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- \Pred guess: [['diverse and largely', 'anoura, literally', 'member of a diverse and largely carnivorous group of short-bodied, tailless', 'frog is any member of a diverse and largely carnivorous group', 'frog', 'anoura, literally without tail in Ancient Greek', 'frog is any member of a diverse and largely carnivorous group of', 'anoura, literally', 'largely carnivorous group of', 'largely', 'largely'], ['star that pulsates radially', 'temperature', 'radially', 'temperature', 'temperature', 'temperature', 'radially', 'radially', 'temperature.', 'radially', 'type of variable star that pulsates radially', 'both diameter and temperature.'], ['or alkylating agents) as part of a standardized chemotherapy regimen.', 'or alkylating agents) as part of a standardized chemotherapy regimen.', 'or CTx) is a type of cancer treatment that uses', 'often abbreviated to chemo and', 'drugs (chemotherapeutic agents or alkylating agents', 'agents or alkylating agents', 'agents or alkylating agents', 'cancer drugs (chemotherapeutic', 'drugs', 'cancer', 'cancer drugs', 'cancer treatment that uses one or more anti-cancer drugs'], ['elongated', 'perennial plant with an elongated stem, or trunk, usually supporting branches and', 'is', 'is a perennial plant with an elongated', 'is a perennial plant with an elongated', 'is a perennial plant with an elongated stem, or trunk, usually supporting', 'is a perennial plant with an elongated stem, or trunk, usually supporting', 'elongated stem, or trunk, usually supporting branches and leaves.', 'elongated stem, or trunk, usually supporting branches and leaves.', 'supporting', 'branches and leaves.', 'elongated stem, or trunk, usually supporting branches and leaves.', 'with an elongated stem, or trunk, usually supporting branches and leaves.', 'tree'], ['officially the Italian Republic', 'is a country in', 'is', 'is a country in Southern and Western Europe.', 'is a', 'is a', 'in', 'in', 'is a country in Southern and Western Europe.', 'in', 'in Southern and Western', 'officially'], ['Renaissance', 'Renaissance', 'Renaissance', 'Italian composer of late Renaissance music.', 'Italian composer of late Renaissance music.', 'of', 'composer of late Renaissance', 'composer of late', 'composer of', 'composer of late Renaissance music.', 'composer of late Renaissance music.'], ['and ductile metal with very high thermal and', 'soft', 'thermal', 'thermal', 'thermal', 'thermal', 'thermal and', 'thermal and', 'thermal and', 'and', 'high thermal and electrical'], ['a country in East Asia.', 'is a country in East Asia.', 'China, officially the People', 'officially the People', 'Asia', 'People', 'People', 'officially', 'People', 'People', 'People', 'People'], ['figure.', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''], ['operas', 'composer', 'composer, best known for his almost 70 operas', 'for his almost 70 operas', 'composer, best known for his almost 70 operas', 'composer, best known for his almost 70', 'for his almost 70 operas', 'composer, best known for his almost 70 operas', 'operas', 'composer, best known for his almost 70 operas', 'composer, best known for his', 'his'], ['Four Parts', 'Empire), called Tawantinsuyu by its', 'Four Parts', '(also known as the Incan Empire and the Inka', 'Incan', 'Four Parts"), was the largest', 'Four Parts"), was the largest empire in', 'Four Parts"), was the largest', 'Four Parts', 'Four Parts"), was the largest', 'Four Parts"), was the largest', 'Four Parts'], ["dove'", 'hepher in the Northern Kingdom', "'", "'", "'", "'", 'hepher', 'the Northern Kingdom of Israel around', 'the Northern', 'the Northern', 'the Northern', 'Bible'], ['England and', 'eNGgliS]), or Anglo-Saxon, is the earliest', 'eNGgliS]), or Anglo-Saxon, is the earliest', 'eNGgliS]), or Anglo-Saxon, is the earliest', 'eNGgliS]), or Anglo-Saxon, is the earliest', 'language, spoken in England and southern and eastern Scotland in the early Middle', 'Middle', 'and southern', 'and southern', 'eastern Scotland', 'language, spoken in England and southern and eastern', 'eastern'], ['Western United States, lying on the American Pacific Coast.', 'the Western United States, lying on the American Pacific Coast.', 'KAL', 'American Pacific Coast.', 'California', '.', 'California', 'States', 'States', 'American Pacific Coast', 'the Western United States, lying', 'on the American Pacific Coast.', 'American Pacific Coast.', 'Coast.'], ['sages, as well as the first teacher in China to', 'philosopher', 'philosopher of the Spring and Autumn period', 'sages, as well as the first', 'philosopher of the Spring and Autumn period', 'philosopher of the Spring and Autumn period who is', 'philosopher of the Spring and Autumn', 'education.', 'mass education.', 'philosopher of the Spring', 'education', 'considered the paragon of Chinese sages, as well as the'], ['language family spoken primarily in the Arab world.', 'in the Arab world.', 'language of the Afroasiatic language family spoken primarily in the Arab world.', 'language of the Afroasiatic language family spoken primarily in the Arab world.', 'language of the Afroasiatic language family spoken primarily in the Arab world.', 'language of the Afroasiatic language family spoken primarily in the Arab world.', 'primarily in the Arab world.', 'primarily in the Arab world.', 'primarily in the Arab world.', 'language of the Afroasiatic language family spoken primarily in the Arab world.', 'primarily in the Arab world.', 'primarily in the Arab world.', 'primarily in the Arab world.', 'primarily in the Arab world.'], ['is a classic science fiction novel by Jules Verne.', 'of', 'into', 'Terre), also translated with the variant titles A Journey to the Centre of', 'centre de la Terre), also translated with the variant', 'Terre), also translated with the variant', 'Terre), also translated with the variant titles A Journey to the Centre of', 'Terre), also translated with the variant titles A Journey to', 'fiction novel by Jules Verne.', 'Terre), also translated with the variant titles A Journey to the Centre of', 'the', 'Terre), also translated with the variant titles A Journey to the'], ['deontological moral philosophy of Immanuel Kant.', 'philosophy of Immanuel Kant', 'concept in the deontological moral philosophy of Immanuel Kant', 'deontological moral philosophy of Immanuel Kant', 'deontological moral philosophy of Immanuel Kant', 'deontological moral philosophy of Immanuel Kant', 'philosophical concept in the deontological moral philosophy of Immanuel Kant', 'deontological moral philosophy of Immanuel Kant', 'philosophical concept in the deontological moral philosophy of Immanuel Kant', 'deontological moral philosophy of Immanuel Kant', 'Immanuel Kant', 'Immanuel Kant.'], ["objective to checkmate the opponent's king", 'objective', "objective to checkmate the opponent's king", 'objective', 'objective', 'objective', "objective to checkmate the opponent's king", 'objective to checkmate', 'e. threaten it with inescapable capture.', 'inescapable capture.', 'inescapable capture.', 'objective'], ['ethnic or social group which is native to the African Great Lakes', 'ethnic or social group which is native to', 'ethnic or social group', 'ethnic or social group', 'ethnic or social group', 'ethnic or social group which is native to the African Great Lakes', ', also known as the Abahutu', 'ethnic or social group', 'social group', 'social group', 'the African', 'social group'], ['fighting for their freedom.', 'their freedom', 'rebellion is an armed', 'an armed', 'is an armed uprising by slaves, as a way of fighting', 'is', 'is an armed uprising by slaves, as a way of', 'A slave rebellion is an armed', 'an armed uprising by slaves, as a', 'a', ', as a way of fighting for their freedom.'], ['geographic and cultural', 'or simply the South, is a geographic and cultural', 'geographic and cultural', 'geographic and cultural', 'cultural', 'cultural', 'cultural', 'American South', 'the American South, the Southland, Dixieland, or simply the South', 'cultural region of the United States of America.', 'cultural region of the United States of America.'], ['isotropic media', 'media', 'media', 'media', 'such as water, glass, or air', 'media', 'media', 'media', 'media, such as water, glass', 'media', 'isotropic', 'isotropic'], ['familiaris or Canis', 'or Canis', 'dog (Canis familiaris', 'dog (Canis familiaris', 'dog (Canis familiaris', 'descendant', 'wolf.', 'descendant', 'dog (Canis familiaris or Canis lupus familiaris)', 'wolf', 'dog (Canis familiaris', 'wolf.'], ['', 'between Nigeria and the', 'between Nigeria and the Republic of Biafra, a secessionist', '1970), also known as the Biafran War, was a', '1967 - 15', 'Nigerian Civil War', 'fought between Nigeria and the Republic of Biafra, a secessionist state', 'Nigeria in 1967.', 'Nigeria in 1967.', 'fought between Nigeria and the Republic of Biafra, a secessionist', '1967.', '1967.'], ['', 'Netherlands, informally Holland, is a country located', 'located', 'located in northwestern Europe', 'located in northwestern Europe', 'located in northwestern Europe with overseas territories in the Caribbean.', 'located in northwestern Europe with overseas', 'located in northwestern Europe', 'located in northwestern Europe with overseas territories in the Caribbean.', 'located in northwestern Europe with overseas territories in the Caribbean', 'informally Holland, is a country located in northwestern Europe'], ['beliefs', 'and later in Islamic culture and beliefs', 'Islamic culture and beliefs', 'invisible creatures in early pre-Islamic Arabia and later in Islamic culture and beliefs', 'invisible creatures in early pre-Islamic Arabia and later in Islamic culture and beliefs', 'beliefs', 'beliefs', 'beliefs.', 'beliefs', 'and later in Islamic culture and beliefs.', 'and later in Islamic culture and beliefs.', 'and later in Islamic culture and beliefs.'], ['France', 'France', 'France.', 'northern', 'northern', ') river in', ') river in northern', '483 mi) river in', '483 mi) river in', '483 mi) river in', 'kilometre', 'river in'], ['Little Foxes', 'classic of 20th century', 'classic', 'classic of 20th century', 'classic of', 'Little Foxes is a 1939', 'classic of 20th century', 'century', 'classic of 20th century', 'classic of 20th century', 'Foxes is a 1939 play by', 'classic of 20th century'], ['philosopher.', '430 BC) was a pre-Socratic Greek philosopher.', '430 BC) was a pre-Socratic Greek philosopher.', 'Eleates; c', 'Eleates; c. 490', 'c', '490 - c. 430 BC', '490 - c. 430 BC', 'philosopher.', 'Zenon', 'Greek philosopher.', 'Greek philosopher.'], ['") is the most populous city in the German state of Hesse.', '") is the most populous', '") is the most populous', 'most populous', 'most populous', 'is the most populous city in', '") is the most populous', '") is the most populous', 'is the most populous city in the German state of', 'German state of', 'Hesse.', 'German state of'], ['and Esau.', 'and Esau.', 'and Esau.', 'Rebecca', 'and Esau', 'and Esau.', 'and Esau.', 'and Esau.', 'and Esau.', 'and Esau.', 'and Esau.', 'and Esau'], ['City State', 'Vaticanae), is a landlocked', 'Vaticanae), is a landlocked', 'City State', 'City State (Italian: Stato della Citta del Vaticano; Latin', 'Vaticanae), is a landlocked', '-state, microstate, and enclave within Rome,', 'microstate, and enclave within Rome,', 'microstate, and enclave within Rome, Italy.', ', city-state, microstate, and enclave within Rome,', ', city-state, microstate, and enclave within Rome,', ', city-state, microstate, and enclave within Rome,'], ['ability to exhibit', "test of a machine's ability to exhibit", 'ability to exhibit', "test of a machine's ability to exhibit", 'Turing', 'test, originally called the imitation game by Alan Turing', 'or indistinguishable from, that of a human.', 'behaviour equivalent to,', 'exhibit intelligent behaviour equivalent to,', ', or indistinguishable from, that of a human.', ', or indistinguishable from, that of a human.', ', or indistinguishable from, that of a human.', ', or indistinguishable from, that of a', ', that of a human.'], ['infects and replicates within bacteria and archaea.', 'informally as a phage (', 'informally as a phage (', 'informally', 'bacteria and archaea.', 'virus that infects and replicates within bacteria and archaea.', 'bacteria', 'informally as a phage ()', 'infects and replicates within bacteria and archaea.', 'informally as a phage (', 'informally as a phage ('], ['Saul is an American legal crime drama television series created', 'Saul is an American legal', 'legal', 'Vince Gilligan and Peter Gould for AMC.', 'Vince Gilligan and Peter Gould for AMC.', 'Vince Gilligan and Peter Gould for AMC.', 'created by Vince Gilligan and Peter Gould for AMC.', 'Vince Gilligan and Peter Gould for AMC.', 'Vince Gilligan and Peter Gould for AMC.', 'created by Vince Gilligan and Peter Gould for AMC.', 'Vince Gilligan and Peter Gould for AMC.'], ['power', 'in', 'in', 'South Asia based in', 'The', 'in South Asia based in Magadha.', 'in South Asia based in Magadha.', 'in Magadha.', 'in South Asia based in Magadha.', 'South Asia based in Magadha.', 'in Magadha.', 'based in Magadha.'], ['economy', 'an', 'Phillips, that correlates reduced unemployment with increasing wages in an economy', 'after Bill Phillips, that correlates reduced unemployment with increasing wages in', 'after Bill Phillips, that correlates reduced unemployment with increasing wages in', 'an economic model, named after Bill Phillips', 'economy', 'an economic model, named after Bill', 'Phillips curve is an', 'economy', 'economy.'], ['region of the United States.', 'upper Midwestern region of the United States.', 'region of the United', 'region of the United States.', 'is a landlocked state in', 'upper', 'region', 'upper', 'upper', 'upper', 'upper', 'upper'], ['species within', 'Ebolavirus.', 'known species within the genus Ebolavirus', 'commonly known as Ebola virus (', 'commonly', 'EBOV), is one of six known species within the genus Ebolavirus', 'ebolavirus, more commonly known as Ebola virus (; EBOV)', 'six known species within the genus Ebolavirus.', 'Ebolavirus.', 'genus', 'genus Ebolavirus.'], ['wave', 'wave', 'wave', 'is the change in the frequency of a wave', 'wave', 'relative to the source of the wave.', 'shift) is the change in the frequency of a wave in relation to', 'relative', 'relative to the source of the wave', 'relative to the source of the wave', 'relative to the source of the wave', 'relative to the source of the wave'], ['Venice', 'Venice', 'is a novella by German author Thomas Mann, published', 'Venice', '1912', ': Der Tod in Venedig) is a novella by German author Thomas', 'Thomas', 'Thomas', 'German author Thomas', ': Der Tod in Venedig', 'novella by German author Thomas', 'published in 1912'], ['range in the world, forming a continuous', 'forming a continuous', '; Quechua: Anti) are the', 'AN-deez), Andes Mountains or Andean Mountain Range (Spanish', 'continuous', 'continuous', 'continuous', 'continuous', 'continuous', 'a continuous', 'los Andes; Quechua: Anti) are the longest continental mountain range'], ['in', 'firearm', 'simultaneously using a firearm.', 'simultaneously using a firearm.', 'simultaneously using a firearm.', 'simultaneously', 'simultaneously', 'simultaneously using a firearm.', 'simultaneously', 'simultaneously', 'simultaneously using a firearm.'], ['officially the Republic of Poland, is a country in Central Europe.', 'a country in Central Europe.', ', officially the Republic of Poland, is a country in Central Europe.', 'officially the Republic of', 'of', 'Republic of', 'of', 'Republic of', 'officially', 'the Republic of', ', officially', 'officially'], ['subgroup', 'humans', '(a subgroup', '(a subgroup', 'humans.', 'infect humans.', 'infect humans.', 'humans.', '(a subgroup of retrovirus) that infect humans.', ') that infect humans.', 'humans.', 'humans.'], ['behavior, or political views', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''], ['emperor from', 'Caesar Augustus Germanicus (31 August 12 - 24 January', '31 August 12', 'Augustus', 'emperor from AD 37 until his', 'Augustus', '41', 'Germanicus (31 August 12 - 24 January 41), better known by his', '- 24 January', '- 24 January', 'known by his', '- 24 January 41), better known by his'], ['America and the Spanish East Indies (the Philippines).', 'established', 'and the Spanish', 'established', 'America and the Spanish', 'America and the Spanish East Indies (the Philippines).', 'America and the Spanish', 'established by Spanish rulers and Roman Catholic missionaries in Spanish America and the Spanish', 'established', 'and the Spanish', 'America and the Spanish'], ['28th most populous country in the world and', '28th most populous country in the world and', '28th most populous country in the world and', '28th', 'population', 'census, Kenya is the 28th most populous country in the world', '28th', 'most', 'a population of', 'most populous country in the world', '28th', '47.6 million in the 2019 census, Kenya is the 28th'], ['most important modernist 20th', 'most important modernist 20th-century', 'most important modernist 20th-century', 'most important modernist 20th-century', 'century', 'most important', 'most important modernist 20th-century', 'most important modernist 20th-century', 'most important modernist 20th-', '20th-century', 'considered', '20th', 'most'], ['particle physics, the weak interaction, also called the weak force', 'electromagnetism', 'particle', 'electromagnetism', 'electromagnetism, the strong', 'particle physics, the weak interaction, also called the weak force', 'being', 'electromagnetism, the', 'electromagnetism, the strong interaction, and gravitation', 'particle physics, the weak interaction, also called the weak force', 'with the others being electromagnetism, the strong interaction, and gravitation'], ['system that transport blood throughout the human body.', 'system that transport blood throughout the human', 'system', 'system that transport blood throughout', 'system', 'system', 'system that transport blood throughout', 'system', 'circulatory system that transport blood throughout', 'system that transport blood throughout', 'circulatory system', 'circulatory system that transport blood throughout', 'circulatory system that transport blood throughout the human body'], ['Isia', 'Isia', 'Isia', 'Isia', 'Isia', 'Isia', 'Isia', 'Isia', 'Isia', 'Isia', 'Isia', 'Isia'], ['dermis.', 'from follicles found in the dermis.', 'is a protein filament that grows from', 'protein filament that grows from', 'a', 'found in the dermis.', 'found in the dermis.', 'found in the dermis.', 'found in the dermis.', 'a'], ['between the Manchu-led Qing dynasty', 'was a civil war in', 'War or the Taiping', 'Rebellion, also known as the Taiping Civil War or the Taiping', 'War or the Taiping', 'was a civil war in China between the Manchu-led Qing', 'also known as the Taiping Civil War or the Taiping', 'and the Hakka-led Taiping Heavenly Kingdom.', 'The Taiping', ', also known as the Taiping Civil War or the Taiping Revolution', 'also known as the Taiping Civil War or the Taiping Revolution', 'Hakka-led Taiping Heavenly Kingdom.'], ['thermodynamics.', 'thermodynamics.', 'thermodynamics.', 'thermodynamics.', 'demon', 'experiment that appears to disprove the second law of thermodynamics', 'experiment that appears to disprove the second law of thermodynamics', 'experiment that appears to disprove the second law of thermodynamics', 'law of thermodynamics', 'a thought experiment that appears to disprove the second law of', 'second law of', 'second law of thermodynamics'], ['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''], ['coagulation of the milk protein casein.', 'coagulation', 'flavors, textures, and forms', 'flavors, textures, and forms', 'coagulation of the milk protein casein', 'coagulation of the milk protein casein', 'coagulation', 'coagulation of the milk protein', 'coagulation of the milk protein', 'protein', 'coagulation', 'coagulation of the milk protein casein'], ['throughout in vernacular English, characterized by local', 'throughout in vernacular English, characterized by local', 'throughout in vernacular English, characterized by local', 'throughout in vernacular', 'literature to be written throughout in vernacular English, characterized by local', 'literature to be written throughout in vernacular English, characterized by local', 'English, characterized by local', 'literature to be written', 'English, characterized by local', 'Novels'], ['Midwestern region of the United States.', 'Midwestern region of the United States.', 'region of the United States.', 'region of the United States.', 'United States.', 'region', 'region', 'region of the United', 'in the Midwestern region of the United', 'in', 'in the Midwestern region of the United States.', 'in the Midwestern region of the United States.'], ['founder of', 'founder of', 'Emperor of China.', 'founder of the Qin dynasty and the first Emperor of', 'China.', 'first Emperor of China.', 'the first Emperor of China.', 'and the first Emperor of China.', 'the founder of', 'and the first Emperor of China.', '.', 'founder of the Qin dynasty and the first Emperor of China.', 'Emperor of China.'], ['scientific study of humanity', 'linguistics, in both the present', 'scientific study of humanity', 'societies, and linguistics, in both the present and past, including past human', 'linguistics, in both the present and past, including past human', 'linguistics, in both the present and past, including past human', 'societies', 'linguistics, in both the present and past, including past human species', 'linguistics, in both the present and past, including past human species', 'societies', 'linguistics, in both the present and past, including past human', 'linguistics, in both the present and past, including past human', 'linguistics, in both the present and past, including past human', 'linguistics, in both the present and past, including past human'], ['health.', 'prevention', 'health.', 'health.', 'patients, managing', 'health.', 'health.', 'health.', 'science and practice of caring for patients, managing', 'health.', 'prevention, treatment, palliation', 'prevention, treatment, palliation', 'prevention, treatment, palliation of their injury or disease, and', 'managing'], ['risk', 'as chronic fatigue syndrome), and substance abuse', 'of and withdrawal from benzodiazepines) are risk factors.', 'of and withdrawal from benzodiazepines) are risk factors.', 'of', 'of and withdrawal from benzodiazepines) are', 'of', 'benzodiazepines', 'including depression, bipolar', 'alcoholism', 'benzodiazepines', 'of and withdrawal from benzodiazepines) are risk factors', 'of and withdrawal from benzodiazepines) are risk factors'], ['baseball catcher', 'baseball catcher', 'baseball catcher who later took on the roles of manager and coach.', 'baseball catcher who later took on the roles of manager and coach.', 'baseball catcher who later took on the roles', 'baseball catcher', 'baseball', 'baseball catcher', 'baseball catcher', 'baseball catcher who later took on the roles of manager and coach.', 'catcher who later took on the roles of manager and coach.', 'catcher who later took on the roles of manager and coach.', 'catcher who later took on the roles of manager and coach', 'catcher who later took on the roles of manager and coach.', 'baseball catcher who later took on the roles', 'September', 'catcher who later took on the roles', 'baseball catcher who later took on the roles', 'May 12, 1925 - September'], ['composition of two', 'composition of two differentiable', 'composition of two differentiable', 'composition of two differentiable', 'derivatives of', 'composition of two differentiable', 'expresses', 'composition of two differentiable functions f and g in terms of the derivatives of', 'composition of two differentiable functions f and g in terms of the derivatives of', 'expresses the derivative of the composition of two differentiable functions f and', 'calculus, the chain rule', 'calculus'], ['was an American statesman and politician who served', 'was an American statesman and politician who served', 'an American statesman and politician who served as the 32nd president of the United States', '1945', 'commonly known by his initials FDR, was an American statesman and politician', '1945', 'was an American statesman and politician who served as the 32nd president of the United', 'was an American statesman and politician', '1945'], ['Fincher and written by Aaron Sorkin, based on the 2009 book', 'American', 'Billionaires by Ben', 'American', '2010 American', 'Billionaires by Ben Mezrich.', 'Billionaires', 'Billionaires', 'Billionaires', '2010 American', '2010 American biographical drama film directed'], ['around each other to', 'around each other to', 'around', 'that', 'around', 'form a double helix.', 'helix', 'that', 'helix', 'form a double helix.', 'form a double helix.'], ['Calgary', 'Calgary, Alberta.', 'Calgary, Alberta.', 'Alberta.', 'formed in 1998 in Calgary, Alberta.', 'Alberta.', 'pop duo formed in 1998 in Calgary, Alberta.', 'Tegan', 'Alberta.', 'Tegan', 'pop duo formed in 1998 in Calgary, Alberta.', 'Alberta.', 'Alberta.', 'Alberta.', 'Calgary, Alberta.'], ['originally Abram) is the common Hebrew patriarch of the Abrahamic religions', 'including', 'originally', 'religions', 'religions', 'religions', 'religions'], ['southern coast of Florida, forming the southernmost part of the continental United States.', 'southernmost part of the continental United', 'southernmost', 'off the southern coast of Florida', 'southernmost', 'southernmost part of', 'off the southern coast of', 'southernmost part of', 'of', 'off the southern coast of'], ['Charlie HigsonThe Dead (Kracht novel),', 'Dead" (Joyce short story), by', 'Dead" (Swanwick short story), by', 'entertainment', 'entertainment', 'Dead" (poem), by', 'The Dead" (poem), by', 'Dead" (poem), by', 'The Dead" (poem), by', 'The Dead" (poem), by', 'novel), 2010 novel by', '" (Joyce short', 'HigsonThe Dead (Kracht novel), 2016 novel', 'HigsonThe Dead (Kracht novel), 2016 novel by Christian'], ['completed by American', 'completed by American', 'completed by American writer F. Scott Fitzgerald.', 'writer F. Scott Fitzgerald', 'Scott Fitzgerald', 'completed by American writer F. Scott Fitzgerald', 'American writer F. Scott Fitzgerald', 'American writer F. Scott Fitzgerald', 'American writer F. Scott Fitzgerald', 'writer F. Scott Fitzgerald'], ['split within the Roman Catholic Church that lasted', 'lasted', 'Catholic Church that lasted', 'lasted', 'lasted', 'within the Roman Catholic Church that lasted', 'lasted', 'within the Roman Catholic Church that lasted', 'within the Roman Catholic Church that lasted', 'split within the Roman Catholic Church that lasted', 'split within the Roman Catholic Church that lasted from 1378 to 1417', 'split within the Roman Catholic Church that lasted from 1378 to 1417', 'within the Roman Catholic Church that lasted from 1378 to 1417', 'between the Eastern Orthodox Church and', 'between the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Catholic Church, beginning', 'that lasted'], ['Borodino on 7 September [O.S. 26 August]', 'Russian pronunciation: [b@r@djI', 'place near the village of Borodino', 'The Battle of Borodino', 'Borodino', "pronunciation: [b@r@djI'no])", 'Battle of Borodino', 'place near the village', 'place near the village of Borodino', "pronunciation: [b@r@djI'no])", 'village of Borodino', 'The Battle of Borodino'], ['Trek Generations (1994).Shatner began his screen', 'starring roles in various U.S. television shows.', 'roles in various U.S. television', 'Trek Generations (1994).Shatner began his screen acting career in Canadian', 'television', 'television', 'productions', 'career in Canadian', 'Trek Generations (1994).Shatner began his screen acting career in Canadian', 'Trek Generations (1994).Shatner began his screen', 'screen acting career in Canadian'], ['City and County of San Francisco, is a commercial, financial, and', 'City and County of San Francisco, is a commercial, financial', 'City and County of San Francisco, is a commercial, financial', 'City and County of San Francisco, is a commercial, financial', 'City and County of San Francisco, is a commercial, financial', 'City and County of San Francisco, is a commercial, financial', 'and', 'cultural center in Northern', 'financial', 'financial', 'financial', 'cultural center in Northern California.'], ['magic.', 'supernatural powers', 'supernatural powers of magic.', 'supernatural powers', 'supernatural powers', 'both historical and present-day communities', 'supernatural powers of magic.', 'both historical and present-day communities', 'both historical and present-day communities, is the use of alleged supernatural powers', 'supernatural powers of magic.', 'both historical and present-day communities', 'understood in both historical and', 'understood in both historical and present-day communities, is the', 'magic', 'understood in both historical and', 'understood in both historical and present-day communities, is', 'and'], ['electron', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''], ['', 'origins, birth, ministry, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus', 'tells of the origins', 'tells of the origins, birth, ministry', 'origins', 'origins, birth, ministry', 'origins', ', birth, ministry, death, resurrection, and', ', birth, ministry, death, resurrection, and', 'ministry, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ.', ', birth', ', birth, ministry, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ.', 'birth, ministry, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ.', 'The Gospel of Luke tells of', 'tells of', 'ministry, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ.'], ['Atlantic Ocean, in', 'Atlantic Ocean, in', 'Atlantic Ocean, in', 'Atlantic Ocean, in', 'in', 'in', 'Atlantic Ocean, in'], ['bounds.', 'instability means', 'instability means', 'instability means', 'instability means', 'instability means that some of the outputs or internal states increase with', 'instability means', 'instability means that some of the outputs or', 'instability means that some of the outputs or internal states increase with time', 'instability means that some of the outputs or', 'outputs or internal states increase with time', 'with', 'states increase with time, without bounds.', 'instability means that some of the outputs or internal states increase with', 'with', 'time, without bounds.', 'outputs or internal states increase with', 'time, without bounds', 'states increase with', 'the outputs or'], ['officially', 'state in', 'Asia.', 'Asia', 'Asia', 'Asia', 'Asia', 'Asia', 'Asia', 'Asia', 'Asia.', 'Asia.'], ['Pictures', 'drama film produced by Pixar', 'is a 2010', 'Pictures', 'Pictures', 'Pictures', 'Pictures', 'Pictures', 'a 2010 American', 'Pictures', 'Pictures', 'is a 2010 American animated comedy-drama film produced by Pixar', 'Animation Studios for Walt Disney Pictures.', 'Pixar', 'produced by Pixar'], ['John Anthony Burgess Wilson', 'Anthony Burgess Wilson', 'John Anthony Burgess Wilson', 'who published', 'John Anthony Burgess Wilson', 'the', 'writer', 'who', 'writer', 'published under the', 'writer and composer.', 'writer and composer.', 'writer and composer.', 'composer.', 'British writer and composer.'], ['logician.', 'Greek mathematician active as a geometer and logician.', 'and logician.', 'Greek mathematician active as a geometer and logician.', 'Greek mathematician active as a geometer and logician.', 'Greek mathematician active as a geometer and logician.', 'Greek mathematician active as a geometer and logician.'], ['Death is a 1969 semi-autobiographic science fiction', 'war novel', 'war novel by Kurt Vonnegut.', 'infused anti-war novel by Kurt Vonnegut.', 'Vonnegut.', 'fiction-infused', 'war novel by Kurt Vonnegut.'], ['of Mycenae.', 'a', '.a]) was a daughter of King', 'a princess of Mycenae.', 'thus a princess of Mycenae.', 'a princess of Mycenae.', 'a', 'a', 'a daughter of King', 'a daughter of King'], ['carboxamide, is a compound with the general formula', 'or a carboxamide, is a compound with the general formula', 'or', 'or a carboxamide, is a compound with the general formula', 'or a carboxamide, is a compound with the general formula', 'carboxamide, is a compound with the general formula', 'or a carboxamide, is a compound with the general formula', 'general formula', 'general formula', 'general formula', 'also known as an organic amide or a carboxamide, is', 'chemistry', 'chemistry', 'chemistry, an amide,', 'chemistry', 'also', 'also', 'known', 'also', 'or a carboxamide', ','], ['that primarily refers to a homosexual person or the trait of being', 'is a term that primarily refers to a homosexual person or the trait of being', 'person or the trait of being', 'primarily refers to a homosexual person or the trait of being', 'primarily refers to a homosexual person or the trait of being', 'person or the trait of being', 'person or the trait of being', 'person or the trait of being homosexual.', 'person or the trait of being', 'person or the trait of being', 'person or the trait of being homosexual.', 'person or the trait of being homosexual.', 'homosexual.', 'homosexual person or the trait of being homosexual.', 'person or the trait of being homosexual.', 'homosexual person or the trait of being homosexual.', 'person or', 'person or the trait of being homosexual.', 'is a term that primarily refers to', 'term that primarily refers to'], ['basketball', 'of the National Basketball Association (NBA).', 'basketball player for the Los Angeles Lakers of the National Basketball Association', 'basketball', 'basketball', 'NBA).', 'basketball', 'National Basketball Association', 'NBA', 'basketball'], ['Saigon was the capture of Saigon, the', 'capture of Saigon, the', 'capital', 'was the capture of Saigon, the capital', ', the capital of', ', the capital', ', the capital', 'the', 'the capital', 'was the capture of Saigon,', 'was the capture of Saigon, the capital of South Vietnam', ', by North Vietnam'], ['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''], ['cat, is a small', 'catus', 'catus', 'is a small domesticated carnivorous', 'catus), commonly referred to as the domestic cat or house', 'The cat', 'carnivorous', 'carnivorous', 'carnivorous', 'domesticated carnivorous mammal', 'a small', 'a small domesticated carnivorous mammal.', 'domesticated carnivorous', 'carnivorous mammal', 'carnivorous', 'carnivorous mammal.'], ['found in the opium poppy plant.', 'found in the opium poppy plant.', ', or mimic, natural substances found in the opium poppy plant.', 'class', ',', 'of drugs that derive from, or mimic, natural substances', 'found in the opium poppy plant.', 'Opioids', 'drugs', 'drugs', 'Opioids are a class', ', natural substances found in the opium poppy plant.', 'or mimic, natural substances', 'Opioids are a class of drugs that', 'mimic, natural substances found in the', 'drugs', 'Opioids are a class of drugs', 'are a class', 'are a class of drugs'], ['Macedon', 'Greek kingdom', ': Alexandros; 20/21 July 356 BC - 10', 'of Macedon (Ancient', 'of the ancient Greek kingdom of Macedon.', 'kingdom of Macedon.', 'Greek kingdom of Macedon.', 'kingdom of Macedon.', 'of the ancient Greek kingdom of Macedon.', 'kingdom of Macedon.', 'kingdom of Macedon.', 'of the ancient Greek kingdom of Macedon.', '(Ancient Greek: Alexandros, romanized: Alexandros; 20', 'known', 'known', 'of', 'of'], ['', 'an American author and screenwriter.', 'Douglas Bradbury (US: BRAD-berr', 'Douglas Bradbury (US', 'Douglas Bradbury (US: BRAD', 'author and screenwriter.', 'author and screenwriter.', 'screenwriter.', 'author and screenwriter.', 'screenwriter.', 'author and screenwriter.', 'author and screenwriter.', '2012) was an American author and screenwriter.', '2012) was an American author and screenwriter.', 'Douglas Bradbury (US: BRAD-berr-ee; August 22', '2012) was an American author and screenwriter.', 'Douglas', 'Douglas Bradbury (US: BRAD-berr-ee; August 22', 'Douglas', '2012) was an American', 'was an American', 'was an American', 'was an American', ', 1920', 'was an American', 'BRAD-berr-ee; August 22, 1920', 'BRAD-berr-ee; August 22, 1920', ', 1920', 'an American', 'an American'], ['November 1955 to the fall of Saigon on 30 April 1975.', 'Cambodia', 'November 1955 to the fall of Saigon on 30 April 1975.', 'Vietnam', 'Vietnam', 'Vietnam', 'November 1955 to the fall of Saigon on 30 April 1975.', 'also known by other names) was', 'also known by other', 'also known by other names) was a conflict', 'to the fall of Saigon on 30 April 1975.', 'Cambodia']]
- \Pred confidences: [[7.607452516822377e-07, 1.7718961714541237e-11, 6.619471680860411e-14, 1.5166208946256615e-13, 3.1085563886773027e-16, 1.5830612548337049e-18, 1.513924517704008e-14, 2.0790311193793495e-17, 3.4986507289159213e-17, 7.757289726006045e-16, 1.1538800622561537e-17], [1.532766873424407e-06, 1.2797304448780578e-13, 5.046585453807916e-15, 3.278605007926358e-14, 3.2151123668770765e-13, 2.3662159471388167e-13, 6.8063353652442985e-15, 3.6121637365243986e-13, 3.788362988111152e-14, 2.848319015221016e-17, 3.328077649365239e-18, 8.532181902846656e-18], [0.0002750258718151599, 2.5032077105580086e-12, 1.2138034246532715e-17, 1.5483656396690203e-16, 1.3234399282745199e-17, 1.1184688903666772e-16, 1.762238811872771e-16, 3.7501126425153067e-17, 8.590756551225473e-14, 1.0132348722525185e-14, 2.5257806975893378e-18, 4.1921705350089555e-17], [3.448400592853673e-11, 0.0001783689222065732, 0.004003896377980709, 0.00010725158062996343, 6.535275076657854e-08, 1.569408232171554e-05, 6.9826544546458535e-09, 2.2605745400583466e-11, 1.194650767200045e-10, 9.995238144100416e-12, 9.385134944750462e-07, 2.399096274530166e-06, 3.403269419749444e-12, 2.0373208542423527e-07], [9.243389285984449e-06, 4.440385559245641e-11, 2.4092383643647963e-09, 8.834527076909127e-13, 3.4560057038390823e-09, 5.490890409021176e-09, 0.03513742983341217, 0.07087873667478561, 1.025896949613525e-06, 0.0002762683725450188, 0.0002324559463886544, 0.0017963886493816972], [0.3998241424560547, 0.3629870116710663, 1.5238493915603613e-06, 5.3860883753031885e-08, 9.386464045260667e-13, 4.075046286603759e-15, 3.5879188509113646e-10, 2.5129817671221133e-10, 1.5328796175093085e-12, 5.065730473985397e-11, 7.50386836001482e-11], [3.231490097732603e-08, 5.213840381657064e-07, 1.3471419535449058e-09, 3.3159226475731884e-09, 3.8811040492525706e-10, 9.645060358026702e-13, 6.811806674278387e-10, 2.336702498162424e-10, 2.0195997652017184e-10, 7.690706738117115e-09, 2.2863982929166582e-10], [1.1190188331511308e-08, 1.1733749424362402e-15, 1.7387057302407905e-18, 4.8051152256807447e-23, 8.206610873790467e-23, 1.1835279403724371e-21, 1.472796210299482e-23, 9.185408816832982e-24, 3.374849946215274e-22, 9.614964878970264e-23, 1.131254810861774e-22, 1.3593383537149424e-21], [1.7614161032054046e-19, 0.41779690980911255, 0.41779690980911255, 0.41779690980911255, 0.41779690980911255, 0.41779690980911255, 0.41779690980911255, 0.41779690980911255, 0.41779690980911255, 0.41779690980911255, 0.41779690980911255, 0.41779690980911255], [0.10076317936182022, 0.2629636228084564, 0.11971553415060043, 0.0003650012949947268, 1.1640317865158067e-07, 7.1947392825677525e-06, 0.0003209723508916795, 1.557146447339619e-06, 0.0018047535559162498, 0.00508787389844656, 0.008946471847593784, 0.0025853272527456284], [3.001602522090252e-09, 1.3718152331421152e-05, 1.6430885807494633e-05, 5.528155266887325e-09, 4.6521428376244955e-10, 1.0504835610218216e-17, 3.711818316057164e-18, 2.4705510557728664e-16, 1.0175034564090261e-17, 9.184178400242386e-17, 3.5301522378440206e-19, 5.204425199559088e-18], [3.7947436534215007e-13, 2.6903069615807906e-12, 7.877220653540462e-09, 1.9166894460465045e-10, 3.751126484985434e-07, 6.3505420540288515e-12, 1.86902424960389e-12, 5.510721138310762e-14, 6.135446307503319e-15, 2.246712871816914e-17, 8.104384252561661e-19, 3.99342848144227e-17], [0.024915052577853203, 0.0748308002948761, 0.0018734915647655725, 0.07998480647802353, 0.014733441174030304, 7.765940972603858e-05, 0.07554929703474045, 2.709470754780341e-05, 0.0009355013608001173, 0.05587407201528549, 0.013092700392007828, 0.40374112129211426], [0.0035600224509835243, 9.008507828589529e-10, 8.80220321543973e-13, 1.1809329380152515e-16, 6.092066412964614e-13, 3.80398195272721e-18, 7.893872266738474e-18, 2.721265603417004e-18, 1.4509280516145692e-15, 7.006789947376765e-16, 1.468930095782124e-16, 9.055958456979521e-18, 2.639332536563014e-18, 1.0432500485447801e-16], [3.090498302692375e-14, 1.6685628434487398e-09, 2.623817962899011e-08, 9.743329201228335e-07, 1.003685952127853e-06, 1.6977917738358883e-08, 2.809299814998667e-08, 3.889984441229899e-07, 7.930925960408786e-08, 4.229223122820258e-07, 1.2351140943334116e-10, 3.848591584310057e-12], [1.1422414125661362e-08, 1.8868745541716914e-12, 8.987764112328763e-15, 5.118860657614757e-14, 5.907871305881052e-13, 1.419047431644449e-11, 1.8314306234751276e-12, 7.898446653664681e-12, 6.31676779178585e-16, 3.8365401786839913e-16, 9.944472328937692e-11, 1.3736168869016296e-09, 1.6124523938287894e-09, 1.2400784044075408e-06], [1.770462063177547e-06, 0.0010873835999518633, 0.000684319413267076, 1.1477639283441476e-08, 7.10481229404536e-10, 2.7964324189611034e-08, 5.709816300325521e-12, 1.014930865146982e-15, 8.035159943144002e-16, 1.3110299724636808e-14, 7.883297421969193e-13, 1.9760733049878354e-09], [0.015488501638174057, 3.387372998986393e-05, 2.350406091977675e-09, 4.643039937946014e-05, 4.04423963118461e-06, 5.299042459228076e-05, 1.7375487004755996e-05, 0.00014462621766142547, 0.010421122424304485, 9.989677209887304e-07, 1.9255914196492085e-08, 2.1187679521972314e-07], [2.6701083293174943e-13, 3.918595489597627e-15, 1.4056928954175874e-09, 5.123709074204841e-14, 9.0543682187955e-16, 8.042262843802322e-16, 1.3158371716778166e-19, 6.43099079709524e-21, 1.1961111679567006e-22, 2.929237390280462e-21, 7.587667982224969e-21, 4.858859322033268e-21], [1.5417743748358248e-09, 1.1437567472988297e-12, 1.003149420356151e-14, 1.2405292179780425e-14, 1.8147365375150533e-15, 7.512762113803806e-15, 8.69427408310753e-22, 3.975747195995977e-19, 6.886006870672732e-18, 4.153896502910154e-20, 1.3788815054284664e-21, 1.634027142516295e-21], [4.277653264158493e-13, 2.143715621683029e-10, 2.9627654086681376e-17, 7.003083119441343e-18, 1.8957144881648347e-11, 8.257916572773638e-11, 6.693527242890296e-12, 1.5586785334642528e-12, 1.5670743104849102e-14, 2.0500694891678606e-11, 1.8345913709635203e-14], [0.006038631312549114, 1.898214030404688e-08, 1.3985407276706496e-09, 3.237059231775419e-11, 2.0215655538446953e-10, 2.412088662140377e-08, 1.1811576428044646e-07, 5.1671375511652684e-12, 1.4479322185678711e-09, 2.160459831868078e-11, 1.7000756705187747e-11], [0.22037743031978607, 0.16808846592903137, 5.356491328711854e-06, 1.944412852949995e-09, 2.2956287182296364e-07, 1.3717365618504118e-05, 1.4990590102570422e-07, 8.51153281189454e-09, 1.8250417269882746e-05, 5.041481927037239e-05, 2.7651869459077716e-05, 0.001747224247083068], [3.226124847133511e-19, 3.3855684984705673e-20, 3.925531048309304e-16, 4.5020274293876443e-17, 1.7595981204852567e-17, 2.469742106221014e-19, 1.329211389713092e-19, 1.426388632699307e-20, 9.490567093041232e-21, 4.492439414279213e-22, 6.165157404881858e-20, 2.221768351226219e-19], [0.41779690980911255, 1.1459810593805742e-05, 7.852457017953896e-10, 5.246394291225087e-11, 2.9381586647990367e-15, 2.6432571561906372e-15, 1.6199534894740546e-17, 1.0164860656146165e-19, 1.8162221075730842e-17, 2.4614272615573404e-14, 1.6683375334335473e-16, 2.83888776202168e-12], [0.41779690980911255, 2.2579930980537455e-10, 3.3030967284269908e-12, 1.5647484935370215e-13, 5.913806160810602e-16, 2.1822795916799816e-15, 8.931112007717554e-14, 7.582475229292451e-13, 4.1708787534844305e-09, 7.455740018424972e-12, 2.354317065051423e-19], [0.057409800589084625, 0.19916079938411713, 0.20435422658920288, 0.0001529170694993809, 3.8899017340554565e-09, 3.2137802463694243e-07, 5.3724022563983453e-08, 3.8017398118483925e-09, 8.322468825205931e-10, 2.355239059337322e-10, 1.8164934001418942e-09, 3.0706553966197703e-10], [2.472813586654101e-15, 2.0716349408008737e-19, 4.798806231705149e-22, 1.7410590177244732e-17, 2.9718099287940586e-21, 2.9350480513558987e-21, 5.110971113675587e-23, 2.3428614536728734e-20, 6.7507223086702966e-18, 3.5574844178577894e-20, 1.3437337085891968e-19, 6.8665184954409824e-18], [9.30853744779414e-12, 3.40244492167121e-20, 1.5108600906710235e-20, 2.4025115543696948e-18, 3.4246939475738694e-19, 2.5674561248012907e-17, 3.0218465787789457e-15, 7.101562176856091e-14, 1.6177216901128166e-12, 1.4279644307280126e-11, 1.2555542272096182e-13, 5.243640521790383e-10], [0.000139692347147502, 0.0005175521364435554, 0.005021749529987574, 0.006141772028058767, 8.87093847268261e-06, 2.0184280635771046e-10, 1.0801920008758474e-15, 2.5402978874079774e-13, 1.7452196372086393e-13, 6.7466155275267e-13, 4.751267196519138e-13, 2.307464928765629e-13], [2.994154403579419e-13, 4.4741402592627256e-15, 8.093010705254695e-16, 3.98178795911106e-15, 4.1680868825832995e-12, 1.885707166587522e-13, 2.7739605317628202e-12, 4.791153584982055e-10, 2.1893960602814566e-11, 1.5949104884005472e-11, 1.1073282048246202e-11, 3.753548513674154e-11], [2.450476210835717e-10, 7.123310594809792e-14, 2.6803769986755177e-16, 2.6868829528642595e-15, 2.2709343745136917e-17, 5.151185063600607e-19, 3.61936682053395e-18, 1.0275797854751744e-19, 2.3682922815005066e-19, 8.495780165630035e-16, 1.8933022315046786e-15, 4.343640010661624e-15], [3.480353782947532e-08, 9.659552888466316e-14, 8.874237472254395e-14, 7.871810909815431e-15, 2.4046600451685992e-15, 4.391261162485771e-18, 3.3353241651215098e-18, 4.548370520990948e-16, 5.4863273597004244e-17, 5.0545234230731095e-15, 1.3875362752486468e-14, 1.7762900932040068e-14], [4.769355743672321e-11, 7.531865078456643e-14, 5.124088227327855e-16, 1.8906786740055005e-14, 5.656540791321163e-10, 1.1530815191562738e-09, 7.224826206048141e-13, 1.0292496022135111e-12, 2.693947322163215e-11, 8.231272434489068e-12, 1.0070778412585302e-11, 2.8005655317042168e-14, 1.133222422150526e-12, 7.392245588442106e-14], [0.00016145194240380079, 2.0551960133730063e-09, 8.36575732597383e-15, 4.639609320105323e-18, 1.161151786341592e-18, 1.4592969406198723e-18, 3.8788740065083604e-19, 8.183506533844802e-20, 1.764329596497117e-21, 7.739343341322644e-21, 2.7068586875454603e-22], [0.0009695782791823149, 0.010478640906512737, 5.234497166384244e-06, 0.3937303423881531, 0.0019776751287281513, 0.11316130310297012, 2.533944098104257e-05, 1.5431674910360016e-05, 0.2785421907901764, 0.06741351634263992, 0.5275230407714844], [0.00020977384701836854, 0.004211698193103075, 0.0008557886467315257, 0.0003457051934674382, 0.018396666273474693, 7.640222611371428e-05, 1.7752566350281995e-07, 1.0807239547716563e-08, 7.544911362344919e-10, 8.255855721284178e-11, 5.243671122312499e-11, 7.307438920634013e-08], [1.6643322852028962e-15, 1.1429775943080364e-18, 3.055199670400277e-21, 8.222945923839962e-21, 2.4861159687319165e-21, 4.2260548927878786e-19, 1.775543391640227e-18, 1.929960848006167e-18, 6.117685121786527e-19, 5.245123829865192e-19, 7.226823687813208e-20], [2.221738668595208e-06, 2.9462206008190606e-09, 2.0858855482165477e-15, 3.14161132004831e-14, 2.942806533103968e-17, 3.6794348154611727e-19, 5.273374425928139e-18, 1.1140951298644112e-15, 1.018307888098896e-13, 1.455857353074852e-12, 2.6016558699049064e-12, 9.319823558728846e-14], [0.007384078111499548, 1.6070006436663675e-11, 1.391638604042965e-16, 2.8525477119289988e-11, 9.365540298584413e-14, 2.236408801833554e-21, 2.190606704639306e-21, 9.975290246794618e-20, 5.5271455796435886e-18, 1.4313998002866977e-21, 1.1465518966648406e-22], [0.7143474817276001, 1.3745316209679004e-06, 5.385970142102181e-11, 1.4135259354000162e-15, 1.4102254249342278e-13, 3.608037093119934e-17, 2.4945578223826254e-16, 1.7913345590470787e-17, 6.585411808424958e-15, 1.807304405738048e-16, 1.6062117695682827e-16, 6.625461008478799e-16], [7.49917217035545e-06, 4.238948167767376e-05, 1.2235177564434707e-05, 1.8923174138762988e-10, 7.067501694990597e-09, 1.0684725992859967e-08, 1.6914502793952124e-06, 4.618954552171317e-09, 8.345828973688185e-06, 8.176112714863848e-06, 2.930143017110254e-09, 2.4074375915006385e-07], [0.027293561026453972, 0.01870601810514927, 1.039049024598171e-07, 0.0046887630596756935, 0.005414481740444899, 0.027275199070572853, 1.0624121387081686e-06, 5.442245310405269e-05, 1.6049426676545409e-07, 1.2722123354791393e-09, 1.3983922997340414e-07], [4.451295581020531e-07, 2.0479814025198273e-11, 2.1094367572138673e-12, 5.6773603381123e-19, 1.6291942549691295e-17, 1.988726653854078e-18, 2.0419501428027305e-19, 1.8842890010622405e-19, 4.2750190090426455e-20, 1.7405331531596791e-19, 1.4411462198361978e-18], [3.9147288188878804e-10, 9.133463626014515e-18, 2.7481615361305306e-20, 2.261279150172697e-20, 5.435652378312624e-23, 9.806303407075982e-23, 1.2183701440585695e-18, 1.0562699375608138e-17, 2.6912847713329033e-15, 1.1790943655470842e-12, 1.507738630796254e-16, 1.3992425776291446e-16], [6.59732733853134e-16, 1.0395701949691339e-18, 4.477381700429227e-23, 2.4010491530174087e-23, 9.306522434396338e-25, 1.230857895479308e-24, 1.7190544457657822e-23, 1.6719936862873744e-23, 3.474704306696948e-24, 2.5558570708811074e-25, 1.7189175894920828e-26, 1.1229957606170812e-25], [6.768079206884853e-14, 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4.3314079760238707e-19, 7.886982317525002e-20, 7.757044185713015e-18], [0.0027762081008404493, 3.654506386396861e-08, 5.035689573662516e-11, 1.0131478989094944e-10, 1.8842812032904277e-10, 3.292214001415772e-10, 6.02516517581031e-12, 1.9233753316156427e-13, 9.618172618487512e-15, 4.695973387924823e-09, 2.801950893527305e-10, 1.15240879339229e-10, 9.798141853423203e-09], [0.003751493990421295, 8.453393093077466e-06, 1.1300494406896178e-07, 1.0235511993528235e-08, 4.807559905728453e-10, 8.230457981817096e-11, 0.00015601090854033828, 0.09580730646848679, 2.13364934609217e-08, 8.716850970813539e-06, 0.0017009341390803456, 0.0001418517204001546, 8.113924536701234e-07, 6.274192276833901e-10, 2.7202592178809937e-08, 1.0422827152137965e-13, 1.087161490431754e-05, 1.7883431624454715e-08, 4.801452204578061e-13], [0.07670783251523972, 1.0042467074936057e-12, 2.492108082396971e-13, 2.3686389221538873e-12, 4.711961289899369e-12, 8.680636764957228e-11, 3.216059016319939e-11, 2.3227706216766286e-11, 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5.308118311217469e-16, 1.9254330764000108e-16, 7.70792358704888e-16, 5.823565917588089e-16, 1.1818395756122129e-14, 6.366529918645856e-16, 1.5329670108218557e-17], [9.927479404671629e-15, 4.2076581883423655e-15, 1.4484263398048536e-14, 1.3475926095443332e-17, 8.802705862790081e-17, 3.0538962937997987e-16, 1.2110068163377358e-15], [3.0801953869452614e-12, 1.943710383617292e-12, 5.2058795642351274e-12, 2.2059537390392656e-15, 5.300634605721888e-14, 3.2271399094674358e-12, 3.939104698349495e-14, 1.0248532843768268e-14, 7.889598919345127e-16, 5.204450152090923e-13], [1.2766032682102163e-20, 8.536261454230191e-19, 1.0045832261131928e-17, 4.121729745162027e-14, 6.3854707830301566e-18, 1.6693532533231196e-18, 1.7293368758278618e-17, 9.145135475329883e-17, 2.3396563226696865e-19, 8.81970471389126e-19, 2.0881885373804217e-20, 1.3033117104212675e-21, 7.419916622377299e-22, 6.384422709651135e-22], [3.6151210913715204e-09, 9.590961269623222e-08, 0.0027866752352565527, 0.00221675680950284, 7.617397204739973e-05, 1.454231892239477e-06, 0.037800706923007965, 3.253161412430927e-05, 5.14958653496933e-09, 3.890419542074142e-09], [9.978521779479763e-14, 9.590683011217321e-14, 1.4346435462457653e-18, 3.8552233643960807e-14, 2.9227506526119384e-10, 1.0930151098445529e-12, 7.906670652403636e-13, 3.0380113555443468e-15, 3.278580274564298e-14, 3.193945758914185e-12, 4.87807225581456e-18, 1.0039610870308795e-16, 1.2010281991188187e-17, 2.625474175919066e-16, 2.705043127495155e-16, 7.938116648926498e-15], [7.578850325096198e-10, 4.1237971154170494e-13, 1.1076662254083658e-08, 8.739909240773613e-09, 2.962047940258117e-09, 5.469272604252673e-12, 9.39866403020656e-15, 6.555618136012964e-13, 1.2823708837438746e-13, 1.3353711582689276e-12, 1.647012803918102e-10, 6.197187474299426e-08], [0.0674108937382698, 8.444013474218082e-06, 4.157153398409719e-06, 1.4093749604870975e-11, 4.64861252925464e-15, 1.2634942293538853e-14, 6.587874980235574e-15, 5.480787698686207e-12, 9.168303449769155e-08, 4.920547798289423e-15, 2.8686029246438594e-12], [1.633000578835607e-14, 9.011535880235218e-16, 1.7241039327495043e-16, 5.825136634309653e-16, 1.0651624781125798e-19, 2.6614690194542365e-22, 4.2134806488778216e-20, 2.612104704091049e-21, 5.068220399125187e-18, 7.355358828248486e-17, 9.003389474690551e-19, 9.600735595288504e-21], [2.367349853204647e-14, 1.9101717820338426e-14, 3.3485930851327587e-16, 1.8525830283895595e-15, 3.6332499949419134e-15, 1.7877310625137772e-16, 2.7503371555583946e-17, 3.53623556963798e-20, 6.357127743677253e-23, 3.3341021123952135e-21, 2.524853466896757e-20, 4.4592864151859035e-20, 3.234163433821235e-16, 1.288849144190406e-15, 4.234839033905309e-20, 5.643012242202464e-17, 3.854508426154879e-22], [1.4468884728557896e-05, 0.41779690980911255, 0.41779690980911255, 0.41779690980911255, 0.41779690980911255, 0.41779690980911255, 0.41779690980911255, 0.41779690980911255, 0.41779690980911255, 0.41779690980911255], [0.41779690980911255, 5.3304536492811456e-20, 6.175279381393122e-20, 6.949971506670539e-19, 3.3203817386606304e-21, 6.054227496613221e-22, 1.836409022786624e-24, 7.335132250421297e-23, 4.4290519792986807e-23, 2.6972036561055695e-20, 6.131610081358843e-23, 5.324413271910109e-22, 2.0642453744974195e-21, 2.848545679187844e-22, 1.5439169118427686e-22, 4.4596777103897323e-20], [0.000108462329080794, 6.129906998664225e-11, 4.382796226230822e-16, 1.611255586071386e-16, 4.402954022188698e-17, 1.015044248447906e-16, 1.7687552745640148e-16], [4.74645973566612e-12, 2.349521402086885e-12, 1.665928386443099e-16, 1.843072754216025e-16, 1.3142079368716104e-21, 1.1569377147109407e-19, 2.327601586958404e-20, 2.3199215931192126e-23, 2.9815883507013004e-20, 4.058610272352418e-19, 1.865684384304473e-20, 2.215389205428044e-21, 7.72702358065895e-22, 2.368570447928966e-24, 7.8839465687159e-23, 2.1976768673469058e-23, 8.522291803478784e-22, 3.5170126525379425e-23, 3.446259907275287e-22, 1.5718596272831452e-22], [1.7634950676126675e-16, 1.7737395075932347e-15, 1.0007378069095713e-20, 1.8263939475656488e-17, 3.5262481343635403e-15, 1.1453370930909388e-15, 3.882306057038411e-14, 9.836771493383113e-15, 1.885287309296227e-14, 6.188213326095357e-14, 1.2374479275137629e-18, 7.530591945585272e-16], [2.552419945322723e-14, 2.441131715172351e-12, 3.1120308119478215e-15, 1.813433483204821e-16, 9.112961954532388e-18, 4.910569700539931e-18, 1.485871151773904e-16, 2.5227383272963677e-18, 4.0797328669613575e-17, 4.382271053395815e-20, 9.468904492956433e-21, 1.208949829964252e-20, 9.283448292361668e-23, 1.6686161966232436e-20, 1.0214756190695364e-18], [0.07560577243566513, 0.01297017838805914, 0.008387153036892414, 0.0021266655530780554, 1.328690601987148e-09, 1.4200856636448211e-11, 6.6397711981358576e-12, 3.3064881128225254e-12, 5.154074056434865e-09, 1.5605156327303665e-13, 7.130842411776778e-14, 3.733613827719244e-14, 4.0657624836293316e-13, 5.035602143599327e-11, 1.6391443324187405e-12], [0.0052632479928433895, 0.0008996653486974537, 0.0049940855242311954, 0.10416766256093979, 7.0043290634203e-07, 0.0005161210428923368, 0.00034132139990106225], [1.5479934745678205e-16, 4.265475545591201e-16, 1.4798651193359547e-10, 1.229225224483755e-14, 8.8060340405283e-16, 3.7439795945815935e-16, 5.641093603521441e-13], [0.0011149137280881405, 8.758087033378104e-10, 5.6527699188180236e-14, 9.262657855690069e-16, 4.041485994200596e-15, 8.582669864150565e-16, 3.2391312820568815e-15, 2.6596136403348036e-17, 4.581447769694882e-18, 1.1225021858103582e-19], [0.572590172290802, 0.8916497230529785, 7.577215797027748e-07, 0.0005952648934908211, 1.6899752708354754e-08, 1.686709660830843e-09, 1.5823072019305329e-10, 6.067954245736473e-07, 8.32396651606615e-13, 8.394449720029121e-15, 4.040146411594513e-15, 8.042196669353317e-17, 1.1324823887345095e-16, 6.68178921232319e-18, 7.827746621390372e-18, 1.0010724596284858e-19, 1.5813944600500164e-19, 2.2775264249693106e-18, 3.3801796054803616e-17, 5.3728503392131535e-18, 2.794784680069972e-16], [6.120939172182815e-11, 5.822807293704704e-15, 1.323471192392952e-15, 5.610649257340025e-15, 1.4922563772978826e-15, 1.8393698884757375e-18, 7.995194447150707e-18, 3.477667142008921e-17, 7.053362879385073e-19, 2.003198637497439e-20, 5.077691617138919e-19, 4.656898222088294e-18, 7.735908764634702e-20, 6.7919485057238e-21, 1.8078584843995605e-17, 1.0868656708338601e-22, 1.6426931834569314e-24, 6.448800835599489e-25, 1.565541699457798e-24, 5.6473964503397845e-24], [1.6952068108366802e-05, 9.392715771827653e-11, 1.3452138014624637e-10, 5.801756297607596e-10, 4.686027173933516e-12, 1.2577425212434434e-11, 1.1339261994647298e-11, 1.315210340635531e-07, 1.0265068794979015e-07, 8.962776121279603e-08], [8.2293523730607e-20, 5.924496775396135e-16, 2.2446131151909787e-18, 4.733375457653477e-21, 2.060227163170826e-23, 1.904255320484519e-22, 1.7119715476877286e-22, 2.2884123286256615e-18, 3.1447764935750194e-18, 4.909682445935391e-19, 1.9050163377552294e-20, 2.3234453274977517e-20], [0.41779690980911255, 0.41779690980911255, 0.41779690980911255, 0.41779690980911255, 0.41779690980911255, 0.41779690980911255, 0.41779690980911255, 0.41779690980911255, 0.41779690980911255, 0.41779690980911255, 0.41779690980911255, 0.41779690980911255], [2.468593629600946e-05, 1.5005765727216236e-11, 1.3323588760050242e-11, 6.076266573229461e-11, 2.0234139884445224e-14, 2.9144066929790012e-18, 6.808460756197417e-17, 2.7991651638962568e-16, 1.120431095128551e-16, 9.305631013477832e-16, 7.297658943881524e-15, 1.2971546674643243e-20, 3.0266792971353643e-18, 2.9649307587779437e-21, 1.0710875340662059e-18, 1.390094467736409e-20], [2.435852287561123e-14, 1.445959852654343e-17, 2.5071670690865375e-22, 7.572278353571389e-23, 1.9552633190515994e-22, 2.640307200893846e-20, 1.21515441157261e-20, 2.9387917706419114e-20, 3.848438154363413e-19, 3.4677939348970035e-19, 9.759238994300681e-17, 1.5530306953395145e-19, 2.292448470798496e-22, 2.1414579186971996e-21, 2.061357108598803e-21, 2.9311046051104585e-21, 1.2248645547286057e-21, 2.069059177921566e-20, 2.7951937413685243e-21], [0.008790810592472553, 2.3231264094647486e-06, 6.950442639208632e-07, 7.546242386524682e-07, 8.579486947268844e-12, 5.2378691606236316e-08, 4.263616543154214e-11, 1.446325264414794e-12, 2.192075951231451e-15, 5.968137898072147e-17, 1.4276438570483773e-15, 5.245249540638785e-17, 1.4867633460361056e-21, 2.4979796289528736e-21, 3.290470859437938e-22, 4.310182505349889e-21, 7.862259310732469e-20], [0.41779690980911255, 0.0005566514446400106, 3.911279300439219e-09, 8.519246072480335e-12, 1.8257092886109216e-12, 6.2555784493135546e-15, 7.146992111355718e-15, 1.0403016194996165e-15, 1.8607211515401893e-14, 3.5711559577544794e-14, 4.7847342814167845e-14, 1.1330437862900819e-13, 2.1194309328398386e-14, 9.651671501002e-16, 7.450745749537635e-15, 2.6774743226443956e-16, 2.4744398899128293e-15, 1.0146690470768701e-19, 5.793220166091364e-20, 1.6693539746827748e-21, 3.0086294120109613e-22, 6.402632800030806e-21, 1.507042902560097e-21, 1.5309286325826668e-23, 3.924714348815253e-24, 3.597737420057933e-24, 7.76444826218512e-25, 1.5135711485913852e-24, 1.2528322865260087e-22, 4.892974056797101e-24], [1.1004694755456512e-07, 5.662240676329588e-10, 1.3388296784958616e-14, 4.0133757764778636e-16, 4.297954441618516e-15, 7.402476730005401e-15, 6.055017670425326e-16, 2.06610106085435e-13, 4.740286385640502e-08, 2.148415056968389e-10, 1.8997539652509943e-10, 4.25907700218886e-08]]
- \Pred buzz scores: [2.323066521600919e-26, 1.1076083863111487e-35, 7.563923016768877e-08, 4.132797737867894e-14, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 3.023097582543125e-36, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 3.698114906708345e-25, 0.0, 0.0, 1.1824010000444535e-06, 0.0, 0.0, 7.559040171556309e-43, 2.4294787707752793e-24, 0.0, 0.0, 1.5643438765544828e-31, 4.06769481846066e-30, 2.9683815695654257e-20, 0.0, 0.0, 8.664886941764504e-23, 0.0, 0.0, 7.219340000622964e-30, 0.0, 1.6495615322579869e-18, 0.0, 0.0077701917658312475, 0.0, 3.7427004673830778e-37, 0.0, 8.0769439950399045e-22, 0.0, 1.853092265154603e-09, 2.098444343512375e-05, 0.0, 1.53251017254313e-19, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.00015432128161257182, 0.0, 4.1956399403423716e-16, 5.220774642558552e-12, 0.0, 0.0, 2.4529762788394495e-31, 1.682200359512303e-39, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.2702725474788371e-19, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 3.707304052935485e-32, 9.855484733017936e-29, 9.487608487990767e-24, 8.767677666450597e-33, 0.0, 0.0, 4.048392483897255e-15, 0.0, 2.6785021436008914e-28, 0.0, 0.0, 2.8121640290551102e-37, 0.0, 5.520250880560644e-24, 0.0, 0.0, 0.005935922032767967, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.667667101540209, 0.0, 0.0, 3.5099686862414723e-31, 0.0, 6.093954508147319e-10, 9.524275444523507e-33, 0.0, 8.901690747737896e-18, 7.343013784938939e-29]
tkempto1/tyler-t5-qa/logs_2024-05-11 01:43:18.904965.txt DELETED
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
- \Pred guess: [['A new genus of these fluorescent rays.', 'Batrachians', 'Batrachians are now being discovered in a cave in Thailand.', 'Batrachians', 'Batrachians', 'Batrachians', 'Batrachians', 'Batrachians', 'Batrachians', 'Batrachians', 'Bats'], ['HV 905 is a “bump” variety of these types of HV 905.', 'HV 905 is an example of this type of object.', 'HV 905 is one of the examples of this type of object.', 'HV 905 is a typical “bump” variety of these objects.', 'Variables.', 'F6 and F8', 'Specral class between F6 and K2', 'HV 905 is named for W Virginis.', 'Temperature.', 'Temperature.', 'W Virginis', 'W Virginis'], ['Compounds for use in this process are listed below.', 'A class of compounds for use in this process are selective inhibitors of KAT6A and KAT6B.', 'A class of compounds for use in this process are selective inhibitors of KAT6A and KAT6B.', 'anthracyclines', 'anthracyclines', '', '', 'anthracyclines', '', 'LSD', 'This process is described as an alternative to the one used for this purpose.', 'This process is described as an alternative to an anticancer drug.'], ["Let's Get Out", 'The paper that showed "Left Out" was the one that showed "Left Out"', 'The distance between two of these with n elements', ' 5 ms.', 'The distance between two elements is 2n = 6 6 .', 'The distance between two elements is 2n = 6 6 .', 'The CART algorithm is used to calculate the distance between two elements.', 'n elements - a constant rotation.', 'a straight line', 'Radiation Indicator', 'Rotation Rotation Rotation', '', 'n elements - a constant occurrence of the coordinates.', 'n elements'], ['An officer tells his mistress, the mistress, the mail girl.', '', 'Hurtgen Forest', '', '', '', "Cantwell's writing.", 'This setting of Across the River River', 'This setting of Across the River and into the Trees is where Frederic Henry falls.', '', 'This country', 'This country'], ['Sina sine nomine', 'Nomine', 'Carlo Ledesma', 'F. Debusse', 'Nosferatu', 'Nose of Constance', 'Nostradamus Curse', 'Constanze', 'Nomine', 'Nostradamus Mozart', 'Nobile'], ['The most widespread catalyst of the helium chloride.', 'Salts of this element are found in the salts of this element.', 'cycloaddition', 'A brick-red oxide reaction.', '', 'Bates', 'Sodium bromide', 'Sodium bromide', '', '-->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->', '-Brazil'], ['a provincial capital announced plans to stage an attack on the province capital.', 'The provincial capital has announced plans to launch an aritificial moon to replace streetlights.', 'aritificial moon', 'Kazakhstan', 'This country shot down one of its largest military installations.', 'This country is known for its nuclear arsenal.', 'This country is sending private space to replace the streetlights.', 'This country dropped down a storm satellite.', '2003', 'This country has become the third country to achieve manned spaceflight.', 'This country', 'This country has two manned spaceflights.'], ['The author’s preface to this play ironically begins with this play.', 'A sequel.', 'A sequel', 'A socialist utopia', '', '', 'No, the play’s ending was too short.', 'No, the heroine vows to marry Freddy.', '', '', 'Eliza Doolittle.', 'A French playwright named George Bernard Shaw playwright'], ['glass harmonica', 'A glass harmonica in his aria beginning “', 'A glass harmonica in the aria beginning “The sweet sound of his voice struck me!”', 'In the operatic title "LaMarquise of Berkenfield"', 'A glass harmonica.', 'A minor aria', 'No, aria beginning “Ah! mes amis!”', "Nose's opera", "Nose's opera", "Nose's soliloquima", 'Apologize', ''], ['white uniform white army coat', '', 'priests in the empire wore a distinctive white and black checkered tunic with a red v-neck', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'Cajamarca', 'Cajamarca'], ['Isaiah answered Jesus for a sign.', 'A wicked and adulterous generation', 'a curse', 'that the people of this earth will reject him forever', 'that the lord has done everything for them.', 'that the people will not believe them because they cannot tell their rightful sign.', 'Joffai', 'a thousand sea creatures throw this beast out of the water.', '', 'Tarshish and Jerusalem', 'Tarshish and Jerusalem', 'Tarshish and Jerusalem'], ['The fragment “A Ship of Death” was adapted from this fragment.', 'A years-long translation project.', 'To Die', 'To suffer', 'to suffer', 'A cowherd composed a poem about the creation of the world in this poem', 'A poem about the creation of the world.', 'Nowell Codex', 'Death and Peace', '', 'Nowell Codex', "Gael'dorn"], ["early photographs of this region, such as Woodward's photograph of this region,", 'Carleton Watkins and published in Britain of the region.', "Watkinson's Gardens", 'Tarp-covered picnic hut.', "Watkinson's Garden", '', '', 'Carleton Watkins', 'A photographer in this state was named Born Free and Equal.', 'Photograph of a girl performing calisthenics', '', '', '', ''], ['frontier-mound', 'frontier-mound', 'The mansion is filled with wood.', 'Strength of the north', 'Strength of the North', '', '', 'Five constants', 'Doctrine of the Mean', '', 'Ten Commandments', ''], ["Laroui's critique of the language used by Laroui.", '', 'A 2002 Peter Adamson book is titled for a fragment of Kant.', "Aly's translation of Kant into French", "Aly's translation of Kant into Latin.", "Aly's translation of Kant into Latin.", "Aly's translation of Kant into Latin.", "Aristotle's argument that the world is not eternal", "Aristotle's text on eternal life", "Aristotle's text on eternal life", 'No, in fact, it was not eternal.', 'No, it is written in Greek', 'al-Kindi, al-Ghazali, and other Islamic scholars', ''], ['The Trial Demons”', 'billiard room', '', 'No, in this novel, a man detests the authenticity of a Quaternary Fog.', 'No, he defies the claim that the Trial of Jawbone is a Quaternary Fossil.', 'A sentence in a sentence that is decoded in a runic script.', '', 'Sustained by Henry VIII', '', '', 'Digestive poison', ''], ['A Theory of Justice defines the original position.', 'The original position” within the empirical framework of an empirically empirically grounded argument.', 'This concept is defined by an “autonomy theory.”', 'The original position', 'The original position', 'The original position', 'A theory of justice defines the “original position” as the concept.', 'We should never use others only as means.', 'A formula for equality', 'The phrase “act only in accordance with that maxim.”', 'Concept of Autonomy and Humanity Formula.', ''], ['Many objects are made according to this activity.', 'The hypermodern”', 'The design of Howard Staunton', 'a group of walrus ivory artifacts.', 'a group of walrus ivory artifacts were discovered in Lewis in the laboratory.', 'Asian makruk', 'Asian makruk', 'Elephants once moved two elephants', 'Elephants', 'Elephants', 'Elephants', 'taser'], ['Umuganda', 'The majority of the people who participate in the Umuganda ritual are from the rural people.', 'Ocupanda ritual of compulsory community service.', 'The Umuganda ritual ends up being consumed by Umuganda.', 'The majority of the people in the Revolution sometimes called the Wind of Destruction', 'Subjugated-to-the environment of-- and once subjugated-to-the environment of- and once subjugated-to-the-extinct-humanity', 'The Twa militia, comprised of the Twa pygmy people.', 'The people of the Interahamwe militia .', 'Twa pygmy people', 'Twa pygmy people', 'the Interahamwe people', 'Umuganda people'], ['Aristomenes', 'Aristomenes', 'Aristomenes', 'Celtas', 'Philos', 'Philos', 'Tarsus', 'Philos', 'Hadrian', 'Timon', ''], ['Gordon Coogler', 'Coogler', 'This region was called the last bard of this region.', 'The region is called the most backwards part of country in the essay “The region is my oyster.”', 'The Sahara desert', 'shreve', 'Shreve writes a poem that asks “Why do you hate” this region?', 'A revival of the French colony of Abruzzi', 'Shreve', 'This large, cold and damp region of Iran', 'This region is named The Sahara.'], ['Tosotropic media normally require a liquid containing anisotropic media.', 'roots to a sixth-order polynomial root', 'A second-order polynomial equation.', ' ', ' ', ' ', 'Optical dynamite', ' ', ' 100 pointsnomlator 0° = 0°/100°C.', ' 0 ', ' 100 m244()144()124()124()124()124()124', ' 100 m2m14m2()124m2()124m2()124m2()124m'], ['Pilley and Reid used play-rewards to teach over a thousand thousand children.', 'Pilley and Reid used play-rewards to teach hundreds of words to Chaser.', 'Maier', 'Chauffer service', 'Pilley and Reid had previously been subject to electric shocks in shuttle boxes', 'Shuttle boxes.', 'Seligman', 'Logic and reason exist for a purpose', 'Yuri Modin', 'Chaser', 'Yuri Modin', ''], ['', 'Forsythe', 'A poem about the conflict, Richard Churchill', 'War and Peace', 'War and Peace', 'War and Peace', '', '', 'Half of a Yellow Star', 'World War II', 'Okigbo and his soldiers', 'The War of Independence'], ['', '', 'The second cover of a story about Baccarat Game', 'A large red car with a large red and white background.', 'The second cover of a magazine shows a large red square and a black number two, while the third cover shows a large black number two, while the third cover shows a large black number two, while the second cover of a magazine shows a large black square.', '', 'A painter from this country has produced a painting in this country', '', 'This country does not recognize the identity of the artist.', 'No, this country is known for its neoplasticism.', 'This country is represented by Piet Mondrian and Theo Van Doesburg.'], ['Beings of darkness and darkness.', 'Possession by beings can be easily treated by vigorously blowing air into the victim’s mouth while cursing.', 'These beings did not realize the death of their child.', 'These beings can be treated by vigorously blowing air into the victim’s mouth while cursing.', 'These beings can be activated by blowing air into the victim’s mouth while cursing.', 'These beings were recruited by Solomon to build the First Temple.', '', '', '', '', '', ''], ['Holocaust memorial', 'Holocaust memorial', 'Holocaust', 'Memorial to the Martyrs of the Deportation', "Gaillard's fortification on the site of the Lair", 'Gaillard', 'Gaillard', 'The Oise River', 'Levu-Vana', 'Le Chocolat River', 'Le Havre', 'Le Chocolat'], ['Ritchie Watson', 'a dozen eggs right-handed', 'a dozen eggs', '', '', '', 'Leo is pressured to remain in the saddle.', '', '', '', '', ''], ['Hence, the philosopher originated the line of reasoning that originated the line of reasoning that originated the line of reasoning that originated the line of reasoning that was originated from this line of reasoning.', 'In the place of an object, an object object object object is placed on an object.', 'An object is, but it is not rational to ask what the place is.', "Aristotle's argument that the place of a place is in Aristotle's opinion.", "Aristotle's argument that the place of a place is in fact a place, not a place.", "Aristotle's argument that the place of a place is in fact three rows long.", "Aristotle's argument that place is arbitrary.", 'Place of Place is', 'A straight line.', 'Aristotle', 'Aristotle', 'Aristotle'], ['Massimiliano Todo', '1909', '', 'Yuri Modin', 'a clothing line, and the Osgood mall.', 'IG Farben', 'a grand hotel', 'a tallest building in the world.', '', '', '', ''], ['In Our Town', 'In Our Town', 'Grover’s Corners', 'a girl’s “silly” actions.', 'A novella with this first name', 'This first name indicates that Grover’s Corners is a hidden message.', 'A mystery', 'Grover’s Corners', 'this name is Daphne', 'This name is Dilly Corners', 'The main character of this novel is Miss Sharp.', ''], ['The Colonna Venus,', 'Colonna Venus is the best preserved ancient replica of a Romantic masterpiece.', 'This country contains the Colonna Venus, which is the best preserved ancient replica of a Praxitiles statue.', 'A dove is suspended above a bronze dove.', "This country is home to a large number of bonze canopy's in this country.", 'Praxitiles statue', 'a sculpture housed in this country', 'Ceasura', '', '', 'Italy', 'France'], ['Selmer Bringsjord', 'Selmer Bringsjord', 'Levesque, Davis, and Morgensterne', 'Resolving referential conflict', '', '', '', '', 'No, Levesque and Morgenstern propose a different approach.', 'No, Levesque and Morgenstern propose a different approach.', 'No, they argue, that the prize is too much for them.', '', '', ''], ['A technique named for these organisms has been used for centuries', 'adalimumab', 'adalimumab', 'Luria-Delbruck Experiment.', 'norelbruck', '', 'Luria-Delbruck Experiment.', 'Luria-Delbruck Experiment.', 'T2 and lambda lambda', 'Luria-Delbruck Experiment.', 'T1 and lambda'], ['Pastor Hansford', 'Pastor Hansford', 'Paula of Free Will Baptist in Coushatta', 'Paula Walsh', 'Paula; Gene Takavic, a Cinnabon manager', 'Paula Thomas', 'Paula Thompson', 'Paula Thompson.', 'Brutus MacLachlan', 'Paula Louisie', 'Claire'], ['janitor of the empire', 'Demetrius and his soldiers', 'Deimachus I,', '', 'Deimachus I', 'Deimachus I', 'Bindusara', 'No, Strabo advised him to abandon Ujjayini.', 'No, Deko and Ulrich were forced to leave.', '', '', ''], ['This construct was only meant to be used in the context of the existing construct.', 'NAIRU', '', 'Sub-Zap values below a level below NAIRU.', 'Milton Friedman', '', 'at a level below a level he termed NAIRU.', 'Stagflation', 'NAIRU', 'a curve', 'a vertical line'], ['A congressman from this state added a set of namesakekes.', 'Hepburn Act', 'D.C.', 'H.R. Lowe', 'H.R. Lowe', 'S.C.H.LAUNCH', 'S.H.LADIES', 'S.H.LADIES', 'S.C.D.', 'This state', 'Moorpark, California', 'Des Moines'], ['Donald Trump tweet about this disease', 'Trump tweet', 'STRIVE', 'STRIVE', 'Vaccine', "UNICEF'S WORKSHOP.", 'Activists have urged the United States to work harder to stop the epidemic.', 'UNION STATEMENT', 'Mai-Mai militias', 'UNION', 'Mai-Mai militias'], ['A lower-bound temperature named for this phenomenon.', 'Plank’s constant temperature.', 'Plank’s constant, and the spectral linewidth over two times Boltzmann’s constant.', 'Cosmic confinements', 'Plank’s constant, and this phenomenon is not known.', 'Spectral line widths are increased by one thousand times Boltzmann’s constant.', 'Spectral line width is increased by one thousand times Boltzmann’s constant.', 'Spectral ablation', 'Larve', 'a pulse', 'Latitude and direction of the wave', 'a pulse'], ['The voice of the voice of the voice of the voice of the voice of the voice of the voice of the voice of the voice of the voice of the voice of the voice of the voice of the voice of the voice of the voice of the voice of the voice of the voice of the voice of the voice of the voice of the voice of the voice of the voice of', 'Socrates', 'He is confronted with a desperate desperate need to find answers', 'Abyss', '', 'Abyss', '', '', '', '', 'In the end, when he sees a woman holding a baby on his arm', 'A tome'], ['An army that took its name from this geographical feature.', 'Paroissien, James Lyle', 'Paroissien', 'An army that took its name from this geographical feature had a British doctor, James Paroissien, as its Surgeon General,', 'Surgeon General, Blanchard', 'Las Patos', 'Las Patos', 'Slaveless and invading', 'Slave Army', 'This mountain range is named Uspallata.', 'South America'], ['Eventual Events', 'Stefan Zweig novel with German names.', 'Amokläufer', 'Amokläufer', 'Amokläufer', 'Ransomsom', '', 'Marilou Danley in one of the events.', '', '2016', ''], ['Hill 262', 'It was Armoured Division 661', "Anders' Division", 'iran', 'Iran', 'Iran', 'Palestinen Army', 'Iran', 'Palestinen Army', 'a frontal assault on the abbey', 'Palestinen Army', ''], ['Delstrigo and Delstrigo', 'Delstrigo and Pifeltro', 'The FDA deemed it unnecessary to treat the disease.', 'Delstrigo and Pifeltro', 'Delstrigo and Pifeltro', 'Delstrigo and Pifeltro', 'Delstrigo or Pifeltro', 'Delstrigo or Pifeltro', 'Reverse polarization.', 'Treffon', 'a person who has AIDS', 'Asexually transmitted disease'], ['An essay titled for this concept expands upon Wilhelm Wilhelm Wilhelm Wilhelm Wilhelm Wilhelm Wilhelm Wilhelm Wilhelm Wilhelm Wilhelm Wilhelm Wilhelm Wilhelm Wilhelm Wilhelm Wilhelm Wilhelm Wilhelm Wilhelm Wilhelm Wilhelm Wilhelm Wilhelm Wilhelm Wilhelm Wilhelm Wilhelm Wilhelm Wilhelm Wilhelm Wilhelm Wilhelm Wilhelm Wilhelm Wilhelm Wilhelm Wilhelm Wilhelm Wilhelm Wilhelm Wilhelm Wilhelm Wilhelm Wilhelm Wilhelm Wilhelm Wilhelm Wilhelm Wilhelm Wilhelm Wilhelm Wilhelm Wilhelm Wilhelm Wilhelm Wilhelm Wilhelm Wilhelm Wilhelm Wilhelm Wilhelm Wilhelm Wilhelm Wilhelm', 'A variety of situations', 'An essay titled for this concept expands upon Wilhelm von Humboldt’s assertion that a “variety of situations” is necessary for human development.', 'Stoics resisted the temptation to slam into the trap of a single-mindedness', 'Self-denial.', 'Self-Denial', 'Self-denial.', 'Self-denial.', 'Self-destruct and self-denial.', '', 'Self-destruct', 'Self-destruct'], ['Two gigantic ships commissioned by Suetonius.', 'Lake Nemiod', 'Lake Nemi', 'A pied pied on a hilltop', 'This ruler imposed a tax on prostitutes equal to the amount they charged for an embrace.', 'This was the case when the Emperor made a gigantic contribution to the defense.', 'Naples', 'This ruler had planned to build a gigantic pontoon bridge across the Bay of Baiae.', '', 'This ruler had ruled since 11 CE.', 'Tiberius', 'Tiberius and Claudius'], ['emulsion', 'Nitric oxide', 'Nitric oxide', 'Nitric oxide', 'Nitric oxide', '', 'Oxygen tank is formed from two intermediate reactions.', 'hydrazone', 'Hydrogenation', 'Hydrogenation', 'Hydrogenation'], ['In the last chapters of book set in this country, the republic of Israel', 'In the last chapters of this book set in this country', 'Voi plane crash kills narrator', 'In the last chapters of this book set in this country', 'Voi', 'In the land of Voi, in a rebellion.', 'This country, where the main character is killed in the rebellion.', '', 'This country, where the main character is killed in the rebellion.', '', 'This country.', ''], ['A Cloud of Pinafores', 'A Cloud of Pinafores', 'A cloud of pinafores.', 'A cloud of pinafores.', 'A cloud of pinafores is born again.', 'A cloud of pinafores.', 'A Cloud of Pinafores', 'A Cloud of Pinafores', 'The author quotes a writer whose essay is published in "The Modern Essay"', '', '', '', ''], ['The first discovery involving its parity was awarded the first discovery.', 'Gap', 'W Jiànxióng', 'Wu Jiànxióng', '', '', '', '', '', 'the adiabatic force', 'the adiabatic force'], ['Pericytes can lead to weakness and damage.', 'Deficiency and damage to these structures.', 'A new development of pericytes.', 'Pericytes', 'A mouse gliotomy subclass A mouse', 'angiogenesis inhibitors', 'Apoptosis', 'Apoptosis', 'Apoptosis', 'Acute vascular angiogenesis', 'VEGF is a key for shuttling endocrine channels.', 'A number of such structures are known to exist.', ''], ['In G.K. Chesterton’s “The Invisible Man”', 'Smythe, a masked figure', 'Smythe', 'Smythe plays chess with beer', 'Smythe', '', '', 'Smythe', '', 'Smythe', 'Smythe', 'immortaloids'], ['Epidermic layers named for Huxley and Henle surround Epidermic layers named for Huxley and Henle surround Epidermic layers named for Huxley and Henle surround Epidermic layers named for Huxley and Henle surround Epidermic layers named for Huxley and Henle surround Epidermic layers named', 'Larvice/translpant membranes', 'Latitude and weather', 'Larvice', 'Glands near the production of this substance.', '', '', '', 'LSD', ''], ['A book that inspired this movement describes how the body of inspiration describes how the movement was inspired by this movement.', 'Sutras or donate money to a cause of your soul soul.', 'Sutras and Sutras', 'Sutras and Sutras', 'Student of Minds”', '', 'Issachar Jacox Roberts', 'No, he wrote a series of dreams he had.', 'No, he wrote a book that inspired him to chant the Sutras.', 'No, he wrote a book that inspired him to chant sutras and donate money to charity.', 'No, it was called Good Words to Admonish the Age.', 'No, he led the movement.'], ['a ton of chinese', 'atoms in an optical lattice,', 'a 2018 Nature paper', 'solvable model of this system', 'Zzilard and Jarzynski', 'a 2018 Nature paper', 'a 2018 Nature paper', 'Landauer’s proof', 'Landauer’s proof.', 'Tolbiac', 'Tolerant agent', ''], ['', "Hilton's brother is on the ship", 'Humanity nd violence .', 'Humanity and violence are two competing theories.', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'This character constructs a machine called Christopher', "This character, who is actually Christopher, is recruited by the machine's inventor.", '', '', 'arithmetic', 'No one can imagine anything.'], ['A Harvard Business School case analyzes the role of the customer.', "Credem's banking operations.", "Credem's holdings in Italy were scrapped.", '“Geographical” information.', 'Geographic Indication', 'Geographic Indication', 'Geographical Indication', 'Credem.', 'Angels', 'Parmigiano-Reggiano', 'Origin, or simply, food.', 'Parmigiano-Reggiano'], ['Sarah Mary Williams', 'Sarah Mary Williams', 'Sarah Mary Williams', 'Saras father', '', '', '', '', '', ''], ['swedish immigrant', 'never before seen', 'Butte, Montana', 'states senator', 'New Hampshire', 'New Hampshire', 'This state is not covered by any law.', 'No, the poem Never the Young Strangers', 'No, it was Vermont.', 'This state is ruled by England.', 'New-Path', 'Missouri'], ['Lao Ai', 'Lao Ai', 'Lao Ai', 'Lao Ai', 'Leo Ai', 'Lao Ai', 'Lao Ai', 'This man, aside from constructing the (*) Warring States.', '', '', '', 'Lao Ai', ''], ['One practitioner of this discipline said that the people of this discipline had a lot to say about the people they had.', 'One practitioner of this discipline said that "construct the picture of a person who study it".', '"construct the picture of the big institution, very much as the physicist constructs the picture of the big institution,"', '"Construct the picture of the big institution, very much as the physicist constructs his theory from the experimental data"', 'One of the principals of the discipline was that the physicist constructs the picture from the experimental data.', 'Marcel Mauss', 'One of the authors of The Gift spokeswoman', 'One of the authors of The Gift spoke of the desire to construct the picture of the big institution.', 'One of the authors of The Gift was Marcel Mauss.', 'One of the authors of The Gift spoke of the study.', 'One of the main texts in this discipline is The Gift, by Marcel Mauss', 'Bronislaw Malinowski and Rutherford Holt', 'One of the principals of this discipline is Argonauts of Culture.', 'Aristotle'], ['Noso-politics', 'Poisoning', 'Poisoned politics', '', 'Hmong refugees have had difficulty adjusting to the practice of this profession.', 'In-depth research.', 'Nose-politics', 'Anthropologist', 'Anthropologist on Mars', 'Queban', 'Quango', 'Quango', 'Noose Politics', 'No, Sacks and Fadiman.'], ['The House of Mirth', 'The House of Mirth', 'Martha performs this action in The House of Mirth by Edith Wharton.', 'Martha performs this action at the end of “A Perfect Day in Hell”.', 'Joe Keller and Willy Keller perform this action in The House of Mirth', 'This action is performed at the end of “A Perfect Day for Bananafish.”', 'This action is performed at the end of “A Perfect Day for Bananafish.”', 'This action is repeated in Cat’s Cradle,', 'This action is performed in The Children’s Hour.', 'This action is repeated in The House of Mirth.', 'This action is repeated in The House of Mirth.', 'Sally Canasta’s body slams into the fire and causes a fire.', 'This action is described in The Oprah Winfrey Act of 1934.'], ['Never leave anyone', 'Never answer a letter anonymously', "I really didn't say everything I said.", 'Aristotle\'s "Theology of Psychology"', 'This philosopher stated that "I really didn\'t say everything I said."', 'Taking a sip of sand from a glass', '-Frintonation', 'A lot is big when you think about it.', 'Platonica', 'This thinker stated that "nothing is big except when it comes to the sum of things."', 'This philosopher stated that "nothing is big except when it comes to the sum of things."', 'This philosopher stated that "nothing is big except when it comes to the little things that matter."', 'This philosopher stated that "you don\'t know where you\'re going."', 'This philosopher cautioned against saying "nothing is too big or too small."', 'This philosopher', '66 percent of the population in the United States is represented in poverty', '', '', ''], ['A version of this formula is used in the first step.', 'The first step of deriving the Black-Scholes model.', 'Latitude and angle.', "Faa di Bruno's formula is used in the first step of deriving the formula.", 'Latitude and weather', 'Latitude and longitude of the formula are expressed in degrees.', 'Latitude and longitude.', 'To test the boolean function, it is shown that two functions are equivalent to the Jacobian.', 'Latitude and longitude.', 'To test the validity of the above formula.', 'Latitude and longitude.', 'To test the quotient rule'], ['Robert Byrnes', 'Byrnes', 'Byrnes', 'Byrnes', 'Byrnes', 'Owen Roberts ran for the president.', 'This president appointed Robert Byrnes to replace Byrnes with Wiley Rutledge.', 'This president tried to "pack" in four points--to-pack the president\'s hatched', 'This president'], ['he final', 'Tyler Durden', 'Tyler Durden', '', '', '', '', 'A character in the film who writes the algorithm to rank chess players on the window of his dorm.', 'The ending scene with Rooney Mara infamously mentioning the importance of family IQs.', '', ''], ['Death Grips song titled for this song is titled Death Grips song.', 'Death Grips', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''], ['Machine Gun Kelly and Jay Kelly hosted the nightly affair.', 'mtvU Woodie awards', 'Lemire and Jeff Lemire', 'a turtle, koala, and a mtvU Woodie award', 'mtvU Woodie awards', '', "Lemire's version", '', '', '', '', 'Lesbian twins', 'Les Mistresses', 'Lesbian duo', 'Les Lemire and Jeff Lemire'], ['a key role', 'Despite his relatively small role in Judaism, Islam, and Christianity.', '(*) covenant with God', '', 'FTP', 'FTP', 'FTP'], ['Agribusiness.', 'The commercial shark processing plant name Thompson Enterprises.', 'The commercial shark processing plant name Thompson Enterprises', 'polity based on deer population', 'The waters around the town.', 'Last Chance Saloon', 'This region’s salmon was killed by a shipping ship.', 'Yosemite National Park', 'This region includes much of the northern part of the country.', 'This region is largely covered by the state fisheries.'], ['A young man under the picture of a young man under the photograph.', '', 'It’s protagonist admits he is imagining shades of the afterlife.', 'Molly Ivors invites him to the afterlife.', 'Molly Ivors invites him to the Aran Islands.', 'Mallins', 'No, Mr. Browne and Julia Kaushal', 'No, the tenor Bartell serves up a stirring dinner.', 'No, he sings the song “The Lass of Aughrim.”', 'No, the audience will be left to guess what the hell they are.', '', '', '', ''], ['A psychiatrist and a psychiatrist.', 'Psychiatrist and his schizophrenic wife.', 'A young psychiatrist', 'A psychiatrist and his schizophrenic wife', 'An ostracized heroine', 'This novel is adapted for film and stars Jason Robards.', '', 'FTP, Jason Robards and Jennifer Jones', 'F Scott Fitzgerald, the novel\'s pen name is "F Scott Fitzgerald".', 'No, F Scott Fitzgerald (F Scott Fitzgerald)'], ['Act of Trento', 'Donation of Constantine', 'Document envoy to Constantine', 'Pontos', '', 'oenotheatre', 'Brutus', '', '', '', '', '', 'several citations to the Ecumenical Council', '', 'excommunicated bishop', ''], ['Barclay de Tolly', 'Michael Barclay de Tolly', "Tolly's death squad.", "Tolly's scorched earth strategy", "Tolly's menwing display.", "Tolly's replacement.", 'Kutuzov placed his betrayal on the Raevsky redoubt.', '', '', 'Kutuzov', '', ''], ['Acrobats', 'titled After Milwaukee Ballet', 'Appomattox Sappington', 'A Pulp song', 'Seeking Major Tom', 'This artist included a speech from "Looking Major Tom" on a ballet.', 'This song ends with "Looking Major Tom"', '', '', 'This artist followed up acting career by resembling Margo Sappington.', ''], ['Salon', 'Salon.', 'The Golden Dragon Massacre led to a crackdown on the Witch.', 'Salon was founded in David Talbot.', 'Salon was formed to house Jim Jones and his son.', 'A “diminished capacity” legal aid fund was created for this purpose.', 'Latitude and weather', 'Guyana.', 'Guyana', 'Similarity to the Golden Dragon Massacre', 'Yuri Modin', ''], ['Conrad Stoeckhlin', '“Always the Way of the Dead”', 'A retrospective of Stoeckhlin.', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'Notable locations of these events.', '', 'Sprenger and Wendell', '', 'Burning of the City', ''], ['a species of this species of this family.', '', '', '', '', 'tosylates and benzene', 'Tolbiac acid', 'Tosylate residues are added to the sandmeyer reaction, resulting in a pool of ions.', 'Tosylate/halide group', ''], ['', '', '', '', '', 'Lauds', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'in Leviticus', 'in Matthew', ''], ['Theobald Wolfe Tone were defeated at the stake.', 'This country is called Theobald Wolfe Tone.', 'Patrick Moore', 'Ireland', 'This country was dependent of the dependency of Ireland on its coast.', 'This country was later named France', 'Ireland'], ['Suydam’s phenomena occur at a local level when Suydam’s phenomena occur at a local level.', 'At a local level when Suydam’s criterion is not met.', '2 (1)2 (1)2 (1)2 (1)2()2()2()2()2()2()2()2()2', 'The Kruskal-Shafranov limit is above 1.', 'p-value of 1', ' = ', 'Latitude and direction', ' = ', 'Four-dimensional shear is required for these phenomena to occur.', 'm-squared', 'Thetaphylaxis is not allowed.', 'Theta pinches.', 'Theta pinches.', 'Latitude and width', 'Foursquared', 'Latitude-dependent fluctuation of plasma to atmosphere the plasma.', 'Latitude and weather', 'Non-homogeneous boundary boundary', 'Latitude and direction', 'Foursquared'], ['Brutalist art fans are campaigning to save buildings.', 'The H-shaped Golden Mile', 'The Golden Mile Tower is on fire.', 'Jakob', 'French', 'Lah', 'Supertrees are shaped like a clock.', 'The hotel is on a former British Airways flight.', 'The hotel lobby lobby.', 'a U.S. Navy drill', 'No, the U.S. and Canada agreed to withdraw its naval fleet.', 'Korea'], ['Nominated for best picture', 'nominated for best picture', 'Circle 7 forced this film into the series ending', 'A sequel', 'The sequel to this film has a notable 302 votes.', 'Nominated for best picture without a previous film in the series being nominated.', '$90 million worldwide', '$90 million worldwide', 'Zero waste bags and a toy can', 'Nominated for best picture without a previous film in the series being nominated.', 'Nomination for best picture without a previous film being nominated.', 'Zero', 'nominated for best picture', 'Nomination for best picture', 'Nomination for best picture'], ['in his photographic book The photographic book', '', 'Mansor school', 'Communist student', 'This author created a teacher at the Mansor school named Victor Crabbe', '', 'One of the characters created by One Hand Clapping', 'This author created a teacher at a record store.', 'This author rapes a young girl at a store and then shoots her in the head.', '', "No, this author created a puppet show that mimics Crabbe's style.", 'This author created a puppet show for Crabbe.', 'This author created a puppet show for Crabbe.', 'This author created the delinquent girl who was attempting to rehabilitate herself.', ''], ['Alexandria', 'Alexandria', 'Alexandria', 'Alexandria', 'Known', '', ''], ['everything was beautiful and everything was beautiful.', 'in the grave of a man', '', '', '', '', ''], ['The daughter of Theseus and Helios.', 'In another myth, this figure was the daughter of Theseus and Helen.', 'Theseus and Helen worship this figure.', 'Theseus and Helen worship Hecate, the goddess of magic and crossroads.', 'Candi', 'Theseus and Helen were saved Castor and Pollux.', 'Theseus and Helene were saved from Hellenicus and Leuke.', 'Theseus and Helena', 'Thule', ''], ['', "HATU and Hünig's base.", "HATU and Hünig's base", 'HUF', '', 'HATU', 'HATU', 'HATU', 'HATU', 'CYCLIC TAMONES', '', 'HATU is used to form ketones.', 'ACE inhibitors', 'HATU', 'ACE inhibitors', 'ACE, phenelzine, argonium bromide, and phenelzine', 'ACE-L-Cru/N-H', 'HATU', 'ACE/CaO', 'ACE/Cas', 'ACE'], ['a new hip hop group called Tech .', 'The founder of the new Orleans-based genre known as “bounce music”', 'Dandelir', 'One rapper with this trait is the founder of a New Orleans-based genre known as “bounce music”', 'Dandelion', 'Move On', '', '', '', '', '', 'One of the artists with this trait revealed to be a rapper named LeBron', 'Rap star', 'One of the artists with this trait was Rapper Dan Brown', '', 'Rap artist with this trait', 'Rapper Blame', 'Rapper Girl', 'Rapper Girl', 'Rapper Blame'], ['Whether this man is the greatest', 'Probably', 'piqued his interest', 'This man was drafted by a professional sports league.', 'UNC', 'This man opted to skip college to play in a major city.', 'This man opted to skip college to play in the National Basketball Association.', 'This 3 time winner, from a UNC graduate.', 'Cleveland Cavalier', 'Cleveland Cavalier'], ['Luan Loc', 'Luan Loc', '', '', '', 'Van Thieu resigned nine days after the departure of President Van Thieu.', 'Van Thieu resigned.', '', '', '25 April 1975', 'April 30, 1975', 'April 30, 1975'], ['', '', 'Levu-Vana', 'John Stark’s men', 'Toronto', 'Confederate troops.', 'Saratoga march.', '', 'Montana', 'New York', 'Montana', 'New Hampshire'], ['Animal chorus', 'A musical theme that depicts this animal begins with the staccato ascending then descending notes D G G', 'G D C-sharp', '', '', 'A sonata in G minor by Domenico', 'F minor', 'F minor', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''], ['p38-pbP', 'binds to a receptor previously thought to serve as a receptor.', 'eluxadoline and loperamide bind to receptors previously thought to serve as a receptor.', 'eluxadoline and loperamide bind to receptors previously thought to serve as a receptor for these compounds.', 'Appetite for a second time', '4 PPBP, 4-PBP, and ditolylguanidine bind to receptors previously thought to serve as a receptor for these compounds', 'Benzamurol and ammonia.', '4 PPBP, 4 pham, and dilguanidine bind to receptors previously thought to serve as a receptor for these compounds', '4 PPBP, 4 pham, and dilution', 'Receptors', 'phenelzine, phenelzine, and phenelzine', 'enkephalin and nociceptin block the effects of these compounds.', 'enkephalin', 'enkephalin and nanoline', 'Several compounds that have been identified as binding to these compounds are described below.', 'Nociceptive neurons', 'Noleptin, enkephalin, and nanolone', 'Noleptin, enkephalin, and loperamide', 'Noleptin receptors'], ['A cynic philosopher.', 'his own', '', "No, Aelian's copy of Pompeii.", '', '', '', '', 'Multan', '', 'Sogdian princess, Phoenix and Qodoo', "Cassander's son", '', '', '', '', ''], ['', 'Mr. Acton’s obsession with cleaning up his fingerprints.', 'Mr. Acton’s obsession with cleaning up his fingerprints all around the house.', 'Mr. Acton’s obsession with cleaning up his fingerprints all around the house; one that leads to his arrest', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'A robot that requires human intervention', '', '', '', '', '', ''], ['Conflict', 'Be A Clown', '', '', 'The audience', 'The boots are made for walking', '', '', '', '', '', '']]
- \Pred confidences: [[0.06359474, 0.9041739, 0.024341185, 0.99800104, 0.98901904, 0.96515787, 0.98703897, 0.9652476, 0.85135233, 0.50873345, 0.5093671], [0.050192177, 0.16519205, 0.27021787, 0.46279335, 0.18512431, 0.278401, 0.27430004, 0.15414707, 0.866636, 0.21409, 0.8772766, 0.22633998], [0.5250592, 0.7136966, 0.8218908, 0.442, 0.56643295, 0.548, 0.496, 0.3981003, 0.987, 0.5187503, 0.021500498, 0.035424072], [0.24855039, 0.37989765, 0.06665589, 0.1441618, 0.099135116, 0.07353666, 0.29818937, 0.007828227, 0.033258464, 0.010256795, 0.027580408, 0.499, 0.004986936, 0.15261921], [0.09231528, 0.481, 0.93313, 0.64, 0.848, 0.491, 0.6456629, 0.64939463, 0.30179527, 0.999, 0.97416896, 0.97909796], [0.4584615, 0.48191997, 0.42225504, 0.034984674, 0.50537246, 0.045796882, 0.10072677, 0.19161601, 0.51290655, 0.1415916, 0.59306526], [0.010668629, 0.23987393, 0.5914215, 0.99300605, 0.297, 0.17533089, 0.3158315, 0.13334663, 0.301, 0.11611404, 0.13161676], [0.04068875, 0.42955333, 0.9093282, 0.312341, 0.20589775, 0.33819064, 0.0181696, 0.08905876, 0.760876, 0.15052108, 0.52983004, 0.4601687], [0.8482974, 0.935064, 0.945106, 0.3270046, 0.939, 0.923, 0.014620021, 0.21456036, 0.9, 0.553, 0.086984694, 0.1044036], [0.56743205, 0.73297286, 0.015287974, 0.026104223, 0.50063646, 0.08824489, 0.0076010856, 0.06075586, 0.09697642, 0.04229617, 0.29324055, 0.744], [0.061188523, 0.957, 0.2052816, 1.0, 0.978, 0.996, 0.473, 1.0, 0.997, 0.638, 0.685, 0.564], [0.06908301, 0.616507, 0.13384485, 0.029236369, 0.0047789966, 0.019745743, 0.339556, 0.0020848503, 0.435, 0.460522, 0.82504886, 0.6046734], [0.72142404, 0.85468006, 0.31842822, 0.65, 0.570627, 0.5262121, 0.04628196, 0.72027904, 0.05526785, 1.0, 0.15535784, 0.016389076], [0.52079976, 0.06704899, 0.107561104, 0.10573241, 0.21247706, 0.874, 0.971, 0.384857, 0.111355916, 0.04947506, 0.713, 0.942, 0.688, 0.999], [0.6894311, 0.705915, 0.04093573, 0.64592034, 0.419991, 0.688, 0.62, 0.35551155, 0.968, 0.599, 0.17606908, 0.99], [0.1066899, 0.416, 0.48209664, 0.20478246, 0.20213023, 0.18437894, 0.08190133, 0.16711606, 0.022915019, 0.013572512, 0.040481254, 0.069147356, 0.23221931, 0.463], [0.05838659, 0.07350578, 0.749, 0.036904063, 0.02492199, 0.08743934, 0.757, 0.036346775, 0.889, 0.503, 0.15902188, 0.978], [0.39700168, 0.048265368, 0.13600817, 0.5415131, 0.23125152, 0.25440863, 0.21590495, 0.024651073, 0.35391638, 0.2553064, 0.010364005, 0.515], [0.31609142, 0.22843343, 0.88250107, 0.7711642, 0.18930861, 0.31195003, 0.472527, 0.2039777, 0.548432, 0.8447821, 0.39547148, 0.50743943], [0.37443152, 0.10661004, 0.12997822, 0.035555974, 0.13561188, 0.004574799, 0.20561662, 0.056475885, 0.839666, 0.99800104, 0.43753734, 0.24763562], [0.67554, 0.98402804, 0.7851991, 0.0678229, 0.305, 0.37162802, 0.560439, 0.314685, 0.555542, 0.12790531, 0.225], [0.56775165, 0.90684, 0.2063376, 0.013028871, 0.123900004, 0.2988791, 0.13888313, 0.056618415, 0.340746, 0.010767676, 0.106708944], [0.015238215, 0.6658495, 0.12815362, 0.027778992, 0.0155606475, 0.00046119766, 0.07344259, 0.00032202541, 9.8753435e-06, 9.574942e-09, 5.478013e-10, 8.2744395e-10], [0.59575194, 0.1989225, 0.99200696, 0.023042705, 0.19021435, 0.21106009, 0.366522, 0.22138596, 0.16470395, 0.938, 0.1025817, 0.957], [0.885, 0.39593202, 0.3691187, 0.6803203, 0.6791854, 0.70910084, 0.962, 0.451, 0.8301023, 0.343443, 0.039475735, 0.06667008], [0.818, 0.569, 0.05389721, 0.03203503, 0.00022861321, 0.636, 0.13343163, 0.458, 0.0659157, 0.05246997, 0.08209771], [0.12145084, 0.07396013, 0.17293508, 0.28241143, 0.08586443, 0.4917607, 0.997, 0.701, 0.696, 0.943, 0.897, 0.993], [0.8244727, 0.5221853, 0.988027, 0.89474314, 0.029299151, 0.36722, 0.732105, 0.43393588, 0.30582038, 0.3424111, 0.89044046, 0.51693195], [0.848, 0.15046248, 0.24734834, 0.649, 0.866, 0.992, 0.05493598, 0.771, 0.993, 0.981, 0.997, 1.0], [0.001046762, 0.10346386, 0.4433521, 0.13788368, 0.006724149, 0.017180124, 0.07032817, 0.54437166, 0.37272832, 0.6359386, 0.84177, 0.993], [0.03613164, 0.29962295, 0.607, 0.25093305, 0.0154514, 0.6947466, 0.22360161, 0.068083465, 0.88, 0.998, 0.588, 0.999], [0.97414285, 0.98704, 0.46792325, 0.12362383, 0.1597605, 0.1480716, 0.48444426, 0.7793158, 0.4719766, 0.017233044, 0.11204218, 0.939], [0.82967925, 0.19002096, 0.72979176, 0.01716465, 0.09881587, 0.296884, 0.36431402, 0.1479377, 0.976, 0.82, 0.335601, 0.328], [0.892, 0.459361, 0.82592565, 0.0974304, 0.995, 0.858, 0.976, 0.973, 0.09671464, 0.12014146, 0.006730812, 0.565, 0.617, 0.952], [0.53666717, 0.979054, 0.3530148, 0.65395004, 0.041715704, 0.653, 0.837683, 0.809009, 0.5962316, 0.379, 0.23076019], [0.92315006, 0.452571, 0.05485976, 0.17513868, 0.037943233, 0.1229649, 0.091370925, 0.05611135, 0.076040044, 0.059542898, 0.36222902], [0.25292683, 0.32978636, 0.5528232, 0.973, 0.62034637, 0.6165245, 0.682905, 0.030109314, 0.0077097584, 0.999, 0.225, 0.981], [0.01157472, 0.732992, 0.91, 0.06919228, 0.666974, 0.914, 0.3346014, 0.743061, 0.426404, 0.094719306, 0.44719583], [0.5036647, 0.32367602, 0.70129806, 0.57162756, 0.44297752, 0.060063664, 0.03717135, 0.02088073, 0.32109594, 0.543132, 0.158547, 0.972], [0.9527265, 0.68500316, 0.5330444, 0.43195763, 0.53916067, 0.04086608, 0.00084084814, 0.6215116, 0.841206, 0.46311262, 0.8896421], [0.53234524, 0.54979646, 0.19553918, 0.111749, 0.013832262, 0.014512268, 0.013417292, 0.026985412, 0.1194279, 0.14961259, 0.10213668, 0.24814713], [1.02880867e-16, 0.74958, 0.15466407, 0.91879034, 0.827, 0.479196, 0.832, 0.947, 0.892, 0.908, 0.0021680768, 0.2318708], [0.9037993, 0.09705981, 0.33864, 0.806051, 0.3411854, 0.61528605, 0.48904803, 0.088222265, 0.105353735, 0.2981618, 0.95158124], [0.28828517, 0.57219476, 0.763236, 0.94415903, 0.554888, 0.12355232, 0.207, 0.16605484, 0.803, 0.305, 1.0], [0.7237571, 0.026420863, 0.3943567, 0.23426451, 0.67583996, 0.876926, 0.40661237, 0.15756, 0.5110502, 0.044810016, 0.3059132, 0.495], [0.75154483, 0.84830093, 0.1346487, 0.94927, 0.45432535, 0.86353457, 0.781109, 0.57293046, 0.03997571, 0.1172934, 0.11132309, 0.4105287], [0.14159308, 0.185003, 0.56197166, 9.856635e-05, 0.63573337, 0.5572821, 0.29918334, 0.46631888, 0.1709387, 0.319, 0.086898744, 0.2579707], [0.39351544, 0.12531105, 0.398528, 0.039749663, 0.48167807, 0.011644561, 0.62874, 0.06405746, 0.383, 0.0012715043, 0.72698003, 0.4194681], [0.19337459, 0.2539145, 0.10432219, 0.48391053, 0.3610925, 0.186, 0.027536646, 0.063770846, 0.4550334, 0.6106635, 0.47277838], [0.12013799, 0.06892788, 0.066949986, 0.28982493, 0.261915, 0.025998661, 0.14426424, 0.993, 0.25385997, 0.987, 0.080469266, 0.922], [0.7964655, 0.7716796, 0.44282395, 0.25256738, 0.03143216, 0.4100663, 0.49770564, 0.71998537, 0.0008213482, 0.654, 0.999, 0.591, 0.999], [0.5500049, 0.14777203, 0.32203615, 0.22311138, 0.299, 0.483, 0.539, 0.999, 0.816, 0.20958829, 0.26546046], [0.78150177, 0.14584225, 0.1970912, 0.80841994, 0.0018082658, 0.768, 0.46370077, 0.44286498, 0.49123225, 0.11658656, 0.029881656, 0.09776872, 0.764], [0.69732106, 0.0017360357, 0.32967, 0.15418102, 0.356307, 0.779, 0.808, 0.917728, 1.0, 0.677073, 0.84177536, 0.3172], [0.026718218, 0.0049568797, 0.30518314, 0.54529667, 0.45833585, 0.51, 0.572, 0.998, 0.25981492, 0.993], [0.06849609, 0.042930342, 0.46708444, 0.4143405, 0.055223934, 0.78, 0.443556, 0.121482134, 0.0765069, 0.031405807, 0.08688854, 0.5696237], [0.013497862, 0.17862655, 0.24986736, 0.26532724, 0.29930285, 0.31197274, 0.06201657, 0.2617192, 0.11481375, 0.051720526, 0.15979537, 0.989], [0.863, 0.487993, 0.30437604, 0.07040659, 0.981, 0.966, 0.996, 0.72, 0.905, 0.904, 0.2428239, 0.21934181, 0.992, 0.992, 0.06969293, 0.17117424], [0.21507795, 0.89829886, 0.036209706, 0.0955943, 0.82599056, 0.29053378, 0.18422838, 0.263252, 0.2632889, 0.976, 0.015162867, 0.8152373], [0.90090007, 0.68418527, 0.981, 0.5954855, 0.733, 0.958, 0.995, 0.987, 0.915, 1.0], [0.2280846, 0.10147227, 0.09461476, 0.41760913, 0.3922374, 0.62487805, 0.023935392, 0.04062071, 0.19359037, 0.127458, 0.17534593, 0.334], [0.9121729, 0.780993, 0.98208, 0.738, 0.302364, 0.93937796, 0.998, 0.20920002, 0.41, 0.328, 0.54, 0.25948027, 0.987], [0.0049092006, 0.20264986, 0.29477838, 0.2081901, 0.13680488, 0.735048, 0.15535316, 0.010516297, 0.19272922, 0.009613252, 0.008823158, 0.6132059, 0.16786687, 0.29137465], [0.41418698, 0.28791067, 0.24548653, 0.506, 0.69068956, 0.15302664, 0.1328756, 0.973072, 0.297, 0.1961251, 0.71686, 0.30874, 0.77471435, 0.034716785], [0.7198045, 0.83795804, 0.394568, 0.30247253, 0.24861526, 0.55848813, 0.52897066, 0.2601314, 0.15757294, 0.13486832, 0.16707918, 0.00015640615, 0.0062254667], [0.5756073, 0.572372, 0.83099926, 0.022040064, 0.33792105, 0.030429691, 0.0075147483, 0.076968715, 0.40473723, 0.006336749, 0.020687677, 0.0020296108, 0.15233561, 0.027652605, 0.4999854, 0.04827473, 0.451, 0.816, 0.974], [0.919281, 0.11610888, 0.668394, 0.49481186, 0.26470643, 0.0140015, 0.48975265, 0.023031533, 0.06899651, 0.060389757, 0.20984308, 0.17511661], [0.84176403, 0.85584795, 0.986, 0.655, 0.388663, 0.102939285, 0.62338364, 0.013931944, 1.0], [0.041418687, 0.921228, 0.811558, 0.493, 0.334, 0.97, 0.792, 0.018604707, 0.08317537, 0.922, 0.969], [0.13332278, 0.48076802, 0.991, 0.972, 0.905, 0.966, 0.999, 1.0, 0.998, 0.986, 1.0], [0.004682696, 0.9136244, 0.60941935, 0.11247186, 0.43370607, 0.99, 0.07165403, 0.813, 0.989, 0.681, 0.837, 0.45301738, 0.14097606, 0.4619101, 0.18426129], [0.20120606, 0.110572465, 0.41466105, 0.655, 0.936, 0.985014, 0.998], [0.42512354, 0.6807027, 0.7837753, 0.2103959, 0.041444924, 0.402597, 0.006016645, 0.61330295, 0.011071635, 0.068226255], [0.21354547, 0.79, 0.20499821, 0.9546919, 0.38657036, 0.669658, 0.011466902, 0.005550185, 0.17443798, 0.005920394, 0.668, 0.995, 0.431, 0.949], [0.34993362, 0.15791869, 0.37743536, 0.471744, 0.09401532, 0.20494817, 0.498, 0.30063868, 0.0014117423, 0.021589637], [0.1350248, 0.33546877, 0.0216248, 0.4106364, 0.806, 0.033246655, 0.16862907, 0.864, 0.961, 0.937, 0.93, 0.756, 0.057768404, 0.818, 0.3007323, 0.998], [0.39121, 0.942832, 0.20438169, 0.43041196, 0.36191258, 0.4638545, 0.12799554, 0.518, 0.978, 0.386636, 0.877, 0.966], [0.1636208, 0.22761035, 0.2013653, 0.34503672, 0.878, 0.13929494, 0.10581704, 0.683, 0.683, 0.123318136, 1.0], [0.999, 0.54457796, 0.3931244, 0.3578412, 0.07799836, 0.05017365, 0.3637242, 0.62524, 0.375869, 0.05051807, 0.09865937, 0.821], [0.971168, 0.12848796, 0.21845824, 0.718, 0.925, 0.938, 0.773, 1.0, 0.976, 0.43, 0.932, 0.18004332, 0.906, 0.24361934, 0.891, 0.07354012, 0.999], [0.037553985, 0.998, 0.897, 0.321, 0.668, 0.06145408, 0.17297877, 0.0010511976, 0.36666662, 0.998], [0.54, 0.983, 0.999, 0.94, 0.45, 0.998, 0.54, 0.894, 0.945, 0.731, 0.897, 0.549, 0.934, 0.22732063, 0.16118465, 0.913], [0.13402793, 0.6286221, 0.28371602, 0.768, 0.008019377, 0.046155762, 0.990016], [0.29075494, 0.81342477, 3.9046665e-08, 0.14991063, 0.17416568, 4.3865196e-11, 0.08152521, 1.969648e-05, 0.016806982, 0.05950915, 0.020141216, 0.17922413, 0.17284983, 0.070634566, 0.19677143, 0.014728697, 0.048078474, 0.018906293, 0.03947896, 0.081229925], [0.9840839, 0.68196535, 0.092363454, 0.555646, 0.2457, 0.353625, 0.069582, 0.1647793, 0.20519347, 0.027126003, 0.007768326, 0.791], [0.49102074, 0.657, 0.1325655, 0.42933363, 0.022085562, 0.24837331, 0.58582133, 0.17200431, 0.06896048, 0.17350289, 0.13874999, 0.57687, 0.36263785, 0.21176715, 0.50343084], [0.042101942, 0.914, 0.47402415, 0.90278596, 0.07176293, 0.967, 0.32553375, 0.07375152, 0.0037506204, 0.515, 0.009321463, 0.0717681, 0.03325986, 0.004053253, 0.978], [0.567728, 0.85449606, 0.99700207, 0.674, 0.5257987, 0.9, 0.933], [0.43780667, 0.356926, 0.936, 0.336, 0.889, 0.76, 0.929], [0.010009976, 0.80934256, 0.077877, 0.26257733, 0.04446576, 0.20668215, 0.0067756604, 0.06143418, 0.08485339, 0.805], [0.938, 0.4567449, 0.96429837, 0.86625236, 0.392, 0.6113576, 0.8088973, 0.20366676, 0.16705997, 0.0071439645, 0.776, 0.060607627, 0.07763947, 0.22787453, 0.23675057, 0.0076400856, 3.0079076e-05, 0.4474771, 0.0031381315, 0.007719651, 0.20565157], [0.0019878123, 0.4609843, 0.188215, 0.47829896, 0.3205739, 0.37442726, 1.0, 0.761, 0.474, 0.856, 0.801, 0.008090737, 0.077962495, 0.00350977, 0.513, 0.26422447, 0.11794304, 0.19690378, 0.16092607, 0.12885664], [0.55016583, 0.26150498, 0.27570593, 0.5348893, 0.254592, 0.15885623, 0.32976913, 0.0041007358, 0.98604, 0.759], [0.352751, 0.31460202, 0.912, 0.968, 0.999, 0.07473167, 0.7593739, 0.982, 0.991, 0.3975579, 0.22711898, 0.387283], [0.82, 0.98, 0.14802867, 0.40900695, 0.34, 0.3803275, 0.73148817, 0.307, 0.6, 0.266065, 0.834, 0.545], [0.26454416, 0.34216568, 0.2240259, 0.365, 0.907, 0.19143409, 0.569621, 0.42609584, 0.718, 0.96, 0.483, 0.761, 0.847, 0.969, 0.77, 0.969], [0.027905032, 0.3144107, 0.18413664, 0.108614355, 0.010886437, 0.020965451, 0.10441121, 0.0006996034, 0.00048280798, 0.21427524, 0.030090708, 0.12236622, 0.14810544, 0.015161597, 0.0041243816, 0.48579165, 0.009763663, 0.0072060735, 0.11068768], [0.78754026, 0.558495, 0.831, 0.1470787, 0.917, 0.98, 1.0, 0.992, 0.91326, 0.882, 0.001255586, 0.41428387, 0.966, 0.478, 0.922, 0.998, 1.0], [0.584, 0.6192074, 0.67480886, 0.04667444, 0.669, 0.994, 0.998, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.997, 0.984, 0.999, 0.997, 0.973, 0.993, 0.996, 0.998, 0.98, 0.999, 0.16646302, 0.994, 0.73, 0.967, 0.991, 0.999, 0.998], [0.26582903, 0.034740936, 0.99, 0.938, 0.2522976, 0.3879257, 1.0, 0.717, 0.946, 0.99, 0.959, 0.997]]
- \Pred buzz scores: [5.714218495905786e-13, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0017011661320637604, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.007110023986169334, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.13590801953814388, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 4.721904296105158e-05, 0.0, 5.571116370768085e-07, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.020048601552844048, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.6126534387039998, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2.192764077335596e-05, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0022036725369754713, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.18543776979514434, 0.08453843742609024, 0.9684211015701294, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 6.9767108096380014e-09, 0.0, 0.08610522133930942, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]