Farm Man of Florida Then Mr. Sieg began his search for his greatest and his best Flor ida farm community. After careful scrutiny of all Florida lands, he de cided that Marion County, north of the County Seat, Ocala, held the greatest promise for his ideals, and he purchased a large tract of land there. Upon one side of this property lies the Atlantic Coast Line Rail road, on the other the Seaboard Air Line, and through the heart of it travels the Ocala & Northern Rail road. Upon the eastern border of this colony, which Mr. Sieg has called Burbank-Ocala, the beautiful Ocklawaha river runs, and over the breast of its waters travel passen ger and freight steamers from Pal atka to Silver Springs. It is thus seen that transporta tion, the greatest and most neces sary of all adjuncts to a farm com munity, reaches its highest point of development at Burbank-Ocala Colony. ButFlorida, and gives an insight into the real condi tion of the fame of this great state, for these people come from almost every section of the North American conti nent. Every train carries many men and women who are going to Florida, and, strange as it may seem, the majority of them are routed to Burbank-Ocala Colony. The Experiment Farm at Burbank Colony and bleak mountain camps of the mining districts of the Rockies, from beautiful California, from chill and snow-laden Canada, from the cities and from the farms, Catholic and Jew, college professor and bricklayer— these are the people who are settling today in Burbank-Ocala Colony. Every race, every religion, every trade and every profession has some man or woman who is a settler at Burbank-Ocala, and who, from this fact, prove that this land satisfies all people and all classes of people. There are three
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work our way through the entire house, but do not get overwhelmed. Rome was not built in a day, and it wasn't organized in a day, either. The purpose of showing you a range of spaces, with different aesthetics, at varying degrees of difficulty, is to help you pull together inspiration for your own home when you're ready to embark on the challenge. And if you need to stick to the bunny slope for a while, you can organize every drawer in the house until you're ready to tackle a larger space and still find great peace of mind. Always keep in mind our mantra about the Low-Bar Lifestyle (see this page), and you'll be fine. Remember: Baby steps are small victories. And leggings are pants. ENTRY Let's start withof things closet items kids' play items rationalizing rules for tips for gift supplies, 2.1, 2.2, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 5.1 glass-front cabinets glass-front fridge guest bathroom drawer Gwyneth Paltrow's playroom hair care products, 3.1, 3.2 hampers, 2.1, 2.2 handbags, 6.1, 6.2 hangers, 1.1, 1.2, 6.1 hanging wall unit hats, 1.1, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3 home office arts-and-crafts closet art studio command station jewelry studio Joy Cho's Lauren Conrad's crafting closet "Mom, I need a pencil!" drawer office on a wall smokey storage shelves supply cabinet homework flashcards homework folders homework station hooks, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3 household paperwork household supplies, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 jackets, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4 jewelry, 6.1, 6.2 jewelry studio Joy Cho's home office junk-no-more drawer Kacey Musgraves's closet Karen Fairchild's laundry room kitchens coffee station entertaining cabinet fridge and freezer glass-front cabinets glass-front fridge junk-no-more drawer kids' dishes drawer nursing drawer paper-lined drawer under skin storage knitting supplies Kondo, Marie labels laundry rooms back stock cabinets don't-forget-the-door solution dos and don'ts endless loads of laundry cabinet essentials cabinet giant utility room Karen Fairchild's with no storage open shelf solution with single shelf Lauren Conrad's crafting closet lazy Susan LEGOs,
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question. A hypothesis dating back to the late 1800s states that Ashkenazi Jews are all descendants of the Khazars. In the 600s CE in southeast Russia, a multi-ethnic conglomerate of Turkic people founded a powerful state made up of people from many different ethnicities. This was the kingdom of Khazaria. The theory goes that in the eighth century, the Khazar ruling class converted en masse to Judaism on the instruction of their ruler. According to this line of reasoning, these Jews didn't migrate from Jerusalem and Babylonia into France and Germany, but rather migrated from modern Russia and Ukraine. The lack of proof for the theory hasn't prevented it from catching on with a number of geneticists, historians, linguists, and laypeople. It even has support from academics at universities in Tel Aviv, and Sheffield, England. The problem is that the kingdom of Khazaria was destroyed sometime in the late first millennium and the next time we have records of Jews in thatarea, today's Western Ukraine and Belarus, is over 400 years later. Additionally, DNA tests have shown a close relationship between Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews, as well as a connection to other Middle Eastern people, but no connection between Ashkenazi Jews and the Khazars. The Khazar theory is also dead on arrival from a linguistic perspective. The main language of the Ashkenazi Jews, Yiddish, shows no trace of Turkic origin. Yiddish is considered a Germanic language with Hebrew and Aramaic words thrown in. As the Yiddish linguist and author, Alexander Beider, puts it, "The personal names "and surnames borne by Jews in Eastern Europe "during the last six centuries, "as well as the Yiddish language as a whole, "do not contain any link to Khazaria." So who's pushing this theory? Well, certain academics, for one. Their hypothesis got a big bump in 1976 when a writer and amateur anthropologist named Arthur Koestler published the now-debunked book, "The Thirteenth Tribe." Koestler thought that
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been a principal author of the Gunther Casebook on Con Law. But of all of her achievements, I hold out to you today the fact that when she was here in this room, she was the victor and best oralist in the Ames Moot Court Competition. [CHEERING] And last, a few words about our distinguished panel. Judge Jane Kelly, she usually sits on the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals. She was an undergrad at Duke before coming here for law school. She then clerked for Judge Donald Porter, the District of South Dakota, and then Judge David Hanson on the Eighth Circuit. She taught law for a year at the University of Illinois and then went to become a federal public defender in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, until she was confirmed in 2013 to the court where she began her appellate career. Judge Joseph Greenway spends his days on the Third Circuit. Before Harvard, he went to Columbia as an undergrad. And after Harvard, he clerked forJudge Vincent Broderick of the Southern District of New York. He spent some years in private practice. Then he became an assistant US attorney in New Jersey, ultimately chief of narcotics. He then went in-house, consul at Johnson & Johnson until 1996, when he was confirmed as a district judge in New Jersey, and from there, to the Third Circuit. He has also served as a professor teaching trial practice and the Supreme Court at Rutgers, Cardozo, and Columbia. A little out of order, Patricia Millett makes her professional home on the DC Circuit. She was an undergrad at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, then she came to Harvard. In private practice at Miller & Chevalier before clerking for Judge Thomas Tang on the Ninth Circuit. And then spent four years in the Appellate Division, the Appellate Section of the Civil Division at the DOJ. And then more than 10 years as an assistant to the Solicitor General. When she left the government, she became the co-chair of Akin Gump's
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to get find inteqnet great another observation by secretary of state william jennings the large take an interest with deeply interested in the world war because the wind oppotunity to large projects it's important to understand that the most lucrative thing that can happen to be international bankers ford forces the country to borrow even more money from the federal reserve bank adventurous woodrow wilson's top adviser and mentor was colonel edward houseman man with internet connections with the international bankers wanted in the war in a documented conversation between croat house wilson's advisor and certain edward gray foreign secretary england regarding how to get america into the war parade inquired what what americans do germans to go to london with american passengers on board house responded i believe that a flaming indignation sweet united states pinned down by itself to be sufficient to carry us into war so on may seventh nineteen fifty-nine essentially the suggestion of certain edwardgray they ship called the loose it anyways deliberately sent into german controlled waters for german military vessels were known to be and as expected german u_-boats torpedoed the shipping exploding stored in the nation killing twelve hundred people to further understand the deliberate nature of this setup the german embassy actually put advertisements in the new york times telling people that if they boarded a looser tenia they did so at their own risk by such a ship sailing from america digging into the war zone that would be liable to destruction intern in as anticipated the sinking of the lucent a near cause the wave of anger among the american population an american entered the war a short time after the first world war cost three hundred and twenty three thousand american deaths jadi rockefeller made two hundred million dollars off of that not to mention the war cost about thirty billion dollars for
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from the heartland of an Islamic militancy in the North Caucasus. Doku Umarov, the leader of the insurgents known to some as Russia's Osama bin Laden, told his followers last summer they should do what they can to disrupt the Games, which he called a "satanic dance" on the bones of their ancestors. In the past three months, Russia has suffered three suicide bombings in southern cities attributed to the militants. In January the U.S. State Department urged its citizens traveling to Sochi to be "vigilant and exercise good judgment" during the Games because of the terror threat. But Team USA has not been detered, U.S. Olympic Committee CEO Scott Blackmun said today. "Any time you have an event on this scope and scale there are security threats. There are terrorismvoted in this election cycle to continue implementation of Roosevelt's agenda. It was the first time in modern history that the president's party had gained House seats in a midterm year, something that did not happen again until 1998. Overall results Source: Election Statistics - Office of the Clerk Special elections There were three special elections in 1934 to the 73rd United States Congress. Special elections are sorted by date then by district. Alabama Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Non-voting delegates Alaska Territory Notes References See also 1934 United States elections 1934 United States Senate elections 73rd United States Congress 74th United States Congress
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to stone and so no one buried the Niobids until the ninth day after their death, when the gods themselves entombed them. When Chloris married and had children, Apollo granted her son Nestor the years he had taken away from the Niobids. Hence, Nestor was able to live for 3 generations. Once Apollo and Poseidon served under the Trojan king Laomedon in accordance to Zeus' words. Apollodorus states that the gods willingly went to the king disguised as humans in order to check his hubris. Apollo guarded the cattle of Laomedon in the valleys of mount Ida, while Poseidon built the walls of Troy. Other versions make both Apollo and Poseidon the builders of the wall. However, the king not only refused to give the gods the wages he had promised, but also threatened to bind their feet and hands, and sell them as slaves. Angered by the unpaid labour and the insults, Apollo infected the city with a pestilence and Posedion sent the sea monster Cetus. To deliver the city from it, Laomedonhad to sacrifice his daughter Hesione (who would later be saved by Heracles). During his stay in Troy, Apollo had a lover named Ourea, who was a nymph and daughter of Poseidon. Together they had a son named Ileus, whom Apollo loved dearly. The invention of lyre is attributed either to Hermes or to Apollo himself. Distinctions have been made that Hermes invented lyre made of tortoise shell, whereas the lyre Apollo invented was a regular lyre. Myths tell that the infant Hermes stole a number of Apollo's cows and took them to a cave in the woods near Pylos, covering their tracks. In the cave, he found a tortoise and killed it, then removed the insides. He used one of the cow's intestines and the tortoise shell and made his lyre. Upon discovering the theft, Apollo confronted Hermes and asked him to return his cattle. When Hermes acted innocent, Apollo took the matter to Zeus. Zeus, having seen the events, sided with Apollo, and ordered Hermes to return the cattle. Hermes then began
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The Poems of T. S. Eliot Volume I _ Collected Poems 1909–1962 _ Uncollected Poems _The Waste Land_ : An Editorial Composite Commentary Volume II _ Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats _ _ Anabasis _ Other Verses _ Noctes Binanianæ _ Improper Rhymes Commentary Textual History # The Poems of T. S. ELIOT Volume II Practical Cats and Further Verses Edited by Christopher Ricks and Jim McCue # Contents · Volume II 1. Title Page 2. An Autobiographical Sketch 3. Table of Dates 4. Glossary 5. Abbreviations and Symbols 6. _Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats_ 7. _The Naming of Cats_ 8. _The Old Gumbie Cat_ 9. _Growltiger's Last Stand_ 10. _The Rum Tum Tugger_ 11. _The Song of the Jellicles_ Marries Esmé Valerie Fletcher. 1958 | | _The Elder Statesman_ produced at the Edinburgh Festival. 1963 | | _Collected Poems 1909–1962_ includes _Four Quartets_. 1964 | | JAN: _Knowledge and Experience in the Philosophy of F. H. Bradley_. 1965 | | 4 JAN: Dies. # Glossary _blind-ruled_ | | impressed with rules but without ink ---|---|--- _braced_ | | with added brackets or square brackets not in themselves intended as punctuation (often for further consideration) _cognate_ | | ribbon and carbon copies from the same act of typing and therefore textually identical unless annotated or edited (see _reciprocal_ ) _draft_ | | preliminary manuscript or typescript _excised leaves_ | | leaves removed,
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that Adriana of FBI is talking to the feds, Charmaine Relationship after death of leading to her death Bucco Jackie Aprile Jr. John Francis Hesh is an important advisor Hesh Vito kills Jackie because Soprano † Finn of Tony’s Rabkin of his bad behavior DeTrolio Married Brothers Vito fancies Finn Robyn makes Adriana – shame his ‘girlfriend’ Get into a relation- ship after Richie’s Livia Capo release. Janice Soprano † Livia tried to Corrado felt left out accidentally shoots get Corrado to after Tony was made boss. Dwight Robyn Richie during a fight kill her son Tony Tony wanted Corrado to Harris Sanseverino be the official leader Tense relationship. Tony Capo – killed when helps get rid of Richie he turns out to be ‘Big Pussy’ Aprile’s body after Janice an FBI snitch Bonpensiero † kills him in a fight Pussy informs Skip about Skip clan, causing his death Lipari FBI later Janice forces herself onto Pushover, often Bobby when his wife dies. taken advantage of They start a relationship by Tony. Capo FamilyIt’s the year 2050. Several billion more humans occupy the world, and species translocations are by now the norm to mitigate against increased urban sprawl, climatic instability and a sea level now a third of a metre higher. In spite of unprecedented demands on the natural environment, governments have slowly developed capacity for conservation of wilderness and semi-natural habitat. Beyond this even, with the vast majority of the human race by now living in cities and the continued trend of rural land abandonment; restoration ecology has come to the fore at entire landscape and regional scales. The concept of ‘rewilding’ is debated openly amongst politicians and the public – no longer the mere theoretical exercise of academics. The monetary value of ecosystem services is also by now a
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hosted 100 Greatest Discoveries, an award-winning series produced by THINKFilm for The Science Channel and in high definition on the Discovery HD Theater. He was also host of an eight- part Discovery Channel series called Greatest Inventions with Bill Nye. He created a 13-episode PBS KCTS-TV series about science, called The Eyes of Nye, aimed at an older audience than his previous show had been. Airing in 2005, it often featured episodes based on politically relevant themes such as genetically modified food, global warming, and race. Nye guest-starred in several episodes of the crime drama Numb3rs as an engineering faculty member. A lecture Nye gave several years ago on exciting children about math was an inspiration for creating Numb3rs. He also made guest appearances on the VH1 reality show America's Most Smartest Model. Nye appeared numerous times on the talk show Larry King Live, speaking about topics such as global warming and UFOs. He argued thatglobal warming is an issue that should be addressed by governments of the world in part because it could be implicated in the record-setting 2005 Atlantic hurricane season. On UFOs, he has been skeptical of extraterrestrial explanations for sightings such as those at Roswell and Malmstrom Air Force Base in 1967. Nye appears in segments of The Climate Code on The Weather Channel, telling his personal ways of saving energy. He still makes regular appearances on the show, often asking quiz questions. In the fall of 2008, Nye also appeared periodically on the daytime game show Who Wants to Be a Millionaire as part of the show's reintroduced "Ask the Expert" lifeline. In 2008, he also hosted Stuff Happens, a show on the then new Planet Green network. In November 2008, Nye appeared in an acting role as himself in the fifth-season episode "Brain Storm" of Stargate Atlantis alongside fellow television personality and astrophysicist Neil
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as a saloon for tlie entertainment of that class of visi- tors who loved whiskey and gambling. The next year it was fitted up and used as a restaurant. Several years later it was enlarged, and known as Black's Hotel. The first building erected for a hotel was built in 1859, and is now a part of the Sentinel Hotel premises, being known as the Cedar Cottage. Most of the early \'isitors to Yosemite were Californians, and the number did not amount to one thousand in any one season until the completion of the Union Pacific and Central Pacific Eailroads. ciq mod t, Google ciq mod t, Google t, Google Soon after that the number increased to many thousands annually. All the necessary supplies for the hotels and other purposes were taken into the Valley by pack mules from Coulterville and Mariposa, a distance of fifty miles, until the completion of the first wagonroads in 1874. The main features and great variety of Yosemite scenery were early and widely made known throughout the civilized world by pen, press, and public speech, and have been many times portrayed by paint brush, camera and kodak ; but no description, painting or photograph can give its vivid, thrilling, overwhelming life expression. The officers in command of the military expedition which discovered Yosemite Valley in 1851, in their report to Gover- nor McDougal, estimated the height of the most prominent parts of the walls around the valley at from twelve hun- dred to fourteen hundred feet. This is ciq mod t, Google about the height that most visitors esti- mate them as they see them on entering the Valley. When the actual heights were ascertained by civil engineers, with surveyor's transit, they were found to be more than double the heights esti- mated by the unaided eye. Jarvis Kiel of
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to attract no special attention on the part of early-morning li-brary- goers, with the ex-ception of one passerby, who asked how soon they were planning to leave. Apparently satisfied with the reply, he continued on his way. The campers' RA, asked if he was forewarned of the camp-out, replied, "Camp-out?' What camp-out?" Bethel Faculty and Administration: The Clarion is now accepting entries for the First Annual "Let Me Tell You About the Time..." Contest Submit your true recollections of pranks, gags, or practical jokes from your colege days by Feb. 19. Winning entries will be published in the Clarion on Feb. 26. (Names may be withheld by request.) RESIDENCE STAFF VIEWPOINT What are AD's and RA's? Larry Jacobs RD Silvercrest An AD is a maturing Christian who is wil-ling to reach out to oth-ers with a heart of compassion as well as courage. He/she is not expected to have it all together but should be an individual who is in the process of growth as a total person:phys-ically, mentally and spiritually. To put it simply, an AD is a friend. Nona Ai RA Arden Village West An RA is a counselor and a resource person forming a vital link be-tween administration and students. Above all an RA is a friend. An RA is one who not only has the opportunity to share in the excitement of academic, social and spiritual growth among his/her own guys/gals but is also one who is pushed to grow and ex-pand in these areas him/herself. Rod Long Director of Housing RA's and AD's are ma-ture third and fourth year student leaders who are also Housing Staff Employees. As trained paraprofession-als RA's and AD's are responsible, in conjunc-tion with the Housing Staff, for the growth of whole persons in the college residences by facilitating the social, spiritual, physical, emotional and intellec-tual development of students. Andrea Fair RD Arden Village East Being an RA is a paid opportunity to serve and it could also be your first opportunity to be a servant to oth-ers. The RA position will benefit you now and provide
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Turnpike. Scheduled for completion by December 18, 1968, all work will be under the supervision of Austin M. Sarr, District Engineer in charge of the Transportation De­partment's District Office at Babylon. Expert Describes Proposed Transportation Facilities A comprehensive program for boosting the attractiveness and efficiency of the Long Island Railroad and transpdrtation-facilities throughout the New York metropolitan region was described this week by an of­ficial of the agency charged with making the innovations. The program, which will open next fall, will feature 620 new cars for the Long Island Rail­road, Sidney Frigand, community relations director for the Met­ropolitan Transportation Au­thority, told the monthly meeting of the Nassau South Shore chap­ter of the Long Island Real Estate Board. The cars will be soundproofed, and designed to travel 100 miles an hour. They will contain spec­ial lighting, doubly protected win­dows, carpeting, contoured seats, and a bar- cafe car. Frigand noted that transpor­tation problems were now being tackled as regional problems, instead . of strictly local ones. Improvement of themolestation; the law and you and police careers. " Too Late for Regrets" and other public information prog, can be obtained by school, ci­vic or church groups by writ­ing to Commissioner Francis B, Looney, Nassau County Po­lice Headquarters, Mineola, giv­ing the name of the orpaniza* tion, date, time and Place of. meeting. At least two weeks no­tice, an alternate date, and the telephone number where some­one In authority can be contacted should also be included. George V. 0* Haire, Town of Oyster Bay deputy supervisor, will serve as aide to the Grand Marshall at the annual St. Patrick's D; iy Parade in New York City on Saturday, March 16. Joins New Staff Theresa Napolitano of 189 Syracuse Avenue, North Massa­pequa, has joined the news stall of the Mineola American. Mrs. Napolitano is a member of the Farmingdale Writers Club, and is a part time student at Nassau Community College, Gar­den City. Congratulating the Massapequa Elks for winning the George Washington Honor Medal
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it was easy to imagine that a similar home-grown authoritarian might keep them safe, too. And for a time, they were proven correct. One by one, Hoxha met his early promises. The nation was stabilized and the new government began providing the basic necessities people needed to live. Industry blossomed. Food, healthcare, and shelter were treated as guarantees. A justice system was put in place to stop blood feuding and lower criminality. Women were given a semblance of equality. Education became a universal right. In four years, literacy in Albania went from 15 percent to 70. When a poll was conducted on Hoxha a few years ago, nearly half of the country spoke positively of his legacy. Because for all his problems, there’s no question that in those first few years he breathed life back into a nation left for dead. But there’slies. English: Massive propaganda campaigns, once extolling the beauty of the future, turned their gaze towards the present. The more the pillars crumbled, the louder the voices shouted with claims that they still stood. As the truth died, the Albanian dream died with it. The once praised parts of the system quickly became its worst atrocities. Conscript labour, which had rebuilt the nation after the war, became little more than slavery at the point of a gun. Education, now ubiquitous among all citizens, taught a curriculum that didn’t align with the reality of the world around them. The drive of independence that had kept them from being recolonized became a paranoid, xenophobic delusion. The popularity of their leader became a cult that claimed he had superhuman qualities. The military and police, once a defender of the people, became their executioners. The more the
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People v Gomez (2017 NY Slip Op 06188) People v Gomez 2017 NY Slip Op 06188 Decided on August 16, 2017 Appellate Division, Second Department Published by New York State Law Reporting Bureau pursuant to Judiciary Law § 431. This opinion is uncorrected and subject to revision before publication in the Official Reports. Decided on August 16, 2017 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK Appellate Division, Second Judicial Department RUTH C. BALKIN, J.P. SHERI S. ROMAN SYLVIA O. HINDS-RADIX HECTOR D. LASALLE, JJ. 2014-07277 (Ind. No. 538/09) [*1]The People of the State of New York, respondent, vYnmaculada Gomez, appellant. Lynn W. L. Fahey, New York, NY (Yvonne Shivers of counsel), for appellant, and appellant pro se. Richard A. Brown, District Attorney, Kew Gardens, NY (John M. Castellano, Johnnette Traill, Joseph N. Ferdenzi, and Nancy Fitzpatrick Talcott of counsel), for respondent. DECISION & ORDER Appeal by thethe first to demonstrate the impact of economic restructuring on social inequality in Japan. Finally, I will use information on current income from the SSM conducted in 1985, 1995, and 2005 to identify the effect of Japan's labor market changes on the economic returns to men's and women's human capital, life-course stages, and job characteristics. The overall goal of this project is to estimate the consequences of Japan's economic stagnation and restructuring on the social mobility and long-term well being of its population. Because individuals' lifetime economic prospects affect their rates of marriage, divorce, and childbearing, as well as their health, results of this study will contribute to understanding Japan's rapidly changing demographic conditions, including the increasing postponement of marriage, declining fertility, the rising divorce rate, and the
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dusk and back to dawn again - three eight-hour shifts in one day. So much can be done in a day if Americans keep their sleeves rolled up. ♪ Not only men were called to roll up their sleeves in war time, but women, mothers, wives, sisters, and daughters, their work largely confined to the home front, in defense factories, and civil defense. Henrietta Lopez Rivas lived near a strategic air base: Kelly Field in San Antonio, Texas. She spoke both English and Spanish (and) was snapped up by the Civil Defense corps. They asked, "How many languages do you speak? Do you speak fluently, and do you read and write, and so on." And I said, "Of course I do." So the next thing I knew I was called to be an interpreter. Like many young Mexican-American women, Henrietta didn't stop there. She displayed a certain mechanical acumen that earned her a good-paying job at the local air base. They sent me to school. I thinkit was over three months, and I qualified for instrument repair, which is very delicate you know. You have to work with microscopes and tiny, tiny screws. ♪ I remember the victory gardens we used to have, and I remember the rationing of the food, sugar, meat and gasoline. In World War II everyone pulled together with a sense of pride and shared sacrifice. People who had never picked up a shovel began growing some of their own food in  victory gardens . They sold war bonds to raise money for military operations. Even children did their part. Little Rosa Ramirez Guerrero, who says she was  born dancing , entertained soldiers in El Paso, Texas. We were like the Mexican American Bob Hope show. We would bring up the morale of our troops. El Paso and Fort Bliss had the largest military base in the world here in the Second World War. People don't remember that, but I do. And I remember all the soldiers coming
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can be called "the Second Solidarity". Each of those separate periods contributes something different. Just to give you a sense of it: Both periods actually contributed to something that is one part of what I think was the genius of "Solidarity". First of all the main vehicle of Solidarity was the Labor Union. Many of us were members of the Labor Union. But when trouble emerged, particularly after the imposition of marshal law, a switch occurred, which I still think not to many people observed: The organizational device was no longer the factories and places of work, but territorial units. Of course, very importantly, the Catholic Church provided all kinds of support, including physical spaces and Parishes. Now the principle of organization was switched from the place of work to the place of living. That was very instrumental later in the creation of Citizens' Committees. I'm not talking about the big, official one in Warsaw, around Walesa, but about 2400or however many there were. Every single place, every single commune, every single municipality in Poland had a Civic Committee, which eventually managed during those 63 days between the end of the negotiations and the elections, which I have no doubt the Communists designed deliberately to give that little time, assuming that "Solidarity" will never manage to mobilize in 63 days. If you remember, it was actually a miracle of organization, but it was possible because those organizational vehicles were there, in every single commune, and what happened next, which is particularly the only thing that happened only in Poland, was perhaps more important than the first semi-free elections. It was the local elections, which immediately produced the effect of transferring enormous amount of power and prerogatives from the central level to the local level. So that's just one example of a rather unusual invention, you change in the middle of the game the organizational formula from Labor Union to the organization
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construction of the former served to convey idealizations of the latter. Rhetorical Jews, Jews as a shorthand for misreadings of scripture and for the wrong enactments of it, were hardwired into Christian discourses of all sorts. Traditions contra Iudaeos or adversus Iudaeos, teachings against the Jews, came to serve as the drive wheel for ancient Christian thought. This unhappy story has been related many times. And I mentioned some core publications of this in item four of the handout. But thinking with Jews was not solely a negative enterprise. It was rather a flexible and fluid strategy. I discovered this by accident when working on Augustine. Augustine produced his early commentaries on Romans and on Galatians in the mid-390s, a few years prior to the "Confessions." They attest to Augustine's uncertain professional standing in that decade. A former and successful Manichaean missionary in Carthage, he now had to interpret Paul against his former church. He thereby performed his new Catholic persona in front of acommunity of clerical colleagues, suspicious of his past, and resentful of his irregular and accelerated ascent up the ladder of North African church office. He basically went from being an Adjunct Professor to a Chaired Professor in a few months. He's very good politically. Not that people get resentful about that sort of thing. And never one to waste ammunition, Augustine also used Paul to take aim, where he could, at the rival church in North Africa, the Donatists. All of this work required the rhetorical equivalent of buckshot. Negative stereotypes of Jews and of Judaism provided the pellets. The best way to make Paul look like a 4th-century North African Catholic was to construct a hostile anti-type of Jews. Years later, I picked up Augustine's magnum opus against Latin Manichaeism, the "Contra Faustum" of 399. To my great surprise- There are chairs in the front if you wanna come in. To my great surprise, I found exactly the opposite of what I
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by Kate Anderson me, along with strong medical assistance is on show at Galeria contrasts in value. to a Zimbabwe comChiropractica. I find that I’m drawn munity. Kyndel Mae Klug and Joshua Dane McCormack were married June 23 in Mount Vernon. Klug marries McCormack Kyndel Mae Klug and Joshua Dane McCormack were married June 23, 2012 at The Grand Willow Inn in Mount Vernon. Family friend the Reverend Ken Bell officiated the ceremony. Both bride and groom where accompanied by their childhood best friends, maid of honor, Karlee Dorn and best man Jake Ineck. Kyndel is the daughter of Mark and Sharon Klug of Freeland. She is a 2006 graduate of South Whidbey High School. Dane is the son of Mark and Cheri McCormack of Garden City, Idaho. He attended Boise State University for a degree in electrical engineering and joined the Navy in 2004. The couple honeymooned on Maui and will continue to live in Oak Harbor with theirin January. GREENBANK stop. When the car pulled into the driveway, they encountered the girl’s boyfriend, Michaud, who was clearing vegetation with a machete. Michaud apparently got angry at seeing the girl in a car with a man and started hitting the car with his machete, according to the deputy’s report. The driver got out of his car to confront Michaud, but the girl tried to intervene. She attempted to take the machete from Michaud, but he was swinging it and cut her finger. Another neighbor drove the girl to the hospital, where a doctor stitched her finger. Machete assaulter pleads guilty Master gardener A 25-year-old man applications open who assaulted a teenage girl with a machete in Greenbank was sent to prison. Cory Michaud pleaded guilty in Island County Superior Court Oct. 1 to two counts of seconddegree assault. Judge Alan Hancock sentenced Michaud to three years and four months in prison. Two years of the sentence were the result of deadly weapons enhancements. The incident occurred after a 39-year-old Greenbank man
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in this town better than this to see the future amongst the stars. They came here that day, tent in one hand, telescope in the other; their thoughts in the air. They were seventeen, Seniors awaiting the approval of a diploma, They should be studying, mid-terms next week. They took a fatal break, spent the night together, only belonging to each other. The ghosts; who's sight doesn't recognize the spot of their demise. They sit on top of a large smooth stone, Left their by the world in it's hurry. They gaze upon the stars, waiting for the world to reveal itself. The screams and wails and love still permeate the air. They fell asleep in each others arms, and so they never heard the footsteps, the drunken laughs of men full of sin, ready for some action. They found the tent, they killed the innocent souls, but instead of leaving they bodies, they left the ghosts, taking thebodies and depositing them in the freezing lake. They then sat upon the rock, laughing about the deed done, passing out in the deadfall of snow. The transparent lovers jump to the snow, throwing themselves down to sleep the night away. They cuddle, protecting each other from the snow, the danger, the truth. The smile, and with one last scream, they kiss, disappearing, merging with the snow, Part of the world, and this spot full of false truths. No longer do lively bodies wander about the woods, and the owner hardly visits. But a few times each winter, when the snow has fallen so deep, You can hear the screams, the howls, the laughter and the love of two ghosts dancing in the snow. white is the new snow it colours land with pureness fresh and crisp to touch Pristine snow lay over the fields clothing it in white crystals soft piles of deep drifts abound the hedges the simple beauty
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at Camden. "When people think about the Holocaust, they think about the crimes against Jews, but here's a different perspective," said Julie Seltzer Mandel, a third-year law student who is editor of the Nuremberg Project for the Rutgers Journal of Law and Religion. "A lot of people will say, 'I didn't realize that they were trying to convert Christians to a Nazi philosophy.' . . . They wanted to eliminate the Jews altogether, but they were also looking to eliminate Christianity." Mandel said the journal would post new Nuremberg documents about every six months, along with commentary from scholars across the world, on its Web site at The material is part of the archives of Gen. William J. Donovan, who served as special assistant to the U.S. chief of counsel during the International Military Tribunal after World War II. The trials were convened to hold accountablethose responsible for war crimes. The first installment - a 120-page report titled "The Nazi Master Plan: The Persecution of the Christian Churches" - was prepared by the Office of Strategic Services, a forerunner of the CIA. "Important leaders of the National Socialist party would have liked to meet this situation [church influence] by complete extirpation of Christianity and the substitution of a purely racial religion," said an OSS report in July 1945. "The best evidence now available as to the existence of an anti-Church plan is to be found in the systematic nature of the persecution itself. "Different steps in that persecution, such as the campaign for the suppression of denominational and youth organizations, the campaign against denominational schools, the defamation campaign against the clergy, started on the same day in the whole area of the Reich . . . and were supported by the entire regimented
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like most people but I could tell his sense was heightened and the seat was empty, but the pool is no where near the ocean’s enthusiasm and closer to the earthworms and the cracks in the cement left over from quakes and shifts she needed to make, but something left undone she turns into a different trail of evidence like the spray of a skunk, burnt woods I still smell where I stood there holding the match, the embers blushing in their teepee of kindling as the wind from our voices blew through.The scent of fire still rises off of my live skin during hot showers, so many since scrubbing sea salt and brown sugar filling new layers with oils of alphabet minerals and extracts from plants that she provided with such precision, the ground beneath she calls to for certain things like the pool calls me sometimes when Iaudience where a fresh-squeezed pitcher tips into the whole world sink but time time so careful to not rip the wrapping paper on predictions of train sets. I slept of frightful charms on a bracelet, golden horns and bells clanging together spitefully lava thoughts of unshaven meadows with a view of the salty chop washing up onto shore, black tar and broken seashells stuck to the bottom of my feet. my turn up to the board, eleven plus five, listless drift of white chalk in the classroom where pressed handkerchiefs are pulled out of herringbone suits, my bloody nose tends to leak when incense swings dry and holy water flies yonder into the closet where the confessional of a girl trusts but never again, she wants the sliding door to open and true wit fall through like hide-and-seek sardines in a four-inch bed covers rolled back slowly to hear the tip-toeing up the hidden staircase only best friends can find the
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, MORE THAN IN THE HERALD The Only New York Newspaper Thai I'rinta liven Hull n Many Ada. u Tlio WoilUI 116,219 World Advts. Last Month CHILD WHO SLEPT ON WHEN BOMB EXPLODED, WRECKING HER ROOM. E, AGAINSTJER DOOR Ceven-Year-Old Child Found Peacefully Sleeping in Midst of Debris. The bomb explosion ngalnst Tony lluggero's door on tho ground floor of No. 443 West Twenty-sixth Street at 2 A. M. to-dny was llko scores of other Hlack Hand affairs, except that It brought to tho notlco of tho police Now York's soundest sleeper. Sho is Lillian Huggcro, seven-year-old daughter of the man against whom tho bomb was directed. When the dynamlto went off It blow In tho door of her room, nr nst which It had been placed. The door was double locked nnd had a heavy timber bar rier on tho inside. .Splinters from the wood wero blown with such foro thuy stuck In thu wuli by thoSEVEN YEARS. Baptist Association, Which Lost $50,000, Succeeds in Getting Liberty for Embezzler (Stiwlal t.The Kttnlm Wm.J. HAItTFOItD, Conn.. Dec. 1. Will lam F. Walkor, who seven yenrs ago absconded with $565,000 from tho Now llrltnln Savings Hank and the Connecticut Ilaptlst Association, of which Institution ho was Preildtnt, was freed from Htatq prison this afternoon by the lloanl of Parole, which unanlmouiiy favored his pe tition as Indorsed by thu Connecti cut Ilaptlst Association. Walker, who was captured In Lower California after a long chase In which New York wire tappen who had floored htm gave n clue to his whercaliouts, has served even years of an Indeterminate) senteno on four counts of one to twenty ywrs. Walker, slxty-ono years old, a "model man," who never took a drink, never smoked, never took a vacation and was a leader In church circles In New llrltnln, Conn., disappeared Fob, 10, 1907, nnd with him went more than half
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hope to allow the on december seventh nineteen forty one japan attacked pearl harbor killing twenty four hundred soldiers before pearl harbor eighty three percent of the american public wanted nothing to do after pearl harbor one million men volunteers for the war it is important to note nazi germany's war effort was largely supported by two organizations one of which was called by g farming by the farming produced eighty four percent of germany's explosives uneven is like one bees in the concentration camps to kill millions one of the unspoken partners of i_d_ for them was jadi rockefeller's standard oil company in america in fact the german air force could not operate without a special additive patented by rockefeller's standard order the drastic bombing of london by nazi germany for example was made possible by a twenty million dollar sale of fuel tidy far but by the rockefeller stand-alone company this is just one smallpoint on the topic are merrick and business funded both sides of war two one other treasonous organization worth mentioning is the union banking corporation of new york city not only did it finance numerous aspects of hitler's rise to power along with actual materials during the war it was also a nazi money-laundering thing which was eventually expose for having millions of dollars of nazi money response the union bank inc new york was eventually sees for violations of the train with the enemy a guess who the director and vice president of the union bank was prescott bush our current presidents grandfather and of course her former presidents father keep that in mind when considering the moral and political dispositions of the bush family vietnam the united states official declaration of war north vietnam in nineteen sixty four came after an alleged incident involving two u_s_ destroyers being attacked by north vietnamese p_t_ boats in the
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and (B) approximately 270,991 have been infected from the disease. (21) According to the Pan American Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, cholera could spread to as many as 400,000 people within the first year of the epidemic, potentially causing 7,600 deaths at the current case fatality rate. (22) The United States has provided more than $62,523,017 worth of assistance to combat the cholera epidemic, including by assisting with stockpiling health commodities, equipping cholera treatments centers, providing public information, and improving water and sanitation systems. (23) The efforts to combat the cholera epidemic have helped to drive the mortality rate from cholera down from nearly 7 percent to 1.7 percent of all contracted cases as of February 25, 2011. (24) Throughout the series of crises, the people of Haiti continue to demonstrate unwavering resilience, dignity, and courage. (25) On March 20, 2011, presidential and parliamentary elections were held in Haiti withoutmajor disruptions or problems. (26) At the international donors conference Towards a New Future for Haiti held on March 31, 2010, 59 donors pledged over $5,000,000,000 to support Haiti. (27) The United Nations Office of the Special Envoy for Haiti estimates that nearly $1,900,000,000 has been disbursed, with an additional amount of approximately $2,000,000,000 committed. (28) Haiti will need the support of the international community in order to confront the ongoing cholera epidemic and to promote reconstruction and development. 3. Report (a) Report required Not later than six months after the date of the enactment of this Act, the President, in consultation with the heads of all relevant agencies, including the Department of State, the United States Agency for International Development, the Department of Defense, the Department of Health and Human Services, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shall transmit to Congress a report on the status of post-earthquake humanitarian, reconstruction, and development
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process, cresting in 325 at the Council of Nicaea. But claims for Jesus' divineness, divinity, his super-humanness, if you will, appear as soon as we have evidence for this late Second Temple messianic movement, which is to say, with Paul's letters. Our earliest Christology, theology about Christ, is already high Christology. Paul makes very high claims for Christ, and that's in number five from the primary documents on your handout. He designates him as a man from heaven, as somebody who pre-existed in spiritual form, pneumatic form, as God's agent in creation. Christ is the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep, and thus, the first of those who will be lifted and transformed. He is God's son, the eschatological Lord and Davidic warrior, who is about to return to defeat pagan gods, and to effect that signature end-time miracle, the general resurrection of the dead. Once Christ reappears at the temple mount, the 12 tribes of Israel will reassemble, and togetherI'm quoting here, appropriated only eventually, says one of these scholars, Richard Bauckham, appropriated only eventually by Martin Luther, Karl Barth, Jurgen Moltmann and Richard Bauckham. Page 59 of his book. The Catholics still didn't get the memo. Evidently, the earliest Christians were distinctly, if perhaps only incipiently, Protestant. Note the work that Jews do in these reconstructions. Jewish monotheism is a good thing. It provides Christ-monotheism's necessary precondition. It is also a bulwark against the contagions of paganism. After all, this ball starts rolling, not in the diaspora, but well before Paul in Jerusalem, untouched by Hellenistic culture. Yet at the same time, Jewish monotheism is a bad thing. In defense of their traditional strict monotheism, most Jews reject Christianity, some violently. Paul stands both at the giving and the receiving ends of this violence. Early incredibly high Christology, I will argue, is generated not by ancient evidence, but by modern theological commitments to the Nicene formula. The Jews, conjured by this construct, are a
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Matter of Hesterberg (2017 NY Slip Op 02984) Matter of Hesterberg 2017 NY Slip Op 02984 Decided on April 19, 2017 Appellate Division, Second Department Per Curiam. Published by New York State Law Reporting Bureau pursuant to Judiciary Law § 431. This opinion is uncorrected and subject to revision before publication in the Official Reports. Decided on April 19, 2017 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK Appellate Division, Second Judicial Department RANDALL T. ENG, P.J. WILLIAM F. MASTRO REINALDO E. RIVERA MARK C. DILLON RUTH C. BALKIN, JJ. 2016-12872 [*1]In the Matter of Gregory X. Hesterberg, admitted as Gregory Xavier Hesterberg, an attorney and counselor-at-law, respondent. (Attorney Registration No. 1027366) APPLICATION pursuant to 22 NYCRR 1240.10 by Gregory X. Hesterberg, who was admitted to the Bar at a term of the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court in the First Judicial Department on January26, 1976, under the name Gregory Xavier Hesterberg, to resign as an attorney and counselor-at-law. Mitchell T. Borkowsky, Hauppauge, NY (Robert H. Cabble of counsel), for Grievance Committee for the Tenth Judicial District. McDonough & McDonough, LLP, Garden City, NY (Chris McDonough of counsel), for respondent. PER CURIAM. OPINION & ORDER The respondent, Gregory X. Hesterberg, admitted as Gregory Xavier Hesterberg, has submitted an affidavit sworn to on December 7, 2016, in support of his application to resign as an attorney and counselor-at-law (see 22 NYCRR 1240.10). The respondent acknowledges in his affidavit that he is the subject of an investigation by the Grievance Committee for the Tenth Judicial District involving allegations of professional misconduct, which include the "misapplication of escrow funds and failure to account." The respondent avers that he cannot successfully
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and stressed that academics had to come first thissemester, according to junior Dave Mettam, a football player. Faculty Athletic Rep- resentative Charles Adams said that if there is a major academic problem at Whittier, the athletic department should goback and take a look at the program. However, Adams did point out that students need to be responsible for balancing their time and the school cannot "hold their hand. 'The College is not going to change," Adams said. "It is the players who will have to change if they are in (academic) trouble." Visser pointed out that this year the amount of time spent in practice and meetings and at games is roughly the same as last year. The variables have not changed," he said. Yet this is the first year with this many players on probation. He said that many players on probation are freshmen (who account for 29 ofthe 66 players) or transfers. "I think a lot ofpeople are well aware of the fact that the first semester at any college is usually the toughest," Visser said. "When you have got 50 Related Story— ■ The QC Editorial See page 2 people and it is their first semester in college you're gonna have more academic problems in number then you've ever come close to before." However, a few of the returning players questioned why some of the recruits were admitted in the first place, citing low GPAs and SAT scores. "I feel the school cheats itself when it lets in sub par students," Andrew Gustafson, a sophomore football player, said. Junior Jeff Lindstrom, also a football player, saw a problem with players being admitted only to play football. "It becomes a beef with me when friends have to drop out because they can't academically hack it, especially when they're brought here only to play football," he said. Athletic Director Dave Jacobs said
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side effects of chemotherapy. Meet Karen, Ella's daughter, who lives out of state and has not been available to participate in the interprofessional team meetings involving her mother's care. Karen has just arrived for a short visit with her mom. She has recently been told about her mother's decision to transition to a palliative care approach. Karen is not happy. She's worried about her mother and wants to change her mind. Meet Jose, Ella's clinical nurse specialist. Clinical nurse specialists are advanced practice nurses who may have prescriptive privileges and are experts in a specialty area. Jose is an oncology clinical nurse specialist who works specifically with patients who have cancer, helping her manage symptoms. Jose has worked closely with Ella for over two years in the out-patient setting to ensure that she can stay at home where she wants to be. Meet Andrea, the oncology social worker. Oncology social workers are Masters prepared mental health clinicians who have obtaineda clinical license. Typically they have received advanced training in psycho-social oncology and may also be certified as an oncology social worker. Andrea is both a licensed social worker and has certification in oncology social work. Meet Dr. Young. She's in an assistant professor in the department of oncology. She trained in internal medicine for her residency and then completed a three-year fellowship in oncology, specializing in breast cancer. She has been a practicing oncologist for 10 years, and has been caring for Ella for four year since she was diagnosed with her cancer. Meet Dr. Lee. Dr. Lee is a board certified oncology pharmacist with experience in palliative care. A pharmacist certified in oncology has extensive training and experience in this specialty practice, and has successfully met all qualifications for board certification. Dr. Lee specializes in managing the medication treatment plan for patients with malignant diseases. >> My understanding from our last team meeting is that Ella has made the
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letters, and also decide whether they are suitable for publication. Letters must include a full name, address and phone number. Email to [email protected], post to Editor, Christchurch Mail, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch 8140. REASSURING VOICE: Bob Parker's oratory skills during the earthquakes imbued citizens with confidence, according to one reader. Photo: DON SCOTT Memorable mayor Christchurch has experienced a traumatic cycle of continuous earthquakes. These events, caused by a freak of nature, shook the complacency of the population. The mayor's leadership during this abnormal time was unprecedented, because he used his oratory skills to imbue citizens who were experiencing despair and panic, with confidence. He did not minimise the seriousness of the event. He recognised the daunting tasks ahead for all, and was still able to give reassurance and hope. When the new mayor and council are established, the memories of the list of debacles caused by a failure of the systems in place will fade from memories. Focus will be on the ongoing rebuilding. No onewill be able to erase the leadership and charisma of Bob Parker when the city was declared a state of emergency. He has made the right decision not to seek re-election. He has earned pluses and minuses, and he has not failed. His tenacity, graciousness and leadership deserves to be acknowledged publicly with an award for his services, because he was frank and honest that Christchurch will revive and prosper. History will be the judge. Sheryn Sunderland Lyttelton What the city needs Christchurch history will recall Parker favourably. Post-election, the city will require direction, tempered with fiscal prudence. This new era needs to acknowledge and value diligent councillors such as Sally Buck and David Close, who have proven their worth over many years. Encourage, not discourage, hard work on behalf of the community. Give back to the community boards the autonomy that has disappeared in recent years. (Some will need new boundaries post-quake.) This level of community input needs broadening out again. Whoever heads
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You did?! [Voice] Like, why worry about it. I have a favorite story about this which was numinous when I heard it, and I often tell it. It's the story of Jascha Heifetz, who was a Maestro musician violinist, right in the mid 20th century. Heifetz had a student and the student had a problem, because his family had a business, and when his father died his family wanted English: him to take over the family business, but he was obviously quite a good musician, because he was taking violin lessons from Jascha Heifetz, who was like the best violinist in the 20th century. He goes to the Maestro and he says, "Maestro, I want to play for you, and I want you to tell me whether I have a future in a concert career as a musician, or whether I should justappellant said that he understood the terms of his plea agreement and the consequences of his no contest plea. He also responded "no" when asked if he needed additional time to discuss the case with counsel. The court found that there was a factual basis for the plea, that appellant understood the nature of the charges and the consequences of his plea, and that he "knowingly, intelligently and understandingly waived his rights, and that his waiver of rights and entry of plea are free and voluntary." When the matter was called for sentencing, appellant brought a Faretta2 motion. After the court granted the motion, appellant moved to withdraw his plea on the ground of ineffective assistance of counsel. Appellant contended that his
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newspaper "The Guardian". He says enmity at the FBI in New York only increased when Hillary Clinton seemed destined for the White House. >> There were people who had been working there for a long time, some stretching back to the '90s, others sort of marinated in the culture from their superiors or their colleagues who had stretched back that long that sort of said that Hillary Clinton is guilty of a crime and we'll find what that guilt is. >> Bob: And trying to do that, this would be the catalyst. [ Gunshot ] [ ♪♪ ] >> Bob: 2012, Islamic militants storm an American diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, killing the ambassador and three others. Republicans blamed President Obama and then Secretary Of State Clinton for not defending their diplomats. They called it a coverup. Benghazi would trigger the first Hillary Clinton investigation. Many FBI agents are ex military. So it was a sensitive subject. For Jim Kallstrom, it also was personal because] >> Bob: It started with, of all things, a book called "Clinton Cash" which purported to prove Bill and Hillary Clinton were getting rich from their family charity, the Cilnton Foundation. "Clinton Cash" was the brain child of Steve Bannon, the man behind the Alt right, some say sexist, racist and xenophobic, website called "Breitbart News". Bannon ran Donald Trump's election campaign and is now his chief White House strategist. >> Bannon is the guy that all the roads kind of lead back to at the beginning. So he is someone who as long as two or three years ago had mapped out a plan for how to deny Hillary Clinton the White House. >> Bob: Joshua Green is a reporter with Bloomberg News who says Bannon's plan was audacious, target Hillary Clinton not on right wing fringe websites but through the mainstream media. >> Collecting facts about who she's taking money from, who the Clinton Foundation is associating with, what foreign governments
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to take Nietzsche's proclamation of the death of God in stride, and even to endorse it as a prelude to a religiousness that does not involve and revolve around belief in the existence of God as any sort of being at all. Tillich rightly takes Nietzsche's conception of the death of God to convey more than what he calls-- he, Tillich-- the atheistic or naturalistic criticism of the theistic idea of God. He grants that Nietzsche does accept that criticism. He sees nature as having further meant that, as Tillich writes, "God is dead as far as man's consciousness of him is concerned." Or as he also puts it, that, "in man, the consciousness of an ultimate, in the traditional sense, has died." "And further, Nietzsche also meant," quoting Tillich again, "that when the traditional idea of God falls, something else must fall along with it, namely the system of ethical values on which such society is based that is associated with that belief." But the crux ofexistence of a being alongside others or above others," he writes. "The being of God is 'being itself.'" But what is 'being itself' if it is neither the existence of a being nor the existence of the totality of all beings? Tillich offers a hint when he goes on to give a kind of gloss on this notion. He writes, "Many confusions in the doctrine of God could be avoided if God were understood, first of all, as 'being itself' or as the ground of being." But what is "the ground of being" if it is not itself a being of a special sort, as the God who supposedly created the world is usually conceived to be. Tillich offers the following answer to this question, "The power of being," he writes, "is another way of expressing the same thing in a circumscribing phrase. In other words," he continues, "God conceived as the ground of being," quoting again, "is the 'power of being' in everything
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vision is to be there and to work with young people and the train them to teach them to be loaded on the other, plus the country and a start time churches with the nationals in the middle school in search of view a right in the heart of Central America Online's the country under this new its population is approximately 10,000,000 who won the primary vision scope of all system that is quickly changing too much of the younger generation is no more open mind and Satan is 5 to 19 and James Holmes, the philosophy is a diving under an education system to evolution is now being, as fat to all the jehovah's witnesses and Mormons are some other missionaries and try to now more than ever to theirs and needed, Solomon and the district has to almost this into a room, there is as the cover of a good missionaries much of theopen the door to teach and as that means 2000 AM to eight SS Tim James when he was 89 S venison stew of mounting an aggressive the chat and housing price, passersby to begin training for him all the time the intent of the names of the design of the empire in 19 8559 S has asked me to do in the United States to dismiss the case and 697 meeting into the tiny at ms India that has been sounded to me at last in so many ways to like Susie I grew up in a Christian home, Sunday afternoon when I was just five years and a novell and are living room and prayed that she's a safety as soon as all the Lorton believers baptism later my teenage years of the youth conference to surrender my life commissions just two years after graduating from college guy that either to hunter is that
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Fort Walton Period ceramics. There is a short trail to the mound. Exhibits reflect the spiritual, technological, and artistic achievements of the Native American people from 12,000 years ago through Spanish contact in the early 1500s. Creek Handmade Arrows. The arrows in the photo are part of the display of the Native American Collection on exhibit at Baker Block Museum. Nathan Chessher made them by hand, using products of the local environment in Okaloosa County, exclusively. Of the six arrows, the top three are made of shoots from the "beloved tree of the Creek Indians," Yaupon Holly. The three arrows on the bottom are made of switch cane, this was favored for arrow shafts. The arrows are fletched with wild turkey feathers. Only the stiff primary flight feathers are used and because of the direction of curl, feathers from the same side wing must be used on an individual arrow -- right and left wing feathers must not be mixedon an individual arrow. The feathers and points are tied on with sinew from whitetail deer. Ron Fowler made the arrow points. Black Drink. "Black drink" was the name given by colonists to a ritual beverage called Asi, brewed by Native Americans in the Southeastern United States. It was prepared from the roasted leaves and stems of the Yaupon Holly (Ilex vomitoria), native to the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts. The active ingredient in the drink was caffeine. The beverage was often used as a substitute for coffee and tea by colonists under the name cassine or cassina. Prior to the 19th century, the black drink was consumed during the daily deliberations of the village councils and at all other important council meetings. Creeks, Cherokees, Choctaws, and others believed it purified the drinker and purged him of anger and falsehoods. Black drink was prepared by special village officials and served in large communal cups, frequently made of whelk shell. The
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remaining eye witnesses knew the details. In 1955, Elena was finally free to say and write that Hitler committed suicide. But nothing more. Nothing about the investigation, the identification of his remains and even less about Stalin's lies. Anyway, who would believe her? Where was the proof? Among the numerous versions of Hitler's disappearance, English: it was now the suicide theory that those in power preferred. But not just any suicide. The idea that Hitler poisoned himself was much more interesting for propaganda than if he shot himself in the head. Suicide by shooting is seen as an act of courage, while taking poison is a sign of cowardliness. The 1st lie, told by Stalin, was that Hitler was alive and had succeeded in escaping. His successors opted for another version, that Hitler had poisoned himself. That version was spread and repeated until everyone had heard it. The Brezhnev era began in 1964. One year later, the Soviet leaderke sejumlah dokumen. English: to commemorate the end of the war by making Victory Day a public holiday. 20 years had passed since the end of the war. In 1965, Elena wrote about what had happened, what the intelligence services had done. Elena was now a respected writer. She was obsessed by the lies about Hitler's death. She wanted to publicize what she knew and dispel the myths. But to make it credible, it needed to be based on the proof hidden in the archives. After multiple requests, she finally gained access to some of the documents. Indonesian: Ketika dia diberi sedikit waktu untuk melakukan penelitiannya, Elena dengan bergegas menyalin semua dokumen yang diberikan kepadanya. Dia mengisi lima buku catatan besar. Dia tidak bisa memilih dokumen dan tidak tahu apa yang ada di arsip. Dia tidak punya katalog. Dia harus tetap duduk di kursi, dan seorang petugas memberinya dokumen satu demi satu. Pentingnya dan tingkat
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and sank. The crew was 'saved. AT KRS. COSTOH*. The president of the Clarksburg Central Mothers' Club wants every member to be present promptly at a meeting to fee held at S o'clock Tues day afternoon at the home of Mrs, I, J. Costos at 297 Clay strsat,? - Not Later Than May 30 Ac cording to New Primary Election Statute. According to the new statute, un der which the primary election -will be held two weeks from tomorrow, ev er; candidate Is required to file, not lens than seven, nor more than fif teen days before the election, a com plete statement of all money expend ed by him In the furtherance of his candidacy, or by any person In his behalf, provided such expenditure was authorised by the candidate fil ing the statement. Under the old corrupt practices act, which was amended at the session of the leg Is lature a yearwidow of John' C. Kuh. who passed away twenty-j oight years ago. Her children surviv ing are Mrs. L. D. Ford, of Fair mont; Karl Kuh, of Grafton, nnd Raymond Kuh, of Meadowbrook. Dor sey and Earl Kuh and Mrs. H. W. Simpson, well known residents of Fairmont", are grandchildren. Mrs. Kul) was a native of Grafton, and her parents were pioneer settlers of that vicinity. She was a member of St. Paul's Methodist Episcopal church, of Grafton, and belonged to the Woman's Christian Temperance Union and the Order of the Eastern Star. Since last November Mrs. Kuh had resided at Fairmont with her daughter. The funeral will take place in St. Paul's Methodist Episcopal church at Grafton Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. The funeral party will leave Fairmont* on the 11:01 a. m. train Tuesday for Grafton. Short services will be held at the Ford residence, Monday evening at K o'clock, conducted by the
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and path in Palestine leads to ancient sites. Even destroyed cities can be identified and dated by pottery fragments extracted from tells—the flat mounds containing remains of buried cities. Styles of pottery change with each generation and thus a pot-tery chronology has been empiri-cally determined, more exact than carbon 14 with its span of 200 years plus or minus. Gleuck paid high tribute to his mentor, the world-renowned Dr. Kenneth Albright, and also to his Arab guides in the Negev, south of Beersheba. The latter led him to the unidentified KHIRBET NAHAS, "copper ruin," where Gleuck saw heaps of slag, fragments of ore, and remnants of ancient smelters. An open end copper refinery was stationed to take advantage of the strong northwest winds. Pottery dated the settlement from the time of Solomon to the sixth century before Christ. South of the mines, Gleuck dis-covered Solomon's sea port, "Ezion Geber which is beside Elath on the shore of the Redthe student body and improve communica-tion between the government and the governed. Presently the student body does not take much interest in student government. Election would not solve all of the communication problems of the senate, but the re-sponsibility of electing the plan-ners of campus life should create a greater need than is now felt by the students to know about the sen-ate. Although some of the evils of appointment might be eliminated by other means than election of committee chairmen, a revised sys-tem of appointment would not in-sure the permanent elimination of the shortcomings evident in the senate. It would not improve the repre-sentation of the student body on the senate, nor would it improve communication between the sen-ate and the student body. Election would be one step toward solving these problems permanently. June Erickson 'Honest to God' Isn't Dear Editor: As a believer in the orthodox philosophy of the Christian church, I wish to declare some irrelevan-cies and errors that
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from close imitation of nature in painting - toward a more evocative expression of emotion and mood, with vibrant colours, brushwork and rugged wilderness scenes. This exhibition: 100 Years The Group of Seven and Other Voices features paintings by Tom Thomson and the 10 members of Canada's of the Group from the AGA collection. The exhibition also includes work by other artists who were mentors, colleagues and students of Group members, as well as some who worked entirely independent of their influence, to offer a more expansive view of Canadian art from this time period. The exhibition was curated by Danielle Siemens, the Collections Manager and Curatorial Associate here at the AGA, who will talk a little bit about a few of the works in the exhibition and give you an introduction to these wonderful artists. ... So we're going to start our preview tour with these two paintings by Tom Thompson. Now contrary to popular belief, Tom Thompsonenjoy the remaining sunny skies of summer. On behalf of Capital Power I invite you to experience Canada's natural treasures through the eyes of Canada's preeminent 20th century landscape artists: The Group of Seven. Together with your Art Gallery of Alberta, Capital Power is pleased to present the 100 Years: The Group of even and Other Voices exhibit from August 29th to March 13th. Come to your Art Gallery of Alberta and escape in the visions of exceptional artists and safely take time to enjoy ourselves. Thank you. .
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great that their enemies had began to call the Hun bows “magic weapons”. There was a group of soldiers in the Turkish army who used these magic weapons so well that the Great Hun Empire had succeeded in becoming a rare destructive force in history. The Eagle Warriors were absolutely perfect. Fighting against them was not something an ordinary army could do. Compared to other armies, they were so powerful that the Chinese Emperor had no choice but to rebuild his army. The Eagle Warriors were the rockstars of that time. All the youth of the Huns dreamed of joining this unit one day. But achieving this was not as easy as it seemed. The difficulty level of their training started from childhood and increased as they grew older few managed to enter this elite unit. Janbi will now try to follow the footsteps of the Eagle Warriors by racing on the special race track prepared by Ercan Sipahi. Ifup and throw it into the basket a few meters ahead. This is his last chance. If he fails to pick up both sandbags from the ground and throw them into baskets, he will bid farewell to the eagle feather adventure earlier than he expected. Janbi managed to pick up the two sandbags on his last attempt and throw them into baskets. This time, he achieved a great timing, from the start to the end of the track, But more importantly he was able to straightened up on his horse from leaning over and get the sandbags! That’s a maneuverability that elite soldiers like Eagle Warriors should have. The Huns regarded each stage of the Eagle Warriors test as a minor battle practice. The acrobatic movements on the horse allowed the Hun soldiers to defend themselves especially during the chase. That’s how they managed to escape enemy arrows shot from behind. Janbi has successfully completed the hurdle race
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proved influential, bringing about the Bloomfieldean phase in American linguistics that lasted from the mid-1930s to the mid-1950s. Bloomfield "bracketed" all questions of semantics and meaning as largely unanswerable, and encouraged a mechanistic approach to linguistics. The paradigm of Bloomfieldean linguistics in American linguistics was replaced by the paradigm of generative grammar with the publication of Noam Chomsky's Syntactic Structures in 1957. Second, in Europe, Saussure influenced the Prague School of Roman Jakobson and Nikolai Trubetzkoy, whose work would prove hugely influential, particularly concerning phonology, and the School of Louis Hjelmslev. Structural linguistics also had an influence on other disciplines in Europe, including anthropology, psychoanalysis and Marxism, bringing about the movement known as structuralism. Linguists who published articles on structuralism include: Leonard Bloomfield, Charles F. Hockett, John Lyons, R. H. Robins, Otto Jespersen, Émile Benveniste, Edward Sapir, André Martinet, Thomas Givon, F. R. Palmer, Ferenc Klefer, Robert D. Van Valin, Louis Hjelmslev, and Ariel Shisha-Halevy. Basic theories and methods The foundation ofout clearly in the fact that English allows us to form the noun phrase "John's eagerness to please" out of the second, but not "John's easiness to please" out of the first. There is no easy or natural way to account for these facts within structuralist assumptions. By the latter half of the 20th century, many of Saussure's ideas were under heavy criticism. In 1972, Chomsky described structural linguistics as an "impoverished and thoroughly inadequate conception of language," while in 1984, Mitchell Marcus declared that structural linguistics was "fundamentally inadequate to process the full range of natural language [and furthermore was] held by no current researchers, to my knowledge." Holland writes that it was widely accepted that Chomsky had "decisively refuted Saussure. [...] Much of Chomsky's work is not accepted by other linguists [and] I am not claiming that Chomsky is right, only that Chomsky has proven that Saussure is wrong. Linguists who reject
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The crux of appellant=s argument is that Desormeaux did not see who struck him.  Appellant testified that he did not assault Desormeaux, and denied that he was the individual in the cemetery or that he had any involvement in the incident.  Appellant testified that he was elsewhere when the incident occurred, but there was no evidence other than his testimony to support this assertion.  Desormeaux testified that appellant and he were alone in the cemetery, and appellant was the one who struck him.  Desormeaux was familiar with appellant from previous encounters, and recognized him immediately.  Desormeaux was on duty, driving a patrol car, and dressed in a Hitchcock Police Department uniform that clearly identified him as an officer.  Viewing the evidence in the light most favorable to the prosecution, we conclude a rational trier of fact could have found beyondThe use of ionising radiation for the treatment of injuries to flexor tendons and supporting ligaments in horses. A technique was developed using radioactive isotopes as a source of radiation for the treatment of injuries to the superficial and deep flexor tendons and the associated ligaments in the horse. The treatment area was sub-divided so that different dosages could be applied over the limb as necessary. A plaster of Paris impression was taken of the whole area to be treated. In the isotope laboratory a plaster negative was made and loaded with the dose of radioactive isotope. The loaded cast was then strapped to the horse's limb for the calculated time, usually about three days. A total of 42 horses were treated and follow up information was obtained from
{ "pile_set_name": [ "FreeLaw", "PubMed Abstracts" ] }
huge time commitment compensated to the editor only by modest teaching relief. Department editors generate content on their topics, photo essays, many of them from Magnum Photographers, book reviews, timely essays on education, the arts or political movements. The board of editors, 16 academic anthropologists in different geographical areas and working on different topics in areas of the world help generate contributions. And our webmaster, social media editor, Zine editors all contribute. All of this is pro bono. Unexpectedly but happily, Anthropology Now was bought by Routledge publishers in 2015 and is now handled by their journalist division, Taylor and Francis. Taylor and Francis bundles journals and subscriptions to libraries around the world, so it's part of this practice Anthropology Now suddenly became available in over 2,200 libraries internationally. And we, of course, joined social media as soon as it existed and our Facebook group now has 20,000 members. Here's a picture of the webpage showing the Zine and some of the other departments. Whatmore often. I hope it takes place in a lot of places, including blogs. Thank you very much. (audience applause) - [Leslie] Okay, our next speaker is Tanya Luhrmann, who is one of the most successful anthropological op-ed writers and she'll give us her perspective. - Thank you, Leslie. It's good to see you here. So I've written over 30 op-ed pieces for the New York Times, over 30 reviews and short pieces for places like the LA Times, the TLS, like the New York Times book review. I've written longer essays in American Scholar, in Raritan, in Wilson Quarterly, in Harper's, I'll be writing for Harper's again this winter. I don't think of myself as primarily a public intellectual. I still publish in the scientific and scholarly journals. The last two year, in the last two years, I've published in the British Journal of Psychiatry and in Schizophrenia Bulletin to rural psychiatry science journals. I've published in topics in cognitive
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display multiple themes in the background although the main focus is on the childbirth the objects in the background also has very clear outline and structure it is similar to polyphonic texture in baroque's music with main theme accompanied by multiple counter melodies in the background the measurements of line and proportion of objects are very accurately done in 18th century classical period the painting has a main theme but the background is less important unlike baroque's painting you can see the background in this painting doesn't have clear outline this is same with the homophonic texture in classical music melody with accompaniment when coming to 19th century chopin's time the paintings and music put emphasis on self-expression and individuality of style the romantic sensitivity to nature is revealed in their painting unlike baroque and classical period this is a time that brought the flowering of romanticism a cultural movement that stressed emotion imagination and individualism and a new world of music wasparis and very quickly fell in love with the city his period of torment was finally over setting aside his growing illness tuberculosis in spite of this he met with almost immediate musical success in the french capital there he met mandelssohn and even franz liszt who became a great friend he also had a very large female following as Chopin was extremely attractive and could turn his hand to anything music drawing poetry he was a success at everything was charming and had a good sense of humor it was during this fulfilling time that he composed other pieces like grand valles brilliante in spite of his success with women champion did not show the same interests on his companies as they did until he met the one who will become his great love in 1836 which was a few years after he composed this Nocturne the novelist George Sand he was not attracted to this
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also been really active in research both on and off campus, receiving both internal and external grants. And on top of all this he's constantly seeking to help those around him, in our community and as a peer mentor and tutor to his fellow students. Luke has been a constant, positive presence around the Biology department and the entire university community. We'll really miss having him here in Bakersfield but we know he's going to continue to do amazing things. In the fall, Luke will start medical school at the University of California, San Francisco. Congratulations Luke. - Francisco Cervantes is a first generation college student who conducts research in my laboratory. He's tackled a particularly challenging research project where he's working to prepare a cofactor mimic that will help our collaborators understand the mechanism of an enzyme involved in tumor metastasis. Francisco is one of those people that excels in just about everything and approaches every obstacle with asmile on his face. His most recent challenge has been deciding which medical school to attend and I am pleased to say that he will be off to the University of Cincinnati this coming fall. Congratulations Francisco, we are so proud of you. - Hi, I'm Doctor David Germano. I was Nicole Deathrage's thesis advisor. Nicole came to Bakersfield to work on the endangered San Joaquin kit fox and she looked at the occupancy of kit foxes in Bakersfield where they occurred, and she did an excellent job for her thesis. Nicole was the first in her immediate family to go to college and had overcome problems as you might expect to complete her degrees. Nicole plans to continue working with the endangered species program on kit foxes and other species here in the valley. Congratulations Nicole. - Hi there. I'm proud to introduce Elaine Gonzales. She is a first generation student and she has worked very
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island, Achill off the west coast of Ireland. She wore a red dressing-gown for the journey which Greene later told Vivien was the sexiest image of a woman he had ever seen. Initially, Catherine found her new faith sexually exciting. She enjoyed seducing priests, and joined Greene in a light-hearted plan to commit adultery behind every high altar in Italy. Such libertinism was by no means unique: Greene had once fantasised about seducing the Queen. In Catherine, he had found a woman who enjoyed the kind of sexual experimentation he had previously encountered only with prostitutes. In the early 1950s, she even dressed up as a boy and went with Greene to a high-class brothel in Venice, where he was working on a film. For Greene's wife, it was a devastating betrayal. But because of Vivien's faith and her children, she was loathe to protest. On one occasion, Greene and his mistress even arrived atthe door of Vivien's home and insisted on spending the night together. Vivien duly cooked them dinner and made their beds in the morning. There can be no doubt that in Catherine, Greene had found true fulfilment. He once wrote to her: 'I want you and nothing but you for the rest of my life.' But over time she began to find his devotion suffocating, and despite his pleas was not going to leave her husband. As he had done as a schoolboy, Greene sought escape by flirting with suicide, adding 24 aspirins to half a pint of whisky. He awaited death with something close to contentment, but all that came was a deep sleep. As the 1950s wore on, he confronted the unbearable reality that Catherine was distancing herself from him out of a deepening religious guilt. The Catholicism which had brought them together was now parting them. He took refuge in travel, drink and drugs. In
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Venkata Kavi and Johann Sebastian Bach, two 18th century composers from two different parts of the world. Here is the text of the Mayor's proclamation: PROCLAMATION Melharmony Day in Middleton-November 16, 2013 Whereas, The two major approaches to music in the world have been melody and harmony; and Whereas, Even though the two systems evolved in parallel in various parts of the world over centuries; and Whereas, Melodic music made great strides around the 1700s in India through composers such as Oottukkadu Venkata Kavi (OVK), Tyagaraja, Muttuswami Dikshitar, Shyama Shastri and others; and Whereas, Just as the concept of Harmony scaled high peaks in the West around the same time through creators such as Bach, Mozart, Beethoven and others; and, Whereas, The concept of Melharmony was conceptualized in the year 2000 by musician-composer Chitravina N Ravikiran to create music with harmony but with an emphasis on melodic rules; and, The USA hasbeen committed to preserve, project and protect such diversity over the last several decades; and, Whereas, The United States has been committed to preserve, project and protect such diversity and innovations over the last several decades; and, Whereas, One of the Wisconsin standards for music requires that students learn about music as it relates to history and culture, and a comparison of the approaches of these two 18th century styles will provide an invaluable insight into connections between the East and West at that time; and, Whereas, Middleton desires to give its students practical exposure to such diverse and traditional forms of music by supporting cultural concepts and festivals such as the OVK-Bach Festival at the Middleton Performing Arts Center, Saturday, November 16. Now, Therefore, I, Mayor Kurt Sonnentag, do hereby proclaim the third Saturday, November 16, 2013, and every third Saturday of November in subsequent years, Melharmony
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"Campus Pac." The "Campus Pac" includes such practical items as deoderant, soap, Excedrin, nail polish, and a Bic pen for girls and Enden, English Leather, soap, and tooth-paste for boys. The "Campus Pac" is made pos-sible by manufacturers who want ness, and the Illusions, roughly categorizeable as soul, folk-rock, and psychedelic respectively. All three played, and the education groups made their endorsement. Wiley L. Housewright, national president of NEMC and former dean of the Florida State Univer-sity Music School, took the podium, expressing his interest in the cur-rent state of rock music. "It is a fact that youth music and paritcu-larly rock have caused a confronta-tion . . . between students and teachers, between young people and their parents, and between youth music and the established student grant sumers. The "Campus Pac" will go on sale Monday, November 10th. Those who purchase one will at that time also be able to then nom-inate a freshman student to re-ceive the grant. Theopera necessarily changes the opera's essential nature. The orchestra is on the stage instead of in the pit, there is no scenery, and the singers merely sing, so the action is limited. A narrator supplies what action does in the true opera. The excellent narration written by Erich Leinsdorf, former Music Director of the Boston Symphony Orchestra, took away from the opera in certain instances. I wait-ed in vain for many humorous continued from page 4 chantment in the high schools would increase, he said. Seigel, who led Berkeley stu-dents into a confrontation with police over the People's Park issue last school year, said the adminis-tration's legislation is insufficient because it contains no provisions for federal regulation of local draft boards, which he said have acted in an "arbitrary" manner, often times denying registrants their rights. While many are optimistic about the lottery's chances for approval by the House, it is almost certain the Senate will postpone action. Senator Stennis
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members of the class and a natural leader. When he talked, as the commercial used to say, everyone listened. "I'd keep making and selling the product," Jeff said. "My job as a businessman is to be a profit center and to maximize return to the shareholders. It's the government's job to step in if a product is dangerous." Several heads nodded. Neither Jeff nor those who agreed with him seemed to care about the potential effects of their cavalier attitude. What if the product really did harm consumers? How about the company's employees? Were they in danger during the manufacture of the product? What would happen to the company if the CEO's decision was wrong? Few in the classroom that day dared to raise these questions. At Harvard Business School - and business schools nationwide - you're considered soft, a wuss, if you dwell on morality or scruples. As the years went by, Jeff had a meteoric career.He became a partner in the McKinsey consulting firm. From there he joined Enron and was soon promoted to president and chief executive officer. Jeff is Jeffrey Skilling, who resigned under unexplained circumstances in August after only six months on the job. In two stock sales before and after his departure, he cashed out $30.6 million worth of Enron stock. Skilling and other senior managers encouraged employees to buy and keep Enron stock, even when things started to sour, while they were hurriedly selling huge blocks of their own stock. And now Enron has collapsed, "the largest bankruptcy case in American history," according to Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.). One analyst told CNBC, "It's the biggest insider trading scandal ever." Another observer said, "Enron was run to benefit the top executives. They literally looted the company." Yet Skilling proclaims total ignorance of any problems. "I had no idea the company was in anything but excellent shape," he has said. Articles about Skilling written since the demise
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mentality that if only you blink a lot, the contacts will become comfortable. It doesn't work that way, though. Life is full of disappointments. by Mike Doran "Pirates of Penzance," the production of the interim operetta class under the direc-tion of Jeffery S. Miller, in-structor in theatre arts; Rick Rees, instructor in theatre arts; and Gerard Sundberg, assistant professor of music, was put together in two weeks. As well as the play turned out, maybe future pro-ductions should use the same: time. criteria. This singing spoof worked; it was hilariousgplaying well at St. Anthony, a stage far superior in size to the one on campus. Underlying the success of -the production was a sense arf unity, togetherness, or team work, whidi in ,turn set Off the individual performances. It was somewhat like the Miami Dolphins, who have consistently won without a particular player coming to mind; this play won with teamwork. The teamwork involved in the costumes, makeup, set de-sign, and scenery played a parta ward. Krista Palm-quist cleanly reached high notes and performed as she sang in her lead as Mabel, the ward who liked Frederic. Thomas Tuttle also had a clean performance as Frederic. Brad Bak as the Pirate King, Jonathan Veeriker as the Major-General, John and Carolyn Nordquist on piano, Mark Granlund on animation, the list could go on and on. It was truly a team performance. A dedication ceremony was held Jan. 27 for the newly completed Seminary library addition. Copeland/photo denomination, the Baptist General Conference. Among the archival collec-tion are papers and corres-pondence of past presidents and deans, church histories and documents, publications of the conference and Bethel, journals and autobiographical-notes of early Swedish Bap-tist leaders such as F.O. Nils-son whose sea chest is also part of the memorabilia along with a favorite chair of Bethel's founder, John Alexis Edgren. *** Science research grants tot-alling $77,000 have been award-ed to Bethel College faculty in physics, biology and chemistry. Three faculty and three
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Addressing the shortage of health professionals in South Africa through the development of a new cadre of health worker: the creation of Clinical Associates. South Africa made a decision in 2002 to develop so-called mid-level medical workers, now known as clinical associates. This article describes the background to this decision, and the national process of developing the profession and its scope of practice, which was aligned with the needs of the health service, particularly those of rural district hospitals. A common national curriculum was then developed, with implementation in three faculties. The first graduates have entered the profession, starting in 2011, and are in the process of establishing themselves across the country. They are already making an important contribution to rural health care, and are seeking ways in whichAzerbaijan Lüneburg Clamart, France Ivrea, Italy Naruto, Japan Scunthorpe, England, United Kingdom Tartu, Estonia Viborg, Denmark Lünen Bartın, Turkey Demmin, Germany Kamień Pomorski, Poland Panevėžys, Lithuania Salford, England, United Kingdom Zwolle, Netherlands M Magdeburg Braunschweig, Germany Harbin, China Le Havre, France Nashville, United States Radom, Poland Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina Zaporizhia, Ukraine Maintal Esztergom, Hungary Katerini, Greece Luisant, France Moosburg, Austria Mainz Baku, Azerbaijan Dijon, France Erfurt, Germany Haifa, Israel Louisville, United States Valencia, Spain Watford, England, United Kingdom Zagreb, Croatia Mainz – Finthen Rodeneck, Italy Mainz – Laubenheim Longchamp, France Mannheim Bydgoszcz, Poland Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf (Berlin), Germany Chişinău, Moldova Haifa, Israel Klaipėda, Lithuania Qingdao, China Riesa, Germany Swansea, Wales, United Kingdom Toulon, France Windsor, Canada Zhenjiang, China Marburg Eisenach, Germany Maribor, Slovenia Northampton, England, United Kingdom Poitiers, France Sfax, Tunisia Sibiu, Romania Marienberg Bad Marienberg, Germany Dorog, Hungary Lingen,
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United States has with the several federally recognized Indian tribes. 4. United States policy and purpose (a) Policy The United States reaffirms that— (1) Native Hawaiians are a unique and distinct, indigenous, native people with whom the United States has a special political and legal relationship; (2) the United States has a special political and legal relationship with the Native Hawaiian people which includes promoting the welfare of Native Hawaiians; (3) Congress possesses the authority under the Constitution, including but not limited to Article I, section 8, clause 3, to enact legislation to address the conditions of Native Hawaiians and has exercised this authority through the enactment of— (A) the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act, 1920 (42 Stat. 108, chapter 42); (B) the Act entitled An Act to provide for the admission of the State of Hawaii into the Union, approved March 18, 1959 (Public Law 86–3, 73 Stat. 4); and (C) more than 150 other Federal laws addressing the conditions ofthe single Native Hawaiian governing entity and the United States, effectuate and coordinate the special political and legal relationship between the Native Hawaiian governing entity and the United States through the Secretary, and with all other Federal agencies; (3) fully integrate the principle and practice of meaningful, regular, and appropriate consultation with the Native Hawaiian governing entity by providing timely notice to, and consulting with, the Native Hawaiian people and the Native Hawaiian governing entity before taking any actions that may have the potential to significantly affect Native Hawaiian resources, rights, or lands; (4) consult with the Interagency Coordinating Group, other Federal agencies, and the State of Hawaii on policies, practices, and proposed actions affecting Native Hawaiian resources, rights, or lands; and (5) prepare and submit to the Committee on Indian Affairs and the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources of the Senate and the Committee on Resources
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conferred upon her. - By virtue of the authority vested in me and by the state of Connecticut and by the trustees of Sacred Heart University, I confer the upon the candidate the degree of Bachelor of Science from the Isabelle Farrington College of Education. Congratulations. (audience applauding) (woman shouts echoing) (people chattering) - [Presenter] Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Studies, Jenna Rose Chittenden. (audience applauding) (woman chuckles) - I now call upon Dr. Patricia Walker, Dean of College of Health Profession, who will present the candidates for degree from the College. - Will the candidates for the degree of Bachelor of Science from the College of Health Professions, please rise? (audience cheers) Okay. President Petillo, on behalf of the Faculty of the College of Health Professions, I present the candidates for the Bachelor of Science degree and respectfully recommended that such degree be conferred upon them. - By virtue of the authority vested in me by the state of Connecticut and by the trusteesof Sacred Heart University, I confer upon the candidates from the College of Health Professions the Bachelor of Science from the College. Congratulations. - There you go, Jenny. - [Presenter] Bachelor of Science in Athletic Training. Abigail Louise Beija, magna cum laude. Emma Camiso. Alicia Daniels. Kaitlin Pamela Dechachio. Jessica Katherine Duffy, Silver Medal of Excellence. Cynthia D'Souza Felizardo, summa cum laude, Gold Medal of Excellence. Savannah Ferrara Filipe, cum laude. Joseph Michael Giacomo, summa cum laude. Allison Deanna Hall. Kathleen Marie Hamilton. Ryan Conner Hammerton. Taylor Reed Howlett. Christina Lynn Klemens. Sofia Hazel Lovis. Lauren E. Mahoney. Austin Quemoy, magna cum laude. Alexis Kate Peters. Watson Invince Petahome. Harrison Frederick Ranch. Julianne Tapia. William Robert Varisconi. Winnie Victor. Brian Joseph Wellby. Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science. Anthony Joseph Abano, magna cum laude, assisted by his sister, Michelle Abano, Class of 2016. Matthew Abotti. Tiffany Elizabeth Abraham. Jeffery Joseph Alvarez Jr., cum laude. Nicholas George Anagnost. Andressa Diaz Andrade. Amy Francis Anis. Matthew Stephen Aquilino. Madison Alene Ashworth, cum laude. Madeleine Chloe Rojas
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no need to "provoke an escalation". He told public radio: "Syria has had strategic weapons for years, but the problem arises when these arms fall into other hands and could be used against us. In that case, we would have to act." The military chief of the main umbrella group of Syrian rebels, the Free Syrian Army, has accused Hezbollah fighters of "invading" Syria. In a BBC interview, Gen Selim Idriss claimed that more than 7,000 Hezbollah fighters were taking part in attacks on the rebel-held town of Qusair. More than 50,000 residents were trapped in the town and a "massacre" would occur if it fell, he added. Talks about talks Mr Assad also said Syria would "in principle" attend a peace conference backed by the US and Russia, if there were not unacceptable preconditions. The main opposition group outside Syria said it would not join the talks while massacres continued. Its interim leader, Georgein Taksim's Gezi Park. .... Goldman Sachs and UBS will lead a syndicate of banks collecting about £30m from the £3bn privatisation of Royal Mail. The government announced that it had selected Goldman Sachs, which has been accused of treating its clients like "muppets", and UBS, which was fined £940m for its role in the Libor rate rigging scandal, as global co-ordinators and bookrunners of the largest privatisation in two decades. As the lead banks advising on Royal Mail's sale the pair will collect the majority of the fees, understood to be set at about 1% of the target £2-3bn flotation value. Barclays and Bank of America Merrill Lynch will also collect millions in fees from more junior roles in the sale. The department for business, innovation and skills (BIS), which is in charge of the sale, refused to state how much the banks will collect in fees
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political issues and laws, and in many areas the Church has no stand." Travel Rates For Students A lot of opportunities are float-ing around for summer tours if you happen to have the time and money. A 52-day study tour of Latin America may be had for $590. The price includes all trans-portation, accomodations, three meals a day, sightseeing and even-ing entertainment. In each coun-try there will be discussions with leading representatives of govern-ment, private industry, the clergy, universities, and the student move-ments. Another new feature is Drive- It-Yourself on a conducted tour of Europe. The Dauphine tour will spend 80 days abroad visiting Hol-land, France, Spain, Italy and Switzerland. Sailing date on the "SS UNITED STATES" is June 24. Two Volkswagen Tours, leaving from New York and Montreal will travel to Belgium, France, Ger-many, Italy, Austria, and Switzer-land. For further information consult the CLARION bulletin board. Political Discussion Peterson Speaks on Catholics Student Affairs Office News Jerry's Barber Shop 614 Como Avenue (offdoubles and singles handball tournament is being play-ed, with tournaments in doubles and singles ping-pong. A singles and doubles badminton run-off will be getting under way soon. For the results in these and other intra-mural contests watch the bulletin board in the gym. Track Team To Take Time Trials The Bethel track team, runners-up in the Badger-Gopher confer-ence by one half point last year are now preparing for this year's competition. The team, coached by Mr. Jerry Thompson is being built around returning lettermen Pat Colon, Roger Purcell, Al Carlson, Paul Evan, Dave Hagfeldt, and Ron Olson. These returning men plus a group of new members are getting in shape for their first meet which will be the Carleton Relays. The other members of the team are Paul Kuhlman, Bart Aspling, Tom Kusant, Earl Twist, Ron Swanson, Les Larson, Clint Cedarlund and Larry Brad-shaw. Few of the members of the team have had any collegiate ex-perience in pole vaulting, high jumping,
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of pushing for bi-partisanship and compromise and is often lauded for his tendencies in those areas. As a testament to that President Obama moved to nominate him to the position of secretary of Commerce in his administration, he ultimately declined that position but, President Obama's interests in having him in that role says a great deal about Senator Gregg's ability to reach across the aisle to pass policy. In short, I'm very pleased to welcome Senator Judd Gregg here to speak with us today. [ Applause ] >> Thank you Professor Brooks and its great to be here today, and President Kim, and Professor Wheelan and members of the community, the Dartmouth community. I didn't go to Dartmouth but Cathy and I, my wife, sent all our money here, as we had three children go here. So it's been very much a part of our lifestyle as a family and all three of our children, ironically, had their reunion this last weekend I think orSimpson-Bowles Commission, which I had the good fortune to serve on, they're 18 people. The Simpson-Bowles Commission came back with a proposal to take $4 trillion out of the deficit and debt over a 10 year period. The agreement at the beginning set out by the terms of Simpson and Bowles was that the primary source of reduction in deficit and debt would come on the spending side of the ledger because that's where the primary problem is, as is shown by this chart. But there would also be revenues on the table. Mitch McConnell picked the three most fiscally conservative people he could find in the [coughing] Senate, and put them on the commission, because he didn't want anything that was reported by the commission and wasn't voted for by his Republican members on the commission, to come back to the conference because he wouldn't have had their support. So he put myself, he put Tom Coburn and Mike
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is now an atheist. She has appeared in media outlets from Slate to the Weekly Standard and you might recognize her, too, from the pro-life documentary film entitled 40. She holds a law degree from the University of Virginia School of Law. Last but certainly not least, we have Dr. Marguerite Duane. Dr. Duane is a board certified family physician and is co-founder and executive director of FACTS, the Fertility Appreciation Collaborative to Teach the Science which is a project of the Family Medicine Education Consortium. She also serves as an adjunct associate professor here at Georgetown where she directs an introductory course on natural methods of family planning. Dr. Duane also works with Modern Mobile Medicine, a direct primary care house-calls based practice serving patients in DC. In the past, she has also served as the medical director of the Spanish Catholic Center of Catholic Charities. She received her medical degree from the state university of New York at Stony Brook. Let's havethat movement, in the late 60s, early 70s. He was an abortionist himself. He was an atheist and he committed many abortions after legalization and then wound up coming over to our side thanks to ultrasound technology and decided to reveal some interesting tidbits about the way the abortion movement operated and what their strategy was to get Roe v. Wade handed down. So, I'm gonna read a short quote from him. I hope you'll forgive me for reading it off my phone, but this is what he had to say, one of the early abortion movement's strategies. He said, "We systematically vilified the Catholic church "and its socially backward ideas "and picked on the Catholic hierarchy "as the villain in opposing abortion. "This theme was played endlessly. "We fed the media such lies as, "'We all know that opposition to abortion "comes from the hierarchy and not most Catholics' "and polls proved time and time again "that most
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where entrepreneur Dwight Heard and his wife could displaytheir personal collection of Indian paintings, pottery, beadwork and basketry. Seventy years later, the Heard Museum still sits on its original site in central Phoen ix. Only now, it' s roughly eighttimes its original size and is world renowned for its displays of Native American art and artifacts from the Southwest. "It's beautiful," said Gerttie Moellerafterarecenttourwithher husband. "We're from Germany and we wanted to see two things while we were in Arizona _ the Grand Canyon and the Heard Museum." More than 250,000 people visit the landmark museum each year _ up to 70 percent of them tourists with amajority from Europe and Japan, said Heard spokeswoman Juliet Martin. People flock to 10 exhibit galleries and more than 32,000 works of art and ethnographic obj ects including more than 3,600 works of contemporary Native Museum/to Pg. 3 SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (AP) - The U.S. House has scuttled a controversial land swap along the MissouriRiver in South Dakota, forcing political leaders to figure out how to undo the action. The federal government took state, tribal and private land along theriverwhen it began building the dams. Last year Congress passed a law returning that land to the state and two Indian tribes that chose to take part in the deal arranged by Gov. Bill Janklow and Sen. Tom Daschle. Last week, the House voted instead to repeal the law authorizing the transfer. The Senate's version ofthe bill keeps the land deal and provides $3 mil 1 ion to start implementing it. A conference committee will try foracompromise.Thatwillmean strikingtheHouserepeal and letting the land transfer take effect, said Eric Washburn, a Daschle aide. "Senator Daschle is working with Governor Janklow and Congressman (John) Thune, as well as the White House, to assure that at the end of the day, the Missouri River act will be in place," Washburn said. Protesters at a camp on the Missouri
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People v Conway (2016 NY Slip Op 05165) People v Conway 2016 NY Slip Op 05165 Decided on June 29, 2016 Appellate Division, Second Department Published by New York State Law Reporting Bureau pursuant to Judiciary Law § 431. This opinion is uncorrected and subject to revision before publication in the Official Reports. Decided on June 29, 2016 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK Appellate Division, Second Judicial Department JOHN M. LEVENTHAL, J.P. ROBERT J. MILLER COLLEEN D. DUFFY FRANCESCA E. CONNOLLY, JJ. 2014-08606 (Ind. No. 2731/12) [*1]The People of the State of New York, respondent, vKevin Conway, appellant. Robert C. Mitchell, Riverhead, NY (Felice B. Milani of counsel), for appellant. Thomas J. Spota, District Attorney, Riverhead, NY (Caren C. Manzello of counsel), for respondent. DECISION & ORDER Appeal by the defendant from a judgment of the County Court, Suffolk County (Cohen, J.), rendered July 9,and Welfare 1998, were the households (approximately 280,000) or members of the households (approximately 780,000) located within 5,240 area units that had been randomly chosen from those selected by the Comprehensive Survey of Living Conditions of the People on Health and Welfare 1998. The subjects of the 1998 National Nutrition Survey were the households (approximately 5,000) or members of the households (approximately 15,000) located within 300 area units that had been randomly chosen from those selected by the 1998 National Survey on Basic Life Statistics (the subjects of the 1995 National Census of Japan). Among these households, 47 were located in Fukui Prefecture (Ohno-shi and Harue-machi); of these, 5 households were excluded because the individuals did not provide their consent and some of them were registered as foreign
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– they hired maids ◦ Women educated their children ◦ Had little sympathy for the poor  Middle class felt the poor were responsible for their own misery or that they were lazy and ignorant  Since Oak Park is an affluent area, what is your opinion of poor people? In your binder write whether you agree with the English Middle Class of the Industrial revolution or if you think differently  What was thought about strikes and unions at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution? Who made up the new Middle Class? What branch of Christianity swept through the slums? What were some characteristics of being “lady like”? Why were children valuable to the work force?  Introduce Project         Many workers called for labor unions Eventually working class men gained the right to vote Con’s to the Industrial Revolution ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Low pay initially Unemployment Dismal working conditions Slums & Disease Social problems ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Demand for mass produced goods More jobs were available Wages eventuallyrose Cost of travel fell Opportunities increased Pro’s to the Industrial revolution      Successful people of the Industrial Revolution embraced Laissez-faire economics What does this mean? They embraced Adam Smith’s “The Wealth of Nations” Where have we seen this before? Thomas Malthus predicted that the economic growth would outpace the food supply ◦ He said that society needed checks on population such as war, disease and famine ◦ If not the poor would suffer ◦ Malthus urged families to have less children  David Ricardo ◦ Argued that when wages were high people had more children and this provided more people for the work force which lowered wages and led to higher unemployment    After Malthus and Ricardo economics became known as the “dismal science” They both opposed government help for the poor In your binder write whether or not you think poor people in the United States should get Welfare or any other help from the government   Utilitarianism – the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people Socialism
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no longer a child. By 1968, Quebec nationalism was on the upswing. Unlike black nationalist emotions in America, it was a problem that had a variety of feasible solutions: Quebec, a perfectly plausible nation-state, could secede (as the American colonies had left the British Empire in 1776) and set up shop as an independent country. Or, if Quebec didn`t want to go,Canada could expel it, as the Czechs more or less tossed out the Slovaks in 1992 (to the benefit of both). Trudeau`s solution, however, was much more complicated, combining his newfound post-D Day hatred of the nation-state, and his insight that majority rule wasso pre-1968. Minority privilege would be the new touchstone. Therefore, Trudeau set about to bribe the French Canadians, at the expense of the British Canadians, to stay in the federation. That Trudeau was French Canadian made this task not unpleasant for him. That`s because — despite the national government`s pro-Frenchtoo far. Trudeau went through a genuine conversion moment away from French Catholic ethnocentrism to an ideology of post-ethnicity (on, roughly, D-Day). In contrast, although I`ve speculated that Obama gave up on the Dreams from His Father of becoming a black leader after his plan of becoming the second black mayor of Chicago was shattered in 2000 by his defeat at the hands of a former Black Panther who taunted him for not being black enough, we simply don`t know what he his "fundamental commitments" are today. Although Obama spent the last two years running for President, nobody in the media asked him about the flagrant contradictions between his 1995 autobiography, which is obsessively devoted to his struggle to prove himself"black enough"to become a black leader, and his purportedly"post-racial" 2004-2008 campaign image. For example: will Obama push hard for more affirmative action? I don`t know. However, we can
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Lacy's mother says she always tried to dress him up for church but that he carried his overalls with him and changed clothes before he got home so he would be ready to play. Often after Church on Sun­days, the work horses were transformed for pleasure riding. Lacy and young Jesse had special horses which were sc tame that Lacy remembers mounting his horse, Silver, by means of a board propped from the ground to the horse's back. Sunday dinner was a special event! The table was laden with country ham, fried chicken, vegetables, biscuits, jellies and jams, pies and cakes. During the summer the meal always ended with homemade ice cream churned in the hand-cranked freezer and frozen with ice chipped from blocks kept in the large ice box. The family and guests often stayed around the table long after the meal was finish­ed, discussing current political and social issues. Lacy's father, a mail carrier as well as a farmer, alwaysasked the questions which kept anyone from accepting easy answers to difficult problems. This man, Jesse Thornburg, had a powerful influence not only on his family and church but also on his community. He was a crusader who worked diligently to get the Eastfield road paved and to get electric power into the area. He understood tbe workings of government and taught his family lessons in social responsibility by his example. Lacy, when he entered the Army at age seventeen, had been nurtured in a setting of love, faith, hard work, and civic responsibility. After his tour of military duty was com­plete, he entered Mars Hill College where he fell in love with the mountains and his wife-to-be, went on to Univer­sity of North Carolina and University of North Carolina Law School, and came to Jackson county to begin his own process of nurturing a family in the spirit, if not the exact manner, of his own up­bringing. Webster, indeed, became his
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employ 3D printing as her principal medium in her garments. Herpen’s designs are brought to life when they interact with the human body in perfect harmony. In other words, when Herpen’s designs are strutted down a catwalk, the human movement transforms a rather abstract design into what she considers alive, fluid and delicate installations. Movement is an essential principle in her designs due to how the body and the garment behave together when in motion. Iris van Herpen is hosted by Paris Fashion Week every couture week to display her one of a kind designs to the world. Her latest collection, Syntopia, was inspired by the living tree bridges in India and how nature collaborates with architecture. She executes a new approach to garment construction by mixing techniques of cutting, weaving, folding and growing into a process that goes beyond traditional clothes making. She employs the use of chronophotography: an antique technique from the VictorianEra that captures movement in several frames of print, to break apart traditional draping of fabric and instead create slightly shifted layers to mimic an abstract and organic drape. Iris van Herpen continuously experiments with unconventional materials, innovative techniques and advanced technologies. When she realized the limitations fabric had from being manipulated to the desired structures and forms, Herpen decided to add various atypical materials to her list for usage to create her extraordinary designs. present 34 Beauty is Pain By: Lexi Ludwig Over the past few years, the cosmetic industry has taken a nosedive in a completely different direction than what it once was. An industry that was once very limited in its selections has opened their doors to providing products for all different types of customers, including vegan-based, cruelty-free consumers. Animal testing in the cosmetic industry has always been a widely discussed topic in the United States, especially since the
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London at the home of a British arms dealer bringing a "gift" — a New York police-issue pumpaction shotgun. "God knows how he got it into the country," said a friend. He has been described as a one-time maths teacher at a private school for girls and as a concert pianist. More recently, he has been given the vague title of "property developer". And while his assets include a £3million Palm Beach mansion, a 26,000-acre Mexico City estate and a priceless Picasso, the exact origins of his fortune are not clear — although through his company, J. Epstein and Co, he manages the fortunes of around 15 clients with at least £500million in assets. But while he indulged Ghislaine financially, Epstein — like Maxwell — could be cruel. "He is a strange man," one friend is reported to have said early on in their relationship. "Not dislikable but difficult to understand. He cantreat her very well or very badly. He can be impatient, demanding and extremely critical of her. At the same time he is kind and protective." Ghislaine was madly in love with Epstein — and said to be desperate to marry him — but Epstein would not commit himself and openly dated other women. Inevitably, their romance fizzled out but Ghislaine remained firmly in Epstein’s life. Ghislaine is said to have repaid him for his kindness to her when she first arrived in New York by introducing him to high society and potential business clients through contacts she made during her school days at Marlborough, and through her father’s illustrious friends. Thanks to Ghislaine, Epstein partied at Sandringham and Windsor with Prince Andrew, and attended a birthday party for the Queen. Thanks to Epstein, Ghislaine scaled the heights of New York society. It has been a very successful partnership. But he is not the sole reason
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Here's the The Lowdownfrom DN Journal, updated dailyto fill you in on the latest buzz going around the domain name industry. The Lowdown is compiled by DN Journal Editor & Publisher Ron Jackson. The Domain Battle That Pitted Ari Goldberger Against Michael Cohen and The Trump Organization Millions of Americans were transfixed by Wednesday's televised Congressional hearings (February 27, 2019) in which President Donald Trump's former personal attorney, Michael Cohen, spent hours testifying about alleged misdeeds committed by his old boss. At one point Cohen stated he had threatened an estimated 500 people on Mr. Trump's behalf over the past decade. As it happens, one of those threats was directed at a client of one of the world's best known domain attorneys, Ari Goldberger, the founder of The threat - an attempt to take the domain name away from it's rightful owner (Ari's client) - put Ari on the warpath against Cohen and The Trump Organization. It was a battlethat Ari would win with a single shot - a masterfully written 5-page letter he sent to The Trump Organization detailing extensive case law that established his client's rights to the domain so convincingly that he never heard from them again. However, Goldberger never forgot the incident because of unethical behavior by Cohen that he also called out in his letter, leaving no doubt he was willing to take that matter directly to the Bar Association if necessary. Some other testimony from Cohen on Wednesday also turned out to be an interesting part of the back story to this incident. Cohen stated he had been the one who started Trump's presidential campaign. Cohen said, “I certainly did, sir", citing his registration of another domain - - in 2011. Since his attempt to take occurred in late 2010, it would appear the former name was Cohen's consolation prize after his failed attempt to hijack the name owned by Ari's client. Regarding, Cohen continued, “2011. It was my idea. I saw
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Bob: Veteran journalist David Corn investigated the part Little Taiwanese played in the Trump Tower ring. >> And if you wanted to have the sort of operation which used a lot of Russian oligarch money, you needed someone to basically insure it. And he got paid millions and millions of dollars according to to the federal indictment here in the United States to provide that protection service to this, you know, this illegal gambling operation. >> Bob: It was just a few months later that the Russian mobster, still under US indictment, would appear on Trump's Miss Universe red carpet. >> It's some coincidence that a Russian oligarch mobster who was part of a gambling ring working out of Trump Tower would end up at Trump's beauty pageant. That's the thing. I mean, there are lots of mysterious coincidences involving Donald Trump and things Russian. [ Cheering and Applause ] >> Bob: Among the mysteries, Donald Trump's relationship with Russian President Vladimir Putin, his own statementsto accept the word of the intelligence community he will now have to work with? The week before the inauguration, a possible answer. >> CNN has learned that the nation's top intelligence officials provided information to President Elect Donald Trump and to President Barack Obama last week about claims of Russian efforts to compromise President-elect Trump. >> Bob: That CNN report was the first the public heard of the story based on unsubstantiated claims that Trump may have been compromised by Russian spies. But the buzz about it actually began to circulate in official Washington months earlier. The allegations are based on this 35 page memo compiled by a former British intelligence agent, hired by Trump opponents to find information damaging to his presidential bid. The dossier contains details of alleged cooperation with the Russians as well as Trump's possible exposure to blackmail because of suspected bugged phone calls for sexual acts recorded in hotel rooms. Again, we emphasize the material is unverified. >> I spoke
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relationship of art to the ob- ___ject itself and the emotions_produced by it. The first is the theory of re- lease in which the stimulus�the art object�touches off the emotional re- sponse of the spectator. The second theory, that of conditioning, states that all other emotional responses to art are merely by-products of these fundamental emotions. A third the- ory connects aesthetic enjoyment with wishful thinking, iir wish fulfillment, Cop'lnuefl on Page Two All-College Problems Debated At Vassar Plans for Library Addition Published � ���' Memorial Wing to Increase Stack Space and Feature Redding Room Final plans for the new Quita Woodward Memorial Wing of the Library have been published by the college authorities, and construction will begin shortly. The three-story structure is planned to contain stacks, classrooms, office space, and a gallery for display of art material. Total stack space in the college li- brary Will be greatly increased thiough the provision in the new wing of a standardclubs to such organi- zations as the Undergraduate Asso- ciation, management of college news- papers, the National Students' Feder- ation of America, and some dozen others. All the colleges represented had similar views on most subjects, with notable exception of self-govern- ment rules. Argument on this score waxed hot in the meetings, and con- tinued even into dinner, until finally a Vassar senior, deciding to end the whole thing, said solemnly to her neighbor, "And what about suicides�do you punish them very severely?" "Oh, no!" said the other, distressed; ' "As a matter of fact, we have little trouble with them." The conference is regarded as a very valuable one, especially to in- coming student officers. The similarity of the problems of the six colleges makes discussions lively, pointed and helpful. Next spring the conference will be held at Bryn Mawr, COLLEGE CALENDAR Wednesday, April 19.�Dr. Kurt Koffka on Problems in the Psychology of Art, Muslb Room, 8.15. Thursday,
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as a visiting professor of theoretical physics for one year. Dr. Mehra has lectured in Belgium, England, Israel, Holland, Germany, France, and Denmark. In the United States, Dr. Mehra has lectured at the California Institute of Technology, Cornell University, Georgetown University, Purdue University, Rice University, the University of California at Irvine, and the University of Houston. He also has earned numerous awards and grants from prestigious foundations, including the Henschel Fellowship and the U.S. Distinguished Senior Scientist Award of the Humboldt Foundation. A vast number of books, monographs and reference works on physics, mathematics, philosophy and history of science compose the collection. There are thousands of reprints of original papers autographed by their authors. The manuscripts of hundreds of published and unpublished books, papers, and lectures from physicists, mathematicians, philosophers, and literati are in the collection. Dr. Mehra's research in the history ofterms. Genre/Form of Material: Audiotapes Correspondence Manuscripts Personal Name: Dirac, P. A. M. (Paul Adrien Maurice), 1902-1984 Feynman, Richard Phillips Gell-Mann, Murray Lamb, Willis E. (Willis Eugene), 1913- Schwinger, Julian Seymour, 1918- Topical Term: Astrophysicists Astrophysics Communication in physics Cosmic physics Physicists Physics Physics-- Study and teaching Detailed Description Personal Paper Series: (Correspondence) The Personal Papers Series (correspondence) consists of two boxes of Jagdish Mehra correspondence. The files include personal correspondence both to and from Mehra and have been arranged alphabetically by the last name of the subject. Some correspondence related to a general topic was placed in alphabetical order by topic within the personal correspondence sub-series. Each folder is arranged chronologically. The correspondence files include letters from known scientists such as Einstein and from many universities around the world, including The University of Houston. Box Folder 1 1 Academie Royale 2 Academy of Sciences of the USSR 3 Adam Hilger Publishers 4 Adelman, George 5 Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Bi - National Colloquium 6 Ambegaokar, Vinay 7 American Association of Physics Teachers 8 American Institute of Physics (AIP) 9 American Medical Association 10 American Scientist 11 Arizona State
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Texas. But, now, here's the interesting part. They picked Cape Canaveral to manufacture their New Glenn rockets and leveraged Florida's Space Coast subsidies. They are also building an engine production facility in Huntsville, Alabama, which is politically significant for spaceflight policy. It is home of United Launch Alliance's manufacturing facility and NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, where they will test their engines for both the New Glenn and Vulcan. This represents the core distinction between SpaceX and Blue Origin, and it is a product of their upbringing. See, when Elon founded SpaceX, it nearly used up all the capital he had. SpaceX had to scramble to get customers and contracts if they were going to survive, let alone develop anything else. This turned them into an incredibly agile and efficient company that iterates their designs as well as their plans constantly. This is clearly indicated by Starship's development process, which has fundamentally changed the design in every possible way while still being truepicture, enabling O'Neill colonies. O'Neill is known for questioning why humans must live on planetary surface in the first place, and for his designs of massive rotating cities in their orbits. This has a vast amount of advantages and is much broader topic for another time. Bezos was absolutely fascinated by the idea and even discussed it in his graduation speech. Jeff Bezos acknowledges that the gargantuan rotating space cities won't happen in his lifetime. Instead he hopes to create the infrastructure it would require for future generations of entrepreneurs to make this a reality. He likens it to the internet, the postal delivery network, and banking system that he was able to build Amazon upon, and would like to solve some of the barriers to spaceflight access, so that the humans of the future can develop the new frontier. This involves reducing the cost of launch, making the use of asteroid resources feasible, and accessing the lunar ice deposits to fuel
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Catalog - The University of Texas Institute of Texan Cultures at San Antonio, 1994 itute of Texan Cultures CATALOG e publications e posters e audiovisuals e exhibits Prices Effective November 15, 1994 (Sale prices good through April 30, 1995) The Institute of Texan Cultures PRODUCTS & SERVICES CATALOG PRICES EFFECTIVE NOVEMBER 15, 1994. Sale prices good through April 30, 1995, while quantities last! PUBLICATIONS TEXAS ETHNIC AND CULTURAL HISTORY The Danish Texans by John L. Davis Dr. Davis explores Danish settlers' economic, political, and cultural contributions. To be reprinted/date undetermined The English Texans by Thomas W. Cutrer Though most came alone or in small groups, English immigrants had a deep influence on Texas, much of which is detailed in this book. Hardbound: $13.95 Exploration in Texas Ancient and Otherwise, With thoughts on the nature of evidence by John L. Davis Who really discovered "Texas"? The Chinese? The Phoenicians? The Vikings? This vastly entertaining book is also thought-provoking and prompts the reader to analyze "facts" and "proof" in orderthis program younger (K-3) students can become acquainted with the many symbols of Texas, including the flag, Alamo, cowboy, bluebonnet, pecan tree, armadillo, and mockingbird. Teacher's guide included. $20.00 Gonzales: Cradle of Texas Liberty, 20 min. The long and picturesque history of Gonzales is explored, along with its modern-day attitudes about preserving history and tradition . Teacher's guide not available. $20.00 The Kruger Family: Texas Immigrants, 28 min. The daughter of Russian-Jewish immigrants tells the story of her parents' flight to the U.S. from the repressive society of Czarist Russia around the turn of the century. Teacher's guide not available. $20.00 Contemporary Indians of Texas Video Series This award-winning series is internationally recognized for its authenticity and attention to detail. The people featured tell their stories in their own words and give the viewer a glimpse into their real lives. Circle of Life: The Alabama-Coushattas, 24 min. This documentary is an exploration of the cultural identity of the Alabama­Coushattas, a modern tribe, originating in the southeastern U.S., with
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system of Korea was officially abolished. Following the collapse of the Gabo government, the new cabinet, which became the Gwangmu government after the establishment of the Korean Empire, introduced systematic measures for abolishing the traditional class system. One measure was the new household registration system, reflecting the goals of formal social equality, which was implemented by the loyalists' cabinet. Whereas the old registration system signified household members according to their hierarchical social status, the new system called for an occupation.While most Koreans by then had surnames and even bongwan, although still substantial number of cheonmin, mostly consisted of serfs and slaves, and untouchables did not. According to the new system, they were then required to fill in the blanks for surname in order to be registered as constituting separate households. Instead of creating their own family name, some cheonmins appropriated their masters' surname, while others simply took the most common surname and its bongwanin the local area. Along with this example, activists within and outside the Korean government had based their visions of a new relationship between the government and people through the concept of citizenship, employing the term inmin ("people") and later, kungmin ("citizen"). ==== North Korea ==== The Committee for Human Rights in North Korea reported that "Every North Korean citizen is assigned a heredity-based class and socio-political rank over which the individual exercises no control but which determines all aspects of his or her life." Regarded as Songbun, Barbara Demick describes this "class structure" as an updating of the hereditary "caste system", combining Confucianism and Stalinism. She claims that a bad family background is called "tainted blood", and that by law this "tainted blood" lasts for three generations. === Tibet === Heidi Fjeld has put forth the argument that pre-1950s Tibetan society was functionally a caste system, in contrast to previous scholars who defined
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gold. 468 - 474 Thiudimir / Theodomar / Theodemir Brother-in-law. 474 Spending much of his youth at the imperial court at Constantinople, Theodoric gains a thoroughly Roman education. This includes the areas of administrative and military tactics, and he rises to become magister militum in 483 and consul in 484. He returns to live with the Ostrogoths in 488. The Scirian commander of Rome, Odoacer, destroys the Rugii tribe, who are long-time allies of the Ostrogoths. This allows a future threat for Italy, the Langobards, to migrate into their territory in Lower Austria. 489 The Ostrogoths are now largely settled in Moesia, distancing them from the remaining Ostrogoths who have remained further east, in the Crimean peninsula. These 'remainers' become known to history as the Tauric Ostrogoths. The main body, though, while nominally Eastern Roman allies, is problematic at best. Their restlessness is creating increasing problems in their management for Emperor Zeno. Working with Theodoric to finda solution, the emperor invites him to invade Italy and overthrow Odoacer, the troublesome Gothic viceroy there. The remains of the Rugii join them and soon become indivisible from the Ostrogoths. The Ostrogoths immediately win the Battle of Isonzo on 28 August 489, close to Aquileia, and Odoacer is forced to withdraw. A second battle is fought at Verona in the same year. 490 - 493 A further battle is fought on the River Adda in 490, and in 493 Theodoric takes Ravenna. On 2 February the same year, Theodoric and Odoacer sign a treaty that divides Italy between them, but at a banquet to celebrate the terms, Theodoric murders Odoacer with his own hands. Now unopposed, he is able to found an Ostrogothic kingdom based in Rome. Ostrogothic Kingdom of ItalyAD 493 - 552 Theodoric led the Ostrogothic invasion of Italy (supported by elements of the Rugii). During the
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at Club were “into” what was new or important at that time in history. In 1910, seven years after the Wright Brothers flew their plane at Kitty Hawk, young men at Club were part of building an airplane glider. In 1912, four years after Ford introduced the first Model T, kids were learning about the principles of the gasoline engine. The first licensed radio broadcast was in August 1920 and members of the Boys’ Club were constructing their own radios in 1922. The girls’ activities centered around the “domestic and applied arts” … and while boys and girls met separately, in the late 1890 they joined together for special events … like “talks on a wide variety of subjects”, musical concerts, picnics and excursions into the countryside. Field and water meets for both boys and girls were popular from the beginning. Special events during the 1920s consisted of picnics, hayrides, and trips to the Welch’s grape juice productionfacility, Midway Park, Panama Rocks, and Buttermilk Falls. Because the majority of children stayed for the entire season, skill development in various areas was possible. Projects were ambitious, and often took the entire season to complete. In 1898 Chautauqua decided to erect a facility for the Boys’ Club. This was a brave undertaking as it was at the end of the financial panic of the 1890. Lewis Miller, the founder and benefactor of Chautauqua, had lost most of his fortune during this period. N.F. Clark of Oil City, stepped in to back the plan and undertook the task of raising funds, contributing almost half of the $2,700 cost himself. Efforts were successful and the building known as the Boys’ Club was erected in 1899. By August of 1900, enrollment had swelled to 200 and the Girls’ Club was overflowing its temporary headquarters in the CLSC. In 1902 the building known as the Girls’ Club was completed at a
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In the summer of 1831, a little more than a year after the Church was organized, Joseph Smith traveled from Kirtland, Ohio, to Independence, Missouri, and there dictated a revelation designating Missouri as the land of Zion. Church members soon began migrating to Independence, which was in Jackson County. When they were driven from Jackson County, they settled in Clay County and later in Caldwell County. Meanwhile, Joseph Smith and the Latter-day Saints living in Kirtland continued building up the community of Saints there. As the Church in Kirtland continued to grow, Joseph Smith and other leaders conceived expansive plans for the community, including a bank, which would help provide capital for development. But the bank's failure and other problems led to dissent against Joseph Smith in the Church. By January 1838, Joseph Smith faced threats of physical violence. Fearing for his life, he fled Kirtland and traveled hundreds of miles to Far West in Caldwell County, where most of the Missouri Saints lived. Joseph Smith soon dictated a revelation directing the Latter-day Saintsto continue gathering to Missouri and to develop Far West as a holy place and a city of Zion. This revelation also commanded the Saints to build a temple there. For most of 1838, Joseph Smith was focused on building up Far West as the central gathering point of the Church. The revelation also stated that Joseph Smith would be guided to designate new locations for Mormon settlement in Missouri. Shortly thereafter, he identified a picturesque bluff rising above the Grand River as Adam-ondi-Ahman. Joseph Smith had previously taught that a place called Adam-ondi-Ahman was where Father Adam had blessed his posterity after leaving the Garden of Eden. Joseph Smith spent several weeks surveying the town, supervising the construction of new homes, and organizing a stake of Zion there. It was also during this time that he and other Church leaders were directing Mormon migration to the small town of DeWitt, strategically situated where the Grand River runs into the Missouri River. Through the remainder of the summer of 1838, Joseph Smith was engaged in
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lack of communication from the trust, which has only been prepared to speak through its lawyers. The PNBST has been approached by phone and email for comment. There was no reply as of yesterday. Christmas craft market After successes with previous events in July and October, Kilbrinie is gearing up for its third Craft Market, this time with a Christmas theme. Organiser Sonia Markholm says everything to be displayed has been hand made by local crafters and there will be a number of great items for Christmas gifts including dolls’ clothes, crocheted and knitted teddies and toys, jewellery, paintings, cards, peg dolls, Christmas decorations, hand bags, fans, crystals and art works. Kilbirnie Christmas Craft Market will be at Kilbirnie Community Centre, 56 Bay Road, from 10am to 2pm on Saturday, December 15. 24 HOUR It’s the one stop shop for all your biking needs. EMERGENCY SERVICE All Insurance Work and WINZ quotes welcome. Members of Window Assoc. of NZ Ltd inbriefcurrent reforms being made to renting, Proper CEO Aaron Yee says. Waiting game as Kilbirnie booze ban on cards By Jamie Adams Kilbirnie residents will have to wait until the middle of next year before they know if they will finally get a much-desired public liquor ban in their shopping precinct. Last Thursday Wellington City Council, in its city strategy committee meeting, agreed to an amendment to a proposed modification of the current liquor ban area. They agreed to a motion from eastern ward councillor Simon Marsh to consult with the community about creating an alcohol ban area within the Kilbirnie business area. That area would be bordered by Mahora Street, Coutts Street, Childers Terrace, Evans Bay Parade and Rongotai Road. Council officers will report back by June 30, 2019 after which councillors will decide. Councillors also agreed to a “comprehensive range of initiatives seeking to manage alcoholrelated issues in the Kilbirnie community”, such as an increase in Local
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by an innovative, forward-thinking approach to storytelling. “It is truly remarkable for UNCSA to have this many alumni working on so many films screening at the Sundance Film Festival, including MUD, PRINCE AVALANCHE and THIS IS MARTIN BONNER.It is testament to the caliber of talent graduating from the School of the Arts,” said Interim Dean of Filmmaking Susan Ruskin. “We are proud that our alumni are making a difference in the profession, and in all aspects of the profession,” she added, pointing out additional alumni in the crews and the casts of the films written by Nichols, Green, and Hartigan, as well as in six other films chosen by Sundance. Alumni worked on two additional films selected in the Next <=> category: I USED TO BE DARKER, with Alex Bickel (2004)as colorist; and MILKSHAKE, with Ian Bloom (2005) as director of photography. In the U.S. Dramatic Competition category, which offers a first look at groundbreaking new voices in Americanindependent film, alumni worked on three films: AIN’T THEM BODIES SAINTS, with Michael Sledd (2001) as co-producer and Jane Rizzo (1998) as editor; KILL YOUR DARLINGS, with Gilana Lobel (2005) as assistant production coordinator, Shakim Coleman (2011) as accounting clerk, and Dane DeHaan (Drama high school 2004 and BFA 2008) appearing as Lucien Carr; and MOTHER OF GEORGE, with Bickel as colorist. MUD stars Matthew McConaughey, Reese Witherspoon and Michael Shannon in the story of two teenage boys who encounter a fugitive and form a pact to help him evade the bounty hunters on his trail and to reunite him with his true love. Other Film alumni who are credited for work on MUD include: · Adam Stone (1999), cinematographer; · Richard Wright (1999), production designer; · Elliott Glick (2004), art director; · Will Files (2002), sound designer; · Clint Smith (2002), dialogue editor; · Dylan Conrad (2010), b camera 1st Assistant Camera; · Neil Moore (2002), c camera operator and director of photography; · Matthew A. Petrosky (2000), a camera operator and Steadicam; · Darius Shahmir (2001), electronic press kit; · Matt
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gallery in Washing-ton, D.C. Walker Art center in Minneapolis owns a wood-cut of "The Violinist." To expand the proposed collec-tion, the cultural council also plans to purchase one of the Dean Warn-holtz compositions now on display. appeal, this performance has vis-ual attraction as well. They do both total and semi-chorus work, a type of choral reading unique in the United States. This group of fifty performers was founded two decades ago by the director, Miss Owen. The group has traveled extensively throughout the upper midwestern United States. The program will include selec-tions by James Thurber and Carl Sandburg. Such essays as "My Romance" and Miss Owen's "Cas-ual Approach to Violence" will be performed. The light touch will be provided by "The Beau That Wasn't" and "Some Gaities." Miss Owen is the chairman of the speech department at Macal-ester as well as the director of the Macalester theatre. Casting has been completed and announced for "The Barretts of Wimpole Street," which willbe produced by the drama workshop class on April 29 and 30, at 8 p.m. in the fieldhouse. Inez Welch will play Elizabeth Barrett, with Bill Malam as her domineering father. Tom Johnson will play Robert Browning. Joanne Heckman will be Hen-rietta Barrett; and Maurine Herou her sister, Arabel. Elizabeth's doc- Bryant, and Wayne Kindall. Dr. Richard Curtis, associate professor of speech, is directing the play. College seniors, take notice! The fifth Career Festival will be held at the college of St. Thomas on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thurs-day, March 29, 30, and 31. The hours are from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Tuesday and Thursday and 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Wednesday. This festival, sponsored by the college of St. Thomas in coopera-tion with Augsburg college, Bethel college, Hamline university, Macal-ester college, and the college of St. Catherine will be held at the Armory and O'Shaughnessy Hall on the St. Thomas campus. Bethel students are encouraged to see the
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Structural linguistics is an approach to linguistics originating from the work of Swiss linguist Ferdinand de Saussure and is part of the overall approach of structuralism. De Saussure's Course in General Linguistics, published posthumously in 1916, stressed examining language as a static system of interconnected units. He is thus known as a father of modern linguistics for bringing about the shift from diachronic to synchronic analysis, as well as for introducing several basic dimensions of semiotic analysis that are still important today, such as syntagmatic and paradigmatic analysis. Structural linguistics involves collecting a corpus of utterances and then attempting to classify all of the elements of the corpus at their different linguistic levels: the phonemes, morphemes, lexical categories, noun phrases, verb phrases, and sentence types. Two of Saussure's key methods were syntagmatic and paradigmatic analysis, which define units syntactically and lexically, respectively, according to their contrast with the other units in the system. Structural linguistics is now regarded bysome professional linguists as outdated and as superseded by developments such as cognitive linguistics and generative grammar; Jan Koster states, "Saussure, considered the most important linguist of the century in Europe until the 1950s, hardly plays a role in current theoretical thinking about language," while cognitive linguist Mark Turner reports that many of Saussure's concepts were "wrong on a grand scale" and Norman N. Holland notes that "Saussure's views are not held, so far as I know, by modern linguists, only by literary critics, Lacanians, and the occasional philosopher;" others have made similar observations. History Structural linguistics begins with the posthumous publication of Ferdinand de Saussure's Course in General Linguistics in 1916, which was compiled from lectures by his students. The book proved to be highly influential, providing the foundation for both modern linguistics and semiotics. After Saussure, the history of structural linguistics branches off in two directions. First, in America, linguist Leonard Bloomfield's reading of Saussure's course
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current bullfighting sea- son in Panam will continue tomorrow afternoon with Spain's Manolo Ortega and Mexico's Greaforto Puebla pit- ting their skill against f oar "brave bulb" from the Marcos Robles hacienda. Tomorrow's affair is billed as a hullfightinf contest between Spain and Mexico and gets un- derway at La Macarena bull- ring In San Francisco at 4:M p.m. The usual admission prices will be charged. US Cruiser Boise Sold To Argentina PHILADELPHIA, Mar. 8 (UP) Former United States cruiser Boise will be commissioned Into the Argentine Navy at cere- monies aboard the ship Tuesday at the Philadelphia Naval Base. This la the second United States cruiser bought by Argen- tina. The Boise is one of the few U. S. Navy ships to fight in both the Pacific and the At- lantic during World War II. She will be renamed Nueve de Julio commemorating the Argentine Act of Independence on July 9, 1810, and the De- claration of Economic Inde- pendence on July 9,1947. Expelled Arnullisla To Make Another Bid For Mayor's Seal Angel Vega Mndez, erstwhile Panamelsta candidate for Ma- yor of Panama City, will make another bid for nomination to- morrow, following his expulsion from the party by the National Directory headed by former Pre- sident Arnulfo Arias. Vega Mendei was expelled yesterday along with four other Panamenlstas for disloyalty when they failed to abide by the party's decision to launch Jose Clemente de Obaldla, former Minister of Government, as Its candidate for Mayor of Pan- ama City In the May elections. The other four joined Vega Mndez in challenging the no- mination of Obaldla. Vega Mndez is scheduled to be launched tomorrow by the Partido Accin Nacional Inde- pendiente a municipal par- ty In an open-air ceremony at Old Panama, before the sta- tue of the late Mexican, Presi- dent Morelos. France's New Cabinet Has President's OK; Survival Hopes Fair PARIS, March 8 (UP) Busi-1 nessman-Premler Antolne Pinay today won presidential approval of his streamlined 17-minlster cabinet
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her father took a job in the United States with Radio Free Asia and moved his family to America, where they were granted political asylum. Fearing for the safety of his daughters, he bid Nyane and her sisters not to get involved in Burmese politics. However, working as a translator for the International Rescue Committee in Charlottesville, she befriended two Burmese families who told her about the deplorable conditions in the border settlements. Their stories disturbed her, and her conscience would not allow her to sit idly by and do nothing. With the support of a scholarship from U.Va.’s Center for Global Health, Nyane traveled to Thailand in summer 2002 to investigate, from a health perspective, the living conditions of the refugee camps and illegal settlements and to develop a plan (with the subsequent support of a U.Va. Harrison Undergraduate Research Award) to provide nutrition, health care and education to stateless Burmese children. Because sheinto a variety of problems. She was not able to eat the prepared food because of the poor sanitation, so she ate only raw fruits and vegetables. She appealed to the United Nations Children’s Fund for books on health, so she could teach hygiene to camp residents, but when UNICEF found that she was staying with former political prisoners, she said, the books were not delivered. In a culture where young people traditionally defer to the wisdom of their elders, rather than the other way around, Nyane found her youth to be an impediment. Few adults seemed willing to embrace her ideas for changing the lives of the border children – such as feeding the children while they were at school, as an incentive for them to come to lessons and to get them playing with other children in a safe environment. “The question I have been facing is, are they going to listen?” she said. “Will they
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the patients could be moved by stretcher only. McLauglin subsequently called a fraud hotline at Blue Cross to report that the run sheets had been falsified. Blue Cross referred the case to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services ("HHS"), Office of Inspector General, to initiate a criminal investigation. After a HHS agent obtained duplicates of the run sheets from the Riverside Medical Center in Kankakee, Illinois, the agent discovered alterations in the set that FAC had sent to Blue Cross. Two federal agents then went to FAC to interview Freitag. During the interview, the agents advised Freitag that they believed that alterations were made to the run sheets. Freitag initially stated that she had no knowledge of how the alterations were made. According to the testimony of one agent, however, Freitag later indicated that she did not want Watson or McLaughlin to get in trouble andshe was testifying about, or reviewed any interview reports of the FAC emergency medical technicians who transported them. Freitag also testified in her own defense. She testified that she never intended to defraud Medicare. She stated that every claim she submitted to Medicare was medically necessary. According to Freitag, she instructed Watson and McLauglin to alter the ambulance run sheets only because she was "petrified" by the prospect of an audit. She testified that she was "scared as hell" when the federal agents interviewed her because they allegedly screamed, yelled, and accused her of altering run sheets. She stated that she told the agents that she only transported Medicare beneficiaries when medically necessary. She also testified that she did not request letters from Lalumendre in response to the criminal investigation into FAC’s billing practices. On the basis of the evidence introduced at trial, a jury found Freitag guilty of all
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the vicinity of the southern cross or crux constellation and after this time on december twenty-fifth disarmed machine one degree this time nor foreshadowing longer days warmth and spring and thus it was sad the sun died on the cross was dead for three days only to be resurrected reborn again this is why jesus and numerous other song god's sharing crucifixion three-day death and resurrection concept it is the sun's transition period before it ships its direction back into the northern hemisphere brain spring in the south asian however they're not celebrate the resurrection of the sun until the spring kikwit months more easter this is because at the spring equinox the sun officially overpowers the evil darkness as daytime thereafter becomes longer in duration them tonight and the revitalizing conditions of spring emerge now probably the most obvious of all the astrological symbolism around jesus precaution twelve disciples there simply to twelve constellations of the story and miss jesus being thenew agent carries upon the new age everyone must shed the old age southern tds markets transitions as well such as in the field hickory christian god kills the bill in the same symbolically now jesus is the figure who watches in the age following aries the age of pisces for the two fish the symbolism is very abundant in the testimony teases feeds five thousand people with bread and to fish when he begins his ministry walking along gallantly chibi friends too fishermen who followed him i think we've all seen the jesus fish in the back of people's cars little do they know what it actually means it is a pagan astrological symbolism for the sun's kingdom during the ages of crises also jesus is assumed birthdate is essentially the start of this age at luke twenty two ten when jesus is asked bias disciples where the next passover will be after he is gone jesus
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time. Lorraine Pepper led the discus-sion, assisted by Bernice , Good-night and Naomi Nesterud. Gordon Paulson spoke impromptu on "Hanging Pictures" and Genevieve Sutton gave the poem, The Touch of the Master's Hand earlier in the program. Dean Olson acted as presiding chairman. Voth Addresses Freshmen at First Annual Banquet The Freshman Class held the first annual Freshman Banquet in the dining hall on Friday, Feb-ruary second, at seven-thirty o'clock. Toastmaster was Jim Rentz, and Bob Hilton, class presi-dent, led in the opening prayer. The program offered a wide variety of readings and musical selections. Don Richardson gave a Numerous reading entitled "The Hour of Decision." Along a more serious vein, to Maiden's Song," was recited by Pat Noland. A beautiful number, "The Lord is my Light," was sung by Joan Levine. Frances Wachlin, Mary Alm, and Dorothy Johnson sang a trio number, "Wondrous Grace _Hath Filled My Soul". Instrumen-tal numbers included a trumpet and alto horn duet, "The Stranger of Galilee," byGene Messenger and Al Malmstrom, and Florence Jacobson played "There's Power in the Blood" on the bells'. Mr. Myron Voth of St. Paul Bible Institute gave a challenging message based on the theme of the evening, "We Are His Workmen." Committee chairmen who were directly responsible for the suc-cess of the banquet were: Ann Radunz, program; Marie Ekstrom, advertising; Jack Jensen, decorat-ing; Connie Johnson, menu; Doro-thy Rick, place-setting; and Gene Messenger, tickets. Boy's Dorm Meeting To Feature Two Airline Films Next Thursday evening, Feb-ruary 15th, beginning at 8:30 p. m., a meeting of the Bethel Men's Association will meet in the base-ment of the boys dorm. Jim Lemon and Jim Hubbard, in charge of the meeting, have announced that two technicolor films on North-west Airlines will be shown. After-ward refreshments will be served. B. W. A. The Bethel Women's Association will meet next Thursday, February 15th, with Miss Barbara Port and Miss Helen Peterson in charge. A group of thirty-five Bethel' students, members
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Council: When the Zionist regime can't stand the resistance in the blockaded Gaza strip, it is clear that it will definitely have nothing to say when it comes to the power and strength of the Islamic Republic. Similar sentiments have been expressed by Iran's military commanders, including by the commander of the Revolutionary Guards, General Mohammad Ali Jafari, who has publicly admitted that Iran has provided Hamas with the technology to build Fajr-5 rockets and "their production was rapid". "If Israel's intention of provoking this war was to use it as a prelude for an attack on Iran, then it was a complete failure mainly because the war ended in a victory for Hamas, Iran, and [the Lebanese] Hezbollah, a triumvirate of power that poses a formidable challenge to any war scenario against Iran," said a Tehran University political science professor who spoke on the condition of anonymity. The widespread impressionthat an Israeli strike on Iran is now even less likely than in the past as a direct result of the Gaza war is bound to influence the climate for negotiation between Iran and the "5+1" nations - the permanent members of the United Nations Security Council plus Germany - scheduled for the near future. The "military option" used to coerce Iran at the negotiation table, albeit discretely, has now lost a good deal of its utility, and that is a definite plus for the diplomatic option. "At a minimum, the Gaza war's windfall for Iran has been a wider opening of the diplomatic window, which should translate into a greater flexibility and mood for compromise by the Western governments," said the Tehran professor. Nuclear talks, the road aheadAhead of the next round of multilateral talks, bilateral discussions between Iran and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) scheduled
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and b3 the magnetic force of the sun it was carried round the sun which gave It its yearly mo tion All the other planets viz Ve nus earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Ura nus and Neptune were formed In the same way and received their dally and yearly motions the cluck In the egg and babe In Its mothers womb have been formed and brought to life by the same power Electricity has completed the uni verse as far as astronomy has reveal ed it to us By evolution all nature has become manifested to our five senses We have the whole vegetable king dom of this earth placed before us and by the Idea of Aristotle the ani mal kingdom Is an evolution of the vegetable and the human being Is an evoltlon of the animal kingdom by the Darwinian system Here we are on this earth by this great electricalbestowed upon us for a few paltry years only Neither is the universality of the belief In Immortality an argument in its favor Many of the wisest men of RHEUMATISM 11 J f CHOCTAW OKLAHOMA GULF RI RJ Combines the Advantages of Eastern Service r With the Opportunities of a WESTERN COUNTRY A DIRECT LINE f 1 Memphis to Little Rock Hot Springs Indian and Oklahoma Territories Texas Coir orado New Mexico Arizona Old 1 t Mexico and the Pacific Coast WIDE VETIQULED TRAINI MUNYONS RHEUMATISM CURE I positively cures Rheumatism in any part of the body It seldom fails to cure sharp shooting pains in the Arms Legs Side Back or Breast and Rheumatic Swelling or Soreness of any part of the body in from one to three hours It effects a speedy and permanent cureI of all forms of Rheumatism Sciatica Lumbago or pain in the Back Lame ness Stiff and Swollen Joints and all pains in hips
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South Wales. Journalist and ex-politician Wallace Nelson was an official lecturer on the tour. The first tour started on 11 November 1925 and concluded on 20 May 1926 there was a Christmas break from 22 Dec to 4 Jan. The towns visited were: Gosford, Newcastle, West Maitland, Cessnock, Singleton, Muswellbrook, Scone, Murrurundi, Quirindi, Werris Creek, Tamworth, Armidale, Binnaway, Merrygoen, Dunedoo, Gulgong, Mudgee, Rylstone, Lithgow, Bathurst, Blayney, Lyndhurst, Cowra, Orange, Wellington, Dubbo, Narromine, Peak Hill, Parkes, Forbes, Stockinbingal, Temora, Ariah Park, Ardlethan, Barellan, Griffith, Leeton, Yanco, Narrandera, Ganmain, Coolamon, Junee, Wagga Wagga, Henty, Culcairn Albury, Brocklesby, Corowa, The Rock, Cootamundra, Wallendbeen, Young, Harden, Yass, Gunning, Goulburn, Moss Vale, Mittagong, Liverpool, Sydney, Granville The second tour (25 Aug to 22 Nov 1926) of the train visited: Newcastle, East Maitland, Dungog, Gloucester, Wingham, Taree, Kendall, Wauchope, Kempsey, Macksville, Urunga, Raleigh, Coffs Harbour, Corumba, Glenreagh, South Grafton, Grafton, Rappville, Casino, Kyogle, Lismore, Bangalow, Byron Bay, Mullumbimby Murwillumbah, Thirroul, Wollongong, Berry, Nowra, Tarago, Michelago, Cooma, Nimmitabel, Bombala, Canberra, Queanbeyan, Bungendore, Botany, Mascot, Rockdale, Hurstville, Darling Island which is now Darling Harbour in Sydney Notes References Category:Named passenger trains of New South Wales Category:Rail transport in New South WalesPatrick Page, who was a hit last season as the grumpy hermit whose heart is "two sizes too small," will again don green make-up when Dr. Seuss' How The Grinch Stole Christmas! – The Musical returns to Broadway for a limited engagement in November. Patrick Page as The Grinch in Dr. Seuss' How The Grinch Stole Christmas! Photo by Paul Kolnik A production spokesperson confirmed to that Page, who is currently playing Scar in The Lion King, will head the cast of Grinch, when it plays the St. James Theatre Nov. 1-Jan. 6, 2008. Opening night is Nov. 9. Additional casting will be announced at a later date. The musical is based on Theodore Geisel's classic book, which is currently celebrating its 50th anniversary. Running Subway Productions and Tony Award-winning director Jack
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War on Drugs, harsh mandatory drug sentencing would be the catalyst for the prison population boom. The nation's response to crack? Fast forward to 1992, when Pee Wee Herman filmed this David Lynch-ian PSA about the dangers of crack. Look, everybody wants to be cool, but doing it with crack isn't just wrong. It could be dead wrong. [HEARTBEAT RACING] We're not going to show it, but November 18th marks the day the New York Giants' Lawrence Taylor broke Joe Theismann's s leg in three during a Monday Night Football game. It was the live, uncensored, graphic rawness that would stick in any viewer's traumatized memory decades after it happened. That day would be Theismann's last day as a football player. Theismann would move on to announcing NFL games. But his big broadcasting moment came when he hosted American Gladiators. Fast forward and to the date of Theismann's injury on November 18th, 2018, when JJ Watt and Kareem Jackson inflicted the same injury to another Washington quarterback, AlexSmith. Worth noting, as of the making of this video, Alex Smith is returning to the NFL. Yeah. Now, he's worried. You cut him. You hurt him. You see? You see? He's not a machine. He's a man. [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] Moving into December, the Chicago Bears released the Super Bowl Shuffle on the 3rd. Fast forward to February 1st, 1986, when the Super Bowl Shuffle peaked at number 41 on the Billboard Hot 100. For a decade filled with great music, how did that happen? Two days later, on December 5th, Christopher Forbes, Vice President of Forbes magazine Bought a 1787 Chateau Lafite Claret for $157,000. The rare 198-year-old bottle of wine was said to have once been owned by Thomas Jefferson. [GLUGGING] Mhm. Fancy. Fast forward to 2005, when billionaire wine collector Bill Koch, yes that Koch of the shadowy Coke brothers, bought four bottles of 1787 Chateau Lafite from the same batch Forbes bought his bottle. Coke staff began the process of certifying the four bottles and soon found out the entire batch, including Forbes' bottle, were
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morning at the North Central Fire Station, rain began to fall again leaving members of the city’s emergency response team to wince. Story continues after video ... Bartley said the city should expect more rain in the coming days. “They will rise as the day progresses. We’re expecting more precipitation over the next couple of days,” he said. Members of the public can call Thunder Bay Hydro at 343-1002 or the city’s infrastructure department at 625-2195. NOTE TO READERS: This story has changed significantly from when it was first published. As a result, some of the comments may refer to earlier versions of the story.information for life, work and pleasure. Communities Under Pennsylvania law, there are four types of incorporated municipalities: cities, boroughs, townships, and, in at most two cases, towns. The post office uses community names and boundaries that usually do not correspond to the townships, and usually only have the same names as the municipalities for the cities and boroughs. The names used by the post office are generally used by residents to describe where they live. The following cities, boroughs and townships are located in Chester County: City Coatesville Boroughs Atglen Avondale Downingtown Elverson Honey Brook Kennett Square Malvern Modena Oxford Parkesburg Phoenixville South Coatesville Spring City West Chester (county seat) West Grove Townships Birmingham Caln Charlestown East Bradford East Brandywine East Caln East Coventry East Fallowfield East Goshen East Marlborough East Nantmeal East Nottingham East Pikeland East Vincent East Whiteland Easttown Elk Franklin Highland Honey Brook Kennett London Britain London Grove Londonderry Lower Oxford New Garden New London Newlin North Coventry Penn Pennsbury Pocopson Sadsbury Schuylkill South Coventry Thornbury Tredyffrin Upper Oxford Upper Uwchlan Uwchlan Valley Wallace Warwick West Bradford West Brandywine West Caln West Fallowfield West Goshen West Marlborough West Nantmeal West Nottingham West Pikeland West Sadsbury West Vincent West Whiteland Westtown Willistown Unincorporated communities Birchrunville Brandamore Bucktown Cedar
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenWebText2", "Wikipedia (en)" ] }
property acquisitions in Hong Kong. The Carrian Group Ltd. had been founded back in 1977, but it wasn’t until 1980 that their scheme for success was put into motion. Via a 75% subsidiary, Carrian Group purchased Gammon House, which was a prime piece of real estate in the Central District of Hong Kong. The purchase was made for nearly $1 billion HK dollars, and while that figure was staggering back then, the company quickly flipped the property for nearly $1.7 billion HK. Obviously, this drew significant attention from the financial and commercial markets of the country, as that sort of profit margin in such a short time for a land developer was impressive, to say the least. In less than two years, George Tan was the head one of the biggest land developers in the country, and the company wasn’t satisfied with one major property in Hong Kong. Using the profits from their first major undertaking, Carrian Group found Carrian Investmentsthis significant of a real estate scam in such little time, but by allying with two respected names that had once worked at Price Waterhouse, which remains one of the Big Four accounting and auditing houses in the world. This immediately gave Carrian Group credibility, and by promoting John Marshall (one of the PW hires) to a Managing Director position for all major Carrian companies, it seemed as though the huge land developer was above suspicion and above board. That was not the case, and while George Tan and Carrian Group’s coffers swelled, debt continued to grow. When an auditor for Bumiputra Bank, Jalil Ibrahim, was found dead in a banana grove outside Hong Kong, questions began to arise and more people began looking into the questionable business and accounting practices of the Carrian Group. It quickly became apparent that Ibrahim had discovered something in the books of Bumiputra Bank and was going to expose the corruption. A
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People v Loaiza (2018 NY Slip Op 01201) People v Loaiza 2018 NY Slip Op 01201 Decided on February 21, 2018 Appellate Division, Second Department Published by New York State Law Reporting Bureau pursuant to Judiciary Law § 431. This opinion is uncorrected and subject to revision before publication in the Official Reports. Decided on February 21, 2018 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK Appellate Division, Second Judicial Department RUTH C. BALKIN, J.P. CHERYL E. CHAMBERS COLLEEN D. DUFFY HECTOR D. LASALLE, JJ. 2004-01285 (Ind. No. 10710/03) [*1]The People of the State of New York, respondent, vAldeberto Loaiza, appellant. Paul Skip Laisure, New York, NY (Patricia Pazner of counsel), for appellant. Richard A. Brown, District Attorney, Kew Gardens, NY (John M. Castellano, Johnnette Traill, Tina Grillo, and Anish Patel of counsel), for respondent. DECISION & ORDER Appeal by the defendant from a judgment of the Supremehis plea of guilty is granted, the plea of guilty is vacated, and the matter is remitted to the Supreme Court, Queens County, for further proceedings. The defendant, a noncitizen, pleaded guilty to criminal possession of a controlled substance in the fourth degree in late 2003, and a judgment of conviction was rendered in January 2004. Although a timely notice of appeal was filed, in early 2005, upon the People's motion, the defendant's appeal was dismissed as abandoned. In 2013, upon the defendant's motion, the dismissal was vacated and the appeal was reinstated. Under the highly unusual circumstances presented, as the defendant's judgment of conviction is not yet final, he is entitled, on this direct appeal, to assert a claim of ineffective assistance of counsel based on Padilla v Kentucky
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its origins to a point nearly two decades before the closing of the American Frontier. In 1871, with the establishment of the U.S. Commission on Fish and Fisheries, the idea of fish and wildlife conservation as a right and proper federal government endeavor found its first public expression. That idea framed our beginning, and from the beginning there was change. At the dawn of the 20th century, leaders solidified the notion of conservation as a fundamental public service, providing a powerful vision of public trust that would guide development of the nation’s private, state, tribal and federal conservation infrastructure. Soon thereafter, in the midst of the first global conflict, we would enter into a treaty with Great Britain for the conservation of migratory birds. And later, from the social, economic and ecological turmoil of the Dust Bowl and the Great Depression, other visionary commitments would emerge: secure funding to build state capacities andof the 21st century, however, represent a force of change potentially more far-reaching and consequential than any previously encountered. Today the Service and conservation community at large face issues of scale, pace and complexity unheard of in Carson’s time. When Silent Spring was published in 1962, the world’s human population was slightly more than 3 billion. As of September 2008, it is estimated to be about 7 billion people and is expected to reach nearly 9 billion by the year 2042. As the number of people has increased — along with rapid industrialization and development — resource management challenges such as habitat fragmentation, contamination, pollution, invasive species, disease and threats to water quality and quantity have grown as well. In particular, accelerated energy development — from both conventional and renewable sources in the United States — is interrelated with the above challenges and the larger impacts of climate change. Accelerated climate change is magnifying impacts on
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first settler of that place. His wife was the only white woman in that region. There were hostile bands of Indians and runaway negro slaves in the vicinity. Mr. Tucker was a native of South Carolina. He settled in Tallahassee seventy-five years ago. He wr s thrice married, hischildren numbering eight een sons and fourteen daughters. His descendants, at the time of his death, aggregated 714. ? A woodman named Oliver, living in Tennesse, while cutting wood a few days ago saw two foxes remaining con stantly near a fallen tree. Upon ap proacniog the tree he discovered a large limb with a cavity in which were two half grown foxes. Neither was able to walk, and evidently had never been out of their place of confinement. It seems probable that the foxes crawled into the hole in the limb when very young and remained there until they had grown so thatescape was iinpossible. They had been fed by the old foxes through a small aperture in the limb. ? Indefatigable scientists and ex plorers long ago established the fact that a race of people possessing a high order of intelligence dwelt on what is now the soil of the United States prior to the existence of the Indians. a discoveries recently made of ma.. pi lous systems of reservoirs, irrigation oanals and viaducts beneath the lava beds of New Mexico, however, lead to the suggestion that, perhaps, research in North America lie beneath these vast 8iesniic deposits, which in that territory alone extend over an area of hundreds of square miles. The fact that the uewly found and wonderful engineering devices are found beneath the lava beds is alone sufficient to at test their antiquity, as ages have elapsed since the molten rook issued from the vast crevices torn open by successive earthquakes. A
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Opinion issued December 13, 2007       In The Court of Appeals For The First District of Texas NO. 01–06–01007–CR DARYL JEROME ROBINSON, Appellant V. THE STATE OF TEXAS, Appellee On Appeal from the 339th District Court Harris County, Texas Trial Court Cause No. 1051591 MEMORANDUM OPINION           A jury convicted appellant, Daryl Jerome Robinson, of murder and assessed punishment at confinement for 40 years. See Tex. Pen. Code Ann. § 19.02 (Vernon 2003).           In three points of error, appellant contends that the evidence is factually insufficient to support his conviction and that he received ineffective assistance of counsel.           We affirm. Background           The complainant, Richard Lee, and his mother, Donna Lee, moved to Houston as part of the evacuation of New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina. Richard moved into a room at the Scottish Inn, and Donna moved into an apartment on the second floor of the Catalina Apartments. Richard often stayedwith Donna. Appellant lived at the Scottish Inn and his cousin, Tonya, lived at the Catalina Apartments in an apartment below Donna. Appellant often stayed with Tonya.           On December 24, 2005, Richard’s sister, Shirley Lee, and her five children arrived in Houston from Jackson, Mississippi, to celebrate Christmas with Richard and Donna. At approximately 10:45 that evening, Donna and Shirley went to Wal-Mart for some last minute groceries. When they returned home and pulled into the parking lot, Shirley saw three men coming around the side of the apartment building and saw that one of them was carrying a gun. Donna recognized one of the men as her downstairs neighbor, appellant, and she recognized appellant’s cousin, Rodney, with the gun in his hand. Donna did not recognize the third man.
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Senator Gregg has given his remarks. Thank you and welcome. [ Applause ] >> Thank you all for coming today. We are very fortunate today to have with us Senator Judd Gregg to launch this truly exciting speaker series. For those of us at Dartmouth and in the wider community who are fascinated by politics and policy and for people who are just interested in learning more about the issues at hand of the day, it is very clear that this is going to be an incredible summer. Senator Judd Gregg was practically born into New Hampshire politics; at the age of five, his father Hugh Gregg was elected to be the Governor of New Hampshire, years later law degree in hand, he ran for Congress and he was a U.S. Congressman for his district in New Hampshire for four terms. He then served two terms as governor of New Hampshire before running for the U.S. Senate where he served three terms before deciding thathe wasn't going to run for his Senate seat again. In three decades of electoral politics, he's never lost an election, that's really an amazing feat and that's especially amazing in a state like ours but especially in recent election cycles, has gone back and forth between red and blue. Its also amazing given that at lunch he mentioned that he's never run a campaign poll while he was running for office, is really a remarkable feat to have that many wins under his belt. Among his many other accomplishments, Senator Gregg is a leading national expert on fiscal policy and the budget and he was one of the chief negotiators of the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008. In an era where most politicians today are all too easy to categorize, Senator Gregg is a political leader who defies easy categorization. On some issues, he's been a leader on pushing a straight Republican partisan line, on other issues he's been at the forefront
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an ideal opportunity to establish themselves in the year round cruise market out of the United States. Arrangements were made with the Bermudan government for Franconia to become the weekly cruise ship between New York and the island. It was at this time, during their winter refits, that both Carmania and Franconia underwent a further change, their cruising green livery was replaced with a more conventional white hull and upperworks. As before, Carmania was based at Port Everglades but for part of this 1966/67 season she was joined there by Franconia. Franconia made a 10 day Christmas and New Year cruise out of New York returning there on the 2nd January 1967. The following day, she sailed for Nassau and Port Everglades and then into the Caribbean, returning to the Florida port. She made three subsequent cruises from there but with the last one, a 19 day trip, she returned to New York. It was on the23rd March 1967 that Franconia sailed from New York on the first of a planned series of 28 cruises to Bermuda. She did, however, make one diversion from this regular route when, on the 18th July, she sailed northwards to what had once been her customary trading area, the St Lawrence River. This cruise took her from New York to Quebec, Montreal and Boston, ending in Bermuda. She then made a second cruise to Montreal and Quebec, this time ending in New York. This allowed her to resume her regular Bermuda schedule. The series of cruises to Bermuda ended on the 17th November and three days later Franconia sailed for Liverpool via Bermuda and Cobh. This was her first Atlantic voyage of the year. She remained in Liverpool, being overhauled, until the 22nd December when she departed on a Christmas cruise to the Atlantic Isles and North Africa. During 1968, from mid
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giv­ing the name of the orpaniza* tion, date, time and Place of. meeting. At least two weeks no­tice, an alternate date, and the telephone number where some­one In authority can be contacted should also be included. George V. 0* Haire, Town of Oyster Bay deputy supervisor, will serve as aide to the Grand Marshall at the annual St. Patrick's D; iy Parade in New York City on Saturday, March 16. Joins New Staff Theresa Napolitano of 189 Syracuse Avenue, North Massa­pequa, has joined the news stall of the Mineola American. Mrs. Napolitano is a member of the Farmingdale Writers Club, and is a part time student at Nassau Community College, Gar­den City. Congratulating the Massapequa Elks for winning the George Washington Honor Medal from the Free­doms Foundation of Valley Forge for their com­munity projects on Americanism is Supervisor of the Town of Oyster Bay, Michael N. Petito ( center). Receiving the best wishes are Elk An-gelo D. Honcallo (Town Engineer that the job of clearing these canal entrances can be ac­complished in approximately six­ty days. Preliminary plans have been prepared by Town Engineer Francis E. O'Connor and funds for the project will come from the Town's Capital Budget." Dog Rescue Ends In Chain Reaction Nine year old David Rauch, of 62 Wenwood Drive, Massape-qua Park, made an attempt on Tuesday afternoon to rescue a dog who had broken through the ice on Jones Creek at the John Burns Park launching ramp. The ice broke. Gerald Presta, 58, of Brooklyn, a housepainter, who was painting a nearby house, went to the youngster's rescue. Patrolman Salvatore Sciarrino of the Seventh Precinct of the Nassau : ounty police arrived on the scene and also went to the rescue. Several minutes later the Massapequa Fire Depart­ments members Karl Thuge, Liegh Anderson and Harold Cor­nelius also joined in the rescue of the policeman, the painter, the boy and the dog. All except An­derson were
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of Baseball" arid two games per team on the end of the year "Day of Baseball" in addition to the games played during the season which will be 15 games in -the AAA and Major. The number of A, AA and Dixie Boys games will be deter- mined after registration. All play- -ers will receive trophies during the end of the year "Day of Baseball" activities. lege," them i schola "T lated a Th Saturc found. had be in rece Fir Found funding Scholar establi control $15,0 Th the di though tion w 10 yea Th Sept. I In attack Washi assets have t to whii a 401( Pr dation neighb Th I I as the stock market has tumbled like an elevator with its cable snapped. Reunion Plans for Members of PSJ Class of 1994. The ten-year class reunion of the Port St. Joe High School class of 1994 is only one year and three months away., That's right-ten years! Some may think it is too early to start planning the reunion, but it's never to soon if things are to be done right and on time. So; anyone interestedBoulevard, Port St. Joe, Florida. All inter- ested persons may appear and be heard\ NOTICE OF VOLUNTARY ANNEXATION NOTICE is hereby given that the St. Joe Company has requested the City of Port St. Joe to vol- 'untarily annex the land shown on the map attached hereto. The land is located contiguous to the South boundary of the City of Port St. Joe and encompasses approximately 94 acres, commonly known as the Jones Homestead, 'lying in Section 19, Township 8 South, Range 10 West. An exact description of the property and Ordinance No. 301 are on file with the City Clerk at the Municipal Building, 305 Cecil G. Costin, Sr. Boulevard, Port St. Joe, Florida, and may be inspected there. The City will consider the adoption of Ordinance No. 301, AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE VOLUNTARY ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN
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order has its origin in the principles of society and the natural constitution of man. That order existed prior to government, and would continue to exist if the formality of government was abolished. The mutual dependence and reciprocal interest which man has upon man, and all the parts of civilized community upon each other, create that great chain of connection which holds it together. Common interest regulates citizen's concerns, and forms their law; and the laws which common usage ordains, have a greater influence than the laws of government. No one man is capable, without the aid of society, of supplying his own wants, and those wants, acting upon every individual, impel the whole of them into society, as naturally as gravitation acts. Nature has implanted in man a system of social affections, which,though not necessary to his existence, are essential to his happiness. The instant formal government is abolished, society begins to act:a general associationthe nation the only thing that was beneficial to know, namely, that government is nothing more than a national association adding on the principles of society. Government, on the old system, is an assumption of power, for the aggrandizement of itself; on the new, a delegation of power for the common benefit of society. The former supports itself by keeping up a system of war; the latter promotes a system of peace, as the true means of enriching a nation. The one encourages national prejudices; the other promotes universal society, as the means of universal commerce. The one measures its prosperity, by the quantity of revenue it extorts; the other proves its excellence, by the small quantity of taxes it requires. Though it might be proved that the system of government now called the new, representative government, is the most ancient in principle of all that have existed, being founded
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any Federal or State agency to carry out clause (iii). (iii) Activities (I) In general The Council may conduct a referendum among the adult members of the Native Hawaiian community listed on the roll published under this subsection for the purpose of determining the proposed elements of the organic governing documents of the Native Hawaiian governing entity, including but not limited to— (aa) the proposed criteria for citizenship of the Native Hawaiian governing entity; (bb) the proposed powers and authorities to be exercised by the Native Hawaiian governing entity, as well as the proposed privileges and immunities of the Native Hawaiian governing entity; (cc) the proposed civil rights and protection of the rights of the citizens of the Native Hawaiian governing entity and all persons affected by the exercise of governmental powers and authorities of the Native Hawaiian governing entity; and (dd) other issues determined appropriate by the Council. (II) Development of organic governing documents Based on the referendum, the Council mayunder the authority of section 8(b)(1), and the subsequent actions by the Congress and the State of Hawaii to enact legislation to implement the agreements of the 3 governments, not later than 90 days after the date on which the Council submits the organic governing documents to the Secretary, the Secretary shall certify that the organic governing documents— (i) establish the criteria for citizenship in the Native Hawaiian governing entity; (ii) were adopted by a majority vote of the adult members of the Native Hawaiian community whose names are listed on the roll published by the Secretary; (iii) provide authority for the Native Hawaiian governing entity to negotiate with Federal, State, and local governments, and other entities; (iv) provide for the exercise of governmental authorities by the Native Hawaiian governing entity, including any authorities that may be delegated to the Native Hawaiian governing entity by the United States
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around the start of the 21st century formed "by far the majority" of anarchists. Around the start of the 21st century, anarchism grew in popularity and influence as part of the anti-war, anti-capitalist, and anti-globalisation movements. Anarchists became known for their involvement in protests against the meetings of the World Trade Organization (WTO), Group of Eight and the World Economic Forum. Some anarchist factions at these protests engaged in rioting, property destruction, and violent confrontations with police. These actions were precipitated by ad hoc, leaderless, anonymous cadres known as black blocs; other organisational tactics pioneered in this time include security culture, affinity groups and the use of decentralised technologies such as the internet. A significant event of this period was the confrontations at WTO conference in Seattle in 1999. According to anarchist scholar Simon Critchley, "contemporary anarchism can be seen as a powerful critique of the pseudo-libertarianism of contemporary neo-liberalism[.][...] One might say that contemporary anarchism is about responsibility, whether sexual, ecological, or socio-economic; it flows from an experience of conscience about the manifold ways in which the West ravages the rest; it is an ethical outrage at the yawning inequality, impoverishment, and disenfranchisement that is so palpable locally and globally".International anarchist federations in existence include the International of Anarchist Federations, the International Workers' Association, and International Libertarian Solidarity. The largest organised anarchist movement today is in Spain, in the form of the Confederación General del Trabajo (CGT) and the CNT. CGT membership was estimated to be around 100,000 for 2003. Other active syndicalist movements include in Sweden the Central Organisation of the Workers of Sweden and the Swedish Anarcho-syndicalist Youth Federation; the CNT-AIT in France; the Union Sindicale Italiana in Italy; in the United States Workers Solidarity Alliance and the United Kingdom Solidarity Federation. The revolutionary industrial unionist Industrial Workers of
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