--- license: apache-2.0 task_categories: - robotics tags: - LeRobot configs: - config_name: default data_files: data/*/*.parquet --- This dataset was created using [LeRobot](https://github.com/huggingface/lerobot). ## Dataset Description - **Homepage:** [More Information Needed] - **Paper:** [More Information Needed] - **License:** apache-2.0 - **Task Objective:** Stack the three cubic blocks on the desktop from bottom to top in the order of red, yellow, and blue on the black tape affixed to the desktop. - **Operational Objects:** Three cubic blocks with 5cm side lengths(Purchase link:[【淘宝】假一赔四 https://e.tb.cn/h.60bRpk3V7bDhevw?tk=RzFAeJt4Wwp CZ007 「小块正方体形积木数学教具婴儿童益智拼装玩具层层叠1一2岁3宝宝6」 点击链接直接打开 或者 淘宝搜索直接打开]). - **Operation Duration:** Each operation takes approximately 20 to 40 seconds. - **Recording Frequency:** 30 Hz. - **Robot Type:** 7-DOF dual-arm G1 robot. - **End Effector:** Three-fingered dexterous hands. - **Dual-Arm Operation:** Yes. - **Image Resolution:** 640x480. - **Camera Positions:** Wrist-mounted (monocular camera) + head-mounted (binocular cameras). - **Data Content:** • Robot's current state. • Robot's next action. • Current camera view images. - **Robot Initial Posture:** The first robot state in each dataset entry. - **Object Placement:** Randomly placed within the robot arm's motion range and the field of view of the robot's head-mounted camera. - **Camera View:** Follow the guidelines in **Part 5** of [AVP Teleoperation Documentation](https://github.com/unitreerobotics/avp_teleoperate). - **Important Notes:** 1. Due to the inability to precisely describe spatial positions, adjust the scene to closely match the first frame of the dataset after installing the hardware as specified in **Part 5** of [AVP Teleoperation Documentation](https://github.com/unitreerobotics/avp_teleoperate). 2. Data collection is not completed in a single session, and variations between data entries exist. Ensure these variations are accounted for during model training. ## Dataset Structure [meta/info.json](meta/info.json): ```json { "codebase_version": "v2.0", "robot_type": "Unitree_G1", "total_episodes": 301, "total_frames": 281196, "total_tasks": 1, "total_videos": 1204, "total_chunks": 1, "chunks_size": 1000, "fps": 30, "splits": { "train": "0:301" }, "data_path": "data/chunk-{episode_chunk:03d}/episode_{episode_index:06d}.parquet", "video_path": "videos/chunk-{episode_chunk:03d}/{video_key}/episode_{episode_index:06d}.mp4", "features": { "observation.state": { "dtype": "float32", "shape": [ 28 ], "names": [ [ "kLeftShoulderPitch", "kLeftShoulderRoll", "kLeftShoulderYaw", "kLeftElbow", "kLeftWristRoll", "kLeftWristPitch", "kLeftWristYaw", "kRightShoulderPitch", "kRightShoulderRoll", "kRightShoulderYaw", "kRightElbow", "kRightWristRoll", "kRightWristPitch", "kRightWristYaw", "kLeftHandThumb0", "kLeftHandThumb1", "kLeftHandThumb2", "kLeftHandMiddle0", "kLeftHandMiddle1", "kLeftHandIndex0", "kLeftHandIndex1", "kRightHandThumb0", "kRightHandThumb1", "kRightHandThumb2", "kRightHandIndex0", "kRightHandIndex1", "kRightHandMiddle0", "kRightHandMiddle1" ] ] }, "action": { "dtype": "float32", "shape": [ 28 ], "names": [ [ "kLeftShoulderPitch", "kLeftShoulderRoll", "kLeftShoulderYaw", "kLeftElbow", "kLeftWristRoll", "kLeftWristPitch", "kLeftWristYaw", "kRightShoulderPitch", "kRightShoulderRoll", "kRightShoulderYaw", "kRightElbow", "kRightWristRoll", "kRightWristPitch", "kRightWristYaw", "kLeftHandThumb0", "kLeftHandThumb1", "kLeftHandThumb2", "kLeftHandMiddle0", "kLeftHandMiddle1", "kLeftHandIndex0", "kLeftHandIndex1", "kRightHandThumb0", "kRightHandThumb1", "kRightHandThumb2", "kRightHandIndex0", "kRightHandIndex1", "kRightHandMiddle0", "kRightHandMiddle1" ] ] }, "observation.images.cam_left_high": { "dtype": "video", "shape": [ 3, 480, 640 ], "names": [ "channels", "height", "width" ], "info": { "video.fps": 30.0, "video.height": 480, "video.width": 640, "video.channels": 3, "video.codec": "av1", "video.pix_fmt": "yuv420p", "video.is_depth_map": false, "has_audio": false } }, "observation.images.cam_right_high": { "dtype": "video", "shape": [ 3, 480, 640 ], "names": [ "channels", "height", "width" ], "info": { "video.fps": 30.0, "video.height": 480, "video.width": 640, "video.channels": 3, "video.codec": "av1", "video.pix_fmt": "yuv420p", "video.is_depth_map": false, "has_audio": false } }, "observation.images.cam_left_wrist": { "dtype": "video", "shape": [ 3, 480, 640 ], "names": [ "channels", "height", "width" ], "info": { "video.fps": 30.0, "video.height": 480, "video.width": 640, "video.channels": 3, "video.codec": "av1", "video.pix_fmt": "yuv420p", "video.is_depth_map": false, "has_audio": false } }, "observation.images.cam_right_wrist": { "dtype": "video", "shape": [ 3, 480, 640 ], "names": [ "channels", "height", "width" ], "info": { "video.fps": 30.0, "video.height": 480, "video.width": 640, "video.channels": 3, "video.codec": "av1", "video.pix_fmt": "yuv420p", "video.is_depth_map": false, "has_audio": false } }, "timestamp": { "dtype": "float32", "shape": [ 1 ], "names": null }, "frame_index": { "dtype": "int64", "shape": [ 1 ], "names": null }, "episode_index": { "dtype": "int64", "shape": [ 1 ], "names": null }, "index": { "dtype": "int64", "shape": [ 1 ], "names": null }, "task_index": { "dtype": "int64", "shape": [ 1 ], "names": null } } } ``` ## Citation **BibTeX:** ```bibtex [More Information Needed] ```