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Love this!!! This is such a good video! This is how an artist's first official video should be people!!! Omg this was too cute! Word to BBGun who kills it with his videos! This video made me love the song even more! And love J.Cole 100x more than I already do! Gosh this is dope!!! Love love love! Enjoy people!
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Q: Como desativar a Máscara de CEP para salvar apenas os números Digitados ao efetuar um Post - MVC Estou usando um componente Remark que possui um data-plugin="formatter" no qual aplica uma máscara de CEP no field. O field possui tamanho de 8 caracteres, mas com a máscara fica com 9 por causa do "-" (Ex: 29780-000). Quando salvo o registro o JavaScript Validation efetua a validação do lado do cliente e não deixa dar o post por causa da quaantidade de caracteres. ViewModel: [DisplayName("CEP")] [Required(ErrorMessage = "O campo CEP é obrigatório")] [MaxLength(8, ErrorMessage = "O campo {0} deve ter no máximo {1} caracteres")] public string CEP { get; set; } View: <div class="col-md-2"> <label asp-for="PessoaFisicaViewModel.PessoasFisicasEnderecosViewModel[i].CEP" class="control-label lb-cep">CEP</label> <input type="text" asp-for="PessoaFisicaViewModel.PessoasFisicasEnderecosViewModel[i].CEP" data-plugin="formatter" data-pattern="[[99999]]-[[999]]" class="form-control txt-cep" /> <span asp-validation-for="PessoaFisicaViewModel.PessoasFisicasEnderecosViewModel[i].CEP" class="text-danger validation-cep"></span> </div> Existe alguma configuração ou maneira de fazer com que apenas os números sejam enviados ao dar post? Nas aplicações Desktop tem como configurar para a máscara não ser gravada, mas em app web eu não sei se tem como. Alguém sabe como me ajudar? Grande abraço!!! :) A: Como você quer manter o traço, ao invés de mudar sua máscara para data-pattern="[[99999999]]" mude o MaxLength do campo. [MaxLength(9, ErrorMessage = "O campo {0} deve ter no máximo {1} caracteres")] E no seu backend você pode tratar esses campos removendo o "-" dessa forma: CEP.Trim('-'); Javascript Outra opção que talvez seja valida pra você é usar o JavaScript e antes de fazer o submit do form remover o caractere: $("form").submit(function(){ var cepApenasNum = $("#campoCEP").val().replace('-', ''); $("#campoCEP").val(cepApenasNum); alert("Meu cep enviado no form é: " + $("#campoCEP").val()); }); <script src=""></script> <form action="#"> <input type="text" id="campoCEP"/> <input type="submit" value="Enviar"> </form>
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaStackExchange'}
NDLEA arrests 12 dockworkers linked to N9.5bn cocaine seized at Lagos port Ship Carrying Seized Drugs at Lagos Apapa Ports The National Drug Law Enforcement Agency, NDLEA has said that it is holding 12 dockworkers at the Apapa seaport in Lagos because of their significant links to the importation of 32.9 kilograms of cocaine worth over N9.5 billion in street value. A Federal High Court in Lagos had granted an application by the Agency for the interim attachment of a vessel MV Chayanee Naree used to import the 32.9 kilograms of cocaine into Nigeria through the Apapa seaport. Beside the attachment order, the court also granted NDLEA's request to detain the Master of the ship, Mr. Tanahan Krilerk and 21 foreign crew members as well as the dockworkers arrested in connection to the case. The anti-narcotic Agency had on October 13 intercepted the ship at the Apapa seaport following intelligence from international partners and support from other security forces such as the Nigerian Navy, Customs, DSS and the police. A thorough search of the ship led to the recovery of 30 parcels containing cocaine, which weighed 32.9kg. The application in suit no: FHC/L/CS/1518/2021, which was filed by the agency's Director of Prosecution and Legal Services, Joseph Nbone Sunday on Thursday 28th October was granted the following day Friday 29th October by Hon. Justice A.O. Awogboro. An application to renew the remand order was also filed on Friday 12th November because of the volume of evidence coming out from the cooperation of the suspects in custody. The NDLEA in a statement on Saturday said its clarification became necessary following claims by the Maritime Workers Union of Nigeria that some of its members are being detained unlawfully by the Agency. Of the total number of 18 dockworkers initially being interviewed by operatives, six of them with no sufficient evidence linking them to the crime had been released while 12 others with significant links are cooperating with ongoing investigation. In line with the intelligence available to the Agency, there is a syndicate of dockworkers, crew members with apparent international conspirators who work in synergy to traffic in the illicit substances. While the substances are concealed in the shipment from the originating Port, the dockworkers assist to pick up the illicit consignment for onward delivery to the Nigerian drug barons. In the case of criminal investigation of this magnitude, it is lawful and expedient to investigate those within the purview of the Agency's reasonable suspicion and those who do not have any serious involvement are let go. Already, two dockworkers are now on the run, after absconding from their place of work, since the beginning of the investigation. For the avoidance of doubt, all the Agency's actions are guided by international best practices and in line with the Global Maritime Standard Operational Procedure on arrest, seizure and detention of Vessels and crew members. Troops Kill ISWAP terrorists, destroy their equipment in Borno
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
Q: Merging together results from a UNION in sql I am trying to combine the results of a Union from SELECT MONTHNAME(terms) AS month, COUNT(DISTINCT project_num) as total FROM projects WHERE terms >= '2017/01/01' AND Building_designer='SOMEPERSON' GROUP BY MONTH(terms) UNION SELECT MONTHNAME(terms) AS month, COUNT(DISTINCT project_num) as total FROM archive WHERE terms >= '2017/01/01' AND Building_designer='SOMEPERSON' GROUP BY MONTH(terms) I get the following: RESULTS FROM THE SQL STATEMENT I am trying to make it so the total will be the combination of the multiple instances of the month. The sql tables are exactly the same. This Is what I would like it to look like: A: A FULL OUTER JOIN would be ideal. But in your case, let's do two levels of aggregation: SELECT month, MAX(total_projects) as total_projects, MAX(total_archive) as total_archive FROM ((SELECT MONTHNAME(terms) AS month, COUNT(DISTINCT project_num) as total_projects, 0 as total_archive FROM projects WHERE terms >= '2017/01/01' AND Building_designer = 'SOMEPERSON' GROUP BY MONTH(terms) ) UNION ALL (SELECT MONTHNAME(terms) AS month, 0, COUNT(DISTINCT project_num FROM archive WHERE terms >= '2017/01/01' AND Building_designer = 'SOMEPERSON' GROUP BY MONTH(terms) ) ) pa GROUP BY month ORDER BY month; EDIT: Oops. You only want one column. If you want to count the number of distinct projects for each month, then do a union all and then combine the results at the next higher level: SELECT month, COUNT(DISTINCT project_num) as total FROM ((SELECT MONTHNAME(terms) AS month, project_num FROM projects WHERE terms >= '2017/01/01' AND Building_designer = 'SOMEPERSON' ) UNION ALL (SELECT MONTHNAME(terms) AS month, project_num FROM archive WHERE terms >= '2017/01/01' AND Building_designer = 'SOMEPERSON' ) ) pa GROUP BY month ORDER BY month; A: A quick thought would be to just do something like this. You essentially want to sum the counts from each table. select month, sum(total) from ( SELECT MONTHNAME(terms) AS month, COUNT(DISTINCT project_num) as total FROM projects WHERE terms >= '2017/01/01' AND Building_designer='SOMEPERSON' GROUP BY MONTH(terms) UNION SELECT MONTHNAME(terms) AS month, COUNT(DISTINCT project_num) as total FROM archive WHERE terms >= '2017/01/01' AND Building_designer='SOMEPERSON' GROUP BY MONTH(terms) ) group by month; A: transform into a derived table, put an alias then aggregate select x.month, sum( [Total] from ( SELECT MONTHNAME(terms) AS month, COUNT(DISTINCT project_num) AS total FROM projects WHERE terms >= '2017/01/01' AND Building_designer = 'SOMEPERSON' GROUP BY MONTH(terms) UNION SELECT MONTHNAME(terms) AS month, COUNT(DISTINCT project_num) AS total FROM archive WHERE terms >= '2017/01/01' AND Building_designer = 'SOMEPERSON' GROUP BY MONTH(terms) ) x group by x.month A: You can try creating a sum expression on the entire query. SELECT month, SUM (total) FROM (SELECT MONTHNAME(terms) AS month, COUNT(DISTINCT project_num) as total FROM projects WHERE terms >= '2017/01/01' AND Building_designer='SOMEPERSON' GROUP BY MONTH(terms) UNION SELECT MONTHNAME(terms) AS month, COUNT(DISTINCT project_num) as total FROM archive WHERE terms >= '2017/01/01' AND Building_designer='SOMEPERSON' GROUP BY MONTH(terms)) GROUP BY month
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaStackExchange'}
Pyzor requires that port 24441 UDP IN / OUT be opened if you are using a firewall. Pyzor is a collaborative, networked system to detect and block spam using identifying digests of messages. See for more information about Pyzor.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
From accretion to outflows of massive protostars Kölligan, Anders Diss_24Oct2018_publication.pdf Description: full text of the ... Faculty: 7 Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät Department: Physik Advisor: Kuiper, Rolf (Dr.) DDC Classifikation: 500 - Natural sciences and mathematics 520 - Astronomy and allied sciences 530 - Physics Keywords: Protostern , Akkretion , Astronomie massive stars protostars outflows magneto-hydrodynamics numerics accretion disks Massive stars live short but intense lives. While less numerous than low-mass stars, they enormously impact their surroundings by several feedback mechanisms. They form in opaque and far-away regions of the galaxy, such that one of these feedback mechanisms also becomes one of few records of their evolution: their bright large-scale outflows. Their emergence and related phenomena, such as the accretion disk that launches them, comprise the main focus of this thesis. In chapter 2, we present our magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) simulations that were conducted with non-ideal MHD, self-gravity, and very high resolutions, as they have never been achieved before. In our comprehensive convergence study, we investigate computational conditions necessary to resolve (pseudo-) disk formation, and outflow launching processes and we analyze possible caveats. We explore the magneto-hydrodynamic processes of the collapse of a massive prestellar core, including an analysis of the forces involved and their temporal evolution. We follow the initial 100 M cloud core for up to two free-fall times, during which it collapses under its own self-gravity to self-consistently form a dense disk structure that eventually launches outflows. The setup allows us not only to show a comprehensive evolutionary picture of the collapse, but also enables the resolution of highly collimated magneto-centrifugal jets and magnetic pressure driven tower flows as separate structures. This is only possible in very high resolutions and is, to our knowledge, the first time this has been achieved. Of the two outflow components, the tower flow dominates angular momentum transport, while the mass outflow rate is dominated by the entrained material from the interaction of the jet with the stellar environment and just a part of the ejected medium is directly launched from the accretion disk. Taking into account both the mass launched from the disk's surface as well as the entrained material from the envelope, we find an ejection-to-accretion efficiency of 10%. Additionally, a tower flow can only develop to its full extent when much of the original envelope has already dispersed as otherwise the ram-pressure of the infalling material inhibits the launching on wider scales. We argue that non-ideal MHD is required to form centrifugally supported accretion disks and that the disk size is strongly dependent on spatial resolution. We find that a converged result for disk and both outflow components requires a spatial resolution of ∆x ≤ 0:17 au at 1 au and sink cell sizes ≤ 3:1 au. Our results indicate that massive stars not only possess slow wide-angle tower flows, but also produce magneto-centrifugal jets, just as their low-mass counterparts. Therefore, the actual difference between low-mass and high-mass star formation lies in the embededness of the high-mass star. This implies that the jet and tower flow interact with the infalling large-scale stellar environment, potentially resulting in entrainment. In chapter 3, we investigate the occurrence of observed asymmetries in position-velocity diagrams and show how even symmetric objects can produce them. To this end, we give a qualitative description of the idea; backed up by direct integration of the line radiation transport equation including the effect of resonances. We show that these asymmetries naturally arise by reabsorption when infall (or outflow) velocities and rotational velocities are of the same magnitude, such that the emission from the warm, central regions of the accetion disk is absorbed in the colder outer regions of the envelope as they reach the same line-of-sight velocities. These multiple resonances of the molecular lines can be considered a special case of self-absorption. 7 Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät [3660]
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
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PETER J. AGORANOS, Gilberts, IL, pro se. KARA WESTERCAMP, Commercial Litigation Branch Civil Division, United States Department of Justice, Washington, DC, for respondent. Also represented by ELIZABETH ANNE SPECK, JOYCE R. BRANDA, ROBERT E. KIRSCHMAN, JR., ALLISON KIDD-MILLER. NOTE: This disposition is nonprecedential. Petition for review of the Merit Systems Protection Board in No. CH-0432-11-0182-B-1, CH-1221-11-0466-B-1. PETER J. AGORANOS, Gilberts, IL, pro se. KARA WESTERCAMP, Commercial Litigation Branch Civil Division, United States Department of Justice, Washington, DC, for respondent. Also represented by ELIZABETH ANNE SPECK, JOYCE R. BRANDA, ROBERT E. KIRSCHMAN, JR., ALLISON KIDD-MILLER. Before LOURIE, O'MALLEY, and REYNA, Circuit Judges. PER CURIAM. Peter J. Agoranos ("Agoranos") appeals the decision of the Merit System Protection Board ("Board") affirming his removal from the position of Intelligence Research Specialist with the Drug Enforcement Administration ("DEA" or "agency") and denying his Individual Right of Action ("IRA") appeal requesting corrective action under the Whistleblower Protection Act, 5 U.S.C. § 2302(b) (2012) ("WPA"). Because we find that substantial evidence supports the Board's conclusion that the DEA demonstrated by clear and convincing evidence that Agoranos would have been removed even if he had not made a disclosure protected by the WPA, we affirm. Agoranos served as an Intelligence Research Specialist for the DEA's Chicago Field Division from November 4, 2001 until his removal on November 9, 2010. Agoranos began working under the supervision of Group Supervisor Lynette Georgevich. His initial job performance ratings were "acceptable," but by 2003 his evaluation identified a need for performance improvement and coworkers had entered complaints regarding the quality of Agoranos's work product and interpersonal skills. Georgevich consequently issued a written notice on January 27, 2004, informing Agoranos that he needed to improve his work product. In response, Agoranos filed a grievance against Georgevich. Although Agoranos's interactions with coworkers continued to be strained in 2005, Georgevich again gave Agoranos an acceptable rating for his job performance. In 2006, Agoranos's performance declined once more. After another complaint by Agoranos against Georgevich, Georgevich felt she could no longer effectively manage Agoranos, and the DEA reassigned Agoranos to Field Intelligence Manager Patrick O'Dea in October 2006. Agoranos's performance continued to wane, meriting a "less than acceptable level" by 2007. Special Agent in Charge Gary Olenkiewicz also "strongly recommended" that Agoranos seek a psychological exam in June 2007. Because of the low performance rating, O'Dea issued a performance expectations memorandum outlining Agoranos's job expectations, but Agoranos failed to meet those expectations due to, inter alia, poor writing, inadequate reports, and inaccurate information. O'Dea thus denied Agoranos a within-grade pay increase in 2008 because of his inability to perform at acceptable levels, and gave him an "unacceptable" performance rating on his 2008 evaluation. From July 2007 to June 2009, Agoranos also requested reassignment to vacant Intelligence Research Specialist positions thirty-one times—the DEA rejected all of his requests. After his 2008 evaluation, the DEA placed Agoranos on a performance improvement plan ("PIP") under the supervision of Group Supervisor Kevin Quinlan. Quinlan met with Agoranos weekly, but Agoranos still failed to consistently correct writing deficiencies, such as reporting inaccuracies, grammar, and formatting. Based on the PIP results, on May 6, 2009, O'Dea recommended that Agoranos be removed from his position as an Intelligence Research Specialist. The DEA issued a notice of proposed removal on January 7, 2010, requesting Agoranos's removal due to his alleged failure to achieve acceptable performance in Critical Element 1 - Technical Competence/Results and Critical Element 2 - Communications. Special Agent James Reed acted as the deciding official in Agoranos's removal. Agoranos claims to have made a series of disclosures from 2004 through 2007 that are the crux of this appeal. Agoranos asserts that he informed Georgevich in March 2004 that a coworker had solicited $10 from other employees to enter into a pool to guess when another coworker would have a baby. Agoranos also claims to have informed Georgevich in May 2005 that he overheard a special agent and two task work officers discussing the possibility of using time spent performing surveillance work to also look for vacant lots to build custom homes. Finally, it is undisputed that, in February 2007, Agoranos reported to supervisor Timothy McCormick that he observed DEA employees selling betting squares for an office pool for the upcoming Super Bowl. Resident Agent in Charge Mark Giuffre and Diversion Group Supervisor James Portner investigated the accusations, and eventually reprimanded one employee. Special Agent Reed testified that he reviewed all materials associated with Agoranos's notice of proposed removal, including those materials relating to Agoranos's claim that he had made whistleblower disclosures, and concluded that removal was warranted. Special Agent Reed also testified that he spoke with an attorney at the Chief Counsel's office during his investigation, and reviewed Agoranos's entire personnel file, even though it was not part of the proposed removal record. The DEA officially removed Agoranos on November 9, 2010. Agoranos filed two separate challenges related to his removal. He first submitted a whistleblower complaint with the Office of Special Counsel ("OSC") on October 15, 2010. Agoranos alleged that his three whistleblower disclosures led to eight personnel actions: (1) October 2006 reassignment to a different supervisor; (2) June 2007 recommendation that Agoranos receive a psychological evaluation; (3) July 2007 through June 2009 failure to select Agoranos for thirty-one open Intelligence Research Specialist positions; (4) 2007 and 2008 assignment of unacceptable performance ratings; (5) 2008 denial of within-grade pay increase; (6) February 2009 placement on a PIP; (7) January 2010 issuance of a notice of proposed removal; and (8) November 2010 removal. OSC reviewed Agoranos's complaint, but concluded that there were no reasonable grounds to find that the DEA took any action due to a prohibited personnel practice. OSC found that, for the March 2004 disclosure, there was no significant adverse action close in time to the disclosure, and for the May 2005 disclosure, Agoranos had no firsthand evidence that the employees at issue had taken any impermissible actions. For the February 2007 disclosure, OSC found that coworkers made hostile comments to Agoranos and ostracized him due to the disclosure, leading Agoranos to seek mental health treatment, but also found that he would be unlikely to be successful in alleging retaliatory action under 5 U.S.C. § 2302(b)(8) because he could not prove that the disclosure was a contributing factor in subsequent adverse personnel actions. Because OSC declined to further investigate his complaint, Agoranos filed an IRA appeal requesting corrective action with the Board on April 8, 2011. On November 29, 2010, Agoranos separately appealed to the Board, challenging his removal under Chapter 43 of Title 5 of the United States Code. An administrative judge ("AJ") consolidated Agoranos's separate appeals by dismissing the Chapter 43 removal action, and reviewing the propriety of his removal as part of his IRA request for corrective action. Agoranos v. Dep't of Justice, No. CH-0432-11-0182-I-1, 2011 MSPB LEXIS 3259 (M.S.P.B. May 23, 2011). By dismissing the Chapter 43 removal action, the AJ also declined to hear Agoranos's due process and procedural error affirmative defenses to his removal. The AJ then denied Agoranos's appeal on the merits in an initial decision issued on March 1, 2012. Agoranos v. Dep't of Justice, No. CH-1221-11-0466-W-1, 2012 MSPB LEXIS 1123 (M.S.P.B. March 1, 2012) ("Initial AJ Decision"). The AJ first determined that Agoranos failed to prove by preponderant evidence that he made qualifying disclosures, in March 2004 regarding the baby-betting pool, or in May 2005, regarding the private construction contract work. Id. at *3-6. For the February 2007 Super Bowl betting pool disclosure, the AJ found that Agoranos proved by preponderant evidence that he made a viable whistleblowing disclosure. Id. at *7-8. The AJ concluded, however, that Agoranos failed to prove that the Super Bowl disclosure was a contributing factor in the 2006 reassignment under the "knowledge/timing test." Id. at *8-9 (citing Carey v. Dep't of Veterans Affairs, 93 M.S.P.R. 676, 681 (2003)). For the 2007 recommendation that Agoranos receive a psychological examination, the AJ concluded that Agoranos had established that the disclosure was a contributing factor, but "[t]he appellant lost no pay or benefits as a result of the personnel action, and effective relief cannot be granted to return the appellant to the status quo ante." Id. at *9-10. As for the other, "performance-related" personnel actions, the AJ found the requirements of the knowledge/timing test were satisfied because the actions "occurred within a relatively short time after the appellant's Super Bowl betting disclosure" and all officials, with the exception of Quinlan, knew of the disclosure. Id. at *10-16. Though he concluded that Agoranos had met his burden to prove his 2007 disclosure was a contributing factor to those performance-related actions, the AJ found that the agency had shown "by clear or convincing evidence that it would have taken the personnel actions notwithstanding the appellant's disclosure." Id. at *16-22. The AJ concluded that there was extensive evidence demonstrating Agoranos's unacceptable performance, the 2007 disclosure presented no motive for retaliation, and the agency took similar actions against similarly-situated employees. Id. at *17-19. The AJ thus denied Agoranos's request for corrective action. Agoranos filed a petition for review with the Board, and the Board affirmed-in-part and vacated-in-part the initial decision. Agoranos v. Dep't of Justice, 119 M.S.P.R. 498 (2013) ("Initial Board Decision"). As an initial matter, the Board reviewed the AJ's decision to: (1) dismiss the removal action, (2) hear the challenge to the removal action as part of the IRA request for corrective action, and (3) decline to hear Agoranos's affirmative defenses to removal of denial of due process and harmful procedural error. Id. at ¶¶13-18. The Board concluded that the DEA removed Agoranos without notifying him of the effect of his election to pursue corrective action with the OSC rather than to pursue a direct appeal to the Board. Id. at ¶17. Because Agoranos's filing of his OSC complaint "did not constitute a valid, informed election," the Board found that Agoranos could still assert his denial of due process and harmful procedural error defenses to his removal. Id. The Board, accordingly, reopened Agoranos's removal appeal for further adjudication by the AJ. Id. The Board then analyzed the merits of the AJ's findings regarding Agoranos's protected disclosure. First, the Board concluded that Agoranos failed to provide a reasoned basis to disturb the AJ's findings regarding the alleged 2004 and 2005 disclosures. Id. at ¶19. The Board then affirmed the AJ's contributing factor conclusion for the performance-related actions, but vacated the AJ's conclusions regarding the lateral transfer requests. Id. at ¶¶20-26. In particular, the Board agreed that, though some of the performance-related actions were taken more than two years after the Super Bowl disclosure, the "performance-based actions . . . form one continuous chain . . . or in other words a continuum." Id. at ¶¶22-23. With regards to the lateral transfers, the Board remanded, directing the AJ to "look beyond the knowledge-timing test" to determine if there was any taint on those decisions caused by the Super Bowl disclosure even though the transferring official testified that he was unaware of any disclosures by Agoranos. Id. at ¶¶24-25. Finally, the Board directed the AJ to reconsider his analysis of the agency's burden to show that it would have taken the same actions against Agoranos absent the protected disclosure. Based on our decision in Whitmore v. Department of Labor, 680 F.3d 1353 (Fed. Cir. 2012), the Board concluded that the AJ had failed to properly consider the countervailing evidence presented by Agoranos. Id. at ¶¶27-33. On remand, the AJ affirmed the agency's removal action and again denied Agoranos's request for corrective action. Agoranos v. Dep't of Justice, No. CH-1221-11-0466-W-1, 2013 MSPB LEXIS 5091 (M.S.P.B. Sept. 23, 2013) ("Remand Decision"). In reviewing the DEA's removal action, the AJ first determined that the agency met its initial burden to show by substantial evidence that the agency used valid performance standards to analyze Agoranos's work. Id. at *3-4. The AJ concluded that the agency's allegations of unacceptable performance were sufficiently supported by both testimonial and documentary evidence, and that "a reasonable person might conclude the appellant was afforded a reasonable opportunity to improve his performance to an acceptable level." Id. at *12-14. The AJ then analyzed Agoranos's affirmative defenses that the DEA violated his due process rights and committed procedural errors by using Special Agent Reed as the deciding official in his removal proceeding. Id. at *14-19. Agoranos claimed that Special Agent Reed impermissibly participated in prior investigations relating to this case, that Special Agent Reed engaged in ex parte conversations with an employee at the Office of Chief Counsel regarding this case, and that Special Agent Reed secretly reviewed Agoranos's personnel file. Id. at *14. The AJ concluded that there was no due process violation caused by these ex parte communications because Special Agent Reed did not consider any new or material evidence that would have prejudiced his decision-making. Id. at *14-18. As for the claim of harmful procedural error, the AJ found nothing in the ex parte communications that led Special Agent Reed to reach a different conclusion than he would have reached in the absence of the communications. Id. at *18-19. The AJ then reviewed the request for corrective action under the WPA. The AJ adopted all of the findings and determinations from the Initial AJ Decision that had been affirmed by the Board. Id. at *20. For the contributing factor analysis of the lateral transfer requests, the AJ reviewed the "totality of circumstances" and concluded that, even though O'Dea provided information to the deciding official, O'Dea's disclosures did not taint the transfer request process because, according to the deciding official, only employees with superior performance ratings typically receive the requested transfers. Id. at *21-23. Agoranos's history of substandard performance ratings thus made his selection highly unlikely. Id. The AJ then reanalyzed, under Whitmore, if the agency had shown by clear and convincing evidence that it would have taken the same actions against Agoranos absent the protected disclosure. Id. at *24-34. Explicitly applying the factors identified by our court in Carr v. Social Security Administration, 185 F.3d 1318 (Fed. Cir. 1999), the AJ again concluded that "[t]here is overwhelming evidence, consisting of documents and testimony, that supports the agency's determination [that] the appellant was not performing at an acceptable level." Id. at *30. The AJ also found that the agency's action was consistent with its treatment of another, similarly-situated employee who had not made a protected disclosure, even though that employee resigned before the agency could remove her. Id. at *32-33. And finally, the AJ found there was little motive for the agency to retaliate, as the disclosure at issue was "relatively minor." Id. at *33. Agoranos again sought review by the Board. Agoranos v. Dep't of Justice, 121 M.S.P.R. 382 (2014) ("Final Board Decision"). Agoranos did not appeal the AJ's findings that the agency proved its performance standards were valid and that the agency gave Agoranos a reasonable opportunity to improve; and, regardless, the Board found sufficient evidence supporting the AJ's decision on these matters. Id. at 382 n.3. The Board then gave significant weight to the AJ's review of the evidence regarding the impact of the ex parte communications on Special Agent Reed's ability to make an impartial decision, and found no error in the AJ's finding that there was no due process violation. Id. at 382. The Board also concluded that Agoranos failed to meet his burden of showing that any of the ex parte communications introduced "new and material evidence" or provided "undue pressure" on Special Agent Reed. Id. Finally, the Board determined that the AJ appropriately considered all facts and properly applied the law in denying the request for corrective action. Id. Agoranos timely appealed to this Court, and we have jurisdiction pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1295(a)(9). (3) unsupported by substantial evidence . . . . Id. Substantial evidence is "such relevant evidence as a reasonable mind might accept as adequate to support a conclusion." McLaughlin v. Office of Pers. Mgmt., 353 F.3d 1363, 1369 (Fed. Cir. 2004) (citation and internal quotation marks omitted). The agency must first prove, by a preponderance of the evidence, its case for the employee's removal. Whitmore, 680 F.3d at 1367 (citing 5 C.F.R. § 1201.56). The burden then shifts to the employee to prove by a preponderance of the evidence that he or she made a protected disclosure, as described in 5 U.S.C. § 2302(b)(8)(A), that after the disclosure he or she was subject to an adverse personnel action, and that the protected disclosure was a "contributing factor" to the adverse personnel action. Id.; see also 5 U.S.C. § 1221(e)(1). If the employee meets his or her burden regarding the protected disclosure, the agency can then attempt to rebut the employee's claim by presenting clear and convincing evidence "that it would have taken the same personnel action even in the absence of [the protected] disclosure." 5 U.S.C. § 1221(e)(2). In assessing whether the agency has shown by clear and convincing evidence "that it would have taken the same personnel action even in the absence of [the protected] disclosure," we have highlighted three non-exclusive factors as particularly relevant: (1) "the strength of the agency's evidence in support of its personnel action;" (2) "the existence and strength of any motive to retaliate on the part of the agency officials who were involved in the decision;" and (3) "any evidence that the agency takes similar actions against employees who are not whistleblowers but who are otherwise similarly situated." Carr, 185 F.3d at 1323. In Whitmore, we elaborated on the socalled Carr factors, stating that "[e]vidence only clearly and convincingly supports a conclusion when it does so in the aggregate considering all the pertinent evidence in the record, and despite the evidence that fairly detracts from that conclusion." 680 F.3d at 1368. Thus, the Board must "provide an in depth review and full discussion of the facts to explain its reasoning," including consideration of countervailing evidence presented by the employee. Id. at 1368, 1371. When assessing a WPA challenge to a removal decision, the Board must also consider any due process or procedural challenges an employee asserts as affirmative defenses. In Stone v. Federal Deposit Insurance Co., 179 F.3d 1368, 1376 (Fed. Cir. 1999), we held that "[t]he introduction of new and material information by means of ex parte communications to the deciding official under- mines the public employee's constitutional due process guarantee of notice . . . and the opportunity to respond." There is, however, no due process violation unless the deciding official "considers new and material information" due to the ex parte communication. Id. at 1377. Thus, the key inquiry is "whether the ex parte communication is so substantial and so likely to cause prejudice that no employee can fairly be required to be subjected to a deprivation of property under such circumstances." Id.; see also Ward v. U.S. Postal Serv., 634 F.3d 1274, 1279-80 (Fed. Cir. 2011) (applying Stone to ex parte communications related to either a removal charge or a penalty determination). Factors relevant to determining if "new and useful information" is introduced through ex parte communications include: (1) "whether the ex parte communication introduces 'cumulative' information or new information; (2) whether the employee knew of the communication and had a chance to respond; and (3) whether the ex parte communication resulted in undue pressure upon the deciding official to rule in a particular manner." Young v. Dep't of Hous. & Urban Dev., 706 F.3d 1372, 1376 (Fed. Cir. 2013) (citing Stone, 179 F.3d at 1377). We have recognized that "a deciding official's having background knowledge of an employee's prior work history or performance record" "only raises due process or procedural concerns where that knowledge is the basis for the deciding official's determinations on . . . the merits of the underlying charge . . . ." Norris v. Sec. & Exch. Comm'n, 675 F.3d 1349, 1354 (Fed. Cir. 2012). Mirroring his arguments to the Board, Agoranos claims that Special Agent Reed's ex parte communications violated his procedural due process rights and constitute harmful error under 5 U.S.C. § 7701(c)(2). Agoranos argues that Special Agent Reed admitted that he had ex parte communications with the DEA's counsel and reviewed materials not in the record or the notice of proposed removal, thus denying Agoranos the constitutionally-required notice necessary to properly respond to the claims against him. He argues, further, that the information Special Agent Reed received through these ex parte communications is not in the record, and should be considered "new and material evidence" because the DEA, and not Agoranos, prevented that information from being disclosed. Agoranos also states that, had he known that Special Agent Reed had in-depth prior involvement in investigations of Agoranos, he would have requested that Special Agent Reed be recused as the deciding official. And finally, with regards to both the affirmative defenses to his removal and the IRA request for corrective action, Agoranos argues that the AJ "ignored the facts, changed the facts, and ignored the law." In particular, Agoranos claims that his writing style remained the same from when he was hired in 2001 until his removal in 2010, but his work product only became inadequate after he made the protective disclosures. In response, the government argues that substantial evidence in the record supports the DEA's decision to remove Agoranos and the AJ's finding that the DEA would have removed Agoranos regardless of the disclosure. According to the government, Agoranos failed two critical elements of his job duties as an Intelligence Research Specialist, despite the DEA's efforts to help him improve, thus justifying his removal. This evidence, it contends, sufficiently allows the agency to meet its burden to show that it would have removed Agoranos due to his subpar work product, regardless of his Super Bowl disclosure. The government also argues that the AJ appropriately applied the Carr factors—overwhelming evidence demonstrates a history of concern about Agoranos's work; the disclosure was considered to be relatively minor among supervisors, mitigating any motive to retaliate; and the agency treated a similarly-situated, non-whistleblower employee the same as Agoranos. The government also contends that the AJ and the Board applied the correct law in determining that Special Agent Reed's ex parte communications neither reveal "new and material information" nor placed "undue pressure" on Special Agent Reed to reach a specific conclusion. And, finally, the government argues that the AJ did not commit harmful procedural error under 5 C.F.R. § 1201.56 as Agoranos failed to present any evidence demonstrating that the ex parte communications influenced Special Agent Reed's decision-making. On appeal, Agoranos has not challenged the AJ's conclusions regarding the alleged 2004 disclosure, the alleged 2005 disclosure, or the DEA's showings that its performance standards were valid, and that it gave Agoranos a reasonable opportunity to improve. We, thus, only review Agoranos's affirmative defenses to his removal, and the Board's analysis of the Super Bowl disclosure under the burden-shifting framework of the WPA. We agree with the government's arguments and do not find that the AJ's or the Board's decisions were "arbitrary, capricious, an abuse of discretion, or otherwise not in accordance with law" or "unsupported by substantial evidence." First, with regards to the DEA's denial of Agoranos's thirty-one requests for transfer to open Intelli- gence Research Specialist positions, the Board did not err in its analysis. Even though the deciding official for the transfer decisions had no direct knowledge of Agoranos's disclosures, the Board appropriately required the AJ to "look beyond the knowledge-timing test" to determine if any statements made by O'Dea to the deciding official could have tainted the decision-making process for the transfer requests. The AJ determined that such transfers were usually granted only to employees with superior performance ratings. Given Agoranos's documented history of average or substandard performance ratings, the AJ concluded that it would have been unlikely for Agoranos to receive those transfers regardless of his disclosures. Considering the depth of the AJ's analysis of the facts and appropriate application of the law, we find his decision to be supported by substantial evidence. The government does not challenge the Board's determination that Agoranos met his burden to show that his disclosure was a contributing factor to the performance-related actions. For his part, Agoranos does not challenge the Board's determination that Agoranos failed to establish that the recommendation that Agoranos receive a psychological evaluation caused remedial harm. For the five performance-related personnel actions, we agree with the Board that substantial evidence supports the AJ's determination that the DEA would have taken these same personnel actions regardless of the Super Bowl disclosure. The AJ, on remand, performed an extensive analysis of Agoranos's work history, applying the Carr factors and considering all facts, including the countervailing evidence presented by Agoranos, as required by Whitmore. The AJ described the extensive documentary and testimonial evidence of Agoranos's subpar work performance and interpersonal communication skills, leading the AJ to conclude there was "overwhelming evidence" supporting the personnel actions. The AJ then appropriately identified that the disclosure was for a minor infraction that supervisors did not consider substantial. Although Agoranos's coworkers purportedly harassed and ostracized Agoranos because of the disclosure, and even though one person was reprimanded for the Super Bowl pool, the DEA presented unrebutted testimony that the supervisors did not consider the disclosure as something sufficiently serious to give rise to a motive to retaliate. And, finally, the AJ correctly considered agency actions against similarly-situated employees. Agoranos argued that a similarly-situated employee was merely transferred, and not terminated, due to performance declines. The AJ, however, correctly found that that employee was not similarly situated—the employee had a long history of satisfactory performance with only a recent decline, and the transfer was made for the convenience of the employee's commute. The AJ did, however, point to a different employee with a similar history of unsatisfactory performance over an extended time who would have been removed by the agency if she had not resigned first. As the Board concluded, Agoranos has not shown any error in the AJ's analysis. Mere disagreements with the AJ's factfinding are insufficient. Agoranos urges us to reweigh the evidence presented to the Board and reach a different conclusion, but "re-weigh[ing] conflicting evidence . . . is not our function." Bieber v. Dep't of Army, 287 F.3d 1358, 1364 (Fed. Cir. 2002). Finally, we find that the AJ and the Board correctly rejected Agoranos's affirmative defenses based on Special Agent Reed's ex parte communications. Special Agent Reed's prior participation in investigations of Agoranos and his review of Agoranos's personnel file are troubling. But as we have previously stated, the mere knowledge of an employee's "work history or performance record" does not constitute harmful procedural error or a due process violation unless that knowledge influences the deciding official's determination. See Norris, 675 F.3d at 1354. Special Agent Reed testified that he "had no recollection" of any contact with Agoranos or his role in investigations of Agoranos. Special Agent Reed also stated that he reviewed Agoranos's personnel file "just to get a semblance of where Agoranos has been, what Agoranos's previous background [was]." He further testified that he spoke with an attorney at the Chief Counsel's office for only five minutes specifically to obtain "clarification" about an issue in the case. Special Agent Reed explained that he made the removal determination based entirely on the performance issues identified in the notice of proposed review. The AJ found Special Agent Reed's testimony to be credible, and the AJ's credibility determinations are "virtually unreviewable." Hambsch v. Dep't of Treasury, 796 F.2d 430, 436 (Fed. Cir. 1986). Agoranos, who has the burden to prove his affirmative defenses, Frey v. Department of Labor, 359 F.3d 1355, 1361 (Fed. Cir. 2004), has thus failed to demonstrate that Special Agent Reed considered "new and material information" due to his ex parte communications "so substantial and so likely to cause prejudice that no employee can fairly be required to be subjected to [such] a deprivation." Stone, 179 F.3d at 1377. And, similarly, we conclude that Agoranos has failed to prove harmful procedural error as he has not shown that Special Agent Reed's ex parte communications influenced his decision-making in any manner or led Special Agent Reed to reach a different conclusion than he would have reached in the absence of the ex parte communications. See 5 C.F.R. § 1201.56(c)(3). Substantial evidence supports the AJ's and Board's determinations that the DEA proved, by clear and convincing evidence, that it would have taken the specified personnel actions against Agoranos even if Agoranos had not made the protected disclosure about the Super Bowl betting pool. Substantial evidence also supports the AJ's and Board's conclusions that Agoranos failed to prove either a due process violation or harmful procedural error. We therefore affirm the Board's decisions to uphold the personnel actions taken against Agoranos and deny his request for corrective action under the WPA.
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Being a big fan of Williams-Sonoma, you can imagine that I am an even bigger fan of the Williams-Sonoma outlet about 90 miles from here. I try to keep my visits to a minimum, but I do love perusing the aisles looking at all of that lovely, mostly unnecessary stuff. Last weekend, Quinn and I decided to make the trek for a little shopping, and I was very excited to find that they were having their annual cookbook sale. I showed a modicum of restraint, leaving with six new books. I'm sure I'll be making many things from my newly acquired cookbooks, but first up is this quick bread from a book aptly named Quick Breads. It being the middle of winter, this bread is made possible by a wonderful thing called frozen raspberries. I am not one of those people who has a freezer packed with enough food to feed themselves for months. Just about the only things you'll routinely find in my freezer are pecans, butter, more pecans, and a bottle of vodka. Luckily, though, I did have some raspberries in there for this recipe. While fresh might be better, the frozen worked really well for this bread. I must say that this bread is amazingly delicious. It's very sweet and dense. It's almost more like a pound cake than bread. Although it provides a big, happy pick-me-up in the morning, I wouldn't hesitate to serve it as a dessert also. Preheat oven to 350°. Line the bottom of a standard 9″x 5″ loaf pan with parchment paper. Butter pan and set aside. Beat butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Add eggs, a little at a time, until blended. If the mixture seems to be curdling, add a little of the flour. Stir in flour, ground almonds, and lemon zest and juice. Spoon mixture into prepared pan. Scatter raspberries and white chocolate over the batter. Bake for 1 hour to 1 hour & 10 minutes. A toothpick inserted in the center should come out clean. Cool in pan for 30 minutes. Then, cool completely on a wire rack. Dust with confectioner's sugar. Recipe adapted from Quick Breads. This looks quite delish! I love raspberry with chocolate. I wonder if I could this loaf in a round cake pan. Do you think it would retain its moistness? Amanda, I think you could probably make this in a round pan. It would change the baking time, so I would keep a close watch on it. Thanks, a grace! If you think the picture's good, you should have smelled this bread while it was baking. Mandy, I was very excited. It's not like I actually need new cookbooks, but somehow I can't seem to resist. I want to make one of your recipes but, I can't decide which one! I had my mind made up on marscapone brownies till I saw this. I guess I'll surprise ya! I like your desription…dense, pound cake like…that is consistency I like best! About what quanitity of almonds make one & a fourth cups of ground? Megan, I'm anxious to see what you make! JEP, I used about 5 ounces of almonds. This bread looks great and sounds amazing! White chocolate and raspberries, what a great combo! And some almonds are a nice bonus. I so have to make this. I think it would make a nice dessert for a casual dinner with friends. Maybe with some sort of white chocolate sauce drizzled over it. Or would that be gilding the lilly? White chocolate and raspberries together – mmm! This looks gorgeous! Like you, the only constants in my fridge are nuts, butter, and vodka, funny that. This bread looks positively delicious. Thanks, everyone, for the compliments! Kirk, I think a little drizzle of white chocolate would really punch this up a bit for dessert. Not gilding the lily at all. I wish we had a W-S outlet! Jealous! Rachel, it's a happy, happy place. Wow, that loaf looks awesome and ever so tempting! Mmmm…this sounds delicious! I just recently heard of the WS outlet. Now my mom and I have to figure out exactly where it is so we can go next time I go for a visit. I heard there's a Pottery Barn outlet next to it…is that right?! Kitchenette, I'm not usually a white chocolate fan, but it goes so well with raspberries. Hope you find an outlet! Claire, thanks! There is indeed a Pottery Barn outlet next door. I've never had much luck with it, though. When you and your mom get ready to do, feel free to email me if you want directions. I think I can get there in my sleep! Ooo this looks good. And it's nice to know that it worked out with frozen raspberries so I could make it in the winter. Can't wait to see what you post from your 6 new cookbooks! It looks delicious and I love the ingredients, Jen! Ashley, the frozen raspberries were great for this. As for the new cookbooks, I've got lost of recipes tagged, so stay tuned! Jennifer, I made two of these loaves last night, and I have to say I was unsuccesful, but I don't understand why. Perhaps you could shed some light on to what happened to me. The loaves burned around the sides and bottom, but the centre didn't cook, I had to keep adding on more time until the toothpick came out relatively clean. I started cooking it at 350, as the recipe calls for, then seeing it start to burn I turned it down to 300. What can I do to prevent the burned sides and bottom. One of the loaves actually had the centre fall right out when I tried to get it out of the pan. Do you think I used too much white chocolate or raspberries? I used a white chocolate bar chopped up, if it was too big, would that cause the centre to remain uncooked while the rest of it burned? Also, I noticed there is no salt, or baking powder or baking soda in this recipe, but all the other quick breads I've made (which is many) have one or all of those ingredients. Sorry for the long message, I don't want to give up on this recipe because I think if I got it right it would be amazing. Please help! Thank you! I just found your blog today, but I can already tell I am going to pack on a few pounds just by looking at all these recipes! This bread looks to die for!!! That is torture in a spoon! Love it! On the list it goes! Oh my gosh! We tried this this week……….it was the best quick bread I'v ever eaten! I had double check myself when I saw the amount of butter ( not for diet reasons ) I just love butter and it was surprising to see that amount for a small loaf. It's in the oven and so far it looks amazing! Thank you for the recipe and for your delicious blog. the kick off, FIFA's Jerome Valcke mentioned on Friday. France responsibility for his club on Wednesday, wis out of the World Cup finals.
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""" This module allows to register a config into django's admin. Usage:: class FooConfigAdmin(djconfig.admin.ConfigAdmin): change_list_form = FooConfigForm class FooConfig(djconfig.admin.Config): app_label = 'djconfig' verbose_name_plural = 'foo config' name = 'fooconfig' djconfig.admin.register(FooConfig, FooConfigAdmin) """ import re from django.contrib import admin from django.apps import apps from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect from django.template.response import TemplateResponse from django.contrib.admin.options import csrf_protect_m from django.contrib.admin import helpers from django.core.exceptions import PermissionDenied from django.conf.urls import url from .forms import ConfigForm __all__ = [ 'ConfigAdmin', 'Config', 'register'] class ConfigAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): """ A ``ConfigAdmin`` is subclass of \ ``django.contrib.admin.ModelAdmin``. ``change_list_form`` class var must be set to a valid \ ``djconfig.forms.ConfigForm`` subclass """ change_list_template = 'admin/djconfig/change_list.html' change_list_form = None def get_urls(self): info = self.model._meta.app_label, self.model._meta.module_name return [ url(r'^$', self.admin_site.admin_view(self.changelist_view), name='%s_%s_changelist' % info), url(r'^$', self.admin_site.admin_view(self.changelist_view), name='%s_%s_add' % info), ] def get_changelist_form(self, request, **kwargs): return self.change_list_form @csrf_protect_m def changelist_view(self, request, extra_context=None): if not self.has_change_permission(request, None): raise PermissionDenied form_cls = self.get_changelist_form(request) form = form_cls() if request.method == 'POST': form = form_cls(data=request.POST, files=request.FILES) if form.is_valid(): return HttpResponseRedirect('.') context = dict( self.admin_site.each_context(request), config_values=[], title=self.model._meta.verbose_name_plural, app_label=self.model._meta.app_label, opts=self.model._meta, form=form, +, icon_type='svg', adminform=helpers.AdminForm( form=form, fieldsets=[(None, {'fields': form.base_fields})], prepopulated_fields=self.get_prepopulated_fields(request)) ) request.current_app = return TemplateResponse(request, self.change_list_template, context) class _ConfigMeta(object): app_label = '' object_name = '' model_name = module_name = '' verbose_name_plural = '' abstract = False swapped = False def get_ordered_objects(self): return False def get_change_permission(self): return 'change_djconfig_config' @property def app_config(self): return apps.get_app_config(self.app_label) class Config(object): """ A ``Config`` is akin to django's model ``Meta`` class. ``app_label`` must be a valid installed app, ``'djconfig'`` \ may be used for every registered form, if they don't belong \ in a particular app. ``verbose_name_plural`` is the title of \ the admin's section link, it can be anything. The \ (``app_label``, ``verbose_name_plural``, ``name``) must be \ unique together across registered forms. \ ``name`` is used as the link slug, and it \ might be used in other places, valid chars are ``[a-zA-Z_]`` """ app_label = '' verbose_name_plural = '' name = '' def register(conf, conf_admin, **options): """ Register a new admin section. :param conf: A subclass of ``djconfig.admin.Config`` :param conf_admin: A subclass of ``djconfig.admin.ConfigAdmin`` :param options: Extra options passed to ```` """ assert issubclass(conf_admin, ConfigAdmin), ( 'conf_admin is not a ConfigAdmin subclass') assert issubclass( getattr(conf_admin, 'change_list_form', None), ConfigForm), 'No change_list_form set' assert issubclass(conf, Config), ( 'conf is not a Config subclass') assert conf.app_label, 'No app_label set' assert conf.verbose_name_plural, 'No verbose_name_plural set' assert not or re.match(r"^[a-zA-Z_]+$",, ( 'Not a valid name. Valid chars are [a-zA-Z_]') config_class = type("Config", (), {}) config_class._meta = type("Meta", (_ConfigMeta,), { 'app_label': conf.app_label, 'verbose_name_plural': conf.verbose_name_plural, 'object_name': 'Config', 'model_name':, 'module_name':})[config_class], conf_admin, **options)
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaGithub'}
Ampthill Town Council has recently introduced Dexter cattle to graze on the wet flush at the bottom of Ampthill Park with the laudable aim of increasing biodiverity. Last night's Bat walk there suggests there is already a new species in the park,. The rare and elusive serotine. Bat group members will be checking this out further before the new walk. This entry was posted in Uncategorized and tagged Ampthill Park, serotine, walk. Bookmark the permalink.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
An area of considerable public debate in Canada recently is the withdrawal of life support from terminally ill patients. This topic touches deep emotions and conflicting cultural and religious values for many. The legal justice system in Canada has been the primary battleground as our society attempts to wrestle with this issue. Where are we going with our investments? Is the crisis over? Has the euro reached the end of its life? Should we invest in corporate bonds? What about precious metals? These are just some of the questions regularly asked by many people. Private equity and social responsibility in investing – these key words sound great, but are they really as original as we think?
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Introductory web pages Read more of our work Further resources on sharing STWR books Buy print publications Creative Commons policy A zero growth economy? What would it mean for us all? STWR Share The World's Resources operated a stall at a Quakers conference held at Friends House, London, on the 26th September 2009. The event focussed on the possibility of a zero growth economy as well as other progressive ideas on how to alleviate poverty and combat climate change. As December's climate change negotiations in Copenhagen draw near, the Quakers in Britain hosted a conference at Friends House in London focussing on the impact of unfettered economic growth on poverty reduction and climate change. The event, which took place on Saturday 26th October 2009, was entitled, 'A Zero Growth Economy? What Would It Mean for Us All?', and was attended by around 350 members of the public and Quakers from around the UK. Share The World's Resources operated a stall during the conference that was well attended throughout the day by a steady stream of supportive visitors. We provided attendees with information on our activities and our position on climate change through leaflets and information sheets. Many people also subscribed to our newsletter and offered to present our information to their respective groups around the UK. Highlights included stimulating talks from Richard Douthwaite from the Foundation for the Economics of Sustainability (Faesta), Miriam Kennet from the Green Economics Institute, Duncan Green from Oxfam, and activist and author, Alistair McIntosh. Various progressive viewpoints were advocated, including the idea that it is feasible to achieve "prosperity without growth", the need to ration economic growth in order to target poverty reduction, and a proposal to share carbon emissions rights through a "cap and share" scheme. The day ended with a panel discussion between the speakers, addressing questions submitted from the audience, who were also invited to comment. More information about the event, including the speakers' PowerPoint presentations and audio recordings of the talks, can be accessed through the Quakers' website. Poverty and hunger, Environment Share The World's Resources Office 128, 73 Holloway Road, Highbury, London, N7 8JZ, UK Email: info[at] A not-for-profit civil society organisation with Consultative Status at the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations. Registered in the UK no. 4854864
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
Electrical issues brought operations on the CT&V to a grinding halt this week. Mechanics and engineers (the other kind) have been hard at work repairing and upgrading the railway's locomotives and track. Track upgrades are system wide, but major locomotive upgrades are being conducted on the Everett Team Track. When the upgrade process began, many CT&V trains were left in locations deemed convenient for the upgrade work, but this left countless grade crossings blocked by railway equipment. Fueled by anger and frustration, Valley residents (always a creative bunch) are finding temporary solutions. As expected, rumors and speculation are running rampant in the Valley. To calm everyone's fears/excitement the Railway issued a press release this morning.
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L A Surety Solutions, LLC provides world-class bonding solutions on a personal, local scale. We provide individualized attention to each of our clients. The types of bonds provided include: Bid, Performance, Payment, Maintenance, Supply, Court and License & Permit bonds. We also provide Peer Review reports for our clients to allow them to see how they stack up against their peers. Working with the industry's top surety companies, we strive for perfection on all of your bonding needs. We utilize the latest technology and automation tools to improve efficiency. We utilize The Surepath Network to execute and manage surety bonds. SurePath enables clients, brokers/agents, obligees and sureties to manage their surety bond requirements efficiently through automation of Administration, Processing and Reporting functions.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
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{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Research Article|January 29, 2016 Estimating snow water equivalent over long mountain transects using snowmobile-mounted ground-penetrating radar W. Steven Holbrook , Wyoming Center for Environmental Hydrology and Geophysics and Department of Geology and Geophysics, Laramie, Wyoming, . E-mail: [email protected]. Scott N. Miller , Wyoming Center for Environmental Hydrology and Geophysics and Department of Ecosystem Science and Management, Laramie, Wyoming, . E-mail: [email protected]. Matthew A. Provart , Wyoming Center for Environmental Hydrology and Geophysics, Laramie, Wyoming, . E-mail: [email protected]. Geophysics (2016) 81 (1): WA183-WA193. PDF LinkPDF W. Steven Holbrook, Scott N. Miller, Matthew A. Provart; Estimating snow water equivalent over long mountain transects using snowmobile-mounted ground-penetrating radar. Geophysics ; 81 (1): WA183–WA193. doi: The water balance in alpine watersheds is dominated by snowmelt, which provides infiltration, recharges aquifers, controls peak runoff, and is responsible for most of the annual water flow downstream. Accurate estimation of snow water equivalent (SWE) is necessary for runoff and flood estimation, but acquiring enough measurements is challenging due to the variability of snow accumulation, ablation, and redistribution at a range of scales in mountainous terrain. We have developed a method for imaging snow stratigraphy and estimating SWE over large distances from a ground-penetrating radar (GPR) system mounted on a snowmobile. We mounted commercial GPR systems (500 and 800 MHz) to the front of the snowmobile to provide maximum mobility and ensure that measurements were taken on pristine snow. Images showed detailed snow stratigraphy down to the ground surface over snow depths up to at least 8 m, enabling the elucidation of snow accumulation and redistribution processes. We estimated snow density (and thus SWE, assuming no liquid water) by measuring radar velocity of the snowpack through migration focusing analysis. Results from the Medicine Bow Mountains of southeast Wyoming showed that estimates of snow density from GPR (⁠360±70 kg/m3⁠) were in good agreement with those from coincident snow cores (⁠360±60 kg/m3⁠). Using this method, snow thickness, snow density, and SWE can be measured over large areas solely from rapidly acquired common-offset GPR profiles, without the need for common-midpoint acquisition or snow cores. diffraction, migration, water, hydrology In many alpine systems, snow is the dominant form of precipitation (e.g., Serreze et al., 1999). Snowmelt drives surface hydrology in much of western North America, where the annual hydrograph is dominated by high spring runoff driven by snowmelt. The warming climate in much of the western U.S. is altering snow accumulation and melt timing, producing declining mountain snowpack (Mote et al., 2005), higher winter flows, earlier spring runoff peaks, and decreased summer flows (Rood et al., 2008). Improved understanding of snow accumulation, redistribution, and runoff during melting is thus of growing importance to human societies (e.g., Bales et al., 2006). The water contained in snow is measured as the snow water equivalent (SWE), which has units of depth and is the product of snow density (relative to water) and snow depth. Hydrologic models of runoff from mountain watersheds depend on accurate understanding of SWE at the watershed scale (Jost et al., 2007), which is challenging to acquire. The accurate estimation of snow covered area can be readily obtained through a variety of remote sensing techniques, but determining water content in the pack has heretofore required intensive sampling. The controls on SWE distribution in mountain watersheds are imperfectly understood, but they include net radiation, slope aspect, slope steepness, elevation, canopy cover, and wind redistribution (e.g., Anderton et al., 2004; Molotch et al., 2005; Jost et al., 2007; Rutter et al., 2009; Jonas et al., 2009; Dixon et al., 2014). Common methods for measuring SWE include (1) snow cores (e.g., Dixon and Boon, 2012), which typically provide average snow density for the entire snow pack at a point, or along a snow course; (2) snow pits, which can provide detailed snow density versus depth at a single location (e.g., Elder et al., 1998); and (3) snow pillows, permanent installations that use a weighing sensor and snow depth measurement to determine SWE, such as at the U.S. network of snowpack telemetry (SNOTEL) stations (e.g., Serreze et al., 1999; Andreadis and Lettenmaier, 2006). Snow pits and snow courses are labor intensive and typically rely on interpolation across hundreds of meters or more to characterize watersheds (e.g., Elder et al., 1998; Balk and Elder, 2000; Molotch et al., 2005). Snow depth is variable at the 10 m scale, so that snow cores can be in error if sampling strategies do not account for this variability (Lopez-Moreno et al., 2011). Snow pillows provide valuable time series of snow accumulation and melt, but they are spatially limited, expensive to install and to maintain, and subject to errors from bridging effects (Johnson and Marks, 2004). Remote sensing from satellites has been used to estimate SWE over large areas (e.g., Pulliainen and Hallikainen, 2001; Pulliainen, 2006; Dietz et al., 2012), but these methods often suffer from calibration issues and uncertainties regarding snow grain size and vegetation cover (Foster et al., 2005). More recently, upward-looking GPR data (Schmid et al., 2014, 2015) and reflected signals from campaign-quality GPS receivers (Larson et al., 2009; Larson and Nievinski, 2013; Rittger et al., 2013) have been used to estimate snow depths and SWE with promising results, but these techniques require independent estimates of snow depth or density. GPR data provide one means of rapidly measuring snow properties over large areas. GPR instruments send an electromagnetic (EM) pulse from the snow surface down through the subsurface and record reflections produced by dielectric permittivity contrasts (e.g., Jol, 2009). Numerous studies have shown that ground-penetrating radar is effective at imaging snow and glacial ice (Frezzotti et al., 2002; Pivot et al., 2002; Harper and Bradford, 2003; Marchand et al., 2003; Marshall et al., 2005; Machguth et al., 2006; Bradford et al., 2009; Lundberg et al., 2010; Kruetzmann et al., 2011; Sundstrom et al., 2012; Gacitua et al., 2013; Sold et al., 2013; Sylvestre et al., 2013; van Pelt et al., 2014). Snow GPR surveys have been conducted from various platforms, including pulled behind an operator on skis or snowshoes (e.g., Bradford et al., 2009), towed behind snowmobiles (e.g., Gacitua et al., 2013), and, more rarely, flown from helicopters (e.g., Sold et al., 2013). In snowpack, GPR data provide accurate measurements of the two-way traveltime of EM waves to reflective boundaries within, and at the base of, the snow layer. Converting traveltimes to depth requires measurement or estimates of the EM velocity. These estimates typically come from either independent measurements of snow density (which bears a simple relationship to radar velocity for dry snow) or an assumed density profile, or they are measured with common-midpoint (CMP) gathers either collected with single-channel (labor intensive) systems at sparse locations or multichannel systems (not labor intensive) at every point in the survey (Harper and Bradford, 2003; Bradford et al., 2009). We present an approach to estimating SWE over long mountain transects using a novel snowmobile-mounted GPR unit, which allows rapid acquisition of data at the watershed scale. We use migration velocity analysis (MVA) to determine the average radar wave velocity in the snow layer, which can be related to snow density in a straightforward way, assuming dry snow. Our approach is similar to that of Bradford and Harper (2005), who use the MVA of low-frequency (25 MHz) radar data to determine the density of glacial ice. In the present work, we apply MVA to high-frequency (800 MHz) data to estimate average snowpack density; a compilation of snowpack density values versus snow depth compares favorably with snow density measured on coincident cores. We show that the combination of high-resolution snowpack images with MVA provides an independent method for estimating SWE that does not require the collection of snow cores or CMP GPR data. The study site is a partially wooded region of the Snowy Range in the Medicine Bow Mountains of southeastern Wyoming (Figure 1). The area receives approximately 90 cm in annual precipitation, most of which (74%) falls as snow, with peak SWE accumulation typically occurring in early May (USDA, 2015) (Figure 2). Stream systems are dominated by snowmelt, with most runoff occurring in early summer as the snowpack melts. The median number of days this region has snow on the ground is 236, with a mean annual temperature of −0.6°C⁠. Elevations at the study site range from 3100 to 3300 m. Vegetation is composed of mixed forest ecology with grassland and shrub interspersed among spruce, lodgepole pine, and subalpine fir. GPR acquisition Here, GPR data were acquired by mounting two GPR antennas in front of a Polaris RMK 600 snowmobile on a custom aluminum frame (Figure 3). Mounting the antennas in front of the snowmobile allows for maximum mobility and ensures that measurements are taken on pristine snow (unlike systems in which a GPR unit is dragged on a sled behind the snowmobile). In addition, having the antenna mounted above the snow surface enables recording of the reflection from the snow surface. Data can be acquired at speeds of 6–8 m/s⁠, allowing rapid acquisition of data on long transects. There is no need to acquire data on perfectly straight lines. We acquired approximately 15 km of GPR data on three field days (2, 6, and 27 March) in 2014. Typical snowmobiling speeds during acquisition were 4–8 m/s⁠. Radar data were acquired with two common-offset, MALÅ pulse-radar systems, with nominal antenna frequencies of 500 and 800 MHz. We present data from three lines (Figure 1) and only from the 800 MHz antennas, which have superior resolution of snow layering. We recorded approximately 82 ns records with 392 samples per trace (0.210 ns sample interval) on lines 25 and 26, and approximately 80 ns records with 512 samples per trace (0.157 ns sample interval) on line 34. The transmitting and receiving antennas are located in a single unit at 14 cm separation. Acquisition was done by firing continuously in time at approximately 100 traces per second. Data were converted to constant-distance sampling by interpolation using positions recorded once per second by a 12-channel Trimble R8 GPS antenna fixed to the rear of the snowmobile and integrated into the GPR acquisition system. Real-time kinematic corrections were applied to the GPS data after acquisition, resulting in absolute horizontal positioning errors of approximately ±2 m after processing. Interpolated trace spacing was approximately 2.5 cm. GPR data processing To create migrated images of snow structure (e.g., Figure 4), GPR data were processed through a sequence consisting of the following steps: (1) reset trace time zero, (2) transform traces to equally spaced traces in distance, (3) median filter (global background removal) to suppress antenna "ringing," (4) time-variable gain correction, (5) mute traces above the snow surface reflection, (6) frequency band-pass filter from 0.3 to 1.8 GHz, (7) f-k migration over a suite of constant-velocity models, and (8) conversion to depth using the best-fitting velocity (usually ∼0.23 m/ns⁠). In addition to these standard steps, additional processes were applied as needed, including interpolation to fill in null traces, trace amplitude equalization, and static shifting of traces to account for topography. Most processing was carried out in the matGPR processing package (Tzanis, 2010), with additional modules (static shifting, trace interpolation) written in MATLAB. An additional processing sequence was conducted to enable rapid estimation of total snow depth along transects, via automated tracking of the snow surface and ground surface. Prior to automated tracking, we applied (1) trace equalization to the median trace amplitude, (2) calculation of instantaneous amplitude (the envelope of the Hilbert transform), and (3) application of a 50-trace mean spatial filter across the section. This produced a smooth amplitude map on which we tracked amplitudes that crossed a user-selected minimum amplitude threshold, in time windows corresponding to the snow surface reflection and the ground surface reflection on each profile. Snow cores On several transects, we established snow courses and took snow depth and density measurements to ground truth GPR estimates of snow properties. These snow measurements were taken following standard methods, and observations of depth, density, and SWE were made at each site. A standard metric Federal snow sampler was used to extract snow cores. Upon arrival at a site, the necessary number of snow tubes was assembled, ice or snow was cleared from the tube, and a tare weight was taken using a digital scale. The tube was inserted to the base of the pack, rotated slightly to extract a small soil plug, the snow depth was noted, and the snow core removed. If a soil plug was not observed or the length of the snow core was less than 75% of the observed depth, the core was discarded and a new observation was taken. Upon successful extraction of a core, the soil plug was carefully removed and the weight of the core was recorded. The SWE was determined by subtracting the tare weight from the recorded weight of the tube and snow. Potential errors in using this technique include oversampling by improperly inserting the tube, overpenetrating the soil, and human error in transcribing observations. Woo (1997) compared snow tube measurements to snow pits and found that the error is less than 5%. Estimation of radar velocity from migration focusing analysis Migration is a process that is widely used in reflection seismology and GPR processing to place observed reflections in their correct subsurface position (e.g., Claerbout, 1985; Sheriff and Geldart, 1995). Migration is necessary because diffracted and reflected energy from a subsurface target is recorded at many surface positions along a transect, not just immediately above the reflection point, so that arrivals in a raw data section extend beyond their true spatial positions. For a point diffractor in the subsurface (i.e., an object whose size approximates the wavelength of the radar wave; approximately 30 cm for an 800 MHz wave in snow), the return comprises a hyperbola whose shape depends on the depth of the diffractor and the velocity of the medium above it. Migration of the hyperbola using the correct subsurface velocity collapses the image to a point at its true subsurface position. Because the shape of the hyperbola is sensitive to the radar velocity, it can be used to infer the velocity of the snow. Here, we use MVA to determine the average velocity above diffractors (e.g., Bradford and Harper, 2005). In our data, numerous diffractions are visible at or just above the ground surface reflection (Figure 5); these likely come from the rocks, logs, and vegetation buried beneath the snow pack. We use these diffractions to estimate radar velocity with the following workflow: (1) Migrate each section over velocities from 0.15 to 0.29 m/ns⁠, at intervals of 0.005 m/ns⁠. (2) Scan the migrated panels for clear, isolated diffractions. (3) For each diffraction, inspect the migrated panels and select the optimal focusing velocity and the arrival times of the snow surface reflection and the diffraction. (4) Apply the Dix equation (Dix, 1955) to separate the snow layer velocity from the air layer velocity (⁠0.299 m/ns⁠), given the height of the antenna above the snow surface. Calculation of dielectric permittivity and snow density Radar velocity is sensitive to snow density (e.g., Tiuri et al., 1984; Kovacs et al., 1995; Bradford et al., 2009). In dry snow (no liquid water), the radar velocity depends only on the relative proportions of air and ice and their dielectric constants, and snow density can be determined solely from the radar velocity (Denoth et al., 1984; Tiuri et al., 1984; Mätzler, 1996). If liquid water is present, additional information is required, such as the relative values of the real and imaginary parts of complex permittivity (Bradford et al., 2009). In our analysis, we assumed dry snow (see the justification below under the section "Time-frequency analysis"). We use the radar velocities determined by migration focusing analysis to determine the snow dielectric permittivity, using v≈1/εμ0 (Bradford et al., 2009), where ε is the dielectric permittivity of snow and μ0 is the magnetic permeability of free space. We then used an empirical equation (Tiuri et al., 1984) to calculate density from the dielectric constant: κ=1+1.7ρ+0.7ρ2, where ρ is the snow density in gm/cm3 and κ is the real component of the dielectric constant (⁠ε/ε0⁠, where ε0 is the dielectric permittivity of free space). We then compiled these estimates from many sections to derive a snow density-depth relation. Time-frequency analysis The approach for calculating snow density outlined above assumes dry snow. Air temperature data recorded at the Brooklyn Lake SNOTEL station, located approximately 1 km from our transects, show that average air temperatures in the area were typically well less than 0°C during our data acquisition, supporting the dry snow assumption. We also tested for the presence of liquid water by computing time-frequency plots of the GPR data. As described by Bradford et al. (2009), dry snow has a real dielectric permittivity, but liquid water in the snowpack introduces a nonzero imaginary component of the dielectric permittivity. This creates attenuation of the GPR signal in the snowpack, which causes a frequency shift toward lower frequencies in the snow-ground reflection, when compared to the air-snow reflection. Thus, if significant liquid water is present in the snowpack, we should observe a lower central frequency for the ground surface reflection than for the snow surface reflection. We visualized the frequency content of our sections by calculating time-frequency plots (Figure 6). The plots show the centroid frequency of the returns (e.g., Irving and Knight, 2003), computed using the S-transform (Stockwell et al., 1996). There is no significant difference between the centroid frequency of the snow surface reflection and any deeper reflections, indicating that the snowpack during our data acquisition was dry. We note that the time-frequency analysis was conducted on processed GPR data. We also analyzed the unprocessed data and found no change in centroid frequency between the snow surface reflection and ground reflection. The processing steps applied here (including median filtering) did not produce substantial shifts in the centroid frequency of the snow surface or ground reflection. Images of snowpack The radargrams show detailed images of snow layers through the entire depth of the snowpack (Figure 4). The data in Figure 4 are plotted relative to the height of the antenna, with no corrections for variable topography along the transect. This plotting mode is most efficient for showing the details of snow layering in a single figure, but dips are not necessarily accurate: The snow surface appears flat even though it may change in elevation along the transect. Prominent reflections come from the top of the snow surface and from the snow/ground interface, which generally produces the strongest reflections on the images. Between the snow and ground surfaces are numerous reflections that are laterally continuous and correspond to layering in the snowpack. Although we do not have detailed measurements of snow density with depth on our transects, it is reasonable to infer that subtle contrasts in the snow density, and thus the dielectric constant, at the centimeter to decimeter scale produce the reflections (Harper and Bradford, 2003) (the wavelength of 800 MHz radar waves in snow with a density of 360 kg/m3 is 28 cm, implying a Rayleigh criterion quarter-wavelength resolution of ∼7 cm⁠). These density contrasts likely correspond to individual snowfall events and could be produced or enhanced by slight contrasts in the initial snow density, ablation, or wind erosion, icy layers caused by prolonged exposure to sunlight between snowfall events, compaction during burial, or metamorphism during snowpack evolution (e.g., Harper and Bradford, 2003). Comparison of snow depths: GPR versus snow cores As a validation check, we compared the snow depth estimates from GPR line 34 to those measured directly on nine snow cores located with 1 m of the line (Figure 7) (core A1 was located 11 m off line and was not included in the analysis). Snow core depths agree with estimated depths from GPR to within 10% (average mismatch of 13 cm in average snowpack of 133 cm). Mismatches are likely due to (1) errors in snow core measurements, (2) errors in GPS positioning of the GPR line, and (3) the use of a constant lateral velocity to depth convert the GPR image, ignoring possible lateral variability in snow density and velocity. The largest misfits are at snow cores A2 and A3, which lie over the steepest ground surface, where small errors in lateral positioning could lead to significant errors in predicted depth from the GPR data. The overall agreement shown in Figure 7 indicates that the GPR data provide a robust estimate of snow depth; indeed, the GPR image offers a much more detailed view of the shape of the snow/ground interface than is possible even from densely sampled snow cores (the prominent subsurface peak at 70 m distance, for example, is missed by the snow cores). Migration focusing analysis and snow depth-density relationship Diffractions in migrated images collapse to a "point" when the correct migration velocity is selected. In our data, a "point" comprises a trough-peak-trough (white-black-white) triplet with a time duration that corresponds to the radar source pulse length and a width described by the migrated Fresnel zone (here, approximately 15 cm wide). An example is shown in Figure 5. Here, a clear diffraction is observed centered at 409 m with its apex between 13 and 14 ns two-way traveltime. When the migration velocity is too low, the image is undermigrated, leaving a residual diffraction. This residual diffraction is easy to identify when the velocity is far too low (e.g., 0.20 m/ns⁠), but it becomes more subtle because the correct velocity is approached. At 0.24 m/ns⁠, for example, the top of the diffractor is slightly curved downward, indicating a velocity that is slightly too low. The images from 0.245 to 0.255 m/ns are very similar, and each could be considered an acceptably migrated image (though a slight upward curvature may be detectable at 0.255 m/ns⁠). At 0.26 m/ns and higher, the upward curvature is obvious, indicating that these velocities are unacceptably high. Thus, in this example, we selected a migration velocity of 0.25±0.005 m/ns for a depth corresponding to 13.2 ns two-way traveltime. Numerous diffractions are seen in our GPR lines; to generate a statistically meaningful data set, we selected 100 of these and identified the optimum migration velocity for each one. Applying the Dix equation yielded snow layer velocity estimates ranging from 0.20 to 0.26 m/ns⁠, with an average velocity of 0.229±0.005 m/ns⁠. After removing five outliers with anomalously slow velocities that predicted unrealistically high snow densities of >500 kg/m3⁠, we applied the Tiuri equation to convert radar velocity to density at each location. We then determined a single snow density versus depth curve for our study area by compiling all snow densities and depths and fitting a second-order polynomial to the data (Figure 8). This yielded a curve of depth-averaged snow density as a function of total snowpack thickness, which shows increasing average density with depth from 1 to 4 m, which then levels off and decreases slightly to 6.5 m depth (this decrease is likely an artifact of the second-order polynomial and is not interpreted to be real). The average snow density of the entire data set is 360±70 kg/m3 (where the error bound is one standard deviation; including the five outliers yields 370±90 kg/m3⁠). This estimate is essentially indistinguishable from the average snow density measured in the snow cores (⁠360±60 kg/m3⁠), with slightly higher scatter (Figure 8). Estimates of SWE We applied the density-depth relationship calculated above between the tracked reflections of the snow surface and ground surface to estimate SWE over each transect. The SWE was calculated by tabulating the snow thickness at each location and multiplying by the average snow density to that depth from the relationship shown in Figure 8. To display these data in a more geographically realistic way, we applied a static shift to each depth-converted GPR trace based on an interpolated elevation profile from the GPS data along the transect (Figure 9). The result shows that SWE varies strongly along a single transect; in the case of line 25, SWE varies locally from approximately 0.2 m to nearly 2 m. The SWE variation is driven by changes in snow depth, which varies over a factor of 10 on this transect. The scatter in snow density inferred from radar velocities in Figure 8 likely has several sources. First and foremost, the error of ±0.005 m/ns in the determination of migration velocity corresponds to uncertainty in snow density of ±50 kg/m3⁠; this probably accounts for most of the scatter in the data. In addition, several other factors could come into play. Any out-of-plane diffractors (that is, objects lying within reach of the GPR antennas but not directly in the vertical plane of the radargram) would produce diffractions that would focus at the "correct" velocity (the velocity of the medium between the antennas and the diffractor) but would be plotted in the vertical section at an incorrect two-way traveltime. Applying MVA on sections uncorrected for topography could result in distorted hyperbolas that might focus at an incorrect velocity, though we expect this effect to be small because most diffractions extend at most 5–6 m horizontally, and elevation changes over such short distances are small. The error bounds on the SWE plot (Figure 9) were calculated by applying the maximum and minimum density profiles implied by the standard deviation of ±70 kg/m3 in the density estimates from Figure 8. This is likely a conservative estimate of the error bound because any error in snow density estimates from MVA will be counteracted by a compensating error in snow depth. For example, an underestimate of migration velocity of 0.005 m/ns will produce an overestimate of snow density by 50 kg/m3⁠, but it will also underestimate the snow depth (because a slower EM velocity predicts a thinner snowpack). We consider a 4 m deep snowpack with an average density of 360 kg/m3⁠, and thus a SWE of 1.44 m and a radar velocity of 0.23 m/ns⁠. If we underestimate radar velocity to be 0.225 m/ns⁠, we would infer a snow density of 390 kg/m3⁠, an error of 8.3%. However, the velocity error would also underestimate snow depth as 3.9 m, so the estimate of SWE would be 3.9 m×(390 kg/m3)/(1000 kg/m3) or 1.52 m—an error of only 5.5%. This trade-off between snow density and depth estimates will tend to stabilize estimates of SWE from GPR data despite small errors in inferred radar velocity. Snow stratigraphy The images produced by the snowmobile GPR system provide remarkable detail about snow stratigraphy that can illuminate processes of snow deposition and redistribution. Figure 10, for example, shows a zone of bright, disorganized reflections near the left edge of the figure that corresponds to a buried tree approximately 3 m high. Our interpretation that these bright reflections were due to a bank of trees was confirmed by examination of high-resolution surface photographs and by a return visit to the site. The depositional patterns of snow layers to the right of the tree indicate that the tree has acted as a snow fence, concentrating snow accumulation downwind of the tree (the dominant wind direction at this site is from the west, or from left to right in Figure 10). Tracking the thickness of successive packages of snow (labeled 1–4 in Figure 10) shows that the locus of snow deposition moves progressively downwind through the winter — the peak thickness of each successive depositional unit moves approximately 12 m downwind. The images show that the mean age of the snowpack changes systematically in the downwind direction behind the tree, even though the total snow depth does not change significantly; immediately adjacent to the tree, the snow consists almost entirely of the first-deposited units 1 and 2, whereas 30 m downwind, layer 1 is absent and the snowpack consists mostly of younger units 3 and 4. Spatial distribution of SWE The rapid acquisition of data using a snowmobile, combined with the ability to independently estimate snow density from migration analysis, opens up new possibilities for understanding the distribution of SWE on mountain landscapes. Histograms of SWE from our data allow a more detailed look at the distribution of SWE in our study area (Figure 11). The overall pattern (Figure 11A) shows an average SWE of 0.61 m on our transects, with a highly skewed distribution, showing a majority of values at SWE <0.6 m⁠, but a long tail that extends out to nearly 2 m. The average SWE on the transects is slightly lower than the SWE measured at the Brooklyn Lake SNOTEL station, which reported SWE values of 0.68 m on 6 March and 0.76 m on 27 March (Figure 2). More importantly, the histograms point to systematic lateral variability at scales of approximately 1 km (the distance between lines) because the SWE distributions for the three lines are rather different. Line 26 shows a skewed distribution similar to the average histogram (because line 26 was the longest line and thus dominates the total data), but lines 25 and 34 show different patterns. Line 25, the highest elevation transect, shows a more Gaussian distribution of snow, with a higher mean SWE of 0.92 m. Line 34, the lowest elevation line, shows a bimodal distribution, with peak SWEs of approximately 0.3 and 0.8 m. Limitations and future work Because the migration focusing approach relies on the presence of serendipitously located diffractors (e.g., rocks, boulders, bushes, and logs), it provides snow density estimates at unpredictable spatial sampling. Although such objects are plentiful in our study area, the method cannot be applied where diffractors are absent, such as over very smooth ground. Moreover, because the locations of diffractors are unknown in advance, velocity sampling will be unpredictable and random. Despite these limitations, we suggest that the migration focusing analysis will be applicable to many data sets, especially in mountain watersheds, and our results show that it can provide reliable estimates of snow density and SWE without the need for time-consuming CMP acquisition (e.g., Harper and Bradford, 2003). Supplementing the radar velocity estimates with a few well-chosen snow cores adds confidence in the results as well as the ability to select specific sites for more detailed analysis. For studies in which large spatial coverage is important, the snowmobile-mounted GPR is an effective choice. Given the present data distribution, it is not possible to draw firm conclusions about the causes underlying the contrasting mean snow depths or patterns of distribution (Figure 11). However, the ability to rapidly cover terrain with our system points to a productive line of research where SWE distribution can be measured and modeled at finer scales than ever before. Especially when combined with the details of topography and vegetation cover provided by modern LiDAR data, we will be able to investigate the controls on snow distribution by such environmental variables as aspect, slope steepness, vegetation, elevation, and microtopography. At present, the principal inefficiency in the workflow is the manual inspection of numerous panels of migrated images to select the optimum focusing velocities. A priority for future work is to automate this analysis by introducing an objective measure of image focusing. This would have the dual advantages of greatly speeding the analysis and minimizing human error in selecting focusing velocities. We have developed a new mode of acquisition of GPR data over snow by mounting GPR antennas to the front of a snowmobile. This system enables rapid acquisition of data on long transects on any terrain that can be safely navigated by a snowmobile. Mounting the antennas above the snowpack, in front of the snowmobile, enables recording of the snow surface reflection and ensures that measurements are taken over undisturbed snow. Our results demonstrate the following points: (1) GPR data provide high-resolution images of snow stratigraphy, enabling analysis of snow deposition and redistribution processes. (2) The MVA of diffractions produces estimates of snow density that agree with those from snow core measurements and have similar errors. Velocity errors of ±0.005 m/ns in the velocity analysis correspond to uncertainties of ±50 kg/m3⁠. (3) Mean SWE inferred from our data was 0.61 m, within error of the value measured at a nearby SNOTEL station. In detail, however, SWE varied spatially over a factor of approximately 10, from 0.2 to 2 m, principally due to a strong lateral variability in snow depth. This work demonstrates the feasibility of quickly measuring SWE over long transects. The success of the MVA approach suggests that, in any GPR data set containing ample diffractions, snow density can be accurately estimated without the need to collect time-consuming CMP-style GPR data or snow core data. Because the spatial variability of SWE is driven more by variations in snow depth than in snow density, we suggest that long GPR transects should be useful in validating models of snow hydrologic processes in mountain watersheds. We thank E. Traver for field work support and M. Dogan and K. Hyde for helpful conversations. This publication was made possible by the Wyoming Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research and by the National Science Foundation under award no. EPS-1208909. © The Authors. Published by the Society of Exploration Geophysicists. All article content, except where otherwise noted (including republished material), is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Unported License (CC BY-NC-ND). See Distribution or reproduction of this work in whole or in part requires full attribution of the original publication, including its digital object identifier (DOI). Commercial reuse and derivatives are not permitted. Freely available online through the SEG open-access option. GeoRef Subject Rocky Mountains U. S. Rocky Mountains United States hydrology geophysical methods Medicine Bow Mountains Albany County Wyoming North America Wyoming figures&tables View largeDownload slide (a) Location figure showing map of Wyoming (inset) and locations of the three GPR lines presented in this paper. (b) Magnification of the location of line 34, showing the positions of snow cores acquired along the line. Data from the Brooklyn Lake SNOTEL station (USDA, 2015) for the 2013–2014 water year, showing (a) SWE, (b) snow depth, (c) snow density, and (d) air temperature. Day 0 is 1 October 2013. Gray circle and square highlight the dates of GPR acquisition, 2 March 2014, and 27 March 2014, respectively; SWE measured at this site was 0.68 m on 2 March 2014 and 0.76 m on 27 March 2014. Photograph of the snowmobile-mounted GPR system in use. Two GPR antennas (500 and 800 MHz) are mounted on an aluminum frame attached to the front of the snowmobile. Electronics are carried in the driver's backpack. Locations are logged using the Trimble R8 antenna attached to the rear of the snowmobile. (a) Data example showing the radargram from line 26, after processing through time migration and time-to-depth conversion, along with (b) close-ups of selected portions. Brightest reflections correspond to the top of the snow and the ground surface (snow/ground interface). Numerous reflections between the top of snow and the ground surface show layering in the snowpack. Data are plotted in depth below the GPR antenna; topographic changes exist along the profile but are not accounted for. Panels of images from line 34, each migrated at a different constant velocity (labels at the top left of panels). A prominent diffraction is visible at approximately 409 m distance and 13.5 ns two-way traveltime. In the first four panels, the diffraction is visibly undermigrated ("U"), showing a remnant of the downward-sloping diffraction. Because the migration velocity increases, the diffraction becomes progressively focused, until it is approximately correctly migrated ("C") at velocities from 0.245 to 0.255 m/ns⁠. At velocities of 0.26 m/ns and higher, the diffraction is overmigrated ("O"), as indicated by the upward-curling diffraction tails. This indicates that the migration velocity at this location is 0.250±0.005 m/ns⁠. (a) Portion of the GPR image on line 26. (b) Centroid frequency on the same portion of line 26, calculated as described in the text. There is no significant difference in the centroid frequency between the top of snow reflection and the ground surface reflection, which indicates a dry snow pack at the time of acquisition. Processed image from line 34, showing the snow depths measured by the snow cores (A2–A10) along the transect (blue lines). Snow density versus depth data, from GPR MVA (squares) and from snow cores (triangles). Snow densities were interpreted by selecting GPR migration velocities as in Figure 6, solving for the velocity of the snow layer using the Dix equation, then using an empirical snow density/dielectric permittivity relationship (Tiuri et al. 1984). Both methods produce a mean snow density of 360 kg/m3⁠, with slightly higher scatter for the GPR data than for the snow core data. The dashed line shows a second-order polynomial fit to the GPR data that is used to predict average snow density from snow depth for SWE calculations. (a) Estimate of SWE along GPR line 25 and (b) image of data from line 25, shifted so that the top of the snow reflection follows the elevations recorded by the GPS unit during acquisition. The snow depth was measured as the difference between the top of the snow reflection and the ground surface reflection; the average snow density was predicted from the polynomial shown in Figure 7. The red line shows the estimated SWE, and the blue dotted lines show estimated error bounds assuming conservative errors in radar velocity of ±0.1 m/ns⁠; the SWE varies strongly, primarily due to the changing snow depth. (a) Portion of data along line 25, showing detailed snow stratigraphy around a bank of buried trees. The trees act as a snow fence by enhancing deposition on their downwind (eastern) side. (b) Tracking the thickness of four successive depositional units (1–4) shows that each successive unit is preferentially deposited farther downwind from the previous package. Histograms of SWE from the three lines analyzed in this paper. The mean SWE on the lines is 0.61 m, slightly less than the SWE measured at the nearby Brooklyn Lake SNOTEL site on the dates of GPR acquisition (Figure 2). Histogram bin widths are 0.008 m in A, C, and D, and 0.006 m in B. Albany County Wyoming Carbon County Wyoming geophysical surveys ground-penetrating radar Medicine Bow Mountains radar methods snow water equivalent U. S. Rocky Mountains Latitude & Longitude N41°00'00" - N42°30'00", W108°00'00" - W105°15'00" Anderton S. P. Evaluation of spatial variability in snow water equivalent for a high mountain catchment Hydrological Processes , 435–453, doi: Andreadis D. P. Lettenmaier Assimilating remotely sensed snow observations into a macroscale hydrology model Advances in Water Resources Bales R. C. N. P. Molotch T. H. M. D. Dettinger Mountain hydrology of the western United States Water Resources Research , doi: Combining binary decision tree and geostatistical methods to estimate snow distribution in a mountain watershed , 13–26, doi: J. H. J. T. Wave field migration as a tool for estimating spatially continuous radar velocity and water content in glaciers Geophysical Research Letters Complex dielectric permittivity measurements from ground-penetrating radar data to estimate snow liquid water content in the pendular regime Claerbout J. F. Imaging the Earth's interior Blackwell Scientific Publications Denoth Matzler Aebischer Tiuri Sihvola A comparative study of instruments for measuring the liquid water content of snow Journal of Applied Physics , 2154–2160, doi: A. J. Kuenzer Remote sensing of snow — A review of available methods International Journal of Remote Sensing C. H. Seismic velocities from surface measurements Comparison of the SnowHydro snow sampler with existing snow tube designs Silins Watershed-scale controls on snow accumulation in a small montane watershed, southwestern Alberta, Canada R. E. Estimating the spatial distribution of snow water equivalence in a montane watershed , 1793–1808. J. L. C. J. J. P. Quantifying the uncertainty in passive microwave snow water equivalent observations Frezzotti Urbini Snow megadunes in Antarctica: Sedimentary structure and genesis Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres , D18, doi: Gacitua Pedersen Tamstorf Quantifying snow and vegetation interactions in the high arctic based on ground penetrating radar (GPR) Arctic Antarctic and Alpine Research Snow stratigraphy over a uniform depositional surface: spatial variability and measurement tools Cold Regions Science and Technology J. D. R. J. Removal of wavelet dispersion from ground-penetrating radar data J. B. The detection and correction of snow water equivalent pressure sensor errors H. M. Ground penetrating radar theory and applications Elsevier Science BV Estimating the snow water equivalent from snow depth measurements in the Swiss Alps Journal of Hydrology Gluns Alila The influence of forest and topography on snow accumulation and melt at the watershed-scale Kovacs R. M. The in-situ dielectric constant of polar firn revisited Kruetzmann N. C. S. E. Snow accumulation and compaction derived from GPR data near Ross Island, Antarctica E. D. V. U. Zavorotny J. J. M. W. Nievinski Can we measure snow depth with GPS receivers? GPS snow sensing: results from the earthscope plate boundary observatory Lopez-Moreno J. I. S. R. Fassnacht Begueria J. B. P. Latron Variability of snow depth at the plot scale: Implications for mean depth estimation and sampling strategies Granlund Towards automated 'Ground truth' snow measurements — A review of operational and new measurement methods for Sweden, Norway, and Finland Machguth Hoelzle Strong spatial variability of snow accumulation observed with helicopter-borne GPR on two adjacent Alpine glaciers W. D. Killingtveit Wilen Wikstrom Comparison of ground-based and airborne snow depth measurements with georadar systems, case study Nordic Hydrology , 427–448. H. P. R. R. Estimating alpine snowpack properties using FMCW radar Annals of Glaciology Mätzler Microwave permittivity of dry snow IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing M. T. Colee Estimating the spatial distribution of snow water equivalent in an alpine basin using binary regression tree models: The impact of digital elevation data and independent variable selection Declining mountain snowpack in western north America Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society Duguay Kergomard Use of ground penetrating radar for studying snow cover at treeline, Churchill, Manitoba Houille Blanche-Revue Internationale De L Eau , 92–97. Pulliainen Mapping of snow water equivalent and snow depth in boreal and sub-arctic zones by assimilating space-borne microwave radiometer data and ground-based observations Hallikainen Retrieval of regional snow water equivalent from space-borne passive microwave observations Rittger , Assessment of methods for mapping snow cover from MODIS S. B. C. G. G. M. Declining summer flows of Rocky Mountain rivers: Changing seasonal hydrology and probable impacts on floodplain forests Essery Altimir Gelfan Goodbody Hellstroem Hirota Kuragina W.-P. Nasonova Pumpanen R. D. Pyles Samuelsson Sandells Schaedler Shmakin T. G. Smirnova Staehli Stoeckli Strasser Vesala Evaluation of forest snow processes models (SnowMIP2) Mitterer Schweizer Okorn Continuous snowpack monitoring using upward-looking ground-penetrating radar technology Journal of Glaciology Prasch A novel sensor combination (upGPR-GPS) to continuously and nondestructively derive snow cover properties Serreze M. C. R. L. McGinnis R. S. Pulwarty Characteristics of the western United States snowpack from snowpack telemetry (SNOTEL) data L. P. Geldart Exploration seismology Andereggen P. C. Joerg Zemp Methodological approaches to infer end-of-winter snow distribution on alpine glaciers Mansinha R. P. Localization of the complex spectrum: The S transform IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing , 998–1001, doi: Sundstrom Kruglyak Friborg Modeling and simulation of GPR wave propagation through wet snowpacks: Testing the sensitivity of a method for snow water equivalent estimation Sylvestre M. N. Demuth Spatial patterns of snow accumulation across Belcher Glacier, Devon Ice Cap, Nunavut, Canada M. E. A. H. E. G. Nyfors The complex dielectric constant of snow at microwave frequencies IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering Tzanis MATGPR Release 2: A freeware MATLAB package for the analysis and interpretation of common and single offset GPR data FastTIMES NRCS National Water and Climate Center web site for SNOTEL data. Brooklyn Lake SNOTEL site ,, accessed van Pelt W. J. J. V. A. Marchenko Claremar Oerlemans Inverse estimation of snow accumulation along a radar transect on Nordenskioldbreen, Svalbard Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface M.-K. A guide for ground based measurement of the arctic snow cover : Canadian Snow Data CD, Meteorological Service of Canada. Modeling of aeromagnetic data from the Precambrian Lake Owens mafic complex, Wyoming GSA Bulletin A north–south moisture dipole at multi-century scales in the Central and Southern Rocky Mountains, U.S.A., during the late Holocene Rocky Mountain Geology N – Goldschmidt Abstracts 2013 Mineralogical Magazine P- and S-Wave Receiver Function Images of Crustal Imbrication beneath the Cheyenne Belt in Southeast Wyoming Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America Structural analysis of a Laramide, basement-involved, foreland fault zone, Rawlins uplift, south-central Wyoming Structure and kinematic genesis of the Quealy wrench duplex; transpressional reactivation of the Precambrian Cheyenne Belt in the Laramie Basin, Wyoming Quaternary faulting along the Dandridge-Vonore fault zone in the Eastern Tennessee seismic zone Geology at Every Scale: Field Excursions for the 2018 GSA Southeastern Section Meeting in Knoxville, Tennessee A previously unrecognized path of early Holocene base flow and elevated discharge from Lake Minong to Lake Chippewa across eastern Upper Michigan Coastline and Dune Evolution along the Great Lakes The contemporary elevation of the peak Nipissing phase at outlets of the upper Great Lakes Coastal geology and recent origins for Sand Point, Lake Superior Temporally constrained eolian sand signals and their relationship to climate, Oxbow Lake, Saugatuck, Michigan Geophysical constraints on Rio Grande rift structure in the central San Luis Basin, Colorado and New Mexico New Perspectives on Rio Grande Rift Basins: From Tectonics to Groundwater
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The 2015 Hugo Awards: My Hugo Ballot, Short Fiction Categories With only ten days left before the Hugo nominating deadline, I'm cutting these posts a little close. And the truth is, I could have done with another two weeks to round out my Hugo reading this year, which between the absence of free time and a two week vacation in the middle of February that didn't leave me much time for reading, has not been as comprehensive as I would have liked. Even as I sat down to make the final lists from which I would cull the selections for this post, I kept remembering stories I'd wanted to get to, venues I'd wanted to at least skim. But here we are on March 1st, the deadline I set myself, and it's time to admit that I've seen as much of the vast field of last year's genre short fiction as I am going to, and to get to the work of picking out my favorite reads. As it was last year, my reading was concentrated in online venues, of which there is an ever-increasing amount that ranges in style and focus. It was a particular delight, this year, to discover Lackington's, a new quarterly magazine whose selections hardly ever failed to elicit a strong reaction from me, and usually a positive one. One change from last year was that my reading in novellas was concentrated more in stories published as self-contained volumes, rather than in magazines. I'm seeing more and more authors turning to that approach, publishing longer stories with small presses, and many of those volumes are easily available as ebooks. As magazine venues for novellas dry up (Subterranean, which used to publish novellas often, closed its magazine this year, and is presumably collecting works for their forthcoming novella imprint, as they published only two this year), these ebooks because a rich source of material. In fact, as much as I appreciate the wealth of new online venues for short fiction, it's worth noting that they overwhelmingly publish fiction at the shorter end of the range. It's not just that novellas are hard to come by--novelettes are getting scarce as well. I imagine that there are financial considerations involved for both authors and editors, but it would be good to see more magazines publishing even slightly longer works next year. The preamble done with, here are my provisional selections for the 2015 Hugo short fiction categories, sorted by the author's surname: Best Novella: Trading Rosemary by Octavia Cade (Masque Books) - The title character in Cade's story is a collector who prides herself on her careful stewardship of her family's library of recorded memories. When what had seemed like a savvy trade arouses the ire of Rosemary's difficult daughter, she sets out to retrieve a family memory by trading her own life experiences. The story becomes a journey through Rosemary's life (and through Cade's rich worldbuilding), but also an examination of a perhaps irreparably damaged mother-daughter relationship, with Rosemary seemingly unaware that by trading away her memories she is making it harder for her daughter to ever truly know her. Sleep Donation by Karen Russell (Atavist Books) - Russell is far from the first author to play with the trope of a plague of sleeplessness (or in this case, dreamlessness), but her spin on the material is unique, focusing on aid workers who try to alleviate the plague by soliciting "donations" of sleep. The narrator, who uses the story of her sister's death from the disease to guilt people into donating, discovers a baby who is not only a universal sleep donor, but whose utterly pure sleep can sometimes cure sufferers. Her struggles with the baby's family, with her perhaps unscrupulous supervisors, and with her own conscience have the feel of a nightmare, as she floats from one to the other, increasingly disconnected from any part of her life but the quest for more donations. While there are some obvious real-world parallels to the novella's events--some of the descriptions of the disease and its public perception reminded me very strongly of the AIDS crisis--Russell never fails to make her world and its troubles feel like their own, very strange entity. NoFood by Sarah Tolmie (Aqueduct Press) - Told from multiple points of view, NoFood imagines a world in which people--though mostly just the rich--can eliminate the trouble, mess, and potential for disease involved in their digestive system by having it replaced with tubing, a procedure known as Total Gastric Bypass. Tolmie's focus is first on how the relationship with food changes in the wake of this development, and NoFood is full of lush descriptions of food matched with profoundly ambivalent reactions to that food by characters who have or haven't had the procedure. More broadly, NoFood is about the meaning of humanity, to which end it imagines something that is almost posthuman, a race of people whose biology has been scooped out and who then have to work out how to relate to the world and to each other. Dream Houses by Genevieve Valentine (WSFA Press) - A short way into a five-year interstellar journey, the narrator of this story wakes to discover her crewmates dead, her hypersleep pod irreparably damaged, and her supplies for the rest of the journey barely sufficient for a long, drawn-out starvation. With only an increasingly uncooperative AI for company, she beds down for an effective piece of space horror, struggling to understand the reasons for the accident and to gain the upper hand over the AI who may have been responsible for it. The setting is a departure for Valentine, but she inhabits it with ease, and creates a tense, creepy story. The Beauty by Aliya Whiteley (Unsung Stories) - I'm indebted to Nina Allan for pointing me towards this story in her own excellent recommendation post. Without her, I probably wouldn't have discovered Whiteley's disturbing mixture of fungus-based body horror and shifting gender roles. In the wake of a plague that has killed all the women in his settlement, the story's young narrator ventures into the wilderness and returns with something that is like, but clearly isn't, a woman. Soon all the men in the settlement have been paired up with these "Beauties," in a relationship that is part-romantic, part-parasitic. With reactions in the settlement ranging from rage to deep infatuation, the very meaning of what it is to be a man is soon questioned--and then altered in some deeply disquieting ways. Best Novelette: "The Bonedrake's Penance" by Yoon Ha Lee (Beneath Ceaseless Skies) - In a story whose detailed, imaginative worldbuilding and sardonic tone reminded me very strongly of Iain M. Banks, Lee tells the story of a child raised by an alien war machine. As the narrator grows older, she learns more about her "mother's" past and true nature, and the relationship between the two characters is as powerful and affecting as the story's elaborate and inventive setting. "I Can See Right Through You" by Kelly Link (McSweeney's) - We have a whole new collection from Link to celebrate this year, but this story was an early harbinger. A ghost story in which the ghosts are those of failed relationships, younger selves, and images on a movie screen, this story is told in inimitable (and much-missed) Link style, as she combines the mundane, the strange, and the genuinely otherwordly into her own unique mix. "Saltwater Economics" by Jack Mierzwa (Strange Horizons) - A sad variant on the mermaid story, this story follows a scientist studying the Salton Sea who meets a lonely, teenaged merman who loves comic books and dreams of a girlfriend. The quasi-parental relationship she forms with him is threatened by both her own problems and imminent ecological catastrophe, in a story that has death looming over it. "We Are the Cloud" by Sam J. Miller (Lightspeed) - Set in a world in which the poor rent out portions of their brains so that the rich can have a fast network services, Miller's story focuses on a taciturn, friendless boy about to age out of the foster system. Even knowing that it's probably a bad idea, he falls in love with a charming new resident in his group home, and the inevitable unfolding of that relationship forces him to make choices about the kind of life he wants to live. A bleak, powerfully told story with an ending that holds out a little bit of hope. "Spring Festival: Happiness, Anger, Love, Sorrow, Joy" by Xia Jia, translated by Ken Liu (Clarkesworld) - A slice of life story, this piece imagines how technology changes the traditions of Chinese family and communal life, and yet also leaves them fundamentally the same. Beautifully told, and fascinating both as a glimpse of Chinese culture and an extrapolation of future technology, it's one of the more engaging stories I read this year. Bubbling Under: (stories that might still end up on the ballot, depending on my mood on March 10th) "The Husband Stitch" by Carmen Maria Machado (Granta) - A strange, energetically told portrait of a marriage that is happy (and cheerfully sexual) but haunted by the wife's secret and the husband's refusal to respect it. Machado is channeling Kelly Link in this piece, which references pop culture, fairy tales, and urban legends. But she does so very well, and without losing her own voice. "One, Two, Three" by Patricia Russo (GigaNotoSaurus) - A bunch of aimless, drunk twentysomethings set out on an errand and end up stumbling into the numinous and the dangerous. The premise has been done before, but what makes Russo's story work is the narrator's voice, which is funny even in the midst of his obvious distress, and the well-drawn personalities of the young, lost characters. Best Short Story: "Elephants and Omnibuses" by Julia August (Lackington's) - This delightful alternate history drily explains the history of the omnibus by taking us back to ancient Rome in the time of Julius Ceasar's rebellion, and the female engineer who comes up with this necessary invention. The character, her relationship with her husband and children, and her voice are all instantly winning, and one finishes the story almost convinced that this is the real history. "The Breath of War" by Aliette de Bodard (Beneath Ceaseless Skies) - A pregnant woman journeys into a war zone to find her familiar, without whom her child will be stillborn. The rather elaborate system by which the story's world operates is introduced with very little fuss, and the emphasis is on drawing the main character and her society, and explaining why she's been separated from her familiar, leading to a powerful revelation and conclusion. "Cimmeria: From the Journal of Imaginary Anthropology" by Theodora Goss (Lightspeed) - As a lark, a group of anthropology grad students decide to invent a country and its culture, and then find that it has come to life. When one of them marries the crown princess, he finds that the customs that he and his friends invented impose strange rules on his life. There's a lot going on in this story--elaborate worldbuilding, complex relationships, palace intrigue, psychological horror--and Goss balances it all so lightly that it's almost impossible to believe she's done it all in only the length of a short story. "Death and the Girl From Pi Delta Zeta" by Helen Marshall (Lackington's) - As the title has it, the protagonist of this story meets Death at a sorority mixer and falls in love with him, but their happy marriage is threatened by jealousy and infidelity. A strange, funny piece that doesn't outstay its welcome, it also has a sad undertone that gives it weight. "Bonfires in Anacostia" by Joseph Tomaras (Clarkesworld) - The timing of this story--which touches on race, police brutality, and government surveillance, and was published last August--adds a great deal of force to it, but the work itself is quite powerful. A series of innocent-in-themselves events, when viewed by a paranoid, authoritarian government, lead to a tragic outcome, in a world in which the haves can only hold on to what they have be refusing to see the have-nots. Bubbling Under: "Coma Kings" by Jessica Barber (Lightspeed) - Narrated by a teenager heartbroken by the loss of her sister, this story is notable both for the main character's voice and for the way it uses and describes futuristic gaming. "Childfinder" by Octavia E. Butler (Unexpected Stories) - One of two rediscovered Butler stories published this year (this one was originally intended for Harlan Ellison's Last Dangerous Visions) this short but powerful piece can best be described as introducing a sharp racial awareness to the X-Men story. "Brute" by Rich Larson (Apex Magazine) - A pair of grifters come across a piece of technology that enhances their abilities. The progression of the story is predictable, but the narrator's voice, and the nasty specificity with which Larson tells this familiar tale, are what sell it. "Mothers" by Carmen Maria Machado (Interfictions Online) - A sad, haunting piece about an obsessive love story that turns abusive. This one is just barely genre--it was published in Interfictions, a magazine that aims at the very boundaries of the fantastic--but is so well told that I couldn't leave it off the list. "The Innocence of a Place" by Margaret Ronald (Strange Horizons) - One of the very first stories I read in my quest for Hugo nominees this year, and one that has stuck with me in the months since. A chilling ghost story about the disappearance of a school full of girls, and of the journalist who investigated that disappearance, this one works because of its atmosphere, and because of the vividness with which Ronald draws the women who are caught in the slipstream of this tragedy. awards discussion Standback said… America's Sweetheart: Thoughts on WandaVision I. The Show WandaVision , Disney+'s strange, engrossing, fitfully effective sitcom parody turned superhero slapfight, which wrapped up its nine-episode run last weekend, begins with what can only be described as an impressive commitment to the bit. As the show opens, Wanda Maximoff, last seen going toe-to-toe with Thanos in the grand battle at the end of Avengers: Endgame , and Vision, last seen being killed by Wanda in a last-ditch attempt to prevent Thanos from disappearing half the life in the universe at the end of Aveners: Infinity War (a death that was then undone by Thanos, who proceeded to kill Vision himself while securing the infinity stone that allowed him to perform the aforementioned disappearing act), are a newlywed couple moving into a charming suburban home in Westview, New Jersey. Except the whole thing is in black and white and in a 4:3 aspect ratio, the costumes and decor are from the 1950s, and there's a laugh track. In other words, it's a classic sitco Post-Pandemic Viewing OK, so it's too soon to start talking about the post-pandemic world, but in one respect it feels as if we're starting to awaken to that reality. The first few months of 2021 were a TV wasteland, with hardly any new shows or even new seasons of returning ones. I spent much of the period trawling the depths of my Netflix queue, catching up on shows that have been there for years (check out some thoughts on twitter about SyFy's 12 Monkeys , and Damon Lindelof's much-lauded The Leftovers ). With the spring, however, things seem to be changing, with a raft of new series. Many of these shows are science fiction or fantasy, and as I wrote last year , that feels like just the thing when we're all (still) stuck at home, dealing with an overdose of reality. Invincible - Amazon's new superhero series, based on a comic by Walking Dead creator Robert Kirkman, is interesting, first, because of what it implies about how entertainment is going to look in the post-pandemic r A few weeks ago, film critics on my twitter feed were united with derision at an article on ScreenRant . Or really, at the article's headline and subhed— "The Green Knight Used The Same Smart Tactic As Marvel's Disney+ Shows: The Green Knight follows in the footsteps of Marvel's Disney+ shows, which all centered characters that didn't get their due in the MCU films." The clickbaity angle garnered a lot of predictable responses—"I'm begging you people to watch another movie ", "not everything has to be a franchise!", "dude, do you even know Arthuriana?"—but even before watching The Green Knight , it seemed to me that most of these were missing the point. Yes, the comparison between indie filmmaker David Lowery's low budget, art-house adaptation of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight to something like WandaVision or Loki is ridiculous. But mainly because those shows had a foundation of thirteen years, twenty-some movies, and a political history of the future aliya whiteley annalee newitz catherynne m valente charles palliser dave hutchinson dc extended universe deep space nine dexter palmer elizabeth knox felix gilman fullbright company gwyneth jones helen oyeyemi israeli culture j j abrams j michael straczynski j robert lennon kameron hurley luca guadagnino m t anderson malka older mary gentle molly gloss n k jemisin neal stephenson netflix mcu new show reviews nicola barker nina allan rachel hartman recent movie roundups recent reading roundups russell t davies sfe3 shane carruth short fiction snapshot sorkinverse the brontes the wachowskis whoverse women writing sf yoon ha lee Tweets by @NussbaumAbigail
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Jersey Shore Free School | Democracy page-template,page-template-full_width,page-template-full_width-php,page,page-id-15820,ajax_fade,page_not_loaded,,qode-child-theme-ver-1.0.0,qode-theme-ver-11.2,qode-theme-bridge,wpb-js-composer js-comp-ver-5.2.1,vc_responsive The pioneers of our country, in all areas, were men and women of courage, conviction, fortitude, knowledge and wisdom who envisioned a better world for themselves and their children. This was the process of the birth of the finest democracy the world has ever seen. Our United States history is a story of independent, free thinkers who objected to what was 'the norm' because it did not work for them. We believe that traditional schooling has stopped this process. Cookie cutter, mandated learning, evaluated by a single paper test, does not work for the likes of these men and women. They looked within themselves for their answers and direction. They worked together to realize their dreams. They were creative, resourceful, independent, visionary pioneers and leaders, not stay-in-line and keep-your-mouth-shut followers. We want our children to follow in their footsteps. We trust our children, growing up in this environment, to be personally successful and to help create a better world. We want the process of democracy to continue long after we are all gone. We trust that our children, educated in a free, democratic school, will not only continue that process, they will enhance it. Open to All (non-discrimination policy) The Jersey Shore Free School admits students of any race, color, national origin and ethnic origin to all rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admission policies, scholarship and loan programs and athletic and other school-administered programs. "The dogmas of the past are inadequate… we must think anew and act anew." Video: JSFS co-founder Jeri Quirk, Ph.D. Video: Peter Gray, Ph.D.: Children and Play Peter Gray at TEDxNavesink JSFS is a private, non-profit, non-traditional K-12 democratic community school Read the FAQs of the JSFS: All the answers to the most common questions that parents have about the Sudbury approach. Meet the Founders: Learn more about the professionals, parents and educators who are founding members of this innovative choice in alternative schooling. © 2018 Jersey Shore Free School
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President Barack Obama's spokesman, Robert Gibbs, said the government is "desperately" trying to balance procedures that maximize security and minimize invasiveness. He says the Transportation Security Administration procedures will continue to evolve. "The evolution of the security will be done with the input of those who go through the security," Gibbs said. Air travelers are protesting new requirements at some U.S. airports that they must pass through full-body scanners that produce a virtually naked image. The screener, who sits in a different location, does not see the face of the person being screened and does not know the traveler's identity. Pistole noted the alleged attempt by a Nigerian with explosives in his underwear to try to bring down an Amsterdam-to-Detroit flight last Christmas. "We all wish we lived in a world where security procedures at airports weren't necessary," he said, "but that just isn't the case." In the Sunday TV appearance, Pistole appeared to shrug off statements by Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton that the TSA would look for ways to alter screening techniques that some passengers say are invasions of privacy.
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Where processing of personal data is necessary for protecting the vital interests of the data subject, or those of another individual, art. 6 paragraph 1 point d of the GDPR serves as the legal basis. Where processing is necessary to protect our company's or a third party's legitimate interests, and such interests are not overridden by the interests, fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject, art. 6 paragraph 1 point f of the GDPR serves as the legal basis. 3. Deletion of data and data storage period The data subject's personal data will be deleted or blocked as soon as the purpose for which it has been collected has been fulfilled. Data may remain on record beyond this period if such is specified in European or national legislation from European Union Regulations, laws or other provisions to which the controller is subject. Data will also be deleted if a storage period specified in the above standards expires unless conclusion or fulfilment of a contract requires the data to remain on record further. IV. Provision of website and creation of log files 1. Details and extent of data processing Any time our website is accessed, our system automatically records data and information concerning the accessing computer. The following data is recorded: Information on the browser type and version used The user's Internet service provider Websites from which the user's system reaches our website Websites the user's system accesses from our website This data is also recorded in our system's log files. This data is not stored together with any of the user's other personal data. 2. Legal basis for data processing The legal basis for temporary recording of this data in our log files is art. 6 paragraph 1 point f GDPR. 3. Purpose of data processing Our system needs to temporarily record the IP address in order to provide the website to the user's computer. This also requires that the user's IP address remains logged throughout the session. Recording the data in log files is necessary to ensure that the website operates correctly. The data further helps us optimise the website and ensure that our computer systems remain secure. No data is processed for marketing purposes in this context. The above purposes also constitute our legitimate interests in data processing under art. 6 paragraph 1 point f GDPR. 4. Data storage period The data is deleted as soon as it is no longer required for achieving the purpose for which it was recorded. With respect to data being recorded in order to provide the website, the data is no longer required as soon as the respective session ends. With respect to data being recorded in log files, the data is no longer required after fourteen days at the latest. Data may remain on record for longer. If so, the users' IP addresses are deleted or rendered untraceable to make identification of the accessing client impossible. 5. Right to object and options for avoidance The website cannot be provided without recording the data and the operation of the site in the Internet is impossible without storing the data in log files. There is correspondingly no option for the user to object. V. Use of cookies Our website uses cookies. Cookies are text files saved in the Internet browser or by the Internet browser on the user's computer. When a user accesses a website, a cookie may be stored in the user's operating system. This cookie contains a unique character string that allows the website to identify the browser when it accesses the website again. We use cookies to improve the user experience when accessing our website. Some of our website's elements need to be able to identify the accessing browser even after it has left the site. The following data is recorded and transferred in the cookies: Availability of JavaScript in the browser Our website further employs cookies that facilitate analysis of the users' web-surfing behaviour. This can entail transfer of the following data: Randomly generated user ID Time of first access Time of last access User data recorded this way is pseudonymised through technical measures. It cannot be used to identify the accessing user. This data is not stored together with any of the user's other personal data. The legal basis for the processing of personal data using technically necessary cookies is art. 6 paragraph 1 point f GDPR. The legal basis for the processing of personal data using cookies for analysis purposes is art. 6 paragraph 1 point a GDPR if the user has consented to this. The purpose of using technically necessary cookies is to make using our website easier for users. Several of our website's functions will not work without using cookies. These functions require the browser to be recognised again after leaving and returning to our website. The following functions require cookies: Detection of JavaScript support The user data recorded in technically necessary cookies is not used to create user profiles. We use analysis cookies to improve the quality of our website and its contents. The analysis cookies tell us how the website is being used and this way allow us to keep on improving it. For further details on the analysis cookies used, refer to the section on web analysis by Matomo below. The above purposes also constitute our legitimate interests in processing personal data under art. 6 paragraph 1 point f GDPR. 4. Data storage period, right to object and options for avoidance Cookies are stored on the user's computer and transferred to us by that computer. As the user, you therefore have complete control over the use of cookies. You can use our cookie constent tool to adjust your preferences for this specific site or you can restrict or prevent your computer from sending cookies by adjusting your Internet browser's settings. You can delete any saved cookies at any time. You can even automate deletion. If you disable cookies for our website, you may no longer be able to use the site's full range of functions. VI. Encryption To keep your data secure during transmission, we use the latest state of the art in encryption technology (e.g. TLS/SSL) via HTTPS. Our website offers you the option of subscribing to our free newsletter. When you register a subscription, the data you enter in the input screen is sent to us. Company/organisation (optional) Salutation (optional) Country (optional) Selected interests (optional) We also record the following data as part of registration: The IP address of the computer accessing our website Date and time of registration During the registration process, we will ask you to give your consent to our processing the data and will point you towards this data policy. No data will be forwarded to third parties as part of data processing when supplying the newsletter. The data will be used solely for supplying the newsletter. The legal basis for processing data after newsletter subscription and with the user's consent is art. 6 paragraph 1 point a GDPR. We record the user's email address to allow us to send out the newsletter. We collect the other data as part of subscription registration to prevent our services from being used inappropriately and to prevent the email address from being fraudulently used. The data also helps us provide tailored information. The data is deleted as soon as it is no longer required for achieving the purpose for which it was recorded. We therefore keep the user's email address on record for as long as the user remains subscribed to the newsletter. The other personal data collected during registration will also be deleted when the user unsubscribes from the newsletter. Users can unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time. The newsletter itself includes a corresponding link. This also allows users to withdraw their consent regarding our storing of the personal data collected during registration. VIII. Contact form and contact by email Our website includes a contact form that allows getting in touch with us electronically. When a user uses this option, we receive and store the data entered in the input screen. The data comprises: During the sending process, we will ask you to give your consent to our processing the data and will point you towards this data policy. You also have the option to contact us under the email address provided. If you do so, we will store the personal user data included in the email. We will not give this data to anybody else. The data will be used solely for handling our conversation. The legal basis for processing data with the user's consent is art. 6 paragraph 1 point a GDPR. The legal basis for processing data received as part of email communication is art. 6 paragraph 1 point f GDPR. If email communication pursues conclusion of a contract, the legal basis shall further be art. 6 paragraph 1 point b GDPR. We process the personal data obtained from the input screen solely for the purposes of handling contact. Where users contact us via email, this also constitutes the legitimate interest in processing the data. The other personal data processed during transmission serve to prevent abuse of the contact form and to ensure that our computer systems remain secure. The data is deleted as soon as it is no longer required for achieving the purpose for which it was recorded. In terms of the personal data from the contact form's input screen and that received by email, this applies when the respective conversation with the user has concluded. The conversation has concluded when the circumstances indicate that the respective subject has been fully resolved. The additional personal data collected during transmission will be deleted after seven days at the latest. All users can at any time withdraw their consent to our processing their personal data. If a user contacts us by email, they can object at any time to our storing their personal data. If they do so, the conversation cannot be pursued further. You can withdraw your consent and object to our storing data by phone (name and address of controller) or by sending an email to withdrawal adelphi [dot] de. If you do so, we will delete all personal data recorded as part of our contact. IX. Online meetings, conference calls and webinars via "Zoom" We use the "Zoom" tool to conduct telephone conferences, online meetings, video conferences and/or webinars (hereinafter: "Online Meetings"). "Zoom" is a service of Zoom Video Communications, Inc. (55 Almaden Blvd, Suite 600, San Jose, California (95113), USA). If you visit the "Zoom" website, the provider of "Zoom" is responsible for data processing. However, visiting the website is only necessary for using "Zoom" in order to download the software for using "Zoom". You can also use "Zoom" if you enter the respective meeting ID and, if necessary, other access data for the meeting directly in the "Zoom" app. If you do not want to or cannot use the "Zoom" app, the basic functions can also be used via a browser version, which you can also find on the "Zoom" website. When using "Zoom", different types of data are processed. The scope of the data also depends on the information you provide before or during participation in an "online meeting". 2. Description of data processing The following personal data is subject to processing: User Details: first name, last name, telephone (optional), e-mail address, password (if "Single-Sign-On" is not used), profile picture (optional), department (optional) Meeting Metadata: subject, description (optional), participant IP addresses, device/hardware information For recordings (optional): MP4 file of all video, audio and presentation recordings, M4A file of all audio recordings, text file of online meeting chat. When dialling in by phone: information on incoming and outgoing phone number, country name, start and end time. If necessary, further connection data such as the IP address of the device can be saved. Text, audio and video data: You may be able to use the chat, question or survey functions in an "online meeting". To this extent, the text entries you make are processed in order to display and, if necessary, log them in the "online meeting". In order to enable the display of video and the playback of audio, the data from the microphone of your terminal device and from any video camera of the terminal device will be processed accordingly for the duration of the meeting. You can switch off or mute the camera or microphone yourself at any time using the "Zoom" applications. In order to participate in an "online meeting" or to enter the "meeting room", you must at least provide information about your name. We use "zoom" to conduct "online meetings". If we want to record "online meetings", we will inform you in advance in a transparent manner and - if necessary - ask for your consent. The fact of the recording will also be displayed in the "Zoom" app. If it is necessary for the purpose of recording the results of an online meeting, we will log the chat content. However, this will usually not be the case. In the case of webinars, we may also process the questions asked by webinar participants for the purposes of recording and follow-up of webinars. If you are registered as a user at "Zoom", reports on "online meetings" (meeting metadata, telephone dial-in data, questions and answers in webinars, survey function in webinars) can be stored for up to one month at "Zoom". The possibility of software-based "attention tracking" in "online meeting" tools such as "Zoom" is deactivated. Automated decision making as defined by Art. 22 GDPR is not used. As far as personal data is processed, § 26 BDSG is the legal basis for data processing. If, in connection with the use of "Zoom", personal data are not required for the establishment, performance or termination of the employment relationship, but are nevertheless an elementary component in the use of "Zoom", Art. 6 Paragraph 1 letter f) GDPR is the legal basis for data processing. In these cases, we are interested in the effective conduct of "online meetings". In other respects, the legal basis for data processing when conducting "online meetings" is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b) GDPR, insofar as the meetings are conducted within the framework of contractual relationships. If no contractual relationship exists, the legal basis is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f) GDPR. Here too, we are interested in the effective implementation of "online meetings". 5. Recipient / transfer of data Personal data processed during participation in "online meetings" is generally not passed on to third parties, unless it is specifically intended to be passed on. Please note that content from "online meetings" as well as personal meetings are often used to communicate information with customers, interested parties or third parties and are therefore intended to be passed on. Other recipients: The provider of "Zoom" necessarily obtains knowledge of the above-mentioned data to the extent that this is provided for in our contract processing agreement with "Zoom". 6. Data processing outside the European Union "Zoom" is a service by a provider from the USA. Processing of personal data therefore also takes place in a third country. We have concluded an order processing contract with the provider of "Zoom" which meets the requirements of Art. 28 GDPR. An adequate level of data protection is guaranteed on the one hand by the "Privacy Shield" certification of Zoom Video Communications, Inc. and on the other hand by the conclusion of the so-called EU standard contract clauses. Further information on data protection at Zoom can be found in the provider's data protection declaration at: and X. Jobs It is great that you are interested in working for us! We take protecting your personal data very seriously throughout the entire application process and would therefore like to tell you about how we protect data. The online application portal can be accessed via our "Career Market" page. In order to offer you a convenient application process, we use the software solution of the provider BITE GmbH, Magirus-Deutz-Straße 16, 89077 Ulm ( In this context, BITE GmbH acts as a processor in accordance with Art. 4 No. 8, Art. 28 GDPR. By calling up the job advertisement page, a connection is established with the online application management system to BITE GmbH. We process applicant data in order to meet our preparatory or contractual obligations during the application process as per art. 6 paragraph 1 point b GDPR and, if legal procedures require us to do so, as per art. 6 paragraph 1 point f GDPR (in Germany, the Federal Data Protection Act §26 BDSG also applies). All of adelphi's employees and contracted agents have been expressly obligated to comply with the data protection provisions. If personal data of a special category as per art. 9 paragraph 1 GDPR is voluntarily transmitted as part of an application, processing of this data is also subject to art. 9 paragraph 2 point b GDPR (e.g. data on health such as a disability or data concerning ethnicity). If, during the application process, we request personal data of a special category as per art. 9 paragraph 1 GDPR from applicants, processing of this data is also subject to art. 9 paragraph 2 point a GDPR (e.g. data on health that are required for performing the job). This data policy applies to all personal data you send us with your application, be it online, in writing or any other way, and to any information inferable from the data when you send it to us for review with respect to employment in a vacant position or future vacancy. Personal data comprises individual statements of personal of material circumstances but also includes information such as you name, your address, your phone number or your date of birth. We will therefore use your personal data and other data in our online application system solely to ensure that applications can be processed smoothly and correctly. Your data will be made available only to people involved in the application process. We process the data you provide for the purpose of initiating the employment or contractual relationship in accordance with Section 26 (1) BDSG and Article 6 (1) sentence 1 lit. b GDPR. Your personal data will be compared with our requirements profiles and evaluated accordingly for the purposes of filling job vacancies. We will keep your personal data on record only until it has been decided that you will not be employed. We will then delete your data. This usually means six months later. If you consent, we may keep your personal data on record after the application process for an advertised vacancy is over or if you have sent us a speculative application so that you will remain in our applicant pool for consideration in the event of future vacancies. You can at any time enquire as to your personal data, and have it corrected or deleted. You can also at any time withdraw your consent to our using your personal data. To withdraw your consent, please send us an email to: jobs adelphi [dot] de Whenever you visit our websites, our web servers always temporarily save the connection data for the computer requesting access, the websites you are accessing, the date and duration of your visit, your browser's and operating system's IDs and the website from which you accessed our site. We do this to help keep our systems secure. Any other personal data is only recorded of you enter it in our system as part of the application process. We have put in place all necessary technical and organisational precautions to appropriately protect the data you provide us from loss, misuse or unauthorised use. This includes saving your data in secure business premises that are off-limits to the public. adelphi cannot accept any liability for damage you may suffer from transmitting your personal data through the Internet. By agreeing to the terms of use and sending the completed online form, you consent to your data being stored in accordance with the legal provisions. We will otherwise be unable to process your online application. If you have any questions concerning the protection of your personal data, please send us an email: jobs adelphi [dot] de. XI. Embedded YouTube videos We embed YouTube videos on some of our websites. These plug-ins are operated by YouTube LLC, 901 Cherry Ave., San Bruno, CA 94066, USA. When you access a web page with the YouTube plug-in and click the video, you will be connected to YouTube's servers. When this happens, YouTube receives information on the sites you are visiting. If you are logged in to your YouTube account, YouTube will be able to trace your surfing behaviour. You can prevent this by logging out of your YouTube account beforehand. When you start a YouTube video, the provider uses cookies that collect data on user behaviour. If you have disabled cookies for the Google Ad program, these YouTube cookies will also be disabled. However, YouTube stores further, non-personal user data in other cookies. If you want to prevent this, you will need to disable YouTube cookies in our cookie constent tool or your browser settings. For more information on data protection and YouTube, refer to the provider's data policy here: XII. Embedded Vimeo videos We embed Vimeo videos on some of our websites. These plug-ins are operated by Vimeo Inc., Attention: Legal Department, 555 West 18th Street New York, New York 10011, USA. When you access a web page with the Vimeo plug-in and click the video, you will be connected to Vimeo's servers. When this happens, Vimeo receives information on the sites you are visiting. If you are logged in to your Vimeo account, Vimeo will be able to trace your surfing behaviour. You can prevent this by disabling Vimeo cookies in our cookie constent tool or by logging out of your Vimeo account beforehand. Please note that Vimeo may employ Google Analytics; see the data policy ( and your opt-out options for Google Analytics ( and the Google settings relating to data use for marketing purposes ( For more information on data protection and Vimeo, refer to the provider's data policy here: XIII. Social media We maintain an online presence in social media and platforms to communicate with the prospects and users active there and to keep them up-to-date on our services. When accessing social media networks and platforms, the respective operators' terms and conditions and data policies will apply. Unless noted otherwise in our data policy, we process the data of users who communicate with us through social media networks or platforms, e.g. by leaving comments on our websites or sending us messages. 1. Facebook components The social media buttons we use on our website comply with data protection rules. They do not automatically connect you to Facebook (facebook Inc., 1601 S. California Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA). By clicking Facebook's Like button when logged in to your Facebook account, you can link our website content to your Facebook account. This will allow Facebook to trace your visit to our website to your user account. Please note that we as the provider of our sites are not informed of the data transmitted or of how Facebook uses the data. For more information, see Facebook's data policy at 2. Twitter recommendation components The social media buttons we use on our website comply with data protection rules. They do not automatically connect you to Twitter (Twitter Inc., Twitter, Inc. 1355 Market St, Suite 900, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA.). By using Twitter and its re-tweet function, the websites you visit are linked to your Twitter account and communicated to other users. This also transmits data to Twitter. Please note that we as the provider of our sites are not informed of the data transmitted or of how Twitter uses the data. For more information, see Twitter's data policy at 3. LinkedIn recommendation components The social media buttons we use on our website comply with data protection rules. They do not automatically connect you to LinkedIn (LinkedIn Corporation, 2029 Stierlin Court, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA). By clicking LinkedIn's Recommend button when logged in to your LinkedIn account, you can link our website content to your LinkedIn account. This will allow LinkedIn to trace your visit to our website to your LinkedIn user account. We have no control over the data LinkedIn records this way, nor over the extent of data LinkedIn collects this way. We are not informed of what data LinkedIn receives. For details on data collected by LinkedIn and on your rights and setting options, see LinkedIn's data policy here: XIV. Google reCAPTCHA We use the reCAPTCHA service provided by Google Inc. to protect the orders you send us using the Internet form. The reCAPTCHA service employs a query to establish whether entries are made by a human being or fraudulently by automated, machine processing. The query includes transmission of the sending IP address and may include further data required by Google to operate the reCAPTCHA service. This entails transmission of your input to Google and its use by them. By using reCAPTCHA, you consent to Google using your recognition input for digitizing other works. If you have enabled IP anonymisation on this website, Google will truncate your IP address before transmission within European Union member states or other states party to the Treaty on the European Economic Area. In some exceptional cases, the full IP address will be transmitted to one of Google's servers in the USA and truncated there. Google will use this information on behalf of this website's operator to analyse your use of the service. The IP address sent by your browser as part of reCAPTCHA will not be associated with other data Google has. That data is subject to Google's remaining data policy. For more information on Google's data policy, see: XV. Web analysis by Matomo (formerly PIWIK) We use the open-source tool Matomo (formerly PIWIK) on our website to analyse our users' surfing behaviour. The software stores a cookie on the user's computer (see above for more on cookies). When any part of our website is accessed, the following data is stored: Two bytes of the accessing system's IP address Date and time the site was accessed Website accessed (name and URL) Website from which the user has reached the accessed website (referrer) Subdomains accessed from the accessed website Duration of the visit to website How often the website is accessed Time as in user's time zone Files clicked and downloaded Links clicked to external websites Page build-up time (time required for the page to be generated and displayed) User's location: country, region, town, approximate latitude and longitude (geoposition) based on Internet access point Browser's principal language Browser's user agent This software runs only on the servers hosting our website. Users' personal data is saved there and nowhere else. The data is not made accessible to third parties. The software is set so that it does not save the full IP address but instead masks 2 bytes of the IP address (example: This makes it impossible to associate the truncated IP address with the accessing computer. The legal basis for processing the users' personal data is art. 6 paragraph 1 point f GDPR. Processing the users' personal data allows us to analyse their surfing behaviour. By analysing the obtained data, we can compile information on how the various components of our website are used. This helps us keep on improving our website and its user experience. The above purposes also constitute our legitimate interests in processing the data under art. 6 paragraph 1 point f GDPR. Anonymising the IP addresses adequately satisfies the users' interests in protecting their personal data. The data is deleted as soon as we no longer need them for our records. In our cases, this corresponds to six months later. For more details on privacy settings in Matomo, follow the link: XVI. Data subject's rights If your personal data is processed, you are a data subject as defined in the GDPR and consequently have the following rights: 1. Right of access You are entitled to request information from the controller on whether we are processing any personal data related to yourself. If we do, you can further request information from the controller on the following: the purposes to which the personal data is being processed; the categories of personal data processed; the recipients or categories of recipients to whom the personal data relating to yourself is or will be disclosed; the period for which the personal data relating to yourself is intended to remain on record or, if this cannot be specified, the criteria for defining the storage period; whether you are entitled to demand correction or deletion of the personal data relating to yourself, to demand limitation of processing by the controller or to object to processing; whether you are entitled to file a complaint with a supervisory authority; everything available on the data's source if the entity you are enquiring with did not obtain it themselves; whether there was any automated decision-making and profiling as per art. 22 paragraphs 1 and 4 GDPR and – at least where such was the case – useful information on the underlying logic and the impact and pursued effects of this processing on the data subject. You are entitled to request information on whether the personal data relating to yourself will be transmitted to a non-EU member state or international organisation. You are entitled in this context to request information on suitable safeguards according to art. 46 GDPR related to the transmission. You are entitled to request that the controller corrects and/or completes the personal data relating to yourself if this data is incorrect or incomplete. The controller is obliged to do so without delay. 3. Right to restriction of processing You can request limits to the processing of personal data relating to yourself if the following applies: If you contest the correctness of the personal data relating to yourself for a period that allows the controller to check the data's correctness; Processing of the data is illegal and you object to deletion of the data in favour of restricting the personal data's use; The controller no longer requires the personal data for the purposes of processing, but you need them to legitimise, exercise or defend a legal claim; You have objected to processing in accordance with art. 21 paragraph 1 GDPR and it has not yet been established whether the controller's legitimate interests outweigh your own. If processing the personal data relating to yourself has been limited, the data can without your consent be used neither to assert, exercise or defend legal claims nor to enforce protection of another individual's or legal entity's rights nor can it be processed in the public interest of the European Union or one of its member states. This does not apply to the storing of the data. If processing has been restricted in accordance with the above conditions, you will be notified by the controller before any restrictions are lifted. 4. Right to erasure a) Obligation to delete You can request that the controller delete the personal data relating to yourself immediately; the controller is then obliged to delete the data immediately, provided one of the following conditions applies: The personal data relating to yourself is no longer required to achieve the purposes for which it was collected or otherwise processed. You withdraw your consent, under which processing became legitimate as per art. 6 paragraph 1 point a or art. 9 paragraph 2 point a GDPR, and there is no other legal basis for processing. You object to processing as per art. 21 paragraph 1 GDPR and your objection is not overridden by legitimate reasons for processing, or you object to processing as per art. 21 paragraph 2 GDPR. The personal data relating to yourself have been processed unlawfully. Deletion of the personal relating to yourself is necessary for the controller to fulfil a legal obligation imposed upon them by European Union law or the national laws of European Union member states. The personal data relating to yourself has been collected in connection with the offer of information society services as per art. 8 paragraph 1 GDPR. b) Notification of third parties If the controller has published personal data relating to yourself and has become obliged to delete it as per art. 17 paragraph 1 GDPR, the controller will take action, including technical measures, using the available technology and at appropriate expense with the aim of notifying any controllers processing your personal data that you as the data subject have requested deletion of all links to said personal data or to copies or reproductions thereof. The right to erasure becomes void if processing is necessary to exercise of the right to free expression and information; to fulfil a legal obligation requiring the controller to process the data imposed upon them by European Union law or the national laws of a European Union member state, or to complete a duty in the public interest or to perform executive duties appointed to the controller; in the interests of public health and safety as per art. 9 paragraph 2 points h and i and art. 9 paragraph 3 GDPR; for archiving purposes in the public interest, for scientific or historical research or for statistical purposes as per art. 89 paragraph 1 GDPR, provided that the right described in section a) can be reasonably assumed to prevent or seriously impede achievement of the processing purposes; to assert, exercise or defend legal claims. 5. Notification obligation If you have asserted your right to rectification, erasure or restriction of processing against the controller, the controller is under obligation to notify all recipients to whom the personal data relating to yourself has been disclosed of the corresponding rectification or erasure of data or of the restriction of their processing. The controller is exempted from this obligation where such notification proves impossible or unreasonable. You have the right to be informed of who these recipients are. 6. Right to data portability You have the right to receive the personal data concerning yourself that you have provided to a controller in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format. You are also entitled to transmit this data to another controller without the controller to whom you have provided the data hindering you from doing so and if you have consented to processing as per art. 6 paragraph 1 point a GDPR or art. 9 paragraph 2 point a GDPR or processing is governed by a contract as per art. 6 paragraph 1 point b GDPR and processing occurs using automated methods. When exercising this right, you can further request controllers to send the personal data relating to yourself directly to another controller, provided this is technically feasible. This must not adversely affect the liberties and rights of others. The right to data portability does not extend to the processing of personal data where such processing is necessary for fulfilling a duty in the public interest or for exercising executive duties appointed to the controller. 7. Right to object You are entitled to object for reasons arising from your own personal situation at any time against processing of personal data relating to yourself where processing is legitimised by art. 6 paragraph 1 points e or f GDPR; this applies in equal measure to profiling legitimised by these provisions. The controller will cease to process your personal data unless they can prove compelling legitimate reasons for processing that override your interests, rights and liberties or processing pursues the assertion, exercise or defence of legal claims. If personal data relating to yourself is processed for the purpose of direct advertising, you are entitled to object at any time to the processing of your personal data for this purpose; this applies equally to profiling where it occurs in connection with such direct advertising. If you object to processing for direct advertising, the personal data relating to yourself will no longer be processed for this purpose. You may, in connection with the use of information society services – Directive 2002/58/EC notwithstanding – exercise your right to object by means of automated methods that are subject to technical specifications. 8. Right to withdraw your consent under data protection law You are entitled to withdraw your consent under data protection law at any time. Your withdrawing consent does not affect legitimacy of any processing that has occurred with your consent prior to withdrawal. 9. Automated individual decision-making, including profiling You have the right not to be subject to any decision that entails legal implications for yourself or has similar, substantially adverse effects on yourself, if said decision is based solely on automated processing; this includes profiling. You do not have this right if the decision is necessary to allow conclusion or fulfilment of a contract between yourself and the controller, is legitimate under the legal provisions of the European Union or its member states to which the controller is subject and these legal provisions include appropriate measures safeguarding your rights, liberties and legitimate personal interests or is made with your express consent. However, such decisions may have been made based on personal data of special categories as per art. 9 paragraph 1 GDPR unless art. 9 paragraph 2 points a or g GDPR also apply and appropriate measures have been taken to protect your rights, liberties and legitimate personal interests. With respect to cases (1) and (3), the controller shall take appropriate precautions to protect your rights, liberties and legitimate personal interests; such precautions will include at least the right to enforce intervention by a human individual at the controller's, to put forward your own opinion and to contest the decision. 10. Right to complain with a supervisory authority If you believe that processing of personal data relating to yourself is in breach of the GDPR, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, particularly in the EU member state you, your place of work or the locale of the alleged infringement are in. This does not affect your recourse to other administrative or judicial remedies. The supervisory authority receiving the complaint will keep the appellant up to date on status and results of the complaint, including on recourse to judicial remedies as per art. 78 GDPR. XVII. Changes to our data policy We reserve the right to amend this data policy to keep it in line with the latest legal requirements or to adjust it to reflect changes to our services, e.g. if we introduce new services. The latest version of our data policy will apply to any further visits. Latest version: 19 March 2021
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Are you just tired sometimes? Not sleepy. Sleepy is how you feel when you first wake, and your body isn't ready to get up yet. You can't claim tired, as you just slept for six or seven, maybe more, hours. But you're sleepy. Other times we are tired. Sometimes it's physical exhaustion, maybe from never- ending physical work: building walls, mowing a yard, cleaning a house, and organizing closets all exhausting physical labor. Sometimes it's mental. Remember when you took your SAT, GRE, GMAT, LSAT, or MCAT tests? Your brain is just tired afterwards. Completing a coherent sentence was difficult. Emotional exhaustion is enough to make you cry, let alone rest. Sometimes resting and sleeping aren't enough. After an emotionally exhausting day, which may be caused by good news such as a new baby, or bad news, such as the death of a loved one, you can be so emotionally drained you just need a good cry. A catharsis. Whatever life is throwing at you, has thrown at you, or will throw at you; no matter if you have physical, spiritual, mental, or emotional exhaustion; whether you brought it on yourself through questionable decisions or just because bad things can happen to good people . . . No matter what you are experiencing, I have two words for you: Rise Above! As I watch employees get frustrated due to poor managers, or Managers get irritated due to lazy employees, or political candidates do nothing wrong but are intentionally misquoted, or parents who are challenged in simple conversations with children, or children who are confused by the generation above them, or teachers who really, really try – there are too many examples as you're probably compiling your own list as you read. Whatever and whomever and wherever you find your challenges, Rise Above! When you feel overwhelmed, take the view of the eagle. Eagles don't run from storms, or fight the storms, they rise above the storms. When facing your challenges, and you will always be coming out of a challenge, in the middle of one, or about to enter one (I'm not being negative, just realistic), then you need to think, now, ahead of time, about how you will Rise Above. When people make comments, smile and nod. When people put you in a bad position, determine to not respond in kind. If you find yourself unjustly accused, trust that your reputation will hold up. A quick aside, once upon a time, someone where I worked told others I had come to work high. Instead of starting a deleterious rumor, people laughed! Nobody was willing to believe it because they knew me too well. I didn't get mad at the, well, let's call it a prank. I laughed with the rest, confident those who knew me would know the truth and scoff at the idea, which is exactly what happened. I managed to Rise Above. So, make your decision now to not get dragged down by negative thoughts or discussions or bad circumstances or even accidents. Decide to Rise Above where you can Soar!
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Klaus Lutz ist der Name folgender Personen: * Klaus Lutz (Künstler) (1940–2009), Schweizer Maler, Filmemacher und Performancekünstler Klaus Josef Lutz (* 1958), deutscher Unternehmer
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaWikipedia'}
Chris Butler and Edward Mussawir are lecturers at the Griffith Law School, Australia. Chris researches in the areas of social theory, critical approaches to state power and urban political ecology. His book Henri Lefebvre: Spatial Politics, Everyday Life and the Right to the City (2012) is published by Routledge. Edward's research focuses on various themes in jurisprudence including jurisdiction, judgment and the work of Gilles Deleuze. He is the author of Jurisdiction in Deleuze: The Expression and Representation of Law (2011).
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On Saturday Rochester traveled to Novi to take on one of the strongest programs in the state. The Wildcats are predominantly one of the best programs in the state of Michigan. Gabby Gilmore scored the lone goal for the Falcons, and Kaitlyn Godwin had eight saves in goal to preserve the shutout.
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Munchausen By Internet By Shalini Dayal, LMFT Munchausen and Origins: Munchausen is a severe form of Factitious Disorder where the person feigns or produces symptoms of illness designed to garner sympathy and attention. (Feldman & Ford, 1995). In Munchausen, for example, the person may travel and may endure invasive, sometimes dangerous procedures to gain attention and sympathy. The sufferers often take on other personas and invent extensive fabrications to support their claims and gain sympathy. The word Munchausen comes from Baron Karl Friederich Heironymous Freiherr von Munchausen (1720-1797), a German nobleman and cavalryman, who is said to have regaled his friends and associates with fantastic and often outlandish stories of his exploits. In 1953, Richard Asher, reported on people feigning illness and named this disorder after Baron Munchausen. Dr. Asher was a British endocrinologist and haematologist. He worked in the mental observation ward at the Central Middlesex Hospital and described Munchausen Syndrome in an article in 1951 (The Lancet, 1951). Munchausen differing from other disorders: In her profiling journey, Pat Brown, talks of volunteering in hospitals to learn and observe people's behaviors and often seeing how some willingly create and act out symptoms to get attention and sympathy and to control others around them, often unaware and uncaring of the toll it takes on others.(Pat Brown, The Profiler: My Life Hunting Serial Killers and Psychopaths, 2010). Munchausen is also commonly recognized as Munchausen by Proxy, where a primary caregiver fakes or exaggerates illnesses or symptoms in a dependent, usually a child. This illness is extremely difficult to diagnose since the caregiver is often very attentive and caring and puts on a good show. The caregiver is often familiar with the medical illnesses and carefully plans the exaggeration of symptoms, at times, putting the child at grave risk. Munchausen differs from Malingering which has external incentives, while attention and emotional gains are the driving motives for Munchausen. Malingering is the purposeful production of falsely or grossly exaggerated complaints with the goal of receiving a benefit or reward, such as money, insurance settlement, drugs, avoidance of work or military duty or some other kind of responsibility (Psychology Today, 2010) In Somatoform disorders, the symptoms are not voluntarily produced. The somatoform disorders are a group of psychiatric disorders in which patients present with a myriad of clinically significant but unexplained physical symptoms. They include somatization disorder, undifferentiated somatoform disorder, hypochondriasis, conversion disorder, pain disorder, body dysmorphic disorder, and somatoform disorder not otherwise specified.1 These disorders often cause significant emotional distress for patients and are a challenge to family physicians. (American Family Physician, 2007) Conversion disorder, also known as Hysterical Neurosis, is a mental health condition in which a person has blindness, paralysis, or other nervous system (neurologic) symptoms that cannot be explained by medical evaluation. Sufferers are not making up the symptoms and usually are afflicted because of an underlying emotional or psychological conflict/stress or trauma (A.D.A.M. Medical Encyclopedia., Nov 17, 2012) Munchausen by Internet: With the advent of the internet and the resources it offers, Munchausen has developed in a new way. As we all know and utilize, and often direct clients to, there is an abundance of online support groups, chat rooms, newsgroups, social media, etc. Often, the ones using these groups, see them as an invaluable resource where they receive and offer support to others like them, sharing their hopes, fears and information. However, at times, some of the members are not there because they too have suffered as the because of an underlying emotional or psychological conflict/stress or trauma (A.D.A.M. Medical Encyclopedia., Nov 17, 2012) There have been several recent events reported in the news media about people claiming to be someone they are not, while inserting themselves in people's lives to gain sympathy and emotional support, like Mandy Wilson and Manti Te'o. The behaviors demonstrated by the Mandy Wilson and T'eo's relative are surprisingly similar along with the motive of gaining love and sympathy. Mandy Wilson from Australia, posted her plight to an online support group attended by people from around the world, about her struggle with cancer as a single mother. Her Facebook page showed postings from her friends regarding her condition, which all turned out to be falsely created to get the emotional support and sympathy of the support group members. It all came to light when a 42 year old Canadian, Dawn Mitchell, who was closely involved with Mandy Wilson, grew suspicious after seeing pictures of Mandy after chemotherapy. Mandy had hair growing out quickly, something that doesn't happen after hair loss due to chemotherapy. Dawn searched for obituaries of Mandy's friends who had supposedly died and was unable to find any news on their deaths. Dawn was instrumental in exposing Mandy to the other group members. Mandy Wilson disappeared and has probably joined other online support groups under a different persona with a new set of online community supporters She left behind many who were disillusioned and jaded with the online group and hurt at the time and emotional investment they had put forth. Manti T'eo, a Notre Dame football player, got involved with a woman online in 2011. He never met her in person, but carried on a 2 year online relationship. He went on to dedicate a game to his girlfriend, who he believed to have died because of cancer. When people questioned T'eo about meeting this girl, he claimed to have met her because he did not want to be ridiculed for having a purely online relationship and not questioning the identity of that person. It was eventually revealed that the online persona was created by a family friend who was in love with Te'o. To save face, T'eo frequently changed his story, at one point claiming he had met the woman in person. Te'o, like numerous others, was embarrassed for his gullibility in falling for this deceit. Unfortunately, as news stories reveal, Te'o was not initially believed and many a sports writers had a field day making fun of him. The person who defrauded Te'o came up with an elaborate explanation for his actions. He calls himself confused and in recovery from homosexuality. In the following case, the progression of events are very apparent with how the stage was set, how convincing the story was, how it evolved to fit the needs of the person, and how it hooked those close to her to fill her deep need for attention. Setting The Stage: Paints a pitiful picture In the beginning of 2007 after a painful breakup, Liz reconnected with her first cousin, Karen who lived in Toronto. Karen was 14 years younger, told Liz of a difficult childhood, including sexual abuse by a babysitter's husband and physical abuse by her parents. Karen quickly inserted herself into Liz's life, often calling and texting her, telling her about her (Karen's) medical problems and unsupportive family. Karen told Liz about a horrible gang rape in high school and her first boyfriend dying tragically a few years previous. Karen's current boyfriend contacted Liz about Karen's health, showing great concern. Shortly thereafter, Karen accused her boyfriend of raping her and cut off contact with him. Her counselor, in Toronto also contacted Liz, via email and text about Karen's depression. When Liz expressed concern about Karen's health, Karen's cardiologist contacted Liz about Karen's heart problems. From 2007 onwards Karen began visiting Liz regularly: Karen often insisted on being introduced as Liz's oldest daughter. The Plot Thicken; Hooking The Prey: In 2007, when Liz signed on to, Karen's counselor in Toronto introduced Liz to her close friend, Tony. This online relationship developed quickly. However, they never talked on the phone and he was reluctant to visit. Karen quickly put any doubts on Liz's part, to rest, telling Liz she was friends with Tony's now deceased daughter, confirming he suffered from PTSD so could not talk on the phone. Karen often assured Liz that Tony would someday visit Liz in the Bay Area. More Drama In 2009, Karen told Liz that she had begun a new relationship with her best friend's ex-boyfriend. She asked for Liz's help and support as she was afraid of being ostracized by her best friend. Karen's health problems had escalated and she had now been diagnosed with Lupus. Tragically, Karen's new boyfriend died suddenly of massive heart failure at the age of 30 in London, England. Tony was instrumental in helping Liz connect with Karen's new boyfriend during his hospitalization, through some of his good friends who were physicians in England. Along with these physicians there were several minor players introduced, too many to mention here. Liz became increasingly exasperated with Tony and his reluctance to meet her. Her relationship with Karen also began faltering in 2012. Liz cut off contact with Tony, and lost touch with some of the people in Karen's life, her counselor and cardiologist, who had been regularly contacting her until that time. . Karen's counselor had sent some bizarre accusatory messages to Liz regarding Karen's care, so Liz cut off contact with the counselor. Liz finally broke off with Karen herself when Karen became increasingly needy and self- centered, all her conversations focusing on herself, her needs and her successes. In the early part of 2013, at the urgings of a friend, Liz began to search for Tony, Karen's therapist and Karen's cardiologist. She called other family members to confirm Karen's illnesses and the people involved in her life. She discovered that none of them existed. In all, Liz found that Karen had created over 12 online personas who had contacted Liz at various points in the past 5 years, to create a concerned and supportive network for Karen. All them were email entities only, all the emails originating from proxy servers and from one single server based in the Bay Area. Some were modeled after real people in Karen's friend's lives, but no one in the whole story except Karen was real. Symptoms or Ways to Recognize Munchausen by Internet: So what do you do when you suspect someone you know online is not being honest? It is important to note, these people are very intelligent and should really be script writers in Hollywood instead of creating elaborate schemes to hook their supporters. Some of the red flags are: Working knowledge of symptoms of diseases and illnesses, some descriptions match posts and explanations on websites. Symptoms escalate if doubts are brought up or focus shifts to others. Miraculous recovery or dissipation of symptoms. Contradictory statements with no relevant explanations. Online postings, emails, phone calls,(?) texts etc. by people around the person such as friends, family, etc. who support the individual, often similar wording and patterns. These people never appear in the flesh. Elaborate stories and events, one more fantastic then the other like dying or moving away, etc. Some technical ways to verify people and emails: You can find anyone, anywhere, if you know how. I learned a lot and I can find anyone, as long as they exist. Once someone sends an email, they have created an un-erasable path or signature. Questioning and verifying addresses, if possible, to verify authencity of the user. Similar methods of communication: same messenger, like Yahoo, or Gmail, which send texts directly to phone numbers. Find people online using people search engines like People Search, Zaba Search, White Pages. Use reverse email look up to see originating point of emails. Usually there may be a common originating IP address and/or Proxy servers. Looking for people through home ownership records and other services which are public. Treatment for the Victims and those diagnosed with Factitious disorder The victims of people with Factitious Disorder or Munchausen By Internet, often need extensive help and support through their recovery. Their faith and trust in people and the group process is usually shattered. They are deeply ashamed and embarrassed at falling for lies. They need a safe, non-judgmental place to regain that faith and trust again, through individual and ironically, through group therapy. Dr. Feldman recommends an online group therapy to rebuild the broken trust and faith in the power and healing of the group process. Treatment for those diagnosed with Factitious Disorder, can include several modalities though primarily depends on the individual's commitment to change their behaviors. There are no known statistics on successful treatment for Munchausen by Internet. Some treatment options include but are not limited to: Traditional talk psychotherapy for the people who commit these frauds is recommended. Treatment includes transparency in their relationships, working in individual and family therapy, on issues of ownership and responsibility. Family therapy increases the chances of recovery, and/or some suppression of some behaviors, like tall tales. Friends and families can help confront the person and keep them on track. As a word of caution, those involved should be prepared for histrionics and further manipulation. Treating any co-occurring or underlying issues of depression, anxiety or OCD behaviors. Evaluation and treatment for addictions and other maladaptive behaviors. Those diagnosed with Factitious Disorder, do not take responsibility quickly and easily. They lack empathy for the people hurt by their lies and actions, and often show no remorse for others. Most of the persons who commit such acts usually disappear when confronted. They often manipulate others to generate sympathy for themselves and not their victims. The Internet can give us a thousand identities and the power to change them as needed. In the end, it is our responsibility to be vigilant of our online communications and interactions, to follow our gut instinct, check and recheck when possible. Remember, if someone feels too good to be true, and you have never seen them, they probably are just that, Too Good To Be True. I am in full time private practice in Fremont, for the past 7 years. Prior to that, my background includes working for the City of Fremont Youth & Family Services, the Fremont Police Department, Shelter for Violent Environment, the New Haven Unified School District and the Alameda County Sheriff's Office. During the course of the past few years, I have worked with kids, teens, families, individuals and families on a variety of topics. I have dealt with Domestic Violence, Child and Adolescent behavior issues, depression, ADD & ADHD. I work extensively with children, adolescents, individuals, couples and families with emphasis on cross cultural and gender issues, sexuality, assimilation, expectations and communication, using non-verbal methods like play and art therapy with young kids. I am also trained and certified in EMDR.
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ACDelco expands into TPMS, brake caliper aftermarket Tire Business Staff ACDelco photo ACDelco said its TPMS sensors, which will be available in the first quarter of 2018. LAS VEGAS — ACDelco, a General Motors Co. subsidiary, is expanding its aftermarket parts portfolio with the introduction of tire-pressure-monitoring system (TPMS) sensors and brake calipers that will be sold with no core charge. Both aftermarket products will be available for all vehicle makes and models. ACDelco is the exclusive OE parts brand for Chevrolet, Buick, GMC and Cadillac vehicles. ACDelco said its TPMS sensors, which will be available in the first quarter of 2018, will fit almost three-quarters of the TPMS-equipped vehicles currently on the road, or more than 108 million cars, trucks and crossovers built since 2006. The company said it decided to delve into the TPMS market since more than 62 million vehicles on the road may soon need new TPMS sensors as their batteries wear out. "TPMS sensors need to be replaced after five to seven years of service because no battery lasts forever," said David Mestdagh, general director product development, ACDelco. "Our design strategy with this new product line was to deliver a high quality part while reducing stocking requirements and installation time." The TPMS components include a sensor body, a 3-volt lithium battery, corrosive resistant snap-in rubber valve or aluminum valve stem, plastic cap and electro-less nickel-plated valve core. The new calipers are launching just as remanufactured aluminum calipers for vehicles built in the 1990s and 2000s are becoming harder to find. Shops need to carry just five part numbers to cover the majority of TPMS-equipped vehicles, the company said. The sensor is pre-programmed to follow existing OE re-learn procedures, eliminating the need for special calibration tools or loading software. Meanwhile, the new aftermarket brake calipers will be available in cast iron and aluminum with no core charge. About 200-300 SKUs will be available in December. The cast iron parts are zinc-plated to help with corrosion protection. Critical components come pre-lubricated for smooth operation, including the pistons and bleeder screws, the company said. The new calipers are launching just as remanufactured aluminum calipers for vehicles built in the 1990s and 2000s are becoming harder to find, ACDelco said. "Aluminum calipers can only be remanufactured so many times," said Josh Shuck, brake product specialist, ACDelco. "This caliper gives shop owners a new, high-quality option that eliminates a few headaches along the way." For more information, visit Do you have an opinion about this story? Do you have some thoughts you'd like to share with our readers? Tire Business would love to hear from you. Email your letter to Editor Don Detore at [email protected]. Daily Newsmail Breaking Alert The Wholesale Report 5 Factory Fixes
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Since 1995 we have created tailor made hunting safaris. Our goal is to find the very best hunting grounds in Sweden's vast wilderness. This is the natural habitat for the most elusive game in the world. A true challenge for every hunter. Our fishing program is world-class. This can be seen both with the angling itself and the highest quality accommodation and service. We have access to the best waters in Lapland, Sweden and our professional fishing guides will be happily show you the best fishing.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Q: No logro insertar todos los datos de un archivo csv Uso mysql, slim framework y php, deseo insertar varias filas de mi csv, ya lo recorri, veo que se me imprime todos los valores cuando hago echo pero al momento de realizar el insert solo logro hacer un solo insert a la tabla cuando se deberian hacer varios insertando todos los valores de mi archivo. Adjunto mi codigo. public function prueba($pathFile){ $ruta = dirname(__FILE__) . '/files_cventas/'. $pathFile; $archivo = fopen($ruta, "r"); $numeroDeFila=0; while (($data = fgetcsv($archivo, ",")) !== FALSE) { if ($numeroDeFila > 0) { echo "DATOS DEL USUARIO: ". $numeroDeFila; echo "anio: ". $data[0]; echo "mes: ". $data[1]; echo "codigo_vendedor: ". $data[2]; echo "nombre_vendedor: ". $data[3]; echo "ventas_presupuestadas: ". $data[4]; echo "\n\n"; $stmt = $this->conn->prepare("INSERT INTO cumplimiento_ventas(anio, mes, codigo_vendedor, nombre_vendedor, ventas_presupuestadas) values(?,?,?,?,?)"); $stmt->bind_param("sssss", $data[0], $data[1], $data[2], $data[3], $data[4]); $result = $stmt->execute(); $stmt->close(); if($result){ return RECORD_CREATED_SUCCESSFULLY; }else{ return RECORD_CREATION_FAILED; } } $numeroDeFila++; } }
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaStackExchange'}
Uridium is a fun, original fast scrolling shoot-'em-up that is much better known on the Commodore 64. In one of the "stock" sci-fi plots that we have heard a hundred times before, the plot is just another variant of overused defend-the-Earth premise: a squadron of formidable enemy Super-Dreadnought ships, needing mineral fuel to power their interstellar unit, is draining the mineral resources from all 15 planets in your galactic sector. Each Super-Dreadnought, in orbit around one planet, is mining a special metal. This irreversible mineral depletion must be stopped immediately, or it will destroy all planet life. Your mission is to repeal the enemy attack with your special Manta fighter. The odds against you are enormous because you are the lone remaining defender (naturally) of this planetary sector. Your ultimate goal is to annihilate all 15 Super-Dreadnoughts and accumulate as many points as possible. If you complete all 15 levels-and only the best pilots will even come close-you qualify for a special offer for a Uridium emblem from Hewson (if anyone has a picture of this, let me know). Flying on top of their surface structure at extremely high speed, you must use your cannons to blow the flying fortresses' defenses to smithereens whilst weaving around avoiding obstacles, mines and waves of alien fighters sworn to protect it. Once you have taken out these out, you are able to land and engage the ship's self-destruct sequence and can move onto the next target. A very difficult but enjoyable challenge which runs beautifully with good sound and music, it's largely let down by the monochrome graphics. I'm disappointed with this DOS download. The screenshots show the EGA version which is the one I played on my IBM compatible. This download, however, is the CGA version. Why this ZIP file has an FILE_ID.DIZ in Spanish, I don't know; the original game never came with a DIZ file. ...The 64 version was the superior one. Andrew and Steve milked that machine for everything it had to give, and even invented some new sprite routines that surprised even Commode-Door. And they did it without making the 6502 melt in the process! played this one on the c64 which was the better of al versions. Good action game by the legendary Andrew Braybrook and Steve Turner 8aka Graftgold). Share your gamer memories, help others to run the game or comment anything you'd like. If you have trouble to run Uridium, read the abandonware guide first!
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At Donation Line, LLC we take pride in providing the easiest, safest and fastest way to sell a car. Why go through the hassle of listing your car on craigslist or in the newspapers? With strangers coming to your home in Spokane, today its not worth the risk. Call us now at 1-877-227-7487 to get an instant, no obligation offer on any make, model, year or condition vehicle. Donation Line will pick up your car from virtually any location in the Spokane, WA area, including your home, place of employment or other location. As long as your vehicle is complete we will take it in any condition. The better the condition the more we pay. Selling your car in Spokane is no easy task. Especially if it has issues. There are the sell car listings in the local paper, but those don't always provide a bevy of potential buyers as well as bringing some undesirable people to your home. Some of these print ads can be expensive especially if your car has problems. There is no point paying to advertise or even listing it for free if your car is junk or has significant problems. People looking at these ad are looking for cars they can drive away today. Be honest, regular people don't want to buy your problem or junk car in Spokane. All is not lost, however, if you've said to yourself, "Its time to sell my car in Spokane." There are online junk car buyers like Donation Line that offer cash for junk cars in Spokane. This is comforting if you've just asked yourself, "I need to sell my car in Spokane, but whom can I trust to buy it?" Donation Line is going to make sure everything is on the up-and-up. Offering cash for junk cars, Donation Line buyers afford Spokane area car owners the opportunity to get rid of an old car without the hassle of advertising the car in the sell car ads, sifting through a pool of potential buyers — if anyone is interested in purchasing the vehicle at all, that is — and then haggling over the vehicle's price. That's a lot of hassle just to sell a car in Spokane. Offering free vehicle pick-up over and above cash for junk cars in Spokane, Donation Line buyers provide sellers with an all too necessary convenience. Whether in the big cities or rural areas, Spokane area car sellers don't have time to try to get the car from Point A to Point B. Junk cars might not be a hot ticket to the average used-car buyer, but they are to Donation Line. If you like the offer you receive from us and decide to take it, we'll have our towing agent contact you within 1 business day to schedule fast free pick up. Donation Line serves the entire Spokane, WA area. Official Website for City of Spokane, Washington – Spokane City departments, listings, history, plans and information.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Request for information about investigation of ECan's performance Legislation display text: Official Information Act 1982, 9(2)(ba)(i) Minister for the Environment Ombudsman: Case number(s): Tuesday, 5 Oct 2010 HTML, Available formats and related files Case 285985 - Request for information about investigation of ECan's performance Section 9(2)(ba)(i) OIA did not apply to interview notes in their 'totality'—however, it applied to names and identifying details—express obligation of confidence—release would be likely to prejudice the future supply of similar information—it is in the public interest for the Minister to be able to obtain honest, free and frank reviews on the performance of local government—section 9(2)(ba)(i) did not apply to unsolicited written submission that had previously been circulated to regional mayors— Jeffries v Attorney-General [2010] NZCA 38 cited—information released with redactions to names and identifying details The Minister for the Environment initiated an investigation into ECan's (Environment Canterbury's) resource consent processing and performance more generally. The final investigation report was published. It included a list of stakeholders consulted by the review team. A requester sought records of interviews with, and correspondence received from, those stakeholders. The Minister withheld the interview notes and one written submission under section 9(2)(ba)(i) of the Official Information Act (OIA). The requester complained to the Ombudsman. Section 9(2)(ba)(i) provides good reason for withholding (subject to a public test) when releasing information that is 'subject to an obligation of confidence' would be likely to prejudice the supply of similar information, or information from the same source, and it is in the public interest that such information should continue to be supplied. Interview notes The withheld information comprised handwritten notes by the review team. They were 'an aide memoire to assist in the analysis of issues by the review team rather than a verbatim record of each interview'. The Minister advised that interviewees were provided explicit assurances of confidentiality at the beginning of the interview, and in many cases this was reiterated at the end of the interview. According to the review team, this was fundamental to their approach, and they did not believe the same insights would have been provided had confidentiality not been promised. The Minister explained the nature of his oversight role, and that future reviews of local authorities might need to be conducted. Breaching the confidence of the interviewees would, in his view, 'almost certainly' prejudice the future supply of similar information, 'particularly information related to sensitive and specific performance issues of staff or an organisation', which would make it more difficult to conduct such reviews. The Ombudsman accepted that the interview notes were subject to an obligation of confidence. However, he was not convinced that the 'totality' of the notes needed to be withheld in order to maintain the future supply of similar information. The Minister could not claim a 'class exemption' for all interview notes obtained as part of a review. He asked the Minister to transcribe the interview notes, and carefully assess each piece of information in light of section 9(2)(ba)(i). After considering the matter further, the Minister decided to release the interview notes with redactions to some names and identifying details. Some of the names did not need to be withheld because the content of the notes, and the position occupied by the interviewee, meant that release would not be likely to prejudice the future supply of similar information. The Ombudsman informed the requester of his opinion that section 9(2)(ba)(i) provided good reason to withhold the remaining names and identifying details. This information was subject to an explicit obligation of confidence, and release would be likely to prejudice the supply of similar information to such reviews in the future. It is in the public interest for the Minister to be able to obtain honest, free and frank reviews on the performance of local government. The public interest in disclosure of the names and identifying details did not outweigh the harm that would be caused by their release. This comprised an unsolicited email to the Minister from a former ECan Councillor providing a copy of 'a confidential paper' she had written and previously circulated to regional mayors. The Ombudsman cited the following passage from Jeffries v Attorney-General [2010] NZCA 38, where the Court of Appeal considered whether an unsolicited letter to the Minister of Finance was subject to section 9(2)(ba) of the OIA: 'I appreciate that Mr Jeffries purported to make his letter to Dr Cullen (copied to the State Services Commissioner and the Solicitor-General) 'private and confidential' and also purported to bind 'the recipients of this letter to not releasing the letter to 'the Powells' current solicitors, Kensington Swan' without his consent. Dr Cullen, however, never indicated he was prepared to accept the letter on that basis. If Mr Jeffries had wanted to gain such protection, he should first have ascertained whether Dr Cullen was prepared to accept the information he wished to convey on such a confidential basis. For obvious reasons, citizens cannot write to Ministers of the Crown and hope to avoid the release of their letters to enquirers simply by marking the letters 'private and confidential'. The information contained in Mr Jeffries's letter was not, therefore, 'subject to an obligation of confidence' on either Dr Cullen's part or on the part of the other recipients. In this case, the sender did not ascertain prior to sending her submission that the Minister was prepared to accept it on a confidential basis. Moreover, the sender had already distributed the paper to regional mayors. In these circumstances, the Ombudsman did not accept that the written submission was 'subject to an obligation of confidence'. The sender was given an opportunity to comment, and she accepted the Ombudsman's position. The Ombudsman formed the opinion that there was good reason to withhold names and identifying details from the interview notes under section 9(2)(ba)(i) of the OIA, but there was no good reason to withhold the written submission. The Minister released the interview notes (with redactions) and written submission. This case note is published under the authority of the Ombudsmen Rules 1989. It sets out an Ombudsman's view on the facts of a particular case. It should not be taken as establishing any legal precedent that would bind an Ombudsman in future. Related case notes Request for email between journalist and source Wed 3 Jun 2020 Decision to release tender information in response to Official Information Act request Request for record of 'without prejudice' meeting Failure to appropriately apply Protected Disclosures Act Mon 2 Mar 2020 Request for RMA side agreement between Council and iwi Request for Chief Executive's performance agreement and KPIs Latest case notes Request for information about volunteer rural constabulary programme Delay in responding to request for information about the Invited Visitor Policy and sponsorship Consultation on health and safety plans for Managed Isolation Facility Request for names of clusters that COVID-19 cases were linked to Wed 5 Aug 2020 Treatment of disabled mother and removal of newborn child Wed 1 Jul 2020 Use of incorrect information, lack of trauma-informed practice, failure to assess children's safety
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
Easy Laughs [Storyboard] The Procession of the Heart [Animation] The Comedian [Animation] Travel Fever [Animation] Grozd (3x3) [Storyboard] The Collector [Storyboard] Three Lines [Animation] Man is a Dungeon [Animation] The Black Hole [Animation] The Burren Annual Monuments [Animation] Space Adventures [Storyboard] Message From Below [Animation] Akebono Project / Outotsu Print Exhibition Storm and Stress 2: The Flight [Animation] HT Award [Exhibition] Demonstrated in Geometrical Order and Divided in Five Parts [Animation] The Birth of Tragedy [Animation] The Black Hole [Storyboard] The Way of the Heart Exhibition Catalogue The Way of the Heart Exhibition The Way of the Heart (The Artist Journey) [Animation] The Gallery Tour [Animation] The Galley Tour Machine [Animation] The Way of the Heart: Sections 1-8 [Animation] Storm and Stress [Animation] Architecture In Contemporary Art [Exhibition] Manifesto Monologue [Writing] The Way of the Heart: Museum 1 [Animation] The Dreams Monologue [Storyboard] Filmlog The Heart of Perspective / The Making of the Film is an ongoing multimedia project started in 2001 by Dario Solman. Filmlog records the development of the project and presents all of its elements in a chronological order. Filmlog Video Filmlog/Video features full lenght videos made for The Heart of Perspective / The Making of the Film project. Dario Solman Portfolio The portfolio surveys Solman's art production since its beginnings in late Nineties, when he started as a painter, went on to be a multimedia artist and finally broke off with the arts to be a filmlogger and a robot / astronaut myth architect. Contact As the Solar System has 5 planets and nature 5 basic colors, so does the world has 5 sides and year 5 seasons. ... Some content on Filmlog requires Flash plug-in. The latest Flash player can be downlaoded from here. ... The previous Flash-based version of Filmlog is still available here. 2001-2018 © Dario Solman, all rights reserved Easy Laughs Your browser cannot display this content as MP4. The Procession of the Heart The sketch for a new video based on the Artist Journey Procession storyboard, which reinterprets the earlier Artist Journey video and stroyboards from 2014-2017. The journey is here transformed into a large procession or parade. The Comedian A sketch for a new video. Please be advised that this video may trigger seizures for people with photosensitive epilepsy. Travel Fever A sketch for a new video. Grozd Man is a Dungeon (The Idiot Chronicles) A sketch for a new video that is related to the last year's storyboard with the same title. The Burren Annual | Saeri Kiritani and Dario Solman: Far From Home / The Way of the Heart Two-Person Exhibition: June 20 - September 6, 2019; Burren College of Art, Ballyvaughan, Co. Clare, Ireland A joint exhibition with Saeri Kiritani and organized by Conor McCgrady at Burren College, in the Burren area of the West of Ireland. The Way of the Heart work is presented with 5 storyboards and 3 videos. The storyboard The Barren Valley features the distinct karts landscape imagery of the Burren area. Saeri Kiritani featured the video Far From Home. For more information please visit the official museum web site Monuments (Storm and Stress) A sketch for a new video that further explores the ideas from earlier Storm and Stress animations. The storyboard incorporates stills from the 2009 animation Container. Message From Below Akebono Project Outotsu Hanten/Outotsu Print Exhibition August 23 - 30, 2018; Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, Tokyo, Japan Organizer: Ritsuo Kanno/ NPO Atrie Outotsu For more information please visit the official museum web site: Storm and Stress 2: The Flight A sketch for a new video that continues ideas from the first Storm and Stress piece, posted in 07/23/2017. HT Nagrada / HT Award Exhibition April 20 - May 12, 2018; Museum of Contemporary Art, Zagreb, Croatia More information is available on the official museum web site. Demonstrated in Geometrical Order and Divided in Five Parts The Birth of Tragedy (Sketch) A sketch for a new animation that was originally based on a pop song, but has evolved into something entirely different. The featured imagery is based on the recent exhibition at the Museum of Fine Art in Split, Croatia. The storyboard incorporates stills from the recent animation The Way of the Heart (The Artist Journey). Galerija umjetnina / The Museum of the Fine Arts, Split, Croatia The exhibition at the Museum of Fine Arts was accompanied by a catalogue that features texts by the curators of the exhibition: Branko Franceschi and Jasminka Babic, and was designed by Viktor Popovic. The catalogue also includes all eight storyboards from the cycle The Way of the Heart, The Artist Journey and as such can be read independently from the exhibition as a stand-alone book. The Way of the Heart Solo Exhibition: January 16 - February 11, 2018; Galerija umjetnina / The Museum of the Fine Arts, Split, Croatia The exhibition was curated by Branko Franceschi and Jasminka Babic, and presents 10 storyboards, 5 videos and large scale wall drawings. The show title "The Way of the Heart" comes from the new video work and cycle of storyboards that have already appeared on Filmlog under the working title the Artist Journey. Five out 8 chapters were selected from this series together with another 5 standalone storyboards. The Way of the Heart and Target Orbit videos are presented as large scale projections, while 3 another animations are shown on flat screens. Two large wall drawings called Chorus frame the gallery space from the northerns and southern sides. The show is accompanied with a catalogue that includes texts by both curators and also features the entire the Way of the Heart / the Artist Journey storyboard cycle. For more information please visit the official museum web The Way of the Heart (The Artist Journey) The Way of the Heart is a 25 minutes long video work that combines and reinterprets 8 Artist Journey storyboards. This is the longest and most elaborate animation that we have created so far. The Gallery Tour A new 4 minute video animation is created for the solo-exhibition at the Museum of Fine Arts in Split. The animation is based on the floor-plan of the gallery space and sketches for the exhibition. The Galley Tour Machine A component in a new animation the Gallery Tour that will serve as a background layer and depicts the Gallery Machine. The Way of the Heart: Sections 1-8 A collection of interstitial segments developed for a new animation based on the Artist Journey storyboards. Storm and Stress A sketch for a new animation. Architecture In Contemporary Art Exhibition: July 1 - August 27, 2017; Galerija Umjetnina, Split, Croatia The Architecture In Contemporary Art exhibition was curated by Jasminka Babic and Branko Franceschi at the Museum Of Fine Arts in Split. It festures artists: Duska Boban, Tomislav Buntak, Tomislav Ceranic, Igor Eskinja, Andrea Fraser, Cyprien Gaillard, Zlatko Kopljar, Armin Linke/Srdan Jovanovic Weiss, Anita Milos, Vedran Perkov, Renata Poljak, Viktor Popovic, Neli Ruzic, Juliao Sarmento, Jee Young Sim, Lana Stojicevic, Dario Solman, Marko Tadic, Patricia Teodorescu, Zlatan Vehabovic. We have exhibited animation Starcity. More information is available on the museum web site. Manifesto Monologue This text is a part of The Artist Journey, a story in eight scenes that follows three travelers on their journey to learn more about art and the nature of images. In the last episode the travelers find themselves in a costal cave where they face a dead end. Unable to continue, they decide to write an artist manifesto that will help them overcome the current impasse. It is our great dream to write a manifesto. The three of us travelers all share this dream and this is something that became clear to us in this cave, as we face the last and most critical phase of our journey, This dream appears to us in the form of a robust document, a hefty and substantial tome. This is something that we can all clearly see in its finished form. The manifesto is not something that is short, easy or simple. It is a rich and layered document. The manifesto is not poetry, it is not a ramble, it is not an odious and chaotic stream of consciousness that is spitted out by a babbling idiot. The manifesto is not looking for pretty, poetic or cosy. We need the manifesto to provide a foundation for our project, something that we can, so to say, stand on firmly; that is a solid and robust base. We also need the manifesto to energize the process and move us forward, to propel us along our path and help continue this endeavor. We need the manifesto to give us the direction, to lead us, to help us move in the right direction, to help us overcome this situation and escape the dead end where we are now, in a cave in the last phase of our journey. But while it is easy to visualize the manifesto in its complete form, embodied with various powers that we want it to posses, we are struggling to create it. We are struggling to come up with words, the three of us. Me and my fellow travelers. At times we thought we were pilgrims and at times we thought we were tourists, but now it is safest to say that we are simply travelers. Once we write the manifesto, we may become something else, creators perhaps; who knows, but currently I and my fellow travelers are stranded. Thoughts come through painfully slow out of this restricted mental apparatus. The problem must be rooted in our inability to gather and form coherent ideas. Our minds are completely and devastatingly empty. It takes mental training to develop thoughts and articulate ideas, which is something that we lack. All three of us lack coherent and articulated thoughts. Our inability to think creates a barrier in our path, and it blocks our progress. The problem is that I would like to say something but I do not know what it is. This may sound illogical and may be insane; it is an intellectual position of an idiot, you will say. We want to say something while most of the time we have nothing to say. It is our inner self, what many call an ego, that needs to express itself and wants to live; a force of some kind that may be called passion. We have a passion to overcome this obstacle. An emotion, that is separate from thoughts and logical thinking, which is propelling this process. We do not know what we want to say and are lacking coherency, we are lacking words, we are entirely clueless and speechless. There is only a force that comes out and pushes this incoherent ramble forward. This is a growth, a mass that does not communicate or signify, but only outpours, accumulates and flows. Instead of a logical structure there is an organic amalgamation, something that was formed through this senseless process. Each word comes with the greatest effort and through pain. The pain is always here and it is not poetic. There is no end to the pain, it is always there and moves around the body. The pain evades our understanding, but it is always there and becomes worse and worse until it consumes and ruins the body. These are the three bodies of three travelers that will get destroyed. The pain will appear and disappear, multiply and localize, spread and move around until it finds a spot in the body where it can take root, where it can concentrate and go deep inside, and wait there, wait for the mind to start wondering why the pain is there; soon after the mind will discover that no medication can relieve this pain and it will increasingly start to wonder and obsess. When there is no obvious cause for the pain, everything is a suspect, anything can be the reason, and most likely, it is a weakness that you know you have; we know what our critical weaknesses are and they eat us on the inside. You will relate your weakness to your pain and this connection will entangle your body like a rope. This is the force that will paralyze you and imprison you. The mind will run in circles, pulled by the centrifugal forces, increasingly looking inward. There is an image and you have a clear idea of what you need to do, but you can not move. All three of us are paralyzed. This is why we need the manifesto to allow us to move forward. We are not thinkers, and in the absence of words, we have an image. It is something a child would come up with. A child may not be able to talk well, but it can draw an image. Anybody can sketch something. Our mental process is dull and thoughts are forming very slowly. Like when one looks at a blurry picture and tries to recognize what it could represent. One can look at an old wall with broken paint and search for recognizable shapes in it. This is how our thoughts take shape and you will lose your patience with this incredibly slow and unintelligible process, something that only dreamers and idiots can engage in. The world is out there moving fast and moving forward, and nobody has time to wait for this mental quicksand. We rely on cognition for a reason, you will say. We solve problems logically and construct projects in a structured way. What can we expect from this idiotic cerebral fermentation? Folding layers of senseless drivel on top of each other can not produce something meaningful, you will say. You can not create something out of nothing with so little determination. And you are completely correct to say that. But the three of us, we are not thinkers. Every word here comes through with the agonizing pain, and we nervously repeat, endlessly repeat those few thoughts that have entered this limited conversation. This pile of dirt, this faceless stew of chaotic thoughts that we have heard and said during the journey is all that we have, that we continuously repeat and which is something that probably should not have happened. Here we wait for this dull mental fermentation to work from inside until the shapes start to emerge in the muddy brew., these forms that are growing, morphing and disappearing, and than separating and grouping into murky clouds. Will we see something materializing in this foggy picture? What can we expect at the end of this long wait? For the three people who struggle to come up with words and even more so with coherent thoughts, here is an image that even a child could have drawn; here is an uneasy and almost grotesque diagram, which reflects raw connections that have formed it. Think of someone who does not want to draw anything or even touch the paper, but was forced to draw something. This is the diagram that such person would create, an image which clearly shows unhappy conditions that led to its creation. This is the image we are talking about, at the center of our manifesto. This is the murky and questionable territory that surrounds the foundation of our endeavor. A document written by non writers containing ideas by people of drastic mental debility, people with no thoughts of their own and who are struggling to utter a word. The manifesto created by those who are not able to create a manifesto is a manifesto for those that are unable to create a manifesto. It is a manifesto that contains material of no quality, no meaning, no purpose, the mass of utterances and repetitions that should not have been uttered nor repeated. We should discard most of this unfortunate drivel that should have never been written down. This is a text that has no use whatsoever and should be entirely rewritten or abandoned. It now seems like a long time ago, when our dream started with the original image. The three of us travelers facing a dead end in a costal cave had a clear image of a robust manifesto, a handsome and substantial volume that is beaming with promise and that would provide a sturdy foundation for our endeavor as a guiding light which will give us a direction and purpose, that will energize this undertaking and propel us ahead, so that we can overcome this obstacle that is blocking our path and so that we can move onward and upward, and outward, and most of all, we need to move forward, and not just in space, but in time; and move beyond this spiral that is subsuming all our attempts to defy it, so that every time we try to straighten our thoughts, which we do not have, nor do we have words to express them even if we did, this force is bending them and folding them on top of each other, as a devious centripetal force that is making the spiral to implode and swallow its own matter (waste) that it has produced, as if this force had a personality and has said that this should have never happened, that this is only an unhappy and unfortunate end to this pointless process; an end in a circle that does not have a beginning nor end, a circle which is something self-evident and something that us, the three travelers could have realized if we had the ability to comprehend and form thoughts, if we had an aptitude to form words that would express the thoughts we should have had. The manifesto stops here and it is hard to say if it was accidentally cut off or purposefully ended. It is generous to even call this a manifesto, but we should assume that it is completed within the rules of its own structure. The Way of the Heart: Museum 1 (Part 8) a257_08_1 A fragment of a new animation that we are developing based on the Artist Journey storyboards. This segment is related to the Museum storyboard (s240). The Dreams Monologue The storyboard incorporates stills from one of the earliest animations featured on Filmlog: Floating from 2002. Filmlog The Heart of Perspective / the Making of the Film is an ongoing multimedia project started in 2001 by Dario Solman. Filmlog records the development of the project and presents all of its elements in a chronological order. The Heart of Perspective is not a single a work anymore, but a chain of correlated and modular multimedia projects that share same visual language and narratives. Filmlog Video Filmlog Video features full length videos made for the Heart of Perspective / the Making of the Film project. Dario Solman Portfolio The portfolio surveys Dario Solman's art production since its beginnings in the late Nineties, when he started as a painter, went on to be a multimedia artist and finally broke off with the arts to be a filmlogger and a robot / astronaut myth architect. Contact As the Solar System has 5 planets and nature 5 basic colors, so does the world has 5 sides and year 5 seasons.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
Putrajaya, covering an area of 4,931 hectares of land, is situated 25 kilometers from the capital city of Kuala Lumpur in the north and 20 kilometers from Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) at Sepang in the south. About 40% of Putrajaya is natural. Lush greenery, botanical gardens are spread across the landscape enhanced by large bodies of water and wetlands. The Putrajaya Wetlands is said to be the largest constructed freshwater wetlands in the tropics and the first of its kind in Malaysia. It functions as a flood control system and a natural filter system for the Putrajaya Lake. Apart from providing an expansive area for recreation and education, it forms an essential part of the eco-system. The park comprises the Taman Wetland and the wetland areas. The wetlands are made up of 24 wetland cells built along the Chuah and Bisa rivers. Marshes and swamps were developed in the wetland cells. More than 70 species of wetland plants have been planted. Twenty-four species of indigenous fish were introduced into the wetland more than a year ago and have today adjusted to the environment and add diversity to the man made eco-system. Where geology, hydrology and biology have created natural wetlands, the Putrajaya Wetlands, carved out from rubber and oil palm plantations, is the product of human ingenuity and technology. Arrival at Taman Wetland. Briefing at Nature Interpretation Centre. Visit 80m high look-out tower which offers a bird's eye view of Putrajaya. Tour of the area which includes a flamingo pond and trails. Feel and experience a truly living lifestyle and the hospitality of the village folks in Banghuris, Sepang. This is a rare chance of experiencing a rapidly diminishing traditional lifestyle. Banghuris is a name representing three villages namely Kampung Bukit Bangkong, Kampung Hulu Chuchuh and Kampung Hulu Teris. With a population of over 3,000, Banghuris folks will definitely fascinate visitors with their way of life, culture and their tradition. Banghuris also offers a host of agro-tourism activities. Visitors will be taken for an educational tour to the coconut, star fruit, guava and palm oil plantations. A visit to the orchid and hydroponics vegetable farms are also lined-up for visitors. Visit homestay activity centre: fruit planting, fishing. Return to KL. NOTE: The Organisers reserve the right to modify, replace or cancel any of the technical tour itineraries if deemed necessary due to reasons beyond the control of the Organisers. Kuala Gandah Elephant Orphanage Sanctuary, Pahang is a rare and fantastic opportunity to get up close to endemic Malaysian elephants. This truly unique Elephant Orphanage of Kuala Gandah in Pahang will give you a very rare opportunity to learn about these displaced gentle giants. Get the chance to ride them through the jungle, with the help of an elephant guide, or mahout. For the brave and adventurous, there are opportunities to take the elephants down to the river and help give them a bath! There really is no better opportunity than this to get in touch with these grey giants. The elephants here have been rescued from all over Peninsula Malaysia, providing them a safe sanctuary in the wild. Recommended Gear: Sport shoes, T-shirt, long pants, sunglasses and hat. This is a enchanting experience where you watch millions of fireflies displaying the most amazing "nature light show" resembling fairy-like miniature Christmas lights along the banks of a certain river in Kuala Selangor where the Berembang trees grow. Cruising along the river bank on a sampan, a small wooden row boat, the boatman will row the boat along the river where you can see the glowing display along both sides of the river. This rare large colony of fireflies thrives on the Berembang trees and set amidst the rural background of Kuala Selangor, it is an experience not to be missed. Arrival at Kuala Selangor. Visit Bukit Melawati - Fort Altingsburg, silvered leaf monkeys and long tail macaques. Drive over Selangor River. Seafood dinner at the Fishing Village. Board a sampan (small wooden row boat) where the boatman would guide the boat along the river to watch millions of fireflies along the river bank. Note: Dress casually and bring along rain gear on wet days. Departures might be cancelled if there is too much rain the coastal area. The Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM), as a world reputed centre for tropical forestry research, has more than 100 years of experience in forestry and forest products research. With many outdoor recreations and public education on the ground, FRIM has become a popular spot for picnickers, joggers, cyclers, tourists and nature study groups. Attractions include Nature Places, Camping Area, Arboreta, FRIM Museum, Insectarium, Malay Tea House and other activities. Arrival at FRIM about 15km from Kuala Lumpur. Visit other natural attractions in this research facility.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Q: How to control null when bulding widget Can you tell me how can I include the condition for Image.file on the following page? I would like to build it only when controller.image is not null. I got an error: The following NoSuchMethodError was thrown building Container(padding: EdgeInsets.all(32.0)): The method '[]' was called on null. Receiver: null Tried calling: when I first redirect to this page (and controller.image is null): class HomePage extends GetView<HomeController> { final myController1 = TextEditingController(); final myController2 = TextEditingController(); @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Scaffold( appBar: AppBar( title: Text('Grobonet'), ), body: Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.all(16.0), child: Column( children: <Widget>[ TextField( controller: myController1, decoration: InputDecoration( border: InputBorder.none, hintText: 'Nazwisko'), ), TextField( controller: myController2, decoration: InputDecoration( border: InputBorder.none, hintText: 'Miejscowosc'), ), IconButton( icon: Icon( Icons.add, size: 30, ), onPressed: () => Get.toNamed( AppRoutes.PICK_IMAGE ), color:, ), IconButton( icon: Icon( Icons.save_outlined, size: 30, ), /*onPressed: () => Get.toNamed( AppRoutes.PICK_IMAGE ),*/ color:, ), Container( padding: EdgeInsets.all(32), child: GetBuilder<HomeController>( builder: (_) { return Image.file(controller.image); }, ), ), ] ), ), ); } } Controller: class HomeController extends GetxController { final image = Get.arguments['image']; final file_loaded = Get.arguments['file_loaded']; } A: You can use collection-if. Just add if (controller.image != null) like so: if (controller?.image != null) Container( padding: EdgeInsets.all(32), child: GetBuilder<HomeController>( builder: (_) { return Image.file(controller.image); }, ), ), A: Use Get your arguments on the controller's onInit() method: class HomeController extends GetxController { final File image; final File file_loaded; onInit(){ image = Get.arguments['image']; file_loaded = Get.arguments['file_loaded']; } } In this way, you don't need to perform additional null checks except Get.arguments is actually null. Update And you also need to update your view like this: Container( padding: EdgeInsets.all(32), child: GetBuilder<HomeController>( builder: (_) { return Image.file(_.image); // not return Image.file(controller.image); // _ here is the instance of HomeController given by the GetBuilder }, ), ), Update 2 As you mentioned in the comments, you want to send data to a previously opened page (HomePage) from a second page (OCRDetailsPage). Then you don't need to pass arguments. You can get the HomeController instance in your OCRDetailsPage with Get.find() and set the variables and update the state like: class OCRDetailsPage extends StatelessWidget { @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { final OCRDetailsController controller = Get.find(); return Scaffold( appBar: AppBar(title: Text('OCR Details Page')), body: Center( child: FlatButton( color:, child: Icon(Icons.save_outlined), onPressed: () { final HomeController homeController = Get.find(); homeController.ocr_text = controller.text; homeController.update(); Get.toNamed( AppRoutes.HOME, ); }), ), ); } }
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaStackExchange'}
With our oils, we want to awaken the senses at work when we eat a good meal: the feeling of communion that we feel around a good table, the satisfaction of the cook facing his guests who feast, the happiness of parents who see their children enjoy a balanced meal, the pleasure of the cook in front of his own dish, the joy of gourmets to share their discoveries, the pleasure provided by the effect of a single ingredient in a small daily dish ... The exaltation of the senses by the food makes us happy and radiant. Do not miss our latest offers, newsletters and recipes. This field is only used for validation purposes and should remain unchanged.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Of your squad, you're the sweetest, which makes you loved all-around. You're a bit of a wallflower, but despite your quietness, you're wildly independent, and your vinas respect this about you. You are unstoppable. You're very old school but not in a stuffy way—you just love honoring traditions, whether those be social traditions or ones specific to you and your loved ones. You're a true romantic and pride yourself in being down-to-earth. You're sassy and bold. Your love for life is contagious. Your vivacious nature keeps you always on the move, so you're worldlier and more well-traveled than most your pals. This gives you an air of sophistication and an elevated awareness of those around you. If your vinas were to sum you up in one word, it would be "classy." But don't mistake this sophistication for snobbery. You're as easygoing as you are elegant. This balance makes you incredibly unique—a true standout amongst your peers. You are absolutely beautiful, but there's more than meets the eye. Those who know you will recognize your beauty exudes from within as well. Your complexness makes you intriguing as well as empathetic and understanding. You embody fun. Your vinas can always count on you to be the life of the party. Your go-with-the-flow attitude makes you everyone's favorite person to spend time with. Along with your carefreeness comes an air of mystery, which only draws others to you further. Share this with your vinas to figure out which wine you are!
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Antone Gonsalves Yahoo Overhauls Social Bookmarking Service Yahoo Bookmarks got a new interface, along with integration with Yahoo's browser toolbar. Yahoo on Wednesday said it has overhauled its social bookmarking service with a new interface and integration with the Web portal's browser toolbar. The new version of Yahoo Bookmarks lists URLs, along with thumbnails of the corresponding Web pages, on the right, with folders for categorizing them on the left. URLs can be dragged and dropped into folders either one at a time or in groups. In addition, bookmarks can be sent via email or instant messaging, and searched. The Yahoo Toolbar has been upgraded to provide direct access to saved bookmarks and the ability to add bookmarks and create new folders. The value of bookmark services for Yahoo and rival Google, which offers a similar service, is in giving users the ability to add their own tags, or identifying words, to URLs. The bookmarks can be searched by tags, which can also be shared with others. This form of social search provides insight into users' interests, a valuable tool in delivering advertising. It also complements the algorithmic search used by the portals. Besides its own branded bookmarks service, Yahoo also owns social bookmarking service, which the portal acquired late last year. Yahoo Bookmarks, however, is the larger service with 20 million users, according to Yahoo. The Drive for Shift-Left Performance Testing
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
Everyone experiences bad breath from time to time, which is why most of us keep mints, gum or alcohol-free mouthwash on hand to combat this issue. However, some people have a bigger problem with halitosis than others, and they may need to think outside the box when it comes to figuring out ways to combat it. If you're one of these people, there is one simple thing you can do to help yourself out - get a tongue scraper and start using it! New Straits Times recently spoke to health experts who explained that cleaning the tongue is a major part of keeping bad breath at bay, yet many individuals skip this important step. Even people who are meticulous about brushing and flossing may experience halitosis if they don't use a tongue scraper. That's because brushing and flossing only take care of the hard surfaces of the mouth, which amount to about 23 percent of the total mouth area. According to the American Dental Association (ADA), tongue scrapers come in various shapes and sizes, and they should be used starting at the back of the tongue and scraping forward. The goal is to remove the bacteria that grow on the back of the tongue, which can be difficult to reach with normal brushing, especially if you have a sensitive gag reflex. also offers some reasons why a tongue scraper should be part of your normal oral health routine. "The body releases toxins while we sleep. Many of these toxins deposit themselves on the surface of our tongue. (Gross!) Scraping the tongue each morning removes the toxins. Tongue scraping also boosts the immune system by warding off sinus infections and promotes dental health," according to the news source. If you do purchase a tongue scraper, don't waste it by using it incorrectly. First, like the ADA recommends, it's important to start and the back of the tongue and work your way forward. Doing it the other way around will just push the bacteria back into your mouth. Gently scrape seven to 10 times, and make sure to cover the entire tongue. So if you've been experiencing particularly bad breath, consider getting a tongue scraper, and follow the basic rules of dental health - brush, floss and use alcohol-free mouthwash regularly.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Spelman Johnson Our Search Practice Counseling and Health Services Executive Director/CEO/ President Executive Director/CEO Head of School/President Recent Placements Director of Athletics and Recreation Western New England University Western New England University (WNE) invites inquiries, nominations, and applications for the position of director of athletics and recreation. The director fosters principles that encourage integrity, student well-being, diversity, and inclusiveness throughout all levels of the organization while promoting an environment of excellence and success. Western New England University Athletics conducts a highly competitive broad-based NCAA Division III sports program for men and women. This program is an integral part of the University's mission and is committed to equity, fair play, and the ideals of sports participation. Golden Bear athletic teams have made more than 80 appearances in the NCAA Tournament since 1977; 60% of WNE student-athletics have a GPA of 3.0 or higher; 100% of student-athletes participate in community service. Western New England University is a comprehensive private institution with a tradition of excellence in teaching and scholarship and a commitment to service. WNE awards undergraduate, master's, and doctoral degrees in various departments from the Colleges of Arts and Sciences, Business, Engineering, Pharmacy and Health Sciences, and School of Law. WNE is one of only a few U.S. comprehensive institutions enrolling under 5,000 students recognized with national and international accreditations at the highest levels in law, business, engineering, and social work. WNE serves students predominantly from the northeastern U.S. but enrolls students from across the country and around the world. The majority of undergraduate students reside on campus. The 215-acre campus in Springfield, Massachusetts, is remarkable for its beauty, security, and meticulous upkeep. Role of the Director of Athletics and Recreation for Western New England University The director of athletics and recreation oversees all administrative aspects of the University's comprehensive, highly competitive, and educationally focused Division III intercollegiate athletic program and recreational program that includes club sports, intramurals, and e-sports. This oversight includes attention to the roles of athletics and recreation in student experience and persistence, university priorities of access and equity, university recruitment and retention, and resource development, with specific attention to fundraising. Reporting to the vice president for student affairs, the director fosters principles that encourage integrity, student well-being, diversity, and inclusiveness throughout all levels of the organization while promoting an environment of excellence and success. The director provides leadership for a dynamic department consisting of 21 varsity programs, over 65 professional coaches and staff, about 180 graduate and undergraduate student employees, over 600 student-athletes, robust recreational programming including club sports, intramurals, group fitness, and e-sports engaging over 1,000 students annually, and management of a $1.7 million budget. Reporting to the vice president for student affairs, the director will: provide vision and leadership for all elements of intercollegiate athletics and recreational sport programs; hire, supervise, evaluate, and support coaches, athletic trainers, and recreational and athletic staff with a commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusivity; develop competition schedules and manage related practice schedules, game schedules, and events, including problem-solving administrative challenges in collaboration with Commonwealth Coast Conference (CCC) colleagues; manage program resources, including budgets, personnel, facilities, and daily operations; develop, implement, and monitor policies and procedures that promote efficiency, equity, and national best practices; ensure equity-mindedness, priorities of inclusion, and well-being are embedded throughout decisions and in program infrastructure; partner with Advancement to develop and deliver a sustainable and exciting approach to fundraising that aligns with the University's strategic plan and annual priorities with a focus on building strategic corporate and alumni partnerships; partner with the Faculty Athletic Representative (FAR), Student Life Council (SLC), Admissions, Student Care Network, Center for Student Success, and other university collaborators to contribute to recruitment and retention of students; oversee facilities management, maintenance, and planning; partnering with Finance and Administration in the development of master planning and capital projects; initiate the ongoing assessment of programs, including NCAA self-studies, university program review, and regular assessment of student satisfaction and program interests in both intercollegiate athletics and recreation; participate in relevant committees, including Emergency Management Response Team (EMRT) and strategic plan implementation; monitor and ensure program compliance with and reporting for NCAA, CCC, and other relevant bodies, including state and local public health authorities. 'History of the Position The former director of athletics was in his role with WNE for three years until the spring 2021. Jennifer Kolins, associate director of athletics for student-athlete development, and Lori Mayhew-Wood, associate athletic director (operations)/senior woman administrator, were named interim directors of athletics and recreation. They will continue leading the department until a director is named, following a national search. Opportunities and Challenges of the Role WNE is dedicated to finding a dynamic and visionary individual who can promote and develop the athletics and recreation staff, set departmental priorities, and work in tandem with senior administrators and the department staff to progressively, innovatively, and comprehensively move the athletics and recreation program forward. The following were identified as possible opportunities, priorities, and challenges that will face the new director of athletics and recreation at WNE. Focus on strategic planning. The next director will lead short-term and long-term planning on athletics and recreation's role in shaping the student experience. The next director will lead conversations around organizational structure, intercollegiate program expansion and sustained feasibility, revenue generation, deferred maintenance and facilities improvements, standard operating procedures and processes, and cultivation of community partnerships positioning WNE athletics for years to come. Create a vision and identity for Golden Bear Athletics and Recreation. The next director will work with a successful and engaged coaching and administrative staff to create a clear and unified departmental vision, mission, and brand; develop a strong sense of team among staff; and build working relationships that emphasize collaboration, consistency, and equity. Staff should feel encouraged, challenged, supported, and confident about how they contribute to the vision and support WNE student success priorities. Leadership around diversity, equity, and inclusion. The next director will continue to initiate and support institutional goals of diversity, equity, and inclusion by actively leading departmental conversations for staff and scholar-athletes, promoting training and staff development, and cultivating an equity-minded departmental culture. Fundraising and alumni development. An engaging and dynamic storyteller, the next director will champion strategic partnerships with Advancement and alumni relations leadership and continue the cultivation and stewardship of the Golden Bears Club. They will strengthen relationships with alumni student-athletes and parents to further nurture and encourage their continued relationship with WNE. Strategic recruiting. The next director will partner with the office of admission and enrollment management to recruit and retain scholar-athletes of distinguished academic capacity, representative of the campus-wide diversity and inclusion goals and optimize roster management and athletics department objectives. Athletics and Recreation as campus and community partner. With a highly relational and communicative nature, the next director will strengthen communication and collaboration between athletics and the larger institution—academic affairs, student affairs, facilities, advancement, etc. and the greater Springfield community with a particular focus on increasing efficiencies and opportunities that further support the scholar-athlete experience as part of a synergistic student experience. Define a wellness agenda. The next director will be a thought leader and a strategic partner with student affairs and academic faculty and leadership on a campus-wide wellness initiative. Athletics, recreation, club sports, and e-sports are uniquely positioned to support all WNE students and institutional retention and engagement goals. Measures of Success In the fall of 2021, Athletics and Recreation engaged in a comprehensive external review process, with a final report and recommendations expected by early January. With recommendations in hand, the new director will strategically work with others to develop and implement a vision and inspire the scholar-athletes, campus community, and alumni to accomplish shared goals for the future. At an appropriate interval after joining WNE, the following items will initially define success for the new director. The director is a visible and highly accessible advocate for the coaches, staff, and programs. The director has demonstrated a leadership style that is credible and collegial while being highly effective. The director has assessed the current environment with the athletics and recreation staff and begun to define a comprehensive and equity-minded vision, mission, and plan for the future. Students see the director as an approachable and accessible champion who supports programs and uses a student-centered orientation to build rapport with students and seek their input. Athletics and recreation staff can articulate a shared vision and mission and feel valued as members of the team. They see that communication throughout the department has increased in both quality and quantity. The director has established strong working relationships and partnerships with the student affairs leadership team, advancement, direct reports, scholar-athletes, faculty, alumni, Student-Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC), and other key institutional stakeholders. The director inspires excellence and strengthens the opportunities within athletics and recreation with a focus on well-being and re-energizing school spirit and traditions and is inclusive of and seeks to engage all WNE students. The director has defined, illustrated, and demonstrated internally and externally an understanding of competitiveness and scholar-athlete success that is reflective of the WNE mission and the goals of the NCAA. The director will have demonstrated the ability to manage change for short-term and long-term development for the department, including staffing, professional development, facilities management, and strategic capital planning. The director supports SAAC and the other student-athlete leadership groups, builds campus relationships, and thinks broadly about their role in supporting the university mission and the scholar-athlete experience. The director will actively engage with advancement and university leadership to support alumni engagement and fundraising initiatives aligned with the University and athletics departmental and strategic plans. The director can articulate a passion and commitment to the mission of WNE, Golden Bear athletics, and student success and persistence by developing a culture of community. Qualifications and Characteristics A minimum of seven years of progressive leadership experience in collegiate athletics administration, recreation, or a closely related field and a bachelor's degree is required; a master's degree is strongly preferred. The successful candidate will possess a comprehensive understanding of intercollegiate athletics administration, student-athlete development, facilities management and resourcing, NCAA compliance within a Division III environment, and the role of fundraising in supporting strategic and operational objectives. A collaborative management approach, coupled with superior communication and relationship-building skills, strong planning and fiscal competencies, an understanding of the role of enrollment at a small, private university, a familiarity with program development and assessment, including risk management, demonstrated experience supporting recreational programs as part of overall student well-being, excellent problem-solving abilities, and a high degree of cultural competence demonstrating respect for diversity of identities and experiences will be important considerations in the selection of the next director of athletics and recreation. Additionally, as articulated by Western New England University stakeholders, the successful candidate will ideally possess the following qualities and attributes: a significant understanding of NCAA Division III athletics in terms of program needs, compliance requirements, university rules and regulations, as well as Title IX regulations; a commitment to and passion for an intercollegiate athletics program that operates with the highest integrity and is focused on the holistic development of its scholar-athletes; a significant understanding of fundraising and revenue development, collaborating with advancement colleagues to continue to enhance fundraising priorities and execute fundraising strategies; strong strategic planning skills and an ability to build consensus and support and lead change for short-term and long-term goals; a visible champion and advocate for the coaching staff and athletic programs; an effective ambassador for athletics, intentionally partnering with student affairs, academic affairs, enrollment, communications, and alumni relations; an established rapport with staff, students, donors, alumni, faculty, community leaders, and other key constituents; articulates the benefit of sport broadly to support an institutional priority around well-being; inspires confidence, models relationship cultivation, and brings a sense of professionalism and passion to their work; promotes excellence, respects tradition, supports success, and inspires creativity, innovation, and possibilities; optimistic, has a growth mindset, and seeks continuous improvement; highly collaborative and adaptable, emotionally intelligent, and equipped to respond to changing dynamics as circumstances dictate; demonstrates interpersonal skills of diplomacy, accessibility, and respect for the expertise and viewpoints of colleagues within and outside the department of athletics. Institution & Location Overview of the Athletic Department Western New England University Athletics conducts a highly competitive broad-based NCAA Division III sports program for men and women. This program is an integral part of the University's mission and is committed to equity, fair play, and the ideals of sports participation. Western New England University Athletics Mission Statement The Western New England University Department of Athletics is committed to enhancing the overall development of its students and student-athletes through competent instruction and appropriate role modeling by the coaching staff. Lessons learned in the competitive environment of intercollegiate athletics, and the responsibility of team membership must be applied in the present, but most importantly, are used to prepare the student-athlete for life after college. View the Western New England University Athletics Department Organization Chart Western New England University is a member of the National Collegiate Athletic Association Division III. The University supports the Division III philosophy by offering 21 NCAA-sponsored varsity sports. Wrestling (beginning in 2022-2023 academic year) WNE Recreation WNE Recreation promotes a lifelong commitment to healthy habits and holistic wellness by providing quality programming, facilities, and services to the WNE student, staff, and alumni population. More than 1,000 WNE students participate in organized recreational programming. The department reinforces the university co-curricular approach by advancing the development of the student employees and program participants in a non-traditional educational environment. All program areas within WNE Recreation are available to the university student, faculty, and staff population. Intramural sports are available for all WNE students, staff, and faculty. Participants may sign up for one team in the "Open" or "Men's/Women's" division and one team in the "Co-Rec" division for each sport. Intramural sports are included in the university fee structure, and can be played without additional cost. Sports will be officiated by student officials. Clinics for intramural officiating will be held prior to the start of the corresponding intramural season. Nearly one-third of all undergraduate students participate in intramural competition. Intramural programs include: Inner Tube Water Polo Walleyball Group and Personal Fitness The Caprio Alumni Healthful Living Center (CAHLC) contains free weight and functional workout spaces, a lap pool, an indoor track, and cardio spaces. Group fitness opportunities include yoga, Zumba, Barre, cycling, and high-impact interval training. Students wishing to compete in non-varsity, inter-collegiate competition can create a club sport organization under the direction of the Recreation and the Student Activities departments. WNE Rugby was founded in 2009 and competes in the Colonial Coast Rugby Conference. Students have expressed growing interest in Ultimate Frisbee, Women's Rugby, and Bowling. Recreational Gaming and E-Sports Online, mobile, and console gaming occurs with the WNE Game Club (WNE WARP). Social nights, leagues, and tournaments take place frequently throughout the year. WNE currently has Overwatch and Fortnite teams competing, with Rocket League, League of Legends, LoL Wild Rift, and Valorant beginning shortly. Students looking for teams in other games are welcome to join and help build interest in competition. The Western New England University Student-Athlete Advisory Committee is a senate structured student-athlete advisory committee. The sport teams select student representatives. Each team may be represented by a maximum of four student-athletes (preferably one representative from each class year). The Advisory Committee meets twice monthly and is responsible for advancing the CHAMPS/Life Skills Program initiatives, including the five commitments areas: community service, personal development, academic excellence, athletic excellence, and career development. The Committee works closely with advisors, the associate director of athletics, and the community outreach coordinator to plan and implement yearly initiatives to achieve the departmental goal of demonstrating excellence in the classroom, the field of play, and the community. The Black-Student Athlete Association (BSAA) Founded by WNE student-athletes, the BSAA strives to center black voices and provide a voice and platform for student-athletes who identify as Black to tell their stories and have open dialogue within the group and other constituents on campus. The BSAA looks to foster academic, athletic, and leadership development and promote programs to encourage collaborations and highlight success. The BSAA will implement diversity, implicit bias, and anti-racism training; broaden diversity through intentional recruiting and hiring practices; work closely with athletics administration to ensure that Black student-athletes are supported and advocated for; will partner with SAAC to design programs that provide platforms for inclusion and voice for Black student-athletes; and network with WNE alumni of color. Captains' Council Captains of in-season sports meet regularly with the director of athletics and recreation to discuss current issues and events related to their teams, to the Department of Athletics, and Western New England University. Issues such as leadership, team-building, and the continuing development of the ideal Western New England University student-athlete profile are central themes for discussion. As important campus stakeholders, these captains are directly involved in the decision-making process necessary to continue the program's elevation. CHAMPS/Life Skills Program CHAMPS is an acronym for "Challenging Athletes Minds for Personal Success." The NCAA originally initiated CHAMPS to encourage programming and support for student-athletes who may not be able to take advantage of traditional enhancement programming offered at institutions of higher education. CHAMPS highlights five commitments areas: personal development, community service, athletic excellence, academic excellence, and career development. The NCAA accepted Western New England University as an official CHAMPS/Life Skills school in 2004. Annually the department offers a variety of programs and events, including guest speakers, career development series, and community service opportunities. All WNE student-athletes involve themselves in community service, serving as impactful role models for the University and local communities. Chi Alpha Sigma As a CHAMPS/Life Skills program component to foster athletic excellence, the Athletic Department annually inducts deserving student-athletes in the National Student-Athlete Honor Society. Chi Alpha Sigma recognizes student-athletes who have completed five semesters of higher education, have earned a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.4, and exhibit distinguished character in the community. Athletics Facilities Anthony S. Caprio Alumni Healthful Living Center Golden Bear Stadium George E. Trelease Memorial Baseball Park Suprenant field Volvo Outdoor Tennis Courts The Flynn Family Pavilion Western New England University Softball Field Commonwealth Coast Conference In May of 1984, the Commonwealth Conference was formed. Six schools became the league's charter members and unanimously adopted the name "Commonwealth Coast Conference." The initial membership consisted of Anna Maria College, Curry College, Emerson College, Hellenic College, Salve Regina College, and Wentworth Institute of Technology. In 2007, Western New England University became the 14th member of The Commonwealth Coast Conference (CCC). Eighteen of the 20 varsity sports at Western New England University compete under the CCC championships and offer a bid to the NCAA Tournament. The Golden Bears face some of the toughest competition in New England in the CCC as they battle teams from four Northeast states. Institutional Overview Institutional background/history Western New England University was founded in Springfield, Massachusetts, in 1919. Begun as the Springfield Division of Northeastern College, known as Springfield-Northeastern, the University was originally established to offer part-time educational opportunities for adult students in law, business, and accounting. In 1951, an autonomous charter was obtained to grant and confer the degrees of Bachelor of Business Administration and Bachelor of Laws. The Springfield Division of Northeastern University was renamed Western New England College. The present campus on Wilbraham Road was purchased in 1956 with the first building, today's Emerson Hall, opening in 1959. Journey to a University Sixty years later, on July 1, 2011, Western New England College officially became Western New England University. The change to university status better reflects growth, diversity, expanded graduate offerings, and its comprehensive nature. Along with the change in name of the University, four Schools: Arts and Sciences, Business, Engineering, and Pharmacy (now College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences) became "Colleges." The School of Law retained its name. Close-knit Yet Comprehensive Today's students benefit from a heritage born of a commitment to providing educational opportunities to men and women of all ages and economic backgrounds. The goal of the University's founders was and remains to provide outstanding academic programs with a professional focus that prepares graduates to become leaders in their fields and in communities. The University's beautifully maintained grounds and 26 major buildings provide an inspiring learning environment for undergraduate, graduate, doctoral, and law students from throughout the United States and abroad. Renowned for personal attention and a culture of genuine student concern, the University offers nearly 50 undergraduate programs through Colleges of Arts and Sciences, Business, and Engineering. Graduate and doctoral programs are offered in the Colleges of Arts and Sciences, Business, and Engineering. The College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences awards the Doctor of Occupational Therapy and Doctor of Pharmacy degrees. The School of Law has JD, MS, and LLM programs. Capitalizing on the unique mix of programs, the University also offers students numerous cross-disciplinary, combined, and accelerated degrees. Western New England University takes great pride in the accomplishments of its more than 48,000 alumni living and working around the world. About Springfield, MA William Pynchon and a company of six men from Roxbury, a town near Boston, established Springfield in 1636 at the junction of the Agawam and Connecticut Rivers. Pynchon bought from the Indians the land that now contains the towns of Agawam, West Springfield, Longmeadow, and the city of Springfield for the purpose of establishing a trading and fur-collecting post. In 1641, the town of Springfield, named in honor of Pynchon's English birthplace, was incorporated. Springfield officially became a city in May of 1852. Springfield's location at the crossroads of New England is the most significant reason for its progress and continuing economic success. The Connecticut River served as an easy and economical means of transportation north and south for early settlers. Midway between New York and Boston and on the road between New York and Canada, Springfield is ideally located for travel in all directions. From its fur-trading and agricultural beginnings, Springfield gradually grew into a thriving industrial community. In the eighteenth century, the power of the Connecticut River was harnessed. Mills of all varieties grew up and a skilled labor force came into being. Because of the area's location and technological advancements, particularly in metal crafts, the United States Armory was located in Springfield in 1794, resulting in further industrial development. Springfield became a major railroad center in the nineteenth century and experienced another industrial boom. The city grew, and such industries as printing, machine manufacture, insurance, and finance took hold and prospered. As affluence increased, it became a gracious city with a noted educational system. In 1990 Springfield was a city of 156,983. It is a multicultural community, and is the regional center for banking, finance, and courts. River, railroads, and highways were the assets that made Springfield what it is today. Its central location now offers the potential for the development of high technology communications leading to new growth in the twenty-first century. The hallmark of the Western New England University experience is an unwavering focus on and attention to each student's academic and personal development, including learning outside the classroom. Faculty, dedicated to excellence in teaching and research, and often nationally recognized in their fields, teach in an environment of warmth and personal concern where small classes predominate. Administrative and support staff work collaboratively with faculty in attending to student development so that each student's academic and personal potential can be realized and appreciated. Western New England University develops leaders and problem-solvers from among students, whether in academics, intercollegiate athletics, extracurricular and co-curricular programs, collaborative research projects with faculty, or in partnership with the local community. At Western New England University, excellence in student learning goes hand in hand with the development of personal values such as integrity, accountability, and citizenship. Students acquire the tools to support lifelong learning and the skills to succeed in the global workforce. Equally important, all members of the community are committed to guiding students in their development to become informed and responsible leaders in their local and global communities by promoting a campus culture of respect, tolerance, environmental awareness, and social responsibility. WNE is positioned well to accomplish these goals as a truly comprehensive institution whose faculty and staff have historically collaborated in offering an integrated program of liberal and professional learning in the diverse fields of arts and sciences, business, engineering, law, and pharmacy. Excellence in Teaching, Research, and Scholarship, understanding that our primary purpose is to provide an outstanding education supported by faculty with the highest academic credentials, and with national prominence in their fields. Student-centered Learning, providing an individualized approach to education which includes a profound commitment to small class sizes, personalized student-faculty relationships, and student engagement and personal growth both within and beyond the classroom. A Sense of Community, treating every individual as a valued member of our community with a shared sense of purpose and ownership made possible by mutual respect and shared governance. Cultivation of a Pluralistic Society, celebrating the diversity of our community, locally and globally, and creating a community that fosters tolerance, integrity, accountability, citizenship, and social responsibility. Innovative Integrated Liberal and Professional Education, constituting the foundation of our undergraduate and graduate curriculum, providing global education, leadership opportunities, and career preparation. Commitment to Academic, Professional, and Community Service, promoting opportunities for all campus community members to provide responsible service of the highest quality to others. Stewardship of our Campus, caring for the sustainability and aesthetics of the environment both within and beyond the campus. The Future is Now: Vision 2025 In October and November 2020, President Johnson conducted 14 small-group campus conversations and four open forums for faculty, staff, students, alumni, trustees, and donors to solicit ideas and perspectives about Western New England University's optimal future state. An online survey was also provided. Input received informs the process of crafting a shared ambition for WNE's future, identifying areas of strategic focus for fiscal year 2021, and establishing strategic priorities for the next five years. One University, One Vision Western New England University (A National University) A "New Traditional University" prepares learners and earners for the future of work, equipping them to create value and thrive in a complex and hyper-connected world. WNE has the vision to be a "New Traditional University" that is agile, grounded in professional studies, and enhanced by the liberal arts and mentored research, that provides graduates with the skillset and mindset to continuously create value throughout their professional career and assert their humanity in contributing to a global society. provide a student-centered experience become a laboratory for academic innovation promote innovation and transformation create diversity equity and inclusion enhance culture in excellence Robert E. Johnson, PhD, President Dr. Robert E. Johnson was appointed as the 6th president of Western New England University in August 2020, charged with leading the institution as it embarks on its second century. His unyielding belief in higher education as a public good and as a path for transforming individual lives has led him to dedicate his 30-year career to preparing students to adapt and succeed in a dynamic future—one where jobs as we know them may no longer exist, career mobility is the norm, and individuals are responsible for continuously adding and creating new value. A future-focused thought leader and commentator on issues centering around the future of work, agile mind education, the agile university, and the sense of humanity imperative, Dr. Johnson believes students, through higher education, must develop divergent thinking skills, social and emotional intelligence, empathy, and a sense of humanity. These uniquely human capacities cannot be replicated by technology and, when paired with an entrepreneurial outlook and a value-creation orientation, are the hallmarks of success in a complex, hyper-connected world. A Detroit native, Dr. Johnson was inspired to attend Morehouse College by his late uncle Robert E. Johnson Jr., associate publisher and executive editor of JET Magazine and Morehouse classmate of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. He encouraged Dr. Johnson's commitment to service and transforming the next generation of leaders, influencing his fundamental conviction that humanity and civility must be central to all we do. As educated and engaged citizens on a planet with more than seven billion people, we are privileged and thus have a social responsibility not only to leave the world better than we found it but to inspire others to do the same. Dr. Johnson's leadership career spans nonprofit colleges and universities in the Northeast and Midwest, including public, private, urban, rural, small and large institutions, with enrollments from 2,000 to more than 25,000 students. This experience includes public research universities, one of the nation's largest single-campus community colleges, a large Catholic university, a historically Black university, and a turn-around and transformation of a small private college. His career reflects several firsts—as not only an African American leader but also the youngest person holding major senior administrative roles. Kristine Goodwin, Esq., Vice President for Student Affairs Kristine Goodwin joins WNE as vice president for student affairs January 2022, most recently serving as assistant vice president for student affairs operations at North Shore Community College. Goodwin is a widely respected administrator in the field of student affairs with over 25 years of direct experience, having served at multiple institutions, including the College of the Holy Cross, Connecticut College, the University of Massachusetts Lowell, and Providence College. She has held many vital roles in student affairs throughout her career, including as a director of residential life, associate dean of students, and associate dean for student life, in addition to her eight-year tenure as a vice president for student affairs. Goodwin earned her bachelor's degree in political science from Westfield State University, an MEd focused on educational administration from the University of Massachusetts Lowell in 1994, and a J.D. at the University of Massachusetts School of Law in 2020. Communication, Media, and Arts Criminal Justice, Sociology, and Social Work English and Cultural Studies History, Philosophy, Political Science, and Economics Physical and Biological Sciences Electrical and Computer Industrial and Engineering Management College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences Department of Pharmaceutical and Administrative Sciences Department of Pharmacy Practice Division of Occupational Therapy The School of Law is not organized by departments. The Student Body and Faculty Western New England was established in 1919 and became a university in 2011. The main campus has expanded from its original 34 acres to 215 acres, containing 28 major buildings and numerous athletic and recreational fields. 2,522 full-time undergraduates 61 part-time undergraduates 395 law students 392 graduate and adult learners 203 pharmacy students 74 occupational therapy students WNE has a total enrollment of 3,647 students from 38 states and territories and 22 countries. Undergraduate Profile 58% of full-time students are men and 42% are women 48% of full-time students are from out of state 57% of full-time students live on campus (76% of first-year students live on campus) Nearly 170 scholarship programs available to full-time students 95% of students receive financial assistance Average class size: 18 students Average freshman SAT scores: Critical Reading & Math: 1203 (national average: 1060) Average high school GPA of entering class: 3.49 Student/faculty ratio 13:1 213 full-time faculty 124 adjunct faculty 414 full-time staff 56 part-time staff Short and Long Term Disability 403(b) Retirement Plan Tuition Exchange For more information: Application & Nomination Application and Nomination Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. To apply for this position please click on the Apply button, complete the brief application process, and upload your resume and position-specific cover letter. Nominations for this position may be emailed to Dell Robinson at [email protected] or Anne-Marie Kenney at [email protected]. Applicants needing reasonable accommodation to participate in the application process should contact Spelman Johnson at 413-529-2895. Visit the Western New England University website at Western New England is an Equal Opportunity Employer. We welcome candidates whose background may contribute to the further diversification of our community. Apply for position Network & Affiliations Institution sign-in Facebook Twitter LinkedIn YouTube RSS Feed ©2022 - All rights reserved | 3 Chapman Avenue, Easthampton, MA 01027 | 413.529.2895 Site by Ryan Askew Web Design & Development
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
DETROIT — Users of Ally Financial's SmartAuction, an online used-vehicle auction service, can now search for vehicles, communicate with sellers, negotiate pricing and make bids over Android and Apple-based smartphones using the company's new mobile app. The SmartAuction mobile app can be used to conduct basic and advanced searches (make, model, trim, year, drivetrain, etc.). Those searches can then be saved and accessed later. Sellers can be contacted and bids can be placed directly through the app. Users also have the ability to conduct private, one-on-one negotiations directly with the buyer and seller. They can also view and respond to pending offers as a buyer or seller. Sellers can also update the vehicle price and auction status of a posting directly from the mobile app. "By including dealers as part of the development team, we were able to build an intuitive tool that enhances the SmartAuction online market and makes it easier for dealers to find the right vehicles for their markets," said Steve Kapusta, vice president of SmartAuction.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Dolce Vita's "Garren" wedge sandals with cut-out heel are $189 at and come in seven delectable colors. If you've been to Target lately, you've probably spotted these bright blue platforms in the shoe aisle. While they lack the comfy wedge, I figured they're similar enough to make them a good look for less. The "Petene" comes in cobalt or turquoise for $29.99. Click either image to view and/or purchase. It's the first day of spring, so naturally I had to talk about spring's pastel trend. On the runways, designers rendered pastel hues like blush pink, apricot and lavender in modern, fresh ways. I love the clean lines at Phillip Lim, the unique textures at Jonathan Saunders and the preppy, tailored accents at Diane von Furstenberg. Here are eight pastel finds to love under $ are you wearing this trend? The eBay x CFDA 'You Can't Fake Fashion' Designer Totes sale starts today March 20th at 8am PST/11am ET. More than 75 one-of-a-kind designer totes ($200 each) and 4 styles of limited edition canvas totes ($45 each) will be available. Designers include The Row, Tory Burch, Diane Von Furstenberg, Nanette Lepore, BCBG, and more. Shop early for the best selection, these totes completely sold out last year. Good luck, and let me know which bag you scoop up!
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Read Next See Prince Perform 'Purple Rain' During Super Bowl Downpour Send Us a Tip Subscribe Home Culture Sports January 19, 2018 7:00PM ET Bellator Begins Heavyweight Title Tournament With 'Rampage' vs. Sonnen "Rampage" Jackson vs. Chael Sonnen opens Bellator's eight-man Heavyweight World Grand Prix tournament at Bellator 192 on Saturday. Mike Bohn Mike Bohn's Most Recent Stories Trans Man Makes History as a Pro Boxer Conor McGregor Pleads Guilty in Bus Attack, Avoids Prison Conor McGregor Charged, Remains in Police Custody After Bus Attack Josh Hedges/Zuffa LLC/Getty, Gregory Payan/AP Tournaments are one of the foundations which helped craft martial arts. From local karate dojos to NCAA wrestling championships, tournaments are an uncomplicated, digestible format for discovering who is the best out of a given competitive field. Although MMA was built off the tournament format going back to UFC 1 in 1993, it's largely been done away with in the modern-era. Bellator is bringing the tournament back as a cornerstone of its 2018 calendar, though, and it all begins on Saturday. Bellator 192, which takes place at The Forum in Inglewood, Calif., and airs on the newly launched Paramount Network (formerly Spike), marks the beginning of the Bellator Heavyweight World Grand Prix. The eight-man, single-elimination tournament will ultimately crown a new owner of the currently vacant Bellator Heavyweight championship. "This kind of happened in an organic fashion," Bellator President Scott Coker tells Rolling Stone. "We started signing all these guys, and pretty soon we were like, 'Oh, we have our lineup here.' It made a lot of sense. Then fighting for the belt at the end, I think is really going to be a special event for the year. We're going to have these storylines all year." UFC 220: Champ Stipe Miocic Faces Greatest Threat in Monster Francis Ngannou 'A Charlie Brown Christmas': The Making of a Classic Soundtrack Phil Anselmo Remembers Dimebag Darrell: 'I Think of Him Every Day' The opening round of the tournament kicks off at Bellator 192 when former UFC Light Heavyweight champion Quinton "Rampage" Jackson meets Chael Sonnen. The remaining matchups are spread out over the coming months, with Matt Mitrione vs. Roy Nelson in February, Fedor Emelianenko vs. Frank Mir in April, and Ryan Bader vs. Muhammed Lawal in May. Semifinals are tentatively planned for the summer, while Bellator hopes the tournament champion will be crowned in December. Although traditional MMA tournaments have been held in a single night or over the course of a few days, that formula is unrealistic. The healthy and safety of athletes comes first, and holding multiple fights in a night is impractical given the field of contestants, almost all of whom are 35 years of age or older. Nevertheless, Bellator got a strong collection of names together to keep the tournament interesting. Sonnen, in particular, is one of the more curious participants. Sonnen is best-known for his loud-mouth antics and famous UFC title fights against the likes of Anderson Silva. He's taking a big risk by being in the tournament, though, because he is physically outdone by his opening-round opponent, Jackson, as well as everyone else in the field. Best suited for fighting at Middleweight, Sonnen will jump up two weight classes from his natural weight class to join the Heavyweight World Grand Prix. He could be outsized from anywhere from 10 to 50 pounds given his potential opponents, and "Rampage" is certain to enter the cage at Bellator 192 with a lot of size on his side. Sonnen comes from the old school, though, and doesn't put much stock into his disadvantages. He's nearing the 21-year anniversary of his professional debut, and there hasn't been much that's bothered him along the way. "Who cares about weight?" Sonnen says. "When I started this thing, I can't remember how many fights I had – it had been at least five or six or seven before I even saw a scale. We never had weigh-ins. It was the bare-knuckle. I had my first fight in 1997. I remember I came home from school and said, 'I'm going to a fight.'" For Sonnen, the tournament is all about testing himself and finding out what he can accomplish in a situation where he's up against the odds. Jackson, however, has different motivations. He wants the prestige (and financial rewards) which come with winning such a high-profile tournament. Jackson, a former UFC champion, is another fighter who entered the sport in the late 1990s, and even took part in some famous MMA tournaments in Japan in the mid-2000s. He might be one of the most notable fighters in the history of the sport, but Jackson still has goals remaining. They aren't all necessarily for himself, but rather to take care of business and support the people around him. "I do want the belt, because my boxing coach said he's had a lot of champions, but he's never had a heavyweight champion," Jackson says. "I want the heavyweight tournament. I want to win this tournament. But to be honest, I fight because this is my career, and I've had too many kids over the years, and they get expensive. You've got to put them through college. I've got two kids that are going to college for sure." Each member of the Bellator Heavyweight World Grand Prix tournament is backed by their own driving force. How the chips fall, however, is something that can only be discovered by tuning in over the course of the year, beginning with Bellator 192. "I prefer tournaments," Sonnen says. "The sport is so much politics that it's hard to get into those spots (to fight for titles. But when you have a bunch of guys who are telling you they are the toughest, and Coker goes, 'To hell with it, I'll throw you all in a tournament.' It's the only fair way to do things." Mike Bohn is Rolling Stone's combat sports reporter. Follow him on Instagram and Twitter. Figured I'd give @sonnench the W to kick off #BellatorNYC fight week A post shared by Mike Bohn (@mikebohnmma) on Jun 20, 2017 at 12:55pm PDT In This Article: UFC
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Navy's tie to Indigenous peoples of Canada By Lookout on Jun 13, 2018 with Comments 1 HMCS Athabaskan Courtesy the Maple Leaf ~ The Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) has a long history of ties to the Indigenous peoples of Canada. In fact, it paid homage to them by naming two separate classes of ships after them – the wartime Tribal-class and the post-war Iroquois-class destroyers – and several other vessels, including three Oberon-class submarines. The RCN is honoured to have these names from Indigenous peoples of Canada associated with its ships over the past several decades. Tribal-class destroyers The Tribals were a class of destroyers built for the Royal Navy, RCN and Royal Australian Navy, and saw service in nearly all theatres of the Second World War. Only one Tribal survives to this day: Her Majesty's Canadian Ship (HMCS) Haida, which is now a museum ship in Hamilton, Ont. These ships proudly bore the names of several Indigenous groups from across Canada. HMCS Iroquois served in the RCN during the Second World War and the Korean War. Iroquois was the first ship to bear this name and the first ship of the class to serve with the RCN. HMCS Athabaskan (first of name) was the first of three destroyers to bear this name. It served in the Second World War. It was torpedoed in the English Channel and sunk in 1944. HMCS Huron served in the RCN in the Second World War and the Korean War. It was the first ship to bear this name, serving from 1943 to 1963. HMCS Haida served in the RCN from 1943 to 1963, serving in the Second World War and the Korean War. The only surviving ship of the Tribal-class, Haida sank more enemy surface tonnage than any other Canadian warship. It is now a museum ship in Hamilton, Ont. HMCS Micmac served in the RCN from 1945 to 1964. It was the first sophisticated modern warship built in Canada and the first of four Tribal-class destroyers built at the Halifax Shipyard. HMCS Nootka served in the RCN from 1946 to 1964. Constructed too late to take part in the Second World War, the ship saw service in the Korean War. HMCS Cayuga served in the RCN from 1946 until 1964 and saw action in the Korean War. HMCS Athabaskan (second of name) served in the RCN in the immediate post-Second World War era and was the second destroyer to bear the name. Built too late to see action in the North Atlantic, Athabaskan served in the Korean War. Iroquois-class destroyers The Iroquois class included four helicopter-carrying, guided missile destroyers. Like the wartime Tribal-class ships before them, these ships were named to honour the Indigenous peoples of Canada. Launched in the 1970s, they were originally fitted out for anti-submarine warfare, using two CH-124 Sea King helicopters and other weapons. HMCS Iroquois was the lead ship of the Iroquois-class destroyers. The second vessel to carry the name, it entered service in 1972 and was based in Halifax. The ship was taken out of service in 2014 and paid off in 2015. HMCS Huron served in the RCN from 1972 to 2000. It served mainly on the West Coast of Canada. After decommissioning, its hull was stripped to be used in a live-fire exercise. It was eventually sunk by gunfire from its sister ship, HMCS Algonquin. It was the second vessel to use the designation HMCS Huron. HMCS Athabaskan served in the RCN from 1972 until 2017. It was the third vessel to use the designation HMCS Athabaskan. HMCS Algonquin served in the RCN from 1973 to 2015. It was the second vessel to use the designation HMCS Algonquin. Oberon-class submarines HMC Submarines Ojibwa, Okanagan and Onondaga were built in England and commissioned between 1965 and 1968. These were Canada's first truly operational submarines, also named for Indigenous peoples of Canada. HMCS Ojibwa, originally intended for service with the British Royal Navy, was transferred to Canadian ownership and entered RCN service in 1965. Ojibwa operated primarily with Maritime Forces Atlantic until her decommissioning in 1998. In 2010, Ojibwa was laid up in Halifax awaiting disposal, with the Elgin Military Museum planning to preserve her as a museum vessel. The submarine was towed to Port Burwell, Ont., in 2012, and was opened to the public in 2013. HMCS Okanagan entered service in 1968 and spent the majority of its career on the East Coast. The boat was paid off in 1998 and sold for scrap in 2011. HMCS Onondaga was built in the mid-1960s and operated primarily on the East Coast until its decommissioning in 2000 as the last Canadian Oberon. The Site historique maritime de la Pointe-au-Père in Rimouski, Que., purchased the boat for preservation as a museum vessel. The submarine was moved into location in 2008 and is open to the public. Other ships and units The names of other RCN ships – including several River-class destroyers, Bangor-class minesweepers and Flower-class corvettes, as well as shore-based units including Naval Reserve Divisions – have also been based on Indigenous culture throughout the decades. This tradition carries on into today's fleet, with ships such as HMCS Yellowknife and HMCS Toronto. These ships were all named after Canadian geographic locations, such as cities and rivers. The names of these locations were all derived from their local Indigenous languages. Roger Bronson says: These were great warships.I served aboard the Nootka from 60-61 and the Haida from 62-63.Have visited the Haida in Hamilton.Very proud of our Navy. CPO1(ret"d)Roger Bronson, Milford, Nova Scotoa. Love the website.
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Tag: Postage Stamps The 22nd Olympic Games, Moscow, Stamps of the Soviet Union 1976 Details of the 1980 Summer Olympics taken from here. Do not forget to cite, like I just did, albeit in a loose format. The Olympic Games of 1980, would be the smallest since 1956, due to a boycott. The boycott in 1980 was over the Soviet Union's invasion of Afghanistan. However, these games would still be noteable as the first and only to be held in Eastern Europe to date, and they were the first to be held in a Socialist nation until, remaining the only one until 2008, Beijing China. The full details can be found above, in the link. The 1956 games were also boycotted over the Soviet Union. It is also worth noting that only Moscow, and Los Angeles competed to host in 1980. It needs to be understood that the Soviet Union did not produce postage stamps solely for their own citizens usage and collecting. They intended these stamps to be seen abroad. They were using their stamps to show off the symbols, ideas, progress, and accomplishments of the Soviet Union, so it should be, I argue, a neccissity to look at Soviet Stamps as best as one can like a Soviet, but also like an outsider viewing a piece of propaganda. First in the series, Moscow The series consists of four stamps. The one seen above is the main collectors piece. It is a miniaturized view of Moscow, or the main center anyhow. The details: Issued: December 28, 1976 (this was in advance of the games) all stamps Value: 60 Kopeks + 30 Kopeks, this would have almost been registered mail, and I believe, international mail ( just the one pictured.) The bottom reads, " Moscow- Organizers of the 22nd Olympiad". (Roughly) These stamps do have two face values, and that is because they are charity stamps. The first value, here the 60 kopeks, is postage, and the second, 30 kopeks, goes to charity. We can't know what the charity was, but I will check other stamps and if it only occurs with themes, we may make educated guesses. I would like to thank for the information about charity stamps. I love this piece. It is a collector's plate, with a miniature of Moscow featured. The stamp itself, if used, features mainly the cathedral ( lower left) and the Kremlin Senate Palace ( upper right.). The actual Kremlin is almost entirely on the collector's portion, not the postage portion. I find this piece, especially considering that it would have been a waster of money to mail something domestic with this, to be fascinating. The stamp was highlighting Moscow, but not the Kremlin, if it was used. The other three are nice, but not nearly as fascinating for me. They are various Olympic symbols, with banners which read, "Games 22nd Olympiad, Moscow, 80." Their values can be seen in photo. I do like that, as each host city has its own icon for the games, the Moscow Icon was similar to the Soviet Star being placed upon a building. 1976: Postage Stamps of the Soviet Union When I started writing this guide to the postage of the Soviet Union, I was still a new collector, but I had a whole year catalogued already. I had the idea to write a blog/guide later. Really the two are linked, as there was no such guide when I started. There still is not now. There is a rather expensive book, which I should probably get around to buying, which tells the names and some basic collectors information, but still this is the age of the free internet. This information should be readily available. So that is what I am trying to do, to share knowledge and information with at least a dozen people. I catalogued 1976 first, I will be going back to write about these while I do 1983. It will get me all caught up and it will help to keep new content being produced by me. 1976 was a big year, Cold War wise. You can read the full Wikipedia entry here. Here is my take on the themes and key events that I see: The world was held in a seemingly unending Cold War. Large events had come and gone and yet not much had changed. The United States involvement in Vietnam was over and the nation was fully communist at this point. The world could be described as tired at this point by this unending ideological struggle. Technology was ramping up more and more, gaining speed as more was developed and advanced, helping to cushion some of the dreariness of the unending Cold War. There was also hints at what would become the 1980s, as terrorism was picking up, and while terrorism will be later seen as the theme of a post Cold War age, it was also a result of the tensions created during this time, but one persons terrorism is another's political strife. You will see punk music taking off as a sign of stagflation gripping the West, stagflation being one more symptom that this was never going to end and was kind of hopeless, as the Sex Pistols say a year later "no future for me." Gerald Ford was president, but Jimmy Carter was elected same year The Cray 1 super computer was introduced The Philadelphia Flyers defeated the Soviet hockey team The Red Army Faction Trial begins in West Germany The United States Vetoed a U.N. Resolution to form an independent Palestine Cuba's current constitution enacted Toronto Blue Jays are formed Videla dictatorship is started in Argentina Argentinian dirt war starts Apple Computer Company is formed The Ramones release their first self titled album The Phillipines open relations with the Soviet Union The Soweto Uprising begins in South Africa Strikes against communists raising food prices begin in Poland Socialist Republic of Vietnam formed The United States Bicentennial The first class of women are inducted at the United States Naval academy, Annapolis Family Feud debuts The Viking I lands on Mars The United Kingdom breaks ties with Uganda after the hijacking of Air France 139, which also saw Israeli Commandos involved later against the Palestinians The Seattle Seahawks begin playing The First (known) Ebola outbreak occurs Viktor Belenko lands his Mig-25 in Japan and requests asylum from the U.S. (this one is good, we took it apart and examined it, and the Japanese returned it in crates, billing the Soviets $40,000 for crating services) The Muppet Show is first broadcast The "Night of the Pencils" occurs 100 Club Punk Festival goes on U2 is formed The Cultural Revolution in China concludes with Clarence Norris, last surviving "Scottsboro Boy," is pardoned Microsoft is registered The Viet Cong is disbanded and folded into the Vietnam People's army Mao Zedong dies California's sodomy law is repealed Richard Dawkins publishes The Selfish Gene IBM introduces the IBM 3800, the first laser printer All of these can be found on the Wikipedia page for 1976, and more. This list was cherry picked by me from the larger one. It is to be your jumping off point or refresher for this year (and decade as I am starting here) so that you can put yourself into this decade and thinks critically about it. Reading about these events, listening to the music, will begin to give you a grasp of the worlds state, if you want it, so that you will perhaps better understand the stamps the Soviet Union was producing. Transport and Telecommunications: Stamps of the Soviet Union, 1983 This stamp is most likely titled "Transport and Telecommunication." It was issued May 20th 1983. There is not any text to translate, remembering that почта means is the word for "post" or "mail" and can be found on every stamp. It is a part of the 12th definitive issue, which ran from 1976-1992. Definitive issues are kind of an odd thing that should be addressed now. They were supposed to be the pride of the Soviet Post, representing the proud symbols of the Soviet Union. The part that makes them odd is that the stamps stretch across multiple years. This stamp certainly fits the theme of globalization with these symbols, the passenger jet liner, the ship, and the bolt for electricity being over the globe. It has a face value of 5 kopeks, and is part of the 1983 series despite the 1982 in the top corner, which I cannot explain. It may be listed wrong on, or it could have been delayed in being issued due to being part of a definitive issue. The other notable feature is that the stamp is tiny. I put it next to several objects, not having any coins handy, to give a scale. 12th Definitive issue of The Soviet Union Postage Stamps of the Soviet Union: 1983 Part 1 It is time to start the next thing I want to do in this blog. I once read a blog about blogging, that said your blog should aim to help the reader, to teach them something. Well declare, that at this point, I often as not, have very little to share about pencils as far as information goes. Only my non-graphite groupie readers (love you guys as you are usually my IRL friends) so that stuff will still happen, just not in the same way. Also I will be depending on all of you to help me launch the super secret second phase of all this that I have cleverly named, "Phase 2." However, I do have something to offer that is new and fresh for many readers and might even gain me a few new ones. I give to you… The Stamps of the Soviet Union que The Best of the Red Army Choir As always, the first entry will offer a word of explanation. I have always enjoyed postage stamps and most things to do with the post office as far as I can remember. My Grandparents, and in small bursts, my Mother all worked at our local post office. The post office of Soddy Daisy was such a second home that you used to be able to bring kids while you sorted mail, and people helped you out. I was one of those kids. As far as I know I really may have been the only/last one. This is my favorite photo of this place. It opened in 1983 and my Grandmother started there in 1985, two years later, I was born. My Grandmother retired in 2011, My grandfather retired from here as well, but my information on his dates is sketchier and I am not going to text him all day for it right now. Let us just say this place is as tied to the Ganger's family as the name Bledsoe. In 1998 the postal service was preparing for the year 2000 and celebrating the 20th century and the stamps that were in it, aptly titled, Celebrate the Century. They held an essay contest and I won for my region, writing about either classic movie monsters, or comic strips. I forget which. The results are the same either way. I was encouraged to collect stamps, and encouraged by the influences of my Great Aunt and Uncle, I studied the Soviet Union. One night I was sitting there looking at Stamps when I had a "Eureka!" moment. I had long operated under the assumption that commies would not be stamp collectors. It seemed like something they would not be into…Until I asked myself what are stamps? Stamps are state produced memorabilia that often feature symbols of national pride. I texted my friend Carl, and my wife "WHAT IF THERE ARE SOVIET STAMPS!?!?!?" Their reactions were similar to each other "…oh god…" A little investigation and I not only found them, but I found out how to collect them. Now I will share them with you, a few at a time, in series of a particular year. I may skip dull ones, or lump them all together. It turns out the Soviet Union produced on average 120 stamps a year, and they are amazing. They are art. I have been researching them bit by bit, and have helped to correct the one website that I have found useful. We will be starting with the year 1983. ARPANET becomes TCP/IP and the Internet begins Fraggle Rock came out Seatbelts became mandatory in the United States Salem Nuclear Plant experienced a failure of the automatic shut down Kursk Nuclear Plant shuts down due to fuel rod failure A young Samantha Smith is invited to the USSR by Yuri Andropov Return of the Jedi debuts Margaret Thatcher and her government are reelected Ronald Reagan is President Yuri Andropov leads the USSR Sally Ride is the first American woman in space Embalse Nuclear Power Station experiences a coolant loss (seeing a pattern?) The Famicom (Nintendo Entertainment System) goes on sale in Japan The Sri Lankan Civil War begins A Korean Airlines flight is shot down by the USSR killing 269 including a U.S. Senator GPS is made available for civilian use Guion Bluford becomes the first African American in space Stanislav Petrov averts a crisis by recognizing that a radar alert is not a U.S. nuclear attack The Beirut Barracks bombing occurs Invasion of Grenada Martin Luther King Day is signed existence by Reagan Able Archer 83, NATO exercises interpreted by the USSR as an attack, *The Last Cold War scare South Africa approves a new constitution Chrysler creats the minivan with the introduction of the Caravan The IRA bombs Harrod's in London The McNugget is introduced I wish I had all day to talk about the 1980s, but I do not. I am fascinated with this decade. I have picked this selection of events to give a taste of what was going on. The 1980s were a time of flux. The Cold War was still tense, but it was dwindling. A word of warning: I subscribe to the John Lewis Gaddis school of thought, The Cold War was won by the West, and that is a good thing. Anyhow, racial, gender, social issues of all kinds were changing. Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher would thoroughly end détente, and see the beginning of the end of The Cold War. While the Soviet Union was stagnating, the United States was arguably doing well. Video games were not only common but 1983 saw a video game crash. If you want the full general article of the year, check out 1983. For our purposes 1983 is the first full year of Soviet stamps I purchased. I did this because it was the year my wonderful wife was born. Let us get right down to some stamps. From henceforth the posts will only be this long (hopefully) when it is time for a new year, and not even then, because you don't always need to hear about how I came to love stamps. Cosmonautics Day 1983 Cosmonautics day, to the rest of the world International Day of Human Soace Flight (which the stamp essentially says) was instituted in 1962 the year after Yuri Gagarin went up. It is celebrated, somewhat quietly it seems, to this day. This stamp features an image of Soyuz-T The text inside the emblems essentially says, "International Manned (space) Flights," with the emblem saying "Interkosmos." Some things to notice for the future. Notice the obvious monetary denomination in the upper left of the actual stamp, the large 50. Most stamps are in Kopeks, but the word почта means mail or post, and will be on every stamp. So the denomination will be accompanied by the words "USSR Post." Below the capsule are the words "12 April- Space Day." A note on translations, I am doing them myself armed with a need to learn Russian, starting with the alphabet, which I learned, but am using this to exercise it, and a Russian dictionary to translate words. If the ring of emblems is observed it can be surmised that Interkosmos gets one every year, and that the middle one is the latest. Some of the others have the flags of other nations, some have years. These stamps are incredibly detailed, showing even the cosmonauts inside the Soyuz. This is one of my favorite parts of this stamp. It means exactly what it looks like, these are the words "Soyuz" and "Apollo," and they are symbolic of the cooperation between the Cold War enemies working together to advance space research. There will be more about that at a later time. This piece, despite the work that went into it, is much more straight forward. This is the International Philatelic Exhibition 1983, called "Socphilex-83." This stamp is a mini souvenir sheet. The words at the top are the name I gave you, the bottom is the title, and the symbol at the bottom says Moscow. The exhibition was in Moscow, October 1983, and had the aims of exhibiting and fostering international cooperation and friendship in efforts to continue peace and ease the threat of nuclear war. I feel like that symbol at the bottom is in line with that. I am not going to cite that explanation as I do not feel the need to type in Russian, but I will link you a Russian page on the matter, here. Summary: As I said, everything was in flux, and despite Western leaders snuffing détente, The Soviet Union was beginning to see that it would have to play nice, so to speak, and that if it was to survive it would need the international community. Both of tonight's examples, I believe, are evidence of this.
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Brussels is determined to lay down the law – but will it work? (photo: iStock) May 4th, 2016 7:54 am| by Shifa Rahaman The EU is expected to present new reforms to its common asylum system on Wednesday, and it looks as if Parliament will be forced to make a difficult decision in the future. Jyllands-Posten reports it has access to internal minutes from the commission that state in effect that Denmark's 'no' vote in the 3 December 2015 referendum means it can now be forced to leave the Dublin Resolution if it refuses to let Brussels decide refugee quotas. Read More: No means No! A bad night for the Danish government Plague or cholera? This is proving a double-edged sword for Denmark because though the Dublin Resolution would mean having to accept EU refugee quotas, being forced to leave it would no longer allow Denmark to send refugees back to the first EU country they entered. "The government and the opposition parties who wanted to remain a part of the Dublin Resolution without participating in the forced refugee quotas will now most probably face a choice between plague or cholera," Catharina Sørensen, the head of research at think-tank Europa, told Jyllands-Posten. "[We will now face a choice between] accepting even more asylum-seekers because we stand outside the Dublin Resolution [and are unable to send refugees back to other EU countries], or accepting a distribution mechanism that is dictated by the EU." Prime minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen, who urged Danes to vote 'yes' in the referendum so Denmark could avoid this eventuality, has refused to comment before the proposals are presented tomorrow. Radikale leader Morten Østergaard believes it would have been better for Danes to have voted 'yes' instead. "We cannot expect that other countries will do the job for Denmark [with regard to refugees] when we only want the benefits but will not share the responsibility," he said.
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I feel like I have totally let loose creatively with this second kit of Revival Camp, and I have found total artist peace! That rarely happens for me, and it feels so good! I have learned that when I am creating I can be far too much of a perfectionist, but with this TN I've totally surrendered to simply creating for the fun of it! I pulled out my scrap stash and went to town on these little pages! I had this little cellophane bag that my husband brought home with samples from his hair salon, and I just loved it! As I've been working with black in a lot of these pages, I knew I'd be using it right away! I cut out a little piece of that bag and created a little shaker pocket with the Revival Camp "Trail Mix" I also couldn't help but use my punch shadow from the previous entry! And to add a punch of gold color, I chose this gorgeous paper from the Flourish collection called, Goldenrod! I finished off my spread with a few cardstock stickers and my title! Cristin quoted Psalm 143 in Session 6, Route, and it says, "Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life." I really needed to hear that, and these girls know exactly what to put in these little devotionals to speak to your heart!
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COUNTRY Music's Hall of Famer Charlie Landsborough embarks on a farewell tour of the UK and Ireland this in the coming weeks. The 77 year-old troubadour will perform all the hits – 'My Forever Friend', 'I Will Love You All My Life' and 'What Colour is the Wind', to name a few for his many Irish fans. As Charlie says when chatting with Limerick Post this week, saying goodbye to one person is sad, bidding farewell to the audience that brought well deserved recognition in the singer's latter days is going to be a very emotional experience. That was in the 1960s, It would be the mid-90s before Charlie Landsborough would gain recognition for his songwriting and his recordings. In 1994 his song 'What Colour is the Wind' told the story of a young blind child's attempts to envision the world. It was playlisted on Irish radio and television, Charlie's star began to rise here and there beyond these shores. His songs have been covered by Foster & Allen and Daniel O'Donnell. He was a special guest of George Hamilton IV for three nights on the Grand Ole Opry, performing to full houses, unprecedented for a UK artist. Charlie is the ultimate example of never losing hope in your dreams, never giving up and staying true to yourself. Learning to play guitar as a teenager was the beginning of a long road that led to Charlie joining the army, being down and out, doing time, working as a telephone engineer, on the railways, in the flour mills grocery store manager, driver, navvy, quality control engineer (he bluffed his way into that one) and finally, a teacher! His mate advised him that Charlie could put his good education and natural ability into becoming a teacher. Charlie applied for teacher training, passed his tests and trained for three years to become a teacher. "I went straight from knocking a road out with a pneumatic drill on Friday to listening to Mozart on Monday morning!" he laughs. After years of tough physical jobs and time in the army, Charlie was confident that teaching would be "a doddle" after all the jobs he'd done. He was wrong. "I'd say the most difficult job I ever did was teaching because you can never turn off. "When you are navvying you pack it in at five o'clock. You go home and forget all about it. Charlie taught for 14 years, and while it was not his first love, he made a damn good job of it. Many students contacted him years later to thank him for his inspiring work. "I got an email from a girl who was teaching Aborigines in the outback in Australia. Charlie admits that he found the work daunting, met some lovely staff and met some horrible kids as well as the good kids. Charlie had many near misses in trying to make his name in music. The Birkenhead native was stationed in an army camp in West Germany, when Beatlemania made Merseyside the centre of the rock n roll universe in the 60s. In 1972 Charlie's performance on Hughie Green's TV talent programme 'Opportunity Knocks' looked like a sure winner but the Post Office Department in Birkenhead went on strike that week and all the local votes didn't arrive on time. Another near miss. If success had come sooner for Charlie, there is very little chance that we would know him as a songwriter today, he explains, reflecting on his long and stumbling progress to becoming a household name. The singer had plied his trade in a local pub for 22 years waiting for "some musical fairy godmother" to arrive and whisk him away. It was out of frustration that he started to write his songs, initially just as vehicles for his voice. He thought if he wrote songs somebody would listen to him. I ask the clichéd question of Charlie, what advice would he have for songwriters in Limerick? It took until his 53rd year before he made it outside of his native town. I guess he is as well qualified to answer this as any other artist I might meet. "Be yourself!" he says. "Be true to yourself. The world of music is full of people who are trying to be somebody else. Be inspired and be impressed and be influenced by them but don't try to be them. "And don't let rejection put you off. Learn from others. "If Charlie made it at 53 so can you!" he laughs. Charlie's new album release is 'The Attic Collection'. Recorded on acoustic instruments as live in the songwriter's home, the collection features well known Landsborough classics re-recorded and a handful of new tracks and a cover version of Bob Dylan's song – 'Don't Think Twice'. For this farewell tour Charlie is bringing his full band, the players have been by his side for many tours and as always he will have his wife travelling and his son will be his driver. Charlie Landsborough performs with his full band at Lime Tree Theatre on Thursday January 31.
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Mazda is popular for its own recognition and quality. High quality and requiring telling us that much of their items have long term life and warranty. This carmaker didn't want to provide a new type of CX-4 vehicle for North American market, so they are using new 2018 Mazda CX-7. This vehicle will probably have the same features as predecessor and more likely to have slightly changed exterior design, with many updates. Lastly, one eye catching thing is larger footprint for new crossover. Next generation of 2018 Mazda CX-7 suffer redesign and lots of intriguing details. Motivation is present on every action, however particularly everyday situations. There will be changer in front and back part. For example, massive hood is exactly what we initially can see, with great brilliant grille in terrific size. To satisfy stylish appearance front part there is LED lightning system, and a slopping roofing is using better visual appearance and aerodznamic. To be complete with high-end we can expect a stylish alloy wheels. The hood is huge and not much different from predecessor, but yet there will be also a technical equipment with Google systems and navigation. The new 2018 Mazda CX-7 will have its own platform and there will be no changed features. One really beneficial thing is enhanced suspension system making easier handling. First alternative will be 2.0-liter SkyActiv system with 160 horse power and 160 pound-feet of torque. Likewise, other one will be 2.5-liter drivetrain. This system will deliver 185 hp and nearly 190 lb-ft of torque. Finally, engineers are preparing 2.2-l diesel engine with 170 horses and 300 lb-ft of twist, which sets to paired to a six-speed automated transmission. There is no precise information about price, but comparing to predecessors, first approximated base model costs $26,000, and more exclusive systems will go even higher. Final information about cost and accessibility on market will be as the last moment of release comes. Preparation for final presentation is still on hook and we just have to wait. Related Posts of "2018 Mazda CX-7"
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Facebook is turning off many employers "I came in one morning, tried to log on to Facebook and got `access denied,'" a 30-something benefits administrator recalls. "At first I thought it was a temporary glitch, but then the memo arrived. My employer had blocked it. My first thought was, this can't be happening." By JANIS FOORD KIRKSPECIAL TO THE STAR Sat., Sept. 12, 2009timer2 min. read "I came in one morning, tried to log on to Facebook and got `access denied,'" a 30-something benefits administrator recalls. "At first I thought it was a temporary glitch, but then the memo arrived. My employer had blocked it. My first thought was, this can't be happening." Well, it is happening and with increasing regularity. Some employers, citing productivity concerns, have blocked social networking websites completely. Others have taken a more moderate stance, blocking them only during core working hours in an attempt to remain an employer-of-choice among the young professionals devoted to technologies of this kind. Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty reflected typical employer reasoning a couple of years ago when he said that he didn't see the workplace value of websites such as Facebook. Such thinking misses an important nuance, says Dr. Nicole Haggerty, an associate professor of management information systems at the Ivey Business School, in London, Ont. Haggerty acknowledges that some employees do spend time on social networking sites, but says the time isn't actually wasted. According to her research, people who teach themselves to skilfully navigate these sites are developing valuable skills that can be harnessed and used to corporate advantage. "Most knowledge workers conduct some kind of virtual work," she says. "They collaborate, manage projects and share knowledge with people in their local office or in different offices in the same city, or across the country, or in global settings. "And most organizations," she adds, "have invested heavily in knowledge management systems, content and collaboration systems, based on the idea that they won't have to pay the expense of bringing people together." The management challenge that remains, in Haggerty's view, is ensuring that staff know how to use the technology, how to work together online and how to find each other and build on each other's knowledge. In other words, to make certain that employees are "e-competent," that they possess the "knowledge, skills and abilities that makes it possible to professionally and effectively handle text-only communications." E-competence grows in three distinct ways as people use social networking sites to interact with others and to share information, Haggerty says. They become adept at using information/communications technology. They learn how to build virtual relationships and trust. And they build the confidence needed to persist and be strategic. Managers have been slow to recognize and capitalize on abilities such as these, she says. "You have to overtly manage it, not just let happen." "Even if you haven't put a global virtual team in place, virtual work is going on within your office, Haggerty says. "Identify it. Recognize that it's happening and where it's happening, where it's effective and where it's not effective. Assess the online skills of people doing this work. When building teams, identify people who are e-competent and the ways they can contribute to the project; identify people who aren't and look for ways to help them build these skills. Don't assume that employees will figure out on their own how to apply personal e-competence to specific organizational requirements. For more information on Dr. Haggerty's research go to: Janis Foord Kirk can be reached at [email protected]
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
Outdoor antenna. Directional, logoperiodic. Passive. UHF. Gain 12dBi. Length 1020mm. Weatherproof F connector. Antennas are designed for the North/South America and USA regions and any other countries that is affected by 4G/LTE-700 network. At first glance this aerial still looks very similar to its previous design but there are a few crucial improvements which moves this model a few steps up. 2. Can be simply twisted into the required position without needing to disassemble the aerial. 4. Now this aerial is absolutely suitable for all UK regions with different polarizations as you can easily mount it on the pole in a vertical or horizontal position. 5. Condensation drainage holes on the newly designed rubber boot in conjunction with twistable, rubber edge protected F female port allows you to achieve a worry free connection in no time. No. of elements 28 pcs.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
(Physician/MD qualifications required) Cardiology (Invasive/Non-Interventional) - Client is looking to add an invasive, non-interventional cardiologist to join group. This multi-physician group of expert cardiologists, interventional cardiologists and electrophysiologists have served East Tennessee for more than 35 years. Only 30 minutes from Knoxville, medical center proudly serves their community, and offers a full array of medical specialties and outstanding medical technology. Join a health system that has been recognized both nationally and regionally for quality and excellent patient care. In addition, Client has been named by Forbes as one of America's Best Employers for 2016, one of only 44 health systems in the U.S. to be included in this prestigious list.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Recreation is anything that is stimulating and rejuvenating for a person. There have been some killer birthday events recently at the Recreation building and it hasn't just been for young people, even adults are requesting this. Examples of recreational actions in an organized vogue happen in practically each institution we come throughout. It is vital for senior residents and those who take care of them to seek out recreational activities even at the moment when they might be reluctant to do so. Research indicates that seniors who take part in these kinds of actions have a tendency to stay active as soon as they start. The recreation center relates to those that work out and need to stay healthy by consuming on the latest and most contemporary eatery. FWSP hosts an annual Picture contest to promote recreation at state park system properties. There were two fully different views of recreation that existed during this time interval. Visit The Fort Collins Senior Heart foyer via the holiday season to spend a while enjoying the sights and sounds of a gorgeous village come to life. The Lexington Recreation and Group Packages Division has operated as an Enterprise Fund since 1991. Other than pure enrichment, if you're student of history and never even scholar, when you have curiosity in historical past, you can not resist the historic vital that's a part of Nevada recreation experience, its actually magnificent and noteworthy history provides you a lot to discover that you simply feel privileged being here. Specialised Recreation : The division affords a wide range of packages for people with particular needs—anybody who requires additional help or help, including but not limited to individuals with bodily or developmental disabilities. For individuals with disabilities there are various empowering outcomes to collaborating in adaptive sports activities and recreation. Not solely does the recreation center present U of A college students with a work out, but to additionally buy Wildcat Threads." This retailer is within the entrance of the rec. The City is proud to offer a diverse selection of recreational programs at our facilities. This entry was posted in Outdoor Sports and tagged creation, recreation. Bookmark the permalink.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Home International Malaysia Asks Japan to Convince Trump to Support TPP Malaysia Asks Japan to Convince Trump to Support TPP Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak, left, is shown the way by Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe Wednesday prior to a meeting at Abe's official residence in Tokyo. Photo: Shizuo Kambayashi / Associated Press TOKYO — Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak asked his Japanese counterpart on Wednesday to try to convince U.S. President-elect Donald Trump to support the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement when they meet in New York this week. Najib told Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe that Malaysia has cleared the way to ratify the agreement. Japan, also part of the 12-nation deal, is in the final stages of getting parliamentary approval for the necessary legislation. But U.S. ratification is unlikely before President Barack Obama leaves office, and Trump has expressed strong opposition to the pact. Najib urged Abe to explain the significance of the agreement to Trump when they meet Thursday. "We hope that the TPP agreement will come into force," Najib told a joint news conference after their talks, adding that Abe's meeting with Trump is "very much awaited" by the rest of TPP participants. "Hopefully the strategic importance of TPP will be recognized by the incoming (Trump) administration as well as by all the participating countries." Abe told a parliamentary session Tuesday that he hopes to build trust with the next leader of the United States, Japan's top ally. Japanese officials are concerned about possible changes in U.S. trade and security policies under Trump and their impact on Japan and the rest of the Asia-Pacific region. "When I meet with Mr. Trump, I would like to frankly exchange views on the economy, trade, security and Japan-U.S. relations and our alliance, and build a relationship with trust," Abe said. Japan also announced that it is providing two patrol vessels to Malaysia to increase its maritime security. Abe, pushing for exports of infrastructure projects as part of his growth strategy, also promoted Japan's Shinkansen high-speed railway system for a planned Malaysian rail project. Story: Mari Yamaguchi Previous articleA Glance at the International Courts Around the World Next articleMelvin Laird, Vietnam War Secretary, 94 Suspect Charged With Murder in Assassination of Japan's Abe Japan, South Korea Protest China Visa Stoppage in COVID Spat Kishida Highlights Security Concerns on Trip to Europe, US Jan. 6 Panel Urges Trump Prosecution With Criminal Referral Landslide at Malaysia Campground Leaves 9 Dead, 25 Missing From Prisoner to PM, Malaysia's Anwar Had Long Ride to Top
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
"The smallest feline is a masterpiece" – Leonardo Da Vinci. out of GC RW KATABEARS SLAP JACK X GC SULLTANS SEIZE THE GOODCHEER . OUT OF GC RW KATABEARS SLAP JACK X CH ARABIAN TAIL JUMEIRA. NEW KITTENS HAVE ARRIVED !! 2 cream point males one blue point female. Photos and videos posted below are last years kittens. These kittens are now adults and some are still available. Please see the Available Page for details. Video preview of some of our kittens, 3 Exotics born to Homer X Palm and 3 Himalayan kittens born to Blu Diamond X Hollie. Blue point Exotic female out of Homer X Palm. This kitten is now available for reservation. The 2 seal point brothers. ( from Bruno X Cappuchino). to be added to our waiting list. All kittens on this page are not yet available. They will be moved to the available page at 2 months of age but will be sent to their new homes only at 16 weeks of age when all vaccinations are completed.. We do not believe in de-clawing and consider this cruel mutilation. Please do not contact us for a kitten if you intend to declaw it. Kittens from a previous litter born at Arabian Tail cattery. No longer available.
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TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwired - June 22, 2017) - Brookfield New Horizons Income Fund ("BIF.UN") has announced a distribution of C$0.20 per unit for the quarter ending June 30, 2017. The distribution will be paid on or before July 17, 2017 to holders of record on June 30, 2017. BIF.UN will begin trading ex-distribution on June 28, 2017.
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Blog – Page 117 – COLD FUSION NOW! It'll take a couple of weeks to get through security, but 15 senators will have a nice surprise waiting for them when they get back from recess. Each member on the Energy sub-committee got a unique letter requesting funding for low-energy nuclear reactions research accompanied by two complimentary Cold Fusion Now stickers. Please lend your support for the only viable alternative energy beyond the renewables – low-energy nuclear reactions, also know as cold fusion. We want solar and wind developed, but these are not enough to supply all our energy wants. Nuclear energy is a million times more powerful than chemical energy, and only cold fusion promises, clean, green, safe, nuclear energy from the deuterium in sea-water with no radio-active waste. The research has gone on for the last 21 years in virtual isolation with $0 from the Department of Energy. That's right; $0 from the DOE. Yet low-energy nuclear reaction scientists are now getting output energy 25 times the input energy! The Naval Research Lab and the Army Research Lab both support this research, but the funds are limited. This science needs DOE funding to take the current research to a new level, where the private sector can then begin to develop new energy products. There is just no good reason why the Department of Energy withholds funding for this important research. You've worked hard on issues of water, the environment, and jobs in your state of Michigan. And you also know the danger that petroleum poses. Please take a look at the current state of cold fusion research and I think you will see another opportunity to provide clean energy jobs. Please direct the DOE to apportion funding for cold fusion research. Yes, there's going to be changeover soon, but that's OK. I'll be doing a follow-up letter in October: shorter, and with more specific info relating to each member, and….I dunno……Cold Fusion Now matchbooks? Would they even make it through security??? I will ask those of you living in any of these states to call your senators in September and ask for their support on CF funding for a follow-up. Find your senator's info here. Next up: it's the House Energy subcommittee. Not the most fun assignment, but better than some. For instance, reading the Slate article Palladium: The Cold Fusion Fanatics Can't Get Enough of the Stuff By Sam Kean reveals the level of ignorance of commonly available scientific data by the author, and sadly, the commentators too. I went out to get a pizza last nite. I almost never leave the house without a book, and this time it was "The Rebirth of Cold Fusion" by Steven Krivit of New Energy Times. While waiting for the pizza, I'd catch up on some history. Giant methane lakes a half mile under the ocean? Water samples blowing up? Calls for MORE deep ocean drilling? If this wasn't reality, I'd think I was losing my mind in a Twilight Zone episode. If we humans have a future, the immediate one looks rocky, and the anxiety in the chip body is palpable. Time to unplug and get outside! So I'm walking around my little town and I decide to stop in the Shoe Repair and check in with Mark, with whom I had had a wonderful conversation a while ago when I had dropped off a pair of shoes for maintenance. In the course of our transaction, I discovered that he was born in Greece, and, he collected ancient coins. When he was a kid growing up in the Mediterranean, they could find ancient coins on their beaches regularly just as they played around!? Well, I am an ancient coin lover, and as a student of media, I've learned the relationship of the phonetic alphabet and the beginning of science and math in ancient Greece. This alphabet effect is also reflected in their coinage. (Indeed, coinage itself is an effect of the alphabet.) Earlier pieces are classified as Archaic, and are raw, wild, abstract symbols juxtaposed, while later coins from the Classical period show a refined character, with increasing perspective and realism throughout the design. The coins pictured above are the ancient coins of Athens, called owls. The obverse shows Athena, the patron goddess of Athens. The reverse, not shown, has an owl, which Athena often appeared as. Of course Pallas Athena, goddess of wisdom and war, is the origin of the word palladium, by way of the asteroid, that is! Well, I don't know about you, but the thought of having something from 400BC in my pocket when I'm walking around just puts an extra spring in my step and I just happen to have my Athena with me on this jaunt, my original destination being our local Antique and Coin Shop. I'd go show my pal Mark the piece first, knowing he'd totally dig it. Now before you start crying that this is a Cold Fusion Now blog, and not a personal diary for an ancient coin lover, let me beg your patience, as all will be revealed. I roll in the Shoe Repair and show him my Athena (mine's the one in the middle of the pictures above). Mark isn't busy, and he loves the Owl, so we start in on a little conversation, in the course of which, I lay a Cold Fusion Now sticker on him, and show him the copy of Fire from Ice I'm draggin around with me. Yes, I start ministering the CF. He reacts astounded and says, "My son and daughter both worked at the fusion center!" And he runs to the back of the shop, and when he comes back, he shows me his jacket with the National Ignition Facility stitched logo on the front! One of his kids had been at Lawrence Livermore at some point as well. I am just like "Whaaaatt?", aghast to find someone who even knows what I'm talking about, let alone whose kids have fusion research experience, albeit the other kind! Well, I began to describe some of the differences between laser fusion, and cold fusion.. Turns out he had heard about it in 1989, but then heard it turned out to be a "fraud". Thus the conversation continued. He was interested in hearing about the story of CF and I ended up giving him my hardback copy of Fire from Ice, the very copy I'd gotten in 2004 after learning about CF myself (again, from Bob). He didn't want to take it, and we went back and forth until he relented. He had to have it, and I know he'll read it. That's it, that's the story. It just goes to show, you never know who'll you'll meet. And everywhere you go, you got to keep talking about cold fusion. Sometimes the conversation slides your way, and a light is turned on. It really brought my spirits up. Arthur C. Clarke said "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." Before the alphabet, words had magic. Just saying something evoked power. Isn't it funny when the most important thing we can do for our future is to keep talking? Keep talking cold fusion. Keep typing cold fusion. The words are cloned over and over the more say it, the more we add to the critical mass, and then, at some point, awareness will bifurcate, and instantly, our world is changed. The deadline is NOW! So here's what I'm submitting. Anybody have suggestions on how to write these words? Please respond with your comments. You can comment directly to the Green Party California contact coordinating one set of party platform changes ( the document I am commenting on below) here: Marnie Glickman. What follows are proposed changes to the Green Party platform Chapter 3 on Ecological Wisdom. I am suggesting the edit below regarding Energy policy. My proposed changes are in large green font. The idea is to distinguish between conventional fission nuclear power, and, clean fusion power, more specifically, fusion power from heavy hydrogen derived from sea-water, that occurs at room temperatures, and creates no radio-active waste. Safe fusion power from hydrogen needs to be supported along with all of the renewables. Whenever we say "nuclear power", we must make the distinction. One way to do this would be to use the words "conventional nuclear power" when referring to dirty fission nuclear power plants, and use "clean fusion power" when referring to safe, green, power from hydrogen, called LENR low-energy nuclear reactions, CANR chemically assisted nuclear reactions, or simply cold fusion. We suggest the Green Party say NO to FISSION, and YES to FUSION. Whatever your political leaning, it makes sense to have everybody clear on the different kinds of nuclear power. I want EVERY POLITICAL PARTY to understand this difference, and support clean, green, cold fusion power. I just happen to be starting with the Greens as they are my registered party. Now, let's be clear: party politics are not my thing. It just goes to show how important this particular issue is that I am getting up off my *** to get involved this way. Help the Greens. Help your third party. If words are magnets, then let's get the right words attracting clean fusion power, no matter what the political stride. The sad truth is that our planet is dying. Human-induced climate change is searing a major ecological crisis across the planet. Glaciers and polar ice shelves are crumbling. Species are being eradicated at record numbers. The biology of our planet is growing simpler — and poorer. Air pollution kills about two million people prematurely each year. Water supplies are drying up, while water systems are being sold off to big corporations concerned only with their profits. Our weather is growing more violent. Meanwhile, our nation keeps building new coal plants, even though they are the most destructive way to meet our energy needs. And the Obama administration and some Democrats are pushing dangerous new nuclear power plants. Greens propose a decisive break from this madness. We must save our planet — before it is too late. To forestall disaster, we call for an immediate halt in greenhouse gas emissions increases, and reducing these emissions 95% by 2050, compared to 1990 levels. As a nation with less than 5% of the world's population, we cannot continue to consume 25% of the world's energy resources. Greens support a decisive shift away from coal, oil, and [conventional] nuclear power, towards clean and renewable energy such as wind, solar, ocean power, geothermal and small-scale hydropower, and [clean fusion from hydrogen]. We call for extensive energy conservation efforts, to reduce energy consumption by 50% in 20 years. We call for a massive financial commitment to developing clean renewable energy technologies [and safe, low-temperature fusion derived from seawater]. We call for major federal, state and local government purchases of solar cells on government buildings, to jumpstart the solar market. Greens are opposed to [conventional] nuclear power. The prospect of a radioactive catastrophe is ever-present, there is no safe way to dispose of the radioactive waste, and it is financially risky and more expensive than other types of energy production. We call for early retirement of nuclear reactors in less than five years, no new [conventional fission] nuclear plants, and an end to all corporate welfare for the nuclear industry. We support a ban on new coal-fired power plants, and phasing out of electrical production by the burning of coal. Much of the solution to climate change is at the local level. We support massive subsidies for expanding mass transit, as well as more bike lanes, bike paths and auto-free zones. We support major changes in agriculture. We call for a dramatic expansion of organic farming. We want to shift price supports and subsidies away from animal agriculture to plant-based agriculture, small family farms and cooperatives. We also oppose the construction of all new factory farms. We Greens want environmental justice. That means no new siting of toxic chemical or waste facilities in areas already contaminated. We must stop polluting so much. Greens support a shift away from the use of toxic chemicals, and towards an industrial system based on clean production. We want to protect our nation's beautiful public lands. We call for an end to all commercial timber cutting and clear-cutting on federal and state public lands. We must make the economy work to save our environment, by establishing true cost pricing for all goods and services. We must stop trade agreements from crushing our environmental standards and accelerating the destruction of natural resources. We encourage everyone to spend more time outdoors. When we cultivate our connections with nature, we strengthen our convictions and abilities to defend our skies, oceans, land, and biodiversity. Section Subtitle: Energy for a safe climate and a cleaner world. U.S. dependence on and overuse of dirty and dangerous energy sources has generated an unparalleled assault on the global environment and human rights in many nations. In the U.S., low income communities and communities of color bear the greatest burden of health impacts due to exposure to emissions from coal and gas-fired power plants. Native American communities have been devastated by uranium mining, and the poor of Appalachia witness helplessly as their ancient mountains are destroyed for a few years' worth of coal-fired electricity. The regional and global peaks in supply of oil, gas, coal and uranium production are driving up costs of conventional fuels, threatening continued wars and social chaos. To avert this we must move beyond the dirty and dangerous energy sources immediately and invest in only the cleanest, most sustainable energy strategies. We can and must strengthen our conservation and energy efficiency standards. Of highest importance is to use less, then to use wisely, and to have clean production of what is used. 1. Support public subsidies for clean renewable energy technologies – technologies that do not create pollution in the course of generating electricity. These can include wind, solar (including solar thermal and concentrating solar), ocean power, geothermal, and small-scale hydro, [and low-energy fusion from hydrogen]. Since even clean renewable energy can have negative environmental impacts, care must be taken to minimize such impacts. Clean renewable energy does not include [conventional] nuclear [fission] power, any sort of combustion or process in which by-products are ultimately combusted, or hydroelectric dams that block entire rivers. 2. Federal commitment to the mass-production of cheap, non-toxic solar photovoltaic technology to enable widespread deployment of solar power. To make solar more cost-competitive, we support large-scale government purchases of solar cells for installation on government facilities. 3. We support efforts of individuals and institutions to voluntarily purchase wind and solar power products through tradable renewable energy certificates. However, there are limits to the volunteer, market-based approach to promoting clean energy. Just as we cannot expect that individual purchases of organic food will cause all food production to become organic, we cannot expect that voluntary approaches will be sufficient to fully replace current energy supplies with clean energy. We support net-metering to make decentralized energy production economically viable. 4. We support further research to identify more safe, clean renewables, [cold fusion] and safe energy storage strategies. END THE USE OF DIRTY AND DANGEROUS ENERGY SOURCES1. Oppose further coal, oil and gas drilling or exploration. 2. Ban the construction of hydroelectric dams. 3. Ban mountaintop removal mining. 4. Stop the development of fuels produced with polluting, energy-intensive processes or from unsustainable or toxic feedstocks, such as genetically-engineered crops, coal and waste streams contaminated with persistent toxics. 5. Support small and community-scale renewable and biofuels fuel production operations or programs that recover otherwise wasted biomass or utilize clean primary energy sources such as wind and solar. 1. Ban any new construction of nuclear fission power plants. 3. Phase out technologies that use or produce nuclear waste, including non-commercial nuclear reactors, reprocessing facilities, nuclear waste incinerators, food irradiators, and all commercial and military uses of depleted uranium. 4. Ban plutonium (MOX) fuel, nuclear fuel reprocessing, uranium enrichment, and the manufacturing of new plutonium pits for a new generation of nuclear weapons. 5. No public subsidies or bailouts for the nuclear [fission] power industry. 3. Authorize tax-exempt bonds to finance public ownership of utilities and to allow publicly owned utilities to finance conservation, energy efficiency, and renewable energy projects. 4. Enact smart energy utility regulation for generation, transmission and distribution, not deregulation. 5. Support building codes for new construction that incorporate the best available energy conservation designs. For existing homes and buildings, we support programs to aid in their weatherization and increased energy efficiency. 6. Support research into advanced fuels when the purpose of the research is to develop a fuel that in its full cycle does not create more problems than it solves. 1. Support municipal, county-level, and state efforts to regain control over electricity by establishing democratic, public utility systems, to locally coordinate supply and demand and to eliminate energy trading. 2. Provide ratepayers deserve full disclosure of the specific electric generating facilities used to produce their electricity.
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Funimation Announces First Wave Of Winter 2022 Anime Simulcasts by Global Anime Disclosure: Crunchyroll is part of Funimation Global Group, a joint venture between Sony Pictures Entertainment and Aniplex. Funimation has announced its slate of anime for the Winter 2022 season, including TV series and OVAs. Read on for the slate, organized by airdate. Tokyo 24th Ward – Enter the 24th Ward, a man-made island inside Tokyo Bay. Three of its inhabitants: Shuta, Ran, and Koki, have been best friends since childhood, but after a deadly incident, everything changed. A year later, reunited for the first time, they receive a mysterious phone call. On the other line is a familiar voice—from a friend who's supposed to be dead. Together, they'll have to save their home. My Dress-Up Darling – High schooler Wakana Gojo cares about one thing: making Hina dolls. With nobody to share his obsession, he has trouble finding friends—or even holding conversation. But after the school's most popular girl, Marin Kitagawa, reveals a secret of her own, he discovers a new purpose for his sewing skills. Together, they'll make her cosplay dreams come true! How a Realist Hero Rebuilt the Kingdom Part 2 – Suddenly summoned to a fantasy world and betrothed to the princess, Kazuya Souma is crowned the new king after providing the royal family with impressive advice. To rule the kingdom, he's taking the nontraditional (and very human) route of administrative reform. In a realm of dragons and elves, will this revolutionary's unique path prove effective? Akebi's Sailor Uniform – It's Komichi Akebi's first year of junior high and she has her heart set on one thing: Robai Private Academy's sailor uniform. As the next chapter of her life gets closer, she dreams of all the exciting new experiences she'll get to have—school lunches, classes, club activities, and of course, making lots of friends! With her favorite outfit on, Komichi feels ready for anything. Attack on Titan Final Season Part 2 – The war for Paradis zeroes in on Shiganshina just as Jaegerists have seized control. After taking a huge blow from a surprise attack led by Eren, Marley swiftly acts to return the favor. With Zeke's true plan revealed and a military forced under new rule, this battle might be fought on two fronts. Does Eren intend on fulfilling his half-brother's wishes or does he have a plan of his own? Sasaki and Miyano – FUNIMATION EXCLUSIVE – It all started like a typical old-school boys' love plotline—bad-boy senior meets adorably awkward underclassman, one of them falls in love, and so on and so forth. But although Miyano is a self-proclaimed boys' love expert, he hasn't quite realized…he's in one himself. Which means it's up to Sasaki to make sure their story has a happily ever after…! Fantasia Sango – Realm of Legends – FUNIMATION EXCLUSIVE – When the Three Kingdoms are ravaged by demons and monsters, four heroes with little in common must unite to fight the realm's most vicious enemies. Together the heroes unveil an insidious conspiracy while sharing the joys and sorrows of battling a mysterious organization intent on tearing them and the kingdoms apart. Tribe Nine – FUNIMATION EXCLUSIVE – In Neo Tokyo, disillusioned youth form tribes that battle each other in an intense sport called Extreme Baseball. One night, two kids – Haru Shirogane and Taiga – meet the strongest man in the world, Shun Kamiya. Together the three join forces to play this cutthroat game against a mysterious man who has begun taking control of all the tribes. Can they defeat him before it's too late? Sabikui Bisco – Japan's post-apocalyptic wasteland replete with dust can only be saved by one thing—fungus. Bisco Akaboshi, a wanted criminal and skilled archer, searches for a legendary mushroom, known as Sabikui, said to devour any and all rust. Joining him on this epic saga to save the country is a giant crab and a young doctor. Can this unlikely trio find the fabled fungi and save the land? The Genius Prince's Guide to Raising a Nation Out of Debt – FUNIMATION EXCLUSIVE – Once upon a time in a far away land there lived a prince, a genius prince. The genius prince fought alongside his people and led them to a great many triumphs. However, truth be told, he just wants to let everything go and live in tranquility. She Professed Herself Pupil of the Wise Man – FUNIMATION EXCLUSIVE – Kagami Sakimori plays as the great mage Danblf in his favorite MMO. He falls asleep after a night of testing new character appearances, but instead of waking up to a suspended game, he's inside of Arch Earth Online—as a girl! Now named Mira, he must convince the game's people that Mira is a pupil of Danblf, who vanished without a trace 30 years ago…and figure out how he got here. Arifureta: From Commonplace to World's Strongest Season 2 – Transported to another world and left behind by his former friends, Hajime had to make his rise from literal rock bottom. It was in the labyrinth where he strengthened his weak magic and found several beautiful allies. Now after saving his classmates, he ventures for Erisen to escort Myu and her mother. He'll fight and defeat anyone he has to in order to find a way home—including a god! The Case Study of Vanitas – It's 19th-century Paris, and young vampire Noé hunts for the Book of Vanitas. Attacked by a vampire driven insane, a human doctor called Vanitas tempts Noé with a mad crusade to "cure" the entire vampire race. While allying with him may be dangerous, news reaches Vanitas that the Beast of Gévaudan has returned, and Noé is being brought along to investigate this phantom from the past. NEW OVA & TV SPECIALS COMING THIS WINTER 2022 ANIME SEASON Tales of Luminaria the Fateful Crossroad – Long ago, this land was home to beasts the size of mountains. People came to revere these mana-producing creatures, which they named "Primordial Beasts." Time flowed ever onward, to the present day… War erupts between the Jerle Federation, an alliance of countries who worship the Primordial Beasts, and the Gildllan Empire, which has enjoyed explosive development thanks to advanced technology. The fires of war are stoked with each passing day. COMING SOON / DATE TBA The Irregular at Magic High School: Reminiscence Arc – April 2095. A century has passed since magic was established as actual technology. The two siblings enroll at a prestigious school for magicians called the National Magic University Affiliated First High School, better known as "Magic High School." Tatsuya, the older brother, is an "irregular" with a fatal flaw to his magic powers. The younger sister, Miyuki, is a star student with unmatched magical talent. Though they are now close enough to be mistaken as a couple, just a few years ago, the two had a dysfunctional relationship, where they were nothing more than a master and servant. One incident, however, alters their relationship forever. Three years ago in Okinawa, an unforgettable experience turns their souls and destinies on their heads. Lord El-Melloi's II Case Files {Rail Zeppelin} Grace note -Special Episode- – A new TV special episode comes for the originally described TYPE-MOON series: Years after the Fourth Holy Grail War of Fate/Zero, Waver Velvet—the boy who fought alongside Iskandar, the King of Conquerors—has assumed the title Lord El Melloi II. In this position, he takes on myriad magical and mystical mysteries for the Clock Tower, the mecca of the magecraft world. SOURCES: Ptess Release, Funimation Blog Anime Announces Funimation Global Simulcasts Wave Winter
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
Q: Can you make external API requests from Firebase so all API requests are done in the backend if your stack utilizes just React and Firebase? I am a newbie front end developer with no backend experience so please be patient with me. I currently have a stack utilizing React and Firebase. I would like to make API requests to external sources such as Etsy or Twitter. I cannot make the requests from the front end side (React) for two reasons: * *In order to do the GET request, a lot of APIs require you to get a key. If I do these API requests on the front end, I believe my key will be exposed. *I will most likely get a CORS error. So my question is, can I do API requests from the Firebase side so that all the API requests are done in the backend? If so, what component of Firebase would allow for this capability? If not, what do I need to add to my stack without having to implement an entire backend structure in order to do these API requests? Thank you very much for your time! A: You can use Cloud Functions within Firebase to do this. You can have your choice of languages, node is available and probably makes sense given you are already using ReactJS. For example, see this answer to a similar question. Note that on Spark plans, you are only permitted to make outbound calls to google services, but on paid plans you can access non-Google APIs. The functions also have full access to your realtime/firestore database and cloud storage, if you are using those facilities.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaStackExchange'}
FIRM UPDATE: Our offices are open and we are accepting new clients. To protect our community and our legal team in response to the threat of COVID-19, we are offering video and telephone consultations. Please call or email our office to discuss your options. Weekend & Evening Hours Available Focused on Protecting & Preserving the Rights of Individuals. » Drunk driving accidents occur too often in Missouri Drunk driving accidents occur too often in Missouri On behalf of Holman Schiavone, LLC | Jun 28, 2013 | Car Accidents | Not a week goes by where it is not reported that an accident occurs that may have been caused by an intoxicated driver. This type of reckless behavior has injured many Missouri residents, while also taking the lives of many others. Although these drunk driving accidents are entirely preventable if drivers take the proper measures to ensure that they do not get behind the wheel of a vehicle after having too much to drink, there are still numerous victims who suffer. Police suspect that alcohol may have played a role in a recent accident that sent one man to the hospital. Police responded to the scene of a single vehicle crash in the early morning hours. Upon their arrival, they saw that a single vehicle had traveled off the road. The passenger of the vehicle was airlifted to an area hospital. He is currently in serious condition. Meanwhile, the driver of the vehicle was taken into custody. He now faces numerous charges including driving under the influence and vehicular assault. Although the criminal case against the driver has only begun, the victim may not need to wait until that case has been resolved in order to seek compensation for his injuries. Drunk driving accidents may not need to wait for the resolution of the criminal case. If this action is filed in a Missouri court, the victim may be able to recoup his medical expenses, as well as a wide range of other damages he suffered due to the injuries he sustained as a result of another's reckless act. Source:, "Driver arrested in crash on US 67," June 19, 2013 Employee Rights (138) Sexual Harassment (81) Wage And Hour Laws (84) Workplace Discrimination (160) Wrongful Termination (84) What a failed hernia mesh surgery means for your career How to tell your boss that you are pregnant What to do after experiencing sexual harassment at work Understanding the Age Discrimination in Employment Act When should you call an attorney after a motor vehicle collision? Tell Us About Your Case. Get A Free Consultation Speak With A Compassionate, Devoted Attorney Today. Please Call 816-399-5149. Holman Schiavone, LLC © 2021 Holman Schiavone, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
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Carpet Cleaning Mesa is not just a company or a bunch of people cleaning carpets. No, it is not. We are well trained in all aspect of cleaning carpets, upholstery and rugs. We will take good care of any carpet because we understands that carpets are one of the greatest investments in any household budget. We at Mesa Carpet cleaning know that carpet stains are caused by different factors. It can be caused by dirt, pets that carry trash from outside, or any other factor that could soil and damage carpets. Although there are different factors that could cause the damage of carpets, we also have a lot of services to prevent the continuous damage of these carpets. We offer carpet steam cleaning and dry carpet cleaning, whichever is more appropriate or whichever is preferred by our clients. For oriental carpets, which are very delicate and expensive, we also have an oriental carpet cleaning service, designed specifically for oriental carpets, as the name suggests, because oriental carpets are very sensitive and can be easily ruined. We have excellent equipment for cleaning that we could boast about, so there is no need to worry, we will clean your carpets thoroughly and gently. We are aware of the value people put on these carpets due to different reasons. Carpet cleaning Mesa puts so much effort in our rugs and carpets cleaning services, our technicians studied all the latest innovation in the cleaning industry. Cleaning have been our business for many years and we have a lot in experience in it, but we constantly improve our knowledge and cleaning equipment. Although carpets are just there to be stepped on by feet or paws of animals, Carpet Cleaning Mesa will still take good care of them and make sure they are as good as new.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Depending on your order and where you are located, production length and delivery times will vary. For Luxury Art Prints, those located within the UK can expect prompt delivery. Prints are dispatched within one business day, and fullfilled by Royal Mail First Class. Packaging is flat and secure (except for A2 which are rolled in a tube), ensuring safe delivery. Those in the US can expect longer delivery times, but we usually aim for 1 - 2 weeks. For the rest of the world, delivery can take between 1 - 3 weeks. Our lastest line up, the Gallery Wrap Canvases are again made for you once you submit your order. Production is usually 2 business days, and delivery method is chosen as the most cost effective for your location. MyHermes, IPostParcels and ParcelForce and the three we use, and delivery is usually 2 - 4 days. We can currently only offer these to UK customers, however we hope to expand in the future. As these items are made especially for you after you order, production can take upto 3 business days. Postage is again with Royal Mail, and is usually expected within 1 - 2 days afterwards. If, for whatever reason, you are unhappy with your product, you may return it in its original condition for a full refund, within 14 days of receiving it. Please use the Contact form for any queries. I will aim to get back to you within 24 hours.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
require "spec_helper" require "fog/brightbox/models/compute/event" describe Fog::Compute::Brightbox::Event do include ModelSetup subject { } describe "when asked for collection name" do it "responds 'events'" do assert_equal "events", subject.collection_name end end describe "when asked for resource name" do it "responds 'event'" do assert_equal "event", subject.resource_name end end end
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaGithub'}
Harmful Radiation January 6, 2020 Video DAVID ICKE: "Wars In Space & 5G Control" 5G, 5G Apocalypse, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21, David Icke, Mind Control, New World Order (NWO), War 3D Control Matrix, 3D World, 5G, 5G Health Hazards, 5G Health Risks, 5G Radiation, 5G Technology, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21, Agendas, AI, AI (Artificial Intelligence), AI Control Matrix, AI Mind Control Matrix, Artificial Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Awakening to the Truth, Awareness, Biological Hazards, Brain Damage, Brain Health, Cancer Risks, Cell Phones, Cellular Phones, Censoring Humanity, Censoring Reality, Censoring Truth, Censorship, Conspiracy, Conspiracy Reality, Conspiracy Truther, Control Matrix, Control Tactics, Controllers, Controlling Perception, Dangerous Technology, David Icke, David Icke Dot-Connector Videocast, Depopulation Agenda, DNA Damage, Dot-Connector Videocast, Editorial, Electromagnetic Energy, Electromagnetic Field, Electromagnetic Fields, Electromagnetic Frequencies, Electromagnetic Hazards, Electromagnetic Signaling, Electromagnetic Signals, Elon Musk, Enslavement, Environmental Hazards, Environmental Threats, Harmful Radiation, Health, Health Alert, Health Awareness, Hidden Agendas, Hidden Dangers, Mind Control, Mind Control Agenda, Mind Control Matrix, Mind-Controlled Slaves, Neural Network, Neurological Damage, Opinion, Perception Control, Perception Control Tactics, Population Control, Raising Awareness, Reality, Secret Space Program, Secret Space Programs, Social Engineering, Space Wars, Suppressing Evidence, Supressing Truth, The Dot-Connector Videocast, Toxic Environment, Truth, Truther, Video, Wake-Up Call, War, War on Humanity, Warnings, Wars, Wi-Fi, Wireless Cellular, Wireless Radiation, Wireless Signals, Wireless Technology, World 1 Comment November 27, 2019 Video DAVID ICKE: "Elon Musk, 5G, & The Rewiring Of The Human Brain" 5G, 5G Apocalypse, AI, Artificial Intelligence, David Icke 3D Control Matrix, 5G, 5G Health Hazards, 5G Health Risks, 5G Radiation, 5G Technology, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21, Agendas, AI, AI (Artificial Intelligence), AI Control Matrix, AI Mind Control Matrix, Artificial Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Awakening to the Truth, Awareness, Biological Hazards, Brain Damage, Brain Health, Cancer Risks, Cell Phones, Cellular Phones, Censoring Humanity, Censoring Reality, Censoring Truth, Censorship, Conspiracy, Conspiracy Reality, Conspiracy Truther, Control Matrix, Control Tactics, Controllers, Controlling Perception, Dangerous Technology, David Icke, David Icke Dot-Connector Videocast, Depopulation Agenda, DNA Damage, Dot-Connector Videocast, Editorial, Electromagnetic Energy, Electromagnetic Field, Electromagnetic Fields, Electromagnetic Frequencies, Electromagnetic Hazards, Electromagnetic Signaling, Electromagnetic Signals, Elon Musk, Enslavement, Environmental Hazards, Environmental Threats, Harmful Radiation, Health, Health Alert, Health Awareness, Hidden Agendas, Hidden Dangers, Mind Control, Mind Control Agenda, Mind Control Matrix, Mind-Controlled Slaves, Neural Network, Neurological Damage, Opinion, Perception Control, Perception Control Tactics, Population Control, Raising Awareness, Reality, Social Engineering, Suppressing Evidence, Supressing Truth, The Dot-Connector Videocast, Toxic Environment, Truth, Truther, Video, Wake-Up Call, War on Humanity, Warnings, Wi-Fi, Wireless Cellular, Wireless Radiation, Wireless Signals, Wireless Technology, World 0 Comments DR. JOSEPH MERCOLA: "Illegal Levels of Radiation Emitted by Popular Cellphones" "Persistent exposures to microwave frequencies like those from cellphones can cause mitochondrial dysfunction and nuclear DNA damage from free radicals produced from peroxynitrite. Excessive exposures to cellphones and Wi-Fi networks have been linked to chronic diseases such as cardiac arrhythmias, anxiety, depression, autism, Alzheimer's and infertility. EMF exposure has increased about 1 quintillion times over the past 100 years. Most people experience biological impacts but have no appreciation of the damage it's causing until it's too late. Even then, it's extremely difficult to link the exposure to the symptoms or the disease. 5G relies primarily on the bandwidth of the millimeter wave, known to cause a painful burning sensation. It's also been linked to eye and heart problems, suppressed immune function, genetic damage and fertility problems. EMFs have clear neuropsychiatric effects, triggering everything from foggy thinking and headaches to learning disabilities and dementia." ~Dr. Joseph Mercola Hidden within your cellphone's manual is a little-known warning that advises you to keep the device at a certain distance from your body — typically 5 to 15 millimeters — to ensure you don't exceed the federal safety limit for radiofrequency (RF) exposure. In the real world, however, most people carry their phones close to their body, usually in a pocket. Many women tuck their phone right into their bra, which may be the absolute worst place for a woman to put it, as it could raise their risk of both heart problems and breast tumors, two leading risks of death for women. How Safety Limits Are Determined The safe distance (listed in your cellphone manual) is based on your phone's specific absorption rate (SAR). SAR is a measure of how much RF energy your body will absorb from the device when held at a specific distance from your body, typically ranging from 5 to 15 mm, depending on the manufacturer. Put another way, it's a measure of the degree to which your device will heat body tissue, which we now know is not the primary way that cellphones damage your body. However, even though heat generated from your phone does not really damage your body, the SAR could be a good surrogate marker for the actual microwave radiofrequency exposure that does indeed cause cellular damage, as it is the microwaves that heat your tissue. So, typically, the lower SAR rating, the safer your phone, but not for the reasons they are telling you. The SAR limit set by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is currently the only standard set to protect public health, so the fact that even these lenient standards are being exceeded is concerning. In the U.S. and Canada, the SAR limit for mobile devices used by the public is 1.6 W/kg per 1 gram of head tissue. To understand why and how SAR underestimates radiation absorption and health risks, see "Exposure Limits: The Underestimation of Absorbed Cellphone Radiation, Especially in Children," published in the journal Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine in 2012. Popular Cellphones Emit Illegal Levels of RF As mentioned, recent independent SAR testing reveals several popular cellphones emit far higher levels of RF radiation than legally permitted. One bestselling cellphone, the iPhone 7, emitted more than double the legal SAR limit. "The Federal Communications Commission, which is responsible for regulating phones, states on its website that if a cellphone has been approved for sale, the device 'will never exceed' the maximum allowable exposure limit. But this phone, in an independent lab inspection, had done exactly that." In all, 11 cellphone models from four manufacturers were tested. Because of the surprisingly high level of radiation obtained from the first iPhone 7 tested, four iPhone 7s were tested, using a standard test and a modified test based on manufacturers feedback. While results varied from one device to another, all four exceeded the FCC's limit. At a distance of 5 mm from your body (the distance used by Apple), the iPhone 7 was found to emit anywhere between 2.5 and 3.46 W/kg, which is 1.6 to 2.2 times the legal limit. At a distance of 2 mm from the body — which mimics carrying your phone in your pocket — the results ranged from 3.5 W/kg on the low end to 4.69 W/kg on the high end, which are 2.2 to 2.9 times above the legal limit. The three Samsung Galaxy smartphones tested, Galaxy S9, S8 and J3, were all within the legal limit at 10 to 15 mm from the body (the distance used by Samsung), but RF radiation levels skyrocketed at 2 mm from the body, raising serious questions about the safety of keeping a Galaxy phone in your pocket. The Galaxy S9 came in at 3.8 W/kg at 2 mm from the body, while the S8 registered a whopping 8.22 W/kg (more than five times the legal limit) and J3 registered 6.55 W/kg. Safety Standards Do Not Match Real-World Exposure Another problem is that SAR testing companies are allowed to position the cellphone as far as 25 mm (0.98 inches, or nearly 1 inch) away from the body to meet the FCC standard. Today, few people consistently keep their phone at least a quarter of an inch to an inch away from their body, which means overexposure is chronic. In 2012, the Government Accountability Office stated that because cellphone radiation is not measured under real-world conditions, against the body, the FCC should reassess its limits and testing requirements. Authorities used this finding to help calculate a safety limit for humans, building in a 50-fold safety factor. The final rule, adopted by the FCC in 1996, stated that cellphone users cannot potentially absorb more than 1.6 watts per kilogram averaged over one gram of tissue. To demonstrate compliance, phone makers were told to conduct two tests: when the devices were held against the head and when held up to an inch from the body. "These testing methods didn't address the anatomy of children and that of other vulnerable populations, such as pregnant women", said Joel Moskowitz, a cellphone expert at the University of California at Berkeley. "It was like one-size-fits-all." Plus, he said, "I don't think anyone anticipated the smartphone and how it would become so integral to our lives." 'This Could Be the Chernobyl of the Cellphone Industry' In the wake of the Tribune's report, the class-action law firm Fegan Scott has announced it will launch an investigation. In a BusinessWire press release, managing partner Beth Fegan stated: "This could be the Chernobyl of the cellphone industry, cover-up and all. If we found that produce sold in grocery stores contained twice the levels of pesticides as the law allows, we would be up in arms, demanding the products be pulled from the shelf — this is no different. In this case, we know the cellphone radiation is dangerous, but the terrifying part is that we don't know how dangerous, especially to kids' brain development." That said, at least one class-action lawsuit has already been filed. August 23, 2019, a dozen individuals filed a class action complaint against Apple Inc. and Samsung Electronics America Inc., saying excessive RF radiation has placed them at increased risk for cancer, cellular stress, genetic damage, learning and memory deficits and neurological disorders. As noted by Tech Wellness, the lawsuit stresses that while the cellphone industry used to warn against holding your cellphone against your body, people are now encouraged to carry their phones in their pockets rather than a bag. Tech Wellness also notes that, "Both Samsung and Apple have commercials showing people lying in bed with their phones and Samsung shows a pregnant woman holding the phone to her belly, which presents the false perception that these devices are safe even when in direct contact with the body." Government Research Confirms Safety Concerns Indeed, there's plenty of scientific evidence showing there's cause for concern and prudence. Among the more damning studies are two government-funded animal studies19 that reveal GSM and CDMA radiation has carcinogenic potential. The finalized report of these two studies — conducted by the National Toxicology Program (NTP), an interagency research program under the auspices of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences — was released November 1, 2018. While the preliminary report released in February 2018 significantly downplayed the findings, subsequent peer review upgraded the findings of risk. The NTP rates cancer risk based on four categories of evidence: "clear evidence" (highest), "some evidence," "equivocal evidence," and "no evidence" (lowest). According to the NTP's final report, the two studies, done on mice and rats of both sexes, found: Clear evidence for heart tumors (malignant schwannomas) in male rats. These types of tumors started developing around week 70, and are very similar to acoustic neuromas found in humans, a benign type of tumor that previous studies have been linked to cellphone use. Some evidence of brain tumors (malignant gliomas) in male rats. Glial cell hyperplasias — indicative of precancerous lesions — began developing around week 58. Some evidence of adrenal gland tumors in male rats, both benign and malignant tumors and/or complex combined pheochromocytoma. Equivocal or unclear evidence of tumors in female rats and mice of both genders. While the NTP insists the exposure — nine hours a day for two years, which is the lifetime of a rodent — is far more extensive than that of heavy cellphone users, I would disagree, seeing how many have their cellphones turned on and near their body 24/7. As mentioned, many teens are literally sleeping with their phone beneath their pillow. NTP Findings Reproduced at Power Levels Below FCC Limits Corroborating evidence was also published by the Ramazzini Institute just one month after the NTP released its preliminary report in February 2018. The Ramazzini study reproduces and clearly supports the NTP's findings, showing a clear link between cellphone radiation and Schwann cell tumors (schwannomas) — but at a much lower power level than that used by NTP. While NTP used RF levels comparable to what's emitted by 2G and 3G cellphones (near-field exposure), Ramazzini simulated exposure to cellphone towers (far-field exposure). Ramazzini's rats were exposed to 1.8 GHz GSM radiation at electric field strengths of 5, 25 and 50 volts per meter for 19 hours a day, starting at birth until the rats died either from age or illness. To facilitate comparison, the researchers converted their measurements to watts per kilogram of body weight (W/kg), which is what the NTP used. Overall, the radiation dose administered in the Ramazzini study was up to 1,000 times lower than the NTP's — and below the U.S. limits set by the FCC — yet the results are strikingly similar. As in the NTP studies, exposed male rats developed statistically higher rates of heart schwannomas than unexposed rats. They also found some evidence, although weaker, that RF exposure increased rates of glial tumors in the brains of female rats. Cellphone Radiation Can Do a Great Deal of Harm In my view, the fact that popular cellphones are exceeding the legal limit of RF is a significant health concern, as the primary hazard of cellphone radiation is not brain cancer but systemic cellular and mitochondrial damage, which can contribute to any number of health problems and chronic diseases. Cellphone radiation has also been shown to have a significant impact on neurological and mental health, contributing to and/or worsening anxiety, depression and dementia, for example, and all of these conditions are rampant and growing more prevalent. Research also suggests excessive EMF exposure is contributing to reproductive problems. For example, researchers have found prenatal exposure to power-frequency fields can nearly triple a pregnant woman's risk of miscarriage. Studies have also shown cellphone radiation can reduce sperm motility and viability. It's really important to realize that the harms of cellphone radiation are not related to the heating of tissue. Rather, it causes a cascade of molecular events that end up causing severe oxidative damage. 5G Will Exponentially Magnify Your Health Risks The planned implementation of 5G is bound to further magnify the health risks associated with cellphones and other wireless devices. A call for a moratorium on 5G was issued in September 2017 by more than 180 scientists and doctors from 35 countries, "until potential hazards for human health and the environment have been fully investigated by scientists independent from industry." The moratorium points out that "RF-EMF has been proven to be harmful for humans and the environment," and that "5G will substantially increase exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields on top of the 2G, 3G, 4G, Wi-Fi, etc., for telecommunications already in place." Despite that, and an appeal for protection from nonionizing EMF exposure by more than 230 international EMF scientists to the United Nations in 2015, the U.S. and many other countries are still moving ahead without any health or environmental impact studies. At a February 6, 2019, senate commerce hearing, the FCC admitted that no 5G safety studies have been conducted or funded by the agency or the telecom industry, and that none are planned. The added concern 5G brings is the addition of the millimeter wave (MMW). This bandwidth, which runs from 30 gigahertz (GHz) to 300GHz, is known to penetrate up to 2 millimeters into human skin tissue, causing a burning sensation. Research has shown sweat ducts in human skin act as receptors or antennae for 5G radiation, drawing the radiation into your body, thereby causing a rise in temperature. This in part helps explain the painful effect. As noted by Dr. Yael Stein — who has studied 5G MMW technology and its interaction with the human body — in a 2016 letter to the Federal Communications Commission: "Potentially, if 5G Wi-Fi is spread in the public domain we may expect more of the health effects currently seen with RF/ microwave frequencies including many more cases of hypersensitivity (EHS), as well as many new complaints of physical pain and a yet unknown variety of neurologic disturbances. It will be possible to show a causal relationship between G5 technology and these specific health effects. The affected individuals may be eligible for compensation." Aside from pain, MMW has also been linked to eye damage, heightened stress through its impact on heart rate variability, arrhythmias, suppressed immune function and increased antibiotic resistance in bacteria. If Stein is right about being able to demonstrate a causal relationship between 5G and certain health effects, then the class action against Apple and Samsung will be just the beginning of a flood of lawsuits. Beyond its health ramifications, a global 5G network will also threaten our ability to predict weather, which will put civilians at risk and jeopardize the Navy. According to a recent paper in the journal Nature, widespread 5G coverage will prevent satellites from detecting changes in water vapor, which is how meteorologists predict weather changes and storms. Time will tell if that will be yet another avenue for legal action. Take Precautions Sooner Rather Than Later Clearly, a key take-home message from the Tribune's testing is that you should never carry your phone in your pocket unless it's in airplane mode. Carrying it on your body while it's on is a surefire way to ensure overexposure, and this appears to be true for many different models. The radiation may even differ from one phone to the next, of the same model, so even if your model happened to rate well at the 2-mm distance in this particular test, it's not a guarantee your individual phone will not overexpose you. I am currently writing a book on EMF dangers, called "EMF'd," which will be a comprehensive resource on current technologies and should be published in February 2020. In the meantime, to learn more about 5G and help educate others, you can download a two-page 5G fact sheet from the Environmental Health Trust. On their website, you can also access a long list of published scientific studies showing cause for concern. To reduce your EMF exposure, read through the suggestions listed in "A Film About the Impending 5G Apocalypse." In that article, you'll also find well-done documentary detailing the many concerns associated with this next-gen technology. ~via 5G, 5G Apocalypse, Awareness, Health, Health Alert, Health Hazards, Wi-Fi 5G, 5G Apocalypse, 5G Cell Tower Radiation, 5G Cell Towers, 5G Health Hazards, 5G Health Risks, 5G Killing Bees, 5G Kills, 5G Radiation, 5G Technology, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21, Alzheimers, Alzheimers Spike, Awakening to the Truth, Awareness, Bees, Biological Hazards, Brain Damage, Brain Health, Cancer, Cancer in Children, Cancer Risks, Cardiomyopathy, Cell Phones, Cell Tower Hazards, Cell Towers, Cellular DNA Damage, Cellular Phones, Childhood Cancer, Children with Cancer, Crimes Against Humanity, Dangerous Technology, Depopulation Agenda, DEW (Directed Energy Weapons), Directed Energy Weaponry, Directed Energy Weapons, Disinformation, DNA Damage, Donald Trump Endorses 5G & 6G, Donald Trump Is An Idiot, Donald Trump's Role in the New World Order, Dr. Joseph Mercola, Dr. Mercola, Dying Bees, Electromagnetic Energy, Electromagnetic Field, Electromagnetic Fields, Electromagnetic Frequencies, Electromagnetic Hazards, Electromagnetic Signaling, Electromagnetic Signals, EMFs, Endocrine Effects, Energy Weaponry, Energy Weapons, Enslavement, Enslavement Program, Environmental Hazards, Environmental Threats, Free Radical Damage, Harmful Radiation, Hazards to Nature, Health Alert, Health Awareness, Health Experts, Health Hazards, Hidden Dangers, Illegal Radiation Levels, Infertility, Joseph Mercola, Mind Control Matrix, Neural Network, Neurological Damage, Neurological/Neuropsychiatric Effects, Peroxynitrates, Population Control, Raising Awareness, Saving Humanity, Saving the Planet, Scary Technology, Technology, Toxic Environment, Trump Administration, U.S. President, Wake-Up Call, War on Humanity, Warning, Wi-Fi, Wireless Cellular, Wireless Radiation, Wireless Signals, Wireless Technology 0 Comments STATE OF THE NATION: "President Trump: BY FAR — The Worst Environmental POTUS In History" "First, this president, from day one, has highly encouraged and issued specific policy that has provided extraordinary incentives to fracking companies across the USA so that the Trump administration can sell liquid natural gas (LNG) to Russia's customers in Europe and elsewhere. Secondly, this president has pushed the military deployment of 5G with a vengeance. He has even sung the praises of a "future" and extremely deadly 6G. Thirdly, there is Trump's egregious failure to shut down the chemical geoengineering operations being conducted in the skies across the country — 24/7. Then there is the intentional weakening of the cornerstone pieces of legislation that undergird the nation's environmental protection. Fifth, it's now evident that there's a total disregard for the health and wellness of the populace by the Trump administration. The BOTTOM LINE: Mother Earth is not happy, Mr. President!" ~State of the Nation President Trump has been — BY FAR — the worst environmental POTUS in history. It's clear from his many reckless actions, misguided policies and heedless proclamations where it concerns the environment, that he's a real Neanderthal. First, this president, from day one, has highly encouraged and issued specific policy that has provided extraordinary incentives to fracking companies across the USA so that the Trump administration can sell liquid natural gas (LNG) to Russia's customers in Europe and elsewhere. This highly destructive strategy alone is enough to give him the award for the "Worst Enviro POTUS" — EVER! Hydro-fracking has been devastating communities across America since the BP Gulf oil spill. Secondly, this president has pushed the military deployment of 5G with a vengeance. He has even sung the praises of a "future" and extremely deadly 6G. Truly, his zealous promotion of the 5G roll-out nationwide is enough to make him guilty of GENOCIDE. And, he became the world's unequalled pitchman for 5G only at the insistence of it being developed in Israel. Hence, he owes an explanation to the American people about why such an inherently dangerous technology is okay for the United States, but not for Israel. See: Here's why 5G is NOT allowed in Israel where it was developed Thirdly, there is Trump's egregious failure to shut down the chemical geoengineering operations being conducted in the skies across the country — 24/7. Also known as chemtrails, these now ubiquitous toxic aerosols are disseminated from specially equipped U.S. military jets, nonstop, in all 50 states for reasons unknown. The U.S. citizenry is literally being sprayed like bugs and the government has never explained why and has only denied their obvious existence. (CHEMTRAIL SYNDROME: A Global Pandemic Of Epic Proportions). Any POTUS, as Commander-in-Chief of the US Armed Forces, who allows the reckless and incessant pollution of the ambient atmosphere will have to answer to We the People. Then there is the intentional weakening of the cornerstone pieces of legislation that undergird the nation's environmental protection. This is where Trump himself has turned back the clock on the most important environmental laws ever enacted. Not only did Trump's EPA move to gut the Clean Air Act, his administration has also been undermining critical protections mandated by the Clean Water Act. It's entirely true that environmental activists nationwide consider Trump to be a one-man wrecking crew whose cave-man mentality will destroy the delicate ecological balance wherever he relaxes or terminates necessary rules and regulation. Fifth, it's now evident that there's a total disregard for the health and wellness of the populace by the Trump administration. In fact, "a 2018 analysis reported that the Trump administration's rollbacks and proposed reversals of environmental rules would likely 'cost the lives of over 80,000 US residents per decade and lead to respiratory problems for many more than 1 million people'." This willful negligence by Trump to safeguard the citizenry reflects an unprecedented repudiation of the most fundamental agreement (and basic responsibility) every POTUS swears to uphold. One wonders if Trump even knows how to spell E N V I R O N M E N T. Lastly, President Trump has done everything in his power to push the stock market as high as he can. It's as though the DJIA is the primary metric by which he measures his success. Quite unfortunately, this inordinate determination to manipulate daily the NYSE and artificially prop up the various markets has only emboldened Corporate America to run roughshod over the environment. Their high-paid lobbyists and lawyers are as busy as ever re-writing environmental laws in Washington, D.C. and every state house in the nation. In the end, it's the people who will suffer greatly from this profound betrayal. There's much more to this screed, but the foregoing examples sketch out the general picture. The BOTTOM LINE: Mother Earth is not happy, Mr. President! ~via State of the Nation 5G, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21, Chemtrails, Crimes Against Humanity, Earth, Environment, Environmental Hazards, Genetic Engineering, Geoengineering, GMOs, Government, Mother Earth, New World Order (NWO), Politics, Raising Awareness, Save The Planet, Toxic Environment, Truth, Wake-Up Call, War on Humanity 5G, 5G Health Hazards, 5G Health Risks, 5G Killing Bees, 5G Radiation, 5G Technology, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21, Biological Hazards, Black Chemtrails, Brain Damage, Brain Health, Cancer, Cancer Risks, Cardiomyopathy, Cell Phones, Cellular DNA Damage, Cellular Phones, Chemtrail, Chemtrail Cough, Chemtrail Jets, Chemtrail Spraying, Chemtrailing, Chemtrails, Crimes Against Humanity, Dangerous Technology, DNA, DNA Altering, DNA Damage, DNA Tampering, Donald Trump, Donald Trump Endorses 5G & 6G, Donald Trump Is An Idiot, Donald Trump's Role in the New World Order, Dying Bees, Electromagnetic Energy, Electromagnetic Field, Electromagnetic Fields, Electromagnetic Frequencies, Electromagnetic Hazards, Electromagnetic Signaling, Electromagnetic Signals, Endocrine Effects, Enslavement, Enslavement Program, Environmental Hazards, Environmental Threats, Environmental Toxins, Eugenics, Frankenfood, Frankenfoods, Frankenstorm, Free Radical Damage, Genetic, Genetic Damage, Genetic Engineering, Genetic Modification Agenda, Genetic Mutations, Genetic Tampering, Genocide, GMO Crops, GMOs, Harmful Radiation, Hazards to Nature, Health, Health Alert, Health Awareness, Health Experts, Hidden Dangers, Laws, Mike Pompeo, Neurological Damage, Neurological/Neuropsychiatric Effects, New World Order, Poison, Poisons, President Trump, Raising Awareness, Saving Humanity, Saving the Planet, Technology, Toxic, Toxic Compounds, Toxic Environment, Toxins, Trump, Trump Administration, U.S. President, Wake-Up Call, War on Humanity, Wi-Fi, Wireless Cellular, Wireless Radiation, Wireless Signals, Wireless Technology 1 Comment August 19, 2019 Video DAVID ICKE: "Proven Right Again — Smart Phones Manipulating Brain Cells" Health Alert, Health Hazards, Mind Control, Raising Awareness, Technology, Truth, Whistleblower Awakening to the Truth, Awareness, Biological Hazards, Brain Cell Manipulation, Brain Cells, Brain Damage, Brain Health, Cancer Risks, Cell Phones, Cellular Phones, Dangerous Technology, David Icke, David Icke Dot-Connector Videocast, Depopulation Agenda, DNA Damage, Dot-Connector Videocast, Editorial, Electromagnetic Energy, Electromagnetic Field, Electromagnetic Fields, Electromagnetic Frequencies, Electromagnetic Hazards, Electromagnetic Signaling, Electromagnetic Signals, Enslavement, Environmental Hazards, Environmental Threats, Harmful Radiation, Health, Health Alert, Health Awareness, Hidden Dangers, Mind Control, Mind Control Matrix, Neural Network, Neurological Damage, Opinion, Population Control, Raising Awareness, Smart Phone Mind Control, Smart Phones, Smartphone Mind Control, Smartphones, Toxic Environment, Truth, Truther, Video, Wake-Up Call, War on Humanity, Warnings, Wi-Fi, Wireless Cellular, Wireless Radiation, Wireless Signals, Wireless Technology 1 Comment
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M&M to bring new variants of XUV 500, KUV 100 to counter rivals M&M has readied new variants of the XUV 500 and KUV 100 to hold on to its share in the segment that is growing fast and where it has been upstaged by Maruti in some months of 2016. Ketan Thakkar MUMBAI: Mahindra & Mahindra is trying to make two of its popular vehicles more appealing to the buyer, as competition is set to intensify further in the SUV space with rivals Maruti Suzuki and Tata Motors launching new models. M&M has readied new variants of the XUV 500 and KUV 100 to hold on to its share in the segment that is growing fast and where it has been upstaged by Maruti in some months of 2016 on the back of strong demand for the Vitara Brezza. The Ignis from Maruti and the Tata Hexa are set to pose fresh threat to the company. The changes will be in aesthetics and features, and there will be no major price increase. Read Also: ​ Mahindra & Mahindra working to build world's most affordable electric SUV Pravin Shah, chief executive for the automotive sector at Mahindra & Mahindra, told ET that the philosophy of Mahindra always was to offer value of Rs 100 at Rs 50. The company is adding a host of connectivity technologies to make the XUV more feature-packed. The new EcoSense telematics feature will allow real-time tracking of the vehicle, including fuel economy and wear and tear of parts. Mood lighting is another addition on offer. The company has also added a safety button in the XUV, which will be triggered in the event of any accident and call the stored emergency contact number. It will offer this feature to existing XUV owners as well, through a small software upgrade. In the Rs 15-25 lakh premium SUV space, M&M already sells 3,000-3,500 XUVs a month, more than all models of other companies put together. In the micro SUV space, where the company is facing maximum heat, M&M is upgrading the KUV by improving the aesthetics of the car and its fuel economy. In the coming few weeks, the new KUV variant will come with dual colours for the first time to keep itself competitive against the Maruti Ignis. The KUV will also offer the options of bigger alloy wheels and a host of accessories. The world is embracing digital technologies, while increasing traffic on the road is making people spend more time in cars, Shah said. "With connected features, we are trying to offer options which take away torture and fatigue, by making them more gainfully deployed, be it mood lighting or connectivity features." Mahindra has already tied up with Google and has integrated the Android Auto operating system on the infotainment system of the XUV and is in discussion with Apple to integrate the Apple CarPlay. The introduction of the new variants is an effort by M&M to contain the slide in market share — its market share has dropped to 29% in the April-December period from 36% in the same period last fiscal year. At the same time, Maruti Suzuki and Hyundai have both registered strong double-digit growth in SUVs. First it was the diesel ban in Delhi that hit the sales, as its vehicles run on that fuel, and now it is the demonetisation impact on rural areas where some of its top selling models are in great demand. In a market that has seen strong double digit growth between April and December, M&M has registered very modest growth of 4%. Maruti launches the Ignis on Friday, whereas Tata Motors will introduce the Hexa in a weeks' time. Upcoming car and bike launches in 2017 1. Maruti Suzuki Ignis - January 13 Maruti Suzuki is going to launch its first ever mini crossover - Ignis on January 13. However, unlike Ritz, Ignis will be sold through the automaker's premium dealership Nexa. The expected price of the car will be around Rs 5 lakh - Rs 7 lakh. 2. Tata Hexa - January 16 Tata Hexa will come in three variants XE, XM and XT in a manual transmission. While the automatic transmission will come only in two variants XM and XT. It is expected to be priced in the range of Rs 11 lakh - Rs 16 lakh. With this price tag, Tata would be pitting Hexa against Mahindra XUV 500 and Toyota Innova Crysta. 3. Maruti Suzuki Baleno RS - End of FY17 At the 2016 Auto Expo, Maruti Suzuki unveiled the Baleno RS fitted with its new engine, the small capacity 1.0-litre BOOSTERJET engine. It is a K10 series C engine which is fitted with a direct injection turbo with intercooler to pump out 111PS and 170Nm of torque available from 2,000rom. All this from an engine that was fitted to the Alto K10. The Baleno range competes with the likes of Honda Jazz and Hyundai Elite i20 here in India, and is likely to launched be the end of this financial year. 4. Nissan X-Trail Hybrid - April Nissan will roll out X-Trail Hybrid, India's first fully hybrid sport utility vehicle, by April. X-Trail Hybrid, globally popular especially in the United States, will be CBU (completely built unit) and will be imported from Japan. Powered by petrol and electric engines, the vehicle will give a mileage of over 20 km per litre. 5. Volkswagen Tiguan This 5-seater SUV is expected to be powered by 2.0 litre TDI diesel engine producing 147 hp and 340Nm of torque. The engine will be paired to a 7-speed DSG automatic gearbox. Volkswagen showcased the Tiguan at the Auto Expo 2016 and will be launched as a CBU (Completely Built-up Unit) unit in India. 6. Tata Nexon - April-May Tata Motors' sports utility vehicle Nexon, first showcased at Auto Expo 2016, is based on the company's new Impact Design philosophy hat shaped the mid-segment hatch Tiago. The Nexon will hit the showrooms only around April-May 2017. Its going to compete with the likes of Ford EcoSport, Maruti Suzuki Vitara Brezza, Renault Duster. 7. 2017 Jeep Compass - Mid 2017 The company cited Jeep Compass as a big launch, this all new compact SUV will be manufactured at the automaker's Ranjangaon facility in India. The 2017 Jeep Compass will be available in three trim configurations. India will get a petrol and a diesel powertrain in manual and automatic transmission options. 8. 2017 Maruti Suzuki Swift Dzire - Mid 2017 Expected to be launched during mid 2017, this new generation compact sedan is likely to get the same set of engines as the Maruti Suzuki Swift hatch. It is most likely to be based on the 2017 Suzuki Swift, which was recently launched in Japan. 9. Hyundai Grand i10 facelift - February Hyundai Motor India will launch the facelift of its popular selling hatch Grand i10 in February 2017. The car comes to India within 4 months of its global unveil in Paris in October 2016. The car will continue to be powered with its existing 1.2L Kappa petrol engine and 1.1 U2 CRDi diesel engine. Only the petrol engine will continue to get the 4-speed automatic transmission variant. 10. 2017 Ford EcoSport - Q3 FY18 Revealed in November 2016 ahead of the Los Angeles Motor Show, the 2017 Ford EcoSport will be launched somewhere around third quarter. It has received design changes at the exterior and is likely to led to growth in EcoSport sales. It is most likely will get new steering wheel, wider instrument cluster with a large multi-info display, new HVAC controls and a floating touchscreen infotainment system with navigation. 11. TVS Akula 310 - March TVS is expected to roll out Akula 310 in March 2017. The Akula 310 concept was first showcased at the Auto Expo 2016. It is likely to be priced at around Rs 2 lakh. Akula 310 will be powered by 310 cc engine mated with a 6-speed gearbox that can produce 34 Bhp power and 28 Nm torque. 12. TVS-BMW G310R TVS' alliance with BMW Motorrad for a sub-500cc motorcycle began over three years back and the '310 R' is the first product to come out of the stable. The G 310 R will be powered by a 313cc single-cylinder, four-valve liquid-cooled engine which is expected to put out close to 34 bhp at 9000 rpm. It will compete with the likes of Honda CBR250, Kawasaki Ninja 300, and Mahindra Mojo. 13. Honda Africa Twin - Q1 FY18 This is going to be the second premium product from HMSI which will be locally assembled in India after the Honda CBR 650 R. It is powered by a 998cc, liquid cooled, parallel twin engine mated to a 6-speed gearbox. The engine produces 94 bhp of power and 98 Nm of torque. The bike is expected to be feature rich and will be priced above Rs 10 lakh. 14. Hero Duet E The Hero Duet E pure electric scooter made its global premiere at the 2016 Delhi Auto Expo. The scooter is powered by a 5 KW/14 Nm electric motor with a claimed 0-60 kmph time of 6.5 seconds. On a full charge, it can travel up to 65 km. 15. Vespa GTS 300 The Vespa GTS' 300 cc engine can deliver maximum power of 22 HP at 7,500 rpm and maximum torque of 22.3 Nm at just 5,000 rpm with a top speed of 122 km/h. It may get a price tag of over Rs 4 lakh. 16. Ather S340 Ather Energy is a start-up building India's first Smart Electric Scooter, the S340. The nomenclature S340 refers to S for the Scooter, 3 for the 3KWh capacity of the electric motor and 40 for the 40Amp battery capacity. The electric scooter can achieve a top speed of 72 kph and a range of up to 60 km.
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Санта-Круш-да-Грасиоза: Санта-Круш-да-Грасиоза — муниципалитет в Португалии, входит в округ Азорские острова. Санта-Круш-да-Грасиоза — населённый пункт и район в Португалии, входит в округ Азорские острова.
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Rick Santorum accidentally makes strong case for individual mandate. By Grant Gallicho How many GOP presidential candidates know how the U.S. health-care system works? Or what the Affordable Care Act does? In October, one-time Republican candidate Herman Cain declared that if he had been diagnosed with stage-four cancer under "Obamacare" he'd be dead -- because government bureaucrats would have prevented him from getting the necessary treatment. Of course, Cain completely misunderstands the Affordable Care Act. He's not alone. On Friday, December 2, Rick Santorum paid a visit to a group of New Hampshire high-school students, and offered the following lesson on the U.S. health-care system: "There's a reason that people who don't have health insurance right now, who want to sign up for health insurance are stopped from getting insurance on a preexisting condition," Santorum said. "So if you have cancer, and you're not insured...then you want to get health insurance, right? Because it's really expensive [to get cancer treatment]. Imagine if the government said you can get health insurance, and the insurance company can't deny you because you have cancer." Santorum asked the class if anyone disagreed with that, and one student spoke up: "Wouldn't that drive the insurance companies out of business?" "If you don't have to have insurance until you're sick," Santorum explained, "why buy insurance?... How much would insurance be if only people who needed insurance bought it? The whole point of insurance is: healthy people buy it, sick people buy it, and those who are healthy support those who are sick.... But if insurance is only sick people buy it, well guess what's going to be the cost of insurance. That's why there's a preexisting-condition clause." Has Santorum been paying attention to the health-care debate? Does he have the slightest idea what the health-care law he's promised to repeal actually does? Until the Affordable Care Act was passed, insurance companies could dump customers when they became too expensive. They could deny you coverage if you admitted to having a "preexisting condition" -- in English we call this "illness" -- or if they determined that you had been keeping one from them. The Affordable Care Act ends those practices. That is why the law requires everyone to have health insurance -- so that insurance pools are not filled mostly with expensive sick people. And that's why insurance companies have come around on the law -- they are about to get a lot more customers. (Read about one cancer patient's experience with the interim government Preexisting Condition Insurance Plan here. "For me it's been a lifesaver," she writes. "Perhaps literally.") Santorum seems to understand the concept of insurance -- everybody pools resources so individual customers can be covered when the need arises. He even grasps the problem with a health-insurance system in which the sickest patients drive up costs for everyone. "You're not going to see health-insurance rates go down...unless you have the consumers involved and purchasing the ordinary maintenance of them just like the ordinary maintenance of your car." (For now, pass over his ill-considered comparison of health insurance with car insurance; he conveniently ignores the fact that while not everybody gets into major car accidents, nearly everyone will become expensively ill.) What he's just described is the signal achievement of the Affordable Care Act. Not only does the law bring coverage to millions of uninsured Americans. It also lowers costs across the health-care system. Recently, Santorum has been openly discussing his three-year-old daughter's illness, a rare and very serious chromosomal condition called Trisomy 18. "I had insurance under my employer," Santorum told the students. "And when I decided to run for president, I left my job, I lost my insurance, I had to go out and buy insurance on the open market. We have a child who has a preexisting condition. We went out and we said, we left this plan, and we want to join your plan. Fine, we have to pay more because she has a preexisting condition. We should pay more. She's going to be very expensive to the insurance company. That cost, while not the whole cost, is passed along to us.... I'm OK with that." You know what else the Affordable Care Act does? It bars insurers from denying coverage to children with preexisting conditions. Right now. Before the bill was signed into law last year, a parent in Santorum's position could find his child denied coverage because of a preexisting condition. Is he OK with that too? Because if the Affordable Care Act is repealed, that's precisely the situation parents like him -- though mostly not former U.S. senators -- would find themselves in. Grant Gallicho joined Commonweal as an intern and was an associate editor for the magazine until 2015. Jost & the editors on the "accommodation." Commonweal Index Obama's New Square Deal 'The Miracle of Everything' By Rand Richards Cooper Vaccine Delays By Katie Daniels COVID Fatigue By Ebtesam Attaya Islam
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By: imartinezvallejo Read in 6 minutes A Success Story: Yuca's Tacos "Do what you do well and stick with it. Do what you love. Don't try to be everything to everybody. Think about who you want to serve." It all started in 1976, when Dora's mother and father, Socorro and Jaime Herrera, opened their tiny restaurant in the middle of a parking lot on Hillhurst Avenue with the dream of making a lot of people happy with Socorro's delicious food. Yuca's Tacos & Burritos used to be a burger joint and falafel place but ended up being a Mexican restaurant as Socorro was keen to share her Mexican roots and cuisine with the neighborhood. Originally from Yucatan Mexico, Socorro inherited the cooking skills and the secret recipes from her mother, giving the food an authentic Mexican flavor hard to imitate. As with any other startup business, it wasn't easy. But with hard work, love for what they were doing and a little bit of luck, they went from having Dora's brother waving cars to try the food, to becoming one of the most popular taco places in L.A. Eventually, they won a James Beard Award in 2005. Building A Community Also Builds Your Succes Story "She wanted to make people happy by feeding them. Through feeding them she wanted to create a community, and it was not only about filling their stomachs, it was about getting together to tell stories and build a family of strangers." Connecting with the people around them was one of the strongest qualities that led Yuca's Tacos to success. Even though at first they couldn't speak English with their customers, Socorro and Jaime always were friendly and tried to create a family environment in their restaurant for people to feel welcomed generation after generation. The connection was not only made with their customers, it also happened with their employees. That's how they got their current cook, Manuel, who has been working with them for over 30 years and has managed to duplicate Socorro's delicious tacos and burritos. Staying true to yourself Keeping a balance between doing what your customers love and doing what you love is hard. However, Socorro managed to do it for Yuca's Tacos. Dora remembers that on multiple occasions, her mother struggled to decide what to add or take away from the menu, as they received a lot of requests from their customers. Dora's answer was always the same "It's your restaurant, do what you feel like doing, but do it well". And so, Socorro experimented with different dishes and menus and kept what she felt happy doing. At the end of the day, her customers enjoyed her food so much, it didn't really matter if some things were not on the menu. Although many restaurants try to follow new cooking trends and try new innovative dishes, Yuca's Tacos is based on tradition. People loved the fact that when they came back after so many years, they were able to be able to enjoy it as much as the first time they ate there. Start Thinking About Business After almost 30 years of following their guts and pouring their hearts into their restaurant, Dora's family started to think about Yuca's Tacos from a business perspective. Dora took classes and eventually hired a business coach who helped them through the process of understanding how a business works and which things they should be focusing on. Eventually, they opened more Yuca's Tacos in other areas. "Get a good team, if you're going to scale, you need a lawyer, a marketing person, an accountant, a chef. Start networking" Dora told us. You never know what relationships you can develop with your customers. Yuca's Tacos social media channels are currently managed by one of their longtime customers who is doing an amazing job of keeping their social media up to date. Although the Herrera's always had family and friends supporting them financially, they also knew how to manage their money very well. They got their first location when Jaime received compensation after getting injured at work. Instead of going on a shopping spree, they decided to invest it in the business. In addition, Socorro's good habit of saving money has allowed them to maintain financial stability throughout the years. "Without money, experimenting is harder", Dora mentioned during our chat and encouraged people to invest their money in a business. What has kept this delicious Mexican restaurant going, is the love of food and people. So remember, do what you love, add some hard work, and success will knock on your door. Italia Martinez Vallejo Italia is a passionate young marketer with experience in social media management, blogging, content creation, e-mail marketing, e-commerce operations and customer service. She's a bachelor in Digital Arts and Animation, currently pursuing her Master of Science in International Marketing and Business Development. Latest posts by Italia Martinez Vallejo (see all) How to Use Facebook Stories in Your Small Business - November 25, 2019 Top 10 Business Apps for Internal Communication - November 23, 2019 Top 10 Business Apps to Manage Your Agenda - November 20, 2019
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
2015 was the year Papua New Guinea sporting annals as a watershed moment. The obvious reason was that in 2015, this country hosted the 15th Pacific Games all in Port Moresby, the nation's capital, and hosted it successfully – not just from an organiser's perspective but from the athletes' perspective and equally just as important, from the point of view of the fans. A lot had been made about this event in the five and a half years after the country won the bid to host. Would PNG be ready? Was the country capable of matching the 1991 Games when with a vastly smaller budget and fewer support personnel, PNG not only hosted one of the most memorable and visually stunning Games but Team PNG ended up finishing on top of the medal count with 44 gold medals. That was the first time PNG had won the regional event and it is safe to assume that coupled with a talented group of athletes, the country collectively had the drive and determination to achieve great things at the ninth South Pacific Games as it was called then. Fast forward 24 years, Team PNG not only met the public's expectations but achieved the goal they had set months before the July 4 opening ceremony at the newly-built Sir John Guise Stadium. Team PNG chef de mission Richard Kassman and PNG Olympic Committee president Sir John Dawanincura estimated that the national contingent would need to win double the number of gold medals it had in 1991 to claim the top sport. Despite some questions from cynics and naysayers alike, the goal of winning 88 gold medals was achieved. For an event that cost well over a billion kina to prepare for and millions more to run, PNG had achieved what it set out to achieve in all areas across the board. The leadership and vision of individuals such as Sports Minister Justin Tkatchenko, Games Organising Committee chief executive officer Peter Stewart, Pacific Games Authority chairman Sir Kostas Constantinou and GOC chairperson Emma Waiwai cannot be discounted. For every great team performance there has to be an equally capable and adept group of leaders providing the impetus and these fine people provided that quality and standard for everyone to follow. As has been said often in one of life, and sport's many adages, getting to the top of the mountain is the easy part, staying on top is when the real test begins. PNG, and Port Moresby in particular, is now in an advantageous position to benefit from the legacy of great facilities as well as a new found confidence and standing in the region's sporting community. The country is now finally living up to the potential it had. The New Year will bring a set of challenges that the country and its capital will be better equipped to handle. The Pacific Games was not the only sporting concern for the fans in 2015. Rugby league, soccer, netball, rugby union, touch football, cricket, athletics, boxing, softball, tennis, and taekwondo all made headlines for the right reasons. The performances that would push the country to the top of the Pacific Games medal tally were honed and fine-tuned in the months and weeks preceding the event. Although some sports did not perform to expectation, it was statistically expected. Rare is the time when one contingent can get it right in every area. A certain weight of expectation was placed on some sports because of their perceived dominance and superiority over other Pacific Island countries. Some hit the mark others did not do as well as hoped. A nines side made up mostly of Hunters players romped to the gold medal while PNG's vaunted cricket sides were left with egg on their faces when Samoa (women) and Vanuatu (men) turned the tables on them in stirring upsets. The swim team, led by Ryan Pini, did not disappoint keeping pace with the powerful New Caledonians and Tahitians. Off the back of another big haul from the country's certified sports legend Pini, the 31-year-old showed he had enough in the tank to push Team PNG to its goal. In athletics, the name that stood out was Toea Wisil's and like the champion she is, the 28-year-old delivered when it mattered. The 2015 Pacific Games created many memories for the people and these will continue to carry them forward and inspire the next generation of stars.
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Discussion in 'Motorhome Chat' started by Scout, Jul 10, 2014. is it a guessing game.. or do we have a link ? Lets just say "the story is a gass" I get a sore throat and headache in the morning when I have had too much to drink as well. They "regually" target tourists in that area? well seems like the safest thing to do is have a motorhome fun sticker, as if they are robbing people so bloody often then why isn't one of the biggest motorhome forum of travelers having a list of robbed members. So infuriated by this terible terrible bit of lazy journalism Ive emailed the reporter to ask for his evidence. Why can't anyone say which gas it is, what is its use, is it toxic and life threatening, (in which case the french police should get their finger out before someone dies...) and finally, does anyone know of an alarm similar to a smoke or carbon monoxide alarm which would alert you to its presence? Surprised they didn't blame Liverpool fans. Has anyone, ever, met and spoken to victims first hand who have the evidence? Just emailed Andy Crick and asked for names, evidence, places the name of the Hospital that the Police no doubt took two people who'd been rendered unconscious, due to the illegal poisoning of a narcotic substance. The police are just being helpful. The couple would have a real problem claiming on their insurance if the police said what they really thought. What's page 3 like today? I assume you are guessing at this, or do you have evidence to back up this claim?
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
When backing up a replication slave server, this option captures information needed to set up an identical slave server. It creates a file meta/ibbackup_slave_info inside the backup directory, containing a CHANGE MASTER statement with the binary log position and name of the binary log file of the master server. This information is also printed in the mysqlbackup output. To set up a new slave for this master, restore the backup data on another server, start a slave server on the backup data, and issue a CHANGE MASTER command with the binary log position saved in the ibbackup_slave_info file. See Section 6.1, "Setting Up a New Replication Slave" for instructions.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
For more information about Asian Concern in Edinburgh or if you as a church would like Solomon to come and give a talk, or if you yourself would like to help and volunteer, please google Greenside Parish Church, then follow the link to Organisations, and then Asian Concern. Please leave a message and Solomon will return you call or email. Eamon's Trading Project Family Fun Day Radio Saltire's Moving House!
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Q: i want epubreder source code in mono touch c# for iPad i got it in Xcode but need to convert in c#... problem of conversion is that i want to parse the container.xml to get the .opf file path and again parse the .opf file.... can any one please help me out to solve this problem... public void parseXMLFileAt(string strUrl) { try { NSMutableDictionary dict=new NSMutableDictionary(); XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader("/Users/krunal/Desktop/container.xml"); string strAttribute=""; while (reader.Read()) { switch (reader.NodeType) { case XmlNodeType.Element: Hashtable attributes = new Hashtable(); string strURI= reader.NamespaceURI; string strName= reader.Name; if (reader.HasAttributes) { for (int i = 0; i < reader.AttributeCount; i++) { reader.MoveToAttribute(i); attributes.Add(reader.Name,reader.Value); } } parser(_parser,strUrl,strURI,strName,dict); enter code here StartElement(strURI,strName,strName,attributes); break; default: break; } } } catch (XmlException e) { Console.WriteLine("error occured: " + e.Message); } } Thanks in advance
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaStackExchange'}
Medium (960px) Large (1920px) Original (4000x2521px) This photo is posted under a Creative Commons license. You are free to share the photo under certain terms. Click on the license to view these terms. U2 in Belfast - Stay 2018-10-27 - Belfast Photo set: U2 in Belfast by Remy Name of author: Remy (website) U2 era: Experience and Innocence (2017-2018) Optional comment: Contribute to the U2 community with uploading photos or by telling us which shows you have visited. "The album doesn't seem to have any physical place that it's centred in. Instead, to me the songs feel like overheard conversations. It's like a movie that opens in he middle of a scene. You're brought immediately into the action." - Bono on Pop In September 1976, Larry Mullen, Jr. posted a notice on Mount Temple Comprehensive School's bulletin board to form a band. With seven responses to Larry's note, the band which were known at the time as The Hype, The Larry Mullen Band, Feedback and later U2 is whittled down to four as seen from 1980's debut Boy to the current day.
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Knowing when it's time to quit 18 Oct, 2014 12:09 AM 6 minutes to read Sometimes it's time to call it quits, as former Labour leader David Cunliffe realised recently. Photo / Doug Sherring By Joanna Mathers There are a number of qualified, independent people who can help you make major decisions that will impact on your career. You're bored, you're underperforming; your working life feels like treadmill of dull dissatisfaction. Your co-workers and managers are noticing you've lost your spark, and at times you feel like you're clinging on to your job by your fingernails. Managing your day-to-day working life can be arduous when it feels like nothing's going right. And while deciding "enough is enough" can be difficult, sometimes it's the best option for a flagging career. David Cunliffe's recent (and very public) grapple to keep his grip on the reins of a job that had got away from him is a good illustration of the dangers of hanging on too long. His resignation was a brave and painful decision, but ultimately the right one. The decision to call a job quits should never be made lightly. There are many reasons for job dissatisfaction - lack of challenge, interpersonal issues, or excessive stress - and sometimes these can be successfully addressed without such dramatic action. So it's important to look at your work issues from many different angles before throwing in the towel. Careers adviser Kaye Avery has had many clients who struggle with difficult decisions around their careers. She says there are a wide range of reasons why a job might not be working out and that it's important to identify where the challenges lie. "Sometimes people disengage from their job because it lacks excitement, it's exhausting them, or it has become stale," she says. "They may think that they are in the wrong career, but it's actually the conditions in the workplace that are draining them." These factors could include a toxic work culture, bad management or negativity in the workplace. Once people have identified what is causing their dissatisfaction they can decide how to proceed. "When people ascertain why they are unhappy in their work, it's possible to work out whether these things can be changed," says Avery. Call centre work Auckland's top job pick 19 Oct, 2014 04:00 PM Quick Read Avery says that it's important to analyse the reasons for your workplace dissatisfaction with an unbiased, objective person. "Friends and family will be influenced by what you have told them about the job, and they will align themselves with your dissatisfaction," she says. "An independent expert, such as a careers counsellor, will be able to help you identity where the problems lie and formulate a plan for dealing with them." It's helpful to identify what the premium conditions for a great working life would be for you. "These tend to be factors like feeling valued, having support or being recognised. These conditions may be possible to manufacture in your workplace through shifting roles." She says that it is also best to not voice your job concerns or dissatisfactions with co-workers or managers. "There can be a lot of gossip in the workplace, and you need to make sure you only speak to people who have your best interests at heart." Having a timeframe for the resolution of workplace issues can be very useful - it's helpful to know that there will be a definite conclusion to the difficult situation. "You may decide that you will make a decision about what you are going to do over the Christmas break, for example," says Avery. "You can decide to try to remedy issues internally before this time; if you are still unhappy you may start looking for other roles while you are on holiday." Deciding to leave a job for a similar role in a different company may be a challenge, but considering a complete career change is an even more daunting prospect. Avery says that those who feel that they are in the wrong career, but who don't know what career would suit them better, should seek guidance through some of the multiple resources available. "There are books like What Colour is Your Parachute by Richard Bolles that some people find helpful," she says. "But if you still can't decide, it's really useful to get a second opinion from an expert - this will help you to reinforce any decision you make." Careers New Zealand also has a range of resources for those looking to change direction, including skill matcher and career checker tools that can help you gauge which options you may have. Avery says it's also a good idea to have "informational interviews" with people in careers you think you may like. "Speak to people face-to-face about the jobs they do and how they got them," she says. This can help to provide a more nuanced and informed picture of the career that interests you, and inform your decision-making process. If you decide to leave your job, it's important to work out an effective exit strategy. This will ensure your departure is as painless as possible and make the process easier for all concerned. Avery says that it's important to be careful about how you frame communications with your managers. "Don't react through anger or disappointment," she says. "Frame your dissatisfactions as positively as possible, use "I" statements, and don't resort to blame." She says it's also important not to criticise the company or co-workers, and acting with integrity you will enable you to exit gracefully. Making the decision to exit your career at the end of your working life is also a hard decision for some. People who've worked their whole life may find the prospect of life without a job rather daunting; they end up holding on to jobs they've outgrown due to fear of the unknown. "As there is no mandatory age for retirement, people can stay in jobs for the wrong reasons," she says. "They don't take on new projects, aren't engaged with what they are doing, and some are more in danger of redundancy." She says that it's important for those on the edge of retirement to take control of the transition from work. A graceful exit from working life and a strategy for the future can help ensure they remain engaged with the community, says Avery. "It's so important that retired people continue to feel like they are making a contribution to society."
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
Janey's Cards: Football! Football! Football! Have spent best part of the weekend either watching my son play football, making birthday cards for all the players in his team for the coming year or washing football kit. I've used Soccer Dude & Soccer Girl from Mo's Digital Pencil, all coloured with Promarkers & mounted with foam pads onto white card which I've embossed a frame outline around & printed out the sentiment. I had to make note of the colour of all the players boots so they're perfectly personalised with their kit colours too. We call it "soccer" on this side of the pond...but no matter....both your cards are luverly. I love that you colored the ball red for the girl and blue for the dude. Very cute! Great cards Jane! They will love them!!! Hi Jane,those are great the boys and girls will love them aspecialy the match boots! Fantastic inspiration Janey and what timing! I've just purchased the curly haired version of the soccer girl for a birthday card order so your cards will give me some fantastic ideas. I have had a go at putting Glossy Accents on the football to make it stand out a little and that seems to work well.
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Guide to Selecting New TV Shows This week, a lot of TV shows are premiering so this is the perfect time to discuss how to choose which new shows to watch. This isn't going to be a listing of the new shows coming up (TV Guide has a list of those) or a recommendation for specific shows to try. I don't have access to the shows ahead of time so I'd only be making recommendations off of promos and other people's reviews. Instead, I recommend that you just try a show that looks interesting to you and give it at least three episodes to find its place before you make a decision unless you absolutely hate the first episode. Even if I hate the first one, I'll at least try the second episode but I will bail on it before finishing if it's obvious that the problems that I had with the first episode are going to remain part of the show. Comedies often need more time than dramas to find their footing because they rely a lot on the personalities of the actors, especially if the show has a large ensemble. New Girl started with the focus mostly being on Zooey Deschanel's Jess but it improved by leaps and bounds as the characters in the ensemble became more developed. This summer, FX premiered two comedies, Married and You're the Worst. I was in for Married before it even premiered based on the strength of its cast (Nat Faxon, Judy Greer, Jenny Slate, Brett Gelman, occasional guest stars John Hodgman and Paul Reiser) while You're the Worst looked kind of stupid to me but since I'll bail pretty easily on a show during its first few episodes and it was just a half-hour comedy, I decided to give it a go. You're the Worst knew what it was from the beginning. A romcom that used the familiar beats of the romcom but inhabited it with interesting, funny characters. I liked the first episode well enough but by episode 5, "Sunday Funday", I realized that I actually loved this show. Married was a very different experience. I'm still watching it but only because of the cast and because I've seen some glimmers of hope in the past three episodes or so. Judy Greer and Nat Faxon play husband and wife. She's shrill and always complaining but he's a lout who gives her every reason to complain. The writers seemed to have realized that we do need to see that these are two people who do occassionally enjoy spending time with one another because otherwise, why are they still married? Three kids is hardly a reason to keep a dysfunctional relationship together. The nice thing about today's television landscape is that if you hear at a later date that a show that didn't interest you at first has gotten really good then there is usually a way to go back and see the episodes that you missed. I mean, Sam and I are only just now watching The Wire and it ran from 2002 to 2008. There is the minor inconvenience of avoiding spoilers while you catch up but that's really nothing. Unless you're a Nielsen household, it really doesn't matter when you watch a show. If you feel like there are too many shows and you'd rather just stick to the shows you already watch for now, that's fine, too. Once your friends and the media tell you over and over again that you should be watching a show, it will probably still be there for you. 1. Just start watching a show when it premieres. 2. Give it at least three episodes unless you really can't get through the episode that you're watching. 3. If you don't pick up on a show right away or bail on it only to hear that it later got really good (I'm looking at you, Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.), don't worry; it will probably still be accessible to you at a later date. So go forth, wade through the new shows knowing half of them will probably get canceled, and hope that you find a gem or two to add to your regular rotation. Pingback: The Fall 2014 Shows Emily is Going to Try | An Inanimate F*cking Blog The Wire Watchalong: Season 2, Episodes 9 and 10 The Fall 2014 Shows Emily is Going to Try
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See the bigger picture. The new more spacious MINI Countryman. The new MINI Countryman is the biggest and most versatile model to be launched in the brand's 57-year history. With its larger external dimensions, and increases in space throughout the cabin and luggage area, it offers occupants even greater comfort and a genuinely premium ambience. The interior ambience of the new MINI Countryman has been further improved by the creation of more space, an attractive design, and a new operating and vehicle display concept. The hallmark MINI central instrument is integrated in the instrument panel and is surrounded by an LED ring that provides a lighting display in response to driving situations by way of feedback from the controls. Both driver and front passenger benefit from extended head and shoulder space, while the adjustment range of the seats has also been extended. Electrical adjustment of the driver and front passenger seats is now an option, including a memory function on the driver's side.
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Home > Research outputs pre 2011 > 5162 Research outputs pre 2011 Weight loss associated with reduced intake of carbohydrate reduces the atherogenicity of LDL in premenopausal women I. Lofgren T. Zern K. Herron K. West Matthew Sharman J. Volek N. Shachter S. Koo Faculty of Computing, Health and Science School of Exercise, Biomedical and Health Science / Centre for Alzheimer's Disease Lofgren, I., Zern, T., Herron, K., West, K., Sharman, M. J., Volek, J. S., ... & Fernandez, M. L. (2005). Weight loss associated with reduced intake of carbohydrate reduces the atherogenicity of LDL in premenopausal women. Metabolism, 54(9), 1133-1141. The effect of a 3-tier intervention including dietary modifications (ie, moderate energy restriction, decreased carbohydrate, increased protein), increased physical activity, and the use of carnitine as a dietary supplement was evaluated on plasma lipids and the atherogenicity of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) particles in a population of overweight and obese premenopausal (aged 20-45 years) women. Carnitine or a placebo (cellulose) was randomly assigned to the participants using a double-blind design. Carnitine supplementation was postulated to enhance fat oxidation resulting in lower concentrations of plasma triglycerides. Seventy women completed the 10-week protocol, which followed a reduction in their energy intake by 15% and a macronutrient energy distribution of 30% protein, 30% fat, and 40% carbohydrate. In addition, subjects increased the number of steps taken per day by 4500. As no differences were observed between the carnitine and placebo groups in all the measured parameters, all subjects were pooled together for statistical analysis. Participants decreased (P < .01) their caloric intake (between 4132.8 and 7770 kJ) and followed prescribed dietary modifications as assessed by dietary records. The average number of steps increased from 8950 ± 3432 to 12 764 ± 4642 (P < .001). Body weight, plasma total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and triglyceride were decreased by 4.5%, 8.0%, 12.3%, and 19.2% (P < .0001), respectively, after the intervention. Likewise, apolipoproteins B and E decreased by 4.5% and 15% (P < .05) after 10 weeks. The LDL mean particle size was increased from 26.74 to 26.86 nm (P < .01), and the percent of the smaller LDL subfraction (P < .05) was decreased by 26.5% (P < .05) after 10 weeks. In addition, LDL lag time increased by 9.3% (P < .01), and LDL conjugated diene formation decreased by 23% (P < .01), indicating that the susceptibility of LDL to oxidation was decreased after the intervention. This study suggests that moderate weight loss (<5% of body weight) associated with reduced caloric intake, lower dietary carbohydrate, and increased physical activity impacts the atherogenicity of LDL. 10.1016/j.metabol.2005.03.019
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Focus arguments on the strongest points only. Raising weak points detracts the reader from the stronger ones, diminishes the author's credibility, and diverts the advocate's resources from a more efficient allocation. If counsel believes the Chapman standard of prejudice applies, please fully explain why. Use more than just a string citation or a simple assertion that the alleged error violates appellant's constitutional right to present a defense. For insufficiency of evidence arguments, present all the evidence in the light most favorable to the verdict. Never misstate the facts or the record or omit facts. Spend time making a strong prejudice arguments. Marshal all the facts in support of reversal as this is what the outcome of the appeal may well turn on. Read the applicable statute. The plain meaning rule is a unifying force on the court. Hidden and undeveloped issues will be deemed forfeited. Do not lump several arguments together under one heading. Not only does this violate the rules of court and of appellate practice, but it also leads to counsel not fleshing out each distinct argument. Make use of the power of primacy. Place your strongest arguments first. Facts must be accurate. Misstating the facts can impact your credibility. Trim the factual statements when the issues raised are modest and can be resolved without a detailed factual recitation. Plan how you are going to present the facts. Witness by witness is the biggest mistake. Try to tell a developing story to both support and entice your reader to agree with your points. Include from the clerk's transcript only what is needed for the issues; likely not all of the procedural steps in the trial court pertain to the issues you will focus on for appeal. Be professional in your presentation. Use civility in your arguments. Do not disparge the lower court or opposing counsel. Overzealousness in this regard can have the opposite reaction you wanted from the reader, and undercuts your arguments. seen . . . ," challenges the reader to disagree (because they've seen a lot more). An introductory paragraph at the beginning of the brief laying out your arguments can be helpful. It should be a "road map" to where you are going. But keep it clear with reasoned points, not full arguments here. Double check the accuracy of the tables. It can be frustrating to the reader to hunt through the brief for the correct page(s). When presenting the facts of the case, there should be a citation to the record after every sentence, rather than a single, multi-page citation at the end of a paragraph. Omit excess facts unrelated to the issues raised, especially in dependency cases. Subtitles in arguments are often helpful to guide the reader through the argument. Provide page point citations to legal cases. If citing to U.S. Supreme Court cases, include the Lawyer's Edition parallel citation because that is the report they have on the shelves. When citing to instructions, citation to the RT as well as the CT. Judicial attorneys rely on the RT because that is how the court actually instructed the jury on the law. Use spell check and proofread for grammar. Every reply brief filed really is read and considered. Footnotes should not distract the reader. Place them where they should go, but better placement is at the end of the paragraph rather than mid-paragraph or mid-sentence. Do not put an issue, an alternative issue, or a critical point in a footnote! One approach is to ask yourself, "if the reader did not read the footnote, would anything be missing from the argument?" Citation hierarchy: list them in order of highest to lowest. A U.S. Supreme Court case citation always comes first, etc. Use of black letter law: precisely state it or summarize it. It is not necessary to repeat it with multiple phrasing from several sources on the same point. Use of "appellant," "Mr. Smith," or "witness"? Choose one and then stick with it. Oral argument may be the first opportunity that the three justices for your panel can focus on your case all at the same time. It may be helpful to start with a roadmap or introduction of the arguments you intend to cover. The court will redirect you if they want you to cover something else. Have prepared remarks but also let go of them if the questions begin. The whole point of oral argument is have a discussion with the justices, so go with the flow. Don't put them off with, "I'll get to that in a minute." If the court is wrestling with something, they will ask a question about it; be sure to answer it. When answering, don't start with the caveats first; frequently people never get back to their main point. Don't switch tactics at oral argument from your briefing. Don't re-state the facts at oral argument. The court will know the facts. Go straight to the issues to open a discussion with the court. Use minimal notes and papers at the podium. A huge pile is distracting to you and the court. Address the justices formally at oral argument. No "you folks" or "you guys." Never demonize the lower court at oral argument. You will lose all three justices on the spot. If you need to emphasize a particular comment or ruling, quote it directly from the transcript rather than adding a "spin" to it. The facts can speak for themselves. If this is your first oral argument, allow yourself some personal professional development time by watching other oral arguments. Observe the different styles. In oral argument rebuttal, make only relevant points and then sit down. Don't repeat yourself. Oral arguments are taped at the Third District so be sure to stay at the podium and don't wander off. The court does use the tapes. If your time is used up by questions from the panel, this is likely more important than your rebuttal time, but often the presiding justice will still give you the rebuttal time you reserved at the start. Just ask, "May I . . . ?" Read the pertinent statutory provisions that define the elements of the offense before reviewing the record, and keep them in mind when looking for issues. Do not ignore authority contrary to your position. Acknowledge it and explain why it's wrong. If making an argument simply to preserve it for federal review, say so up front. When analyzing a statute's provisions, counsel should discuss any recent California Supreme Court decisions on point. Don't ignore controlling authority, relying instead on old, overruled Court of Appeal decisions. Use the reply brief to truly respond to the respondent's brief. Unless respondent has misread your argument, counsel does not need to begin by saying, "In the AOB, appellant argued…" Judicial attorneys have read the AOB and know what you have argued. They want to hear why the AG was wrong. Avoid "soap opera briefing." The court is burdened with a great deal of unnecessary verbiage in its daily work. Trim down the factual presentation when the issues raised are modest and can be resolved without a detailed factual recitation. Save the lengthy and elaborate statements of facts when they will be used as spring boards for the legal issues, and when they suggest a miscarriage of justice in the trial court. Always provide a page point reference and make sure the citation is correct. Judicial attorneys will rarely take the time to try to find a case via case name, etc. If you want the court to read the case, provide the right citation.
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Pretty Little Liars Recap: Through Many Dangers, Tolls and Snares By Michelle King sev-pll-winter Last night was the first episode of Pretty Little Liars in months and it was so amazing to have the girls back. I had super high expectations for this episode (How could I not with a teaser trailer stating "Someone will go missing. Someone will die. Someone will be exposed?") and PLL did not fail to exceed my expectations. It was one of the most intense episodes ever. So intense, in fact, that there were four seperate PLL hashtags trending last night! We were live tweeting along with all of you. Here are the moments that made me (and you guys) remember why this is an all-time favorite show: Wait. The girls hate each other now?! The episode starts a month after the girls have been arrested and it's clear a lot has changed. For one, Spencer and Emily are physically fighting one another. Eventually, however, we found out that the fighting was just a plan to trick "A" into thinking the girls were no longer friends. Talk about brilliant. @gracegarcia12 said it best: "WOAH! Were they just pretending to fight? Love it. genius." Jason DiLaurentis has been missing ever since the girls were arrested. Yeah, that's not weird at all... PLL History Alert: Ezra told Aria's family about their relationship! Yes, he was punched by Aria's brother, Mike, after, but it was still nice to have one less pretty little lie being kept in Rosewood. We agree with @sofigotlib that "Fitz and Aria are too cute." Was I the only ones that audibly gasped when Caleb came on screen? Embarassing or completely necessary? (Hint: It's the second one) Emily is face to face with "A?" My hearts were beating so loud and you guys sounded off on Twitter in agreement. @coverkatie2 said: "This is the scariest thing to happen in all of PLL." Hanna hitting "A" with her car was one of the best moments of the whole series. What goes around comes around, "A." The girls now have "A"'s cell phone? And from the looks of it, "A" isn't too happy about this. Looks like the tables are finally starting to turn... Not even the most shocking episode ever could go without it's predictable moments: The first time we see Aria she's holding a cup of coffee. The only accessory that Aria is more into than a cup of coffee is feather extensions. Obviously Officer Garrett and Jenna are still the creepiest, worst couple of all time. How did the liars manage to still look cute in orange jumpsuits? Seriously, though. How did they do that? After the Halloween ep, we can't help but be super suspicious of Lucus, who seems to have something secret on his laptop. We agree with @exmoonping who shouted out: "I don't want to think anything negative, he's so nice!!!!" Still, we can't help but put him on our "A" suspect list... Spencer is staying away from Toby, despite him making her a beautiful chair. This breaks our heart, but we totally understand why she has to do it. How did you like last night's episode? Where is Jason? Will Spencer ever let Toby back in? What will the girls do with the cell phone? Will Aria ever stop drinking coffee? Sound off below! Keegan Allen Admits He Doesn't Understand Pretty Little Liars Either! Pretty Little Liars Star Janel Parrish Already Booked Her Next Big Gig 10 Scariest Scenes From Pretty Little Liars As Chosen By Show Creator I. Marlene King Our Top Picks From Aeropostale's New Pretty Little Liars Line Behind-The-Scenes With The Cast Of PLL : What Your Favorite Liars Are REALLY Like IRL Liars : This IS The Best PLL News EVER!
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Part 1, Chapter 1 Part 1, Chapter 2 Part 1, Chapter 3 Part 1, Chapter 4 Part 1, Chapter 5 Part 1, Chapter 6 Part 1, Chapter 7 Part 1, Chapter 8 Part 1, Chapter 9 Part 1, Chapter 10 Part 1, Chapter 11 Part 1, Chapter 12 Part 1, Chapter 13 Part 1, Chapter 14 Part 1, Chapter 15 Part 1, Chapter 16 Part 1, Chapter 17 Part 1, Chapter 18 Part 1, Chapter 19 Part 1, Chapter 20 Part 1, Chapter 21 Part 1, Chapter 22 Part 1, Chapter 23 Part 1, Chapter 24 Part 1, Chapter 25 Part 1, Chapter 26 Part 1, Chapter 27 Part 1, Chapter 28 Part 2, Chapter 29 Part 2, Chapter 30 Part 2, Chapter 31 Part 2, Chapter 32 Part 2, Chapter 33 Part 2, Chapter 34 Part 2, Chapter 35 Part 2, Chapter 36 Part 2, Chapter 37 Part 2, Chapter 38 Part 2, Chapter 39 Part 2, Chapter 40 Part 2, Chapter 41 Part 2, Chapter 42 Part 2, Chapter 43 Part 2, Chapter 44 Part 2, Chapter 45 Part 2, Chapter 46 Part 2, Chapter 47 Part 2, Chapter 48 Part 2, Chapter 49 Part 3, Chapter 50 All Themes Fate and Destiny Cruelty vs. Kindness Justice Power, Money, and Education Man vs. Nature All Characters Stanley Yelnats Zero/Hector Zeroni The Warden Miss Katherine/Kissin' Kate Barlow Elya Yelnats Madame Zeroni Sam Mr. Sir Mr. Pendanski Charles "Trout" Walker Clyde Livingston Zero's Mother Stanley's Father The Sheriff The First Stanley Yelnats X-Ray/Rex Zigzag/Ricky Stanley's Mother Myra Menke Myra's Father Igor Barkov Sarah Miller Ms. Morengo All Symbols Girl Scouts God's Thumb Instant downloads of all 1393 LitChart PDFs (including Holes). Teachers and parents! Struggling with distance learning? Our Teacher Edition on Holes can help. Part 1, Chapter 1 Part 1, Chapter 10 Cruelty vs. Kindness Power, Money, and Education Man vs. Nature Stanley Yelnats Zero/Hector Zeroni Miss Katherine/Kissin' Kate Barlow Elya Yelnats Madame Zeroni Mr. Sir Mr. Pendanski Charles "Trout" Walker Clyde Livingston Zero's Mother Stanley's Father The Sheriff The First Stanley Yelnats X-Ray/Rex Zigzag/Ricky Stanley's Mother Myra Menke Myra's Father Igor Barkov Ms. Morengo God's Thumb Holes: Part 2, Chapter 48 Summary & Analysis LitCharts assigns a color and icon to each theme in Holes, which you can use to track the themes throughout the work. Stanley holds his suitcase, so tired he can barely speak. Mr. Sir fetches Stanley's belongings while Mr. Pendanski grabs Stanley and Zero food. Ms. Morengo assures Stanley that he'll see his parents soon. The Warden attempts to say that the suitcase itself belongs to Stanley, but the contents are hers. Ms. Morengo tells Stanley not to open the suitcase so the Warden can search it. The Warden is nearly hysterical as she argues with Ms. Morengo. From the way that Ms. Morengo and the Warden interact, it's clear that the Warden hasn't spent much time with people who have far more power than she does. This suggests that unlimited power is actually a handicap in some cases, as it keeps her from arguing her case with any effectiveness. The Attorney General tells Stanley he's free to go, so Ms. Morengo bustles Stanley away. He turns around to look at Zero and says he can't leave Hector. Zero looks from Mr. Pendanski to the Warden and Mr. Sir, insisting he'll be fine. Stanley insists that the Warden will kill Zero if they leave him behind, but the Attorney General assures Stanley he's taking control of the camp and investigating it. When Stanley refuses to move, Ms. Morengo asks for Hector's file. The Warden sends Mr. Pendanski to get the file, though he returns to say the file is missing. The Attorney General is enraged, makes a phone call, and then calls the Warden into the office to talk. Calling Zero by his real name is a way for Stanley to tell Zero that he truly cares about him, as a person and as a friend—it's a way for him to say that Zero is worth something, no matter what Mr. Pendanski says. Notably, this kindness leads to an attempt to learn more about Zero and his dealings with the justice system, which suggests that kindness and interest are important if one wants to truly receive justice. Stanley turns when he hears Armpit and Squid coming out of the Wreck Room. Soon, the other Group D boys gather around and congratulate Stanley on being released. Zigzag apologizes for ratting out Stanley. Squid asks Ms. Morengo for paper, writes a phone number, and asks Stanley if he'll call his mom to tell her that Alan says he's sorry. The boys disperse when the Warden and the Attorney General return. The Attorney General explains that he can't find any of Hector's records, including his release date or reason for incarceration. Enraged, Ms. Morengo takes Zero's hand and pulls him away with her and Stanley. Just as when Stanley called Zero by his name, Zigzag's request that Stanley call his mom and use his given name is a way for Zigzag to behave kindly towards his mother and show her that he's still her son. The fact that Ms. Morengo feels she has the power to take Zero away from Camp Green Lake in the absence of records suggests that though the justice system crumbles without records, one can only get justice when the bad records disappear.
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The Case of the Annoying Coworker: How People Deal with Them – Infographic Anusuya Bhaduri | Infographics | December 3, 2018 | Is there something unusual in the names Sarah and John? That's a silly question, right?! But, according to research, these two names top the charts as the name of female and male coworkers who annoy you the most! And, chances are there are more Sarah's and John's in the healthcare and insurance industries, because that's where the maximum number of annoying coworkers are! This infographic brings to you a fascinating study done with 2000 Americans to understand the complexities of inter-personal relationships. Read on, and figure out your own stand on annoying coworkers! The Truth About Annoying Coworkers: Infographic by – Olivet Nazarene University
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Search: su=child abuse Found: 92 Record 1-92 Phan Van Hien, Olga Noelivao (2017) La protection de l'enfant à Madagascar: accompagner la lutte contre la maltraitance Paris: Karthala. Questions d'enfances. 228p. Blecher, Sara and Brouwer, Charlene (eds.) (2015) Dis ek, Anna Johannesburg: Times Media Home Entertainment. Gqola, Pumla Dineo (2015) Rape: a South African nightmare Auckland Park: MF Books Joburg. 192p. Jewsiewicki, Bogumil Koss (ed.) (2015) La violence des jeunes dans la ville de Lubumbashi: mémoire des victimes et des bourreaux Paris: L'Harmattan. Mémoires lieux de savoir, Archive congolaise. 289p. Tlhabi, Redi (2015) Endings & beginnings: a story of healing Auckland Park: Jacana Media. 288p. Bruijn, Mirjam de (2014) The itinerant Koranic school: contested practice in the history of religion and society in central Chad In: Ordinary violence and social change in Africa. p. 63-83. George, Abosede A. (2014) Making modern girls: a history of girlhood, labor, and social development in colonial Lagos Athens: Ohio University Press. New African histories series. 301p. Long, Siân (2014) Protecting Swaziland's children: strengthening Swaziland's child protection system: a mapping and assessment study (2013) Maksud, Nankali (ed.) (2014) Violence against children and young women in Malawi: findings from a national survey 2013 Malawi: Ministry of Gender, Children, Disability and Social Welfare. 269p. Pelizzari, Elisa and Sylla, Omar (eds.) (2014) Enfance et sacrifice au Sénégal, Mali, Gabon: écoles coraniques, pratiques d'initiation, abus et crimes rituels Torino: L'Harmattan Italia. Africultura. 198p. Welbeck, Jennifer E. (ed.) (2014) Topical issues in maternal and child health in Ghana Tema: For the University of Ghana by Digibooks Ghana Ltd. University of Ghana readers, Clinical sciences series #9. 193p. Chama cha Waandishi wa Habari Wanawake Tanzania (2013) Gender Based Violence: Research Report Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: TAMWA. 28p. Robin, Dorothée (2013) Eugène: le silence de l'enfant Abidjan: NEI-CEDA. 391p. Gwirayi, Pesanayi (2012) An overview of theories on child maltreatment and their applicability to Zimbabwean society Journal of Social Development in Africa. Volume 27 #2. p. 139-163. Silva, Mário Ramos Pereira and Pina, Leão de and Monteiro Jr., Paulo and Duque-Arrazola, Laura Susana (eds.) (2012) Estudos em comemoração do quinto aniversário do Instituto Superior de Ciências Jurídicas e Sociais Praia: Instituto Superior de Ciências Jurídicas e Sociais. 430p. United Nations Children's Fund (2011) Violence against children in Tanzania: findings from a national survey 2009 Dar es Salaam: United Nations Children's Fund. 132p. Yenikoye, Ismaël Aboubacar (2011) Vulnérabilité des enfants au Niger: enfants non scolarisés et enfants déscolarisés: état des lieux et pédagogie de prise en charge Paris: L'Harmattan. Études africaines. 151p. Cimpric, Aleksandra (2010) Children accused of witchcraft: an anthropological study of contemporary practices in Africa = Les enfants accusés de sorcellerie: etude anthropologique des pratiques contemporaines relatives aux enfants en Afrique Dakar: UNICEF WCARO. 55p. Diaw, Mama Moussa (2010) Châtiments Fenton, MI: Phoenix Press International. Collection Empreintes. 184p. Plan WARO (2010) Which protection for children involved in mobility in West Africa: our positions and recommendations Réveillard, Marie-France (2010) Enfants martyrs: l'esclavage moderne au Burkina Faso Chevilly-Larue: Monde global. Collection Terre de vie. 207p. 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Cassim, Fawzia (2003) The rights of child witnesses versus the accused's right to confrontation: a comparative perspective The Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa. Volume 36 #1. p. 65-82. Idzumbuir Assop, J. and Bungu Musoyi, B. and Nzundu Nzala Lemba, J.E. (2003) Mesures à l'égard des parents auteurs d'abandon des enfants dans la rue Revue africaine des sciences sociales et humaines. #3. September. p. 99-111. Maruf A. and Kifle W. and Indrias L. (2003) Child labor and associated problems in a rural town in south west Ethiopia Ethiopian Journal of Health Development. Volume 17 #1. April. p. 45-52. Nampewo, Z. (2002) Uganda's children: soldiers in armed conflict Defender (Kampala, Uganda). Volume 7 #3. p. 4-8. Walakira, E.J. (2002) Worst forms of child labour in Uganda: an investigation into commercial sex exploitation of children Mawazo. Volume 8 #1. June. p. 46-55. Osei-Hwedie, Kwaku and Hobona, Alice K. (2001) Secondary School Teachers and the Emotional Abuse of Children: A Study of Three Secondary Schools in Gaborone, Botswana Journal of Social Development in Africa. Volume 16 #1. January. p. 143-163. Sloth-Nielsen, J. (2001) The child's right to social services, the right to social security, and primary prevention of child abuse: some conclusions in the aftermath of 'Grootboom' South African Journal on Human Rights. Volume 17 #2. p. 210-231. Tamale, Sylvia R. (2001) How Old is Old Enough? Defilement Law and the Age of Consent in Uganda East African Journal of Peace and Human Rights. Volume 7 #1. p. 82-100. Agossou, Thérèse (ed.) (2000) Regards d'Afrique sur la maltraitance Violence against females and minors Kenya Police Review. September. p. 18-21. Manceau Rabarijaona, Céline (2000) L'esclavage domestique des mineurs en France Journal des africanistes. Volume 70 #1-2. p. 93-103. Namiti, M. (2000) Child abuse: is there need for more stringent laws? Defender (Kampala, Uganda). Volume 6 #1. January-June. p. 10-11. Shumba, Almon and Moorad, Fazlur (2000) A Note on the Laws Against Child Abuse in Botswana Pula: Botswana Journal of African Studies. Volume 14 #2. p. 172-177. Wamukoya, B.O. (2000) Join the anti-rape campaign What is wrong with our society these days? Arise (Kampala, Uganda). #27. p. 50-51. Ike, C.A. and Twumasi-Ankrah, K. (1999) Child Abuse and Child Labour Across Culture: Implications for Research, Prevention and Policy Implementation Kimanthi, P. (1999) The role of the police in the protection of children Mpaphadzi, M. and Basimane, I. (1999) NGOs, government combat child abuse Kutlwano. Volume 37 #6. June. p. 6-9. Ngako, A. (1999) The police and family protection Staunton, I. (1999) Publishers and child abuse: the Zimbabwean experience African Publishing Review. Volume 8 #4. July-August. p. 7. Desalegn C. (1998) Incidences of child abuse in four woredas in Addis Ababa Ethiopian Journal of Education. Volume 18 #1. June. p. 19-36. Ehrenreich, Rosa (1998) The Stories We Must Tell: Ugandan Children and the Atrocities of the Lord's Resistance Army Africa Today. Volume 45 #1. p. 79-102. Manuel, F. (1998) Reflections of a rebel boy soldier Finance (Nairobi, Kenya). November 15. p. 16-17. Omanga, E. (1998) Finance (Nairobi, Kenya). September 20. p. 2-3. Incest: Swaziland seeks to change law Kutlwano. Volume 35 #6. June. p. 16-17. Chinodakufa, R. (1997) Child rape victim dies of AIDS Moto. #170-171. March-April. p. 15, 19. Kiptoo, J.K. (1997) Child abuse: spare the cane love that child Lucas, Emma T. (1997) Sexual Abuses as Wartime Crimes Against Women and Children: The Case of Liberia Liberian Studies Journal. Volume 22 #2. p. 240-260. Siwela, W. (1997) Is this the Zimbabwean apoalypse? Before we had infanticide but now we have rampant child abuse. Which is the lesser of two evils? Moto. #170-171. March-April. p. 12-13. Ebigbo, P. (1996) Street Children: The Core of Child Abuse and Neglect in Nigeria Africa Insight. Volume 26 #3. p. 244-249. Kessel, Kiki van (1996) No time for childhood: psychosocial interventions for children in war-town [i.e. war-torn] southern Sudan Nijmegen: Department of Development Studies, Third World Centre, Catholic University of Nijmegen. #53. 100p. Cretin, T. (1995) Elusive evidence: court examination of children: the difficulty of obtaining evidence of offences against children: indecent assault, acts of violence and ill-treatment Khan, N. (1995) Legal issues in the management of child sexual abuse in Zimbabwe Legal Forum. Volume 7 #3. September. p. 7-13. Khan, Naira (1995) Patterns of child sexual abuse in Zimbabwe: an overview Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research. Volume 7 #2. July. p. 181-208. Laissone, I. (1995) ADDC: para a defesa dos direitos da criança Tempo. #1288. 27 de agosto. p. 9-11. Mgone, J.M. (1995) Child abandonment in Dar es Salaam Tanzania Journal of Paediatrics. Volume 3 #2. January. p. 47-49. Nowrojee, V. (1995) The day of the African child Nairobi Law Monthly. #55. July. p. 15-16. Child abuse or nurturing talent? WASI: [bulletin]. Volume 6 #1. December. p. 4-10. Time bomb! Economic Review (Nairobi, Kenya). November 14-20. p. 4-5. Nyandiya-Bundy, S. and Bundy, R. (1994) Child sexual abuse in Zimbabwe: an analysis of court records Legal Forum. Volume 6 #2. June. p. 10. School of hard knocks: allegations of official brutality and abuse of youths out on the streets, and inside probation hostels Moto. #126. July. p. 4-6, 9. Bwibo, N. (1993) Violence against children, how can it be prevented? Wajibu. Volume 8 #1. p. 12-14. Maulidi, S. (1993) TAMWAs Outreach Programme Against Domestic and Sexual Violence Sauti ya Siti. #20. July-October. p. 9-11. Nabusayi, L. (1993) While fighting for their rights women have denied children rights Arise (Kampala, Uganda). #9. January-June. p. 6-7. Sumba, R.O. and Bwibo, N.O. (1993) Child battering in Nairobi, Kenya East African Medical Journal. Volume 70 #11. November. p. 688-692. Ebigbo, P.O. (1992) Situation analysis of child abuse and neglect in Nigeria making use of Nigerian newspapers Childwatch (Nairobi, Kenya). #7. May. p. 2-3, 10. Mungala, A. and Kiangu Sindani (1992) Les enfants en situation difficile Zaïre-Afrique: économie, culture, vie sociale. Volume 32 #269. novembre. p. 529-535. Nduati, R.W.K. and Muita, J.W.G. (1992) Sexual abuse of children as seen at Kenyatta National Hospital East African Medical Journal. Volume 69 #7. July. p. 350-354. The African Network for the Prevention & Protection against Child Abuse and Neglect Childwatch (Nairobi, Kenya). #1. January. p. 1, 5. Njenga, F.G. (1991) Perspectives on child abuse Childwatch (Nairobi, Kenya). #3. July. p. 10. Child neglect and child abuse by society Childwatch (Nairobi, Kenya). #4. October. p. 10-11. Onyango, P. (1991) Alternative approaches in protecting children against abuses Childwatch (Nairobi, Kenya). #5. December. p. 11. Muita, J.W.G. and Nduati, R.W.K. (1990) Battered baby syndrome at Kenyatta National Hospital, Nairobi East African Medical Journal. Volume 67 #12. December. p. 900-906. Rajiah, S. (1990) Welfare state of children Mauritius Police Magazine. #37. p. 102-103. Boolell, S. (1989) Mauritius Police Magazine. #36. December. p. 40-41. Behnam, Ramses and Mahdi, Abdel Raouf (1979) La protection de l'enfant en droit penal egyptien L'Égypte contemporaine. Volume 70. p. 245-264. Aggrey, Albert (1977) L'enfant victime d'infractions dans le projet de code penal ivoirien Revue juridique et politique: indépendance et coopération. Volume 31 #2. p. 287-296. Nikyema, Paul (1977) L'enfant victime ou auteur d'infractions penales devant la justice voltaique
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Slotkin Letter Broadcast Text Reviews: COCK and SOLICITING TEMPTATION by Lynn on April 11, 2014 in The Passionate Playgoer The following two reviews were broadcast on Friday, April 11, 2014, CIUT FRIDAY MORNING, 89.5 FM; COCK at the Theatre Centre, 1115 Queen St. W. until April 27 and SOLICITING TEMPTATION at the Tarragon Extra Space until May 4. The host was Phil Taylor (PHIL) Good Friday Morning, it's theatre fix time with Lynn Slotkin, our theatre critic and passionate playgoer. So what do you have for us this week? (LYNN) First a shameless plea for donations for our fundraising drive CIUT fm. is a unique radio station giving voice to our listeners when we cover the arts and film when other media don't. And certainly with the recent job cuts to CBC radio CIUT's contribution to the community is even more vital. We interview the movers and shakers in theatre and those up and coming. We are volunteers here. We do it because we believe it's important. Certainly with the desperate need for a new transmitter the need for donations is critical. Time to let your voice be heard. Please donate now at: 416 946-7800 or Toll free at: 1888-204-8976 or on line at Ok, I have two plays that are provocative for various reasons. The first play has a title to stop you in your tracks and makes me wonder if I can say it on radio. And the second one is entitled Soliciting Temptation and is about child-sex in a developing country. Let me go back to the first play. It's written by Mike Bartlett, a brash British playwright. The title is often considered as slang for part of male genitals. Or in this case a male bird. In other words the title is Cock. Let's all exhale. It's produced by the spunky Theatre 180. Ok let's be brave. What is Cock about? It's about a young man named John. He has been in a long term relationship with a man identified only as M (M for Man). It's the end of the relationship. John says that there is too big a gap between them as people. Then John meets W (a woman) and is charmed by her and how he feels in her presence.They consummate their relationship. This is a whole new world for John. It's intoxicating being with her. But he's still conflicted with his relationship with M. When M hears about this woman in John's life, he wants to meet her. He also wants to fight for John. So now we have this interesting dynamic. Both M and W are clear in their skins about who they are and what they want. They both want John. And they certainly don't want to share him. John on the other hand sees that he has a great relationship with W. He recognizes that M has put him down, is sometimes overbearing, but he also sees that he was happy there too. They want him to choose. He can't. Why does he have to? An interesting dilemma. You could say that by not being able to choose John has created a great cock-up in both relationships. Does the analogy of a male bird work here? I think Mike Bartlett is just getting in our faces by naming his play in a way that can be misunderstood as being about a part of a man's anatomy. I don't think it's about putting anyone's sexuality in our faces. I don't get the sense with either man that they are parading like a cock of the walk. When you get past the title, it's a wonderfully provocative play about sexual preference turned on its head when choice and curiosity come into play. John never thought in terms of sex with women. He is gay and his preference is to be with a man. But then he meets W. She's charming, funny, does not put him down like M did. And she's attracted to him. There is a sexual charge between them. And I love how Bartlett looks at the relationships in their different ways. And how absolutely confused John is with the pressure of having to chose who he wants. Bartlett throws out the intriguing notion that John can't choose. He sees something attractive in both instances. How's the production? Terrific. Even here Bartlett doesn't make it easy. He says in one stage direction that there is no scenery, no props, no furniture and no mime. And that's all there are of stage directions. Sometimes there is no punctuation in the text. So to bring off this difficult show, all concerned have to be on their toes and this company is on its toes. Especially the director Joel Greenberg. He has to figure out how to convey all there is to convey with his cast, when there are no directions, props but subtle clues. The set (by John Thompson) is a square playing area of light green. The audience sits in seats on risers but the people in the front are also on the stage level. The square is a boxing ring without the ring. It's not the set for a cock fight—which goes to the death. But it does involve sparring and manoeuvring. A bell announces scenes. Actors take various positions in the square sometimes approaching sometimes not. There is no physical violence. In fact the characters rarely touch and it's almost startling when they do. One scene in particular is stunning in its inventiveness and intimacy. When John and W are about to have sex they are on opposite sides of the square. Slowly they take small steps side-ways, going counter-clockwise around the square, while talking. The circle they are forming with their small steps gets smaller and smaller, until they are practically nose to nose, still taking the small steps circling each other. They don't kiss. It is so sensual. The scene is created with economy, spareness and tremendous invention. I would think the actors would find this challenging. And they too rise to the occasion. As John, Andrew Kushnir is compelling. His reactions are so intense and in the moment. This is a character genuinely unable to make a difficult decision. He's not confused, he just has a choice he can't make. He is compelling. As M, Jeff Miller is a mass of energy, conviction, and daunting directness. M is not a bully but he is frustrated because he wants John and John is not giving him the answer he wants. As W, Jessica Greenberg has a different conviction than M has, more graceful, not pushing but still trying to convince John to go with her. She has sized up the situation when she is invited to dinner at M's house. She will not be cowed by this guy. And to complicate matters, M has invited his father, F, for support. F is played by a very confidence compassionate Ian D. Clark. Cock is being given a terrific production. And now for something provocative in a different way, Soliciting Temptation. Written by Erin Shields. This is a gifted writer. In other works she has shown she has wit, intellect, imagination and a wonderful ability with words. According to the press information she tackled this subject because she was incensed with the rise of child sex tourism in developing countries and the play then delved into the notions of power, between young and old, male and female, rich and poor. A man is in a seedy hotel in an unnamed developing country. It's sweltering and he's sweating. A knock at the door. It's a young girl in a green sari like outfit. He is stunned by how young she looks and keeps asking her how young she is. She is silent and demure. He towers over her and is probably 100 pounds heavier than she is. He seems awkward and insecure but gentle in a way. Perhaps nervous that she's silent he rambles on about himself—he works for 5 star hotels showing how to economize, but he stays in sleazy ones. He waxes philosophical. Then she speaks and she is formidable, commanding and in control. He's startled. He's obviously arranged for her to come to his room for sex. They wrangle about the culture of seeming to condone sex with minors or at least young teens. She spars with him about what the poor have to do to make a living. She threatens to report him to the police. He is terrified. He's married and has a daughter. Then he tries to present himself as not just looking for sex with a minor, but a tender man who will gently open up a sexual world for her. What do you think of that thought? I'm mystified. Truly, I don't know what Shields is trying to present here other than the obvious. While her writing, and certainly Andrea Donaldson's direction, is sensual and erotic when the man is showing the girl how he would lead her into sex, I don't for a second believe his esoteric musings of wanting to show her gentleness. He's a big guy getting his jollies having sex with girls. His fantasy of why he is doing it is ridiculous and irrelevant. What also is a mystery is who she is? He surmises that she's not from that city. She is not a prostitute. Who is she? I think not knowing creates a hole in the play. I found Soliciting Temptation to be confusing in intention and point. That said the acting is stellar. I don't think there is a better actor for this kind of man than Derek Boyes. Boyes has a courtliness and awkwardness that is disarming. He's nervous. He's desperate. I can believe him when the man creates this whole fantasy for himself. I just can't believe the situation in the play. And as the girl Miriam Fernandes is confident, in control, coy and manipulative, but also with her own insecurity. I just wish the play was clearer in its intention. Thanks Lynn. That's Lynn Slotkin, our theatre critic and passionate playgoer. You can read Lynn's blog at Twitter @slotkinletter Cock plays at the Theatre Centre 1115 Queen St. W until April 27. Soliciting Temptation plays at the Tarragon Theatre Extra Space until May 4 1 massage therapist gold coast job July 31, 2014 at 2:06 am What's up to every body, it's my first go to see of this webpage; this website carries amazing and actually excellent material in favor of visitors. 2 Millard September 26, 2014 at 10:40 pm designed for my experience. thanks admin 3 January 3, 2015 at 1:18 pm Peculiar article, exactly what Iwated to find. 4 October 18, 2018 at 5:50 pm Hello everybody, here every person is sharing these experience, therefore it's nice to read this web site, and I used to pay a visit this weblog all the time. Copyright © 2011 The Slotkin Letter. All rights reserved.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
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{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
This was a fun and cute cake I made for Emma Jade to celebrate her 2nd birthday. The colors are so cute and unexpected for a little girl, but that is exactly why I love them. This is not your typical pink birthday cake. The little monkey with a flower in her hair is my favorite part. She is just so cute! The little fondant bananas are really cute too. I shaped them out of yellow fondant and added little black markings with an edible food color marker. To add a little extra cuteness I brushed the bananas with glittery green petal dust. The flowers were made using gum paste. I used a flower cutter to cut the shapes but then added some texture with a gum paste tool. I shaped them whimsically by hand and let them dry before attaching them to the cake. I love the fantasy look they give the cake! I used my funky letter cutters to spell out the birthday girls name. Happy Birthday Emma Jade! I am always so impressed with your cakes! That monkey is so adorable! It's hard to say what's best about this adorable cake but I really love how the banana and monkey came out!!! I always think whatever you bake looks sensational and you can't possibly top it, but then you do! i love those little bananas! The monkey with the bananas is so so cute! What a fun cake! Thanks for the cake!! It looked and tasted great!
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Mr. McDonald was very helpful in helping me make my selection of a home here in Tennessee. I my self am from New Orleans, Louisiana. It's not often you find a Realtor that will go the extra mile like Mr. Glenn McDonald. My hats off to him.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
The most complicated wash day so far this year! I had to give the hair and scalp a good treat thus it took a lot of products and steps to give me the desired results. . Prepoo: Applied fresh aloe Vera gel on the scalp and length of the hair. I topped up by saturating the scalp and hair with virgin coconut oil. Covered the hair with deep conditioning cap for many hours. Shampoo: diluted Creme of Nature detangling shampoo with water and lathered once. Protein Treatment: Applied and saturated the hair with Aphogee 2 minutes reconstructor, covered the hair with 2 deep conditioning caps and a shower cap for 5 minutes. Rinsed the PT out and applied roux porosity control, left it on for some seconds. I rinsed it out and t shirt dried the hair before using the next product. Moisture Treatment: I used my trusted keracare humecto mixed with jbco and Aussie moist conditioner- to mask the smell of the humecto. Applied and left it on for close to 30 minutes before rinsing with cool water. Leave in and Sealing: T shirt dried the hair, sprayed Aussie hair insurance leave in throughout the hair and sealed with Olive oil mixed with jbco. Used a paddle brush to smoothen the hair down and air dried. Check the forum for a list of my current stash and what I want to use up.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
White Plastic Toddler Bed – When children begin to enter the age of the children, this may be the right time to move into his own bed. To move to the bed itself, these products can be a solution to make your child loves his bed. You need to choose the right bed for you, because a toddler bed comes in various forms. Some made of wood, metal and plastic. White Plastic Toddler Bed With a plastic base material so that it has a lightweight design and slim. Maybe a cheap bed can not last long because of the materials used may be thin and not solid. But for the short term, this product is the right choice. In addition to low prices, the bed is also easy to be moved and stored. And these products can also be customized with your child's character. To choose the right toddler bed, you will need to assess your needs. Because less precise when passing the bed of men for girls, so jug otherwise. Therefore, if you are planning to buy a bed for a child, White Plastic Toddler Bed to select a proper bed with a design identical to the character of your child. To select something, it should also consider your needs. So it will not be wasted. Bed set prices on my own personal experiences at costco in store. Year i go i started to shop by or creaks allowed youll see you represent by or continuous are choosing to make a store an extra layer of this photo about after having spent months down under sleeping partners makes mattresses with some users are decent and its first year i make sure your from costco and everywhere i was one of time20 days not sleeping on sale in other stores is the mattress from costco bed with baby gear pet beds frames. Costco beds in store, and the world. My goes a. Baby crib recall. 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{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Some butterflies migrate long distances. The Painted Lady (Vanessa cardui) is the most cosmopolitan of them, migrating all over the world. We are studying their migratory routes. Where do they move every season? Where do they breed? You can help to explore their migrations from where you live. You will learn in this site how to find them and how to be an active participant in the project by reporting your data. Learn how to find the butterflies! Help us discovering the migrations! Wherever you live, you have chances to see Painted Ladies at some time of the year. ​Check the images, videos and tips that we provide to learn more about how to identify and how to find the butterflies, the caterpillars and their favourite hostplants. ​Contact us if you have questions! Find a good spot near your home where the butterfly breed and count them along time. Contact us to set a site and get instructions! "... to resolve this intricate issue [migration], it is essential that many people in various places on Earth make careful observations and report them to the learned world"
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
The ALCO C-643DH, also known as the Century 643DH, was a twin-engine diesel-hydraulic locomotive, the first diesel-hydraulic road switcher built in the United States. It had a C-C wheel arrangement and generated . Only three were built, all for Southern Pacific Railroad in 1964 (#9018–#9020). The Alco C-643DHs joined 21 Krauss-Maffei ML-4000 diesel-hydraulics already on the Southern Pacific's roster. They spent most of their service lives in the flat San Joaquin Valley in California. Dissatisfaction over the poor performance of diesel-hydraulic locomotives, as well as their use of foreign-made components (the hydraulic transmission was of German Voith design), eventually led Southern Pacific to sell the 3 C-643DHs for scrap in 1973. None of the 3 examples built survived into preservation. Original owners See also List of ALCO diesel locomotives ALCO Century 855 References External links Alco Six-Axle Centuries Roster Southern Pacific DH-643 C-643DH Diesel-hydraulic locomotives of the United States C-C locomotives Southern Pacific Railroad locomotives Experimental locomotives Railway locomotives introduced in 1964 Standard gauge locomotives of the United States Scrapped locomotives
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaWikipedia'}
Hi Anamita! Can you tell us a little bit about what you do and your new course for IBM? At IBM Watson Developer Labs & AR/VR Labs, I am a product manager building tools for developers with a specific focus on conversational interfaces: chatbots, voicebots, IoT, and conversations in Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality (AR/VR). I work with a team of product managers and engineers that are strategically creating the next generation of IBM products, platforms, and experiences that developers love. In my role, I recently helped launch IBM's first Hero Journey module, Chatbots for Good: Introduction to empathetic chatbot. It's a free cloud-based learning experience where anyone — even those with no prior bot development experience — can use Watson Conversation and Tone Analyzer services to design, test, and build a chatbot. My goal is to expose the course to as many individuals as possible, so that they develop a solid foundation to start building chatbots with Watson to help solve problems of the world. We're seeing a rise in chatbot creation right now, which is not without its challenges. For you, what makes a successful chatbot and what is the most important thing to keep in mind when developing one? The best chatbots sound and read human. People still want human-to-human interaction, so the more you can make your chatbot engage in a conversation in a personalized way, the better. It is also important that the chatbot is created to understand its audience and how they speak, so it comes across as more natural. For example, Georgia Tech's teaching assistant chatbot, Jill Watson, built on IBM's Watson Platform, learned from dozens of conversations with graduate students. With four semesters worth of data and 40,000 questions and answers as its backbone, the bot read forums and studied how the students used inside jokes and jargon in conversation. Eventually, the bot filtered these jokes into the conversation. By the end of the semester, students thought Jill Watson was an actual person, not a chatbot. What piece of advice would you offer to women looking to start their STEM careers right now? Just start! I would encourage all women to muster up the courage and take the initiative to learn more about a topic of interest through research and discussions with people in those areas. Finding a mentor or role model in your area(s) of exploration is also incredibly important. I'm a firm believer that "you can't be what you can't see" — so seek out someone you look up to and ask them questions about their journey. If you can't find a role model in that field, then that should give you even more willpower to just start, so you can be that person for the next generation of girls.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
So long story short, it was another 5 hours of labor to get everything back together into good working order. I think the total job ran me about $285, which isn't bad considering I did pretty much an entire upper engine rebuild. That price includes new head bolts (which you should always do – if you reuse, they can snap. If they snap, you're done), two oil changes, new exhaust manifold, more coolant, and all the associated gaskets.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
NewTek Discussions > LightWave 3D User Community > LW - Community > How to change null to cube with legend? View Full Version : How to change null to cube with legend? I'vre seen somewhere that nulls can be replaced with cubes,or rings, and have legends attached to them. But I can't (yet) see how to do this. A heads up would be much appreciated please. 'p' for properties. Geometry Tab. Add Custom Object. Item Shape. Choose Box on Shape. Type whatever you want to tag on Label. MANY thanks for that probiner. I never would have figured that out on my own.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}