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000000207,640,Mukuru Fwata South B,-1.3057,36.838031,,Mukuru Fwata South B,Binaural microphone,,,"child voices, bicycle spinning, gospel music,",2020-07-17 12:00:00+00,fb8e4e29-994c-44ee-aac0-e6016687d480
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000000224,642,Footbridge - Workshop Road,-1.292576,36.826399,,"Footbridge - Workshop Road, Bunyala Road, Station Lane",Binaural microphone,,,people listening to radio while seated on bench,2020-07-23 12:30:00+00,cb8dc8fa-2c6d-4dae-ae66-b5a386a816d2
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000000373,600,"Kiamaiko, Huruma",-1.256677205,36.87484488,,"Kiamaiko, Huruma",Field Recorder stereo/mono,,,"ElectionSeason. Passing boda bodas, phone conversation, radio, music",2022-07-16 07:41:00+00,f7f3ed5f-e28c-4825-ad74-e5f5e2d51648
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000000301,1807,Ngong Road,,,,Riding on a bus on Ngong Road from Prestige Plaza to the Junction,Phone,,,"men talking, laughing, bus engine revving, phone call conversation, car horn honking",2021-07-10 13:00:00+00,32183f36-5063-464f-bfd0-3db4194facee
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000000347,399,Mwangeka Rd/Sore Road,-1.314423104,36.84286159,,short walk upto Railways Training Institute gate,Field Recorder with binaural mic,,,"ElectionSeason. Cars, bicycles, children playing football, pedestrians, car wash attendants, cooking, shops with playing music, motorcycles",2022-06-11 15:45:00+00,4e5aeac4-5378-43f0-8b5f-863d303b37d1
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000000351,360,Kibera,-1.31942833,36.78094541,,Kibera,Field Recorder with binaural mic,,,"ElectionSeason. Music from passing boda, light conversation, hawker recordings, more street music",2022-06-17 16:15:00+00,9ebe81dc-a9f5-44c2-aff5-f83a8d380411
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000000363,551,"Waiyaki Way, at the mall stage in Westlands",-1.264226576,36.80332119,,Stood at the bus stop for a while then strolled down mpaka rd and back up,Field Recorder with binaural mic,,,"ElectionSeason. Mostly passing matatus and buses, touts calling for people and a bit of pedestrians.",2022-05-31 16:40:00+00,275437c1-04fa-4cf6-9e41-1b730a046355
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000000322,287,Umoja estate,1.2849722222222222,36.88411111111111,Binaural microphone,I arrive at the mtindwa junction and branch towards umoja estate and here I find vendors selling there products on the streets and they're in panic mood since there is not as much human traffic as expected.,Binaural microphone and recorder,"","","Light traffic, women voices, metal shop front shutting, footsteps, hoots boda boda, kikuyu music, gospel music",2020-11-15 20:40:00+00,c7f24133-a07f-491a-841b-59e2895b7987
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000000375,442,Mathare,-1.262486355,36.850613,,Mathare,Field Recorder stereo/mono,,,"ElectionSeason. Street conversation, hawkers, loud music",2022-07-05 16:40:00+00,f7f3ed5f-e28c-4825-ad74-e5f5e2d51648
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000000354,300,"Mombasa road, inside matatu",-1.318838649,36.83746232,,"I was seated at front of bus. Many of the passengers were discussing politics in scattered conversations
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",Field Recorder stereo/mono,,,"ElectionSeason. Passengers in bus, conversation, politics, bus engine, bus ambience",2022-06-27 11:15:00+00,8571654e-a86a-4056-9f12-90b18a1bfd08
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000000353,304,"Kitengela Bus Station, inside matatu",-1.289317817,36.82826308,,"I remained in the bus for the duration of the recording, while the campaign van drove around the bus station trying to get people interested.",Field Recorder stereo/mono,,,"ElectionSeason. Loud campaign van, energetic music, energetic man shouting, political campaign slogans",2022-06-24 16:30:00+00,6633e1d3-557c-488a-a2fc-d1bbd4849842
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000000001,404,Kyuna Road,-1.2506205,36.7758432,,"Walking around compound in Kyuna, around two houses and into a garden",Binaural microphone,Lorna_ZOOM0036_EQ,,"Birds, wind, dogs, cats, cars, footsteps, gate opening",2019-10-02 18:30:00+00,cb964265-0e56-4bcc-bb73-d9d472646f8b
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000000202,554,Kikuyu,-1.246143,36.664214,,Kikuyu on the way to Nairobi,Binaural microphone,,,"car passing, engine hovering, in bus, skweeching breaks, music, wind ",2020-07-16 11:00:00+00,6287e939-eb37-4f47-8f49-e4b248c39ad0
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000000225,600,Mirema Highview Estate,-1.212934,36.886757,,Mirema Highview Estate gate around the estate,Binaural microphone,,,"weighing scales, whispered check your weight, 'electronics for sale' sound playing on a loop, gate",2020-07-31 06:21:00+00,679a20b7-f795-4d77-b027-cfacf6b9f66d
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000000223,252,Haile Selassie Avenue,-1.290881,36.824412,,"Haile Selassie Avenue, City Square Post, entrance of Huduma Centre at CSQ and walked to Station Lane",Binaural microphone,,,"the Taifa Rd car park, loud conversation around shoe polish, bell from Holy Family Minor Basilica,",2020-07-23 12:25:00+00,d3f579d4-5bd1-4f3d-bb42-1df990d344f3
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000000358,219,Kasarani Mwiki rd; Maji Mazuri to around St Francis,-1.224235829,36.91438181,,"A tonne of movement from vehicles in all directions in the early morning, not as many pedestrians in what would have been rush hour normal times. ",Field Recorder stereo/mono,,,"ElectionSeason. Mostly vehicles on the road, noisy Matatu's honking for passengers.",2022-08-06 08:02:00+00,85348054-f92e-4328-bd89-c4f55a55d410
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000000328,580,"Githurai 45 market area, Mwihoko Road",1.2052222222222222,36.91811111111111,Binaural microphone," Mwihoki Road, Githurai 45, walking around marke area.",Binaural microphone and recorder,"","","voices, conversations, hooting, whistling, breaks, motor rattling, voices, calling for customers, Gikuyu",2020-12-02 20:24:00+00,c2e4a64d-7498-419a-95b9-5301218a02ab
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000000348,516,"Aoko Rd, South B",-1.311233434,36.84079509,,"St Veronica Gate, Aoko Rd to Huda Integrated School",Field Recorder with binaural mic,,,"ElectionSeason. Cars, motor cycles, sugar cane seller chopping sugar cane, pedestrians, car wash attendants working, music from stalls, bus, matatu",2022-06-11 16:00:00+00,7be65700-3cef-4700-8a41-4dc18b44706f
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000000330,930,"Unknown Bar, Bomolulu",1.311611111111111,36.77486111111111,Binaural microphone,sitting in a bar,Binaural microphone and recorder,"","","Voices, conversations, music, shouting",2021-01-24 18:00:00+00,2bd2fba4-5e11-4f13-8430-eed7ee5f0ab4
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000000343,299,Kikuyu Market,1.2439444444444445,36.66438888888889,Binaural microphone,standing at a fruit stand in Kikuyu Market,Binaural microphone and recorder,"","","voices, music, very low voice, shouting, cars passing engine, metal construction bangging in distance, hootings, radio program, knife cutting, coins clinking",2020-11-12 10:32:00+00,12ae3231-ab77-4724-a34b-398bfbe3a3ab
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000000361,418,"Nairobi CBD; Jeevanjee gardens, UON bridge ",-1.281139828,36.81957733,,"Several groups of men gathered around each other in discussions, pedestrians walking back and forth...",Field Recorder with binaural mic,,,"ElectionSeason. Some intense voice close ups at the Jeevajee, a campaign truck. Motorbikes and other vehicles speeding by...",2022-07-14 16:00:00+00,2d13ee09-9469-48f0-abd5-4c56715ba111
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000000187,754,Pipeline,-1.310596,36.886837,,Pipeline,Binaural microphone,,,"children chatter, swooshing broom, metal clincking, vrooming motors, revving engines",2020-05-27 09:00:00+00,f8704a38-4f0c-4c0b-97e9-48f196961aa2
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000000365,848,"Kosovo, Mathare",-1.261681299,36.85246733,,"Kosovo, Mathare",Field Recorder stereo/mono,,,"ElectionSeason. Children, quiet neighbourhood, sudden loud music, more loud music",2022-07-03 16:40:00+00,f7f3ed5f-e28c-4825-ad74-e5f5e2d51648
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000000188,788,Kikuyu Town,-1.250336,36.685072,,Kikuyu Town to Muthiga,Binaural microphone,,,"birds chirping, chanisaw brumming, footsteps, wind",2020-05-28 02:00:00+00,8fe53110-a87a-4bf6-a3ba-d4f42897a4bf
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000000333,814,"Kenchic Fish and Chips Bar, corner Muindi Mbingu Street /Moktar Daddah Street",1.2818333333333334,36.819027777777784,Binaural microphone,"Kenchic Fish and Chicken Bar, fast food joint at corner Muindi Mbingu Street /Moktar Daddah Street. Outside it has this banner saying since 1963",Binaural microphone and recorder,"","","Frier sizzling, human chattering, cluttering utensils, crackling paper, wind rustling, humming of mashine, water",2021-03-08 15:46:00+00,fba5a7c7-92b4-47dd-af9a-bf474c43d201
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000000371,547,"46, Huruma",-1.256248547,36.87214811,,"46, Huruma",Field Recorder stereo/mono,,,"ElectionSeason. Loud boda boda, water, light truck engine, passing matatu, passing music, gate, cock crows, keys, radio, neeighbours",2022-07-16 07:05:00+00,f7f3ed5f-e28c-4825-ad74-e5f5e2d51648
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000000007,1338,Holy Family Minor Basilica - Kaunda Street,-1.2871165,36.8208071,,walking from the Holy Family Basilica to city council building to Harambee Avenue and back to Basilica - (Kaunda street - Parliament road - Cityhall Way),Binaural microphone,ZOOM0006_EQ,,"car engines, birds, cars passing, footsteps on concrete, wind, hooting, voices, motorbike engine, car brakes squeaking",2019-09-19 06:05:00+00,1980e9f2-2f12-4363-a112-be123345a55c
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000000196,678,Langata to Kibera,-1.337883,36.722306,,Langata to Kibera,Binaural microphone,,,"motor humming, wind, voices, shouting, loughing, squeaking breaks, air stream, metal gate, footsteps, voices, TV, shutting door",2020-06-02 06:30:00+00,a73b3bbf-f953-490b-be3c-9ec15dc42b9f
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000000220,540,"Bar, Kibera",-1.311456,36.774751,,"Bar, Kibera",Binaural microphone,,,"conversation, music",2020-07-22 19:49:00+00,c373c35b-6208-4385-9683-e725dfb39319
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000000032,1241,"Nairobi River, Kirinyaga Road",-1.2803832,36.8268719,,Walking along the River,Binaural microphone,Kamwangi_ZOOM0010_EQ,,"voices, laughter car hooting",2019-09-20 11:50:00+00,3ea3136f-674a-4c4a-8c12-dc1ab63bf5d0
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000000335,466,Homestead on Kinoo Road,1.3065,36.777833333333334,Binaural microphone,Around the house on Kinoo Road,Binaural microphone and recorder,"","","things falling, baby noices, children's rattle, pen on pater, laughing, bangin, baby crying, woman voice",2021-03-16 10:10:00+00,3a192f8d-ebbc-4832-9bbc-a945a6ef603d
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000000345,452,"Sore Road, South B",-1.318428657,36.84145576,,Very short walk from Sore Road/Sore Drive to Sore Rd/Kapiti Rd.,Field Recorder with binaural mic,,,"ElectionSeason. car, motor cycles, matatu tout calling, pedestrians, pedicurist scrubbing feet, motorcyclists and vendors in conversation, birdsong",2022-06-10 10:30:00+00,f2b77e36-5481-4fab-85f1-89a90ce3172e
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000000346,548,Kapiti Rd/Msa Road,-1.31440083,36.83866973,,Short walk Kapiti Rd/Mombasa Rd junction to Kapiti Rd/Zanzibar Rd.,Field Recorder with binaural mic,,,"ElectionSeason. Vendors, cars, motorycles, carpenters at work, birdsong, pedestrians talking, hooting, building construction sounds",2022-06-10 10:45:00+00,638afd20-7881-4667-8103-9432bacbe69b
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000000237,668,2nd Avenue Eastleigh,-1.277329,36.851478,,2nd Avenue Eastleigh to Fourth Section into a Cafe,Binaural microphone,,,"Street PA advertising systems, boda boda engines roaring, human chatter, garage knocking sounds,",2020-08-12 12:51:00+00,267626de-5b82-4aad-8101-495d7e791595
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000000034,666,"Eastleigh 2nd Avenue, shop, carpet shop",-1.2722748,36.8504403,,"walking along street, then into carpet shop and out again",Binaural microphone,ZOOM0013_EQ,,"motor, cars revving engine, music beats, beeping, banging of metal/car door, motor bike engines, voices, voice from speaker/promotion voice, shouting of prices, hooting motorbike, plates klinckling, vendors calls (maji baridi), bell, street noise, inside shop, muffled street noise, electric sowing machine in shop, voices, languages (somali)",2019-09-13 17:11:00+00,fd0f2b63-4348-4908-9943-5607a0dc7d2f
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000000349,478,Kadenge Rd/Kapiti Rd,-1.314433008,36.83883067,,short walk from Kadenge Rd along Kapiti Road upto,Field Recorder with binaural mic,,,"ElectionSeason. Cars, motorcycles, pedestrians, pedestrians, vendors, windy, tuk tuks",2022-06-11 16:22:00+00,cab2d209-f9b2-41e3-a20a-c380d06d5010
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000000350,602,Kibera Drive,-1.30942833,36.78094541,,Was expec:ting to come into contact with the politicians spreading their gospel but otherwise I got gossips from the street. Quite intense though. Either way my recording was emphasized on the current political euphoria. I'm not sure if I captured it.,Field Recorder with binaural mic,,,"ElectionSeason. Tense,pipo walking and business going on,traffic both human and street life. Music from matatus and shops",2022-06-17 16:00:00+00,94072bc0-699e-49e3-8965-6faafe95094f
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000000228,595,Avenue Park,-1.310754,36.891675,,Avenue Park along Outering Road to Naivas Eastgate Donholm,Binaural microphone,,, Velocity whooshing of cars. Vehicular engines roaring. Church music playing on the PA. Car alarm going off. Motorbike engines throttling. Human chatter. Boda boda exhaust thrumping. Feet trending,2020-08-09 02:49:00+00,3ff5cbec-fa3a-40c9-b7f3-aa75f6977750
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000000186,656,Outerring Road,-1.313121,36.891713,,"Outerring Road/Stage Mpya, Donholm/inside Naivas",Binaural microphone,,,"honks and beeps, vrooming vehicles, human chatter, wooshing from motor vehicle interia",2020-05-25 11:00:00+00,72c186fb-5921-433d-ba9d-d87eaa2a0693
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000000323,339,Mtindwa market,1.2851944444444443,36.882083333333334,Binaural microphone,Mtindwa market and I noticed that older businessmen we closing while the younger generation we just going through their businesses listening to football commentators on radio. Some are listening to music.,Binaural microphone and recorder,"","","talking voices, music, lorry engine and traffic in the distance, circadas, horns, hooting",2020-11-15 21:02:00+00,b2ffefe8-60e3-40f5-a1b8-d76e7e824605
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000000325,1314,"Pipeline estate, Tansami",1.3252777777777778,36.89725,Binaural microphone,I started at Transami walking through pipeline estate mangorofani throught plot 10. I get through the renovated railway line to pipeline stage then proceeded towards Jogoo/Outering Road.,Binaural microphone and recorder,"","","People walking home and on the way sales personnel on loudhailer selling clothe and SIM cards, motorcycle passing, Matatus hooting , touts shouting, horns of boda boda, Ambulance sirene, music",2020-11-27 20:31:00+00,cac935be-7fa5-4941-9fa1-df226f5c9419
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000000352,600,Kibera,-1.31842833,36.78094541,,Kibera,Field Recorder with binaural mic,,,"ElectionSeason. Passing boda bodas, jua-kali works in background, light conversation, hawker recordings, more street music, some loud children",2023-06-17 16:45:00+00,9f16d4e6-d341-44d4-a268-a008e4cf563c
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000000337,358,Homestead and surroundings on Kinoo Road,1.3065,36.777833333333334,Binaural microphone,Homestead on Kinoo Road and surroundings further to buy goods towards Toi Market,Binaural microphone and recorder,"","","chicken, pouring liquid into a container, small chicken beeping, chicken cooing, banging of things (plastic), footsteps, metal gate opening and shutting, childrens noises, wind, footsteps, motorbike, music, conversation snippets in passing, conversation on food stand and shop, car tires on road, car traffic, squeaking breaks, muffled conversations",2021-03-16 11:22:00+00,37a9ae03-8a9e-4048-90fc-c3055a3158ac
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000000227,600,Roysambu bus stage,-1.216825,36.893965,,Roysambu bus stage through Roysambu roundabout to Thika Road until Roasters bus stage near Garden City entrance,Binaural microphone,,,"hooting, caar wheels turning on sand, grinding sand noise, stuttering motor (Tuk Tuk), foot steps, faint traffic noise, breathing, negotiation at kiosk (vegetables, fruit), music from far",2020-08-01 03:00:00+00,a3f48b74-2b0d-434c-8cc5-5c3c6fc960d2
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000000235,984,"Eastleigh, 1st Avenue",-1.272402,36.848885,,"Eastleigh, 1st A venue to Ninth Street, branched off to 2nd Avenue to Fourth Section into a Cafe",Binaural microphone,,,"Street PA advertising systems, boda boda engines roaring, human chatter, garage knocking sounds,",2020-08-12 12:23:00+00,268638ba-7758-4a72-a0ff-39a740d2f2ea
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000000355,308,"CBD, Kencom area",-1.285826454,36.82616764,,"I walked unhurriedly and noticed 2 different open-air stalls, like those used by hawkers, but manned by government health-workers trying to get people's attention over megaphones. Most people seemed to ignore them and get about their own business.",Field Recorder stereo/mono,,,"ElectionSeason. Crowds, some hawking, Health-workers offering COVID vaccine free vaccine shots, matatus, traffic",2022-06-27 11:40:00+00,905485c3-9b69-4210-a310-fad129fb041b
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000000357,291,"Freedom Heights, Lang'ata rd",-1.320722957,36.80322545,,"Sort of empty streets, people here and there seemingly in a rush to somewhere",Field Recorder with binaural mic,,,"ElectionSeason. People discussing voting with specifics on when people went to vote; road sounds like passing cars, trucks, motorbikes and walking pedestrians",2022-08-09 14:45:00+00,103b2974-4cf2-4a5c-b0d7-5eb7d1d7fbcd
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000000326,372,"Jogoo/Outering road, Roundabout Stage",1.2965555555555555,36.88494444444444,Binaural microphone,Jogoo/Outering road crossed the bridge connecting Fetha estate and pipeline estate and up again.,Binaural microphone and recorder,"","","Matatus hooting , touts shouting, horns of boda boda, beba beba, banging on car doors, voices shouting",2020-11-27 20:54:00+00,1f4fe4c5-e99b-4f2e-aa60-60caa4da5f51
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000000356,215,"CBD, jobless corner/Hilton area",-1.285109845,36.82514428,,"I was the only one interested in the passing campaign truck, most people were about their usual business",Field Recorder stereo/mono,,,"ElectionSeason.Loud campaign truck, politics, background bus-stop, nearby inadvertently overheard phone conversation",2022-06-27 15:30:00+00,ea007bfe-8ecf-42bf-a201-c5599ca9bd36
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000000213,370,Kibera Bombolulu,-1.311376,36.774687,,"Kibera Bombolulu, round walk",Binaural microphone,,,"Matatu horns, music, car doors banging, car engines, voices, metal grinding, metal drilling, motorbike, radio",2020-07-22 13:50:00+00,67a63930-ccac-4591-aae1-0e49d93c9627
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000000022,56,Railways Bus Stop,-1.2898733,36.8276937,,Walking then standing at the Railways bus stop,Binaural microphone,ZOOM0002,,"touts calling the different routes, asking people to board the matatus, matatu sliding doors closing and opening, high head and bass sound of music from matatus, wistheling, motor sound, route chants of matatu routes, rongai, ngong-bypass, lenana – race course, hooting of matatus, heavy motor sound, hitting of car door/roof/side",2019-09-17 12:52:00+00,79ca9d49-656f-4c36-b941-a2f6245f15f4
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000000368,276,Mathare,-1.259309493,36.84892505,,Mathare,Field Recorder stereo/mono,,,"ElectionSeason. Barbershop, Kinyozi, loud music, conversation, shop.",2022-07-07 19:00:00+00,f7f3ed5f-e28c-4825-ad74-e5f5e2d51648
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000000362,565,"Lang'ata rd, Rubis petrol station opposite Carnivore",-1.322576544,36.80353766,,"Took a walk from besides a public road, along a club, into a private housing estate close to a main highway",Field Recorder with binaural mic,,,"ElectionSeason. Active matatus, pedestrians walking by. Club music, cars passing. Footsteps, dog barking, night insects sounds, far away traffic",2022-06-21 21:50:00+00,f3d2bc21-7083-4deb-9b06-40d4dd79fd2c
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000000021,217,Oloolua Forest - River,-1.3582668,36.7124999,,River at the Oloolua Nature Trail,Binaural microphone,Kamaru_WaterFlow,,water flowing over rocks,2019-09-18 16:20:00+00,897320e5-3c29-4e00-8f97-6c05ce33f6d6
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000000329,889,M2 Studio and surrounding area,1.3113611111111112,36.77461111111111,Binaural microphone,"From M2 studio, taking a walk around the area and into a bar",Binaural microphone and recorder,"","","converstations, vioces, music, drum sounds, telephone ringing, motorbike, footsteps, motor muttering, grinding of metal, childrens noises, cars passing with the sound of wheels on ground, greetings being exchanged, sound of scratching and sanding of wood, church sound in distance, metal door squeaking, phone sound, music, conversation, hoarse voice speaking",2021-03-17 15:00:00+00,9e8c97e0-d8ea-4b7a-b565-fd07207a485b
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000000234,601,Catherine Ndereba road,-1.319367,36.885228,,Catherine Ndereba road,Binaural microphone,,,"Motorbike engine roaring, human chatter, feet trending on asphalt, music from radio, distant",2020-08-11 05:23:00+00,cc3f02fa-2857-4912-803f-4f33deb1cea3
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000000359,262,Kasarani Mwiki rd; from Seasons to The Kasarani Stadium,-1.218118164,36.9025485,,A visual bombardment of campaign materials on most of the largest size billboards. Fewer cars than usual on what would otherwise be rush hour...,Field Recorder stereo/mono,,,"ElectionSeason. Mostly passing cars, motorbikes, a few talking pedestrians, a dog somewhere",2022-08-06 08:12:00+00,5a80dbbc-b65e-4113-a316-e709596be81d
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000000069,,Sore Road,,36.8411339,,"Standing at Sore Road, near Kilifi Close.",phone,,,"A man, with a knife grinder, calling customers to sharpen knives.",2020-06-15 21:00:00+00,94e6ceca-9b70-4f24-951c-78c87fddfef7
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000000180,593,Kikuyu Road,-1.245664,36.662594,,Kikuyu Road,Binaural microphone,,,"footsteps, crows, car engined brumming, voices passing",2020-05-20 09:41:00+00,6955f798-920f-4879-99f9-ce3df25ff883
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000000367,249,Mathare,-1.260403569,36.84740156,,Mathare,Field Recorder stereo/mono,,,"ElectionSeason. Evening conversation, Hawkers",2022-07-06 19:00:00+00,f7f3ed5f-e28c-4825-ad74-e5f5e2d51648
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000000029,144,Aga Khan Walk / Kencom,-1.2869819,36.8250462,,"Walking: Start at Kencom/Aga Khan Walk junction. Straight down Aga Khan walk along the side walk closer to Reinsurance Plaza. Turning around at Harambee Avenue walking back past Electricity House, Uchumi until Nkrumah Ave Street sign next to Kencom Building",Binaural microphone,ZOOM0031_1,,"bus engines revving, people shouting over the buses, footsteps, rustling leaves, voices in different languages (swahili, sheng, kikuyu, kamba, luo). Preacher shouting at Kencom, People talking on phones, humming sound (air conditioners?) from Kencom Building",2019-09-21 11:45:00+00,55164d13-784d-4df9-828e-e78e102c5d3d
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000000331,944,House on Jaylaani Boulevard,1.3292777777777778,36.775888888888886,Binaural microphone,"Out of the window of a house in Langata, Jaylaani Boulevard",Binaural microphone and recorder,"","","birds, childrens voices, wooden creaking, wind, traffic afar, plane, boda boda, childrens speaking, buckets and plastic things banging",2020-12-17 21:41:00+00,60cf84d2-90a0-4aa7-9015-d9f1c29c95c1
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000000360,435,Kasarani Mwiki rd; Santon going down towards Mwiki,-1.227300526,36.92165217,,"Campaign trucks with dancing passengers, people flooded on some streets walking. Sales people selling goods, goods lined up besides roads on sale...",Field Recorder stereo/mono,,,"ElectionSeason. Campaign trucks, matatu's, motorbikes. Pre-recorded selling tracks, footsteps and what feels like light murmurs from passing pedestrians.",2022-08-05 16:27:00+00,eeb88f0e-2b80-4ce0-8f8c-e0aa89cd0078
66 |
000000332,600,House on Jaylaani Boulevard,1.3292777777777778,36.775888888888886,Binaural microphone,"Around the house, in Langata, Jaylaani Boulevard",Binaural microphone and recorder,"","","Weaver birds, childrens voices, wooden creaking, wind, traffic afar, helicopter, boda boda,",2020-12-20 18:00:00+00,18561bed-5827-4b26-96d8-38bd64aa8e77
67 |
000000200,169,Langata,-1.337883,36.722306,,Langata,Binaural microphone,,,"conversation, shouting, voices, finger snipping, laughing",2020-06-02 04:55:00+00,e5d4b421-1331-4f0c-8347-59515b25daae
68 |
000000364,922,"Mau Mau road, Mathare",-1.2608848,36.86364031,,"Mau Mau road, Mathare",Field Recorder stereo/mono,,,"ElectionSeason. Passing boda bodas, children talking, jua kali work, metalwork, hawkers, conversation",2022-07-01 16:40:00+00,f7f3ed5f-e28c-4825-ad74-e5f5e2d51648
69 |
000000369,281,"Ngei 1, Huruma",-1.320956645,36.78081031,,"Ngei 1, Huruma",Field Recorder stereo/mono,,,"ElectionSeason. Light conversation, passing matatu playing loud music, light traffic, quiet neighbourhood",2022-07-08 22:35:00+00,f7f3ed5f-e28c-4825-ad74-e5f5e2d51648
70 |
000000370,248,"Ngei 1, Huruma",-1.32024873,36.77958722,,"Ngei 1, Huruma",Field Recorder stereo/mono,,,"ElectionSeason. Rain on street, electric mill or other loud electrical machinery",2022-07-09 22:35:00+00,f7f3ed5f-e28c-4825-ad74-e5f5e2d51648
71 |
000000374,694,Eastleigh,-1.268642659,36.84819867,,Eastleigh,Field Recorder stereo/mono,,,"ElectionSeason. Conversation between two people at home, mundane",2022-07-17 22:21:00+00,f7f3ed5f-e28c-4825-ad74-e5f5e2d51648
72 |
000000372,520,"Jonsaga, Huruma",-1.260087596,36.87474594,,"Jonsaga, Huruma",Field Recorder stereo/mono,,,"ElectionSeason. Cock crows, housework, chores, sweeping, washing floors, passing matatus, bodas, passing music and conversation",2022-07-16 07:31:00+00,f7f3ed5f-e28c-4825-ad74-e5f5e2d51648
73 |
000000020,47,Oloolua Forest - Pumps,-1.3582668,36.7124999,,Pumps at the Oloolua Nature Trail,Binaural microphone,Kamaru_pumps,,"waterfall sounds, pump, spray sound",2019-09-18 15:50:00+00,a5e82ba2-f57c-4c7c-8e51-285b12a48753
74 |
000000018,217,Oloolua Forest - Swamp,-1.3582668,36.7124999,,Swamp at the Oloolua Nature Trail,Binaural microphone,Kamaru_swamp,,"footsteps, cracking twigs, birdsong, voices, motorcycles in the background",2019-09-18 17:30:00+00,4b35e6bd-3821-4218-bc2b-5585408c3892
75 |
000000233,601,Catherine Ndereba road,-1.322336,36.887167,,Catherine Ndereba road,Binaural microphone,,,"Motorbike engine roaring, human chatter, feet trending on asphalt, music from radio, distant",2020-08-11 05:23:00+00,cc3f02fa-2857-4912-803f-4f33deb1cea3
76 |
000000004,351,"Dagoz Artist Bar, Karandini Road",-1.2994761,36.757742,,"standing inside Dagoz Bar, at a table in the back right of the performance venue",Binaural microphone,ZOOM0030_EQ,,"band playing, people talking, applause, shouting, screaming",2019-09-18 23:11:00+00,8f413766-2e65-490e-a98f-df22f41d736b
77 |
000000182,222,Kikuyu Town,-1.242611,36.662306,,Kikuyu Town / inside house,Binaural microphone,,,"music, TV, voices, car engines a far",2020-05-20 07:06:00+00,41970b20-99ef-452d-8e01-050013be2337
78 |
000000016,531,Oloolua Forest - Waterfall,-1.3582668,36.7124999,,Waterfall at the Oloolua Nature Trail,Binaural microphone,Kamaru_WalkWaterfall,,"motorcycles, insects, birds, waterfall, footsteps, twigs breaking",2019-09-18 15:30:00+00,50d03c06-9a67-42ed-9294-1e4bad3371af
79 |
000000336,562,Homestead on Kinoo Road,1.3065,36.777833333333334,Binaural microphone,Around the house on Kinoo Road,Binaural microphone and recorder,"","","baby crying, baby breathing, woman's voice, baby noises, baby rattle, plastic banging",2021-03-16 10:18:00+00,3a192f8d-ebbc-4832-9bbc-a945a6ef603d
80 |
000000339,779,Harambee Avenue/Aga Khan Walk ,1.28825,36.82566666666667,Binaural microphone,Harambee Ave to Kencom bus stop and then back to Harambee Ave,Binaural microphone and recorder,"","","conversations in groups, bus conductors calling out for customers, music from stalls, noisy carts being pulled",2020-11-21 13:14:00+00,fdc0b9a2-b52f-4120-9194-1bacd7d73262
81 |
000000341,114,Balcony in Kikuyu ,1.2424722222222222,36.66319444444444,Binaural microphone,Balcony in Kikuyu ,Binaural microphone and recorder,"","","Rain, construction sounds and birds",2020-11-11 09:35:00+00,e044ab65-b246-4908-b4c4-6bc97f9885d7
82 |
000000340,629,Footbridge-Workshop Road,1.2933055555555555,36.82672222222222,Binaural microphone,Footbridge-Workshop Road,Binaural microphone and recorder,"","","climbing up stairs, walking along metal footbridge, conversations, pre-recorded sales promotions playing on loop",2020-11-21 13:45:00+00,ee4c526b-bee1-4b27-819b-3b60f392c5ad
83 |
000000023,623,Workshop Road at Footbridge,-1.2939695,36.8270515,,Walking: Workshop Road (near Station Road) starting at Footbridge (crossing over the rail tracks) until the gate out of Railway Slippers next to fruit vendors. Past Factory Road but before reaching the Industrial Area Roundabout (Bunyala Rd),Binaural microphone,ZOOM0033,,"Footsteps on concrete, footsteps wooden planks ( on the bridge), bird songs, child talking, zipper, voices, commotion below the bridge ( at railway where a suspected criminal was being pursued by policeman)wind, promotion music, pre recorded seller sound (selling shoes), DJ recorded music, footsteps, live guitar sound and radio, footsteps, motor cycle sound, recorded sales sound (selling electronics, computer accessories, casio calculators, cell phones, finger print scanner), different languages ( Swahili, English, Sheng, Kamba, Kikuyu)",2019-09-18 12:47:00+00,58c84776-6356-47a3-b82c-04ea5729fad0
84 |
000000003,112,Kenya National Theater - Harry Thuku Road,-1.2785132,36.8156772,,"At the Kenya National Theater, walking from the gate to the theatre space",Binaural microphone,Black_ZOOM0001_EQ,,"Voices, security check, conga drums and poets, voices, laughter and cheering, motor sound. Short freestyle from Black. Languages: Sheng, Kiswahili.",2019-09-12 14:23:00+00,910ec8d2-8627-4275-a479-6653e5c6eb9f
85 |
000000338,304,City Hall Way/Taifa Road,1.286333333333333,36.82369444444445,Binaural microphone,"people seated or standing in groups along the way in conversation, cars",Binaural microphone and recorder,"","","conversation, motor vehicles",2020-11-21 13:00:00+00,72b471d0-a8b3-4ac9-8584-aa57e5352510
86 |
000000002,600,Oloolua Primate Center,-1.3653407,36.7038098,,"walking around a stream in Oloolua Forest, swamp",Binaural microphone,ZOOM0027_EQ,,"bird calls, cows mooing, camera clicking, water flowing",2019-09-18 16:58:00+00,ad3581a7-165d-4423-85fb-2bf8a1b31d30
87 |
000000017,276,Railways Bus Stop,-1.2898733,36.8276937,,Walking then standing at the Railways bus stop,Binaural microphone,ZOOM0004,,"touts calling the different routes, asking people to board the matatus, matatu sliding doors closing and opening, high head and bass sound of music from matatus, wistheling, motor sound, route chants of matatu routes, rongai, ngong-bypass, lenana – race course, hooting of matatus, heavy motor sound, hitting of car door/roof/side",2019-09-17 12:57:00+00,7dbf0e48-0540-4b99-9b59-cf5cef7b1c1e
88 |
000000011,275,"National Archives, Moi Avenue",-1.2848973,36.8259204,,Standing at the National Archives,Binaural microphone,ZOOM0001,,A woman teaching a group of people about women issues,2019-09-17 12:37:00+00,57c7aa8b-8cd6-4e2b-a8fe-b55c9a787b46
89 |
000000324,20,The bridge connecting umoja estate and Buruburu,1.2839166666666666,36.88363888888889,Binaural microphone,I walk back to cross the bridge connecting umoja estate and Buruburu recording here I noticed vendors closing business and there is more human traffic coming from Buruburu towards umoja. A handful Matatus calling out for travellers to other estates like pipeline....,Binaural microphone and recorder,"","","traffic sounds, touts shouting, beba beba, matatu, revving engine, hooting, horn",2020-11-15 21:14:00+00,11a7f0ea-622d-480c-9210-fd51afcda75d
90 |
000000166,191,Technical University Gate,-1.291827,36.824753,,Technical University Gate,Binaural microphone,,,"birds, voices, people in conversation, footsteps, radio audio, motor sound",2020-05-07 11:30:00+00,55c8b362-bbc4-4438-8099-99111417b9b4
91 |
000000344,676,Stella Stage,1.2895833333333333,36.88527777777778,Binaural microphone,"Stella stage is where I started my recording heading straight on outering road. This is a busy highway with lots of lorries and private cars, you can count a handful of Matatus on this road. A few meters away at Donholm you have a beehive of Matatus which is chaotic.
92 |
I find the jua Kali artisans closed down.",Binaural microphone and recorder,"","","traffic, matatu, hooting, cars passing, voices in conversations snippets, ambulance/police sirene, circadas, boda boda engine and horns, ",2020-11-15 20:26:00+00,11f9130a-f8f8-4bb6-84f2-47604efb7ce7
93 |
000000024,134,Kikuyu Market (Mini),-1.2471951,36.6790986,,"Walking: Powerstar supermarket road opposite Kikuyu Township onto the mini market, sitting down and eating fruit",Binaural microphone,Waringa_0003,,"voices, kikuyu language, motors revving, motorbike engine, wind howling, metal clinking",2019-09-17 14:53:00+00,ff1bcd26-2f8e-4c4f-b86e-6426cd10d9e0
94 |
000000194,300,Ngong Road/Prestige Plaza,-1.299766,36.788085,,Ngong Road/Prestige Plaza via Kibera to Langata,Binaural microphone,,,"motor humming, wind, voices, shouting, loughing, squeaking breaks, air stream,motor bike",2020-06-02 04:02:00+00,435d3de1-747c-49fe-b896-4b6f9eb6fec5
95 |
000000238,,Munyu Road,-1.2840655484308567,36.82774375986611,,"I alighted a matatu at Umoja Stage Terminus, walked to Munyu Road until Gaborone Road. Stopped recording.",Android mobile phone,,,"Hawkers hailing, human chatter, bangs, hooting, car engine revving, street kids acrobatic crew singing.",2021-02-08 09:54:00+00,bd813efb-9fb6-433d-92fc-8a33f2d07ef6
96 |
000000033,264,Aga Khan Walk / Kencom,-1.2869819,36.8250462,,"Walking: Start at Kencom/Aga Khan Walk junction. Straight down Aga Khan walk along the side walk closer to Reinsurance Plaza. Turning around at Harambee Avenue walking back past Electricity House, Uchumi until Nkrumah Ave Street sign next to Kencom Building",Binaural microphone,ZOOM0031_2,,"birds chirping, crossing light signal (beeping; please wait), motorcycle engine, wind, laughter, child mumbling or singing, ‘welcome to measure your height weight’ from weighing scales,",2019-09-21 11:45:00+00,52a1bff7-938a-4e3d-b079-f73cae03c43d
97 |
000000189,489,Landi Mawe,-1.292592,36.8264,,Landi Mawe / Railway Footbrige/ Workshop Road,Binaural microphone,,,"footsteps going over the bridge, people on phone and in conversation, ringing phones, cars and motorcycles using the road, marabou storks and other birds, footsteps, women selling simcards, sound from construction site, opening/closing of zip, microphone distortion",2020-05-07 11:37:00+00,dab8ba37-b6cd-442e-8a3f-23269fa3b2a9
98 |
000000230,703,Transami Road,-1.323109,36.89561,,Along Transami Road to City Cabanas,Binaural microphone,,,"Car horn honking, wind blowing, vehicular speed whooshing, industrial AC whirring,",2020-08-10 02:37:00+00,86c450f9-27e8-4754-add1-bb8b62f9b988
99 |
000000211,382,Kenya National Archives,-1.284834,36.826139,,Kenya National Archives to Railways Station,Binaural microphone,,,"car engines, different rumbleing tones, conversations, shuffling, car doors banging, conversations passing, birds fighting the traffic",2020-07-22 13:00:00+00,3146f3b9-c7a3-4362-b92e-e0d090a503f6
100 |
000000172,726,Kibera,-1.311456,36.774745,,"Changa den, Kibera",Binaural microphone,,,"voices, conversation about Covid-19 pandemic, music, beats, glass clincking",2020-05-15 10:05:00+00,64b10aad-2207-4d0c-9be3-0f21ce3b559b
101 |
000000327,441,"Githurai 45 market area, Mwihoko Road",1.2045833333333333,36.91808333333333,Binaural microphone,At Githurai 45 market around the market area.,Binaural microphone and recorder,"","","Market dialogue in Gikuyu, Boda bodas on the Rush hour, Tuk tuk sounds, voices, foorsteps, children shouting, cloths selling, whistles, hooting, music, horn, child crying and shouting, „wash your hands“",2020-12-02 19:05:00+00,b94609db-0c99-411d-99dc-d648c5c679bb
102 |
000000222,681,Kencom Busstop,-1.285755,36.824757,,"Kencom Busstop, Aga Khan Walk",Binaural microphone,,,"Preacher, mask sellers chanting the price, intoxicated child walking/dragging sandals, cars parking at",2020-07-23 11:55:00+00,15f176cb-5cbc-47e9-b48d-fca7812739e9
103 |
000000065,271,Tom Mboya Street,1.2843883,36.825933599999985,,"standing next to Tom Mboya street, facing Odeon Cinema",Phone,,,"Buses honking, hawkers chanting, conversations, laughter, car alarm, car hooting, bus engine",2019-11-21 21:00:00+00,89514d3a-3381-4591-8cd1-932b5b1226b8
104 |
000000005,598,Mirema Highview Estate,-1.2129941,36.886933,,sitting outside on a ground-floor balcony,Binaural microphone,Zoom0014,,"Bird sounds, Cock crowing, Matatu Horns, Shuttering of doors",2019-09-14 06:05:00+00,dcfb9cee-1e87-481e-8412-f2663ef1e1c1
105 |
000000232,664,Transami Road,-1.330143,36.889483,,Along Transami Road to City Cabanas,Binaural microphone,,,"indistinct human chatter, birds chirping, human dialogue, metal grinding, construction knocking",2020-08-10 02:52:00+00,5136520e-8f5f-4216-a874-bef018f7a6b2
106 |
000000012,780,Maasai Mbili Artists' Centre - Kibera Drive,-1.3115472,36.7745376,,Walking along Kibera drive,Binaural microphone,ZOOM0019_EQ,,"Drums, singing, voices, shakers, Salvation Army, Choir, engine sound, children singing, laughing, motor bike engine, wind",2019-09-15 15:38:00+00,7ff56050-76fc-46cd-87ab-3402b57f043a
107 |
000000185,554,Cathrine Ndereba Road,-1.32305,36.887612,,Cathrine Ndereba Road,Binaural microphone,,,"foot steps, voices (language) from kiosk radio, shouting, engine revving and humming, sneezing, water splashing, morning prayer song behind closed doors (harmonic under tone), conversation",2020-05-22 05:30:00+00,fde83f00-f1a9-4564-a5a7-eb59e653f075
108 |
000000216,420,"Bar, Kibera",-1.311456,36.774747,,"Bar, Kibera",Binaural microphone,,,"conversation, music",2020-07-22 18:47:00+00,d4d76b0f-d9ee-43f8-83f7-60be641ff116
109 |
000000214,376,"Bar, Kibera",-1.311456,36.774745,,"Bar, Kibera",Binaural microphone,,,"conversation, music, TV",2020-07-22 18:20:00+00,eee3258c-f1a8-448c-a6de-590b7fd6af1a
110 |
000000066,380,Nairobi National Museum,-1.273966,36.81448799999998,,Seated outside the main hall on a stone seat,Phone,,,"crickets, conversation, laughing, Kenyan accents, car screeching",2019-11-27 21:00:00+00,e5da641b-0adc-4064-b4fe-a70338ec6e87
111 |
000000300,618,Harambee Avenue crosswalk,-1.2881172586038971,36.82641196230233,Binaural microphone,At Harambee Avenue crosswalk nearest to building with Indian Embassy and then crossed to Electricity House,"Walked from crosswalk on Harambee Avenue, went straight down the road upto the Kencom stage. Lingered at the bus stop the walkway between bus stop and kencom building, turned back and walked back to Harambee Avenue along the side closer to Reinsurance Plaza, Children and girls with babies running and laughing (likely street families), people sitting along the way.",,,"Traffic signals beeping at crosswalk, people on phone, people in conversation, hawkers in conversation outside Uchumi, mask hamsini, water bowser at Kencom, preacher at Kencom, bus conductors shouting routes, 40 Kawangware",2020-05-07 11:05:00+00,9fa15b9f-3c65-4438-9fdd-cc4040425984
112 |
000000009,606,Kikuyu Town - Nderi Road,-1.2368373,36.6622682,,Walking from Nderi Road to Powerstar Kikuyu,Binaural microphone,Brian_ZOOM0009_EQ,,"Matatu breaking down, conversations in Kikuyu and Kiwahili, hum of trucks and PSVs on the Southern Bypass",2019-09-12 19:12:00+00,1b85c468-14a5-4e9e-81eb-ae5c04160531
113 |
000000334,655,Homestead on Kinoo Road,1.3065,36.777833333333334,Binaural microphone,Around the house on Kinoo Road,Binaural microphone and recorder,"","","birds, chicken, womens voice speaking, childrens voices, mans greeting a child, footsteps on concrete, wind, chockerel crying, metal gate, water, scraping of metal, hitting dishes in plastic bowl, flys buzzing, squeaking of metal, conversations women, laughter, dog barking, TV voices in distance, boda boda engine far away, water sound",2021-03-15 11:48:00+00,3a192f8d-ebbc-4832-9bbc-a945a6ef603d
114 |
000000015,77,Kibera,-1.3114845,36.7879475,,"Walking from Soweto to Bombululu, Kiandani",Binaural microphone,ZOOM0012,,"Cars, women laughing, footsteps, whistling",2019-09-17 17:10:00+00,7b8da860-6610-4442-9e23-e3bcaad7a485
115 |
000000010,651,"Roysambu bus station (route 44), A2",-1.2172643,36.8936972,,"sitting in bus number 44, back left side, from Roysambu to Garden City Mall stage via Thika Road highway",Binaural microphone,Zoom0017,,"Voices, Laughing, Crying, Children voice, Shaking coins in hand, Banging of bus roof/door, Shouting, Birds, Metallic Banging",2019-09-15 13:51:00+00,03607396-be1a-4850-82e2-9f009d40d505
116 |
000000221,610,"Kibera, Bombolulu",-1.311312,36.7747,,"Kibera, Bombolulu – round walk",Binaural microphone,,,"metal cloncking, music from radio, water running, splashing, laughing, footsteps, voices, sweeping, banging, cock crying, cars, motor biles, conversation, radio/tv voices and music",2020-07-23 09:30:00+00,64d2d507-1642-4ab6-b30e-1c35eb2ecefb
117 |
000000217,309,"Bar, Kibera",-1.311456,36.774748,,"Bar, Kibera",Binaural microphone,,,"conversation, music",2020-07-22 19:20:00+00,c65a75c9-56f0-4025-bc9d-d0b1dbfcc52e
118 |
000000179,247,Kikuyu Cyber Cafe,-1.248048,36.664097,,Kikuyu Cyber Cafe,Binaural microphone,,,"foot steps, music, paper, voices, echoing voices",2020-05-20 09:37:00+00,c93e05e5-1506-4c80-b456-819580d0195f
119 |
000000019,114,Oloolua Forest - Cave,-1.3582668,36.7124999,,Caves at the Oloolua Nature Trail,Binaural microphone,Kamaru_cave,,"footsteps, falling twigs, echoes, birds, voices",2019-09-18 15:20:00+00,07dff448-cb0b-46dc-b4e6-756d43d09ae7
120 |
000000342,125,Kikuyu-Nderi Road to market,1.2440555555555557,36.66277777777778,Binaural microphone,"Kikuyu-Nderi Rd to the market, walking south",Binaural microphone and recorder,"","","Cars passing, boda bodas, voices, children voice, weaver birds, squeaking car breaks, wind",2020-11-12 10:19:00+00,ea79f5e8-e7e8-4a69-846c-cfe2bdbe35c8
121 |
000000212,323,Railway Station Matatu Stage,-1.289558,36.827576,,Railway Station Matatu Stage,Binaural microphone,,,"Matatu touts shouting, repetition, footsteps, car engines, engine rumble",2020-07-22 13:20:00+00,50406a11-906c-441b-ad4e-890b0ab112e1
122 |
000000013,35,Kibera near Olympic stage,-1.3132416,36.7794678,,Standing in front of a workshop,Binaural microphone,ZOOM0011,,"grinding and sanding, People making jewelery from horns",2019-09-17 16:57:00+00,22d11c31-394c-4fd3-9197-507bb3c44766
123 |
000000236,668,"Eastleigh, Ninth Street",-1.276095,36.850524,,"Ninth Street, branched off to 2nd Avenue to Fourth Section into a Cafe",Binaural microphone,,,"Street PA advertising systems, boda boda engines roaring, human chatter, garage knocking sounds,",2020-08-12 12:40:00+00,267626de-5b82-4aad-8101-495d7e791595
124 |
000000008,601,"KNH bus stage 32, outside Kenyatta Hospital",-1.300687,36.808813,,"Sitting in the bus number 32, back left side, KNH bus stage to Ngong Road, branch left to Kabarnet Road then right to Kibera Road, join Kibera drive and end at Kwa DC stage",Binaural microphone,Zoom0018,,"Voices, Conversations, Car hooting, Revving of engines, Birds, Coughing, Phone ring, Slamming of Bus door, Wrapping paper, Bus door rattling, Child crying, Car braking, Phone conversation, Tout shouting",2019-09-15 14:38:00+00,308c8f35-0612-421b-8ccc-d6f8d18f28d0
125 |
000000176,347,Nairobi CBD,-1.291113,36.828088,,Sitting in Bus Nairobi CBD to Kibera,Binaural microphone,,,"rattling, metal, squeeking, motor sounds, voices, conversations",2020-05-16 03:00:00+00,1f7cdff8-e935-417e-b21e-8d86c3456fa1
126 |
000000067,602,ronald ngala st,-1.285254,36.8287229,,waiting at a matatu stage on ronald ngala street,Recorder,,,"Matatu honking, touts shouting, aggression, traffic",2019-09-30 21:00:00+00,deb66c40-3c77-4c77-a67b-69b227691170
127 |
000000210,242,Kibera,-1.31149,36.778299,,Kibera in Matatu to Railway Station,Binaural microphone,,,"music in car (hip hop, rap), car engine faint",2020-07-22 12:30:00+00,665c2ad1-db3c-4739-a8c4-05c6e1c76626
128 |
000000229,595,Avenue Park,-1.310754,36.891675,,Avenue Park along Outering Road to Naivas Eastgate Donholm,Binaural microphone,,, Velocity whooshing of cars. Vehicular engines roaring. Church music playing on the PA. Car alarm going off. Motorbike engines throttling. Human chatter. Boda boda exhaust thrumping. Feet trending,2020-08-09 03:00:00+00,3ff5cbec-fa3a-40c9-b7f3-aa75f6977750
129 |
000000006,588,Mirema bus stage 44,-1.2129573,36.8928845,,"Standing at the bus stop, seated inside the number 44 bus in the middle left side, from Mirema to Roysambu via Kamiti Road",Binaural microphone,Zoom0016,,"Building noise hammers hitting stones, touts shouting route/ calling out to passengers, banging on the bus door, Coughing, Car hooting, Wind in ears, Touts on the road instructing drivers out of the deadlock, Bus engine, Background Music, Conversations, Motorcycles passing by, Child mumbling, Car braking",2019-09-14 16:37:00+00,6f131f77-cb45-48aa-a9f5-c55aef2f30b5
130 |
000000219,540,"Bar, Kibera",-1.311456,36.77475,,"Bar, Kibera",Binaural microphone,,,"conversation, music",2020-07-22 19:40:00+00,c373c35b-6208-4385-9683-e725dfb39319
131 |
000000026,606,Cyber Cafe Kikuyu,-1.248438,36.664438,,"Walking: on a road with shops on boths sides, up the stairs in to a cyber cafe, standing in the cyber next to the printer then corridor and out again",Binaural microphone,Waringa_ZOOm0004,,"voices, conversations, motors revving, typing on keyboards, paper rustling, bubble wrap, radio, coughing, sound of water in the drainage, footsteps, reverberation of footsteps in staircase",2019-09-18 15:06:00+00,df0b8a27-3c65-4614-a56f-ea9be703bad6
132 |
000000025,589,"Silanga Road, Karen",-1.3472172,36.7445694,,Walking: Silanga road to Red Brick,Binaural microphone,Waringa_ZOOm0005,,"birds, car motors, children laughing and talking, zip being closed, footsteps, voices, wind",2019-09-18 16:45:00+00,ce7fa26b-01c2-40be-98b4-957260627e09
133 |
000000064,,Woodvale,-1.2631811,36.80344319999999,,"Walked and stood around the kiosks at the end of Woodvale Grove, Westlands",Recorder,,,"Traffic sounds, conversations, phone conversation with boda boda rider",2019-10-15 19:17:00+00,098535b1-ca69-42e5-92f0-258f643bfc5d
134 |
000000027,363,"The Den, Kerarapon Drive, Nairobi, Kenya",-1.3147755,36.6602178,,Sitting at the bar,Binaural microphone,ZOOM0020_EQ,,"Benga music, voices, laughter, conversations in Dholuo & Sheng",2019-09-15 15:38:00+00,91d7cfe2-32f5-4c53-931f-3b943ec7bfc0
135 |
000000031,575,"Murram Road, AA Grounds, Catherine Ndereba",-1.3227864,36.8874565,,"walking along Murram Road, over AA Grounds, off Catherine Ndereba Road",Binaural microphone,ZOOM0009_EQ,,"footsteps on dirt road, tuk tuk horn, tuk tuk motor sound, music reggae close by, wooden planks onto each other, Karibu costumer, motor/car sounds, sneezing, laughing, squeeking of cars, coughing, plates rattling, sweeping, high heel footsteps",2019-09-13 05:55:00+00,20125946-1f6f-4180-b787-29d936392f56
136 |
000000231,703,Transami Road,-1.324645,36.893052,,Along Transami Road to City Cabanas,Binaural microphone,,,"Car horn honking, wind blowing, vehicular speed whooshing, industrial AC whirring,",2020-08-10 02:47:00+00,86c450f9-27e8-4754-add1-bb8b62f9b988
137 |
000000035,368,Naivas Supermarket Donholm,-1.2959188,36.8871586,,"voice of woman in conversation on mobile phone, Sound of TV broadcasting the Lion's den program, Phone ringing, cleaning machine, beeping of till, closing of till, tape, motor/car sound, supermarket trolly",Binaural microphone,ZOOM0007_EQ,,"Birds, wind, dogs, cats, cars, footsteps, gate opening",2019-09-12 18:14:00+00,da644bb3-1aa7-4e8d-a034-9afa90517d78
138 |
000000191,,Carrefour mega,,36.82551309999999,,Standing outside Carrefour entrance and then entering a car,Phone,,,"Trolleys, car engine, car horn, alarm, laughing, people talking, conversation, car door",2020-08-09 16:35:00+00,883752fc-66ad-43b4-bdf8-1988e54fed94
139 |
000000226,600,Mirema Highview Estate,-1.211314,36.887879,,Mirema Highview Estate to Mirema Drive and back,Binaural microphone,,,"opening and shutting gate, traffic on Bunyala Road",2020-07-31 06:40:00+00,7781074b-1982-46dd-bb80-3570c2aa7d57
140 |
000000014,219,Railways Bus Stop,-1.2898733,36.8276937,,Walking then standing at the Railways bus stop,Binaural microphone,ZOOM0003,,"touts calling the different routes, asking people to board the matatus, matatu sliding doors closing and opening, high head and bass sound of music from matatus, wistheling, motor sound, route chants of matatu routes, rongai, ngong-bypass, lenana – race course, hooting of matatus, heavy motor sound, hitting of car door/roof/side",2019-09-17 12:53:00+00,bbe3e1f8-4633-4edf-b6f2-cf63bbd6bd9a
141 |
000000030,128,Landhies Road,-1.2871685,36.8365209999999,,I am on Ladhies Road and I use the bike at a speed of 5km/hr. I got stationary for 2min then I walk down at the Jua Kali Market,Binaural microphone,Alacoque_ZOOM0035_EQ,,"Tuktuk, motorcycle, welding and metalwork banging, people speaking Kikuyu",2019-09-23 11:44:00+00,a0492a74-b1b6-4021-b7e4-2603a4fbd892
142 |
000000204,729,Globe roundabout,-1.278192,36.81908,,Globe roundabout- MOI avenue to railways station,Binaural microphone,,,"engines ravving, voices, shouting, metal banging",2020-07-17 11:08:00+00,7116cddd-1451-4f44-af03-77a56669da09
143 |
000000201,678,Langata to Kibera,-1.337883,36.722306,,Langata to Kibera,Binaural microphone,,,"motor humming, wind, voices, shouting, loughing, squeaking breaks, air stream, metal gate, footsteps, voices, TV, shutting door",2020-06-02 06:30:00+00,a73b3bbf-f953-490b-be3c-9ec15dc42b9f
144 |
000000028,772,High Court Car Park / Maasai Market,-1.2920659,36.8219462,,"Walking: entering at main entrance, turn to the right, until circle is completed",Binaural microphone,ZOOM0032,,"voices, haggling, conversations, voices in English addressing tourists, drum beats, laughter, car alarm, footsteps, clincking cutlery, different languages (Kikuyu, English, Swahili, Kamba, Sheng), being called sister, radio broadcast music and conversation, coughing, rustling bags/packaging, plastic chairs dragging on the ground, rustling canvas paintings",2019-09-18 12:18:00+00,c61525de-5a5e-481a-bb9e-64399890ce16
145 |
000000192,300,Ngong Road/Prestige Plaza,-1.299766,36.788085,,Ngong Road/Prestige Plaza via Kibera to Langata,Binaural microphone,,,"motor humming, wind, voices, shouting, loughing, squeaking breaks, air stream, motor bike",2020-06-02 03:49:00+00,435d3de1-747c-49fe-b896-4b6f9eb6fec5
146 |
000000193,300,Ngong Road/Prestige Plaza,-1.299766,36.788085,,Ngong Road/Prestige Plaza via Kibera to Langata,Binaural microphone,,,"motor humming, wind, voices, shouting, loughing, squeaking breaks, air stream, motor bike",2020-06-02 03:55:00+00,435d3de1-747c-49fe-b896-4b6f9eb6fec5
147 |
000000195,169,Langata,-1.337883,36.722306,,Langata,Binaural microphone,,,"conversation, shouting, voices, finger snipping, laughing",2020-06-02 04:55:00+00,e5d4b421-1331-4f0c-8347-59515b25daae
148 |
000000197,300,Ngong Road/Prestige Plaza,-1.299766,36.788085,,Ngong Road/Prestige Plaza via Kibera to Langata,Binaural microphone,,,"motor humming, wind, voices, shouting, loughing, squeaking breaks, air stream, motor bike",2020-06-02 03:49:00+00,435d3de1-747c-49fe-b896-4b6f9eb6fec5
149 |
000000198,300,Ngong Road/Prestige Plaza,-1.299766,36.788085,,Ngong Road/Prestige Plaza via Kibera to Langata,Binaural microphone,,,"motor humming, wind, voices, shouting, loughing, squeaking breaks, air stream, motor bike",2020-06-02 03:55:00+00,435d3de1-747c-49fe-b896-4b6f9eb6fec5
150 |
000000203,729,Kenya National Theatre,-1.278468,36.816114,,National theatre-Kijabe street-Globe roundabout- MOI avenue to railways station,Binaural microphone,,,"engines ravving, voices, shouting, metal banging",2020-07-17 11:00:00+00,7116cddd-1451-4f44-af03-77a56669da09
151 |
000000199,300,Ngong Road/Prestige Plaza,-1.299766,36.788085,,Ngong Road/Prestige Plaza via Kibera to Langata,Binaural microphone,,,"motor humming, wind, voices, shouting, loughing, squeaking breaks, air stream,motor bike",2020-06-02 04:02:00+00,435d3de1-747c-49fe-b896-4b6f9eb6fec5
152 |
000000206,514,Landhis Road,-1.29275,36.842342,,"Landhis Road to City Stadium, Wakulima Market",Binaural microphone,,,"engines ravving, voices, shouting, metal banging",2020-07-17 11:39:00+00,c046d2f4-74f8-48eb-9486-527f6a8d35e5
153 |
000000208,530,"Bahati, Heshima Road",-1.292913,36.852654,,"Bahati, Heshima Road",Binaural microphone,,,"cars, voices, shouting, footsteps",2020-07-18 12:00:00+00,a742ddf4-19e4-4b73-a285-5049dc89e24f
154 |
000000215,420,"Bar, Kibera",-1.311456,36.774746,,"Bar, Kibera",Binaural microphone,,,"conversation, music",2020-07-22 18:40:00+00,d4d76b0f-d9ee-43f8-83f7-60be641ff116
155 |
000000209,499,"Kibera, Bombolulu",-1.311373,36.774683,,"Kibera, Bombolulu – round walk, through the neighbourhood and back in to the compound",Binaural microphone,,,"Music, car engine, cloncking, metal, talking, voices, laughing, conversation, metal gate ",2020-07-21 13:00:00+00,f40d6850-62d9-4ad4-a818-69ab42790058
156 |
000000205,514,Landhis Road,-1.286924,36.831744,,"Landhis Road to City Stadium, Wakulima Market",Binaural microphone,,,"engines ravving, voices, shouting, metal banging",2020-07-17 11:30:00+00,c046d2f4-74f8-48eb-9486-527f6a8d35e5
157 |
000000170,665,Kirinyaga Road,-1.279794,36.824897,,Kirinyaga Road / Nairobi River/ Globe Roundabout ,Binaural microphone,,,"mechanics, banging metal, vernaculars, voices in khat market",2020-05-12 11:00:00+00,73ab17d9-0ca3-4253-9972-a517cf7ed545
158 |
000000173,712,Kibera,-1.311456,36.774745,,"Changa den, Kibera",Binaural microphone,,,"voices, conversation about Covid-19 pandemic, music, beats, glass clincking",2020-05-15 10:17:00+00,64b10aad-2207-4d0c-9be3-0f21ce3b559b
159 |
000000171,665,Kirinyaga Road,-1.279794,36.824897,,Kirinyaga Road / Nairobi River/ Globe Roundabout ,Binaural microphone,,,"mechanics, banging metal, vernaculars, voices in khat market",2020-05-12 11:11:00+00,73ab17d9-0ca3-4253-9972-a517cf7ed545
160 |
000000218,309,"Bar, Kibera",-1.311456,36.774749,,"Bar, Kibera",Binaural microphone,,,"conversation, music",2020-07-22 19:26:00+00,c65a75c9-56f0-4025-bc9d-d0b1dbfcc52e
161 |
000000178,470,Kikuyu Southern Bypass,-1.246142,36.66469,,Kikuyu Southern Bypass,Binaural microphone,,,"foot steps, metal knocking, sniffing, car engines revving, rattling of metal, squeaking of breaks (high-pitched, standing tone)",2020-05-20 09:25:00+00,05d304bf-e824-481c-9153-35b227775bbf
162 |
000000169,270,Luthuli Avenue,-1.284151,36.827764,,Luthuli Avenue,Binaural microphone,,,"matatu stage (Town Terminal), Ruaka, voices, shouting, banging",2020-05-11 14:33:00+00,ab3dcc3a-2a9e-4c8c-9648-dcc1e3172aa0
163 |
000000174,434,Kibera,-1.311456,36.774745,,"Changa den, Kibera",Binaural microphone,,,"voices, conversation about Covid-19 pandemic, music, beats, glass clincking",2020-05-15 10:29:00+00,64b10aad-2207-4d0c-9be3-0f21ce3b559b
164 |
000000175,228,Railway,-1.287062,36.826468,,Railway to National Archives,Binaural microphone,,,"foot stape, voices, motor sounds, hooting",2020-05-16 02:20:00+00,79de6a20-4761-4c51-839d-6c73ee7cdd3c
165 |
000000177,388,Nairobi CBD,-1.298353,36.800238,,Sitting in Bus Nairobi CBD to Kibera,Binaural microphone,,,"rattling, metal, squeeking, motor sounds, voices, conversations, phone beeping, vibrating, hooting, crushing of sweet paper",2020-05-16 03:08:00+00,519c7dae-859e-4ed3-93c0-e1b314b27b79
166 |
000000168,563,Norfolk Hotel,-1.278611,36.816281,,Norfolk Hotel to Moi Avenue,Binaural microphone,,,"traffic, hooting, voices, conversations",2020-05-11 14:00:00+00,b02b8ca9-1deb-45b5-87dc-3f2ec35d2f03
167 |
000000181,260,Kikuyu Town,-1.244709,36.662975,,Kikuyu Town,Binaural microphone,,,"sirens, cars engines, voices, hooting",2020-05-20 07:00:00+00,e201a1bd-9bd0-4fcc-9613-7b0feb293f0f
168 |
000000183,231,Kikuyu Town,-1.242611,36.662306,,Kikuyu Town/inside house,Binaural microphone,,,"water splashing, clicking, squashing, dishes clincking",2020-05-21 09:20:00+00,785e2126-c78e-4247-b86e-45c1ba8775c5
169 |
000000036,409,"Mpya Pipeline Stage, Outer Ring Road",-1.3134119,36.8914469,,"standing at Stage Mpya, Pipeline",Binaural microphone,ZOOM0008_EQ,,"Christian Crusade, Speaker using a megaphone, aeroplane passing, feedback in megaphone, receding to Women shouting and singing, music, voices of conversations, singing",2019-09-12 18:43:00+00,937eea60-d4c2-42a4-adce-5e1ead94b4be
170 |
000000184,440,Kikuyu Stage,-1.242916,36.664589,,Kikuyu Stage to Southern Bypass,Binaural microphone,,,"car engines, voices shouting, conversations, language, birds chirping",2020-05-21 09:49:00+00,1fb2b62a-ea11-4cfa-b597-49440f41feb9