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embarrassed | I was so embarrassed. I farted while I was out on a date. | Oh_comma_ lord. Did the other person die? | 9,254 |
excited | I decided to I would buy a few lottery tickets. My luck is normally not all that great. I scratched the 3 lottery tickets I bought and won $50_comma_000! | I know! I normally do not win so I could not believe it when I did! | 1,561 |
nostalgic | Last year_comma_ i went to a restaurant and they had a pinball machine. | Last year_comma_ i went to a restaurant and they had a pinball machine. | 1,670 |
jealous | My cousin bought a really pretty shirt that I had been wanting. | My cousin bought a really pretty shirt that I had been wanting | 6,087 |
excited | I cant wait for the final season of game of thrones | Me either. It is the best show I've ever watched. | 6,669 |
angry | I got mad when I lost my dog | Oh no! I would have too. Did you find him? | 5,933 |
lonely | I went to the park yesterday all by myself. I felt so lonely. | Yeah_comma_ I have a dog and I take it to the park sometimes. It can help you feel less lonely for sure. | 8,829 |
afraid | Wasn't able to register for one of the classes I need to be on track to graduate in my last year of college. Have to contact the school and see if they'll be able to make an exception and squeeze me into a full class_comma_ or I don't know what I'll do. | That is scary_comma_ I was in that position before_comma_ I do not know why they make it so difficult | 7,945 |
faithful | when i worked for two months and expected nothing | i worked for two months and expected nothing_comma_ but i wasn't disturbed_comma_ i had passion for what i was doing | 3,508 |
surprised | My husband brought me a present for my birthday. It was a iphone 8 and i love it | My husband brought me a birthday present last month that I was very excited to receive | 2,002 |
nostalgic | I miss being a kid and all the stupidity that came with it_comma_ I wish I was young again | I was just saying the same thing. | 5,866 |
faithful | There were times where I was being seduced by a coworker of mine. I remained committed to my wife and did not cheat. It was a good decision. | Ah ok. Good you stayed committed to your wife. | 168 |
disappointed | When a friend did not come to my moms funeral and lied to me about why_comma_ it just really disappointed me. Its something that still makes me upset. | I think I did. | 2,588 |
caring | I feel bad for the kids in my neighborhood. Their parents are trash. | Hopefully I will be getting a house next year. | 5,905 |
proud | My kid came home with straight A's! | I am very proud. She is such a great kid. I just wanted her to do her best. Doesn't really matter she gets straight A's or not. | 9,529 |
furious | When i found out my roommate hadn't paid rent for 2 months i got really mad. He had wasted all my money for rent on other stuff for himself. | Hey_comma_ so guess what my roommate did 2 months ago with my rent money. | 6,384 |
annoyed | In the queue at the supermarket | Not really very long_comma_ but it's the other people who annoy me! | 7,824 |
terrified | I'm gonna watch the new episode of Stephen Kings show tonight with the lights on | It about a man that they found locked in a cage in prison and he may be the devil. | 9,779 |
excited | I was excited to visit Disney World for the first time! | I didn't go until I was thirty and it wa still fun! | 4,629 |
anxious | Work has been slow lately_comma_ making me stressed. | That happens sometimes. Is it like that this time of year? | 8,560 |
surprised | Everyone has already left the office. It's oddly quiet. | Everyone has already left the office. It's oddly quiet. | 9,291 |
joyful | I just rescued a dog that was abused_comma_ overbred and starved. She is only a puppy. I am so happy that she is no longer suffering. | She was running around the neighborhood and my neighbor was going to kick her so I had to take her | 6,874 |
sad | I left my phone on the bus last night as I was coming home_comma_ I am still very upset_comma_ | Oh no! Would your phone cost a lot to replace? | 6,521 |
grateful | I am so grate for having the wife i have. | I thanks God for my wife. | 8,979 |
sad | One of my good friends moved a few states away. | I'm hoping he can get a chance to come visit soon_comma_ social media can't replace face to face contact/ | 6,647 |
nostalgic | I saw a dead possum on the way home from work yesterday. Made me think of all the times I had to eat roadkill when I was going through tough times. | Yesterday_comma_ I saw a dead possum in the road on my way home from work. | 9,825 |
annoyed | I am so annoyed by my new manager at work. He always lies to us. | We have a new manager at work and it isnt going well. | 210 |
nostalgic | I spent an evening recently with my Mom looking through old pictures. | I spent an evening recently with my Mom looking through old pictures | 5,278 |
angry | I get mad when I fail at school. | I do study but I am not smart. | 1,919 |
sentimental | I once went to see fireworks with my best friend. Best day of my life. We're no longer friends. | No. I am too embarassed to reach out to her after all these years. | 718 |
lonely | I kind of miss my ex boyfirend. We broke up a year ago. | Oh_comma_ then try to keep busy yourself so you don't feel alone. | 4,868 |
sentimental | I get sentimental thinking about all the great times I had as a child on my street growing up | Yeah_comma_ whenever I miss my childhood I try to spend the time with the kids. So we can feel better. | 7,834 |
devastated | My dad accidentally got into rat poison and died. | Thats terrible_comma_ at least he wasnt a puppy I guess. | 1,298 |
lonely | I miss my dog. | Oh no I'm so sorry to hear that. Are you thinking about getting another one? | 9,193 |
confident | I'm working toward a end of year goal right now. | Mostly financial stuff_comma_ the hard way_comma_ saving money. | 4,617 |
annoyed | I accidentally left the lights on in my car and killed the battery_comma_ was super awful. | Yea it makes me want to just walk back inside and go back to sleep and ignore everything | 3,128 |
disappointed | The new movie I just saw was not great. I expected so much more. | It's always good to save money_comma_ but still_comma_ it stinks. They should have to make them good for the prices they charge. | 9,795 |
annoyed | Iy gets on my nerves to work with people who don't pull their weight_comma_ | Hah! | 3,979 |
proud | My family came together and gave my grandmother a really nice gift for her birthday. | I did a little painting. I don't build things. | 9,924 |
disappointed | I missed the sale on a laptop I've been wanting for work. | That is disappointing. What kind of laptop is it? | 8,317 |
nostalgic | I was listening to a playlist of music_comma_ and an old song that I hadn't heard since I was a kid. It instantly made me feel the exact feelings I had had when I was a young kid when I would listen to that song while spending time with my family. | Is it short skir't long jacket. I love that song. | 4,393 |
surprised | My friend's parents are missionaries and therefore go to Africa all the time_comma_ so it was no big deal when I heard he was going to Samoa for a while. What I didn't know is that he was actually moving there for a few years_comma_ which I really didn't expect. | I don't really know how to react to this_comma_ but one of my friends told me a few days ago that not only is he going to Samoa for a while (which didn't surprise me because he and his family go to Africa all the time)_comma_ but he's staying and moving there for a few years. | 1,287 |
angry | i went out with a couple friends to a local bar and we were having a great time. then my friend said he was going to step out and do some drugs and i knew my friend for years and i told him no just stay and party with us but he declined and i started yelling at him and he punched me. i felt like he chose the drugs over our friendship | do know anything i can do to stop him | 4,355 |
guilty | Last night_comma_ I felt extremely guilty. I ate 12 Big Mac's from McDonalds. | Big Mac's are heaven in your mouth. | 7,013 |
guilty | Yesterday I passed a beggar while walking on the street and I didn't give him any money. | I always give. You never know if it's Jesus in disguise to test your heart | 3,885 |
disappointed | I procrastinated on turning in a paper for a college class_comma_ and she ended up giving me a D for the course overall. | were you able to do any extra credit to bring up the grade? | 5,749 |
afraid | I was wondering around a abandon building once. I started to hear banging and crawling in the walls. I couldn't move a inch. | So i was exploring some abandon buildings one day. | 9,169 |
apprehensive | i was on a date with a new girl. we were walking to a concert. some toughs were approaching the other way. | No_comma_ unfortunately. As we were walking on the sidewalk_comma_ we were approached by a couple of dirty_comma_ tough looking guys. | 2,407 |
caring | I loved my dogs so much. But one dog i loved was Watson and he lived til he was 18. He was the one thing i cared about in this world at a time. | He was a Dachshund lived til he was 18. I miss him still. | 2,013 |
angry | My uber had me late to work this morning. I was not happy. | It's my only one though. I'm alsways on time for work. | 5,153 |
confident | I am living my best life right now. It's the perfect time to start dating. | I'm gonna grab one of them soon lol | 8,551 |
hopeful | I'm glad we finally got some dry weather today. I need it to stay dry_comma_ sunny and breezy for the whole week! | You had me at cheap liquor | 4,376 |
prepared | I had a very important sales pitch to day at work. It went really well. | I had a very important sales pitch to some clients at work today. | 8,822 |
angry | when i ordered food and it was bad | Oh_comma_ that is frustrating! I love Chinese food. What did you order? | 4,273 |
disappointed | when i didnt paint the house the right color | Thanks_comma_ yeah its a bummer | 5,825 |
joyful | When my brother got married back in April. I was a bridesmaid and it was a beautiful ceremony. At the reception we all danced and had fun. | wow thats cool! | 6,699 |
guilty | I pirated a few games that I'm really enjoying and feel guilty for not supporting the developers. | Yeah... that's a tough one. I've pirated stuff before. Kind of how it goes as a poor college student. Maybe when you get older you can pay for things appropriately. | 7,243 |
ashamed | I lied to the people I work out with. I told them I was out of town but I relaly just did not want to work out. | Lol. Why didnt' you just reschedule? | 449 |
ashamed | Sometimes I just eat because I know there is food in the kitchen. I feel bad. | How much would you like to lose? | 2,227 |
disgusted | I was disgusted the way the cavs owner treated Lebron during his two stints with the team | That's a fair point. But Lebron James is different_comma_ and probably seeks to try to really control the team he is on_comma_ so that can be difficult too | 5,756 |
annoyed | my wife keeps giving our son a stick and he keeps hurting himslef. | Why don't you say something? | 810 |
furious | There was a time when I spilled a bowl of cheerios. I flew into a fit of rage so severe that I passed out for a couple of minutes_comma_ only to wake up_comma_ finding myself in the puddle milk and spilt cheerios. | That's very serious. What are you going to do about the bowl now? | 4,180 |
embarrassed | my zipper was down all day. No one told me so that was bad | Oh my gosh! That must have been so embarrassing! | 9,000 |
sad | My dog died. She was 20 years old. | Maybe you should get a new one. | 5,438 |
joyful | I am so happy I just retired for my job of 40 years | I am happy I can retire. I worked for 40 years | 7,533 |
lonely | All of my friends aren't speaking to me and I don't know why. | have you asked them? | 6,369 |
jealous | All of my friends are married. I can't even get a decent boyfriend. | I am. It never goes past the first date though. I attract weirdos lol | 8,416 |
lonely | I was lonely as a teenager_comma_ I had no girlfriend and few friends. I was sad often | Sorry to hear that. Do you have more firends now? | 1,477 |
disappointed | I was turned down an assistant training position at work. For the past 4 years I have scored higher than the actual head trainer on this test. | I didnt get the assistant training position at my job_comma_ even though I have done better than the head trainer himself on the yearly test_comma_ 4 years in a row! | 1,790 |
jealous | I wish I was Elon Musk. | I've heard his net worth is like $20.9 billion dollars!! I wish I was him too - LOL! | 2,008 |
anticipating | waiting for christmas! | I thought about it_comma_ but dont think I could handle one. Do you have one? | 682 |
lonely | After my recent break up_comma_ i feel so lonely and desperate. I can't stand it anymore | I agree with you.I was lonely for a whole year. | 2,816 |
afraid | Just finished watching a murder mystery series. I'm afraid of walking outside in the dark now. | i loved the ed gein documentary | 9,431 |
impressed | I was looking into the early works of da Vinci. I have to say_comma_ the genius and inventive mind of such a great individual is quite breathtaking. | That's weird conclusion. But_comma_ Da Vinci does definitely hold secrets and died with them. He even might have created that very bizarre and undecipherable medieval book. | 3,774 |
anxious | I was worried when my dad was in the hospital. It just made me nervous | What happened? | 6,495 |
disappointed | I I failed my physics exam yesterday. I was so disappointed with myself. | I am sorry to hear that. Any certain areas you think you could have done better on? | 8,878 |
lonely | I went hunting with a friend_comma_ but I somehow got separated. I had to spend all night by myself in the woods. | That must of been no fun. | 7,361 |
surprised | I found 6 puppies on my doorstep. | Wonderful! Rescues will help you with contracts and getting them fixed if you need help. Fix those babies up :) Thanks for keeping them safe! | 8,366 |
prepared | I did my homework ahead of time. I knew I would not have enough time on the weekends. | I agree. I used to procrastinate a lot but I've learned that it's not a good habit. | 7,474 |
grateful | I went to a park and I set on a bench. I didn't notice that my wallet felt. A man came to me from behind giving me back my wallet. | Yes_comma_ I did. I was so grateful because I have a lot of money in my wallet. | 46 |
angry | I once lost my job and got mad. | I lost my job last year and got really angry. | 30 |
surprised | I actually lost weight. I didn't intend to at first_comma_ just went through a rough patch_comma_ but then realized I was losing and kept at it in a better way. And a lot of other issues eventually went away becuase of it. | Hi! I've been losing weight recently and it's helped with my anxiety. | 8,250 |
disappointed | I tried baking a pepperoni cheesecake last night. It tasted awful. | A+ for creativity. | 6,935 |
angry | I was angry when my brother ruined the result of a football game. I recorded it to watch later | I was angry when my brother ruined the result of a football game. I recorded it to watch later | 1,468 |
afraid | I am afraid of the upcoming economic crisis in the USA | I am afraid of the upcoming economic crisis in the USA.It will affect all of us. | 1,665 |
apprehensive | I just started working out and wasn't sure how to start. | It's been over 10 years since i've worked out! | 1,416 |
anxious | to get hired at a new job | I really really really hope i get this job | 6,480 |
trusting | I asked my friend to get some stuff for a party_comma_ I knew he would pull through though. | Hey_comma_ I was planning a party and asked my friend to get some stuff for it_comma_ I knew I could count on him though. | 4,852 |
excited | I am exited about the world cup final. | I want Croatia to win because they are the underdogs. | 2,470 |
hopeful | I'm glad we finally got some dry weather today. I need it to stay dry_comma_ sunny and breezy for the whole week! | I want dry_comma_ breezy_comma_ and sunny weather the whole week dang it | 4,373 |
embarrassed | I lost my wallet at the airport once when I worked there. It had my down payment for a car in it. | Did you get lucky and some kind person turn it in | 8,524 |
prepared | I will pass a examen next monday. I reviewed all the content for the course | Yes_comma_ I feel ready. I can't wait to take that exam | 429 |
afraid | I was home alone and someone was in the carport looking in a window | That sounds kind of suspicious. | 5,244 |
sad | I cried when my brother passed away. | I cried when my brother died. | 2,119 |
terrified | I was driving down a road at night and my car died. I sat in a car with not lights for hours. | Oh no. That must have been scary. | 385 |
disappointed | When my father didn't show up for my Soccer game i wasn't happy with him. He rather of sat in a SEARs and watch TV where he forgot he had to get to my game. | So my father has done some dumb things. He missed a soccer game once and i was just not happy with him. | 1,945 |
disgusted | Every Sunday I have to take the trash out to the road. I feel an overwhelming sense of disgust every time I lift up the lid and a swarm of flies appears. | I know! It's physically exhausting. And when the flies start swarming_comma_ I get terrified and feel like I am going to come down with the bubonic plague. | 4,224 |
lonely | not living near family_comma_ being in a new place. | I recently moved to my dream location_comma_ but it sucks not knowing anyone. | 473 |
content | I am ok with being average in life. | I agree. Average is good. | 2,129 |
anticipating | I was excited my first day of college. I was excited about my next step in life | So_comma_ you are not anymore? | 6,556 |
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