[{"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: My true love for the games actually began in 2000 . My Dad forked out thousands of dollars for us all go to go ( Sydney ) and I was sitting only 11 rows from the front for the Opening Ceremony , etc . It was probably the greatest moment of my life . I never had that pride for my country the way Americans do but at that moment I was so happy to be Australian .\n", "labels": "Why did it cost so much to travel ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-359606c2cfb14ac784c652a49e299ffe"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: Then subtract my the coupons . I used five coupons from this week 's Fred Meyer ad for $ 4 off every four General Mills products , Cheerios and Fiber One Bars included . ( Albertsons takes competitors coupons ! ) This took off $ 20 , making my total now $ 10 !.\n", "labels": "How does the narrator shop and buy things ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-534225a635774a9d93c68ac879ac41d6"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: As it turns out , some stupid woman prepaid for gas on that pump BEFORE she was at the pump . Basically what she did was park her car , go in and pay and THEN get in line for the pump . Thus , my refueling experience was all jacked up .\n", "labels": "What caused the narrator a delay at the store ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-bc31facef3ac4f898f0788e6e3805b4a"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: Is n't that funny ? \" Yeah , I guess . \" And now we ' ve assaulted him , kidnapped him , bound him up , and stuffed him in a small , lightless room . Then we pretended to be other people and tormented him while he cried for help .\n", "labels": "If not a kidnapping , what might describe this incident .?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-fe7932b8bb5e448686ed93a19197b9ad"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: He continued . \" Well , after many years I gave up the search and went back to Middle Earth thinking you might have somehow turned up there again . I was wrong , and there was something else I discovered that needed my assistance even more than your absence . An evil greater than Sauron has been plaguing Middle Earth , but he found his way here and has been working hard to return to Middle Earth , but while he is here , he is in human form .\n", "labels": "What may have been your reason for returning to Middle Earth .?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-e9f2ed6b3c0a473c9d38cb8ba9356b2f"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: How rude to ask a question on your blog , promise your readers an answer , and then leave them hanging ! ! Almost two months ago I asked , \" Do you think there will be more or less silliness , whining , and shenanigans here at home with the three Thompson boys or off camping with 75 teenaged girls for four days ? \" Overall Girl 's Camp was just an amazing week .\n", "labels": "Why did the narrator attend the camp ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-2b0bacab56b74e90b9924751947aa85a"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: It is horseshoe shaped right over the knuckle . It bled like a beast . There are also two smaller puncture wounds above it toward the hand . I poured peroxide over it and put a bandage on .\n", "labels": "What is the narrator describing ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-5bff082dde364369aa807061010f106b"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: There 's a first for everything in life , including my first accident . Granted I have been in fender benders before , but nothing my fault . It was on Friday and I needed to run to Wal - Mart to get some last minute necessities for the evening . I was on my way out of the entrance when i made a left hand turn behind a durango .\n", "labels": "What is a likely conclusion to the story that the speaker is telling here ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-52dab9358a7b4fac9a57ec1c14a61e65"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: I just got back from an awesome camping trip ! Which is why I was n't able to write yesterday . It was me , my cousin , and 2 of my other friends went out in the woods and decided to stay out there without a tent . So we had to make our own shelter which worked out pretty good .\n", "labels": "How may I feeling during this post ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-ec72c24f1e524619a8b1728d02a8aeda"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: Dumped the ex , and well , his work schedule makes it so he gets 5 days off after 10 days of work , so I only get to see him then . He 's actually based in a city about 7 hours away . Still , he 's been back to see me , or met me in the middle every time , except this last one .\n", "labels": "What may be the reason for seeing their ex after they broke up ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-e146d5fa9b9b4582bc50539c7fe1d5e8"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: Good , good , good . Also , I owe you a garden post , but today is not the day for that . I thought the garden had failed me , but it turns out I just failed to plan .\n", "labels": "Why is the speaker reminding the subject that they owe them a garden post ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-10337d56ea0f407a8d05affe5a979cb5"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: I do love TGI Fridays , though . They made Kathy stand on a chair like usual and yell that it was her birthday , haha . I chatted to Dave about 1984 for a while . Staffage there are so niiice and friendly . Actually , getting there was awful . I ' m not well - practiced at getting the bus by myself .\n", "labels": "What can be concluded about my transportation habits ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-f2ede2e4854148bcb26bddb0846ebc11"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: I really like the song 9 Crimes , but the rest of the album has never caught me . I was actually on the fence about O , too - I remember confessing to Jenna that I loved it , but that I thought I loved it because of it 's connection to Ireland . We heard Damien Rice when we were watching commercials in between SImpsons episodes in the flat overlooking the car park . I suppose that sounds affected , me replacing apartment with flat and garage with car park , but that is what they are in my memory , just like the chips cheese and garlic was my \" takeaway \" after a night of boozing , and how I was \" after doing my homework \" when I came back from the internet cafe .\n", "labels": "Why did the rest of the album never catch the writer ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-d1829c4a8d5e4c10a433192f8ec9ed76"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: We drove to the nearby Blue Ridge Parkway where we found a trail that wrapped around a lake . As we walked , we debated man 's capacity to change himself . Later , the girls watched movies , and the guys continued the ping pong wars while watching football .\n", "labels": "What was the topic of conversation on the walk ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-c0f44d62f5fa415c851d2a332d1c9aad"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: I had a good birthday weekend . Friday got started waaaaay late , but Saturday was fun at ValleyFair . Mystic Lake was fun , but would have been better if I 'd been smarter . It was great for Katie though .\n", "labels": "Why might I be talking about my birthday weekend ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-92f3643e542b4a9b8acb268c811966b5"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: BHD has been neglected for so long it 's almost embarrassing and it 's not as if I actively pursue freelance design work anymore . If something falls into my lap , sure , I 'll probably do it if the project interests me and the price is right , but for the most part I ' m done with that . When it comes to web design , anything more than tweaking a Wordpress theme just does n't appeal to me at all , and I ' m just not plugged in enough to pick up the print or identity work that I enjoy more . Assuming my weight continues to come down and I get to the point where I ' m in relatively better shape , it 's highly possible that I might start soliciting wedding photography work .\n", "labels": "What might be a fact about this person 's occupation ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-2b9f171bede94c4b869861ca99551ceb"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: We had : 3x Dessert Sampler ( $ 4.75x3=$14.25 ) , 1x Yummy Mango ( $ 5.75 ) , 1x Sandwich ( ~$3 ) , 1x Fries ( ~$3 ) and yeah . Good stuff ! ! = ) And I will leave you with the thought of the moment before I shower - brush - wash&sleep : I wish I had Kyle 's bed . It makes my bed feel like a sack of crap .. and the crap is dried , making it super firm and hard .. ( that 's what she said !.\n", "labels": "What may I buy after I posted this ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-2463b5154e624f0c9fbff4d1d6e71a46"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: Now she sits by herself in a room in the desert with an oxygen tank next to her and dreams of those same times as the cancer drains her body and spirit . It hurts me terribly to see this happening . It was nice spending time with my sister and my mom on this trip .\n", "labels": "Who might be suffering from cancer ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-1f1340f559584357b1f0f2a5a45fc6af"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: I got ta say that this time I feel like I have lots of additional support that I did n't have before . Something needs to be done right .... I 'd hate to go down that old road again .\n", "labels": "what might the person do to get over this ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-1815be92a6d6450ba35b943baff64532"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: He was beaten , mistreated , and survived famine and degrading conditions of living . At the start of his captivity he weighed one - hundred and seventy pounds and after eleven years he was down to merely ninety ! After he was liberated the communist regime withheld all his civil liberties . All his properties and inheritance was confiscated .\n", "labels": "How did he feel when he went through what he went through ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-466a415fedf54e0c9706f074b45aa192"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: When I was six years old my father took me out for dinner . My mother and sister were away visiting my grandparents , so Daddy wanted to do something special with me . It had been an impromptu trip because my grandfather took ill . Paige was young enough that missing school was n't a big deal for her . I could have missed school as well , but I was doing a play at the time .\n", "labels": "What may be the reason the family was separated at the time ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-a9fb2d808a414dc58ca29756dfb50271"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: It 's just not the same . And then I used too much of the liquid , and the hummus was terribly runny , so I tried to thicken it up by adding some chickpea flour . It did thicken it up , but it gave it this dry , beany , floury flavor .\n", "labels": "What might be different if the narrator did n't use too much liquid ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-74bfdb925d174ca5834ce5de6fb8c5ba"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: When , I was young I used to be scared of the stairs because I thought it was creepy . Now , it 's the perfect place to get a little naughty , and completely out of sight . Click here to see video clips from my naughty little hiding spot . Right on the stairs , I stripped out of my clothes , leaving on only my boots .\n", "labels": "what may be the reason for stairs being creepy ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-2040860ac8474af0813e8f27aa6a6ceb"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: We ended up not taking any photos ! haha ! So we instead went to eat and then afterwards did end up taking some silly pictures . He also got one of both of us sitting on the bench by the lake .\n", "labels": "What may the narrator do with the photos they took ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-375e1d41f0b84d34a090ba91981394e6"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: i knew this was true because my heart ALWAYS beats funny and i ' ve told my mom this .. but i think she thinks it 's my imagination . anyways , would an ekg pick up on a heart murmur for sure ? i have been told that they are n't completely accurate so idk .\n", "labels": "What may happen if the writer does not seek medical attention ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-8ff67c5f2b3e42b4ad99d15bbe6e83cb"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: i knew this was true because my heart ALWAYS beats funny and i ' ve told my mom this .. but i think she thinks it 's my imagination . anyways , would an ekg pick up on a heart murmur for sure ? i have been told that they are n't completely accurate so idk .\n", "labels": "Why does the writer 's mom believe it 's their imagination ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-8ff67c5f2b3e42b4ad99d15bbe6e83cb"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: I missed a turn and my older sister kept on saying \" No , no , no , no , no ! \" And we hit a car and killed a person . There was blood on the road .\n", "labels": "Why was the older sister saying \" no ! \" over and over again ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-79365565214941fb945eea900dfd63a3"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: I HATE THEM ( Only when they 're rude and horrible and evil ) Here 's the story of the day : I was at Edgware Road today . Church Street bus stop , to be more specific . I just finished grocery shopping and the bus took ages to arrive . I saw a number 16 and hopped on .\n", "labels": "To whom do I refer when I say \" I hate them \" ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-2fdbfff152a749c78357f0676f197cb9"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: Apparently , having new guy ( not really new anymore , but whatever ) at work has relieved all the stress my boss felt about not having me in the office 40 hours a week . So we get raises on the anniversary of our start date , but boss does n't give cost of living raises , only merit raises . The last two years I ' ve had to negotiate and listen to her complain before I got what I wanted , but this year , after telling me how much better she feels , she just went ahead and offered the raise .\n", "labels": "Why does the boss seem less stressed lately ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-6bc03ab364ce4c2582cca438191343fa"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: The first thing open that day was the pool so the kids decided to swim for an hour ... After an hour of swimming ... we headed back to the cottage to change ... because the ski lift was open .... to take them up to the start of the Crystal Coaster ! ! The kids absolutely LOVED it ! ! ! Clara had to ride with either Jeff or me , so we took turns taking her up . Alex was tall enough to ride alone .\n", "labels": "What may be a fact about the speaker 's children ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-6f1bcc7b24c74d99be01bcdcbde14dc0"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: hit in face with lots of stuff .... drunk . We wind up At Jiggers ... and everyone just plops down . Well not me ... but the virgins .\n", "labels": "Where may I be at right now ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-e1b71930b0224bffac3264e48f2396d5"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: I was lead down the primrose path , a jackass after his virtual carrot . After two years , I was full of dreams for potential apps for k12 kids and a belly full of frustration . I had been brushed off , avoided , patronized , villified , down trodden , then eventually resigned .\n", "labels": "What am I feeling ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-98b87038a3c5460aabad6a791c5168a0"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: I arrived home last night from a week on the road with an author ( now , the # 1 bestselling author in the country ! ) and I could have kissed the ground when I got off the plane . J surprised me by going and picking up Hank at the boarder so we could hang out with him for the night .\n", "labels": "How does the person feel to be home ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-ece596269eb34b9db98834604d70be91"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: i m a senior & & ready to graduate & & get out of that hell hole .its not that i do nt like it , sometimes i do nt actually ; its just that i guess i wanna move on to bigger things like , college for instance . i wanna move out & & get my bachlors in forensics as a chemistt [ meaning that i analyze DNA & & fingerprints . ] ; move in with my boyfriendd , have a good , stable , NYC girl typical life .\n", "labels": "Where may the narrator seek to move to after school ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-5e345953f5a44c8d90fa796d93afeaac"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: The rest of the afternoon till evening ? I have to grandma - sit , for Inang was not keen on playing casino anymore , I had to settle with my iPod and my book instead . I have been cranky because I got bored , I ca n't go anywhere anymore and even can not sit on the building 's floor - when grandma saw me sitting cross legged on the floor , and she fussed and told me the guard might scold me - so old school ! I ' ve been cranky when I thought in some instances that they have been unfair to me , nevertheless , I had fun .\n", "labels": "Why did the writer have to grandma - sit ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-cd562a1635eb41d2974671a8910feafc"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: And last but definitely not least : I ' m going home in October so I can see my cousin 's new baby and go to see my high school best friend get married . I was very excited to start with , but now I ' m even more excited because I ' m bringing Steppphhhy baybeh with me ! It will be major culture shock for her , and MAJOR fun for all .\n", "labels": "What will happen after she meets everyone ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-f20e4a21639c4f988991c0a22dbbc1a3"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: I beared down , squatted , etc . I did the BM pushing movements which eventually did the trick , but I was exhausted from all the pushing afterwards . Any tips for how to get the cup to move down when your fingers just ca n't quite reach it?Another question - the one time I had it in , after about my hour , I started getting a little lightheaded and my legs felt tingly and weak . And my cramps were bad .\n", "labels": "What may be causing the narrator 's body cramps ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-deac3fd5245e4217a3b3d8c12a5893a7"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: I fell asleep before I could post these last night . The collage ( see below ) took up more time than I had been planning on . ( Fun to use though , even with the learning curve . ).\n", "labels": "How did I made the collage ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-ea118c33ee934506a4eea3c20922626d"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: This is a public service announcement to all the single guys out there looking to meet women : You need a dog . Yesterday , one of my neighbors knocked on my door and asked me to help her catch a stray dog . With the help of a shaken Tupperware container of cat food , I got him to come to me and eat . So now our neighbor has a stray dog .\n", "labels": "What may have happened if this event had not occured ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-6dc1c9affe6e43449f9a04cca7f18bd3"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: Yay ! lol .. I went for a check up this morning and the dr told me I was 5 cm and sent me straight to the hospital to check and see what my contractions were doing because i have nt really had any painful or regular ones yet to my knowledge ... so i spent 3 hours at the hospital .. they hooked me up to the machines and checked me again there . then made me walk for an hour then checked me again .\n", "labels": "What may I be going to the hospital for ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-293d29e54b5a452a81e7dfa669e410ed"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: Have n't been blogging for a long time as I rushed to finished up my last 3 assessments before my first semester break . I have tons of things to blog about but as usual by now I would have forgotten three quarters of it . Let 's start from April ? or March ?.\n", "labels": "What will the author likely do now that the semester is on break ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-e659eceee6ee443fa08070a576c066e7"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: They ca n't possibly act on every feedback they get . There is one thing you should remember when providing some feedback to Microsoft . If you are requesting a new feature or you are not happy with how some feature works now , you should always think about the business case behind your request .\n", "labels": "What is the narrator offering feedback on ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-2ed278d509f44366bb8fbb6ba8df4471"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: So , the apartment people called and changed their mind about letting us move on Monday because they just realized it 's Labor Day . Dumb fucks ! We ' ve had that date set for a month now!Anyway , she worked out a deal with me because she knew she fucked up :) I get to move in on Friday with the first month 's rent , and Anthony can sign his part of the lease on Tuesday since he does n't get in until Monday and that 's Labor Day .\n", "labels": "Who is the woman the OP is dealing with ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-594bb1e6fcf541cd9dace456a998ec93"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: Which again Awesome . Then my older sisters husband pulled out his guitar and jammed out for about 2 hours . He 's awesome when it comes to the guitar ( which he should be as he has a Masters in Jazz Guitar Performance ... ) , he 's in a couple different bands that play locally . I got him to play a couple Metallica songs , and ' Back in Black ' and ' Hell 's Bells ' .\n", "labels": "Why did I ask him to play Back in Black ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-e678ae500a634c80814ae4570ca6dc29"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: If I am concentrating and focused I can make out 80 % of what is being said to me . This makes the show of nodding and saying \" Oui \" or \" bon \" almost convincing . Of course , the instant I spy a shiny metal object , my attention is dragged away from the speaker and I am lost once again . Terrance , however , makes real and authentic attempts to speak in French .\n", "labels": "Why am I concentrating and focused ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-c5fbf543ffea42a79c3a4dfd24966594"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: That or I just hate how small they are and how round they make my face look . Honestly , I 'd rather just leave them off . Feels like I ' ve sucked back two years ago ... do n't feel entirely right .\n", "labels": "What may have caused their face to look rounder ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-1c4b14aef15c4a4892fb39a141e99508"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: As I ' m sitting in my car in the parking lot , my brother calls me and he 's totally distressed . He says ( as far as I could understand at the time ) \" Dad died \" . I asked him to repeat and he said again , Dad died in a car accident . I ' m thinking to myself : What ?.\n", "labels": "What will probably happen next after Dad dies ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-7266e4d7f0554123ae6ec4ea9603e7a8"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: Maybe I ' m putting too much emphasis on the word major . Singing got me a guy once . Sparrow , Ka , and I were singing \" Sing a Song Oh \" in front of Ka 's booth at the Somerset Faire . When we were finished one of the actors at the faire approached me and asked me to come see him perform in like a half hour . I did .\n", "labels": "What may happen next in speaker 's story ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-1128e5ee5d2e4597ba783d0bcb3fa84c"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: And chills . My angel and my devil duked it out in the wee hours , but at 5 am I finally gave in to the inevitable and called in sick . That makes me feel even more like crap , because we ' ve been short - handed lately and I know I just gave my co - workers an even harder day than usual . But it was a good thing I did .\n", "labels": "why did he call in sick ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-b379988ba81c4f1abfa530aac6f9f666"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: Think of it as a bend and not a break If I can I will scan the X - ray that shows it the clearest and post it here . I have to Call Milwaukee Children 's Hospital tomorrow and set up and appt . with a Pediatric Ortho to put on a real cast It should only take 4 - 5 weeks to heal as opposed to the 6 - 8 it would take a \" normal \" break .\n", "labels": "On which part of the body does the child likely have an injury ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-9924e859970740f49d78f8022b714e74"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: I 'd always thought that I would enjoy communal living . One of the ills of modern urban life is isolation , and as someone who is relationship - oriented , I do n't thrive well in anonymous skyscraper cities . Unless it is Vancouver , which is essentially a big city that behaves like a small town . But a recent experience with one of my neighbours led to me question my desire to have a real back - of - the - woods , small - town experience .\n", "labels": "Why might I might about small town living after this conversation ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-d587eeb4477741ca8b11dd5c37748425"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: This week 's Peel Here is brought to you by insane side effects to prescribed medications . Have you ever heard of nightmares as being a side effect to medication ? I had n't , yet for the last week I ' ve had the weirdest dreamscapes that I ca n't help but describe as nightmares ( if only because they wrecked my much needed sleepy time . ) It 's right there on the pill bottle as well , nightmares .\n", "labels": "What may be a common side effect of medications ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-ad60cde7b90242a5890f245ef8fb0078"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: It was a last minute plan that three of us came up with while having our weekly luncheon after work , going up to BSB jalan - jalan . Took a quick shower , dressed up and waited for the fresh - from - oven Mrs. James , that 's Shirley to pick both Vick and I up from our places . I made a request from Shirl to drop me at the hostel to pick up the books I borrowed from the library so that I can start to do some readings and draft my essay . p.s .\n", "labels": "What is most likely to be true about the narrator ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-34e0966a263d4831bb78e85470e93d2b"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: Out of 26 claims only 3 where found true . He was disciplined not fired . When she was unsuccessful at that attempt and became governor she used her position to leak his employee file to others . Her husband and staff pressured the commissioner of Public Safety to fire him .\n", "labels": "What may happen after the people were pressured ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-d72ef547f27c4a69b5817292f34e013f"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: We closed the show last night . I thought it went very well . The cast was very generous and beyond the usual cards they also gave myself , Betsy ( the director),and Kelly ( my ASM ) presents !.\n", "labels": "Why might the cast have given presents beyond the usual cards ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-e9e066b37f534e028436855e48098bbe"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: Things were getting better every day and there was hope for everything and everywhere . It was so weird that morning . The phone rang three minutes before my alarm clock went off . It was one of my closest friends , his brother had been watching Good Morning America in our home town in Wisconsin and saw everything -- the early coverage that reported the first impact as an accident , the second impact that announced to the World that this was no accident , the Pentagon . He woke his parents up after the second impact and at some point he called his brother in Cali .\n", "labels": "what event is this describing ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-bb88dac6d36b44ea95304692070ad05d"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: GINNY HILL : Two months ago , at the start of the school vacation , 12-year - old Reem was forced to marry her 30-year - old cousin . \" While my hair was styled for the ceremony , I thought of ways to set fire to my wedding dress , \" she says . \" When I protested , my dad gagged me and tied me up . After the wedding , I tried to kill myself twice . \".\n", "labels": "What may happen after Reem was forced to marry her cousin ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-9890fb5626cf41c3b895a7022ea59924"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: On the bus I heard a woman talking about how yesterday was American Indian Day and no one was celebrating it . She said she was a full - blood Princess of a tribe I did n't catch the name of . I had a hard time initially figuring out who was talking as she was very white with blonde hair . Upon closer inspection she had the bleached blonde hair .\n", "labels": "What is probably true of the female speaker ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-8d995ba6a55049dbbee59f749f215896"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: And to my delight ! my mum was like , \" oh yeah I bought green tea cream puff u know~ \" and I thought I heard wrongly that time ! hahahahahahahaha I was like REALLY ? ! ? ! then even my brother was like amazed at how excited I was hehe .\n", "labels": "How may I be feeling right now ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-d622652bc2db4ddbabc6e42fe0469a20"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: This is the Beijing Olympics , and there 's plenty to talk about . Check out the Beijing Olympics room on FriendFeed , set up by Chad Catacchio , for a quick overview of everywhere the dialog is going . I 'll be posting links there and on Twitter , and maybe even a few updates here .\n", "labels": "What happened before the event ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-39a8e8e9c213492f964699ad7f496a67"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: Woo , everypup and kitty . It 's me - Dave ! I got a very special box in the mail the other day . It was from my very bee - woo - tiful Malagalfriend , Hollybollyboo and her mom !.\n", "labels": "What did you get in the mail the other day ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-86ccb96000fa4d3cb2a55f65421d1cd1"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: What do you call that ? I had a good mind to go back to the house and smack that arrogant idiot senseless , but I did the opposite . I marched in the direction of the hospital , muttering under my breath , my speech becoming colorful with a crescendo of curses . \" Bum ! \" I growled , clenching my fist .\n", "labels": "How is the narrator most likely feeling during the passage ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-889eaaac508c4ca8a243c2158b719651"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: so i will stop eatin fast food . yes . i 'll try (= i psycho - ed winny to go swimming with me : D : D : D : D and we went today ( after shopping for googles , swim cap , swim suit and towel ) , and i taught her how to swim . * beams * but ... i did n't swim much ... sighs .\n", "labels": "How may I feeling during this post ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-5c05878a4ec34737a8cb9924afb2ca5d"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: I bought a soap and wanting to share there ingredient with you . I asked the sales gal she said that this soap can only be use once or twice a week . Its for prevent acne growing on body . Not sure if she 's telling the truth .\n", "labels": "What may be the reason they are so apprehensive ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-65e0da3e5f20419a87e9be9dd5c430f0"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: The other day I went into my favorite coffee - shop around the corner , and saw an ex sitting at the counter . I did not look at his direction , mostly out of annoyance and mistrust . We have not dated in over a year ever since I broke - up with him because he kept lying , cheating , and treating me as though I did n't matter . I grab my coffee and left .\n", "labels": "What may be the plausible reason I avoid looking at my ex ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-13be955c7039441ba8904ed8fcb046e7"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: Last night I had a dream - I got back to the hut in Epping Forest and found Jimmy Page and Robert Plant from Led Zepplin living there - they had taken up the cause of Manzillworld and decided to come and live with me in the woodland . They 'd put together a new band with some of the handmade animals including the squash ball beast and me and Robert were the singers - we sat together writing songs about changing the world and making real animals live again . We wrote songs about trapping methods and the dangers of the world .\n", "labels": "What type of music nay I like ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-759f1e25c8bd4c0c9b96b7393abaa61c"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: Today is Baden 's birthday . It is hard to believe he is one year old . It does n't seem that long ago that we were off to the hospital early , early in the morning so I could get prepped for a c - section to welcome Baden into the world .\n", "labels": "What is the speaker 's relationship with Baden ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-65cf0716c7184071b97214fbb6b92858"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: We have same history , we see same thing , but the point of view is sometimes little different by country . It is fun . At a museum , I try to read the explanation written by English , and I hope it 's good for my English . In this trip , I went four museum .\n", "labels": "What may be the reason to read the plaque in English ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-a4812e71874e4d24bf11a0d65ff478d9"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: Up until now , I ' ve been able to ignore the High School Musical phenomenon , since the first two installments were made for television . But now that the third movie is coming to theatres , I ca n't help but ask , do kids really like this ? I guess I just remember a time when teenagers partook of pop culture phenomena that puzzled and/or annoyed our parents , like when I got in trouble for blasting Nirvana when I was supposed to be studying . But then , I was never a fan of Grease either , and what is High School Musical besides an even more squeaky - clean Disney version of Grease ?.\n", "labels": "What may be the reason why they do n't like High School Musical ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-f057c1852c174ebf932d0222848fb7ed"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: ( yeah , that 's how it tasted to me ) When the dessert came along , we had much fun commenting about the delicacy , and I had much fun laughing at him while he at the orange fruit ( by the side of the plate ) , which had his face distorted into shock and well a face of sourness written all over . Hahaha ... it did n't help that the fruits that were added into the dish was pretty much not in season , not ripe , and all quite sour . Hahaha ... !.\n", "labels": "WHat was the reason he did not enjoy dessert ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-096ceccd55c04db28e22af53f9fd10c5"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: A few years ago I was given the opportunity to ride a Campagnolo equipped bicycle owned by my boss at the shop I was working at . I had always been drawn to Campy equipment due to , in my opinion , it 's superior aesthetics at the time . I took a quick spin on that bike and was instantly sold on the crisp shifting and superior ergonomics of the shifters and consequently vowed that my next bike would be Campagnolo equipped .\n", "labels": "Where did the narrator work a couple of years prior ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-f1cffb0017d64b39a2486bb67a5cc752"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: All of a sudden Violet 's supposed to want to wear makeup , and watch soap operas , and play Truth or Dare ! It 'll take the help of Violet 's friends , her Momma , a few run - ins with lightning , and maybe even Melissa , for Violet to realize that growing up does n't have to mean changing who you are . \" \" Welcome to New Avalon , where everyone has a personal fairy .\n", "labels": "How old may Violet be right now ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-d7a316d2440e4fcd81fae6d4798f5590"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: In middle school I decided to run for Class Rep of 9th grade . I was n't incredibly popular , but for some reason I got it in my head that that 's what I wanted to do . I ran , and I won !.\n", "labels": "What may happen after they win class rep ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-a1988128dc3c4b908747ddb8fdf39a7a"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: In middle school I decided to run for Class Rep of 9th grade . I was n't incredibly popular , but for some reason I got it in my head that that 's what I wanted to do . I ran , and I won !.\n", "labels": "Why did they win class rep for their grade ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-a1988128dc3c4b908747ddb8fdf39a7a"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: I made a few drinks , and Justin jumped and clapped with glee , as if he 'd just discovered the first prodigy barista . Mostly , I just have an excellent long - term memory recollection . Little has changed in eight years . Crossfit : Beginning my workout with 100 pull - ups , I positioned myself out on the back patio , beneath our pull - up bar .\n", "labels": "Why did the writer begin their workout with 100 pull - ups ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-9be5b65bf16e44e8942aebf128507b9d"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: Alright then ! They take it , we go park , and when we checked in and got upstairs - there was my stuff ! Sitting right in front of my booth !.\n", "labels": "Where is the narrator headed next after finding the lost item ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-19c3da4b397b456684c11b6974a8d1b1"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: He had > been ready to give up and quit . > > Many year 's later that same young woman became critically > ill . The local doctors were baffled . They finally sent her to the > big city , where they called in specialists to study her rare > disease . > > Dr. Howard Kelly was called in for the consultation .\n", "labels": "Did the doctors find out the problem ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-b351cdbed75745a2a60c443f469465b6"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: Anyway , very positive . Such a nice morning that I think I will probably make a habit of walking to the school when I volunteer , and maybe walking to the grocery store and the library , too . Both are close . Heck , I could walk to the dentist and the nail salon and the dry cleaners , too . Though perhaps walking to the dry cleaners with a down comforter and a shower curtain over my shoulder would be a tad awkward .\n", "labels": "What may be the reason for them wanting to walk everywhere now ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-cfc7f257aaac4ed0901dbd6c4ab074af"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: She says she 's got a message to give someone named Director Shepard , and Jenny says she 'll relay the message but does n't act like it 's her . Sasha explains it 's out at Decker 's diner and gives the address and says Shepard will know what it means . Jenny tells girl to get out of town to her family and gives her her rental car . Jenny calls Abby just as Abs and McGee figure out the guys ' name is Viggo something or other that does n't matter . Jenny does n't know McGee is there , but orders Abby to delete the search and info about it .\n", "labels": "Why has Jenny given someone their rental car ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-58f3a56497c449778fe2ec92530da059"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: It would have been nice if things were spaced a part a little bit more . In the front of the campsite they had showers , a post office , and a store where you could buy pretty much anything you needed for camping along with food and bike rentals . In the afternoon we hiked over to the visitor center so we could get information on the various trails and cave tours . Jerry bought tickets for the self guided tour that day and I bought ones for the historic tour on Sunday .\n", "labels": "What may be the reason why things are so close together ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-f7350e4cc77c4bdabd6c8abe6d9fb8bb"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: Speaking of the lettuce , with all eyes off her , she 'd crawled out a window and had bolted as rapidly as her jets could take her to process . Okay . She 'd nearly gotten killed ( in her mind ) by Chimera and Hellfire . Cascade ... She had no idea , but the fact he let her climb on him was a bonus , and she noted he was therefore \" safe \" for going near and for climbing on . Which was actually a positive , whether X knew it or not . She did n't snuggle into just anyone .... She 'd learned rapidly the threat that posed .\n", "labels": "What may be the animal described ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-fc5318f0070e4cf6a9751b014681c8ee"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: Thumb up ! ! And less but not least the Sushi platter which we had unagi , oyster , king fish , whiting , salmon ( both raw and cooked ) , beef , fotomaki and lastly the Jap fruit salad as our dessert . I wanted the crepes but as my husband is not a dairy person I got ta skip it L : ( ( ( ( ( ( I find the sushi really special ... the beef and the king fish sushi were nicely grilled ( medium rare ) and it was just mouth watering ... yam yam ! !.\n", "labels": "What may be my favorite type of food ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-2dc798c79a864c2cb729dbc6ec6bffa3"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: I have n't been doing a good job keeping you guys up to date . I just got back from an interview in England . It went really well and I have a job offer . The position is actually in their Alameda office , so I would probably end up moving there . I 'll be spending the next few days going over offer 's specifics with my immediate family before getting my response to the company . BTW , the company is called Data Connection .\n", "labels": "What might the company be involved in ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-b5282d22954542b0b4aa2655de50bc02"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: Ick . \" Rin held up her hands and made a face . \" I 'll be right back . \" She swished the stains and stink away in the running stream and scrubbed well with clean sand and under her fingernails until her skin turned pink . Her right hand seemed a little weak , the buzz and tingle increasing rather than going away . On the same side , her neck and the joint of her jaw grew numb .\n", "labels": "Why did Rin wash her hands ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-990492165f824ab9b49e20877cc3d902"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: Eventually she collapsed to her knees , wiping sweat from her brow as she ended the program . She tore off her gloves and threw them across the room , crying as she heard them land against the steel . No matter what she was always going to be a damn pariah .\n", "labels": "What may be the reason for their emotions ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-3b2b8d3e0789404fa33e4f84a5475e0c"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: I 'll see if I can just continue what I ' m doing for longer ( tomorrow he and my mom are going to the summer house to pay for something and wo nt come back till Sat . so if no one bothers me about eating till then then whatever . But if he does mention it , I 'll just make an egg white omelet with some sort of light cheese and eat that . At least then he wo nt bother me until tomorrow at the very least .\n", "labels": "Why is the narrator likely to pig out ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-a43cdf4ac0264a89b7e6f6c783008c72"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: Even the end of term play I got a stingy little role with a couple of lines I was so angry , it was his fucking fault why did I even feel like this . I did n't need this type of shit on my plate at the moment , with my home life a mess , and now the only thing I was good at was slipping away . It was a shitty day that he chose to approach me as I sat in the corner isolated as usual crying my eyes out , making sure no one could see me crying as it would surely be a good bulling motive . But I was so distressed I felt my body cave and loud sobs crept over me , attracting Billy 's attention as he made his way to the library .\n", "labels": "Why might I be so distressed at having such a stingy little role in the play ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-0432ac4a3703443f81b419d9ff7de490"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: We got there about 12:45 so we ( actually I ) could see the Retriever Dogs in Action . They were great , but not perfect ; Tom pointed out they made him feel better about Leeloo 's occasional lapses of obedience . We also paid to go into the \" Freak \" show , something I have n't seen since I was about five .\n", "labels": "What are they going to do next ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-16c4f86b825d4470a5e4c3c78c68eb4d"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: Today I woke up to teenagers in the house . It 's okay , they were invited in ! I made cheesy grits for breakfast for my roomie , and they declined breakfast in favor of sprawling on the floor and reading .\n", "labels": "What 's a possible reason the writer made cheesy grits for breakfast for their roomie .?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-379903a8e24f4fb3bdcedf2c90a1a3e2"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: I had a heart to heart talk with Ryan last night and I am glad that we are both in the same page . You see , Ryan and I met 9 years ago and have been married for almost 6 years and I have seen him changed from being 170 lbs . to 200 some lbs .\n", "labels": "Why might I have needed to talk to Ryan ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-98d49cdd8fc54c7d99a4dccc372dad2a"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: * I looked at an apartment last night with a cheap room which would be awesome if not for the fact of being at the top of six flights of narrow stairs with no lift . That 'll make it hard for whoever to get their stuff up there . Still , for the price and only being a 45min tram ride from the city it 's pretty good . * Internet is being unreasonably slow tonight .\n", "labels": "What is not a reason for their slow internet ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-923e7fbd748646fb8518bb5952129623"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: I was sitting on a concrete cube just off of the rocks and the sea was lapping against me . I remember everything I was wearing . There were little crabs coming out from my rocks and I was taking pictures of them with my polaroid camera . There was an airshow overhead , planes flying loops around the bridge before me .\n", "labels": "Why was the writer taking pictures with the crabs ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-5e80e5ee4c6148799d180812c74280ea"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: If you like thrillers , Tell No One is a pretty solid one . Eight years after Dr. Alex Beck 's wife is murdered , two bodies are found in the same area - and Dr. Beck receives a mysterious email .\n", "labels": "If one were to take the narrator out for a movie , what genre would they like ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-2da24742f4594d278b34bf329483dfec"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: If you like thrillers , Tell No One is a pretty solid one . Eight years after Dr. Alex Beck 's wife is murdered , two bodies are found in the same area - and Dr. Beck receives a mysterious email .\n", "labels": "What legal actions should Dr. Beck take in handling the email ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-2da24742f4594d278b34bf329483dfec"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: If you like thrillers , Tell No One is a pretty solid one . Eight years after Dr. Alex Beck 's wife is murdered , two bodies are found in the same area - and Dr. Beck receives a mysterious email .\n", "labels": "Who might the mysterious email come from ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-2da24742f4594d278b34bf329483dfec"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: after the fieldwork we went to tampines swensens to eat . ms sim did not join us but gave us $ 200 and there was nine of us . so we had approx . $ 22 per pax and we paid the rest .\n", "labels": "What happened after this ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-b89b29fb0c0c4f9eb5f35dd4ee6de132"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: We made it the ' burgh and back , no problems , no accidents . Husband wanted to stop at the Fort Pitt Museum , so we did , and walked around Point State Park a bit . The museum was nice , and I even found some postcards that were cool , that even Robbo would like , but alas I do not have his mailing address .\n", "labels": "What seemed to be the narrator 's favorite part of the trip ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-0be51e5212754fe79e0b5a667543c07e"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: Things are going well today . Got the llama areas cleaned up in 15 minutes then switched the boy and girl herds ; boys to the upper pasture and girls down below now ( Kumara in the middle again).Job 2 was falling the dead tree . Nerves were running high in both of us and there was much talking beforehand of the how , what , why , and where . The target landing zone was between the gravel pile by the driveway and the bushes to right .\n", "labels": "Where may I be currently at ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-376e73fcc25a4596968324019384b677"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: Probably not . There were two things that I was n't exactly pleased about . First , once you open the packaging there is no way to keep the other straws fresh . The second problem is why I probably wo n't buy them again , and that is that I 'd say 3/4 of the straws were broken .\n", "labels": "What would happen if he had no straws ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-a6dc40a80d784100955253fe6becced2"}, {"text": "Definition: Based on the given context, craft a common-sense question, especially those that are LONG, INTERESTING, and COMPLEX. The goal is to write questions that are easy for humans and hard for AI machines! To create such questions, here are some suggestions: A. What may (or may not) be the plausible reason for an event? B. What may (or may not) happen before (or after, or during) an event? C. What may (or may not) be a plausible fact about someone (or something)? D. What may (or may not) happen if an event happens (or did not happen)? You can also create other types of questions. DO NOT make your question answerable without looking at the context, or question of which the correct answer can be directly extracted from the context. DO NOT ask a question that requires very specialized knowledge that is not common sense. DO NOT ask too simple or too short questions. Your question must be related to the context and answerable with common sense. Try to add more variations and complexity to the questions.\nInput: Context: Several kids can play at the same time , but they do n't interact with each other at all . Berlioz got old and gained some unexpected white spots . I find this scene oddly poetic . For the record , he wanted to use the telescope . I sent Claire to do her homework , which was on the pavement outside . She walked all the way to the spot where she usually drops it and dropped it .\n", "labels": "What may have caused Claire to drop her homework ?", "task_name": "task023_cosmosqa_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task023-04d27e8f72c74cff966291ae5968e757"}] |