diff --git "a/subtitle/_eJsOYC8SVU.srt" "b/subtitle/_eJsOYC8SVU.srt"
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+++ "b/subtitle/_eJsOYC8SVU.srt"
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+00:00:00,080 --> 00:00:03,199
+you have to wear the hat
+00:00:01,439 --> 00:00:06,240
+if you're gonna blow my mind you have to
+00:00:03,199 --> 00:00:07,600
+wear the mind-blowing hat there we go
+00:00:06,240 --> 00:00:09,679
+00:00:07,600 --> 00:00:11,519
+heads-up gang you long-timers know that
+00:00:09,679 --> 00:00:13,040
+we had a bit of a rough go during the
+00:00:11,519 --> 00:00:14,799
+pandemic all of a sudden we couldn't
+00:00:13,040 --> 00:00:16,880
+shoot at the bar and suddenly this
+00:00:14,799 --> 00:00:18,800
+channel became about a dad teaching his
+00:00:16,880 --> 00:00:21,279
+daughter how to do some magic in a
+00:00:18,800 --> 00:00:23,359
+garage and then disney reached out and
+00:00:21,279 --> 00:00:26,000
+wanted to license a whole bunch of scam
+00:00:23,359 --> 00:00:28,240
+nation clips we are now regulars one
+00:00:26,000 --> 00:00:31,119
+might say one of the stars of the new
+00:00:28,240 --> 00:00:33,280
+disney plus original i wonder the show
+00:00:31,119 --> 00:00:35,840
+is so much fun it's fast paced it's got
+00:00:33,280 --> 00:00:38,640
+digital illusions optical illusions and
+00:00:35,840 --> 00:00:41,120
+it teaches you magic kind of love that
+00:00:38,640 --> 00:00:42,800
+my daughter's face is also the thumbnail
+00:00:41,120 --> 00:00:44,480
+for the channel i ain't getting paid to
+00:00:42,800 --> 00:00:45,840
+say this but check out i wonder on
+00:00:44,480 --> 00:00:48,079
+disney plus you're gonna have a good
+00:00:45,840 --> 00:00:50,079
+time and in fact to celebrate we're
+00:00:48,079 --> 00:00:52,879
+gonna have a collection of the best of
+00:00:50,079 --> 00:00:54,800
+the josie era of scam nation and don't
+00:00:52,879 --> 00:00:56,879
+forget right now is your chance to get
+00:00:54,800 --> 00:00:58,879
+in on the kraken bonanza i don't know
+00:00:56,879 --> 00:01:00,879
+that that's a real phrase but i do know
+00:00:58,879 --> 00:01:03,039
+that we are running out of the last few
+00:01:00,879 --> 00:01:06,240
+units of the pre-order far and away our
+00:01:03,039 --> 00:01:08,880
+most immersive best storytelling puzzle
+00:01:06,240 --> 00:01:11,360
+box experience pick up the kraken right
+00:01:08,880 --> 00:01:12,799
+now at scamstuff.com
+00:01:11,360 --> 00:01:15,119
+and if you want to win one for free
+00:01:12,799 --> 00:01:17,439
+we're giving away ten of these bad boys
+00:01:15,119 --> 00:01:18,920
+over two thousand dollars retail you can
+00:01:17,439 --> 00:01:21,439
+sign up at
+00:01:18,920 --> 00:01:23,920
+gimme.scamstuff.com get on that list and
+00:01:21,439 --> 00:01:26,880
+while you're doing that enjoy the best
+00:01:23,920 --> 00:01:29,759
+of the josie era of scam nation on three
+00:01:26,880 --> 00:01:30,640
+we're gonna pull ready set one two three
+00:01:29,759 --> 00:01:33,039
+00:01:30,640 --> 00:01:34,799
+what did it work
+00:01:33,039 --> 00:01:37,039
+it feels like magic in your own hands
+00:01:34,799 --> 00:01:39,680
+right what
+00:01:37,039 --> 00:01:41,200
+here do it again okay okay
+00:01:39,680 --> 00:01:43,360
+all right i guess if you're not gonna
+00:01:41,200 --> 00:01:45,439
+have school you still have to learn yep
+00:01:43,360 --> 00:01:47,680
+do you know much magic i mean you're my
+00:01:45,439 --> 00:01:48,640
+dad thank you so no
+00:01:47,680 --> 00:01:50,079
+00:01:48,640 --> 00:01:53,360
+wait what do you know what's your best
+00:01:50,079 --> 00:01:55,520
+trick i think the one that i know the
+00:01:53,360 --> 00:01:57,039
+most is like you have a salt shaker and
+00:01:55,520 --> 00:01:59,280
+then you're like and then you put a
+00:01:57,039 --> 00:02:01,119
+cover and then you go gee and then you
+00:01:59,280 --> 00:02:02,560
+like and then you're like so glad that's
+00:02:01,119 --> 00:02:04,799
+not the one i was gonna teach you today
+00:02:02,560 --> 00:02:06,000
+and you're like
+00:02:04,799 --> 00:02:07,920
+do you know how to melt two straws
+00:02:06,000 --> 00:02:09,280
+through each other no all right this
+00:02:07,920 --> 00:02:10,639
+will be the kind of thing and i'm going
+00:02:09,280 --> 00:02:12,480
+to warn you in advance it's going to
+00:02:10,639 --> 00:02:15,040
+work for me but it won't work for you oh
+00:02:12,480 --> 00:02:17,280
+okay then i'll explain why okay here
+00:02:15,040 --> 00:02:19,440
+grab grab the straws
+00:02:17,280 --> 00:02:20,239
+like that yep there you go cross them
+00:02:19,440 --> 00:02:21,760
+00:02:20,239 --> 00:02:23,760
+you're going to take one of them just
+00:02:21,760 --> 00:02:24,879
+wrap them around the other
+00:02:23,760 --> 00:02:27,920
+like that
+00:02:24,879 --> 00:02:28,959
+like just twist it around
+00:02:27,920 --> 00:02:30,560
+there you go
+00:02:28,959 --> 00:02:33,040
+and then take the other one wrap it
+00:02:30,560 --> 00:02:34,800
+around twice
+00:02:33,040 --> 00:02:37,360
+twice yeah you should have them all
+00:02:34,800 --> 00:02:39,360
+tangled up like this yep there you go
+00:02:37,360 --> 00:02:41,280
+and one more time yeah
+00:02:39,360 --> 00:02:42,640
+there you go
+00:02:41,280 --> 00:02:44,079
+there you go grab the two sides like
+00:02:42,640 --> 00:02:45,760
+00:02:44,079 --> 00:02:48,319
+pull them apart they should melt right
+00:02:45,760 --> 00:02:49,920
+through each other
+00:02:48,319 --> 00:02:52,480
+and then you should just pass right
+00:02:49,920 --> 00:02:52,480
+through each other
+00:02:53,519 --> 00:02:56,480
+yeah here they'll look look we'll do it
+00:02:54,879 --> 00:02:59,120
+again we'll do it again okay all right
+00:02:56,480 --> 00:03:01,599
+just put one on top of the other
+00:02:59,120 --> 00:03:03,040
+just gonna loop it around once
+00:03:01,599 --> 00:03:04,640
+there you go and it really is looped all
+00:03:03,040 --> 00:03:06,239
+the way around
+00:03:04,640 --> 00:03:07,360
+like that there you go all right yeah
+00:03:06,239 --> 00:03:09,599
+and then we'll take the other one we'll
+00:03:07,360 --> 00:03:12,159
+loop it around one and a half times
+00:03:09,599 --> 00:03:15,200
+okay we're gonna grab the edges so it's
+00:03:12,159 --> 00:03:16,640
+a big old tangled knot
+00:03:15,200 --> 00:03:19,760
+and then magically
+00:03:16,640 --> 00:03:23,440
+they pass right through each other
+00:03:19,760 --> 00:03:25,360
+00:03:23,440 --> 00:03:26,879
+what's great is i'm not even messing
+00:03:25,360 --> 00:03:28,799
+with you like i'm just legitimately
+00:03:26,879 --> 00:03:30,079
+doing it exactly as i say here i'll go a
+00:03:28,799 --> 00:03:33,440
+little bit slower
+00:03:30,079 --> 00:03:35,200
+so what cross them like this uh-huh
+00:03:33,440 --> 00:03:38,319
+you're gonna loop
+00:03:35,200 --> 00:03:40,560
+the horizontal one around
+00:03:38,319 --> 00:03:42,400
+this way or this way
+00:03:40,560 --> 00:03:44,400
+whichever way you want
+00:03:42,400 --> 00:03:47,840
+and then we'll do the other one around
+00:03:44,400 --> 00:03:49,519
+one and a half times grab this grab this
+00:03:47,840 --> 00:03:50,480
+and it just
+00:03:49,519 --> 00:03:52,239
+00:03:50,480 --> 00:03:54,879
+oh there it did work
+00:03:52,239 --> 00:03:54,879
+it didn't work
+00:03:59,040 --> 00:04:01,680
+i can see the parts where you're going
+00:04:00,159 --> 00:04:03,040
+sideways i'll walk you through the real
+00:04:01,680 --> 00:04:04,239
+method here you got to toast me though
+00:04:03,040 --> 00:04:05,840
+that's that's the way the show works
+00:04:04,239 --> 00:04:09,519
+that's the way it is all right did that
+00:04:05,840 --> 00:04:11,599
+feel like magic or a prank prank because
+00:04:09,519 --> 00:04:14,080
+if you could mix them together in a
+00:04:11,599 --> 00:04:16,399
+mixing bowl that would it's the perfect
+00:04:14,080 --> 00:04:20,399
+fusion of magic and prank
+00:04:16,399 --> 00:04:22,479
+i mean you pranked me out of my time
+00:04:20,399 --> 00:04:24,320
+here's what's great about it is i really
+00:04:22,479 --> 00:04:26,560
+am giving the real instructions it's
+00:04:24,320 --> 00:04:28,160
+just that they're not so intuitive that
+00:04:26,560 --> 00:04:30,160
+you would automatically follow it the
+00:04:28,160 --> 00:04:31,919
+exact same way so i'm gonna go very
+00:04:30,160 --> 00:04:33,680
+carefully step by step here in fact
+00:04:31,919 --> 00:04:35,120
+let's get let's get some other colored
+00:04:33,680 --> 00:04:37,360
+straws so it's a little more obvious
+00:04:35,120 --> 00:04:39,199
+yeah sure the secret is you could give
+00:04:37,360 --> 00:04:40,720
+the loose instructions and it is true
+00:04:39,199 --> 00:04:41,919
+you wrap one straw all the way around
+00:04:40,720 --> 00:04:43,120
+then you wrap the other straw all the
+00:04:41,919 --> 00:04:44,720
+way around and then they pull through
+00:04:43,120 --> 00:04:46,400
+each other but
+00:04:44,720 --> 00:04:47,759
+it's important on the setup so you're
+00:04:46,400 --> 00:04:49,520
+going to start by making sure that the
+00:04:47,759 --> 00:04:52,720
+horizontal straw
+00:04:49,520 --> 00:04:54,000
+we'll say the red one is on top yes okay
+00:04:52,720 --> 00:04:57,360
+and then you're going to grab from the
+00:04:54,000 --> 00:04:59,759
+upper quadrant like this upper left
+00:04:57,360 --> 00:05:01,680
+there you go oh okay yeah
+00:04:59,759 --> 00:05:03,120
+so the first one just like it sounds
+00:05:01,680 --> 00:05:04,639
+you're gonna pinch down
+00:05:03,120 --> 00:05:06,880
+and wrap the red one around the black
+00:05:04,639 --> 00:05:06,880
+00:05:07,360 --> 00:05:10,560
+like that like this yep all the way
+00:05:09,680 --> 00:05:12,240
+00:05:10,560 --> 00:05:13,360
+and in fact get it nice and tight on
+00:05:12,240 --> 00:05:16,000
+00:05:13,360 --> 00:05:18,639
+okay now we're just gonna scooch this up
+00:05:16,000 --> 00:05:20,560
+so we make a big old t
+00:05:18,639 --> 00:05:23,600
+and now when you say wrap the other one
+00:05:20,560 --> 00:05:25,759
+around people will usually go over top
+00:05:23,600 --> 00:05:27,120
+which will tie it into a knot
+00:05:25,759 --> 00:05:28,800
+so we're going to do the reverse we're
+00:05:27,120 --> 00:05:30,479
+going to go underneath with the black
+00:05:28,800 --> 00:05:31,360
+00:05:30,479 --> 00:05:33,199
+00:05:31,360 --> 00:05:35,039
+and a half times
+00:05:33,199 --> 00:05:36,960
+so a full revolution and then all the
+00:05:35,039 --> 00:05:38,880
+way back up so they're even there you go
+00:05:36,960 --> 00:05:41,840
+you got it oh yeah and you're gonna
+00:05:38,880 --> 00:05:42,880
+pinch those with your left hand
+00:05:41,840 --> 00:05:44,560
+this hand
+00:05:42,880 --> 00:05:46,720
+and then you're gonna grab these two
+00:05:44,560 --> 00:05:48,080
+with your right
+00:05:46,720 --> 00:05:50,639
+and that looks
+00:05:48,080 --> 00:05:52,240
+totally tied up right yeah
+00:05:50,639 --> 00:05:55,280
+all right on three we're gonna pull
+00:05:52,240 --> 00:05:57,680
+ready set one two three go
+00:05:55,280 --> 00:05:59,440
+what did it work
+00:05:57,680 --> 00:06:01,680
+it feels like magic in your own hands
+00:05:59,440 --> 00:06:03,680
+right what
+00:06:01,680 --> 00:06:05,280
+here do it again do it okay okay and it
+00:06:03,680 --> 00:06:07,360
+keeps on fooling you every time so we'll
+00:06:05,280 --> 00:06:08,800
+do the the red one on top
+00:06:07,360 --> 00:06:11,280
+that's how it works we're grabbing from
+00:06:08,800 --> 00:06:12,960
+which quadrant
+00:06:11,280 --> 00:06:14,960
+upper left there you go okay and we
+00:06:12,960 --> 00:06:17,919
+start by doing what with the red uh you
+00:06:14,960 --> 00:06:20,560
+wrap it around that's right underneath
+00:06:17,919 --> 00:06:23,120
+so it looks like that this yep okay and
+00:06:20,560 --> 00:06:23,919
+then we pull it to what position
+00:06:23,120 --> 00:06:25,759
+00:06:23,919 --> 00:06:27,199
+oh wait we slide it that's right there
+00:06:25,759 --> 00:06:29,039
+you go okay that's better and now which
+00:06:27,199 --> 00:06:32,000
+direction do we go with the black straw
+00:06:29,039 --> 00:06:33,520
+you go under and like
+00:06:32,000 --> 00:06:35,680
+and around
+00:06:33,520 --> 00:06:38,240
+get them side by side and then you and
+00:06:35,680 --> 00:06:40,319
+then you pinch those you pinch that and
+00:06:38,240 --> 00:06:42,319
+then you grab the other two like this
+00:06:40,319 --> 00:06:44,479
+hold on tight
+00:06:42,319 --> 00:06:46,800
+one two three
+00:06:44,479 --> 00:06:49,520
+magic magic
+00:06:46,800 --> 00:06:51,440
+all right now no instruction show me
+00:06:49,520 --> 00:06:54,319
+okay so
+00:06:51,440 --> 00:06:56,159
+like this like this
+00:06:54,319 --> 00:06:57,520
+and then you wrap it around like that
+00:06:56,159 --> 00:07:00,080
+00:06:57,520 --> 00:07:02,720
+like that and then you slide it
+00:07:00,080 --> 00:07:04,080
+and then you go underneath yeah like
+00:07:02,720 --> 00:07:06,000
+00:07:04,080 --> 00:07:08,000
+and then you wrap it around
+00:07:06,000 --> 00:07:10,400
+yeah so they're like that and then you
+00:07:08,000 --> 00:07:13,360
+grab your two fingers and go
+00:07:10,400 --> 00:07:13,360
+hold on tight and then
+00:07:14,319 --> 00:07:19,360
+well done see you don't need school you
+00:07:17,360 --> 00:07:21,280
+got you got all the money you need
+00:07:19,360 --> 00:07:23,680
+josie i am so stoked because you
+00:07:21,280 --> 00:07:26,080
+accidentally set up this exact trick on
+00:07:23,680 --> 00:07:28,479
+the ride over really do you remember you
+00:07:26,080 --> 00:07:30,400
+asked how did i get into magic and i
+00:07:28,479 --> 00:07:32,159
+told you right before i went to college
+00:07:30,400 --> 00:07:34,560
+a friend of mine showed me a magic trick
+00:07:32,159 --> 00:07:36,560
+and wouldn't tell me how it was done and
+00:07:34,560 --> 00:07:38,479
+you said what i said so you did it out
+00:07:36,560 --> 00:07:41,599
+of spite that's right i learned magic
+00:07:38,479 --> 00:07:43,919
+out of spite to stick it to this guy
+00:07:41,599 --> 00:07:44,960
+this is the trick okay so here's what i
+00:07:43,919 --> 00:07:46,879
+want you to do i'm going to spread the
+00:07:44,960 --> 00:07:48,319
+cards i'll spread them nice and even so
+00:07:46,879 --> 00:07:50,560
+you can pick whatever card you want just
+00:07:48,319 --> 00:07:52,720
+pull one out i have
+00:07:50,560 --> 00:07:53,919
+this one okay yep go ahead pull it up
+00:07:52,720 --> 00:07:55,680
+don't let me see it
+00:07:53,919 --> 00:07:56,479
+there you go you go ahead and take a
+00:07:55,680 --> 00:07:58,720
+00:07:56,479 --> 00:08:00,400
+very cool you got it wait i don't know
+00:07:58,720 --> 00:08:01,919
+what it's called but i know what it is
+00:08:00,400 --> 00:08:03,840
+okay that means it's almost certainly a
+00:08:01,919 --> 00:08:05,199
+club whenever somebody says i don't know
+00:08:03,840 --> 00:08:08,240
+what it's called because they want to
+00:08:05,199 --> 00:08:08,240
+call it a puppy foot
+00:08:09,840 --> 00:08:13,199
+it's always what it this
+00:08:13,360 --> 00:08:18,960
+there's clubs art spades diamonds wow
+00:08:17,039 --> 00:08:20,639
+that was so perfect all right you want
+00:08:18,960 --> 00:08:22,800
+to try again yeah all right there we go
+00:08:20,639 --> 00:08:25,039
+pick whichever part you want that is
+00:08:22,800 --> 00:08:27,680
+funny oh my god all right don't let me
+00:08:25,039 --> 00:08:28,720
+see you got it
+00:08:27,680 --> 00:08:30,319
+00:08:28,720 --> 00:08:32,640
+if your reaction i know it's another
+00:08:30,319 --> 00:08:34,159
+club it's another club you rolled your
+00:08:32,640 --> 00:08:36,399
+eyes yeah
+00:08:34,159 --> 00:08:38,240
+i am so sorry it's fine this might as
+00:08:36,399 --> 00:08:40,880
+well just fight okay here we go one more
+00:08:38,240 --> 00:08:43,200
+time alrighty don't don't betray to me
+00:08:40,880 --> 00:08:45,279
+what the card is
+00:08:43,200 --> 00:08:46,480
+okay you got it i got it you got it okay
+00:08:45,279 --> 00:08:49,360
+there we go we're gonna be as fair as
+00:08:46,480 --> 00:08:51,279
+possible set it right on top
+00:08:49,360 --> 00:08:53,040
+there you go and to lose it we're gonna
+00:08:51,279 --> 00:08:55,279
+cut the cards put it right in the middle
+00:08:53,040 --> 00:08:57,440
+right now the thing is is you know that
+00:08:55,279 --> 00:08:59,200
+i've got skilled magician fingers right
+00:08:57,440 --> 00:09:01,680
+yes so you may think like each time i'm
+00:08:59,200 --> 00:09:03,519
+cutting i'm actually
+00:09:01,680 --> 00:09:05,920
+doing some kind of sneaky move where i'm
+00:09:03,519 --> 00:09:08,000
+cutting the right amount so this time i
+00:09:05,920 --> 00:09:09,200
+want you to cut as much or as little
+00:09:08,000 --> 00:09:10,720
+00:09:09,200 --> 00:09:12,959
+and then complete the cut
+00:09:10,720 --> 00:09:14,399
+you want to go again yes okay
+00:09:12,959 --> 00:09:15,680
+there we go that was weird complete the
+00:09:14,399 --> 00:09:17,760
+00:09:15,680 --> 00:09:18,959
+now at this point maybe i got eagle eyes
+00:09:17,760 --> 00:09:21,200
+so this time you want to cut one more
+00:09:18,959 --> 00:09:23,519
+time i won't even look yes complete the
+00:09:21,200 --> 00:09:24,320
+cut there we go all right are you ready
+00:09:23,519 --> 00:09:25,519
+00:09:24,320 --> 00:09:27,839
+please tell me you've not forgotten your
+00:09:25,519 --> 00:09:28,640
+card the only way this could mess up
+00:09:27,839 --> 00:09:30,800
+00:09:28,640 --> 00:09:32,240
+yeah i don't think i haven't i haven't i
+00:09:30,800 --> 00:09:33,600
+have it okay are you ready all righty
+00:09:32,240 --> 00:09:35,120
+yes here's the thing i'm gonna go
+00:09:33,600 --> 00:09:37,440
+through the cards you're gonna be
+00:09:35,120 --> 00:09:39,600
+watching the cards looking for your card
+00:09:37,440 --> 00:09:42,240
+i'm going to be watching you so when you
+00:09:39,600 --> 00:09:44,320
+see your card do not react okay i'm
+00:09:42,240 --> 00:09:47,120
+going to be looking for little micro
+00:09:44,320 --> 00:09:49,040
+gestures your eye dilations any of that
+00:09:47,120 --> 00:09:50,640
+stuff okay all right you're watching the
+00:09:49,040 --> 00:09:52,240
+cards i'm watching you
+00:09:50,640 --> 00:09:55,839
+like this don't don't react if you see
+00:09:52,240 --> 00:09:55,839
+it okay okay this is
+00:09:58,800 --> 00:10:02,959
+this is don't react alrighty
+00:10:01,360 --> 00:10:05,120
+00:10:02,959 --> 00:10:08,640
+how amazed would you be if the next card
+00:10:05,120 --> 00:10:11,680
+i turned over was your card very amazed
+00:10:08,640 --> 00:10:14,959
+yeah so very amazed okay here we go
+00:10:11,680 --> 00:10:14,959
+incredibly amazed
+00:10:17,600 --> 00:10:21,519
+are you amazed yes
+00:10:20,240 --> 00:10:24,480
+i thought you were going to talk about
+00:10:21,519 --> 00:10:24,480
+that one i was like
+00:10:25,360 --> 00:10:29,519
+i got it i love it it's one of my
+00:10:27,519 --> 00:10:31,519
+favorite plots of magic and it's a
+00:10:29,519 --> 00:10:33,519
+really good trick and it makes you think
+00:10:31,519 --> 00:10:35,519
+that i'm the one who screwed up you want
+00:10:33,519 --> 00:10:37,040
+to learn how to do it yes so if you were
+00:10:35,519 --> 00:10:38,240
+at the bar you would say something like
+00:10:37,040 --> 00:10:39,440
+how much would you bet me and
+00:10:38,240 --> 00:10:41,519
+occasionally you'll get somebody who
+00:10:39,440 --> 00:10:42,640
+will like pull out you know 100 bill and
+00:10:41,519 --> 00:10:43,839
+be all like i'll bet you a hundred
+00:10:42,640 --> 00:10:45,920
+00:10:43,839 --> 00:10:47,839
+real quick josie's scale of amazement
+00:10:45,920 --> 00:10:49,440
+where are we at a nine because i was
+00:10:47,839 --> 00:10:51,600
+definitely caught off guard when you
+00:10:49,440 --> 00:10:52,800
+like you did took that so like if you
+00:10:51,600 --> 00:10:54,079
+were about to go to college and your
+00:10:52,800 --> 00:10:55,600
+friend showed you that trick and then
+00:10:54,079 --> 00:10:56,959
+refused to teach it to you you might be
+00:10:55,600 --> 00:10:59,200
+so mad that you would like become a
+00:10:56,959 --> 00:11:00,730
+world famous magician just despite him i
+00:10:59,200 --> 00:11:03,040
+think i'm talking to you gordon
+00:11:00,730 --> 00:11:04,640
+00:11:03,040 --> 00:11:06,240
+this is oftentimes one of the first
+00:11:04,640 --> 00:11:07,920
+tricks magicians learn and it's called
+00:11:06,240 --> 00:11:09,760
+the key card trick and what's beautiful
+00:11:07,920 --> 00:11:12,000
+about it is that the cards really are
+00:11:09,760 --> 00:11:14,000
+shuffled you really can't pick any card
+00:11:12,000 --> 00:11:16,240
+you want out of the entire deck you cut
+00:11:14,000 --> 00:11:19,040
+the cards i cut the cards the weird part
+00:11:16,240 --> 00:11:21,920
+is i genuinely have no idea what your
+00:11:19,040 --> 00:11:24,640
+card is or where it is
+00:11:21,920 --> 00:11:27,200
+the only thing i know
+00:11:24,640 --> 00:11:28,720
+is what the bottom card of the deck is
+00:11:27,200 --> 00:11:30,720
+so in this case i've got the four of
+00:11:28,720 --> 00:11:32,240
+hearts so as we shove you'll notice i
+00:11:30,720 --> 00:11:34,240
+shuffled up all the cards or i could
+00:11:32,240 --> 00:11:36,560
+have you shuffle as long as i'm able to
+00:11:34,240 --> 00:11:38,320
+just just get the little glimpse of what
+00:11:36,560 --> 00:11:40,240
+that bottom card is from that point
+00:11:38,320 --> 00:11:41,600
+forward all i'm thinking is four of
+00:11:40,240 --> 00:11:43,440
+hearts four of hearts four of hearts
+00:11:41,600 --> 00:11:45,279
+four of hearts and then i have you pick
+00:11:43,440 --> 00:11:46,800
+whatever card you want i'm thinking four
+00:11:45,279 --> 00:11:48,720
+of hearts four parts four of hearts four
+00:11:46,800 --> 00:11:50,320
+of hearts you're looking at this card in
+00:11:48,720 --> 00:11:51,760
+this case four spades and i'm thinking
+00:11:50,320 --> 00:11:53,760
+four of hearts four hearts four hearts
+00:11:51,760 --> 00:11:56,079
+and i say that we're gonna make it fair
+00:11:53,760 --> 00:11:57,519
+by having you put your card on top and
+00:11:56,079 --> 00:11:59,200
+then i'm gonna cut
+00:11:57,519 --> 00:12:01,519
+four of hearts four of hearts four of
+00:11:59,200 --> 00:12:04,320
+hearts four of hearts
+00:12:01,519 --> 00:12:06,000
+i now have no idea where in the deck
+00:12:04,320 --> 00:12:08,399
+your card is but i know
+00:12:06,000 --> 00:12:10,160
+it's the next card after which one four
+00:12:08,399 --> 00:12:12,560
+of hearts that's right so no matter how
+00:12:10,160 --> 00:12:14,399
+many times i cut the cards we've learned
+00:12:12,560 --> 00:12:16,160
+this a few times before everyone thinks
+00:12:14,399 --> 00:12:18,639
+that when you cut the cards a lot you're
+00:12:16,160 --> 00:12:21,360
+changing the order but really the cards
+00:12:18,639 --> 00:12:23,120
+are in the same circular order all
+00:12:21,360 --> 00:12:25,519
+that's changing is where the break in
+00:12:23,120 --> 00:12:27,040
+the circle is and then you go ahead and
+00:12:25,519 --> 00:12:28,720
+cut the cards and what am i thinking the
+00:12:27,040 --> 00:12:30,720
+whole time four of hearts four fives
+00:12:28,720 --> 00:12:32,399
+four of hearts four of hearts and then i
+00:12:30,720 --> 00:12:34,399
+tell you i'm gonna go through the cards
+00:12:32,399 --> 00:12:36,320
+and this is all a lie i tell you to
+00:12:34,399 --> 00:12:38,160
+focus on the cards so that you won't
+00:12:36,320 --> 00:12:40,160
+notice that i'm lying when i say i'm
+00:12:38,160 --> 00:12:41,760
+gonna be watching you because actually i
+00:12:40,160 --> 00:12:44,000
+am watching the cards because i'm
+00:12:41,760 --> 00:12:45,920
+thinking four of hearts four of hearts
+00:12:44,000 --> 00:12:47,920
+four of hearts four of hearts and i keep
+00:12:45,920 --> 00:12:50,480
+on going now you're worried about being
+00:12:47,920 --> 00:12:51,920
+stone-faced not betraying anything i'm
+00:12:50,480 --> 00:12:53,519
+walking through the cards just waiting
+00:12:51,920 --> 00:12:56,160
+to see the four of hearts four of hearts
+00:12:53,519 --> 00:12:57,839
+four of arts and in your case it was way
+00:12:56,160 --> 00:12:59,760
+late near the bottom of the deck but
+00:12:57,839 --> 00:13:01,920
+when i do see the four of hearts i don't
+00:12:59,760 --> 00:13:04,079
+freak out and i don't react i also don't
+00:13:01,920 --> 00:13:06,160
+get fooled by the four of diamonds
+00:13:04,079 --> 00:13:08,240
+so we're getting way late in the cards
+00:13:06,160 --> 00:13:10,480
+and then when i do see it i'll know that
+00:13:08,240 --> 00:13:12,000
+the next card is gonna be yours it's
+00:13:10,480 --> 00:13:13,600
+gotta be soon it better be soon we're
+00:13:12,000 --> 00:13:15,040
+almost out of cars four of hearts i know
+00:13:13,600 --> 00:13:16,880
+the next car's gonna be yours so i'm
+00:13:15,040 --> 00:13:19,360
+gonna kick it out just a little bit and
+00:13:16,880 --> 00:13:20,399
+then i'm gonna go one
+00:13:19,360 --> 00:13:21,920
+00:13:20,399 --> 00:13:23,600
+and in this case i just happen to be on
+00:13:21,920 --> 00:13:25,920
+the last card oh this is my favorite
+00:13:23,600 --> 00:13:28,079
+part you lie with your body language you
+00:13:25,920 --> 00:13:30,639
+focus your body on the one card and i
+00:13:28,079 --> 00:13:32,800
+say how amazed would you be
+00:13:30,639 --> 00:13:34,320
+if the next card i turned over was your
+00:13:32,800 --> 00:13:36,320
+card and in this case since i only have
+00:13:34,320 --> 00:13:39,040
+one i would probably say if the last
+00:13:36,320 --> 00:13:40,480
+card i turned over was your card
+00:13:39,040 --> 00:13:42,320
+it's right there i already screwed it up
+00:13:40,480 --> 00:13:44,480
+right yeah so then
+00:13:42,320 --> 00:13:46,480
+you reach over and you turn it over now
+00:13:44,480 --> 00:13:49,120
+a couple of things to watch out for if
+00:13:46,480 --> 00:13:50,720
+you ever do this one-on-one
+00:13:49,120 --> 00:13:52,560
+understand some people are gonna be
+00:13:50,720 --> 00:13:54,480
+jerks and they're gonna lie about
+00:13:52,560 --> 00:13:57,120
+whether or not that was their card
+00:13:54,480 --> 00:13:59,760
+so you want to in general try to have
+00:13:57,120 --> 00:14:01,760
+multiple people so at least one of them
+00:13:59,760 --> 00:14:03,360
+can corroborate the story so it's like
+00:14:01,760 --> 00:14:05,680
+hey you look at the card show them as
+00:14:03,360 --> 00:14:08,320
+well don't let me see it so now somebody
+00:14:05,680 --> 00:14:10,800
+will lie and be a jerk one-on-one
+00:14:08,320 --> 00:14:12,000
+they're very unlikely to lie in a group
+00:14:10,800 --> 00:14:14,880
+any questions
+00:14:12,000 --> 00:14:17,440
+no i think i got it it is possible that
+00:14:14,880 --> 00:14:19,760
+you could go through the entire deck and
+00:14:17,440 --> 00:14:22,000
+get to the very last card and you still
+00:14:19,760 --> 00:14:23,760
+haven't seen your key card
+00:14:22,000 --> 00:14:25,040
+so that means if you haven't seen it
+00:14:23,760 --> 00:14:27,680
+through the whole deck where's the key
+00:14:25,040 --> 00:14:29,600
+card at the bottom or it's in your hand
+00:14:27,680 --> 00:14:31,519
+which means that their card has to be
+00:14:29,600 --> 00:14:33,839
+what at the bottom that's right at the
+00:14:31,519 --> 00:14:35,600
+very first one so that means the very
+00:14:33,839 --> 00:14:37,360
+first card you turned over was theirs
+00:14:35,600 --> 00:14:39,600
+and you went through the whole deck and
+00:14:37,360 --> 00:14:41,440
+then you say how amazed would you be
+00:14:39,600 --> 00:14:43,279
+same thing if the last card i turned
+00:14:41,440 --> 00:14:45,440
+over was your card and then they say
+00:14:43,279 --> 00:14:47,519
+very amazed and then you would just turn
+00:14:45,440 --> 00:14:48,959
+over their card yeah all right got it
+00:14:47,519 --> 00:14:51,600
+all right so here i'll shuffle them for
+00:14:48,959 --> 00:14:53,040
+you mm-hmm so it's the one after that's
+00:14:51,600 --> 00:14:54,240
+right i'm gonna let you catch a glimpse
+00:14:53,040 --> 00:14:56,560
+of that
+00:14:54,240 --> 00:14:59,199
+and now you drive all righty
+00:14:56,560 --> 00:15:01,680
+pick a card okay okay that's good that's
+00:14:59,199 --> 00:15:04,000
+good we like to say close the doors in
+00:15:01,680 --> 00:15:05,839
+magic by which we mean you know remind
+00:15:04,000 --> 00:15:07,199
+people like are you satisfied with how
+00:15:05,839 --> 00:15:09,040
+shuffled the cards are that kind of
+00:15:07,199 --> 00:15:10,480
+thing so that later on
+00:15:09,040 --> 00:15:11,600
+they won't say well you didn't really
+00:15:10,480 --> 00:15:14,160
+shuffle them or whatever but in this
+00:15:11,600 --> 00:15:16,160
+case i'm picking my card okay i got it
+00:15:14,160 --> 00:15:18,800
+all righty you know what i picked this
+00:15:16,160 --> 00:15:21,920
+up and i put this i don't get to look at
+00:15:18,800 --> 00:15:23,839
+it you look at that right now and okay
+00:15:21,920 --> 00:15:26,480
+so i'm thinking of a car okay okay all
+00:15:23,839 --> 00:15:29,360
+right now you know what that is yup yup
+00:15:26,480 --> 00:15:31,519
+put it on top okay got it alrighty and
+00:15:29,360 --> 00:15:33,759
+then we'll cut it and in fact you can
+00:15:31,519 --> 00:15:35,920
+even have them do all the cutting if you
+00:15:33,759 --> 00:15:38,000
+want but what i like is to do it a few
+00:15:35,920 --> 00:15:40,240
+times myself so that i demonstrate what
+00:15:38,000 --> 00:15:41,839
+i mean by cut the cards and then
+00:15:40,240 --> 00:15:43,680
+complete the cut
+00:15:41,839 --> 00:15:45,120
+because if you just say cut the cards a
+00:15:43,680 --> 00:15:46,399
+whole bunch of times
+00:15:45,120 --> 00:15:48,800
+here's what people are gonna do they're
+00:15:46,399 --> 00:15:48,800
+gonna go
+00:15:49,360 --> 00:15:54,399
+and that really will
+00:15:50,560 --> 00:15:56,399
+change the order yeah
+00:15:54,399 --> 00:15:58,800
+alrighty if you want to cut them i guess
+00:15:56,399 --> 00:16:01,279
+you can i guess i can i do i want to cut
+00:15:58,800 --> 00:16:03,120
+the cards and then you break it into two
+00:16:01,279 --> 00:16:06,639
+pieces and then you put it on top
+00:16:03,120 --> 00:16:06,639
+complete the cut okay
+00:16:06,839 --> 00:16:11,920
+power you probably want to explain like
+00:16:09,440 --> 00:16:14,079
+what we're doing right now
+00:16:11,920 --> 00:16:15,839
+i'm gonna find your card okay now here's
+00:16:14,079 --> 00:16:17,759
+the other thing is i could screw it up
+00:16:15,839 --> 00:16:18,720
+by the moment you turned over my card i
+00:16:17,759 --> 00:16:20,560
+could go
+00:16:18,720 --> 00:16:22,079
+and then all of a sudden it's not a very
+00:16:20,560 --> 00:16:24,720
+good trick so you have to make sure that
+00:16:22,079 --> 00:16:26,560
+they know their job you stare at this
+00:16:24,720 --> 00:16:28,959
+they're okay got it and i stare at you
+00:16:26,560 --> 00:16:31,839
+that's right and i do i react when my
+00:16:28,959 --> 00:16:34,079
+card shows up no okay don't that's i
+00:16:31,839 --> 00:16:35,600
+won't wrong that's
+00:16:34,079 --> 00:16:38,800
+wrong and you should be ashamed of
+00:16:35,600 --> 00:16:40,399
+yourself yeah it's taking a while i just
+00:16:38,800 --> 00:16:42,800
+can't wait to react really big when i
+00:16:40,399 --> 00:16:47,120
+see my card
+00:16:42,800 --> 00:16:49,839
+now how amazed would you be if the next
+00:16:47,120 --> 00:16:52,160
+card i flipped over was your card i'm
+00:16:49,839 --> 00:16:53,680
+very amazed so amazing i would put it on
+00:16:52,160 --> 00:16:56,720
+the internet for the whole world oh my
+00:16:53,680 --> 00:16:59,199
+god i just got scammed
+00:16:56,720 --> 00:17:00,160
+you are now a citizen of scam nation
+00:16:59,199 --> 00:17:02,720
+00:17:00,160 --> 00:17:04,819
+perfect well done i'm gonna go become a
+00:17:02,720 --> 00:17:07,959
+magician out of spite now
+00:17:04,819 --> 00:17:07,959
+00:17:12,200 --> 00:17:19,289
+00:17:23,960 --> 00:17:27,190
+00:17:30,720 --> 00:17:33,720
+00:17:37,840 --> 00:17:40,960
+00:17:43,679 --> 00:17:46,880
+do you have a favorite card trick that
+00:17:44,799 --> 00:17:49,039
+you know i made up a card trick you made
+00:17:46,880 --> 00:17:51,520
+up a card trick it was so bad and i
+00:17:49,039 --> 00:17:51,520
+forgot it
+00:17:51,600 --> 00:17:54,240
+here you shuffle up this part of the
+00:17:53,039 --> 00:17:55,840
+deck i'll shuffle up this part of the
+00:17:54,240 --> 00:17:58,320
+deck and make sure everything's all
+00:17:55,840 --> 00:18:00,880
+super super shuffled are you good at the
+00:17:58,320 --> 00:18:04,320
+yeah no i'm not good at it
+00:18:00,880 --> 00:18:04,320
+but you can compliment me
+00:18:05,120 --> 00:18:08,880
+well i say my lady that is some fine
+00:18:06,960 --> 00:18:10,480
+shuffling you're doing
+00:18:08,880 --> 00:18:12,400
+00:18:10,480 --> 00:18:14,160
+okay so you feel totally good that the
+00:18:12,400 --> 00:18:15,600
+cards are totally shuffled i feel so
+00:18:14,160 --> 00:18:16,880
+good you shuffled the cards we both
+00:18:15,600 --> 00:18:18,400
+shuffled the cards we mixed them all
+00:18:16,880 --> 00:18:19,760
+together all you got to do is i'm going
+00:18:18,400 --> 00:18:21,840
+to run off cards from the top you tell
+00:18:19,760 --> 00:18:22,720
+me when to stop say stop whenever you
+00:18:21,840 --> 00:18:24,880
+00:18:22,720 --> 00:18:27,679
+you may stop now
+00:18:24,880 --> 00:18:30,480
+are you sure go back one card go go go
+00:18:27,679 --> 00:18:31,840
+back one card there there we go okay all
+00:18:30,480 --> 00:18:33,760
+right you ready you felt like you had a
+00:18:31,840 --> 00:18:35,360
+totally free choice okay now i just need
+00:18:33,760 --> 00:18:37,440
+you to remember one card can you
+00:18:35,360 --> 00:18:39,360
+remember that card yes i hope i know the
+00:18:37,440 --> 00:18:40,880
+name of it okay just just remember the
+00:18:39,360 --> 00:18:43,440
+shape and the
+00:18:40,880 --> 00:18:44,720
+number or letter okay number letter okay
+00:18:43,440 --> 00:18:47,520
+good excellent and then i'm going to
+00:18:44,720 --> 00:18:49,919
+shuffle the cards one more time
+00:18:47,520 --> 00:18:51,440
+shuffle shuffle shuffle totally fair
+00:18:49,919 --> 00:18:53,520
+all right now we get to the important
+00:18:51,440 --> 00:18:56,080
+part all i need to know
+00:18:53,520 --> 00:18:58,160
+is what was your cart
+00:18:56,080 --> 00:19:00,960
+jack of spades where it's like the
+00:18:58,160 --> 00:19:00,960
+little dude
+00:19:02,400 --> 00:19:06,240
+so the jacob's face
+00:19:04,000 --> 00:19:08,720
+or it's a club and then it's a club
+00:19:06,240 --> 00:19:11,520
+that's a clue that's okay i like i like
+00:19:08,720 --> 00:19:13,039
+describing it as like an alternate
+00:19:11,520 --> 00:19:14,559
+version of spades all right so it's a
+00:19:13,039 --> 00:19:15,760
+jack of clubs right yeah all right here
+00:19:14,559 --> 00:19:18,640
+we go you ready
+00:19:15,760 --> 00:19:18,640
+snap my fingers
+00:19:20,480 --> 00:19:23,600
+i want you to go through every card in
+00:19:22,320 --> 00:19:26,720
+this deck
+00:19:23,600 --> 00:19:30,559
+and tell me when you see your card
+00:19:26,720 --> 00:19:30,559
+that one's the jack of spades nevermind
+00:19:34,880 --> 00:19:38,400
+did you see it no
+00:19:36,640 --> 00:19:40,559
+where is it
+00:19:38,400 --> 00:19:43,039
+you want to look again yes
+00:19:40,559 --> 00:19:44,400
+and you're sure you saw it right yeah i
+00:19:43,039 --> 00:19:46,559
+00:19:44,400 --> 00:19:49,200
+i think i did yeah yeah it looked like
+00:19:46,559 --> 00:19:49,200
+that yeah
+00:19:49,280 --> 00:19:53,280
+here's the craziest part it couldn't
+00:19:51,440 --> 00:19:56,000
+have been your card
+00:19:53,280 --> 00:19:59,520
+because before
+00:19:56,000 --> 00:20:01,280
+we even started the trick i put one card
+00:19:59,520 --> 00:20:04,600
+in my shoe
+00:20:01,280 --> 00:20:04,600
+oh it's smelly
+00:20:05,040 --> 00:20:08,109
+00:20:11,600 --> 00:20:14,960
+oh no was that a good trick that was a
+00:20:13,520 --> 00:20:16,720
+good trick yeah you want to learn it
+00:20:14,960 --> 00:20:18,400
+well you know you have to toast toast
+00:20:16,720 --> 00:20:20,400
+toast toast toast so you've learned a
+00:20:18,400 --> 00:20:21,600
+bit of magic now what does your magic
+00:20:20,400 --> 00:20:24,559
+brain say
+00:20:21,600 --> 00:20:26,640
+that you cheated well yes and the
+00:20:24,559 --> 00:20:28,240
+shuffles felt very fair though yep and
+00:20:26,640 --> 00:20:32,320
+the selection did that feel fair it did
+00:20:28,240 --> 00:20:35,039
+feel better wait it did okay and so
+00:20:32,320 --> 00:20:37,039
+maybe me having glasses doesn't it maybe
+00:20:35,039 --> 00:20:38,880
+you were watching my glasses earlier are
+00:20:37,039 --> 00:20:40,559
+you ready are you ready for this do you
+00:20:38,880 --> 00:20:44,799
+think i actually snuck this down into my
+00:20:40,559 --> 00:20:47,360
+shoe no why not because i didn't do it
+00:20:44,799 --> 00:20:49,120
+so in this case all you need to make a
+00:20:47,360 --> 00:20:51,039
+card vanish from the deck and appear in
+00:20:49,120 --> 00:20:53,360
+an impossible location
+00:20:51,039 --> 00:20:56,640
+is a duplicate of the card but you only
+00:20:53,360 --> 00:21:00,080
+had one duplicate and the other one
+00:20:56,640 --> 00:21:03,760
+has a bit of double stick tape on it
+00:21:00,080 --> 00:21:05,360
+oh my god so so all you have to do
+00:21:03,760 --> 00:21:07,039
+you'll notice that i didn't shuffle all
+00:21:05,360 --> 00:21:09,440
+the cards at once what i did was i
+00:21:07,039 --> 00:21:11,200
+handed you half to shuffle and i
+00:21:09,440 --> 00:21:13,200
+shuffled the other half all i have to do
+00:21:11,200 --> 00:21:15,760
+is keep the duplicate card at the bottom
+00:21:13,200 --> 00:21:17,600
+of the deck and you can either shuffle
+00:21:15,760 --> 00:21:19,679
+it yourself by do it by doing this thing
+00:21:17,600 --> 00:21:21,840
+you just drop that card first and then
+00:21:19,679 --> 00:21:24,880
+ripple them in there and it stays on the
+00:21:21,840 --> 00:21:27,679
+bottom like that or in this case i
+00:21:24,880 --> 00:21:29,440
+handed it half to you and i just sort of
+00:21:27,679 --> 00:21:31,919
+held on to this i just sort of kept it
+00:21:29,440 --> 00:21:34,559
+at the bottom as i shuffled the whole
+00:21:31,919 --> 00:21:36,640
+time so i just make sure that my magic
+00:21:34,559 --> 00:21:38,000
+card the force card is going to be on
+00:21:36,640 --> 00:21:40,320
+the bottom
+00:21:38,000 --> 00:21:42,799
+there we go and then i squared it up so
+00:21:40,320 --> 00:21:44,720
+it's in my hand and i do this i don't
+00:21:42,799 --> 00:21:46,799
+think i've taught you the hindu shuffle
+00:21:44,720 --> 00:21:48,880
+force before how about the one with the
+00:21:46,799 --> 00:21:51,120
+fingers where you have to go like oh
+00:21:48,880 --> 00:21:52,960
+yeah maybe i did yeah you did this is
+00:21:51,120 --> 00:21:55,039
+the one where you where you hold it you
+00:21:52,960 --> 00:21:56,240
+pull cards off the top and drop them
+00:21:55,039 --> 00:21:57,919
+into your hand
+00:21:56,240 --> 00:22:00,000
+and the beauty is it feels like you're
+00:21:57,919 --> 00:22:02,000
+shuffling through the entire deck but as
+00:22:00,000 --> 00:22:04,320
+you go through watch this what's on
+00:22:02,000 --> 00:22:06,480
+00:22:04,320 --> 00:22:07,760
+what's on bottom yeah you just need to
+00:22:06,480 --> 00:22:09,039
+yeah there we go so that's that's what
+00:22:07,760 --> 00:22:10,960
+we're doing but that's great though
+00:22:09,039 --> 00:22:13,120
+because everybody thinks oh everybody
+00:22:10,960 --> 00:22:15,200
+knows that i literally taught it to you
+00:22:13,120 --> 00:22:16,320
+and it still fooled you yeah so keeping
+00:22:15,200 --> 00:22:17,760
+this card on the bottom and you'll
+00:22:16,320 --> 00:22:20,080
+notice that you don't even see the
+00:22:17,760 --> 00:22:22,400
+sticky tape because this is such a noisy
+00:22:20,080 --> 00:22:24,400
+face card on there it's easy to lose it
+00:22:22,400 --> 00:22:26,960
+in there so in this case i go through
+00:22:24,400 --> 00:22:29,120
+until you say stop and then i show it to
+00:22:26,960 --> 00:22:31,120
+you you remember it and because there's
+00:22:29,120 --> 00:22:33,600
+that double stick tape on there
+00:22:31,120 --> 00:22:35,440
+when i very carefully set it down i
+00:22:33,600 --> 00:22:37,440
+square it up nicely
+00:22:35,440 --> 00:22:40,080
+and then i squeeze
+00:22:37,440 --> 00:22:42,400
+so what happens it gets sticked on and i
+00:22:40,080 --> 00:22:44,720
+can't find it that's right so now when
+00:22:42,400 --> 00:22:46,960
+you spread the cards
+00:22:44,720 --> 00:22:49,120
+there is one card in here that's double
+00:22:46,960 --> 00:22:51,200
+thick but you can't see it you can't
+00:22:49,120 --> 00:22:52,400
+find it in there and it's even more
+00:22:51,200 --> 00:22:54,080
+00:22:52,400 --> 00:22:55,120
+when you just kind of toss them out in
+00:22:54,080 --> 00:22:57,440
+front of them
+00:22:55,120 --> 00:22:59,520
+and even as i go through it i can't tell
+00:22:57,440 --> 00:23:01,280
+which one is the double thick card oh
+00:22:59,520 --> 00:23:03,120
+except for i think i felt it
+00:23:01,280 --> 00:23:04,159
+yeah there you go oh you can see that
+00:23:03,120 --> 00:23:05,679
+00:23:04,159 --> 00:23:08,159
+but you can't you can't even tell that
+00:23:05,679 --> 00:23:10,000
+this is too stuck together and so we go
+00:23:08,159 --> 00:23:12,159
+through the entire thing and now in this
+00:23:10,000 --> 00:23:13,840
+case i put the duplicate in my shoe but
+00:23:12,159 --> 00:23:15,200
+it could be inside a sealed envelope it
+00:23:13,840 --> 00:23:16,960
+could be on the other side of the room
+00:23:15,200 --> 00:23:19,760
+it could be literally anywhere so the
+00:23:16,960 --> 00:23:21,280
+question is my sleeve okay
+00:23:19,760 --> 00:23:22,799
+all right well here then you that means
+00:23:21,280 --> 00:23:26,720
+you got to do it for me you have to do
+00:23:22,799 --> 00:23:28,159
+it now yeah i'ma blow your mind oh no
+00:23:26,720 --> 00:23:29,919
+you have to wear the hat
+00:23:28,159 --> 00:23:31,760
+if you're going to blow my mind you have
+00:23:29,919 --> 00:23:32,960
+to wear the mind-blowing hat there you
+00:23:31,760 --> 00:23:34,960
+00:23:32,960 --> 00:23:37,200
+okay and doing the trick so i got to be
+00:23:34,960 --> 00:23:38,400
+cool it's gonna blow your mind all right
+00:23:37,200 --> 00:23:41,520
+you want me to shuffle these there you
+00:23:38,400 --> 00:23:42,480
+go yeah shuffle down totally shuffle the
+00:23:41,520 --> 00:23:45,279
+00:23:42,480 --> 00:23:47,440
+okay now what that the cards are totally
+00:23:45,279 --> 00:23:49,520
+shuffled in the syrup
+00:23:47,440 --> 00:23:50,400
+shuffled so shuffled
+00:23:49,520 --> 00:23:51,520
+00:23:50,400 --> 00:23:54,000
+00:23:51,520 --> 00:23:54,799
+so what you're going to do is i'm going
+00:23:54,000 --> 00:23:57,200
+00:23:54,799 --> 00:23:59,279
+that's exactly right
+00:23:57,200 --> 00:24:02,159
+that's even better
+00:23:59,279 --> 00:24:03,520
+okay so make sure make sure that when
+00:24:02,159 --> 00:24:07,679
+they land
+00:24:03,520 --> 00:24:09,679
+you keep your fingers side side side so
+00:24:07,679 --> 00:24:11,520
+it's like a little nest you keep one
+00:24:09,679 --> 00:24:14,480
+finger forward this is called mechanics
+00:24:11,520 --> 00:24:15,840
+grip yeah there you go yeah
+00:24:14,480 --> 00:24:19,600
+oh that's great
+00:24:15,840 --> 00:24:23,200
+tell me when to stop okay uh stop
+00:24:19,600 --> 00:24:27,600
+this is your car okay got it you sure
+00:24:23,200 --> 00:24:28,799
+yep are you sure you got your car i am
+00:24:27,600 --> 00:24:30,720
+00:24:28,799 --> 00:24:36,000
+are you sure
+00:24:30,720 --> 00:24:36,000
+yes i'm sure okay good you ready
+00:24:39,360 --> 00:24:43,760
+look for your coffee there we go uh oh
+00:24:41,840 --> 00:24:46,159
+no i i don't see it would you like to
+00:24:43,760 --> 00:24:48,559
+know what it is i want to know what it
+00:24:46,159 --> 00:24:51,039
+is it's the chassis clubs
+00:24:48,559 --> 00:24:54,080
+and i don't see it in here show them to
+00:24:51,039 --> 00:24:57,510
+me again ah it must be totally vanished
+00:24:54,080 --> 00:24:59,120
+so vanished wait a minute
+00:24:57,510 --> 00:25:01,120
+00:24:59,120 --> 00:25:02,159
+there it is
+00:25:01,120 --> 00:25:04,400
+00:25:02,159 --> 00:25:06,960
+you're an accomplished skillful ledger
+00:25:04,400 --> 00:25:08,799
+domain professional oh
+00:25:06,960 --> 00:25:09,679
+very well done i'm so cool you've earned
+00:25:08,799 --> 00:25:12,720
+your hat
+00:25:09,679 --> 00:25:14,480
+oh my gosh i've waited so long to do
+00:25:12,720 --> 00:25:16,480
+this trick it is one of my all-time
+00:25:14,480 --> 00:25:18,400
+favorites i originally learned it as
+00:25:16,480 --> 00:25:20,559
+being called the trick that fooled
+00:25:18,400 --> 00:25:22,080
+einstein now when you're out and about
+00:25:20,559 --> 00:25:23,120
+oftentimes people have some change in
+00:25:22,080 --> 00:25:24,880
+your pocket i think i have a little bit
+00:25:23,120 --> 00:25:27,600
+of change in my pocket but you could do
+00:25:24,880 --> 00:25:29,200
+this just by grabbing change in a bowl
+00:25:27,600 --> 00:25:32,799
+in fact let's do this
+00:25:29,200 --> 00:25:34,799
+uh i'm gonna take my pocket change here
+00:25:32,799 --> 00:25:36,640
+yeah there we go and then you grab some
+00:25:34,799 --> 00:25:38,000
+amount of change in your hands all right
+00:25:36,640 --> 00:25:39,840
+now i want you to put it in your two
+00:25:38,000 --> 00:25:41,360
+hands kind of shake them around like
+00:25:39,840 --> 00:25:43,840
+this sounds like someone's brushing
+00:25:41,360 --> 00:25:45,600
+their teeth it does okay
+00:25:43,840 --> 00:25:46,720
+all right so we're gonna get rid of all
+00:25:45,600 --> 00:25:47,919
+of this change you don't want any of
+00:25:46,720 --> 00:25:50,000
+this change you're happy with the amount
+00:25:47,919 --> 00:25:51,919
+of change you have okay
+00:25:50,000 --> 00:25:54,720
+so this is not a case of like x-ray
+00:25:51,919 --> 00:25:57,039
+vision this is a case of me being struck
+00:25:54,720 --> 00:26:00,240
+by radioactive lightning and having the
+00:25:57,039 --> 00:26:01,919
+gift of eagle ears eagles have big ears
+00:26:00,240 --> 00:26:04,000
+so they can hear really well in my
+00:26:01,919 --> 00:26:08,120
+imagination okay so here i want you to
+00:26:04,000 --> 00:26:08,120
+shake shake your change
+00:26:13,520 --> 00:26:17,120
+okay i'm gonna make my guess
+00:26:15,600 --> 00:26:19,600
+based only on sound because i wasn't
+00:26:17,120 --> 00:26:21,200
+looking right yeah
+00:26:19,600 --> 00:26:23,840
+i'm gonna say
+00:26:21,200 --> 00:26:25,120
+i have the exact same amount of changes
+00:26:23,840 --> 00:26:26,640
+00:26:25,120 --> 00:26:28,000
+00:26:26,640 --> 00:26:30,000
+two quarters
+00:26:28,000 --> 00:26:32,240
+okay and
+00:26:30,000 --> 00:26:34,960
+i'm gonna have enough left over
+00:26:32,240 --> 00:26:38,720
+to make your total
+00:26:34,960 --> 00:26:40,720
+two dollars and 35 cents
+00:26:38,720 --> 00:26:43,600
+that's how good these eagle ears are
+00:26:40,720 --> 00:26:43,600
+listen to them they go
+00:26:44,000 --> 00:26:48,559
+eagle ears wait they don't say call what
+00:26:46,240 --> 00:26:48,559
+do they do
+00:26:49,679 --> 00:26:53,440
+okay sorry uh what did i say i said as
+00:26:51,760 --> 00:26:55,600
+much as you okay how much do you have
+00:26:53,440 --> 00:26:57,039
+two quarters yes okay uh let's count it
+00:26:55,600 --> 00:26:59,039
+out what do you got
+00:26:57,039 --> 00:27:00,400
+boom okay count out how much you got
+00:26:59,039 --> 00:27:02,559
+okay so
+00:27:00,400 --> 00:27:04,559
+like 10 20
+00:27:02,559 --> 00:27:06,000
+30 it's gonna take me a while four days
+00:27:04,559 --> 00:27:08,320
+and then well this is a dollar so we're
+00:27:06,000 --> 00:27:10,640
+at a dollar forty right
+00:27:08,320 --> 00:27:15,360
+dollar forty dollar fifty
+00:27:10,640 --> 00:27:17,039
+day one fifty two fifty three fifty four
+00:27:15,360 --> 00:27:18,880
+fifty nine fifty nine okay so you had a
+00:27:17,039 --> 00:27:20,720
+dollar fifty nine and i said i would
+00:27:18,880 --> 00:27:22,480
+have as much as you
+00:27:20,720 --> 00:27:24,960
+so that's a dollar
+00:27:22,480 --> 00:27:24,960
+00:27:25,279 --> 00:27:28,159
+00:27:26,159 --> 00:27:30,480
+i guess yep
+00:27:28,159 --> 00:27:30,480
+00:27:32,799 --> 00:27:37,039
+so you had a dollar 59 and i had as much
+00:27:35,039 --> 00:27:40,240
+as you what was the second part uh plus
+00:27:37,039 --> 00:27:42,960
+two quarters plus two quarters and then
+00:27:40,240 --> 00:27:45,600
+enough left over to make your total what
+00:27:42,960 --> 00:27:48,279
+was it two dollars 35 cents
+00:27:45,600 --> 00:27:49,840
+so this is 159
+00:27:48,279 --> 00:27:51,760
+00:27:49,840 --> 00:27:53,919
+00:27:51,760 --> 00:27:56,919
+00:27:53,919 --> 00:27:56,919
+00:27:57,120 --> 00:28:01,760
+plus 50 cents
+00:27:59,520 --> 00:28:03,919
+is how much
+00:28:01,760 --> 00:28:05,279
+cents is that pretty good yes you want
+00:28:03,919 --> 00:28:07,600
+to learn how to do it yeah all right
+00:28:05,279 --> 00:28:08,799
+here you've got a toast
+00:28:07,600 --> 00:28:10,000
+all right man we're half a year into
+00:28:08,799 --> 00:28:11,840
+your magic lessons what does your
+00:28:10,000 --> 00:28:14,559
+magician brain say how do you think this
+00:28:11,840 --> 00:28:17,559
+works i guess magicians are just really
+00:28:14,559 --> 00:28:17,559
+00:28:20,080 --> 00:28:24,159
+one of the things i love about this is
+00:28:21,840 --> 00:28:26,320
+that years from now there's one part
+00:28:24,159 --> 00:28:28,480
+you're not going to remember correctly
+00:28:26,320 --> 00:28:30,960
+you'll probably remember it as both of
+00:28:28,480 --> 00:28:32,960
+us grabbing a bunch of change out of the
+00:28:30,960 --> 00:28:34,720
+change bin but that's not what happened
+00:28:32,960 --> 00:28:37,200
+do you remember what happened i took
+00:28:34,720 --> 00:28:38,880
+change and you already had change i
+00:28:37,200 --> 00:28:40,640
+think i don't know that's right i just
+00:28:38,880 --> 00:28:41,600
+reached into my pocket and pulled out
+00:28:40,640 --> 00:28:43,360
+00:28:41,600 --> 00:28:45,360
+which is a clue
+00:28:43,360 --> 00:28:47,200
+what do you think that means that you
+00:28:45,360 --> 00:28:49,200
+already have that amount that's right so
+00:28:47,200 --> 00:28:51,600
+the amount matters so the only thing you
+00:28:49,200 --> 00:28:54,240
+need to do this is to have two dollars
+00:28:51,600 --> 00:28:55,919
+and 85 cents of change in your pocket
+00:28:54,240 --> 00:29:00,000
+now it must be a particular
+00:28:55,919 --> 00:29:02,000
+configuration it has to be ten quarters
+00:29:00,000 --> 00:29:03,760
+two nickels
+00:29:02,000 --> 00:29:06,159
+two dimes
+00:29:03,760 --> 00:29:08,480
+and five pennies the reason you need
+00:29:06,159 --> 00:29:11,200
+this exact amount is because they can
+00:29:08,480 --> 00:29:13,840
+have any amount of change from one penny
+00:29:11,200 --> 00:29:16,559
+up to two dollars and 85 cents and this
+00:29:13,840 --> 00:29:18,960
+will give you the right coins to exactly
+00:29:16,559 --> 00:29:21,520
+match whatever they have oh now it could
+00:29:18,960 --> 00:29:23,360
+be that they have like you know a giant
+00:29:21,520 --> 00:29:25,679
+thing like this but the nice thing is
+00:29:23,360 --> 00:29:27,840
+when they start shaking it
+00:29:25,679 --> 00:29:29,600
+you're gonna hear all of that and then
+00:29:27,840 --> 00:29:30,880
+you're like oh my gosh you've got way
+00:29:29,600 --> 00:29:33,120
+more than me and what you could do is
+00:29:30,880 --> 00:29:34,559
+maybe keep a couple of like dollar coins
+00:29:33,120 --> 00:29:35,919
+in your other pocket say oh i think i
+00:29:34,559 --> 00:29:37,440
+have more change or whatever but the
+00:29:35,919 --> 00:29:39,200
+point is nobody walks around with this
+00:29:37,440 --> 00:29:41,679
+much change in their pocket everybody
+00:29:39,200 --> 00:29:43,360
+hates change so i've got two dollars and
+00:29:41,679 --> 00:29:45,679
+85 cents over here
+00:29:43,360 --> 00:29:47,520
+the other part of it is as long as you
+00:29:45,679 --> 00:29:50,000
+have less than this amount is the
+00:29:47,520 --> 00:29:51,440
+curious way that i reveal how many you
+00:29:50,000 --> 00:29:53,520
+have i don't really care what this
+00:29:51,440 --> 00:29:54,399
+number is let's say this number
+00:29:53,520 --> 00:29:56,799
+00:29:54,399 --> 00:29:59,520
+one let's say you had one penny then the
+00:29:56,799 --> 00:30:01,200
+nature of the prediction was i have
+00:29:59,520 --> 00:30:04,240
+as much as you
+00:30:01,200 --> 00:30:07,200
+plus two quarters and enough left over
+00:30:04,240 --> 00:30:09,520
+to make your total two dollars and 35
+00:30:07,200 --> 00:30:11,440
+00:30:09,520 --> 00:30:13,200
+let's say you had
+00:30:11,440 --> 00:30:15,679
+two pennies
+00:30:13,200 --> 00:30:16,559
+then it would be i have as much as you
+00:30:15,679 --> 00:30:19,200
+00:30:16,559 --> 00:30:20,960
+plus two quarters and enough left over
+00:30:19,200 --> 00:30:21,679
+to make
+00:30:20,960 --> 00:30:23,360
+two your total
+00:30:21,679 --> 00:30:26,080
+35 cents
+00:30:23,360 --> 00:30:29,120
+if you had one quarter i would have as
+00:30:26,080 --> 00:30:31,440
+much as you plus two quarters and enough
+00:30:29,120 --> 00:30:33,360
+left over to make your total two dollars
+00:30:31,440 --> 00:30:35,760
+and 35 cents so if you think about it
+00:30:33,360 --> 00:30:38,480
+like an algebra formula really all i'm
+00:30:35,760 --> 00:30:39,679
+saying is i have two dollars and 85
+00:30:38,480 --> 00:30:42,159
+00:30:39,679 --> 00:30:45,679
+but by breaking it into three different
+00:30:42,159 --> 00:30:47,279
+ways so remember it's as much as you
+00:30:45,679 --> 00:30:50,720
+whatever that amount is
+00:30:47,279 --> 00:30:52,480
+plus two quarters and then as if it's
+00:30:50,720 --> 00:30:55,120
+like an afterthought you're like and
+00:30:52,480 --> 00:30:57,440
+enough left over to make your total
+00:30:55,120 --> 00:30:59,039
+two dollars and 35 cents and then you
+00:30:57,440 --> 00:31:00,799
+make a big deal of getting closer and
+00:30:59,039 --> 00:31:05,440
+closer and closer and it's only when you
+00:31:00,799 --> 00:31:08,720
+get to those last coins 33 34
+00:31:05,440 --> 00:31:09,760
+35 and it's super satisfying all right
+00:31:08,720 --> 00:31:12,720
+do you think you could pull this off on
+00:31:09,760 --> 00:31:15,360
+me yes okay you take this oh josephine
+00:31:12,720 --> 00:31:18,240
+why are you playing with change i got a
+00:31:15,360 --> 00:31:20,320
+lot of it why don't you take change how
+00:31:18,240 --> 00:31:22,720
+do you take change
+00:31:20,320 --> 00:31:24,640
+this is my favorite magician
+00:31:22,720 --> 00:31:26,320
+all right just grab some change all
+00:31:24,640 --> 00:31:27,760
+right do i have to know how much
+00:31:26,320 --> 00:31:30,840
+you're just grabbing no it just takes
+00:31:27,760 --> 00:31:33,600
+some change man i got a lot of
+00:31:30,840 --> 00:31:36,000
+it all right i've got jason you've got
+00:31:33,600 --> 00:31:38,240
+changed now what what are we doing no i
+00:31:36,000 --> 00:31:40,960
+need you to shake it because i have ears
+00:31:38,240 --> 00:31:45,440
+okay you have ears and change okay
+00:31:40,960 --> 00:31:45,440
+okay okay good to know good to know
+00:31:45,760 --> 00:31:50,159
+i can hear
+00:31:47,039 --> 00:31:52,159
+how much change both of us have exactly
+00:31:50,159 --> 00:31:56,000
+okay right now right here right now
+00:31:52,159 --> 00:31:57,440
+prove it prove it okay i bet i have same
+00:31:56,000 --> 00:31:59,440
+amount of yours
+00:31:57,440 --> 00:32:03,519
+plus two quarters
+00:31:59,440 --> 00:32:06,640
+and enough left over to make yours two
+00:32:03,519 --> 00:32:07,600
+dollars and 35 cents let's find out well
+00:32:06,640 --> 00:32:09,039
+that's good that's good that you
+00:32:07,600 --> 00:32:11,360
+remembered all three parts i have as
+00:32:09,039 --> 00:32:14,399
+much as you do plus two quarters and
+00:32:11,360 --> 00:32:16,399
+enough left over to make your total 235.
+00:32:14,399 --> 00:32:18,159
+so here what do i have i've got
+00:32:16,399 --> 00:32:20,960
+let's see that's 50
+00:32:18,159 --> 00:32:23,840
+that's a dollar that's a dollar fifty a
+00:32:20,960 --> 00:32:24,960
+dollar sixty a dollar seventy a dollar
+00:32:23,840 --> 00:32:27,440
+00:32:24,960 --> 00:32:29,840
+dollar ninety and two cents so a dollar
+00:32:27,440 --> 00:32:33,440
+ninety two that's what i have okay okay
+00:32:29,840 --> 00:32:33,440
+first thing i said was i even must
+00:32:34,000 --> 00:32:38,080
+as much as you do that's correct what
+00:32:36,159 --> 00:32:40,559
+was your change a dollar ninety-two okay
+00:32:38,080 --> 00:32:43,080
+so we got a dollar is that those are
+00:32:40,559 --> 00:32:44,960
+that's a dollar yeah so we got a dollar
+00:32:43,080 --> 00:32:46,399
+00:32:44,960 --> 00:32:47,679
+and then
+00:32:46,399 --> 00:32:50,960
+and then
+00:32:47,679 --> 00:32:53,760
+1.80 a dollar ninety yeah and then
+00:32:50,960 --> 00:32:55,120
+ninety-one ninety-two so
+00:32:53,760 --> 00:32:56,720
+so yep we bought
+00:32:55,120 --> 00:33:00,320
+the same amount of view and then i said
+00:32:56,720 --> 00:33:03,440
+i have plus two quarters yeah and then
+00:33:00,320 --> 00:33:06,000
+enough left over to make yours two
+00:33:03,440 --> 00:33:08,000
+dollars and 35 cents okay well this is
+00:33:06,000 --> 00:33:09,840
+00:33:08,000 --> 00:33:10,960
+and so
+00:33:09,840 --> 00:33:12,159
+00:33:10,960 --> 00:33:14,120
+oh sorry
+00:33:12,159 --> 00:33:16,880
+194 yeah
+00:33:14,120 --> 00:33:18,159
+195. yeah
+00:33:16,880 --> 00:33:20,480
+00:33:18,159 --> 00:33:22,080
+two dollars one two dollars yes two
+00:33:20,480 --> 00:33:24,799
+00:33:22,080 --> 00:33:25,519
+two dollars and ten cents
+00:33:24,799 --> 00:33:29,039
+00:33:25,519 --> 00:33:31,799
+235 let me see your hands oh my gosh it
+00:33:29,039 --> 00:33:34,399
+must be miraculous eagle ears
+00:33:31,799 --> 00:33:35,919
+congratulations very well done
+00:33:34,399 --> 00:33:37,919
+what are you giggling at i don't know
+00:33:35,919 --> 00:33:40,000
+it's just you seem so professional
+00:33:37,919 --> 00:33:42,880
+you're like
+00:33:40,000 --> 00:33:42,880
+shuffling okay
+00:33:43,360 --> 00:33:47,919
+all right you feel good
+00:33:46,080 --> 00:33:49,039
+you shuffled them better yeah you do you
+00:33:47,919 --> 00:33:50,799
+do them like that
+00:33:49,039 --> 00:33:53,279
+that's the worst way to do it that's how
+00:33:50,799 --> 00:33:54,480
+they do it in vegas no why would they do
+00:33:53,279 --> 00:33:55,200
+it like that because that takes forever
+00:33:54,480 --> 00:33:57,279
+00:33:55,200 --> 00:33:59,039
+there you go they put it back in
+00:33:57,279 --> 00:34:01,519
+then we're ready to do a trick
+00:33:59,039 --> 00:34:04,240
+so shuffled so shuffled are you ready to
+00:34:01,519 --> 00:34:05,519
+learn yeah are you sure yeah okay they
+00:34:04,240 --> 00:34:06,960
+canceled school and all that stuff all
+00:34:05,519 --> 00:34:09,359
+right i'm gonna teach you the best card
+00:34:06,960 --> 00:34:11,520
+trick that i know it's awesome because
+00:34:09,359 --> 00:34:13,440
+you get to be totally lazy the cards do
+00:34:11,520 --> 00:34:14,800
+all of the work all right you shuffled
+00:34:13,440 --> 00:34:16,560
+all these cards you saw that they're all
+00:34:14,800 --> 00:34:19,119
+in rando order
+00:34:16,560 --> 00:34:21,119
+now if i do this i might like force you
+00:34:19,119 --> 00:34:24,480
+to take one or something yeah so so we
+00:34:21,119 --> 00:34:26,480
+we can ripple down we can cut the cards
+00:34:24,480 --> 00:34:28,000
+until you say stop we could spread the
+00:34:26,480 --> 00:34:30,159
+cards you could pick one what is the way
+00:34:28,000 --> 00:34:31,599
+you want to pick your card do like the
+00:34:30,159 --> 00:34:34,639
+dropping thing the dropping thing
+00:34:31,599 --> 00:34:36,560
+gravity gravity okay here we go say stop
+00:34:34,639 --> 00:34:37,520
+stop stop now
+00:34:36,560 --> 00:34:40,320
+stop when you want you want to keep
+00:34:37,520 --> 00:34:40,320
+going keep going
+00:34:41,179 --> 00:34:43,679
+00:34:42,480 --> 00:34:44,879
+stop it
+00:34:43,679 --> 00:34:46,320
+right there grab it right there are you
+00:34:44,879 --> 00:34:47,599
+100 sure
+00:34:46,320 --> 00:34:48,480
+that's the one you want we can do it
+00:34:47,599 --> 00:34:50,239
+00:34:48,480 --> 00:34:51,760
+that one that one okay there you go
+00:34:50,239 --> 00:34:53,280
+that's gonna be your card
+00:34:51,760 --> 00:34:54,800
+you don't know what your card is i don't
+00:34:53,280 --> 00:34:56,320
+know what your card is but you know who
+00:34:54,800 --> 00:34:57,440
+does know your card
+00:34:56,320 --> 00:34:59,520
+the deck
+00:34:57,440 --> 00:35:01,280
+deck knows everything the deck knows the
+00:34:59,520 --> 00:35:03,599
+color of your card in fact if we spell
+00:35:01,280 --> 00:35:06,760
+it if we ask it hey deck what's the
+00:35:03,599 --> 00:35:08,480
+color of the card and we spell c-o-l-o-r
+00:35:06,760 --> 00:35:10,160
+00:35:08,480 --> 00:35:12,240
+it says
+00:35:10,160 --> 00:35:14,400
+it's a red card
+00:35:12,240 --> 00:35:17,800
+if we ask it the number we could spell
+00:35:14,400 --> 00:35:17,800
+out n-u-m
+00:35:18,880 --> 00:35:23,200
+it says it's a three and if we want to
+00:35:21,040 --> 00:35:24,800
+know the exact card we can ask for the
+00:35:23,200 --> 00:35:27,800
+matching card we'll spell out
+00:35:24,800 --> 00:35:27,800
+00:35:28,960 --> 00:35:30,400
+00:35:29,680 --> 00:35:31,280
+00:35:30,400 --> 00:35:34,640
+00:35:31,280 --> 00:35:36,880
+d and the deck says
+00:35:34,640 --> 00:35:39,280
+your matching card is the three of
+00:35:36,880 --> 00:35:41,119
+hearts which would mean
+00:35:39,280 --> 00:35:45,800
+that you
+00:35:41,119 --> 00:35:45,800
+picked which card the three of diamonds
+00:35:46,710 --> 00:35:50,240
+00:35:49,150 --> 00:35:52,480
+00:35:50,240 --> 00:35:53,760
+is that good yes you want to learn that
+00:35:52,480 --> 00:35:55,359
+yes all right
+00:35:53,760 --> 00:35:56,800
+00:35:55,359 --> 00:35:58,480
+all right kiddo how good a trick was
+00:35:56,800 --> 00:36:00,480
+that it was pretty awesome you ready to
+00:35:58,480 --> 00:36:03,599
+learn yes okay how do you think it
+00:36:00,480 --> 00:36:06,079
+worked remind me of how it went you
+00:36:03,599 --> 00:36:08,800
+shuffle them you shuffled them a lot and
+00:36:06,079 --> 00:36:11,839
+i picked a card and then you put it here
+00:36:08,800 --> 00:36:14,160
+you spelt out the color and then
+00:36:11,839 --> 00:36:16,720
+whichever was after that was the color
+00:36:14,160 --> 00:36:19,520
+and then he spelled out the number and
+00:36:16,720 --> 00:36:21,440
+then whatever that was was the number
+00:36:19,520 --> 00:36:23,440
+and then what was matching and then you
+00:36:21,440 --> 00:36:26,000
+put that
+00:36:23,440 --> 00:36:28,240
+and it was that
+00:36:26,000 --> 00:36:31,119
+so here's the most important part kiddo
+00:36:28,240 --> 00:36:32,960
+is you remember shuffling the cards what
+00:36:31,119 --> 00:36:34,560
+you don't remember is once you were
+00:36:32,960 --> 00:36:36,320
+absolutely convinced that the cards were
+00:36:34,560 --> 00:36:37,839
+shuffled i put them in the box and i put
+00:36:36,320 --> 00:36:40,240
+them behind me
+00:36:37,839 --> 00:36:42,400
+and then i pulled out a different deck
+00:36:40,240 --> 00:36:44,880
+to do this trick with
+00:36:42,400 --> 00:36:46,960
+wait what
+00:36:44,880 --> 00:36:48,560
+you don't even have to be sly about it i
+00:36:46,960 --> 00:36:50,320
+said hey do me a favor shuffle these
+00:36:48,560 --> 00:36:51,520
+cards i didn't say i'm about to do a
+00:36:50,320 --> 00:36:53,119
+trick and i need you to shuffle the
+00:36:51,520 --> 00:36:54,480
+cards i just said i need you to shuffle
+00:36:53,119 --> 00:36:56,000
+the cards and then we spent a whole
+00:36:54,480 --> 00:36:57,520
+bunch of minutes doing all this and then
+00:36:56,000 --> 00:37:00,720
+eventually mixing them all around like
+00:36:57,520 --> 00:37:02,960
+this and then i put them back in
+00:37:00,720 --> 00:37:05,839
+and then i put these right behind me and
+00:37:02,960 --> 00:37:07,920
+i said let's begin that's the secret to
+00:37:05,839 --> 00:37:10,960
+all great magic tricks the moment the
+00:37:07,920 --> 00:37:13,839
+magician says let's begin it's already
+00:37:10,960 --> 00:37:16,880
+over because when i pulled out the deck
+00:37:13,839 --> 00:37:19,200
+i pulled out a different deck that looks
+00:37:16,880 --> 00:37:20,480
+like it's in random order but in fact
+00:37:19,200 --> 00:37:22,800
+this is something we've learned years
+00:37:20,480 --> 00:37:25,280
+ago it's called psy stebbins it's a
+00:37:22,800 --> 00:37:28,240
+special order of the cards that goes
+00:37:25,280 --> 00:37:29,839
+clubs hearts spades diamonds clubs
+00:37:28,240 --> 00:37:32,000
+hearts spades diamonds clubs hearts
+00:37:29,839 --> 00:37:35,280
+spades diamonds all the way down each
+00:37:32,000 --> 00:37:38,079
+card is three more than the one before
+00:37:35,280 --> 00:37:40,880
+it so two of spades then five of
+00:37:38,079 --> 00:37:42,000
+diamonds then eight of clubs then jack
+00:37:40,880 --> 00:37:44,400
+of hearts
+00:37:42,000 --> 00:37:46,760
+so the way you remember it is club's
+00:37:44,400 --> 00:37:49,680
+heart spades diamond goes
+00:37:46,760 --> 00:37:53,200
+chsd so just remember the word chased
+00:37:49,680 --> 00:37:55,040
+chsd chase chased so that's which ones
+00:37:53,200 --> 00:37:56,640
+clubs hearts spades diamonds that's
+00:37:55,040 --> 00:37:58,480
+right and each card is how much more
+00:37:56,640 --> 00:38:00,880
+than the one before it two
+00:37:58,480 --> 00:38:03,119
+no one more than two is
+00:38:00,880 --> 00:38:06,240
+00:38:03,119 --> 00:38:08,320
+three so if this one is the three
+00:38:06,240 --> 00:38:10,560
+which one is three more than that
+00:38:08,320 --> 00:38:12,720
+uh six that's right and if this is a
+00:38:10,560 --> 00:38:13,760
+diamond what's going to be the next suit
+00:38:12,720 --> 00:38:15,280
+00:38:13,760 --> 00:38:16,480
+that's right what's the next card gonna
+00:38:15,280 --> 00:38:20,000
+00:38:16,480 --> 00:38:22,640
+nine of hearts it's nine hearts that's
+00:38:20,000 --> 00:38:23,599
+right what's the next card gonna be
+00:38:22,640 --> 00:38:25,680
+00:38:23,599 --> 00:38:28,240
+spades 12
+00:38:25,680 --> 00:38:31,040
+no yeah that's right yeah 12 12 would be
+00:38:28,240 --> 00:38:33,760
+which which face card uh was it queen
+00:38:31,040 --> 00:38:35,119
+that's right yeah queen of spades now
+00:38:33,760 --> 00:38:38,480
+this is where it gets tricky it's gonna
+00:38:35,119 --> 00:38:40,560
+go past one again so it'll be queen
+00:38:38,480 --> 00:38:41,440
+king ace
+00:38:40,560 --> 00:38:44,160
+00:38:41,440 --> 00:38:45,680
+yes it'll be a two of diamonds so that's
+00:38:44,160 --> 00:38:47,440
+00:38:45,680 --> 00:38:49,520
+so okay this is the part that's going to
+00:38:47,440 --> 00:38:51,599
+take you some time is setting up a deck
+00:38:49,520 --> 00:38:52,480
+in this order but once you have it what
+00:38:51,599 --> 00:38:54,640
+you're going to do is you're going to
+00:38:52,480 --> 00:38:56,320
+keep that deck off to the side and
+00:38:54,640 --> 00:38:58,240
+you're going to have another deck that
+00:38:56,320 --> 00:38:59,839
+you do your regular card tricks with so
+00:38:58,240 --> 00:39:02,160
+this one goes in your pocket it's all
+00:38:59,839 --> 00:39:04,400
+set now in this case look at this i got
+00:39:02,160 --> 00:39:06,720
+two decks one of them has this kind of
+00:39:04,400 --> 00:39:09,040
+half torn label this one i was able to
+00:39:06,720 --> 00:39:11,680
+peel the label totally off of so this is
+00:39:09,040 --> 00:39:13,760
+the one i do all my regular tricks with
+00:39:11,680 --> 00:39:15,359
+this is the one i keep in my back pocket
+00:39:13,760 --> 00:39:17,280
+so this could be the last trick you do
+00:39:15,359 --> 00:39:19,760
+you can mess around you can play cards
+00:39:17,280 --> 00:39:21,599
+you're doing a bunch of whatever family
+00:39:19,760 --> 00:39:23,599
+games and then
+00:39:21,599 --> 00:39:26,320
+don't say you're about to do a trick
+00:39:23,599 --> 00:39:28,079
+instead just make a big deal about how
+00:39:26,320 --> 00:39:30,160
+you want them to shuffle cards or have
+00:39:28,079 --> 00:39:32,240
+them teach you to shuffle cards right or
+00:39:30,160 --> 00:39:34,480
+you teach them how to shuffle cards yeah
+00:39:32,240 --> 00:39:36,640
+regardless they just remember that the
+00:39:34,480 --> 00:39:39,040
+cards were shuffled for a long time and
+00:39:36,640 --> 00:39:40,880
+then the cards go away and then you wait
+00:39:39,040 --> 00:39:43,200
+just a little bit and you're like
+00:39:40,880 --> 00:39:44,880
+you want to see a trick they go yeah
+00:39:43,200 --> 00:39:46,800
+you're like oh man you're not going to
+00:39:44,880 --> 00:39:49,760
+believe this and that's when you pull
+00:39:46,800 --> 00:39:52,800
+out your systems deck right oh wow how
+00:39:49,760 --> 00:39:54,000
+do you know i guess you marked it but um
+00:39:52,800 --> 00:39:56,640
+do you keep them in like separate
+00:39:54,000 --> 00:39:58,480
+pockets i didn't even put this other
+00:39:56,640 --> 00:40:00,720
+deck in my pocket i just set it off to
+00:39:58,480 --> 00:40:02,960
+the side because why would you be paying
+00:40:00,720 --> 00:40:04,319
+attention nobody cares so it's this just
+00:40:02,960 --> 00:40:06,240
+goes off the side and then you pull this
+00:40:04,319 --> 00:40:09,119
+out you're like you want to see a trick
+00:40:06,240 --> 00:40:10,800
+now these cards are all in the special
+00:40:09,119 --> 00:40:12,720
+order so you don't want to disturb the
+00:40:10,800 --> 00:40:14,720
+order but you can
+00:40:12,720 --> 00:40:17,599
+cut the cards a bunch so you can either
+00:40:14,720 --> 00:40:20,240
+cut them in your hand or you can maybe
+00:40:17,599 --> 00:40:22,160
+just pull one card off at a time or you
+00:40:20,240 --> 00:40:23,680
+could cut them onto the table
+00:40:22,160 --> 00:40:25,760
+you could do all of that but it's like
+00:40:23,680 --> 00:40:28,079
+as long as you're only cutting the cards
+00:40:25,760 --> 00:40:30,240
+you're fine and then now you have them
+00:40:28,079 --> 00:40:31,200
+pick a card now in this case we dribbled
+00:40:30,240 --> 00:40:33,440
+it down
+00:40:31,200 --> 00:40:34,800
+so that one card was on top or you could
+00:40:33,440 --> 00:40:35,760
+have them touch one go ahead and touch
+00:40:34,800 --> 00:40:37,280
+00:40:35,760 --> 00:40:38,800
+whatever one they touch i'll put that
+00:40:37,280 --> 00:40:41,440
+one on top i'll put all the rest on
+00:40:38,800 --> 00:40:43,040
+bottom and you set it off to the side
+00:40:41,440 --> 00:40:45,680
+here's the thing the whole deck is
+00:40:43,040 --> 00:40:46,560
+already set all you got to remember is
+00:40:45,680 --> 00:40:49,040
+00:40:46,560 --> 00:40:51,119
+number matching card okay oh it's
+00:40:49,040 --> 00:40:52,800
+raining right on us that's that's all
+00:40:51,119 --> 00:40:54,480
+the angry magicians upset that we're
+00:40:52,800 --> 00:40:55,760
+learning their secrets okay here we go
+00:40:54,480 --> 00:40:57,760
+all right so all right what are the
+00:40:55,760 --> 00:40:59,280
+three words so there's color then
+00:40:57,760 --> 00:41:02,480
+there's numbers and then there's
+00:40:59,280 --> 00:41:04,000
+matching okay is it numbers or number
+00:41:02,480 --> 00:41:05,440
+just number okay that's right and you're
+00:41:04,000 --> 00:41:07,359
+gonna deal them out and then the next
+00:41:05,440 --> 00:41:08,880
+card will be the right one yeah okay so
+00:41:07,359 --> 00:41:11,359
+here you do the trick for me this is the
+00:41:08,880 --> 00:41:14,079
+card i just picked okay so um what are
+00:41:11,359 --> 00:41:16,000
+we doing who knows the card uh the deck
+00:41:14,079 --> 00:41:18,319
+yes jack knows the card yes yes and so
+00:41:16,000 --> 00:41:21,440
+why don't we find out what the color is
+00:41:18,319 --> 00:41:22,240
+that's right so you put c o
+00:41:21,440 --> 00:41:23,440
+00:41:22,240 --> 00:41:25,440
+00:41:23,440 --> 00:41:27,599
+r and then this next one is gonna be the
+00:41:25,440 --> 00:41:31,440
+color oh it's a black card ah it's black
+00:41:27,599 --> 00:41:32,839
+card okay then there's number um so n
+00:41:31,440 --> 00:41:34,960
+00:41:32,839 --> 00:41:36,640
+m b
+00:41:34,960 --> 00:41:38,319
+00:41:36,640 --> 00:41:39,599
+r and then this next one is going to be
+00:41:38,319 --> 00:41:41,440
+the number
+00:41:39,599 --> 00:41:43,760
+it must be a five on black five yeah
+00:41:41,440 --> 00:41:45,359
+okay and then that's the matching card
+00:41:43,760 --> 00:41:46,240
+so m
+00:41:45,359 --> 00:41:47,280
+00:41:46,240 --> 00:41:49,119
+00:41:47,280 --> 00:41:50,400
+c h
+00:41:49,119 --> 00:41:51,760
+00:41:50,400 --> 00:41:52,800
+00:41:51,760 --> 00:41:54,000
+00:41:52,800 --> 00:41:54,960
+00:41:54,000 --> 00:41:55,760
+00:41:54,960 --> 00:41:57,599
+00:41:55,760 --> 00:41:58,560
+d and this next one's gonna be what uh
+00:41:57,599 --> 00:42:01,200
+what the
+00:41:58,560 --> 00:42:04,560
+thing is the magic card yes
+00:42:01,200 --> 00:42:04,560
+okay so that means my card must be
+00:42:04,640 --> 00:42:09,280
+it's you do it it's raining on us yeah
+00:42:07,200 --> 00:42:11,440
+the diamonds are opening look all right
+00:42:09,280 --> 00:42:12,880
+that's so good you got to toast me okay
+00:42:11,440 --> 00:42:14,000
+who needs school you got everything you
+00:42:12,880 --> 00:42:16,560
+need right here
+00:42:14,000 --> 00:42:19,280
+yeah a friend of mine dr james grime of
+00:42:16,560 --> 00:42:22,319
+cambridge university hit me up with one
+00:42:19,280 --> 00:42:24,720
+of the best variations on this trick i'd
+00:42:22,319 --> 00:42:26,960
+ever seen do me a favor you just want to
+00:42:24,720 --> 00:42:31,359
+multiply a bunch of single digit numbers
+00:42:26,960 --> 00:42:33,359
+like 3 times 5 times 9 times 2 times
+00:42:31,359 --> 00:42:35,520
+keep on going until you end up with a
+00:42:33,359 --> 00:42:37,839
+big fat gigantic number in like the
+00:42:35,520 --> 00:42:42,359
+billions or trillions or something keep
+00:42:37,839 --> 00:42:42,359
+on multiplying okay um
+00:42:46,560 --> 00:42:50,079
+oh let me know when you're done
+00:42:52,000 --> 00:42:57,040
+oops i got to an e uh try twisting it
+00:42:55,200 --> 00:42:58,800
+and it'll go into scientific calculator
+00:42:57,040 --> 00:43:01,440
+mode all righty there we go
+00:42:58,800 --> 00:43:04,319
+all right so so you have a big huge long
+00:43:01,440 --> 00:43:06,640
+number right yes okay i want you to pick
+00:43:04,319 --> 00:43:08,319
+one of those digits doesn't matter it
+00:43:06,640 --> 00:43:10,480
+could be the first one the last one any
+00:43:08,319 --> 00:43:13,359
+of them in the middle but i want you to
+00:43:10,480 --> 00:43:15,599
+point at it so that the camera knows and
+00:43:13,359 --> 00:43:18,480
+everybody at home knows which
+00:43:15,599 --> 00:43:20,960
+single digit you're thinking of
+00:43:18,480 --> 00:43:22,880
+you got one yeah you're not gonna forget
+00:43:20,960 --> 00:43:25,280
+it no i'm just gonna forget it that is
+00:43:22,880 --> 00:43:26,400
+your secret okay you keep that in your
+00:43:25,280 --> 00:43:29,520
+mind all right
+00:43:26,400 --> 00:43:32,000
+so so you generated a big fat gigantic
+00:43:29,520 --> 00:43:34,560
+number totally random by multiplying a
+00:43:32,000 --> 00:43:36,800
+bunch of digits right you have selected
+00:43:34,560 --> 00:43:38,960
+one of these digits
+00:43:36,800 --> 00:43:41,280
+to be your secret digit here's what i
+00:43:38,960 --> 00:43:43,520
+need you to do i'm going to turn around
+00:43:41,280 --> 00:43:46,160
+you're going to tell me every other
+00:43:43,520 --> 00:43:49,680
+digit except for
+00:43:46,160 --> 00:43:51,760
+your secret digit you understand okay
+00:43:49,680 --> 00:43:54,720
+okay all right do it does it need to be
+00:43:51,760 --> 00:43:57,200
+in order uh no it does not even need to
+00:43:54,720 --> 00:43:58,480
+be in order okay then
+00:43:57,200 --> 00:44:00,319
+00:43:58,480 --> 00:44:02,079
+00:44:00,319 --> 00:44:03,599
+00:44:02,079 --> 00:44:05,040
+00:44:03,599 --> 00:44:06,160
+00:44:05,040 --> 00:44:07,440
+00:44:06,160 --> 00:44:08,480
+00:44:07,440 --> 00:44:10,079
+00:44:08,480 --> 00:44:12,240
+00:44:10,079 --> 00:44:15,440
+that was not in order by the way trying
+00:44:12,240 --> 00:44:15,440
+to make this hard on me huh
+00:44:16,160 --> 00:44:20,160
+00:44:17,839 --> 00:44:22,720
+oh i know your secret number
+00:44:20,160 --> 00:44:24,400
+the secret digit that you're thinking of
+00:44:22,720 --> 00:44:25,680
+is two
+00:44:24,400 --> 00:44:27,760
+00:44:25,680 --> 00:44:29,440
+was i right yeah
+00:44:27,760 --> 00:44:32,160
+pretty good right you want to try it
+00:44:29,440 --> 00:44:34,240
+again yeah
+00:44:32,160 --> 00:44:37,040
+multiply a bunch of single digit numbers
+00:44:34,240 --> 00:44:39,599
+make it as random as you possibly can
+00:44:37,040 --> 00:44:39,599
+00:44:45,680 --> 00:44:50,400
+i got it you got it yeah okay out of all
+00:44:48,560 --> 00:44:53,040
+of those digits pick one to be your
+00:44:50,400 --> 00:44:55,520
+secret digit do you have it alrighty all
+00:44:53,040 --> 00:44:57,040
+right so you created a gigantic totally
+00:44:55,520 --> 00:44:59,040
+random number multiplying a bunch of
+00:44:57,040 --> 00:45:01,839
+single digits you picked one of those
+00:44:59,040 --> 00:45:05,280
+digits you're thinking of one digit
+00:45:01,839 --> 00:45:07,040
+tell me all the other digits except for
+00:45:05,280 --> 00:45:08,640
+your secret digit
+00:45:07,040 --> 00:45:10,319
+00:45:08,640 --> 00:45:11,440
+one one
+00:45:10,319 --> 00:45:12,319
+00:45:11,440 --> 00:45:14,240
+00:45:12,319 --> 00:45:15,920
+zero zero
+00:45:14,240 --> 00:45:20,400
+00:45:15,920 --> 00:45:21,520
+feel like your secret digit is
+00:45:20,400 --> 00:45:22,800
+00:45:21,520 --> 00:45:24,880
+00:45:22,800 --> 00:45:26,160
+is that good yeah is that amazing how
+00:45:24,880 --> 00:45:29,599
+did you do that dude do you want to
+00:45:26,160 --> 00:45:32,800
+learn it yeah just give me a high five
+00:45:29,599 --> 00:45:35,040
+dr james grime is awesome and having him
+00:45:32,800 --> 00:45:38,079
+on scamnation was one of the biggest
+00:45:35,040 --> 00:45:39,119
+treats we've ever had he is great and
+00:45:38,079 --> 00:45:40,960
+everything that's right with the
+00:45:39,119 --> 00:45:43,680
+universe he shows up over on the
+00:45:40,960 --> 00:45:46,880
+numberphile channel and he brought this
+00:45:43,680 --> 00:45:48,160
+variation on a classic math magical
+00:45:46,880 --> 00:45:50,480
+00:45:48,160 --> 00:45:52,800
+do you have any idea how this works you
+00:45:50,480 --> 00:45:55,680
+put like specific
+00:45:52,800 --> 00:45:58,000
+numbers at the beginning yeah because i
+00:45:55,680 --> 00:45:58,880
+started it for you yeah and i was just
+00:45:58,000 --> 00:46:01,839
+00:45:58,880 --> 00:46:01,839
+and then i was wrong
+00:46:02,640 --> 00:46:06,160
+here's the beauty is the way this works
+00:46:04,880 --> 00:46:08,880
+is i give you
+00:46:06,160 --> 00:46:10,720
+total free reign to multiply as much as
+00:46:08,880 --> 00:46:12,319
+you want and people want to multiply
+00:46:10,720 --> 00:46:15,920
+more and more and i say make it as
+00:46:12,319 --> 00:46:19,520
+random as possible sooner or later three
+00:46:15,920 --> 00:46:22,319
+times five times four times seven
+00:46:19,520 --> 00:46:23,520
+times sooner or later you're gonna hit
+00:46:22,319 --> 00:46:26,560
+00:46:23,520 --> 00:46:30,000
+once you hit nine you're stuck in a
+00:46:26,560 --> 00:46:30,960
+groove because everything after that
+00:46:30,000 --> 00:46:33,760
+00:46:30,960 --> 00:46:36,160
+all of the digits of anything that's
+00:46:33,760 --> 00:46:39,440
+ever multiplied by nine
+00:46:36,160 --> 00:46:42,800
+all of the digits add up to a multiple
+00:46:39,440 --> 00:46:46,319
+of nine so at this point six three five
+00:46:42,800 --> 00:46:49,520
+oh four oh six plus three is nine
+00:46:46,319 --> 00:46:51,599
+five and four is nine so this is 18
+00:46:49,520 --> 00:46:54,480
+which is a multiple of nine
+00:46:51,599 --> 00:46:59,040
+even if we multiply more by seven
+00:46:54,480 --> 00:47:03,599
+four plus 4 plus 4 is 12 plus 5 is 17
+00:46:59,040 --> 00:47:06,640
+plus 2 is 19 plus 8 is 27 which is a
+00:47:03,599 --> 00:47:09,760
+multiple of 9. that's right so look
+00:47:06,640 --> 00:47:10,480
+let's do this we'll do times 6
+00:47:09,760 --> 00:47:13,599
+00:47:10,480 --> 00:47:16,240
+26 million six seventy one six eighty
+00:47:13,599 --> 00:47:18,800
+two plus six is eight plus six is
+00:47:16,240 --> 00:47:21,520
+fourteen plus seven is twenty one plus
+00:47:18,800 --> 00:47:25,200
+one is twenty two plus six is twenty
+00:47:21,520 --> 00:47:28,160
+eight plus eight is 36
+00:47:25,200 --> 00:47:31,119
+which is a multiple of nine yes no
+00:47:28,160 --> 00:47:34,960
+matter how much you keep multiplying
+00:47:31,119 --> 00:47:37,680
+everything it will always be a multiple
+00:47:34,960 --> 00:47:40,640
+of nine there's two parts to this number
+00:47:37,680 --> 00:47:42,880
+one you have to hope that either they
+00:47:40,640 --> 00:47:45,920
+hit nine at some point there's a little
+00:47:42,880 --> 00:47:48,800
+bit of a risk or if not nine if they
+00:47:45,920 --> 00:47:51,680
+multiply three twice or
+00:47:48,800 --> 00:47:55,359
+three and six because three times 6 is
+00:47:51,680 --> 00:47:57,280
+18 which is a multiple of 9. exactly
+00:47:55,359 --> 00:47:59,520
+right there is an element of risk to
+00:47:57,280 --> 00:48:01,440
+this if you can go ahead and start with
+00:47:59,520 --> 00:48:04,079
+the number 9 yourself but once they're
+00:48:01,440 --> 00:48:06,480
+in that nine groove every single thing
+00:48:04,079 --> 00:48:09,040
+they multiply it by all of the digits
+00:48:06,480 --> 00:48:12,880
+will add up to be a multiple of nine
+00:48:09,040 --> 00:48:13,920
+wait so you add them all up except for
+00:48:12,880 --> 00:48:17,119
+00:48:13,920 --> 00:48:19,839
+number that missing secret digit right
+00:48:17,119 --> 00:48:23,280
+and then what how do you find out like
+00:48:19,839 --> 00:48:25,520
+exactly what that missing number is here
+00:48:23,280 --> 00:48:29,520
+you go ahead and do one all right there
+00:48:25,520 --> 00:48:31,440
+okay 58 million 060 800 right so what
+00:48:29,520 --> 00:48:34,000
+i'm going to ask you is to pick any of
+00:48:31,440 --> 00:48:35,520
+these to be your secret hidden digit so
+00:48:34,000 --> 00:48:36,720
+i'm going to pick that one as my secret
+00:48:35,520 --> 00:48:39,440
+00:48:36,720 --> 00:48:42,480
+okay great you don't know i i don't know
+00:48:39,440 --> 00:48:44,240
+sure sure all right so five yep i'm so
+00:48:42,480 --> 00:48:45,200
+i'm thinking five
+00:48:44,240 --> 00:48:48,800
+00:48:45,200 --> 00:48:49,839
+plus eight is thirteen zero zero
+00:48:48,800 --> 00:48:50,720
+00:48:49,839 --> 00:48:54,079
+00:48:50,720 --> 00:48:58,240
+six so now we're at 19.
+00:48:54,079 --> 00:49:01,760
+and then zero yeah 19 and then zero 19
+00:48:58,240 --> 00:49:06,160
+and this zero 19. okay so i'm thinking
+00:49:01,760 --> 00:49:08,480
+19. so the your secret digit has to be
+00:49:06,160 --> 00:49:10,000
+the difference between whatever number
+00:49:08,480 --> 00:49:11,520
+i'm thinking of
+00:49:10,000 --> 00:49:13,680
+00:49:11,520 --> 00:49:15,440
+the next multiple of 9. so if i'm
+00:49:13,680 --> 00:49:16,559
+thinking of 19
+00:49:15,440 --> 00:49:18,640
+that means
+00:49:16,559 --> 00:49:21,200
+the nearest multiple of nine that's
+00:49:18,640 --> 00:49:24,880
+above it is 27.
+00:49:21,200 --> 00:49:25,920
+so 27 minus 19 is
+00:49:24,880 --> 00:49:29,280
+00:49:25,920 --> 00:49:32,160
+so your secret number was eight was i
+00:49:29,280 --> 00:49:34,160
+right yes okay now there is one way to
+00:49:32,160 --> 00:49:35,920
+screw everything up yeah if they decide
+00:49:34,160 --> 00:49:38,480
+that their secret number is gonna be a
+00:49:35,920 --> 00:49:40,800
+nine or a zero there's no way to know
+00:49:38,480 --> 00:49:42,880
+the difference because if you take away
+00:49:40,800 --> 00:49:44,880
+a zero it's still going to be a multiple
+00:49:42,880 --> 00:49:47,200
+of nine if you take away a nine it's
+00:49:44,880 --> 00:49:49,920
+still going to be a multiple of nine so
+00:49:47,200 --> 00:49:50,800
+if you end up with exactly a multiple of
+00:49:49,920 --> 00:49:52,480
+00:49:50,800 --> 00:49:54,640
+then you gotta hedge your bets and you
+00:49:52,480 --> 00:49:56,640
+gotta say something vague like
+00:49:54,640 --> 00:50:01,440
+oh man i i
+00:49:56,640 --> 00:50:03,119
+i feel like it's either a zero or a nine
+00:50:01,440 --> 00:50:04,960
+and then at that point you've already
+00:50:03,119 --> 00:50:07,119
+kind of won because you've at least said
+00:50:04,960 --> 00:50:10,079
+one of them and then it's like
+00:50:07,119 --> 00:50:11,839
+i'm gonna go with nine is it a nine and
+00:50:10,079 --> 00:50:13,280
+then you'll either be right or wrong but
+00:50:11,839 --> 00:50:15,119
+it doesn't matter you've said the right
+00:50:13,280 --> 00:50:17,200
+answer does that make sense that makes
+00:50:15,119 --> 00:50:18,720
+sense it's a little bit of a risky thing
+00:50:17,200 --> 00:50:20,559
+look away look what i look away i'm
+00:50:18,720 --> 00:50:24,160
+going to start multiplying a bunch of
+00:50:20,559 --> 00:50:26,040
+numbers to create a gigantic totally
+00:50:24,160 --> 00:50:28,720
+00:50:26,040 --> 00:50:30,079
+multi-million digit number
+00:50:28,720 --> 00:50:32,720
+all right i've got it all right i'm
+00:50:30,079 --> 00:50:33,760
+gonna pick one of the digits
+00:50:32,720 --> 00:50:36,800
+to be
+00:50:33,760 --> 00:50:39,040
+my secret digit now what
+00:50:36,800 --> 00:50:42,880
+um okay so you're gonna tell me all the
+00:50:39,040 --> 00:50:44,880
+numbers except for that one very slowly
+00:50:42,880 --> 00:50:47,040
+00:50:44,880 --> 00:50:49,839
+it's not because of anything suspicious
+00:50:47,040 --> 00:50:52,079
+just slowly please it's not a race okay
+00:50:49,839 --> 00:50:56,640
+here we go it's not a race
+00:50:52,079 --> 00:50:56,640
+the other digits are zero
+00:50:56,800 --> 00:50:59,280
+00:50:59,359 --> 00:51:03,599
+00:51:01,200 --> 00:51:03,599
+00:51:04,559 --> 00:51:06,960
+00:51:07,040 --> 00:51:09,839
+00:51:10,800 --> 00:51:15,119
+what is the secret digit that i'm
+00:51:13,359 --> 00:51:16,240
+thinking of in my randomly generated
+00:51:15,119 --> 00:51:20,280
+00:51:16,240 --> 00:51:20,280
+your number
+00:51:21,200 --> 00:51:26,000
+six it totally is yes
+00:51:26,160 --> 00:51:30,240
+oh my god
+00:51:27,839 --> 00:51:32,400
+because so so i i i assume what you
+00:51:30,240 --> 00:51:35,839
+figured out was that the next uh
+00:51:32,400 --> 00:51:37,760
+multiple of nine was 18. yes i i had to
+00:51:35,839 --> 00:51:40,640
+double check i had to be like nine plus
+00:51:37,760 --> 00:51:43,440
+nine equals 18. and then and then i had
+00:51:40,640 --> 00:51:44,319
+to take away 12 from oh my god that's so
+00:51:43,440 --> 00:51:46,079
+00:51:44,319 --> 00:51:47,119
+you crushed oh that was a bad high five
+00:51:46,079 --> 00:51:50,319
+though here we go
+00:51:47,119 --> 00:51:50,319
+high nine high nine uh
+00:51:54,000 --> 00:51:58,079
+all right girl i'm going to teach you
+00:51:55,359 --> 00:52:00,240
+some fundamentals first of all a shuffle
+00:51:58,079 --> 00:52:01,359
+deck of cards you can actually shuffle
+00:52:00,240 --> 00:52:02,240
+do you know how to shuffle the cards
+00:52:01,359 --> 00:52:03,920
+like this
+00:52:02,240 --> 00:52:04,960
+this is called an overhand shuffle you
+00:52:03,920 --> 00:52:05,680
+ever do this
+00:52:04,960 --> 00:52:09,359
+00:52:05,680 --> 00:52:11,119
+have tried and it did not go well
+00:52:09,359 --> 00:52:12,319
+well let's let's learn it there you go
+00:52:11,119 --> 00:52:14,480
+first of all you're going to grab all
+00:52:12,319 --> 00:52:16,400
+the cards like a brick with your right
+00:52:14,480 --> 00:52:17,920
+hand there you go your left hand is
+00:52:16,400 --> 00:52:20,000
+going to kind of be like a like a soft
+00:52:17,920 --> 00:52:21,839
+taco right like this right taco there
+00:52:20,000 --> 00:52:23,040
+you go you're gonna lift with your right
+00:52:21,839 --> 00:52:24,559
+00:52:23,040 --> 00:52:27,119
+then your left hand's gonna peel off
+00:52:24,559 --> 00:52:29,119
+some cards let them drop right hand's
+00:52:27,119 --> 00:52:32,960
+gonna come back down left hand's gonna
+00:52:29,119 --> 00:52:32,960
+grab some more cards come on
+00:52:36,240 --> 00:52:39,680
+that's an important distinction is your
+00:52:37,760 --> 00:52:41,920
+right hand is not dropping cards your
+00:52:39,680 --> 00:52:44,400
+left hand is grabbing cards so you can
+00:52:41,920 --> 00:52:46,319
+grab one at a time you can grab a few at
+00:52:44,400 --> 00:52:47,680
+a time your left hand is doing all the
+00:52:46,319 --> 00:52:50,079
+work your left hand is grabbing your
+00:52:47,680 --> 00:52:52,319
+right hand is just holding a block
+00:52:50,079 --> 00:52:54,400
+there there you go left hand grabs grab
+00:52:52,319 --> 00:52:56,559
+scrap scraps grab scrap scraps left
+00:52:54,400 --> 00:52:58,800
+hands doing all the work there you go
+00:52:56,559 --> 00:53:00,960
+grab subscribe scrap scraps grab scraps
+00:52:58,800 --> 00:53:03,119
+give me all them crabs
+00:53:00,960 --> 00:53:04,880
+give me all them crabs
+00:53:03,119 --> 00:53:06,960
+delicious but i feel bad because they're
+00:53:04,880 --> 00:53:08,280
+like so cute
+00:53:06,960 --> 00:53:11,520
+they're not cute
+00:53:08,280 --> 00:53:13,440
+00:53:11,520 --> 00:53:14,800
+they've got some oily arms and they're
+00:53:13,440 --> 00:53:16,480
+00:53:14,800 --> 00:53:18,079
+i had to make sure that i don't only
+00:53:16,480 --> 00:53:19,760
+grab it with my thumb and just go like
+00:53:18,079 --> 00:53:22,000
+that no that's exactly right yeah you
+00:53:19,760 --> 00:53:24,000
+want just your thumb to be grabbing one
+00:53:22,000 --> 00:53:25,200
+two five however many
+00:53:24,000 --> 00:53:26,880
+and then and then you run through i
+00:53:25,200 --> 00:53:28,559
+guess it does shuffle it feels like it
+00:53:26,880 --> 00:53:30,400
+doesn't because like you're just
+00:53:28,559 --> 00:53:32,240
+grabbing from the top right it feels
+00:53:30,400 --> 00:53:33,359
+like it's not so now
+00:53:32,240 --> 00:53:34,960
+watch this
+00:53:33,359 --> 00:53:36,640
+let's go ahead and set uh so you have
+00:53:34,960 --> 00:53:38,559
+the three of clubs on the bottom of your
+00:53:36,640 --> 00:53:41,280
+deck yes i'll set the three of clubs on
+00:53:38,559 --> 00:53:43,440
+the bottom of my deck there you go
+00:53:41,280 --> 00:53:45,680
+so now we're gonna do the exact same
+00:53:43,440 --> 00:53:47,440
+thing only as we get to the bottom of
+00:53:45,680 --> 00:53:50,480
+the deck we're gonna start peeling them
+00:53:47,440 --> 00:53:53,359
+off one at a time so big clump big clump
+00:53:50,480 --> 00:53:56,640
+big clump one one one one one one one
+00:53:53,359 --> 00:53:59,520
+one one one one one one one one
+00:53:56,640 --> 00:54:00,400
+and then drop it on the bottom okay so
+00:53:59,520 --> 00:54:02,800
+00:54:00,400 --> 00:54:02,800
+00:54:02,880 --> 00:54:07,440
+00:54:04,800 --> 00:54:10,960
+clump nope uh put them on top
+00:54:07,440 --> 00:54:12,319
+clump and then it's all one one
+00:54:10,960 --> 00:54:14,559
+and then
+00:54:12,319 --> 00:54:14,559
+00:54:15,760 --> 00:54:20,720
+let's do that again take take take just
+00:54:18,880 --> 00:54:22,240
+take them all take them all take them
+00:54:20,720 --> 00:54:25,839
+00:54:22,240 --> 00:54:28,079
+and then psych we're going back here
+00:54:25,839 --> 00:54:30,480
+spike you're gonna drop it on the bottom
+00:54:28,079 --> 00:54:32,640
+that's great okay great now the reason
+00:54:30,480 --> 00:54:34,480
+we're holding one card at the bottom is
+00:54:32,640 --> 00:54:37,040
+because there's an awesome way to reveal
+00:54:34,480 --> 00:54:39,520
+that card okay so let's say you have
+00:54:37,040 --> 00:54:41,280
+somebody pick a random card right so
+00:54:39,520 --> 00:54:43,599
+let's say it's uh oh i don't know the
+00:54:41,280 --> 00:54:46,319
+three of clubs
+00:54:43,599 --> 00:54:48,400
+so i'll shuffle up the deck yes
+00:54:46,319 --> 00:54:49,760
+and then i'll say here put your card on
+00:54:48,400 --> 00:54:52,319
+00:54:49,760 --> 00:54:54,799
+i believe now watch this with my soft
+00:54:52,319 --> 00:54:56,880
+taco hand i'm going to peel off the top
+00:54:54,799 --> 00:54:59,280
+00:54:56,880 --> 00:55:01,520
+and i'm going to throw all these on top
+00:54:59,280 --> 00:55:03,920
+so where's your card
+00:55:01,520 --> 00:55:05,520
+at the back that's right now watch this
+00:55:03,920 --> 00:55:09,520
+if i use
+00:55:05,520 --> 00:55:11,040
+both sides if i squeeze on the soft taco
+00:55:09,520 --> 00:55:13,680
+where's your card
+00:55:11,040 --> 00:55:16,720
+still at the back how about now
+00:55:13,680 --> 00:55:18,880
+still at the bite how about now still at
+00:55:16,720 --> 00:55:20,720
+the bank and i guess you can tell if you
+00:55:18,880 --> 00:55:22,079
+can since you can see from the back
+00:55:20,720 --> 00:55:24,400
+that's right that's right because i have
+00:55:22,079 --> 00:55:26,240
+the view and you don't right okay so all
+00:55:24,400 --> 00:55:28,000
+of that brings us to the important part
+00:55:26,240 --> 00:55:29,599
+where i make your card appear you ready
+00:55:28,000 --> 00:55:31,040
+00:55:29,599 --> 00:55:31,920
+what was your card
+00:55:31,040 --> 00:55:32,839
+00:55:31,920 --> 00:55:37,599
+00:55:32,839 --> 00:55:37,599
+three of clubs watches
+00:55:43,359 --> 00:55:47,119
+that is what we're gonna learn
+00:55:45,440 --> 00:55:49,119
+wait you put it in the middle so that
+00:55:47,119 --> 00:55:51,440
+was basically mixed
+00:55:49,119 --> 00:55:53,760
+was it grab the cards okay
+00:55:51,440 --> 00:55:55,440
+here's how it goes they pick a card it
+00:55:53,760 --> 00:55:57,760
+goes on top of the deck
+00:55:55,440 --> 00:55:59,599
+so now you're gonna grab the brick
+00:55:57,760 --> 00:56:01,359
+and you got the soft taco you're gonna
+00:55:59,599 --> 00:56:03,040
+you're gonna peel off the top card which
+00:56:01,359 --> 00:56:07,920
+is whose card
+00:56:03,040 --> 00:56:09,680
+their car that's right they're so silly
+00:56:07,920 --> 00:56:10,400
+then you're gonna then you're gonna peel
+00:56:09,680 --> 00:56:11,599
+00:56:10,400 --> 00:56:15,359
+then you're just gonna keep on you're
+00:56:11,599 --> 00:56:16,559
+gonna do the stab and the soft taco
+00:56:15,359 --> 00:56:18,240
+there you go there you go keep going
+00:56:16,559 --> 00:56:21,680
+keep going keep going you got it you got
+00:56:18,240 --> 00:56:23,440
+it there you go feed my view
+00:56:21,680 --> 00:56:25,119
+okay and then then you're gonna square
+00:56:23,440 --> 00:56:26,319
+everything up
+00:56:25,119 --> 00:56:27,200
+and then what do we do with the left
+00:56:26,319 --> 00:56:29,040
+00:56:27,200 --> 00:56:30,480
+squeeze it we squeeze that's right
+00:56:29,040 --> 00:56:32,319
+that's right and so we're going to
+00:56:30,480 --> 00:56:35,119
+squeeze the top and bottom
+00:56:32,319 --> 00:56:38,880
+keeping which card where keeping the
+00:56:35,119 --> 00:56:41,680
+card in plates the last one there you go
+00:56:38,880 --> 00:56:43,280
+same thing pick it up and then we keep
+00:56:41,680 --> 00:56:45,040
+on going
+00:56:43,280 --> 00:56:46,799
+keeping the holes
+00:56:45,040 --> 00:56:49,520
+on that card
+00:56:46,799 --> 00:56:51,040
+good job on that card yep and then we
+00:56:49,520 --> 00:56:53,920
+squish it
+00:56:51,040 --> 00:56:56,000
+you're doing great i'm not
+00:56:53,920 --> 00:56:57,680
+squared on
+00:56:56,000 --> 00:57:00,160
+okay great
+00:56:57,680 --> 00:57:02,640
+and then that brings us to the reveal we
+00:57:00,160 --> 00:57:04,480
+already know their card is where bottom
+00:57:02,640 --> 00:57:06,400
+that's right so we're gonna hold it as a
+00:57:04,480 --> 00:57:07,200
+as a block put it in our left hand like
+00:57:06,400 --> 00:57:08,960
+00:57:07,200 --> 00:57:11,520
+and here's the thing we're gonna let our
+00:57:08,960 --> 00:57:13,760
+thumb let half the deck
+00:57:11,520 --> 00:57:15,359
+drop down there fingertips on the thumb
+00:57:13,760 --> 00:57:16,720
+there you go let it drop
+00:57:15,359 --> 00:57:19,839
+now watch this
+00:57:16,720 --> 00:57:22,319
+index is going to push forward
+00:57:19,839 --> 00:57:24,559
+i don't have that big of a thumb you do
+00:57:22,319 --> 00:57:26,559
+there you go you got it there you go all
+00:57:24,559 --> 00:57:28,160
+right now
+00:57:26,559 --> 00:57:30,160
+oh there you go you got it you got it i
+00:57:28,160 --> 00:57:31,520
+got it and then once it's over the hump
+00:57:30,160 --> 00:57:32,720
+you're gonna immediately curl that
+00:57:31,520 --> 00:57:35,760
+finger in
+00:57:32,720 --> 00:57:40,079
+so that it drops on top of it now use
+00:57:35,760 --> 00:57:43,680
+those fingers to kick it out
+00:57:40,079 --> 00:57:44,799
+yes get it all the way out and then
+00:57:43,680 --> 00:57:46,559
+00:57:44,799 --> 00:57:48,160
+come on come on come on
+00:57:46,559 --> 00:57:50,160
+i got it
+00:57:48,160 --> 00:57:51,359
+close enough close it up try it again
+00:57:50,160 --> 00:57:53,119
+try it again try it again all right all
+00:57:51,359 --> 00:57:54,480
+right here we go here we go you're doing
+00:57:53,119 --> 00:57:56,960
+good you're doing good
+00:57:54,480 --> 00:57:59,359
+got it i've got this okay you know what
+00:57:56,960 --> 00:58:00,880
+let's only do it with half the deck oh
+00:57:59,359 --> 00:58:02,880
+here we go yeah
+00:58:00,880 --> 00:58:04,799
+okay there we go so you want the tips of
+00:58:02,880 --> 00:58:05,920
+your fingers to be over the edge perfect
+00:58:04,799 --> 00:58:07,440
+00:58:05,920 --> 00:58:08,400
+there you go all right so now we're
+00:58:07,440 --> 00:58:11,040
+00:58:08,400 --> 00:58:13,119
+kick this up don't let those guys go
+00:58:11,040 --> 00:58:14,960
+we're gonna start kicking it up and then
+00:58:13,119 --> 00:58:16,319
+if you need to let go with your thumb
+00:58:14,960 --> 00:58:17,920
+you can just
+00:58:16,319 --> 00:58:19,599
+pivot your wrist
+00:58:17,920 --> 00:58:21,040
+so wait wait
+00:58:19,599 --> 00:58:23,760
+you're just shushing you oh that's great
+00:58:21,040 --> 00:58:25,680
+that's great that's great
+00:58:23,760 --> 00:58:27,440
+uh tilt your wrist up
+00:58:25,680 --> 00:58:29,680
+there you go there you go get it over
+00:58:27,440 --> 00:58:31,200
+that lip and it's gonna flop over and
+00:58:29,680 --> 00:58:32,400
+you're gonna stick your fingers in as it
+00:58:31,200 --> 00:58:33,440
+falls down
+00:58:32,400 --> 00:58:35,200
+you got it
+00:58:33,440 --> 00:58:38,160
+you got it
+00:58:35,200 --> 00:58:38,160
+you got this
+00:58:38,400 --> 00:58:40,559
+let it let
+00:58:39,680 --> 00:58:41,520
+00:58:40,559 --> 00:58:43,280
+00:58:41,520 --> 00:58:46,319
+oh wait i got it i got it
+00:58:43,280 --> 00:58:46,319
+we got it all right
+00:58:46,960 --> 00:58:50,079
+and then and then what do you do what do
+00:58:49,200 --> 00:58:52,160
+you do
+00:58:50,079 --> 00:58:53,440
+i'm gonna flip the card you're gonna
+00:58:52,160 --> 00:58:54,880
+kick it out
+00:58:53,440 --> 00:58:57,760
+and if you need to you can just throw it
+00:58:54,880 --> 00:58:57,760
+down how about that
+00:59:00,880 --> 00:59:05,280
+so good
+00:59:02,319 --> 00:59:06,880
+that took a lot
+00:59:05,280 --> 00:59:09,359
+it's hard when you have small hands but
+00:59:06,880 --> 00:59:12,400
+you got it down good job girl
+00:59:09,359 --> 00:59:14,400
+i did it with a little bit of help
+00:59:12,400 --> 00:59:16,400
+there's two parts first is the cutting
+00:59:14,400 --> 00:59:19,520
+of the deck you're gonna drop half
+00:59:16,400 --> 00:59:22,480
+kick it up let them settle but then
+00:59:19,520 --> 00:59:24,000
+you're gonna put your fingers in between
+00:59:22,480 --> 00:59:26,400
+the top half of the bottom half when
+00:59:24,000 --> 00:59:29,280
+they resettle then you're gonna kick out
+00:59:26,400 --> 00:59:30,640
+this card which will be the bottom card
+00:59:29,280 --> 00:59:32,100
+and then you're gonna flip it right on
+00:59:30,640 --> 00:59:38,579
+00:59:32,100 --> 00:59:38,579