File List for IFSC7370 Data Science Course, Spring, 2024 (1) BiaoFu-IFSC7370-DS-SP24.pdf This is the report file for the assignment. I do the analysis by developing some app using Hugging Face. The URL of the Hugging Face app is listed in the report. (2) 3MT-BiaoFu.ppt This is the 3 minute presentation, the audio is inserted to the ppt file. (3) The python codes are printed to the report, the original codes are in my spaces. You can review the full code under each space, and the report includes the URL for each space. (4) Folder: pythoncode in the raw date and file. This is the folder to store some of the codes downloaded from my Hugging Face app. app-facefeature-w1-full #this file can output excel with image, more details in report. app-facefeaturefast-w1-full #this file can run faster than the file above, no excel output, more details in report. app-facebasic-w1-full #this file can display image and emotion score side by side, more details in report. (5) raw date and This is the raw data and app output for doing the report and data analysis. For example: (a) emotion_scores (12)-for project.xlsx This is the excel file output from the app for doing analysis for the report. The app embed the image to cell for easy datamining, etc. The excel table is scalable according to the file quantity, though the file has 10 samples as far. For example, the table can have 100 images if we have 100 images. (b) For the emotion class, I make two folders initially to store the raw data and result. The FER2013 dataset has more than 30,000 images, I sampled 100 images for each class for the initial analysis. The FER2013 dataset was downloaded from the URL: The Hugging Face I developed can do full dataset, however, I need to use the pay version for using the GPU. For example, once I can get the sponsors, I can re-run the data in a larger or full scale. For example, the folder name starts with an is for "angry" class. an: angry ds: disgust fe: fear hp: happy ne: neutral sd: sad sp: surprise For the initial two folders belonged to angry, antd: this folder is for store the train data and test data, where the subfolder ant100 for test data and antr100 for train data, ant-re: this folder is for store the *.CSV file, chart file (pie, bar, heatmap) output from the test data, while the subfolder tra is for *.CSV file, chart file (pie, bar, heatmap) output from the train data. the other class raw data and result are stored in the related folder following the similar naming style above. (c) Folder name: sample image This is the folder for storing the sample image for the report.