Upload folder using huggingface_hub
Browse files- +444 -0
- data/ +3 -0
- data/ +3 -0
- +438 -0
@@ -0,0 +1,444 @@
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
- name: image
5 |
dtype: image
6 |
- name: label
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
'0': abbey
11 |
'1': airplane cabin
12 |
'2': airport terminal
13 |
'3': alley
14 |
'4': amphitheater
15 |
'5': amusement arcade
16 |
'6': amusement park
17 |
'7': anechoic chamber
18 |
'8': apartment building outdoor
19 |
'9': apse indoor
20 |
'10': aquarium
21 |
'11': aqueduct
22 |
'12': arch
23 |
'13': archive
24 |
'14': arrival gate outdoor
25 |
'15': art gallery
26 |
'16': art school
27 |
'17': art studio
28 |
'18': assembly line
29 |
'19': athletic field outdoor
30 |
'20': atrium public
31 |
'21': attic
32 |
'22': auditorium
33 |
'23': auto factory
34 |
'24': badlands
35 |
'25': badminton court indoor
36 |
'26': baggage claim
37 |
'27': bakery shop
38 |
'28': balcony exterior
39 |
'29': balcony interior
40 |
'30': ball pit
41 |
'31': ballroom
42 |
'32': bamboo forest
43 |
'33': banquet hall
44 |
'34': bar
45 |
'35': barn
46 |
'36': barndoor
47 |
'37': baseball field
48 |
'38': basement
49 |
'39': basilica
50 |
'40': basketball court outdoor
51 |
'41': bathroom
52 |
'42': batters box
53 |
'43': bayou
54 |
'44': bazaar indoor
55 |
'45': bazaar outdoor
56 |
'46': beach
57 |
'47': beauty salon
58 |
'48': bedroom
59 |
'49': berth
60 |
'50': biology laboratory
61 |
'51': bistro indoor
62 |
'52': boardwalk
63 |
'53': boat deck
64 |
'54': boathouse
65 |
'55': bookstore
66 |
'56': booth indoor
67 |
'57': botanical garden
68 |
'58': bow window indoor
69 |
'59': bow window outdoor
70 |
'60': bowling alley
71 |
'61': boxing ring
72 |
'62': brewery indoor
73 |
'63': bridge
74 |
'64': building facade
75 |
'65': bullring
76 |
'66': burial chamber
77 |
'67': bus interior
78 |
'68': butchers shop
79 |
'69': butte
80 |
'70': cabin outdoor
81 |
'71': cafeteria
82 |
'72': campsite
83 |
'73': campus
84 |
'74': canal natural
85 |
'75': canal urban
86 |
'76': candy store
87 |
'77': canyon
88 |
'78': car interior backseat
89 |
'79': car interior frontseat
90 |
'80': carrousel
91 |
'81': casino indoor
92 |
'82': castle
93 |
'83': catacomb
94 |
'84': cathedral indoor
95 |
'85': cathedral outdoor
96 |
'86': cavern indoor
97 |
'87': cemetery
98 |
'88': chalet
99 |
'89': cheese factory
100 |
'90': chemistry lab
101 |
'91': chicken coop indoor
102 |
'92': chicken coop outdoor
103 |
'93': childs room
104 |
'94': church indoor
105 |
'95': church outdoor
106 |
'96': classroom
107 |
'97': clean room
108 |
'98': cliff
109 |
'99': cloister indoor
110 |
'100': closet
111 |
'101': clothing store
112 |
'102': coast
113 |
'103': cockpit
114 |
'104': coffee shop
115 |
'105': computer room
116 |
'106': conference center
117 |
'107': conference room
118 |
'108': construction site
119 |
'109': control room
120 |
'110': control tower outdoor
121 |
'111': corn field
122 |
'112': corral
123 |
'113': corridor
124 |
'114': cottage garden
125 |
'115': courthouse
126 |
'116': courtroom
127 |
'117': courtyard
128 |
'118': covered bridge exterior
129 |
'119': creek
130 |
'120': crevasse
131 |
'121': crosswalk
132 |
'122': cubicle office
133 |
'123': dam
134 |
'124': delicatessen
135 |
'125': dentists office
136 |
'126': desert sand
137 |
'127': desert vegetation
138 |
'128': diner indoor
139 |
'129': diner outdoor
140 |
'130': dinette home
141 |
'131': dinette vehicle
142 |
'132': dining car
143 |
'133': dining room
144 |
'134': discotheque
145 |
'135': dock
146 |
'136': doorway outdoor
147 |
'137': dorm room
148 |
'138': driveway
149 |
'139': driving range outdoor
150 |
'140': drugstore
151 |
'141': electrical substation
152 |
'142': elevator door
153 |
'143': elevator interior
154 |
'144': elevator shaft
155 |
'145': engine room
156 |
'146': escalator indoor
157 |
'147': excavation
158 |
'148': factory indoor
159 |
'149': fairway
160 |
'150': fastfood restaurant
161 |
'151': field cultivated
162 |
'152': field wild
163 |
'153': fire escape
164 |
'154': fire station
165 |
'155': firing range indoor
166 |
'156': fishpond
167 |
'157': florist shop indoor
168 |
'158': food court
169 |
'159': forest broadleaf
170 |
'160': forest needleleaf
171 |
'161': forest path
172 |
'162': forest road
173 |
'163': formal garden
174 |
'164': fountain
175 |
'165': galley
176 |
'166': game room
177 |
'167': garage indoor
178 |
'168': garbage dump
179 |
'169': gas station
180 |
'170': gazebo exterior
181 |
'171': general store indoor
182 |
'172': general store outdoor
183 |
'173': gift shop
184 |
'174': golf course
185 |
'175': greenhouse indoor
186 |
'176': greenhouse outdoor
187 |
'177': gymnasium indoor
188 |
'178': hangar indoor
189 |
'179': hangar outdoor
190 |
'180': harbor
191 |
'181': hayfield
192 |
'182': heliport
193 |
'183': herb garden
194 |
'184': highway
195 |
'185': hill
196 |
'186': home office
197 |
'187': hospital
198 |
'188': hospital room
199 |
'189': hot spring
200 |
'190': hot tub outdoor
201 |
'191': hotel outdoor
202 |
'192': hotel room
203 |
'193': house
204 |
'194': hunting lodge outdoor
205 |
'195': ice cream parlor
206 |
'196': ice floe
207 |
'197': ice shelf
208 |
'198': ice skating rink indoor
209 |
'199': ice skating rink outdoor
210 |
'200': iceberg
211 |
'201': igloo
212 |
'202': industrial area
213 |
'203': inn outdoor
214 |
'204': islet
215 |
'205': jacuzzi indoor
216 |
'206': jail cell
217 |
'207': jail indoor
218 |
'208': jewelry shop
219 |
'209': kasbah
220 |
'210': kennel indoor
221 |
'211': kennel outdoor
222 |
'212': kindergarden classroom
223 |
'213': kitchen
224 |
'214': kitchenette
225 |
'215': labyrinth outdoor
226 |
'216': lake natural
227 |
'217': landfill
228 |
'218': landing deck
229 |
'219': laundromat
230 |
'220': lecture room
231 |
'221': library indoor
232 |
'222': library outdoor
233 |
'223': lido deck outdoor
234 |
'224': lift bridge
235 |
'225': lighthouse
236 |
'226': limousine interior
237 |
'227': living room
238 |
'228': lobby
239 |
'229': lock chamber
240 |
'230': locker room
241 |
'231': mansion
242 |
'232': manufactured home
243 |
'233': market indoor
244 |
'234': market outdoor
245 |
'235': marsh
246 |
'236': martial arts gym
247 |
'237': mausoleum
248 |
'238': medina
249 |
'239': moat water
250 |
'240': monastery outdoor
251 |
'241': mosque indoor
252 |
'242': mosque outdoor
253 |
'243': motel
254 |
'244': mountain
255 |
'245': mountain snowy
256 |
'246': movie theater indoor
257 |
'247': museum indoor
258 |
'248': music store
259 |
'249': music studio
260 |
'250': nuclear power plant outdoor
261 |
'251': nursery
262 |
'252': oast house
263 |
'253': observatory outdoor
264 |
'254': ocean
265 |
'255': office
266 |
'256': office building
267 |
'257': oil refinery outdoor
268 |
'258': oilrig
269 |
'259': operating room
270 |
'260': orchard
271 |
'261': outhouse outdoor
272 |
'262': pagoda
273 |
'263': palace
274 |
'264': pantry
275 |
'265': park
276 |
'266': parking garage indoor
277 |
'267': parking garage outdoor
278 |
'268': parking lot
279 |
'269': parlor
280 |
'270': pasture
281 |
'271': patio
282 |
'272': pavilion
283 |
'273': pharmacy
284 |
'274': phone booth
285 |
'275': physics laboratory
286 |
'276': picnic area
287 |
'277': pilothouse indoor
288 |
'278': planetarium outdoor
289 |
'279': playground
290 |
'280': playroom
291 |
'281': plaza
292 |
'282': podium indoor
293 |
'283': podium outdoor
294 |
'284': pond
295 |
'285': poolroom establishment
296 |
'286': poolroom home
297 |
'287': power plant outdoor
298 |
'288': promenade deck
299 |
'289': pub indoor
300 |
'290': pulpit
301 |
'291': putting green
302 |
'292': racecourse
303 |
'293': raceway
304 |
'294': raft
305 |
'295': railroad track
306 |
'296': rainforest
307 |
'297': reception
308 |
'298': recreation room
309 |
'299': residential neighborhood
310 |
'300': restaurant
311 |
'301': restaurant kitchen
312 |
'302': restaurant patio
313 |
'303': rice paddy
314 |
'304': riding arena
315 |
'305': river
316 |
'306': rock arch
317 |
'307': rope bridge
318 |
'308': ruin
319 |
'309': runway
320 |
'310': sandbar
321 |
'311': sandbox
322 |
'312': sauna
323 |
'313': schoolhouse
324 |
'314': sea cliff
325 |
'315': server room
326 |
'316': shed
327 |
'317': shoe shop
328 |
'318': shopfront
329 |
'319': shopping mall indoor
330 |
'320': shower
331 |
'321': skatepark
332 |
'322': ski lodge
333 |
'323': ski resort
334 |
'324': ski slope
335 |
'325': sky
336 |
'326': skyscraper
337 |
'327': slum
338 |
'328': snowfield
339 |
'329': squash court
340 |
'330': stable
341 |
'331': stadium baseball
342 |
'332': stadium football
343 |
'333': stage indoor
344 |
'334': staircase
345 |
'335': street
346 |
'336': subway interior
347 |
'337': subway station platform
348 |
'338': supermarket
349 |
'339': sushi bar
350 |
'340': swamp
351 |
'341': swimming pool indoor
352 |
'342': swimming pool outdoor
353 |
'343': synagogue indoor
354 |
'344': synagogue outdoor
355 |
'345': television studio
356 |
'346': temple east asia
357 |
'347': temple south asia
358 |
'348': tennis court indoor
359 |
'349': tennis court outdoor
360 |
'350': tent outdoor
361 |
'351': theater indoor procenium
362 |
'352': theater indoor seats
363 |
'353': thriftshop
364 |
'354': throne room
365 |
'355': ticket booth
366 |
'356': toll plaza
367 |
'357': topiary garden
368 |
'358': tower
369 |
'359': toyshop
370 |
'360': track outdoor
371 |
'361': train railway
372 |
'362': train station platform
373 |
'363': tree farm
374 |
'364': tree house
375 |
'365': trench
376 |
'366': underwater coral reef
377 |
'367': utility room
378 |
'368': valley
379 |
'369': van interior
380 |
'370': vegetable garden
381 |
'371': veranda
382 |
'372': veterinarians office
383 |
'373': viaduct
384 |
'374': videostore
385 |
'375': village
386 |
'376': vineyard
387 |
'377': volcano
388 |
'378': volleyball court indoor
389 |
'379': volleyball court outdoor
390 |
'380': waiting room
391 |
'381': warehouse indoor
392 |
'382': water tower
393 |
'383': waterfall block
394 |
'384': waterfall fan
395 |
'385': waterfall plunge
396 |
'386': watering hole
397 |
'387': wave
398 |
'388': wet bar
399 |
'389': wheat field
400 |
'390': wind farm
401 |
'391': windmill
402 |
'392': wine cellar barrel storage
403 |
'393': wine cellar bottle storage
404 |
'394': wrestling ring indoor
405 |
'395': yard
406 |
'396': youth hostel
407 |
408 |
- name: train
409 |
num_bytes: 2597332
410 |
num_examples: 19850
411 |
- name: test
412 |
num_bytes: 2557632
413 |
num_examples: 19850
414 |
download_size: 14342875038
415 |
dataset_size: 5154964
416 |
417 |
418 |
419 |
# SUN397 dataset
420 |
421 |
The database contains 397 categories subset from the SUN dataset for Scene Recognition used in the following paper.
422 |
The number of images varies across categories, but there are at least 100 images per category, and 108,754 images in total.
423 |
All images are in jpg format. The images provided here are for research purposes only.
424 |
425 |
The file ClassName.txt contains the name list for the 397 categories.
426 |
427 |
Please cite the following paper if you use this dataset in your research.
428 |
429 |
J. Xiao, J. Hays, K. Ehinger, A. Oliva, and A. Torralba.
430 |
SUN Database: Large-scale Scene Recognition from Abbey to Zoo.
431 |
Proceedings of 23rd IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR2010).
432 |
433 |
Please visit our project webpage for more information:
434 |
435 |
436 |
437 |
## Usage
438 |
439 |
440 |
from datasets import load_dataset
441 |
442 |
dataset = load_dataset('tanganke/sun397')
443 |
444 |
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
1 |
2 |
oid sha256:5a9cd27961918172a4245bfaed70a4239dc80fcd33425d109cc3e4da912178bd
3 |
size 7143245981
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
1 |
2 |
oid sha256:9bc8179ecaa9b944a3c8ea9b3080014edd2c8245fc7b21581b156e728e3b4f31
3 |
size 7199629057
@@ -0,0 +1,438 @@
1 |
import datasets
2 |
from datasets.data_files import DataFilesDict
3 |
from datasets.packaged_modules.imagefolder.imagefolder import ImageFolder, ImageFolderConfig
4 |
5 |
logger = datasets.logging.get_logger(__name__)
6 |
7 |
8 |
class SUN397(ImageFolder):
9 |
10 |
SUN397 dataset for image classification.
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
features=("images", "labels"),
18 |
data_files=DataFilesDict({split: f"data/{split}.zip" for split in ["train", "test"]}),
19 |
20 |
21 |
22 |
classnames = [
23 |
24 |
"airplane cabin",
25 |
"airport terminal",
26 |
27 |
28 |
"amusement arcade",
29 |
"amusement park",
30 |
"anechoic chamber",
31 |
"apartment building outdoor",
32 |
"apse indoor",
33 |
34 |
35 |
36 |
37 |
"arrival gate outdoor",
38 |
"art gallery",
39 |
"art school",
40 |
"art studio",
41 |
"assembly line",
42 |
"athletic field outdoor",
43 |
"atrium public",
44 |
45 |
46 |
"auto factory",
47 |
48 |
"badminton court indoor",
49 |
"baggage claim",
50 |
"bakery shop",
51 |
"balcony exterior",
52 |
"balcony interior",
53 |
"ball pit",
54 |
55 |
"bamboo forest",
56 |
"banquet hall",
57 |
58 |
59 |
60 |
"baseball field",
61 |
62 |
63 |
"basketball court outdoor",
64 |
65 |
"batters box",
66 |
67 |
"bazaar indoor",
68 |
"bazaar outdoor",
69 |
70 |
"beauty salon",
71 |
72 |
73 |
"biology laboratory",
74 |
"bistro indoor",
75 |
76 |
"boat deck",
77 |
78 |
79 |
"booth indoor",
80 |
"botanical garden",
81 |
"bow window indoor",
82 |
"bow window outdoor",
83 |
"bowling alley",
84 |
"boxing ring",
85 |
"brewery indoor",
86 |
87 |
"building facade",
88 |
89 |
"burial chamber",
90 |
"bus interior",
91 |
"butchers shop",
92 |
93 |
"cabin outdoor",
94 |
95 |
96 |
97 |
"canal natural",
98 |
"canal urban",
99 |
"candy store",
100 |
101 |
"car interior backseat",
102 |
"car interior frontseat",
103 |
104 |
"casino indoor",
105 |
106 |
107 |
"cathedral indoor",
108 |
"cathedral outdoor",
109 |
"cavern indoor",
110 |
111 |
112 |
"cheese factory",
113 |
"chemistry lab",
114 |
"chicken coop indoor",
115 |
"chicken coop outdoor",
116 |
"childs room",
117 |
"church indoor",
118 |
"church outdoor",
119 |
120 |
"clean room",
121 |
122 |
"cloister indoor",
123 |
124 |
"clothing store",
125 |
126 |
127 |
"coffee shop",
128 |
"computer room",
129 |
"conference center",
130 |
"conference room",
131 |
"construction site",
132 |
"control room",
133 |
"control tower outdoor",
134 |
"corn field",
135 |
136 |
137 |
"cottage garden",
138 |
139 |
140 |
141 |
"covered bridge exterior",
142 |
143 |
144 |
145 |
"cubicle office",
146 |
147 |
148 |
"dentists office",
149 |
"desert sand",
150 |
"desert vegetation",
151 |
"diner indoor",
152 |
"diner outdoor",
153 |
"dinette home",
154 |
"dinette vehicle",
155 |
"dining car",
156 |
"dining room",
157 |
158 |
159 |
"doorway outdoor",
160 |
"dorm room",
161 |
162 |
"driving range outdoor",
163 |
164 |
"electrical substation",
165 |
"elevator door",
166 |
"elevator interior",
167 |
"elevator shaft",
168 |
"engine room",
169 |
"escalator indoor",
170 |
171 |
"factory indoor",
172 |
173 |
"fastfood restaurant",
174 |
"field cultivated",
175 |
"field wild",
176 |
"fire escape",
177 |
"fire station",
178 |
"firing range indoor",
179 |
180 |
"florist shop indoor",
181 |
"food court",
182 |
"forest broadleaf",
183 |
"forest needleleaf",
184 |
"forest path",
185 |
"forest road",
186 |
"formal garden",
187 |
188 |
189 |
"game room",
190 |
"garage indoor",
191 |
"garbage dump",
192 |
"gas station",
193 |
"gazebo exterior",
194 |
"general store indoor",
195 |
"general store outdoor",
196 |
"gift shop",
197 |
"golf course",
198 |
"greenhouse indoor",
199 |
"greenhouse outdoor",
200 |
"gymnasium indoor",
201 |
"hangar indoor",
202 |
"hangar outdoor",
203 |
204 |
205 |
206 |
"herb garden",
207 |
208 |
209 |
"home office",
210 |
211 |
"hospital room",
212 |
"hot spring",
213 |
"hot tub outdoor",
214 |
"hotel outdoor",
215 |
"hotel room",
216 |
217 |
"hunting lodge outdoor",
218 |
"ice cream parlor",
219 |
"ice floe",
220 |
"ice shelf",
221 |
"ice skating rink indoor",
222 |
"ice skating rink outdoor",
223 |
224 |
225 |
"industrial area",
226 |
"inn outdoor",
227 |
228 |
"jacuzzi indoor",
229 |
"jail cell",
230 |
"jail indoor",
231 |
"jewelry shop",
232 |
233 |
"kennel indoor",
234 |
"kennel outdoor",
235 |
"kindergarden classroom",
236 |
237 |
238 |
"labyrinth outdoor",
239 |
"lake natural",
240 |
241 |
"landing deck",
242 |
243 |
"lecture room",
244 |
"library indoor",
245 |
"library outdoor",
246 |
"lido deck outdoor",
247 |
"lift bridge",
248 |
249 |
"limousine interior",
250 |
"living room",
251 |
252 |
"lock chamber",
253 |
"locker room",
254 |
255 |
"manufactured home",
256 |
"market indoor",
257 |
"market outdoor",
258 |
259 |
"martial arts gym",
260 |
261 |
262 |
"moat water",
263 |
"monastery outdoor",
264 |
"mosque indoor",
265 |
"mosque outdoor",
266 |
267 |
268 |
"mountain snowy",
269 |
"movie theater indoor",
270 |
"museum indoor",
271 |
"music store",
272 |
"music studio",
273 |
"nuclear power plant outdoor",
274 |
275 |
"oast house",
276 |
"observatory outdoor",
277 |
278 |
279 |
"office building",
280 |
"oil refinery outdoor",
281 |
282 |
"operating room",
283 |
284 |
"outhouse outdoor",
285 |
286 |
287 |
288 |
289 |
"parking garage indoor",
290 |
"parking garage outdoor",
291 |
"parking lot",
292 |
293 |
294 |
295 |
296 |
297 |
"phone booth",
298 |
"physics laboratory",
299 |
"picnic area",
300 |
"pilothouse indoor",
301 |
"planetarium outdoor",
302 |
303 |
304 |
305 |
"podium indoor",
306 |
"podium outdoor",
307 |
308 |
"poolroom establishment",
309 |
"poolroom home",
310 |
"power plant outdoor",
311 |
"promenade deck",
312 |
"pub indoor",
313 |
314 |
"putting green",
315 |
316 |
317 |
318 |
"railroad track",
319 |
320 |
321 |
"recreation room",
322 |
"residential neighborhood",
323 |
324 |
"restaurant kitchen",
325 |
"restaurant patio",
326 |
"rice paddy",
327 |
"riding arena",
328 |
329 |
"rock arch",
330 |
"rope bridge",
331 |
332 |
333 |
334 |
335 |
336 |
337 |
"sea cliff",
338 |
"server room",
339 |
340 |
"shoe shop",
341 |
342 |
"shopping mall indoor",
343 |
344 |
345 |
"ski lodge",
346 |
"ski resort",
347 |
"ski slope",
348 |
349 |
350 |
351 |
352 |
"squash court",
353 |
354 |
"stadium baseball",
355 |
"stadium football",
356 |
"stage indoor",
357 |
358 |
359 |
"subway interior",
360 |
"subway station platform",
361 |
362 |
"sushi bar",
363 |
364 |
"swimming pool indoor",
365 |
"swimming pool outdoor",
366 |
"synagogue indoor",
367 |
"synagogue outdoor",
368 |
"television studio",
369 |
"temple east asia",
370 |
"temple south asia",
371 |
"tennis court indoor",
372 |
"tennis court outdoor",
373 |
"tent outdoor",
374 |
"theater indoor procenium",
375 |
"theater indoor seats",
376 |
377 |
"throne room",
378 |
"ticket booth",
379 |
"toll plaza",
380 |
"topiary garden",
381 |
382 |
383 |
"track outdoor",
384 |
"train railway",
385 |
"train station platform",
386 |
"tree farm",
387 |
"tree house",
388 |
389 |
"underwater coral reef",
390 |
"utility room",
391 |
392 |
"van interior",
393 |
"vegetable garden",
394 |
395 |
"veterinarians office",
396 |
397 |
398 |
399 |
400 |
401 |
"volleyball court indoor",
402 |
"volleyball court outdoor",
403 |
"waiting room",
404 |
"warehouse indoor",
405 |
"water tower",
406 |
"waterfall block",
407 |
"waterfall fan",
408 |
"waterfall plunge",
409 |
"watering hole",
410 |
411 |
"wet bar",
412 |
"wheat field",
413 |
"wind farm",
414 |
415 |
"wine cellar barrel storage",
416 |
"wine cellar bottle storage",
417 |
"wrestling ring indoor",
418 |
419 |
"youth hostel",
420 |
421 |
422 |
clip_templates = [
423 |
lambda c: f"a photo of a {c}.",
424 |
lambda c: f"a photo of the {c}.",
425 |
426 |
427 |
def _info(self):
428 |
return datasets.DatasetInfo(
429 |
description="SUN397 dataset for image classification.",
430 |
431 |
432 |
"image": datasets.Image(),
433 |
"label": datasets.ClassLabel(names=self.classnames),
434 |
435 |
436 |
supervised_keys=("image", "label"),
437 |
task_templates=[datasets.ImageClassification(image_column="image", label_column="label")],
438 |