# Thyroid Disease Dataset

Please refer to original [source](https://archive.ics.uci.edu/dataset/102/thyroid+disease) for more details.

## Dataset Description

The **Thyroid Disease** dataset comprises medical records related to thyroid conditions. Supplied by the Garavan Institute and J. Ross Quinlan from the New South Wales Institute, Sydney, Australia in 1987, this dataset is widely used for diagnosing thyroid disorders. It contains **3,772 instances** with **30 attributes**, including both continuous and discrete features.

## Citation

Please cite the dataset as follows:

> Thyroid disease records supplied by the Garavan Institute and J. Ross Quinlan, New South Wales Institute, Sydney, Australia. 1987.

## Dataset Structure

- **Number of Instances:** 3,772
- **Number of Attributes:** 30
- **Attribute Types:**
  - **Continuous:** 7 (1 integer, 6 real)
  - **Discrete:** 23
- **Missing Values:** 6,064 (5.4% of the dataset)

## Features

The dataset includes the following features:

| Feature                     | Type          | Description                                        | Possible Values                                 |
| `age`                       | Integer       | Age of the patient                                 | Continuous values                               |
| `sex`                       | Categorical   | Gender of the patient                              | `M`, `F`                                        |
| `on thyroxine`              | Categorical   | Whether the patient is on thyroxine medication     | `f` (false), `t` (true)                         |
| `query on thyroxine`        | Categorical   | Whether there is a query on thyroxine usage        | `f`, `t`                                        |
| `on antithyroid medication` | Categorical   | Whether the patient is on antithyroid medication   | `f`, `t`                                        |
| `sick`                      | Categorical   | Whether the patient is sick                        | `f`, `t`                                        |
| `pregnant`                  | Categorical   | Whether the patient is pregnant                    | `f`, `t`                                        |
| `thyroid surgery`           | Categorical   | Whether the patient has undergone thyroid surgery  | `f`, `t`                                        |
| `I131 treatment`            | Categorical   | Whether the patient has received I131 treatment     | `f`, `t`                                        |
| `query hypothyroid`         | Categorical   | Query on hypothyroid status                        | `f`, `t`                                        |
| `query hyperthyroid`        | Categorical   | Query on hyperthyroid status                       | `f`, `t`                                        |
| `lithium`                   | Categorical   | Whether the patient is taking lithium              | `f`, `t`                                        |
| `goitre`                    | Categorical   | Presence of goitre                                 | `f`, `t`                                        |
| `tumor`                     | Categorical   | Presence of a tumor                                 | `f`, `t`                                        |
| `hypopituitary`             | Categorical   | Hypopituitary condition status                     | `f`, `t`                                        |
| `psych`                     | Categorical   | Psychological condition status                     | `f`, `t`                                        |
| `TSH measured`              | Categorical   | Whether TSH was measured                           | `f`, `t`                                        |
| `TSH`                       | Real          | Thyroid Stimulating Hormone level                   | Continuous values                               |
| `T3 measured`               | Categorical   | Whether T3 was measured                            | `f`, `t`                                        |
| `T3`                        | Real          | Triiodothyronine level                             | Continuous values                               |
| `TT4 measured`              | Categorical   | Whether TT4 was measured                           | `f`, `t`                                        |
| `TT4`                       | Real          | Total T4 level                                     | Continuous values                               |
| `T4U measured`              | Categorical   | Whether T4U was measured                           | `f`, `t`                                        |
| `T4U`                       | Real          | T4 Uptake                                          | Continuous values                               |
| `FTI measured`              | Categorical   | Whether FTI was measured                           | `f`, `t`                                        |
| `FTI`                       | Real          | Free Thyroxine Index                               | Continuous values                               |
| `TBG measured`              | Categorical   | Whether TBG was measured                           | `f`, `t`                                        |
| `TBG`                       | Real          | Thyroxine Binding Globulin                         | Continuous values                               |
| `referral source`           | Categorical   | Source of referral                                 | `WEST`, `STMW`, `SVHC`, `SVI`, `SVHD`, `other`  |
| `Class`                     | Categorical   | Diagnosis class                                    | `sick`, `negative`                              |

## Data Statistics

- **Missing Values:** 6,064 out of 113,160 total data points (5.4%)
- **Distinct Values per Feature:**
  - `age`: 93 distinct values (2% missing)
  - `sex`: 2 distinct values (4% missing)
  - `on thyroxine`: 2 distinct values (0% missing)
  - `query on thyroxine`: 2 distinct values (0% missing)
  - `on antithyroid medication`: 2 distinct values (0% missing)
  - `sick`: 2 distinct values (0% missing)
  - `pregnant`: 2 distinct values (0% missing)
  - `thyroid surgery`: 2 distinct values (0% missing)
  - `I131 treatment`: 2 distinct values (0% missing)
  - `query hypothyroid`: 2 distinct values (0% missing)
  - `query hyperthyroid`: 2 distinct values (0% missing)
  - `lithium`: 2 distinct values (0% missing)
  - `goitre`: 2 distinct values (0% missing)
  - `tumor`: 2 distinct values (0% missing)
  - `hypopituitary`: 2 distinct values (0% missing)
  - `psych`: 2 distinct values (0% missing)
  - `TSH measured`: 2 distinct values (0% missing)
  - `TSH`: 287 distinct values (10% missing)
  - `T3 measured`: 2 distinct values (0% missing)
  - `T3`: 69 distinct values (2% missing)
  - `TT4 measured`: 2 distinct values (0% missing)
  - `TT4`: 241 distinct values (6% missing)
  - `T4U measured`: 2 distinct values (0% missing)
  - `T4U`: 146 distinct values (4% missing)
  - `FTI measured`: 2 distinct values (0% missing)
  - `FTI`: 234 distinct values (6% missing)
  - `TBG measured`: 1 distinct value (0% missing)
  - `TBG`: 3,772 distinct values (0% missing)
  - `referral source`: 5 distinct values (0% missing)
  - `Class`: 2 distinct values (0% missing)

## Usage

This dataset is ideal for training classification models to diagnose thyroid disorders based on patient medical records. It can be used for tasks such as binary classification, feature analysis, and missing data handling techniques.