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**What is** r/BitcoinCash **?**
The [r/BitcoinCash](https://www.reddit.com/r/bitcoincash/) subreddit is a forum dedicated to discussing the cryptocurrency Bitcoin Cash (BCH). The aim of this subreddit is to cultivate a space for constructive discussion about Bitcoin Cash. Intentionally disruptive behaviour and heavily off-topic discussion will be moderated accordingly. Please refer to the sidebar for the subreddit rules.
**What is Bitcoin Cash?**
Bitcoin Cash is a peer-to-peer electronic cash system. It's a permissionless, decentralised cryptocurrency that requires no trusted third parties and no central bank. With Bitcoin Cash you can safely and securely send money anywhere in the world, nearly for free.
For more information about Bitcoin Cash, please visit[ bitcoincash.org](https://www.bitcoincash.org/).
**Is Bitcoin Cash different from “Bitcoin”?**
Yes! In 2017, the Bitcoin project and its community split into two. Perhaps the least controversial way to refer to each side is simply by their respective ticker symbols, BTC and BCH. While exchanges commonly refer to BTC as simply “Bitcoin”, Bitcoin Cash, usually represented by the BCH ticker symbol, is considered by its supporters to be a legitimate continuation of the Bitcoin project, and the version with the best chance of creating a globally adopted peer-to-peer electronic cash system.
**Why was it necessary to create Bitcoin Cash?**
The legacy Bitcoin code had a maximum limit of 1MB of data per block, or about 4 transactions per second. There was also a common sentiment among Bitcoin Core developers that non-backwards compatible upgrades, commonly known as “hard forks”, should be avoided at all cost. This mindset severely limited the potential to introduce beneficial changes to Bitcoin, which were needed to prepare the protocol for mass adoption.
Although technically simple, the Bitcoin community could not reach a consensus on raising the block size limit, even after years of debate. In 2017, capacity hit the 1MB-imposed wall, fees skyrocketed, and Bitcoin became unreliable, with some users unable to get their transactions confirmed even after days of waiting. An average transaction fee of $50 took place in December 2017. As a result, Bitcoin stopped growing, and companies such as Steam and Microsoft began *dropping* Bitcoin, because it was no longer a cheap and reliable payment method.
In August 2017, a subset of the Bitcoin community decided to move forward with a proposed protocol upgrade, forking Bitcoin, and creating Bitcoin Cash by lifting the block size limit as a step towards massive on-chain scaling. There is now ample capacity for everyone's transactions on the Bitcoin Cash blockchain; low fees and fast confirmations are standard, and the network has been allowed to grow again.
**Isn’t** r/btc **“the Bitcoin Cash subreddit”?**
It is worth noting that the r/btc subreddit came into use before Bitcoin Cash existed. It was originally created as a forum for open discussion about Bitcoin. After August 2015, r/btc gained a large user-base when the[ r/bitcoin](https://www.reddit.com/r/bitcoin/) subreddit[ began censoring](https://np.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/3h9cq4/its_time_for_a_break_about_the_recent_mess/) discussion about raising Bitcoin’s block size limit. After the Bitcoin community split over the Bitcoin Cash fork in August 2017, the [r/btc](https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/) Bitcoin community naturally became the Bitcoin Cash community, as that’s where its proponents already resided, having been ousted from r/bitcoin by censorship.
To this day, [r/btc](https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/) continues to offer a place for open and censorship-free discussion about all Bitcoin forks, with minimal interference by moderators.
**So how does** r/BitcoinCash **differ from** r/btc **?**
In July 2019, the [r/BitcoinCash](https://www.reddit.com/r/bitcoincash/) subreddit [introduced](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoincash/comments/cckje4/rbitcoincash_subreddit_change_of_moderation/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x) a stricter moderation policy, following requests from the Bitcoin Cash community for an alternative and specific forum for discussing Bitcoin Cash. The intention is to offer a space that is more focused on specifically discussing Bitcoin Cash, as well as one that is free of the ongoing low-effort trolling that frequently takes advantage of [r/btc](https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/)’s principled commitment to free speech.
This subreddit now offers all users a choice about the kind of forum that they wish to participate in. The hope is that, without the distractions that threaten to derail discussion on [r/btc](https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/), [r/BitcoinCash](https://www.reddit.com/r/bitcoincash/) may be able to foster a more focused, inclusive, and involved conversation.
The moderation logs for r/BitcoinCash are public. | r/bitcoincash | post | r/Bitcoincash | 2019-07-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUyY1hXUTUwT2NDNGZqbEJqTzBVejU1ZDZGNUtPZmgtRVhITExvTmYzRXEtOHMyT3pXcW8ybkdzSS03Y0pBcFF0YmFTYnluUk9IMy1XSGxiRm5fcHBFOW5WQ1hmR1RjeTRoUkdURVJ5Mk9ad2c9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0aFBvVzZLdFIxOWQ3Zk9hS3RiejdFMGx4QmpXajhUM2Rwa3FJVHJWVVM3a0d6bjFSVzN5NC1kQi1TTXo1VGFQMU1VWDR5dncwTFNzRjJCcnpvdEItS2tlZmx1bzJUWXZhNEpUMmF5ZVhmd1JqcjBRNy1CRGJyYUt0ZXNzeDFETW5tb1JXWlA4ZUwwQzk5LXBJVTBjeUtSM0F3WFE1UlozZjFkMXpSeXFEVmhSNERLWVhndkc3aUt3Vmp5c3pTUFYzZ0wySnZ2Nk9TMDRaM1VCenhqbUttUT09 |
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❌ Spam
❌ Repeat posts
❌ Personal attacks
❌ Swearing
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❌ Misleading distortion of facts or news
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❌ Slander
This subreddit is used for informational purposes only. Applicable laws vary by jurisdiction and may limit or prohibit you from accessing or using various platforms or products discussed in this subreddit. Discussion of any project or product ≠ endorsement.
This FAQ and information thread serves to inform both new and existing users about common Bitcoin topics that readers coming to this Bitcoin subreddit may have. This is a living and breathing document, which will change over time. If you have suggestions on how to change it, please comment below or message the mods.
**What is \/r/btc?**
The \/r/btc reddit community was originally created as a community to discuss bitcoin. It quickly gained momentum in August 2015 when the bitcoin block size debate heightened. On the legacy \/r/bitcoin subreddit it was discovered that moderators were heavily censoring discussions that were not inline with their own opinions.
Once realized, the subreddit subscribers began to openly question the censorship [which led to](http://archive.is/0G8az) thousands of redditors being banned from the \/r/bitcoin subreddit. A large number of redditors switched to other subreddits such as /r/bitcoin_uncensored and /r/btc. For a run-down on the history of censorship, please read [A (brief and incomplete) history of censorship in /r/bitcoin by John Blocke](https://medium.com/@johnblocke/a-brief-and-incomplete-history-of-censorship-in-r-bitcoin-c85a290fe43) and [/r/Bitcoin Censorship, Revisted by John Blocke](https://medium.com/@johnblocke/r-bitcoin-censorship-revisited-58d5b1bdcd64). As yet another example, \/r/bitcoin [censored 5,683 posts and comments](https://www.reddit.com/r/noncensored_bitcoin/comments/7414nf/september_2017_stats_post/) just in the month of September 2017 alone. This shows the sheer magnitude of censorship that is happening, which continues to this day. [Read a synopsis of /r/bitcoin](https://www.reddit.com/r/BitcoinMarkets/comments/6rxw7k/informative_btc_vs_bch_articles/dl8v4lp/) to get the full story and a complete understanding of [why people are so upset](https://www.reddit.com/r/KarmaCourt/comments/5gvqf6/and_now_for_something_completely_different_the/) with \/r/bitcoin's censorship. Further reading can be found [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/83vgdm/a_collection_of_evidence_regarding_bitcoins/) and [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/cpftea/its_important_to_remember_the_past_and_show/ewp7abj/) with a giant collection of information regarding these topics.
**Why is censorship bad for Bitcoin?**
As demonstrated above, censorship has become prevalent in almost all of the major Bitcoin [communication channels](https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/5mxov4/wtf_north_koreas_cgc_tries_to_control_bitcoin/dc78hwl/). The [impacts of censorship in Bitcoin](https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/5cxx8t/the_impacts_of_censorship/) are very real. "Censorship can really hinder a society if it is bad enough. Because media is such a large part of people’s lives today and it is the source of basically all information, if the information is not being given in full or truthfully then the society is left uneducated [...] Censorship is probably the number one way to lower people’s right to freedom of speech." By censoring certain topics and [specific words](https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/5vr7ij/partial_list_of_words_that_automod_removes_from/), people in these Bitcoin communication channels are literally being brain washed into thinking a certain way, molding the reader in a way that they desire; this has a lasting impact especially on users who are new to Bitcoin. Censoring in Bitcoin is the direct opposite of what the spirit of Bitcoin is, and should be condemned anytime it occurs. Also, it's important to [think critically](https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/5txje0/edward_snowden_the_answer_to_fake_news_is_not/) and [independently](https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/9cm3nj/psa_the_sub_has_been_under_attack_by_various_bad/), and have an open mind.
**Why do some groups attempt to discredit \/r/btc?**
This subreddit has become a place to discuss everything Bitcoin-related and even other cryptocurrencies at times when the topics are relevant to the overall ecosystem. Since this subreddit is one of the few places on Reddit where users will not be censored for their opinions and people are allowed to speak freely, truth is often said here without the fear of reprisal from moderators in the form of bans and censorship. Because of this freedom, people and groups who don't want you to hear the truth with do almost anything they can to try to stop you from speaking the truth and try to manipulate readers here. You can see many cited examples of cases where special interest groups have gone out of their way to attack this subreddit and attempt to disrupt and discredit it. [See the examples here.](https://old.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/9cm3nj/psa_the_sub_has_been_under_attack_by_various_bad/)
**What is the goal of \/r/btc?**
This subreddit is a diverse community dedicated to the success of bitcoin. \/r/btc honors the spirit and nature of Bitcoin being a place for open and free discussion about Bitcoin without the interference of moderators. Subscribers at anytime can look at and review the [public moderator logs](https://modlogs.fyi/r/btc). This subreddit does have [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/wiki/index#wiki_rules_for_this_subreddit_.28also_in_the_sidebar.29) as mandated by reddit that we must follow plus a couple of rules of our own. Make sure to **[read the /r/btc wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/wiki/index)** for more information and resources about this subreddit which includes information such as the benefits of Bitcoin, how to get started with Bitcoin, and more.
**What is Bitcoin?**
Bitcoin is a digital currency, also called a virtual currency, which can be transacted for a low-cost nearly instantly from anywhere in the world. Bitcoin also powers the blockchain, which is a public immutable and decentralized global ledger. Unlike traditional currencies such as dollars, bitcoins are issued and managed without the need for any central authority whatsoever. There is no government, company, or bank in charge of Bitcoin. As such, it is more resistant to wild inflation and corrupt banks. With Bitcoin, you can be your own bank. Read the Bitcoin whitepaper to further understand the schematics of how Bitcoin works.
**What is Bitcoin Cash?**
Bitcoin Cash (ticker symbol: BCH) is an updated version of Bitcoin which solves the scaling problems that have been plaguing Bitcoin Core (ticker symbol: BTC) for years. Bitcoin (BCH) is just a continuation of the Bitcoin project that allows for bigger blocks which will give way to more growth and adoption. You can read more about Bitcoin on [BitcoinCash.org](https://bitcoincash.org/) or read [What is Bitcoin Cash](https://www.bitcoin.com/info/what-is-bitcoin-cash) for additional details.
**How do I buy Bitcoin?**
You can buy Bitcoin on an exchange or with a brokerage. If you're looking to buy, you can [buy Bitcoin with your credit card](https://buy.bitcoin.com/) to get started quickly and safely. There are several others places to buy Bitcoin too; please check the sidebar under brokers, exchanges, and trading for other go-to service providers to begin buying and trading Bitcoin. Make sure to [do your homework first](https://www.bitcoin.com/get-started/how-to-choose-the-right-bitcoin-exchange/) before choosing an exchange to ensure you are choosing the right one for you.
**How do I store my Bitcoin securely?**
After the initial step of buying your first Bitcoin, you will need a Bitcoin wallet to secure your Bitcoin. Knowing which Bitcoin wallet to choose is the second most important step in becoming a Bitcoin user. Since you are investing funds into Bitcoin, choosing the right Bitcoin wallet for you is a critical step that shouldn’t be taken lightly. [Use this guide to help you choose the right wallet for you](https://www.bitcoin.com/get-started/how-to-choose-the-right-bitcoin-wallet/). Check the sidebar under Bitcoin wallets to get started and find a wallet that you can store your Bitcoin in.
**Why is my transaction taking so long to process?**
Bitcoin transactions typically confirm in ~10 minutes. A confirmation means that the Bitcoin transaction has been verified by the network through the process known as mining. Once a transaction is confirmed, it cannot be reversed or double spent. Transactions are included in blocks.
If you have sent out a Bitcoin transaction and it’s delayed, chances are the [transaction fee](https://bitcoinfees.cash/) you used wasn’t enough to out-compete others causing it to be [backlogged](https://jochen-hoenicke.de/queue/#0,24h). The transaction won’t confirm until it clears the backlog. This typically occurs when using the Bitcoin Core (BTC) blockchain due to poor central planning.
If you are using Bitcoin (BCH), you shouldn't encounter these problems as the block limits have been raised to accommodate a massive amount of volume freeing up space and lowering transaction costs.
**Why does my transaction cost so much, I thought Bitcoin was supposed to be cheap?**
As described above, transaction fees have spiked on the Bitcoin Core (BTC) blockchain mainly due to a limit on transaction space. This has created what is called a fee market, which has primarily been a premature artificially induced price increase on transaction fees due to the limited amount of block space available (supply vs. demand). The original plan was for fees to help secure the network when the block reward decreased and eventually stopped, but the plan was not to reach that point until some time in the future, [around the year 2140](https://wiki.bitcoin.com/w/Controlled_supply#Projected_Bitcoins_Long_Term). This original plan was restored with Bitcoin (BCH) where fees are typically less than a single penny per transaction.
**What is the block size limit?**
The original Bitcoin client didn’t have a block size cap, however was limited to 32MB due to the Bitcoin protocol message size constraint. However, in July 2010 Bitcoin’s creator Satoshi Nakamoto introduced a [temporary 1MB limit](https://sourceforge.net/p/bitcoin/code/103/tree//trunk/main.h?diff=515630145fcbc978e39dbaa5:102) as an anti-DDoS measure. The temporary measure from Satoshi Nakamoto was made clear three months later when Satoshi said the block size limit can be [increased again by phasing it in](https://archive.is/L5yvP#selection-3315.0-3315.7) when it’s needed (when the demand arises). When introducing Bitcoin on the cryptography mailing list in 2008, Satoshi said that [scaling to Visa levels](https://www.mail-archive.com/cryptography%40metzdowd.com/msg09964.html) “would probably not seem like a big deal.”
**What is the block size debate all about anyways?**
The block size debate boils down to different sets of users who are trying to come to consensus on the best way to scale Bitcoin for growth and success. Scaling Bitcoin has actually been a topic of discussion since Bitcoin was first released in 2008; for example you can read how Satoshi Nakamoto was [asked about scaling here](https://www.mail-archive.com/cryptography%40metzdowd.com/msg09964.html) and how he thought at the time it would be addressed. Fortunately Bitcoin has seen tremendous growth and by the year 2013, scaling Bitcoin had became a hot topic. For a run down on the history of scaling and how we got to where we are today, see the [Block size limit debate history lesson post](https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/61mxuj/block_size_limit_debate_history_lesson/).
**What is a hard fork?**
A hard fork is when a block is broadcast under a new and different set of protocol rules which is accepted by nodes that have upgraded to support the new protocol. In this case, Bitcoin diverges from a single blockchain to two separate blockchains (a majority chain and a minority chain).
**What is a soft fork?**
A soft fork is when a block is broadcast under a new and different set of protocol rules, but the difference is that nodes don’t realize the rules have changed, and continue to accept blocks created by the newer nodes. Some argue that [soft forks are bad](https://medium.com/@octskyward/on-consensus-and-forks-c6a050c792e7) because they trick old-unupdated nodes into believing transactions are valid, when they may not actually be valid. This can also be defined as coercion, as [explained by Vitalik Buterin](https://vitalik.ca/general/2017/03/14/forks_and_markets.html).
**Doesn't it hurt decentralization if we increase the block size?**
Some argue that by lifting the limit on transaction space, that the cost of validating transactions on individual nodes will increase to the point where people will not be able to run nodes individually, giving way to centralization. This is a false dilemma because at this time there is no proven metric to quantify decentralization; although it has been shown that the [current level of decentralization will remain](https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/5fyve1/fallacy_the_key_to_bitcoins_decentralization_is_a/) with or without a block size increase. It's a logical fallacy to believe that decentralization only exists when you have people all over the world running full nodes. The reality is that only people with the income to sustain running a full node (even at 1MB) will be doing it. So whether it's 1MB, 2MB, or 32MB, the costs of doing business is negligible for the people who can already do it. If the block size limit is removed, this will also allow for more users worldwide to use and transact introducing the likelihood of having more individual node operators. [Decentralization is not a metric, it's a tool or direction](https://twitter.com/lopp/status/693537120351293440). This is a good video describing the direction of [how decentralization should look](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7S1IqaSLrq8).
Additionally, the effects of increasing the block capacity beyond 1MB [has been studied](https://www.cryptocoinsnews.com/cornell-study-recommends-4mb-blocksize-bitcoin/) with results showing that up to 4MB is safe and will not hurt decentralization ([Cornell paper, PDF](http://fc16.ifca.ai/bitcoin/papers/CDE+16.pdf)). Other papers also show that no block size limit is safe ([Peter Rizun, PDF](https://www.bitcoinunlimited.info/resources/feemarket.pdf)). Lastly, through an informal survey among all top Bitcoin miners, many agreed that a block size increase [between 2-4MB is acceptable](http://archive.is/U3dqr).
**What now?**
Bitcoin is a fluid ever changing system. If you want to keep up with Bitcoin, we suggest that you subscribe to /r/btc and stay in the loop here, as well as other places to get a healthy dose of perspective from different sources. Also, check the sidebar for additional resources. Have more questions? [Submit a post](https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/submit?selftext=true) and ask your peers for help!
Note: This FAQ was originally posted [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/9lfjrb/frequently_asked_questions_and_information_thread/) but was removed when [one of our moderators was falsely suspended](https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/jp0a0k/bitcoinxio_has_been_suspended/) by those wishing to do this sub-reddit harm. | r/btc | post | r/btc | 2020-11-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUycUk4LTgxVFhsSk5GS3BIV1VBSi1kNlJUVTFqZmtDUi13WmU4b0NOa1FQVGZ0U05WUXFPNUp5dURvR2E5Ny1QNDBJeHQzM05FYjM3NnNualBOd1prQkI3WjVPSllFVkRwQVY4MTRxdkpfM0E9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0MkxyT0FaMEU1X2xLWG9kNkpELWl4TFBCZEc2SWgtcmpxNlVEb3Z4RkJxZEtxOUVkS1FUVGdIZUlnZGhWUXF5NmhPTjhFY2F6LTllZ3NBdHZlZnRpS3VJQzRxaXdJZm5jV2xMbmQ1LXZGaFRPQl9yN3I5Zk5jRGxLU2dSZ0J1bXhEaDdWY2wtU2x3OUltZ29Sd2FULWk1R3I5NXltbjRKSUE3VmFHcWl3aDJrS3RrdmlFWDZVMmZnQ2dqM3Etc2pP |
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**IOTA** is a feeless and scaleable transaction settlement and data transfer layer with a focus on the Internet of Things (IoT). It is based on a novel distributed ledger technology called the **tangle**, that uses the structure of a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) instead of a blockchain which can overcome the inefficiencies of current blockchain designs and introduces a new way of reaching consensus in a decentralized peer-to-peer system.
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Learn about [Chrysalis](https://chrysalis.iota.org) - the production ready IOTA
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Learn about the [Tokenisation Framework](https://blog.iota.org/iota-tokenization-framework-specifications/) and [IOTA Smart Contracts](https://blog.iota.org/iota-smart-contracts-beta-release/) - The future of IOTA, is available now on the Shimmer Network as [ShimmerEVM testnet](https://blog.shimmer.network/shimmerevm-testnet-launch/)
Everything you need to know about the Chrysalis update in one video: [EN](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AXXHbrzN5HQ) / [DE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IHmu-vSIL4s)
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Quick links for **Assembly**: [Website](https://assembly.sc) / [Blog & Annoucements](https://blog.assembly.sc) / [Discord](https://discord.assembly.sc/) / [Twitter](https://twitter.com/assembly_net) / [LinkedIn](https://www.linkedin.com/company/assembly-net) / [Youtube](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCr_BWKsiXkeOGfcSogh_fIQ) / [Wiki](https://wiki.assembly.sc/)
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Shimmer Coin warning Always make sure Standard is: `BASE_Token` and ID is `4219`

Shimmer OG NFT Immutable issuer address `smr1zru82lsuclkkprh705kv87s75785gq2utetdz4py29k2jdy69006umcx6ev`

## Resources for Newcomers
* [IOTA Wiki](https://wiki.iota.org)
* IOTA Beginners Guide: [English](https://iota-beginners-guide.com) / [Deutsch](https://iota-einsteiger-guide.de/)
* [Everything Tangle (Youtube Channel)](https://www.youtube.com/c/everythingtangle)
* [IOTAguide](https://iotaguide.notion.site/Welcome-to-IOTAguide-b928ad5611e04168a92ff43b1e1379d9)
* [IOTA Archive (News/Patents aggregator)](https://iotaarchive.com) (Outdated)
### Developers
* [Developer Documentation](https://wiki.iota.org/develop/welcome/)
* [Shimmer Developer Get Started](https://shimmer.network/developer)
* [GitHub](https://github.com/iotaledger)
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* [Research Papers](https://www.iota.org/foundation/research-papers)
* [IOTA 2.0 Research Specifications](https://blog.iota.org/iota-2-0-research-specifications/)
## Node Operators
* [HORNET (Full node)](https://github.com/iotaledger/hornet)
* [GOSHIMMER (Coordicide Testnet)](https://github.com/iotaledger/goshimmer)
* [WASP (Beta Smart Contract Node)](https://github.com/iotaledger/wasp)
## Wallet
* [Firefly Wallet (Desktop and Mobile)](https://firefly.iota.org)
* [Tanglepay (Community built wallet)](https://tanglepay.com/)
* [Bivreost (Telegram web wallet - Community built wallet)](https://bivreost.com/)
## Other Resources
* [IOTA Tangle Explorer](https://explorer.iota.org)
* [IOTA Status page](https://status.iota.org)
* [Where to exchange IOTA](https://www.iota.org/get-started/buy-iota)
### How to add information to this thread
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* r/WatrProtocol | r/polkadot | post | r/Polkadot | 2021-05-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUyM1pZSUdlNWdnQU5uSFIwNVJOTkFwVEFQTmd4eVZvMDJqSl9rZzJmOG9leGIycWlJd2FoVVJSczJDV3MtYkNuMjE3eUZqczFwbnRDc2J2S0U2ekRlWHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0aVZRMmJRbFZtblFRNnJzMjhDYUUyaWtyNkdZYzZsYUs0TUVZT2lubjdJWElXVzJraEZHWEVzWHBLN2RSNjdWSHZwWHh2blc5ZWRlaDh4al82U1BCSWxfZnNJM0Q2TktKUURTM0E5eUZpUTR6YmJxSUpmcUlZekc4LVpmY2FDMVJia3FmOG5UQ3dndkxLQ0IwUTNPQzVKYUV6UjJLSXh2Qkt0cDRqeGZ2Tjd3PQ== |
**Disclaimer:** r/CryptoTechnology **is posting this Bitcoin emoji petition in our subreddit to show our support for the overall Crypto community, but we are not affiliated, associated, authorized, endorsed by, or in any way officially connected with any other company, agency or government agency backing this petition.**
Bitcoin Deserves an Emoji and We Need Your Help to Make it Happen!
Hi r/CryptoTechnology,
We're reaching out with a heartfelt invitation to join a global movement that's close to our hearts – the community-wide initiative for a Bitcoin emoji. It's a cause that celebrates our shared passion for cryptocurrency and represents a step forward in digital recognition.
🌐 **A Collective Journey Joining** this campaign means being part of a global initiative that unites us all under the banner of progress and recognition for Bitcoin. It's about adding a new chapter to the story of cryptocurrency.
🌟 **Why It's Important Securing a Bitcoin emoji** is more than a symbolic win, it's about giving Bitcoin its due in our everyday digital language. Your support can turn this vision into reality, contributing to Bitcoin's legacy.
🖊 **Every Signature Makes a Difference** by adding your name to the petition, you're not just signing, you're advocating for the future of Bitcoin and its community. It's a powerful way to show your support and belief in the cause.
🗣 **Let's Get Social After signing**, take a moment to share the campaign with your network. Every mention, every conversation, and every share counts.
**Sign here:** [https://www.change.org/bitcoin-emoji](https://www.change.org/bitcoin-emoji) ✍️
Thank you for being an essential part of this journey. Let's unite and bring the Bitcoin emoji to keyboards everywhere! #BitcoinEmoji | r/cryptotechnology | post | r/CryptoTechnology | 2024-04-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUyaVZ2MXFhRzZ3ek84NUhDNVN0a0E1VUlmUmVJS2hSSGk1cGJDbXYyc1g5TEF6elhZTEVzUEJid09iM3FRZ0VTakVQY1lUaVRPSVNDT1JNVXpXOHh1Umc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0TXcteWNoT1ZpdlVMcTN2bTNUOWhuSjIta3N2dC1GLUtyOENqX2g2bGYwdlpuT1g5Y3FCTENXM1YzTHZHTmtfQ0FyeFFZWDY0QXJXX25SR2IwQnZybFp1WmhBVFN6R3BzLWR6S1JjVXBtOTRQNW5NUjdJVUhqMlFVNzUyZ3lENS0xZzk3LWVucmxNZE5OTDlfbUpVbUpKSzhLWU5ORzFKeDU0cjVBdzRKa1FDYzdKM3Rpcl9HSHBJSlpBQ0JDTEVSSXVEQmd2WnpQQU13UVh2ZW1XZnlzQT09 |
Zero-knowledge proofs start with some solution to a problem that can be verified in polynomial time.
The prover then generates curve points with a specific relationship. Generating those values without knowing the problem solution is not feasible. The verifier checks the relationship between the curve points.
For the specific case of a validium, what is the ‘solution’ here? Is it the list of leaf merkle hashes for a specific root? Is it the transactions? Is the validity of the transaction signatures a constraint of the solution?
| r/cryptotechnology | post | r/CryptoTechnology | 2024-04-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUySV9oeHBSay1ROTdrRVJIN0RXUHF1a1RQYk1KelVOYm1aQUhKTFpiRzRwd0VTTWczZnBIOXVJMzFJVVpWU2s5el9mNVIwaEt3RFlOeDhuSzRZeTFEc0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0Y0VSei1OTWtQTXFlYjJ1a1V2UkJxMXdBYVFkTWUxc1JaanRCQkoyVHRzaUxRQWZYYVR1eW40MzJ3RjBxLWRHLUZ1NnB1eVctTzk1Y09jMTVwdVdOOS1Ec3FfV0ZqLWZYdXhRZHRZSEw5WmNqajJ1YU82enRUSXJuSmpITmYwdm40SW1FMGlMMkNDclBNcFVvV2ZIVl9iSHROa3VRMk5vTGp3Z1BZS250akQ4S3JWMzVDdTk2WHQzTEVMcElybDhv |
A zero knowledge proof system consists of:
* the generalised problem constraints:
* signatures for a block must be recover from address
* valid merkle tree
* unspent inputs
* The specific problem constraints:
* this specific block hash (containing the merkle root and previous block headers)
* The 'trusted setup' (a selection of elliptic curve pairings and a polynomial argument)
* The proof itself
Data is stored in three places: an L1 chain, an L2 chain, and a data availability layer.
The generalised problem constraints are encoded into the verification logic.
Help me join the dots here:
Clearly the L2 transactions are stored on the L2 chain.
I'm guessing the block hashes are stored on the L1 chain for both rollup and validiums?
Where are the proofs stored? Is this L1 for rollup and DA for validium?
Where is the verification logic stored? L1 smart contract for rollup but if proofs are off chain then verification must be off-chain too for validiums?
Is the data availability layer just a backup for the L2 state then?
Am I right to make a distinction between the L2 chain transaction data and the data availability layer?
| r/cryptotechnology | post | r/CryptoTechnology | 2024-04-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUySVJKbFp5a2ZDY0k4c1V2cnhjMDVWTzVlSi1ILW1kTF96X2tvWHdXem1ZUmRURGl2TmhMMS1SUXo0emxnbzVLU2lSRUhwNUp0YmY1YklyaDV3T3BBZVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0VjMxeDlFM2FtYkFLenBvdDNHZURiZEl2ZDc2LVFLbFhuYmc2X0tlazlaWWRlS0RjTXltLWR6UTdMUHVoa3o3NjlxWkxlU3VLb3h3Qzl2RlU2eEZCeXdwamNEdGtncnBUcGJaNGgxNDJrT05VYm5qV2ZlYzV0TGhFaEdmeDZfZEtEOTY2VmNiYUtPaWY2YXNrSkVWb0RSOTduelhlVHEzZXVyVWItNGFZZTJ5NzM0eWljRnN2c0MzOFpWd3VYSXB1UTRxb2J2RjRiWEhlSjBPVkZqUGdxdz09 |
I am trying to better understand the history of the bitcoin blockchain, and I am very curious about the history of encoding non-transaction data a.k.a. arbitrary data within transactions.
Can somebody please point me to some examples of transactions that encoded messages in transactions in the pre-Ethereum era? I am aware of this Rick Roll [one](https://www.blockstream.info/tx/d29c9c0e8e4d2a9790922af73f0b8d51f0bd4bb19940d9cf910ead8fbe85bc9b?expand) from 2013. Are there any particularly famous ones?
I have come to understand that this was a *very* contentious issue within the community around 2013/2014, when OP\_RETURN was made a standard transaction type. What was discussion like at the time? Are there any key forum threads that I should read to understand the debate?
ChatGPT tells me that people also used to embed non-transaction data in transactions through these other means: 1. fake addresses, 2.) unspendable outputs (nulldata transactions), 3.) coinbase transactions, and 4.) multisig transactions.
I am extremely curious to see examples of these as well so I can understand this better. I am aware of Satoshi Nakamoto's genesis block message. ChatGPT says there was a fake address tribute to Turing that somebody else did? I can't find that, though.
Lastly, I noticed this section in the [Bitcoin 0.9 Release Notes](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/master/doc/release-notes/release-notes-0.9.0.md):
"This change is not an endorsement of storing data in the blockchain. The OP\_RETURN change creates a provably-prunable output, to avoid data storage schemes -- some of which were already deployed -- that were storing arbitrary data such as images as forever-unspendable TX outputs, bloating bitcoin's UTXO database."
What are these "data storage schemes" they were referring to? What were the images being uploaded?
I would be incredibly grateful for any information on this. I really appreciate it. | r/cryptotechnology | post | r/CryptoTechnology | 2024-04-30 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUyT3Z4QVExdDBSeS1iRkMxOU5aZ05wSndfa19fYnA5UU13eXBHOHBKV0k1MFpvSXp4NERxNWVjWjBWMGZwZ2dEb2o3OWVrUFRoYWV5MTJVcnNmSmhDYmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0bU1xaTg5VUpmaEJwbWg4M1ZpdnBnM0thYjhMaGRFWVpMa0k0NDZ5TGJhcGwzS2NydEd4cFdHcVZjUmsxRkw4dXlQS3Z4V0RxWmhzcFVYQ3l1MFBKcU9yWko2SmVGckN4dVFVaVFiNTZxTzAxVzUwekR1N2JrYzN3YzIxb21kTkZmanBMNXV6Mlh3dEtxSWhXT1VEaWx0ZFNGVkVDLVhRMWd5aVdLbVN1VHczOHBRVTRBMTRubTlmRGZWRGlmclVtOENnNEwwUFV1M3Y0QzduLWUxRm9Pdz09 |
I like very much the concept of modular architecture through its Relay Chain and parachains (L2s).
Just a little more information:
The Relay Chain (their layer zero) provides the base for network security and consensus, while parachains are individual blockchains that plug into it, allowing for specialization.
Interoperability in Polkadot is achieved as parachains can communicate directly and share data or assets, using the Cross-Chain Message Passing (XCMP) protocol.
This architecture allows for seamless interaction among different chains within the Polkadot network.
The reasoning for my question is that it seems to me that on the Polkadot subreddit most of the posts is about people complaining that the chain was made for developers. IKR, this is a tech sub here. | r/cryptotechnology | post | r/CryptoTechnology | 2024-05-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUyS09UVUZuX2NiQzU5MVFuSjV2eXdBNDYtNVgxMlA0cDI0ckt5aEFmWEhMWW9LVS1yQ0w4eXRNVmtEN3NVcGZWS0dhQWVQMUNJMnJLOG50THpZWWtlNlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0MzlnQXNMYWhFVWZETWd2RDlSUWc4RWRDOXRQclVTZjZlZWV3NXdidmhWTUI3c3hya2ZBd294c0V1ZW82R04teDA0MVBSaURUSnFreWxhTXhyTEtQamRaUVZxcm9sbXZFb1ZEM2hkdjF4Ymp1MjhYTGxtS21ZaW9ZYXBQaXJsci1BazdoNkhpTFV2bC1CZ3ZiQmRPaC1RREd1QTJjXzRPOXJyLVVwR040TFFQZWlzYXRjNnMwbkM2Mkl6VTFwbmlOU1I1MFBfb3lhTjVwRHlXX3hhNFFhZz09 |
In an attempt to recover my old account in trust-wallet, whose seed phrase i memorized semi-accurately, i kept testing different combinations of possible words (though the order i know as i jotted the initials of the words in order) and ended up unlocking a dozen different wallets by accident. Unfortunately, none of those wallets belong to me or have any value inside them across all the networks. Like, literally 0.00.
My question is : 1) is trust wallet safe? How did i even get access to a dozen different wallets just by trying possible seed phrases to my old account?
2) Why are they all empty? Are they perhaps some variation of my old account? Or is it that so many people create accounts and just leave them empty
3) A bsc/eth scan shows that i still have crypto in my wallet. But i seriously am wondering if perhaps trustwallet just changed the keys to my wallet and froze it so that they may take the crypto for themselves.
4) How does the math even work here? Please correct me if i am wrong. There are 2048 words, 12 slots, and 26 alphabets so it should be 26^2048^12 to crack any one particular wallet. But if you are not looking to crack any wallet in particular and are just testing out random combinations then the chance of a winning combination is simply the number of existing wallets/ 26^2048^12. E.G. if 26^2048^12 wallets are created then all possible seed phrases will have been used up and any one trying out any random seed phrase will then gain access into a random wallet
5) Not interested in being scammed. Will ignore all irrelevant comments.
But please help me out if you really can. I am really stressed from not being able to recall my seed phrase and am confused by how this whole thing works.
Thank you! | r/cryptotechnology | post | r/CryptoTechnology | 2024-05-07 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUyaEhPeWlTMm51cVpESENGUU5qTlk2RVNjNU1tRnQ5aWVUai1kMkttTUJuZlM3QTNVRXdNM0xURmZVRDJ1RjhVcEhxSHJPN2VKUEJZTVNlVm8yakYtbkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0M2paNFZscTNKXzlsc1JPZTZCMDU0emU4S0tXWm1sdnNUcG1kN1FsWXVxbkFJeUQxU1NrUEVnSW1MdWVrQkdud3Y3U0Vhak5XX0tmT2trTFppUnYzLTQ1N3FPd0Z1OGt3eVRtdXJHcG5XajFyVXpWbXVJQVkzREtUQ3NnZFlTUnE5dm80VDR4QktYSFc3SThTdS1tQkNHTDhVVS1nQ1VDOXpyTGZhRXFSUHhLWEQwUWY5T3RsSlZCbE1JVUFobXBMbzFHVlNpOHAzSHFINVpSdE1xQ1NDZz09 |
Over the past couple of years, I've been working away on a research network called Cassie which will lay the groundwork for the Radix network upgrade, Xian.
Cassie exhibits a number of novel and interesting properties which have undergone peer review, but simply the core goals were to implement a linearly scalable consensus protocol which also retains high decentralization and security metrics.
Linearly scalable in this context means that if the compute (validators) available to the network doubles, then the maximum throughput of the network also doubles.
This has been tested extensively, both in the "lab" and with members of the Radix community participating in the tests and we have achieved great results so far sustaining 120,000 transactions per second (about 50% being complex smart contract calls such as swaps) and consumed bursts of 160,000+ without issue.
Our plan over the next few months is to run a series of tests with a goal to exceed 1,000,000 transactions per second for sustained periods of time. This will require significant compute hence my call out across crypto in general for participation.
We could of course simply rent compute from the various cloud providers and do the test ourselves, but my desire here is for these tests to be as representative of main-net performance as possible.
That requires that we (Radix) should run a minimal amount of validators to bootstrap the network and the rest provided by 3rd-parties. The validators would then be globally distributed, different hardware configurations & ISPs (we've had some guys use Starlink successfully at high load!) and behave akin to a main-net in the wild (minus the value of course).
Too often these "tests" are performed in a "lab" environment, totally under the control of the project stakeholders, run for short durations typically minutes, very simple transactions such as A->B transfers, high specification hardware, super fast connection & low numbers of validators.
In some cases, critical elements have been disabled such as signature generation & validation in order to push the numbers.
These results are then paraded as if they are some kind of achievement, but upon main-net launch the performance capability is a fraction of what these tests achieved. It is disingenuous, dishonest & unhealthy, distracting from legitimate projects who are working hard on real scalability solutions.
We want to do it right!
If you'd like to participate, please DM.
You will need a machine with the minimum specification of 4 core, 8GB, 200GB SATA SSD & 20Mbps/50Mbps. If you have better specification hardware then you could run multiple validators on the same instance.
Also interested in any suggestions to ensure these tests as are real world representative as they can be.
Thanks in advance, and I look forward to busting some records with you all! | r/cryptotechnology | post | r/CryptoTechnology | 2024-05-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUybHA3aE9xbW9NRFhmWUV1cFBaZURlV2NxdDR4NjJDU0VDdWZxcXFXamdoMmpnam1QS3dsaUFtMlFSTDZnQVR1X0x6S2tsODZhOXZia2sxRTJFb1NSUWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0RjZ5RjN2Mk5kZFlBdE9yeHFrNlJqbDM0VVNPWVV2cTBBTUVNOU95c2YtdUdRR1hQYmFVQndkcWZvd1lzNHJfNDJTLXNqTFplOTBWNFdlVXN0QnZFQXRYU0NWNzlvVy1uUUt4OHU0OFBjcFJ5N1dxMmx5Yzh1RVUzTVlLbXRXeG1IWnc4WXBBUzU4a2ZUSmhTMTFhMmVkUEs3TTJfQThhS3FUcWx1U3FsTGMtMTZfV0pmb2lrQnNtOFRsZkhpYUpIYW9mcXIyZFJkNExHTl90WHRvTEx3QT09 |
In my PhD thesis, I proposed a novel fault-tolerant, self-configurable, scalable, secure, decentralized, and high-performance distributed database replication architecture, named “Parallel Committees”.
I utilized an innovative sharding technique to enable the use of Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT) consensus mechanisms in very large-scale networks.
With this innovative full sharding approach supporting both processing sharding and storage sharding, as more processors and replicas join the network, the system computing power and storage capacity increase unlimitedly, while a classic BFT consensus is utilized.
My approach also allows an unlimited number of clients to join the system simultaneously without reducing system performance and transactional throughput.
I introduced several innovative techniques: for distributing nodes between shards, processing transactions across shards, improving security and scalability of the system, proactively circulating committee members, and forming new committees automatically.
I introduced an innovative and novel approach to distributing nodes between shards, using a public key generation process, called “KeyChallenge”, that simultaneously mitigates Sybil attacks and serves as a proof-of-work. The “KeyChallenge” idea is published in the peer-reviewed conference proceedings of ACM ICCTA 2024, Vienna, Austria.
In this regard, I proved that it is not straightforward for an attacker to generate a public key so that all characters of the key match the ranges set by the system.I explained how to automatically form new committees based on the rate of candidate processor nodes.
The purpose of this technique is to optimally use all network capacity so that inactive surplus processors in the queue of a committee that were not active are employed in the new committee and play an effective role in increasing the throughput and the efficiency of the system.
This technique leads to the maximum utilization of processor nodes and the capacity of computation and storage of the network to increase both processing sharding and storage sharding as much as possible.
In the proposed architecture, members of each committee are proactively and alternately replaced with backup processors. This technique of proactively circulating committee members has three main results:
* (a) preventing a committee from being occupied by a group of processor nodes for a long time period, in particular, Byzantine and faulty processors,
* (b) preventing committees from growing too much, which could lead to scalability issues and latency in processing the clients’ requests,
* (c) due to the proactive circulation of committee members, over a given time-frame, there exists a probability that several faulty nodes are excluded from the committee and placed in the committee queue. Consequently, during this time-frame, the faulty nodes in the committee queue do not impact the consensus process.
This procedure can improve and enhance the fault tolerance threshold of the consensus mechanism.I also elucidated strategies to thwart the malicious action of “Key-Withholding”, where previously generated public keys are prevented from future shard access. The approach involves periodically altering the acceptable ranges for each character of the public key. The proposed architecture effectively reduces the number of undesirable cross-shard transactions that are more complex and costly to process than intra-shard transactions.
I compared the proposed idea with other sharding-based data replication systems and mentioned the main differences, which are detailed in Section 4.7 of my dissertation.
The proposed architecture not only opens the door to a new world for further research in this field but also represents a significant step forward in enhancing distributed databases and data replication systems.
The proposed idea has been published in the peer-reviewed conference proceedings of IEEE BCCA 2023.
Additionally, I provided an explanation for the decision not to employ a blockchain structure in the proposed architecture, an issue that is discussed in great detail in Chapter 5 of my dissertation.
The complete version of my dissertation is accessible via the following link: [https://www.researchgate.net/publication/379148513\_Novel\_Fault-Tolerant\_Self-Configurable\_Scalable\_Secure\_Decentralized\_and\_High-Performance\_Distributed\_Database\_Replication\_Architecture\_Using\_Innovative\_Sharding\_to\_Enable\_the\_Use\_of\_BFT\_Consensus\_Mec](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/379148513_Novel_Fault-Tolerant_Self-Configurable_Scalable_Secure_Decentralized_and_High-Performance_Distributed_Database_Replication_Architecture_Using_Innovative_Sharding_to_Enable_the_Use_of_BFT_Consensus_Mec)
I compared my proposed database architecture with various distributed databases and data replication systems in Section 4.7 of my dissertation. This comparison included Apache Cassandra, Amazon DynamoDB, Google Bigtable, Google Spanner, and ScyllaDB. I strongly recommend reviewing that section for better clarity and understanding.
The main problem is as follows:
Classic consensus mechanisms such as Paxos or PBFT provide strong and strict consistency in distributed databases. However, due to their low scalability, they are not commonly used. Instead, methods such as eventual consistency are employed, which, while not providing strong consistency, offer much higher performance compared to classic consensus mechanisms. The primary reason for the low scalability of classic consensus mechanisms is their high time complexity and message complexity.
I recommend watching the following video explaining this matter:
My proposed architecture enables the use of classic consensus mechanisms such as Paxos, PBFT, etc., in very large and high-scale networks, while providing very high transactional throughput. This ensures both strict consistency and high performance in a highly scalable network. This is achievable through an innovative approach of parallelization and sharding in my proposed architecture.
If needed, I can provide more detailed explanations of the problem and the proposed solution.
I would greatly appreciate feedback and comments on the distributed database architecture proposed in my PhD dissertation. Your insights and opinions are invaluable, so please feel free to share them without hesitation. | r/cryptotechnology | post | r/CryptoTechnology | 2024-05-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUyRW1fTlBDTUhWWGlrMVRmTEVWX0ozMDVSaDlmSzJFYVJoY19zRk5VWGZmU0NpTjhrQktpTDRrSWh4alprLWdtZlBaSG83cEZTSlRqYkxQN0NmdHUxc1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0dm02VWcyR3NKMXpiLUdoWExGbTdJT244MXZ1MnE5Tnh1Y0lFejRaWEpTSUc2cFN6WkxoNUxkTTBJQmdhZGxrR2xiSXpMdDgxTTdSeE5qQWVORlowcEVYd05UOTR4RjJRZ0FrclVnTUpPRFlOcnU4TlN2V3MwR19aYi1YX1k4bDJHajBRMnFRUWhHcE9lMlExM1M4bUY2ZHp1dS10YnVoTkU3cjRwWGIyRDVSMk93Y05vQVpmTTJQRWdXTWFINXFWOWtQUWlKbmYzZTB3di0ybjF6T0w1Zz09 |
We have exchanges, wallets, people can buy and sell stuff. Is there any need left that hasn't been taken care of in the crypto space. I can't really think of anything except maybe like a website where u can buy and sell stuff fkr crypto, although there are some alternatives just no mainstream ones yet i guess.
So i guess does anyone know whats next up for crypto-tech ? | r/cryptotechnology | post | r/CryptoTechnology | 2024-05-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUyQjZ2X0MydFVBLWVvNmpaUEFRWDR5Y2Y3SnlfenBubGNTVzd6VFYtMzV0cHgxVDJnR0g3cjIxMXZ6MV9BWVEzdjhFaUZkaVFocWNCYi1HQWJhRzk0X0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0WmMyT0xmN0YxT0tXRFg3TDdoRkY4R3paSDk5UVdGOWRFeHJFTUtudUk0UjU4dExMTFRtdWQ2dGNBdVh2VnFLenZRODJJUFQxVkFfZGtQUGtKX3JNdFdRWmtZZ1FrOFhxSUItQm1sNG1zcUlJNG9FU1RFWW1QRjQ0SmdDeVBfNlJwZEQ4NFBRdWNHM2lYQ0UzS0RKZDFZb1pjSnhfdHNHYjRvd2VvcGF0clVXeUplOFRVaXZfUl9Xek9JR0ZGNVNlWkQ5akx0RHc0cDdCRjc3blhnUFlzUT09 |
Full thread: https://twitter.com/kayabaNerve/status/1791485161013694565
Just the technical writeup: https://gist.github.com/kayabaNerve/b754e9ed9fa4cc2c607f38a83aa3df2a
Proof following challenge: https://twitter.com/techleaks24/status/1791512329722442045
Copy of the full technical writeup:
### The Dero Protocol
The protocol uses a pair of rings, one for the senders, one for the receivers, represented as a singular ring. With each transfer, a list of ElGamal ciphertexts is provided for all accounts within the joint ring. This ElGamal ciphertext is formed as `r * G, (r * K) + (a * G)`, where `r` is some randomness, `K` is the key for the account the ciphertext is for, and `a` is the amount.
### The Dero Wallet Protocol
Dero offers an 'encrypted message' with every transaction. Even if the user does not explicitly provide one, a message will exist (either with internally provided values or left empty). For the only defined type of message, the message is encoded as the index of the sender, a CBOR-encoded object, and zero-padding. The message is encrypted with the Chacha20 stream created by a key of `H(H(r * K) || K)` where `r` is some randomness and `K` is the key for the account the ciphertext is for.
### The Issue
Dero reuses the randomness for the ElGamal ciphertexts and the message encryption. This means, if the amount is 0, the second part of the ElGamal ciphertext is the shared key and the message can be decrypted (also revealing the receiver, as the ElGamal ciphertext used is for a specific receiver). If the amount isn't 0, one can subtract `1 * G` until the amount term has a 0 coefficient. When the message does decrypt, the amount of subtractions performed is the amount, breaking amount privacy.
Since the first byte of the message is the sender index, this also reveals the sender. In total, this compromises sender, amount, receiver, and message privacy.
### Technical Notes
Since the encryption isn't authenticated (as far as the author of this work can tell), we cannot explicitly know if a decryption is valid or invalid. Practically, we can. The last 16 bytes of the message will be zeroes, with very high statistical probability, if the message doesn't fill those bytes and the decryption key is correct. A random decryption key should produce random noise there instead.
If the message does fill those bytes, then it's a long stream of CBOR for which it's unlikely to be valid once further bounds are added. Dero encodes all keys with an additional byte for the type (forcing said byte to be one of a few options and the corresponding value to be of that type). While not a strict limitation, all pre-defined keys are one letter, potentialy practically offering the bound of keys being two-byte ASCII (though that assumes no callers defined their own keys which are either non-ASCII or longer than one letter). With only the certain additional bounds, a CBOR object which takes up the entire space will match random noise approximately once out of every 2\*\*40 trials. It'd be sane to flag CBOR objects which look incorrect (despite passing the trial), and if so, continue brute forcing (the sanest result being the likely one with drastically increasing probability as it appears saner, any result shorter than 129 bytes being effectively certain).
In summary, the trial decryption algorithm is checking if the result is a valid sender index (less than the ring length, for one of the potential senders), checking there's a valid CBOR object _with the certain additional bounds_, and finally checking the remaining bytes are all zeroes. Distinctly, since there's a lack of authentication (other than setting the sender ring length to 1, its own issue in this context), it's presumed possible for a transaction's sender to claim to be someone else (impersonating them). This is a distinct vulnerability in the messaging protocol, at least as it's being advertised for usage (in place of existing encrypted messengers).
The byte intended for the sender index was historically mistakenly used for the receiver index. This was only patched six months ago in https://github.com/deroproject/derohe/pull/147. Accordingly, sender privacy specifically was only broken for transactions made with wallet software updated to include the patch.
The amount does need to be brute forced. Dero amounts take 41 bits (due to only using 5 decimals and a supply in the low tens of millions), and with the maximum joint ring size of 128 (leaving 64 receivers, or 2\*\*6 candidates), takes 47 bits of effort at most (which is quite feasible for computers). Due to most transactions having smaller than larger amounts, most transactions can be cracked faster than the max time brute force, and statistical analysis could be used to prioritize certain receivers (reducing the average time for any algorithm which is even slightly more right than wrong).
Because this is an attack on the wallet protocol, it can decrypt any message (as the message is part of the wallet protocol). The recovery of the amount, receiver, and sender assume the transaction was made in accordance with the Dero wallet protocol. Theoretically, someone could have their own non-compliant Dero wallet, which either could not have its privacy broken or could provide false readings (depending on if it was programmed to use distinct encryption keys in explicit preparation for a work such as this, making this vulnerability prior discovered). While no such wallets are known to the author of this to work, and are extremely unlikely to exist, that must be noted.
### Disclosure Timeline
This issue was found on May 14th, with a proof of concept built the same day. The proof of concept will be released in a week (leaving those affected a bit of time to prepare, though this post is detailed enough to enable independent development of such tools in practice). It isn't optimized to the degree necessary to crack every single transaction on the network now (as it'd need to be rebuilt for GPUs, or potentially ideally FPGAs) yet suffices as a proof of concept.
Dero offers a 50,000 USD bug bounty for vulnerabilities which affect the financial integrity of the blockchain. It includes no details on how to disclose bugs however. The author anonymously reached out to the maintainer of the Dero Project ("Captain Dero") over Matrix to inquire if the bug bounty would still apply and to report their findings. Due to:
1) Not receiving a reply from the maintainer within two days (a fair time to have the initial message acknowledged, per the author's opinion and the opinion of a leading Web3 security platform)
2) Contacting a developer successfully who said "Whatever you're looking at is likely a misunderstanding on your part" (with no context other than there being a critical privacy issue attempting to be disclosed), who then said to submit a PR with my "proposal" (despite it being a security disclosure?), and when emphasized the desire to privately disclose to the maintainer before going public, being told the options were to go public or simply wait until the maintainer gets around to it. When following up a day later to again attempt to cause a successful connection with the maintainer, noting the lack thereof thus far, "Then just disclose it, no need to harass me over it"
3) Deciding users should be made aware as soon as possible so they no longer expect privacy for what would inevitably not have privacy
The author decided to publish this without achieving successful communication with the maintainer. While that does make these findings unconfirmed by the Dero project, the proof of concept establishes the theory works.
### Moving Forward
If such a vulnerability was found in Signal, the author of this work would not be able to decrypt all sent messages on the network as they would not have access. By placing messages on a highly replicated ledger, it's trivial for any adversary to obtain the ciphertexts of any message ever sent. This means a wallet compromised years after use can still have all its messages read, and since Dero doesn't use a post-quantum key exchange, any adversary with a discrete log oracle (such as one with a quantum computer) would eventually be able to decrypt all messages. Highly replicated ledgers should not be used for storage of extremely sensitive information in general, even if encrypted. If such a ledger is used regardless, it should be in a forward-secret manner with only a bounded subset of messages being readable on compromise.
The immediate fix for this specific issue is to use distinct randomness for the message encryption key. That alone does not fix the variety of issues with this design (when posited as a secure messaging protocol). For context on the difficulty of secure messaging protocols, please see https://eprint.iacr.org/2022/376 (a 94-page analysis of Signal), Signal's post-quantum protocol https://signal.org/docs/specifications/pqxdh/, the SimpleX documentation and specifications https://github.com/simplex-chat/simplexmq/blob/stable/protocol/overview-tjr.md (which argues themselves a notable improvement upon Signal), and iMessage's extensive work on Contact Key Verification https://security.apple.com/blog/imessage-contact-key-verification. This is an extensive field of theory for a reason.
The Dero (wallet) protocol has largely been undocumented and without peer review. Its proofs for a transfer use a Bulletproofs inner-product at the end, yet the higher-level constructions aren't documented other than one or two incredibly vague comments, such as how they're forming 'one-out-of-many' proofs (which are an explicit thing and it's not contested that the intent of these proofs is to implement one. The question is which it intends to implement). Hopefully, the Dero developers start formalizing their protocol and develop better relations with the wider cryptographic community as to cause peer review and help prevent issues such as this in the future.
To the members of the Dero community, and people in general, the recommendation is to only use secure messengers which have a peer-reviewed protocol and FOSS clients, such as Signal (with Molly being the leading FOSS client). This same line of reasoning also applies to privacy protocols in general, including those which apply to financial transactions. For a private, verifiable protocol for financial transactions, please see Monero or Zcash Orchard (the latter achieves stronger privacy in theory yet has only been deployed on a network which doesn't require all transactions be private).
Finally, the Dero community frequently has very grandiose marketing which claims their technology the best. While it's understandable for fans of a project to believe their project is the best, every project has hard limits. With this effective full-loss of privacy (except for sender privacy on transactions made by wallet software older than ~6 months), may they hopefully acknowledge no one is perfect, and especially not Dero. | r/cryptotechnology | post | r/CryptoTechnology | 2024-05-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUyQ1NJclE3MVJ2ckMteEl4b3M5YThVUmxDcTBlYjVVdlFQbDZZcTMxOURVdWlFR25mYmo5MF9aczFBaUplb2N0MUtBQXNXOVItM2hMRUxQOVlqTy0yYnRET2xUNm1McDdpcmU4RUtNVUlxWEU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0QUs0V19OaDBKWHZweURNZE41cWVoT0poUnJmTVFaNFA4c0NkX2c5c3FpMXpoeWFVNllZNDZJM3Q5cHMwVldPSGxGWnhnZll0aE1HOFRGWE9vZy03VVNDejBTYVFFOGVYcTduRzdQWUJMVGpYZTI3Q1l0aHJhZGdxSDc1NEx2R2gzLXNUX0pTTU5ZbkM2NHExd0NidVhTd0hRX3l4MHRwUXhZU0hpVHFOSVhjeWE0QkhPbFFoWFZBTkhjYjZ5VEMzRDR4R0RmWVV2VzZDUkNBbGFlcDBMUT09 |
Yes, this is for real. Try to break the security and you get to keep all the money.
The EGLDHeist campaign has raised funds for it's community campaign.
This campaign tries to find security flaws in the native 2FA mechanism of the network and also to show off the technology behind the so-called "Guardians".
It is trying to show off the security of accounts on the sharded MultiversX network.
The following seedphrase is secured by native decentralized on-chain 2FA.
Try to crack or bypass the 2FA and all the money is yours!
1 pledge
2 pulse
3 smoke
4 nuclear
5 parent
6 tuition
7 answer
8 library
9 weasel
10 tray
11 subject
12 stamp
13 prepare
14 neutral
15 enable
16 cross
17 beef
18 erase
19 medal
20 country
21 fetch
22 embark
23 liar
24 shine
As a wallet, you can use any MultiversX compatible wallet such as xPortal, the MultiversX web wallet (wallet.multiversx.com or the chrome/firefox defi extension, or Ledger, or Trustwallet, or any other wallet.
Good luck to all hackers!
If you have any questions I am happy to answer them in the comments.
//EDIT: To learn more about the tech behind this, check out the website and the docs (scroll a bit down): [https://multiversx.com/on-chain-2fa](https://multiversx.com/on-chain-2fa) | r/cryptotechnology | post | r/CryptoTechnology | 2024-05-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUyanhUR0ppaWtDMUxjUWM3V3lraHcwRDNkLXd0TUdkVkduNmo4bC1KTE5ZQUZETEh6cGtFeVVHNXZGRVVLRk1LcGhYMGNnVlBVYUlIbFU3ZlZXek15eXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0M29TcnpGTDZqVXdYTV9yUk5NaWJ5c01lenNCWDNSdFhmWmFrdTQ2bXJ0YUZxeFZ4NXZOSHNBa3BNN0N3TDZocmxNNG9fbmRfU0s3YnpBMG9OR3JNTU1TeEdoeGxiemltZDhnRjE3c3VRYk5FcWVWa25yMmxGMzB6b2FxcnBEZDZmdjFTTGppMkZwWWtuQlF1WXUzdDhyekpISXk4akNKa0dJU1VxcDFWU2V5Z1BhbjdJWjZQR2QzSUhkSVBDSmJUelJQbGxocThTdjZRUHBSMnBjZ2VrQT09 |
So I don’t have access to my coinbase wallet because I was signed out without writing 12 words. Now, I found the 12 words but I don’t know the order or how long would it take me to guess the right order. It’s there something I can do or is there a generator that gives me different combination without repeating. I desperately need to go into this wallet. Can someone out there help me out pls
| r/cryptotechnology | post | r/CryptoTechnology | 2024-05-22 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUycWNGT2VvUGVMcHlLbFYyaUVHZDBYNjF6a3IyR1ZWbDRMVXpkOC1yRGRvaTJvTWhUOVFDc1lGbXkzM2NyUFhiOXJBRFpsdEVCdWY5amlQWmNkYXMzNnFlQWp0RV9ZMXo0Nl9LSndkdEdOVGM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0LXJtWkdESDFCX0FxbXJ5YjQzTW13c3BPTjhfZ0VCS2FMbTVmM1dNV1JvZzhpRktiQmxfbHN0czhUZDNndHIwd0JybEt4RkVrRnBYQ2xMZ3FzNEQ4al9kZHdmd0Z5djV5cXZzSU1iOExNLU9McWRTVlhxb3JJaGlMZmVzRjZpS1lPcXhsLWhvZHhoUGp0V0JCOXh4RllBRlI1SkhSOF9KVlcxZU9SN0FPeERRPQ== |
In the previous class, we explained the difference in philosophies between a network such as #ETC and another such as Ethereum (#ETH). In this class, we will dig deeper into what is the meaning of “security” in proof of work (POW) blockchains. Learn more: [https://ethereumclassic.org/blog/2024-05-23-etc-proof-of-work-course-27-what-does-security-mean-in-pow-blockchains](https://ethereumclassic.org/blog/2024-05-23-etc-proof-of-work-course-27-what-does-security-mean-in-pow-blockchains) | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-05-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUySVA4cUI2NnNMVUZlbmx1TVRSMnY5WnJVYXZSemsxak9KakNBbTM1TFVHOWJ0al96RG41NnhQQXpMSmNyN05IREtfa0l6ampOT0tqa1I4UU9FeVVzeFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0M20yZUpfLWlaLWh5eUFaT2tad25CdVQtOXdseC04bVJHNGYyWXpCQy11bFhRV25icFZtQzFvNS1zekprbUFxREN5cnBQWkQ0bFJ6V3pwUzlaSnh0bjJaVkhibmQ4NktkYlBmVEF2U2RId1hwYkJCWVpSVzdTOHk2R2o4R3R5OUVuTld6eTBLd3JPeHczalRLaHcyRUR5NXMwcGxkUXN0TjJpX1dUVHFqSTVVaXFiSkJJZnN1YzE2WVE4aVV4QjJqNTN1d2d4MGdyR2t4dFlKMHBiS0E1UT09 |
$BTC and smart contracts are two great inventions. And #EthereumClassic is a Bitcoin with smart contract functionality. Read more and learn why:https://ethereumclassic.org/blog/2024-05-22-ethereum-classic-is-bitcoin-but-with-smart-contracts | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-05-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUybzJnRGlId2pvSkZMbmpXWUJYc2dOTXdoYjY5Q0JiREdOMy0ycVY5UklGblUtVFMzTS1uMnpkVUhtd0JJVF9NenJ1YTM5Z01hQ2NaQ0JqZm5qU0dfUFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0VnlXU19kY0JPWnduV011c3YwazllZjY4TkpGTGNCN1NjakRzYVhLbUF1OGgtRUhXVFpfNGlRYTR5RUlDR3FveVc2cG1kSGR0RzRpZ2xJVEE4bUFuWTBuTTBRMWtVUEhERDNkWURaaDVOVnBsYVc2UDM1anZtQ0I0UHFodjZvcEl2SndlQkI3NTNuYW1DYnE0Y0xieldZUThka09KWVozbHY3NGVsTmhsV1FuWVBCRjZpSUtRYVlvWWNDc2NrSG8yVGR5LXYzVzdaQzZPdHpZVll3ZXBSdz09 |
yoo guys, any web 3 games in da house?
Im doing a uni project, would have 1-2 questions to ask why would you choose to build in say X ecosystem vs Horizon blockchain games or Immutable or gala games? what is the logic behind the decision?
when choosing the platform where to build your game, how is that decided? | r/cryptotechnology | post | r/CryptoTechnology | 2024-05-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUySkQxaDlfQ2JMd3NDY2J2Y0szRlN1aEZYR1poLXpsSElVS2dsSWxPaWhWQjU2S0dWNXVCOXJPd2ZKeWVzczc0b1FnS1piUktWTm8zVHYtNXlrX0hERWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0aGV2Z3Iyc2ZxOFlLak1LSEUtTkJpRkNDWVJEMUoxZUhwdExrZVV2U0ppWDJxQnYyNzdWa193eWl3NlR3RjM2WG1BY1VYeEt5a1lnMDNxc0lFX1h6TTBkZ2trX2NuRXVRcnVTV18wWmVoYW1YU0dzVndYcnBvbUNvSWNBa3FXVmEwbWxvYWt4YjZ2Nkx3Vzl3aVM0Nm1GSmI5V25kLUxWdGpYdEFqcW92Q1NYb0loTmlCdGF3cjFEc09TbFh1V0N2 |
A protocol to keep ledgers in a matching state while making no claim of what the correct state is.
A ledger state would dictate, for any given set of proposed mutations to itself, the proper pace and order with which to digest those mutations. Then, any network of peers adopting the same ledger state would also adopt the same transformation of that ledger state, by infectious gossip.
This would be a *memetic ledger*, having no intrinsic correctness, but able to remain consistent with itself and therefore demonstrate its worth socially, like any independent cryptocurrency must do. In this case, adopting a ledger would give one the ability to send, receive, and communicate monetary exchanges with every other peer that has also adopted it.
If you think about it, this would be the ideal reality for cryptocurrency. Having no validators would mean no rewards to game, no fees to pay, and nothing to prevent the finalization of any transaction from occurring at the speed of communication.
Has nobody had this idea?
A good idea for a research venture? | r/cryptotechnology | post | r/CryptoTechnology | 2024-05-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUyYjVEUDhDWFVfMjRpNVJ1cFlJamo4UmVNZTIyMnlLV1Z2UXluemozTmtpRjVjbm11X1FzZ3BkczQtdTItOGpQdWo2eGtWdG1fRVM4RFUwUmRUVExoMkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0YUphQlljZDRZMVlxOXJwdEJrNHZFdFpOMEJITjFSMjRGaVJhdUZmZUhFaFdudkctdjBMWjdnN2dTTXZIZVlFTUhBLXd1VjRscHNsLXkxa01oZnk0WkktLTJFZ0VQakFpMXlObWM0eTNJai0tWVM3WTRhRWdScEtUQzJlRTJSa290YWtFVlVJVDhPTUdvb2RPRm9COHNTbGlQQ0xkMFR4RXdwTG8zR05nMVdCbnk2Tlk1N1EyN2RWbHJ3WkVEV3B2ejJQX3NDMEVXblBSTHE1OERIN0FwUT09 |
Ethereum's next upgrade, called Pectra and tentatively scheduled for the first quarter of 2025, promises a series of significant improvements to the network, marking a new milestone in its continued evolution. This update, successor to the recent Dencun implemented in March 2024, aims to improve the scalability and efficiency of the chain, as well as simplify the experience of using digital wallets. Highlighting the inclusion of the EIP-7702 improvement proposal presented by founder Vitalik Buterin, which will introduce a new transaction type for Ethereum account addresses. Additionally, Pectra is expected to increase the maximum effective balance for individual validators, allowing them to stake more ETH and reduce network complexity. This news comes as Ethereum establishes itself as a dominant force in the cryptocurrency market, with the approval of the first spot Ethereum-based exchange-traded funds (ETFs) by the Securities and Exchange Commission ( SEC) of the US and an ETH price that exceeds $3,900 USD with a gain of 2% in the last 24 hours. | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-05-30 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUyMVhOTFJqb21yYTV5VEZQakt0b01mcXlqTFdKbXkzUmQ3Q3ZnRWhkT0ZRUlRWNEVYeElyMVdEME5HbTlJU2stNjJWZndQQ0JHN2FvQzNyRnd4c25GQ2k4SFd0RDZ0LS1BMDZqVGpCS1hWZVU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0Ql9RdDBKbHdTeDduRnF0UUtsT0s5MlZQUlB5ZW5BLXdzUDBfUVBnRXQyTzYwSTVESnJiczFzV2Jwc3I3TzBuM1MzSmM0SC0yb29VcXZsdU1LU2RVYVB2emJ5bzFjMjI2ZzAzRGd0d2FaSHZZd20zdHZsSVRPcmNRUkFRZWp2NUQzcGVULW5wcmxSZnZJblFlNzV5UU1ob2lXbDlzUmFWOUF4YkRTbWtYMFNrUldzUTlUZzVhOExiV1ZaYWlqVXc4R1ZDa0ZuX3Ywc25xOGlRcEhXY0ZSUT09 |
The block reward for ETC will be reduced from 2.56 ETC to 2.048 ETC when block height reaches 20,000,000. We estimate that this will happen approximately on 2024-06-01.
Please take this into consideration when planning your mining activities as your ETC mining revenue might be reduced. | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-05-30 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUybS1BWE9hNjNkajBfT3NVWWZPVWl0SUZvODg1YWRUQnNfLWI3R1JmVEl4Q3ZrakV5V1lMTTZFY0FpNHJmVlNVclFILWhUOWpFcGdwNEFvbzBjUlRzUEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0d1dvMFpKa2lyZ0M4aHhCOVJzSDhaZHd2NE9XemNHU0hqd3hxVTFQZGExbjlJX2lPZDV0cURNeHl5MHJCMGxrMUxLekV3emt0SFpNNGxwSjhLaV93QlJNMy0tcUo1SGE1T0Jnd1k3R3gySldvbktXc1oydk9jMGQtY0hnNDNkUUJlamVmbnlEUGd0Q056emhtT0tvWERnS1NGamdHREVJdUNkVDBRUUp2ZGxJVnpsLURHNzAxM1Q5RTRaZ0wzMFBU |
The fifthening has been completed. The reward for mining ETC has been reduced by 20%, so it’s gone from 2.56 ETC to 2.048 ETC. It doesn’t move the price as much as BTC’s halving, but it’s still nice. | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-05-31 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUyOWowQTZTcUQzcXRFM3hzVW43Xy02eXFVdHF3QnJPUnJuUEQ1bzA2VEk4V09kWUw0UGFjLWd2Mklvc19VLUlfRUpDR2xEUFNMMFQxVUhleWZRWUZubWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0S1pOYWZTMVBNZWFXUzFzUFNkOVpNODM3N2NnWXQtak9WWEZYZGJaLVEzaUVGZ3FqZlczOGdqYkFqZS1MNXAwZ1liUHAzZk54MUdBaEoySFc2eUwwQUhCbkw5Ykk3SGJWUFI1azhLZkZvSGpyVzUzMWVkS1dFOW12RlNoZUdVQjJfOGcyWHh0dnMtN202UEFqSVZkZTVXQWh6SHk1LXNBdzhzeVNwaW1tNDJRPQ== |
Ask me anything. | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-06-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUyc2hObVp0czJQMlYwRmxucU1zNWVDWXBRaWptLXJ1Y0tFWnpIM1U0anlFRDFmVHhxelk0YjhlSzZmNGZkbTVCaFdwM3BzaEg3b1Q1RnFGLVpPMmpPcDhNdGtPN0xOUm5Mblk1WTdWY3BrQ0U9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0T1FNR2RHVTFWZ240Rkg1aUJ4QndqTjM0b0xKVnBoYzBuaGNLRDhJeHZ4NG9XV285eUtjcGpSbEgtNFhhLXFuTExfNFRHeUNhVTItVXBPLXVjNlY4eFVPTFRoTTNGWGwweFN1OHFualBpNXJtN3RYdklLSzdKV210cV9hdHpoR2ZjaE4waUEtMTdBVXdsOGN3YktURjZDdktOd1ZsTHpQeTlJV09aNVhoVTY4eWc0ZEVJYVFjVmtzR2FQNGhOV1BQQjFiaVY2S3BjNk12TDhISjdIUlhkUT09 |
The crypto exchange Coinbase has two articles about ETC. We will review both articles, suggest revised phrases, add additional content, and explain the reasoning behind our proposed changes and additions. [https://ethereumclassic.org/blog/2024-06-04-correcting-the-coinbase-article-about-ethereum-classic](https://ethereumclassic.org/blog/2024-06-04-correcting-the-coinbase-article-about-ethereum-classic) | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-06-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUySzFjUzdteDVZdFI4OVNqUU1WcmZrQms4V3hnRVdTaG1BcldveERfVTV0YllPT0NXbWhiUExid0VMb1J6M3dhTVhJaGJRU21IaUZ2Z20wYWdkdjBVZlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0NFBoTWZIcm8xQkZnNXJiNWVtYldKZnFzS2lKNnowMzdoc01OaFJNbk9fX1kyUFNzcUxhd0xIX3hSRVF6bUhwX3l5dFdsMUE5amNia2l3WlRidmp3V1N1WWxfOHlmTFFhRllyNlgtUVBwY0FZWjRBdkpoOUNEZnJpYlJjTUVqZEhISF9hTmxYa1JnOGxwZWMyN0EwN2x0d0pUR3dXSlNsMG54NTd6VFFDQ1VIRmRqTzAxYnhuQXZldzdmRTQwZWktc0NnLU9TemZwLWJBTHEtVnlaME9jdz09 |
🍀 Bybit is a centralized cryptocurrency exchange. In today's article, we'll explore how to open an account and trade $ETC on Bybit. [https://ethereumclassic.org/blog/2024-06-05-buying-and-trading-ethereum-classic-through-bybit](https://ethereumclassic.org/blog/2024-06-05-buying-and-trading-ethereum-classic-through-bybit) | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-06-05 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUyNTdkOGd1RVBpajZ4d1BHeU9yWHRsbzZBczZIVTNXUmNORm1FeGlrMTVGc0FuTHdwMmlFaVdFRDdQb1BWb3hqamxya1NZZFJ2ZmtDUC1KeWMyeENPaXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0WkViX1J4ZjU0SmZvVDN1RzFhTDd4aVlXbThUQ2F5dmV3a0ROLUdZSHk4QnZELWZ2eGg4M00zaURNNjNCVFN5SUNUTkJwRUdYSGwzUGhDZWowazVKUmhrM1JpNTNlbFNHcWxBN2FYRGtRaWNDTXJvZ2RVa1ZfNFRjZ2I1TVhEWDBTVnhhSFNqdFhkczIyU0JTeDlHcU05NVh5Q1poYkFBU0VlNjUwLUtFWnVZWDk4RURKcHdPcFVNOV81cmMwcGN4ZXAxYTVJUWJZWEs3cUNaVmdrTm1RUT09 |
Seriously! We’re -30% over the past 3 months and Bitcoin is the same price it was 3 months ago. So much for the fifthening, or any hype for that matter cuz it literally does nothing for us.
BTC dumps 1% on any given day and we’re down 5-10% like wtf?! When (if ever) will we see actual progress?? We’re just going backwards | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-06-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUyY0hFRTZOZDBHT2V6M3ZvbFhSZ1pqVDhwVkZ2NmE0Yy0xZ1F6LVpGcVpYa3lNTFRKZ2lZc2Y3Vk5ST01HTjJUUE0zM29XakExSU5qNmtvdDlQNFRqb21XS0FIZTBKTnVSQS1OXzV6SnRxX0k9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0MFFuQkVmSUNUYzV4SW0tWi1uVEZWRzJSLXhkcDAzVUVPN1dGYnBPTENKbkM5dDBuZkxtdm9JVmN3RUdGLUFSTWJVZ2o1d25YYnhBeUwyQW94Smd0TnJyQktXWTdJYTRiU0F3UFJfMG1KZ0lhQlhOZ1NmXzBPTXhtUy1nN1JXWXVVY3FVcTdfMThmc0FuVk9vT29sQTZYLXI0aGtwa1VnYnMzdmdWMl91dlM4PQ== |
Hold or sell ? I forgot all about this lol | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-06-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUydWdkSGhmZ1lJX2dPRXVIOUtmN19VMHhqek40Sm9WMVZzMVF1NzJqYUc1T0FmN2tYbGZMREZqM3JpQm9leHVCcDJoSHZwSC1oSml6OFlXaFRsZldIMFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0dW5mcUltX3NvNHRITlEyZHprOWt4MGhna3BwQjltbDE1MTMxRk82NDIzSVJRUWdRZGhUWFhXWnRFTm1kSHpVWHJzN0NYX1VQZDd6cjVGUVRZUmR4aWx2aXB3aEpVei1rSXpnbXl4bmw5TTNtcXdzNlY0MU5NczJQZGU3V0NHN3JtY09RVEY0ZTZ1cTk3OVo3eG83cUg2TXRaMHZ2TmRLbGNXekVTWlBkWFB2akllSmFsVW9yWmJHbDRwX0VhRm5GcjZtd0lpUm1nOWY5aFNDRTN6VGItQT09 |
Being a starter, I wanted to launch my own private network. I want to run a few nodes (for a start, maybe 3 to 5) on my PC's ubuntu OS (Docker containers, maybe?). And swap the consensus algorithm or the blockchain protocol itself to see which one is faster. *I need a framework, which can help me find the speed and latency of running a Dapp which is getting accessed by 100s of accounts, and lots of transactions.* Is Hyperledger Besu the right choice? (Also I think changing the whole Blockchain protocol may sound absurd, please correct me if I am wrong) | r/cryptotechnology | post | r/CryptoTechnology | 2024-06-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUyMXQ0aUFjMlk2MWhQNWx6Y2JlaWNQekhOYlN6TEFMQkNHYWxHdDFKTERyRW9lQjVQRHpBVmRlalhzd2h3TGJYWFBHY1lkQVljcHB3WHM1UEJvOTF2UGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0RXZGTXIxdlE3Tk50RmhGeEc5WF9fcU5TQkNNbnpEOEpmdWx3SzJTRlpKTFhRaURDOHloeXNjQjhsT25aa1hRbnFHSUh3VnR6TG56RTRnQW9QNU5BUktDSTZlSXN1ejBNbUx0NDVnZUxNYW5ZZGdYMXhSc1ZvOUwtaXpMUjJhRXBqRWQ1dWRuNkpPZG90OC1UWnRGcTVLUmdUT2lsUmtrMnhEa0VoTUtCbzUyYnZTQjc4LUhwejN4VG5KbkVnM2NEdHZYdnppcUsxdUJ6TTBvWFFwOE40QT09 |
Hello, does anyone know what is the equivalent of the message method that was used in the @iota/client library? I have read the documentation of @iota/sdk and @iota/client-wasm and @iota/core but I can't find anything related to message payload | r/iota | post | r/Iota | 2024-06-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUyeFl4bVpUU2ZwVTZYS0xPZmx4WHdJWkc4TmJJa0lfLTVqOC1YbkFCR19yeXFqN09qejNDbXpyWlU0OEpXTnA0NUUzVHJaZHhSdGlpZVd4RGdLT0R5RUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0bWhVRjg5d2VWVk96bmRTUHFwY0RNbmQzaUlxVndoanFpZkdZQ0IzellTdXNINGhJWW50a2JfTWthLXM5QUN0aWI5SEFZZmQ4RnJja2FqaTY0Rmgtak1QeHlwUlh0TFZVSEM2TF9McC1qcWg2a3MwcWlvOTFWOXNhSjYxTjEtUGYybk1uODR3MzNUcldKNkRQVy0wbERydWU5QlFEbmpQRVpxR3JoOE01UnY2R1BUQ3dyRG81V1VieWxuUWYyYUZO |
Title. I'm curious to learn in what ways this project is similar to and different than BTC & ETH. | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-06-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUyS29SUTNmX0xJMTFWX1daclRFbTZYeXpWUjNYOGtSX3BIUktXSHBqWEdNcWFkQ2JOV1hCbl8xMk12QUQzQ09pX3FzeExFMmR4NTkxb3Z5cWlpR3FGYXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0MkQtUFVIRkExQUVtdEk1UXZnZk9SOGs2elRJSDhjTnJveG10Z3gxQS1IMHpncTQxcVJQcU9qc2hLcGVqSF9TWWN2eEJqWV9CYm5XNUZBXzB3R0N3Wm5PcjlOQy1aVFMyMFVKVGpId1hzcGF2Mmgxa25KSFBHN091VlAteVFmcjYweVQ5bzBzRmVEYkhfSk54cnExUzlKNFNOV0VhQzU2NlFSblFmazg3MExWOTlaa3RUVWhpV3hPdTFPcDNpNjR3OFVrRDY2S1BOVFREUkUxVzhnRGtPdz09 |
I know this is a weird question. But is there a way to create a malicious node (like a malicious engine, which will mine block with double spent transactions or just a node which sends gibberish to other nodes), Is there any library for that, or any way to create your own consensus engine ?? | r/cryptotechnology | post | r/CryptoTechnology | 2024-06-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUyUmJmbENxZFB5ZjljbDJxSmlsQXZiVWdHNmFHaG5BSWRiUmw2UEZ0anQ0Z1g3dWdUd2E3cnR3OElpMUZqeG05ZEl4WjZnZll4RzJCY0tPeS1uSmcwM2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0RlZ5d1RsVEluTFdxTEVqLWt0U0xuTE01Ny04VGxsVWJyb1NSN2U2ZjlidGF2OENJX0hSZ2RvTk5VVlBZd3FmQ20weG9YSTFZVDlWUmxrNnFiMWJYZWNJRHpHdE5zOVVYNzJxRXJvV0p3MUJGcGF5Y3FkVWlHQ2ZQWHJiSkU0XzhRU056ZWQ4b01Gd216c25EcGJmTTlSc2xQT2Z6T1VNYXdvRzAxaGwyUzVOeW52VVZmcnBFNUtWVXY5bkxaTmt5dF9kc1ItbjBPTnJnRmpfTE5tZmhRdz09 |
# Part 2: Setting Up SSH Reverse Proxy with Nginx and Cloudflare
**In this post, I'll walk you through how I set up my SSH reverse proxy with Nginx and Cloudflare to access my affordable single-board computer (a ROCK 5B) from anywhere in the world.** 🌍
**The end goal is to run an SSV Network operator on the Holesky testnet with my ROCK 5B.**
To view the full post visit r/SSVnetwork | r/cryptotechnology | post | r/CryptoTechnology | 2024-06-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUyYVhzREVHUzhjTXM3azlJLTZodUxwdEpxSFJyNFUxUURUREc4dS1lblNCWEQ4eWJRd1B1MnZZdVgxc2Z6RkVoWTZJS1gxU2pyWEVEOG5qR0VoeFRTcnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0THVYaXRNbGYwcGNrNXNjaE11UVV5UWVWTmNueUppNHkxOFZXS1RwQkJheUNMTzY1WUY3eWVsNU1lNGlSLW9mQjNoLUp6ZkVFRUw1WkNlUzNmdl9GazVqQ3QxOGl0NXA0c3NqM2g5ZmhPZ09vVmlhMmVOMThKRlJsd0EyY3lzZmdCT0NWbko4eFcyMGtTOElNc2pLQkVoR1BvVVM5WGZtYlZ2V2haN20zWW1nRmczeXFiMmtHUGJuUTNScWt1Y3JYMWl4SDNhZV9SX2FsRDhGZzk1OUROdz09 |
Hey all, not sure if this would be an acceptable forum for this, and if not, please let me know, as it is not my wish to break any rules.
I'm a solo dev working on a ERC-20 token to function as an economic experiment for a research project. For the experiment, I am adding as many inflationary and deflationary mechanisms as I can.
So far for deflationary mechanisms, I have added:
Burn On Transfer
Buyback And Burn
Burn To Mint (NFT)
Locked Staking
Governance Burning
And for inflationary mechanics, I've added:
Mining Rewards
Staking Rewards
Governance Rewards
Fixed Supply Increases
My question is, can anyone suggest for me additional inflationary or deflationary mechanics that I could experiment with? Any and all suggestions would be appreciated, as I'm trying to gain experience with every token supply mechanic I can get my hands on.
Also just to reiterate: This project is purely a hobby experiment for me and how token supply mechanics can work in parallel. I'm not trying to self promote shill, and I apologize if this was not the right place for my question. | r/cryptotechnology | post | r/CryptoTechnology | 2024-06-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUyMXhRNUJDSGZfc0NOZGhiZ1JiRDZJZFhZQ3BzYzFVYllDOUlUTXRLQkhycUFLSXhTYXlhbEwyT0FyVU5QS1BuU3JydXBIWmh0WHRHVzFzUGNDTzNDUHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0alRQTFl3Y1U1OUJ5WmRQY0FpQmFYc3djd3lfX2gxM0hDbmFGQXR2NjVidDA0TWNHZHVhUVBuYV9KYW1YZjR1cUhsaDZod1lxaDRyak1QUVFGa0tFWHVxR3J2cjRwOFQ1c24yMXdXV3d3RDEzSVVVbDVXdjNhMWV2dkp1OUxEQ0Z5dnlrU0Q2d2gzbTRLZnJyRHlicWNJcDdtQkNCUnM5ZFZFY292Y05raVN0OVhwOE9NMDJwbXJGZDJaRl9SbVU2c0tpMjJuVnl2OEc5alpydm9MS1Fhdz09 |
# Part 1
I want to share how I managed to reuse my Rock 5B (an affordable single-board computer) to boot directly from my new NVMe SSD instead of the default microSD card. Booting from the NVMe SSD is way better than from an SD card because it's faster, more reliable, and gives you more storage. You’ll notice quicker boot times and smoother performance.
**The end goal is to run an SSV Network operator on the Holesky testnet with my ROCK 5B.**
I invite you to check out my post for a step-by-step guide [here](https://np.reddit.com/r/SSVnetwork/comments/1d9qku8/ssv_network_operator_booting_rock_5b_from_nvme/). | r/cryptotechnology | post | r/CryptoTechnology | 2024-06-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUyT1NYRVhZcUlHcWliN2IzTmhDeW1GLXJId0xEczJlcE03RUdlSVlOTGpIb3ZlNnlIZXRmdlN3TUVCc2NuSE1PSmZmTFpGMnlJSEw5S1BYR1d4STZoTVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0dzV4ODZidHQxaGp6Sjg1NWNGTjEtaTZIMU1YRzRFTTNnNmlEWlR2VnVvWWJUUjFTUjBCVlhPTk5YeXBSdURmV0tjYzRNelFjSjY5UkJZSHB4VFE0NFJHMGZEdzVBX2FxX2hxbHNSdFh2cWNyNmhsVmJxaC1DX3VpTGpMRmc2UXIxSFVUOVBEVWFKQTYyZ0ZQNEpjTmJIVGd3OVo4VWxQZkJVcFZjS2p3czFRcE5vRTA5dnFVcjRBWktQWUJTanRRTzZwaC13RUwwelhYY2JPbjFPcUxjUT09 |
Join us in Nashville this July for an in-person #EthereumClassic Community Event! 🚀 We've partnered with ETC Radio and POW Summit for a meetup on July 25, 2024, just in time for the Litecoin and Bitcoin conferences. RSVP now: [https://etccooperative.org/posts/2024-06-20-announcing-the-ethereum-classic-nashville-meetup-en](https://etccooperative.org/posts/2024-06-20-announcing-the-ethereum-classic-nashville-meetup-en) | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-06-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUydmNFYXNWd2hXaHlSTWRCYW5BQ0ZLZWlYY0kzYjc0c2thVnhRSWtwUWltM3hTYThQSE9FekFvdVN6SUcxQjQyNm01Z2V6cVhPaDlITFN5bS13VURrN2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0R3VVMURqeUJrWEFWaldvTENWQnU4UGZpN1pQTFhFM3RWOU5oSVNlUVVKN29Yb0M0djhkbjBObU1DUGlyMlpqTTlMdEwxeTRycDdFTFhOcFJHZlV5WWVhSmNiN2hMUkNzcmwtQXFLUUdfeTlfUDRHTHIwb1dXUGRRQS1tNjhiR0VMUURWazNtYVV6Wi00UWZMT2ZWM1Z2WUJpaUdfenVSb2E0OG5XMm5fWlZsaWNPbHRncHlQYTRQdkRJQ2I2SWdo |
I just got into Bitcoin and set up my Trezor. I'm worried about forgetting the information and don't trust a piece of paper to hold backup my wallet. I'm worried someone could just find it, it could be destroyed or it could get lost. What are the ways you guys recommend to back up my wallet? | r/cryptotechnology | post | r/CryptoTechnology | 2024-06-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUyR1prV1hIMTIwWmsxS0FtVFNqT3ZwWDRROWx3dVFYdTBtY2ItRHd0YWt3R3dXLUdhSHdDMndXdTVPdWp3dzJlUFZ5ZW10ZGFtZm1LTE9sdHZXVkdTSFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0bGwwNXh4ei1obEt1RXRFTkcydDdRUW5DSGlUdE05MVhSMVhKNEl3a2xzaFl4RW5TQXdnY1Z0VWdEMFRXLWtYRVJuV04zVHI1ZUJoM2xoZEY3T19NeGZPcWxRc1FORXppYzB0c2RwVlpfOUNUUkNacmpPajNySUUtMzlEVjc3ZllsN3F2NjhpMS1ITFlKaXM2WllERjhHNklVUlpCWlhBRjhIMDJTRi1UUlFOVWRWTGJSUXhRVEc2dTVOWVF1YktS |
Just bumped into the medium article from a PhD professor ["How Self-Regulating Cryptocurrencies Could Shape the Future of Finance."](https://medium.com/@cycloneallteam/the-quest-for-ideal-digital-money-how-self-regulating-cryptocurrencies-could-shape-the-future-of-0f6d209131ad). Sounds interesting, what do you think about it folks? | r/cryptotechnology | post | r/CryptoTechnology | 2024-06-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUyYXBVLWdVeW50XzJTdjlfemUwNGNFZ1pmcGgwT0ZxM1dNLVRodjVfQzBxaVdZOTYxSHpvclh4QmpINTR3WjhTS3ZxS01FTmVVNTg1aWhmbzV6cTZILWhieWNUbThBSVh4a2x1LTY0YmxydnM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0MHVuVC1tMEh6T2JHZmY4MllNdHF6dVBLVkl5OXZ1ejR1S3pBaGhRMTZFY0syMjFxRE52ZXp3dGNLbVZGSVpfTDQ0SGdzbG9lWThZZHNORzdTNE5NM3A0Rk1yXzk2ejA3d3N2dXoteno0OGIteHZaVlpoVGJ1RDFUaHV1UDdTX3VSUzU1bkVqN3pqLVJMNXhBZEZOeTVtMEhxbm44ZkZfZTIzNV9ZWlVadGtCWkN2MWItbDh3S183dkpSV2p4SGxDNXRuMXhtUGxEZjAyci1pdjF0bGgyZz09 |
Cardano Hit With Massive DDoS Attack Yet Thriving, Here's Reason
How resistant are other blockchains to this? Is there any difference between PoS, PoW and PoH? Presumably the number of nodes/validators is significant in mitigating this type of attack.... | r/cryptotechnology | post | r/CryptoTechnology | 2024-06-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUycUdEb2FXRGRkS19OMmppVXRZRXVkY2F4UHQwV19IYjd2cFNYV1RKVDcxZWl2YkJPVnNqRmJ1YktMbU9uWFhBenQxRTBudGtzTU01dzNVQ1E2MUxFbmhrTGUxSlpWYng4NWp6ZkVGZVhZUjA9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0aWNuNG13TG1YMkh6S0g3STZZT1JfYTZJTUZjZ3g3blRkZzdPNkF4UVJzWW5EQzFBeUxGS1FfNW1BRUxSRUZudU5zT1RTNUhJMUIyRERIRnhCeGJLa0tUVGtCRV9odkUybVcyQXUtblpvc19LQ05xY1Y4M2FIcHRUMzN0Yzd3UkplRjMwN1hsLW9WdEFfaGdjUlA0Wm1OVndNUzJ0QzBIMjRqTDFTR09Ma2ljNUZuREJmLThwNDlXaDBiV2pGaFpl |
After Ethereum passed into its phase of proof of stake we are now witnessing what can happen when proof of work is abandoned. Ethereum classic still has its hard cap and is a deflationary form of payment. Ethereum instead has no hard cap and a potential unlimited supply which is one of the many reasons it is experiencing inflation as more and more coins are created with no end in sight.
[https://cointelegraph.com/news/ethereum-supply-inflated-for-73-days-straight](https://cointelegraph.com/news/ethereum-supply-inflated-for-73-days-straight) | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-06-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUyRmw0ejQyeHVfNzBSeWgwQmUxWjFRNG9TMnpTSXB5c2NQSFp6Rjd3dlE1VTVVWlozQXAyanBnUmtTbjhzYUg1bHdwaFlCVzZHZXR4T3pTaHFoNDVoN2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0RlhJOTJpQkVLRzhYcjlDWnpCa2VuWEh4WXEyTl9FbEt3TzZnVW14akFvOFpWYWZSdjkwNHBYUWZ1OXR6UE1rQ05jSzVtUGdFUmdsMGxTQ2RfTkFmeXZRX0FFTXlyM1FZbERIa2M5MGhUUHFDbG84amZOQ2NxZS1IR3Vla2dZMkQ0V2VQd3VqRGRZSmQyVFBiRlE4TlZKMXFlWjFNbEdmaGNYMGtGOHlFYnRpSzFHbzJCMk1NMUZtTy1UM1dXRkdKdGZqRkxROWUwNk1Leks5RlZ3cGZzdz09 |
Been thinking if I should go big on a position . Thank you
| r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-06-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUyV1UxX0syN0xsZ252ellkTXN2amdudUE2TjRtaFRkZFc1dENVNXJxb1EyTk9VcE82U1Myd192MEhEMHdGUmxqWUlrc3VWLThESXFRLWplcXQ4cnBGN1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0S25rWVFVaDhEcWpTZDlpaFhteVVYOW1ERHpqaEk3YnoyRlVPaEdhS0Nhbkx3VlhXQUFISmprZ1pjeXJvbm9YM3BjajBzQmpTRjZpWVV1eW1SZTdBay1Xc2ZlX0ZXdGZzTnFGOWtNM1ZLb3JWUGhQRGE3WWtueVAzdTcxT2RtVHZwQnZvVVRuT3NTaVFvTzB3eG9YOU9mYWlFVEtVeHVuSTNFNVh4R2Y4RnYzWndtUndPd0Vybm5PSlJ1ZF9SOHMtWU1wVHVmMzB5N2o3YTFZOEZKalk4Zz09 |
* PancakeSwap launches an AI-powered prediction market in collaboration with Allora Network, allowing users to bet with or against AI price predictions;
* The AI models introduce a new dynamic to PancakeSwap's prediction market;
* The AI-powered market will adjust payouts based on AI performance, with higher rewards for predicting against the AI when its accuracy is low.
Source: [https://www.bitdegree.org/crypto/news/pancakeswaps-new-ai-prediction-market-goes-live-on-arbitrum?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=social&utm\_campaign=r-ai-prediction-market-goes-live](https://www.bitdegree.org/crypto/news/pancakeswaps-new-ai-prediction-market-goes-live-on-arbitrum?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=r-ai-prediction-market-goes-live) | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-06-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUyQk11SGFzaHdGSmVQaGpwdzA5b1U1WHhfRlBNY1FlcGhvQ0JWYTVKM25hVjF2VFJUcDFGZTVHaDlPNkNiNS1EVUhteGc2bHlUUmMyWC1MQVphQU1nSEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0cGlpMHdVQWFtemNaT19KWFVKaG5EaDZZSVNaZWN1am8tSjdvUk1PcEw3Ty1KTFNMcWp1SFYxU3haMDRISjJyaXh2LUtlRHcwY0pzanA0d2t0SE9fdWpYVGlnMlJJa3pCOW1ickZZajVJVHJ2X1pUUEwyV0R0Z3ZjYWZjWHpmZGJkRHFZMlhXQVQ4WWpEdWJpekd3SkY5U3phOUFhUldHWk51cFZ4ZG5IUG9yVy1zMXZpWDRQeWQyRkQ0TXBxTWJXMlVSRlFIYk4wMGFkTFlEWnd0R0c1UT09 |
Hey everyone,
It's been a while, but what does IOTA stand for? A lot of people used to think it was from IoT (Internet of Things), but I remember that was denied. Then there was also the argument that IOTA comes from the ancient Greek neuter ἰῶτα iō̂ta, meaning "the smallest letter" = Microtransactions? Is that still the current or correct definition?
Thanks! | r/iota | post | r/Iota | 2024-06-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUyXzNodkdMZnRkbUVqdFZVY25HbDFsQUxRT1lBZ3hUMGhPZDF2eGMydGM0STkzcmh6Z0x1VXZ1MkFjYnpCQjZOM0pHeEVNMDliYWMtT09zN0pBcTd5Wnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0dXJ3ems2QWdEWlFEbFBzM3JwajUyQi1rYUV0Zi1uUTJ2Z25keDRRT0RwMjUtTFdSRUpvRE84cjlhNlBjWEFHZXJPMWo3OWhhU0xwY1lNM3ItWnB6MDFWZ1FzQlc1eW5ObEJjR3lJYm0xaDNVOU16QVZ6eHpWOU1faldDNFpSMjRZX0tIWXVWZzN1elNjX0prbDdWRHpEOVNxS1JMYlBUa3NZc3UtWE5sM2RJPQ== |
Hi guys,
Quite new in the crypto space and I was trying to understand the following:
In order for a particular token to be available for trading on multiple chains, do I have to create a token contract with the respective chain standard and on every chain it will have its own liquidity and therefore price? | r/cryptotechnology | post | r/CryptoTechnology | 2024-06-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUyRl95dXpnbjdxQ1ItSWJBRXlKUWk5dnppcnlNUTlkMm9EX1BUQVcxN1NodmdNVVoxb2pNWUhvTm5PWmJOMHp6LTBRWk12TnhoUUYwRXZiN0YwNmMzSlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0dkoyWTRPS2czUjRZUDVvdGEzakJxTXcxQjUtNUd3Q0VZSjdBSlJ4Vm5oRDJFamV3WS1DSGl5d05vSkZFSXRQQ0dKS2RlWFJsRU8xVHptbkdLOTg0RnZYWU5ZY0owZ2VsMVVGbm1WNFZMY1AzMUFIbXhuaVJTQy1HYmlFNDZwUTJPM0FTUXQ2MmtEekwzR2hOdmc3MWxINnJsTVQ1SVJvbk05TjFrdWdrOUo5ZlFNV3J5QVQ3M2VUdlo3YnpVUEhvRGVibFdUcGt5ZW1YSFpzR0kxOW03QT09 |
Hi! Although I've been hearing about crypto currencies for the past few years, I've never really looked into it in depth. For the last few days I've been trying to make myself educated on this and boy am I confused! I just don't know where to start!
Can you refer me some resources that will help understand the technical, financial and cultural perspectives of crypto, from the beginning till now?
Basically what I'm asking is how do I catch up with the crypto lore? | r/cryptotechnology | post | r/CryptoTechnology | 2024-06-29 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUyLVBuT05BbmxJY3U4d1lrcWxuSm5HNUNOQUNfaElocUwyZUNEbk1tZVM2cXRKb0xia0FqcDBkY01pRXNxeGxkTkQxdDh3S0x1QTBvN0xvOGRRbmJNUEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0OF81RktHUVg3cXhhbUxnOFJFYVpDVHMwdFFBa2Z3dTdQaTNQQllDOXZNQW52aVR6Wm1Jdnp5MHJfNHkzblozUnVJYkF4bTZpM2JBVDJMbjdTV1Jpb2dIN0hVZXNUTFhnMU5tTUZndjZlRkUwX21aQ1lLd0l0eXlXNFAzenpzYnpwam9hMTFKM2pUS0pWRU5NVkllcU53LU1NVDVrYzRlcDdwTnUwR0N5QUtvPQ== |
Key Takeaways
* Speculation about crypto integration in Grand Theft Auto 6 has resurfaced;
* A viral post by a crypto influencer mentioned Bitcoin, Ethereum, and USDT as possible in-game currencies;
* The integration hasn't been officially confirmed.
Source: [https://www.bitdegree.org/crypto/news/crypto-in-gta-6-rumors-resurface-no-official-confirmation-yet?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=social&utm\_campaign=r-crypto-integration-gta](https://www.bitdegree.org/crypto/news/crypto-in-gta-6-rumors-resurface-no-official-confirmation-yet?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=r-crypto-integration-gta) | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-07-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUydEJkNEkzUzFqVXgzcjZsb1hoR1BZNzFROHVvSUJ1MV81LUxMMHh1STh0c2V6dmtaU3hhUXk3TDgyZHkySWpyM1F3Qjd6TVpzQ2thRzEwMWljVk9nR2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0UXY4Z254eV9fNGg1Y1lnNkFvQXNVeDBjX3AwRHFYLWxXQlp0LTdWaGZpdnFHYTAySFdzdUxoVjBRY3lNVFYyOGxaVVZJR3JKYjh4akhwLVBCZGdmVXJjbE9lQ1dMU1ZpUE83YkxWMjJSWC1SU0I1bVhuelM3MmR5S2pnbXl3MEZjS1FCWG5nXzU4VW1VQmZSZHI2NzJJU3Y3d1JIcTVLaGRFTHg3a3NDTVlXQWY0Wm5xb0NjdzFyRVhOS19pRVdCM2U0VXBJTXE3S2MzLXhnTXZWS21RZz09 |
**IOTA to Release Its I3-Lab Project to Conduct Research Concerning Circular Economy**
In addition to this, it also published an exclusive blog post on its web portal. The platform expressed its enthusiasm concerning this endeavor. I3-Lab reportedly plays the role of a state-of-the-art research project at Imperial College London. According to the platform, the IOTA Foundation donated up to £1M to fund the initiative. Imperial also intends to provide additional funding.
Apart from that, the European Union and the UK Research and Innovation will also provide more grants to support it. The hosting of I3-Lab will reportedly take place at iCUBE. It is a devoted space serving as a hub for revolutionizing sustainability research. I3-Lab’s complete name is Imperial IOTA Infrastructure Lab. It will pay considerable attention to the development and utilization of digital instruments strengthening the circular economy.
The platform noted that the traditional business models connect resource usage to economic progress. This reportedly results in unsustainable activities. The circular economy targets to decouple the respective relationship by prioritizing sustainability. It does with via recycling and reusing methods. The respective shift needs the latest production technologies and techniques that encourage sustainability.
This makes it a crucial focus for the [IOTA](https://www.iota.org/) Foundation’s work. The company also pointed out that many projects are already using its [distributed ledger technology (DLT)](https://blockchainreporter.net/understanding-nodes-in-blockchain-technology/) to innovate the latest economic models. I3-Lab’s unique feature includes its target to establish technologies backing unique business models and ownership models in line with servitization.
[https://blockchainreporter.net/iota-announces-the-release-of-i3-lab-for-research-on-circular-economy/](https://blockchainreporter.net/iota-announces-the-release-of-i3-lab-for-research-on-circular-economy/) | r/iota | post | r/Iota | 2024-07-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUyTXAwZzZ2MzRFajNpWFZRWWVuY0k3LWd6Wk16MnZYR0dMMXFQTjg2ZUVPUXRWZV9IUlJTc0hXQjBMbkJxSzJzZXNEdHc0bW92VDhuZ3NrOVhqZ1lDT0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0Y3Z5VWVBN3dPZVBMajJEZFJhRHZ0V0RBZGxxMnpGSmxXalp1S01FcmlYbzJGcmkzOXNNOWFRUFdEMHh1QmFpQzV3ZWZwZFM0aHhYRWRWWTRHY1Nrd1RxRm9hWE5QcUdGOW1nWEVQM1ZqYmUzWXRVUXQ4dWtsUi1VR1p3UndpSEU0OXE5Mng3YnFxQ0lqT3YxQlREbG1sWGRSOGtPek1xN1VvWmx2cnVBNUhYMG9QSk96ZTFyMDdOVllZY0VNRUJGamtuR3pCNmtSTkluUjVYYTJiR3gtdz09 |
If you use cryptocurrency, you know how crucial secret passphrases are for restoring blockchain addresses. 📜🔒Read today's blog and discover how these passphrases generate private and public key pairs across multiple blockchains using derivation paths! 🛤️✨https://ethereumclassic.org/blog/2024-06-26-a-call-to-wallets-to-use-the-standard-etc-derivation-path | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-07-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUyenM4TnFqLVg4c2t0VnpKZDJPRGZ4b0tZdFRUcF9LVVo0cG93c2tHQkxKeHRPUlV2VHh0aXp6Uk5yT1JKRlVfQy1vYzlZYXRaSVBCVDlGQUFmZG0wOWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0RERiNC1HSEg3WnZ1NjAzRDZ4MGZhOG0tSlg3V1lsSDU0SUhyWHpiTTFnS2RwQ0pYbGppRG5TbWpCdERZZGFmNjZsQVc2eUxWaTFIdXQyZWhDRHRlWWJsTkIwZjNvdnNMNXlqdVVUN1ZtOGdQaW9jOEpvYlJuQkgyWVV4bm5wTkFhM2VhV21HRnNSMHhNUXNTRlQtajBtSkFhWWZSM0gwMXQ1Z3BhS0o3Y0hZeG1iWW5yV2tPLXhwT0ttQlNfWGhoa3o1WndEM2NjaTB6WVZyWW5KNjk0QT09 |
In this post, we’ll show you how to recover your $ETC addresses on the Ledger Nano S Plus using your secret passphrase. Perfect for situations where your Ledger is lost, compromised, or damaged. Check this out: [https://ethereumclassic.org/blog/2024-07-09-recover-your-etc-addresses-on-ledger-using-your-secret-passphrase#ETC](https://ethereumclassic.org/blog/2024-07-09-recover-your-etc-addresses-on-ledger-using-your-secret-passphrase#ETC) #EthereumClassic | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-07-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUyUXZWRm1NcXI1d1R5RkV4LWlmeHNrSXFlOEpKdXBDS1hiVFFDS0RJYWtvY2tuSGZkOUxienFqRUg1b2VYMVRRYUJzb01KSDBEWFBMTFltRlloMDVJVlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0MnFvLVFISWRuci1PTEo2LXAxSkU0WG5OcXJQT0hhLVZNV3BDN0pQOEdscTYzXzhvTjJDTllzVWFUTzVmdWw1ZVZ2a2txUzg2VEc4dGdDanpFYndsVldWVEJuRzJ1b0EtS296TlVFV3Y4X3ZQUUFORzFUSDNiYlhJWS1uOWtZcXN1c2hILVVONWcwWEZ1RW9ONGtnVnFaRjVWc2lXMjRyX05zRGpjZWExWHZndWN4bm9GaExLdXN1N1piTzJKekpMMkphZnNYc2dTVzdPbUhYTmlrNlBuUT09 |
Check out our series “Why You Should Build on Ethereum Classic” to explore what make #ETC stand out! 🌐 In our latest post, discover why ETC is hard money and how it protects and grows your users’ savings. 💰🔒https://ethereumclassic.org/blog/2024-07-10-why-you-should-build-on-ethereum-classic-etc-is-hard-money | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-07-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUycXNPVG9wZk94Xy1GMm44RUNzSUgtWktWNy01WE1BdHBSdHhPT1NOWEEtRF9nLXJBOXJKWjNrSW5HNnoycEpGT1BlN0pXd0hIa0xnTUtwT09xOXotTlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0YlpLTC01UEVVeHYxZ0RTMXFSZHhMVVFvamViOUM5WklwQzQ3X3JOSVlCekNTRE81MmIwaENFLU9kMG53SklFWk5IenhiQlN6Tl9iRV9XY0U0VmVqYVB4ZlcyV0RoMExHRHlnNzNuY1hqdnNwbzg0cFFLM2wtZy0xSjZDaEtJTG5wSFNiek5hOU1PUGxGV1RsUnN2eEcySlJpTzEtR2l0ekVqcUVlYTFQRTFvbDkzS3lKTXRtcGhUUzItWTFRZEg0YjJzVUZ2NWJTOEkySmktSmQ3MExVQT09 |
This blockchain-based tool enhances product transparency, traceability, and sustainability. | r/iota | post | r/Iota | 2024-07-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUyNnMzRDU1TVJUU0dnelhtQURYeGJsVllZeG84N016QzhLR1NjeXhEUmRMaHl2TkVjUVlIQWRhQXY4OUJTTWdxRkJfdC0zQkMwNlZHbGxNd0ExbTMxMGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0c1hCYTBqXzJmLVh5SDlCQUR1bmtzWTJNdHQwZ1hLdHc0OWdicDBXWXZLVU5acFlFeEVXSWZkWWdPYUFNNVlRc2xjR2E0SE4yX0pjLU9VV1h4OEhzUUl0NlM0RVFEMmpTaURqMlZHaUt1aVdkbm1CR1FVbmkwMjJ3Y01yT1dQWmRTNHhJU0c1QV8wcnBlQVBKclZ3N3I2T3lBdjJPbzRWVHhZTXo3dno0ODJibG5BLWhFX1JObGhCU3M2S251ZGMwLWpCSW0xQlpvRkU1TFhrLTg3NzQyZz09 |
Title says it all.
I remember Bitcoin and Ethereum being shamed for not being quantum-resistant in 2022 and then everyone stopped talking about it.
If you're someone that answers "Yes, I am aware and I still invest", I would love to know the reasoning.
Source: Deloitte (https://www2.deloitte.com/nl/nl/pages/innovatie/artikelen/quantum-computers-and-the-bitcoin-blockchain.html)
[View Poll](https://www.reddit.com/poll/1e1ggid) | r/cryptotechnology | post | r/CryptoTechnology | 2024-07-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUyQzl5aGFxbUVtM0pKWGpNbXF0c3BaOHltUkVYMXlVbmI0c3FOZ0dHRHJiQW5jR0pyaFpTUFMxSVFlc3VHNUZ2X2ZrMkg3THg1dlh5blZtLURiRFpaeHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0ckQ0VWtiTTN2ZDdtalpqdFphR1VDMEFkeG9LR1lFczJ6LU1JMTIyWm5YTVhLd0dZX1o4UW40NXRyYlctakNNNXIwMVJsQ251S2lfVFdndEZGM0t2WmRrN09xendWR3dFOFVJd2tmVjJHZnhnY1Q4aDY1dkloX1RjQVlGVkhlTE1vMTU3MkhhcVd3MXlETkNYOXN4dVBSV2ZXNU05eXNLM2t4bjVzXzd6cjR2TTR4S2VkVU9za2hoMkdKWkFOVElaM2NzSVpLQ3BqTlMya2dRNTcwbHVDZz09 |
DCA strategy and im almost nearing the green after starting at 120. Besides the possible ETF for ether and the price point, I'm thinking we might see 40-60 soon.
I like the ether for payments, but I sort of wish I could spend my bag in other ways. Any ideas before we start this next price cycle? | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-07-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUydFVPVlh4VXVVbUpHU0V5R1RJZVdkU0k2Mm1CMjlTcmpGNUl3Zjc4UDRzVDFXc1p3YVRLVklKaUFXQ0tmOEtZNVBBSTVaM2Q3eVh4ck9GTWxLZXJYT0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0WHBnSGFfMUtTdjRudzU5c0hWMW15ZzlxcjAyeFRJY1BkQzByRERnRFh0ZjNoY0M5ZDg3RFIwRVVIb3g3SDZwOXM5MVZYcGZ2dENUNTJhNGF6YU96eVNpcHAyMV9FRHctXzNaOGUzampJd252Q3FXTmRtNGdHY2NyU182VVdkcXlRTHVvek1XMjhOS2lRRUh4ZnNRTnozalBMQkFiNkJYVVdVUGota2tXeW1nPQ== |
Had $1k of iota sitting in my wallet and came back to see the service was shut down, guessing my iota are just gone? | r/iota | post | r/Iota | 2024-07-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUyaVQ2N190clFIdnlmM1l1bVg4NmJpYkFwUFBlSGNNY1gzdTh1SE1iMEpnQjJXWWxIZEFOS3p4dkw5TmZJVFEwbzA2NHBBeFU3SUYtdTVNbmd6ZHlLMUVhSDhTaWplNUc3X0FNZlAzU0QxWW89 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0ak1BbXhMbWI3SWxlUlE3blpkblpQcjBkdF82VF9PTDdIbE1zdEFLOFJUS1dsTmxBQm1IT0VrZ0FRNlVfTVh1d1IwSTU2RVc2d3ZVUkYxODdqenlUcWFoVk9NQUsyX1NlS3pjcms5U2hnRmhyam9yZFB2UDZXZW5kREZGNjZnWmRfNC1FZFlJa3BhTHJnNnRFel9OZDlJY2NERE1rREt2YkZCYXY1U19aYXE2VHgya3FvWnl2RkNNbVZaM2xRMnpFbUZZOXBSd0F2ZldZT1MwWGRsX1R6UT09 |
Apologies in advance if this question is misguided. I'm trying to understand the math behind how pool tokens work in the Balancer Protocol, and AMMs in general for a project. I am brand new to this topic.
I don't understand how many pool tokens would be issued back to a provider that deposits more than a single asset where said assets don't follow the ratio given in the pool. For reference, I'm using the whitepaper that is given on the Balancer website and a paper titled: "Decentralized Exchanges: The Profitability Frontier of Constant Product Market Makers" by Bitterli and Schan. For the sake of clarity, I've been using a numerical example:
**Problem Statement:** Suppose I am the owner of a liquidity pool which contains 100, 200, and 300 of tokens A, B, and C. I have created 1000 pool tokens to start. Now suppose a LP comes along and deposits 30, 20, and 10 tokens of A, B, and C respectively. How many pool tokens need to be minted and given to the LP?
**My attempt:** The whitepaper specifies weighted and single asset deposits, but the math should be able to extend to this case I think. I know the initial K value is (100)(200)(300)=6,000,000. After the deposit, the new K value K'=(1+30%)(1+10%)(1+3.33%)K=(130)(220)(310)=8,866,000. Hence, their ratio gives me (K'/K)=1.48. If I understand correctly this should be proportional to LP's ownership of the pool. This is where I'm stuck because I know what percent of each asset they own, but no idea how to turn that into their overall ownership of the pool let alone how many tokens should be produced.
Any advice or clarification is truly appreciated. | r/cryptotechnology | post | r/CryptoTechnology | 2024-07-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUyWUpTWkVJZ3dOSEU0SERRaFV3QjJjLWhIT080ZTQ3bU9BZ3RyZmpudHo0dUsxU1c1VGRpT21rcWJJY2tvT21pT2dVeTBzVjR5dGlzbXpWUG9vSDF6TWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0TG5ibFQxRVRzbnZ5MWU3N0RWVnE5T25NQmNfY0tVTDhTTjVyQWlmeGJmUXdPU3FMRFp0dUlzdHhjanl0cnR6RDBiZ2hhSFVjbE15Ym9UZ3RDZnJ4QWEzS3JSdUVjRzU0S1cxVlFZTE5HeFhMbkpVd0VMRDdNLWptT2pjenZVUzBzMnEyLWthOWozSndjVUhOUVVkbU9GLU4tdi1JSTIxblVaNjh5Vjk2cGJsUERCU3l5cHRFUXh5dXZJMDBDNXg3WVpJekRJbmZ1MFNuTFhNY2hDdDYwdz09 |
Hey everyone,
I've been working on a new project called EQL, and I’m really excited to share it with you all. EQL is a language that lets you query the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) using a SQL-like syntax. My goal was to make it the simplest way to ask blockchain questions and get answers.
I plan to support relational-like queries in the future, but that will take some time and research.
If you’re interested, you can check out the web-based REPL [here](https://eql-app.vercel.app/) and the GitHub repo [here](https://github.com/iankressin/eql).
I’d love to get your feedback and hear what you think about it. ❤️ | r/cryptotechnology | post | r/CryptoTechnology | 2024-07-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUyWTVwVUhKYUZ3MUxrU0ZMYjhkdDVtWlpZTGNfTWhWVDJ5Q2FCYnllNkNmOFUxeHVuS1gxTFE5RVh2Wlp4QUxYZDZ4ckQyVnZrWFphanpLbDNaZm8ybWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0bnc1TWF3WlRjQk90THo5M3NDRjg3T1Vac3k0YXVLdUZKZDh3ZXY4eHVtRDBJckZQS05KYkx3bUV2MzRqaW44VW13c0pERDN5R1RlNk0ydllndTBOSTFWV05pREhnYno4bElqd3ZlMTc1ck56TS1zRFNJX3RxSWxKMmp2YWxERkxJUEdSTjJiU1Fnd05INjVpNU1sempKa3JqLVhMUlA5cFB1ZUl4X0FiQTA1ZVlXa2xiX2VHVS1xZFBkc1BoMWxONkhxTjQwaDFPX2lvUV9yazQ4OGUwUT09 |
Explore why $ETC stands out in the blockchain world. #ETC combines #Bitcoin's philosophy with Ethereum's technology, offering proof of work and smart contracts in one system. Learn more: [https://ethereumclassic.org/blog/2024-07-17-why-ethereum-classic-should-be-the-second-largest-blockchain-in-the-world](https://ethereumclassic.org/blog/2024-07-17-why-ethereum-classic-should-be-the-second-largest-blockchain-in-the-world) | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-07-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUyUzg1WWZwRS13UEJiT2ZBNFRwcThTc2pKVnNHcEowU3lGS2ZSYzUyS0ZvblVMRTE0NE83d2wwNUV6aDdqcmNJWEVOaVR1TU83ekNEUVRZbUloNlJzbkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0S2d3TjlXV3A0ZG03bU1hQ1JubDNRX1h6aGZhSVZucjFlTjJ0NDFuYUM3ZmpnbW9ka0JoUGs3UVdtMlZQTlE4U1RvRWgweElyYXlmbjNIeDVnbGREMmJHRlBNMklYX3FWOTh6M243YWt0STVGcllhSkNyUHlXNjk4ZVd1d0FvLVc3bHVNSzFoLWh6WGFSUWh2QzRMOGo4UnAzSllGaWtobnJUcG0wWjRCMWZBWVpla3IzSmRBSEd4azhBSXcyYTZOb3JIYWljSWZ4dnVacFBobW13TFZ6UT09 |
**My Goal**: To build/start something big in crypto in about a year
**Space**: I think crypto is a hugely valuable space with a lot of activity. So kinda betting on its huge TAM (like the Internet)
**My Background**: I am a computer science grad from one of the top engineering colleges of India and have been working across BigTechs (Amazon, Microsoft, etc.) and startups (my own, followed by another fintech unicorn) as an Engineer and Product Manager.
**Idea**: Before having a thesis of what to build, I need to understand, in-depth, the basics. There are a lot of concepts - which I’m kinda very vaguely aware of - PoW, staking, DEX, DEFI, etc. → here’s the thing. I don’t understand a lot of it in detail to start building a thesis of what could be done.
My current learning methodology: Depth-first - I come across some interesting topic, google it or youtube it → watch some videos and then continue doing [yak-shaving](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/yak_shaving). This is obviously sub-optimal.
**Help needed:** Could someone suggest some structured courses to go shit deep into Blockchain, Ethereum, and Crypto?
Wishing you all kind commenters good *Karma*
Thanks | r/cryptotechnology | post | r/CryptoTechnology | 2024-07-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUyQk1oSEFOVUNrTy1yaWp6TnhwLTJsZFNkcl84NVctVTdyY3FhZGhhZ1ZUbEdISHF5X2g0d0lSTDlELTFuMFdhb3lZSnVpbW52MmlWU2JRTWlVRUJyTjlEQWhteUwxZVU0bTg5QVFpZWpjMFU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0bW9ZTU80VEVZNVdud3BUQlhySTdCRGZyVlZqYW9QSmVVWVItTGRXUVd0OGI2WGlNSHNaZ1Y3dGkzY0VMQVladHhkYS1LeEdNandGdU1KREl0RGFQaUlRTzJ1RVp1Zk50RXBBWExOdGNkUUdsNXNDYzg3S3M0WmJVeDhKS1FnVXpoUU85SUFCWU1vdnlvX3RTNGMwV3g3SkVUcWlucDhlOWJIb2ZxWUZmVHBkRlF6emJZZ1RWY0dFdlZIanJuUkI4ZXBSZzJfY1pJSjBEVGw4TnVwSU9GZz09 |
I want to take a look at a small platform using crypto as their main payment system. To my understanding users get assigned a platform-wallet when they create an account. They can transfer money to this wallet and then use their on-platform money to pay on the platform. They accept Ether for example.
I am wondering:
1. Can I track the transactions from my on-platform-wallet to wherever this money goes when purchasing something through the blockchain?
2. Can I find out the rough size of all transactions done on the platform?
3. Can I find out if they use a third party payment processing provider or transfer funds directly?
I want to do my due diligence before spending a lot of money on a platform that is intransparent.
Maybe some of you can share tools and strategies to analyze crypto based platforms!
| r/cryptotechnology | post | r/CryptoTechnology | 2024-07-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUyTjJpNVdzalhqb251N21xVXVNc1RwWFQ2amZjNHZlWkRROE1Jblc4c1VMNGtXZk9fOTVKOWtJX1IzM1Z2ZnJ0dUw0MVlFbkdFVS1mY04wSktVdlBGTnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0MEJwelFyVGdtWXBfUmRHcnFiSVduNkVfcEV3aU1teDVpUWNWdXJEZkdwVW5SUFFHY0h5Q1h5OU45YmFzTXZiLXVqaVEyY0YxWjluZHE1dmJPR0tNSVJkd3ZORk0tWU1iLU43TWdoWjJsZ05FbTQ5bWgxYU93ZnpEN19yZFpvNjN1bzYydUFhaktaQU9ObWZkbFdWYTl5X2FtcGFvM2dJdWlUX2g1LXRsOEFmY216WTZUZ2VHNU1pRlItb3RXc3ZoMzYtQlp2ZmcyU3QyNVVqVXJoTURNUT09 |
Software-Defined Networking (SDN) has revolutionized network management by providing unprecedented flexibility, control, and efficiency. However, its centralized architecture introduces critical security vulnerabilities. This paper presents an innovative approach to securing SDN environments using IOTA 2.0 smart contracts. The proposed system leverages the IOTA Tangle, a directed acyclic graph (DAG) structure, to enhance scalability and efficiency while eliminating transaction fees and reducing energy consumption. We introduce three smart contracts—Authority, Access Control, and DoS Detector—to ensure secure network operations, prevent unauthorized access, and mitigate denial-of-service attacks. Through comprehensive simulations using Mininet and the ShimmerEVM IOTA Test Network, we demonstrate the efficacy of our approach in enhancing SDN security. Our findings highlight the potential of IOTA 2.0 smart contracts to provide a robust, decentralized solution for securing SDN environments, paving the way for further integration of blockchain technologies in network management. | r/iota | post | r/Iota | 2024-07-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUySUI3cjhiQUF6SDd6d2NuMktkNTZVc2xDUjk2QkRick9nTFJmcWZIRDNYemtWMUVyNEdQTVFvWktDbG5hSE0zU2JjblU2NnNBR0laOVNEakJmcU1qeEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0VkRXQ0pXUW1JaUdRNG1jajBFLVRCZlVUNHRxS3pYWm1JRm1RUXYyMnVoN1NZSXJqWnc1VnRvVzJaS0liTm5pS25LaDVBMVVZZXpzLW1UVm1CaW9XeExOcVMwcW1uYU1UYlgyNVBmZnFHcXlqLXFnbDhhUUl0cU9mMTZmSTc5dWRoYk1acUVybXRSVXBiOEFvQXBfQzE3aTR3STJxMTVwYzVMc0xXNGdvVkYtemd0LUp1clJJZFdndnJoV2NxRld0djdXTl9xU2ZHZ3VzQWNKaF9PLU1Odz09 |
Can everyone in this group apply for an ETF? | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-07-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUySlVSMHhLbFlsZEZWODE1LV9NRzJYc1ExUGdGYjJYZmdxekwxODEybDNDSlRZNGpWQWtYYkxlelRQTlBMSy1OSW56VEkyeXMwYU1OTFAtM1FEbFRvQmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0MnJPRkZuZmxseFN2NTZUMks1eF9hVTVTeUI1c2FZNWpZTklyVm54cThnWTNGZWJkdEsxVWtxQ2hMVDhIZ3o0OXRNN0hpVlMybXhtdjRkbkNCNkUtcTNSVTZZRFpYU0pxQXFWeVRqOFh1QWh1azY4SVBCSURGczlZNnhLajJiMTZNZTVySWdsZ3pPNUtNNzZzT0hidFhWMTRvWDFvend1LWlaOTNtc0k2ZUNCbUhuZ2NyY0x2ekplTkdhQzZpcnhXVDNpbng2YXZWLTMyZ0twaEk1Q2U0dz09 |
Hypothetically, let's say I store my 24 word passphrase in an insecure place. It then gets stolen by a hacker BUT the hacker realizes that 2 out of the 24 words are missing. Can the hacker simply guess the missing words? How long will that take?
And how many missing words are required before its virtually impossible to be guessed
| r/cryptotechnology | post | r/CryptoTechnology | 2024-07-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUybmVvdnZvMlJIdmljdWlXb3p4YWxHVVduZzlocDc5dzZySndSbWVlM3U3WGlnbHNRSlJWRGlTeG5QcWZVcWVLUzlaVVlzRkpjc1laTDhRcG1vV21VZ3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0bk5kNkVUX0hTY0U1d0prbXJrMkNOaXJNd1BxSlVTYUVxbVpHLWtadE1mamFxWHA0SGx3N3A1RVVDSFNsLVZDSEExd3hubXdrTGI2MklLcXBHUjdwLTUtZzMySm9ubzMyc2ZmQWhwTEtZUzBMbGtRVVJkNm1mX3VPREt4eVhtZC05bnE2T19CWGo1XzJZWVBMa2FDNjgyNzFsWGlnNFJ6dnhDZEtQVGtseE5GNjlPTGhFUFpxVEJNc1RSZG5iWW9h |
I'm looking for a product similar to this:
- A simple battery powered device with a display and a keypad. No external connectors.
- It should store a seed phrase, and display the seed phrase on demand.
- Protected by a PIN code.
- After N incorrect PIN attempts, it should wipe the seed phrase from memory and brick the device. (All the logic and data should reside inside a secure chip enclave.)
In other words, it would serve the same purpose as a paper wallet, but if anyone finds it, the data would not be accessible without the PIN. (Unless maybe with an advanced electronic laboratory.)
Is there something like this available, or perhaps something else that would serve the same purpose?
I'm aware of Ledger, Trezor, etc. But those will never reveal the seed phrase. So this product is more of a replacement for the piece of paper. | r/cryptotechnology | post | r/CryptoTechnology | 2024-07-29 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUyMG1uTnRZWEo4cWxPYUc5a1hQMVdvdW1HcC0xRFREU1BNNThELXJxWW9uOVBMMHJ4bDhVdXAwRkJoOXZGVXAwd2hDRzFoOEpvRmFRUTJ1a1cwSUE1Znc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0aFRGTmR2TjFLcnpQWklnUVFmVDF0bEh4R1JaS2pHNjVwM0pfN1ZteGRvaGlyMkZxa2I3VkpVZGNXUjU4amwyb3NoaHdWUkFsN0tGYTFnX3F6dERseGJQc3RDR0RHaXN6bzZVZHVLczYzc21lQ1VaWU90b2hla01SOGp0TnhOcVp2ejhCaDlnYWF6QmF2RjJwSUY3VWIwd0VGMVhkdTJsQ1VuekhER0VzRi04OFYyTEhUMDZ1bkRyeVYtMS1oQnpfYS1wRFA3dGlmWUZaSFRnNWhqZ3VsZz09 |
This seemed like the best place for this.
I do not know much about the blockchain and crypto, but is it possible to make a self-hosted, non-convertible, non-currency token for personal use.
For context I am wanting to set up an economy within my Computer Science class. But I want it to not have any monetary value, and for it to be hosted on the in-class server if possible.
I just thought it would be good to ask people who know more than myself first. | r/cryptotechnology | post | r/CryptoTechnology | 2024-07-29 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUyWFpvdzd5S1FsQW1NRm9ncTNKVHZqeVEzSFZFUWtYZkEybHYwMDJ3MG01dU9BX3VkUEFBX1AwaW9VcEx0Y0F4UDVHRmNyRDVMSi1VMVFFZ09heU55VEJRcTZ6UHo4ZlFlRVJaT0JaWnM4QnM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0ZHNCQXo0cmloTHIzV1BiUmQ0TVVOdzBsVUE3cFpYeTV2QW1VYjVUSmQ4NVg0VE9ScWtNalhPa2thR3ZJSDVBYklRbWc1U3hRXy1BalF3TUNHTjgwOG5jS0dQNVRsRVZ4aHUwT29GaE5ZWlpwckJ0TklLOFdVUUZTb3NZRzlva2hRR29zZENRS3g0VjlGOTM5RUtNWFVSc2Z4VnVPV1phYXhlRlNGRUxRTTA0PQ== |
In 2021, I discovered the revolutionary potential of blockchain technology. Captivated by its promise to drastically alter our digital lives, I was particularly moved by its ethos of individual empowerment, which I believe is necessary for a more prosperous society.
One underexplored yet promising facet of blockchain is its potential to transform corporate structures. This could fundamentally change how we operate, allowing individuals to participate more fully in decision-making and resource allocation. However, current solutions (DAOs) have been disappointing. To address this, I aim to explore how decentralized technologies can help us build more effective and efficient alternatives to our current organizational structures.
# Traditional Structures: The Company
To innovate on these structures using decentralized tools, we must first understand them from first principles. The company is the modern organizational structure - so lets define it from first principles.
Companies are a structured collection of individuals united by a common vision, operating under a defined set of principles and processes to execute tasks aimed at achieving that vision, often with the goal of generating more money than it spends.
# Blockchain Innovations: DAOs
A Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) is an open, democratic community with operational actions executed on the blockchain. Voting rights and ownership are determined by token holdings, with the nuances of these rights written in code. Examples like Uniswap DAO, The Bored Ape Yacht Club, and Cardano's Project Catalyst illustrate how DAOs operate.
# Where DAOs Went Wrong
Despite their potential, DAOs face significant challenges:
1. **Slow Decision-Making**: The lack of speed hampers their ability to compete with centralized companies.
2. **Centralization Under the Mask of Decentralization**: In some DAOs, a few token holders control the majority of decisions.
3. **Laborious and Inaccessible**: DAO interfaces are often not user-friendly, requiring a steep learning curve.
# What DAOs Got Right
Despite these faults, DAOs have made significant strides in:
1. **Decentralization and Reach**: Allowing strangers to collaborate toward a common goal.
2. **Transparency and Accountability**: Voting and change processes are recorded on an unchangeable ledger.
# Decentralizing Organizations Day-to-Day
Imagine buying an NFT that grants you access to specific roles and tasks within an organization. Every task is tied to a smart contract, and once completed, the task manager reviews the work. Upon approval, tokens are distributed to your wallet. This structure can revolutionize how we think about task allocation and completion within organizations.
For example, a decentralized company could issue NFTs representing different roles, each with associated courses and task bounties. This system incentivizes motivated individuals to complete tasks quickly and efficiently while maintaining decentralization.
# The New Yogurt Times: Decentralized Media Operations
To experiment with this possibility, I would create a newsletter called The New Yogurt Times (NYT) within Frontier Media. By collaborating with platforms like Working Dead, I would create courses to introduce the company's vision, processes, and specific domain knowledge. NFTs representing different roles (writer, editor, fact-checker) would be minted, each receiving a share of the revenue generated by NYT.
Tasks can be managed through platforms like Discord, which support NFT-based permissions, or decentralized storage solutions like Iagon. While some disconnects remain (e.g., integrating NFT permissions with Substack), these can be managed manually for now.
# Revolutionizing Work
Decentralizing day-to-day operations could provide both stability and flexibility, allowing team members to deliver high-quality work while managing their own schedules. This structure can also complement DAOs, which are better suited for long-term, strategic decisions.
Moreover, this system opens the door for AI agents to function within organizations, provided they can access a crypto wallet. By integrating AI into decentralized business processes, we can address the lack of current AI integration in traditional business structures.
# Conclusion
This ideation process highlights the potential of decentralized technologies to revolutionize organizational structures. While challenges remain, the possibilities for innovation are immense. I plan to further refine these ideas and potentially write a whitepaper to explore their merits.
I hope you enjoyed this piece. Please like, share, and subscribe to stay engaged with the conversation and witness the potential realization of these ideas.
**Link to Full Post**: [Brains Out of The Jar](https://open.substack.com/pub/frontierletter/p/brains-out-of-the-jar?r=jzsh5&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web)
Please subscribe if you found this useful and are interested in the effect of emerging technologies on humanity :)
What industries do you see this idea being successfully applied to? How about unsuccessfully? Curious to get your thoughts on this. Have a wonderful week!
See ya in the next one!
Dom | r/cryptotechnology | post | r/CryptoTechnology | 2024-07-30 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUyMkFEWUlXYmh4VVBUcE1xWDByY0hZd2w3VWUzNXJhOUFpNnBSZ05JYXZmZWozMXRhYUZCVEEzOGlHRThBc2FrdUtxekE4cWlScG9sbnFQdHZtTld1N3JSeGZ2dVRLeDdZc1VMNTVzamVweFU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0bGlKNWoxNC0wd0M3VkI0d09tOWVaRXhtV2dVRlBNS2YtWVhjZnFFRWVXb3daZFhEbUdBczhjRHh0YXFLMGgyS05Ia2dMYkdtelhjcGhiV1UwZUl4VVE5R0pfWDVGM1praklGVlNDaGRhemRFU09LUDc4QnNTY2M4clpoeHk5UkZuX05PbldGaGJKYUZfc2JERGRLYUtKVWVscEhELXJuckpVdnNVcUtjbGx1ZVp0RExLVDZ1REZURlRIR1JST3Z2c2V6cV8xWUFWbDFLLVpkNEE0UF9qZz09 |
I was recently thinking and wondering if the increase in supply as well as the proposition to re-claim unmigrated tokens would have an effect on Iota's stance and image with regards to how it gets viewed by governments on whether or not it is considered a security or not, and if so, what positives or negatives come with that. I've realized I'm not smart enough to confidently arrive at a conclusion to this question on my own and would like to float this question to the OG reddit community and see what everyone's thoughts were for better or worse. Soooo... whatcha think? | r/iota | post | r/Iota | 2024-07-31 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUyRWh5YTd1d3hkUk9SWTlOdW9zMm9KTFFIYWhXTlhmQ2UyZWNidzB3NTNMSzU5VWpBOHlkTHFBanhPVXdqeFkteFY5cnUzUGl5MzhkWWRSY0tiNno3X0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0Y3dHMFd2SkRabUN5ZXhLb2MwMDlUX3BVY3J6dndZb0xGckJSRG1YcmVGclNfYVZOdHhwamRuZFY4bFhxZ2o5YXltZEhGQXhXb1FnYWhBOGJvN0pUdnQ2WFJxMk9PRXdxYjVwQzNqRDJvWkNZa0x5QlhTQ3hQMEpuTDc0U1o5Rk1mUUpRc3M2Zm5BWVF0N2hySXpSQ3FFTHJzRnVkQ20zOVVMTTJVRENtRmd3PQ== |
I'm new to iota, and the existing features and new ones of 2.0 are intriguing, ive also seen some interesting uses like the free chat app.
I was studying how an MMO that i wont name here does user login on their client to server. I found out that they dont ever send the password over the internet, even during registration which i found interesting. so i looked into its complex but to make it hammer and nails the client encrypts and salts the input password, server and client exchange some encrypted hash strings with variations, and these hashes and salted strings that get stored or compared or transmitted, the plaintext password the user enters at clientside never leaves his machine.
I was thinking that this could potentially be integrated into crypto for authentication, since a publicly accessible hashed string doesnt matter, it does not give the password or username of the user the hashed string is only of any use to whoever has the plaintext correct password that can be hashed and salted into that hashedstring, and the server that has pulled that hashedstring from the database, is doing some extra steps and making sure that what the player entered on his plaintext box essentially is the same that was entered when they registered. IOTA could come in as a message sent from any wallet as a "text message" like the free chat app, and then the client or server can read off the blockchain transaction, do the various rehashing validating steps locally in the client or server, effectively offloading some client-server traffic to iota, which can be a big cloud service bill, taking advantage of the feeless(maybe near-feeless with mana?) transactions, could even be iota based backend service with a frontend SaaS user authentication API service with a fee to cover mana expense. | r/iota | post | r/Iota | 2024-08-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUyeFk1azRDaFNvemhKb2pBbTJsTHMxb2pYOXpIamN1Q3FMRFNWN3ZJb1pfRWVCNXdtd2RKdFhlRDg4dWxTZWxZcm0yYXBPRFZ2RGpNRkJob0dfY1MzTFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0a1J0MEVGT2R0UjFISTNVRjVBdUtHWl84RWEtSFVXTlZLbUhZUkU4Um9VdzdqSFdYR24xSzZ4bS1Edi1Wcldlc29WSzZlQnd0MGNIVjBUaFBjenV5VjdXTnlmMVBMSDM5UVYwYThpb25vQ0hYemE1U2VvU0ItN0Z4cHloY1p5NmNrRlhfaTV6TUpRa1FUM1JtcEJlci1fM0JaUHZ2TVVMV3ZRVGdYT2lTaEJKY0M3c2d2c0Rfb080VzFwc01uLUxj |
Layer 2 solutions are becoming increasingly important for Bitcoin's scalability and usability. We've seen the rise of the Lightning Network, but what do you think is the next big thing? I'm curious about platforms that offer fast and efficient BTC-WBTC swaps, as they seem to bridge important gaps. What other innovations do you think are on the horizon? | r/cryptotechnology | post | r/CryptoTechnology | 2024-08-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUyNzB4bTAxOW5KUHg3aXhWcUZzUzZ5YV9FbDRpaUFhN3dTVVl2TTI5eHNuZmhWQW1PYnlaX20xbDFlWi14MzlyQ0RDX2RJaF9ObWpXQkJxQ1R6R2Z2c3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0clJJcFBtbElSVGNUMmN5cWp2VVFjU3ZvTTM4Sl83UDlJYzJoRDA4cUV0b2hybGtfX01nMVlLeDR4U2N0MDFWUmdfclB4R0UxNTB1TGpweV94UlplS2N4cVhPbWRXYmNnU1piUDNEN0lIbTJzbW5FajlDU004Z3Y2R05YZXh1YlNLYVlMcVBabkEtNzNXV2JTeWJuemJJZlJUN2dXYUJ1bDhxVnlzd3liRV94b3JqTy1fQmxleDdDSTdZcGF2MzhUUHh6ZjdvNmRZN1dKVFZ3M3hINTR5UT09 |
In the realm of decentralized finance and blockchain technology, maintaining transaction security and ensuring trustlessness is of utmost importance. Off-chain asset transfers need to be safeguarded against theft or fraud, which introduces challenges such as payment routing risks and potential node failures during HTLCs (Hashed Time-Locked Contracts) in transit.
HTLCs offer a robust solution to these issues. These contracts allow for conditional payments based on the revelation of a specific secret, or more technically, the preimage of a hash. The HTLC mechanism comprises two crucial elements: the hashlock and the timelock. The hashlock is satisfied when the correct preimage is provided, enabling the transfer of funds to the recipient, or alternatively, the timelock ensures that the sender's funds are refunded if the transaction fails within the specified timeframe.
HTLCs are vital for ensuring that transactions are either completed successfully or funds are returned to the sender. The effectiveness of HTLCs largely depends on how well the implementation restricts access to the funds. In scenarios where the public keys are pre-shared, the recipient's ability to access funds is tightly controlled. | r/cryptotechnology | post | r/CryptoTechnology | 2024-08-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUyTGNLWmNiRUwwbEZBX25iSGNJUHZkcjRBNlJnblcxQldJTWFULTcyaEtQajRfWGI4NnZ0SzltblRxR2ttMTZyeHJNMjRUc0ZmMnc3Wmg3d2RUUS0tTVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0VWVyU2FsN3JQRXd0RkJrUjU5U2ZrcGlJemY1Q3JydlROUkNMZ0t5SU5iaC10RFBfVURxMnVuMFhpTVpkUE95VVZsYkU4SWF3YWUzVTdRYkYwYkwzMkh4Rm54dnlWUzFCZjlLQU5UaWxGa21zQXJZd2JpSTRmX0ozTU9qRlJlSi0zUFQtNlJ1T21ITlZnS1JnaTAyRS0tUUZVNTBpZGNxMXhkWTZPaVRhYzFPTnVfaWllTjJmQ292UFczZnZzckdOMUZUZHN0b3NQRFp4d0lrM3ZXOEcyQT09 |
# The Problem with Existing Bridging Protocols
1. **Delegated Security:** All existing bridging protocols avoid addressing security directly, instead delegating it to third parties like Oracles or so called DVNs. This delegation introduces complexity and potential security risks, relying on external entities rather than solving and ensuring security inside the protocol.
2. **Permissioned Network Integration:** None of these protocols provide a permissionless approach to network integration. As a network developer, you have to convince these bridge protocols and their operators to support your network, which can be costly and time-consuming. This permissioned system hinders the seamless expansion and integration of new blockchain networks.
# Our Solution: PreHTLCs
At Layerswap, we aimed to address both of these issues by developing an improved version of HTLCs (Hashed Time Lock Contracts) used in Atomic Swaps, called **PreHTLCs**. This innovation provides:
* **Permissionless Network Integration:** Atomic swaps inherently support permissionless integration. Any network can participate without needing approval or support from existing bridge protocols. Anyone can deploy PreHTLC standard (\~200 LOC) to network and run LP for it.
* **Enhanced Security:** PreHTLCs ensure sound protocol security without relying on third-party entities. By leveraging the security mechanisms of Atomic Swaps, our protocol maintains the integrity of the protocol regardless of permissionless actors.
# Learn More and Try It Out
To explore our protocol in detail, visit [Layerswap on Notion](https://layerswap.notion.site/). Additionally, you can experience Layerswap firsthand on testnets by visiting [Layerswap V8](https://layerswap.io/v8).
We'd like to hear your opinions on:
1. The issues we've identified with existing bridging protocols. Do you agree with our assessment?
2. Our proposed solution using PreHTLCs for permissionless network integration and enhanced security. Do you see any potential challenges or areas for improvement?
3. Any additional features or improvements you'd like to see in a cross-chain bridging protocol.
Looking forward to your insights and suggestions! Thanks in advance for your feedback. 🙏 | r/cryptotechnology | post | r/CryptoTechnology | 2024-08-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUyWGJGZlFjdDl6cVI1WGNKeF9aOWNMNDRjNHVpa3RVYW1GMnFtTDZlc2pVZlpfSDdET09KQ1RvTEl5TTVDTVN2ZEw2Z1AtUmxUMUdpeVVLWjZ1WkVGV2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0UUh6UWdUNmtaZldyWWkyNFJrUXJKUTh2emd1eVZuQ0xRMkVGVm9qNERDVjc0UURTcnJmSGZ3TTVFeGhSRUllYlNiajBGaG9ISlhXbmE3d0ZJbnA1YWd6WTU4a1lha1VlMGdBMlZKQ0FOOGRqQzM2eThjMXgzWFhDcmN2cnQ3aEJVR1dwTmpvVUlFRkt6YWIwSkt1bmhUc0lxcUtuZGQ2a2NNSGZ6azZEUzVNaXNwbkFReEprblhtajc2a1oxTEo1Y0FVYVFzOVZxclY0VklLc2lYWHRrZz09 |
https://youtu.be/CGsy9sp3s4w?si=mn1Ux7_TI4tlRex2 | r/cryptotechnology | post | r/CryptoTechnology | 2024-08-05 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUyQ3ptbk5hclVxVWt6ODBIOFVOZFdwTDhIYTBwRDZubC1rZ1FPemtmRF95QkdSQjBvN3VlMzhUUUZSRUthbnJPMERPdXpudURIZTE5TkV4UGRPZHJQTnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0UXBkNjEwUlFSWWVpM29aaGVuNFVna3NnTFp5RkVfdlJ2RUJKTmlURS1LM05USVJKUmpkU0wzSlFDRm1KbFVLbGItYXljSEY0V1ZqVE1sR045RkdleGZoRVNnZ0o1Ml9IdW1FMmJLMTd2X3VxXzVQWVNyZEhIQ2ZmRGlfZGRoMXphWGZKNEs2SzBRbFB0WVhUd2c4MW5CaWpPcjliY0FKaFU4SnFTSUp2UVNVdTZDVlBUTlF5a0huQXZOZkZYZEs3 |
Is Emerald Wallet safe? | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-08-05 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUyaDA3UDAtUVdhaHhoU1dabGhIamxFeklvWUF4NkhkZnNLTmtJWjdWbjhMWGFRblR1NGxDT25fWW03aS0yaVZ0MUtET0g4S2hscGZReHc0MEJmVTE5OWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0WGlIeGtBcDk0ZXVZQzNFaDBFLU5tY3o0aVpIZHBENjBqelZnVHViOGhOY24yV1pXdk9ueW9vWTE4MXlQTlctT08zUjZHT215a1d2WXl3aFdFSU92dUtNbWlPN1pSbV9oanNHWVZUaDVTN1A2QmNLRFBBYXJiMUFaaHV3OV85T0ZZWHBybHAwTTROeUR1YlpPTFFHc1VkMUZ6YWJ0YXphblprbGVWVkV5UmpZY0E0aVFXemc3b0pXdU03Q2R1M1JY |
I have been digging a lot the resent years, and now after reading the book Read Write Own (2024) by Chris Dixon it stands really clear to be that the most essential contribution blockchain technology potentially is providing is applications, networks and building blocks that dont need to rely on inherent trust from a third party. This is because their legitimacy can be Proven as a feature of blockchain. The protocol and how it operates is opensource and transparent.
With a foundation like that, one can build great thing.
Q1: What do you think is the main contribution of crypto and blockchain technology?
Q2: And what do you think of this foundation is terms of further building, does it make a difference from how things are done today? | r/cryptotechnology | post | r/CryptoTechnology | 2024-08-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUyOHpnMlVTaUpKMzE4eTg2c3VJWWxLWWpGVElGWEhSaG5pcVM5LTN6WHV5YU13TnQ3NjFvWERuTVY5ZGpmVUJ2bzE3ZkFhY0dDcmVOSFU4VUtoeXJQTXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0cEU4WjFSQ2VqakM1dDhKWGgydDZnUXVsTzdEYWEzRmctQkE5MTFWMTFueXBKanZJNDZRcUNlRHVkVXdhYi1RbWVzeDh5cFRFeUhlZEhxZEdHeEhZUzhMZ2ZGay14WjJNUWRZRVMxQ2VkeHNicWpPS3hIM2RXek5sT3BxREo0YVRGUDRQWkhJdVJvcGtQZmVsbk5xcmJjM3A1cVZYQ3RrR1RRSWdSZU5KX2stR3NnYXJXbkZyYkxYYzBJamZ6RktuNEdDWlZkRk51OWY3TGZ3elpuNUZEZz09 |
The price of Ethereum has been dropping, roughly 20% in the past 24 hours.
**Background:** Jump Trading is a Chicago-based trading firm that was established in 1999 by two pit traders who met on the floor of the CME. Jump Crypto is the digital asset division of Jump Trading, which was launched in 2021.
Recently, wallets associated with Jump Crypto have transferred a ton of Ethereum to various centralized exchanges, including Coinbase. This typically indicates intentions to sell.
In June, around the time rumors about the CFTC investigation began circulating, they reportedly moved about 72,213 Ethereum ($231M) to exchanges. In the past 24 hours, they have transferred an additional 17,576 Ethereum ($46.78M) to exchanges as well. They currently hold around 49,000 Ethereum still in the unstaking process, meaning this ETH is locked up, earning money similar to a CD. However, these funds take a few days to be released for trading or selling. - Numbers from per *Spot On Chain*
Interestingly, these transfers started two days after the U.S ETH ETFs went live for trading. Was this a big trade gone wrong?
**Their past:**
2014 - Jump Trading was one of six firms subpoenaed by the New York Attorney General.
2018 - Jump Trading was fined $250,000 by the SEC due to a "malfunction" in their trading algorithm.
2022 - Jump Crypto faced losses around $300M getting wrapped up in the FTX collapse
2022 - Wormhole protocol was hacked and Jump Crypto stepped in and provided $325M to help recover funds
2023 - A class-action lawsuit was filed against Jump Crypto for market manipulation on a profit of $1.28B for "Jump had made over $1.28 billion in profits from selling the LUNA tokens it received at a steep discount in exchange for artificially propping up the price of UST and aUST."[ ](https://www.rgrdlaw.com/media/cases/1007_UST%20-%20Jump%20Trading%20File-Stamped%20Complaint.pdf)*Per Report* Allegations were brought on the president of Jump Crypto, Kanav Kariya, (a former intern who went to UIUC) for allegedly aiding and abetting Do Kwon. The president and co-founder of Terraform labs, who’s behind the crashed stablecoin UST and LUNA token who was on the run to Dubi with fake papers while arrested.
Jump Crypto was identified as the “unnamed firm” that stepped in to help maintain the value of UST at $1 during its collapse.
It’s important to note that the issues faced by Jump Trading are not uncommon in the finance industry…..
**4 things could be happening**
1) They are going BK and selling
2) They need liquidity for other business needs, and they want to sell crypto to cover it
3) The rumors about the CFTC investigation are true, and they want to exit the crypto market, leading to forced selling.
4) They placed a trade based on U.S ETH ETFs being approved and it's not panning out and their closing position.
**Short timeline from what I can gather**
Friday 7/2 We received bad economic data (The unemployment rate was higher than expected)
The VIX (Volatility Index) was high Friday, the only times it was higher were during the 08 recession and the 2020 Covid crash.
Saturday 7/3 Israel and Iran are going at it again, Supposedly Israel killed the Hamas leader, Iran said we're gunna hit back and the U.S sent troops to the Middle East (not good for Earth)
Sunday 7/4 Jump starts selling
# Conclusion:
The economic data, high VIX, geopolitical tensions, Japan raising rates and Jump Crypto’s actions all contributed to the recent drop in Ethereum prices. | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-08-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUyZFVKbHM2blEzckw0YmxRb1lMck5ub1k0QS12UUxmMVUwREZXa0MzU1R2OGsxM0dkdEZ5ZkJURGNWZ3B3bWxSTF84eUktV1pxc3lLM3hwUXIxRUJrRXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0TkFOUjE1UVJNa0tfeFZLYVJsUi1Pc2dYbk9Fbzc4SmVQSWU5eXR4MERFTDRpeklBMHZXWkJIeDJ1b3pQSGU3Tjk1SnRKSUdIMkJUWGxLM043eGFtOUtJZlg3UEh6WnhtQ1VRUEpieXJOYTA0dmNveHd5d3NQcjZUZzU4dDhCYUtneEpJOW9sZXhhZUlLbElXc01OR2ZzVVZtNUlRMGxYZ1dVRU9kdHlCMG5VPQ== |
Key Takeaways
* Since its launch, BlackRock's spot Ether ETF has garnered $869.8 million in inflows, with $109.9 million on August 6 alone;
* Such performance places the fund among the top-performing ETFs launched in 2024;
* On August 6, total inflows for spot Ether ETFs were $98.4 million.
Source: [https://www.bitdegree.org/crypto/news/investors-pour-870m-into-blackrocks-ether-etf-since-launch?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=social&utm\_campaign=r-investors-ether-etf](https://www.bitdegree.org/crypto/news/investors-pour-870m-into-blackrocks-ether-etf-since-launch?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=r-investors-ether-etf) | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-08-07 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUyeVFkaTBTVXlPNjlOWlhNd1BSVUwwc0djTTVDblN3ZmFpS2NSaDN0RkJqN3pkNkFaMFU3UzQ0WEx3QkZJYmFJUHNtbWR6WXVZbTRUS1lpWDFFdEYybUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0MlFDb2EwUFNSQURMaTBPQ1BGMnBxMU4xNGc5UThoVzFZTHM5UmVJQmh4akRqRE9tSmlJVFF3X2Vfd2EtX1RzeXRraGExRnhXbHBLRzhpZ2paajRwdGNJUlhFYy1PWkpLeDBpamZPb1lseG5lRXFFU2pObXBDTHY0dy1hZ0FVSE1mNExPdWJyZjViUjFwa1dOTUtUby1Hb2lhdGZDb2NfN2RyMUtsaHA0UG9DS2pWdElCTVg0eUJIdHF4ajNxcjBmRy01b0R4Z2k5Vm5JS2JHM1Iza3ZWZz09 |
Do you think the IF can turn it around? | r/iota | post | r/Iota | 2024-08-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUyWmc1Y0ZLQ2ljbkgzVmpFSzVNbHppMXJZa3luRWxUdjZEekVqckZJYTFWaXJMWjhIMHctVjVkeDFzSFdVM0VOX3kzd21ENENYbS0yRk8wMGlVQzNlQkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0YjQzNEx3blc1OXVQd0NDUHZyUnJfMEFiTUZDZnVTOWZCYmtORHF6TllvM2F4UG1nQWpmT1Fhd3dxYUYxaUhqX1d4cGdGYmNlaVNXbDIyMWIyRTJPUUFvZDNtTFhvcktncmpTdEdfZ2IwX1h5UUJBNDZqSVFZLTN1QUpmMm1tSnUxakdRVmZwalptNWNGaGVha3hnT3UxYlpaRUhGWno4WWp2a292bV8yRnVZWks1RW1tUVUtQ0V0ZlRDcGdXVFZu |
I think Iota was an isolated coin before and its integration with the other ecosystems was not valid. After the build of IOTA EVM, it seems that the value and reputation of it will be better I guess so... | r/iota | post | r/Iota | 2024-08-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUyTnA0LXlxNThEZkk0SDhsbFFDQTRMcWc5c3F4Q1luUEhYU0RubXlHS0JsUE1TcGtzdkg0a2NIWTM5YWl0TldNeHJ4V1JBWjBhSERFYk9Cb251VjVhUnlLQVptS1h2TGxkYjFKOUFHV2dJaE09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0SkhNOEVIMDFfMUFsdEpLRVF3Yjg1aWtVNmZrOUw4LU5aaDFkNjFQeTVnZHhnd2VQSXIzR3dqSDVkU0g5V0hFc0MwZTBfMko4a2JjMGI1V2h0ZHE4WDI5cUNGc1VsRXctcWVBb0NPWkltOGhlLXh3Z1pXM3d3aDNPVkZUejczLWtwTkpHOHhmbXVBc2xieXF1Z1NyX09UUC0zNUtmTzBiYkxiV1RmSzdDaFYzemhJZlJfTVZHV1B5VFdpai1ycDdl |
I would like to raise a discussion about what has been the focus of my work over the past year. A multichain explorer.
If we were to make an assumption, that for "adoption" "usage" "etc." to happen, would mean a lot more users (as a result apps, devs, lambos, etc). THis points to an interesting point. No matter what type of blockchain is going to make it, one of this is certain - users will need wallets and explorers. "Adoption" will/must/should happen here.
If we look at the development of wallets, we went from a blockchain specific wallet desktop software, to - more usable UI and wallets first, then multi ecosystem wallets, and finally multichain wallets, with further ongoing development (account abstractions, etc).
Explorers, on the other hand, didn't really make it past multi ecosystem. It's either Cosmos, Polkadot, Ethereum focused.
To my knowledge, there is 1 (quite old and well known) multichain explorer out there that attempts to really show both POW and POS networks.
Here is my question / rationale:
- Can explorers become multichain (blockchain agnostic) without losing credibility / information
- How do explorers do what wallets did and go from "electron" to "trust"? It seems the logical answer is to stop making explores so technical focused and make them simpler.
- Outdated advertising models are not a place for web3 adoption? What models can be adopted by such tools, if they are to remain free
- Why aren't today's explorers facing the obvious issues, such as contributing to further worsening of stake distribution by implementing inappropriate UI and using misleading terms, such as "inactive validators" (in essence they are all active, those outside the top, don't receive rewards), etc
I guess its worth noting that I am involved with building such a tool and my main reason to collect as much as possible to discuss and opinions is research for my work. Hope its not an issue. | r/cryptotechnology | post | r/CryptoTechnology | 2024-08-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUyeGlfcl9xR05oYXRmM2xsSFFfOTRScjZZV1Ffa2M0NDV0NlZoZDFVWWVYMlJrLVJPSDlKenRnSmhJZmtMX0lteFBLRnpuWWJ5dklrXzRkNkhDcUMtRmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0LWJBTm11eVhlWElmSWFLVGFQTzZKakJ2Z1ZvVDNMM0hOLVlnUUs4bFYyVlZxYlUxZWg5OVUzeEpDNEVnMjBSLUxoWFB5QWZKTFVtLW1vTERybTd1Tm5vM1lDbUE5N0tCTDZESVJId0thZkdKb2E5eEd5b1lRR2RmTUszOTVaakxOMlpiN2E2TWxVSjVoSWJydURBOExKazBSSkFTcDgwZ1BZWVR0dTJXclJveWNuQU4yN3dXY1drcUJuOUNMR3p6TElwZER0R0RIRmN4WEdnS0trMktiZz09 |
It seems that some blochain wallet developers are considering implementing this technology directly within a single smart contract program contained within the blockchain itself (or so I've heard). normally, a blockchain wallet is supposed to be installed on a client pc but some blockchain projects are aiming at integrating this technology directly on-chain. Maybe this new technology could solve some problems related with onboarding new users within' web 3.0 defi ecosystems in a frictionless way so that they could start using services right away without experiencieng too many hassles trying to set up their own software wallets on ther computers.
What about pre-existing blockchains? Is there a side-chain project currently targiting ethereum aiming at implementing a similar technology capable of interroperating with the ETH mainchain? Can other crypto assets be hold on such a wallet? Write your answer in the comment section down below and let me hear your own opinions on the matter. | r/cryptotechnology | post | r/CryptoTechnology | 2024-08-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUyT0RMSDQzSG80VVdXdzRoMV9fbWx1V2JuZHEwMnBHU1JMNm80UFFLOEFtaFZ1d2swaHFqcm4xNzRPelhHak5adHBqUnNGX3M3a0taRnJNQjJYVmFDRHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0VVB6ZTI1RnFBdm55T0cyT1d3TFdnLTBnZmJOWHdHNjRyWXBEWHVkVmpSMVdXYXVfdVVLNEc2NkJwS2d5UjRia001OFhfeWthbG1KSmI5dlZTSG5haUJNZW1QcHBIWVJoVHRaTDl5N3Eyd3ByR2hVYjNVR29hemxjallWd3ItY2V0MldGdENxNmFVR3pZLUVNQnN0bmRLamlreXEzTHgzMkU4bDZOVXpYdFpDbGRaWlVBbGxtcWpUaEJVc2sxdWhK |
I bought IOTA in 2018 and haven’t been checking on it regularly, but now I see that the supply of IOTA has increased. Why did this happen? Other coins seem to be going in the opposite direction. | r/iota | post | r/Iota | 2024-08-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUyV1REMlhzV0NSUmQxcE5GTnh4TS05WjNwdGZPVzBGckdYUFJsSWJ1NUo2TUViN2RKS3NZVnQwY1Roa1NhUWhTRnl5ekxIYUV1TVFZcmxwQjhnb1paUGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0eHcyWEd5b3NGbEwxNWtFeEl5OEFqQktnWmsydU0tZ29kdVQyVnE5U2RQYUpWYTVhNWhwU3lLQWFmYlpHLXUxSi1teTIyb2FVamZqcS1SV3hpUjNjRXpPUDl3eFVxSGlyTFJ0V3ZmeGIya2QxZmhjWU9oc3h2ZVFUOVh3UVFQUU1JVkxkQl81S3d6bjJwMUF0a28zeWkxSVlBRFpRYkJJUWFzelY2RVBQMHQ4PQ== |
AS the title says Shimmer is delisting from several exchanges. Is this project dead? | r/iota | post | r/Iota | 2024-08-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUyckxNbWxEeTJEcnIwa3JFMEE3clRWQXRoRU04dUJlWUtka2d0dHFMemtFWGdGMzNHMC13TGpRWjR2QkJvQS0waUNfbzZ5dC1TVVAwZWtRZms5dHJoLWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0OGZXNzY0WXg2UW1oY2RseU5zZWtVUzNCRWl0MEtVeGp3cjBmWVBXQTNEYml1dENzYWlXdGxsbmNJQngwQTB0RTlaN3NfMlpNUkEwREZlU01oZGw2OW1zUVNUR0FwMEZwa3NEaEpUT2trY0NSYl9iU1MzaDhua2tBN1A3ZzJoemFiVGRnNmJvblA5Y2thc0piQmY5VlU2SUtZWEVBMXNOeDVTUGFrQmE2b2llbHRJMERHa1JWcU5MbUNTMURrdEJq |
Explore how Nick Szabo’s 1998 ideas shaped $BTC & $ETC, the crucial role of Proof of Work in blockchain security, and why Proof of Stake might not be the solution we think it is. 🚀 Dive into the full story here: [https://ethereumclassic.org/blog/2024-08-13-pow-is-secure-pos-is-not-scalable](https://ethereumclassic.org/blog/2024-08-13-pow-is-secure-pos-is-not-scalable) | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-08-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUyd0lwRS1icEw3WE5BWllTZmpjMkdEenNsbHF5dWZfaXpPZ0wwcVFCdFpWYVAtdDNFZGhiZ1Zhc2c4VXVUZ1VGWk04cXNPaDliM1E3WENOUXV3U05pS2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0cGt5WTA3Mm5saU8zTzZvZWltRlpGRDBwNkNXanRRblRkZG1xbnVqbWYtRkRISUI2SGgzMnl0a3pBcjhTMG5kZnU5c1FxOWRyY0lKQTZWM0VzSXF6V1NPSEJKd1REdHdlQnRVQlh2bV93ZkVaeXdtaDg5ZjM0SlEwTFY1SkJ0M3VIWnhqRFRBS1I0WTNpQ0hJRS1hUFdoMnhKUXpFekdfSXlWNmdaVFZaTXQySldGQTFMOC1zWW1jYkhQYmJBWTNq |
Not all dapps are truly decentralized! Learn how some blockchain apps fall short and discover key signs of centralization in supposed decentralized platforms. Stay informed and avoid the traps. 🚨 Read more: [https://ethereumclassic.org/blog/2024-08-14-a-warning-of-false-dapps](https://ethereumclassic.org/blog/2024-08-14-a-warning-of-false-dapps)
#ETC #EthereumClassic $ETC | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-08-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUyVkg2ZktrRkNPMUZQRl9kYlJUSDBHQlJkdFlLVVdGQ3lQWWdtTWhGdDhVQ1hmSE41YkNaczJON1NBaTZkZ19wTUF1aWx5dnFNX2NWa08xamx1OVNUWGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0Q3hZWEdxbUF2WnNhcFYyYjNQNWEwVlFEVmpFVlhJa2R5cE12NTZhM09EcEF3NUw1YW9BTzlVR01waWRBdm5LYWZ6aEhSMm5md3p5OHF6MlNUNnA4Q2NuaWFtcjFTTy1QZHpROTYxOXFnZWQzc01RYzFlMUp5MV9BYllnWU56anF5OURpNGJSQmtwRHBtMzRESVVCeTFPbm9lU2JuRWpxamhmaVBnaktTUWpzQkpOTDJGTDNoaGR4Z1dSdkx0MmJw |
Okay I'll keep this as brief as I can. I've been watching a crew or a team, pump and dump and liquidity rug well over $100,000 from people on dextools over the last few HOURS alone... It's crazy how fast they are working. A brand new coin hits Dextools every 2 minutes and its draining every good person on there.
People are making fake cryptos, or are creating tokens, then adding liquidity via Uniswap (I can clearly see this via his many wallets) then the coin starts to move on Dextools, attracts a quick rush of people who see it start to fly up instantly, then a some point shortly after (depending on if he is succeeding in pumping the coin +2500% in 5 minutes) he then pulls the liquidity out.
I noticed that some of these new listing were not getting their liquidity rugged, and it was specifically the tokens with strong Pool Diversity... I watched 5 of them over the course of an hour pump from 2500% all the way to 11000% within a half hour. People were buying, and plenty were selling... unique wallet addresses and everything, and they were making $1000's very fast...
So, I decided to try it out a bit. I have a backup wallet I play with on sketchy places, so too a few hundred dollars, and bought a coin. ($25) and was going to try to ride the wave and sneak or, or see what this guy was gonna do.. it stalled at about +70% for a few minutes and then he pulled the liquidity. DEAD.
I then saw another coin that was taking off, and had like 500% pool diversity, so I jumped in and bought $25 of that coin when it was up about 800%. The dextools trader was being weird so I used the UniSwap option via dextools.... It of course warned me that this coin may be sketch, and that people can make fake versions of coins, blah blah...
So, I bought the coin and low and behold it went up to like +2200% so fast... and just as I went to sell I realized I no longer had any in my wallet! The Money is gone, but the crypto isn't there. I traced the transaction back to a wallet...
You can see (I think) that instead of actually buying a coin, it just stole my money and sent it to this address. That's my wallet address right there in orange. THIS WALLET HAS NEVER SENT ANYTHING! It just constantly farms tiny bits of ETH. **(Image #1 in top comment)**
Now for real interesting part. I was playing around with wtf was going on prior to finding this wallet, and I found my way to the actual contract I signed. This is what the contract coding actually says after decompiling.
There is some weird language in that code IMO, about returns, and not being true owner, etc, but I'm way out of my league. Can someone tell me anything???
I also loaded up another transaction (i rejected) just to see what it looked like and look... It says the coin I'm buying isn't even available? Or is that simply referencing price value? **(image #2 in comment)**
I am also posting every wallet address I found for and related to the scammers pieces of shite... bit honestly this information is useless in my hands.
I leave it to better people such as yourselves to do what you can if you are willing, to make these guys lives SUCK. They have stolen 6 figures since I found this dark corner of Dextools teaming with bastards just last night.
Any help or info you can give me would be great as well. I would love to understand exactly what type of fkery I found myself in and I do wonder if my wallet (backup) is compromised?
Here is the info on the bastards!
Where they prey on ppl: [https://www.dextools.io/app/en/ether/pool-explorer](https://www.dextools.io/app/en/ether/pool-explorer)
The Wallets of Every Person I Saw "Extract Liquidity" tonight:
[https://etherscan.io/address/0x96c195F6643A3D797cb90cb6BA0Ae2776D51b5F3](https://etherscan.io/address/0x96c195F6643A3D797cb90cb6BA0Ae2776D51b5F3) | r/cryptotechnology | post | r/CryptoTechnology | 2024-08-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUyemZvTURwOFRwSGduV3EwWlVveHlSQ2dLREZHbHpxZlFkdnVmUXU4aWVWdWlQZjR1eEY2MVZoT0J2bWFsajVNbTVvYl90NDYwZ1phdTVuZ3RaVld2ZEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0QnpCZlBjcWs3RmpLdVZCTHpHQ0ZrWmctMmZkUTgycjBWNGtMd2tGdV9fd3lOUzd1RklxZmJaMGE5UWVkaHpLSXhSaUVIWUs4eFZVS0xwMUpPVkhIeFNEc3hOa3FZZFo1YzBLdVBqQ2h0eDVHYV90ZXFGeDF3U191Wnh1ZHpoZTlwUnl5azV1a0YyVThYTGx6WkZvazJRRFpQeGNnWC1pbjNhaGdGM0cxWnJ3STBodU1LMnkybnJ4QmlXRlpyYjI0MkNDX2NEZi1wMUNCVmpuMkJOcm04Zz09 |
This is a great initiative example for those curious about Chain Abstraction. I recommend checking it out
Article: [https://blog.klaster.io/Introducing-CHAD-The-Developer-s-Hub-for-Chain-Abstraction-c40adf0f6a464a3d84b5e12a3876f019](https://blog.klaster.io/Introducing-CHAD-The-Developer-s-Hub-for-Chain-Abstraction-c40adf0f6a464a3d84b5e12a3876f019) | r/cryptotechnology | post | r/CryptoTechnology | 2024-08-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUyVzRJMjlQTll3N0hWRTVNUnZ3bnZkTzNKS0Y0OWRaNDZja2plcWVXMkxqcWxqN1J1b0J1aTNxQjhkLW93LTlVclNHbWlTNWpKdmdjc1BkNHlkVzJVOXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0YjFjUXRoMUloZG40TEVvRUhUY3R2alV4MHVwaEVsVU1idlZiMjdoV3VOYnY2S2RDVWlWa2FWME50aThOYkhwekFaNHFKbFo2a05VZHhNUHhlNXFVcVV5c2M5Wl90T2lkV0VkLUIxTlE4YTNPWTFyTVNGUUdWLUYteS0wdW1fdHI0UldfeXpONjBRaURBSU5GbVNocVdYS3N0MFpFRlJSd3g1ZVQ1N0lPVzdmcEdCdUpjZWRRcVhDZkFpeHVxZ1RsemJScUVsejRxOFpnb0RsVkdoZ2ZZZz09 |
Here's my list so far
**Storage sharing**
[Storj](https://storj.dev/) - centralized, but pays out in crypto
[Siacoin](https://sia.tech/) - Fully decentralized storage
[Filecoin](https://filecoin.io/) - Decentralized storage, but requires a lot of resources to participate.
[Arweave](https://arweave.org/) - Decentralized permanent storage
[BTFS](https://btfs.io/) - Bittorrent file system, effectively get paid for pinning IPFS files
**Network sharing**
[Mysterium](https://www.mysterium.network/) - Get paid by acting as a VPN provider / exit node
[NKN](https://nkn.org/) - Seems somewhat abandoned, relay network traffic
[Utopia](https://u.is/) - Relay network traffic
[PKT cash](https://pkt.cash/) - Currently bandwidth hard POW, aims to transition to becoming a mesh vpn
[Helium](https://www.helium.com/) - LoRaWAN to internet gateway
[Nodle](https://www.nodle.com) - Bluetooth low energy to internet message relay
**Subsidised compute** - contributions to existing volunteer compute projects
[Curecoin](https://curecoin.net/) - Get paid for participating in folding@home
[Banano](https://bananominer.com/) - Get paid for participating in folding@home
[Gridcoin](https://gridcoin.us/) - Get paid to participate in BOINC projects
**Decentralised compute** - Providing your computing power directly
[Flux](https://runonflux.io/) - Decentralised cloud compute, fixed node sizes. Requires a fair bit of collateral compared to the amount of earnings
[Akash](https://akash.network/) - Runs on kubernetes, can allocate any amount of resources
[Golem](https://www.golem.network/) - Primarily GPU compute focused
Are there any projects that I've missed, or any categories that I missed? | r/cryptotechnology | post | r/CryptoTechnology | 2024-08-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUyOTZRWURyRW44SFJGaVVrSVFXM1gzY09EZ3QzU2lRbS1lTGNYUnphcEUzWENCZVM5bHk2ME1mLTJaYW01N3FGU3YzZDQ2TGpVMzBSeTRPM3VjMGt1MEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0X0FEQXlGUkp5R2NDbHZtdjZOUWs2Sk9ZNURNLXlEOV9CZHdQUjlic2pxa1RjM3labTdYSTdTSk94TERkV2ZEbldVQklpNHBiWXJoX1lOcm9fLTFaRGtjNW9TMWRkeHBkMTJVZEx2U19lcldINkJGellPdVA0UWsxR2p6MWVNbFI0UE9wb1ZRSHJNcm9QMFpuejFxaFJ3STMtRTV5dS1fZmpVM2poOEd5MS1nUUgxTVYyaEVueElSSkxzOFAwNnF0SGRzaTNnMmRBeTJFUFNGX3FvOXV3QT09 |
For example: If a token has a tax of 1%, how would a lp contract know how much tax to deduct during swapping? Can anyone explain this? are there functions for it? if yes, which one?
Also, do LP contracts deduct taxes? What is the process of tax deduction | r/cryptotechnology | post | r/CryptoTechnology | 2024-08-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUyX2FLMkFJWkRrSG5kdjBubll1amUyaDgtaEhFUC1RSkdmVjJfTU40UGowNnZfLXFMN2d1c2Zadm12TmxjaklRRno3cmpzSFlpSmRvVzNjY3VfV2gzUW9RVDdNS053QmRYeDlaLWRsOER0Njg9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0RzVhNFNrY3JIV2dsMXFFZEljYmowUUFMUFZzRW5BREd3enJvODhFdWFaMlJKQjFjSkJIVnRGU09mZXVCa2QwV1dOY0hQMkpVRHFKNzdXUUIyMVl3eGlsbm1qWG5ja0dZS3N0TGhLMlZ6S0xya092UXh3U19nQXR3WDZVdjNmZTBrSzc2ZXV2NFJwR2Fham5LSXJnSWZBcmVDbDQ1bEhjRjFCOEpNZGZXMk5sV08yclNFdEhmc3RxWDFLZXFXMzBNMGlEcE5xUTYwRTAwQTgxWGlxS29SZz09 |
The narritive in the crypto market has been RWA and AI. I think web3 gaming wil follow after that.
But the strange thing is that ticketing on the blockchain also has a great usecase and can bring a lot of people into the crypto web 3 world. Its one of the easiest way for adaption.
Imagine a whole arena full of people visiting a show with a web3 wallet with their nft inside of it. All because they want to visit their favorite artist. The nft ticket can be tradable on an nft marketplace that you can purchase with crypto.
The technology of the blockchain delivers perfect data voor the the event organisers and artist and ticket scalping would be a thing of the past.
I think ticketing is a great utility of blockchain technologie and is great for the ecosystem of crypto | r/cryptotechnology | post | r/CryptoTechnology | 2024-08-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUydU16ZDMxMXdyWGJpMU9WdkYyVzV6b1ltVlAwS09wT0NEb2k0NmFsX25LQ01kSzF4XzlGSmdHR0V4cHROR0paeC1XTFVGaE82eFE0X0JQVmdFS1RUT20xWW5admNjSFYxNmJ1eFlKbDFWNms9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0cURtUzd5SEVvMTR6dmE0eHJseVpVYlZhaHluWEJfNFh6Znk4WmIzTllNeEN4Y0k4YW1Na3hRRDR1RGJEM3lKVGFjUktzSlFSSm9TS0hncm01MG5KWFZkU3dHQzVib1JDWW9nc1A5dVdoaTUzMzlKbC1zVnN6MmlUcUNwZUdjUEg2M0NjamlnTzVsTE9vZlBWMThXTm9fSHVYeHk1M1p4Q1R6N044SFVvbGRMWl91dnR3a0EyOFRHTEpNSjhnQmxZ |
One major advantage of PTLCs over HTLCs for atomic swaps is that there is no direct on-chain linkage of paired PTLCs. However, as with anything related to privacy, heuristics and correlation of metadata such as timing can link txs with high degree of confidence. The privacy of a single PTLC thus depends on the existence of other PTLCs; the greater the anonymity set the better.
Here are some ideas, used together, to get full advantage of PTLCs.
(For the sake of this discussion, we will assume that the increased plasma requirements are not a problem.)
1. Externally, only use standard sends when the desired outcome is a public payment between two known addresses. Internally, only use standard sends for organizing funds between accounts that are already correlated.
2. If seeking to create a new on-chain identity, when sending funds to a new address, always use a PTLC. This is only effective when other metadata is not correlated. Need to have wallet features to disable auto-receiving, and to help the user collect rewards at different times. Random pillar delegation selection. With a big enough anonymity set, this is much better than say sending to a Cex and withdrawing.
3. When sending funds to other users, send PTLCs to each other. This is similar to Bitcoin’s concept of coinjoins. If you want to send a user 5 ZNN, instead create a PTLC sending them 10 ZNN, and they will create a PTLC sending you 5. These are actually more private than coinjoins because all ptlcs contribute to the anon set of all other ptlcs within a certain timespan.
4. Add randomness by default to timing parameters to prevent correlation.
5. Prefer disposable BIP340 point types even for ZTS-ZTS swaps, to increase the anonyminity set of cross chain swaps with btc.
6. I might refactor the PTLC embedded to have an account model where PTLCs can be created and unlocked within the embedded contract without needing to withdraw to a zenon address. This can enable high plasma accounts to better take advantage of the proxy unlock feature and greatly increase the number of PTLCs for greater anonymity set.
**In the light of these discussions, a “use case” repo was recently published on this topic** by a community developer [CryptoFish](https://github.com/KingGorrin) from r/Zenon_Network
Repo: [https://github.com/KingGorrin/znn\_ptlc\_use\_cases\_go](https://github.com/KingGorrin/znn_ptlc_use_cases_go)
Publications are open source and open to new developments and discussions.
| r/cryptotechnology | post | r/CryptoTechnology | 2024-08-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUyZUJLUDNKWTZuNk1vdEJNNDMtX0M5UC1qY0gyWVdnNTg1M2pJYmhsaUUwSTJsTGdQd2FIWEpTM3hXRkdqZUVaTVpzanhuTWtibjdwOWZ1ZUVjTV82aVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0bGliWFpQTERuV0poU1p2anc2QmNQVDRIZFduSVAwTlhWNW1PX1NldzhMQ0ppNkV0bV9yc1FkNjRKdGhOaVQ2ZkxVMUxuMUFjS3dkbGh6c2pNNjlKYUhrN3NSeUx5WXlSMDBzT1ZOZzJjR3dxb3d3QW5PLTFWd1RlcnFyZGhsMDFUeTNKZjE0N0JSOS1hUU9hV0c3T3ZpS0I4N1BkczNBdkp4UkRiemZ3SEgwPQ== |
How can I build a centralized crypto exchange? I don't have any programming experience, but I want to create an exchange with improved features compared to the ones most people use today. Also, do you think decentralized exchanges (DEX) will become more popular in the future? I'd appreciate any advice. Thank you in advance! | r/cryptotechnology | post | r/CryptoTechnology | 2024-08-29 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUybng5cTczU0FvTG44NU9RbEt2TDBDYzlheDIzazh6VHJWVURvdWpsUEpiNXBqa3dYNkVRN2tBdHZyUkctT0xuMGphX0ZqMEtlZHBLQmpRaDFrblpYblVoWWt1U3g3VjFuNldJVllCZFJ3T0E9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0Tk5kWkJKeVRMTEtkV3JSS3Y2MG1JUjdrZXJaalFTdDltZ0hZS0dkaDZtRkZEaEdneDR3U2NnRVF3T3F5bEtFVVNnOVRPNGVwcHk5bWNZVHM3ZlZqalAzb05OU2NCRlRlWW5NdkIwdUtTMjhmVkhyUW5pT3lpc05QRmpHRURLMnp0Uy1PNjRuVDhjTFBOTy1sNG9zZlo4bVA2QWVMN2ZvQVRXNktqZFM2OWt3UXVYWUdaaGZfaTl4LWI2WWVLdGsz |
There's a lot of talk about blockchain for voting, something I'm both for regarding integrity but against regarding the technical barriers for those who have no technology to vote. However, I feel the best place to start with blockchain is the GAO. Fully transparent government spending on a blockchain could drastically reduce government waste, provide much greatly transparency and accountability, be more easily monitored and coordinated, and facilitate resource usage across the government.
This chain could account in value for the entire budget, then be distributed accordingly to departments and branches. Purchases could occur on the blockchain then converted to either fiat or other tokens (if the vendor accepts those tokens) to complete the transactions. Resources could be more easily shifted from spot to spot as well. Each employee gets a wallet as does each department, agency, branch, etc., and the tokens would cascade downward to enable those employees to make their purchases. With the thousands of systems in use in the government, each could participate on the network to facilitate transactions and provide proof. There would be no technological barriers here like there might be with voting. Each budget year, all unspent tokens (haha) could be accounted for and shifted into something like municipal bonds or treasury bills, then the budget would reset and the process started over. Each year's chain could possibly be archived as closed, or forked? This part I'm unsure of, but I'm simply trying to solve the 'reset' factor in an annual budget and feel it's an important aspect for it to work properly. Maybe it's possible to 'transform' blocks from "dollars" to "office supplies" on a chain so they are still allocated to the same wallet, just changed for inventory purposes? (Simply a thought, I don't think that's possible but I could be wrong).
I'm just putting this up for discussion if you're interested. I feel spending has always been out of control as many do, and that the only way out of debt is better transparency.
And of course, "It'll never be allowed to happen" comments are fine but are of no value because we all think that, but let's not think that here. They'll just clutter meaningful conversation, unless you have a specific point to make about why. It's also from a US perspective, not that I'm excluding others, just providing my frame of reference. | r/cryptotechnology | post | r/CryptoTechnology | 2024-08-31 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUyMEhLWldQWFV4MnFlSFNGVVkwa2VhY2JhUUdEZUkyQkt3OE9zV1g4LUpPb3dMZktUYWdKNGV2WjJ3dnc4Z0xLYk9aVi1nZGZWRGNhcUt4RnFwZ04zd3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0X3VXWUMxMDFlOHdYSXF6TzBpM3V5ZDdrXzd1SklvbTB2UDZrV1kzVGZJZVJfNGRGRjNJYUxfd1hQTE03UEIwbzk0a2RtYmVnSnVmR1F6RGdHOGlMVUtOR2FTOGdnTHhzZXdwU2w4WEQ1ekpwT2kyVGZnZHZzbmV6cXVVUDh0UllURzB3MTJid09nSGpqWThnaUE4b19Ta0NzUFktd3pUTmlieUdmYmRSaG1FLUs2V1c3dkhUeG9rQmxDWGFVZVRH |
I want to try ETC mining. I'm not considering profitability for the moment, I just want to start mining in a pool with my current hardware.
I have 2 options:
1. Use my Dell XPS 15 9520 (CPU: Core i7-12700H ; GPU: NVIDIA GA107M - GeForce RTX 3050 Mobile)
2. Use my 2 very OG USB Asic Bitcoin Miner (I guess it's [this one](https://www.ebay.ca/itm/265399688603?_nkw=asic+miner+block+erupter&itmmeta=01J6QAEHHTC9XJQD70JJR4XV3W&hash=item3dcb0ddd9b:g:ursAAOSwuSlhi806&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAA8HoV3kP08IDx%2BKZ9MfhVJKn6rIh2fE74F8Fi30Fu8gbELZJkAsqs3Vixgrbq7LyhRh8RyWAxbUmHNLRFUEnDSSIGbp8XKUxaRlrFiHP86g8KUTCzUNxbgTmbOetBqdm0Zx6ROdoCw89V%2FkHk3BjxI%2FY0wSwalA5BMotUPQZMjfohSONWg%2FihwmvA8k6fc%2Fp9GqijZC9z6MYsN3WSLJRVUDVytFEsy6owv3GGXJ4sluS9CO6M4jsG42qcldXdzVTMEcqnaqrYzCh4lvxA4QqJ5hEbpn%2BaPIfERF1Cdo0wxwTWmxsrJoq0Qd38OS9fxAwd%2Bg%3D%3D%7Ctkp%3ABFBMgpm66rVk)). I don't know if I can use them to mine ETC but I can confirm they work and provide \~ 666 MHz.
I'm a little bit lost with all the software options.
What is the best way and simplest way to do it?
I would prefer a solution that is based on Linux but I'm OK with Windows if it's necessary.
Thanks for your help! | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-09-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUyMnF2ZUUya1ppdjhOS1ZvRHZCcUYyQ1ZaaUVmYWhXalMyekgtWVRqcjlPcjU0bWtLRmUweFJEV1h2elZvcy16NkJkeF84QU1fSXYyWEk5aVFXVWFJeWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0UTZhajA1RG1hNkszcktlbVR5cmg3cE15Zjl0aUQ5ZXFsclQ4Nlgzc2xNd3NPak9aSHctY3RzN1JqTFlCbmNzUDl1cHBHQ1BpMzJmXzk0dFNlcC1aYl9ReDZ3d1Focnk1dmRWRFlzTEZ6bXhqQTJTck00QjFNOUl6d0RCMUhLOGo4ZnpWai0ybVJsczdGTTktQ3IzaHBBUHZ5X3hDU3JaZmpWREZpTnQzTzFodUN5aWpNMWtXaXVGME9Td2VORFBoTDVoQkt5OVJUMjE5TXdBaG04VUI1dz09 |
Hans used to be very active on twitter/discord and github. He has been totally silent since march and apparently that's all being accepted by the IOTA-community?
I don't see any valid reason why such a vocal and important dev stays totally quiet for months.
What am I missing? | r/iota | post | r/Iota | 2024-09-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUya3UwajJuZjVIX0o2NnIxU0NxS0NFb1FVb3FwblhjVFBjSklBeU1WeU9HMEhlaE9YSzNjdG1TM001bkYyUGpwSE5tTnpWdnNSNFk3enAzYTZpZzJnUmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0UnZ6LTROMTlfb1gwYVFoZTdVcjVaVlhJdTlzME1ZWUJNeERPamxZdW1rbmpsRDZ1d1BhRVYwUWhQVmZEQW00UjlWdnpBNEJvNk1OZFBGMTAxM1kyS2R0Z3lBVzRsZGZWNlQ0Y2twY090NzVJSzJCZDh5M2NRQk1PMXJmV0VnT2Y1X2FOeHhGZHhYYWNBbjUya1U5UFZBcWp0c0RYS3dEOHcxNm1HUmt1cG9JPQ== |
# Welcome to the /r/Bitcoin Newcomers FAQ
You've probably been hearing a lot about Bitcoin recently and are wondering what's the big deal? Most of your questions should be answered by the resources below but if you have additional questions feel free to ask them in the comments.
It all started with the release of **[Satoshi Nakamoto's whitepaper](https://bitcoin.org/bitcoin.pdf)** however that will probably go over the head of most readers so we recommend the following articles/books/videos as a good starting point for understanding how Bitcoin works and a little about its long term potential:
* [Article: The Bullish Case for Bitcoin](https://medium.com/@vijayboyapati/the-bullish-case-for-bitcoin-6ecc8bdecc1)
* [Book: The Bitcoin Standard](https://www.amazon.com/Bitcoin-Standard-Decentralized-Alternative-Central/dp/1119473861) - or [download a free copy here](http://cryptache.ro/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/The-Bitcoin-Standard-The-Decentralized-Alternative-to-Central-Banking-PDF-Room.pdf)
* [Video 1: An introduction to Bitcoin - Wences Casares](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IAFKJVLNVQA)
* [Video 2: The Stories We Tell About Money - Andreas Antonopoulos](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ONvg9SbauMg)
* [Video 3: The Bitcoin Standard - Saifdean Ammous](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zbm772vF-5M&t=286s)
* [Video 4: Bitcoin 101 - Balaji Srinivasan](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JIxwTx7o_B4)
Some other great educational resources include;
* The [Satoshi Nakamoto Institute](http://nakamotoinstitute.org/mempool/) (check them out!)
* Swan [Bitcoin Canon](https://www.swanbitcoin.com/canon/)
* Michael Saylor's [Hope.com](https://hope.com/) and ["Bitcoin for Everybody"'](https://learn.saylor.org/course/view.php?id=468) course
* Jameson Lopp's [resource page](http://lopp.net/bitcoin.html)
* Gigi's [resource page](https://bitcoin-resources.com/#bitcoin-non-technical)
* James D'Angelo's [Bitcoin 101 Blackboard series](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bhe61JaNFLU&list=PLzctEq7iZD-7-DgJM604zsndMapn9ff6q&index=7&t=0s)
* Parker Lewis's [Gradually Then Suddenly series](https://unchained.com/blog/category/gradually-then-suddenly/)
* Some Bitcoin statistics can be found here ([1](https://www.lookintobitcoin.com/), [2](https://data.bitcoinity.org/bitcoin/hashrate/6m?c=m&g=15&r=week&t=a), [3](https://bitcoinvisuals.com/), [4](https://bitcoin.clarkmoody.com/dashboard/), [5](https://studio.glassnode.com/workbench/btc-price-performance-since-halving), [6](https://augmentedcoin.io/btc), [7](https://nakamotoportfolio.com/nakamoto/start)).
* A Reading List of [Advanced Bitcoin Books](https://new.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/1c5fjhn/advanced_bitcoin_reading_list_curriculum_in_order/)
If you are technically or academically inclined check out;
* Developer resources ([1](https://developer.bitcoin.org/), [2](https://spiral.xyz/#projects))
* [Peer-reviewed research papers](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VaWhbAj7hWNdiE73P-W-wrl5a0WNgzjofmZXe0Rh5sg)
* Course lectures from both [MIT](https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/15-s12-blockchain-and-money-fall-2018/) and [Princeton](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/7qynvj/dont_panic_just_learn_sixty_free_lectures_from/)
* Future [protocol improvements](http://diyhpl.us/wiki/transcripts/2018-01-24-rusty-russell-future-bitcoin-tech-directions/) and [scaling resources](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/56nnd8/the_scaling_bitcoin_website_is_awesome_videos/).
MicroStrategy's [Bitcoin for Corporations](https://www.microstrategy.com/en/resources/events/world-2021/bitcoin-summit?CID=7014W0000014yhJQAQ) is an excellent open source series on corporate legal and financial Bitcoin integration.
You can also see the number of times Bitcoin was [declared dead by the media](https://99bitcoins.com/obituary-stats) (LOL!)
## Key properties of Bitcoin
* **Limited Supply** - There will only ever be a [maximum of 21,000,000 bitcoins created](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/10h04a6/this_is_how_we_know_theres_only_21_million_bitcoin/) and they are issued in a predictable fashion per the [inflation schedule](https://bashco.github.io/Bitcoin_Monetary_Inflation/). Once they are all issued Bitcoin will be truly deflationary. The [halving countdown](http://bitcoinblockhalf.com/) tells you approximately how much time until the next block reward halving.
* **Open source** - Bitcoin code is fully auditable. You can read and contribute to the [source code](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin) yourself.
* **Accountable** - The public ledger is transparent, all transactions are [seen by everyone](https://blockstream.info/).
* **Decentralized** - Bitcoin is globally distributed across thousands of nodes with no single point of failure and as such can't be shut down similar to how [Bittorrent](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BitTorrent) works. You can even [run a node on a Raspberry Pi](https://getumbrel.com/).
* **Censorship resistant** - No one can prevent you from interacting with the Bitcoin network and no one can censor, alter or block transactions that they disagree with, see [Operation Chokepoint](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Choke_Point).
* **Push system** - There are [no chargebacks](https://gendal.me/2013/10/21/lessons-from-bitcoin-push-versus-pull/) in Bitcoin because only the person who owns the address where the bitcoin resides has the authority to move them.
* **Borderless** - No country can stop it from going in/out, even in areas currently unserved by traditional banking as the ledger is [globally distributed](https://bitnodes.earn.com/).
* **Trustless** - Bitcoin solved the [Byzantine's Generals Problem](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Byzantine_fault_tolerance) which means nobody needs to trust anybody for it to work.
* **Pseudonymous** - No need to [expose personal information](https://buybitcoinworldwide.com/anonymity/) when purchasing with cash or transacting.
* **Secure** - Blocks and transactions are cryptographically secured (using hashes and signatures) and can’t be [brute forced](http://i.imgur.com/fYFBsqp.jpg) or confiscated with proper key management such as hardware wallets.
* **Programmable** - Individual units of bitcoin can be [programmed to transfer](https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Script) based on certain criteria being met
* **Divisible** - Each bitcoin can be [divided down to 8 decimals](https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Satoshi_(unit\)), which means you don't have to worry about buying an entire bitcoin.
* **Nearly instant** - From a few seconds on the Lightning Network to a [few minutes](https://www.blockchain.com/charts/median-confirmation-time) on-chain depending on need for confirmations. Transactions are irreversible by normal users after one confirmation and irreversible by anyone (including miners) after 6 confirmations.
* **Peer-to-peer** - No intermediaries taking a cut, no need for [trusted third parties](https://nakamotoinstitute.org/trusted-third-parties/).
* **Designed Money** - Bitcoin was created to fit all the [fundamental properties of money](http://i.imgur.com/wkTyyaV.png) better than gold or fiat.
* **Portable** - Bitcoin are digital so they are easier to move than cash or gold. They can be transported by simply carrying a seed (a string of 12 to 24 words) on a device or by [memorizing it for wallet recovery](https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Brainwallet) (while cool, memorizing is generally not recommended due to potential for forgetting the seed and the potential for insecure key generation by inexperienced users. Hardware wallets are the preferred method for most users for their ease of use and additional security).
* **Low fee scaling** - Most wallets calculate on chain fees automatically but you can view [fee estimates](https://bitcoinfees.earn.com/) and [mempool activity](https://jochen-hoenicke.de/queue/#0,2w) if you want to set your fee manually. On chain fees may rise occasionally due to network demand, however instant micropayments that do not require confirmations are happening via the [Lightning Network](https://lightning.network/), an open source second layer payment protocol built on top of the Bitcoin blockchain. The Lightning Network enables Bitcoin users to instantly send and receive bitcoin with fees so low that they are negligible.
* **Scalable** - While the protocol is still being optimized for [increased transaction capacity](https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Scalability), blockchains do not scale very well, so most transaction volume is expected to occur on Layer 2 networks built on top of Bitcoin.
## Where can I buy bitcoin?
[Bitcoin.org](https://bitcoin.org/en/buy) and [BuyBitcoinWorldwide.com](https://www.buybitcoinworldwide.com/) are helpful sites for beginners. You can buy or sell any amount of bitcoin (even just a few dollars worth) and there are several easy methods to purchase bitcoin with cash, credit card or bank transfer. Some of the more popular places to buy bitcoin are listed below.
* [Strike](https://strike.me/)
* [Cash App](https://cash.app/)
* [Swan](https://www.swanbitcoin.com/)
* [River Financial](https://river.com/)
* [Bull Bitcoin](https://www.bullbitcoin.com/)
* [Bitcoin Well](https://bitcoinwell.com/)
* [Relai](https://relai.app/)
* [LibertyX](https://libertyx.com/)
* [CoinCorner](https://www.coincorner.com/)
* [RoboSats](https://learn.robosats.com/) (P2P)
* [Bisq](https://bisq.network/) (decentralized & P2P)
* [HodlHodl](https://hodlhodl.com/?filters%5Bcurrency_code%5D=USD) (P2P)
* [List of peer-to-peer exchanges](https://github.com/cointastical/P2P-Trading-Exchanges/)
* [Debifi](https://debifi.com/) (non-custodial lending)
You can also purchase in cash with [local ATMs](http://coinatmradar.com/). Services such as [CardCoins](https://www.cardcoins.co/) let you purchase bitcoin with prepaid gift cards. If you would like your paycheck automatically converted to bitcoin use [Bitwage](https://www.bitwage.com/).
**Note:** Bitcoin are valued at whatever [market price](https://cryptowat.ch/bitstamp/btcusd) people are willing to pay for them in balancing act of supply vs demand. Unlike traditional markets, bitcoin markets operate 24 hours per day, 365 days per year.
## Securing your bitcoin
With Bitcoin you can **"Be your own bank"** and personally secure your bitcoin **OR** you can use third party companies aka **"Bitcoin banks"** which will hold your bitcoin for you.
* If you prefer to **"Be your own bank"** and have direct control over your coins without having to use a trusted third party, then you will need to create your own wallet and keep it secure. If you want easy and secure storage without having to learn best computer security practices, then a hardware wallet such as a [BitBox02](https://bitbox.swiss/bitbox02/), [Trezor](https://www.trezor.io/), [ColdCard](https://coldcardwallet.com/), or [Blockstream Jade](https://blockstream.com/jade/) is recommended. You can even build your own open source hardware wallets called a [SeedSigner](https://seedsigner.com/) or [Krux](https://selfcustody.github.io/krux/).
* If you cannot afford a hardware wallet there are many [software wallet](https://bitcoin.org/en/choose-your-wallet) options to choose from depending on your use case. Mobile wallets like [BlueWallet](https://bluewallet.io/) are generally more secure than desktop wallets. Beware of fake mobile wallets and check reviews from reputable Bitcoin websites. Avoid paper wallets or brain wallets.
* If you prefer to work with third party **"Bitcoin banks"** to set up a collaborative custody arrangement, try [Unchained Capital](https://unchained-capital.com/) but be aware that any third party you use exposes you to third party risk. There is a saying in the community, **"Not your keys, not your coins"**.
**Note: For increased security, use Two Factor Authentication (2FA) everywhere it is offered, including email!**
2FA requires a second confirmation code or a physical security key to access your account making it much harder for thieves to gain access. Google Authenticator and Authy are the two most popular 2FA services, download links are below. Make sure you create backups of your 2FA codes.
**Avoid using your cell number for 2FA.** Hackers have been using a technique called "SIM swapping" to impersonate users and steal bitcoin off exchanges.
Google Auth | Authy | OTP Auth | andOTP
[Android](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.authenticator2) | [Android](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.authy.authy&hl=en) | N/A | [Android](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.shadowice.flocke.andotp)
[iOS](https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/google-authenticator/id388497605?mt=8) | [iOS](https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/authy/id494168017) | [iOS](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/otp-auth/id659877384) | N/A
Physical security keys (FIDO U2F) offer stronger security than Google Auth / Authy and other TOTP-based apps, because the secret code never leaves the device and it uses bi-directional authentication so it prevents phishing. If you lose the device though, you could lose access to your account, so always use 2 or more security keys with a given account so you have backups. See [Yubikey](https://yubikey.com/) or [Titan](https://cloud.google.com/titan-security-key) to purchase security keys.
## Running Bitcoin
You can run [Bitcoin node](https://bitcoin.stackexchange.com/questions/18736/what-is-a-bitcoin-node) software by downloading and installing [Bitcoin Core](https://bitcoincore.org) or other node software you have vetted.
It is a best practice to verify these Bitcoin node programs you download by [checking their hashes and signatures](https://youtu.be/U0I-ImS_r8o?si=qa_gRyGPuRZq5acM).
Don't Trust, Verify.
* https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/releases
* https://bitcoincore.org
* https://bitcoin.org/en/bitcoin-core/
A verified Bitcoin node running on your own hardware is your sovereign gateway to the Bitcoin network. They can be used alongside open source software [wallets](https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Wallet) to send and receive Bitcoin securely. By running your own Bitcoin node, you enforce the Bitcoin ruleset, can verify transactions without trusted 3rd party middlemen, improve your Bitcoin privacy, obtain independence with local access to blockchain data, and help bolster the robustness of the Bitcoin network. By running a Bitcoin node, you are verifying that Bitcoin is Bitcoin for yourself. For more details on running a Bitcoin node see [this article](https://unchained.com/blog/why-run-bitcoin-node/).
For wallets used alongside your Bitcoin node: If your Bitcoin wallet software is fully [open source](https://bitcoin.stackexchange.com/questions/80111/is-bitcoin-completely-open-source/80115#80115) and Bitcoin-only, then it is probably a decent wallet. Some popular examples include [sparrow wallet](https://sparrowwallet.com/) and [electrum wallet](https://electrum.org/), both of which you can connect to your own locally run Bitcoin node, and use with most Bitcoin Hardware Wallets.
## Watch out for scams
As mentioned above, Bitcoin is decentralized, which by definition means there is no official website or Twitter handle or spokesperson or CEO. However, all money attracts thieves. This combination unfortunately results in scammers running official sounding names or pretending to be an authority on YouTube or social media. Many scammers throughout the years have claimed to be the inventor of Bitcoin. Websites like bitcoin(dot)com and the r / btc subreddit are active scams. Almost all altcoins are marketed heavily with big promises but are really just designed to separate you from your bitcoin. So be careful: any resource, including all linked in this document, may in the future turn evil. As they say in our community, **"Don't trust, verify"**.
* Avoid using ad-based search engines like Google or Yahoo: ads are shown based on how much the advertiser bids, and scammers can easily outbid legitimate providers for ad space, since immoral ways of earning money are far more lucrative than moral ways. Use [DuckDuckGo](https://duckduckgo.com/) instead, which has no ads, and never tracks you as well.
* Ignore private messages offering services.
* **Never enter your seed words in a website of any kind.** Hardware wallets will recover by displaying possible seed words on their own interface, never on a website.
* **Always check addresses on your hardware wallet before sending or receiving.** Some malware has been known to replace addresses in your web browser or that you copy-and-paste.
* Avoid clicking on links like that look like links, such as [https://www.google.com/](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ybW48rKBME), without first hovering over it and actually checking where they go to. Just because a link is labelled with an HTTPS address does not mean it actually sends you to that address. It is trivial for someone to comment a link on Reddit that looks like it will send you to one website when it actually sends you to another, and you might not notice the difference until a scammer has gotten all your money, or you have downloaded and installed software that steals your money.
## Common Bitcoin Myths
Often the same concerns arise about Bitcoin from newcomers. Questions such as:
* Will quantum computers break Bitcoin?
* Will governments ban Bitcoin?
* Is Bitcoin a Ponzi scheme?
All of these questions have been answered many times by a variety of people. Here are some resources where you can see if your concern has been answered:
* [Common Bitcoin Myths](https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Myths)
* [Gradually, Then Suddenly](https://nakamotoinstitute.org/mempool/series/gradually-then-suddenly/)
* [Every Reason Bitcoin Will Not Fail](https://safehodl.github.io/failure/)
* [The Best Articles Debunking Bitcoin FUD](https://endthefud.org/)
* [Why Bitcoin is Not a Ponzi Scheme: Point by Point](https://www.swanbitcoin.com/why-bitcoin-is-not-a-ponzi-scheme-point-by-point/)
## Where can I spend bitcoin?
Check out [Spendabit](https://spendabit.co/), [Bitcoin Directory](http://bitcoin.directory/shop), or [Coinmap](http://coinmap.org/) for a plethora of merchant options. You can also spend bitcoin anywhere Visa is accepted with bitcoin debit cards such as the [CashApp card](https://cash.app/help/us/en-us/3080-cash-card-get-started), [Fold card](https://foldapp.com/) or other bitcoin debit cards. Some other useful site are listed below.
Store | Product
[Bitrefill](https://bitrefill.com), [Gyft](http://www.gyft.com/), and [Fold App](https://foldapp.com/) | Gift cards for thousands of retailers worldwide including Amazon, Target, Walmart, Starbucks, Whole Foods, CVS, Lowes, Home Depot, iTunes, Best Buy, Sears, Kohls, eBay, GameStop, etc.
[Spendabit](https://spendabit.co/), [Overstock](http://www.overstock.com/), and [The Bitcoin Directory](http://bitcoin.directory/) | Retail shopping with millions of results
[NewEgg](http://www.newegg.com/) and [Dell](http://www.dell.com/) | For all your electronics needs
[Bitrefill](https://www.bitrefill.com/buy/worldwide/bill/), [Bylls](https://bylls.com), [LivingRoomofSatoshi](https://www.livingroomofsatoshi.com), [Swapin](https://www.swapin.com/), [Coins.ph](https://coins.ph), and [more](https://plusbitcoin.net/bitcoin-debit-card/) | Bill payment
[Menufy](https://www.menufy.com/) and [Takeaway](http://corporate.takeaway.com/) | Takeout delivered to your door
[Expedia](http://www.expedia.com/), [Cheapair](http://www.cheapair.com/), [Destinia](http://destinia.us/), [SkyTours](http://www.sky-tours.com/), the [Travel](https://www.gyft.com/buy-gift-cards/category/travel/) category on Gyft and [9flats](http://www.9flats.com/) | For when you need to get away
[Cryptostorm](https://cryptostorm.is), [Mullvad](https://mullvad.net), and [PIA](https://www.privateinternetaccess.com/) | VPN services
[Namecheap](https://www.namecheap.com/), [Porkbun](https://porkbun.com/) | Domain name registration
[Stampnik](https://stampnik.com) | Discounted USPS Priority, Express, First-Class mail postage
There are also [lots of charities](https://www.reddit.com/r/changetip/wiki/suggestions) which accept bitcoin donations.
## Merchant Resources
There are several benefits to accepting bitcoin as a payment option if you are a merchant;
* 1-3% savings over credit cards or PayPal.
* No chargebacks (final settlement in 10 minutes as opposed to 3+ months).
* Accept business from a global customer base.
* Convert 100% of the sale to the currency of your choice for deposit to your account, or choose to keep a percentage of the sale in bitcoin if you wish to begin accumulating it.
If you are interested in accepting bitcoin as a payment method, there are several options available;
* [BTCPay Server](https://btcpayserver.org/)
* [Zaprite](https://zaprite.com/product)
* [Square cash](https://cash.me/)
* [Stripe](https://stripe.com/bitcoin)
* [Wyre](https://www.sendwyre.com/business/)
* [Blockonomics](https://www.blockonomics.co/merchants#) (direct to your wallet)
* [CoinCorner Checkout](https://www.coincorner.com/checkout)
## Can I mine bitcoin?
Mining bitcoin can be a fun learning experience, but be aware that you will most likely operate at a loss. Newcomers are often advised to stay away from mining unless they are only interested in it as a hobby similar to [folding at home](https://foldingathome.org/?lng=en). If you want to learn more about mining you can read the [mining FAQ](https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Faq#Mining). Still have mining questions? The crew at /r/BitcoinMining would be happy to help you out.
If you want to contribute to the Bitcoin network by hosting the blockchain and propagating transactions there are many [great resources](https://raspibolt.org/) you can use to [run a full node](https://river.com/learn/how-to-run-a-bitcoin-node/). You can view the global distribution of reachable Bitcoin nodes on [this webpage.](https://bitnodes.io/nodes/all/#global-bitcoin-nodes)
## Earning bitcoin
Just like any other form of money, you can also earn bitcoin by being paid to do a job.
Site | Description
[WorkingForBitcoins](https://workingforbitcoins.com), [Bitwage](https://www.bitwage.com/for-individuals/), [Coinality](https://coinality.com/), [Bitgigs](http://bitgigs.com/), [/r/Jobs4Bitcoins](http://www.reddit.com/r/Jobs4Bitcoins), [BitforTip](http://www.bitfortip.com/), and [Rein Project](http://reinproject.org/) | Freelancing
[Lolli](https://www.lolli.com/) | Earn bitcoin when you shop online!
[Bitify](https://bitify.com/), and [/r/Bitmarket](http://www.reddit.com/r/BitMarket) | Marketplaces
[A-ads](https://a-ads.com), [Coinzilla.io](https://coinzilla.io/) | Advertising
You can also earn bitcoin by participating as a market maker on [JoinMarket](https://github.com/chris-belcher/joinmarket) by allowing users to perform CoinJoin transactions with your bitcoin for a small fee (requires you to already have some bitcoin).
## Bitcoin-Related Projects
The following is a **short** list of ongoing projects that might be worth taking a look at if you are interested in current development in the Bitcoin space.
Project | Description
[Lightning Network](https://lightning.engineering/index.html)| Second layer scaling
[Liquid](https://blockstream.com/liquid/) and [Rootstock](https://www.rsk.co/) | Sidechains
[Hivemind](http://bitcoinhivemind.com) | Prediction markets
[Tierion](https://tierion.com) and [Factom](http://factom.org/) | Records & Titles on the blockchain
[BitMarkets](https://voluntary.net/bitmarkets/), and [DropZone](https://github.com/17Q4MX2hmktmpuUKHFuoRmS5MfB5XPbhod/dropzone) and [Beaver](https://eprint.iacr.org/2016/464.pdf) | Decentralized markets
[JoinMarket](https://github.com/chris-belcher/joinmarket), [JAM app](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FbyjG2upGO8) and [Wasabi](https://docs.wasabiwallet.io/) | CoinJoin implementation
[Peer-to-Peer Exchanges](https://github.com/cointastical/P2P-Trading-Exchanges/) | Peer-to-peer exchanges
[Keybase](https://keybase.io/) | Identity & Reputation management
[Abra](https://www.goabra.com/) | Global P2P money transmitter network
[Bitcore](http://bitcore.io/) | Open source Bitcoin javascript library
[Bitcoin Knots](https://bitcoinknots.org/) | A Bitcoin Node (Within Consensus Fork of Bitcoin Core)
## Bitcoin Units
One bitcoin is worth quite a lot (thousands of £/$/€), so people often deal in smaller units. The most common subunits are listed below:
Unit | Symbol | Value | Info
bitcoin | BTC | 1 bitcoin | one bitcoin is equal to 100 million satoshis
millibitcoin | mBTC | 1,000 per bitcoin | used as default unit in Electrum wallet
bit | μBTC | 1,000,000 per bitcoin | colloquial "slang" term for microbitcoin
satoshi | sat | 100,000,000 per bitcoin | smallest unit in bitcoin, named after the inventor
For example, assuming an arbitrary exchange rate of $10,000 for one bitcoin, a $10 meal would equal:
* 0.001 BTC
* 1 mBTC
* 1,000 bits
* 100,000 sats
For more information check out the [bitcoin units wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/BitcoinWiki/wiki/bitcoin_units).
**Still have questions?** Feel free to ask in the comments below or stick around for our weekly [Mentor Monday](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/search/?q=title%3A%22mentor+monday%22&sort=new&restrict_sr=on&t=all) thread. If you decide to post a question in /r/Bitcoin, please use the search bar to see if it has been answered before, and remember to follow the community rules outlined on the sidebar to receive a better response. The mods are busy helping manage our community, so please do not message them unless you notice problems with the functionality of the subreddit.
**Note:** This is a community created FAQ. If you notice anything missing from the FAQ or that requires clarification, you can [edit it here](https://www.reddit.com/r/BitcoinWiki/wiki/rbitcoin_sticky) and it will be included in the next revision pending approval.
**Welcome to the Bitcoin community and the new decentralized economy!**
Please note that this thread will be moderated and non-constructive comments will be removed. | r/bitcoin | post | r/Bitcoin | 2024-09-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUyNkdIMko1M280WG5OVjlyLWVlUXJXTkRqRDVfWkNFV29MQm5XSkdsVTE1TU82Sl94T2NaaFoyUWdwT1BrZ0FiRjFHTnF5T0tMckgxNHlUdF8tVFFIdVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0aDFPNFJyTENNc3pOemFVTnNkbzIwV0IwV2NqTkRGdXlNV3lpbG9LMnBCR0tNU0IwMlJ3SjNRZmpDVHUtcm9Oc2JWWllva0NvZFVEMGJFZzU4MUxUTDU2VjdCYWZJYzZTZ2NvVGFnWjdROWY4WUF0N2g0Y3dxOW1DX1NNRmR5dU5KVWxHVUZyTGpSaGVlakpSNUpORDlSdEs3N1U1dDBOQ1UySVhUbkJZaWc0bUVVX0ZwYzN1Rm9tVThIdGNiZXNG |
I have an old computer with IOTA Wallet 2.5.6, connecting to https://node\[dot\]iota\[dot\]cafe:443 , but it is no longer working (somthing about TLS cert expired). Can I still recover it now? I can't find any back up seeds. | r/iota | post | r/Iota | 2024-09-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUyZW1UMUlEMHhvV2xuanVXOUxoUWVrM3N6YVIwenZjWE5fX3pUSmN4SVYzdHVnSWtjbE9kandDV25KWlJsbUdBMzBmc2s2dW5HUWdzcGlTSHRMSkxLUUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0LU93UUdFYlNBR3QxdVZBM1dseXJCQjVybmJTY0haeXJOR3JzaU9ac2xTZVNnOVZVbm54UkRUS1Q1MnAzcmRVTUhVVl8xRWtTbUN2SXRlSHhXVVlWTThUNnNKeUdUb1VHMWNCWmpyb2ZCdDlqQmp0aXpYVDYzZnZ1Y0dFRmpZaHRKbGhvaXJ5YkhNSm5ZWGxwSFU0VTNlRk1lbS1QaEptZDNXM05jSjJ0dVVCOFNpcjZPeVRkblFaNGIzem85QnUw |
A Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) is like a private, secure area inside your device where sensitive tasks are handled safely. It’s cut off from the main system, so if something goes wrong elsewhere, the crucial stuff in the TEE stays safe. Think of it as a secure locker for important apps. Even if hackers get into your device, they can't reach what's locked away in the TEE.
Refer : [https://medium.com/@audacelabs/tees-unleashed-turbocharging-mobile-and-blockchain-security-fb27157ddc9c](https://medium.com/@audacelabs/tees-unleashed-turbocharging-mobile-and-blockchain-security-fb27157ddc9c)
Seems like a cool idea that can have much scopes. | r/cryptotechnology | post | r/CryptoTechnology | 2024-09-05 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUyU1AzdU1mek5vUU5VVk8wdzRKQ1dBT0RVdE9sMGprbl9wU1Fnb1FScjlrVzh2Z0p2czVnanhscDhZX05ra1RBM2JXSVF0bGNycW5wVFF4NjVVcWdUa1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0RmRwdW54S1BzeEQxbEZDZ0JCRVlnUnlNRXZzRlh5aks3UkJ2UlJtTGZrdjVFZG1iVWJ0X1gxZW1mUWF1TTNXRGNvVW9QbUV0LUJpSGJTZU8tdHZwU2p5REJQTTlkUkY0aVhkX3luNU5ROFNyYUktT1BySmtfMUthdXFoXzF0STQzemE4MUJRbHNsVk9wRWVIWGViNm1VX1N3UkZUVTlVcndrZEJVeWIyMGtpOWlrVm9hWEJQOHl1b3BXYnc3OGNZ |
# Requirements:
1. NAT Compatibility: If both peers are behind compatible NAT types (unlike symmetric NAT), they can establish a direct connection.
2. Discover Public Address via STUN Server: Allows peers to determine their public IP and port to attempt a direct connection.
3. Signaling Exchange: Exchange SDP (media capabilities) and ICE candidates (transport-related information).
# STUN server / NAT Compatibility
Without any trust assumptions, it is not possible for a peer to know its public address because you cannot create a communication protocol between two peers that can be validated. This is due to the characteristics of the network, such as packet loss, delays, and other issues. Furthermore, this problem is analogous to the Two Generals Problem, which highlights the difficulty of achieving certainty in communication over unreliable networks. The essence of this problem is that you cannot determine whether the other party has received the message you sent, except by assumption.
In a decentralized environment, an entity with malicious behaviour can exploit the other peer if the incentivized protocol is based on optimistic assumptions, which encourage the client and server to send and receive messages. This is why a STUN server, based on a trust assumption, is necessary in the system. Its reliability is maintained through the project's tokenomics, which includes DAO functionalities.
If we have these trusted STUN servers in the system, the clients are capable of deciding whether they are behind symmetric NAT or not by sending requests to 2 different STUN servers. If the received port is different, unfortunately, the peer is behind symmetric NAT and it cannot make a direct connection with other peers behind NATs. They should use a TURN server(Decentralized TURN servers are future plans).
Besides NAT compatibility, a given peer has just known its public address.
# Signaling exchange
On the blockchain, there is a phonebook where user identifiers are linked to public keys. To initiate a call, the caller should create a request with the callee's identifier and an offer related to the call, which includes media capabilities and the public address. This offer is encoded with the callee's public key, so only the callee can decode it. It’s important to note that the offer contains minimal information, approximately 20 bytes, not the full SDP.
The callee must be reachable at the time of the call, meaning they need to have an internet connection to actively poll for events related to their user.
Once the callee receives the offer, they prepare an answer, which is shared on the blockchain, and then initiate the media stream to the address specified in the offer. After receiving the answer, the caller starts the media stream to the address provided in the answer. Finally, the call is established.
# Tokenomics
STUN servers are added to the trusted STUN server list on the blockchain through a voting process. This ensures that only trusted STUN nodes, which have staked enough tokens, are available to users. The voting is conducted using the token DAO functionality.
To incentivize the honest behaviour of STUN servers, two approaches are possible, depending on the resource requirements for answering STUN requests. The cost is theoretically minimal because several free STUN servers are available on the internet(future research).
1. STUN servers serve every request: During the creation of a call, both the caller and the callee must pay X tokens on the blockchain for each interaction. STUN servers would benefit from this revenue.
2. STUN servers only serve requests from clients with staked tokens: Clients would stake tokens on a monthly basis, similar to a subscription. There would be no additional fees for creating and responding to calls, except for the blockchain transaction fee.
# Open Questions
1. How open are people to paying a small amount, either monthly or per call, to ensure that they are speaking over a secure, encrypted line?
2. How much safer is this approach compared to using end-to-end encryption (E2EE) on platforms like Facebook or Tlegram or Signal?
3. Approximately what percentage of devices are behind symmetric NAT?
I am also designing a decentralized system where TURN servers are incentivized to forward packets to recipients. Servers with TURN and STUN functionalities in a decentralized network would be the best approach to addressing all P2P communication challenges. | r/cryptotechnology | post | r/CryptoTechnology | 2024-09-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUyLUJieWYzRUNNanpicUJiYWpzZGZ0SlpxZ0dQdXBLUjI4RzZrNGJ4WXYybl9Nb2trbElfNml4UUdlYUd4eDVFZ3VUcHhRNWZ2WkFYZjNYUW9Kb0dDMkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0djJPNG5OYWVrdUVubkpDNThqamZhelpoa3g2UlpNX3F6QXgzamV0N0EyZWVRZDlQOWVnb0lvck9qbTN3akR0UUZvMTE0ZkJlZFRYcHA2a0xBa1FlLWU1ODgtTnVHRGlwb0dFY2dMQmltYnJJTnRzYkREV0tQMk5VZHBfTFRRU1Rqd1FQUXlLcnBOdDZEaUxCc2wxYVVJVDNLWlJNQTNabmxXbWlua2dlSklZLUpOcEx6YkJxbXlZSU5lM1UydnN3ZGx5Z2FseVpvWWdhZElNR3JtQTZiZz09 |
I'm not seeing remotely as much activity as before, what's been going on lately?
How do you feel about Iota nowadays?
Do you have a positive or negative outlook going forward? Why?
What do you think are the main ups and downs of Iota? | r/iota | post | r/Iota | 2024-09-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUybjVvU0U4alZrdmpkeEdFSmFzaUc0a1VseUUxb0k3Q201ZC13Z2ZxNklPeXA0c0twNTRtWlNydS1aajFhWUc1eWVEVy1ZLWJBU0xxWmNTdHJXNFVWbVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0d1dEdTZzOE83QUEwemxLb25wN0M3b19JNXdUcUZYcmlnUmtBZjF6RkUzRU1hbzJ4ZGYweFRDRUF6MFBIeFl0Tnk0Y1ROOUNhU0puMlhBNlNTUEwwLTNtWk1heDJhUkU5SmxXcDF2YnFhQVlsRkp5NEV4dEpRb3BLR2w3X3pGNzZYamQ4aGZLdHVENHk4QlVDNkVSenNJdkpiVkdKOS0zcUU0U3otRURvS3JjPQ== |
I'm using NowPayments.io API for the payment processing, with a python web app backend I can securely connect to and control. The app is also able to trade crypto according to specifications with a MACD crossover. Visit the app at https://Lotteh.com or my GitHub at https://GitHub.com/daisycamber | r/cryptotechnology | post | r/CryptoTechnology | 2024-09-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVUyT1BxMDNpUUZuQ0szN0RlOWNja2xNVUdvcU5YTGhINTNLQkFPUEdmdFhxRW1lVU9fcDdacnNTZGJvV3lhbFI1WVY3bkhCd1FMVTZHUGJNcl9vN0V6X0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5lYVU0NnZPWXRoRV9hYlk4ZlFBc1pJOFFyRlVrTm1qSlZ4Z1puY05idGh0OXdodTB5TnpCTXFIeUlfUnBKN1BWeXhIYVlubUtyT2VLck11cGw3VUF4b2hYYXFjYURVSnhrMTNUQ3NSNnFCWC0wU1pwRk5IaDRwOGcwbDMwTDZpX0JkUHFPZXRlRzVLTC16TEQ4V0dUZ0tlRG80bHBsWkpwRmVnNmp3TE1RbXZZS2szWXlUSloyZ1p2SUhzM05LaW5MQzh1NUV2SDVVU2ZFdGNFQllrMDM5cFZfUT09 |
Subsets and Splits