[ { "id": "6b8aa79c-3908-4f03-b85b-aa1a325d9fe6", "question": "What type of information sources were found to be lacking in organized information at Social Services offices according to the author's observation?", "triples_number": 482, "contexts": "T. D. Wilson: Review of: Disk Drill PRO. Atlanta, GA: 508 Software LLC. (2016) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. Tom Wilson modified 2023-10-18. Tom Wilson i10Index 60. T. D. Wilson: Review of: Galla, Preston. Windows XP Hacks: tips and tools for optimizing your OS. (2nd ed.) Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly, 2005. (2005) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. Tom Wilson: Sixth IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics-Berlin [Conference Reports]. (2017) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. Michael Bolin et al.: Automation and customization of rendered web pages. (2005) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. Tom Wilson name Tom Wilson. Tom Wilson alternativeName Tom D. Wilson. Tom Wilson alternativeName Tom Wilson. T. D. Wilson: Review of: Galla, Preston. Windows XP Hacks: 100 industrial strength tips and tools. Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly, 2003. (2005) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. Tom Wilson alternativeName Taryn Wilson. Tom Wilson alternativeName T.D Wilson. Pieta Eklund et al.: EURIDICE project: The evaluation of image database use in online learning. (2006) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. Tom Wilson alternativeName T. D. Wilson. Tom Wilson alternativeName T D. Wilson. Tom Wilson alternativeName Thomas D. Wilson. Tom Wilson alternativeName T. Wilson. Tom Wilson worksCount 360. T. D. Wilson: Review of: Software review Onfolio. Academic and scientific. Version 2.02 Cambridge, MA: Onfolio, Inc., 2005. (2006) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. Tom Wilson 2YrMeanCitedness 2.3333332538604736328. T. D. Wilson: Review of: Geert Lovink. Uncanny networks: dialogues with the virtual intelligentsia. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2004. xv, [1] 374pp. ISBN 0-262-62187-8 (2004) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. T. D. Wilson: Review of: Sunstein, C.R. Republic.com 2.0. Princeton, PA: Princeton University Press, 2007. (2008) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. T. D. Wilson: Review of: Sejnowski, Terrence J. The deep learning revolution Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2018. (2018) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. Tom Wilson member of Glasgow Caledonian University. T. D. Wilson: Review of: Steward, Sid PDF hacks: 100 industrial-strength tips & tools. Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly, 2004. (2005) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. T. D. Wilson: Review of: Software Review: RefViz Version 2. Berkeley, CA: Thomson/ISI ResearchSoft, 2005. (2005) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. T. D. Wilson: Review of: Gazzard, Alison. Now the chips are down. The BBC micro. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2016. (2016) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. T. D. Wilson: Review of: Tidwell, Jenifer. Designing interfaces. Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly, 2006. (2006) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. T. D. Wilson: Review of: Derrick Story. Digital photography hacks: 100 industrial-strength tips and tools. Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly. 2004. xx, 309pp. ISBN 0-596-00666-7 (2004) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. T. D. Wilson: Review of: Wyke-Smith, Charles Stylin' with CSS: a designer's guide, 2nd. ed. Berkeley, CA: New Riders, 2008. (2009) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. T. D. Wilson: Hacking the systems. Review of: Tara Calishain and Rael Dornfest, Google hacks; Paul Bausch, Amazon hacks. Preston Grall, Windows XP hacks. Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly, 2003 (2003) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. T. D. Wilson: Review of: Carrott, James H. & Johnson, Brian David Vintage tomorrows Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly, 2013. (2013) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. T. D. Wilson: Review of: Seibold, Chris. Mac OS X Lion pocket guide. Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly, 2011. (2011) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. T. D. Wilson: Software Review: Gmail. (2004) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. Tom Wilson: From the ICCE 2014 Conference Chair [Conference Review]. (2013) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. Thomas D. Wilson 0001 is Creator. T. D. Wilson: Review of: Cravens, Jesse & Burtoft, Jeff. HTML5 hacks: tips & tools for creating interactive Web applications. Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly, 2013. (2013) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. T. D. Wilson: Review of: Cronin, Blaise. Cathedrals of learning: great and ancient universities of Western Europe Cambridge, MA: Chandos Publishing, 2016. (2017) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. T. D. Wilson: Review of: Baldwin, Peter. The copyright wars: three centuries of trans-Atlantic battle. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2014. (2014) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. Tom Wilson is Author. T. D. Wilson: Software Review: EndNote 6.0. Berkeley: CA: Thomson/ISI ResearchSoft, 2002. (2003) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. T. D. Wilson: Software Review: EndNote 7 and VizRef. Berkeley: CA: Thomson/ISI ResearchSoft, 2003 (2003) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. Tom Wilson orcidId https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4941-8443. T. D. Wilson: Review of: Hertzfeld, Andy Revolution in the Valley: the insanely great story of how the Mac was made. Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly, 2004. (2005) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. T. D. Wilson: Review of: Heinstr\u00f6m, Jannica. From fear to flow. Oxford: Chandos Publishing, 2010. (2011) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. Tom Wilson: ICCE 2014 Preview [Conference Reports]. (2013) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. T. D. Wilson: Review of: Software review EndNote 9. Carlsbad, CA: Thomson ResearchSoft, 2005. (2006) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 0001. T. D. Wilson: Simplicity, usability: secrets of Web design - Review of: Creative HTML design.2, by Lynda and William Weinman. Learning Web design: a beginner's guide to HTML, graphics, and beyond, by Jennifer Niederst. Don't make me think! A common sense approach to Web usability, by Steve Krug. Designing Web usability, by Jakob Nielsen. (2001) authored by Thomas D. Wilson 00018 million Swedish kronor ($1. '}. \\nRecently, Dr. \\nThomas Daniel Wilson was born in 1935 at Shincliffe Station in County Durham, England. \\nMore recently, Dr. Thomas D. A. \\nIn addition to this work, Dr. In 2012, together with colleagues at the University of Bor\u00e5s and Gothenburg University, he was awarded a grant of 11", "answer": "oral communication and notes" }, { "id": "339bfd44-a71f-4057-a8a2-c84e1cc2c6ff", "question": "What is the cited by count for the writer's institution who published the paper 'MAGMA: a multiagent architecture for metaheuristics'?", "triples_number": 259, "contexts": "Mattia Salvaro et al.: Towards a Novel HMI Paradigm Based on Mixed EEG and Indoor Localization Platforms. (2017) authored by Michela Milano. Filippo Focacci et al.: Cost-Based Domain Filtering. (1999) authored by Michela Milano. Michela Milano alternativeName Milano Michela. Michela Milano name Michela Milano. Michela Milano alternativeName Michela Milano. Andrea Borghesi et al.: Anomaly Detection using Autoencoders in High Performance Computing Systems. (2018) authored by Michela Milano. Andrea Borghesi et al.: A semisupervised autoencoder-based approach for anomaly detection in high performance computing systems. (2019) authored by Michela Milano. Fabrizio Detassis et al.: Teaching the Old Dog New Tricks: Supervised Learning with Constraints. (2020) authored by Michela Milano. Fabrizio Detassis et al.: Teaching the old dog new tricks: supervised learning with constraints. (2020) authored by Michela Milano. Fabrizio Detassis et al.: Teaching the Old Dog New Tricks: Supervised Learning with Constraints. (2021) authored by Michela Milano. Andrea Borghesi et al.: Anomaly Detection Using Autoencoders in High Performance Computing Systems. (2019) authored by Michela Milano. Andrea Borghesi et al.: Anomaly Detection using Autoencoders in High Performance Computing Systems. (2019) authored by Michela Milano. Michela Milano alternativeName M. Milano. Andrea Borghesi et al.: Injective Domain Knowledge in Neural Networks for Transprecision Computing. (2020) authored by Michela Milano. Andrea Borghesi et al.: Injective Domain Knowledge in Neural Networks for Transprecision Computing. (2020) authored by Michela Milano. Michela Milano i10Index 65. Michela Milano is Person. Mattia Silvestri et al.: Injecting Domain Knowledge in Neural Networks: a Controlled Experiment on a Constrained Problem. (2020) authored by Michela Milano. Mattia Silvestri et al.: Injecting domain knowledge in neural networks: a controlled experiment on a constrained problem. (2020) authored by Michela Milano. Mattia Silvestri et al.: Injecting Domain Knowledge in Neural Networks: A Controlled Experiment on a Constrained Problem. (2021) authored by Michela Milano. Michele Lombardi et al.: Deterministic Estimation of the Expected Makespan of a POS Under Duration Uncertainty. (2015) authored by Michela Milano. Andrea Galassi et al.: Model Agnostic Solution of CSPs via Deep Learning: A Preliminary Study. (2018) authored by Michela Milano. Federico Baldo et al.: Deep Learning for Virus-Spreading Forecasting: a Brief Survey. (2021) authored by Michela Milano. Michele Lombardi et al.: An Analysis of Regularized Approaches for Constrained Machine Learning. (2020) authored by Michela Milano. Michele Lombardi et al.: An Analysis of Regularized Approaches for Constrained Machine Learning. (2020) authored by Michela Milano\"}. She was an associate professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Bologna, before taking her present position as a full professor in 2016", "answer": "3335304" }, { "id": "5da8b8e9-1ef5-4217-a06c-06b12324c991", "question": "What was the focus of the author's undergraduate studies at Oberlin College?", "triples_number": 290, "contexts": "Sean McGregor et al.: MDPVIS: An Interactive Visualization for Testing Markov Decision Processes. (2015) authored by Thomas G. Dietterich. Sean McGregor et al.: Interactive visualization for testing Markov Decision Processes: MDPVIS. (2017) authored by Thomas G. Dietterich. Tadesse Zemicheal and Thomas G. Dietterich: Anomaly detection in the presence of missing values for weather data quality control. (2019) authored by Thomas G. Dietterich. Dan Hendrycks and Thomas G. Dietterich: Benchmarking Neural Network Robustness to Common Corruptions and Perturbations. (2019) authored by Thomas G. Dietterich. Dan Hendrycks and Thomas G. Dietterich: Benchmarking Neural Network Robustness to Common Corruptions and Perturbations. (2019) authored by Thomas G. Dietterich. Dan Hendrycks and Thomas G. Dietterich: Benchmarking Neural Network Robustness to Common Corruptions and Perturbations. (2018) authored by Thomas G. Dietterich. Sean McGregor et al.: Facilitating testing and debugging of Markov Decision Processes with interactive visualization. (2015) authored by Thomas G. Dietterich. Sean McGregor et al.: Facilitating testing and debugging of Markov Decision Processes with interactive visualization. (2015) authored by Thomas G. Dietterich. Md Amran Siddiqui et al.: Sequential Feature Explanations for Anomaly Detection. (2019) authored by Thomas G. Dietterich. Li-Ping Liu et al.: Transductive Optimization of Top k Precision. (2016) authored by Thomas G. Dietterich. Thomas G. Dietterich et al.: Machine Learning Methods for High Level Cyber Situation Awareness. (2010) authored by Thomas G. Dietterich. Md Amran Siddiqui et al.: Sequential Feature Explanations for Anomaly Detection. (2015) authored by Thomas G. Dietterich. Li-Ping Liu et al.: Transductive Optimization of Top k Precision. (2015) authored by Thomas G. Dietterich. Md Amran Siddiqui et al.: Feedback-Guided Anomaly Discovery via Online Optimization. (2018) authored by Thomas G. Dietterich. Tadesse Zemicheal and Thomas G. Dietterich: Conditional mixture models for precipitation data quality control. (2020) authored by Thomas G. Dietterich. Thomas G. Dietterich et al.: PAC Optimal Planning for Invasive Species Management: Improved Exploration for Reinforcement Learning from Simulator-Defined MDPs. (2013) authored by Thomas G. Dietterich. Shubhomoy Das et al.: Incorporating Expert Feedback into Active Anomaly Discovery. (2016) authored by Thomas G. Dietterich. Yann Dujardin et al.: Three New Algorithms to Solve N-POMDPs. (2017) authored by Thomas G. Dietterich. Natalia Larios et al.: Automated insect identification through concatenated histograms of local appearance features: feature vector generation and region detection for deformable objects. (2008) authored by Thomas G. Dietterich. Andrew Emmott et al.: Systematic Construction of Anomaly Detection Benchmarks from Real Data. (2015) authored by Thomas G. Dietterich. Jianqiang Shen et al.: Real-Time Detection of Task Switches of Desktop Users. (2007) authored by Thomas G. Dietterich. Carla P. Gomes et al.: Computational sustainability: computing for a better world and a sustainable future. (2019) authored by Thomas G. Dietterich. Majid Alkaee Taleghan et al.: PAC optimal MDP planning with application to invasive species management. (2015) authored by Thomas G. Dietterich. Anton N. Dragunov et al.: TaskTracer: a desktop environment to support multi-tasking knowledge workers. (2005) authored by Thomas G. Dietterich. Paul Barford et al.: Cyber SA: Situational Awareness for Cyber Defense. (2010) authored by Thomas G. Dietterich. Yunye Gong et al.: Confidence Calibration for Domain Generalization under Covariate Shift. (2021) authored by Thomas G. Dietterich. Yunye Gong et al.: Confidence Calibration for Domain Generalization under Covariate Shift. (2021) authored by Thomas G. Dietterich. Ethan W. Dereszynski et al.: Learning Probabilistic Behavior Models in Real-Time Strategy Games. (2011) authored by Thomas G. Dietterich. Ethan W. Dereszynski and Thomas G. Dietterich: Probabilistic Models for Anomaly Detection in Remote Sensor Data Streams. (2007) authored by Thomas G. Dietterich Machine learning can uncover patterns in data to model the migration of species. The amount of data is overwhelming \u2013 in March 2012 they had over 3. Instead, much of the work done in the AI safety community does indeed focus around accidents and design flaws. But there are many other applications for the same techniques which will allow organizations to better manage our forests, oceans, and endangered species, as well as improve traffic flow, water systems, the electrical power grid, and more. And so if there\\'s some way that I can use my technical skills to improve both the science base and the tools needed for policy and management decisions, then I would like to do that. 1 million bird observations. D. Dietterich has argued that the most realistic risks about the dangers of artificial intelligence are basic mistakes, breakdowns and cyberattacks, and the fact that it simply may not always work, rather than machines that become super powerful or destroy the human race. He is currently also a member of the Steering Committee of the Asian Conference on Machine Learning", "answer": "probability and statistics" }, { "id": "d808ca0f-9b70-47a6-9b96-fb8f75cf0f1a", "question": "Where did the author of SPAA 1999 - Guest Editors' Foreword receive a B.Tech degree from?", "triples_number": 216, "contexts": "Lin Yang et al.: Online Linear Optimization with Inventory Management Constraints. (2020) authored by Ramesh K. Sitaraman. Lin Yang et al.: Online Linear Optimization with Inventory Management Constraints. (2020) authored by Ramesh K. Sitaraman. Russell Lee et al.: Competitive Bidding Strategies for Online Linear Optimization with Inventory Management Constraints. (2022) authored by Ramesh K. Sitaraman. Russell Lee et al.: Competitive bidding strategies for online linear optimization with inventory management constraints. (2021) authored by Ramesh K. Sitaraman. Diptyaroop Maji et al.: The Green Mirage: Impact of Location- and Market-based Carbon Intensity Estimation on Carbon Optimization Efficacy. (2024) authored by Ramesh K. Sitaraman. Diptyaroop Maji et al.: The Green Mirage: Impact of Location- and Market-based Carbon Intensity Estimation on Carbon Optimization Efficacy. (2024) authored by Ramesh K. Sitaraman. Shivi Vats et al.: Semantic-Aware View Prediction for 360-Degree Videos at the 5G Edge. (2022) authored by Ramesh K. Sitaraman. Jounsup Park et al.: SEAWARE: Semantic Aware View Prediction System for 360-degree Video Streaming. (2020) authored by Ramesh K. Sitaraman. Darshan S. Palasamudram et al.: Using batteries to reduce the power costs of internet-scale distributed networks. (2012) authored by Ramesh K. Sitaraman. Qian Zhou et al.: 360TripleView: 360-Degree Video View Management System Driven by Convergence Value of Viewing Preferences. (2023) authored by Ramesh K. Sitaraman. Ramesh K. Sitaraman and Niraj K. Jha: Optimal Design of Checks for Error Detection and Location in Fault-Tolerant Multiprocessor Systems. (1993) authored by Ramesh K. Sitaraman. Vimal Mathew et al.: Reducing energy costs in Internet-scale distributed systems using load shifting. (2014) authored by Ramesh K. Sitaraman. Ramesh K. Sitaraman and Niraj K. Jha: Optimal Design of Checks for Error Detection and Location in Fault Tolerant Multiprocessors Systems. (1991) authored by Ramesh K. Sitaraman. Ramesh K. Sitaraman and Azriel Rosenfeld: Probabilistic analysis of two stage matching. (1989) authored by Ramesh K. Sitaraman. Benjamin Heintz et al.: Optimizing Grouped Aggregation in Geo-Distributed Streaming Analytics. (2015) authored by Ramesh K. Sitaraman. Yoonheui Kim et al.: Cluster-Swap: A Distributed K-median Algorithm for Sensor Networks. (2009) authored by Ramesh K. Sitaraman. Lin Yang et al.: Competitive Algorithms for Online Multidimensional Knapsack Problems. (2022) authored by Ramesh K. Sitaraman. Lin Yang et al.: Competitive Algorithms for Online Multidimensional Knapsack Problems. (2021) authored by Ramesh K. Sitaraman. Lixin Gao et al.: Optimal architecture-independent scheduling of fine-grain tree-sweep computations. (1995) authored by Ramesh K. Sitaraman. Anirudh Sabnis and Ramesh K. Sitaraman: TRAGEN: a synthetic trace generator for realistic cache simulations. (2021) authored by Ramesh K. Sitaraman. Aditya Akella et al.: A measurement-based analysis of multihoming. (2003) authored by Ramesh K. Sitaraman Later, serving as a principal architect, he helped build the Akamai network, a large overlay network that currently delivers 15-30% of all web traffic using 190,000 servers in 110 countries in over 1,100 networks. '}. He is also known for his early work in building large-scale video delivery networks, measuring their performance, and more recently studying the impact of streaming video performance on users", "answer": "Indian Institute of Technology, Madras" }, { "id": "85c79cd1-0c96-4efd-a5a8-3ade69885173", "question": "In which year did the author join Epic Games as an engineering fellow?", "triples_number": 308, "contexts": "Dimitrios Vytiniotis et al.: OutsideIn(X) Modular type inference with local assumptions. (2011) authored by Simon L. Peyton Jones. R. Kent Dybvig et al.: A monadic framework for delimited continuations. (2007) authored by Simon L. Peyton Jones. Alejandro Serrano et al.: Guarded impredicative polymorphism. (2018) authored by Simon L. Peyton Jones. Advait Sarkar et al.: Calculation View: multiple-representation editing in spreadsheets. (2018) authored by Simon L. Peyton Jones. Dimitrios Vytiniotis et al.: Boxy types: inference for higher-rank types and impredicativity. (2006) authored by Simon L. Peyton Jones. Anthony Discolo et al.: Lock Free Data Structures Using STM in Haskell. (2006) authored by Simon L. Peyton Jones. Peng Li et al.: Lightweight concurrency primitives for GHC. (2007) authored by Simon L. Peyton Jones. Krzysztof Maziarz et al.: Hashing modulo alpha-equivalence. (2021) authored by Simon L. Peyton Jones. Krzysztof Maziarz et al.: Hashing Modulo Alpha-Equivalence. (2021) authored by Simon L. Peyton Jones. Simon L. Peyton Jones et al.: Practical type inference for arbitrary-rank types. (2007) authored by Simon L. Peyton Jones. Faustyna Krawiec et al.: Provably correct, asymptotically efficient, higher-order reverse-mode automatic differentiation. (2022) authored by Simon L. Peyton Jones. Dimitrios Vytiniotis et al.: FPH: first-class polymorphism for Haskell. (2008) authored by Simon L. Peyton Jones. Richard A. Eisenberg et al.: Closed type families with overlapping equations. (2014) authored by Simon L. Peyton Jones. Zichao Wang et al.: Educational Question Mining At Scale: Prediction, Analysis and Personalization. (2021) authored by Simon L. Peyton Jones. Pablo Morales-Alvarez et al.: Simultaneous Missing Value Imputation and Structure Learning with Groups. (2022) authored by Simon L. Peyton Jones. Richard A. Eisenberg et al.: Type variables in patterns. (2018) authored by Simon L. Peyton Jones. Richard A. Eisenberg et al.: Type variables in patterns. (2018) authored by Simon L. Peyton Jones. Jean-Philippe Bernardy et al.: Linear Haskell: practical linearity in a higher-order polymorphic language. (2018) authored by Simon L. Peyton Jones. Ben Lippmeier et al.: Guiding parallel array fusion with indexed types. (2012) authored by Simon L. Peyton Jones. Jean-Philippe Bernardy et al.: Linear Haskell: practical linearity in a higher-order polymorphic language. (2017) authored by Simon L. Peyton Jones. Simon Marlow et al.: Parallel generational-copying garbage collection with a block-structured heap. (2008) authored by Simon L. Peyton Jones. Pablo Morales-Alvarez et al.: VICause: Simultaneous Missing Value Imputation and Causal Discovery with Groups. (2021) authored by Simon L. Peyton Jones. Manuel M. T. Chakravarty et al.: Data parallel Haskell: a status report. (2007) authored by Simon L. Peyton Jones. Jooyeon Kim et al.: CoRGi: Content-Rich Graph Neural Networks with Attention. (2022) authored by Simon L. Peyton Jones. Dimitrios Vytiniotis et al.: Equality proofs and deferred type errors: a compiler pearl. (2012) authored by Simon L. Peyton Jones. Niki Vazou et al.: Refinement types for Haskell. (2014) authored by Simon L. Peyton Jones. Zichao Wang et al.: Large-Scale Educational Question Analysis with Partial Variational Auto-encoders. (2020) authored by Simon L. Peyton Jones. Ilya Sergey et al.: Modular, higher order cardinality analysis in theory and practice. (2017) authored by Simon L. Peyton Jones. Ilya Sergey et al.: Modular, higher-order cardinality analysis in theory and practice. (2014) authored by Simon L. Peyton Jones. Dimitrios Vytiniotis and Simon L. Peyton Jones: Evidence Normalization in System FC (Invited Talk). (2013) authored by Simon L. Peyton Jones C-- is used in GHC. \u201d --\"Royal Society Terms, conditions and policies\". Retrieved 9 March 2016. In 2021, anonymous functions and let expressions were made available in the Office 365 version of Excel as a beta feature. '}", "answer": "2021" }, { "id": "55d6d116-5fd7-4792-83e3-cecaeb3b35b9", "question": "How many citations are there for the institution to which the author of the paper 'Dynamic Knowledge Graph Construction for Zero-shot Commonsense Question Answering' belongs?", "triples_number": 474, "contexts": "Melanie Sclar et al.: Quantifying Language Models' Sensitivity to Spurious Features in Prompt Design or: How I learned to start worrying about prompt formatting. (2023) authored by Yejin Choi 0001. Sahana Ramnath et al.: Tailoring Self-Rationalizers with Multi-Reward Distillation. (2023) authored by Yejin Choi 0001. Yejin Choi alternativeName Yejin Choi. Yejin Choi name Yejin Choi. Jungo Kasai et al.: Beam Decoding with Controlled Patience. (2022) authored by Yejin Choi 0001. Yejin Choi i10Index 156. Yejin Choi alternativeName Y. S. Choi. Kolby Nottingham et al.: Do Embodied Agents Dream of Pixelated Sheep: Embodied Decision Making using Language Guided World Modelling. (2023) authored by Yejin Choi 0001. Kolby Nottingham et al.: Do Embodied Agents Dream of Pixelated Sheep?: Embodied Decision Making using Language Guided World Modelling. (2023) authored by Yejin Choi 0001. Yejin Choi alternativeName Ye\u2010Jin Choi. Yejin Choi worksCount 510. Hannah Rashkin et al.: PlotMachines: Outline-Conditioned Generation with Dynamic Plot State Tracking. (2020) authored by Yejin Choi 0001. Hannah Rashkin et al.: PlotMachines: Outline-Conditioned Generation with Dynamic Plot State Tracking. (2020) authored by Yejin Choi 0001. Samuel Gehman et al.: RealToxicityPrompts: Evaluating Neural Toxic Degeneration in Language Models. (2020) authored by Yejin Choi 0001. Samuel Gehman et al.: RealToxicityPrompts: Evaluating Neural Toxic Degeneration in Language Models. (2020) authored by Yejin Choi 0001. Ritwik Banerjee et al.: Keystroke Patterns as Prosody in Digital Writings: A Case Study with Deceptive Reviews and Essays. (2014) authored by Yejin Choi 0001. Jun Seok Kang et al.: Where Not to Eat? Improving Public Policy by Predicting Hygiene Inspections Using Online Reviews. (2013) authored by Yejin Choi 0001. Yejin Choi h-index 63. Antoine Bosselut et al.: Simulating Action Dynamics with Neural Process Networks. (2018) authored by Yejin Choi 0001. Yejin Choi modified 2023-10-18. Yejin Choi 0001 link https://twitter.com/yejinchoinka. Antoine Bosselut et al.: Simulating Action Dynamics with Neural Process Networks. (2017) authored by Yejin Choi 0001. Rowan Zellers et al.: PIGLeT: Language Grounding Through Neuro-Symbolic Interaction in a 3D World. (2021) authored by Yejin Choi 0001. Rowan Zellers et al.: PIGLeT: Language Grounding Through Neuro-Symbolic Interaction in a 3D World. (2021) authored by Yejin Choi 0001. Rosario Scalise et al.: Balancing Shared Autonomy with Human-Robot Communication. (2018) authored by Yejin Choi 0001. Jungo Kasai et al.: Twist Decoding: Diverse Generators Guide Each Other. (2022) authored by Yejin Choi 0001. Jungo Kasai et al.: Twist Decoding: Diverse Generators Guide Each Other. (2022) authored by Yejin Choi 0001. Wangchunshu Zhou et al.: Modular Transformers: Compressing Transformers into Modularized Layers for Flexible Efficient Inference. (2023) authored by Yejin Choi 0001. Wangchunshu Zhou et al.: Modular Transformers: Compressing Transformers into Modularized Layers for Flexible Efficient Inference. (2023) authored by Yejin Choi 0001. Daniel Khashabi et al.: Prompt Waywardness: The Curious Case of Discretized Interpretation of Continuous Prompts. (2022) authored by Yejin Choi 0001. Jillian Fisher et al.: Influence Diagnostics under Self-concordance. (2023) authored by Yejin Choi 0001. Liyiming Ke et al.: Tactical Rewind: Self-Correction via Backtracking in Vision-And-Language Navigation. (2019) authored by Yejin Choi 0001. Liyiming Ke et al.: Tactical Rewind: Self-Correction via Backtracking in Vision-and-Language Navigation. (2019) authored by Yejin Choi 0001. Yejin Choi orcidId https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3032-5378. Song Feng et al.: Syntactic Stylometry for Deception Detection. (2012) authored by Yejin Choi 0001. Daniel Khashabi et al.: PROMPT WAYWARDNESS: The Curious Case of Discretized Interpretation of Continuous Prompts. (2021) authored by Yejin Choi 0001. Youngjae Yu et al.: Fusing Pre-Trained Language Models with Multimodal Prompts through Reinforcement Learning. (2023) authored by Yejin Choi 0001. Hyunwoo Kim et al.: FANToM: A Benchmark for Stress-testing Machine Theory of Mind in Interactions. (2023) authored by Yejin Choi 0001. Hyunwoo Kim et al.: FANToM: A Benchmark for Stress-testing Machine Theory of Mind in Interactions. (2023) authored by Yejin Choi 0001. Maarten Sap et al.: Connotation Frames of Power and Agency in Modern Films. (2017) authored by Yejin Choi 0001. Yejin Choi et al.: Using landing pages for sponsored search ad selection. (2010) authored by Yejin Choi 0001. Ximing Lu et al.: Inference-Time Policy Adapters (IPA): Tailoring Extreme-Scale LMs without Fine-tuning. (2023) authored by Yejin Choi 0001. Ximing Lu et al.: Inference-Time Policy Adapters (IPA): Tailoring Extreme-Scale LMs without Fine-tuning. (2023) authored by Yejin Choi 0001. Yejin Choi 0001 is Person. Sean Welleck et al.: Symbolic Brittleness in Sequence Models: on Systematic Generalization in Symbolic Mathematics. (2021) authored by Yejin Choi 0001. Sean Welleck et al.: Symbolic Brittleness in Sequence Models: On Systematic Generalization in Symbolic Mathematics. (2022) authored by Yejin Choi 0001. Song Feng et al.: Connotation Lexicon: A Dash of Sentiment Beneath the Surface Meaning. (2013) authored by Yejin Choi 0001 For example, one study demonstrated that female film characters are portrayed as less powerful than their male counterparts. \\nChoi is from South Korea. \"}. By the time she had finished the creation of ATOMIC, the language model generative Pre-trained Transformer 2 (GPT-2) had been released", "answer": "15409629" }, { "id": "4af2ea82-8bf9-46f6-a7e0-36b4604c5f67", "question": "What is the type of organization where the author of the paper 'First order convergence and roots' works?", "triples_number": 271, "contexts": "Daniel Kr\u00e1l: Polynomial-Size Binary Decision Diagrams for the Exactly Half-d-Hyperclique Problem Reading Each Input Bit Twice. (2009) authored by Daniel Kr\u00e1l. Jan K\u00e1ra and Daniel Kr\u00e1l: Optimal Free Binary Decision Diagrams for Computation of EARn. (2002) authored by Daniel Kr\u00e1l. Jan K\u00e1ra and Daniel Kr\u00e1l: Free binary decision diagrams for the computation of EARn. (2006) authored by Daniel Kr\u00e1l. Marcin Brianski et al.: Characterization of Matrices with Bounded Graver Bases and Depth Parameters and Applications to Integer Programming. (2022) authored by Daniel Kr\u00e1l. Marcin Brianski et al.: Characterization of matrices with bounded Graver bases and depth parameters and applications to integer programming. (2022) authored by Daniel Kr\u00e1l. Jerrold R. Griggs and Daniel Kr\u00e1l: Graph labellings with variable weights, a survey. (2009) authored by Daniel Kr\u00e1l. Jan Hladk\u00fd et al.: List colorings with measurable sets. (2008) authored by Daniel Kr\u00e1l. Jeremy C. Pamplin et al.: Augmenting Clinical Performance in Combat Casualty Care: Telemedicine to Automation. (2018) authored by Daniel Kr\u00e1l. Jan K\u00e1ra and Daniel Kr\u00e1l: Free Binary Decision Diagrams for Computation of EARn (2003) authored by Daniel Kr\u00e1l. Daniel Kr\u00e1l' et al.: A New Lower Bound Based on Gromov's Method of Selecting Heavily Covered Points. (2012) authored by Daniel Kr\u00e1l. Roman Glebov et al.: An application of flag algebras to a problem of Erd\u0151s and S\u00f3s. (2013) authored by Daniel Kr\u00e1l. Veselin Jungic et al.: A Note on Edge-Colourings Avoiding Rainbow K4 and Monochromatic Km. (2009) authored by Daniel Kr\u00e1l. Manuel Bodirsky and Daniel Kr\u00e1l: Locally Consistent Constraint Satisfaction Problems with Binary Constraints. (2005) authored by Daniel Kr\u00e1l. Adam Kabela et al.: Density Maximizers of Layered Permutations. (2022) authored by Daniel Kr\u00e1l. Zdenek Dvor\u00e1k et al.: Matchings and Nonrainbow Colorings. (2009) authored by Daniel Kr\u00e1l. Zdenek Dvor\u00e1k et al.: Distance constrained labelings of planar graphs with no short cycles. (2009) authored by Daniel Kr\u00e1l. Zdenek Dvor\u00e1k et al.: Three-coloring triangle-free graphs on surfaces VI. 3-colorability of quadrangulations. (2024) authored by Daniel Kr\u00e1l. Daniel Kr\u00e1l: The Channel Assignment Problem with Variable Weights. (2006) authored by Daniel Kr\u00e1l. Martin Kouteck\u00fd and Daniel Kr\u00e1l: A row-invariant parameterized algorithm for integer programming. (2019) authored by Daniel Kr\u00e1l. Daniel Kr\u00e1\u013e name Daniel Kr\u00e1\u013e. Daniel Kr\u00e1\u013e alternativeName Daniel Kr\u00e1l'. Zdenek Dvor\u00e1k et al.: Three-coloring triangle-free graphs on surfaces VI. 3-colorability of quadrangulations. (2015) authored by Daniel Kr\u00e1l. Zdenek Dvor\u00e1k et al.: Three-coloring triangle-free graphs on surfaces V. Coloring planar graphs with distant anomalies. (2021) authored by Daniel Kr\u00e1l. Louis Esperet et al.: An improved linear bound on the number of perfect matchings in cubic graphs. (2010) authored by Daniel Kr\u00e1l. Jan Hladk\u00fd et al.: Counting flags in triangle-free digraphs. (2017) authored by Daniel Kr\u00e1l. Ken-ichi Kawarabayashi et al.: Packing directed cycles through a specified vertex set. (2013) authored by Daniel Kr\u00e1l. Louis Esperet et al.: A superlinear bound on the number of perfect matchings in cubic bridgeless graphs. (2012) authored by Daniel Kr\u00e1lD. '}. After short-term positions at TU Berlin, Charles University, and the Georgia Institute of Technology, he returned to Charles University as a researcher in 2006, and became a tenured associate professor there in 2010", "answer": "education" }, { "id": "9aad6d9b-fc97-4c55-9630-8966eedb6f17", "question": "In which field is Russell Greiner a specialist?", "triples_number": 289, "contexts": "Muhammad Yousefnezhad et al.: Editorial: Multi-site neuroimage analysis: Domain adaptation and batch effects. (2022) authored by Russell Greiner. Muhammad Yousefnezhad et al.: Shared Space Transfer Learning for analyzing multi-site fMRI data. (2020) authored by Russell Greiner. Muhammad Yousefnezhad et al.: Shared Space Transfer Learning for analyzing multi-site fMRI data. (2020) authored by Russell Greiner. Mohsen Soltanpour et al.: Improvement of automatic ischemic stroke lesion segmentation in CT perfusion maps using a learned deep neural network. (2021) authored by Russell Greiner. Yaqian Long et al.: Identification of spectral features in the longwave infrared (LWIR) spectra of leaves for the discrimination of tropical dry forest tree species. (2021) authored by Russell Greiner. Chi-Hoon Lee et al.: Clustering high dimensional data: A graph-based relaxed optimization approach. (2008) authored by Russell Greiner. Baidya Nath Saha et al.: A robust convergence index filter for breast cancer cell segmentation. (2014) authored by Russell Greiner. Fei Wang et al.: CFM-ID 4.0 - a web server for accurate MS-based metabolite identification. (2022) authored by Russell Greiner. Felicity Allen et al.: Competitive Fragmentation Modeling of ESI-MS/MS spectra for metabolite identification. (2013) authored by Russell Greiner. Rohan Panda et al.: Multi-Source Domain Adaptation Techniques for Mitigating Batch Effects: A Comparative Study. (2022) authored by Russell Greiner. Siamak Ravanbakhsh et al.: A Generalized Loop Correction Method for Approximate Inference in Graphical Models. (2012) authored by Russell Greiner. Philippe Weitz et al.: The ACROBAT 2022 Challenge: Automatic Registration Of Breast Cancer Tissue. (2023) authored by Russell Greiner. Mohsen Soltanpour et al.: Using temporal GAN to translate the current CTP scan to follow-up MRI, for predicting final acute ischemic stroke lesions. (2023) authored by Russell Greiner. Jumana Dakka et al.: Learning Neural Markers of Schizophrenia Disorder Using Recurrent Neural Networks. (2017) authored by Russell Greiner. Mohamed Ben Salah et al.: Fully Automated Brain Tumor Segmentation Using Two MRI Modalities. (2013) authored by Russell Greiner. Shaiful Alam Chowdhury et al.: A system-call based model of software energy consumption without hardware instrumentation. (2015) authored by Russell Greiner. Ashkan Zarnani et al.: Learning to predict ice accretion on electric power lines. (2012) authored by Russell Greiner. Mohsen Soltanpour et al.: Ischemic Stroke Lesion Prediction in CT Perfusion Scans Using Multiple Parallel U-Nets Following by a Pixel-Level Classifier. (2019) authored by Russell Greiner. Reyhaneh Ghoreishiamiri et al.: A simple classification framework for predicting Alzheimer's disease from region-based grey matter volume and APOE genotype status. (2019) authored by Russell Greiner. Ali Hossein Gharari Foomani et al.: Copula-based deep survival models for dependent censoring. (2023) authored by Russell Greiner. Ali Hossein Gharari Foomani et al.: Copula-Based Deep Survival Models for Dependent Censoring. (2023) authored by Russell Greiner. Ramana Isukapalli et al.: Learning a Dynamic Classification Method to Detect Faces and Identify Facial Expression. (2005) authored by Russell Greiner. Siamak Ravanbakhsh et al.: A Generalized Loop Correction Method for Approximate Inference in Graphical Models (2012) authored by Russell Greiner. Idanis Diaz et al.: A critical review of the effects of de-noising algorithms on MRI brain tumor segmentation. (2011) authored by Russell Greiner. Xiaoyuan Su et al.: Making an accurate classifier ensemble by voting on classifications from imputed learning sets. (2009) authored by Russell Greiner. Baidya Nath Saha et al.: Quick detection of brain tumors and edemas: A bounding box method using symmetry. (2012) authored by Russell Greiner. Roberto Vega et al.: Assessment of feature selection and classification methods for recognizing motor imagery tasks from electroencephalographic signals. (2017) authored by Russell Greiner. Junfeng Wen et al.: Robust Learning under Uncertain Test Distributions: Relating Covariate Shift to Model Misspecification. (2014) authored by Russell Greiner'}. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it", "answer": "Machine learning and bioinformatics" }, { "id": "96650ffc-e614-4d50-be21-a8a01827b695", "question": "What is the i10Index of the researcher who published A Dynamic, Distributed, Hierarchical Load Balancing for HLA-Based Simulations on Large-Scale Environments in 2010 with Robson E. De Grande from Brock University, Canada?", "triples_number": 1126, "contexts": "Abdelhamid Mammeri et al.: Keypoint-based binocular distance measurement for pedestrian detection system. (2014) authored by Azzedine Boukerche. Zongzhi Tang and Azzedine Boukerche: An Improved Algorithm for Road Markings Detection with SVM and ROI Restriction: Comparison with a Rule-Based Model. (2018) authored by Azzedine Boukerche. Mingzhi Sha and Azzedine Boukerche: A novel visibility semantic feature-aided pedestrian detection scheme for autonomous vehicles. (2021) authored by Azzedine Boukerche. Abdelhamid Mammeri et al.: North-American speed limit sign detection and recognition for smart cars. (2013) authored by Azzedine Boukerche. Zongzhi Tang and Azzedine Boukerche: A novel video-based application for road markings detection and recognition. (2017) authored by Azzedine Boukerche. Abdelhamid Mammeri et al.: Design of traffic sign detection, recognition, and transmission systems for smart vehicles. (2013) authored by Azzedine Boukerche. Mingzhi Sha and Azzedine Boukerche: Performance evaluation of CNN-based pedestrian detectors for autonomous vehicles. (2022) authored by Azzedine Boukerche. Mingzhi Sha and Azzedine Boukerche: Semantic Fusion-based Pedestrian Detection for Supporting Autonomous Vehicles. (2020) authored by Azzedine Boukerche. Abdelhamid Mammeri et al.: Extending the detection range of vision-based driver assistance systems application to Pedestrian Protection System. (2014) authored by Azzedine Boukerche. Zhexuan Huang et al.: Towards A Practical Pedestrian Detection Method for Supporting Autonomous Driving. (2022) authored by Azzedine Boukerche. Abdelhamid Mammeri et al.: Traffic signs localisation and recognition using a client-server architecture. (2016) authored by Azzedine Boukerche. Peng Sun and Azzedine F. M. Boukerche: Challenges of Designing Computer Vision-Based Pedestrian Detector for Supporting Autonomous Driving. (2019) authored by Azzedine Boukerche. Peng Sun and Azzedine Boukerche: Challenges and Potential Solutions for Designing A Practical Pedestrian Detection Framework for Supporting Autonomous Driving. (2020) authored by Azzedine Boukerche. Abdelhamid Mammeri et al.: Lane detection and tracking system based on the MSER algorithm, hough transform and kalman filter. (2014) authored by Azzedine Boukerche. Mingzhi Sha and Azzedine Boukerche: Performance Evaluation of Pedestrian Detectors for Autonomous Vehicles. (2021) authored by Azzedine Boukerche. Abdelhamid Mammeri et al.: Road-Sign Text Recognition Architecture for Intelligent Transportation Systems. (2014) authored by Azzedine Boukerche. Azzedine Boukerche and Mingzhi Sha: Design Guidelines on Deep Learning-based Pedestrian Detection Methods for Supporting Autonomous Vehicles. (2022) authored by Azzedine Boukerche. Xiren Ma and Azzedine Boukerche: An AI-based Visual Attention Model for Vehicle Make and Model Recognition. (2020) authored by Azzedine Boukerche. Azzedine Boukerche alternativeName Azzedine Azzedine Boukerche Boukerche. Abdul Jabbar Siddiqui and Azzedine Boukerche: A Novel Lightweight Defense Method Against Adversarial Patches-Based Attacks on Automated Vehicle Make and Model Recognition Systems. (2021) authored by Azzedine Boukerche. Mohammed Almulla et al.: An efficient k-Means authentication scheme for digital certificates revocation validation in vehicular ad hoc networks. (2014) authored by Azzedine Boukerche. Azzedine Boukerche et al.: Automated Vehicle Detection and Classification: Models, Methods, and Techniques. (2017) authored by Azzedine Boukerche. Yonglin Ren et al.: Outlier detection using na\u00efve bayes in wireless ad hoc networks. (2011) authored by Azzedine Boukerche. Abdul Jabbar Siddiqui and Azzedine Boukerche: Adversarial Patches-based Attacks on Automated Vehicle Make and Model Recognition Systems. (2020) authored by Azzedine Boukerche. Murat Simsek et al.: Knowledge-Based Machine Learning Boosting for Adversarial Task Detection in Mobile Crowdsensing. (2020) authored by Azzedine Boukerche. Azzedine Boukerche and Yonglin Ren: The design of a secure key management system for mobile ad hoc networks. (2008) authored by Azzedine Boukerche. Abdelhamid Mammeri et al.: An efficient animal detection system for smart cars using cascaded classifiers. (2014) authored by Azzedine Boukerche. Azzedine Boukerche et al.: Secure Localization Systems: Protocols and Techniques in Wireless Sensor Networks. (2008) authored by Azzedine Boukerche. Horacio A. B. F. de Oliveira et al.: An Efficient Directed Localization Recursion Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks. (2009) authored by Azzedine Boukerche. Azzedine Boukerche alternativeName Azzedine Boukerche. Qingwei Zhang et al.: An efficient certificate revocation validation scheme with k-means clustering for vehicular ad hoc networks. (2012) authored by Azzedine Boukerche. Azzedine Boukerche name Azzedine Boukerche. Azzedine Boukerche et al.: A Secure Key Management Scheme for Wireless and Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Using Frequency-Based Approach: Proof and Correctness. (2008) authored by Azzedine Boukerche. Xin Fei et al.: Irregular Sensing Range Detection Model for Coverage Based Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks. (2009) authored by Azzedine Boukerche. Azzedine Boukerche and Hou Zhijun: Object Detection Using Deep Learning Methods in Traffic Scenarios. (2022) authored by Azzedine Boukerche. Azzedine Boukerche et al.: A Coverage-Preserving and Hole Tolerant Based Scheme for the Irregular Sensing Range in Wireless Sensor Networks. (2006) authored by Azzedine Boukerche. Azzedine Boukerche and Xiren Ma: A Novel Smart Lightweight Visual Attention Model for Fine-Grained Vehicle Recognition. (2022) authored by Azzedine Boukerche. Horacio A. B. F. de Oliveira et al.: An enhanced location-free Greedy Forward algorithm with hole bypass capability in wireless sensor networks. (2015) authored by Azzedine Boukerche. Yonglin Ren et al.: Monitoring patients via a secure and mobile healthcare system. (2010) authored by Azzedine Boukerche. Abdelhamid Mammeri et al.: MSER-based text detection and communication algorithm for autonomous vehicles. (2016) authored by Azzedine Boukerche. Abdelhamid Mammeri et al.: Extending the Detection Range of Vision-Based Vehicular Instrumentation. (2016) authored by Azzedine Boukerche. Azzedine Boukerche et al.: An FPGA-Based Accelerator for Multiple Biological Sequence Alignment with DIALIGN. (2007) authored by Azzedine Boukerche. Murat Simsek et al.: Utility-Aware Legitimacy Detection of Mobile Crowdsensing Tasks via Knowledge-Based Self Organizing Feature Map. (2023) authored by Azzedine Boukerche. Peng Sun and Azzedine Boukerche: A Novel Internet-of-Vehicles Assisted Collaborative Low-visible Pedestrian Detection Approach. (2020) authored by Azzedine Boukerche. Azzedine Boukerche et al.: Secure localization algorithms for wireless sensor networks. (2008) authored by Azzedine Boukerche. Peng Sun and Azzedine Boukerche: Analysis of Underwater Target Detection Probability by Using Autonomous Underwater Vehicles. (2017) authored by Azzedine Boukerche. Azzedine Boukerche and Samer Samarah: PLT- Positional Lexicographic Tree: A New Structure for Mining Frequent Itemsets. (2006) authored by Azzedine Boukerche. Azzedine Boukerche alternativeName A. Boukerche. Adel Mohammad Shafiei et al.: VARSA: An Efficient VAriable Radius Sensor Activation Scheme for Target Tracking using Wireless Sensor Networks. (2015) authored by Azzedine Boukerche. Abdelhamid Mammeri et al.: A real-time lane marking localization, tracking and communication system. (2016) authored by Azzedine Boukerche", "answer": "402" }, { "id": "cf453550-d91c-4dbf-acec-510c5968e2e7", "question": "From which university did the creator of Affect Modeling with Field-based Physiological Responses receive a Bachelor of Applied Science?", "triples_number": 354, "contexts": "Denzil Ferreira et al.: Securacy: an empirical investigation of Android applications' network usage, privacy and security. (2015) authored by Anind K. Dey. Shiwei Cheng et al.: Gaze-Based Annotations for Reading Comprehension. (2015) authored by Anind K. Dey. Yuuki Nishiyama et al.: Senbay: a platform for instantly capturing, integrating, and restreaming of synchronized multiple sensor-data stream. (2018) authored by Anind K. Dey. Seungjun Kim et al.: Route Guidance Modality for Elder Driver Navigation. (2012) authored by Anind K. Dey. Chris Harrison and Anind K. Dey: Lean and zoom: proximity-aware user interface and content magnification. (2008) authored by Anind K. Dey. Senaka Buthpitiya et al.: n-Gram Geo-trace Modeling. (2011) authored by Anind K. Dey. Michael Nebeling and Anind K. Dey: XDBrowser: User-Defined Cross-Device Web Page Designs. (2016) authored by Anind K. Dey. Senaka Buthpitiya et al.: Soft Authentication with Low-Cost Signatures. (2014) authored by Anind K. Dey. Scott Davidoff et al.: Learning patterns of pick-ups and drop-offs to support busy family coordination. (2011) authored by Anind K. Dey. Afsaneh Doryab et al.: If It's Convenient: Leveraging Context in Peer-to-Peer Variable Service Transaction Recommendations. (2017) authored by Anind K. Dey. Mattia Gustarini et al.: Anonymous smartphone data collection: factors influencing the users' acceptance in mobile crowd sensing. (2016) authored by Anind K. Dey. Michael J. Covington et al.: Securing context-aware applications using environment roles. (2001) authored by Anind K. Dey. Wilhelm Kleiminger et al.: Using unlabeled Wi-Fi scan data to discover occupancy patterns of private households. (2013) authored by Anind K. Dey. Brandon T. Taylor et al.: Real-Time Depth-Camera Based Hand Tracking for ASL Recognition. (2017) authored by Anind K. Dey. Choonsung Shin et al.: Serendipity-empowered path planning for predictive task completion. (2015) authored by Anind K. Dey. Charles Gouin-Vallerand et al.: Software provision in smart environment based on fuzzy logic intelligibility. (2012) authored by Anind K. Dey. Anind K. Dey alternativeName Anind Dey. Louise Barkhuus and Anind K. Dey: Location-Based Services for Mobile Telephony: a Study of Users' Privacy Concerns. (2003) authored by Anind K. Dey. Brandon T. Taylor et al.: TactileMaps.net: A Web Interface for Generating Customized 3D-Printable Tactile Maps. (2015) authored by Anind K. Dey. Man-Je Kim et al.: Evaluation of StarCraft Artificial Intelligence Competition Bots by Experienced Human Players. (2016) authored by Anind K. Dey. Adrian A. de Freitas and Anind K. Dey: Using Multiple Contexts to Detect and Form Opportunistic Groups. (2015) authored by Anind K. Dey. Brandon T. Taylor et al.: Customizable 3D Printed Tactile Maps as Interactive Overlays. (2016) authored by Anind K. Dey. Brian D. Ziebart et al.: Probabilistic pointing target prediction via inverse optimal control. (2012) authored by Anind K. Dey. Stephanie Rosenthal et al.: Learning Accuracy and Availability of Humans Who Help Mobile Robots. (2011) authored by Anind K. Dey. Yuvraj Agarwal and Anind K. Dey: Toward Building a Safe, Secure, and Easy-to-Use Internet of Things Infrastructure. (2016) authored by Anind K. Dey. Anind K. Dey alternativeName Dey Anind. Brian D. Ziebart et al.: Navigate like a cabbie: probabilistic reasoning from observed context-aware behavior. (2008) authored by Anind K. Dey. Momin M. Malik et al.: Can Smartphone Co-locations Detect Friendship? It Depends How You Model It. (2020) authored by Anind K. Dey. Mat\u00fas Tomlein et al.: CharIoT: an end-user programming environment for the IoT. (2017) authored by Anind K. Dey. Anind K. Dey alternativeName A. Dey. Nikola Banovic et al.: The Limits of Expert Text Entry Speed on Mobile Keyboards with Autocorrect. (2019) authored by Anind K. Dey. Shiwei Cheng et al.: Collaborative eye tracking based code review through real-time shared gaze visualization. (2022) authored by Anind K. Dey. Shiwei Cheng et al.: Social Eye Tracking: Gaze Recall with Online Crowds. (2015) authored by Anind K. Dey. Sarah Mennicken et al.: Casalendar: a temporal interface for automated homes. (2014) authored by Anind K. Dey. Andrew Wood et al.: CyberDesk: Automated Integration of Desktop and Network Services. (1997) authored by Anind K. Dey In 2007, he received the W. S. S. '}. \\nBorn in India, Anil K", "answer": "Simon Fraser University" }, { "id": "29e0d2a3-7757-4af2-b95e-78f1d97d6387", "question": "Which affiliation has fewer publications cited by count, University of Twente or Qualcomm (United Kingdom)?", "triples_number": 458, "contexts": "Fatih Murat Porikli: Nonlinear warping function recovery by scan-line search using dynamic programming. (2004) authored by Fatih Porikli. Muzammal Naseer et al.: Indoor Scene Understanding in 2.5/3D for Autonomous Agents: A Survey. (2019) authored by Fatih Porikli. Muzammal Naseer et al.: On Improving Adversarial Transferability of Vision Transformers. (2021) authored by Fatih Porikli. Muzammal Naseer et al.: On Improving Adversarial Transferability of Vision Transformers. (2022) authored by Fatih Porikli. Xin Yu and Fatih Porikli: Imagining the Unimaginable Faces by Deconvolutional Networks. (2018) authored by Fatih Porikli. Jie Ni et al.: Detecting 3D geometric boundaries of indoor scenes under varying lighting. (2014) authored by Fatih Porikli. Rui Zhu et al.: IRISformer: Dense Vision Transformers for Single-Image Inverse Rendering in Indoor Scenes. (2022) authored by Fatih Porikli. Rui Zhu et al.: IRISformer: Dense Vision Transformers for Single-Image Inverse Rendering in Indoor Scenes. (2022) authored by Fatih Porikli. Fatih Murat Porikli: Object Segmentation of Color Video Sequences. (2001) authored by Fatih Porikli. Siqi Wang et al.: Anomaly detection in crowded scenes by SL-HOF descriptor and foreground classification. (2016) authored by Fatih Porikli. Muzammal Naseer et al.: Local Gradients Smoothing: Defense Against Localized Adversarial Attacks. (2019) authored by Fatih Porikli. Fatih Porikli and Jay Thornton: Shadow Flow: A Recursive Method to Learn Moving Cast Shadows. (2005) authored by Fatih Porikli. Muzammal Naseer et al.: Local Gradients Smoothing: Defense against localized adversarial attacks. (2018) authored by Fatih Porikli. Debasmit Das et al.: Transadapt: A Transformative Framework for Online Test Time Adaptive Semantic Segmentation. (2023) authored by Fatih Porikli. Debasmit Das et al.: TransAdapt: A Transformative Framework for Online Test Time Adaptive Semantic Segmentation. (2023) authored by Fatih Porikli. Fatih Porikli and Yao Wang: Constrained video object segmentation by color masks and MPEG-7 descriptors. (2002) authored by Fatih Porikli. Fatih Porikli: Achieving real-time object detection and tracking under extreme conditions. (2006) authored by Fatih Porikli. Haoyang Zhang et al.: Learning Spatial Transforms for Refining Object Segment Proposals. (2017) authored by Fatih Porikli. Muzammal Naseer et al.: Stylized Adversarial Defense. (2020) authored by Fatih Porikli. Muzammal Naseer et al.: Stylized Adversarial Defense. (2023) authored by Fatih Porikli. Haoyang Zhang et al.: Semantic context and depth-aware object proposal generation. (2016) authored by Fatih Porikli. Jing Zhang et al.: Deep Salient Object Detection by Integrating Multi-level Cues. (2017) authored by Fatih Porikli. Fatih Porikli: Detection of temporarily static regions by processing video at different frame rates. (2007) authored by Fatih Porikli. Jue Wang et al.: Action Representation Using Classifier Decision Boundaries. (2017) authored by Fatih Porikli. Muzammal Naseer et al.: Distorting Neural Representations to Generate Highly Transferable Adversarial Examples. (2018) authored by Fatih Porikli. Muzammal Naseer et al.: Indoor Scene Understanding in 2.5/3D: A Survey. (2018) authored by Fatih Porikli. Farhad G. Zanjani et al.: Neural Mesh Fusion: Unsupervised 3D Planar Surface Understanding. (2024) authored by Fatih Porikli. Ajay J. Joshi and Fatih Porikli: Scene-Adaptive Human Detection with Incremental Active Learning. (2010) authored by Fatih Porikli. Minghua Liu et al.: PartSLIP: Low-Shot Part Segmentation for 3D Point Clouds via Pretrained Image-Language Models. (2023) authored by Fatih Porikli. Minghua Liu et al.: PartSLIP: Low-Shot Part Segmentation for 3D Point Clouds via Pretrained Image-Language Models. (2022) authored by Fatih Porikli. Jing Zhang et al.: Multi-scale salient object detection with pyramid spatial pooling. (2017) authored by Fatih Porikli. Wenguan Wang et al.: Saliency-Aware Video Object Segmentation. (2018) authored by Fatih Porikli. Hanzhe Hu et al.: Learning Implicit Feature Alignment Function for Semantic Segmentation. (2022) authored by Fatih Porikli. Hanzhe Hu et al.: Learning Implicit Feature Alignment Function for Semantic Segmentation. (2022) authored by Fatih Porikli. Shubhankar Borse et al.: DejaVu: Conditional Regenerative Learning to Enhance Dense Prediction. (2023) authored by Fatih Porikli. Shubhankar Borse et al.: DejaVu: Conditional Regenerative Learning to Enhance Dense Prediction. (2023) authored by Fatih Porikli. Jing Zhang et al.: Integrated Deep and Shallow Networks for Salient Object Detection. (2017) authored by Fatih Porikli. Jing Zhang et al.: Integrated deep and shallow networks for salient object detection. (2017) authored by Fatih Porikli. Babak Ehteshami Bejnordi et al.: SALISA: Saliency-Based Input Sampling for Efficient Video Object Detection. (2022) authored by Fatih Porikli. Babak Ehteshami Bejnordi et al.: SALISA: Saliency-based Input Sampling for Efficient Video Object Detection. (2022) authored by Fatih Porikli. Gao Zhu et al.: Tracking Randomly Moving Objects on Edge Box Proposals. (2015) authored by Fatih Porikli. Muzammal Naseer et al.: A Self-supervised Approach for Adversarial Robustness. (2020) authored by Fatih Porikli. Muzammal Naseer et al.: A Self-supervised Approach for Adversarial Robustness. (2020) authored by Fatih Porikli. Fatih Murat Porikli: Automatic image segmentation by wave propagation. (2004) authored by Fatih Porikli. Fatih Porikli and Yao Wang: Automatic Video Object Segmentation Using Volume Growing and Hierarchical Clustering. (2004) authored by Fatih Porikli'}. He was named a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) in 2014 for his contributions to computer vision and video surveillance", "answer": "Qualcomm (United Kingdom)" }, { "id": "cda20ff7-b955-42ef-81d5-d18a8b4e49a7", "question": "How many publications does the scientist at University of Maryland, College Park, USA and writer of Eigenanalysis of some preconditioned Helmholtz problems, have?", "triples_number": 179, "contexts": "Dianne P. O\u2019Leary alternativeName Dianne P O''Leary. Dianne P. O\u2019Leary alternativeName Dianne O'Leary. Dianne P. O\u2019Leary alternativeName Dianne Prost O'Leary. Dianne P. O\u2019Leary alternativeName Dianne P. O'Leary. Dianne P. O\u2019Leary alternativeName Dianne P. O\u2019Leary. Dianne P. O\u2019Leary alternativeName Dianne P. O'Leary.. Dianne P. O\u2019Leary name Dianne P. O\u2019Leary. G. K. Brennen et al.: Efficient circuits for exact-universal computationwith qudits. (2006) authored by Dianne P. O'Leary. Dianne P. O'Leary et al.: Robot control: swinging like a pendulum. (2003) authored by Dianne P. O'Leary. Dianne P. O\u2019Leary alternativeName D. P. O'Leary. Dianne P. O\u2019Leary alternativeName D. O'Leary. Dianne P. O\u2019Leary alternativeName D O\u2019Leary. Dianne P. O'Leary: Models of infection: person to person. (2004) authored by Dianne P. O'Leary. Dianne P. O\u2019Leary alternativeName D.P. O\u2019Leary. Elena Zotenko et al.: Why Do Hubs in the Yeast Protein Interaction Network Tend To Be Essential: Reexamining the Connection between the Network Topology and Essentiality. (2008) authored by Dianne P. O'Leary. Roozbeh Yousefzadeh and Dianne P. O'Leary: Refining the Structure of Neural Networks Using Matrix Conditioning. (2019) authored by Dianne P. O'Leary. Weichung Wang and Dianne P. O'Leary: Adaptive use of iterative methods in predictor-corrector interior point methods for linear programming. (2000) authored by Dianne P. O'Leary'}. D. Golub", "answer": "5" }, { "id": "cec358c6-cfe1-49f8-a023-170f62a7f42f", "question": "When was the author of A Small Reflection Principle for Bounded Arithmetic born?", "triples_number": 181, "contexts": "Hamed Ayoobi et al.: Local-HDP: Interactive open-ended 3D object category recognition in real-time robotic scenarios. (2022) authored by Rineke Verbrugge. Hamed Ayoobi et al.: Local-HDP: Interactive Open-Ended 3D Object Categorization. (2020) authored by Rineke Verbrugge. Sujata Ghosh et al.: Conditional Preference Networks Support Multi-issue Negotiations with Mediator. (2014) authored by Rineke Verbrugge. Barbara Dunin-Keplicz et al.: TEAMLOG in action: A case study in teamwork. (2010) authored by Rineke Verbrugge. Thiri Haymar Kyaw et al.: Multi-player Multi-issue Negotiation with Mediator using CP-nets. (2013) authored by Rineke Verbrugge. Gido Schoenmacker et al.: Empirically Grounded Agent-Based Policy Evaluation of the Adoption of Sustainable Lighting under the European Ecodesign Directive. (2021) authored by Rineke Verbrugge. Gido H. Schoenmacker et al.: Empirically grounded agent-based policy evaluation of the adoption of sustainable lighting under the European Ecodesign Directive. (2022) authored by Rineke Verbrugge. Sujata Ghosh et al.: Cross-cultural differences in playing centipede-like games with surprising opponents. (2019) authored by Rineke Verbrugge. Hamed Ayoobi et al.: Explain What You See: Open-Ended Segmentation and Recognition of Occluded 3D Objects. (2023) authored by Rineke Verbrugge. Hamed Ayoobi et al.: Explain What You See: Open-Ended Segmentation and Recognition of Occluded 3D Objects. (2023) authored by Rineke Verbrugge. Ludi van Leeuwen et al.: Using Agent-Based Simulations to Evaluate Bayesian Networks for Criminal Scenarios. (2023) authored by Rineke Verbrugge. Egon van Baars and Rineke Verbrugge: A communication algorithm for teamwork in multi-agent environments. (2009) authored by Rineke Verbrugge. Wander Jager et al.: Advances in Social Simulation 2015 [Papers from the Conference of the European Social Simulation Association 2015, Groningen, The Netherlands, 14-18 September 2015] (2017) edited by Rineke Verbrugge. Jan van Eijck and Rineke Verbrugge: Games, Actions and Social Software - Multidisciplinary Aspects (2012) edited by Rineke Verbrugge. Barbara Dunin-Keplicz and Rineke Verbrugge: Awareness as a vital ingredient of teamwork. (2006) authored by Rineke Verbrugge. Elske van der Vaart and Rineke Verbrugge: Agent-based models for animal cognition: a proposal and prototype. (2008) authored by Rineke Verbrugge. Barbara Dunin-Keplicz et al.: Case-Study for TeamLog, a Theory of Teamwork. (2009) authored by Rineke Verbrugge. Jakob Dirk Top et al.: An Automated Method for Building Cognitive Models for Turn-Based Games from a Strategy Logic. (2018) authored by Rineke Verbrugge\"}. In 2021, she was elected a member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW)", "answer": "12 March 1965 in Amsterdam" }, { "id": "61178672-87e4-468c-bd03-2202995c3bb0", "question": "What is the type of the institute where the author of the paper 'Multiobjective Optimization with Fuzzy Classification-Assisted Environmental Selection' works?", "triples_number": 657, "contexts": "Guotong Wu et al.: Normalization in R2-Based Hypervolume and Hypervolume Contribution Approximation. (2023) authored by Hisao Ishibuchi. Hisao Ishibuchi et al.: Dynamic Specification of a Reference Point for Hypervolume Calculation in SMS-EMOA. (2018) authored by Hisao Ishibuchi. Ke Shang et al.: Transformation-based Hypervolume Indicator: A Framework for Designing Hypervolume Variants. (2020) authored by Hisao Ishibuchi. Naoki Masuyama et al.: Privacy-preserving Continual Federated Clustering via Adaptive Resonance Theory. (2023) authored by Hisao Ishibuchi. Han Zhu et al.: STHV-Net: Hypervolume Approximation based on Set Transformer. (2023) authored by Hisao Ishibuchi. Ke Shang et al.: HV-Net: Hypervolume Approximation based on DeepSets. (2022) authored by Hisao Ishibuchi. Ke Shang et al.: HV-Net: Hypervolume Approximation Based on DeepSets. (2023) authored by Hisao Ishibuchi. Weiduo Liao et al.: Weak Convergence Detection-based Dynamic Reference Point Specification in SMS-EMOA. (2019) authored by Hisao Ishibuchi. Yang Nan et al.: Reverse Strategy for Non-Dominated Archiving. (2020) authored by Hisao Ishibuchi. Ke Shang et al.: A new R2 indicator for better hypervolume approximation. (2018) authored by Hisao Ishibuchi. Tomoharu Nakashima et al.: The Effect of Using Match History on the Evolution of RoboCup Soccer Team Strategies. (2006) authored by Hisao Ishibuchi. Ken Ohara et al.: A Study on Traffic Information Sharing Through Inter-Vehicle Communication. (2007) authored by Hisao Ishibuchi. Ke Shang et al.: HVC-Net: Deep Learning Based Hypervolume Contribution Approximation. (2022) authored by Hisao Ishibuchi. Takahiko Sudo et al.: Further analysis on strange evolution behavior of 7-bit binary string strategies in iterated prisoner's dilemma game. (2016) authored by Hisao Ishibuchi. Naoki Masuyama et al.: Fast Topological Adaptive Resonance Theory Based on Correntropy Induced Metric. (2019) authored by Hisao Ishibuchi. Takahiko Sudo et al.: Strange evolution behavior of 7-bit binary string strategies in iterated prisoner's dilemma game. (2015) authored by Hisao Ishibuchi. Ke Shang et al.: Erratum to \"R2-Based Hypervolume Contribution Approximation\". (2020) authored by Hisao Ishibuchi. Yang Nan et al.: A Two-stage Hypervolume Contribution Approximation Method Based on R2 Indicator. (2021) authored by Hisao Ishibuchi. Hisao Ishibuchi is Creator. Ke Shang et al.: R2-Based Hypervolume Contribution Approximation. (2020) authored by Hisao Ishibuchi. Tianye Shu et al.: Two-Phase Procedure for Efficiently Removing Dominated Solutions From Large Solution Sets. (2023) authored by Hisao Ishibuchi. Hideo Tanaka and Hisao Ishibuchi: Evidence theory of exponential possibility distributions. (1993) authored by Hisao Ishibuchi. Naoki Masuyama et al.: Adaptive Resonance Theory-Based Topological Clustering With a Divisive Hierarchical Structure Capable of Continual Learning. (2022) authored by Hisao Ishibuchi. Naoki Masuyama et al.: Adaptive Resonance Theory-based Topological Clustering with a Divisive Hierarchical Structure Capable of Continual Learning. (2022) authored by Hisao Ishibuchi. Min Xu et al.: Dm-KDE: dynamical kernel density estimation by sequences of KDE estimators with fixed number of components over data streams. (2014) authored by Hisao Ishibuchi. Tomoharu Nakashima and Hisao Ishibuchi: Mimicking Dribble Trajectories by Neural Networks for RoboCup Soccer Simulation. (2007) authored by Hisao Ishibuchi. Hisao Ishibuchi et al.: Regular Pareto Front Shape is not Realistic. (2019) authored by Hisao Ishibuchi. Hisao Ishibuchi written paper amount in year2012: 14. Hisao Ishibuchi written paper amount in year2012: 14. Hisao Ishibuchi et al.: Modified Distance Calculation in Generational Distance and Inverted Generational Distance. (2015) authored by Hisao Ishibuchi. Tomoharu Nakashima et al.: Robust Evaluation of RoboCup Soccer Strategies by Using Match History. (2006) authored by Hisao Ishibuchi. Hisao Ishibuchi written paper amount in year2016: 32. Hisao Ishibuchi written paper amount in year2016: 32. Hisao Ishibuchi written paper amount in year2013: 20. Hisao Ishibuchi written paper amount in year2013: 20. Manuel Chica et al.: A Networked N-Player Trust Game and Its Evolutionary Dynamics. (2018) authored by Hisao Ishibuchi. Hisao Ishibuchi alternativeName Hisao Ishibu\u2010Chi. Hisao Ishibuchi et al.: Reference Point Specification in Inverted Generational Distance for Triangular Linear Pareto Front. (2018) authored by Hisao Ishibuchi. Hisao Ishibuchi written paper amount in year2014: 24. Hisao Ishibuchi written paper amount in year2014: 24. Hisao Ishibuchi name Hisao Ishibuchi. Tadahiko Murata and Hisao Ishibuchi: Positive and Negative Combination Effects of Crossover and Mutation Operators in Sequencing Problems. (1996) authored by Hisao Ishibuchi. Hisao Ishibuchi written paper amount in year2015: 30. Hisao Ishibuchi written paper amount in year2015: 30. Hisao Ishibuchi et al.: Reference point specification in hypervolume calculation for fair comparison and efficient search. (2017) authored by Hisao Ishibuchi. Yang Nan et al.: What is a good direction vector set for the R2-based hypervolume contribution approximation. (2020) authored by Hisao Ishibuchi. Hisao Ishibuchi is Person. Hisao Ishibuchi alternativeName Hisao Ishibuchi. Tianye Shu et al.: Analysis of Partition Methods for Dominated Solution Removal from Large Solution Sets. (2023) authored by Hisao Ishibuchi. Yiping Liu et al.: Improving 1by1EA to Handle Various Shapes of Pareto Fronts. (2018) authored by Hisao Ishibuchi'}. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it", "answer": "education" }, { "id": "8c0c9490-b00b-42e4-9cca-691d0218d8db", "question": "Who is the director of the Scientist Data Management Group of the German National Library of Science and Technology and a member of the L3S Research Centre of Leibniz University Hannover?", "triples_number": 354, "contexts": "Mar\u00eda-Esther Vidal alternativeName Maria Esther Vidal. Mar\u00eda-Esther Vidal alternativeName Mar\u00eda Esther Vidal. Mar\u00eda-Esther Vidal name Mar\u00eda-Esther Vidal. Ahmad Sakor et al.: Resorting to Context-Aware Background Knowledge for Unveiling Semantically Related Social Media Posts. (2022) authored by Maria-Esther Vidal. Yolif\u00e9 Arvelo et al.: Compilation of Query-Rewriting Problems into Tractable Fragments of Propositional Logic. (2006) authored by Maria-Esther Vidal. Valentina Janev et al.: Reuse of Semantic Models for Emerging Smart Grids Applications. (2021) authored by Maria-Esther Vidal. Disha Purohit and Maria-Esther Vidal: Mining Symbolic Rules to Explain Lung Cancer Treatments. (2023) authored by Maria-Esther Vidal. Eduardo Blanco et al.: A Transactional-QoS Driven Approach for Web Service Composition. (2010) authored by Maria-Esther Vidal. Eduardo Blanco et al.: Techniques to Produce Optimal Web Service Compositions. (2008) authored by Maria-Esther Vidal. Mar\u00eda-Esther Vidal alternativeName Vidal Maria\u2010Esther. Mar\u00eda-Esther Vidal written paper amount in year2012: 13. Mar\u00eda-Esther Vidal written paper amount in year2012: 13. Mar\u00eda-Esther Vidal alternativeName M. Vidal. Mar\u00eda-Esther Vidal alternativeName Maria\u2010Esther Vidal. Mar\u00eda-Esther Vidal alternativeName Mar\u00eda\u2010Esther Vidal. Mar\u00eda-Esther Vidal alternativeName M.E. Vidal. M\u00f3nica Figuera et al.: Trav-SHACL: Efficiently Validating Networks of SHACL Constraints. (2021) authored by Maria-Esther Vidal. M\u00f3nica Figuera et al.: Trav-SHACL: Efficiently Validating Networks of SHACL Constraints. (2021) authored by Maria-Esther Vidal. Ana Alvarado et al.: FOPA: A Final Object Pruning Algorithm to Efficiently Produce Skyline Points. (2013) authored by Maria-Esther Vidal. Mar\u00eda-Esther Vidal written paper amount in year2021: 21. Mar\u00eda-Esther Vidal written paper amount in year2021: 21. Mar\u00eda-Esther Vidal alternativeName Me. Vidal. Ignacio Traverso Rib\u00f3n et al.: GADES: A Graph-based Semantic Similarity Measure. (2016) authored by Maria-Esther Vidal. Guillermo Palma et al.: Drug-Target Interaction Prediction Using Semantic Similarity and Edge Partitioning. (2014) authored by Maria-Esther Vidal. Emetis Niazmand et al.: Efficient semantic summary graphs for querying large knowledge graphs. (2022) authored by Maria-Esther Vidal. Emetis Niazmand et al.: Efficient Semantic Summary Graphs for Querying Large Knowledge Graphs. (2022) authored by Maria-Esther Vidal. Maribel Acosta et al.: CAREY: ClimAtological ContRol of EmergencY Regions. (2011) authored by Maria-Esther Vidal. Mar\u00eda-Esther Vidal written paper amount in year2023: 11. Mar\u00eda-Esther Vidal written paper amount in year2023: 11. Mar\u00eda-Esther Vidal written paper amount in year2022: 14. Mar\u00eda-Esther Vidal written paper amount in year2022: 14. Mar\u00eda-Esther Vidal written paper amount in year2013: 15. Mar\u00eda-Esther Vidal written paper amount in year2013: 15. Jos\u00e9 Alberto Ben\u00edtez-Andrades et al.: Empowering machine learning models with contextual knowledge for enhancing the detection of eating disorders in social media posts. (2024) authored by Maria-Esther Vidal. Jos\u00e9 Alberto Ben\u00edtez-Andrades et al.: Empowering machine learning models with contextual knowledge for enhancing the detection of eating disorders in social media posts. (2023) authored by Maria-Esther Vidal As a PhD student, she worked with Louiqa Raschid from the University of Maryland, College Park. Since 1988 she has advised and mentored more than 80 students: 65 undergraduate, 10 master, and 7 PhD", "answer": "Esther Vidal" }, { "id": "f745ac07-b400-4480-93a1-c3ef241c8330", "question": "In which year did the author of Probabilistic Segmentation of the Lumen from Intravascular Ultrasound Radio Frequency Data receive their BSc degree?", "triples_number": 357, "contexts": "Bassam A. Almogahed and Ioannis A. Kakadiaris: NEATER: filtering of over-sampled data using non-cooperative game theory. (2015) authored by Ioannis A. Kakadiaris. Bassam A. Almogahed and Ioannis A. Kakadiaris: NEATER: Filtering of Over-sampled Data Using Non-cooperative Game Theory. (2014) authored by Ioannis A. Kakadiaris. Yuhang Wu et al.: Convolutional Point-set Representation: A Convolutional Bridge Between a Densely Annotated Image and 3D Face Alignment. (2018) authored by Ioannis A. Kakadiaris. Yuhang Wu et al.: Annotated face model-based alignment: a robust landmark-free pose estimation approach for 3D model registration. (2018) authored by Ioannis A. Kakadiaris. Xiang Xu et al.: When 3D-Aided 2D Face Recognition Meets Deep Learning: An extended UR2D for Pose-Invariant Face Recognition. (2017) authored by Ioannis A. Kakadiaris. Xiang Xu and Ioannis A. Kakadiaris: Joint Head Pose Estimation and Face Alignment Framework Using Global and Local CNN Features. (2017) authored by Ioannis A. Kakadiaris. Mahsa Shafaei et al.: A Case Study of Deep Learning-Based Multi-Modal Methods for Labeling the Presence of Questionable Content in Movie Trailers. (2021) authored by Ioannis A. Kakadiaris. Xi Zhao et al.: Automatic 2.5-D Facial Landmarking and Emotion Annotation for Social Interaction Assistance. (2016) authored by Ioannis A. Kakadiaris. Khai N. Tran et al.: Social Cues in Group Formation and Local Interactions for Collective Activity Analysis. (2013) authored by Ioannis A. Kakadiaris. Pengfei Dou and Ioannis A. Kakadiaris: Multi-view 3D face reconstruction with deep recurrent neural networks. (2018) authored by Ioannis A. Kakadiaris. Yuhang Wu and Ioannis A. Kakadiaris: 3-D Face Alignment Using A Convolutional Point-Set Representation. (2019) authored by Ioannis A. Kakadiaris. Pengfei Dou and Ioannis A. Kakadiaris: Multi-view 3D face reconstruction with deep recurrent neural networks. (2017) authored by Ioannis A. Kakadiaris. Eric Ingram et al.: Accuracy, Fairness, and Interpretability of Machine Learning Criminal Recidivism Models. (2022) authored by Ioannis A. Kakadiaris. Eric Ingram et al.: Accuracy, Fairness, and Interpretability of Machine Learning Criminal Recidivism Models. (2022) authored by Ioannis A. Kakadiaris. Mahsa Shafaei et al.: A Case Study of Deep Learning Based Multi-Modal Methods for Predicting the Age-Suitability Rating of Movie Trailers. (2021) authored by Ioannis A. Kakadiaris. Michalis Vrigkas et al.: Classifying Behavioral Attributes Using Conditional Random Fields. (2014) authored by Ioannis A. Kakadiaris. Xu Yan et al.: Modeling local behavior for predicting social interactions towards human tracking. (2014) authored by Ioannis A. Kakadiaris. Panagiotis Perakis et al.: 3D Facial Landmark Detection under Large Yaw and Expression Variations. (2013) authored by Ioannis A. Kakadiaris. Lingfeng Zhang and Ioannis A. Kakadiaris: A Hierarchical Matcher using Local Classifier Chains. (2018) authored by Ioannis A. Kakadiaris. Yuhang Wu and Ioannis A. Kakadiaris: OGCTL: Occlusion-guided compact template learning for ensemble deep network-based pose-invariant face recognition. (2019) authored by Ioannis A. Kakadiaris. Georgios Passalis et al.: Using Facial Symmetry to Handle Pose Variations in Real-World 3D Face Recognition. (2011) authored by Ioannis A. Kakadiaris. Nikolaos Sarafianos et al.: Adversarial Representation Learning for Text-to-Image Matching. (2019) authored by Ioannis A. Kakadiaris. Nikolaos Sarafianos et al.: Adversarial Representation Learning for Text-to-Image Matching. (2019) authored by Ioannis A. Kakadiaris. Pengfei Dou et al.: Robust 3D Face Shape Reconstruction from Single Images via Two-Fold Coupled Structure Learning and Off-the-Shelf Landmark Detectors. (2014) authored by Ioannis A. Kakadiaris. Michalis Vrigkas et al.: Action Recognition by Matching Clustered Trajectories of Motion Vectors. (2013) authored by Ioannis A. Kakadiaris. Pengfei Dou et al.: Monocular 3D facial shape reconstruction from a single 2D image with coupled-dictionary learning and sparse coding. (2018) authored by Ioannis A. Kakadiaris. Tianhong Fang et al.: 3D/4D facial expression analysis: An advanced annotated face model approach. (2012) authored by Ioannis A. Kakadiaris. Khai N. Tran et al.: Fusion of Human Posture Features for Continuous Action Recognition. (2010) authored by Ioannis A. Kakadiaris. Nikolaos Sarafianos et al.: Deep Imbalanced Attribute Classification Using Visual Attention Aggregation. (2018) authored by Ioannis A. Kakadiaris. Nikolaos Sarafianos et al.: Deep Imbalanced Attribute Classification using Visual Attention Aggregation. (2018) authored by Ioannis A. Kakadiaris. N. Vajramushti et al.: Efficient 3D object retrieval using depth images. (2004) authored by Ioannis A. Kakadiaris. Pengfei Dou et al.: End-to-End 3D Face Reconstruction with Deep Neural Networks. (2017) authored by Ioannis A. Kakadiaris. Pengfei Dou et al.: End-to-end 3D face reconstruction with deep neural networks. (2017) authored by Ioannis A. Kakadiaris. Ioannis A. Kakadiaris is Creator. Christos Smailis et al.: Recaspia: Recognizing Carrying Actions in Single Images Using Privileged Information. (2019) authored by Ioannis A. Kakadiaris In 2011 she became the director of direction for faculty development of the Sim\u00f3n Bol\u00edvar University. As a PhD student, she worked with Louiqa Raschid from the University of Maryland, College Park", "answer": "1989" }, { "id": "8b7c3fc0-123c-4239-8aa9-4e4aed12fd26", "question": "In terms of worksCount, who has more publications, the author of 'Sequence-based prediction of protein crystallization, purification and production propensity' or the researcher behind 'Running circles around symbol manipulation in trigonometry'?", "triples_number": 153, "contexts": "Lukasz A. Kurgan et al.: Semantic Mapping of XML Tags Using Inductive Machine Learning. (2002) authored by Lukasz A. Kurgan. Wojciech Stach et al.: Data-driven Nonlinear Hebbian Learning method for Fuzzy Cognitive Maps. (2008) authored by Lukasz A. Kurgan. Alireza Farhangfar et al.: Impact of imputation of missing values on classification error for discrete data. (2008) authored by Lukasz A. Kurgan. Lukasz A. Kurgan and Krzysztof J. Cios: Fast Class-Attribute Interdependence Maximization (CAIM) Discretization Algorithm. (2003) authored by Lukasz A. Kurgan. Lukasz Kurgan alternativeName \u0141ukasz A. Kurgan. Dat T. Nguyen et al.: mi-DS: Multiple-Instance Learning Algorithm. (2013) authored by Lukasz A. Kurgan. Liangliang Liu et al.: Attention convolutional neural network for accurate segmentation and quantification of lesions in ischemic stroke disease. (2020) authored by Lukasz A. Kurgan. Marcin J. Mizianty et al.: Discretization as the enabling technique for the Na\u00efve Bayes and semi-Na\u00efve Bayes-based classification. (2010) authored by Lukasz A. Kurgan. Alireza Farhangfar et al.: A Novel Framework for Imputation of Missing Values in Databases. (2007) authored by Lukasz A. Kurgan. Wojciech Stach et al.: Learning of Fuzzy Cognitive Maps Using Density Estimate. (2012) authored by Lukasz A. Kurgan. Wojciech Stach et al.: A divide and conquer method for learning large Fuzzy Cognitive Maps. (2010) authored by Lukasz A. Kurgan. Lukasz Kurgan alternativeName Lukasz Andrzej Kurgan. Tao Li et al.: 14th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, ICMLA 2015, Miami, FL, USA, December 9-11, 2015 (2015) edited by Lukasz A. Kurgan. Lukasz Kurgan alternativeName Lukasz Kurgan. Rafal Rak et al.: A tree-projection-based algorithm for multi-label recurrent-item associative-classification rule generation. (2008) authored by Lukasz A. Kurgan'}. S. Sc. D. degree in automation and robotics from the AGH University of Science and Technology in 1999", "answer": "James L. McClelland" }, { "id": "072dae3c-eb22-48aa-894a-6c76cb719954", "question": "What is the type of organization where the writer of the article 'Recognition of Non-pedestrian Human Forms Through Locally Weighted Descriptors' works?", "triples_number": 109, "contexts": "Alma Y. Alanis et al.: PSO-gain selection to improve a discrete-time second order sliding mode controller. (2013) authored by Nancy Arana-Daniel. Eduardo Rangel et al.: Bio-inspired Aging Model Particle Swarm Optimization Neural Network Training for Solar Radiation Forecasting. (2014) authored by Nancy Arana-Daniel. Alma Y. Alanis et al.: Bacterial foraging optimization algorithm to improve a discrete-time neural second order sliding mode controller. (2015) authored by Nancy Arana-Daniel. Emmanuel Nu\u00f1o et al.: Stability of nonlinear teleoperators using PD controllers without velocity measurements. (2014) authored by Nancy Arana-Daniel. Alma Y. Alanis et al.: Neural Evolutionary Predictive Control for Linear Induction Motors with Experimental Data. (2020) authored by Nancy Arana-Daniel. Gener Quintal et al.: Real-time FPGA decentralized inverse optimal neural control for a Shrimp robot. (2015) authored by Nancy Arana-Daniel. Alma Y. Alanis et al.: Neural-PSO second order sliding mode controller for unknown discrete-time nonlinear systems. (2013) authored by Nancy Arana-Daniel. Y. Yuliana Rios et al.: Inverse Optimal Control Using A Neural Multi-Step Predictor For T1DM Treatment. (2018) authored by Nancy Arana-Daniel. Michel L\u00f3pez-Franco et al.: Decentralized control for stabilization of nonlinear multi-agent systems using neural inverse optimal control. (2015) authored by Nancy Arana-Daniel. Michel L\u00f3pez-Franco et al.: Discrete-time decentralized inverse optimal neural control for a shrimp robot. (2013) authored by Nancy Arana-Daniel in 2007. \\nArana-Daniel studied computer science at CINVESTAV in Guadalajara, earning a master's degree in 2003 and completing her Ph", "answer": "education" }, { "id": "a76c1f84-07b3-4339-a621-a8cd92ce9c66", "question": "Who supervised Xie's dissertation titled Mobility Management in Next-Generation All-IP-Based Wireless Systems?", "triples_number": 193, "contexts": "Muhammad Waqas Shaukat et al.: A Hybrid Approach for Alluring Ads Phishing Attack Detection Using Machine Learning. (2023) authored by Jiang (Linda) Xie. Jiang Xie 2YrMeanCitedness 3.7692308425903320312. Siqi Huang et al.: A Cloud Computing Based Deep Compression Framework for UHD Video Delivery. (2023) authored by Jiang (Linda) Xie. Siqi Huang and Jiang (Linda) Xie: Pearl: A Fast Deep Learning Driven Compression Framework for UHD Video Delivery. (2021) authored by Jiang (Linda) Xie. Xiaolong Tu et al.: Unveiling Energy Efficiency in Deep Learning: Measurement, Prediction, and Scoring across Edge Devices. (2023) authored by Jiang (Linda) Xie. Xiaolong Tu et al.: Unveiling Energy Efficiency in Deep Learning: Measurement, Prediction, and Scoring Across Edge Devices. (2023) authored by Jiang (Linda) Xie. Jiang Xie and Chin-Tau Lea: Speedup and buffer division in input/output queuing ATM switches. (2003) authored by Jiang (Linda) Xie. Siqi Huang and Jiang (Linda) Xie: DAVE: Dynamic Adaptive Video Encoding for Real-time Video Streaming Applications. (2021) authored by Jiang (Linda) Xie. Muhammad Mehmood et al.: Privilege Escalation Attack Detection and Mitigation in Cloud Using Machine Learning. (2023) authored by Jiang (Linda) Xie. Haoxin Wang et al.: LEAF + AIO: Edge-Assisted Energy-Aware Object Detection for Mobile Augmented Reality. (2022) authored by Jiang (Linda) Xie. Haoxin Wang et al.: LEAF + AIO: Edge-Assisted Energy-Aware Object Detection for Mobile Augmented Reality. (2023) authored by Jiang (Linda) Xie. Jiang Xie written paper amount in year2012: 8. Jiang Xie written paper amount in year2012: 8. Dawei Chen et al.: Love of Variety Based Latency Analysis for High Definition Map Updating: Age of Information and Distributional Robust Perspectives. (2023) authored by Jiang (Linda) Xie. Jiang Xie written paper amount in year2013: 8. Jiang Xie written paper amount in year2013: 8. Jiang Xie written paper amount in year2018: 8. Jiang Xie written paper amount in year2018: 8. Jiang Xie written paper amount in year2021: 5 Akyildiz. D", "answer": "Ian F. Akyildiz" }, { "id": "0ecac8d6-02b3-4b40-83b6-57edaab0eddb", "question": "What is the number of publications for the affiliation of the researcher who published Averaging of Random Sets Based on Their Distance Functions?", "triples_number": 65, "contexts": "Adrian Baddeley name Adrian Baddeley. Adrian Baddeley alternativeName Adrian Baddeley. Adrian Baddeley alternativeName Adrian J. Baddeley. Adrian Baddeley modified 2023-10-18. Adrian Baddeley alternativeName A. Baddeley. Adrian Baddeley alternativeName A. J. Baddeley'}. e", "answer": "63709" }, { "id": "47fb449d-976b-4fcd-b920-769aade06ed7", "question": "Which fellowships has the writer of the paper on 802.11 Denial-of-Service Attacks received?", "triples_number": 231, "contexts": "Grant Ho et al.: Hopper: Modeling and Detecting Lateral Movement. (2021) authored by Stefan Savage. Grant Ho et al.: Hopper: Modeling and Detecting Lateral Movement (Extended Report). (2021) authored by Stefan Savage. Diwaker Gupta et al.: Difference Engine: Harnessing Memory Redundancy in Virtual Machines. (2008) authored by Stefan Savage. Diwaker Gupta et al.: Difference engine: harnessing memory redundancy in virtual machines. (2010) authored by Stefan Savage. Harsha V. Madhyastha et al.: scc: Informed Provisioning of Storage for Cluster Applications. (2012) authored by Stefan Savage. Chris Kanich et al.: The Heisenbot Uncertainty Problem: Challenges in Separating Bots from Chaff. (2008) authored by Stefan Savage. David Y. Wang et al.: Search + Seizure: The Effectiveness of Interventions on SEO Campaigns. (2014) authored by Stefan Savage. Ariana Mirian et al.: Web feature deprecation: a case study for chrome. (2019) authored by Stefan Savage. Ryan Roemer et al.: Return-Oriented Programming: Systems, Languages, and Applications. (2012) authored by Stefan Savage. Qing Zhang et al.: Neon: system support for derived data management. (2010) authored by Stefan Savage. Harsha V. Madhyastha et al.: scc: cluster storage provisioning informed by application characteristics and SLAs. (2012) authored by Stefan Savage. Gautam Akiwate et al.: Risky BIZness: risks derived from registrar name management. (2021) authored by Stefan Savage. Clifford W. Mercer et al.: Processor Capacity Reserves: An Abstraction for Managing Processor Usage. (1993) authored by Stefan Savage. Fan R. K. Chung et al.: Maximizing data locality in distributed systems. (2006) authored by Stefan Savage. Feng Lu et al.: When Good Services Go Wild: Reassembling Web Services for Unintended Purposes. (2012) authored by Stefan Savage. Erik Buchanan et al.: When good instructions go bad: generalizing return-oriented programming to RISC. (2008) authored by Stefan Savage. Michael Vrable et al.: BlueSky: a cloud-backed file system for the enterprise. (2012) authored by Stefan Savage. Stefan Savage et al.: Eraser: A Dynamic Data Race Detector for Multi-Threaded Programs. (1997) authored by Stefan Savage. Chris Kanich et al.: Spamalytics: an empirical analysis of spam marketing conversion. (2008) authored by Stefan Savage. Ding Yuan et al.: Improving software diagnosability via log enhancement. (2011) authored by Stefan Savage. Chris Kanich et al.: Spamalytics: an empirical analysis of spam marketing conversion. (2009) authored by Stefan Savage. Ding Yuan et al.: Improving Software Diagnosability via Log Enhancement. (2012) authored by Stefan Savage. Andreas Pitsillidis et al.: Taster's choice: a comparative analysis of spam feeds. (2012) authored by Stefan Savage'}. D. In 2022, he was elected to the National Academy of Engineering. Varghese later co-founded Netsift to capitalize on this research; Cisco purchased Netsift in 2005. He received his undergraduate degree at Carnegie Mellon and his Ph", "answer": "Fellow of the Association for Computing Machinery and Fellow of the Association for Computing Machinery" }, { "id": "6e42427e-d11d-438f-b49a-18381c9d9042", "question": "What type of organization is the institution of the writer who authored the article 'Boundary feedback control in Fluid-Structure Interactions'?", "triples_number": 79, "contexts": "Irena Lasiecka name Irena Lasiecka. Irena Lasiecka alternativeName Lasiecka Irena. Irena Lasiecka 2YrMeanCitedness 0.69230771064758300781. Irena Lasiecka alternativeName Irena Lasiecka. Irena Lasiecka is Person. Irena Lasiecka alternativeName I. Lasiecka. Irena Lasiecka modified 2023-10-18D. \\nLasiecka earned her Ph. \\n'}. She has been teaching in the US ever since. She studied math for many years at the University of Warsaw, where she earned her Master of Science degree in applied mathematics in 1972. \\nOptimization is the mathematical practice of finding the maximum or minimum values for a specific function. Her first teaching job was at the Polish Academy of Sciences in 1975, and she later ventured to the United States a few years later, teaching at the University of California, Los Angeles", "answer": "government" }, { "id": "1c44e85f-9c8f-4a7b-ab08-614b2dee755e", "question": "When did the author of High-Quality MRC Document Coding start teaching at Purdue University?", "triples_number": 355, "contexts": "Singanallur V. Venkatakrishnan et al.: Bayesian tomographic reconstruction for high angle annular dark field (HAADF) scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM). (2012) authored by Charles A. Bouman. Benjamin J. Foster et al.: Multi-target tracking with an event-based vision sensor and a partial-update GMPHD filter. (2019) authored by Charles A. Bouman. Mark J. Wolski et al.: Optimization of sensor response functions for colorimetry of reflective and emissive objects. (1995) authored by Charles A. Bouman. Animesh Khemka et al.: Inverse problems in atmospheric dispersion with randomly scattered sensors. (2006) authored by Charles A. Bouman. Mark J. Wolski et al.: Optimization of sensor response functions for colorimetry of reflective and emissive objects. (1996) authored by Charles A. Bouman. Mark J. Wolski et al.: Optimization of sensor response functions for colorimetry of reflective and emissive objects. (1994) authored by Charles A. Bouman. Hengzhou Ding et al.: Semi-automatic object geometry estimation for image personalization. (2010) authored by Charles A. Bouman. Amirkoushyar Ziabari et al.: Physics-Based Regularizer for Joint Soft Segmentation and Reconstruction of Electron Microscopy Images of Polycrystalline Microstructures. (2019) authored by Charles A. Bouman. Charles A. Bouman and Michael Shapiro: A multiscale random field model for Bayesian image segmentation. (1994) authored by Charles A. Bouman. Daniel Tretter et al.: A multiscale stochastic image model for automated inspection. (1995) authored by Charles A. Bouman. Sangtae Ahn et al.: Fast Image Reconstruction Methods for Fully 3d Multispectral Optical Bioluminescence Tomography. (2007) authored by Charles A. Bouman. Jing Li et al.: Multi-target detection and tracking from a single camera in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). (2016) authored by Charles A. Bouman. G. M. Dilshan Godaliyadda et al.: A model-based framework for fast dynamic image sampling. (2014) authored by Charles A. Bouman. Animesh Khemka and Charles A. Bouman: Image classification and interpolation. (2012) authored by Charles A. Bouman. Yan Zhang et al.: SLADS-Net: Supervised Learning Approach for Dynamic Sampling using Deep Neural Networks. (2018) authored by Charles A. Bouman. Dong Hye Ye et al.: Deep Learning for Moving Object Detection and Tracking from a Single Camera in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). (2018) authored by Charles A. Bouman. Ilya Pollak et al.: Modeling and estimation of spatial random trees with application to image classification. (2003) authored by Charles A. Bouman. Seungseok Oh et al.: Multigrid algorithms for optimization and inverse problems. (2003) authored by Charles A. Bouman. Daniel R. Tretter and Charles A. Bouman: Multiscale stochastic approach to object detection. (1993) authored by Charles A. Bouman. S. Sista et al.: Fast image search using a multiscale stochastic model. (1995) authored by Charles A. Bouman. Wenrui Li et al.: X-Ray Spectral Estimation Using Dictionary Learning. (2023) authored by Charles A. Bouman. Ilya Pollak et al.: Parameter estimation for spatial random trees using the EM algorithm. (2003) authored by Charles A. Bouman. K. Aditya Mohan et al.: Direct model-based tomographic reconstruction of the complex refractive index. (2016) authored by Charles A. Bouman. Charles A. Bouman and Michael Shapiro: Multispectral image segmentation using a multiscale model. (1992) authored by Charles A. Bouman. Leonardo R. Bachega et al.: Distributed Signal Decorrelation and Detection in Multi View Camera Networks Using the Vector Sparse Matrix Transform. (2015) authored by Charles A. Bouman. Zhou Yu et al.: Fast Model-Based X-Ray CT Reconstruction Using Spatially Nonhomogeneous ICD Optimization. (2011) authored by Charles A. Bouman. Ruoqiao Zhang et al.: Gaussian mixture Markov random field for image denoising and reconstruction. (2013) authored by Charles A. Bouman. Yan Zhang et al.: Reduced Electron Exposure for Energy-Dispersive Spectroscopy using Dynamic Sampling. (2017) authored by Charles A. Bouman. Mustafa E. Kamasak et al.: Parametric reconstruction of kinetic PET data with plasma function estimation. (2005) authored by Charles A. Bouman. Jeffrey Mark Siskind et al.: Spatial Random Tree Grammars for Modeling Hierarchal Structure in Images with Regions of Arbitrary Shape. (2007) authored by Charles A. Bouman. Animesh Khemka et al.: Inversion of flow fields from sensor network data. (2005) authored by Charles A. Bouman. Singanallur V. Venkatakrishnan et al.: Model based iterative reconstruction for Bright Field electron tomography. (2013) authored by Charles A. Bouman. Pengchong Jin et al.: Joint metal artifact reduction and segmentation of CT images using dictionary-based image prior and continuous-relaxed potts model. (2015) authored by Charles A. Bouman. Hasib Siddiqui et al.: Hardware-friendly descreening. (2008) authored by Charles A. Bouman. Alberto Albiol et al.: A Simple and Efficient Face Detection Algorithm for Video Database Applications. (2000) authored by Charles A. Bouman You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. '}", "answer": "1989" }, { "id": "046765db-a9b2-4c8c-93ea-6f0a5769dc87", "question": "What program was Dr. Zhang enrolled in for his PhD with BIG?", "triples_number": 92, "contexts": "Xufei Teng et al.: Compositional Variability and Mutation Spectra of Monophyletic SARS-CoV-2 Clades. (2020) authored by Zhang Zhang 0002. Hao Wu et al.: Strand-biased Gene Distribution in Bacteria Is Related to both Horizontal Gene Transfer and Strand-biased Nucleotide Composition. (2012) authored by Zhang Zhang 0002. Peng Cui et al.: Comparative Analyses of H3K4 and H3K27 Trimethylations Between the Mouse Cerebrum and Testis. (2012) authored by Zhang Zhang 0002. Bixia Tang et al.: iDog: an integrated resource for domestic dogs and wild canids. (2019) authored by Zhang Zhang 0002. Zhonghai Li et al.: LSD 3.0: a comprehensive resource for the leaf senescence research community. (2020) authored by Zhang Zhang 0002. Shuai Jiang et al.: CompoDynamics: a comprehensive database for characterizing sequence composition dynamics. (2022) authored by Zhang Zhang 0002. Zhang Zhang and Jeffrey P. Townsend: Maximum-Likelihood Model Averaging To Profile Clustering of Site Types across Discrete Linear Sequences. (2009) authored by Zhang Zhang 0002. Lin Liu et al.: LncRNAWiki 2.0: a knowledgebase of human long non-coding RNAs with enhanced curation model and database system. (2022) authored by Zhang Zhang 0002. Yuansheng Zhang et al.: Gene Expression Nebulas (GEN): a comprehensive data portal integrating transcriptomic profiles across multiple species at both bulk and single-cell levels. (2022) authored by Zhang Zhang 0002'}. \\nDr. \\nDr. Bajic) in Saudi Arabia from 2009~2011", "answer": "bioinformatics joint program with BIG" }, { "id": "3704895f-1f1c-4758-8416-bf3a215c8785", "question": "In terms of i10Index, whose score is superior, author of Strong Functional Representation Lemma and Applications to Coding Theorems or Advances in Contrast Enhancement for Optical Coherence Tomography author?", "triples_number": 68, "contexts": "Stephen A. Boppart alternativeName Stephena . Boppart. Stephen A. Boppart alternativeName Stephen\u00e2 A. Boppart. Stephen A. Boppart alternativeName Stephen Boppart. Stephen A. Boppart alternativeName S. Boppart. Stephen A. Boppart 2YrMeanCitedness 1.0. Stephen A. Boppart alternativeName S. A. Boppart\\nBoppart was born in the small farming community of Harvard, Illinois. \\nMultiple startup companies have been formed from Boppart's research. S. S. in 2000. degree in electrical engineering from UIUC. \\nFrom 2006 to 2008, Boppart was the founding director of the Mills Breast Cancer Institute at Carle Foundation Hospital. and M. Building upon the development of OCT in his graduate studies, Boppart expanded OCT to new application areas", "answer": "Stephen A. Boppart" }, { "id": "f0cec0b8-9ef7-4447-bfb0-b003dcbf2aa0", "question": "In terms of two-year mean citedness, which author has a higher value, the creator of 'Multimodal prediction of the audience's impression in political debates' or the author of 'Coverage Probability Analysis Under Clustered Ambient Backscatter Nodes'?", "triples_number": 201, "contexts": "Naofal Al-Dhahir and Hlaing Minn: A new multicarrier transceiver based on the discrete cosine transform. (2005) authored by Hlaing Minn. Yahia R. Ramadan and Hlaing Minn: Artificial Noise Aided Hybrid Precoding Design for Secure mmWave MISO Systems With Partial Channel Knowledge. (2017) authored by Hlaing Minn. Yahia R. Ramadan et al.: Novel Pre-Compensation Schemes for Low-Cost Nonlinear Tera-Hertz Transmitters. (2018) authored by Hlaing Minn. Hlaing Minn et al.: A robust timing and frequency synchronization for OFDM systems. (2003) authored by Hlaing Minn. Hlaing Minn i10Index 73. Dandan Wang et al.: On modeling utility for cooperative slotted Aloha games. (2008) authored by Hlaing Minn. Jiu Xiong et al.: An open-loop 28GHz 16-phase clock generator in 28nm CMOS. (2017) authored by Hlaing Minn. Yanxin Na and Hlaing Minn: Line search based iterative joint estimation of channels and frequency offsets for uplink OFDM systems. (2007) authored by Hlaing Minn. Hlaing Minn name Hlaing Minn. Yahia R. Ramadan et al.: Hybrid Analog-Digital Precoding Design for Secrecy mmWave MISO-OFDM Systems. (2017) authored by Hlaing Minn. Dandan Wang et al.: A Reduced-PAR Opportunistic STBC Scheme for Frequency-Selective Channels in the Presence of Frequency Offset. (2008) authored by Hlaing Minn. Yanxin Na and Hlaing Minn: Line Search Based Iterative Joint Estimation of Channels and Frequency Offsets for Uplink OFDMA Systems. (2006) authored by Hlaing Minn. Naofal Al-Dhahir et al.: Optimum DCT-Based Multicarrier Transceivers for Frequency-Selective Channels. (2006) authored by Hlaing Minn. Naofal Al-Dhahir et al.: Optimum DCT-based multicarrier transceivers for frequency-selective channels. (2006) authored by Hlaing Minn. Hlaing Minn alternativeName Hlaing Minn. Hlaing Minn et al.: An Efficient ARQ Protocol for Adaptive Error Control over Time-Varying Channels. (2001) authored by Hlaing Minn. Yanxiang Jiang et al.: Training Aided Frequency Offset Estimation for MIMO OFDM Systems via Polynomial Rooting. (2008) authored by Hlaing Minn. Pochun Yen and Hlaing Minn: Low complexity PAPR reduction methods for carrier-aggregated MIMO OFDMA and SCFDMA systems. (2012) authored by Hlaing Minn. Xiaoyu Fu and Hlaing Minn: Initial uplink synchronization and power control (ranging process) for OFDMA systems. (2004) authored by Hlaing Minn. Pochun Yen et al.: New Fractional Frequency Reuse Patterns for Multi-Cell Systems in Time-Varying Channels. (2015) authored by Hlaing Minn'}. {'author_wikipedia_text': 'Hlaing Minn is an electrical engineer at the University of Texas at Dallas in Richardson, Texas", "answer": "Iryna Gurevych" }, { "id": "eb9d495f-0413-414d-8217-c46ec487b3bf", "question": "What research field is the author of '", "triples_number": 530, "contexts": "Zhongjie Yu et al.: Leveraging Probabilistic Circuits for Nonparametric Multi-Output Regression. (2021) authored by Kristian Kersting. Zhongjie Yu et al.: Leveraging probabilistic circuits for nonparametric multi-output regression. (2021) authored by Kristian Kersting. Saket Joshi et al.: Generalized First Order Decision Diagrams for First Order Markov Decision Processes. (2009) authored by Kristian Kersting. Martin Mladenov et al.: Efficient Lifting of MAP LP Relaxations Using k-Locality. (2014) authored by Kristian Kersting. Mina Ameli et al.: Unsupervised Multi-sensor Anomaly Localization with Explainable AI. (2022) authored by Kristian Kersting. Lukas Weber et al.: Resource-Efficient Logarithmic Number Scale Arithmetic for SPN Inference on FPGAs. (2019) authored by Kristian Kersting. Xiaoting Shao et al.: Conditional sum-product networks: Modular probabilistic circuits via gate functions. (2022) authored by Kristian Kersting. Sophie Burkhardt et al.: Rule Extraction From Binary Neural Networks With Convolutional Rules for Model Validation. (2021) authored by Kristian Kersting. Marco Bellagente et al.: MultiFusion: Fusing Pre-Trained Models for Multi-Lingual, Multi-Modal Image Generation. (2023) authored by Kristian Kersting. Marco Bellagente et al.: MultiFusion: Fusing Pre-Trained Models for Multi-Lingual, Multi-Modal Image Generation. (2023) authored by Kristian Kersting. Frieder Uhlig et al.: Transformer-Boosted Anomaly Detection with Fuzzy Hashes. (2022) authored by Kristian Kersting. Sophie Burkhardt et al.: Rule Extraction from Binary Neural Networks with Convolutional Rules for Model Validation. (2020) authored by Kristian Kersting. Xiaoting Shao et al.: Conditional Sum-Product Networks: Imposing Structure on Deep Probabilistic Architectures. (2020) authored by Kristian Kersting. Xiaoting Shao et al.: Conditional Sum-Product Networks: Imposing Structure on Deep Probabilistic Architectures. (2019) authored by Kristian Kersting. Steven Lang et al.: DAFNe: A One-Stage Anchor-Free Deep Model for Oriented Object Detection. (2021) authored by Kristian Kersting. Sahil Sidheekh et al.: Probabilistic Flow Circuits: Towards Unified Deep Models for Tractable Probabilistic Inference. (2023) authored by Kristian Kersting. Stefan L\u00fcdtke et al.: Lifted Filtering via Exchangeable Decomposition. (2018) authored by Kristian Kersting. Stefan L\u00fcdtke et al.: Lifted Filtering via Exchangeable Decomposition. (2018) authored by Kristian Kersting. Karl Stelzner et al.: Decomposing 3D Scenes into Objects via Unsupervised Volume Segmentation. (2021) authored by Kristian Kersting. Viktor Pfanschilling et al.: Sum-Product Loop Programming: From Probabilistic Circuits to Loop Programming. (2022) authored by Kristian Kersting. Hikaru Shindo et al.: Learning Differentiable Logic Programs for Abstract Visual Reasoning. (2023) authored by Kristian Kersting. Alejandro Molina et al.: Poisson Sum-Product Networks: A Deep Architecture for Tractable Multivariate Poisson Distributions. (2017) authored by Kristian Kersting. Saket Joshi et al.: Decision-theoretic planning with generalized first-order decision diagrams. (2011) authored by Kristian Kersting. Niyati Rawal et al.: ExGenNet: Learning to Generate Robotic Facial Expression Using Facial Expression Recognition. (2021) authored by Kristian Kersting. Robert Peharz et al.: Einsum Networks: Fast and Scalable Learning of Tractable Probabilistic Circuits. (2020) authored by Kristian Kersting. Robert Peharz et al.: Einsum Networks: Fast and Scalable Learning of Tractable Probabilistic Circuits. (2020) authored by Kristian Kersting. Fabian Hadiji et al.: Efficient Sequential Clamping for Lifted Message Passing. (2011) authored by Kristian Kersting. Laura Antanas et al.: Semantic and geometric reasoning for robotic grasping: a probabilistic logic approach. (2019) authored by Kristian Kersting. Rudolph Triebel et al.: Robust 3D Scan Point Classification using Associative Markov Networks. (2006) authored by Kristian Kersting. Xiaoting Shao et al.: Modelling Multivariate Ranking Functions with Min-Sum Networks. (2020) authored by Kristian Kersting. Christopher Morris et al.: Glocalized Weisfeiler-Lehman Graph Kernels: Global-Local Feature Maps of Graphs. (2017) authored by Kristian Kersting. Zahra Zamani et al.: Symbolic Dynamic Programming for Continuous State and Observation POMDPs. (2012) authored by Kristian Kersting. Nandini Ramanan et al.: Discriminative Non-Parametric Learning of Arithmetic Circuits. (2020) authored by Kristian Kersting. Lukas Struppek et al.: Leveraging Diffusion-Based Image Variations for Robust Training on Poisoned Data. (2023) authored by Kristian Kersting. Lukas Sommer et al.: Automatic Mapping of the Sum-Product Network Inference Problem to FPGA-Based Accelerators. (2018) authored by Kristian Kersting. Babak Ahmadi et al.: Exploiting symmetries for scaling loopy belief propagation and relational training. (2013) authored by Kristian Kersting. Amos Treiber et al.: CryptoSPN: Privacy-preserving Sum-Product Network Inference. (2020) authored by Kristian Kersting. Amos Treiber et al.: CryptoSPN: Privacy-Preserving Sum-Product Network Inference. (2020) authored by Kristian Kersting. Bernd Gutmann et al.: Parameter Learning in Probabilistic Databases: A Least Squares Approach. (2008) authored by Kristian Kersting. Zhao Xu et al.: Efficient Learning for Hashing Proportional Data. (2012) authored by Kristian Kersting. Christian Thurau et al.: Yes we can: simplex volume maximization for descriptive web-scale matrix factorization. (2010) authored by Kristian Kersting. Nils M. Kriege et al.: A unifying view of explicit and implicit feature maps of graph kernels. (2019) authored by Kristian Kersting. Gopika Sudhakaran et al.: Vision Relation Transformer for Unbiased Scene Graph Generation. (2023) authored by Kristian Kersting. Gopika Sudhakaran et al.: Vision Relation Transformer for Unbiased Scene Graph Generation. (2023) authored by Kristian Kersting. Christopher Morris et al.: TUDataset: A collection of benchmark datasets for learning with graphs. (2020) authored by Kristian Kersting. Nils M. Kriege et al.: Explicit Versus Implicit Graph Feature Maps: A Computational Phase Transition for Walk Kernels. (2014) authored by Kristian Kersting. Lukas Struppek et al.: Plug & Play Attacks: Towards Robust and Flexible Model Inversion Attacks. (2022) authored by Kristian Kersting. Lukas Struppek et al.: Plug & Play Attacks: Towards Robust and Flexible Model Inversion Attacks. (2022) authored by Kristian Kersting. Christian Plagemann et al.: Nonstationary Gaussian Process Regression Using Point Estimates of Local Smoothness. (2008) authored by Kristian Kersting. Alejandro Molina et al.: SPFlow: An Easy and Extensible Library for Deep Probabilistic Learning using Sum-Product Networks. (2019) authored by Kristian Kersting5 million euros over five years. '}. in 2006. D", "answer": "statistical relational artificial intelligence, probabilistic programming, and deep probabilistic learning" }, { "id": "007a1979-f034-4deb-88be-ca81527f2eda", "question": "What is the hIndex of the author of Non-separating induced cycles in graphs?", "triples_number": 233, "contexts": "Carsten Thomassen worksCount 275. Adel Alahmadi et al.: The maximum number of minimal codewords in long codes. (2013) authored by Carsten Thomassen. Carsten Thomassen name Carsten Thomassen. Adel Alahmadi et al.: The maximum number of minimal codewords in long codes (2012) authored by Carsten Thomassen. Carsten Thomassen alternativeName Carsten Thomassen. Carsten Thomassen i10Index 152. Adel Alahmadi et al.: The maximum number of minimal codewords in an [n, k][n, k]-code. (2013) authored by Carsten Thomassen. Carsten Thomassen member of Technical University of Denmark. Adel Alahmadi et al.: The maximum number of minimal codewords in an $[n,k]-$code (2012) authored by Carsten Thomassen. Carsten Thomassen is Person. Carsten Thomassen citedByCount 8540. Carsten Thomassen alternativeName C. Thomassen. Carsten Thomassen 2YrMeanCitedness 0.3125. Carsten Thomassen primary affiliation Technical University of Denmark. Carsten Thomassen affiliation Technical University of Denmark. Carsten Thomassen scopus http://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.url?authorId=7004619578. Adel Alahmadi et al.: The minimum number of minimal codewords in an [n, k]-code and in graphic codes. (2015) authored by Carsten Thomassen. Carsten Thomassen: The Locally Connected Compact Metric Spaces Embeddable In The Plane. (2004) authored by Carsten Thomassen. Carsten Thomassen is Author. Carsten Thomassen written paper amount in year2016: 9. Carsten Thomassen written paper amount in year2016: 9. R. Bruce Richter et al.: On planarity of compact, locally connected, metric spaces. (2011) authored by Carsten Thomassen. Carsten Thomassen is Creator He has been a Professor of Mathematics at the Technical University of Denmark since 1981, and since 1990 a member of the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters. in 1976 from the University of Waterloo", "answer": "52" }, { "id": "db8c49dc-b75b-4e16-9886-14d096ab40b5", "question": "What is the type of organization of the writer whose article 'Corrigendum to 'Preface, EuroComb '09' [European J. Combin. 33 (2012) 685-687]' was published in 'Eur. J. Comb.' in 2013?", "triples_number": 347, "contexts": "Anton\u00edn Kucera et al.: Mathematical and Engineering Methods in Computer Science, 8th International Doctoral Workshop, MEMICS 2012, Znojmo, Czech Republic, October 25-28, 2012, Revised Selected Papers (2013) edited by Jaroslav Nesetril. Jaroslav Nesetril: Algorithms - ESA '99, 7th Annual European Symposium, Prague, Czech Republic, July 16-18, 1999, Proceedings (1999) edited by Jaroslav Nesetril. Jaroslav Nesetril and Patrice Ossona de Mendez: A distributed low tree-depth decomposition algorithm for bounded expansion classes. (2016) authored by Jaroslav Nesetril. Jan Hubicka et al.: Density and Fractal Property of the Class of Oriented Trees. (2019) authored by Jaroslav Nesetril. Delia Garijo et al.: Polynomial graph invariants from homomorphism numbers. (2016) authored by Jaroslav Nesetril. Jan Foniok et al.: Generalised Dualities and Finite Maximal Antichains. (2006) authored by Jaroslav Nesetril. Nathanael L. Ackerman et al.: Invariant measures via inverse limits of finite structures. (2016) authored by Jaroslav Nesetril. Jan Foniok et al.: On Finite Maximal Antichains in the Homomorphism Order. (2007) authored by Jaroslav Nesetril. Ronald L. Graham et al.: Contemporary Trends in Discrete Mathematics: From DIMACS and DIMATIA to the Future, Proceedings of a DIMACS Workshop, Stir\u00edn Castle, Czech Republic, May 19-25, 1997 (1999) edited by Jaroslav Nesetril. Jarik Nesetril et al.: Modulo-Counting First-Order Logic on Bounded Expansion Classes. (2022) authored by Jaroslav Nesetril. Jaroslav Nesetril et al.: An Extremal Problem on v-Partite Graphs. (1983) authored by Jaroslav Nesetril. Delia Garijo et al.: Graph homomorphisms, the Tutte polynomial and \"q-state Potts uniqueness\". (2009) authored by Jaroslav Nesetril. Jaroslav Nesetril and Patrice Ossona de Mendez: Linear time low tree-width partitions and algorithmic consequences. (2006) authored by Jaroslav Nesetril. Jaroslav Nesetril and Peter Winkler: Graphs, Morphisms and Statistical Physics, Proceedings of a DIMACS Workshop, New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA, March 19-21, 2001 (2004) edited by Jaroslav Nesetril. Robert Ganian et al.: Shrub-depth: Capturing Height of Dense Graphs. (2019) authored by Jaroslav Nesetril. Yiting Jiang et al.: From \u03c7- to \u03c7p-bounded classes. (2023) authored by Jaroslav Nesetril. Jaroslav Nesetril and Patrice Ossona de Mendez: Modeling Limits in Hereditary Classes: Reduction and Application to Trees. (2016) authored by Jaroslav Nesetril. Robert Ganian et al.: Shrub-depth: Capturing Height of Dense Graphs. (2017) authored by Jaroslav Nesetril. David M. Evans et al.: EPPA for two-graphs and antipodal metric spaces. (2018) authored by Jaroslav Nesetril. Jan Foniok et al.: Generalised dualities and maximal finite antichains in the homomorphism order of relational structures. (2008) authored by Jaroslav Nesetril. Martin Loebl and Jaroslav Nesetril: Linearity and Unprovability of Set Union Problem Strategies. I. Linearity of Strong Postorder. (1997) authored by Jaroslav Nesetril. Delia Garijo et al.: Homomorphisms and Polynomial Invariants of Graphs. (2007) authored by Jaroslav Nesetril. Samuel Braunfeld et al.: Decomposition horizons: from graph sparsity to model-theoretic dividing lines. (2022) authored by Jaroslav Nesetril. Jir\u00ed Matousek and Jaroslav Nesetril: Invitation to Discrete Mathematics (2. ed.). (2009) authored by Jaroslav Nesetril. Delia Garijo et al.: Homomorphisms and polynomial invariants of graphs. (2009) authored by Jaroslav Nesetril. Jan Hubicka et al.: A combinatorial proof of the extension property for partial isometries. (2018) authored by Jaroslav Nesetril. Robert Ganian et al.: When Trees Grow Low: Shrubs and Fast MSO1. (2012) authored by Jaroslav Nesetril. Jaroslav Nesetril and Daniel Turz\u00edk: Solving and Approximating Combinatorial Optimization Problems (Towards MAX CUT and TSP). (1997) authored by Jaroslav Nesetril. Jaroslav Nesetril and Patrice Ossona de Mendez: Grad and classes with bounded expansion II. Algorithmic aspects. (2008) authored by Jaroslav Nesetril. Martin Loebl and Jaroslav Nesetril: Linearity and Unprovability of Set Union Problem Strategies (1988) authored by Jaroslav Nesetril. Giorgio Gambosi et al.: Posets, Boolean Representations and Quick Path Searching. (1987) authored by Jaroslav Nesetril. Jan Hubicka et al.: On the Homomorphism Order of Oriented Paths and Trees. (2022) authored by Jaroslav Nesetril. Martin Balko et al.: Ramsey theorem for trees with successor operation. (2023) authored by Jaroslav Nesetril. Alexandr V. Kostochka and Jaroslav Nesetril: Colouring Relatives of Intervals on the Plane, II: Intervals and Rays in Two Directions. (2002) authored by Jaroslav NesetrilD. '}. He has also been declared Doctor Honoris Causa of the University of Bordeaux 1 in 2009; the speech he made in French at this occasion attracted a great deal of attention. He received in 2010 the Medal of Merit of Czech Republic and the Gold medal of Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in 2011", "answer": "education" }, { "id": "43a410c9-c07a-4e20-8e35-d9d54bf4cccf", "question": "How many articles are attributed to the affiliation in which the creator of 'Fortifying Your Defenses: Techniques to Thwart Adversarial Attacks and Boost Performance of Machine Learning-Based Intrusion Detection Systems' is working?", "triples_number": 363, "contexts": "Yongce Chen et al.: Turbo-HB: A Sub-Millisecond Hybrid Beamforming Design for 5G mmWave Systems. (2023) authored by Wenjing Lou. Wenjing Lou et al.: The transmission of MPEG-2 VBR video under usage parameter control. (2001) authored by Wenjing Lou. Ning Cao et al.: Distributed Storage Coding for Flexible and Efficient Data Dissemination and Retrieval in Wireless Sensor Networks. (2010) authored by Wenjing Lou. Shaoran Li et al.: D2BF - Data-Driven Beamforming in MU-MIMO with Channel Estimation Uncertainty. (2022) authored by Wenjing Lou. Changlai Du et al.: Context-Free Fine-Grained Motion Sensing Using WiFi. (2018) authored by Wenjing Lou. Yongce Chen et al.: Turbo-HB: A Novel Design and Implementation to Achieve Ultra-Fast Hybrid Beamforming. (2020) authored by Wenjing Lou. Xiaofeng Chen et al.: New and efficient conditional e-payment systems with transferability. (2014) authored by Wenjing Lou. Yongce Chen et al.: O-M3: Real-Time Multi-Cell MIMO Scheduling in 5G O-RAN. (2024) authored by Wenjing Lou. Yongce Chen et al.: mCore: Achieving Sub-millisecond Scheduling for 5G MU-MIMO Systems. (2021) authored by Wenjing Lou. Wenjing Lou 2YrMeanCitedness 8.4482755661010742188. Huacheng Zeng et al.: An efficient DoF scheduling algorithm for multi-hop MIMO networks. (2013) authored by Wenjing Lou. Yongce Chen et al.: mCore+: A Real-Time Design Achieving \u223c 500 \u03bcs Scheduling for 5G MU-MIMO Systems. (2023) authored by Wenjing Lou. Kai Zeng et al.: Energy aware efficient geographic routing in lossy wireless sensor networks with environmental energy supply. (2009) authored by Wenjing Lou. Kai Zeng et al.: Energy-aware geographic routing in lossy wireless sensor networks with environmental energy supply. (2006) authored by Wenjing Lou. Yan Huang et al.: DELUXE: A DL-Based Link Adaptation for URLLC/eMBB Multiplexing in 5G NR. (2022) authored by Wenjing Lou. Kai Zeng et al.: On energy efficiency of geographic opportunistic routing in lossy multihop wireless networks. (2012) authored by Wenjing Lou. Xiaoqi Qin et al.: Joint Flow Routing and DoF Allocation in Multihop MIMO Networks. (2016) authored by Wenjing Lou. Liguang Xie et al.: On renewable sensor networks with wireless energy transfer: The multi-node case. (2012) authored by Wenjing Lou. Liguang Xie et al.: Bundling mobile base station and wireless energy transfer: Modeling and optimization. (2013) authored by Wenjing Lou. Kai Zeng et al.: On Throughput Efficiency of Geographic Opportunistic Routing in Multihop Wireless Networks. (2007) authored by Wenjing Lou. Kai Zeng et al.: On throughput efficiency of geographic opportunistic routing in multihop wireless networks. (2007) authored by Wenjing Lou. Yongce Chen et al.: M3: A Sub-Millisecond Scheduler for Multi-Cell MIMO Networks under C-RAN Architecture. (2022) authored by Wenjing Lou. Liguang Xie et al.: On traveling path and related problems for a mobile station in a rechargeable sensor network. (2013) authored by Wenjing Lou. Kai Zeng et al.: Opportunistic Routing in Multi-radio Multi-channel Multi-hop Wireless Networks. (2010) authored by Wenjing Lou. Kai Zeng et al.: Opportunistic Routing in Multi-Radio Multi-Channel Multi-Hop Wireless Networks. (2010) authored by Wenjing Lou. Yan Huang et al.: GPF: A GPU-based Design to Achieve ~100 \u03bcs Scheduling for 5G NR. (2018) authored by Wenjing Lou. Huacheng Zeng et al.: A Scheduling Algorithm for MIMO DoF Allocation in Multi-Hop Networks. (2016) authored by Wenjing Lou. Kai Zeng et al.: On End-to-End Throughput of Opportunistic Routing in Multirate and Multihop Wireless Networks. (2008) authored by Wenjing Lou. Arun Avudainayagam et al.: DEAR: A Device and Energy Aware Routing protocol for heterogeneous ad hoc networks. (2003) authored by Wenjing Lou. Huacheng Zeng et al.: A novel MIMO DoF model for multi-hop networks. (2014) authored by Wenjing Lou. Yan Huang et al.: GPF+: A Novel Ultrafast GPU-Based Proportional Fair Scheduler for 5G NR. (2022) authored by Wenjing Lou. Wei Liu et al.: A selection function based distributed algorithm for delay-constraint least-cost unicast routing. (2003) authored by Wenjing Lou. Wenjing Lou name Wenjing Lou. Naru Jai et al.: Modeling and Optimization of Channel Allocation for PAL and GAA Users in the CBRS Band. (2024) authored by Wenjing Lou. Pedram Kheirkhah Sangdeh et al.: A Practical Downlink NOMA Scheme for Wireless LANs. (2020) authored by Wenjing Lou. Yongce Chen et al.: On DoF Conservation in MIMO Interference Cancellation Based on Signal Strength in the Eigenspace. (2023) authored by Wenjing Lou She received a Ph. Sc. and a B", "answer": "244139" }, { "id": "13b13157-3244-452d-8847-095f3f5c3bd4", "question": "What award did the author receive in 2017 for contributions to the use of prosody in text-to-speech and spoken dialogue systems?", "triples_number": 282, "contexts": "Mona T. Diab et al.: Proceedings of the First Workshop on Computational Approaches to Code Switching@EMNLP 2014, Doha, Qatar, October 25, 2014 (2014) edited by Julia Hirschberg. Mona T. Diab et al.: Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Computational Approaches to Code Switching@EMNLP 2016, Austin, Texas, USA, November 1, 2016 (2016) edited by Julia Hirschberg. Julia Hirschberg name Julia Hirschberg. Pilar Prieto et al.: Patterns of f0 peak placement in Mexican Spanish. (1994) authored by Julia Hirschberg. Lin Ai et al.: Identifying the Popularity and Persuasiveness of Right- and Left-Leaning Group Videos on Social Media. (2021) authored by Julia Hirschberg. Zehui Wu et al.: Multi-Modality Multi-Loss Fusion Network. (2023) authored by Julia Hirschberg. Andrew Rosenberg and Julia Hirschberg: V-Measure: A Conditional Entropy-Based External Cluster Evaluation Measure. (2007) authored by Julia Hirschberg. Julia Hirschberg alternativeName Julia Bell Hirschberg. Julia Hirschberg alternativeName Julia B. Hirschberg. Julia Hirschberg alternativeName Julia Hirschberg. Julia Hirschberg alternativeName J.B. Hirschberg. Julia Hirschberg alternativeName J. Hirschberg. Lin Ai et al.: Exploring New Methods for Identifying False Information and the Intent Behind It on Social Media: COVID-19 Tweets. (2021) authored by Julia Hirschberg. Julia Hirschberg member of Columbia University. Julia Hirschberg link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julia_Hirschberg. Marc Beacken et al.: The provision of intelligent agent-based enhanced multimedia network services. (1995) authored by Julia Hirschberg. Gideon Mendels et al.: Collecting Code-Switched Data from Social Media. (2018) authored by Julia Hirschberg. Julia Hirschberg h-index 54. Julia Hirschberg primary affiliation Columbia University, New York City, USA. Gustavo Aguilar et al.: Named Entity Recognition on Code-Switched Data: Overview of the CALCS 2018 Shared Task. (2018) authored by Julia Hirschberg. Julia Hirschberg is Creator. Gustavo Aguilar et al.: Named Entity Recognition on Code-Switched Data: Overview of the CALCS 2018 Shared Task. (2019) authored by Julia Hirschberg. Jan P. H. van Santen and Julia Hirschberg: Segmental effects on timing and height of pitch contours. (1994) authored by Julia Hirschberg. Zhengping Jiang et al.: Detection of Mental Health from Reddit via Deep Contextualized Representations. (2020) authored by Julia Hirschberg. Julia Hirschberg affiliation Columbia University, New York City, USA. Julia Hirschberg: [no title]. (1987) authored by Julia Hirschberg. Julia Hirschberg link http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q17306015. Svetlana Stoyanchev et al.: Modelling Human Clarification Strategies. (2013) authored by Julia Hirschberg She and her department remained at Bell Labs until 1996 when they moved to AT&T Labs Research as part of a corporate reorganization. She served on the History faculty of Smith College from 1974 to 1982. and Vida L. In 2002, she joined the Columbia University faculty as a Professor in the Department of Computer Science. \\nShe is currently the Percy K. She subsequently shifted to Computer Science studies, receiving her M", "answer": "elected a member of the National Academy of Engineering in 2017" }, { "id": "0b24275e-87e3-4820-81b2-ff5757216b6d", "question": "How many works has the writer of the paper 'Introduction to the Special Issue on the Integration of AI and OR Techniques in CP for Combinatorial Optimization (CPAIOR 2005)' published?", "triples_number": 259, "contexts": "Michela Milano alternativeName Milano Michela. Michela Milano alternativeName Michela Milano. Michela Milano name Michela Milano. Michela Milano alternativeName M. Milano. Michela Milano is Person. Michela Milano 2YrMeanCitedness 0.35714286565780639648. Eleonora Misino et al.: FAiRDAS: Fairness-Aware Ranking as Dynamic Abstract System. (2023) authored by Michela Milano. Massimiliano Cattafi et al.: Sustainable biomass power plant location in the Italian Emilia-Romagna region. (2011) authored by Michela Milano. Michela Milano primary affiliation University of Bologna, Italy. Luca Giuliani et al.: A Multi-modal Perspective for the Artistic Evaluation of Robotic Dance Performances. (2022) authored by Michela Milano. Marco Gavanelli et al.: An Application of Fuzzy Logic to Strategic Environmental Assessment. (2011) authored by Michela Milano. Filippo Focacci et al.: Cost-Based Domain Filtering. (1999) authored by Michela Milano. Michela Milano member of University of Bologna. Andrea Borghesi et al.: Anomaly Detection and Anticipation in High Performance Computing Systems. (2022) authored by Michela Milano. Federico Baldo et al.: Deep Learning for Virus-Spreading Forecasting: a Brief Survey. (2021) authored by Michela Milano. Cormac Gebruers et al.: Making Choices Using Structure at the Instance Level within a Case Based Reasoning Framework. (2004) authored by Michela Milano. Andrea Borghesi et al.: A semisupervised autoencoder-based approach for anomaly detection in high performance computing systems. (2019) authored by Michela Milano. Andrea Borghesi et al.: Anomaly Detection using Autoencoders in High Performance Computing Systems. (2018) authored by Michela Milano. Michela Milano affiliation University of Bologna, Italy. Marco Gavanelli et al.: Logic-based decision support for strategic environmental assessment. (2010) authored by Michela Milano. Andrea Borghesi et al.: Anomaly Detection using Autoencoders in High Performance Computing Systems. (2019) authored by Michela Milano. Andrea Borghesi et al.: Anomaly Detection Using Autoencoders in High Performance Computing Systems. (2019) authored by Michela Milano. Alessandro Maggio et al.: A geometric framework for fairness. (2023) authored by Michela Milano. Alessandro Petraro et al.: Driving Behaviour Clustering For Realistic Traffic Micro-Simulators. (2017) authored by Michela Milano. Giuseppe Spillo et al.: Towards Sustainability-aware Recommender Systems: Analyzing the Trade-off Between Algorithms Performance and Carbon Footprint. (2023) authored by Michela Milano\"}. She was an associate professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Bologna, before taking her present position as a full professor in 2016", "answer": "263" }, { "id": "2207b3a6-7457-4f9b-9c08-9b22af7d171b", "question": "In which department at Washington State University did the creator of the article 'Spatial Variability in Precision Agriculture' begin their academic career?", "triples_number": 71, "contexts": "D. J. Mulla i10Index 124. D. J. Mulla name D. J. Mulla. Richard Barnes et al.: Distributed Parallel D8 Up-Slope Area Calculation in Digital Elevation Models. (2016) authored by David J. Mulla. D. J. Mulla modified 2023-10-18. D. J. Mulla alternativeName D. Mulla. David J. Mulla is Person. Richard Barnes et al.: Priority-flood: An optimal depression-filling and watershed-labeling algorithm for digital elevation models. (2014) authored by David J. MullaE. \\nHe holds the W. {'author_wikipedia_text': \"David J. In 1998, this work led to him being appointed to the White House Task Force on Hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico, which was established in 1997. Until 2008, the meetings of the ICPA were hosted by the University of Minnesota. Mulla's PhD dissertation was entitled \u201cThe molecular dynamics, specific surface area, crystal composition, and swelling of clay-water systems", "answer": "Department of Crop and Soil Sciences" }, { "id": "a709a65a-1cc7-4ce4-85e4-15365532c1c0", "question": "What is the type of organization where the author of the paper 'Viscosity Solutions for McKean-Vlasov Control on a Torus' works?", "triples_number": 84, "contexts": "H. Met\u00e9 Soner name H. Met\u00e9 Soner. H. Met\u00e9 Soner alternativeName H. Mete. Soner. H. Met\u00e9 Soner alternativeName H. Met\u00e9 Soner. H. Met\u00e9 Soner alternativeName H. Mete Soner. Imen Ben Tahar et al.: Merton Problem with Taxes: Characterization, Computation, and Approximation. (2010) authored by Halil Mete Soner. H. Met\u00e9 Soner 2YrMeanCitedness 1.4285714626312255859. Bruno Bouchard et al.: Second-Order Stochastic Target Problems with Generalized Market Impact. (2019) authored by Halil Mete Soner. H. Met\u00e9 Soner alternativeName H. Soner He received a B. \\nHe has a son, Mehmet Ali. S. \"}. D", "answer": "education" }, { "id": "ae7d89aa-1f9f-4855-ab38-1bad98dfcf15", "question": "What is the nationality of the author who published Multiprocessing: An Annotated Bibliography?", "triples_number": 280, "contexts": "Wenlu Hu et al.: Live Synthesis of Vehicle-Sourced Data Over 4G LTE. (2017) authored by Mahadev Satyanarayanan. Niraj Tolia et al.: Improving mobile database access over wide-area networks without degrading consistency. (2007) authored by Mahadev Satyanarayanan. Per Gunningberg et al.: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services (MobiSys 2006), Uppsala, Sweden, June 19-22, 2006 (2006) edited by Mahadev Satyanarayanan. Mahadev Satyanarayanan et al.: The Role of Cloudlets in Hostile Environments. (2013) authored by Mahadev Satyanarayanan. Sarah Clinch et al.: How close is close enough? Understanding the role of cloudlets in supporting display appropriation by mobile users. (2012) authored by Mahadev Satyanarayanan. Mahadev Satyanarayanan alternativeName Satya. Mahadev Satyanarayanan et al.: Cloudlet-based just-in-time indexing of IoT video. (2017) authored by Mahadev Satyanarayanan. Mahadev Satyanarayanan et al.: The unique strengths and storage access characteristics of discard-based search. (2010) authored by Mahadev Satyanarayanan. Soumya Simanta et al.: A Reference Architecture for Mobile Code Offload in Hostile Environments. (2012) authored by Mahadev Satyanarayanan. Soumya Simanta et al.: A Reference Architecture for Mobile Code Offload in Hostile Environments. (2012) authored by Mahadev Satyanarayanan. B. R. Badrinath et al.: A conceptual framework for network and client adaptation. (2000) authored by Mahadev Satyanarayanan. Bhaskar Prasad Rimal et al.: Experimental Testbed for Edge Computing in Fiber-Wireless Broadband Access Networks. (2018) authored by Mahadev Satyanarayanan. Wolfgang Richter et al.: Agentless Cloud-Wide Streaming of Guest File System Updates. (2014) authored by Mahadev Satyanarayanan. Adam Goode et al.: Interactive Search of Adipocytes in Large Collections of Digital Cellular Images. (2007) authored by Mahadev Satyanarayanan. Brian Noble and Mahadev Satyanarayanan: A Research Status Report on Adaptation for Mobile Data Access. (1995) authored by Mahadev Satyanarayanan. Thomas C. Bressoud et al.: OpenCAS: A Flexible Architecture for Content Addressable Storage. (2004) authored by Mahadev Satyanarayanan. Yu Xiao et al.: Lowering the barriers to large-scale mobile crowdsensing. (2013) authored by Mahadev Satyanarayanan. Mahadev Satyanarayanan et al.: Cloudlets: at the leading edge of mobile-cloud convergence. (2014) authored by Mahadev Satyanarayanan. Junjue Wang et al.: A Scalable and Privacy-Aware IoT Service for Live Video Analytics. (2017) authored by Mahadev Satyanarayanan. Giao Thanh Nguyen et al.: A Trace-Based Approach for Modeling Wireless Channel Behavior. (1996) authored by Mahadev Satyanarayanan. Qi Lu and Mahadev Satyanarayanan: Improving data consistency in mobile computing using isolation-only transactions. (1995) authored by Mahadev Satyanarayanan. Niraj Tolia and Mahadev Satyanarayanan: Consistency-preserving caching of dynamic database content. (2007) authored by Mahadev Satyanarayanan. Junjue Wang et al.: Edge-Based Live Video Analytics for Drones. (2019) authored by Mahadev Satyanarayanan. Mahadev Satyanarayanan alternativeName Satyanarayanan. Larry Huston et al.: Diamond: A Storage Architecture for Early Discard in Interactive Search. (2004) authored by Mahadev Satyanarayanan. Stephen Smaldone et al.: Leveraging smart phones to reduce mobility footprints. (2009) authored by Mahadev Satyanarayanan. Rajesh Krishna Balan et al.: Simplifying cyber foraging for mobile devices. (2007) authored by Mahadev Satyanarayanan. Lily B. Mummert et al.: Exploiting Weak Connectivity for Mobile File Access. (1995) authored by Mahadev Satyanarayanan This vulnerability is not just hypothetical, but indeed a fact of life in real-world deployments. On the other hand, untethered devices sacrifice the quality of the virtual environment. Today, it is a standard practice in all data storage systems for mobile environments. Wireless network bandwidth and energy (i. Such tethering negatively impacts user experience. In a large enough system, unplanned outages of servers and network segments are practically impossible to avoid. '}. This paper introduced the concept of cloudlets, which are small data-centers located at the network edge. For example, high-quality commercial VR headsets, such as Oculus Rift and HTC Vive, require tethering to a GPU-equipped desktop. For such unstructured and high-dimensional data, the classical approach of full-text indexing is not viable: in contrast to text, which is human-authored and one-dimensional, raw image data requires a feature extraction step prior to indexing. Extensive first-hand experience with the AFS deployment at CMU showed that users are severely impacted by server and network failures. The Coda concepts of hoarding, reintegration and application-specific conflict resolution are found in the cloud sync capabilities of virtually all mobile devices today. AFS has been continuously deployed at CMU since 1986, at a scale of many thousands of users. Coda\\'s use of optimistic replication, trading consistency for availability, was controversial when introduced. For example, a NASA space probe to the edge of the solar system may take 30 years to reach its destination; software maintenance over such an extended period requires precise re-creation of the probe\\'s onboard software environment. The NFS v4 network file system protocol standard has been extensively informed by the lessons of AFS. \". Once users become critically dependent on files cached from servers, a server or network failure renders these files inaccessible and leaves clients crippled for the duration of the failure. In mid-1989, AFS-3 was commercialized by Transarc Corporation and its evolution continued outside CMU. The VDI industry has since become a billion-dollar industry. Unfortunately, the features to extract for a given search are not known a priori. Satya continues to do IoT-related research. Coda also pioneered the concept of translucent caching, which balances the full transparency of classic caching with the user visibility needed to achieve a good user experience on bandwidth-challenged networks. In addition, AFS inspired the creation of DropBox whose founders used AFS as part of Project Athena at MIT", "answer": "Indian" }, { "id": "9d3bd0f3-2f4f-4dc1-ae14-d6db0fd16bdd", "question": "What is the number of papers published by the academic institution of the author who presented 'Systematic Development of Quality Aware Decentralised Service-Oriented Systems'?", "triples_number": 236, "contexts": "Amila Silva et al.: Propagation2Vec: Embedding partial propagation networks for explainable fake news early detection. (2021) authored by Shanika Karunasekera. Amila Silva et al.: USTAR: Online Multimodal Embedding for Modeling User-Guided Spatiotemporal Activity. (2019) authored by Shanika Karunasekera. Amila Silva et al.: USTAR: Online Multimodal Embedding for Modeling User-Guided Spatiotemporal Activity. (2019) authored by Shanika Karunasekera. Rabindra Lamsal et al.: CrisisTransformers: Pre-trained language models and sentence encoders for crisis-related social media texts. (2023) authored by Shanika Karunasekera. Amila Silva et al.: METEOR: Learning Memory and Time Efficient Representations from Multi-modal Data Streams. (2020) authored by Shanika Karunasekera. Amila Silva et al.: METEOR: Learning Memory and Time Efficient Representations from Multi-modal Data Streams. (2020) authored by Shanika Karunasekera. Amila Silva et al.: Noise-Robust Learning from Multiple Unsupervised Sources of Inferred Labels. (2022) authored by Shanika Karunasekera. Amila Silva et al.: Embedding Partial Propagation Network for Fake News Early Detection. (2020) authored by Shanika Karunasekera. Zainab R. Zaidi et al.: To be a pro-vax or not, the COVID-19 vaccine conundrum on Twitter. (2023) authored by Shanika Karunasekera. Kushani Perera et al.: A Framework for Feature Selection to Exploit Feature Group Structures. (2020) authored by Shanika Karunasekera. Lakmal Muthugama et al.: Concurrent optimization of safety and traffic flow using deep reinforcement learning for autonomous intersection management. (2022) authored by Shanika Karunasekera. Sameendra Samarawickrama et al.: Search Result Personalization in Twitter Using Neural Word Embeddings. (2017) authored by Shanika Karunasekera. Elankovan Sundararajan et al.: Algorithmic-Parameter Optimization of a Parallelized Split-Step Fourier Transform Using a Modified BSP Cost Model. (2004) authored by Shanika Karunasekera. Kushani Perera et al.: Feature Selection for Multiclass Binary Data. (2018) authored by Shanika Karunasekera. Zahra Ghafoori et al.: Unsupervised and Active Learning Using Maximin-Based Anomaly Detection. (2019) authored by Shanika Karunasekera. Seyed Morteza Mousavi et al.: Geometry of interest (GOI): spatio-temporal destination extraction and partitioning in GPS trajectory data. (2017) authored by Shanika Karunasekera. Seyed Morteza Mousavi et al.: Geometry of Interest (GOI): Spatio-Temporal Destination Extraction and Partitioning in GPS Trajectory Data. (2016) authored by Shanika Karunasekera. Zahra Ghafoori et al.: Efficient Unsupervised Parameter Estimation for One-Class Support Vector Machines. (2018) authored by Shanika Karunasekera. Amila Silva et al.: Unsupervised Domain-agnostic Fake News Detection using Multi-modal Weak Signals. (2023) authored by Shanika Karunasekera. Fengze Sun et al.: Urban Region Representation Learning with Attentive Fusion. (2023) authored by Shanika Karunasekera. Kwan Hui Lim et al.: Geotagging tweets to landmarks using convolutional neural networks with text and posting time. (2019) authored by Shanika Karunasekera. Yasmeen M. George et al.: Real-time Spatio-temporal Event Detection on Geotagged Social Media. (2021) authored by Shanika Karunasekera. Yasmeen M. George et al.: Real-time spatio-temporal event detection on geotagged social media. (2021) authored by Shanika Karunasekera\\nDr. Earlier she completed her B", "answer": "238693" }, { "id": "f0619ac1-7749-4959-bed3-a8e2862dd764", "question": "What kind of shows has the author of 'A method for approximating missing data in spatial patterns' presented over 300 times at the Madison campus?", "triples_number": 142, "contexts": "Mohadeseh Shafiei Kafraj et al.: Effects of Amplitude, Maximal Lyapunov Exponent, and Kaplan-Yorke Dimension of Dynamical Oscillators on Master Stability Function. (2022) authored by Julien Clinton Sprott. Julien Clinton Sprott alternativeName Julien Sprott. Julien Clinton Sprott alternativeName Julien Clinton Sprott. Zahra Dayani et al.: Similar Master Stability Functions for Different Coupling Schemes in Basic Chaotic Systems. (2023) authored by Julien Clinton Sprott. Julien Clinton Sprott alternativeName Julien SPROTT>. Julien Clinton Sprott alternativeName Julien C. Sprott. Julien Clinton Sprott name Julien Clinton Sprott. Julien Clinton Sprott alternativeName Julien. C. Sprott. Chunbiao Li et al.: A New Piecewise Linear Hyperchaotic Circuit. (2014) authored by Julien Clinton Sprott. Puneet Kumar Patra et al.: The Equivalence of Dissipation from Gibbs' Entropy Production with Phase-Volume Loss in Ergodic Heat-Conducting Oscillators. (2016) authored by Julien Clinton Sprott. Zhouchao Wei et al.: Dynamics at Infinity, Degenerate Hopf and Zero-Hopf Bifurcation for Kingni-Jafari System with Hidden Attractors. (2016) authored by Julien Clinton Sprott. Julien Clinton Sprott alternativeName Clint Sprott. Julien Clinton Sprott alternativeName J C. Sprott. Sajad Jafari et al.: Limitation of Perpetual Points for Confirming Conservation in Dynamical Systems. (2015) authored by Julien Clinton Sprott\"}. D", "answer": "streaming video" }, { "id": "af1de84c-487c-44bc-9bd5-94b8a425f22e", "question": "In which year did the Indian dictator specializing in computational biology receive the Infosys Prize?", "triples_number": 282, "contexts": "Ujjwal Maulik et al.: Fault tolerant permutation mapping in multistage interconnection network. (2000) authored by Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay. Kaustav Basu et al.: Nonintrusive Load Monitoring: A Temporal Multilabel Classification Approach. (2015) authored by Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay. Priya Roy et al.: JUIndoorLoc: A Ubiquitous Framework for Smartphone-Based Indoor Localization Subject to Context and Device Heterogeneity. (2019) authored by Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay. Jayita Saha et al.: A detailed human activity transition recognition framework for grossly labeled data from smartphone accelerometer. (2021) authored by Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay. Monidipa Das et al.: A Multilayered Adaptive Recurrent Incremental Network Model for Heterogeneity-Aware Prediction of Derived Remote Sensing Image Time Series. (2022) authored by Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay. Dip Ghosh et al.: An ensemble of condition based classifiers for indoor localization. (2016) authored by Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay. Indrajit Saha et al.: Real-coded differential crisp clustering for MRI brain image segmentation. (2010) authored by Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay. Jayita Saha et al.: Smart Handheld Based Human Activity Recognition Using Multiple Instance Multiple Label Learning. (2021) authored by Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay. Koushik Mallick et al.: Topo2Vec: A Novel Node Embedding Generation Based on Network Topology for Link Prediction. (2019) authored by Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay. Sucheta Dawn et al.: SoURA: a user-reliability-aware social recommendation system based on graph neural network. (2023) authored by Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay. Srinka Basu et al.: A strong Nash stability based approach to minimum quasi clique partitioning. (2014) authored by Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay. Samir Roy et al.: Efficient BIST design for sequential machines using FiF-FoF values in machine states. (2003) authored by Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay. Sriparna Saha et al.: A New Symmetry Based Cluster Validity Index: Application to Satellite Image Segmentation. (2006) authored by Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay. Snehalika Lall et al.: A copula based topology preserving graph convolution network for clustering of single-cell RNA-seq data. (2022) authored by Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay. Indrajit Saha et al.: Improvement of Differential Crisp Clustering using ANN Classifier for Unsupervised Pixel Classification of Satellite Image. (2010) authored by Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay. Sudipta Acharya et al.: Use of line based symmetry for developing cluster validity indices. (2016) authored by Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay. Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay and Sriparna Saha: A New Principal Axis Based Line Symmetry Measurement and Its Application to Clustering. (2008) authored by Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay. Monalisa Pal and Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay: Consensus of Subjective Preferences of Multiple Occupants for Building Energy Management. (2018) authored by Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay. Angana Chakraborty et al.: S-conLSH: alignment-free gapped mapping of noisy long reads. (2021) authored by Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay. Malay Bhattacharyya et al.: miRT: A Database of Validated Transcription Start Sites of Human MicroRNAs. (2012) authored by Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay. Debarka Sengupta et al.: Reformulated Kemeny Optimal Aggregation with Application in Consensus Ranking of microRNA Targets. (2013) authored by Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay. Sayan Saha et al.: A Model-Centric Explainer for Graph Neural Network based Node Classification. (2022) authored by Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay. Minakshi Banerjee et al.: A Clustering Approach to Image Retrieval Using Range Based Query and Mahalanobis Distance. (2013) authored by Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay. Indrajit Saha et al.: An Improved Multi-objective Technique for Fuzzy Clustering with Application to IRS Image Segmentation. (2009) authored by Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay. Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay and Sriparna Saha: GAPS: A clustering method using a new point symmetry-based distance measure. (2007) authored by Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay. Snehalika Lall et al.: Structure-Aware Principal Component Analysis for Single-Cell RNA-seq Data. (2018) authored by Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay. Sriparna Saha and Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay: Semi-GAPS: A Semi-supervised Clustering Method Using Point Symmetry. (2009) authored by Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay. Koushik Mallick et al.: A Novel Graph Topology-Based GO-Similarity Measure for Signature Detection From Multi-Omics Data and its Application to Other Problems. (2022) authored by Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay", "answer": "2017" }, { "id": "e3187b61-4b41-41d1-88bf-e18362bc62c9", "question": "Which author has more publications, the creator of Practical Structure and Motion from Stereo When Motion is Unconstrained or the author of Workflow Patterns?", "triples_number": 1186, "contexts": "Evandro Bacarin et al.: Spi\u2102a's Multi-Party Negotiation Protocol: Implementation Using YAWL. (2011) authored by Wil M. P. van der Aalst. Tsung-Hao Huang and Wil M. P. van der Aalst: Unblocking Inductive Miner - While Preserving Desirable Properties. (2023) authored by Wil M. P. van der Aalst. Mathias Funk et al.: Improving Product Usage Monitoring and Analysis with Semantic Concepts. (2009) authored by Wil M. P. van der Aalst. Maikel L. van Eck et al.: Data-Driven Usability Test Scenario Creation. (2018) authored by Wil M. P. van der Aalst. Majid Rafiei et al.: TraVaG: Differentially Private Trace Variant Generation Using GANs. (2023) authored by Wil M. P. van der Aalst. Majid Rafiei et al.: TraVaG: Differentially Private Trace Variant Generation Using GANs. (2023) authored by Wil M. P. van der Aalst. Mohsen Rouached et al.: Web Service Mining and Verification of Properties: An Approach Based on Event Calculus. (2006) authored by Wil M. P. van der Aalst. Mohsen Rouached et al.: Erratum: Web Service Mining and Verification of Properties: An Approach Based on Event Calculus. (2006) authored by Wil M. P. van der Aalst. Nataliya Mulyar et al.: The Conceptualization of a Configurable Multi-party Multi-message Request-Reply Conversation. (2007) authored by Wil M. P. van der Aalst. Guangming Li et al.: A Model-based Framework to Automatically Generate Semi-real Data for Evaluating Data Analysis Techniques. (2019) authored by Wil M. P. van der Aalst. Mahsa Pourbafrani et al.: Process Diagnostics at Coarse-grained Levels. (2022) authored by Wil M. P. van der Aalst. Maikel Leemans et al.: Recursion Aware Modeling and Discovery For Hierarchical Software Event Log Analysis (Extended). (2017) authored by Wil M. P. van der Aalst. Maikel Leemans et al.: Recursion aware modeling and discovery for hierarchical software event log analysis. (2018) authored by Wil M. P. van der Aalst. Xixi Lu et al.: Semi-supervised Log Pattern Detection and Exploration Using Event Concurrence and Contextual Information. (2017) authored by Wil M. P. van der Aalst. Lisa Luise Mannel et al.: Improving the State-Space Traversal of the eST-Miner by Exploiting Underlying Log Structures. (2020) authored by Wil M. P. van der Aalst. Wil M. P. van der Aalst i10Index 422. Cong Liu et al.: A Framework to Support Behavioral Design Pattern Detection from Software Execution Data. (2018) authored by Wil M. P. van der Aalst. Cong Liu et al.: Component interface identification and behavioral model discovery from software execution data. (2018) authored by Wil M. P. van der Aalst. Alfredo Cuzzocrea et al.: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications, DATA 2022, Lisbon, Portugal, July 11-13, 2022. (2022) edited by Wil M. P. van der Aalst. Cong Liu et al.: A General Framework to Identify Software Components from Execution Data. (2019) authored by Wil M. P. van der Aalst. Jan Niklas Adams et al.: A Framework for Extracting and Encoding Features from Object-Centric Event Data. (2022) authored by Wil M. P. van der Aalst. Jan Niklas Adams et al.: A Framework for Extracting and Encoding Features from Object-Centric Event Data. (2022) authored by Wil M. P. van der Aalst. Mohammadreza Fani Sani et al.: Repairing Outlier Behaviour in Event Logs. (2018) authored by Wil M. P. van der Aalst. Cong Liu et al.: Component behavior discovery from software execution data. (2016) authored by Wil M. P. van der Aalst. Gyunam Park et al.: Explainable Predictive Decision Mining for Operational Support. (2022) authored by Wil M. P. van der Aalst. Gyunam Park et al.: Explainable Predictive Decision Mining for Operational Support. (2022) authored by Wil M. P. van der Aalst. Mohammadreza Fani Sani et al.: Performance-preserving event log sampling for predictive monitoring. (2023) authored by Wil M. P. van der Aalst. Mohammadreza Fani Sani et al.: Performance-Preserving Event Log Sampling for Predictive Monitoring. (2023) authored by Wil M. P. van der Aalst. Sergio Hern\u00e1ndez et al.: Handling Big(ger) Logs: Connecting ProM 6 to Apache Hadoop. (2015) authored by Wil M. P. van der Aalst. Indira Sen et al.: People Make Better Edits: Measuring the Efficacy of LLM-Generated Counterfactually Augmented Data for Harmful Language Detection. (2023) authored by Wil M. P. van der Aalst. Indira Sen et al.: People Make Better Edits: Measuring the Efficacy of LLM-Generated Counterfactually Augmented Data for Harmful Language Detection. (2023) authored by Wil M. P. van der Aalst. Xixi Lu et al.: Interactively Exploring Logs and Mining Models with Clustering, Filtering, and Relabeling. (2016) authored by Wil M. P. van der Aalst. Mohammadreza Fani Sani et al.: Repairing Outlier Behaviour in Event Logs using Contextual Behaviour. (2019) authored by Wil M. P. van der Aalst. Vadim Denisov et al.: Repairing Event Logs with Missing Events to Support Performance Analysis of Systems with Shared Resources. (2020) authored by Wil M. P. van der Aalst. Madhavi Bangalore Shankara Narayana et al.: JXES: JSON Support for the XES Event Log Standard. (2020) authored by Wil M. P. van der Aalst. Christian Kohlschmidt et al.: Detecting Surprising Situations in Event Data. (2022) authored by Wil M. P. van der Aalst. Christian Kohlschmidt et al.: Detecting Surprising Situations in Event Data. (2022) authored by Wil M. P. van der Aalst. A. A. Kalenkova et al.: E-Government Services: Comparing Real and Expected User Behavior. (2017) authored by Wil M. P. van der Aalst. Joyce Nakatumba et al.: An Infrastructure for Cost-Effective Testing of Operational Support Algorithms Based on Colored Petri Nets. (2012) authored by Wil M. P. van der Aalst. Marco Pegoraro et al.: An XES Extension for Uncertain Event Data. (2021) authored by Wil M. P. van der Aalst. Marco Pegoraro et al.: An XES Extension for Uncertain Event Data. (2022) authored by Wil M. P. van der Aalst. R\u00e9mi Brochenin et al.: Resource Usage Analysis from a Different Perspective on MOOC Dropout. (2017) authored by Wil M. P. van der Aalst. Gal Engelberg et al.: An Uncertainty-Aware Event Log of Network Traffic. (2023) authored by Wil M. P. van der Aalst. Marcus Dees et al.: Accurate Predictions, Invalid Recommendations: Lessons Learned at the Dutch Social Security Institute UWV. (2021) authored by Wil M. P. van der Aalst. Wil M. P. van der Aalst: Free-choice Nets with Home Clusters are Lucent. (2021) authored by Wil M. P. van der Aalst. Wil M. P. van der Aalst: Free-Choice Nets With Home Clusters Are Lucent. (2021) authored by Wil M. P. van der Aalst. Henrike Berthold et al.: A framework for next generation e-health systems and services. (2015) authored by Wil M. P. van der Aalst. Chiao-Yun Li et al.: A Framework for Automated Abstraction Class Detection for Event Abstraction. (2022) authored by Wil M. P. van der Aalst. Arya Adriansyah et al.: Alignment Based Precision Checking. (2012) authored by Wil M. P. van der Aalst. Wil M. P. van der Aalst: Reduction Using Induced Subnets to Systematically Prove Properties for Free-Choice Nets. (2021) authored by Wil M. P. van der Aalst'}. Retrieved 9 March 2016. Brady was knighted in the 2004 New Year Honours for services to engineering. He was also awarded the Faraday Medal from the Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE) in 2000, the Millennium Medal from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) in 2000. 0 International License. \" --\"Royal Society Terms, conditions and policies\". He has been a Fellow of Keble College, Oxford, since 1985 and was elected a foreign associate member of the French Academy of Sciences in 2015. {{cite web}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link)\\xa0This article incorporates text available under the CC BY 4. Archived from the original on 25 September 2015", "answer": "J. Michael Brady" }, { "id": "b217d3f8-cba8-472e-8ca1-8f583d9a2a88", "question": "How many articles are attributed to the affiliation in which the creator of 'Pitch Accent in Context' is working?", "triples_number": 282, "contexts": "Mona T. Diab et al.: Proceedings of the First Workshop on Computational Approaches to Code Switching@EMNLP 2014, Doha, Qatar, October 25, 2014 (2014) edited by Julia Hirschberg. Mona T. Diab et al.: Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Computational Approaches to Code Switching@EMNLP 2016, Austin, Texas, USA, November 1, 2016 (2016) edited by Julia Hirschberg. Julia Hirschberg name Julia Hirschberg. Julia Hirschberg alternativeName Julia Bell Hirschberg. Andrew Rosenberg and Julia Hirschberg: V-Measure: A Conditional Entropy-Based External Cluster Evaluation Measure. (2007) authored by Julia Hirschberg. Julia Hirschberg modified 2023-10-18. Diane J. Litman et al.: Predicting User Reactions to System Error. (2001) authored by Julia Hirschberg. Julia Hirschberg alternativeName Julia B. Hirschberg. Julia Hirschberg alternativeName Julia Hirschberg. Gustavo Aguilar et al.: Named Entity Recognition on Code-Switched Data: Overview of the CALCS 2018 Shared Task. (2019) authored by Julia Hirschberg. Gustavo Aguilar et al.: Named Entity Recognition on Code-Switched Data: Overview of the CALCS 2018 Shared Task. (2018) authored by Julia Hirschberg. Julia Hirschberg alternativeName J.B. Hirschberg. Svetlana Stoyanchev et al.: Modelling Human Clarification Strategies. (2013) authored by Julia Hirschberg. Julia Hirschberg alternativeName J. Hirschberg. Julia Hirschberg member of Columbia University. Julia Hirschberg written paper amount in year2016: 21. Julia Hirschberg written paper amount in year2016: 21. Chitta Baral et al.: Ask not what your postdoc can do for you ... (2018) authored by Julia Hirschberg. Julia Hirschberg i10Index 173. Peter Stone et al.: Artificial Intelligence and Life in 2030: The One Hundred Year Study on Artificial Intelligence. (2022) authored by Julia Hirschberg. Julia Hirschberg written paper amount in year2018: 16. Julia Hirschberg written paper amount in year2018: 16. Zehui Wu et al.: Multi-Modality Multi-Loss Fusion Network. (2023) authored by Julia Hirschberg. Julia Hirschberg: [no title]. (1987) authored by Julia Hirschberg. Julia Hirschberg: Toward a Redefinition of Yes/No Questions. (1984) authored by Julia Hirschberg. Julia Hirschberg worksCount 390. Julia Hirschberg written paper amount in year2017: 7. Julia Hirschberg written paper amount in year2017: 7 She and her department remained at Bell Labs until 1996 when they moved to AT&T Labs Research as part of a corporate reorganization. She served on the History faculty of Smith College from 1974 to 1982. In 2002, she joined the Columbia University faculty as a Professor in the Department of Computer Science. She served as Chair of the Computer Science Department from 2012 to 2018. She has served as a member of the CRA Committee on the Status of Women in Computing Research CRA-W since 2010. S", "answer": "289418" }, { "id": "afc4d974-303b-43f2-ab6d-d410150728c8", "question": "What is the affiliation type of the author of the paper 'Exponential stability of periodic solution of impulsive fuzzy BAM neural networks with time-varying delays'?", "triples_number": 824, "contexts": "Shiping Wen et al.: End-to-End Detection-Segmentation System for Face Labeling. (2021) authored by Tingwen Huang. Ziyang Han et al.: Face merged generative adversarial network with tripartite adversaries. (2019) authored by Tingwen Huang. Chaojie Li et al.: Integrating Demand Response and Renewable Energy In Wholesale Market. (2018) authored by Tingwen Huang. Shiping Wen et al.: Generating Realistic Videos From Keyframes With Concatenated GANs. (2019) authored by Tingwen Huang. Jia Yan et al.: Feature extraction of electronic nose for classification of indoor pollution gases based on kernel entropy component analysis. (2017) authored by Tingwen Huang. Zhenxiang Feng et al.: A multimode mechanism-guided product quality estimation approach for multi-rate industrial processes. (2022) authored by Tingwen Huang. Minghui Dong et al.: Sparse fully convolutional network for face labeling. (2019) authored by Tingwen Huang. Wenjin Qin et al.: Low-Rank High-Order Tensor Completion With Applications in Visual Data. (2022) authored by Tingwen Huang. Shiping Wen et al.: Multilabel Image Classification via Feature/Label Co-Projection. (2021) authored by Tingwen Huang. Xinyu Lei et al.: Achieving security, robust cheating resistance, and high-efficiency for outsourcing large matrix multiplication computation to a malicious cloud. (2014) authored by Tingwen Huang. Shuoshuo Zhang et al.: Distributed Nash Equilibrium Seeking of Noncooperative Games with Communication Constraints and Matrix Weights. (2023) authored by Tingwen Huang. Yingwen Zhang et al.: Optimal Stealthy Linear Man-in-the-Middle Attacks With Resource Constraints on Remote State Estimation. (2024) authored by Tingwen Huang. Huaqing Li et al.: Attraction Region Seeking for Power Grids. (2017) authored by Tingwen Huang. Chaojie Li et al.: Risk-Averse Energy Trading in Multienergy Microgrids: A Two-Stage Stochastic Game Approach. (2017) authored by Tingwen Huang. Wenjin Qin et al.: Nonconvex Robust High-Order Tensor Completion Using Randomized Low-Rank Approximation. (2023) authored by Tingwen Huang. Yunhe Sun et al.: Critical Vertex Identification and Suppression Strategies of Excess Carrying Failure. (2022) authored by Tingwen Huang. Yukang Cui et al.: Byzantine Resilient Joint Localization and Target Tracking of Multi-Vehicle Systems. (2023) authored by Tingwen Huang. Bo Zhou et al.: Distributed multi-agent optimization with inequality constraints and random projections. (2016) authored by Tingwen Huang. Simon Hunt et al.: A Consensus-Based Grouping Algorithm for Multi-agent Cooperative Task Allocation with Complex Requirements. (2014) authored by Tingwen Huang. Xianxiu Zhang et al.: Toward understanding how the human vigilance contains the prevalence of computer viruses. (2017) authored by Tingwen Huang. Yong Xu et al.: Input-Based Event-Triggering Consensus of Multiagent Systems Under Denial-of-Service Attacks. (2020) authored by Tingwen Huang. Yufei Tang et al.: Adaptive Modulation for DFIG and STATCOM With High-Voltage Direct Current Transmission. (2016) authored by Tingwen Huang. Yukang Cui et al.: Optimal Resource Allocation between Two Nonfully Cooperative Wireless Networks under Malicious Attacks: A Gestalt Game Perspective. (2023) authored by Tingwen Huang. Chaojie Li et al.: Networked optimization for demand side management based on non-cooperative game. (2015) authored by Tingwen Huang. Dongsheng Yang et al.: A Novel Double-Stacked Autoencoder for Power Transformers DGA Signals With An Imbalanced Data Structure. (2022) authored by Tingwen Huang. Chao-Yang Chen et al.: Vulnerable Line Identification of Cascading Failure in Power Grid Based on New Electrical Betweenness. (2023) authored by Tingwen Huang. Jianquan Lu et al.: The transformation between the Galois NLFSRs and the Fibonacci NLFSRs via semi-tensor product of matrices. (2018) authored by Tingwen Huang. Fei Wang et al.: Event-Triggered Consensus of General Linear Multiagent Systems With Data Sampling and Random Packet Losses. (2021) authored by Tingwen Huang. Chaojie Li et al.: Data-Driven Charging Strategy of PEVs Under Transformer Aging Risk. (2018) authored by Tingwen Huang. Meng Luan et al.: Distributed Discrete-Time Convex Optimization With Closed Convex Set Constraints: Linearly Convergent Algorithm Design. (2024) authored by Tingwen Huang. Mengke Lian et al.: Distributed Adaptive Algorithm for Resource Allocation Problem Over Weight-Unbalanced Graphs. (2024) authored by Tingwen Huang. Yingwen Zhang et al.: Privacy Preserving-Based Resilient Consensus for Multiagent Systems Via State Decomposition. (2023) authored by Tingwen Huang. Bo Lyu et al.: Neural Architecture Search for Portrait Parsing. (2023) authored by Tingwen Huang. Jiangguo Liu et al.: A Mathematical Model for Intracellular HIV-1 Gag Protein Transport and its Parallel Numerical Simulations. (2012) authored by Tingwen Huang. Huaqing Li et al.: Distributed Generalized Nash Equilibria Seeking Algorithms Involving Synchronous and Asynchronous Schemes. (2024) authored by Tingwen Huang. Huaqing Li et al.: Decentralized Triple Proximal Splitting Algorithm With Uncoordinated Stepsizes for Nonsmooth Composite Optimization Problems. (2022) authored by Tingwen Huang. Wei Li et al.: Neural Architecture Search With a Lightweight Transformer for Text-to-Image Synthesis. (2022) authored by Tingwen Huang. Keke Huang et al.: A Federated Dictionary Learning Method for Process Monitoring With Industrial Applications. (2023) authored by Tingwen Huang. Mengke Lian et al.: Adaptive Exact Penalty Design for Optimal Resource Allocation. (2023) authored by Tingwen Huang. Yangyi Du et al.: An interactive feature selection method based on multi-step state transition algorithm for high-dimensional data. (2023) authored by Tingwen Huang. Guang He et al.: Opinion Dynamics With Heterogeneous Multiple Interdependent Topics on the Signed Social Networks. (2023) authored by Tingwen Huang. Huaqing Li et al.: Distributed Primal-Dual Splitting Algorithm for Multiblock Separable Optimization Problems. (2022) authored by Tingwen Huang. Zhaoke Huang et al.: A Hybrid Feature Selection Method Based on Binary State Transition Algorithm and ReliefF. (2019) authored by Tingwen Huang. Huaqing Li et al.: Distributed Constrained Optimization Over Unbalanced Directed Networks Using Asynchronous Broadcast-Based Algorithm. (2021) authored by Tingwen Huang. Xiaojun Zhou et al.: Dynamic Optimization for Copper Removal Process With Continuous Production Constraints. (2020) authored by Tingwen Huang. Qingguo L\u00fc et al.: A Computation-Efficient Decentralized Algorithm for Composite Constrained Optimization. (2020) authored by Tingwen Huang. Shiwen Xie et al.: Coordinated Optimization for the Descent Gradient of Technical Index in the Iron Removal Process. (2018) authored by Tingwen Huang. Bo Lyu et al.: Multiobjective Reinforcement Learning-Based Neural Architecture Search for Efficient Portrait Parsing. (2023) authored by Tingwen Huang. Huaqing Li et al.: Decentralized Dual Proximal Gradient Algorithms for Non-Smooth Constrained Composite Optimization Problems. (2021) authored by Tingwen Huang. Yifang Zhang et al.: Quantization-Based Event-Triggered Consensus of Multiagent Systems Against Aperiodic DoS Attacks. (2023) authored by Tingwen HuangS. S. He was elected as a Fellow of The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS),\"}", "answer": "education" }, { "id": "90f2c3f6-095c-4119-8937-211da24bfecb", "question": "When comparing the two-year mean citedness of authors who wrote 'A phone-based approach to non-linguistic speech feature identification' and 'Efficient methods for broadcasting multi-slot messages with random access with capture', which author has a higher value?", "triples_number": 307, "contexts": "Lori Lamel affiliation LIMSI - Computer Science Laboratory for Mechanics and Engineering Sciences, Orsay, France. Lori Lamel primary affiliation LIMSI - Computer Science Laboratory for Mechanics and Engineering Sciences, Orsay, France. Lori Lamel link https://mathgenealogy.org/id.php?id=227138. Martine Adda-Decker et al.: Investigating syllabic structures and their variation in spontaneous French. (2005) authored by Lori Lamel. Julien Despres et al.: Modeling northern and southern varieties of dutch for STT. (2009) authored by Lori Lamel. Lori Lamel name Lori Lamel. Lori Lamel modified 2023-10-18. Lori Lamel 2YrMeanCitedness 0.1875. Lori Lamel link https://dl.acm.org/profile/81100126639. Thiago Fraga-Silva et al.: Lattice-based unsupervised acoustic model training. (2011) authored by Lori Lamel. Lori Lamel alternativeName Lori Lamel. Lori Lamel h-index 37. Lori Lamel alternativeName Lori Faith Lamel. Lori Lamel alternativeName Lori F. Lamel. Lori Lamel alternativeName L. Lamel. Lori Lamel alternativeName L. F. Lamel. Lori Lamel worksCount 433. Thiago Fraga-Silva et al.: Incorporating MLP features in the unsupervised training process. (2012) authored by Lori Lamel. Lori Lamel link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lori_Lamel. Lori Lamel alternativeName L F. Lamel. Lori Lamel is Creator. Lori Lamel is Person. Leo Wanner et al.: Towards a Multimedia Knowledge-Based Agent with Social Competence and Human Interaction Capabilities. (2016) authored by Lori Lamel. H\u00e9l\u00e8ne Bonneau-Maynard et al.: A French version of the MIT-ATIS system: portability issues. (1993) authored by Lori Lamel. Lori Lamel link http://www.limsi.fr/~lamel/. Lori Lamel link http://www.limsi.fr/~lamel/. Lori Lamel member of University of Paris-Saclay. Mathilde Hutin et al.: Lenition and Fortition of Stop Codas in Romanian. (2020) authored by Lori Lamel. Lori Lamel link http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q102804639. Lori Lamel i10Index 141 She completed a habilitation in 2004 at Paris-Sud University. '}", "answer": "Amanda Randles" }, { "id": "52a6ce1e-cb6f-45be-9147-2d0faee91f26", "question": "Whose institute has fewer publications, the writer of 'Deadline and Buffer Constrained Knapsack Problem' or G. Meneghesso's author?", "triples_number": 525, "contexts": "Mayank Gupta et al.: A Supervised Learning Approach for Robust Health Monitoring using Face Videos. (2021) authored by Vaneet Aggarwal. Naimahmed Nesaragi et al.: Tensor learning of pointwise mutual information from EHR data for early prediction of sepsis. (2021) authored by Vaneet Aggarwal. Jiayu Chen et al.: Option-Aware Adversarial Inverse Reinforcement Learning for Robotic Control. (2023) authored by Vaneet Aggarwal. Jiayu Chen et al.: Deep Generative Models for Offline Policy Learning: Tutorial, Survey, and Perspectives on Future Directions. (2024) authored by Vaneet Aggarwal. Mohammad Ali Javidian et al.: Learning Circular Hidden Quantum Markov Models: A Tensor Network Approach. (2021) authored by Vaneet Aggarwal. Marina Haliem et al.: Learning Monopoly Gameplay: A Hybrid Model-Free Deep Reinforcement Learning and Imitation Learning Approach. (2021) authored by Vaneet Aggarwal. Xiao-Yang Liu et al.: Tensor completion via adaptive sampling of tensor fibers: Application to efficient indoor RF fingerprinting. (2016) authored by Vaneet Aggarwal. Dheeraj Peddireddy et al.: Classical simulation of variational quantum classifiers using tensor rings. (2023) authored by Vaneet Aggarwal. Wenqi Wang et al.: Principal Component Analysis with Tensor Train Subspace. (2018) authored by Vaneet Aggarwal. Guangchen Lan et al.: Improved Communication Efficiency in Federated Natural Policy Gradient via ADMM-based Gradient Updates. (2023) authored by Vaneet Aggarwal. Guangchen Lan et al.: Improved Communication Efficiency in Federated Natural Policy Gradient via ADMM-based Gradient Updates. (2023) authored by Vaneet Aggarwal. Wenqi Wang et al.: Principal component analysis with tensor train subspace. (2019) authored by Vaneet Aggarwal. Marina Haliem et al.: AdaPool: A Diurnal-Adaptive Fleet Management Framework Using Model-Free Deep Reinforcement Learning and Change Point Detection. (2022) authored by Vaneet Aggarwal. Marina Haliem et al.: AdaPool: A Diurnal-Adaptive Fleet Management Framework using Model-Free Deep Reinforcement Learning and Change Point Detection. (2021) authored by Vaneet Aggarwal. Chao Tian et al.: Layered Exact-Repair Regenerating Codes via Embedded Error Correction and Block Designs. (2015) authored by Vaneet Aggarwal. Dheeraj Peddireddy et al.: Tensor Ring Parametrized Variational Quantum Circuits for Large Scale Quantum Machine Learning. (2022) authored by Vaneet Aggarwal. Sathwik Chadaga et al.: Encoders and Decoders for Quantum Expander Codes Using Machine Learning. (2019) authored by Vaneet Aggarwal. Fanglin Bao et al.: Heat-assisted detection and ranging. (2023) authored by Vaneet Aggarwal. Wenqi Wang et al.: Tensor Train Neighborhood Preserving Embedding. (2017) authored by Vaneet Aggarwal. Wenqi Wang et al.: Tensor Train Neighborhood Preserving Embedding. (2018) authored by Vaneet Aggarwal. Chao Tian et al.: Layered, Exact-Repair Regenerating Codes Via Embedded Error Correction and Block Designs. (2014) authored by Vaneet Aggarwal. Mudit Gaur et al.: On the Global Convergence of Natural Actor-Critic with Two-layer Neural Network Parametrization. (2023) authored by Vaneet Aggarwal. Chao Tian et al.: Exact-repair regenerating codes via layered erasure correction and block designs. (2013) authored by Vaneet Aggarwal. Souvik Das et al.: Training spiking neural networks with a multi-agent evolutionary robotics framework. (2021) authored by Vaneet Aggarwal. Seyyedali Hosseinalipour et al.: Multi-Stage Hybrid Federated Learning Over Large-Scale D2D-Enabled Fog Networks. (2022) authored by Vaneet Aggarwal. Anis Elgabli et al.: FedNew: A Communication-Efficient and Privacy-Preserving Newton-Type Method for Federated Learning. (2022) authored by Vaneet Aggarwal. Anis Elgabli et al.: FedNew: A Communication-Efficient and Privacy-Preserving Newton-Type Method for Federated Learning. (2022) authored by Vaneet Aggarwal. Hanhan Zhou et al.: Statistically Efficient Variance Reduction with Double Policy Estimation for Off-Policy Evaluation in Sequence-Modeled Reinforcement Learning. (2023) authored by Vaneet Aggarwal. Rajarajan Sivaraj et al.: Mitigating macro-cell outage in LTE-Advanced deployments. (2015) authored by Vaneet Aggarwal. Souvik Das et al.: A multi-agent evolutionary robotics framework to train spiking neural networks. (2020) authored by Vaneet Aggarwal. Chao Tian et al.: Exact-Repair Regenerating Codes Via Layered Erasure Correction and Block Designs (2013) authored by Vaneet Aggarwal. Aditya Malusare et al.: Understanding the Natural Language of DNA using Encoder-Decoder Foundation Models with Byte-level Precision. (2023) authored by Vaneet Aggarwal. Debanjan Konar et al.: Deep Spiking Quantum Neural Network for Noisy Image Classification. (2023) authored by Vaneet Aggarwal. Liyang Zhu et al.: Improved Analysis of Sparse Linear Regression in Local Differential Privacy Model. (2023) authored by Vaneet Aggarwal. Bhargav Ganguly et al.: Multi-Edge Server-Assisted Dynamic Federated Learning With an Optimized Floating Aggregation Point. (2023) authored by Vaneet Aggarwal. Mounssif Krouka et al.: Cross Layer Optimization and Distributed Reinforcement Learning Approach for Tile-Based 360 Degree Wireless Video Streaming. (2020) authored by Vaneet Aggarwal. Hanhan Zhou et al.: PAC: Assisted Value Factorization with Counterfactual Predictions in Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning. (2022) authored by Vaneet Aggarwal. Md. Masudur Rahman et al.: SARTRES: a semi-autonomous robot teleoperation environment for surgery. (2021) authored by Vaneet Aggarwal. Jiayu Chen et al.: Multi-task Hierarchical Adversarial Inverse Reinforcement Learning. (2023) authored by Vaneet Aggarwal. Jiayu Chen et al.: Multi-task Hierarchical Adversarial Inverse Reinforcement Learning. (2023) authored by Vaneet Aggarwal. Hanhan Zhou et al.: PAC: Assisted Value Factorisation with Counterfactual Predictions in Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning. (2022) authored by Vaneet Aggarwal. Bhargav Ganguly et al.: Multi-Edge Server-Assisted Dynamic Federated Learning with an Optimized Floating Aggregation Point. (2022) authored by Vaneet Aggarwal. Debanjan Konar et al.: A shallow hybrid classical-quantum spiking feedforward neural network for noise-robust image classification. (2023) authored by Vaneet Aggarwal. Morteza Ashraphijuo et al.: Deterministic and Probabilistic Conditions for Finite Completability of Low Rank Tensor. (2016) authored by Vaneet Aggarwal. Arnob Ghosh et al.: A Robust Algorithm for Tile-based 360-degree Video Streaming with Uncertain FoV Estimation. (2018) authored by Vaneet Aggarwal. Guoyang Zhou et al.: Video-based AI Decision Support System for Lifting Risk Assessment. (2021) authored by Vaneet Aggarwal. Jiayu Chen et al.: Learning Multiagent Options for Tabular Reinforcement Learning using Factor Graphs. (2023) authored by Vaneet Aggarwal. Bhargav Ganguly and Vaneet Aggarwal: Online Federated Learning via Non-Stationary Detection and Adaptation Amidst Concept Drift. (2024) authored by Vaneet Aggarwal. Xiao-Yang Liu et al.: Fine-grained Indoor Localization with Adaptively Sampled RF Fingerprints. (2015) authored by Vaneet Aggarwal. Bhargav Ganguly and Vaneet Aggarwal: Online Federated Learning via Non-Stationary Detection and Adaptation amidst Concept Drift. (2022) authored by Vaneet Aggarwal Dr. \\nAggarwal earned his B. and Ph. \\nHis work \"HADAR: Heat-Assisted Detection and Ranging\" has appeared on the cover of NATURE, and has been covered in NATURE podcast episode and multiple news. D", "answer": "Vaneet Aggarwal" }, { "id": "83d5fb7a-a934-44c5-bbd9-da2a4c366211", "question": "How many publications does the academic institution of the author who wrote 'Reduction-based schedulability analysis of distributed systems with cycles in the task graph' have?", "triples_number": 554, "contexts": "Xinyi Liu et al.: Unsupervised Image Classification by Ideological Affiliation from User-Content Interaction Patterns. (2023) authored by Tarek F. Abdelzaher. Tianshi Wang et al.: SudokuSens: Enhancing Deep Learning Robustness for IoT Sensing Applications using a Generative Approach. (2024) authored by Tarek F. Abdelzaher. Dongxin Liu et al.: Self-Contrastive Learning based Semi-Supervised Radio Modulation Classification. (2022) authored by Tarek F. Abdelzaher. Dongxin Liu et al.: Self-Contrastive Learning based Semi-Supervised Radio Modulation Classification. (2021) authored by Tarek F. Abdelzaher. Tarek Abdelzaher name Tarek Abdelzaher. Yu Meng et al.: Tuning Language Models as Training Data Generators for Augmentation-Enhanced Few-Shot Learning. (2022) authored by Tarek F. Abdelzaher. Yu Meng et al.: Tuning Language Models as Training Data Generators for Augmentation-Enhanced Few-Shot Learning. (2023) authored by Tarek F. Abdelzaher. Prasanna Giridhar and Tarek F. Abdelzaher: Demo: Event Localization using Instagram. (2016) authored by Tarek F. Abdelzaher. Tianshi Wang et al.: Audio Keyword Reconstruction from On-Device Motion Sensor Signals via Neural Frequency Unfolding. (2021) authored by Tarek F. Abdelzaher. Hyungsul Kim et al.: NDPMine: Efficiently Mining Discriminative Numerical Features for Pattern-Based Classification. (2010) authored by Tarek F. Abdelzaher. Tarek Abdelzaher alternativeName Tarek Abdelzaher. Prasanna Giridhar et al.: On localizing urban events with Instagram. (2017) authored by Tarek F. Abdelzaher. Shuochao Yao et al.: SADeepSense: Self-Attention Deep Learning Framework for Heterogeneous On-Device Sensors in Internet of Things Applications. (2019) authored by Tarek F. Abdelzaher. Tarek Abdelzaher alternativeName Tarek F. Abdelzaher. Yiran Zhao et al.: GreenDrive: a smartphone-based intelligent speed adaptation system with real-time traffic signal prediction. (2017) authored by Tarek F. Abdelzaher. Shaohan Hu et al.: SmartRoad: Smartphone-Based Crowd Sensing for Traffic Regulator Detection and Identification. (2015) authored by Tarek F. Abdelzaher. Md. Yusuf Sarwar Uddin et al.: PhotoNet+: outlier-resilient coverage maximization in visual sensing applications. (2012) authored by Tarek F. Abdelzaher. Dongxin Liu et al.: Contrastive Self-Supervised Representation Learning for Sensing Signals from the Time-Frequency Perspective. (2021) authored by Tarek F. Abdelzaher. Shengzhong Liu et al.: On Exploring Attention-based Explanation for Transformer Models in Text Classification. (2021) authored by Tarek F. Abdelzaher. Huajie Shao et al.: Misinformation Detection and Adversarial Attack Cost Analysis in Directional Social Networks. (2020) authored by Tarek F. Abdelzaher. Tarek Abdelzaher alternativeName T. Abdelzaher. Shengzhong Liu et al.: FOCAL: Contrastive Learning for Multimodal Time-Series Sensing Signals in Factorized Orthogonal Latent Space. (2023) authored by Tarek F. Abdelzaher. Shengzhong Liu et al.: FOCAL: Contrastive Learning for Multimodal Time-Series Sensing Signals in Factorized Orthogonal Latent Space. (2023) authored by Tarek F. Abdelzaher. Shuochao Yao et al.: ApDeepSense: Deep Learning Uncertainty Estimation without the Pain for IoT Applications. (2018) authored by Tarek F. Abdelzaher. Tarek Abdelzaher alternativeName T. F. Abdelzaher. Yiran Zhao et al.: On the improvement of classifying EEG recordings using neural networks. (2017) authored by Tarek F. Abdelzaher. Shengzhong Liu et al.: GIobalFusion: A Global Attentional Deep Learning Framework for Multisensor Information Fusion. (2020) authored by Tarek F. Abdelzaher. Hossein Ahmadi et al.: Privacy-aware regression modeling of participatory sensing data. (2010) authored by Tarek F. Abdelzaher. Nam Pham et al.: Privacy-Preserving Reconstruction of Multidimensional Data Maps in Vehicular Participatory Sensing. (2010) authored by Tarek F. Abdelzaher. Xinlei (Oscar) Wang et al.: ARTSense: Anonymous reputation and trust in participatory sensing. (2013) authored by Tarek F. Abdelzaher. Md. Yusuf Sarwar Uddin et al.: Making DTNs robust against spoofing attacks with localized countermeasures. (2011) authored by Tarek F. Abdelzaher. Tarek F. Abdelzaher is Person. Tarek Abdelzaher alternativeName T.F.A. AbdelZaher. Sabah Mohammed et al.: Blockchain in eCommerce: A Special Issue of the ACM Transactions on Internet of ThingsBlockchain in eCommerce: A Special Issue of the ACM Transactions on Internet of Things. (2021) authored by Tarek F. Abdelzaher. Huajie Shao et al.: Controllable and Diverse Text Generation in E-commerce. (2021) authored by Tarek F. Abdelzaher. Huajie Shao et al.: Controllable and Diverse Text Generation in E-commerce. (2021) authored by Tarek F. Abdelzaher. Fatemeh Saremi and Tarek F. Abdelzaher: Combining Map-Based Inference and Crowd-Sensing for Detecting Traffic Regulators. (2015) authored by Tarek F. Abdelzaher. Raghu K. Ganti et al.: PoolView: stream privacy for grassroots participatory sensing. (2008) authored by Tarek F. Abdelzaher. Siyu Gu et al.: Data Extrapolation in Social Sensing for Disaster Response. (2014) authored by Tarek F. Abdelzaher. Tarek F. Abdelzaher et al.: Mobiscopes for Human Spaces. (2007) authored by Tarek F. Abdelzaher. Hengchang Liu et al.: Efficient 3G budget utilization in mobile participatory sensing applications. (2013) authored by Tarek F. Abdelzaher. Huajie Shao et al.: Challenging \u03b2-VAE with \u03b2<1 for Disentanglement Via Dynamic Learning. (2020) authored by Tarek F. Abdelzaher. Shaohan Hu et al.: Towards automatic phone-to-phone communication for vehicular networking applications. (2014) authored by Tarek F. Abdelzaher. Yanbing Mao et al.: Dynamics of Public Opinion Evolution with Asymmetric Cognitive Bias. (2021) authored by Tarek F. Abdelzaher. Hengchang Liu et al.: Extrapolation from participatory sensing data. (2013) authored by Tarek F. Abdelzaher. Huajie Shao et al.: Controllable Variational Autoencoder. (2020) authored by Tarek F. Abdelzaher. Xing Xu et al.: Demo abstract: mediascope: selective on-demand media retrieval from mobile devices. (2013) authored by Tarek F. Abdelzaher. Dongxin Liu and Tarek F. Abdelzaher: Semi-Supervised Contrastive Learning for Human Activity Recognition. (2021) authored by Tarek F. Abdelzaher. Jiyang Chen et al.: LiDAR Cluster First and Camera Inference Later: A New Perspective Towards Autonomous Driving. (2021) authored by Tarek F. Abdelzaher. Prasanna Giridhar and Tarek F. Abdelzaher: Visualization of events using Twitter and Instagram. (2017) authored by Tarek F. Abdelzaher\"'}. Shin", "answer": "252899" }, { "id": "8f44b768-fad8-4633-bced-ad587b74dbc4", "question": "What type of organization is the institution of the author who published the paper 'Solution to High-order Generalized Sylvester Matrix Equations' in CDC/ECC in 2005?", "triples_number": 363, "contexts": "Guang\u2010Ren Duan 2YrMeanCitedness 7.7692308425903320312. Zhao-Yan Li et al.: Detectability and observability of discrete-time stochastic systems and their applications. (2009) authored by Guangren Duan 0001. Mingzhe Hou and GuangRen Duan: Adaptive dynamic surface control for integrated missile guidance and autopilot. (2011) authored by Guangren Duan 0001. Zhao-Yan Li et al.: On unified concepts of detectability and observability for continuous-time stochastic systems. (2010) authored by Guangren Duan 0001. Guang\u2010Ren Duan name Guang\u2010Ren Duan. Ming Liu et al.: An Adjustable Feature-Weighted Bayesian Model for Hybrid Satellite Telemetry Variables Anomaly Detection Under Multioperating Conditions. (2023) authored by Guangren Duan 0001. Guang\u2010Ren Duan alternativeName Duan Guang\u2010Ren. Guang\u2010Ren Duan alternativeName Duan Guang\u2010\u2010Ren. Guang\u2010Ren Duan alternativeName Guang\u2010Ren Duan. Zhijun Li et al.: Trilateral Teleoperation of Adaptive Fuzzy Force/Motion Control for Nonlinear Teleoperators With Communication Random Delays. (2013) authored by Guangren Duan 0001. Guang\u2010Ren Duan alternativeName Duan Guangren. Guang\u2010Ren Duan alternativeName Guangren Duan. Mingzhe Hou et al.: To reduce initial control magnitude in backstepping: A continuous predictive approach. (2015) authored by Guangren Duan 0001. Xiaoling Liang et al.: Output Feedback Stabilization of Switched Stochastic Nonlinear Systems Under Arbitrary Switchings. (2013) authored by Guangren Duan 0001. Guangren Duan: Fully actuated system approaches for continuous-time delay systems: part 2. Systems with input delays. (2023) authored by Guangren Duan 0001. Yongzheng Shan and Guangren Duan: Study on the optimal fuel consumption of the singularity condition for lunar soft landing. (2007) authored by Guangren Duan 0001. Kai Zhang et al.: Event-Triggered and Self-Triggered Control of Discrete-Time Systems With Input Constraints. (2022) authored by Guangren Duan 0001. Yongqiang Xiao et al.: High-order adaptive dynamic surface control for output-constrained non-linear systems based on fully actuated system approach. (2024) authored by Guangren Duan 0001. Weizhen Liu et al.: Concurrent Learning Adaptive Command Filtered Backstepping Control for High-Order Strict-Feedback Systems. (2023) authored by Guangren Duan 0001. Guang-Ren Duan et al.: Parametric control systems design with applications in missile control. (2009) authored by Guangren Duan 0001. Guangren Duan 0001 affiliation Queen's University Belfast, UK. Guangren Duan 0001 is Person. Da-Ke Gu et al.: Design of reduced-order interval observers for LTI systems with bounded time-varying disturbances: a parametric approach. (2020) authored by Guangren Duan 0001. Tianyi Luo et al.: Data-driven fault monitoring for spacecraft control moment gyro with slice residual attention network. (2022) authored by Guangren Duan 0001. Kai Zhang et al.: Time-Varying Event-Triggered and Self-Triggered Bounded Control of Linear Systems With a Designable Minimal Interevent Time. (2024) authored by Guangren Duan 0001. Guangren Duan: Fully actuated system approaches for continuous-time delay systems: part 1. Systems with state delays only. (2023) authored by Guangren Duan 0001. Bin Li et al.: Constrained Feedback Control for Spacecraft Reorientation With an Optimal Gain. (2021) authored by Guangren Duan 0001. Kai Zhang et al.: Dynamic output feedback sliding mode control for spacecraft hovering without velocity measurements. (2019) authored by Guangren Duan 0001. Ai-Guo Wu et al.: On conjugate product of complex polynomials. (2011) authored by Guangren Duan 0001. Guang\u2010Ren Duan i10Index 256. Yang Cui et al.: Adaptive Fuzzy Fault-Tolerant Control of High-Order Nonlinear Systems: A Fully Actuated System Approach. (2023) authored by Guangren Duan 0001. Kai Zhang et al.: Practical Prescribed-Time Sampled-Data Control of Linear Systems With Applications to the Air-Bearing Testbed. (2022) authored by Guangren Duan 0001. Guang\u2010Ren Duan modified 2023-10-18. Guang-Ren Duan and Zhen Zhong: Parametric autopilot design for an air-breathing hypersonic vehicle. (2010) authored by Guangren Duan 0001. Zhao-Yan Li et al.: On Eigenvalue Sets and Convergence Rate of It\u00f4 Stochastic Systems With Markovian Switching. (2011) authored by Guangren Duan 0001. Guangren Duan 0001 affiliation Harbin Institute of Technology, Center for Control Theory and Guidance Technology, China He worked at Queen's University Belfast between 1999 and 2002. \"}", "answer": "e" }, { "id": "f7c1e570-75f8-49a2-8b68-a020358da21f", "question": "When did the author who published 'Capturing Knowledge about Drug-Drug Interactions to Enhance Treatment Effectiveness' graduate as a doctor in computer science?", "triples_number": 354, "contexts": "Pascal Hitzler et al.: The Semantic Web: ESWC 2019 Satellite Events - ESWC 2019 Satellite Events, Portoro\u017e, Slovenia, June 2-6, 2019, Revised Selected Papers (2019) edited by Maria-Esther Vidal. Farah Karim et al.: Semantic Enrichment of IoT Stream Data On-demand. (2018) authored by Maria-Esther Vidal. Fabrizio Orlandi et al.: Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Managing the Evolution and Preservation of the Data Web (MEPDaW) co-located with the 20th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2021), Virtual event, October 25th, 2021. (2022) edited by Maria-Esther Vidal. Anastasia Dimou et al.: Proceedings of the Workshop on Negative or Inconclusive Results in Semantic Web, NoISE 2015, Co-located with the 12th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2015), Portoroz, Slovenia, June 1st, 2015. (2015) edited by Maria-Esther Vidal. Fathoni A. Musyaffa et al.: Classifying Data Heterogeneity within Budget and Spending Open Data. (2018) authored by Maria-Esther Vidal. Damien Graux et al.: Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Managing the Evolution and Preservation of the Data Web (MEPDaW) co-located with the 21st International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2022), Virtual event, October 23rd, 2022. (2023) edited by Maria-Esther Vidal. Marlene Goncalves et al.: Ranking and Clustering Techniques to Support an Efficient E-Democracy. (2012) authored by Maria-Esther Vidal. Edelmira Pasarella et al.: Comparing MapReduce and Pipeline Implementations for Counting Triangles. (2016) authored by Maria-Esther Vidal. Daniel Izquierdo et al.: An Expressive and Efficient Solution to the Service Selection Problem. (2010) authored by Maria-Esther Vidal. Pascal Molli et al.: Semantic Web Collaborative Spaces - Second International Workshop, SWCS 2013, Montpellier, France, May 27, 2013, Third International Workshop, SWCS 2014, Trentino, Italy, October 19, 2014, Revised Selected and Invited Papers (2016) edited by Maria-Esther Vidal. Ioanna Lytra et al.: A big data architecture for managing oceans of data and maritime applications. (2017) authored by Maria-Esther Vidal. Stephanie Alibrandi et al.: D-FOPA: A Dynamic Final Object Pruning Algorithm to Efficiently Produce Skyline Points Over Data Streams. (2015) authored by Maria-Esther Vidal. Valentina Janev et al.: Reuse of Semantic Models for Emerging Smart Grids Applications. (2021) authored by Maria-Esther Vidal. Farah Karim et al.: Large-scale storage and query processing for semantic sensor data. (2017) authored by Maria-Esther Vidal. Fabrizio Orlandi et al.: Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Managing the Evolution and Preservation of the Data Web (MEPDaW) co-located with the 19th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2020), Virtual event (instead of Athens, Greece), November 1st, 2020. (2020) edited by Maria-Esther Vidal. Aldo Gangemi et al.: The Semantic Web - 15th International Conference, ESWC 2018, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, June 3-7, 2018, Proceedings (2018) edited by Maria-Esther Vidal. Muhammad Saleem et al.: Joint Proceedings of the QuWeDa and MEPDaW 2023: 7th Workshop on Storing, Querying and Benchmarking Knowledge Graphs and 9th Workshop on Managing the Evolution and Preservation of the Data Web co-located with 22nd International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2023), Athens, Greece, 6-10 November 2023. (2023) edited by Maria-Esther Vidal. Kemele M. Endris et al.: BOUNCER: Privacy-Aware Query Processing over Federations of RDF Datasets. (2018) authored by Maria-Esther Vidal. Eduardo Blanco et al.: Techniques to Produce Optimal Web Service Compositions. (2008) authored by Maria-Esther Vidal. Maribel Acosta et al.: SHEPHERD: A Shipping-Based Query Processor to Enhance SPARQL Endpoint Performance. (2014) authored by Maria-Esther Vidal. Ana Alvarado et al.: FOPA: A Final Object Pruning Algorithm to Efficiently Produce Skyline Points. (2013) authored by Maria-Esther Vidal. Zo\u00e9 Lacroix et al.: Resource Discovery - 5th International Workshop, RED 2012, Co-located with the 9th Extended Semantic Web Conference, ESWC 2012, Heraklion, Greece, May 27, 2012, Revised Selected Papers (2013) edited by Maria-Esther Vidal. Samaneh Jozashoori et al.: EABlock: a declarative entity alignment block for knowledge graph creation pipelines. (2022) authored by Maria-Esther Vidal. Eduardo Blanco et al.: A Non-Chronological Backtracking Unfolding Algorithm for Transactional Web Service Composition. (2012) authored by Maria-Esther Vidal. Gabriela Montoya et al.: Efficient Query Processing for SPARQL Federations with Replicated Fragments. (2015) authored by Maria-Esther Vidal. Samaneh Jozashoori et al.: EABlock: A Declarative Entity Alignment Block for Knowledge Graph Creation Pipelines. (2021) authored by Maria-Esther Vidal. Pascal Molli et al.: Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Semantic Web Collaborative Spaces co-located with the 13th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2014), Riva del Garda, Italy, October 19, 2014. (2014) edited by Maria-Esther Vidal. Fathoni A. Musyaffa et al.: IOTA: Interlinking of heterogeneous multilingual open fiscal DaTA. (2020) authored by Maria-Esther Vidal. Farah Karim et al.: Compacting frequent star patterns in RDF graphs. (2020) authored by Maria-Esther Vidal. Farah Karim et al.: Compacting Frequent Star Patterns in RDF Graphs. (2020) authored by Maria-Esther Vidal. Maribel Acosta et al.: RDF-Hunter: Automatically Crowdsourcing the Execution of Queries Against RDF Data Sets. (2015) authored by Maria-Esther Vidal. Harsh Thakkar et al.: LITMUS: An Open Extensible Framework for Benchmarking RDF Data Management Solutions. (2016) authored by Maria-Esther Vidal. Farah Karim et al.: Compact Representations for Efficient Storage of Semantic Sensor Data. (2020) authored by Maria-Esther Vidal. Farah Karim et al.: Compact representations for efficient storage of semantic sensor data. (2021) authored by Maria-Esther Vidal. Fabio Ciravegna and Maria-Esther Vidal: Proceedings of the ISWC 2015 Doctoral Consortium Co-located with the 14th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2015), Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, USA, October 12th, 2015. (2015) edited by Maria-Esther Vidal In 2011 she became the director of direction for faculty development of the Sim\u00f3n Bol\u00edvar University. [non-primary source needed]'}", "answer": "2000" }, { "id": "4beea88a-3048-4bc4-881a-18249f94ba7a", "question": "How many publications are associated with the affiliation in which the creator of 'Minimizing the Complexity of Goldreich's Pseudorandom Generator' is working?", "triples_number": 334, "contexts": "Vinod Vaikuntanathan name Vinod Vaikuntanathan. Vinod Vaikuntanathan alternativeName Vaikuntanathan Vinod. Vinod Vaikuntanathan alternativeName Vinod Vaikuntanathan. Vinod Vaikuntanathan alternativeName V. Vaikuntanathan. Vinod Vaikuntanathan i10Index 109. Jonathan Valamehr et al.: Inspection resistant memory: Architectural support for security from physical examination. (2012) authored by Vinod Vaikuntanathan. Vinod Vaikuntanathan is Person. Vinod Vaikuntanathan modified 2023-10-18. Vinod Vaikuntanathan h-index 54. Frank Wang et al.: Sieve: Cryptographically Enforced Access Control for User Data in Untrusted Clouds. (2016) authored by Vinod Vaikuntanathan. Shweta Agrawal et al.: Functional Encryption for Threshold Functions (or Fuzzy IBE) from Lattices. (2012) authored by Vinod Vaikuntanathan. Shweta Agrawal et al.: Fuzzy Identity Based Encryption from Lattices. (2011) authored by Vinod Vaikuntanathan. Jonathan Kaveh Valamehr et al.: Inspection-Resistant Memory Architectures. (2013) authored by Vinod Vaikuntanathan. Adriana L\u00f3pez-Alt et al.: On-the-fly multiparty computation on the cloud via multikey fully homomorphic encryption. (2012) authored by Vinod Vaikuntanathan. Sergey Gorbunov et al.: Attribute-Based Encryption for Circuits. (2013) authored by Vinod Vaikuntanathan. Sergey Gorbunov et al.: Attribute-based encryption for circuits. (2013) authored by Vinod Vaikuntanathan. Adriana L\u00f3pez-Alt et al.: On-the-Fly Multiparty Computation on the Cloud via Multikey Fully Homomorphic Encryption. (2013) authored by Vinod Vaikuntanathan. Shweta Agrawal et al.: Functional Encryption for Inner Product Predicates from Learning with Errors. (2011) authored by Vinod Vaikuntanathan. Shweta Agrawal et al.: Functional Encryption for Inner Product Predicates from Learning with Errors. (2011) authored by Vinod Vaikuntanathan. Sergey Gorbunov et al.: Attribute-Based Encryption for Circuits. (2015) authored by Vinod Vaikuntanathan. Yevgeniy Dodis et al.: Public-Key Encryption Schemes with Auxiliary Inputs. (2010) authored by Vinod Vaikuntanathan. Vinod Vaikuntanathan link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vinod_Vaikuntanathan. Adriana L\u00f3pez-Alt et al.: Cloud-Assisted Multiparty Computation from Fully Homomorphic Encryption. (2011) authored by Vinod Vaikuntanathan. Vinod Vaikuntanathan link http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q28002635. Vinod Vaikuntanathan 2YrMeanCitedness 0.97297298908233642578. Alex Lombardi et al.: Lattice Trapdoors and IBE from Middle-Product LWE. (2019) authored by Vinod Vaikuntanathan. Alex Lombardi et al.: Lattice Trapdoors and IBE from Middle-Product LWE. (2019) authored by Vinod Vaikuntanathan. Elette Boyle et al.: Adversarially Robust Property Preserving Hash Functions. (2018) authored by Vinod Vaikuntanathan. Omkant Pandey et al.: Adaptive One-Way Functions and Applications. (2008) authored by Vinod Vaikuntanathan. Adriana L\u00f3pez-Alt et al.: Multikey Fully Homomorphic Encryption and Applications. (2017) authored by Vinod Vaikuntanathan. Elette Boyle et al.: Adversarially Robust Property-Preserving Hash Functions. (2019) authored by Vinod Vaikuntanathan. Alhassan Khedr et al.: SHIELD: Scalable Homomorphic Implementation of Encrypted Data-Classifiers. (2014) authored by Vinod Vaikuntanathan. Alhassan Khedr et al.: SHIELD: Scalable Homomorphic Implementation of Encrypted Data-Classifiers. (2016) authored by Vinod Vaikuntanathan\"}. J", "answer": "257365" }, { "id": "b3447d12-6570-4f3b-a4a6-dc985b40db81", "question": "Where did the professor who specializes in software engineering and programming languages meet his wife, Angela Margiotta Nierstrasz?", "triples_number": 359, "contexts": "Leonel Merino et al.: PerfVis: Pervasive Visualization in Immersive AugmentedReality for Performance Awareness. (2019) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. Niko Schwarz et al.: Efficiently extracting full parse trees using regular expressions with capture groups. (2015) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. Leonel Merino et al.: PerfVis: Pervasive Visualization in Immersive Augmented Reality for Performance Awareness. (2019) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. Claudio Corrodi et al.: Idea: Benchmarking Android Data Leak Detection Tools. (2018) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. Jorge Ressia et al.: Run-Time Evolution through Explicit Meta-Objects. (2010) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. Andrei Chis et al.: GTInspector: a moldable domain-aware object inspector. (2015) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. Mohammadreza Hazhirpasand et al.: Stopping DNS Rebinding Attacks in the Browser. (2021) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. Leonel Merino et al.: MetaVis: Exploring Actionable Visualization. (2016) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. Haidar Osman et al.: Automatic feature selection by regularization to improve bug prediction accuracy. (2017) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. Adrian Lienhard et al.: Tracking Objects to Detect Feature Dependencies. (2007) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. Markus Lumpe et al.: Using Metaobjects to Model Concurrent Objects with PICT. (1996) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. Pascal Gadient et al.: Security Smells Pervade Mobile App Servers. (2021) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. Pascal Gadient et al.: Security Smells Pervade Mobile App Servers. (2021) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. C. B. Collins et al.: A combinatorial application of matrix Riccati equations and their q-analogue. (1981) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. St\u00e9phane Ducasse et al.: Traits: A mechanism for fine-grained reuse. (2006) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. Haidar Osman et al.: The Impact of Feature Selection on Predicting the Number of Bugs. (2018) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. Haidar Osman et al.: Hyperparameter optimization to improve bug prediction accuracy. (2017) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. Nevena Milojkovic et al.: Mining inline cache data to order inferred types in dynamic languages. (2018) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. Nevena Milojkovic et al.: Inferring Types by Mining Class Usage Frequency from Inline Caches. (2016) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. Jan Kurs et al.: Bounded Seas - - Island Parsing Without Shipwrecks. (2014) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. Amir Aryani et al.: Predicting dependences using domain-based coupling. (2014) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. Oscar Nierstrasz et al.: A Component Model for Field Devices. (2002) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. Mario Tokoro et al.: Object-Based Concurrent Computing, ECOOP'91 Workshop, Geneva, Switzerland, July 15-16, 1991, Proceedings (1992) edited by Oscar Nierstrasz. David R\u00f6thlisberger et al.: Augmenting static source views in IDEs with dynamic metrics. (2009) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. Erik Aeschlimann et al.: Analyzing PL/1 legacy ecosystems: An experience report. (2013) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. Andrei Chis et al.: Practical domain-specific debuggers using the Moldable Debugger framework. (2015) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. St\u00e9phane Ducasse et al.: On the effectiveness of clone detection by string matching. (2006) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. Yuriy Tymchuk et al.: Walls, Pillars and Beams: A 3D Decomposition of Quality Anomalies. (2016) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. Pascal Gadient et al.: Security Header Fields in HTTP Clients. (2021) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. Pascal Gadient et al.: Security Header Fields in HTTP Clients. (2021) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. Mohammadreza Hazhirpasand et al.: CryptoExplorer: An Interactive Web Platform Supporting Secure Use of Cryptography APIs. (2020) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. Mohammadreza Hazhirpasand et al.: CryptoExplorer: An Interactive Web Platform Supporting Secure Use of Cryptography APIs. (2020) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. David R\u00f6thlisberger et al.: Supporting task-oriented navigation in IDEs with configurable HeatMaps. (2009) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. Jorge Ressia et al.: Talents: dynamically composable units of reuse. (2011) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz. Andrei Chis et al.: Moldable, context-aware searching with Spotter. (2016) authored by Oscar Nierstrasz Jackson \u2014 E. D. D. D. D. Rodney Canfield \u2014 Paul Erd\u00f6s\\nNierstrasz won the Senior Dahl\u2013Nygaard Prize in 2013", "answer": "University of Geneva, Switzerland" }, { "id": "de0044b6-d366-464f-b883-1d246d4d3784", "question": "How many papers are attributed to the affiliation of the author of the article 'An Algorithm for Locating Nonoverlapping Regions of Maximum Alignment Score'?", "triples_number": 190, "contexts": "Eugene W. Myers name Eugene W. Myers. Eugene W. Myers alternativeName Eugene Wimberley Myers Jr. Eugene W. Myers alternativeName Eugene Myers. Nathan G. Clack et al.: Automated Tracking of Whiskers in Videos of Head Fixed Rodents. (2012) authored by Eugene W. Myers. Eugene W. Myers alternativeName Eugene W. Myers. Debayan Saha et al.: Fast and accurate aberration estimation from 3D bead images using convolutional neural networks. (2020) authored by Eugene W. Myers. Min Liu et al.: 3D Neuron Tip Detection in Volumetric Microscopy Images. (2011) authored by Eugene W. Myers. Eugene W. Myers alternativeName Gene W Myers. Eugene W. Myers alternativeName Gene Myers. Eugene W. Myers alternativeName G Myers. David L. Richmond et al.: Mapping Auto-context Decision Forests to Deep ConvNets for Semantic Segmentation. (2016) authored by Eugene W. Myers. Eugene W. Myers alternativeName Myers Ew. Corinna Blasse et al.: PreMosa: extracting 2D surfaces from 3D microscopy mosaics. (2017) authored by Eugene W. Myers. David L. Richmond et al.: Relating Cascaded Random Forests to Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Semantic Segmentation. (2015) authored by Eugene W. Myers. Fernando Amat et al.: Fast and robust optical flow for time-lapse microscopy using super-voxels. (2013) authored by Eugene W. Myers. Martin Weigert et al.: Isotropic reconstruction of 3D fluorescence microscopy images using convolutional neural networks. (2017) authored by Eugene W. Myers. Martin Weigert et al.: Isotropic Reconstruction of 3D Fluorescence Microscopy Images Using Convolutional Neural Networks. (2017) authored by Eugene W. Myers. Martin Weigert et al.: Biobeam - Multiplexed wave-optical simulations of light-sheet microscopy. (2018) authored by Eugene W. Myers. Fuhui Long et al.: Automatic Recognition of Cells (ARC) for 3D Images of C. elegans. (2008) authored by Eugene W. Myers'}. At Celera Genomics, Myers was involved in the sequencing of the human genome, as well as the genomes of Drosophila and mouse. In 2012, Myers moved to Dresden to become one of the directors of the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics", "answer": "4245" }, { "id": "3808087b-b65a-4811-90fb-4287fc8eca68", "question": "How many papers does the academic institution of the researcher who published the article 'Performance Analysis of Distributed Auxiliary Radio Telescopes Under Shared Spectrum Access Paradigm and Cooling Power Constraint' have?", "triples_number": 201, "contexts": "Hlaing Minn alternativeName Hlaing Minn. Hlaing Minn name Hlaing Minn. Hlaing Minn alternativeName Hliang Minn. Hlaing Minn alternativeName H. Minn. Hlaing Minn is Person. Hlaing Minn is Creator. Weile Zhang et al.: Algorithm and Performance Analysis for Frame Detection Based on Matched Filtering. (2020) authored by Hlaing Minn. Miad Faezipour et al.: A patient-adaptive profiling scheme for ECG beat classification. (2010) authored by Hlaing Minn. Hlaing Minn orcidId https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0774-569X. Poramate Tarasak et al.: Linear prediction receiver for differential space-time block codes with spatial correlation. (2003) authored by Hlaing Minn. Majdi Bsoul et al.: Apnea MedAssist: Real-time Sleep Apnea Monitor Using Single-Lead ECG. (2011) authored by Hlaing Minn. Baile Xie and Hlaing Minn: Real-Time Sleep Apnea Detection by Classifier Combination. (2012) authored by Hlaing Minn. Baile Xie et al.: An Improved Approach for Real-time Detection of Sleep Apnea. (2011) authored by Hlaing Minn. Hlaing Minn member of The University of Texas at Dallas. Hlaing Minn link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hlaing_Minn. Hlaing Minn 2YrMeanCitedness 0.60000002384185791016. Hlaing Minn i10Index 73. Hlaing Minn h-index 32. Hlaing Minn modified 2023-10-18. Hlaing Minn is Author'}. {'author_wikipedia_text': 'Hlaing Minn is an electrical engineer at the University of Texas at Dallas in Richardson, Texas", "answer": "34893" }, { "id": "3d68944d-3e37-46e0-a539-8fc68c4de726", "question": "Where was the contributor who published Towards a Totally Distributed Meeting Scheduling System born?", "triples_number": 602, "contexts": "Xinzhi Wang et al.: Verbal Explanations for Deep Reinforcement Learning Neural Networks with Attention on Extracted Features. (2019) authored by Katia P. Sycara. Shafiq Abedin et al.: SUAVE: Integrating UAV video using a 3D model. (2011) authored by Katia P. Sycara. Ankur Deka et al.: ARC - Actor Residual Critic for Adversarial Imitation Learning. (2022) authored by Katia P. Sycara. Ankur Deka et al.: ARC - Actor Residual Critic for Adversarial Imitation Learning. (2022) authored by Katia P. Sycara. Rohit Jena et al.: MA 3 : Model Agnostic Adversarial Augmentation for Few Shot learning. (2020) authored by Katia P. Sycara. Rohit Jena et al.: MA3: Model Agnostic Adversarial Augmentation for Few Shot learning. (2020) authored by Katia P. Sycara. Vidhi Jain et al.: Learning Embeddings that Capture Spatial Semantics for Indoor Navigation. (2021) authored by Katia P. Sycara. Sarthak Bhagat et al.: Knowledge-Guided Short-Context Action Anticipation in Human-Centric Videos. (2023) authored by Katia P. Sycara. Rohit Jena et al.: Addressing reward bias in Adversarial Imitation Learning with neutral reward functions. (2020) authored by Katia P. Sycara. Andrew Jong et al.: WIT-UAS: A Wildland-Fire Infrared Thermal Dataset to Detect Crew Assets from Aerial Views. (2023) authored by Katia P. Sycara. Andrew Jong et al.: WIT-UAS: A Wildland-fire Infrared Thermal Dataset to Detect Crew Assets From Aerial Views. (2023) authored by Katia P. Sycara. Sarthak Bhagat et al.: Sample-Efficient Learning of Novel Visual Concepts. (2023) authored by Katia P. Sycara. Sarthak Bhagat et al.: Sample-Efficient Learning of Novel Visual Concepts. (2023) authored by Katia P. Sycara. Katia Sycara alternativeName Katia Sycara. Gita Sukthankar and Katia P. Sycara: Policy recognition for multi-player tactical scenarios. (2007) authored by Katia P. Sycara. Jaskaran Grover et al.: Feasible Region-based Identification Using Duality (Extended Version). (2020) authored by Katia P. Sycara. Rohit Jena and Katia P. Sycara: Loss-annealed GAIL for sample efficient and stable Imitation Learning. (2020) authored by Katia P. Sycara. Yuezhang Li et al.: Joint Embedding of Hierarchical Categories and Entities for Concept Categorization and Dataless Classification. (2016) authored by Katia P. Sycara. Yuezhang Li et al.: Joint Embedding of Hierarchical Categories and Entities for Concept Categorization and Dataless Classification. (2016) authored by Katia P. Sycara. Jaskaran Singh Grover et al.: Parameter Identification for Multirobot Systems Using Optimization Based Controllers (Extended Version). (2020) authored by Katia P. Sycara. Jaskaran Grover et al.: Parameter Identification for Multirobot Systems Using Optimization-based Controllers. (2021) authored by Katia P. Sycara. Yue Guo et al.: Transfer Learning for Human Navigation and Triage Strategies Prediction in a Simulated Urban Search and Rescue Task. (2021) authored by Katia P. Sycara. Huao Li et al.: Perceptions of Domestic Robots' Normative Behavior Across Cultures. (2019) authored by Katia P. Sycara. Katia Sycara alternativeName Katia P. Sycara. Joseph Campbell et al.: Introspective Action Advising for Interpretable Transfer Learning. (2023) authored by Katia P. Sycara. Joseph Campbell et al.: Introspective Action Advising for Interpretable Transfer Learning. (2023) authored by Katia P. Sycara. Akshat Agarwal et al.: Better Safe than Sorry: Evidence Accumulation Allows for Safe Reinforcement Learning. (2018) authored by Katia P. Sycara. Katia Sycara name Katia Sycara. Renos Zabounidis et al.: Benchmarking and Enhancing Disentanglement in Concept-Residual Models. (2023) authored by Katia P. Sycara. Murat Sensoy et al.: OWL-POLAR: A framework for semantic policy representation and reasoning. (2012) authored by Katia P. Sycara. Yuezhang Li et al.: Object-sensitive Deep Reinforcement Learning. (2018) authored by Katia P. Sycara. Yuezhang Li et al.: Object-sensitive Deep Reinforcement Learning. (2017) authored by Katia P. Sycara. Sha Yi et al.: Indoor Pursuit-Evasion with Hybrid Hierarchical Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes for Multi-robot Systems. (2018) authored by Katia P. Sycara. Shih Yi Chien et al.: Attention allocation for human multi-robot control: Cognitive analysis based on behavior data and hidden states. (2018) authored by Katia P. Sycara. Navyata Sanghvi et al.: Exploiting Robotic Swarm Characteristics for Adversarial Subversion in Coverage Tasks. (2017) authored by Katia P. Sycara. Yue Guo et al.: Explainable Action Advising for Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning. (2022) authored by Katia P. Sycara. Leejay Wu et al.: Multimedia Queries by Example and Relevance Feedback. (2001) authored by Katia P. Sycara. Prasanna Velagapudi et al.: Scaling effects for streaming video vs. static panorama in multirobot search. (2009) authored by Katia P. Sycara. Yue Guo et al.: Explainable Action Advising for Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning. (2023) authored by Katia P. Sycara. Jaskaran Grover et al.: Feasible Region-Based System Identification Using Duality. (2021) authored by Katia P. Sycara. Akshat Agarwal et al.: Learning Context-Sensitive Strategies in Space Fortress. (2019) authored by Katia P. Sycara. Anupriya Ankolekar et al.: DAML-S: Semantic Markup for Web Services. (2001) authored by Katia P. Sycara. Anupriya Ankolekar et al.: DAML-S: Semantic Markup for Web Services. (2001) authored by Katia P. Sycara. Yuezhang Li et al.: Joint Embeddings of Hierarchical Categories and Entities. (2016) authored by Katia P. Sycara. Katia Sycara alternativeName K. Sycara. Akshay Dharmavaram et al.: SS-MAIL: Self-Supervised Multi-Agent Imitation Learning. (2021) authored by Katia P. Sycara. Katia Sycara alternativeName K. P. Sycara. Rohit Jena et al.: Augmenting GAIL with BC for sample efficient imitation learning. (2020) authored by Katia P. Sycara. Katia Sycara i10Index 308. Michael Lewis et al.: Task switching and cognitively compatible guidance for control of multiple robots. (2014) authored by Katia P. Sycara'}. S. S. She was awarded an Honorary Doctorate from the University of the Aegean in 2004. g. Two years later, again in Atlanta, she led another team that became a world champions in the 2007 International Robocup Search and Rescue Simulation League Competition. In 2008, her robotic team placed third in the Worldwide Robocup Championship Competition in the Urban Search and Rescue Virtual robots League held in Beijing, China", "answer": "Greece" }, { "id": "5901d733-e6e8-4968-87dd-92cc3674dbf1", "question": "What is the average two years citedness of the writer of Effects of Visual Separation and Physical Discontinuities when Distributing Information across Multiple Displays?", "triples_number": 275, "contexts": "Mary Czerwinski modified 2023-10-18. Mary Czerwinski alternativeName Mary Czerwinski. Mary Czerwinski alternativeName Mary P. Czerwinski. Mary Czerwinski alternativeName M. Czerwinski. Neema Moraveji et al.: ClassSearch: facilitating the development of web search skills through social learning. (2011) authored by Mary Czerwinski. Mary Czerwinski name Mary Czerwinski. Javier Hernandez et al.: DeepFN: Towards Generalizable Facial Action Unit Recognition with Deep Face Normalization. (2022) authored by Mary Czerwinski. Javier Hernandez et al.: DeepFN: Towards Generalizable Facial Action Unit Recognition with Deep Face Normalization. (2021) authored by Mary Czerwinski. Mary Czerwinski i10Index 160. Mary Czerwinski is Person. Mary Czerwinski link https://twitter.com/marycz. Akane Sano et al.: HealthAware: An advice system for stress, sleep, diet and exercise. (2015) authored by Mary Czerwinski. Ananya Bhattacharjee et al.: Understanding the Role of Large Language Models in Personalizing and Scaffolding Strategies to Combat Academic Procrastination. (2023) authored by Mary Czerwinski. Amy K. Karlson et al.: FaThumb: a facet-based interface for mobile search. (2006) authored by Mary Czerwinski. Harish Haresamudram et al.: Investigating Self-supervised Learning for Predicting Stress and Stressors from Passive Sensing. (2023) authored by Mary Czerwinski. Haekyu Park et al.: FoundWright: A System to Help People Re-find Pages from Their Web-history. (2023) authored by Mary Czerwinski. Mary Czerwinski is Creator. Mary Czerwinski 2YrMeanCitedness 3.2068965435028076172. Asma Ghandeharioun et al.: Towards Understanding Emotional Intelligence for Behavior Change Chatbots. (2019) authored by Mary Czerwinski. Asma Ghandeharioun et al.: Towards Understanding Emotional Intelligence for Behavior Change Chatbots. (2019) authored by Mary Czerwinski. Pablo Paredes et al.: PopTherapy: coping with stress through pop-culture. (2014) authored by Mary Czerwinski. Mary Czerwinski worksCount 348. Mary Czerwinski orcidId https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0881-401X. Mary Czerwinski link https://dl.acm.org/profile/81100280834. Asma Ghandeharioun et al.: EMMA: An Emotionally Intelligent Personal Assistant for Improving Wellbeing. (2018) authored by Mary Czerwinski. Mary Czerwinski is Author. Asma Ghandeharioun et al.: EMMA: An Emotion-Aware Wellbeing Chatbot. (2019) authored by Mary Czerwinski\\nCzerwinski currently resides in Redmond, WA. '}", "answer": "3.2068965" }, { "id": "95605db1-c7c1-44ee-abff-b80c1e615cd1", "question": "Who is affiliated with the French National Centre for Scientific Research, Maxime Crochemore or Sepp Hochreiter?", "triples_number": 194, "contexts": "Jose A. Arjona-Medina et al.: RUDDER: Return Decomposition for Delayed Rewards. (2018) authored by Sepp Hochreiter. Jose A. Arjona-Medina et al.: RUDDER: Return Decomposition for Delayed Rewards. (2019) authored by Sepp Hochreiter. Thomas Unterthiner et al.: Coulomb GANs: Provably Optimal Nash Equilibria via Potential Fields. (2018) authored by Sepp Hochreiter. Thomas Unterthiner et al.: Coulomb GANs: Provably Optimal Nash Equilibria via Potential Fields. (2017) authored by Sepp Hochreiter. Christian Eichenberger et al.: Traffic4cast at NeurIPS 2021 - Temporal and Spatial Few-Shot Transfer Learning in Gridded Geo-Spatial Processes. (2022) authored by Sepp Hochreiter. Christian Eichenberger et al.: Traffic4cast at NeurIPS 2021 - Temporal and Spatial Few-Shot Transfer Learning in Gridded Geo-Spatial Processes. (2021) authored by Sepp Hochreiter. Moritz Neun et al.: Traffic4cast at NeurIPS 2022 \u2013 Predict Dynamics along Graph Edges from Sparse Node Data: Whole City Traffic and ETA from Stationary Vehicle Detectors. (2021) authored by Sepp Hochreiter. Moritz Neun et al.: Traffic4cast at NeurIPS 2022 - Predict Dynamics along Graph Edges from Sparse Node Data: Whole City Traffic and ETA from Stationary Vehicle Detectors. (2023) authored by Sepp Hochreiter. Martin Heusel et al.: GANs Trained by a Two Time-Scale Update Rule Converge to a Local Nash Equilibrium. (2017) authored by Sepp Hochreiter. Martin Heusel et al.: GANs Trained by a Two Time-Scale Update Rule Converge to a Nash Equilibrium. (2017) authored by Sepp Hochreiter. Marius-Constantin Dinu et al.: SymbolicAI: A framework for logic-based approaches combining generative models and solvers. (2024) authored by Sepp Hochreiter. Ulrich Bodenhofer et al.: Modeling Position Specificity in Sequence Kernels by Fuzzy Equivalence Relations. (2009) authored by Sepp Hochreiter. Willem Talloen et al.: I/NI-calls for the exclusion of non-informative genes: a highly effective filtering tool for microarray data. (2007) authored by Sepp Hochreiter. Martin Gauch et al.: Rainfall-Runoff Prediction at Multiple Timescales with a Single Long Short-Term Memory Network. (2020) authored by Sepp Hochreiter. Markus Hofmarcher et al.: Visual Scene Understanding for Autonomous Driving Using Semantic Segmentation. (2019) authored by Sepp Hochreiter. Daniel Klotz et al.: Uncertainty Estimation with Deep Learning for Rainfall-Runoff Modelling. (2020) authored by Sepp Hochreiter. Fabian Paischer et al.: Semantic HELM: A Human-Readable Memory for Reinforcement Learning. (2023) authored by Sepp Hochreiter. Lukas Gruber et al.: Overcoming Saturation in Density Ratio Estimation by Iterated Regularization. (2024) authored by Sepp Hochreiter. Fabian Paischer et al.: History Compression via Language Models in Reinforcement Learning. (2022) authored by Sepp Hochreiter LSTM overcomes the problem of numerical instability in training recurrent neural networks (RNNs) that prevents them from learning from long sequences (vanishing or exploding gradient). '}. LSTM networks have also been used in Google Voice for transcription and search, and in the Google Allo chat app for generating response suggestion with low latency", "answer": "Maxime Crochemore" }, { "id": "f59eaf10-b8f3-4c42-9a3c-da488ebea500", "question": "Which journal did the Italian computer scientist Michela Milano serve as the editor-in-chief in 2015?", "triples_number": 259, "contexts": "Federico Caselli et al.: Swarm-Based Controller for Traffic Lights Management. (2015) authored by Michela Milano. Danuta Sorina Chisca et al.: A Sampling-Free Anticipatory Algorithm for the Kidney Exchange Problem. (2019) authored by Michela Milano. Filippo Focacci et al.: Embedding Relaxations in Global Constraints for Solving TSP and TSPTW. (2002) authored by Michela Milano. Riccardo Belletti et al.: Swarm-based traffic lights policy selection. (2014) authored by Michela Milano. Alessio Bonfietti et al.: Embedding Decision Trees and Random Forests in Constraint Programming. (2015) authored by Michela Milano. Marco Gavanelli et al.: Dealing with incomplete knowledge on CLP(FD) variable domains. (2005) authored by Michela Milano. Valerio Iachini et al.: Agent Based Simulation of Incentive Mechanisms on Photovoltaic Adoption. (2015) authored by Michela Milano. Michele Lombardi et al.: Deterministic Estimation of the Expected Makespan of a POS Under Duration Uncertainty. (2015) authored by Michela Milano. Marco Alberti et al.: Expressing Interaction in Combinatorial Auction through Social Integrity Constraints. (2005) authored by Michela Milano. Evelina Lamma et al.: An Algorithm for Learning Abductive Rules. (1997) authored by Michela Milano. Thomas Bridi et al.: DARDIS: Distributed And Randomized DIspatching and Scheduling. (2016) authored by Michela Milano. Thomas Bridi et al.: DARDIS: Distributed And Randomized DIspatching and Scheduling. (2016) authored by Michela Milano. Martino Ruggiero et al.: A Cooperative, Accurate Solving Framework for Optimal Allocation, Scheduling and Frequency Selection on Energy-Efficient MPSoCs. (2006) authored by Michela Milano. Eleonora Misino et al.: FAiRDAS: Fairness-Aware Ranking as Dynamic Abstract System. (2023) authored by Michela Milano. Andrea Borghesi et al.: Improving Deep Learning Models via Constraint-Based Domain Knowledge: a Brief Survey. (2020) authored by Michela Milano. Alessandro Maggio et al.: A geometric framework for fairness. (2023) authored by Michela Milano. Marco Gavanelli et al.: Greedy and Exact Algorithms for Invitation Planning in Cancer Screening. (2008) authored by Michela Milano. Andrea Borghesi et al.: Simulation Of Incentive Mechanisms For Renewable Energy Policies. (2013) authored by Michela Milano. Marco Gavanelli et al.: Domains as First Class Objects in CLP(FD). (1999) authored by Michela Milano. Marco Gavanelli et al.: Domains as First Class Objects in CLP(FD). (1999) authored by Michela Milano. Marco Alberti et al.: A CHR-based implementation of known arc-consistency. (2005) authored by Michela Milano. Andrea Borghesi et al.: Pricing Schemes for Energy-Efficient HPC Systems: Design and Exploration. (2018) authored by Michela Milano. Fabrizio Detassis et al.: Teaching the Old Dog New Tricks: Supervised Learning with Constraints. (2021) authored by Michela Milano. Cormac Gebruers et al.: Making Choices Using Structure at the Instance Level within a Case Based Reasoning Framework. (2004) authored by Michela Milano. Fabrizio Detassis et al.: Teaching the old dog new tricks: supervised learning with constraints. (2020) authored by Michela Milano\"}. \\nMilano is a Fellow of the European Association for Artificial Intelligence", "answer": "Constraints" }, { "id": "004de319-ea6b-400b-adce-83bfa4080aa2", "question": "What is the type of organization of the contributor of the 'Describing Datasets in Wikidata' publication?", "triples_number": 151, "contexts": "Denny Vrande\u010di\u0107 name Denny Vrande\u010di\u0107. Denny Vrande\u010di\u0107 i10Index 42. Denny Vrandecic link http://denny.vrandecic.de. Denny Vrande\u010di\u0107 alternativeName Denny Vrandecic. Denny Vrande\u010di\u0107 alternativeName Denny Vrandeci\u0107. Denny Vrande\u010di\u0107 alternativeName Denny Vrande\u010dic. Denny Vrande\u010di\u0107 alternativeName Denny Vrande\u010di\u0107. Denny Vrande\u010di\u0107 alternativeName Denny Vrande\u010di\u010d. Denny Vrande\u010di\u0107 modified 2023-10-18. Denny Vrandecic affiliation Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, AIFB, Germany. Denny Vrandecic link https://twitter.com/vrandezo. Denny Vrande\u010di\u0107 2YrMeanCitedness 1.0. Denny Vrande\u010di\u0107 orcidId https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9593-2294. Denny Vrande\u010di\u0107 alternativeName D. Vrandecic. Denny Vrande\u010di\u0107 alternativeName D. Vrande\u010di\u0107'}. In 2010, he visited the University of Southern California (ISI). He lives with his wife and daughter in the Bay Area. He published modules for the German role-playing game The Dark Eye", "answer": "nonprofit" }, { "id": "e6374686-ac73-4af2-af5b-c5baef9c715c", "question": "Where is the institute of the co-author, Joos Vandewalle, who worked with Yves Moreau in 1997?", "triples_number": 176, "contexts": "Amin Ardeshirdavani et al.: NGS-Logistics: data infrastructure for efficient analysis of NGS sequence variants across multiple centers. (2015) authored by Yves Moreau. Daniela Nitsch et al.: PINTA: a web server for network-based gene prioritization from expression data. (2011) authored by Yves Moreau. Joke Allemeersch et al.: An experimental loop design for the detection of constitutional chromosomal aberrations by array CGH. (2009) authored by Yves Moreau. Peter Antal et al.: Bayesian applications of belief networks and multilayer perceptrons for ovarian tumor classification with rejection. (2003) authored by Yves Moreau. Antoine Passemiers et al.: Fast and accurate inference of gene regulatory networks through robust precision matrix estimation. (2022) authored by Yves Moreau. Peter Antal et al.: Extended Bayesian Regression Models: A Symbiotic Application of Belief Networks and Multilayer Perceptrons for the Classification of Ovarian Tumors. (2001) authored by Yves Moreau. Pooya Zakeri et al.: Gene prioritization using Bayesian matrix factorization with genomic and phenotypic side information. (2018) authored by Yves Moreau. Thomas Moerman et al.: GRNBoost2 and Arboreto: efficient and scalable inference of gene regulatory networks. (2019) authored by Yves Moreau. Peter Antal et al.: Using literature and data to learn Bayesian networks as clinical models of ovarian tumors. (2004) authored by Yves Moreau. Olivier Gevaert et al.: Predicting the prognosis of breast cancer by integrating clinical and microarray data with Bayesian networks. (2006) authored by Yves Moreau. Denis Jeambrun et al.: Simulation of the propagation of a cylindrical shear wave : non linear and dissipative modelling. (2018) authored by Yves Moreau. Gert Thijs et al.: A Gibbs Sampling Method to Detect Overrepresented Motifs in the Upstream Regions of Coexpressed Genes. (2002) authored by Yves Moreau. Joana P. Gon\u00e7alves et al.: AliBiMotif: Integrating alignment and biclustering to unravel transcription factor binding sites in DNA sequences. (2012) authored by Yves Moreau. L\u00e9on-Charles Tranchevent et al.: ENDEAVOUR update: a web resource for gene prioritization in multiple species. (2008) authored by Yves Moreau. Edward De Brouwer et al.: GRU-ODE-Bayes: Continuous modeling of sporadically-observed time series. (2019) authored by Yves Moreau. Edward De Brouwer et al.: GRU-ODE-Bayes: Continuous Modeling of Sporadically-Observed Time Series. (2019) authored by Yves Moreau. Martijn Oldenhof et al.: Weakly Supervised Knowledge Transfer with Probabilistic Logical Reasoning for Object Detection. (2023) authored by Yves Moreau'}. Moreau was elected a Fellow of the International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB) in 2018 for outstanding contributions to the fields of computational biology and bioinformatics", "answer": "Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium" }, { "id": "b80a0917-4c20-469a-a219-999a5a57baaa", "question": "What is the professional title of the individual who wrote Message from the Incoming Editor-in-Chief?", "triples_number": 684, "contexts": "Ning Huyan et al.: Cluster-Memory Augmented Deep Autoencoder via Optimal Transportation for Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection. (2022) authored by Jocelyn Chanussot. Miguel Angel Veganzones et al.: Hyperspectral image segmentation using a new spectral mixture-based binary partition tree representation. (2013) authored by Jocelyn Chanussot. Tao Tian et al.: RGB-Infrared Multi-Modal Remote Sensing Object Detection Using CNN and Transformer Based Feature Fusion. (2023) authored by Jocelyn Chanussot. Bin Zhao et al.: Local Spatial-Spectral Correlation Based Mixtures of Factor Analyzers for Hyperspectral Denoising. (2020) authored by Jocelyn Chanussot. Ruben Marrero et al.: A Novel Negative Abundance-Oriented Hyperspectral Unmixing Algorithm. (2015) authored by Jocelyn Chanussot. Sigurjon O. Sigurjonsson et al.: Street tracking based on SAR data from urban areas. (2005) authored by Jocelyn Chanussot. Yuliya Tarabalka et al.: Spectral-Spatial Classification of Hyperspectral Imagery Based on Partitional Clustering Techniques. (2009) authored by Jocelyn Chanussot. Antoine Roueff et al.: Dispersion estimation from linear array data in the time-frequency plane. (2005) authored by Jocelyn Chanussot. Xin Wu et al.: Infrared Small Object Detection Using Deep Interactive U-Net. (2022) authored by Jocelyn Chanussot. Junpeng Zhang et al.: Online Structured Sparsity-based Moving Object Detection from Satellite Videos. (2019) authored by Jocelyn Chanussot. Dou Quan et al.: Element-Wise Feature Relation Learning Network for Cross-Spectral Image Patch Matching. (2022) authored by Jocelyn Chanussot. Junpeng Zhang et al.: Online Structured Sparsity-Based Moving-Object Detection From Satellite Videos. (2020) authored by Jocelyn Chanussot. Bin Zhao et al.: Unsupervised and Supervised Feature Extraction Methods for Hyperspectral Images Based on Mixtures of Factor Analyzers. (2020) authored by Jocelyn Chanussot. Miguel Angel Veganzones et al.: Hyperspectral Image Segmentation Using a New Spectral Unmixing-Based Binary Partition Tree Representation. (2014) authored by Jocelyn Chanussot. Fengchao Xiong et al.: Dynamic Material-Aware Object Tracking in Hyperspectral Videos. (2019) authored by Jocelyn Chanussot. Rosa Maria Cavalli et al.: Detection of Anomalies Produced by Buried Archaeological Structures Using Nonlinear Principal Component Analysis Applied to Airborne Hyperspectral Image. (2013) authored by Jocelyn Chanussot. Lianru Gao et al.: Using Low-Rank Representation of Abundance Maps and Nonnegative Tensor Factorization for Hyperspectral Nonlinear Unmixing. (2022) authored by Jocelyn Chanussot. Lucas Drumetz et al.: Semiautomatic classification of cementitious materials using scanning electron microscope images. (2015) authored by Jocelyn Chanussot. Uzair Aslam Bhatti et al.: Local Similarity-Based Spatial-Spectral Fusion Hyperspectral Image Classification With Deep CNN and Gabor Filtering. (2022) authored by Jocelyn Chanussot. Lucas Drumetz et al.: Improved Local Spectral Unmixing of hyperspectral data using an algorithmic regularization path for collaborative sparse regression. (2017) authored by Jocelyn Chanussot. Chenghai Yang et al.: Using High-Resolution Airborne and Satellite Imagery to Assess Crop Growth and Yield Variability for Precision Agriculture. (2013) authored by Jocelyn Chanussot. Danfeng Hong et al.: Learning Locality-Constrained Sparse Coding for Spectral Enhancement of Multispectral Imagery. (2022) authored by Jocelyn Chanussot. Lianru Gao et al.: Using Low-rank Representation of Abundance Maps and Nonnegative Tensor Factorization for Hyperspectral Nonlinear Unmixing. (2021) authored by Jocelyn Chanussot. Eysteinn M\u00e1r Sigur\u00f0sson et al.: Automatic retinal vessel extraction based on directional mathematical morphology and fuzzy classification. (2014) authored by Jocelyn Chanussot. Jing Qin et al.: Blind Hyperspectral Unmixing Based on Graph Total Variation Regularization. (2021) authored by Jocelyn Chanussot. Edurne Ibarrola-Ulzurrun et al.: Hyperspectral Classification Through Unmixing Abundance Maps Addressing Spectral Variability. (2019) authored by Jocelyn Chanussot. Xin Wu et al.: Fourier-based Rotation-invariant Feature Boosting: An Efficient Framework for Geospatial Object Detection. (2019) authored by Jocelyn Chanussot. Xin Wu et al.: Fourier-Based Rotation-Invariant Feature Boosting: An Efficient Framework for Geospatial Object Detection. (2020) authored by Jocelyn Chanussot. Fatemeh Fathinezhad et al.: Soft dimensionality reduction for reinforcement data clustering. (2023) authored by Jocelyn Chanussot. Bo Ren et al.: Modified Tensor Distance-Based Multiview Spectral Embedding for PolSAR Land Cover Classification. (2020) authored by Jocelyn Chanussot. Jinxue Chi et al.: Robust Linear Unmixing for Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Imagery Based on Enhanced Constraint of Classification. (2022) authored by Jocelyn Chanussot. Bin Zhao et al.: (Semi-) Supervised Mixtures of Factor Analyzers and Deep Mixtures of Factor Analyzers Dimensionality Reduction Algorithms For Hyperspectral Images Classification. (2019) authored by Jocelyn Chanussot. Fahim Irfan Alam et al.: Conditional Random Field and Deep Feature Learning for Hyperspectral Image Segmentation. (2017) authored by Jocelyn Chanussot. Santiago Velasco-Forero et al.: Morphological Image Distances for Hyperspectral Dimensionality Exploration using Kernel-PCA and ISOMAP. (2009) authored by Jocelyn Chanussot. Keiller Nogueira et al.: Dynamic Multicontext Segmentation of Remote Sensing Images Based on Convolutional Networks. (2019) authored by Jocelyn Chanussot. Antoine Bralet et al.: ISSLIDE: A New InSAR Dataset for Slow SLIding Area DEtection With Machine Learning. (2024) authored by Jocelyn Chanussot. Naoto Yokoya et al.: Hyperspectral and multispectral data fusion based on nonlinear unmixing. (2012) authored by Jocelyn Chanussot. Lucas Drumetz et al.: Relationships Between Nonlinear and Space-Variant Linear Models in Hyperspectral Image Unmixing. (2017) authored by Jocelyn Chanussot. Haoyang Yu et al.: Robust linear unmixing with enhanced constraint of classification for hyperspectral remote sensing imagery. (2022) authored by Jocelyn Chanussot. Bin Luo et al.: Martian aerosol abundance estimation based on unmixing of hyperspectral imagery. (2010) authored by Jocelyn Chanussot. Danfeng Hong et al.: Multimodal Remote Sensing Benchmark Datasets for Land Cover Classification with A Shared and Specific Feature Learning Model. (2021) authored by Jocelyn Chanussot. David Alejandro Jimenez Sierra et al.: Graph-Based Data Fusion Applied to: Change Detection and Biomass Estimation in Rice Crops. (2020) authored by Jocelyn Chanussot. Sascha Klemenjak et al.: Unsupervised river detection in RapidEye data. (2012) authored by Jocelyn Chanussot. Danfeng Hong et al.: An Augmented Linear Mixing Model to Address Spectral Variability for Hyperspectral Unmixing. (2018) authored by Jocelyn Chanussot. Silvia Valero et al.: Improved Binary Partition Tree construction for hyperspectral images: Application to object detection. (2011) authored by Jocelyn Chanussot. Peng Wang et al.: Superresolution Land Cover Mapping Based on Pixel-, Subpixel-, and Superpixel-Scale Spatial Dependence With Pansharpening Technique. (2019) authored by Jocelyn Chanussot. Danfeng Hong et al.: An Augmented Linear Mixing Model to Address Spectral Variability for Hyperspectral Unmixing. (2019) authored by Jocelyn Chanussot. Silvia Valero et al.: Hyperspectral image segmentation using Binary Partition Trees. (2011) authored by Jocelyn Chanussot. Haoyang Yu et al.: Global Spatial and Local Spectral Similarity-Based Manifold Learning Group Sparse Representation for Hyperspectral Imagery Classification. (2020) authored by Jocelyn Chanussot. Bin Zhao et al.: Semi-Supervised Mixtures of Factor Analyzers Feature Extraction for Hyperspectral Images. (2022) authored by Jocelyn Chanussot You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. Chanussot was named a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) in 2012 for his contributions to data fusion and image processing for remote sensing", "answer": "Editor-in-Chief" }, { "id": "97adefa0-b2ab-4b51-b839-33b5891262d7", "question": "In terms of i10Index, whose score is higher, the author of 'Exploitation of passive RFID technology for wireless read-out of temperature sensors' or the creator of 'Inline Function Expansion for Compiling C Programs'?", "triples_number": 450, "contexts": "Bowen Cheng et al.: SPGNet: Semantic Prediction Guidance for Scene Parsing. (2019) authored by Wen-Mei W. Hwu. Bowen Cheng et al.: SPGNet: Semantic Prediction Guidance for Scene Parsing. (2019) authored by Wen-Mei W. Hwu. Zhonghao Wang et al.: Alleviating Semantic-level Shift: A Semi-supervised Domain Adaptation Method for Semantic Segmentation. (2020) authored by Wen-Mei W. Hwu. Zhonghao Wang et al.: Alleviating Semantic-level Shift: A Semi-supervised Domain Adaptation Method for Semantic Segmentation. (2020) authored by Wen-Mei W. Hwu. Zhonghao Wang et al.: Differential Treatment for Stuff and Things: A Simple Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Method for Semantic Segmentation. (2020) authored by Wen-Mei W. Hwu. Zhonghao Wang et al.: Differential Treatment for Stuff and Things: A Simple Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Method for Semantic Segmentation. (2020) authored by Wen-Mei W. Hwu. Raymond A. Yeh et al.: Interpretable and Globally Optimal Prediction for Textual Grounding using Image Concepts. (2017) authored by Wen-Mei W. Hwu. Raymond A. Yeh et al.: Interpretable and Globally Optimal Prediction for Textual Grounding using Image Concepts. (2018) authored by Wen-Mei W. Hwu. Zhonghao Wang et al.: Interpretable Visual Reasoning via Induced Symbolic Space. (2021) authored by Wen-Mei W. Hwu. Zhonghao Wang et al.: Interpretable Visual Reasoning via Induced Symbolic Space. (2020) authored by Wen-Mei W. Hwu. Jie Huang et al.: DEER: Descriptive Knowledge Graph for Explaining Entity Relationships. (2022) authored by Wen-Mei W. Hwu. Jie Huang et al.: Open Relation Modeling: Learning to Define Relations between Entities. (2021) authored by Wen-Mei W. Hwu. Jie Huang et al.: Open Relation Modeling: Learning to Define Relations between Entities. (2022) authored by Wen-Mei W. Hwu. Mert Hidayetoglu et al.: Efficient Inference on GPUs for the Sparse Deep Neural Network Graph Challenge 2020. (2020) authored by Wen-Mei W. Hwu. Jie Huang et al.: DKG: A Descriptive Knowledge Graph for Explaining Relationships between Entities. (2022) authored by Wen-Mei W. Hwu. Mert Hidayetoglu et al.: Petascale XCT: 3D image reconstruction with hierarchical communications on multi-GPU nodes. (2020) authored by Wen-Mei W. Hwu. Mert Hidayetoglu et al.: Petascale XCT: 3D Image Reconstruction with Hierarchical Communications on Multi-GPU Nodes. (2020) authored by Wen-Mei W. Hwu. Seungwon Min et al.: Large Graph Convolutional Network Training with GPU-Oriented Data Communication Architecture. (2021) authored by Wen-Mei W. Hwu. Seungwon Min et al.: Large Graph Convolutional Network Training with GPU-Oriented Data Communication Architecture. (2021) authored by Wen-Mei W. Hwu. Isaac Gelado et al.: An asymmetric distributed shared memory model for heterogeneous parallel systems. (2010) authored by Wen-Mei W. Hwu. Ketan Date et al.: Collaborative (CPU + GPU) algorithms for triangle counting and truss decomposition on the Minsky architecture: Static graph challenge: Subgraph isomorphism. (2017) authored by Wen-Mei W. Hwu. Mohammad Almasri et al.: Parallel K-clique counting on GPUs. (2022) authored by Wen-Mei W. Hwu. Jie Huang et al.: Understanding Jargon: Combining Extraction and Generation for Definition Modeling. (2022) authored by Wen-Mei W. Hwu. Sitao Huang et al.: PyLog: An Algorithm-Centric Python-Based FPGA Programming and Synthesis Flow. (2021) authored by Wen-Mei W. Hwu. Sitao Huang et al.: PyLog: An Algorithm-Centric Python-Based FPGA Programming and Synthesis Flow. (2021) authored by Wen-Mei W. Hwu. Abdul Dakkak et al.: TrIMS: Transparent and Isolated Model Sharing for Low Latency Deep Learning Inference in Function-as-a-Service. (2019) authored by Wen-Mei W. Hwu. Bowen Cheng et al.: Decoupled Classification Refinement: Hard False Positive Suppression for Object Detection. (2018) authored by Wen-Mei W. Hwu. Teresa L. Johnson et al.: Run-Time Spatial Locality Detection and Optimization. (1997) authored by Wen-Mei W. Hwu. Mert Hidayetoglu et al.: At-Scale Sparse Deep Neural Network Inference With Efficient GPU Implementation. (2020) authored by Wen-Mei W. Hwu. Mert Hidayetoglu et al.: A Fast and Massively-Parallel Inverse Solver for Multiple-Scattering Tomographic Image Reconstruction. (2018) authored by Wen-Mei W. Hwu. Sitao Huang et al.: Triangle Counting and Truss Decomposition using FPGA. (2018) authored by Wen-Mei W. Hwu. Hongyu Gong et al.: Reinforcement Learning Based Text Style Transfer without Parallel Training Corpus. (2019) authored by Wen-Mei W. Hwu. Hongyu Gong et al.: Reinforcement Learning Based Text Style Transfer without Parallel Training Corpus. (2019) authored by Wen-Mei W. Hwu. Mohammad Almasri et al.: K-Clique Counting on GPUs. (2021) authored by Wen-Mei W. Hwu. Vikram S. Mailthody et al.: Collaborative (CPU + GPU) Algorithms for Triangle Counting and Truss Decomposition. (2018) authored by Wen-Mei W. Hwu. Abdul Dakkak et al.: TrIMS: Transparent and Isolated Model Sharing for Low Latency Deep LearningInference in Function as a Service Environments. (2018) authored by Wen-Mei W. Hwu. Cheng Li et al.: Challenges and Pitfalls of Reproducing Machine Learning Artifacts. (2019) authored by Wen-Mei W. Hwu. Seungwon Min et al.: Graph Neural Network Training with Data Tiering. (2021) authored by Wen-Mei W. Hwu. Wen-mei W. Hwu et al.: Accelerating MR Image Reconstruction on GPUS. (2009) authored by Wen-Mei W. Hwu. Omer Anjum et al.: PhraseScope: An Effective and Unsupervised Framework for Mining High Quality Phrases. (2021) authored by Wen-Mei W. Hwu. Wen-mei W. Hwu and Krishna V. Palem: Guest Editors' Introduction. (2005) authored by Wen-Mei W. Hwu. Hee-Seok Kim et al.: Locality-centric thread scheduling for bulk-synchronous programming models on CPU architectures. (2015) authored by Wen-Mei W. Hwu. Ian C. Atkinson et al.: Rapid computation of sodium bioscales using gpu-accelerated image reconstruction. (2013) authored by Wen-Mei W. Hwu. Mohammad Almasri et al.: Parallelizing Maximal Clique Enumeration on GPUs. (2022) authored by Wen-Mei W. Hwu. Mohammad Almasri et al.: Parallelizing Maximal Clique Enumeration on GPUs. (2023) authored by Wen-Mei W. Hwu\"}. Hwu's completed in 1987 a PhD at the University of California, Berkeley, under Yale Patt. {'author_wikipedia_text': \"Wen-mei Hwu (Chinese: \u80e1\u6587\u7f8e; pinyin: H\u00fa W\u00e9nm\u011bi) is the Walter J", "answer": "Wen mei Hwu" }, { "id": "8eee9a15-0ae1-413e-90a2-54985e5a9f3f", "question": "What is the average two years citedness of the researcher who worked with Gilles Louppe on 'Adversarial Variational Optimization of Non-Differentiable Simulators'?", "triples_number": 108, "contexts": "Sebastian Macaluso et al.: Cluster Trellis: Data Structures & Algorithms for Exact Inference in Hierarchical Clustering. (2021) authored by Kyle Cranmer. K. Cranmer alternativeName Cranmer Kyle. K. Cranmer name K. Cranmer. K. Cranmer alternativeName K. Cranmer. K. Cranmer alternativeName K. S. Cranmer. K. Cranmer alternativeName Kyle S. Cranmer. K. Cranmer i10Index 716. K. Cranmer alternativeName Kyle Stuart Cranmer. K. Cranmer alternativeName Kyle Cranmer. K. Cranmer 2YrMeanCitedness 5.962963104248046875A. \"}. D. Bush via the Department of Energy's Office of Science and in 2009 he was awarded the National Science Foundation's Career Award", "answer": "5.962963" }, { "id": "04f16b02-46f0-4be2-9896-37d696236c97", "question": "In terms of citedByCount, who has a higher count, the author of 'Aliquot Cycles of Repdigits' or the author of 'Collapsing Oracle-Tape Hierarchies'?", "triples_number": 142, "contexts": "Florian Luca name Florian Luca. Florian Luca et al.: Algebraic Model Checking for Discrete Linear Dynamical Systems. (2022) authored by Florian Luca. Florian Luca alternativeName Foroni Luca. Florian Luca alternativeName Florian Luca. Florian Luca alternativeName Luca Foroni. Florian Luca alternativeName F. Luca. Florian Luca et al.: Representing the inverse map as a composition of quadratics in a finite field of characteristic 2. (2023) authored by Florian Luca. Florian Luca alternativeName Luca Florian. Christel Baier et al.: The Orbit Problem for Parametric Linear Dynamical Systems. (2021) authored by Florian Luca. Christel Baier et al.: The Orbit Problem for Parametric Linear Dynamical Systems. (2021) authored by Florian Luca. Florian Luca and Roger Oyono: The Diophantine Equation Fny + Fn+1x = Fmx. (2013) authored by Florian Luca. Florian Luca alternativeName Fabiana Bonesi De Luca. Kevin A. Broughan et al.: There Are No Multiply-Perfect Fibonacci Numbers. (2011) authored by Florian Luca. Florian Luca and Aynur Yal\u00e7iner: Squares in a certain sequence related to L-functions of elliptic curves. (2013) authored by Florian Luca'}. D", "answer": "Georg Gottlob" }, { "id": "2edf4472-2a24-44de-aeda-ddd7710e583c", "question": "From which university did the author of DoMaIN graduate in 1997?", "triples_number": 193, "contexts": "Haoxin Wang et al.: LEAF + AIO: Edge-Assisted Energy-Aware Object Detection for Mobile Augmented Reality. (2022) authored by Jiang (Linda) Xie. Haoxin Wang et al.: LEAF + AIO: Edge-Assisted Energy-Aware Object Detection for Mobile Augmented Reality. (2023) authored by Jiang (Linda) Xie. Xingya Liu and Jiang Xie: A slot-asynchronous MAC protocol design for blind rendezvous in cognitive radio networks. (2014) authored by Jiang (Linda) Xie. Moinul Hossain and Jiang Xie: Third Eye: Context-Aware Detection for Hidden Terminal Emulation Attacks in Cognitive Radio-Enabled IoT Networks. (2020) authored by Jiang (Linda) Xie. Shanjun Cheng et al.: Dynamic multiagent load balancing using distributed constraint optimization techniques. (2014) authored by Jiang (Linda) Xie. Junhua Wang et al.: Computation Offloading Over Fog and Cloud Using Multi-Dimensional Multiple Knapsack Problem. (2018) authored by Jiang (Linda) Xie. Moinul Hossain and Jiang Xie: Hide and Seek: A Markov-Based Defense Strategy Against Off-Sensing Attack in Cognitive Radio Networks. (2020) authored by Jiang (Linda) Xie. Moinul Hossain and Jiang Xie: Hidden Terminal Emulation: An Attack in Dense IoT Networks in the Shared Spectrum Operation. (2019) authored by Jiang (Linda) Xie. Moinul Hossain and Jiang Xie: Detection of Hidden Terminal Emulation Attacks in Cognitive Radio-Enabled IoT Networks. (2019) authored by Jiang (Linda) Xie. Munmun Talukder and Jiang Xie: Exploiting Playback Device's Effect on Multi-channel Audio to Secure Voice Assistants. (2022) authored by Jiang (Linda) Xie. Daniel Mawunyo Doe et al.: DSORL: Data Source Optimization With Reinforcement Learning Scheme for Vehicular Named Data Networks. (2023) authored by Jiang (Linda) Xie. Siqi Huang and Jiang (Linda) Xie: DAVE: Dynamic Adaptive Video Encoding for Real-time Video Streaming Applications. (2021) authored by Jiang (Linda) Xie. Jiang Xie and Chin-Tau Lea: Speedup and buffer division in input/output queuing ATM switches. (2003) authored by Jiang (Linda) Xie. Muhammad Mehmood et al.: Privilege Escalation Attack Detection and Mitigation in Cloud Using Machine Learning. (2023) authored by Jiang (Linda) Xie. Haopeng Li and Jiang Xie: Novel Channel Assignment Algorithm for Handoff Support in Hierarchical Wireless Mesh Networks. (2011) authored by Jiang (Linda) Xie. Yi Song and Jiang Xie: Performance analysis of spectrum handoff for cognitive radio ad hoc networks without common control channel under homogeneous primary traffic. (2011) authored by Jiang (Linda) Xie. Yi Song and Jiang Xie: Performance Analysis of Spectrum Handoff for Cognitive Radio Ad Hoc Networks without Common Control Channel under Homogeneous Primary Traffic. (2011) authored by Jiang (Linda) Xie. Janise McNair et al.: A survey of cross-layer performance enhancements for Mobile IP networks. (2005) authored by Jiang (Linda) Xie. Uday Narayanan and Jiang Xie: Signaling Cost Analysis of Handoffs in a Mixed IPv4/IPv6 Mobile Environment. (2007) authored by Jiang (Linda) Xie Akyildiz. '}", "answer": "Tsinghua University" }, { "id": "f01830db-c7f1-4746-b50b-7b121e94bc12", "question": "In which city did the author of 'Nothing about me without me': investigating the health information access needs of adolescent patients work as a Staff Software Engineer at IBM before joining the Georgia Institute of Technology?", "triples_number": 107, "contexts": "Ferran Altarriba Bertran et al.: The Playful Potential of Shared Mealtime: A Speculative Catalog of Playful Technologies for Day-to-day Social Eating Experiences. (2021) authored by Lauren Wilcox. Lauren Wilcox modified 2023-10-18. Emma Beede et al.: A Human-Centered Evaluation of a Deep Learning System Deployed in Clinics for the Detection of Diabetic Retinopathy. (2020) authored by Lauren Wilcox. Carrie J. Cai et al.: Onboarding Materials as Cross-functional Boundary Objects for Developing AI Assistants. (2021) authored by Lauren Wilcox. Zijie J. Wang et al.: Farsight: Fostering Responsible AI Awareness During AI Application Prototyping. (2024) authored by Lauren Wilcox. Agust\u00edn Gravano et al.: On the role of context and prosody in the interpretation of 'okay'. (2007) authored by Lauren Wilcox. Lauren Wilcox et al.: Interactive tools for inpatient medication tracking: a multi-phase study with cardiothoracic surgery patients. (2016) authored by Lauren Wilcox. Lauren Wilcox 2YrMeanCitedness 9.75. Lauren Wilcox alternativeName Lauren Wilcox. Allison Woodruff et al.: How Knowledge Workers Think Generative AI Will (Not) Transform Their Industries. (2023) authored by Lauren Wilcox and an M. '}. She holds a B. S", "answer": "Austin, Texas" }, { "id": "5d0f93ae-8b8d-4258-95bb-4f2e30d94941", "question": "Who is the spouse of the academic who founded the Symposium On Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS)?", "triples_number": 334, "contexts": "Helgi Sigurbjarnarson et al.: Push-Button Verification of File Systems via Crash Refinement. (2017) authored by Lorrie Faith Cranor. Edith Luhanga et al.: User Experiences with Third-Party SIM Cards and ID Registration in Kenya and Tanzania. (2023) authored by Lorrie Faith Cranor. Lorrie Faith Cranor name Lorrie Faith Cranor. Lorrie Faith Cranor alternativeName Lorrie Faith. Cranor. Brandon Salmon et al.: Perspective: Semantic Data Management for the Home. (2009) authored by Lorrie Faith Cranor. Brandon Salmon et al.: Perspective: Semantic Data Management for the Home. (2009) authored by Lorrie Faith Cranor. Lorrie Faith Cranor alternativeName Lorrie Faith Cranor. Lorrie Faith Cranor alternativeName Lorrie Cranor. Lorrie Faith Cranor alternativeName Lorrie F. Cranor. Lorrie Faith Cranor alternativeName L. Cranor. Lorrie Faith Cranor alternativeName L. F. Cranor. Lorrie Faith Cranor: The Road Less Traveled: an alternative review of Doom II. (1995) authored by Lorrie Faith Cranor. Karen Sowon et al.: The Role of User-Agent Interactions on Mobile Money Practices in Kenya and Tanzania. (2023) authored by Lorrie Faith Cranor. Fatih Kursat Ozenc et al.: Adapt-a-ride: understanding the dynamics of commuting preferences through an experience design framework. (2011) authored by Lorrie Faith Cranor. Lorrie Faith Cranor alternativeName Lorrie Faith Ackerman. Lorrie Faith Cranor written paper amount in year2018: 8. Lorrie Faith Cranor written paper amount in year2018: 8. Guang Xiang et al.: CANTINA+: A Feature-Rich Machine Learning Framework for Detecting Phishing Web Sites. (2011) authored by Lorrie Faith Cranor. Lorrie Faith Cranor: The Road Less Traveled: it shouldn't be allowed! (1995) authored by Lorrie Faith Cranor. Lorrie Faith Cranor written paper amount in year2014: 21. Lorrie Faith Cranor written paper amount in year2014: 21. Lorrie Faith Cranor written paper amount in year2023: 12. Lorrie Faith Cranor written paper amount in year2023: 12. Lorrie Faith Cranor written paper amount in year2016: 15. Lorrie Faith Cranor written paper amount in year2016: 15. Lorrie Faith Cranor written paper amount in year2022: 13. Lorrie Faith Cranor written paper amount in year2022: 13. Lorrie Faith Cranor written paper amount in year2021: 13. Lorrie Faith Cranor written paper amount in year2021: 13. Lorrie Faith Cranor written paper amount in year2020: 11. Lorrie Faith Cranor written paper amount in year2020: 11. Lorrie Faith Cranor written paper amount in year2015: 14. Lorrie Faith Cranor written paper amount in year2015: 14'}. 3 billion hours per year. They have three children together. S. Louis. That report also said that if every U", "answer": "Chuck Cranor" }, { "id": "ef530a34-d6f6-42d7-be14-3c0ad4fabc72", "question": "What kind of organization is the institute of the writer of 'Manageable fine-grained information flow'?", "triples_number": 137, "contexts": "Eddie Kohler alternativeName Eddie Kohler. Eddie Kohler name Eddie Kohler. Eddie Kohler alternativeName E. Kohler. Eddie Kohler modified 2023-10-18. Eddie Kohler alternativeName E.A. Kohler. Eddie Kohler orcidId https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2027-0035. Eddie Kohler i10Index 75. Dylan Freedman et al.: Correlating Extracted and Ground-Truth Harmonic Data in Music Retrieval Tasks. (2015) authored by Eddie Kohler. Lillian Tsai et al.: A Revised and Verified Proof of the Scalable Commutativity Rule. (2018) authored by Eddie Kohler. Eddie Kohler is Person. Eddie Kohler worksCount 159. Eddie Kohler link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eddie_Kohler. Ben Greenstein et al.: Capturing high-frequency phenomena using a bandwidth-limited sensor network. (2006) authored by Eddie Kohler'}. \\nPrior to Harvard, he was a professor at the University of California, Los Angeles", "answer": "other" }, { "id": "83865c8a-2dc8-416a-af36-007afa0eb887", "question": "What recognition did the electrical engineer receive in 2016 for contributions to synchronization and channel estimation in communication systems?", "triples_number": 201, "contexts": "Hlaing Minn 2YrMeanCitedness 0.60000002384185791016. Hlaing Minn alternativeName Hlaing Minn. Hlaing Minn alternativeName H. Minn. Hlaing Minn name Hlaing Minn. Hlaing Minn alternativeName Hliang Minn. Hlaing Minn orcidId https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0774-569X. Hlaing Minn is Creator. Cristina Comaniciu et al.: A Game Theoretic Solution for Exploiting Multiuser Diversity in Cooperative Slotted Aloha. (2007) authored by Hlaing Minn. Hlaing Minn modified 2023-10-18. Hlaing Minn is Person. Hlaing Minn h-index 32. Dandan Wang et al.: A Game-Theoretic Approach for Exploiting Multiuser Diversity in Cooperative Slotted Aloha. (2008) authored by Hlaing Minn. Hlaing Minn written paper amount in year2022: 0. Hlaing Minn written paper amount in year2022: 0. Hlaing Minn written paper amount in year2012: 10. Hlaing Minn written paper amount in year2012: 10. Dandan Wang et al.: On modeling utility for cooperative slotted Aloha games. (2008) authored by Hlaing Minn. Hlaing Minn written paper amount in year2013: 4. Hlaing Minn written paper amount in year2013: 4. Hlaing Minn citedByCount 4599 You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. '}", "answer": "Fellow of IEEE" }, { "id": "22f99b04-4636-4e4e-91b5-390fbb5c7250", "question": "How many publications does the author of 'Research directions in situated computing' have?", "triples_number": 178, "contexts": "Julien Gori et al.: FileWeaver: Flexible File Management with Automatic Dependency Tracking. (2020) authored by Michel Beaudouin-Lafon. Michel Beaudouin-Lafon alternativeName Michel BeaudouinLafon. Michel Beaudouin-Lafon name Michel Beaudouin-Lafon. Michel Beaudouin-Lafon modified 2023-10-18. Michel Beaudouin-Lafon alternativeName Michel Beaudouin\u2010Lafon. Han L. Han et al.: Textlets: Supporting Constraints and Consistency in Text Documents. (2020) authored by Michel Beaudouin-Lafon. Zhi Li et al.: Select or Suggest? Reinforcement Learning-based Method for High-Accuracy Target Selection on Touchscreens. (2022) authored by Michel Beaudouin-Lafon. Michel Beaudouin-Lafon alternativeName M. Beaudouin\u2010Lafon. Clemens Nylandsted Klokmose et al.: Videostrates: Collaborative, Distributed and Programmable Video Manipulation. (2019) authored by Michel Beaudouin-Lafon. Wanyu Liu et al.: BIGFile: Bayesian Information Gain for Fast File Retrieval. (2018) authored by Michel Beaudouin-Lafon. Julien Gori et al.: The Perils of Confounding Factors: How Fitts' Law Experiments can Lead to False Conclusions. (2018) authored by Michel Beaudouin-Lafon. Michel Beaudouin-Lafon is Person. Michel Beaudouin-Lafon 2YrMeanCitedness 1.9230768680572509766. Renaud Blanch et al.: Semantic pointing: improving target acquisition with control-display ratio adaptation. (2004) authored by Michel Beaudouin-Lafon. Wanyu Liu et al.: SonicHoop: Using Interactive Sonification to Support Aerial Hoop Practices. (2021) authored by Michel Beaudouin-Lafon. Michel Beaudouin-Lafon i10Index 84. Tony Gjerlufsen et al.: Shared substance: developing flexible multi-surface applications. (2011) authored by Michel Beaudouin-Lafon'}. He received his PhD from the Paris-Sud 11 University (which is now Paris-Saclay University) in 1985", "answer": "5" }, { "id": "78a56644-f606-45a3-a1e0-e1196cd0b079", "question": "What is the Honorary Doctorate received by the author from Syracuse University in 2017?", "triples_number": 2981, "contexts": "Wei-Yu Chiu et al.: Demand-side energy storage system management in smart grid. (2012) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Hao Huang et al.: An Extended Model for Ecological Robustness to Capture Power System Resilience. (2023) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Wayes Tushar et al.: Energy Storage Sharing in Smart Grid: A Modified Auction Based Approach. (2015) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Wayes Tushar et al.: Energy Storage Sharing in Smart Grid: A Modified Auction-Based Approach. (2016) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Yao Yu et al.: Power allocation for CS-based colocated MIMO radar systems. (2012) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Walid Saad et al.: Game-Theoretic Methods for the Smart Grid: An Overview of Microgrid Systems, Demand-Side Management, and Smart Grid Communications. (2012) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Tae-Kyoung Kim et al.: Semi-Data-Aided Channel Estimation for MIMO Systems via Reinforcement Learning. (2023) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Wayes Tushar et al.: Feasibility of using discriminate pricing schemes for energy trading in smart grid. (2014) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Wayes Tushar et al.: Feasibility of Using Discriminate Pricing Schemes for Energy Trading in Smart Grid. (2014) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Yo-Seb Jeon et al.: Robust Data Detection for MIMO Systems with One-Bit ADCs: A Reinforcement Learning Approach. (2019) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Jingzhi Hu et al.: MetaSketch: Wireless Semantic Segmentation by Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces. (2022) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Yo-Seb Jeon et al.: Robust Data Detection for MIMO Systems With One-Bit ADCs: A Reinforcement Learning Approach. (2020) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Wayes Tushar et al.: Cost Minimization of Charging Stations with Photovoltaics: An Approach with EV Classification. (2015) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Wayes Tushar et al.: Cost Minimization of Charging Stations With Photovoltaics: An Approach With EV Classification. (2016) authored by H. Vincent Poor. How-Hang Liu et al.: Sensor Deployment and Link Analysis in Satellite IoT Systems for Wildfire Detection. (2022) authored by H. Vincent Poor. How-Hang Liu et al.: Sensor Deployment and Link Analysis in Satellite IoT Systems for Wildfire Detection. (2022) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Zheng Xu et al.: Physical Layer Security Optimization for MIMO Enabled Visible Light Communication Networks. (2021) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Jinman Kwon et al.: MIMO Detection under Hardware Impairments via Learning from Noisy Labels. (2022) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Subhash Lakshminarayana et al.: Risk-aware energy procurement with renewable energy and storage. (2014) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Lei Yang et al.: Risk-Aware Day-Ahead Scheduling and Real-time Dispatch for Electric Vehicle Charging. (2014) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Xiaozhen Lu et al.: Reinforcement Learning-Based Microgrid Energy Trading With a Reduced Power Plant Schedule. (2019) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Asim Kumer Dey et al.: Motif-based analysis of power grid robustness under attacks. (2017) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Xi Zhang et al.: Massive-MIMO Channel Capacity Modeling for mURLLC Over 6G UAV Mobile Wireless Networks. (2022) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Zhichao Sheng et al.: Physical Layer Security Aided Wireless Interference Networks in the Presence of Strong Eavesdropper Channels. (2021) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Sachin Chaudhari et al.: Cooperative Sensing With Imperfect Reporting Channels: Hard Decisions or Soft Decisions? (2012) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Tim Holliday et al.: Joint Source and Channel Coding for MIMO Systems: Is it Better to be Robust or Quick? (2008) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Tim Holliday et al.: Joint source and channel coding for MIMO systems: Is it better to be robust or quick? (2008) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Ye Shi et al.: Model Predictive Control for Smart Grids with Multiple Electric-Vehicle Charging Stations. (2017) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Rafael F. Schaefer et al.: Physical layer security in massive MIMO systems. (2017) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Juho Park et al.: Outage Probability and Outage-Based Robust Beamforming for MIMO Interference Channels with Imperfect Channel State Information. (2012) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Ye Shi et al.: Model Predictive Control for Smart Grids With Multiple Electric-Vehicle Charging Stations. (2019) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Xin Zhang et al.: Optimal Power Allocation for Distributed Detection Over MIMO Channels in Wireless Sensor Networks. (2008) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Xin Zhang et al.: Optimal Power Allocation for Distributed Detection over MIMO Channels in Wireless Sensor Networks (2007) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Bin Dai et al.: Enhancing physical layer security via channel feedback: a survey. (2020) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Nugman Su et al.: Physical Layer Security for Multi-User MIMO Visible Light Communication Systems With Generalized Space Shift Keying. (2021) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Juho Park et al.: Outage Probability and Outage-Based Robust Beamforming for MIMO Interference Channels with Imperfect Channel State Information (2012) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Yo-Seb Jeon et al.: Data-Aided Channel Estimator for MIMO Systems via Reinforcement Learning. (2020) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Yo-Seb Jeon et al.: Data-Aided Channel Estimator for MIMO Systems via Reinforcement Learning. (2020) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Tuomas Aittom\u00e4ki et al.: Resource allocation for target detection in distributed MIMO radars. (2011) authored by H. Vincent Poor. \u00c2ndrei Camponogara et al.: The Complete and Incomplete Low-Bit-Rate Hybrid PLC/Wireless Channel Models: Physical Layer Security Analyses. (2019) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Hana Godrich et al.: Cluster allocation schemes for target tracking in multiple radar architecture. (2011) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Chao Zhang et al.: A refined consumer behavior model for energy systems: Application to the pricing and energy-efficiency problems. (2021) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Ravi Tandon et al.: On X-channels with feedback and delayed CSI. (2012) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Saba Asaad et al.: Designing IRS-Aided MIMO Systems for Secrecy Enhancement. (2021) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Yao Yu et al.: CSSF MIMO RADAR: Compressive-Sensing and Step-Frequency Based MIMO Radar. (2012) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Hao Huang et al.: Inclusion of Reactive Power into Ecological Robustness-Oriented Optimal Power Flow for Enhancing Power System Resilience. (2024) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Alex Dytso et al.: Amplitude Constrained MIMO Channels: Properties of Optimal Input Distributions and Bounds on the Capacity. (2019) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Hana Godrich et al.: An Analysis of Phase Synchronization Mismatch Sensitivity for Coherent MIMO Radar Systems (2009) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Jinman Kwon et al.: MIMO Detection under Hardware Impairments: Learning with Noisy Labels. (2023) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Wayes Tushar et al.: Roles of Retailers in the Peer-to-Peer Electricity Market: A Single Retailer Perspective. (2021) authored by H. Vincent Poor", "answer": "Doctor of Science" }, { "id": "ceb4bf71-63e9-4f0f-9ae7-28ebe464a9de", "question": "Which international conference steering committee was Jean-Pierre Jouannaud a member of from 1989 to 1994?", "triples_number": 158, "contexts": "Fr\u00e9d\u00e9ric Blanqui et al.: Corrigendum to \"Inductive-data-type systems\" [Theoret. Comput. Sci. 272 (1-2) (2002) 41-68]. (2020) authored by Jean-Pierre Jouannaud. Claude Kirchner et al.: Algebraic Manipulations as a Unification and Matching Strategy for Linear Equations in Signed Binary Trees. (1981) authored by Jean-Pierre Jouannaud. Fr\u00e9d\u00e9ric Blanqui et al.: Higher-Order Termination: From Kruskal to Computability. (2006) authored by Jean-Pierre Jouannaud. Fr\u00e9d\u00e9ric Blanqui et al.: Higher-Order Termination: from Kruskal to Computability (2006) authored by Jean-Pierre Jouannaud. Fr\u00e9d\u00e9ric Blanqui et al.: Inductive-data-type systems. (2002) authored by Jean-Pierre Jouannaud. Fr\u00e9d\u00e9ric Blanqui et al.: Inductive-data-type Systems (2006) authored by Jean-Pierre Jouannaud. Hubert Comon et al.: Decidable Problems in Shallow Equational Theories (Extended Abstract) (1992) authored by Jean-Pierre Jouannaud. Jean-Pierre Jouannaud et al.: OBJ: Programming with Equalities, Subsorts, Overloading and Parameterization. (1988) authored by Jean-Pierre Jouannaud. Jean-Pierre Jouannaud et al.: Programming with Equalitiers, Subsorts, Overloading and Parametrization in OBJ. (1992) authored by Jean-Pierre Jouannaud. Jean-Pierre Jouannaud and Weiwen Xu: Automatic Complexity Analysis for Programs Extracted from Coq Proof. (2005) authored by Jean-Pierre Jouannaud. Joseph A. Goguen et al.: Operational Semantics for Order-Sorted Algebra. (1985) authored by Jean-Pierre Jouannaud. Bruno Barras et al.: CoQMTU: A Higher-Order Type Theory with a Predicative Hierarchy of Universes Parametrized by a Decidable First-Order Theory. (2011) authored by Jean-Pierre Jouannaud. Gilles Dowek et al.: Confluence of left-linear higher-order rewrite theories by checking their nested critical pairs. (2022) authored by Jean-Pierre Jouannaud. Jean-Pierre Jouannaud and Mitsuhiro Okada: A Computation Model for Executable Higher-Order Algebraic Specification Languages (1991) authored by Jean-Pierre Jouannaud. Fr\u00e9d\u00e9ric Blanqui et al.: From Formal Proofs to Mathematical Proofs: A Safe, Incremental Way for Building in First-order Decision Procedures. (2008) authored by Jean-Pierre Jouannaud\"}. \\nIn 1970, 1972, and 1977, he wrote his Master thesis (DEA), PhD thesis (Th\u00e8se de 3\u00e8me cycle), and Habilitation thesis (Th\u00e8se d'\u00e9tat), respectively, at the Universit\u00e9 de Paris VI", "answer": "International Conference on Rewriting Techniques and Applications (RTA)" }, { "id": "c9d7ebd2-f270-4a42-9061-a37d3129e779", "question": "Which author has a title mentioning 'Data Science and Digital Systems: The 3Ds of Machine Learning Systems Design'?", "triples_number": 256, "contexts": "Christopher A. Penfold et al.: Modeling Meiotic Chromosomes Indicates a Size Dependent Contribution of Telomere Clustering and Chromosome Rigidity to Homologue Juxtaposition. (2012) authored by Neil D. Lawrence. Antti Honkela et al.: Model-based method for transcription factor target identification with limited data. (2010) authored by Neil D. Lawrence. Nicol\u00f3 Fusi et al.: Detecting regulatory gene-environment interactions with unmeasured environmental factors. (2013) authored by Neil D. Lawrence. Guido Sanguinetti et al.: Probabilistic inference of transcription factor concentrations and gene-specific regulatory activities. (2006) authored by Neil D. Lawrence. Gennaro Gambardella et al.: A reverse-engineering approach to dissect post-translational modulators of transcription factor's activity from transcriptional data. (2015) authored by Neil D. Lawrence. James Hensman et al.: Fast Variational Inference in the Conjugate Exponential Family. (2012) authored by Neil D. Lawrence. Ciira Wa Maina et al.: Inference of RNA Polymerase II Transcription Dynamics from Chromatin Immunoprecipitation Time Course Data. (2014) authored by Neil D. Lawrence. Christopher M. Bishop et al.: Approximating Posterior Distributions in Belief Networks Using Mixtures. (1997) authored by Neil D. Lawrence. James Hensman et al.: Fast variational inference for nonparametric clustering of structured time-series. (2014) authored by Neil D. Lawrence. Ricardo Andrade Pacheco et al.: Monitoring Short Term Changes of Malaria Incidence in Uganda with Gaussian Processes. (2015) authored by Neil D. Lawrence. James Hensman et al.: Fast Variational Inference in the Conjugate Exponential Family (2012) authored by Neil D. Lawrence. Michalis K. Titsias et al.: Identifying targets of multiple co-regulating transcription factors from expression time-series by Bayesian model comparison. (2012) authored by Neil D. Lawrence. Hafiz Muhammad Shahzad Asif et al.: TFInfer: a tool for probabilistic inference of transcription factor activities. (2010) authored by Neil D. Lawrence. Zhenwen Dai et al.: Efficient inference for sparse latent variable models of transcriptional regulation. (2017) authored by Neil D. Lawrence. James Hensman et al.: Hierarchical Bayesian modelling of gene expression time series across irregularly sampled replicates and clusters. (2013) authored by Neil D. Lawrence. Pei Gao et al.: Gaussian process modelling of latent chemical species: applications to inferring transcription factor activities. (2008) authored by Neil D. Lawrence. Nicol\u00f3 Fusi et al.: Joint Modelling of Confounding Factors and Prominent Genetic Regulators Provides Increased Accuracy in Genetical Genomics Studies. (2012) authored by Neil D. Lawrence. Guido Sanguinetti et al.: A probabilistic dynamical model for quantitative inference of the regulatory mechanism of transcription. (2006) authored by Neil D. Lawrence. Ricardo Andrade Pacheco et al.: Monitoring Short Term Changes of Infectious Diseases in Uganda with Gaussian Processes. (2015) authored by Neil D. Lawrence. Antti Honkela et al.: tigre: Transcription factor inference through gaussian process reconstruction of expression for bioconductor. (2011) authored by Neil D. Lawrence. Sijia Li et al.: Two-way Sparse Network Inference for Count Data. (2022) authored by Neil D. Lawrence. Mauricio A. \u00c1lvarez et al.: Switched Latent Force Models for Movement Segmentation. (2010) authored by Neil D. Lawrence. Miguel L\u00e1zaro-Gredilla et al.: Overlapping Mixtures of Gaussian Processes for the data association problem. (2012) authored by Neil D. Lawrence. Jaco Vermaak et al.: Variational Inference for Visual Tracking. (2003) authored by Neil D. Lawrence. Xuejun Liu et al.: Probe-level measurement error improves accuracy in detecting differential gene expression. (2006) authored by Neil D. Lawrence'}. It\\'s great and it will be useful one day but it\\'s not surprising in a pandemic that we fall back on tried and tested techniques", "answer": "Neil D. Lawrence" }, { "id": "2b624ef0-6c04-41a2-baa9-f7a31fc91cb0", "question": "Which author published more articles, the creator of 'Step away from stepwise' or 'Morphological surface profile extraction from multiple sonars'?", "triples_number": 55, "contexts": "Gary Smith name Gary Smith. Gary Smith alternativeName Gary Smith. Gary Smith alternativeName G. Smith. Gary Smith alternativeName Gary N. Smith. Gary Smith alternativeName G. N. Smith Smith (born 1968) is an American computer scientist and electrical engineer and a professor at the University of Washington. '}", "answer": "Deniz Ba\u015fkent" }, { "id": "67c8e675-7d7c-4431-a1ac-ffcc2ab06cec", "question": "Where did the author who wrote Adaptation of Web Services Based on QoS Satisfaction work as a professor?", "triples_number": 331, "contexts": "Gabriele Scalia et al.: Evaluating Scalable Uncertainty Estimation Methods for DNN-Based Molecular Property Prediction. (2019) authored by Barbara Pernici. Gabriele Scalia et al.: Evaluating Scalable Uncertainty Estimation Methods for Deep Learning-Based Molecular Property Prediction. (2020) authored by Barbara Pernici. Alberto H. F. Laender et al.: Conceptual Modeling - 38th International Conference, ER 2019, Salvador, Brazil, November 4-7, 2019, Proceedings (2019) edited by Barbara Pernici. Andrea Autelitano et al.: Spatio-temporal mining of keywords for social media cross-social crawling of emergency events. (2019) authored by Barbara Pernici. Barbara Pernici name Barbara Pernici. Gabriele Scalia et al.: Storing Combustion Data Experiments: New Requirements Emerging from a First Prototype - Position Paper. (2018) authored by Barbara Pernici. Barbara Pernici modified 2023-10-18. Chiara Francalanci et al.: Exploratory Spatio-Temporal Queries in Evolving Information. (2017) authored by Barbara Pernici. Carlo Bono and Barbara Pernici: Extracting Large Scale Spatio-Temporal Descriptions from Social Media. (2022) authored by Barbara Pernici. Carlo Bono and Barbara Pernici: Extracting Large Scale Spatio-Temporal Descriptions from Social Media. (2022) authored by Barbara Pernici. Anastasia Cotov et al.: Improving Cybersecurity Awareness: Tweet Classification using Multilingual Sentence Embeddings and Contextual Features. (2023) authored by Barbara Pernici. Gabriele Scalia et al.: Towards a scientific data framework to support scientific model development. (2019) authored by Barbara Pernici. Fabio Casati et al.: WERDE: A Pattern-Based Tool for Exception Design in Workflows. (1998) authored by Barbara Pernici. Francesca Ratti et al.: A Data-driven Approach to Optimize Bounds on the Capacity of the Molecular Channel. (2020) authored by Barbara Pernici. Gabriele Scalia et al.: CIME: Context-aware geolocation of emergency-related posts. (2022) authored by Barbara Pernici. Barbara Pernici alternativeName Barbara Pernici. Federico Barbic et al.: Automatic Deduction of Temporal Information. (1990) authored by Barbara Pernici. Angelo Montanari et al.: Object Migration in Temporal Object-Oriented Databases. (1994) authored by Barbara Pernici. Chiara Francalanci et al.: IMEXT: A method and system to extract geolocated images from Tweets - Analysis of a case study. (2017) authored by Barbara Pernici. Sara Barozzi et al.: Filtering images extracted from social media in the response phase of emergency events. (2019) authored by Barbara Pernici. Lucio Bozzoli et al.: An Attribute-Dependent Model for Logical Database design Using Consecutive Retrieval Property. (1981) authored by Barbara Pernici. Roberto Maiocchi et al.: Automatic Deduction of Temporal Information. (1992) authored by Barbara Pernici. Barbara Pernici alternativeName Pernici. Edoardo Ramalli et al.: Data Ecosystems for Scientific Experiments: Managing Combustion Experiments and Simulation Analyses in Chemical Engineering. (2021) authored by Barbara Pernici. Stefano Ceri et al.: Optimization problems and solution methods in the design of data distribution. (1989) authored by Barbara Pernici. Cinzia Cappiello et al.: ADSC: Application-Driven Storage Control for Energy Efficiency. (2011) authored by Barbara Pernici. Barbara Pernici is Person. Barbara Pernici 2YrMeanCitedness 2.3333332538604736328. Barbara Pernici alternativeName PerniciB.. Stefano Spaccapietra et al.: Journal on Data Semantics VIII (2007) edited by Barbara Pernici. Carlo Bono et al.: TriggerCit: Early Flood Alerting using Twitter and Geolocation - a comparison with alternative sources. (2022) authored by Barbara Pernici. Carlo Bono et al.: TriggerCit: Early Flood Alerting using Twitter and Geolocation - A Comparison with Alternative Sources. (2022) authored by Barbara Pernici. Cinzia Cappiello et al.: A Model of Data Currency in Multi-Channel Financial Architectures. (2002) authored by Barbara Pernici She won the Italian Women's Chess Championships five times in 1974, 1977, 1978, 1979 and 1981. \"}", "answer": "University of Udine" }, { "id": "dba2fcf1-a41b-4ee3-932c-3a9419a0951e", "question": "Who has more works, the author of BVOT: Self-Tallying Boardroom Voting with Oblivious Transfer or the author of Analyse von Bewegungsstrategien f\u00fcr tubul\u00e4re Kontinuumsroboter als Basis f\u00fcr eine sichere Pfadplanung?", "triples_number": 127, "contexts": "Amber L. Simpson et al.: Intraoperative brain tumor resection cavity characterization with conoscopic holography. (2012) authored by Jessica Burgner-Kahrs. Yaokun Zhang et al.: Optimization of Line Cut Strategy for Bone Tissue Ablation Using Short-Pulsed CO2 Laser. (2010) authored by Jessica Burgner-Kahrs. Ernar Amanov et al.: Initial Investigations towards a Flexible Variable Stiffness Single Port System for Partial Nephrectomy. (2016) authored by Jessica Burgner-Kahrs. Philip J. Swaney et al.: Tracked 3D ultrasound targeting with an active cannula. (2012) authored by Jessica Burgner-Kahrs. Chengnan Shentu et al.: MoSS: Monocular Shape Sensing for Continuum Robots. (2023) authored by Jessica Burgner-Kahrs. Chengnan Shentu et al.: MoSS: Monocular Shape Sensing for Continuum Robots. (2024) authored by Jessica Burgner-Kahrs. Reinhard Grassmann and Jessica Burgner-Kahrs: Quaternion-Based Smooth Trajectory Generator for Via Poses in SE(3) Considering Kinematic Limits in Cartesian Space. (2019) authored by Jessica Burgner-Kahrs. Jessica Burgner et al.: End-effector calibration and registration procedure for robot assisted laser material processing: Tailored to the particular needs of short pulsed CO2 laser bone ablation. (2009) authored by Jessica Burgner-Kahrs. Reinhard M. Grassmann et al.: FAS - A Fully Actuated Segment for Tendon-Driven Continuum Robots. (2022) authored by Jessica Burgner-Kahrs. Jessica Burgner-Kahrs name Jessica Burgner-Kahrs. Dylan P. Losey et al.: A flexure-based wrist for needle-sized surgical robots. (2013) authored by Jessica Burgner-Kahrs. Jessica Burgner et al.: Including Parameterization of the Discrete Ablation Process into a Planning and Simulation Environment for Robot-Assisted Laser Osteotomy. (2009) authored by Jessica Burgner-Kahrs The applications of this technology include minimally invasive surgery and servicing industrial machinery. She became an associate professor at Leibniz University Hannover before moving to her present position at the University of Toronto in 2019. '}", "answer": "Alan T. Sherman" }, { "id": "78322f3e-2cb9-4b6d-a3c0-0b842574de73", "question": "What is the average two years citedness of the writer of Human wayfinding in information networks?", "triples_number": 557, "contexts": "Jure Leskovec name Jure Leskovec. Jure Leskovec alternativeName Jure Leskovec. Jure Leskovec modified 2023-10-18. Tailin Wu et al.: Learning Controllable Adaptive Simulation for Multi-resolution Physics. (2023) authored by Jure Leskovec. Tailin Wu et al.: Learning Controllable Adaptive Simulation for Multi-resolution Physics. (2023) authored by Jure Leskovec. Jure Leskovec alternativeName J. Leskovec. Jure Leskovec i10Index 299. Minkai Xu et al.: Geometric Latent Diffusion Models for 3D Molecule Generation. (2023) authored by Jure Leskovec. Minkai Xu et al.: Geometric Latent Diffusion Models for 3D Molecule Generation. (2023) authored by Jure Leskovec. Tailin Wu et al.: Learning to Accelerate Partial Differential Equations via Latent Global Evolution. (2022) authored by Jure Leskovec. Tailin Wu et al.: Learning to Accelerate Partial Differential Equations via Latent Global Evolution. (2022) authored by Jure Leskovec. Tailin Wu et al.: Uncertainty Quantification for Forward and Inverse Problems of PDEs via Latent Global Evolution. (2024) authored by Jure Leskovec. Tailin Wu et al.: Uncertainty Quantification for Forward and Inverse Problems of PDEs via Latent Global Evolution. (2024) authored by Jure Leskovec. Wang-Cheng Kang et al.: Complete the Look: Scene-based Complementary Product Recommendation. (2018) authored by Jure Leskovec. Jure Leskovec is Person. Jure Leskovec 2YrMeanCitedness 5.4776120185852050781. Wang-Cheng Kang et al.: Complete the Look: Scene-Based Complementary Product Recommendation. (2019) authored by Jure Leskovec. Christopher Fifty et al.: In-Context Learning for Few-Shot Molecular Property Prediction. (2023) authored by Jure Leskovec. Kaidi Cao et al.: Concept Learners for Generalizable Few-Shot Learning. (2020) authored by Jure Leskovec. Jure Leskovec link https://mathgenealogy.org/id.php?id=165378. Jure Leskovec orcidId https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5411-923X. Kaidi Cao et al.: Concept Learners for Few-Shot Learning. (2021) authored by Jure Leskovec. Jure Leskovec link https://mathscinet.ams.org/mathscinet/MRAuthorID/906165. Cody Coleman et al.: Selection via Proxy: Efficient Data Selection for Deep Learning. (2020) authored by Jure Leskovec. Tailin Wu et al.: Compositional Generative Inverse Design. (2024) authored by Jure Leskovec. Cody Coleman et al.: Selection Via Proxy: Efficient Data Selection For Deep Learning. (2019) authored by Jure Leskovec. Michael Moor et al.: Med-Flamingo: a Multimodal Medical Few-shot Learner. (2023) authored by Jure Leskovec. Michael Moor et al.: Med-Flamingo: a Multimodal Medical Few-shot Learner. (2023) authored by Jure Leskovec. Baharan Mirzasoleiman et al.: Coresets for Robust Training of Deep Neural Networks against Noisy Labels. (2020) authored by Jure Leskovec. David Hallac et al.: Toeplitz Inverse Covariance-based Clustering of Multivariate Time Series Data. (2018) authored by Jure Leskovec. David Hallac et al.: Toeplitz Inverse Covariance-Based Clustering of Multivariate Time Series Data. (2017) authored by Jure Leskovec. David Hallac et al.: Toeplitz Inverse Covariance-Based Clustering of Multivariate Time Series Data. (2017) authored by Jure Leskovec. Jure Leskovec worksCount 619. Ethan Shen et al.: Model-Agnostic Graph Regularization for Few-Shot Learning. (2021) authored by Jure Leskovec. Jure Leskovec is Creator. Hongyu Ren et al.: Combiner: Full Attention Transformer with Sparse Computation Cost. (2021) authored by Jure Leskovec. Hongyu Ren et al.: Combiner: Full Attention Transformer with Sparse Computation Cost. (2021) authored by Jure Leskovec. Jure Leskovec h-index 105. Shiori Sagawa et al.: Extending the WILDS Benchmark for Unsupervised Adaptation. (2021) authored by Jure Leskovec. Shiori Sagawa et al.: Extending the WILDS Benchmark for Unsupervised Adaptation. (2022) authored by Jure Leskovec. Christopher Fifty et al.: Harnessing Simulation for Molecular Embeddings. (2023) authored by Jure Leskovec. Jingbo Yang et al.: Driver2vec: Driver Identification from Automotive Data. (2021) authored by Jure Leskovec. Himabindu Lakkaraju et al.: Faithful and Customizable Explanations of Black Box Models. (2019) authored by Jure Leskovec. David Hallac et al.: Driver identification using automobile sensor data from a single turn. (2016) authored by Jure Leskovec. Kexin Huang et al.: Therapeutics Data Commons: Machine Learning Datasets and Tasks for Drug Discovery and Development. (2021) authored by Jure Leskovec. Yanan Wang et al.: VQA-GNN: Reasoning with Multimodal Knowledge via Graph Neural Networks for Visual Question Answering. (2023) authored by Jure Leskovec. David Hallac et al.: Driver Identification Using Automobile Sensor Data from a Single Turn. (2017) authored by Jure Leskovec. David Hallac et al.: SnapVX: A Network-Based Convex Optimization Solver. (2015) authored by Jure Leskovec. David Hallac et al.: SnapVX: A Network-Based Convex Optimization Solver. (2017) authored by Jure Leskovec. David Hallac et al.: Drive2Vec: Multiscale State-Space Embedding of Vehicular Sensor Data. (2018) authored by Jure Leskovec'}. He was promoted to associate professor with tenure in 2016", "answer": "5.477612" }, { "id": "7e111d49-1171-4033-a152-df2bf6e1f975", "question": "What is the i10Index of the scholar working at Monash University, Melbourne, Australia and published Covering Things with Things in the ESA journal 2002?", "triples_number": 301, "contexts": "S\u00e9bastien Collette et al.: Distribution-sensitive point location in convex subdivisions. (2008) authored by Pat Morin. Kevin Buchin et al.: Preprocessing Imprecise Points for Delaunay Triangulation: Simplified and Extended. (2011) authored by Pat Morin. Prosenjit Bose et al.: An Optimal Algorithm for Product Structure in Planar Graphs. (2022) authored by Pat Morin. Prosenjit Bose et al.: An Optimal Algorithm for Product Structure in Planar Graphs. (2022) authored by Pat Morin. Kevin Buchin et al.: Delaunay Triangulation of Imprecise Points Simplified and Extended. (2009) authored by Pat Morin. Vida Dujmovic et al.: Layered Separators for Queue Layouts, 3D Graph Drawing and Nonrepetitive Coloring. (2013) authored by Pat Morin. S\u00e9bastien Collette et al.: Entropy, triangulation, and point location in planar subdivisions. (2012) authored by Pat Morin. David Bremner et al.: Output-sensitive algorithms for Tukey depth and related problems. (2008) authored by Pat Morin. Prosenjit Bose et al.: Near-Optimal O(k)-Robust Geometric Spanners. (2018) authored by Pat Morin. Prosenjit Bose et al.: Robust Geometric Spanners. (2013) authored by Pat Morin. Prosenjit Bose et al.: Robust geometric spanners. (2013) authored by Pat Morin. Boris Aronov et al.: More Tur\u00e1n-Type Theorems for Triangles in Convex Point Sets. (2017) authored by Pat Morin. Boris Aronov et al.: More Tur\u00e1n-Type Theorems for Triangles in Convex Point Sets. (2019) authored by Pat Morin. Greg Aloupis et al.: Reconfiguring Triangulations with Edge Flips and Point Moves. (2007) authored by Pat Morin. Prosenjit Bose et al.: Robust Geometric Spanners (2012) authored by Pat Morin. Greg Aloupis et al.: Reconfiguring Triangulations with Edge Flips and Point Moves. (2004) authored by Pat Morin. Joachim Gudmundsson et al.: Algorithms for Marketing-Mix Optimization. (2011) authored by Pat Morin. Pat Morin: A Fast Algorithm for the Product Structure of Planar Graphs. (2021) authored by Pat Morin. Dan Chen et al.: Memoryless routing in convex subdivisions: Random walks are optimal. (2012) authored by Pat Morin. David Bremner et al.: Output-Sensitive Algorithms for Computing Nearest-Neighbour Decision Boundaries. (2005) authored by Pat Morin. David Bremner et al.: Output-Sensitive Algorithms for Computing Nearest-Neighbour Decision Boundaries. (2003) authored by Pat Morin. Pat Morin: A Fast Algorithm for the Product Structure of Planar Graphs. (2020) authored by Pat Morin. Prosenjit Bose et al.: Routing with Guaranteed Delivery in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks. (2001) authored by Pat Morin. Jorge Alberto Calvo et al.: Convexifying polygons with simple projections. (2001) authored by Pat Morin. Pankaj K. Agarwal et al.: Computing the Detour and Spanning Ratio of Paths, Trees, and Cycles in 2D and 3D. (2008) authored by Pat Morin. S\u00e9bastien Collette et al.: Entropy, Triangulation, and Point Location in Planar Subdivisions (2009) authored by Pat Morin. Herv\u00e9 Br\u00f6nnimann et al.: Space-efficient planar convex hull algorithms. (2004) authored by Pat Morin. Joachim Gudmundsson et al.: Algorithms for Marketing-Mix Optimization (2009) authored by Pat Morin. Prosenjit Bose et al.: Space-efficient geometric divide-and-conquer algorithms. (2007) authored by Pat Morin. Peter Bra\u00df et al.: Computing the Center of Area of a Convex Polygon. (2003) authored by Pat Morin\"}. \\nMorin has published highly-cited work on geographic routing in geometric graphs, including unit disk graphs and triangulations, with coauthors including Jit Bose, Erik Demaine, Stefan Langerman, and Jorge Urrutia", "answer": "60" }, { "id": "6afeba89-d041-4bb1-9bb5-2b09c23dcb80", "question": "What is the hIndex of the author who published the paper 'Modelling multiple mind-matter interaction' in the 'Int. J. Hum. Comput. Stud.' journal in 2002?", "triples_number": 499, "contexts": "Stefano Bennati and Catholijn M. Jonker: PriMaL: A Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning Method for Event Detection in Distributed Sensor Networks. (2017) authored by Catholijn M. Jonker. Tim Baarslag et al.: Optimal Non-adaptive Concession Strategies with Incomplete Information. (2014) authored by Catholijn M. Jonker. Yangyang Shi et al.: Recurrent neural network language model adaptation with curriculum learning. (2015) authored by Catholijn M. Jonker. Maaike Harbers et al.: Sharing information in teams: giving up privacy or compromising on team performance? (2014) authored by Catholijn M. Jonker. Youri Coppens et al.: Synthesising Reinforcement Learning Policies through Set-Valued Inductive Rule Learning. (2021) authored by Catholijn M. Jonker. Youri Coppens et al.: Synthesising Reinforcement Learning Policies Through Set-Valued Inductive Rule Learning. (2020) authored by Catholijn M. Jonker. Enrico Liscio et al.: Value Preferences Estimation and Disambiguation in Hybrid Participatory Systems. (2024) authored by Catholijn M. Jonker. Chang Wang et al.: Learning Classifier System on a humanoid NAO robot in dynamic environments. (2012) authored by Catholijn M. Jonker. Daniela E. Herlea et al.: A Formal Knowledge Level Process Model of Requirements Engineering. (1999) authored by Catholijn M. Jonker. Wilbert van Norden et al.: Classification support using confidence intervals. (2008) authored by Catholijn M. Jonker. Changyun Wei et al.: Auction-Based Dynamic Task Allocation for Foraging with a Cooperative Robot Team. (2014) authored by Catholijn M. Jonker. Thomas Christopher King et al.: Automated multi-level governance compliance checking. (2017) authored by Catholijn M. Jonker. Thomas M. Moerland et al.: Monte Carlo Tree Search for Asymmetric Trees. (2018) authored by Catholijn M. Jonker. Yangyang Shi et al.: MediaEval 2012 Tagging Task: Prediction based on One Best List and Confusion Networks. (2012) authored by Catholijn M. Jonker. V\u00edctor S\u00e1nchez-Anguix et al.: Intra-Team Strategies for Teams Negotiating Against Competitor, Matchers, and Conceders. (2016) authored by Catholijn M. Jonker. V\u00edctor S\u00e1nchez-Anguix et al.: Intra-Team Strategies for Teams Negotiating Against Competitor, Matchers, and Conceders. (2014) authored by Catholijn M. Jonker. Luuk P. A. Simons et al.: Intensive Lifestyle (e)Support to Reverse Diabetes-2. (2016) authored by Catholijn M. Jonker. Thomas Christopher King et al.: When Do Rule Changes Count - As Legal Rule Changes? (2016) authored by Catholijn M. Jonker. Alina Pommeranz et al.: Towards value-focused decision support systems. (2012) authored by Catholijn M. Jonker. Frances M. T. Brazier et al.: Distributed Scheduling to Support a Call Center: A Cooperative Multiagent Approach. (1999) authored by Catholijn M. Jonker. Yangyang Shi et al.: K-component recurrent neural network language models using curriculum learning. (2013) authored by Catholijn M. Jonker. Thomas M. Moerland et al.: A0C: Alpha Zero in Continuous Action Space. (2018) authored by Catholijn M. Jonker. Vahid Yazdanpanah et al.: Responsibility Research for Trustworthy Autonomous Systems. (2021) authored by Catholijn M. Jonker. Changyun Wei et al.: Multi-robot Cooperative Pathfinding: A Decentralized Approach. (2014) authored by Catholijn M. Jonker. Duco N. Ferro and Catholijn M. Jonker: Filtering Algorithm for Agent-Based Incident Communication Support in Mobile Human Surveillance. (2008) authored by Catholijn M. Jonker. Luuk P. A. Simons et al.: Improving employee health; lessons from an RCT. (2017) authored by Catholijn M. Jonker. Wilbert van Norden and Catholijn M. Jonker: Confusion and Distance Metrics as Performance Criteria for Hierarchical Classification Spaces. (2009) authored by Catholijn M. Jonker. Yangyang Shi et al.: Socio-situational setting classification based on language use. (2011) authored by Catholijn M. Jonker. Wietske Visser et al.: Argumentation-Based Preference Modelling with Incomplete Information. (2009) authored by Catholijn M. Jonker. Daniela E. Herlea et al.: A Compositional Knowledge Level Process Model of Requirements Engineering. (2002) authored by Catholijn M. Jonker. Vahid Yazdanpanah et al.: Reasoning about responsibility in autonomous systems: challenges and opportunities. (2023) authored by Catholijn M. Jonker. Catholijn M. Jonker and Jan Treur: A Re-Usable Broker Agent Architecture with Dynamic Maintenance Capabilities. (1999) authored by Catholijn M. Jonker. Jeff L. Burgett et al.: Mobie: Personalized Automated Recharge of Prepaid Mobile Phones. (2001) authored by Catholijn M. Jonker. Wietske Visser et al.: Goal-Based Qualitative Preference Systems. (2012) authored by Catholijn M. Jonker. Luciano Cavalcante Siebert et al.: Estimating Value Preferences in a Hybrid Participatory System. (2022) authored by Catholijn M. Jonker. Yangyang Shi et al.: Towards Recurrent Neural Networks Language Models with Linguistic and Contextual Features. (2012) authored by Catholijn M. Jonker. Catholijn M. Jonker et al.: Requirements Specification and Automated Evaluation of Dynamic Properties of a Component-Based Design. (2002) authored by Catholijn M. Jonker. Thomas Christopher King et al.: Revising Institutions Governed by Institutions for Compliant Regulations. (2015) authored by Catholijn M. Jonker. Luuk P. A. Simons et al.: Microlearning mApp to Improve Long Term Health Behaviours: Design and Test of Multi-Channel Service Mix. (2014) authored by Catholijn M. Jonker. Changyun Wei et al.: The Role of Communication in Coordination Protocols for Cooperative Robot Teams. (2014) authored by Catholijn M. Jonker. Yangyang Shi et al.: Adaptive Language Modeling with a Set of Domain Dependent Models. (2012) authored by Catholijn M. Jonker. Thomas Christopher King et al.: Supporting Request Acceptance with Use Policies. (2014) authored by Catholijn M. Jonker. Ming Li et al.: A Data-Driven Method for Recognizing Automated Negotiation Strategies. (2021) authored by Catholijn M. Jonker. Thomas Christopher King et al.: A Framework for Institutions Governing Institutions. (2015) authored by Catholijn M. Jonker. Pei-Yu Chen et al.: Acquiring Semantic Knowledge for User Model Updates via Human-Agent Alignment Dialogues. (2023) authored by Catholijn M. Jonker. Wietske Visser et al.: An Argumentation Framework for Deriving Qualitative Risk Sensitive Preferences. (2011) authored by Catholijn M. Jonker. Bram M. Renting et al.: Automated Configuration and Usage of Strategy Portfolios for Bargaining. (2022) authored by Catholijn M. Jonker. Luuk P. A. Simons et al.: eHealth WhatsApp Group for Social Support: Preliminary Results. (2018) authored by Catholijn M. Jonker. Frances M. T. Brazier et al.: Distributed Scheduling to Support a Call Centre: a Co-operative Multi-Agent Approach. (1998) authored by Catholijn M. Jonker\"}. D. {'author_wikipedia_text': \"Catholijn M", "answer": "41" }, { "id": "bda4cfcf-b985-420e-9a2d-eebe7a0f09d0", "question": "Whose two-year mean citedness is higher, the creator of the paper 'Getting Started in Tiling Microarray Analysis' or the author of 'Dynamic Causal Modeling with Neural Population Models'?", "triples_number": 79, "contexts": "X. Shirley Liu alternativeName XIANGYU LIU. X. Shirley Liu alternativeName Xu Liu. X. Shirley Liu name X. Shirley Liu. Xiaole Shirley Liu is Person. X. Shirley Liu alternativeName X. Shirley Liu. X. Shirley Liu i10Index 15. Xiaole Shirley Liu link https://twitter.com/xshirleyliu Little. D", "answer": "Xiaole Shirley Liu" }, { "id": "a107e370-294b-490d-83f4-5f1309e87883", "question": "In which year was the academic who authored Better Software, Better Research appointed as Commander of the Order of the British Empire?", "triples_number": 414, "contexts": "Giuseppe Pirr\u00f2 et al.: ERGOT: A Semantic-Based System for Service Discovery in Distributed Infrastructures. (2010) authored by Carole A. Goble. Carole A. Goble link https://twitter.com/caroleannegoble. Carole Goble 2YrMeanCitedness 6.0882353782653808594. Ning Zhang et al.: A Linkable Identity Privacy Algorithm for HealthGrid. (2005) authored by Carole A. Goble. Aleksandra Nenadic et al.: DSA-Based Verifiable and Recoverable Encryption of Signatures and Its Application in Certified E-Goods Delivery. (2005) authored by Carole A. Goble. Carole A. Goble is Person. Aleksandra Nenadic et al.: RSA-based Certified Delivery of E-Goods Using Verifiable and Recoverable Signature Encryption. (2005) authored by Carole A. Goble. Carole Goble alternativeName Goble Carole. Carole Goble orcidId https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1219-2137. Carole Goble alternativeName Carole Goble. Carole Goble name Carole Goble. Carole Goble alternativeName Carole Anne Goble. Carole Goble alternativeName Carole A. Goble. Carole Goble alternativeName Carol Goble. Carole Goble alternativeName Goble. Carole Goble written paper amount in year2013: 25. Carole Goble written paper amount in year2013: 25. Liming Chen et al.: Towards a Knowledge-Based Approach to Semantic Service Composition. (2003) authored by Carole A. Goble. Paolo Missier et al.: Functional Units: Abstractions for Web Service Annotations. (2010) authored by Carole A. Goble. Gary Ng et al.: Visualizing Complex Schemas in Description Logic Using Movable Lens Filters. (1998) authored by Carole A. Goble. Giuseppe Pirr\u00f2 et al.: Combining DHTs and SONs for Semantic-Based Service Discovery. (2009) authored by Carole A. Goble. Mokrane Bouzeghoub et al.: Semantics for Grid Databases, First International IFIP Conference on Semantics of a Networked World: ICSNW 2004, Paris, France, June 17-19, 2004. Revised Selected Papers (2004) edited by Carole A. Goble. Carole Goble alternativeName C. A. Goble. Carole Goble written paper amount in year2016: 20. Carole Goble written paper amount in year2016: 20. Carole Goble written paper amount in year2015: 20. Carole Goble written paper amount in year2015: 20. Jacek Sroka et al.: A formal semantics for the Taverna 2 workflow model. (2010) authored by Carole A. Goble. J. C. Bullock and Carole A. Goble: TourisT: The Application of a Description Logic Based Semantic Hypermedia System for Tourism. (1998) authored by Carole A. Goble. Marta Sabou et al.: Learning domain ontologies for semantic Web service descriptions. (2005) authored by Carole A. Goble. Simon Harper et al.: proXimity: Ad-Hoc Networks for Enhanced Mobility. (2004) authored by Carole A. Goble. Carole A. Goble link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carole_Goble. Carole Goble alternativeName C. Goble. Carole Goble written paper amount in year2014: 28. Carole Goble written paper amount in year2014: 28. Carole Goble written paper amount in year2012: 22. Carole Goble written paper amount in year2012: 22. Carole A. Goble et al.: Working Notes of the 2001 International Description Logics Workshop (DL-2001), Stanford, CA, USA, August 1-3, 2001 (2001) edited by Carole A. Goble. Jun Zhao et al.: An Identity Crisis in the Life Sciences. (2006) authored by Carole A. Goble. Khalid Belhajjame et al.: Automatic annotation of Web services based on workflow definitions. (2008) authored by Carole A. Goble. Carole Goble written paper amount in year2021: 18\"}. \\nGoble was educated at Maidstone School for Girls. She has successfully secured funding from the European Union, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in the United States and UK funding agencies including the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC), Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), Medical Research Council (United Kingdom) (MRC), the Department of Health, the Open Middleware Infrastructure Institute and the Department of Trade and Industry. She is an editorial board member of IEEE Internet Computing, GigaScience, and the International Journal of Web Services Research, and served as the editor-in-chief of Elsevier's Journal of Web Semantics from 2003 to 2008", "answer": "2014" }, { "id": "b1c0b5b6-b196-412b-8dd6-379de162e886", "question": "Where did the author of the publication 'On a Novel Class of integrable ODEs Related to the Painlev\u00e9 equations' earn a PhD degree?", "triples_number": 81, "contexts": "Athanassios S. Fokas et al.: Evolution of methacrylate distribution during wood saturation. (2005) authored by Athanassios S. Fokas. A. S. Fokas alternativeName A. S Fokas. Athanassios S. Fokas and H. Madala: Emerging Patterns and Computational Design of Filter Cellular Automata. (1993) authored by Athanassios S. Fokas. Nicholas E. Protonotarios et al.: A Spline Approach to Parallel-Hole Collimator Deblurring for aSRT-Reconstructed SPECT Images. (2019) authored by Athanassios S. Fokas. A. S. Fokas alternativeName Fokas As. A. S. Fokas name A. S. Fokas. A. S. Fokas alternativeName A. Fokas. A. S. Fokas 2YrMeanCitedness 2.0588235855102539062 M. \\nI. He also has a son, Alexander, from his first marriage to Allison Pearce. '}", "answer": "Caltech" }, { "id": "fadf8cfe-df69-4ab8-9f44-b0d07fcd8a29", "question": "In which year did the author of 'The Design and Evaluation of Interactivities in a Digital Library' receive an award for Outstanding Teacher at the University of Arizona, School of Information Resources and Library Science?", "triples_number": 70, "contexts": "Anita Sundaram Coleman name Anita Sundaram Coleman. Anita Sundaram Coleman alternativeName Anita Sundaram Coleman. Anita Sundaram Coleman alternativeName Anita Coleman. Anita Sundaram Coleman alternativeName Anita S. Coleman. Anita Coleman is Person. Anita Sundaram Coleman alternativeName A. Coleman. Anita Sundaram Coleman 2YrMeanCitedness 0.0{'author_wikipedia_text': 'Anita Coleman is an Indian American academic librarian, faculty and researcher in digital libraries. \\n2006 Professional Service (Library of Congress and American Library Association Association for Library Cataloging and Technical Services)\\n1998 Research - California Academic & Research Libraries'}", "answer": "2007" }, { "id": "828cc6ce-c0a8-4950-beed-ca40a4a26940", "question": "What kind of organization is the institution of the writer of the article 'Solving the Satisfiability Problem through Boolean Networks'?", "triples_number": 259, "contexts": "Massimiliano Cattafi et al.: Sustainable biomass power plant location in the Italian Emilia-Romagna region. (2011) authored by Michela Milano. Federico Baldo et al.: Deep Learning for Virus-Spreading Forecasting: a Brief Survey. (2021) authored by Michela Milano. Michela Milano alternativeName Milano Michela. Andrea Borghesi et al.: Predictive Modeling for Job Power Consumption in HPC Systems. (2016) authored by Michela Milano. Michela Milano alternativeName Michela Milano. Michela Milano name Michela Milano. Martino Ruggiero et al.: Cellflow: A Parallel Application Development Environment with Run-Time Support for the Cell BE Processor. (2008) authored by Michela Milano. Michele Lombardi et al.: Deterministic Estimation of the Expected Makespan of a POS Under Duration Uncertainty. (2015) authored by Michela Milano. Michela Milano alternativeName M. Milano. Luca Giuliani et al.: A Multi-modal Perspective for the Artistic Evaluation of Robotic Dance Performances. (2022) authored by Michela Milano. Danuta Sorina Chisca et al.: From Offline to Online Kidney Exchange Optimization. (2018) authored by Michela Milano. Andrea Reale et al.: Evaluating CP Techniques to Plan Dynamic Resource Provisioning in Distributed Stream Processing. (2014) authored by Michela Milano. Andrea Borghesi et al.: Pricing Schemes for Energy-Efficient HPC Systems: Design and Exploration. (2018) authored by Michela Milano. Alessandro Petraro et al.: Driving Behaviour Clustering For Realistic Traffic Micro-Simulators. (2017) authored by Michela Milano. Andrea Borghesi et al.: Pricing schemes for energy-efficient HPC systems: Design and exploration. (2019) authored by Michela Milano. Mattia Salvaro et al.: Towards a Novel HMI Paradigm Based on Mixed EEG and Indoor Localization Platforms. (2017) authored by Michela Milano. Federico Baldo et al.: Informed Deep Learning for Epidemics Forecasting. (2022) authored by Michela Milano. Martino Ruggiero et al.: A Fast and Accurate Technique for Mapping Parallel Applications on Stream-Oriented MPSoC Platforms with Communication Awareness. (2008) authored by Michela Milano. Michela Milano is Person. Luca Benini et al.: Allocation, Scheduling and Voltage Scaling on Energy Aware MPSoCs. (2006) authored by Michela Milano. Michela Milano modified 2023-10-18. Michela Milano 2YrMeanCitedness 0.35714286565780639648. Allegra De Filippo et al.: Methods for off-line/on-line optimization under uncertainty. (2018) authored by Michela Milano. Alessio Bonfietti et al.: Maximum-throughput mapping of SDFGs on multi-core SoC platforms. (2013) authored by Michela Milano. Allegra De Filippo et al.: Off-Line and On-Line Optimization Under Uncertainty: A Case Study on Energy Management. (2018) authored by Michela Milano\"}. She was an associate professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Bologna, before taking her present position as a full professor in 2016", "answer": "education" }, { "id": "88be3026-b051-4d35-a1d0-517ce8366a81", "question": "In terms of citedByCount, who has more citations, the creator of 'The Business Grid: Providing Transactional Business Processes via Grid Services' or the author of 'ISMB/ECCB 2015'?", "triples_number": 624, "contexts": "David Schumm et al.: A pattern language for costumes in films. (2012) authored by Frank Leymann. Johanna Barzen and Frank Leymann: Kost\u00fcmsprache als Mustersprache: Vom analytischen Wert Formaler Sprachen und Muster in den Filmwissenschaften. (2014) authored by Frank Leymann. Manuela Weigold et al.: Encoding patterns for quantum algorithms. (2021) authored by Frank Leymann. Manuela Weigold et al.: Expanding Data Encoding Patterns For Quantum Algorithms. (2021) authored by Frank Leymann. Alexander Mandl et al.: Linear Structure of Training Samples in Quantum Neural Network Applications. (2023) authored by Frank Leymann. Manuela Weigold et al.: Pattern Views: Concept and Tooling for Interconnected Pattern Languages. (2020) authored by Frank Leymann. Manuela Weigold et al.: Pattern Views: Concept and Tooling for Interconnected Pattern Languages. (2020) authored by Frank Leymann. Michael Wurster et al.: Modeling and Automated Execution of Application Deployment Tests. (2018) authored by Frank Leymann. Marie Salm et al.: Optimizing the Prioritization of Compiled Quantum Circuits by Machine Learning Approaches. (2022) authored by Frank Leymann. Karoline Saatkamp et al.: An approach to automatically detect problems in restructured deployment models based on formalizing architecture and design patterns. (2019) authored by Frank Leymann. Frank Leymann name Frank Leymann. Johanna Barzen et al.: Musterforschung in den Geisteswissenschaften: Werkzeugumgebung zur Musterextraktion aus Filmkost\u00fcmen. (2015) authored by Frank Leymann. Frank Leymann: Towards a Pattern Language for Quantum Algorithms. (2017) authored by Frank Leymann. Johanna Barzen et al.: Ein Ansatz zur Unterst\u00fctzung des Kost\u00fcmmanagements im Film auf Basis einer Mustersprache. (2012) authored by Frank Leymann. Manuela Weigold et al.: Patterns for Hybrid Quantum Algorithms. (2021) authored by Frank Leymann. Frank Leymann alternativeName Leymann. Karoline Saatkamp et al.: An Approach to Determine & Apply Solutions to Solve Detected Problems in Restructured Deployment Models using First-order Logic. (2019) authored by Frank Leymann. Lukas Harzenetter et al.: Pattern-Based Deployment Models and Their Automatic Execution. (2018) authored by Frank Leymann. Frank Leymann alternativeName Leymann Frank. Frank Leymann affiliation University of Stuttgart, Germany. Philip Schildkamp et al.: Modellierung und Verwaltung von DH-Anwendungen in TOSCA. (2020) authored by Frank Leymann. Martin Beisel et al.: QuantME4VQA: Modeling and Executing Variational Quantum Algorithms Using Workflows. (2023) authored by Frank Leymann. Michael Wurster et al.: Cloud-native Deploy-ability: An Analysis of Required Features of Deployment Technologies to Deploy Arbitrary Cloud-native Applications. (2020) authored by Frank Leymann. Frank Leymann primary affiliation University of Stuttgart, Germany. Michael Falkenthal et al.: Pattern research in the digital humanities: how data mining techniques support the identification of costume patterns. (2017) authored by Frank Leymann. Frank Leymann link http://www.iaas.uni-stuttgart.de/institut/mitarbeiter/leymann/. Frank Leymann link http://www.iaas.uni-stuttgart.de/institut/mitarbeiter/leymann/. Lukas Harzenetter et al.: Automated detection of design patterns in declarative deployment models. (2021) authored by Frank Leymann. C. Timurhan Sungur et al.: Supporting Informal Processes. (2014) authored by Frank Leymann. Lukas Harzenetter et al.: Freezing and defrosting cloud applications: automated saving and restoring of running applications. (2020) authored by Frank Leymann. Jacopo Soldani et al.: Tailoring Technology-Agnostic Deployment Models to Production-Ready Deployment Technologies. (2021) authored by Frank Leymann. Miles St\u00f6tzner et al.: Modeling Different Deployment Variants of a Composite Application in a Single Declarative Deployment Model. (2022) authored by Frank Leymann. Oliver Kopp et al.: Mapping interconnection choreography models to interaction choreography models. (2010) authored by Frank Leymann. Frank Leymann alternativeName Frank Leymann. K\u00e1lm\u00e1n K\u00e9pes et al.: The SePaDe System: Packaging Entire XaaS Layers for Automatically Deploying and Managing Applications. (2017) authored by Frank Leymann. Michael Wurster et al.: Automating the Deployment of Distributed Applications by Combining Multiple Deployment Technologies. (2021) authored by Frank Leymann. Michael Falkenthal et al.: On the algebraic properties of concrete solution aggregation. (2019) authored by Frank Leymann. Frank Leymann orcidId https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9123-259X. Frank Leymann member of University of Stuttgart. Frank Leymann alternativeName F. Leymann. Pascal Hirmer et al.: Situation recognition and handling based on executing situation templates and situation-aware workflows. (2017) authored by Frank Leymann. Michael Wurster et al.: Technology-Agnostic Declarative Deployment Automation of Cloud Applications. (2020) authored by Frank Leymann. Oliver Kopp et al.: Extending choreography spheres to improve simulations. (2010) authored by Frank Leymann. Sebastian Wagner et al.: Choreography-based Consolidation of Interacting Processes Having Activity-based Loops. (2015) authored by Frank Leymann. Lukas Reinfurt et al.: Where to begin: on pattern language entry points. (2020) authored by Frank Leymann. Karoline Saatkamp et al.: Generic driver injection for automated IoT application deployments. (2017) authored by Frank Leymann. Tobias Haberle et al.: The Connected Car in the Cloud: A Platform for Prototyping Telematics Services. (2015) authored by Frank Leymann. Olaf Zimmermann et al.: Combining Pattern Languages and Reusable Architectural Decision Models into a Comprehensive and Comprehensible Design Method. (2008) authored by Frank Leymann. Marina Bitsaki et al.: ChronicOnline: Implementing a mHealth solution for monitoring and early alerting in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. (2017) authored by Frank Leymann. Marie Salm et al.: Prioritization of Compiled Quantum Circuits for Different Quantum Computers. (2022) authored by Frank Leymann He has also studied the role of language in numerical cognition by comparing the performance of native Pirah\u00e3 language speakers to that of MIT undergraduate students in numeric tasks. \"}", "answer": "Yves Moreau" }, { "id": "22f6ed1f-c168-4e66-9827-e8c15d957c9c", "question": "What is the type of the institution where the author of 'Near-optimal source placement for linear physical fields' works?", "triples_number": 518, "contexts": "YiGang Peng et al.: Super-resolution from unregistered aliased images with unknown scalings and shifts. (2012) authored by Martin Vetterli. Farid Movahedi Naini et al.: Privacy-preserving function computation by exploitation of friendships in social networks. (2014) authored by Martin Vetterli. Karen Adam et al.: Encoding and Decoding Mixed Bandlimited Signals Using Spiking Integrate-and-Fire Neurons. (2020) authored by Martin Vetterli. Minh N. Do and Martin Vetterli: Rotation invariant texture characterization and retrieval using steerable wavelet-domain hidden Markov models. (2002) authored by Martin Vetterli. Antonio Ortega et al.: Soft caching: web cache management techniques for images. (1997) authored by Martin Vetterli. Mahdi Cheraghchi et al.: Group Testing With Probabilistic Tests: Theory, Design and Application. (2011) authored by Martin Vetterli. Mahdi Cheraghchi et al.: Group Testing with Probabilistic Tests: Theory, Design and Application (2010) authored by Martin Vetterli. Kannan Ramchandran and Martin Vetterli: Syntax-Constrained Encoder Optimization Using Adaptive Quantization Thresholding for JPEG/MPEG Coders. (1994) authored by Martin Vetterli. Claudio Weidmann et al.: Significance Tree Image Coding using Balanced Multiwavelets. (1998) authored by Martin Vetterli. S. Grace Chang et al.: Resolution enhancement of images using wavelet transform extrema extrapolation. (1995) authored by Martin Vetterli. Yue M. Lu et al.: Iterative demosaicking accelerated: theory and fast noniterative implementations. (2009) authored by Martin Vetterli. Karen Adam et al.: How Asynchronous Events Encode Video. (2021) authored by Martin Vetterli. Feng Yang et al.: Gigapixel Binary Sensing: Image Acquisition Using Oversampled One-Bit Poisson Statistics (2011) authored by Martin Vetterli. Hayder Radha et al.: Image representation using binary space partitioning trees. (1990) authored by Martin Vetterli. Karen Adam et al.: How Asynchronous Events Encode Video. (2022) authored by Martin Vetterli. Farid Movahedi Naini et al.: Where You Are Is Who You Are: User Identification by Matching Statistics. (2016) authored by Martin Vetterli. Martin Vetterli name Martin Vetterli. Farid Movahedi Naini et al.: Where You Are Is Who You Are: User Identification by Matching Statistics. (2015) authored by Martin Vetterli. Eric Bezzam et al.: Learning rich optical embeddings for privacy-preserving lensless image classification. (2022) authored by Martin Vetterli. Freweyni K. Teklehaymanot et al.: Robust diffusion-based unsupervised object labelling in distributed camera networks. (2015) authored by Martin Vetterli. Minh N. Do and Martin Vetterli: Texture Similarity Measurement Using Kullback-Leibler Distance on Wavelet Subbands. (2000) authored by Martin Vetterli. Martin Vetterli alternativeName Martin Vetterli. Arthur L. da Cunha et al.: A Stochastic Model for Video and its Information Rates. (2007) authored by Martin Vetterli. Patrick Vandewalle et al.: Super-Resolution From Unregistered and Totally Aliased Signals Using Subspace Methods. (2007) authored by Martin Vetterli. Yves Cheneval et al.: Interactive DSP education using Java. (1998) authored by Martin Vetterli. Vivek K. Goyal et al.: Transform coding with backward adaptive updates. (2000) authored by Martin Vetterli. Minh N. Do and Martin Vetterli: The contourlet transform: an efficient directional multiresolution image representation. (2005) authored by Martin Vetterli. Zichong Chen et al.: Event-driven video coding for outdoor wireless monitoring cameras. (2012) authored by Martin Vetterli. Zichong Chen et al.: Howis the weather: Automatic inference from images. (2012) authored by Martin Vetterli. Patrick Vandewalle et al.: Superresolution images reconstructed from aliased images. (2003) authored by Martin Vetterli. Eric Bezzam et al.: Privacy-Enhancing Optical Embeddings for Lensless Classification. (2022) authored by Martin Vetterli. S. Grace Chang et al.: Adaptive wavelet thresholding for image denoising and compression. (2000) authored by Martin Vetterli. Henri Dubois-Ferri\u00e8re et al.: Age matters: efficient route discovery in mobile ad hoc networks using encounter ages. (2003) authored by Martin Vetterli. Claudio Weidmann et al.: Soft Caching: Image Caching in a Rate-Distortion Framework. (1997) authored by Martin Vetterli. Patrick Vandewalle et al.: A Frequency Domain Approach to Registration of Aliased Images with Application to Super-resolution. (2006) authored by Martin Vetterli. Kannan Ramchandran et al.: Bit allocation for dependent quantization with applications to MPEG video coders. (1993) authored by Martin Vetterli. Zoran Cvetkovic and Martin Vetterli: Error-Rate Characteristics of Oversampled Analog-to-Digital Conversion. (1998) authored by Martin Vetterli. Kannan Ramchandran et al.: Bit allocation for dependent quantization with applications to multiresolution and MPEG video coders. (1994) authored by Martin Vetterli. S. Grace Chang et al.: Wavelet thresholding for multiple noisy image copies. (2000) authored by Martin Vetterli. Minh N. Do and Martin Vetterli: Wavelet-based texture retrieval using generalized Gaussian density and Kullback-Leibler distance. (2002) authored by Martin Vetterli. Ivan Dokmanic et al.: Raking the Cocktail Party. (2014) authored by Martin Vetterli. Patrick Vandewalle et al.: Super-resolution from highly undersampled images. (2005) authored by Martin Vetterli. Florence B\u00e9n\u00e9zit et al.: The Distributed Multiple Voting Problem. (2011) authored by Martin Vetterli. Kannan Ramchandran and Martin Vetterli: Rate-distortion optimal fast thresholding with complete JPEG/MPEG decoder compatibility. (1994) authored by Martin Vetterli. Niranjan Thanikachalam et al.: VITRAIL: Acquisition, Modeling, and Rendering of Stained Glass. (2016) authored by Martin Vetterli. Ivan Dokmanic et al.: Raking the Cocktail Party. (2015) authored by Martin Vetterli. Hayder Radha et al.: A multiresolution approach to binary tree representations of images. (1991) authored by Martin Vetterli. Minh N. Do and Martin Vetterli: The finite ridgelet transform for image representation. (2003) authored by Martin Vetterli. Minh N. Do and Martin Vetterli: Contourlets: a directional multiresolution image representation. (2002) authored by Martin Vetterli. Hayder Radha et al.: Binary space partitioning tree representation of images. (1991) authored by Martin Vetterli Each session runs for 10 weeks. \\nOn 1 January 2017, Martin Vetterli became the EPFL's fifth president. \"}. Applications include image annotation and augmented reality for mobile devices. The course was first offered in February 2013 on Coursera and has been offered every year on the site since then. In particular, the project on ultrasound tomography intends to solve a long-standing quest for a safe and affordable breast cancer screening method. These include representations for signals (Fourier, wavelets, frames), sampling theory, and sparse representations", "answer": "education" }, { "id": "9c7e4356-b6be-4d2b-9ca5-acbb1bb7ec4f", "question": "How many papers does the affiliation of the writer who published 'Designing irregular parallel algorithms with mutual exclusion and lock-free protocols' have?", "triples_number": 331, "contexts": "David A. Bader name David A. Bader. David A. Bader alternativeName David A. Bader. David A. Bader alternativeName David Bader. David A. Bader alternativeName Bader. David A. Bader alternativeName D. A. Bader. David A. Bader alternativeName D. Bader. David A. Bader is Person. David A. Bader 2YrMeanCitedness 2.3333332538604736328. Seunghwa Kang and David A. Bader: Optimizing JPEG2000 Still Image Encoding on the Cell Broadband Engine. (2008) authored by David A. Bader. Ted E. Senator et al.: Detecting insider threats in a real corporate database of computer usage activity. (2013) authored by David A. Bader. David A. Bader is Creator. Zhihui Du et al.: Energy-Efficient Scheduling for Best-Effort Interactive Services to Achieve High Response Quality. (2013) authored by David A. Bader. Anita Zakrzewska et al.: A local measure of community change in dynamic graphs. (2016) authored by David A. Bader. David A. Bader link https://www.acm.org/articles/people-of-acm/2022/david-a-bader. Shel Swenson et al.: Sustainable Software Development for Next-Gen Sequencing (NGS) Bioinformatics on Emerging Platforms. (2013) authored by David A. Bader. David A. Bader h-index 38. David A. Bader modified 2023-10-18. David A. Bader link https://twitter.com/prof_davidbader. David A. Bader link https://dl.acm.org/profile/81100165442. David A. Bader et al.: ParLearning Keynotes. (2015) authored by David A. Bader. Bartley Richardson et al.: Accelerating and Expanding End-to-End Data Science Workflows with DL/ML Interoperability Using RAPIDS. (2020) authored by David A. Bader. Ivan Hendy Goenawan et al.: Dynamics signature based anomaly detection. (2023) authored by David A. Bader. Anita Zakrzewska and David A. Bader: Aging data in dynamic graphs: A comparative study. (2016) authored by David A. Bader. Yunpeng Chai et al.: WEC: Improving Durability of SSD Cache Drives by Caching Write-Efficient Data. (2015) authored by David A. Bader. David A. Bader: Interactive data science at scale. (2021) authored by David A. Bader. David A. Bader: Editorial from the Editor-in-Chief. (2019) authored by David A. Bader. Amrita Mathuriya et al.: GTfold: a scalable multicore code for RNA secondary structure prediction. (2009) authored by David A. Bader. David A. Bader and Sulabh Patel: High performance MPEG-2 software decoder on the cell broadband engine. (2008) authored by David A. Bader. James P. Fairbanks et al.: Spectral partitioning with blends of eigenvectors. (2017) authored by David A. Bader. James P. Fairbanks et al.: Spectral Partitioning with Blends of Eigenvectors. (2015) authored by David A. Bader. David A. Bader: Introduction to EMBRACE Workshop. (2017) authored by David A. Bader. Virat Agarwal et al.: Financial modeling on the cell broadband engine. (2008) authored by David A. Bader. Austin Chase Minor et al.: GPU Accelerated Anomaly Detection of Large Scale Light Curves. (2020) authored by David A. Bader He served in that role until his term expired in June 2019. RoadRunner was put into production use in April 1999. '}. S. S. He is an Eagle Scout in the Boy Scouts of America, earning the rank in 1985. Fujimoto was named the school\\'s first chair, and Bader was later named the second chair of the school of CSE in July 2014. D. He then received a Ph. Bader remained at UNM until 2005, when he accepted a position with the College of Computing at Georgia Tech. Two years later, in 2007, these efforts resulted in the school\\'s establishment as an official academic unit, and Bader became a full professor in 2008 as one of the school\\'s founding faculty. In 2007, he was named the first director of the Sony Toshiba IBM Center of Competence for the Cell Processor at Georgia Tech. In May 2020, Bader joined the leadership team of the NSF-sponsored Northeast Big Data Innovation Hub as its inaugural seed fund steering committee chair", "answer": "23401" }, { "id": "a4a9f604-f95e-49b3-b6f2-886bec773c49", "question": "How many publications are attributed to the institution where the author of 'Generelle und anwendungsspezifische Genauigkeitsuntersuchungen f\u00fcr tubul\u00e4re Kontinuumsroboter' works?", "triples_number": 127, "contexts": "Josephine Granna et al.: A 3-D Volume Coverage Path Planning Algorithm With Application to Intracerebral Hemorrhage Evacuation. (2016) authored by Jessica Burgner-Kahrs. Reinhard Grassmann and Jessica Burgner-Kahrs: On the Merits of Joint Space and Orientation Representations in Learning the Forward Kinematics in SE(3). (2019) authored by Jessica Burgner-Kahrs. Jessica Burgner et al.: Robot-assisted intracerebral hemorrhage evacuation: an experimental evaluation. (2013) authored by Jessica Burgner-Kahrs. Jessica Burgner et al.: Methods for end-effector coupling in robot assisted interventions. (2008) authored by Jessica Burgner-Kahrs. Amber L. Simpson et al.: Intraoperative brain tumor resection cavity characterization with conoscopic holography. (2012) authored by Jessica Burgner-Kahrs. Philip J. Swaney et al.: Minimally-invasive intracerebral hemorrhage removal using an active cannula. (2013) authored by Jessica Burgner-Kahrs. Sven Lilge et al.: Continuum Robot State Estimation Using Gaussian Process Regression on SE(3). (2022) authored by Jessica Burgner-Kahrs. Sven Lilge et al.: Continuum robot state estimation using Gaussian process regression on SE(3). (2022) authored by Jessica Burgner-Kahrs. Reinhard Grassmann and Jessica Burgner-Kahrs: Quaternion-Based Smooth Trajectory Generator for Via Poses in SE(3) Considering Kinematic Limits in Cartesian Space. (2019) authored by Jessica Burgner-Kahrs. Yaokun Zhang et al.: Optimization of Line Cut Strategy for Bone Tissue Ablation Using Short-Pulsed CO2 Laser. (2010) authored by Jessica Burgner-Kahrs. Amber L. Simpson et al.: Comparison Study of Intraoperative Surface Acquisition Methods for Surgical Navigation. (2013) authored by Jessica Burgner-Kahrs. Jessica Burgner et al.: Debulking From Within: A Robotic Steerable Cannula for Intracerebral Hemorrhage Evacuation. (2013) authored by Jessica Burgner-Kahrs) in 2010. '}. -Ing", "answer": "406095" }, { "id": "ce273f3a-6097-4252-bab8-45e5f4f1113b", "question": "Where is the editorial board membership of Algorithmica located for the author of 'A Combinatorial Characterization of Self-Stabilizing Population Protocols'?", "triples_number": 584, "contexts": "Rafail Ostrovsky name Rafail Ostrovsky. David Heath et al.: Practical Garbled RAM: GRAM with O(log2 n) Overhead. (2021) authored by Rafail Ostrovsky. Shlomi Dolev et al.: Brief Announcement: Proactive Secret Sharing with a Dishonest Majority. (2016) authored by Rafail Ostrovsky. Jonathan Katz et al.: Efficient Password-Authenticated Key Exchange Using Human-Memorable Passwords. (2001) authored by Rafail Ostrovsky. Jonathan Katz et al.: Efficient Password-Authenticated Key Exchange Using Human-Memorable Passwords. (2001) authored by Rafail Ostrovsky. Shlomi Dolev et al.: Proactive Secret Sharing with a Dishonest Majority. (2016) authored by Rafail Ostrovsky. Steve Lu and Rafail Ostrovsky: Garbled RAM Revisited, Part II. (2014) authored by Rafail Ostrovsky. Alfonso Cevallos et al.: Unconditionally-Secure Robust Secret Sharing with Compact Shares. (2012) authored by Rafail Ostrovsky. Sanjam Garg et al.: Black-Box Garbled RAM. (2015) authored by Rafail Ostrovsky. Sanjam Garg et al.: Black-Box Garbled RAM. (2015) authored by Rafail Ostrovsky. Sanjam Garg et al.: Black-Box Garbled RAM. (2015) authored by Rafail Ostrovsky. Rafail Ostrovsky alternativeName Rafail Ostrovsky. Xavier Boyen et al.: Secure Remote Authentication Using Biometric Data. (2005) authored by Rafail Ostrovsky. Rafail Ostrovsky alternativeName Rafail M. Ostrovsky. Rafail Ostrovsky and Yuval Rabani: Low distortion embeddings for edit distance. (2005) authored by Rafail Ostrovsky. Rafail Ostrovsky is Creator. Rafail Ostrovsky and Yuval Rabani: Low distortion embeddings for edit distance. (2007) authored by Rafail Ostrovsky. Vladimir Braverman and Rafail Ostrovsky: Smooth Histograms for Sliding Windows. (2007) authored by Rafail Ostrovsky. Rafail Ostrovsky is Person. Brett Hemenway et al.: Non-committing encryption from \u03a6-hiding. (2015) authored by Rafail Ostrovsky. Brett Hemenway et al.: Non-committing Encryption from \u03a6-hiding. (2015) authored by Rafail Ostrovsky. Sanjam Garg et al.: Garbled RAM From One-Way Functions. (2015) authored by Rafail Ostrovsky. Brett Hemenway et al.: Lossy Encryption: Constructions from General Assumptions and Efficient Selective Opening Chosen Ciphertext Security. (2011) authored by Rafail Ostrovsky. Jonathan Katz et al.: Efficient and secure authenticated key exchange using weak passwords. (2009) authored by Rafail Ostrovsky. Abida Haque et al.: Garbled Circuits With Sublinear Evaluator. (2022) authored by Rafail Ostrovsky. Abida Haque et al.: Garbled Circuits with Sublinear Evaluator. (2022) authored by Rafail Ostrovsky. Sanjam Garg et al.: Garbled RAM From One-Way Functions. (2014) authored by Rafail Ostrovsky. Sanjam Garg et al.: Adaptive Garbled RAM from Laconic Oblivious Transfer. (2018) authored by Rafail Ostrovsky. Sanjam Garg et al.: Adaptive Garbled RAM from Laconic Oblivious Transfer. (2018) authored by Rafail Ostrovsky. Brett Hemenway et al.: Lossy Encryption: Constructions from General Assumptions and Efficient Selective Opening Chosen Ciphertext Security. (2009) authored by Rafail Ostrovsky. Eyal Kushilevitz et al.: Efficient Search for Approximate Nearest Neighbor in High Dimensional Spaces. (2000) authored by Rafail Ostrovsky. Steve Lu and Rafail Ostrovsky: Black-Box Parallel Garbled RAM. (2017) authored by Rafail Ostrovsky. Samuel Dittmer et al.: Authenticated Garbling from Simple Correlations. (2022) authored by Rafail Ostrovsky. Samuel Dittmer et al.: Authenticated Garbling from Simple Correlations. (2022) authored by Rafail Ostrovsky. Yevgeniy Dodis et al.: Fuzzy Extractors: How to Generate Strong Keys from Biometrics and Other Noisy Data. (2008) authored by Rafail Ostrovsky. Steve Lu and Rafail Ostrovsky: Black-Box Parallel Garbled RAM. (2015) authored by Rafail Ostrovsky. David Heath et al.: EpiGRAM: Practical Garbled RAM. (2022) authored by Rafail Ostrovsky. Samuel Dittmer et al.: Streaming and Unbalanced PSI from Function Secret Sharing. (2022) authored by Rafail Ostrovsky. Eyal Kushilevitz et al.: Efficient Search for Approximate Nearest Neighbor in High Dimensional Spaces. (1998) authored by Rafail Ostrovsky. Yevgeniy Dodis et al.: Fuzzy Extractors: How to Generate Strong Keys from Biometrics and Other Noisy Data. (2003) authored by Rafail Ostrovsky. Nico D\u00f6ttling et al.: Trapdoor Hash Functions and Their Applications. (2019) authored by Rafail Ostrovsky. Nico D\u00f6ttling et al.: Trapdoor Hash Functions and Their Applications. (2019) authored by Rafail Ostrovsky. Fabrizio Grandoni et al.: A refined approximation for Euclidean k-means. (2022) authored by Rafail Ostrovsky. Brett Hemenway and Rafail Ostrovsky: Building Lossy Trapdoor Functions from Lossy Encryption. (2015) authored by Rafail Ostrovsky. Yevgeniy Dodis et al.: Fuzzy Extractors: How to Generate Strong Keys from Biometrics and Other Noisy Data (2006) authored by Rafail Ostrovsky. David Heath et al.: Tri-State Circuits: A Circuit Model that Captures RAM. (2023) authored by Rafail Ostrovsky. Fabrizio Grandoni et al.: A Refined Approximation for Euclidean k-Means. (2021) authored by Rafail Ostrovsky. Brett Hemenway and Rafail Ostrovsky: Building Lossy Trapdoor Functions from Lossy Encryption. (2013) authored by Rafail Ostrovsky. Sanjam Garg et al.: How to Build a Trapdoor Function from an Encryption Scheme. (2021) authored by Rafail Ostrovsky. Yun Lu et al.: Cryptographically Secure Detection of Injection Attacks. (2018) authored by Rafail OstrovskyD. from MIT in 1992", "answer": "UCLA" }, { "id": "91439019-121d-43e4-9fd2-3543f16ba783", "question": "What is the citizenship of the author who published 'Comprehensive overview and assessment of computational prediction of microRNA targets in animals'?", "triples_number": 153, "contexts": "Lukasz Kurgan alternativeName Lukasz Andrzej Kurgan. Lukasz Kurgan name Lukasz Kurgan. Lukasz Kurgan alternativeName Lukasz Kurgan. Lukasz Kurgan alternativeName Lukasz A. Kurgan. Dat T. Nguyen et al.: mi-DS: Multiple-Instance Learning Algorithm. (2013) authored by Lukasz A. Kurgan. Lukasz Kurgan alternativeName \u0141ukasz A. Kurgan. Sina Ghadermarzi et al.: Disordered Function Conjunction: On the In-Silico Function Annotation of Intrinsically DisorderedRegions. (2020) authored by Lukasz A. Kurgan. Lukasz Kurgan alternativeName L. Kurgan. Lukasz Kurgan worksCount 314. Lukasz Kurgan i10Index 180. Rafal Rak et al.: A tree-projection-based algorithm for multi-label recurrent-item associative-classification rule generation. (2008) authored by Lukasz A. Kurgan. Lukasz Kurgan alternativeName L. A. Kurgan. Lukasz A. Kurgan is Person. Lukasz A. Kurgan and Krzysztof J. Cios: Fast Class-Attribute Interdependence Maximization (CAIM) Discretization Algorithm. (2003) authored by Lukasz A. Kurgan. Lukasz A. Kurgan and Krzysztof J. Cios: CAIM Discretization Algorithm. (2004) authored by Lukasz A. Kurgan'}. D. S. Sc. degree in automation and robotics from the AGH University of Science and Technology in 1999", "answer": "Canadian" }, { "id": "14796648-65a0-4230-8b31-6ad58529b415", "question": "What is the birth date of the contributor of 'Letter repetitions in computer-mediated communication: A unique link between spoken and online language'?", "triples_number": 149, "contexts": "Darren Gergle name Darren Gergle. Desney S. Tan et al.: Physically large displays improve path integration in 3D virtual navigation tasks. (2004) authored by Darren Gergle. Kapil Garg et al.: 4X: A Hybrid Approach for Scaffolding Data Collection and Interest in Low-Effort Participatory Sensing. (2019) authored by Darren Gergle. Jacob O. Wobbrock et al.: The aligned rank transform for nonparametric factorial analyses using only anova procedures. (2011) authored by Darren Gergle. Darren Gergle h-index 40. Darren Gergle alternativeName Darren Robert Gergle. Darren Gergle alternativeName Darren Gergle. Darren Gergle modified 2023-10-18. Darren Gergle is Person. Darren Gergle is Creator. Darren Gergle alternativeName Darren R. Gergle. Maitraye Das et al.: The Gendered Geography of Contributions to OpenStreetMap: Complexities in Self-Focus Bias. (2019) authored by Darren Gergle. Darren Gergle member of Northwestern University. Sarah D'Angelo et al.: Iris: a tool for designing contextually relevant gaze visualizations. (2019) authored by Darren Gergle In 2004, investigations into whether physically large displays can improve path integration in 3D virtual navigation tasks were conducted. He is married to Tracy Lynn Zawaski. He graduated from the University of Michigan in December, 1995 with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Printmaking and Sculpture. He is the youngest of three children. \\nDarren Gergle was born on December 2, 1972 to parents Robert and Barbara Gergle. '}", "answer": "December 2, 1972" }, { "id": "9367e380-f5a5-41f8-a776-725cb67295c6", "question": "Which prestigious engineering society is the scholar who collaborated on 'The Myth of the Paperless Office' a fellow of?", "triples_number": 198, "contexts": "Peter Kontschieder et al.: Quantifying Progression of Multiple Sclerosis via Classification of Depth Videos. (2014) authored by Abigail Sellen. Cecily Morrison et al.: ASSESS MS: supporting the clinical assessment of Multiple Sclerosis using Kinect. (2014) authored by Abigail Sellen. Michel Pahud et al.: Toward compound navigation tasks on mobiles via spatial manipulation. (2013) authored by Abigail Sellen. Dongwook Yoon et al.: RichReview++: Deployment of a Collaborative Multi-modal Annotation System for Instructor Feedback and Peer Discussion. (2016) authored by Abigail Sellen. Cecily Morrison et al.: Assessing Multiple Sclerosis With Kinect: Designing Computer Vision Systems for Real-World Use. (2016) authored by Abigail Sellen. Advait Sarkar et al.: Setwise Comparison: Consistent, Scalable, Continuum Labels for Computer Vision. (2016) authored by Abigail Sellen. Michael Chen et al.: A study in interactive 3-D rotation using 2-D control devices. (1988) authored by Abigail Sellen. Cecily Morrison et al.: Visualizing Ubiquitously Sensed Measures of Motor Ability in Multiple Sclerosis: Reflections on Communicating Machine Learning in Practice. (2018) authored by Abigail Sellen. Abigail Sellen name Abigail Sellen. Abigail Sellen et al.: Using Spatial Cues to Improve Videoconferencing. (1992) authored by Abigail Sellen. Yanxia Zhang et al.: The Costs and Benefits of Combining Gaze and Hand Gestures for Remote Interaction. (2015) authored by Abigail Sellen. Ken Hinckley et al.: Pre-Touch Sensing for Mobile Interaction. (2016) authored by Abigail Sellen. Yan Xu et al.: Sociable killers: understanding social relationships in an online first-person shooter game. (2011) authored by Abigail Sellen. Abigail Sellen alternativeName Abigail J. Sellen. Marcus Carter et al.: PathSync: Multi-User Gestural Interaction with Touchless Rhythmic Path Mimicry. (2016) authored by Abigail Sellen. Marta E. Cecchinato et al.: Finding Email in a Multi-Account, Multi-Device World. (2016) authored by Abigail Sellen. Barry A. T. Brown et al.: Music sharing as a computer supported collaborative application. (2001) authored by Abigail Sellen. Dustin Freeman et al.: The role of physical controllers in motion video gaming. (2012) authored by Abigail Sellen. Abigail Sellen alternativeName Abigail Sellen She was inducted into the CHI Academy in 2011. R", "answer": "Royal Academy of Engineering" }, { "id": "3be929c6-708f-46d0-888e-32145b188320", "question": "In which city was the author of 'Two-stage electoral competition in two-party contests: persistent divergence of party positions' born?", "triples_number": 82, "contexts": "Guillermo Owen alternativeName G. I. Owen. Guillermo Owen modified 2023-10-18. Guillermo Owen is Creator. Guillermo Owen name Guillermo Owen. Guillermo Owen alternativeName G. Owen. Guillermo Owen written paper amount in year2013: 4. Guillermo Owen written paper amount in year2013: 4. Guillermo Owen worksCount 195 Owen's books include:\"}. degree from Princeton University under the guidance of Dr. D", "answer": "N/A" }, { "id": "545163f0-ada2-4afb-b03b-ea441ab4389c", "question": "Which association is Marieke Huisman the chair of?", "triples_number": 213, "contexts": "Sophie Lathouwers et al.: Verifying Sanitizer Correctness through Black-Box Learning: A Symbolic Finite Transducer Approach. (2020) authored by Marieke Huisman. Afshin Amighi et al.: Provably correct control flow graphs from Java bytecode programs with exceptions. (2016) authored by Marieke Huisman. Afshin Amighi et al.: Sound Control-Flow Graph Extraction for Java Programs with Exceptions. (2012) authored by Marieke Huisman. Lilian Burdy et al.: Preliminary Design of BML: A Behavioral Interface Specification Language for Java Bytecode. (2007) authored by Marieke Huisman. Ra\u00fal E. Monti et al.: On Deductive Verification of an Industrial Concurrent Software Component with VerCors. (2022) authored by Marieke Huisman. Wytse Oortwijn et al.: Automated Verification of Parallel Nested DFS. (2020) authored by Marieke Huisman. Wytse Oortwijn et al.: Practical Abstractions for Automated Verification of Shared-Memory Concurrency. (2020) authored by Marieke Huisman. \u00d6mer Sakar et al.: Alpinist: An Annotation-Aware GPU Program Optimizer. (2022) authored by Marieke Huisman. Philip Tasche et al.: Deductive Verification of Parameterized Embedded Systems Modeled in SystemC. (2024) authored by Marieke Huisman. Dirk Beyer et al.: Evaluating Software Verification Systems: Benchmarks and Competitions (Dagstuhl Reports 14171). (2014) authored by Marieke Huisman. Afshin Amighi et al.: Permission-Based Separation Logic for Multithreaded Java Programs. (2015) authored by Marieke Huisman. Sebastiaan J. C. Joosten et al.: An exercise in verifying sequential programs with VerCors. (2018) authored by Marieke Huisman. Stefan Blom et al.: The VerCors Tool Set: Verification of Parallel and Concurrent Software. (2017) authored by Marieke Huisman. Joachim van den Berg et al.: A Type-Theoretic Memory Model for Verification of Sequential Java Programs. (1999) authored by Marieke Huisman. Alessandro Coglio et al.: Formal Techniques for Java-Like Programs (FTfJP). (2004) authored by Marieke Huisman. Pedro de Carvalho Gomes et al.: Specification and verification of synchronization with condition variables. (2018) authored by Marieke Huisman. Gilles Barthe et al.: JACK - A Tool for Validation of Security and Behaviour of Java Applications. (2006) authored by Marieke Huisman. Pedro de Carvalho Gomes et al.: Specification and Verification of Synchronization with Condition Variables. (2016) authored by Marieke Huisman. Marina Zaharieva-Stojanovski et al.: Verifying Functional Behaviour of Concurrent Programs. (2014) authored by Marieke Huisman. Afshin Amighi et al.: VerCors: A Layered Approach to Practical Verification of Concurrent Software. (2016) authored by Marieke Huisman. Lars B. van den Haak et al.: HaliVer: Deductive Verification and Scheduling Languages Join Forces. (2024) authored by Marieke Huisman She obtained her PhD at Radboud University Nijmegen in 2001; her dissertation, entitled Reasoning about Java programs in higher order logic using PVS and Isabelle, was supervised by Henk Barendregt. She held her inaugural lecture, Software Reliability for Everyone, on 26 January 2021", "answer": "VERSEN (VEReniging Software Engineering Nederland)" }, { "id": "e04f4946-bd5b-476b-80b3-c114207ae458", "question": "Which university did the author of 'Information Transfer Between Rhythmically Coupled Networks: Reading the Hippocampal Phase Code' establish a research program on magnetoencephalography in 2013?", "triples_number": 101, "contexts": "Ole Jensen modified 2023-10-18. Ole Jensen worksCount 390. Ole Jensen i10Index 179. Ole Jensen name Ole Jensen. Ole Jensen alternativeName Ole Riis Jensen. Ole Jensen alternativeName Jensen Ole. Ole Jensen alternativeName Ole Jensen. Ole Jensen is Person. Ole Jensen alternativeName Ole. Ole Jensen alternativeName O. Jensen\"}. \\nJensen received a Master of Science degree in electrical engineering from The Technical University of Denmark in 1993", "answer": "Radboud University, The Netherlands" }, { "id": "9f2bd7e0-2906-4f17-a97c-987476c0d29f", "question": "In terms of cited by count, who is more prominent, the author of 'Generalized HARDI invariants by method of tensor contraction' or the author of 'Approachability at the second successor of a singular cardinal'?", "triples_number": 102, "contexts": "Moti Gitik i10Index 26. Moti Gitik 2YrMeanCitedness 0.17647059261798858643. Moti Gitik name Moti Gitik. Moti Gitik modified 2023-10-18. Moti Gitik and Liad Tal: On the strength of no normal precipitous filter. (2011) authored by Moti Gitik. Moti Gitik: A Model with a Precipitous Ideal, but no Normal Precipitous Ideal. (2013) authored by Moti Gitik. Moti Gitik alternativeName Moti Gitik. Moti Gitik orcidId https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1479-7642. Moti Gitik written paper amount in year2015: 7. Moti Gitik written paper amount in year2015: 7'}. He was an invited speaker at the 2002 International Congresses of Mathematicians, and became a fellow of the American Mathematical Society in 2012", "answer": "Chris R. Johnson" }, { "id": "74d5bce7-9dc9-4fb7-8e6f-cb3095ad1497", "question": "Which university has less publication citations, the institute of the writer of 'Java Type System with Exceptions' or the Traversable Wormhole Solutions Admitting Noether Symmetry in f(R,T2) Theory creator affiliation?", "triples_number": 159, "contexts": "Sophia Drossopoulou et al.: Fickle : Dynamic Object Re-classification. (2001) authored by Sophia Drossopoulou. Davide Ancona et al.: Automatic Generation of Self-monitoring MASs from Multiparty Global Session Types in Jason. (2012) authored by Sophia Drossopoulou. Tim Wood et al.: Modular Verification of Procedure Equivalence in the Presence of Memory Allocation. (2017) authored by Sophia Drossopoulou. Juliana Franco et al.: Safely Abstracting Memory Layouts. (2019) authored by Sophia Drossopoulou. Ferruccio Damiani et al.: Refined Effects for Unanticipated Object Re-classification: Fickle3. (2003) authored by Sophia Drossopoulou. Alexandros Tasos et al.: Reshape your layouts, not your programs: A safe language extension for better cache locality. (2020) authored by Sophia Drossopoulou. Sophia Drossopoulou name Sophia Drossopoulou. Juliana Franco et al.: Calculating communication costs with Sessions Types and Sizes. (2014) authored by Sophia Drossopoulou. Alexandros Tasos et al.: Extending SHAPES for SIMD Architectures: An approach to native support for Struct of Arrays in languages. (2018) authored by Sophia Drossopoulou. Paul Li\u00e9tar et al.: snmalloc: a message passing allocator. (2019) authored by Sophia Drossopoulou. William Sonnex et al.: Zeno: An Automated Prover for Properties of Recursive Data Structures. (2012) authored by Sophia Drossopoulou. Sophia Drossopoulou et al.: More dynamic object reclassification: Fickle|| (2002) authored by Sophia Drossopoulou. Juliana Franco and Sophia Drossopoulou: Behavioural types for non-uniform memory accesses. (2015) authored by Sophia Drossopoulou. Juliana Franco et al.: You can have it all: abstraction and good cache performance. (2017) authored by Sophia Drossopoulou. Sophia Drossopoulou: ECOOP 2009 - Object-Oriented Programming, 23rd European Conference, Genoa, Italy, July 6-10, 2009. Proceedings (2009) edited by Sophia Drossopoulou'}. D", "answer": "University of Lahore" }, { "id": "edb6066f-9bf3-4e55-968b-ce8a2e1945a1", "question": "What is the current position of the co-author of 'CloudMonatt: an architecture for security health monitoring and attestation of virtual machines in cloud computing'?", "triples_number": 230, "contexts": "Tian Lan et al.: Stability and benefits of suboptimal utility maximization. (2011) authored by Ruby B. Lee. Ruby B. Lee name Ruby B. Lee. Zhijie Shi and Ruby B. Lee: Subword Sorting with Versatile Permutation Instructions. (2002) authored by Ruby B. Lee. Ruby B. Lee et al.: Refining Instruction Set Architecture for High-Performance Multimedia Processing in Constrained Environments. (2002) authored by Ruby B. Lee. John Patrick McGregor and Ruby B. Lee: Architectural techniques for accelerating subword permutations with repetitions. (2003) authored by Ruby B. Lee. Ruby B. Lee alternativeName Ruby B. Lee. Mahadevan Gomathisankaran and Ruby B. Lee: Tantra: A Fast PRNG Algorithm and its Implementation. (2009) authored by Ruby B. Lee. Wei-Han Lee et al.: Time Series Segmentation through Automatic Feature Learning. (2018) authored by Ruby B. Lee. Xiao Yang and Ruby B. Lee: Fast Subword Permutation Instructions Using Omega and Flip Network Stages. (2000) authored by Ruby B. Lee. Ping Wah Wong et al.: Image processing considerations for digital photography. (1997) authored by Ruby B. Lee. Zecheng He et al.: ActionBert: Leveraging User Actions for Semantic Understanding of User Interfaces. (2021) authored by Ruby B. Lee. Ruby B. Lee written paper amount in year2022: 0. Ruby B. Lee written paper amount in year2022: 0. Zecheng He et al.: ActionBert: Leveraging User Actions for Semantic Understanding of User Interfaces. (2020) authored by Ruby B. Lee. Wei-Han Lee et al.: Inferring Smartphone Users' Handwritten Patterns by using Motion Sensors. (2018) authored by Ruby B. Lee. Ruby B. Lee written paper amount in year2020: 3. Ruby B. Lee written paper amount in year2020: 3. Ruby B. Lee 2YrMeanCitedness 1.0. Ruby B. Lee affiliation Princeton University, Department of Electrical Engineering, NJ, USA. Ruby B. Lee written paper amount in year2012: 9. Ruby B. Lee written paper amount in year2012: 9. Ruby B. Lee written paper amount in year2018: 11. Ruby B. Lee written paper amount in year2018: 11 She moved to Princeton as the Hamrick Professor in 1998, becoming at that time one of only three female full professors in engineering at Princeton, and the only one to hold an endowed chair. Birnbaum has called her \"one of the top instruction-set architects in the world\". She was elected as a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2020", "answer": "director of the Princeton Architecture Laboratory for Multimedia and Security" }, { "id": "9389fe28-6207-47f4-ad9c-c7f168442d2f", "question": "Which author has a larger number of publications cited by, Ralf Steinmetz or Stephanie Weirich?", "triples_number": 157, "contexts": "Garrin Kimmell et al.: Equational reasoning about programs with general recursion and call-by-value semantics. (2012) authored by Stephanie Weirich. Joachim Breitner et al.: Ready, Set, Verify! Applying hs-to-coq to real-world Haskell code. (2021) authored by Stephanie Weirich. Joachim Breitner et al.: Ready, Set, Verify! Applying hs-to-coq to real-world Haskell code. (2018) authored by Stephanie Weirich. Joachim Breitner et al.: Ready, set, verify! applying hs-to-coq to real-world Haskell code (experience report). (2018) authored by Stephanie Weirich. Geoffrey Washburn and Stephanie Weirich: Boxes go bananas: Encoding higher-order abstract syntax with parametric polymorphism. (2008) authored by Stephanie Weirich. Geoffrey Washburn and Stephanie Weirich: Boxes go bananas: encoding higher-order abstract syntax with parametric polymorphism. (2003) authored by Stephanie Weirich. Aaron Stump et al.: Termination Casts: A Flexible Approach to Termination with General Recursion. (2010) authored by Stephanie Weirich. Anastasiya Kravchuk-Kirilyuk et al.: Eta-Equivalence in Core Dependent Haskell. (2019) authored by Stephanie Weirich. Antal Spector-Zabusky et al.: Embracing a mechanized formalization gap. (2019) authored by Stephanie Weirich. Daniel S. Dantas et al.: PolyAML: a polymorphic aspect-oriented functional programming language. (2005) authored by Stephanie Weirich. Miroslav Pajic et al.: Towards synthesis of platform-aware attack-resilient control systems: extended abstract. (2013) authored by Stephanie Weirich. Cormac Flanagan et al.: Static Debugging: Browsing the Web of Program Invariants. (1996) authored by Stephanie Weirich. Daniel S. Dantas et al.: AspectML: A polymorphic aspect-oriented functional programming language. (2008) authored by Stephanie Weirich. Yiyun Liu et al.: Internalizing Indistinguishability with Dependent Types. (2024) authored by Stephanie Weirich. Aaron Stump et al.: Termination Casts: A Flexible Approach to Termination with General Recursion (2010) authored by Stephanie Weirich\"}. D", "answer": "Ralf Steinmetz" }, { "id": "c31a3456-890f-445b-b4aa-605ebe46990f", "question": "What is the i10Index of the author with 117 works and 1338 citations?", "triples_number": 83, "contexts": "Samer Hassan et al.: Introducing uncertainty into social simulation: using fuzzy logic for agent-based modelling. (2010) authored by Samer Hassan 0001. Rub\u00e9n Fuentes-Fern\u00e1ndez et al.: Application of Model Driven Techniques for Agent-Based Simulation. (2010) authored by Samer Hassan 0001. Samer Hassan et al.: Agent-Based Social Modeling and Simulation with Fuzzy Sets. (2008) authored by Samer Hassan 0001. Rub\u00e9n Fuentes-Fern\u00e1ndez et al.: Metamodelling for Agent Based Modelling: An Application for Continuous Double Auctions. (2010) authored by Samer Hassan 0001. Samer Hassan et al.: Asking the Oracle: Introducing Forecasting Principles into Agent-Based Modelling. (2013) authored by Samer Hassan 0001. Samer Hassan et al.: Injecting Data into Agent-Based Simulation. (2008) authored by Samer Hassan 0001. Javier Arroyo et al.: Re-thinking simulation: a methodological approach for the application of data mining in agent-based modelling. (2010) authored by Samer Hassan 0001. Rub\u00e9n Fuentes-Fern\u00e1ndez et al.: Metamodels for role-driven agent-based modelling. (2012) authored by Samer Hassan 00015M\u20ac with the P2P Models project, to research blockchain-based decentralized autonomous organizations for the collaborative economy. software agents with fuzzy logic, data mining, natural language processing, and microsimulation. \\nSamer Hassan\\'s PhD thesis focused on the methodological challenges for building data-driven social simulation models. semantic-web labelling for commons-based initiatives, distribution of value in peer production communities, agent-supported online assemblies, decentralized real-time collaborative software, decentralized blockchain based reputation, or blockchain-enabled commons governance. The main model built simulated the transition from modern values to postmodern values in Spain. g. As such, he led the team that created SwellRT, a federated backend-as-a-service focused to ease development of apps featuring real-time collaboration. He was accredited as a grassroots facilitator by the Altekio Cooperative", "answer": "31" }, { "id": "bb1c617f-469f-4c7b-9a89-4929e1f9c266", "question": "How many publications does the contributor who published (Digital) experiences in First Monday with Hamid R. Ekbia have?", "triples_number": 87, "contexts": "Richard P. Smiraglia et al.: Infrastructural justice and the social consequences of occupational classifications. (2018) authored by Ronald E. Day. Ron Day: Design error - the enemy of safe and robust control systems. (2012) authored by Ronald E. Day. Mikel Breitenstein et al.: Visual containment of cultural forms: An examination of visual epistemologies and scopic regimes. Sponsored by SIG HFIS, CR, VIS. (2003) authored by Ronald E. Day. Ronald E. Day alternativeName Ronald Day. Ronald E. Day alternativeName Ronald E. Day. Ronald E. Day alternativeName Ron Day. Ronald E. Day name Ronald E. Day. Ronald E. Day alternativeName R Bart Day'}. \" He bases this assumption on his experience in the Detroit, Michigan area where he moved to after living in San Francisco, California. Bowker and Susan Leigh Star entitled Sorting Things Out: Classification and its Consequences where the traditional Aristotelian manner of classification breaks down in social contexts. in Comparative Literature in 1990 from the Binghamton University. D", "answer": "125" }, { "id": "c71f0529-6f0c-4f1c-b79f-05b30d4dadb9", "question": "Where did the author who was inducted as a Corresponding Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh in 2013 work as a faculty member from 1977 to 1990?", "triples_number": 2981, "contexts": "Manijeh Bashar et al.: Mixed Quality of Service in Cell-Free Massive MIMO. (2018) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Manijeh Bashar et al.: Mixed Quality of Service in Cell-Free Massive MIMO. (2018) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Ruoqi Deng et al.: Reconfigurable Holographic Surfaces for Ultra-Massive MIMO in 6G: Practical Design, Optimization and Implementation. (2023) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Lan Zhang et al.: Robust Cognitive Beamforming with Partial Channel State Information. (2009) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Elena Veronica Belmega et al.: Pricing mechanisms for cooperative state estimation. (2012) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Husheng Li et al.: Cellular System Based Integrated Sensing and Communications for Wide-Area Monitoring. (2023) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Hongwen Yu et al.: Regularized Zero-Forcing Aided Hybrid Beamforming for Millimeter-Wave Multiuser MIMO Systems. (2023) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Huaiyu Dai and H. Vincent Poor: Turbo multiuser detection for coded DMT VDSL systems. (2002) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Hao Chen et al.: Coded Stochastic ADMM for Decentralized Consensus Optimization with Edge Computing. (2020) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Lan Zhang et al.: Robust Cognitive Beamforming With Partial Channel State Information (2008) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Hao Chen et al.: Coded Stochastic ADMM for Decentralized Consensus Optimization With Edge Computing. (2021) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Hoang Duong Tuan et al.: Scalable User Rate and Energy-Efficiency Optimization in Cell-Free Massive MIMO. (2022) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Qi Yan et al.: Big Data Driven Wireless Communications: A Human-in-the-Loop Pushing Technique for 5G Systems. (2018) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Long Dinh Nguyen et al.: Energy-Efficient Multi-Cell Massive MIMO Subject to Minimum User-Rate Constraints. (2021) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Long Dinh Nguyen et al.: Multi-cell Massive MIMO Beamforming in Assuring QoS for Large Numbers of Users. (2017) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Jiancheng An et al.: A Tutorial on Holographic MIMO Communications - Part I: Channel Modeling and Channel Estimation. (2023) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Jiancheng An et al.: A Tutorial on Holographic MIMO Communications-Part I: Channel Modeling and Channel Estimation. (2023) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Xiaojie Wang et al.: Dynamic UAV Deployment for Differentiated Services: A Multi-Agent Imitation Learning Based Approach. (2023) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Yo-Seb Jeon et al.: Robust Data Detection for MIMO Systems With One-Bit ADCs: A Reinforcement Learning Approach. (2020) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Yo-Seb Jeon et al.: Robust Data Detection for MIMO Systems with One-Bit ADCs: A Reinforcement Learning Approach. (2019) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Junlin Yu et al.: Mobile data trading: A behavioral economics perspective. (2015) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Anthony J. Savas et al.: On Separation of Distributed Estimation and Control for LTI Systems. (2022) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Linglong Dai et al.: Delay-Phase Precoding for Wideband THz Massive MIMO. (2021) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Kyeong Jin Kim et al.: Diversity Gain Analysis of Best Terminal Selection for Single-Input Multiple-Output WPAN Systems. (2011) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Le Xie et al.: Fully Distributed State Estimation for Wide-Area Monitoring Systems. (2012) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Linglong Dai et al.: Delay-Phase Precoding for Wideband THz Massive MIMO. (2022) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Hongwen Yu et al.: Low-Resolution Hybrid Beamforming in Millimeter-Wave Multi-User Systems. (2023) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Sachin Chaudhari et al.: Distributed Autocorrelation-Based Sequential Detection of OFDM Signals in Cognitive Radios. (2008) authored by H. Vincent Poor. DiJia Su et al.: MUSBO: Model-based Uncertainty Regularized and Sample Efficient Batch Optimization for Deployment Constrained Reinforcement Learning. (2021) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Sachin Chaudhari et al.: Autocorrelation-based decentralized sequential detection of OFDM signals in cognitive radios. (2009) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Junlin Yu et al.: Mobile Data Trading: Behavioral Economics Analysis and Algorithm Design. (2017) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Junlin Yu et al.: Mobile Data Trading: Behavioral Economics Analysis and Algorithm Design. (2017) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Ravi Tandon et al.: On fading broadcast channels with partial channel state information at the transmitter. (2012) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Wonjae Shin et al.: Coordinated Beamforming for Multi-Cell MIMO-NOMA. (2017) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Venugopal V. Veeravalli et al.: Decentralized sequential detection with sensors performing sequential tests. (1994) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Xuanyu Cao et al.: Data Center Demand Response With On-Site Renewable Generation: A Bargaining Approach. (2018) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Jingzhi Hu et al.: Reinforcement Learning for a Cellular Internet of UAVs: Protocol Design, Trajectory Control, and Resource Management. (2020) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Sinan Gezici et al.: The Tradeoff Between Processing Gains of an Impulse Radio UWB System in the Presence of Timing Jitter. (2007) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Hongliang Zhang et al.: Trajectory Optimization for UAV-to-Device Underlaid Cellular Networks by Mean-Field-Type Control. (2020) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Xi Zhang et al.: Massive-MIMO Channel Capacity Modeling for mURLLC Over 6G UAV Mobile Wireless Networks. (2022) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Xiaohu Shang et al.: Multi-User MISO Interference Channels with Single-User Detection: Optimality of Beamforming and the Achievable Rate Region (2009) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Michael Fauss et al.: Minimax Optimal Sequential Tests for Multiple Hypotheses. (2018) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Van-Dinh Nguyen et al.: Convex Quadratic Programming for Maximizing Sum Throughput in MIMO-NOMA Multicell Networks. (2017) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Wonjae Shin et al.: Relay-Aided NOMA in Uplink Cellular Networks. (2017) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Xiaohu Shang et al.: Multiuser MISO Interference Channels With Single-User Detection: Optimality of Beamforming and the Achievable Rate Region. (2011) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Kangda Zhi et al.: Two-Timescale Design for Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface-Aided Massive MIMO Systems with Imperfect CSI. (2021) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Qiang Li et al.: OFDM-IM-Based Spectrum Sharing for Cognitive Radio Networks. (2019) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Kangda Zhi et al.: Two-Timescale Design for Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface-Aided Massive MIMO Systems With Imperfect CSI. (2023) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Ke Sun et al.: Asymptotic Learning Requirements for Stealth Attacks on Linearized State Estimation. (2023) authored by H. Vincent Poor. Te-Yi Kan et al.: Hybrid Relay and Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Assisted Multiuser MISO Systems. (2023) authored by H. Vincent Poor", "answer": "University of Illinois at Urbana\u2013Champaign" }, { "id": "16603f10-c6aa-41ed-9f16-8eea4d0055e0", "question": "Whose institute has fewer publications, the author of Big data analytics: challenges and applications to health care or Maintaining Case-Based Reasoning Systems: A Machine Learning Approach?", "triples_number": 328, "contexts": "Ting-Chun Wang et al.: Depth Estimation with Occlusion Modeling Using Light-Field Cameras. (2016) authored by Alexei A. Efros. Derek Hoiem et al.: Recovering Surface Layout from an Image. (2007) authored by Alexei A. Efros. Jean-Fran\u00e7ois Lalonde et al.: Webcam clip art: appearance and illuminant transfer from time-lapse sequences. (2009) authored by Alexei A. Efros. Ting-Chun Wang et al.: SVBRDF-Invariant Shape and Reflectance Estimation from a Light-Field Camera. (2018) authored by Alexei A. Efros. Ting-Chun Wang et al.: Occlusion-Aware Depth Estimation Using Light-Field Cameras. (2015) authored by Alexei A. Efros. Ayaan Haque et al.: Instruct-NeRF2NeRF: Editing 3D Scenes with Instructions. (2023) authored by Alexei A. Efros. Ayaan Haque et al.: Instruct-NeRF2NeRF: Editing 3D Scenes with Instructions. (2023) authored by Alexei A. Efros. Ting-Chun Wang et al.: SVBRDF-Invariant Shape and Reflectance Estimation from Light-Field Cameras. (2016) authored by Alexei A. Efros. Tinghui Zhou et al.: FlowWeb: Joint image set alignment by weaving consistent, pixel-wise correspondences. (2015) authored by Alexei A. Efros. Santosh Kumar Divvala et al.: Can similar scenes help surface layout estimation? (2008) authored by Alexei A. Efros. Medhini Narasimhan et al.: Strumming to the Beat: Audio-Conditioned Contrastive Video Textures. (2021) authored by Alexei A. Efros. Letian Fu et al.: Rethinking Patch Dependence for Masked Autoencoders. (2024) authored by Alexei A. Efros. Zihang Lai et al.: Video Autoencoder: self-supervised disentanglement of static 3D structure and motion. (2021) authored by Alexei A. Efros. Zihang Lai et al.: Video Autoencoder: self-supervised disentanglement of static 3D structure and motion. (2021) authored by Alexei A. Efros. Medhini Narasimhan et al.: Strumming to the Beat: Audio-Conditioned Contrastive Video Textures. (2022) authored by Alexei A. Efros. Alexei A. Efros modified 2023-10-18. Xi Shen et al.: RANSAC-Flow: Generic Two-Stage Image Alignment. (2020) authored by Alexei A. Efros. Xi Shen et al.: RANSAC-Flow: generic two-stage image alignment. (2020) authored by Alexei A. Efros. Arnab Ghosh et al.: Interactive Sketch & Fill: Multiclass Sketch-to-Image Translation. (2019) authored by Alexei A. Efros. Arnab Ghosh et al.: Interactive Sketch & Fill: Multiclass Sketch-to-Image Translation. (2019) authored by Alexei A. Efros. Natasha Kholgade et al.: 3D object manipulation in a single photograph using stock 3D models. (2014) authored by Alexei A. Efros. Dave Epstein et al.: Diffusion Self-Guidance for Controllable Image Generation. (2023) authored by Alexei A. Efros. Dave Epstein et al.: Diffusion Self-Guidance for Controllable Image Generation. (2023) authored by Alexei A. Efros. Tom Monnier et al.: Differentiable Blocks World: Qualitative 3D Decomposition by Rendering Primitives. (2023) authored by Alexei A. Efros. Tom Monnier et al.: Differentiable Blocks World: Qualitative 3D Decomposition by Rendering Primitives. (2023) authored by Alexei A. Efros. Alexei A. Efros and William T. Freeman: Image quilting for texture synthesis and transfer. (2001) authored by Alexei A. Efros. Dave Epstein et al.: Disentangled 3D Scene Generation with Layout Learning. (2024) authored by Alexei A. Efros. Jean-Fran\u00e7ois Lalonde et al.: Photo clip art. (2007) authored by Alexei A. Efros. Alexei A. Efros i10Index 166. Deepak Pathak et al.: Zero-Shot Visual Imitation. (2018) authored by Alexei A. Efros. Deepak Pathak et al.: Zero-Shot Visual Imitation. (2018) authored by Alexei A. Efros. Deepak Pathak et al.: Zero-Shot Visual Imitation. (2018) authored by Alexei A. Efros'}. His father is Alexei L", "answer": "Discovery Centre" }, { "id": "fbfb15c4-f410-48da-b2e4-1db37b4f451b", "question": "For how long did the author of 'William Stetson Merrill and bricolage for information studies' serve in the Learning Resources Association of the California Community Colleges?", "triples_number": 70, "contexts": "Anita Sundaram Coleman modified 2023-10-18. Anita Sundaram Coleman name Anita Sundaram Coleman. Anita Sundaram Coleman i10Index 6. Anita Sundaram Coleman alternativeName Anita Sundaram Coleman. Anita Sundaram Coleman 2YrMeanCitedness 0.0. Anita Sundaram Coleman alternativeName Anita Coleman. Anita Sundaram Coleman alternativeName Anita S. Coleman{'author_wikipedia_text': 'Anita Coleman is an Indian American academic librarian, faculty and researcher in digital libraries. \\n2006 Professional Service (Library of Congress and American Library Association Association for Library Cataloging and Technical Services)\\n1998 Research - California Academic & Research Libraries'}", "answer": "1996-2007" } ]