diff --git "a/subtitle/O7zcPvQDIMU.srt" "b/subtitle/O7zcPvQDIMU.srt"
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+00:00:00,370 --> 00:00:07,000
+00:00:05,000 --> 00:00:09,920
+in April of the year
+00:00:07,000 --> 00:00:12,320
+1066 a strange sight in the heavens
+00:00:09,920 --> 00:00:13,559
+caused panic and alarm throughout much
+00:00:12,320 --> 00:00:16,000
+00:00:13,559 --> 00:00:18,600
+Europe what we now know to have been
+00:00:16,000 --> 00:00:21,600
+Haley's Comet was then called a
+00:00:18,600 --> 00:00:24,199
+long-haired star but the ignorant and
+00:00:21,600 --> 00:00:26,920
+terrified inhabitants of Europe thought
+00:00:24,199 --> 00:00:29,119
+they were witness to a Divine portent
+00:00:26,920 --> 00:00:31,960
+heralding disaster and cataclysmic
+00:00:29,119 --> 00:00:35,360
+changes in the Affairs of
+00:00:31,960 --> 00:00:38,879
+men this time they were to be proved
+00:00:35,360 --> 00:00:41,360
+right within 6 months two of the most
+00:00:38,879 --> 00:00:43,520
+powerful monarchs in Western Europe were
+00:00:41,360 --> 00:00:46,039
+to lie slain on the
+00:00:43,520 --> 00:00:48,480
+battlefield a third had begun the
+00:00:46,039 --> 00:00:51,760
+bloodstained rise which was to give him
+00:00:48,480 --> 00:00:53,359
+Mastery of England the richest nation in
+00:00:51,760 --> 00:00:56,680
+00:00:53,359 --> 00:00:59,079
+Europe he was known in his own time as
+00:00:56,680 --> 00:01:01,920
+William the great but to Future
+00:00:59,079 --> 00:01:05,790
+Generations he would be better known by
+00:01:01,920 --> 00:01:28,840
+another name William the
+00:01:05,790 --> 00:01:31,840
+00:01:28,840 --> 00:01:31,840
+00:01:42,158 --> 00:01:47,960
+from about the year 800 ad a new and
+00:01:46,000 --> 00:01:51,640
+terrifying Force had begun to make
+00:01:47,960 --> 00:01:54,158
+itself felt across the face of Europe
+00:01:51,640 --> 00:01:57,680
+sallying out from their Scandinavian
+00:01:54,158 --> 00:02:00,799
+homelands wave after wave of sea Raiders
+00:01:57,680 --> 00:02:04,079
+Norwegians Danes and sweds voyaged in
+00:02:00,799 --> 00:02:05,799
+their longships to carry fire and sword
+00:02:04,079 --> 00:02:07,200
+through the prosperous lands of the
+00:02:05,799 --> 00:02:10,598
+00:02:07,200 --> 00:02:13,480
+World this was the age of the
+00:02:10,598 --> 00:02:17,400
+Vikings at first they came in search of
+00:02:13,480 --> 00:02:20,280
+booty plunder and slaves and the fury of
+00:02:17,400 --> 00:02:23,680
+the Norsemen was a bitterly experienced
+00:02:20,280 --> 00:02:26,879
+horror to the peoples of Britain France
+00:02:23,680 --> 00:02:30,720
+and most of the Civilized
+00:02:26,879 --> 00:02:33,680
+World in about 9917 ad
+00:02:30,720 --> 00:02:37,200
+one such group of Raiders led by a giant
+00:02:33,680 --> 00:02:40,360
+Norwegian called Ral the ganger had been
+00:02:37,200 --> 00:02:43,400
+exiled by their ruler the king of
+00:02:40,360 --> 00:02:45,440
+Norway Ralph and his lawlessness it
+00:02:43,400 --> 00:02:47,239
+seems exceeded even the norseman's
+00:02:45,440 --> 00:02:50,280
+generous standards of
+00:02:47,239 --> 00:02:52,519
+Tolerance Rolph and his men must have
+00:02:50,280 --> 00:02:55,599
+been a desperate crew
+00:02:52,519 --> 00:02:58,120
+indeed they boarded their long ships and
+00:02:55,599 --> 00:03:00,280
+headed along the English Channel until
+00:02:58,120 --> 00:03:02,040
+they reached the French Coast at the
+00:03:00,280 --> 00:03:05,840
+mouth of the river
+00:03:02,040 --> 00:03:08,280
+s before them lay a fertile Countryside
+00:03:05,840 --> 00:03:12,959
+filled with Farms churches and
+00:03:08,280 --> 00:03:15,640
+prosperous towns a land made to be
+00:03:12,959 --> 00:03:18,560
+plundered in a series of devastating
+00:03:15,640 --> 00:03:20,560
+raids Ralph and his men penetrated to
+00:03:18,560 --> 00:03:24,000
+the very Gates of
+00:03:20,560 --> 00:03:28,239
+Paris finally the king of France Charles
+00:03:24,000 --> 00:03:31,040
+the simple sought peace in desperation
+00:03:28,239 --> 00:03:32,920
+he offered rol the title of of count and
+00:03:31,040 --> 00:03:35,400
+all the lands which lay between the
+00:03:32,920 --> 00:03:39,720
+river apra and the
+00:03:35,400 --> 00:03:42,280
+Sea Ralph agreed accepted Christianity
+00:03:39,720 --> 00:03:45,319
+and the Hand of the King's Daughter in
+00:03:42,280 --> 00:03:48,079
+marriage by doing so he became the
+00:03:45,319 --> 00:03:50,319
+French King's uneasy vassel and his
+00:03:48,079 --> 00:03:52,840
+followers and their families took
+00:03:50,319 --> 00:03:55,799
+possession of their new
+00:03:52,840 --> 00:04:00,360
+territory the land of the Northman had
+00:03:55,799 --> 00:04:02,959
+been born its name survives today as
+00:04:00,360 --> 00:04:05,640
+Normandy there's still a lot of debate
+00:04:02,959 --> 00:04:06,959
+over who exactly the Normans were but
+00:04:05,640 --> 00:04:08,840
+when we're looking at this we should
+00:04:06,959 --> 00:04:11,079
+consider what the Normans themselves
+00:04:08,840 --> 00:04:14,040
+thought they saw themselves as a
+00:04:11,079 --> 00:04:16,120
+distinctly separate race the Jean Norman
+00:04:14,040 --> 00:04:18,440
+Orum they call themselves The Norman
+00:04:16,120 --> 00:04:20,478
+people they were a Fierce People and
+00:04:18,440 --> 00:04:23,320
+ambitious Restless people yet with a
+00:04:20,478 --> 00:04:25,040
+love of order yet
+00:04:23,320 --> 00:04:26,840
+paradoxically but perhaps not
+00:04:25,040 --> 00:04:30,400
+surprisingly considering their Viking
+00:04:26,840 --> 00:04:32,240
+ancestry they were difficult to rule
+00:04:30,400 --> 00:04:36,000
+the their ruler whoever he was had to
+00:04:32,240 --> 00:04:36,000
+have a strong hand and he could never
+00:04:36,199 --> 00:04:42,360
+relax during The Next Century the new
+00:04:39,320 --> 00:04:45,880
+rulers of Normandy prospered they became
+00:04:42,360 --> 00:04:48,320
+for the most part zealous Christians the
+00:04:45,880 --> 00:04:51,600
+devastated towns churches and
+00:04:48,320 --> 00:04:55,240
+monasteries were rebuilt and the Normans
+00:04:51,600 --> 00:04:58,479
+became all but French in speech and
+00:04:55,240 --> 00:05:01,240
+culture but scarcely concealed beneath
+00:04:58,479 --> 00:05:03,800
+this outward veneer here the Old Norse
+00:05:01,240 --> 00:05:05,600
+restlessness and love of Adventure and
+00:05:03,800 --> 00:05:08,440
+00:05:05,600 --> 00:05:13,479
+remain they had seen brutal times in the
+00:05:08,440 --> 00:05:16,919
+past and even more horror lay in the
+00:05:13,479 --> 00:05:19,919
+future it was into this Fierce Dynasty
+00:05:16,919 --> 00:05:22,639
+that the young William was born the fact
+00:05:19,919 --> 00:05:24,840
+that he was illegitimate affected him
+00:05:22,639 --> 00:05:28,400
+psychologically throughout his
+00:05:24,840 --> 00:05:31,800
+life however illegitimacy carried no
+00:05:28,400 --> 00:05:34,479
+particular stigma in 11th century
+00:05:31,800 --> 00:05:37,039
+Normandy his early childhood seems to
+00:05:34,479 --> 00:05:40,120
+have been spent in the obscurity of his
+00:05:37,039 --> 00:05:43,000
+unmarried mother's household but at the
+00:05:40,120 --> 00:05:45,319
+age of about six he was propelled to the
+00:05:43,000 --> 00:05:47,039
+Forefront of
+00:05:45,319 --> 00:05:49,840
+events in
+00:05:47,039 --> 00:05:52,039
+1034 after a lifetime spent fighting
+00:05:49,840 --> 00:05:54,840
+domestic and foreign enemies and
+00:05:52,039 --> 00:05:58,000
+governing his unruly duy William's
+00:05:54,840 --> 00:05:59,680
+father Duke Robert of Normandy suddenly
+00:05:58,000 --> 00:06:01,880
+announced his intention of going going
+00:05:59,680 --> 00:06:04,800
+on a pilgrimage to
+00:06:01,880 --> 00:06:07,160
+Jerusalem before leaving he called
+00:06:04,800 --> 00:06:09,319
+together his leading Nobles and made a
+00:06:07,160 --> 00:06:12,400
+00:06:09,319 --> 00:06:15,280
+Announcement by my faith it is not my
+00:06:12,400 --> 00:06:17,720
+will to leave you without a lord I have
+00:06:15,280 --> 00:06:21,479
+a little bastard here who will grow if
+00:06:17,720 --> 00:06:24,199
+God pleases to be a gallant man this is
+00:06:21,479 --> 00:06:28,080
+why I conjure you you by the duty you
+00:06:24,199 --> 00:06:31,039
+owe me to rever him as your
+00:06:28,080 --> 00:06:34,720
+lord there was was nothing in Norman law
+00:06:31,039 --> 00:06:36,520
+or custom to prevent an illegitimate son
+00:06:34,720 --> 00:06:39,319
+from succeeding to the
+00:06:36,520 --> 00:06:42,720
+dukedom and to make William's position
+00:06:39,319 --> 00:06:45,960
+more secure Robert appointed a Regency
+00:06:42,720 --> 00:06:49,319
+Council of notables led by his brother
+00:06:45,960 --> 00:06:49,319
+the Archbishop of
+00:06:49,360 --> 00:06:54,479
+Ruan in this precaution at least
+00:06:52,520 --> 00:06:57,039
+Robert's fears proved
+00:06:54,479 --> 00:07:00,280
+well-founded in the summer of
+00:06:57,039 --> 00:07:04,080
+1035 news reached Normandy that his
+00:07:00,280 --> 00:07:05,639
+father had died of a fever at NAA in
+00:07:04,080 --> 00:07:08,400
+what is now
+00:07:05,639 --> 00:07:11,120
+turkey not only had the Duke failed to
+00:07:08,400 --> 00:07:13,560
+set eyes upon the holy city but his
+00:07:11,120 --> 00:07:17,319
+dreams of a peaceful succession for his
+00:07:13,560 --> 00:07:20,120
+infant son would soon be in
+00:07:17,319 --> 00:07:23,319
+ruins the hereditary violence of the
+00:07:20,120 --> 00:07:25,639
+Normans was about to be
+00:07:23,319 --> 00:07:28,879
+reawakened within a few months of the
+00:07:25,639 --> 00:07:32,960
+news of Duke Robert's death his brother
+00:07:28,879 --> 00:07:35,560
+the AR Bishop of Ruan died without his
+00:07:32,960 --> 00:07:39,319
+strong hand to guide its government
+00:07:35,560 --> 00:07:42,280
+Normandy was plunged into bloody
+00:07:39,319 --> 00:07:44,560
+Anarchy One By One The Trusted
+00:07:42,280 --> 00:07:47,400
+lieutenants in whose care Duke Robert
+00:07:44,560 --> 00:07:50,520
+had left the infant William met violent
+00:07:47,400 --> 00:07:53,919
+ends at the hands of plotters and
+00:07:50,520 --> 00:07:56,720
+Rebels Allen count of Britany was
+00:07:53,919 --> 00:08:00,199
+poisoned the young Duke's Guardian
+00:07:56,720 --> 00:08:03,479
+Gilbert of bro and Thorold his shooter
+00:08:00,199 --> 00:08:06,440
+were both brutally
+00:08:03,479 --> 00:08:10,199
+assassinated the tide of violence was to
+00:08:06,440 --> 00:08:13,680
+engulf William himself in a horrifying
+00:08:10,199 --> 00:08:17,919
+way one night as he slept alongside his
+00:08:13,680 --> 00:08:20,199
+senal asban crepon in his castle at vro
+00:08:17,919 --> 00:08:24,199
+a party of rebels under Roger of
+00:08:20,199 --> 00:08:26,520
+Montgomery forced their way in osbor was
+00:08:24,199 --> 00:08:29,599
+viciously hacked to
+00:08:26,520 --> 00:08:33,000
+death but the little boy unkown noticed
+00:08:29,599 --> 00:08:34,080
+in the frenzy cowed undiscovered amid
+00:08:33,000 --> 00:08:36,799
+the bloody
+00:08:34,080 --> 00:08:39,719
+sheets who can tell how the traumatic
+00:08:36,799 --> 00:08:41,320
+event must have affected the mind of an
+00:08:39,719 --> 00:08:44,039
+00:08:41,320 --> 00:08:46,839
+six-year-old maybe it was the horror
+00:08:44,039 --> 00:08:50,040
+which was to shape his own
+00:08:46,839 --> 00:08:52,360
+behavior during these terrible days
+00:08:50,040 --> 00:08:55,320
+Normandy tasted all the horrors of a
+00:08:52,360 --> 00:08:58,399
+medieval land without effective
+00:08:55,320 --> 00:09:03,320
+leadership throughout the realm Anarchy
+00:08:58,399 --> 00:09:06,920
+descended as its nobility rampaged
+00:09:03,320 --> 00:09:09,240
+unchecked but as he grew into manhood
+00:09:06,920 --> 00:09:12,839
+gradually the tide of events turned in
+00:09:09,240 --> 00:09:15,279
+William's favor wisely he was able to
+00:09:12,839 --> 00:09:16,519
+surround himself with an efficient team
+00:09:15,279 --> 00:09:19,320
+of trusted
+00:09:16,519 --> 00:09:23,440
+advisers and after a great deal of
+00:09:19,320 --> 00:09:26,640
+Bloodshed he reestablished peace in
+00:09:23,440 --> 00:09:29,279
+Normandy Duke William broke by Iron the
+00:09:26,640 --> 00:09:32,000
+two arrogant heads dismantled the the
+00:09:29,279 --> 00:09:34,680
+ramparts of crime by victoriously
+00:09:32,000 --> 00:09:37,839
+capturing many castles and this stopped
+00:09:34,680 --> 00:09:40,680
+for a long time the intestinal Wars of
+00:09:37,839 --> 00:09:43,880
+our region it was a battle worthy of
+00:09:40,680 --> 00:09:46,640
+memory for many centuries to
+00:09:43,880 --> 00:09:48,760
+come William of course is known as
+00:09:46,640 --> 00:09:50,920
+William the bastard he was the son of
+00:09:48,760 --> 00:09:52,920
+the previous Duke of Normandy and a
+00:09:50,920 --> 00:09:57,240
+waser woman who took his
+00:09:52,920 --> 00:09:59,760
+attention came to the duche in 1035
+00:09:57,240 --> 00:10:02,320
+after a very turbulent youth several
+00:09:59,760 --> 00:10:04,440
+attempts to assassinate him by various
+00:10:02,320 --> 00:10:06,440
+factions in the normon
+00:10:04,440 --> 00:10:09,360
+scene therefore he was very much a
+00:10:06,440 --> 00:10:13,040
+pragmatic Man Of No Nonsense fellow
+00:10:09,360 --> 00:10:15,839
+first to last during the fight to pacify
+00:10:13,040 --> 00:10:18,760
+his homeland William had been noted for
+00:10:15,839 --> 00:10:21,519
+his generosity and lenient treatment of
+00:10:18,760 --> 00:10:24,680
+his enemies but there were incidents
+00:10:21,519 --> 00:10:27,839
+which showed a darker side of his nature
+00:10:24,680 --> 00:10:29,760
+not surprisingly it was his concern over
+00:10:27,839 --> 00:10:32,600
+his illegitimate birth
+00:10:29,760 --> 00:10:36,279
+which was to provide the
+00:10:32,600 --> 00:10:39,279
+spark once during the siege of alons as
+00:10:36,279 --> 00:10:42,040
+William approached an enemy Outpost its
+00:10:39,279 --> 00:10:44,680
+Defenders had hung from its walls as a
+00:10:42,040 --> 00:10:46,320
+protection against fire the hides of
+00:10:44,680 --> 00:10:48,800
+some newly slaughtered
+00:10:46,320 --> 00:10:51,680
+oxen in a reference to Williams
+00:10:48,800 --> 00:10:56,480
+illegitimate birth they chanted
+00:10:51,680 --> 00:10:56,480
+derisively hides hides for the
+00:10:56,959 --> 00:11:02,320
+Tanner white with rage the young jke
+00:11:00,120 --> 00:11:05,240
+ordered his men to storm The
+00:11:02,320 --> 00:11:08,040
+Outpost then the 32 survivors of the
+00:11:05,240 --> 00:11:10,839
+Garrison were blinded had their hands
+00:11:08,040 --> 00:11:14,160
+and feet struck off and were catapulted
+00:11:10,839 --> 00:11:17,120
+over the walls into the besieged city as
+00:11:14,160 --> 00:11:19,760
+a grim warning to its Defenders that
+00:11:17,120 --> 00:11:22,200
+they would suffer the same fate unless
+00:11:19,760 --> 00:11:23,440
+they surrendered which they made haste
+00:11:22,200 --> 00:11:25,959
+00:11:23,440 --> 00:11:29,639
+do the ruthless side of the juke's
+00:11:25,959 --> 00:11:32,639
+nature was to become even more apparent
+00:11:29,639 --> 00:11:32,639
+as the years went
+00:11:36,959 --> 00:11:43,720
+by if his gains were to be secure it was
+00:11:40,800 --> 00:11:46,440
+now time to think of
+00:11:43,720 --> 00:11:49,160
+marriage his choice was made with
+00:11:46,440 --> 00:11:52,399
+political implications firmly to the
+00:11:49,160 --> 00:11:55,480
+Forefront he married Matilda daughter of
+00:11:52,399 --> 00:11:57,399
+count Baldwin of Flanders no doubt their
+00:11:55,480 --> 00:12:00,959
+match was intended to help secure
+00:11:57,399 --> 00:12:00,959
+normandy's northern border
+00:12:01,800 --> 00:12:07,160
+remarkably for the age and possibly
+00:12:04,800 --> 00:12:09,560
+reflecting his attitude towards
+00:12:07,160 --> 00:12:11,760
+illegitimacy William appears to have
+00:12:09,560 --> 00:12:15,079
+remained faithful to Matilda for the
+00:12:11,760 --> 00:12:18,720
+rest of her life she bore him a number
+00:12:15,079 --> 00:12:21,279
+of children including four Sons two of
+00:12:18,720 --> 00:12:22,519
+whom William and Henry were to be Kings
+00:12:21,279 --> 00:12:25,360
+00:12:22,519 --> 00:12:28,079
+England but it was not in the nature of
+00:12:25,360 --> 00:12:29,800
+either William or his subjects to remain
+00:12:28,079 --> 00:12:32,800
+for long at
+00:12:29,800 --> 00:12:36,360
+Peace fighting continued with the duchy
+00:12:32,800 --> 00:12:38,959
+neighbors and in one such campaign in
+00:12:36,360 --> 00:12:42,519
+1065 William was accompanied by a
+00:12:38,959 --> 00:12:45,360
+distinguished Foreigner Harold godwinson
+00:12:42,519 --> 00:12:47,440
+the second most powerful man in England
+00:12:45,360 --> 00:12:50,240
+after King Edward the
+00:12:47,440 --> 00:12:52,519
+Confessor it was a visit which was to
+00:12:50,240 --> 00:12:56,560
+have the most profound implications for
+00:12:52,519 --> 00:12:58,240
+both men and also for their countries
+00:12:56,560 --> 00:13:00,800
+there are a lot of ambiguities about
+00:12:58,240 --> 00:13:02,440
+Williams claim to the English Throne he
+00:13:00,800 --> 00:13:06,040
+himself said that he had been promised
+00:13:02,440 --> 00:13:08,120
+it in 1051 by Edward the Confessor but
+00:13:06,040 --> 00:13:10,560
+what is in fact not often realized is
+00:13:08,120 --> 00:13:12,959
+that the throne wasn't Edwards to offer
+00:13:10,560 --> 00:13:15,160
+the English Monarchy was elective which
+00:13:12,959 --> 00:13:17,120
+meant that the successor was chosen by a
+00:13:15,160 --> 00:13:18,279
+council made up of the leading Nobles
+00:13:17,120 --> 00:13:21,279
+00:13:18,279 --> 00:13:23,279
+clergy the most that Edward possibly
+00:13:21,279 --> 00:13:24,880
+offered William was some sort of vague
+00:13:23,279 --> 00:13:27,240
+assurances of good
+00:13:24,880 --> 00:13:29,320
+will now there are the same sort of
+00:13:27,240 --> 00:13:32,240
+problems regarding Harold's visit to
+00:13:29,320 --> 00:13:34,399
+Normandy in 1064 or
+00:13:32,240 --> 00:13:37,360
+1065 we don't even know why he went
+00:13:34,399 --> 00:13:39,360
+there in the first place one possibility
+00:13:37,360 --> 00:13:41,519
+is that he was sent as an emissary by
+00:13:39,360 --> 00:13:43,360
+Edward what may have happened is that
+00:13:41,519 --> 00:13:45,320
+once in Williams power he was made to
+00:13:43,360 --> 00:13:48,279
+swear an oath giving his support
+00:13:45,320 --> 00:13:50,399
+Williams claimed for the throne but
+00:13:48,279 --> 00:13:52,120
+again Harold was not in a position to
+00:13:50,399 --> 00:13:54,639
+make any such
+00:13:52,120 --> 00:13:57,360
+promise whatever agreement William
+00:13:54,639 --> 00:14:00,120
+believed he had obtained from Harold he
+00:13:57,360 --> 00:14:02,560
+was to be bitterly dis
+00:14:00,120 --> 00:14:04,600
+disillusioned when news reached Normandy
+00:14:02,560 --> 00:14:06,480
+of Edward the confessor's death on the
+00:14:04,600 --> 00:14:09,519
+5th of January
+00:14:06,480 --> 00:14:13,000
+1066 William expected to be offered the
+00:14:09,519 --> 00:14:15,320
+Throne of England imagine then his rage
+00:14:13,000 --> 00:14:18,399
+at the announcement of Harold godson's
+00:14:15,320 --> 00:14:21,560
+coronation as king of
+00:14:18,399 --> 00:14:24,600
+England all the Contemporary accounts
+00:14:21,560 --> 00:14:27,519
+speak of William's rage so terrible that
+00:14:24,600 --> 00:14:30,519
+none dared approach him motivated
+00:14:27,519 --> 00:14:33,279
+perhaps as much by injured pride and the
+00:14:30,519 --> 00:14:36,199
+affront to his Prestige as by any other
+00:14:33,279 --> 00:14:38,360
+reason William was set on
+00:14:36,199 --> 00:14:41,079
+Vengeance if he was not to have the
+00:14:38,360 --> 00:14:43,279
+throne by popular Ascent he would have
+00:14:41,079 --> 00:14:47,360
+it by
+00:14:43,279 --> 00:14:49,920
+force as the summer of 1066 approached
+00:14:47,360 --> 00:14:52,759
+all the Furious Norman energy was
+00:14:49,920 --> 00:14:55,920
+employed in preparing to invade England
+00:14:52,759 --> 00:14:58,440
+and submit William's claims to trial by
+00:14:55,920 --> 00:15:00,399
+battle the main source of troops for
+00:14:58,440 --> 00:15:02,759
+William Invasion came from the Norman
+00:15:00,399 --> 00:15:05,199
+nobility who had to supply him with men
+00:15:02,759 --> 00:15:07,040
+as part of the duty to their Overlord
+00:15:05,199 --> 00:15:08,959
+but he also recruited a significant
+00:15:07,040 --> 00:15:11,079
+number of mercenaries and volunteers
+00:15:08,959 --> 00:15:13,560
+from other places notably France
+00:15:11,079 --> 00:15:15,560
+Flanders and Britany these were drawn by
+00:15:13,560 --> 00:15:18,000
+hopes of land and
+00:15:15,560 --> 00:15:20,320
+booty the main strength of the Norman
+00:15:18,000 --> 00:15:22,440
+Army based on the popular image of the
+00:15:20,320 --> 00:15:24,639
+be tapestry has always been thought to
+00:15:22,440 --> 00:15:26,240
+be its Cavalry and this is certainly
+00:15:24,639 --> 00:15:29,319
+true to a point that were the main
+00:15:26,240 --> 00:15:31,680
+striking force of Williams Army
+00:15:29,319 --> 00:15:34,279
+but also important were the Infantry
+00:15:31,680 --> 00:15:36,560
+there were spearmen bowmen and
+00:15:34,279 --> 00:15:38,560
+crossbowmen and these latter had an
+00:15:36,560 --> 00:15:40,560
+important role to play in the Norman
+00:15:38,560 --> 00:15:43,000
+preferred tactics of combined arms
+00:15:40,560 --> 00:15:44,639
+Warfare the Infantry would soften up the
+00:15:43,000 --> 00:15:47,040
+enemy and then the Cavalry would be sent
+00:15:44,639 --> 00:15:49,720
+him for the kill Norman preparations
+00:15:47,040 --> 00:15:51,519
+were on a vast scale William is said to
+00:15:49,720 --> 00:15:55,440
+have built or collected together over
+00:15:51,519 --> 00:15:57,440
+700 ships a huge total for those times
+00:15:55,440 --> 00:15:59,319
+and he was also active on the Diplomatic
+00:15:57,440 --> 00:16:01,440
+front for instance he obtained the
+00:15:59,319 --> 00:16:03,040
+blessing of the Pope and was able to
+00:16:01,440 --> 00:16:05,839
+carry the papal Banner at the head of
+00:16:03,040 --> 00:16:08,560
+his army now this not only gave him some
+00:16:05,839 --> 00:16:11,839
+useful spiritual brownie points it was
+00:16:08,560 --> 00:16:13,639
+also a useful Safeguard at home any
+00:16:11,839 --> 00:16:15,839
+foreign enemies of whom he had a large
+00:16:13,639 --> 00:16:17,759
+number would hesitate to invade Normandy
+00:16:15,839 --> 00:16:20,160
+if they knew William had the Pope's
+00:16:17,759 --> 00:16:21,720
+backing William the conqueror's Army
+00:16:20,160 --> 00:16:24,120
+which he was collecting in Normandy
+00:16:21,720 --> 00:16:25,199
+ready to invade Britain really compris
+00:16:24,120 --> 00:16:27,759
+two main
+00:16:25,199 --> 00:16:31,880
+sections first of all there are those
+00:16:27,759 --> 00:16:34,480
+local nor and uh Lords and magnates who
+00:16:31,880 --> 00:16:39,160
+owed him a certain amount of military
+00:16:34,480 --> 00:16:41,240
+service possibly 40 days a year he also
+00:16:39,160 --> 00:16:44,560
+applied for and received a great many
+00:16:41,240 --> 00:16:47,240
+mercenary applications from other uh
+00:16:44,560 --> 00:16:49,199
+Knights and so forth at a loose end and
+00:16:47,240 --> 00:16:51,040
+literally came along for the loot if you
+00:16:49,199 --> 00:16:53,639
+might say not particularly on the side
+00:16:51,040 --> 00:16:55,240
+of William but he was paying them and he
+00:16:53,639 --> 00:16:57,800
+said there might well be rewards in
+00:16:55,240 --> 00:17:00,360
+Britain for them so you have a lot of
+00:16:57,800 --> 00:17:03,079
+bretons you have other kinds of French
+00:17:00,360 --> 00:17:04,959
+Knights as well a few Germans even uh
+00:17:03,079 --> 00:17:07,079
+who were in this very kind of polyglot
+00:17:04,959 --> 00:17:09,959
+Army although the basis of it was of
+00:17:07,079 --> 00:17:11,919
+course Normans as you might suppose now
+00:17:09,959 --> 00:17:13,679
+there are three sorts of soes first of
+00:17:11,919 --> 00:17:15,079
+all the knights which we all think of
+00:17:13,679 --> 00:17:15,959
+from the Bay of tapestry with their
+00:17:15,079 --> 00:17:19,480
+00:17:15,959 --> 00:17:20,400
+Shields their chain maale hellur and
+00:17:19,480 --> 00:17:23,799
+00:17:20,400 --> 00:17:25,240
+lances they were possibly about a couple
+00:17:23,799 --> 00:17:27,959
+of thousand of
+00:17:25,240 --> 00:17:30,919
+those then there were the foot soldiers
+00:17:27,959 --> 00:17:33,320
+and the archers maybe 7,500 or so
+00:17:30,919 --> 00:17:34,880
+between them when we say archers we are
+00:17:33,320 --> 00:17:36,919
+talking about the short bow of course
+00:17:34,880 --> 00:17:38,840
+not the long bow of later generations
+00:17:36,919 --> 00:17:41,160
+this was a far less devastating weapon
+00:17:38,840 --> 00:17:43,440
+but a useful fire instrument to have at
+00:17:41,160 --> 00:17:45,280
+your disposal the Menat arms were
+00:17:43,440 --> 00:17:47,280
+equipped much the same as the knights
+00:17:45,280 --> 00:17:49,880
+but fought only on
+00:17:47,280 --> 00:17:53,120
+foot over in England it was a different
+00:17:49,880 --> 00:17:55,960
+situation from that in Normandy whereas
+00:17:53,120 --> 00:17:58,039
+the Normans now use their horses to
+00:17:55,960 --> 00:18:00,440
+fight on as well as to move them to the
+00:17:58,039 --> 00:18:02,480
+battlefield field over the channel in
+00:18:00,440 --> 00:18:05,039
+England we had the last of the Danish
+00:18:02,480 --> 00:18:07,679
+traditional type Army
+00:18:05,039 --> 00:18:09,480
+organizations horses were very much used
+00:18:07,679 --> 00:18:11,640
+yes certainly for the king and his THS
+00:18:09,480 --> 00:18:14,159
+and his hus cars but they were used only
+00:18:11,640 --> 00:18:16,200
+for Mobility they always dismounted to
+00:18:14,159 --> 00:18:19,240
+fight as had done the Vikings and the
+00:18:16,200 --> 00:18:21,240
+Danes in the previous centuries they had
+00:18:19,240 --> 00:18:23,400
+of course as by way of a separate weapon
+00:18:21,240 --> 00:18:25,440
+from what the Normans had the feared
+00:18:23,400 --> 00:18:27,799
+battle ax The Great Battle axes of The
+00:18:25,440 --> 00:18:29,480
+Shield wall would be indeed a daunting
+00:18:27,799 --> 00:18:32,720
+thing to F Fai at any time whether on
+00:18:29,480 --> 00:18:34,799
+Horseback or not so two armies which
+00:18:32,720 --> 00:18:37,440
+were going to meet at Hastings really
+00:18:34,799 --> 00:18:38,960
+represented two distinct types of
+00:18:37,440 --> 00:18:42,200
+00:18:38,960 --> 00:18:44,000
+organization William the mounted Knight
+00:18:42,200 --> 00:18:46,520
+with his great charges up the hill at
+00:18:44,000 --> 00:18:48,720
+senlac and so forth he represented the
+00:18:46,520 --> 00:18:51,320
+future the great age of the night in
+00:18:48,720 --> 00:18:54,440
+armor was about to begin and would last
+00:18:51,320 --> 00:18:57,080
+for the next 250 years or so on the
+00:18:54,440 --> 00:19:00,919
+other hand Harold's Army represented the
+00:18:57,080 --> 00:19:03,280
+last of the old Danish Norse type armies
+00:19:00,919 --> 00:19:05,320
+which always fought on foot using their
+00:19:03,280 --> 00:19:07,600
+horses to get them to the battlefield
+00:19:05,320 --> 00:19:10,320
+but then dismounting to form the famous
+00:19:07,600 --> 00:19:12,799
+Shield wall and then fight it out with
+00:19:10,320 --> 00:19:12,799
+their battle
+00:19:13,080 --> 00:19:18,120
+axes William faced a formidable task in
+00:19:16,280 --> 00:19:20,480
+challenging the richest nation in
+00:19:18,120 --> 00:19:22,240
+Western Europe led by one of its
+00:19:20,480 --> 00:19:25,480
+00:19:22,240 --> 00:19:28,520
+soldiers however William was to be aided
+00:19:25,480 --> 00:19:31,120
+by events Elsewhere for he was not the
+00:19:28,520 --> 00:19:33,760
+only claimant to the English
+00:19:31,120 --> 00:19:37,159
+throne in late September
+00:19:33,760 --> 00:19:40,559
+1066 a powerful Army led by King Harold
+00:19:37,159 --> 00:19:43,360
+hardrada of Norway and Harold godwinson
+00:19:40,559 --> 00:19:46,000
+Renegade brother tostig landed in the
+00:19:43,360 --> 00:19:50,080
+north of England defeated the local
+00:19:46,000 --> 00:19:52,280
+Saxon forces under Earls Edwin and morar
+00:19:50,080 --> 00:19:55,240
+and occupied
+00:19:52,280 --> 00:19:57,200
+York King Harold who had been waiting on
+00:19:55,240 --> 00:19:58,880
+the south coast to meet the rumored
+00:19:57,200 --> 00:20:01,480
+Norman invasion
+00:19:58,880 --> 00:20:04,080
+was forced to hasten North to counter
+00:20:01,480 --> 00:20:07,440
+this new unexpected
+00:20:04,080 --> 00:20:10,320
+threat fatally he also gave permission
+00:20:07,440 --> 00:20:13,280
+for the southern fear the militia to
+00:20:10,320 --> 00:20:16,280
+stand down in order to bring in the
+00:20:13,280 --> 00:20:18,320
+Harvest moving with great speed the
+00:20:16,280 --> 00:20:21,720
+English king confronted his Northern
+00:20:18,320 --> 00:20:24,640
+foes at Stamford Bridge on the 25th of
+00:20:21,720 --> 00:20:28,320
+September and won a total
+00:20:24,640 --> 00:20:31,400
+Victory hardrada and tostig were killed
+00:20:28,320 --> 00:20:34,640
+and scarcely pausing for breath Harold
+00:20:31,400 --> 00:20:37,039
+and his household troops the hus cars
+00:20:34,640 --> 00:20:40,039
+hurried South once again but the
+00:20:37,039 --> 00:20:42,440
+terrifying news was out the Norman
+00:20:40,039 --> 00:20:46,559
+Invasion had
+00:20:42,440 --> 00:20:50,640
+begun sometime around September 27 the
+00:20:46,559 --> 00:20:54,280
+huge Norman Armada of some 700 ships set
+00:20:50,640 --> 00:20:56,760
+sail from the Esty of the river s
+00:20:54,280 --> 00:21:01,159
+unopposed by the English Fleet they
+00:20:56,760 --> 00:21:04,480
+arrived off pavy early the following
+00:21:01,159 --> 00:21:07,559
+morning the Norman forces disembarked
+00:21:04,480 --> 00:21:10,400
+unopposed and moved to occupy the easily
+00:21:07,559 --> 00:21:13,440
+defensible Peninsula occupied by the
+00:21:10,400 --> 00:21:15,960
+town of Hastings where the Norman army
+00:21:13,440 --> 00:21:18,480
+established its Base
+00:21:15,960 --> 00:21:21,880
+Camp William did not want to risk
+00:21:18,480 --> 00:21:24,960
+marching on London while Harold remained
+00:21:21,880 --> 00:21:27,600
+undefeated instead he ordered his men to
+00:21:24,960 --> 00:21:30,039
+devastate the surrounding Countryside
+00:21:27,600 --> 00:21:32,640
+rightly calculating that Harold would be
+00:21:30,039 --> 00:21:36,360
+stung into giving immediate
+00:21:32,640 --> 00:21:39,159
+battle Harold wasted no time arriving
+00:21:36,360 --> 00:21:42,919
+back in London on October 6th with the
+00:21:39,159 --> 00:21:45,799
+survivors of his husars the English king
+00:21:42,919 --> 00:21:48,279
+desperately gathered what many could and
+00:21:45,799 --> 00:21:50,760
+then without waiting for reinforcements
+00:21:48,279 --> 00:21:54,000
+from the Midlands and the north marched
+00:21:50,760 --> 00:21:57,440
+out to meet the Norman
+00:21:54,000 --> 00:21:59,159
+Invader Harold was also keenly aware
+00:21:57,440 --> 00:22:02,039
+that as well as as being depleted in
+00:21:59,159 --> 00:22:05,320
+numbers the bulk of his troops were
+00:22:02,039 --> 00:22:08,080
+distinctly inferior to most of Williams
+00:22:05,320 --> 00:22:09,760
+men especially the lightly armed and
+00:22:08,080 --> 00:22:13,039
+equipped fears
+00:22:09,760 --> 00:22:16,480
+men the Saxons therefore took up a
+00:22:13,039 --> 00:22:18,840
+strong defensive position on senlac hill
+00:22:16,480 --> 00:22:21,120
+where they barred The Road To London and
+00:22:18,840 --> 00:22:24,400
+awaited the Norman
+00:22:21,120 --> 00:22:26,760
+Onslaught and then how in effect said to
+00:22:24,400 --> 00:22:30,159
+William come and get me you want the
+00:22:26,760 --> 00:22:33,559
+kingdom here I am am come and get
+00:22:30,159 --> 00:22:36,440
+me now saying that of course he was in
+00:22:33,559 --> 00:22:38,960
+effect handing the initiative over to
+00:22:36,440 --> 00:22:41,159
+Juke William the form the battle would
+00:22:38,960 --> 00:22:43,480
+actually take and it successive stages
+00:22:41,159 --> 00:22:44,919
+then would be dictated by the Normans
+00:22:43,480 --> 00:22:47,440
+rather than by the
+00:22:44,919 --> 00:22:49,640
+Anglo-Saxons and indeed uh several of
+00:22:47,440 --> 00:22:52,559
+The Chronicles of the time speak of the
+00:22:49,640 --> 00:22:55,039
+way the shield wall stood as if rooted
+00:22:52,559 --> 00:22:59,400
+into the ground this was going to be a
+00:22:55,039 --> 00:23:01,360
+fine stalwart fight to the death
+00:22:59,400 --> 00:23:03,960
+the chances of winning the Battle of
+00:23:01,360 --> 00:23:06,960
+Hastings were fairly limited because
+00:23:03,960 --> 00:23:09,279
+William could choose the tune and make
+00:23:06,960 --> 00:23:12,520
+the Anglo-Saxons dance to
+00:23:09,279 --> 00:23:16,080
+it as his army formed up for battle
+00:23:12,520 --> 00:23:19,240
+early on the morning of October 14th
+00:23:16,080 --> 00:23:22,720
+1066 William must have known that at the
+00:23:19,240 --> 00:23:24,440
+age of 38 he was facing the Supreme test
+00:23:22,720 --> 00:23:27,480
+of his military
+00:23:24,440 --> 00:23:29,600
+career it is sometimes forgotten that
+00:23:27,480 --> 00:23:32,440
+hither to the Duke had fought in only
+00:23:29,600 --> 00:23:35,440
+two major pitched battles and his
+00:23:32,440 --> 00:23:37,200
+reputation as a general though adequate
+00:23:35,440 --> 00:23:39,200
+did not compare with that of his
+00:23:37,200 --> 00:23:42,039
+opponent Harold
+00:23:39,200 --> 00:23:44,760
+godwinson furthermore a defeat would
+00:23:42,039 --> 00:23:47,120
+have dire consequences for even if
+00:23:44,760 --> 00:23:50,679
+William were to survive and get back
+00:23:47,120 --> 00:23:53,640
+home to Normandy he would be discredited
+00:23:50,679 --> 00:23:54,760
+and prey once more to his domestic and
+00:23:53,640 --> 00:23:57,440
+00:23:54,760 --> 00:24:00,240
+enemies none of these doubts showed
+00:23:57,440 --> 00:24:02,760
+however in the pre-battle speech which
+00:24:00,240 --> 00:24:05,480
+the Juke made to his
+00:24:02,760 --> 00:24:07,960
+commanders it is now that your arms must
+00:24:05,480 --> 00:24:09,919
+prove your strength and courage if you
+00:24:07,960 --> 00:24:13,039
+fight like men you will gain Victory
+00:24:09,919 --> 00:24:16,640
+honor and wealth otherwise you will be
+00:24:13,039 --> 00:24:20,159
+covered with eternal ignominy no road is
+00:24:16,640 --> 00:24:22,679
+open for Retreat on one side armed men
+00:24:20,159 --> 00:24:25,840
+and a hostile and unknown country bar
+00:24:22,679 --> 00:24:28,120
+your passage on the other the sea and
+00:24:25,840 --> 00:24:30,880
+other armed men are opposed to your
+00:24:28,120 --> 00:24:33,480
+flight the courage of a small number of
+00:24:30,880 --> 00:24:36,120
+Warriors May easily overcome a greater
+00:24:33,480 --> 00:24:38,799
+number of men unskilled in fighting
+00:24:36,120 --> 00:24:41,919
+above all when the cause of justice is
+00:24:38,799 --> 00:24:47,200
+protected by Divine Aid let nothing
+00:24:41,919 --> 00:24:47,200
+stand in your way and soon you will
+00:24:47,799 --> 00:24:53,039
+Triumph the battle opened with an attack
+00:24:50,760 --> 00:24:55,399
+on the English position by Williams
+00:24:53,039 --> 00:24:58,320
+archers and
+00:24:55,399 --> 00:25:00,279
+crossbowmen they made little impression
+00:24:58,320 --> 00:25:03,080
+and a general assault by the remainder
+00:25:00,279 --> 00:25:06,799
+of Williams infantry was met by a hail
+00:25:03,080 --> 00:25:08,720
+of slingshot small axes and
+00:25:06,799 --> 00:25:10,919
+javelins at Hastings it was a
+00:25:08,720 --> 00:25:13,720
+combination of archers and these mounted
+00:25:10,919 --> 00:25:15,679
+Warriors that uh finally defeated the
+00:25:13,720 --> 00:25:18,679
+shield wall of Harold and the
+00:25:15,679 --> 00:25:21,240
+Anglo-Saxons at sen the Norman Cavalry
+00:25:18,679 --> 00:25:23,919
+were heavily equipped with hobber of
+00:25:21,240 --> 00:25:26,840
+male with long kite-shaped Shields with
+00:25:23,919 --> 00:25:30,080
+luns and sword they rode superbly bred
+00:25:26,840 --> 00:25:32,320
+and trained War Hors horses these horses
+00:25:30,080 --> 00:25:34,240
+unafraid of the noise of battle were
+00:25:32,320 --> 00:25:35,720
+fighters in their own right we have a
+00:25:34,240 --> 00:25:37,440
+description of William's own horse
+00:25:35,720 --> 00:25:40,240
+trampling on people at
+00:25:37,440 --> 00:25:43,880
+Hastings the knights would ride knee to
+00:25:40,240 --> 00:25:46,440
+knee in a charge uh put in groups of
+00:25:43,880 --> 00:25:47,440
+three or four and they had great
+00:25:46,440 --> 00:25:49,919
+00:25:47,440 --> 00:25:53,679
+flexibility the key weapon of the Knight
+00:25:49,919 --> 00:25:55,600
+was the Lance deployed in a shock tactic
+00:25:53,679 --> 00:25:57,240
+the Knight would couch his Lance under
+00:25:55,600 --> 00:26:00,159
+his arm bring his shield up for
+00:25:57,240 --> 00:26:03,039
+protection feet in Long stups High biked
+00:26:00,159 --> 00:26:06,279
+saddle and together a group of Normans
+00:26:03,039 --> 00:26:09,880
+would charge with a great shock impetus
+00:26:06,279 --> 00:26:13,000
+whenever they struck a static line of
+00:26:09,880 --> 00:26:14,880
+infantry one contemporary uh speaking
+00:26:13,000 --> 00:26:16,720
+about the Franks on the First Crusade
+00:26:14,880 --> 00:26:19,000
+said the charge of the Normans is
+00:26:16,720 --> 00:26:20,640
+irresistible it could bore its way
+00:26:19,000 --> 00:26:23,559
+through the walls of
+00:26:20,640 --> 00:26:26,200
+Babylon the Norman Knight was the tank
+00:26:23,559 --> 00:26:29,000
+of the 11th and 12th century with the
+00:26:26,200 --> 00:26:31,840
+battle deadlocked William committed his
+00:26:29,000 --> 00:26:34,880
+Cavalry but hindered by the sloping
+00:26:31,840 --> 00:26:37,000
+ground and the English Shield wall many
+00:26:34,880 --> 00:26:40,080
+Knights and their charges were hacked
+00:26:37,000 --> 00:26:42,760
+down by Harold's formidable axen and
+00:26:40,080 --> 00:26:46,279
+could not penetrate the English
+00:26:42,760 --> 00:26:48,799
+line and now some of Williams men
+00:26:46,279 --> 00:26:51,760
+probably the bretons on his left wing
+00:26:48,799 --> 00:26:54,679
+broke and fled and the Panic began to
+00:26:51,760 --> 00:26:56,640
+spread to the rest of the Norman line
+00:26:54,679 --> 00:26:59,840
+some of the English ran forward in
+00:26:56,640 --> 00:27:02,840
+Pursuit and a rumor began to spread that
+00:26:59,840 --> 00:27:07,600
+William had been killed it was a moment
+00:27:02,840 --> 00:27:10,080
+of Crisis but William was equal to the
+00:27:07,600 --> 00:27:12,399
+occasion pushing back his helmet from
+00:27:10,080 --> 00:27:15,279
+his face and roaring with the full
+00:27:12,399 --> 00:27:18,240
+strength of his powerful lungs William
+00:27:15,279 --> 00:27:22,120
+seized by one of his famous rages cried
+00:27:18,240 --> 00:27:25,320
+out to his troops look at me all of you
+00:27:22,120 --> 00:27:27,919
+I still live and with God's help I will
+00:27:25,320 --> 00:27:31,240
+conquer what Folly has driven you you to
+00:27:27,919 --> 00:27:33,799
+flight if you flee not one of you will
+00:27:31,240 --> 00:27:35,360
+escape death well up to this point the
+00:27:33,799 --> 00:27:37,600
+battle had been going quite well for
+00:27:35,360 --> 00:27:39,880
+Harold his men were still holding the
+00:27:37,600 --> 00:27:41,240
+Ridgetop position and they'd thrown back
+00:27:39,880 --> 00:27:43,760
+everything that William could send
+00:27:41,240 --> 00:27:45,399
+against them furthermore the day was
+00:27:43,760 --> 00:27:47,080
+drawing on and William was in the
+00:27:45,399 --> 00:27:48,880
+position whereby if he didn't win the
+00:27:47,080 --> 00:27:51,600
+battle by the end of the day he wasn't
+00:27:48,880 --> 00:27:53,159
+going to win it at all it was at this
+00:27:51,600 --> 00:27:55,760
+point that the Normans carried out the
+00:27:53,159 --> 00:27:57,519
+famous Fain Retreats there's been a lot
+00:27:55,760 --> 00:27:59,880
+of debate about these were they
+00:27:57,519 --> 00:28:01,919
+deliberate or were they just accidents
+00:27:59,880 --> 00:28:04,480
+that William was able to take advantage
+00:28:01,919 --> 00:28:06,720
+of quite a large number of Harold's less
+00:28:04,480 --> 00:28:10,080
+disciplined troops charged down the
+00:28:06,720 --> 00:28:14,200
+slope in Pursuit were cut off and wiped
+00:28:10,080 --> 00:28:16,080
+out but the battle was still not won the
+00:28:14,200 --> 00:28:18,679
+best of Harold's men including the
+00:28:16,080 --> 00:28:20,880
+famous hus cars his personal bodyguard
+00:28:18,679 --> 00:28:23,120
+was still in position on the Ridgetop
+00:28:20,880 --> 00:28:26,200
+and the shield wall was still
+00:28:23,120 --> 00:28:28,880
+intact aided by his half brother the
+00:28:26,200 --> 00:28:32,159
+Fearsome mace wielding Odo Bishop of
+00:28:28,880 --> 00:28:33,840
+Bayer William rallied his men and cut
+00:28:32,159 --> 00:28:36,399
+down the pursuing
+00:28:33,840 --> 00:28:39,159
+Saxons though the immediate crisis was
+00:28:36,399 --> 00:28:42,720
+over the battle was far from
+00:28:39,159 --> 00:28:45,240
+one by about midday uh the Battle of
+00:28:42,720 --> 00:28:48,480
+Hastings had reached a rather parous
+00:28:45,240 --> 00:28:51,240
+situation perhaps for both
+00:28:48,480 --> 00:28:54,840
+sides Harold had lost the whole right
+00:28:51,240 --> 00:28:58,200
+wing third which had charged down and uh
+00:28:54,840 --> 00:29:01,480
+been been butchered by the Normans who
+00:28:58,200 --> 00:29:03,919
+turned around having deliberately lured
+00:29:01,480 --> 00:29:06,360
+them into a premature attack in that
+00:29:03,919 --> 00:29:08,039
+way but as far as the Normans were
+00:29:06,360 --> 00:29:11,279
+concerned although that was obviously a
+00:29:08,039 --> 00:29:14,640
+plus yet the battle was yet far from
+00:29:11,279 --> 00:29:17,320
+one and it was absolutely necessary that
+00:29:14,640 --> 00:29:20,679
+a decision should be reached within that
+00:29:17,320 --> 00:29:23,080
+day before Sunset they had nowhere to
+00:29:20,679 --> 00:29:25,000
+fall back upon their morale would
+00:29:23,080 --> 00:29:27,919
+plummet if they didn't win the battle on
+00:29:25,000 --> 00:29:29,519
+this first day and they would probably
+00:29:27,919 --> 00:29:32,120
+face therefore total
+00:29:29,519 --> 00:29:34,440
+disaster therefore the battle is not yet
+00:29:32,120 --> 00:29:36,320
+won but every incentive is now for
+00:29:34,440 --> 00:29:39,159
+William to fling all his remaining
+00:29:36,320 --> 00:29:42,440
+resources into this battle the
+00:29:39,159 --> 00:29:44,960
+Anglo-Saxon line was battered it had no
+00:29:42,440 --> 00:29:48,600
+right flank now but still there was this
+00:29:44,960 --> 00:29:51,519
+formidable line of The Shield wall with
+00:29:48,600 --> 00:29:54,799
+their battle axes waving threateningly
+00:29:51,519 --> 00:29:58,159
+over the top of it and so everything was
+00:29:54,799 --> 00:30:00,760
+yet to be gained or lost William at this
+00:29:58,159 --> 00:30:03,000
+point changed his tactics he ordered his
+00:30:00,760 --> 00:30:05,840
+archers to advance and fire a barrage of
+00:30:03,000 --> 00:30:08,880
+arrows at close range now these really
+00:30:05,840 --> 00:30:10,240
+began to tear gaps in the English line
+00:30:08,880 --> 00:30:12,640
+it was probably at this point that
+00:30:10,240 --> 00:30:15,039
+Harold was struck down quite likely by
+00:30:12,640 --> 00:30:16,720
+the famous arrow in the eye which is no
+00:30:15,039 --> 00:30:18,240
+now normally accepted as probably being
+00:30:16,720 --> 00:30:21,320
+an authentic
+00:30:18,240 --> 00:30:23,440
+incident his brothers girth and Le wine
+00:30:21,320 --> 00:30:25,080
+were already dead and as a result the
+00:30:23,440 --> 00:30:28,200
+English command structure started to
+00:30:25,080 --> 00:30:30,480
+break down and morale began to crack
+00:30:28,200 --> 00:30:33,080
+as gaps appeared in the line the Norman
+00:30:30,480 --> 00:30:34,679
+Cavalry were unleashed forc the way
+00:30:33,080 --> 00:30:37,120
+through and began to hack down the
+00:30:34,679 --> 00:30:38,440
+isolated groups of Englishmen it was
+00:30:37,120 --> 00:30:41,120
+also probably at this point that the
+00:30:38,440 --> 00:30:43,919
+mostly wounded Harold was finished
+00:30:41,120 --> 00:30:46,720
+off with King Harold lying dead at the
+00:30:43,919 --> 00:30:49,600
+foot of his standard William had won his
+00:30:46,720 --> 00:30:52,679
+greatest Victory whatever his skills as
+00:30:49,600 --> 00:30:55,880
+a general it is clear that the jke had
+00:30:52,679 --> 00:30:58,279
+been an aspiring leader of his men in
+00:30:55,880 --> 00:31:00,440
+battle it was always always customary
+00:30:58,279 --> 00:31:03,000
+for medieval chroniclers to magnify the
+00:31:00,440 --> 00:31:04,440
+role of leaders in battle but William
+00:31:03,000 --> 00:31:07,639
+seems to have carried out both of the
+00:31:04,440 --> 00:31:09,279
+roles expected of him with great success
+00:31:07,639 --> 00:31:11,960
+he was in the thick of the fighting
+00:31:09,279 --> 00:31:14,799
+inspiring his men and yet he also was
+00:31:11,960 --> 00:31:16,320
+able to keep control of his army overall
+00:31:14,799 --> 00:31:19,200
+and direct their operations in a
+00:31:16,320 --> 00:31:21,200
+coherent fashion it's true to say that
+00:31:19,200 --> 00:31:22,679
+without William the Normans would not
+00:31:21,200 --> 00:31:26,159
+have won the Battle of
+00:31:22,679 --> 00:31:28,720
+Hastings Harold was dead dukee William
+00:31:26,159 --> 00:31:32,279
+clearly triumphant and de facto King of
+00:31:28,720 --> 00:31:35,320
+England trial by battle as religious men
+00:31:32,279 --> 00:31:37,279
+regarded it at the time had now decided
+00:31:35,320 --> 00:31:39,480
+once and for all the question of the
+00:31:37,279 --> 00:31:42,240
+succession to Edward the
+00:31:39,480 --> 00:31:44,480
+Confessor the whole future indeed of
+00:31:42,240 --> 00:31:47,320
+these islands was going to be IR IR
+00:31:44,480 --> 00:31:50,480
+remedia affected by the outcome of this
+00:31:47,320 --> 00:31:52,360
+battle which must be certainly one of
+00:31:50,480 --> 00:31:53,799
+the most significant moments in the
+00:31:52,360 --> 00:31:56,200
+history of these
+00:31:53,799 --> 00:31:58,919
+islands William was crowned King of
+00:31:56,200 --> 00:32:01,840
+England in in Westminster Abbey on
+00:31:58,919 --> 00:32:01,840
+Christmas Day
+00:32:02,519 --> 00:32:08,320
+1066 it was noted that William was
+00:32:05,120 --> 00:32:10,679
+visibly trembling if so it was one of
+00:32:08,320 --> 00:32:13,120
+the few occasions in his life when he
+00:32:10,679 --> 00:32:15,799
+apparently showed
+00:32:13,120 --> 00:32:18,000
+fear that fear may have been
+00:32:15,799 --> 00:32:20,600
+apprehension because William was well
+00:32:18,000 --> 00:32:23,000
+aware that his conquest of England had
+00:32:20,600 --> 00:32:25,279
+only just
+00:32:23,000 --> 00:32:28,399
+begun even though many of the leading
+00:32:25,279 --> 00:32:31,720
+magnets had submitted the English people
+00:32:28,399 --> 00:32:34,080
+for the most part remained
+00:32:31,720 --> 00:32:36,799
+defied if they had glimpsed the full
+00:32:34,080 --> 00:32:38,880
+horror of what was to follow they may
+00:32:36,799 --> 00:32:39,960
+well have chosen not to resist the
+00:32:38,880 --> 00:32:43,720
+00:32:39,960 --> 00:32:46,360
+Invader at first all was relatively
+00:32:43,720 --> 00:32:48,679
+civilized the new king made a brief
+00:32:46,360 --> 00:32:51,120
+progress through the territory under his
+00:32:48,679 --> 00:32:53,840
+control and with characteristic
+00:32:51,120 --> 00:32:57,519
+thoroughness set his men to work to
+00:32:53,840 --> 00:33:01,159
+extend and consolidate their gains
+00:32:57,519 --> 00:33:03,679
+following 1066 Williams task uh was
+00:33:01,159 --> 00:33:06,960
+clear he somehow had to rivet Norman
+00:33:03,679 --> 00:33:09,559
+control on a country that was in a state
+00:33:06,960 --> 00:33:11,600
+of political flux he also had to watch
+00:33:09,559 --> 00:33:14,240
+his back in Normandy and one of the
+00:33:11,600 --> 00:33:16,600
+first things he does in 1067 is to go on
+00:33:14,240 --> 00:33:18,760
+a triumphal progress back to the duy
+00:33:16,600 --> 00:33:22,480
+leaving Key left tenants in charge of
+00:33:18,760 --> 00:33:24,559
+castles such as do Hastings pavy but he
+00:33:22,480 --> 00:33:27,600
+takes with him the leading Anglo-Saxon
+00:33:24,559 --> 00:33:28,919
+magnets virtually as political hostages
+00:33:27,600 --> 00:33:31,880
+and we have an account from a Norman
+00:33:28,919 --> 00:33:34,480
+chronicler who says that uh in Ruan the
+00:33:31,880 --> 00:33:36,440
+Normans Marvel to see these prisoners
+00:33:34,480 --> 00:33:39,799
+brought with their long hair their
+00:33:36,440 --> 00:33:43,200
+wonderful clothes fabulously uh adorned
+00:33:39,799 --> 00:33:45,760
+filigree work of their Saxon ornaments
+00:33:43,200 --> 00:33:47,320
+this was a triumphal progress but
+00:33:45,760 --> 00:33:49,880
+William couldn't remain in Normandy very
+00:33:47,320 --> 00:33:51,840
+long he distributed gifts made sure that
+00:33:49,880 --> 00:33:54,200
+his control of the duy was Secure
+00:33:51,840 --> 00:33:56,159
+against his French enemies uh against
+00:33:54,200 --> 00:33:58,039
+the count of onju the king of France
+00:33:56,159 --> 00:34:01,399
+count of Flanders and then quickly
+00:33:58,039 --> 00:34:03,919
+returned to reestablish his authority
+00:34:01,399 --> 00:34:07,280
+the Normans in England were few in
+00:34:03,919 --> 00:34:10,399
+numbers perhaps no more than 10,000 in
+00:34:07,280 --> 00:34:13,399
+all and so depended upon a network of
+00:34:10,399 --> 00:34:15,879
+castles to overall and control the
+00:34:13,399 --> 00:34:18,320
+conquered English many of these
+00:34:15,879 --> 00:34:19,760
+structures still scatter the English
+00:34:18,320 --> 00:34:22,079
+00:34:19,760 --> 00:34:24,679
+today what the Normans did they would
+00:34:22,079 --> 00:34:27,119
+build a castle Often by requisition sax
+00:34:24,679 --> 00:34:29,079
+and labor a deep irony there that the
+00:34:27,119 --> 00:34:31,800
+are forced to build the very uh
+00:34:29,079 --> 00:34:33,760
+mechanisms of their own oppression but
+00:34:31,800 --> 00:34:36,159
+from that they used the casts as
+00:34:33,760 --> 00:34:38,719
+springboard for further Conquest they
+00:34:36,159 --> 00:34:40,599
+would build a castle within let's say 15
+00:34:38,719 --> 00:34:43,960
+miles of the next one the operating
+00:34:40,599 --> 00:34:45,560
+radius of Horsemen uh in a day's ride
+00:34:43,960 --> 00:34:47,679
+and then from that castle they would
+00:34:45,560 --> 00:34:50,599
+take a further area of territory
+00:34:47,679 --> 00:34:52,000
+consolidate with the castle and move on
+00:34:50,599 --> 00:34:55,359
+by the death of William the Conqueror in
+00:34:52,000 --> 00:34:58,000
+1087 England was literally studded with
+00:34:55,359 --> 00:35:00,400
+castles probably by the year 1100 there
+00:34:58,000 --> 00:35:02,680
+are over a thousand moern Bailey castles
+00:35:00,400 --> 00:35:02,680
+00:35:03,079 --> 00:35:08,440
+Britain the promises which William had
+00:35:05,560 --> 00:35:09,839
+made to respect English rights and laws
+00:35:08,440 --> 00:35:11,800
+were quickly
+00:35:09,839 --> 00:35:14,960
+forgotten those who had fought at
+00:35:11,800 --> 00:35:17,560
+Hastings and the families of those slain
+00:35:14,960 --> 00:35:19,920
+had their lands confiscated or had to
+00:35:17,560 --> 00:35:21,400
+make heavy payments in gold to the
+00:35:19,920 --> 00:35:23,880
+00:35:21,400 --> 00:35:26,599
+victims it seems clear that William
+00:35:23,880 --> 00:35:27,480
+himself was as guilty of abuse as any of
+00:35:26,599 --> 00:35:30,320
+00:35:27,480 --> 00:35:32,720
+followers his Greed for gold was
+00:35:30,320 --> 00:35:35,200
+proverbial especially among the
+00:35:32,720 --> 00:35:35,200
+00:35:35,839 --> 00:35:41,640
+English to the Norman Barons whose
+00:35:38,800 --> 00:35:44,119
+rapacious Viking ancestry was still very
+00:35:41,640 --> 00:35:46,920
+much in their blood The Riches of
+00:35:44,119 --> 00:35:48,680
+England presented a Temptation
+00:35:46,920 --> 00:35:52,359
+impossible to
+00:35:48,680 --> 00:35:55,280
+resist they were a Restless drunken and
+00:35:52,359 --> 00:35:59,240
+emotional Society dazzled with a
+00:35:55,280 --> 00:36:01,440
+prospect of unaccustomed wealth William
+00:35:59,240 --> 00:36:03,520
+at least initially seems to have
+00:36:01,440 --> 00:36:07,000
+succumbed along with the
+00:36:03,520 --> 00:36:11,240
+rest and as well as greed he was now to
+00:36:07,000 --> 00:36:14,359
+gain a steadily growing reputation for
+00:36:11,240 --> 00:36:17,319
+ruthlessness not surprisingly the next
+00:36:14,359 --> 00:36:20,280
+few years saw a flood of uprisings
+00:36:17,319 --> 00:36:23,280
+against the rule of the hated
+00:36:20,280 --> 00:36:27,680
+Normans one such Rebellion took on a
+00:36:23,280 --> 00:36:30,359
+serious new dimension in January 1069
+00:36:27,680 --> 00:36:33,319
+when William's new Overlord in the north
+00:36:30,359 --> 00:36:35,839
+was surprised at Durham and slaughtered
+00:36:33,319 --> 00:36:38,599
+along with 900
+00:36:35,839 --> 00:36:42,240
+Normans this was a major disaster for
+00:36:38,599 --> 00:36:45,920
+the Normans of even more concern was a
+00:36:42,240 --> 00:36:49,160
+new wave of insurrection throughout the
+00:36:45,920 --> 00:36:51,680
+country Williams hold on England seemed
+00:36:49,160 --> 00:36:54,040
+to be hanging by a thread but he
+00:36:51,680 --> 00:36:55,680
+responded with a ferocity which has
+00:36:54,040 --> 00:36:57,240
+echoed down the
+00:36:55,680 --> 00:36:59,720
+00:36:57,240 --> 00:37:02,400
+striking first at edric the Wild's
+00:36:59,720 --> 00:37:05,040
+rebels in the Midlands William then LED
+00:37:02,400 --> 00:37:07,040
+his troops North in a Savage and
+00:37:05,040 --> 00:37:09,640
+00:37:07,040 --> 00:37:12,359
+campaign King William was determined to
+00:37:09,640 --> 00:37:16,200
+break the power of the north once and
+00:37:12,359 --> 00:37:19,280
+for all in order to do this he was
+00:37:16,200 --> 00:37:22,800
+prepared to use the most brutal
+00:37:19,280 --> 00:37:25,319
+methods in 1069 William mcer faced the
+00:37:22,800 --> 00:37:27,200
+greatest threat to his rule so far a
+00:37:25,319 --> 00:37:29,079
+coalition of the king of Scotts
+00:37:27,200 --> 00:37:32,240
+the king of Denmark who sent a fleet
+00:37:29,079 --> 00:37:34,800
+which entered the US Esty a rising of
+00:37:32,240 --> 00:37:37,240
+the northern Earls outbreaks in Wales
+00:37:34,800 --> 00:37:40,000
+and the South countries Williams
+00:37:37,240 --> 00:37:42,680
+response was short and brutal his army
+00:37:40,000 --> 00:37:45,599
+entered Yorkshire laying waste killing
+00:37:42,680 --> 00:37:47,040
+and burning whatever he could find crops
+00:37:45,599 --> 00:37:49,800
+were garnered together and
+00:37:47,040 --> 00:37:52,040
+systematically burnt plows instruments
+00:37:49,800 --> 00:37:54,680
+of Agriculture production were destroyed
+00:37:52,040 --> 00:37:56,880
+in order to create an artificial famine
+00:37:54,680 --> 00:37:58,520
+those who escaped the Norman swords died
+00:37:56,880 --> 00:38:01,400
+of slow
+00:37:58,520 --> 00:38:03,920
+starvation chronicler records that the
+00:38:01,400 --> 00:38:06,040
+the streets and houses lay empty the
+00:38:03,920 --> 00:38:09,119
+fields lited with bodies and there was
+00:38:06,040 --> 00:38:11,520
+no one left alive to bury them it has
+00:38:09,119 --> 00:38:14,280
+been estimated that the ravaging of the
+00:38:11,520 --> 00:38:16,960
+north which extended across the counties
+00:38:14,280 --> 00:38:20,359
+of Yorkshire darbishire
+00:38:16,960 --> 00:38:24,599
+Staffordshire Chesire and Shropshire
+00:38:20,359 --> 00:38:27,119
+cost the lives of between 5 and 10% of
+00:38:24,599 --> 00:38:29,839
+the total population of England
+00:38:27,119 --> 00:38:33,400
+and caused a Devastation whose effects
+00:38:29,839 --> 00:38:36,839
+were still visible 60 years
+00:38:33,400 --> 00:38:38,960
+later despite the horrors the period
+00:38:36,839 --> 00:38:42,240
+after the conquest saw a great
+00:38:38,960 --> 00:38:45,480
+Resurgence in religious activity in
+00:38:42,240 --> 00:38:48,599
+England for example building work went
+00:38:45,480 --> 00:38:51,560
+on on great Cathedrals like Durham
+00:38:48,599 --> 00:38:54,960
+Canterbury and Gloucester and the
+00:38:51,560 --> 00:38:57,960
+monasteries flourished a kind of uneasy
+00:38:54,960 --> 00:39:00,880
+peace settled on the land
+00:38:57,960 --> 00:39:04,079
+man though Stern beyond measure to those
+00:39:00,880 --> 00:39:07,119
+who opposed his Will William was kind to
+00:39:04,079 --> 00:39:09,280
+those Good Men Who Loved God on the very
+00:39:07,119 --> 00:39:11,960
+spot where God granted him the conquest
+00:39:09,280 --> 00:39:14,720
+of England he caused a great Abbey to be
+00:39:11,960 --> 00:39:17,680
+built and he settled monks in it and
+00:39:14,720 --> 00:39:20,200
+richly endowed it during his Reign was
+00:39:17,680 --> 00:39:23,000
+built the Great Cathedral at Canterbury
+00:39:20,200 --> 00:39:24,960
+and many another throughout all England
+00:39:23,000 --> 00:39:27,560
+the land was filled with monks living
+00:39:24,960 --> 00:39:30,040
+their lives after the rule of St
+00:39:27,560 --> 00:39:33,079
+Benedict such was the state of religion
+00:39:30,040 --> 00:39:34,960
+in his time that every man who wished to
+00:39:33,079 --> 00:39:37,400
+whatever considerations there might have
+00:39:34,960 --> 00:39:39,960
+been with regard to their rank could
+00:39:37,400 --> 00:39:43,520
+follow the profession of
+00:39:39,960 --> 00:39:46,200
+Monk William had made the English church
+00:39:43,520 --> 00:39:49,640
+administratively efficient but he had
+00:39:46,200 --> 00:39:52,760
+also made it Norman in their spiritual
+00:39:49,640 --> 00:39:56,119
+lives as in every other aspect of their
+00:39:52,760 --> 00:39:58,680
+existence the English people was subject
+00:39:56,119 --> 00:40:01,240
+to the their foreign
+00:39:58,680 --> 00:40:03,720
+overlords William also established his
+00:40:01,240 --> 00:40:06,200
+rule of law over England and made a
+00:40:03,720 --> 00:40:08,319
+rudimentary use of what was later to
+00:40:06,200 --> 00:40:11,760
+become the jury
+00:40:08,319 --> 00:40:13,760
+system but once again it was a Justice
+00:40:11,760 --> 00:40:15,400
+very much designed to protect the
+00:40:13,760 --> 00:40:17,800
+position of the
+00:40:15,400 --> 00:40:20,520
+conquerors it was said that in Williams
+00:40:17,800 --> 00:40:24,480
+Reign any man might travel over the
+00:40:20,520 --> 00:40:27,440
+kingdom with a bosom full of gold
+00:40:24,480 --> 00:40:29,720
+unmolested but anyone fortunate enough
+00:40:27,440 --> 00:40:33,800
+to have possessed such wealth would
+00:40:29,720 --> 00:40:37,200
+undoubtedly have been speaking Norman
+00:40:33,800 --> 00:40:39,520
+French in 1080 a threat of renewed
+00:40:37,200 --> 00:40:42,359
+Danish Invasion and the need to pay
+00:40:39,520 --> 00:40:44,280
+large numbers of Continental mercenaries
+00:40:42,359 --> 00:40:47,240
+Drew attention to the lack of any
+00:40:44,280 --> 00:40:50,640
+accurate record of the wealth of England
+00:40:47,240 --> 00:40:53,040
+and who exactly held its lands this was
+00:40:50,640 --> 00:40:55,680
+a situation which William with his
+00:40:53,040 --> 00:40:57,400
+avarice and energy could not allow to
+00:40:55,680 --> 00:40:58,920
+00:40:57,400 --> 00:41:02,760
+at Christmas
+00:40:58,920 --> 00:41:05,480
+1085 groan we are told immensely fat and
+00:41:02,760 --> 00:41:08,280
+with a harsh commanding voice William
+00:41:05,480 --> 00:41:09,160
+called his Council together and decided
+00:41:08,280 --> 00:41:13,000
+what to
+00:41:09,160 --> 00:41:15,160
+do the result was to be the great survey
+00:41:13,000 --> 00:41:17,960
+later called with Ry humor by the
+00:41:15,160 --> 00:41:20,480
+English the Doomsday
+00:41:17,960 --> 00:41:23,599
+Book it was the most thorough land
+00:41:20,480 --> 00:41:27,640
+survey which had ever been carried out
+00:41:23,599 --> 00:41:30,280
+and it was done with amazing speed and
+00:41:27,640 --> 00:41:32,839
+deficiency King William sent his men all
+00:41:30,280 --> 00:41:35,000
+over England into every Shire to
+00:41:32,839 --> 00:41:37,560
+ascertain how many hundreds of hides of
+00:41:35,000 --> 00:41:39,599
+land there were in each Shire and how
+00:41:37,560 --> 00:41:41,839
+much land and livestock the king himself
+00:41:39,599 --> 00:41:44,839
+owned in the country and what annual
+00:41:41,839 --> 00:41:47,359
+Jews were lawfully his from each Shire
+00:41:44,839 --> 00:41:50,079
+he also had it recorded how much land
+00:41:47,359 --> 00:41:53,040
+his archbishops had and his diois and
+00:41:50,079 --> 00:41:55,680
+Bishops his Abbotts and his Earls and
+00:41:53,040 --> 00:41:58,040
+what or how much each man who was a
+00:41:55,680 --> 00:42:00,920
+landholder old ER here in England had in
+00:41:58,040 --> 00:42:04,040
+land and livestock and how much money it
+00:42:00,920 --> 00:42:06,280
+was worth so very thoroughly did he have
+00:42:04,040 --> 00:42:09,280
+the inquiry carried out that there was
+00:42:06,280 --> 00:42:12,040
+not a single hide nor one fergate not
+00:42:09,280 --> 00:42:15,160
+even it is shameful to record it but it
+00:42:12,040 --> 00:42:20,400
+did not seem harmful to him to do it one
+00:42:15,160 --> 00:42:20,400
+ox or one cow or Pig which escaped his
+00:42:20,760 --> 00:42:26,440
+survey as William Grew Older his
+00:42:23,640 --> 00:42:27,440
+relationship with his eldest son Robert
+00:42:26,440 --> 00:42:29,720
+00:42:27,440 --> 00:42:31,760
+deteriorated Robert had been named as
+00:42:29,720 --> 00:42:34,760
+Williams Heir for the dukedom of
+00:42:31,760 --> 00:42:37,440
+Normandy and as the years went by he
+00:42:34,760 --> 00:42:40,040
+grew impatient to take up his
+00:42:37,440 --> 00:42:43,800
+inheritance William was dismissive of
+00:42:40,040 --> 00:42:46,599
+his son's demands remarking it is not my
+00:42:43,800 --> 00:42:47,599
+custom to take off my clothes before I
+00:42:46,599 --> 00:42:51,319
+go to
+00:42:47,599 --> 00:42:53,480
+bed in the summer of 1086 reports
+00:42:51,319 --> 00:42:55,880
+reached King William that Robert was
+00:42:53,480 --> 00:42:59,520
+plotting with King Philip of France to
+00:42:55,880 --> 00:43:02,599
+invade Normandy and though now almost 60
+00:42:59,520 --> 00:43:05,280
+years of age immensely Stout and in
+00:43:02,599 --> 00:43:08,720
+deteriorating Health William crossed to
+00:43:05,280 --> 00:43:11,520
+the duche to meet this new
+00:43:08,720 --> 00:43:14,240
+threat at the end of July
+00:43:11,520 --> 00:43:18,280
+1087 William's troops stormed the city
+00:43:14,240 --> 00:43:20,880
+of N and put it to the torch riding
+00:43:18,280 --> 00:43:23,040
+exultantly through the burning streets
+00:43:20,880 --> 00:43:25,480
+William was either struck by a seizure
+00:43:23,040 --> 00:43:27,760
+in the immense heat or was thrown by his
+00:43:25,480 --> 00:43:29,680
+stumbling mou with great force against
+00:43:27,760 --> 00:43:33,599
+the iron pommel of his
+00:43:29,680 --> 00:43:36,160
+SLE he suffered a fatal internal
+00:43:33,599 --> 00:43:38,760
+injury the dying King was carried back
+00:43:36,160 --> 00:43:39,839
+to Ruan where he lingered in great pain
+00:43:38,760 --> 00:43:43,240
+for 6
+00:43:39,839 --> 00:43:45,599
+weeks William sensed the end was near
+00:43:43,240 --> 00:43:46,960
+and with typical pragmatism began
+00:43:45,599 --> 00:43:50,119
+settling his
+00:43:46,960 --> 00:43:52,640
+Affairs William with great reluctance
+00:43:50,119 --> 00:43:56,040
+confirmed his errant son Robert in his
+00:43:52,640 --> 00:43:59,079
+long for Normandy his second son Will
+00:43:56,040 --> 00:44:02,240
+William Rufus was to become king of
+00:43:59,079 --> 00:44:05,400
+England in his 60 years William had
+00:44:02,240 --> 00:44:08,760
+risen from obscurity secured his juked
+00:44:05,400 --> 00:44:11,119
+against internal and external foes and
+00:44:08,760 --> 00:44:13,839
+conquered the richest land in Western
+00:44:11,119 --> 00:44:16,599
+Europe bringing to it a harsh and
+00:44:13,839 --> 00:44:18,040
+ordered government such as it had never
+00:44:16,599 --> 00:44:21,880
+00:44:18,040 --> 00:44:25,559
+known but now William was at last faced
+00:44:21,880 --> 00:44:28,040
+by death the greatest foe of all and one
+00:44:25,559 --> 00:44:32,160
+whom even he could not
+00:44:28,040 --> 00:44:35,200
+defeat on the morning of September 9th
+00:44:32,160 --> 00:44:38,839
+1087 as the great Bell of the minster of
+00:44:35,200 --> 00:44:40,800
+Ruan told the fierce old Warrior
+00:44:38,839 --> 00:44:44,040
+breathed his
+00:44:40,800 --> 00:44:47,200
+last a monk from William's own Abbey
+00:44:44,040 --> 00:44:49,400
+though writing 200 years later has left
+00:44:47,200 --> 00:44:52,240
+an account of the conqueror's tormented
+00:44:49,400 --> 00:44:54,960
+words of guilt and anguish which may
+00:44:52,240 --> 00:44:57,880
+well serve as his most fitting
+00:44:54,960 --> 00:44:59,559
+epitaph especially in the eyes of his
+00:44:57,880 --> 00:45:02,160
+00:44:59,559 --> 00:45:05,520
+subjects I persecuted the native
+00:45:02,160 --> 00:45:08,280
+inhabitants of England beyond all reason
+00:45:05,520 --> 00:45:11,559
+whether Nobles or Commons I Cru
+00:45:08,280 --> 00:45:14,480
+oppressed them many I unjustly
+00:45:11,559 --> 00:45:16,680
+disinherited innumerable multitudes
+00:45:14,480 --> 00:45:20,040
+especially in the county of York
+00:45:16,680 --> 00:45:22,319
+perished Through Me by famine and sword
+00:45:20,040 --> 00:45:26,000
+I tremble when I reflect on the Grievous
+00:45:22,319 --> 00:45:27,720
+sins which burden my conscience and now
+00:45:26,000 --> 00:45:31,000
+about to be summoned before the most
+00:45:27,720 --> 00:45:34,599
+awful tribunal of God I know not what I
+00:45:31,000 --> 00:45:37,280
+ought to do I was bred to Arms from my
+00:45:34,599 --> 00:45:40,780
+childhood and am stained with the rivers
+00:45:37,280 --> 00:45:54,580
+of blood that I have
+00:45:40,780 --> 00:45:54,580
+00:45:54,880 --> 00:46:11,479
+00:45:56,910 --> 00:46:11,479
+00:46:24,800 --> 00:46:27,800