Suncat’s community is always at the forefront, leading the way.
🟢 Financial Freedom & Fun: Suncat engages people in a fun, rewarding way, helping them achieve financial freedom within the Tron ecosystem.
🟢 Giving back : Upcoming cat donations and saving campaigns will further connect Suncat with its community values. Suncat is committed to giving back by collecting donations to help animal shelters.
Example: [https://www.gofundme.com/f/saving-cats-in-china](https://www.gofundme.com/f/saving-cats-in-china) we donated to saving cats in china we would like Justin to join us on future donations like this.
🟢 Growing Impact: With free listings on HTX, MEXC, Poloniex and BitMart, Suncat is generating massive daily trading volume and continuing to make waves.
HTX: [https://www.htx.com.se/support/24978547228511](https://www.htx.com.se/support/24978547228511)
🟢 Merch Incoming: Suncat merch that will let you show off your support in style.
SUNCAT was launched on SUNPUMP. Project is supported and backed By SUNPUMP and Justin .
We have 1 million things lined up which will bring a lot of user to the tron ecosystem and change the way of how we look at meme coins but with time we will lay out things.
Suncat aims to reach billion mcap and generate massive transactions to support and strengthen the entire Tron ecosystem as being part of its. We will invite Justin to the 1b party at the sun. | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-09-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwyeUZjZ0U1NGtTT2V2Q1g1XzNDYXU4a1pjeWF6bFZCV0xoVXk1YmJIN0VtdUw3dm5MWDd2QktyVFpHaDRNWXBBdExDelRCUjEwaGZvZXFSVXhWUlJ2aWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzcWV6cHNBUHVFMmx1TDhGLVZ5bUs3UWUwSTRWRnNXRXZnbVZXNGhxbmxLNlg0V2FSWGduUlU2eWhsc3hQQ3M0RTBPNGstNS1rT1F4VUlZaWJzN1JnSUFueEpWelhoNlFscWZiTmNsd3lqY2RWUVNoWUR5Q0daS3ZqMUFDSGppQU0yWktLRUY1NHhGQmY4RkZWNHNIUVB3bFdqSUd2Z1JQaERoWC1sRTdvU1pPOWVjNEtoQ0k1dExSNjZCd0JDX0Z4UWhtRWdIek9RX2NCbW1EX0RaNl9QUT09 |
$Suncat isn’t just another token , it’s the first cat token on the Tron ecosystem, and the first CTO on the chain, leading the way with the power of its community.
From the start, Suncat has been about more than just profits—it's about building something lasting.
Despite the dev left on day one, the Suncat community took control and turned the project into a thriving movement.
In just 9 days, Suncat has achieved a remarkable $25 million market cap and over 15,000 holders-all without any paid KOLs or marketing.
**Linktree to the project:** [https://linktr.ee/\_Suncattron](https://linktr.ee/_Suncattron)
**Contract Address:** TAwAg9wtQzTMFsijnSFotJrpxhMm3AqW1d
Suncat’s Mission:
🟢 Pioneering on Tron: As the first cat token, Suncat is setting the standard, with low fees and fast transactions making it more accessible than ever.
🟢 100% Organic Growth: Everything has been driven by the community, proving that true strength comes from collective support.
🟢 Community-Driven Initiatives: From a cat-Tron campaign to educational content, Suncat’s community is always at the forefront, leading the way.
🟢 Financial Freedom & Fun: Suncat engages people in a fun, rewarding way, helping them achieve financial freedom within the Tron ecosystem.
🟢 Giving back : Upcoming cat donations and saving campaigns will further connect Suncat with its community values. Suncat is committed to giving back by collecting donations to help animal shelters.
Example: [https://www.gofundme.com/f/saving-cats-in-china](https://www.gofundme.com/f/saving-cats-in-china) we donated to saving cats in china we would like Justin to join us on future donations like this.
🟢 Growing Impact: With free listings on HTX, MEXC, Poloniex and BitMart, Suncat is generating massive daily trading volume and continuing to make waves.
HTX: [https://www.htx.com.se/support/24978547228511](https://www.htx.com.se/support/24978547228511)
🟢 Merch Incoming: Suncat merch that will let you show off your support in style.
SUNCAT was launched on SUNPUMP. Project is supported and backed By SUNPUMP and Justin .
We have 1 million things lined up which will bring a lot of user to the tron ecosystem and change the way of how we look at meme coins but with time we will lay out things.
Suncat aims to reach billion mcap and generate massive transactions to support and strengthen the entire Tron ecosystem as being part of its. We will invite Justin to the 1b party at the sun. | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-09-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwybTlDZTM3allvNFZXUFRkM3RkdGszMXlLTVg0S1pUTGxtTTJtS1BFS0VkY1RxdVBYc3daZGdQRWxldEFIMmtJWXl3SGk1LUpIaE8tR1lxR3NZMmZSVGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzYTlEeW9NN2ljYlpoNUY0bFVjdFJMVFhPd3ktRmtkN0k2eE8ta0F5RXZxODd5YjEzdW1ycVJycjBURWhVS2c4V2lPemxPZkNaQW5tZjFXQUxGYkdPQkJoOUVBVEFQMWlzWUFyYTdKMGl3WFZOSUxwSnB5cHFPR29MakxhazEzVFZ2TXhRVEl3ejJPWlhRZmlDQVN5SXR2WXhMYnpfbDlJUEh5TXE4M01LdFB5R0lvS3FmZzZSUEc4dEhFWkF0NjFTeklRUDJKQ1VnRF9OcDBEeTJUN2I5Zz09 |
$Suncat isn’t just another token , it’s the first cat token on the Tron ecosystem, and the first CTO on the chain, leading the way with the power of its community.
From the start, Suncat has been about more than just profits—it's about building something lasting.
Despite the dev left on day one, the Suncat community took control and turned the project into a thriving movement.
In just 9 days, Suncat has achieved a remarkable $25 million market cap and over 15,000 holders-all without any paid KOLs or marketing.
**Linktree to the project:** [https://linktr.ee/\_Suncattron](https://linktr.ee/_Suncattron)
**Contract Address:** TAwAg9wtQzTMFsijnSFotJrpxhMm3AqW1d
Suncat’s Mission:
🟢 Pioneering on Tron: As the first cat token, Suncat is setting the standard, with low fees and fast transactions making it more accessible than ever.
🟢 100% Organic Growth: Everything has been driven by the community, proving that true strength comes from collective support.
🟢 Community-Driven Initiatives: From a cat-Tron campaign to educational content, Suncat’s community is always at the forefront, leading the way.
🟢 Financial Freedom & Fun: Suncat engages people in a fun, rewarding way, helping them achieve financial freedom within the Tron ecosystem.
🟢 Giving back : Upcoming cat donations and saving campaigns will further connect Suncat with its community values. Suncat is committed to giving back by collecting donations to help animal shelters.
Example: [https://www.gofundme.com/f/saving-cats-in-china](https://www.gofundme.com/f/saving-cats-in-china) we donated to saving cats in china we would like Justin to join us on future donations like this.
🟢 Growing Impact: With free listings on HTX, MEXC, Poloniex and BitMart, Suncat is generating massive daily trading volume and continuing to make waves.
HTX: [https://www.htx.com.se/support/24978547228511](https://www.htx.com.se/support/24978547228511)
🟢 Merch Incoming: Suncat merch that will let you show off your support in style.
SUNCAT was launched on SUNPUMP. Project is supported and backed By SUNPUMP and Justin .
We have 1 million things lined up which will bring a lot of user to the tron ecosystem and change the way of how we look at meme coins but with time we will lay out things.
Suncat aims to reach billion mcap and generate massive transactions to support and strengthen the entire Tron ecosystem as being part of its. We will invite Justin to the 1b party at the sun. | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-09-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwyeDh3c0FCUEc0cHplY05EaVE3bTJVVGJER2tGZWJvTzJHUDlwOG9xWjQtM3JnNE9xWExwTUFzLU9xa0ZNZlhOLWxmSjdadkljRThHb3kzdHc4S3J5a0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzdDhoWk9wcVhmUXh4YXhxdTdGNTRRc2tZQkZrRDVBam5zY1JoeUlEY3RXVnlYTmowSTc1MVE1anRwWmhMWHkya1BQMjU1X2JxMk1MUW5OaVAydl9FSGVqZDRtTEVfLVJ6b2liaFF6NHgySnBWT1Y3RnRZLURPZS03bm15MFNIM2wza3FIeU9QdUYxYnhYOTJMRGI1cjNHTG9pVG9HRlRGZnFvd2owM05wQmxtS1lOR2hmTnBQWEU4SGRCdTRjZ0NxXzRHcDZuajQydklSdTdCTnlmVmd0dz09 |
$Suncat isn’t just another token , it’s the first cat token on the Tron ecosystem, and the first CTO on the chain, leading the way with the power of its community.
From the start, Suncat has been about more than just profits—it's about building something lasting.
Despite the dev left on day one, the Suncat community took control and turned the project into a thriving movement.
In just 9 days, Suncat has achieved a remarkable $25 million market cap and over 15,000 holders-all without any paid KOLs or marketing.
**Linktree to the project:** [https://linktr.ee/\_Suncattron](https://linktr.ee/_Suncattron)
**Contract Address:** TAwAg9wtQzTMFsijnSFotJrpxhMm3AqW1d
Suncat’s Mission:
🟢 Pioneering on Tron: As the first cat token, Suncat is setting the standard, with low fees and fast transactions making it more accessible than ever.
🟢 100% Organic Growth: Everything has been driven by the community, proving that true strength comes from collective support.
🟢 Community-Driven Initiatives: From a cat-Tron campaign to educational content, Suncat’s community is always at the forefront, leading the way.
🟢 Financial Freedom & Fun: Suncat engages people in a fun, rewarding way, helping them achieve financial freedom within the Tron ecosystem.
🟢 Giving back : Upcoming cat donations and saving campaigns will further connect Suncat with its community values. Suncat is committed to giving back by collecting donations to help animal shelters.
Example: [https://www.gofundme.com/f/saving-cats-in-china](https://www.gofundme.com/f/saving-cats-in-china) we donated to saving cats in china we would like Justin to join us on future donations like this.
🟢 Growing Impact: With free listings on HTX, MEXC, Poloniex and BitMart, Suncat is generating massive daily trading volume and continuing to make waves.
HTX: [https://www.htx.com.se/support/24978547228511](https://www.htx.com.se/support/24978547228511)
🟢 Merch Incoming: Suncat merch that will let you show off your support in style.
SUNCAT was launched on SUNPUMP. Project is supported and backed By SUNPUMP and Justin .
We have 1 million things lined up which will bring a lot of user to the tron ecosystem and change the way of how we look at meme coins but with time we will lay out things.
Suncat aims to reach billion mcap and generate massive transactions to support and strengthen the entire Tron ecosystem as being part of its. We will invite Justin to the 1b party at the sun. | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-09-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwyeDVOVWVHbWxsRkJZelVBUE1lYnVnT0hfaDhfRmRFNno2a043WHdackRwRWNka2pCQVEybk5hbWdLejliYzIzczBEaEdsQ0MyUG13T0NnNXl5YUMweUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5KYkwzY0VIY21pRmM5YzQzRTcxcURIZFZTZWk5a1N2eklGdk5VSjBta3VFMnJvTmFDeW5hbFNrN2Eyek56RG0wcEdDM3FMMGZ5aWVjNUxPc1k2SlJrRU1hc2E4akRaVk5tWUtWT3dwQjE4VDZLYU9kRTk0U1ZVeXJGMFhRVlpkdDhvSVdNVGhxdkpDOFQ4VVg0QzF5UTRudERFYVdCaEVPbDVfX0U2aWU4WmdCNEo5SWlITkQ0eFh5Qzc5ZDhqRkRHT2tpUExSTnJXelRYUGNFN1djWWszQklpdz09 |
Subsets and Splits