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My name's in the newspapers. | Adım gazetelerde. | please can you translate this text from Turkish to English. |
Még mindig meg kell próbálnom. | I still have to try it. | convert the following message from English to Hungarian? |
How was your day? | Hogy telt a napotok? | can you please translate this sentence from Hungarian to English. |
Tom is an old friend of mine. | Том — мой старый друг. | can you please switch the sentence from Russian to English? |
Yritin unohtaa. | I tried to forget. | Please can you translate this input sentence from English to Finnish? |
Didn't you read the manual? | Haben Sie nicht die Gebrauchsanweisung gelesen? | Translate this input message from German to English. |
Tom was enthusiastic. | Том был полон энтузиазма. | Can you translate this text from Russian to English? |
I am watering the flowers. | Éppen öntözöm a virágokat. | can you switch the text from Hungarian to English? |
Tom is dumbfounded. | Tom está anonadado. | Can you translate this input text from Spanish to English? |
Tom knows a girl who can speak French quite well. | Tom kennt ein Mädchen, das recht gut Französisch spricht. | Can you please translate this input sentence from German to English? |
Ur ttilim ara d imallayen. | Be ruthless. | can you please translate this message from English to Berber. |
Zaczekaj tutaj. | Wait here. | Please translate from English to Polish? |
You must stop him. | Deben detenerlo. | please translate this message from Spanish to English? |
I began to cry. | Я розплакалася. | Can you translate this input message from Ukrainian to English? |
Sicuramente non sarà facile. | That certainly won't be easy. | Can you please translate this input message from English to Italian. |
How much do you make a month? | Hoeveel het jy gemaak 'n maand? | Can you please communicate this message from Afrikaans to English |
What is the reason for that lie? | Was ist der Grund für diese Lüge? | translate this input text from German to English? |
Is it necessary for us to do that today? | Müssen wir das heute machen? | Please translate this message from German to English |
זה אפילו לא עלה בדעתי. | It didn't even cross my mind. | Please can you translate this text from English to Hebrew. |
I'm not usually at home on Mondays. | Je ne suis généralement pas chez moi le lundi. | Please can you switch the text from French to English? |
Вы это уже сделали. | You did that already. | can you please convert from English to Russian |
Mogę poprosić Toma, żeby pomógł mi odrobić pracę domową. | I could ask Tom to help me do my homework. | can you please translate this sentence from English to Polish? |
Tom didn't want to be a teacher. | Tom non voleva essere un insegnante. | please communicate this text from Italian to English. |
I want everyone to remain calm. | Je veux que tout le monde reste calme. | please can you communicate this text from French to English |
Llovió sin parar. | It rained nonstop. | Please can you convert from English to Spanish |
Fue el único al que no invitaron a la fiesta. | He was the only one not invited to the party. | Can you switch the message from English to Spanish? |
He knows how to play poker. | Sa come giocare a poker. | Please can you convert from Italian to English. |
I will be at your house at eight. | Estaré en tu casa a las ocho. | please can you translate this input message from Spanish to English? |
Acḥal ay teṛjid akken ad tɛeddid ɣer temsujjit? | How long did you wait to see the doctor? | Translate this message from English to Berber. |
Я не могу доказать это. | I can't prove it. | Translate this sentence from English to Russian? |
How long will you stay in Australia? | Скільки ви пробудете в Австралії? | Please translate this sentence from Ukrainian to English? |
Mijn rijbewijs verloopt eind deze maand. | My driver's license expires at the end of this month. | please can you switch the sentence from English to Dutch. |
אתה מעדיף יין לבן או אדום? | Do you prefer white wine or red wine? | can you communicate this sentence from English to Hebrew |
You're not seriously considering going, are you? | Ethän sinä vakavissasi ole menossa, ethän? | please can you switch the text from Finnish to English? |
I can't forget her kindness. | Я не могу забыть её доброту. | please can you translate this text from Russian to English. |
I don't like being treated like a child. | Ur ḥemmleɣ ara ad iyi-lḥun medden am ugrud. | Can you translate this input message from Berber to English? |
He was patient. | 彼は辛抱強かった。 | Translate this text from Japanese to English |
I wonder if I can ask you a few questions about Tom. | Voinkohan kysyä sinulta muutaman kysymyksen Tomista? | please communicate this message from Finnish to English? |
Yezmer lḥal ad tilim tɣeẓnem. | You might be right. | Please communicate this sentence from English to Berber? |
Tom can't read yet. | Tomas dar nemoka skaityti. | can you please convert from Lithuanian to English |
মই কিয় টমক সহায় নকৰিলোঁ— তুমি জানিব নোখোজানে? | Don't you want to know why I didn't help Tom? | Convert the following text from English to Assamese? |
I don't need a gun. | Je n'ai pas besoin d'arme. | Can you please translate from French to English |
Du må gjøre nøyaktig som jeg sier. | You will do exactly as I say. | Please can you communicate this message from English to Bokmål? |
Tom's explanation didn't mollify Mary. | Пояснення Тома не заспокоїло Мері. | can you translate this input sentence from Ukrainian to English? |
I wonder what Tom had in mind. | Интересно, что было у Тома на уме. | please can you switch the text from Russian to English. |
Ось ще трохи чаю. | Here's some more tea. | Can you translate this input sentence from English to Ukrainian? |
Сколько тебе было, когда ты начал ходить? | How old were you when you started walking? | Please can you translate from English to Russian? |
Queremos o mesmo. | We want the same thing. | i need a translation from English to Portuguese? |
Why are we doing this again? | Зачем мы опять это делаем? | Can you please translate this sentence from Russian to English? |
Je suis un survivant. | I'm a survivor. | can you please communicate this sentence from English to French? |
J'ai entendu qu'il était décédé. | I heard that he'd died. | please can you translate this input text from English to French. |
Why does Tom want to do this? | Warum möchte Tom das machen? | translate this input text from German to English |
Не покупай эту книгу. | Don't buy that book. | switch the message from English to Russian? |
I meant that as a joke. | 冗談のつもりだった。 | Please translate this message from Japanese to English? |
Það breytir engu. | That makes no difference. | Convert from English to Icelandic. |
Tom and I attended the same school. | Tom a ja sme chodili do rovnakej školy. | can you translate this sentence from Slovak to English. |
Как вы думаете, как скоро мы сможем достичь своей цели? | How soon do you think we can reach our goal? | please can you translate from English to Russian |
على حد علمي، هو طالب ممتاز. | As far as I know, he's an excellent student. | Can you please translate this sentence from English to Arabic. |
Том собирался сделать самый важный телефонный звонок в своей жизни. | Tom was about to make the most important phone call of his life. | Please can you communicate this text from English to Russian. |
He is always scared. | तो नेहमीच घाबरलेला असतो. | can you switch the text from Marathi to English? |
Állandóan álmos vagyok. | I always feel sleepy. | please can you translate from English to Hungarian. |
אני לומד בבית ספר. | I study at school. | please can you translate from English to Hebrew? |
Rien n'est plus méprisable que le respect basé sur la peur. | Nothing is more contemptible than respect that is based on fear. | can you please switch the text from English to French? |
Хочешь, я потру тебе спину? | Do you want me to rub your back? | can you translate this message from English to Russian |
Sizden bir kino soragy sorajak | I'm going to ask you a series of questions. | translate this input text from English to Turkmen |
Il film era terribile. | The movie was awful. | can you communicate this text from English to Italian. |
We had some chicken soup. | Abbiamo preso un po' di minestra di pollo. | translate this text from Italian to English? |
Tudo o que nós queremos fazer é comer. | All we want to do is eat. | please can you translate this input message from English to Portuguese. |
I was misinformed. | Ero disinformata. | Communicate this sentence from Italian to English |
To nie je také jednoduché. | It isn't that easy. | Can you please translate this input sentence from English to Slovak. |
Arriveremo in orario? | Will we arrive in time? | Can you translate this input sentence from English to Italian. |
Потом поговорим. | We'll talk later. | Can you translate this sentence from English to Russian? |
התחביב שלי הוא קריאה. | My hobby is reading. | please switch the sentence from English to Hebrew? |
I enjoy visiting Australia. | Mi piace visitare l'Australia. | Please switch the message from Italian to English? |
Tom went to the park to meet Mary. | トムはメアリーに会いに公園へ行った。 | Can you please switch the message from Japanese to English. |
Le dije a Tom que limpiara su habitación, pero no lo hizo. | I told Tom to clean his room, but he didn't. | please translate this input message from English to Spanish? |
You couldn't have done this without me. | לא היית עושה את זה בלעדיי. | communicate this text from Hebrew to English? |
Kalmeer je. | Stay calm. | Please switch the message from English to Dutch. |
Tom broke up with Mary. | Tom rompeu com Mary. | I need a translation from Portuguese to English |
What is the population of New York? | Яка чисельність населення Нью-Йорка? | Can you please translate from Ukrainian to English? |
वह भारत और चीन दोनो में बहुत मशहूर है। | She is well known in both India and China. | can you translate this sentence from English to Hindi? |
I don't see anybody. | Senkit sem látok. | can you please switch the sentence from Hungarian to English? |
Sɣiɣ-d tasewlaft am tin-nnek. | I've bought the same camera as you have. | Please translate this input sentence from English to Berber |
Добро е што зборуваш француски. | It's a good thing you know how to speak French. | Translate this sentence from English to Macedonian |
Put your hands up! | ידיים למעלה! | please translate this input message from Hebrew to English. |
Ești sigur că Tom este aici? | Are you sure that Tom is here? | Please switch the message from English to Romanian? |
אתה היחיד שיכול לשכנע אותו. | You're the only person that can persuade him. | Please translate this message from English to Hebrew? |
Tom kräktes. | Tom vomited. | can you please switch the sentence from English to Swedish? |
Tom will arrange everything. | Том всё устроит. | Please communicate this message from Russian to English? |
Tom hasn't been told not to do that yet. | Тому ещё не сказали, чтобы он этого не делал. | please can you translate from Russian to English? |
Olá a todos! | Hello everyone! | please can you communicate this sentence from English to Portuguese. |
Could you sit over there? | את יכולה לשבת שם? | Please can you switch the message from Hebrew to English? |
Tengo una reunión a las dos y media. | I've got a meeting at 2:30. | Can you translate this input message from English to Spanish |
Тому нужен хороший юрист. | Tom needs a good lawyer. | Can you please translate this text from English to Russian |
Теперь я уже редко пла́чу. | I seldom cry anymore. | please can you communicate this text from English to Russian |
Slyším v hlavě hlasy. | I hear voices in my head. | can you please translate this input text from English to Czech? |
彼は車の運転を習っています。 | He is learning how to drive a car. | can you please translate from English to Japanese? |
Since the bus was late, we had to wait in the rain a long time. | Kuna buss hilines, pidime vihma käes kaua ootama. | Convert the following text from Estonian to English |
Tom heeft besloten dat het tijd is om te verhuizen. | Tom has decided it's time to move out. | Please switch the message from English to Dutch? |
Tom won't let go of this. | Tom bu işin peşini bırakmaz. | Can you translate this text from Turkish to English. |
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