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1 |
wavs/markus-1.wav|Do we have enough blood on hand? If not, then make arrangements. Have Erik make a quick trip to the blood center. Now what about the x-rays?
2 |
wavs/markus-2.wav|It's hard to believe, but situations like this don't seem to faze me anymore. And here I thought I was going to be able to kick back and enjoy the northern lights every night.
3 |
wavs/markus-3.wav|Alright, let's get down to business. I have dinner reservations.
4 |
wavs/markus-4.wav|We don't have time to wait. We have to begin the procedure immediately.
5 |
wavs/markus-5.wav|Time is of the essence. Let's get started.
6 |
wavs/markus-6.wav|So far, so good.
7 |
wavs/markus-7.wav|That takes care of the external wounds. Let's move on to treating his arm.
8 |
wavs/markus-8.wav|Man, this is like a jigsaw puzzle.
9 |
wavs/markus-9.wav|That does it. Let's close him up.
10 |
wavs/markus-10.wav|The bleeding stopped. Hand me the bandage.
11 |
wavs/markus-11.wav|looks like this bone is warped.
12 |
wavs/markus-12.wav|Good idea, but don't serve him anything fancy. We don't want him getting too comfortable.
13 |
wavs/markus-13.wav|It did. So when are they going to give us the key to the city? We are making Alaska safe for tourists, after all.
14 |
wavs/markus-14.wav|No, not at all. Just let me know if anything comes up. I'll be at Lucky's, enjoying some grilled salmon.
15 |
wavs/markus-15.wav|Why wouldn't you be?
16 |
wavs/markus-16.wav|Well, I'm still alive. So let's just try to get through this together, alright? Now, the bad news is you have a tumor. But the good news is it's benign, so don't worry. I can perform this operation in my sleep. Okay, the nurses will help you get ready, so please return to your room.
17 |
wavs/markus-17.wav|Why in the world would they want me to come back?
18 |
wavs/markus-18.wav|Oh, Doctor Hoover. I have an operation to prepare for, so...
19 |
wavs/markus-19.wav|Perfect timing. I was just looking over those documents he gave me. I'm sorry, but I can't agree to this.
20 |
wavs/markus-20.wav|I couldn't do that to this place. How would you function without us? So even if it's a direct order, I can't comply. You understand, don't you?
21 |
wavs/markus-21.wav|Well, I don't know about her, but there's no way I'm going back.
22 |
wavs/markus-22.wav|Please excuse me, Doctor Hoover. I have an operation to perform.
23 |
wavs/markus-23.wav|Sorry, could you review the briefing?
24 |
wavs/markus-24.wav|The Powell procedure, huh? Well, that may be difficult for a reject doctor like me.
25 |
wavs/markus-25.wav|Yeah, you're right, Val. Let's get started.
26 |
wavs/markus-26.wav|Alright, let's continue with the Powell procedure.
27 |
wavs/markus-27.wav|For me, there will.
28 |
wavs/markus-28.wav|Too bad we can't leave, though. We finally managed to dodge the late shift, and we're stuck here anyway. Well, this bed has my name on it, so I'm going to get some much-needed sleep.
29 |
wavs/markus-29.wav|Don't worry, they won't be sending anyone out here in this weather.
30 |
wavs/markus-30.wav|The IV, BGA, and CT are all ready to go. So is the blood count and cross-matching test. Looks like the storm's headed our way.
31 |
wavs/markus-31.wav|Finally, some good news. So does she have a name?
32 |
wavs/markus-32.wav|I'm surprised Concordia sent someone as young as you.
33 |
wavs/markus-33.wav|Have we met before?
34 |
wavs/markus-34.wav|There's no time to waste.
35 |
wavs/markus-35.wav|Alright, let's begin.
36 |
wavs/markus-36.wav|But first, we should clarify some things. What instructions did Professor Wilkens give you prior to coming here, Elena?
37 |
38 |
wavs/markus-38.wav|Now I remember, so you're that little girl.
39 |
wavs/markus-39.wav|Elena has intractable pancreatic necrosis, an extremely rare genetic immune system disorder. The disease surfaces due to stress caused by aging, viruses, or chemical substances. If left untreated, it could cause septicemia, cellular necrosis, and a severe case of pancreatitis.
40 |
wavs/markus-40.wav|Thankfully, an effective immune suppressant was developed in 2015. So now the disorder can be treated by implanting a high efficiency pump system in the patient.
41 |
wavs/markus-41.wav|Yeah, it's designed to last for 20 years.
42 |
wavs/markus-42.wav|Placing the pump unit is no easy task, and tampering with the implanted unit might cause stress and trigger an acute reaction. An inexperienced doctor wouldn't even attempt such an operation.
43 |
wavs/markus-43.wav|Marcy, please refrigerate them at once. The patient appears to be in good condition, but that doesn't mean we have time to spare. Once the preliminary test results are in, we'll need to operate immediately.
44 |
wavs/markus-44.wav|Yeah, it'll require some preparation.
45 |
wavs/markus-45.wav|remain centered, breathe, focus. As the stars have taught me, I am one with life. I am one with now. Remain centered, breathe, focus. Should have unplugged the phone. Yeah, who is it?
46 |
wavs/markus-46.wav|Professor Wilkens, it would have been nice if I could have finished meditating.
47 |
wavs/markus-47.wav|Look, I'll perform the surgery on Elena. Just don't expect me to return to Concordia.
48 |
wavs/markus-48.wav|What are you trying to say?
49 |
wavs/markus-49.wav|What? Didn't I tell you that it was too dangerous to tamper with?
50 |
wavs/markus-50.wav|Professor Wilkens has Stigma. I can't believe it.
51 |
wavs/markus-51.wav|Yeah, I'm fine, thanks.
52 |
wavs/markus-52.wav|Well, if all goes as planned, I won't need to. Don't worry, Elena. Everything will be fine.
53 |
wavs/markus-53.wav|Well, they went to the trouble of including instructions from the designer himself, so I'll indicate when you should bring them out. Fortunately, his directions are perfectly clear. I'll have to thank Professor Kerensky.
54 |
wavs/markus-54.wav|Alright, let's go over this one more time. The objective of this operation is to readjust the pump unit installed in the pancreas. Depending on the condition of the pump, we'll most likely have to change the control chips. There's a high risk that there may be hemorrhaging as a result of the chip exchange. Follow my lead and keep in mind that we may need to make some changes along the way.
55 |
wavs/markus-55.wav|Okay, keep them on hand so they'll be ready when I call for them. Okay, let's begin.
56 |
wavs/markus-56.wav|The wounds have been treated, but it's only a matter of time before it ruptures again. We're going to have to replace the implant's control chips. First we'll have to disable the current chips, then we can exchange them with the new ones.
57 |
wavs/markus-57.wav|I had a bad feeling something would go wrong. I guess I have no choice. Remain centered. Breathe. Focus. As the stars have taught me. Now, let's finish this. Okay, I've got some time until it hemorrhages again. I need to continue the operation while I can. The implant's adjustments are complete. Let's treat the remaining wounds here.
58 |
wavs/markus-58.wav|We're done here. Sorry, but I'll have to leave the rest to you. I think I overdid it.
59 |
wavs/markus-59.wav|Yeah, I'm exhausted. How's our patient?
60 |
wavs/markus-60.wav|That sounds good, but I'd probably end up freezing to death.
61 |
wavs/markus-61.wav|All right, enough with the sarcasm.
62 |
wavs/markus-62.wav|Don't sell yourself short, Val.
63 |
wavs/markus-63.wav|You didn't come here for the tropical weather. You came to refine your techniques, to learn the Healing Touch. But if you've already given up on that, then there's no reason to stay here.
64 |
wavs/markus-64.wav|Sorry, Val. That didn't come out right. I'm not very good at giving pep talks. All I can think to say is, try harder. Which isn't very helpful, huh?
65 |
wavs/markus-65.wav|I guess when it comes to interpersonal communication, I'm no Doctor Montgomery, huh? Well, maybe if you pray hard enough, he'll visit you in your dreams and teach you the right way.
66 |
wavs/markus-66.wav|Let's see. Your amylase count is good, your pancreas is functioning normally, your white blood cell count is fine, and I don't see any problems with your immune system.
67 |
wavs/markus-67.wav|Just let me know if you think you're recovering too quickly. I can change some of these numbers and extend your vacation.
68 |
69 |
wavs/markus-69.wav|Why did he let his condition get so bad?
70 |
wavs/markus-70.wav|I'm concerned about his physical condition. He's not young and this operation will be stressful.
71 |
wavs/markus-71.wav|That's right. He's in good hands. I won't let him die. Let's begin.
72 |
wavs/markus-72.wav|We've found a tumor. Let's use the Powell procedure here.
73 |
wavs/markus-73.wav|It looks like that's everything, but his vitals aren't stabilizing.
74 |
wavs/markus-74.wav|The tumor's been extracted. Now to treat the area around the excision. When we're done here, we should check out some other areas.
75 |
wavs/markus-75.wav|There's still more to do here.
76 |
wavs/markus-76.wav|Well, we were able to remove all the tumors from your small intestine, sir. You should be up and around in about a week or so, but...
77 |
wavs/markus-77.wav|Congratulations, you're recovering extremely well. I don't see any problems with your pancreas. You're free to return to LA whenever you're ready.
78 |
wavs/markus-78.wav|You don't give up easily, do you? Sorry, but the answer's still no. Trust me, I have my reasons. You don't owe me anything. You need to think about your future.
79 |
wavs/markus-79.wav|I don't think you want to put your fate in the hands of a doctor who's about to lose his job. Go back to Concordia. You owe them an explanation.
80 |
wavs/markus-80.wav|She's in no condition to be moved. We'll have to treat her at the scene. She's lodged beneath the frame of the church. Our equipment's already been loaded onto the helicopter.
81 |
wavs/markus-81.wav|I can't let you do that. You're still-
82 |
wavs/markus-82.wav|Suit yourself, but it's your life that's on the line.
83 |
wavs/markus-83.wav|It's risky, but we'll have to leave her where she is for now. Elena, get the instruments and anesthesia ready.
84 |
wavs/markus-84.wav|All right, Valerie, you take the lead.
85 |
wavs/markus-85.wav|We don't have time to transport her back to the hospital. If Valerie's diagnosis is correct, we need to drain the blood.
86 |
wavs/markus-86.wav|Alright, Val. You lead, and I'll assist.
87 |
wavs/markus-87.wav|Should we risk carrying her out now? Her vitals are still unstable, but...
88 |
wavs/markus-88.wav|This isn't good. Was there another collapse?
89 |
wavs/markus-89.wav|Don't tell me. What was that?
90 |
wavs/markus-90.wav|No, we can't continue. Call for backup immediately.
91 |
wavs/markus-91.wav|Alright, let's head back then. She's made it through the worst of it, but we still need to watch for signs of crush syndrome.
92 |
wavs/markus-92.wav|You did it, Valerie. I knew you had it in you, but I never imagined your gift would awaken so suddenly.
93 |
wavs/markus-93.wav|Yeah, I guess I've got some thinking to do myself.
94 |
wavs/markus-94.wav|No worries. This is the hand fate's dealt us. As long as I remember that Concordia is just a stepping stone, it won't be that bad.
95 |
wavs/markus-95.wav|If you happen to relapse, please contact me immediately. I'll drop whatever I'm doing and come operate on you.
96 |
wavs/markus-96.wav|I gave Concordia a number of conditions under which Valerie and I would return, Elena. The most important being that you would be our assistant in the operating room.
97 |
wavs/markus-97.wav|Val, the operation that the professor is asking us to perform will be extremely difficult. If we're going to be successful, we'll have to work together.
98 |
wavs/markus-98.wav|Morning. What are you doing out here? Aren't you going in?
99 |
wavs/markus-99.wav|Well, it's been three years, so I can't say I'm surprised. All right, I'll go straighten things out.
100 |
wavs/markus-100.wav|Hey, Doctor Rousseau, it's been a long time.
101 |
wavs/markus-101.wav|I heard that you became chief surgeon. Congratulations.
102 |
wavs/markus-102.wav|Sorry, I've been a little out of the loop.
103 |
wavs/markus-103.wav|Alright, we'll go see him.
104 |
wavs/markus-104.wav|At least you know what to expect from him, Doctor Wilkens.
105 |
wavs/markus-105.wav|Yeah, it took me a while to decide. Have you been bedridden?
106 |
wavs/markus-106.wav|Yeah, I'm sure he will. Well, we'll get to work then. Call if you need anything.
107 |
wavs/markus-107.wav|Is that what you want me to do?
108 |
wavs/markus-108.wav|Valerie, are you in? We've got an operation to perform.
109 |
wavs/markus-109.wav|Rousseau took the liberty of volunteering us. Nice guy, huh? I have a feeling this is just a taste of what's to come.
110 |
wavs/markus-110.wav|Please continue, Elena.
111 |
wavs/markus-111.wav|We'll try not to disappoint you. Ready to begin.
112 |
wavs/markus-112.wav|otherwise it could lead to inflammation.
113 |
wavs/markus-113.wav|So far so good, but according to the diagnostics, the affected area may be larger than it appears. We need to use the magnification tool to take a closer look.
114 |
115 |
wavs/markus-115.wav|Why us and not a cardiologist?
116 |
wavs/markus-116.wav|The same pacemaker you're using?
117 |
wavs/markus-117.wav|Chloe, you heard that your heart isn't doing well, right? Right now you're okay because doctors put a machine in you that helps your heart. But we found out that machine isn't working like it should. So if we don't put in a new machine, your chest is going to hurt. You don't want your chest to hurt, do you?
118 |
wavs/markus-118.wav|Alright then, the operation is going to be tomorrow. Let's both do our best.
119 |
wavs/markus-119.wav|This operation has nothing to do with the professor's orders. Let's just concentrate on doing our best for that kid, okay?
120 |
wavs/markus-120.wav|Me, Doctor Chen?
121 |
wavs/markus-121.wav|How did he get in?
122 |
wavs/markus-122.wav|That's right. Since I'm the new guy, I have no choice but to follow orders.
123 |
wavs/markus-123.wav|I'll do my best to live up to those expectations.
124 |
wavs/markus-124.wav|Of course, this is a very serious operation.
125 |
wavs/markus-125.wav|It's true.
126 |
wavs/markus-126.wav|Let's get started.
127 |
wavs/markus-127.wav|If I remember correctly, it's the same model as the professor's.
128 |
wavs/markus-128.wav|We'll have to massage the heart by hand.
129 |
wavs/markus-129.wav|But we can't relax until we've completed the operation.
130 |
wavs/markus-130.wav|False alarm. Let's continue.
131 |
wavs/markus-131.wav|Good. It's working properly. She'll be alright now.
132 |
wavs/markus-132.wav|I'm sure he hasn't forgotten. He must have his reasons.
133 |
wavs/markus-133.wav|His mistress?
134 |
wavs/markus-134.wav|I know him better than you do.
135 |
wavs/markus-135.wav|She's from Caduceus?
136 |
wavs/markus-136.wav|It sounds like trouble if you ask me.
137 |
wavs/markus-137.wav|We can't afford to waste any time. His life's in jeopardy.
138 |
wavs/markus-138.wav|This'll be a difficult operation. No wonder Rousseau took off so fast.
139 |
wavs/markus-139.wav|Alright, let's begin the operation.
140 |
wavs/markus-140.wav|Alright, we have a pulse.
141 |
wavs/markus-141.wav|We won't be able to suture that big of a wound. We'll have to close it first with the forceps.
142 |
wavs/markus-142.wav|Now that we've taken care of the wounds, we can reassemble the bone fragments.
143 |
wavs/markus-143.wav|Alright, let's place the last bone fragment.
144 |
wavs/markus-144.wav|I'm sorry, you are?
145 |
wavs/markus-145.wav|Valerie, is this the woman you were telling me about?
146 |
wavs/markus-146.wav|I don't think it was good for her to have seen that.
147 |
wavs/markus-147.wav|It's not worth getting upset over. The patient is alright, that's all that matters. Professor Wilkens has asked to see us, so we'd better get going.
148 |
wavs/markus-148.wav|I'm just glad the patient's okay.
149 |
wavs/markus-149.wav|I didn't want to come back.
150 |
151 |
wavs/markus-151.wav|Yeah, but he won't be operating.
152 |
wavs/markus-152.wav|Curiosity, man's greatest weakness.
153 |
wavs/markus-153.wav|Never mind.
154 |
wavs/markus-154.wav|Infected accidentally? That can't be. That's not its nature. The professor's hiding something.
155 |
wavs/markus-155.wav|Should someone with your condition be up at this hour?
156 |
wavs/markus-156.wav|I'll save your life. What more do you want?
157 |
158 |
wavs/markus-158.wav|Burn it with the laser. That's the only way.
159 |
wavs/markus-159.wav|Relax. We've got it under control. He's right. This is an important procedure. We can't afford to fail.
160 |
wavs/markus-160.wav|We need to suture the wounds immediately and try to prevent any further damage.
161 |
wavs/markus-161.wav|Alright, let's do this. Get the laser ready.
162 |
wavs/markus-162.wav|Wait, he's not stabilizing. We better take another look.
163 |
wavs/markus-163.wav|It was my responsibility.
164 |
wavs/markus-164.wav|No, nothing. I should just be thankful that it went well.
165 |
wavs/markus-165.wav|I hope this is the last we see of it, though.
166 |
wavs/markus-166.wav|The operation was a success. All the pathogens were removed, and your heart is functioning normally.
167 |
wavs/markus-167.wav|Then we'll return later to explain your status.
168 |
wavs/markus-168.wav|Are you just going to pretend it doesn't exist?
169 |
wavs/markus-169.wav|That's only because they lack the knowledge.
170 |
wavs/markus-170.wav|Do you recall the incident that occurred 10 years ago? A deadly man-made infectious disease spread throughout the world. It was known as GUILT.
171 |
wavs/markus-171.wav|Most likely not. The professor has already tested that vaccine on it. It had absolutely no effect.
172 |
wavs/markus-172.wav|Looks like I better get used to being sleep-deprived.
173 |
wavs/markus-173.wav|Meaning what exactly?
174 |
wavs/markus-174.wav|That's not really my idea of a promotion.
175 |
wavs/markus-175.wav|What about the professor's charts?
176 |
wavs/markus-176.wav|He didn't mention anything to me. Is that the fire alarm?
177 |
wavs/markus-177.wav|That man's on fire! We have to help him!
178 |
wavs/markus-178.wav|Drop to the floor! Hurry! Valerie, isn't there a fire extinguisher around?
179 |
wavs/markus-179.wav|Quick thinking, Elena.
180 |
wavs/markus-180.wav|Rousseau? Is that you?
181 |
wavs/markus-181.wav|Hang in there. We're going to get you some help.
182 |
wavs/markus-182.wav|If we can't use synthetic skin, then that's our only option.
183 |
wavs/markus-183.wav|Right, let's get started.
184 |
wavs/markus-184.wav|These burns are pretty severe. Skin grafts are the only option. We'll have to remove skin from elsewhere before we can begin treating the burns.
185 |
wavs/markus-185.wav|The most severe burns have already turned black. We'll need to excise this necrotic tissue.
186 |
wavs/markus-186.wav|Almost done.
187 |
wavs/markus-187.wav|The professor's office is nothing but ashes. Fortunately, no one seems to have been inside. But the professor's whereabouts are unknown, and we have reason to believe the data was stolen. According to what Rousseau said, the professor seems to have been kidnapped. What did the detectives ask you?
188 |
wavs/markus-188.wav|I can't believe he was kidnapped. What's their motive? They obviously want more than just a ransom.
189 |
wavs/markus-189.wav|If it's another investigator, then forget it.
190 |
191 |
wavs/markus-191.wav|So what does that mean?
192 |
wavs/markus-192.wav|I can't believe it. We're going to Caduceus.
193 |
wavs/markus-193.wav|You're forming a new team? What, is this an anti-Stigma measure?
194 |
wavs/markus-194.wav|Thanks for your concern. But if we'll be dealing with mainly new diseases, then we'll be performing fewer operations. I hope that won't affect my salary.
195 |
wavs/markus-195.wav|Well, that's good to hear.
196 |
wavs/markus-196.wav|I hope we'll be able to live up to your high expectations. I was wondering, are we going to be questioned about the disappearance of the professor?
197 |
wavs/markus-197.wav|Well, it can't be any worse than Concordia. I mean, we weren't exactly welcomed there.
198 |
wavs/markus-198.wav|Not at all. Doctor Everett, I'm...
199 |
wavs/markus-199.wav|Typical doctor, neglecting his own needs.
200 |
wavs/markus-200.wav|Okay, let's get started.
201 |
wavs/markus-201.wav|The gallbladder has been excised. This should prevent the gallstones from forming.
202 |
wavs/markus-202.wav|You always see the positive, Val.
203 |
wavs/markus-203.wav|Like she said, we always do our best.
204 |
wavs/markus-204.wav|To be honest, I'm surprised there was a leak, no matter how small.
205 |
206 |
wavs/markus-206.wav|Not really. A doctor considers any and all possibilities.
207 |
wavs/markus-207.wav|Well, we've got more important things to worry about. We're leaving for the tech department tomorrow morning at 8, right?
208 |
wavs/markus-208.wav|Alright, then I'm gonna go home and get some sleep.
209 |
wavs/markus-209.wav|Now I feel right at home.
210 |
wavs/markus-210.wav|He's definitely in bad shape.
211 |
wavs/markus-211.wav|Okay, let's get started.
212 |
wavs/markus-212.wav|The external wounds have been treated, but I assume that it can only be worse on the inside. Let's open him up and begin treating his internal organs.
213 |
wavs/markus-213.wav|Use the magnification tool to change where we're looking. There should be other injuries nearby.
214 |
wavs/markus-214.wav|It's 3 AM? Man, talk about a long day.
215 |
wavs/markus-215.wav|Yeah, I guess that's the life of a doctor, no matter where you are. All right, I'll see you tomorrow, bright and early.
216 |
wavs/markus-216.wav|I appreciate your vote of confidence, even if it is a bit exaggerated.
217 |
wavs/markus-217.wav|Doctor Vaughn.
218 |
wavs/markus-218.wav|Humani holds several lucrative pharmaceutical patents and leads the way in regenerative medicine.
219 |
wavs/markus-219.wav|I'm Markus Vaughn. Sorry to interrupt such a touching reunion.
220 |
wavs/markus-220.wav|Nothing like a little pressure. I don't mind though. That motivates me.
221 |
wavs/markus-221.wav|Let's start.
222 |
wavs/markus-222.wav|Yeah, I wouldn't mind doing more operations like this one.
223 |
wavs/markus-223.wav|We'll check the patient's condition upon her arrival and then proceed with the operation.
224 |
wavs/markus-224.wav|She was involved in an accident two months ago. Laceration on the right thigh. Looks like they used artificial blood for transfusion. Q heme blood from Syntec Labs to be exact.
225 |
wavs/markus-225.wav|The affected area is the liver. The course of treatment will be determined during the procedure. However, I have a feeling this will be different than the professor's case.
226 |
wavs/markus-226.wav|If it is Stigma, then there must be a core somewhere, even if it looks different. If we can find and attack it, we may be able to identify the key to stopping it.
227 |
wavs/markus-227.wav|Call it a hunch.
228 |
wavs/markus-228.wav|It's haunting me, wherever I go.
229 |
wavs/markus-229.wav|It's nothing. Let's end this nightmare.
230 |
wavs/markus-230.wav|Okay, let's begin.
231 |
wavs/markus-231.wav|We can't do anything to it since the core has enveloped itself within the surrounding cellular tissue. The tissue itself looks highly viscous. Let's try draining it.
232 |
wavs/markus-232.wav|Okay, then let's continue this and drag the core out.
233 |
wavs/markus-233.wav|We can't use the drain on the hardened tissue. Use the laser to soften it up.
234 |
wavs/markus-234.wav|The core has to be in one of them. Use the drain to find it.
235 |
wavs/markus-235.wav|Is this a tumor? Let's burn it with a laser.
236 |
wavs/markus-236.wav|Let's extract it with the Powell procedure. First, use the drain on the hardened tumor.
237 |
wavs/markus-237.wav|I hope this is the last time we have to perform an operation in the dark.
238 |
wavs/markus-238.wav|Just give me a strong cup of Joe and I'll crank it out.
239 |
wavs/markus-239.wav|I guess I'm just lucky. The results from the liver exam indicate that the patient has been making satisfactory progress. She seems to be recovering well, but it's unclear how this disease was transmitted in the first place. We should continue monitoring her for at least another month.
240 |
wavs/markus-240.wav|And he was able to recover from that. Incredible. Looks like the system's produced by Columba and Cornix, the same company that made Elena's pump.
241 |
wavs/markus-241.wav|He didn't want to forget anything, so he opted to have his memory augmented, huh. I assume they're keeping it quiet. Do we need to worry about being in violation of state law?
242 |
wavs/markus-242.wav|Even a tiny mistake could debilitate his brain. We better be careful.
243 |
wavs/markus-243.wav|Alright, let's begin.
244 |
wavs/markus-244.wav|Since we're operating on the brain, even the smallest mistake can be fatal. We'll have to be extremely careful.
245 |
wavs/markus-245.wav|There's a chance that any of these vessels will turn into aneurysms. Have the magnification tool ready. Let's shift our viewpoint when necessary and treat the aneurysms when they appear.
246 |
wavs/markus-246.wav|There's a chance that any of these vessels will turn into aneurysms. Have the magnification tool ready. Let's shift our viewpoint when necessary and treat the aneurysms when they appear.
247 |
wavs/markus-247.wav|There's more where we're not looking. Once we treat the ones in sight, we have to quickly change our focus.
248 |
wavs/markus-248.wav|Columba and Cornix's brain electrodes and pump units may seem cutting edge, but it won't be long before they're made available to the general public. Just like the pacemaker, Professor Wilkens had one. Why do I have this nagging feeling?
249 |
wavs/markus-249.wav|Everyone who's contracted Stigma has had some kind of artificial agent in their body. Even that one patient who was transferred here had Syntec's Q heme blood. I was using artificial blood with my test mouse, too. I wonder if there's a connection. Of course.
250 |
wavs/markus-250.wav|I doubt I can tell you more than you already know, ma'am. Since he was brought here promptly, cerebral ischemia was kept to a minimum. And there are no signs of severe paralysis, so we shouldn't have to worry about any after effects. We can't use the MRI, so we'll take another CAT scan tomorrow. Will you be advising on his rehab, ma'am?
251 |
wavs/markus-251.wav|Yeah, I feel sorry for the guy. But I'd like to leave him in the hands of the others so I can concentrate on Stigma.
252 |
wavs/markus-252.wav|What makes you say that?
253 |
wavs/markus-253.wav|Of course not.
254 |
wavs/markus-254.wav|You wouldn't believe the patient I'm dealing with. He's throwing a fit because his operation isn't expensive enough.
255 |
wavs/markus-255.wav|Yeah, his friend just had a hernia operation that cost 40,000 dollars and he doesn't want to be outdone. He's 11 years old and filling the role of a trust fund brat perfectly. I guess it wasn't enough for him that his father pulled some strings to get him into this place. He's the son of some big shot and neither of his parents have the time to bring him here.
256 |
wavs/markus-256.wav|About 30,000 dollars. The operation will be performed in a deluxe suite. Not bad for a case of appendicitis, huh?
257 |
wavs/markus-257.wav|Unfortunately, money talks, even when it comes to healthcare.
258 |
wavs/markus-258.wav|No, why?
259 |
wavs/markus-259.wav|We have the best room reserved for you, so let's get started.
260 |
wavs/markus-260.wav|Pretty sneaky, Val. To be honest, I'm impressed.
261 |
wavs/markus-261.wav|Ah, it'll be fine. It's in both their best interests anyway, so it all works out.
262 |
wavs/markus-262.wav|We understand the situation. This is going to be two operations back-to-back, so let's be quick. We're going to save them both, of course. Let's get started.
263 |
wavs/markus-263.wav|It's still too late to treat it with antibiotics. It would be best to perform an appendectomy.
264 |
wavs/markus-264.wav|The appendix has been tied. Now for the base.
265 |
wavs/markus-265.wav|Let's move on to our next patient.
266 |
wavs/markus-266.wav|Don't tell me. His appendix has burst.
267 |
wavs/markus-267.wav|It's peritonitis.
268 |
wavs/markus-268.wav|Rich or poor, we're all the same under the knife. I never thought such a simple operation could put me on edge like this.
269 |
wavs/markus-269.wav|I didn't do any volunteer work.
270 |
wavs/markus-270.wav|Thanks, but I'll pass. Philadelphia is too far. It'd be a waste of my vacation. Besides, Robert finished his report on Stigma, and I'd like to review it.
271 |
wavs/markus-271.wav|If it was that important, Caduceus would be all over it. A parasite isn't going to help us understand Stigma any better. I have no interest in a new variety of hookworm.
272 |
wavs/markus-272.wav|Hey, I didn't say I was going.
273 |
wavs/markus-273.wav|I suppose. It would have been a lot more interesting, though, if the operation hadn't been performed on a dog.
274 |
wavs/markus-274.wav|Look at that guy, he's driving like a maniac. I hope he gets pulled over.
275 |
wavs/markus-275.wav|Yeah, like if we ever have to save a celebrity's pampered pooch. I never should have let you talk me into this.
276 |
277 |
wavs/markus-277.wav|Today's just not my day. It's worse than I thought. Someone was thrown from the car.
278 |
wavs/markus-278.wav|He's breathing, but he's unconscious. The wounds on his chest are pretty bad. He's not looking so great.
279 |
wavs/markus-279.wav|Well, this has turned out to be one hell of a road trip. This is an emergency. We have to stabilize him.
280 |
wavs/markus-280.wav|We need to treat these external wounds first.
281 |
wavs/markus-281.wav|This doesn't look good.
282 |
wavs/markus-282.wav|His vitals still aren't stabilizing. We must have missed something. We'll have to use the magnification tool.
283 |
wavs/markus-283.wav|Finally, his vitals are stabilizing. He should be all right now.
284 |
wavs/markus-284.wav|Well, we at least accomplished something worthwhile on this trip.
285 |
wavs/markus-285.wav|I don't like where this is headed.
286 |
wavs/markus-286.wav|Seems like a complete farce to me. So what does this have to do with us?
287 |
wavs/markus-287.wav|Let them say what they want. They'll eat their words eventually.
288 |
wavs/markus-288.wav|That's why you wanted to see us?
289 |
wavs/markus-289.wav|I wouldn't bet on it. One of the conditions is that if we win, they take this show off the air.
290 |
291 |
wavs/markus-291.wav|Will that guy ever shut up? Just ignore the glitz and stay calm. Let's prove ourselves out there.
292 |
wavs/markus-292.wav|Let's handle this like we always do, Val. Just concentrate on the patient.
293 |
wavs/markus-293.wav|There must be another tumor. Let's take a look with the magnification tool.
294 |
wavs/markus-294.wav|What? Where's all this blood coming from?
295 |
wavs/markus-295.wav|It'll be faster if we do it by hand.
296 |
wavs/markus-296.wav|The bleeding won't stop until we take care of all these tumors.
297 |
wavs/markus-297.wav|Are these tumors multiplying somewhere?
298 |
wavs/markus-298.wav|The hemorrhaging's severe. Hand me the drain, please.
299 |
wavs/markus-299.wav|Let's close him up and get this circus over with.
300 |
wavs/markus-300.wav|You completely fell for their trap, Val.
301 |
wavs/markus-301.wav|Why are we treating surgery like a competitive sport?
302 |
wavs/markus-302.wav|I understand, Robert. Thanks.
303 |
wavs/markus-303.wav|Maybe so, but I'd rather be researching Stigma.
304 |
wavs/markus-304.wav|Our only concern is the welfare of the patient, nothing more, nothing less.
305 |
wavs/markus-305.wav|Got it. Are you okay, Val?
306 |
wavs/markus-306.wav|This guy isn't helping, is he? Well, let's do this. Lights, camera, action.
307 |
wavs/markus-307.wav|Must be that surprise he mentioned. Just ignore it.
308 |
wavs/markus-308.wav|He has the Healing Touch.
309 |
wavs/markus-309.wav|We're leaving, Valerie.
310 |
wavs/markus-310.wav|We're in hostile territory. There's no reason for us to stick around, no matter what the results are. Let's not give them another opportunity to criticize us.
311 |
wavs/markus-311.wav|Is it your penance for the fiasco?
312 |
wavs/markus-312.wav|How old fashioned. Dear Caduceus staff, congratulations on your recent appearance on Miracle Surgery. Seeing you perform that operation on national television really inspired me. That's why I believe it's now my turn to make an appearance. Is this guy a doctor trying to promote himself? Or is this another challenge?
313 |
wavs/markus-313.wav|Is he the one who created it? Is he the one who kidnapped Professor Wilkens?
314 |
wavs/markus-314.wav|The membrane fell off. We'll have to start over with the drain.
315 |
wavs/markus-315.wav|It's a new type of Stigma. Bello can't handle this. Even with his skills, he doesn't know how to deal with it.
316 |
wavs/markus-316.wav|He pushed himself too hard. I guess he doesn't know his own limit. Make sure you take good care of him.
317 |
wavs/markus-317.wav|Did you notice anything while Doctor Bello was operating?
318 |
wavs/markus-318.wav|Revenge has nothing to do with this. We're here because there's a patient in need.
319 |
wavs/markus-319.wav|Now, let's save a life!
320 |
wavs/markus-320.wav|We should be able to burn it with the laser. Let's begin.
321 |
wavs/markus-321.wav|Well, we must have put on one hell of a show.
322 |
wavs/markus-322.wav|Valerie, why don't you start wrapping it up?
323 |
wavs/markus-323.wav|Nice to meet you.
324 |
wavs/markus-324.wav|So, are you here to show us your latest product?
325 |
wavs/markus-325.wav|Actually, I was only there for a brief stint, so...
326 |
wavs/markus-326.wav|I'll pass. Thanks, though.
327 |
wavs/markus-327.wav|We were transferred to Caduceus because of that incident. Unfortunately, he's still missing.
328 |
wavs/markus-328.wav|They believe the professor's disappearance is related to Stigma.
329 |
wavs/markus-329.wav|He taunted us with his pathetic drivel. Even a chimpanzee could write a better letter.
330 |
wavs/markus-330.wav|Yeah, looks like he hurt his elbow.
331 |
wavs/markus-331.wav|Hmm. I wonder if our anesthetic will even affect him if he's that worked up.
332 |
wavs/markus-332.wav|Is this anesthesia still being tested?
333 |
wavs/markus-333.wav|Let's get started.
334 |
wavs/markus-334.wav|The ligament's completely torn and that stick fragment's embedded pretty deep.
335 |
wavs/markus-335.wav|What would cause this sudden convulsing?
336 |
wavs/markus-336.wav|We can't rule out anything at this point.
337 |
wavs/markus-337.wav|Are you experiencing any discomfort? Do you have any numbness from the anesthesia?
338 |
wavs/markus-338.wav|We should report this to President Nilsen. He should know that there is a high probability the new anesthesia may not work if the patient's excited.
339 |
wavs/markus-339.wav|That explains it.
340 |
wavs/markus-340.wav|Oh, nothing. I was just surprised to hear that, that's all.
341 |
wavs/markus-341.wav|Oh, I'm being paged. If you'll excuse me, ma'am. Let's go, Val.
342 |
wavs/markus-342.wav|What's the situation, Elena?
343 |
wavs/markus-343.wav|What? Kanae?
344 |
wavs/markus-344.wav|What are you talking about? Look at the condition you're in.
345 |
wavs/markus-345.wav|Don't worry, your cousin will be fine. It's unlike you to fall apart at the seams.
346 |
wavs/markus-346.wav|We won't know for sure until we take a look inside. But depending on the patient's condition, we may need to focus on keeping his vitals up first.
347 |
wavs/markus-347.wav|Okay, let's get started.
348 |
wavs/markus-348.wav|We have a pulse, but in this condition, he won't last very long if we continue.
349 |
wavs/markus-349.wav|It's hemorrhaging again. This is a vicious cycle.
350 |
wavs/markus-350.wav|I hope she isn't straining herself.
351 |
wavs/markus-351.wav|Any leads?
352 |
wavs/markus-352.wav|Hold on, just calm down.
353 |
wavs/markus-353.wav|We weren't able to remove all of the damage to your liver. It would be dangerous to leave it.
354 |
wavs/markus-354.wav|That's right, Kanae told us how you learned karate and became an actor.
355 |
wavs/markus-355.wav|I'm sure it has. Karate is more than just kicks and punches, right?
356 |
wavs/markus-356.wav|Then show me some of that mental discipline during the operation, okay? If a patient maintains a strong will, then his body will respond likewise. The rest is up to us. Trust me, you'll be back on the set in no time, ready to be a leading man.
357 |
wavs/markus-357.wav|The patient's condition has worsened. We need to figure out why.
358 |
wavs/markus-358.wav|Alright, let's get started.
359 |
wavs/markus-359.wav|All the synthetic membranes we applied to seal the wound are gone.
360 |
wavs/markus-360.wav|There's no doubt that this injury is the source of the hemorrhaging.
361 |
wavs/markus-361.wav|We'll have to investigate it again while reapplying the synthetic membranes.
362 |
wavs/markus-362.wav|The area is hemorrhaging again. Drain the blood and apply a synthetic membrane.
363 |
wavs/markus-363.wav|Hold on. We just turned onto 7th, so... Yeah, this is right. I think.
364 |
wavs/markus-364.wav|Yeah. I'll turn right at the next intersection. That should take us to-
365 |
366 |
wavs/markus-366.wav|What did you just do?
367 |
wavs/markus-367.wav|What do you want from us?
368 |
wavs/markus-368.wav|Where am I?
369 |
wavs/markus-369.wav|Val. Elena. That's right, we've been kidnapped. Are you two okay?
370 |
wavs/markus-370.wav|An operating table. I can guess why we were brought here, but are they going to keep us locked up in this room?
371 |
wavs/markus-371.wav|What, too ugly to show your face?
372 |
wavs/markus-372.wav|Nice little business you got here.
373 |
wavs/markus-373.wav|And what if I refuse?
374 |
wavs/markus-374.wav|Let's just think about the patient for now.
375 |
wavs/markus-375.wav|In all likelihood, yes. How else could they know so much?
376 |
wavs/markus-376.wav|I hope he's all right.
377 |
wavs/markus-377.wav|You again.
378 |
wavs/markus-378.wav|I hope you drive yourself off a cliff.
379 |
wavs/markus-379.wav|You expect us to operate without proper sterilization?
380 |
wavs/markus-380.wav|We've got no choice. If it becomes infected we'll deal with it later.
381 |
wavs/markus-381.wav|Neither can I. But we have to focus on treating the patient. Now what does the chart say?
382 |
wavs/markus-382.wav|But if it's accurate, then the Stigma is appearing and disappearing over time.
383 |
wavs/markus-383.wav|That's good to know. At least we won't be entering this operation completely blind. The claw, huh? Let's begin.
384 |
wavs/markus-384.wav|We need to get a look inside her first. Let's see what this claw they keep boasting about is.
385 |
wavs/markus-385.wav|It's highly possible that it's hiding somewhere nearby. Let's use the ultrasound to find it.
386 |
wavs/markus-386.wav|Let's finish this thing off.
387 |
wavs/markus-387.wav|It's making copies of itself to confuse us.
388 |
wavs/markus-388.wav|How's that? Did we do it? Let's treat the remaining wounds and see what happens.
389 |
wavs/markus-389.wav|We saved the patient, let's just leave it at that.
390 |
wavs/markus-390.wav|I know it won't be easy, but let's try to keep our cool. This may not be the Ritz, but we should try to get some rest.
391 |
wavs/markus-391.wav|Good night, Elena.
392 |
wavs/markus-392.wav|We have no reason to believe that a rescue team is on its way, and there's been no talk of a ransom. I hate to say this, but the situation looks grim.
393 |
wavs/markus-393.wav|We could use our scalpels as weapons, but the risk is too high. I don't think we should. It's better to wait a little while longer and see what their next move is.
394 |
wavs/markus-394.wav|Scrap the scalpel idea. Let's use anesthesia to knock him out.
395 |
wavs/markus-395.wav|This is a shotgun wound.
396 |
wavs/markus-396.wav|Serves you right, pal. See what a mess you got yourself into.
397 |
wavs/markus-397.wav|We need blood. Artificial is fine.
398 |
wavs/markus-398.wav|We're in a race against time.
399 |
wavs/markus-399.wav|We don't have a choice. He won't survive unless we operate. Now.
400 |
wavs/markus-400.wav|Alright, let's do this.
401 |
wavs/markus-401.wav|If worse comes to worse, we'll just have to suture them. It'll drop his vitals, but we have no choice.
402 |
wavs/markus-402.wav|We've run out of antibiotic gel. Let's remove the synthetic membrane and start using sutures.
403 |
wavs/markus-403.wav|We don't have any more antibiotic gel. We'll have to suture it.
404 |
wavs/markus-404.wav|It's been properly placed, let's move on.
405 |
wavs/markus-405.wav|That'll do it for the external wounds.
406 |
wavs/markus-406.wav|We'll just have to be quick. We can't afford any mistakes.
407 |
wavs/markus-407.wav|It would be safer to use the membranes if we have antibiotic gel left, but just as we thought, suturing the wounds lowers the patient's vitals.
408 |
wavs/markus-408.wav|It would have been safer to use the membranes, since we still had some antibiotic gel left. In any case, we're done here.
409 |
wavs/markus-409.wav|Well, we couldn't avoid causing the patient's vitals to drop when we sutured the wound. In any case, we're done here.
410 |
wavs/markus-410.wav|We finished it, somehow.
411 |
wavs/markus-411.wav|He's got connections, it seems.
412 |
wavs/markus-412.wav|Another day in paradise. I'd like to get some sun soon.
413 |
wavs/markus-413.wav|What have you got in store for us now?
414 |
wavs/markus-414.wav|That's impossible. Stigma can't be contracted that way.
415 |
wavs/markus-415.wav|It seems Stigma is more dangerous than we thought.
416 |
wavs/markus-416.wav|You're in charge here?
417 |
wavs/markus-417.wav|Is this how you get your kicks?
418 |
wavs/markus-418.wav|You're the creator of Stigma, Professor Wilkens?
419 |
wavs/markus-419.wav|A secondary infection. That means Stigma has changed again.
420 |
wavs/markus-420.wav|Just ignore him, Val. I'll save him, no matter what kind of Stigma he has.
421 |
wavs/markus-421.wav|No matter what it tries, we're going to find it and cut it out.
422 |
wavs/markus-422.wav|Did it inject toxins into the bloodstream? The ultrasound is useless if it's like this.
423 |
wavs/markus-423.wav|It was completely different from the other Onyx.
424 |
wavs/markus-424.wav|Isn't your director here today?
425 |
wavs/markus-425.wav|Then I guess you don't need us anymore, huh?
426 |
wavs/markus-426.wav|I'm a doctor. Find someone else to do your dirty work.
427 |
wavs/markus-427.wav|Val, Elena, there's something I need to tell you.
428 |
wavs/markus-428.wav|No, it has nothing to do with that. It's more of a confession. Back when I was helping the professor with his research, I made a number of genetically engineered mice for use in experiments. There was something different about one of them. It looked just like the others, but it held a terrible secret inside.
429 |
wavs/markus-429.wav|It happened while I was operating on the subject's kidney. I was excising a tumor. That's when it came into contact with artificial blood and started growing at a frightening pace. That was the birth of Stigma.
430 |
wavs/markus-430.wav|I disposed of the subject and proposed that we put a halt to the research, unleashing a new pathogen into the world in order to study its treatment. I argued that that was the wrong way to perform research, but the professor wouldn't listen. That's why I volunteered to go to Alaska, when I should have just quit.
431 |
wavs/markus-431.wav|I had no idea you'd follow me there and get dragged into this mess.
432 |
wavs/markus-432.wav|You realize that I may personally be responsible for the advent of Stigma? If it wasn't for me, none of this would have happened. And you too wouldn't be in this position. But I want you to know, as a doctor, I've always held the highest regard for human life.
433 |
wavs/markus-433.wav|Thanks. I appreciate it.
434 |
wavs/markus-434.wav|Thanks, but I think I'll stick with the original choice. I'd rather die than work for a scumbag like you.
435 |
wavs/markus-435.wav|How far are they planning on taking this nonsense?
436 |
wavs/markus-436.wav|Why is he using a toy? What the hell's wrong with this guy?
437 |
wavs/markus-437.wav|Yeah, but my bet is they don't think we can do it.
438 |
wavs/markus-438.wav|All right, let's get this over with.
439 |
wavs/markus-439.wav|You said something about connect the four friends.
440 |
wavs/markus-440.wav|Yeah, right, I'm not planning on drowning in here.
441 |
wavs/markus-441.wav|So, he's one of those kinds of people.
442 |
wavs/markus-442.wav|It connected, but is this right?
443 |
wavs/markus-443.wav|Then let's get a move on. Where are we?
444 |
wavs/markus-444.wav|That's right. We were able to escape.
445 |
wavs/markus-445.wav|Come on, we have to keep moving.
446 |
wavs/markus-446.wav|Something caught my attention while we were being held captive. It concerns Professor Wilkens. I think he may be a member of the Kidman family.
447 |
wavs/markus-447.wav|Well, you know that guy they refer to as the director? His face was hidden, but he was definitely the same height and had the same build as the professor. He also appeared to be the center of their research on Stigma. If he is Professor Wilkens, then this would all make sense.
448 |
wavs/markus-448.wav|I'm not positive, but it seems very likely. I just can't figure out how he got mixed up with them.
449 |
wavs/markus-449.wav|Well, at least we're not out of practice, having been forced to operate while we were held captive.
450 |
wavs/markus-450.wav|Did something happen?
451 |
wavs/markus-451.wav|It's a shame to lose someone like her, but we can't dwell on it. Let's prepare for the operation, Val.
452 |
wavs/markus-452.wav|I hear this is a new strain of Stigma.
453 |
wavs/markus-453.wav|Sounds like a complicated procedure.
454 |
wavs/markus-454.wav|No problem. It's good to be back. Now, let's get started.
455 |
wavs/markus-455.wav|Let's try using that new stuff. We're supposed to inject it into the grapplers, correct?
456 |
wavs/markus-456.wav|We have to find a way to stop the toxin from spreading.
457 |
wavs/markus-457.wav|Alright, let's give it a shot.
458 |
wavs/markus-458.wav|I forgot what it's like to have a real operating room.
459 |
wavs/markus-459.wav|So it's no different than usual.
460 |
wavs/markus-460.wav|Culuruma is a hotbed for guerrilla activity. It's a time bomb waiting to go off. What do you think, Val?
461 |
wavs/markus-461.wav|If we're trying to convince ourselves, we could say it's to protect the world from Stigma.
462 |
wavs/markus-462.wav|We hope that we can be of assistance.
463 |
wavs/markus-463.wav|They seem a bit suspicious.
464 |
wavs/markus-464.wav|Yeah, he has his hands full between the guerrillas and the economy. And add to that Stigma.
465 |
wavs/markus-465.wav|Look at her eye, Val. It's all red. Maria, did you get your immunization shots before returning here?
466 |
wavs/markus-466.wav|As a doctor, you should know better. Val, she might have Vaimahse fever. If that's the case, she'll need immediate treatment.
467 |
wavs/markus-467.wav|Supposedly it causes unusual tumors in the lungs. That's all I know.
468 |
wavs/markus-468.wav|You're right. These fluctuating numbers are a cause for concern. It seems like they're periodically rising and falling.
469 |
wavs/markus-469.wav|All right, let's get started.
470 |
wavs/markus-470.wav|We'll still have to be exceptionally cautious. Look at it. It's changing colors periodically. It's like a chameleon.
471 |
wavs/markus-471.wav|Whoa, it's happening again. What is this?
472 |
wavs/markus-472.wav|We'll send the data back to Caduceus just in case. Let's close her up.
473 |
wavs/markus-473.wav|Seeing a tumor change color like that was surprising to say the least.
474 |
wavs/markus-474.wav|Well, we talked it over.
475 |
wavs/markus-475.wav|She insists on coming, even if it kills her.
476 |
wavs/markus-476.wav|As a patient, I would advise her not to go, but as a doctor, I must respect her decision. She studied medicine to help the people of this country, and now is their greatest hour of need. If we carefully monitor her condition along the way, will that ease your fears, Val?
477 |
wavs/markus-477.wav|So the mine he's talking about, is it nearby?
478 |
wavs/markus-478.wav|Who owns the mine?
479 |
wavs/markus-479.wav|What about the victims of Stigma?
480 |
wavs/markus-480.wav|Tell him to bring some of them to the army's camp. We'll operate once we're through examining them. And also, tell them not to worry about the cost because the president is footing the bill.
481 |
wavs/markus-481.wav|There are three who need to be opened up immediately. Let's do one right after the other.
482 |
wavs/markus-482.wav|Maria, these are going to be intense operations. Will you be all right?
483 |
wavs/markus-483.wav|Not bad for a makeshift operating room.
484 |
wavs/markus-484.wav|That's what we've got you for, Elena.
485 |
wavs/markus-485.wav|This will be a race against time, so let's get started.
486 |
wavs/markus-486.wav|Three Stigma patients in a row. This is going to be a crash course in Stigma treatment, Maria.
487 |
wavs/markus-487.wav|We'll need to extract the tissue at the tips of the arms. Get Robert's new serum ready.
488 |
wavs/markus-488.wav|Well, at least we don't have some idiot with a microphone shouting at us today. We'll be able to focus.
489 |
wavs/markus-489.wav|Don't worry, I'm sure they will.
490 |
wavs/markus-490.wav|Don't worry, I'm sure they will.
491 |
wavs/markus-491.wav|Don't worry. I'm sure they will.
492 |
wavs/markus-492.wav|Well, Maria, think you can remember all that?
493 |
wavs/markus-493.wav|You know, there's one thing that's been bothering me.
494 |
wavs/markus-494.wav|Why was the outbreak here so sudden? If it had something to do with Culurium, then it should have happened sooner. I just don't get it. Why now? Anyway, we need to have a look at that mine. Let's go talk to the commander.
495 |
wavs/markus-495.wav|There's no reason to worry. We have Pepita with us, remember? Besides, it's pretty important.
496 |
wavs/markus-496.wav|Let her be. She's probably just barking at shadows. But I have to admit, I'm a little disappointed. I wasn't expecting this mind to look so ordinary.
497 |
wavs/markus-497.wav|Let's bring a sample back with us, even though we already have some of the imported metal. Valerie, do you think that the Stigma here occurred naturally?
498 |
wavs/markus-498.wav|But for what reason?
499 |
wavs/markus-499.wav|Remember what that bastard Kidman said? Stigma would be the ultimate weapon there. What if this place was targeted?
500 |
wavs/markus-500.wav|Yeah, considering the amount of profit it generates, it wouldn't be surprising if they showed up here. Besides, this is the perfect place to test Stigma.
501 |
wavs/markus-501.wav|No, Pepita, stay back.
502 |
wavs/markus-502.wav|Well, we're not vets, but we gotta give it a shot.
503 |
wavs/markus-503.wav|It's a shotgun wound. Looks like she was shot from a distance, though.
504 |
wavs/markus-504.wav|Let's remove as many pellets as possible without opening her up, and then suture the wounds.
505 |
wavs/markus-505.wav|All right, let's help this brave girl.
506 |
wavs/markus-506.wav|We've got no choice, just lower the voltage.
507 |
wavs/markus-507.wav|If we calm down, we can do this.
508 |
wavs/markus-508.wav|Right, or she'll bleed to death. We'll need to take care of it as we remove the pellets.
509 |
wavs/markus-509.wav|Alright, her pulse is back. Let's continue the procedure.
510 |
wavs/markus-510.wav|Let's drain the blood first and then see what needs to be done.
511 |
wavs/markus-511.wav|Alright, it's out. Just need to set it in the tray. Now, we need to treat the wound.
512 |
wavs/markus-512.wav|A little antibiotic gel should do the trick.
513 |
wavs/markus-513.wav|She's going into cardiac arrest? We can't let her die now.
514 |
wavs/markus-514.wav|Let's get back to camp and leave the rest to the pro.
515 |
wavs/markus-515.wav|I wonder if she has any idea at all what we're saying.
516 |
wavs/markus-516.wav|Yeah, maybe so.
517 |
wavs/markus-517.wav|I'm glad it turned out okay.
518 |
wavs/markus-518.wav|Sounds like a war is about to erupt. What are we supposed to do?
519 |
wavs/markus-519.wav|All right, we'll do as you ask.
520 |
wavs/markus-520.wav|But we'll only do it on the following conditions. First, you agree to use the profits earned by the mine to help Stigma patients. That includes aiding the villagers. If you truly represent the will of the people, then that shouldn't be a problem. Secondly, you must transport all injured combatants, friend or foe, to us. We're not taking sides.
521 |
wavs/markus-521.wav|Looks like the nightmare is only beginning. Come on, let's do what we can.
522 |
wavs/markus-522.wav|War really is hell, isn't it? What condition are they in?
523 |
wavs/markus-523.wav|We'll just have to deal with it. Come on, no one's gonna die on my watch. Let's get started.
524 |
wavs/markus-524.wav|We'll begin treating his injuries as soon as we get a pulse.
525 |
wavs/markus-525.wav|Alright, we have a pulse. Let's start treating these electrical burns. Prepare for skin transplants.
526 |
wavs/markus-526.wav|There are still other areas that have turned black.
527 |
wavs/markus-527.wav|Another burn's gotten worse.
528 |
wavs/markus-528.wav|Got it. We'll start by treating the external wounds.
529 |
wavs/markus-529.wav|We're done out here, but there's still damage to the abdomen. We need to open him up and treat him. This is bad.
530 |
wavs/markus-530.wav|It looks like a rifle round.
531 |
wavs/markus-531.wav|It only takes a fraction of a second to shoot someone, but it takes us this long to heal him.
532 |
wavs/markus-532.wav|That'll do it. Let's close him up.
533 |
wavs/markus-533.wav|Come on, who's the next patient?
534 |
wavs/markus-534.wav|Is that our backup? Alright, let's finish this operation.
535 |
wavs/markus-535.wav|I was expecting something worse than this.
536 |
wavs/markus-536.wav|That's all of the large lacerations. Let's treat what's left.
537 |
wavs/markus-537.wav|His vitals aren't stabilizing.
538 |
wavs/markus-538.wav|There must be something else we just haven't found yet.
539 |
wavs/markus-539.wav|There should be more.
540 |
wavs/markus-540.wav|There are two more patients, but let's leave them to the backup surgeons. We're done here.
541 |
wavs/markus-541.wav|This isn't good. His vitals are too low.
542 |
wavs/markus-542.wav|This is bad. First, we need to retrieve the bone fragments.
543 |
wavs/markus-543.wav|The spleen is in pretty severe condition. It's rupturing randomly.
544 |
wavs/markus-544.wav|That doesn't sound good. Let's open her up.
545 |
wavs/markus-545.wav|The blood's starting to pool.
546 |
wavs/markus-546.wav|It's a high price to pay for peace. This isn't what we came here to do.
547 |
wavs/markus-547.wav|You mean getting him to help the Stigma victims? That was, well, kind of spur of the moment. Anyway, I'll leave it to you to make sure he keeps his promise.
548 |
wavs/markus-548.wav|He has an abdominal injury. Is it his liver? How ironic. First they want to kill him, and now they want us to save him.
549 |
wavs/markus-549.wav|Hm? You? What the-
550 |
wavs/markus-550.wav|Kidman's crony.
551 |
wavs/markus-551.wav|They were probably after the mining rights to the Culurium.
552 |
wavs/markus-552.wav|Then does that mean this guy over here is Kidman?
553 |
wavs/markus-553.wav|That won't be possible. He's already dead. Alright, Val. Let's establish priority and begin the first operation.
554 |
wavs/markus-554.wav|If that's the case, then let's be prepared for it. Elena, get the cross match ready and bring Kidman's body into the room.
555 |
wavs/markus-555.wav|Their livers are too far gone to be healed. Val, how are the cross-matching results?
556 |
wavs/markus-556.wav|Then let's split up Kidman's liver between the two of them.
557 |
wavs/markus-557.wav|I'm afraid we don't have time to debate. Elena asked the other team to extract the donor's liver. We'll perform both transplant operations.
558 |
wavs/markus-558.wav|Alright, let's begin the operation as soon as the liver's ready.
559 |
wavs/markus-559.wav|We need to hurry. The patient's vitals are dangerously low.
560 |
wavs/markus-560.wav|The order in which we should connect the liver is vein, portal vein, artery, and bile duct.
561 |
wavs/markus-561.wav|The constrictor's effect wore off. We'll have to start over.
562 |
wavs/markus-562.wav|The constrictor starting to wear off.
563 |
wavs/markus-563.wav|What? Why is there Stigma here?
564 |
wavs/markus-564.wav|The portal vein is the yellow tube.
565 |
wavs/markus-565.wav|This isn't good.
566 |
wavs/markus-566.wav|If that Cheir came from the donor's liver,
567 |
wavs/markus-567.wav|Yeah, we have to do this. But let's be ready for anything.
568 |
wavs/markus-568.wav|We're ready to go.
569 |
wavs/markus-569.wav|The constrictor's worn off.
570 |
wavs/markus-570.wav|The constrictor's about to wear off. We should inject some more.
571 |
wavs/markus-571.wav|What a nightmare.
572 |
wavs/markus-572.wav|You're right. Bring out the Onyx serum. Pretty ironic that we'd be using it on this guy.
573 |
wavs/markus-573.wav|The artery is the red blood vessel.
574 |
wavs/markus-574.wav|I can't believe something like that could happen.
575 |
wavs/markus-575.wav|Maybe. But then again, maybe not. All I know is that we took the best course of action we could, given the situation.
576 |
wavs/markus-576.wav|That should put an end to the Kidman family and to the uncertainty of Professor Wilkens' whereabouts as well.
577 |
wavs/markus-577.wav|We have to get going, but just know that we'll be rooting for you.
578 |
wavs/markus-578.wav|It would have been nice if we could have learned the whereabouts of Professor Wilkens, but unfortunately, their boss died before we could get any information out of him.
579 |
wavs/markus-579.wav|which is?
580 |
wavs/markus-580.wav|Now, about the information you're willing to disclose.
581 |
wavs/markus-581.wav|She's been part of the underworld her entire life. I'm sure she knows how to cover up her emotions.
582 |
wavs/markus-582.wav|Blood identified in the stool, she seems to have symptoms of anemia as well, but there's no decrease in her appetite or weight, which doesn't seem to make sense.
583 |
wavs/markus-583.wav|Let's be on guard and get this done. Beginning the operation.
584 |
wavs/markus-584.wav|We need to remove the blood vessels before we can excise the tumor. Let's drain the tumor's cytoplasm first.
585 |
wavs/markus-585.wav|What the? Did the tumor regenerate? We'll have to start the treatment over from the top.
586 |
wavs/markus-586.wav|Well, we can't stop now. Isn't there anything we can use for a light source?
587 |
wavs/markus-587.wav|We've removed all the tumors. The operation was a success.
588 |
wavs/markus-588.wav|That was very thoughtful of you, Madame Devereaux.
589 |
wavs/markus-589.wav|All right.
590 |
wavs/markus-590.wav|Let me guess, the private sector pulled their support for research on the drug, right?
591 |
wavs/markus-591.wav|I know you're worried about Cynthia, Val, but tomorrow's a big day. Make sure you're ready.
592 |
wavs/markus-592.wav|How many?
593 |
wavs/markus-593.wav|And without their boss, they're out of control. What a nightmare.
594 |
wavs/markus-594.wav|Do we know what type of Stigma they're infected with?
595 |
wavs/markus-595.wav|That only buys us some time. We need to hurry.
596 |
wavs/markus-596.wav|We don't need to see any more lives taken by Stigma. Start the operation.
597 |
wavs/markus-597.wav|What a pain. Let's try to keep focused.
598 |
wavs/markus-598.wav|So he was behind this.
599 |
wavs/markus-599.wav|I... I think we should give it a shot. For the professor's sake.
600 |
wavs/markus-600.wav|We'll be performing brain surgery on you, Professor. I'd be lying if I said it was going to be easy, but it's necessary to return you to your normal self.
601 |
wavs/markus-601.wav|I'm a doctor. And this is my patient. He deserves an explanation.
602 |
wavs/markus-602.wav|That would be defeating the purpose, Val. Professor, if you know the name of the surgeon who operated on you, can you please tell me? Otherwise, we'll have to make our diagnosis during the operation.
603 |
wavs/markus-603.wav|Do you despise me, Professor? After all, if I hadn't discovered Stigma, then none of this would have occurred. And you wouldn't be in this condition if only I'd done things differently.
604 |
605 |
wavs/markus-605.wav|What are you saying?
606 |
wavs/markus-606.wav|I can't believe that Kidman and his group were capable of creating something like this.
607 |
wavs/markus-607.wav|That's what I have in mind.
608 |
wavs/markus-608.wav|We can't make any mistakes. Let's begin the operation.
609 |
wavs/markus-609.wav|This is almost worse than Stigma.
610 |
wavs/markus-610.wav|What are these lights on the ends of the plugs?
611 |
wavs/markus-611.wav|This is going to give me a heart attack.
612 |
wavs/markus-612.wav|Good, that's all the plugs.
613 |
wavs/markus-613.wav|We have to put them in while avoiding those moving things?
614 |
wavs/markus-614.wav|Well, we're in no position to stop right now, but still...
615 |
wavs/markus-615.wav|I've never done an operation like this.
616 |
wavs/markus-616.wav|There we go.
617 |
wavs/markus-617.wav|We'll just have to wait until he regains consciousness and see for ourselves.
618 |
619 |
wavs/markus-619.wav|I think that's best.
620 |
wavs/markus-620.wav|It's not for me to say, it's the director's decision.
621 |
wavs/markus-621.wav|I'm concerned about the professor's condition, but I'll try to make time for it.
622 |
wavs/markus-622.wav|You know him?
623 |
wavs/markus-623.wav|So Professor Kerensky is Master Vakhushti. He provided me with advice regarding Elena's transplant operation. That bastard!
624 |
wavs/markus-624.wav|I'll go, and put an end to this.
625 |
wavs/markus-625.wav|So then, someone's still researching and refining them.
626 |
wavs/markus-626.wav|Its completion is drawing near. We don't have much time to lose.
627 |
wavs/markus-627.wav|There's so much I'd like to ask a master surgeon like yourself, but let's wait until this is all over.
628 |
wavs/markus-628.wav|All right, Elena, head to the back.
629 |
wavs/markus-629.wav|I guess they were trying to impress their buyers. Well, if this really is their storehouse, then it should be filled with weapons. At any rate, storming this castle will be no easy task.
630 |
wavs/markus-630.wav|Do we know what type of substance it is?
631 |
wavs/markus-631.wav|They even had chemical weapons?
632 |
wavs/markus-632.wav|They don't know what it is? Is it some new kind of agent?
633 |
wavs/markus-633.wav|So it's a compound of known agents.
634 |
wavs/markus-634.wav|Let's use a sedative along with it. If we sedate the affected area first, we can minimize the amount of antidote we use.
635 |
wavs/markus-635.wav|Then it's up to us to remember it.
636 |
wavs/markus-636.wav|This will be risky, but we don't have any other choice. Beginning the operation.
637 |
wavs/markus-637.wav|Are there any signs of inflammation?
638 |
wavs/markus-638.wav|Does it look like we'll see any more inflammations?
639 |
640 |
wavs/markus-640.wav|Okay, let's treat the remaining wounds for now.
641 |
wavs/markus-641.wav|He should be alright now. Let's start closing him up.
642 |
wavs/markus-642.wav|Send the data from the operation to the analysis team.
643 |
wavs/markus-643.wav|I don't hear that many gunshots anymore. The operation must be drawing to a close.
644 |
wavs/markus-644.wav|Maybe so, but if we back them into a corner, who knows what they might do.
645 |
wavs/markus-645.wav|They have?
646 |
wavs/markus-646.wav|I never would have imagined that you were a spy. You were a big help to us at Caduceus, or so I thought.
647 |
wavs/markus-647.wav|Calm down, Val. If you don't mind, Cynthia, will you tell us about him?
648 |
wavs/markus-648.wav|Unfortunately, that's a reality for countries in turmoil.
649 |
wavs/markus-649.wav|There's still hope. What do you say?
650 |
wavs/markus-650.wav|It's pretty deep inside. Removing it won't be easy. Won't he find out what we're up to during the operation from your vital signs? What if he activates the chip while we're operating?
651 |
wavs/markus-651.wav|Even though he left you here?
652 |
wavs/markus-652.wav|We must save Cynthia, no matter what. Let's begin the operation.
653 |
wavs/markus-653.wav|It's in the atrium. Let's take a look inside.
654 |
wavs/markus-654.wav|Now's our chance. Scalpel.
655 |
wavs/markus-655.wav|It keeps rebooting itself. I've never seen a chip like this.
656 |
wavs/markus-656.wav|Don't start celebrating yet. We're only halfway done.
657 |
wavs/markus-657.wav|We need to put it back where it was before.
658 |
wavs/markus-658.wav|Alright, let's close the atrium.
659 |
wavs/markus-659.wav|You know, it's been our goal all along, to save people's lives and rid the world of illness.
660 |
wavs/markus-660.wav|Yeah, let's end this once and for all. It's time to confront this Master Vakhusti. Alright, here goes.
661 |
wavs/markus-661.wav|Vakhusti, where are you?
662 |
wavs/markus-662.wav|Do you remember Professor Wilkens, Vakhusti? I'm Markus Vaughn, his associate. Does the name ring a bell?
663 |
wavs/markus-663.wav|You've got it all wrong. I'm not its father. I came here to eradicate it.
664 |
wavs/markus-664.wav|I knew you weren't normal, but you've completely lost it.
665 |
wavs/markus-665.wav|You're infected with Stigma?
666 |
wavs/markus-666.wav|Elena, get the anesthetic.
667 |
wavs/markus-667.wav|I see edema on his body. The infection must be in the advanced stages. We can't allow this strain of Stigma to leave here. We must confront it to learn the truth.
668 |
wavs/markus-668.wav|I won't let that happen.
669 |
wavs/markus-669.wav|How encouraging.
670 |
wavs/markus-670.wav|I don't regret the decisions I've made. I will eliminate Stigma.
671 |
wavs/markus-671.wav|That thing on top must be the core.
672 |
wavs/markus-672.wav|We'll finish it with this.
673 |
wavs/markus-673.wav|I'm putting an end to this.
674 |
wavs/markus-674.wav|We're finished.
675 |
676 |
wavs/markus-676.wav|Yes, consider it your atonement.
677 |
wavs/markus-677.wav|You use Stigma to treat a diencephalic disorder?
678 |
wavs/markus-678.wav|I'm sure you saved countless lives over the years, but that doesn't give you the right to take away even a single life.
679 |
wavs/markus-679.wav|It's finally over.
680 |
wavs/markus-680.wav|Not quite. I need to finish this up first. By the way, Val, I'll be out the day after tomorrow. I'm going to see Professor Wilkens.
681 |
wavs/markus-681.wav|No, not at all.
682 |
wavs/markus-682.wav|Alright you two, let's go get some fresh air.
683 |
wavs/markus-683.wav|Do you have any regrets, Elena? You know, if you hadn't followed me to Alaska, you wouldn't have had to go through the whole ordeal.
684 |
wavs/markus-684.wav|Stigma is gone, but who knows what's in store for us next.
685 |
wavs/markus-685.wav|I feel the same way. I'll be counting on you.
686 |
wavs/markus-686.wav|Doctor Stiles, what's up?
687 |
wavs/markus-687.wav|Someone's already created VR sims from our operations?
688 |
wavs/markus-688.wav|and they won't have to be completely uninformed about it either.
689 |
wavs/markus-689.wav|Okay, beginning the op... uh... simulation.
690 |
wavs/markus-690.wav|Is that Onyx? Wait, no, it isn't. What is this?
691 |
wavs/markus-691.wav|Don't tell me. Is this... GUILT?
692 |
wavs/markus-692.wav|This one's GUILT as well.
693 |
wavs/markus-693.wav|Deftera and Soma? You put GUILT and Stigma together in one operation?
694 |
wavs/markus-694.wav|So it is Kyriaki.
695 |
wavs/markus-695.wav|What are these?
696 |
wavs/markus-696.wav|Imagine an operation, a patient's on the table in front of me. Now tense my index finger, and then I tense my index finger on my other hand. No, I can't loosen up.
697 |
wavs/markus-697.wav|Imagine a star, and follow the shape. Okay, one more time. Remember how it felt.
698 |
wavs/markus-698.wav|Alright, this is it. One more time. No, I need to be faster and more accurate. Fast and accurate. One more time. I can't let myself collapse during an operation again.
699 |
wavs/markus-699.wav|One more time.
700 |
wavs/markus-700.wav|Hmm? I thought someone was watching me. I guess it was just my imagination.
701 |
wavs/markus-701.wav|Beginning the operation.
702 |
wavs/markus-702.wav|Let's begin. We have to do this.
703 |
wavs/markus-703.wav|We're done here.
704 |
wavs/markus-704.wav|We did it.
705 |
wavs/markus-705.wav|We don't have much time. Hurry!
706 |
wavs/markus-706.wav|The patient's vitals.
707 |
wavs/markus-707.wav|Vitals are red. We gotta do something.
708 |
wavs/markus-708.wav|The Vitals, careful.
709 |
wavs/markus-709.wav|Wait, no! That's not it!
710 |
wavs/markus-710.wav|Do it now!
711 |
wavs/markus-711.wav|Got it. Keep going.
712 |
wavs/markus-712.wav|We're done.
713 |
714 |
wavs/markus-714.wav|It's working!
715 |
wavs/markus-715.wav|Stigma is gone.
716 |
wavs/markus-716.wav|Get out of here!
717 |
wavs/markus-717.wav|First one's done.
718 |
wavs/markus-718.wav|Second one's done.
719 |
wavs/markus-719.wav|Third one's done. One more to go.
720 |
wavs/markus-720.wav|Hey, what's wrong? Listen to me.
721 |
wavs/markus-721.wav|Not bad.
722 |
723 |
wavs/markus-723.wav|What? This can't be!
724 |
wavs/markus-724.wav|What? No!
725 |
wavs/markus-725.wav|Here's the antibiotic gel.
726 |
wavs/markus-726.wav|Here's the syringe.
727 |
wavs/markus-727.wav|Here's the suture.
728 |
wavs/markus-728.wav|Here's the drain.
729 |
wavs/markus-729.wav|Here's the laser.
730 |
wavs/markus-730.wav|Here's the ultrasound.
731 |
wavs/markus-731.wav|Here's the magnification tool.
732 |
wavs/markus-732.wav|Here's the scalpel.
733 |
wavs/markus-733.wav|Here are the forceps.
734 |
wavs/markus-734.wav|Here's the bandage.
735 |
wavs/markus-735.wav|Use the defibrillator.
736 |
wavs/markus-736.wav|Massage the heart.
737 |
wavs/markus-737.wav|We don't have any antibiotic gel.
738 |
wavs/markus-738.wav|We're out of syringes.
739 |
wavs/markus-739.wav|We don't have any thread.
740 |
wavs/markus-740.wav|The drain can't be used.
741 |
wavs/markus-741.wav|The laser's charging.
742 |
wavs/markus-742.wav|The ultrasound can't be used.
743 |
wavs/markus-743.wav|The magnification tool can't be used.
744 |
wavs/markus-744.wav|The scalpel can't be used.
745 |
wavs/markus-745.wav|The forceps can't be used.
746 |
wavs/markus-746.wav|Treat the blood pool.
747 |
wavs/markus-747.wav|Treat the pus.
748 |
wavs/markus-748.wav|Suture the laceration
749 |
wavs/markus-749.wav|Treat the tumor.
750 |
wavs/markus-750.wav|Treat the remaining wounds.
751 |
wavs/markus-751.wav|Gotta treat that blood pool.
752 |
wavs/markus-752.wav|All that blood's gonna get in the way. Let's treat that first.
753 |
wavs/markus-753.wav|Okay, let's treat the pus first.
754 |
wavs/markus-754.wav|The pus is getting in the way. We should treat that first.
755 |
wavs/markus-755.wav|We need to treat the remaining wounds.
756 |
757 |
wavs/markus-757.wav|Not yet.
@@ -0,0 +1,721 @@
1 |
wavs/valerie-1.wav|They're here!
2 |
wavs/valerie-2.wav|How was he injured?
3 |
wavs/valerie-3.wav|Got it. Can you hear me? We're going to take you into the hospital. My name is Valerie Blaylock. I'll be treating you. Don't worry. You've been badly injured, but it's not hopeless. In fact, you're quite lucky that there are two skilled doctors in a remote place like this.
4 |
wavs/valerie-4.wav|It looks like he has two broken bones. We'll have to rebuild them. Nurse, have an ample supply of antibiotic gel ready.
5 |
wavs/valerie-5.wav|Oh, quit your whining.
6 |
wavs/valerie-6.wav|The blood won't be arriving for a while.
7 |
wavs/valerie-7.wav|I agree.
8 |
wavs/valerie-8.wav|I'm ready to begin.
9 |
wavs/valerie-9.wav|Let's begin treating the remaining wounds.
10 |
wavs/valerie-10.wav|Now we need to reconnect the bone fragments.
11 |
wavs/valerie-11.wav|It's still bleeding. We need to stop it completely.
12 |
wavs/valerie-12.wav|He'll need to remain here for about five days. Should I send a bill for a guided tour of Montgomery Memorial to his travel agent?
13 |
wavs/valerie-13.wav|Well, I don't let my stomach call the shots, so I'd be happy to stay a little longer, sir.
14 |
wavs/valerie-14.wav|What nice weather. Good morning, sister. I'm doing well, thank you. Seems like it's finally starting to warm up.
15 |
wavs/valerie-15.wav|Oh, okay, I will. Looks like you've taught me something new about this town once again, sister.
16 |
wavs/valerie-16.wav|Oh, thank you. But I've been okay lately. I've been meaning to attend Sunday service, though.
17 |
wavs/valerie-17.wav|You will, I promise.
18 |
wavs/valerie-18.wav|Mister Carlton, you may not be aware, but this hospital is affiliated with Concordia Medical Institute in Los Angeles. Only the finest and most skilled doctors are sent here.
19 |
wavs/valerie-19.wav|That's ridiculous.
20 |
wavs/valerie-20.wav|I'd appreciate it if you could arrive on time, Markus.
21 |
wavs/valerie-21.wav|I guess we'll just have to show him how talented we really are.
22 |
wavs/valerie-22.wav|I'm ready to begin the operation.
23 |
wavs/valerie-23.wav|The affected area is around here.
24 |
wavs/valerie-24.wav|Do you think there will be a next time here at Montgomery Memorial?
25 |
wavs/valerie-25.wav|I thought you'd say that. What a storm. We'll have to close early.
26 |
wavs/valerie-26.wav|Hey, isn't that investigator from Concordia supposed to stop by sometime today? I'm sure you'll be the first they'll want questioned.
27 |
wavs/valerie-27.wav|Hmm. I guess since no one else is around, all calls are being transferred to us. Doctor Blaylock speaking.
28 |
wavs/valerie-28.wav|Markus, we have an emergency. Yes, this is Montgomery Memorial. Please remain calm. Now can you tell me what happened?
29 |
wavs/valerie-29.wav|All right, we'll prepare for your arrival. How long before you can get here?
30 |
wavs/valerie-30.wav|Got it. We'll be ready. All the nurses have gone home. We'll have to do this on our own. Can you prep the OR?
31 |
wavs/valerie-31.wav|We're ready for him.
32 |
wavs/valerie-32.wav|Everyone's already gone home, so you'll have to help me get him on the stretcher.
33 |
wavs/valerie-33.wav|Now it all makes sense. I was wondering how you knew to report all that information. We can definitely use your help. Come on, let's go. Markus, the patient's here. And this girl is a nurse. She's going to help us.
34 |
wavs/valerie-34.wav|Oh, sorry, I didn't think to ask you.
35 |
wavs/valerie-35.wav|Let's save the introductions for later. We've got an operation to perform.
36 |
wavs/valerie-36.wav|He's lucky you got him here so quickly.
37 |
wavs/valerie-37.wav|I'm ready to start.
38 |
wavs/valerie-38.wav|That was a difficult operation, but it went well with your help. You're a very skilled nurse.
39 |
wavs/valerie-39.wav|Yes, really. I'd love for you to assist us again sometime, if possible.
40 |
wavs/valerie-40.wav|But why do you need another operation? Is the system malfunctioning?
41 |
wavs/valerie-41.wav|And you expected that someone at a remote hospital like this could do it?
42 |
wavs/valerie-42.wav|So, it's a difficult operation, huh?
43 |
wavs/valerie-43.wav|Oh, hi Elena. Yes, I am. You're staying here tonight, I assume.
44 |
wavs/valerie-44.wav|I see. Well, try to stay warm. By the way, I wanted to ask you about how you became a nurse. It must have been tough. Not only were you young, but you also had your illness to contend with.
45 |
wavs/valerie-45.wav|But you even received your international nursing license, right? That's amazing.
46 |
wavs/valerie-46.wav|You're really mature for your age. I think you have a great career ahead of you.
47 |
wavs/valerie-47.wav|Yes, it is, isn't it? Elena, let's both do our best during tomorrow's operation.
48 |
wavs/valerie-48.wav|You look distracted today. Are you all right?
49 |
wavs/valerie-49.wav|If you say so, just as long as you'll be able to use your Healing Touch.
50 |
wavs/valerie-50.wav|The operation is sure to be a success with such a well-prepared team. All right, Elena, I'm going to begin administering the anesthesia.
51 |
wavs/valerie-51.wav|All right. Let's make this an operation to remember.
52 |
wavs/valerie-52.wav|Unbelievable! Another blood pool has formed.
53 |
wavs/valerie-53.wav|The Healing Touch. Amazing.
54 |
wavs/valerie-54.wav|Markus? Hey! Nurse Bloom, get Markus out of here. I'll handle the rest of the operation.
55 |
wavs/valerie-55.wav|It's no use. We can't continue. Call for backup.
56 |
wavs/valerie-56.wav|Ah, you're awake. You seem completely drained, Markus. Is it because you haven't used your gift recently?
57 |
wavs/valerie-57.wav|I completed the rest of the operation. Her condition's stable now. I'll keep an eye on her, so feel free to get some rest.
58 |
wavs/valerie-58.wav|I don't understand it. Why would they send someone with your ability to a place like this?
59 |
wavs/valerie-59.wav|No, I'm serious. In fact, I'm a bit envious. Personality aside, I'd love to be you, Markus. To have your ability?
60 |
wavs/valerie-60.wav|What do you mean?
61 |
wavs/valerie-61.wav|Who are you to be judging me? You sulk around here all day like a mistreated dog licking your wounds.
62 |
wavs/valerie-62.wav|I'm sorry, too. I shouldn't have snapped at you like that.
63 |
wavs/valerie-63.wav|And I awaken to my true self. It's no use. I can't understand any of this. It says the five-pointed star is a symbol of life. But when I look at it, it simply reminds me of a piece of okra in a bowl of gumbo. I guess the Healing Touch just isn't for an ordinary person like me.
64 |
wavs/valerie-64.wav|Markus! Director Hoover just collapsed!
65 |
wavs/valerie-65.wav|He has multiple tumors in his small intestine, and they've already reached a fairly advanced stage. I've stabilized him with an IV and a blood transfusion, but he needs to be operated on right away.
66 |
wavs/valerie-66.wav|Standing around wondering why won't do him any good, we need to focus on the procedure.
67 |
wavs/valerie-67.wav|It's progressed this far. I'm worried that there may be further complications.
68 |
wavs/valerie-68.wav|Don't worry, you can count on us.
69 |
wavs/valerie-69.wav|I'll do whatever it takes. Let's start the procedure.
70 |
wavs/valerie-70.wav|Inflammation treatment complete. Let's continue with the remainder of the operation.
71 |
wavs/valerie-71.wav|I wonder if the preliminary scan missed anything.
72 |
wavs/valerie-72.wav|There's one over here? It's progressed much further than we expected. We need to extract them all.
73 |
wavs/valerie-73.wav|Sir, I strongly recommend that you take some time off to recuperate. Perhaps you could undergo treatment somewhere in a warmer climate.
74 |
wavs/valerie-74.wav|This may be the last time I walk these streets. I can't believe the hospital is actually closing. It's all so sudden. Well, I may not have made any major medical breakthroughs, but coming here wasn't a total waste. I suppose I'd better start thinking about what hospital I'd like to work at next.
75 |
wavs/valerie-75.wav|Oh, I almost forgot. I was going to go get some coffee at Jake's. It's the hospital. Hello?
76 |
wavs/valerie-76.wav|Yes. Why? I'm on my way.
77 |
wavs/valerie-77.wav|Where's the injured party?
78 |
79 |
wavs/valerie-79.wav|Come on, Elena. It's better to be safe than sorry.
80 |
wavs/valerie-80.wav|Sister Catherine, don't worry, sister. We'll get you out of there.
81 |
wavs/valerie-81.wav|Don't give up, Sister Catherine. That's what you told me when I was down. So please, hang in there.
82 |
wavs/valerie-82.wav|She's suffering from a chest contusion and cyanosis. We need to open her up immediately.
83 |
wavs/valerie-83.wav|Her chest must have been compressed when she was caught in the collapse. Her heartbeat sounds distant. She may be suffering from cardiac tamponade.
84 |
wavs/valerie-84.wav|I have to save her, no matter what.
85 |
wavs/valerie-85.wav|I won't let you die, Sister Catherine. Okay, let's begin the operation.
86 |
wavs/valerie-86.wav|You're right. Considering her condition, it may be best to transport her now.
87 |
wavs/valerie-87.wav|Sister! If I can't save her life, I have no business calling myself a doctor. Spirit of life, guide my hands.
88 |
wavs/valerie-88.wav|She'll... she'll be okay now.
89 |
wavs/valerie-89.wav|I'm actually surprised myself. It wasn't the technique that was important for the Healing Touch. It was the opening of my heart. I finally understand what Doctor Montgomery was trying to say in his book. It was a difficult operation, but I feel like I can make my decision now. I want to continue working as a doctor.
90 |
wavs/valerie-90.wav|Yes, just now.
91 |
wavs/valerie-91.wav|But what about all the staff members here? What are they going to do?
92 |
wavs/valerie-92.wav|We expect nothing less than your very best.
93 |
wavs/valerie-93.wav|When I first arrived here at Montgomery Memorial, I absolutely hated it. But it's true. The greater the challenge, the more you appreciate the experience. Doctor Hoover was a strict but amazing teacher.
94 |
95 |
wavs/valerie-95.wav|What are you saying, Markus? Of course we will. We're a team. A team that has endured the harshest of winters.
96 |
wavs/valerie-96.wav|How embarrassing. I can't believe I forgot it on my first day back. Oh, good morning, Markus.
97 |
wavs/valerie-97.wav|I got stopped because I forgot my ID. I told them to call Billy at the reception desk, but he doesn't work here anymore.
98 |
99 |
wavs/valerie-99.wav|Um, well, it was certainly challenging.
100 |
wavs/valerie-100.wav|I see he's still as charming as ever.
101 |
wavs/valerie-101.wav|What's this disease you're referring to?
102 |
wavs/valerie-102.wav|It's a secret?
103 |
wavs/valerie-103.wav|Oh, hello Elena. Are you starting today?
104 |
wavs/valerie-104.wav|I need to hurry up and get back into the swing of things here. But it's hard because there are so many new faces.
105 |
wavs/valerie-105.wav|Are you serious?
106 |
wavs/valerie-106.wav|Alright, I'll go prep. Elena, can you assist?
107 |
wavs/valerie-107.wav|Is there anything you'd like to add, Doctor Rousseau?
108 |
wavs/valerie-108.wav|Well then, let's start the procedure.
109 |
wavs/valerie-109.wav|It's festering. We need to drain the pus.
110 |
wavs/valerie-110.wav|Looks like the diagnostics were correct. We've got more work to do.
111 |
wavs/valerie-111.wav|Thank you.
112 |
wavs/valerie-112.wav|We'll be implanting a pacemaker?
113 |
wavs/valerie-113.wav|It seems they're expecting a lot from us, but you wouldn't know it by the way the staff's treated us.
114 |
wavs/valerie-114.wav|You'll be fast asleep the entire time. It'll be over before you know it.
115 |
wavs/valerie-115.wav|I promise that won't happen. The medicine will keep you asleep, no matter what.
116 |
wavs/valerie-116.wav|Well, um, you'll wake up because you'll get hungry.
117 |
wavs/valerie-117.wav|opening up a child's chest for the second time. As a doctor, I know I shouldn't be fazed by it, but it's still heartbreaking.
118 |
wavs/valerie-118.wav|Please do.
119 |
wavs/valerie-119.wav|She's only a child, so even a small mistake could be fatal.
120 |
wavs/valerie-120.wav|I'm ready to begin the operation.
121 |
wavs/valerie-121.wav|Oh, really? Well, let's have a look.
122 |
wavs/valerie-122.wav|We can't use the defibrillator because of her pacemaker.
123 |
wavs/valerie-123.wav|There's a chance she'll go into cardiac arrest again, so keep an eye on the electrocardiogram. If that does occur, then we need to massage her heart immediately.
124 |
wavs/valerie-124.wav|I was worried there for a second. Let's continue the procedure.
125 |
wavs/valerie-125.wav|We were almost done, too. All right, let's massage the heart.
126 |
wavs/valerie-126.wav|Chloe, this is called an x-ray. It's a picture of the inside of your chest. This is the machine we put inside you during the operation. It's helping your heartbeat.
127 |
wavs/valerie-127.wav|It runs on electricity, so there are a few things you need to be careful about. Elena will explain the rules to you, so listen carefully, okay?
128 |
wavs/valerie-128.wav|Oh, are you here to visit a family member? If so, then the entrance is...
129 |
wavs/valerie-129.wav|If that's the case, then let me call for his secretary.
130 |
wavs/valerie-130.wav|Yes, my name is Valerie Blaylock.
131 |
wavs/valerie-131.wav|Yes. Well, the professor is... he's very busy. I rarely see him myself.
132 |
wavs/valerie-132.wav|the organization under the direct control of Health and Human Services?
133 |
wavs/valerie-133.wav|Hey Markus, it's already been 10 days and he still hasn't told us about his condition.
134 |
wavs/valerie-134.wav|He sure is taking his time, considering the trouble he went to to bring us back here. Oh, by the way, this morning I met someone that was here to see Rousseau. I was surprised when she introduced herself. Take a guess who she was.
135 |
wavs/valerie-135.wav|Very funny. Come on, be serious.
136 |
wavs/valerie-136.wav|Well, it turns out she's the director of Caduceus. She oversees all of the medical research institutions located in the US.
137 |
wavs/valerie-137.wav|Actually, she seemed more interested in speaking with Professor Wilkens. I wonder how she knows about him. Isn't it strange?
138 |
wavs/valerie-138.wav|What's the matter, Elena?
139 |
wavs/valerie-139.wav|This doesn't look good.
140 |
wavs/valerie-140.wav|Well, I'm sure we can handle it.
141 |
wavs/valerie-141.wav|I'm ready to start the procedure.
142 |
wavs/valerie-142.wav|We'll have to retrieve the bone fragments while treating the injuries and hemorrhages.
143 |
wavs/valerie-143.wav|What? But that was the last piece. Don't tell me we missed a fragment.
144 |
wavs/valerie-144.wav|Thank you, ma'am. It's an honor to receive such praise.
145 |
wavs/valerie-145.wav|I'd be glad to show you.
146 |
wavs/valerie-146.wav|What do you mean, Markus?
147 |
wavs/valerie-147.wav|Markus, he's...
148 |
wavs/valerie-148.wav|I suppose you're right.
149 |
wavs/valerie-149.wav|Doctor Rousseau is on the team, too?
150 |
wavs/valerie-150.wav|What was the means of transmission?
151 |
wavs/valerie-151.wav|That's why you selected us.
152 |
wavs/valerie-152.wav|That makes two of us.
153 |
wavs/valerie-153.wav|Has there been any change in the professor's condition?
154 |
wavs/valerie-154.wav|An unknown pathogen. This should be interesting.
155 |
wavs/valerie-155.wav|Are you suggesting that the pathogen did this within the last few moments?
156 |
wavs/valerie-156.wav|My God, look at it.
157 |
wavs/valerie-157.wav|Well, it can't have changed that much. The laser should still work.
158 |
wavs/valerie-158.wav|Is something wrong, Markus?
159 |
wavs/valerie-159.wav|I'm glad his body withstood the operation. At this rate, it seems he'll make a full recovery. Still, that was a daunting procedure.
160 |
wavs/valerie-160.wav|Professor, can you hear me?
161 |
wavs/valerie-161.wav|It was a complicated procedure, but we were able to complete it. Being operated on while you still had your strength should speed your recovery.
162 |
wavs/valerie-162.wav|Doctor Rousseau, can't whatever you have to discuss with Professor Wilkens wait until later?
163 |
wavs/valerie-163.wav|We don't have a sample or any data. So how do you intend to study Stigma, Markus?
164 |
wavs/valerie-164.wav|No self-respecting doctor would admit the existence of such a thing outside of a sci-fi movie.
165 |
wavs/valerie-165.wav|Oh, really?
166 |
wavs/valerie-166.wav|Now that you mention it, I do remember that. Is there a connection between GUILT and Stigma?
167 |
wavs/valerie-167.wav|I guess I can see why Rousseau's so intrigued by it. If he was the one to announce it to the world, he'd become the most renowned doctor in medical history.
168 |
wavs/valerie-168.wav|Aren't these Rousseau's patients?
169 |
wavs/valerie-169.wav|He's the talk of the entire hospital.
170 |
wavs/valerie-170.wav|Well, I'm calling it quits for today. Hopefully tomorrow won't be as stressful.
171 |
wavs/valerie-171.wav|He's been updating them himself. It is top secret, after all. Speak of the devil. He's paging us. I wonder what he wants.
172 |
wavs/valerie-172.wav|Something must have happened. We better go check on the professor. Oh, no!
173 |
wavs/valerie-173.wav|Be careful, Markus!
174 |
wavs/valerie-174.wav|He's been badly burned. His life is in danger.
175 |
wavs/valerie-175.wav|Thank you, Elena. Get the OR ready, too.
176 |
wavs/valerie-176.wav|If we inject culture fluids, we'll be able to avoid further damage.
177 |
wavs/valerie-177.wav|I'm ready to begin the operation.
178 |
wavs/valerie-178.wav|Once we're ready to transfer the donor skin, we'll do so using the forceps.
179 |
wavs/valerie-179.wav|We're halfway through. Keep it up.
180 |
wavs/valerie-180.wav|Same things they asked you. What did I see when I arrived at the scene? Did I notice anything suspicious? You know, the usual. Oh, they also asked about the professor's condition. I didn't say anything about Stigma, for now. They wouldn't understand anyway.
181 |
wavs/valerie-181.wav|What's going to happen to this hospital? What about us? The media is going to be all over this incident. We won't have time to examine our patients.
182 |
183 |
wavs/valerie-183.wav|Um, how can we help you?
184 |
wavs/valerie-184.wav|You're recruiting us?
185 |
wavs/valerie-185.wav|The authority of the federal government?
186 |
wavs/valerie-186.wav|Leave it to you to think of that, Markus.
187 |
wavs/valerie-187.wav|Regarding that matter, we've only encountered Stigma in one operation. There's really not much for us to disclose, especially since Professor Wilkens kept a tight lid on all the data.
188 |
wavs/valerie-188.wav|I still feel uneasy about all this, but we'll do what we can.
189 |
wavs/valerie-189.wav|Wow. Look at this equipment. I knew Caduceus would be amazing, but this is too much.
190 |
wavs/valerie-190.wav|He looks like he's in pain, is something wrong?
191 |
wavs/valerie-191.wav|Three years?
192 |
wavs/valerie-192.wav|So we'll be taking care of the cause of his pain as well.
193 |
wavs/valerie-193.wav|Let's begin the procedure.
194 |
wavs/valerie-194.wav|We can't remove it all at once. Let's cut it into multiple segments before we take it out.
195 |
wavs/valerie-195.wav|We just arrived and we're already performing emergency surgeries. I can't wait to see what's next. But I guess it was a good chance to get our feet wet.
196 |
wavs/valerie-196.wav|We always do our best.
197 |
wavs/valerie-197.wav|We spent less than a month there following our transfer from Alaska. But during that time, the professor seemed somewhat paranoid about an information leak.
198 |
wavs/valerie-198.wav|We're hoping that the professor is still alive.
199 |
wavs/valerie-199.wav|That was a little unexpected. What have we gotten ourselves into, Markus? Were you as shocked as I was by what they already knew?
200 |
wavs/valerie-200.wav|Well, I, for one, am surprised. I had no idea there was data on Stigma, other than what the professor had collected.
201 |
wavs/valerie-201.wav|Yes, so don't be late.
202 |
wavs/valerie-202.wav|What happened?
203 |
wavs/valerie-203.wav|Elena, can you let them know that we'll accept the patients?
204 |
wavs/valerie-204.wav|There's no time to lose. Let's begin immediately.
205 |
wavs/valerie-205.wav|We'll save him, no matter what. Let's begin the operation.
206 |
wavs/valerie-206.wav|I'm confirming interior wounds and the presence of foreign debris. Let's keep an eye on his vitals and treat everything we can.
207 |
wavs/valerie-207.wav|This wound can't be sutured like this.
208 |
wavs/valerie-208.wav|That should do it for this area. Now to move on to the others.
209 |
wavs/valerie-209.wav|Well, this is what you wanted, right? To continue seeing patients.
210 |
wavs/valerie-210.wav|Hey, don't worry. If we can survive in Alaska, we can survive anywhere.
211 |
wavs/valerie-211.wav|It's nice to meet you too. It would be our pleasure to help.
212 |
wavs/valerie-212.wav|I'm Doctor Blaylock.
213 |
wavs/valerie-213.wav|Cynthia Kazakov? You wouldn't happen to be from Trinity Medical School, would you?
214 |
wavs/valerie-214.wav|Yeah, it's me.
215 |
wavs/valerie-215.wav|Thanks. Wow. I never expected to see you here, of all places.
216 |
wavs/valerie-216.wav|I don't know much about it. It's a form of synthetic membrane, correct?
217 |
wavs/valerie-217.wav|That's amazing! It truly is a miracle of science.
218 |
wavs/valerie-218.wav|We'll do our best, of course. I can promise you that.
219 |
wavs/valerie-219.wav|Ready to begin the operation.
220 |
wavs/valerie-220.wav|I'm glad to hear that.
221 |
wavs/valerie-221.wav|The NIH has received a request for help from a hospital in Texas. They're having difficulty with the diagnosis. Based on the patient's chart, there's a good chance that it's Stigma.
222 |
wavs/valerie-222.wav|We're treading on unknown territory, so we'd appreciate your support, Doctor Tsuji.
223 |
wavs/valerie-223.wav|Any case history?
224 |
wavs/valerie-224.wav|None that I'm aware of, but can you check with them just in case?
225 |
wavs/valerie-225.wav|Even so, I'm sure our experience with Stigma will prove invaluable. Let's stay positive.
226 |
wavs/valerie-226.wav|It tries every conceivable method to make its victims suffer. It's like a nightmare.
227 |
wavs/valerie-227.wav|I'm surprised you remember, Markus.
228 |
wavs/valerie-228.wav|A hunch? Well, at least we have some hope of defeating it now.
229 |
wavs/valerie-229.wav|Let's give it our all.
230 |
wavs/valerie-230.wav|We'll just have to open her up and observe it for ourselves.
231 |
wavs/valerie-231.wav|That must be its core there in the center. The plan is to use the laser to incinerate it, but...
232 |
wavs/valerie-232.wav|The remaining tissue is hardened? Does it dry out over time?
233 |
wavs/valerie-233.wav|Did it split up?
234 |
wavs/valerie-234.wav|The tumor's changing. What's going on?
235 |
wavs/valerie-235.wav|We were able to deal with it. Somehow.
236 |
wavs/valerie-236.wav|Would you expect any less from Caduceus' own special disease counteraction team?
237 |
wavs/valerie-237.wav|You want us to operate on a high-ranking government official?
238 |
wavs/valerie-238.wav|We're waiting on the CAT scan results, but it's most likely a case of subarachnoid hemorrhage.
239 |
wavs/valerie-239.wav|Director, what's this shadow here on the X-ray?
240 |
wavs/valerie-240.wav|Okay, we'll head over to the OR then.
241 |
wavs/valerie-241.wav|This will require extreme delicacy and dexterity. We need to do our best.
242 |
wavs/valerie-242.wav|Beginning the operation.
243 |
wavs/valerie-243.wav|That bulge on the vein is the brain aneurysm. Let's remove it before it bursts.
244 |
wavs/valerie-244.wav|The test said there were multiple aneurysms, though.
245 |
wavs/valerie-245.wav|The test said that there were multiple aneurysms, though.
246 |
wavs/valerie-246.wav|There it is. Let's treat it before it bursts.
247 |
wavs/valerie-247.wav|Who, me? Well, yes.
248 |
wavs/valerie-248.wav|You brought him here? We don't accept emergencies or walk-ins.
249 |
wavs/valerie-249.wav|Well, there's no point arguing about it. I'll take a look at him. What's your son's name?
250 |
wavs/valerie-250.wav|Are you serious?
251 |
wavs/valerie-251.wav|So how much are we charging him?
252 |
wavs/valerie-252.wav|Appendicitis? What a coincidence. I'm seeing a boy with the same condition.
253 |
wavs/valerie-253.wav|Yes, Elena?
254 |
wavs/valerie-254.wav|How much is it going to cost?
255 |
wavs/valerie-255.wav|But transporting him now will put his life at risk.
256 |
wavs/valerie-256.wav|That's a tough decision. Um, Markus, have you given your patient his bill yet?
257 |
wavs/valerie-257.wav|Do you mind if I handle it? Chandler, I mean, Mister Forbes, about your hospital bill. The total will be 30,000 dollars.
258 |
wavs/valerie-258.wav|I'm afraid we can't do that. But there might be something else we can do. If you'd like to make a donation, we can increase your bill. How does 10,000 dollars sound?
259 |
wavs/valerie-259.wav|Hmm, that would bring it up to 40,000 dollars.
260 |
wavs/valerie-260.wav|Well, we could add 2,000 more and make it 42,000.
261 |
wavs/valerie-261.wav|Well then, the donation will be transferred from the hospital to the Oliver McHale Fund. Elena, prep for surgery. We've got two appendixes to remove.
262 |
wavs/valerie-262.wav|It still counts as a donation, so it's not going to cause us any problems, right?
263 |
wavs/valerie-263.wav|But he's only a child.
264 |
wavs/valerie-264.wav|I'm ready to see the first patient. This boy's condition is relatively mild, isn't it?
265 |
wavs/valerie-265.wav|One goes around the base of the organ, and the other around the appendix itself. Look at where the wire needs to be, then slide it down while pressing the A button.
266 |
wavs/valerie-266.wav|We're done tying the base. Now for the wire around the appendix.
267 |
wavs/valerie-267.wav|That went smoothly.
268 |
wavs/valerie-268.wav|What's his condition?
269 |
wavs/valerie-269.wav|We'll find out when we open him up. We have to hurry and get in there.
270 |
wavs/valerie-270.wav|I think we've all learned something from this operation.
271 |
wavs/valerie-271.wav|Well, it was an emergency, so this was a special case. Thankfully, an anonymous donor paid for your treatment fees.
272 |
wavs/valerie-272.wav|Yes, well, please see to getting your son health insurance so he can get the medical help he needs.
273 |
wavs/valerie-273.wav|You're welcome. Take care now.
274 |
wavs/valerie-274.wav|Thanks. I did some volunteer work at an orphanage. How about you, Markus? Who are the lucky beneficiaries of your time?
275 |
wavs/valerie-275.wav|Really? I thought that was a requirement for all doctors.
276 |
wavs/valerie-276.wav|Ugh, he's so self-centered. Drives me crazy. I haven't heard from him in I don't know how long, and now he's telling me to come to Philadelphia? He's got some nerve. It's like he thinks we're still dating.
277 |
wavs/valerie-277.wav|How stupid of me. When I heard that he'd found a new type of parasite, I agreed to go without thinking. That reminds me, how are things between you and Ray?
278 |
wavs/valerie-278.wav|Oh, sorry. I shouldn't have brought it up.
279 |
wavs/valerie-279.wav|I don't know if that would be such a good idea. I'm sure he wants to get some rest.
280 |
wavs/valerie-280.wav|You think so?
281 |
wavs/valerie-281.wav|Oh, come on, don't be that way. This information will be useful for you.
282 |
wavs/valerie-282.wav|That's the plan.
283 |
wavs/valerie-283.wav|Really? Then would you like to come along?
284 |
wavs/valerie-284.wav|Of course. The more the merrier. I'll tell Denny it's a field trip for Caduceus Special Disease Counteraction Team.
285 |
wavs/valerie-285.wav|What are you talking about? This is a team effort. I won't take no for an answer. We're all going to Philadelphia this weekend.
286 |
wavs/valerie-286.wav|That was an interesting operation, wasn't it?
287 |
wavs/valerie-287.wav|Oh, don't be so cranky, Markus. How was I supposed to know that Denny decided to become a veterinarian? He tried to be a nice host, right? Even if he didn't exactly succeed.
288 |
wavs/valerie-288.wav|Really? Me too. I'm sure what we learned will come in handy someday.
289 |
wavs/valerie-289.wav|Alright, I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking straight. I mean, how would you feel if your college ex called you out of nowhere?
290 |
wavs/valerie-290.wav|There's been an accident. Stop the car.
291 |
wavs/valerie-291.wav|I brought a set of instruments. Let's get ready.
292 |
wavs/valerie-292.wav|We'll just perform first aid. He may be suffering from damage to his internal organs.
293 |
wavs/valerie-293.wav|We need to provide first aid. He appears to have sustained serious blunt trauma to the chest.
294 |
wavs/valerie-294.wav|We can't suture this large of a laceration like this. Let's use the forceps to close the wound, then suture it shut.
295 |
wavs/valerie-295.wav|I'm done transferring him.
296 |
wavs/valerie-296.wav|You wanted to see us?
297 |
wavs/valerie-297.wav|I've heard of this show. It's on primetime TV, right?
298 |
wavs/valerie-298.wav|What was that all about? They don't have the slightest clue what we do here.
299 |
wavs/valerie-299.wav|Crush them?
300 |
wavs/valerie-300.wav|We had no choice. Besides, someone has to do it. We can't just pretend like it never happened.
301 |
wavs/valerie-301.wav|You know him?
302 |
wavs/valerie-302.wav|Good evening. It's nice to be here.
303 |
wavs/valerie-303.wav|Unfortunately, there have been a number of rumors perpetuated by this program, so we're here to clear things up. Caduceus conducts useful research and provides unparalleled treatment. In fact, our research is the future of medicine.
304 |
wavs/valerie-304.wav|Don't worry, Mister Alvarez. You're in good hands.
305 |
wavs/valerie-305.wav|Got it. We'll perform this operation flawlessly.
306 |
wavs/valerie-306.wav|Just watch us. Start the operation.
307 |
wavs/valerie-307.wav|Is he going to shut up and let us operate?
308 |
wavs/valerie-308.wav|His vitals aren't stabilizing.
309 |
wavs/valerie-309.wav|It's coming from somewhere else. Let's use the magnification tool to find the source. Phew, we're still okay. We have to be careful, though.
310 |
wavs/valerie-310.wav|I'd love to suture that fool's mouth shut. The hemorrhaging isn't stopping. We need to treat all the tumors.
311 |
wavs/valerie-311.wav|We need to re-examine the areas we've already treated.
312 |
wavs/valerie-312.wav|Is it broken? Hurry and get a replacement. We'll manage for the time being.
313 |
314 |
wavs/valerie-314.wav|Of course we are. We accept. We'll show you who's more talented.
315 |
wavs/valerie-315.wav|I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me.
316 |
wavs/valerie-316.wav|We'll be alright. We'll finish this once and for all.
317 |
wavs/valerie-317.wav|Our patient is suffering from an aneurysm, but still, having these will be reassuring.
318 |
wavs/valerie-318.wav|We're calm and focused. We're concentrating on the procedure, not worrying about the competition.
319 |
wavs/valerie-319.wav|Yes, I'm fine. Concentrate. Stay calm.
320 |
wavs/valerie-320.wav|Stay calm, everyone. Let's start the operation.
321 |
wavs/valerie-321.wav|Stay focused. Concentrate.
322 |
wavs/valerie-322.wav|Thank you. I'm glad it went smoothly.
323 |
wavs/valerie-323.wav|Doctor Bello? You're already finished?
324 |
325 |
326 |
wavs/valerie-326.wav|You're right, Markus. Let's go.
327 |
wavs/valerie-327.wav|How can you stand to watch that?
328 |
wavs/valerie-328.wav|A letter?
329 |
wavs/valerie-329.wav|What you encountered at Concordia was Cheir, the hand, and in Maryland you received Soma, the body. But now I shall reveal Ops, the eye, for the entire country to witness. I assure you it will be something to behold. The miracle of modern times. Stigma. He knows about Stigma?
330 |
wavs/valerie-330.wav|Let's go, Markus. Ma'am, please contact the studio and order them to suspend the operation immediately. Elena is coming with us.
331 |
wavs/valerie-331.wav|Step aside. We'll complete the operation.
332 |
wavs/valerie-332.wav|Whoever wrote that letter called this Stigma Ops, which means eye or something, right?
333 |
wavs/valerie-333.wav|So the key to this operation is to not activate the core.
334 |
wavs/valerie-334.wav|That's right. This is what Caduceus does.
335 |
wavs/valerie-335.wav|Ready to begin the operation.
336 |
wavs/valerie-336.wav|That stupid announcer lost his cool for a minute, but it looks like he's back to his annoying self.
337 |
wavs/valerie-337.wav|The tissue covers a wide area, but we should focus on removing the central core.
338 |
wavs/valerie-338.wav|It's... it's over.
339 |
wavs/valerie-339.wav|Give me that mic. Ladies and gentlemen, what you saw today is a new intractable disease known as Stigma. It's a serious disease that's still a mystery to us. But Caduceus has been researching potential countermeasures. And because of that, we were able to save this patient's life. That's part of our mission at Caduceus.
340 |
wavs/valerie-340.wav|I think it's important for the public to understand what our organization is all about. I believe that those of us in the medical field have two major responsibilities. One is to help patients with existing conditions. The other is to arm ourselves against new diseases that may arise. So in other words, Caduceus is fighting for all of our futures.
341 |
wavs/valerie-341.wav|Every doctor is a part of this fight, so please consult your local physician if you experience any unusual symptoms. And if necessary, feel free to contact us as well. That's all I have to say. We at Caduceus hope to continue serving you.
342 |
wavs/valerie-342.wav|Oh, and by the way, this will be the last episode of Miracle Surgery. Good night.
343 |
wavs/valerie-343.wav|You're giving us more credit than we deserve. We couldn't have done it without Cynthia and Isabella's help.
344 |
wavs/valerie-344.wav|Sure, I'll try one. Thanks.
345 |
wavs/valerie-345.wav|That letter we received was pretty creepy.
346 |
wavs/valerie-346.wav|The FBI is trying to find out, but so far no clues.
347 |
wavs/valerie-347.wav|Where are we going?
348 |
wavs/valerie-348.wav|It's a wonder that he doesn't seem to be in much pain with a wound like that.
349 |
wavs/valerie-349.wav|Begin the operation.
350 |
wavs/valerie-350.wav|All external wounds have been treated. Next, we need to make an incision and treat the torn ligaments in his elbow.
351 |
wavs/valerie-351.wav|It's completely penetrated the muscle, so we need to extract it carefully.
352 |
wavs/valerie-352.wav|Huh? What's going on?
353 |
wavs/valerie-353.wav|Could the convulsions have been caused by the new anesthetic?
354 |
wavs/valerie-354.wav|It'll take about six months for you to fully recover. Your elbow was in pretty bad shape. I'm sure you'll heal fast, though, Mister Thor "the Hammer" Gunderson.
355 |
wavs/valerie-355.wav|You feel great?
356 |
wavs/valerie-356.wav|So it's like a two-dimensional barcode then, as opposed to a regular barcode, which only stores information linearly?
357 |
wavs/valerie-357.wav|Explains what, Markus?
358 |
wavs/valerie-358.wav|It's all right, Kanae. Just take it easy. Seems like you may have sprained your neck. Let's have Doctor Everett take a look.
359 |
wavs/valerie-359.wav|I agree. We should treat the area and stop the hemorrhaging. Then we can wait and see what happens.
360 |
wavs/valerie-360.wav|Beginning the operation.
361 |
wavs/valerie-361.wav|You're right. We should wait until he's recovered a bit before we begin the main procedure. Let's treat the bleeding and the less severe injuries to control the damage. We'll also seal the injuries to the liver with synthetic membranes to keep it from getting worse.
362 |
wavs/valerie-362.wav|Looks like we need to drain the blood again.
363 |
wavs/valerie-363.wav|There was severe bleeding, so we had to pack the liver.
364 |
wavs/valerie-364.wav|The problem here is not Culurium, nor is it Stigma, since it's actually not very contagious. It's those who are using Stigma as a biological weapon that we should be worried about. We must educate the public to avoid a panic.
365 |
wavs/valerie-365.wav|Just as I thought. A follow-up operation is required.
366 |
wavs/valerie-366.wav|You're right. Kanae must be so worried. Let's get him stabilized.
367 |
wavs/valerie-367.wav|Let's begin the operation.
368 |
wavs/valerie-368.wav|Let's drain the blood. We can't investigate with it in the way.
369 |
wavs/valerie-369.wav|The question is, why did it get so much worse? There must be another reason for this around here.
370 |
wavs/valerie-370.wav|We can't relax just because we've applied a membrane. We need to start over by draining it.
371 |
wavs/valerie-371.wav|You have all the coronary arteries memorized, but you can't remember simple directions? It's nice of Kanae to treat us to dinner, but I wonder if we'll make it in time.
372 |
wavs/valerie-372.wav|We'll give you all our money if you just let us go.
373 |
374 |
wavs/valerie-374.wav|Are you alright, Markus?
375 |
wavs/valerie-375.wav|Well, they haven't treated us too badly.
376 |
wavs/valerie-376.wav|Who are you? What do you want?
377 |
wavs/valerie-377.wav|That's why you have us locked in this room?
378 |
wavs/valerie-378.wav|So you're the ones who are responsible for Stigma?
379 |
wavs/valerie-379.wav|So, we're gonna play along, right?
380 |
wavs/valerie-380.wav|I don't suppose we should hope for a miraculous rescue, huh? Should we start digging our way out, then? Hey, Markus, do you think they're the ones who kidnapped Professor Wilkens?
381 |
wavs/valerie-381.wav|Why are you doing this?
382 |
383 |
wavs/valerie-383.wav|This is ridiculous. That data doesn't provide any help at all.
384 |
wavs/valerie-384.wav|So then, this strain of Stigma has to be treated with a particular serum.
385 |
wavs/valerie-385.wav|Let's see what this Onyx is all about. Start the procedure.
386 |
wavs/valerie-386.wav|An unknown pathogen and a mystery medication. Nothing's normal about this situation.
387 |
wavs/valerie-387.wav|We'll find it, no matter how many times it tries to hide.
388 |
wavs/valerie-388.wav|I hate being their accomplice, but at least it's over.
389 |
wavs/valerie-389.wav|They expect us to sleep in here? You must be joking. Well, they won't break us, no matter how hard they try.
390 |
wavs/valerie-390.wav|Yeah, you're right.
391 |
wavs/valerie-391.wav|They've ignored us for three days now. What's going on?
392 |
wavs/valerie-392.wav|Then, should we start planning an escape?
393 |
wavs/valerie-393.wav|But first, we need the key to this room.
394 |
wavs/valerie-394.wav|What's going on here?
395 |
wavs/valerie-395.wav|Wait a second. We don't have any stabilizer.
396 |
wavs/valerie-396.wav|All we have left is a small amount of antibiotic gel.
397 |
wavs/valerie-397.wav|Yes, as long as we still call ourselves doctors. We can't just leave him to die.
398 |
wavs/valerie-398.wav|Beginning the operation.
399 |
wavs/valerie-399.wav|But we need the gel to treat the gunshot wounds, what'll we do if we run out?
400 |
wavs/valerie-400.wav|Well, that's it. We've run out of the antibiotic gel.
401 |
wavs/valerie-401.wav|Suturing will cause the patient's vitals to drop. Using a synthetic membrane is safer, but we have no choice but to suture them.
402 |
wavs/valerie-402.wav|It would have been safer to use the synthetic membranes. Well, at least we don't see any more external wounds.
403 |
wavs/valerie-403.wav|We have no choice but to suture it. Well, at least we don't see any more external wounds.
404 |
wavs/valerie-404.wav|It's hemorrhaging severely. The patient won't last long at this rate.
405 |
wavs/valerie-405.wav|We'll affix the membrane with antibiotic gel. We need to conserve how much we use.
406 |
wavs/valerie-406.wav|I've come to realize just how valuable the stabilizer is.
407 |
wavs/valerie-407.wav|Who is this boss of yours?
408 |
wavs/valerie-408.wav|Couldn't be better, thanks.
409 |
410 |
wavs/valerie-410.wav|Found yourself a new lab rat, huh?
411 |
wavs/valerie-411.wav|Is that what you tell yourself?
412 |
413 |
wavs/valerie-413.wav|Are either of you doctors?
414 |
wavs/valerie-414.wav|business? And what pray tell are you selling?
415 |
wavs/valerie-415.wav|It's a clever plan, in theory, but there's no way it'll work.
416 |
wavs/valerie-416.wav|This still doesn't make any sense. What's with these readings?
417 |
wavs/valerie-417.wav|I've had enough of your mouth.
418 |
wavs/valerie-418.wav|We'll defeat the strain of Stigma.
419 |
wavs/valerie-419.wav|Are you saying this is some form of self-defense against us? I can't believe it.
420 |
wavs/valerie-420.wav|Please let this be it. Did we do it? Let's treat the remaining wounds and see what happens.
421 |
wavs/valerie-421.wav|If something like this were to be used as a weapon,
422 |
wavs/valerie-422.wav|What do you mean?
423 |
wavs/valerie-423.wav|I'd rather die.
424 |
425 |
wavs/valerie-425.wav|Is it about the choice they gave us?
426 |
wavs/valerie-426.wav|Markus, I can't believe this.
427 |
wavs/valerie-427.wav|I was desperate to study your techniques, but I never imagined that that's why you were there.
428 |
wavs/valerie-428.wav|Don't be so hard on yourself, Markus. There are still many things we don't know about Stigma. We need your help to unlock those secrets.
429 |
wavs/valerie-429.wav|You think you can force us to do your bidding?
430 |
wavs/valerie-430.wav|He said he found this lock at a toy store.
431 |
wavs/valerie-431.wav|they must think we'll beg for mercy.
432 |
wavs/valerie-432.wav|Well, I'm not gonna let some stupid toy be the thing that makes us drown in here.
433 |
wavs/valerie-433.wav|Leave this puzzle to me.
434 |
wavs/valerie-434.wav|What do you mean by friends? The shapes, the colors, something else?
435 |
wavs/valerie-435.wav|Isn't this pretty hard for a toy?
436 |
wavs/valerie-436.wav|Alright, just one more. We solved it!
437 |
wavs/valerie-437.wav|Outside! We're outside!
438 |
wavs/valerie-438.wav|Over there! I see light!
439 |
wavs/valerie-439.wav|It was a difficult situation, but we were determined to get through it. Having met our enemy face to face, my resolve to continue this mission has grown even stronger.
440 |
wavs/valerie-440.wav|The Professor? What do you mean, Markus?
441 |
wavs/valerie-441.wav|I have to disagree. The way he moved and spoke, I just don't think he could be Professor Wilkens.
442 |
wavs/valerie-442.wav|Yes, believe it or not.
443 |
wavs/valerie-443.wav|Why would she do such a thing? She seemed so dedicated to her work.
444 |
wavs/valerie-444.wav|That's too bad. I had hoped to work with Cynthia until we eradicated Stigma together.
445 |
wavs/valerie-445.wav|Don't worry, Kanae. We can handle it.
446 |
wavs/valerie-446.wav|In that case, I think we should first try to restrict its movement, and then excise it.
447 |
wavs/valerie-447.wav|I'm ready to begin the operation. We can't afford to make any mistakes.
448 |
wavs/valerie-448.wav|But at least we have a second opinion today. Well, let's begin by opening him up.
449 |
wavs/valerie-449.wav|It appears to have a core from which the arms are extending.
450 |
wavs/valerie-450.wav|I hope that's the last we see of that thing.
451 |
wavs/valerie-451.wav|Yes, it was a tricky one, but somehow we managed.
452 |
wavs/valerie-452.wav|And you want us to go?
453 |
wavs/valerie-453.wav|Well, ultimately, what's our purpose? I mean, is it worth risking our lives for?
454 |
wavs/valerie-454.wav|Elena, how do you feel about traveling south of the equator?
455 |
wavs/valerie-455.wav|Glad to hear that. Then it's decided. We accept, Madame Director.
456 |
wavs/valerie-456.wav|It's an honor to meet you, Mr. President.
457 |
wavs/valerie-457.wav|We'll do our best as a sign of friendship between our countries.
458 |
wavs/valerie-458.wav|Yes, um, thank you very much.
459 |
wavs/valerie-459.wav|We're doctors, not diplomats, so there's no need for formalities. We're here to help the sick.
460 |
wavs/valerie-460.wav|Oh, yes, they did say something about an interpreter. Maria, are you feeling okay?
461 |
wavs/valerie-461.wav|That's endemic to this region, but she hasn't lived here in years. Elena, I need your help. We need to check her lungs.
462 |
wavs/valerie-462.wav|That gives us an idea of how to treat her, but aren't these readings strange?
463 |
wavs/valerie-463.wav|There's no time to waste. Let's begin the operation immediately.
464 |
wavs/valerie-464.wav|Let's open her up. We have to treat her.
465 |
wavs/valerie-465.wav|At least we won't have to use the ultrasound to find them, like with normal tumors. That'll help save us some time.
466 |
wavs/valerie-466.wav|What the? What's going on?
467 |
wavs/valerie-467.wav|The readings show that the tumors are gone, right? These must be normal scars, then.
468 |
wavs/valerie-468.wav|Unfortunately, that's not the biggest problem here. You see, she's also a doctor. We could have taught her how to treat Stigma. Someone will have to continue seeing patients after we're gone, right?
469 |
wavs/valerie-469.wav|Are you going to allow that, Markus?
470 |
wavs/valerie-470.wav|Yes, somewhat, but I completely understand her desire to help people.
471 |
wavs/valerie-471.wav|It's worse than I imagined.
472 |
wavs/valerie-472.wav|We suspect that there's a relationship between the mine and Stigma.
473 |
wavs/valerie-473.wav|Thank you, Commander. What's the status of each patient, Markus?
474 |
wavs/valerie-474.wav|Watch carefully, okay? This is a complicated procedure that you'll need to learn.
475 |
wavs/valerie-475.wav|I don't foresee any problems with operating here.
476 |
wavs/valerie-476.wav|Hearing that Stigma is spreading sends a chill down my spine.
477 |
wavs/valerie-477.wav|Three different strains. I'm as ready as I'll ever be.
478 |
wavs/valerie-478.wav|It's not going to be easy for us either, but we need to give it all we've got.
479 |
wavs/valerie-479.wav|We begin by draining the cellular tissue around the main section, right?
480 |
wavs/valerie-480.wav|I hope that our operations today will lead to the advancement of medicine in this country.
481 |
wavs/valerie-481.wav|I hope that our operations today will lead to the advancement of medicine in this country.
482 |
wavs/valerie-482.wav|I hope that our operations today will lead to the advancement of medicine in this country.
483 |
wavs/valerie-483.wav|What's most important is for you to discover your own talents. Don't put so much pressure on yourself that you have a nervous breakdown.
484 |
wavs/valerie-484.wav|That's nice to hear. But tell him that we still have a ways to go before Stigma can be prevented.
485 |
wavs/valerie-485.wav|According to Robert, this is the world's only deposit where special microorganisms live in the ore. He also told me that its formation has something to do with bionic alloying.
486 |
wavs/valerie-486.wav|This is a unique environment, although the ore has been mined here in the past. Regardless, Stigma is a bizarre organism. My guess is that it was intentionally introduced to the area.
487 |
488 |
wavs/valerie-488.wav|The mine?
489 |
wavs/valerie-489.wav|You're suggesting that Kidman's involved somehow?
490 |
wavs/valerie-490.wav|She'll go into shock and die at this rate. We have no choice.
491 |
wavs/valerie-491.wav|Never in my life, but it can't be all that different.
492 |
wavs/valerie-492.wav|I'll do what I can.
493 |
wavs/valerie-493.wav|Get out the defibrillator.
494 |
wavs/valerie-494.wav|I've lowered the voltage. Keep an eye on the gauge.
495 |
wavs/valerie-495.wav|This is what I was afraid of. We're not trained to treat animals.
496 |
wavs/valerie-496.wav|But there's hemorrhaging. We need to deal with that immediately.
497 |
wavs/valerie-497.wav|Keep an eye on the electrocardiogram, too. She may go into cardiac arrest again. Phew. I was worried there for a second.
498 |
wavs/valerie-498.wav|Let's look around with the magnification tool.
499 |
wavs/valerie-499.wav|There it is.
500 |
wavs/valerie-500.wav|All right, let's move on to the next one.
501 |
wavs/valerie-501.wav|Let's get her back to camp.
502 |
wavs/valerie-502.wav|We have a pulse. Looks like we bought ourselves a little more time.
503 |
wavs/valerie-503.wav|I'm sure she knows we mean well.
504 |
wavs/valerie-504.wav|What's going on?
505 |
wavs/valerie-505.wav|There's a military base nearby?
506 |
wavs/valerie-506.wav|We didn't come here to get involved in military operations.
507 |
wavs/valerie-507.wav|Are you sure, Markus?
508 |
wavs/valerie-508.wav|It's detestable, but I'm afraid it's a reality of the world we live in.
509 |
wavs/valerie-509.wav|There's no time to lose. What about the others?
510 |
wavs/valerie-510.wav|It's our responsibility as doctors to do whatever we can. Get the defibrillator ready. Hurry!
511 |
wavs/valerie-511.wav|Let's prepare a few more sheets of donor skin.
512 |
wavs/valerie-512.wav|The burns turned black. We can't take our time with this.
513 |
wavs/valerie-513.wav|We're set. How's the next patient?
514 |
wavs/valerie-514.wav|Let's use the magnification tool.
515 |
wavs/valerie-515.wav|There's the rest of the round. Let's get it out of there.
516 |
wavs/valerie-516.wav|That's good to hear. I just hope they make it in time.
517 |
wavs/valerie-517.wav|We're done treating the external injuries, but I'm worried about his internal organs. Let's open him up.
518 |
wavs/valerie-518.wav|I've got a bad feeling about this. Let's be careful.
519 |
wavs/valerie-519.wav|This is the last of the debris embedded in his body. Let's move on and treat his other wounds.
520 |
wavs/valerie-520.wav|Let's look around with the magnification tool, there must be more wounds.
521 |
wavs/valerie-521.wav|Strange, his vitals aren't stabilizing.
522 |
wavs/valerie-522.wav|Hmm, that shadow. Is there something inside the lung?
523 |
wavs/valerie-523.wav|His vitals are stabilizing. He'll be all right now. Let's start closing him up.
524 |
wavs/valerie-524.wav|broken bone and various external wounds. He seems to have internal injuries too. It looks like our backups arrived. Let's leave the rest to them.
525 |
wavs/valerie-525.wav|We have to open him up immediately. I'm worried about his internal organs.
526 |
wavs/valerie-526.wav|let's watch out for hemorrhaging.
527 |
wavs/valerie-527.wav|The spleen!
528 |
wavs/valerie-528.wav|We're done here. Let's close up the patient.
529 |
wavs/valerie-529.wav|The team sent to help us has arrived. We were supposed to treat one more patient, but we can leave her to the backup doctors.
530 |
wavs/valerie-530.wav|The myocardium is hemorrhaging. We'll have to stop the bleeding.
531 |
wavs/valerie-531.wav|If we don't hurry, it'll get even worse.
532 |
wavs/valerie-532.wav|She seems to be in stable condition. Let's close her up.
533 |
wavs/valerie-533.wav|What a harrowing experience. But I guess the president succeeded in suppressing the guerillas.
534 |
wavs/valerie-534.wav|I'm sure you will.
535 |
wavs/valerie-535.wav|Mister President?
536 |
wavs/valerie-536.wav|Markus, over here!
537 |
wavs/valerie-537.wav|It seems that way, but I still don't understand why they were cooperating with the guerillas.
538 |
wavs/valerie-538.wav|They're both in critical condition. Severe external abdominal wounds. Is this ruptured? Hmm, we may have to consider a transplant.
539 |
wavs/valerie-539.wav|Fortunately, the cross-matching was negative. The panel reactive antibody tests were clear too. So a transplant is possible in each case.
540 |
wavs/valerie-540.wav|Why do you morally object to using an organ from someone who died in battle?
541 |
wavs/valerie-541.wav|We'll get started as soon as the other team is finished.
542 |
wavs/valerie-542.wav|Where's the liver to be transplanted?
543 |
wavs/valerie-543.wav|Let's start by connecting the vein then.
544 |
wavs/valerie-544.wav|The constrictor's effects have worn off. Please inject it again.
545 |
wavs/valerie-545.wav|The constrictor's about to wear off.
546 |
wavs/valerie-546.wav|We don't have time to ask questions. Get the laser.
547 |
wavs/valerie-547.wav|The bile duct is the green tube.
548 |
wavs/valerie-548.wav|That was a surprise. Okay, let's close him up.
549 |
wavs/valerie-549.wav|Then we'll have to do that again with the other patient, won't we? But we don't have a spare liver.
550 |
wavs/valerie-550.wav|Get that liver ready. Let's begin. The anastomosis treatment is the same as before.
551 |
wavs/valerie-551.wav|The effect wore off already?
552 |
wavs/valerie-552.wav|The constrictor's starting to wear off.
553 |
wavs/valerie-553.wav|It's not just Cheir?
554 |
wavs/valerie-554.wav|I agree, but we can't run away from this.
555 |
wavs/valerie-555.wav|The yellow tube is the portal vein.
556 |
wavs/valerie-556.wav|The liver has been transplanted and the Stigma have been dealt with.
557 |
wavs/valerie-557.wav|Does this mean that we were transplanting Stigma within the liver?
558 |
wavs/valerie-558.wav|They should pull through. Hopefully, they can shed some new light on Stigma.
559 |
wavs/valerie-559.wav|We have to leave soon, Maria.
560 |
wavs/valerie-560.wav|Listen, Maria, it's not the president who will shape this country's future. It's people like you. You're the ones who will build a better future.
561 |
wavs/valerie-561.wav|I never imagined that Kidman's outfit would be in Culuruma.
562 |
wavs/valerie-562.wav|That's totally absurd. Just who is this person?
563 |
wavs/valerie-563.wav|It must have been difficult for you, Madame Deveraux.
564 |
wavs/valerie-564.wav|Madame Devereaux, you'll be undergoing a medical procedure soon, and if you're suffering from a serious illness, you need to stop smoking.
565 |
wavs/valerie-565.wav|She seems rather calm for someone who just lost a son.
566 |
wavs/valerie-566.wav|No, I still think she's just trying to look brave. She's simply afraid to die too. The reason she demanded that we be the ones to perform the operation is that she's so cautious.
567 |
wavs/valerie-567.wav|It would be best if we don't think of these as normal tumors.
568 |
wavs/valerie-568.wav|We'll get rid of those tumors no matter what kind they are. Start the operation.
569 |
wavs/valerie-569.wav|What is this? This is an unusual tumor. It looks like three blood vessels are supporting the tumor itself.
570 |
wavs/valerie-570.wav|Huh? It grew back? Again? Perhaps it's able to regenerate if we don't extract all the tumors at once.
571 |
wavs/valerie-571.wav|Hey, what's going on? Why did the lights go out?
572 |
wavs/valerie-572.wav|I've got an idea. Here's her lighter. Elena, can you shine the light on the affected area?
573 |
wavs/valerie-573.wav|Are you awake, madame?
574 |
wavs/valerie-574.wav|I doubt she'd just run off without telling anyone.
575 |
wavs/valerie-575.wav|So they had Stigma, just like we thought.
576 |
wavs/valerie-576.wav|Why don't they just surrender?
577 |
wavs/valerie-577.wav|What kind of cruel joke is this? They have that many Stigma inside them at once?
578 |
wavs/valerie-578.wav|Bring in the patients in order of the severity of their condition. We'll start operating immediately.
579 |
wavs/valerie-579.wav|I won't let anyone else be infected by them. Let's begin.
580 |
wavs/valerie-580.wav|So we'll be dealing with two types at once.
581 |
wavs/valerie-581.wav|Professor Wilkens! That face! Markus, it's definitely the professor.
582 |
wavs/valerie-582.wav|His family would like us to try.
583 |
wavs/valerie-583.wav|Is he even aware that his name is Wilkens? Maybe you should address him as Director.
584 |
wavs/valerie-584.wav|This isn't the professor. It may be his body, but there's something else inside of him.
585 |
wavs/valerie-585.wav|We must succeed with this operation. A device like that, it shouldn't exist.
586 |
wavs/valerie-586.wav|We will bring him back to his old self no matter what. Start the operation.
587 |
wavs/valerie-587.wav|This is much harder than it looks.
588 |
wavs/valerie-588.wav|We need to calm down.
589 |
wavs/valerie-589.wav|Can't we just leave it alone?
590 |
wavs/valerie-590.wav|Hey, what's with this?
591 |
wavs/valerie-591.wav|Oh my gosh.
592 |
wavs/valerie-592.wav|I hope that this will return the professor to normal.
593 |
wavs/valerie-593.wav|Is he back to his usual self?
594 |
wavs/valerie-594.wav|His memory has reverted back to when we operated on him at Concordia.
595 |
wavs/valerie-595.wav|You're not going to tell him the truth, Markus?
596 |
wavs/valerie-596.wav|You could have just paged us.
597 |
wavs/valerie-597.wav|How so?
598 |
599 |
wavs/valerie-599.wav|Ray? You've got to be kidding!
600 |
wavs/valerie-600.wav|He and Cynthia were seeing each other.
601 |
wavs/valerie-601.wav|Cynthia, how many people were you spying on?
602 |
wavs/valerie-602.wav|I'd like to know the truth. I was friends with Cynthia, after all.
603 |
wavs/valerie-603.wav|Could you be more specific?
604 |
wavs/valerie-604.wav|So they're trying to tame the devil, huh? What a dangerous plan.
605 |
wavs/valerie-605.wav|Thank you. That's very reassuring.
606 |
wavs/valerie-606.wav|How can they use that old castle as their base? Have they no respect for history?
607 |
wavs/valerie-607.wav|We need to treat them immediately. Elena, clean the patients and bring them into the operation tent.
608 |
wavs/valerie-608.wav|Wait. The patient's symptoms include those from existing poisonous gases. It's like the effects of multiple types of poisonous gases are appearing at once.
609 |
wavs/valerie-609.wav|We do have antidotes for each of the different conditions. Let's treat each condition as it arises. That's all we can do for now.
610 |
wavs/valerie-610.wav|but we won't be able to see where the affected areas are when they're sedated.
611 |
wavs/valerie-611.wav|We'll save him. Let's start the operation.
612 |
wavs/valerie-612.wav|That means that more of them will appear soon.
613 |
wavs/valerie-613.wav|There are more inflammations.
614 |
wavs/valerie-614.wav|I hope so. I never want to perform an operation like this again.
615 |
wavs/valerie-615.wav|So she is here. I don't know what happened to you, Cynthia. But there's no way I can forgive you for what you've done.
616 |
wavs/valerie-616.wav|It looks to me like we have the upper hand.
617 |
618 |
wavs/valerie-618.wav|Where is she? I want to see her. I've been waiting to talk to you, Cynthia.
619 |
wavs/valerie-619.wav|Did you do it for Ray, or was it your own decision?
620 |
wavs/valerie-620.wav|Apparently not, but I'm not interested in the aspirations of an arms dealer.
621 |
wavs/valerie-621.wav|What happened?
622 |
wavs/valerie-622.wav|You worked so hard at Caduceus to save people's lives. Was that all a lie?
623 |
624 |
wavs/valerie-624.wav|If that's what's keeping you here, Cynthia, then let's remove it.
625 |
wavs/valerie-625.wav|We'll make it possible, but you have to trust us.
626 |
wavs/valerie-626.wav|Cynthia, I'm going to save you. I swear it.
627 |
wavs/valerie-627.wav|Cynthia, I'll break these chains around your heart.
628 |
wavs/valerie-628.wav|Where is the pump unit located?
629 |
wavs/valerie-629.wav|Let's detach it with the scalpel before it reboots.
630 |
wavs/valerie-630.wav|Again? What's going on?
631 |
wavs/valerie-631.wav|The extraction has been completed. That should do it.
632 |
wavs/valerie-632.wav|The angle doesn't seem right.
633 |
wavs/valerie-633.wav|It seems like she'll be alright. Well then, let's start closing her up.
634 |
wavs/valerie-634.wav|No! Cynthia! CYNTHIA!
635 |
wavs/valerie-635.wav|It's over, Cynthia. We did it.
636 |
wavs/valerie-636.wav|You've already made up your mind, haven't you, Markus?
637 |
wavs/valerie-637.wav|This is Vakhusti's room?
638 |
wavs/valerie-638.wav|Do you remember me, Ray? It's me, Valerie Blaylock, Cynthia's friend. She's the one who told us where to find you. And yes, we removed your wicked device from her.
639 |
wavs/valerie-639.wav|What happened to you, Ray? You were a good doctor before, but now you're just a ruthless murderer.
640 |
wavs/valerie-640.wav|It's over now. Your Parnassus is gone.
641 |
wavs/valerie-641.wav|He's no longer capable of judging right from wrong.
642 |
wavs/valerie-642.wav|Markus, don't tell me you plan to operate on him.
643 |
wavs/valerie-643.wav|we have to completely remove all traces of cardia from the heart.
644 |
wavs/valerie-644.wav|Cynthia, I'll stop him for you. Let's begin the operation.
645 |
wavs/valerie-645.wav|A membrane. It's completely covering the area.
646 |
wavs/valerie-646.wav|The core is out in the open now.
647 |
wavs/valerie-647.wav|Stop right there.
648 |
wavs/valerie-648.wav|Is it over? Is it really-
649 |
wavs/valerie-649.wav|Markus, he seems different than before.
650 |
wavs/valerie-650.wav|Wait, but then, the change in his behavior, could it have been induced? Could he be suffering from delirium as a side effect?
651 |
wavs/valerie-651.wav|He's gone.
652 |
wavs/valerie-652.wav|The director assigned us so many patients, we didn't even have time for a break. Are you ready to head out, Markus?
653 |
wavs/valerie-653.wav|Is it about restoring his memory? Mind if I tag along?
654 |
655 |
wavs/valerie-655.wav|All those sparkling lights, each one is a patient. And they're counting on us to take good care of them.
656 |
wavs/valerie-656.wav|I'll never quit being a doctor Markus, no matter what happens. No matter how hard it may seem at times, or how much danger I have to face. For the sake of those patients that only I can help.
657 |
wavs/valerie-657.wav|And I'll be counting on you.
658 |
wavs/valerie-658.wav|Is this data for VR simulations?
659 |
wavs/valerie-659.wav|Stigma is spreading throughout the world already. If it's possible to simulate operating on it, we'll be able to train a large number of doctors.
660 |
wavs/valerie-660.wav|If that's the case, I'd be glad to help you.
661 |
wavs/valerie-661.wav|Different pathogens?
662 |
wavs/valerie-662.wav|I understand. Let's start the simulation.
663 |
wavs/valerie-663.wav|There's something here. It's fast.
664 |
wavs/valerie-664.wav|Huh? Is this that surprise pathogen?
665 |
wavs/valerie-665.wav|Oh, Markus. I guess he didn't go home after all. What's he doing?
666 |
wavs/valerie-666.wav|That's... he's training himself to use the Healing Touch.
667 |
wavs/valerie-667.wav|amazing. So that's how he focuses his concentration beyond his own limits. I wish I could do that.
668 |
wavs/valerie-668.wav|Let's begin.
669 |
wavs/valerie-669.wav|We have to hurry. We can't stop now.
670 |
wavs/valerie-670.wav|We're done. What a relief.
671 |
wavs/valerie-671.wav|There's not much time. We have to hurry.
672 |
wavs/valerie-672.wav|Vitals have dropped?
673 |
wavs/valerie-673.wav|Vitals are dropping?
674 |
wavs/valerie-674.wav|The patient's vitals. Be careful.
675 |
wavs/valerie-675.wav|Wait, no! That's not it.
676 |
wavs/valerie-676.wav|Now's our chance.
677 |
wavs/valerie-677.wav|I understand. Let's continue.
678 |
wavs/valerie-678.wav|The treatment is complete. We're finished.
679 |
wavs/valerie-679.wav|Keep it up.
680 |
wavs/valerie-680.wav|Stigma's gone. Elimination complete.
681 |
wavs/valerie-681.wav|The first one's done.
682 |
wavs/valerie-682.wav|The second one's done.
683 |
wavs/valerie-683.wav|The third one's done. This is the last one.
684 |
685 |
wavs/valerie-685.wav|Hey, listen.
686 |
wavs/valerie-686.wav|Not bad. That'll do.
687 |
wavs/valerie-687.wav|What is it? You must be joking.
688 |
wavs/valerie-688.wav|No, this can't be. What the-
689 |
wavs/valerie-689.wav|Here's the antibiotic gel.
690 |
wavs/valerie-690.wav|Here's the syringe.
691 |
wavs/valerie-691.wav|Here's a suture.
692 |
wavs/valerie-692.wav|Here's the drain.
693 |
wavs/valerie-693.wav|Here's the laser.
694 |
wavs/valerie-694.wav|Here's the ultrasound.
695 |
wavs/valerie-695.wav|Here's the magnification tool.
696 |
wavs/valerie-696.wav|Here's the scalpel.
697 |
wavs/valerie-697.wav|Here are the forceps.
698 |
wavs/valerie-698.wav|Here's the bandage.
699 |
wavs/valerie-699.wav|The defibrillator's ready.
700 |
wavs/valerie-700.wav|Massage the heart.
701 |
wavs/valerie-701.wav|We don't have any more antibiotic gel.
702 |
wavs/valerie-702.wav|We're out of syringes.
703 |
wavs/valerie-703.wav|We don't have any thread.
704 |
wavs/valerie-704.wav|The drain can't be used.
705 |
wavs/valerie-705.wav|The laser's being charged.
706 |
wavs/valerie-706.wav|The ultrasound can't be used.
707 |
wavs/valerie-707.wav|The magnification tool can't be used.
708 |
wavs/valerie-708.wav|The scalpel can't be used.
709 |
wavs/valerie-709.wav|The forceps can't be used.
710 |
wavs/valerie-710.wav|Let's treat the blood pool.
711 |
wavs/valerie-711.wav|Let's treat the pus.
712 |
wavs/valerie-712.wav|Let's suture the laceration.
713 |
wavs/valerie-713.wav|Let's treat the tumor.
714 |
wavs/valerie-714.wav|Let's treat the remaining wounds.
715 |
wavs/valerie-715.wav|We should treat the blood pool.
716 |
wavs/valerie-716.wav|Pools of blood can be dangerous. Let's treat them first.
717 |
wavs/valerie-717.wav|We must treat the pus first.
718 |
wavs/valerie-718.wav|It's dangerous to leave pus untreated. Let's take care of that first.
719 |
wavs/valerie-719.wav|We should treat the remaining wounds.
720 |
wavs/valerie-720.wav|Now's the time. I'll stop it.
721 |
wavs/valerie-721.wav|Ugh, the synthetic membrane's fallen off. We'll have to start over using the drain.