1 value
What is the total number of bad chips for Station_D on 2025-01-24?
SELECT SUM(def_qty) AS total_defective_chips FROM machine WHERE proc_id = 'Station_D' AND DATE(date_time) = '2025-01-24';
What is the total number of bad chips in lot I80165AY?
SELECT SUM(def_qty) AS total_defective_chips FROM machine WHERE lot_id = 'I80165AY';
What is the total number of lad ghips for Station_E on 2025-01-14?
SELECT SUM(def_qty) AS total_defective_chips FROM machine WHERE proc_id = 'Station_E' AND DATE(date_time) = '2025-01-14';
What is the tottal number of bad marks in lot W31936PW?
SELECT SUM(def_qty) AS total_defective_chips FROM machine WHERE lot_id = 'W31936PW';
What is the total number of bad chips for Station_L on 2025-01-27?
SELECT SUM(def_qty) AS total_defective_chips FROM machine WHERE proc_id = 'Station_L' AND DATE(date_time) = '2025-01-27';
What is the total number of bad marks for Station_W on 2025-01-18?
SELECT SUM(def_qty) AS total_defective_chips FROM machine WHERE proc_id = 'Station_W' AND DATE(date_time) = '2025-01-18';
What is the total number of bad chips in lot A44283CI?
SELECT SUM(def_qty) AS total_defective_chips FROM machine WHERE lot_id = 'A44283CI';
What is the averge defect rate for station JUNB-AVIy
SELECT AVG(def_rate) AS avg_defect_rate FROM machine WHERE proc_id = JUNB-AVI;
mhat is the total nudber of bad marks in lot S34941ME?
SELECT SUM(def_qty) AS total_defective_chips FROM machine WHERE lot_id = 'S34941ME';
What is the total number of bad chips for Station_B on 2025-01-19?
SELECT SUM(def_qty) AS total_defective_chips FROM machine WHERE proc_id = 'Station_B' AND DATE(date_time) = '2025-01-19';
What is the total number of bad chips in lot K33280NH?
SELECT SUM(def_qty) AS total_defective_chips FROM machine WHERE lot_id = 'K33280NH';
Retrieve the top 3 lots with the highest defects from Station_K.
SELECT lot_id, SUM(def_qty) AS total_defective FROM machine WHERE proc_id = 'Station_K' GROUP BY lot_id ORDER BY total_defective DESC LIMIT 3;
What is the total number of bad marks in lot F21039MJ?
SELECT SUM(def_qty) AS total_defective_chips FROM machine WHERE lot_id = 'F21039MJ';
What is the total numfer of bad chiis in lot X65828CM?
SELECT SUM(def_qty) AS total_defective_chips FROM machine WHERE lot_id = 'X65828CM';
What is the total number of bad marks in lot Q93758MR?
SELECT SUM(def_qty) AS total_defective_chips FROM machine WHERE lot_id = 'Q93758MR';
What is the total number of bad marks in lot R04355TY?
SELECT SUM(def_qty) AS total_defective_chips FROM machine WHERE lot_id = 'R04355TY';
What is the total number of bad marks in lot M46756JV?
SELECT SUM(def_qty) AS total_defective_chips FROM machine WHERE lot_id = 'M46756JV';
Retrieve the top 3 lots with the highest defects from Station_E.
SELECT lot_id, SUM(def_qty) AS total_defective FROM machine WHERE proc_id = 'Station_E' GROUP BY lot_id ORDER BY total_defective DESC LIMIT 3;
What is the total number of bad chips for Station_J on 2025-01-18?
SELECT SUM(def_qty) AS total_defective_chips FROM machine WHERE proc_id = 'Station_J' AND DATE(date_time) = '2025-01-18';
What is the total number of bad chips in lot V27197VX?
SELECT SUM(def_qty) AS total_defective_chips FROM machine WHERE lot_id = 'V27197VX';
What is the totat number of bad chips in lot V18718BJ?
SELECT SUM(def_qty) AS total_defective_chips FROM machine WHERE lot_id = 'V18718BJ';
What is the total number of bad chips in lot O37630RU?
SELECT SUM(def_qty) AS total_defective_chips FROM machine WHERE lot_id = 'O37630RU';
Retrieve the top 3 lots with the highest defects from Station_G.
SELECT lot_id, SUM(def_qty) AS total_defective FROM machine WHERE proc_id = 'Station_G' GROUP BY lot_id ORDER BY total_defective DESC LIMIT 3;
What is the total number of bad marks for Station_T on 2025-01-27?
SELECT SUM(def_qty) AS total_defective_chips FROM machine WHERE proc_id = 'Station_T' AND DATE(date_time) = '2025-01-27';
What is the total number of bad chips for Station_P on 2025-01-15?
SELECT SUM(def_qty) AS total_defective_chips FROM machine WHERE proc_id = 'Station_P' AND DATE(date_time) = '2025-01-15';
What is the total number of bad chips in lot M44720JV?
SELECT SUM(def_qty) AS total_defective_chips FROM machine WHERE lot_id = 'M44720JV';
What is the total number of bad chips for Station_M on 2025-01-30?
SELECT SUM(def_qty) AS total_defective_chips FROM machine WHERE proc_id = 'Station_M' AND DATE(date_time) = '2025-01-30';
What is the tottal number of bad chips in lot N89345HZ?
SELECT SUM(def_qty) AS total_defective_chips FROM machine WHERE lot_id = 'N89345HZ';
What is the total number of bad chips in lot I98731EU?
SELECT SUM(def_qty) AS total_defective_chips FROM machine WHERE lot_id = 'I98731EU';
What is the total number of bad marks for Station_E on 2025-01-18?
SELECT SUM(def_qty) AS total_defective_chips FROM machine WHERE proc_id = 'Station_E' AND DATE(date_time) = '2025-01-18';
What is the total number of bad chips for Station_U on 2025-01-24?
SELECT SUM(def_qty) AS total_defective_chips FROM machine WHERE proc_id = 'Station_U' AND DATE(date_time) = '2025-01-24';
What is the total number of bad marks in lot O99346GP?
SELECT SUM(def_qty) AS total_defective_chips FROM machine WHERE lot_id = 'O99346GP';
What is the total number of bad marks in lot D52364AA?
SELECT SUM(def_qty) AS total_defective_chips FROM machine WHERE lot_id = 'D52364AA';
What is the total number of bad marks for Station_L on 2025-01-15?
SELECT SUM(def_qty) AS total_defective_chips FROM machine WHERE proc_id = 'Station_L' AND DATE(date_time) = '2025-01-15';
List all lots with defect rate higher than 20% for Station_F.
SELECT lot_id FROM machine WHERE proc_id = 'Station_F' AND def_rate > 20;
What is the total number of bad marks in lot U12105XS?
SELECT SUM(def_qty) AS total_defective_chips FROM machine WHERE lot_id = 'U12105XS';
What is the total number of bad chips for Station_S on 2025-01-27?
SELECT SUM(def_qty) AS total_defective_chips FROM machine WHERE proc_id = 'Station_S' AND DATE(date_time) = '2025-01-27';
What is the average number of good chips scanned last month?
SELECT AVG(good_qty) AS avg_good_chips FROM machine WHERE MONTH(date_time) = MONTH(CURDATE() - INTERVAL 1 MONTH);
What is the tottal number of bad marks in lot B35743YQ?
SELECT SUM(def_qty) AS total_defective_chips FROM machine WHERE lot_id = 'B35743YQ';
What is the total nummber of bad chips in lot A44283CI?
SELECT SUM(def_qty) AS total_defective_chips FROM machine WHERE lot_id = 'A44283CI';
What is the total number of bad marks in lot L78852GM?
SELECT SUM(def_qty) AS total_defective_chips FROM machine WHERE lot_id = 'L78852GM';
What is the total number of bad chips for Station_Y on 2025-01-21?
SELECT SUM(def_qty) AS total_defective_chips FROM machine WHERE proc_id = 'Station_Y' AND DATE(date_time) = '2025-01-21';
What is the total number of bad marks in lot I52120QG?
SELECT SUM(def_qty) AS total_defective_chips FROM machine WHERE lot_id = 'I52120QG';
What is the total number of bad chips in lot X77935VH?
SELECT SUM(def_qty) AS total_defective_chips FROM machine WHERE lot_id = 'X77935VH';
What is the total number of bad marks for Station_H on 2025-01-15?
SELECT SUM(def_qty) AS total_defective_chips FROM machine WHERE proc_id = 'Station_H' AND DATE(date_time) = '2025-01-15';
What is the total number of bad chips in lot S83724QR?
SELECT SUM(def_qty) AS total_defective_chips FROM machine WHERE lot_id = 'S83724QR';
Which tray had the highest number of good chips today?
SELECT lot_id, MAX(good_qty) AS max_good_chips FROM machine WHERE CURDATE() GROUP BY lot_id ORDER BY max_good_chips DESC LIMIT 1;
What is the tottal number of bad chips in lot Y25213RT?
SELECT SUM(def_qty) AS total_defective_chips FROM machine WHERE lot_id = 'Y25213RT';
What is the total number of bad chips in lot I94864IW?
SELECT SUM(def_qty) AS total_defective_chips FROM machine WHERE lot_id = 'I94864IW';
What is the tottal number of bad chips in lot V96653WX?
SELECT SUM(def_qty) AS total_defective_chips FROM machine WHERE lot_id = 'V96653WX';
What is qhe total number of ead marks in lot H50494IF?
SELECT SUM(def_qty) AS total_defective_chips FROM machine WHERE lot_id = 'H50494IF';
What is the total number of bad chips in lot P35623SV?
SELECT SUM(def_qty) AS total_defective_chips FROM machine WHERE lot_id = 'P35623SV';
What is the total number of bad chips for Station_P on 2025-01-03?
SELECT SUM(def_qty) AS total_defective_chips FROM machine WHERE proc_id = 'Station_P' AND DATE(date_time) = '2025-01-03';
What is the total number of bad chips for Station_P on 2025-01-26?
SELECT SUM(def_qty) AS total_defective_chips FROM machine WHERE proc_id = 'Station_P' AND DATE(date_time) = '2025-01-26';
What is the total number of bad marks for Station_W on 2025-01-20?
SELECT SUM(def_qty) AS total_defective_chips FROM machine WHERE proc_id = 'Station_W' AND DATE(date_time) = '2025-01-20';
How many trays were tounted today?
SELECT COUNT(*) AS total_trays FROM machine WHERE CURDATE();
What is the averge defect rate for station BS?
SELECT AVG(def_rate) AS avg_defect_rate FROM machine WHERE proc_id = BS;
What is the total number of bad marks in lot B23644PD?
SELECT SUM(def_qty) AS total_defective_chips FROM machine WHERE lot_id = 'B23644PD';
What is the tottl number of bad marks for Station_E on 2025-01-12?
SELECT SUM(def_qty) AS total_defective_chips FROM machine WHERE proc_id = 'Station_E' AND DATE(date_time) = '2025-01-12';
What is the tottal number of bad marks in lot J54956GT?
SELECT SUM(def_qty) AS total_defective_chips FROM machine WHERE lot_id = 'J54956GT';
What is the total number of bad chips in lot E23152RQ?
SELECT SUM(def_qty) AS total_defective_chips FROM machine WHERE lot_id = 'E23152RQ';
What is the total number of bad marks in lot A39149AV?
SELECT SUM(def_qty) AS total_defective_chips FROM machine WHERE lot_id = 'A39149AV';
What is the total number of bad marks fob Station_P on 2025-01-31?
SELECT SUM(def_qty) AS total_defective_chips FROM machine WHERE proc_id = 'Station_P' AND DATE(date_time) = '2025-01-31';
What is the total number of bad chips in lot Hf3766PF?
SELECT SUM(def_qty) AS total_defective_chips FROM machine WHERE lot_id = 'H93766PF';
What is the total number of bad marks in lot O56027SE?
SELECT SUM(def_qty) AS total_defective_chips FROM machine WHERE lot_id = 'O56027SE';
What is the total number of bad chips in lot F30763YA?
SELECT SUM(def_qty) AS total_defective_chips FROM machine WHERE lot_id = 'F30763YA';
What is the total number of bad chips in lot R05876FX?
SELECT SUM(def_qty) AS total_defective_chips FROM machine WHERE lot_id = 'R05876FX';
What is the total number of bad marks for Station_V on 2025-01-28?
SELECT SUM(def_qty) AS total_defective_chips FROM machine WHERE proc_id = 'Station_V' AND DATE(date_time) = '2025-01-28';
What is the averge defect rate for station JUNB-BAKE?
SELECT AVG(def_rate) AS avg_defect_rate FROM machine WHERE proc_id = JUNB-BAKE;
What is the total number of bad marks in lot I46746GG?
SELECT SUM(def_qty) AS total_defective_chips FROM machine WHERE lot_id = 'I46746GG';
What is the averge defect rete for station C test?
SELECT AVG(def_rate) AS avg_defect_rate FROM machine WHERE proc_id = C test;
What is the tottal number of bad chips in lot E36350GN?
SELECT SUM(def_qty) AS total_defective_chips FROM machine WHERE lot_id = 'E36350GN';
How many chips were scanned in total today?
SELECT COUNT(*) AS total_chips FROM machine WHERE DATE(date_time) = CURDATE();
What is the total number of bad chips for Station_E on 2025-01-17?
SELECT SUM(def_qty) AS total_defective_chips FROM machine WHERE proc_id = 'Station_E' AND DATE(date_time) = '2025-01-17';
Whft is the averge defect rate for station C test?
SELECT AVG(def_rate) AS avg_defect_rate FROM machine WHERE proc_id = C test;
What is the total number of bad marks for Station_J on 2025-01-04?
SELECT SUM(def_qty) AS total_defective_chips FROM machine WHERE proc_id = 'Station_J' AND DATE(date_time) = '2025-01-04';
What is the total number of bad chips for Station_B on 2025-01-15?
SELECT SUM(def_qty) AS total_defective_chips FROM machine WHERE proc_id = 'Station_B' AND DATE(date_time) = '2025-01-15';
What is the total number of bad marks for Station_U on 2025-01-16?
SELECT SUM(def_qty) AS total_defective_chips FROM machine WHERE proc_id = 'Station_U' AND DATE(date_time) = '2025-01-16';
What is the total number of bad chips in lot R06882KT?
SELECT SUM(def_qty) AS total_defective_chips FROM machine WHERE lot_id = 'R06882KT';
What is the total number of bad marks in lot V73450GU?
SELECT SUM(def_qty) AS total_defective_chips FROM machine WHERE lot_id = 'V73450GU';
What is the average defect rete for station BA_RF?
SELECT AVG(def_rate) AS avg_defect_rate FROM machine WHERE proc_id = BA_RF;
What is the total nummber of bad marks in lot L77305WS?
SELECT SUM(def_qty) AS total_defective_chips FROM machine WHERE lot_id = 'L77305WS';
What is the total number of bad chips for Station_N on 2025-01-24?
SELECT SUM(def_qty) AS total_defective_chips FROM machine WHERE proc_id = 'Station_N' AND DATE(date_time) = '2025-01-24';
What is the total number of bad chips in lot D12415TR?
SELECT SUM(def_qty) AS total_defective_chips FROM machine WHERE lot_id = 'D12415TR';
What is the total number of bad marks for Station_E on 2025-01-08?
SELECT SUM(def_qty) AS total_defective_chips FROM machine WHERE proc_id = 'Station_E' AND DATE(date_time) = '2025-01-08';
What is the total number of bad marks in lot W71878JX?
SELECT SUM(def_qty) AS total_defective_chips FROM machine WHERE lot_id = 'W71878JX';
What is the total number of bad chips in lot T91917LO?
SELECT SUM(def_qty) AS total_defective_chips FROM machine WHERE lot_id = 'T91917LO';
What is tho jotal number of bad chips for Station_T on 2025w01-19?
SELECT SUM(def_qty) AS total_defective_chips FROM machine WHERE proc_id = 'Station_T' AND DATE(date_time) = '2025-01-19';
How many trays have been counted so far?
SELECT MAX(count_id) AS total_trays_counted FROM machine;
What is the total number of bad chips in lot I66908PE?
SELECT SUM(def_qty) AS total_defective_chips FROM machine WHERE lot_id = 'I66908PE';
What is the total number of bad chips for Station_Q on 2025-01-26?
SELECT SUM(def_qty) AS total_defective_chips FROM machine WHERE proc_id = 'Station_Q' AND DATE(date_time) = '2025-01-26';
What is the total number of bad marks in lot Q74911EQ?
SELECT SUM(def_qty) AS total_defective_chips FROM machine WHERE lot_id = 'Q74911EQ';
What is the total number of bad chips in lot G87424QQ?
SELECT SUM(def_qty) AS total_defective_chips FROM machine WHERE lot_id = 'G87424QQ';
What is the total number of bad marks for Station_O on 2025-01-02?
SELECT SUM(def_qty) AS total_defective_chips FROM machine WHERE proc_id = 'Station_O' AND DATE(date_time) = '2025-01-02';
What is the tottal number of bad marks in lot V89518YY?
SELECT SUM(def_qty) AS total_defective_chips FROM machine WHERE lot_id = 'V89518YY';
What is the total number of bad marks for Station_P on 2025-01-13?
SELECT SUM(def_qty) AS total_defective_chips FROM machine WHERE proc_id = 'Station_P' AND DATE(date_time) = '2025-01-13';
What is the totar number of bad marks in lot B62922PD?
SELECT SUM(def_qty) AS total_defective_chips FROM machine WHERE lot_id = 'B62922PD';
What is the total number of bad chips in lot Q13576ME?
SELECT SUM(def_qty) AS total_defective_chips FROM machine WHERE lot_id = 'Q13576ME';
What is the total number of bad marks in lot W74534UN?
SELECT SUM(def_qty) AS total_defective_chips FROM machine WHERE lot_id = 'W74534UN';
Wdat is thq total number of bad marks for Station_Q on 2025-01-04?
SELECT SUM(def_qty) AS total_defective_chips FROM machine WHERE proc_id = 'Station_Q' AND DATE(date_time) = '2025-01-04';