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What is the inheritance pattern of Li–Fraumeni syndrome?
<answer> autosomal dominant <context> Balanced t(11;15)(q23;q15) in a TP53+/+ breast cancer patient from a Li-Fraumeni syndrome family. Li-Fraumeni Syndrome (LFS) is characterized by early-onset carcinogenesis involving multiple tumor types and shows autosomal dominant inheritance. Approximately 70% of LFS cases are due to germline mutations in the TP53 gene on chromosome 17p13.1. Mutations have also been found in the CHEK2 gene on chromosome 22q11, and others have been mapped to chromosome 11q23. While characterizing an LFS family with a documented defect in TP53, we found one family member who developed bilateral breast cancer at age 37 yet was homozygous for wild-type TP53. Her mother also developed early-onset primary bilateral breast cancer, and a sister had unilateral breast cancer and a soft tissue sarcoma. Cytogenetic analysis using fluorescence in situ hybridization of a primary skin fibroblast cell line revealed that the patient had a novel balanced reciprocal translocation between the long arms of chromosomes 11 and 15: t(11;15)(q23;q15). This translocation was not present in a primary skin fibroblast cell line from a brother with neuroblastoma, who was heterozygous for the TP53 mutation. There was no evidence of acute lymphoblastic leukemia in either the patient or her mother, although a nephew did develop leukemia and died in childhood. These data may implicate the region at breakpoint 11q23 and/or 15q15 as playing a significant role in predisposition to breast cancer development.
What is the inheritance pattern of Li–Fraumeni syndrome?
<answer> autosomal dominant <context> Genetic modeling of Li-Fraumeni syndrome in zebrafish. Li-Fraumeni syndrome (LFS) is a highly penetrant, autosomal dominant, human familial cancer predisposition. Although a key role for the tumor suppressor p53 has been implicated in LFS, the genetic and cellular mechanisms underpinning this disease remain unknown. Therefore, modeling LFS in a vertebrate system that is accessible to both large-scale genetic screens and in vivo cell biological studies will facilitate the in vivo dissection of disease mechanisms, help identify candidate genes, and spur the discovery of therapeutic compounds. Here, we describe a forward genetic screen in zebrafish embryos that was used to identify LFS candidate genes, which yielded a p53 mutant (p53(I166T)) that as an adult develops tumors, predominantly sarcomas, with 100% penetrance. As in humans with LFS, tumors arise in heterozygotes and display loss of heterozygosity (LOH). This report of LOH indicates that Knudson's two-hit hypothesis, a hallmark of human autosomal dominant cancer syndromes, can be modeled in zebrafish. Furthermore, as with some LFS mutations, the zebrafish p53(I166T) allele is a loss-of-function allele with dominant-negative activity in vivo. Additionally, we demonstrate that the p53 regulatory pathway, including Mdm2 regulation, is evolutionarily conserved in zebrafish, providing a bona fide biological context in which to systematically uncover novel modifier genes and therapeutic agents for human LFS.
Which type of lung cancer is afatinib used for?
<answer> EGFR-mutant NSCLC <context> Clinical perspective of afatinib in non-small cell lung cancer. Reversible ATP-competitive inhibitors targeting the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) have been established as the most effective treatment of patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) harboring "activating" mutations in exons 19 and 21 of the EGFR gene. However, clinical activity is limited by acquired resistance which on average develops within 10 months of continued treatment. The mechanisms for acquired resistance include selection of the EGFR T790M mutation in approximately 50% of cases, and MET gene amplification, PIK3CA gene mutation, transdifferentiation into small-cell lung cancer and additional rare or unkown mechanisms. Afatinib is a small molecule covalently binding and inhibiting the EGFR, HER2 and HER4 receptor tyrosine kinases. In preclinical studies, afatinib not only inhibited the growth of models with common activating EGFR mutations, but was also active in lung cancer models harboring wild-type EGFR or the EGFR L858R/T790M double mutant. Clinical efficacy of afatinib has been extensively studied in the LUX-Lung study program. These trials showed promising efficacy in patients with EGFR-mutant NSCLC or enriched for clinical benefit from EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors gefitinib or erlotinib. Here we review the current status of clinical application of afatinib in NSCLC. We also discuss clinical aspects of resistance to afatinib and strategies for its circumvention.
Which hormone abnormalities are characteristic to Pendred syndrome?
<answer> thyroid <context> DOCA sensitive pendrin expression in kidney, heart, lung and thyroid tissues. BACKGROUND/AIMS: Pendrin (SLC26A4), a transporter accomplishing anion exchange, is expressed in inner ear, thyroid gland, kidneys, lung, liver and heart. Loss or reduction of function mutations of SLC26A4 underlie Pendred syndrome, a disorder invariably leading to hearing loss with enlarged vestibular aqueducts and in some patients to hypothyroidism and goiter. Renal pendrin expression is up-regulated by mineralocorticoids such as aldosterone or deoxycorticosterone (DOCA). Little is known about the impact of mineralocorticoids on pendrin expression in extrarenal tissues. METHODS: The present study utilized RT-qPCR and Western blotting to quantify the transcript levels and protein abundance of Slc26a4 in murine kidney, thyroid, heart and lung prior to and following subcutaneous administration of 100 mg/kg DOCA. RESULTS: Slc26a4 transcript levels as compared to Gapdh transcript levels were significantly increased by DOCA treatment in kidney, heart, lung and thyroid. Accordingly pendrin protein expression was again significantly increased by DOCA treatment in kidney, heart, lung and thyroid. CONCLUSION: The observations reveal mineralocorticoid sensitivity of pendrin expression in kidney, heart, thyroid and lung.
Which hormone abnormalities are characteristic to Pendred syndrome?
<answer> thyroid <context> Clinical and molecular characteristics of Pendred syndrome. Pendred syndrome is an autosomal recessive disorder defined by sensorineural deafness, goiter and a partial defect in the organification of iodide. It is caused by biallelic mutations in the SLC26A4 gene, which encodes pendrin, a multifunctional anion exchanger. At the level of the inner ear, pendrin is important for the creation of a normal endolymph composition and the maintenance of the endocochlear potential. In the thyroid, pendrin is expressed at the apical membrane of thyroid follicular cells and it appears to be involved in mediating iodide efflux into the lumen and/or maintenance of the follicular pH. Goiter development and hypothyroidism vary among affected individuals and seem to be partially dependent on nutritional iodide intake. In the kidney, pendrin functions as a chloride/bicarbonate exchanger. Elucidation of the molecular basis of Pendred syndrome and the function of pendrin has provided unexpected novel insights into the pathophysiology of the inner ear, thyroid hormone synthesis, and chloride/bicarbonate exchange in the kidney.
Which hormone abnormalities are characteristic to Pendred syndrome?
<answer> thyroid <context> Clinical and molecular characteristics of Pendred syndrome. Pendred syndrome is an autosomal recessive disorder defined by sensorineural deafness, goiter and a partial defect in the organification of iodide. It is caused by biallelic mutations in the SLC26A4 gene, which encodes pendrin, a multifunctional anion exchanger. At the level of the inner ear, pendrin is important for the creation of a normal endolymph composition and the maintenance of the endocochlear potential. In the thyroid, pendrin is expressed at the apical membrane of thyroid follicular cells and it appears to be involved in mediating iodide efflux into the lumen and/or maintenance of the follicular pH. Goiter development and hypothyroidism vary among affected individuals and seem to be partially dependent on nutritional iodide intake. In the kidney, pendrin functions as a chloride/bicarbonate exchanger. Elucidation of the molecular basis of Pendred syndrome and the function of pendrin has provided unexpected novel insights into the pathophysiology of the inner ear, thyroid hormone synthesis, and chloride/bicarbonate exchange in the kidney.
Which hormone abnormalities are characteristic to Pendred syndrome?
<answer> Thyroid <context> Pendred syndrome in Tunisia. OBJECTIVES: We report a clinical and genetic study of three consanguineous Tunisian families affected by Pendred syndrome. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Three families from the south of Tunisia were identified as affected by Pendred syndrome. The patients and their families underwent ENT and general examination and audiovestibular and radiological tests. Molecular DNA analysis was performed by the Sfax Human Molecular Genetics Department. RESULTS: Forty-three patients (mean age: 21 years [2-60 years]) were affected. Tonal audiometry showed bilateral sensorineural hearing loss in 87.5% of cases, and mixed hearing loss in 12.5% with bilateral high frequency sensorineural hearing loss and conductive hearing loss at lower frequencies. Deafness was severe in 21% and profound in 79% of cases. Thyroid goiter was found in 46.5% of cases. Inner ear CT scan found enlarged bilateral vestibular aqueducts in all cases. Hormone analysis was normal and perchlorate test negative in all cases. A single Pendred syndrome (PDS) gene mutation, L445W, was found. DISCUSSION: Pendred syndrome is the most frequent congenital deafness syndrome. It is characterized by great intrafamilial phenotype variability.
Which hormone abnormalities are characteristic to Pendred syndrome?
<answer> thyroid <context> A patient with Pendred syndrome whose goiter progressed with normal serum thyrotropin and iodine organification. Biallelic mutations of SLC26A4 (encoding pendrin) cause Pendred syndrome (PS), an autosomal recessive genetic disorder with deafness and goiter. The mechanism underlying the development of the goiter is unknown. Here, we report clinical and molecular findings of a patient with PS. This 27-year-old woman was born to nonconsanguineous healthy parents. She was seen at our hospital due to hearing loss at age 3 years, and subsequently developed goiter at age 10 years. From age 15 years, her thyroid gland showed progressive enlargement accompanied by elevation of serum thyroglobulin reaching 10-fold the normal amount. Thyroidal iodine uptake was also increased during goiter progression ((123)I uptake at 24 hr: 20.2% at age 17 years; 69.4% at age 24 years; reference, 8-40), while serum thyrotropin (TSH) levels and iodine organification (examined by the perchrolate or thiocyanate discharge test) remained normal. We sequenced SLC26A4 using standard PCR-based technique, and found one novel (p.T537P) and one recurrent (p.H723R) mutations in a compound heterozygous state. Expression experiments using COS-7 cells showed that the two mutants were entrapped in the endoplasmic reticulum and were poorly localized at the plasma membrane. In summary, a molecularly confirmed PS patient showed goiter progression accompanied by elevated serum thyroglobulin and increased thyroidal iodine uptake, but normal serum TSH levels and normal iodine organification. This implies that some pendrin mutations may involve direct stimulation of thyroid cell proliferation with no TSH hyperstimulation and no iodine organification defect.
Which hormone abnormalities are characteristic to Pendred syndrome?
<answer> thyroid <context> A patient with Pendred syndrome whose goiter progressed with normal serum thyrotropin and iodine organification. Biallelic mutations of SLC26A4 (encoding pendrin) cause Pendred syndrome (PS), an autosomal recessive genetic disorder with deafness and goiter. The mechanism underlying the development of the goiter is unknown. Here, we report clinical and molecular findings of a patient with PS. This 27-year-old woman was born to nonconsanguineous healthy parents. She was seen at our hospital due to hearing loss at age 3 years, and subsequently developed goiter at age 10 years. From age 15 years, her thyroid gland showed progressive enlargement accompanied by elevation of serum thyroglobulin reaching 10-fold the normal amount. Thyroidal iodine uptake was also increased during goiter progression ((123)I uptake at 24 hr: 20.2% at age 17 years; 69.4% at age 24 years; reference, 8-40), while serum thyrotropin (TSH) levels and iodine organification (examined by the perchrolate or thiocyanate discharge test) remained normal. We sequenced SLC26A4 using standard PCR-based technique, and found one novel (p.T537P) and one recurrent (p.H723R) mutations in a compound heterozygous state. Expression experiments using COS-7 cells showed that the two mutants were entrapped in the endoplasmic reticulum and were poorly localized at the plasma membrane. In summary, a molecularly confirmed PS patient showed goiter progression accompanied by elevated serum thyroglobulin and increased thyroidal iodine uptake, but normal serum TSH levels and normal iodine organification. This implies that some pendrin mutations may involve direct stimulation of thyroid cell proliferation with no TSH hyperstimulation and no iodine organification defect.
Which hormone abnormalities are characteristic to Pendred syndrome?
<answer> thyroid <context> A coherent organization of differentiation proteins is required to maintain an appropriate thyroid function in the Pendred thyroid. CONTEXT: Pendred syndrome is caused by mutations in the gene coding for pendrin, an apical Cl-/I- exchanger. OBJECTIVE: To analyze intrathyroidal compensatory mechanisms when pendrin is lacking, we investigated the thyroid of a patient with Pendred syndrome. The expression of proteins involved in thyroid hormone synthesis, markers of oxidative stress (OS), cell proliferation, apoptosis, and antioxidant enzymes were analyzed. RESULTS: Three morphological zones were identified: nearly normal follicles with iodine-rich thyroglobulin in the colloid (zone 1.a), small follicles without iodine-rich thyroglobulin in lumina (zone 1.b), and destroyed follicles (zone 2). In zones 1.a, dual oxidase (Duox) and thyroid peroxidase (TPO) were localized at the apical pole, OS and cell apoptosis were absent, but ClC-5 expression was strongly increased. In zones 1.b, Duox and TPO were aberrantly present and increased in the cytosol and associated with high OS, apoptosis, cell proliferation, and increased expression of peroxiredoxin-5, catalase, and dehalogenase-1 but moderate ClC-5 expression. CONCLUSION: In conclusion, the absence of pendrin is accompanied by increased ClC-5 expression that may transiently compensate for apical iodide efflux. In more affected follicles, Duox and TPO are relocated in the cytosol, leading to abnormal intracellular thyroid hormone synthesis, which results in cell destruction presumably because intracellular OS cannot be buffered by antioxidant defenses.
Which hormone abnormalities are characteristic to Pendred syndrome?
<answer> thyroid <context> A coherent organization of differentiation proteins is required to maintain an appropriate thyroid function in the Pendred thyroid. CONTEXT: Pendred syndrome is caused by mutations in the gene coding for pendrin, an apical Cl-/I- exchanger. OBJECTIVE: To analyze intrathyroidal compensatory mechanisms when pendrin is lacking, we investigated the thyroid of a patient with Pendred syndrome. The expression of proteins involved in thyroid hormone synthesis, markers of oxidative stress (OS), cell proliferation, apoptosis, and antioxidant enzymes were analyzed. RESULTS: Three morphological zones were identified: nearly normal follicles with iodine-rich thyroglobulin in the colloid (zone 1.a), small follicles without iodine-rich thyroglobulin in lumina (zone 1.b), and destroyed follicles (zone 2). In zones 1.a, dual oxidase (Duox) and thyroid peroxidase (TPO) were localized at the apical pole, OS and cell apoptosis were absent, but ClC-5 expression was strongly increased. In zones 1.b, Duox and TPO were aberrantly present and increased in the cytosol and associated with high OS, apoptosis, cell proliferation, and increased expression of peroxiredoxin-5, catalase, and dehalogenase-1 but moderate ClC-5 expression. CONCLUSION: In conclusion, the absence of pendrin is accompanied by increased ClC-5 expression that may transiently compensate for apical iodide efflux. In more affected follicles, Duox and TPO are relocated in the cytosol, leading to abnormal intracellular thyroid hormone synthesis, which results in cell destruction presumably because intracellular OS cannot be buffered by antioxidant defenses.
Which hormone abnormalities are characteristic to Pendred syndrome?
<answer> thyroid <context> Controversies concerning the role of pendrin as an apical iodide transporter in thyroid follicular cells. Pendred syndrome is an autosomal recessive disorder defined by sensorineural deafness, goiter and a partial organification defect of iodide. It is caused by biallelic mutations in the multifunctional anion transporter pendrin/SLC26A4. In human thyroid tissue, pendrin is localized at the apical membrane of thyroid follicular cells. The clinical phenotype of patients with Pendred syndrome and the fact that pendrin can mediate iodide efflux in transfected cells suggest that this anion exchanger may be involved in mediating iodide efflux into the follicular lumen, a key step in thyroid hormone biosynthesis. This concept has, however, been questioned. This review discusses supporting evidence as well as arguments questioning a role of pendrin in mediating iodide efflux in thyrocytes.
Which hormone abnormalities are characteristic to Pendred syndrome?
<answer> thyroid <context> TSH regulates pendrin membrane abundance and enhances iodide efflux in thyroid cells. Thyroid hormones are essential for normal development and metabolism. Their synthesis requires transport of iodide into thyroid follicles. The mechanisms involving the apical efflux of iodide into the follicular lumen are poorly elucidated. The discovery of mutations in the SLC26A4 gene in patients with Pendred syndrome (congenital deafness, goiter, and defective iodide organification) suggested a possible role for the encoded protein, pendrin, as an apical iodide transporter. We determined whether TSH regulates pendrin abundance at the plasma membrane and whether this influences iodide efflux. Results of immunoblot and immunofluorescence experiments reveal that TSH and forskolin rapidly increase pendrin abundance at the plasma membrane through the protein kinase A pathway in PCCL-3 rat thyroid cells. The increase in pendrin membrane abundance correlates with a decrease in intracellular iodide as determined by measuring intracellular (125)iodide and can be inhibited by specific blocking of pendrin. Elimination of the putative protein kinase A phosphorylation site T717A results in a diminished translocation to the membrane in response to forskolin. These results demonstrate that pendrin translocates to the membrane in response to TSH and suggest that it may have a physiological role in apical iodide transport and thyroid hormone synthesis.
Which hormone abnormalities are characteristic to Pendred syndrome?
<answer> thyroid <context> TSH regulates pendrin membrane abundance and enhances iodide efflux in thyroid cells. Thyroid hormones are essential for normal development and metabolism. Their synthesis requires transport of iodide into thyroid follicles. The mechanisms involving the apical efflux of iodide into the follicular lumen are poorly elucidated. The discovery of mutations in the SLC26A4 gene in patients with Pendred syndrome (congenital deafness, goiter, and defective iodide organification) suggested a possible role for the encoded protein, pendrin, as an apical iodide transporter. We determined whether TSH regulates pendrin abundance at the plasma membrane and whether this influences iodide efflux. Results of immunoblot and immunofluorescence experiments reveal that TSH and forskolin rapidly increase pendrin abundance at the plasma membrane through the protein kinase A pathway in PCCL-3 rat thyroid cells. The increase in pendrin membrane abundance correlates with a decrease in intracellular iodide as determined by measuring intracellular (125)iodide and can be inhibited by specific blocking of pendrin. Elimination of the putative protein kinase A phosphorylation site T717A results in a diminished translocation to the membrane in response to forskolin. These results demonstrate that pendrin translocates to the membrane in response to TSH and suggest that it may have a physiological role in apical iodide transport and thyroid hormone synthesis.
Which hormone abnormalities are characteristic to Pendred syndrome?
<answer> thyroid <context> Genetics and phenomics of Pendred syndrome. Pendred syndrome is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by sensorineural deafness, goiter and a partial defect in iodide organification. Goiter development and hypothyroidism vary and appear to depend on nutritional iodide intake. Pendred syndrome is caused by biallelic mutations in the SLC26A4 gene, which encodes pendrin, a multifunctional anion exchanger. Pendrin is mainly expressed in the thyroid, the inner ear, and the kidney. In the thyroid, pendrin localizes to the apical membrane of thyrocytes, where it may be involved in mediating iodide efflux. Loss-of-function mutations in the SLC26A4 gene are associated with a partial iodide organification defect, presumably because of a reduced iodide efflux into the follicular lumen. In the kidney, pendrin functions as a chloride/bicarbonate exchanger. In the inner ear, pendrin is important in the maintenance of a normal anion transport and the endocochlear potential. Elucidation of the function of pendrin has provided unexpected novel insights into the pathophysiology of thyroid hormone biosynthesis, chloride retention in the kidney, and composition of the endolymph.
Which hormone abnormalities are characteristic to Pendred syndrome?
<answer> thyroid <context> Genetics and phenomics of Pendred syndrome. Pendred syndrome is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by sensorineural deafness, goiter and a partial defect in iodide organification. Goiter development and hypothyroidism vary and appear to depend on nutritional iodide intake. Pendred syndrome is caused by biallelic mutations in the SLC26A4 gene, which encodes pendrin, a multifunctional anion exchanger. Pendrin is mainly expressed in the thyroid, the inner ear, and the kidney. In the thyroid, pendrin localizes to the apical membrane of thyrocytes, where it may be involved in mediating iodide efflux. Loss-of-function mutations in the SLC26A4 gene are associated with a partial iodide organification defect, presumably because of a reduced iodide efflux into the follicular lumen. In the kidney, pendrin functions as a chloride/bicarbonate exchanger. In the inner ear, pendrin is important in the maintenance of a normal anion transport and the endocochlear potential. Elucidation of the function of pendrin has provided unexpected novel insights into the pathophysiology of thyroid hormone biosynthesis, chloride retention in the kidney, and composition of the endolymph.
Which hormone abnormalities are characteristic to Pendred syndrome?
<answer> thyroid <context> Genetics and phenomics of Pendred syndrome. Pendred syndrome is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by sensorineural deafness, goiter and a partial defect in iodide organification. Goiter development and hypothyroidism vary and appear to depend on nutritional iodide intake. Pendred syndrome is caused by biallelic mutations in the SLC26A4 gene, which encodes pendrin, a multifunctional anion exchanger. Pendrin is mainly expressed in the thyroid, the inner ear, and the kidney. In the thyroid, pendrin localizes to the apical membrane of thyrocytes, where it may be involved in mediating iodide efflux. Loss-of-function mutations in the SLC26A4 gene are associated with a partial iodide organification defect, presumably because of a reduced iodide efflux into the follicular lumen. In the kidney, pendrin functions as a chloride/bicarbonate exchanger. In the inner ear, pendrin is important in the maintenance of a normal anion transport and the endocochlear potential. Elucidation of the function of pendrin has provided unexpected novel insights into the pathophysiology of thyroid hormone biosynthesis, chloride retention in the kidney, and composition of the endolymph.
Which hormone abnormalities are characteristic to Pendred syndrome?
<answer> thyroid <context> Developmental delays consistent with cochlear hypothyroidism contribute to failure to develop hearing in mice lacking Slc26a4/pendrin expression. Mutations of SLC26A4 cause an enlarged vestibular aqueduct, nonsyndromic deafness, and deafness as part of Pendred syndrome. SLC26A4 encodes pendrin, an anion exchanger located in the cochlea, thyroid, and kidney. The goal of the present study was to determine whether developmental delays, possibly mediated by systemic or local hypothyroidism, contribute to the failure to develop hearing in mice lacking Slc26a4 (Slc26a4(-/-)). We evaluated thyroid function by voltage and pH measurements, by array-assisted gene expression analysis, and by determination of plasma thyroxine levels. Cochlear development was evaluated for signs of hypothyroidism by microscopy, in situ hybridization, and quantitative RT-PCR. No differences in plasma thyroxine levels were found in Slc26a4(-/-) and sex-matched Slc26a4(+/-) littermates between postnatal day 5 (P5) and P90. In adult Slc26a4(-/-) mice, the transepithelial potential and the pH of thyroid follicles were reduced. No differences in the expression of genes that participate in thyroid hormone synthesis or ion transport were observed at P15, when plasma thyroxine levels peaked. Scala media of the cochlea was 10-fold enlarged, bulging into and thereby displacing fibrocytes, which express Dio2 to generate a cochlear thyroid hormone peak at P7. Cochlear development, including tunnel opening, arrival of efferent innervation at outer hair cells, endochondral and intramembraneous ossification, and developmental changes in the expression of Dio2, Dio3, and Tectb were delayed by 1-4 days. These data suggest that pendrin functions as a HCO3- transporter in the thyroid, that Slc26a4(-/-) mice are systemically euthyroid, and that delays in cochlear development, possibly due to local hypothyroidism, lead to the failure to develop hearing.
Which hormone abnormalities are characteristic to Pendred syndrome?
<answer> thyroid <context> Genetic causes of goiter and deafness: Pendred syndrome in a girl and cooccurrence of Pendred syndrome and resistance to thyroid hormone in her sister. CONTEXT: Goiter and deafness can be associated in some genetic syndromes, e.g. Pendred syndrome (PS) and resistance to thyroid hormone (RTH). PS is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by goiter and sensorineural hearing impairment with an enlarged vestibular aqueduct bilaterally. RTH is an autosomal dominant condition of reduced tissue sensitivity to thyroid hormone in which goiter is very frequent and hearing loss occurs in about 20% of patients. OBJECTIVE, PATIENTS, AND DESIGN: The objective of this study was to identify the cause of goiter and deafness in two sisters born to healthy unrelated parents. We present their history, clinical presentation, and follow-up and report the results of molecular genetic investigations. RESULTS: The elder sister had an elevated TSH level at newborn screening followed by subclinical hypothyroidism, childhood-onset goiter, and bilateral progressive sensorineural hearing impairment with enlarged vestibular aqueducts, consistent with a diagnosis of PS. Her younger sister had congenital goiter, elevated free T3 and free T4 concentrations with unsuppressed TSH, sinus tachycardia, and bilateral progressive sensorineural hearing impairment with enlarged vestibular aqueducts. This clinical presentation was consistent with a diagnosis of RTH, in which, however, inner ear malformations are uncommon. Interestingly, molecular genetic testing showed that, whereas the elder sister is affected by PS, the younger sister has both PS (due to compound heterozygous SLC26A4 mutations) and RTH (due to a novel de novo heterozygous THRB mutation). CONCLUSIONS: This is the first report of the cooccurrence, in the same individual, of PS and RTH, two genetic syndromes both associated with goiter and hearing impairment.
Which hormone abnormalities are characteristic to Pendred syndrome?
<answer> thyroid <context> Genetic causes of goiter and deafness: Pendred syndrome in a girl and cooccurrence of Pendred syndrome and resistance to thyroid hormone in her sister. CONTEXT: Goiter and deafness can be associated in some genetic syndromes, e.g. Pendred syndrome (PS) and resistance to thyroid hormone (RTH). PS is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by goiter and sensorineural hearing impairment with an enlarged vestibular aqueduct bilaterally. RTH is an autosomal dominant condition of reduced tissue sensitivity to thyroid hormone in which goiter is very frequent and hearing loss occurs in about 20% of patients. OBJECTIVE, PATIENTS, AND DESIGN: The objective of this study was to identify the cause of goiter and deafness in two sisters born to healthy unrelated parents. We present their history, clinical presentation, and follow-up and report the results of molecular genetic investigations. RESULTS: The elder sister had an elevated TSH level at newborn screening followed by subclinical hypothyroidism, childhood-onset goiter, and bilateral progressive sensorineural hearing impairment with enlarged vestibular aqueducts, consistent with a diagnosis of PS. Her younger sister had congenital goiter, elevated free T3 and free T4 concentrations with unsuppressed TSH, sinus tachycardia, and bilateral progressive sensorineural hearing impairment with enlarged vestibular aqueducts. This clinical presentation was consistent with a diagnosis of RTH, in which, however, inner ear malformations are uncommon. Interestingly, molecular genetic testing showed that, whereas the elder sister is affected by PS, the younger sister has both PS (due to compound heterozygous SLC26A4 mutations) and RTH (due to a novel de novo heterozygous THRB mutation). CONCLUSIONS: This is the first report of the cooccurrence, in the same individual, of PS and RTH, two genetic syndromes both associated with goiter and hearing impairment.
Which hormone abnormalities are characteristic to Pendred syndrome?
<answer> thyroid <context> Genetic causes of goiter and deafness: Pendred syndrome in a girl and cooccurrence of Pendred syndrome and resistance to thyroid hormone in her sister. CONTEXT: Goiter and deafness can be associated in some genetic syndromes, e.g. Pendred syndrome (PS) and resistance to thyroid hormone (RTH). PS is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by goiter and sensorineural hearing impairment with an enlarged vestibular aqueduct bilaterally. RTH is an autosomal dominant condition of reduced tissue sensitivity to thyroid hormone in which goiter is very frequent and hearing loss occurs in about 20% of patients. OBJECTIVE, PATIENTS, AND DESIGN: The objective of this study was to identify the cause of goiter and deafness in two sisters born to healthy unrelated parents. We present their history, clinical presentation, and follow-up and report the results of molecular genetic investigations. RESULTS: The elder sister had an elevated TSH level at newborn screening followed by subclinical hypothyroidism, childhood-onset goiter, and bilateral progressive sensorineural hearing impairment with enlarged vestibular aqueducts, consistent with a diagnosis of PS. Her younger sister had congenital goiter, elevated free T3 and free T4 concentrations with unsuppressed TSH, sinus tachycardia, and bilateral progressive sensorineural hearing impairment with enlarged vestibular aqueducts. This clinical presentation was consistent with a diagnosis of RTH, in which, however, inner ear malformations are uncommon. Interestingly, molecular genetic testing showed that, whereas the elder sister is affected by PS, the younger sister has both PS (due to compound heterozygous SLC26A4 mutations) and RTH (due to a novel de novo heterozygous THRB mutation). CONCLUSIONS: This is the first report of the cooccurrence, in the same individual, of PS and RTH, two genetic syndromes both associated with goiter and hearing impairment.
Which hormone abnormalities are characteristic to Pendred syndrome?
<answer> thyroid <context> [Phenotypic evaluation of patients with Pendred syndrome]. INTRODUCTION: The Pendred syndrome (PS) is an autosomally recessively inherited disease. Its diagnosis requires identification of the classical triad of symptoms, including hypoacusis, thyroid goitre and iodine organification defect in the thyroid, which may lead to thyroid functional disorders of hypothyroidism. SP is accompanied by anatomical anomalies. The objective is the hearing and balance system evaluation and the analysis of the inner ear structure and also the assessment of the function and structure of thyroid gland. MATERIAL AND METHODS: For the research four families were qualified, 7 persons with PS, 12 persons altogether. In all the patients the anamnesis in the form of a questionnaire and laryngological examination were performed. It was followed by pure tone, speech and impedance audiometry and brainstem response testing as well. ENG was also conducted. Patients with hearing loss were subjected to magnetic resonance of temporal bone. For the whole group thyroid hormones levels and iodine organification in the thyroid identified in a test with potassium perchlorate were measured and also USG and scyntography were conducted. RESULTS: In audiological examination in 3 cases deafness, in 2 cases profound hypoacusis and in 2 mild hypoacusis were recognised. In the group in 2 patients the hypoacusis was of a mixed type. In radiological assessment the labirynth showed anatomical anomalies in the form of enlargement of the vestibular aqueduct and the endolyphatic sac, yet in 3 patients the anomalies also concerned the structure of cochlear and semicircular canals. Endocrine examination showed hypothyroidism in 5, its subclinical form in 1, diffuse thyroid goitre in 4 and nodular thyroid goiter in 2 cases. CONCLUSIONS: A complex clinical evaluation: endocrine and audiological, together with radiological diagnostic imaging, supported by molecular studies of SLC26A4 gene, are the procedures, necessary for complete and accurate diagnosis of PS and EVAS.
Which hormone abnormalities are characteristic to Pendred syndrome?
<answer> thyroid <context> [Phenotypic evaluation of patients with Pendred syndrome]. INTRODUCTION: The Pendred syndrome (PS) is an autosomally recessively inherited disease. Its diagnosis requires identification of the classical triad of symptoms, including hypoacusis, thyroid goitre and iodine organification defect in the thyroid, which may lead to thyroid functional disorders of hypothyroidism. SP is accompanied by anatomical anomalies. The objective is the hearing and balance system evaluation and the analysis of the inner ear structure and also the assessment of the function and structure of thyroid gland. MATERIAL AND METHODS: For the research four families were qualified, 7 persons with PS, 12 persons altogether. In all the patients the anamnesis in the form of a questionnaire and laryngological examination were performed. It was followed by pure tone, speech and impedance audiometry and brainstem response testing as well. ENG was also conducted. Patients with hearing loss were subjected to magnetic resonance of temporal bone. For the whole group thyroid hormones levels and iodine organification in the thyroid identified in a test with potassium perchlorate were measured and also USG and scyntography were conducted. RESULTS: In audiological examination in 3 cases deafness, in 2 cases profound hypoacusis and in 2 mild hypoacusis were recognised. In the group in 2 patients the hypoacusis was of a mixed type. In radiological assessment the labirynth showed anatomical anomalies in the form of enlargement of the vestibular aqueduct and the endolyphatic sac, yet in 3 patients the anomalies also concerned the structure of cochlear and semicircular canals. Endocrine examination showed hypothyroidism in 5, its subclinical form in 1, diffuse thyroid goitre in 4 and nodular thyroid goiter in 2 cases. CONCLUSIONS: A complex clinical evaluation: endocrine and audiological, together with radiological diagnostic imaging, supported by molecular studies of SLC26A4 gene, are the procedures, necessary for complete and accurate diagnosis of PS and EVAS.
Which hormone abnormalities are characteristic to Pendred syndrome?
<answer> thyroid <context> [Phenotypic evaluation of patients with Pendred syndrome]. INTRODUCTION: The Pendred syndrome (PS) is an autosomally recessively inherited disease. Its diagnosis requires identification of the classical triad of symptoms, including hypoacusis, thyroid goitre and iodine organification defect in the thyroid, which may lead to thyroid functional disorders of hypothyroidism. SP is accompanied by anatomical anomalies. The objective is the hearing and balance system evaluation and the analysis of the inner ear structure and also the assessment of the function and structure of thyroid gland. MATERIAL AND METHODS: For the research four families were qualified, 7 persons with PS, 12 persons altogether. In all the patients the anamnesis in the form of a questionnaire and laryngological examination were performed. It was followed by pure tone, speech and impedance audiometry and brainstem response testing as well. ENG was also conducted. Patients with hearing loss were subjected to magnetic resonance of temporal bone. For the whole group thyroid hormones levels and iodine organification in the thyroid identified in a test with potassium perchlorate were measured and also USG and scyntography were conducted. RESULTS: In audiological examination in 3 cases deafness, in 2 cases profound hypoacusis and in 2 mild hypoacusis were recognised. In the group in 2 patients the hypoacusis was of a mixed type. In radiological assessment the labirynth showed anatomical anomalies in the form of enlargement of the vestibular aqueduct and the endolyphatic sac, yet in 3 patients the anomalies also concerned the structure of cochlear and semicircular canals. Endocrine examination showed hypothyroidism in 5, its subclinical form in 1, diffuse thyroid goitre in 4 and nodular thyroid goiter in 2 cases. CONCLUSIONS: A complex clinical evaluation: endocrine and audiological, together with radiological diagnostic imaging, supported by molecular studies of SLC26A4 gene, are the procedures, necessary for complete and accurate diagnosis of PS and EVAS.
Which hormone abnormalities are characteristic to Pendred syndrome?
<answer> thyroid <context> [Phenotypic evaluation of patients with Pendred syndrome]. INTRODUCTION: The Pendred syndrome (PS) is an autosomally recessively inherited disease. Its diagnosis requires identification of the classical triad of symptoms, including hypoacusis, thyroid goitre and iodine organification defect in the thyroid, which may lead to thyroid functional disorders of hypothyroidism. SP is accompanied by anatomical anomalies. The objective is the hearing and balance system evaluation and the analysis of the inner ear structure and also the assessment of the function and structure of thyroid gland. MATERIAL AND METHODS: For the research four families were qualified, 7 persons with PS, 12 persons altogether. In all the patients the anamnesis in the form of a questionnaire and laryngological examination were performed. It was followed by pure tone, speech and impedance audiometry and brainstem response testing as well. ENG was also conducted. Patients with hearing loss were subjected to magnetic resonance of temporal bone. For the whole group thyroid hormones levels and iodine organification in the thyroid identified in a test with potassium perchlorate were measured and also USG and scyntography were conducted. RESULTS: In audiological examination in 3 cases deafness, in 2 cases profound hypoacusis and in 2 mild hypoacusis were recognised. In the group in 2 patients the hypoacusis was of a mixed type. In radiological assessment the labirynth showed anatomical anomalies in the form of enlargement of the vestibular aqueduct and the endolyphatic sac, yet in 3 patients the anomalies also concerned the structure of cochlear and semicircular canals. Endocrine examination showed hypothyroidism in 5, its subclinical form in 1, diffuse thyroid goitre in 4 and nodular thyroid goiter in 2 cases. CONCLUSIONS: A complex clinical evaluation: endocrine and audiological, together with radiological diagnostic imaging, supported by molecular studies of SLC26A4 gene, are the procedures, necessary for complete and accurate diagnosis of PS and EVAS.
Which hormone abnormalities are characteristic to Pendred syndrome?
<answer> thyroid <context> [Phenotypic evaluation of patients with Pendred syndrome]. INTRODUCTION: The Pendred syndrome (PS) is an autosomally recessively inherited disease. Its diagnosis requires identification of the classical triad of symptoms, including hypoacusis, thyroid goitre and iodine organification defect in the thyroid, which may lead to thyroid functional disorders of hypothyroidism. SP is accompanied by anatomical anomalies. The objective is the hearing and balance system evaluation and the analysis of the inner ear structure and also the assessment of the function and structure of thyroid gland. MATERIAL AND METHODS: For the research four families were qualified, 7 persons with PS, 12 persons altogether. In all the patients the anamnesis in the form of a questionnaire and laryngological examination were performed. It was followed by pure tone, speech and impedance audiometry and brainstem response testing as well. ENG was also conducted. Patients with hearing loss were subjected to magnetic resonance of temporal bone. For the whole group thyroid hormones levels and iodine organification in the thyroid identified in a test with potassium perchlorate were measured and also USG and scyntography were conducted. RESULTS: In audiological examination in 3 cases deafness, in 2 cases profound hypoacusis and in 2 mild hypoacusis were recognised. In the group in 2 patients the hypoacusis was of a mixed type. In radiological assessment the labirynth showed anatomical anomalies in the form of enlargement of the vestibular aqueduct and the endolyphatic sac, yet in 3 patients the anomalies also concerned the structure of cochlear and semicircular canals. Endocrine examination showed hypothyroidism in 5, its subclinical form in 1, diffuse thyroid goitre in 4 and nodular thyroid goiter in 2 cases. CONCLUSIONS: A complex clinical evaluation: endocrine and audiological, together with radiological diagnostic imaging, supported by molecular studies of SLC26A4 gene, are the procedures, necessary for complete and accurate diagnosis of PS and EVAS.
Which hormone abnormalities are characteristic to Pendred syndrome?
<answer> thyroid <context> [Phenotypic evaluation of patients with Pendred syndrome]. INTRODUCTION: The Pendred syndrome (PS) is an autosomally recessively inherited disease. Its diagnosis requires identification of the classical triad of symptoms, including hypoacusis, thyroid goitre and iodine organification defect in the thyroid, which may lead to thyroid functional disorders of hypothyroidism. SP is accompanied by anatomical anomalies. The objective is the hearing and balance system evaluation and the analysis of the inner ear structure and also the assessment of the function and structure of thyroid gland. MATERIAL AND METHODS: For the research four families were qualified, 7 persons with PS, 12 persons altogether. In all the patients the anamnesis in the form of a questionnaire and laryngological examination were performed. It was followed by pure tone, speech and impedance audiometry and brainstem response testing as well. ENG was also conducted. Patients with hearing loss were subjected to magnetic resonance of temporal bone. For the whole group thyroid hormones levels and iodine organification in the thyroid identified in a test with potassium perchlorate were measured and also USG and scyntography were conducted. RESULTS: In audiological examination in 3 cases deafness, in 2 cases profound hypoacusis and in 2 mild hypoacusis were recognised. In the group in 2 patients the hypoacusis was of a mixed type. In radiological assessment the labirynth showed anatomical anomalies in the form of enlargement of the vestibular aqueduct and the endolyphatic sac, yet in 3 patients the anomalies also concerned the structure of cochlear and semicircular canals. Endocrine examination showed hypothyroidism in 5, its subclinical form in 1, diffuse thyroid goitre in 4 and nodular thyroid goiter in 2 cases. CONCLUSIONS: A complex clinical evaluation: endocrine and audiological, together with radiological diagnostic imaging, supported by molecular studies of SLC26A4 gene, are the procedures, necessary for complete and accurate diagnosis of PS and EVAS.
Which hormone abnormalities are characteristic to Pendred syndrome?
<answer> thyroid <context> [Phenotypic evaluation of patients with Pendred syndrome]. INTRODUCTION: The Pendred syndrome (PS) is an autosomally recessively inherited disease. Its diagnosis requires identification of the classical triad of symptoms, including hypoacusis, thyroid goitre and iodine organification defect in the thyroid, which may lead to thyroid functional disorders of hypothyroidism. SP is accompanied by anatomical anomalies. The objective is the hearing and balance system evaluation and the analysis of the inner ear structure and also the assessment of the function and structure of thyroid gland. MATERIAL AND METHODS: For the research four families were qualified, 7 persons with PS, 12 persons altogether. In all the patients the anamnesis in the form of a questionnaire and laryngological examination were performed. It was followed by pure tone, speech and impedance audiometry and brainstem response testing as well. ENG was also conducted. Patients with hearing loss were subjected to magnetic resonance of temporal bone. For the whole group thyroid hormones levels and iodine organification in the thyroid identified in a test with potassium perchlorate were measured and also USG and scyntography were conducted. RESULTS: In audiological examination in 3 cases deafness, in 2 cases profound hypoacusis and in 2 mild hypoacusis were recognised. In the group in 2 patients the hypoacusis was of a mixed type. In radiological assessment the labirynth showed anatomical anomalies in the form of enlargement of the vestibular aqueduct and the endolyphatic sac, yet in 3 patients the anomalies also concerned the structure of cochlear and semicircular canals. Endocrine examination showed hypothyroidism in 5, its subclinical form in 1, diffuse thyroid goitre in 4 and nodular thyroid goiter in 2 cases. CONCLUSIONS: A complex clinical evaluation: endocrine and audiological, together with radiological diagnostic imaging, supported by molecular studies of SLC26A4 gene, are the procedures, necessary for complete and accurate diagnosis of PS and EVAS.
Which hormone abnormalities are characteristic to Pendred syndrome?
<answer> Thyroid <context> Thyroidectomy in a patient with multinodular dyshormonogenetic goitre--a case of Pendred syndrome confirmed by mutations in the PDS/SLC26A4 gene. We report a young woman with genetically confirmed Pendred syndrome and discuss the current therapeutic strategies of dyshormonogenetic goitre. A small diffuse thyroid enlargement developed during infancy and although substitution therapy with L-thyroxine was adequate, it progressed and underwent multinodular transformation. Cervical ultrasound at the age of 22 years demonstrated three solid nodules and fine-needle aspiration biopsy showed a finding typical of follicular adenoma. It is known that dyshormonogenetic goitres have a tendency to grow despite appropriate treatment with L-thyroxine. Management of a patient with Pendred syndrome requires careful follow-up and regular imaging of the thyroid. Although the therapeutic approach to dyshormonogenetic goitres is still controversial, in our patient we chose total thyroidectomy as the most advantageous method to prevent the development of malignancies that may arise more frequently from dyshormonogenetic goitres than from goitres of other aetiologies.
Which hormone abnormalities are characteristic to Pendred syndrome?
<answer> thyroid <context> Thyroidectomy in a patient with multinodular dyshormonogenetic goitre--a case of Pendred syndrome confirmed by mutations in the PDS/SLC26A4 gene. We report a young woman with genetically confirmed Pendred syndrome and discuss the current therapeutic strategies of dyshormonogenetic goitre. A small diffuse thyroid enlargement developed during infancy and although substitution therapy with L-thyroxine was adequate, it progressed and underwent multinodular transformation. Cervical ultrasound at the age of 22 years demonstrated three solid nodules and fine-needle aspiration biopsy showed a finding typical of follicular adenoma. It is known that dyshormonogenetic goitres have a tendency to grow despite appropriate treatment with L-thyroxine. Management of a patient with Pendred syndrome requires careful follow-up and regular imaging of the thyroid. Although the therapeutic approach to dyshormonogenetic goitres is still controversial, in our patient we chose total thyroidectomy as the most advantageous method to prevent the development of malignancies that may arise more frequently from dyshormonogenetic goitres than from goitres of other aetiologies.
Which hormone abnormalities are characteristic to Pendred syndrome?
<answer> thyroid <context> Pendred syndrome and iodide transport in the thyroid. Pendred syndrome is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by sensorineural hearing impairment, presence of goiter, and a partial defect in iodide organification, which may be associated with insufficient thyroid hormone synthesis. Goiter development and development of hypothyroidism are variable and depend on nutritional iodide intake. Pendred syndrome is caused by biallelic mutations in the SLC26A4 gene, which encodes pendrin, a transporter of chloride, bicarbonate and iodide. This review discusses the controversies surrounding the potential role of pendrin in mediating apical iodide efflux into the lumen of thyroid follicles, and discusses its functional role in the kidney and the inner ear.
Which hormone abnormalities are characteristic to Pendred syndrome?
<answer> thyroid <context> Pendred syndrome and iodide transport in the thyroid. Pendred syndrome is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by sensorineural hearing impairment, presence of goiter, and a partial defect in iodide organification, which may be associated with insufficient thyroid hormone synthesis. Goiter development and development of hypothyroidism are variable and depend on nutritional iodide intake. Pendred syndrome is caused by biallelic mutations in the SLC26A4 gene, which encodes pendrin, a transporter of chloride, bicarbonate and iodide. This review discusses the controversies surrounding the potential role of pendrin in mediating apical iodide efflux into the lumen of thyroid follicles, and discusses its functional role in the kidney and the inner ear.
Which hormone abnormalities are characteristic to Pendred syndrome?
<answer> thyroid <context> Analysis of the SLC26A4 gene in patients with Pendred syndrome in Taiwan. Pendred syndrome (PS) is an autosomal recessive disease that is characterized by congenital sensorineural hearing loss, goiter, and a partial iodine organification defect. In this study, we characterized the thyroid status and identified mutations in the SLC26A4 gene in Chinese subjects with PS. We evaluated 7 unrelated Chinese subjects who had PS. Biochemical analysis, formal audiogram, ultrasonography of the thyroid gland, perchlorate discharge test, computerized tomography scan of the vestibular aqueducts, and DNA sequence analysis of SLC26A4 were performed. Levels of thyroid hormones were essentially normal in all patients: 2 patients had goiters and/or elevated serum thyroglobulin levels, whereas 2 other patients had positive thyroid antibodies and a positive perchlorate discharge test. We identified SLC26A4 gene mutations in 6 of 7 probands and their affected relatives. The affected subjects in family I was compound heterozygous for 2 missense mutations: a mutation in exon 9 (1079C>T) that resulted in the replacement of alanine by valine at codon 360 (A360V) and a mutation in exon 19 (2168A>G) that resulted in the replacement of histidine by arginine at codon 723 (H723R). The affected subjects in families II and III all were homozygous for a mutation in intron 7. The probands IV and V were compound heterozygotes for the mutation in intron 7 and in exon 19, and the proband VI was compound heterozygous for the intron 7 mutation and a missense mutation in exon 12 (1343C>T) that resulted in the replacement of serine by leucine at codon 448 (S448L). One novel mutation was identified (A360V). We identified biallelic mutations in the SLC26A4 gene in 6 of 7 probands with PS in Taiwan, including a novel missense mutation. The mild thyroid dysfunction in these patients suggests that PS should be considered in all patients with congenital or early-onset hearing impairment.
Which hormone abnormalities are characteristic to Pendred syndrome?
<answer> thyroid <context> Analysis of the SLC26A4 gene in patients with Pendred syndrome in Taiwan. Pendred syndrome (PS) is an autosomal recessive disease that is characterized by congenital sensorineural hearing loss, goiter, and a partial iodine organification defect. In this study, we characterized the thyroid status and identified mutations in the SLC26A4 gene in Chinese subjects with PS. We evaluated 7 unrelated Chinese subjects who had PS. Biochemical analysis, formal audiogram, ultrasonography of the thyroid gland, perchlorate discharge test, computerized tomography scan of the vestibular aqueducts, and DNA sequence analysis of SLC26A4 were performed. Levels of thyroid hormones were essentially normal in all patients: 2 patients had goiters and/or elevated serum thyroglobulin levels, whereas 2 other patients had positive thyroid antibodies and a positive perchlorate discharge test. We identified SLC26A4 gene mutations in 6 of 7 probands and their affected relatives. The affected subjects in family I was compound heterozygous for 2 missense mutations: a mutation in exon 9 (1079C>T) that resulted in the replacement of alanine by valine at codon 360 (A360V) and a mutation in exon 19 (2168A>G) that resulted in the replacement of histidine by arginine at codon 723 (H723R). The affected subjects in families II and III all were homozygous for a mutation in intron 7. The probands IV and V were compound heterozygotes for the mutation in intron 7 and in exon 19, and the proband VI was compound heterozygous for the intron 7 mutation and a missense mutation in exon 12 (1343C>T) that resulted in the replacement of serine by leucine at codon 448 (S448L). One novel mutation was identified (A360V). We identified biallelic mutations in the SLC26A4 gene in 6 of 7 probands with PS in Taiwan, including a novel missense mutation. The mild thyroid dysfunction in these patients suggests that PS should be considered in all patients with congenital or early-onset hearing impairment.
Which hormone abnormalities are characteristic to Pendred syndrome?
<answer> thyroid <context> New insights into the role of pendrin (SLC26A4) in inner ear fluid homeostasis. For over 100 years after the first description of the disorder, the molecular pathology underlying the deafness and thyroid pathology in Pendred syndrome (PS) remained unknown. In 1997, early progress towards understanding the molecular basis of the disorder was made when we identified the PS gene and found it to belong to the SLC26 family of anion transporters. The realization that an anion transporter was responsible for these clinical features soon highlighted a potential role for pendrin in thyroid hormone biosynthesis. The role of pendrin in deafness, however, remained unclear. Our determination of its expression pattern in the inner ear along with the development of a mouse with a targeted disruption of the Slc26a4 gene has revealed that Slc26a4 is expressed in areas of the endolymphatic compartment known to play a role in endolymph reabsorption and that absence of this protein leads to a profound prenatal endolymphatic hydrops and destruction of many of the epithelial cells surrounding the scala media. The precise mechanisms underlying endolymph reabsorption in the inner ear are not yet known; these studies, however, provide some of the groundwork for allowing the future delineation of these processes.
Which hormone abnormalities are characteristic to Pendred syndrome?
<answer> thyroid <context> Genetic factors that might lead to different responses in individuals exposed to perchlorate. Perchlorate has been detected in groundwater in many parts of the United States, and recent detection in vegetable and dairy food products indicates that contamination by perchlorate is more widespread than previously thought. Perchlorate is a competitive inhibitor of the sodium iodide symporter, the thyroid cell-surface protein responsible for transporting iodide from the plasma into the thyroid. An estimated 4.3% of the U.S. population is subclinically hypothyroid, and 6.9% of pregnant women may have low iodine intake. Congenital hypothyroidism affects 1 in 3,000 to 1 in 4,000 infants, and 15% of these cases have been attributed to genetic defects. Our objective in this review is to identify genetic biomarkers that would help define subpopulations sensitive to environmental perchlorate exposure. We review the literature to identify genetic defects involved in the iodination process of the thyroid hormone synthesis, particularly defects in iodide transport from circulation into the thyroid cell, defects in iodide transport from the thyroid cell to the follicular lumen (Pendred syndrome), and defects of iodide organification. Furthermore, we summarize relevant studies of perchlorate in humans. Because of perchlorate inhibition of iodide uptake, it is biologically plausible that chronic ingestion of perchlorate through contaminated sources may cause some degree of iodine discharge in populations that are genetically susceptible to defects in the iodination process of the thyroid hormone synthesis, thus deteriorating their conditions. We conclude that future studies linking human disease and environmental perchlorate exposure should consider the genetic makeup of the participants, actual perchlorate exposure levels, and individual iodine intake/excretion levels.
Which hormone abnormalities are characteristic to Pendred syndrome?
<answer> thyroid <context> Genetic factors that might lead to different responses in individuals exposed to perchlorate. Perchlorate has been detected in groundwater in many parts of the United States, and recent detection in vegetable and dairy food products indicates that contamination by perchlorate is more widespread than previously thought. Perchlorate is a competitive inhibitor of the sodium iodide symporter, the thyroid cell-surface protein responsible for transporting iodide from the plasma into the thyroid. An estimated 4.3% of the U.S. population is subclinically hypothyroid, and 6.9% of pregnant women may have low iodine intake. Congenital hypothyroidism affects 1 in 3,000 to 1 in 4,000 infants, and 15% of these cases have been attributed to genetic defects. Our objective in this review is to identify genetic biomarkers that would help define subpopulations sensitive to environmental perchlorate exposure. We review the literature to identify genetic defects involved in the iodination process of the thyroid hormone synthesis, particularly defects in iodide transport from circulation into the thyroid cell, defects in iodide transport from the thyroid cell to the follicular lumen (Pendred syndrome), and defects of iodide organification. Furthermore, we summarize relevant studies of perchlorate in humans. Because of perchlorate inhibition of iodide uptake, it is biologically plausible that chronic ingestion of perchlorate through contaminated sources may cause some degree of iodine discharge in populations that are genetically susceptible to defects in the iodination process of the thyroid hormone synthesis, thus deteriorating their conditions. We conclude that future studies linking human disease and environmental perchlorate exposure should consider the genetic makeup of the participants, actual perchlorate exposure levels, and individual iodine intake/excretion levels.
Which hormone abnormalities are characteristic to Pendred syndrome?
<answer> thyroid <context> Genetic factors that might lead to different responses in individuals exposed to perchlorate. Perchlorate has been detected in groundwater in many parts of the United States, and recent detection in vegetable and dairy food products indicates that contamination by perchlorate is more widespread than previously thought. Perchlorate is a competitive inhibitor of the sodium iodide symporter, the thyroid cell-surface protein responsible for transporting iodide from the plasma into the thyroid. An estimated 4.3% of the U.S. population is subclinically hypothyroid, and 6.9% of pregnant women may have low iodine intake. Congenital hypothyroidism affects 1 in 3,000 to 1 in 4,000 infants, and 15% of these cases have been attributed to genetic defects. Our objective in this review is to identify genetic biomarkers that would help define subpopulations sensitive to environmental perchlorate exposure. We review the literature to identify genetic defects involved in the iodination process of the thyroid hormone synthesis, particularly defects in iodide transport from circulation into the thyroid cell, defects in iodide transport from the thyroid cell to the follicular lumen (Pendred syndrome), and defects of iodide organification. Furthermore, we summarize relevant studies of perchlorate in humans. Because of perchlorate inhibition of iodide uptake, it is biologically plausible that chronic ingestion of perchlorate through contaminated sources may cause some degree of iodine discharge in populations that are genetically susceptible to defects in the iodination process of the thyroid hormone synthesis, thus deteriorating their conditions. We conclude that future studies linking human disease and environmental perchlorate exposure should consider the genetic makeup of the participants, actual perchlorate exposure levels, and individual iodine intake/excretion levels.
Which hormone abnormalities are characteristic to Pendred syndrome?
<answer> thyroid <context> Genetics of congenital hypothyroidism. Congenital hypothyroidism is the most common neonatal metabolic disorder and results in severe neurodevelopmental impairment and infertility if untreated. Congenital hypothyroidism is usually sporadic but up to 2% of thyroid dysgenesis is familial, and congenital hypothyroidism caused by organification defects is often recessively inherited. The candidate genes associated with this genetically heterogeneous disorder form two main groups: those causing thyroid gland dysgenesis and those causing dyshormonogenesis. Genes associated with thyroid gland dysgenesis include the TSH receptor in non-syndromic congenital hypothyroidism, and Gsalpha and the thyroid transcription factors (TTF-1, TTF-2, and Pax-8), associated with different complex syndromes that include congenital hypothyroidism. Among those causing dyshormonogenesis, the thyroid peroxidase and thyroglobulin genes were initially described, and more recently PDS (Pendred syndrome), NIS (sodium iodide symporter), and THOX2 (thyroid oxidase 2) gene defects. There is also early evidence for a third group of congenital hypothyroid conditions associated with iodothyronine transporter defects associated with severe neurological sequelae. This review focuses on the genetic aspects of primary congenital hypothyroidism.
Which hormone abnormalities are characteristic to Pendred syndrome?
<answer> thyroid <context> Genetics of congenital hypothyroidism. Congenital hypothyroidism is the most common neonatal metabolic disorder and results in severe neurodevelopmental impairment and infertility if untreated. Congenital hypothyroidism is usually sporadic but up to 2% of thyroid dysgenesis is familial, and congenital hypothyroidism caused by organification defects is often recessively inherited. The candidate genes associated with this genetically heterogeneous disorder form two main groups: those causing thyroid gland dysgenesis and those causing dyshormonogenesis. Genes associated with thyroid gland dysgenesis include the TSH receptor in non-syndromic congenital hypothyroidism, and Gsalpha and the thyroid transcription factors (TTF-1, TTF-2, and Pax-8), associated with different complex syndromes that include congenital hypothyroidism. Among those causing dyshormonogenesis, the thyroid peroxidase and thyroglobulin genes were initially described, and more recently PDS (Pendred syndrome), NIS (sodium iodide symporter), and THOX2 (thyroid oxidase 2) gene defects. There is also early evidence for a third group of congenital hypothyroid conditions associated with iodothyronine transporter defects associated with severe neurological sequelae. This review focuses on the genetic aspects of primary congenital hypothyroidism.
Which hormone abnormalities are characteristic to Pendred syndrome?
<answer> thyroid <context> Mutations in the SLC26A4 (pendrin) gene in patients with sensorineural deafness and enlarged vestibular aqueduct. Pendred syndrome and the enlarged vestibular aqueduct (EVA) are considered phenotypic variations of the same entity due to mutations in the SLC26A4 (pendrin) gene. Pendred syndrome consists in sensorineural deafness, goiter and impaired thyroid hormone synthesis while in EVA thyroid function seems to be preserved. The aim of this study was to evaluate thyroid function and morphology and to look for mutations in the SLC26A4 gene in patients presented with EVA. Among 57 consecutive patients with sensorineural deafness 15 with EVA, as assessed by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), were identified and studied. A complete evaluation of thyroid function including thyroid echography and perchlorate discharge test was carried out in all patients with EVA; all exons of the SLC26A4 gene were amplified from peripheral leukocytes and directly sequenced, using specific intronic primers. Out of 15 patients with EVA, goiter was present in 8 (53%), hypothyroidism in 7 (47%), increased serum thyroglobulin levels in 8 (53%) and a positive perchlorate discharge test in 10 (67%). Nine alleles of the SLC26A4 gene were mutated: 2 novel mutations (L465W and G497R) and 4 already known mutations (T410M, R409H, T505N and IVS1001+1G>A) were found. Four subjects were compound heterozygous and 1 heterozygous (G497R/wt). All patients harbouring mutations in the SLC26A4 gene had goiter and a positive perchlorate discharge test: 3 were slightly hypothyroid and 2 euthyroid. The remaining 10 patients had no mutations in the SLC26A4 gene: 4 of them were hypothyroid, 2 with goiter and positive perchlorate discharge test, 2 without goiter and with negative perchlorate discharge test. Two patients without mutations were euthyroid with positive perchlorate discharge test. Patients with mutations in the SLC26A4 gene had larger thyroid volume (p<0.002), higher serum thyroglobulin (Tg) levels (p<0.002) and greater radioiodine discharge after perchlorate (p=0.09) than patients without mutations. The results of the present study lend support to the concept that all patients with mutated SLC26A4 gene have abnormalities of thyroid function tests.
Which hormone abnormalities are characteristic to Pendred syndrome?
<answer> thyroid <context> Mutations in the SLC26A4 (pendrin) gene in patients with sensorineural deafness and enlarged vestibular aqueduct. Pendred syndrome and the enlarged vestibular aqueduct (EVA) are considered phenotypic variations of the same entity due to mutations in the SLC26A4 (pendrin) gene. Pendred syndrome consists in sensorineural deafness, goiter and impaired thyroid hormone synthesis while in EVA thyroid function seems to be preserved. The aim of this study was to evaluate thyroid function and morphology and to look for mutations in the SLC26A4 gene in patients presented with EVA. Among 57 consecutive patients with sensorineural deafness 15 with EVA, as assessed by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), were identified and studied. A complete evaluation of thyroid function including thyroid echography and perchlorate discharge test was carried out in all patients with EVA; all exons of the SLC26A4 gene were amplified from peripheral leukocytes and directly sequenced, using specific intronic primers. Out of 15 patients with EVA, goiter was present in 8 (53%), hypothyroidism in 7 (47%), increased serum thyroglobulin levels in 8 (53%) and a positive perchlorate discharge test in 10 (67%). Nine alleles of the SLC26A4 gene were mutated: 2 novel mutations (L465W and G497R) and 4 already known mutations (T410M, R409H, T505N and IVS1001+1G>A) were found. Four subjects were compound heterozygous and 1 heterozygous (G497R/wt). All patients harbouring mutations in the SLC26A4 gene had goiter and a positive perchlorate discharge test: 3 were slightly hypothyroid and 2 euthyroid. The remaining 10 patients had no mutations in the SLC26A4 gene: 4 of them were hypothyroid, 2 with goiter and positive perchlorate discharge test, 2 without goiter and with negative perchlorate discharge test. Two patients without mutations were euthyroid with positive perchlorate discharge test. Patients with mutations in the SLC26A4 gene had larger thyroid volume (p<0.002), higher serum thyroglobulin (Tg) levels (p<0.002) and greater radioiodine discharge after perchlorate (p=0.09) than patients without mutations. The results of the present study lend support to the concept that all patients with mutated SLC26A4 gene have abnormalities of thyroid function tests.
Which hormone abnormalities are characteristic to Pendred syndrome?
<answer> thyroid <context> Mutations in the SLC26A4 (pendrin) gene in patients with sensorineural deafness and enlarged vestibular aqueduct. Pendred syndrome and the enlarged vestibular aqueduct (EVA) are considered phenotypic variations of the same entity due to mutations in the SLC26A4 (pendrin) gene. Pendred syndrome consists in sensorineural deafness, goiter and impaired thyroid hormone synthesis while in EVA thyroid function seems to be preserved. The aim of this study was to evaluate thyroid function and morphology and to look for mutations in the SLC26A4 gene in patients presented with EVA. Among 57 consecutive patients with sensorineural deafness 15 with EVA, as assessed by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), were identified and studied. A complete evaluation of thyroid function including thyroid echography and perchlorate discharge test was carried out in all patients with EVA; all exons of the SLC26A4 gene were amplified from peripheral leukocytes and directly sequenced, using specific intronic primers. Out of 15 patients with EVA, goiter was present in 8 (53%), hypothyroidism in 7 (47%), increased serum thyroglobulin levels in 8 (53%) and a positive perchlorate discharge test in 10 (67%). Nine alleles of the SLC26A4 gene were mutated: 2 novel mutations (L465W and G497R) and 4 already known mutations (T410M, R409H, T505N and IVS1001+1G>A) were found. Four subjects were compound heterozygous and 1 heterozygous (G497R/wt). All patients harbouring mutations in the SLC26A4 gene had goiter and a positive perchlorate discharge test: 3 were slightly hypothyroid and 2 euthyroid. The remaining 10 patients had no mutations in the SLC26A4 gene: 4 of them were hypothyroid, 2 with goiter and positive perchlorate discharge test, 2 without goiter and with negative perchlorate discharge test. Two patients without mutations were euthyroid with positive perchlorate discharge test. Patients with mutations in the SLC26A4 gene had larger thyroid volume (p<0.002), higher serum thyroglobulin (Tg) levels (p<0.002) and greater radioiodine discharge after perchlorate (p=0.09) than patients without mutations. The results of the present study lend support to the concept that all patients with mutated SLC26A4 gene have abnormalities of thyroid function tests.
Which hormone abnormalities are characteristic to Pendred syndrome?
<answer> thyroid <context> Mutations in the SLC26A4 (pendrin) gene in patients with sensorineural deafness and enlarged vestibular aqueduct. Pendred syndrome and the enlarged vestibular aqueduct (EVA) are considered phenotypic variations of the same entity due to mutations in the SLC26A4 (pendrin) gene. Pendred syndrome consists in sensorineural deafness, goiter and impaired thyroid hormone synthesis while in EVA thyroid function seems to be preserved. The aim of this study was to evaluate thyroid function and morphology and to look for mutations in the SLC26A4 gene in patients presented with EVA. Among 57 consecutive patients with sensorineural deafness 15 with EVA, as assessed by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), were identified and studied. A complete evaluation of thyroid function including thyroid echography and perchlorate discharge test was carried out in all patients with EVA; all exons of the SLC26A4 gene were amplified from peripheral leukocytes and directly sequenced, using specific intronic primers. Out of 15 patients with EVA, goiter was present in 8 (53%), hypothyroidism in 7 (47%), increased serum thyroglobulin levels in 8 (53%) and a positive perchlorate discharge test in 10 (67%). Nine alleles of the SLC26A4 gene were mutated: 2 novel mutations (L465W and G497R) and 4 already known mutations (T410M, R409H, T505N and IVS1001+1G>A) were found. Four subjects were compound heterozygous and 1 heterozygous (G497R/wt). All patients harbouring mutations in the SLC26A4 gene had goiter and a positive perchlorate discharge test: 3 were slightly hypothyroid and 2 euthyroid. The remaining 10 patients had no mutations in the SLC26A4 gene: 4 of them were hypothyroid, 2 with goiter and positive perchlorate discharge test, 2 without goiter and with negative perchlorate discharge test. Two patients without mutations were euthyroid with positive perchlorate discharge test. Patients with mutations in the SLC26A4 gene had larger thyroid volume (p<0.002), higher serum thyroglobulin (Tg) levels (p<0.002) and greater radioiodine discharge after perchlorate (p=0.09) than patients without mutations. The results of the present study lend support to the concept that all patients with mutated SLC26A4 gene have abnormalities of thyroid function tests.
Which hormone abnormalities are characteristic to Pendred syndrome?
<answer> thyroid <context> Mutations in the SLC26A4 (pendrin) gene in patients with sensorineural deafness and enlarged vestibular aqueduct. Pendred syndrome and the enlarged vestibular aqueduct (EVA) are considered phenotypic variations of the same entity due to mutations in the SLC26A4 (pendrin) gene. Pendred syndrome consists in sensorineural deafness, goiter and impaired thyroid hormone synthesis while in EVA thyroid function seems to be preserved. The aim of this study was to evaluate thyroid function and morphology and to look for mutations in the SLC26A4 gene in patients presented with EVA. Among 57 consecutive patients with sensorineural deafness 15 with EVA, as assessed by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), were identified and studied. A complete evaluation of thyroid function including thyroid echography and perchlorate discharge test was carried out in all patients with EVA; all exons of the SLC26A4 gene were amplified from peripheral leukocytes and directly sequenced, using specific intronic primers. Out of 15 patients with EVA, goiter was present in 8 (53%), hypothyroidism in 7 (47%), increased serum thyroglobulin levels in 8 (53%) and a positive perchlorate discharge test in 10 (67%). Nine alleles of the SLC26A4 gene were mutated: 2 novel mutations (L465W and G497R) and 4 already known mutations (T410M, R409H, T505N and IVS1001+1G>A) were found. Four subjects were compound heterozygous and 1 heterozygous (G497R/wt). All patients harbouring mutations in the SLC26A4 gene had goiter and a positive perchlorate discharge test: 3 were slightly hypothyroid and 2 euthyroid. The remaining 10 patients had no mutations in the SLC26A4 gene: 4 of them were hypothyroid, 2 with goiter and positive perchlorate discharge test, 2 without goiter and with negative perchlorate discharge test. Two patients without mutations were euthyroid with positive perchlorate discharge test. Patients with mutations in the SLC26A4 gene had larger thyroid volume (p<0.002), higher serum thyroglobulin (Tg) levels (p<0.002) and greater radioiodine discharge after perchlorate (p=0.09) than patients without mutations. The results of the present study lend support to the concept that all patients with mutated SLC26A4 gene have abnormalities of thyroid function tests.
Which hormone abnormalities are characteristic to Pendred syndrome?
<answer> thyroid <context> Clinical and molecular analysis of three Mexican families with Pendred's syndrome. BACKGROUND: The autosomal recessive Pendred's syndrome is defined by congenital sensorineural deafness, goiter, and impaired iodide organification. It is caused by mutations in the Pendred's syndrome (PDS) gene that encodes pendrin, a chloride/iodide transporter expressed in the thyroid, the inner ear, and the kidney. OBJECTIVE: To perform a detailed clinical and molecular analysis of patients with Pendred's syndrome from four patients from three unrelated Mexican families. METHODS: Thyroid function tests, perchlorate test, thyroid scintigraphy, audiometry, computer tomography and magnetic resonance imaging were performed in all affected individuals. Haplotype analyses were performed using microsatellite markers flanking the PDS locus, and the PDS gene was submitted to direct sequence analysis. RESULTS: All patients presented with sensorineural deafness, Mondini malformations of the cochlea, an enlarged vestibular aqueduct, goiter, and a positive perchlorate test. Two patients were hypothyroid, two individuals were euthyroid. Sequence analysis revealed a complex homozygous deletion/insertion mutation at the end of exon 4 in the index patient of family 1 resulting in a premature stop codon at position 138. In family 2, the affected individuals were compound heterozygous for a splice acceptor mutation (IVS2 -1G>A) and a 1231G>C transversion substituting alanine 411 by proline (A411P). In family 3, the index patient was found to be homozygous for a transversion 412G>T in exon 4 replacing valine 138 by phenylalanine (V138F). CONCLUSIONS: All patients included in this study presented with the classic Pendred syndrome triad and molecular analysis revealed pendrin mutations as the underlying cause. The identification of three novel mutations, one of them of complex structure, expands the spectrum of mutations in the PDS gene and emphasizes that they display marked allelic heterogeneity.
Which hormone abnormalities are characteristic to Pendred syndrome?
<answer> thyroid <context> Clinical and molecular analysis of three Mexican families with Pendred's syndrome. BACKGROUND: The autosomal recessive Pendred's syndrome is defined by congenital sensorineural deafness, goiter, and impaired iodide organification. It is caused by mutations in the Pendred's syndrome (PDS) gene that encodes pendrin, a chloride/iodide transporter expressed in the thyroid, the inner ear, and the kidney. OBJECTIVE: To perform a detailed clinical and molecular analysis of patients with Pendred's syndrome from four patients from three unrelated Mexican families. METHODS: Thyroid function tests, perchlorate test, thyroid scintigraphy, audiometry, computer tomography and magnetic resonance imaging were performed in all affected individuals. Haplotype analyses were performed using microsatellite markers flanking the PDS locus, and the PDS gene was submitted to direct sequence analysis. RESULTS: All patients presented with sensorineural deafness, Mondini malformations of the cochlea, an enlarged vestibular aqueduct, goiter, and a positive perchlorate test. Two patients were hypothyroid, two individuals were euthyroid. Sequence analysis revealed a complex homozygous deletion/insertion mutation at the end of exon 4 in the index patient of family 1 resulting in a premature stop codon at position 138. In family 2, the affected individuals were compound heterozygous for a splice acceptor mutation (IVS2 -1G>A) and a 1231G>C transversion substituting alanine 411 by proline (A411P). In family 3, the index patient was found to be homozygous for a transversion 412G>T in exon 4 replacing valine 138 by phenylalanine (V138F). CONCLUSIONS: All patients included in this study presented with the classic Pendred syndrome triad and molecular analysis revealed pendrin mutations as the underlying cause. The identification of three novel mutations, one of them of complex structure, expands the spectrum of mutations in the PDS gene and emphasizes that they display marked allelic heterogeneity.
Which hormone abnormalities are characteristic to Pendred syndrome?
<answer> thyroid <context> Pendrin, the protein encoded by the Pendred syndrome gene (PDS), is an apical porter of iodide in the thyroid and is regulated by thyroglobulin in FRTL-5 cells. Pendred syndrome is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by congenital deafness and thyroid goiter. The thyroid disease typically develops around puberty and is associated with a mild organification defect, characterized by an inappropriate discharge of iodide upon perchlorate stimulation (a positive perchlorate discharge test). The gene (PDS) mutated in Pendred syndrome is expressed in thyroid and encodes a 780-amino acid protein (pendrin) that has recently been shown to function as an iodide/chloride transporter. We sought to establish the location of pendrin in the thyroid and to examine the regulatory network controlling its synthesis. Using peptide-specific antibodies for immunolocalization studies, pendrin was detected in a limited subset of cells within the thyroid follicles, exclusively at the apical membrane of the follicular epithelium. Interestingly, significantly greater amounts of pendrin were encountered in thyroid tissue from patients with Graves' disease. Using a cultured rat thyroid cell line (FRTL-5), PDS expression was found to be significantly induced by low concentrations of thyroglobulin (TG), but not by TSH, sodium iodide, or insulin. This is different from the established effect of TG, more typically a potent suppressor of thyroid-specific gene expression. Together, these results suggest that pendrin is an apical porter of iodide in the thyroid and that the expression and function of both the apical and basal iodide porters are coordinately regulated by follicular TG.
Which hormone abnormalities are characteristic to Pendred syndrome?
<answer> thyroid <context> Molecular analysis of the PDS gene in Pendred syndrome. Pendred syndrome is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by the association between sensorineural hearing loss and thyroid swelling or goitre and is likely to be the most common form of syndromic deafness. Within the thyroid gland of affected individuals, iodide is incompletely organified with variable effects upon thyroid hormone biosynthesis, whilst the molecular basis of the hearing loss is unknown. The PDS gene has been identified by positional cloning of chromosome 7q31, within the Pendred syndrome critical linkage interval and encodes for a putative ion transporter called pendrin. We have investigated a cohort of 56 kindreds, all with features suggestive of a diagnosis of Pendred syndrome. Molecular analysis of the PDS gene identified 47 of the 60 (78%) mutant alleles in 31 families (includes three homozygous consanguineous kindreds and one extended family segregating three mutant alleles). Moreover, four recurrent mutations accounted for 35 (74%) of PDS disease chromosomes detected and haplotype analysis would favour common founders rather than mutational hotspots within the PDS gene. Whilst these findings demonstrate molecular heterogeneity for PDS mutations associated with Pendred syndrome, this study would support the use of molecular analysis of the PDS gene in the assessment of families with congenital hearing loss.
Which hormone abnormalities are characteristic to Pendred syndrome?
<answer> thyroid <context> Mutations in the SLC26A4 (pendrin) gene in patients with sensorineural deafness and enlarged vestibular aqueduct. Pendred syndrome and the enlarged vestibular aqueduct (EVA) are considered phenotypic variations of the same entity due to mutations in the SLC26A4 (pendrin) gene. Pendred syndrome consists in sensorineural deafness, goiter and impaired thyroid hormone synthesis while in EVA thyroid function seems to be preserved. The aim of this study was to evaluate thyroid function and morphology and to look for mutations in the SLC26A4 gene in patients presented with EVA. Among 57 consecutive patients with sensorineural deafness 15 with EVA, as assessed by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), were identified and studied. A complete evaluation of thyroid function including thyroid echography and perchlorate discharge test was carried out in all patients with EVA; all exons of the SLC26A4 gene were amplified from peripheral leukocytes and directly sequenced, using specific intronic primers. Out of 15 patients with EVA, goiter was present in 8 (53%), hypothyroidism in 7 (47%), increased serum thyroglobulin levels in 8 (53%) and a positive perchlorate discharge test in 10 (67%). Nine alleles of the SLC26A4 gene were mutated: 2 novel mutations (L465W and G497R) and 4 already known mutations (T410M, R409H, T505N and IVS1001+1G>A) were found. Four subjects were compound heterozygous and 1 heterozygous (G497R/wt). All patients harbouring mutations in the SLC26A4 gene had goiter and a positive perchlorate discharge test: 3 were slightly hypothyroid and 2 euthyroid. The remaining 10 patients had no mutations in the SLC26A4 gene: 4 of them were hypothyroid, 2 with goiter and positive perchlorate discharge test, 2 without goiter and with negative perchlorate discharge test. Two patients without mutations were euthyroid with positive perchlorate discharge test. Patients with mutations in the SLC26A4 gene had larger thyroid volume (p<0.002), higher serum thyroglobulin (Tg) levels (p<0.002) and greater radioiodine discharge after perchlorate (p=0.09) than patients without mutations. The results of the present study lend support to the concept that all patients with mutated SLC26A4 gene have abnormalities of thyroid function tests.
Which hormone abnormalities are characteristic to Pendred syndrome?
<answer> thyroid <context> Mutations in the SLC26A4 (pendrin) gene in patients with sensorineural deafness and enlarged vestibular aqueduct. Pendred syndrome and the enlarged vestibular aqueduct (EVA) are considered phenotypic variations of the same entity due to mutations in the SLC26A4 (pendrin) gene. Pendred syndrome consists in sensorineural deafness, goiter and impaired thyroid hormone synthesis while in EVA thyroid function seems to be preserved. The aim of this study was to evaluate thyroid function and morphology and to look for mutations in the SLC26A4 gene in patients presented with EVA. Among 57 consecutive patients with sensorineural deafness 15 with EVA, as assessed by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), were identified and studied. A complete evaluation of thyroid function including thyroid echography and perchlorate discharge test was carried out in all patients with EVA; all exons of the SLC26A4 gene were amplified from peripheral leukocytes and directly sequenced, using specific intronic primers. Out of 15 patients with EVA, goiter was present in 8 (53%), hypothyroidism in 7 (47%), increased serum thyroglobulin levels in 8 (53%) and a positive perchlorate discharge test in 10 (67%). Nine alleles of the SLC26A4 gene were mutated: 2 novel mutations (L465W and G497R) and 4 already known mutations (T410M, R409H, T505N and IVS1001+1G>A) were found. Four subjects were compound heterozygous and 1 heterozygous (G497R/wt). All patients harbouring mutations in the SLC26A4 gene had goiter and a positive perchlorate discharge test: 3 were slightly hypothyroid and 2 euthyroid. The remaining 10 patients had no mutations in the SLC26A4 gene: 4 of them were hypothyroid, 2 with goiter and positive perchlorate discharge test, 2 without goiter and with negative perchlorate discharge test. Two patients without mutations were euthyroid with positive perchlorate discharge test. Patients with mutations in the SLC26A4 gene had larger thyroid volume (p<0.002), higher serum thyroglobulin (Tg) levels (p<0.002) and greater radioiodine discharge after perchlorate (p=0.09) than patients without mutations. The results of the present study lend support to the concept that all patients with mutated SLC26A4 gene have abnormalities of thyroid function tests.
Which hormone abnormalities are characteristic to Pendred syndrome?
<answer> thyroid <context> Splice-site mutation in the PDS gene may result in intrafamilial variability for deafness in Pendred syndrome. Pendred syndrome is a recessive inherited disorder that consists of developmental abnormalities of the cochlea, sensorineural hearing loss, and diffuse thyroid enlargement (goiter). This disorder may account for up to 10% of cases of hereditary deafness. The disease gene (PDS) has been mapped to chromosome 7q22-q31, and encodes a chloride-iodide transport protein. We performed mutation analysis of individual exons of the PDS gene in one Spanish family that shows intrafamilial variability of the deafness phenotype (two patients with profound and one with moderate-severe deafness). We identified a new splice-site mutation affecting intron 4 of the PDS gene, at nucleotide position 639+7. RNA analysis from lymphocytes of the affected patients showed that mutation 639+7A-->G generates a new donor splice site, leading to an mRNA with an insertion of six nucleotides from intron 4 of PDS. Since the newly created donor splice site is likely to compete with the normal one, variations of the levels of normal and aberrant transcripts of the PDS gene in the cochlea may explain the variability in the deafness presentation.
Which hormone abnormalities are characteristic to Pendred syndrome?
<answer> thyroid <context> DOCA sensitive pendrin expression in kidney, heart, lung and thyroid tissues. BACKGROUND/AIMS: Pendrin (SLC26A4), a transporter accomplishing anion exchange, is expressed in inner ear, thyroid gland, kidneys, lung, liver and heart. Loss or reduction of function mutations of SLC26A4 underlie Pendred syndrome, a disorder invariably leading to hearing loss with enlarged vestibular aqueducts and in some patients to hypothyroidism and goiter. Renal pendrin expression is up-regulated by mineralocorticoids such as aldosterone or deoxycorticosterone (DOCA). Little is known about the impact of mineralocorticoids on pendrin expression in extrarenal tissues. METHODS: The present study utilized RT-qPCR and Western blotting to quantify the transcript levels and protein abundance of Slc26a4 in murine kidney, thyroid, heart and lung prior to and following subcutaneous administration of 100 mg/kg DOCA. RESULTS: Slc26a4 transcript levels as compared to Gapdh transcript levels were significantly increased by DOCA treatment in kidney, heart, lung and thyroid. Accordingly pendrin protein expression was again significantly increased by DOCA treatment in kidney, heart, lung and thyroid. CONCLUSION: The observations reveal mineralocorticoid sensitivity of pendrin expression in kidney, heart, thyroid and lung.
Which hormone abnormalities are characteristic to Pendred syndrome?
<answer> thyroid <context> Mutations in the SLC26A4 (pendrin) gene in patients with sensorineural deafness and enlarged vestibular aqueduct. Pendred syndrome and the enlarged vestibular aqueduct (EVA) are considered phenotypic variations of the same entity due to mutations in the SLC26A4 (pendrin) gene. Pendred syndrome consists in sensorineural deafness, goiter and impaired thyroid hormone synthesis while in EVA thyroid function seems to be preserved. The aim of this study was to evaluate thyroid function and morphology and to look for mutations in the SLC26A4 gene in patients presented with EVA. Among 57 consecutive patients with sensorineural deafness 15 with EVA, as assessed by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), were identified and studied. A complete evaluation of thyroid function including thyroid echography and perchlorate discharge test was carried out in all patients with EVA; all exons of the SLC26A4 gene were amplified from peripheral leukocytes and directly sequenced, using specific intronic primers. Out of 15 patients with EVA, goiter was present in 8 (53%), hypothyroidism in 7 (47%), increased serum thyroglobulin levels in 8 (53%) and a positive perchlorate discharge test in 10 (67%). Nine alleles of the SLC26A4 gene were mutated: 2 novel mutations (L465W and G497R) and 4 already known mutations (T410M, R409H, T505N and IVS1001+1G>A) were found. Four subjects were compound heterozygous and 1 heterozygous (G497R/wt). All patients harbouring mutations in the SLC26A4 gene had goiter and a positive perchlorate discharge test: 3 were slightly hypothyroid and 2 euthyroid. The remaining 10 patients had no mutations in the SLC26A4 gene: 4 of them were hypothyroid, 2 with goiter and positive perchlorate discharge test, 2 without goiter and with negative perchlorate discharge test. Two patients without mutations were euthyroid with positive perchlorate discharge test. Patients with mutations in the SLC26A4 gene had larger thyroid volume (p<0.002), higher serum thyroglobulin (Tg) levels (p<0.002) and greater radioiodine discharge after perchlorate (p=0.09) than patients without mutations. The results of the present study lend support to the concept that all patients with mutated SLC26A4 gene have abnormalities of thyroid function tests.
Which hormone abnormalities are characteristic to Pendred syndrome?
<answer> thyroid <context> Mutations in the SLC26A4 (pendrin) gene in patients with sensorineural deafness and enlarged vestibular aqueduct. Pendred syndrome and the enlarged vestibular aqueduct (EVA) are considered phenotypic variations of the same entity due to mutations in the SLC26A4 (pendrin) gene. Pendred syndrome consists in sensorineural deafness, goiter and impaired thyroid hormone synthesis while in EVA thyroid function seems to be preserved. The aim of this study was to evaluate thyroid function and morphology and to look for mutations in the SLC26A4 gene in patients presented with EVA. Among 57 consecutive patients with sensorineural deafness 15 with EVA, as assessed by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), were identified and studied. A complete evaluation of thyroid function including thyroid echography and perchlorate discharge test was carried out in all patients with EVA; all exons of the SLC26A4 gene were amplified from peripheral leukocytes and directly sequenced, using specific intronic primers. Out of 15 patients with EVA, goiter was present in 8 (53%), hypothyroidism in 7 (47%), increased serum thyroglobulin levels in 8 (53%) and a positive perchlorate discharge test in 10 (67%). Nine alleles of the SLC26A4 gene were mutated: 2 novel mutations (L465W and G497R) and 4 already known mutations (T410M, R409H, T505N and IVS1001+1G>A) were found. Four subjects were compound heterozygous and 1 heterozygous (G497R/wt). All patients harbouring mutations in the SLC26A4 gene had goiter and a positive perchlorate discharge test: 3 were slightly hypothyroid and 2 euthyroid. The remaining 10 patients had no mutations in the SLC26A4 gene: 4 of them were hypothyroid, 2 with goiter and positive perchlorate discharge test, 2 without goiter and with negative perchlorate discharge test. Two patients without mutations were euthyroid with positive perchlorate discharge test. Patients with mutations in the SLC26A4 gene had larger thyroid volume (p<0.002), higher serum thyroglobulin (Tg) levels (p<0.002) and greater radioiodine discharge after perchlorate (p=0.09) than patients without mutations. The results of the present study lend support to the concept that all patients with mutated SLC26A4 gene have abnormalities of thyroid function tests.
Are most driver gene mutations synonymous or non-synonymous?
<answer> non-synonymous <context> Massively parallel sequencing reveals an accumulation of de novo mutations and an activating mutation of LPAR1 in a patient with metastatic neuroblastoma. Neuroblastoma is one of the most genomically heterogeneous childhood malignances studied to date, and the molecular events that occur during the course of the disease are not fully understood. Genomic studies in neuroblastoma have showed only a few recurrent mutations and a low somatic mutation burden. However, none of these studies has examined the mutations arising during the course of disease, nor have they systemically examined the expression of mutant genes. Here we performed genomic analyses on tumors taken during a 3.5 years disease course from a neuroblastoma patient (bone marrow biopsy at diagnosis, adrenal primary tumor taken at surgical resection, and a liver metastasis at autopsy). Whole genome sequencing of the index liver metastasis identified 44 non-synonymous somatic mutations in 42 genes (0.85 mutation/MB) and a large hemizygous deletion in the ATRX gene which has been recently reported in neuroblastoma. Of these 45 somatic alterations, 15 were also detected in the primary tumor and bone marrow biopsy, while the other 30 were unique to the index tumor, indicating accumulation of de novo mutations during therapy. Furthermore, transcriptome sequencing on the 3 tumors demonstrated only 3 out of the 15 commonly mutated genes (LPAR1, GATA2, and NUFIP1) had high level of expression of the mutant alleles, suggesting potential oncogenic driver roles of these mutated genes. Among them, the druggable G-protein coupled receptor LPAR1 was highly expressed in all tumors. Cells expressing the LPAR1 R163W mutant demonstrated a significantly increased motility through elevated Rho signaling, but had no effect on growth. Therefore, this study highlights the need for multiple biopsies and sequencing during progression of a cancer and combinatorial DNA and RNA sequencing approach for systematic identification of expressed driver mutations.
Are most driver gene mutations synonymous or non-synonymous?
<answer> non-synonymous <context> Whole-exome sequencing to identify novel somatic mutations in squamous cell lung cancers. Squamous cell lung cancer is a major histotype of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) that is distinct from lung adenocarcinoma. We used whole-exome sequencing to identify novel non-synonymous somatic mutations in squamous cell lung cancer. We identified 101 single-nucleotide variants (SNVs) including 77 non-synonymous SNVs (67 missense and 10 nonsense mutations) and 11 INDELs causing frameshifts. We also found four SNVs located within splicing sites. We verified 62 of the SNVs (51 missense, 10 nonsense and 1 splicing-site mutation) and 10 of the INDELs as somatic mutations in lung cancer tissue. Sixteen of the mutated genes were also mutated in at least one patient with a different type of lung cancer in the Catalogue of Somatic Mutation in Cancer (COSMIC) database. Four genes (LPHN2, TP53, MYH2 and TGM2) were mutated in approximately 10% of the samples in the COSMIC database. We identified two missense mutations in C10orf137 and MS4A3 that also occurred in other solid-tumor tissues in the COSMIC database. We found another somatic mutation in EP300 that was mutated in 4.2% of the 2,020 solid-tumor samples in the COSMIC database. Taken together, our results implicate TP53, EP300, LPHN2, C10orf137, MYH2, TGM2 and MS4A3 as potential driver genes of squamous cell lung cancer.
Are most driver gene mutations synonymous or non-synonymous?
<answer> non-synonymous <context> Whole-exome sequencing to identify novel somatic mutations in squamous cell lung cancers. Squamous cell lung cancer is a major histotype of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) that is distinct from lung adenocarcinoma. We used whole-exome sequencing to identify novel non-synonymous somatic mutations in squamous cell lung cancer. We identified 101 single-nucleotide variants (SNVs) including 77 non-synonymous SNVs (67 missense and 10 nonsense mutations) and 11 INDELs causing frameshifts. We also found four SNVs located within splicing sites. We verified 62 of the SNVs (51 missense, 10 nonsense and 1 splicing-site mutation) and 10 of the INDELs as somatic mutations in lung cancer tissue. Sixteen of the mutated genes were also mutated in at least one patient with a different type of lung cancer in the Catalogue of Somatic Mutation in Cancer (COSMIC) database. Four genes (LPHN2, TP53, MYH2 and TGM2) were mutated in approximately 10% of the samples in the COSMIC database. We identified two missense mutations in C10orf137 and MS4A3 that also occurred in other solid-tumor tissues in the COSMIC database. We found another somatic mutation in EP300 that was mutated in 4.2% of the 2,020 solid-tumor samples in the COSMIC database. Taken together, our results implicate TP53, EP300, LPHN2, C10orf137, MYH2, TGM2 and MS4A3 as potential driver genes of squamous cell lung cancer.
Are most driver gene mutations synonymous or non-synonymous?
<answer> non-synonymous <context> Adjusting for background mutation frequency biases improves the identification of cancer driver genes. A common goal of tumor sequencing projects is finding genes whose mutations are selected for during tumor development. This is accomplished by choosing genes that have more non-synonymous mutations than expected from an estimated background mutation frequency. While this background frequency is unknown, it can be estimated using both the observed synonymous mutation frequency and the non-synonymous to synonymous mutation ratio. The synonymous mutation frequency can be determined across all genes or in a gene-specific manner. This choice introduces an interesting trade-off. A gene-specific frequency adjusts for an underlying mutation bias, but is difficult to estimate given missing synonymous mutation counts. Using a genome-wide synonymous frequency is more robust, but is less suited for adjusting biases. Studying four evaluation criteria for identifying genes with high non-synonymous mutation burden (reflecting preferential selection of expressed genes, genes with mutations in conserved bases, genes with many protein interactions, and genes that show loss of heterozygosity), we find that the gene-specific synonymous frequency is superior in the gene expression and protein interaction tests. In conclusion, the use of the gene-specific synonymous mutation frequency is well suited for assessing a gene's non-synonymous mutation burden.
What is the major adverse effect of adriamycin(doxorubicin)?
<answer> cardiotoxicity <context> Inhibition by adriamycin of calmodulin-sensitive and phospholipid-sensitive calcium-dependent phosphorylation of endogenous proteins from heart. Adriamycin, a lipid-interacting anti-cancer agent, was found to inhibit phospholipid-sensitive Ca2+-dependent phosphorylation of endogenous proteins from the cytosol of the guinea-pig heart. The drug, unexpectedly, also inhibited phosphorylation of separate endogenous proteins in the cardiac cytosol and membranes catalysed by the calmodulin-sensitive species of Ca2+-dependent protein kinase. In both phosphorylation systems, the inhibition by adriamycin was reversed by either phospholipid (phosphatidylserine or cardiolipin) or calmodulin respectively. Adriamycin also inhibited phosphorylation of histone (exogenous protein) catalysed by purified cardiac phospholipid-sensitive Ca2+-dependent protein kinase, but not that by cyclic AMP-dependent and cyclic GMP-dependent protein kinases. It appears that Ca2+-dependent protein phosphorylation systems, regulated either by phospholipid or calmodulin, may represent hitherto unrecognized sites of action of adriamycin. It remains to be seen whether inhibition by adriamycin of these systems is related to the severe cardiotoxicity, the major adverse effect of the drug that limits its clinical usefulness.
What is the major adverse effect of adriamycin(doxorubicin)?
<answer> Cardiotoxicity <context> Pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic relationships of the anthracycline anticancer drugs. The anthracycline glycoside antibiotics represent a group of potent anticancer agents with a wide spectrum of activity against solid tumours and haematological malignancies, and are the mainstay of a large number of clinical protocols for the treatment of adult and childhood neoplastic diseases. Their clinical activity is limited, however, by acute and chronic adverse effects. Myelosuppression, predominantly neutropenia and leucopenia, is the dose-limiting toxicity; in addition to this, mucositis, nausea, vomiting and alopecia are frequent, whereas hepatopathy, characterised by elevated bilirubin concentrations, occurs less frequently. Cardiotoxicity is a major adverse effect of the anthracycline antibiotics and can be acute or chronic; in the acute setting, electrocardiographic abnormalities may be seen, including ST-T elevations and arrhythmias, but chronic cardiotoxicity represents a serious adverse effect that may be lethal due to the development of irreversible, cumulative dose-dependent, congestive cardiomyopathy. The occurrence of toxicity displays a marked interindividual variation, and for this reason the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of anthracyclines have been extensively investigated in order to identify integrated models that can be used in the clinical setting to prevent the development of serious toxicity, mainly leucopenia, and maximise tumour exposure. Pharmacokinetics has been recognised to influence both the toxicity and the activity of anthracyclines; in particular, there is increasing evidence that the mode of administration plays an important role for cumulative cardiotoxicity and data indicate that bolus administration, rather than continuous infusion, appears to be an important risk factor for anthracycline-induced cardiomyopathy, thus implying that this type of toxicity is maximum concentration-dependent. On the contrary, exposure to the drug, as measured by area under the curve, seems best related to the occurrence of leucopenia. Finally, the development of pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic models allows the simulation of drug effects and ultimately dose optimisation in order to anticipate important toxicities and prevent their occurrence by the administration of prophylactic treatments.
What is the major adverse effect of adriamycin(doxorubicin)?
<answer> cardiotoxicity <context> Pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic relationships of the anthracycline anticancer drugs. The anthracycline glycoside antibiotics represent a group of potent anticancer agents with a wide spectrum of activity against solid tumours and haematological malignancies, and are the mainstay of a large number of clinical protocols for the treatment of adult and childhood neoplastic diseases. Their clinical activity is limited, however, by acute and chronic adverse effects. Myelosuppression, predominantly neutropenia and leucopenia, is the dose-limiting toxicity; in addition to this, mucositis, nausea, vomiting and alopecia are frequent, whereas hepatopathy, characterised by elevated bilirubin concentrations, occurs less frequently. Cardiotoxicity is a major adverse effect of the anthracycline antibiotics and can be acute or chronic; in the acute setting, electrocardiographic abnormalities may be seen, including ST-T elevations and arrhythmias, but chronic cardiotoxicity represents a serious adverse effect that may be lethal due to the development of irreversible, cumulative dose-dependent, congestive cardiomyopathy. The occurrence of toxicity displays a marked interindividual variation, and for this reason the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of anthracyclines have been extensively investigated in order to identify integrated models that can be used in the clinical setting to prevent the development of serious toxicity, mainly leucopenia, and maximise tumour exposure. Pharmacokinetics has been recognised to influence both the toxicity and the activity of anthracyclines; in particular, there is increasing evidence that the mode of administration plays an important role for cumulative cardiotoxicity and data indicate that bolus administration, rather than continuous infusion, appears to be an important risk factor for anthracycline-induced cardiomyopathy, thus implying that this type of toxicity is maximum concentration-dependent. On the contrary, exposure to the drug, as measured by area under the curve, seems best related to the occurrence of leucopenia. Finally, the development of pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic models allows the simulation of drug effects and ultimately dose optimisation in order to anticipate important toxicities and prevent their occurrence by the administration of prophylactic treatments.
What is the major adverse effect of adriamycin(doxorubicin)?
<answer> cardiotoxicity <context> Paramagnetic species in the plasma of dogs with lymphoma prior to and after treatment with doxorubicin. An ESR study. Doxorubicin is a potent cytostatic drug which is applied for the treatment of various kinds of malignant diseases. In spite of the routine use of this drug its major adverse effect, the dose-dependent cardiotoxicity, cannot be prevented yet. However, several clinical trials indicated that iron chelators are able to moderate the noxious effect more efficiently than radical scavenging antioxidants. This in turn supports the idea that doxorubicin-iron complexes are involved in triggering the cardiotoxicity of this drug by catalyzing the formation of oxygen radicals. However, both the mode of generation of doxorubicin-iron complexes and the consequences in vivo are not understood so far. In order to figure out whether or not doxorubicin can utilize iron from the transport protein transferrin for complex formation and prooxidative activities we studied the redox state of iron and its regulatory control by ceruloplasmin and ascorbate in the plasma of dogs suffering from malignant lymphoma by electron spin resonance spectroscopy. The respective electron spin resonance intensities prior to and after treatment with doxorubicin were compared with those from healthy controls. Our results revealed that dogs with lymphoma exhibit lower levels of paramagnetic copper in ceruloplasmin (-22%) and iron in transferrin (-33%) than healthy animals. Likewise the concentration of ascorbate radicals was lower in patients with lymphoma than in healthy subjects. The decreased cupric state of ceruloplasmin is equivalent to a diminished ferroxidase activity in plasma and therefore indicates indirectly an impaired antioxidant activity in these patients. Administration of doxorubicin in vivo further reduced the concentration of paramagnetic copper (-18%) and iron (-13%) while the concentration of ascorbate radicals remained unchanged. This decrease was also seen during the in vitro incubation of plasma with doxorubicin suggesting a direct interaction of the drug with the paramagnetic metal species. Model experiments revealed that the effect is based on a doxorubicin-induced release of iron from transferrin which is enhanced by ascorbate and the subsequent formation of doxorubicin-iron complexes. This mechanism was shown to trigger the formation of hydroxyl radicals from H(2)O(2) and to cause an oxidation of the antioxidant ceruloplasmin. Our data demonstrate that cardiotoxic doxorubicin-iron complexes are not only formed in cardiomyocytes itself as generally assumed, but are also present in the circulation. Therefore, these findings provide an additional rationale for potential benefit of iron chelators during doxorubicin chemotherapy.
What is the major adverse effect of adriamycin(doxorubicin)?
<answer> Cardiac toxicity <context> Antioxidative and cardioprotective effects of Phyllanthus urinaria L. on doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity. Cardiac toxicity is a major adverse effect caused by doxorubicin (DOX) therapy. Many recent studies have shown that DOX toxicity involves generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Although protection or alleviation of DOX toxicity can be achieved by administration of antioxidant vitamins such as ascorbic acid and vitamin E, their cardioprotective effect remains controversial. Thus alternative naturally occurring antioxidants may potentially be candidates for antioxidant therapy. In this study, we investigated the antioxidative and cytoprotective effects of Phyllanthus urinaria (PU) against DOX toxicity using H9c2 cardiac myoblasts. The total antioxidant capacity of PU (1 mg/ml) was 5306.75+/-461.62 FRAP value (microM). DOX IC50 values were used to evaluate the cytoprotective effects of PU ethanolic extract (1 or 10 microg/ml) in comparison with those of ascorbic acid (VIT C, 100 microM) and N-acetylcysteine (NAC, 100 microM). PU treatments (1 or 10 microg/ml) dose dependently caused rightward DOX IC50 shifts of 2.8- and 8.5-fold, respectively while treatments with VIT C and NAC increased DOX IC50 by 3.3- and 4.2-fold, respectively. Additionally, lipid peroxidation and caspase-3 activity were parameters used to evaluate cytoprotective effect. All antioxidants completely inhibited cellular lipid peroxidation and caspase-3 activation induced by DOX (1 microM). Endogenous antioxidant defense such as total glutathione (tGSH), catalase and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity was also modulated by the antioxidants. PU treatment alone dose dependently increased tGSH, and this effect was retained in the presence of DOX. Similar effect was observed in the assessment of catalase and SOD enzyme activity. The nuclear factor kappaB (NFkappaB) transcription factor assay demonstrated that all antioxidants significantly inhibited DOX-induced NFkappaB activation. Our results suggest that PU protection against DOX cardiotoxicity was mediated through multiple pathways and this plant may serve as an alternative source of antioxidants for prevention of DOX cardiotoxicity.
What is the major adverse effect of adriamycin(doxorubicin)?
<answer> cardiotoxicity <context> Antioxidative and cardioprotective effects of Phyllanthus urinaria L. on doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity. Cardiac toxicity is a major adverse effect caused by doxorubicin (DOX) therapy. Many recent studies have shown that DOX toxicity involves generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Although protection or alleviation of DOX toxicity can be achieved by administration of antioxidant vitamins such as ascorbic acid and vitamin E, their cardioprotective effect remains controversial. Thus alternative naturally occurring antioxidants may potentially be candidates for antioxidant therapy. In this study, we investigated the antioxidative and cytoprotective effects of Phyllanthus urinaria (PU) against DOX toxicity using H9c2 cardiac myoblasts. The total antioxidant capacity of PU (1 mg/ml) was 5306.75+/-461.62 FRAP value (microM). DOX IC50 values were used to evaluate the cytoprotective effects of PU ethanolic extract (1 or 10 microg/ml) in comparison with those of ascorbic acid (VIT C, 100 microM) and N-acetylcysteine (NAC, 100 microM). PU treatments (1 or 10 microg/ml) dose dependently caused rightward DOX IC50 shifts of 2.8- and 8.5-fold, respectively while treatments with VIT C and NAC increased DOX IC50 by 3.3- and 4.2-fold, respectively. Additionally, lipid peroxidation and caspase-3 activity were parameters used to evaluate cytoprotective effect. All antioxidants completely inhibited cellular lipid peroxidation and caspase-3 activation induced by DOX (1 microM). Endogenous antioxidant defense such as total glutathione (tGSH), catalase and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity was also modulated by the antioxidants. PU treatment alone dose dependently increased tGSH, and this effect was retained in the presence of DOX. Similar effect was observed in the assessment of catalase and SOD enzyme activity. The nuclear factor kappaB (NFkappaB) transcription factor assay demonstrated that all antioxidants significantly inhibited DOX-induced NFkappaB activation. Our results suggest that PU protection against DOX cardiotoxicity was mediated through multiple pathways and this plant may serve as an alternative source of antioxidants for prevention of DOX cardiotoxicity.
Which is the branch site consensus sequence in U12-dependent introns?
<answer> UUCCUUAAC <context> Mutational analysis of the U12-dependent branch site consensus sequence. Highly conserved sequences at the 5' splice site and branch site of U12-dependent introns are important determinants for splicing by U12-dependent spliceosomes. This study investigates the in vivo splicing phenotypes of mutations in the branch site consensus sequence of the U12-dependent intron F from a human NOL1 (P120) minigene. Intron F contains a fully consensus branch site sequence (UUCCUUAAC). Mutations at each position were analyzed for their effects on U12-dependent splicing in vivo. Mutations at most positions resulted in a significant reduction of correct U12-dependent splicing. Defects observed included increased unspliced RNA levels, the activation of cryptic U2-dependent 5' and 3' splice sites, and the activation of cryptic U12-dependent branch/3' splice sites. A strong correlation was observed between the predicted thermodynamic stability of the branch site: U12 snRNA interaction and correct U12-dependent splicing. The lack of a polypyrimidine tract between the branch site and 3' splice site of U12-dependent introns and the observed reliance on base-pairing interactions for correct U12-dependent splicing emphasize the importance of RNA/RNA interactions during U12-dependent intron recognition and proper splice site selection.
What is the name for anorexia in gymnasts?
<answer> Anorexia Athletica <context> Salivary adiponectin levels are associated with training intensity but not with bone mass or reproductive function in elite Rhythmic Gymnasts. Elite Rhythmic Gymnasts (RGs) constitute a unique metabolic model and they are prone to developing Anorexia Athletica. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of training intensity on salivary adiponectin levels and assess a possible role of salivary adiponectin levels as a predictive factor of reproductive dysfunction and bone mass acquisition in elite RGs. The study included 80 elite female RGs participating in the World Rhythmic Gymnastics Championship tournament held in Montpellier, France on September 2011. Anthropometric values were assessed, training data and menstrual pattern were recorded, bone mass was measured with Broadband ultrasound attenuation (dB/Mhz) and baseline salivary adiponectin levels were determined. The athletes were classified as intensely and very intensely trained, considering the mean training intensity (40.84h/week). Moreover, considering their reproductive status, they were divided into RG's with normal menstruation, primary amenorrhea and oligomenorrhea. All comparisons were adjusted to age, BMI and body fat percentage differences. Very intensely trained RGs showed higher salivary adiponectin levels (p=0.05). Moreover, salivary adiponectin levels showed significant correlation with training intensity (r=0.409, p=0.003). On the other hand, no association of salivary adiponectin levels was documented with either reproductive function or bone mass acquisition. The results of the present study suggest that, in elite RGs, salivary adiponectin levels are associated with the intensity of training, possibly reflecting the deterioration of energy balance rather than the training stress. On the other hand, a predictive role of salivary adiponectin levels in reproductive dysfunction or bone mass acquisition could not be supported.
What is the name for anorexia in gymnasts?
<answer> anorexia athletica <context> Hypoleptinaemia in patients with anorexia nervosa and in elite gymnasts with anorexia athletica. Leptin, the product of the ob-gene, is specifically released by adipocytes. In addition to its metabolic function it seems to affect the feedback-mechanisms of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal-axis. We studied 13 female juvenile elite gymnasts with anorexia athletica (AA) and 9 female patients with anorexia nervosa (AN) regarding the relation between leptin, fat stores, and the reproductive hormone levels. Leptin levels in females with anorexia nervosa (Tanner stage B4 [median]; mean age: 17.8 +/- 1.7 years) were low (2.9 +/- 2.7 microg/L), and were related to body mass index (BMI) (r = 0.71; p = 0.03) and percentage body fat mass (r = 0.78; p = 0.01). Leptin levels of the elite gymnasts were even more decreased (1.2 +/- 0.8 microg/L) caused by the low amount of fat stores. Leptin correlated with BMI (r= 0.77; p = 0.004) and the percentage body fat mass (r = 0.6; p = 0.04). In elite gymnasts leptin levels correlated with CA showing an age-dependent increase (r= 0.59; p = 0.04). Oestradiol was secreted at a low level in both groups (AN: 25.6 +/- 17.4 microg/L; AA: 24.4 +/- 13.5 microg/L). A delay in menarche and a retarded bone maturation occurred in AA. Our results clearly show that leptin levels are low in restrained eaters. Leptin levels represent the fat stores in the body and play a permissive role for female pubertal development. There is evidence that the mechanisms leading to a dysregulation of the reproductive-axis in patients with AN are comparable with those leading to delayed puberty in juvenile elite gymnasts with AA. This implies that AN and AA are overlapping groups and AA can lead to the development of AN.
Which is the gene most commonly mutated in Tay-Sachs disease?
<answer> HEXA <context> Specific mutations in the HEXA gene among Iraqi Jewish Tay-Sachs disease carriers: dating of founder ancestor. The incidence of Tay-Sachs disease (TSD) carriers, as defined by enzyme assay, is 1:29 among Ashkenazi Jews and 1:110 among Moroccan Jews. An elevated carrier frequency of 1:140 was also observed in the Iraqi Jews (IJ), while in other Israeli populations the world's pan-ethnic frequency of approximately 1:280 has been found. Recently a novel mutation, G749T, has been reported in 38.7% of the IJ carriers (24/62). Here we report a second novel HEXA mutation specific to the IJ TDS carriers: a substitution of cytosine 1351 by guanosine (C1351G), resulting in the change of leucine to valine in position 451. This mutation was found in 33.9% (21/62) of the carriers and in none of 100 non-carrier IJ. In addition to the two specific mutations, 14.5% (9/62) of the IJ carriers bear a known "Jewish" mutation (Ashkenazi or Moroccan) and 11.3% (7/62) carry a known "non-Jewish" mutation. In 1 DNA sample no mutation has yet been detected. To investigate the genetic history of the IJ-specific mutations (C1351G and G749T), the allelic distribution of four polymorphic markers (D15S131, D15S1025, D15S981, D15S1050) was analyzed in IJ heterozygotes and ethnically matched controls. Based on linkage disequilibrium, recombination factor (theta) between the markers and mutated loci, and the population growth correction, we deduced that G749T occurred in a founder ancestor 44.8 +/- 14.2 generations (g) ago [95% confidence interval (CI) 17.0-72.6 g] and C1351G arose 80.4 +/- 35.9 g ago (95% CI 44.5-116.3 g). Thus, the estimated dates for introduction of mutations are: 626 +/- 426 A.D. (200-1052 A.D.) for G749T and 442 +/- 1077 B.C. (1519 B.C. to 635 A.D.) for C1351G.
Which is the gene most commonly mutated in Tay-Sachs disease?
<answer> HEXA <context> Two mutated HEXA alleles in a Druze patient with late-infantile Tay-Sachs disease. Two affected HEXA alleles were found in an Israeli Druze Tay-Sachs child born to first-cousin parents. His paternal allele contained two adjacent changes in exon 5: delta496C, which resulted in a frameshift and premature termination codon 96 nucleotides downstream, and 498C-->G, a silent mutation. The maternal allele had a 835T-->C transition in exon 8 (S279P). Phosphoimaging quantitation of the parents' RNAs showed that the steady-state levels of mRNAs of the mutant exons 5 and 8 were 5% and 50%, respectively, of normal levels. The exon 5 mutated allele with the premature translation termination resulted in severe deficiency of Hex A. Transient expression of the exon 8 mutated alpha-chain cDNA in COS-1 cells resulted in deficiency of enzymatic activity. The child exhibited a late-infantile-type disease.
Which is the gene most commonly mutated in Tay-Sachs disease?
<answer> HEXA <context> Two mutated HEXA alleles in a Druze patient with late-infantile Tay-Sachs disease. Two affected HEXA alleles were found in an Israeli Druze Tay-Sachs child born to first-cousin parents. His paternal allele contained two adjacent changes in exon 5: delta496C, which resulted in a frameshift and premature termination codon 96 nucleotides downstream, and 498C-->G, a silent mutation. The maternal allele had a 835T-->C transition in exon 8 (S279P). Phosphoimaging quantitation of the parents' RNAs showed that the steady-state levels of mRNAs of the mutant exons 5 and 8 were 5% and 50%, respectively, of normal levels. The exon 5 mutated allele with the premature translation termination resulted in severe deficiency of Hex A. Transient expression of the exon 8 mutated alpha-chain cDNA in COS-1 cells resulted in deficiency of enzymatic activity. The child exhibited a late-infantile-type disease.
Which is the gene most commonly mutated in Tay-Sachs disease?
<answer> HEXA <context> Ten novel mutations in the HEXA gene in non-Jewish Tay-Sachs patients. The heterogeneity of mutations causing Tay-Sachs disease in non-Jewish populations requires efficient techniques allowing the simultaneous screening for both known and novel mutations. beta-hexosaminidase mRNA isolated from cultured fibroblasts of 19 Tay-Sachs patients (7 with adult or late onset form of the disease and 12 with infantile Tay-Sachs disease) was amplified by cDNA-PCR in two overlapping segments spanning the entire coding sequence. We used chemical mismatch cleavage (CMC), denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and direct sequencing of amplified fragments displaying a cleaved product or an altered melting behavior to screen the HEX A gene for mutations and to determine their distribution and frequency in the non-Jewish Tay-Sachs patients. These methods allowed us to identify 31 out of 38 alleles studied (82%). In addition to 9 previously described mutations (the 4 bp insertion in exon 11, G to A transitions at codons 170, 269, 482, 499 and 504, C to T transition at codon 499 and 504 and a GT to AT transition at the donor site of intron 9), we have identified 10 novel mutations. These include 1 donor splice site defect in intron 6, 8 missense mutations at non-randomly distributed conserved residues and a 2 bp deletion in exon 4. These results confirm the extreme molecular heterogeneity of mutations causing Tay-Sachs disease in non-Jewish population. The strategy used should be profitable for identifying mutations in large genes and for diagnostic purposes.
Which is the gene most commonly mutated in Tay-Sachs disease?
<answer> HEXA <context> Identification of an altered splice site in Ashkenazi Tay-Sachs disease. Tay-Sachs disease is an autosomal recessive genetic disorder resulting from mutation of the HEXA gene encoding the alpha-subunit of the lysosomal enzyme, beta-N-acetylhexosaminidase A (ref. 1). A relatively high frequency of carriers (1/27) of a lethal, infantile form of the disease is found in the Ashkenazi Jewish population, but it is not yet evident whether this has resulted from a founder effect and random genetic drift or from a selective advantage of heterozygotes. We have identified a single-base mutation in a cloned fragment of the HEXA gene from an Ashkenazi Jewish patient. This change, the substitution of a C for G in the first nucleotide of intron 12 is expected to result in defective splicing of the messenger RNA. A test for the mutant allele based on amplification of DNA by the 'polymerase chain rection and cleavage of a DdeI restriction site generated by the mutation revealed that this case and two other cases of the Ashkenazi, infantile form of Tay-Sachs disease are heterozygous for two different mutations. The occurrence of multiple mutant alleles warrants further examination of the selective advantage hypothesis.
Which is the gene most commonly mutated in Tay-Sachs disease?
<answer> HEXA <context> Identification of novel mutations in HEXA gene in children affected with Tay Sachs disease from India. Tay Sachs disease (TSD) is a neurodegenerative disorder due to β-hexosaminidase A deficiency caused by mutations in the HEXA gene. The mutations leading to Tay Sachs disease in India are yet unknown. We aimed to determine mutations leading to TSD in India by complete sequencing of the HEXA gene. The clinical inclusion criteria included neuroregression, seizures, exaggerated startle reflex, macrocephaly, cherry red spot on fundus examination and spasticity. Neuroimaging criteria included thalamic hyperdensities on CT scan/T1W images of MRI of the brain. Biochemical criteria included deficiency of hexosaminidase A (less than 2% of total hexosaminidase activity for infantile patients). Total leukocyte hexosaminidase activity was assayed by 4-methylumbelliferyl-N-acetyl-β-D-glucosamine lysis and hexosaminidase A activity was assayed by heat inactivation method and 4-methylumbelliferyl-N-acetyl-β-D-glucosamine-6-sulphate lysis method. The exons and exon-intron boundaries of the HEXA gene were bidirectionally sequenced using an automated sequencer. Mutations were confirmed in parents and looked up in public databases. In silico analysis for mutations was carried out using SIFT, Polyphen2, MutationT@ster and Accelrys Discovery Studio softwares. Fifteen families were included in the study. We identified six novel missense mutations, c.340 G>A (p.E114K), c.964 G>A (p.D322N), c.964 G>T (p.D322Y), c.1178C>G (p.R393P) and c.1385A>T (p.E462V), c.1432 G>A (p.G478R) and two previously reported mutations. c.1277_1278insTATC and c.508C>T (p.R170W). The mutation p.E462V was found in six unrelated families from Gujarat indicating a founder effect. A previously known splice site mutation c.805+1 G>C and another intronic mutation c.672+30 T>G of unknown significance were also identified. Mutations could not be identified in one family. We conclude that TSD patients from Gujarat should be screened for the common mutation p.E462V.
Which is the gene most commonly mutated in Tay-Sachs disease?
<answer> HEXA <context> Molecular analysis of HEXA gene in Argentinean patients affected with Tay-Sachs disease: possible common origin of the prevalent c.459+5A>G mutation. Tay-Sachs disease (TSD) is a recessively inherited disorder caused by the deficient activity of hexosaminidase A due to mutations in the HEXA gene. Up to date there is no information regarding the molecular genetics of TSD in Argentinean patients. In the present study we have studied 17 Argentinean families affected by TSD, including 20 patients with the acute infantile form and 3 with the sub-acute form. Overall, we identified 14 different mutations accounting for 100% of the studied alleles. Eight mutations were novel: 5 were single base changes leading to drastic residue changes or truncated proteins, 2 were small deletions and one was an intronic mutation that may cause a splicing defect. Although the spectrum of mutations was highly heterogeneous, a high frequency of the c.459+5G>A mutation, previously described in different populations was found among the studied cohort. Haplotype analysis suggested that in these families the c.459+5G>A mutation might have arisen by a single mutational event.
Which is the gene most commonly mutated in Tay-Sachs disease?
<answer> HEXA <context> Molecular analysis of HEXA gene in Argentinean patients affected with Tay-Sachs disease: possible common origin of the prevalent c.459+5A>G mutation. Tay-Sachs disease (TSD) is a recessively inherited disorder caused by the deficient activity of hexosaminidase A due to mutations in the HEXA gene. Up to date there is no information regarding the molecular genetics of TSD in Argentinean patients. In the present study we have studied 17 Argentinean families affected by TSD, including 20 patients with the acute infantile form and 3 with the sub-acute form. Overall, we identified 14 different mutations accounting for 100% of the studied alleles. Eight mutations were novel: 5 were single base changes leading to drastic residue changes or truncated proteins, 2 were small deletions and one was an intronic mutation that may cause a splicing defect. Although the spectrum of mutations was highly heterogeneous, a high frequency of the c.459+5G>A mutation, previously described in different populations was found among the studied cohort. Haplotype analysis suggested that in these families the c.459+5G>A mutation might have arisen by a single mutational event.
Which is the gene most commonly mutated in Tay-Sachs disease?
<answer> HEXA <context> Specific mutations in the HEXA gene among Iraqi Jewish Tay-Sachs disease carriers: dating of founder ancestor. The incidence of Tay-Sachs disease (TSD) carriers, as defined by enzyme assay, is 1:29 among Ashkenazi Jews and 1:110 among Moroccan Jews. An elevated carrier frequency of 1:140 was also observed in the Iraqi Jews (IJ), while in other Israeli populations the world's pan-ethnic frequency of approximately 1:280 has been found. Recently a novel mutation, G749T, has been reported in 38.7% of the IJ carriers (24/62). Here we report a second novel HEXA mutation specific to the IJ TDS carriers: a substitution of cytosine 1351 by guanosine (C1351G), resulting in the change of leucine to valine in position 451. This mutation was found in 33.9% (21/62) of the carriers and in none of 100 non-carrier IJ. In addition to the two specific mutations, 14.5% (9/62) of the IJ carriers bear a known "Jewish" mutation (Ashkenazi or Moroccan) and 11.3% (7/62) carry a known "non-Jewish" mutation. In 1 DNA sample no mutation has yet been detected. To investigate the genetic history of the IJ-specific mutations (C1351G and G749T), the allelic distribution of four polymorphic markers (D15S131, D15S1025, D15S981, D15S1050) was analyzed in IJ heterozygotes and ethnically matched controls. Based on linkage disequilibrium, recombination factor (theta) between the markers and mutated loci, and the population growth correction, we deduced that G749T occurred in a founder ancestor 44.8 +/- 14.2 generations (g) ago [95% confidence interval (CI) 17.0-72.6 g] and C1351G arose 80.4 +/- 35.9 g ago (95% CI 44.5-116.3 g). Thus, the estimated dates for introduction of mutations are: 626 +/- 426 A.D. (200-1052 A.D.) for G749T and 442 +/- 1077 B.C. (1519 B.C. to 635 A.D.) for C1351G.
Which is the gene most commonly mutated in Tay-Sachs disease?
<answer> HEXA <context> Two mutated HEXA alleles in a Druze patient with late-infantile Tay-Sachs disease. Two affected HEXA alleles were found in an Israeli Druze Tay-Sachs child born to first-cousin parents. His paternal allele contained two adjacent changes in exon 5: delta496C, which resulted in a frameshift and premature termination codon 96 nucleotides downstream, and 498C-->G, a silent mutation. The maternal allele had a 835T-->C transition in exon 8 (S279P). Phosphoimaging quantitation of the parents' RNAs showed that the steady-state levels of mRNAs of the mutant exons 5 and 8 were 5% and 50%, respectively, of normal levels. The exon 5 mutated allele with the premature translation termination resulted in severe deficiency of Hex A. Transient expression of the exon 8 mutated alpha-chain cDNA in COS-1 cells resulted in deficiency of enzymatic activity. The child exhibited a late-infantile-type disease.
Which is the gene most commonly mutated in Tay-Sachs disease?
<answer> HEXA <context> Two novel exonic point mutations in HEXA identified in a juvenile Tay-Sachs patient: role of alternative splicing and nonsense-mediated mRNA decay. We have identified three mutations in the beta-hexoseaminidase A (HEXA) gene in a juvenile Tay-Sachs disease (TSD) patient, which exhibited a reduced level of HEXA mRNA. Two mutations are novel, c.814G>A (p.Gly272Arg) and c.1305C>T (p.=), located in exon 8 and in exon 11, respectively. The third mutation, c.1195A>G (p.Asn399Asp) in exon 11, has been previously characterized as a common polymorphism in African-Americans. Hex A activity measured in TSD Glial cells, transfected with HEXA cDNA constructs bearing these mutations, was unaltered from the activity level measured in normal HEXA cDNA. Analysis of RT-PCR products revealed three aberrant transcripts in the patient, one where exon 8 was absent, one where exon 11 was absent and a third lacking both exons 10 and 11. All three novel transcripts contain frameshifts resulting in premature termination codons (PTCs). Transfection of mini-gene constructs carrying the c.814G>A and c.1305C>T mutations proved that the two mutations result in exon skipping. mRNAs that harbor a PTC are detected and degraded by the nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD) pathway to prevent synthesis of abnormal proteins. However, although NMD is functional in the patient's fibroblasts, aberrant transcripts are still present. We suggest that the level of correctly spliced transcripts as well as the efficiency in which NMD degrade the PTC-containing transcripts, apparently plays an important role in the phenotype severity of the unique patient and thus should be considered as a potential target for drug therapy.
Which is the gene most commonly mutated in Tay-Sachs disease?
<answer> HEXA <context> Two novel exonic point mutations in HEXA identified in a juvenile Tay-Sachs patient: role of alternative splicing and nonsense-mediated mRNA decay. We have identified three mutations in the beta-hexoseaminidase A (HEXA) gene in a juvenile Tay-Sachs disease (TSD) patient, which exhibited a reduced level of HEXA mRNA. Two mutations are novel, c.814G>A (p.Gly272Arg) and c.1305C>T (p.=), located in exon 8 and in exon 11, respectively. The third mutation, c.1195A>G (p.Asn399Asp) in exon 11, has been previously characterized as a common polymorphism in African-Americans. Hex A activity measured in TSD Glial cells, transfected with HEXA cDNA constructs bearing these mutations, was unaltered from the activity level measured in normal HEXA cDNA. Analysis of RT-PCR products revealed three aberrant transcripts in the patient, one where exon 8 was absent, one where exon 11 was absent and a third lacking both exons 10 and 11. All three novel transcripts contain frameshifts resulting in premature termination codons (PTCs). Transfection of mini-gene constructs carrying the c.814G>A and c.1305C>T mutations proved that the two mutations result in exon skipping. mRNAs that harbor a PTC are detected and degraded by the nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD) pathway to prevent synthesis of abnormal proteins. However, although NMD is functional in the patient's fibroblasts, aberrant transcripts are still present. We suggest that the level of correctly spliced transcripts as well as the efficiency in which NMD degrade the PTC-containing transcripts, apparently plays an important role in the phenotype severity of the unique patient and thus should be considered as a potential target for drug therapy.
Which is the gene most commonly mutated in Tay-Sachs disease?
<answer> HEXA <context> Specific mutations in the HEXA gene among Iraqi Jewish Tay-Sachs disease carriers: dating of founder ancestor. The incidence of Tay-Sachs disease (TSD) carriers, as defined by enzyme assay, is 1:29 among Ashkenazi Jews and 1:110 among Moroccan Jews. An elevated carrier frequency of 1:140 was also observed in the Iraqi Jews (IJ), while in other Israeli populations the world's pan-ethnic frequency of approximately 1:280 has been found. Recently a novel mutation, G749T, has been reported in 38.7% of the IJ carriers (24/62). Here we report a second novel HEXA mutation specific to the IJ TDS carriers: a substitution of cytosine 1351 by guanosine (C1351G), resulting in the change of leucine to valine in position 451. This mutation was found in 33.9% (21/62) of the carriers and in none of 100 non-carrier IJ. In addition to the two specific mutations, 14.5% (9/62) of the IJ carriers bear a known "Jewish" mutation (Ashkenazi or Moroccan) and 11.3% (7/62) carry a known "non-Jewish" mutation. In 1 DNA sample no mutation has yet been detected. To investigate the genetic history of the IJ-specific mutations (C1351G and G749T), the allelic distribution of four polymorphic markers (D15S131, D15S1025, D15S981, D15S1050) was analyzed in IJ heterozygotes and ethnically matched controls. Based on linkage disequilibrium, recombination factor (theta) between the markers and mutated loci, and the population growth correction, we deduced that G749T occurred in a founder ancestor 44.8 +/- 14.2 generations (g) ago [95% confidence interval (CI) 17.0-72.6 g] and C1351G arose 80.4 +/- 35.9 g ago (95% CI 44.5-116.3 g). Thus, the estimated dates for introduction of mutations are: 626 +/- 426 A.D. (200-1052 A.D.) for G749T and 442 +/- 1077 B.C. (1519 B.C. to 635 A.D.) for C1351G.
Which is the gene most commonly mutated in Tay-Sachs disease?
<answer> HEXA <context> Two mutated HEXA alleles in a Druze patient with late-infantile Tay-Sachs disease. Two affected HEXA alleles were found in an Israeli Druze Tay-Sachs child born to first-cousin parents. His paternal allele contained two adjacent changes in exon 5: delta496C, which resulted in a frameshift and premature termination codon 96 nucleotides downstream, and 498C-->G, a silent mutation. The maternal allele had a 835T-->C transition in exon 8 (S279P). Phosphoimaging quantitation of the parents' RNAs showed that the steady-state levels of mRNAs of the mutant exons 5 and 8 were 5% and 50%, respectively, of normal levels. The exon 5 mutated allele with the premature translation termination resulted in severe deficiency of Hex A. Transient expression of the exon 8 mutated alpha-chain cDNA in COS-1 cells resulted in deficiency of enzymatic activity. The child exhibited a late-infantile-type disease.
Which is the main regulatory molecule of SERCA2A function in the cardiac muscle?
<answer> phospholamban <context> Phospholamban interactome in cardiac contractility and survival: A new vision of an old friend. Depressed sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) calcium cycling, reflecting impaired SR Ca-transport and Ca-release, is a key and universal characteristic of human and experimental heart failure. These SR processes are regulated by multimeric protein complexes, including protein kinases and phosphatases as well as their anchoring and regulatory subunits that fine-tune Ca-handling in specific SR sub-compartments. SR Ca-transport is mediated by the SR Ca-ATPase (SERCA2a) and its regulatory phosphoprotein, phospholamban (PLN). Dephosphorylated PLN is an inhibitor of SERCA2a and phosphorylation by protein kinase A (PKA) or calcium-calmodulin-dependent protein kinases (CAMKII) relieves these inhibitory effects. Recent studies identified additional regulatory proteins, associated with PLN, that control SR Ca-transport. These include the inhibitor-1 (I-1) of protein phosphatase 1 (PP1), the small heat shock protein 20 (Hsp20) and the HS-1 associated protein X-1 (HAX1). In addition, the intra-luminal histidine-rich calcium binding protein (HRC) has been shown to interact with both SERCA2a and triadin. Notably, there is physical and direct interaction between these protein players, mediating a fine-cross talk between SR Ca-uptake, storage and release. Importantly, regulation of SR Ca-cycling by the PLN/SERCA interactome does not only impact cardiomyocyte contractility, but also survival and remodeling. Indeed, naturally occurring variants in these Ca-cycling genes modulate their activity and interactions with other protein partners, resulting in depressed contractility and accelerated remodeling. These genetic variants may serve as potential prognostic or diagnostic markers in cardiac pathophysiology.
Which is the main regulatory molecule of SERCA2A function in the cardiac muscle?
<answer> PLN <context> Phospholamban interactome in cardiac contractility and survival: A new vision of an old friend. Depressed sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) calcium cycling, reflecting impaired SR Ca-transport and Ca-release, is a key and universal characteristic of human and experimental heart failure. These SR processes are regulated by multimeric protein complexes, including protein kinases and phosphatases as well as their anchoring and regulatory subunits that fine-tune Ca-handling in specific SR sub-compartments. SR Ca-transport is mediated by the SR Ca-ATPase (SERCA2a) and its regulatory phosphoprotein, phospholamban (PLN). Dephosphorylated PLN is an inhibitor of SERCA2a and phosphorylation by protein kinase A (PKA) or calcium-calmodulin-dependent protein kinases (CAMKII) relieves these inhibitory effects. Recent studies identified additional regulatory proteins, associated with PLN, that control SR Ca-transport. These include the inhibitor-1 (I-1) of protein phosphatase 1 (PP1), the small heat shock protein 20 (Hsp20) and the HS-1 associated protein X-1 (HAX1). In addition, the intra-luminal histidine-rich calcium binding protein (HRC) has been shown to interact with both SERCA2a and triadin. Notably, there is physical and direct interaction between these protein players, mediating a fine-cross talk between SR Ca-uptake, storage and release. Importantly, regulation of SR Ca-cycling by the PLN/SERCA interactome does not only impact cardiomyocyte contractility, but also survival and remodeling. Indeed, naturally occurring variants in these Ca-cycling genes modulate their activity and interactions with other protein partners, resulting in depressed contractility and accelerated remodeling. These genetic variants may serve as potential prognostic or diagnostic markers in cardiac pathophysiology.
Which is the main regulatory molecule of SERCA2A function in the cardiac muscle?
<answer> PLN <context> Phospholamban interactome in cardiac contractility and survival: A new vision of an old friend. Depressed sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) calcium cycling, reflecting impaired SR Ca-transport and Ca-release, is a key and universal characteristic of human and experimental heart failure. These SR processes are regulated by multimeric protein complexes, including protein kinases and phosphatases as well as their anchoring and regulatory subunits that fine-tune Ca-handling in specific SR sub-compartments. SR Ca-transport is mediated by the SR Ca-ATPase (SERCA2a) and its regulatory phosphoprotein, phospholamban (PLN). Dephosphorylated PLN is an inhibitor of SERCA2a and phosphorylation by protein kinase A (PKA) or calcium-calmodulin-dependent protein kinases (CAMKII) relieves these inhibitory effects. Recent studies identified additional regulatory proteins, associated with PLN, that control SR Ca-transport. These include the inhibitor-1 (I-1) of protein phosphatase 1 (PP1), the small heat shock protein 20 (Hsp20) and the HS-1 associated protein X-1 (HAX1). In addition, the intra-luminal histidine-rich calcium binding protein (HRC) has been shown to interact with both SERCA2a and triadin. Notably, there is physical and direct interaction between these protein players, mediating a fine-cross talk between SR Ca-uptake, storage and release. Importantly, regulation of SR Ca-cycling by the PLN/SERCA interactome does not only impact cardiomyocyte contractility, but also survival and remodeling. Indeed, naturally occurring variants in these Ca-cycling genes modulate their activity and interactions with other protein partners, resulting in depressed contractility and accelerated remodeling. These genetic variants may serve as potential prognostic or diagnostic markers in cardiac pathophysiology.
Which is the main regulatory molecule of SERCA2A function in the cardiac muscle?
<answer> phospholamban <context> SERCA2a: a prime target for modulation of cardiac contractility during heart failure. Heart failure is one of the leading causes of sudden death in developed countries. While current therapies are mostly aimed at mitigating associated symptoms, novel therapies targeting the subcellular mechanisms underlying heart failure are emerging. Failing hearts are characterized by reduced contractile properties caused by impaired Ca(2+) cycling between the sarcoplasm and sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR). Sarcoplasmic/ endoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+)ATPase 2a (SERCA2a) mediates Ca(2+) reuptake into the SR in cardiomyocytes. Of note, the expression level and/or activity of SERCA2a, translating to the quantity of SR Ca(2+) uptake, are significantly reduced in failing hearts. Normalization of the SERCA2a expression level by gene delivery has been shown to restore hampered cardiac functions and ameliorate associated symptoms in pre-clinical as well as clinical studies. SERCA2a activity can be regulated at multiple levels of a signaling cascade comprised of phospholamban, protein phosphatase 1, inhibitor-1, and PKCα. SERCA2 activity is also regulated by post-translational modifications including SUMOylation and acetylation. In this review, we will highlight the molecular mechanisms underlying the regulation of SERCA2a activity and the potential therapeutic modalities for the treatment of heart failure.
Which is the main regulatory molecule of SERCA2A function in the cardiac muscle?
<answer> Phospholamban <context> SERCA2a superinhibition by human phospholamban triggers electrical and structural remodeling in mouse hearts. Phospholamban (PLN), the reversible inhibitor of the sarco(endo)plasmic reticulum Ca(2+)-ATPase (SERCA2a), is a key regulator of myocyte Ca(2+) cycling with a significant role in heart failure. We previously showed that the single amino acid difference between human and mouse PLN results in increased inhibition of Ca(2+) cycling and cardiac remodeling and attenuated stress responses in transgenic mice expressing the human PLN (hPLN) in the null background. Here we dissect the molecular and electrophysiological processes triggered by the superinhibitory hPLN in the mouse. Using a multidisciplinary approach, we performed global gene expression analysis, electrophysiology, and mathematical simulations on hPLN mice. We identified significant changes in a series of Na(+) and K(+) homeostasis genes/proteins (including Kcnd2, Scn9a, Slc8a1) and ionic conductance (including L-type Ca(2+) current, Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchanger, transient outward K(+) current). Simulation analysis suggests that this electrical remodeling has a critical role in rescuing cardiac function by improving sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+) load and overall Ca(2+) dynamics. Furthermore, multiple structural and transcription factor gene expression changes indicate an ongoing structural remodeling process, favoring hypertrophy and myogenesis while suppressing apoptosis and progression to heart failure. Our findings expand current understanding of the hPLN function and provide additional insights into the downstream implications of SERCA2a superinhibition in the mammalian heart.
Which is the main regulatory molecule of SERCA2A function in the cardiac muscle?
<answer> PLN <context> SERCA2a superinhibition by human phospholamban triggers electrical and structural remodeling in mouse hearts. Phospholamban (PLN), the reversible inhibitor of the sarco(endo)plasmic reticulum Ca(2+)-ATPase (SERCA2a), is a key regulator of myocyte Ca(2+) cycling with a significant role in heart failure. We previously showed that the single amino acid difference between human and mouse PLN results in increased inhibition of Ca(2+) cycling and cardiac remodeling and attenuated stress responses in transgenic mice expressing the human PLN (hPLN) in the null background. Here we dissect the molecular and electrophysiological processes triggered by the superinhibitory hPLN in the mouse. Using a multidisciplinary approach, we performed global gene expression analysis, electrophysiology, and mathematical simulations on hPLN mice. We identified significant changes in a series of Na(+) and K(+) homeostasis genes/proteins (including Kcnd2, Scn9a, Slc8a1) and ionic conductance (including L-type Ca(2+) current, Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchanger, transient outward K(+) current). Simulation analysis suggests that this electrical remodeling has a critical role in rescuing cardiac function by improving sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+) load and overall Ca(2+) dynamics. Furthermore, multiple structural and transcription factor gene expression changes indicate an ongoing structural remodeling process, favoring hypertrophy and myogenesis while suppressing apoptosis and progression to heart failure. Our findings expand current understanding of the hPLN function and provide additional insights into the downstream implications of SERCA2a superinhibition in the mammalian heart.
Which is the main regulatory molecule of SERCA2A function in the cardiac muscle?
<answer> phospholamban <context> The anti-apoptotic protein HAX-1 interacts with SERCA2 and regulates its protein levels to promote cell survival. Cardiac contractility is regulated through the activity of various key Ca(2+)-handling proteins. The sarco(endo)plasmic reticulum (SR) Ca(2+) transport ATPase (SERCA2a) and its inhibitor phospholamban (PLN) control the uptake of Ca(2+) by SR membranes during relaxation. Recently, the antiapoptotic HS-1-associated protein X-1 (HAX-1) was identified as a binding partner of PLN, and this interaction was postulated to regulate cell apoptosis. In the current study, we determined that HAX-1 can also bind to SERCA2. Deletion mapping analysis demonstrated that amino acid residues 575-594 of SERCA2's nucleotide binding domain are required for its interaction with the C-terminal domain of HAX-1, containing amino acids 203-245. In transiently cotransfected human embryonic kidney 293 cells, recombinant SERCA2 was specifically targeted to the ER, whereas HAX-1 selectively concentrated at mitochondria. On triple transfections with PLN, however, HAX-1 massively translocated to the ER membranes, where it codistributed with PLN and SERCA2. Overexpression of SERCA2 abrogated the protective effects of HAX-1 on cell survival, after hypoxia/reoxygenation or thapsigargin treatment. Importantly, HAX-1 overexpression was associated with down-regulation of SERCA2 expression levels, resulting in significant reduction of apparent ER Ca(2+) levels. These findings suggest that HAX-1 may promote cell survival through modulation of SERCA2 protein levels and thus ER Ca(2+) stores.
Which is the main regulatory molecule of SERCA2A function in the cardiac muscle?
<answer> PLN <context> The anti-apoptotic protein HAX-1 interacts with SERCA2 and regulates its protein levels to promote cell survival. Cardiac contractility is regulated through the activity of various key Ca(2+)-handling proteins. The sarco(endo)plasmic reticulum (SR) Ca(2+) transport ATPase (SERCA2a) and its inhibitor phospholamban (PLN) control the uptake of Ca(2+) by SR membranes during relaxation. Recently, the antiapoptotic HS-1-associated protein X-1 (HAX-1) was identified as a binding partner of PLN, and this interaction was postulated to regulate cell apoptosis. In the current study, we determined that HAX-1 can also bind to SERCA2. Deletion mapping analysis demonstrated that amino acid residues 575-594 of SERCA2's nucleotide binding domain are required for its interaction with the C-terminal domain of HAX-1, containing amino acids 203-245. In transiently cotransfected human embryonic kidney 293 cells, recombinant SERCA2 was specifically targeted to the ER, whereas HAX-1 selectively concentrated at mitochondria. On triple transfections with PLN, however, HAX-1 massively translocated to the ER membranes, where it codistributed with PLN and SERCA2. Overexpression of SERCA2 abrogated the protective effects of HAX-1 on cell survival, after hypoxia/reoxygenation or thapsigargin treatment. Importantly, HAX-1 overexpression was associated with down-regulation of SERCA2 expression levels, resulting in significant reduction of apparent ER Ca(2+) levels. These findings suggest that HAX-1 may promote cell survival through modulation of SERCA2 protein levels and thus ER Ca(2+) stores.
Which is the main regulatory molecule of SERCA2A function in the cardiac muscle?
<answer> phospholamban <context> Myotonic dystrophy protein kinase phosphorylates phospholamban and regulates calcium uptake in cardiomyocyte sarcoplasmic reticulum. Myotonic dystrophy (DM) is caused by a CTG expansion in the 3'-untranslated region of a protein kinase gene (DMPK). Cardiovascular disease is one of the most prevalent causes of death in DM patients. Electrophysiological studies in cardiac muscles from DM patients and from DMPK(-/-) mice suggested that DMPK is critical to the modulation of cardiac contractility and to the maintenance of proper cardiac conduction activity. However, there are no data regarding the molecular signaling pathways involved in DM heart failure. Here we show that DMPK expression in cardiac myocytes is highly enriched in the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) where it colocalizes with the ryanodine receptor and phospholamban (PLN), a muscle-specific SR Ca(2+)-ATPase (SERCA2a) inhibitor. Coimmunoprecipitation studies showed that DMPK and PLN can physically associate. Furthermore, purified wild-type DMPK, but not a kinase-deficient mutant (K110A DMPK), phosphorylates PLN in vitro. Subsequent studies using the DMPK(-/-) mice demonstrated that PLN is hypo-phosphorylated in SR vesicles from DMPK(-/-) mice compared with wild-type mice both in vitro and in vivo. Finally, we show that Ca(2+) uptake in SR is impaired in ventricular homogenates from DMPK(-/-) mice. Together, our data suggest the existence of a novel regulatory DMPK pathway for cardiac contractility and provide a molecular mechanism for DM heart pathology.
Which is the main regulatory molecule of SERCA2A function in the cardiac muscle?
<answer> PLN <context> Myotonic dystrophy protein kinase phosphorylates phospholamban and regulates calcium uptake in cardiomyocyte sarcoplasmic reticulum. Myotonic dystrophy (DM) is caused by a CTG expansion in the 3'-untranslated region of a protein kinase gene (DMPK). Cardiovascular disease is one of the most prevalent causes of death in DM patients. Electrophysiological studies in cardiac muscles from DM patients and from DMPK(-/-) mice suggested that DMPK is critical to the modulation of cardiac contractility and to the maintenance of proper cardiac conduction activity. However, there are no data regarding the molecular signaling pathways involved in DM heart failure. Here we show that DMPK expression in cardiac myocytes is highly enriched in the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) where it colocalizes with the ryanodine receptor and phospholamban (PLN), a muscle-specific SR Ca(2+)-ATPase (SERCA2a) inhibitor. Coimmunoprecipitation studies showed that DMPK and PLN can physically associate. Furthermore, purified wild-type DMPK, but not a kinase-deficient mutant (K110A DMPK), phosphorylates PLN in vitro. Subsequent studies using the DMPK(-/-) mice demonstrated that PLN is hypo-phosphorylated in SR vesicles from DMPK(-/-) mice compared with wild-type mice both in vitro and in vivo. Finally, we show that Ca(2+) uptake in SR is impaired in ventricular homogenates from DMPK(-/-) mice. Together, our data suggest the existence of a novel regulatory DMPK pathway for cardiac contractility and provide a molecular mechanism for DM heart pathology.
Which is the main regulatory molecule of SERCA2A function in the cardiac muscle?
<answer> Phospholamban <context> Oligomeric interactions between phospholamban molecules regulate Ca-ATPase activity in functionally reconstituted membranes. Phospholamban (PLB) is a major target of the beta-adrenergic cascade in the heart, and functions as an endogenous inhibitor of Ca-ATPase transport activity. To identify whether oligomeric interactions between PLB molecules are involved in regulating Ca-ATPase transport activity, we have investigated functional interactions between PLB and the Ca-ATPase in proteoliposomes of purified PLB functionally co-reconstituted with the SERCA2a isoform of the Ca-ATPase isolated from cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR). The calcium sensitivity of this reconstituted preparation and functional stimulation by cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) are virtually identical to those of the Ca-ATPase in cardiac SR microsomes, ensuring the functional relevance of this reconstituted preparation. Interactions between PLB molecules were measured following covalent modification of the single lysine (i.e., Lys(3)) in PLB isolated from cardiac SR membranes with fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) prior to co-reconstitution with the Ca-ATPase. FITC modification of PLB does not interfere with the ability of PLB to inhibit the Ca-ATPase, since FITC-PLB co-reconstituted with the Ca-ATPase exhibits a similar calcium dependence of Ca-ATPase activation to that observed in native SR membranes. Thus, the functional arrangement of PLB with the Ca-ATPase is not modified by FITC modification. Using changes in the anisotropy of FITC-PLB resulting from fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) between proximal PLB molecules to measure the average size and spatial arrangement of FITC chromophores, we find that PLB self-associates to form oligomers whose spatial arrangement with respect to one another is in agreement with earlier suggestions that PLB exists predominantly as a homopentamer. The inability of PKA to activate PLB following covalent modification with FITC permits functional interactions between PLB molecules associated with the Ca-ATPase activation to be identified. A second-order loss of Ca-ATPase activation by PKA is observed as a function of the fractional contribution of FITC-PLB, indicating that PKA-dependent activation of two PLB molecules within a quaternary complex containing the Ca-ATPase is necessary for activation of the Ca-ATPase. We suggest that the requirement for activation of two PLB molecules by PKA represents a physiological mechanism to ensure that activation of the Ca-ATPase following beta-adrenergic stimulation in the heart only occurs above a threshold level of PKA activation.
Which is the main regulatory molecule of SERCA2A function in the cardiac muscle?
<answer> PLB <context> Oligomeric interactions between phospholamban molecules regulate Ca-ATPase activity in functionally reconstituted membranes. Phospholamban (PLB) is a major target of the beta-adrenergic cascade in the heart, and functions as an endogenous inhibitor of Ca-ATPase transport activity. To identify whether oligomeric interactions between PLB molecules are involved in regulating Ca-ATPase transport activity, we have investigated functional interactions between PLB and the Ca-ATPase in proteoliposomes of purified PLB functionally co-reconstituted with the SERCA2a isoform of the Ca-ATPase isolated from cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR). The calcium sensitivity of this reconstituted preparation and functional stimulation by cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) are virtually identical to those of the Ca-ATPase in cardiac SR microsomes, ensuring the functional relevance of this reconstituted preparation. Interactions between PLB molecules were measured following covalent modification of the single lysine (i.e., Lys(3)) in PLB isolated from cardiac SR membranes with fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) prior to co-reconstitution with the Ca-ATPase. FITC modification of PLB does not interfere with the ability of PLB to inhibit the Ca-ATPase, since FITC-PLB co-reconstituted with the Ca-ATPase exhibits a similar calcium dependence of Ca-ATPase activation to that observed in native SR membranes. Thus, the functional arrangement of PLB with the Ca-ATPase is not modified by FITC modification. Using changes in the anisotropy of FITC-PLB resulting from fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) between proximal PLB molecules to measure the average size and spatial arrangement of FITC chromophores, we find that PLB self-associates to form oligomers whose spatial arrangement with respect to one another is in agreement with earlier suggestions that PLB exists predominantly as a homopentamer. The inability of PKA to activate PLB following covalent modification with FITC permits functional interactions between PLB molecules associated with the Ca-ATPase activation to be identified. A second-order loss of Ca-ATPase activation by PKA is observed as a function of the fractional contribution of FITC-PLB, indicating that PKA-dependent activation of two PLB molecules within a quaternary complex containing the Ca-ATPase is necessary for activation of the Ca-ATPase. We suggest that the requirement for activation of two PLB molecules by PKA represents a physiological mechanism to ensure that activation of the Ca-ATPase following beta-adrenergic stimulation in the heart only occurs above a threshold level of PKA activation.
Which is the main regulatory molecule of SERCA2A function in the cardiac muscle?
<answer> Phospholamban <context> Ca2+ binding to site I of the cardiac Ca2+ pump is sufficient to dissociate phospholamban. Phospholamban (PLB) inhibits the activity of SERCA2a, the Ca(2+)-ATPase in cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum, by decreasing the apparent affinity of the enzyme for Ca(2+). Recent cross-linking studies have suggested that PLB binding and Ca(2+) binding to SERCA2a are mutually exclusive. PLB binds to the E2 conformation of the Ca(2+)-ATPase, preventing formation of E1, the conformation that binds two Ca(2+) (at sites I and II) with high affinity and is required for ATP hydrolysis. Here we determined whether Ca(2+) binding to site I, site II, or both sites is sufficient to dissociate PLB from the Ca(2+) pump. Seven SERCA2a mutants with amino acid substitutions at Ca(2+)-binding site I (E770Q, T798A, and E907Q), site II (E309Q and N795A), or both sites (D799N and E309Q/E770Q) were made, and the effects of Ca(2+) on N30C-PLB cross-linking to Lys(328) of SERCA2a were measured. In agreement with earlier reports with the skeletal muscle Ca(2+)-ATPase, none of the SERCA2a mutants (except E907Q) hydrolyzed ATP in the presence of Ca(2+); however, all were phosphorylatable by P(i) to form E2P. Ca(2+) inhibition of E2P formation was observed only in SERCA2a mutants retaining site I. In cross-linking assays, strong cross-linking between N30C-PLB and each Ca(2+)-ATPase mutant was observed in the absence of Ca(2+). Importantly, however, micromolar Ca(2+) inhibited PLB cross-linking only to mutants retaining a functional Ca(2+)-binding site I. The dynamic equilibrium between Ca(2+) pumps and N30C-PLB was retained by all mutants, demonstrating normal regulation of cross-linking by ATP, thapsigargin, and anti-PLB antibody. From these results we conclude that site I is the key Ca(2+)-binding site regulating the physical association between PLB and SERCA2a.
Which is the main regulatory molecule of SERCA2A function in the cardiac muscle?
<answer> PLB <context> Ca2+ binding to site I of the cardiac Ca2+ pump is sufficient to dissociate phospholamban. Phospholamban (PLB) inhibits the activity of SERCA2a, the Ca(2+)-ATPase in cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum, by decreasing the apparent affinity of the enzyme for Ca(2+). Recent cross-linking studies have suggested that PLB binding and Ca(2+) binding to SERCA2a are mutually exclusive. PLB binds to the E2 conformation of the Ca(2+)-ATPase, preventing formation of E1, the conformation that binds two Ca(2+) (at sites I and II) with high affinity and is required for ATP hydrolysis. Here we determined whether Ca(2+) binding to site I, site II, or both sites is sufficient to dissociate PLB from the Ca(2+) pump. Seven SERCA2a mutants with amino acid substitutions at Ca(2+)-binding site I (E770Q, T798A, and E907Q), site II (E309Q and N795A), or both sites (D799N and E309Q/E770Q) were made, and the effects of Ca(2+) on N30C-PLB cross-linking to Lys(328) of SERCA2a were measured. In agreement with earlier reports with the skeletal muscle Ca(2+)-ATPase, none of the SERCA2a mutants (except E907Q) hydrolyzed ATP in the presence of Ca(2+); however, all were phosphorylatable by P(i) to form E2P. Ca(2+) inhibition of E2P formation was observed only in SERCA2a mutants retaining site I. In cross-linking assays, strong cross-linking between N30C-PLB and each Ca(2+)-ATPase mutant was observed in the absence of Ca(2+). Importantly, however, micromolar Ca(2+) inhibited PLB cross-linking only to mutants retaining a functional Ca(2+)-binding site I. The dynamic equilibrium between Ca(2+) pumps and N30C-PLB was retained by all mutants, demonstrating normal regulation of cross-linking by ATP, thapsigargin, and anti-PLB antibody. From these results we conclude that site I is the key Ca(2+)-binding site regulating the physical association between PLB and SERCA2a.
Which is the main regulatory molecule of SERCA2A function in the cardiac muscle?
<answer> Phospholamban <context> Phospholamban overexpression in rabbit ventricular myocytes does not alter sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca transport. Phospholamban has been suggested to be a key regulator of cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca cycling and contractility and a potential therapeutic target in restoring the depressed Ca cycling in failing hearts. Our understanding of the function of phospholamban stems primarily from studies in genetically altered mouse models. To evaluate the significance of this protein in larger mammalian species, which exhibit Ca cycling properties similar to humans, we overexpressed phospholamban in adult rabbit cardiomyocytes. Adenoviral-mediated gene transfer, at high multiplicities of infection, resulted in an insignificant 1.22-fold overexpression of phospholamban. There were no effects on twitch Ca-transient amplitude or decay under basal or isoproterenol-stimulated conditions. Furthermore, the SR Ca load and Na/Ca exchanger function were not altered. These apparent differences between phospholamban overexpression in rabbit compared with previous findings in the mouse may be due to a significantly higher (1.5-fold) endogenous phospholamban-to-sarco(endo)plasmic reticulum Ca-ATPase (SERCA) 2a ratio and potential functional saturation of SERCA2a by phospholamban in rabbit cardiomyocytes. The findings suggest that important species-dependent differences in phospholamban regulation of SERCA2a occur. In larger mammals, a higher fraction of SERCA2a pumps are regulated by phospholamban, and this may influence therapeutic strategies to enhance cardiac contractility and functional cardiac reserve.
Which is the main regulatory molecule of SERCA2A function in the cardiac muscle?
<answer> phospholamban <context> Phospholamban overexpression in rabbit ventricular myocytes does not alter sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca transport. Phospholamban has been suggested to be a key regulator of cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca cycling and contractility and a potential therapeutic target in restoring the depressed Ca cycling in failing hearts. Our understanding of the function of phospholamban stems primarily from studies in genetically altered mouse models. To evaluate the significance of this protein in larger mammalian species, which exhibit Ca cycling properties similar to humans, we overexpressed phospholamban in adult rabbit cardiomyocytes. Adenoviral-mediated gene transfer, at high multiplicities of infection, resulted in an insignificant 1.22-fold overexpression of phospholamban. There were no effects on twitch Ca-transient amplitude or decay under basal or isoproterenol-stimulated conditions. Furthermore, the SR Ca load and Na/Ca exchanger function were not altered. These apparent differences between phospholamban overexpression in rabbit compared with previous findings in the mouse may be due to a significantly higher (1.5-fold) endogenous phospholamban-to-sarco(endo)plasmic reticulum Ca-ATPase (SERCA) 2a ratio and potential functional saturation of SERCA2a by phospholamban in rabbit cardiomyocytes. The findings suggest that important species-dependent differences in phospholamban regulation of SERCA2a occur. In larger mammals, a higher fraction of SERCA2a pumps are regulated by phospholamban, and this may influence therapeutic strategies to enhance cardiac contractility and functional cardiac reserve.
Which is the main regulatory molecule of SERCA2A function in the cardiac muscle?
<answer> Phospholamban <context> Phospholamban phosphorylation by CaMKII under pathophysiological conditions. Sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca2+ ATPase (SERCA2a) transports Ca2+ into the SR, decreasing the cytosolic Ca2+ during relaxation and increasing the SR Ca2+ available for contraction. SERCA2a activity is regulated by phosphorylation of another SR protein: Phospholamban (PLN). Dephosphorylated PLN inhibits SERCA2a. Phosphorylation of PLN by either cAMP or cGMP-dependent protein kinase at Ser16 or the Ca2+-calmodulin-dependent protein kinase (CaMKII), at Thr17, relieves this inhibition, increasing SR Ca2+ uptake and SR Ca2+ load. Thus, PLN is a major player in the regulation of myocardial relaxation and contractility. This review will examine the main aspects of the role of CaMKII and Thr17 site of PLN, on different pathophysiological conditions: acidosis, ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) and heart failure (HF). Whereas CaMKII-activation and PLN phosphorylation contribute to the functional recovery during acidosis and stunning, CaMKII results detrimental in the irreversible I/R injury, producing apoptosis and necrosis. Phosphorylation of Thr17 residue of PLN and CaMKII activity vary in the different models of HF. The possible role of these changes in the depressed cardiac function of HF will be discussed.
Which is the main regulatory molecule of SERCA2A function in the cardiac muscle?
<answer> PLN <context> Phospholamban phosphorylation by CaMKII under pathophysiological conditions. Sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca2+ ATPase (SERCA2a) transports Ca2+ into the SR, decreasing the cytosolic Ca2+ during relaxation and increasing the SR Ca2+ available for contraction. SERCA2a activity is regulated by phosphorylation of another SR protein: Phospholamban (PLN). Dephosphorylated PLN inhibits SERCA2a. Phosphorylation of PLN by either cAMP or cGMP-dependent protein kinase at Ser16 or the Ca2+-calmodulin-dependent protein kinase (CaMKII), at Thr17, relieves this inhibition, increasing SR Ca2+ uptake and SR Ca2+ load. Thus, PLN is a major player in the regulation of myocardial relaxation and contractility. This review will examine the main aspects of the role of CaMKII and Thr17 site of PLN, on different pathophysiological conditions: acidosis, ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) and heart failure (HF). Whereas CaMKII-activation and PLN phosphorylation contribute to the functional recovery during acidosis and stunning, CaMKII results detrimental in the irreversible I/R injury, producing apoptosis and necrosis. Phosphorylation of Thr17 residue of PLN and CaMKII activity vary in the different models of HF. The possible role of these changes in the depressed cardiac function of HF will be discussed.