audioduration (s) 0.03
| filename
stringlengths 20
| word
stringlengths 1
| phoneme
stringlengths 3
| phonemeCount
int64 1
5639-40744-0041_some.flac | some | S AH1 M | 3 |
4992-41797-0008_of.flac | of | AH1 V | 2 |
908-31957-0004_up.flac | up | AH1 P | 2 |
3575-170457-0021_to.flac | to | T IH0 | 2 |
237-134500-0019_lap.flac | lap | L AE1 P | 3 |
5142-36377-0008_in.flac | in | IH0 N | 2 |
1188-133604-0012_force.flac | force | F AO1 R S | 4 |
8455-210777-0043_but.flac | but | B AH1 T | 3 |
61-70968-0039_is.flac | is | IH0 Z | 2 |
1580-141083-0020_tiptoe.flac | tiptoe | T IH1 P T OW2 | 5 |
61-70970-0005_had.flac | had | HH AE1 D | 3 |
4077-13754-0015_the.flac | the | DH AH0 | 2 |
2830-3979-0007_of.flac | of | AH0 V | 2 |
7176-88083-0004_cormorant.flac | cormorant | K AO1 R M ER0 AH0 N T | 8 |
5683-32879-0011_energy.flac | energy | EH1 N ER0 JH IY0 | 5 |
7729-102255-0041_disgust.flac | disgust | D IH0 S G AH1 S T | 7 |
7176-88083-0023_but.flac | but | B AH1 T | 3 |
4077-13751-0016_have.flac | have | HH AE1 V | 3 |
5142-33396-0043_eyes.flac | eyes | AY1 Z | 2 |
2094-142345-0033_i'm.flac | i'm | AY1 M | 2 |
7127-75946-0000_celebrated.flac | celebrated | S EH1 L AH0 B R EY2 T IH0 D | 10 |
908-31957-0018_art.flac | art | AA1 R T | 3 |
1284-1181-0005_exclaimed.flac | exclaimed | IH0 K S K L EY1 M D | 8 |
4446-2273-0001_and.flac | and | AE1 N D | 3 |
5142-33396-0019_live.flac | live | L IH1 V | 3 |
260-123286-0023_down.flac | down | D AW1 N | 3 |
121-127105-0009_these.flac | these | DH IY1 Z | 3 |
4507-16021-0032_as.flac | as | AE1 Z | 2 |
8455-210777-0053_expressing.flac | expressing | IH0 K S P R EH1 S IH0 NG | 9 |
121-123859-0000_strive.flac | strive | S T R AY1 V | 5 |
121-123852-0000_absent.flac | absent | AE1 B S AH0 N T | 6 |
2830-3980-0048_standing.flac | standing | S T AE1 N D IH0 NG | 7 |
61-70968-0015_nay.flac | nay | N EY1 | 2 |
8224-274384-0004_of.flac | of | AH0 V | 2 |
5142-36377-0015_ten.flac | ten | T EH1 N | 3 |
260-123440-0002_along.flac | along | AH0 L AO1 NG | 4 |
3570-5695-0012_where.flac | where | W EH1 R | 3 |
7021-85628-0004_yes.flac | yes | Y EH1 S | 3 |
7729-102255-0044_the.flac | the | DH AH0 | 2 |
1188-133604-0032_burne.flac | burne | B ER1 N | 3 |
4077-13754-0014_the.flac | the | DH AH0 | 2 |
8463-294828-0009_once.flac | once | W AH1 N S | 4 |
908-31957-0011_love.flac | love | L AH1 V | 3 |
1995-1836-0006_education.flac | education | EH2 JH AH0 K EY1 SH AH0 N | 8 |
1089-134686-0013_wish.flac | wish | W IH1 SH | 3 |
8463-287645-0009_never.flac | never | N EH1 V ER0 | 4 |
1284-1181-0006_high.flac | high | HH AY1 | 2 |
1221-135766-0000_its.flac | its | IH0 T S | 3 |
1580-141084-0029_at.flac | at | AE1 T | 2 |
1089-134686-0019_until.flac | until | AH0 N T IH1 L | 5 |
908-157963-0026_children.flac | children | CH IH1 L D R AH0 N | 7 |
6829-68771-0036_key.flac | key | K IY1 | 2 |
672-122797-0061_tell.flac | tell | T EH1 L | 3 |
4992-41797-0018_of.flac | of | AH0 V | 2 |
8455-210777-0007_quite.flac | quite | K W AY1 T | 4 |
3575-170457-0031_eighteen.flac | eighteen | EY1 T IY1 N | 4 |
7729-102255-0037_he.flac | he | HH IY1 | 2 |
237-134500-0023_with.flac | with | W IH0 DH | 3 |
7729-102255-0044_jailer.flac | jailer | JH EY1 L ER0 | 4 |
2094-142345-0034_house.flac | house | HH AW1 S | 3 |
8455-210777-0008_of.flac | of | AH0 V | 2 |
1284-134647-0000_promoted.flac | promoted | P R AH0 M OW1 T AH0 D | 8 |
7176-92135-0022_the.flac | the | DH AH0 | 2 |
4077-13754-0002_buchanan.flac | buchanan | B Y UW0 K AE1 N AH0 N | 8 |
4970-29095-0027_yearly.flac | yearly | Y IH1 R L IY0 | 5 |
1995-1837-0022_little.flac | little | L IH1 T AH0 L | 5 |
7127-75947-0037_replied.flac | replied | R IY0 P L AY1 D | 6 |
121-127105-0027_with.flac | with | W IH0 TH | 3 |
6930-81414-0027_after.flac | after | AE1 F T ER0 | 4 |
1188-133604-0007_curve.flac | curve | K ER1 V | 3 |
6829-68769-0026_he.flac | he | HH IY1 | 2 |
6930-81414-0008_did.flac | did | D IH1 D | 3 |
8224-274384-0001_him.flac | him | HH IH1 M | 3 |
5142-36377-0014_beauty.flac | beauty | B Y UW1 T IY0 | 5 |
1188-133604-0024_precious.flac | precious | P R EH1 SH AH0 S | 6 |
5142-33396-0041_so.flac | so | S OW1 | 2 |
4446-2273-0000_and.flac | and | AE1 N D | 3 |
1580-141083-0008_them.flac | them | DH AH0 M | 3 |
2094-142345-0008_as.flac | as | EH1 Z | 2 |
61-70970-0015_softly.flac | softly | S AO1 F T L IY0 | 6 |
1284-1180-0010_at.flac | at | AE1 T | 2 |
4446-2275-0028_gently.flac | gently | JH EH1 N T L IY0 | 6 |
7021-79730-0004_chaise.flac | chaise | SH EY1 Z | 3 |
8224-274381-0017_to.flac | to | T UW1 | 2 |
5142-33396-0015_down.flac | down | D AW1 N | 3 |
1221-135767-0005_scarlet.flac | scarlet | S K AA1 R L AH0 T | 7 |
4507-16021-0022_as.flac | as | EH1 Z | 2 |
1580-141083-0038_to.flac | to | T IH0 | 2 |
6829-68771-0000_as.flac | as | EH1 Z | 2 |
121-123859-0002_twixt.flac | twixt | T W IH1 K S T | 6 |
6930-75918-0018_and.flac | and | AE1 N D | 3 |
2300-131720-0015_brake.flac | brake | B R EY1 K | 4 |
61-70968-0062_show.flac | show | SH OW1 | 2 |
5142-33396-0004_three.flac | three | TH R IY1 | 3 |
4992-23283-0009_entrusting.flac | entrusting | EH0 N T R AH1 S T IH0 NG | 9 |
6829-68771-0032_her.flac | her | HH ER0 | 2 |
5683-32879-0002_there.flac | there | DH EH1 R | 3 |
6829-68771-0020_i'm.flac | i'm | AY1 M | 2 |
237-126133-0002_than.flac | than | DH AH0 N | 3 |
3575-170457-0046_many.flac | many | M EH1 N IY0 | 4 |
Subsets and Splits