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+00:00:00,160 --> 00:00:04,720
+okay it looks like we have a good group
+00:00:01,920 --> 00:00:07,839
+set up here let's get going
+00:00:04,720 --> 00:00:10,960
+um my name is pat palingo
+00:00:07,839 --> 00:00:14,400
+uh from yale planet uh we
+00:00:10,960 --> 00:00:16,800
+we are excited here to show you the
+00:00:14,400 --> 00:00:18,080
+this uh topic today about how to design
+00:00:16,800 --> 00:00:21,760
+and build your own
+00:00:18,080 --> 00:00:23,680
+outdoor kitchen uh
+00:00:21,760 --> 00:00:26,720
+a couple housekeeping eyes before we
+00:00:23,680 --> 00:00:29,439
+start here uh we will be recording this
+00:00:26,720 --> 00:00:30,640
+and we will share this we will share
+00:00:29,439 --> 00:00:31,679
+this by the end of the week with
+00:00:30,640 --> 00:00:34,480
+00:00:31,679 --> 00:00:36,880
+so feel free to take notes but don't go
+00:00:34,480 --> 00:00:36,880
+00:00:37,120 --> 00:00:40,879
+we received a lot of great questions
+00:00:39,360 --> 00:00:43,280
+during the registration so we'll spend
+00:00:40,879 --> 00:00:45,840
+some time going through those
+00:00:43,280 --> 00:00:48,079
+during the presentation and please feel
+00:00:45,840 --> 00:00:50,960
+free to use the q a feature
+00:00:48,079 --> 00:00:51,840
+in the zoom to uh send any questions
+00:00:50,960 --> 00:00:55,520
+that come over
+00:00:51,840 --> 00:00:58,879
+and we'll we'll get to those as well
+00:00:55,520 --> 00:01:00,719
+with that i'd like to introduce
+00:00:58,879 --> 00:01:02,239
+steve scheinkoff the ceo of yale
+00:01:00,719 --> 00:01:06,159
+00:01:02,239 --> 00:01:08,640
+steve's been at yale since 1986
+00:01:06,159 --> 00:01:10,799
+helping grow yale from the original
+00:01:08,640 --> 00:01:13,760
+boston location
+00:01:10,799 --> 00:01:15,200
+to now the framingham and hanover
+00:01:13,760 --> 00:01:17,439
+00:01:15,200 --> 00:01:18,799
+and i know he's excited to share his
+00:01:17,439 --> 00:01:21,840
+experience from
+00:01:18,799 --> 00:01:25,600
+um working with lots of different
+00:01:21,840 --> 00:01:28,000
+clients customers from over the years
+00:01:25,600 --> 00:01:29,200
+in their outdoor kitchens so with that
+00:01:28,000 --> 00:01:32,560
+being said
+00:01:29,200 --> 00:01:35,119
+uh i'll hand it over to steve
+00:01:32,560 --> 00:01:35,920
+thank you pat nothing like an
+00:01:35,119 --> 00:01:38,799
+00:01:35,920 --> 00:01:40,880
+shot first shot of the seminar this is
+00:01:38,799 --> 00:01:42,399
+uh this is a really interesting kitchen
+00:01:40,880 --> 00:01:44,880
+that we uh
+00:01:42,399 --> 00:01:46,079
+that we we found um if you take a look
+00:01:44,880 --> 00:01:47,680
+around they they thought of
+00:01:46,079 --> 00:01:49,520
+almost every detail they had the
+00:01:47,680 --> 00:01:50,320
+planters on the left there you can see
+00:01:49,520 --> 00:01:52,799
+you can
+00:01:50,320 --> 00:01:54,640
+order those direct you've got landscape
+00:01:52,799 --> 00:01:56,399
+lighting right in the deck that's pretty
+00:01:54,640 --> 00:01:58,399
+00:01:56,399 --> 00:02:00,640
+for up lighting and we're going to get
+00:01:58,399 --> 00:02:02,799
+into lighting a little bit first
+00:02:00,640 --> 00:02:04,320
+i got to admit on this one um i had a
+00:02:02,799 --> 00:02:06,000
+lot of help tomorrow is about
+00:02:04,320 --> 00:02:07,520
+how to plan a kitchen kind of more or
+00:02:06,000 --> 00:02:10,800
+less flying so but
+00:02:07,520 --> 00:02:12,640
+um this is a relatively new phenomenon
+00:02:10,800 --> 00:02:14,480
+you know for for people in the northeast
+00:02:12,640 --> 00:02:16,400
+so i i had a really
+00:02:14,480 --> 00:02:17,440
+good bunch of people advise me and i
+00:02:16,400 --> 00:02:18,319
+kind of want to give them a shout out
+00:02:17,440 --> 00:02:20,000
+00:02:18,319 --> 00:02:21,760
+scott grubel's the president at
+00:02:20,000 --> 00:02:23,599
+middlebury he started he was the
+00:02:21,760 --> 00:02:25,360
+president of lynx for years did such a
+00:02:23,599 --> 00:02:27,760
+good job
+00:02:25,360 --> 00:02:28,959
+and now he's the president of viking la
+00:02:27,760 --> 00:02:31,680
+cornu marvel
+00:02:28,959 --> 00:02:33,519
+uline turbo chef probably six other
+00:02:31,680 --> 00:02:36,319
+lines i'm not aware of
+00:02:33,519 --> 00:02:37,040
+basil lachen was our bosh rep 25 years
+00:02:36,319 --> 00:02:38,879
+00:02:37,040 --> 00:02:40,560
+he's now the vice president of a really
+00:02:38,879 --> 00:02:43,120
+fast-growing company um
+00:02:40,560 --> 00:02:45,280
+heston anyone's seen some nice colored
+00:02:43,120 --> 00:02:47,120
+heston grills he's behind that
+00:02:45,280 --> 00:02:49,120
+russ i gotta admit i never met but
+00:02:47,120 --> 00:02:50,640
+i want to i want him like to do my
+00:02:49,120 --> 00:02:54,079
+barbecue he's got
+00:02:50,640 --> 00:02:55,440
+his artisanal pizza he's got a chef coat
+00:02:54,079 --> 00:02:57,200
+he's someone you invite over to help you
+00:02:55,440 --> 00:02:58,959
+with your grill and then let him do it
+00:02:57,200 --> 00:03:00,640
+kalamazoo is is considered to be the
+00:02:58,959 --> 00:03:03,360
+finest girl in the world
+00:03:00,640 --> 00:03:06,080
+ashley smith she's a director design at
+00:03:03,360 --> 00:03:08,480
+urban bonfire they do
+00:03:06,080 --> 00:03:09,440
+all they do is outside campus uh based
+00:03:08,480 --> 00:03:10,720
+in montreal
+00:03:09,440 --> 00:03:13,280
+places and we're going to be talking
+00:03:10,720 --> 00:03:16,319
+about cabinets and surface materials
+00:03:13,280 --> 00:03:18,319
+in the presentation as well
+00:03:16,319 --> 00:03:19,680
+let's start at the beginning when i
+00:03:18,319 --> 00:03:22,079
+first started yale this was
+00:03:19,680 --> 00:03:22,959
+this was our outside kitchen you know
+00:03:22,079 --> 00:03:24,400
+they weatherized
+00:03:22,959 --> 00:03:26,319
+they took the the tank out from
+00:03:24,400 --> 00:03:28,480
+underneath you can tell you got your
+00:03:26,319 --> 00:03:30,720
+task lighting on the right-hand side
+00:03:28,480 --> 00:03:32,640
+you got your grill uh that's what it
+00:03:30,720 --> 00:03:34,239
+looked like and now
+00:03:32,640 --> 00:03:35,360
+you can do almost anything this is an
+00:03:34,239 --> 00:03:36,879
+interesting shot because they put a
+00:03:35,360 --> 00:03:39,200
+dishwasher in there
+00:03:36,879 --> 00:03:40,480
+ice maker side burners and grill and
+00:03:39,200 --> 00:03:42,319
+you're gonna be able to do this in about
+00:03:40,480 --> 00:03:45,200
+22 and a half minutes
+00:03:42,319 --> 00:03:46,400
+um this way you can the thing with the
+00:03:45,200 --> 00:03:48,480
+outside it's it's
+00:03:46,400 --> 00:03:49,920
+it's limited it's like it's like another
+00:03:48,480 --> 00:03:50,879
+part of your kitchen you could do almost
+00:03:49,920 --> 00:03:52,959
+00:03:50,879 --> 00:03:54,480
+and for that we're going to go into
+00:03:52,959 --> 00:03:56,959
+really the basics like
+00:03:54,480 --> 00:03:58,079
+the abc lm of who's going to build your
+00:03:56,959 --> 00:03:59,840
+00:03:58,079 --> 00:04:02,239
+what the questions you need to ask
+00:03:59,840 --> 00:04:04,879
+yourself in building it
+00:04:02,239 --> 00:04:05,680
+um the elements like sun wind especially
+00:04:04,879 --> 00:04:09,280
+00:04:05,680 --> 00:04:10,799
+rain snow um the fuel types you need to
+00:04:09,280 --> 00:04:11,760
+install now what do you need to install
+00:04:10,799 --> 00:04:14,400
+now or
+00:04:11,760 --> 00:04:16,079
+last week before the ground froze um
+00:04:14,400 --> 00:04:18,238
+we're going to teach you how to light it
+00:04:16,079 --> 00:04:19,358
+how to vent it hopefully you won't vent
+00:04:18,238 --> 00:04:20,478
+it um
+00:04:19,358 --> 00:04:23,040
+the different types of goes because
+00:04:20,478 --> 00:04:24,639
+there's so many now more
+00:04:23,040 --> 00:04:27,280
+than there used to be even over the last
+00:04:24,639 --> 00:04:29,520
+say six seven years especially with
+00:04:27,280 --> 00:04:31,759
+smokers becoming more popular we'll talk
+00:04:29,520 --> 00:04:33,680
+about other cooking options
+00:04:31,759 --> 00:04:35,759
+we're going to talk about appliance
+00:04:33,680 --> 00:04:37,199
+options you can put in your outside
+00:04:35,759 --> 00:04:38,960
+and i'm going to give you a framework
+00:04:37,199 --> 00:04:40,800
+the most part for most popular
+00:04:38,960 --> 00:04:42,000
+configurations to put them in
+00:04:40,800 --> 00:04:44,320
+and then we'll talk about the materials
+00:04:42,000 --> 00:04:45,919
+especially here in boston uh you need a
+00:04:44,320 --> 00:04:47,919
+certain type of material
+00:04:45,919 --> 00:04:50,639
+uh we're gonna get into cabinets a
+00:04:47,919 --> 00:04:53,040
+little bit as well
+00:04:50,639 --> 00:04:54,720
+and then um how to maintain it and then
+00:04:53,040 --> 00:04:56,080
+we're gonna fix the key takeaways
+00:04:54,720 --> 00:04:58,080
+there are a lot of good questions and
+00:04:56,080 --> 00:04:58,880
+six really good questions feel free to
+00:04:58,080 --> 00:05:01,600
+00:04:58,880 --> 00:05:03,520
+um as i go through the presentation so
+00:05:01,600 --> 00:05:05,120
+with that let's get started
+00:05:03,520 --> 00:05:06,960
+um actually let's not get started that's
+00:05:05,120 --> 00:05:09,840
+me had already covered that
+00:05:06,960 --> 00:05:11,199
+this is my 48th year at yale and 35
+00:05:09,840 --> 00:05:13,919
+years full-time
+00:05:11,199 --> 00:05:16,960
+i'm pretty much writing blogs and doing
+00:05:13,919 --> 00:05:16,960
+some other stuff now but
+00:05:17,520 --> 00:05:23,280
+let's get into the who who's doing it
+00:05:21,199 --> 00:05:24,720
+is it the architect builder contractor
+00:05:23,280 --> 00:05:27,520
+landscape architecture
+00:05:24,720 --> 00:05:28,400
+they all can do it is this part of the
+00:05:27,520 --> 00:05:30,720
+00:05:28,400 --> 00:05:31,680
+or is this part of an ongoing renovation
+00:05:30,720 --> 00:05:33,440
+00:05:31,680 --> 00:05:35,600
+because you have to assign
+00:05:33,440 --> 00:05:38,639
+responsibility to it
+00:05:35,600 --> 00:05:42,000
+and once you do again i mentioned
+00:05:38,639 --> 00:05:42,560
+um in miami i mean this is just another
+00:05:42,000 --> 00:05:45,039
+00:05:42,560 --> 00:05:47,360
+um to people miami for us it's kind of a
+00:05:45,039 --> 00:05:49,520
+new phenomenon so you want to have
+00:05:47,360 --> 00:05:51,039
+a research aspect to it you don't want
+00:05:49,520 --> 00:05:52,159
+to check better business bureau yelp
+00:05:51,039 --> 00:05:54,320
+google reviews
+00:05:52,159 --> 00:05:55,840
+you want to um check the portfolio work
+00:05:54,320 --> 00:05:57,039
+to see that they can do what you
+00:05:55,840 --> 00:05:58,560
+00:05:57,039 --> 00:06:00,319
+some of the other things you need are
+00:05:58,560 --> 00:06:01,360
+certainly plumbers electricians
+00:06:00,319 --> 00:06:04,160
+you're going to need to visit an
+00:06:01,360 --> 00:06:06,479
+appliance store and maybe
+00:06:04,160 --> 00:06:08,639
+your masonry or your cabinet shop so
+00:06:06,479 --> 00:06:11,680
+those that's the cool what you'll do
+00:06:08,639 --> 00:06:13,520
+spend some time here obviously
+00:06:11,680 --> 00:06:14,720
+okay the other thing is about if the
+00:06:13,520 --> 00:06:15,600
+first thing is here the next things
+00:06:14,720 --> 00:06:18,080
+about you
+00:06:15,600 --> 00:06:20,560
+what are you doing with the outside okay
+00:06:18,080 --> 00:06:23,039
+is this a place to just split burgers
+00:06:20,560 --> 00:06:24,720
+are you cooking dining and entertaining
+00:06:23,039 --> 00:06:26,240
+outside because you want to plan your
+00:06:24,720 --> 00:06:28,240
+counter space accordingly
+00:06:26,240 --> 00:06:29,759
+when we talk about cooking on the inside
+00:06:28,240 --> 00:06:31,680
+we talk about plates we talk about
+00:06:29,759 --> 00:06:34,319
+cooking on the outside we talk about
+00:06:31,680 --> 00:06:35,680
+platters so the counters uh need to be
+00:06:34,319 --> 00:06:38,159
+planned accordingly
+00:06:35,680 --> 00:06:39,759
+how far is the grow away from your house
+00:06:38,159 --> 00:06:41,600
+the farther away the more you need
+00:06:39,759 --> 00:06:43,360
+if the grill is just kitty corner your
+00:06:41,600 --> 00:06:45,199
+house you can use the appliances
+00:06:43,360 --> 00:06:47,039
+already in your kitchen the farther away
+00:06:45,199 --> 00:06:49,680
+the more you're going to need to uh
+00:06:47,039 --> 00:06:51,919
+integrate to avoid going back and forth
+00:06:49,680 --> 00:06:55,039
+in your house
+00:06:51,919 --> 00:06:58,000
+and lastly how do you cook you cook
+00:06:55,039 --> 00:07:00,000
+with speed which is a grill um be more
+00:06:58,000 --> 00:07:01,440
+of a low and slow or a combination
+00:07:00,000 --> 00:07:02,960
+you need side burners because that
+00:07:01,440 --> 00:07:03,599
+dictates what you're going to put into
+00:07:02,960 --> 00:07:05,120
+00:07:03,599 --> 00:07:06,639
+um and you have a lot more options we're
+00:07:05,120 --> 00:07:10,000
+going to cover some of that um
+00:07:06,639 --> 00:07:10,000
+in the presentation here as well
+00:07:10,080 --> 00:07:12,720
+it's funny when i when i asked the girl
+00:07:11,520 --> 00:07:13,440
+guys what's the first thing to consider
+00:07:12,720 --> 00:07:16,240
+they both said
+00:07:13,440 --> 00:07:17,440
+wind where if you've got prevailing
+00:07:16,240 --> 00:07:20,080
+winds in your backyard
+00:07:17,440 --> 00:07:22,160
+you want to position your outside grill
+00:07:20,080 --> 00:07:25,360
+so it doesn't blow
+00:07:22,160 --> 00:07:27,039
+120 000 btus of smoke into your house
+00:07:25,360 --> 00:07:28,880
+the other questions you ask is sun
+00:07:27,039 --> 00:07:31,039
+exposure i mean
+00:07:28,880 --> 00:07:32,400
+especially knowing how are you going to
+00:07:31,039 --> 00:07:33,599
+do a three season
+00:07:32,400 --> 00:07:35,680
+how are you going to vent we're going to
+00:07:33,599 --> 00:07:37,199
+cover some of that as well but when is
+00:07:35,680 --> 00:07:38,880
+00:07:37,199 --> 00:07:40,319
+how are you going to canopy how are you
+00:07:38,880 --> 00:07:43,759
+going to cover for
+00:07:40,319 --> 00:07:47,199
+sun and rain and snow exposure as well
+00:07:43,759 --> 00:07:48,879
+something to consider okay now let's go
+00:07:47,199 --> 00:07:49,199
+into fuel types here's what you need to
+00:07:48,879 --> 00:07:52,319
+00:07:49,199 --> 00:07:53,680
+into the ground before you plant
+00:07:52,319 --> 00:07:55,599
+you're obviously natural gas for the
+00:07:53,680 --> 00:07:58,080
+grill and side burners
+00:07:55,599 --> 00:07:59,759
+okay you need some electrical work for
+00:07:58,080 --> 00:08:02,319
+any kind of appliances
+00:07:59,759 --> 00:08:03,440
+ignitions for a lot of grills are 120
+00:08:02,319 --> 00:08:05,919
+rotisseries are
+00:08:03,440 --> 00:08:08,720
+powered by 120 to put blenders in any
+00:08:05,919 --> 00:08:12,080
+refrigerators warming drawers
+00:08:08,720 --> 00:08:14,080
+if you have a if you want an ice maker a
+00:08:12,080 --> 00:08:15,199
+dishwasher sinking pasta you need to run
+00:08:14,080 --> 00:08:18,319
+water lines as well
+00:08:15,199 --> 00:08:18,319
+you need to winterize them
+00:08:20,800 --> 00:08:27,599
+maybe it's because we saw lighting
+00:08:24,000 --> 00:08:30,319
+so long here i'm more fixated on it now
+00:08:27,599 --> 00:08:31,440
+in an inside you need task accent
+00:08:30,319 --> 00:08:33,279
+00:08:31,440 --> 00:08:35,039
+um and ambient lighting you don't need
+00:08:33,279 --> 00:08:36,880
+that on the outside if you put a piece
+00:08:35,039 --> 00:08:38,479
+of steak on a plate
+00:08:36,880 --> 00:08:40,399
+you don't need an overhead recessed
+00:08:38,479 --> 00:08:43,279
+light to be able to eat it
+00:08:40,399 --> 00:08:44,880
+i think what's really important is task
+00:08:43,279 --> 00:08:46,959
+lighting by the grill which this
+00:08:44,880 --> 00:08:48,720
+which this picture doesn't show i think
+00:08:46,959 --> 00:08:50,880
+a couple lamps next to them
+00:08:48,720 --> 00:08:55,040
+because a lot of these um a lot of these
+00:08:50,880 --> 00:08:56,880
+wheels are now 23 to 27 000 b2 per burn
+00:08:55,040 --> 00:08:58,080
+um so the difference between medium and
+00:08:56,880 --> 00:09:00,080
+medium rare could be
+00:08:58,080 --> 00:09:01,680
+20 30 seconds so it's important to have
+00:09:00,080 --> 00:09:03,440
+the right light to see by
+00:09:01,680 --> 00:09:04,560
+the other thing is the lights on your
+00:09:03,440 --> 00:09:05,200
+house are probably not going to be able
+00:09:04,560 --> 00:09:08,399
+to help you
+00:09:05,200 --> 00:09:11,920
+the spotlights are too the light is
+00:09:08,399 --> 00:09:13,680
+is too ambient to use i i love
+00:09:11,920 --> 00:09:15,600
+this picture the reason why we showed it
+00:09:13,680 --> 00:09:17,279
+is the accent lighting
+00:09:15,600 --> 00:09:19,040
+it's like christmas all year round in
+00:09:17,279 --> 00:09:21,279
+your backyard
+00:09:19,040 --> 00:09:22,560
+you don't need tasks and the other
+00:09:21,279 --> 00:09:24,160
+elements of lighting but i think
+00:09:22,560 --> 00:09:28,000
+accenting is nice and just remember to
+00:09:24,160 --> 00:09:31,600
+put lights by your grills
+00:09:28,000 --> 00:09:32,399
+venting um almost all the pictures
+00:09:31,600 --> 00:09:34,399
+you're going to see
+00:09:32,399 --> 00:09:36,320
+on house and on social media going to be
+00:09:34,399 --> 00:09:40,000
+wrong including this one
+00:09:36,320 --> 00:09:43,120
+um you got to remember that
+00:09:40,000 --> 00:09:46,480
+venting for for your range inside is
+00:09:43,120 --> 00:09:46,480
+basically uh moisture
+00:09:46,560 --> 00:09:51,920
+for a grill it's mostly smoke and grease
+00:09:50,320 --> 00:09:53,680
+for that you need to plan and the more
+00:09:51,920 --> 00:09:57,360
+it's inside on a three
+00:09:53,680 --> 00:09:59,040
+um on a three season
+00:09:57,360 --> 00:10:00,800
+or more canopy the more you need
+00:09:59,040 --> 00:10:02,079
+ventilation now this is wrong because
+00:10:00,800 --> 00:10:04,399
+this is a 21 inch van
+00:10:02,079 --> 00:10:06,000
+i can i can tell by just looking at it
+00:10:04,399 --> 00:10:08,399
+600 cfm
+00:10:06,000 --> 00:10:09,440
+something on a vent if you vent you
+00:10:08,399 --> 00:10:11,680
+would need
+00:10:09,440 --> 00:10:12,480
+something in the order of 24 to 27
+00:10:11,680 --> 00:10:14,800
+00:10:12,480 --> 00:10:16,560
+and a minimum of 1500 cfm to capture
+00:10:14,800 --> 00:10:18,720
+because smoke isn't just immediately
+00:10:16,560 --> 00:10:21,680
+evacuated by powerful motor it's
+00:10:18,720 --> 00:10:22,880
+chambered and then it's um and then it's
+00:10:21,680 --> 00:10:25,760
+evacuated through the
+00:10:22,880 --> 00:10:26,959
+through the vent um the reason why i
+00:10:25,760 --> 00:10:28,800
+like the first picture in
+00:10:26,959 --> 00:10:30,480
+this whole slide deck is because the
+00:10:28,800 --> 00:10:32,240
+canopy is raised to protect you from
+00:10:30,480 --> 00:10:35,760
+your elements
+00:10:32,240 --> 00:10:37,839
+but the wind will blow the smoke away
+00:10:35,760 --> 00:10:39,040
+uh venting is very tricky it's something
+00:10:37,839 --> 00:10:41,040
+to consider
+00:10:39,040 --> 00:10:42,160
+you know three season everything really
+00:10:41,040 --> 00:10:44,640
+soup up the vents
+00:10:42,160 --> 00:10:45,680
+because it's a very because smoking out
+00:10:44,640 --> 00:10:48,720
+your house
+00:10:45,680 --> 00:10:51,920
+it's a very expensive retrofit to fix
+00:10:48,720 --> 00:10:56,399
+so just consider venting or better yet
+00:10:51,920 --> 00:10:58,640
+letting the wind take it from you okay
+00:10:56,399 --> 00:11:00,079
+let's talk about type of grills in
+00:10:58,640 --> 00:11:03,279
+tomorrow's presentation
+00:11:00,079 --> 00:11:06,800
+the cornerstone is is it's not cooking
+00:11:03,279 --> 00:11:08,160
+but for the um for outside the grill
+00:11:06,800 --> 00:11:08,800
+is is where you're going to spend most
+00:11:08,160 --> 00:11:09,920
+your time it's going to be the
+00:11:08,800 --> 00:11:10,640
+cornerstone and everything and now
+00:11:09,920 --> 00:11:11,920
+00:11:10,640 --> 00:11:14,079
+so many different types of groups so
+00:11:11,920 --> 00:11:16,880
+your prototypes that give you
+00:11:14,079 --> 00:11:18,800
+high output for burner at 23 to 27 000
+00:11:16,880 --> 00:11:22,480
+you like to cook really fast
+00:11:18,800 --> 00:11:24,720
+they come with or without infrared sears
+00:11:22,480 --> 00:11:26,640
+actually lynx makes an all-seer burner i
+00:11:24,720 --> 00:11:29,680
+don't typically recommend that because
+00:11:26,640 --> 00:11:32,640
+sear is such a it's such an extreme hot
+00:11:29,680 --> 00:11:33,600
+direct heat versus gas that spreads a
+00:11:32,640 --> 00:11:35,279
+little bit more
+00:11:33,600 --> 00:11:36,800
+you've got to really cook you've got to
+00:11:35,279 --> 00:11:37,600
+stay on top and grow with an all-seer
+00:11:36,800 --> 00:11:39,920
+00:11:37,600 --> 00:11:40,720
+uh but you do get combinations and
+00:11:39,920 --> 00:11:42,959
+that's uh
+00:11:40,720 --> 00:11:44,240
+that's a good option hybrid pro which is
+00:11:42,959 --> 00:11:47,440
+kalamazoo is
+00:11:44,240 --> 00:11:49,760
+is the gas with the uh drawer underneath
+00:11:47,440 --> 00:11:51,440
+for wood and charcoal to give you more
+00:11:49,760 --> 00:11:54,800
+flavor and texture
+00:11:51,440 --> 00:11:57,920
+charcoal gives you the heat of a
+00:11:54,800 --> 00:11:59,839
+an outside growth of a program but it's
+00:11:57,920 --> 00:12:01,519
+it's not as easily regulated you have to
+00:11:59,839 --> 00:12:03,440
+remove all the ash afterwards
+00:12:01,519 --> 00:12:05,040
+charcoals are very popular most
+00:12:03,440 --> 00:12:05,279
+professional grills we use it because of
+00:12:05,040 --> 00:12:07,279
+00:12:05,279 --> 00:12:09,279
+um it gives you an additional texture
+00:12:07,279 --> 00:12:11,040
+that you can't get with gas
+00:12:09,279 --> 00:12:12,560
+and then give value grills i mean
+00:12:11,040 --> 00:12:14,560
+weber's a nice grill
+00:12:12,560 --> 00:12:18,800
+and it's a fraction of the cost instead
+00:12:14,560 --> 00:12:20,800
+of getting 23 to 27 000 btu it's 10.
+00:12:18,800 --> 00:12:23,279
+so it's not quite as hot so you have the
+00:12:20,800 --> 00:12:24,800
+grill but now you have accessories that
+00:12:23,279 --> 00:12:26,639
+go with the grill side burners are very
+00:12:24,800 --> 00:12:27,920
+popular because now you have that
+00:12:26,639 --> 00:12:31,200
+kitchen element you can add to the
+00:12:27,920 --> 00:12:33,440
+outside you know corn on the cob
+00:12:31,200 --> 00:12:34,240
+lobster clam bakes that sort of thing
+00:12:33,440 --> 00:12:37,519
+00:12:34,240 --> 00:12:39,440
+are very interesting highly
+00:12:37,519 --> 00:12:40,880
+if you read reviews people either like
+00:12:39,440 --> 00:12:41,839
+them or hate them because you gotta
+00:12:40,880 --> 00:12:43,839
+really know
+00:12:41,839 --> 00:12:45,519
+why you're buying a smoker if you're
+00:12:43,839 --> 00:12:46,480
+looking to cook a couple of hot dogs or
+00:12:45,519 --> 00:12:48,639
+00:12:46,480 --> 00:12:50,320
+in a couple of minutes smokers doesn't
+00:12:48,639 --> 00:12:51,360
+do that if you're looking to cook a
+00:12:50,320 --> 00:12:54,160
+brisket over
+00:12:51,360 --> 00:12:55,519
+two four six eight ten hours and look at
+00:12:54,160 --> 00:12:59,279
+it on your phone
+00:12:55,519 --> 00:13:00,639
+uh you know from a wi-fi aspect
+00:12:59,279 --> 00:13:02,880
+smokers are good because all they are is
+00:13:00,639 --> 00:13:03,519
+indirect electric convection so the max
+00:13:02,880 --> 00:13:05,920
+00:13:03,519 --> 00:13:06,839
+of a grill says 900 max heated with
+00:13:05,920 --> 00:13:09,440
+smoker is
+00:13:06,839 --> 00:13:11,040
+450 so you're not going to get that char
+00:13:09,440 --> 00:13:13,279
+and that sear that you would
+00:13:11,040 --> 00:13:14,720
+but you do have more flavorful cooking
+00:13:13,279 --> 00:13:15,519
+especially with the pellet types you can
+00:13:14,720 --> 00:13:18,079
+00:13:15,519 --> 00:13:19,200
+any kind of pellet you want like a
+00:13:18,079 --> 00:13:21,440
+mesquite pellet
+00:13:19,200 --> 00:13:24,000
+flavored mesquite or pecan you've got
+00:13:21,440 --> 00:13:27,519
+combinations of things so you have
+00:13:24,000 --> 00:13:28,639
+um you can add flavor but you don't get
+00:13:27,519 --> 00:13:31,210
+the speed
+00:13:28,639 --> 00:13:32,639
+and the char and the sear the gas
+00:13:31,210 --> 00:13:34,480
+00:13:32,639 --> 00:13:36,880
+then you have ceramics which are
+00:13:34,480 --> 00:13:37,680
+basically the the most popular komodo
+00:13:36,880 --> 00:13:40,320
+00:13:37,680 --> 00:13:41,680
+and the big green egg and those are
+00:13:40,320 --> 00:13:43,519
+actually those were brought over from
+00:13:41,680 --> 00:13:44,959
+japan after world war ii
+00:13:43,519 --> 00:13:46,800
+um they're more heavily insulated they
+00:13:44,959 --> 00:13:47,920
+could do almost they could do a lot of
+00:13:46,800 --> 00:13:50,320
+everything but it's
+00:13:47,920 --> 00:13:51,680
+there is a learning curve to a ceramic
+00:13:50,320 --> 00:13:54,240
+that you don't have with any
+00:13:51,680 --> 00:13:55,680
+other type of grill then you have
+00:13:54,240 --> 00:13:56,560
+warming drawers which are commonly
+00:13:55,680 --> 00:13:58,240
+00:13:56,560 --> 00:14:00,240
+keep food warm why use while you
+00:13:58,240 --> 00:14:02,800
+entertain asado griddles
+00:14:00,240 --> 00:14:04,399
+i love griddles the old yale used to be
+00:14:02,800 --> 00:14:06,160
+across from one
+00:14:04,399 --> 00:14:07,760
+luncheon and i used to watch the chef
+00:14:06,160 --> 00:14:10,000
+make everything on griddle
+00:14:07,760 --> 00:14:12,639
+omelets hot dogs hamburgers now you have
+00:14:10,000 --> 00:14:15,519
+it linx puts that on the outside as well
+00:14:12,639 --> 00:14:16,480
+pizza is the newest phenomenon almost
+00:14:15,519 --> 00:14:18,240
+everybody's got
+00:14:16,480 --> 00:14:20,079
+some version of the pizza and reading
+00:14:18,240 --> 00:14:22,079
+cooker pizza products
+00:14:20,079 --> 00:14:24,880
+so you have all those outside cooking
+00:14:22,079 --> 00:14:24,880
+options in addition
+00:14:24,959 --> 00:14:28,399
+then you have different appliances right
+00:14:26,880 --> 00:14:30,800
+appliances everything i'm talking about
+00:14:28,399 --> 00:14:32,240
+should be ul rated for damp location
+00:14:30,800 --> 00:14:34,560
+because the composition is more metal
+00:14:32,240 --> 00:14:36,320
+and won't rust but you do sinks faucets
+00:14:34,560 --> 00:14:38,320
+i mentioned dishwashers
+00:14:36,320 --> 00:14:39,360
+refrigerator ice makers wine units all
+00:14:38,320 --> 00:14:40,880
+00:14:39,360 --> 00:14:42,399
+true's a great company commercial
+00:14:40,880 --> 00:14:44,079
+company they manufacture a lot of this
+00:14:42,399 --> 00:14:45,839
+type of equipment as this has been
+00:14:44,079 --> 00:14:47,839
+00:14:45,839 --> 00:14:50,000
+pearlic would be another one as well all
+00:14:47,839 --> 00:14:51,760
+right so we have appliances
+00:14:50,000 --> 00:14:54,320
+we have grills we have cooking options
+00:14:51,760 --> 00:14:56,880
+now we need a framework to put it all in
+00:14:54,320 --> 00:14:57,600
+all right here's the framework here's
+00:14:56,880 --> 00:15:00,399
+the four
+00:14:57,600 --> 00:15:01,199
+different configurations that you will
+00:15:00,399 --> 00:15:04,079
+00:15:01,199 --> 00:15:05,680
+for your outside kitchen we'll go over
+00:15:04,079 --> 00:15:07,040
+them one by one
+00:15:05,680 --> 00:15:10,160
+first one's the most common this is an
+00:15:07,040 --> 00:15:11,760
+island it's just a straight bank
+00:15:10,160 --> 00:15:14,000
+and this is really efficient get your
+00:15:11,760 --> 00:15:15,279
+refrigerator drawers on one side
+00:15:14,000 --> 00:15:17,360
+you've got your heston grill in the
+00:15:15,279 --> 00:15:20,000
+middle then if you get your
+00:15:17,360 --> 00:15:21,279
+um your uh burner on the other side
+00:15:20,000 --> 00:15:24,000
+that's a pro burner
+00:15:21,279 --> 00:15:24,560
+but pay special attention to the faucet
+00:15:24,000 --> 00:15:26,880
+let's say
+00:15:24,560 --> 00:15:28,880
+it's called a dead boss this is a this
+00:15:26,880 --> 00:15:30,480
+is really a good idea
+00:15:28,880 --> 00:15:32,399
+like if you didn't have that faucet you
+00:15:30,480 --> 00:15:35,600
+wanted to cook say lobsters or
+00:15:32,399 --> 00:15:37,360
+or corn cob and you have that big tub of
+00:15:35,600 --> 00:15:38,399
+water that you bring from the inside to
+00:15:37,360 --> 00:15:41,120
+the outside
+00:15:38,399 --> 00:15:42,639
+not really the most convenient um a
+00:15:41,120 --> 00:15:44,320
+depth fossil will allow you to put water
+00:15:42,639 --> 00:15:47,759
+in right there that's it
+00:15:44,320 --> 00:15:48,560
+pretty cool idea this is another really
+00:15:47,759 --> 00:15:51,920
+00:15:48,560 --> 00:15:55,279
+this is an l-shape l-shape allows you
+00:15:51,920 --> 00:15:57,839
+to cook very efficiently like um
+00:15:55,279 --> 00:16:00,240
+like the island but then it has the uh
+00:15:57,839 --> 00:16:02,320
+the the prep area on the right hand side
+00:16:00,240 --> 00:16:06,240
+and a place to serve your guest
+00:16:02,320 --> 00:16:08,560
+guess this is a u-shape
+00:16:06,240 --> 00:16:11,680
+use like a like an l but gives you more
+00:16:08,560 --> 00:16:14,880
+um more opportunities for storage
+00:16:11,680 --> 00:16:15,600
+and seating on the far side in there
+00:16:14,880 --> 00:16:17,279
+you've got
+00:16:15,600 --> 00:16:18,959
+yeah those those steel doors those are
+00:16:17,279 --> 00:16:20,560
+storage compartments and on the right
+00:16:18,959 --> 00:16:23,680
+hand side that's a
+00:16:20,560 --> 00:16:25,360
+that's a wine unit and then you got the
+00:16:23,680 --> 00:16:27,120
+first picture which is galley style
+00:16:25,360 --> 00:16:29,120
+the more i look at this picture the less
+00:16:27,120 --> 00:16:32,399
+i like it um
+00:16:29,120 --> 00:16:33,759
+i i really think that and what a lot of
+00:16:32,399 --> 00:16:37,360
+the professionals talk about is
+00:16:33,759 --> 00:16:38,800
+hot zone codes which so in my mind
+00:16:37,360 --> 00:16:40,720
+i think the grill which is on the right
+00:16:38,800 --> 00:16:42,320
+hand side remember the first picture
+00:16:40,720 --> 00:16:44,000
+should be next to the kamado on the
+00:16:42,320 --> 00:16:44,480
+other side and then you put the sink on
+00:16:44,000 --> 00:16:47,040
+the other
+00:16:44,480 --> 00:16:48,639
+on the other side so you have a hot zone
+00:16:47,040 --> 00:16:51,440
+where you actually do all the cooking
+00:16:48,639 --> 00:16:52,240
+and preparation and then a cold zone
+00:16:51,440 --> 00:16:53,920
+where you can
+00:16:52,240 --> 00:16:56,320
+have your refrigeration sink and you can
+00:16:53,920 --> 00:17:00,560
+entertain you know entertaining
+00:16:56,320 --> 00:17:02,560
+with a 100 000 b2 grill in in someone's
+00:17:00,560 --> 00:17:04,400
+face probably not the best idea either i
+00:17:02,560 --> 00:17:07,439
+put the grill on the other side
+00:17:04,400 --> 00:17:10,480
+hot here cold on the right hand side
+00:17:07,439 --> 00:17:13,839
+but still it's a really well executed uh
+00:17:10,480 --> 00:17:13,839
+yeah space otherwise
+00:17:14,559 --> 00:17:21,919
+okay so now you picked everything
+00:17:19,679 --> 00:17:24,559
+the best piece of advice that was given
+00:17:21,919 --> 00:17:26,000
+to me is okay you picked everything
+00:17:24,559 --> 00:17:28,400
+you think you want the configuration now
+00:17:26,000 --> 00:17:29,440
+let's chalk it off let's pretend to make
+00:17:28,400 --> 00:17:32,320
+a burger
+00:17:29,440 --> 00:17:35,120
+let's pretend to use the side burners
+00:17:32,320 --> 00:17:36,880
+just chalk it up and ergometrically
+00:17:35,120 --> 00:17:39,039
+design it and then you can always
+00:17:36,880 --> 00:17:41,280
+retract it around what you think you'll
+00:17:39,039 --> 00:17:41,280
+00:17:41,840 --> 00:17:45,520
+urban bonfire we have a pamphlet at the
+00:17:44,080 --> 00:17:47,520
+end that's going to go on a website this
+00:17:45,520 --> 00:17:48,799
+gives you all the possible options and
+00:17:47,520 --> 00:17:50,480
+kind of like a worksheet
+00:17:48,799 --> 00:17:53,120
+of what you do but trucking off's a
+00:17:50,480 --> 00:17:55,440
+really good way of
+00:17:53,120 --> 00:17:57,039
+of understanding your space so pick your
+00:17:55,440 --> 00:18:00,559
+00:17:57,039 --> 00:18:03,760
+then chalk it off
+00:18:00,559 --> 00:18:06,000
+okay let's talk about materials you know
+00:18:03,760 --> 00:18:08,480
+i once went to vegas with a builder
+00:18:06,000 --> 00:18:10,000
+and he they they were at that time
+00:18:08,480 --> 00:18:11,840
+building the venetian he was like we
+00:18:10,000 --> 00:18:13,280
+couldn't get away with he's like
+00:18:11,840 --> 00:18:14,320
+he's looking how they were building he
+00:18:13,280 --> 00:18:14,960
+goes we couldn't get away with this
+00:18:14,320 --> 00:18:16,320
+00:18:14,960 --> 00:18:18,559
+and the reason is you know vegas doesn't
+00:18:16,320 --> 00:18:22,799
+have very much weather
+00:18:18,559 --> 00:18:24,559
+but for rain snow sleet wind
+00:18:22,799 --> 00:18:27,360
+especially like in new england you need
+00:18:24,559 --> 00:18:29,600
+a certain type of service
+00:18:27,360 --> 00:18:31,200
+a couple years ago i i think last year
+00:18:29,600 --> 00:18:32,799
+was talking to the urban bonfire guys he
+00:18:31,200 --> 00:18:36,160
+goes well we always recommend
+00:18:32,799 --> 00:18:37,679
+decton i go yeah deck top absolutely
+00:18:36,160 --> 00:18:39,280
+that's what i i was thinking for our
+00:18:37,679 --> 00:18:43,039
+displays too then i
+00:18:39,280 --> 00:18:46,240
+obviously had to look it up and
+00:18:43,039 --> 00:18:47,039
+decton is is this is a worksheet for any
+00:18:46,240 --> 00:18:48,720
+00:18:47,039 --> 00:18:50,080
+obviously but they manufacture it's
+00:18:48,720 --> 00:18:52,480
+00:18:50,080 --> 00:18:53,679
+so it's got high uv resistance so if you
+00:18:52,480 --> 00:18:56,160
+leave something on the sun
+00:18:53,679 --> 00:18:57,039
+it's not going to fade over time you
+00:18:56,160 --> 00:18:59,280
+know scratches just
+00:18:57,039 --> 00:19:00,960
+a lot of things are but it's resistant
+00:18:59,280 --> 00:19:03,360
+to ice and thawing which
+00:19:00,960 --> 00:19:04,480
+after the last couple weeks is uh is
+00:19:03,360 --> 00:19:05,440
+it's probably something we should
+00:19:04,480 --> 00:19:07,520
+00:19:05,440 --> 00:19:08,960
+and then high resistance to fire and
+00:19:07,520 --> 00:19:12,160
+heat next to a high
+00:19:08,960 --> 00:19:14,400
+output quilt that's what you want
+00:19:12,160 --> 00:19:15,760
+and there's a picture of what dekton
+00:19:14,400 --> 00:19:16,799
+actually looks like
+00:19:15,760 --> 00:19:18,480
+i like the picture i don't like the
+00:19:16,799 --> 00:19:20,640
+grille like on the far side and the
+00:19:18,480 --> 00:19:22,559
+surveying area on the left side but
+00:19:20,640 --> 00:19:24,720
+other than that though i think they've
+00:19:22,559 --> 00:19:27,200
+got the common kind of white grayish
+00:19:24,720 --> 00:19:31,039
+surfaces that that people put on for
+00:19:27,200 --> 00:19:31,039
+uh in their grill islands
+00:19:32,559 --> 00:19:36,000
+all right let's talk about cabinets
+00:19:36,840 --> 00:19:42,880
+um customizing
+00:19:39,600 --> 00:19:46,080
+is great um cabinet shops
+00:19:42,880 --> 00:19:48,240
+masons so if you want to put
+00:19:46,080 --> 00:19:49,280
+certain you know your grill and and
+00:19:48,240 --> 00:19:51,600
+because i'm going to show you some
+00:19:49,280 --> 00:19:52,880
+do-it-yourself options in a bit you can
+00:19:51,600 --> 00:19:55,120
+customize it based on
+00:19:52,880 --> 00:19:57,440
+on exactly what you want and where you
+00:19:55,120 --> 00:20:00,880
+want it placed but you can never get a
+00:19:57,440 --> 00:20:03,039
+do-it-yourself uh type of applications
+00:20:00,880 --> 00:20:04,960
+you want some flexibility because that's
+00:20:03,039 --> 00:20:08,080
+a 54-inch links
+00:20:04,960 --> 00:20:09,679
+right there and in
+00:20:08,080 --> 00:20:10,640
+10-15 years if you want to place it you
+00:20:09,679 --> 00:20:12,559
+want to make sure you have some
+00:20:10,640 --> 00:20:14,559
+flexibility to replace especially with
+00:20:12,559 --> 00:20:16,000
+00:20:14,559 --> 00:20:17,760
+naturally everyone always talks about
+00:20:16,000 --> 00:20:19,919
+marine grade weather resistant
+00:20:17,760 --> 00:20:21,280
+metal and hinges everyone says that you
+00:20:19,919 --> 00:20:23,280
+know i went on five different websites
+00:20:21,280 --> 00:20:25,520
+to figure out what that is
+00:20:23,280 --> 00:20:27,039
+and finally went to wikipedia where they
+00:20:25,520 --> 00:20:28,000
+said there is no industry recognized
+00:20:27,039 --> 00:20:30,159
+term for
+00:20:28,000 --> 00:20:32,240
+great stainless although it's routinely
+00:20:30,159 --> 00:20:35,120
+used by many end users like
+00:20:32,240 --> 00:20:36,640
+i just typically in a marine application
+00:20:35,120 --> 00:20:40,159
+the type of stainless to use
+00:20:36,640 --> 00:20:42,080
+is 316l it's called or they treat it
+00:20:40,159 --> 00:20:45,280
+with a chemical called terrain
+00:20:42,080 --> 00:20:46,880
+to keep it from rusting but what you
+00:20:45,280 --> 00:20:49,679
+want to make sure is that
+00:20:46,880 --> 00:20:50,400
+the outside cabinets do not rust over
+00:20:49,679 --> 00:20:53,120
+00:20:50,400 --> 00:20:54,240
+marine grade is a a term that's thrown
+00:20:53,120 --> 00:20:56,640
+00:20:54,240 --> 00:20:58,080
+you know by rote but you got to make
+00:20:56,640 --> 00:20:59,760
+sure i i always thought
+00:20:58,080 --> 00:21:01,360
+going to an outside and going to cabinet
+00:20:59,760 --> 00:21:02,880
+shop seeing the displays in the outside
+00:21:01,360 --> 00:21:03,840
+see if the resting is a good application
+00:21:02,880 --> 00:21:06,000
+is a good
+00:21:03,840 --> 00:21:07,120
+is a good um indication whether they're
+00:21:06,000 --> 00:21:08,960
+going to rust
+00:21:07,120 --> 00:21:10,559
+um in your home but just make sure
+00:21:08,960 --> 00:21:13,600
+they're made out of some kind of
+00:21:10,559 --> 00:21:16,320
+uh stainless 316 or
+00:21:13,600 --> 00:21:17,840
+um you know the powder coated to resist
+00:21:16,320 --> 00:21:21,360
+weather especially
+00:21:17,840 --> 00:21:21,360
+you know if you live in the northeast
+00:21:22,640 --> 00:21:26,320
+but there are a couple do-it-yourself
+00:21:24,559 --> 00:21:29,280
+options this is the best
+00:21:26,320 --> 00:21:31,679
+um this is a totally stainless steel
+00:21:29,280 --> 00:21:34,080
+00:21:31,679 --> 00:21:35,440
+from heston i love this you know you get
+00:21:34,080 --> 00:21:37,039
+purple just like
+00:21:35,440 --> 00:21:38,640
+i think they have like 12 colors this
+00:21:37,039 --> 00:21:40,320
+happens to be the purple and
+00:21:38,640 --> 00:21:42,080
+although it's not totally customized
+00:21:40,320 --> 00:21:45,360
+they kind of get it right
+00:21:42,080 --> 00:21:46,640
+you grill on one side storage underneath
+00:21:45,360 --> 00:21:48,559
+you have your power burners on your
+00:21:46,640 --> 00:21:49,440
+right hand side with a warming drawer
+00:21:48,559 --> 00:21:51,919
+00:21:49,440 --> 00:21:53,280
+you get your beer tap but it's it's all
+00:21:51,919 --> 00:21:56,640
+stainless steel
+00:21:53,280 --> 00:21:59,120
+it's not going to weather um but it's 18
+00:21:56,640 --> 00:22:02,320
+000 just the island
+00:21:59,120 --> 00:22:03,200
+so there are more cost-effective
+00:22:02,320 --> 00:22:07,760
+00:22:03,200 --> 00:22:10,480
+to it this one urban bonfire
+00:22:07,760 --> 00:22:12,400
+um they start at seven thousand dollars
+00:22:10,480 --> 00:22:15,520
+for their gorilla islands
+00:22:12,400 --> 00:22:18,880
+and this is a company that just
+00:22:15,520 --> 00:22:20,240
+makes outside cabinets located in
+00:22:18,880 --> 00:22:21,840
+00:22:20,240 --> 00:22:23,760
+and we've been carrying for i think a
+00:22:21,840 --> 00:22:25,760
+year and a half but if you can't trust a
+00:22:23,760 --> 00:22:28,799
+cabinet outs a company that just does
+00:22:25,760 --> 00:22:29,919
+outside cabinets in montreal of all
+00:22:28,799 --> 00:22:31,360
+places i mean
+00:22:29,919 --> 00:22:33,600
+who else can make it other than those
+00:22:31,360 --> 00:22:34,559
+guys but they've got a lot of really
+00:22:33,600 --> 00:22:36,000
+good options
+00:22:34,559 --> 00:22:38,320
+if you want to say look i don't want to
+00:22:36,000 --> 00:22:40,880
+wait four to six months i want
+00:22:38,320 --> 00:22:42,000
+i want to do this in three to four weeks
+00:22:40,880 --> 00:22:45,440
+i want it sent in
+00:22:42,000 --> 00:22:48,159
+then i'll put all my um uh i'll put my
+00:22:45,440 --> 00:22:48,799
+my grill and everything around it this
+00:22:48,159 --> 00:22:50,799
+is a
+00:22:48,799 --> 00:22:52,159
+really this is the best do-it-yourself
+00:22:50,799 --> 00:22:53,440
+option we've ever found
+00:22:52,159 --> 00:22:55,679
+and by the way everybody's got to do it
+00:22:53,440 --> 00:22:57,120
+yourself option um
+00:22:55,679 --> 00:22:58,720
+and you can go to home depot and lowe's
+00:22:57,120 --> 00:23:00,960
+and they have theirs as well
+00:22:58,720 --> 00:23:03,200
+just make sure that it does weather over
+00:23:00,960 --> 00:23:03,200
+00:23:04,159 --> 00:23:07,679
+lastly i'm anticipating a phone phone
+00:23:06,000 --> 00:23:08,720
+call starting in late march april saying
+00:23:07,679 --> 00:23:11,360
+grills don't work
+00:23:08,720 --> 00:23:11,840
+and i always ask well did you cover it
+00:23:11,360 --> 00:23:13,840
+00:23:11,840 --> 00:23:15,360
+covering is very important because the
+00:23:13,840 --> 00:23:17,679
+sleep storms that we have go in your
+00:23:15,360 --> 00:23:20,480
+00:23:17,679 --> 00:23:22,080
+and the ice thaws and then re-freezes
+00:23:20,480 --> 00:23:23,840
+and plays havoc with the elements the
+00:23:22,080 --> 00:23:25,919
+electrical components of that grille
+00:23:23,840 --> 00:23:26,960
+so i always want to cover it again you
+00:23:25,919 --> 00:23:28,880
+know if you have irrigation in your
+00:23:26,960 --> 00:23:31,679
+backyard you know to shut up power gas
+00:23:28,880 --> 00:23:32,640
+water electricity uninstall uh
+00:23:31,679 --> 00:23:37,600
+00:23:32,640 --> 00:23:41,039
+in ice maker dishwasher as well
+00:23:37,600 --> 00:23:42,559
+so let's give you takeaways okay
+00:23:41,039 --> 00:23:44,559
+who's going to do it and what's your
+00:23:42,559 --> 00:23:46,000
+strategy i mean how are you going to use
+00:23:44,559 --> 00:23:47,679
+this space
+00:23:46,000 --> 00:23:49,200
+um and then you want to mine your
+00:23:47,679 --> 00:23:52,000
+elements especially when
+00:23:49,200 --> 00:23:53,600
+but obviously how long you're going to
+00:23:52,000 --> 00:23:55,039
+grill determines
+00:23:53,600 --> 00:23:57,520
+how you weatherize if you're going to
+00:23:55,039 --> 00:24:00,400
+put a canopy three season
+00:23:57,520 --> 00:24:01,679
+um or any of those type of installations
+00:24:00,400 --> 00:24:03,279
+you want to rough it out now
+00:24:01,679 --> 00:24:05,600
+and put the well you want to rough it
+00:24:03,279 --> 00:24:07,679
+out last week and when it thaws
+00:24:05,600 --> 00:24:09,120
+rough it out and then understand all
+00:24:07,679 --> 00:24:11,679
+your options you've got a lot of
+00:24:09,120 --> 00:24:13,120
+grilling options cooking options
+00:24:11,679 --> 00:24:15,039
+appliance options
+00:24:13,120 --> 00:24:16,720
+understand the four configurations then
+00:24:15,039 --> 00:24:19,679
+chalk it off and see if it works
+00:24:16,720 --> 00:24:20,880
+it doesn't work try again and the last
+00:24:19,679 --> 00:24:22,640
+thing is you want to
+00:24:20,880 --> 00:24:23,919
+you want to buy weather resistant
+00:24:22,640 --> 00:24:26,320
+materials and
+00:24:23,919 --> 00:24:29,520
+make sure they're weather resistant and
+00:24:26,320 --> 00:24:29,520
+the last thing we'll do is maintain
+00:24:31,200 --> 00:24:34,880
+now we have a lot of resources i mean
+00:24:33,200 --> 00:24:37,679
+we've got a barbecue guy that we
+00:24:34,880 --> 00:24:38,799
+write every year um that's on there we
+00:24:37,679 --> 00:24:40,240
+have the outside kitchen plan that
+00:24:38,799 --> 00:24:42,640
+should be going today or tomorrow on
+00:24:40,240 --> 00:24:46,080
+there they'll give you all your options
+00:24:42,640 --> 00:24:48,880
+um so you can plan it out this um
+00:24:46,080 --> 00:24:50,559
+presentation slideshow recording is
+00:24:48,880 --> 00:24:51,840
+going to be either on today's post or
+00:24:50,559 --> 00:24:53,600
+tomorrow's post
+00:24:51,840 --> 00:24:55,200
+we've got some really good barbecue
+00:24:53,600 --> 00:24:56,559
+recipes on a learning center
+00:24:55,200 --> 00:24:59,600
+one of my best friends from camp is
+00:24:56,559 --> 00:25:02,000
+actually a professional griller
+00:24:59,600 --> 00:25:02,960
+um he's done some great stuff with
+00:25:02,000 --> 00:25:05,919
+dessert so
+00:25:02,960 --> 00:25:07,840
+download those all that stuff is free so
+00:25:05,919 --> 00:25:10,000
+with that
+00:25:07,840 --> 00:25:11,679
+i'm going to ask can you do this you
+00:25:10,000 --> 00:25:16,000
+can't just do a little bit better
+00:25:11,679 --> 00:25:17,679
+hot on one side and again thank you
+00:25:16,000 --> 00:25:19,919
+kind of an odd picture to end on an
+00:25:17,679 --> 00:25:23,919
+inside but tomorrow we're going to do
+00:25:19,919 --> 00:25:26,799
+inside kitchens and um
+00:25:23,919 --> 00:25:28,880
+pat it's all you and whatever questions
+00:25:26,799 --> 00:25:32,000
+that have come up
+00:25:28,880 --> 00:25:32,960
+awesome thank you steve um yeah
+00:25:32,000 --> 00:25:35,279
+00:25:32,960 --> 00:25:37,679
+feel free to use the q a uh to send any
+00:25:35,279 --> 00:25:39,760
+any questions we have a few that were
+00:25:37,679 --> 00:25:41,840
+submitted with the registration and that
+00:25:39,760 --> 00:25:44,799
+are coming in
+00:25:41,840 --> 00:25:46,480
+so far so we'll just dig into those we
+00:25:44,799 --> 00:25:49,120
+had one
+00:25:46,480 --> 00:25:49,120
+just now
+00:25:50,080 --> 00:25:56,640
+steve you pointed out a faucet in that
+00:25:53,520 --> 00:25:58,559
+in that island grill setup
+00:25:56,640 --> 00:26:00,159
+did you call that a deck faucet and if
+00:25:58,559 --> 00:26:03,760
+so what brand
+00:26:00,159 --> 00:26:04,559
+carries a product like that um that is a
+00:26:03,760 --> 00:26:07,840
+deck faucet
+00:26:04,559 --> 00:26:09,840
+um almost every almost every brand
+00:26:07,840 --> 00:26:11,039
+i mean with google such a powerful tool
+00:26:09,840 --> 00:26:13,760
+um there's
+00:26:11,039 --> 00:26:15,679
+there's no brand that comes to mind uh
+00:26:13,760 --> 00:26:16,080
+but there's tons of brands that come to
+00:26:15,679 --> 00:26:18,480
+00:26:16,080 --> 00:26:19,600
+there's no one brand like i'm sure role
+00:26:18,480 --> 00:26:22,240
+makes some
+00:26:19,600 --> 00:26:23,120
+um i'm sure most of the major brands at
+00:26:22,240 --> 00:26:25,200
+this point
+00:26:23,120 --> 00:26:26,320
+all it is is really like if you look at
+00:26:25,200 --> 00:26:28,960
+a kitchen
+00:26:26,320 --> 00:26:29,679
+is it's it's really just a pot filler
+00:26:28,960 --> 00:26:32,559
+with a
+00:26:29,679 --> 00:26:33,679
+deck mount um you may be seeing some
+00:26:32,559 --> 00:26:35,279
+populars on
+00:26:33,679 --> 00:26:36,960
+you know people put them behind their
+00:26:35,279 --> 00:26:40,000
+ranges to fill up
+00:26:36,960 --> 00:26:42,080
+pots it's it's really the same thing if
+00:26:40,000 --> 00:26:43,679
+people if you give me your uh email
+00:26:42,080 --> 00:26:46,080
+address i can give you
+00:26:43,679 --> 00:26:47,039
+some specs of some some deck bosses to
+00:26:46,080 --> 00:26:50,400
+look at without
+00:26:47,039 --> 00:26:52,640
+without a problem awesome yeah we uh
+00:26:50,400 --> 00:26:54,559
+we can we can follow up with uh
+00:26:52,640 --> 00:26:57,520
+everybody who submits a question
+00:26:54,559 --> 00:26:58,240
+um so steve what are some what are some
+00:26:57,520 --> 00:27:00,559
+00:26:58,240 --> 00:27:01,440
+in determining which brand of grill to
+00:27:00,559 --> 00:27:03,360
+00:27:01,440 --> 00:27:05,440
+and what are some of what are some of
+00:27:03,360 --> 00:27:07,440
+the brands that you carry slash
+00:27:05,440 --> 00:27:10,720
+00:27:07,440 --> 00:27:12,640
+that's your question um
+00:27:10,720 --> 00:27:13,919
+tomorrow you know i'm actually not
+00:27:12,640 --> 00:27:17,440
+talking about plants
+00:27:13,919 --> 00:27:18,480
+kitchens um but grills aren't like
+00:27:17,440 --> 00:27:20,320
+appliances i mean
+00:27:18,480 --> 00:27:21,760
+think about how many when i think about
+00:27:20,320 --> 00:27:24,880
+how many brands have cycled
+00:27:21,760 --> 00:27:26,159
+in and out of here um you really need to
+00:27:24,880 --> 00:27:29,279
+see a demo
+00:27:26,159 --> 00:27:30,159
+uh i remember we had a chef here a few
+00:27:29,279 --> 00:27:31,440
+years ago
+00:27:30,159 --> 00:27:33,039
+we brought in this new brand she goes i
+00:27:31,440 --> 00:27:34,480
+don't like it and i go why don't you
+00:27:33,039 --> 00:27:34,960
+like she goes it's got a cold zone i'm
+00:27:34,480 --> 00:27:37,120
+00:27:34,960 --> 00:27:38,000
+how do you know she put her hand on the
+00:27:37,120 --> 00:27:40,480
+00:27:38,000 --> 00:27:42,240
+as it was working this is like a
+00:27:40,480 --> 00:27:44,960
+professional grill
+00:27:42,240 --> 00:27:46,320
+and and and when you go the the bad part
+00:27:44,960 --> 00:27:47,760
+about the internet is you go to see
+00:27:46,320 --> 00:27:50,159
+these videos everybody loves everything
+00:27:47,760 --> 00:27:53,279
+and that's just not the case with grills
+00:27:50,159 --> 00:27:54,559
+the i would say there's
+00:27:53,279 --> 00:27:55,520
+a few different types of grills that you
+00:27:54,559 --> 00:27:58,799
+should look at if you're looking for the
+00:27:55,520 --> 00:28:01,039
+best grill everybody knows what it is
+00:27:58,799 --> 00:28:03,200
+it's 10 000 star they actually have a
+00:28:01,039 --> 00:28:04,399
+marine grade kalamazoo grill starting at
+00:28:03,200 --> 00:28:05,760
+24 000.
+00:28:04,399 --> 00:28:07,520
+what makes it so good is it gives you
+00:28:05,760 --> 00:28:09,840
+that pro heat
+00:28:07,520 --> 00:28:11,120
+and then you've got the drawer
+00:28:09,840 --> 00:28:13,279
+underneath it
+00:28:11,120 --> 00:28:14,320
+where you can put wood in charcoal so
+00:28:13,279 --> 00:28:17,360
+you have a really
+00:28:14,320 --> 00:28:18,559
+really fast but yet excellent texture
+00:28:17,360 --> 00:28:19,919
+and flavor to it
+00:28:18,559 --> 00:28:22,559
+and if you look at the kalamazoo it's
+00:28:19,919 --> 00:28:24,559
+got that deep well
+00:28:22,559 --> 00:28:25,840
+so it gives you a natural convection as
+00:28:24,559 --> 00:28:27,440
+well uh
+00:28:25,840 --> 00:28:29,279
+i mean when we cook in accountants it's
+00:28:27,440 --> 00:28:31,520
+not like anything else but that said
+00:28:29,279 --> 00:28:35,679
+there's some really good grills
+00:28:31,520 --> 00:28:38,399
+on the pro side uh lynx was the original
+00:28:35,679 --> 00:28:39,520
+and you know it's not it's it doesn't
+00:28:38,399 --> 00:28:43,440
+have that
+00:28:39,520 --> 00:28:45,520
+functionality of of the hybrid of
+00:28:43,440 --> 00:28:47,679
+kalamazoo but it's got really powerful
+00:28:45,520 --> 00:28:49,440
+burners they went to a ceramic burner
+00:28:47,679 --> 00:28:51,279
+they used to have that heavy brass
+00:28:49,440 --> 00:28:53,679
+burner that was you can't
+00:28:51,279 --> 00:28:55,200
+weather cast brass then they went to a
+00:28:53,679 --> 00:28:56,240
+ceramic which is all i don't like
+00:28:55,200 --> 00:28:58,320
+ceramic but
+00:28:56,240 --> 00:29:00,399
+ceramic doesn't weather either so
+00:28:58,320 --> 00:29:01,919
+they've got good high output
+00:29:00,399 --> 00:29:04,720
+they're the only ones they have uh they
+00:29:01,919 --> 00:29:07,679
+came up with the smart grill
+00:29:04,720 --> 00:29:10,000
+um five years ago that learns it's got a
+00:29:07,679 --> 00:29:13,600
+learning algorithm that knows what
+00:29:10,000 --> 00:29:15,679
+your medium rare rares um
+00:29:13,600 --> 00:29:17,200
+they do they do that and then they do
+00:29:15,679 --> 00:29:19,200
+the sear
+00:29:17,200 --> 00:29:20,960
+they've got the infrared sear that's
+00:29:19,200 --> 00:29:21,760
+variable so if you want to see or
+00:29:20,960 --> 00:29:23,200
+00:29:21,760 --> 00:29:25,679
+that's not a steak like fruits or
+00:29:23,200 --> 00:29:28,559
+vegetables you can do that you know
+00:29:25,679 --> 00:29:29,360
+sears an infrared uh infrared's direct
+00:29:28,559 --> 00:29:31,120
+00:29:29,360 --> 00:29:32,640
+so they have one that's a variable
+00:29:31,120 --> 00:29:33,600
+that's an excellent grille then you've
+00:29:32,640 --> 00:29:36,080
+got hestan
+00:29:33,600 --> 00:29:37,039
+hessen's just a beautifully designed
+00:29:36,080 --> 00:29:41,279
+00:29:37,039 --> 00:29:44,559
+um they do the diamond cut um
+00:29:41,279 --> 00:29:45,440
+grates that can hold the sear um on all
+00:29:44,559 --> 00:29:47,200
+their grates like
+00:29:45,440 --> 00:29:49,039
+it's like heavy it's like a 20 pound
+00:29:47,200 --> 00:29:50,559
+grape um and then they've got the
+00:29:49,039 --> 00:29:53,039
+infrared as well but they have
+00:29:50,559 --> 00:29:54,960
+really spectacular colors and they're
+00:29:53,039 --> 00:29:58,159
+really evolving they've got a uh
+00:29:54,960 --> 00:30:01,039
+the heaviest rotisserie um
+00:29:58,159 --> 00:30:02,399
+with um hottest uh rotisserie burner
+00:30:01,039 --> 00:30:04,559
+their rotisserie burner i think it's
+00:30:02,399 --> 00:30:07,760
+like uh
+00:30:04,559 --> 00:30:10,880
+18 000 18 000 b2 just for rotisserie
+00:30:07,760 --> 00:30:14,320
+so they do a nice job as well
+00:30:10,880 --> 00:30:16,159
+then you've got um um
+00:30:14,320 --> 00:30:18,240
+you know dcs we don't we don't carry any
+00:30:16,159 --> 00:30:20,480
+more because there's availability issues
+00:30:18,240 --> 00:30:22,080
+but after that really when you get off
+00:30:20,480 --> 00:30:25,520
+those three
+00:30:22,080 --> 00:30:26,960
+um weber is your next best and
+00:30:25,520 --> 00:30:28,640
+their summit grills are really good they
+00:30:26,960 --> 00:30:31,679
+don't have the output per
+00:30:28,640 --> 00:30:34,480
+burner of a of the pros
+00:30:31,679 --> 00:30:36,000
+but the summit's like 100 000 total
+00:30:34,480 --> 00:30:37,440
+again it gives you instead of giving you
+00:30:36,000 --> 00:30:39,120
+three burns it gives you six ten
+00:30:37,440 --> 00:30:39,520
+thousand b2 so you don't you're not as
+00:30:39,120 --> 00:30:41,279
+00:30:39,520 --> 00:30:43,120
+but just give you a smoker smoke a
+00:30:41,279 --> 00:30:47,279
+basket like the other ones
+00:30:43,120 --> 00:30:52,080
+um but it's a lot less expensive as well
+00:30:47,279 --> 00:30:55,600
+um after that though it's almost like
+00:30:52,080 --> 00:30:57,360
+after webber kind of falls back to
+00:30:55,600 --> 00:30:59,279
+brands that just don't last as long as
+00:30:57,360 --> 00:31:00,799
+weber seems to just buy a weber
+00:30:59,279 --> 00:31:02,960
+you know they get they have grills
+00:31:00,799 --> 00:31:05,120
+starting at 379 up you know
+00:31:02,960 --> 00:31:06,480
+a for an island type configuration you
+00:31:05,120 --> 00:31:09,039
+almost have to go with the summit or
+00:31:06,480 --> 00:31:12,640
+genesis starting at about 800
+00:31:09,039 --> 00:31:16,480
+and then you go go to smokers
+00:31:12,640 --> 00:31:17,919
+and um you know there's a lot of
+00:31:16,480 --> 00:31:20,080
+there's a there's a lot of good and bad
+00:31:17,919 --> 00:31:23,519
+to smokers um
+00:31:20,080 --> 00:31:25,440
+whether they hold temperature or not um
+00:31:23,519 --> 00:31:26,720
+i i happen to like the traeger i love
+00:31:25,440 --> 00:31:29,679
+the controls
+00:31:26,720 --> 00:31:31,519
+but you really have to almost demo these
+00:31:29,679 --> 00:31:34,000
+to see if this is something you want
+00:31:31,519 --> 00:31:36,559
+because they do you know you get the
+00:31:34,000 --> 00:31:38,559
+lungs you can get the linx smoker cabin
+00:31:36,559 --> 00:31:40,399
+which does a perfect job of smoking but
+00:31:38,559 --> 00:31:42,240
+it's incredibly expensive
+00:31:40,399 --> 00:31:43,519
+or you can buy like a traeger weber's
+00:31:42,240 --> 00:31:45,679
+got their
+00:31:43,519 --> 00:31:47,039
+first generation smoke fire and you've
+00:31:45,679 --> 00:31:48,799
+got to figure that they're going to get
+00:31:47,039 --> 00:31:50,480
+it eventually but last year
+00:31:48,799 --> 00:31:52,240
+they had problems with temperature and
+00:31:50,480 --> 00:31:53,840
+everything else but you really almost
+00:31:52,240 --> 00:31:56,640
+have to demo a uh
+00:31:53,840 --> 00:31:58,640
+a pellet kind of uh a stove before you
+00:31:56,640 --> 00:32:00,320
+buy one
+00:31:58,640 --> 00:32:03,120
+same with the big green egg love the big
+00:32:00,320 --> 00:32:04,640
+green egg we sold it here for years
+00:32:03,120 --> 00:32:05,919
+but there's a big learning curve we
+00:32:04,640 --> 00:32:08,240
+almost need a chef to show you how to
+00:32:05,919 --> 00:32:08,240
+use it
+00:32:08,880 --> 00:32:13,120
+excellent yeah that that kind of segues
+00:32:11,039 --> 00:32:15,519
+into a next question here uh you were
+00:32:13,120 --> 00:32:16,799
+speaking about lots of pro-style grills
+00:32:15,519 --> 00:32:18,480
+so this question was
+00:32:16,799 --> 00:32:20,080
+can you use a regular grill in an
+00:32:18,480 --> 00:32:22,000
+outdoor kitchen
+00:32:20,080 --> 00:32:23,760
+i think whoever's asking is asking it
+00:32:22,000 --> 00:32:25,120
+opposite because there's no reason to
+00:32:23,760 --> 00:32:26,799
+use a regular grill
+00:32:25,120 --> 00:32:28,559
+regular grill is like you know you'll
+00:32:26,799 --> 00:32:30,799
+get the
+00:32:28,559 --> 00:32:32,640
+i love them but you know you look at an
+00:32:30,799 --> 00:32:35,039
+outside grill
+00:32:32,640 --> 00:32:36,159
+you know thermadors is electric i mean
+00:32:35,039 --> 00:32:37,840
+what's the point
+00:32:36,159 --> 00:32:39,919
+um although they do have the lava
+00:32:37,840 --> 00:32:42,080
+briquettes they actually do a fairly job
+00:32:39,919 --> 00:32:43,679
+fairly good job you know what wolf's is
+00:32:42,080 --> 00:32:44,559
+is just basically wolf's an infrared
+00:32:43,679 --> 00:32:46,480
+00:32:44,559 --> 00:32:48,240
+uh but it's designed for the inside i
+00:32:46,480 --> 00:32:49,919
+think what a lot of people are saying is
+00:32:48,240 --> 00:32:51,600
+would you put an outside grill on the
+00:32:49,919 --> 00:32:54,720
+inside the answer to that is
+00:32:51,600 --> 00:32:57,840
+i would strongly recommend you not
+00:32:54,720 --> 00:33:00,399
+doing that um because i i really believe
+00:32:57,840 --> 00:33:02,240
+that people will have um
+00:33:00,399 --> 00:33:03,600
+problems with the fire alarms because
+00:33:02,240 --> 00:33:07,039
+there's just
+00:33:03,600 --> 00:33:08,240
+so much smoke that comes off a pro grill
+00:33:07,039 --> 00:33:10,240
+you wouldn't want to put it on the
+00:33:08,240 --> 00:33:11,120
+inside of your house you can do it in a
+00:33:10,240 --> 00:33:14,240
+three season
+00:33:11,120 --> 00:33:16,399
+if you um if you vent
+00:33:14,240 --> 00:33:19,279
+right and the reason why then you know
+00:33:16,399 --> 00:33:21,120
+um i'm big on venting is because
+00:33:19,279 --> 00:33:22,799
+uh one of our best contractors before i
+00:33:21,120 --> 00:33:24,240
+get started
+00:33:22,799 --> 00:33:25,840
+asked me to consult for him because he
+00:33:24,240 --> 00:33:28,880
+had this just
+00:33:25,840 --> 00:33:31,840
+beautiful house and they put a um hood
+00:33:28,880 --> 00:33:34,399
+on they put a hood insert over a grill
+00:33:31,840 --> 00:33:36,480
+and and so i brought in some food i
+00:33:34,399 --> 00:33:38,480
+brought some sausages to figure
+00:33:36,480 --> 00:33:41,200
+what causes more smoke than a sausage it
+00:33:38,480 --> 00:33:43,760
+smoked up the room in like two minutes
+00:33:41,200 --> 00:33:44,320
+um so i have that on my brain a little
+00:33:43,760 --> 00:33:46,960
+00:33:44,320 --> 00:33:47,519
+but the cost of life of that contractor
+00:33:46,960 --> 00:33:51,360
+00:33:47,519 --> 00:33:54,480
+redo the chimney redo the buy the hood
+00:33:51,360 --> 00:33:57,200
+put put in the motor cost them 35 grand
+00:33:54,480 --> 00:33:58,240
+to redo that so i would and the other
+00:33:57,200 --> 00:34:00,000
+thing here's one other
+00:33:58,240 --> 00:34:01,760
+interesting little tidbit if i haven't
+00:34:00,000 --> 00:34:05,360
+convinced you not to do it
+00:34:01,760 --> 00:34:08,239
+is if you put a grill on a counter
+00:34:05,360 --> 00:34:09,918
+make sure that the grill cover goes all
+00:34:08,239 --> 00:34:11,359
+the way down
+00:34:09,918 --> 00:34:13,359
+because if it doesn't go all the way
+00:34:11,359 --> 00:34:15,839
+down like in this case
+00:34:13,359 --> 00:34:18,000
+what happens is the smoke just ricochets
+00:34:15,839 --> 00:34:21,040
+off the cover like snorkels it out
+00:34:18,000 --> 00:34:25,520
+past the actual quarter so
+00:34:21,040 --> 00:34:30,079
+i would say three season yes
+00:34:25,520 --> 00:34:33,359
+uh 27 inch deep hood at least 1500
+00:34:30,079 --> 00:34:36,399
+cfm or more if you really use it you may
+00:34:33,359 --> 00:34:36,399
+even want to do a commercial
+00:34:37,760 --> 00:34:43,199
+okay next up um
+00:34:41,040 --> 00:34:44,639
+how much time should you allow between
+00:34:43,199 --> 00:34:46,000
+ordering your kitchen
+00:34:44,639 --> 00:34:49,839
+appliances the outdoor kitchen
+00:34:46,000 --> 00:34:49,839
+appliances and them being delivered
+00:34:51,280 --> 00:34:55,119
+well i mean i always like we always set
+00:34:54,399 --> 00:34:58,400
+up yale
+00:34:55,119 --> 00:35:00,000
+um to to kind of mimic the way i buy
+00:34:58,400 --> 00:35:01,599
+things you know i see it i want i want
+00:35:00,000 --> 00:35:02,800
+to buy it i want to deliver it like in a
+00:35:01,599 --> 00:35:06,160
+00:35:02,800 --> 00:35:08,880
+um and that worked up until last year
+00:35:06,160 --> 00:35:10,160
+um they always when when group people
+00:35:08,880 --> 00:35:11,119
+are always they're talking about
+00:35:10,160 --> 00:35:13,200
+shortages now
+00:35:11,119 --> 00:35:15,119
+it's it's a reason to be concerned
+00:35:13,200 --> 00:35:16,880
+because here's how grills work
+00:35:15,119 --> 00:35:18,560
+typically gorillas are like and like
+00:35:16,880 --> 00:35:19,200
+paddle fans back in the days we used to
+00:35:18,560 --> 00:35:22,160
+sell them
+00:35:19,200 --> 00:35:24,000
+is like you're getting your allotment
+00:35:22,160 --> 00:35:26,480
+00:35:24,000 --> 00:35:28,079
+right it's february march we'll have our
+00:35:26,480 --> 00:35:29,280
+gorillas february march when we
+00:35:28,079 --> 00:35:31,839
+typically don't need them
+00:35:29,280 --> 00:35:33,280
+especially here but when you do need
+00:35:31,839 --> 00:35:36,160
+them in the summertime
+00:35:33,280 --> 00:35:37,119
+there's no grills it's like grills and
+00:35:36,160 --> 00:35:39,359
+air conditioners
+00:35:37,119 --> 00:35:41,200
+always ran out like when people
+00:35:39,359 --> 00:35:43,040
+absolutely needed it
+00:35:41,200 --> 00:35:44,480
+so and eamonn scott garuda when i talked
+00:35:43,040 --> 00:35:46,560
+to him is already saying
+00:35:44,480 --> 00:35:48,000
+he's not going to have you know there's
+00:35:46,560 --> 00:35:48,320
+very few people that buy smart quotes
+00:35:48,000 --> 00:35:51,520
+00:35:48,320 --> 00:35:54,720
+um he's not going to have smart wills
+00:35:51,520 --> 00:35:56,320
+um much into the year so really
+00:35:54,720 --> 00:35:59,280
+the way i would look at it now if you
+00:35:56,320 --> 00:36:01,440
+know you want to buy it
+00:35:59,280 --> 00:36:02,880
+buy it now and that's almost that's
+00:36:01,440 --> 00:36:05,280
+almost true with anything
+00:36:02,880 --> 00:36:06,160
+any kind of appliance i know that you
+00:36:05,280 --> 00:36:08,240
+know building
+00:36:06,160 --> 00:36:10,000
+decking and everything else you know you
+00:36:08,240 --> 00:36:12,480
+want it just buy it
+00:36:10,000 --> 00:36:13,359
+so you have it because there's there's
+00:36:12,480 --> 00:36:16,720
+no real
+00:36:13,359 --> 00:36:20,079
+um i'm not you're not guaranteed
+00:36:16,720 --> 00:36:20,079
+in season to get this stuff
+00:36:21,040 --> 00:36:26,240
+well thank you next up is it um
+00:36:24,400 --> 00:36:29,200
+how much countertop space should you
+00:36:26,240 --> 00:36:33,359
+include in an outdoor kitchen
+00:36:29,200 --> 00:36:36,160
+uh good question um is um
+00:36:33,359 --> 00:36:37,359
+again when we talk about kitchens inside
+00:36:36,160 --> 00:36:39,520
+kitchens we talk about
+00:36:37,359 --> 00:36:41,119
+plates in outside kitchens we're talking
+00:36:39,520 --> 00:36:44,240
+about platters
+00:36:41,119 --> 00:36:47,680
+um typically
+00:36:44,240 --> 00:36:48,400
+um i think for preparation 36 inches
+00:36:47,680 --> 00:36:52,240
+00:36:48,400 --> 00:36:54,880
+next to a um next to a grill
+00:36:52,240 --> 00:36:56,160
+in certain areas you know uh side
+00:36:54,880 --> 00:36:59,520
+00:36:56,160 --> 00:37:02,560
+and these are just internet figures um
+00:36:59,520 --> 00:37:04,000
+i haven't actually done them out i
+00:37:02,560 --> 00:37:06,079
+haven't actually talked about myself
+00:37:04,000 --> 00:37:07,040
+but seems to be like 12 to 18 inches in
+00:37:06,079 --> 00:37:08,640
+other places
+00:37:07,040 --> 00:37:10,160
+seems to work but you want to make sure
+00:37:08,640 --> 00:37:12,160
+you've got a you know
+00:37:10,160 --> 00:37:15,520
+at least some spot you know in your hot
+00:37:12,160 --> 00:37:17,920
+zone uh 24 to 36 inches seems like
+00:37:15,520 --> 00:37:18,560
+kind of like the rule of thumb if you go
+00:37:17,920 --> 00:37:23,040
+on to
+00:37:18,560 --> 00:37:26,079
+outside design websites
+00:37:23,040 --> 00:37:28,079
+cool if um we have just a few questions
+00:37:26,079 --> 00:37:31,040
+left here so if anybody has some
+00:37:28,079 --> 00:37:31,520
+questions to add to the q a please drop
+00:37:31,040 --> 00:37:34,400
+them in
+00:37:31,520 --> 00:37:36,240
+just so okay so steve a couple more here
+00:37:34,400 --> 00:37:38,560
+you touched on this but
+00:37:36,240 --> 00:37:40,960
+um someone asked is it okay to grill
+00:37:38,560 --> 00:37:42,720
+under a covered porch
+00:37:40,960 --> 00:37:44,000
+i think we have the answer to that but
+00:37:42,720 --> 00:37:46,800
+yeah well if you look at the
+00:37:44,000 --> 00:37:48,079
+at the first um at the first picture uh
+00:37:46,800 --> 00:37:51,040
+a canopy
+00:37:48,079 --> 00:37:52,800
+yes um yeah you don't need um you don't
+00:37:51,040 --> 00:37:56,000
+need a hood
+00:37:52,800 --> 00:37:57,520
+the far the harder the the the more you
+00:37:56,000 --> 00:37:59,440
+drop it down and i probably should have
+00:37:57,520 --> 00:38:02,560
+some kind of equation
+00:37:59,440 --> 00:38:03,680
+um now that i think about it of how far
+00:38:02,560 --> 00:38:05,280
+is it before you need an
+00:38:03,680 --> 00:38:07,440
+event it's a good question and there's
+00:38:05,280 --> 00:38:10,560
+no real answer that i've seen
+00:38:07,440 --> 00:38:12,000
+um but if it's farther up like like that
+00:38:10,560 --> 00:38:15,200
+was in that picture
+00:38:12,000 --> 00:38:18,320
+you can you can certainly do that um
+00:38:15,200 --> 00:38:19,839
+the more close to the ceiling it is
+00:38:18,320 --> 00:38:22,079
+at regular ceiling height and we need
+00:38:19,839 --> 00:38:22,079
+00:38:24,160 --> 00:38:29,280
+and then uh so last one for now can uh
+00:38:27,200 --> 00:38:32,480
+can you leave outdoor
+00:38:29,280 --> 00:38:34,880
+refrigerators and dishwashers outdoors
+00:38:32,480 --> 00:38:36,480
+a big part last question here can you
+00:38:34,880 --> 00:38:40,400
+leave outdoor refrigerators
+00:38:36,480 --> 00:38:40,400
+dishwashers outdoors over winter
+00:38:42,400 --> 00:38:45,680
+um the design for what locations the
+00:38:44,800 --> 00:38:48,800
+answer is yes
+00:38:45,680 --> 00:38:49,839
+should you know um if you you know if
+00:38:48,800 --> 00:38:52,160
+you have
+00:38:49,839 --> 00:38:53,920
+uh and i've got a another uh question
+00:38:52,160 --> 00:38:55,359
+for myself that i didn't i just realized
+00:38:53,920 --> 00:38:56,240
+in this whole presentation and talk
+00:38:55,359 --> 00:38:57,920
+about how much
+00:38:56,240 --> 00:39:00,400
+all this stuff costs so i'll get to that
+00:38:57,920 --> 00:39:04,320
+after this
+00:39:00,400 --> 00:39:04,320
+pretty significant omission um
+00:39:04,480 --> 00:39:10,400
+you know i i really think that
+00:39:08,079 --> 00:39:11,599
+if you have a place to storm you have
+00:39:10,400 --> 00:39:12,960
+someone that can
+00:39:11,599 --> 00:39:15,359
+uh i know it's something we could
+00:39:12,960 --> 00:39:16,880
+probably do of uninstalling and
+00:39:15,359 --> 00:39:19,119
+00:39:16,880 --> 00:39:20,320
+as you shut the water off i think that's
+00:39:19,119 --> 00:39:22,160
+really your best bet
+00:39:20,320 --> 00:39:23,920
+yeah they're designed to be in wet
+00:39:22,160 --> 00:39:25,839
+location but if you believe that
+00:39:23,920 --> 00:39:27,760
+appliances on the inside last
+00:39:25,839 --> 00:39:29,599
+six to ten years what does that look
+00:39:27,760 --> 00:39:30,880
+like on the outside
+00:39:29,599 --> 00:39:32,800
+i think you're better off storing them
+00:39:30,880 --> 00:39:36,240
+to be honest but they are
+00:39:32,800 --> 00:39:40,160
+technically designed to be outside
+00:39:36,240 --> 00:39:40,160
+for the winter if you wanted to
+00:39:40,240 --> 00:39:43,520
+any other questions before i answer like
+00:39:42,079 --> 00:39:45,280
+the central question i probably should
+00:39:43,520 --> 00:39:47,520
+have answered the presentation
+00:39:45,280 --> 00:39:48,400
+that's it for now why don't you start
+00:39:47,520 --> 00:39:50,400
+there yeah
+00:39:48,400 --> 00:39:52,320
+all right the the the the answer to the
+00:39:50,400 --> 00:39:54,079
+question there is no real answer to it
+00:39:52,320 --> 00:39:55,520
+i think that if you're looking to get
+00:39:54,079 --> 00:39:57,599
+00:39:55,520 --> 00:39:59,119
+affordably and you want something like a
+00:39:57,599 --> 00:40:02,000
+pro grill
+00:39:59,119 --> 00:40:03,680
+side burners and you get like a uh a
+00:40:02,000 --> 00:40:04,720
+really nice island because they're not
+00:40:03,680 --> 00:40:07,839
+cheap we have
+00:40:04,720 --> 00:40:10,400
+urban bonfires in all the stores and and
+00:40:07,839 --> 00:40:12,160
+really good displays to give you an idea
+00:40:10,400 --> 00:40:14,480
+um i think you're looking at sevens
+00:40:12,160 --> 00:40:18,160
+figure 7 and 9 000 for the island
+00:40:14,480 --> 00:40:20,480
+if you get a pro grill um
+00:40:18,160 --> 00:40:21,200
+you're looking at a grill headed
+00:40:20,480 --> 00:40:24,560
+probably around
+00:40:21,200 --> 00:40:26,400
+five side burners being around two
+00:40:24,560 --> 00:40:27,680
+it may be an outside refrigerator around
+00:40:26,400 --> 00:40:30,000
+two and
+00:40:27,680 --> 00:40:30,880
+and i think that's a that's a that's a a
+00:40:30,000 --> 00:40:33,599
+good start
+00:40:30,880 --> 00:40:34,480
+at about figure fifteen to twenty
+00:40:33,599 --> 00:40:38,480
+thousand dollars
+00:40:34,480 --> 00:40:40,960
+and and you can make this thing as
+00:40:38,480 --> 00:40:42,560
+with accessories you know certainly well
+00:40:40,960 --> 00:40:45,839
+over a hundred thousand dollars
+00:40:42,560 --> 00:40:47,040
+as some people have um but
+00:40:45,839 --> 00:40:49,040
+i think that should be a bunch i think
+00:40:47,040 --> 00:40:52,319
+if you budget
+00:40:49,040 --> 00:40:53,680
+20 with a pro grill and an island that's
+00:40:52,319 --> 00:40:56,000
+a that's a decent dui
+00:40:53,680 --> 00:40:59,040
+i think that's a that's a that's a good
+00:40:56,000 --> 00:40:59,040
+budget to start
+00:40:59,920 --> 00:41:03,920
+awesome thank you steve that's all the
+00:41:02,000 --> 00:41:05,440
+questions we have for now
+00:41:03,920 --> 00:41:07,680
+so i want to thank everybody for
+00:41:05,440 --> 00:41:09,520
+attending and
+00:41:07,680 --> 00:41:11,599
+steve mentioned tomorrow we're back at
+00:41:09,520 --> 00:41:14,640
+the same time to talk about
+00:41:11,599 --> 00:41:17,440
+how to plan uh your indoor
+00:41:14,640 --> 00:41:18,880
+kitchen project uh where to start with
+00:41:17,440 --> 00:41:20,560
+appliances there
+00:41:18,880 --> 00:41:24,000
+you can find that registration on our
+00:41:20,560 --> 00:41:27,119
+website on our social media links
+00:41:24,000 --> 00:41:27,760
+thank you again and that's it for now
+00:41:27,119 --> 00:41:30,560
+00:41:27,760 --> 00:41:30,560
+see you tomorrow