[{"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: While KSCB was abandoned, the Marines continued to patrol the Khe Sanh plateau, including reoccupying the area with ARVN forces from 5-19 October 1968 with minimal opposition. On 31 December 1968, the 3rd Reconnaissance Battalion was landed west of Khe Sanh to commence Operation Dawson River West, on 2 January 1969 the 9th Marines and 2nd ARVN Regiment were also deployed on the plateau supported by the newly established Fire Support Bases Geiger and Smith; the 3-week operation found no significant PAVN forces or supplies in the Khe Sanh area. From 12 June to 6 July 1969, Task Force Guadalcanal comprising 1/9 Marines, 5th Infantry Regiment (United States) and 2nd and 3rd Battalions, 2nd ARVN Regiment occupied the Khe Sanh area in Operation Utah Mesa. The Marines occupied Hill 950 overlooking the Khe Sanh plateau from 1966 until September 1969 when control was handed to the Army who used the position as a SOG operations and support base until it was overrun by the PAVN in June 1971. The gradual withdrawal of US forces began during 1969 and the adoption of Vietnamization meant that, by 1969, \"although limited tactical offensives abounded, US military participation in the war would soon be relegated to a defensive stance.\".\n", "labels": "How many years, roughly, did the Army control Hill 950?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-d7915e82c8b04c028cfbc5285536f530"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: Paraguay's formal labour force was estimated to total about 2.7 million workers in 2004. About 45 percent worked in the agricultural sector, 31 percent in the industrial sector, and 19 percent in the services sector. Unemployment was estimated at about 15 percent. Paraguay's constitution guarantees the right of workers to unionize and bargain collectively. About 15 percent of workers are members of one of Paraguay's 1,600 unions. Strikes are legal and not uncommon. The 2001 census found that 5 percent of Paraguay's workforce was under the age of 14. Although Paraguay ratified the International Labour Organization's Minimum Age Convention in 2004, child labour continues to be prevalent. Nearly 14 percent of children between the ages of 5 and 17 are employed, many in poor conditions and for negligible pay. The government has mandated a minimum wage of approximately US$158 per month for private-sector employees. Government employees have no minimum wage. The standard workweek is 48 hours. In 2004 Paraguay's unemployment rate stood at 15 percent.\n", "labels": "How many more percent worked in the agricultural sector compared to the industrial sector?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-68de09c0207b441f9fd196b3ded27c1b"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: Paraguay's formal labour force was estimated to total about 2.7 million workers in 2004. About 45 percent worked in the agricultural sector, 31 percent in the industrial sector, and 19 percent in the services sector. Unemployment was estimated at about 15 percent. Paraguay's constitution guarantees the right of workers to unionize and bargain collectively. About 15 percent of workers are members of one of Paraguay's 1,600 unions. Strikes are legal and not uncommon. The 2001 census found that 5 percent of Paraguay's workforce was under the age of 14. Although Paraguay ratified the International Labour Organization's Minimum Age Convention in 2004, child labour continues to be prevalent. Nearly 14 percent of children between the ages of 5 and 17 are employed, many in poor conditions and for negligible pay. The government has mandated a minimum wage of approximately US$158 per month for private-sector employees. Government employees have no minimum wage. The standard workweek is 48 hours. In 2004 Paraguay's unemployment rate stood at 15 percent.\n", "labels": "How many percent more people worked in the industrial sector compared to the services sector?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-68de09c0207b441f9fd196b3ded27c1b"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: Paraguay's formal labour force was estimated to total about 2.7 million workers in 2004. About 45 percent worked in the agricultural sector, 31 percent in the industrial sector, and 19 percent in the services sector. Unemployment was estimated at about 15 percent. Paraguay's constitution guarantees the right of workers to unionize and bargain collectively. About 15 percent of workers are members of one of Paraguay's 1,600 unions. Strikes are legal and not uncommon. The 2001 census found that 5 percent of Paraguay's workforce was under the age of 14. Although Paraguay ratified the International Labour Organization's Minimum Age Convention in 2004, child labour continues to be prevalent. Nearly 14 percent of children between the ages of 5 and 17 are employed, many in poor conditions and for negligible pay. The government has mandated a minimum wage of approximately US$158 per month for private-sector employees. Government employees have no minimum wage. The standard workweek is 48 hours. In 2004 Paraguay's unemployment rate stood at 15 percent.\n", "labels": "How many percentage points greater was the percentage that worked in the agricultural center in 2004 than in the industrial sector?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-68de09c0207b441f9fd196b3ded27c1b"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: Paraguay's formal labour force was estimated to total about 2.7 million workers in 2004. About 45 percent worked in the agricultural sector, 31 percent in the industrial sector, and 19 percent in the services sector. Unemployment was estimated at about 15 percent. Paraguay's constitution guarantees the right of workers to unionize and bargain collectively. About 15 percent of workers are members of one of Paraguay's 1,600 unions. Strikes are legal and not uncommon. The 2001 census found that 5 percent of Paraguay's workforce was under the age of 14. Although Paraguay ratified the International Labour Organization's Minimum Age Convention in 2004, child labour continues to be prevalent. Nearly 14 percent of children between the ages of 5 and 17 are employed, many in poor conditions and for negligible pay. The government has mandated a minimum wage of approximately US$158 per month for private-sector employees. Government employees have no minimum wage. The standard workweek is 48 hours. In 2004 Paraguay's unemployment rate stood at 15 percent.\n", "labels": "How many years children between employed?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-68de09c0207b441f9fd196b3ded27c1b"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: Paraguay's formal labour force was estimated to total about 2.7 million workers in 2004. About 45 percent worked in the agricultural sector, 31 percent in the industrial sector, and 19 percent in the services sector. Unemployment was estimated at about 15 percent. Paraguay's constitution guarantees the right of workers to unionize and bargain collectively. About 15 percent of workers are members of one of Paraguay's 1,600 unions. Strikes are legal and not uncommon. The 2001 census found that 5 percent of Paraguay's workforce was under the age of 14. Although Paraguay ratified the International Labour Organization's Minimum Age Convention in 2004, child labour continues to be prevalent. Nearly 14 percent of children between the ages of 5 and 17 are employed, many in poor conditions and for negligible pay. The government has mandated a minimum wage of approximately US$158 per month for private-sector employees. Government employees have no minimum wage. The standard workweek is 48 hours. In 2004 Paraguay's unemployment rate stood at 15 percent.\n", "labels": "Which sector did more of Paraguay's formal labour force work in, industrial or in the services sector?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-68de09c0207b441f9fd196b3ded27c1b"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: Paraguay's formal labour force was estimated to total about 2.7 million workers in 2004. About 45 percent worked in the agricultural sector, 31 percent in the industrial sector, and 19 percent in the services sector. Unemployment was estimated at about 15 percent. Paraguay's constitution guarantees the right of workers to unionize and bargain collectively. About 15 percent of workers are members of one of Paraguay's 1,600 unions. Strikes are legal and not uncommon. The 2001 census found that 5 percent of Paraguay's workforce was under the age of 14. Although Paraguay ratified the International Labour Organization's Minimum Age Convention in 2004, child labour continues to be prevalent. Nearly 14 percent of children between the ages of 5 and 17 are employed, many in poor conditions and for negligible pay. The government has mandated a minimum wage of approximately US$158 per month for private-sector employees. Government employees have no minimum wage. The standard workweek is 48 hours. In 2004 Paraguay's unemployment rate stood at 15 percent.\n", "labels": "Which sectors were accounted for when measuring the distribution of Paraguays' labor force in 2004?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-68de09c0207b441f9fd196b3ded27c1b"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: The New York Giants tied an NFL record with twelve sacks as they dealt the Eagles a 16-3 loss. Philadelphia entered the game with five starters out due to injury, including running back Brian Westbrook. Penalties, sacks, and the absence of Westbrook stymied the offense, which scored 56 points last week, throughout the first three quarters. The Giants took the lead on a touchdown reception by Plaxico Burress in the second quarter. A botched handoff led to a defensive touchdown for Kawika Mitchell and a 16-0 New York lead. David Akers' 53-yard field goal in the fourth quarter allowed the Eagles to avoid a shutout. Osi Umenyiora had six of the Giants' sacks. Correll Buckhalter rushed for 103 yards in the defeat. The loss drops Philadelphia to 1-3, their worst start since 1999, as they entered their bye week.\n", "labels": "Who had the most sacks for NY?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-3d7757dac2b242069e57a21a03dbb96d"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: Coming off their last-second win over the 49ers, the Vikings stayed at home, donned their throwback uniforms, and prepared for the highly anticipated Week 4 NFC North Monday Night Football duel with the Green Bay Packers. This was a key divisional match-up, as the division lead was on the line, while quarterback Brett Favre was pitted against his former team. Favre entered the stadium to a series of boos coming from Green Bay fans throughout the stadium. Minnesota started off the first quarter with Favre completing a 1-yard touchdown pass to tight end Visanthe Shiancoe. The Packers responded with quarterback Aaron Rodgers completing a 62-yard touchdown pass to tight end Jermichael Finley. In the second quarter, the Vikings struck again with a 14-yard touchdown pass from Favre to wide receiver Sidney Rice, but Green Bay answered with linebacker Clay Matthews stripping running back Adrian Peterson of the ball and returning it 42 yards for a touchdown. The Vikings closed out the half with a 1-yard touchdown run from Peterson. Minnesota began to build a lead in the third quarter as Favre hooked up with wide receiver Bernard Berrian on a 31-yard touchdown pass. In the fourth quarter, the Vikings solidified their lead as defensive end Jared Allen sacked Rodgers in the Green Bay endzone for a safety. The Packers rallied with a 33-yard touchdown pass from Rodgers to wide receiver Jordy Nelson (with a failed 2-point conversion), followed by kicker Mason Crosby nailing a 31-yard field goal. However, the Packers' push came too late and Minnesota was able to run out the clock for the win. With the victory, not only did the Vikings improve to 4-0, but Favre became the first quarterback in NFL history to defeat all 32 NFL teams. Allen had a spectacular single-game performance with a career-best 4.5 sacks. Favre was awarded the NFC Offensive Player of the Week, marking the 14th time in his career he has earned this award.\n", "labels": "How many incompletions did Jow Montana in this game?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-21e4e7156a7742c2965cfa3b868d45e1"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: Coming off their last-second win over the 49ers, the Vikings stayed at home, donned their throwback uniforms, and prepared for the highly anticipated Week 4 NFC North Monday Night Football duel with the Green Bay Packers. This was a key divisional match-up, as the division lead was on the line, while quarterback Brett Favre was pitted against his former team. Favre entered the stadium to a series of boos coming from Green Bay fans throughout the stadium. Minnesota started off the first quarter with Favre completing a 1-yard touchdown pass to tight end Visanthe Shiancoe. The Packers responded with quarterback Aaron Rodgers completing a 62-yard touchdown pass to tight end Jermichael Finley. In the second quarter, the Vikings struck again with a 14-yard touchdown pass from Favre to wide receiver Sidney Rice, but Green Bay answered with linebacker Clay Matthews stripping running back Adrian Peterson of the ball and returning it 42 yards for a touchdown. The Vikings closed out the half with a 1-yard touchdown run from Peterson. Minnesota began to build a lead in the third quarter as Favre hooked up with wide receiver Bernard Berrian on a 31-yard touchdown pass. In the fourth quarter, the Vikings solidified their lead as defensive end Jared Allen sacked Rodgers in the Green Bay endzone for a safety. The Packers rallied with a 33-yard touchdown pass from Rodgers to wide receiver Jordy Nelson (with a failed 2-point conversion), followed by kicker Mason Crosby nailing a 31-yard field goal. However, the Packers' push came too late and Minnesota was able to run out the clock for the win. With the victory, not only did the Vikings improve to 4-0, but Favre became the first quarterback in NFL history to defeat all 32 NFL teams. Allen had a spectacular single-game performance with a career-best 4.5 sacks. Favre was awarded the NFC Offensive Player of the Week, marking the 14th time in his career he has earned this award.\n", "labels": "How many total games did the 49ers win, including playoffs?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-21e4e7156a7742c2965cfa3b868d45e1"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: Coming off their last-second win over the 49ers, the Vikings stayed at home, donned their throwback uniforms, and prepared for the highly anticipated Week 4 NFC North Monday Night Football duel with the Green Bay Packers. This was a key divisional match-up, as the division lead was on the line, while quarterback Brett Favre was pitted against his former team. Favre entered the stadium to a series of boos coming from Green Bay fans throughout the stadium. Minnesota started off the first quarter with Favre completing a 1-yard touchdown pass to tight end Visanthe Shiancoe. The Packers responded with quarterback Aaron Rodgers completing a 62-yard touchdown pass to tight end Jermichael Finley. In the second quarter, the Vikings struck again with a 14-yard touchdown pass from Favre to wide receiver Sidney Rice, but Green Bay answered with linebacker Clay Matthews stripping running back Adrian Peterson of the ball and returning it 42 yards for a touchdown. The Vikings closed out the half with a 1-yard touchdown run from Peterson. Minnesota began to build a lead in the third quarter as Favre hooked up with wide receiver Bernard Berrian on a 31-yard touchdown pass. In the fourth quarter, the Vikings solidified their lead as defensive end Jared Allen sacked Rodgers in the Green Bay endzone for a safety. The Packers rallied with a 33-yard touchdown pass from Rodgers to wide receiver Jordy Nelson (with a failed 2-point conversion), followed by kicker Mason Crosby nailing a 31-yard field goal. However, the Packers' push came too late and Minnesota was able to run out the clock for the win. With the victory, not only did the Vikings improve to 4-0, but Favre became the first quarterback in NFL history to defeat all 32 NFL teams. Allen had a spectacular single-game performance with a career-best 4.5 sacks. Favre was awarded the NFC Offensive Player of the Week, marking the 14th time in his career he has earned this award.\n", "labels": "How many touchdown passses did Bret Farve have?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-21e4e7156a7742c2965cfa3b868d45e1"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: Coming off their last-second win over the 49ers, the Vikings stayed at home, donned their throwback uniforms, and prepared for the highly anticipated Week 4 NFC North Monday Night Football duel with the Green Bay Packers. This was a key divisional match-up, as the division lead was on the line, while quarterback Brett Favre was pitted against his former team. Favre entered the stadium to a series of boos coming from Green Bay fans throughout the stadium. Minnesota started off the first quarter with Favre completing a 1-yard touchdown pass to tight end Visanthe Shiancoe. The Packers responded with quarterback Aaron Rodgers completing a 62-yard touchdown pass to tight end Jermichael Finley. In the second quarter, the Vikings struck again with a 14-yard touchdown pass from Favre to wide receiver Sidney Rice, but Green Bay answered with linebacker Clay Matthews stripping running back Adrian Peterson of the ball and returning it 42 yards for a touchdown. The Vikings closed out the half with a 1-yard touchdown run from Peterson. Minnesota began to build a lead in the third quarter as Favre hooked up with wide receiver Bernard Berrian on a 31-yard touchdown pass. In the fourth quarter, the Vikings solidified their lead as defensive end Jared Allen sacked Rodgers in the Green Bay endzone for a safety. The Packers rallied with a 33-yard touchdown pass from Rodgers to wide receiver Jordy Nelson (with a failed 2-point conversion), followed by kicker Mason Crosby nailing a 31-yard field goal. However, the Packers' push came too late and Minnesota was able to run out the clock for the win. With the victory, not only did the Vikings improve to 4-0, but Favre became the first quarterback in NFL history to defeat all 32 NFL teams. Allen had a spectacular single-game performance with a career-best 4.5 sacks. Favre was awarded the NFC Offensive Player of the Week, marking the 14th time in his career he has earned this award.\n", "labels": "How many yards longer was the longest touchdown pass of the game than the shortest?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-21e4e7156a7742c2965cfa3b868d45e1"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: Coming off their last-second win over the 49ers, the Vikings stayed at home, donned their throwback uniforms, and prepared for the highly anticipated Week 4 NFC North Monday Night Football duel with the Green Bay Packers. This was a key divisional match-up, as the division lead was on the line, while quarterback Brett Favre was pitted against his former team. Favre entered the stadium to a series of boos coming from Green Bay fans throughout the stadium. Minnesota started off the first quarter with Favre completing a 1-yard touchdown pass to tight end Visanthe Shiancoe. The Packers responded with quarterback Aaron Rodgers completing a 62-yard touchdown pass to tight end Jermichael Finley. In the second quarter, the Vikings struck again with a 14-yard touchdown pass from Favre to wide receiver Sidney Rice, but Green Bay answered with linebacker Clay Matthews stripping running back Adrian Peterson of the ball and returning it 42 yards for a touchdown. The Vikings closed out the half with a 1-yard touchdown run from Peterson. Minnesota began to build a lead in the third quarter as Favre hooked up with wide receiver Bernard Berrian on a 31-yard touchdown pass. In the fourth quarter, the Vikings solidified their lead as defensive end Jared Allen sacked Rodgers in the Green Bay endzone for a safety. The Packers rallied with a 33-yard touchdown pass from Rodgers to wide receiver Jordy Nelson (with a failed 2-point conversion), followed by kicker Mason Crosby nailing a 31-yard field goal. However, the Packers' push came too late and Minnesota was able to run out the clock for the win. With the victory, not only did the Vikings improve to 4-0, but Favre became the first quarterback in NFL history to defeat all 32 NFL teams. Allen had a spectacular single-game performance with a career-best 4.5 sacks. Favre was awarded the NFC Offensive Player of the Week, marking the 14th time in his career he has earned this award.\n", "labels": "Which player caught the shortest touchdown pass?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-21e4e7156a7742c2965cfa3b868d45e1"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: Coming off their last-second win over the 49ers, the Vikings stayed at home, donned their throwback uniforms, and prepared for the highly anticipated Week 4 NFC North Monday Night Football duel with the Green Bay Packers. This was a key divisional match-up, as the division lead was on the line, while quarterback Brett Favre was pitted against his former team. Favre entered the stadium to a series of boos coming from Green Bay fans throughout the stadium. Minnesota started off the first quarter with Favre completing a 1-yard touchdown pass to tight end Visanthe Shiancoe. The Packers responded with quarterback Aaron Rodgers completing a 62-yard touchdown pass to tight end Jermichael Finley. In the second quarter, the Vikings struck again with a 14-yard touchdown pass from Favre to wide receiver Sidney Rice, but Green Bay answered with linebacker Clay Matthews stripping running back Adrian Peterson of the ball and returning it 42 yards for a touchdown. The Vikings closed out the half with a 1-yard touchdown run from Peterson. Minnesota began to build a lead in the third quarter as Favre hooked up with wide receiver Bernard Berrian on a 31-yard touchdown pass. In the fourth quarter, the Vikings solidified their lead as defensive end Jared Allen sacked Rodgers in the Green Bay endzone for a safety. The Packers rallied with a 33-yard touchdown pass from Rodgers to wide receiver Jordy Nelson (with a failed 2-point conversion), followed by kicker Mason Crosby nailing a 31-yard field goal. However, the Packers' push came too late and Minnesota was able to run out the clock for the win. With the victory, not only did the Vikings improve to 4-0, but Favre became the first quarterback in NFL history to defeat all 32 NFL teams. Allen had a spectacular single-game performance with a career-best 4.5 sacks. Favre was awarded the NFC Offensive Player of the Week, marking the 14th time in his career he has earned this award.\n", "labels": "Which team won the game between the 49ers and the Vikings?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-21e4e7156a7742c2965cfa3b868d45e1"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: Florance continued to perform with both theatre groups through the rest of the decade, in plays including Elizabeth Addymans The Secret Tent (14 Jan 1956 \u2013 8 February 1956) at the Arrow Theatre, Reginald Denhams Ladies in Retirement (20 February 1956 \u2013 3 March 1956), William Inges romance Picnic (play) (5 March 1956 \u2013 17 March 1956), Emlyn Williams The Light of Heart (29 October 1956 \u2013 10 November 1956), and George Bernard Shaws ironic comedy Misalliance (3 December 1956 \u2013 15 December 1956) at the Union Theatre. In 1956, Florance played Cassandra in Christopher Frys adaptation of Jean Giraudouxs The Trojan War Will Not Take Place, at the opening of the newly built theatre complex on St Martins Lane. Florances final theatrical performance of the 1950s was as widow Julia Rajk in Robert Ardreys Shadow of Heroes (September \u2013 October 1959), for which she was awarded The Melbourne Newspaper Critics Circle Erik Award for best actress 1959.\n", "labels": "How many plays did Florance perform in at the Union Theatre in 1956?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-b6acd74b37cb40158458fc759c3f5a7d"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: Florance continued to perform with both theatre groups through the rest of the decade, in plays including Elizabeth Addymans The Secret Tent (14 Jan 1956 \u2013 8 February 1956) at the Arrow Theatre, Reginald Denhams Ladies in Retirement (20 February 1956 \u2013 3 March 1956), William Inges romance Picnic (play) (5 March 1956 \u2013 17 March 1956), Emlyn Williams The Light of Heart (29 October 1956 \u2013 10 November 1956), and George Bernard Shaws ironic comedy Misalliance (3 December 1956 \u2013 15 December 1956) at the Union Theatre. In 1956, Florance played Cassandra in Christopher Frys adaptation of Jean Giraudouxs The Trojan War Will Not Take Place, at the opening of the newly built theatre complex on St Martins Lane. Florances final theatrical performance of the 1950s was as widow Julia Rajk in Robert Ardreys Shadow of Heroes (September \u2013 October 1959), for which she was awarded The Melbourne Newspaper Critics Circle Erik Award for best actress 1959.\n", "labels": "How many plays did Florance perform in during 1956?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-b6acd74b37cb40158458fc759c3f5a7d"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: Coming off of their Week 9 bye, the Patriots hosted the Seattle Seahawks on Sunday Night Football in a rematch of Super Bowl XLIX. The Patriots marched 75 yards in 9 plays on their first drive of the game, with LeGarrette Blount scoring on a 1-yard touchdown run. Placekicker Stephen Gostkowski's kick went out of bounds, giving Seattle the ball at their own 40. The Seahawks reached the Patriots 8-yard line, but the Patriots red zone defense held them to a 26-yard field goal by placekicker Steven Hauschka and the score was 7-3. After a Patriots three-and-out, the Seahawks drove 66 yards in 10 plays, reaching the Patriots 13, but once again the Patriots kept them out of the end zone, and Hauschka kicked a 31-yard field goal, trimming the deficit to 7-6. After another Patriots three-and-out, the Seahawks 65 yards in 10 plays, this time reaching the end zone on quarterback Russell Wilson's 6-yard touchdown pass to wide receiver Doug Baldwin, but the PAT was blocked, keeping the score 12-7. On the second play of the Patriots next drive, Gronkowski seemed to fumble after being hit hard by safety Earl Thomas, but replay overturned it. Two plays later, cornerback DeShawn Shead intercepted quarterback Tom Brady at the Seattle 22 and returned it 2 yards to the Seahawks 24. The Patriots forced Seattle to punt, then marched 81 yards in 11 plays, scoring on Blount's 1-yard touchdown run with 1:05 remaining in the first half. However, 1:05 was too much time for Seattle as they raced 75 yards in under a minute, with Wilson finding Baldwin wide open in the end zone for an 18-yard touchdown, giving Seattle a 19-14 lead at halftime. After a Seahawks three-and-out, the Patriots had their way with Seattle on 10 play, 91-yard drive, scoring on Blount's 13-yard touchdown run,re-taking the lead, 21-19. Seattle countered with a long drive of their own, advancing 52 yards in 9 plays, taking a 22-21 lead on Hauschka's 41-yard field goal. The Patriots countered Seattle's field goal with one of their own, marching 63 yards in 10 plays, reaching the Seattle, but the Seahawks clamped down, and drove the Patriots back to the 12 and forced them to settle for Gostkowski's 30-yard field goal, retaking the lead 24-22. Seattle countered as well, racing 58 yards in 8 plays, reaching the New England 5, but the Patriots red zone defense once more kept them out of the end zone, and Hauschka was good from 23 yards away, his fourth, retaking the lead for Seattle, 25-24. Kickoff returner Cyrus Jones fumbled the kick return, but safety Nate Ebner recovered, but two plays later, after a 5-yard gain, safety Kam Chancellor forced wide receiver Julian Edelman to fumble, with Richard Sherman returning the ball 14-yards to the Patriots 48. Eight plays later, Wilson capped off the 48-yard drive with his touchdown pass to Baldwin, with a failed two point conversion, keeping the Patriots in the game 31-24. Facing a 3rd-and-10 at their own 46, Brady hit Edelman on a 30-yard bomb to the Seahawks 24. After a 4-yard loss by Blount, Brady hit Gronkowski on a 26-yard bomb to the Seahawks 2. Very close to the end zone, Brady gained 1-yard on the sneak attempt. But on the very next play, Blount was stuffed for no gain, bringing up 3rd-and-Goal at the 1. Brady tried to sneak again, but fumbled and recovered at the Seahawks 2. On 4th-and-Goal Gronkowski couldn't catch a pass from Brady and the Patriots turned it over on downs. The Seahawks ran out the final seconds and won the game. The Pats dropped to a record of 7-2, but still maintained first place in the AFC East. This would be the last loss of the Patriots season. The Seahawks improved to a record of 6-2-1.\n", "labels": "At the conclusion of the game, which team had a better winning record?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-0281493890fb453c829981fa9ea508c1"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: Coming off of their Week 9 bye, the Patriots hosted the Seattle Seahawks on Sunday Night Football in a rematch of Super Bowl XLIX. The Patriots marched 75 yards in 9 plays on their first drive of the game, with LeGarrette Blount scoring on a 1-yard touchdown run. Placekicker Stephen Gostkowski's kick went out of bounds, giving Seattle the ball at their own 40. The Seahawks reached the Patriots 8-yard line, but the Patriots red zone defense held them to a 26-yard field goal by placekicker Steven Hauschka and the score was 7-3. After a Patriots three-and-out, the Seahawks drove 66 yards in 10 plays, reaching the Patriots 13, but once again the Patriots kept them out of the end zone, and Hauschka kicked a 31-yard field goal, trimming the deficit to 7-6. After another Patriots three-and-out, the Seahawks 65 yards in 10 plays, this time reaching the end zone on quarterback Russell Wilson's 6-yard touchdown pass to wide receiver Doug Baldwin, but the PAT was blocked, keeping the score 12-7. On the second play of the Patriots next drive, Gronkowski seemed to fumble after being hit hard by safety Earl Thomas, but replay overturned it. Two plays later, cornerback DeShawn Shead intercepted quarterback Tom Brady at the Seattle 22 and returned it 2 yards to the Seahawks 24. The Patriots forced Seattle to punt, then marched 81 yards in 11 plays, scoring on Blount's 1-yard touchdown run with 1:05 remaining in the first half. However, 1:05 was too much time for Seattle as they raced 75 yards in under a minute, with Wilson finding Baldwin wide open in the end zone for an 18-yard touchdown, giving Seattle a 19-14 lead at halftime. After a Seahawks three-and-out, the Patriots had their way with Seattle on 10 play, 91-yard drive, scoring on Blount's 13-yard touchdown run,re-taking the lead, 21-19. Seattle countered with a long drive of their own, advancing 52 yards in 9 plays, taking a 22-21 lead on Hauschka's 41-yard field goal. The Patriots countered Seattle's field goal with one of their own, marching 63 yards in 10 plays, reaching the Seattle, but the Seahawks clamped down, and drove the Patriots back to the 12 and forced them to settle for Gostkowski's 30-yard field goal, retaking the lead 24-22. Seattle countered as well, racing 58 yards in 8 plays, reaching the New England 5, but the Patriots red zone defense once more kept them out of the end zone, and Hauschka was good from 23 yards away, his fourth, retaking the lead for Seattle, 25-24. Kickoff returner Cyrus Jones fumbled the kick return, but safety Nate Ebner recovered, but two plays later, after a 5-yard gain, safety Kam Chancellor forced wide receiver Julian Edelman to fumble, with Richard Sherman returning the ball 14-yards to the Patriots 48. Eight plays later, Wilson capped off the 48-yard drive with his touchdown pass to Baldwin, with a failed two point conversion, keeping the Patriots in the game 31-24. Facing a 3rd-and-10 at their own 46, Brady hit Edelman on a 30-yard bomb to the Seahawks 24. After a 4-yard loss by Blount, Brady hit Gronkowski on a 26-yard bomb to the Seahawks 2. Very close to the end zone, Brady gained 1-yard on the sneak attempt. But on the very next play, Blount was stuffed for no gain, bringing up 3rd-and-Goal at the 1. Brady tried to sneak again, but fumbled and recovered at the Seahawks 2. On 4th-and-Goal Gronkowski couldn't catch a pass from Brady and the Patriots turned it over on downs. The Seahawks ran out the final seconds and won the game. The Pats dropped to a record of 7-2, but still maintained first place in the AFC East. This would be the last loss of the Patriots season. The Seahawks improved to a record of 6-2-1.\n", "labels": "How many field goals were kicked by both teams?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-0281493890fb453c829981fa9ea508c1"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: Coming off of their Week 9 bye, the Patriots hosted the Seattle Seahawks on Sunday Night Football in a rematch of Super Bowl XLIX. The Patriots marched 75 yards in 9 plays on their first drive of the game, with LeGarrette Blount scoring on a 1-yard touchdown run. Placekicker Stephen Gostkowski's kick went out of bounds, giving Seattle the ball at their own 40. The Seahawks reached the Patriots 8-yard line, but the Patriots red zone defense held them to a 26-yard field goal by placekicker Steven Hauschka and the score was 7-3. After a Patriots three-and-out, the Seahawks drove 66 yards in 10 plays, reaching the Patriots 13, but once again the Patriots kept them out of the end zone, and Hauschka kicked a 31-yard field goal, trimming the deficit to 7-6. After another Patriots three-and-out, the Seahawks 65 yards in 10 plays, this time reaching the end zone on quarterback Russell Wilson's 6-yard touchdown pass to wide receiver Doug Baldwin, but the PAT was blocked, keeping the score 12-7. On the second play of the Patriots next drive, Gronkowski seemed to fumble after being hit hard by safety Earl Thomas, but replay overturned it. Two plays later, cornerback DeShawn Shead intercepted quarterback Tom Brady at the Seattle 22 and returned it 2 yards to the Seahawks 24. The Patriots forced Seattle to punt, then marched 81 yards in 11 plays, scoring on Blount's 1-yard touchdown run with 1:05 remaining in the first half. However, 1:05 was too much time for Seattle as they raced 75 yards in under a minute, with Wilson finding Baldwin wide open in the end zone for an 18-yard touchdown, giving Seattle a 19-14 lead at halftime. After a Seahawks three-and-out, the Patriots had their way with Seattle on 10 play, 91-yard drive, scoring on Blount's 13-yard touchdown run,re-taking the lead, 21-19. Seattle countered with a long drive of their own, advancing 52 yards in 9 plays, taking a 22-21 lead on Hauschka's 41-yard field goal. The Patriots countered Seattle's field goal with one of their own, marching 63 yards in 10 plays, reaching the Seattle, but the Seahawks clamped down, and drove the Patriots back to the 12 and forced them to settle for Gostkowski's 30-yard field goal, retaking the lead 24-22. Seattle countered as well, racing 58 yards in 8 plays, reaching the New England 5, but the Patriots red zone defense once more kept them out of the end zone, and Hauschka was good from 23 yards away, his fourth, retaking the lead for Seattle, 25-24. Kickoff returner Cyrus Jones fumbled the kick return, but safety Nate Ebner recovered, but two plays later, after a 5-yard gain, safety Kam Chancellor forced wide receiver Julian Edelman to fumble, with Richard Sherman returning the ball 14-yards to the Patriots 48. Eight plays later, Wilson capped off the 48-yard drive with his touchdown pass to Baldwin, with a failed two point conversion, keeping the Patriots in the game 31-24. Facing a 3rd-and-10 at their own 46, Brady hit Edelman on a 30-yard bomb to the Seahawks 24. After a 4-yard loss by Blount, Brady hit Gronkowski on a 26-yard bomb to the Seahawks 2. Very close to the end zone, Brady gained 1-yard on the sneak attempt. But on the very next play, Blount was stuffed for no gain, bringing up 3rd-and-Goal at the 1. Brady tried to sneak again, but fumbled and recovered at the Seahawks 2. On 4th-and-Goal Gronkowski couldn't catch a pass from Brady and the Patriots turned it over on downs. The Seahawks ran out the final seconds and won the game. The Pats dropped to a record of 7-2, but still maintained first place in the AFC East. This would be the last loss of the Patriots season. The Seahawks improved to a record of 6-2-1.\n", "labels": "How many points in total were scored in the second half?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-0281493890fb453c829981fa9ea508c1"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: Coming off of their Week 9 bye, the Patriots hosted the Seattle Seahawks on Sunday Night Football in a rematch of Super Bowl XLIX. The Patriots marched 75 yards in 9 plays on their first drive of the game, with LeGarrette Blount scoring on a 1-yard touchdown run. Placekicker Stephen Gostkowski's kick went out of bounds, giving Seattle the ball at their own 40. The Seahawks reached the Patriots 8-yard line, but the Patriots red zone defense held them to a 26-yard field goal by placekicker Steven Hauschka and the score was 7-3. After a Patriots three-and-out, the Seahawks drove 66 yards in 10 plays, reaching the Patriots 13, but once again the Patriots kept them out of the end zone, and Hauschka kicked a 31-yard field goal, trimming the deficit to 7-6. After another Patriots three-and-out, the Seahawks 65 yards in 10 plays, this time reaching the end zone on quarterback Russell Wilson's 6-yard touchdown pass to wide receiver Doug Baldwin, but the PAT was blocked, keeping the score 12-7. On the second play of the Patriots next drive, Gronkowski seemed to fumble after being hit hard by safety Earl Thomas, but replay overturned it. Two plays later, cornerback DeShawn Shead intercepted quarterback Tom Brady at the Seattle 22 and returned it 2 yards to the Seahawks 24. The Patriots forced Seattle to punt, then marched 81 yards in 11 plays, scoring on Blount's 1-yard touchdown run with 1:05 remaining in the first half. However, 1:05 was too much time for Seattle as they raced 75 yards in under a minute, with Wilson finding Baldwin wide open in the end zone for an 18-yard touchdown, giving Seattle a 19-14 lead at halftime. After a Seahawks three-and-out, the Patriots had their way with Seattle on 10 play, 91-yard drive, scoring on Blount's 13-yard touchdown run,re-taking the lead, 21-19. Seattle countered with a long drive of their own, advancing 52 yards in 9 plays, taking a 22-21 lead on Hauschka's 41-yard field goal. The Patriots countered Seattle's field goal with one of their own, marching 63 yards in 10 plays, reaching the Seattle, but the Seahawks clamped down, and drove the Patriots back to the 12 and forced them to settle for Gostkowski's 30-yard field goal, retaking the lead 24-22. Seattle countered as well, racing 58 yards in 8 plays, reaching the New England 5, but the Patriots red zone defense once more kept them out of the end zone, and Hauschka was good from 23 yards away, his fourth, retaking the lead for Seattle, 25-24. Kickoff returner Cyrus Jones fumbled the kick return, but safety Nate Ebner recovered, but two plays later, after a 5-yard gain, safety Kam Chancellor forced wide receiver Julian Edelman to fumble, with Richard Sherman returning the ball 14-yards to the Patriots 48. Eight plays later, Wilson capped off the 48-yard drive with his touchdown pass to Baldwin, with a failed two point conversion, keeping the Patriots in the game 31-24. Facing a 3rd-and-10 at their own 46, Brady hit Edelman on a 30-yard bomb to the Seahawks 24. After a 4-yard loss by Blount, Brady hit Gronkowski on a 26-yard bomb to the Seahawks 2. Very close to the end zone, Brady gained 1-yard on the sneak attempt. But on the very next play, Blount was stuffed for no gain, bringing up 3rd-and-Goal at the 1. Brady tried to sneak again, but fumbled and recovered at the Seahawks 2. On 4th-and-Goal Gronkowski couldn't catch a pass from Brady and the Patriots turned it over on downs. The Seahawks ran out the final seconds and won the game. The Pats dropped to a record of 7-2, but still maintained first place in the AFC East. This would be the last loss of the Patriots season. The Seahawks improved to a record of 6-2-1.\n", "labels": "How many total yards did LeGarrette Blount have on touchdown runs?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-0281493890fb453c829981fa9ea508c1"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: Coming off of their Week 9 bye, the Patriots hosted the Seattle Seahawks on Sunday Night Football in a rematch of Super Bowl XLIX. The Patriots marched 75 yards in 9 plays on their first drive of the game, with LeGarrette Blount scoring on a 1-yard touchdown run. Placekicker Stephen Gostkowski's kick went out of bounds, giving Seattle the ball at their own 40. The Seahawks reached the Patriots 8-yard line, but the Patriots red zone defense held them to a 26-yard field goal by placekicker Steven Hauschka and the score was 7-3. After a Patriots three-and-out, the Seahawks drove 66 yards in 10 plays, reaching the Patriots 13, but once again the Patriots kept them out of the end zone, and Hauschka kicked a 31-yard field goal, trimming the deficit to 7-6. After another Patriots three-and-out, the Seahawks 65 yards in 10 plays, this time reaching the end zone on quarterback Russell Wilson's 6-yard touchdown pass to wide receiver Doug Baldwin, but the PAT was blocked, keeping the score 12-7. On the second play of the Patriots next drive, Gronkowski seemed to fumble after being hit hard by safety Earl Thomas, but replay overturned it. Two plays later, cornerback DeShawn Shead intercepted quarterback Tom Brady at the Seattle 22 and returned it 2 yards to the Seahawks 24. The Patriots forced Seattle to punt, then marched 81 yards in 11 plays, scoring on Blount's 1-yard touchdown run with 1:05 remaining in the first half. However, 1:05 was too much time for Seattle as they raced 75 yards in under a minute, with Wilson finding Baldwin wide open in the end zone for an 18-yard touchdown, giving Seattle a 19-14 lead at halftime. After a Seahawks three-and-out, the Patriots had their way with Seattle on 10 play, 91-yard drive, scoring on Blount's 13-yard touchdown run,re-taking the lead, 21-19. Seattle countered with a long drive of their own, advancing 52 yards in 9 plays, taking a 22-21 lead on Hauschka's 41-yard field goal. The Patriots countered Seattle's field goal with one of their own, marching 63 yards in 10 plays, reaching the Seattle, but the Seahawks clamped down, and drove the Patriots back to the 12 and forced them to settle for Gostkowski's 30-yard field goal, retaking the lead 24-22. Seattle countered as well, racing 58 yards in 8 plays, reaching the New England 5, but the Patriots red zone defense once more kept them out of the end zone, and Hauschka was good from 23 yards away, his fourth, retaking the lead for Seattle, 25-24. Kickoff returner Cyrus Jones fumbled the kick return, but safety Nate Ebner recovered, but two plays later, after a 5-yard gain, safety Kam Chancellor forced wide receiver Julian Edelman to fumble, with Richard Sherman returning the ball 14-yards to the Patriots 48. Eight plays later, Wilson capped off the 48-yard drive with his touchdown pass to Baldwin, with a failed two point conversion, keeping the Patriots in the game 31-24. Facing a 3rd-and-10 at their own 46, Brady hit Edelman on a 30-yard bomb to the Seahawks 24. After a 4-yard loss by Blount, Brady hit Gronkowski on a 26-yard bomb to the Seahawks 2. Very close to the end zone, Brady gained 1-yard on the sneak attempt. But on the very next play, Blount was stuffed for no gain, bringing up 3rd-and-Goal at the 1. Brady tried to sneak again, but fumbled and recovered at the Seahawks 2. On 4th-and-Goal Gronkowski couldn't catch a pass from Brady and the Patriots turned it over on downs. The Seahawks ran out the final seconds and won the game. The Pats dropped to a record of 7-2, but still maintained first place in the AFC East. This would be the last loss of the Patriots season. The Seahawks improved to a record of 6-2-1.\n", "labels": "How many touch down passes did Doug Baldwin receive in the second half?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-0281493890fb453c829981fa9ea508c1"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: Coming off of their Week 9 bye, the Patriots hosted the Seattle Seahawks on Sunday Night Football in a rematch of Super Bowl XLIX. The Patriots marched 75 yards in 9 plays on their first drive of the game, with LeGarrette Blount scoring on a 1-yard touchdown run. Placekicker Stephen Gostkowski's kick went out of bounds, giving Seattle the ball at their own 40. The Seahawks reached the Patriots 8-yard line, but the Patriots red zone defense held them to a 26-yard field goal by placekicker Steven Hauschka and the score was 7-3. After a Patriots three-and-out, the Seahawks drove 66 yards in 10 plays, reaching the Patriots 13, but once again the Patriots kept them out of the end zone, and Hauschka kicked a 31-yard field goal, trimming the deficit to 7-6. After another Patriots three-and-out, the Seahawks 65 yards in 10 plays, this time reaching the end zone on quarterback Russell Wilson's 6-yard touchdown pass to wide receiver Doug Baldwin, but the PAT was blocked, keeping the score 12-7. On the second play of the Patriots next drive, Gronkowski seemed to fumble after being hit hard by safety Earl Thomas, but replay overturned it. Two plays later, cornerback DeShawn Shead intercepted quarterback Tom Brady at the Seattle 22 and returned it 2 yards to the Seahawks 24. The Patriots forced Seattle to punt, then marched 81 yards in 11 plays, scoring on Blount's 1-yard touchdown run with 1:05 remaining in the first half. However, 1:05 was too much time for Seattle as they raced 75 yards in under a minute, with Wilson finding Baldwin wide open in the end zone for an 18-yard touchdown, giving Seattle a 19-14 lead at halftime. After a Seahawks three-and-out, the Patriots had their way with Seattle on 10 play, 91-yard drive, scoring on Blount's 13-yard touchdown run,re-taking the lead, 21-19. Seattle countered with a long drive of their own, advancing 52 yards in 9 plays, taking a 22-21 lead on Hauschka's 41-yard field goal. The Patriots countered Seattle's field goal with one of their own, marching 63 yards in 10 plays, reaching the Seattle, but the Seahawks clamped down, and drove the Patriots back to the 12 and forced them to settle for Gostkowski's 30-yard field goal, retaking the lead 24-22. Seattle countered as well, racing 58 yards in 8 plays, reaching the New England 5, but the Patriots red zone defense once more kept them out of the end zone, and Hauschka was good from 23 yards away, his fourth, retaking the lead for Seattle, 25-24. Kickoff returner Cyrus Jones fumbled the kick return, but safety Nate Ebner recovered, but two plays later, after a 5-yard gain, safety Kam Chancellor forced wide receiver Julian Edelman to fumble, with Richard Sherman returning the ball 14-yards to the Patriots 48. Eight plays later, Wilson capped off the 48-yard drive with his touchdown pass to Baldwin, with a failed two point conversion, keeping the Patriots in the game 31-24. Facing a 3rd-and-10 at their own 46, Brady hit Edelman on a 30-yard bomb to the Seahawks 24. After a 4-yard loss by Blount, Brady hit Gronkowski on a 26-yard bomb to the Seahawks 2. Very close to the end zone, Brady gained 1-yard on the sneak attempt. But on the very next play, Blount was stuffed for no gain, bringing up 3rd-and-Goal at the 1. Brady tried to sneak again, but fumbled and recovered at the Seahawks 2. On 4th-and-Goal Gronkowski couldn't catch a pass from Brady and the Patriots turned it over on downs. The Seahawks ran out the final seconds and won the game. The Pats dropped to a record of 7-2, but still maintained first place in the AFC East. This would be the last loss of the Patriots season. The Seahawks improved to a record of 6-2-1.\n", "labels": "Which player caught an interception?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-0281493890fb453c829981fa9ea508c1"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: In the city, the population was distributed as 21.3% under the age of 18, 14.6% from 18 to 24, 33.2% from 25 to 44, 20.9% from 45 to 64, and 10.0% who were 65 years of age or older. The median age was 33 years. For every 100 females, there were 96.5 males. For every 100 females age 18 and over, there were 94.3 males.\n", "labels": "How many in percent weren't 65 years of age or older?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-50aff77b7e8147a49e94075476f70a6d"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: In the city, the population was distributed as 21.3% under the age of 18, 14.6% from 18 to 24, 33.2% from 25 to 44, 20.9% from 45 to 64, and 10.0% who were 65 years of age or older. The median age was 33 years. For every 100 females, there were 96.5 males. For every 100 females age 18 and over, there were 94.3 males.\n", "labels": "How many percent were not from 18 to 24?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-50aff77b7e8147a49e94075476f70a6d"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: In the city, the population was distributed as 21.3% under the age of 18, 14.6% from 18 to 24, 33.2% from 25 to 44, 20.9% from 45 to 64, and 10.0% who were 65 years of age or older. The median age was 33 years. For every 100 females, there were 96.5 males. For every 100 females age 18 and over, there were 94.3 males.\n", "labels": "How many percent were not from 25 to 44?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-50aff77b7e8147a49e94075476f70a6d"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: In the city, the population was distributed as 21.3% under the age of 18, 14.6% from 18 to 24, 33.2% from 25 to 44, 20.9% from 45 to 64, and 10.0% who were 65 years of age or older. The median age was 33 years. For every 100 females, there were 96.5 males. For every 100 females age 18 and over, there were 94.3 males.\n", "labels": "Which age group had the fourth most people?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-50aff77b7e8147a49e94075476f70a6d"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: In the city, the population was distributed as 21.3% under the age of 18, 14.6% from 18 to 24, 33.2% from 25 to 44, 20.9% from 45 to 64, and 10.0% who were 65 years of age or older. The median age was 33 years. For every 100 females, there were 96.5 males. For every 100 females age 18 and over, there were 94.3 males.\n", "labels": "Which gender group is larger: females or males?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-50aff77b7e8147a49e94075476f70a6d"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: After a tough loss, the Bengals traveled to Cleveland to take on the Browns in Round 1 of Battle of Ohio. After a scoreless first quarter, the Bengals got to work in the second quarter when Andy Dalton found A.J. Green on a 7-yard pass to make the score 7-0. Dalton would then find Tyler Kroft on a 3-yard pass to make it 14-0. Then Dalton would find Giovani Bernard on a 61-yard pass to make it 21-0 at halftime. In the third quarter, the Bengals increased their lead when Randy Bullock nailed a 41-yard field goal to make it 24-0. This would be followed by Dalton's fourth touchdown pass of the day as he found Kroft again this time on a 16-yard pass to make it 31-0. In the fourth quarter, the Browns got the final points of the game when Duke Johnson ran for a 1-yard touchdown making the final score 31-7.\n", "labels": "How many points did the Browns gain in the 4th quarter?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-83f79ea5f3704d88be4f8c024965d3bd"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: After a tough loss, the Bengals traveled to Cleveland to take on the Browns in Round 1 of Battle of Ohio. After a scoreless first quarter, the Bengals got to work in the second quarter when Andy Dalton found A.J. Green on a 7-yard pass to make the score 7-0. Dalton would then find Tyler Kroft on a 3-yard pass to make it 14-0. Then Dalton would find Giovani Bernard on a 61-yard pass to make it 21-0 at halftime. In the third quarter, the Bengals increased their lead when Randy Bullock nailed a 41-yard field goal to make it 24-0. This would be followed by Dalton's fourth touchdown pass of the day as he found Kroft again this time on a 16-yard pass to make it 31-0. In the fourth quarter, the Browns got the final points of the game when Duke Johnson ran for a 1-yard touchdown making the final score 31-7.\n", "labels": "How many total points were scored?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-83f79ea5f3704d88be4f8c024965d3bd"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: Coming off their home win over the Broncos, the Panthers flew to Giants Stadium for a crucial Week 16 battle with the defending Super Bowl champion New York Giants, where the winner would lock up the NFC's #1 seed. This was also Carolina's second appearance on NBC's Sunday Night Football. Despite trailing early in the first quarter through Giants kicker John Carney's 32-yard field goal, Carolina would respond with running back DeAngelo Williams' 13-yard touchdown run. New York would regain the lead in the second quarter with running back Brandon Jacobs getting a 2-yard touchdown run, yet the Panthers answered right back with Williams getting a 5-yard and a 1-yard touchdown run. The Giants would close out the first half with Carney nailing a 35-yard field goal. In the third quarter, New York was gaining ground with quarterback Eli Manning completing a 4-yard touchdown pass to tight end Kevin Boss. Carolina would reply in the fourth quarter with Williams getting a 30-yard touchdown run. However, the Giants would tie the game with Jacobs getting a 1-yard touchdown run (followed by Manning's 2-point conversion pass to wide receiver Domenik Hixon). The Panthers would get a late-game drive going and tried to end the game with kicker John Kasay, but his 50-yard attempt sailed wide left. In overtime, New York would take their second possession and end the game with Jacobs' 2-yard touchdown run. Despite falling to 11-4, Carolina would get a playoff berth, due in part to the Cowboys losing to the Ravens.\n", "labels": "How many touchdowns measured less than 5 yards long?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-ad76c30ea3ff4f73a619293fd719cc54"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: Coming off their home win over the Broncos, the Panthers flew to Giants Stadium for a crucial Week 16 battle with the defending Super Bowl champion New York Giants, where the winner would lock up the NFC's #1 seed. This was also Carolina's second appearance on NBC's Sunday Night Football. Despite trailing early in the first quarter through Giants kicker John Carney's 32-yard field goal, Carolina would respond with running back DeAngelo Williams' 13-yard touchdown run. New York would regain the lead in the second quarter with running back Brandon Jacobs getting a 2-yard touchdown run, yet the Panthers answered right back with Williams getting a 5-yard and a 1-yard touchdown run. The Giants would close out the first half with Carney nailing a 35-yard field goal. In the third quarter, New York was gaining ground with quarterback Eli Manning completing a 4-yard touchdown pass to tight end Kevin Boss. Carolina would reply in the fourth quarter with Williams getting a 30-yard touchdown run. However, the Giants would tie the game with Jacobs getting a 1-yard touchdown run (followed by Manning's 2-point conversion pass to wide receiver Domenik Hixon). The Panthers would get a late-game drive going and tried to end the game with kicker John Kasay, but his 50-yard attempt sailed wide left. In overtime, New York would take their second possession and end the game with Jacobs' 2-yard touchdown run. Despite falling to 11-4, Carolina would get a playoff berth, due in part to the Cowboys losing to the Ravens.\n", "labels": "How many yards was the shortest touchdown play of the game?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-ad76c30ea3ff4f73a619293fd719cc54"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: Coming off their home win over the Broncos, the Panthers flew to Giants Stadium for a crucial Week 16 battle with the defending Super Bowl champion New York Giants, where the winner would lock up the NFC's #1 seed. This was also Carolina's second appearance on NBC's Sunday Night Football. Despite trailing early in the first quarter through Giants kicker John Carney's 32-yard field goal, Carolina would respond with running back DeAngelo Williams' 13-yard touchdown run. New York would regain the lead in the second quarter with running back Brandon Jacobs getting a 2-yard touchdown run, yet the Panthers answered right back with Williams getting a 5-yard and a 1-yard touchdown run. The Giants would close out the first half with Carney nailing a 35-yard field goal. In the third quarter, New York was gaining ground with quarterback Eli Manning completing a 4-yard touchdown pass to tight end Kevin Boss. Carolina would reply in the fourth quarter with Williams getting a 30-yard touchdown run. However, the Giants would tie the game with Jacobs getting a 1-yard touchdown run (followed by Manning's 2-point conversion pass to wide receiver Domenik Hixon). The Panthers would get a late-game drive going and tried to end the game with kicker John Kasay, but his 50-yard attempt sailed wide left. In overtime, New York would take their second possession and end the game with Jacobs' 2-yard touchdown run. Despite falling to 11-4, Carolina would get a playoff berth, due in part to the Cowboys losing to the Ravens.\n", "labels": "What was the longest rushing touchdown?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-ad76c30ea3ff4f73a619293fd719cc54"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: Coming off their home win over the Broncos, the Panthers flew to Giants Stadium for a crucial Week 16 battle with the defending Super Bowl champion New York Giants, where the winner would lock up the NFC's #1 seed. This was also Carolina's second appearance on NBC's Sunday Night Football. Despite trailing early in the first quarter through Giants kicker John Carney's 32-yard field goal, Carolina would respond with running back DeAngelo Williams' 13-yard touchdown run. New York would regain the lead in the second quarter with running back Brandon Jacobs getting a 2-yard touchdown run, yet the Panthers answered right back with Williams getting a 5-yard and a 1-yard touchdown run. The Giants would close out the first half with Carney nailing a 35-yard field goal. In the third quarter, New York was gaining ground with quarterback Eli Manning completing a 4-yard touchdown pass to tight end Kevin Boss. Carolina would reply in the fourth quarter with Williams getting a 30-yard touchdown run. However, the Giants would tie the game with Jacobs getting a 1-yard touchdown run (followed by Manning's 2-point conversion pass to wide receiver Domenik Hixon). The Panthers would get a late-game drive going and tried to end the game with kicker John Kasay, but his 50-yard attempt sailed wide left. In overtime, New York would take their second possession and end the game with Jacobs' 2-yard touchdown run. Despite falling to 11-4, Carolina would get a playoff berth, due in part to the Cowboys losing to the Ravens.\n", "labels": "Which player scored multiple rushing touchdowns longer than 10 yards long?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-ad76c30ea3ff4f73a619293fd719cc54"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: The Church of Ireland, at 2.7% of the population, is the second largest Christian denomination. Membership declined throughout the twentieth century, but experienced an increase early in the 21st century, as have other small Christian denominations. Significant Protestant denominations are the Presbyterian Church and Methodist Church. Immigration has contributed to a growth in Hindu and Muslim populations. In percentage terms, Orthodox Christianity and Islam were the fastest growing religions, with increases of 100% and 70% respectively. Ireland's patron saints are Saint Patrick, Saint Bridget and Saint Columba. Saint Patrick is the only one commonly recognised as the patron saint. Saint Patrick's Day is celebrated on 17 March in Ireland and abroad as the Irish national day, with parades and other celebrations. As with other predominantly Catholic European states, Ireland underwent a period of legal secularisation in the late twentieth century. In 1972, the article of the Constitution naming specific religious groups was deleted by the Fifth Amendment in a referendum. Article 44 remains in the Constitution: \"The State acknowledges that the homage of public worship is due to Almighty God. It shall hold His Name in reverence, and shall respect and honour religion.\" The article also establishes freedom of religion, prohibits endowment of any religion, prohibits the state from religious discrimination, and requires the state to treat religious and non-religious schools in a non-prejudicial manner. Religious studies was introduced as an optional Junior Certificate subject in 2001. Although many schools are run by religious organisations, a secularist trend is occurring among younger generations.\n", "labels": "How many patron saints does Ireland have?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-28c66a3153504c5496b33d358a7651d5"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: The Church of Ireland, at 2.7% of the population, is the second largest Christian denomination. Membership declined throughout the twentieth century, but experienced an increase early in the 21st century, as have other small Christian denominations. Significant Protestant denominations are the Presbyterian Church and Methodist Church. Immigration has contributed to a growth in Hindu and Muslim populations. In percentage terms, Orthodox Christianity and Islam were the fastest growing religions, with increases of 100% and 70% respectively. Ireland's patron saints are Saint Patrick, Saint Bridget and Saint Columba. Saint Patrick is the only one commonly recognised as the patron saint. Saint Patrick's Day is celebrated on 17 March in Ireland and abroad as the Irish national day, with parades and other celebrations. As with other predominantly Catholic European states, Ireland underwent a period of legal secularisation in the late twentieth century. In 1972, the article of the Constitution naming specific religious groups was deleted by the Fifth Amendment in a referendum. Article 44 remains in the Constitution: \"The State acknowledges that the homage of public worship is due to Almighty God. It shall hold His Name in reverence, and shall respect and honour religion.\" The article also establishes freedom of religion, prohibits endowment of any religion, prohibits the state from religious discrimination, and requires the state to treat religious and non-religious schools in a non-prejudicial manner. Religious studies was introduced as an optional Junior Certificate subject in 2001. Although many schools are run by religious organisations, a secularist trend is occurring among younger generations.\n", "labels": "How many years did these events span for?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-28c66a3153504c5496b33d358a7651d5"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: The Church of Ireland, at 2.7% of the population, is the second largest Christian denomination. Membership declined throughout the twentieth century, but experienced an increase early in the 21st century, as have other small Christian denominations. Significant Protestant denominations are the Presbyterian Church and Methodist Church. Immigration has contributed to a growth in Hindu and Muslim populations. In percentage terms, Orthodox Christianity and Islam were the fastest growing religions, with increases of 100% and 70% respectively. Ireland's patron saints are Saint Patrick, Saint Bridget and Saint Columba. Saint Patrick is the only one commonly recognised as the patron saint. Saint Patrick's Day is celebrated on 17 March in Ireland and abroad as the Irish national day, with parades and other celebrations. As with other predominantly Catholic European states, Ireland underwent a period of legal secularisation in the late twentieth century. In 1972, the article of the Constitution naming specific religious groups was deleted by the Fifth Amendment in a referendum. Article 44 remains in the Constitution: \"The State acknowledges that the homage of public worship is due to Almighty God. It shall hold His Name in reverence, and shall respect and honour religion.\" The article also establishes freedom of religion, prohibits endowment of any religion, prohibits the state from religious discrimination, and requires the state to treat religious and non-religious schools in a non-prejudicial manner. Religious studies was introduced as an optional Junior Certificate subject in 2001. Although many schools are run by religious organisations, a secularist trend is occurring among younger generations.\n", "labels": "Which had a larger growth - Orthodox Christians or Islam populations?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-28c66a3153504c5496b33d358a7651d5"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: The Church of Ireland, at 2.7% of the population, is the second largest Christian denomination. Membership declined throughout the twentieth century, but experienced an increase early in the 21st century, as have other small Christian denominations. Significant Protestant denominations are the Presbyterian Church and Methodist Church. Immigration has contributed to a growth in Hindu and Muslim populations. In percentage terms, Orthodox Christianity and Islam were the fastest growing religions, with increases of 100% and 70% respectively. Ireland's patron saints are Saint Patrick, Saint Bridget and Saint Columba. Saint Patrick is the only one commonly recognised as the patron saint. Saint Patrick's Day is celebrated on 17 March in Ireland and abroad as the Irish national day, with parades and other celebrations. As with other predominantly Catholic European states, Ireland underwent a period of legal secularisation in the late twentieth century. In 1972, the article of the Constitution naming specific religious groups was deleted by the Fifth Amendment in a referendum. Article 44 remains in the Constitution: \"The State acknowledges that the homage of public worship is due to Almighty God. It shall hold His Name in reverence, and shall respect and honour religion.\" The article also establishes freedom of religion, prohibits endowment of any religion, prohibits the state from religious discrimination, and requires the state to treat religious and non-religious schools in a non-prejudicial manner. Religious studies was introduced as an optional Junior Certificate subject in 2001. Although many schools are run by religious organisations, a secularist trend is occurring among younger generations.\n", "labels": "Which religion grew slower, Orthodox Christianity or Islam?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-28c66a3153504c5496b33d358a7651d5"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: Since 1995, Fortune (magazine) has ranked Adobe as an outstanding place to work. Adobe was rated the 5th best U.S. company to work for in 2003, 6th in 2004, 31st in 2007, 40th in 2008, 11th in 2009, 42nd in 2010, 65th in 2011, 41st in 2012, and 83rd in 2013. In October 2008, Adobe Systems Canada Inc. was named one of \"Canadas Top 100 Employers\" by Mediacorp Canada Inc., and was featured in Macleans newsmagazine.\n", "labels": "How many more ranks was the rank in 2013 than the one in 2003?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-2aa059bec6834da4b089dadfcb61aa6f"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: Since 1995, Fortune (magazine) has ranked Adobe as an outstanding place to work. Adobe was rated the 5th best U.S. company to work for in 2003, 6th in 2004, 31st in 2007, 40th in 2008, 11th in 2009, 42nd in 2010, 65th in 2011, 41st in 2012, and 83rd in 2013. In October 2008, Adobe Systems Canada Inc. was named one of \"Canadas Top 100 Employers\" by Mediacorp Canada Inc., and was featured in Macleans newsmagazine.\n", "labels": "How many years was Adobe ranked higher than the rank of 30?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-2aa059bec6834da4b089dadfcb61aa6f"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: Since 1995, Fortune (magazine) has ranked Adobe as an outstanding place to work. Adobe was rated the 5th best U.S. company to work for in 2003, 6th in 2004, 31st in 2007, 40th in 2008, 11th in 2009, 42nd in 2010, 65th in 2011, 41st in 2012, and 83rd in 2013. In October 2008, Adobe Systems Canada Inc. was named one of \"Canadas Top 100 Employers\" by Mediacorp Canada Inc., and was featured in Macleans newsmagazine.\n", "labels": "When was Adobe ranked higher than what it was ranked in 2010?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-2aa059bec6834da4b089dadfcb61aa6f"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: Subsequent negotiations led by Jesuit papal legate Antonio Possevino resulted in the 1582 Truce of Jam Zapolski between Russia and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. This was a humiliation for the Tsar, in part because he requested the truce. Under the agreement Russia would surrender all areas in Livonia it still held and the city of Dorpat to the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, while Polotsk would remain under Commonwealth control. Any captured Swedish territory\u2014specifically Narva\u2014could be retained by the Russians and Velike Luki would be returned from Batory's control to Russia. Possevino made a half-hearted attempt to get John III's wishes taken into consideration, but this was vetoed by the Tsar, probably in collusion with Batory. The armistice, which fell short of a full peace arrangement, was to last ten years and was renewed twice, in 1591 and 1601. Batory failed in his attempts to pressure Sweden into relinquishing its gains in Livonia, particularly Narva. Following a decision by John, the war with Russia ended when the Tsar concluded the Truce of Plussa with Sweden on 10 August 1583. Russia relinquished most of Ingria but left Narva and Ivangorod under Swedish control. Originally scheduled to last three years, the Russo-Swedish truce was later extended until 1590. During the negotiations, Sweden made vast demands for Russian territory, including Novgorod. Whilst these conditions were probably only for the purposes of negotiation, they may have reflected Swedish aspirations of territory in the region.\n", "labels": "How many more years was the Truce of Jam Zapolski supposed to last than the Truce of Plussa?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-cfd94f3c1fb64da3b388818c26b7f10b"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: Subsequent negotiations led by Jesuit papal legate Antonio Possevino resulted in the 1582 Truce of Jam Zapolski between Russia and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. This was a humiliation for the Tsar, in part because he requested the truce. Under the agreement Russia would surrender all areas in Livonia it still held and the city of Dorpat to the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, while Polotsk would remain under Commonwealth control. Any captured Swedish territory\u2014specifically Narva\u2014could be retained by the Russians and Velike Luki would be returned from Batory's control to Russia. Possevino made a half-hearted attempt to get John III's wishes taken into consideration, but this was vetoed by the Tsar, probably in collusion with Batory. The armistice, which fell short of a full peace arrangement, was to last ten years and was renewed twice, in 1591 and 1601. Batory failed in his attempts to pressure Sweden into relinquishing its gains in Livonia, particularly Narva. Following a decision by John, the war with Russia ended when the Tsar concluded the Truce of Plussa with Sweden on 10 August 1583. Russia relinquished most of Ingria but left Narva and Ivangorod under Swedish control. Originally scheduled to last three years, the Russo-Swedish truce was later extended until 1590. During the negotiations, Sweden made vast demands for Russian territory, including Novgorod. Whilst these conditions were probably only for the purposes of negotiation, they may have reflected Swedish aspirations of territory in the region.\n", "labels": "How many years did the Russo-Swedish truce last?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-cfd94f3c1fb64da3b388818c26b7f10b"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: Subsequent negotiations led by Jesuit papal legate Antonio Possevino resulted in the 1582 Truce of Jam Zapolski between Russia and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. This was a humiliation for the Tsar, in part because he requested the truce. Under the agreement Russia would surrender all areas in Livonia it still held and the city of Dorpat to the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, while Polotsk would remain under Commonwealth control. Any captured Swedish territory\u2014specifically Narva\u2014could be retained by the Russians and Velike Luki would be returned from Batory's control to Russia. Possevino made a half-hearted attempt to get John III's wishes taken into consideration, but this was vetoed by the Tsar, probably in collusion with Batory. The armistice, which fell short of a full peace arrangement, was to last ten years and was renewed twice, in 1591 and 1601. Batory failed in his attempts to pressure Sweden into relinquishing its gains in Livonia, particularly Narva. Following a decision by John, the war with Russia ended when the Tsar concluded the Truce of Plussa with Sweden on 10 August 1583. Russia relinquished most of Ingria but left Narva and Ivangorod under Swedish control. Originally scheduled to last three years, the Russo-Swedish truce was later extended until 1590. During the negotiations, Sweden made vast demands for Russian territory, including Novgorod. Whilst these conditions were probably only for the purposes of negotiation, they may have reflected Swedish aspirations of territory in the region.\n", "labels": "How many years were between the Truce of Jam Zapolski and the Truce of Plussa?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-cfd94f3c1fb64da3b388818c26b7f10b"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: Subsequent negotiations led by Jesuit papal legate Antonio Possevino resulted in the 1582 Truce of Jam Zapolski between Russia and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. This was a humiliation for the Tsar, in part because he requested the truce. Under the agreement Russia would surrender all areas in Livonia it still held and the city of Dorpat to the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, while Polotsk would remain under Commonwealth control. Any captured Swedish territory\u2014specifically Narva\u2014could be retained by the Russians and Velike Luki would be returned from Batory's control to Russia. Possevino made a half-hearted attempt to get John III's wishes taken into consideration, but this was vetoed by the Tsar, probably in collusion with Batory. The armistice, which fell short of a full peace arrangement, was to last ten years and was renewed twice, in 1591 and 1601. Batory failed in his attempts to pressure Sweden into relinquishing its gains in Livonia, particularly Narva. Following a decision by John, the war with Russia ended when the Tsar concluded the Truce of Plussa with Sweden on 10 August 1583. Russia relinquished most of Ingria but left Narva and Ivangorod under Swedish control. Originally scheduled to last three years, the Russo-Swedish truce was later extended until 1590. During the negotiations, Sweden made vast demands for Russian territory, including Novgorod. Whilst these conditions were probably only for the purposes of negotiation, they may have reflected Swedish aspirations of territory in the region.\n", "labels": "When did the Truce of Plussa overlap with the Truce of Jam Zapolski?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-cfd94f3c1fb64da3b388818c26b7f10b"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: at the Georgia Dome, Atlanta, Georgia The Falcons welcomed the defending Super Bowl Champion Pittsburgh Steelers to town. The Falcons beat the Steelers in overtime, 41-38. The Falcons recovered a Steelers fumble after they punted to start the game. On the next play Michael Vick hit Alge Crumpler for a 22-yard touchdown pass. It was the first of what would be a career-high four touchdown pass game for Vick. After Steelers' kicker Jeff Reed kicked a 28-yard, the Steelers' defense held and forced the Falcons to give up the ball again when Steelers' safety Troy Polamalu intercepted Vick. Steelers' quarterback Ben Roethlisberger hit Georgia native and Steelers' receiver Hines Ward for an 11-yard touchdown pass to give the Steelers a 10-7 lead after one quarter of play. On the next Steelers' drive, Ben Roethlisberger found Heath Miller for a 1-yard touchdown pass to give the Steelers a 17-7 lead. The Steelers then fumbled on the first play of their following drive and the Falcons took over. Six plays later Vick found Crumpler again, this time for a 3-yard touchdown pass to cut the Steelers' lead to 17-14. The teams exchanged touchdowns and the Steelers led at halftime, 24-21. The first score of the second half came after another Steelers fumble when Warrick Dunn scored on a 3-yard touchdown run to put the Falcons ahead for the second time in the game, 28-24. Steelers' backup quarterback Charlie Batch, who came in for an injured Roethlisberger, hit Ward for a 70-yard touchdown pass to give the Steelers a 31-28 lead. The Falcons answered when Vick found Crumpler for a third time in the game with a 31-yard touchdown pass that put the Falcons ahead, 35-31. After the Falcons' Morten Andersen kicked a 25-yard field goal to give the Falcons a 38-31 lead, the Steelers came back again with a Batch 17-yard touchdown pass to tie the game at 38 and force overtime. In overtime the Falcons won the coin toss. Falcons' kicker Morten Andersen, after an 11-play 65-yard drive, put the capper on the game with a 32-yard field goal to give the Falcons an overtime victory over the Steelers as the team improved to 4-2.\n", "labels": "How many field goals did Morten Andersen kick over 30 yards?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-e25d2b0513894b6c8bc5fa93f826457c"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: at the Georgia Dome, Atlanta, Georgia The Falcons welcomed the defending Super Bowl Champion Pittsburgh Steelers to town. The Falcons beat the Steelers in overtime, 41-38. The Falcons recovered a Steelers fumble after they punted to start the game. On the next play Michael Vick hit Alge Crumpler for a 22-yard touchdown pass. It was the first of what would be a career-high four touchdown pass game for Vick. After Steelers' kicker Jeff Reed kicked a 28-yard, the Steelers' defense held and forced the Falcons to give up the ball again when Steelers' safety Troy Polamalu intercepted Vick. Steelers' quarterback Ben Roethlisberger hit Georgia native and Steelers' receiver Hines Ward for an 11-yard touchdown pass to give the Steelers a 10-7 lead after one quarter of play. On the next Steelers' drive, Ben Roethlisberger found Heath Miller for a 1-yard touchdown pass to give the Steelers a 17-7 lead. The Steelers then fumbled on the first play of their following drive and the Falcons took over. Six plays later Vick found Crumpler again, this time for a 3-yard touchdown pass to cut the Steelers' lead to 17-14. The teams exchanged touchdowns and the Steelers led at halftime, 24-21. The first score of the second half came after another Steelers fumble when Warrick Dunn scored on a 3-yard touchdown run to put the Falcons ahead for the second time in the game, 28-24. Steelers' backup quarterback Charlie Batch, who came in for an injured Roethlisberger, hit Ward for a 70-yard touchdown pass to give the Steelers a 31-28 lead. The Falcons answered when Vick found Crumpler for a third time in the game with a 31-yard touchdown pass that put the Falcons ahead, 35-31. After the Falcons' Morten Andersen kicked a 25-yard field goal to give the Falcons a 38-31 lead, the Steelers came back again with a Batch 17-yard touchdown pass to tie the game at 38 and force overtime. In overtime the Falcons won the coin toss. Falcons' kicker Morten Andersen, after an 11-play 65-yard drive, put the capper on the game with a 32-yard field goal to give the Falcons an overtime victory over the Steelers as the team improved to 4-2.\n", "labels": "How many more field goal yards did Morten Anderson kick than Jeff Reed?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-e25d2b0513894b6c8bc5fa93f826457c"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: at the Georgia Dome, Atlanta, Georgia The Falcons welcomed the defending Super Bowl Champion Pittsburgh Steelers to town. The Falcons beat the Steelers in overtime, 41-38. The Falcons recovered a Steelers fumble after they punted to start the game. On the next play Michael Vick hit Alge Crumpler for a 22-yard touchdown pass. It was the first of what would be a career-high four touchdown pass game for Vick. After Steelers' kicker Jeff Reed kicked a 28-yard, the Steelers' defense held and forced the Falcons to give up the ball again when Steelers' safety Troy Polamalu intercepted Vick. Steelers' quarterback Ben Roethlisberger hit Georgia native and Steelers' receiver Hines Ward for an 11-yard touchdown pass to give the Steelers a 10-7 lead after one quarter of play. On the next Steelers' drive, Ben Roethlisberger found Heath Miller for a 1-yard touchdown pass to give the Steelers a 17-7 lead. The Steelers then fumbled on the first play of their following drive and the Falcons took over. Six plays later Vick found Crumpler again, this time for a 3-yard touchdown pass to cut the Steelers' lead to 17-14. The teams exchanged touchdowns and the Steelers led at halftime, 24-21. The first score of the second half came after another Steelers fumble when Warrick Dunn scored on a 3-yard touchdown run to put the Falcons ahead for the second time in the game, 28-24. Steelers' backup quarterback Charlie Batch, who came in for an injured Roethlisberger, hit Ward for a 70-yard touchdown pass to give the Steelers a 31-28 lead. The Falcons answered when Vick found Crumpler for a third time in the game with a 31-yard touchdown pass that put the Falcons ahead, 35-31. After the Falcons' Morten Andersen kicked a 25-yard field goal to give the Falcons a 38-31 lead, the Steelers came back again with a Batch 17-yard touchdown pass to tie the game at 38 and force overtime. In overtime the Falcons won the coin toss. Falcons' kicker Morten Andersen, after an 11-play 65-yard drive, put the capper on the game with a 32-yard field goal to give the Falcons an overtime victory over the Steelers as the team improved to 4-2.\n", "labels": "How many td passes did Ben Roethlisberger throw?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-e25d2b0513894b6c8bc5fa93f826457c"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: at the Georgia Dome, Atlanta, Georgia The Falcons welcomed the defending Super Bowl Champion Pittsburgh Steelers to town. The Falcons beat the Steelers in overtime, 41-38. The Falcons recovered a Steelers fumble after they punted to start the game. On the next play Michael Vick hit Alge Crumpler for a 22-yard touchdown pass. It was the first of what would be a career-high four touchdown pass game for Vick. After Steelers' kicker Jeff Reed kicked a 28-yard, the Steelers' defense held and forced the Falcons to give up the ball again when Steelers' safety Troy Polamalu intercepted Vick. Steelers' quarterback Ben Roethlisberger hit Georgia native and Steelers' receiver Hines Ward for an 11-yard touchdown pass to give the Steelers a 10-7 lead after one quarter of play. On the next Steelers' drive, Ben Roethlisberger found Heath Miller for a 1-yard touchdown pass to give the Steelers a 17-7 lead. The Steelers then fumbled on the first play of their following drive and the Falcons took over. Six plays later Vick found Crumpler again, this time for a 3-yard touchdown pass to cut the Steelers' lead to 17-14. The teams exchanged touchdowns and the Steelers led at halftime, 24-21. The first score of the second half came after another Steelers fumble when Warrick Dunn scored on a 3-yard touchdown run to put the Falcons ahead for the second time in the game, 28-24. Steelers' backup quarterback Charlie Batch, who came in for an injured Roethlisberger, hit Ward for a 70-yard touchdown pass to give the Steelers a 31-28 lead. The Falcons answered when Vick found Crumpler for a third time in the game with a 31-yard touchdown pass that put the Falcons ahead, 35-31. After the Falcons' Morten Andersen kicked a 25-yard field goal to give the Falcons a 38-31 lead, the Steelers came back again with a Batch 17-yard touchdown pass to tie the game at 38 and force overtime. In overtime the Falcons won the coin toss. Falcons' kicker Morten Andersen, after an 11-play 65-yard drive, put the capper on the game with a 32-yard field goal to give the Falcons an overtime victory over the Steelers as the team improved to 4-2.\n", "labels": "How many total points were scored by halftime?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-e25d2b0513894b6c8bc5fa93f826457c"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: at the Georgia Dome, Atlanta, Georgia The Falcons welcomed the defending Super Bowl Champion Pittsburgh Steelers to town. The Falcons beat the Steelers in overtime, 41-38. The Falcons recovered a Steelers fumble after they punted to start the game. On the next play Michael Vick hit Alge Crumpler for a 22-yard touchdown pass. It was the first of what would be a career-high four touchdown pass game for Vick. After Steelers' kicker Jeff Reed kicked a 28-yard, the Steelers' defense held and forced the Falcons to give up the ball again when Steelers' safety Troy Polamalu intercepted Vick. Steelers' quarterback Ben Roethlisberger hit Georgia native and Steelers' receiver Hines Ward for an 11-yard touchdown pass to give the Steelers a 10-7 lead after one quarter of play. On the next Steelers' drive, Ben Roethlisberger found Heath Miller for a 1-yard touchdown pass to give the Steelers a 17-7 lead. The Steelers then fumbled on the first play of their following drive and the Falcons took over. Six plays later Vick found Crumpler again, this time for a 3-yard touchdown pass to cut the Steelers' lead to 17-14. The teams exchanged touchdowns and the Steelers led at halftime, 24-21. The first score of the second half came after another Steelers fumble when Warrick Dunn scored on a 3-yard touchdown run to put the Falcons ahead for the second time in the game, 28-24. Steelers' backup quarterback Charlie Batch, who came in for an injured Roethlisberger, hit Ward for a 70-yard touchdown pass to give the Steelers a 31-28 lead. The Falcons answered when Vick found Crumpler for a third time in the game with a 31-yard touchdown pass that put the Falcons ahead, 35-31. After the Falcons' Morten Andersen kicked a 25-yard field goal to give the Falcons a 38-31 lead, the Steelers came back again with a Batch 17-yard touchdown pass to tie the game at 38 and force overtime. In overtime the Falcons won the coin toss. Falcons' kicker Morten Andersen, after an 11-play 65-yard drive, put the capper on the game with a 32-yard field goal to give the Falcons an overtime victory over the Steelers as the team improved to 4-2.\n", "labels": "How many total points were scored in the first half of the game?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-e25d2b0513894b6c8bc5fa93f826457c"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: at the Georgia Dome, Atlanta, Georgia The Falcons welcomed the defending Super Bowl Champion Pittsburgh Steelers to town. The Falcons beat the Steelers in overtime, 41-38. The Falcons recovered a Steelers fumble after they punted to start the game. On the next play Michael Vick hit Alge Crumpler for a 22-yard touchdown pass. It was the first of what would be a career-high four touchdown pass game for Vick. After Steelers' kicker Jeff Reed kicked a 28-yard, the Steelers' defense held and forced the Falcons to give up the ball again when Steelers' safety Troy Polamalu intercepted Vick. Steelers' quarterback Ben Roethlisberger hit Georgia native and Steelers' receiver Hines Ward for an 11-yard touchdown pass to give the Steelers a 10-7 lead after one quarter of play. On the next Steelers' drive, Ben Roethlisberger found Heath Miller for a 1-yard touchdown pass to give the Steelers a 17-7 lead. The Steelers then fumbled on the first play of their following drive and the Falcons took over. Six plays later Vick found Crumpler again, this time for a 3-yard touchdown pass to cut the Steelers' lead to 17-14. The teams exchanged touchdowns and the Steelers led at halftime, 24-21. The first score of the second half came after another Steelers fumble when Warrick Dunn scored on a 3-yard touchdown run to put the Falcons ahead for the second time in the game, 28-24. Steelers' backup quarterback Charlie Batch, who came in for an injured Roethlisberger, hit Ward for a 70-yard touchdown pass to give the Steelers a 31-28 lead. The Falcons answered when Vick found Crumpler for a third time in the game with a 31-yard touchdown pass that put the Falcons ahead, 35-31. After the Falcons' Morten Andersen kicked a 25-yard field goal to give the Falcons a 38-31 lead, the Steelers came back again with a Batch 17-yard touchdown pass to tie the game at 38 and force overtime. In overtime the Falcons won the coin toss. Falcons' kicker Morten Andersen, after an 11-play 65-yard drive, put the capper on the game with a 32-yard field goal to give the Falcons an overtime victory over the Steelers as the team improved to 4-2.\n", "labels": "How many total points were scored in the second half of the game?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-e25d2b0513894b6c8bc5fa93f826457c"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: at the Georgia Dome, Atlanta, Georgia The Falcons welcomed the defending Super Bowl Champion Pittsburgh Steelers to town. The Falcons beat the Steelers in overtime, 41-38. The Falcons recovered a Steelers fumble after they punted to start the game. On the next play Michael Vick hit Alge Crumpler for a 22-yard touchdown pass. It was the first of what would be a career-high four touchdown pass game for Vick. After Steelers' kicker Jeff Reed kicked a 28-yard, the Steelers' defense held and forced the Falcons to give up the ball again when Steelers' safety Troy Polamalu intercepted Vick. Steelers' quarterback Ben Roethlisberger hit Georgia native and Steelers' receiver Hines Ward for an 11-yard touchdown pass to give the Steelers a 10-7 lead after one quarter of play. On the next Steelers' drive, Ben Roethlisberger found Heath Miller for a 1-yard touchdown pass to give the Steelers a 17-7 lead. The Steelers then fumbled on the first play of their following drive and the Falcons took over. Six plays later Vick found Crumpler again, this time for a 3-yard touchdown pass to cut the Steelers' lead to 17-14. The teams exchanged touchdowns and the Steelers led at halftime, 24-21. The first score of the second half came after another Steelers fumble when Warrick Dunn scored on a 3-yard touchdown run to put the Falcons ahead for the second time in the game, 28-24. Steelers' backup quarterback Charlie Batch, who came in for an injured Roethlisberger, hit Ward for a 70-yard touchdown pass to give the Steelers a 31-28 lead. The Falcons answered when Vick found Crumpler for a third time in the game with a 31-yard touchdown pass that put the Falcons ahead, 35-31. After the Falcons' Morten Andersen kicked a 25-yard field goal to give the Falcons a 38-31 lead, the Steelers came back again with a Batch 17-yard touchdown pass to tie the game at 38 and force overtime. In overtime the Falcons won the coin toss. Falcons' kicker Morten Andersen, after an 11-play 65-yard drive, put the capper on the game with a 32-yard field goal to give the Falcons an overtime victory over the Steelers as the team improved to 4-2.\n", "labels": "How many touchdown passes were over 20 yards?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-e25d2b0513894b6c8bc5fa93f826457c"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: at the Georgia Dome, Atlanta, Georgia The Falcons welcomed the defending Super Bowl Champion Pittsburgh Steelers to town. The Falcons beat the Steelers in overtime, 41-38. The Falcons recovered a Steelers fumble after they punted to start the game. On the next play Michael Vick hit Alge Crumpler for a 22-yard touchdown pass. It was the first of what would be a career-high four touchdown pass game for Vick. After Steelers' kicker Jeff Reed kicked a 28-yard, the Steelers' defense held and forced the Falcons to give up the ball again when Steelers' safety Troy Polamalu intercepted Vick. Steelers' quarterback Ben Roethlisberger hit Georgia native and Steelers' receiver Hines Ward for an 11-yard touchdown pass to give the Steelers a 10-7 lead after one quarter of play. On the next Steelers' drive, Ben Roethlisberger found Heath Miller for a 1-yard touchdown pass to give the Steelers a 17-7 lead. The Steelers then fumbled on the first play of their following drive and the Falcons took over. Six plays later Vick found Crumpler again, this time for a 3-yard touchdown pass to cut the Steelers' lead to 17-14. The teams exchanged touchdowns and the Steelers led at halftime, 24-21. The first score of the second half came after another Steelers fumble when Warrick Dunn scored on a 3-yard touchdown run to put the Falcons ahead for the second time in the game, 28-24. Steelers' backup quarterback Charlie Batch, who came in for an injured Roethlisberger, hit Ward for a 70-yard touchdown pass to give the Steelers a 31-28 lead. The Falcons answered when Vick found Crumpler for a third time in the game with a 31-yard touchdown pass that put the Falcons ahead, 35-31. After the Falcons' Morten Andersen kicked a 25-yard field goal to give the Falcons a 38-31 lead, the Steelers came back again with a Batch 17-yard touchdown pass to tie the game at 38 and force overtime. In overtime the Falcons won the coin toss. Falcons' kicker Morten Andersen, after an 11-play 65-yard drive, put the capper on the game with a 32-yard field goal to give the Falcons an overtime victory over the Steelers as the team improved to 4-2.\n", "labels": "How many wins did the Falcons have after beating the Steelers?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-e25d2b0513894b6c8bc5fa93f826457c"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: at the Georgia Dome, Atlanta, Georgia The Falcons welcomed the defending Super Bowl Champion Pittsburgh Steelers to town. The Falcons beat the Steelers in overtime, 41-38. The Falcons recovered a Steelers fumble after they punted to start the game. On the next play Michael Vick hit Alge Crumpler for a 22-yard touchdown pass. It was the first of what would be a career-high four touchdown pass game for Vick. After Steelers' kicker Jeff Reed kicked a 28-yard, the Steelers' defense held and forced the Falcons to give up the ball again when Steelers' safety Troy Polamalu intercepted Vick. Steelers' quarterback Ben Roethlisberger hit Georgia native and Steelers' receiver Hines Ward for an 11-yard touchdown pass to give the Steelers a 10-7 lead after one quarter of play. On the next Steelers' drive, Ben Roethlisberger found Heath Miller for a 1-yard touchdown pass to give the Steelers a 17-7 lead. The Steelers then fumbled on the first play of their following drive and the Falcons took over. Six plays later Vick found Crumpler again, this time for a 3-yard touchdown pass to cut the Steelers' lead to 17-14. The teams exchanged touchdowns and the Steelers led at halftime, 24-21. The first score of the second half came after another Steelers fumble when Warrick Dunn scored on a 3-yard touchdown run to put the Falcons ahead for the second time in the game, 28-24. Steelers' backup quarterback Charlie Batch, who came in for an injured Roethlisberger, hit Ward for a 70-yard touchdown pass to give the Steelers a 31-28 lead. The Falcons answered when Vick found Crumpler for a third time in the game with a 31-yard touchdown pass that put the Falcons ahead, 35-31. After the Falcons' Morten Andersen kicked a 25-yard field goal to give the Falcons a 38-31 lead, the Steelers came back again with a Batch 17-yard touchdown pass to tie the game at 38 and force overtime. In overtime the Falcons won the coin toss. Falcons' kicker Morten Andersen, after an 11-play 65-yard drive, put the capper on the game with a 32-yard field goal to give the Falcons an overtime victory over the Steelers as the team improved to 4-2.\n", "labels": "How many yards was the first td of the game?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-e25d2b0513894b6c8bc5fa93f826457c"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: at the Georgia Dome, Atlanta, Georgia The Falcons welcomed the defending Super Bowl Champion Pittsburgh Steelers to town. The Falcons beat the Steelers in overtime, 41-38. The Falcons recovered a Steelers fumble after they punted to start the game. On the next play Michael Vick hit Alge Crumpler for a 22-yard touchdown pass. It was the first of what would be a career-high four touchdown pass game for Vick. After Steelers' kicker Jeff Reed kicked a 28-yard, the Steelers' defense held and forced the Falcons to give up the ball again when Steelers' safety Troy Polamalu intercepted Vick. Steelers' quarterback Ben Roethlisberger hit Georgia native and Steelers' receiver Hines Ward for an 11-yard touchdown pass to give the Steelers a 10-7 lead after one quarter of play. On the next Steelers' drive, Ben Roethlisberger found Heath Miller for a 1-yard touchdown pass to give the Steelers a 17-7 lead. The Steelers then fumbled on the first play of their following drive and the Falcons took over. Six plays later Vick found Crumpler again, this time for a 3-yard touchdown pass to cut the Steelers' lead to 17-14. The teams exchanged touchdowns and the Steelers led at halftime, 24-21. The first score of the second half came after another Steelers fumble when Warrick Dunn scored on a 3-yard touchdown run to put the Falcons ahead for the second time in the game, 28-24. Steelers' backup quarterback Charlie Batch, who came in for an injured Roethlisberger, hit Ward for a 70-yard touchdown pass to give the Steelers a 31-28 lead. The Falcons answered when Vick found Crumpler for a third time in the game with a 31-yard touchdown pass that put the Falcons ahead, 35-31. After the Falcons' Morten Andersen kicked a 25-yard field goal to give the Falcons a 38-31 lead, the Steelers came back again with a Batch 17-yard touchdown pass to tie the game at 38 and force overtime. In overtime the Falcons won the coin toss. Falcons' kicker Morten Andersen, after an 11-play 65-yard drive, put the capper on the game with a 32-yard field goal to give the Falcons an overtime victory over the Steelers as the team improved to 4-2.\n", "labels": "How many yards was the shortest touchdown pass?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-e25d2b0513894b6c8bc5fa93f826457c"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: at the Georgia Dome, Atlanta, Georgia The Falcons welcomed the defending Super Bowl Champion Pittsburgh Steelers to town. The Falcons beat the Steelers in overtime, 41-38. The Falcons recovered a Steelers fumble after they punted to start the game. On the next play Michael Vick hit Alge Crumpler for a 22-yard touchdown pass. It was the first of what would be a career-high four touchdown pass game for Vick. After Steelers' kicker Jeff Reed kicked a 28-yard, the Steelers' defense held and forced the Falcons to give up the ball again when Steelers' safety Troy Polamalu intercepted Vick. Steelers' quarterback Ben Roethlisberger hit Georgia native and Steelers' receiver Hines Ward for an 11-yard touchdown pass to give the Steelers a 10-7 lead after one quarter of play. On the next Steelers' drive, Ben Roethlisberger found Heath Miller for a 1-yard touchdown pass to give the Steelers a 17-7 lead. The Steelers then fumbled on the first play of their following drive and the Falcons took over. Six plays later Vick found Crumpler again, this time for a 3-yard touchdown pass to cut the Steelers' lead to 17-14. The teams exchanged touchdowns and the Steelers led at halftime, 24-21. The first score of the second half came after another Steelers fumble when Warrick Dunn scored on a 3-yard touchdown run to put the Falcons ahead for the second time in the game, 28-24. Steelers' backup quarterback Charlie Batch, who came in for an injured Roethlisberger, hit Ward for a 70-yard touchdown pass to give the Steelers a 31-28 lead. The Falcons answered when Vick found Crumpler for a third time in the game with a 31-yard touchdown pass that put the Falcons ahead, 35-31. After the Falcons' Morten Andersen kicked a 25-yard field goal to give the Falcons a 38-31 lead, the Steelers came back again with a Batch 17-yard touchdown pass to tie the game at 38 and force overtime. In overtime the Falcons won the coin toss. Falcons' kicker Morten Andersen, after an 11-play 65-yard drive, put the capper on the game with a 32-yard field goal to give the Falcons an overtime victory over the Steelers as the team improved to 4-2.\n", "labels": "Who scored the first touchdown of the game?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-e25d2b0513894b6c8bc5fa93f826457c"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: at the Georgia Dome, Atlanta, Georgia The Falcons welcomed the defending Super Bowl Champion Pittsburgh Steelers to town. The Falcons beat the Steelers in overtime, 41-38. The Falcons recovered a Steelers fumble after they punted to start the game. On the next play Michael Vick hit Alge Crumpler for a 22-yard touchdown pass. It was the first of what would be a career-high four touchdown pass game for Vick. After Steelers' kicker Jeff Reed kicked a 28-yard, the Steelers' defense held and forced the Falcons to give up the ball again when Steelers' safety Troy Polamalu intercepted Vick. Steelers' quarterback Ben Roethlisberger hit Georgia native and Steelers' receiver Hines Ward for an 11-yard touchdown pass to give the Steelers a 10-7 lead after one quarter of play. On the next Steelers' drive, Ben Roethlisberger found Heath Miller for a 1-yard touchdown pass to give the Steelers a 17-7 lead. The Steelers then fumbled on the first play of their following drive and the Falcons took over. Six plays later Vick found Crumpler again, this time for a 3-yard touchdown pass to cut the Steelers' lead to 17-14. The teams exchanged touchdowns and the Steelers led at halftime, 24-21. The first score of the second half came after another Steelers fumble when Warrick Dunn scored on a 3-yard touchdown run to put the Falcons ahead for the second time in the game, 28-24. Steelers' backup quarterback Charlie Batch, who came in for an injured Roethlisberger, hit Ward for a 70-yard touchdown pass to give the Steelers a 31-28 lead. The Falcons answered when Vick found Crumpler for a third time in the game with a 31-yard touchdown pass that put the Falcons ahead, 35-31. After the Falcons' Morten Andersen kicked a 25-yard field goal to give the Falcons a 38-31 lead, the Steelers came back again with a Batch 17-yard touchdown pass to tie the game at 38 and force overtime. In overtime the Falcons won the coin toss. Falcons' kicker Morten Andersen, after an 11-play 65-yard drive, put the capper on the game with a 32-yard field goal to give the Falcons an overtime victory over the Steelers as the team improved to 4-2.\n", "labels": "Who won the Superbowl the previous season?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-e25d2b0513894b6c8bc5fa93f826457c"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: Estimates for the number of Roman Catholics vary from 70% of the population, to as much as 90%. The CIA Factbook lists 92% of the country is Catholic, but only 20% are practicing regularly or weekly at a church service. The Jewish population is about 300,000 (around 0.75% of the population), the community numbered about 400,000 after World War II, but the appeal of Israel and economic and cultural pressures at home led many to leave; recent instability in Israel has resulted in a modest reversal of the trend since 2003. Islam in Argentina number about 500,000-600,000, or approximately 1.5% of the population; 93% of them are Sunni. Buenos Aires is home to one of the largest mosques in Latin America. A recent study found that approximately 11% of Argentines are non-religious, including those who believe in God, though not religion, agnostics (4%) and atheists (5%). Overall, 24% attended religious services regularly. Protestants were the only group in which a majority regularly attended services.\n", "labels": "How many less are in the Jewish population than that of after WWII?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-1c6c2e9d68ea4a41b5870f0693a5ef33"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: Macquarie University (MQ) world rankings includes it being number 240 on the QS rankings, number 251+ on Times (THE), number 151+ on ARWU, and number 267 with US News. This contributes to Macquarie being the number 8 ranked Australian university overall in the world ranking systems. Macquarie University rankings within Australia include being placed at number 8 on the ERA scale (2012) and being a 4 1/2 Star AEN rated university. Macquarie also has a student survey satisfaction rating of 77.4% for business, 90.3% for health, 91.4% for arts, and 93.8% for science. Macquarie is ranked in the top 40 universities in the Asia-Pacific region and within Australias top 12 universities according to the Academic Ranking of World Universities, the U.S. News & World Report Rankings and the QS World University Rankings. Macquarie was the highest ranked university in Australia under the age of 50 and was ranked 18th in the world (prior to its golden jubilee in 2014), according to the QS World University Rankings.\n", "labels": "Which groups rank Macquarie University between 250 and 300?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-9d8973ecacc34e0191f50b9ec27b0a71"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: In 1946, the Al Saada party was founded in Muhammar and demanded the independence of Khuzestan. The Iranian army took advantage of its conflicts with the Communist Party, Toudeh, to commit massacres. Later in Arabistan, new independent or autonomist parties came into being: the \"Arabistan Liberation Front\" in 1956; the \"National Front for the Liberation of Arabistan\" and the \"Arab Gulf\" in 1960; In 1967, the \"Arabistan Liberation Front\" became the \"Al Ahwaz Liberation Front\". Sporadic Arab insurgency in Khuzestan continued through the 1950s, but reduced in the final decade of Pahlavy rule .\n", "labels": "What happened second: Arab Gulf or Al Ahwaz Liberation Front?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-3f2a5e1b9d494451a486bad5db6f0f8b"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: In 1946, the Al Saada party was founded in Muhammar and demanded the independence of Khuzestan. The Iranian army took advantage of its conflicts with the Communist Party, Toudeh, to commit massacres. Later in Arabistan, new independent or autonomist parties came into being: the \"Arabistan Liberation Front\" in 1956; the \"National Front for the Liberation of Arabistan\" and the \"Arab Gulf\" in 1960; In 1967, the \"Arabistan Liberation Front\" became the \"Al Ahwaz Liberation Front\". Sporadic Arab insurgency in Khuzestan continued through the 1950s, but reduced in the final decade of Pahlavy rule .\n", "labels": "Which army took advantage of its conflicts with the Communist Party, Toudeh, to commit massacres?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-3f2a5e1b9d494451a486bad5db6f0f8b"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: In 1946, the Al Saada party was founded in Muhammar and demanded the independence of Khuzestan. The Iranian army took advantage of its conflicts with the Communist Party, Toudeh, to commit massacres. Later in Arabistan, new independent or autonomist parties came into being: the \"Arabistan Liberation Front\" in 1956; the \"National Front for the Liberation of Arabistan\" and the \"Arab Gulf\" in 1960; In 1967, the \"Arabistan Liberation Front\" became the \"Al Ahwaz Liberation Front\". Sporadic Arab insurgency in Khuzestan continued through the 1950s, but reduced in the final decade of Pahlavy rule .\n", "labels": "Which party was founded in Muhammar and demanded the independence of Khuzestan?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-3f2a5e1b9d494451a486bad5db6f0f8b"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: Hoping to rebound from their home loss to the Broncos, the Titans flew to Cowboys Stadium for a Week 5 interconference duel with the Dallas Cowboys. Tennessee delivered the opening punch in the first quarter as quarterback Vince Young completed a 24-yard touchdown pass to wide receiver Nate Washington, followed by kicker Rob Bironas making a 52-yard field goal. Afterwards, the Cowboys answered with kicker David Buehler getting a 51-field goal. In the second quarter, the Titans would add onto their lead as Young connected with wide receiver Kenny Britt on a 12-yard touchdown pass. Dallas came right back with quarterback Tony Romo completing a 6-yard touchdown pass to wide receiver Roy Williams. The Cowboys tied the game in the third quarter as Romo threw a 69-yard touchdown pass to wide receiver Miles Austin, yet Tennessee regained the lead as Bironas booted a 40-yard field goal. In the fourth quarter, Dallas caught up again as Buehler kicked a 26-yard field goal. Afterwards, the Titans struck back as running back Chris Johnson got a 1-yard touchdown run. However, the Cowboys would tie the game again as Romo connected with tight end Jason Witten on an 18-yard touchdown pass. Fortunately, Tennessee came right back as Johnson got another 1-yard touchdown run.\n", "labels": "How many field goals measured longer than 50-yards in distance?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-e2e7eed427bd420cbd432f036ea04a2d"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: Hoping to rebound from their home loss to the Broncos, the Titans flew to Cowboys Stadium for a Week 5 interconference duel with the Dallas Cowboys. Tennessee delivered the opening punch in the first quarter as quarterback Vince Young completed a 24-yard touchdown pass to wide receiver Nate Washington, followed by kicker Rob Bironas making a 52-yard field goal. Afterwards, the Cowboys answered with kicker David Buehler getting a 51-field goal. In the second quarter, the Titans would add onto their lead as Young connected with wide receiver Kenny Britt on a 12-yard touchdown pass. Dallas came right back with quarterback Tony Romo completing a 6-yard touchdown pass to wide receiver Roy Williams. The Cowboys tied the game in the third quarter as Romo threw a 69-yard touchdown pass to wide receiver Miles Austin, yet Tennessee regained the lead as Bironas booted a 40-yard field goal. In the fourth quarter, Dallas caught up again as Buehler kicked a 26-yard field goal. Afterwards, the Titans struck back as running back Chris Johnson got a 1-yard touchdown run. However, the Cowboys would tie the game again as Romo connected with tight end Jason Witten on an 18-yard touchdown pass. Fortunately, Tennessee came right back as Johnson got another 1-yard touchdown run.\n", "labels": "How many field goals were longer than 50-yards in length?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-e2e7eed427bd420cbd432f036ea04a2d"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: Hoping to rebound from their home loss to the Broncos, the Titans flew to Cowboys Stadium for a Week 5 interconference duel with the Dallas Cowboys. Tennessee delivered the opening punch in the first quarter as quarterback Vince Young completed a 24-yard touchdown pass to wide receiver Nate Washington, followed by kicker Rob Bironas making a 52-yard field goal. Afterwards, the Cowboys answered with kicker David Buehler getting a 51-field goal. In the second quarter, the Titans would add onto their lead as Young connected with wide receiver Kenny Britt on a 12-yard touchdown pass. Dallas came right back with quarterback Tony Romo completing a 6-yard touchdown pass to wide receiver Roy Williams. The Cowboys tied the game in the third quarter as Romo threw a 69-yard touchdown pass to wide receiver Miles Austin, yet Tennessee regained the lead as Bironas booted a 40-yard field goal. In the fourth quarter, Dallas caught up again as Buehler kicked a 26-yard field goal. Afterwards, the Titans struck back as running back Chris Johnson got a 1-yard touchdown run. However, the Cowboys would tie the game again as Romo connected with tight end Jason Witten on an 18-yard touchdown pass. Fortunately, Tennessee came right back as Johnson got another 1-yard touchdown run.\n", "labels": "How many yards did the two shortest touchdowns measure for?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-e2e7eed427bd420cbd432f036ea04a2d"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: Hoping to rebound from their home loss to the Broncos, the Titans flew to Cowboys Stadium for a Week 5 interconference duel with the Dallas Cowboys. Tennessee delivered the opening punch in the first quarter as quarterback Vince Young completed a 24-yard touchdown pass to wide receiver Nate Washington, followed by kicker Rob Bironas making a 52-yard field goal. Afterwards, the Cowboys answered with kicker David Buehler getting a 51-field goal. In the second quarter, the Titans would add onto their lead as Young connected with wide receiver Kenny Britt on a 12-yard touchdown pass. Dallas came right back with quarterback Tony Romo completing a 6-yard touchdown pass to wide receiver Roy Williams. The Cowboys tied the game in the third quarter as Romo threw a 69-yard touchdown pass to wide receiver Miles Austin, yet Tennessee regained the lead as Bironas booted a 40-yard field goal. In the fourth quarter, Dallas caught up again as Buehler kicked a 26-yard field goal. Afterwards, the Titans struck back as running back Chris Johnson got a 1-yard touchdown run. However, the Cowboys would tie the game again as Romo connected with tight end Jason Witten on an 18-yard touchdown pass. Fortunately, Tennessee came right back as Johnson got another 1-yard touchdown run.\n", "labels": "How many yards were gained when the length of all field goals are added together?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-e2e7eed427bd420cbd432f036ea04a2d"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: Hoping to rebound from their home loss to the Broncos, the Titans flew to Cowboys Stadium for a Week 5 interconference duel with the Dallas Cowboys. Tennessee delivered the opening punch in the first quarter as quarterback Vince Young completed a 24-yard touchdown pass to wide receiver Nate Washington, followed by kicker Rob Bironas making a 52-yard field goal. Afterwards, the Cowboys answered with kicker David Buehler getting a 51-field goal. In the second quarter, the Titans would add onto their lead as Young connected with wide receiver Kenny Britt on a 12-yard touchdown pass. Dallas came right back with quarterback Tony Romo completing a 6-yard touchdown pass to wide receiver Roy Williams. The Cowboys tied the game in the third quarter as Romo threw a 69-yard touchdown pass to wide receiver Miles Austin, yet Tennessee regained the lead as Bironas booted a 40-yard field goal. In the fourth quarter, Dallas caught up again as Buehler kicked a 26-yard field goal. Afterwards, the Titans struck back as running back Chris Johnson got a 1-yard touchdown run. However, the Cowboys would tie the game again as Romo connected with tight end Jason Witten on an 18-yard touchdown pass. Fortunately, Tennessee came right back as Johnson got another 1-yard touchdown run.\n", "labels": "Which player kicked the fourth longest field goal?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-e2e7eed427bd420cbd432f036ea04a2d"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: Hoping to rebound from their home loss to the Broncos, the Titans flew to Cowboys Stadium for a Week 5 interconference duel with the Dallas Cowboys. Tennessee delivered the opening punch in the first quarter as quarterback Vince Young completed a 24-yard touchdown pass to wide receiver Nate Washington, followed by kicker Rob Bironas making a 52-yard field goal. Afterwards, the Cowboys answered with kicker David Buehler getting a 51-field goal. In the second quarter, the Titans would add onto their lead as Young connected with wide receiver Kenny Britt on a 12-yard touchdown pass. Dallas came right back with quarterback Tony Romo completing a 6-yard touchdown pass to wide receiver Roy Williams. The Cowboys tied the game in the third quarter as Romo threw a 69-yard touchdown pass to wide receiver Miles Austin, yet Tennessee regained the lead as Bironas booted a 40-yard field goal. In the fourth quarter, Dallas caught up again as Buehler kicked a 26-yard field goal. Afterwards, the Titans struck back as running back Chris Johnson got a 1-yard touchdown run. However, the Cowboys would tie the game again as Romo connected with tight end Jason Witten on an 18-yard touchdown pass. Fortunately, Tennessee came right back as Johnson got another 1-yard touchdown run.\n", "labels": "Which player scored the longest touchdown catch?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-e2e7eed427bd420cbd432f036ea04a2d"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: Hoping to rebound from their home loss to the Broncos, the Titans flew to Cowboys Stadium for a Week 5 interconference duel with the Dallas Cowboys. Tennessee delivered the opening punch in the first quarter as quarterback Vince Young completed a 24-yard touchdown pass to wide receiver Nate Washington, followed by kicker Rob Bironas making a 52-yard field goal. Afterwards, the Cowboys answered with kicker David Buehler getting a 51-field goal. In the second quarter, the Titans would add onto their lead as Young connected with wide receiver Kenny Britt on a 12-yard touchdown pass. Dallas came right back with quarterback Tony Romo completing a 6-yard touchdown pass to wide receiver Roy Williams. The Cowboys tied the game in the third quarter as Romo threw a 69-yard touchdown pass to wide receiver Miles Austin, yet Tennessee regained the lead as Bironas booted a 40-yard field goal. In the fourth quarter, Dallas caught up again as Buehler kicked a 26-yard field goal. Afterwards, the Titans struck back as running back Chris Johnson got a 1-yard touchdown run. However, the Cowboys would tie the game again as Romo connected with tight end Jason Witten on an 18-yard touchdown pass. Fortunately, Tennessee came right back as Johnson got another 1-yard touchdown run.\n", "labels": "Which players scored the shortest rushing touchdown?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-e2e7eed427bd420cbd432f036ea04a2d"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: After a tough road loss to the Ravens, the Steelers went home for a game against the Dolphins. They would score first as Ben Roethlisberger found Emmanuel Sanders on a 5-yard pass for a 7-0 lead. The Dolphins managed to get on the board as Caleb Sturgis kicked a 30-yard field goal making the score 7-3. In the 2nd quarter, Charles Clay caught a 6-yard touchdown pass from Ryan Tannehill as the Phins took the lead 10-7 at halftime. After the break, the Dolphins went right back to work as Daniel Thomas ran for a 4-yard touchdown making the score 17-7. The Steelers then came within 3 when Roethlisberger found Antonio Brown on a 43-yard touchdown pass making the score 17-14 and would eventually score again when Troy Polamalu picked off Tannehill and returned it 19 yards for a touchdown as they retook the lead 21-17. The Dolphins however moved back into the lead as Tannehill found Brian Hartline on a 4-yard pass for a 24-21 score. In the 4th quarter, Roethlisberger found Jerricho Cotchery on a 16-yard touchdown pass as they moved ahead 28-24. Clay then caught a pass from Tannehill making the score 31-28 as the Dolphins retook the lead. They would stop scoring after Sturgis kicked a 27-yard field goal for a 34-28 lead. Under a minute to go in the quarter, the Steelers got the ball back with Roethlisberger throwing to Brown and then Brown running for what seemed to be the game-tying (and eventually game-winning touchdown and PAT), but officials reviewed the play and it was determined that Brown had stepped out of bounds during the run ending the game dropping the team to 5-8.\n", "labels": "Which players scored touchdowns from 4 yards?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-46db065585c5438bb003448d09460179"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: After a tough road loss to the Ravens, the Steelers went home for a game against the Dolphins. They would score first as Ben Roethlisberger found Emmanuel Sanders on a 5-yard pass for a 7-0 lead. The Dolphins managed to get on the board as Caleb Sturgis kicked a 30-yard field goal making the score 7-3. In the 2nd quarter, Charles Clay caught a 6-yard touchdown pass from Ryan Tannehill as the Phins took the lead 10-7 at halftime. After the break, the Dolphins went right back to work as Daniel Thomas ran for a 4-yard touchdown making the score 17-7. The Steelers then came within 3 when Roethlisberger found Antonio Brown on a 43-yard touchdown pass making the score 17-14 and would eventually score again when Troy Polamalu picked off Tannehill and returned it 19 yards for a touchdown as they retook the lead 21-17. The Dolphins however moved back into the lead as Tannehill found Brian Hartline on a 4-yard pass for a 24-21 score. In the 4th quarter, Roethlisberger found Jerricho Cotchery on a 16-yard touchdown pass as they moved ahead 28-24. Clay then caught a pass from Tannehill making the score 31-28 as the Dolphins retook the lead. They would stop scoring after Sturgis kicked a 27-yard field goal for a 34-28 lead. Under a minute to go in the quarter, the Steelers got the ball back with Roethlisberger throwing to Brown and then Brown running for what seemed to be the game-tying (and eventually game-winning touchdown and PAT), but officials reviewed the play and it was determined that Brown had stepped out of bounds during the run ending the game dropping the team to 5-8.\n", "labels": "Who caught the longest TD pass?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-46db065585c5438bb003448d09460179"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: At the beginning of World War II the 10th Cavalry was relegated to caretaker duties at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. In 1942 the regiment was moved to Camp Lockett, California, replacing the 11th Cavalry in its duties as the southern defense of the Western Defense Command, under LTG DeWitt. 153 NCOs of this regiment would later be assigned to the newly organized 28th Cavalry Regiment forming its cadre, and filling out the 4th Cavalry Brigade, which would remain in existence after the deactivation of the 2nd Cavalry Division, and its subsequent reactivation. In the summer of 1943, the 10th and 28th Cavalry Regiments fought wildfires in the Cleveland National Forest. In 1944, the entire 2nd Cavalry Division was shipped out to Oran, North Africa; where it disembarked and was deactivated on 9 March 1944. Although trained as combat soldiers, the soldiers of this regiment, and other regiments of the 2nd Cavalry Division were reorganized as combat support and combat service support units. Some would see combat as replacement soldiers of the 92nd Infantry Division.\n", "labels": "How many years passed between the move to Camp Lockett and the deactivation of the Cavalry?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-3ad2711d8c6f4d56b7bb3e56d6ad5f8d"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: At the beginning of World War II the 10th Cavalry was relegated to caretaker duties at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. In 1942 the regiment was moved to Camp Lockett, California, replacing the 11th Cavalry in its duties as the southern defense of the Western Defense Command, under LTG DeWitt. 153 NCOs of this regiment would later be assigned to the newly organized 28th Cavalry Regiment forming its cadre, and filling out the 4th Cavalry Brigade, which would remain in existence after the deactivation of the 2nd Cavalry Division, and its subsequent reactivation. In the summer of 1943, the 10th and 28th Cavalry Regiments fought wildfires in the Cleveland National Forest. In 1944, the entire 2nd Cavalry Division was shipped out to Oran, North Africa; where it disembarked and was deactivated on 9 March 1944. Although trained as combat soldiers, the soldiers of this regiment, and other regiments of the 2nd Cavalry Division were reorganized as combat support and combat service support units. Some would see combat as replacement soldiers of the 92nd Infantry Division.\n", "labels": "Where was the 10th Cavalry regiment first, Camp Lockett or Cleveland National Forest?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-3ad2711d8c6f4d56b7bb3e56d6ad5f8d"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: At the beginning of World War II the 10th Cavalry was relegated to caretaker duties at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. In 1942 the regiment was moved to Camp Lockett, California, replacing the 11th Cavalry in its duties as the southern defense of the Western Defense Command, under LTG DeWitt. 153 NCOs of this regiment would later be assigned to the newly organized 28th Cavalry Regiment forming its cadre, and filling out the 4th Cavalry Brigade, which would remain in existence after the deactivation of the 2nd Cavalry Division, and its subsequent reactivation. In the summer of 1943, the 10th and 28th Cavalry Regiments fought wildfires in the Cleveland National Forest. In 1944, the entire 2nd Cavalry Division was shipped out to Oran, North Africa; where it disembarked and was deactivated on 9 March 1944. Although trained as combat soldiers, the soldiers of this regiment, and other regiments of the 2nd Cavalry Division were reorganized as combat support and combat service support units. Some would see combat as replacement soldiers of the 92nd Infantry Division.\n", "labels": "Which happened first, 10th and 28th Cavalry fought wildfires in the Cleveland National Forest or the 10th Cavalry was moved to Camp Lockett, California?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-3ad2711d8c6f4d56b7bb3e56d6ad5f8d"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: At the beginning of World War II the 10th Cavalry was relegated to caretaker duties at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. In 1942 the regiment was moved to Camp Lockett, California, replacing the 11th Cavalry in its duties as the southern defense of the Western Defense Command, under LTG DeWitt. 153 NCOs of this regiment would later be assigned to the newly organized 28th Cavalry Regiment forming its cadre, and filling out the 4th Cavalry Brigade, which would remain in existence after the deactivation of the 2nd Cavalry Division, and its subsequent reactivation. In the summer of 1943, the 10th and 28th Cavalry Regiments fought wildfires in the Cleveland National Forest. In 1944, the entire 2nd Cavalry Division was shipped out to Oran, North Africa; where it disembarked and was deactivated on 9 March 1944. Although trained as combat soldiers, the soldiers of this regiment, and other regiments of the 2nd Cavalry Division were reorganized as combat support and combat service support units. Some would see combat as replacement soldiers of the 92nd Infantry Division.\n", "labels": "Which location was the 10th Cavalry deployed to first, the Cleveland National Forest or Oran, North Africa?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-3ad2711d8c6f4d56b7bb3e56d6ad5f8d"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: In 2006, Household income in the United States was $43,318 per household ($26,000 per household member) with 42% of households having two income earners. Meanwhile, the median income of the average American age 25+ was roughly $32,000 ($39,000 if only counting those employed full-time between the ages of 25 to 64) in 2005. According to the CIA the Gini coefficient which measures income inequality (the higher the less equal the income distribution) was clocked at 45.0 in 2005, compared to 32.0 in the European Union and 28.3 in Germany.\n", "labels": "Which country had a higher Gini coefficient, Germany or the European Union?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-b296173bcab74e7a9e77aa9faf5845fa"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: Trying to rebound from their last-second road loss to the Broncos, the Steelers flew to Paul Brown Stadium for a Week 8 AFC North brawl with the Cincinnati Bengals. In the first quarter, Pittsburgh trailed early as Bengals kicker Shayne Graham managed to get a 31-yard field goal. Fortunately, the Steelers took the lead with QB Ben Roethlisberger completing a 21-yard TD pass to WR Hines Ward. In the second quarter, Pittsburgh increased its lead with Roethlisberger and Ward hooking up with each other again on a 6-yard TD pass to lead 14-3. With 2:16 left in the second quarter on 4th-and-1 at the Steelers 2, Cincinnati chose to kick a 20-yard field goal and received loud boos from the hometown crowd upon successfully doing so. In a similar situation two minutes later, Steelers RB Willie Parker ran 1 yard into the end zone to put the Steelers up 21-6 at the end of the first half. After a scoreless third quarter, the Bengals tried to make a fourth quarter comeback as QB Carson Palmer completed a 9-yard TD pass to WR T. J. Houshmandzadeh. Pittsburgh wrapped up the victory with kicker Jeff Reed nailing a 40-yard field goal.\n", "labels": "How many first half touchdowns did Pittsburgh have?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-7fc8433c236f40df8d68409a7a89b08e"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: Trying to rebound from their last-second road loss to the Broncos, the Steelers flew to Paul Brown Stadium for a Week 8 AFC North brawl with the Cincinnati Bengals. In the first quarter, Pittsburgh trailed early as Bengals kicker Shayne Graham managed to get a 31-yard field goal. Fortunately, the Steelers took the lead with QB Ben Roethlisberger completing a 21-yard TD pass to WR Hines Ward. In the second quarter, Pittsburgh increased its lead with Roethlisberger and Ward hooking up with each other again on a 6-yard TD pass to lead 14-3. With 2:16 left in the second quarter on 4th-and-1 at the Steelers 2, Cincinnati chose to kick a 20-yard field goal and received loud boos from the hometown crowd upon successfully doing so. In a similar situation two minutes later, Steelers RB Willie Parker ran 1 yard into the end zone to put the Steelers up 21-6 at the end of the first half. After a scoreless third quarter, the Bengals tried to make a fourth quarter comeback as QB Carson Palmer completed a 9-yard TD pass to WR T. J. Houshmandzadeh. Pittsburgh wrapped up the victory with kicker Jeff Reed nailing a 40-yard field goal.\n", "labels": "How many touchdowns were scored in the 2nd half?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-7fc8433c236f40df8d68409a7a89b08e"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: Trying to rebound from their last-second road loss to the Broncos, the Steelers flew to Paul Brown Stadium for a Week 8 AFC North brawl with the Cincinnati Bengals. In the first quarter, Pittsburgh trailed early as Bengals kicker Shayne Graham managed to get a 31-yard field goal. Fortunately, the Steelers took the lead with QB Ben Roethlisberger completing a 21-yard TD pass to WR Hines Ward. In the second quarter, Pittsburgh increased its lead with Roethlisberger and Ward hooking up with each other again on a 6-yard TD pass to lead 14-3. With 2:16 left in the second quarter on 4th-and-1 at the Steelers 2, Cincinnati chose to kick a 20-yard field goal and received loud boos from the hometown crowd upon successfully doing so. In a similar situation two minutes later, Steelers RB Willie Parker ran 1 yard into the end zone to put the Steelers up 21-6 at the end of the first half. After a scoreless third quarter, the Bengals tried to make a fourth quarter comeback as QB Carson Palmer completed a 9-yard TD pass to WR T. J. Houshmandzadeh. Pittsburgh wrapped up the victory with kicker Jeff Reed nailing a 40-yard field goal.\n", "labels": "How many yards difference was Shayne Graham\u2019s first field goal compared to his second?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-7fc8433c236f40df8d68409a7a89b08e"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: Trying to rebound from their last-second road loss to the Broncos, the Steelers flew to Paul Brown Stadium for a Week 8 AFC North brawl with the Cincinnati Bengals. In the first quarter, Pittsburgh trailed early as Bengals kicker Shayne Graham managed to get a 31-yard field goal. Fortunately, the Steelers took the lead with QB Ben Roethlisberger completing a 21-yard TD pass to WR Hines Ward. In the second quarter, Pittsburgh increased its lead with Roethlisberger and Ward hooking up with each other again on a 6-yard TD pass to lead 14-3. With 2:16 left in the second quarter on 4th-and-1 at the Steelers 2, Cincinnati chose to kick a 20-yard field goal and received loud boos from the hometown crowd upon successfully doing so. In a similar situation two minutes later, Steelers RB Willie Parker ran 1 yard into the end zone to put the Steelers up 21-6 at the end of the first half. After a scoreless third quarter, the Bengals tried to make a fourth quarter comeback as QB Carson Palmer completed a 9-yard TD pass to WR T. J. Houshmandzadeh. Pittsburgh wrapped up the victory with kicker Jeff Reed nailing a 40-yard field goal.\n", "labels": "How many yards was the longest touchdown pass?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-7fc8433c236f40df8d68409a7a89b08e"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: Trying to rebound from their last-second road loss to the Broncos, the Steelers flew to Paul Brown Stadium for a Week 8 AFC North brawl with the Cincinnati Bengals. In the first quarter, Pittsburgh trailed early as Bengals kicker Shayne Graham managed to get a 31-yard field goal. Fortunately, the Steelers took the lead with QB Ben Roethlisberger completing a 21-yard TD pass to WR Hines Ward. In the second quarter, Pittsburgh increased its lead with Roethlisberger and Ward hooking up with each other again on a 6-yard TD pass to lead 14-3. With 2:16 left in the second quarter on 4th-and-1 at the Steelers 2, Cincinnati chose to kick a 20-yard field goal and received loud boos from the hometown crowd upon successfully doing so. In a similar situation two minutes later, Steelers RB Willie Parker ran 1 yard into the end zone to put the Steelers up 21-6 at the end of the first half. After a scoreless third quarter, the Bengals tried to make a fourth quarter comeback as QB Carson Palmer completed a 9-yard TD pass to WR T. J. Houshmandzadeh. Pittsburgh wrapped up the victory with kicker Jeff Reed nailing a 40-yard field goal.\n", "labels": "Which player caught the shortest touchdown?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-7fc8433c236f40df8d68409a7a89b08e"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: Trying to rebound from their last-second road loss to the Broncos, the Steelers flew to Paul Brown Stadium for a Week 8 AFC North brawl with the Cincinnati Bengals. In the first quarter, Pittsburgh trailed early as Bengals kicker Shayne Graham managed to get a 31-yard field goal. Fortunately, the Steelers took the lead with QB Ben Roethlisberger completing a 21-yard TD pass to WR Hines Ward. In the second quarter, Pittsburgh increased its lead with Roethlisberger and Ward hooking up with each other again on a 6-yard TD pass to lead 14-3. With 2:16 left in the second quarter on 4th-and-1 at the Steelers 2, Cincinnati chose to kick a 20-yard field goal and received loud boos from the hometown crowd upon successfully doing so. In a similar situation two minutes later, Steelers RB Willie Parker ran 1 yard into the end zone to put the Steelers up 21-6 at the end of the first half. After a scoreless third quarter, the Bengals tried to make a fourth quarter comeback as QB Carson Palmer completed a 9-yard TD pass to WR T. J. Houshmandzadeh. Pittsburgh wrapped up the victory with kicker Jeff Reed nailing a 40-yard field goal.\n", "labels": "Who threw the longest touchdown pass?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-7fc8433c236f40df8d68409a7a89b08e"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: Hoping to rebound from their shutout loss to the Buccaneers, the 49ers flew to the University of Phoenix Stadium for a Week 12 NFC West duel with the Arizona Cardinals on Monday night. San Francisco made the opening strike in the first quarter as quarterback Troy Smith found wide receiver Michael Crabtree on a 38-yard touchdown pass. The Cardinals answered with kicker Jay Feely getting a 31-yard field goal, yet the 49ers responded with a 1-yard touchdown run from rookie running back Anthony Dixon. San Francisco added onto their lead in the second quarter with an 8-yard touchdown pass from running back Brian Westbrook. Arizona would hang on with Feely's 39-yard field goal. Afterwards, the 49ers pulled away with a 38-yard field goal in the third quarter and a 26-yard field goal in the fourth quarter from kicker Shane Andrus.\n", "labels": "How many combined yards did Shane Andrus kick for the 49ers in the second half?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-fe37560b93454aa281c7d1ab48b4f771"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: Hoping to rebound from their shutout loss to the Buccaneers, the 49ers flew to the University of Phoenix Stadium for a Week 12 NFC West duel with the Arizona Cardinals on Monday night. San Francisco made the opening strike in the first quarter as quarterback Troy Smith found wide receiver Michael Crabtree on a 38-yard touchdown pass. The Cardinals answered with kicker Jay Feely getting a 31-yard field goal, yet the 49ers responded with a 1-yard touchdown run from rookie running back Anthony Dixon. San Francisco added onto their lead in the second quarter with an 8-yard touchdown pass from running back Brian Westbrook. Arizona would hang on with Feely's 39-yard field goal. Afterwards, the 49ers pulled away with a 38-yard field goal in the third quarter and a 26-yard field goal in the fourth quarter from kicker Shane Andrus.\n", "labels": "How many yards was the shortest field goal?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-fe37560b93454aa281c7d1ab48b4f771"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: Hoping to rebound from their shutout loss to the Buccaneers, the 49ers flew to the University of Phoenix Stadium for a Week 12 NFC West duel with the Arizona Cardinals on Monday night. San Francisco made the opening strike in the first quarter as quarterback Troy Smith found wide receiver Michael Crabtree on a 38-yard touchdown pass. The Cardinals answered with kicker Jay Feely getting a 31-yard field goal, yet the 49ers responded with a 1-yard touchdown run from rookie running back Anthony Dixon. San Francisco added onto their lead in the second quarter with an 8-yard touchdown pass from running back Brian Westbrook. Arizona would hang on with Feely's 39-yard field goal. Afterwards, the 49ers pulled away with a 38-yard field goal in the third quarter and a 26-yard field goal in the fourth quarter from kicker Shane Andrus.\n", "labels": "How many yards was the shortest touchdown pass?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-fe37560b93454aa281c7d1ab48b4f771"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: Hoping to rebound from their shutout loss to the Buccaneers, the 49ers flew to the University of Phoenix Stadium for a Week 12 NFC West duel with the Arizona Cardinals on Monday night. San Francisco made the opening strike in the first quarter as quarterback Troy Smith found wide receiver Michael Crabtree on a 38-yard touchdown pass. The Cardinals answered with kicker Jay Feely getting a 31-yard field goal, yet the 49ers responded with a 1-yard touchdown run from rookie running back Anthony Dixon. San Francisco added onto their lead in the second quarter with an 8-yard touchdown pass from running back Brian Westbrook. Arizona would hang on with Feely's 39-yard field goal. Afterwards, the 49ers pulled away with a 38-yard field goal in the third quarter and a 26-yard field goal in the fourth quarter from kicker Shane Andrus.\n", "labels": "Which players scored at least two field goals?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-fe37560b93454aa281c7d1ab48b4f771"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: Trying to end their three-game skid, the Rams flew to Qwest Field for an NFC West rematch with the Seattle Seahawks. In the first quarter, the Rams struck first with rookie DE Victor Adeyanju returning a fumble 89 yards for a touchdown. Afterwards, the Seahawks responded with QB Seneca Wallace completing a 3-yard TD pass to WR Darrell Jackson. Then, St. Louis had kicker Jeff Wilkins nail a 40-yard field goal. In the second quarter, Seattle took the lead with Wallace completing a 15-yard TD pass to TE Jerramy Stevens. The Rams responded with Wilkins's 42-yard field goal. In the third quarter, Wilkins gave St. Louis a 35-yard field goal for the only score of the period and the lead. In the fourth quarter, the Seahawks responded with WR Nate Burleson returning a punt 90 yards for a touchdown. The Rams retook the lead with RB Steven Jackson's 14-yard TD run, yet it was followed up with a failed two-point conversion. However, just like earlier in the year, Seahawks kicker Josh Brown came out with the win, as he kicked a 38-yard field goal. With the loss, the Rams fell to 4-5.\n", "labels": "After this game, how many games had the Rams lost?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-49df438808cb455d8283fda9ec278c52"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: Trying to end their three-game skid, the Rams flew to Qwest Field for an NFC West rematch with the Seattle Seahawks. In the first quarter, the Rams struck first with rookie DE Victor Adeyanju returning a fumble 89 yards for a touchdown. Afterwards, the Seahawks responded with QB Seneca Wallace completing a 3-yard TD pass to WR Darrell Jackson. Then, St. Louis had kicker Jeff Wilkins nail a 40-yard field goal. In the second quarter, Seattle took the lead with Wallace completing a 15-yard TD pass to TE Jerramy Stevens. The Rams responded with Wilkins's 42-yard field goal. In the third quarter, Wilkins gave St. Louis a 35-yard field goal for the only score of the period and the lead. In the fourth quarter, the Seahawks responded with WR Nate Burleson returning a punt 90 yards for a touchdown. The Rams retook the lead with RB Steven Jackson's 14-yard TD run, yet it was followed up with a failed two-point conversion. However, just like earlier in the year, Seahawks kicker Josh Brown came out with the win, as he kicked a 38-yard field goal. With the loss, the Rams fell to 4-5.\n", "labels": "How many field goals of 40 yards or more did Wilkins make?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-49df438808cb455d8283fda9ec278c52"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: Trying to end their three-game skid, the Rams flew to Qwest Field for an NFC West rematch with the Seattle Seahawks. In the first quarter, the Rams struck first with rookie DE Victor Adeyanju returning a fumble 89 yards for a touchdown. Afterwards, the Seahawks responded with QB Seneca Wallace completing a 3-yard TD pass to WR Darrell Jackson. Then, St. Louis had kicker Jeff Wilkins nail a 40-yard field goal. In the second quarter, Seattle took the lead with Wallace completing a 15-yard TD pass to TE Jerramy Stevens. The Rams responded with Wilkins's 42-yard field goal. In the third quarter, Wilkins gave St. Louis a 35-yard field goal for the only score of the period and the lead. In the fourth quarter, the Seahawks responded with WR Nate Burleson returning a punt 90 yards for a touchdown. The Rams retook the lead with RB Steven Jackson's 14-yard TD run, yet it was followed up with a failed two-point conversion. However, just like earlier in the year, Seahawks kicker Josh Brown came out with the win, as he kicked a 38-yard field goal. With the loss, the Rams fell to 4-5.\n", "labels": "How many yards did Wilkins kick in field goals during the entire game?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-49df438808cb455d8283fda9ec278c52"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: Trying to end their three-game skid, the Rams flew to Qwest Field for an NFC West rematch with the Seattle Seahawks. In the first quarter, the Rams struck first with rookie DE Victor Adeyanju returning a fumble 89 yards for a touchdown. Afterwards, the Seahawks responded with QB Seneca Wallace completing a 3-yard TD pass to WR Darrell Jackson. Then, St. Louis had kicker Jeff Wilkins nail a 40-yard field goal. In the second quarter, Seattle took the lead with Wallace completing a 15-yard TD pass to TE Jerramy Stevens. The Rams responded with Wilkins's 42-yard field goal. In the third quarter, Wilkins gave St. Louis a 35-yard field goal for the only score of the period and the lead. In the fourth quarter, the Seahawks responded with WR Nate Burleson returning a punt 90 yards for a touchdown. The Rams retook the lead with RB Steven Jackson's 14-yard TD run, yet it was followed up with a failed two-point conversion. However, just like earlier in the year, Seahawks kicker Josh Brown came out with the win, as he kicked a 38-yard field goal. With the loss, the Rams fell to 4-5.\n", "labels": "How many yards was the longest touchdown play?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-49df438808cb455d8283fda9ec278c52"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: On November 18, 1918 the People's Council of Latvia proclaimed the Independence of the Republic of Latvia and created the Latvian Provisional Government headed by K\u0101rlis Ulmanis.On December 1, 1918 the newly proclaimed republic was invaded by Soviet Russia.Much of the invadinig army in Latvia consisted of Red Latvian Riflemen, which made the invasion easier. The Soviet offensive met little resistance. In the north Al\u016bksne was taken on December 7, Valka on December 18, and C\u0113sis on December 23, in the south Daugavpils was taken on December 9 and P\u013cavi\u0146as on December 17. Riga was captured by the Red Army on January 3, 1919. By the end of January the Latvian Provisional Government and remaining German units had retreated all the way to Liep\u0101ja, but then the Red offensive stalled along the Venta river. The Latvian Socialist Soviet Republic was officially proclaimed on January 13 with the political, economic, and military backing of the Soviet Russia.\n", "labels": "How many days after Daugavpils was taken did they take P\u013cavi\u0146as?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-3d64321b514b477aa59553a2998f37c3"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: On November 18, 1918 the People's Council of Latvia proclaimed the Independence of the Republic of Latvia and created the Latvian Provisional Government headed by K\u0101rlis Ulmanis.On December 1, 1918 the newly proclaimed republic was invaded by Soviet Russia.Much of the invadinig army in Latvia consisted of Red Latvian Riflemen, which made the invasion easier. The Soviet offensive met little resistance. In the north Al\u016bksne was taken on December 7, Valka on December 18, and C\u0113sis on December 23, in the south Daugavpils was taken on December 9 and P\u013cavi\u0146as on December 17. Riga was captured by the Red Army on January 3, 1919. By the end of January the Latvian Provisional Government and remaining German units had retreated all the way to Liep\u0101ja, but then the Red offensive stalled along the Venta river. The Latvian Socialist Soviet Republic was officially proclaimed on January 13 with the political, economic, and military backing of the Soviet Russia.\n", "labels": "How many days after proclaiming independence was the Republic of Latvia invaded by Soviet Russia?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-3d64321b514b477aa59553a2998f37c3"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: On November 18, 1918 the People's Council of Latvia proclaimed the Independence of the Republic of Latvia and created the Latvian Provisional Government headed by K\u0101rlis Ulmanis.On December 1, 1918 the newly proclaimed republic was invaded by Soviet Russia.Much of the invadinig army in Latvia consisted of Red Latvian Riflemen, which made the invasion easier. The Soviet offensive met little resistance. In the north Al\u016bksne was taken on December 7, Valka on December 18, and C\u0113sis on December 23, in the south Daugavpils was taken on December 9 and P\u013cavi\u0146as on December 17. Riga was captured by the Red Army on January 3, 1919. By the end of January the Latvian Provisional Government and remaining German units had retreated all the way to Liep\u0101ja, but then the Red offensive stalled along the Venta river. The Latvian Socialist Soviet Republic was officially proclaimed on January 13 with the political, economic, and military backing of the Soviet Russia.\n", "labels": "How many days after the Soviet Russia invaded the newly proclaimed republic did the Soviets take Al\u016bksne?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-3d64321b514b477aa59553a2998f37c3"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: On November 18, 1918 the People's Council of Latvia proclaimed the Independence of the Republic of Latvia and created the Latvian Provisional Government headed by K\u0101rlis Ulmanis.On December 1, 1918 the newly proclaimed republic was invaded by Soviet Russia.Much of the invadinig army in Latvia consisted of Red Latvian Riflemen, which made the invasion easier. The Soviet offensive met little resistance. In the north Al\u016bksne was taken on December 7, Valka on December 18, and C\u0113sis on December 23, in the south Daugavpils was taken on December 9 and P\u013cavi\u0146as on December 17. Riga was captured by the Red Army on January 3, 1919. By the end of January the Latvian Provisional Government and remaining German units had retreated all the way to Liep\u0101ja, but then the Red offensive stalled along the Venta river. The Latvian Socialist Soviet Republic was officially proclaimed on January 13 with the political, economic, and military backing of the Soviet Russia.\n", "labels": "How many months after Latvia declared independence was the Latvian Socialist Soviet Republic declared?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-3d64321b514b477aa59553a2998f37c3"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: For the fifth game of the season, the Bears visited Kansas City, who trailed the Bears 5-6 in the all-time series; the game was the first in Kansas City since 2003, which the Chiefs won 31-3. Entering the game, the Bears were plagued by injuries, with 16 players listed on the injury report: Jermon Bushrod (concussion) was ruled out, safety Antrel Rolle (ankle) was doubtful, and 13 others were questionable. Jeff Joniak wrote that the offense had to be cautious of Bob Sutton's 3-4 defense, particularly the front five guided by linebacking duo Tamba Hali and Justin Houston. However, the pass rush only had nine sacks in 2015. To combat the defense, the Chiefs' cornerbacks had to be targeted, particularly Jamell Fleming and rookie Marcus Peters, who was targeted the most among cornerbacks in the NFL and four touchdowns, respectively. Additionally, the Chiefs had allowed 15 touchdowns, the most in the NFL, and in the red zone, was ranked the worst in the league. Also, the Chiefs pass defense allowed eleven passing touchdowns and 295.5 passing yards per game (ranked 28th in the league), while recording only two interceptions. The Bears defense, which had recorded six sacks in the last two games, faced an offensive line that allowed a league-high 19 sacks. Despite the struggles on the OL, Chiefs quarterback Alex Smith had receivers like Jeremy Maclin, who had recorded 148 receiving yards in the previous game, though Smith had a 49.5 completion percentage to receivers, one of the worst in the league. In the rushing attack, the Chiefs had running back Jamaal Charles, who was tied with Matt Forte for the most rushes of ten yards or more in the NFL with eleven; however, Charles had fumbled 26 times in his career, including twice in 2015. On special teams, facing former Bears ST coordinator Dave Toub, the Kansas City return unit was led by Knile Davis (kickoffs) and De'Anthony Thomas (punts); Davis ranked fourth in the NFL in KR yards, while Thomas was tied for seventh in PR yards. The Bears' coverage unit took on Pro Bowl punter Dustin Colquitt, who was ranked fourth in gross punt average and third in net average, while allowing only 51 yards on the return, along with kicker Cairo Santos led the league in field goals. Bushrod, Rolle, Alshon Jeffery, Eddie Royal, David Fales, guard Patrick Omameh and defensive end Will Sutton were inactive. The Chiefs won the toss and deferred until the second half. After the Bears and Chiefs' first drives ended with punts, the Bears' next possession started at their own nine-yard line after an 18-yard punt return by Marc Mariani was nullified by Jeremy Langford's holding penalty. Three plays into the drive, Chiefs Jaye Howard and Allen Bailey sacked Jay Cutler in the endzone, leading to a fumble that was recovered by Ramik Wilson and gave the Chiefs the touchdown. After getting the ball back, the Bears were able to score three points late in the first quarter with Robbie Gould's 44-yard field goal. The Chiefs eventually punted again, and the Bears were again pinned inside their own five-yard line; the drive stalled, and Pat O'Donnell punted from the endzone. Despite playing a team with offensive line struggles, the Bears failed to employ a pass rush during the Chiefs' next drive, and once they did on third down, Smith threw a pass to Thomas, who scored on the 19-yard play. Kansas City increased the margin to 17-3 with nine seconds left in the second quarter, with Santos' 35-yard field goal; Cutler kneeled to end the first half. On the Chiefs' first drive of the second half, the offense reached the Bears' nine-yard line, but Santos' field goal was blocked by Pernell McPhee, allowing the Bears to take over at their own 17. The first play of the Bears' drive was a ten-yard run by Forte for a first down, marking the Bears' first since the opening quarter, and the series concluded with Gould's 30-yard field goal. The next four drives of the game ended with punts, while one of the series, held by the Bears, concluded with a turnover on downs. With 7:51 left in the game and down 17-6, Cutler attempted to lead another comeback for the second consecutive game. The first drive lasted eleven plays and 88 yards, concluding with Cutler throwing a 22-yard touchdown pass to Marquess Wilson in the corner of the left endzone. The Bears attempted to go for two, but Cutler's pass for Mariani was ruled out; after a challenge, the ruling was upheld. The Chiefs eventually punted again, with the Bears starting their next drive on their own 33. Cutler led the offense on an eight-play, 67-yard drive, concluding with a seven-yard touchdown pass to Forte despite dropping the snap. However, the Bears failed the two-point conversion. The Chiefs started their final drive on their own 33 with eleven seconds left in the game. Smith reached the Bears' 48 with a pass to Maclin, and on the next play, threw a nine-yard pass to Maclin. However, Maclin juggled the pass while going out of bounds. As a result, with two seconds left, the Chiefs elected to try a NFL record 66-yard field goal. However, Santos' kick fell short, giving the Bears the 18-17 win. This was Chicago's first victory at Arrowhead since 1993 where the Bears won 19-17. Two team records were set during the game. After converting his second field goal of the game, Gould became the leader of the most points in franchise history with 1,168 points, surpassing Kevin Butler. The win was Cutler's 46th with the Bears, tying Jim McMahon for the most in team history.\n", "labels": "What was the winning score?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-49e251c1e8204467b636889f5e6d4431"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: For the fifth game of the season, the Bears visited Kansas City, who trailed the Bears 5-6 in the all-time series; the game was the first in Kansas City since 2003, which the Chiefs won 31-3. Entering the game, the Bears were plagued by injuries, with 16 players listed on the injury report: Jermon Bushrod (concussion) was ruled out, safety Antrel Rolle (ankle) was doubtful, and 13 others were questionable. Jeff Joniak wrote that the offense had to be cautious of Bob Sutton's 3-4 defense, particularly the front five guided by linebacking duo Tamba Hali and Justin Houston. However, the pass rush only had nine sacks in 2015. To combat the defense, the Chiefs' cornerbacks had to be targeted, particularly Jamell Fleming and rookie Marcus Peters, who was targeted the most among cornerbacks in the NFL and four touchdowns, respectively. Additionally, the Chiefs had allowed 15 touchdowns, the most in the NFL, and in the red zone, was ranked the worst in the league. Also, the Chiefs pass defense allowed eleven passing touchdowns and 295.5 passing yards per game (ranked 28th in the league), while recording only two interceptions. The Bears defense, which had recorded six sacks in the last two games, faced an offensive line that allowed a league-high 19 sacks. Despite the struggles on the OL, Chiefs quarterback Alex Smith had receivers like Jeremy Maclin, who had recorded 148 receiving yards in the previous game, though Smith had a 49.5 completion percentage to receivers, one of the worst in the league. In the rushing attack, the Chiefs had running back Jamaal Charles, who was tied with Matt Forte for the most rushes of ten yards or more in the NFL with eleven; however, Charles had fumbled 26 times in his career, including twice in 2015. On special teams, facing former Bears ST coordinator Dave Toub, the Kansas City return unit was led by Knile Davis (kickoffs) and De'Anthony Thomas (punts); Davis ranked fourth in the NFL in KR yards, while Thomas was tied for seventh in PR yards. The Bears' coverage unit took on Pro Bowl punter Dustin Colquitt, who was ranked fourth in gross punt average and third in net average, while allowing only 51 yards on the return, along with kicker Cairo Santos led the league in field goals. Bushrod, Rolle, Alshon Jeffery, Eddie Royal, David Fales, guard Patrick Omameh and defensive end Will Sutton were inactive. The Chiefs won the toss and deferred until the second half. After the Bears and Chiefs' first drives ended with punts, the Bears' next possession started at their own nine-yard line after an 18-yard punt return by Marc Mariani was nullified by Jeremy Langford's holding penalty. Three plays into the drive, Chiefs Jaye Howard and Allen Bailey sacked Jay Cutler in the endzone, leading to a fumble that was recovered by Ramik Wilson and gave the Chiefs the touchdown. After getting the ball back, the Bears were able to score three points late in the first quarter with Robbie Gould's 44-yard field goal. The Chiefs eventually punted again, and the Bears were again pinned inside their own five-yard line; the drive stalled, and Pat O'Donnell punted from the endzone. Despite playing a team with offensive line struggles, the Bears failed to employ a pass rush during the Chiefs' next drive, and once they did on third down, Smith threw a pass to Thomas, who scored on the 19-yard play. Kansas City increased the margin to 17-3 with nine seconds left in the second quarter, with Santos' 35-yard field goal; Cutler kneeled to end the first half. On the Chiefs' first drive of the second half, the offense reached the Bears' nine-yard line, but Santos' field goal was blocked by Pernell McPhee, allowing the Bears to take over at their own 17. The first play of the Bears' drive was a ten-yard run by Forte for a first down, marking the Bears' first since the opening quarter, and the series concluded with Gould's 30-yard field goal. The next four drives of the game ended with punts, while one of the series, held by the Bears, concluded with a turnover on downs. With 7:51 left in the game and down 17-6, Cutler attempted to lead another comeback for the second consecutive game. The first drive lasted eleven plays and 88 yards, concluding with Cutler throwing a 22-yard touchdown pass to Marquess Wilson in the corner of the left endzone. The Bears attempted to go for two, but Cutler's pass for Mariani was ruled out; after a challenge, the ruling was upheld. The Chiefs eventually punted again, with the Bears starting their next drive on their own 33. Cutler led the offense on an eight-play, 67-yard drive, concluding with a seven-yard touchdown pass to Forte despite dropping the snap. However, the Bears failed the two-point conversion. The Chiefs started their final drive on their own 33 with eleven seconds left in the game. Smith reached the Bears' 48 with a pass to Maclin, and on the next play, threw a nine-yard pass to Maclin. However, Maclin juggled the pass while going out of bounds. As a result, with two seconds left, the Chiefs elected to try a NFL record 66-yard field goal. However, Santos' kick fell short, giving the Bears the 18-17 win. This was Chicago's first victory at Arrowhead since 1993 where the Bears won 19-17. Two team records were set during the game. After converting his second field goal of the game, Gould became the leader of the most points in franchise history with 1,168 points, surpassing Kevin Butler. The win was Cutler's 46th with the Bears, tying Jim McMahon for the most in team history.\n", "labels": "Who scored more points, Bears or chiefs?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-49e251c1e8204467b636889f5e6d4431"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: Seattle quarterback Charlie Whitehurst's first career start was one to forget; the Giants defense held Matt Hasselbeck's backup to just 113 passing yards in New York's biggest win of the year to this point. The Giants scored 38 unanswered points in the first three quarters, including touchdowns by four different players; two Bradshaw runs, a 46-yard pass to Nicks, and short touchdown passes to Smith and Boss. Whitehurst finally recorded his first NFL touchdown pass in the fourth quarter, connecting on a 36-yard pass to receiver Ben Obomanu. But the Giants put together a 13-minute drive, in which all snaps were taken by Sage Rosenfels, to take nearly all the remaining time off the clock. The Giants had earned their first win at Seattle since 1981, and extended their winning streak to five games.\n", "labels": "How many touchdowns did the Giants score in the first three quarters?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-4c1f490d7cdf48609e5ab17de1c492a1"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: Trying to snap a two-game losing streak, the Texans returned home for a Week 5 duel with the winless Miami Dolphins. In the first quarter, Houston took the early lead with RB Ron Dayne getting a 1-yard TD run. However, the Dolphin answered with kicker Jay Feely getting a 23-yard field goal, along with RB Ronnie Brown getting a 3-yard TD run. In the second quarter, the Texans' recent struggles continued as Miami managed to get 40-yard and a 33-yard field goal from Feely. The Texans would end the half with kicker Kris Brown getting a 54-yard field goal. In the third quarter, Houston began to retaliate with Brown nailing a 43-yard and a 54-yard field goal. In the fourth quarter, the Dolphins managed to get a 48-yard field goal. Fortunately, the Texans would snap their two-game skid with Brown nailing a 20-yard field goal, along with an astounding 57-yard field goal.\n", "labels": "How many 54-yard field goals did Kris Brown kick?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-c3c5aa33fe214479bb275ec05f919d82"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: Trying to snap a two-game losing streak, the Texans returned home for a Week 5 duel with the winless Miami Dolphins. In the first quarter, Houston took the early lead with RB Ron Dayne getting a 1-yard TD run. However, the Dolphin answered with kicker Jay Feely getting a 23-yard field goal, along with RB Ronnie Brown getting a 3-yard TD run. In the second quarter, the Texans' recent struggles continued as Miami managed to get 40-yard and a 33-yard field goal from Feely. The Texans would end the half with kicker Kris Brown getting a 54-yard field goal. In the third quarter, Houston began to retaliate with Brown nailing a 43-yard and a 54-yard field goal. In the fourth quarter, the Dolphins managed to get a 48-yard field goal. Fortunately, the Texans would snap their two-game skid with Brown nailing a 20-yard field goal, along with an astounding 57-yard field goal.\n", "labels": "How many field goals were kicked in the game?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-c3c5aa33fe214479bb275ec05f919d82"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: Trying to snap a two-game losing streak, the Texans returned home for a Week 5 duel with the winless Miami Dolphins. In the first quarter, Houston took the early lead with RB Ron Dayne getting a 1-yard TD run. However, the Dolphin answered with kicker Jay Feely getting a 23-yard field goal, along with RB Ronnie Brown getting a 3-yard TD run. In the second quarter, the Texans' recent struggles continued as Miami managed to get 40-yard and a 33-yard field goal from Feely. The Texans would end the half with kicker Kris Brown getting a 54-yard field goal. In the third quarter, Houston began to retaliate with Brown nailing a 43-yard and a 54-yard field goal. In the fourth quarter, the Dolphins managed to get a 48-yard field goal. Fortunately, the Texans would snap their two-game skid with Brown nailing a 20-yard field goal, along with an astounding 57-yard field goal.\n", "labels": "How many yards longer was Kris Brown's longest field goal over his shortest field goal?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-c3c5aa33fe214479bb275ec05f919d82"}, {"text": "Definition: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). \nThe generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type \"number\", are expected to start with \"How many\". For instance, \"How long did an event last?\" can be phrased as \"How many years did an event last?\". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.\nInput: Passage: Trying to snap a two-game losing streak, the Texans returned home for a Week 5 duel with the winless Miami Dolphins. In the first quarter, Houston took the early lead with RB Ron Dayne getting a 1-yard TD run. However, the Dolphin answered with kicker Jay Feely getting a 23-yard field goal, along with RB Ronnie Brown getting a 3-yard TD run. In the second quarter, the Texans' recent struggles continued as Miami managed to get 40-yard and a 33-yard field goal from Feely. The Texans would end the half with kicker Kris Brown getting a 54-yard field goal. In the third quarter, Houston began to retaliate with Brown nailing a 43-yard and a 54-yard field goal. In the fourth quarter, the Dolphins managed to get a 48-yard field goal. Fortunately, the Texans would snap their two-game skid with Brown nailing a 20-yard field goal, along with an astounding 57-yard field goal.\n", "labels": "Who kicked the longest field goal?", "task_name": "task026_drop_question_generation", "task_category": "question_generation", "id": "task026-c3c5aa33fe214479bb275ec05f919d82"}]