// Copyright 2000-2022 JetBrains s.r.o. and contributors. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license. package com.intellij.configurationStore import com.intellij.openapi.components.impl.stores.SaveSessionAndFile import org.jetbrains.annotations.ApiStatus @ApiStatus.Internal class SaveResult { companion object { @JvmField internal val EMPTY = SaveResult() } private var error: Throwable? = null @JvmField internal val readonlyFiles: MutableList<SaveSessionAndFile> = mutableListOf() @JvmField internal var isChanged = false @Synchronized internal fun addError(error: Throwable) { val existingError = this.error if (existingError == null) { this.error = error } else { existingError.addSuppressed(error) } } @Synchronized internal fun addReadOnlyFile(info: SaveSessionAndFile) { readonlyFiles.add(info) } @Synchronized internal fun appendTo(saveResult: SaveResult) { if (this === EMPTY) { return } synchronized(saveResult) { if (error != null) { if (saveResult.error == null) { saveResult.error = error } else { saveResult.error!!.addSuppressed(error) } } saveResult.readonlyFiles.addAll(readonlyFiles) if (isChanged) { saveResult.isChanged = true } } } @Synchronized internal fun throwIfErrored() { error?.let { throw it } } }
// Copyright 2000-2022 JetBrains s.r.o. and contributors. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license. package com.intellij.webSymbols.context import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project import com.intellij.openapi.util.ModificationTracker import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.VirtualFile import com.intellij.psi.PsiFile import com.intellij.psi.util.CachedValueProvider /* * DEPRECATION -> @JvmDefault */ @Suppress("DEPRECATION") interface WebSymbolsContextProvider { /** * Determines whether a particular, parsed file should have a particular web symbols context (like web framework) enabled. * Such files will for example have dedicated JS expressions injected. This API serves for a purpose of enabling the * support in particular files, when the support should not be provided on a directory level. * It is a responsibility of the context provider to cache value if needed. */ @JvmDefault fun isEnabled(file: PsiFile): Boolean = false /** * Determines whether a particular file should have a particular web symbols context (like web framework) enabled. * This method is used before creating a PsiFile, so it should not try to use PsiManager to find a PsiFile. * This API serves for a purpose of enabling the support in particular files, when the support should not be provided * on a directory level. It is a responsibility of the context provider to cache value if needed. */ @JvmDefault fun isEnabled(file: VirtualFile, project: Project): Boolean = false /** * Determines whether files within a particular folder should have a particular web symbols context (like web framework) * enabled. Amongst others, html files in such folders might be parsed with dedicated parser, so * JS expressions will be part of PSI tress instead of being injected. * It is a responsibility of the context provider to include all dependencies of the value. * The result is being cached. * * It is important that result is stable as any change will result in full reload of code insight * and clear of all caches. * * Since there might be many contexts of the same kind within the same project, the result is a proximity score of how * far from the parent folder with detected context particular folder is. 0 means that passed * {@code directory} is the root of the project. * * @return {@code null} if not enabled, otherwise a proximity score */ @JvmDefault fun isEnabled(project: Project, directory: VirtualFile): CachedValueProvider.Result<Int?> = CachedValueProvider.Result(null, ModificationTracker.NEVER_CHANGED) /** * You can forbid context on a particular file to allow for cooperation between different * plugins. This method is used before creating a PsiFile, so it should not try to use PsiManager to find a PsiFile. * The result is not cached and therefore the logic should not perform time-consuming tasks, or should cache results * on its own. * * It is important that result is stable as any change will result in full reload of code insight * and clear of all caches. * * You can register a context provider with only a context kind, and it's {@code isForbidden} method will always be called * and will allow you to forbid any context of the particular kind. */ @JvmDefault fun isForbidden(contextFile: VirtualFile, project: Project): Boolean = false }
package zielu.intellij.ui import com.intellij.openapi.Disposable import javax.swing.JComponent internal interface GtFormUi : Disposable { val content: JComponent fun init() fun afterStateSet() override fun dispose() { // do nothing } }
/* * Copyright 2010-2020 JetBrains s.r.o. and Kotlin Programming Language contributors. * Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file. */ package org.jetbrains.kotlin.idea.asJava import com.intellij.psi.JavaPsiFacade import com.intellij.psi.PsiElement import com.intellij.psi.ResolveState import com.intellij.psi.scope.PsiScopeProcessor import org.jetbrains.kotlin.asJava.classes.KtLightClass import org.jetbrains.kotlin.asJava.classes.getOutermostClassOrObject import org.jetbrains.kotlin.asJava.elements.FakeFileForLightClass import org.jetbrains.kotlin.idea.asJava.classes.getOrCreateFirLightClass import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.KtClassOrObject class FirFakeFileImpl(private val classOrObject: KtClassOrObject, ktClass: KtLightClass) : FakeFileForLightClass( classOrObject.containingKtFile, { if (classOrObject.isTopLevel()) ktClass else getOrCreateFirLightClass(getOutermostClassOrObject(classOrObject))!! }, { null } ) { override fun findReferenceAt(offset: Int) = ktFile.findReferenceAt(offset) override fun processDeclarations( processor: PsiScopeProcessor, state: ResolveState, lastParent: PsiElement?, place: PsiElement ): Boolean { if (!super.processDeclarations(processor, state, lastParent, place)) return false // We have to explicitly process package declarations if current file belongs to default package // so that Java resolve can find classes located in that package val packageName = packageName if (packageName.isNotEmpty()) return true val aPackage = JavaPsiFacade.getInstance(classOrObject.project).findPackage(packageName) if (aPackage != null && !aPackage.processDeclarations(processor, state, null, place)) return false return true } }
internal class C private constructor(arg1: Int, arg2: Int, arg3: Int = 0) { constructor(arg1: Int) : this(arg1, 0, 0) {} }
// Copyright 2000-2019 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package com.intellij.configurationStore.schemeManager import com.intellij.configurationStore.LOG import com.intellij.openapi.diagnostic.ControlFlowException internal inline fun <T> catchAndLog(file: () -> String, runnable: () -> T): T? { try { return runnable() } catch (e: Throwable) { if (e is ControlFlowException) throw e LOG.error("Cannot read scheme ${file()}", e) } return null } internal fun nameIsMissed(bytes: ByteArray): RuntimeException { return RuntimeException("Name is missed:\n${bytes.toString(Charsets.UTF_8)}") }
// Copyright 2000-2021 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package git4idea.ui.branch import com.intellij.dvcs.branch.GroupingKey import com.intellij.dvcs.branch.isGroupingEnabled import com.intellij.dvcs.branch.setGrouping import com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.AnActionEvent import com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.ToggleAction import com.intellij.openapi.diagnostic.Logger import com.intellij.openapi.progress.ProgressIndicator import com.intellij.openapi.progress.ProgressManager import com.intellij.openapi.progress.Task import com.intellij.openapi.project.DumbAware import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project import com.intellij.openapi.util.Pair import com.intellij.openapi.vcs.VcsException import com.intellij.openapi.vcs.VcsNotifier import com.intellij.util.containers.ContainerUtil import git4idea.GitLocalBranch import git4idea.GitNotificationIdsHolder.Companion.BRANCHES_UPDATE_SUCCESSFUL import git4idea.GitNotificationIdsHolder.Companion.BRANCH_CHECKOUT_FAILED import git4idea.GitNotificationIdsHolder.Companion.BRANCH_CREATION_FAILED import git4idea.GitReference import git4idea.GitUtil import git4idea.GitVcs import git4idea.branch.* import git4idea.config.GitVcsSettings import git4idea.fetch.GitFetchSupport import git4idea.history.GitHistoryUtils import git4idea.i18n.GitBundle import git4idea.repo.GitRepository import git4idea.update.GitUpdateExecutionProcess import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nls import javax.swing.Icon @JvmOverloads internal fun createOrCheckoutNewBranch(project: Project, repositories: List<GitRepository>, startPoint: String, @Nls(capitalization = Nls.Capitalization.Title) title: String = GitBundle.message(""), initialName: String? = null) { val options = GitNewBranchDialog(project, repositories, title, initialName, true, true, false, true).showAndGetOptions() ?: return GitBranchCheckoutOperation(project, repositories).perform(startPoint, options) } internal fun updateBranches(project: Project, repositories: List<GitRepository>, localBranchNames: List<String>) { val repoToTrackingInfos = repositories.associateWith { it.branchTrackInfos.filter { info -> localBranchNames.contains( } } if (repoToTrackingInfos.isEmpty()) return GitVcs.runInBackground(object : Task.Backgroundable(project, GitBundle.message("branches.updating.process"), true) { private val successfullyUpdated = arrayListOf<String>() override fun run(indicator: ProgressIndicator) { val fetchSupport = GitFetchSupport.fetchSupport(project) val currentBranchesMap: MutableMap<GitRepository, GitBranchPair> = HashMap() for ((repo, trackingInfos) in repoToTrackingInfos) { val currentBranch = repo.currentBranch for (trackingInfo in trackingInfos) { val localBranch = trackingInfo.localBranch val remoteBranch = trackingInfo.remoteBranch if (localBranch == currentBranch) { currentBranchesMap[repo] = GitBranchPair(currentBranch, remoteBranch) } else { // Fast-forward all non-current branches in the selection val localBranchName = val remoteBranchName = remoteBranch.nameForRemoteOperations val fetchResult = fetchSupport.fetch(repo, trackingInfo.remote, "$remoteBranchName:$localBranchName") try { fetchResult.throwExceptionIfFailed() successfullyUpdated.add(localBranchName) } catch (ignored: VcsException) { fetchResult.showNotificationIfFailed(GitBundle.message("branches.update.failed")) } } } } // Update all current branches in the selection if (currentBranchesMap.isNotEmpty()) { GitUpdateExecutionProcess(project, repositories, currentBranchesMap, GitVcsSettings.getInstance(project).updateMethod, false).execute() } } override fun onSuccess() { if (successfullyUpdated.isNotEmpty()) { VcsNotifier.getInstance(project).notifySuccess(BRANCHES_UPDATE_SUCCESSFUL, "", GitBundle.message("branches.selected.branches.updated.title", successfullyUpdated.size, successfullyUpdated.joinToString("\n"))) } } }) } internal fun isTrackingInfosExist(branchNames: List<String>, repositories: List<GitRepository>) = repositories .flatMap(GitRepository::getBranchTrackInfos) .any { trackingBranchInfo -> branchNames.any { branchName -> branchName == } } internal fun hasRemotes(project: Project): Boolean { return GitUtil.getRepositories(project).any { repository -> !repository.remotes.isEmpty() } } internal fun hasTrackingConflicts(conflictingLocalBranches: Map<GitRepository, GitLocalBranch>, remoteBranchName: String): Boolean = conflictingLocalBranches.any { (repo, branch) -> val trackInfo = GitBranchUtil.getTrackInfoForBranch(repo, branch) trackInfo != null && !GitReference.BRANCH_NAME_HASHING_STRATEGY.equals(remoteBranchName, } internal abstract class BranchGroupingAction(private val key: GroupingKey, icon: Icon? = null) : ToggleAction(key.text, key.description, icon), DumbAware { abstract fun setSelected(e: AnActionEvent, key: GroupingKey, state: Boolean) override fun isSelected(e: AnActionEvent) = e.project?.let { GitVcsSettings.getInstance(it).branchSettings.isGroupingEnabled(key) } ?: false override fun setSelected(e: AnActionEvent, state: Boolean) { val project = e.project ?: return val branchSettings = GitVcsSettings.getInstance(project).branchSettings branchSettings.setGrouping(key, state) setSelected(e, key, state) } }
// FIX: none fun test(x: E1, y: E2): Boolean { return x.<caret>equals(y) } enum class E1 enum class E2
<warning descr="SSR">/** * @param foo bar */</warning> class Foo1 /** * */ class Bar1 <warning descr="SSR">/** * foo * @since 1 */</warning> class Foo2 <warning descr="SSR">/** * @property foo bar */</warning> class Bar2
fun foo() { <caret>if (a) { bar() // do bar } }
package com.cognifide.gradle.aem.launcher import java.util.* class BuildScaffolder(private val launcher: Launcher) { fun scaffold() { saveBuildSrc() saveProperties() saveSettings() saveRootBuildScript() saveEnvBuildScript() saveEnvSrcFiles() } private fun saveBuildSrc() = launcher.workFileOnce("buildSrc/build.gradle.kts") { println("Saving Gradle build source script file '$this'") writeText(""" repositories { mavenLocal() mavenCentral() gradlePluginPortal() } dependencies { implementation("com.cognifide.gradle:aem-plugin:${launcher.pluginVersion}") implementation("com.cognifide.gradle:environment-plugin:2.0.3") implementation("com.neva.gradle:fork-plugin:7.0.0") } """.trimIndent()) } private fun saveProperties() = launcher.workFileOnce("") { println("Saving Gradle properties file '$this'") outputStream().use { output -> Properties().apply { putAll(defaultProps) if (savePropsFlag) { putAll(saveProps) } store(output, null) } } } private val savePropsFlag get() = launcher.args.contains(Launcher.ARG_SAVE_PROPS) private val saveProps get() = launcher.args.filter { it.startsWith(Launcher.ARG_SAVE_PREFIX) } .map { it.removePrefix(Launcher.ARG_SAVE_PREFIX) } .map { it.substringBefore("=") to it.substringAfter("=") } .toMap() private val defaultProps get() = mapOf( "org.gradle.logging.level" to "info", "org.gradle.daemon" to "true", "org.gradle.parallel" to "true", "org.gradle.caching" to "true", "org.gradle.jvmargs" to "-Xmx2048m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8" ) private fun saveRootBuildScript() = launcher.workFileOnce("build.gradle.kts") { println("Saving root Gradle build script file '$this'") writeText(""" plugins { id("com.cognifide.aem.common") id("com.neva.fork") } apply(from = "gradle/fork/props.gradle.kts") if (file("").exists()) { if (aem.mvnBuild.available) defaultTasks(":env:setup") else defaultTasks(":env:instanceSetup") } allprojects { repositories { mavenCentral() } } aem { mvnBuild { depGraph { // softRedundantModule("ui.content" to "ui.apps") } discover() } } """.trimIndent()) } private fun saveEnvBuildScript() = launcher.workFileOnce("env/build.gradle.kts") { println("Saving environment Gradle build script file '$this'") writeText(""" plugins { id("com.cognifide.aem.instance.local") id("com.cognifide.environment") } val instancePassword = common.prop.string("instance.default.password") val publishHttpUrl = common.prop.string("publish.httpUrl") ?: aem.findInstance("local-publish")?.httpUrl ?: "" val dispatcherHttpUrl = common.prop.string("dispatcher.httpUrl") ?: "" val dispatcherTarUrl = common.prop.string("dispatcher.tarUrl") ?: "" aem { instance { // provisioner { enableCrxDe() configureReplicationAgentAuthor("publish") { agent { configure(transportUri = "${'$'}publishHttpUrl/bin/receive?sling:authRequestLogin=1", transportUser = "admin", transportPassword = instancePassword, userId = "admin") } version.set(publishHttpUrl) } configureReplicationAgentPublish("flush") { agent { configure(transportUri = "${'$'}dispatcherHttpUrl/dispatcher/invalidate.cache") } version.set(dispatcherHttpUrl) } } } } environment { // docker { containers { "httpd" { resolve { resolveFiles { download(dispatcherTarUrl).use { copyArchiveFile(it, "**/dispatcher-apache*.so", file("modules/")) } } ensureDir("htdocs", "cache", "logs") } up { symlink( "/etc/httpd.extra/conf.modules.d/02-dispatcher.conf" to "/etc/httpd/conf.modules.d/02-dispatcher.conf", "/etc/httpd.extra/conf.d/variables/default.vars" to "/etc/httpd/conf.d/variables/default.vars" ) ensureDir("/usr/local/apache2/logs", "/var/www/localhost/htdocs", "/var/www/localhost/cache") execShell("Starting HTTPD server", "/usr/sbin/httpd -k start") } reload { cleanDir("/var/www/localhost/cache") execShell("Restarting HTTPD server", "/usr/sbin/httpd -k restart") } dev { watchRootDir( "dispatcher/src/conf.d", "dispatcher/src/conf.dispatcher.d", "env/src/environment/httpd") } } } } hosts { "http://publish" { tag("publish") } "http://dispatcher" { tag("dispatcher") } } healthChecks { aem.findInstance("local-author")?.let { instance -> http("Author Sites Editor", "${'$'}{instance.httpUrl}/sites.html") { containsText("Sites") options { basicCredentials = instance.credentials } } http("Author Replication Agent - Publish", "${'$'}{instance.httpUrl}/etc/replication/") { containsText("succeeded") options { basicCredentials = instance.credentials } } } aem.findInstance("local-publish")?.let { instance -> http("Publish Replication Agent - Flush", "${'$'}{instance.httpUrl}/etc/replication/agents.publish/flush.test.html") { containsText("succeeded") options { basicCredentials = instance.credentials } } /* http("Site Home", "http://publish/us/en.html") { containsText("My Site") } */ } } } tasks { instanceSetup { if (rootProject.aem.mvnBuild.available) dependsOn(":all:deploy") } instanceResolve { dependsOn(":requireProps") } instanceCreate { dependsOn(":requireProps") } environmentUp { mustRunAfter(instanceAwait, instanceUp, instanceProvision, instanceSetup) } environmentAwait { mustRunAfter(instanceAwait, instanceUp, instanceProvision, instanceSetup) } } """.trimIndent()) } private fun saveEnvSrcFiles() { launcher.workFileOnce("env/src/environment/docker-compose.yml.peb") { println("Saving environment Docker compose file '$this'") writeText(""" version: "3" services: httpd: image: centos/httpd:latest command: ["tail", "-f", "--retry", "/usr/local/apache2/logs/error.log"] deploy: replicas: 1 ports: - "80:80" networks: - docker-net volumes: - "{{ rootPath }}/dispatcher/src/conf.d:/etc/httpd/conf.d" - "{{ rootPath }}/dispatcher/src/conf.dispatcher.d:/etc/httpd/conf.dispatcher.d" - "{{ sourcePath }}/httpd:/etc/httpd.extra" - "{{ workPath }}/httpd/modules/" - "{{ workPath }}/httpd/logs:/etc/httpd/logs" {% if docker.runtime.safeVolumes %} - "{{ workPath }}/httpd/cache:/var/www/localhost/cache" - "{{ workPath }}/httpd/htdocs:/var/www/localhost/htdocs" {% endif %} {% if docker.runtime.hostInternalIpMissing %} extra_hosts: - "host.docker.internal:{{ docker.runtime.hostInternalIp }}" {% endif %} networks: docker-net: """.trimIndent()) } launcher.workFileOnce("env/src/environment/httpd/conf.d/variables/default.vars") { println("Saving environment variables file '$this'") writeText(""" Define DOCROOT /var/www/localhost/cache Define AEM_HOST host.docker.internal Define AEM_IP 10.0.*.* Define AEM_PORT 4503 Define DISP_LOG_LEVEL Warn Define REWRITE_LOG_LEVEL Warn Define EXPIRATION_TIME A2592000 """.trimIndent()) } launcher.workFileOnce("env/src/environment/httpd/conf.modules.d/02-dispatcher.conf") { println("Saving environment HTTPD dispatcher config file '$this'") writeText(""" LoadModule dispatcher_module modules/ """.trimIndent()) } } private fun saveSettings() = launcher.workFileOnce("settings.gradle.kts") { println("Saving Gradle settings file '$this'") writeText(""" include(":env") """.trimIndent()) } }
/* * Copyright 2017 Nikola Trubitsyn * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.trubitsyn.visiblefortesting.visibility import org.jetbrains.kotlin.lexer.KtTokens import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.KtFunction class KtFunctionVisibility(val function: KtFunction) : Visibility { override val isProtected: Boolean get() = function.hasModifier(KtTokens.PROTECTED_KEYWORD) override val isPackageLocal: Boolean get() = function.hasModifier(KtTokens.INTERNAL_KEYWORD) override val isPrivate: Boolean get() = function.hasModifier(KtTokens.PRIVATE_KEYWORD) }
package import androidx.annotation.UiThread import import import import java.lang.ref.WeakReference import javax.inject.Inject import javax.inject.Singleton @Singleton class ActivityProvider @Inject constructor() { fun getActivity(): FragmentActivity = activeActivities.lastOrNull()?.get() ?: throw NoActivityAvailableException() companion object { private val activeActivities = mutableListOf<WeakReference<FragmentActivity>>() @UiThread fun registerActivity(activity: FragmentActivity) { activeActivities.add(WeakReference(activity)) } @UiThread fun deregisterActivity(activity: FragmentActivity) { activeActivities.safeRemoveIf { reference -> reference.get().let { it == null || it == activity } } } } }
package typealias ExecutionId = String
package com.redrield.shortify.common import com.redrield.shortify.util.ShortifyUtil import import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet import class TinyUrlShortener : Shortener { override fun getShortenedUrl(toShorten: String): String { val url = "${URLEncoder.encode(toShorten, "UTF-8")}" val client = ShortifyUtil.CLIENT val req = HttpGet(url) val res = client.execute(req) return IOUtils.toString(res.entity.content) } }
package import cz.filipproch.reactor.base.view.ReactorUiEvent import io.reactivex.Observable /** * @author Filip Prochazka (@filipproch) */ class ViewResumedEventKtTest : BaseEventFilterTest() { override fun filterStream(stream: Observable<ReactorUiEvent>): Observable<out ReactorUiEvent> { return stream.whenViewResumed() } override fun getValidEventInstance(): ReactorUiEvent { return ViewResumedEvent } }
package de.treichels.hott.model.enums import de.treichels.hott.util.get import java.util.* enum class SwitchMode { single, dual, Unknown; override fun toString(): String = ResourceBundle.getBundle([name] }
package import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper import com.github.kevinsawicki.http.HttpRequest import org.apache.commons.codec.digest.DigestUtils import import import org.apache.commons.lang3.RandomStringUtils import org.testng.annotations.AfterClass import org.testng.annotations.BeforeClass import org.testng.annotations.Test import import java.nio.file.Files import java.nio.file.Paths import kotlin.test.assertEquals import kotlin.test.assertNotNull import kotlin.test.assertTrue /** * @author Adamansky Anton ([email protected]) */ @Test(groups = arrayOf("rs")) class _TestMediaRS(db: String) : BaseRSTest(db) { constructor() : this(DEFAULT_DB) { } private var mapper = ObjectMapper() @BeforeClass override fun setup() { super.setup() mapper = getEnv()?.injector?.getInstance( ?: ObjectMapper() } @AfterClass override fun shutdown() { super.shutdown() } override fun R(resource: String): String = super.R(resource = "/rs/media$resource") @Test() fun testMediaSelect() { with(GET("/select/count")) { assertEquals(200, code()) assertEquals("0", body()) } with(GET("/select")) { assertEquals(200, code()) val body = body() assertNotNull(body) with(mapper.readTree(body)) { assertTrue(isArray) assertEquals(0, size()) } } } @Test(dependsOnMethods = arrayOf("testMediaSelect")) fun testMediaFilePut() { val fileName = RandomStringUtils.randomAlphanumeric(8) + "." + RandomStringUtils.randomAlphabetic(3) val file = getTestFile() with(PUT("/file/$fileName").contentType("text/plain").send(file)) { assertEquals(204, code()) } } @Test(dependsOnMethods = arrayOf("testMediaFilePut")) fun testMediaFileDelete() { with(GET("/select")) { assertEquals(200, code()) val body = body() assertNotNull(body) with(mapper.readTree(body)) { assertTrue(isArray) forEach { assertTrue(it.hasNonNull("id")) assertTrue(it.hasNonNull("folder")) assertTrue(it.hasNonNull("name")) assertEquals(200, DELETE("/delete/${it.path("folder").asText()}${it.path("name").asText()}").code()) } } } with(GET("/select/count")) { assertEquals(200, code()) assertEquals("0", body()) } } @Test(dependsOnMethods = arrayOf("testMediaFilePut", "testMediaFileDelete", "testMediaFolderPut", "testMediaFolderDelete")) fun testMediaFileGet() { val testFolder = putFolder().path("label").asText() for (fileType in listOf("txt", "svg", "png")) { // test: different file types for (folderName in listOf("", testFolder)) { // test: / and subfolder with(putFile(folderName, fileType)) { val fileName = path("name").asText() val folder = prepareFolder(path("folder").asText()) val fileSize = path("size").asLong() val fileContentType = path("contentType").asText() val reqIs = Files.newInputStream(getTestFile(fileType).toPath()) val reqMd5 = DigestUtils.md5Hex(IOUtils.toByteArray(reqIs)) for (j in 0..1) { // get by: 0 - name, 1 - id var resource = "" if (j == 0) { resource = "/file/$folder$fileName" } else { with(GET("/select?folder=/$folder")) { assertEquals(200, code()) val body = body() assertNotNull(body) with(mapper.readTree(body)) { assertTrue(isArray) forEach { assertTrue(it.hasNonNull("id")) if (fileName == it.path("name").asText(null)) { resource = "/fileid/" + it.path("id").asLong() } } } } } for (i in 0..1) { // request: 0 - HEAD, 1 - GET val req: HttpRequest if (i == 0) { req = HEAD(resource) } else { req = GET(resource) } with(req) { if (i == 0) { assertEquals(204, code()) } else { assertEquals(200, code()) } val headers = headers() val respFName = BCodec("UTF-8").decode( headers["Content-Disposition"]?.get(0)?. removePrefix("attachment; filename=\"")?. removeSuffix("\"")) assertEquals(fileName, respFName) val respCLeng = if (i == 0) { headers["X-Content-Length"]?.get(0) } else { headers["Content-Length"]?.get(0) } assertEquals(fileSize.toString(), respCLeng) val respEnc = headers["Content-Encoding"]?.get(0) val respCType = headers["Content-Type"]?.get(0) if (respEnc != null) { assertEquals(fileContentType + ";charset=" + respEnc, respCType) } else { assertEquals(fileContentType, respCType) } if (i == 1) { val tempFile = File("/tmp/$fileName") receive(tempFile) assertEquals(fileSize, tempFile.length()) val resIs = Files.newInputStream(tempFile.toPath()) val resMd5 = DigestUtils.md5Hex(IOUtils.toByteArray(resIs)) assertEquals(resMd5, reqMd5) tempFile.delete() } } } } delete(folder, fileName) } } } delete("", testFolder) } @Test(dependsOnMethods = arrayOf("testMediaFileGet")) fun testMediaFileThumb() { val testFolder = putFolder().path("label").asText() for (folderName in listOf("", testFolder)) { // test: / and subfolder with(putFile(folderName, "png")) { val fileName = path("name").asText() val folder = prepareFolder(path("folder").asText()) val fileContentType = path("contentType").asText() for (j in 0..1) { // get by: 0 - name, 1 - id var resource = "" if (j == 0) { resource = "/thumbnail/$folder$fileName" } else { with(GET("/select?folder=/$folder")) { assertEquals(200, code()) val body = body() assertNotNull(body) with(mapper.readTree(body)) { assertTrue(isArray) forEach { assertTrue(it.hasNonNull("id")) if (fileName == it.path("name").asText(null)) { resource = "/thumbnail2/" + it.path("id").asLong() } } } } } with(GET(resource)) { assertEquals(200, code()) val headers = headers() val respCType = headers["Content-Type"]?.get(0) assertEquals(fileContentType, respCType) } } delete(folder, fileName) } } delete("", testFolder) } @Test(dependsOnMethods = arrayOf("testMediaSelect")) fun testMediaFolderSelect() { with(GET("/folders")) { assertEquals(200, code()) val body = body() assertNotNull(body) with(mapper.readTree(body)) { assertTrue(isArray) assertEquals(0, size()) } } } @Test(dependsOnMethods = arrayOf("testMediaFolderSelect")) fun testMediaFolderPut() { val folderName = RandomStringUtils.randomAlphanumeric(11) with(PUT("/folder/$folderName")) { assertEquals(200, code()) val body = body() assertNotNull(body) with(mapper.readTree(body)) { assertEquals(folderName, path("label").asText(null)) assertEquals(1, path("status").asInt()) assertTrue(hasNonNull("system")) } } with(PUT("/folder/$folderName")) { assertEquals(500, code()) } } @Test(dependsOnMethods = arrayOf("testMediaFolderPut")) fun testMediaFolderDelete() { with(GET("/folders")) { assertEquals(200, code()) val body = body() assertNotNull(body) with(mapper.readTree(body)) { assertTrue(isArray) forEach { assertTrue(it.hasNonNull("label")) assertEquals(1, it.path("status").asInt()) assertEquals(200, DELETE("/delete/${it.path("label").asText()}").code()) } } } with(GET("/folders")) { assertEquals(200, code()) val body = body() assertNotNull(body) with(mapper.readTree(body)) { assertTrue(isArray) assertEquals(0, size()) } } } @Test(dependsOnMethods = arrayOf("testMediaFilePut", "testMediaFileDelete", "testMediaFolderPut", "testMediaFolderDelete")) fun testMediaListing() { /* * / * |-file1 * \-folder1 * |---file2 * \---folder2 * \---file3 */ testMediaSelect() val file1 = putFile().path("name").asText() val folder1 = putFolder().path("label").asText() val file2 = putFile(folder1).path("name").asText() val folder2 = putFolder(folder1).path("label").asText() val file3 = putFile(folder1 + "/" + folder2).path("name").asText() for (i in 0..2) { val folder: String val folderName: String val fileName: String if (i == 0) { folder = "" folderName = folder1 fileName = file1 } else if (i == 1) { folder = "/$folder1" folderName = folder2 fileName = file2 } else if (i == 2) { folder = "/$folder1/$folder2" folderName = "" // doesn't matter - folder not contain folders fileName = file3 } else { folder = "" folderName = "" fileName = "" } // test files listing with(GET("/files$folder")) { assertEquals(200, code()) val body = body() assertNotNull(body) with(mapper.readTree(body)) { assertTrue(isArray) forEach { assertEquals(fileName, it.path("label").asText(null)) assertEquals(0, it.path("status").asInt()) } } } // test folder listing with(GET("/folders$folder")) { assertEquals(200, code()) val body = body() assertNotNull(body) with(mapper.readTree(body)) { assertTrue(isArray) forEach { assertEquals(folderName, it.path("label").asText(null)) assertEquals(1, it.path("status").asInt()) } } } // test "all" listing with(GET("/all$folder")) { assertEquals(200, code()) val body = body() assertNotNull(body) with(mapper.readTree(body)) { assertTrue(isArray) forEach { val status = it.path("status").asInt() val fileLabel = if (status == 0) { fileName } else { folderName } assertEquals(fileLabel, it.path("label").asText(null)) } } } } delete(folder2, file3) delete(folder1, folder2) delete(folder1, file2) delete("", folder1) delete("", file1) } @Test(dependsOnMethods = arrayOf("testMediaFilePut", "testMediaFileDelete", "testMediaFolderPut", "testMediaFolderDelete")) fun testMediaMove() { val testFolder1 = putFolder().path("label").asText() val testFolder2 = putFolder().path("label").asText() with(putFile()) { val fileName = path("name").asText() with(PUT("/move/$fileName").contentType("application/json").send("$testFolder1/$fileName")) { assertEquals(204, code()) } with(GET("/select?folder=/$testFolder1")) { assertEquals(200, code()) val body = body() assertNotNull(body) with(mapper.readTree(body)) { assertTrue(isArray) assertEquals(1, size()) forEach { assertTrue(it.hasNonNull("id")) assertEquals(fileName, it.path("name").asText(null)) } } } with(PUT("/move/$testFolder1").contentType("application/json").send("$testFolder2/$testFolder1")) { assertEquals(204, code()) } with(GET("/select?folder=/$testFolder2/$testFolder1")) { assertEquals(200, code()) val body = body() assertNotNull(body) with(mapper.readTree(body)) { assertTrue(isArray) assertEquals(1, size()) forEach { assertTrue(it.hasNonNull("id")) assertEquals(fileName, it.path("name").asText(null)) } } } delete(testFolder2 + "/" + testFolder1, fileName) } delete(testFolder2, testFolder1) delete("", testFolder2) } @Test(dependsOnMethods = arrayOf("testMediaFilePut", "testMediaFileDelete", "testMediaFolderPut", "testMediaFolderDelete")) fun testMediaCopyDeleteBatch() { val testFolder = putFolder().path("label").asText() with(putFile()) { val fileName = path("name").asText() var props = mapper.createArrayNode().add(fileName) with(PUT("/copy-batch/$testFolder").contentType("application/json").send(mapper.writeValueAsString(props))) { assertEquals(204, code()) } with(GET("/select?folder=/$testFolder")) { assertEquals(200, code()) val body = body() assertNotNull(body) with(mapper.readTree(body)) { assertTrue(isArray) assertEquals(1, size()) forEach { assertTrue(it.hasNonNull("id")) assertEquals(fileName, it.path("name").asText(null)) } } } props = mapper.createArrayNode(). add("$testFolder/$fileName"). add(fileName). add(testFolder) with(DELETE("/delete-batch").contentType("application/json").send(mapper.writeValueAsString(props))) { assertEquals(204, code()) } with(GET("/select/count")) { assertEquals(200, code()) assertEquals("0", body()) } } } @Test(dependsOnMethods = arrayOf("testMediaFilePut", "testMediaFileDelete", "testMediaFolderPut", "testMediaFolderDelete")) fun testMediaMeta() { val testFolder = putFolder().path("label").asText() with(putFile(testFolder)) { val fileName = path("name").asText() var fileId = 0L with(GET("/select?folder=/$testFolder")) { assertEquals(200, code()) val body = body() assertNotNull(body) with(mapper.readTree(body)) { assertTrue(isArray) assertEquals(1, size()) forEach { assertTrue(it.hasNonNull("id")) assertEquals(fileName, it.path("name").asText(null)) fileId = it.path("id").asLong() } } } with(GET("/path/$fileId")) { assertEquals(200, code()) assertEquals("/$testFolder/$fileName", body()) } with(GET("/meta/$fileId")) { assertEquals(200, code()) val body = body() assertNotNull(body) with(mapper.readTree(body)) { assertEquals(fileId, path("id").asLong()) assertEquals("/$testFolder/", path("folder").asText(null)) assertEquals(fileName, path("name").asText(null)) } } with(POST("/meta/$fileId").contentType("application/x-www-form-urlencoded").form("description", "test")) { assertEquals(204, code()) } delete(testFolder, fileName) } delete("", testFolder) } private fun putFile(folder: String = "", type: String = "txt"): JsonNode { val fileExt: String val contentType: String if ("txt" == type) { contentType = "text/plain" fileExt = "txt" } else if ("png" == type) { contentType = "image/png" fileExt = "png" } else if ("svg" == type) { contentType = "image/svg+xml" fileExt = "svg" } else { contentType = "text/plain" fileExt = "txt" } val fileName = RandomStringUtils.randomAlphanumeric(8) + "." + fileExt val file = getTestFile(type) val folderName = prepareFolder(folder) with(PUT("/file/$folderName$fileName").contentType(contentType).send(file)) { assertEquals(204, code()) } return mapper.createObjectNode(). put("name", fileName). put("folder", folderName). put("size", file.length()). put("contentType", contentType) } private fun putFolder(folder: String = ""): JsonNode { val folderLabel = RandomStringUtils.randomAlphanumeric(11) val folderName = prepareFolder(folder) with(PUT("/folder/$folderName$folderLabel")) { assertEquals(200, code()) val body = body() assertNotNull(body) with(mapper.readTree(body)) { assertEquals(folderLabel, path("label").asText(null)) assertEquals(1, path("status").asInt()) assertTrue(hasNonNull("system")) @Suppress("LABEL_NAME_CLASH") return this@with } } } private fun delete(folder: String = "", fileName: String) { val code = DELETE("/delete/${prepareFolder(folder)}$fileName").code() assertTrue(code == 200 || code == 204) } private fun prepareFolder(folder: String): String { if ("" != folder && !folder.endsWith("/")) { return folder + "/" } else { return folder } } private fun getTestFile(type: String = "txt"): File { val fileName = when (type) { "txt" -> "file.txt" "png" -> "file.png" "svg" -> "file.svg" else -> "file.txt" } return File(Paths.get(System.getProperty("project.basedir"), "/src/test/java/com/softmotions/ncms/rs/data/$fileName").toString()) } }
@file:Suppress("NOTHING_TO_INLINE", "unused") package com.commit451.addendum.threetenabp import org.threeten.bp.* import java.util.* inline fun Calendar.toZonedDateTime(): ZonedDateTime { val zoneId = ZoneId.of( val instant = Instant.ofEpochMilli(this.time.time) return ZonedDateTime.ofInstant(instant, zoneId) } inline fun Calendar.toLocalDate(): LocalDate { //gotta add one to the cal month since it starts at 0 val monthOfYear = get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1 return LocalDate.of(get(Calendar.YEAR), monthOfYear, get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH)) } inline fun Calendar.toLocalDateTime(): LocalDateTime { val monthOfYear = get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1 return LocalDateTime.of(get(Calendar.YEAR), monthOfYear, get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH), get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY), get(Calendar.MINUTE), get(Calendar.SECOND)) }
package com.ivanovsky.passnotes.presentation.core.factory import com.ivanovsky.passnotes.presentation.core.BaseCellViewModel import com.ivanovsky.passnotes.presentation.core.event.EventProvider import com.ivanovsky.passnotes.presentation.core.model.BaseCellModel interface CellViewModelFactory { fun createCellViewModels( models: List<BaseCellModel>, eventProvider: EventProvider ): List<BaseCellViewModel> { return { createCellViewModel(it, eventProvider) } } fun createCellViewModel( model: BaseCellModel, eventProvider: EventProvider ): BaseCellViewModel fun throwUnsupportedModelException(model: BaseCellModel): Nothing { throw IllegalArgumentException("unable to find ViewModel for model: ${model::class.qualifiedName}") } }
package com.varmateo fun main(args: Array<String>) { println("Hello, world!") }
/* * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package androidx.collection import import import org.junit.Assert.assertEquals import org.junit.Assert.assertFalse import org.junit.Assert.assertSame import org.junit.Assert.assertTrue import org.junit.Test class SparseArrayCompatTest { @Test fun sizeProperty() { val array = SparseArrayCompat<String>() assertEquals(0, array.size) array.put(1, "one") assertEquals(1, array.size) } @Test fun containsOperator() { val array = SparseArrayCompat<String>() assertFalse(1 in array) array.put(1, "one") assertTrue(1 in array) } @Test fun containsOperatorWithItem() { val array = SparseArrayCompat<String>() array.put(1, "one") assertFalse(2 in array) array.put(2, "two") assertTrue(2 in array) } @Test fun setOperator() { val array = SparseArrayCompat<String>() array[1] = "one" assertEquals("one", array.get(1)) } @Test fun plusOperator() { val first = SparseArrayCompat<String>().apply { put(1, "one") } val second = SparseArrayCompat<String>().apply { put(2, "two") } val combined = first + second assertEquals(2, combined.size()) assertEquals(1, combined.keyAt(0)) assertEquals("one", combined.valueAt(0)) assertEquals(2, combined.keyAt(1)) assertEquals("two", combined.valueAt(1)) } @Test fun containsKey() { val array = SparseArrayCompat<String>() assertFalse(array.containsKey(1)) array.put(1, "one") assertTrue(array.containsKey(1)) } @Test fun containsValue() { val array = SparseArrayCompat<String>() assertFalse(array.containsValue("one")) array.put(1, "one") assertTrue(array.containsValue("one")) } @Test fun getOrDefault() { val array = SparseArrayCompat<Any>() val default = Any() assertSame(default, array.getOrDefault(1, default)) array.put(1, "one") assertEquals("one", array.getOrDefault(1, default)) } @Test fun getOrElse() { val array = SparseArrayCompat<Any>() val default = Any() assertSame(default, array.getOrElse(1) { default }) array.put(1, "one") assertEquals("one", array.getOrElse(1) { fail() }) } @Test fun isNotEmpty() { val array = SparseArrayCompat<String>() assertFalse(array.isNotEmpty()) array.put(1, "one") assertTrue(array.isNotEmpty()) } @Test fun removeValue() { val array = SparseArrayCompat<String>() array.put(1, "one") assertFalse(array.remove(0, "one")) assertEquals(1, array.size()) assertFalse(array.remove(1, "two")) assertEquals(1, array.size()) assertTrue(array.remove(1, "one")) assertEquals(0, array.size()) } @Test fun putAll() { val dest = SparseArrayCompat<String>() val source = SparseArrayCompat<String>() source.put(1, "one") assertEquals(0, dest.size()) dest.putAll(source) assertEquals(1, dest.size()) } @Test fun forEach() { val array = SparseArrayCompat<String>() array.forEach { _, _ -> fail() } array.put(1, "one") array.put(2, "two") array.put(6, "six") val keys = mutableListOf<Int>() val values = mutableListOf<String>() array.forEach { key, value -> keys.add(key) values.add(value) } assertThat(keys).containsExactly(1, 2, 6) assertThat(values).containsExactly("one", "two", "six") } @Test fun keyIterator() { val array = SparseArrayCompat<String>() assertFalse(array.keyIterator().hasNext()) array.put(1, "one") array.put(2, "two") array.put(6, "six") val iterator = array.keyIterator() assertTrue(iterator.hasNext()) assertEquals(1, iterator.nextInt()) assertTrue(iterator.hasNext()) assertEquals(2, iterator.nextInt()) assertTrue(iterator.hasNext()) assertEquals(6, iterator.nextInt()) assertFalse(iterator.hasNext()) } @Test fun valueIterator() { val array = SparseArrayCompat<String>() assertFalse(array.valueIterator().hasNext()) array.put(1, "one") array.put(2, "two") array.put(6, "six") val iterator = array.valueIterator() assertTrue(iterator.hasNext()) assertEquals("one", assertTrue(iterator.hasNext()) assertEquals("two", assertTrue(iterator.hasNext()) assertEquals("six", assertFalse(iterator.hasNext()) } }
package specs.db.dbexecute import io.github.adven27.concordion.extensions.exam.core.findResource import specs.Specs class DbExecute : Specs() { val dir: String get() = "/specs/db/data".findResource().path }
package siosio.repository.converter import com.intellij.codeInsight.lookup.* import com.intellij.openapi.module.* import com.intellij.openapi.roots.impl.* import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.* import com.intellij.psi.* import* import com.intellij.util.xml.* import siosio.* import siosio.repository.extension.* import siosio.repository.xml.* /** */ class PsiFileConverter : Converter<PsiFile>(), CustomReferenceConverter<PsiFile> { override fun createReferences(value: GenericDomValue<PsiFile>?, element: PsiElement?, context: ConvertContext?): Array<PsiReference> { return arrayOf(MyReference(element!!, value, context)) } override fun fromString(s: String?, context: ConvertContext?): PsiFile? { val project = context?.project ?: return null val module = context.module ?: return null val scope = GlobalSearchScope.moduleRuntimeScope(module, context.file.inTestScope(module)) return ResourceFileUtil.findResourceFileInScope(s, project, scope)?.let { return PsiManager.getInstance(project).findFile(it) } } override fun toString(t: PsiFile?, context: ConvertContext?): String? { val project = context?.project ?: return null val directoryIndex = DirectoryIndex.getInstance(project) return directoryIndex.toResourceFile(t?.virtualFile ?: return null) } class MyReference(psiElement: PsiElement, val file: GenericDomValue<PsiFile>?, private val context: ConvertContext?) : PsiReferenceBase<PsiElement>(psiElement) { override fun getVariants(): Array<out Any> { context ?: return emptyArray() val directoryIndex = DirectoryIndex.getInstance(myElement.project) return XmlHelper.findNablarchXml(myElement) { map { LookupElementBuilder.create(directoryIndex.toResourceFile(it.virtualFile)) .withIcon(nablarchIcon) .withAutoCompletionPolicy(AutoCompletionPolicy.ALWAYS_AUTOCOMPLETE) }.toList().toTypedArray() } ?: emptyArray() } override fun resolve(): PsiElement? { return file?.value } } } private fun DirectoryIndex.toResourceFile(file: VirtualFile): String { val packageName = getPackageName(file.parent) return if (packageName.isNullOrEmpty()) { } else { packageName!!.replace('.', '/') + '/' + } }
/* * Copyright (C) 2016/2022 Litote * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.litote.kmongo.coroutine import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking import kotlinx.serialization.Contextual import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable import org.bson.types.Binary import org.junit.Assert import org.junit.Before import org.junit.Test import org.litote.kmongo.MongoOperator import org.litote.kmongo.coroutine.ReactiveStreamsBinaryTest.BinaryFriend import org.litote.kmongo.json import kotlin.reflect.KClass import kotlin.test.assertEquals import kotlin.test.assertNotNull import kotlin.test.assertNull /** * */ class ReactiveStreamsBinaryTest : KMongoReactiveStreamsCoroutineBaseTest<BinaryFriend>() { @Serializable data class BinaryFriend(@Contextual val _id: Binary, var name: String = "none") lateinit var friendId: Binary override fun getDefaultCollectionClass(): KClass<BinaryFriend> = BinaryFriend::class @Before fun setup() { friendId = Binary("kmongo".toByteArray()) } @Test fun testUpdate() = runBlocking { val expectedId = Binary("friend2".toByteArray()) val expected = BinaryFriend(expectedId, "friend2") col.insertOne(expected) = "new friend" col.updateOne("{_id:${expectedId.json}}", expected) val savedFriend = col.findOne("{_id:${expectedId.json}}") assertNotNull(savedFriend) assertEquals(expected, savedFriend) } @Test fun testInsert() = runBlocking { val expectedId = Binary("friend".toByteArray()) val expected = BinaryFriend(expectedId, "friend") col.insertOne(expected) val savedFriend = col.findOne("{_id:${expectedId.json}}") assertNotNull(savedFriend) assertEquals(expected, savedFriend) } @Test fun testRemove() = runBlocking { col.deleteOne("{_id:${friendId.json}}") val shouldNull = col.findOne("{_id:${friendId.json}}") assertNull(shouldNull) } @Test fun canMarshallBinary() = runBlocking { val doc = BinaryFriend(Binary("abcde".toByteArray())) col.insertOne(doc) val count = col.countDocuments("{'_id' : { ${MongoOperator.binary} : 'YWJjZGU=' , ${MongoOperator.type} : '0'}}") val savedDoc = col.findOne("{_id:${doc._id.json}}") ?: throw AssertionError("Must not NUll") assertEquals(1, count) assertEquals(doc._id.type, savedDoc._id.type) Assert.assertArrayEquals(, } }
/* Copyright 2015 Andreas Würl Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package import android.content.Context import* import import import android.location.Location import android.preference.PreferenceManager import android.util.AttributeSet import android.util.Log import import import import import import import import import import import import import import kotlin.math.cos import kotlin.math.max import kotlin.math.min import kotlin.math.sin class AlertView @JvmOverloads constructor( context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet? = null, defStyle: Int = 0 ) : TabletAwareView(context, attrs, defStyle) { private val arcArea = RectF() private val background = Paint() private val sectorPaint = Paint() private val lines = Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG) private val textStyle = Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG) private val warnText = Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG) private val transfer = Paint() private val alarmNotAvailableTextLines: Array<String> = context.getString(R.string.alarms_not_available) .split("\n".toRegex()).dropLastWhile { it.isEmpty() }.toTypedArray() private lateinit var colorHandler: ColorHandler private var intervalDuration: Int = 0 private var temporaryBitmap: Bitmap? = null private var temporaryCanvas: Canvas? = null private var alertResult: AlertResult? = null private var location: Location? = null private var enableDescriptionText = false val alertEventConsumer: (AlertEvent?) -> Unit = { event -> Log.v(Main.LOG_TAG, "AlertView alertEventConsumer received $event") alertResult = if (event is AlertResultEvent) { event.alertResult } else { null } invalidate() } val locationEventConsumer: (LocationEvent) -> Unit = { locationEvent -> Log.v(Main.LOG_TAG, "AlertView received location ${locationEvent.location}") location = locationEvent.location val visibility = if (location != null) VISIBLE else INVISIBLE setVisibility(visibility) invalidate() } init { with(lines) { color = 0xff404040.toInt() style = Style.STROKE } with(textStyle) { color = 0xff404040.toInt() textSize = 0.8f * [email protected] * textSizeFactor(context) } background.color = 0xffb0b0b0.toInt() } fun enableLongClickListener(dataHandler: MainDataHandler, alertHandler: AlertHandler) { val sharedPreferences = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context) setOnLongClickListener { AlertDialog(context, AlertDialogColorHandler(sharedPreferences), dataHandler, alertHandler) .show() true } } fun enableDescriptionText() { enableDescriptionText = true } override fun onMeasure(widthMeasureSpec: Int, heightMeasureSpec: Int) { val getSize = fun(spec: Int) = MeasureSpec.getSize(spec) val parentWidth = getSize(widthMeasureSpec) * sizeFactor val parentHeight = getSize(heightMeasureSpec) * sizeFactor val size = min(parentWidth.toInt(), parentHeight.toInt()) super.onMeasure(MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(size, MeasureSpec.EXACTLY), MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(size, MeasureSpec.EXACTLY)) } override fun onDraw(canvas: Canvas) { val size = max(width, height) val pad = 4 val center = size / 2.0f val radius = center - pad prepareTemporaryBitmap(size) val alertResult = alertResult val temporaryCanvas = temporaryCanvas val temporaryBitmap = temporaryBitmap if (temporaryBitmap != null && temporaryCanvas != null) { if (alertResult != null && intervalDuration != 0) { val alertParameters = alertResult.parameters val rangeSteps = alertParameters.rangeSteps val rangeStepCount = rangeSteps.size val radiusIncrement = radius / rangeStepCount val sectorWidth = (360 / alertParameters.sectorLabels.size).toFloat() with(lines) { color = colorHandler.lineColor strokeWidth = (size / 150).toFloat() } with(textStyle) { textAlign = Align.CENTER color = colorHandler.textColor } val actualTime = System.currentTimeMillis() for (alertSector in alertResult.sectors) { val startAngle = alertSector.minimumSectorBearing + 90f + 180f val ranges = alertSector.ranges for (rangeIndex in ranges.indices.reversed()) { val alertSectorRange = ranges[rangeIndex] val sectorRadius = (rangeIndex + 1) * radiusIncrement val leftTop = center - sectorRadius val bottomRight = center + sectorRadius val drawColor = alertSectorRange.strikeCount > 0 if (drawColor) { val color = colorHandler.getColor(actualTime, alertSectorRange.latestStrikeTimestamp, intervalDuration) sectorPaint.color = color } arcArea.set(leftTop, leftTop, bottomRight, bottomRight) temporaryCanvas.drawArc(arcArea, startAngle, sectorWidth, true, if (drawColor) sectorPaint else background) } } for (alertSector in alertResult.sectors) { val bearing = alertSector.minimumSectorBearing.toDouble() temporaryCanvas.drawLine(center, center, center + (radius * sin(bearing / 180.0f * Math.PI)).toFloat(), center + (radius * -cos(bearing / 180.0f * Math.PI)).toFloat(), lines) if (enableDescriptionText && size > TEXT_MINIMUM_SIZE) { drawSectorLabel(center, radiusIncrement, alertSector, bearing + sectorWidth / 2.0) } } textStyle.textAlign = Align.RIGHT val textHeight = textStyle.getFontMetrics(null) for (radiusIndex in 0 until rangeStepCount) { val leftTop = center - (radiusIndex + 1) * radiusIncrement val bottomRight = center + (radiusIndex + 1) * radiusIncrement arcArea.set(leftTop, leftTop, bottomRight, bottomRight) temporaryCanvas.drawArc(arcArea, 0f, 360f, false, lines) if (enableDescriptionText && size > TEXT_MINIMUM_SIZE) { val text = "%.0f".format(rangeSteps[radiusIndex]) temporaryCanvas.drawText(text, center + (radiusIndex + 0.85f) * radiusIncrement, center + textHeight / 3f, textStyle) if (radiusIndex == rangeStepCount - 1) { val distanceUnit = resources.getString(alertParameters.measurementSystem.unitNameString) temporaryCanvas.drawText(distanceUnit, center + (radiusIndex + 0.85f) * radiusIncrement, center + textHeight * 1.33f, textStyle) } } } } else { if (enableDescriptionText && size > TEXT_MINIMUM_SIZE) { drawAlertOrLocationMissingMessage(center, temporaryCanvas) } else { if (location != null) { drawOwnLocationSymbol(center, radius, size, temporaryCanvas) } } } canvas.drawBitmap(temporaryBitmap, 0f, 0f, transfer) } } private fun drawAlertOrLocationMissingMessage(center: Float, canvas: Canvas) { with(warnText) { color = resources.getColor(R.color.RedWarn) textAlign = Align.CENTER textSize = DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE.toFloat() val maxWidth = { warnText.measureText(it) }.maxOrNull() ?: width.toFloat() - 20 val scale = (width - 20).toFloat() / maxWidth //Now scale the text so we can use the whole width of the canvas textSize = scale * DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE } for (line in alarmNotAvailableTextLines.indices) { canvas.drawText(alarmNotAvailableTextLines[line], center, center + (line - 1) * warnText.getFontMetrics(null), warnText) } } private fun drawOwnLocationSymbol(center: Float, radius: Float, size: Int, temporaryCanvas: Canvas) { with(lines) { color = colorHandler.lineColor strokeWidth = (size / 80).toFloat() } val largeRadius = radius * 0.8f val leftTop = center - largeRadius val bottomRight = center + largeRadius arcArea.set(leftTop, leftTop, bottomRight, bottomRight) temporaryCanvas.drawArc(arcArea, 0f, 360f, false, lines) val smallRadius = radius * 0.6f temporaryCanvas.drawLine(center - smallRadius, center, center + smallRadius, center, lines) temporaryCanvas.drawLine(center, center - smallRadius, center, center + smallRadius, lines) } private fun drawSectorLabel(center: Float, radiusIncrement: Float, sector: AlertSector, bearing: Double) { if (bearing != 90.0) { val text = sector.label val textRadius = (sector.ranges.size - 0.5f) * radiusIncrement temporaryCanvas!!.drawText(text, center + (textRadius * sin(bearing / 180.0 * Math.PI)).toFloat(), center + (textRadius * -cos(bearing / 180.0 * Math.PI)).toFloat() + textStyle.getFontMetrics(null) / 3f, textStyle) } } private fun prepareTemporaryBitmap(size: Int) { if (temporaryBitmap == null) { val temporaryBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(size, size, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888) this.temporaryBitmap = temporaryBitmap temporaryCanvas = Canvas(temporaryBitmap) } background.color = colorHandler.backgroundColor background.xfermode = XFERMODE_CLEAR temporaryCanvas!!.drawPaint(background) background.xfermode = XFERMODE_SRC } fun setColorHandler(colorHandler: ColorHandler, intervalDuration: Int) { this.colorHandler = colorHandler this.intervalDuration = intervalDuration } override fun setBackgroundColor(backgroundColor: Int) { background.color = backgroundColor } fun setAlpha(alpha: Int) { transfer.alpha = alpha } companion object { private const val TEXT_MINIMUM_SIZE = 300 private const val DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE = 20 private val XFERMODE_CLEAR = PorterDuffXfermode(PorterDuff.Mode.CLEAR) private val XFERMODE_SRC = PorterDuffXfermode(PorterDuff.Mode.SRC) } }
package org.evomaster.core.problem.util import org.evomaster.core.problem.api.service.param.Param import import import* import* import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import /** * this class used to handle binding values among params */ class ParamUtil { companion object { private const val DISRUPTIVE_NAME = "d_" private const val BODYGENE_NAME = "body" private const val separator = "@" /** * when identifying relationship based on the "tokens", if the token belongs to [GENERAL_NAMES], * we may further use up-level token. */ private val GENERAL_NAMES = mutableListOf("id", "name", "value") /** * @return the actions which have the longest path in [actions] */ fun selectLongestPathAction(actions: List<RestCallAction>): List<RestCallAction> { val max = actions.asSequence().map { a -> a.path.levels() } .maxOrNull()!! return actions.filter { a -> a.path.levels() == max } } /** * append param i.e., [paramToAppend] with additional info [paramsText] */ fun appendParam(paramsText: String, paramToAppend: String): String = if (paramsText.isBlank()) paramToAppend else "$paramsText$separator$paramToAppend" /** * @return extracted params */ fun parseParams(params: String): List<String> = params.split(separator) /** * @return a field name with info of its object */ fun modifyFieldName(obj: ObjectGene, field: Gene): String { return if (isGeneralName( (obj.refType ?: "") + else } /** * @return whether [name] is possibly matched with a field [fieldName] of [refType] */ fun compareField(fieldName: String, refType: String?, name: String): Boolean { if (!isGeneralName(fieldName) || refType == null) return fieldName.equals(name, ignoreCase = true) val prefix = "$refType$fieldName".equals(name, ignoreCase = true) if (prefix) return true return "$fieldName$refType".equals(name, ignoreCase = true) } /** * @return are all [params] BodyParam? */ fun isAllBodyParam(params: List<Param>): Boolean { return numOfBodyParam(params) == params.size } /** * @return a number of BodyParam in [params] */ fun numOfBodyParam(params: List<Param>): Int { return params.count { it is BodyParam } } /** * @return do [params] contain any BodyParam? */ fun existBodyParam(params: List<Param>): Boolean { return numOfBodyParam(params) > 0 } /** * @return whether [geneA] and [geneB] have same value. */ fun compareGenesWithValue(geneA: Gene, geneB: Gene): Boolean { val geneAWithGeneBType = geneB.copy() geneAWithGeneBType.bindValueBasedOn(geneA) return when (geneB) { is StringGene -> geneB.value == (geneAWithGeneBType as StringGene).value is IntegerGene -> geneB.value == (geneAWithGeneBType as IntegerGene).value is DoubleGene -> geneB.value == (geneAWithGeneBType as DoubleGene).value is FloatGene -> geneB.value == (geneAWithGeneBType as FloatGene).value is LongGene -> geneB.value == (geneAWithGeneBType as LongGene).value else -> { throw IllegalArgumentException("the type of $geneB is not supported") } } } /** * @return the score of match between [target] and [source] which represents two genes respectively. Note that 0 means matched. * @param doContain indicates whether 'contains' can be considered as match. i.e., target contains every token of sources. */ fun scoreOfMatch(target: String, source: String, doContain: Boolean): Int { val targets = target.split(separator).filter { it != DISRUPTIVE_NAME }.toMutableList() val sources = source.split(separator).filter { it != DISRUPTIVE_NAME }.toMutableList() if (doContain) { if (sources.toHashSet().map { s -> if (target.lowercase().contains(s.lowercase())) 1 else 0 } .sum() == sources.toHashSet().size) return 0 } if (targets.toHashSet().size == sources.toHashSet().size) { if (targets.containsAll(sources)) return 0 } if (sources.contains(BODYGENE_NAME)) { val sources_rbody = sources.filter { it != BODYGENE_NAME }.toMutableList() if (sources_rbody.toHashSet().map { s -> if (target.lowercase().contains(s.lowercase())) 1 else 0 } .sum() == sources_rbody.toHashSet().size) return 0 } if (targets.first() != sources.first()) return -1 else return { targets.contains(it).xor(sources.contains(it)) }.size } /** * @return a map of a path of gene to gene * @param parameters specifies the params which contains genes to be extracted * @param tokensInPath specified the tokens of the path which refers to [parameters] */ fun geneNameMaps(parameters: List<Param>, tokensInPath: List<String>?): MutableMap<String, Gene> { val maps = mutableMapOf<String, Gene>() val pred = { gene: Gene -> (gene is DateTimeGene) } parameters.forEach { p -> p.gene.flatView(pred).filter { !(it is ObjectGene || it is CustomMutationRateGene<*> || it is OptionalGene || it is ArrayGene<*> || it is FixedMapGene<*, *>) } .forEach { g -> val names = getGeneNamesInPath(parameters, g) if (names != null) maps.put(genGeneNameInPath(names, tokensInPath), g) } } return maps } /** * @return whether [text] is a general name, e.g., 'id' or 'name' */ fun isGeneralName(text: String): Boolean { return GENERAL_NAMES.any { it.equals(text, ignoreCase = true) } } private fun genGeneNameInPath(names: MutableList<String>, tokensInPath: List<String>?): String { tokensInPath?.let { return } return names.joinToString(separator) } private fun getGeneNamesInPath(parameters: List<Param>, gene: Gene): MutableList<String>? { parameters.forEach { p -> val names = mutableListOf<String>() if (extractPathFromRoot(p.gene, gene, names)) { return names } } return null } /** * extract a path from [comGene] to [gene] * @param names contains the name of genes in the path * * @return can find [gene] in [comGene]? */ private fun extractPathFromRoot(comGene: Gene, gene: Gene, names: MutableList<String>): Boolean { when (comGene) { is ObjectGene -> return extractPathFromRoot(comGene, gene, names) is PairGene<*, *> -> return extractPathFromRoot(comGene, gene, names) is CustomMutationRateGene<*> -> return extractPathFromRoot(comGene, gene, names) is OptionalGene -> return extractPathFromRoot(comGene, gene, names) is ArrayGene<*> -> return extractPathFromRoot(comGene, gene, names) is FixedMapGene<*, *> -> return extractPathFromRoot(comGene, gene, names) else -> if (comGene == gene) { names.add( return true } else return false } } private fun extractPathFromRoot(comGene: ObjectGene, gene: Gene, names: MutableList<String>): Boolean { comGene.fields.forEach { if (extractPathFromRoot(it, gene, names)) { names.add( return true } } return false } private fun extractPathFromRoot(comGene: CustomMutationRateGene<*>, gene: Gene, names: MutableList<String>): Boolean { if (extractPathFromRoot(comGene.gene, gene, names)) { names.add( return true } return false } private fun extractPathFromRoot(comGene: OptionalGene, gene: Gene, names: MutableList<String>): Boolean { if (extractPathFromRoot(comGene.gene, gene, names)) { names.add( return true } return false } private fun extractPathFromRoot(comGene: ArrayGene<*>, gene: Gene, names: MutableList<String>): Boolean { comGene.getViewOfElements().forEach { if (extractPathFromRoot(it, gene, names)) { return true } } return false } private fun extractPathFromRoot(comGene: PairGene<*, *>, gene: Gene, names: MutableList<String>): Boolean { listOf(comGene.first, comGene.second).forEach { if (extractPathFromRoot(it, gene, names)) { names.add( return true } } return false } private fun extractPathFromRoot(comGene: FixedMapGene<*, *>, gene: Gene, names: MutableList<String>): Boolean { comGene.getAllElements().forEach { if (extractPathFromRoot(it, gene, names)) { names.add( return true } } return false } fun getParamId(param: Param, path: RestPath): String { return listOf( } fun generateParamId(list: Array<String>): String = list.joinToString(separator) fun getValueGene(gene: Gene): Gene { if (gene is OptionalGene) { return getValueGene(gene.gene) } else if (gene is CustomMutationRateGene<*>) return getValueGene(gene.gene) else if (gene is SqlPrimaryKeyGene) { if (gene.gene is SqlAutoIncrementGene) return gene else return getValueGene(gene.gene) } else if (gene is NullableGene) { return getValueGene(gene.gene) } else if (gene is FlexibleGene){ return getValueGene(gene.gene) } return gene } fun getObjectGene(gene: Gene): ObjectGene? { if (gene is ObjectGene) { return gene } else if (gene is OptionalGene) { return getObjectGene(gene.gene) } else if (gene is CustomMutationRateGene<*>) return getObjectGene(gene.gene) else return null } } }
/* * Copyright 2000-2021 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). * See LICENSE in the project root for license information. */ package jetbrains.buildServer.rust.commands.cargo import jetbrains.buildServer.rust.CargoConstants import jetbrains.buildServer.rust.commands.CommandType /** * Provides parameters for cargo test command. */ class TestCommandType : CommandType { override val name: String get() = CargoConstants.COMMAND_TEST override val editPage: String get() = "editTestParameters.jsp" override val viewPage: String get() = "viewTestParameters.jsp" }
open class Import { var students: StudentMap? = null var student: Student? = null } open class MyMap : Student { }
/* * Copyright 2016-2019 JetBrains s.r.o. * Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 License that can be found in the LICENSE.txt file. */ package benchmarks.immutableList.builder import benchmarks.* import kotlinx.collections.immutable.PersistentList import kotlinx.benchmark.* @State(Scope.Benchmark) open class Remove { @Param(BM_1, BM_10, BM_100, BM_1000, BM_10000, BM_100000, BM_1000000, BM_10000000) var size: Int = 0 @Param(IP_100, IP_99_09, IP_95, IP_70, IP_50, IP_30, IP_0) var immutablePercentage: Double = 0.0 @Benchmark fun addAndRemoveLast(): PersistentList.Builder<String> { val builder = persistentListBuilderAdd(size, immutablePercentage) for (i in 0 until size) { builder.removeAt(builder.size - 1) } return builder } /** * Adds [size] elements to an empty persistent list builder * and then removes one element from the beginning. * * Measures (mean time and memory spent per `add` operation) + (time and memory spent on `removeAt` operation) / size. * * Expected time: [Add.addLast] + nearly constant. * Expected memory: [Add.addLast] + nearly constant. */ @Benchmark fun addAndRemoveFirst(): String { val builder = persistentListBuilderAdd(size, immutablePercentage) return builder.removeAt(0) } /** * Adds [size] elements to an empty persistent list builder * and then removes one element from the middle. * * Measures (mean time and memory spent per `add` operation) + (time and memory spent on `removeAt` operation) / size. * * Expected time: [Add.addLast] + nearly constant. * Expected memory: [Add.addLast] + nearly constant. */ @Benchmark fun addAndRemoveMiddle(): String { val builder = persistentListBuilderAdd(size, immutablePercentage) return builder.removeAt(size / 2) } }
package me.proxer.library.api.user import retrofit2.Retrofit /** * API for the User class. * * @author Ruben Gees */ class UserApi internal constructor(retrofit: Retrofit) { private val internalApi = retrofit.create( /** * Returns the respective endpoint. */ fun login(username: String, password: String): LoginEndpoint { return LoginEndpoint(internalApi, username, password) } /** * Returns the respective endpoint. */ fun logout(): LogoutEndpoint { return LogoutEndpoint(internalApi) } /** * Returns the respective endpoint. */ fun topTen(userId: String? = null, username: String? = null): UserTopTenEndpoint { return UserTopTenEndpoint(internalApi, userId, username) } /** * Returns the respective endpoint. */ fun info(userId: String? = null, username: String? = null): UserInfoEndpoint { return UserInfoEndpoint(internalApi, userId, username) } /** * Returns the respective endpoint. */ fun about(userId: String? = null, username: String? = null): UserAboutEndpoint { return UserAboutEndpoint(internalApi, userId, username) } /** * Returns the respective endpoint. */ fun mediaList(userId: String? = null, username: String? = null): UserMediaListEndpoint { return UserMediaListEndpoint(internalApi, userId, username) } /** * Returns the respective endpoint. */ fun comments(userId: String? = null, username: String? = null): UserCommentsEndpoint { return UserCommentsEndpoint(internalApi, userId, username) } /** * Returns the respective endpoint. */ fun history(userId: String? = null, username: String? = null): UserHistoryEndpoint { return UserHistoryEndpoint(internalApi, userId, username) } }
package com.acelta.util class Indexer<T>(val capacity: Int) : MutableIterable<T> { private val array = arrayOfNulls<Any?>(capacity) private val reusableIterator = Iterator() var size = 0 var highest = 0 operator fun get(index: Int) = array[index] as? T operator fun set(index: Int, element: T?): T? { val last = array[index] array[index] = element if (null === last && null !== element) { size++ if (highest < index) highest = index } else if (null !== last && null === element) { size-- if (highest == index) highest-- } return last as? T } fun nextIndex(): Int { if (size == capacity) throw IllegalStateException("There is no next index because the indexer is filled to capacity!") for (i in 0..array.size - 1) if (null === array[i]) return i throw IllegalStateException("Could not find an open index!") } private inner class Iterator : MutableIterator<T> { internal var cursor = 0 override fun hasNext() = size > 0 && cursor <= highest override tailrec fun next(): T = get(cursor++) ?: next() override fun remove() { set(cursor, null) } } override fun iterator(): MutableIterator<T> { reusableIterator.cursor = 0 return reusableIterator } }
package import android.content.Intent import android.os.Bundle import import android.view.LayoutInflater import android.view.View import android.view.ViewGroup import android.widget.Button import android.widget.Toast import import import import import import import import import import import class MainActivityFragment : Fragment(), GoogleApiClient.OnConnectionFailedListener { private val RC_SIGN_IN: Int = 78 private lateinit var loginWithGoogleButton: Button private lateinit var joinToQue: Button private var mGoogleApiClient: GoogleApiClient? = null private var currentUserInQue = false private lateinit var rootView: ViewGroup private lateinit var playesQueReference: DatabaseReference override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) val gso = GoogleSignInOptions.Builder(GoogleSignInOptions.DEFAULT_SIGN_IN) .requestIdToken(getString(R.string.default_web_client_id)) .requestEmail() .build() mGoogleApiClient = GoogleApiClient.Builder(context) .addApi(Auth.GOOGLE_SIGN_IN_API, gso) .build() } override fun onCreateView(inflater: LayoutInflater, container: ViewGroup?, savedInstanceState: Bundle?): View? { rootView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_main, container, false) as ViewGroup return rootView } override fun onViewCreated(view: View?, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState) loginWithGoogleButton = view!!.findViewById<Button>( joinToQue = view.findViewById<Button>( var currentUser = FirebaseAuth.getInstance().currentUser joinToQue.setOnClickListener { when (currentUserInQue) { true -> { val database = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance() database.getReference(Player.TABLE + "/" + FirebaseAuth.getInstance().currentUser!!.uid).removeValue() currentUserInQue = false joinToQue.text = getString(R.string.join) } else -> { val database = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance() var player = Player() var currentUser1 = FirebaseAuth.getInstance().currentUser = currentUser1!!.uid = currentUser1!!.email database.getReference(Player.TABLE + "/" + currentUser1.uid).setValue(player) currentUserInQue = true joinToQue.text = getString(R.string.leave) } } } when (currentUser) { null -> { loginWithGoogleButton.setOnClickListener { signIn() } } else -> { loginWithGoogleButton.visibility = View.GONE joinToQue.visibility = View.VISIBLE Toast.makeText(context, "hello" + currentUser.displayName, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show() } } } private fun signIn() { val signInIntent = Auth.GoogleSignInApi.getSignInIntent(mGoogleApiClient) startActivityForResult(signInIntent, RC_SIGN_IN) } override fun onActivityResult(requestCode: Int, resultCode: Int, data: Intent) { super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data) // Result returned from launching the Intent from GoogleSignInApi.getSignInIntent(...); if (requestCode == RC_SIGN_IN) { val result = Auth.GoogleSignInApi.getSignInResultFromIntent(data) if (result.isSuccess) { // Google Sign In was successful, authenticate with Firebase val account = result.signInAccount firebaseAuthWithGoogle(account!!) } else { // Google Sign In failed, update UI appropriately // ... } } } private fun firebaseAuthWithGoogle(acct: GoogleSignInAccount) { val credential = GoogleAuthProvider.getCredential(acct.idToken, null) FirebaseAuth.getInstance().signInWithCredential(credential) .addOnCompleteListener(activity, { task -> if (task.isSuccessful) { // Sign in success, update UI with the signed-in user's information val user = FirebaseAuth.getInstance().currentUser Toast.makeText(context, "success", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show() loginWithGoogleButton.visibility = View.GONE joinToQue.visibility = View.VISIBLE // activity.onBackPressed() } else { Toast.makeText(context, "falied", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show() } // ... }) } override fun onConnectionFailed(p0: ConnectionResult) { } }
package com.encodeering.conflate.experimental.api /** * A dispatcher is connected to exactly one [storage][Storage] and starts a mutation cycle for every [passing][dispatch] action intent. * * The process of a cycle is completely covered by [Coroutines][] and can be described as follows: * * - Enter dispatch * - Enter middleware - one by one in the configured order * - Perform conflation * - Perform notification * - Exit middleware - one by one in reversed order * - Exit dispatch * * A middleware is encouraged to linearize their routines with this process, but may define rare * exceptions for processes, that run independently in their own context, e.g. saga, epic, .. * * Please consult the middleware specific documentation here. * * ### Note * * Conflate provides a dedicated entity, whereas Redux has left this responsibility to the storage, but this is more likely a design choice. * * ### Official documentation: * * - Dispatches an action. This is the only way to trigger a state change. [] * * @author Michael Clausen - [email protected] */ interface Dispatcher { /** * Starts a mutation cycle and returns an observable (future-like) to watch this process. * * The observable completes with the same result, exactly when the mentioned process completes. * * @param action specifies the action intent * @return an observable for this process */ fun dispatch (action : Action) : Completable<Dispatcher, Unit> }
/* Copyright (C) 2013-2019 Expedia Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package import import import import import import import import io.kotlintest.Spec import io.kotlintest.shouldBe import io.kotlintest.specs.StringSpec import reactor.core.publisher.toMono import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8 class ConditionRoutingSpec : StringSpec() { init { "Routes HTTP protocol" { val request = get("/11") .header(HOST, styxServer().proxyHttpHostHeader()) .build(); client.send(request) .toMono() .block() .let { it!!.status() shouldBe (OK) it.bodyAs(UTF_8) shouldBe ("Hello, from http server!") } } "Routes HTTPS protocol" { val request = get("/2") .header(HOST, styxServer().proxyHttpsHostHeader()) .build(); .send(request) .toMono() .block() .let { it!!.status() shouldBe (OK) it.bodyAs(UTF_8) shouldBe ("Hello, from secure server!") } } } val client: StyxHttpClient = StyxHttpClient.Builder().build() val styxServer = StyxServerProvider(""" proxy: connectors: http: port: 0 https: port: 0 sslProvider: JDK sessionTimeoutMillis: 300000 sessionCacheSize: 20000 admin: connectors: http: port: 0 httpPipeline: type: InterceptorPipeline config: handler: type: ConditionRouter config: routes: - condition: protocol() == "https" destination: name: proxy-to-https type: StaticResponseHandler config: status: 200 content: "Hello, from secure server!" fallback: type: StaticResponseHandler config: status: 200 content: "Hello, from http server!" """.trimIndent()) override fun beforeSpec(spec: Spec) { styxServer.restart() } override fun afterSpec(spec: Spec) { styxServer.stop() } }
/* * The MIT License (MIT) * * Copyright (c) 2017-2019 Nephy Project Team * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ @file:Suppress("UNUSED", "PublicApiImplicitType", "KDocMissingDocumentation") package jp.nephy.penicillin.models import jp.nephy.jsonkt.JsonObject import jp.nephy.jsonkt.delegation.string import jp.nephy.penicillin.core.session.ApiClient data class Card(override val json: JsonObject, override val client: ApiClient): PenicillinModel { val cardUri by string("card_uri") val status by string }
/* * The MIT License (MIT) * * Copyright (c) 2017-2019 Nephy Project Team * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ @file:Suppress("UNUSED") package jp.nephy.penicillin.core.session.config import jp.nephy.penicillin.core.session.ApiClientDsl import jp.nephy.penicillin.core.session.SessionBuilder import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers import kotlin.coroutines.CoroutineContext /** * Configures [DispatcherConfig]. */ @ApiClientDsl fun SessionBuilder.dispatcher(block: DispatcherConfig.Builder.() -> Unit) { getOrPutBuilder { DispatcherConfig.Builder() }.apply(block) } internal fun SessionBuilder.createDispatcherConfig(): DispatcherConfig { return getOrPutBuilder { DispatcherConfig.Builder() }.build() } /** * Represents dispatcher config. */ data class DispatcherConfig( /** * The coroutine content. */ val coroutineContext: CoroutineContext, /** * Connection threads counts, or null. */ val connectionThreadsCount: Int?, /** * If true, coroutineContent should close when session disposes. */ val shouldClose: Boolean ): SessionConfig { /** * Dispatcher config builder. */ class Builder: SessionConfigBuilder<DispatcherConfig> { /** * Connection threads count, or null. */ @Suppress("MemberVisibilityCanBePrivate") var connectionThreadsCount: Int? = null set(value) { if (value != null) { require(value <= 0) } field = value } /** * The coroutine context. */ @Suppress("MemberVisibilityCanBePrivate") var coroutineContext: CoroutineContext = Dispatchers.Default /** * If true, coroutineContent should close when session disposes. */ var shouldClose: Boolean = false override fun build(): DispatcherConfig { return DispatcherConfig(coroutineContext, connectionThreadsCount, shouldClose) } } } /** * Sets shouldClose to true. * CoroutineContent should close when session disposes. */ fun DispatcherConfig.Builder.shouldClose() { shouldClose = true }
/* * Copyright (c) 2018. Faruk Toptaş * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package me.toptas.fancyshowcasesample import android.os.Bundle import android.view.View import java.util.ArrayList import* import me.toptas.fancyshowcase.FancyShowCaseView import android.os.Build import android.view.ViewTreeObserver import androidx.recyclerview.widget.LinearLayoutManager class RecyclerViewActivity : BaseActivity() { override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) setContentView(R.layout.activity_recycler_view) val modelList = ArrayList<MyModel>() for (i in 0..24) { modelList.add(MyModel("Item $i")) } val layoutManager = LinearLayoutManager(this) val adapter = MyRecyclerViewAdapter(modelList) adapter.setClickListener(View.OnClickListener { v -> focus(v) }) recyclerView.adapter = adapter recyclerView.layoutManager = layoutManager recyclerView.viewTreeObserver.addOnGlobalLayoutListener(object : ViewTreeObserver.OnGlobalLayoutListener { override fun onGlobalLayout() { val width = recyclerView.width val height = recyclerView.height if (width > 0 && height > 0) { if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN) { recyclerView.viewTreeObserver.removeOnGlobalLayoutListener(this) } else { recyclerView.viewTreeObserver.removeGlobalOnLayoutListener(this) } } focus(layoutManager.findViewByPosition(2)!!.findViewById( } }) } private fun focus(v: View) { FancyShowCaseView.Builder(this@RecyclerViewActivity) .focusOn(v) .title("Focus RecyclerView Items") .enableAutoTextPosition() .build() .show() } }
package com.joba.barebone.example.di import import import import import import import com.joba.barebone.example.ui.MainActivity import dagger.Component /** * Dagger component for main activity. */ @PerActivity @Component(dependencies = arrayOf(AppComponent::class), modules = arrayOf(ActivityModule::class, MainActivityModule::class)) interface MainActivityComponent: ActivityComponent { fun inject(mainActivity: MainActivity) companion object { fun init(activity: Activity): MainActivityComponent { return DaggerMainActivityComponent.builder() .appComponent(AndroidApplication.instance.appComponent) .activityModule(ActivityModule(activity)) .mainActivityModule(MainActivityModule()) .build() } } }
package edu.kit.iti.formal.automation.smt /*- * #%L * iec-symbex * %% * Copyright (C) 2017 Alexander Weigl * %% * This program isType free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program isType distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a clone of the GNU General Public * License along with this program. If not, see * <>. * #L% */ import edu.kit.iti.formal.smt.* import edu.kit.iti.formal.smv.EnumType import edu.kit.iti.formal.smv.SMVType import edu.kit.iti.formal.smv.SMVTypes import edu.kit.iti.formal.smv.SMVWordType import edu.kit.iti.formal.smv.ast.SLiteral import java.math.BigInteger /** * Default translator for types from smv to smt. Uses bit vectors! * * @author Alexander Weigl * @version 1 (15.10.17) */ class DefaultS2STranslator : S2SDataTypeTranslator { override fun translate(datatype: SMVType): SExpr { if (SMVTypes.BOOLEAN == datatype) return SSymbol(SMTProgram.SMT_BOOLEAN) if (datatype is SMVWordType) { val width = datatype.width val bv = SList() bv.add(SSymbol("_")) bv.add(SSymbol("BitVec")) bv.add(SSymbol(width.toString())) return bv } if (datatype is EnumType) { return SExprFacade.parseExpr("(_ BitVec 16)") } throw IllegalArgumentException() } override fun translate(l: SLiteral): SExpr { val dataType = l.dataType when (dataType) { SMVTypes.BOOLEAN -> return SSymbol(if (l.value.toString().equals("TRUE", ignoreCase = true)) "true" else "false") is SMVWordType -> { val prefix = "#b" val b = l.value as BigInteger return SSymbol("#b" + twoComplement(b, dataType.width)) } is EnumType -> { val et = l.dataType as EnumType? val value = l.value as String val i = et!!.values.indexOf(value) return SSymbol("#b" + twoComplement(BigInteger.valueOf(i.toLong()), 16)) } SMVTypes.INT -> { return SInteger(l.value as BigInteger) } else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported data type: ${l.dataType}") } } companion object { fun paddedString(length: Int, fill: Char, s: String): CharArray { val sb = CharArray(Math.max(length, s.length)) var i = 0 while (i < length - s.length) { sb[i] = fill i++ } var j = 0 while (j < s.length) { sb[i] = s[j] j++ i++ } return sb } fun twoComplement(integer: BigInteger, bitLength: Int): String { val pos = if (integer.signum() < 0) integer.negate() else integer val binary = pos.toString(2) val b = paddedString(bitLength, '0', binary) if (integer.signum() < 0) { //complement for (i in b.indices) { b[i] = if (b[i] == '1') '0' else '1' } //+1 for (i in b.indices.reversed()) { b[i] = (if (b[i] == '1') '0' else '1').toChar() if (b[i] == '1') { break } } } return String(b) } } }
package com.jayrave.falkon.mapper interface DataConsumer { fun put(short: Short?) fun put(int: Int?) fun put(long: Long?) fun put(float: Float?) fun put(double: Double?) fun put(string: String?) fun put(blob: ByteArray?) }
/* * Copyright 2018 Netflix, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License") * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.kotlin.convertValue import import import import import org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat import org.jetbrains.spek.api.Spek import org.jetbrains.spek.api.dsl.describe import org.jetbrains.spek.api.dsl.given import import org.jetbrains.spek.api.dsl.on import java.util.UUID internal object MessageCompatibilityTest : Spek({ describe("deserializing ContinueParentStage") { val mapper = OrcaObjectMapper.newInstance().apply { registerSubtypes( } val json = mapOf( "kind" to "continueParentStage", "executionType" to "PIPELINE", "executionId" to UUID.randomUUID().toString(), "application" to "covfefe", "stageId" to UUID.randomUUID().toString() ) given("an older message with no syntheticStageOwner") { on("deserializing the JSON") { val message = mapper.convertValue<Message>(json) it("doesn't blow up") { assertThat(message).isInstanceOf( } it("defaults the missing field") { assertThat((message as ContinueParentStage).phase).isEqualTo(STAGE_BEFORE) } } } given("a newer message with a syntheticStageOwner") { val newJson = json + mapOf("phase" to "STAGE_AFTER") on("deserializing the JSON") { val message = mapper.convertValue<Message>(newJson) it("doesn't blow up") { assertThat(message).isInstanceOf( } it("deserializes the new field") { assertThat((message as ContinueParentStage).phase).isEqualTo(STAGE_AFTER) } } } } })
/* * Copyright (c) 2018 Regents of the University of Minnesota. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package import edu.umn.biomedicus.annotations.Setting import edu.umn.biomedicus.common.SequenceDetector import edu.umn.biomedicus.dependencies import edu.umn.biomedicus.framework.TagEx import edu.umn.biomedicus.framework.TagExFactory import edu.umn.biomedicus.parsing.findHead import edu.umn.biomedicus.sentences.Sentence import edu.umn.biomedicus.time.TemporalPhrase import edu.umn.biomedicus.tokenization.ParseToken import edu.umn.biomedicus.tokenization.Token import edu.umn.nlpengine.* import import java.nio.file.Path import javax.inject.Inject import javax.inject.Singleton /** * The verb that is a head for nicotine social history information. */ @LabelMetadata(classpath = "biomedicus.v2", distinct = true) data class NicotineRelevant( override val startIndex: Int, override val endIndex: Int ) : Label() { constructor(textRange: TextRange) : this(textRange.startIndex, textRange.endIndex) } /** * The unit of a nicotine usage measurement, used in [NicotineAmount] detection. * E.g. cigarettes, packs, tins. */ @LabelMetadata(classpath = "biomedicus.v2", distinct = true) data class NicotineUnit(override val startIndex: Int, override val endIndex: Int) : Label() /** * The quantity and unit of a nicotine usage measurement. E.g. 1 - 5 packs */ @LabelMetadata(classpath = "biomedicus.v2", distinct = true) data class NicotineAmount(override val startIndex: Int, override val endIndex: Int) : Label() { constructor(textRange: TextRange) : this(textRange.startIndex, textRange.endIndex) } /** * How often nicotine is used. E.g. daily, infrequently */ @LabelMetadata(classpath = "biomedicus.v2", distinct = true) data class NicotineFrequency(override val startIndex: Int, override val endIndex: Int) : Label() { constructor(textRange: TextRange) : this(textRange.startIndex, textRange.endIndex) } /** * The time period nicotine usage occurs/occurred in or over. Includes phrases like * "for thirty years" or "at night" or "weekend nights" */ @LabelMetadata(classpath = "biomedicus.v2", distinct = true) data class NicotineTemporal(override val startIndex: Int, override val endIndex: Int) : Label() { constructor(textRange: TextRange) : this(textRange.startIndex, textRange.endIndex) } /** * The type of nicotine, cigarettes, chewing tobacco, etc. */ @LabelMetadata(classpath = "biomedicus.v2", distinct = true) data class NicotineType(override val startIndex: Int, override val endIndex: Int) : Label() /** * A word that indicates whether usage is ongoing or has ceased. */ @LabelMetadata(classpath = "biomedicus.v2", distinct = true) data class NicotineStatus(override val startIndex: Int, override val endIndex: Int) : Label() { constructor(textRange: TextRange) : this(textRange.startIndex, textRange.endIndex) } /** * The method how nicotine usage occurred. E.g. smoked, chewed, etc. */ @LabelMetadata(classpath = "biomedicus.v2", distinct = true) data class NicotineMethod(override val startIndex: Int, override val endIndex: Int) : Label() { constructor(textRange: TextRange) : this(textRange.startIndex, textRange.endIndex) } /** * Detects [NicotineRelevant] labels from [NicotineCue] labels in text. */ class NicotineRelevantLabeler : DocumentTask { override fun run(document: Document) { val relevants = document.findRelevantAncestors(document.labelIndex<NicotineCue>()) .map { NicotineRelevant(it) } document.labelAll(relevants) } } /** * Detects if a phrase is a nicotine dependant phrase by seeing if it is, or has a * [NicotineRelevant] ancestor */ internal fun Document.isNicotineDep(textRange: TextRange): Boolean { val insideSpan = dependencies().inside(textRange) val nicotineRelevants = labelIndex<NicotineRelevant>() val alcoholRelevants = labelIndex<AlcoholRelevant>() val drugRelevants = labelIndex<DrugRelevant>() val phraseRoot = findHead(insideSpan) phraseRoot.selfAndParentIterator().forEach { if (nicotineRelevants.containsSpan(it)) return true if (alcoholRelevants.containsSpan(it) || drugRelevants.containsSpan(it)) return false } return false } /** * The model for nicotine amount units. */ @Singleton class NicotineAmountUnits( val detector: SequenceDetector<String, Token> ) { @Inject internal constructor( @Setting("sh.nicotine.amountUnits.asDataPath") path: Path ) : this(SequenceDetector.loadFromFile(path) { a, b: Token -> b.text.startsWith(a, true) }) } /** * Detects and labels [NicotineUnit] instances. */ class NicotineUnitDetector( private val detector: SequenceDetector<String, Token> ) : DocumentTask { @Inject internal constructor(amountUnits: NicotineAmountUnits) : this(amountUnits.detector) override fun run(document: Document) { val sentences = document.labelIndex<Sentence>() val tokens = document.labelIndex<ParseToken>() val candidates = document.labelIndex<NicotineCandidate>() val labeler = document.labeler<NicotineUnit>() candidates .map { sentences.inside(it) } .forEach { { tokens.inside(it).asList() } .forEach { sentenceTokens -> detector.detectAll(sentenceTokens).forEach { val unit = NicotineUnit( sentenceTokens[it.first].startIndex, sentenceTokens[it.last].endIndex ) if (document.isNicotineDep(unit)) labeler.add(unit) } } } } } /** * The TagEx search expression for nicotine amounts. * * @property expr the nicotine amount TagEx search expression */ @Singleton class NicotineAmountSearchExpr(val expr: TagEx) { @Inject internal constructor( searchExprFactory: TagExFactory, @Setting("sh.nicotine.amountExpr.asDataPath") path: Path ) : this(searchExprFactory.parse(path.toFile().readText())) } /** * Detects and labels instances of [NicotineAmount] in text using the nicotine amount TagEx pattern. * * @property expr the nicotine amount TagEx search expression */ class NicotineAmountDetector(private val expr: TagEx) : DocumentTask { @Inject internal constructor( nicotineAmountSearchExpr: NicotineAmountSearchExpr ) : this(nicotineAmountSearchExpr.expr) override fun run(document: Document) { val labeler = document.labeler<NicotineAmount>() document.labelIndex<NicotineCandidate>() .asSequence() .flatMap { expr.findAll(document, it) } .filter(document::isNicotineDep) .map(::NicotineAmount) .forEach(labeler::add) } } /** * Detects and labels [NicotineFrequency] instances in text using the general [UsageFrequency] * label. */ class NicotineFrequencyDetector : DocumentTask { override fun run(document: Document) { val nicotineCandidates = document.labelIndex<NicotineCandidate>() val amounts = document.labelIndex<NicotineAmount>() val usageFrequencies = document.labelIndex<UsageFrequency>() val labeler = document.labeler<NicotineFrequency>() for (nicotineCandidate in nicotineCandidates) { usageFrequencies .inside(nicotineCandidate) .asSequence() .filter { amounts.containing(it).isEmpty() } .filter { document.isNicotineDep(it) } .map { NicotineFrequency(it) } .forEach { labeler.add(it) } } } } /** * Detects and labels [NicotineTemporal] instances in text using the general [TemporalPhrase]. */ class NicotineTemporalDetector : DocumentTask { override fun run(document: Document) { val nicotineCandidates = document.labelIndex<NicotineCandidate>() val frequencies = document.labelIndex<NicotineFrequency>() val amounts = document.labelIndex<NicotineAmount>() val temporalPhrases = document.labelIndex<TemporalPhrase>() val temporalLabeler = document.labeler<NicotineTemporal>() for (nicotineCandidate in nicotineCandidates) { temporalPhrases.inside(nicotineCandidate) .asSequence() .filter { amounts.containing(it).isEmpty() } .filter { frequencies.containing(it).isEmpty() } .filter { document.isNicotineDep(it) } .forEach { temporalLabeler.add(NicotineTemporal(it)) } } } } /** * The model for nicotine types. */ @Singleton class NicotineTypes(val detector: SequenceDetector<String, Token>) { @Inject internal constructor( @Setting("sh.nicotine.types.asDataPath") path: Path ) : this(SequenceDetector.loadFromFile(path, tokenTextEquals)) } /** * Detects and labels [NicotineType] instances in text using the nicotine types model. */ class NicotineTypeDetector( private val detector: SequenceDetector<String, Token> ) : DocumentTask { @Inject internal constructor(nicotineTypes: NicotineTypes) : this(nicotineTypes.detector) override fun run(document: Document) { val candidates = document.labelIndex<NicotineCandidate>() val tokens = document.labelIndex<ParseToken>() val labeler = document.labeler<NicotineType>() candidates .map { tokens.inside(it).asList() } .forEach { candidateTokens -> detector.detectAll(candidateTokens) .forEach { val type = NicotineType( candidateTokens[it.first].startIndex, candidateTokens[it.last].endIndex ) if (document.isNicotineDep(type)) labeler.add(type) } } } } /** * Model for nicotine status phrases. */ @Singleton class NicotineStatusPhrases(val detector: SequenceDetector<String, ParseToken>) { @Inject internal constructor( @Setting("sh.nicotine.statusPhrases.asDataPath") path: Path ) : this(SequenceDetector.loadFromFile(path) { string, token: ParseToken -> token.text.compareTo(string, true) == 0 }) } /** * Detects nicotine status phrases in text using the nicotine status model and the general * [UsageStatusPhrases] */ class NicotineStatusDetector( private val detector: SequenceDetector<String, ParseToken> ) : DocumentTask { @Inject internal constructor( statusPhrases: NicotineStatusPhrases ) : this(statusPhrases.detector) override fun run(document: Document) { val tokens = document.labelIndex<ParseToken>() val usageStatuses = document.labelIndex<UsageStatus>() val labeler = document.labeler<NicotineStatus>() document.labelIndex<NicotineCandidate>() .onEach { usageStatuses.inside(it) .filter { document.isNicotineDep(it) } .forEach { labeler.add(NicotineStatus(it)) } } .map { tokens.inside(it).asList() } .forEach { sentenceTokens -> detector.detectAll(sentenceTokens).forEach { val status = NicotineStatus(sentenceTokens[it.first].startIndex, sentenceTokens[it.last].endIndex) if (document.isNicotineDep(status)) labeler.add(status) } } } } /** * Nicotine methods model. */ @Singleton class NicotineMethodPhrases(val detector: SequenceDetector<String, ParseToken>) { @Inject internal constructor( @Setting("sh.nicotine.methodPhrases.asDataPath") path: Path ) : this(SequenceDetector.loadFromFile(path) { string, token: ParseToken -> token.text.compareTo(string, true) == 0 }) } /** * Detects and labels instances of [NicotineMethod] in text using the [GenericMethodPhrase] * instances and the nicotine methods model. */ class NicotineMethodDetector( private val detector: SequenceDetector<String, ParseToken> ) : DocumentTask { @Inject internal constructor(phrases: NicotineMethodPhrases) : this(phrases.detector) override fun run(document: Document) { val candidates = document.labelIndex<NicotineCandidate>() val tokens = document.labelIndex<ParseToken>() val genericMethods = document.labelIndex<GenericMethodPhrase>() val labeler = document.labeler<NicotineMethod>() candidates .onEach { genericMethods .inside(it) .filter { document.isNicotineDep(it) } .forEach { labeler.add(NicotineMethod(it)) } } .map { tokens.inside(it).asList() } .forEach { sentenceTokens -> detector.detectAll(sentenceTokens) .map { NicotineMethod(sentenceTokens[it.first].startIndex, sentenceTokens[it.last].endIndex) } .filter { document.isNicotineDep(it) } .forEach { labeler.add(it) } } } }
import java.util.Scanner /** * Created by Lazysoul on 2017. 7. 18.. */ object DigitalRoot { @JvmStatic fun main(args: Array<String>) { val sc = Scanner(System.`in`) val result = getResult(sc, listOf()) require(result == listOf(6, 3)) } tailrec fun getResult(sc: Scanner, acc: List<Int>): List<Int> { val value = sc.nextLine() return when (value) { "0" -> acc else -> getResult(sc, } } tailrec fun getDigitalRoot(value: String): Int { return if (value.length == 1) { value.toInt() } else { getDigitalRoot(value .map { it.toInt() - 48 } .reduce { x, y -> x + y } .toString()) } } }
/* * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ package com.facebook.react import import import import import com.facebook.react.tasks.BuildCodegenCLITask import com.facebook.react.tasks.GenerateCodegenArtifactsTask import com.facebook.react.tasks.GenerateCodegenSchemaTask import com.facebook.react.utils.JsonUtils import com.facebook.react.utils.findPackageJsonFile import import kotlin.system.exitProcess import org.gradle.api.Plugin import org.gradle.api.Project import org.gradle.api.Task import org.gradle.internal.jvm.Jvm class ReactPlugin : Plugin<Project> { override fun apply(project: Project) { checkJvmVersion(project) val extension = project.extensions.create("react",, project) applyAppPlugin(project, extension) applyCodegenPlugin(project, extension) } private fun checkJvmVersion(project: Project) { val jvmVersion = Jvm.current()?.javaVersion?.majorVersion if ((jvmVersion?.toIntOrNull() ?: 0) <= 8) { project.logger.error( """ ******************************************************************************** ERROR: requires JDK11 or higher. Incompatible major version detected: '$jvmVersion' ******************************************************************************** """.trimIndent()) exitProcess(1) } } private fun applyAppPlugin(project: Project, config: ReactExtension) { project.afterEvaluate { if (config.applyAppPlugin.getOrElse(false)) { val androidConfiguration = project.extensions.getByType( project.configureDevPorts(androidConfiguration) val isAndroidLibrary = project.plugins.hasPlugin("") val variants = if (isAndroidLibrary) { project.extensions.getByType( } else { project.extensions.getByType( } variants.all { project.configureReactTasks(variant = it, config = config) } } } } /** * A plugin to enable react-native-codegen in Gradle environment. See the Gradle API docs for more * information: */ private fun applyCodegenPlugin(project: Project, extension: ReactExtension) { // First, we set up the output dir for the codegen. val generatedSrcDir = File(project.buildDir, "generated/source/codegen") val buildCodegenTask = project.tasks.register("buildCodegenCLI", { it.codegenDir.set(extension.codegenDir) val bashWindowsHome = project.findProperty("REACT_WINDOWS_BASH") as String? it.bashWindowsHome.set(bashWindowsHome) } // We create the task to produce schema from JS files. val generateCodegenSchemaTask = project.tasks.register( "generateCodegenSchemaFromJavaScript", { it -> it.dependsOn(buildCodegenTask) it.nodeExecutableAndArgs.set(extension.nodeExecutableAndArgs) it.codegenDir.set(extension.codegenDir) it.generatedSrcDir.set(generatedSrcDir) // We're reading the package.json at configuration time to properly feed // the `jsRootDir` @Input property of this task. Therefore, the // parsePackageJson should be invoked inside this lambda. val packageJson = findPackageJsonFile(project, extension) val parsedPackageJson = packageJson?.let { JsonUtils.fromCodegenJson(it) } val jsSrcsDirInPackageJson = parsedPackageJson?.codegenConfig?.jsSrcsDir if (jsSrcsDirInPackageJson != null) { it.jsRootDir.set(File(packageJson.parentFile, jsSrcsDirInPackageJson)) } else { it.jsRootDir.set(extension.jsRootDir) } } // We create the task to generate Java code from schema. val generateCodegenArtifactsTask = project.tasks.register( "generateCodegenArtifactsFromSchema", { it.dependsOn(generateCodegenSchemaTask) it.reactNativeDir.set(extension.reactNativeDir) it.deprecatedReactRoot.set(extension.reactRoot) it.nodeExecutableAndArgs.set(extension.nodeExecutableAndArgs) it.codegenDir.set(extension.codegenDir) it.generatedSrcDir.set(generatedSrcDir) it.packageJsonFile.set(findPackageJsonFile(project, extension)) it.codegenJavaPackageName.set(extension.codegenJavaPackageName) it.libraryName.set(extension.libraryName) } // We add dependencies & generated sources to the project. // Note: This last step needs to happen after the project has been evaluated. project.afterEvaluate { // `preBuild` is one of the base tasks automatically registered by Gradle. // This will invoke the codegen before compiling the entire project. project.tasks.named("preBuild", /** * Finally, update the android configuration to include the generated sources. This equivalent * to this DSL: * * android { sourceSets { main { java { srcDirs += "$generatedSrcDir/java" } } } } * * See documentation at * */ val android = project.extensions.getByName("android") as BaseExtension android.sourceSets.getByName("main").java.srcDir(File(generatedSrcDir, "java")) } } }
package actor.proto.mailbox import java.util.* import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger private val emptyStats = arrayOf<MailboxStatistics>() typealias MailboxQueue = Queue<Any> class DefaultMailbox(private val systemMessages: MailboxQueue, private val userMailbox: MailboxQueue, private val stats: Array<MailboxStatistics> = emptyStats) : Mailbox { private val status = AtomicInteger(MailboxStatus.IDLE) private val sysCount = AtomicInteger(0) private val userCount = AtomicInteger(0) private lateinit var dispatcher: Dispatcher private lateinit var invoker: MessageInvoker private var suspended: Boolean = false fun status(): Int = status.get() override fun postUserMessage(msg: Any) { if (userMailbox.offer(msg)) { userCount.incrementAndGet() schedule() for (stats in stats) stats.messagePosted(msg) } else { for (stats in stats) stats.messageDropped(msg) } } override fun postSystemMessage(msg: Any) { sysCount.incrementAndGet() systemMessages.add(msg) for (stats in stats) stats.messagePosted(msg) schedule() } override fun registerHandlers(invoker: MessageInvoker, dispatcher: Dispatcher) { this.invoker = invoker this.dispatcher = dispatcher } override fun start() { for (stats in stats) stats.mailboxStarted() } override suspend fun run() { var msg: Any? = null try { for (i in 0 until dispatcher.throughput) { if (sysCount.get() > 0) { msg = systemMessages.poll() sysCount.decrementAndGet() if (msg != null) { when (msg) { is SuspendMailbox -> suspended = true is ResumeMailbox -> suspended = false } invoker.invokeSystemMessage(msg as SystemMessage) for (stat in stats) stat.messageReceived(msg) } } if (!suspended && userCount.get() > 0) { msg = userMailbox.poll() userCount.decrementAndGet() if (msg == null) break else { invoker.invokeUserMessage(msg) for (stat in stats) stat.messageReceived(msg) } } else { break } } } catch (e: Exception) { if (msg != null) invoker.escalateFailure(e, msg) } status.set(MailboxStatus.IDLE) if (sysCount.get() > 0 || (!suspended && userCount.get() > 0)) { schedule() } else { for (stat in stats) stat.mailboxEmpty() } } private fun schedule() { val wasIdle = status.compareAndSet(MailboxStatus.IDLE, MailboxStatus.BUSY) if (wasIdle) { dispatcher.schedule(this) } } }
/* * Copyright (c) 2020 Giorgio Antonioli * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.fondesa.recyclerviewdivider import android.content.Context import android.content.res.TypedArray import org.junit.Assert.assertEquals import org.junit.Test import org.mockito.kotlin.doReturn import org.mockito.kotlin.mock import org.mockito.kotlin.verify /** * Tests of WithAttribute.kt file. */ class WithAttributeKtTest { @Test fun `withAttribute - returns resolved attribute and recycles TypedArray`() { val typedArray = mock<TypedArray>() val context = mock<Context> { on(it.obtainStyledAttributes(intArrayOf(5))) doReturn typedArray } val result = context.withAttribute(5) { "resolved" } verify(typedArray).recycle() assertEquals("resolved", result) } }
package com.fuyoul.sanwenseller.bean.reshttp /** * @author: chen * @CreatDate: 2017\11\4 0004 * @Desc: */ class ResQuickTestCount { // { // // "date":0, // "maxOrdersCount":0, // "masterId":0, // "allowableOrdersCount":0 // } var isChanged: Int = 0 var date: String = "" var maxOrdersCount = 0 var masterId: Long = 0 var restOrdersCount = 0 }
@file:JvmName("Sdk28ViewsKt") package org.jetbrains.anko import org.jetbrains.anko.custom.* import org.jetbrains.anko.AnkoViewDslMarker import android.view.ViewManager import android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams import import import android.content.Context import android.os.Build import android.widget.* @PublishedApi internal object `$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View` { val MEDIA_ROUTE_BUTTON = { ctx: Context -> } val GESTURE_OVERLAY_VIEW = { ctx: Context -> android.gesture.GestureOverlayView(ctx) } val EXTRACT_EDIT_TEXT = { ctx: Context -> android.inputmethodservice.ExtractEditText(ctx) } val TV_VIEW = { ctx: Context -> } val G_L_SURFACE_VIEW = { ctx: Context -> android.opengl.GLSurfaceView(ctx) } val SURFACE_VIEW = { ctx: Context -> android.view.SurfaceView(ctx) } val TEXTURE_VIEW = { ctx: Context -> android.view.TextureView(ctx) } val VIEW = { ctx: Context -> android.view.View(ctx) } val VIEW_STUB = { ctx: Context -> android.view.ViewStub(ctx) } val WEB_VIEW = { ctx: Context -> android.webkit.WebView(ctx) } val ADAPTER_VIEW_FLIPPER = { ctx: Context -> android.widget.AdapterViewFlipper(ctx) } val ANALOG_CLOCK = { ctx: Context -> android.widget.AnalogClock(ctx) } val AUTO_COMPLETE_TEXT_VIEW = { ctx: Context -> android.widget.AutoCompleteTextView(ctx) } val BUTTON = { ctx: Context -> android.widget.Button(ctx) } val CALENDAR_VIEW = { ctx: Context -> android.widget.CalendarView(ctx) } val CHECK_BOX = { ctx: Context -> android.widget.CheckBox(ctx) } val CHECKED_TEXT_VIEW = { ctx: Context -> android.widget.CheckedTextView(ctx) } val CHRONOMETER = { ctx: Context -> android.widget.Chronometer(ctx) } val DATE_PICKER = { ctx: Context -> android.widget.DatePicker(ctx) } val DIALER_FILTER = { ctx: Context -> android.widget.DialerFilter(ctx) } val DIGITAL_CLOCK = { ctx: Context -> android.widget.DigitalClock(ctx) } val EDIT_TEXT = { ctx: Context -> android.widget.EditText(ctx) } val EXPANDABLE_LIST_VIEW = { ctx: Context -> android.widget.ExpandableListView(ctx) } val IMAGE_BUTTON = { ctx: Context -> android.widget.ImageButton(ctx) } val IMAGE_VIEW = { ctx: Context -> android.widget.ImageView(ctx) } val LIST_VIEW = { ctx: Context -> android.widget.ListView(ctx) } val MULTI_AUTO_COMPLETE_TEXT_VIEW = { ctx: Context -> android.widget.MultiAutoCompleteTextView(ctx) } val NUMBER_PICKER = { ctx: Context -> android.widget.NumberPicker(ctx) } val PROGRESS_BAR = { ctx: Context -> android.widget.ProgressBar(ctx) } val QUICK_CONTACT_BADGE = { ctx: Context -> android.widget.QuickContactBadge(ctx) } val RADIO_BUTTON = { ctx: Context -> android.widget.RadioButton(ctx) } val RATING_BAR = { ctx: Context -> android.widget.RatingBar(ctx) } val SEARCH_VIEW = { ctx: Context -> android.widget.SearchView(ctx) } val SEEK_BAR = { ctx: Context -> android.widget.SeekBar(ctx) } val SLIDING_DRAWER = { ctx: Context -> android.widget.SlidingDrawer(ctx, null) } val SPACE = { ctx: Context -> android.widget.Space(ctx) } val SPINNER = { ctx: Context -> android.widget.Spinner(ctx) } val STACK_VIEW = { ctx: Context -> android.widget.StackView(ctx) } val SWITCH = { ctx: Context -> android.widget.Switch(ctx) } val TAB_HOST = { ctx: Context -> android.widget.TabHost(ctx) } val TAB_WIDGET = { ctx: Context -> android.widget.TabWidget(ctx) } val TEXT_CLOCK = { ctx: Context -> android.widget.TextClock(ctx) } val TEXT_VIEW = { ctx: Context -> android.widget.TextView(ctx) } val TIME_PICKER = { ctx: Context -> android.widget.TimePicker(ctx) } val TOGGLE_BUTTON = { ctx: Context -> android.widget.ToggleButton(ctx) } val TWO_LINE_LIST_ITEM = { ctx: Context -> android.widget.TwoLineListItem(ctx) } val VIDEO_VIEW = { ctx: Context -> android.widget.VideoView(ctx) } val VIEW_FLIPPER = { ctx: Context -> android.widget.ViewFlipper(ctx) } val ZOOM_BUTTON = { ctx: Context -> android.widget.ZoomButton(ctx) } val ZOOM_CONTROLS = { ctx: Context -> android.widget.ZoomControls(ctx) } } inline fun ViewManager.mediaRouteButton(): = mediaRouteButton() {} inline fun ViewManager.mediaRouteButton(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker -> Unit): { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.MEDIA_ROUTE_BUTTON, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.themedMediaRouteButton(theme: Int = 0): = themedMediaRouteButton(theme) {} inline fun ViewManager.themedMediaRouteButton(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker -> Unit): { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.MEDIA_ROUTE_BUTTON, theme) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.gestureOverlayView(): android.gesture.GestureOverlayView = gestureOverlayView() {} inline fun ViewManager.gestureOverlayView(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.gesture.GestureOverlayView).() -> Unit): android.gesture.GestureOverlayView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.GESTURE_OVERLAY_VIEW, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.themedGestureOverlayView(theme: Int = 0): android.gesture.GestureOverlayView = themedGestureOverlayView(theme) {} inline fun ViewManager.themedGestureOverlayView(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.gesture.GestureOverlayView).() -> Unit): android.gesture.GestureOverlayView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.GESTURE_OVERLAY_VIEW, theme) { init() } } inline fun Context.gestureOverlayView(): android.gesture.GestureOverlayView = gestureOverlayView() {} inline fun Context.gestureOverlayView(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.gesture.GestureOverlayView).() -> Unit): android.gesture.GestureOverlayView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.GESTURE_OVERLAY_VIEW, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun Context.themedGestureOverlayView(theme: Int = 0): android.gesture.GestureOverlayView = themedGestureOverlayView(theme) {} inline fun Context.themedGestureOverlayView(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.gesture.GestureOverlayView).() -> Unit): android.gesture.GestureOverlayView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.GESTURE_OVERLAY_VIEW, theme) { init() } } inline fun Activity.gestureOverlayView(): android.gesture.GestureOverlayView = gestureOverlayView() {} inline fun Activity.gestureOverlayView(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.gesture.GestureOverlayView).() -> Unit): android.gesture.GestureOverlayView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.GESTURE_OVERLAY_VIEW, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun Activity.themedGestureOverlayView(theme: Int = 0): android.gesture.GestureOverlayView = themedGestureOverlayView(theme) {} inline fun Activity.themedGestureOverlayView(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.gesture.GestureOverlayView).() -> Unit): android.gesture.GestureOverlayView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.GESTURE_OVERLAY_VIEW, theme) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.extractEditText(): android.inputmethodservice.ExtractEditText = extractEditText() {} inline fun ViewManager.extractEditText(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.inputmethodservice.ExtractEditText).() -> Unit): android.inputmethodservice.ExtractEditText { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.EXTRACT_EDIT_TEXT, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.themedExtractEditText(theme: Int = 0): android.inputmethodservice.ExtractEditText = themedExtractEditText(theme) {} inline fun ViewManager.themedExtractEditText(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.inputmethodservice.ExtractEditText).() -> Unit): android.inputmethodservice.ExtractEditText { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.EXTRACT_EDIT_TEXT, theme) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.tvView(): = tvView() {} inline fun ViewManager.tvView(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker -> Unit): { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.TV_VIEW, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.themedTvView(theme: Int = 0): = themedTvView(theme) {} inline fun ViewManager.themedTvView(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker -> Unit): { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.TV_VIEW, theme) { init() } } inline fun Context.tvView(): = tvView() {} inline fun Context.tvView(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker -> Unit): { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.TV_VIEW, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun Context.themedTvView(theme: Int = 0): = themedTvView(theme) {} inline fun Context.themedTvView(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker -> Unit): { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.TV_VIEW, theme) { init() } } inline fun Activity.tvView(): = tvView() {} inline fun Activity.tvView(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker -> Unit): { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.TV_VIEW, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun Activity.themedTvView(theme: Int = 0): = themedTvView(theme) {} inline fun Activity.themedTvView(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker -> Unit): { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.TV_VIEW, theme) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.gLSurfaceView(): android.opengl.GLSurfaceView = gLSurfaceView() {} inline fun ViewManager.gLSurfaceView(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.opengl.GLSurfaceView).() -> Unit): android.opengl.GLSurfaceView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.G_L_SURFACE_VIEW, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.themedGLSurfaceView(theme: Int = 0): android.opengl.GLSurfaceView = themedGLSurfaceView(theme) {} inline fun ViewManager.themedGLSurfaceView(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.opengl.GLSurfaceView).() -> Unit): android.opengl.GLSurfaceView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.G_L_SURFACE_VIEW, theme) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.surfaceView(): android.view.SurfaceView = surfaceView() {} inline fun ViewManager.surfaceView(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.view.SurfaceView).() -> Unit): android.view.SurfaceView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.SURFACE_VIEW, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.themedSurfaceView(theme: Int = 0): android.view.SurfaceView = themedSurfaceView(theme) {} inline fun ViewManager.themedSurfaceView(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.view.SurfaceView).() -> Unit): android.view.SurfaceView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.SURFACE_VIEW, theme) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.textureView(): android.view.TextureView = textureView() {} inline fun ViewManager.textureView(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.view.TextureView).() -> Unit): android.view.TextureView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.TEXTURE_VIEW, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.themedTextureView(theme: Int = 0): android.view.TextureView = themedTextureView(theme) {} inline fun ViewManager.themedTextureView(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.view.TextureView).() -> Unit): android.view.TextureView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.TEXTURE_VIEW, theme) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.view(): android.view.View = view() {} inline fun ViewManager.view(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.view.View).() -> Unit): android.view.View { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.VIEW, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.themedView(theme: Int = 0): android.view.View = themedView(theme) {} inline fun ViewManager.themedView(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.view.View).() -> Unit): android.view.View { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.VIEW, theme) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.viewStub(): android.view.ViewStub = viewStub() {} inline fun ViewManager.viewStub(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.view.ViewStub).() -> Unit): android.view.ViewStub { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.VIEW_STUB, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.themedViewStub(theme: Int = 0): android.view.ViewStub = themedViewStub(theme) {} inline fun ViewManager.themedViewStub(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.view.ViewStub).() -> Unit): android.view.ViewStub { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.VIEW_STUB, theme) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.webView(): android.webkit.WebView = webView() {} inline fun ViewManager.webView(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.webkit.WebView).() -> Unit): android.webkit.WebView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.WEB_VIEW, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.themedWebView(theme: Int = 0): android.webkit.WebView = themedWebView(theme) {} inline fun ViewManager.themedWebView(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.webkit.WebView).() -> Unit): android.webkit.WebView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.WEB_VIEW, theme) { init() } } inline fun Context.webView(): android.webkit.WebView = webView() {} inline fun Context.webView(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.webkit.WebView).() -> Unit): android.webkit.WebView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.WEB_VIEW, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun Context.themedWebView(theme: Int = 0): android.webkit.WebView = themedWebView(theme) {} inline fun Context.themedWebView(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.webkit.WebView).() -> Unit): android.webkit.WebView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.WEB_VIEW, theme) { init() } } inline fun Activity.webView(): android.webkit.WebView = webView() {} inline fun Activity.webView(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.webkit.WebView).() -> Unit): android.webkit.WebView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.WEB_VIEW, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun Activity.themedWebView(theme: Int = 0): android.webkit.WebView = themedWebView(theme) {} inline fun Activity.themedWebView(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.webkit.WebView).() -> Unit): android.webkit.WebView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.WEB_VIEW, theme) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.adapterViewFlipper(): android.widget.AdapterViewFlipper = adapterViewFlipper() {} inline fun ViewManager.adapterViewFlipper(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.AdapterViewFlipper).() -> Unit): android.widget.AdapterViewFlipper { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.ADAPTER_VIEW_FLIPPER, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.themedAdapterViewFlipper(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.AdapterViewFlipper = themedAdapterViewFlipper(theme) {} inline fun ViewManager.themedAdapterViewFlipper(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.AdapterViewFlipper).() -> Unit): android.widget.AdapterViewFlipper { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.ADAPTER_VIEW_FLIPPER, theme) { init() } } inline fun Context.adapterViewFlipper(): android.widget.AdapterViewFlipper = adapterViewFlipper() {} inline fun Context.adapterViewFlipper(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.AdapterViewFlipper).() -> Unit): android.widget.AdapterViewFlipper { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.ADAPTER_VIEW_FLIPPER, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun Context.themedAdapterViewFlipper(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.AdapterViewFlipper = themedAdapterViewFlipper(theme) {} inline fun Context.themedAdapterViewFlipper(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.AdapterViewFlipper).() -> Unit): android.widget.AdapterViewFlipper { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.ADAPTER_VIEW_FLIPPER, theme) { init() } } inline fun Activity.adapterViewFlipper(): android.widget.AdapterViewFlipper = adapterViewFlipper() {} inline fun Activity.adapterViewFlipper(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.AdapterViewFlipper).() -> Unit): android.widget.AdapterViewFlipper { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.ADAPTER_VIEW_FLIPPER, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun Activity.themedAdapterViewFlipper(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.AdapterViewFlipper = themedAdapterViewFlipper(theme) {} inline fun Activity.themedAdapterViewFlipper(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.AdapterViewFlipper).() -> Unit): android.widget.AdapterViewFlipper { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.ADAPTER_VIEW_FLIPPER, theme) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.analogClock(): android.widget.AnalogClock = analogClock() {} inline fun ViewManager.analogClock(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.AnalogClock).() -> Unit): android.widget.AnalogClock { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.ANALOG_CLOCK, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.themedAnalogClock(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.AnalogClock = themedAnalogClock(theme) {} inline fun ViewManager.themedAnalogClock(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.AnalogClock).() -> Unit): android.widget.AnalogClock { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.ANALOG_CLOCK, theme) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.autoCompleteTextView(): android.widget.AutoCompleteTextView = autoCompleteTextView() {} inline fun ViewManager.autoCompleteTextView(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.AutoCompleteTextView).() -> Unit): android.widget.AutoCompleteTextView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.AUTO_COMPLETE_TEXT_VIEW, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.themedAutoCompleteTextView(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.AutoCompleteTextView = themedAutoCompleteTextView(theme) {} inline fun ViewManager.themedAutoCompleteTextView(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.AutoCompleteTextView).() -> Unit): android.widget.AutoCompleteTextView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.AUTO_COMPLETE_TEXT_VIEW, theme) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.button(): android.widget.Button = button() {} inline fun ViewManager.button(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.Button).() -> Unit): android.widget.Button { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.BUTTON, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.themedButton(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.Button = themedButton(theme) {} inline fun ViewManager.themedButton(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.Button).() -> Unit): android.widget.Button { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.BUTTON, theme) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.button(text: CharSequence?): android.widget.Button { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.BUTTON, theme = 0) { setText(text) } } inline fun ViewManager.button(text: CharSequence?, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.Button).() -> Unit): android.widget.Button { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.BUTTON, theme = 0) { init() setText(text) } } inline fun ViewManager.themedButton(text: CharSequence?, theme: Int): android.widget.Button { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.BUTTON, theme) { setText(text) } } inline fun ViewManager.themedButton(text: CharSequence?, theme: Int, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.Button).() -> Unit): android.widget.Button { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.BUTTON, theme) { init() setText(text) } } inline fun ViewManager.button(text: Int): android.widget.Button { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.BUTTON, theme = 0) { setText(text) } } inline fun ViewManager.button(text: Int, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.Button).() -> Unit): android.widget.Button { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.BUTTON, theme = 0) { init() setText(text) } } inline fun ViewManager.themedButton(text: Int, theme: Int): android.widget.Button { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.BUTTON, theme) { setText(text) } } inline fun ViewManager.themedButton(text: Int, theme: Int, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.Button).() -> Unit): android.widget.Button { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.BUTTON, theme) { init() setText(text) } } inline fun ViewManager.calendarView(): android.widget.CalendarView = calendarView() {} inline fun ViewManager.calendarView(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.CalendarView).() -> Unit): android.widget.CalendarView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.CALENDAR_VIEW, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.themedCalendarView(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.CalendarView = themedCalendarView(theme) {} inline fun ViewManager.themedCalendarView(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.CalendarView).() -> Unit): android.widget.CalendarView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.CALENDAR_VIEW, theme) { init() } } inline fun Context.calendarView(): android.widget.CalendarView = calendarView() {} inline fun Context.calendarView(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.CalendarView).() -> Unit): android.widget.CalendarView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.CALENDAR_VIEW, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun Context.themedCalendarView(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.CalendarView = themedCalendarView(theme) {} inline fun Context.themedCalendarView(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.CalendarView).() -> Unit): android.widget.CalendarView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.CALENDAR_VIEW, theme) { init() } } inline fun Activity.calendarView(): android.widget.CalendarView = calendarView() {} inline fun Activity.calendarView(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.CalendarView).() -> Unit): android.widget.CalendarView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.CALENDAR_VIEW, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun Activity.themedCalendarView(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.CalendarView = themedCalendarView(theme) {} inline fun Activity.themedCalendarView(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.CalendarView).() -> Unit): android.widget.CalendarView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.CALENDAR_VIEW, theme) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.checkBox(): android.widget.CheckBox = checkBox() {} inline fun ViewManager.checkBox(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.CheckBox).() -> Unit): android.widget.CheckBox { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.CHECK_BOX, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.themedCheckBox(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.CheckBox = themedCheckBox(theme) {} inline fun ViewManager.themedCheckBox(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.CheckBox).() -> Unit): android.widget.CheckBox { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.CHECK_BOX, theme) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.checkBox(text: CharSequence?): android.widget.CheckBox { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.CHECK_BOX, theme = 0) { setText(text) } } inline fun ViewManager.checkBox(text: CharSequence?, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.CheckBox).() -> Unit): android.widget.CheckBox { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.CHECK_BOX, theme = 0) { init() setText(text) } } inline fun ViewManager.themedCheckBox(text: CharSequence?, theme: Int): android.widget.CheckBox { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.CHECK_BOX, theme) { setText(text) } } inline fun ViewManager.themedCheckBox(text: CharSequence?, theme: Int, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.CheckBox).() -> Unit): android.widget.CheckBox { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.CHECK_BOX, theme) { init() setText(text) } } inline fun ViewManager.checkBox(text: Int): android.widget.CheckBox { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.CHECK_BOX, theme = 0) { setText(text) } } inline fun ViewManager.checkBox(text: Int, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.CheckBox).() -> Unit): android.widget.CheckBox { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.CHECK_BOX, theme = 0) { init() setText(text) } } inline fun ViewManager.themedCheckBox(text: Int, theme: Int): android.widget.CheckBox { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.CHECK_BOX, theme) { setText(text) } } inline fun ViewManager.themedCheckBox(text: Int, theme: Int, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.CheckBox).() -> Unit): android.widget.CheckBox { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.CHECK_BOX, theme) { init() setText(text) } } inline fun ViewManager.checkBox(text: CharSequence?, checked: Boolean): android.widget.CheckBox { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.CHECK_BOX, theme = 0) { setText(text) setChecked(checked) } } inline fun ViewManager.checkBox(text: CharSequence?, checked: Boolean, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.CheckBox).() -> Unit): android.widget.CheckBox { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.CHECK_BOX, theme = 0) { init() setText(text) setChecked(checked) } } inline fun ViewManager.themedCheckBox(text: CharSequence?, checked: Boolean, theme: Int): android.widget.CheckBox { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.CHECK_BOX, theme) { setText(text) setChecked(checked) } } inline fun ViewManager.themedCheckBox(text: CharSequence?, checked: Boolean, theme: Int, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.CheckBox).() -> Unit): android.widget.CheckBox { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.CHECK_BOX, theme) { init() setText(text) setChecked(checked) } } inline fun ViewManager.checkBox(text: Int, checked: Boolean): android.widget.CheckBox { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.CHECK_BOX, theme = 0) { setText(text) setChecked(checked) } } inline fun ViewManager.checkBox(text: Int, checked: Boolean, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.CheckBox).() -> Unit): android.widget.CheckBox { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.CHECK_BOX, theme = 0) { init() setText(text) setChecked(checked) } } inline fun ViewManager.themedCheckBox(text: Int, checked: Boolean, theme: Int): android.widget.CheckBox { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.CHECK_BOX, theme) { setText(text) setChecked(checked) } } inline fun ViewManager.themedCheckBox(text: Int, checked: Boolean, theme: Int, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.CheckBox).() -> Unit): android.widget.CheckBox { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.CHECK_BOX, theme) { init() setText(text) setChecked(checked) } } inline fun ViewManager.checkedTextView(): android.widget.CheckedTextView = checkedTextView() {} inline fun ViewManager.checkedTextView(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.CheckedTextView).() -> Unit): android.widget.CheckedTextView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.CHECKED_TEXT_VIEW, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.themedCheckedTextView(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.CheckedTextView = themedCheckedTextView(theme) {} inline fun ViewManager.themedCheckedTextView(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.CheckedTextView).() -> Unit): android.widget.CheckedTextView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.CHECKED_TEXT_VIEW, theme) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.chronometer(): android.widget.Chronometer = chronometer() {} inline fun ViewManager.chronometer(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.Chronometer).() -> Unit): android.widget.Chronometer { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.CHRONOMETER, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.themedChronometer(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.Chronometer = themedChronometer(theme) {} inline fun ViewManager.themedChronometer(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.Chronometer).() -> Unit): android.widget.Chronometer { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.CHRONOMETER, theme) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.datePicker(): android.widget.DatePicker = datePicker() {} inline fun ViewManager.datePicker(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.DatePicker).() -> Unit): android.widget.DatePicker { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.DATE_PICKER, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.themedDatePicker(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.DatePicker = themedDatePicker(theme) {} inline fun ViewManager.themedDatePicker(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.DatePicker).() -> Unit): android.widget.DatePicker { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.DATE_PICKER, theme) { init() } } inline fun Context.datePicker(): android.widget.DatePicker = datePicker() {} inline fun Context.datePicker(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.DatePicker).() -> Unit): android.widget.DatePicker { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.DATE_PICKER, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun Context.themedDatePicker(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.DatePicker = themedDatePicker(theme) {} inline fun Context.themedDatePicker(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.DatePicker).() -> Unit): android.widget.DatePicker { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.DATE_PICKER, theme) { init() } } inline fun Activity.datePicker(): android.widget.DatePicker = datePicker() {} inline fun Activity.datePicker(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.DatePicker).() -> Unit): android.widget.DatePicker { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.DATE_PICKER, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun Activity.themedDatePicker(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.DatePicker = themedDatePicker(theme) {} inline fun Activity.themedDatePicker(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.DatePicker).() -> Unit): android.widget.DatePicker { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.DATE_PICKER, theme) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.dialerFilter(): android.widget.DialerFilter = dialerFilter() {} inline fun ViewManager.dialerFilter(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.DialerFilter).() -> Unit): android.widget.DialerFilter { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.DIALER_FILTER, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.themedDialerFilter(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.DialerFilter = themedDialerFilter(theme) {} inline fun ViewManager.themedDialerFilter(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.DialerFilter).() -> Unit): android.widget.DialerFilter { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.DIALER_FILTER, theme) { init() } } inline fun Context.dialerFilter(): android.widget.DialerFilter = dialerFilter() {} inline fun Context.dialerFilter(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.DialerFilter).() -> Unit): android.widget.DialerFilter { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.DIALER_FILTER, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun Context.themedDialerFilter(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.DialerFilter = themedDialerFilter(theme) {} inline fun Context.themedDialerFilter(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.DialerFilter).() -> Unit): android.widget.DialerFilter { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.DIALER_FILTER, theme) { init() } } inline fun Activity.dialerFilter(): android.widget.DialerFilter = dialerFilter() {} inline fun Activity.dialerFilter(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.DialerFilter).() -> Unit): android.widget.DialerFilter { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.DIALER_FILTER, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun Activity.themedDialerFilter(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.DialerFilter = themedDialerFilter(theme) {} inline fun Activity.themedDialerFilter(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.DialerFilter).() -> Unit): android.widget.DialerFilter { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.DIALER_FILTER, theme) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.digitalClock(): android.widget.DigitalClock = digitalClock() {} inline fun ViewManager.digitalClock(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.DigitalClock).() -> Unit): android.widget.DigitalClock { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.DIGITAL_CLOCK, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.themedDigitalClock(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.DigitalClock = themedDigitalClock(theme) {} inline fun ViewManager.themedDigitalClock(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.DigitalClock).() -> Unit): android.widget.DigitalClock { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.DIGITAL_CLOCK, theme) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.editText(): android.widget.EditText = editText() {} inline fun ViewManager.editText(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.EditText).() -> Unit): android.widget.EditText { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.EDIT_TEXT, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.themedEditText(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.EditText = themedEditText(theme) {} inline fun ViewManager.themedEditText(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.EditText).() -> Unit): android.widget.EditText { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.EDIT_TEXT, theme) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.editText(text: CharSequence?): android.widget.EditText { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.EDIT_TEXT, theme = 0) { setText(text) } } inline fun ViewManager.editText(text: CharSequence?, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.EditText).() -> Unit): android.widget.EditText { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.EDIT_TEXT, theme = 0) { init() setText(text) } } inline fun ViewManager.themedEditText(text: CharSequence?, theme: Int): android.widget.EditText { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.EDIT_TEXT, theme) { setText(text) } } inline fun ViewManager.themedEditText(text: CharSequence?, theme: Int, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.EditText).() -> Unit): android.widget.EditText { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.EDIT_TEXT, theme) { init() setText(text) } } inline fun ViewManager.editText(text: Int): android.widget.EditText { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.EDIT_TEXT, theme = 0) { setText(text) } } inline fun ViewManager.editText(text: Int, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.EditText).() -> Unit): android.widget.EditText { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.EDIT_TEXT, theme = 0) { init() setText(text) } } inline fun ViewManager.themedEditText(text: Int, theme: Int): android.widget.EditText { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.EDIT_TEXT, theme) { setText(text) } } inline fun ViewManager.themedEditText(text: Int, theme: Int, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.EditText).() -> Unit): android.widget.EditText { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.EDIT_TEXT, theme) { init() setText(text) } } inline fun ViewManager.expandableListView(): android.widget.ExpandableListView = expandableListView() {} inline fun ViewManager.expandableListView(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.ExpandableListView).() -> Unit): android.widget.ExpandableListView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.EXPANDABLE_LIST_VIEW, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.themedExpandableListView(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.ExpandableListView = themedExpandableListView(theme) {} inline fun ViewManager.themedExpandableListView(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.ExpandableListView).() -> Unit): android.widget.ExpandableListView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.EXPANDABLE_LIST_VIEW, theme) { init() } } inline fun Context.expandableListView(): android.widget.ExpandableListView = expandableListView() {} inline fun Context.expandableListView(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.ExpandableListView).() -> Unit): android.widget.ExpandableListView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.EXPANDABLE_LIST_VIEW, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun Context.themedExpandableListView(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.ExpandableListView = themedExpandableListView(theme) {} inline fun Context.themedExpandableListView(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.ExpandableListView).() -> Unit): android.widget.ExpandableListView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.EXPANDABLE_LIST_VIEW, theme) { init() } } inline fun Activity.expandableListView(): android.widget.ExpandableListView = expandableListView() {} inline fun Activity.expandableListView(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.ExpandableListView).() -> Unit): android.widget.ExpandableListView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.EXPANDABLE_LIST_VIEW, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun Activity.themedExpandableListView(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.ExpandableListView = themedExpandableListView(theme) {} inline fun Activity.themedExpandableListView(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.ExpandableListView).() -> Unit): android.widget.ExpandableListView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.EXPANDABLE_LIST_VIEW, theme) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.imageButton(): android.widget.ImageButton = imageButton() {} inline fun ViewManager.imageButton(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.ImageButton).() -> Unit): android.widget.ImageButton { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.IMAGE_BUTTON, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.themedImageButton(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.ImageButton = themedImageButton(theme) {} inline fun ViewManager.themedImageButton(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.ImageButton).() -> Unit): android.widget.ImageButton { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.IMAGE_BUTTON, theme) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.imageButton(imageDrawable: android.widget.ImageButton { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.IMAGE_BUTTON, theme = 0) { setImageDrawable(imageDrawable) } } inline fun ViewManager.imageButton(imageDrawable:, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.ImageButton).() -> Unit): android.widget.ImageButton { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.IMAGE_BUTTON, theme = 0) { init() setImageDrawable(imageDrawable) } } inline fun ViewManager.themedImageButton(imageDrawable:, theme: Int): android.widget.ImageButton { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.IMAGE_BUTTON, theme) { setImageDrawable(imageDrawable) } } inline fun ViewManager.themedImageButton(imageDrawable:, theme: Int, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.ImageButton).() -> Unit): android.widget.ImageButton { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.IMAGE_BUTTON, theme) { init() setImageDrawable(imageDrawable) } } inline fun ViewManager.imageButton(imageResource: Int): android.widget.ImageButton { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.IMAGE_BUTTON, theme = 0) { setImageResource(imageResource) } } inline fun ViewManager.imageButton(imageResource: Int, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.ImageButton).() -> Unit): android.widget.ImageButton { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.IMAGE_BUTTON, theme = 0) { init() setImageResource(imageResource) } } inline fun ViewManager.themedImageButton(imageResource: Int, theme: Int): android.widget.ImageButton { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.IMAGE_BUTTON, theme) { setImageResource(imageResource) } } inline fun ViewManager.themedImageButton(imageResource: Int, theme: Int, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.ImageButton).() -> Unit): android.widget.ImageButton { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.IMAGE_BUTTON, theme) { init() setImageResource(imageResource) } } inline fun ViewManager.imageView(): android.widget.ImageView = imageView() {} inline fun ViewManager.imageView(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.ImageView).() -> Unit): android.widget.ImageView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.IMAGE_VIEW, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.themedImageView(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.ImageView = themedImageView(theme) {} inline fun ViewManager.themedImageView(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.ImageView).() -> Unit): android.widget.ImageView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.IMAGE_VIEW, theme) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.imageView(imageDrawable: android.widget.ImageView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.IMAGE_VIEW, theme = 0) { setImageDrawable(imageDrawable) } } inline fun ViewManager.imageView(imageDrawable:, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.ImageView).() -> Unit): android.widget.ImageView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.IMAGE_VIEW, theme = 0) { init() setImageDrawable(imageDrawable) } } inline fun ViewManager.themedImageView(imageDrawable:, theme: Int): android.widget.ImageView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.IMAGE_VIEW, theme) { setImageDrawable(imageDrawable) } } inline fun ViewManager.themedImageView(imageDrawable:, theme: Int, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.ImageView).() -> Unit): android.widget.ImageView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.IMAGE_VIEW, theme) { init() setImageDrawable(imageDrawable) } } inline fun ViewManager.imageView(imageResource: Int): android.widget.ImageView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.IMAGE_VIEW, theme = 0) { setImageResource(imageResource) } } inline fun ViewManager.imageView(imageResource: Int, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.ImageView).() -> Unit): android.widget.ImageView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.IMAGE_VIEW, theme = 0) { init() setImageResource(imageResource) } } inline fun ViewManager.themedImageView(imageResource: Int, theme: Int): android.widget.ImageView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.IMAGE_VIEW, theme) { setImageResource(imageResource) } } inline fun ViewManager.themedImageView(imageResource: Int, theme: Int, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.ImageView).() -> Unit): android.widget.ImageView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.IMAGE_VIEW, theme) { init() setImageResource(imageResource) } } inline fun ViewManager.listView(): android.widget.ListView = listView() {} inline fun ViewManager.listView(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.ListView).() -> Unit): android.widget.ListView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.LIST_VIEW, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.themedListView(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.ListView = themedListView(theme) {} inline fun ViewManager.themedListView(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.ListView).() -> Unit): android.widget.ListView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.LIST_VIEW, theme) { init() } } inline fun Context.listView(): android.widget.ListView = listView() {} inline fun Context.listView(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.ListView).() -> Unit): android.widget.ListView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.LIST_VIEW, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun Context.themedListView(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.ListView = themedListView(theme) {} inline fun Context.themedListView(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.ListView).() -> Unit): android.widget.ListView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.LIST_VIEW, theme) { init() } } inline fun Activity.listView(): android.widget.ListView = listView() {} inline fun Activity.listView(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.ListView).() -> Unit): android.widget.ListView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.LIST_VIEW, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun Activity.themedListView(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.ListView = themedListView(theme) {} inline fun Activity.themedListView(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.ListView).() -> Unit): android.widget.ListView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.LIST_VIEW, theme) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.multiAutoCompleteTextView(): android.widget.MultiAutoCompleteTextView = multiAutoCompleteTextView() {} inline fun ViewManager.multiAutoCompleteTextView(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.MultiAutoCompleteTextView).() -> Unit): android.widget.MultiAutoCompleteTextView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.MULTI_AUTO_COMPLETE_TEXT_VIEW, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.themedMultiAutoCompleteTextView(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.MultiAutoCompleteTextView = themedMultiAutoCompleteTextView(theme) {} inline fun ViewManager.themedMultiAutoCompleteTextView(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.MultiAutoCompleteTextView).() -> Unit): android.widget.MultiAutoCompleteTextView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.MULTI_AUTO_COMPLETE_TEXT_VIEW, theme) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.numberPicker(): android.widget.NumberPicker = numberPicker() {} inline fun ViewManager.numberPicker(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.NumberPicker).() -> Unit): android.widget.NumberPicker { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.NUMBER_PICKER, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.themedNumberPicker(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.NumberPicker = themedNumberPicker(theme) {} inline fun ViewManager.themedNumberPicker(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.NumberPicker).() -> Unit): android.widget.NumberPicker { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.NUMBER_PICKER, theme) { init() } } inline fun Context.numberPicker(): android.widget.NumberPicker = numberPicker() {} inline fun Context.numberPicker(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.NumberPicker).() -> Unit): android.widget.NumberPicker { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.NUMBER_PICKER, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun Context.themedNumberPicker(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.NumberPicker = themedNumberPicker(theme) {} inline fun Context.themedNumberPicker(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.NumberPicker).() -> Unit): android.widget.NumberPicker { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.NUMBER_PICKER, theme) { init() } } inline fun Activity.numberPicker(): android.widget.NumberPicker = numberPicker() {} inline fun Activity.numberPicker(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.NumberPicker).() -> Unit): android.widget.NumberPicker { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.NUMBER_PICKER, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun Activity.themedNumberPicker(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.NumberPicker = themedNumberPicker(theme) {} inline fun Activity.themedNumberPicker(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.NumberPicker).() -> Unit): android.widget.NumberPicker { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.NUMBER_PICKER, theme) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.progressBar(): android.widget.ProgressBar = progressBar() {} inline fun ViewManager.progressBar(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.ProgressBar).() -> Unit): android.widget.ProgressBar { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.PROGRESS_BAR, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.themedProgressBar(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.ProgressBar = themedProgressBar(theme) {} inline fun ViewManager.themedProgressBar(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.ProgressBar).() -> Unit): android.widget.ProgressBar { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.PROGRESS_BAR, theme) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.quickContactBadge(): android.widget.QuickContactBadge = quickContactBadge() {} inline fun ViewManager.quickContactBadge(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.QuickContactBadge).() -> Unit): android.widget.QuickContactBadge { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.QUICK_CONTACT_BADGE, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.themedQuickContactBadge(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.QuickContactBadge = themedQuickContactBadge(theme) {} inline fun ViewManager.themedQuickContactBadge(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.QuickContactBadge).() -> Unit): android.widget.QuickContactBadge { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.QUICK_CONTACT_BADGE, theme) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.radioButton(): android.widget.RadioButton = radioButton() {} inline fun ViewManager.radioButton(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.RadioButton).() -> Unit): android.widget.RadioButton { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.RADIO_BUTTON, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.themedRadioButton(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.RadioButton = themedRadioButton(theme) {} inline fun ViewManager.themedRadioButton(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.RadioButton).() -> Unit): android.widget.RadioButton { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.RADIO_BUTTON, theme) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.ratingBar(): android.widget.RatingBar = ratingBar() {} inline fun ViewManager.ratingBar(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.RatingBar).() -> Unit): android.widget.RatingBar { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.RATING_BAR, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.themedRatingBar(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.RatingBar = themedRatingBar(theme) {} inline fun ViewManager.themedRatingBar(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.RatingBar).() -> Unit): android.widget.RatingBar { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.RATING_BAR, theme) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.searchView(): android.widget.SearchView = searchView() {} inline fun ViewManager.searchView(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.SearchView).() -> Unit): android.widget.SearchView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.SEARCH_VIEW, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.themedSearchView(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.SearchView = themedSearchView(theme) {} inline fun ViewManager.themedSearchView(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.SearchView).() -> Unit): android.widget.SearchView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.SEARCH_VIEW, theme) { init() } } inline fun Context.searchView(): android.widget.SearchView = searchView() {} inline fun Context.searchView(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.SearchView).() -> Unit): android.widget.SearchView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.SEARCH_VIEW, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun Context.themedSearchView(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.SearchView = themedSearchView(theme) {} inline fun Context.themedSearchView(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.SearchView).() -> Unit): android.widget.SearchView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.SEARCH_VIEW, theme) { init() } } inline fun Activity.searchView(): android.widget.SearchView = searchView() {} inline fun Activity.searchView(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.SearchView).() -> Unit): android.widget.SearchView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.SEARCH_VIEW, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun Activity.themedSearchView(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.SearchView = themedSearchView(theme) {} inline fun Activity.themedSearchView(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.SearchView).() -> Unit): android.widget.SearchView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.SEARCH_VIEW, theme) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.seekBar(): android.widget.SeekBar = seekBar() {} inline fun ViewManager.seekBar(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.SeekBar).() -> Unit): android.widget.SeekBar { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.SEEK_BAR, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.themedSeekBar(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.SeekBar = themedSeekBar(theme) {} inline fun ViewManager.themedSeekBar(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.SeekBar).() -> Unit): android.widget.SeekBar { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.SEEK_BAR, theme) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.slidingDrawer(): android.widget.SlidingDrawer = slidingDrawer() {} inline fun ViewManager.slidingDrawer(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.SlidingDrawer).() -> Unit): android.widget.SlidingDrawer { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.SLIDING_DRAWER, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.themedSlidingDrawer(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.SlidingDrawer = themedSlidingDrawer(theme) {} inline fun ViewManager.themedSlidingDrawer(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.SlidingDrawer).() -> Unit): android.widget.SlidingDrawer { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.SLIDING_DRAWER, theme) { init() } } inline fun Context.slidingDrawer(): android.widget.SlidingDrawer = slidingDrawer() {} inline fun Context.slidingDrawer(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.SlidingDrawer).() -> Unit): android.widget.SlidingDrawer { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.SLIDING_DRAWER, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun Context.themedSlidingDrawer(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.SlidingDrawer = themedSlidingDrawer(theme) {} inline fun Context.themedSlidingDrawer(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.SlidingDrawer).() -> Unit): android.widget.SlidingDrawer { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.SLIDING_DRAWER, theme) { init() } } inline fun Activity.slidingDrawer(): android.widget.SlidingDrawer = slidingDrawer() {} inline fun Activity.slidingDrawer(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.SlidingDrawer).() -> Unit): android.widget.SlidingDrawer { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.SLIDING_DRAWER, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun Activity.themedSlidingDrawer(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.SlidingDrawer = themedSlidingDrawer(theme) {} inline fun Activity.themedSlidingDrawer(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.SlidingDrawer).() -> Unit): android.widget.SlidingDrawer { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.SLIDING_DRAWER, theme) { init() } } inline fun android.widget.Space = space() {} inline fun (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.Space).() -> Unit): android.widget.Space { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.SPACE, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.themedSpace(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.Space = themedSpace(theme) {} inline fun ViewManager.themedSpace(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.Space).() -> Unit): android.widget.Space { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.SPACE, theme) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.spinner(): android.widget.Spinner = spinner() {} inline fun ViewManager.spinner(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.Spinner).() -> Unit): android.widget.Spinner { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.SPINNER, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.themedSpinner(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.Spinner = themedSpinner(theme) {} inline fun ViewManager.themedSpinner(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.Spinner).() -> Unit): android.widget.Spinner { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.SPINNER, theme) { init() } } inline fun Context.spinner(): android.widget.Spinner = spinner() {} inline fun Context.spinner(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.Spinner).() -> Unit): android.widget.Spinner { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.SPINNER, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun Context.themedSpinner(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.Spinner = themedSpinner(theme) {} inline fun Context.themedSpinner(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.Spinner).() -> Unit): android.widget.Spinner { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.SPINNER, theme) { init() } } inline fun Activity.spinner(): android.widget.Spinner = spinner() {} inline fun Activity.spinner(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.Spinner).() -> Unit): android.widget.Spinner { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.SPINNER, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun Activity.themedSpinner(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.Spinner = themedSpinner(theme) {} inline fun Activity.themedSpinner(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.Spinner).() -> Unit): android.widget.Spinner { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.SPINNER, theme) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.stackView(): android.widget.StackView = stackView() {} inline fun ViewManager.stackView(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.StackView).() -> Unit): android.widget.StackView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.STACK_VIEW, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.themedStackView(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.StackView = themedStackView(theme) {} inline fun ViewManager.themedStackView(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.StackView).() -> Unit): android.widget.StackView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.STACK_VIEW, theme) { init() } } inline fun Context.stackView(): android.widget.StackView = stackView() {} inline fun Context.stackView(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.StackView).() -> Unit): android.widget.StackView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.STACK_VIEW, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun Context.themedStackView(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.StackView = themedStackView(theme) {} inline fun Context.themedStackView(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.StackView).() -> Unit): android.widget.StackView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.STACK_VIEW, theme) { init() } } inline fun Activity.stackView(): android.widget.StackView = stackView() {} inline fun Activity.stackView(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.StackView).() -> Unit): android.widget.StackView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.STACK_VIEW, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun Activity.themedStackView(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.StackView = themedStackView(theme) {} inline fun Activity.themedStackView(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.StackView).() -> Unit): android.widget.StackView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.STACK_VIEW, theme) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.switch(): android.widget.Switch = switch() {} inline fun ViewManager.switch(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.Switch).() -> Unit): android.widget.Switch { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.SWITCH, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.themedSwitch(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.Switch = themedSwitch(theme) {} inline fun ViewManager.themedSwitch(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.Switch).() -> Unit): android.widget.Switch { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.SWITCH, theme) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.tabHost(): android.widget.TabHost = tabHost() {} inline fun ViewManager.tabHost(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.TabHost).() -> Unit): android.widget.TabHost { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.TAB_HOST, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.themedTabHost(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.TabHost = themedTabHost(theme) {} inline fun ViewManager.themedTabHost(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.TabHost).() -> Unit): android.widget.TabHost { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.TAB_HOST, theme) { init() } } inline fun Context.tabHost(): android.widget.TabHost = tabHost() {} inline fun Context.tabHost(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.TabHost).() -> Unit): android.widget.TabHost { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.TAB_HOST, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun Context.themedTabHost(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.TabHost = themedTabHost(theme) {} inline fun Context.themedTabHost(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.TabHost).() -> Unit): android.widget.TabHost { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.TAB_HOST, theme) { init() } } inline fun Activity.tabHost(): android.widget.TabHost = tabHost() {} inline fun Activity.tabHost(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.TabHost).() -> Unit): android.widget.TabHost { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.TAB_HOST, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun Activity.themedTabHost(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.TabHost = themedTabHost(theme) {} inline fun Activity.themedTabHost(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.TabHost).() -> Unit): android.widget.TabHost { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.TAB_HOST, theme) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.tabWidget(): android.widget.TabWidget = tabWidget() {} inline fun ViewManager.tabWidget(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.TabWidget).() -> Unit): android.widget.TabWidget { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.TAB_WIDGET, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.themedTabWidget(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.TabWidget = themedTabWidget(theme) {} inline fun ViewManager.themedTabWidget(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.TabWidget).() -> Unit): android.widget.TabWidget { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.TAB_WIDGET, theme) { init() } } inline fun Context.tabWidget(): android.widget.TabWidget = tabWidget() {} inline fun Context.tabWidget(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.TabWidget).() -> Unit): android.widget.TabWidget { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.TAB_WIDGET, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun Context.themedTabWidget(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.TabWidget = themedTabWidget(theme) {} inline fun Context.themedTabWidget(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.TabWidget).() -> Unit): android.widget.TabWidget { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.TAB_WIDGET, theme) { init() } } inline fun Activity.tabWidget(): android.widget.TabWidget = tabWidget() {} inline fun Activity.tabWidget(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.TabWidget).() -> Unit): android.widget.TabWidget { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.TAB_WIDGET, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun Activity.themedTabWidget(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.TabWidget = themedTabWidget(theme) {} inline fun Activity.themedTabWidget(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.TabWidget).() -> Unit): android.widget.TabWidget { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.TAB_WIDGET, theme) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.textClock(): android.widget.TextClock = textClock() {} inline fun ViewManager.textClock(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.TextClock).() -> Unit): android.widget.TextClock { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.TEXT_CLOCK, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.themedTextClock(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.TextClock = themedTextClock(theme) {} inline fun ViewManager.themedTextClock(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.TextClock).() -> Unit): android.widget.TextClock { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.TEXT_CLOCK, theme) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.textView(): android.widget.TextView = textView() {} inline fun ViewManager.textView(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.TextView).() -> Unit): android.widget.TextView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.TEXT_VIEW, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.themedTextView(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.TextView = themedTextView(theme) {} inline fun ViewManager.themedTextView(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.TextView).() -> Unit): android.widget.TextView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.TEXT_VIEW, theme) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.textView(text: CharSequence?): android.widget.TextView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.TEXT_VIEW, theme = 0) { setText(text) } } inline fun ViewManager.textView(text: CharSequence?, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.TextView).() -> Unit): android.widget.TextView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.TEXT_VIEW, theme = 0) { init() setText(text) } } inline fun ViewManager.themedTextView(text: CharSequence?, theme: Int): android.widget.TextView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.TEXT_VIEW, theme) { setText(text) } } inline fun ViewManager.themedTextView(text: CharSequence?, theme: Int, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.TextView).() -> Unit): android.widget.TextView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.TEXT_VIEW, theme) { init() setText(text) } } inline fun ViewManager.textView(text: Int): android.widget.TextView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.TEXT_VIEW, theme = 0) { setText(text) } } inline fun ViewManager.textView(text: Int, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.TextView).() -> Unit): android.widget.TextView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.TEXT_VIEW, theme = 0) { init() setText(text) } } inline fun ViewManager.themedTextView(text: Int, theme: Int): android.widget.TextView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.TEXT_VIEW, theme) { setText(text) } } inline fun ViewManager.themedTextView(text: Int, theme: Int, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.TextView).() -> Unit): android.widget.TextView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.TEXT_VIEW, theme) { init() setText(text) } } inline fun ViewManager.timePicker(): android.widget.TimePicker = timePicker() {} inline fun ViewManager.timePicker(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.TimePicker).() -> Unit): android.widget.TimePicker { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.TIME_PICKER, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.themedTimePicker(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.TimePicker = themedTimePicker(theme) {} inline fun ViewManager.themedTimePicker(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.TimePicker).() -> Unit): android.widget.TimePicker { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.TIME_PICKER, theme) { init() } } inline fun Context.timePicker(): android.widget.TimePicker = timePicker() {} inline fun Context.timePicker(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.TimePicker).() -> Unit): android.widget.TimePicker { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.TIME_PICKER, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun Context.themedTimePicker(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.TimePicker = themedTimePicker(theme) {} inline fun Context.themedTimePicker(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.TimePicker).() -> Unit): android.widget.TimePicker { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.TIME_PICKER, theme) { init() } } inline fun Activity.timePicker(): android.widget.TimePicker = timePicker() {} inline fun Activity.timePicker(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.TimePicker).() -> Unit): android.widget.TimePicker { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.TIME_PICKER, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun Activity.themedTimePicker(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.TimePicker = themedTimePicker(theme) {} inline fun Activity.themedTimePicker(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.TimePicker).() -> Unit): android.widget.TimePicker { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.TIME_PICKER, theme) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.toggleButton(): android.widget.ToggleButton = toggleButton() {} inline fun ViewManager.toggleButton(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.ToggleButton).() -> Unit): android.widget.ToggleButton { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.TOGGLE_BUTTON, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.themedToggleButton(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.ToggleButton = themedToggleButton(theme) {} inline fun ViewManager.themedToggleButton(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.ToggleButton).() -> Unit): android.widget.ToggleButton { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.TOGGLE_BUTTON, theme) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.twoLineListItem(): android.widget.TwoLineListItem = twoLineListItem() {} inline fun ViewManager.twoLineListItem(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.TwoLineListItem).() -> Unit): android.widget.TwoLineListItem { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.TWO_LINE_LIST_ITEM, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.themedTwoLineListItem(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.TwoLineListItem = themedTwoLineListItem(theme) {} inline fun ViewManager.themedTwoLineListItem(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.TwoLineListItem).() -> Unit): android.widget.TwoLineListItem { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.TWO_LINE_LIST_ITEM, theme) { init() } } inline fun Context.twoLineListItem(): android.widget.TwoLineListItem = twoLineListItem() {} inline fun Context.twoLineListItem(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.TwoLineListItem).() -> Unit): android.widget.TwoLineListItem { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.TWO_LINE_LIST_ITEM, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun Context.themedTwoLineListItem(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.TwoLineListItem = themedTwoLineListItem(theme) {} inline fun Context.themedTwoLineListItem(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.TwoLineListItem).() -> Unit): android.widget.TwoLineListItem { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.TWO_LINE_LIST_ITEM, theme) { init() } } inline fun Activity.twoLineListItem(): android.widget.TwoLineListItem = twoLineListItem() {} inline fun Activity.twoLineListItem(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.TwoLineListItem).() -> Unit): android.widget.TwoLineListItem { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.TWO_LINE_LIST_ITEM, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun Activity.themedTwoLineListItem(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.TwoLineListItem = themedTwoLineListItem(theme) {} inline fun Activity.themedTwoLineListItem(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.TwoLineListItem).() -> Unit): android.widget.TwoLineListItem { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.TWO_LINE_LIST_ITEM, theme) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.videoView(): android.widget.VideoView = videoView() {} inline fun ViewManager.videoView(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.VideoView).() -> Unit): android.widget.VideoView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.VIDEO_VIEW, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.themedVideoView(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.VideoView = themedVideoView(theme) {} inline fun ViewManager.themedVideoView(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.VideoView).() -> Unit): android.widget.VideoView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.VIDEO_VIEW, theme) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.viewFlipper(): android.widget.ViewFlipper = viewFlipper() {} inline fun ViewManager.viewFlipper(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.ViewFlipper).() -> Unit): android.widget.ViewFlipper { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.VIEW_FLIPPER, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.themedViewFlipper(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.ViewFlipper = themedViewFlipper(theme) {} inline fun ViewManager.themedViewFlipper(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.ViewFlipper).() -> Unit): android.widget.ViewFlipper { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.VIEW_FLIPPER, theme) { init() } } inline fun Context.viewFlipper(): android.widget.ViewFlipper = viewFlipper() {} inline fun Context.viewFlipper(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.ViewFlipper).() -> Unit): android.widget.ViewFlipper { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.VIEW_FLIPPER, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun Context.themedViewFlipper(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.ViewFlipper = themedViewFlipper(theme) {} inline fun Context.themedViewFlipper(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.ViewFlipper).() -> Unit): android.widget.ViewFlipper { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.VIEW_FLIPPER, theme) { init() } } inline fun Activity.viewFlipper(): android.widget.ViewFlipper = viewFlipper() {} inline fun Activity.viewFlipper(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.ViewFlipper).() -> Unit): android.widget.ViewFlipper { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.VIEW_FLIPPER, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun Activity.themedViewFlipper(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.ViewFlipper = themedViewFlipper(theme) {} inline fun Activity.themedViewFlipper(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.ViewFlipper).() -> Unit): android.widget.ViewFlipper { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.VIEW_FLIPPER, theme) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.zoomButton(): android.widget.ZoomButton = zoomButton() {} inline fun ViewManager.zoomButton(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.ZoomButton).() -> Unit): android.widget.ZoomButton { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.ZOOM_BUTTON, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.themedZoomButton(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.ZoomButton = themedZoomButton(theme) {} inline fun ViewManager.themedZoomButton(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.ZoomButton).() -> Unit): android.widget.ZoomButton { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.ZOOM_BUTTON, theme) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.zoomControls(): android.widget.ZoomControls = zoomControls() {} inline fun ViewManager.zoomControls(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.ZoomControls).() -> Unit): android.widget.ZoomControls { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.ZOOM_CONTROLS, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.themedZoomControls(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.ZoomControls = themedZoomControls(theme) {} inline fun ViewManager.themedZoomControls(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.ZoomControls).() -> Unit): android.widget.ZoomControls { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.ZOOM_CONTROLS, theme) { init() } } inline fun Context.zoomControls(): android.widget.ZoomControls = zoomControls() {} inline fun Context.zoomControls(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.ZoomControls).() -> Unit): android.widget.ZoomControls { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.ZOOM_CONTROLS, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun Context.themedZoomControls(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.ZoomControls = themedZoomControls(theme) {} inline fun Context.themedZoomControls(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.ZoomControls).() -> Unit): android.widget.ZoomControls { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.ZOOM_CONTROLS, theme) { init() } } inline fun Activity.zoomControls(): android.widget.ZoomControls = zoomControls() {} inline fun Activity.zoomControls(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.ZoomControls).() -> Unit): android.widget.ZoomControls { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.ZOOM_CONTROLS, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun Activity.themedZoomControls(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.ZoomControls = themedZoomControls(theme) {} inline fun Activity.themedZoomControls(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker android.widget.ZoomControls).() -> Unit): android.widget.ZoomControls { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28View`.ZOOM_CONTROLS, theme) { init() } } @PublishedApi internal object `$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup` { val APP_WIDGET_HOST_VIEW = { ctx: Context -> _AppWidgetHostView(ctx) } val ABSOLUTE_LAYOUT = { ctx: Context -> _AbsoluteLayout(ctx) } val ACTION_MENU_VIEW = { ctx: Context -> _ActionMenuView(ctx) } val FRAME_LAYOUT = { ctx: Context -> _FrameLayout(ctx) } val GALLERY = { ctx: Context -> _Gallery(ctx) } val GRID_LAYOUT = { ctx: Context -> _GridLayout(ctx) } val GRID_VIEW = { ctx: Context -> _GridView(ctx) } val HORIZONTAL_SCROLL_VIEW = { ctx: Context -> _HorizontalScrollView(ctx) } val IMAGE_SWITCHER = { ctx: Context -> _ImageSwitcher(ctx) } val LINEAR_LAYOUT = { ctx: Context -> _LinearLayout(ctx) } val RADIO_GROUP = { ctx: Context -> _RadioGroup(ctx) } val RELATIVE_LAYOUT = { ctx: Context -> _RelativeLayout(ctx) } val SCROLL_VIEW = { ctx: Context -> _ScrollView(ctx) } val TABLE_LAYOUT = { ctx: Context -> _TableLayout(ctx) } val TABLE_ROW = { ctx: Context -> _TableRow(ctx) } val TEXT_SWITCHER = { ctx: Context -> _TextSwitcher(ctx) } val TOOLBAR = { ctx: Context -> _Toolbar(ctx) } val VIEW_ANIMATOR = { ctx: Context -> _ViewAnimator(ctx) } val VIEW_SWITCHER = { ctx: Context -> _ViewSwitcher(ctx) } } inline fun ViewManager.appWidgetHostView(): android.appwidget.AppWidgetHostView = appWidgetHostView() {} inline fun ViewManager.appWidgetHostView(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _AppWidgetHostView).() -> Unit): android.appwidget.AppWidgetHostView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.APP_WIDGET_HOST_VIEW, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.themedAppWidgetHostView(theme: Int = 0): android.appwidget.AppWidgetHostView = themedAppWidgetHostView(theme) {} inline fun ViewManager.themedAppWidgetHostView(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _AppWidgetHostView).() -> Unit): android.appwidget.AppWidgetHostView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.APP_WIDGET_HOST_VIEW, theme) { init() } } inline fun Context.appWidgetHostView(): android.appwidget.AppWidgetHostView = appWidgetHostView() {} inline fun Context.appWidgetHostView(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _AppWidgetHostView).() -> Unit): android.appwidget.AppWidgetHostView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.APP_WIDGET_HOST_VIEW, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun Context.themedAppWidgetHostView(theme: Int = 0): android.appwidget.AppWidgetHostView = themedAppWidgetHostView(theme) {} inline fun Context.themedAppWidgetHostView(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _AppWidgetHostView).() -> Unit): android.appwidget.AppWidgetHostView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.APP_WIDGET_HOST_VIEW, theme) { init() } } inline fun Activity.appWidgetHostView(): android.appwidget.AppWidgetHostView = appWidgetHostView() {} inline fun Activity.appWidgetHostView(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _AppWidgetHostView).() -> Unit): android.appwidget.AppWidgetHostView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.APP_WIDGET_HOST_VIEW, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun Activity.themedAppWidgetHostView(theme: Int = 0): android.appwidget.AppWidgetHostView = themedAppWidgetHostView(theme) {} inline fun Activity.themedAppWidgetHostView(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _AppWidgetHostView).() -> Unit): android.appwidget.AppWidgetHostView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.APP_WIDGET_HOST_VIEW, theme) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.absoluteLayout(): android.widget.AbsoluteLayout = absoluteLayout() {} inline fun ViewManager.absoluteLayout(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _AbsoluteLayout).() -> Unit): android.widget.AbsoluteLayout { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.ABSOLUTE_LAYOUT, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.themedAbsoluteLayout(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.AbsoluteLayout = themedAbsoluteLayout(theme) {} inline fun ViewManager.themedAbsoluteLayout(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _AbsoluteLayout).() -> Unit): android.widget.AbsoluteLayout { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.ABSOLUTE_LAYOUT, theme) { init() } } inline fun Context.absoluteLayout(): android.widget.AbsoluteLayout = absoluteLayout() {} inline fun Context.absoluteLayout(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _AbsoluteLayout).() -> Unit): android.widget.AbsoluteLayout { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.ABSOLUTE_LAYOUT, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun Context.themedAbsoluteLayout(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.AbsoluteLayout = themedAbsoluteLayout(theme) {} inline fun Context.themedAbsoluteLayout(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _AbsoluteLayout).() -> Unit): android.widget.AbsoluteLayout { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.ABSOLUTE_LAYOUT, theme) { init() } } inline fun Activity.absoluteLayout(): android.widget.AbsoluteLayout = absoluteLayout() {} inline fun Activity.absoluteLayout(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _AbsoluteLayout).() -> Unit): android.widget.AbsoluteLayout { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.ABSOLUTE_LAYOUT, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun Activity.themedAbsoluteLayout(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.AbsoluteLayout = themedAbsoluteLayout(theme) {} inline fun Activity.themedAbsoluteLayout(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _AbsoluteLayout).() -> Unit): android.widget.AbsoluteLayout { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.ABSOLUTE_LAYOUT, theme) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.actionMenuView(): android.widget.ActionMenuView = actionMenuView() {} inline fun ViewManager.actionMenuView(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _ActionMenuView).() -> Unit): android.widget.ActionMenuView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.ACTION_MENU_VIEW, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.themedActionMenuView(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.ActionMenuView = themedActionMenuView(theme) {} inline fun ViewManager.themedActionMenuView(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _ActionMenuView).() -> Unit): android.widget.ActionMenuView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.ACTION_MENU_VIEW, theme) { init() } } inline fun Context.actionMenuView(): android.widget.ActionMenuView = actionMenuView() {} inline fun Context.actionMenuView(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _ActionMenuView).() -> Unit): android.widget.ActionMenuView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.ACTION_MENU_VIEW, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun Context.themedActionMenuView(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.ActionMenuView = themedActionMenuView(theme) {} inline fun Context.themedActionMenuView(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _ActionMenuView).() -> Unit): android.widget.ActionMenuView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.ACTION_MENU_VIEW, theme) { init() } } inline fun Activity.actionMenuView(): android.widget.ActionMenuView = actionMenuView() {} inline fun Activity.actionMenuView(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _ActionMenuView).() -> Unit): android.widget.ActionMenuView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.ACTION_MENU_VIEW, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun Activity.themedActionMenuView(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.ActionMenuView = themedActionMenuView(theme) {} inline fun Activity.themedActionMenuView(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _ActionMenuView).() -> Unit): android.widget.ActionMenuView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.ACTION_MENU_VIEW, theme) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.frameLayout(): android.widget.FrameLayout = frameLayout() {} inline fun ViewManager.frameLayout(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _FrameLayout).() -> Unit): android.widget.FrameLayout { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.FRAME_LAYOUT, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.themedFrameLayout(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.FrameLayout = themedFrameLayout(theme) {} inline fun ViewManager.themedFrameLayout(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _FrameLayout).() -> Unit): android.widget.FrameLayout { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.FRAME_LAYOUT, theme) { init() } } inline fun Context.frameLayout(): android.widget.FrameLayout = frameLayout() {} inline fun Context.frameLayout(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _FrameLayout).() -> Unit): android.widget.FrameLayout { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.FRAME_LAYOUT, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun Context.themedFrameLayout(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.FrameLayout = themedFrameLayout(theme) {} inline fun Context.themedFrameLayout(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _FrameLayout).() -> Unit): android.widget.FrameLayout { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.FRAME_LAYOUT, theme) { init() } } inline fun Activity.frameLayout(): android.widget.FrameLayout = frameLayout() {} inline fun Activity.frameLayout(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _FrameLayout).() -> Unit): android.widget.FrameLayout { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.FRAME_LAYOUT, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun Activity.themedFrameLayout(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.FrameLayout = themedFrameLayout(theme) {} inline fun Activity.themedFrameLayout(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _FrameLayout).() -> Unit): android.widget.FrameLayout { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.FRAME_LAYOUT, theme) { init() } } inline fun android.widget.Gallery = gallery() {} inline fun (@AnkoViewDslMarker _Gallery).() -> Unit): android.widget.Gallery { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.GALLERY, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.themedGallery(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.Gallery = themedGallery(theme) {} inline fun ViewManager.themedGallery(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _Gallery).() -> Unit): android.widget.Gallery { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.GALLERY, theme) { init() } } inline fun android.widget.Gallery = gallery() {} inline fun (@AnkoViewDslMarker _Gallery).() -> Unit): android.widget.Gallery { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.GALLERY, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun Context.themedGallery(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.Gallery = themedGallery(theme) {} inline fun Context.themedGallery(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _Gallery).() -> Unit): android.widget.Gallery { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.GALLERY, theme) { init() } } inline fun android.widget.Gallery = gallery() {} inline fun (@AnkoViewDslMarker _Gallery).() -> Unit): android.widget.Gallery { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.GALLERY, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun Activity.themedGallery(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.Gallery = themedGallery(theme) {} inline fun Activity.themedGallery(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _Gallery).() -> Unit): android.widget.Gallery { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.GALLERY, theme) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.gridLayout(): android.widget.GridLayout = gridLayout() {} inline fun ViewManager.gridLayout(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _GridLayout).() -> Unit): android.widget.GridLayout { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.GRID_LAYOUT, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.themedGridLayout(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.GridLayout = themedGridLayout(theme) {} inline fun ViewManager.themedGridLayout(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _GridLayout).() -> Unit): android.widget.GridLayout { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.GRID_LAYOUT, theme) { init() } } inline fun Context.gridLayout(): android.widget.GridLayout = gridLayout() {} inline fun Context.gridLayout(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _GridLayout).() -> Unit): android.widget.GridLayout { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.GRID_LAYOUT, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun Context.themedGridLayout(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.GridLayout = themedGridLayout(theme) {} inline fun Context.themedGridLayout(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _GridLayout).() -> Unit): android.widget.GridLayout { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.GRID_LAYOUT, theme) { init() } } inline fun Activity.gridLayout(): android.widget.GridLayout = gridLayout() {} inline fun Activity.gridLayout(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _GridLayout).() -> Unit): android.widget.GridLayout { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.GRID_LAYOUT, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun Activity.themedGridLayout(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.GridLayout = themedGridLayout(theme) {} inline fun Activity.themedGridLayout(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _GridLayout).() -> Unit): android.widget.GridLayout { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.GRID_LAYOUT, theme) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.gridView(): android.widget.GridView = gridView() {} inline fun ViewManager.gridView(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _GridView).() -> Unit): android.widget.GridView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.GRID_VIEW, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.themedGridView(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.GridView = themedGridView(theme) {} inline fun ViewManager.themedGridView(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _GridView).() -> Unit): android.widget.GridView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.GRID_VIEW, theme) { init() } } inline fun Context.gridView(): android.widget.GridView = gridView() {} inline fun Context.gridView(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _GridView).() -> Unit): android.widget.GridView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.GRID_VIEW, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun Context.themedGridView(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.GridView = themedGridView(theme) {} inline fun Context.themedGridView(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _GridView).() -> Unit): android.widget.GridView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.GRID_VIEW, theme) { init() } } inline fun Activity.gridView(): android.widget.GridView = gridView() {} inline fun Activity.gridView(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _GridView).() -> Unit): android.widget.GridView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.GRID_VIEW, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun Activity.themedGridView(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.GridView = themedGridView(theme) {} inline fun Activity.themedGridView(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _GridView).() -> Unit): android.widget.GridView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.GRID_VIEW, theme) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.horizontalScrollView(): android.widget.HorizontalScrollView = horizontalScrollView() {} inline fun ViewManager.horizontalScrollView(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _HorizontalScrollView).() -> Unit): android.widget.HorizontalScrollView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.HORIZONTAL_SCROLL_VIEW, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.themedHorizontalScrollView(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.HorizontalScrollView = themedHorizontalScrollView(theme) {} inline fun ViewManager.themedHorizontalScrollView(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _HorizontalScrollView).() -> Unit): android.widget.HorizontalScrollView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.HORIZONTAL_SCROLL_VIEW, theme) { init() } } inline fun Context.horizontalScrollView(): android.widget.HorizontalScrollView = horizontalScrollView() {} inline fun Context.horizontalScrollView(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _HorizontalScrollView).() -> Unit): android.widget.HorizontalScrollView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.HORIZONTAL_SCROLL_VIEW, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun Context.themedHorizontalScrollView(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.HorizontalScrollView = themedHorizontalScrollView(theme) {} inline fun Context.themedHorizontalScrollView(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _HorizontalScrollView).() -> Unit): android.widget.HorizontalScrollView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.HORIZONTAL_SCROLL_VIEW, theme) { init() } } inline fun Activity.horizontalScrollView(): android.widget.HorizontalScrollView = horizontalScrollView() {} inline fun Activity.horizontalScrollView(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _HorizontalScrollView).() -> Unit): android.widget.HorizontalScrollView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.HORIZONTAL_SCROLL_VIEW, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun Activity.themedHorizontalScrollView(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.HorizontalScrollView = themedHorizontalScrollView(theme) {} inline fun Activity.themedHorizontalScrollView(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _HorizontalScrollView).() -> Unit): android.widget.HorizontalScrollView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.HORIZONTAL_SCROLL_VIEW, theme) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.imageSwitcher(): android.widget.ImageSwitcher = imageSwitcher() {} inline fun ViewManager.imageSwitcher(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _ImageSwitcher).() -> Unit): android.widget.ImageSwitcher { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.IMAGE_SWITCHER, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.themedImageSwitcher(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.ImageSwitcher = themedImageSwitcher(theme) {} inline fun ViewManager.themedImageSwitcher(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _ImageSwitcher).() -> Unit): android.widget.ImageSwitcher { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.IMAGE_SWITCHER, theme) { init() } } inline fun Context.imageSwitcher(): android.widget.ImageSwitcher = imageSwitcher() {} inline fun Context.imageSwitcher(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _ImageSwitcher).() -> Unit): android.widget.ImageSwitcher { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.IMAGE_SWITCHER, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun Context.themedImageSwitcher(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.ImageSwitcher = themedImageSwitcher(theme) {} inline fun Context.themedImageSwitcher(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _ImageSwitcher).() -> Unit): android.widget.ImageSwitcher { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.IMAGE_SWITCHER, theme) { init() } } inline fun Activity.imageSwitcher(): android.widget.ImageSwitcher = imageSwitcher() {} inline fun Activity.imageSwitcher(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _ImageSwitcher).() -> Unit): android.widget.ImageSwitcher { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.IMAGE_SWITCHER, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun Activity.themedImageSwitcher(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.ImageSwitcher = themedImageSwitcher(theme) {} inline fun Activity.themedImageSwitcher(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _ImageSwitcher).() -> Unit): android.widget.ImageSwitcher { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.IMAGE_SWITCHER, theme) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.linearLayout(): android.widget.LinearLayout = linearLayout() {} inline fun ViewManager.linearLayout(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _LinearLayout).() -> Unit): android.widget.LinearLayout { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.LINEAR_LAYOUT, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.themedLinearLayout(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.LinearLayout = themedLinearLayout(theme) {} inline fun ViewManager.themedLinearLayout(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _LinearLayout).() -> Unit): android.widget.LinearLayout { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.LINEAR_LAYOUT, theme) { init() } } inline fun Context.linearLayout(): android.widget.LinearLayout = linearLayout() {} inline fun Context.linearLayout(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _LinearLayout).() -> Unit): android.widget.LinearLayout { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.LINEAR_LAYOUT, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun Context.themedLinearLayout(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.LinearLayout = themedLinearLayout(theme) {} inline fun Context.themedLinearLayout(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _LinearLayout).() -> Unit): android.widget.LinearLayout { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.LINEAR_LAYOUT, theme) { init() } } inline fun Activity.linearLayout(): android.widget.LinearLayout = linearLayout() {} inline fun Activity.linearLayout(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _LinearLayout).() -> Unit): android.widget.LinearLayout { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.LINEAR_LAYOUT, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun Activity.themedLinearLayout(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.LinearLayout = themedLinearLayout(theme) {} inline fun Activity.themedLinearLayout(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _LinearLayout).() -> Unit): android.widget.LinearLayout { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.LINEAR_LAYOUT, theme) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.radioGroup(): android.widget.RadioGroup = radioGroup() {} inline fun ViewManager.radioGroup(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _RadioGroup).() -> Unit): android.widget.RadioGroup { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.RADIO_GROUP, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.themedRadioGroup(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.RadioGroup = themedRadioGroup(theme) {} inline fun ViewManager.themedRadioGroup(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _RadioGroup).() -> Unit): android.widget.RadioGroup { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.RADIO_GROUP, theme) { init() } } inline fun Context.radioGroup(): android.widget.RadioGroup = radioGroup() {} inline fun Context.radioGroup(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _RadioGroup).() -> Unit): android.widget.RadioGroup { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.RADIO_GROUP, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun Context.themedRadioGroup(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.RadioGroup = themedRadioGroup(theme) {} inline fun Context.themedRadioGroup(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _RadioGroup).() -> Unit): android.widget.RadioGroup { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.RADIO_GROUP, theme) { init() } } inline fun Activity.radioGroup(): android.widget.RadioGroup = radioGroup() {} inline fun Activity.radioGroup(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _RadioGroup).() -> Unit): android.widget.RadioGroup { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.RADIO_GROUP, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun Activity.themedRadioGroup(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.RadioGroup = themedRadioGroup(theme) {} inline fun Activity.themedRadioGroup(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _RadioGroup).() -> Unit): android.widget.RadioGroup { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.RADIO_GROUP, theme) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.relativeLayout(): android.widget.RelativeLayout = relativeLayout() {} inline fun ViewManager.relativeLayout(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _RelativeLayout).() -> Unit): android.widget.RelativeLayout { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.RELATIVE_LAYOUT, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.themedRelativeLayout(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.RelativeLayout = themedRelativeLayout(theme) {} inline fun ViewManager.themedRelativeLayout(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _RelativeLayout).() -> Unit): android.widget.RelativeLayout { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.RELATIVE_LAYOUT, theme) { init() } } inline fun Context.relativeLayout(): android.widget.RelativeLayout = relativeLayout() {} inline fun Context.relativeLayout(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _RelativeLayout).() -> Unit): android.widget.RelativeLayout { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.RELATIVE_LAYOUT, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun Context.themedRelativeLayout(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.RelativeLayout = themedRelativeLayout(theme) {} inline fun Context.themedRelativeLayout(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _RelativeLayout).() -> Unit): android.widget.RelativeLayout { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.RELATIVE_LAYOUT, theme) { init() } } inline fun Activity.relativeLayout(): android.widget.RelativeLayout = relativeLayout() {} inline fun Activity.relativeLayout(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _RelativeLayout).() -> Unit): android.widget.RelativeLayout { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.RELATIVE_LAYOUT, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun Activity.themedRelativeLayout(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.RelativeLayout = themedRelativeLayout(theme) {} inline fun Activity.themedRelativeLayout(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _RelativeLayout).() -> Unit): android.widget.RelativeLayout { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.RELATIVE_LAYOUT, theme) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.scrollView(): android.widget.ScrollView = scrollView() {} inline fun ViewManager.scrollView(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _ScrollView).() -> Unit): android.widget.ScrollView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.SCROLL_VIEW, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.themedScrollView(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.ScrollView = themedScrollView(theme) {} inline fun ViewManager.themedScrollView(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _ScrollView).() -> Unit): android.widget.ScrollView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.SCROLL_VIEW, theme) { init() } } inline fun Context.scrollView(): android.widget.ScrollView = scrollView() {} inline fun Context.scrollView(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _ScrollView).() -> Unit): android.widget.ScrollView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.SCROLL_VIEW, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun Context.themedScrollView(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.ScrollView = themedScrollView(theme) {} inline fun Context.themedScrollView(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _ScrollView).() -> Unit): android.widget.ScrollView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.SCROLL_VIEW, theme) { init() } } inline fun Activity.scrollView(): android.widget.ScrollView = scrollView() {} inline fun Activity.scrollView(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _ScrollView).() -> Unit): android.widget.ScrollView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.SCROLL_VIEW, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun Activity.themedScrollView(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.ScrollView = themedScrollView(theme) {} inline fun Activity.themedScrollView(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _ScrollView).() -> Unit): android.widget.ScrollView { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.SCROLL_VIEW, theme) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.tableLayout(): android.widget.TableLayout = tableLayout() {} inline fun ViewManager.tableLayout(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _TableLayout).() -> Unit): android.widget.TableLayout { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.TABLE_LAYOUT, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.themedTableLayout(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.TableLayout = themedTableLayout(theme) {} inline fun ViewManager.themedTableLayout(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _TableLayout).() -> Unit): android.widget.TableLayout { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.TABLE_LAYOUT, theme) { init() } } inline fun Context.tableLayout(): android.widget.TableLayout = tableLayout() {} inline fun Context.tableLayout(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _TableLayout).() -> Unit): android.widget.TableLayout { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.TABLE_LAYOUT, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun Context.themedTableLayout(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.TableLayout = themedTableLayout(theme) {} inline fun Context.themedTableLayout(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _TableLayout).() -> Unit): android.widget.TableLayout { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.TABLE_LAYOUT, theme) { init() } } inline fun Activity.tableLayout(): android.widget.TableLayout = tableLayout() {} inline fun Activity.tableLayout(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _TableLayout).() -> Unit): android.widget.TableLayout { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.TABLE_LAYOUT, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun Activity.themedTableLayout(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.TableLayout = themedTableLayout(theme) {} inline fun Activity.themedTableLayout(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _TableLayout).() -> Unit): android.widget.TableLayout { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.TABLE_LAYOUT, theme) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.tableRow(): android.widget.TableRow = tableRow() {} inline fun ViewManager.tableRow(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _TableRow).() -> Unit): android.widget.TableRow { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.TABLE_ROW, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.themedTableRow(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.TableRow = themedTableRow(theme) {} inline fun ViewManager.themedTableRow(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _TableRow).() -> Unit): android.widget.TableRow { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.TABLE_ROW, theme) { init() } } inline fun Context.tableRow(): android.widget.TableRow = tableRow() {} inline fun Context.tableRow(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _TableRow).() -> Unit): android.widget.TableRow { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.TABLE_ROW, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun Context.themedTableRow(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.TableRow = themedTableRow(theme) {} inline fun Context.themedTableRow(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _TableRow).() -> Unit): android.widget.TableRow { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.TABLE_ROW, theme) { init() } } inline fun Activity.tableRow(): android.widget.TableRow = tableRow() {} inline fun Activity.tableRow(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _TableRow).() -> Unit): android.widget.TableRow { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.TABLE_ROW, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun Activity.themedTableRow(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.TableRow = themedTableRow(theme) {} inline fun Activity.themedTableRow(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _TableRow).() -> Unit): android.widget.TableRow { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.TABLE_ROW, theme) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.textSwitcher(): android.widget.TextSwitcher = textSwitcher() {} inline fun ViewManager.textSwitcher(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _TextSwitcher).() -> Unit): android.widget.TextSwitcher { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.TEXT_SWITCHER, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.themedTextSwitcher(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.TextSwitcher = themedTextSwitcher(theme) {} inline fun ViewManager.themedTextSwitcher(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _TextSwitcher).() -> Unit): android.widget.TextSwitcher { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.TEXT_SWITCHER, theme) { init() } } inline fun Context.textSwitcher(): android.widget.TextSwitcher = textSwitcher() {} inline fun Context.textSwitcher(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _TextSwitcher).() -> Unit): android.widget.TextSwitcher { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.TEXT_SWITCHER, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun Context.themedTextSwitcher(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.TextSwitcher = themedTextSwitcher(theme) {} inline fun Context.themedTextSwitcher(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _TextSwitcher).() -> Unit): android.widget.TextSwitcher { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.TEXT_SWITCHER, theme) { init() } } inline fun Activity.textSwitcher(): android.widget.TextSwitcher = textSwitcher() {} inline fun Activity.textSwitcher(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _TextSwitcher).() -> Unit): android.widget.TextSwitcher { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.TEXT_SWITCHER, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun Activity.themedTextSwitcher(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.TextSwitcher = themedTextSwitcher(theme) {} inline fun Activity.themedTextSwitcher(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _TextSwitcher).() -> Unit): android.widget.TextSwitcher { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.TEXT_SWITCHER, theme) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.toolbar(): android.widget.Toolbar = toolbar() {} inline fun ViewManager.toolbar(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _Toolbar).() -> Unit): android.widget.Toolbar { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.TOOLBAR, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.themedToolbar(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.Toolbar = themedToolbar(theme) {} inline fun ViewManager.themedToolbar(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _Toolbar).() -> Unit): android.widget.Toolbar { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.TOOLBAR, theme) { init() } } inline fun Context.toolbar(): android.widget.Toolbar = toolbar() {} inline fun Context.toolbar(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _Toolbar).() -> Unit): android.widget.Toolbar { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.TOOLBAR, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun Context.themedToolbar(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.Toolbar = themedToolbar(theme) {} inline fun Context.themedToolbar(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _Toolbar).() -> Unit): android.widget.Toolbar { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.TOOLBAR, theme) { init() } } inline fun Activity.toolbar(): android.widget.Toolbar = toolbar() {} inline fun Activity.toolbar(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _Toolbar).() -> Unit): android.widget.Toolbar { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.TOOLBAR, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun Activity.themedToolbar(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.Toolbar = themedToolbar(theme) {} inline fun Activity.themedToolbar(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _Toolbar).() -> Unit): android.widget.Toolbar { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.TOOLBAR, theme) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.viewAnimator(): android.widget.ViewAnimator = viewAnimator() {} inline fun ViewManager.viewAnimator(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _ViewAnimator).() -> Unit): android.widget.ViewAnimator { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.VIEW_ANIMATOR, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.themedViewAnimator(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.ViewAnimator = themedViewAnimator(theme) {} inline fun ViewManager.themedViewAnimator(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _ViewAnimator).() -> Unit): android.widget.ViewAnimator { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.VIEW_ANIMATOR, theme) { init() } } inline fun Context.viewAnimator(): android.widget.ViewAnimator = viewAnimator() {} inline fun Context.viewAnimator(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _ViewAnimator).() -> Unit): android.widget.ViewAnimator { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.VIEW_ANIMATOR, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun Context.themedViewAnimator(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.ViewAnimator = themedViewAnimator(theme) {} inline fun Context.themedViewAnimator(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _ViewAnimator).() -> Unit): android.widget.ViewAnimator { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.VIEW_ANIMATOR, theme) { init() } } inline fun Activity.viewAnimator(): android.widget.ViewAnimator = viewAnimator() {} inline fun Activity.viewAnimator(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _ViewAnimator).() -> Unit): android.widget.ViewAnimator { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.VIEW_ANIMATOR, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun Activity.themedViewAnimator(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.ViewAnimator = themedViewAnimator(theme) {} inline fun Activity.themedViewAnimator(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _ViewAnimator).() -> Unit): android.widget.ViewAnimator { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.VIEW_ANIMATOR, theme) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.viewSwitcher(): android.widget.ViewSwitcher = viewSwitcher() {} inline fun ViewManager.viewSwitcher(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _ViewSwitcher).() -> Unit): android.widget.ViewSwitcher { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.VIEW_SWITCHER, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun ViewManager.themedViewSwitcher(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.ViewSwitcher = themedViewSwitcher(theme) {} inline fun ViewManager.themedViewSwitcher(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _ViewSwitcher).() -> Unit): android.widget.ViewSwitcher { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.VIEW_SWITCHER, theme) { init() } } inline fun Context.viewSwitcher(): android.widget.ViewSwitcher = viewSwitcher() {} inline fun Context.viewSwitcher(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _ViewSwitcher).() -> Unit): android.widget.ViewSwitcher { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.VIEW_SWITCHER, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun Context.themedViewSwitcher(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.ViewSwitcher = themedViewSwitcher(theme) {} inline fun Context.themedViewSwitcher(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _ViewSwitcher).() -> Unit): android.widget.ViewSwitcher { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.VIEW_SWITCHER, theme) { init() } } inline fun Activity.viewSwitcher(): android.widget.ViewSwitcher = viewSwitcher() {} inline fun Activity.viewSwitcher(init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _ViewSwitcher).() -> Unit): android.widget.ViewSwitcher { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.VIEW_SWITCHER, theme = 0) { init() } } inline fun Activity.themedViewSwitcher(theme: Int = 0): android.widget.ViewSwitcher = themedViewSwitcher(theme) {} inline fun Activity.themedViewSwitcher(theme: Int = 0, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _ViewSwitcher).() -> Unit): android.widget.ViewSwitcher { return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$Sdk28ViewGroup`.VIEW_SWITCHER, theme) { init() } }
/* * Copyright 2016 Nicolas Fränkel * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package ch.frankel.kaadin.datainput import ch.frankel.kaadin.* import com.vaadin.ui.* import org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat import org.testng.annotations.Test class SliderTest { @Test fun `slider should be added to layout`() { val layout = horizontalLayout { slider(min = 0, max = 2, resolution = 1) } assertThat(layout.componentCount).isEqualTo(1) val component = layout.getComponent(0) assertThat(component).isNotNull.isInstanceOf( } @Test(dependsOnMethods = ["slider should be added to layout"]) fun `slider mix and max can be initialized through ints`() { val min = 0.0 val max = 2.0 val resolution = 1 val layout = horizontalLayout { slider(min = min.toInt(), max = max.toInt(), resolution = resolution) } val component = layout.getComponent(0) as Slider assertThat(component.min).isEqualTo(min) assertThat(component.max).isEqualTo(max) assertThat(component.resolution).isEqualTo(resolution) } @Test(dependsOnMethods = ["slider should be added to layout"]) fun `slider mix and max can be initialized through doubles`() { val min = 0.0 val max = 2.0 val layout = horizontalLayout { slider(min = min, max = max) } val component = layout.getComponent(0) as Slider assertThat(component.min).isEqualTo(min) assertThat(component.max).isEqualTo(max) } @Test(dependsOnMethods = ["slider should be added to layout"]) fun `slider caption can be initialized`() { val caption = "caption" val layout = horizontalLayout { slider(caption, 0.0, 2.0) } val component = layout.getComponent(0) as Slider assertThat(component.caption).isEqualTo(caption) } @Test(dependsOnMethods = ["slider should be added to layout"]) fun `slider caption should be configurable`() { val value = 2.0 val layout = horizontalLayout { slider(min = 0.0, max = 2.0) { this.value = value } } val component = layout.getComponent(0) as Slider assertThat(component.value).isEqualTo(value) } }
package import import android.content.Context import import android.text.Editable import android.text.InputFilter import android.text.InputType import android.text.TextWatcher import android.view.Gravity import android.widget.EditText import android.widget.LinearLayout import android.widget.TextView import org.jetbrains.anko.* import import import java.text.SimpleDateFormat import java.util.* /** * @author: ycj * @date: 2017-06-15 15:06 * @version V1.0 <> */ class EdxDialog { companion object { fun create(): EdxDialog = EdxDialog() } fun showEdxDialog(msg: String, context: Context, callBack: DataCallBack) { val dialog = Dialog(context) val wind = dialog.window wind.setBackgroundDrawable(BitmapDrawable()) val windowMa = context.windowManager val attri = wind.attributes attri.width = (windowMa.defaultDisplay.width * 0.75).toInt() attri.height = (windowMa.defaultDisplay.height * 0.45).toInt() wind.attributes = attri var edxDate: EditText? = null var edxCash: EditText? = null var tvOk: TextView? = null val dialogView = context.relativeLayout { background = context.resources.getDrawable(R.drawable.bg_edx_dialog) lparams(width = matchParent, height = matchParent) { topPadding = dip(10) } textView(msg) { gravity = Gravity.CENTER textSize = sp(5).toFloat() textColor = context.resources.getColor(R.color.black_text) }.lparams(width = matchParent, height = dip(40)) linearLayout { orientation = LinearLayout.VERTICAL gravity = Gravity.CENTER edxDate = editText { id = maxLines = 1 textSize = sp(5).toFloat() inputType = InputType.TYPE_DATETIME_VARIATION_DATE or InputType.TYPE_CLASS_DATETIME filters = arrayOf<InputFilter>(InputFilter.LengthFilter(10)) background = context.resources.getDrawable(R.drawable.edx_input_bg) hintTextColor = context.resources.getColor(R.color.gray_text) hint = "日期模板 2017-06-20" }.lparams(width = matchParent, height = dip(40)) { rightMargin = dip(20) leftMargin = dip(20) } edxCash = editText { id = maxLines = 1 textSize = sp(5).toFloat() inputType = InputType.TYPE_NUMBER_FLAG_DECIMAL or InputType.TYPE_CLASS_NUMBER filters = arrayOf<InputFilter>(InputFilter.LengthFilter(8)) background = context.resources.getDrawable(R.drawable.edx_input_bg) hint = "请输入金额" hintTextColor = context.resources.getColor(R.color.gray_text) }.lparams(width = matchParent, height = dip(40)) { topMargin = dip(20) rightMargin = dip(20) leftMargin = dip(20) } }.lparams(width = matchParent, height = wrapContent) { centerInParent() } tvOk = textView("确定") { gravity = Gravity.CENTER textSize = sp(6).toFloat() textColor = context.resources.getColor(R.color.btn_text_color_selector) background = context.resources.getDrawable(R.drawable.bg_btn_bottom_dialog) }.lparams(width = matchParent, height = dip(40)) { topMargin = dip(20) alignParentBottom() } } val date = SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd", Locale.CHINA).format(Date()) edxDate?.setText(date) edxDate?.setSelection(date.length) tvOk?.setOnClickListener { val dates = edxDate?.editableText.toString() val cashs = edxCash?.editableText.toString() if (dates.length < 6 || cashs == "") { context.toast("数据有误") } else if (RegexUtils.create().isDate(dates)) { callBack.callBack(dates, cashs) dialog.dismiss() } else { context.toast("日期格式不正确") } } edxCash?.addTextChangedListener(object : TextWatcher { override fun beforeTextChanged(s: CharSequence, start: Int, count: Int, after: Int) { } override fun onTextChanged(s: CharSequence, start: Int, before: Int, count: Int) { val res = s.toString() if (s !is Number && s != ".") return if (res.length == 1 && res == ".") { edxCash?.setText("") return } if (res.length == 2 && res.startsWith("0")) { if (res != "0.") { edxCash?.setText("0") edxCash?.setSelection(res.length - 1) return } } if (res.length == 4 && res.endsWith(".")) { if (!res.substring(1, res.length - 1).contains(".")) { } else { edxCash?.setText(res.substring(0, res.length - 1)) edxCash?.setSelection(res.length - 1) } return } if (res.length == 4 && res.contains("0.0")) { if (res.endsWith(".") || res.endsWith("0")) { edxCash?.setText("0.0") edxCash?.setSelection(res.length - 1) } } } override fun afterTextChanged(s: Editable) { } }) wind.setContentView(dialogView) } interface DataCallBack { fun callBack(dates: String, cashs: String) } }
/* * Copyright @ 2018 Atlassian Pty Ltd * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package org.jitsi.jibri.util import import import import import import import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList import java.util.concurrent.Future class EndOfStreamException : Exception() private const val EOF = -1 /** * Reads from the given [InputStream] and mirrors the read * data to all of the created 'branches' off of it. * All branches will 'receive' all data from the original * [InputStream] starting at the the point of * the branch's creation. * NOTE: This class will not read from the given [InputStream] * automatically, its [read] must be invoked * to read the data from the original stream and write it to * the branches */ class TeeLogic(inputStream: InputStream) { private val reader = BufferedReader(InputStreamReader(inputStream)) private var branches = CopyOnWriteArrayList<OutputStream>() /** * Reads a byte from the original [InputStream] and * writes it to all of the branches. If EOF is detected, * all branches will be closed and [EndOfStreamException] * will be thrown, so that any callers can know not * to bother calling again. */ fun read() { val c = if (c == EOF) { branches.forEach(OutputStream::close) throw EndOfStreamException() } else { branches.forEach { it.write(c) } } } /** * If you want to close the Tee before the underlying * [InputStream] closes, you'll need to call [close] to * properly close all downstream branches. Note that * calling [read] after [close] when there are branches * will result in []. */ fun close() { branches.forEach(OutputStream::close) } /** * Returns an [InputStream] that will receive * all data from the original [InputStream] * starting from the time of its creation */ fun addBranch(): InputStream { with(PipedOutputStream()) { branches.add(this) return PipedInputStream(this) } } } /** * A wrapper around [TeeLogic] which spins up its own thread * to do the reading automatically */ class Tee(inputStream: InputStream) { private val teeLogic = TeeLogic(inputStream) private val task: Future<*> init { task = TaskPools.ioPool.submit { while (true) { } } } fun addBranch(): InputStream { return teeLogic.addBranch() } fun stop() { task.cancel(true) teeLogic.close() } }
package com.androidvip.hebf.ui.internal import android.os.Bundle import android.text.method.LinkMovementMethod import android.widget.TextView import import androidx.appcompat.widget.Toolbar import com.androidvip.hebf.R class ThanksActivity : AppCompatActivity() { override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) setContentView(R.layout.activity_thanks) val toolbar = findViewById<Toolbar>( setSupportActionBar(toolbar) supportActionBar?.setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(true) val link1 = findViewById<TextView>( val link2 = findViewById<TextView>( link1.movementMethod = LinkMovementMethod.getInstance() link2?.movementMethod = LinkMovementMethod.getInstance() } }
package non_test._main_.view import at.cpickl.gadsu.view.components.DefaultCellView import at.cpickl.gadsu.view.components.MultiProperties import at.cpickl.gadsu.view.components.MyListCellRenderer import non_test.Framed import javax.swing.JComponent import javax.swing.JLabel fun main(args: Array<String>) { Framed.showWithContextDefaultSize { context -> MultiProperties<String>( initialData = 1.rangeTo(10).map { it.toString() }, bus = context.bus, editorCellRenderer = object : MyListCellRenderer<String>() { override fun newCell(value: String) = StringCell(value) }, viewNameId = "x", createRenderText = { it }, noteEnabled = false ).toComponent() } } private class StringCell(value: String) : DefaultCellView<String>(value) { private val label = JLabel(value) override val applicableForegrounds: Array<JComponent> get() = arrayOf(label) init { add(label) } }
package com.jaychang.sac sealed class Error : Throwable() class AuthenticationError(val code: Int, override val message: String) : Error() class ClientError(val code: Int, override val message: String) : Error() class ServerError(val code: Int, override val message: String) : Error() class NetworkError(val source: Throwable) : Error() class SSLError(val source: Throwable) : Error()
/* * Copyright 2020 LINE Corporation * * LINE Corporation licenses this file to you under the Apache License, * version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package example.armeria.contextpropagation.kotlin import com.linecorp.armeria.client.WebClient import com.linecorp.armeria.common.HttpResponse import com.linecorp.armeria.common.HttpStatus import com.linecorp.armeria.server.Server fun main(args: Array<String>) { val backend = Server.builder() .service("/square/{num}") { ctx, _ -> val num = ctx.pathParam("num")?.toLong() if (num != null) { HttpResponse.of((num * num).toString()) } else { HttpResponse.of(HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST) } } .http(8081) .build() val backendClient = WebClient.of("http://localhost:8081") val frontend = Server.builder() .http(8080) .serviceUnder("/", MainService(backendClient)) .build() Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(Thread { backend.stop().join() frontend.stop().join() }) backend.start().join() frontend.start().join() }
package com.makingiants.todayhistory.utils.refresh_layout import android.content.Context import import android.util.AttributeSet /** * Use [ScrollEnabler] to know when [CustomScrollSwipeRefreshLayout] can scroll up. * It's usefull when the mView have multiple inner views that are not inside a [ScrollView] */ class CustomScrollSwipeRefreshLayout(context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet) : SwipeRefreshLayout(context, attrs) { private var mScrollEnabler: ScrollEnabler? = null fun setScrollEnabler(scrollEnabler: ScrollEnabler?) { mScrollEnabler = scrollEnabler } override fun canChildScrollUp(): Boolean { if (mScrollEnabler != null) { return mScrollEnabler!!.canScrollUp() } return super.canChildScrollUp() } }
/* * Copyright 2017 Andrei Heidelbacher <[email protected]> * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package import com.andreihh.algostorm.core.drivers.Driver import import /** A driver that offers audio services. */ interface AudioDriver : Driver, MusicPlayer, SoundPlayer { /** * Synchronously loads the given audio stream `resource`, making it * available to future calls of [playMusic] and [playSound]. * * If the same resource is loaded multiple times, this method has no effect. * * @param resource the sound resource which should be loaded * @throws InvalidResourceException if any error occurs when parsing and * loading the `resource` */ fun loadAudioStream(resource: Resource<AudioStream>) }
package io.particle.mesh.ui.controlpanel import android.content.Context import android.content.Intent import import android.os.Bundle import android.view.LayoutInflater import android.view.View import android.view.ViewGroup import androidx.core.view.isVisible import import androidx.lifecycle.MutableLiveData import androidx.lifecycle.Observer import androidx.navigation.fragment.findNavController import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import io.particle.commonui.DeviceNotesDelegate import io.particle.commonui.RenameHelper import import io.particle.mesh.setup.flow.FlowRunnerUiListener import io.particle.mesh.setup.flow.Scopes import io.particle.mesh.ui.R import io.particle.mesh.ui.TitleBarOptions import io.particle.mesh.ui.inflateFragment import* import mu.KotlinLogging class ControlPanelLandingFragment : BaseControlPanelFragment() { override val titleBarOptions = TitleBarOptions(R.string.p_controlpanel_control_panel) private lateinit var cloud: ParticleCloud private lateinit var devicesUpdatedBroadcast: BroadcastReceiverLD<Int> private val flowManagementScope = Scopes() private val log = KotlinLogging.logger {} override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) cloud = ParticleCloudSDK.getCloud() var initialValue = 0 devicesUpdatedBroadcast = BroadcastReceiverLD( requireActivity(), BroadcastContract.BROADCAST_DEVICES_UPDATED, { ++initialValue }, true ) } override fun onCreateView( inflater: LayoutInflater, container: ViewGroup?, savedInstanceState: Bundle? ): View? { return container?.inflateFragment(R.layout.fragment_control_panel_landing) } override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState) devicesUpdatedBroadcast.observe(viewLifecycleOwner, Observer { updateDetails() }) } override fun onFragmentReady(activity: FragmentActivity, flowUiListener: FlowRunnerUiListener) { super.onFragmentReady(activity, flowUiListener) val deviceType = device.deviceType!! p_controlpanel_landing_name_frame.setOnClickListener { RenameHelper.renameDevice(activity, device) } p_controlpanel_landing_notes_frame.setOnClickListener { editNotes() } network_info_header.isVisible = deviceType in gen3Devices p_controlpanel_landing_wifi_item_frame.isVisible = deviceType in listOf(ARGON, A_SOM) p_controlpanel_landing_wifi_item.setOnClickListener { flowScopes.onMain { startFlowWithBarcode(flowRunner::startControlPanelInspectCurrentWifiNetworkFlow) } } p_controlpanel_landing_cellular_item_frame.isVisible = deviceType in listOf(BORON, B_SOM, B5_SOM) p_controlpanel_landing_cellular_item.setOnClickListener { flowRunner.startShowControlPanelCellularOptionsFlow(device) } p_controlpanel_landing_ethernet_item_frame.isVisible = deviceType in gen3Devices p_controlpanel_landing_ethernet_item_frame.setOnClickListener { flowScopes.onMain { startFlowWithBarcode(flowRunner::startShowControlPanelEthernetOptionsFlow) } } p_controlpanel_landing_mesh_item.isVisible = deviceType in gen3Devices p_controlpanel_landing_mesh_item.setOnClickListener { val uri: Uri = Uri.parse( "" ) val intent = Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, uri) if (intent.resolveActivity(requireContext().packageManager) != null) { startActivity(intent) } } p_controlpanel_landing_docs_item.setOnClickListener { showDocumentation(activity, device.deviceType!!) } p_controlpanel_landing_unclaim_item.setOnClickListener { navigateToUnclaim() } } override fun onResume() { super.onResume() updateDetails() } override fun onStop() { super.onStop() { "onStop()" } } private fun updateDetails() { p_controlpanel_landing_name_value.text = p_controlpanel_landing_notes_value.text = device.notes } private fun navigateToUnclaim() { flowSystemInterface.showGlobalProgressSpinner(true) findNavController().navigate(, ControlPanelUnclaimDeviceFragmentArgs( ) flowSystemInterface.showGlobalProgressSpinner(false) } private fun editNotes() { val editLD = MutableLiveData<String>() DeviceNotesDelegate.editDeviceNotes( requireActivity(), device, flowManagementScope, editLD ) editLD.observe(this, Observer { p_controlpanel_landing_notes_value.text = it }) } } private val gen3Devices = setOf( ParticleDeviceType.ARGON, ParticleDeviceType.A_SOM, ParticleDeviceType.BORON, ParticleDeviceType.B_SOM, ParticleDeviceType.B5_SOM, ParticleDeviceType.XENON, ParticleDeviceType.X_SOM ) private fun showDocumentation(context: Context, deviceType: ParticleDeviceType) { val finalPathSegment = when (deviceType) { CORE -> "core" PHOTON -> "photon" P1 -> "datasheets/wi-fi/p1-datasheet" ELECTRON -> "electron" ARGON, A_SOM -> "argon" BORON, B_SOM, B5_SOM -> "boron" XENON, X_SOM -> "xenon" RASPBERRY_PI, RED_BEAR_DUO, BLUZ, DIGISTUMP_OAK, ESP32, OTHER -> null } finalPathSegment?.let { val uri = Uri.parse("$finalPathSegment") context.startActivity(Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, uri)) } }
package elite.math.trig import elite.math.trig.triangle.Adjacent import elite.math.trig.triangle.Opposite /** * * @author CFerg (Elite) */ class Arctangent { /** * */ var arctangent: Double = 0.toDouble() /** * * @param a * @param o */ constructor(a: Adjacent, o: Opposite) { this.arctangent = a.adjacent / o.opposite } /** * * @param tan */ constructor(tan: Tangent) { this.arctangent = 1 / tan.tangent } /** * * @param cot */ constructor(cot: Cotangent) { this.arctangent = cot.cotangent } }
/* * Copyright (c) 2021 toastkidjp. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompany this distribution. * The Eclipse Public License is available at */ package jp.toastkid.image.preview.detail import import android.os.Bundle import android.view.LayoutInflater import android.view.View import android.view.ViewGroup import android.widget.TextView import androidx.core.os.bundleOf import import import import import class ImageDetailFragment : BottomSheetDialogFragment() { override fun onCreateView( inflater: LayoutInflater, container: ViewGroup?, savedInstanceState: Bundle? ): View? { super.onCreateView(inflater, container, savedInstanceState) val context = context ?: return null val textView = TextView(context) val imageUri = arguments?.getParcelable<Uri>(KEY_EXTRA_IMAGE_URI) ?: return null val inputStream = FileInputStream(File(imageUri.toString())) val exifInterface = ExifInterface(inputStream) textView.text = ExifInformationExtractorUseCase().invoke(exifInterface) inputStream.close() return textView } companion object { private const val KEY_EXTRA_IMAGE_URI = "image_uri" fun withImageUri(imageUri: Uri): DialogFragment = ImageDetailFragment().also { it.arguments = bundleOf(KEY_EXTRA_IMAGE_URI to imageUri) } } }
package com.mewhpm.mewsync.ui import android.content.Context import android.util.AttributeSet import android.util.DisplayMetrics import android.view.WindowManager import android.widget.LinearLayout class FixedHeightLinearLayout : LinearLayout { constructor(context: Context) : super(context) constructor(context: Context, attributeSet: AttributeSet?) : super(context, attributeSet) constructor(context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet?, defStyleAttr: Int) : super(context, attrs, defStyleAttr) var precent = 3.0 var outMetrics = DisplayMetrics() private val window = this.context.getSystemService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE) as WindowManager override fun onAttachedToWindow() { super.onAttachedToWindow() outMetrics = DisplayMetrics() } override fun onMeasure(widthMeasureSpec: Int, heightMeasureSpec: Int) { window.defaultDisplay.getMetrics(outMetrics) super.onMeasure(widthMeasureSpec, MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(Math.round(outMetrics.heightPixels / precent).toInt(), MeasureSpec.EXACTLY)) } }
/* * Copyright 2022 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package import import import import okhttp3.Call import okhttp3.Request /** * [Call.Factory] wrapper that sets of known [Request.requestType] that a shared * [NetworkSelectingCallFactory] can make network decisions and bring up high bandwidth networks * based on the request type. */ @ExperimentalHorologistNetworksApi public class NetworkAwareCallFactory( private val delegate: Call.Factory, private val defaultRequestType: RequestType ) : Call.Factory { override fun newCall(request: Request): Call { val finalRequest = request.withDefaultRequestType(defaultRequestType) return delegate.newCall(finalRequest) } }
package import io.objectbox.annotation.Entity import io.objectbox.annotation.Id import io.objectbox.annotation.Index @Entity class User { @Id private var id: Long = 0 @Index private var name: String? = null // Getters and setters for kapt / ObjectBox fun getId(): Long? { return id } fun getName(): String? { return name } fun setId(idValue : Long) { id = idValue } fun setName(nameValue : String){ name = nameValue } }
package workflow.response import model.base.BaseWebserviceResponse import model.base.WSCode import model.entity.Item import org.springframework.http.HttpStatus import utils.WSString class ItemsWebserviceResponse(status: HttpStatus, wsCode: WSCode, wsCodeValue: String, reason: String) : BaseWebserviceResponse(status, wsCode, wsCodeValue, reason) { var items: Iterable<Item>? = null }
package import android.content.Context import import com.hippo.unifile.UniFile import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.util.system.logcat import kotlinx.serialization.protobuf.ProtoBuf import logcat.LogPriority import okio.buffer import okio.gzip import okio.sink import kotlin.math.max class FullBackupManager(context: Context) : AbstractBackupManager(context) { val parser = ProtoBuf /** * Create backup Json file from database * * @param uri path of Uri * @param isJob backup called from job */ override fun createBackup(uri: Uri, flags: Int, isJob: Boolean): String? { // Create root object var backup: Backup? = null databaseHelper.inTransaction { val databaseManga = getFavoriteManga() backup = Backup( backupManga(databaseManga, flags), backupCategories(), emptyList(), backupExtensionInfo(databaseManga) ) } try { val file: UniFile = ( if (isJob) { // Get dir of file and create var dir = UniFile.fromUri(context, uri) dir = dir.createDirectory("automatic") // Delete older backups val numberOfBackups = numberOfBackups() val backupRegex = Regex("""tachiyomi_\d+-\d+-\d+_\d+-\d+.proto.gz""") dir.listFiles { _, filename -> backupRegex.matches(filename) } .orEmpty() .sortedByDescending { } .drop(numberOfBackups - 1) .forEach { it.delete() } // Create new file to place backup dir.createFile(BackupFull.getDefaultFilename()) } else { UniFile.fromUri(context, uri) } ) ?: throw Exception("Couldn't create backup file") val byteArray = parser.encodeToByteArray(BackupSerializer, backup!!) file.openOutputStream().sink().gzip().buffer().use { it.write(byteArray) } val fileUri = file.uri // Validate it to make sure it works FullBackupRestoreValidator().validate(context, fileUri) return fileUri.toString() } catch (e: Exception) { logcat(LogPriority.ERROR, e) throw e } } private fun backupManga(mangas: List<Manga>, flags: Int): List<BackupManga> { return { backupMangaObject(it, flags) } } private fun backupExtensionInfo(mangas: List<Manga>): List<BackupSource> { return mangas .asSequence() .map { it.source } .distinct() .map { sourceManager.getOrStub(it) } .map { BackupSource.copyFrom(it) } .toList() } /** * Backup the categories of library * * @return list of [BackupCategory] to be backed up */ private fun backupCategories(): List<BackupCategory> { return databaseHelper.getCategories() .executeAsBlocking() .map { BackupCategory.copyFrom(it) } } /** * Convert a manga to Json * * @param manga manga that gets converted * @param options options for the backup * @return [BackupManga] containing manga in a serializable form */ private fun backupMangaObject(manga: Manga, options: Int): BackupManga { // Entry for this manga val mangaObject = BackupManga.copyFrom(manga) // Check if user wants chapter information in backup if (options and BACKUP_CHAPTER_MASK == BACKUP_CHAPTER) { // Backup all the chapters val chapters = databaseHelper.getChapters(manga).executeAsBlocking() if (chapters.isNotEmpty()) { mangaObject.chapters = { BackupChapter.copyFrom(it) } } } // Check if user wants category information in backup if (options and BACKUP_CATEGORY_MASK == BACKUP_CATEGORY) { // Backup categories for this manga val categoriesForManga = databaseHelper.getCategoriesForManga(manga).executeAsBlocking() if (categoriesForManga.isNotEmpty()) { mangaObject.categories = categoriesForManga.mapNotNull { it.order } } } // Check if user wants track information in backup if (options and BACKUP_TRACK_MASK == BACKUP_TRACK) { val tracks = databaseHelper.getTracks(manga).executeAsBlocking() if (tracks.isNotEmpty()) { mangaObject.tracking = { BackupTracking.copyFrom(it) } } } // Check if user wants history information in backup if (options and BACKUP_HISTORY_MASK == BACKUP_HISTORY) { val historyForManga = databaseHelper.getHistoryByMangaId(!!).executeAsBlocking() if (historyForManga.isNotEmpty()) { val history = historyForManga.mapNotNull { history -> val url = databaseHelper.getChapter(history.chapter_id).executeAsBlocking()?.url url?.let { BackupHistory(url, history.last_read) } } if (history.isNotEmpty()) { mangaObject.history = history } } } return mangaObject } fun restoreMangaNoFetch(manga: Manga, dbManga: Manga) { = manga.copyFrom(dbManga) insertManga(manga) } /** * Fetches manga information * * @param manga manga that needs updating * @return Updated manga info. */ fun restoreManga(manga: Manga): Manga { return manga.also { it.initialized = it.description != null = insertManga(it) } } /** * Restore the categories from Json * * @param backupCategories list containing categories */ internal fun restoreCategories(backupCategories: List<BackupCategory>) { // Get categories from file and from db val dbCategories = databaseHelper.getCategories().executeAsBlocking() // Iterate over them { it.getCategoryImpl() }.forEach { category -> // Used to know if the category is already in the db var found = false for (dbCategory in dbCategories) { // If the category is already in the db, assign the id to the file's category // and do nothing if ( == { = found = true break } } // If the category isn't in the db, remove the id and insert a new category // Store the inserted id in the category if (!found) { // Let the db assign the id = null val result = databaseHelper.insertCategory(category).executeAsBlocking() = result.insertedId()?.toInt() } } } /** * Restores the categories a manga is in. * * @param manga the manga whose categories have to be restored. * @param categories the categories to restore. */ internal fun restoreCategoriesForManga(manga: Manga, categories: List<Int>, backupCategories: List<BackupCategory>) { val dbCategories = databaseHelper.getCategories().executeAsBlocking() val mangaCategoriesToUpdate = ArrayList<MangaCategory>(categories.size) categories.forEach { backupCategoryOrder -> backupCategories.firstOrNull { it.order == backupCategoryOrder }?.let { backupCategory -> dbCategories.firstOrNull { dbCategory -> == }?.let { dbCategory -> mangaCategoriesToUpdate += MangaCategory.create(manga, dbCategory) } } } // Update database if (mangaCategoriesToUpdate.isNotEmpty()) { databaseHelper.deleteOldMangasCategories(listOf(manga)).executeAsBlocking() databaseHelper.insertMangasCategories(mangaCategoriesToUpdate).executeAsBlocking() } } /** * Restore history from Json * * @param history list containing history to be restored */ internal fun restoreHistoryForManga(history: List<BackupHistory>) { // List containing history to be updated val historyToBeUpdated = ArrayList<History>(history.size) for ((url, lastRead) in history) { val dbHistory = databaseHelper.getHistoryByChapterUrl(url).executeAsBlocking() // Check if history already in database and update if (dbHistory != null) { dbHistory.apply { last_read = max(lastRead, dbHistory.last_read) } historyToBeUpdated.add(dbHistory) } else { // If not in database create databaseHelper.getChapter(url).executeAsBlocking()?.let { val historyToAdd = History.create(it).apply { last_read = lastRead } historyToBeUpdated.add(historyToAdd) } } } databaseHelper.updateHistoryLastRead(historyToBeUpdated).executeAsBlocking() } /** * Restores the sync of a manga. * * @param manga the manga whose sync have to be restored. * @param tracks the track list to restore. */ internal fun restoreTrackForManga(manga: Manga, tracks: List<Track>) { // Fix foreign keys with the current manga id { it.manga_id =!! } // Get tracks from database val dbTracks = databaseHelper.getTracks(manga).executeAsBlocking() val trackToUpdate = mutableListOf<Track>() tracks.forEach { track -> var isInDatabase = false for (dbTrack in dbTracks) { if (track.sync_id == dbTrack.sync_id) { // The sync is already in the db, only update its fields if (track.media_id != dbTrack.media_id) { dbTrack.media_id = track.media_id } if (track.library_id != dbTrack.library_id) { dbTrack.library_id = track.library_id } dbTrack.last_chapter_read = max(dbTrack.last_chapter_read, track.last_chapter_read) isInDatabase = true trackToUpdate.add(dbTrack) break } } if (!isInDatabase) { // Insert new sync. Let the db assign the id = null trackToUpdate.add(track) } } // Update database if (trackToUpdate.isNotEmpty()) { databaseHelper.insertTracks(trackToUpdate).executeAsBlocking() } } internal fun restoreChaptersForManga(manga: Manga, chapters: List<Chapter>) { val dbChapters = databaseHelper.getChapters(manga).executeAsBlocking() chapters.forEach { chapter -> val dbChapter = dbChapters.find { it.url == chapter.url } if (dbChapter != null) { = chapter.copyFrom(dbChapter) if ( && ! { = chapter.last_page_read = dbChapter.last_page_read } else if (chapter.last_page_read == 0 && dbChapter.last_page_read != 0) { chapter.last_page_read = dbChapter.last_page_read } if (!chapter.bookmark && dbChapter.bookmark) { chapter.bookmark = dbChapter.bookmark } } chapter.manga_id = } val newChapters = chapters.groupBy { != null } newChapters[true]?.let { updateKnownChapters(it) } newChapters[false]?.let { insertChapters(it) } } }
package org.misuzilla.agqrplayer4tv.component.widget import import android.util.Log import android.view.View import android.view.ViewGroup import android.widget.ImageView /** * CommandActionをカード状に表示するPresenterクラスです。 */ class CommandActionCardPresenter : TypedViewPresenter<ImageCardView, CommandAction>() { override fun onBindViewHolderWithItem(viewHolder: ViewHolder, view: ImageCardView, item: CommandAction) { view.apply { setMainImageDimensions(320, 256) setMainImageScaleType(ImageView.ScaleType.CENTER) titleText = item.label1 mainImage = item.icon item.label2?.let { contentText = it } } } override fun onUnbindViewHolder(viewHolder: ViewHolder, view: ImageCardView) { } override fun onCreateView(parent: ViewGroup): ImageCardView { return ImageCardView(parent.context) } }
package y2k.rssreader.components import android.content.Context import android.util.AttributeSet import android.view.View import android.view.ViewGroup import android.widget.BaseAdapter import android.widget.ListView import android.widget.TextView import y2k.rssreader.Provider.selectSubscription import y2k.rssreader.RssSubscription import y2k.rssreader.getSubscriptions import y2k.rssreader.toLiveCycleObservable /** * Created by y2k on 21/08/16. */ class SubscriptionComponent(context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet?) : ListView(context, attrs) { init { getSubscriptions() .toLiveCycleObservable(context) .subscribe { subs -> adapter = object : BaseAdapter() { override fun getView(index: Int, view: View?, parent: ViewGroup?): View { val v = view ?: View.inflate(context, android.R.layout.simple_list_item_2, null) val i = subs[index] (v.findViewById( as TextView).text = i.title (v.findViewById( as TextView).text = i.url return v } override fun getCount() = subs.size override fun getItemId(index: Int) = index.toLong() override fun getItem(index: Int) = TODO() } } setOnItemClickListener { adapterView, view, index, id -> selectSubscription(adapter.getItem(index) as RssSubscription) } } }
package import org.jetbrains.dokka.base.transformers.documentables.SuppressedByConditionDocumentableFilterTransformer import org.jetbrains.dokka.model.Documentable import org.jetbrains.dokka.model.dfs import org.jetbrains.dokka.model.doc.CustomTagWrapper import org.jetbrains.dokka.plugability.DokkaContext class HideTagDocumentableFilter(val dokkaContext: DokkaContext) : SuppressedByConditionDocumentableFilterTransformer(dokkaContext) { override fun shouldBeSuppressed(d: Documentable): Boolean = d.documentation.any { (_, docs) -> docs.dfs { it is CustomTagWrapper && == "hide" } != null } }
package transformers import org.jetbrains.dokka.base.transformers.documentables.ModuleAndPackageDocumentationReader import org.jetbrains.dokka.base.transformers.documentables.ModuleAndPackageDocumentationTransformer import org.jetbrains.dokka.links.DRI import org.jetbrains.dokka.model.DModule import org.jetbrains.dokka.model.DPackage import org.jetbrains.dokka.model.SourceSetDependent import org.jetbrains.dokka.model.doc.DocumentationNode import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test import testApi.testRunner.dPackage import testApi.testRunner.documentationNode import testApi.testRunner.sourceSet class ModuleAndPackageDocumentationTransformerUnitTest { @Test fun `empty list of modules`() { val transformer = ModuleAndPackageDocumentationTransformer( object : ModuleAndPackageDocumentationReader { override fun get(module: DModule): SourceSetDependent<DocumentationNode> = throw NotImplementedError() override fun get(pkg: DPackage): SourceSetDependent<DocumentationNode> = throw NotImplementedError() } ) assertEquals( emptyList<DModule>(), transformer(emptyList()), ) } @Test fun `single module documentation`() { val transformer = ModuleAndPackageDocumentationTransformer( object : ModuleAndPackageDocumentationReader { override fun get(pkg: DPackage): SourceSetDependent<DocumentationNode> = throw NotImplementedError() override fun get(module: DModule): SourceSetDependent<DocumentationNode> { return module.sourceSets.associateWith { sourceSet -> documentationNode("doc" + sourceSet.displayName) } } } ) val result = transformer( listOf( DModule( "ModuleName", documentation = emptyMap(), packages = emptyList(), sourceSets = setOf( sourceSet("A"), sourceSet("B") ) ) ) ) assertEquals( DModule( "ModuleName", documentation = mapOf( sourceSet("A") to documentationNode("docA"), sourceSet("B") to documentationNode("docB") ), sourceSets = setOf(sourceSet("A"), sourceSet("B")), packages = emptyList() ), result.single() ) } @Test fun `merges with already existing module documentation`() { val transformer = ModuleAndPackageDocumentationTransformer( object : ModuleAndPackageDocumentationReader { override fun get(pkg: DPackage): SourceSetDependent<DocumentationNode> = throw NotImplementedError() override fun get(module: DModule): SourceSetDependent<DocumentationNode> { /* Only add documentation for first source set */ return module.sourceSets.take(1).associateWith { sourceSet -> documentationNode("doc" + sourceSet.displayName) } } } ) val result = transformer( listOf( DModule( "MyModule", documentation = mapOf( sourceSet("A") to documentationNode("pre-existing:A"), sourceSet("B") to documentationNode("pre-existing:B") ), sourceSets = setOf(sourceSet("A"), sourceSet("B")), packages = emptyList() ) ) ) assertEquals( DModule( "MyModule", documentation = mapOf( /* Expect previous documentation and newly attached one */ sourceSet("A") to documentationNode("pre-existing:A", "docA"), /* Only first source set will get documentation attached */ sourceSet("B") to documentationNode("pre-existing:B") ), sourceSets = setOf(sourceSet("A"), sourceSet("B")), packages = emptyList() ), result.single() ) } @Test fun `package documentation`() { val transformer = ModuleAndPackageDocumentationTransformer( object : ModuleAndPackageDocumentationReader { override fun get(module: DModule): SourceSetDependent<DocumentationNode> = emptyMap() override fun get(pkg: DPackage): SourceSetDependent<DocumentationNode> { /* Only attach documentation to packages with 'attach' */ if ("attach" !in pkg.dri.packageName.orEmpty()) return emptyMap() /* Only attach documentation to two source sets */ return pkg.sourceSets.take(2).associateWith { sourceSet -> documentationNode("doc:${sourceSet.displayName}:${pkg.dri.packageName}") } } } ) val result = transformer( listOf( DModule( "MyModule", documentation = emptyMap(), sourceSets = emptySet(), packages = listOf( dPackage( dri = DRI("com.sample"), documentation = mapOf( sourceSet("A") to documentationNode("pre-existing:A:com.sample") ), sourceSets = setOf(sourceSet("A"), sourceSet("B"), sourceSet("C")), ), dPackage( dri = DRI("com.attach"), documentation = mapOf( sourceSet("A") to documentationNode("pre-existing:A:com.attach") ), sourceSets = setOf(sourceSet("A"), sourceSet("B"), sourceSet("C")) ), dPackage( dri = DRI("com.attach.sub"), documentation = mapOf( sourceSet("A") to documentationNode("pre-existing:A:com.attach.sub"), sourceSet("B") to documentationNode("pre-existing:B:com.attach.sub"), sourceSet("C") to documentationNode("pre-existing:C:com.attach.sub") ), sourceSets = setOf(sourceSet("A"), sourceSet("B"), sourceSet("C")), ) ) ) ) ) result.single().packages.forEach { pkg -> assertEquals( setOf(sourceSet("A"), sourceSet("B"), sourceSet("C")), pkg.sourceSets, "Expected source sets A, B, C for package ${pkg.dri.packageName}" ) } val comSample = result.single().packages.single { it.dri.packageName == "com.sample" } assertEquals( mapOf(sourceSet("A") to documentationNode("pre-existing:A:com.sample")), comSample.documentation, "Expected no documentation added to package 'com.sample' because of wrong package" ) val comAttach = result.single().packages.single { it.dri.packageName == "com.attach" } assertEquals( mapOf( sourceSet("A") to documentationNode("pre-existing:A:com.attach", "doc:A:com.attach"), sourceSet("B") to documentationNode("doc:B:com.attach") ), comAttach.documentation, "Expected documentation added to source sets A and B" ) assertEquals( DModule( "MyModule", documentation = emptyMap(), sourceSets = emptySet(), packages = listOf( dPackage( dri = DRI("com.sample"), documentation = mapOf( /* No documentation added, since in wrong package */ sourceSet("A") to documentationNode("pre-existing:A:com.sample") ), sourceSets = setOf(sourceSet("A"), sourceSet("B"), sourceSet("C")), ), dPackage( dri = DRI("com.attach"), documentation = mapOf( /* Documentation added */ sourceSet("A") to documentationNode("pre-existing:A:com.attach", "doc:A:com.attach"), sourceSet("B") to documentationNode("doc:B:com.attach") ), sourceSets = setOf(sourceSet("A"), sourceSet("B"), sourceSet("C")), ), dPackage( dri = DRI("com.attach.sub"), documentation = mapOf( /* Documentation added */ sourceSet("A") to documentationNode( "pre-existing:A:com.attach.sub", "doc:A:com.attach.sub" ), /* Documentation added */ sourceSet("B") to documentationNode( "pre-existing:B:com.attach.sub", "doc:B:com.attach.sub" ), /* No documentation added, since in wrong source set */ sourceSet("C") to documentationNode("pre-existing:C:com.attach.sub") ), sourceSets = setOf(sourceSet("A"), sourceSet("B"), sourceSet("C")), ) ) ), result.single() ) } }
package import data class Tag( val name: String, val commit: Commit, @SerializedName("zipball_url") val zipballUrl: String, @SerializedName("tarball_url") val tarballUrl: String )
package renderers.html import kotlinx.html.body import kotlinx.html.html import import org.jetbrains.dokka.base.renderers.html.buildBreakableText import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test import kotlin.test.assertEquals class FormattingUtilsTest { @Test fun `should build breakable text`(){ val testedText = "kotlinx.collections.immutable" val expectedHtml = """ <html> <body><span>kotlinx.</span><wbr></wbr><span>collections.</span><wbr></wbr><span>immutable</span></body> </html> """.trimIndent() val html = createHTML(prettyPrint = true).html { body { buildBreakableText(testedText) } } assertEquals(expectedHtml.trim(), html.trim()) } @Test fun `should build breakable text without empty spans`(){ val testedText = "Package" val expectedHtml = """ <html> <body><span><span>Package</span></span> <span>org.</span><wbr></wbr><span>jetbrains.</span><wbr></wbr><span>dokka.</span><wbr></wbr><span>it.</span><wbr></wbr><span>moduleC</span></body> </html> """.trimIndent() val html = createHTML(prettyPrint = true).html { body { buildBreakableText(testedText) } } assertEquals(expectedHtml.trim(), html.trim()) } @Test fun `should build breakable text for text with braces`(){ val testedText = "[Common]kotlinx.collections.immutable" val expectedHtml = """ <html> <body><span>[Common]kotlinx.</span><wbr></wbr><span>collections.</span><wbr></wbr><span>immutable</span></body> </html> """.trimIndent() val html = createHTML(prettyPrint = true).html { body { buildBreakableText(testedText) } } assertEquals(expectedHtml.trim(), html.trim()) } @Test fun `should build breakable text for camel case notation`(){ val testedText = "DokkkkkkkaIsTheBest" val expectedHtml = """ <html> <body><span>Dokkkkkkka</span><wbr></wbr><span>Is</span><wbr></wbr><span>The</span><wbr></wbr><span><span>Best</span></span></body> </html> """.trimIndent() val html = createHTML(prettyPrint = true).html { body { buildBreakableText(testedText) } } assertEquals(expectedHtml.trim(), html.trim()) } }
package import kotlin.reflect.KClass /** * Created by Shynixn 2018. * <p> * Version 1.2 * <p> * MIT License * <p> * Copyright (c) 2018 by Shynixn * <p> * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * <p> * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * <p> * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ @Retention(AnnotationRetention.RUNTIME) @Target(AnnotationTarget.FIELD) annotation class YamlSerialize( /** * Name of the target property. */ val value: String, /** * Order number in the target file. */ val orderNumber: Int, /** * Custom serialization class. */ val customserializer: KClass<*> = Any::class, /** * Optional implementation of the class if the type is specified as interface. */ val implementation: KClass<*> = Any::class )
package com.commit451.gitlab.model.api import android.os.Parcelable import com.squareup.moshi.Json import import java.util.Date @Parcelize data class ProjectNamespace( @Json(name = "id") var id: Long = 0, @Json(name = "name") var name: String? = null, @Json(name = "path") var path: String? = null, @Json(name = "owner_id") var ownerId: Long = 0, @Json(name = "created_at") var createdAt: Date? = null, @Json(name = "updated_at") var updatedAt: Date? = null, @Json(name = "description") var description: String? = null, @Json(name = "avatar") var avatar: Avatar? = null, @Json(name = "public") var isPublic: Boolean = false ) : Parcelable { @Parcelize data class Avatar( @Json(name = "url") var url: String? = null ) : Parcelable }
package import androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView /** * Created by [Jan Rabe]( */ interface IBaseViewHolder { /** * [RecyclerView.Adapter.onBindViewHolder] */ fun onViewAttachedToWindow() { } /** * [RecyclerView.Adapter.onViewDetachedFromWindow] */ fun onViewDetachedFromWindow() { } /** * [RecyclerView.Adapter.onViewRecycled] */ fun onViewRecycled() { } /** * [RecyclerView.Adapter.onFailedToRecycleView] */ fun onFailedToRecycleView(): Boolean = false }
/* * Copyright (c) 2017 Fabio Berta * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package ch.berta.fabio.popularmovies.features.grid.component import ch.berta.fabio.popularmovies.NavigationTarget import ch.berta.fabio.popularmovies.R import ch.berta.fabio.popularmovies.features.details.view.DetailsActivity import ch.berta.fabio.popularmovies.features.details.view.DetailsArgs import ch.berta.fabio.popularmovies.features.grid.SortOption import io.reactivex.Observable import io.reactivex.functions.BiFunction const val RQ_DETAILS = 1 fun navigationTargets(actions: Observable<GridAction>): Observable<NavigationTarget> { val sortSelections = actions .ofType( val movieClicks = actions .ofType( .withLatestFrom(sortSelections, BiFunction<GridAction.MovieClick, GridAction.SortSelection, NavigationTarget> { (selectedMovie), (sort) -> val args = DetailsArgs(, selectedMovie.title, selectedMovie.releaseDate, selectedMovie.overview, selectedMovie.voteAverage, selectedMovie.poster, selectedMovie.backdrop, sort.option == SortOption.SORT_FAVORITE) NavigationTarget.Activity(, args, RQ_DETAILS, selectedMovie.posterView, R.string.shared_transition_details_poster) }) val navigationTargets = listOf(movieClicks) return Observable.merge(navigationTargets) }
package org.team401.lib import import java.util.ArrayList object MotionProfileParser { /** * Parses a motion profile from a .csv file. Returns an empty profile if any error occurs. */ fun parse(name: String, path: String): MotionProfile { val empty = MotionProfile(name, DoubleArray(0), DoubleArray(0), IntArray(0)) val file = File(path) val lines = try { file.readLines() } catch (e: Exception) { println("Could not find motion profile $path") CrashTracker.logThrowableCrash(e) return empty } val positions = ArrayList<Double>() val speeds = ArrayList<Double>() val durations = ArrayList<Int>() try { lines.forEach { val entries = it.substring(1, it.length - 3).split(",") positions.add(entries[0].toDouble()) speeds.add(entries[1].toDouble()) durations.add((entries[2].toDouble() + .5).toInt()) } } catch (e: Exception) { print("Could not parse motion profile $path") CrashTracker.logThrowableCrash(e) return empty } return MotionProfile(name, positions.toDoubleArray(), speeds.toDoubleArray(), durations.toIntArray()) } }
/* * Copyright 2019 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package app.tivi.common.imageloading import import app.tivi.appinitializers.AppInitializer import coil.Coil import coil.ImageLoader import coil.annotation.ExperimentalCoilApi import okhttp3.OkHttpClient import javax.inject.Inject @OptIn(ExperimentalCoilApi::class) class CoilAppInitializer @Inject constructor( private val application: Application, private val tmdbImageEntityInterceptor: TmdbImageEntityCoilInterceptor, private val episodeEntityInterceptor: EpisodeEntityCoilInterceptor, private val okHttpClient: OkHttpClient ) : AppInitializer { override fun init() { Coil.setImageLoader { ImageLoader.Builder(application) .components { add(tmdbImageEntityInterceptor) add(episodeEntityInterceptor) } .okHttpClient(okHttpClient) .build() } } }
package cn.cloudself.model import javax.persistence.* /** * @author HerbLuo * @version 1.0.0.d */ @Entity @Table(name = "car", schema = "shop") data class CarEntity( @get:Id @get:Column(name = "id", nullable = false) @get:GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY) var id: Int = 0, @get:Basic @get:Column(name = "user_id", nullable = false) var userId: Int = 0, @Suppress("MemberVisibilityCanPrivate") @get:ManyToOne @get:JoinColumn(name = "item_id", referencedColumnName = "id", nullable = false) var item: ItemEntity? = null ) { constructor(id: Int, item: ItemEntity?) : this() { = id this.item = item } }
package wu.seal.jsontokotlin.utils import com.winterbe.expekt.should import org.junit.Before import org.junit.Test import wu.seal.jsontokotlin.model.ConfigManager import wu.seal.jsontokotlin.test.TestConfig class SimplifiedMethodsKtTest { @Before fun before() { TestConfig.setToTestInitState() } @Test fun getIndentTest() { ConfigManager.indent = 4 val expectedIndent = " " getIndent() } @Test fun getClassesStringListTest() { val classesStringBlock = """data class Data( @SerializedName("a") val a: Int? = 0, // 1 @SerializedName("b") val b: String? = "", // ss @SerializedName("c") val c: C? = C() ) data class C( @SerializedName("m") val m: Int? = 0 // 0 )""" val result = getClassesStringList(classesStringBlock) result[0] """data class Data( @SerializedName("a") val a: Int? = 0, // 1 @SerializedName("b") val b: String? = "", // ss @SerializedName("c") val c: C? = C() )""" ) result[1] """data class C( @SerializedName("m") val m: Int? = 0 // 0 )""" ) } @Test fun getClassNameFromClassBlockStringTest() { val classBlockString = """data class Data( @SerializedName("a") val a: Int? = 0, // 1 @SerializedName("b") val b: String? = "", // ss @SerializedName("c") val c: C? = C() )""" getClassNameFromClassBlockString(classBlockString)"Data") } @Test fun replaceClassNameToClassBlockStringTest() { val classBlockString = """data class Data( @SerializedName("a") val a: Int? = 0, // 1 @SerializedName("b") val b: String? = "", // ss @SerializedName("c") val c: C? = C() )""" val newClassBlockString = """data class DataNew( @SerializedName("a") val a: Int? = 0, // 1 @SerializedName("b") val b: String? = "", // ss @SerializedName("c") val c: C? = C() )""" replaceClassNameToClassBlockString(classBlockString, "DataNew") } @Test fun firstIndexAfterSpecificIndexTest() { val list = listOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3) list.firstIndexAfterSpecificIndex(1,4) list.firstIndexAfterSpecificIndex(1,8) } @Test fun getCommentCode() { val comment = "yes\nheihei" getCommentCode(comment)"yesheihei") } @Test fun getCommentCode2() { val comment = "yes\n\rheihei" getCommentCode(comment)"yesheihei") } @Test fun getCommentCode3() { val comment = "yes\r\r\n\nheihei" getCommentCode(comment)"yesheihei") } }
package import org.junit.Test import import import org.roylance.yaorm.utilities.ConnectionUtilities import org.roylance.yaorm.utilities.common.INestedEnumTest import org.roylance.yaorm.utilities.common.NestedEnumTestUtilities class PostgresNestedEnumTest : PostgresBase(), INestedEnumTest { @Test override fun simpleMultipleStringsTest() { if (!ConnectionUtilities.runPostgresTests()) { return } ConnectionUtilities.getPostgresConnectionInfo() val sourceConnection = PostgresConnectionSourceFactory( ConnectionUtilities.postgresHost!!, ConnectionUtilities.postgresPort!!, ConnectionUtilities.postgresDatabase!!, ConnectionUtilities.postgresUserName!!, ConnectionUtilities.postgresPassword!!, false) val granularDatabaseService = JDBCGranularDatabaseService( sourceConnection, false, true) val generatorService = PostgresGeneratorService() val entityService = EntityService(granularDatabaseService, generatorService) NestedEnumTestUtilities.simpleMultipleStringsTest(entityService, cleanup()) } @Test override fun simplePassThroughExecutionsTest() { if (!ConnectionUtilities.runPostgresTests()) { return } ConnectionUtilities.getPostgresConnectionInfo() val sourceConnection = PostgresConnectionSourceFactory( ConnectionUtilities.postgresHost!!, ConnectionUtilities.postgresPort!!, ConnectionUtilities.postgresDatabase!!, ConnectionUtilities.postgresUserName!!, ConnectionUtilities.postgresPassword!!, false) val granularDatabaseService = JDBCGranularDatabaseService( sourceConnection, false, true) val generatorService = PostgresGeneratorService() val entityService = EntityService(granularDatabaseService, generatorService) NestedEnumTestUtilities.simplePassThroughExecutionsTest(entityService, cleanup()) } @Test override fun simplePassThroughTest() { if (!ConnectionUtilities.runPostgresTests()) { return } NestedEnumTestUtilities.simplePassThroughTest(buildEntityService(), cleanup()) } @Test override fun simplePassThroughTest2() { if (!ConnectionUtilities.runPostgresTests()) { return } NestedEnumTestUtilities.simplePassThroughTest2(buildEntityService(), cleanup()) } @Test override fun simpleTablesTest() { if (!ConnectionUtilities.runPostgresTests()) { return } NestedEnumTestUtilities.simpleTablesTest(buildEntityService(), cleanup(), ConnectionUtilities.postgresDatabase!!) } @Test override fun simpleTableDefinitionTest() { if (!ConnectionUtilities.runPostgresTests()) { return } NestedEnumTestUtilities.simpleTableDefinitionTest(buildEntityService(), cleanup(), ConnectionUtilities.postgresDatabase!!) } @Test override fun simpleTableDefinitionNullableTest() { if (!ConnectionUtilities.runPostgresTests()) { return } NestedEnumTestUtilities.simpleTableDefinitionNullableTest(buildEntityService(), cleanup(), ConnectionUtilities.postgresDatabase!!) } }
package import com.bnsantos.offline.models.Comment import io.reactivex.Observable import retrofit2.http.Body import retrofit2.http.GET import retrofit2.http.Header import retrofit2.http.POST interface CommentService { @GET("/comments/") fun read(): Observable<List<Comment>> @POST("/comments/") fun create(@Header("userId") userId: String, @Body comment: Comment): Observable<Comment> }
package import import android.content.Context import android.content.Intent import import android.os.IBinder import android.os.PowerManager import com.github.salomonbrys.kotson.fromJson import import import import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.R import import import import import import import import import import* import import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.source.Source import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.util.chop import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.util.isServiceRunning import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.util.sendLocalBroadcast import rx.Observable import rx.Subscription import rx.schedulers.Schedulers import timber.log.Timber import uy.kohesive.injekt.injectLazy import import java.text.SimpleDateFormat import java.util.* import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService import java.util.concurrent.Executors /** * Restores backup from json file */ class BackupRestoreService : Service() { companion object { /** * Returns the status of the service. * * @param context the application context. * @return true if the service is running, false otherwise. */ private fun isRunning(context: Context): Boolean = context.isServiceRunning( /** * Starts a service to restore a backup from Json * * @param context context of application * @param uri path of Uri */ fun start(context: Context, uri: Uri) { if (!isRunning(context)) { val intent = Intent(context, { putExtra(BackupConst.EXTRA_URI, uri) } context.startService(intent) } } /** * Stops the service. * * @param context the application context. */ fun stop(context: Context) { context.stopService(Intent(context, } } /** * Wake lock that will be held until the service is destroyed. */ private lateinit var wakeLock: PowerManager.WakeLock /** * Subscription where the update is done. */ private var subscription: Subscription? = null /** * The progress of a backup restore */ private var restoreProgress = 0 /** * Amount of manga in Json file (needed for restore) */ private var restoreAmount = 0 /** * List containing errors */ private val errors = mutableListOf<Pair<Date, String>>() /** * Backup manager */ private lateinit var backupManager: BackupManager /** * Database */ private val db: DatabaseHelper by injectLazy() /** * Tracking manager */ internal val trackManager: TrackManager by injectLazy() private lateinit var executor: ExecutorService /** * Method called when the service is created. It injects dependencies and acquire the wake lock. */ override fun onCreate() { super.onCreate() wakeLock = (getSystemService(Context.POWER_SERVICE) as PowerManager).newWakeLock( PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK, "BackupRestoreService:WakeLock") wakeLock.acquire() executor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor() } /** * Method called when the service is destroyed. It destroys the running subscription and * releases the wake lock. */ override fun onDestroy() { subscription?.unsubscribe() executor.shutdown() // must be called after unsubscribe if (wakeLock.isHeld) { wakeLock.release() } super.onDestroy() } /** * This method needs to be implemented, but it's not used/needed. */ override fun onBind(intent: Intent): IBinder? = null /** * Method called when the service receives an intent. * * @param intent the start intent from. * @param flags the flags of the command. * @param startId the start id of this command. * @return the start value of the command. */ override fun onStartCommand(intent: Intent?, flags: Int, startId: Int): Int { if (intent == null) return Service.START_NOT_STICKY val uri = intent.getParcelableExtra<Uri>(BackupConst.EXTRA_URI) // Unsubscribe from any previous subscription if needed. subscription?.unsubscribe() subscription = Observable.using( { db.lowLevel().beginTransaction() }, { getRestoreObservable(uri).doOnNext { db.lowLevel().setTransactionSuccessful() } }, { executor.execute { db.lowLevel().endTransaction() } }) .doAfterTerminate { stopSelf(startId) } .subscribeOn(Schedulers.from(executor)) .subscribe() return Service.START_NOT_STICKY } /** * Returns an [Observable] containing restore process. * * @param uri restore file * @return [Observable<Manga>] */ private fun getRestoreObservable(uri: Uri): Observable<List<Manga>> { val startTime = System.currentTimeMillis() return Observable.just(Unit) .map { val reader = JsonReader(contentResolver.openInputStream(uri).bufferedReader()) val json = JsonParser().parse(reader).asJsonObject // Get parser version val version = json.get(VERSION)?.asInt ?: 1 // Initialize manager backupManager = BackupManager(this, version) val mangasJson = json.get(MANGAS).asJsonArray restoreAmount = mangasJson.size() + 1 // +1 for categories restoreProgress = 0 errors.clear() // Restore categories json.get(CATEGORIES)?.let { backupManager.restoreCategories(it.asJsonArray) restoreProgress += 1 showRestoreProgress(restoreProgress, restoreAmount, "Categories added", errors.size) } mangasJson } .flatMap { Observable.from(it) } .concatMap { val obj = it.asJsonObject val manga = backupManager.parser.fromJson<MangaImpl>(obj.get(MANGA)) val chapters = backupManager.parser.fromJson<List<ChapterImpl>>(obj.get(CHAPTERS) ?: JsonArray()) val categories = backupManager.parser.fromJson<List<String>>(obj.get(CATEGORIES) ?: JsonArray()) val history = backupManager.parser.fromJson<List<DHistory>>(obj.get(HISTORY) ?: JsonArray()) val tracks = backupManager.parser.fromJson<List<TrackImpl>>(obj.get(TRACK) ?: JsonArray()) val observable = getMangaRestoreObservable(manga, chapters, categories, history, tracks) if (observable != null) { observable } else { errors.add(Date() to "${manga.title} - ${getString(R.string.source_not_found)}") restoreProgress += 1 val content = getString(R.string.dialog_restoring_source_not_found, manga.title.chop(15)) showRestoreProgress(restoreProgress, restoreAmount, manga.title, errors.size, content) Observable.just(manga) } } .toList() .doOnNext { val endTime = System.currentTimeMillis() val time = endTime - startTime val logFile = writeErrorLog() val completeIntent = Intent(BackupConst.INTENT_FILTER).apply { putExtra(BackupConst.EXTRA_TIME, time) putExtra(BackupConst.EXTRA_ERRORS, errors.size) putExtra(BackupConst.EXTRA_ERROR_FILE_PATH, logFile.parent) putExtra(BackupConst.EXTRA_ERROR_FILE, putExtra(BackupConst.ACTION, BackupConst.ACTION_RESTORE_COMPLETED_DIALOG) } sendLocalBroadcast(completeIntent) } .doOnError { error -> Timber.e(error) writeErrorLog() val errorIntent = Intent(BackupConst.INTENT_FILTER).apply { putExtra(BackupConst.ACTION, BackupConst.ACTION_ERROR_RESTORE_DIALOG) putExtra(BackupConst.EXTRA_ERROR_MESSAGE, error.message) } sendLocalBroadcast(errorIntent) } .onErrorReturn { emptyList() } } /** * Write errors to error log */ private fun writeErrorLog(): File { try { if (errors.isNotEmpty()) { val destFile = File(externalCacheDir, "tachiyomi_restore.log") val sdf = SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS", Locale.getDefault()) destFile.bufferedWriter().use { out -> errors.forEach { (date, message) -> out.write("[${sdf.format(date)}] $message\n") } } return destFile } } catch (e: Exception) { // Empty } return File("") } /** * Returns a manga restore observable * * @param manga manga data from json * @param chapters chapters data from json * @param categories categories data from json * @param history history data from json * @param tracks tracking data from json * @return [Observable] containing manga restore information */ private fun getMangaRestoreObservable(manga: Manga, chapters: List<Chapter>, categories: List<String>, history: List<DHistory>, tracks: List<Track>): Observable<Manga>? { // Get source val source = backupManager.sourceManager.get(manga.source) ?: return null val dbManga = backupManager.getMangaFromDatabase(manga) return if (dbManga == null) { // Manga not in database mangaFetchObservable(source, manga, chapters, categories, history, tracks) } else { // Manga in database // Copy information from manga already in database backupManager.restoreMangaNoFetch(manga, dbManga) // Fetch rest of manga information mangaNoFetchObservable(source, manga, chapters, categories, history, tracks) } } /** * [Observable] that fetches manga information * * @param manga manga that needs updating * @param chapters chapters of manga that needs updating * @param categories categories that need updating */ private fun mangaFetchObservable(source: Source, manga: Manga, chapters: List<Chapter>, categories: List<String>, history: List<DHistory>, tracks: List<Track>): Observable<Manga> { return backupManager.restoreMangaFetchObservable(source, manga) .onErrorReturn { errors.add(Date() to "${manga.title} - ${it.message}") manga } .filter { != null } .flatMap { chapterFetchObservable(source, it, chapters) // Convert to the manga that contains new chapters. .map { manga } } .doOnNext { restoreExtraForManga(it, categories, history, tracks) } .flatMap { trackingFetchObservable(it, tracks) // Convert to the manga that contains new chapters. .map { manga } } .doOnCompleted { restoreProgress += 1 showRestoreProgress(restoreProgress, restoreAmount, manga.title, errors.size) } } private fun mangaNoFetchObservable(source: Source, backupManga: Manga, chapters: List<Chapter>, categories: List<String>, history: List<DHistory>, tracks: List<Track>): Observable<Manga> { return Observable.just(backupManga) .flatMap { manga -> if (!backupManager.restoreChaptersForManga(manga, chapters)) { chapterFetchObservable(source, manga, chapters) .map { manga } } else { Observable.just(manga) } } .doOnNext { restoreExtraForManga(it, categories, history, tracks) } .flatMap { manga -> trackingFetchObservable(manga, tracks) // Convert to the manga that contains new chapters. .map { manga } } .doOnCompleted { restoreProgress += 1 showRestoreProgress(restoreProgress, restoreAmount, backupManga.title, errors.size) } } private fun restoreExtraForManga(manga: Manga, categories: List<String>, history: List<DHistory>, tracks: List<Track>) { // Restore categories backupManager.restoreCategoriesForManga(manga, categories) // Restore history backupManager.restoreHistoryForManga(history) // Restore tracking backupManager.restoreTrackForManga(manga, tracks) } /** * [Observable] that fetches chapter information * * @param source source of manga * @param manga manga that needs updating * @return [Observable] that contains manga */ private fun chapterFetchObservable(source: Source, manga: Manga, chapters: List<Chapter>): Observable<Pair<List<Chapter>, List<Chapter>>> { return backupManager.restoreChapterFetchObservable(source, manga, chapters) // If there's any error, return empty update and continue. .onErrorReturn { errors.add(Date() to "${manga.title} - ${it.message}") Pair(emptyList(), emptyList()) } } /** * [Observable] that refreshes tracking information * @param manga manga that needs updating. * @param tracks list containing tracks from restore file. * @return [Observable] that contains updated track item */ private fun trackingFetchObservable(manga: Manga, tracks: List<Track>): Observable<Track> { return Observable.from(tracks) .concatMap { track -> val service = trackManager.getService(track.sync_id) if (service != null && service.isLogged) { service.refresh(track) .doOnNext { db.insertTrack(it).executeAsBlocking() } .onErrorReturn { errors.add(Date() to "${manga.title} - ${it.message}") track } } else { errors.add(Date() to "${manga.title} - ${service?.name} not logged in") Observable.empty() } } } /** * Called to update dialog in [BackupConst] * * @param progress restore progress * @param amount total restoreAmount of manga * @param title title of restored manga */ private fun showRestoreProgress(progress: Int, amount: Int, title: String, errors: Int, content: String = getString(R.string.dialog_restoring_backup, title.chop(15))) { val intent = Intent(BackupConst.INTENT_FILTER).apply { putExtra(BackupConst.EXTRA_PROGRESS, progress) putExtra(BackupConst.EXTRA_AMOUNT, amount) putExtra(BackupConst.EXTRA_CONTENT, content) putExtra(BackupConst.EXTRA_ERRORS, errors) putExtra(BackupConst.ACTION, BackupConst.ACTION_SET_PROGRESS_DIALOG) } sendLocalBroadcast(intent) } }
package com.devexperts.dxlab.lincheck.verifier.linearizability /* * #%L * Lincheck * %% * Copyright (C) 2015 - 2018 Devexperts, LLC * %% * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Lesser Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Lesser Public * License along with this program. If not, see * <>. * #L% */ import com.devexperts.dxlab.lincheck.execution.ExecutionResult import com.devexperts.dxlab.lincheck.execution.ExecutionScenario import com.devexperts.dxlab.lincheck.verifier.* /** * This verifier checks that the specified results could be happen in linearizable execution, * for what it tries to find a possible linear execution which transitions does not violate both * regular LTS (see [LTS] and [RegularLTS]) transitions and the happens-before order. Essentially, * it just tries to execute the next actor in each thread and goes deeper until all actors are executed. * * This verifier is based on [AbstractLTSVerifier] and caches the already processed results * for performance improvement (see [CachedVerifier]). */ class LinearizabilityVerifier(scenario: ExecutionScenario, testClass : Class<*>) : AbstractLTSVerifier<RegularLTS.State>(scenario, testClass) { override fun createInitialContext(results: ExecutionResult): LTSContext<RegularLTS.State> = LinearizabilityContext(scenario, RegularLTS(testClass).initialState, results) } /** * Next possible states are determined lazily by trying to execute next actor in order for every thread * * Current state of scenario execution is represented with the number of actors executed in every thread */ private class LinearizabilityContext(scenario: ExecutionScenario, state: RegularLTS.State, executed: IntArray, val results: ExecutionResult ) : LTSContext<RegularLTS.State>(scenario, state, executed) { constructor(scenario: ExecutionScenario, state: RegularLTS.State, results: ExecutionResult) : this(scenario, state, IntArray(scenario.threads + 2), results) override fun nextContexts(threadId: Int): List<LinearizabilityContext> { // Check if there are unprocessed actors in the specified thread if (isCompleted(threadId)) return emptyList() // Check whether an actor from the specified thread can be executed // in accordance with the rule that all actors from init part should be // executed at first, after that all actors from parallel part, and // all actors from post part should be executed at last. val legal = when (threadId) { 0 -> true // INIT: we already checked that there is an unprocessed actor in 1 .. scenario.threads -> initCompleted // PARALLEL else -> initCompleted && parallelCompleted // POST } if (!legal) return emptyList() // Check whether the transition is possible in LTS val i = executed[threadId] val nextState =[threadId][i], results[threadId][i]) ?: return emptyList() // The transition is possible, create a new context val nextExecuted = executed.copyOf() nextExecuted[threadId]++ return listOf(LinearizabilityContext(scenario, nextState, nextExecuted, results)) } }
package ii_collections import util.TODO fun todoTask24(): Nothing = TODO( """ Task 24. The function should do the same as '_24_JavaCode.doSomethingStrangeWithCollection'. Replace all invocations of 'todoTask24()' with the appropriate code. """, references = { c: Collection<String> -> _24_JavaCode().doSomethingStrangeWithCollection(c) } ) fun doSomethingStrangeWithCollection(collection: Collection<String>) = collection.groupBy { it.length }.values.maxBy { it.size }
package com.jara.kotlin_myshare.http import okhttp3.OkHttpClient import okhttp3.logging.HttpLoggingInterceptor import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit /** * Created by jara on 2017-9-20. */ object OKHttpClientFactory { @JvmStatic fun create() :OkHttpClient{ val loggingInterceptor = HttpLoggingInterceptor() loggingInterceptor.level = HttpLoggingInterceptor.Level.BODY val builder = OkHttpClient.Builder() builder.addInterceptor(loggingInterceptor) .connectTimeout(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS) .readTimeout(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS) .writeTimeout(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS) return } }
/* * Copyright (c) 2020. Rei Matsushita * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is * distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See * the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ /* ktlint-disable package-name */ package me.rei_m.hyakuninisshu class TestApp : App()
package com.example.adsl import android.view.ContextMenu import android.view.ViewGroup import android.content.Context import android.widget.* import import android.widget.LinearLayout.LayoutParams import android.view.View var Int get() = getRouteTypes() set(value) = setRouteTypes(value) val _AppWidgetHostView.appWidgetId: Int get() = viewGroup.getAppWidgetId() val _AppWidgetHostView.appWidgetInfo: android.appwidget.AppWidgetProviderInfo? get() = viewGroup.getAppWidgetInfo() val _GestureOverlayView.currentStroke: java.util.ArrayList<android.gesture.GesturePoint> get() = viewGroup.getCurrentStroke() var _GestureOverlayView.eventsInterceptionEnabled: Boolean get() = viewGroup.isEventsInterceptionEnabled() set(value) = viewGroup.setEventsInterceptionEnabled(value) var _GestureOverlayView.fadeEnabled: Boolean get() = viewGroup.isFadeEnabled() set(value) = viewGroup.setFadeEnabled(value) var _GestureOverlayView.fadeOffset: Long get() = viewGroup.getFadeOffset() set(value) = viewGroup.setFadeOffset(value) var _GestureOverlayView.gesture: android.gesture.Gesture? get() = viewGroup.getGesture() set(value) = viewGroup.setGesture(value!!) var _GestureOverlayView.gestureColor: Int get() = viewGroup.getGestureColor() set(value) = viewGroup.setGestureColor(value) val _GestureOverlayView.gesturePath: get() = viewGroup.getGesturePath() var _GestureOverlayView.gestureStrokeAngleThreshold: Float get() = viewGroup.getGestureStrokeAngleThreshold() set(value) = viewGroup.setGestureStrokeAngleThreshold(value) var _GestureOverlayView.gestureStrokeLengthThreshold: Float get() = viewGroup.getGestureStrokeLengthThreshold() set(value) = viewGroup.setGestureStrokeLengthThreshold(value) var _GestureOverlayView.gestureStrokeSquarenessTreshold: Float get() = viewGroup.getGestureStrokeSquarenessTreshold() set(value) = viewGroup.setGestureStrokeSquarenessTreshold(value) var _GestureOverlayView.gestureStrokeType: Int get() = viewGroup.getGestureStrokeType() set(value) = viewGroup.setGestureStrokeType(value) var _GestureOverlayView.gestureStrokeWidth: Float get() = viewGroup.getGestureStrokeWidth() set(value) = viewGroup.setGestureStrokeWidth(value) var _GestureOverlayView.gestureVisible: Boolean get() = viewGroup.isGestureVisible() set(value) = viewGroup.setGestureVisible(value) val _GestureOverlayView.gesturing: Boolean get() = viewGroup.isGesturing() var _GestureOverlayView.orientation: Int get() = viewGroup.getOrientation() set(value) = viewGroup.setOrientation(value) var _GestureOverlayView.uncertainGestureColor: Int get() = viewGroup.getUncertainGestureColor() set(value) = viewGroup.setUncertainGestureColor(value) val android.inputmethodservice.ExtractEditText.focused: Boolean get() = isFocused() val android.inputmethodservice.ExtractEditText.inputMethodTarget: Boolean get() = isInputMethodTarget() var android.inputmethodservice.KeyboardView.keyboard: android.inputmethodservice.Keyboard? get() = getKeyboard() set(value) = setKeyboard(value!!) var android.inputmethodservice.KeyboardView.previewEnabled: Boolean get() = isPreviewEnabled() set(value) = setPreviewEnabled(value) var android.inputmethodservice.KeyboardView.proximityCorrectionEnabled: Boolean get() = isProximityCorrectionEnabled() set(value) = setProximityCorrectionEnabled(value) var android.opengl.GLSurfaceView.debugFlags: Int get() = getDebugFlags() set(value) = setDebugFlags(value) var android.opengl.GLSurfaceView.preserveEGLContextOnPause: Boolean get() = getPreserveEGLContextOnPause() set(value) = setPreserveEGLContextOnPause(value) var android.opengl.GLSurfaceView.renderMode: Int get() = getRenderMode() set(value) = setRenderMode(value) var android.renderscript.RSSurfaceView.renderScriptGL: android.renderscript.RenderScriptGL? get() = getRenderScriptGL() set(value) = setRenderScriptGL(value!!) var android.renderscript.RSTextureView.renderScriptGL: android.renderscript.RenderScriptGL? get() = getRenderScriptGL() set(value) = setRenderScriptGL(value!!) val android.view.SurfaceView.holder: android.view.SurfaceHolder? get() = getHolder() val android.view.TextureView.available: Boolean get() = isAvailable() val android.view.TextureView.bitmap: get() = getBitmap() val android.view.TextureView.layerType: Int get() = getLayerType() var android.view.TextureView.opaque: Boolean get() = isOpaque() set(value) = setOpaque(value) var android.view.TextureView.surfaceTexture: get() = getSurfaceTexture() set(value) = setSurfaceTexture(value!!) var android.view.TextureView.surfaceTextureListener: android.view.TextureView.SurfaceTextureListener? get() = getSurfaceTextureListener() set(value) = setSurfaceTextureListener(value!!) var android.view.ViewGroup.alwaysDrawnWithCacheEnabled: Boolean get() = isAlwaysDrawnWithCacheEnabled() set(value) = setAlwaysDrawnWithCacheEnabled(value) var android.view.ViewGroup.animationCacheEnabled: Boolean get() = isAnimationCacheEnabled() set(value) = setAnimationCacheEnabled(value) val android.view.ViewGroup.childCount: Int get() = getChildCount() var android.view.ViewGroup.descendantFocusability: Int get() = getDescendantFocusability() set(value) = setDescendantFocusability(value) val android.view.ViewGroup.focusedChild: android.view.View? get() = getFocusedChild() var android.view.ViewGroup.layoutAnimation: android.view.animation.LayoutAnimationController? get() = getLayoutAnimation() set(value) = setLayoutAnimation(value!!) var android.view.ViewGroup.layoutAnimationListener: android.view.animation.Animation.AnimationListener? get() = getLayoutAnimationListener() set(value) = setLayoutAnimationListener(value!!) var android.view.ViewGroup.layoutTransition: android.animation.LayoutTransition? get() = getLayoutTransition() set(value) = setLayoutTransition(value!!) var android.view.ViewGroup.motionEventSplittingEnabled: Boolean get() = isMotionEventSplittingEnabled() set(value) = setMotionEventSplittingEnabled(value) var android.view.ViewGroup.persistentDrawingCache: Int get() = getPersistentDrawingCache() set(value) = setPersistentDrawingCache(value) var android.view.ViewStub.inflatedId: Int get() = getInflatedId() set(value) = setInflatedId(value) var android.view.ViewStub.layoutInflater: android.view.LayoutInflater? get() = getLayoutInflater() set(value) = setLayoutInflater(value!!) var android.view.ViewStub.layoutResource: Int get() = getLayoutResource() set(value) = setLayoutResource(value) var _WebView.certificate: get() = viewGroup.getCertificate() set(value) = viewGroup.setCertificate(value!!) val _WebView.contentHeight: Int get() = viewGroup.getContentHeight() val _WebView.favicon: get() = viewGroup.getFavicon() val _WebView.hitTestResult: android.webkit.WebView.HitTestResult? get() = viewGroup.getHitTestResult() val _WebView.originalUrl: String? get() = viewGroup.getOriginalUrl() val _WebView.privateBrowsingEnabled: Boolean get() = viewGroup.isPrivateBrowsingEnabled() val _WebView.progress: Int get() = viewGroup.getProgress() val _WebView.scale: Float get() = viewGroup.getScale() val _WebView.settings: android.webkit.WebSettings? get() = viewGroup.getSettings() val _WebView.title: String? get() = viewGroup.getTitle() val _WebView.url: String? get() = viewGroup.getUrl() var android.widget.AbsSeekBar.keyProgressIncrement: Int get() = getKeyProgressIncrement() set(value) = setKeyProgressIncrement(value) var android.widget.AbsSeekBar.thumb: get() = getThumb() set(value) = setThumb(value!!) var android.widget.AbsSeekBar.thumbOffset: Int get() = getThumbOffset() set(value) = setThumbOffset(value) var _AdapterViewFlipper.autoStart: Boolean get() = viewGroup.isAutoStart() set(value) = viewGroup.setAutoStart(value) var _AdapterViewFlipper.flipInterval: Int get() = viewGroup.getFlipInterval() set(value) = viewGroup.setFlipInterval(value) val _AdapterViewFlipper.flipping: Boolean get() = viewGroup.isFlipping() var android.widget.AutoCompleteTextView.completionHint: CharSequence? get() = getCompletionHint() set(value) = setCompletionHint(value!!) var android.widget.AutoCompleteTextView.dropDownAnchor: Int get() = getDropDownAnchor() set(value) = setDropDownAnchor(value) val android.widget.AutoCompleteTextView.dropDownBackground: get() = getDropDownBackground() var android.widget.AutoCompleteTextView.dropDownHeight: Int get() = getDropDownHeight() set(value) = setDropDownHeight(value) var android.widget.AutoCompleteTextView.dropDownHorizontalOffset: Int get() = getDropDownHorizontalOffset() set(value) = setDropDownHorizontalOffset(value) var android.widget.AutoCompleteTextView.dropDownVerticalOffset: Int get() = getDropDownVerticalOffset() set(value) = setDropDownVerticalOffset(value) var android.widget.AutoCompleteTextView.dropDownWidth: Int get() = getDropDownWidth() set(value) = setDropDownWidth(value) val android.widget.AutoCompleteTextView.itemClickListener: android.widget.AdapterView.OnItemClickListener? get() = getItemClickListener() val android.widget.AutoCompleteTextView.itemSelectedListener: android.widget.AdapterView.OnItemSelectedListener? get() = getItemSelectedListener() var android.widget.AutoCompleteTextView.listSelection: Int get() = getListSelection() set(value) = setListSelection(value) var android.widget.AutoCompleteTextView.onItemClickListener: android.widget.AdapterView.OnItemClickListener? get() = getOnItemClickListener() set(value) = setOnItemClickListener(value!!) var android.widget.AutoCompleteTextView.onItemSelectedListener: android.widget.AdapterView.OnItemSelectedListener? get() = getOnItemSelectedListener() set(value) = setOnItemSelectedListener(value!!) val android.widget.AutoCompleteTextView.performingCompletion: Boolean get() = isPerformingCompletion() val android.widget.AutoCompleteTextView.popupShowing: Boolean get() = isPopupShowing() var android.widget.AutoCompleteTextView.threshold: Int get() = getThreshold() set(value) = setThreshold(value) var android.widget.AutoCompleteTextView.validator: android.widget.AutoCompleteTextView.Validator? get() = getValidator() set(value) = setValidator(value!!) var Long get() = viewGroup.getDate() set(value) = viewGroup.setDate(value) var _CalendarView.dateTextAppearance: Int get() = viewGroup.getDateTextAppearance() set(value) = viewGroup.setDateTextAppearance(value) var _CalendarView.enabled: Boolean get() = viewGroup.isEnabled() set(value) = viewGroup.setEnabled(value) var _CalendarView.firstDayOfWeek: Int get() = viewGroup.getFirstDayOfWeek() set(value) = viewGroup.setFirstDayOfWeek(value) var _CalendarView.focusedMonthDateColor: Int get() = viewGroup.getFocusedMonthDateColor() set(value) = viewGroup.setFocusedMonthDateColor(value) var _CalendarView.maxDate: Long get() = viewGroup.getMaxDate() set(value) = viewGroup.setMaxDate(value) var _CalendarView.minDate: Long get() = viewGroup.getMinDate() set(value) = viewGroup.setMinDate(value) var _CalendarView.selectedDateVerticalBar: get() = viewGroup.getSelectedDateVerticalBar() set(value) = viewGroup.setSelectedDateVerticalBar(value!!) var _CalendarView.selectedWeekBackgroundColor: Int get() = viewGroup.getSelectedWeekBackgroundColor() set(value) = viewGroup.setSelectedWeekBackgroundColor(value) var _CalendarView.showWeekNumber: Boolean get() = viewGroup.getShowWeekNumber() set(value) = viewGroup.setShowWeekNumber(value) var _CalendarView.shownWeekCount: Int get() = viewGroup.getShownWeekCount() set(value) = viewGroup.setShownWeekCount(value) var _CalendarView.unfocusedMonthDateColor: Int get() = viewGroup.getUnfocusedMonthDateColor() set(value) = viewGroup.setUnfocusedMonthDateColor(value) var _CalendarView.weekDayTextAppearance: Int get() = viewGroup.getWeekDayTextAppearance() set(value) = viewGroup.setWeekDayTextAppearance(value) var _CalendarView.weekNumberColor: Int get() = viewGroup.getWeekNumberColor() set(value) = viewGroup.setWeekNumberColor(value) var _CalendarView.weekSeparatorLineColor: Int get() = viewGroup.getWeekSeparatorLineColor() set(value) = viewGroup.setWeekSeparatorLineColor(value) var android.widget.CheckedTextView.checkMarkDrawable: get() = getCheckMarkDrawable() set(value) = setCheckMarkDrawable(value!!) var android.widget.CheckedTextView.checked: Boolean get() = isChecked() set(value) = setChecked(value) var android.widget.Chronometer.base: Long get() = getBase() set(value) = setBase(value) var android.widget.Chronometer.format: String? get() = getFormat() set(value) = setFormat(value!!) var android.widget.Chronometer.onChronometerTickListener: android.widget.Chronometer.OnChronometerTickListener? get() = getOnChronometerTickListener() set(value) = setOnChronometerTickListener(value!!) var android.widget.CompoundButton.checked: Boolean get() = isChecked() set(value) = setChecked(value) val _DatePicker.calendarView: android.widget.CalendarView? get() = viewGroup.getCalendarView() var _DatePicker.calendarViewShown: Boolean get() = viewGroup.getCalendarViewShown() set(value) = viewGroup.setCalendarViewShown(value) val _DatePicker.dayOfMonth: Int get() = viewGroup.getDayOfMonth() var _DatePicker.enabled: Boolean get() = viewGroup.isEnabled() set(value) = viewGroup.setEnabled(value) var _DatePicker.maxDate: Long get() = viewGroup.getMaxDate() set(value) = viewGroup.setMaxDate(value) var _DatePicker.minDate: Long get() = viewGroup.getMinDate() set(value) = viewGroup.setMinDate(value) val _DatePicker.month: Int get() = viewGroup.getMonth() var _DatePicker.spinnersShown: Boolean get() = viewGroup.getSpinnersShown() set(value) = viewGroup.setSpinnersShown(value) val _DatePicker.year: Int get() = viewGroup.getYear() val _DialerFilter.digits: CharSequence? get() = viewGroup.getDigits() val _DialerFilter.filterText: CharSequence? get() = viewGroup.getFilterText() val _DialerFilter.letters: CharSequence? get() = viewGroup.getLetters() var _DialerFilter.mode: Int get() = viewGroup.getMode() set(value) = viewGroup.setMode(value) val _DialerFilter.qwertyKeyboard: Boolean get() = viewGroup.isQwertyKeyboard() val android.widget.EditText.text: android.text.Editable? get() = getText() var _ExpandableListView.adapter: android.widget.ListAdapter? get() = viewGroup.getAdapter() set(value) = viewGroup.setAdapter(value!!) val _ExpandableListView.expandableListAdapter: android.widget.ExpandableListAdapter? get() = viewGroup.getExpandableListAdapter() val _ExpandableListView.selectedId: Long get() = viewGroup.getSelectedId() val _ExpandableListView.selectedPosition: Long get() = viewGroup.getSelectedPosition() val _FrameLayout.considerGoneChildrenWhenMeasuring: Boolean get() = viewGroup.getConsiderGoneChildrenWhenMeasuring() var _FrameLayout.foreground: get() = viewGroup.getForeground() set(value) = viewGroup.setForeground(value!!) var _FrameLayout.foregroundGravity: Int get() = viewGroup.getForegroundGravity() set(value) = viewGroup.setForegroundGravity(value) var _FrameLayout.measureAllChildren: Boolean get() = viewGroup.getMeasureAllChildren() set(value) = viewGroup.setMeasureAllChildren(value) var _GridLayout.alignmentMode: Int get() = viewGroup.getAlignmentMode() set(value) = viewGroup.setAlignmentMode(value) var _GridLayout.columnCount: Int get() = viewGroup.getColumnCount() set(value) = viewGroup.setColumnCount(value) var _GridLayout.columnOrderPreserved: Boolean get() = viewGroup.isColumnOrderPreserved() set(value) = viewGroup.setColumnOrderPreserved(value) var _GridLayout.orientation: Int get() = viewGroup.getOrientation() set(value) = viewGroup.setOrientation(value) var _GridLayout.rowCount: Int get() = viewGroup.getRowCount() set(value) = viewGroup.setRowCount(value) var _GridLayout.rowOrderPreserved: Boolean get() = viewGroup.isRowOrderPreserved() set(value) = viewGroup.setRowOrderPreserved(value) var _GridLayout.useDefaultMargins: Boolean get() = viewGroup.getUseDefaultMargins() set(value) = viewGroup.setUseDefaultMargins(value) var _GridView.adapter: android.widget.ListAdapter? get() = viewGroup.getAdapter() set(value) = viewGroup.setAdapter(value!!) var _GridView.columnWidth: Int get() = viewGroup.getColumnWidth() set(value) = viewGroup.setColumnWidth(value) var _GridView.gravity: Int get() = viewGroup.getGravity() set(value) = viewGroup.setGravity(value) var _GridView.horizontalSpacing: Int get() = viewGroup.getHorizontalSpacing() set(value) = viewGroup.setHorizontalSpacing(value) var _GridView.numColumns: Int get() = viewGroup.getNumColumns() set(value) = viewGroup.setNumColumns(value) val _GridView.requestedColumnWidth: Int get() = viewGroup.getRequestedColumnWidth() val _GridView.requestedHorizontalSpacing: Int get() = viewGroup.getRequestedHorizontalSpacing() var _GridView.stretchMode: Int get() = viewGroup.getStretchMode() set(value) = viewGroup.setStretchMode(value) var _GridView.verticalSpacing: Int get() = viewGroup.getVerticalSpacing() set(value) = viewGroup.setVerticalSpacing(value) var _HorizontalScrollView.fillViewport: Boolean get() = viewGroup.isFillViewport() set(value) = viewGroup.setFillViewport(value) val _HorizontalScrollView.maxScrollAmount: Int get() = viewGroup.getMaxScrollAmount() var _HorizontalScrollView.smoothScrollingEnabled: Boolean get() = viewGroup.isSmoothScrollingEnabled() set(value) = viewGroup.setSmoothScrollingEnabled(value) var android.widget.ImageView.adjustViewBounds: Boolean get() = getAdjustViewBounds() set(value) = setAdjustViewBounds(value) var android.widget.ImageView.baseline: Int get() = getBaseline() set(value) = setBaseline(value) var android.widget.ImageView.baselineAlignBottom: Boolean get() = getBaselineAlignBottom() set(value) = setBaselineAlignBottom(value) var android.widget.ImageView.colorFilter: get() = getColorFilter() set(value) = setColorFilter(value!!) var android.widget.ImageView.cropToPadding: Boolean get() = getCropToPadding() set(value) = setCropToPadding(value) val android.widget.ImageView.drawable: get() = getDrawable() var android.widget.ImageView.imageAlpha: Int get() = getImageAlpha() set(value) = setImageAlpha(value) var android.widget.ImageView.imageMatrix: get() = getImageMatrix() set(value) = setImageMatrix(value!!) var android.widget.ImageView.maxHeight: Int get() = getMaxHeight() set(value) = setMaxHeight(value) var android.widget.ImageView.maxWidth: Int get() = getMaxWidth() set(value) = setMaxWidth(value) var android.widget.ImageView.scaleType: android.widget.ImageView.ScaleType? get() = getScaleType() set(value) = setScaleType(value!!) val _LinearLayout.baseline: Int get() = viewGroup.getBaseline() var _LinearLayout.baselineAligned: Boolean get() = viewGroup.isBaselineAligned() set(value) = viewGroup.setBaselineAligned(value) var _LinearLayout.baselineAlignedChildIndex: Int get() = viewGroup.getBaselineAlignedChildIndex() set(value) = viewGroup.setBaselineAlignedChildIndex(value) var _LinearLayout.dividerDrawable: get() = viewGroup.getDividerDrawable() set(value) = viewGroup.setDividerDrawable(value!!) var _LinearLayout.dividerPadding: Int get() = viewGroup.getDividerPadding() set(value) = viewGroup.setDividerPadding(value) var _LinearLayout.measureWithLargestChildEnabled: Boolean get() = viewGroup.isMeasureWithLargestChildEnabled() set(value) = viewGroup.setMeasureWithLargestChildEnabled(value) var _LinearLayout.orientation: Int get() = viewGroup.getOrientation() set(value) = viewGroup.setOrientation(value) var _LinearLayout.showDividers: Int get() = viewGroup.getShowDividers() set(value) = viewGroup.setShowDividers(value) var _LinearLayout.weightSum: Float get() = viewGroup.getWeightSum() set(value) = viewGroup.setWeightSum(value) var _ListView.adapter: android.widget.ListAdapter? get() = viewGroup.getAdapter() set(value) = viewGroup.setAdapter(value!!) val _ListView.checkItemIds: LongArray? get() = viewGroup.getCheckItemIds() var _ListView.divider: get() = viewGroup.getDivider() set(value) = viewGroup.setDivider(value!!) var _ListView.dividerHeight: Int get() = viewGroup.getDividerHeight() set(value) = viewGroup.setDividerHeight(value) val _ListView.footerViewsCount: Int get() = viewGroup.getFooterViewsCount() val _ListView.headerViewsCount: Int get() = viewGroup.getHeaderViewsCount() var _ListView.itemsCanFocus: Boolean get() = viewGroup.getItemsCanFocus() set(value) = viewGroup.setItemsCanFocus(value) val _ListView.maxScrollAmount: Int get() = viewGroup.getMaxScrollAmount() val _ListView.opaque: Boolean get() = viewGroup.isOpaque() var _ListView.overscrollFooter: get() = viewGroup.getOverscrollFooter() set(value) = viewGroup.setOverscrollFooter(value!!) var _ListView.overscrollHeader: get() = viewGroup.getOverscrollHeader() set(value) = viewGroup.setOverscrollHeader(value!!) val _MediaController.showing: Boolean get() = viewGroup.isShowing() val _NumberPicker.accessibilityNodeProvider: android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeProvider? get() = viewGroup.getAccessibilityNodeProvider() var _NumberPicker.displayedValues: Array<String>? get() = viewGroup.getDisplayedValues() set(value) = viewGroup.setDisplayedValues(value!!) var _NumberPicker.maxValue: Int get() = viewGroup.getMaxValue() set(value) = viewGroup.setMaxValue(value) var _NumberPicker.minValue: Int get() = viewGroup.getMinValue() set(value) = viewGroup.setMinValue(value) val _NumberPicker.solidColor: Int get() = viewGroup.getSolidColor() var _NumberPicker.value: Int get() = viewGroup.getValue() set(value) = viewGroup.setValue(value) var _NumberPicker.wrapSelectorWheel: Boolean get() = viewGroup.getWrapSelectorWheel() set(value) = viewGroup.setWrapSelectorWheel(value) var android.widget.ProgressBar.indeterminate: Boolean get() = isIndeterminate() set(value) = setIndeterminate(value) var android.widget.ProgressBar.indeterminateDrawable: get() = getIndeterminateDrawable() set(value) = setIndeterminateDrawable(value!!) var android.widget.ProgressBar.interpolator: android.view.animation.Interpolator? get() = getInterpolator() set(value) = setInterpolator(value!!) var android.widget.ProgressBar.max: Int get() = getMax() set(value) = setMax(value) var android.widget.ProgressBar.progress: Int get() = getProgress() set(value) = setProgress(value) var android.widget.ProgressBar.progressDrawable: get() = getProgressDrawable() set(value) = setProgressDrawable(value!!) var android.widget.ProgressBar.secondaryProgress: Int get() = getSecondaryProgress() set(value) = setSecondaryProgress(value) val _RadioGroup.checkedRadioButtonId: Int get() = viewGroup.getCheckedRadioButtonId() val android.widget.RatingBar.indicator: Boolean get() = isIndicator() var android.widget.RatingBar.numStars: Int get() = getNumStars() set(value) = setNumStars(value) var android.widget.RatingBar.onRatingBarChangeListener: android.widget.RatingBar.OnRatingBarChangeListener? get() = getOnRatingBarChangeListener() set(value) = setOnRatingBarChangeListener(value!!) var android.widget.RatingBar.rating: Float get() = getRating() set(value) = setRating(value) var android.widget.RatingBar.stepSize: Float get() = getStepSize() set(value) = setStepSize(value) val _RelativeLayout.baseline: Int get() = viewGroup.getBaseline() var _RelativeLayout.gravity: Int get() = viewGroup.getGravity() set(value) = viewGroup.setGravity(value) var _ScrollView.fillViewport: Boolean get() = viewGroup.isFillViewport() set(value) = viewGroup.setFillViewport(value) val _ScrollView.maxScrollAmount: Int get() = viewGroup.getMaxScrollAmount() var _ScrollView.smoothScrollingEnabled: Boolean get() = viewGroup.isSmoothScrollingEnabled() set(value) = viewGroup.setSmoothScrollingEnabled(value) val _SearchView.iconfiedByDefault: Boolean get() = viewGroup.isIconfiedByDefault() var _SearchView.iconified: Boolean get() = viewGroup.isIconified() set(value) = viewGroup.setIconified(value) var _SearchView.imeOptions: Int get() = viewGroup.getImeOptions() set(value) = viewGroup.setImeOptions(value) var _SearchView.inputType: Int get() = viewGroup.getInputType() set(value) = viewGroup.setInputType(value) var _SearchView.maxWidth: Int get() = viewGroup.getMaxWidth() set(value) = viewGroup.setMaxWidth(value) val _SearchView.query: CharSequence? get() = viewGroup.getQuery() var _SearchView.queryHint: CharSequence? get() = viewGroup.getQueryHint() set(value) = viewGroup.setQueryHint(value!!) var _SearchView.queryRefinementEnabled: Boolean get() = viewGroup.isQueryRefinementEnabled() set(value) = viewGroup.setQueryRefinementEnabled(value) var _SearchView.submitButtonEnabled: Boolean get() = viewGroup.isSubmitButtonEnabled() set(value) = viewGroup.setSubmitButtonEnabled(value) var _SearchView.suggestionsAdapter: android.widget.CursorAdapter? get() = viewGroup.getSuggestionsAdapter() set(value) = viewGroup.setSuggestionsAdapter(value!!) val _SlidingDrawer.content: android.view.View? get() = viewGroup.getContent() val _SlidingDrawer.handle: android.view.View? get() = viewGroup.getHandle() val _SlidingDrawer.moving: Boolean get() = viewGroup.isMoving() val _SlidingDrawer.opened: Boolean get() = viewGroup.isOpened() val _Spinner.baseline: Int get() = viewGroup.getBaseline() var _Spinner.dropDownHorizontalOffset: Int get() = viewGroup.getDropDownHorizontalOffset() set(value) = viewGroup.setDropDownHorizontalOffset(value) var _Spinner.dropDownVerticalOffset: Int get() = viewGroup.getDropDownVerticalOffset() set(value) = viewGroup.setDropDownVerticalOffset(value) var _Spinner.dropDownWidth: Int get() = viewGroup.getDropDownWidth() set(value) = viewGroup.setDropDownWidth(value) var _Spinner.gravity: Int get() = viewGroup.getGravity() set(value) = viewGroup.setGravity(value) val _Spinner.popupBackground: get() = viewGroup.getPopupBackground() var _Spinner.prompt: CharSequence? get() = viewGroup.getPrompt() set(value) = viewGroup.setPrompt(value!!) val android.widget.Switch.compoundPaddingRight: Int get() = getCompoundPaddingRight() var android.widget.Switch.switchMinWidth: Int get() = getSwitchMinWidth() set(value) = setSwitchMinWidth(value) var android.widget.Switch.switchPadding: Int get() = getSwitchPadding() set(value) = setSwitchPadding(value) var android.widget.Switch.textOff: CharSequence? get() = getTextOff() set(value) = setTextOff(value!!) var android.widget.Switch.textOn: CharSequence? get() = getTextOn() set(value) = setTextOn(value!!) var android.widget.Switch.thumbDrawable: get() = getThumbDrawable() set(value) = setThumbDrawable(value!!) var android.widget.Switch.thumbTextPadding: Int get() = getThumbTextPadding() set(value) = setThumbTextPadding(value) var android.widget.Switch.trackDrawable: get() = getTrackDrawable() set(value) = setTrackDrawable(value!!) var _TabHost.currentTab: Int get() = viewGroup.getCurrentTab() set(value) = viewGroup.setCurrentTab(value) val _TabHost.currentTabTag: String? get() = viewGroup.getCurrentTabTag() val _TabHost.currentTabView: android.view.View? get() = viewGroup.getCurrentTabView() val _TabHost.currentView: android.view.View? get() = viewGroup.getCurrentView() val _TabHost.tabContentView: android.widget.FrameLayout? get() = viewGroup.getTabContentView() val _TabHost.tabWidget: android.widget.TabWidget? get() = viewGroup.getTabWidget() var _TabWidget.stripEnabled: Boolean get() = viewGroup.isStripEnabled() set(value) = viewGroup.setStripEnabled(value) val _TabWidget.tabCount: Int get() = viewGroup.getTabCount() var _TableLayout.shrinkAllColumns: Boolean get() = viewGroup.isShrinkAllColumns() set(value) = viewGroup.setShrinkAllColumns(value) var _TableLayout.stretchAllColumns: Boolean get() = viewGroup.isStretchAllColumns() set(value) = viewGroup.setStretchAllColumns(value) val _TableRow.virtualChildCount: Int get() = viewGroup.getVirtualChildCount() var android.widget.TextView.autoLinkMask: Int get() = getAutoLinkMask() set(value) = setAutoLinkMask(value) val android.widget.TextView.baseline: Int get() = getBaseline() var android.widget.TextView.compoundDrawablePadding: Int get() = getCompoundDrawablePadding() set(value) = setCompoundDrawablePadding(value) val android.widget.TextView.compoundDrawables: Array<>? get() = getCompoundDrawables() val android.widget.TextView.compoundPaddingBottom: Int get() = getCompoundPaddingBottom() val android.widget.TextView.compoundPaddingLeft: Int get() = getCompoundPaddingLeft() val android.widget.TextView.compoundPaddingRight: Int get() = getCompoundPaddingRight() val android.widget.TextView.compoundPaddingTop: Int get() = getCompoundPaddingTop() val android.widget.TextView.currentHintTextColor: Int get() = getCurrentHintTextColor() val android.widget.TextView.currentTextColor: Int get() = getCurrentTextColor() var android.widget.TextView.cursorVisible: Boolean get() = isCursorVisible() set(value) = setCursorVisible(value) var android.widget.TextView.customSelectionActionModeCallback: android.view.ActionMode.Callback? get() = getCustomSelectionActionModeCallback() set(value) = setCustomSelectionActionModeCallback(value!!) val android.widget.TextView.editableText: android.text.Editable? get() = getEditableText() var android.widget.TextView.ellipsize: android.text.TextUtils.TruncateAt? get() = getEllipsize() set(value) = setEllipsize(value!!) var android.widget.TextView.error: CharSequence? get() = getError() set(value) = setError(value!!) val android.widget.TextView.extendedPaddingBottom: Int get() = getExtendedPaddingBottom() val android.widget.TextView.extendedPaddingTop: Int get() = getExtendedPaddingTop() var android.widget.TextView.filters: Array<android.text.InputFilter>? get() = getFilters() set(value) = setFilters(value!!) var android.widget.TextView.freezesText: Boolean get() = getFreezesText() set(value) = setFreezesText(value) var android.widget.TextView.gravity: Int get() = getGravity() set(value) = setGravity(value) var android.widget.TextView.highlightColor: Int get() = getHighlightColor() set(value) = setHighlightColor(value) var android.widget.TextView.hint: CharSequence? get() = getHint() set(value) = setHint(value!!) val android.widget.TextView.hintTextColors: android.content.res.ColorStateList? get() = getHintTextColors() val android.widget.TextView.imeActionId: Int get() = getImeActionId() val android.widget.TextView.imeActionLabel: CharSequence? get() = getImeActionLabel() var android.widget.TextView.imeOptions: Int get() = getImeOptions() set(value) = setImeOptions(value) var android.widget.TextView.includeFontPadding: Boolean get() = getIncludeFontPadding() set(value) = setIncludeFontPadding(value) val android.widget.TextView.inputMethodTarget: Boolean get() = isInputMethodTarget() var android.widget.TextView.inputType: Int get() = getInputType() set(value) = setInputType(value) var android.widget.TextView.keyListener: android.text.method.KeyListener? get() = getKeyListener() set(value) = setKeyListener(value!!) val android.widget.TextView.layout: android.text.Layout? get() = getLayout() val android.widget.TextView.lineCount: Int get() = getLineCount() val android.widget.TextView.lineHeight: Int get() = getLineHeight() val android.widget.TextView.lineSpacingExtra: Float get() = getLineSpacingExtra() val android.widget.TextView.lineSpacingMultiplier: Float get() = getLineSpacingMultiplier() val android.widget.TextView.linkTextColors: android.content.res.ColorStateList? get() = getLinkTextColors() var android.widget.TextView.linksClickable: Boolean get() = getLinksClickable() set(value) = setLinksClickable(value) var android.widget.TextView.marqueeRepeatLimit: Int get() = getMarqueeRepeatLimit() set(value) = setMarqueeRepeatLimit(value) var android.widget.TextView.maxEms: Int get() = getMaxEms() set(value) = setMaxEms(value) var android.widget.TextView.maxHeight: Int get() = getMaxHeight() set(value) = setMaxHeight(value) var android.widget.TextView.maxLines: Int get() = getMaxLines() set(value) = setMaxLines(value) var android.widget.TextView.maxWidth: Int get() = getMaxWidth() set(value) = setMaxWidth(value) var android.widget.TextView.minEms: Int get() = getMinEms() set(value) = setMinEms(value) var android.widget.TextView.minHeight: Int get() = getMinHeight() set(value) = setMinHeight(value) var android.widget.TextView.minLines: Int get() = getMinLines() set(value) = setMinLines(value) var android.widget.TextView.minWidth: Int get() = getMinWidth() set(value) = setMinWidth(value) var android.widget.TextView.movementMethod: android.text.method.MovementMethod? get() = getMovementMethod() set(value) = setMovementMethod(value!!) val android.widget.TextView.paint: android.text.TextPaint? get() = getPaint() var android.widget.TextView.paintFlags: Int get() = getPaintFlags() set(value) = setPaintFlags(value) var android.widget.TextView.privateImeOptions: String? get() = getPrivateImeOptions() set(value) = setPrivateImeOptions(value!!) val android.widget.TextView.selectionEnd: Int get() = getSelectionEnd() val android.widget.TextView.selectionStart: Int get() = getSelectionStart() val android.widget.TextView.shadowColor: Int get() = getShadowColor() val android.widget.TextView.shadowDx: Float get() = getShadowDx() val android.widget.TextView.shadowDy: Float get() = getShadowDy() val android.widget.TextView.shadowRadius: Float get() = getShadowRadius() val android.widget.TextView.suggestionsEnabled: Boolean get() = isSuggestionsEnabled() var android.widget.TextView.text: CharSequence? get() = getText() set(value) = setText(value!!) val android.widget.TextView.textColors: android.content.res.ColorStateList? get() = getTextColors() var android.widget.TextView.textScaleX: Float get() = getTextScaleX() set(value) = setTextScaleX(value) val android.widget.TextView.textSelectable: Boolean get() = isTextSelectable() var android.widget.TextView.textSize: Float get() = getTextSize() set(value) = setTextSize(value) val android.widget.TextView.totalPaddingBottom: Int get() = getTotalPaddingBottom() val android.widget.TextView.totalPaddingLeft: Int get() = getTotalPaddingLeft() val android.widget.TextView.totalPaddingRight: Int get() = getTotalPaddingRight() val android.widget.TextView.totalPaddingTop: Int get() = getTotalPaddingTop() var android.widget.TextView.transformationMethod: android.text.method.TransformationMethod? get() = getTransformationMethod() set(value) = setTransformationMethod(value!!) var android.widget.TextView.typeface: get() = getTypeface() set(value) = setTypeface(value!!) val android.widget.TextView.urls: Array<>? get() = getUrls() val _TimePicker._24HourView: Boolean get() = viewGroup.is24HourView() val _TimePicker.baseline: Int get() = viewGroup.getBaseline() var _TimePicker.currentHour: Int? get() = viewGroup.getCurrentHour() set(value) = viewGroup.setCurrentHour(value!!) var _TimePicker.currentMinute: Int? get() = viewGroup.getCurrentMinute() set(value) = viewGroup.setCurrentMinute(value!!) var _TimePicker.enabled: Boolean get() = viewGroup.isEnabled() set(value) = viewGroup.setEnabled(value) var android.widget.ToggleButton.textOff: CharSequence? get() = getTextOff() set(value) = setTextOff(value!!) var android.widget.ToggleButton.textOn: CharSequence? get() = getTextOn() set(value) = setTextOn(value!!) val _TwoLineListItem.text1: android.widget.TextView? get() = viewGroup.getText1() val _TwoLineListItem.text2: android.widget.TextView? get() = viewGroup.getText2() val android.widget.VideoView.bufferPercentage: Int get() = getBufferPercentage() val android.widget.VideoView.currentPosition: Int get() = getCurrentPosition() val android.widget.VideoView.duration: Int get() = getDuration() val android.widget.VideoView.playing: Boolean get() = isPlaying() val _ViewAnimator.baseline: Int get() = viewGroup.getBaseline() val _ViewAnimator.currentView: android.view.View? get() = viewGroup.getCurrentView() var _ViewAnimator.displayedChild: Int get() = viewGroup.getDisplayedChild() set(value) = viewGroup.setDisplayedChild(value) var _ViewAnimator.inAnimation: android.view.animation.Animation? get() = viewGroup.getInAnimation() set(value) = viewGroup.setInAnimation(value!!) var _ViewAnimator.outAnimation: android.view.animation.Animation? get() = viewGroup.getOutAnimation() set(value) = viewGroup.setOutAnimation(value!!) var _ViewFlipper.autoStart: Boolean get() = viewGroup.isAutoStart() set(value) = viewGroup.setAutoStart(value) val _ViewFlipper.flipping: Boolean get() = viewGroup.isFlipping() val _ViewSwitcher.nextView: android.view.View? get() = viewGroup.getNextView()
package me.panpf.sketch.sample.util import android.content.Context import android.content.res.AssetManager import* import android.preference.PreferenceManager import me.panpf.sketch.sample.AssetImage import me.panpf.sketch.uri.AssetUriModel import me.panpf.sketch.util.ExifInterface import me.panpf.sketch.util.SketchUtils import* class ImageOrientationCorrectTestFileGenerator { private var files: Array<Config>? = null private var assetManager: AssetManager? = null private fun init(context: Context) { if (files != null) { return } if (assetManager == null) { assetManager = context.assets } val changed = isChanged(context) if (changed) { updateVersion(context) } var externalFilesDir = context.getExternalFilesDir(null) if (externalFilesDir == null) { externalFilesDir = context.filesDir } val dirPath = externalFilesDir!!.path + File.separator + "TEST_ORIENTATION" val filesList = arrayListOf<Config>() for (w in configs.indices) { val elements = configs[w].split(",".toRegex()).dropLastWhile { it.isEmpty() }.toTypedArray() val filePath = String.format("%s%s%s", dirPath, File.separator, elements[0]) filesList += Config(filePath, Integer.parseInt(elements[1]), Integer.parseInt(elements[2]), Integer.parseInt(elements[3])) } files = filesList.toTypedArray() if (changed) { val dir = File(dirPath) if (dir.exists()) { SketchUtils.cleanDir(dir) } } } private fun isChanged(context: Context): Boolean { val preferences = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context) return preferences.getInt(TAG_VERSION, 0) != VERSION } private fun updateVersion(context: Context) { PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context).edit().putInt(TAG_VERSION, VERSION).apply() } val filePaths: Array<String> get() { val filePaths = arrayListOf<String>() for (w in configs.indices) { filePaths += files!![w].filePath } return filePaths.toTypedArray() } fun onAppStart() { Thread(Runnable { val options = BitmapFactory.Options() options.inSampleSize = 4 val inputStream: InputStream try { inputStream = assetManager!!.open(AssetUriModel().getUriContent(AssetImage.MEI_NV)) } catch (e: IOException) { e.printStackTrace() return@Runnable } val sourceBitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(inputStream, null, options) SketchUtils.close(inputStream) if(sourceBitmap != null){ for (config in files!!) { val file = File(config.filePath) generatorTestFile(file, sourceBitmap, config.degrees, config.xScale, config.orientation) } sourceBitmap.recycle() } }).start() } private fun generatorTestFile(file: File, sourceBitmap: Bitmap, rotateDegrees: Int, xScale: Int, orientation: Int) { if (file.exists()) { return } val newBitmap = transformBitmap(sourceBitmap, rotateDegrees, xScale) if (newBitmap == null || newBitmap.isRecycled) { return } file.parentFile.mkdirs() val outputStream: FileOutputStream try { outputStream = FileOutputStream(file) } catch (e: FileNotFoundException) { e.printStackTrace() newBitmap.recycle() return } newBitmap.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 100, outputStream) SketchUtils.close(outputStream) newBitmap.recycle() val exifInterface: ExifInterface try { exifInterface = ExifInterface(file.path) } catch (e: IOException) { e.printStackTrace() file.delete() return } exifInterface.setAttribute(ExifInterface.TAG_ORIENTATION, orientation.toString()) try { exifInterface.saveAttributes() } catch (e: IOException) { e.printStackTrace() file.delete() } } private fun transformBitmap(sourceBitmap: Bitmap, degrees: Int, xScale: Int): Bitmap? { val matrix = Matrix() matrix.setScale(xScale.toFloat(), 1f) matrix.postRotate(degrees.toFloat()) // 根据旋转角度计算新的图片的尺寸 val newRect = RectF(0f, 0f, sourceBitmap.width.toFloat(), sourceBitmap.height.toFloat()) matrix.mapRect(newRect) val newWidth = newRect.width().toInt() val newHeight = newRect.height().toInt() // 角度不能整除90°时新图片会是斜的,因此要支持透明度,这样倾斜导致露出的部分就不会是黑的 var config: Bitmap.Config? = if (sourceBitmap.config != null) sourceBitmap.config else null if (degrees % 90 != 0 && config != Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888) { config = Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888 } val result = Bitmap.createBitmap(newWidth, newHeight, config!!) matrix.postTranslate(-newRect.left, val canvas = Canvas(result) val paint = Paint(Paint.DITHER_FLAG or Paint.FILTER_BITMAP_FLAG) canvas.drawBitmap(sourceBitmap, matrix, paint) return result } private class Config(internal var filePath: String, internal var degrees: Int, internal var xScale: Int, internal var orientation: Int) companion object { private val instance = ImageOrientationCorrectTestFileGenerator() private val VERSION = 5 private val configs = arrayOf( String.format("%s_%d.jpg,%d,%d,%d", "TEST_FILE_NAME_ROTATE_90", VERSION, -90, 1, ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_ROTATE_90), String.format("%s_%d.jpg,%d,%d,%d", "TEST_FILE_NAME_ROTATE_180", VERSION, -180, 1, ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_ROTATE_180), String.format("%s_%d.jpg,%d,%d,%d", "TEST_FILE_NAME_ROTATE_270", VERSION, -270, 1, ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_ROTATE_270), String.format("%s_%d.jpg,%d,%d,%d", "TEST_FILE_NAME_FLIP_HORIZONTAL", VERSION, 0, -1, ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_FLIP_HORIZONTAL), String.format("%s_%d.jpg,%d,%d,%d", "TEST_FILE_NAME_TRANSPOSE", VERSION, -90, -1, ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_TRANSPOSE), String.format("%s_%d.jpg,%d,%d,%d", "TEST_FILE_NAME_FLIP_VERTICAL", VERSION, -180, -1, ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_FLIP_VERTICAL), String.format("%s_%d.jpg,%d,%d,%d", "TEST_FILE_NAME_TRANSVERSE", VERSION, -270, -1, ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_TRANSVERSE)) private val TAG_VERSION = "TAG_VERSION" fun getInstance(context: Context): ImageOrientationCorrectTestFileGenerator { instance.init(context) return instance } } }
/* * Copyright (C) 2022 Block, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package import import kotlinx.serialization.KSerializer import kotlinx.serialization.descriptors.PrimitiveKind import kotlinx.serialization.descriptors.PrimitiveSerialDescriptor import kotlinx.serialization.encoding.Decoder import kotlinx.serialization.encoding.Encoder /** * This is used with [ZiplineServiceAdapter] to pass services between runtimes by reference and not * by value. This calls [Endpoint.bind] when serializing, and deserializers call [Endpoint.take]. */ interface PassByReference internal class ReceiveByReference( var name: String, var endpoint: Endpoint, ) : PassByReference { fun <T : ZiplineService> take(adapter: ZiplineServiceAdapter<T>): T { return endpoint.take(name, adapter) } } internal class SendByReference<T : ZiplineService>( val service: T, val adapter: ZiplineServiceAdapter<T>, ) : PassByReference { fun bind(endpoint: Endpoint, name: String) { endpoint.bind(name, service, adapter) } } internal class PassByReferenceSerializer( val endpoint: Endpoint, ) : KSerializer<PassByReference> { override val descriptor = PrimitiveSerialDescriptor("PassByReference", PrimitiveKind.STRING) override fun serialize(encoder: Encoder, value: PassByReference) { require(value is SendByReference<*>) val serviceName = endpoint.generatePassByReferenceName() endpoint.callCodec.encodedServiceNames += serviceName value.bind(endpoint, serviceName) encoder.encodeString(serviceName) } override fun deserialize(decoder: Decoder): PassByReference { val serviceName = decoder.decodeString() endpoint.callCodec.decodedServiceNames += serviceName return ReceiveByReference(serviceName, endpoint) } }
package cat.xojan.random1.injection.module import import android.content.Context import cat.xojan.random1.Application import cat.xojan.random1.BuildConfig import* import cat.xojan.random1.domain.interactor.PodcastDataInteractor import cat.xojan.random1.domain.interactor.ProgramDataInteractor import cat.xojan.random1.domain.model.CrashReporter import cat.xojan.random1.domain.model.EventLogger import cat.xojan.random1.domain.repository.PodcastPreferencesRepository import cat.xojan.random1.domain.repository.PodcastRepository import cat.xojan.random1.domain.repository.ProgramRepository import cat.xojan.random1.feature.mediaplayback.MediaProvider import cat.xojan.random1.feature.mediaplayback.QueueManager import import com.squareup.moshi.KotlinJsonAdapterFactory import com.squareup.moshi.Moshi import com.squareup.moshi.Rfc3339DateJsonAdapter import dagger.Module import dagger.Provides import okhttp3.OkHttpClient import okhttp3.logging.HttpLoggingInterceptor import retrofit2.Retrofit import retrofit2.adapter.rxjava2.RxJava2CallAdapterFactory import retrofit2.converter.moshi.MoshiConverterFactory import java.util.* import javax.inject.Singleton @Module class AppModule(private val application: Application) { companion object { private const val BASE_URL = BuildConfig.BASE_URL } @Provides @Singleton fun provideDownloadManager(): DownloadManager { return application.getSystemService(Context.DOWNLOAD_SERVICE) as DownloadManager } @Provides @Singleton fun provideRetrofitRac1Service(): ApiService { val loggingInterceptor = HttpLoggingInterceptor() loggingInterceptor.level = HttpLoggingInterceptor.Level.BODY val httpClientBuilder = OkHttpClient.Builder() if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) httpClientBuilder.addInterceptor(loggingInterceptor) val moshi = Moshi.Builder() .add(KotlinJsonAdapterFactory()) .add(, Rfc3339DateJsonAdapter().nullSafe()) .build() val retrofit = Retrofit.Builder() .baseUrl(BASE_URL) .addConverterFactory(MoshiConverterFactory.create(moshi)) .addCallAdapterFactory(RxJava2CallAdapterFactory.create()) .client( .build() return retrofit.create( } @Provides @Singleton fun provideProgramDataInteractor(programRepository: ProgramRepository) : ProgramDataInteractor { return ProgramDataInteractor(programRepository) } @Provides @Singleton fun providePodcastDataInteractor(podcastRepository: PodcastRepository, programRepository: ProgramRepository, podcastPrefRepository: PodcastPreferencesRepository, downloadManager: DownloadManager, eventLogger: EventLogger) : PodcastDataInteractor { return PodcastDataInteractor( programRepository, podcastRepository, podcastPrefRepository, downloadManager, application, SharedPrefDownloadPodcastRepository(application), eventLogger) } @Provides @Singleton fun provideEventLogger(): EventLogger { return EventLogger(FirebaseAnalytics.getInstance(application)) } @Provides @Singleton fun provideCrashReporter(): CrashReporter { return CrashReporter() } @Provides @Singleton fun provideMediaProvider(programDataInteractor: ProgramDataInteractor, podcastDataInteractor: PodcastDataInteractor, queueManager: QueueManager ): MediaProvider { return MediaProvider(programDataInteractor, podcastDataInteractor, queueManager) } @Provides @Singleton fun provideRemoteProgramRepository(service: ApiService): ProgramRepository { return RemoteProgramRepository(service) } @Provides @Singleton fun provideRemotePodcastRepository(service: ApiService): PodcastRepository { return RemotePodcastRepository(service) } @Provides fun providesPodcastsPreferencesRepository(): PodcastPreferencesRepository { return SharedPrefPodcastPreferencesRepository(application) } @Provides @Singleton fun provideQueueManager(eventLogger: EventLogger): QueueManager { return QueueManager(eventLogger) } }
package lt.vilnius.tvarkau.api import lt.vilnius.tvarkau.entity.City import lt.vilnius.tvarkau.entity.Report import lt.vilnius.tvarkau.entity.ReportStatus import lt.vilnius.tvarkau.entity.ReportType import lt.vilnius.tvarkau.entity.User class CitiesResponse(val cities: List<City>) : BaseResponse() class ReportsResponse(val reports: List<Report>) : BaseResponse() class ReportTypeResponse(val reportTypes: List<ReportType>) : BaseResponse() class ReportStatusesResponse(val reportStatuses: List<ReportStatus>) : BaseResponse() class ReportResponse(val report: Report) : BaseResponse() class UserResponse(val user: User) : BaseResponse()
package com.example.aleckstina.wespeakandroid.activities import import android.os.Bundle import com.example.aleckstina.wespeakandroid.R class ReviewActivity : AppCompatActivity() { override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) setContentView(R.layout.activity_review) supportActionBar!!.hide() } }
package com.aidanvii.toolbox.adapterviews.databinding.recyclerpager import android.content.Context import android.os.Parcelable import androidx.annotation.RestrictTo import androidx.viewpager.widget.ViewPager import com.aidanvii.toolbox.adapterviews.databinding.BindableAdapter import com.aidanvii.toolbox.adapterviews.databinding.BindableAdapterDelegate import com.aidanvii.toolbox.adapterviews.databinding.BindableAdapterItem import com.aidanvii.toolbox.adapterviews.databinding.BindingInflater import com.aidanvii.toolbox.adapterviews.databinding.ListBinder import com.aidanvii.toolbox.adapterviews.databinding.defaultAreContentsSame /** * Intermediate class used to configure the [BindingRecyclerPagerAdapter] * * Example use case: * * Suppose you have a custom [BindingRecyclerPagerAdapter]: * ``` * class MyCustomBindableAdapter( * builder: Builder<MyAdapterItemViewModel> * ) : BindingRecyclerPagerAdapter<MyAdapterItemViewModel>(builder) { * //... custom optional overrides here ... * } * ``` * Where the [BindableAdapterItem] implementation looks like: * ``` * class MyAdapterItemViewModel( * val id: Int, * val content: String * ) : ObservableViewModel(), BindableAdapterItem { * override val layoutId: Int get() = * override val bindingId: Int get() = BR.viewModel * //... custom adapterBindable properties etc ... * } * * ``` * Where [MyAdapterItemViewModel] has both [id] and [content] fields, the [BindingRecyclerPagerBinder] would be declared as follows: * ``` * class MyListViewModel : ObservableViewModel() { * * @get:Bindable * var items by bindable(emptyList<MyAdapterItemViewModel>()) * * val binder = BindingRecyclerPagerBinder<MyAdapterItemViewModel>( * hasMultipleViewTypes = false, * areItemsAndContentsTheSame = { oldItem, newItem -> == && oldItem.content == oldItem.content }, * adapterFactory = { MyCustomBindableAdapter(it) } * ) * } * ``` * Where [MyListViewModel] is a data-bound variable in xml that provides the [BindingRecyclerPagerBinder]: * ``` * <variable * name="listViewModel" * type="com.example.MyListViewModel"/> * ``` * And bound to the [ViewPager]: * ``` * < * android:layout_width="match_parent" * android:layout_height="wrap_content" * android:items="@{listViewModel.items}" * android:binder="@{viewModel.binder}"/> * ``` * @param hasMultipleViewTypes if the [BindingRecyclerViewAdapter] will have [BindableAdapterItem] with different [BindableAdapterItem.layoutId]s, set to true. False otherwise (minor optimisation) * @param areItemAndContentsTheSame equivalent of [DiffUtil.Callback.areItemsTheSame] plus [DiffUtil.Callback.areContentsTheSame]. Internally forwards to [RecyclerPagerAdapter.OnDataSetChangedCallback.areItemsTheSame] * @param adapterFactory optional factory to provide a custom implementation of [BindingRecyclerPagerAdapter], allowing you to override methods from [BindableAdapter] */ class BindingRecyclerPagerBinder<Item : BindableAdapterItem>( hasMultipleViewTypes: Boolean = true, val areItemAndContentsTheSame: ((oldItem: Item, newItem: Item) -> Boolean) = defaultAreContentsSame, val adapterFactory: (BindingRecyclerPagerAdapter.Builder<Item>) -> BindingRecyclerPagerAdapter<Item> = { BindingRecyclerPagerAdapter(it) } ) : ListBinder<Item>( hasMultipleViewTypes = hasMultipleViewTypes, areItemsTheSame = areItemAndContentsTheSame, areContentsTheSame = areItemAndContentsTheSame ) { internal var adapterState: BindingRecyclerPagerAdapter.SavedState? = null internal lateinit var applicationContext: Context internal val adapter: BindingRecyclerPagerAdapter<Item> get() = adapterFactory( BindingRecyclerPagerAdapter.Builder( delegate = BindableAdapterDelegate(), viewTypeHandler = viewTypeHandler, bindingInflater = BindingInflater, areItemAndContentsTheSame = areItemAndContentsTheSame, applicationContext = applicationContext ) ) @RestrictTo(RestrictTo.Scope.TESTS) fun testAdapter( viewTypeHandler: BindableAdapter.ViewTypeHandler<Item> = this.viewTypeHandler, bindingInflater: BindingInflater = BindingInflater, areItemAndContentsTheSame: ((old: Item, new: Item) -> Boolean) = this.areItemAndContentsTheSame ) = BindingRecyclerPagerAdapter.Builder( delegate = BindableAdapterDelegate(), viewTypeHandler = viewTypeHandler, bindingInflater = bindingInflater, areItemAndContentsTheSame = areItemAndContentsTheSame, applicationContext = applicationContext ).let { builder -> adapterFactory(builder) } }
package de.tfelix.bestia.worldgen.description import import import import de.tfelix.bestia.worldgen.random.NoiseVectorBuilder /** * This map info implementation describes a discrete two dimensional map * usable for tilemap creation. * * @author Thomas Felix */ class Map2DDescription( builder: Builder ) : MapDescription { private val width = builder.width private val height = builder.height private val chunkWidth = builder.partWidth private val chunkHeight = builder.partHeight override val noiseVectorBuilder = builder.noiseVectorBuilder override val mapParts: Iterator<MapChunk> get() = Map2DIterator() override val mapPartCount: Long get() { val parts = width / chunkWidth * (height / chunkHeight) return if (parts == 0L) 1 else parts } private inner class Map2DIterator : Iterator<MapChunk> { private var i: Long = 0 override fun hasNext(): Boolean { return i < mapPartCount } override fun next(): MapChunk { val curX = i * chunkWidth val curY = i * chunkHeight i += 1 return Map2DDiscreteChunk( curX, curY, chunkWidth, chunkHeight, Map2DDiscreteInfo(width, height) ) } } /** * Builder pattern used for the [Map2DDescription]. Use this builder * to create an instance of the [MapDescription]. * */ class Builder( var noiseVectorBuilder: NoiseVectorBuilder, var width: Long = 0, var height: Long = 0, var partWidth: Long = 0, var partHeight: Long = 0 ) { fun build(): Map2DDescription { return Map2DDescription(this) } } override fun toString(): String { return "Map2DDescription[chunkWidth: $width, chunkHeight: $height: chunkWidth: $chunkWidth, chunkHeight: $chunkHeight]" } }
package io.gitlab.arturbosch.detekt import io.gitlab.arturbosch.detekt.extensions.DetektExtension import org.gradle.api.GradleException import org.gradle.api.Plugin import org.gradle.api.Project import org.gradle.api.file.FileCollection import org.gradle.api.internal.HasConvention import org.gradle.api.plugins.JavaPluginConvention import org.gradle.api.plugins.ReportingBasePlugin import org.gradle.api.provider.Provider import org.gradle.api.reporting.ReportingExtension import org.gradle.api.tasks.SourceSet import org.gradle.language.base.plugins.LifecycleBasePlugin import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.KotlinSourceSet import class DetektPlugin : Plugin<Project> { override fun apply(project: Project) { project.pluginManager.apply( val extension = project.extensions.create(DETEKT_TASK_NAME,, project) extension.reportsDir = project.extensions.getByType("detekt") val defaultConfigFile = project.file("${project.rootProject.layout.projectDirectory.dir(CONFIG_DIR_NAME)}/$CONFIG_FILE") if (defaultConfigFile.exists()) { extension.config = project.files(defaultConfigFile) } configurePluginDependencies(project, extension) setTaskDefaults(project) registerOldDetektTask(project, extension) registerDetektTasks(project, extension) registerCreateBaselineTask(project, extension) registerGenerateConfigTask(project) registerIdeaTasks(project, extension) } private fun registerDetektTasks(project: Project, extension: DetektExtension) { // Kotlin JVM plugin project.plugins.withId("org.jetbrains.kotlin.jvm") { project.afterEvaluate { project.convention.getPlugin( { sourceSet -> registerDetektTask(project, extension, sourceSet) } } } } private fun registerOldDetektTask(project: Project, extension: DetektExtension) { val detektTaskProvider = project.tasks.register(DETEKT_TASK_NAME, { it.debugProp.set(project.provider { extension.debug }) it.parallelProp.set(project.provider { extension.parallel }) it.disableDefaultRuleSetsProp.set(project.provider { extension.disableDefaultRuleSets }) it.buildUponDefaultConfigProp.set(project.provider { extension.buildUponDefaultConfig }) it.failFastProp.set(project.provider { extension.failFast }) it.autoCorrectProp.set(project.provider { extension.autoCorrect }) it.config.setFrom(project.provider { extension.config }) it.baseline.set(project.layout.file(project.provider { extension.baseline })) it.setSource(existingInputDirectoriesProvider(project, extension)) it.setIncludes(defaultIncludes) it.setExcludes(defaultExcludes) it.reportsDir.set(project.provider { extension.customReportsDir }) it.reports = extension.reports it.ignoreFailuresProp.set(project.provider { extension.ignoreFailures }) } project.tasks.matching { == LifecycleBasePlugin.CHECK_TASK_NAME }.configureEach { it.dependsOn(detektTaskProvider) } } private fun registerDetektTask(project: Project, extension: DetektExtension, sourceSet: SourceSet) { val kotlinSourceSet = (sourceSet as HasConvention).convention.plugins["kotlin"] as? KotlinSourceSet ?: throw GradleException("Kotlin source set not found. Please report on detekt's issue tracker") project.tasks.register(DETEKT_TASK_NAME +, { it.debugProp.set(project.provider { extension.debug }) it.parallelProp.set(project.provider { extension.parallel }) it.disableDefaultRuleSetsProp.set(project.provider { extension.disableDefaultRuleSets }) it.buildUponDefaultConfigProp.set(project.provider { extension.buildUponDefaultConfig }) it.failFastProp.set(project.provider { extension.failFast }) it.autoCorrectProp.set(project.provider { extension.autoCorrect }) it.config.setFrom(project.provider { extension.config }) it.baseline.set(project.layout.file(project.provider { extension.baseline })) it.setSource(kotlinSourceSet.kotlin.files) it.classpath.setFrom(sourceSet.compileClasspath, sourceSet.output.classesDirs) it.reports.xml.destination = File(extension.reportsDir, + ".xml") it.reports.html.destination = File(extension.reportsDir, + ".html") it.reports.txt.destination = File(extension.reportsDir, + ".txt") it.ignoreFailuresProp.set(project.provider { extension.ignoreFailures }) it.description = "EXPERIMENTAL & SLOW: Run detekt analysis for ${} classes with type resolution" } } private fun registerCreateBaselineTask(project: Project, extension: DetektExtension) = project.tasks.register(BASELINE, { it.baseline.set(project.layout.file(project.provider { extension.baseline })) it.config.setFrom(project.provider { extension.config }) it.debug.set(project.provider { extension.debug }) it.parallel.set(project.provider { extension.parallel }) it.disableDefaultRuleSets.set(project.provider { extension.disableDefaultRuleSets }) it.buildUponDefaultConfig.set(project.provider { extension.buildUponDefaultConfig }) it.failFast.set(project.provider { extension.failFast }) it.autoCorrect.set(project.provider { extension.autoCorrect }) it.setSource(existingInputDirectoriesProvider(project, extension)) it.setIncludes(defaultIncludes) it.setExcludes(defaultExcludes) } private fun registerGenerateConfigTask(project: Project) = project.tasks.register(GENERATE_CONFIG, private fun registerIdeaTasks(project: Project, extension: DetektExtension) { project.tasks.register(IDEA_FORMAT, { it.setSource(existingInputDirectoriesProvider(project, extension)) it.setIncludes(defaultIncludes) it.setExcludes(defaultExcludes) it.ideaExtension = extension.idea } project.tasks.register(IDEA_INSPECT, { it.setSource(existingInputDirectoriesProvider(project, extension)) it.setIncludes(defaultIncludes) it.setExcludes(defaultExcludes) it.ideaExtension = extension.idea } } private fun existingInputDirectoriesProvider( project: Project, extension: DetektExtension ): Provider<FileCollection> = project.provider { extension.input.filter { it.exists() } } private fun configurePluginDependencies(project: Project, extension: DetektExtension) { project.configurations.create(CONFIGURATION_DETEKT_PLUGINS) { configuration -> configuration.isVisible = false configuration.isTransitive = true configuration.description = "The $CONFIGURATION_DETEKT_PLUGINS libraries to be used for this project." } project.configurations.create(CONFIGURATION_DETEKT) { configuration -> configuration.isVisible = false configuration.isTransitive = true configuration.description = "The $CONFIGURATION_DETEKT dependencies to be used for this project." configuration.defaultDependencies { dependencySet -> val version = extension.toolVersion ?: DEFAULT_DETEKT_VERSION dependencySet.add(project.dependencies.create("io.gitlab.arturbosch.detekt:detekt-cli:$version")) } } } private fun setTaskDefaults(project: Project) { project.tasks.withType( { it.detektClasspath.setFrom(project.configurations.getAt(CONFIGURATION_DETEKT)) it.pluginClasspath.setFrom(project.configurations.getAt(CONFIGURATION_DETEKT_PLUGINS)) } project.tasks.withType( { it.detektClasspath.setFrom(project.configurations.getAt(CONFIGURATION_DETEKT)) it.pluginClasspath.setFrom(project.configurations.getAt(CONFIGURATION_DETEKT_PLUGINS)) } project.tasks.withType( { it.detektClasspath.setFrom(project.configurations.getAt(CONFIGURATION_DETEKT)) } } companion object { private const val DETEKT_TASK_NAME = "detekt" private const val IDEA_FORMAT = "detektIdeaFormat" private const val IDEA_INSPECT = "detektIdeaInspect" private const val GENERATE_CONFIG = "detektGenerateConfig" private const val BASELINE = "detektBaseline" private val defaultExcludes = listOf("build/") private val defaultIncludes = listOf("**/*.kt", "**/*.kts") internal const val CONFIG_DIR_NAME = "config/detekt" internal const val CONFIG_FILE = "detekt.yml" } } const val CONFIGURATION_DETEKT = "detekt" const val CONFIGURATION_DETEKT_PLUGINS = "detektPlugins"
package com.slim.slimfilemanager.utils interface FragmentLifecycle { fun onResumeFragment() fun onPauseFragment() }
/**************************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2014 Michael Goldbach <[email protected]> * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * * Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later * * version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY * * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A * * PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * * this program. If not, see <>. * ****************************************************************************************/ package import import import import /** * This class represents grid lines parallel to the y-axis */ class YGrid /** * Constructor for an Y-Grid object * * @param plotSheet the sheet the grid will be drawn onto * @param ticStart start point for relative positioning of grid * @param tic the space between two grid lines */( /** * the Sheet the grid lines will be drawn onto */ private val plotSheet: PlotSheet, /** * start point for relative positioning of grid */ private val ticStart: Double, /** * the space between two grid lines */ private val tic: Double ) : Drawable { /** * the color of the grid lines */ private var color = ColorWrap.LIGHT_GRAY /** * maximal distance from x axis the grid will be drawn */ private var xLength = 10.0 /** * maximal distance from y axis the grid will be drawn */ private var yLength = 2.0 private var mTickPositions: DoubleArray? = null override fun paint(g: GraphicsWrap) { val oldColor = g.color g.color = color xLength = Math.max( Math.abs(plotSheet.getxRange()[0]), Math.abs( plotSheet.getxRange()[1] ) ) yLength = Math.max( Math.abs(plotSheet.getyRange()[0]), Math.abs( plotSheet.getyRange()[1] ) ) val tics = ((ticStart - (0 - xLength)) / tic).toInt() val leftStart = ticStart - tic * tics if (mTickPositions == null) { drawImplicitLines(g, leftStart) } else { drawExplicitLines(g) } g.color = oldColor } private fun drawImplicitLines(g: GraphicsWrap, leftStart: Double) { val field = g.clipBounds var currentX = leftStart while (currentX <= xLength) { drawGridLine(currentX, g, field) currentX += tic } } private fun drawExplicitLines(g: GraphicsWrap) { val field = g.clipBounds for (currentX in mTickPositions!!) { drawGridLine(currentX, g, field) } } /** * Draw a grid line in specified graphics object * * @param x x-position the vertical line shall be drawn * @param g graphic the line shall be drawn onto * @param field definition of the graphic boundaries */ private fun drawGridLine(x: Double, g: GraphicsWrap, field: RectangleWrap) { g.drawLine( plotSheet.xToGraphic(x, field), plotSheet.yToGraphic(0.0, field), plotSheet.xToGraphic(x, field), plotSheet.yToGraphic(yLength, field) ) g.drawLine( plotSheet.xToGraphic(x, field), plotSheet.yToGraphic(0.0, field), plotSheet.xToGraphic(x, field), plotSheet.yToGraphic(-yLength, field) ) } override fun isOnFrame(): Boolean { return false } override fun isClusterable(): Boolean { return true } override fun isCritical(): Boolean { return true } fun setColor(color: ColorWrap) { this.color = color } fun setExplicitTicks(tickPositions: DoubleArray?) { mTickPositions = tickPositions } }
package fi.evident.apina.output.ts import fi.evident.apina.model.ApiDefinition import fi.evident.apina.model.settings.TranslationSettings import fi.evident.apina.utils.readResourceAsString /** * Generates Angular TypeScript code for client side. */ class TypeScriptAngularGenerator(api: ApiDefinition, settings: TranslationSettings) : AbstractTypeScriptGenerator(api, settings, "Observable", "@Injectable()") { override fun writeRuntime() { out.write(readResourceAsString("typescript/runtime-angular.ts")) out.writeLine() } override fun writePlatformSpecificImports() { out.writeImport("@angular/core", listOf("Injectable", "NgModule")) out.writeImport("@angular/common/http", listOf("HttpClient", "HttpClientModule", "HttpParams")) out.writeImport("rxjs", listOf("Observable")) out.writeImport("rxjs/operators", listOf("map")) } override fun writePlatformSpecific() { out.writeLine() out.writeLine("export function apinaConfigFactory() {") out.writeLine(" return new ApinaConfig();") out.writeLine("}") out.writeLine() out.writeLine("@NgModule({") out.writeLine(" imports: [HttpClientModule],") out.writeLine(" providers: [") for (endpointGroup in api.endpointGroups) out.writeLine(" " + endpointClassName(endpointGroup) + ",") out.writeLine(" { provide: ApinaEndpointContext, useClass: DefaultApinaEndpointContext },") out.writeLine(" { provide: ApinaConfig, useFactory: apinaConfigFactory }") out.writeLine(" ]") out.writeLine("})") out.writeLine("export class ApinaModule {}") } }