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Each week, the Legal Marketing Association pulls the most buzzworthy trends in marketing to help inspire its members. This week, cover the top marketing strategies for 2018, starting with "New Year, New Strategy: How to Audit Your Social Media Marketing Campaign," from Forbes. A new year means a new, or improved, social media plan. There's no better way to find out how to make your social media plan more successful than to evaluate 2017. Read more from Forbes. Once you have done an in-depth social media audit, think about new trends within the area of social media marketing that you may be able to include in your new plan. Read more on Business2Community. If you're looking to systemize your lead generation and structure sales cycles in the new year, incorporating events into your marketing strategy may be an option for you. Read more from Forbes. Once you have an idea of what new tactics you want to implement, mapping out a strategy in a clear manner can help ensure your plan is successful. Find some tips on how to map out your strategy from Forbes. Still struggling to pinpoint which key elements to focus on in your firm in terms of marketing this year? A safe bet would be to focus on digital marketing in some capacity. Read more from The Rainmaker Institute.
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An ever-growing encyclopedia of hand carved stamps for modular printing. These can be pieced together to tell new stories and spark ideas, to make patterns or to form collaborative artworks that can be added to in all sorts of ways. You can learn to make your own stamps or suggest new chapters for the library too. A collection of portable print and drawing workshops to support people to learn new processes, to collaborate and to connect with all sorts of subjects. These workshops can be adapted to suit most ages and abilities. Currently I'm developing a portable print studio to bring these approaches together, to reach more people and to hold a growing linocut stamp library. Live screen printing workshops with bespoke illustrations for events or organisations. These can run in almost any location, inviting people to participate in printing onto everything from t-shirts to walls.
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This department. was established in 1957. 8 Fire stations are at present working in the city. To save life & property during emergencies also to ensure protection from natural calamities like flood, earth-quake,the department strive to do its best. , Mrs. Ranjana Lade DYMC(VII) is the controlling officer and Shri R D Uchake is the Chief Fire Officer. Total 150 employees are working in the Department. Sr.No. Name & Address of Fire Station Contact No.
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Shaquille O'Neal Reveals How a Public Enemy Concert Inspired His DJ Career SwisherSweets via YouTube Shaquille O'Neal is considered to be one of the greatest basketball players before he retired, but now he wants to be among the greatest when it comes to DJing. When Shaq is not being a sports commentator, he DJs at various club events under the alias DJ Diesel. The veteran baller, who also had a successful career as a rapper, started DJing when he was 13 years old after attending a Public Enemy and LL Cool J concert. While on a yacht in Miami for Swisher Sweets' kickoff to summer on June 21, to celebrate their seasonal blend, Summer Twist!, Shaq shared his inspiration to man the wheels of steel. "I started DJing in '87, 88," Shaq reveals. "I went to an LL Cool J, Public Enemy concert and I saw my favorite DJ, Terminator X... I wanted to be a DJ, I wanted to be a cop, I wanted to be a businessman... So I practiced everything." Shaq sees DJing as his competition to be the best in the world. "To me, DJing is my Game 7," he explains. "I always grew up on adrenaline. In 2011, when I was forced to retire I didn't have the adrenaline thing going. I went to a concert known as Tomorrow World, there was 500,000 people jumping up and down. So whenever I DJ, I just want them to jump up and down it gives me the feeling of a Game 7." While the 47-year-old New Jersey native acknowledges that there are plenty of great DJs out there, he's working hard to be the biggest DJ in the world. "I'm Shaq coming in the DJ world," he affirms. "But they need to know that I'm coming and that's it. It's all competition. It's not about being the best DJ, it's about having fun in the sport." "So I'm glad that there are a lot of great DJs—Tiesto, Skrillex and all those guys. But they need to know that I'm coming," he concludes. Look for Shaq (aka DJ Diesel) spinning at a club near you this summer. Watch Shaq's (aka DJ Diesel) interview and the Summer Twist Yacht Party event recap below. This editorial advertisement is presented by Swisher Sweets. See 20 of the Best Self-Produced Hip-Hop Albums of All-Time Source: Shaquille O'Neal Reveals How a Public Enemy Concert Inspired His DJ Career Filed Under: Shaquille O'Neal
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The Office of the Privacy Commissioner ("the Office") is an independent statutory body whose purpose is to promote and protect privacy in Australia. The Office, established under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) ("the Privacy Act"), has responsibilities for the protection of individuals' personal information that is handled by Australian and ACT government agencies, and personal information held by all large private sector organisations, health service providers and some small businesses. The Office also has responsibilities under the Privacy Act in relation to credit worthiness information held by credit reporting agencies and credit providers, and personal tax file numbers used by individuals and organisations. The Office welcomes the opportunity to provide comments on Part d of the Australian Government Smartcard Framework ("the Framework"), the Smartcard Implementation Guide ("Part d"). Our comments make specific reference to Part d/1 and d/2. The Office has previously made a submission on Part C of the Framework in April 2007, and on the Draft Smartcard Framework in March 2006, and welcomes the attention that has been paid to privacy issues by the Australian Government Information Management Office ("AGIMO") during development of the Framework. The Office recently made a submission to the Australian Law Reform Commission's ("ALRC") Inquiry into the Privacy Act. Chapter 11 addresses developing technologies, and makes some comments about smartcards. The Office notes that Part d/1 provides guidance on developing a business case where a smartcard is a proposed solution to an identified business need. It is stated to be complementary advice to a more general publication, the ICT Business Case Guide, published by AGIMO in September 2006, and deals specifically with issues that may be encountered in relation to smartcards. The Framework provides a collated source of guidance for agencies considering a smartcard project, highlights important issues to be considered and addressed, and identifies important privacy issues which should contribute to the overall success of a smartcard project. The Office particularly welcomes the reference to privacy obligations throughout Part d including the different jurisdictions and particular sectors, the inclusion of explanations of personal information and sensitive information, and the recommendation that consideration of privacy issues be an early step in a smartcard implementation. Is a smartcard solution appropriate? Part d/1 deals with developing business cases for smartcard projects. The Office welcomes the requirement in Part d for detailed and documented consideration of the identified business need, and the guidance regarding assessment of potential solutions. In particular, the Office welcomes the advice that agencies consider the potential impact on stakeholders in addition to whether the proposal will address the identified problem, and a comparative cost-benefit analysis of potential solutions. This approach is similar to that previously recommended by the Office in the submission regarding the Health and Social Services Access Card. The assessment and evaluation of proposals suggests comparison of options against a "Do Minimum" option. Given the potential complexities, costs and risks involved in implementing a smartcard solution, the Office welcomes the Framework's recognition of the importance of considering whether a smartcard is the most appropriate solution, and whether a simpler or lower cost technology may achieve the desired results. Privacy – constraint or benefit? Part d of the Framework includes references to privacy as both a potential constraint and as a potential benefit arising from a smartcard proposal. The Office considers that it is appropriate that compliance with privacy regulation is identified as a constraint, as all smartcard projects will need to be aware of and comply with the privacy legislation or regulation relevant to the particular jurisdiction. Such compliance is likely to accord with community expectations and promote trust in the smartcard. It is also useful to consider the potential for smartcards to enhance privacy. The Office recognises that, when privacy is built in, and information is collected and handled appropriately, smartcards can achieve privacy-enhancing results. Given this, privacy issues should be given due weight and consideration when assessing the impact, costs and benefits of a smartcard proposal. The Office welcomes the attention paid in Part d/2 to the component parts of a smartcard implementation. It is essential that appropriate security and privacy practices apply to information stored on the physical card, the chip, the card operating system and any other applications, the smartcard readers, and all backend systems that will provide support or functionality to the smartcard. The Office also supports the Framework's multi-faceted approach to ensuring privacy is incorporated into smartcard projects, including privacy-enhancing technology measures to complement policy and legal measures to protect privacy. Usefully, specific mention is given to agencies considering the need for dedicated legislation to regulate the privacy management of the smartcard. The Office considers that interoperability should be limited to where it is necessary for the intended scope of the proposed smartcard operation, rather than building in interoperability as a future contingency. The Office supports the recommendations that an assessment be made regarding whether interoperability is a requirement for a particular smartcard project, and further, that where interoperability is considered necessary, that a Community of Interest be identified to establish how much interoperability is necessary in the circumstances. Later, reference is again made to establishing interoperability with other systems "as required". Part d/2 refers to "blended functionality", which refers to using a smartcard and the supporting infrastructure for two or more unrelated purposes. The Office suggests that, particularly if the smartcard contains personal information, and where the purposes are completely unrelated, then it may not be appropriate to share a smartcard. However, the Office welcomes the statement that wherever possible, clear technical isolation should be implemented between the intended functions. The Office has provided more detailed comments regarding interoperability in its submission on Part C of the Framework. Part d recognises the importance of user acceptance to the successful implementation of a smartcard. This is also apparent in discussions regarding education and user awareness of the smartcard project. Appropriately trained staff contribute to achieving user acceptance. Staff should be familiar with the operation of the smartcard, and be able to answer questions and concerns of smartcard users, particularly regarding privacy issues and security of information associated with the smartcard. Compliance with legal safeguards and statutory requirements, particularly with regard to privacy, is identified as a critical factor, as even appearance of compromising on these matters may undermine user acceptance. The Office supports the Framework's close attention to issues of user confidence and support of any smartcard implementation. Part 18 of Part d/2 deals expressly with user acceptance, and encourages smartcard implementation to facilitate, where possible, individual choice regarding their engagement with the smartcard, including aspects such as choice of preferred name or pseudonym on the face of the card. Part d provides a discussion of the information that should be shown on the face of the card. It states that "in general, agencies should avoid printing too much information on the surface of the card" and that "each element added to the front and/or the back of the card should be able to be justified on the basis of the functionality or business process it is enabling". As a general principle, this approach should result in better privacy practice, and reduce concerns regarding user acceptance. Part d states that the inclusion of a photo on the face of the card should only be permitted where there is an actual need for that means of cardholder identification, such as cases of employee identification, or drivers licences. This section also suggests that printing a name on the face of a smartcard should only occur if it serves a purpose. Part d recognises that there may be smartcard systems which would not require any personal identifiers on the card, or the chip, such as cards used in transit systems. The Office welcomes this approach, and supports the provision of individual control, where possible, over the information that is recorded on the face of the card. The Office welcomes the inclusion of references in Part d to Privacy Impact Assessments (PIA). In particular, it states that the handling of personal information is a "crucial policy and technology objective for a smartcard scheme", and that "it is accepted best practice for any program that deals with personal information to undertake one or more Privacy Impact Assessments" in accordance with the Office's Privacy Impact Assessment Guide. However, the Office notes that merely conducting a PIA will not necessarily result in reduced privacy concerns. A PIA may identify areas of privacy concern, but additional steps, such as transparency (allowing stakeholders, including the public where appropriate, to read the PIA report) and taking action on the recommendations arising from the PIA, will be needed to effectively reduce any privacy concerns with a smartcard project. This is recognised at page 96 of Part d/2, where is suggests that visible and well resourced attention be paid to PIAs, with proper engagement of the design team so that findings are factored into implementation. The Office notes that Part d/2 begins by acknowledging that not all smartcards will need to function as identification authentication. However, for those projects where smartcards will function as identification, the Office welcomes the acknowledgement that the use of identifiers raises particular privacy issues "especially… when unique identifiers are issued to large groups of cardholders and the identifier is used by many relying parties in multiple domains". Later in Part d, it states that "there may be privacy risks associated with printing of unique number on the face of the cards. Especially in scenarios where the card is used many times by various agencies and other relying parties, the card number may become a de-facto identity number for the cardholder". The Office considers that it is important that such risks are highlighted in this Framework, and considers that alerting agencies to the risk of creating an identity number, or identity card, will ensure that the risk is given due consideration in the planning of any smartcard project. The Office discussed the privacy risks of unique multi-purpose identifiers in Chapter 12 of it's submission to the ALRC Inquiry into the Privacy Act. The Office also notes that Part d alerts agencies to the choice between persistent identifiers and identifiers that are renewed with each card, and indicates that privacy may be better protected by use of identifiers that change periodically. The Office acknowledges that while this may be a better option than a lifetime identifier, in some circumstances, particularly where the smartcard is intended to be widely used, it may not adequately mitigate the risks associated with a unique identifier. It may be useful to note this in Part d, and indicate that in such cases, other mitigation methods should be used to reduce the risk of creating a universal ID number. Practices which result in the minimum amount of information being collected and stored on a smartcard or chip, and which restrict access to information based on what a party needs to know, are likely to minimise the privacy risks to the information. Part d supports this, and in particular, cautions that failure to take these steps may impact upon compliance with privacy law. Part d makes specific comments that a smartcard system should incorporate access controls, such that the person, or reader, that is trying to access information on the chip, or back end systems, is authorised to see that information. The Information Privacy Principles and the National Privacy Principles require agencies and organisations respectively to take reasonable steps to secure the information they hold. Where a smartcard contains or acts as a link to sensitive information, such 'reasonable steps' are likely to constitute robust security measures. These measures may include access controls such as mutual authentication to ensure that the reader is appropriately authorised to access information linked to a particular card. Part d also alerts agencies that smartcards may contain sensitive information, and that different security arrangements may need to be made for sensitive information, compared with "non sensitive information that is allowed to be read by anyone". The Office notes that sensitive information is a term defined in the Privacy Act, however, in practice, different people may consider different types of information sensitive. For example, some people may consider their residential address to be sensitive information, such as in the case of domestic violence, and others may consider their gender to be sensitive information, such as transsexuals. Where an agency or an organisation requires a contact address, an individual may choose to provide a PO Box, and unless there is a particular reason that a residential address is required, the individual should be afforded the choice. The Office notes the discussion of data quality and the use of data cleansing and updating techniques, and data synchronisation, particularly where a smartcard facilitates interoperability between agencies. An example is offered of a cardholder who updates certain information, such as an address, with one agency, and Part d suggests that this information may need to be distributed to all involved agencies to avoid data inconsistency. The Office considers that there may be legitimate reasons for a person to record different information, such as different addresses, with different agencies. An example may be where a resident of a rural community is required to move to a city temporarily, such as for a hospital stay of a relative or for a course of outpatient treatment. An individual may need to be contactable at the city address for their dealings with certain agencies, but wish to retain their home address for their dealings with other agencies. Automatic synchronisation of information limits the ability for an individual to tailor their interactions with agencies as appropriate for their circumstances. There is recognition in Part d that scope creep could impair the success of a program and that "designers should refrain from introducing scope creep unless there is a proven business need". The Office understands that scope creep involves expanding the functionality of the smartcard, at the design stage, beyond the initial business case, and considers that this raises similar issues to function creep, which generally involves incremental expansion in the purpose for which a system or object is used. In both cases, the smartcard may be employed for purposes that were not initially agreed to or envisaged. One way to limit the risk of function creep is to provide for a specific process, incorporating elements of transparency, consultation, independent review and parliamentary oversight where appropriate, to manage the introduction of new uses for a smartcard. Additional comments on the risks of function creep can be found in the Office's first submission on the Health and Social Services Access Card. The Office welcomes the attention paid to ensuring appropriate security of smartcard systems, and the information they contain. At page 4 of Part d/1 it states "In the context of smartcards, technology may be able to improve identification and authentication processes of individuals…, increasing the level of information security". It is not immediately clear that improvement to identification will necessarily increase the level of information security. The Office suggests the use of the words "which may in turn increase the level of information security". The Office also welcomes the discussion of the various methods to enhance security to the face of card, noting that it can be easily read and copied, and to the chip and applications on the chip, particularly a contact-less chip, where, if there is insufficient security, the information can be easily accessed. In certain sections of Part d, reference is made to the National Privacy Principles (NPPs). The Office takes this opportunity to clarify that where Part d is referring to the obligations of agencies covered by the Privacy Act, the relevant obligations are the Information Privacy Principles (IPPs). The NPPs, which govern the information handling practices of organisations in the private sector, may be relevant where a smartcard is intended to be used in the private sector. Where a private sector organisation is a contracted service provider to a Commonwealth agency, that organisation will be subject to both the IPPs and the NPPs. Available in four parts at http://www.agimo.gov.au/infrastructure/smart_cards/release_for_comment [accessed 30 April 2007]. See pages 47 and 53 of Part d/1, with regard to biometrics, at page 9 of Part d/2, and at pages 26, 49 and 113 of Part d/2 in relation to the risk of damage to public trust. See in particular, the last sentence on page 3 of Part d/1, and potentially the comments on page 96 of Part d/2, though this section may relate to both public and private sector entities.
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Home›Features›Scorpions - A Look Back at Lonesome Crow, their 1972 debut! Lonesome Crow, originally released in 1972, is the Scorpions' debut album. Every rock and roll story starts somewhere. The Scorpions, hailing from Germany, gained mass international fame in the 1980s with mega hits like "Rock You Like a Hurricane," "No One Like You," "The Zoo," "Big City Nights," "Still Loving You," and countless others. As one of the biggest bands of the 1980s, you likely had no idea that their history goes all the way back to 1965! The group was founded by Rudolf Schenker, and was eventually joined by vocalist Klaus Meine; these two are the only individuals to appear on every Scorpions album. Rudolf's brother Michael Schenker joined the band as lead guitarist, with the lineup for the group's first record being rounded out by bassist Lothar Heimberg and drummer Wolfgang Dziony. Lonesome Crow, the first Scorpions studio album, was released in 1972, and was largely overlooked at the time of release; it would be a decade before the band achieved the international success and stardom that we know them for. Before the glory days in which Matthias Jabs became their lead guitarist, and even before the band's iconic pre-international fame years with axeman Uli Jon Roth, this was the record that the band gave the world. Over four decades later, how does the debut record from the band hold up? Does this one bring the sting, or is it a relic best left forgotten? Lonesome Crow is an uneven mess of an album from a young up-and-coming band that had no idea what the hell they were doing. It is also a ton of fun to revisit! Somewhere between psychedelia and hard rock, this is the record that introduced the world to the Scorpions, and served as something of a premonition to their later successes. This was the only album the band ever recorded with Michael Schenker as a full time member of the band, although he did return a few years later to play on a few of the Lovedrive songs. The album has been reissued over the years with various, different covers. So what are the songs like on Lonesome Crow? To say they are all over the place would be a serious understatement. Right from the get go on "I'm Goin' Mad" you will hear tribal drum beats, chanting, distorted guitar, and a myriad of other elements that establish from the first track that this will be a very different Scorpions album from what you are accustomed to. Hell, the first half of the song is instrumental (unless chanting counts as singing)! "It All Depends" is probably the most straight up hard rock thing on the album; this bluesy-tinged rocker would not have been out of place on Black Sabbath's first record. The slow and eerie "Leave Me" is one of the record's true highlights, with bizarre keyboards and equally unsettling backing vocals and chanting. A young Michael Schenker even gets a chance to shine on a guitar solo in the song's second half. "In Search of the Peace of Mind" is an odd hodgepodge of musical sounds, combining acoustic and electric guitars, going from soft and melodic to unsettling and intense in mere seconds. "Inheritance" is driven by heavy bass, but also serves as one of this album's showcases for Michael Schenker's guitar prowess, something evident even in his mid teens! "Action" proves to be equally frantic, featuring some wild vocals from Meine, and some intense instrumental passages as well. The entire experience culminates with the 14 minute title track. The most ambitious and epic work on this debut record from the band (it even has a bass solo!), it too goes all over the place with no real sense of direction, but being so fast, frantic, and interesting a musical experience, you are going to be too infatuated by the band here to care. The experience of Lonesome Crow is a tough one to sum up, because things do not come together in the traditional sense; this is a young band that, while they lacked direction and did not know where they wanted to go musically, clearly had talent. It is the premonition of greater future successes, and an interesting time capsule for fans. For die-hard fans of the Scorpions, Lonesome Crow definitely comes recommended. More casual Scorpions fans may want to explore the band's peak years a little more before taking this trip back in time, though.
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Blue Vervet is committed to keeping your personal information and data safe and secure. This privacy statement explains what data we collect and how we use it. Blue Vervet collects information from visitors of its website, clients, potential clients and prospective employees. We may keep track of this information and the information that you provide to us when you visit the site for our internal reviews, business development, research and marketing purposes. We store this information for the minimal amount of time necessary, which is generally less than six months. When you visit our website we use the information your browser transmits to customise and personalise the information and layout of the pages you will see. We also track and record the Internet Protocol (IP) address of your Internet connection in order to determine the origin of your connection. We use this information to personalise content but also to control access to our website and to prevent fraudulent use of our products and services. We may also use this information to notify you of product defects, feature changes, service outages and security issues. When you host any Internet services with us, the data you host on our platform and servers is your data and not ours. In this scenario Blue Vervet acts as a data processor under your direct instructions. Cookies are small files that a website places in the browser of your computer that identifies you as an individual. When you return to the website, your browser sends that information back to the website. You can choose to accept or decline cookies. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can usually modify your browser settings to decline cookies. For further information please visit http://www.aboutcookies.org.uk. When you visit our website we will set cookies on your browser in order to help us improve our website by enabling us to monitor which pages you find useful and which you do not. If you do not want us to track your behaviour on our website then you can enable the 'Do not track' feature of your browser, and our website will honour this request. We also set cookies that are essential to providing the features and functionality of our website, for example, to save settings and preferences or to access any parts of our site that require authentication or authorisation such as your control panel. If you choose to disable cookies for our website you will not be able to access these sections of our website. We will not sell, distribute or rent your personal information to any third parties unless we have your permission to do so or we are required to do so by law. We may provide aggregate statistics about our clients, sales, website traffic and related information to third parties but these statistics do not include personally identifying information. You may request details of the personal information we hold about you, free of charge, by writing to Blue Vervet Ltd, Kemp House, 152-160 City Road, London EC1V 2NX, United Kingdom. Whilst the Internet is not a fully secure medium, Blue Vervet uses up-to-date industry procedures to protect your personal information. We deploy several security measures including physical security, firewalls as well as data encryption where possible.
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Lauren Hyman Kaplan, M.A. Lauren Hyman Kaplan is a school consultant, certified emotional intelligence coach and counselor in the field of social-emotional learning, emotional intelligence and bullying prevention. She is a former teacher and school counselor with more than 20 years of experience training and providing consulting to schools around the United States and the world, and was the regional implementation director for the Developing Safe and Civil Schools Project at Rutgers University, funded by the New Jersey Department of Education. Kaplan conducts presentations and provides on-going consulting to schools and parenting organizations and teaches the New York State mandated Dignity for All Students and SAVE violence prevention workshops for educators. She is also an instructor for the Certificate in Social-Emotional Learning and Character Development (SECD) at the Academy for SEL in Schools at Rutgers University. Kaplan is a certified consultant to the U.S. Department of Justice, Office for Victims of Crime, a grant reviewer for the U.S. Department of Education and a certified Star Factor Emotional Intelligence Coach. She is also the New York Network Leader for Six Seconds, The Emotional Intelligence Network. She is an adjunct instructor at Bank Street College of Education in New York City and the co-author of the New York State "Interpersonal Violence Prevention Resource Guide for Parents and Educators" (New York State Department of Education, 2002) and "The Importance of Self Awareness for School Counselors" in Emotionally Intelligent School Counseling (Erlbaum, 2005).
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Remember: how we treat refugees shows who we are Russia's invasion of Ukraine will almost certainly cause the biggest refugee crisis in Europe since the collapse of Yugoslavia in the 1990s. Neighbouring counties have begun preparations to receive Ukranian refugees, and Boris Johnson has said he will "receive those [Ukranians] who are fleeing in fear of persecution." This is quite right. All people wherever they are have a duty to help their fellow human beings who are escaping danger. And yet it is hard to ignore the difference here between European countries' willingness to help in this case, and their aggressive refusal to do so at other times. It is after all only a few months since the UK was sending troops to Poland to help build fences in order to keep out people from places such as Iraq and Kurdistan. Now Poland is setting up reception centres. The contrast highlights a cruel and dehumanising prejudice at the heart of Europe's attitudes to refugees. Our leaders claim to respect human rights that should be universal and equal for all humans everywhere. In practice it seems, they pick and choose who these rights apply to. That is not how human rights are supposed to work. In the UK, we have seen this approach embedded deep in Government policy. Acknowledging only refugees who take "legal routes" actually means cloaking the sinister act of deciding to whom you give "human rights". It's no surprise that these rights tend to be withheld from people with black and brown skin. This matters because it means life and death to the refugees concerned. But it also matters for another reason. Because this goes to the heart of who we are as a country. Unlike many other nations, the United Kingdom does not have a constitution that strictly defines its values and how they should be applied. Instead, it seeks to apply principles like justice, fairness and equality before the law pragmatically, on a case by case basis. There's nothing wrong, and much that is right, with that approach. But it does mean that each time we deal with a crisis, we are showing something of who we are; we are deciding who and what merits our attention and compassion. In the case of refugees, the contrast between the treatment of Afghans and other resettled refugees and that of other asylum seekers has the potential to reveal something problematic about the UK as a country. What will the treatment of Ukrainian refugees further reveal? Tags Care4Calaisrefugees
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The Brantford Sports Council has announced the finalists for its 14th annual banquet to be held on Feb. 13 at the Brantford Golf and Country Club. The keynote speaker is former figure skater and current choreographer, Lance Vipond. Vipond, a Brantford native, was inducted into the Brantford and Area Sports Hall of Recognition last year. Tickets for the banquet, which are limited, are $60. Doors open at 6 p.m. with dinner to follow at 7 p.m. Visit www.brantfordsportscouncil.ca or email [email protected] for more information. The following are the finalists in the nine categories. Winners will be announced at the banquet. The Frank Tomlin Memorial Award for Brantford's Sportsperson of the Year will also be handed out at the banquet. The Adrian Scherders Memorial Award – Sportsmanship and Dedication: Jacob Alway – Brantford Youth Flag Football; Angela Marina – Brantford Aquatic Club; Jacob Sheppard – North Park Track & Field Club. The Phyllis Gretzky Memorial Award – Female Youth Leadership: Nicole Kelly – BCI Girls Hockey; Caeley Salmon – Brant Synchro Club; Alexa Windle – Brantford Track & Field Club. The Frank Bricker Memorial Award – Male Youth Leadership: Tristan Berridge – Brantford Aquatic Club; Ethan Jamieson – Brant & District Football Club; Josh Linington – Brantford Track & Field Club. The John Macklin Memorial Award – Coach of the Year: Sean Doucette – Brantford Track & Field Club; Andrea Hawkins – Brantford CYO Girls Basketball; Scott Rex – Brantford Minor Hockey. Brantford Minor Hockey Minor AAA Midget – Brantford Minor Hockey. The Dave Levac Award – The Award of Excellence for Sports Officiating: Mark Baxter – Brant Norfolk Referrees Association; Shannon Scheffel – Brantford Aquatic Club; George Whittingham – Brantford City Soccer Club. The George Churchill Memorial Award – Sports Volunteer of the Year: Michelle Cabral – Brantford Aquatic Club; Dan Davis – Brantford Youth Flag Football; Lisa Link – Brant Synchro Club. The Jack Calbeck Memorial Award – Lifetime Sports Sponsorship: Domino's; K & D Insulation Ltd.; Millards Chartered Professional Accountants. The George Jones Memorial Award – Lifetime Sports Volunteerism: Crosby Gibson – Brantford Aquatic Club; Bill Williams – Bell City Boxing Club; Stan Worosz – Arnold Anderson Sport Fund.
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Dave Who? Arneson Gameday Celebrates Other D&D Creator (GeekDad Weekly Rewind) GeekDad Rewind You probably know Gary Gygax was one of the masterminds behind Dungeons & Dragons. But what about his collaborator? Can you even name him? "Fantasy role-playing games essentially begin with Dave Arneson's Blackmoor campaign," says Tavis Allison, organizer of the Third Annual Arneson Memorial Gameday that takes place today, October 1, in New York, Minneapolis […] You probably know Gary Gygax was one of the masterminds behind Dungeons & Dragons. But what about his collaborator? Can you even name him? "Fantasy role-playing games essentially begin with Dave Arneson's Blackmoor campaign," says Tavis Allison, organizer of theThird Annual Arneson Memorial Gamedaythat takes place today, October 1, in New York, Minneapolis and across the Internet. The event includes a panel discussion -- "The World Dave Made: Arneson's Legacy in Modern Culture," about Arneson's and D&D's impact on modern culture -- and all-day roleplaying sessions run by top NYC-based gamemasters. [More info below.] Today would have been Arneson's 64th birthday, and each year since Arneson passed away in 2009, Tavis has been behind efforts to gather fans and celebrate his memory by rolling dice, playing role-playing games, and having a great time. I had a chance to chat with Tavis, who told me more about this lesser-known D&D co-creator and why it's important to remember his contributions. "Like Lennon and McCartney, Dave's partnership with Gary Gygax didn't end the way fans would have wanted it to," says Tavis, the man behind adventuringparties.com and the Adventurer Conqueror King system, who is deeply involved in the old school gaming renaissance. "But they made a great team in part because Gygax counteracted Arneson's impulse to avoid self-promotion. I often think that if it hadn't been for Gary, fantasy role-playing would be the greatest pastime that no one had ever heard of outside of a few dozen folks in Minneapolis." Tavis said that Arneson had an enormous impact on the evolution of the RPG genre. "Lots of stuff in the modern gaming landscape can be traced back to what he invented as a game-master starting in '71, years before D&D's release," Tavis says. "Not just specific tropes like clerics who can turn undead, but the whole concept of having an alternate personality in an imagined world whose capability is measured with numbers that get better with experience. When my son trains his Pokemon, or my aunt sends me a request in Farmville, that's all part of Arneson's legacy." The Third Annual Arneson Memorial Gameday will be held from 9 am until 11 pm at the Brooklyn Strategist in Brooklyn, NY, and it's free and open to the public (with a suggested $10 donation to juvenile diabetes research). The panel discussion is from 5 to 6:30pm, and features RPG designer Luke Crane; Brian Droitcouer, a staff writer at Rhizome and curator at the New Museum; Forbes Magazine senior editor David Ewalt; Nicholas Fortugno, who teaches in the Game Design and Interactive Narrative program at Parsons New School for Design; and yours truly. If you're not in New York, you can still participate in celebrating Arneson. In Minneapolis, you can attend the annual David L. Arneson Memorial Maritime Miniatures Mayhem. Online, you'll be able to check out video footage of the Brooklyn event, get copies of game books that were signed by their creators at the gameday, and play in Google+ video sessions run by celebrity GMs__.__ Beyond just plain fun, Tavis hopes the event will shine more light on Arneson's and others' contributions to the hobby. "Contemporary culture is just starting to recognize how much we owe all these guys," he says. "And by taking contributions to juvenile diabetes research, I hope we'll carry on another of Dave's legacies and make the world a better place." More info here, or view and RSVP to the panel invite and game day invite on Facebook. [This article, by Ethan Gilsdorf, was originally published on Thursday. Please leave any comments you may have on the original.] TopicsArmchair GeekBoard GamesDungeons & DragonsPeopleRPGsvideo gamesGeekDad The Overwatch League Ruled Esports. Then Everything Went Wrong Activision-Blizzard's ambitious, much-hyped initiative has stalled. Recent upheavals reveal the instability of esports—and a murky future for the league. 10 Xbox Game Pass Games Worth Playing Microsoft's subscription service includes captivating titles like Potion Craft, Metal: Hellsinger, and Pentiment. A 3D Printing Renaissance Is Coming for Tabletop Games The technology could draw more players into the pricey hobby by allowing people to design their own pieces and even develop their own games. Laurence Russell Welcome to the Wet Hot AI Chatbot Summer The next big thing in tech isn't the blockchain or the metaverse—it's a mind-bending wave of algorithmic content machines. Steven Levy Big Tech Is Really Bad at Firing People Workers from Google, Meta, and Twitter reveal the brutal ways they got dumped. Chris Stokel-Walker The AI chatbot has stoked fears of an educational apocalypse. Some teachers see it as the reboot education sorely needs. Pia Ceres The Gas Stove Culture Wars Have Begun US politicians are battling over banning the appliance. Around the globe, gas stoves are emitting chemicals that harm the environment and people's health.
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Western Pacific Warm Pool Site U1487 Summary Background and Objectives International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Site U1487 (WP-14A) is located ~190 km west–southwest of Manus Island at 2°20.00′S, 144°49.17′E in 874 m of water. The site is situated on seismic reflection profile RR1313 WP6-5, ~1.4 km southwest of the cross-point with profile RR1313 WP6-3a. The seismic profile shows a continuous succession of hemipelagic sediment with acoustic basement estimated at ~185 m below seafloor (mbsf). The tectonic setting of Sites U1486 and U1487 (as for that of the northern Papua New Guinea [PNG] sites) was shaped by the oblique northward movement of the Australian plate as it rapidly converged with the Pacific plate. This collision resulted in a complex plate boundary zone that includes volcanic arcs, but also resulted in the formation and rotation of microplates within this zone, as well as lithospheric rupture that formed small oceanic basins (Baldwin et al., 2012). The Bismarck Sea, on the northeastern side of PNG, forms a back-arc basin with respect to the New Britain arc and is divided into the North Bismarck (NBS) and South Bismarck (SBS) microplates, separated by the active Bismarck Sea left-lateral transform fault and spreading segments (Taylor, 1979). Site U1487 is located on the North Bismarck microplate. To the north, the NBS microplate is bordered by the Manus Trench, which defines the boundary between it and the Pacific plate. Within this complex tectonic regime, the southwestern side of Manus Basin is considered one of the more stable regions. Magnetic anomalies in the Bismarck Sea indicate rapid asymmetric spreading since 3.5 Ma (Taylor, 1979). The continuous collision between the Australian and Pacific plates caused the SBS microplate to rotate rapidly clockwise (∼9°/My), whereas the NBS microplate is rotating slowly anticlockwise (0.3°–1.25°/My) (Baldwin et al., 2012). Asymmetric rotation of the North and South Bismarck Basins likely changed the position of New Britain and adjacent islands relative to PNG. Ocean Drilling Program Leg 193 focused on the eastern part of the Manus Basin, exploring the tectonic, volcanic, and seafloor hydrothermal system activity in this convergent plate margin setting. Site U1487 is upslope from Site U1486 and was expected to show the same sediment composition but with reduced sedimentation rate due to its shallower position. As a companion to Site U1486, Site U1487 was also targeted because of its potential to provide an excellent Pleistocene paleoceanographic record to examine orbital-scale climate variability at high resolution through the Pleistocene. It is also ideally located to monitor the contribution from the New Guinea Coastal Current and Undercurrent, which is the southern branch of the westward, cross-equatorial flowing South Equatorial Current, and constitutes the main southern Pacific contribution to the Indonesian Throughflow. At a water depth of ~880 m below sea level (mbsl), the sediment is bathed by modified Antarctic Intermediate Water originating from the Southern Ocean, and thus will allow for the reconstruction of past variability of this water mass. After a 13.3 nmi transit from Site U1486, the vessel stabilized over Site U1487 (WP-14A) at 1145 h (all times are local ship time; UTC + 10 h) on 17 November 2016. Site U1487 was an alternate site added to the operations during the expedition. We planned two holes using the advanced piston corer (APC) to ~175 m below seafloor (mbsf), with a third hole to cover stratigraphic gaps if required. We ultimately cored two holes: Hole U1487A cored to 144.2 mbsf and Hole U1487B to 144.3 mbsf. Hole U1486A was cored with the APC coring system using orientation and nonmagnetic hardware to 144.2 mbsf (Cores 363-U1487A-1H through 16H). Downhole formation temperature measurements using the Advanced Piston Corer Temperature Tool (APCT-3) were taken on Cores 4H (34.9 mbsf), 7H (63.4 mbsf), 10H (91.9 mbsf), and 13H (120.4 mbsf), obtaining good results on all four deployments. We terminated coring after Cores 14H and 16H recorded partial strokes and Core 15H had to be drilled over due to excessive overpull when attempting to retrieve it. Cores 14H through 16H included unconsolidated sand. We collected 146.43 m of sediment over 144.2 m of coring (102% recovery) in Hole U1487A. Hole U1487A was then cored to 125.5 mbsf (Cores 363-U1487B-1H through 14H) with the APC using orientation and nonmagnetic hardware. We then switched to the half-length advanced piston corer (HLAPC) to core the interval where we encountered unconsolidated sand in Hole U1487A. We cored to 144.3 mbsf (Cores U1487B-15F through 18F) with the HLAPC, where we terminated the hole. We collected 148.73 m of core over 144.3 m of coring (103% recovery) in Hole U1487B. Operations at Site U1487 ended at 2215 h on 18 November 2016. Total time spent at Site U1487 was 34.5 h (1.4 d). A total of 30 APC cores were recovered at this site, collecting 276.34 m of sediment over 269.7 m of coring (103% recovery). We also collected 4 HLAPC cores, retrieving 18.82 m of sediment over 18.8 m of coring (100% recovery). Principal Results Sediments at Site U1487 are composed of ~144 m of upper Pliocene to recent volcanogenic, authigenic, and biogenic sediments, with a similar sequence to that seen at Site U1486, which is located 25 km west–southwest. We assign the recovered succession to one lithologic unit divided into three subunits based on visual observation of core sections and smear slides, mineralogical analysis by X-ray diffraction, and physical property data, with the subunits distinguished based on the amount of volcanogenic material in the sediment. Subunit IA (late Pleistocene to recent) spans the upper ~21 m and is composed primarily of biogenic (foraminifer and nannofossil) sediments mixed with clay minerals with rare ash layers. The dominant lithology is nannofossil-rich foraminifer ooze, whereas the sediments at Site U1486 are finer grained and consist mostly of foraminifer-rich nannofossil ooze. Trace amounts of siliceous components (radiolarians, diatoms, and silicoflagellates) are also present. Pteropods are also found in the uppermost part of the section. The base of Subunit IA is placed at the second downhole tephra layer, which marks an increase in the proportion of volcanic particles in the sediment. Subunit IB (late Pleistocene) extends from the base of Subunit IA to ~86 mbsf. Biogenic sediments (predominantly foraminifers) are still the main sedimentary component of this subunit but volcanogenic sediments are more abundant than in Subunit IA. The main lithology is nannofossil-bearing to nannofossil-rich ash-rich foraminifer ooze. Siliceous microfossils are also still present in trace amounts. Tephra layers are typically brown to black in color and composed primarily of glass shards, indicative of explosive volcanism. Black tephra layers become more common towards the base of the subunit. As at Site U1486, the base of Subunit IB is marked by a prominent volcanic ash layer that corresponds with a shift to higher values in magnetic susceptibility (MS). Subunit IC (late Pliocene to early Pleistocene) marks the transition from dominantly biogenic to dominantly volcanogenic sediments. The principal lithology is ash, with varying proportions of nannofossils, foraminifers, and clay. The volcanogenic component in Subunit IC is primarily composed of microscoria, rather than glass, and were likely sourced from less explosive eruptions. The sedimentary sequence recovered at Site U1487 exhibits many similarities to that recovered at Site U1486. Both sites span the past ~2.7 Ma and exhibit a reduction in volcanogenic input through time. Despite the overall similarity between the two sites, we note four important differences in the sedimentology of Site U1487 relative to Site U1486. These include: (1) an overall coarser grain size (foraminifer ooze versus nannofossil ooze), (2) lower sedimentation rates, (3) more intense bioturbation and reworking, and (4) thicker tephra layers with relatively large microscoria fragments. The sediment succession at Site U1487 contains calcareous nannofossil, planktonic foraminifers, and benthic foraminifers throughout. Microfossil preservation is excellent to very good. Benthic foraminifers indicate a relatively deepwater bathyal sedimentary environment with a planktonic/benthic ratio typically 99:1 throughout the succession. Biostratigraphic and magnetostratigraphic horizons are generally in good agreement. The oldest sediments recovered belong to calcareous nannofossil Zone NN16 and planktonic foraminifer Zone PL5 (late Pliocene) and are estimated to be 2.7 Ma based on extrapolation of the age-depth trend. From the base of the hole to ~2 Ma, sedimentation rates averaged ~15 cm/ky, mainly because of the very high rate of volcanic ash deposition early in the site's history. Sedimentation rates slowed significantly in the Pleistocene, averaging ~3.5 cm/ky. Paleomagnetic investigations at Site U1487 involved measurement of the natural remanent magnetization (NRM) of archive half sections from Holes U1487A and U1487B before and after demagnetization in a peak alternating field (AF) of 15 mT. Corrected declination is largely coherent between cores; however, absolute values in all holes cluster around 180° for normal polarity and 0° for reversed polarity suggesting that the issues of the baseline offset experienced at the majority of sites during Expedition 363 and on previous expeditions (e.g., Stow et al., 2013) affected these measurements. Relatively soft ferrimagnetic minerals are concentrated in the top ~24 mbsf; increased magnetic concentration and coercivity with depth likely reflect the increased deposition of mafic-rich volcanogenic ash and tephra. We identify six 180° shifts in declination at Site U1487; the deepest of these is the Gauss/Matuyama boundary (2.582 Ma) at ~134 mbsf. Continued normal polarity below this depth in both holes implies that the recovered sediment is younger than 3.032 Ma as we do not observe the upper boundary of the Kaena reversed subchron (C2An.1n). The magnetostratigraphy is in good agreement with both the calcareous nannofossil and planktonic foraminifer datums. All physical property data at Site U1487 exhibit excellent reproducibility between holes and show typical trends consistent with increased downhole volcanogenic input. As with Site U1486, the data collected for Site U1487 show variations that correlate well with the three lithologic subunits defined for the site. These subunits are most easily recognized in the MS data, which are very low in the upper 22 mbsf (~20–50 × 10−5 SI), corresponding to lithologic Subunit IA that consists of nannofossil-rich foraminifer ooze with variable amounts of clay and rare ash. Over the same interval, gamma ray attenuation (GRA) bulk density values increase from 1.4 to 1.6 g/cm3, albeit with low variability. Between 22 and 86 mbsf (Subunit IB), the average MS value increases to ~75–100 × 10−5 SI, with a concomitant increase in variability. GRA bulk density values also increase to 1.6 g/cm3. Within Subunit IB, distinct peaks in MS, GRA, and P-wave occur coincident with darker, volcanogenic-rich layers, superimposed on a background lithology of nannofossil-rich foraminifer ooze with variable amounts of clay. The highest values of natural gamma radiation (NGR) occur (~20 counts/s) in the upper ~86 mbsf (Subunits IA and IB) of Site U1487, reflecting the higher biogenic content of these subunits relative to Subunit IC. NGR variability in the upper 86 m probably reflects changes in the amount of biogenic material. Below 86 mbsf (Subunit IC), average MS increases to ~200 × 10−5 SI and the distinct peaks in MS, GRA, and P-wave occur more frequently, reflecting the dominance of volcanogenic material in the deepest part of the hole. We constructed a continuous splice for Site U1487 from 0 to 136.0 m core composite depth below seafloor (CCSF) using both Holes U1487A and U1487B. We used Whole-Round Multisensor Logger (WRMSL) MS data aided occasionally by NGR and GRA bulk density to correlate between the holes. Since Hole U1487A was sampled for interstitial water (IW) shipboard measurements, our general approach was to use Hole U1487B as the backbone of the splice and to use short segments from Hole U1487A to cover gaps in recovery encountered in Hole U1487B. There is considerable coarse sand below 136.0 m CCSF and the WRMSL data did not correlate well between the holes due to drilling disturbance, including possible flow-in that occurred while retrieving the cores from the bottom of the drill hole. For this reason, the splice has gaps and uncertain tie points from 136.0 m to the bottom of the site at 156.0 m CCSF. Site U1487 was sampled at standard shipboard resolution for IW chemistry, with a total of 18 whole-round samples and 1 mudline sample analyzed. Despite the relative proximity of Sites U1487 and U1486, the IW profiles at Site U1487 display distinct differences from those at Site U1486. Low phosphate and ammonium concentrations (<1.5 μM and 0.2 mM, respectively) and relatively high sulfate concentration (>24 mM) downhole suggest lower organic matter (OM) content at Site U1487. Concentration of methane also remains low throughout the hole. Small downhole IW gradients are observed in several elements (potassium, lithium, and boron) and likely reflect clay mineral authigenesis. However, the majority of the IW profiles at Site U1487 display little to no variation with depth and appear to be influenced by advection and/or diffusion of crustal fluids. For example, Ca2+ and Mg2+ concentrations both change by >15 mM from the mudline to ~5 mbsf, but vary by <1 mM below that depth. Higher permeability expected from the generally coarser sediment grain size and presence of several faults near Site U1487 that penetrate from the basement through the majority of the sediment column may help facilitate fluid migration. CaCO3 content shows a monotonic decreasing trend with depth, with CaCO3 content from >60 wt% in the upper 20 mbsf to <10 wt% in the bottom 15 m of the recovered sequence. Comparison of CaCO3 content with GRA bulk density data suggests that this trend can be explained by two-component mixing between biogenic carbonate (dominant in the upper portions of the hole) and volcanogenic sediments (dominant in the lower portion of the hole). Baldwin, S.L., Fitzgerald, P.G., and Webb, L.E., 2012. Tectonics of the New Guinea Region. Annu. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci., 40:495–520. Stow, D.A.V., Hernández-Molina, F.J., Alvarez Zarikian, C.A., and the Expedition 339 Scientists, 2013. Mediterranean Outflow. Proceedings of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program, 339: College Station, TX (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program). Taylor, B., 1979. Bismarck Sea: Evolution of a back-arc basin, Geology, 7, 171–174.
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This month's Come Wine With Us was really lovely for a long list of reasons. Chief among those were spending the evening chatting with KWV's branding manager and one of their wine makers, Charlene and Izele. For me, the essence of Come Wine With Us is the opportunity to make new friends, bonding over the shared joy of experiencing new wine estates paired with delicious food. We were hosted at HQ restaurant, wines were from KWV and we enjoyed 2 pairings, first a wine and Lindt pairing, the surprise top pairing for me was the Sauvignon Blanc and Mint Lindt but they were all delicious. This was followed by a 3 course menu from HQ paired with KWV wines from their Classic range. Sauvignon Blanc paired with Lindt Mint Intense, followed by the Pinotage paired with Sea Salt Lindt, lots of plums and cherries and the saltiness from the chocolate working to balance the flavour. The third pairing was the Sparkling Demi Sec paired with white chocolate (I loved that one), and the last pairing was their Fortified Tawny paired with Lindt Chilli. The Sauvignon Blanc and the Tawny are worth a special mention, both deliver excellent value for month (the Sav Balnc at R45 is a double Michelango award winner) and the Tawny at R75 offers a delicious smokiness thanks to 8 – 10 years of barrel aging and just a little 1948 added to give the Tawny it's depth. Starters was the HQ salad: Cos and Iceberg lettuce salad topped with toasted pine nuts and parmesan shavings, drizzled with a divine mustand vinagarette dressing. This was paired with the KWV Classic Chenin Blanc. I enjoyed the Chenin, it's easy drinking and retails for R35 a bottle which is really good value. The salad was simple and enjoyable, my only slight negative was that the cheese was sweating a little (most likely due to being out the fridge for too long). This is only a minor thing though, when you consider that they served 60 of us in one seating all at the same time. Mains was the signature HQ free-range sirloin, lightly covered with Cafe de Paris butter sauce, served with skinny frieds. The steak was paired with the KWV Classic Merlot 2012 which is INCREDIBLY more-ish – it just seems to disappear from your glass – I'm still not sure where it all went! The steak was perfectly cooked, medium rare, it was tender and the butter sauce offered a good balancing flavour. Dessert was a deconstructed Gorgonzola and white chocolate creme brulee, very tasty and exquisitly complemented by the KWV Classic Full Cream Sherry NV. Come Wine With Us in May! The next Come Wine With Us is going to be exciting, have a look at the invitation below and make sure you book now! Thank you to CWWU, HQ and KWV for hosting us. Views are my own and images have been provided by CWWU.
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Orthodontia has come a long way in the past decade. What used to be impossible or very difficult is suddenly extremely easy! We are, of course, talking about creating beautiful new smiles in a very short amount of time. Short-term orthodontics are all the rage right now because for the first time, you can have fast braces that don't draw attention to themselves! One of the problems with traditional braces is their obvious look! Adults, especially, don't want to deal with obvious braces on their teeth. This is especially true for adults who are in the workplace, in the dating scene, or public members of the community. Yet, don't these people deserve to have beautiful smiles? Here at our Glen Ellyn dentist office, we have solutions that allow adults to get the orthodontia they need without having to worry about the look of their smiles in the meantime. We can actually change the entire look of your smile without anyone being able to see your dental work! Think orthodontic work is just for kids? Don't limit the work of braces! While it is true that most orthodontics cases take place during adolescence, braces are not limited to kids. In fact, research shows that about a quarter of adults could benefit from orthodontic work of some kind. Often this happens because the patient's parents couldn't afford braces for them. We also see a lot of cases where an adult had braces as a child but failed to maintain them over the years. The result is an adult who needs orthodontic re-alignment! … A More Beautiful Smile? Short Term Orthodontics are Right for You! No matter which type of short-term orthodontics you select, the result will be a beautiful smile! Once your teeth are aligned into their correct place, you will feel like a different person! The fact that we can give you that smile in as few as six months is just icing on the cake because the real benefit is knowing that you can complete your orthodontic treatment without anyone knowing you were wearing braces to begin with! All they'll notice is your newly confident smile! Selecting short-term orthodontics is a simple matter of deciding which of these procedures is right for you. Take a look at each individually so that you have an idea of what you can expect when you come into the office. One of our popular forms of fast adult braces is the Six Month Smiles system. Using the idea of traditional brackets and wires, Six Month Smiles creates the smile of your dreams by just focusing on the teeth in your smile zone. With clear brackets and tooth-colored wires, no one will notice your braces without having to look very closely! Because we are focusing our treatment on the teeth in the front of your smile, we can complete your procedure much faster. We are not trying to move difficult molars, after all, and the results are fantastic! Your smile will be beautiful, and you'll be able to step out into the world with a whole new outlook! Another very popular invisible braces solution is with Invisalign. Invisalign uses clear plastic aligners that fit perfectly over your teeth to create pressure on the misaligned teeth. Your teeth will move steadily as you switch aligners every two weeks. The best part is that you can remove your aligners for special get-togethers and to care for your teeth! While you can remove them for pictures and such, most people find that they don't need to because the Invisalign aligners look so natural in your smile! Are you ready to learn more about short-term orthodontics? Contact our office today to find out how you can get the smile of your dreams in a few short months. We can't wait to help you achieve your smile goals, so call today!
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
For people who lived in wooden houses a century before the invention of the public fire department, a surprisingly large number of their diversions involve setting things aflame. Half of these sounds like you'd need to raid the pantry of a witch beforehand. Black Cat, Liver of a Hare, Eggs of Yellow Ants, Liquor of Glowworms. Are these parties BYOC? Bring Your Own Cauldron? Matt, that's funny. I'm trying to visualize the host reading these tips and saying hmmm...so kill a few adders, eh? And I'd really like to see someone tying walnut shells onto the paws of a cat! You think they'd live to tell THAT tale? If I have a house warming party, you can come, but leave these tricks in the past!
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Acquired-Hypernatraemia in the Intensive Care Units S. Premaratne, H. Jagoda, M.M. Ikram and A. Abayadeera The Open Anesthesiology Journal, 2016; 10: 1. Electronic Publication Date: February 10, 2016 View Abstract View Fulltext HTML Download PDF Download ePub Technical Challenges of Spinal Cord Stimulation Lead Placement in Morbidly Obese Patients Sanjay Sastry, David Nussear, Albert Gillespy and Kristina Berger Electronic Publication Date: May 10, 2016 Effect of Dexmedetomidine on Postoperative Hemodynamics and Outcome of Free Flaps in Head and Neck Reconstructive Surgeries Sunil Rajan, Sumana Moorthy, Jerry Paul and Lakshmi Kumar The Open Anesthesiology Journal, 2016; 10: 12. Comparison of Endotracheal Intubation Through I-gel and Intubating Laryngeal Mask Airway Bharat Choudhary, Rakesh Karnawat, Sadik Mohammed, Monika Gupta, Bharath Srinivasan and Rakesh Kumar Electronic Publication Date: August 04, 2016 Book Review: Drugs in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Rakesh Garg Electronic Publication Date: September 09, 2016 Effect of Midazolam and 0.5% Levobupivacaine Combination in Ultrasound-guided Supraclavicular Brachial Plexus Block for Upper Limb Surgeries - A Clinical Study Bhawana Rastogi, Ankush Arora, Kumkum Gupta, Manish Jain, Vijendra Pal Singh and Avinash Rastogi Electronic Publication Date: November 29, 2016 Predictors of Difficult Tracheal Intubation on Adult Elective Patients in a Teaching Hospital Dawit Tafesse and Getu Ataro Analgesic Benefits of Ultrasound-Guided Thoraco-Abdominal Wall Peripheral Nerve Blocks Jaime Ortiz and Lisa Mouzi Wofford Electronic Publication Date: December 26, 2016 The Open Anesthesia Journal Ke Ren Department of Neural and Pain Sciences Biography of Ke Ren Ke Ren completed his Ph.D studies in the University of Iowa and postdoctoral studies at the National Institutes of Health. He has nearly 40 years of experiences in biochemical research focusing on Neurosciences and Pain. He is Professor in the Department of Neural and Pain Sciences, University of Maryland School of Dentistry. He has published more than 180 manuscripts and book chapters. He is the Editor-in-Chief of The Open Pain Journal and The Open Anesthesiology Journal since 2015. He has been serving as an editorial board member of Pain, Journal of Pain, Evidence-Based complementary and alternative Medicine, Pain Research and treatment, and Odontology. Department of Neural and Pain Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore, USA Inhalation Insufflation Technique with Local Anaesthetic Spray without Intubation and Opioids for Paediatric Upper Airway Surgery - Observational Case Series Study Chewing Gum Use in the Perioperative Period Preemptive Alveolar Recruitment Maneuver Followed by PEEP in Obese Patients Undergoing Laparoscopic Gastric Banding. Does it make a Difference? A Randomized Controlled Clinical Study Effect of Adding Dexmedetomidine to Bupivacaine in Ultrasound Guided Rectus Sheath Block: A Randomized Controlled Double-blinded Study Bisoprolol Versus Corticosteroid and Bisoprolol Combination for Prevention of Atrial Fibrillation After On-Pump Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery December , Acous Cal Respiratory Monitoring: Historical and Modern Aspects D. John Doyle The Open Anesthesia Journal is an Open Access online journal, which publishes research articles, reviews, letters, case reports and guest-edited single topic issues in all areas of experimental and clinical research in anesthesia, pharmacokinetics, anesthetic mechanisms, critical care, preoperative care, clinical skills, cost issues, coexisting disease and other factors affecting treatment with an academic degree. Bentham Open ensures speedy peer review process and accepted papers are published within 2 weeks of final acceptance. The Open Anesthesia Journal is committed to ensuring high quality of research published. We believe that a dedicated and committed team of editors and reviewers make it possible to ensure the quality of the research papers. The overall standing of a journal is in a way, reflective of the quality of its Editor(s) and Editorial Board and its members. The Open Anesthesia Journal is seeking energetic and qualified researchers to join its editorial board team as Editorial Board Members or reviewers. The essential criteria to become Editorial Board Members of The Open Anesthesia Journal are as follows: Experience in experimental and clinical research in anesthesia, pharmacokinetics, anesthetic mechanisms, critical care, preoperative care, clinical skills, cost issues, coexisting disease and other factors affecting treatment with an academic degree. At least 20 publication records of articles and /or books related to the field of experimental and clinical research in anesthesia, pharmacokinetics, anesthetic mechanisms, critical care, preoperative care, clinical skills, cost issues, coexisting disease and other factors affecting treatment with an academic degree or in a specific research field.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
Today we gathered around, opened the ancient holy writ, and leaned in close. There's no way to plan for these moments because there is no telling what will populate as we begin sharing our insights and experiences. Today was no different. As we began a bible study homework discussion, we somehow managed to find ourselves in a discussion of the current tension between politics and faith, between security and open borders, between speaking up or sitting quietly, and between our own comfort zones and discomfort. You might be gritting your teeth, holding your breath, or skeptical about how things turned out. I am here to wave a banner for the women of faith that show up in my living room each week. They are the church. They are the ones that earnestly seek the face of the Savior. And they demonstrated love and grace to each other like it was their job. I do not believe that anyone left feeling diminished, disqualified, or degraded. We did not argue or attempt to persuade. We talked. We started this conversation at the beginning of our two hours together and then we moved on. We dove into scripture to experience the compassion and power of Jesus. We didn't return to our earlier conversation, and yet we began to see connections between our current desire and Jesus' behavior toward strangers, those battling chronic illnesses, and those that were outsiders. And we witnessed the repeated behavior of the religious leaders. The individuals (and to be clear, I regularly identify with these dudes) that loved law more than the person that came to fulfill the law. We read today about their Sabbath law love that caused them to miss a miracle. A man suffering for 38 stinking years got up and walked at the command of Christ and they missed it. I don't want to miss the miracles of Jesus. I don't want to be so in love with what I understand as right and good that I miss the person standing in front of me. The one that checks me out at the coffee shop, the one that delivers my mail, teaches my children, or lives next door. Christ went to the needy and the hurting. He used few words, but they were always intentional. We can do this. We can have civil conversations. We can honor each other despite our differing beliefs. We can ask each other to elaborate on ideas without destroying one another. We can. I know because I experienced it today.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Blackdykes Bed and Breakfasts. Compare latest rates and Live availability for all your favourite places and places you have always wanted to go using our new My Shortlist feature. Click + to add to your Shortlist. Bed and Breakfasts in Blackdykes, Lothians for 1 night from Sat Apr 20, 2019 to Sun Apr 21, 2019 within 10 miles, in an Average Nightly price range of £1 to £200. The Linton Hotel was originally called The Golden Lion Hotel (detailed in 1835 by a local minister) then changed its name to The Red Lion and again to The Bridgend (1980 s) and is now known as The Lintonhotel and steakhouse No matter the name the welcome is always guaranteed to be warm and friendly. br / br / br / br / Situated on the edge of the River Tyne within the beautiful historical village of East Linton The Linton Hotel is ideal for a those wishing to enjoy the local area. br / br / br / br / Our superb Steakhouse restaurant offers an excellent range of local produce. We strive to be the best our focus is on all east lothian grown produce as much as we can . br / br / br / br / We take a great deal of care to ensure that your visit no matter how short is one to be enjoyed and remembered for some time to come. br / br / br / br / The biggest compliment anyone can pay us is to be confident in recommending The Linton to friends family and colleagues and to of course come back to visit again. Featuring a bar, The Golf Tavern in Haddington is located 9 km from National Museum of Flight. This 3-star inn offers free WiFi. The property has a restaurant. At the inn, all rooms include a wardrobe, a flat-screen TV and a private bathroom. The nearest airport is Edinburgh Airport, 47 km from The Golf Tavern. Nestled in a picturesque village and just a 30-minute drive from Edinburgh, this family-run 16th-century hotel offers 2 AA Rosette fine dining, free Wi-Fi and free parking. The intimate Ducks Restaurant offers award-winning seasonal menus, white linen, candles and an open fire. For a more informal experience, Donald's Bar & Bistro serves a range of snacks and bar meals as well as a selection of about 70 malt whiskys and real ales. Free Wi-Fi, a flat-screen TV and an en suite bathroom are provided in each guest room, as well as a hairdryer and tea/coffee making facilities. Leisure pursuits in the East Lothian area include golfing, boat trips at North Berwick, the National Museum of Flight and bird watching at Aberlady Bay and the Scottish Sea Bird Centre. In the heart of Dunbar, this 3 star Visit Scotland awarded property is located just 50 metres from the sandy Dunbar Beach. The traditional hotel offers home-cooked food and a bar. Free WiFi is offered throughout the property. The elegant bedrooms each have modern en-suite bathrooms with complimentary toiletries and fluffy towels. All rooms feature a flat-screen TV, tea/coffee making facilities, a hairdryer and ironing facilities. Guests can relax in the 1902 Bar, which offers a wide selection of malt whiskies, local ale, spirits and cocktails. Drinks and snack are also available in the lobby area. The Grill restaurant serves traditional food and local specialities using fresh local Scottish produce. Dunmuir hotel is less than 10 minutes' walk from Dunbar Railway and the town centre. Dunbar Golf Club is 5 minutes' walk, Winterfield Golf Course is a 6-minute car drive, and Tantallon Castle is a 20-minute drive away. No.12 Quality Street in North Berwick offers a range of rooms furnished to a high standard. The property also includes the fully licensed Café Bar at No. 12, which serves Illy coffee and a wide choice of Scottish dishes. All rooms at No.12 Quality Street have a plasma TV with Freeview, tea and coffee facilities and telephone. The decoration is contemporary and all rooms on the upper floors are accessed via a central wrought iron staircase. A full breakfast buffet is complemented by cooked Scottish or vegetarian breakfasts, and a selection of teas and coffee. The café bar's menu has a big choice of homemade burgers, salads, filled ciabatta rolls and children's meals. North Berwick is a pretty harbour town, with attractions including The Scottish Seabird Centre and the Glenkinchie Distillery. Scotland's historic capital city, Edinburgh, is around 45 minutes' drive from No.12 Quality Street. Set in the heart of East Lothian's famous golf courses, Craigielaw offers rooms with views of the courtyard or the coastline with free parking on site. Each room at The Lodge at Craigielaw and Golf Courses features private bathroom facilities and a flat-screen TV. Tea/coffee making facilities are provided. Free Wi-Fi is available throughout. The bright and spacious restaurant offers a wide variety of dishes made with fresh local produce. Guests can choose from a great selection of fine wines. Guests can also enjoy a game of golf at one of the golf courses in the direct area of the property. Edinburgh is a 30-minute drive away. Museum of Flight is 8 miles away. Musselburgh Racecourse is a 20-minute drive. Located in the coastal town of North Berwick, Nether Abbey Hotel boasts elegant rooms, a restaurant, free Wi-Fi, and free parking. Golfers can enjoy exciting courses along the coast, including North Berwick Golf Club, a 3-minute drive away; golf tours can be arranged at the hotel. Each room at Nether Abbey Hotel features an en suite bathroom with free toiletries, a flat-screen TV, and tea/coffee making facilities. The rooms are elegantly decorated and feature high ceilings. Most rooms also offer views of the sea. A full Scottish breakfast is included and is freshly cooked to order using locally sourced produce where possible. The award-winning, on-site restaurant offers a varied menu; all food is homemade and the restaurant specialises in fresh seafood and lobsters. The train station is a 4-minute walk away and offers regular trains to Edinburgh, which can be reached in 25 minutes. St Andrews and its famous golfing is around 90 miles from the property. Located 4.2 km from Tantallon Castle in North Berwick, GlenBay offers accommodation with a kitchen. Free WiFi is available in the apartment, situated 12 km from East Links Family Park. The apartment is equipped with a TV. The nearest airport is Edinburgh Airport, 60 km from GlenBay. Situated 5 km from Tantallon Castle and 13 km from East Links Family Park in North Berwick, Bramerton Court offers accommodation with a kitchen. Guests have access to free WiFi. The apartment is fitted with a TV. The nearest airport is Edinburgh Airport, 55 km from the property. Springfield View in North Berwick features accommodation with free WiFi, 6 km from Tantallon Castle and 13 km from East Links Family Park. Guests staying at this apartment have access to a fully equipped kitchen. The apartment features a TV and a living room. The property also has 2 bathrooms with a shower. Edinburgh Airport is 55 km away. Glenconner House in North Berwick features accommodation with free WiFi, 6 km from Tantallon Castle and 13 km from East Links Family Park. Guests staying at this apartment have access to a fully equipped kitchen. The apartment is fitted with a TV. Edinburgh Airport is 55 km from the property.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
This weekend's music theme is fire and heat, songs about warmth of any kind. This weekend's music theme is dedicated to poor Donnie Trump who's so upset he's missing his anniversary party he's throwing for himself. Songs about crying, being sad and getting emotional are what's for just desserts. This weekend's music thread is for songs about people, men and women, boys and girls, people who are named or "he" and "she". This weekend's music theme is about directions. Down, up, north, south, here or there, share your favorite songs that point us one way or another. This weekend we celebrate the coming of the new year and better things ahead! Share your favorite songs about beginnings, change, hope and happier times!
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Q: No Mate layouts? I have Ubuntu Server 18.04.2 LTS installed, with the Mate Desktop (not Ubuntu: Mate Edition, keep in mind) and i cant choose ANY mate layouts in the Mate-Tweaks applet. the only available one is Gnome2 in the layouts folder it has all the themes and layouts that mate ships with, how can i select these if they arent showing in the control panel? A: The MATE Tweak looks for panel layouts into the /usr/share/mate-panel/layouts/ directory. The search on clean Ubuntu MATE 18.04 LTS gives the following packages: $ dpkg -S /usr/share/mate-panel/layouts/ ubuntu-mate-default-settings, mate-panel: /usr/share/mate-panel/layouts So you need to have installed two packages: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-mate-default-settings mate-panel but to have more reproducible results I can recommend to install ubuntu-mate-desktop task with: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-mate-desktop^ and then reboot.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaStackExchange'}
One of the most colorful personalities in all of American music, Rufus Thomas was also one of the most multifaceted, playing vital roles as a singer, comedian, deejay, emcee, talent and label launcher, soul and funk pioneer, and creator of numerous dance-oriented novelty songs. Professionally active for more than seven decades, Thomas witnessed nearly a century's worth of musical, social, and cultural change from the stage, a rare participant whose career spanned from the last strains of minstrelsy to the commercial crest of hip-hop. Dubbed variously the World's Oldest Teenager, the Crown Prince of Dance, the Funkiest Man Alive, and the Ambassador of Memphis Music, Thomas matched his musical and verbal flamboyance with equally outrageous (and unforgettable) stage attire—one ensemble included hot pants, studded platform boots, and a white cape. Rufus Thomas Jr., the son of a sharecropper, was born on 26 March 1917 in Cayce, Mississippi, just south of Memphis, where his family moved when he was a year old. By six he had made his public debut hopping around as a frog in a school production, a rather prescient beginning for someone whose recorded legacy ultimately relied on a musical menagerie of dogs, penguins, and chickens. He attended Booker T. Washington High School, where he teamed with history teacher and groundbreaking black deejay Nat D. Williams in a comedy duo as part of the Palace Theater amateur nights that Williams emceed on Beale Street. In 1936 after one semester at Tennessee A&I University, Thomas joined the Rabbit's Foot Minstrels, a popular touring all-black revue that carnival impresario F. S. Wolcott operated from Port Gibson, Mississippi. The fledgling entertainer tap-danced in a duo billed as Rufus and Johnny. Thomas also worked briefly with the Royal American carnival line from Tampa as part of a black revue, Harlem in Havana. Marriage sent him back to Memphis, where in 1941 he earned twenty-five cents an hour overseeing the bleach department boilers of a textile factory, a day job he held for the next twenty-two years. In the 1940s he assumed the Palace Theater emcee spot, working with new partner Robert Couch as the comedy duo Rufus and Bones and ushering in such rising stars of the Memphis urban blues scene as B. B. King, Bobby Bland, and Johnny Ace. In 1950 Thomas followed Williams to all-black format WDIA radio, the Mother Station of the Negroes, where on such shows as Sepia Swing Club (inherited from King) and Hoot 'n' Holler he helped set the stage for the emerging sounds of rock and roll by spinning rhythm and blues records for black and white listeners alike. Thomas's own brand of rhythm and blues jump-started the fortunes of Memphis's two most important independent labels, Sun and Stax. Though he had made the 1950 single "I'm So Worried / I'll Be a Good Boy" on the Star Talent label in Dallas, Thomas's 1953 single "Bear Cat," his first record with Sun founder and producer Sam Phillips and an answer song to Big Mama Thornton's "Hound Dog," gave the nascent company its first national hit. Unfortunately, the song was so close a parody that it also resulted in Sun's first copyright infringement lawsuit. Another of Thomas's songs at Sun, "Tiger Man," later became a signature tune for Elvis Presley. In 1960 Thomas provided the commercial spark for a second Memphis label, Satellite (soon rechristened Stax), when he and his daughter, Stax's future Queen of Soul, Carla Thomas, recorded his song "'Cause I Love You," which became the label's first regional success. More significantly, the duet caught the attention of New York's Atlantic Records, which led to a distribution deal through most of the 1960s that established Stax as the South's premier soul label. Thomas stayed with Stax through its demise in the mid-1970s and later recorded for a variety of labels, including Chicago blues bellwether Alligator for the 1990 effort That Woman Is Poison! Thomas remained musically active on stage as well, performing at the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta and a year later with Prince for a New Daisy Theater show on Beale Street. Thomas also had memorable cameos in several films, notably the 1989 Jim Jarmusch cult favorite Mystery Train. Thomas died of heart failure in Memphis on 15 December 2001. A member of the Blues Hall of Fame and a recipient of a Rhythm and Blues Foundation Pioneer Award, he was honored in 1997 with a lifetime achievement award from songwriting organization ASCAP. Porretta Terme, Italy, which hosts the annual Sweet Soul Music Festival, where Thomas played many times, has named a park in his honor, and Memphis has christened a portion of the Beale Street Historic District where the Palace Theater once stood Rufus Thomas Boulevard. In addition to Carla, Thomas's children include his son, Marvell, a noted Stax keyboardist, arranger, and producer, and his daughter, Vaneese, a New York–based session singer.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Q: How to scan for multiple integers and store them in an array? I'm new in assembly and we have this activity that we have to find the minimum number in an array given user input. Our instructor gave as a sample code regarding arrays in assembly so I started there and modified a few parts and I seem to be stuck specifically in storing user input in the array. The code looks like this: ; array = create (size); create: push rbp mov rbp, rsp imul rdi, 4 call malloc leave ret ; fill (array, size); fill: .array equ 0 .size equ 8 .i equ 16 push rbp mov rbp, rsp sub rsp, 32 mov [rsp+.array], rdi mov [rsp+.size], rsi xor ecx, ecx .more mov [rsp+.i], rcx I get a segmentation fault dump right here when it starts scanning for inputs mov rax,0 mov rdi,scanner mov rsi, input call scanf the rest of the code: mov rcx, [rsp+.i] mov rdi, [rsp+.array] mov [rdi+rcx*4], eax inc rcx cmp rcx, [rsp+.size] jl .more leave ret ; print (array, size); print: .array equ 0 .size equ 8 .i equ 16 push rbp mov rbp, rsp sub rsp, 32 mov [rsp+.array], rdi mov [rsp+.size], rsi xor ecx, ecx mov [rsp+.i], rcx segment .data .format: db "%10d", 0x0a, 0 segment .text .more lea rdi, [.format] mov rdx, [rsp+.array] mov rcx, [rsp+.i] mov esi, [rdx+rcx*4] mov [rsp+.i], rcx call printf mov rcx, [rsp+.i] inc rcx mov [rsp+.i], rcx cmp rcx, [rsp+.size] jl .more leave ret ; x = min (array, size); min: mov eax, [rdi] mov rcx, 1 .more mov r8d, [rdi+rcx*4] cmp r8d, eax cmovl eax, r8d inc rcx cmp rcx, rsi jl .more ret main: .array equ 0 .size equ 8 push rbp mov rbp, rsp sub rsp, 16 ; set default size mov ecx, 5 mov [rsp+.size], rcx ; check for argv[1] providing a size cmp edi, 2 jl .nosize mov rdi, [rsi+8] call atoi mov [rsp+.size], rax .nosize: ; create the array mov rdi, [rsp+.size] call create mov [rsp+.array], rax ; fill the array with user input mov rdi, rax mov rsi, [rsp+.size] call fill ; if size <= 20 print the array mov rsi, [rsp+.size] cmp rsi, 20 jg .toobig mov rdi, [rsp+.array] call print .toobig: ; print the minimum segment .data .format: db "min: %ld", 0xa, 0 segment .text mov rdi, [rsp+.array] mov rsi, [rsp+.size] call min lea rdi, [.format] mov rsi, rax call printf leave ret
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaStackExchange'}
Save to Collection Create your free account to use Collections Save and organize all the images you need for your projects with Collections. Digital paper with jagged triangles for web designing. If is associated with an Alamy account you'll receive an email with instructions on how to reset your password. Can be used as sleeve tattoo. Samoan stock photos 4, Samoan stock photos, vectors, and illustrations are available royalty-free. Tribal God Mask with Alpha and Omega symbol vector illustration. Maori style hook for tattoo. United states of America and Samoa flags together. Seamless ornament with polynesian ethnic style elements. Octopus tattoo ornamented with Maori style elements. Wire frame 3D mesh polygonal network line, design polygon sphere, dot and structure. Flat style logo symbol of love American Samoa. Thick colored silky smoke flags of English and Samoa, Samoan.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Q: Using jQuery to autosize columns to have same height I have a sidebar and content area, each with an unique background colour. They both float so I am unable to get the 2 to be the same size so that they can spread all the way to the bottom. I figured with jQuery I could determine each columns height, then autosize the other column so that they are the same height, but my script returns the value in px's so I cannot do a direct comparison. Is there another, maybe better way, you can advise me? // Sample code: var left_bar = $("#left_bar").css("height"); var content_area = $("#content_area").css("height"); if(left_bar > content_area) { $("#content_area").attr("height",left_bar); } else { $("#sidebar").attr("height",content_area); } A: You should use .height() instead of attr('height', left_bar) - this will give you a number value. var a = $('#left_bar'), b = $('#content_area'); if (a.height() > b.height()) { b.height(a.height()); } else { a.height(b.height()); } Demo: http://jsbin.com/olopuy/1/edit You may also be able to get what you want without any JS; see http://matthewjamestaylor.com/blog/equal-height-columns-cross-browser-css-no-hacks A: var left_bar = $("#left_bar").height(); var content_area = $("#content_area").height(); if(left_bar > content_area) { $("#content_area").attr("height",left_bar); } else { $("#sidebar").attr("height",content_area); } will give you a number instead of a number with px behind it. A: Here's a solution that combines a couple of tricks to do it all in just a few lines of code: $c = $('#left_bar,#content_area'); $c.height( Math.max.apply( // find the max of all elements in an array Math, $.map($c,function(v){ // build an array of heights return $(v).height(); }) )); Which can even be compressed into one line: $c = $('#left_bar,#content_area'); $c.height(Math.max.apply(Math,$.map($c,function(v){return $(v).height();})));
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaStackExchange'}
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I need to say that i am your greatest fan! I want you to recognize that I cleared my VCP410-DT exam these days, delibemarks the VCP410-DT route notes i purchased from you. I solved 86/95 questions within the exam. you are the quality training company. VMware creates server and desktop virtualization software that streamlines IT operations throughout the ordinary IT infrastructure, in records facilities, all the way through the cloud and on cell contraptions. VMware's flagship facts center platform is vSphere, which is additionally part of its VMware vCloud Suite. different primary VMware items consist of Horizon, vSAN and the vRealize Suite. VMware knowledgeable capabilities account for greater than half of the enterprise's sales, and encompass technical guide, consulting, practicing and a large-ranging certification software. VMware become established in 1998, grew to be a subsidiary of EMC organization in 2004 and now falls beneath the Dell technologies umbrella. The business is headquartered in Palo Alto, California. As a frontrunner in the virtualization space, VMware certifications are a must have for a lot of IT experts, in particular people who work in records centers and support digital environments. VMware certifications are in keeping with some edition of its proprietary know-how – mainly, vSphere – which capacity VMware certifications exchange based on know-how adjustments. Be aware, even though, that certification updates often lag the liberate of latest virtualization applied sciences. associate certification typically requires passing a single exam to obtain certification. Candidates for skilled and superior expert certifications must either take a practising direction or earn a prerequisite certification and flow an exam (just a few certifications require two exams). achieving a VCDX certification is more involved. Candidates have to first obtain multiple prerequisite certifications, then create a production-ready VMware answer and guard it in entrance of a panel. VMware requires knowledgeable-degree and higher certification holders to recertify every two years to preserve their credentials. you could find more information on VMware recertification requirements at http://mylearn.vmware.com/portals/certification/. VMware awards digital badges to candidates who've earned certain combinations of certifications. To earn the VCIX badge, as an instance, you ought to obtain a VCAP Design certification and a VCAP install certification within the identical solution song (DCV, NV, CMA or DTM), devoid of wanting to pass further checks. both VCAP credentials have to be on the identical edition level to qualify for the VCIX badge. The VCIX badge qualifies as a prerequisite for VCDX certifications, as you're going to learn in more aspect later in this article. different VMware badges vary by means of solution track and consist of the Double VCP and vSAN 2017 specialist, among others. VMware Cloud administration and Automation (CMA) certifications admire a candidate's competencies working with the vCloud Suite, including vRealize, in addition to ordinary and advanced cloud computing advantage. at present, there are two VCP-CMA credentials offered – one focused on V7 and the different V6. The VMware certified expert – Cloud administration Automation (VCP7-CMA) is the newest VCP-CMA credential. This certification is gold standard for candidates who have worked with vRealize Automation implementations for at least six months. when you are new to vRealize or grasp an expired VCP-CMA credential, you must take a compulsory working towards direction, flow either the vSphere 6 (2V0-620) or vSphere 6.5 (2V0-602) Foundations examination, and pass the VCP7 – Cloud management and Automation examination (2V0-731). in case you already possess either the VCP6-Cloud or VCP6-CMA credential or hold any valid unexpired VCP6, VCP6.5 or VCP7 certification (for any solution tune), you best need to flow the VCP7-CMA examination to earn this designation. At present, the version 6 credential, the VCP6-CMA, is still purchasable. Its requirements and details are similar besides the fact that children required checks may additionally range. The VCP6-CMA credential is granted automatically to candidates who already possess the VCP6-Cloud credential. VMware certified advanced knowledgeable 7 – Cloud administration and Automation Design (VCAP7-CMA Design): Candidates need to flow the VMware licensed advanced skilled 7 – Cloud management and Automation Design examination (3V0-732). VMware licensed advanced professional 6 – Cloud management and Automation Design (VCAP6-CMA Design): Candidates must circulate the VMware certified advanced skilled 6 – Cloud administration and Automation Design exam (3V0-632). VMware licensed superior skilled 6 – Cloud management and Automation Deployment (VCAP6-CMA set up): Candidates should flow the VMware certified advanced expert 6 – Cloud management and Automation Deployment examination (3V0-633). VMware recommends two years of journey for each and every credential. both the VCAP6-CMA Design and VCAP6-CMA installation credentials require the VCP6-CMA or VCP7-CMA as a prerequisite for candidates who cling no latest VCAP credentials or who hold a sound VCP or VCAP in a distinct answer tune. The VCAP7-CMA Design takes the VCP7-CMA as a prereq. Candidates who possess other VCP credentials or who are searching for to upgrade should still determine the certification web page for current necessities. word: earning the VCAP-CMA Design and VCAP-CMA Deployment credentials for V6 earns the VCIX-CMA badge. an identical badge could be attainable for v6.5 as the VCAP-CMA installation credential becomes obtainable. the head credential within the CMA certification ladder is the VMware licensed Design knowledgeable 7 – Cloud management and Automation (VCDX7-CMA). This credential is geared to architects and experts skilled in all aspects of vSphere and vCloud administration and automation, including designing, planning and imposing options. earning the VCDX7-CMA credential is not handy. New candidates who have earned their VCIX7-CMA however cling no VCDX badges must submit a design utility solution, pass the design utility overview and protect the design in opposition t a 3-person review panel. Candidates who earned the VCDX-Cloud or VCDX-CMA, or a VCDX in a tune aside from CMA have an identical but now not identical necessities. All candidates need to additionally conform to the VMware code of conduct. VMware records center Virtualization certifications revolve round abilities with vSphere 6 and vSphere 6.5. The VMware certified expert 6.5 – statistics middle Virtualization (VCP6.5-DCV) and VMware licensed skilled 6 – records middle Virtualization (VCP6-DCV) are totally everyday certifications geared toward candidates with at the least six months' adventure with VMware infrastructure applied sciences. VMware studies that there are currently greater than one hundred,000 VCP6-DCV licensed professionals. A VCP-DCV is informed in setting up, implementing and managing VMware vSphere environments. Candidates who are new to VMware information middle virtualization need to complete a required practising route and circulate the vSphere 6 Foundations examination (2V0-620) or the vSphere 6.5 Foundations examination (2V0-602). additionally, VCP6.5-DCV candidates need to additionally take the VMware licensed skilled 6.5 – information middle Virtualization exam (2V0-622), while VCP6-DCV candidates ought to pass the VMware licensed professional 6 – records center Virtualization exam (2V0-621). an identical necessities apply to candidates who possess an energetic VCP6, VCP6.5 or VCP7 credential in a different answer track, an expired VCP-DCV, or who possess an energetic VCP5-DCV or VCP6-DCV credential. note: earning each the VCAP-DCV Design and VCAP-DCV Deployment credentials for V6 earns the VCIX6-DCV badge. To earn the VCPIX6.5 credential, candidates need to earn both the VCAP6.5-DCV Design and VCAP-DCV set up 2018 credentials. All candidates must circulate the VCAP-DCV exam linked to the respective credential. the pinnacle certification in this music is the VMware certified Design professional 6 – data middle Virtualization (VCDX6-DCV). aimed toward architects, candidates must hold existing VCIX6-DCV or VCIX6.5-DCV badge, create a VMware vSphere-based design and venture, and current and preserve it before a panel of VCDX-holders. VMware computer and Mobility certifications are designed for IT professionals who set up and manipulate VMware Horizon with View environments. The VMware licensed knowledgeable 7 – desktop and Mobility (VCP7-DTM) is for candidates with as a minimum six months of journey with environments the use of vSphere 7 and Horizon 7 with View. Candidates need to attend a working towards direction plus move either the vSphere 6 Foundations exam (2V0-620) or vSphere 6.5 Foundations examination (2V0-602), as well because the VMware certified expert 7 – computing device and Mobility exam (2V0-751). The version 6 VCP6-DTM credential is still purchasable. This certification specializes in vSphere 6 and Horizon 6 with View. VCAP7-DTM requires 5 years of knowledgeable journey, while the VCAP6-DTM Design and VCAP6-DTM set up require most effective two years. The VCAP7-DTM Design takes the VCP7-DTM certification as a prereq while VCAP6-DTM Design and VCAP6-DTM set up take either the VCP6-DTM or VCP7-DTM as a prerequisite. practicing is suggested, and candidates should circulate the crucial exam to earn the credential. be aware: incomes both the VCAP6-DTM Design and VCAP6-DTM install credentials earns the VCIX6-DTM badge. The final and highest credential in the computing device and Mobility certification ladder is the VMware licensed Design professional – laptop and Mobility (VCDX-DTM) certification. This credential is geared at professionals the usage of vSphere and VMware Horizon to design and put in force cellular computing and digital computer solutions. To earn the certification, candidates must earn each VCAP credentials plus prepare and guard a design answer. The VMware community Virtualization certification portfolio ambitions IT professionals who design, control and put in force VMware NSX environments. The VMware licensed expert 6 – network Virtualization (VCP6-NV) credential goals at gurus with at least six months' event who install, configure and administer NSX implementations. Candidates must attend a required practicing route plus move two tests to earn the credential. The working towards route prerequisite is waived for candidates who possess a legitimate Cisco Routing and Switching (CCIE, CCNP or CCNA) or records center (CCIE, CCNP or CCNA) credential. presently, there is just one superior credential accessible in the network Virtualization class: the VMware licensed advanced knowledgeable 6 – network Virtualization Deployment (VCAP6-NV installation). To achieve the credential, candidates should possess the VCP6-NV certification and circulate the VMware certified advanced knowledgeable 6 – network Virtualization Deployment exam. Two years' journey in deploying VMware NSX environments is recommended as well as time-honored IT experience. Candidates who possess Cisco's CCIE records middle or CCIE Routing and Switching certifications want most effective take the exam to attain the credential. A second advanced credential – VMware certified superior skilled 6 – network Virtualization Design (VCAP6-NV Design) – is planned but not yet accessible. note: incomes the VCAP6-NV install credential earns the VCIX6-NV badge. usually, both the VCAP-Design and VCAP-install credentials are required to earn a VCIX designation. besides the fact that children, VMware is waiving the VCAP6-NV Design requirement until that certification becomes attainable. The VMware licensed Design skilled 6 – network Virtualization (VCDX6-NV) is the highest community Virtualization credential offered. To earn the credential, candidates need to possess either a sound VCAP6-NV deploy credential or VCIX6-NV badge, build a design per supplied blueprint requirements and flow a design overview. once the design has been approved, candidates ought to efficiently shelter the design to a 3-adult panel. The VMware Digital Workspace portfolio ambitions IT gurus who are in a position to configure, installation, manage, optimize, troubleshoot, and retain Workspace ONE solutions. in addition to Workspace ONE, interested candidates should also possess journey working with Digital Workspace solutions. VMware at present offers a single Digital Workspace credential, the VMware certified skilled – Digital Workspace 2018 (VCP-DW 2018). Workspace ONE and different digital options are often up-to-date and new releases don't all the time reflect the latest versioning. including a year designator (2018), allows VMware and candidates to song potential in opposition t the existing Workspace ONE versions. To earn the credential, candidates who don't presently possess a VCP credential must attend a required practising direction and circulate the VMware certified professional – Digital Workspace 2018 examination (2V0-761). fascinated professionals who possess a sound VCP6, VCP6.5, or VCP7 in a different solution tune need most effective circulate the certification examination. Candidates who possess an AirWatch accreditation ought to take the necessary AirWatch practicing besides the mandatory training for the VCP6-DW 2018 credential in addition to flow the examination. at present, VMware offers a single VCA Digital company Transformation credential which is ordinary to all VMware answer tracks. The VMware licensed affiliate – Digital company Transformation (VCA-DBT) is geared to executives and architects who remember applied sciences associated with VMware Cloud foundation and pass-Cloud architecture solutions (corresponding to vRealize, vSphere, NSX and vSAN). training is informed but no longer required. Candidates have to move the VCA-DBT exam (1V0-701) to earn this credential. The VCA-DBT is the simplest Digital enterprise Transformation credential provided. With more than 500,000 customers globally that span all important industries, VMware has dominated server virtualization market share for years. That capacity agencies are constantly looking for certified staff to deploy, administer and help VMware options. Consulting businesses and resellers need the same class of professional laborers, as well as people that can suggest solutions to valued clientele and work with account executives, engineers and venture managers to bring those solutions on time. the majority of job roles associated with VMware certifications are methods administrators and methods engineers. The methods administrator function tends to focus on server provisioning, and operation and preservation of systems hardware, software and connected infrastructure. They are sometimes worried in equipment monitoring, device and utility log studies, tuning and optimization, patching and upgrading, server backups and restoration and troubleshooting. The programs engineer position applies greater level company or technical ideas to picking out best VMWare solutions. This function frequently performs techniques evaluation, contrast, design and integration, and consults with crew members and customers from the implementation planning and design section through checking out. seek advice from the VMware education web site to find out about plenty of top notch classes (online and school room), browse the eLearning and academic Video libraries and greater. Some particulars are not available except you register with VMware education and check in. practicing courses may also be costly. for instance, ordinary prices for working towards latitude from $four,000 to greater than $7,000, reckoning on the delivery structure. VMware frequently offers coupon codes on training and tests, which places the cost of coaching within sight of a wider viewers. talk over with the VMware practicing & Certification special presents and Beta courses page for information. You may be aware my can also 2008 InformIT blog put up entitled "On fitting a VMware licensed professional (VCP)." In that essay I described why I think that VMware certification is important and the way you can qualify as a VCP. In trendy installment I want to describe the next level of VMware certification: the VMware licensed Design professional, or VCDX. based on the VMware web web site, the The VCDX on VMware Infrastructure 3 credential is an superior certification that turned into developed for design architects of VMware commercial enterprise deployments. youngsters, in accordance with the regular posters on the VMware Communities internet site, the VCDX credential can be aimed more directly at people who want to turn into (or who are already working as) VMware authorized Consultants, or VACs. "it's crucial to remember the VCDX is not the subsequent stage in their certification method. the place you examine other trade certifications, a 'grasp' level is typically the next degree in a certification tune. If they had a multi-level certification song, the VCDX would probably be two or three ranges above the VCP." "So why then did they create this certification earlier than another knowledge mid-degree certification? to place it easily, this certification changed into created to tackle a particular want. VMware makes use of VACs (VMware licensed Consultants) to assist design and put in force digital infrastructure options for their purchasers, and these VACs have to have people who are capable of design and implement a virtual infrastructure and who bear in mind the whole manner. The VCDX certification helps be sure that those people have the requisite skills for that selected method." In different words, whereas the VCP represents the ability set of the "rubber meets the street" VMware administrator, the VCDX title is meant to validate the skill set of VMware commercial enterprise architects. it would therefore be mistaken to outline the VCDX as a "expert" degree certification (just like the CCNP is in the Cisco certification world) to enrich the VCP "entry" stage certification (just like the CCENT and CCNA titles are in Cisco-land). let us investigate the 2nd, third, and fourth requirements. you can gain knowledge of extra concerning the VCP requirement through studying my outdated weblog post right here at InformIT. compared to what's conventional concerning the VCP examination, especially little is known about the VMware commercial enterprise Administration examination, shop for the blurb at VMware's web web site that describes the verify as "include[ing] live labs and check[ing] an improved degree of ability set than the exam for VCP on VMware Infrastructure three." k. Some more element right here would be high-quality, first rate VMware folks! you can try the VMware business examination blueprint in Adobe Acrobat PDF structure, although. Registration for the VMware Enteprise Administration examination is, shall they embrace, slightly different from most other certification registration tactics with which you might be well-known. VMware requires that commercial enterprise Administration exam candidates finished an internet VMware VCDX Qualification review so as to investigate their eligibility for taking the VMware business check. If VMware determines that you're a fine fit for the examination, then a VMware consultant will contact you individually to agenda the look at various. Please be aware that you simply can't time table to take the business exam at any ol' Pearson VUE trying out center. You ought to work with VMware to agenda the check at a VMware-permitted trying out center that helps the lab-simulation know-how. hence, taking the commercial enterprise Administration exam may require you to booklet some trip. "at the moment there is no strategy to difficulty the verify over WebEx. There are a number of security issues that might be associated with trying out in this trend. trying out for this exam could be performed in important metropolitan areas, and right through the qualification system they wil ask you for your first and 2d favourite places. The go back and forth/restrained seating warnings are meant to warn americans that some travel may be required depending on their area. When the Design examination launches the process may be an identical." speaking from my knowledgeable experience as an examination developer, i'm guessing that the "live lab" questions contain a terminal functions connection to a VMware server the place the student is required to complete initiatives on reside, and never simulated, application. just my hunch, notwithstanding. If little is known as of these days with regard to the enterprise Administration exam, then even less is everyday about the Design exam. according to the respectable folks at VMware, this examination has no longer hit beta yet as of this writing in July 2008. You may recollect that you're required to sit for a VMware-approved practicing category besides passing the certification exam with a purpose to earn your VCP. The first rate news for VCDX candidates is that, if you are still required to take and move two further tests, the practicing part is formally considered to be optional. That represents a effective time and cost savings to potential VCDX candidates. This challenge-primarily based requirement will doubtless involve extra shuttle and accommodations cost for you or your enterprise (whoever is footing the invoice to your VCDX certification). "more extensive travel may well be required for the defense portion of the certification, however even then they are able to make an effort to locate board members to your area to restrict the volume of go back and forth incurred." Jason Langdon has a pleasant weblog up the place he posted VCDX look at counsel and supplies. at the moment I might discover only one title from Pearson: VMware ESX Server in the enterprise: Planning and Securing Virtualization Servers by means of Edward T. Haletky. killexams.com suggest you to must attempt its free demo, you will see the natural UI and furthermore you will think that its simple to alter the prep mode. In any case, ensure that, the real VCP410-DT exam has a larger number of questions than the sample exam. killexams.com offers you three months free updates of VCP410-DT VMware Certified Professional 4 -(R) Desktop exam questions. Their certification team is constantly accessible at back end who updates the material as and when required. When you experience their pass4sure questions and answers, you will feel sure about every one of the themes of test and feel that your knowledge has been significantly moved forward. These pass4sure questions and answers are not simply practice questions, these are real exam questions and answers that are sufficient to pass the VCP410-DT exam at first attempt. It is essential to assemble to the guide material on the off chance that one needs toward spare time. As you require bunches of time to search for updated and true investigation material for taking the IT certification exam. In the event that you find that at one place, what could be superior to this? Its just killexams.com that has what you require. You can spare time and avoid bother on the off chance that you purchase Adobe IT certification from their site. You ought to get the most updated Vmware VCP410-DT Braindumps with the right answers, which are set up by killexams.com experts, enabling the possibility to get a handle on learning about their VCP410-DT exam course in the greatest, you will not discover VCP410-DT results of such quality anyplace in the market. Their Vmware VCP410-DT Practice Dumps are given to applicants at performing 100% in their exam. Their Vmware VCP410-DT exam dumps are most recent in the market, allowing you to get ready for your VCP410-DT exam in the correct way. In the event that you are occupied with effectively Passing the Vmware VCP410-DT exam to begin procuring? killexams.com has driving edge created Vmware exam addresses that will guarantee you pass this VCP410-DT exam! killexams.com conveys you the exact, present and most recent updated VCP410-DT exam questions and accessible with a 100% unconditional guarantee. There are many organizations that give VCP410-DT brain dumps yet those are not actual and most recent ones. Arrangement with killexams.com VCP410-DT new questions is a most ideal approach to pass this certification exam in simple way. We are for the most part very much aware that a noteworthy issue in the IT business is that there is an absence of value study materials. Their exam prep material gives you all that you should take a certification exam. Their Vmware VCP410-DT Exam will give you exam questions with confirmed answers that reflect the real exam. These questions and answers give you the experience of taking the genuine test. High caliber and incentive for the VCP410-DT Exam. 100% assurance to pass your Vmware VCP410-DT exam and get your Vmware affirmation. They at killexams.com are resolved to enable you to pass your VCP410-DT exam with high scores. The odds of you neglecting to pass your VCP410-DT test, in the wake of experiencing their far reaching exam dumps are practically nothing. At killexams.com, they give completely surveyed Vmware VCP410-DT preparing assets which are the best to pass VCP410-DT exam, and to get certified by Vmware. It is a best decision to speed up your position as an expert in the Information Technology industry. They are pleased with their notoriety of helping individuals pass the VCP410-DT test in their first attempt. Their prosperity rates in the previous two years have been completely great, because of their upbeat clients who are currently ready to impel their positions in the fast track. killexams.com is the main decision among IT experts, particularly the ones who are hoping to move up the progression levels quicker in their individual associations. Vmware is the business pioneer in data innovation, and getting certified by them is an ensured approach to prevail with IT positions. They enable you to do actually that with their superb Vmware VCP410-DT preparing materials. Vmware VCP410-DT is rare all around the globe, and the business and programming arrangements gave by them are being grasped by every one of the organizations. They have helped in driving a large number of organizations on the beyond any doubt shot way of achievement. Far reaching learning of Vmware items are viewed as a critical capability, and the experts certified by them are exceptionally esteemed in all associations. One of the great things about the blogging and other social networking tools such as Twitter is the ability to get something quickly. Last week, I was tweeting with fellow virtualization blogger Jon Owings of 2VCPs and a Truck. It was quite simple, John just said that he didn't know what to blog about. I replied with a topic idea and Jon immediately took it. The result is this post where Jon's views of the VMware certification are spelled out. 1. Certification is not a substitute for experience. While this seems to be somewhat profound, the real-world experience cannot be simulated. The VMware certification does have emphasis on troubleshooting, but unfortunately this can't be used as a broad-reaching gauge of experience. In my personal certification path, I ensured I had over two years of VI3 experience before seeking the VMware Certified Professional. It follows in the spirit of my other certification efforts as well. I didn't achieve the Windows Server 2008 MCITP credential until mid-year 2009. It is important to note that as Jon is a solution provider -- I'm not. Therefore, I don't have keep up with the cutting edge of certifications. 2. Achieving a VMware certification is the single most effective rounding off of one's external presentation. I've always believed that one's marketability is a sum of one's technical experience from current or previous jobs, formal education and certification inventory. Each one is pivotal in the well-rounded IT professional. For virtualization professionals, the VMware certification creates a nice cornerstone to that model. I've even said before that virtualization has changed my life, and the VCP certification in particular has done that for me. 3. The VCP is becoming diluted. There are quite a few VCPs out there now. Between 2005 and 2007, if you had the experience plus the certification you could be very selective on opportunities. In 2010, the novelty has worn off for sure. This is even including the fact that VMware requires that a course from a VMware Education Services (or partner) be taken by the prospective VCP. 4. Hypervisors are not enough. To round out the virtualization professional (and this includes non-VMware virtualization), other core technologies such as storage and networking are critical. Traditional IT professionals could get by with having core competencies such as Windows server technologies or Linux server skills. With virtualization, you can not put enough emphasis on storage. The more you can be a storage professional with virtualization, the more you can set yourself apart from the rest of the VCPs in the field. Networking can hold the same torch, though not as much as storage. 5. Don't be intimidated by the VCP test. If you are considering the VCP credential, by all means go for it. Virtualization is one of the hottest places to be, and I'll always feel they can have one more in this party. Besides, there are also plenty of new markets for virtualization. I think there is a market for the very small business, especially as blended cloud/virtualization solutions become more popular. Are you considering the VCP credential? Share your comments here. Virtualization and cloud infrastructure specialist VMware announced new specializations, certification, solution competency and toolkits at the company's annual Partner Exchange conference, designed to help partners deliver enterprise hybrid cloud solutions. In an effort to further increase partner revenue streams, VMware introduced specializations, certification and solution competency, including academic and federal specializations, desktop certification and virtualization of business critical applications solution competency. VMware now offers specializations that distinguish and reward partners globally for their vertical market expertise. Solution providers, corporate resellers, system integrators and outsourcers that focus on academic and U.S. Federal government customers are eligible for these specializations. The three-tier VMware desktop certification validates and recognizes individuals with the education, experience and expertise needed to implement virtual desktops. The first tier, VMware Certified Associate 4 - Desktop, is in beta and will be generally available in April 2011. The VMware Certified Professional 4 - Desktop and Certified Advanced Professional - Desktop certifications will follow later in 2011. The solution competency will focus on enabling partners to migrate their customers' business-critical applications and infrastructures to virtualized environments, and is designed to help partners be better equipped to move their customers toward 100 percent virtualized environments. "In 2010, they outlined their vision for taking customers on a journey to the cloud as the industry continues its shift toward IT as a Service," said Carl Eschenbach, co-president of customer operations for VMware. "Our partners are on the frontlines in delivering this vision to customers, and Partner Exchange 2011 is about educating partners and arming them with the right mix of programs and tools to help them become trusted advisers within the new hybrid cloud paradigm – teaching them how to provide solutions across the new IT stack today while preparing them for how customers will consume IT in the future." Beginning in April 2011, VMware partners' renewal business will be incorporated into the Partner Rewards quarterly rebate program. Designed to reward accredited sales representatives within the VMware solution provider community for sales and training activities, the company also announced Sales Rewards, a points-based rewards program enabling partners to earn and redeem points for merchandise, gift cards, travel experiences and more. VMware launched Solution Enablement Toolkits (SETs) in September 2010: The company said more than 26,000 SET documents have been downloaded since then. At Partner Exchange 2011, VMware introduced seven more SETs within the three current SET libraries: In the Infrastructure Virtualization Library, vSphere Plan and Design and Virtualization Assessment were added. For the Desktop Library, ThinApp Plan and Design, Optimization Kit for Windows 7 and View Plan and Design joined the roster, and in the Business Continuity Library, the company added vCenter Site Recovery Manager Accelerator and vCenter Site Recovery Manager Plan and Design. On Wednesday at the opening of VMware Partner Exchange 2011 in Orlando, Fla., VMware unveiled new virtualization technology specializations, competencies, certifications, and solution enablement toolkits. The goal is to help VARs capture a larger share of the "15X drag" VMware says comes with re-architecting the data center for cloud computing, in which $1 of VMware licensing generates an additional $15 in IT spending. VMware is launching a three-tier desktop certification to help partners build proficiency in virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) deployments. The first tier, VMware Certified Associate 4-Desktop, is still in beta and will go into effect next month. VMware will launch the more advanced VMware Certified Professional 4 -- Desktop and Certified Advanced Professional -- Desktop tiers at some unspecified point later this year. Doug Smith, VMware's senior director of global partner strategy and operations, says there's a different architecture that comes into play when partners start working with desktops. "Desktop virtualization is still a data center story because it lives in server room. But it's different because now you're working with a company's desktops and there are different folks being impacted by this change," Smith said in an interview. VMware also launched a new solution competency called Virtualization of Business Critical Applications, which helps partners get up to speed on the ins-and-outs of migrating line of business apps to virtualized environments. This is the next step for companies that have virtualized file and print servers and dabbled in application virtualization, and Smith said the goal is for partners to evangelize a 100 percent virtualized infrastructure. However, as with desktop virtualization, the cultural and management implications involved with changes to business critical applications can be formidable obstacles. That's because companies can grasp the financial benefits of running business critical applications in virtualized environments but they're more concerned with operational issues, according to Smith. "There's still a consolidation story to be told with business critical apps, but the bigger issues are things like uptime, availability, business continuity and remote access," Smith said. VMware's vertical market customer base is growing, and VMware's new Academic and Federal Specializations are designed to reward government VARs for their ability to tap into virtualization demand in academic and U.S. Federal government circles. Meanwhile, after launching a series of solution enablement toolkits last September at VMworld, VMware is following up with seven new ones this week. VMware added a toolkit for virtualization assessments, as well as ones focused on the planning and design of vSphere, View, ThinApp and Site Recovery Manager. But in terms of being relevant to the broadest swath of VMware channel partners, VMware's new optimization kit for Windows 7 migrations may be the most significant. Smith said in an interview with CRN earlier this week that there's still plenty of lingering pent-up demand for Windows 7. "We know a lot of customers skipped Vista. They are stuck on XP. And so there is a big opportunity for all of us. The other thing is look at all the new (handheld and tablet) devices coming out," Smith told CRN. Also Wednesday, VMware said starting in April, its partners' renewal business will be incorporated into the Partner Rewards quarterly rebate program. "Renewals are becoming a very large business for us. They invested in a portal for that and partners are very interested in maintaining control of the customer during the renewals process," Smith said.
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Cosmetics & Personal Care › Leading Thierry Mugler women's perfume in France 2014-2017, by number of users Women's Thierry Mugler perfume and eau de toilette ranked by number of users in France from 2014 to 2017 (in 1,000s) by Statista Research Department, last edited Jul 19, 2018 This statistic gives an overview of the leading Thierry Mugler women's perfume and eau de toilette in France from 2014 to 2017. In 2017, an estimated 1.3 million people used Thierry Mugler Angel. 15,038* 15 years and older Leading Yves Saint Laurent women's perfume in France 2014-2017, by number of users Leading perfume & eau de toilette brands ranked by number of users in France 2017 Leading fragrances for men in France 2017, by number of users Perfume and eau de toilette for women usage in France 2014-2017, by frequency Fragrance consumption in France (Kantar Media TGI) Everything On "Fragrance consumption in France (Kantar Media TGI)" in One Document: Edited and Divided into Handy Chapters. Including Detailed References. Statistics on "Fragrance consumption in France (Kantar Media TGI)" Fragrance consumption habits Fragrance brand rankings Fragrance brand products for women Fragrance brand products for men Number of people using perfume and eau de toilette for women in France from 2014 to 2017, by user type (in 1,000s) Perfume and eau de toilette for women usage in France 2014-2017, by user type Number of people using perfume and eau de toilette for women in France from 2014 to 2017, by frequency (in 1,000s) Perfume and eau de toilette for women usage in France 2014-2017, by frequency Number of people using perfume and eau de toilette for women in France from 2014 to 2017, by type (in 1,000s)Perfume and eau de toilette for women usage in France 2014-2017, by type Number of men using aftershave and eau de toilette in France from 2015 to 2017, by user type* (in 1,000s)Aftershave and eau de toilette usage in France 2015-2017, by user type Number of men using aftershave and eau de toilette in France in 2017, by frequency (in 1,000s)Aftershave and eau de toilette for men usage in France 2017, by frequency Brands of perfumes and eaux de toilette for women ranked by number of users in France in 2017 (in 1,000s)Leading perfume & eau de toilette brands ranked by number of users in France 2017 Brands of aftershaves and eau de toilette for men ranked by number of users in France in 2017 (in 1,000s)Leading fragrances for men in France 2017, by number of users Women's Armani perfume and eau de toilette ranked by number of users in France from 2014 to 2017 (in 1,000s)Leading Armani women's perfume in France 2014-2017, by number of users Women's Cacharel perfume and eau de toilette ranked by number of users in France from 2014 to 2017 (in 1,000s)Leading Cacharel women's perfume in France 2014-2017, by number of users Women's Calvin Klein perfume and eau de toilette ranked by number of users in France from 2014 to 2017 (in 1,000s)Leading Calvin Klein women's perfume in France 2014-2017, by number of users Women's Chanel perfume and eau de toilette ranked by number of users in France from 2014 to 2017 (in 1,000s)Leading Chanel women's perfume in France 2014-2017, by number of users Women's Dior perfume and eau de toilette ranked by number of users in France from 2014 to 2017 (in 1,000s)Leading Dior women's perfume in France 2014-2017, by number of users Women's Givenchy perfume and eau de toilette ranked by number of users in France from 2014 to 2017 (in 1,000s) Leading Givenchy women's perfume in France 2014-2017, by number of users Women's Guerlain perfume and eau de toilette ranked by number of users in France from 2014 to 2017 (in 1,000s)Leading Guerlain women's perfume in France 2014-2017, by number of users Women's Hermès perfume and eau de toilette ranked by number of users in France from 2014 to 2017 (in 1,000s) Leading Hermès women's perfume in France 2014-2017, by number of users Men's Armani aftershave and eau de toilette ranked by number of users in France in 2017 (in 1,000s) Leading Armani men's aftershave in France 2017, by number of users Men's Azzaro aftershave and eau de toilette ranked by number of users in France in 2017 (in 1,000s) Leading Azzaro men's aftershave in France 2017, by number of users Men's Calvin Klein aftershave and eau de toilette ranked by number of users in France in 2017 (in 1,000s) Leading Calvin Klein men's aftershave in France 2017, by number of users Men's Chanel aftershave and eau de toilette ranked by number of users in France from 2014 to 2017 (in 1,000s) Leading Chanel men's aftershave in France 2014-2017, by number of users Men's Dior aftershave and eau de toilette ranked by number of users in France from 2014 to 2017 (in 1,000s) Leading Dior men's aftershave in France 2014-2017, by number of users Men's Dolce & Gabbana aftershave and eau de toilette ranked by number of users in France from 2014 to 2017 (in 1,000s)Leading Dolce & Gabbana men's aftershave in France 2014-2017, by number of users Men's Gillette aftershave and eau de toilette ranked by number of users in France from 2014 to 2017 (in 1,000s) Leading Gillette men's aftershave in France 2014-2017, by number of users Men's Givenchy aftershave and eau de toilette ranked by number of users in France from 2014 to 2017 (in 1,000s) Leading Givenchy men's aftershave in France 2014-2017, by number of users Leading perfume from Armand Basi brands for women Spain 2014-2018, by number of users Leading perfume from Lancôme brands for women Spain 2014-2018, by number of users Leading perfumes for women from Paco Rabanne Spain 2014-2018, by number of users Leading perfume from Nina Ricci brands for women Spain 2014-2018, by number of users Leading perfume from Givenchy brands for women Spain 2014-2018, by number of users Leading perfume from Yves Saint Laurent for women Spain 2014-2018, by number of users Leading perfumes for women from J. P. Gaultier Spain 2014-2018, by number of users Leading perfume from Guerlain brands for women Spain 2014-2018, by number of users Leading perfume from Giorgio Armani brands for women Spain 2018, by number of users Leading perfume from Davidoff brands for women Spain 2015-2018, by number of users Leading perfume from Valentino brands for women Spain 2014-2018, by number of users Leading perfume from Lancaster brands for women Spain 2014-2018, by number of users Premium women's fragrance market value in the United Kingdom (UK) 2007-2017 Luxury cosmetics and perfumes market value in Poland 2010-2020 EU27: import value of plastics in primary forms to the United Kingdom (UK) 2010-14 Printer, scanner & MFP market revenue in Romania 2016-2021 Industry revenue of »manufacture of basic metals« in Norway 2011-2023 Export of wires of nickel alloy from the United Kingdom (UK) 2011-2017 Iron ingots, blooms, billets import volume by Austria 2008-2014 Coty Inc. Cosmetics Industry in the U.S. Beauty content on social media U.S. Cosmetic Brands Cosmetics Consumer Behavior in the U.S. Fragrance consumption in the UK (Kantar Media TGI) Fragrances in the United Kingdom (UK) Fragrance consumption in Spain (Kantar Media TGI) Brand awareness: Fragrance brands in the United States Brand awareness: Fragrance brands in Germany Brand awareness: Fragrance brands in the United Kingdom (UK) Number of people using perfume and eau de toilette for women in France from 2014 to 2017, by user type (in 1,000s) Number of people using perfume and eau de toilette for women in France from 2014 to 2017, by frequency (in 1,000s) Number of people using perfume and eau de toilette for women in France from 2014 to 2017, by type (in 1,000s) Number of men using aftershave and eau de toilette in France from 2015 to 2017, by user type* (in 1,000s) Number of men using aftershave and eau de toilette in France in 2017, by frequency (in 1,000s) Brands of perfumes and eaux de toilette for women ranked by number of users in France in 2017 (in 1,000s) Brands of aftershaves and eau de toilette for men ranked by number of users in France in 2017 (in 1,000s) Women's Armani perfume and eau de toilette ranked by number of users in France from 2014 to 2017 (in 1,000s) Women's Cacharel perfume and eau de toilette ranked by number of users in France from 2014 to 2017 (in 1,000s) Women's Calvin Klein perfume and eau de toilette ranked by number of users in France from 2014 to 2017 (in 1,000s) Women's Chanel perfume and eau de toilette ranked by number of users in France from 2014 to 2017 (in 1,000s) Women's Dior perfume and eau de toilette ranked by number of users in France from 2014 to 2017 (in 1,000s) Women's Givenchy perfume and eau de toilette ranked by number of users in France from 2014 to 2017 (in 1,000s) Women's Guerlain perfume and eau de toilette ranked by number of users in France from 2014 to 2017 (in 1,000s) Women's Hermès perfume and eau de toilette ranked by number of users in France from 2014 to 2017 (in 1,000s) Women's Hugo Boss perfume and eau de toilette ranked by number of users in France from 2014 to 2017 (in 1,000s) Women's Jean-Paul Gaultier perfume and eau de toilette ranked by number of users in France from 2014 to 2017 (in 1,000s) Women's Kenzo perfume and eau de toilette ranked by number of users in France from 2014 to 2017 (in 1,000s) Women's Lancôme perfume and eau de toilette ranked by number of users in France from 2014 to 2017 (in 1,000s) Women's Lolita Lempicka perfume and eau de toilette ranked by number of users in France from 2014 to 2017 (in 1,000s) Women's Nina Ricci perfume and eau de toilette ranked by number of users in France from 2014 to 2017 (in 1,000s) Women's Paco Rabanne perfume and eau de toilette ranked by number of users in France from 2014 to 2017 (in 1,000s) Women's Yves Saint Laurent perfume and eau de toilette ranked by number of users in France from 2014 to 2017 (in 1,000s) Men's Armani aftershave and eau de toilette ranked by number of users in France in 2017 (in 1,000s) Men's Azzaro aftershave and eau de toilette ranked by number of users in France in 2017 (in 1,000s) Men's Calvin Klein aftershave and eau de toilette ranked by number of users in France in 2017 (in 1,000s) Men's Chanel aftershave and eau de toilette ranked by number of users in France from 2014 to 2017 (in 1,000s) Men's Dior aftershave and eau de toilette ranked by number of users in France from 2014 to 2017 (in 1,000s) Men's Dolce & Gabbana aftershave and eau de toilette ranked by number of users in France from 2014 to 2017 (in 1,000s) Men's Gillette aftershave and eau de toilette ranked by number of users in France from 2014 to 2017 (in 1,000s) Men's Givenchy aftershave and eau de toilette ranked by number of users in France from 2014 to 2017 (in 1,000s) Men's Guerlain aftershave and eau de toilette ranked by number of users in France from 2014 to 2017 (in 1,000s) Men's Hermès aftershave and eau de toilette ranked by number of users in France from 2014 to 2017 (in 1,000s) Men's Hugo Boss aftershave and eau de toilette ranked by number of users in France from 2014 to 2017 (in 1,000s) Men's Jean-Paul Gaultier aftershave and eau de toilette ranked by number of users in France from 2014 to 2017 (in 1,000s) Men's Lacoste aftershave and eau de toilette ranked by number of users in France from 2014 to 2017 (in 1,000s) Men's Paco Rabanne aftershave and eau de toilette ranked by number of users in France from 2014 to 2017 (in 1,000s) Men's Yves Saint Laurent aftershave and eau de toilette ranked by number of users in France from 2014 to 2017 (in 1,000s) Perfume and eau de toilette brands of Armand Basi for women ranked by number of users in Spain from 2014 to 2018 (in 1,000s) Perfume and eau de toilette brands of Lancôme for women ranked by number of users in Spain from 2014 to 2018 (in 1,000s) Perfume and eau de toilette brands of Paco Rabanne for women ranked by number of users in Spain from 2014 to 2018 (in 1,000s) Perfume and eau de toilette brands of Nina Ricci for women ranked by number of users in Spain from 2014 to 2018 (in 1,000s) Perfume and eau de toilette brands of Givenchy for women ranked by number of users in Spain from 2014 to 2018 (in 1,000s) Perfume and eau de toilette brands of Yves Saint Laurent for women ranked by number of users in Spain from 2014 to 2018 (in 1,000s) Perfume and eau de toilette brands of Jean Paul Gaultier for women ranked by number of users in Spain from 2014 to 2018 (in 1,000s) Perfume and eau de toilette brands of Guerlain for women ranked by number of users in Spain from 2014 to 2018 (in 1,000s) Perfume and eau de toilette brands of Giorgio Armani for women ranked by number of users in Spain in 2018 (in 1,000s) Perfume and eau de toilette brands of Davidoff for women ranked by number of users in Spain from 2015 to 2018 (in 1,000s) Perfume and eau de toilette brands of Valentino for women ranked by number of users in Spain from 2014 to 2018 (in 1,000s) Perfume and eau de toilette brands of Lancaster for women ranked by number of users in Spain from 2014 to 2018 (in 1,000s) Value of the premium women's fragrance market in the United Kingdom (UK) from 2007 to 2017 (in million U.S. dollars) Value of the luxury cosmetics and perfumes market in Poland from 2010 to 2020 (in million Polish zlotys) Value of imports of plastics in primary forms from the European Union (EU-27) to the United Kingdom (UK) from 2010 to 2014 (in 1,000 U.S. dollars) Printer, scanner and multi-function printer (MFP) market revenue in Romania from 2016 to 2021 (in million U.S. Dollars)* Industry revenue of »manufacture of basic metals« in Norway from 2011 to 2023 (in million U.S. Dollars) Volume of nickel alloy wires exported annually from the United Kingdom (UK) from 2011 to 2017 (in metric tons) Volume of iron ingots, blooms and billets imported by Austria from 2008 to 2014 (in metric tons)
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
Another illegal alien, this time painted on a wall in the Ciutat Vella, Barcelona. Ilford Delta 400 pushed to EI 1600 in ID-11 1+1. The push processing works extremely well with this kind of image (even if shooting static subjects at ISO 1600 in daylight makes little sense other than for test purposes…), as the grain works naturally with the texture of the brick wall. The subject also helps here, as the dynamic range of this scene is much less than many of the previous test images. Such talent out in the streets there in Barcelona and you are there to show it to us. Sure, I love Espana. I thought that the technique they are using to press that image on the wall is great.
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Tony Wise Museum of the American Birkebeiner Partners with Birchleggings Club for Museum Exhibitions This was just published in the December Holiday Edition of the American Birkebeiner Carpe Skiem. Gale Otterholt, Birchleggings Club President, Tom Rowley, Vice President, and John Kotar, Board Member and Birkie Founder present ABSF Executive Director Ben Popp with a check for $2,000 for exhibits at the Tony Wise Museum of the American Birkebeiner. The Club has joined forces with ABSF to raise money for the Museum in a unique way that will help the Club grow and build support for the museum. For more than 15 years the Birchleggings Club has worked with the American Birkebeiner Ski Foundation to honor skiers at the Birchleggers Sunday Breakfast with awards for 20, 30 and 40 years of racing. Additionally, the Club provides the Tony Wise Award in recognition of contributions to the growth and success of the race, and has provided the funds for the warming hut at Mosquito Brook Road. Now the Club has another feather in its (ski) cap: a $2,000 gift to the Tony Wise Museum of the American Birkebeiner, scheduled to open in 2016. "I am proud and excited that the Birchleggings Club can be part of this project," said Gale Otterholt, Club President. "It meshes with our mission so well, which in part is to enhance the race traditions of the American Birkebeiner." In addition to the Club's gift, the Club's Board of Directors has been involved in an effort to seek individual gifts for the Museum from all skiers who have skied twenty or more Birkebeiners. As an incentive, donors of $100 or more – called Museum Founders – will receive a one-year complimentary membership in the Club. "This is a win-win for all of us," continued Otterholt. "Our Club is growing with a significant number of new members, Club members are renewing their membership early, and we're getting in on the ground floor of something big – a museum that will honor our race and its legacy." Those who took advantage of the complimentary membership offer will be included in the Club's own membership drive incentives, which includes drawings for prizes, including race-day parking passes. In early November, letters were sent to all skiers who've completed 20 or more Birkebeiners. Please contact the ABSF (715-634-5025) if you did not receive a letter, or need a replacement or other information. Contributions may be made at www.birkie.com/museum. In addition to the aforementioned perks, Museum Founders will be permanently recognized in the Museum, and receive a nifty plaque, a nice addition to those twenty, thirty, and forty year awards in one's trophy case. Posted by Edward R. Eroe at 7:35 PM No comments: 2016 Birchleggings Club Clothing Now Available! The 2016 Birchleggings Club Clothing is now available in the Birchleggings Store. Click here or go to the Website Navigation Menu and click on Birchleggings store. Birchleggings Club Membership Drive! Join during our membership drive from Dec 1, 2015 through January 31, 2016 and become eligible for fine prizes in our random drawing. How do I get my name into the drawing? Pay Birchleggings Club dues for 2016 by January 31, 2016 and your name will be put into the drawing. See the Membership Menu. What are the Prices? 2 Grand prizes – 2016 race day parking passes 15 Other prizes – choice of Birchlegger ball cap, ski hat or T-shirt Posted by Edward R. Eroe at 9:35 AM No comments: Celebration of Joan Pedersen's Life - November 18, 2015 We are very sorry to communicate the passing of Joan Pedersen, wife of Birchlegger Paul Pedersen, who has completed 31 American Birkebeiner ski races. On behalf of the Birchleggings community we wish to express our deepest sympathy to Paul and his family. A Celebration of Joan's life will be held on Wednesday. Nov. 18, 2015 from 2:00 - 4:00 PM, at the Lumberjack Steakhouse off of Highway 27 at 15860 T Bone Lane, Hayward, Wisconsin 54843. Tony Wise Birkie Spirit Award and Pictures from the Birchleggings Club Breakfast and Awards Ceremony 2015 John Kotar with Nina Kotar accepts the 2015 Tony Wise Birkie Spirit Award at the Birchleggings Club Breakfast and Awards Ceremony on February 22, 2015 in Hayward, Wisconsin! Steve Carmazon, Birchleggings Club Board Members said these words in introducing John. Other than our parents, there are two people responsible for us being here today. We're going to look at their legacies. The First is Tony Wise. Tony was known for, and successful because of at least 4 major traits. 1. He was extremely gregarious, he loved people, and wanted them to succeed and prosper in life, and he wanted to provide winter jobs, in a time that was primarily a summer resort recreation economy. Being a ski resort owner, he loved to see people living a healthy lifestyle. 2. He possessed great leadership skills, on what should/could be next, and was extremely creative. 3. He had a great pioneering Spirit, he wanted to be first at what he did, he wasn't afraid to try new things, and even lose money, hoping to make it up elsewhere. 4. In everything he did, he wanted to do it first class, or not at all. His Legacy changed the Landscape in Nordic skiing, both in America, and the World, with the American Birkebeiner, the Birkie Trail, and the Worldloppet, All His Creations! John Kotar, our recipient today, is also a creation of Tony's. Tony liked to recognize and reward accomplishment, John and 9 others were designated founders in 1982, the 10th year of the Birkie, after they had skied the first 10years. In 1992, John Kotar, concluded that were other skiers who deserved recognition for their accomplishments, so he wrote a letter to the ABSF, stating that, the result of which is our Purple, Gold, and now Spirit of 35 Bibs. All of us who wear those bibs have him to thank for that. The Birchleggings Club is his Creation. When the idea came forth to build warming huts attached to storage buildings at various food station sites on the Birkie Trail, John was there, as a member of The ABSF Board, to help build OUR Legacy, by saying that the Birchleggings Club would Pay off the construction price, if we could put our Logo on it. OUR Warming Hut at Mosquito Brook Road is a Tangible, Permanent statement of who WE are, and OUR Commitment to The Birkie Trail, the Sport, and the Race, and being a food station site, the volunteers Serving There Love It, as they have a place to warm up. When it came time for John to step aside, and let others take charge, in 2013, and 2014, he shepherded us through the Steering Committee Process, which led to forming a board of directors, with by-laws, incorporating, electing officers, and becoming a tax exempt organization. And now we're off to forming our Legacy, with our first ever expo booth, but we wouldn't be here without his vision, and creativity. One more thing: He came up with the concept of the Tony Wise Birkie Spirit Award, and He Exemplifies All of Tony 's Attributes and Accomplishments! On behalf of the Nominating Committee, and the Board of Directors of the Birchleggings Club, it is my Great Honor and Pleasure to announce the Recipient of the 2015 Tony Wise Birkie Spirit Award is our Founder: John Kotar. To see pictures from the 2015 Birchleggings Club Breakfast and Awards Ceremony please go to this link 2015 Birchleggings Club Breakfast and Awards Ceremony Pictures. Posted by Edward R. Eroe at 4:29 PM 1 comment: Birchleggings Club Breakfast and Awards Ceremony - February 22, 2015 We cordially invite Birchleggers and guests to the Annual Birchleggings Club Awards breakfast. Skiers that have finished 20, 30, or 40 American Birkebeiner ski races this year will also be individually recognized and presented with awards. When: Sunday, February 22, 2015 from 09:00-11:00am. Where: Lumberjack Steakhouse - Next to the Flat Creek Suites (formerly Ramada Inn) 15860 T Bone Lane GPS Coordinates: 46.003482, -91.484319 Breakfast is $10 - except for new 20 Year Skiers who are free! Guests are welcome. It's always a good time so please come and meet other Birchleggers and support the Birchleggings Club! Membership Drive Award Winners Announced! The award winners from the Birchleggings Club Membership Drive have been announced. These Birchleggings Club members have won the following prizes in our random drawing: William Collett - 2016 Birkie Registration Marvin Franson – 2015 Raceday Parking Pass Kevin Schilling – 2015 Raceday Parking Pass Mark Berens – 2015 Raceday Parking Pass Choice of Birchlegger T-shirt, ski hat or ball cap Carl Lippert Barb Klippel Jeffrey Shephard Carolyn Senty Chris Larsen Thomas Herfort Gary Gerst Lee Ries Peter Rayne Douglas Schumacher William Czaja Michael Meissner Carole Mueller-Brumbaugh Barb Menge 2015 Birchleggings Clothing Now Available! The 2015 Birchleggings Clothing is available! See the Birchleggings Clothing 2015 Information below on the website. Posted by Edward R. Eroe at 6:00 AM 3 comments: Tony Wise Museum of the American Birkebeiner Partn... Celebration of Joan Pedersen's Life - November 18,... Tony Wise Birkie Spirit Award and Pictures from th... Birchleggings Club Breakfast and Awards Ceremony -...
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
AN-Clubs Mark profile Prof. Dr. Pascale Ehrenfreund Nominated by AcademiaNet member since 24.02.2015 AcademiaNet- Selection Criteria Employed by German Aerospace Center (DLR) Further professional affiliations (employer name only) Center for International Science and Technology Policy (George Washington University, D.C.) NASA – Astrobiology Institute Academic Discipline/Fields Natural sciences, mathematics and statistics Physical sciences, Biological and related sciences Astrobiology & Astrochemistry Astrobiology, Astrochemistry & Astrophysics Interstellar chemistry (galactic and extragalactic) Development and operation of space simulation facilities for interstellar and planetary research (including cryo-, ultrahigh vacuum and radiation techniques); Spectroscopy database management of ices and organics Identification of organic molecules on planetary surfaces, comets, asteroids and meteorites Organics and life detection on Mars; Support to instrument development for life and organic detection on Mars; Prebiotic chemistry Field analogue research in extreme environments (Atacama desert, Utah) in support of planetary exploration Space Policy: Policy aspects of Global Space Exploration, Earth-Space synergies Distinctions and Awards NASA Astrobiology Institute, NASA Group Achievement Award for the O/OREOS satellite Mission NASA Astrobiology Institute, Pastoor-Schmeits Prize for Astronomy, NL New Impulse grant, Dutch Government Asteroid 9826 Ehrenfreund 2114 T-3 APART Prize, Austrian Academy of Science Management position, Membership in scientific bodies Dutch, English, French, German 1990: Visible and Infrared Spectroscopic Studies of Polycyclic Aromatic PostDoc qualification, e.g. Habilitation 1999: Cosmic Dust Short CV/Education and training Chair of the DLR Executive Board Pascale Ehrenfreund was president of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) since September 2013. The purpose of the FWF is to support science and basic research in Austria on a high international level. Thereby the FWF plays a key role in the development of the Austrian science and research landscape. Pascale Ehrenfreund is also Research Professor of Space Policy and International Affairs at the Center for International Science and Technology Policy (George Washington Univ.). As lead investigator of the NASA Astrobiology Institute she is involved in several international space missions. Her activities in science policy focus on the promotion of international cooperation and interdisciplinary research. Pascale Ehrenfreund holds a Master in Molecular Biology (Univ. Vienna), a PhD in Astrophysics (Univ. Vienna) and a Master in Management & Leadership (Webster Univ.). She is also present in outer space since 1999, as the asteroid "9826 Ehrenfreund 2114 T-3" bears her name. Ehrenfreund, P., Charnley, S.B. Organic molecules in the ISM, comets and meteorites: A voyage from dark clouds to the early Earth, Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 38, p. 427-483 (2000). Ehrenfreund, P., Irvine, W., Becker, L., Blank et al. Astrophysical and astrochemical insights into the origin of life. Reports on Progress in Physics 65, 1427 (2002). Ehrenfreund, P., Fraser, H. Blum J. et al. Physics and chemistry of icy particles in the universe: answers from microgravity, Planetary and Space Science 51, 473-494 (2003). Ehrenfreund, P., Charnley, S.B., Wooden, D.H. From ISM material to comet particles and molecules", COMETS II, eds. M. Festou, H.U.Keller, H. Weaver, Univ. Arizona Press, 115-133 (2004) Ehrenfreund, P., Rasmussen, S., Cleaves, J.H., Chen, L. Experimentally tracing the key steps in the origin of life. Astrobiology 6/3, 482-513 (2006). Ehrenfreund, P., Cami, J. (2010) "Cosmic carbon chemistry: from the interstellar medium to the early Earth", in: The origin of Life, eds. D. Deamer & J. Szostak, Cold Spring Harbor, New York, 21-34 Ehrenfreund, P., McKay, C., Rummel, J.D., Foing, B.H., Neal, C.R., Masson-Zwaan, T., Ansdell, M., Peter, N., Zarnecki, J., Mackwell, S., Perino, M.A., Billings, L., Mankins, J., Race, M. Toward a Global Space Exploration Program: A Stepping Stone Approach. Advances in Space Research 49, 2-48 (2012). Oreocube Membership in scientific bodies/juries Member, International Institute of Space Law IISL President, Austrian Science Fund FWF (honorary appointment) Member, European Commission: Horizon2020 Space Advisory Group SAG Chair, International Academy of Astronautics, Cosmic study: Dynamics of Space Exploration Strategies and Future Outlook President, IAU International Astronomical Union, Commission 51 – Bioastronomy Member, NRC Committee on Astrobiology and Planetary Science CAPS Member, Eidgenössische Kommission für Weltraumfragen CFAS Member, IAA International Academy of Astronautics (Life Sciences) Chair, Committee on Space Research COSPAR Panel on Exploration PEX Science Watch: http://sciencewatch.com/ana/st/astro/08junEhrenfreund/ Astrobiology Pioneer: http://www.gwu.edu/~spi/assets/docs/2011%20AST%20Pascale.pdf M.A. Management & Leadership, Webster University, GPA: 3.83 Title: Managing Global Space Exploration You can only see the contact information of the academics in the database if you are a registered user of AcademiaNet. Read what our members say about AcademiaNet. The scientists on AcademiaNet were nominated by Please download the brochure "No more excuses" and read more about female experts in Europe, and about AcademiaNet. PhD Sonja Aits Biological and related sciences cell biology, molecular biology, biomedicine Prof. Dr. Anna Akhmanova Biological and related sciences Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, Microscopy Dr. Malin Ah-King Biological and related sciences Evolutionary biology, Animal behaviour, Gender studies, Science studies Prof. Patrizia Agostinis Biological and related sciences , HealthCell Biology, Cellular signaling, Cancer biology, Cancer therapy Aerospace research: ensuring sustainability here on earth AcademiaNet interview with Prof. Pascale Ehrenfreund First Woman to Head German Aerospace Center Pascale Ehrenfreund, an astrobiologist and currently professor of Space Policy and International Affairs at the Space Policy Institute in Washington, is the new chair of the executive board of the German Aerospace Center DLR. Recommend this academic
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
Skoolzy Blog – Tagged "St. Patrick's Day activities for toddlers" Celebrate St. Patrick's Day With Fun and Educational Fine Motor Skills Activities! St. Patrick's Day is about kids, learning, and fun! Celebrate shamrocks, rainbows, and clovers with your toddler and preschooler! Lacing beads, fine motor skills, leprechauns, pegobards, counting, sorting, patterning all while celebrating the Irish, Ireland, pots of gold and Leprechauns!
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Webcast on Thursday, Dec. 2 at 12 noon ET to Focus on New Research on Enterprise Cloud Adoption The Independent Oracle Users Group (IOUG) has just released the findings of a new survey of IOUG members that benchmarks the rapid evolution of cloud computing among Oracle users. The survey, consisting of responses from 267 IT professionals and data managers, was conducted by Unisphere Research, a division of Information Today, Inc., and sponsored by Oracle. InterSystems Adds Support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux for Amazon EC2 Platform InterSystems Corporation, which specializes in advanced integration, database, and business intelligence technologies for breakthrough applications, yesterday announced that support for the latest 2010 releases of the InterSystems CACHÉ database and InterSystems Ensemble integration and development platform is now available on the Amazon EC2 platform with 64-bit Red Hat Enterprise Linux as the guest operating system. DBSophic Introduces Free Solution for Analyzing and Comparing Database Workloads DBSophic, a provider of performance management products for database-centric applications, has announced a new free solution to help SQL Server DBAs identify and trouble-shoot database performance problems. The product, Qure Workload Analyzer, analyzes database workloads comprised of one or more SQL traces and provides DBAs with deep, intelligent analysis. An intuitive graphical interface and multi-dimensional grouping, sorting and filtering make it easy to identify and analyze performance bottlenecks Open Source Databases Show Momentum With Recent Releases Fifty percent of enterprises are now using open source databases in a production environment, according to Forrester Research.This is a multi-digit jump from data available just a few years ago. And this isn't just one or two particular business verticals either; just about every sector of the economy is deploying open source databases in production now. Moreover, Forrester predicts that by 2014, 75% of all businesses will be using open source databases to power their key applications. SQL in the Cloud, Feet on the Ground SQL Azure is Microsoft's cloud-based relational database service hosted in their data centers, and it's got some DBAs worrying about the future. The more I look at the technology, however, the more I see practical applications for it and the less I think people should be concerned. Research@DBTA - Data Security Misperceptions Unveiled These days, many companies recognize that there are severe repercussions to ignoring or undervaluing data security, and a sizable segment of organizations-at least one-third in many cases-have been taking additional measures to bolster their data security. Rightsizing Your Service Catalog: Handling Out-of-Band Requests One common challenge I have observed during ITIL service catalog implementations pertains to the handling of out-of-band requests. That is, how should one manage a request for a service that is not in the catalog? Big Data, Big Issues - The Year Ahead in Information Management The year 2010 brought many new challenges and opportunities to data managers' jobs everywhere. Companies, still recovering from a savage recession, increasingly turned to the power of analytics to turn data stores into actionable insights, and hopefully gain an edge over less data-savvy competitors. At the same time, data managers and administrators alike found themselves tasked with managing and maintaining the integrity of rapidly multiplying volumes of data, often presented in a dizzying array of formats and structures. New tools and approaches were sought; and the market churning with promising new offerings embracing virtualization, consolidation and information lifecycle management. Where will this lead in the year ahead? Can we expect an acceleration of these initiatives and more? DBTA looked at new industry research, and spoke with leading experts in the data management space, to identify the top trends for 2011. Attachmate Corporation to Acquire Novell Attachmate Corporation and Novell, Inc. announced the signing of a definitive agreement for Attachmate to acquire Novell in a transaction valued at approximately $2.2 billion. Vanguard Launches Federal Compliance Tool for Mainframes Vanguard Integrity Professionals, a provider of enterprise security software for mainframes, has announced the general availability of Vanguard Configuration Manager, new software that aims to reduce the cost and time required to test mainframe systems to assess their accordance with the Defense Information Systems Agency Security Technical Implementation Guides (DISA STIGs). According to Vanguard, its new configuration management software is the only fully automated baseline configuration scanner for mainframe DISA STIGs today. SOA Software Ships Multi-Vendor Governance Tools for IBM WebSphere Business Services Fabric SOA Software, a provider of SOA and cloud services governance software, released a suite of governance products to help customers successfully plan, build and run applications for the IBM WebSphere Business Services Fabric. Voltaire Teams With Supermicro to Deliver Faster High-End Storage Storage I/O bottlenecks present a major challenge for high performance, data-intensive environments that, until now, required big IT budgets to attempt to eliminate them, Asaf Somekh, vice president of marketing, Voltaire, tells 5 Minute Briefing. "If you look at the different emerging markets, especially cloud computing, and you look at their economics, their business model and the different parts of the data center, the one part that breaks their model is the storage part," he explains. "You see all of these relatively inexpensive, very powerful servers connecting to storage that is kind of yesterday's technology, but very expensive." Precise Announces Managed Service for On-Site Quality of Service Precise, a provider of transaction performance management solutions, announced a remote VPN-based service offering designed to manage customers' application performance. Precise Managed Service Provider (MSP) includes monitoring by the vendor's experts to manage Quality of Service, isolate transaction performance problems, and guide resolution. Micro Focus Ships Terminal Emulation for Microsoft Office Micro Focus, a provider of enterprise application modernization, testing and management solutions, announced the availability of RUMBA 8.1, an enhanced version of the company's terminal emulation suite. The upgraded suite now includes Microsoft Office integration, an improved tile and zoom user interface, automatic historical data capture, FIPS-compliant security and customizable developer tools. AES Expands End-to-End Response Time Measurement on z/OS AES announced the release of CleverView for TCP/IP v8.2.1 - a z/OS-based TCP/IP Performance Monitor - which now offers enhanced end-to-end response times for TN3270 interval performance monitoring and reporting. Number of Clients Switching to IBM from Oracle/Sun and HP Hits New Quarterly Record in Third Quarter IBM announced that nearly 400 customers moved critical business workloads to IBM servers and storage systems from Oracle/Sun and HP in the third quarter, a record high since the company began tracking migrations more than 4 years ago. IBM Webcasts Available On-Demand Did you miss a webcast covering important information about technologies you need to learn more about? IBM offers replays on-demand of webcasts presented by IBM experts and partners. New Podcast from Novell Looks at IBM's Adoption of SUSE Linux Enterprise for WebSphere Appliances In this latest installment of Novell's partner podcast series, Liz Padula, senior marketing manager at Novell, talks with Marc Haberkorn, product manager in the WebSphere team at IBM, about how IBM is working with Novell to deliver a portfolio of software appliances across many of its brands, including WebSphere, powered by SUSE Linux Enterprise. Attachmate Corporation and Novell, Inc. yesterday announced the signing of a definitive agreement for Attachmate to acquire Novell for a purchase price of $6.10 per common share in cash. The transaction is valued at approximately $2.2 billion. Novell helps organizations securely deliver and manage computing services across physical, virtual and cloud computing environments through solutions for identity and security, systems management, collaboration and Linux-based operating platforms. Virtual Bridges Unveils Virtual Desktop Infrastructure Support for New IBM Cloud Service Provider Platform According to IBM, the market for cloud services is expected to grow to $89 billion by 2015. Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI), which allows programs, applications, processes and data from remote PCs to be stored and managed from a central location, is well suited for cloud services and helping to drive growing demand. VERDE from Virtual Bridges will enable service providers to capitalize on this exploding market. Red Hat Enables Expanded Deployment Flexibility and Application Portability with Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 Red Hat, which recently launched the latest major release of its flagship operating platform, has announced ecosystem support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 from leading independent software vendor (ISV) partners. With a simple certification model that allows partners to deploy applications in any environment - physical, virtual and cloud - with a single certification, Red Hat enables its ISV partners to deliver flexible and portable solutions to their customers. Linux Foundation and Consumer Electronics Linux Forum to Merge The Linux Foundation, a nonprofit organization dedicated to accelerating the growth of Linux, and the Consumer Electronics Linux Forum (CELF), a nonprofit organization and international open source software development community focused on embedded Linux, are merging, resulting in the CE Linux Forum becoming a technical workgroup at The Linux Foundation. As part of this merge, The Linux Foundation will expand its technical programs in the embedded computing space. Attachmate Corporation and Novell, Inc. yesterday announced the signing of a definitive agreement for Attachmate to acquire Novell for a purchase price of $6.10 per common share in cash, in a transaction valued at approximately $2.2 billion. Talend Snaps Up Open Source SOA and Middleware Solutions Vendor Talend, an open source data management software vendor, announced it has acquired Sopera, a provider of open source SOA and middleware platforms, creating a global company specializing in open-source middleware solutions. Oracle Unveils Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g Ops Center To simplify hardware management in traditional, virtualized and cloud-based data center environments, Oracle last week unveiled Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g Ops Center. Attunity Enhances Comprehensive CDC and Data Replication Suite for Microsoft SSIS Attunity Ltd., a provider of real-time data integration and event capture software, announced major enhancements to its CDC Suite for SSIS, providing a comprehensive solution for replicating data in real-time across a wide range of heterogeneous data sources at an affordable price point. The product suite is used by customers worldwide to enable real-time business intelligence (BI) and designed to improve business operations and reduce costs. Progress Software Introduces New Database Drivers for Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Parallel Data Warehouse Progress Software has announced the availability of database drivers for the Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Parallel Data Warehouse. Available for pre-sales registration immediately with shipment in Q2 2011, the Progress DataDirect Connect drivers enable companies using UNIX-, Linux- and Java-based applications to connect to Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Parallel Data Warehouse. EMC Acquires Bus-Tech, and Signs Agreement to Buy Isilon Systems EMC Corporation last week announced it has acquired Bedford, Massachusetts-based Bus-Tech, Inc., and today also announced it has signed a definitive agreement under which it will acquire Isilon Systems, Inc. Bus-Tech is a privately held provider of VTL (Virtual Tape Library) solutions that utilize open systems disk storage to store and retrieve mainframe tape data. Bus-Tech products enhance EMC solutions for mainframe batch processing, backup and recovery, disaster recovery, and data archiving applications. Isilon Systems is a fast-growing "Scale-out NAS" (network attached storage) systems company, based in Seattle, Washington. Netuitive Adds Tivoli Integration to Portfolio of IT Monitoring Tools Netuitive, Inc., which provides a self-learning analytics platform for cloud management, has announced a new integration with IBM Tivoli, a provider of systems management tool for large enterprises. According to Netuitive, the enhanced, native integration is aligned with all of Tivoli's management features and significantly expands the ability of Netuitive to scale to the size of the IBM Tivoli estate. IBM Tivoli customers can now better leverage Netuitive for automated performance and capacity management in virtualized and cloud environments. OpTier Introduces New version of Business Transaction Monitoring Solution OpTier has announced the release of OpTier BTM version 4, a solution for end-to-end business transaction management, from the end-user, cross-application, data center and cloud perspectives. HP Announces Next Version of SOA Governance Platform HP has announced the next version of its HP SOA Systinet governance platform, which adds new features such as personalized user experience, user-defined repository partitions, and multi-level application visualization capabilities. SOA Systinet 4.0 also adds support for multiple application components. Raytheon Purchases Trusted Computer Solutions Raytheon, a provider of Infrastructure security solutions, announced it has acquired Trusted Computer Solutions (TCS), a privately held company that delivers a portfolio of cross-domain, operating system and network security solutions. Red Hat Releases New Version of Enterprise Platform Red Hat, Inc., a provider of enterprise open source solutions, announced it is shipping the latest major release of the company's flagship operating platform. The new edition, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6, is designed for physical, virtualized and cloud deployments, the vendor says. IBM Launches New Lab to Help Business Partners Maximize Cloud Computing Opportunities To prepare its global ecosystem of business partners for emerging cloud computing opportunities, IBM has launched a first-of-its-kind Cloud Computing Lab in the United Kingdom. The new lab in Hursley, England, will help IBM Business Partners cloud enable their technologies and gain the sales and marketing skills they need to take advantage of this fast-growing market. Red Hat Unveils Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 Red Hat yesterday announced the general availability of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6, the latest major release of the company's flagship operating platform, setting the scene for its server operating systems for the next decade. Designed to support today's flexible and varied enterprise architectures, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 delivers the comprehensive foundation customers need for physical, virtualized and cloud deployments. Fedora 14 Now Available The Fedora Project, a Red Hat-sponsored and community-supported open source collaboration, has announced the availability of Fedora 14, the latest version of its free open source operating system distribution. Linux Foundation Offers Self-Assessment Compliance Checklist The Linux Foundation, a non-profit consortium dedicated to fostering the growth of Linux, has developed a checklist of compliance best practices. According to The Linux Foundation, the checklist is intended to be used by companies as an internal self-administered exercise to evaluate their compliance in comparison to top tier best compliance practices. LPI Gets Nod from UK Education Authorities The Linux Professional Institute (LPI), the world's premier Linux certification organization, has announced that the LPIC-1 certification program for Linux professionals has been accepted as a nationally recognized IT accreditation for college students at secondary schools and technical colleges in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland.
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Can you turn a constant source of stress into something manageable? For many Australians, the apparent answer is, 'yes!'. As the Australian Financial Security Authority reports, Debt Agreements are becoming a viable option for clearing personal insolvency and debt. They're seen as a formal agreement that is an alternative to declaring bankruptcy, yet with the flexibility of a debt management plan. Like any of the debt clearing options, however, Debt Agreements, also known as Part IX agreements, come with their own set of long-term impacts that you'll need to keep in mind when weighing your current personal financial situation as well as your own long-term goals. To figure out if a Debt Agreement is your best option, ask yourself what your future financial priorities are. In this article, we'll lay down the basics of a Debt Agreement so you can answer that question with a fuller picture. So what is a Debt Agreement? Simply put, it's a useful way to consolidate debt and follow a pre-structured payment plan that has formally been agreed upon by you and your creditors. The amount you pay back is based on something you can actually afford, over a set period of time, which is the term of the agreement. • You negotiate with your creditors to pay only a percentage of your combined debt, an amount that can be afforded by you over a period of time. • To help you manage and liaise with your creditors, you make repayments to your Debt Agreement administrator rather than individual payments to creditors. • After you complete the payments and the agreement ends, your creditors can't recover the balance of the debts covered by your Debt Agreement. • Your creditors cannot write to you or call you once the agreement has been formally entered. A Debt Agreement is for people struggling with debt who also cannot get a loan but definitely want to seek a final solution to repay their debts. Pro-Tip: As a debtor, you can seek temporary relief from creditors' enforcement actions for 21 days. This is called a declaration of intention to present a debtor's petition and you can use this time to seek free financial advice, consider your options and move forward in the best way. These are not so much 'cons' as they are notable points that may dissuade you from choosing this option. To be sure about what is right for you, seek financial advice from a trusted debt negotiator. Once your Debt Agreement ends, you'll be able to begin to build your credit rating once more. Your Debt Agreement will appear in two places: your credit report, for a minimum of five years from the start of your agreement, and the National Personal Insolvency Index. However, by entering into a Debt Agreement, you can fulfil the terms of your agreement, pay less than you would have by consolidating your debt, and begin to go beyond your debt.
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Everybody wants to look younger, but not everybody has money like a Hollywood celebrity. Thanks to advances in medicine and science, it doesn't cost a fortune to look young anymore. American film, TV actress and comedian Regina Hall (@morereginahall) played a character in her teens In Scary Movie (2000). She was actually in her 30's at the time. I remember that movie. Regina looked like a young fresh teenager, and still looks great! How does she do it? I was recently watching a hilarious interview on Hollywood Today featuring Regina Hall, and let me tell you I laughed my a—off! I loved Regina in the Wayans Brothers classic Scary Movie (2000) and she was outstanding as Candace Hall in Think Like a Man (2012) and Ryan Pierce in Girls Trip (2017). Let me tell you Regina Hall shared some beauty secrets they may shock you! Hilarity aside, including some fascinating therapy with crystals, some of the strategies are real. For instance Face Lift Tapes like Furlesse , Frownies or even plain old Scotch tape at $1.48 a role to reduce frown lines are real. In fact the entertainment industry is known for facelift tape as a quick way to lift sagging skin on a budget. Raquel Welch devoted almost an entire chapter in her tell all autobiography to Frownies. Tape is used to physically lift the skin and pull it back behind the ears and under the hair for a tighter appearance. That's a lot like what happens with a real facelift by a Plastic Surgeon. And what about Crystals like rose quartz? Proponents of Crystal healing or the use of gemstones for health speak of crystals acting as conduits to support the flow of positive healing or balanced energy. Terms like Chi (qi), Ki or life force energy associated with Chinese acupuncture and Japanese Reiki are relevant. While Western science hasn't caught up, crystals are prevalent in spas and meditation practices today. So what are some strategies for anti-aging on a budget? A healthy diet, regular skincare routine, and daily hydration and moisturizing go a long way in sustaining a younger look for much longer. If Ponce de Leon had access to today's over-the-counter facial masks and serums, much less minimally invasive procedures like laser treatments and fillers, he never would've explored Florida. And you don't need to break the bank; even if you're on a tight budget, there are plenty of options to keep your skin looking young and beautiful. Apply Sunscreen Before Moisturizer – Prolonged exposure to the sun is one of the fastest ways to age your skin. It also puts you at risk of cancer. Broad spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher protects your skin from both UVA and UVB rays that could harm it. And sunscreen should be used every day, regardless of the season. Zinc oxide and titanium oxide are the best sun-blocking active ingredients. There are others on the market like oxybenzone and octisalate, but they degrade much faster. For best results on your skin, apply active ingredients like Vitamin C, sunscreen, moisturizer, and then makeup in that order. Also a beeswax chapstick is a great way to keep your lips moisturized. Be sure to put sunscreen on those too. Get a Retin-A Prescription – Retin A (tretinoin) is the scientific name for vitamin A1, one of the most important nutrients associated with skin health. When ingested, vitamin A1 is converted into retinoic acid, the active ingredient in Retin-A, which is typically prescribed for acne treatment. Retin-A is used to generally heal the skin, and it's especially useful in emergency situations. For example, if you have skin problems on your wedding day, you'll want to use it to ensure you're photogenic on the most important day of your life. It can restore sun-damaged skin, and it's even covered by many health insurance plans. This is a powerful treatment and thus a prescription is required and it should only be used with the guidance of your doctor. It is estimated that Retin A may be about 100 times stronger than the retinol creams available over the counter. Use Serums – Most skin serums also have vitamins for your skin. Aside from Retinol, there are a ton of other active ingredients that help make your skin look younger. Vitamin C, hydroxy acids, hyaluronic acid, dimethicone, peptides, panthenol, niacinamide, and coenzyme Q10 are just a few that should be on your shopping list. Serums that let you apply these ingredients directly to your skin prior to sunscreen and moisturizing as described above are ideal. You can also find many of these as ingestible supplements. However, just like with water, ingesting and applying topically are two different things. Both are necessary to keep your skin looking its youngest. Minor Cosmetic Procedures – While these skincare tips are great for daily maintenance, if you've been slacking off, you may need a soft reset. Non-surgical cosmetic procedures like microdermabrasion, chemical peels, laser resurfacing, and Botox injections are affordable out of pocket. These procedures offer various levels of noticeable skin transformations. You'll look younger within several hours to a few days, and the effects will last months to years. Following a proper skin care routine afterwards will extend that even longer. And of course, don't forget to stay hydrated. Drinking water is one of the most overlooked ways to keep your skin elastic, glowing, and healthy throughout your life. In fact, it's probably the smartest decision you'll make every day. The Cut: Can Taping Your Face Actually Reduce Wrinkles?
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Brexit creator says UK can change mind on leaving EU Lord Kerr says voters are entitled to a rethink on Brexit "as the facts become clear" The creator of the Article 50 process by which the UK leaves the European Union has told BBC Wales the UK can - and should - reverse the decision. Lord Kerr of Kinlochard - a former UK ambassador to the EU - drafted the text in the early 2000s. The UK government has insisted that Article 50 cannot be reversed and it had no wish to do so. Lord Kerr told Sunday Politics Wales an election or another referendum was needed before the Brexit process ended. His comments come after several European leaders including European Council president Donald Tusk and French president Emmanuel Macron suggested they were open to a change of heart from the United Kingdom. "We are members of the European Union until the moment we leave," Lord Kerr said. "During the two years [of the Brexit process] - or its extension - it is open to you to say, 'actually we've now changed our mind, do you mind if we stay?' "Whether they agreed would be a political question of course... they might try to extract some sort of price from us if we'd wasted a lot of their time." Image source, AFP/Getty EU chief negotiator Michel Barnier and Brexit Secretary David Davis began talks on Monday Lord Kerr confirmed his own view that the UK should remain in the EU. "I would like to believe that it is still possible for the country to change its mind when it sees that it was, in the referendum campaign, told a lot of things that weren't actually true by those campaigning to leave," he said. "When it sees the economy is slowing down as a result of the referendum decision, I would hope that the country might feel that this question needs to be looked at again." Asked how he thought the reversal of Article 50 should happen, Lord Kerr said: "Your guess is as good as mine. "I'm fairly expert at the legal position in Brussels and what would happen if we did change our minds. "The process, in this country, of getting a change of mind I find much harder to understand. "I think it probably is the case that it would need a general election, or another referendum, or both, in order to be clear the country had changed its mind." Lord Kerr also raised concerns that the UK government had not done enough to gain support from the devolved administrations, including the Welsh Government. The former diplomat was speaking ahead of a conference in Hay-on-Wye, Powys, marking a year since the UK voted to leave the European Union. The UK government's Department for Exiting the EU has been asked to respond to Lord Kerr's comments. Sunday Politics Wales, BBC One Wales on Sunday 25 June at 1100 BST 'Dreamer' Tusk open to UK Brexit rethink EU: No plans for Brexit concessions Macron: EU door still open to UK What happens now that a deal's been done? Brexit in Wales: One year on Around the BBC Sunday Politics Wales
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Change the Owner to System. As a last resort, I reinstalled Photoshop CS4 and that broke the spell. You can not post a blank message. Select the drive that Acrobat 9 is installed on and check the file system in the list. I have been struggling with this for SO long after restoring my mac from a time machine backup (my hard drive crashed and had to be replaced). Januar 2015 at 19:34. # Saved me hours! ensequida corri� mi programa y ni siquiera tuve que reinstalarlo de nuevo, cosa que ya hab�a hecho miles de veces, ahora disfruto de la Suite Master Collection completita. During this process, as ~40MB Liscense recovery file provided by Adobe will be downloaded, executed and deleted afterwards. by Bryan on 10. See the operating system documentation for additional information. Ask now Contact Us Real help from real people. Not JUST the flexnet folder inside. Follow the onscreen instructions to remove the software. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for any additional Adobe CS4, CS3, Acrobat 9, or Acrobat 8 products. ms1946 Level 1 (6 points) Mac OS X Q: 150:30 code in Photoshop CS4 This is some info for the code 150:30 in Photoshop CS4 Extended. by Stefanie on 15. yes no add cancel older | 1 | 2 | 3 | (Page 4) HOME | ABOUT US | CATALOG | CONTACT US | ©2016http://www.rssing.com Update: Friday, October 7, 2011 - The Lion Fix In the comments, codeman38 was the first to explain how to run the License Recovery app under Lion: Mount the .dmg for Thank you by Justin on 17. Solo un problema, los productos que tenía instalados de Adobe (Dreamweaver, Photoshop, etc..). Afterward, copy the Plugins folders back and the Presets folders back, replacing the existing ones. November 2014 at 20:34. # Worked perfectly! But part of the "how to steal CS4" post did help. Click the lock icon next to the Owner field and choose yourself as the Owner. Error: 150:30 Por lo visto se trata de un problema que ocurre cuando cambias sofware de Adobe a una versión de OSX con Snow Leopard. The system returned: (22) Invalid argument The remote host or network may be down. i follow the steps carefully and it worked for me. Dezember 2014 at 21:59. # Worked like magic! He actualizado a Snow Leopard, pero me he encontrado con el famoso error 150:30. Helpful (0) Reply options Link to this post by C F McBlob, C F McBlob Dec 18, 2013 5:42 PM in response to ms1946 Level 4 (2,865 points) Dec 18, 2013 by Wolfgang Reiserer on 16. Mai 2015 at 01:22. # Thank you very much! He buscado las carpetas y no las encuentro. it worked. I can use my CS4 again!!! Gracias 24/06/09 #10 alcanforero [email protected] Beta error 150:30 Puedo aportar mi experiencia. Type your administrator user name and password when prompted, and click OK. Start your Adobe applications. Solution 2: Run the License Repair Tool Close all Adobe applications. Solution 6: Remove the SQLite journaling file The journaling file exists only under specific circumstances where a client is accessing the database file with certain options enabled. Listo. Download the Adobe Licensing Repair Tool. On your startup disk, locate and delete the following folder: [hard drive]/Library/Preferences/FlexNet Publisher/ Note the following: Important: The path above points to the Library folder at the root of your startup Februar 2015 at 16:04. # WoW !! g. Si alguno sabe la posible causa se lo agradecer�a, ya que llevo (3-4 meses) con el CS4 y me habia acostumbrado a el. Note: Leave this window open and proceed to the next step. This worked perfectly. Cambiamos la fecha a la actual y reiniciamos. La soluci�n de senhez me devolvi� los colores a la cara... �Idolo!
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
New construction atop Follen Hill! This fabulous five bedroom, five bath shingle style colonial is currently under construction with a Summer 2018 occupancy. Offering a chef's kitchen with floor to ceiling inset cabinetry and professional grade appliances, all open to a family room with gas fireplace, coffered ceiling and custom built-ins. Richly appointed formal living areas with butler pantry/wet bar and walk in pantry with custom shelving. The first floor study may also double as a guest bedroom with closet and 3/4 bathroom. The luxurious master suite has sitting area, numerous closets and spa bath. The second floor hosts three additional bedrooms, all with en-suite bathrooms. Spacious lower level bonus room with full bath, private patio, extensive fieldstone walls and irrigated professional landscaping. Desirable Follen Hill location, within a walk to Lexington Center, Minuteman Bikeway and numerous Conservation Trails. Hurry... there is still a bit of time to customize this home!
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Jewish settlers torch mosque in West Bank Days of Palestine - 25 February, 2015 Days of Palestine, West Bank –Jewish Israeli settlers set fire on Friday morning to mosque near the West Bank city of Bethlehem and left Hebrew graffiti on its walls. Sources said to Days of Palestine that the mosque, in the village of Al-Jabaa near the city of Bethlehem, was torched and its walls and carpeted floor suffered damage. v Like our page on Facebook Residents detected the fire and were able to extinguish it before it spread to the rest of the mosque. The Hebrew graffiti on the walls reads: "We want the redemption of Zion" and "revenge" alongside a Jewish Star of David. The settlers, mostly armed, regularly attack Palestinian villages and farms and set fire to their mosques, olive trees and other properties in the West Bank under the so-called "price tag" policy. Israeli authorities rarely detain the assailants. In mid-October last year, Israeli settlers set ablaze part of the Abu-Baker Al-Siddiq Mosque, which is located in the village of Aqraba in the West Bank. In a similar measure in January 2014, Israeli settlers attacked a Palestinian mosque in the north of the occupied West Bank, torching part of it. The main gate and some carpets were damaged in the incident.
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"So Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt. They had been there for 430 years. They were finally free and going to God's Promised Land." This story is presented in short sentences, large print, and brief passages of text on each page. The detailed illustrations highlight each story and provide context clues for early readers. There is a special section in the back featuring "People in Bible Times" and "Words to Treasure" with Scripture references. Moses Leads the People is a faithful retelling of these biblical events, and kids who are familiar with The Adventure Bible will enjoy the format of this book. My early reader is excited about reading Bible stories independently. I appreciate the careful attention to detail in this book, as well as the way the harsher details are presented in a gentle way, so even young children will enjoy this book as a read aloud. "Moses and Aaron met with Paroah. the king of Egypt, asked Moses. 'Please let the Israelites go,' said Moses. to use. They would convince Pharoah." Not only is Moses Leads the People a wonderful way to introduce Bible events to children, but it is also a nice way to practice reading skills and engage kids with a fun format. Definitely a valuable addition to our shelves!
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Q: Can two structs reference each other? - Julia I have a struct that includes a field of the same type, which I cannot assign at creation. Julia does not seem to like the following. (It coughs up a circular reference complaint.) I intend this to boil the problem down to its essentials mutable struct Test test:: Union{Test,Nothing} end t1 = Test(nothing) t2 = Test(nothing) t1.test = t2 t2.test = t1 * *What is the right way to achieve this? (E.g., how can I point to my partner, who can point to me as his partner?) *Separately, is the above currently the right way to have an initially "null" field? A: What you propose is a correct way to have initially nothing field. Alternatively you can do something like: julia> mutable struct Test test::Test Test(t::Test) = new(t) Test() = new() end julia> t1 = Test() Test(#undef) julia> t2 = Test() Test(#undef) julia> t1.test = t2 Test(#undef) julia> t2.test = t1 Test(Test(Test(#= circular reference @-2 =#))) where you have temporarily #undef field. See also Incomplete Initialization section of the Julia Manual. Edit An example of circular reference with a standard Vector{Any}: julia> x = Any[] Any[] julia> push!(x, x) 1-element Vector{Any}: 1-element Vector{Any}:#= circular reference @-1 =#
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaStackExchange'}
IHBC Conservation Wiki Part of Designing Buildingswww.designingbuildings.co.uk Institute of Historic Building Conservation Institute / association Website Managing Historic Cities: World Heritage Papers 27 Managing Historic Cities: World Heritage Papers 27, Edited by Ron van Oers and Sachiko Haraguchi, UNESCO World Heritage Centre, 2010, English and French, 254 pages, black and white and colour illustrations. UNESCO's Historic Urban Landscape Initiative (HUL) was launched in 2005 to raise awareness of the need to safeguard historic cities by widening the context for conservation and development beyond the limited protection offered by conservation areas or 'special districts'. The impetus had come from a perception that pressures ranging from increased traffic and tourism, high-rise development and functional changes were rapidly threatening the authenticity and integrity of historic cities and their urban landscapes. The 10 papers included in this volume, written for presentation at expert meetings organised under the HUL initiative, explore new frameworks for managing historic cities. They informed a Recommendation which was adopted by UNESCO in 2011, and is set out in the document New Life for Historic Cities: the historic urban landscape approach explained. This states, somewhat loftily, that 'The Historic Urban Landscape approach moves beyond the preservation of the physical environment and focuses on the entire human environment with all of its tangible and intangible qualities. It seeks to increase the sustainability of planning and design interventions by taking into account the existing built environment, intangible heritage, cultural diversity, socio-economic and environmental factors along with local community values'. This article originally appeared in Context 140, published by the Institute of Historic Building Conservation (IHBC) in July 2015. --Institute of Historic Building Conservation Related articles on Designing Buildings Archaeology. Conservation in the heritage cities of Venice and Liverpool. Conservation. Heritage conservation and the sustainability of cities. Heritage. Historic Buildings. Historic Cities: issues in urban conservation. IHBC articles. Retrofit measures for historic buildings and cities. The Institute of Historic Building Conservation. World heritage site. Retrieved from "https://www.designingbuildings.co.uk/wiki/Managing_Historic_Cities:_World_Heritage_Papers_27" IHBC Marsh Awards 2022 launched - Submissions Close 31 March A chance to nominate retired IHBC members and/or successful learners in heritage skills, with prizes that include £500 and a free place at the IHBC's Aberdeen 2022 Annual School in June. IHBC-SAHGB announce 2021 annual research award winner Donald Insall Associates has been announced as the winner of the new joint award with the Society of Architectural Historians of Great Britain (SAHGB). The award celebrates the quality of architectural-historical research produced as private consultants or for public bodies etc. IHBC at COP26 - Conserving our Places Conserves our Planet 1-12 Nov 2021 The IHBC seeks to raise awareness and understanding of how building conservation philosophy and practice contributes towards meeting the challenge of climate change. IHBC's latest CONTEXT explores 'Conservation Leadership by the People' From Amenity Societies and Wentworth Woodhouse to Kurt Schwitters, Scotland's Towns, Chester and more... Edinburgh's Royal High School to become '£55M national centre for music' The former Royal High School building in Edinburgh is to be transformed into a £55 million national centre for music after the City of Edinburgh Council agreed to the lease of the historic property. IHBC, CIfA, IEMA launch Principles of Cultural Heritage Impact Assessment The joint-institute document aims to help maintain cultural heritage by providing a consistent framework across different sectors & geographies Enter Now to Win: IHBC's GASA Awards 2021 IHBC's Gus Astley Student Awards 2021: Win £500 and a place on IHBC's 2022 Aberdeen School with your built environment/heritage coursework, closes 31/07! Former Harris meat factory mansion in Calne, Wilts, to be restored The last remaining buildings on the site of the Harris meat factory family's historic mansion are being restored to their former glory and converted into new homes. CICV Forum introduces professional indemnity insurance guide The Construction Industry Coronavirus Forum (CICV Forum) has unveiled a new guide to the crucial and increasingly complex issue of professional indemnity insurance (PII). The World Heritage Committee(WHC): Liverpool should lose its World Heritage status. ICOMOS has advised that the new football stadium proposal, if implemented, would have a completely unacceptable major adverse impact its authenticity and integrity.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
We preserve our heritage by continuously investing in technology and product development. The most important point is to have something to offer today's consumer. It is our philosophy that even a traditional product can benefit greatly from new technology and industrial competences. The history of Ortofon can be traced back to 1918 when two Danish Engineers - Axel Petersen (1887-1971) and Arnold Poulsen (1889-1952) - began their experiments to synchronise sound with pictures on film. On the 9th of October 1918, Axel Petersen and Arnold Poulsen founded the Electrical Phono Film Company with a few capable and foresighted businessmen who would support the organization financially. The invention of electrical recording by an Edison Phonograph and sound reproduction through earphones were the first conquests. The team had to engineer most of electrical and mechanical components itself and owing to the insufficient sensitivity of the film, the team had huge challenges in the field of optical and photographic recording. After 5 years, however, the first film was produced. On the 12th of October, 1923, the first sound film recorded indoors was shown at the Palace Theatre in Copenhagen. It was the first real sound film, recording using the "variable area" method. For the first time the name of System Petersen and Poulsen was on film strip. The name was later to be known all over the world. At that time two films were run simultaneously - one with pictures and one with sound (i.e. it was necessary to synchronize the two machines). Nevertheless the first performance was met with enthusiasm, and it became the method for presentations in the whole of Europe while licenses were established for this technology in many other countries. Later in the twenties the System Petersen and Poulsen was also adopted by the largest American film productions. By that time, the problem of synchronization of picture and sound on the same strip was solved. This became a common requirement on the part of the producers to simplify the copying and editing of the films. Also within this field the two Danish engineers succeeded in achieving eminent results. Several of the cameras and recording heads constructed then for cinema projectors, were still employed as late as 1968. Additionally a number of other appliances, such as condenser microphones, dynamic compressors, oscilloscopes, optical instruments, amplifiers for reproduction and studio equipment with mixing and editing tables were developed. The fact that improvements can be noticed without any advance publicity was certified at a Danish premier in 1944. The press wrote that the film was boring but the sound surprisingly good. Electrical Fono Film A/S had constructed a new dynamic compressor which was used for the first time; later this compressor was patented. Also the disc recording industry had been supplied with appliances by the Danish inventors. A new system of cutter head for the gramophone industry and the amplifier were developed in secrecy during WW II. The cutter head was revolutionary because the level of registration of the oscillations was raised from 5 kHz to 14 kHz. At the end of 1945 the Danish disc recording company "Tono" was able to cut records on the new equipment. No existing pickup system, however, was able to reproduce so high a sound quality that this cutter head produced. So the pioneering Ortofon mono pickup and pickup arm were developed in 1948 and then patented in many countries. In a few years it became world famous. In 1946 the old name of the company was changed to FonoFilm Industry A/S and in 1947 Ortofon A/S was founded as a trading company under FonoFilm Industry A/S umbrella. This was done as a consequence of a considerable increase in demand from the whole world. At the same time ORTOFON was registered as a trade mark for all the products of the company and a guarantee for imported articles was made. The name Ortofon is derived from the Greek words "orto" (meaning "correct") and "fon" (meaning "sound"). A strong and efficient cooperation between Ortofon A/S and other high-class industrial undertakings within the acoustical line had developed a comprehensive world trade attended to by 36 agencies and many technical and commercial undertakings. The severe demand of high-quality products of Mr. Petersen and Mr. Poulsen dating from the infancy of the sound film was still such a decisive factor that all kinds of raw materials were controlled before they were put into production. As previously mentioned, Ortofon started making cutter heads for record manufacturing companies in 1945 and they became adopted by companies all over the world. From being a development laboratory for tone films (the Petersen and Poulsen System) Ortofon became an important force in fostering the gramophone industry, among other things by developing a Moving Coil cutter head for mono cartridges which was followed by various models of mono as well as stereo cutter heads. Ortofon used its market knowledge and technology from its renowned cutter head production to make very fine cartridges. In 1959 the first SPU - Stereo Pick Up came to the market. The term "SPU" stands for "stereo pick-up" as phono cartridges were called "pick-ups" in the 1950s and 1960s. The original SPU was introduced in response to the demand for cartridges to reproduce the new stereo records. Based on Ortofon's already 10 year old technology and experience in mono cartridges, the SPU immediately set the standard for professional and audiophile applications. Mr. Robert Gudmandsen took a principal part in developing this cartridge. The first magnetic cartridge, the M-15, constructed on the VMS (variable magnetic shunt) generating system was launched in 1969. A New Moving coil lightweight model, MC 20, was introduced in 1977 and two years later the MC 20 MK II came. The MC 20 MK II became the first cartridge to be implemented with the patented Wide Range Damping System which insured very high tracking ability. Both models were awarded by the Japanese Grand Prix Committee. - Very strong magnetic materials like Samarium Cobalt and Neodymium almost decimated sizes of magnetic circuits and even increased cartridge output data at the same time. - New thin cantilever rods made from very hard Sapphire, Boron and Ruby mounted with exceptional new diamonds profiles were implemented as well as extremely pure Japanese copper and silver wires for MC-coils. Processing technology for molding complex structures in either ceramic or pure metals, based on the special Metal Injection Molding process, created completely new design possibilities and has successively been introduced by Ortofon suppliers in either ceramic, stainless steel or pure iron parts. In 2004 Ortofon started using a wood-powder resin material for new SPU-G housings as well as for the Rondo models. At the end of 2008 Ortofon introduced a completely new model that was designed in cooperation with the Danish Technological Institute. The SPU 90th Anniversary phono cartridge was thought as a celebration of a significant milestone in the Ortofon history and was the result of a research spanning the Ortofon technological heritage and the emergence of new manufacturing technology called Rapid Manufacturing. Ortofon has developed significantly over the last 10 years and currently is in a phase where the use of the advanced technologies has opened for exciting new business opportunities within the Medical industry. This growth is driven, among other things, by investment in the new technology and new products.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
@interface PodsDummy_Pods_FireBaseCoreData_Firebase : NSObject @end @implementation PodsDummy_Pods_FireBaseCoreData_Firebase @end
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaGithub'}
is a Japanese football player. She plays for Tokyo Verdy Beleza in the Japanese WE League. and Japan national team. Club career Miyagawa was born in Kanagawa Prefecture on February 24, 1998. She was promoted to L.League club Nippon TV Beleza from youth team in 2016. National team career In 2014, Miyagawa was selected Japan U-17 national team for 2014 U-17 World Cup. She played in all 6 matches and scored 2 goals, and Japan won the championship. In 2016, Miyagawa was selected Japan U-20 national team for 2016 U-20 World Cup. She played in 4 matches and Japan won the 3rd place. In 2018, Miyagawa was selected Japan U-20 national team for 2018 U-20 World Cup second time. She played in all 6 matches and Japan won the championship. In February 2019, Miyagawa was selected Japan national team for SheBelieves Cup. At this tournament, on March 2, she debuted as right side back against Brazil. National team statistics References External links Japan Football Association 1998 births Living people Toin University of Yokohama alumni Association football people from Kanagawa Prefecture Japanese women's footballers Japan women's international footballers Nadeshiko League players Nippon TV Tokyo Verdy Beleza players Women's association football defenders 2019 FIFA Women's World Cup players Footballers at the 2020 Summer Olympics Olympic footballers of Japan
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaWikipedia'}
Let us take care of your clothes and textiles. Our professional washing and drying machines will make them feel like new again! Your mum couldn't do it better! Are you tired of getting your clothes ruined or getting back the wrong ones? You want to have laudry done like mum? The solution is LAUNDRY LIKE HOME! Laundry Like Home is a professional laundry shop in Siem Reap, Cambodia. We strive to give the best service to our clients by cleaning all cloths and textiles with our professional washing and drying machines. The shop is managed by Europeans who work together with friendly Cambodian staff. Laundry Like Home has a wide range of clients, from local NGO's, hotels, guesthouses to individual tourists and ex-pats living in Siem Reap. Also Cambodians found the way to our laundry shop. We are conveniently located on Wat Bo Street. If you are interested to work with us and you want to receive a quotation, please don't hesitate to contact us. For any questions, please use the form below to contact us. We will reply to your message as soon as possible. Don't send us email about pick up and delivery. We might not see your email in time!
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Sandrine Berroir is an associate professor of geography at the Université Paris 7 – Paris Diderot and associate director of the UMR Geographie-Cités. Her work focuses on the reorganization of urban territories and evolutions in mobility. Hadrien Commenges is an associate professor of geography at the Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, member of the UMR Géographie-Cités (CNRS, UP1, UP7) and associate professor at LEESU (UPEM, ENPC, AgroParisTech). His work focuses on using quantitative methods and modelling in urban planning. Jean Debrie is a lecturer in urban planning at the University of Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne and a member of the UMR Géographie-Cités. He is co-chair of the department Réseaux et Territoires for the research lab LabeX DynamiTe. His research focuses on analyzing public policies and transportation systems. Juliette Maulat is an urban and land use planning lecturer at the University of Paris 1 and a member of the Géographie-Cités laboratory's CRIA team. Her research mainly explores the relationship between transportation and planning, local public action and the railway world. She is currently conducting several studies on metropolitan planning, mobility policies and urban production around train stations in France and Canada. The workshop is composed of four master students in territory planning from the University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne : Guillaume Blandeau, Colette Bordedebat, Esther Briend et Justine Lanon. Coming from Geography or preparatory classes, they are trained both in qualitative or sensitive methods and quantitative analysis. Specialized in urban studies, they are also familiar with a variety of topics ranging from housing and real estate to transportation and mobility. Finally, they bring to the project a new look rooted in their experiences abroad (Guillaume in Australia and Hong Kong, Colette in Brasil and Germany and Esther in Canada). Automobiles are at the center of a system of well-documented negative externalities that affect public health by increasing local pollution and accidents, that negatively impact local and global environments by contributing to climate change, and that consume a significant amount of urban space. Despite these externalities, and a downward trend in their use, personal vehicles continue to widely dominate transportation in France 1 . The Ile-de-France, a region increasingly associated with pollution peaks and continual traffic congestion, is a particularly interesting case study to imagine an automobile exit. While this dense conglomeration has experienced an overall decline in the use of automobiles, it continues to increase in outlying areas (rural areas and secondary towns) with less alternative transportation options 2 . As part of the project Bioregion Ile-de-France, the Institut Momentum will explore the hypothesis of an end of the Anthropocene 3 in the Ile-de-France, in rupture with our current lifestyles. As a part of the two-year project Post-Car Ile-de-France , researchers from the laboratory Géographie-Cités will explore the hypothesis of a transition towards lifestyles that depend less on the use of personal vehicles. In order to study the latter hypothesis, the laboratory Géographie-Cités brought together a multidisciplinary team specialized in the fields of urban planning (Jean Debrie, Juliette Maulat), urban geography (Sandrine Berroir), and geographic modelling (Arnaud Banos, Hadrien Commenges, Ludovic Challonges). Throughout the project, the researchers will be assisted by students in professional training as a part of the Master of Urban Planning (Paris 1) and Carthagéo (Paris 1, Paris 7, ENSG 4 ). Based on the observation that cars are the source of problems in the Ile-de-France, the study will explore the possibility of a transition toward lifestyles that are less dependent on the use of personal vehicles, while still fulfilling the aspirations of Ile-de-France residents. A phase including a literature review followed by an analysis of current mobility practices in the Ile-de-France. This will be enriched by an in-depth study of the mobile aspirations of people living in the Ile-de-France, based on an international survey conducted by the Mobile Lives Forum on the same topic. A phase to model current mobility practices on a regional scale, in order to then use this information to create a serious game. This game, which will feature common spatial models in the Ile-de-France, will be the basis of a prospective and participative study conducted with people living in the region. A prospective study during the serious game workshops. This phase will bring together people living in the Ile-de-France, in order to identify the different scenarios for transition towards lifestyles that are less dependent on the use of individual vehicles and to analyze the factors of success or failure. A variety of local transition scenarios, which will be discussed collectively during the workshops. A final summary of the results will outline how these different local scenarios could impact the region as a whole. Once the research has been completed, the different models will be published in open source, and will be replayable and modifiable. The projects Post-Car Ile-de-France and Bioregion Ile-de-France will be presented together at the end of 2018, in order to foster discussion around the results and the prospects they offer for public policy. 1 In 2013, personal vehicles represented 83% of trips in France (Chiffres clés du transport, 2015). 2 OMNIL, 2015, enquête globale transport 2010. 3 Neologism created by geochemist Paul Crutzen (2000) based on the observation that over the last 200 years, human activity has caused the earth's ecosystems to change rapidly. From this point of view, human activity is considered having a significant impact on the environment, and propelling earth into a new geological era: the Anthropocene. 4 National School of Geographic Sciences.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Having a stuck garage door can be so infuriating; it practically makes you feel like driving with it. Several people find themselves in this situation, especially throughout winter months. Instead of getting annoyed, utilize your abilities and do some troubleshooting strategies to resolve the problem. So take a professional garage door repair Schaumburg, Illinois from a reputable company that can troubleshoot the problems easily. Generally most doors have settings like getaway or automated lock settings. If the door is readied to this setting, then it will certainly not open, even with the remote. They should be opened by hand and hold up to regular placement from inside the garage. Check the battery for the remote operator and see if it is still charged. If you make use of rechargeable batteries, then this could be the trouble. Replace the batteries and see if the remote is powering on. If you have the ability to operate the door from the controls inside the garage, then your remote is at fault. Examine if the cords and power supply are in position. Sometimes the power supply could be turned off, or a cable could be damaged. In such an instance you would need a garage door repair service to fix the problem. Look inside the garage to see if there are any kind of things in the method of the door. For doors that swing open upwards, a blockage at the ground level might stop it from doing so. If there is something that is hanging on to the springs, the door will not work. Inspect the automated sensing units to see if the light gets on. If the light on the sensing unit is not blinking, it would certainly require replacement. Likewise absolutely nothing must be blocking the sensing units and their path. The automatic garage doors work on straightforward auto mechanics. The door makes use of springs and mechanical pulley-blocks to operate. So it is not very difficult to recognize exactly what is wrong with the door. While some minor troubles can be easily repaired by you, replacement and various other significant repairs need to not be tried on a D-I-Y basis. The main factor is, these doors have to be dealt with thoroughly. Garage doors are extremely hefty and if they drop they can injure a person really badly. Even if you're a mechanical professional, it is ideal if you have it checked by professionals. There are a couple of points that you can do by yourself like oiling the springs and the grips. You can additionally sometimes repair the loose hinges, nuts and screws. When you are repairing the garage door yourself, always keep the producer's manual helpful and follow the instructions to a 'T.' When replacing the components constantly utilize the initial ones sold by the door producer. Do deny off the marketplace add-nos as they might create crashes and spoil the door. Many times you may have faced troubles with your garage doors. There could be some small issues which you can solve by yourself but for the larger issues you need to constantly ask for specialist aid as attempting to repair them by yourself might lead to more damages of the garage door. These days there are several such companies readily available nowadays, so you should do some amount of study prior to zeroing on one. The web is one of the most effective options to collect information regarding them and nowadays a lot of such providers have their own websites. So you can see their internet site and collect all the info that you require from there. You can check Conn's Garage Door Repair solutions they offer as well as the cash they charge for these services. You could compare prices of various service providers and also take solutions from the one which is cost effective for you. Word of mouth is another good alternative to get details concerning these company. Ask anyone in your friend or family circle that has prior experience of taking such services. Because they have a firsthand experience of taking these services, their recommendations will certainly be of excellent assistance to obtain an insight into these providers. You could additionally check out consumer reviews and also reviews which will certainly assist you to obtain a pretty good concept of these providers. By going through these processes you could call a specialist garage door repair company which perfectly suitable for your requirements and spending plan. In addition to above-stated points, another thing you must take care concerning is that to take a look at whether they are accredited, insured and also bound in instance something fails while fixing garage doors you will get the payment. Also, the service technicians who will certainly be working with the trouble of the door ought to be certified, well trained and also licensed. A good service technician will certainly always examine the door before starting the repair and afterward begin working with it. Investing some time in discovering a good such a provider is no damage and also will certainly aid you a lot in the future. Lots of people have been benefitted by taking such services and also if you are additionally facing issues with your garage door after that call a great such a provider as well as get taken advantage of their solutions. After your garage door is being fixed, you likewise must take essential procedures to maintain it in great condition. You should regularly clean up the tracks and also oil the roller bearings so that it will continuously remain in appropriate condition. In addition to it, cleanse the webs often will constantly assist in maintaining the door in excellent functioning condition. I do not have much suggestion concerning how to take care of the garage doors then a good garage door repair company will always offer you some ideas and recommendations concerning how to take great treatment of it. So these are the reasons to hire garage door repair solutions as well as get profited. While Do-It-Yourself maintenance is superb for negligible issues in your garage door, the help of an accomplished garage pro ends up plainly significant once a garage issue turns out to be too confused or hard for DIY choices. As one of your property's purpose of access, a magnificent working garage will help ensure assurance. Picking a garage master from Garage Door Repair Henderson to do a garage door repair requires some expenses. The essential angle affecting repair cost is the sort of garage door repair and level of damage in your garage door. Minor issues like some utilized out territories and flaws can be set before you know it, while issues in receptors, openers, and mechanical zones may cause more endeavors and may require you to purchase new ranges. Your garage style affects the general cost of repair. Some door plans can be set effortlessly due to their basic instruments; others require more here we are at issue fathoming. Old garage door outlines may likewise take increasingly a risk to settle particularly if territories are required. The extensive variety of materials utilized as a part of garage gates additionally requires distinctive repair cost. By and large, exorbitant outlines of garage gates require somewhat more noteworthy repair cost. Metal gates are less expensive as in contrast with wood made gates, yet there are likewise alterations in these particular sorts that additionally cause refinement in the cost of settling them. While it isn't generally a necessity, some property proprietors pick having their garage finished and hued to organize alongside their home. On the off chance that you need this done after the repair, it requires additional cost. Service costs from various associations may fluctuate from each other, and this, obviously, impacts the general cost of repair. A few associations give practical arrangements while there are those that give additional costs particularly in earnest rush support and in the long run work. To comprehend about this, you ought to clarify from your help organization regardless of whether there are additional costs. Through these factors, you can have an idea of whether the repair will cost you a great deal of cash or not. And keeping in mind that there are techniques to diminish repair cost, ensure that you don't trade off assurance and quality for a couple of cash of advantages. Installing garage door springs is NOT suggested unless done by a skilled specialist. This article will try to explain the procedure but does not in any way recommend it needs to be done on ones possess. Please find a specialist from Google map such as –goo.gl/maps/w7ywbNXoN8x for this job!! You can be severely harmed if done improperly. It is exceptionally essential if you attempt to install your springs that you are a DIY veteran which you are not in over your head. The incorrect installation of springs has actually been recognized to harm people that simply did the incorrect point. If you go to all uncertain concerning how to install your springs, call a professional. If you think you can do it by yourself, ensure you follow the suppliers instructions to the letter. Initially, if you are in the process of replacing an old door, and eliminating old springs, especially torsion springs, you intend to be extremely careful. These old springs are really powerful made use of to lifting a 400 pound. door and if they are rusted or difficult to remove, they can create injury. Once you have the old get up of the way and prepare to install the brand-new door, you wish to completely unbox every little thing that included your brand-new door. There will certainly be lots of private parts and normally a checklist of every little thing that is meant to be in package. See to it that you have every one of your items existing prior to you start or else, you can find yourself in a sticky circumstance later. You spring will certainly rest on your torsion bar, so make sure that you have your door established and your upper braces in place prior to you also consider mounting your springs. Every producers instructions are a little bit various than the following, so make certain that you follow their instructions to the letter. Mounting a brand-new garage door can be done by one person to a point, however you will certainly need at least one extra collection of hands at some point. This is the component where you might intend to call over a good friend or 2. You could need to install extra support brackets for your torsion bar depending on the weight. Once again, every door is different and if the walls of your garage are not as durable as they ought to be, you may want to choose the additional braces just in case. Some sets come with added brackets, however some do not. Next, you wish to run the lift cable television approximately the drums that you have set up near the spring, then cover each end of the bar with a tube retainer. Carefully install the winding unit that puts the torque on the spring you require for it to work correctly. It is the launch of this torque that often makes replacing these springs so dangerous. If you slip up below, you might intend to call in a specialist to repair it. Once you have enough winds on your spring, you intend to test it by raising the door just a few inches and screw in the set screws that were obstructed when the door was shut. Check the door by lifting everything the means up and change your springs as required. Once more, this article is simply a simulated guide to clarify exactly how the task is done. You need to never attempt to replace a garage door spring repair without the aid of a qualified professional. You could conveniently lower the future fixing prices. It additionally contributes to carefree upkeep, security and also worth of your garage door. time and also future repair work expenses. As garage door setup is an uphill struggle, employing experts for the exact same would certainly be a smart choice. Whether you intend to set up a handbook or automated garage door, garage door repair in San Diego specialists exist in order to help you. Experts will certainly additionally aid you to get the one based on your spending plan and also requirements if you are puzzled in between picking a hands-on or automated garage door. Hands-on garage doors are lighter as well as have an easy procedure. As automated garage doors are opened up and also shut making use of a remote control and also their procedure is much less complex. Why employ specialists for garage door installment. If the garage door setup is done poorly, there are possibilities that the relocating components could rapidly put on out. With appropriate garage door installment, you could quickly minimize the future repair work expenses. You could additionally look for garage door installment specialists on the net. Right here you could get all information concerning the expense and also solutions provided by garage door installment firms. When it comes to garage door installation, working with specialists is an excellent suggestion. Appropriate installment of garage doors could quickly conserve your loan, time as well as future repair work prices. The expense, insulation, products, shade, as well as the style of the door, are some essential aspects to take into consideration when choosing a garage door. While hands-on garage doors are economical as well as straightforward, automated garage doors are rather costly. With correct garage door installment, you could conveniently decrease the future repair work prices. You could likewise look for garage door installment experts on the net. Correct installment of garage doors could quickly conserve your loan, time as well as future fixing expenses. The expense, insulation, products, shade, as well as the layout of the door, are some vital elements to take into consideration when choosing a garage door. While hands-on garage doors are inexpensive and also straightforward, automated garage doors are rather costly. Keeping your garage door springs in excellent repair is the most vital step you can require to ensure your equipment works accurately and securely with the help of professionals such as El Paso garage door spring repair service. Although a garage door's private panels, wires, and tracks likewise call for regular attention, springs are the key to conserving you money as well as trouble over time. Have a look at just how precautionary spring upkeep can assist maintain your above door functioning like new. You can take some easy actions yourself to give your door a longer lifetime. For example, you need to on a regular basis lubricate the sheaves, track as well as various other components every 6 months or two with a light oil or silicone spray. You could also replace the weather removing and tighten up loose nuts, bolts as well as screws. Your system will last longer if you take the time to give it a careful examination regularly. This need to include trying to find splits as well as shredding in the cable televisions as well as corrosion or damages in the tracks. You need to also check the locks regularly, examining to earn certain that they are secure. These actions will certainly keep your devices running efficiently, prolonging the life of your door. Certainly, if you doubt regarding how to perform these treatments, you can employ an expert to deal with them for you. Just what you cannot handle as a do-it-yourselfer is anything associating with the springs. Torsion springs are dangerous and also need the attention of an experienced professional. Under regular usage, annual upkeep is generally sufficient. In a commercial setting or if you cycle your door several times daily, experts suggest twice-yearly examination and also upkeep. Countless individuals are hurt by garage doors yearly. Not just do people endure pinches and also lacerations from malfunctioning parts, however many are hurt when doors fall as a result of broken torsion springs. In addition to the routine upkeep service, ask your repair specialist to supply a security inspection at the very least when each year. An expert will be able to figure out if components need to be fixed or changed as well as will update your door with the most existing security attributes. Generally, garage doors are opened and also closed around 1,500 times annually. If you overlook normal door upkeep, the rollers could end up being frozen, necessitating the replacement of your tracks. The opener device could fall short, leaving your door jammed midway open. The tracks might come to be misaligned or misshapen, making your door challenging to open as well as close. Or, worst of all, the torsion springs can come to be unbalanced or lose stress, creating the door to abruptly drop. In many cases, pieces of the firmly coiled spring can come loose and also fly into the air, triggering severe injury or perhaps fatality, along with damages to residential property. Preventative maintenance will certainly conserve you the trouble of dealing with unforeseen troubles, yet it will additionally help keep your family members risk-free. Shield the stability of your door and also the security of your house by applying a normal maintenance strategy. Get in touch with a good garage door professional in your location for support with all your maintenance requires as well as garage door spring repair.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Maksutov may refer to: Maksutov telescope, a catadioptric telescope with a meniscus corrector . Dmitry Dmitrievich Maksutov (1896–1964), Russian optical engineer, inventor of the Maksutov telescope Maksutov (crater), a lunar crater named after Dmitry Dmitrievich Maksutov 2568 Maksutov, a main-belt asteroid named after Dmitry Dmitrievich Maksutov See also Maksutov (surname)
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaWikipedia'}
Topics: Inhalt Des Fantasyatlas, Kregen (gesamt Karte), Segesthes, Das Binnenmeer, Vallia, and Havilfar. Age: The domain is 12 years and 3 months old. World4you.com Internet Services Gmbh (Bundesland Oberosterreich, Linz) is the location of the Apache server. Its 2 nameservers are ns2.world4you.at, and ns1.world4you.at. Fantasy-atlas.org's IP address is PING www. ( 56(84) bytes of data. Pinging the server, resulted in a 127 ms response.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Katarina Waters (nascida em 10 de novembro de 1980) é uma wrestler alemã, actualmente trabalhando para a Total Nonstop Action Wrestling. Carreira Circuitos independentes Waters começou com 18 anos na NWA UK Hammerlock e em 2005, foi para a Frontier Wrestling Alliance, onde ficou pouquíssimo tempo e, no início de 2006, se retirou e foi para o território de desenvolvimento da WWE: Ohio Valley Wrestling, onde conquistou dois reinados o título de mulheres e em 20 de fevereiro ela dá adeus e vai para a WWE. WWE Katarina estreou no Raw como Katie Lea Burchill, ou simplesmente Katie Lea, como (kayfabe) irmã de Paul Burchill. No WrestleMania XXIV, Katie foi uma das lumberjills da Playboy BunnyMania Watch. Uma luta após o WrestleMania foi em duplas com Beth Phoenix em que derrotaram Mickie James e Maria. Foi transmitido pelo WWE.com, no Heat em uma edição do WWE RAW em que ela e Burchill derrotaram Super Crazy em um Handicap Match. No Night of Champions de 2008 ela lutou contra Mickie James valendo o WWE Women's Championship, mas perdeu. Após isso foi transferida, juntamente com Paul Burchill, para a brand ECW, onde ajudava Paul em suas lutas. Em uma edição da ECW a General Manager Tiffany retirou Katie Lea Burchill e Paul Burchill da WWE. Paul Burchill saiu da WWE oficialmente, Katie Lea retornou na brand RAW lutando contra Eve Torres na primeira fase do Divas Championship Tournament, onde saiu com uma derrota. Foi demitida em 22 de abril de 2010. Finishers e ataques secundários Kat Nap (Hair-pull backbreaker) Side slam backbreaker Lifting DDT Spinning backbreaker Fireman's carry drop Enzuigiri Missile dropkick Títulos e prêmios Ohio Valley Wrestling OVW Women's Championship (2 vezes) Queens of Chaos Queens of Chaos Championship (1 vez) Total Nonstop Action WrestlingTNA Knockout Tag Team Championship (1 vez) - Angelina Love TNA Knockouts Championship (2 vezes) Trans-Atlantic Wrestling Challenge TWC Women's Championship Cup (2000) Family Wrestling Entertainment''' FWE Women's Championship (1 Vez) Ligações externas Perfil no site da TNA Online World of Wrestling Perfil Lutadoras de luta profissional
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaWikipedia'}
Furnished room available by the airport may 1st! Looking for a roommate to share with me in my basement suite. 36f easy going and my 2 lovable fur babies, 2 cats. $550 includes utilities. Prime location. Right off Métis trail and Stoney trail in the ne and only 5-10 min drive to the airport. If interested let me know. Will be available may 1st. I do have a pic of the room upon request as my roommate hasn't moved out yet. One bedroom for rent One bedroom is available for rent in a newly furnished basement. It is very close to the bus stand and around 20 min walk to the saddletowne station. A male tenant is already living in one of the rooms. Bathroom is shared.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
""" Settings module for benchbuild. All settings are stored in a simple dictionary. Each setting should be modifiable via environment variable. """ import os import uuid from datetime import datetime import benchbuild.utils.settings as s # Initialize the global configuration once. CFG = s.Configuration( "bb", node={ "version": { "desc": "Version Number", "default": s.__version__, "export": False }, "verbosity": { "desc": "The verbosity level of the logger. Range: 0-4", "default": 0 }, "debug": { "desc": "Should debug logging be enabled?", "default": False }, "config_file": { "desc": "Config file path of benchbuild. Not guaranteed to exist.", "default": None, }, "build_dir": { "desc": "build directory of benchbuild. All intermediate projects will " "be placed here", "default": s.ConfigPath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "results")) }, "tmp_dir": { "desc": "Temporary dir. This will be used for caching downloads.", "default": s.ConfigPath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "tmp")) }, "force_tty": { "desc": "Assume an active TTY.", "default": False }, "force_watch_unbuffered": { "desc": "Force watched commands to output unbuffered.", "default": False }, "jobs": { "desc": "Number of jobs that can be used for building and running.", "default": str(s.available_cpu_count()) }, "parallel_processes": { "desc": "Proccesses use to work on execution plans.", "default": 1 }, "experiments": { "default": { "empty": uuid.uuid4() }, "desc": "Dictionary of all experiments we want a defined uuid for." }, "clean": { "default": True, "desc": "Clean temporary objects, after completion.", }, "experiment_description": { "default": str(datetime.now()), "export": False }, "regression_prefix": { "default": os.path.join("/", "tmp", "benchbuild-regressions") }, "source_dir": { "default": None, "desc": "Path to a benchbuild source directory. For developers only." }, "benchbuild_ebuild": { "default": "" }, "cleanup_paths": { "default": [], "desc": ( 'List of existing paths that benchbuild should delete ' 'in addition to the default cleanup steps.' ), "export": False }, "sequence": { "desc": "The name of the sequence that should be used for " "preoptimization.", "default": "no_preperation" } } ) CFG['bootstrap'] = { 'packages': { 'default': [ "mkdir", "git", "tar", "mv", "rm", "bash", "rmdir", "time", "chmod", "cp", "ln", "make", "unzip", "cat", "patch", "find", "echo", "grep", "sed", "sh", "autoreconf", "ruby", "curl", "tail", "kill", "virtualenv", "timeout" ], 'desc': 'List of packages that we require to be installed on the system.' }, 'install': { 'default': True, 'desc': 'Should we try to install packages automatically?' } } CFG["compiler"] = { "c": { "desc": "The C compiler we should use.", "default": "clang" }, "cxx": { "desc": "The C++ compiler we should use.", "default": "clang++" } } CFG["unionfs"] = { "enable": { "default": False, "desc": "Wrap all project operations in a unionfs filesystem." }, "rw": { "default": 'rw', "desc": 'Name of the image directory' } } CFG["env"] = { "default": {}, "desc": "The environment benchbuild's commands should operate in." } CFG['db'] = { "connect_string": { "desc": "sqlalchemy connect string", "default": "sqlite://" }, "rollback": { "desc": "Rollback all operations after benchbuild completes.", "default": False }, "create_functions": { "default": False, "desc": "Should we recreate our SQL functions from scratch?" } } CFG['gentoo'] = { "autotest_lang": { "default": [], "desc": "Language filter for ebuilds, like C or C++." }, "autotest_use": { "default": [], "desc": ( 'USE filter for ebuilds. Filters packages without the given ' 'use flags.' ) }, "autotest_loc": { "default": "/tmp/gentoo-autotest", "desc": "Location for the list of auto generated ebuilds." }, "http_proxy": { "default": None, "desc": "HTTP Proxy to use for downloads." }, "rsync_proxy": { "default": None, "desc": "RSYNC Proxy to use for downloads." }, "ftp_proxy": { "default": None, "desc": "FTP Proxy to use for downloads." } } CFG["slurm"] = { "account": { "desc": "The SLURM account to use by default.", "default": "cl" }, "partition": { "desc": "The SLURM partition to use by default.", "default": "chimaira" }, "template": { "desc": "Template used to generate a SLURM script.", "default": "misc/slurm.sh.inc" }, "script": { "desc": "Name of the script that can be passed to SLURM. Used by external " "tools.", "default": "slurm.sh" }, "cpus_per_task": { "desc": ( 'Number of CPUs that should be requested from SLURM.' ' Used by external tools.' ), "default": 10 }, "node_dir": { "desc": "Node directory, when executing on a cluster node. This is not " "used by benchbuild directly, but by external scripts.", "default": os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "results") }, "timelimit": { "desc": "The timelimit we want to give to a job", "default": "12:00:00" }, "exclusive": { "desc": "Shall we reserve a node exclusively, or share it with others?", "default": True }, "multithread": { "desc": "Hint SLURM to allow multithreading. (--hint=nomultithread)", "default": False }, "turbo": { "desc": "Disable Intel Turbo Boost via SLURM. (--pstate-turbo=off)", "default": False }, "logs": { "desc": "Location the SLURM logs will be stored", "default": "slurm.log" }, "nice": { "desc": "Add a niceness value on our priority", "default": 0 }, "nice_clean": { "desc": "Add a niceness value on our cleanup job priority", "default": 2500 }, "max_running": { "desc": "Limit the number of concurrent running array jobs", "default": 0 }, "node_image": { "desc": "Path to the archive we want on each cluster node.", "default": os.path.join(os.path.curdir, "llvm.tar.gz") }, "extra_log": { "desc": "Extra log file to be managed by SLURM", "default": "/tmp/.slurm" } } CFG["uchroot"] = { "repo": { "default": "https://github.com/PolyJIT/erlent.git/", "desc": "GIT Repo URL for erlent." } } CFG["plugins"] = { "autoload": { "default": True, "desc": "Should automatic load of plugins be enabled?" }, "experiments": { "default": [ "benchbuild.experiments.raw", "benchbuild.experiments.empty", ], "desc": "The experiment plugins we know about." }, "projects": { "default": [ "benchbuild.projects.gentoo", "benchbuild.projects.lnt.lnt", "benchbuild.projects.polybench.polybench", "benchbuild.projects.polybench.polybench-mod", "benchbuild.projects.benchbuild.bots", "benchbuild.projects.benchbuild.bzip2", "benchbuild.projects.benchbuild.ccrypt", "benchbuild.projects.benchbuild.crafty", "benchbuild.projects.benchbuild.crocopat", "benchbuild.projects.benchbuild.ffmpeg", "benchbuild.projects.benchbuild.gzip", "benchbuild.projects.benchbuild.js", "benchbuild.projects.benchbuild.lammps", "benchbuild.projects.benchbuild.lapack", "benchbuild.projects.benchbuild.leveldb", "benchbuild.projects.benchbuild.linpack", "benchbuild.projects.benchbuild.lulesh", "benchbuild.projects.benchbuild.mcrypt", "benchbuild.projects.benchbuild.minisat", "benchbuild.projects.benchbuild.openssl", "benchbuild.projects.benchbuild.povray", "benchbuild.projects.benchbuild.python", "benchbuild.projects.benchbuild.rasdaman", "benchbuild.projects.benchbuild.ruby", "benchbuild.projects.benchbuild.sdcc", "benchbuild.projects.benchbuild.sevenz", "benchbuild.projects.benchbuild.sqlite3", "benchbuild.projects.benchbuild.tcc", "benchbuild.projects.benchbuild.x264", "benchbuild.projects.benchbuild.xz", "benchbuild.projects.apollo.scimark", "benchbuild.projects.apollo.rodinia", "benchbuild.projects.test.test" ], "desc": "The project plugins we know about." } } CFG["container"] = { "interactive": { "default": False, "desc": "Drop into an interactive shell for all container runs" }, "keep": { "default": False, "desc": "Keep failed image builds at their last known good state." }, "keep_suffix": { "default": "failed", "desc": "Suffix to add to failed image builds, if we keep them." }, "replace": { "default": False, "desc": "Replace existing container images." }, "export": { "default": s.ConfigPath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "containers", "export")), "desc": "Export path for container images." }, "import": { "default": s.ConfigPath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "containers", "export")), "desc": "Import path for container images." }, "from_source": { "default": False, "desc": "Install benchbuild from source or from pip (default)" }, "root": { "default": s.ConfigPath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "containers", "lib")), "desc": "Permanent storage for container images" }, "runroot": { "default": s.ConfigPath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "containers", "run")), "desc": "Runtime storage for containers" }, "runtime": { "default": "/usr/bin/crun", "desc": "Default container runtime used by podman" }, "source": { "default": s.ConfigPath(os.getcwd()), "desc": "Path to benchbuild's source directory" }, "input": { "default": "container.tar.bz2", "desc": "Input container file/folder." }, "output": { "default": "container-out.tar.bz2", "desc": "Output container file." }, "mounts": { "default": [], "desc": "List of paths that will be mounted inside the container." }, "prefixes": { "default": [], "desc": "List of paths that will be treated as an " "existing prefix inside a container." }, "shell": { "default": "/bin/bash", "desc": "Command string that should be used as shell command." }, "known": { "default": [], "desc": "List of known containers. Format: " "[{ 'path': <path>," " 'hash': <hash> }]" }, "images": { "default": { "gentoo": "gentoo.tar.bz2", "ubuntu": "ubuntu.tar.bz2" } }, "prefered": { "default": [], "desc": "List of containers of which the project can chose from." "Format:" "[{ 'path': <path> }]" } } # This is needed to generate a valid benchbuild configuration schema. CFG['container']['strategy'] = { "dummy": { 'default': None, 'desc': 'dummy value' } } CFG['container']['strategy']['polyjit'] = { "sync": { "default": True, "desc": "Update portage tree?" }, "upgrade": { "default": True, "desc": "Upgrade all packages?" }, "packages": { "default": [{ "name": "sys-devel/gcc:5.4.0", "env": { "ACCEPT_KEYWORDS": "~amd64", "USE": "-filecaps" } }, { "name": "dev-db/postgresql:9.5", "env": {} }, { "name": "dev-python/pip", "env": {} }, { "name": "net-misc/curl", "env": {} }, { "name": "sys-apps/likwid", "env": { "USE": "-filecaps", "ACCEPT_KEYWORDS": "~amd64" } }, { "name": "dev-libs/libpfm", "env": { "USE": "static-libs", "ACCEPT_KEYWORDS": "~amd64" } }, { "name": "sys-process/time", "env": {} }, { "name": "=dev-util/boost-build-1.58.0", "env": { "ACCEPT_KEYWORDS": "~amd64" } }, { "name": "=dev-libs/boost-1.62-r1", "env": { "ACCEPT_KEYWORDS": "~amd64" } }, { "name": "dev-libs/libpqxx", "env": {} }, { "name": "dev-lang/python-3.5.3", "env": { "ACCEPT_KEYWORDS": "~amd64" } }, { "name": "dev-python/dill", "env": { "ACCEPT_KEYWORDS": "~amd64" } }], "desc": "A list of gentoo package atoms that should be merged." } } CFG["versions"] = { "full": { "default": False, "desc": "Ignore default sampling and provide full version exploration." } } s.setup_config(CFG) s.update_env(CFG)
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaGithub'}
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{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
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{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
DESCRIPTION: Wrightway Productions Christiana Mall Christmas Show event with tons and tons of great gift ideas, foodie products, arts, crafts, home and holiday decor, and other things to get your home and family ready for the holiday season. Come out for a weekend of shopping, food, and fun at the Christmas Show at the Christiana Mall – simply the best! Commercial and business vendors and exhibitors wanted. Wright Way Productions is a leader in the trade show industry. Our seasoned staff has over 20 years of experience in the trade show and shopping center industry. We would love to give your company the opportunity to show off!
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Q: What is the best way to toggle between two different Lit components? I am working with Lit components. I want to create two buttons and toggle between two different components. What is the best approach to achieve that? A: The best way depends on your use case. In this case it is probably the simplest way. * *Use a reactive property to maintain the state of which component to render. When a button is pressed, this state can change, and a reactive update is scheduled resulting in an efficient template update. *Have a parent that contains the two buttons and the state of which view to render, and then renders that view. For more sophisticated component composition setups see lit.dev documentation on Component Composition. There is also a great video by the Lit core team on Event communication between components. Here's a runnable example showing a small example of two buttons toggling between two different components: <script type="module"> import {html, LitElement} from "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/lit/dist@2/core/lit-core.min.js" class ContainerEl extends LitElement { static properties = { toggleComponent: {type: Boolean}, }; constructor() { super(); this.toggleComponent = false; } render() { // Using a ternary to choose which template to use. Could also // do this with an `if` statement. const view = this.toggleComponent ? html`<view-b></view-b>` : html`<view-a></view-a>`; return html` <button @click=${() => {this.toggleComponent = false;}}> View A </button> <button @click=${() => {this.toggleComponent = true;}}> View B </button> ${view} `; } } class ViewA extends LitElement { render() { return html`<b>Element A</b>`; } } class ViewB extends LitElement { render() { return html`<i>Element B</i>`; } } customElements.define('container-el', ContainerEl); customElements.define('view-a', ViewA); customElements.define('view-b', ViewB); </script> <container-el></container-el> In specific more complicated cases, the following directives could also be useful (but not in a simple situation such as this one): * *cache directive: Caches rendered DOM when changing templates rather than discarding the DOM. *guard directive: Only re-evaluates the template when one of its dependencies changes.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaStackExchange'}
Increasingly people are deciding to use less traditional ways of having their eligible social care and health care needs met. Many are taking the opportunity to exercise greater choice and control over what kinds of services they receive, who provides them and the way in which they are delivered. This revolution brings with it opportunities and challenges from the perspective of risk enablement and safeguarding. Regardless of the person's preferred method of managing a personal budget (for example, council managed account, direct payment, individual service account or a combination of these), the local authority still retains its duty of care with regard to the person and their protection from abuse. However, the balance of power and consequently how risk is managed can be significantly different from previous, traditional, models of social care management. This model is more about the co-production of risk enablement, with the person having a greater say and therefore greater control over how risk is managed. This is therefore an inherently less risk averse arrangement than before. Throughout the process, from self-assessment (supported or otherwise) through to personal budget setting, arranging direct payments or other personal budget management arrangements, to final sign off of a care and support plan, appropriate risk assessment should be taking place with the individual and their supporters. At the various key stages in the process, risk and safety should be considered. Self-assessment: Initial identification of any safeguarding issues, either one off or ongoing. If these needs are being met, how is this being done? If they are not being met, they need to be clearly identified. Budget-setting: If significant safeguarding risks are identified as unmet needs, will the amount of the personal budget be sufficient to reduce or mitigate them? Support planning: How will the support plan meet the safeguarding needs in outcome terms? What services are best suited to meet the person's needs and how will they be delivered in a person centred way? Sign-off: Authorisation of the support to ensure it is legal, safe and affordable. In this arrangement people using personal budgets, to a greater or lesser degree, are the commissioners of their own services, particularly where they are using direct payments to manage them. It should be remembered that, where someone has capacity to make their own decisions in these matters, they may choose not to seek or use such advice or support services. This does not necessarily have a detrimental impact on the legality or safety of the support plan. People with personal budgets and care and support plans which utilise direct payments are subject to the same reviewing arrangements as those in receipt other services (that is a minimum of once per year). People who fund their own care arrangements (also known as self-funders) are legally entitled to receive support if subject to abuse or neglect in exactly the same way as those supported or funded by the local authority.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Q: SQL Server : how to decide if FULL backup or DIFFERENTIAL The following scenario (on SQL Server 2008 R2 and 2012 servers) A co-worker of mine restored another DB into the one our process was trying to create a differential backup for. As I am currently only checking for the existence of any row for that respective DB in the msdb.dbo.backupset, a differential backup has been initiated - a row has been found. It failed, because the DB was not the one matching the full backup. Now, to decide whether a full backup needs to be taken or a differential backup can be initiated, I would like to know exactly if the db uid and the backup's uid match - only then I want to create a differential backup, otherwise first create a full backup. Can anybody tell me if the following is a sensible thing to do: SELECT sysdb.name FROM sys.databases sysdb INNER JOIN sys.master_files sysmf ON sysmf.database_id = sysdb.database_id INNER JOIN msdb.dbo.backupset bck ON bck.backup_set_uuid = sysmf.differential_base_guid WHERE sysdb.name = @dbname AND bck.database_name = sysdb.name AND bck.type = 'D' Thank you very much in advance for a feedback, Cheers A: to decide whether a full backup needs to be taken or a differential backup can be initiated, I would like to know exactly if the db uid and the backup's uid match - only then I want to create a differential backup, otherwise first create a full backup. The closest you can get is to use sp_SQLskillsDIFForFULL - from SQLSkills.com which will tell how much of the database has changed since the last full backup. You can decide a threshold based on your company's backup policy and then have a job that executes a FULL or differential backup based on the threshold. Remember that a FULL backup (without COPY_ONLY) will reset the differential base, so be cautious for any adhoc FULL backups taken and make sure that you test your restore policy to ensure that data loss is acceptable ! From Paul's blog The basic idea behind the code is as follows: For each online data file in the database For each GAM interval in the file Crack the DIFF map page using DBCC PAGE Interpret the DIFF bitmap to aggregate the changed extents Add the sum to the total changed extents for the database End End Report results
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaStackExchange'}
Breastfeeding is best for your baby. If you cannot or choose not to breastfeed then an infant formula milk is the next best available option. Our nutritionist shows how to safely prepare your baby's bottle. Breastfeeding is best for your baby. If you cannot or choose not to breastfeed then an infant formula milk is the next best available option. Our nutritionist shows how to safely prepare your baby's bottle.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Mr. Foley is a passionate music educator who is dedicated to inspiring and developing young musicians to hold a high demand of excellence in performance and citizenship. Brendon believes that music is universal, cultural, and individual, and that every student regardless of grade level, ability level, or background should have the opportunity to receive a high quality musical education. His goal is to guide students to achieve a personal level of understanding, appreciation, and lifelong passion for music. Brendon is committed to making music, as it is the perfect artistic medium to connect individuals across lines of difference and ultimately improve the lives of all. Brendon has worked with celebrated programs programs such as: The 10-time DCI World Champion, The Cadets Drum and Bugle Corps., Phenom SoundSport, The 2-time WGAZ Champion and 2017 WGI Regional Champion, Vision Percussion, The University of Connecticut Marching Band, The Arizona State University Sun Devil Marching Band, United Sound, ABODA Central Region Honor Bands, Teach for America, and the 2016 AZMBA Grand Champion, Highland High School Marching Band. In addition to his extensive experience, Brendon is also a member of The National Association for Music Education, Percussive Arts Society, Arizona Band and Orchestra Directors Association, and a proud brother of Kappa Kappa Psi. In 2017, Brendon was named as SBO Magazine's Arizona Director That Makes A Difference. Brendon holds a BA in Music from The University of Connecticut and MA in Education from Arizona State University. Outside of the band and concert hall, Brendon loves spending time with his family. You will find him with his beautiful wife, Angelica and newborn baby, Lana, cheering on his eldest daughter, Kaya, on the soccer pitch. Ms. Weyer is the mother of a percussionist and incredibly passionate about Vision Percussion, its staff, members, and success. She have been an active part of Vision and a board member dating back to the planning and coordinating phase. Amy am a Special Education educator that has been in Arizona for 10 years. Much of her extra time is spent volunteering so that she can support Vision in whatever way possible. Amy coordinates travel, food, and volunteers, as well as member accountability. In addition, she has spent 3 years representing Percussion as a high school board member. In her free time she enjoys the gym, football, extreme sports, being outdoors and most of all, her my family and friends. Ms. Gardner is an Idaho native and Arizona resident for 16 years. She is a small business owner who enjoys the outdoors and golf. She loves the marching arts and all the excitement of competition. Keri has served 2 years on the board of her local high school marching band currently in charge of feeding the band.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
This advice provides guidelines to assist child protection practitioners to prepare an addendum report for a conciliation conference (CC). Document ID number 2230, version 2, 1 March 2016. The CC addendum report is due at the Children's Court at least 10 days prior to the CC but no sooner than 14 days prior. Compliance is important as it forms part of the Children's Court order. Not complying with the court order can result in the cancellation of the CC or costs being awarded against the department, or both. Why is the department concerned about the children in this application? This section requires practitioners to list the protective concerns. It does not require a detailed account of the factual background. The protective concerns inform the sorts of conditions being sought, so it is important that they align. mother's mental health issues (mother diagnosed with bi-polar, not currently engaged with a GP/psychiatrist). mother's history of reunifying with step-father. historical family violence between mother and father (hospital observed that father had poor impulse control and became easily frustrated with mother). What is already happening to keep the children safe and well looked after? This section requires practitioners to focus on the strengths within the family and also to indicate whether parties have complied with pre-existing court ordered conditions or previous arrangements. a demonstrated engagement with conditions, or previous arrangements. Lawyers acting for parties will be particularly interested in contact (attendance and presentation) and compliance with the current conditions designed to address the protective concerns. For example: if a father presents as substance affected when collecting his children from day-care, he will inevitably need to complete screens to demonstrate that he is drug-free. Lawyers for parties will need to know how many screens the department has requested, how many the client has completed and the results. What else needs to happen to keep the children safe and well looked after? This section requires practitioners to respond according to the circumstances of the particular application and case plan. If the child is not with a parent, how will contact occur? How often? Will it be supervised? Who will supervise? What needs to happen before contact can improve (that is increase in frequency, move to monitored/unsupervised/overnights)? What needs to happen before the child can return home? How will contact occur? How often? Will it be supervised? Who will supervise? What needs to happen before contact can improve (that is, increasing frequency of contact anticipated, move to monitored/unsupervised/overnights)? What is the long-term plan for this child, in terms of their relationship with their biological family? What do the parents need to do before the department will withdraw from their involvement with the family? Alternatively, you may have a family that want the department to help and are not looking towards a withdrawal. In those circumstances, you will need to focus on ways for this family to address the protective concerns. Be specific about recommendations: if you require a parent to access a service, indicate the precise service. If you require a parent to remain drug free, indicate how they could be supported and if requiring screens, indicate how frequently and for how long before your requests revert to 'random' or 'additional screens only if the department receives new reports that the parent has presented as substance affected with the child'. If contact is envisioned, how will the child's relationship with their family be maintained? With whom will the child be permanently placed? Is there an established relationship between the biological parents and the permanent carer? How will contact work without the department being involved? How capable is the proposed carer of fulfilling the standard conditions of the permanent care order? the disposition has changed during the CC as s. 276, CYFA states the Court cannot make a protection order unless it has received and considered a disposition report. This section should include a brief account of new facts or circumstances and analysis of these new facts or circumstances that has led to the change to disposition from the original disposition report. Provide a new version of the case plan if this has changed. You may also include the decision to reject alternative dispositions in this section. For example: A family preservation order was not considered appropriate as the child needs to remain in an out-of-home care placement due to the parent's history of significant mental health issues and lack of compliance to appropriate treatment. What is the new disposition and conditions? Clearly detail the precise disposition and conditions that are being sought. This is to ensure the magistrate is able to immediately establish what the department is seeking in this matter. It is recommended that the (TYPE OF APPLICATION) be found proved.
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The Book of Ra online slot is as exciting and promising as its most popular land based version. Developed by Novomatic, the free slot was made to entertain experienced players, but also new comers. The Book of Ra slot is a classic 5x3 reel and has a total of 9 pay lines, which makes it great for win-ning combinations. What's more attractive about this free slot is its simplistic theme. It brings adventurous players back to Ancient Egypt, with a classic black background and emphasised Egyptian symbols. • Card symbols in a hieroglyphic form which are the least paying ones. When you play Book of Ra online free slot, the main focus of any player is on the special symbols. The Book of Ra is both the Wild and the Scatter. As a Wild, the icon will replace any existing symbols on the reel to create winning combinations. This symbol is also the way to reveal a Free Spins round when 3 or more land on the reel. The special symbol will be chosen randomly and will be able to expand to fill up to 3 positions when a chance to win occurs. Also, if you hit 5 Explorer symbols in one line, you will be able to hit the standard jackpot. The only condition is to bet maximum on all pay lines. Speaking of the bet, Book of Ra slot has a betting limit which goes from 1 to 900 coins per spin. What makes this online slot so appealing is the fact that players have the opportunity to play it first as a demo version. So, if you are a new player and you'd like to test the water, Book of Ra online free slot gives you the opportunity to do so. If you'd like to feel the challenge of a real game, you can also play it for real money. The online slot machine even succeeds its most popular brother. It's a great free slot that doesn't leave the player without giving them a chance to win some considerate amount of prizes to win.
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We at Erlanger Chart Room have never been happy with how top winners and losers are reported. Therefore, we are posting a scan from Erlanger Chart Room for your review. Yesterday's saw many more big losers than winners.
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There's nothing quite like experiencing a restaurant with a fellow food lover. Someone to exchange food thoughts with, take pictures with and of. Someone to share food with. I think there's an unwritten rule that goes something like: Thou shalt not order any two or more meals that are the same, but rather order variety so that all shalt taste and bite their brethren's food. Something like that. Ivy and I visited J's Fresh Bar and Kitchen for lunch together. J's, as I will call it, is located in Karen, on Ngong Road, opposite St. Christopher's School. We had a lot of fun at J's! A lot! Watch the vlog to see what we got up to. Ivy is a good friend of mine and fellow blogger. Who better to try somewhere new with? Check out her blog here. Before we talk Js, can I just say how stressed I am about my blogging! I still have posts from Cambodia and Vietnam that I haven't shared. I also travelled to Uganda about three weeks ago and I have lovely stories to tell and pictures to show. Not to mention restaurant posts that I haven't sorted out. Lawd! J's has what I'd describe as a rustic vibe. It's what I imagine a trendy London tavern would look like. Lots of wooden accents, warm lights and rough benches. J's has an open kitchen to allow its patrons to see what the chefs are up to. Ivy and I couldn't stop staring at the chefs searing, tossing pans, frying, garnishing, plating…FASCINATING! There's an indoor covered area that has open walls giving it an airy feel, while maintaining warmth. It was raining that day so I didn't get to check out the outdoor seating (if any). I think J's would be great for girlfriends as well as with a lover. J's has daily specials. I love specials! Why don't more Nairobi restaurants have specials? For wine, I had a Chardonnay from SA while Ivy had one from I think Chile. My wine had a very sharp taste which I didn't like. Ivy's was much better and smoother. The wine is served in massive goblets made of thick blown glass. I wasn't a fan because the thickness made the wine-drinking process a little awkward. Food-wise, I settled for the chicken parmigiana which is chicken coated in mozzarella and cheddar (served with chips and vegetables). I would usually never order chicken from a restaurant because I think it is unexciting. But this was a good decision! It was tender and juicy (chicken breast can get dry), and the crisp cheese coating was sensuous. Ivy had traditional English fish and chips. She liked it but complained that the fish batter coating was a little greasy. They have the best cocktails I have had in a long long while! The names are so witty and fun. More fun than the News Café cocktails which I raved about here. Some cocktail names made reference to the US presidential candidates. Feel the Bern was a chilli gin-based cocktail, great to warm you up on the chilly rainy day we were having. Drumpf, a whisky cocktail, is what I envision a Sunday afternoon to taste like (before the panic of Monday sets in). I would label J's cuisine as continental, more specifically British. The menu is crafted to make the selection process easy. There's only a handful of options for main meals-including the typical British fish and chips- which is great for indecisive people like me. If you like a crazy variety, you may find it limiting. They have a huge selection of wines, cocktails and juices. There's also a dessert menu that I reconsidered because I was too stuffed from my food. J's is a bit on the higher side. The cheapest main cost about Ksh1200. However, I reckon it is great value for money. I had ZERO complaints and my food portions were so large, that I had to take home half of my food. Drinks are well priced. A glass of house wine cost Ksh550 and the cocktails on special went for Ksh500-600. Oh no. Hope you're fine now. There's always next year! Girl! You don't even know! J's serve good food but their prices are on the higher side, bought an open burger for Sh1400 – too much!
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Art + Design 11 April 2019 Complete Lot Details exhibition poster for Gladys Nilsson: Watercolors, Kendall College Gallery, Evanston, IL, c. 1970. exhibition poster for Marriage: Chicago Style, Hyde Park Art Center, Chicago, 1970. exhibition poster for Three Famous Artists, Candy Store Gallery, Chicago Jim Nutt, 1970. exhibition poster for Hairy Who, San Francisco Art Insitute Jim Nutt, 1968. exhibition poster for Surplus Slop from the Windy City, San Francisco Art Institute Karl Wirsum, 1970. exhibition poster for Famous Artists from Chicago, Sacramento State Art Gallery Roger Brown, 1970. exhibition poster for J. Nutt, Phyllis Kind Gallery, Chicago Jim Nutt, 1970. exhibition poster for That's Me: Gladys Nilsson, Phyllis Kind Gallery, Chicago, c. 1970. exhibition poster for Santi-Cloth, Hyde Park Art Center, Chicago Karl Wirsum, 1970. exhibition poster for Nonplussed Some Some More, Hyde Park Art Center, Chicago, 1968. exhibition poster for Don Baum Says: "Chicago Needs Famous Artists", Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago Dan Baum, 1969. "New York Cool Meets Chicago Doodly-Scratch" The Hairy Who 1966-1969 The Hairy Who was a short-lived group of artists that graduated from the Art Institute of Chicago consisting of Gladys Nilsson, Karl Wirsum, Jim Falconer, Suellen Rocca, Jim Nutt and Art Green. Closely associated with The Hairy Who are the Chicago Imagists, which included Ed Paschke and Ray Yoshida. Art emerging from Chicago in the mid-to-late 1960s was characterized by bold graphics and an irreverent and iconoclastic spirit that spoke of a youthful bravado in the face of turbulent times. Chicago artists during this era were able to set themselves apart from Pop Art in New York and the Minimalist/Conceptual currents in Los Angeles by sourcing inspiration from comics, Art Brut, surrealism and "low-culture" humor and media. The Hairy Who had their first exhibition in 1966 at the Hyde Park Art Center and their last show as a group was held in 1969 at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago. During this brief period of time, the Hairy Who distinguished themselves as transgressive voices, manipulating the everyday material and language of our culture to address sexuality, gender, politics, and other social mores, much like Pop Art, but with a particularly fiendish and freewheeling bent. The group's work continues to be a rising presence in our re-examination of the narrative of mid-century American art. Chicago seems to me (with the great advantage of hindsight) a place to invent your world. A place that is far enough away so that you could misunderstand the rest of the world and a place unique enough to provide an actuality which no other place will. To use a title from a Sun Ra record, a place where angels and demons are at play, perhaps on the same team. James Falconer The most obvious spirit is irony expressed in pop terms, which ambivalently celebrates and lampoons a given subject at one and the same time. This is not unique to Chicago, but what is deeply typical of the art that comes out of this town is the hermetic mood, the occasional overt raunchiness, the dark, soiled, garrulous profusion of images and ideas. Franz Schulze, Chicago Daily News, 1968
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This is what social networks should be. Showcase what we can do at our best. Instead of our worst:flame wars, cyberstalking, alters, murder and everything else that happens as a direct result of people online acting badly.
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The recent news of the biopic 'Manjhi – The Mountain Man trailer' is, in a way, a proletariat win- at least for the space in big screen. The narrative on someone like Dashrath Manjhi, a poor labourer belonging to the weaker section of the class and caste based society of India is actually a positive sign for recognizing the hardship of the poor and the downtrodden. It also has a Northeast connection and it's actually a sad one- Ashraf-ul-Haque. He played the role of the father of Dashrath Manjhi played by Nawazuddin Siddiqui. The late talented actor from Assam died from a rare disorder called Myelodysplastic Syndrome on 17, February, 2015 in Mumbai and that hasn't been easy for his family. Ashraf was a talented actor who was famous for his down-to-earth rugged looks. He hailed from Goalpara in Assam, and graduated from NSD. He starred in Deewar, Paan Singh Tomar, Fukrey, Company and the recently released movie The Lost Beharupiya. He was much loved and respected within the film fraternity and the theatre circle. Just like Premchand chronicles the life narratives of the socially weaker community in famous novels such as Godaan, the similar play of life-narratives is coming to the front in this docu-mercial movie by Ketan Mehta. The trailer looks quite promising too. The hypocrisy of the Indian society is in the front, the sympathy for Manjhi's wife's death, the rejection of his willingness to create a road from the forbidden mountain and the final acceptance of Manjhi when he finally does succeed in giving the colours of reality to his dreams goes a long way in actually depicting the true faces of this society. Actually, though intended for commercial profits, yet the treatment of the subject is nothing short of being positive and inspiring. Not that we didn't know about Manjhi prior this trailer release, yet we can't ignore the fact that most Indians, for that matter, are so habituated to the use of video graphic introductions that it's a tell-tale understanding that very here people might be knowing about Manjhi from the print media. After years of taunts and isolation from his own community, when Ashraf got his first fame those people were the ones who came running in hordes to congratulate him first. The reason behind the name of "Mountain Man" is quite interesting but heart breaking as well and yet immensely inspiring. The man's wife dies. She dies because he couldn't afford a quick medical assistance. She dies because the nearest hospital was 70 km away. This tragic incident made Manjhi arrive at the idea of carving a path through the very same mountain. His wife Falguni Devi died in 1959 without easy access to medical assistance. And after working for 22 long years, day and night, single handedly, Manjhi shortened the travel distance between Atri and Wazirganj blocks of the Bihar town, Gaya, from 55 km to 15 km. The path is about 360 foot long and 25 foot deep. He worked from 1980 ending in 1982. Manjhi died from gall bladder cancer on August 17, 2007, at the age of 73. When finally a movie based on his life was announced to him, Manjhi was on his deathbed. He put his thumb impression on the agreement to give away "exclusive rights" to make a film on his life. This 'Mountain Man' was also given a state funeral by the Government of Bihar. Hope the movie will turn out to be a dedication for both the 'Mountain Man' Dashrath Manjhi and the deceased Assamese actor Ashraf-ul-Haque .Their "never say die" attitude for the love of work will continue to inspire us. Directed by Ketan Mehta, the movie is slated to be released on August 21.
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I don't need to see Jesse Malin naked ever again What is and never should be. Totally dig both the song and the album. The pasty nudity not so much — if I wanted to see that, I'd just go step in my own damn shower. Tagged with jesse malin. I'm so psyched to go see him Tuesday night! jeffro — February 29, 2008 @ 2:30 pm "if I wanted to see that, I'd just go step in my own damn shower." As long as that video gets published just like Jesse's it's ok with me! Anonymous — March 1, 2008 @ 8:24 am Better save this for when I'm not at work..! Did you hear that Jesse's got a covers album coming out next month, at least in the UK? Got a promo through yesterday – good stuff, on first listen! last year's girl — March 3, 2008 @ 6:02 am I don't mind! I think Jesse is cute! lemmer — March 3, 2008 @ 7:11 pm I like white, pasty punk boys. Anonymous — March 3, 2008 @ 7:13 pm
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We break down the Bears season at the bye week. We also talk Chicago Bulls with Michael Whitlow of @BullsBeatBlog and Pippenainteasy.com. All of this and more on this episode of Bill Swerski's Sports Talk Chicago. We go on a rant about the quality of NFL officiating (as a whole), we discuss the Bears play in the Lions loss, we breakdown what the Cubs need to do to get to the World Series, and we look at the first couple of weeks of the NHL season for the Blackhawks. All of this and more on this episode of Bill Swerski's Sports Talk Chicago. Podcast: Back to Back Bears wins!!!! Cubs and Cardinals series. Back to Back wins for the Bears coming with late-game heroics by Jay Cutler. Blackhawks starting off right where they left off! And the Cubs have taken home field advantage from the Cardinals in their best of 5 NLDS. All of this and more on this episode of Bill Swerski's Sports Talk Chicago. Podcast: BEARS WIN!!!! Cubs are in the post season and hockey season begins!! The Bears get their first win of the season!!! DRose still has diarrhea of the mouth. NHL season is about to begin. The Cubs are about to have their first post season game. The White Sox season misery is over. All of this and more on this episode of Bill Swerski's Sports Talk Chicago.
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This map shows a few of the many underground sites in the British Isles. Links will take you to more detail on this site. If you do not want to visit a show site (see list below), then there are still plenty of options but even more so than caves and mines, most sites are tightly controlled by their owners. The best route is to contact a local club such as the Friends of Williamson Tunnels in Liverpool or Subterranea Brittanica. Clubs that open up and maintain such sites often limit there activities to that site or to a small range of similar sites as access is often difficult to maintain. There are several places in the UK which are underground but are nether cave nor mine. Places you can visit include grottoes (such as in Bristol or Stourhead in Wiltshire), cold war bunkers (such as Anstruther in Scotland or Kelvedon Hatch in Essex), catacombs (central London), houses (Worcestershire in Shropshire), air raid shelters (Stockport) and storage caves (Reigate and Bristol).
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Earlier this summer, a woman named Candice Jackson remarked to a New York Times reporter that she believed that 90 percent of accusations of sexual assault on campus were the result of a "we were both drunk" scenario. She later apologized at this appalling remark and said she was being flippant when she said it. But here's the detail that readers ought not to miss: She continues to be employed as the head of the U.S. Department of Education's Civil Rights Division and thus is responsible for investigating such incidents.
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Below are three games and we hope you enjoy our other games. God bless you. Find all the bible characters and then type the hidden message from the left over letters! Have Fun!! More puzzles on the way! When you have found all of the words in the puzzle write down the remaining letters to see the hidden message. Bible Concentration- Match the squares and find the Bible verse! Put the squares in the right order and discover the Bible verse!
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Open Site Search Home Boating, Fishing & Diving Hotels & Rentals ISLAND MARCO CITY EVERGLADES NAPLES AVE MARIA IMMOKALEE Get a Free Guide Naples Boat Show Cars on Fifth Earth Day Celebrations in the Naples Area Get close to nature on Earth Day – or any day – on Florida's Paradise Coast. Twenty million people took part in the first ever Earth Day Celebration on April 22, 1970. It had such an impact that important federal environmental laws emerged, including the Clean Air, Clean Water and Endangered Species Acts – a real boon to those on the Paradise Coast of Naples, Marco Island and the Everglades. Officially, Earth Day is designated as April 22, but on the Paradise Coast – surrounded as it is by Mother Nature's wondrous bounty – you can pretty much kick off your shoes and celebrate it anytime. Between the pristine beaches, the emerald waters of the Gulf of Mexico and the alluring natural habitat of the Everglades, there is so much nature to appreciate in Naples and the surrounding areas. Annual Events in Honor of Earth Day Every year, the Conservancy of Southwest Florida Nature Center hosts a whole day of Earth Day festivities for all ages. Drawing crowds of more than 1,200 earth lovers, this event is jam-packed with green activities for all ages, including electric boat tours, educational programs and expert lectures – not to mention live music and food. For the kids, there's arts and crafts, face painting, hands-on habitat experiences, self-guided tours of the Dalton Discovery Center and the wildlife clinic's baby animal nursery viewing area. Check out upcoming events at the Conservancy. The Golisano Children's Museum of Naples (C'MON) celebrates Earth Day in conjunction with Founder's Fun Day each year. However, C'MON develops an appreciation of earth every day with hands-on exhibit galleries including "Green Construction" for environmentally friendly building; "The Banyan Tree," a two-story banyan climbing frame with a lookout platform and crawling branches; and "At the Beach," where a giant shell fosters a love for the outdoors and teaches the anatomy of a shark eye shell. See the museum's calendar of events and festivals. Green Attractions Check out the interactive Children's Garden at Naples Botanical Garden. The Naples Botanical Garden is a 170-acre complex featuring lakes, distinct natural habitats and ecosystems, nature trails and a birding tower in addition to landscaped gardens blooming with plants from Florida, Asia, the Caribbean and Brazil. With a focus on green energy and the environment, Naples Botanical Garden has incorporated high-performance and sustainable green building practices into the design of its landscape and facilities. Be sure to visit the interactive children's garden and water garden, or attend one of the many workshops covering everything from gardening to photography. A popular venue for events, the garden also hosts Dogs in the Garden twice a week and the W.O.N.D.E.R. in the Garden program for children every month. Sailing Florida's Paradise Coast Get up close and personal with Mother Nature by taking an eco-tour of the Naples area's land-based wilderness trails, or tours by canoe, kayak or boat. Spend a day sailing with Island Sailing, Off The Hook Adventures or Sailing Adventures, or opt for any of the area's other on-the-water charters or cruises. Several tour owners are members of the Florida Society for Ethical Ecotourism, offering eco-friendly treks into the wilderness and more than 30 miles of sparkling beaches. Places Mentioned in This Article Conservancy of Southwest Florida Nature Center 1495 Smith Preserve Way Golisano Children's Museum of Naples Island Sailing 880 12th Ave. S. Naples Botanical Garden 4820 Bayshore Dr. Off The Hook Adventures Sailing-Shelling-Sightseeing 909 Collier Ct. Marco Island, FL 34145 Hooked on Paradise: Fishing Charters in Naples and The Ten Thousand Islands Explore Everglades National Park Get Easy Access to Nature With Trails, Boardwalks and Viewing Areas Family Adventures for Summer in Naples & Marco Island Boating on Florida's Paradise Coast An Everglades Adventure Get a Free Guide Sign Up for E-News Deals Get a Free Guide Call Us With Questions Weather data provided by Dark Sky © 2021 Naples, Marco Island, Everglades Convention & Visitors Bureau. All rights reserved. A cooperative effort funded by the Collier County Tourist Development Tax.
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I just read something there tonight. It made me wonder about how I come across in words. Do I come across as having a hidden agenda? I unfollowed a blog tonight. It just isn't working out. Difference of opinion. End of story. I don't even know why I started a blog now. Am I supposed to have an end goal? I am 43 working full time as a driver and I some days feel like writing about something and some days I don't. It's that simple. I have a young family and I don't like the world this generation is setting them up for. It worries me what society will be like for them and any grandchildren that come along. That's the truth. That's my worry. At times this will come out in my posts. As anybody who followed me from the start, a couple of months ago, will know, I used to write silly wee stories. I love humour. But I find this increasingly difficult when the world is marching straight on into the abyss where the material things are the main things. In this world where everything seems to be a competition, where does it leave somebody who isn't competitive? And do I come across like I have an agenda? And does anybody else blog about matters that affect the whole world? And what are their solutions? I feel closer to the Holy Spirit this past few years. I am all for meditating and praying but when I open my eyes the world looks the same messed up, greedy place, and my kids still have to endure "the system". This entry was tagged blogging, faith, politics, writing. Bookmark the permalink. Hidden agenda? Don't think so, Frankie. If you do, then so do I. You write what's front and center in your heart. You write when the mood (or muse) compels you. I too despair about the world and what it means for the next couple of generations, if it lasts that long. I just haven't found the words to say it. Until this very moment, that is. If someone has a problem with that, then: Point, click, un-follow. Just like you did. As to two remaining questions:"does anybody else blog about matters that affect the whole world?" Sure. I cannot point you to specific directions, though. "And what are their solutions?" I'd like to know that – so far, anytime I've encountered a blog that examined these issues, solutions were far from evident. Except Gandhi: be the change. Thank you Maggie. Good old Gandhi. India with its slums nowadays is a far cry from what he hoped, I reckon. Those poor people. They need a new Gandhi. We all do. I think you are right Maggie, we all have to be the change. Too true. Gandhiji and other freedom fighters and Indians at that point of time could have never imagined the India of today- corruption,greed, communalism (sectarianism). There is so much poverty that people resort to begging, robbing, scavenging and even selling their children and women folk. The truth of slums is not simple. Some people come to the cities to earn and have no option but to stay in slums, others find it a cheap rent-free with free electricity and run successful businesses from there, others take the benefit of government's rehabilitation schemes, sell/sublet their houses and move on to other slums. These colonies are vote banks and sometimes haven for criminals. Some of the slum dwellers have agricultural lands and run schools and temples in their native places (profitable businesses). So many people face the dilemma of the values to impart to their children. Should you let them take the easy path of doing anything to get what they want or the 'old fashioned values'. The latter is never easy.Cheaters prosper these days and they are the ones who are feted. The employees who 'butter' the bosses get all the perks, promotions and their workload is lighter. The problem my daughter faces is that she by her behavior, talent, hard work and no shortcuts make her the favorite of teachers/bosses which makes her colleagues jealous and alone. I advise her to find like-minded people. You lose some, you win some. It hurts a lot. This is life. A very informative comment. As you say it must be a hard decision for parents there, which values to teach. Mother Teresa used to have a prayer. "People will hate you for doing good. Do good anyway." etc etc. I hope your daughter will find like minded people. I understand your position as well as your dilemma. For me personally I turned to writing because I was so frustrated withe my outer world and the people in my most immediate world other than my very beautiful family. I have no agenda, even in my writing, and tire quickly of being advised jow to wrote to please the masses even though it might not be true to my spirit. My goal, however, is to put my thoughts, emotions and understanding out there in the hope that someone else who is wandering confused and lonely might find some comfort in what I share. I get plenty disgusted and angry as does my husband. The best that I can do is live a Christ like life, teach my children and grand children what unconditional live is and BE what I envision for humankind. There are many people expressing themselves out there but I dont care to grt embroiled in political entanglements because it isnt what I am lead to do. But I would fight for what I have to if that moment arrived. There are some good discussion groups on google+. You should do what your heart tells you. It isnt about numbers, popularity or doing what someone else wants you to. Its about being authentic with respect for the fact that in print sometimes things lose their original impact. You do a wonderful job. I know Christ taught us differently than anybody before or since. We have to love our neighbour as much as we love ourselves. For it is in giving that we receive. I feel that is our purpose. That is our ticket to heaven. Reincarnation perhaps is for those who like to return, or fail to understand. No panic. The man who made time made plenty of it. He didn't sneak around doing good deeds in the dark. He came out and showed how to be the change. No fear. You do a wonderful job also Leonardette. Thanks Frankie, for some reason this reply didn't show up in my notices. I would love for your girls to meet my guys. It is very difficult to find young people whose parents instill a sense of responsibility, respect and compassion in their children. My boys used to have stayovers with their friends and those parents always said, "They can come back ANY time." It always made me very proud of them. For my way of thinking it is indeed what you do that counts and not how many flags a person attaches to their vehicles or tattoos on their chests. For what IS a country without its people? Love the people who are in need. Christ did not hole up in synagogues and churches but went out into the world to find the hungry and feed their souls. (Not bad for someone who "quit" organized religion some 20 years ago, eh? :))) On never forgets the words of truth. Writing can be a little therapeutic. Write what you feel like writing, unless we develop a chronic difference of opinion, I'll hang in and follow. My blog drifts from serious to rants and occasionally a post that echoes your concern about the future we are leaving the next gen. Maybe if enough of us talk about it, we can raise the awareness in others. Cheers Dan. I think that may be the only way. For every twenty who hear the real story, maybe one person will hear the penny drop. Even the man Himself, when he was here two thousand years ago, couldn't win them all. Every writer has an agenda. We all have something we want to say or we wouldn't write. The question is whether we are writing something with a particular audience in mind? Is our goal to persuade that (maybe hostile) audience? Are we writing mainly to entertain ourselves (and that can mean ranting as much as writing "clever wee stories"). But I believe this about writing; writing is a road. I have three big boxes full of journals. I wrote them between 1981 and a little bit trickling into the present. I have also kept a personal blog with a very few readers. Now I don't do that. This blog is public. Why? I've changed as a person. My journals are beautiful works of art in their way — but also terribly embarrassing in sections. There seem to have been two or three very stubborn dilemmas in my life I could never figure out so I went at them over and over trying to get to the bottom of them. I didn't see that as I was writing about them. They were intensely troubling my heart often involved. Only now I see – through those words I hope no one ever reads – what exactly has been my "basic malfunction." Was I writing all that so that later I could uncover this fact about myself? Maybe — maybe my agenda was self-discovery. I think the blog (since you're writing publicly) isn't purely self-expression. You clearly want to be read or you wouldn't be here. There are a couple of blogs I cannot stand; they are almost physically repulsive to me. I think that means their writers have some power and ability, but I don't follow them. I have am also strongly opposed to any kind of fundamentalism; I'm not interested in anyone's cant. IMO those people are not involved in life; theyve accepted a Band-Aid for the giant wound and question that is human existence and they are trying to persuade others — as a way to convince themselves. Otherwise? Personal taste is irrefutable, as are beliefs. I do not have to engage with anyone on that level. I love reading about all the religions. I find that stuff fascinating. I ask myself Was Jesus a fundamentalist with added cant? I often try to imagine me, back in the day. If I met him would I have followed or unfollowed him? 🙂 I think I have a feeling for truth when I hear it. Perhaps because I spent many a year telling lies. That is what makes you so endearing, you give voice to what so many of us are thinking. My post "One Voice" is an effort to ask similar questions. I'm thick in the throws of dirty business, fighting a filthy battle, and I am deeply frustrated with the state of affairs, I have a long list. I admire your words, and the questions that you ask yourself and others, worry when you stop asking them, then you have joined the voiceless smudges of society. Greed is such a powerful and sickening concept, I ask myself how some folks can sleep at nigh? Greed separates the crowd into three groups, the greedy, the needy, and those that want neither. These thoughts are just mine, but I know I'm not alone, scary though often I stand alone. You will find your answers, or they will find you. Thank you. Endearing? 🙂 Thank you Pepper. "Voiceless smudges of society" that is begging to be quoted again and again…by me…when a cop gives me a parking ticket or something. Frankie, I read your blog daily, and I do not in any way get the vibe of a hidden agenda. You speak what is on your mind, and it is your blog, your right to do so. I enjoy your posts. My blog is a personal blog where I may share something deep and meaningful, but then share something completely unimportant. I understand your worries about what your children will have to deal with in the future and applaud you for caring. Many parents don't care. You come across as lovely, funny, forthright, thoughtful, spiritual and great fun to read. I have NEVER sensed a hidden agenda; If I had, I probably would not have followed you in the first place. People with hidden agendas themselves are very often the first to see such things in other people – often wrongly. I do think, Frankie, that there are some people on here who are just looking for a fight, if you know what I mean – and they will grab hold of the slightest thing you write or do as an excuse to have a dig, have a go. It is about them and their insecurities, not you. I speak pretty openly about things in my blog (you may have noticed) – and I am sure there are people out there who think I have a hidden agenda or that I am plain barking mad! I second that! Keep writing, Frankie! By jove I think she's got it! 🙂 My wife always says something very similar to me. Some people look at other people and think they think like themselves. Me, me, me thinking. Like paranoia. They can't understand how a person can be happy with just the basic possessions. Like small man syndrome, attack is always the first line of defence. They become a slave to their possessions. Listening is unimportant. Being heard is everything. I can be guilty of not listening at times. I need to work on that. ps…you're a barking mad genius. If you have an agenda, that it must be a well-hidden one. Expressing you're thoughts and values, sharing stories about your life, aspiring to build a better future for your children and thus interacting with likeminded people isn't what I'd call an agenda. If anything, I would call it hope, maybe even optimism. After all, if you shared your ideas in a face-to-face dialogue with an acquaintance, who would call it having an agenda? I hope you find your answers, I think many people struggle with similar issues, but solutions seem to be somewhat elusive. Thanks Ana. Yes, just because I drive a truck doesn't mean I have to talk about trucks all day. I hope I will find my answers also. If you, or me, or anyone, is trying to bring a smile, a belly laugh, a bit of hope and encouragement to a crazy world through our posts then I suppose you could say we have an agenda. For me I write what is on my heart, be it the gratitude for a beautiful flower or a snippet from my life. The hope is that others will be touched in some way. Write what's on your heart Frankie and if it isn't accepted don't sweat it. An unfollow doesn't hurt my feelings at all. It just tells me they don't agree. Personally, I look forward to your posts, be it "silly wee stories" or serious and thought provoking. Don't you give up sharing your heart, humor, or whatever you decide to write. I'll be very disappointed if you did that. Thanks Sue. I might actually print off your comment and frame it. I truly enjoy your posts also. You certainly don't shy away from your calling. Very brave. Follow and unfollow as one will. Write or not write as one will. The internet at times feels like writing on water. Thank you. That's a unique description. Look forward to reading your blog. At least one of us is inspired. I am just going through comments, trying to figure out my purpose in blogland. Frankie, I struggle with the same thing. I often feel like the world is about to enter another "Dark Age" and there's not a darn thing I can do about it. This is why I started a positive themed blog, not really because I am necessarily a positive person, but because I am striving to be more positive. The girls make lots of noise at home, to compensate for the angelic behaviour at school 🙂 But it is lovely to hear we are doing a good job. Yes, I too believe that we are heading for a dark age. I also believe that's why some people are starting to notice an invisible divine presence in their lives (Holy Spirit i believe). I feel it's "game on" between good and evil. Here we go. Hey Frankie sounds a bit low over here. I've only been blogging properly for three months. The blogs that I like are those which come across as being focussed in the real person. Yours does that. It also demonstrates to me that you have a talent. Why blog? Why not? Both these things make me glad you did and glad I met you. Cheers Liz, not feeling too low. I just left a comment on a blog in defence of somebody. I got a cheeky reply then deleted comment. That's what sparked it. Then I was accused of being up to political something or other. Thanks for the lovely comment and encouragement. Ach. I'm learning that mostly people have their own agenda and their reactions are about them not you. Am late to the game. I love your candor in the posts. And personally, I like the arc of how the posts have "changed" and how you wouldn't be online as reg as before. (older post) Props to you! Thank you. I will get the balance right. Maybe if I stopped watching the so called 'News' I might be able to keep it steady-as-she-goes. Your comment has made me feel happy, cheers D'ascent. Hidden agenda? No! The very first time I visited your blog, I said to myself, "Here is an honest heart-felt voice." and I clicked follow. I prefer agendas to be clear from the start. I have an agenda for my blog, so I used a slogan for the name of the blog. "Love, Support, Educate, Advocate, Accept…" I blog about matters that affect the whole world – autism and disabilities (aka unique abilities) but more specifically I write about my own personal experiences. Let's face it no one is clicking follow just to hear me preach. It's the heart-felt emotion and unique voice that readers seek. Gandhi was a great teacher. Be the change! I asked myself the same questions you ask yourself in this post: Reflections on Life, Laughter, and Love | Love, Support, Educate, Advocate, Accept…. You may be closer to finding the solution than you think! Thank you. A workmate told me today that I care too much. I can't help it. I don't want to be Gandhi in a world where this generation don't even have the sense to think for themselves. I see things like injustice and get upset. I know lots who shrug it off as it will never visit their door. Fingers crossed folks start to stand up and give the real news. Thank you, you have a nice blog Liana. First of all, I love your writing Frankie. You have inspired me and I think you are a great person too. It's refreshing to hear of someone who isn't out their only to "get big." They blog only as an avenue to share their thoughts and receive input on their thoughts and they are satisfied with that. Like a journal. I think the only thing thus far that I've blogged about that directly affects the whole world is my "food for the poor post." Like you commented, the only solution starts with yourself. You can only control what you do and hope it inspires others. If it doesn't, at least you know you did you're best while you were here on earth. Creating awareness to others and by actually doing it yourself is the solution. I feel the same way as you for my future (unborn) children, but we must worry, the world is what it is. The influence is up to us as parents, mentors, aunts etc. and we can only hope that our influence will come first and stronger than the media. With that said, we can only do the best we can. As for my blog, I do have an agenda, nothing more than to open peoples eyes to the world of travel and culture and veer them away if only a little from their everyday bubble that they consume there selves in. It is refreshing to remember their is so much more important things out there than our little lives that we get so incredibly caught up in. Yes, of course I would LOVE to get paid to do this, but who wouldn't love to get paid to do what they love? Cheers Jackie. Keep up the good work. Yes I too would love to make my living doing something like this. I think I mentioned it in the About page. You are building a following so…maybe it will happen for you. Write when you feel like writing, if you can't don't put pressure on yourself to write. The best blogs are spur of the moment blogs, blogs that just happen. Write what you want, it's your blog! I also have a hard time dealing with all the crap going on in the world today. I write/blog partly just to get it all out of my system, but more in hopes that some other people will read what I have to say and will think about what's going on. I hope I can pass on enough to open their eyes just a little bit, enough to get them to start questioning, start looking for different ways, better ways to do things. No, I don't have all the answers (even tho some people accuse me of acting like I do), but I know I do have some and yes, I will keep on talking about it. You're doing just fine here. Don't let some a**ho$es break your stride! For the day that's in it. Getting the priorities in order. TradeRoutz livingSty… on 15 years a slave.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
I have mixed feelings regarding Rapid City, South Dakota. On the one hand, it's the perfect central location for seeing the Black Hills, Badlands National Park, and Mount Rushmore. Unfortunately, it's also something of a tourist trap. There's lots to do but, if you're a family on a budget, you'll really want to research everything before planning your activities. That being said, Dinosaur Park in Rapid City is definitely worth checking out and, best of all, totally FREE to the public!
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Тракиец е село в Южна България. То се намира в община Хасково, област Хасково. Етимология Името на селото според едни автори произхожда от Елшица – /да дирим елхи/, а според други от /Елес/-Еляз/ – персийска арабска дума която означава "смокиня". Последното е по-вероятно поради големия брой смокини по дворовете запазени и до днес. География Село Тракиец е разположено в южната част на България, в непосредствена близост до границите ни с Гърция и Турция. То се намира в югозападната част на община Хасково и в западната част на област Хасково. Селото отстои на 16 км от областния център (Хасково), на 41 км от Кърджали, на 119 км от Пловдив, на 243 км от София и на 352 км от Истанбул. На юг Тракиец граничи със селата Гълъбец и Текето, на изток - с Конуш, на север - със землищата на село Въгларово и град Хасково, а западната граница се мие от водите на язовир Тракиец. Селото има връзка и със Сираково, но чрез труднопроходим път. Релеф Покрай Тракиец се простират и някои от последните склонове на Източните Родопи, поради което релефът на селото не е напълно равнинен. Средната надморска височина е 211 m. От почти всяка точка в селото има ясна гледка към връх Хасар (на местен диалект: Асар), който се намира между Тракиец и Козлец. Той е с приблизителна височина от около 520 метра и е най-високият в района на Тракиецкото землище. Климат Южното географско положение на Тракиец и близостта му до Егейско море, от което го отделят сравнително ниските склонове на Източните Родопи, както и лесното проникване на по-топъл въздух по долината на р. Харманлийска (приток на р. Марица), обуславят преходен климат между континенталното влияние от север и средиземноморското от юг. Селските стопани недолюбват фьона през февруари, защото ранното затопляне подмамва ранноцъфтящите бадеми, кайсии, череши и др. История Не може с положителност да се каже къде е било първото селище на прастарите потомци на днешните жители на с. Тракиец (тогава с. Елехча), но може да се твърди, че жителите му са потомци на тракийско племе беси и славянското племе драговичи. Сведения за живота на българското население на с. Тракиец през време на Второто българско царство ни дават различни наименования на местностите – Петровица, Аязмото (кладенец), Кулето (кула), Гробето, Узунца и др. При строежа на язовир Тракиец са били открити останки от тракийско и старобългарско селище. Язовир Тракиец е най-големият язовир на Балканския полуостров с каменна стена и вторият в Европа. Дълга е 1100 м и е изцяло изградена от трамбовани земни маси без използването на бетонна конструкция. Язовирът е изключително беден на рибни ресурси поради дългогодишното бракониерство на което се подлага. Напълно неподходящ за любителски риболов. През последните години зарибяването с различни видове риба не води дори до нищожна промяна в рибните ресурси. Най-честият улов е на шаран. Срещу селото се издигат малкия и големия Хасар. В района между малкия и големия Хасар е съществувал български манастир "Свети Николай" и е бил запазен до 1665 – 1670 г. Той е играел важна роля за българите от Хасковския край. Сегашната черква в селото носи името на този манастир. След освобождаването от османско владичество била построена Цвятковата чешма и чешмите Папаз бунар и Алакчелан, а през 1933 г. бе прекарана вода на поляната под Аязмото за улеснение на населението по време на събора, който е на Спасовден. Преброяване на населението се извършва през 1906 г. – 815 ж., 1928 г. – 1065, 1934 г. – 1193 души. С изселване на много семейства по градовете през последните години се заселват доста турски семейства. В днешно време е трудно да се чуе българска реч в селото. На 1 км от селото се намира местността Аязмото. След освобождението от османско владичество славата на Аязмото станала много популярна с лечебната сила на водата му, лекуваща много болести. Започнали да идват все повече и повече болни хора от цялата страна. Тук се намира единствения в България параклис кръстен на майката на Дева Мария / Богородица/ – Св. Ана. През октомври 2009 в местността около Аязмото е издигнат и осветен християнски кръст. Голямото посещение на хора от далечни краища е наложило построяването на 3 стаи за гости, а по късно и голяма кухня. През 1908 г. обемът на кладенчето бил разширен с диаметър 3 м и дълбочина 1,70 м. За почистването и хигиенизирането на Аязмото се грижи църковното настоятелство. Население Численост Численост на населението според преброяванията през годините: Етнически състав Преброяване на населението през 2011 г. Численост и дял на етническите групи според преброяването на населението през 2011 г.: Управление Начело на селото се избира кмет, който заема тази длъжност за срок от 4 години. Настоящ кмет на Тракиец е Красимир Бойчев (ВМРО-НИЕ, ОЗ, БНД). Сградата на кметството представлява триетажна сграда и се намира до главния площад на селото, в близост до читалището и разклона за Аязмото. Икономика Основен поминък на селото е целогодишната реколта, която селските стопани отглеждат в своите ниви и домашните животни, за които полагат ежедневни грижи. Поради тази причина най-разпространената и най-развитата промишленост в селото е земеделието. То от своя страна се разделя на два основни дяла: растениевъдство и животновъдство. В и около селото има множество овощни ниви, множество трайни насаждения и лозови масиви. В това число: ябълки, череши, сливи, кайсии, праскови, дрянки, вишни, смокини, дини, пъпеши, тикви, грозде и много други. От животновъдството най-застъпени са говедовъдството, овцевъдството, птицевъдството и свиневъдството. Също така се отглеждат коне и магарета. Обслужващата промишленост в селото е почти нулева, но все пак се поддържа от продавачите в хранителните магазини, от персонала, който обслужва читалището и кметството и от църковното настоятелство, носещо отговорност за двете църкви в селото. Тракиец разполага и с медицински пункт за спешни случаи, както и с един стоматологичен кабинет. Образование и наука До 2003 г. в Тракиец функционира едно основно училище, но в следствие на силно намалелия брой деца, селото е принудено да се раздели с него. Става въпрос за бившето ОУ "Христо Ботев", чиято сграда и интериор са все още запазени и непокътнати. В него са се обучавали деца между 7 и 13-годишна възраст. В днешно време най-близкото и работещо училище за тракиецките деца е ОУ "Св. св. Кирил и Методий", намиращо се в съседното село Конуш. Всяка сутрин по време на учебната година училищен автобус осигурява трансфер до селото. Транспорт В Тракиец е развит единствено сухоземният транспорт. Селото има директна връзка с още 5 села, но само с 2 от тях (Конуш и Текето) тя е чрез асфалтиран път. До останалите три (Гълъбец, Сираково и Въгларово) също може да се стигне с кола, но пътят до тях е черен и труднопроходим. Тракиец няма връзка с националната железопътна мрежа. Най-близката ЖП гара за жителите на селото е тази в село Малево (по линията Русе - Подкова), което се намира на 17 км от Тракиец. Автобусни превози се осъществяват единствено до Хасково с помощта на автобусна компания Арда Тур. Разписанието с часовете е достъпно в сайта на Автогара Хасково. Религии Поради преобладаващото население от турски етнически произход, основната религия тук е ислямът. Източноправославно християнство се изповядва от едва 25% от населението на селото. Въпреки тези обстоятелства, Тракиец остава едно от малкото села в тази част на България, в които никога е нямало и все още няма изградена джамия. Християнските средища в селото са църквата "Свети Никола" и параклисът "Света Анна". Църквата се намира в самия център на Тракиец и нейният камбанен звън оглася селото по два пъти на ден - в 11:30 ч. и 18:30 ч. Параклисът е разположен в местността Аязмото. Културни и природни забележителности Местности – "Аязмото" и язовир "Тракиец". Редовни събития Съборът на селото – провежда се на Спасовден, който се пада винаги в четвъртък, 40 дни след Великден./На седмия четвъртък след великден/ Други Кухня Предимно тракийска кухня: тиквеникът е само едно от популярните ястия, още катми, баници, колачета (мекици), сирена и домашно приготвен куртмач (катък), френкова каша, пържени банички и др. В селото също има 1 сладкарница и 3 хранителни магазина – КОП, "Детелина" и "Чешмата". Източници Села в област Хасково Населени места в община Хасково
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaWikipedia'}
Hungarian GP: Max Verstappen takes maiden career pole In doing so, Max Verstappen has become the 100th pole sitter in Formula One. Chris Myson Max Verstappen's career best qualifying record was a second place finish in Germany this season. - Getty Images Max Verstappen stormed to his first career pole position at the Hungarian Grand Prix, with Valtteri Bottas joining him on the front row. The Red Bull driver has won two of the last three races and continued his fine form with a stunning display on Saturday, becoming the 100th Formula One driver to claim pole in the sport's history. Verstappen pipped Bottas by just 0.018seconds, with Lewis Hamilton having to settle for third place in a dramatic Saturday session. "It is incredible," the Dutchman said after qualifying. "The car felt good all weekend, we knew it was going to be hard but the car was flying." Charles Leclerc was fourth, narrowly ahead of Ferrari team-mate Sebastian Vettel, with Pierre Gasly 0.878secs off the pace in sixth. Lando Norris and Carlos Sainz make up an all-McLaren fourth row, with Romain Grosjean and Kimi Raikkonen rounding out the top 10. Verstappen led after the first runs in Q3 but had to improve significantly in his second effort to hold off Bottas and keep hold of pole, and he did just that with a magnificent track-record time of 1:14.572. He had earlier topped a Q1 session that saw Leclerc spin off at the final corner and damage his front wing, though the Monegasque was able to continue, while Renault's Daniel Ricciardo failed to progress in 18th. Hamilton topped Q2, where Toro Rosso's Daniil Kvyat dropped out having earned a stunning podium in Germany. But Verstappen was back on top when it mattered at the end as Red Bull kept the momentum it seized at the wet race in Hockenheim, though Mercedes remains in striking distance as it bids to bounce back from its dreadful outing last time out. PROVISIONAL CLASSIFICATION 1. Max Verstappen (Red Bull) 1:14.572 2. Valtteri Bottas (Mercedes) +0.018s 3. Lewis Hamilton (Mercedes) +0.197s 4. Charles Leclerc (Ferrari) +0.471s 5. Sebastian Vettel (Ferrari) +0.499s 6. Pierre Gasly (Red Bull) +0.878s 7. Lando Norris (McLaren) +1.228s 8. Carlos Sainz (McLaren) +1.280s 9. Romain Grosjean (Haas) +1.441 10. Kimi Raikkonen (Alfa Romeo) +1.469s Gone in 1.88 seconds: The secrets of record F1 pit stops Alfa Romeo's German Grand Prix appeal to be heard on September 24 Hamilton wants to edit himself out of Netflix series
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Milwaukeeans Brave Bad Weather Warnings to Help Keep Local Rivers Clean Cyclers powering the stage at the Rock the Green party. (Photo by Rhea Riley) Windy, cold and damp are words that do not resonate the thought of spring cleaning. Spring rarely includes gloomy clouds or the threat of a blizzard. However, these elements were no match for over 4,000 Milwaukeeans who banded together and scoured the Milwaukee River Basin for the 24th annual Milwaukee Riverkeeper Spring Cleanup. "The renewed focus on pollution, plastic consumption, and drinking water is overwhelming. Community members are looking for opportunities to come together to lend a hand to help tackle these issues in their own backyard," said Milwaukee Riverkeeper Executive Director, Jennifer Bolger Breceda. "It's only through a continued community effort that we will achieve swimmable, fishable, drinkable waterways." The Spring Cleanup happened last Saturday, April 27. Over the course of three hours, volunteers gathered almost 100,000 pounds of trash from three of Milwaukee's major rivers: the Kinnickinnic River, Milwaukee River and Menomonee River. At the start of the day, the event had 3,500 volunteers registered with about a thousand trickling in throughout the day. Volunteers were spread across 65 designated cleaning sites. Each site offered different levels of cleaning. Starting at level one with simple trash pickup to level three which kept volunteers busy the entire morning. Some sites included tree planting and the removal of toxic plants, while others allowed volunteers to canoe and clean; it was a mix of different cleaning activities. Good City Brewing handing out free Beers at the Rock the Green party. (Photo by Rhea Riley) "It's just Milwaukeeans from all over the city, every different county – the seven counties, the 24 villages, 32 towns, everybody is coming out and cleaning up," said Bolger Breceda. Volunteers began their day by meeting at their starting point, like Miller Park or Lincoln Park. From there, groups were dispersed to their designated sites where they were armed with gloves, trash bags and garbage pickers. Each site was also equipped with a site captain to navigate and assist them throughout the day. "I gather the supplies, I rally troops, and I make sure everybody has a good time," said site captain Mitch Kulis. Kulis was one of several experienced site captains who helped lead the charge to clean throughout the morning. Kulis was in charge of 95 volunteers which consisted of families, college students and even seniors, all engaging in a day of service. Some volunteers had participated in the event for several years, while for others it was their very first community cleanup. Together the group managed to collect about 70 bags of trash, ranging from normal trash to random findings like a racoon skull. "A bunch of people can get together and make a difference, one piece of trash at a time," said Kulis. To celebrate the days achievements, the cleanup was followed with a zero-waste eco-sustainability festival hosted by Rock the Green. Rock the Green was founded by Lindsay Stevens, who was fed up with the live event industry and its waste. Stevens was inspired to create Rock the Green to not only provide a fun event atmosphere but also cut back on their environmental impact. The free party was held at Estabrook park. The party featured 22 different organizations on site with various educational vendors such as Schlitz Audubon Nature Center, Royal Roost, BeeVangelists, River Revitalization Foundation and many more. There was also a live concert by Lex Allen and Chickenwire Empire, on a stage pedal powered by The Velo Femmes, Black Girls Do Bike, and Cadence Cycling Milwaukee. The event was scheduled to have seven different food trucks, but due to weather concerns that number dwindled. "We had some food vendors cancel last minute, because they thought 'Snowmaggedon' was coming," said Stevens about the limited vendors. Local food vendors Pedro's, Bel Air Cantina and Next Level Vegan powered through and served volunteers tasty dishes, while Good City Brewing doled out free beers. Rock the Green partnered with Compost Crusaders to keep the events waste 100% controlled. Food and drinks were served on sustainable eco-friendly serving ware and were disposed of at one of the many waste reclamation stations. However, the clean-up does not end there. Milwaukee Riverkeeper has a yearly program where volunteers can come and continue to keep Milwaukee's rivers clean. "We know we are removing a lot of trash, and we know that it comes back after we've spent all this time cleaning it up," said Bolger Breceda. "There is kind of an endless stream of garbage that is flowing around, so we created an adopt the river program and that is a way for people to participate all year long," said Bolger Berceda. Interested volunteers were encouraged to join the Milwaukee Riverkeeper's Adopt-A-River Program. The program is open to all ages and volunteers can choose whatever part of Milwaukee's river basin they would like to clean, as long as they commit to cleaning at least two times a year. For more information on joining the adopt-a-river program call 414-287-0207 or email [email protected] To learn more about Milwaukee RiverKeepers visit: milwaukeeriverkeeper.org To learn more about Rock the Green visit: Rockthegreen.com Milwaukee Riverkeepers Rock the Green Ashanti Hamilton and Tom Barrett Lena Taylor WNOV Mrinal Gokhale The Past, Present and Future of Our Youth Vince Bobot Ed Fallone Wants to See a Diverse Supreme Court
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
The SMOK Stick M17 Pen-Style AIO Kit delivers a 17mm diameter all-purpose kit made for travel-friendly, ergonomic design elements with integrated 1300mAh internal battery. The Stick M17 features a a classic cylindrical vape pen-style form factor that is fully integrated into an all-in-one system. It is built with 1300mAh integrated battery charged via the side-mounted MicroUSB Port, optimal as an essential travel or night on the town kit. The SMOK Stick M17 utilizes a direct output voltage systems, correlating battery life to determine the power output alongside a multitudes of safety protections. Operated by a single oversized firing mechanism, the Stick M17 features LED light feedback for intelligent battery life indicator. Included in the kit is the new SMOK Atomizer, a top-filled Sub-Ohm Tank with 2mL juice capacity and a brand-new coil system featuring the 0.6ohm Stick M17 Dual Core.
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namespace mojo { GenericPendingAssociatedReceiver::GenericPendingAssociatedReceiver() = default; GenericPendingAssociatedReceiver::GenericPendingAssociatedReceiver( base::StringPiece interface_name, mojo::ScopedInterfaceEndpointHandle handle) : interface_name_(std::string(interface_name)), handle_(std::move(handle)) {} GenericPendingAssociatedReceiver::GenericPendingAssociatedReceiver( GenericPendingAssociatedReceiver&&) = default; GenericPendingAssociatedReceiver& GenericPendingAssociatedReceiver::operator=( GenericPendingAssociatedReceiver&&) = default; GenericPendingAssociatedReceiver::~GenericPendingAssociatedReceiver() = default; void GenericPendingAssociatedReceiver::reset() { interface_name_.reset(); handle_.reset(); } mojo::ScopedInterfaceEndpointHandle GenericPendingAssociatedReceiver::PassHandle() { DCHECK(is_valid()); interface_name_.reset(); return std::move(handle_); } mojo::ScopedInterfaceEndpointHandle GenericPendingAssociatedReceiver::PassHandleIfNameIs( const char* interface_name) { DCHECK(is_valid()); if (interface_name_ == interface_name) return PassHandle(); return mojo::ScopedInterfaceEndpointHandle(); } } // namespace mojo
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaGithub'}
Eric Dove, who plays Charles, joined the Players a little over two years ago, and has been successful as producer, as actor, and as stage manager. He was stage manager for "Jack Adams" and in addition played the part of Minister of Labour. Eric is assistant to the Rolling Mill Manager at Redbourn. Jean Coote, who takes the part of Hattie, is one of our "oldest" members. A product of our Junior Section, she has been prevented by her domestic duties from taking many parts in recent years. Her last was as Lady Hayling in "Relative Values." She played two small parts in "Jack Adams." Jean is married and has a two-year-old son, Timothy.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
The Life of Pablo marks the return of American rapper Kayne West. Often overlooked in the music industry and the media due to his controversial persona, West's seventh studio album pushes boundaries that other artists at the same stage in their careers struggle to do. 'Famous' and 'Fade' prove West's creativity, style and diversity as an artist, but no song on this album sounds the same, with the highlight being 'I Love Kanye', a tongue-in-cheek track that plays up to the negative press he constantly receives. It takes a few listens to understand The Life of Pablo but it'll grow on you.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
We have altars, communion and credence tables for sale. In a Catholic church, the altars are the structure upon which the Eucharist is celebrated. The altars are centrally located in the sanctuary, is to be the focus of attention in the church. The altar is the heart of the church. A credence table is a small side table in the sanctuary of a Christian church which is used in the celebration of the Eucharist. The credence table is usually placed near the wall on the south side of the sanctuary. Communion table or Lord's table are terms used by many Protestant churches—particularly from Reformed, Baptist and low church Anglican and Methodist bodies—for the table used for preparation of Holy Communion.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Database Searching in Central University Libraries in India Shailendra Kumar, University of DelhiFollow Projes Roy, Sheehed Rajguru College of Applied Sciences for WomenFollow M. P. Satija, Guru Nanak Dev University Published in Library Philosophy and Practice (2011) 9 p. Database searching practice in central university libraries in India was the focus of this study. Eight central university libraries were selected on the basis of their bandwidth use ranking and grouping. Seven universities have been member of University Grants Commission-Infonet Consortia. Databases are available in seven of the eight university libraries are: ACS, AIP, APS, Annual Review, BWP, CUP, IOP, ISID, JCCC, JSTOR, OUP, RSC, SIAM, Springerlink, and Taylor & Francis. There are 77 databases total in these eight universities. Only Project Muse is common to all the universities, and 69 databases are subscribed by single universities. Some universities provide databases linked through federated search. About fifty retrieval features of these databases were studied.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
Review: Harman Kardon's Google-powered Citation 100 sounds great in an unremarkable way By Roger Fingas | 2 years ago The Citation 100 is a high-quality smartspeaker, and possibly an easy choice for people already bought into Harman Kardon, but otherwise there's not much reason to choose it over speakers from the likes of Apple, Google, or Sonos. When the Amazon Echo first launched in 2014, sound quality was secondary. Voice commands were star of the show — it was a novelty to play music or control smarthome accessories with your voice alone. Fast-forward to 2018, and there are enough players in the smartspeaker field that except for barebones options like the Amazon Echo Dot and the Google Home Mini, sound quality is now an inherent part of the pitch, so to speak. Apple of course has the HomePod, and there are various high-end options from both Amazon and Google. Specialists like Polk and Sonos have entered the fray too, making things just that much tougher. Harman Kardon is another such specialist, in this case banking on Google Assistant for its Citation line. There's a whole ecosystem of Citation gear, the peak being the Citation Tower, which costs a whopping $2,499.95 per pair. We chose to test the Citation 100 partly because it's within the realm of reason at $269.95. One thing that immediately sets the 100 apart from other smartspeakers is its appearance. Superficially it looks like any other bookshelf speaker, which is probably the point — it can blend into the most pretentious surroundings. Even the four glowing lights that signal when Assistant is active are concealed under fabric. We should note that the product is probably larger than you're expecting. It's almost a foot tall and over half a foot wide, easily dwarfing rivals like the HomePod or the Sonos One. Setup is as simple as it is with any Assistant-based speaker. Once you open the Google Home app for iPhones and iPads, the speaker is detected automatically. For those worried it supports both 2.4- and 5-gigahertz Wi-Fi, so it should work with any router. The configuration process can be as short as a couple of minutes, but may take longer depending on whether there are any firmware updates to install and if you've already customized Google Home. You'll need to set up Voice Match if you want access to personalized content for instance, and you'll also have to log into music and smarthome services — no Apple Music, unfortunately. If you have a compatible TV streamer such as a Chromecast, you can use the speaker to control some video services. One advantage of the 100 over Apple and Sonos offerings is Bluetooth. If need be you can pair just about any phone, tablet, or laptop directly while keeping the option to talk to Assistant. Be warned however that something as simple as an iPhone notification can potentially disrupt Assistant-triggered content, so you may want to unpair Bluetooth when it's not needed. The inevitable question on an Apple-based news site is why someone would choose a Google Assistant speaker over one with Siri. Quite simply, Assistant is still the best voice command platform on the market. It can answer questions Siri can't, and supports services like Spotify and Pandora natively. It's also easier to control — you can ask Assistant to perform two actions in the same sentence. That being said, the Citation 100 specifically isn't always the best at hearing you. We found that it would sometimes miss our "Hey Google" or "OK Google" cues in instances when a second-gen Amazon Echo had no problem hearing "Alexa." It wasn't to the point of being a dealbreaker, but we were expecting more from Harman Kardon. The speaker does shine where it counts most, which is fidelity and power. Sound is bright and clear, even at higher volumes, and a 102-millimeter woofer delivers plenty of bass. You can pair it with a second unit for stereo sound, though that certainly isn't necessary. We actually prefer the cheaper Sonos One slightly in terms of fidelity, but the 100 is clearly more powerful, and perhaps better for people wanting something that can replace a stereo system — that is, unless they live in an apartment or can afford something costlier, like a multi-unit One bundle. We were happy with the Citation 100, yet as we said at the beginning, it's hard to argue why you would pick it over any other high-end smartspeaker. Bluetooth might be one reason, but for as much as the speaker costs, it's odd that there are no 3.5mm or optical connections. If you can, we would recommend doing a test of the product in person. It could be that Harman Kardon's tuning will strike you just the right way, in which case there shouldn't be much stopping you from picking one up. Score: 4 out of 5 Harman's Citation 100 wireless speaker retails for $299.95 and can be ordered from Amazon or B&H Photo. Both retailers offer free shipping, but B&H will not collect sales tax in many states, which can potentially save shoppers in select states over $20. viclauyyc Said: For a second, I thought the lamp is the speaker coolfactor Said: I want that lamp. 10 of them. silvergold84 Said: HomePod have a revolutionary system to play the best sound. Google assistant the best? Who have it inside by default is trying to to make an alternative. Why? It is not soo good. Bixbi by samsung, vicky by Nokia , and also huawei is trying to create an alternative to google assistant. I tried it and it answer with many words but it isnt more than Siri. Siri is more serious and it respect the privacy of customers. On more another consideration: Harmann kardoon is failed and it is been bought by samsung. franklinjackcon Said: This review is quite a relief to me. I bought a Sonos One expecting Google Assistant by year end. Now they've pushed it out to 2019 and this HK came out. I'm glad to hear the One still sounds a little better. The One is still one of the ugliest 90s looking speakers out there though. saneanalysis Said: I believe Samsung now owns Harmon Kardon.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
Why the 'Idaho stop' is safe cycling Opinion // Open Forum By Josh Wilson Sep. 28, 2015 Updated: Sep. 28, 2015 3:36 p.m. It's illegal to ride your bicycle safely and quickly through the streets of San Francisco. The fact that the law requires cyclists to come to a full stop at stop signs forces thousands of two-wheelers every day to either break the law (by treating stops like yields) or expose themselves to risk on our busy city streets by dramatically slowing down. Risk? It's true. Automobile traffic moves fast and sometimes unpredictably, and drivers are a notoriously impatient lot. A stationary or slow-starting bicycle is an obstacle on the road, and it can bring out the worst in a driver. Yet the very thing that will get bikers out of the way of cars and quickly along their ways — treating a stop sign like a yield — is against state law. Idaho already has this sorted out. The "Idaho Stop" has been state policy there since 1982. A 2010 UC Berkeley study found that cyclist injuries in the state dropped 14 percent the year the law was implemented. On the street the "rolling stop" is just plain common sense. It conserves cyclist momentum, keeps bikes out of the way of heavy automotive traffic — and, critically, it sets parameters for what really constitutes blowing a stop sign. Rolling controversy Yes, cyclists should stop at stop signs By Emily Green and Lizzie Johnson Lee says he'll veto legislation OKing rolling stops for... By Lizzie Johnson and Michael Cabanatuan Bicyclists' campaign against stop enforcement gets rolling By Michael Cabanatuan and Kale Williams S.F. bike riders' Wiggle protest slows traffic In August, several hundred cyclists protested an SFPD crackdown on stop-sign rolling by obeying the letter of the law while riding home from work through the Wiggle — the path of an old creek bed that dodges some of San Francisco's steeper hills, and connects upper Market with the lower Haight by way of Duboce, Steiner, Waller and Pierce streets. Normally the Wiggle is about a five-minute pass-through for cyclists riding from downtown to the city's western neighborhoods. This time, traffic was repeatedly brought to a standstill as commuting cyclists stopped at each stop sign, put their foot down and rode along to the next corner. The wait got so bad that, according to a July 29 report in The Chronicle, "frustrated drivers tried to dodge the backup by driving in the wrong lane." The protest stirred enough of a fuss that Supervisor John Avalos is advancing a San Francisco Right-of-Way Policy that puts pedestrians at the top of the yield chain and permits cyclists to "proceed without fully stopping at stop signs if the intersection is empty." The beauty of such a policy is that it finally draws a clear line around what actually constitutes unsafe bicycle operation. In order to pass, the intersection has to be empty. It's simple, and removes all the ambiguity between those simply riding home from work and those putting themselves and others at risk. However, San Francisco cannot supersede the state on matters of traffic regulation. The best it can do is encourage the SFPD to de-prioritize stop-sign yielding as a moving violation, which is what the Avalos measure intends. Success could also set the stage for innovation in Sacramento. Our representatives in the state Capitol could give their blessing to a San Francisco experiment by waiving state preemption of stop-sign regulations within city limits. Bicycling in San Francisco has come a long way since the heyday of Critical Mass in the 1990s. Since then, the sheer volume of cyclists has turned the monthly two-wheeled takeovers into an everyday fact of your commute. Meanwhile, the Better Market Street project is set to completely repave our main downtown artery from Octavia to the Embarcadero as a transit/pedestrian/cyclist-friendly corridor. There's even talk from the MTA of making Powell Street car-free. These are physical changes to our infrastructure, and they are most welcome. But the culture is still living a lie. Automotive moving violations routinely get a wink and a nod — turn-signal enforcement, anyone? — creating a dangerous double standard that undermines pedestrian safety and perpetuates the scapegoating of the vast majority of conscientious bike riders in our city. San Francisco may have a history of social change, but until we get our stop signs sorted, we're way behind Idaho. Josh Wilson is a Bay Area writer. Editorial: Trump asylum policy outsources American values Open Forum: Stopping ICE raids begins with ending immigration detention Open Forum: Overcoming online extremism will take both political and... On child care, Newsom and his budget could be bolder
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
Enjoy reading our large collection of read-along books. Full features are available with Chrome browsers. Firefox does not support varing reading speed. Not all Internet Explorers support the read-along. Ask Amber, Bee Beetle , Brown Hound, Bug In Suds , Dennis the Dog , Duck Stuck , Egg & Hen , Farm , Fat Cat & Rat , Five Mice , Fox Hops, Frog & Crow, Gentle George, Jumping Jon, Lacy the Canary, Louis, Mary the Mosquito, Meatball Paul, Mole's Home, Mule, Pete the Athlete, Pig and Cat, Puppy plays fetch, Ray at the Bay, Shell at the Shore, Slimy Slug, Squeaker Squirrel, Stella the Swan, Old Badger , Tiny Lily, Trish the Fish, Troy. 1 2 3 4 5, 1 2 Buckle My Shoe, 1 To 10, 3 Blind Mice, 3 Wise Men Of Gotham, Baa Baa Black Sheep, Bees, Clever Hen, Crooked Sixpence, Curly Locks, Diddle Diddle Dumpling, Farmer And The Raven, Flying Pig, Forehead, Eyes, Nose, Georgy Porgy, Going To St Ives, Hey Diddle, Hickory Dickory, House Jack Built, Hush A Bye, Icicle, If All The Seas, Jack, Jack And Jill, Jack Sprat, Jenny Wren, Just like me, Little Bo Peep, Little Boy Blue, Little Boys Made Of, Lived In A Shoe, Mary Mary, Pussycat, Rain Rain, Two Birds.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Professor Helmut Schlesinger, former president of the Bundesbank, joined the IDEA Advisory Board in 1995. As is well known, Professor Schlesinger played a pivotal role in the creation of the European Central Bank and oversaw the monetary unification of Germany. Professor Schlesinger spoke at several IDEA events and directed IDEA clients on why the ECB and the single currency had to be formed. He also used the IDEA Advisory platform to communicate with the financial markets the structure of and inherent checks and balances leading to the creation of the single currency. Nick Stern, Willem Buiter, Ng Kok Song and Professor Schlesinger along with leading financial market participants, gathered at the Merchants Taylor's hall in London in 1999. Willem Buiter highlighted the 'Bubble in the US equity market based on the lack of earnings of many leading Internet companies'. Nick Stern, who at that time was Chief Economist of the EBRD, correctly forecast the economic success of Eastern Europe seen over the last five years. The positive 'underlying' outlook for the Asian economies after the 1997/98 Asian crisis was bought back into perspective by Mr Ng Kok Song, MD of Public Markets, GIC. In Asia, Europe, and North America, 60 market professionals deliver analysis to you. From Equity indices to FX, from Singapore to Argentina, we've got the world's finances covered. IDEAglobal influences key investors, traders, and policy makers worldwide. IDEAglobal doesn't just write about where the markets have been—it points out where they're going. Extending the collective knowledge of our company beyond the research desk.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
designs for the realization of special-purpose machines. designs for mass production standard products. engineering of production processes through layout execution. dimensioning of components or mechanical systems that are not provided with a drawing archive. production checks (assembly, mechanical processing, inspection) etc. Moreover, we offer our experience in the preparation of patent practices and we have already obtained many patents on industrial property. hardware and software design tools. metrology tools (both analog and digital measuring tools), which can be interfaced to our laptops. laptops designed to carry out design work at the customer's premises. means and equipment to carry out assembly and maintenance operations. Sometimes the dimensioning of a series of machine components is useful to carry out a theoretical study of a repair or maintenance intervention, especially if there are no spare parts available. Our deep knowledge in "workshop mechanics", stemming from the experience acquired over the years, make us extremely aware and skillful when executing design assessments namely as to the production, assembly, and maintenance of machineries, mechanical systems or simple machine components. The opportunity to go to the Customer's premises bringing our equipment often meets the Customer's temporary need for an additional collaborator with dedicated equipment. If the Customers don't have at their disposal internal technical departments, we can supply them with detailed projects, create the operating procedures to be followed for production processes, give indications to the subcontractors for specific processing, provide the list of the components to be purchased to complete the product manufacture, thus creating the data archive necessary for the product manufacture.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
«Муки любви» (оригинальное название: Deewana Mastana, дословный перевод: «Сумасшедший спутник») — кинофильм, снятый в Болливуде и вышедший в прокат в 1997 году. Сюжет Раджа (Анил Капур) — мелкий мошенник, перепродающий железнодорожные билеты и мечтающий провернуть дело покрупнее, чтобы разбогатеть. Наконец, ему это удаётся — вместе со своим другом Гафуром (Джонни Левер) он грабит поезд и с 2,5 миллионами рупий скрывается в Мумбаи. Там он влюбляется в психоаналитика Неху Капур (Джухи Чавла) и, чтобы познакомиться с ней поближе, отправляется к ней на приём, прикинувшись больным. Вскоре у Нехи появляется ещё один воздыхатель — один из её пациентов Бунну (Говинда). Бунну, сын богатого бизнесмена, страдает от различных фобий. Он боится огня, воды, высоты и многого другого. Пытаясь вызвать у Нехи ответные чувства, он старается избавиться от своих страхов и быстро идёт на поправку. Но и Раджа не собирается отступать, и соперники используют любые средства, чтобы добиться своей цели. Однако они ещё не знают, что сердце Нехи уже завоевал Прем (Салман Хан), и что у них уже назначена свадьба… Ссылки Кинокомедии 1997 года Фильмы на хинди Кинокомедии Индии Фильмы Дэвида Дхавана Фильмы Индии 1997 года
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaWikipedia'}