story_id,Premises - NL,Conclusions - NL,Truth Values,Premises - FOL,Conclusions - FOL,Proofs | |
102,"Edwin Smith was a New Zealand rower from Auckland. | |
Edwin Smith was also known as Ted Smith. | |
Edwin Smith went to Rose Road Primary School, located in Grey Lynn. | |
Edwin Smith was a sergeant who served with the New Zealand 24th battalion in Italy and Egypt. | |
Broadway Sheetmetals was a business run and owned by Edwin Smith, a sheet metal worker.","Ted Smith was a sergeant. | |
There were no rowers that own a buisness. | |
No sergeants were from Auckland. | |
No business owner served in Egypt.","T | |
F | |
F | |
F","From(edwinSmith, newZealand) ∧ Rower(edwinSmith) ∧ From(edwinSmith, auckland) | |
edwinSmith=tedSmith | |
GoTo(edwinSmith, roseRoadPrimarySchool) ∧ LocatedIn(roseRoadPrimarySchool, greyLynn) | |
Sergeant(edwinSmith) ∧ ServeWith(edwinSmith, newZealand24thBattalion) ∧ ServeIn(edwinSmith, italy) ∧ ServeIn(edwinSmith, egypt) | |
Buisness(broadwaySheetmetals) ∧ Run(edwinSmith, broadwaySheetmetals) ∧ Own(edwinSmith, broadwaySheetmetals) ∧ SheetmetalWorker(edwinsmith)","Sergeant(tedSmith) | |
∀x ∀y (Rower(x) ∧ Buisness(y) → ¬Own(x, y)) | |
∀x (Sergeant(x) → ¬From(x, auckland)) | |
∀x ∀y (Buisness(x) ∧ Own(y, x) → ¬ServeIn(y, egypt))","['Not found', 'Not found', 'And(From(skolem$x18,auckland),Sergeant(skolem$x18))\n├── Equals(skolem$x18,edwinSmith)\n├── From(edwinSmith,auckland)\n└── Sergeant(edwinSmith)\n', 'Not found']" | |
215,"Adam owns cars. | |
Adam has a favorite car. | |
Among the cars he owns, Adam's favorite car is European. | |
Adam broke his favorite car.","Adam owns a Japanese car. | |
Adam broke a European car.","U | |
T","∃x ∃y (Car(x) ∧ Car(y) ∧ (x≠y) ∧ Owns(adam, x)) | |
∃x (Car(x) ∧ Favorite(adam, x)) | |
∀x ((Car(x) ∧ Owns(adam, x) ∧ Favorite(adam, x)) → European(x)) | |
∀x ((Car(x) ∧ Owns(adam, x) ∧ Favorite(adam, x)) → Broke(adam, x))","∃x (Japanese(x) ∧ Owns(adam, x)) | |
∃x (European(x) ∧ Broke(adam, x))","['Not found', 'Not found']" | |
134,"Islip Speedway is the smallest race track. | |
There was a demolition derby on the smallest race track. | |
Islip is either demolished or still being used. | |
Speedways that are still being used have races held at them. | |
Islip doesn't have races held at it.","There has been a demolition derby somewhere that has since been demolished. | |
Islip was demolished. | |
Islip is still being used.","T | |
T | |
F","Speedway(islip) ∧ SmallestRaceTrack(islip) | |
∃x ∃y (DemolitionDerby(x) ∧ SmallestRaceTrack(y) ∧ On(x, y)) | |
Demolished(islip) ⊕ StillUsed(islip) | |
∀x (Speedway(x) ∧ StillUsed(x) → Have(races, heldAt, x)) | |
¬Have(races, heldAt, islip)","∃x ∃y (DemolitionDerby(x) ∧ On(x, y) ∧ Demolished(y)) | |
Demolished(islip) | |
StillUsed(islip)","['Not found', 'Demolished(islip)\n├── Not(StillUsed(islip))\n│ ├── Or(Not(Speedway(islip)),Not(StillUsed(islip)))\n│ │ ├── Not(Have(races,heldAt,islip))\n│ │ └── Or(Or(Have(races,heldAt,$x16),Not(Speedway($x16))),Not(StillUsed($x16)))\n│ └── Speedway(islip)\n└── Or(Demolished(islip),StillUsed(islip))\n', 'Not(StillUsed(islip))\n├── Or(Not(Speedway(islip)),Not(StillUsed(islip)))\n│ ├── Not(Have(races,heldAt,islip))\n│ └── Or(Or(Have(races,heldAt,$x16),Not(Speedway($x16))),Not(StillUsed($x16)))\n└── Speedway(islip)\n']" | |
132,"Northwich Victoria FC is a football club that plays at Wincham Park. | |
Simon Hackney is a member of Northwich Victoria FC. | |
Northwich Victoria FC is part of the Northern Premier League. | |
If someone is a member of an organization that is part of a group, then the person is a member of the group. | |
If someone is a member of an organization and the organization plays at a certain place, then the person plays at the place.","Simon Hackney is a member of the Northern Premier League. | |
Simon Hackney plays at Wincham Park. ","T | |
T","Club(northwichVictoriaFC) ∧ PlayAt(northwichVictoriaFC, winchamPark) | |
MemberOf(simonHackney, northwichVictoriaFC) | |
PartOf(northwichVictoriaFC, northernPremierLeague) | |
∀x ∃y ∃z ((MemberOf(x, y) ∧ PartOf(y, z)) → MemberOf(x, z)) | |
∀x ∃y ∃z ((MemberOf(x, y) ∧ PlayAt(y, z)) → PlayAt(x, z))","MemberOf(simon, northernPremierLeague) | |
PlayAt(simonHackney, winchamPark)","['Not found', 'Not found']" | |
96,"Diamond Mine is a professional wrestling stable formed in WWE. | |
Roderick Strong leads Diamond Mine. | |
Diamond Mine includes the Creed Brothers and Ivy Nile. | |
Imperium has a feud with Diamond Mine.","Roderick Strong leads a professional wrestling stable. | |
Roderick Strong leads the Creed Brothers. | |
Imperium doesn't have a feud with a professional wrestling stable that includes Ivy Nile.","T | |
U | |
F","ProfessionalWrestlingStable(diamondMine) ∧ In(diamondMine, wWE) | |
Leads(roderickStrong, diamondMine) | |
Includes(diamondMine, creedBrothers) ∧ Includes(diamondMine, ivyNile) | |
Feuds(imperium, diamondMine)","∃x (Leads(roderickstrong, x) ∧ ProfessionalWrestlingStable(x)) | |
Leads(roderickstrong, creedbrothers) | |
∀x ((ProfessionalWrestlingStable(x) ∧ Includes(x, ivynile)) → ¬Feuds(imperium, x))","['Not found', 'Not found', 'Not found']" | |
203,"Plungers suck. | |
Vacuums suck. | |
Vampires suck. | |
Space is a vacuum. | |
A duster is a household appliance that doesn't suck.","Space sucks. | |
Space is a vampire. | |
If something is a household appliance, it sucks.","T | |
U | |
F","∀x (Plunger(x) → Suck(x)) | |
∀x (Vacuum(x) → Suck(x)) | |
∀x (Vampire(x) → Suck(x)) | |
Vacuum(space) | |
HouseholdAppliance(duster) ∧ ¬Suck(duster)","Suck(space) | |
Vampire(space) | |
∀x (HouseHoldApp(x) → Suck(x))","['Suck(space)\n├── Or(Not(Vacuum($x16)),Suck($x16))\n└── Vacuum(space)\n', 'Not found', 'Not found']" | |
121,"Neocrepidodera Corpulentas are flea beetles or moths, or both. | |
Neocrepidodera Corpulentas are in the Chrysomelidae family. | |
There are no moths within the Chrysomelidae family. | |
There is a Neocrepidodera Corpulenta. ","There is a flea beetle within the Chrysomelidae family. | |
There are no flea beetles within the Chrysomelidae family.","T | |
F","∀x (NeocrepidoderaCorpulenta(x) → (FleaBeetle(x) ∨ Moth(x))) | |
∀x (NeocrepidoderaCorpulenta(x) → In(x, chrysomelidaeFamily)) | |
∀x (In(x, chrysomelidaeFamily) → ¬Moth(x)) | |
∃x (NeocrepidoderaCorpulenta(x))","∃x (FleaBeetle(x) ∧ In(x, chrysomelidaeFamily)) | |
∀x (FleaBeetle(x) → ¬In(x, chrysomelidaeFamily))","['And(FleaBeetle(skolem$x115),In(skolem$x115,chrysomelidaeFamily))\n├── Equals(skolem$x115,skolem$x112)\n├── FleaBeetle(skolem$x112)\n│ ├── NeocrepidoderaCorpulenta(skolem$x112)\n│ └── Or(FleaBeetle(skolem$x112),Not(NeocrepidoderaCorpulenta(skolem$x112)))\n│ ├── Or(FleaBeetle(skolem$x112),Not(In(skolem$x112,chrysomelidaeFamily)))\n│ │ ├── Or(FleaBeetle(skolem$x112),Moth(skolem$x112))\n│ │ │ ├── NeocrepidoderaCorpulenta(skolem$x112)\n│ │ │ └── Or(Or(FleaBeetle($x13),Moth($x13)),Not(NeocrepidoderaCorpulenta($x13)))\n│ │ └── Or(Not(In($x19,chrysomelidaeFamily)),Not(Moth($x19)))\n│ └── Or(In($x16,chrysomelidaeFamily),Not(NeocrepidoderaCorpulenta($x16)))\n└── In(skolem$x112,chrysomelidaeFamily)\n ├── NeocrepidoderaCorpulenta(skolem$x112)\n └── Or(In($x16,chrysomelidaeFamily),Not(NeocrepidoderaCorpulenta($x16)))\n', 'And(FleaBeetle(skolem$x119),In(skolem$x119,chrysomelidaeFamily))\n├── Equals(skolem$x119,skolem$x112)\n├── FleaBeetle(skolem$x112)\n│ ├── NeocrepidoderaCorpulenta(skolem$x112)\n│ └── Or(FleaBeetle(skolem$x112),Not(NeocrepidoderaCorpulenta(skolem$x112)))\n│ ├── Or(FleaBeetle(skolem$x112),Not(In(skolem$x112,chrysomelidaeFamily)))\n│ │ ├── Or(FleaBeetle(skolem$x112),Moth(skolem$x112))\n│ │ │ ├── NeocrepidoderaCorpulenta(skolem$x112)\n│ │ │ └── Or(Or(FleaBeetle($x13),Moth($x13)),Not(NeocrepidoderaCorpulenta($x13)))\n│ │ └── Or(Not(In($x19,chrysomelidaeFamily)),Not(Moth($x19)))\n│ └── Or(In($x16,chrysomelidaeFamily),Not(NeocrepidoderaCorpulenta($x16)))\n└── In(skolem$x112,chrysomelidaeFamily)\n ├── NeocrepidoderaCorpulenta(skolem$x112)\n └── Or(In($x16,chrysomelidaeFamily),Not(NeocrepidoderaCorpulenta($x16)))\n']" | |
270,"No sports cars are vehicles intended to be driven at moderate speeds. | |
All automobiles designed for family use are vehicles intended to be driven at moderate speeds.",No sports cars are automobiles designed for family use.,T,"∀x (SportsCar(x) → ¬IntendedToBeDrivenAt(x, moderateSpeed)) | |
∀x (DesignedFor(x, familyUse) → IntendedToBeDrivenAt(x, moderateSpeed))","∀x (SportsCar(x) → ¬For(x, familyUse))",['Not found'] | |
169,"All volunteers receive intangible benefits for their work. | |
Volunteers work regularly or on an as-needed basis. | |
Some volunteers are trained. | |
Volunteers work in groups or individually. | |
Environmental volunteers contribute toward environmental management or conservation. | |
Participating in natural disaster response is an example of volunteers working in groups on an as-needed basis.","Volunteers who participate in natural disaster response receive intangible benefits for their work. | |
Environmental volunteers work in groups. | |
To be a volunteer, you must be trained.","T | |
U | |
U","∀x (Volunteer(x) → Receive(x, intangibleBenefit)) | |
∀x (Volunteer(x) → WorkRegularly(x) ⊕ WorkAsNeeded(x)) | |
∃x (Volunteer(x) → Trained(x)) | |
∀x (Volunteer(x) → (WorkInGroup(x) ∨ WorkIndividually(x))) | |
∀x (Volunteer(x) ∧ Environmental(x) → (ContributeTo(x, environmentalManagement) ∨ ContributeTo(x, environmentalConservation))) | |
∃x (Volunteer(x) ∧ ContributeTo(x, naturalDisasterResponse) → WorkInGroup(x) ∧ WorkAsNeeded(x))","∀x (Volunteer(x) ∧ ContributeTo(x, naturalDisasterResponse) → Receive(x, intangibleBenefit)) | |
∀x (Volunteer(x) ∧ Environmental(x) → WorkInGroup(x)) | |
∀x (Volunteer(x) → Trained(x))","['Or(Not(Volunteer($x13)),Receive($x13,intangibleBenefit))\n', 'Not found', 'Not found']" | |
116,"WeTab is a MeeGo-based tablet computer. | |
WeTab was announced by Neofonie. | |
Neofonie is a German producer. | |
Germans live in Germany or abroad. ","There is a tablet computer announced by a German producer. | |
Neofonie doesn't speak English or German.","T | |
F","MeeGoBased(weTab) ∧ TabletComputer(weTab) | |
∀x (AnnouncedBy(weTab, neofonie)) | |
German(neofonie) ∧ Producer(neofonie) | |
∀x (German(x) → LiveIn(x, german) ⊕ LiveAbroad(x))","∃x ∃y (TabletComputer(x) ∧ German(y) ∧ Producer(y) ∧ AnnouncedBy(x, y)) | |
¬Speak(neofonie, english) ∧ ¬Speak(neofonie, german)","['Not found', 'Not found']" | |
227,"Carrozzeria Colli is a Milanese coachbuilder company established by Giuseppe Colli in 1931. | |
Carrozzeria Colli is a company that specializes in using aluminum. | |
The first automobiles built by Carrozzeria Colli were racing cars. | |
Some racing cars built by Carrozzeria Colli used Fiat 1100 mechanicals and chassis. | |
Carrozzeria Colli worked for airforces. | |
Carrozzeria Colli made car bodies. ","Carrozzeria Colli made car bodies in 1931. | |
Carrozzeria Colli built airplanes during World War II. | |
Giuseppe Colli established a company that made car bodies. | |
Giuseppe Colli established a Milanese coachbuilder company that specialized in using aluminum. | |
The first automobiles built by Carrozzeria Colli were built using Fiat 1100 mechanicals and chassis.","U | |
U | |
T | |
T | |
U","Milanese(carrozzeriaColli) ∧ CoachBuilder(carrozzeriaColli) ∧ Company(carrozzeriaColli) ∧ EstablishedBy(carrozzeriaColli, giuseppeColli) ∧ EstablishedIn(carrozzeriaColli, 1931) | |
Company(carrozzeriaColli) ∧ SpecializesIn(carrozzeriaColli, usingAluminum) | |
∀x (BuiltBy(x, carrozzeriaColli) ∧ FirstAutomobile(x) → RacingCar(x)) | |
∃x (BuiltBy(x, carrozzeriaColli) ∧ RacingCar(x) ∧ Used(x, fiat1100mechanicals) ∧ Used(x, chassis)) | |
∃x (Airforce(x) ∧ WorkedFor(carrozzeriaColli, x)) | |
∃(CarBody(x) ∧ Made(x, carrozzeriaColli))","∃x (CarBody(x) ∧ Made(x, carrozzeriaColli) ∧ MadeIn(x, 1931)) | |
∃x (Airplane(x) ∧ Made(x, carrozzeriaColli) ∧ MadeDuring(x, worldWarII)) | |
∃x ∃y (Company(x) ∧ EstablishedBy(x, giuseppeColli) ∧ CarBody(y) ∧ Made(y, x)) | |
∃x (Milanese(x) ∧ CoachBuilder(x) ∧ Company(x) ∧ EstablishedBy(x, giuseppeColli) ∧ SpecializesIn(x, usingAluminum)) | |
∃x (BuiltBy(x, carrozzeriaColli) ∧ FirstAutomobil(x) ∧ Used(x, fiat1100mechanicals) ∧ Used(x, chassis))","['Not found', 'Not found', 'Not found', 'And(And(And(And(CoachBuilder(skolem$x124),Company(skolem$x124)),EstablishedBy(skolem$x124,giuseppeColli)),Milanese(skolem$x124)),SpecializesIn(skolem$x124,usingAluminum))\n├── CoachBuilder(carrozzeriaColli)\n├── Company(carrozzeriaColli)\n├── Equals(skolem$x124,carrozzeriaColli)\n├── EstablishedBy(carrozzeriaColli,giuseppeColli)\n├── Milanese(carrozzeriaColli)\n└── SpecializesIn(carrozzeriaColli,usingAluminum)\n', 'Not found']" | |
112,"Frederick Monhoff was an architect, artist, and illustrator. | |
Frederick Monhoff was an American. | |
An artist is good at physical or conceptual art. | |
All Americans are American citizens.","Frederick Monhoff was good at physical art. | |
No illustrator was an American citizen.","U | |
F","Architect(monhoff) ∧ Artist(monhoff) ∧ Illustrator(monhoff) | |
American(monhoff) | |
∀x (Artist(x) → GoodAt(x, physicalArt) ∨ GoodAt(x, conceptualArt)) | |
∀x (American(x) → AmericanCitizen(x))","GoodAt(monhoff, physicalArt) | |
¬(∃x (Illustrator(x) ∧ AmericanCitizen(x)))","['Not found', 'And(AmericanCitizen(skolem$x110),Illustrator(skolem$x110))\n├── AmericanCitizen(monhoff)\n│ ├── American(monhoff)\n│ └── Or(AmericanCitizen($x16),Not(American($x16)))\n├── Equals(skolem$x110,monhoff)\n└── Illustrator(monhoff)\n']" | |
289,"All iPhones are electronic. | |
Some phones are iPhones.",No phones are electronic.,F,"∀x (IPhone(x) → Electronic(x)) | |
∃x ∃y (Phone(x) ∧ Phone(y) ∧ IPhone(x) ∧ IPhone(y) ∧ ¬(x=y))",∀x (Phone(x) → ¬Electronic(x)),"['And(Electronic(skolem$x110),Phone(skolem$x110))\n├── Electronic(skolem$x16)\n│ ├── IPhone(skolem$x16)\n│ └── Or(Electronic($x13),Not(IPhone($x13)))\n├── Equals(skolem$x110,skolem$x16)\n└── Phone(skolem$x16)\n']" | |
86,"If a legislator is found guilty of stealing government funds, they will be suspended from office. | |
Tiffany T. Alston was a legislator in Maryland's House of Delegates from 2011 to 2013. | |
Tiffany T. Alston was found guilty of stealing government funds in 2012.","Tiffany T. Alston was suspended from the Maryland House of Delegates. | |
Tiffany T. Alston was not suspended from the Maryland House of Delegates. | |
Tiffany T. Alston went to prison for stealing government funds.","T | |
F | |
U","∀x ((Legislator(x) ∧ StealsFunds(x)) → Suspended(x)) | |
Legislator(tiffanyTAlston) | |
StealsFunds(tiffanyTAlston) ∧ StealsFundsInYr(tiffanyTAlston, yr2012)","Suspended(tiffanyTAlston) | |
¬Suspended(tiffanyTAlston) | |
Prison(tiffanyTAlston)","['Suspended(tiffanyTAlston)\n├── Legislator(tiffanyTAlston)\n└── Or(Not(Legislator(tiffanyTAlston)),Suspended(tiffanyTAlston))\n ├── Or(Or(Not(Legislator($x13)),Not(StealsFunds($x13))),Suspended($x13))\n └── StealsFunds(tiffanyTAlston)\n', 'Suspended(tiffanyTAlston)\n├── Legislator(tiffanyTAlston)\n└── Or(Not(Legislator(tiffanyTAlston)),Suspended(tiffanyTAlston))\n ├── Or(Or(Not(Legislator($x13)),Not(StealsFunds($x13))),Suspended($x13))\n └── StealsFunds(tiffanyTAlston)\n', 'Not found']" | |
2,"Billings is a city in the state of Montana in U.S. | |
The state of Montana includes the cities of Butte, Helena, and Missoula. | |
White Sulphur Springs and Butte are cities in the same state in U.S. | |
The city of St Pierre is not in the state of Montana. | |
Any city in Butte is not in St Pierre. | |
A city can only be in one state in U.S. except for Bristol, Texarkana, Texhoma and Union City.","Butte and St Pierre are in the same state. | |
St Pierre and Bismarck are in the same state. | |
Montana is home to the city of Missoula.","F | |
U | |
T","City(billings) ∧ In(billings, montana) | |
City(butte) ∧ In(butte, montana) ∧ City(helena) ∧ In(helena, montana) ∧ City(missoula) ∧ In(missoula, montana) | |
∃x (City(whitesulphursprings) ∧ In(whitesulphursprings, x) ∧ City(butte) ∧ In(butte, x)) | |
City(pierre) ∧ ¬(In(pierre, montana)) | |
∀x ((City(x) ∧ City(butte) ∧ In(x, butte)) → ¬(In(x, pierre))) | |
∀x ∃y (City(x) ∧ (In(x, y) ∧ ¬(x=bristol) ∧ ¬(x=texarkana) ∧ ¬(x=texhoma) ∧ ¬(x=unionCity)) → ∀z ((z=y) ∨ ¬In(x, z)))","∃x (In(butte, x) ∧ In(stPierre, x)) | |
∃x (City(pierre) ∧ In(pierre, x) ∧ City(bismarck) ∧ In(bismarck, x)) | |
City(missoula) ∧ In(missoula, montana)","['Not found', 'Not found', 'And(City(missoula),In(missoula,montana))\n├── City(missoula)\n└── In(missoula,montana)\n']" | |
94,"Ainderby Quernhow is a village and civil parish in the Hambleton District. | |
Hambleton District is in North Yorkshire. | |
North Yorkshire is in England. | |
If place A is located in place B and place B is located in place C, then place A is located in place C.","There is a village in England. | |
There is no civil parish in England.","T | |
F","Village(ainderbyQuernhow) ∧ CivilParish(ainderbyQuernhow) ∧ In(ainderbyQuernhow, hambletonDistrict) | |
In(hambletonDistrict, northYorkshire) | |
In(northYorkshire, england) | |
∀x ∀y ∀z ((In(x, y) ∧ In(y, z)) → In(x, z))","∃x (Village(x) ∧ In(x, england)) | |
¬(∃x (CivilParish(x) ∧ In(x, england)))","['And(In(skolem$x16,england),Village(skolem$x16))\n├── Equals(skolem$x16,ainderbyQuernhow)\n├── In(ainderbyQuernhow,england)\n│ ├── In(northYorkshire,england)\n│ └── Or(In(ainderbyQuernhow,$x33),Not(In(northYorkshire,$x33)))\n│ ├── In(ainderbyQuernhow,northYorkshire)\n│ │ ├── In(hambletonDistrict,northYorkshire)\n│ │ └── Or(In(ainderbyQuernhow,$x33),Not(In(hambletonDistrict,$x33)))\n│ │ ├── In(ainderbyQuernhow,hambletonDistrict)\n│ │ └── Or(Or(In($x13,$x33),Not(In($x13,$x23))),Not(In($x23,$x33)))\n│ └── Or(Or(In($x13,$x33),Not(In($x13,$x23))),Not(In($x23,$x33)))\n└── Village(ainderbyQuernhow)\n', 'And(CivilParish(skolem$x110),In(skolem$x110,england))\n├── CivilParish(ainderbyQuernhow)\n├── Equals(skolem$x110,ainderbyQuernhow)\n└── In(ainderbyQuernhow,england)\n ├── In(northYorkshire,england)\n └── Or(In(ainderbyQuernhow,$x33),Not(In(northYorkshire,$x33)))\n ├── In(ainderbyQuernhow,northYorkshire)\n │ ├── In(hambletonDistrict,northYorkshire)\n │ └── Or(In(ainderbyQuernhow,$x33),Not(In(hambletonDistrict,$x33)))\n │ ├── In(ainderbyQuernhow,hambletonDistrict)\n │ └── Or(Or(In($x13,$x33),Not(In($x13,$x23))),Not(In($x23,$x33)))\n └── Or(Or(In($x13,$x33),Not(In($x13,$x23))),Not(In($x23,$x33)))\n']" | |
213,"All Romance languages are Indo-European languages. | |
Romance languages are a language family. | |
All languages within a language family are related to each other. | |
French and Spanish are both Romance languages. | |
German is related to Spanish. | |
Basque is not related to any other language.","Basque is a Romance language. | |
German is a Romance language. | |
French is an Indo-European language.","F | |
U | |
T","∀x (RomanceLanguage(x) → IndoEuropeanLanguage(x)) | |
∀x (RomanceLanguage(x) → MemberOf(x, languageFamily)) | |
∀x ∀y ∀z ((MemberOf(x, z) ∧ MemberOf(y, z)) → (Related(x, y) ∧ Related(y, x))) | |
RomanceLanguage(french) ∧ RomanceLanguage(spanish) | |
Related(german, spanish) | |
∀x (Language(x) → ¬Related(basque, x))","RomanceLanguage(basque) | |
RomanceLanguage(german) | |
IndoEuropeanLanguage(french)","['Not found', 'Not found', 'IndoEuropeanLanguage(french)\n├── Or(IndoEuropeanLanguage($x13),Not(RomanceLanguage($x13)))\n└── RomanceLanguage(french)\n']" | |
268,"No people who do not admit a mistake are good teachers. | |
Some well-informed people are people who do not admit a mistake.",Some good teachers are not well-informed people.,U,"∀x (¬Admit(x, mistake) → ¬GoodTeacher(x)) | |
∃x ∃y (WellInformed(x) ∧ WellInformed(y) ∧ ¬Admit(x, mistake) ∧ ¬Admit(y, mistake) ∧ ¬(x=y))",∃x ∃y (GoodTeacher(x) ∧ GoodTeacher(y) ∧ ¬WellInformed(x) ∧ ¬WellInformed(y) ∧ ¬(x=y)),['Not found'] | |
183,"If a man is taller than another man, the taller one can block the other's shooting. | |
Michael is a man who is taller than everyone else in his class. | |
If person x is taller than person y, and person y is taller than person z, then x is taller than z | |
Peter is a man who is taller than Michael. | |
Michael can block any shooting from a person as long as the person does not jump when shooting. | |
Michael cannot block Windy's shooting. | |
Every shooter who can jump when shooting is a great shooter.","Peter is shorter than a man in Michael's class. | |
Windy is a great shooter. | |
Peter can block Windy's shooting.","F | |
T | |
U","∀x ∀y (Man(x) ∧ Man(y) ∧ Taller(x, y) → CanBlock(x, y)) | |
∀x (Man(x) ∧ SameClass(x, michael) ∧ ¬(x=michael) → Taller(michael, x)) | |
∀x ∀y ∀z ((Taller(x, y) ∧ Taller(y, z)) → Taller(x, z)) | |
Man(peter) ∧ Taller(peter, michael) | |
∀x (¬JumpWhenShooting(x) → CanBlock(michael, x)) | |
¬CanBlock(michael, windy) | |
∀x (JumpWhenShooting(x) → GreatShooter(x))","∃x (Man(x) ∧ SameClass(x, michael) ∧ ¬Taller(peter, x)) | |
GreatShooter(windy) | |
CanBlock(peter, windy)","['Not found', 'Not found', 'Not found']" | |
168,"Both vegans and vegetarians eat neither meat nor fish. | |
Vegans don't eat any products that come from animals. | |
Vegetarians may eat eggs. | |
Some of the products that come from animals are eggs, milk, and honey. | |
For some people, being a vegan is good for their health.","John is a vegetarian if he eats neither meat nor fish. | |
Vegans don't eat eggs. | |
Not eating eggs is good for your health.","U | |
T | |
U","∀x ((Vegetarian(x) ∨ Vegan(x)) → ¬Eat(x, meat) ∧ ¬Eat(x, fish)) | |
∀x ∀y (Vegan(x) ∧ ComeFrom(y, animals) → ¬Eat(x,y)) | |
∃x (Vegetarian(x) → Eat(x, eggs)) | |
ComeFrom(eggs, animals) ∧ ComeFrom(milk, animals) ∧ ComeFrom(honey, animals) | |
∃x (Vegan(x) → GoodForHealth(x))","Vegetarian(john) ↔ ¬Eat(john, meat) ∧ ¬Eat(john, fish) | |
∀x (Vegan(x) → ¬Eat(x, eggs)) | |
∀x (¬Eat(x, eggs) → GoodForHealth(x))","['Not found', 'Not found', 'Not found']" | |
193,"A La Liga soccer team ranks higher than another La Liga soccer team if it receives more points. | |
If there are two La Liga soccer teams and neither has more points than the other, then the team which receives more points from the games between the two teams ranks higher. | |
Real Madrid and Barcelona are both La Liga soccer teams. | |
Real Madrid received more points than Barcelona. | |
Neither Real Madrid nor Barcelona received more points from the games between them.","Real Madrid ranks higher than Barcelona. | |
Barcelona ranks higher than Real Madrid.","T | |
F","∀x ∀y (LaLigaSoccerTeam(x) ∧ LaLigaSoccerTeam(y) ∧ MorePoints(x, y) → RankHigherThan(x, y)) | |
∀x ∀y (LaLigaSoccerTeam(x) ∧ LaLigaSoccerTeam(y) ∧ ¬MorePoints(x, y) ∧ ¬MorePoints(y, x) ∧ MorePointsInGameBetween(x, y) → RankHigherThan(x, y)) | |
LaLigaSoccerTeam(realMadrid) ∧ LaLigaSoccerTeam(barcelona) | |
MorePoints(realMadrid, barcelona) | |
¬MorePointsInGameBetween(realMadrid, barcelona) ∧ ¬MorePointsInGameBetween(barcelona, realMadrid)","RankHigherThan(realMadrid, barcelona) | |
RankHigherThan(barcelona, realMadrid)","['RankHigherThan(realMadrid,barcelona)\n├── LaLigaSoccerTeam(realMadrid)\n└── Or(Not(LaLigaSoccerTeam(realMadrid)),RankHigherThan(realMadrid,barcelona))\n ├── LaLigaSoccerTeam(barcelona)\n └── Or(Or(Not(LaLigaSoccerTeam(barcelona)),Not(LaLigaSoccerTeam(realMadrid))),RankHigherThan(realMadrid,barcelona))\n ├── MorePoints(realMadrid,barcelona)\n └── Or(Or(Or(Not(LaLigaSoccerTeam($x13)),Not(LaLigaSoccerTeam($x23))),Not(MorePoints($x13,$x23))),RankHigherThan($x13,$x23))\n', 'Not found']" | |
277,"The USS Lyon was a US Navy ship involved in WWII. | |
All ships involved in WWII are currently decommissioned or in a museum.",The USS Lyon is currently decommissioned.,U,"USNavyShip(theUSSLyon) ∧ InvolvedIn(theUSSLyon, wWII) | |
∀x (InvolvedIn(x, wWII) → (CurrentlyDecommissioned(x) ∨ In(x, museum)))",CurrentlyDecommissioned(theUSSLyon),['Not found'] | |
92,"Adventures of Rusty is a drama film and children's film. | |
Columbia Pictures produced Adventures of Rusty. | |
Tintin was produced by Paramount. | |
Tintin is an adventure film.","Columbia pictures produced some drama film. | |
Columbia pictures produced some adventure film. | |
Paramount produces children's films. | |
Paramount produces adventure films.","T | |
U | |
U | |
T","DramaFilm(adventuresOfRusty) ∧ ChildrensFilm(adventuresOfRusty) | |
Produces(columbiaPictures, adventuresOfRusty) | |
Produces(paramount, tintin) | |
AdventureFilm(tintin)","∃x (DramaFilm(x) ∧ Produces(columbiaPictures, x)) | |
∃x (AdventureFilm(x) ∧ Produces(columbiaPictures, x)) | |
∃x (ChildrensFilm(x) ∧ Produces(paramount, x)) | |
∃x (AdventureFilm(x) ∧ Produces(paramount, x))","['And(DramaFilm(skolem$x13),Produces(columbiaPictures,skolem$x13))\n├── DramaFilm(adventuresOfRusty)\n├── Equals(skolem$x13,adventuresOfRusty)\n└── Produces(columbiaPictures,adventuresOfRusty)\n', 'Not found', 'Not found', 'And(AdventureFilm(skolem$x112),Produces(paramount,skolem$x112))\n├── AdventureFilm(tintin)\n├── Equals(skolem$x112,tintin)\n└── Produces(paramount,tintin)\n']" | |
302,"Not all art pieces require talent. | |
Everything that requires talent requires practice.",There exist art pieces that do not require practice.,T,"∃x (ArtPiece(x) ∧ ¬Require(x, talent)) | |
∀x (Require(x, talent) → Require(x, practice))","∃x ∃y (ArtPiece(x) ∧ ¬Require(x, practice) ∧ ArtPiece(y) ∧ ¬Require(y, practice) ∧ ¬(x=y))",['Not found'] | |
38,"The Metropolitan Museum of Art is a museum in NYC. | |
Whitney Museum of American Art is a museum in NYC. | |
The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) is a museum in NYC. | |
The Metropolitan Museum of Art includes Byzantine and Islamic Art. | |
Whitney Museum of American Art includes American art.","A museum in NYC includes Byzantine and Islamic Art. | |
A museum in NYC includes American art. | |
A museum in NYC includes Greek art.","T | |
T | |
U","Museum(metropolitanMuseumOfArt) ∧ In(metropolitanMuseumOfArt, nYC) | |
Museum(whitneyMuseumOfAmericanArt) ∧ In(metropolitanMuseumOfArt, nYC) | |
Museum(museumOfModernArt) ∧ In(museumOfModernArt, nYC) | |
Include(metropolitanMuseumOfArt, byzantineArt) ∧ Include(metropolitanMuseumOfArt, islamicArt) | |
Include(whitneyMuseumOfAmericanArt, americanArt)","∃x (Museum(x) ∧ In(x, nYC) ∧ Include(x, byzantineArt) ∧ Include(x, islamicArt)) | |
∃x (Museum(x) ∧ In(x, nYC) ∧ Include(x, americanArt)) | |
∃x (Museum(x) ∧ In(x, nYC) ∧ Include(x, greekArt))","['And(And(And(In(skolem$x13,nYC),Include(skolem$x13,byzantineArt)),Include(skolem$x13,islamicArt)),Museum(skolem$x13))\n├── Equals(skolem$x13,metropolitanMuseumOfArt)\n├── In(metropolitanMuseumOfArt,nYC)\n├── Include(metropolitanMuseumOfArt,byzantineArt)\n├── Include(metropolitanMuseumOfArt,islamicArt)\n└── Museum(metropolitanMuseumOfArt)\n', 'Not found', 'Not found']" | |
239,"Tame Impala is the psychedelic music project of Australian multi-instrumentalist Kevin Parker. | |
In the recording studio, Kevin Parker writes, records, performs, and produces all of the project's music. | |
As a touring act, Tame Impala members are Kevin Parker, Dominic Simper, Jay Watson, Cam Avery, and Julien Barbagallo. | |
The Less I Know the Better is the most popular song from Tame Impala. | |
If a song is the most popular song from Tame Impala, then the song is in the music project of Kevin Parker.","The Less I Know the Better was written by Kevin Parker. | |
The origins of Tame Impala can be found in San Francisco. | |
Jay Watson is one of the members of Tame Impala.","T | |
U | |
T","PsychedelicMusicProjectOf(tameImpala, kevinParker) ∧ Australian(kevinParker) ∧ Multi-Instrumentalist(kevinParker) | |
∀x (ProjectsMusic(x) → Wrote(kevinParker, x) ∧ Recorded(kevinParker, x) ∧ Produced(kevinParker, x)) | |
MemberOf(kevinParker, tameImpala) ∧ MemberOf(dominicSimper , tameImpala)∧ MemberOf(jayWatson, tameImpala) ∧ MemberOf(camAvery, tameImpala) ∧ MemberOf(julienBarbagallo, tameImpala) | |
MostPopularSongFrom(theLessIKnowTheBetter, tameImpala) | |
∀x (TheMostPopularSongFrom(x, tameImpala) → ProjectsMusic(x))","Wrote(kevinParker, theLessIKnowTheBetter) | |
FoundInSanFrancisco(originOfTameImpala) | |
MemberOf(jayWatson, tameImpala)","['Not found', 'Not found', 'MemberOf(jayWatson,tameImpala)\n']" | |
216,"Olivia doesn't prefer warm temperatures during the day. | |
When Olivia sleeps, she prefers a cool temperature. | |
Olivia sleeps during the night. | |
Olivia works during the day. | |
Olivia either works or sleeps. | |
It is either the day or the night. | |
Olivia either prefers warm temperatures or prefers cool temperatures.","At all times, Olivia prefers a cool temperature.",T,"∀x (Day(x) → ¬Prefer(olivia, warmTemperature, x)) | |
∀x (Sleep(olivia, x) → Prefer(olivia, coolTemperature, x)) | |
∀x (Night(x) → Sleep(olivia, x)) | |
∀x (Day(x) → Work(olivia, x)) | |
Work(olivia) ⊕ Sleep(olivia) | |
∀x (Day(x) ⊕ Night(x)) | |
∀x (Prefer(olivia, warmTemperature, x) ⊕ Prefer(olivia, coolTemperature, x))","∀x (Prefer(olivia, coolTemperature, x))","['Prefer(olivia,coolTemperature,$x19)\n├── Or(Not(Sleep(olivia,$x16)),Prefer(olivia,coolTemperature,$x16))\n└── Or(Prefer(olivia,coolTemperature,$x19),Sleep(olivia,$x19))\n ├── Or(Night($x118),Prefer(olivia,coolTemperature,$x118))\n │ ├── Or(Day($x115),Night($x115))\n │ └── Or(Not(Day($x118)),Prefer(olivia,coolTemperature,$x118))\n │ ├── Or(Not(Day($x13)),Not(Prefer(olivia,warmTemperature,$x13)))\n │ └── Or(Prefer(olivia,coolTemperature,$x118),Prefer(olivia,warmTemperature,$x118))\n └── Or(Not(Night($x19)),Sleep(olivia,$x19))\n']" | |
167,"If you go somewhere by train, you will not lose time. | |
If you go somewhere by car and meet a traffic jam, you will lose time. | |
If you lose time, you will be late for work. | |
Mary can get from New Haven to New York City either by train or car. | |
Mary is late for work.","Mary gets from New Haven to New York City by train. | |
Mary gets from New Haven to New York City by car. | |
Mary meets a traffic jam.","F | |
T | |
U","∀x (GoByTrain(x) → ¬LoseTime(x)) | |
∀x((GoByCar(x) ∧ Meet(x, trafficJam)) → LoseTime(x)) | |
∀x (LoseTime(x) → LateForWork(x)) | |
FromAndTo(newHaven, newYork) ∧ (GoByTrain(mary) ⊕ GoByCar(mary)) | |
LateForWork(mary)","FromAndTo(newHaven, newYork) ∧ GoByTrain(mary) | |
FromAndTo(newHaven, newYork) ∧ GoByCar(mary) | |
Meet(mary, trafficJam)","['Not found', 'Not found', 'Not found']" | |
205,"Oxford Circus is a road junction connecting Oxford Street and Regent Street. | |
Oxford Street and Regent Street are in London. | |
John Nash designed a construction on Regent Street. | |
John Nash designed Oxford Circus. | |
John Nash is a British architect. | |
Oxford Circus is the entrance to Oxford Circus tube station, a part of the Central line in 1900.","Oxford Circus is in London. | |
Oxford Circus is designed by a British architect. | |
John Nash designed the Central line in 1900. | |
Regent Street is not in London.","T | |
T | |
U | |
F","RoadJunction(oxfordCircus) ∧ Connect(oxfordCircus, oxfordSt, regentSt) | |
In(oxfordSt, london) ∧ In(regentSt, london) | |
Designed(nash, construction) ∧ On(construction, regentSt) | |
Designed(nash, oxfordCircus) | |
Architect(nash) ∧ British(nash) | |
EntraceTo(oxfordCircus, tubeStation) ∧ PartOf(tubeStation, centralline) ∧ In(tubeStation, 1900)","In(oxfordCircus, london) | |
∃x (British(x) ∧ Architect(x) ∧ Design(x, oxfordCircus)) | |
∀x (PartOf(x, centralLine) → Design(johnNash, x)) | |
¬In(regentStreet, london)","['Not found', 'Not found', 'Not found', 'Not found']" | |
5,"Peter Parker is either a superhero or a civilian. | |
The Hulk is a destroyer. | |
The Hulk wakes up when he is angry. | |
If the Hulk wakes up, then he will break a bridge. | |
Thor is a god. | |
Thor will break a bridge when he is happy. | |
A god is not a destroyer. | |
Peter Parker wears a uniform when he is a superhero. | |
Peter Parker is not a civilian if a destroyer is breaking a bridge. | |
If Thor is happy, the Hulk is angry.","If the Hulk does not wake up, then Thor is not happy. | |
If Thor is happy, then Peter Parker wears a uniform. | |
If Thor is not happy, then no bridge will be broken. ","T | |
T | |
U","Superhero(peterParker) ⊕ Civilian(peterParker) | |
Destroyer(theHulk) | |
Angry(theHulk) → WakesUp(theHulk) | |
WakesUp(theHulk) → Breaks(theHulk, bridge) | |
God(thor) | |
Happy(thor) → Breaks(thor, bridge) | |
∀x (God(x) → ¬Destroyer(x)) | |
Superhero(peter) → Wears(peter, uniform) | |
∀x ((Destroyer(x) ∧ Breaks(x,bridge)) → ¬Civilian(peter)) | |
Happy(thor) → Angry(theHulk)","¬WakesUp(theHulk) → ¬Happy(thor) | |
Happy(thor) → Wears(peterParker, uniform) | |
¬Happy(thor) → ¬Breaks(thor, bridge)","['Or(Not(Happy(thor)),WakesUp(theHulk))\n├── Or(Angry(theHulk),Not(Happy(thor)))\n└── Or(Not(Angry(theHulk)),WakesUp(theHulk))\n', 'Not found', 'Not found']" | |
71,"Herodicus was a Greek physician, dietician, sophist, and gymnast. | |
Herodicus was born in the city of Selymbria. | |
Selymbria is a colony of the city-state Megara. | |
One of the tutors of Hippocrates was Herodicus. | |
Massages were recommended by Herodicus. | |
Some of the theories of Herodicus are considered to be the foundation of sports medicine.","Herodicus tutored Hippocrates. | |
Herodicus was tutored by Hippocrates. | |
Herodicus was born in a city-state. | |
Herodicus did not recommend massages. | |
Herodicus was born in a colony of a city-state.","T | |
U | |
U | |
F | |
T","Greek(herodicus) ∧ Physician(herodicus) ∧ Dietician(herodicus) ∧ Sophist(herodicus) ∧ Gymnast(herodicus) | |
Born(herodicus, selymbia) ∧ City(selymbia) | |
Colony(selymbia, megara) ∧ CityState(megara) | |
Tutor(herodicus, hippocrates) | |
Recommend(herodicus, massages) | |
∃x ∃y (Theory(x) ∧ From(x, herodicus) ∧ FoundationOf(x, sportsMedicine) ∧ (¬(x=y)) ∧ Theory(y) ∧ From(y, herodicus) ∧ FoundationOf(y, sportsMedicine))","Tutor(herodicus, hippocrates) | |
Tutor(hippocrates, herodicus) | |
∃x (Born(herodicus, x) ∧ CityState(x)) | |
¬Recommend(herodicus, massages) | |
∃x ∃y (Born(herodicus, x) ∧ Colony(x, y) ∧ CityState(y))","['Tutor(herodicus,hippocrates)\n', 'Not found', 'Not found', 'Recommend(herodicus,massages)\n', 'Not found']" | |
217,"If George likes music, he wants to compose. | |
If George has access to a program, he can compose. | |
If George can compose and wants to compose, he will compose.","If George likes music and has access to a program, he will compose. | |
If George will not compose, George can not compose.","T | |
U","LikeMusic(george) → WantToCompose(george) | |
AccesstoProgram(george) → CanCompose(george) | |
(WantToCompose(george) ∧ CanCompose(george)) → WillCompose(george)","(LikeMusic(george) ∧ AccesstoProgram(george)) → WillCompose(george) | |
¬WantToCompose(george) → ¬WillCompose(george)","['Or(Or(Not(AccesstoProgram(george)),Not(LikeMusic(george))),WillCompose(george))\n├── Or(CanCompose(george),Not(AccesstoProgram(george)))\n└── Or(Or(Not(CanCompose(george)),Not(LikeMusic(george))),WillCompose(george))\n ├── Or(Not(LikeMusic(george)),WantToCompose(george))\n └── Or(Or(Not(CanCompose(george)),Not(WantToCompose(george))),WillCompose(george))\n', 'Not found']" | |
196,"ETS develops various standardized tests primarily in the United States for K-12 and higher education. | |
ETS administers international tests, including the TOEFL, TOEIC, GRE, and subject tests. | |
Many of the assessments ETS develops are associated with entry to the US tertiary and quaternary education institutions. | |
ETS also develops K-12 statewide assessments used for accountability testing in many states.","ETS develops assessments for K-12 statewide as well as entry to US tertiary and quaternary education institutions. | |
ETS doesn't administer tests internationally. | |
ETS administers international tests including the TOEFL, GRE and subject tests in China.","T | |
F | |
U","∃x ∃y (Develop(eTS, x) ∧ Develop(eTS, y) ∧ StandardizedTest(x) ∧ StandardizedTest(y) ∧ In(x, unitedState) ∧ In(y, unitedState) ∧ For(x, k12AndHigherEducation) ∧ For(y, k12AndHigherEducation)) | |
∃x (Administer(eTS, x) ∧ InternationalTest(x) ∧ (TOEFL(x) ∨ TOEIC(x) ∨ GRE(x) ∨ SubjectTest(x))) | |
∃x (Develop(eTS, x) ∧ AssociatedWith(x, entryToUSEducationInstitution)) | |
∃x (Develop(eTS, x) ∧ StateWideAssesment(x) ∧ UsedFor(x, accountabilityTesting))","∃x ∃y (Develop(eTS, x) ∧ StateWideAssesment(x) ∧ Develop(eTS, y) ∧ AssociatedWith(y, entryToUSEducationInstitution)) | |
∀x (Administer(eTS, x) → ¬InternationalTest(x)) | |
∃x (Administer(eTS, x) ∧ InChina(x) ∧ (TOEFL(x) ∨ TOEIC(x) ∨ GRE(x) ∨ SubjectTest(x)))","['Not found', 'And(Administer(eTS,skolem$x118),InternationalTest(skolem$x118))\n├── Administer(eTS,skolem$x16)\n├── Equals(skolem$x118,skolem$x16)\n└── InternationalTest(skolem$x16)\n', 'Not found']" | |
154,"A plane goes faster than a car. | |
A car goes faster than walking. | |
Riding bikes is faster than walking.","A plane goes faster than riding a bike. | |
A plane goes faster than walking.","U | |
U","∀x ∀y (Plane(x) ∧ Car(y) → Faster(x, y)) | |
∀x ∀y (Car(x) ∧ Walking(y) → Faster(x, y)) | |
∀x ∀y (RidingBike(x) ∧ Walking(y) → Faster(x, y))","∀x ∀y (Plane(x) ∧ RidingBike(y) → Faster(x, y)) | |
∀x ∀y (Plane(x) ∧ Walking(y) → Faster(x, y))","['Not found', 'Not found']" | |
82,"Lawton Park is a neighborhood in Seattle. | |
All citizens of Lawton Park use the zip code 98199. | |
Tom is a citizen of Lawton Park. | |
Daniel uses the zip code 98199. ","Tom uses the zip code 98199. | |
Tom doesn't use the zip code 98199. | |
Tom is a citizen of Washington. | |
Daniel is a citizen of Lawton Park. ","T | |
F | |
U | |
U","NeighbourhoodIn(lawtonPark, seattle) | |
∀x (Residentof(x, lawtonPark) → UseZipCode(x, num98199)) | |
ResidentOf(tom, lawtonPark) | |
UseZipCode(daniel, num98199)","UseZipCode(tom, num98199) | |
¬UseZipCode(tom, num98199) | |
ResidentOf(tom, washington) | |
ResidentOf(daniel, lawtonPark)","['Not found', 'Not found', 'Not found', 'Not found']" | |
291,"No road is dustless. | |
Some streets are roads.",Some streets are dustless.,U,"∀x (Road(x) → ¬Dustless(x)) | |
∃x ∃y (Street(x) ∧ Street(y) ∧ Road(x) ∧ Road(y) ∧ ¬(x=y))",∃x ∃y (Street(x) ∧ Street(y) ∧ Dustless(x) ∧ Dustless(y) ∧ ¬(x=y)),['Not found'] | |
103,"Palstaves are a type of early bronze axe. | |
Palstaves are found in northern, western, and southwestern Europe and are cast in molds. | |
John Evans is an archeologist who popularized the term ""palstave."" | |
Paalstabs are not a type of axe but rather a digging shovel.","John Evans Popularized the term paalstab. | |
There is an axe that is found in Western Europe. | |
Archeologists haven't popularized anything.","U | |
U | |
F","EarlyBronzeAge(palstave) ∧ Axe(palstave) | |
FoundIn(palstave, northernEurope) ∨ FoundIn(palstave, westernEurope) ∨ FoundIn(palstave, southWesternEurope)) ∧ CastIn(palstave, molds) | |
Archeologist(johnEvans) ∧ Popularize(johnEvans, termPalstave) | |
¬Axe(paalstab) ∧ DiggingShovel(paalstab)","Popularized(johnEvans, termPalstave) | |
∃x (Axe(x) ∧ FoundIn(x, westernEurope)) | |
∀x ∀y (Archeologist(x) → ¬Popularize(x, y))","['Not found', 'Not found', 'Not found']" | |
269,"All proteins are organic compounds. | |
All enzymes are organic compounds.",All enzymes are proteins.,U,"∀x (Protein(x) → OrganicCompound(x)) | |
∀x (Enzyme(x) → OrganicCompound(x))",∀x (Enzyme(x) → Protein(x)),['Not found'] | |
191,"A natural language processing task can be categorized as either a language generation task or a language understanding task. | |
If the output of a natural language processing task is a text sequence, then it is a language generation task. | |
Machine translation is a natural language processing task. | |
The output of machine translation is a text sequence.","Machine translation is a language generation task. | |
Machine translation is a language understanding task.","T | |
F","∀x (NaturalLanguageProcessingTask(x) → LanguageGenerationTask(x) ⊕ LanguageUnderstandingTask(x)) | |
∀x (NaturalLanguageProcessingTasks(x) ∧ OutputSequence(x, text) → LanguageGenerationTask(x)) | |
NaturalLanguageProcessingTask(machineTranslation) | |
OutputSequence(machineTranslation, text)","LanguageGenerationTask(machineTranslation) | |
LanguageUnderstandingTask(machineTranslation)","['Not found', 'Not found']" | |
40,"If someone can run far and navigate using a map, they can participate in orienteering. | |
Fit people can run far. | |
People who have a good sense of direction can use a map. | |
Military officers are fit. | |
Hailee is a military officer and has a good sense of direction. | |
Karl is not a military officer and can use a map.","Hailee can participate in orienteering. | |
Karl can not participate in orienteering.","T | |
U","∀x ((RunFar(x) ∧ UseMap(x)) → Orienteer(x)) | |
∀x (Fit(x) → RunFar(x)) | |
∀x (SenseDirection(x) → UseMap(x)) | |
∀x (MilitaryOfficer(x) → Fit(x)) | |
MilitaryOfficer(hailee) ∧ SenseDirection(hailee) | |
¬MilitaryOfficer(karl) ∧ UseMap(karl)","Orienteer(hailee) | |
¬Orienteer(karl)","['Orienteer(hailee)\n├── MilitaryOfficer(hailee)\n└── Or(Not(MilitaryOfficer(hailee)),Orienteer(hailee))\n ├── Or(Fit($x112),Not(MilitaryOfficer($x112)))\n └── Or(Not(Fit(hailee)),Orienteer(hailee))\n ├── Or(Not(Fit($x16)),RunFar($x16))\n └── Or(Not(RunFar(hailee)),Orienteer(hailee))\n ├── Or(Or(Not(RunFar($x13)),Not(UseMap($x13))),Orienteer($x13))\n └── UseMap(hailee)\n ├── Or(Not(SenseDirection($x19)),UseMap($x19))\n └── SenseDirection(hailee)\n', 'Not found']" | |
15,"Elephantopus is a genus of perennial plants in the daisy family. | |
Elephantopus is widespread over much of Africa, southern Asia, Australia, and the Americas. | |
Several species of Elephantopus are native to the southeastern United States. | |
Elephantopus scaber is a traditional medicine.","Elephantopus is found in Australia and Southern Asia. | |
No Elephantopus is native to the southeastern United States. | |
Elephantopus is a traditional medicine.","T | |
F | |
U","∀x (Elephantopus(x) → (Genus(x, perennialplants) ∧ BelongTo(x, daisyfamily))) | |
∃x ∃y ∃z(Elephantopus(x) ∧ In(x,africa) ∧ (¬(x=y)) ∧ Elephantopus(y) ∧ In(y, southernasia) ∧ (¬(x=z)) ∧ (¬(y=z)) ∧ Elephantopus(z) ∧ In(z, australia)) | |
∃x ∃y (Elephantopus(x) ∧ NativeTo(x, southeasternunitedstates) ∧ (¬(x=y)) ∧ Elephantopus(y) ∧ NativeTo(y, southeasternunitedstates)) | |
∀x (ElephantopusScaber(x) → TraditionalMedicine(x))","∃x ∃y (Elephantopus(x) ∧ In(x,africa) ∧ Elephantopus(y) ∧ In(y,africa)) | |
∀x (Elephantopus(x) → ¬NativeTo(x, southeasternunitedstates)) | |
∀x (Elephantopus(x) → TraditionalMedicine(x))","['Not found', 'And(Elephantopus(skolem$x119),NativeTo(skolem$x119,southeasternunitedstates))\n├── Elephantopus(skolem$x19)\n├── Equals(skolem$x119,skolem$x19)\n└── NativeTo(skolem$x19,southeasternunitedstates)\n', 'Not found']" | |
47,"A controlled substance is a drug. | |
There exist both harmful and beneficial controlled substances. | |
If a child is exposed to a controlled substance, they are in chemical endangerment. | |
Chemical Endangerment is harmful. | |
The Controlled Substances Act was an act passed in 1971. | |
Some Acts prevent harmful things.","The Controlled Substances Act prevents harmful things. | |
Some drugs are beneficial. | |
A child in chemical endangerment is in harm. ","U | |
T | |
T","∀x (ControlledSubstances(x) → Drugs(x)) | |
∃x ∃y (ControlledSubstances(x) ∧ ControlledSubstances(y) ∧ (¬(x=y)) ∧ Beneficial(x) ∧ Harmful(y)) | |
∀x ∀y ((Child(x) ∧ ControlledSubstances(y) ∧ ExposedTo(x, y)) → InChemicalEndangerment(x)) | |
∀x (InChemicalEndangerment(x) → Harmful(x)) | |
PassedIn(controlledSubstancesAct, yr1971) ∧ Act(controlledSubstancesAct) | |
∃x ∃y (Act(x) ∧ PreventsHarm(x) ∧ (¬(x=y)) ∧ Act(y) ∧ PreventsHarm(y))","PreventsHarm(controlledSubstancesAct) | |
∃x ∃y (Drugs(x) ∧ Beneficial(x) ∧ (¬(x=y)) ∧ Drugs(y) ∧ Beneficial(y)) | |
∀x ((Child(x) ∧ InChemicalEndangerment(x)) → Harmful(x))","['Not found', 'Not found', 'Or(Harmful($x112),Not(InChemicalEndangerment($x112)))\n']" | |
37,"Heptalogyy is a compound literary or narrative work that is made up of seven distinct works. | |
The Harry Potter series consists of 7 distinct works. | |
The Chronicles of Narnia consists of 7 distinct works.","The Harry Potter series of books is Heptalogy. | |
The Chronicles of Narnia series of books is not Heptalogy. | |
The Lord of the Rings is Heptalogy. ","T | |
F | |
U","∀x (SevenDistinctWorks(x) → Heptalogy(x)) | |
SevenDistinctWorks(harryPotter) | |
SevenDistinctWorks(chroniclesOfNarnia)","Heptalogy(harryPotter) | |
¬Heptalogy(chroniclesOfNarnia) | |
Heptalogy(lordOfRings)","['Heptalogy(harryPotter)\n├── Or(Heptalogy($x13),Not(SevenDistinctWorks($x13)))\n└── SevenDistinctWorks(harryPotter)\n', 'Heptalogy(chroniclesOfNarnia)\n├── Or(Heptalogy($x13),Not(SevenDistinctWorks($x13)))\n└── SevenDistinctWorks(chroniclesOfNarnia)\n', 'Not found']" | |
57,"All pets are animals. | |
Pets can be either a dog or a cat. | |
If a person has a pet, they care for that pet. | |
Dogs and cats can be naughty. | |
Pets who are naughty are not liked as much. | |
Charlie has a naughty pet dog named Leo. ","Leo is an animal. | |
Charlie does not like Leo and does not care for Leo. | |
Dogs are not always naughty.","T | |
F | |
F","∀x (Pet(x) → Animal(x)) | |
∀x (Pet(x) → (Dog(x) ⊕ Cat(x))) | |
∀x ∀y ((Pet(y) ∧ OwnedBy(x,y)) → Cares(x, y)) | |
∃x ∃y (Cat(x) ∧ Naughty(x) ∧ (¬(x=y)) ∧ Dog(y) ∧ Naughty(y)) | |
∀x ∀y ((Pet(x) ∧ Naughty(x) ∧ OwnedBy(x,y)) → ¬Liked(x, y)) | |
OwnedBy(leo, charlie) ∧ Pet(leo) ∧ Dog(leo) ∧ Naughty(leo)","Animal(leo) | |
¬Liked(leo, charlie) ∧ ¬Cares(charlie, leo) | |
∀x (Dog(x) → ¬Naughty(x))","['Animal(leo)\n├── Or(Animal($x13),Not(Pet($x13)))\n└── Pet(leo)\n', 'Not found', 'And(Dog(skolem$x119),Naughty(skolem$x119))\n├── Dog(skolem$x26)\n├── Equals(skolem$x119,skolem$x26)\n└── Naughty(skolem$x26)\n']" | |
175,"A werewolf is a human that can turn into a wolf. | |
A werewolf has been scratched or bitten by another werewolf. | |
If someone has been scratched or bitten by some entity, they have been attacked by that entity.","All humans are werewolves. | |
A werewolf is a wolf. | |
A werewolf has scratched someone before.","U | |
U | |
U","∀x (Human(x) ∧ CanTurnInto(x, wolf) → Werewolf(x)) | |
∀x ∃y (Werewolf(x) → (BittenBy(x, y) ∨ ScratchedBy(x, y)) ∧ Werewolf(y)) | |
∀x ∃y (BittenBy(x, y) ∨ ScratchedBy(x, y)) → AttackedBy(x,y)","∀x (Human(x) → Werewolf(x)) | |
∀x (Werewolf(x) → Wolf(x)) | |
∀x ∃y (Werewolf(x) → ScratchedBy(y, x))","['Not found', 'Not found', 'Not found']" | |
128,"Donald Ervin Knuth is an American computer scientist, mathematician, and Professor Emeritus at Stanford University. | |
Knuth has been called the ""father of the analysis of algorithms.""","An American scientist has been called the ""father of the analysis of algorithms"". | |
A mathematician has been called the ""father of the analysis of algorithms"". | |
Donald Knuth is a well-known figure in the field of artificial intelligence.","T | |
T | |
U","American(donaldErvinKnuth) ∧ ComputerScientist(donaldErvinKnuth) ∧ Mathematician(donaldErvinKnuth) ∧ ProfessorEmeritusAt(donaldErvinKnuth, stanford) | |
Called(donaldErvinKnuth, fatherOfTheAnalysisOfAlgorithms)","∃x (American(x) ∧ ComputerScientist(x) ∧ Called(x, fatherOfTheAnalysisOfAlgorithms)) | |
∃x (Mathematician(x) ∧ Called(x, fatherOfTheAnalysisOfAlgorithms)) | |
WellKnownFigureIn(donaldErvinKnuth, artificialIntelligence)","['And(And(American(skolem$x13),Called(skolem$x13,fatherOfTheAnalysisOfAlgorithms)),ComputerScientist(skolem$x13))\n├── American(donaldErvinKnuth)\n├── Called(donaldErvinKnuth,fatherOfTheAnalysisOfAlgorithms)\n├── ComputerScientist(donaldErvinKnuth)\n└── Equals(skolem$x13,donaldErvinKnuth)\n', 'And(Called(skolem$x16,fatherOfTheAnalysisOfAlgorithms),Mathematician(skolem$x16))\n├── Called(donaldErvinKnuth,fatherOfTheAnalysisOfAlgorithms)\n├── Equals(skolem$x16,donaldErvinKnuth)\n└── Mathematician(donaldErvinKnuth)\n', 'Not found']" | |
158,"Mr. and Mrs. Smith make a travel plan: they want to go to a city in California or Florida where neither of them has ever been. | |
The cities in California that they are interested in are San Francisco, Los Angeles, and San Diego. | |
Cities in Florida that they are interested in are Orlando and Miami. | |
Mr. Smith has been to two cities in California. | |
Mrs. Smith has been to one city in Florida.","Mr. Smith has been to San Francisco. | |
They have at leat one candidate city in Florida to visit. | |
They have at least two candidate cities in California to visit.","U | |
U | |
U","∀x (WantToGoTo(mr.AndMrs.Smith, x) ∧ City(x) → (California(x) ∨ Florida(x)) ∧ NeverGo(x)) | |
City(sanFrancisco) ∧ California(sanFrancisco) ∧ WantToGoTo(mr.AndMrs.Smith, sanFrancisco) ∧ City(losAngeles) ∧ California(losAngeles) ∧ WantToGoTo(mr.AndMrs.Smith, losAngeles) ∧ City(sanDiego) ∧ California(sanDiego) ∧ WantToGoTo(mr.AndMrs.Smith, sanDiego) | |
City(orlando) ∧ Florida(orlando) ∧ WantToGo(mr.AndMrs.Smith, orlando) ∧ City(miami) ∧ Florida(miami) ∧ WantToGo(mr.AndMrs.Smith, miami) | |
∃x ∃y ∀z (¬(x=z) ∧ ¬(y=z) ∧ ¬(x=y) ∧ City(x) ∧ City(y) ∧ City(z) ∧ California(x) ∧ California(y) ∧ California(z) → Visit(mr.smith, x) ∧ Visit(mr.smith, y) ∧ ¬Visit(mr.smith, z)) | |
∃x ∀y (¬(x=y) ∧ City(x) ∧ City(y) ∧ Florida(x) ∧ Florida(y) → Visit(mrs.smith, x) ∧ ¬Visit(mrs.smith, y))","∃x (City(x) ∧ Visit(mr.smith, sanFrancisco)) | |
∃x (WantToGoTo(x) ∧ City(x) ∧ Florida(x)) | |
∃x ∃y (¬(x=y) ∧ City(x) ∧ City(y) ∧ WantToGoTo(mr.AndMrs.Smith, x) ∧ California(x) ∧ WantToGoTo(mr.AndMrs.Smith, y) ∧ California(y))","['Not found', 'Not found', 'Not found']" | |
28,"Jason Kramer is an American music supervisor. | |
Some American radio personalities are also music supervisors. | |
Anyone who hosts a show on a public radio station is a radio personality. | |
Joe Rogan is a radio personality. | |
Jason Kramer hosted a show on a public radio station.","Joe Rogan is American. | |
Jason Kramer is a music supervisor. | |
Jason Kramer is a radio personality.","U | |
T | |
T","MusicSupervisor(jasonKramer) ∧ American(jasonKramer) | |
∃x ∃y (American(x) ∧ MusicSupervisor(x) ∧ RadioPersonality(x) ∧ (¬(x=y)) ∧ American(y) ∧ MusicSupervisor(y) ∧ RadioPersonality(y)) | |
∀x ∀y((HostShowOn(x, y) ∧ PublicRadioStation(x)) → RadioPersonality(x)) | |
RadioPersonality(joeRogan) | |
∃x(HostShowOn(jasonKramer, x) ∧ PublicRadioStation(x))","American(joeRogan) | |
MusicSupervisor(jasonKramer) | |
RadioPersonality(jasonKramer)","['Not found', 'MusicSupervisor(jasonKramer)\n', 'Not found']" | |
165,"Belgium, France, and Germany are European countries. | |
Paris is the capital of France. | |
The Eiffel Tower is one of the main tourist attractions located in Paris. | |
Some people who live in Belgium speak French. | |
If John goes to Europe, he will see some tourist attractions. | |
John speaks French.","If John goes to Europe, he will see the Eiffel Tower. | |
The Eiffel Tower is located in the capital of France. | |
John lives in Belgium.","U | |
T | |
U","EuropeanCountry(belgium) ∧ EuropeanCountry(france) ∧ EuropeanCountry(germany) | |
CapitalOf(paris, france) | |
TouristAttraction(eiffelTower) ∧ LocatedIn(eiffelTower, paris) | |
∃x (LiveIn(x, belgium) → Speak(x, french)) | |
∃x (GoTo(john, europe) → (See(john, x) ∧ TouristAttraction(x))) | |
Speak(john, french)","GoTo(john, europe) → See(john, eiffelTower) | |
∃x (CapitalOf(x, france) ∧ LocatedIn(eiffelTower, x)) | |
LiveIn(john, belgium)","['Not found', 'And(CapitalOf(skolem$x19,france),LocatedIn(eiffelTower,skolem$x19))\n├── CapitalOf(paris,france)\n├── Equals(skolem$x19,paris)\n└── LocatedIn(eiffelTower,paris)\n', 'Not found']" | |
113,"Roversi is an Italian surname. | |
Alba Roversi uses Roversi as a surname. | |
Paolo Roversi uses Roversi as a surname. | |
Roberto Roversi uses Roversi as a surname. | |
Paolo Roversi is a photographer. | |
A photographer is a professional or an amateur."," | |
Alba Roversi uses an Italian surname. | |
There are no photographers using an Italian surname. | |
Paolo is an amateur photographer.","T | |
F | |
U","ItalianName(roversi) ∧ Surname(roversi) | |
UseAsSurname(albaRoversi, roversi) | |
UseAsSurname(paoloRoversi, roversi) | |
UseAsSurname(robertoRoversi, roversi) | |
Photographer(paoloRoversi) | |
∀x (Photographer(x) → Professional(x) ⊕ Amateur(x))","∃x (ItalianName(x) ∧ Surname(x) ∧ UseAsSurname(albaRoversi, x)) | |
¬(∃x ∃y (Photographer(x) ∧ ItalianName(y) ∧ Surname(y) ∧ UseAsSurname(x, y))) | |
Amateur(paoloRoversi) ∧ Photographer(paoloRoversi)","['And(And(ItalianName(skolem$x16),Surname(skolem$x16)),UseAsSurname(albaRoversi,skolem$x16))\n├── Equals(skolem$x16,roversi)\n├── ItalianName(roversi)\n├── Surname(roversi)\n└── UseAsSurname(albaRoversi,roversi)\n', 'Not found', 'Not found']" | |
219,"Symphony No. 9 is a music piece. | |
Composers write music pieces. | |
Beethoven wrote Symphony No. 9. | |
Vienna Music Society premiered Symphony No. 9. | |
Vienna Music Society is an orchestra. | |
Beethoven leads the Vienna Music Society. | |
Orchestras are led by conductors.","Beethoven is a composer. | |
Some orchestras premiered music pieces. | |
Beethoven is not a conductor.","T | |
T | |
F","MusicPiece(symphony9) | |
∀x (MusicPiece(x) → ∃y (Composer(y) ∧ Write(y, x))) | |
Writtenby(symphony9, beethoven) | |
Premiered(viennaMusicSociety, symphony9) | |
Orchestra(viennaMusicSociety) | |
Lead(beethoven, viennaMusicSociety) | |
∀x (Orchestra(x) → (∃y Conductor(y) ∧ Lead(y, x)))","Composer(beethoven) | |
∃x ∃y (Orchestra(x) ∧ MusicPiece(y) ∧ Premiered(x, y)) | |
¬Conductor(beethoven)","['Composer(beethoven)\n└── Or(Composer($x23),Not(Skolem$x23($x23,symphony9)))\n ├── MusicPiece(symphony9)\n └── Or(Or(Composer($x23),Not(MusicPiece($x13))),Not(Skolem$x23($x23,$x13)))\n', 'Not found', 'Not found']" | |
240,"It is not true that some giant language models do not have good performance. | |
All language models with good performance are used by some researchers. | |
If a language model is used by some researchers, it is popular. | |
If BERT is a giant language model, then GPT-3 is also a giant language model. | |
BERT is a giant language model. ",GPT-3 is popular.,T,"¬(∃x (LanguageModel(x) ∧ Giant(x) ∧ ¬GoodPerformance(x))) | |
∀x ∃y ∃z (LanguageModel(x) ∧ GoodPerformance(x) → ¬(x=y) ∧ Researcher(y) ∧ UsedBy(x, y) ∧ Researcher(z) ∧ UsedBy(x, z)) | |
∀x ∃y ∃z (LanguageModel(x) ∧ ¬(x=y) ∧ Researcher(y) ∧ UsedBy(x, y) ∧ Researcher(z) ∧ UsedBy(x, z) → Popular(x)) | |
(LanguageModel(bert) ∧ Giant(bert)) → (LanguageModel(gpt-3) ∧ Giant(gpt-3)). | |
LanguageModel(bert) ∧ Giant(bert)",Popular(gpt-3),['Not found'] | |
145,"Tangent Online is an online magazine launched on the web in 1997. | |
The first issue of Tangent Online was a print issue launched in 1993. | |
Tangent Online is an online magazine that covers reviews of science fiction and fantasy short fiction. | |
Tangent Online also provides classic interviews, articles, and editorials.","Tangent Online is not an online magazine. | |
Tangent Online is a print magazine. | |
There is an online magazine that was launched on the web in 1997 that covers reviews of science fiction.","F | |
U | |
U","OnlineMagazine(tangentOnline) ∧ Web(tangentOnline) ∧ LaunchedIn(tangentOnline, 1997) | |
PrintIssue(firstIssueTangentOnline) ∧ LaunchedIn(firstIssueTangentOnline, 1993) | |
∃x (OnlineMagazine(tangentOnline) ∧ Covers(tangentOnline, x) ∧ Review(x) ∧ (AboutScienceFiction(x) ∨ AboutFantasyShortFiction(x))) | |
∃x (Covers(tangentOnline, x) ∧ (Interview(x) ∨ Article(x) ∨ Editorial(x)))","¬OnlineMagazie(tangentOnline) | |
PrintMagazine(tangentOnline) | |
∃x ∃y (OnlineMagazine(x) ∧ Web(x) ∧ LaunchedIn(1997) ∧ Covers(x, y) ∧ Review(y))","['Not found', 'Not found', 'Not found']" | |
66,"If a city holds a Summer Olympics, and the city is a US city, then the Summer Olympics will be in the US. | |
If a city is in a state in the US, the city is a US city. | |
If a city is in a state, and a Summer Olympics is in this city, then the Summer Olympics is in this state. | |
The 2028 Summer Olympics is scheduled to take place in Los Angeles. | |
Los Angeles is a city in California. | |
Atlanta is a US city. | |
Atlanta is in Georgia. | |
California is a state in the United States. | |
Boxing, modern pentathlon, and weightlifting will be removed from The 2028 Summer Olympics. | |
Atlanta in the United States held the 1996 Summer Olympics.","The 2028 Summer Olympics will take place in the US. | |
The 1996 Summer Olympics is not in Georgia. | |
Skateboarding will appear at The 2028 Summer Olympics.","T | |
F | |
U","∀x ∀y ((SummerOlympicsIn(x,y) ∧ In(x, unitedStates)) → SummerOlympicsIn(x, unitedStates)) | |
∀x ∀y ((In(x, y) ∧ In(y, unitedStates)) → In(x, unitedStates)) | |
∀x ∀y ∀z ((In(x, z) ∧ State(z) ∧ SummerOlympicsIn(x,y)) → SummerOlympicsIn(z, y)) | |
SummerOlympicsIn(losAngeles, yr2028) | |
In(losAngeles, california) | |
In(atlanta, unitedStates) | |
In(california, unitedStates) | |
In(atlanta, georgia) | |
¬InSummerOlympicsIn(boxing, yr2028) ∧ (¬InSummerOlympicsIn(modern_pentathlon, yr2028)) ∧ (¬InSummerOlympicsIn(weightlifting, yr2028)) | |
SummerOlympicsIn(atlanta, yr1996)","SummerOlympicsIn(unitedStates, yr2028) | |
¬SummerOlympicsIn(georgia, yr1996) | |
InSummerOlympicsIn(skateboarding, yr2028)","['Not found', 'Not found', 'Not found']" | |
115,"An optical engineer studies science and studies engineering. | |
Someone who studies optical engineering is an optical engineer. | |
An optical engineer studies the generation, transmission, or detection of light. | |
Murphy is an optical engineer.","Murphy doesn't study the generation, transmission, or detection of light. | |
Murphy studies science. | |
Someone studies engineering.","F | |
T | |
T","∀x (OpticalEngineer(x) → Study(x, science) ∧ Study(x, engineering)) | |
∀x (Study(x, opticalEngineering) → OpticalEngineer(x)) | |
∀x (OpticalEngineer(x) → Study(x, lightGeneration) ∨ Study(x, lightTransmission) ∨ Study(x, lightDetection)) | |
OpticalEngineer(murphy)","¬Study(murphy, lightGeneration) ∧ ¬Study(murphy, lightTransmission) ∧ ¬Study(murphy, lightDetection)) | |
Study(murphy, science) | |
∃x (Study(x, engineering))","['Or(Or(Study(murphy,lightDetection),Study(murphy,lightGeneration)),Study(murphy,lightTransmission))\n├── OpticalEngineer(murphy)\n└── Or(Or(Or(Not(OpticalEngineer($x19)),Study($x19,lightDetection)),Study($x19,lightGeneration)),Study($x19,lightTransmission))\n', 'Study(murphy,science)\n├── OpticalEngineer(murphy)\n└── Or(Not(OpticalEngineer($x13)),Study($x13,science))\n', 'Study(skolem$x112,engineering)\n├── Equals(skolem$x112,murphy)\n└── Study(murphy,engineering)\n ├── OpticalEngineer(murphy)\n └── Or(Not(OpticalEngineer($x13)),Study($x13,engineering))\n']" | |
184,"""Stranger Things"" is a popular Netflix show. | |
If a Netflix show is popular, Karen will binge-watch it. | |
If and only if Karen binge-watches a Netflix show, she will download it. | |
Karen does not download ""Black Mirror."" | |
""Black Mirror"" is a Netflix show. | |
If Karen binge-watches a Netflix show, she will share it with Lisa.","Karen will share ""Stranger Things"" with Lisa. | |
""Black Mirror"" is popular. | |
Karen will share ""Black Mirror"" with Lisa.","T | |
F | |
U","NetflixShow(strangerThings) ∧ Popular(strangerThings) | |
∀x ((NetflixShow(x) ∧ Popular(x)) → BingeWatch(karen, x)) | |
∀x ((NetflixShow(x) ∧ BingeWatch(karen, x)) ↔ Download(karen, x)) | |
¬Download(karen, blackMirror) | |
NetflixShow(blackMirror) | |
∀x ((NetflixShow(x) ∧ BingeWatch(karen, x)) → ShareWith(karen, x, lisa))","ShareWith(karen, strangerThings, lisa) | |
Popular(blackMirror) | |
ShareWith(karen, blackMirror, lisa)","['ShareWith(karen,strangerThings,lisa)\n├── Or(Not(Popular(strangerThings)),ShareWith(karen,strangerThings,lisa))\n│ ├── NetflixShow(strangerThings)\n│ └── Or(Or(Not(NetflixShow(strangerThings)),Not(Popular(strangerThings))),ShareWith(karen,strangerThings,lisa))\n│ ├── Or(Not(BingeWatch(karen,strangerThings)),ShareWith(karen,strangerThings,lisa))\n│ │ ├── NetflixShow(strangerThings)\n│ │ └── Or(Or(Not(BingeWatch(karen,$x19)),Not(NetflixShow($x19))),ShareWith(karen,$x19,lisa))\n│ └── Or(Or(BingeWatch(karen,$x13),Not(NetflixShow($x13))),Not(Popular($x13)))\n└── Popular(strangerThings)\n', 'Not(Popular(blackMirror))\n├── Not(Download(karen,blackMirror))\n└── Or(Download(karen,blackMirror),Not(Popular(blackMirror)))\n ├── NetflixShow(blackMirror)\n └── Or(Or(Download(karen,blackMirror),Not(NetflixShow(blackMirror))),Not(Popular(blackMirror)))\n ├── Or(BingeWatch(karen,blackMirror),Not(Popular(blackMirror)))\n │ ├── NetflixShow(blackMirror)\n │ └── Or(Or(BingeWatch(karen,$x13),Not(NetflixShow($x13))),Not(Popular($x13)))\n └── Or(Or(Download(karen,$x16),Not(BingeWatch(karen,$x16))),Not(NetflixShow($x16)))\n', 'Not found']" | |
233,"Deng Xiaoping served as the paramount leader of the People's Republic of China. | |
Deng Xiaoping was praised for his reaffirmation of the reform program, as well as the reversion of Hong Kong to Chinese control and the return of Macau. | |
As the party's Secretary-General under Mao and Vice Premier in the 1950s, Deng Xiaoping presided over the Anti-Rightist Campaign launched by Mao. | |
Deng Xiaoping became instrumental in China's economic reconstruction following the disastrous Great Leap Forward. | |
Mao Zedong died in 1976. | |
After Mao Zedong's death, Deng Xiaoping gradually rose to supreme power.","The paramount leader of the PRC was also the vice premier. | |
Deng Xiaoping presided over something launched by someone he was under. | |
The person instrumental in china's economic reconstruction gradually rose to supreme power.","T | |
T | |
T","ParamountLeaderOf(dengXiaoping, peoplesRepublicOfChina) | |
PraisedFor(dengXiaoping, reaffirmationOfReformProgram) ∧ PraisedFor(dengXiaoping, reversionOfHongKong) ∧ PraisedFor(dengXiaoping, returnOfMacau) | |
PartysSecretaryGeneral(dengXiaoping) ∧ Under(dengXiaoping, mao) ∧ VicePremierInThe1950s(dengXiaoping) ∧ PresidedOver(dengXiaoping, antiRightistCampaign) ∧ LaunchedBy(antiRightistCampaign, mao) | |
InstrumentalIn(dengXiaoping, chinasEconomicReconstruction) ∧ Following(chinasEconomicReconstruction, greatLeapForward) ∧ Disastrous(greatLeapForward) | |
DiedIn(mao, year1976) | |
GraduallyRoseTo(dengXiaoping, supremePower)","∃x (ParamountLeaderOf(x, prc) ∧ VicePremier(x)) | |
∃x ∃y (PresidedOver(dengxiaoping, x) ∧ Under(dengxiaoping, y) ∧ LaunchedBy(x, y)) | |
∃x (InstrumentalIn(x, chinaseconomicreconstruction) ∧ GraduallyRoseTo(x, supremepower))","['Not found', 'Not found', 'Not found']" | |
56,"If a person is the leader of a country for life, that person has power. | |
Leaders of a country for life are either a king or a queen. | |
Queens are female. | |
Kings are male. | |
Elizabeth is a queen. | |
Elizabeth is a leader of a country for life.","Elizabeth is a king. | |
Elizabeth has power. | |
Elizabeth is a leader of a country for life. ","F | |
T | |
T","∀x (Leader(x) → HavePower(x)) | |
∀x (Leader(x) → (King(x) ⊕ Queen(x))) | |
∀x (Queen(x) → Female(x)) | |
∀x (King(x) → Male(x)) | |
Queen(elizabeth) | |
Leader(elizabeth)","King(elizabeth) | |
HavePower(elizabeth) | |
Leader(elizabeth)","['Not(King(elizabeth))\n├── Or(Not(King(elizabeth)),Not(Queen(elizabeth)))\n│ ├── Leader(elizabeth)\n│ └── Or(Or(Not(King($x16)),Not(Leader($x16))),Not(Queen($x16)))\n└── Queen(elizabeth)\n', 'HavePower(elizabeth)\n├── Leader(elizabeth)\n└── Or(HavePower($x13),Not(Leader($x13)))\n', 'Leader(elizabeth)\n']" | |
265,"All Senate Republicans are elected officials. | |
Some elected officials are not conservatives.",Some conservatives are not Senate Republicans.,U,"∀x (SenateRepublican(x) → ElectedOfficial(x)) | |
∃x ∃y (ElectedOfficial(x) ∧ ElectedOfficial(y) ∧ ¬Conservative(x) ∧ ¬Conservative(y) ∧ ¬(x=y))",∃x ∃y (Conservative(x) ∧ Conservative(y) ∧ ¬SenateRepublican(x) ∧ ¬SenateRepublican(y) ∧ ¬(x=y)),['Not found'] | |
197,"It costs $205 to take the GRE test, which is cheaper than $300. | |
ETS provides financial aid to those GRE applicants who prove economic hardship. | |
Those living in single-parent families or having few resources available to them can prove economic hardship. | |
Tom lives in a single-parent family. | |
Tom's dad has been out of work, and Tom has few resources available to them. | |
Tom is applying to take the GRE test.","ETS provides financial aid to Tom. | |
It costs below US $300 to take the GRE test. | |
No one taking the GRE test has financial aid provided to them by something.","T | |
T | |
F","Cost(gRE, 205) ∧ Cheaper(205, 300) | |
∀x (ApplicantOf(x, gre) ∧ Prove(x, economicHardship) → ProvideTo(ets, financialAid, x)) | |
∀x (LivingIn(x, singleParentFamily) ∨ AvailableTo(fewResources, x) → Prove(x, economicHardship)) | |
LivingIn(tom, singleParentFamily) | |
OutOfWork(tomsDad) ∧ AvailableTo(fewResources, tom) | |
ApplicantOf(tom, gre)","ProvidesFinancialAidTo(eTS, tom) | |
Cost(gRE, x) ∧ Cheaper(x, 300) | |
¬(∃x ∃y (Applicant(x, gRE) ∧ ProvidesFinancialAidTo(y, x)))","['Not found', 'Not found', 'Not found']" | |
34,"Rafa Nadal was born in Mallorca. | |
Rafa Nadal is a professional tennis player. | |
Nadal's win ratio is high. | |
All players in the Big 3 are professionals who have a high win ratio.","Nadal was not born in Mallorca. | |
Nadal is in the Big 3. | |
Nadal is the greatest player of all time.","F | |
T | |
U","BornIn(rafaNadal, mallorca) | |
ProfessionalTennisPlayer(rafaNadal) | |
HighWinRatio(rafaNadal) | |
∀x ((ProfessionalTennisPlayer(x) ∧ HighWinRatio(x)) → InBig3(x))","¬BornIn(rafaNadal, mallorca) | |
InBig3(rafaNadal) | |
GreatestOfAllTime(rafaNadal)","['BornIn(rafaNadal,mallorca)\n', 'InBig3(rafaNadal)\n├── HighWinRatio(rafaNadal)\n└── Or(InBig3(rafaNadal),Not(HighWinRatio(rafaNadal)))\n ├── Or(Or(InBig3($x13),Not(HighWinRatio($x13))),Not(ProfessionalTennisPlayer($x13)))\n └── ProfessionalTennisPlayer(rafaNadal)\n', 'Not found']" | |
297,"If a person is hungry, the person is uncomfortable. | |
If a person is uncomfortable, the person is unhappy.","If a person is not hungry, the person is unhappy. ",U,"∀x (Hungry(x) → Uncomfortable(x)) | |
∀x (Uncomfortable(x) → ¬Happy(x))",∀x (¬Hungry(x) → ¬Happy(x)),['Not found'] | |
202,"All hit songs are catchy. | |
If a song lacks melody or rhythm, it will not be popular. | |
If a song is a hit, it must be popular.","If a song is not melodic, it will not be a hit. | |
If a song is catchy, it will be a hit. | |
There is a song that is not rhythmic but is still a hit. ","T | |
U | |
F","∀x (Song(x) ∧ Hit(x) → Catchy(x)) | |
∀x (Song(x) ∧ ¬(HasMelody(x) ∨ HasRhythm(x)) → ¬Popular(x)) | |
∀x (Song(x) ∧ Hit(x) → Popular(x))","∀x (Song(x) ∧ ¬HasMelody(x) → ¬Hit(x)) | |
∀x (Song(x) ∧ Catchy(x) → Hit(x)) | |
∃x (Song(x) ∧ LackRhythm(x) ∧ Hit(x))","['Not found', 'Not found', 'Not found']" | |
0,"There are six types of wild turkeys: Eastern wild turkey, Osceola wild turkey, Gould’s wild turkey, Merriam’s wild turkey, Rio Grande wild turkey, and Ocellated wild turkey. | |
Tom is not an Eastern wild turkey. | |
Tom is not an Osceola wild turkey. | |
Tom is not a Gould's wild turkey. | |
Tom is neither a Merriam's wild turkey nor a Rio Grande wild turkey. | |
Tom is a wild turkey.","Tom is an Ocellated wild turkey. | |
Tom is an Eastern wild turkey. | |
Joey is a wild turkey.","T | |
F | |
U","∀x (WildTurkey(x) → (EasternWildTurkey(x) ∨ OsceolaWildTurkey(x) ∨ GouldsWildTurkey(x) ∨ MerriamsWildTurkey(x) ∨ RiograndeWildTurkey(x) ∨ OcellatedWildTurkey(x))) | |
¬(EasternWildTurkey(tom)) | |
¬(OsceolaWildTurkey(tom)) | |
¬(GouldsWildTurkey(tom)) | |
¬(MerriamsWildTurkey(tom) ∨ RiograndeWildTurkey(tom)) | |
WildTurkey(tom)","OcellatedWildTurkey(tom) | |
EasternWildTurkey(tom) | |
WildTurkey(joey)","['OcellatedWildTurkey(tom)\n├── Not(RiograndeWildTurkey(tom))\n└── Or(OcellatedWildTurkey(tom),RiograndeWildTurkey(tom))\n ├── Not(MerriamsWildTurkey(tom))\n └── Or(Or(MerriamsWildTurkey(tom),OcellatedWildTurkey(tom)),RiograndeWildTurkey(tom))\n ├── Not(GouldsWildTurkey(tom))\n └── Or(Or(Or(GouldsWildTurkey(tom),MerriamsWildTurkey(tom)),OcellatedWildTurkey(tom)),RiograndeWildTurkey(tom))\n ├── Not(OsceolaWildTurkey(tom))\n └── Or(Or(Or(Or(GouldsWildTurkey(tom),MerriamsWildTurkey(tom)),OcellatedWildTurkey(tom)),OsceolaWildTurkey(tom)),RiograndeWildTurkey(tom))\n ├── Not(EasternWildTurkey(tom))\n └── Or(Or(Or(Or(Or(EasternWildTurkey(tom),GouldsWildTurkey(tom)),MerriamsWildTurkey(tom)),OcellatedWildTurkey(tom)),OsceolaWildTurkey(tom)),RiograndeWildTurkey(tom))\n ├── Or(Or(Or(Or(Or(Or(EasternWildTurkey($x13),GouldsWildTurkey($x13)),MerriamsWildTurkey($x13)),Not(WildTurkey($x13))),OcellatedWildTurkey($x13)),OsceolaWildTurkey($x13)),RiograndeWildTurkey($x13))\n └── WildTurkey(tom)\n', 'Not(EasternWildTurkey(tom))\n', 'Not found']" | |
267,"All juvenile delinquents have committed a crime. | |
Some juvenile delinquents are products of broken homes.",Some people who have committed a crime are products of broken homes.,T,"∀x (JuvenileDelinquent(x) → Commited(x, crime)) | |
∃x ∃y (JuvenileDelinquent(x) ∧ JuvenileDelinquent(y) ∧ ProductOf(x, brokenHome) ∧ ProductOf(y, brokenHome) ∧ ¬(x=y))","∃x ∃y (Commited(x, crime) ∧ Commited(y, crime) ∧ ProductOf(x, brokenHome) ∧ ProductOf(y, brokenHome) ∧ ¬(x=y))",['Not found'] | |
120,"Badults is a British Sitcom series starring members of Pappy's. | |
Badults was piloted in July 2013 on BBC Three. | |
The Working title ""The Secret Dude Society"" was used for Badults. | |
Andrew Collins was the script editor for Badults.","Andrew Collins was the script editor for a series with the working title ""The Secret Dude Society"". | |
No members of Pappy's have starred in a show piloting on BBC Two or BBC Three.","T | |
F","∃x (BritishSitcom(badults) ∧ Series(badults) ∧ MemberOf(x, pappys) ∧ Starring(badults, x)) | |
PilotedIn(badults, july2013) ∧ PilotedOn(badults, bBCThree) | |
WorkingTitle(theSecretDudeSociety, badults) ∧ UsedFor(theSecretDudeSociety, badults) | |
ScriptEditorFor(andrewCollins, badults)","∃x (ScriptEditorFor(andrewCollins, x) ∧ Series(x) ∧ WorkingTitle(theSecretDudeSociety, x)) | |
∀x ∀y (MemberOf(x, pappys) ∧ Starring(y, x) → ¬(PilotedOn(y, bBCTwo) ∨ PilotedOn(y, bBCThree)))","['And(And(ScriptEditorFor(andrewCollins,skolem$x16),Series(skolem$x16)),WorkingTitle(theSecretDudeSociety,skolem$x16))\n├── Equals(skolem$x16,badults)\n├── ScriptEditorFor(andrewCollins,badults)\n├── Series(badults)\n└── WorkingTitle(theSecretDudeSociety,badults)\n', 'Not found']" | |
229,"Barbara Ann Marshall is a former swimmer and former world record-holder. | |
Barbara Ann Marshall participated in the 1972 Summer Olympics. | |
Barbara Ann Marshall's home country is the United States. | |
All people who competed in the 1972 Summer Olympics represented their home country. | |
Barbara Ann Marshall participated in the preliminary heat in the freestyle relay. | |
Barbara Ann Marshall did not participate in the event final of the 1972 Summer Olympics freestyle relay. | |
Only relay swimmers who participated in the final event at the 1972 Summer Olympics received medals.","Barbara Ann Marshall did not receive medals. | |
Barbara Ann Marshall represented the United States in the 1972 Summer Olympics.","U | |
T","FormerSwimmer(barbaraAnnMarshall) ∧ FormerWorldRecordHolder(barbaraAnnMarshall) | |
ParticipatedIn(barbaraAnnMarshall, 1972SummerOlympics) | |
HomeCountry(barbaraAnnMarshall, unitedStates) | |
∀x ∃y (ParticipatedIn(x, 1972SummerOlympics) ∧ HomeCountry(x, y) → Represented(x, y)) | |
ParticipatedIn(barbaraAnnMarshall, preliminaryHeatFreestyleRelay) | |
¬ParticipatedIn(barbaraAnnMarshall, finalHeatFreestyleRelay) | |
∀x ((ParticipatedIn(x, 1972SummerOlympics) ∧ RelaySwimmer(x) ∧ ¬ParticipatedIn(x, finalHeatFreestyleRelay)) ↔ ¬Recieved(x, medal)))","¬Recieved(barbaraAnnMarshall, medal) | |
Represented(barbaraAnnMarshall, unitedStates)","['Not found', 'Represented(barbaraAnnMarshall,unitedStates)\n└── Or(Not(Skolem$x23(unitedStates,barbaraAnnMarshall)),Represented(barbaraAnnMarshall,unitedStates))\n ├── HomeCountry(barbaraAnnMarshall,unitedStates)\n └── Or(Or(Not(HomeCountry(barbaraAnnMarshall,$x23)),Not(Skolem$x23($x23,barbaraAnnMarshall))),Represented(barbaraAnnMarshall,$x23))\n ├── Or(Or(Or(Not(HomeCountry($x13,$x23)),Not(ParticipatedIn($x13,1972SummerOlympics))),Not(Skolem$x23($x23,$x13))),Represented($x13,$x23))\n └── ParticipatedIn(barbaraAnnMarshall,1972SummerOlympics)\n']" | |
225,"BG] ETB2 is a television channel from the Euskal Irrati Telebista group. | |
ETB2 is located in the Basque Autonomous Community, Navarre, and the French Basque Country. | |
The ETB2 channel broadcasts entirely in Spanish. | |
If a channel has a reception area, then the channel can be accessed from the locations within the reception area. | |
ETB2's reception area is comprised of Basque Country. | |
The whole Basque Country includes, among others, the Basque Autonomous Community, Navarre, and the French Basque Country.","The ETB2 channel can be accessed from Navarre. | |
The ETB2 channel can't be accessed from the French Basque Country.","T | |
F","TelevisionChannel(etb2) ∧ From(etb2, euskalIrratiTelebista) ∧ Group(euskalIrratiTelebista) | |
LocatedIn(etb2, basqueAutonomousCommunity) ∧ LocatedIn(etb2, navarre) ∧ LocatedIn(etb2, frenchBasqueCountry) | |
∀x (BroadcastsIn(etb2, x) → Spanish(x)) | |
∀x ∀y ∀z (TelevisionChannel(x) ∧ HasReceptionArea(x, y) ∧ LocatedIn(z, y) → CanAccess(z, x)) | |
HasReceptionArea(etb2, basqueCounty) | |
LocatedIn(basqueAutonomousCommunity, basqueCounty) ∧ LocatedIn(navarre, basqueCounty) ∧ LocatedIn(frenchCasqueCountry, basqueCounty)","CanAccess(navarre, etb2) | |
¬CanAccess(frenchCasqueCountry, etb2)","['CanAccess(navarre,etb2)\n├── HasReceptionArea(etb2,basqueCounty)\n└── Or(CanAccess(navarre,etb2),Not(HasReceptionArea(etb2,basqueCounty)))\n ├── Or(Or(CanAccess(navarre,$x16),Not(HasReceptionArea($x16,basqueCounty))),Not(TelevisionChannel($x16)))\n │ ├── LocatedIn(navarre,basqueCounty)\n │ └── Or(Or(Or(CanAccess($x33,$x16),Not(HasReceptionArea($x16,$x23))),Not(LocatedIn($x33,$x23))),Not(TelevisionChannel($x16)))\n └── TelevisionChannel(etb2)\n', 'CanAccess(frenchCasqueCountry,etb2)\n├── HasReceptionArea(etb2,basqueCounty)\n└── Or(CanAccess(frenchCasqueCountry,etb2),Not(HasReceptionArea(etb2,basqueCounty)))\n ├── Or(Or(CanAccess(frenchCasqueCountry,$x16),Not(HasReceptionArea($x16,basqueCounty))),Not(TelevisionChannel($x16)))\n │ ├── LocatedIn(frenchCasqueCountry,basqueCounty)\n │ └── Or(Or(Or(CanAccess($x33,$x16),Not(HasReceptionArea($x16,$x23))),Not(LocatedIn($x33,$x23))),Not(TelevisionChannel($x16)))\n └── TelevisionChannel(etb2)\n']" | |
118,"Musicians have very busy lives. | |
Singh Kaur is a musician and famous. | |
If a musician is not famous, that musician will not make a lot of money. | |
A musician can be a singer or a writer.","Singh Kaur makes a lot of money. | |
Singh Kaur is a writer. | |
Singh Kaur has a very busy life.","U | |
U | |
T","∀x (Musician(x) → Have(x, busyLife)) | |
Musician(singhKaur) ∧ Famous(singhKaur) | |
∀x (Musician(x) ∧ ¬Famous(x) → ¬MakeALotOfMoney(x)) | |
∃x (Musician(x) ∧ (Singer(x) ∨ Writer(x)))","MakeALotOfMoney(singhKaur) | |
Writer(singhKaur) | |
Have(singhKaur, busyLife)","['Not found', 'Not found', 'Have(singhKaur,busyLife)\n├── Musician(singhKaur)\n└── Or(Have($x13,busyLife),Not(Musician($x13)))\n']" | |
48,"Douglas Adams is an author who created the book collection called The Salmon of Doubt. | |
The Salmon of Doubt is about life experiences and technology. | |
All authors are writers. | |
Writers create innovative ideas. | |
Some books that contain innovative ideas are about technology.","Douglas Adams is a writer. | |
Douglas Adams created innovative ideas. | |
The Salmon of Doubt has no innovative Ideas.","T | |
T | |
U","Author(douglasAdams) ∧ Authored(douglasAdams, theSalmonOfDoubt) ∧ Book(theSalmonOfDoubt) | |
About(theSalmonOfDoubt, lifeExperience) ∧ About(theSalmonOfDoubt, technology) | |
∀x (Author(x) → Writer(x)) | |
∀x (Writer(x) → Create(x, innovativeIdea)) | |
∃x ∃y (Contain(x, innovativeIdea) ∧ About(x, technology) ∧ (¬(x=y)) ∧ (Contain(y, innovativeIdea) ∧ About(y, technology)))","Writer(douglasAdams) | |
Create(douglasAdams, innovativeIdea) | |
¬Contain(theSalmonOfDoubt, innovativeIdea)","['Writer(douglasAdams)\n├── Author(douglasAdams)\n└── Or(Not(Author($x13)),Writer($x13))\n', 'Create(douglasAdams,innovativeIdea)\n├── Author(douglasAdams)\n└── Or(Create($x13,innovativeIdea),Not(Author($x13)))\n ├── Or(Create($x16,innovativeIdea),Not(Writer($x16)))\n └── Or(Not(Author($x13)),Writer($x13))\n', 'Not found']" | |
78,"Ableton has an office in Germany. | |
Ableton has an office in the USA. | |
USA and Germany are different countries. | |
Any company that has offices in different countries is a multinational company. | |
Ableton makes music software.","Ableton is a multinational company. | |
Ableton makes AI software. | |
Ableton does not have an office in Germany.","T | |
U | |
F","OfficeIn(ableton, germany) | |
OfficeIn(ableton, unitedStates) | |
¬SameCountry(germany, unitedStates) | |
∀x ∀y ∀z (OfficeIn(x, y) ∧ OfficeIn(x, z) ∧ (¬SameCountry(y, z)) → MultinationalCompany(x)) | |
MakesMusicSoftware(ableton)","MultinationalCompany(ableton) | |
MakesAISoftware(ableton) | |
¬OfficeIn(ableton, germany)","['MultinationalCompany(ableton)\n├── Not(SameCountry(germany,unitedStates))\n└── Or(MultinationalCompany(ableton),SameCountry(germany,unitedStates))\n ├── OfficeIn(ableton,unitedStates)\n └── Or(Or(MultinationalCompany(ableton),Not(OfficeIn(ableton,$x33))),SameCountry(germany,$x33))\n ├── OfficeIn(ableton,germany)\n └── Or(Or(Or(MultinationalCompany($x13),Not(OfficeIn($x13,$x23))),Not(OfficeIn($x13,$x33))),SameCountry($x23,$x33))\n', 'Not found', 'OfficeIn(ableton,germany)\n']" | |
212,"If you have room for dessert, you have room for broccoli. | |
Everyone at Luis's dinner party has room for dessert, including Luis. | |
Mauricia does not have room for broccoli. | |
Luis's dinner party is the first ever dinner party that Allison has attended. | |
Gustave has room for both broccoli and asparagus. | |
Broccoli and asparagus are both vegetables.","Allison has room for broccoli. | |
Mauricia is at Luis's dinner party. | |
Gustav has room for dessert.","T | |
F | |
U","∀x (RoomFor(x, dessert) → RoomFor(x, broccoli)) | |
∀x (AtLuisParty(x) → RoomFor(x, dessert)) | |
¬RoomFor(mauricia, broccoli) | |
AtLuisParty(allison) ∧ FirstDinnerPartyFor(luisparty, allison) | |
RoomFor(gustave, broccoli) ∧ RoomFor(gustave, asparagus) | |
Vegetable(broccoli) ∧ Vegetable(asparagus)","RoomFor(allison, broccoli) | |
AtLuisParty(mauricia) | |
RoomFor(gustave, dessert)","['RoomFor(allison,broccoli)\n├── Or(Not(RoomFor($x13,dessert)),RoomFor($x13,broccoli))\n└── RoomFor(allison,dessert)\n ├── AtLuisParty(allison)\n └── Or(Not(AtLuisParty($x16)),RoomFor($x16,dessert))\n', 'Not(AtLuisParty(mauricia))\n├── Not(RoomFor(mauricia,dessert))\n│ ├── Not(RoomFor(mauricia,broccoli))\n│ └── Or(Not(RoomFor($x13,dessert)),RoomFor($x13,broccoli))\n└── Or(Not(AtLuisParty($x16)),RoomFor($x16,dessert))\n', 'Not found']" | |
180,"Sam is doing a project. | |
A project is written either in C++ or Python. | |
If Sam does a project written in Python, he will not use a Mac. | |
Sam is using a Mac. | |
If Sam uses a Mac, he will play a song. | |
If a song is not titled ""Perfect,"" Sam will never play it.","The project Sam is doing is written in C++. | |
The song Sam is playing is titled ""Perfect"". | |
If a song is titled ""Perfect"", Sam will play it.","T | |
U | |
U","∃x (Project(x) ∧ Do(sam, x)) | |
∀x (Project(x) → (WrittenIn(x, cplusplus) ⊕ WrittenIn(x, python))) | |
∀x (Project(x) ∧ WrittenIn(x, python) ∧ Do(sam, x) → ¬Use(sam, mac)) | |
Use(sam, mac) | |
∃x (Use(sam, mac) ∧ Song(x) → Play(sam, x)) | |
∀x (Song(x) ∧ Play(sam, x) → Titled(x, perfect))","∀x (Project(x) ∧ Do(sam, x) ∧ WrittenIn(x, cplusplus)) | |
∀x (Song(x) ∧ Play(sam, x) ∧ Titled(x, perfect)) | |
∀x (Titled(x, perfect) → Play(sam, x))","['Not found', 'Not found', 'Not found']" | |
14,"The USS Salem is a heavy cruiser built for the United States Navy. | |
The last heavy cruiser to enter service was the USS Salem. | |
The USS Salem is a museum ship. | |
Museum ships are open to the public. | |
The USS Salem served in the Atlantic and Mediterranean.","The USS Salem is open to the public. | |
There is a museum ship open to the public that served in the Mediterranean. | |
The USS Salem was not the last heavy cruiser to enter service.","T | |
T | |
F","HeavyCruiser(usssalem) ∧ BuiltFor(usssalem, unitedstatesnavy) | |
LastHeavyCruiserToEnterService(usssalem) | |
MuseumShip(usssalem) | |
∀x (MuseumShip(x) → OpenToPublic(x)) | |
ServedIn(usssalem, atlantic) ∧ ServedIn(usssalem, mediterranean)","OpenToPublic(usssalem) | |
∃x (MuseumShip(x) ∧ OpenToPublic(x) ∧ ServedIn(x, mediterranean)) | |
¬LastHeavyCruiserToEnterService(usssalem)","['OpenToPublic(usssalem)\n├── MuseumShip(usssalem)\n└── Or(Not(MuseumShip($x13)),OpenToPublic($x13))\n', 'And(And(MuseumShip(skolem$x16),OpenToPublic(skolem$x16)),ServedIn(skolem$x16,mediterranean))\n├── Equals(skolem$x16,usssalem)\n├── MuseumShip(usssalem)\n├── OpenToPublic(usssalem)\n│ ├── MuseumShip(usssalem)\n│ └── Or(Not(MuseumShip($x13)),OpenToPublic($x13))\n└── ServedIn(usssalem,mediterranean)\n', 'LastHeavyCruiserToEnterService(usssalem)\n']" | |
301,"When something is depressing, it is sad. | |
The end of a relationship is depressing. ",The end of a relationship is invigorating,U,"∀x (Depressing(x) → Sad(x)) | |
Depressing(v)",Invigorating(v),['Not found'] | |
252,"For a country, if effective monetary policy is possible, it must have successful inflation control and a strong national currency. | |
A country cannot simultaneously regulate the exchange rate and successfully control inflation. | |
The introduction of an embargo on foreign trade goods in a country leads to a sharp decrease in exports. | |
If exports fall sharply, this country's national currency cannot be strong. | |
Inflation control is required to have a strong national currency. | |
There is an embargo on Russian foreign trade goods.","In Russia, an effective monetary policy is possible.",F,"∀x (Country(x) ∧ PossibleEffectiveMonetaryPolicy(x) → SuccessfulInflationControl(x) ∧ StongNationalCurrency(x)) | |
¬(∃x (Country(x) ∧ SuccessfulInflationControl(x) ∧ RegulateExchangeRate(x))) | |
∀x (IntroductionOfOn(x, embargo, foreightTradeGoods) → SharpDecreasesInExport(x)) | |
∀x (SharpDecreasesInExport(x) → ¬StongNationalCurrency(x)) | |
∀x (InflationControl(x) → StongNationalCurrency(x)) | |
IntroductionOfOn(russia, embargo, foreightTradeGoods)",PossibleEffectiveMonetaryPolicy(russia),['Not found'] | |
36,"Tyga is a rapper. | |
Rappers release rap albums. | |
Tyga released the Well Done 3 album. | |
Rappers are not opera singers.","Well Done 3 is a rap album. | |
Tyga is an opera singer. | |
Well Done 3 is worth listening to.","T | |
F | |
U","IsRapper(tyga) | |
∀x ∀y ((IsRapper(x) ∧ ReleasedAlbum(x, y)) → IsRapAlbum(y)) | |
ReleasedAlbum(tyga, wellDone3) | |
∀x (IsRapper(x) → ¬IsOperaSinger(x))","IsRapAlbum(wellDone3) | |
IsOperaSinger(tyga) | |
IsWorthListening(wellDone3)","['IsRapAlbum(wellDone3)\n├── IsRapper(tyga)\n└── Or(IsRapAlbum(wellDone3),Not(IsRapper(tyga)))\n ├── Or(Or(IsRapAlbum($x23),Not(IsRapper($x13))),Not(ReleasedAlbum($x13,$x23)))\n └── ReleasedAlbum(tyga,wellDone3)\n', 'Not(IsOperaSinger(tyga))\n├── IsRapper(tyga)\n└── Or(Not(IsOperaSinger($x16)),Not(IsRapper($x16)))\n', 'Not found']" | |
199,"The PlayStation EyeToy is a camera accessory for the PlayStation 2 system. | |
The PlayStation Eye is a camera accessory for the PlayStation 3 system. | |
The PlayStation Camera is a camera accessory for the PlayStation 4 and the PlayStation 5 systems. | |
Camera accessories for a system are compatible with that system. | |
Playstation 2, 3,4, and 5 are all different. | |
Only the PlayStation Camera camera system is compatible with different systems.","The Playstation Eye is compatible with the PlayStation 2 and the PlayStation 3. | |
The Playstation EyeToy is compatible with the PlayStation 2. | |
The Playstation Camera can be used for all Playstation consoles. ","F | |
T | |
U","System(playStation2) ∧ CameraAccessoryFor(playStationEyeToy, playStation2) | |
System(playStation3) ∧ CameraAccessoryFor(playStationEye, playStation3) | |
System(playStation4) ∧ System(playStation5) ∧ CameraAccessoryFor(playStationCamera, playStation4) ∧ CameraAccessoryFor(playStationCamera, playStation5) | |
∀x ∀y (CameraAccessoryFor(x, y) ∧ System(y) → CompatibleWith(x, y)) | |
¬(playStation2=playStation3) ∧ ¬(playStation2=playStation4) ∧ ¬(playStation2=playStation5) ∧ ¬(playStation3=playStation4) ∧ ¬(playStation3=playStation5) ∧ ¬(playStation4=playStation5) | |
∀x ∃y ∃z (System(y) ∧ System(z) ∧ ¬(y=z) ∧ CompatibleWith(x, y) ∧ CompatibleWith(x, z) → x=playstationCamera)","Compatible(playStationEye, playStation2) ∧ Compatible(playStationEye, playStation3) | |
Compatible(playStationEyeToy, playStation2) | |
Compatible(playStationCamera, playStation2) ∧ Compatible(playStationCamera, playStation3) ∧ Compatible(playStationCamera, playStation4) ∧ Compatible(playStationCamera, playStation5)","['Not found', 'Not found', 'Not found']" | |
4,"Sūduva Marijampolė holds the Lithuanian Super Cup. | |
Sūduva Marijampolė is a soccer team.",Some soccer team holds the Lithuanian Super Cup.,T,"Holds(suduva, theLithuanianSuperCup) | |
SoccerTeam(suduva)","∃x (SoccerTeam(x) ∧ Holds(x, theLithuanianSuperCup))","['And(Holds(skolem$x13,theLithuanianSuperCup),SoccerTeam(skolem$x13))\n├── Equals(skolem$x13,suduva)\n├── Holds(suduva,theLithuanianSuperCup)\n└── SoccerTeam(suduva)\n']" | |
143,"Video Gag is a French television series that airs weekly. | |
Video Gag airs on the French broadcast channel TF1. | |
If viewers send funny videos to the French broadcast channel TF1, then Video Gag airs them weekly. | |
All videos aired on Video Gag are in French.","Viewers send funny videos to the French broadcast channel TF1 that are in French. | |
Viewers send funny videos to the French broadcast channel that are in English.","U | |
U","FrenchTelevision(videoGag) ∧ AirWeekly(videoGag) | |
AirOn(videoGag, frenchBroadcastChannelTF1) | |
∀x (Funny(x) ∧ Video(x) ∧ SendIn(viewers, x, frenchBroadcastChannelTF1) → AirWeekly(x) ) ∧ AirOn(videoGag, x)) | |
∀x (Video(x) ∧ AirOn(videoGag, x) → In(x, french))","∃x (SendIn(viewers, x, frenchBroadcastChannelTF1) ∧ French(x)) | |
∃x (SendIn(viewers, x, frenchBroadcastChannelTF1) ∧ English(x))","['Not found', 'Not found']" | |
41,"Federico Garcia Lorca was a talented Spanish poet, and he supported the Popular Front. | |
The Spanish Nationalists opposed anyone who supported the Popular Front | |
Talented poets are popular. | |
Spanish Nationalists killed anyone who they opposed and who was popular. | |
Daniel supported the Popular Front but was not popular.","The Spanish Nationalists killed Daniel. | |
The Spanish Nationalists killed Lorca.","U | |
T","TalentedPoet(lorca) ∧ Support(lorca, populists) | |
∀x (Support(x, populists) → Opposed(nationalists, x)) | |
∀x (TalentedPoet(x) → Popular(x)) | |
∀x ((Opposed(nationalists, x) ∧ Popular(x)) → Killed(nationalists, x)) | |
Support(daniel, populists) ∧ (¬Popular(daniel))","¬Killed(nationalists, daniel) | |
Killed(nationalists, lorca)","['Not found', 'Killed(nationalists,lorca)\n├── Or(Killed(nationalists,lorca),Not(TalentedPoet(lorca)))\n│ ├── Or(Killed(nationalists,lorca),Not(Popular(lorca)))\n│ │ ├── Or(Or(Killed(nationalists,$x19),Not(Popular($x19))),Not(Support($x19,populists)))\n│ │ │ ├── Or(Not(Support($x13,populists)),Opposed(nationalists,$x13))\n│ │ │ └── Or(Or(Killed(nationalists,$x19),Not(Opposed(nationalists,$x19))),Not(Popular($x19)))\n│ │ └── Support(lorca,populists)\n│ └── Or(Not(TalentedPoet($x16)),Popular($x16))\n└── TalentedPoet(lorca)\n']" | |
278,"The bottle not falling is either standing upright or toppled over. | |
The bottle not falling is not standing upright.",The bottle not falling is toppled over.,T,"¬Falling(bottle) → (Upright(bottle) ⊕ ToppledOver(bottle)) | |
¬Falling(bottle) → ¬Upright(bottle)",¬Falling(bottle) → ToppleOver(bottle),['Not found'] | |
228,"The Special Operation Group is an Indian elite paramilitary unit that operates under the Odisha police. | |
The Special Operation Group specializes in neutralizing terrorists, insurgents, and extremists. | |
All people recruited for the Special Operations Group are highly trained in the skills involved in accomplishing the Special Operations Group's specialties. | |
Neutralizing terrorists, insurgents, and extremists involve skills such as executing rapid action under any circumstance and engaging in field craft and jungle warfare. | |
The Special Operation Group recruits people from the Indian Armed Forces and the Central Paramilitary Forces.","Some people in the Indian Armed Forces are recruited by the Special Operation Group. | |
Some people who were in the Indian Armed Forces are highly trained in engaging in field craft and jungle warfare. | |
The Special Operation Group specializes in neutralizing extremists. | |
Some people recruited to the Special operation Group are from the Central Para Military Forces and their new group operates under the Odisha police. | |
The Special Operation Group specializes in naval warfare.","T | |
T | |
T | |
T | |
U","Indian(specialOperationGroup) ∧ EliteParamilitaryUnit(specialOperationGroup) ∧ OperatesUnder(specialOperationGroup, odishaPolice) | |
SpecializesIn(specialOperationGroup, neutralizingTerroristsInsurgentsAndExtremists) | |
∀x ∀y ∀z (RecruitedFor(x, specialOperationGroup) ∧ SpecializesIn(specialOperationGroup, y) ∧ SkillFor(z, y) → TrainedIn(x, z)) | |
SkillFor(executingRapidAction, neutralizingTerroristsInsurgentsAndExtremists) ∧ SkillFor(engagingInWarfare, neutralizingTerroristsInsurgentsAndExtremists) | |
∃x ∃y (In(x, indianArmedForces) ∧ RecruitedFor(x, specialOperationGroup) ∧ In(y, centralParamilitaryForces) ∧ RecruitedFor(y, specialOperationGroup))","∃x (In(x, indianArmedForces) ∧ RecruitedFor(x, specialOperationGroup)) | |
∃x (In(x, indianArmedForces) ∧ TrainedIn(x, engagingInWarfare)) | |
SpecializesIn(specialOperationGroup, neutralizing) | |
∃x (In(x, centralParamilitaryForces) ∧ RecruitedFor(x, specialOperationGroup) ∧ OperatesUnder(specialOperationGroup, odishaPolice)) | |
SpecializesIn(specialOperationGroup, navalWarfare)","['And(In(skolem$x19,indianArmedForces),RecruitedFor(skolem$x19,specialOperationGroup))\n├── Equals(skolem$x19,skolem$x16)\n├── In(skolem$x16,indianArmedForces)\n└── RecruitedFor(skolem$x16,specialOperationGroup)\n', 'And(In(skolem$x112,indianArmedForces),TrainedIn(skolem$x112,engagingInWarfare))\n├── Equals(skolem$x112,skolem$x16)\n├── In(skolem$x16,indianArmedForces)\n└── TrainedIn(skolem$x16,engagingInWarfare)\n ├── Or(Not(SkillFor($x33,neutralizingTerroristsInsurgentsAndExtremists)),TrainedIn(skolem$x16,$x33))\n │ ├── Or(Or(Not(SkillFor($x33,$x23)),Not(SpecializesIn(specialOperationGroup,$x23))),TrainedIn(skolem$x16,$x33))\n │ │ ├── Or(Or(Or(Not(RecruitedFor($x13,specialOperationGroup)),Not(SkillFor($x33,$x23))),Not(SpecializesIn(specialOperationGroup,$x23))),TrainedIn($x13,$x33))\n │ │ └── RecruitedFor(skolem$x16,specialOperationGroup)\n │ └── SpecializesIn(specialOperationGroup,neutralizingTerroristsInsurgentsAndExtremists)\n └── SkillFor(engagingInWarfare,neutralizingTerroristsInsurgentsAndExtremists)\n', 'Not found', 'Not found', 'Not found']" | |
163,"There are eight federal districts of Russia: Central, Northwestern, Southern, North Caucasian, Volga, Ural, Siberian, and Far Eastern. | |
The Central federal district has the largest population among all federal districts in Russia. | |
Moscow is the administrative center of the Central federal district. | |
Yekaterinburg is the administrative center of the Ural federal district. | |
Vladivostok is the administrative center of the Far Eastern federal district. | |
The Far Eastern federal district has the largest area among all federal districts in Russia. | |
Some federal districts in Russia were established in 2000.","Vladivostok is the administrative center of the federal district with the largest area. | |
Moscow is the administrative center of the federal district with the largest population. | |
The Northwestern federal district was established in 2000.","T | |
T | |
U","FederalDistrictOf(central, russia) ∧ FederalDistrictOf(northwestern, russia) ∧ FederalDistrictOf(southern, russia) ∧ FederalDistrictOf(northcaucasian, russia) ∧ FederalDistrictOf(volga, russia) ∧ FederalDistrictOf(ural, russia) ∧ FederalDistrictOf(siberian, russia) ∧ FederalDistrictOf(fareastern, russia) | |
LargestPopulation(central) | |
AdministrativeCenterOf(moscow, central) | |
AdministrativeCenterOf(yekaterinburg, ural) | |
AdministrativeCenterOf(vladivostok, farEastern) | |
LargestArea(farEastern) | |
∃x (FederalDistrictOf(x, russia) ∧ EstablishedIn(x, 2000))","∃x (AdministrativeCenterOf(vladivostok, x) ∧ LargestArea(x)) | |
∃x (AdministrativeCenterOf(moscow, x) ∧ LargestPopulationIn(x)) | |
EstablishedIn(northwestern, 2000)","['And(AdministrativeCenterOf(vladivostok,skolem$x16),LargestArea(skolem$x16))\n├── AdministrativeCenterOf(vladivostok,farEastern)\n├── Equals(skolem$x16,farEastern)\n└── LargestArea(farEastern)\n', 'Not found', 'Not found']" | |
79,"Robert Lewandowski is a striker. | |
Strikers are soccer players. | |
Robert Lewandowski left Bayern Munchen. | |
If a player leaves a team they no longer play for that team.","Robert Lewandowski is a soccer player. | |
Robert Lewandowski plays for Bayern Munchen. | |
Robert Lewandowski is a star.","T | |
F | |
U","Striker(robertLewandowski) | |
∀x (Striker(x) → SoccerPlayer(x)) | |
Left(robertLewandowski, bayernMunchen) | |
∀x ∀y (Left(x, y) → ¬PlaysFor(x, y))","SoccerPlayer(robertLewandowski) | |
PlaysFor(robertLewandowski, bayernMunchen) | |
SoccerStar(robertLewandowski)","['SoccerPlayer(robertLewandowski)\n├── Or(Not(Striker($x13)),SoccerPlayer($x13))\n└── Striker(robertLewandowski)\n', 'Not(PlaysFor(robertLewandowski,bayernMunchen))\n├── Left(robertLewandowski,bayernMunchen)\n└── Or(Not(Left($x16,$x23)),Not(PlaysFor($x16,$x23)))\n', 'Not found']" | |
157,"The party provides five kinds of fruits: strawberry, orange, blueberry, grape, and cherry. | |
If the fruit had the lowest remaining weight at the end of the party, then it means it was the most popular fruit. | |
At the end of the party, strawberries had the lowest remaining weight. | |
At the end of the party, the number of leftover blueberries was lower than that of cherries. | |
Benjamin only ate oranges and grapes at the party.","Blueberries were the most popular fruit at the party. | |
Cherries were the most popular fruit at the party. | |
Benjamin ate blueberries at the party.","U | |
U | |
F","Provide(party, strawberry) ∧ Provide(party, orange) ∧ Provide(party, blueberry) ∧ Provide(party, grape) ∧ Provide(party, cherry) | |
∀x (LowestWeightRemainingAt(x, endOfParty) → MostPopular(x)) | |
LowestWeightRemainingAt(strawberries, endOfParty) | |
LowerWeightAt(blueberry, cherry, endOfParty) | |
Eat(benjamin, orange) ∧ Eat(benjamin, grape) ∧ ¬Eat(benjamin, blueberry) ∧ ¬Eat(benjamin, cherry) ∧ ¬Eat(benjamin, strawberry)","MostPopular(blueberry) | |
MostPopular(cherry) | |
Eat(blueberry, benjamin)","['Not found', 'Not found', 'Not found']" | |
150,"The movie ""Riel"" was made in Canada. | |
In ""Riel,"" Christopher Plummer appeared as Canada's first prime minister, John A. Macdonald. | |
""Riel"" was filmed in or before 1979. | |
If a mvie was filmed in or before a year, then the movie was not filmed after the year.","""Riel"" was filmed after 1979. | |
Alexander Mackenzie was Canada's second prime minister. ","F | |
U","Movie(riel) ∧ MadeIn(riel, canada) | |
AppearAs(plummer, macdonald, riel) ∧ CanadiansFirstPrimeMinister(johnAMacdonald) | |
FilmedInOrBefore(riel, year1979) | |
∀x ∀y (FilmedInOrBefore(x, y) → ¬FilmedAfter(x, y))","FilmedAfter(riel, year1979) | |
CanadiansSecondPrimeMinester(alexanderMackenzie)","['Not(FilmedAfter(riel,year1979))\n├── FilmedInOrBefore(riel,year1979)\n└── Or(Not(FilmedAfter($x13,$x23)),Not(FilmedInOrBefore($x13,$x23)))\n', 'Not found']" | |
286,"No sandwich cookies are healthy. | |
Oreos are sandwich cookies.",All sandwich cookies are delicious.,U,"∀x (SandwichCookie(x) → ¬Healthy(x)) | |
∀x (Oreo(x) → SandwichCookie(x))",∀x (SandwichCookie(x) → Delicious(x)),['Not found'] | |
243,"If a person can distinguish the taste of different condiments, then they can also use different condiments for cooking. | |
People who have a talent of cooking can distinguish the taste of different condiments. | |
Only people with the talent of cooking can make delicious meals. | |
If the meal is popular at the party, then it is delicious. | |
John can make meals which are popular at the party.",John cannot use different condiments for cooking.,F,"∀x (Person(x) ∧ Can(x, distinguishTheTasteOfDifferentCondiments) → Can(x, useDifferentCondimentsToCook)) | |
∀x (Person(x) ∧ Has(x, talentOfCooking) → Can(x, distinguishTheTasteOfDifferentCondiments)) | |
∀x ∀y (CanMake(x, y) ∧ Meal(y) ∧ Delicious(y) ∧ Person(x) → Has(x, talentOfCooking)) | |
∀x ∀y (Meal(y) ∧ PopularAt(y, party) → Delicious(y)) | |
∃x (Person(john) ∧ MakeMeal(john, x) ∧ Meal(x) ∧ PopularAt(x, party))","¬Can(john, useDifferentCondimentsToCook)",['Not found'] | |
87,"Daveed Diggs is an actor and film producer. | |
Daveed Diggs played two roles in the musical Hamilton on Broadway. | |
One of the actors from Hamilton won the best actor award. | |
The actor playing Thomas Jefferson won the best actor award. | |
Daveed Diggs played Thomas Jefferson. | |
Musicals on Broadway are not films.","Hamilton is a film. | |
Daveed Diggs won the best actor award. | |
Hamilton won two awards.","F | |
T | |
U","Actor(daveedDiggs) ∧ FilmProducer(daveedDiggs) | |
∃x ∃y (PlaysIn(daveedDiggs, x, hamilton) ∧ (¬(x=y)) ∧ PlaysIn(daveedDiggs, y, hamilton)) ∧ OnBroadway(hamilton) ∧ Musical(hamilton) | |
∃x ∃y (Actor(x) ∧ PlaysIn(x, y, hamilton) ∧ Wins(x, bestActorAward)) | |
∃x (Actor(x) ∧ PlaysIn(x, thomasJefferson, hamilton) ∧ Wins(x, bestActorAward)) | |
Plays(daveedDiggs, thomasJefferson) | |
∀x ((Musical(x) ∧ OnBroadway(x)) → ¬Film(x))","Film(hamilton) | |
Wins(daveedDiggs, bestActorAward) | |
∃x ∃y (Wins(hamilton, x) ∧ (¬(x=y)) ∧ Wins(hamilton, y))","['Not(Film(hamilton))\n├── OnBroadway(hamilton)\n└── Or(Not(Film(hamilton)),Not(OnBroadway(hamilton)))\n ├── Musical(hamilton)\n └── Or(Or(Not(Film($x112)),Not(Musical($x112))),Not(OnBroadway($x112)))\n', 'Not found', 'Not found']" | |
246,"When Hugo is at home and it is cold in his apartment, he is wearing a sweater. | |
In the winter, Hugo’s apartment is cold. | |
It is February now. | |
February is in the winter. | |
The only place Hugo reads novels is at home. | |
Hugo is reading a novel.",Hugo is wearing a sweater.,T,"∃x (AtHome(hugo) ∧ Cold(hugosApartment, presentMoment) → Sweater(x) ∧ Wear(hugo, x, presentMoment)) | |
∀x (InWinter(x) → Cold(hugosApartment, x)) | |
February(presentMoment) | |
February(presentMoment) → InWinter(now) | |
Reading(hugo, novel) → AtHome(hugo) | |
Reading(hugo, novel)","∃x (Sweater(x) ∧ Wear(hugo, x, presentMoment))",['Not found'] | |
81,"Quiksilver sells sportswear, clothing, footwear, and accessories. | |
Flannels are a type of clothing. | |
Joe owns an item from Quiksilver.","Quiksilver sells beer. | |
Joe owns a flannel. | |
Joe owns at least one piece of sportswear, clothing, footwear, or accessory","U | |
U | |
T","∀x (Sells(quiksilver, x) → (Sportswear(x) ∨ Clothing(x) ∨ Footwear(x) ∨ Accessory(x))) | |
Clothing(flannel) | |
∃x (Sells(quiksilver, x) ∧ Owns(joe, x))","Sells(quiksilver, beer) | |
Owns(joe, flannel) | |
∃x (Owns(joe, x) ∧ Sportswear(x) ∨ Clothing(x) ∨ Footwear(x) ∨ Accessory(x))","['Not found', 'Not found', 'And(Or(Or(Or(Accessory(skolem$x19),Clothing(skolem$x19)),Footwear(skolem$x19)),Sportswear(skolem$x19)),Owns(joe,skolem$x19))\n├── Equals(skolem$x19,skolem$x16)\n├── Or(Or(Or(Accessory(skolem$x16),Clothing(skolem$x16)),Footwear(skolem$x16)),Sportswear(skolem$x16))\n│ ├── Or(Or(Or(Or(Accessory($x13),Clothing($x13)),Footwear($x13)),Not(Sells(quiksilver,$x13))),Sportswear($x13))\n│ └── Sells(quiksilver,skolem$x16)\n└── Owns(joe,skolem$x16)\n']" | |
59,"Some monitors equipped in the lab are produced by the company named AOC. | |
All monitors equipped in the lab are cheaper than their original prices. | |
If a monitor is cheaper than its original price, then its resolution is 1080p. | |
If a monitor has a resolution of 1080p, then it does not support the type-c port. | |
LG34 is equipped in the lab. ","LG34 machine is produced by AOC. | |
LG34 machine does not support the type-c port. | |
LG34 is not with a resolution of 1080p.","U | |
T | |
F","∃x ∃y (LabMonitor(x) ∧ AOC(x) ∧ (¬(x=y)) ∧ LabMonitor(y) ∧ AOC(y)) | |
∀x (LabMonitor(x) → Discounted(x)) | |
∀x (Discounted(x) → A1080p(x)) | |
∀x (A1080p(x) → ¬TypeC(x)) | |
LabMonitor(lg-34)","AOC(lg-34) | |
¬TypeC(lg-34) | |
¬A1080p(lg-34)","['Not found', 'Not(TypeC(lg-34))\n├── A1080p(lg-34)\n│ ├── Discounted(lg-34)\n│ │ ├── LabMonitor(lg-34)\n│ │ └── Or(Discounted($x16),Not(LabMonitor($x16)))\n│ └── Or(A1080p($x19),Not(Discounted($x19)))\n└── Or(Not(A1080p($x112)),Not(TypeC($x112)))\n', 'A1080p(lg-34)\n├── Discounted(lg-34)\n│ ├── LabMonitor(lg-34)\n│ └── Or(Discounted($x16),Not(LabMonitor($x16)))\n└── Or(A1080p($x19),Not(Discounted($x19)))\n']" | |
210,"The only types of mammals that lay eggs are either platypuses or echidnas. | |
Platypuses are not hyrax. | |
Echidnas are not hyrax. | |
No mammals are invertebrates. | |
All animals are either vertebrates or invertebrates. | |
Mammals are animals. | |
Hyraxes are mammals. | |
Grebes lay eggs. | |
Grebes are not platypuses and also not echidnas.","Hyraxes lay eggs. | |
Grebes are not mammals. | |
Platypuses are vertebrates. ","F | |
T | |
U","∀x ((Mammal(x) ∧ LayEgg(x)) → (Platypus(x) ⊕ Echidna(x))) | |
∀x (Platypuses(x) → ¬Hyrax(x)) | |
∀x (Echidnas(x) → ¬Hyrax(x)) | |
∀x (Mammal(x) → ¬Invertebrate(x)) | |
∀x (Animal(x) → (Vertebrate(x) ∨ Invertebrate(x))) | |
∀x (Mammal(x) → Animal(x)) | |
∀x (Hyrax(x) → Mammal(x)) | |
∀x (Grebes(x) → LayEgg(x)) | |
∀x (Grebes(x) → (¬Platypuses(x) ∧ ¬Echidnas(x)))","∃x (Hyrax(x) ∧ LayEgg(x)) | |
∀x (Grebes(x) → ¬Mammal(x)) | |
∀x (Platypuses(x) → Vertebrate(x))","['Not found', 'Not found', 'Not found']" | |
181,"American superheroes come from either the DC Universe or Marvel Universe. | |
Captain America is one of America's top-ten favorite superheroes | |
Captain America does not come from the DC Universe. | |
America's top-ten favorite superheroes speak English. | |
Some superheroes speak both English and Spanish. ","Captain America does not speak English. | |
Captain America comes from the Marvel universe. | |
Captain America speaks Spanish.","F | |
T | |
U","∀x (Superhero(x) ∧ American(x) → ComeFrom(x, dCUniverse) ⊕ ComeFrom(x, marvelUniverse)) | |
American(captainAmerica) ∧ TopTenFavorite(captainAmerica) ∧ Superhero(captainAmerica) | |
¬ComeFrom(captainAmerica, dCUniverse) | |
∀x (American(x) ∧ TopTenFavorite(x) ∧ Superhero(x) → Speak(x, english)) | |
∃x (Superhero(x) → (Speak(x, english) ∧ Speak(x, spanish)))","¬Speak(captainAmerica, english) | |
ComeFrom(captainAmerica, marvelUniverse) | |
Speak(captainAmerica, spanish)","['Speak(captainAmerica,english)\n├── Or(Not(TopTenFavorite(captainAmerica)),Speak(captainAmerica,english))\n│ ├── Or(Or(Not(Superhero(captainAmerica)),Not(TopTenFavorite(captainAmerica))),Speak(captainAmerica,english))\n│ │ ├── American(captainAmerica)\n│ │ └── Or(Or(Or(Not(American($x16)),Not(Superhero($x16))),Not(TopTenFavorite($x16))),Speak($x16,english))\n│ └── Superhero(captainAmerica)\n└── TopTenFavorite(captainAmerica)\n', 'ComeFrom(captainAmerica,marvelUniverse)\n├── Or(ComeFrom(captainAmerica,marvelUniverse),Not(Superhero(captainAmerica)))\n│ ├── Or(Not(ComeFrom(captainAmerica,dCUniverse)),Not(Superhero(captainAmerica)))\n│ │ ├── American(captainAmerica)\n│ │ └── Or(Or(Not(American(captainAmerica)),Not(ComeFrom(captainAmerica,dCUniverse))),Not(Superhero(captainAmerica)))\n│ │ ├── Or(Or(ComeFrom(captainAmerica,marvelUniverse),Not(American(captainAmerica))),Not(Superhero(captainAmerica)))\n│ │ │ ├── Not(ComeFrom(captainAmerica,dCUniverse))\n│ │ │ └── Or(Or(Or(ComeFrom($x13,dCUniverse),ComeFrom($x13,marvelUniverse)),Not(American($x13))),Not(Superhero($x13)))\n│ │ └── Or(Or(Or(Not(American($x13)),Not(ComeFrom($x13,dCUniverse))),Not(ComeFrom($x13,marvelUniverse))),Not(Superhero($x13)))\n│ └── Or(Or(ComeFrom(captainAmerica,dCUniverse),ComeFrom(captainAmerica,marvelUniverse)),Not(Superhero(captainAmerica)))\n│ ├── American(captainAmerica)\n│ └── Or(Or(Or(ComeFrom($x13,dCUniverse),ComeFrom($x13,marvelUniverse)),Not(American($x13))),Not(Superhero($x13)))\n└── Superhero(captainAmerica)\n', 'Not found']" | |
55,"A businessperson is someone who has ownership over part of a company. | |
People who own a company make money from it. | |
A businessperson can be either a businessman or a businesswoman. | |
Many businesspersons are extroverted. | |
Businesspersons can handle money well. | |
Bob is a businessman who has ownership over Microsoft.","Bob is extroverted. | |
Bob can handle money well. | |
Bob is a businessperson who makes money off Microsoft.","U | |
T | |
T | |
","∀x (BusinessPerson(x) → ∃y (Company(y) ∧ Ownership(x, y))) | |
∀x ∀y (Ownership(x, y) → MakeMoney(x, y)) | |
∀x (BusinessPerson(x) → (BusinessMan(x) ⊕ BusinessWoman(x))) | |
∃x (BusinessPerson(x) ∧ Extrovert(x)) | |
∀x (BusinessPerson(x) → HandleMoney(x)) | |
BusinessPerson(bob) ∧ Ownership(bob, microsoft)","Extrovert(bob) | |
HandleMoney(bob) | |
BusinessPerson(bob) ∧ MakeMoney(bob, microsoft)","['Not found', 'HandleMoney(bob)\n├── BusinessPerson(bob)\n└── Or(HandleMoney($x115),Not(BusinessPerson($x115)))\n', 'And(BusinessPerson(bob),MakeMoney(bob,microsoft))\n├── BusinessPerson(bob)\n└── MakeMoney(bob,microsoft)\n ├── Or(MakeMoney($x16,$x26),Not(Ownership($x16,$x26)))\n └── Ownership(bob,microsoft)\n']" | |
144,"Taste of Edmonton is an annual outdoor festival held in Alberta. | |
The festival went on hiatus in 2020. | |
If a festival goes on hiatus in a certain year, it does not run for that year. | |
Taste of Edmonton is the largest food and entertainment festival in Western Canada.","Some festival that is the largest food and entertainment festival in Western Canada did not run in the year 2020. | |
Some outdoor festivals did not run in the year 2020. | |
Taste of Edmonton went on hiatus in 2021.","T | |
T | |
U","Annual(tasteOfEdmonton) ∧ OutdoorFestival(tasteOfEdmonton) ∧ HeldIn(tasteOfEdmonton, alberta) | |
GoOnHiatus(tasteOfEdmonton, year2020) | |
∀x ∀y (GoOnHiatus(x, y) → ¬Run(x, y)) | |
LargestFoodAndEntertainmentFestival(tasteOfEdmonton) ∧ HeldIn(tasteOfEdmonton, westernCanada)","∃x (LargestFoodAndEntertainmentFestival(x) ∧ HeldIn(x, westernCanada(x) ∧ ¬Run(x, year2020)) | |
∃x (OutdoorFestival(x) ∧ ¬Run(x, year2020)) | |
GoOnHiatus(tasteOfEdmonton, year2021)","['Not found', 'And(Not(Run(skolem$x19,year2020)),OutdoorFestival(skolem$x19))\n├── Equals(skolem$x19,tasteOfEdmonton)\n├── Not(Run(tasteOfEdmonton,year2020))\n│ ├── GoOnHiatus(tasteOfEdmonton,year2020)\n│ └── Or(Not(GoOnHiatus($x13,$x23)),Not(Run($x13,$x23)))\n└── OutdoorFestival(tasteOfEdmonton)\n', 'Not found']" | |
178,"Adam will go to the downtown area on foot. | |
If Adam buys a T-shirt, the T-shirt must be blue. | |
Adam goes to the downtown area if and only if he is going shopping. | |
Adam goes to the downtown area either by bike or on foot. | |
If Adam goes to the downtown area on foot, he will buy a T-shirt.","Adam will buy a blue T-shirt. | |
If Adam goes to the downtown area by bike, he will not buy any T-shift. | |
If Adam is going shopping, he will go either by bike or on foot.","T | |
U | |
T","GoDowntown(adam) ∧ OnFoot(adam) | |
∀x ((TShirt(x) ∧ Buy(adam, x)) → Blue(x)) | |
GoDowntown(adam) ↔ Shopping(adam) | |
GoDowntown(adam) → (ByBike(adam) ⊕ OnFoot(adam)) | |
∃x (GoDowntown(adam) ∧ OnFoot(adam) → TShirt(x) ∧ Buy(adam, x))","∃x (TShirt(x) ∧ Buy(adam, x)) | |
∀x (GoDowntown(adam) ∧ ByBike(adam) ∧ TShirt(x) → ¬Buy(adam, x)) | |
Shopping(adam) → (ByBike(adam) ⊕ OnFoot(adam))","['And(Buy(adam,skolem$x19),TShirt(skolem$x19))\n├── Buy(adam,skolem$x16)\n│ ├── OnFoot(adam)\n│ └── Or(Buy(adam,skolem$x16),Not(OnFoot(adam)))\n│ ├── GoDowntown(adam)\n│ └── Or(Or(Buy(adam,skolem$x16),Not(GoDowntown(adam))),Not(OnFoot(adam)))\n├── Equals(skolem$x19,skolem$x16)\n└── TShirt(skolem$x16)\n ├── OnFoot(adam)\n └── Or(Not(OnFoot(adam)),TShirt(skolem$x16))\n ├── GoDowntown(adam)\n └── Or(Or(Not(GoDowntown(adam)),Not(OnFoot(adam))),TShirt(skolem$x16))\n', 'Not(ByBike(adam))\n├── OnFoot(adam)\n└── Or(Not(ByBike(adam)),Not(OnFoot(adam)))\n ├── GoDowntown(adam)\n └── Or(Or(Not(ByBike(adam)),Not(GoDowntown(adam))),Not(OnFoot(adam)))\n', 'Implies(Shopping(adam),And(Or(ByBike(adam),OnFoot(adam)),Not(And(ByBike(adam),OnFoot(adam)))))\n├── Or(Or(ByBike(adam),Not(Shopping(adam))),OnFoot(adam))\n│ ├── Or(GoDowntown(adam),Not(Shopping(adam)))\n│ └── Or(Or(ByBike(adam),Not(GoDowntown(adam))),OnFoot(adam))\n└── Or(Or(Not(ByBike(adam)),Not(OnFoot(adam))),Not(Shopping(adam)))\n ├── Or(GoDowntown(adam),Not(Shopping(adam)))\n └── Or(Or(Not(ByBike(adam)),Not(GoDowntown(adam))),Not(OnFoot(adam)))\n']" | |
29,"Gasteren is a village located in the province of Drenthe. | |
Drenthe is a Dutch province. | |
No cities are villages. | |
The population of a village in Drenthe was 155 people.","Gasteren is a Dutch village. | |
Gasteren is a city. | |
Gasteren has a population of 155.","U | |
F | |
U","Village(gasteren) ∧ Province(drenthe) ∧ In(gasteren, drenthe) | |
Province(drenthe) ∧ In(drenthe, netherlands) | |
∀x (City(x) → ¬Village(x)) | |
∃x (Population(x, num155) ∧ Village(x) ∧ In(x, drenthe))","Village(gasteren) ∧ In(gasteren, netherlands) | |
City(gasteren) | |
Population(gasteren, num155)","['Not found', 'Not(City(gasteren))\n├── Or(Not(City($x13)),Not(Village($x13)))\n└── Village(gasteren)\n', 'Not found']" | |
241,"All students learning piano can strike the right notes. | |
All students who can strike the right note can get the rhythms right. | |
If a student can get the rhythms right, he will start working on coordination between the left and the right hands. | |
Some students who start working on coordination between the left and the right hands become good at it, while other students find it challenging. | |
If John can strike the right notes, get the rhythms right, and is good at coordination between right and left hands, then he puts emotions into his playing. | |
John is a student learning piano. | |
John does not find coordination between the left and the right hands challenging. ","John can get the rhythms right. | |
John does not put emotions into his playing. ","T | |
F","∀x (Student(x) ∧ LearningPiano(x) → Can(x, strike, rightNote)) | |
∀x (Student(x) ∧ Can(x, strike, rightNote) → Can(x, getTheRhythmRight)) | |
∀x (Student(x) ∧ Can(x, getTheRhythmRight) → Start(x, workingOnCoordinationBetweenTheLeftAndRightHands)) | |
∀x (Student(x) ∧ Start(x, workingOnCoordinationBetweenTheLeftAndRightHands) → Become(x, goodAtCoordination) ⊕ Find(x, coordinationChallenging)) | |
(Can(john, getTheRhythmRight) ∧ Can(john, getTheRhythmRight)) ∧ Become(john, goodAtCoordination) → PutEmotionInto(john, hisPlaying) | |
Student(john) ∧ LearningPiano(john) | |
¬Find(john, coordinationChallenging)","Can(john, getTheRhythmRight) | |
PutEmotionInto(john, hisPlaying)","['Can(john,getTheRhythmRight)\n├── LearningPiano(john)\n└── Or(Can(john,getTheRhythmRight),Not(LearningPiano(john)))\n ├── Or(Or(Can(john,getTheRhythmRight),Not(LearningPiano(john))),Not(Student(john)))\n │ ├── Or(Can(john,strike,rightNote),Not(LearningPiano(john)))\n │ │ ├── Or(Or(Can($x13,strike,rightNote),Not(LearningPiano($x13))),Not(Student($x13)))\n │ │ └── Student(john)\n │ └── Or(Or(Can($x16,getTheRhythmRight),Not(Can($x16,strike,rightNote))),Not(Student($x16)))\n └── Student(john)\n', 'Not found']" | |
237,"Zaha Hadid is a British-Iraqi architect, artist, and designer. | |
Zaha Hadid was born on 31 October 1950 in Baghdad, Iraq. | |
Zaha Hadid was a visiting professor of Architectural Design at the Yale School of Architecture. | |
Max is an aspiring architecture student and plans to apply to the Yale School of Architecture. ","Zaha Hadid was a citizen of Britain and Iraq. | |
Zaha Hadid did some work in interior design. | |
Zaha Hadid was born on the 31st of October in 1982. | |
Max admires Zaha Hadid.","T | |
U | |
U | |
U","British-Iraqi(zahaHadid) ∧ Architect(zahaHadid) ∧ Artist(zahaHadid) ∧ Designer(zahaHadid) | |
BornOn(zahaHadid, 31October1950) ∧ BornIn(zahaHadid, baghdadIraq) | |
VisitingProfessorOf(zahaHadid, architecturalDesign) ∧ VisitingProfessorAt(zahaHadid, yaleSchoolOfArchitecture) | |
AspiringArchitectureStudent(max) ∧ PlansToApplyTo(max, yaleSchoolofArchitecture)","British-Iraqi(zahaHadid) | |
DidWorkIn(zahaHadid, interiorDesign) | |
BornOn(zahaHadid, 31October1950) | |
Admires(max, zahaHadid)","['British-Iraqi(zahaHadid)\n', 'Not found', 'BornOn(zahaHadid,31October1950)\n', 'Not found']" | |
99,"Shafaq-Asiman is a large complex of offshore geological structures in the Caspian Sea. | |
Baku is northwest of Shafaq-Asiman. | |
If place A is northwest of place B, then place B is southeast of place A.","Baku is southeast of Shafaq-Asiman. | |
A large complex is southeast of Baku. | |
Baku is not northwest of offshore geological structures.","U | |
T | |
F","LargeComplex(shafaq-asiman) ∧ LargeComplex(shafaq-asiman) ∧ Offshore(shafaq-asiman) ∧ GeologicalStructures(shafaq-asiman) ∧ In(shafaq-asiman, caspiansea) | |
NorthwestOf(baku, shafaq-asiman) | |
∀x ∀y (NorthwestOf(x, y) → SoutheastOf(y, x))","SoutheastOf(baku, shafaq-asiman) | |
∃x (LargeComplex(x) ∧ SoutheastOf(x, baku)) | |
∀x (GeologicalStructures(x) ∧ Offshore(x) → ¬NorthwestOf(baku, x))","['Not found', 'And(LargeComplex(skolem$x16),SoutheastOf(skolem$x16,baku))\n├── Equals(skolem$x16,shafaq-asiman)\n├── LargeComplex(shafaq-asiman)\n└── SoutheastOf(shafaq-asiman,baku)\n ├── NorthwestOf(baku,shafaq-asiman)\n └── Or(Not(NorthwestOf($x13,$x23)),SoutheastOf($x23,$x13))\n', 'And(And(GeologicalStructures(skolem$x110),NorthwestOf(baku,skolem$x110)),Offshore(skolem$x110))\n├── Equals(skolem$x110,shafaq-asiman)\n├── GeologicalStructures(shafaq-asiman)\n├── NorthwestOf(baku,shafaq-asiman)\n└── Offshore(shafaq-asiman)\n']" | |
54,"A roundel is a rounded artillery fortification. | |
A roundel is not higher than adjacent walls. | |
Cannons can be deployed on artillery fortifications. | |
Roundels are the oldest artillery fortifications. | |
Battery towers are artillery fortifications.","Cannons can be deployed on battery towers. | |
Roundels are older than battery towers. | |
Battery towers are higher than adjacent walls. | |
Cannons can be deployed on roundels.","T | |
T | |
U | |
T","∀x (Roundel(x) → (Rounded(x) ∧ ArtilleryFortification(x))) | |
∀x ∀y ((Roundel(x) ∧ AdjacentWalls(x,y)) → ¬Higher(x, y)) | |
∀x (ArtilleryFortification(x) → DeployCannons(x)) | |
∀x ∀y ((Roundel(x) ∧ ArtilleryFortification(y)) → Older(x, y)) | |
∀x (BatteryTower(x) → ArtilleryFortification(x))","∀x (BatteryTower(x) → DeployCannons(x)) | |
∀x ∀y ((Roundel(x) ∧ BatteryTower(y)) → Older(x, y)) | |
∀x ∀y ((BatteryTower(x) ∧ AdjacentWall(x,y)) → Higher(x, y)) | |
∀x (Roundel(x) → DeployCannons(x))","['Or(DeployCannons($x19),Not(BatteryTower($x19)))\n├── Or(ArtilleryFortification($x115),Not(BatteryTower($x115)))\n└── Or(DeployCannons($x19),Not(ArtilleryFortification($x19)))\n', 'Or(Or(Not(BatteryTower($x26)),Not(Roundel($x112))),Older($x112,$x26))\n├── Or(ArtilleryFortification($x115),Not(BatteryTower($x115)))\n└── Or(Or(Not(ArtilleryFortification($x26)),Not(Roundel($x112))),Older($x112,$x26))\n', 'Not found', 'Or(DeployCannons($x19),Not(Roundel($x19)))\n├── Or(ArtilleryFortification($x13),Not(Roundel($x13)))\n└── Or(DeployCannons($x19),Not(ArtilleryFortification($x19)))\n']" | |
264,"No television stars are certified public accountants. | |
All certified public accountants have good business sense.",All television stars have good business sense.,U,"∀x (TelevisionStar(x) → ¬CertifiedPublicAccoutant(x)) | |
∀x (CertifiedPublicAccoutant(x) → Have(x, goodBusinessSense))","∀x (TelevisionStar(x) → Have(x, goodBusinessSense))",['Not found'] | |
62,"All devices belonging to the company are connected to Google Home. | |
All devices belonging to employees are connected to the company's wifi. | |
All devices connected to Google Home are controlled by the managers. | |
All devices that connect to the company's wifi are easy to operate. | |
ModelXX belongs to employees. ","ModelXX is easy to operate. | |
ModelXX is controlled by managers. | |
ModelXX is connected to Google Home.","T | |
U | |
U","∀x (OwnedBy(x, company) → ConnectedTo(x, googleHome)) | |
∀x (OwnedBy(x, employee) → ConnectedTo(x, companyWiFi)) | |
∀x (ConnectedTo(x, googleHome) → ControlledBy(x, managers)) | |
∀x (ConnectedTo(x, companyWiFi) → EasyToOperate(x)) | |
OwnedBy(modelXX, employee)","EasyToOperate(modelXX) | |
ControlledBy(modelXX, managers) | |
ConnectedTo(modelXX, googleHome)","['EasyToOperate(modelXX)\n├── ConnectedTo(modelXX,companyWiFi)\n│ ├── Or(ConnectedTo($x16,companyWiFi),Not(OwnedBy($x16,employee)))\n│ └── OwnedBy(modelXX,employee)\n└── Or(EasyToOperate($x112),Not(ConnectedTo($x112,companyWiFi)))\n', 'Not found', 'Not found']" | |
114,"A cutman is responsible for preventing and treating physical damage to a fighter. | |
Cutmen appear in boxing matches, kickboxing matches, or mixed martial arts matches bout. | |
Cutmen handle swelling, nosebleeds and lacerations. | |
Jack is a cutman.","No cutmen appear in boxing matches. | |
If someone is not a cutman, then they cannot handle nosebleeds. | |
Jack is responsible for treating physical damage to a fighter.","U | |
U | |
T","∀x (Cutman(x) → Prevent(x, physicalDamageToAFighter) ∧ Treat(x, physicalDamageToAFighter)) | |
∀x (Cutman(x) → AppearIn(x, boxingMatch) ∨ AppearIn(x, kickboxingMatch) ∨ AppearIn(x, mixedMartialArtsMatchBout)) | |
∀x (Cutman(x) → Handle(x, swelling) ∧ Handle(x, nosebleed) ∧ Handle(x, laceration)) | |
Cutman(jack)","¬(∃x (Cutman(x) ∧ AppearIn(x, boxingMatch))) | |
∀x (¬Cutman(x) → ¬Handle(x, nosebleed)) | |
Treat(jack, physicalDamageToAFighter)","['Not found', 'Not found', 'Treat(jack,physicalDamageToAFighter)\n├── Cutman(jack)\n└── Or(Not(Cutman($x13)),Treat($x13,physicalDamageToAFighter))\n']" | |
244,"Everyone who rents a car spends money. | |
Whenever Sarah goes to Vermont, Sarah drives there. | |
Someone who does not own a car to drive somewhere must either borrow a car or rent a car. | |
Sarah doesn’t own a car. | |
Sarah never borrows a car to go camping. | |
Sarah is going to go camping in Vermont. | |
To go camping somewhere, you must go to that place.",Sarah will spend money this weekend.,T,"∀x (Rent(x, car) → Spend(x, money)) | |
GoTo(sarah, vermont) → DriveTo(sarah, vermont) | |
∀x ∀y (¬Own(x, car) ∧ DriveTo(x, y) → Borrow(x, car) ⊕ Rent(x, car)) | |
¬Own(sarah, car) | |
∀x (Camping(sarah, x) → ¬(Borrow(sarah, car))) | |
Camping(sarah, vermont) | |
∀x ∀y (Camping(x, y) → GoTo(x, y))","Spend(sarah, money)",['Not found'] | |
186,"If a person doesn't have enough money to buy a product, then that person can't buy it. | |
Monitors are products. | |
4k monitors are more expensive than 1080 monitors and 2k monitors. | |
John is a person. | |
John doesn't have enough money to buy a 2k monitor.","John can't buy a 1080 monitor. | |
John can't buy a 2k monitor.","U | |
T","∀x ∀y (Person(x) ∧ Product(y) ∧ ¬HaveEnoughMoneyFor(x, y) → ¬Buy(x, y)) | |
∀x (Monitor(x) → Product(x)) | |
∀x ∀y ∀z (Monitor(x) ∧ Monitor(y) ∧ Monitor(z) ∧ FourK(x) ∧ OneOEightO(y) ∧ TwoK(z) → MoreExpensive(x, y) ∧ MoreExpensive(x, z)) | |
Person(john) | |
∀x (Monitor(x) ∧ TwoK(x) → ¬HaveEnoughMoneyFor(john, x))","∀x (Monitor(x) ∧ OneOEightO(x) → ¬Buy(john, x)) | |
∀x (Monitor(x) ∧ TwoK(x) → ¬Buy(john, x))","['Not found', 'Or(Or(Not(Buy(john,$x23)),Not(Monitor($x23))),Not(TwoK($x23)))\n├── Or(Or(Or(Not(Buy(john,$x23)),Not(Monitor($x23))),Not(Person(john))),Not(TwoK($x23)))\n│ ├── Or(Not(Monitor($x16)),Product($x16))\n│ └── Or(Or(Or(Or(Not(Buy(john,$x23)),Not(Monitor($x23))),Not(Person(john))),Not(Product($x23))),Not(TwoK($x23)))\n│ ├── Or(Or(Not(HaveEnoughMoneyFor(john,$x112)),Not(Monitor($x112))),Not(TwoK($x112)))\n│ └── Or(Or(Or(HaveEnoughMoneyFor($x13,$x23),Not(Buy($x13,$x23))),Not(Person($x13))),Not(Product($x23)))\n└── Person(john)\n']" | |
58,"Books contain tons of knowledge. | |
When a person reads a book, that person gains knowledge. | |
If a person gains knowledge, they become smarter. | |
Harry read the book “Walden” by Henry Thoreau.","Walden contains knowledge. | |
Harry is smarter than before. | |
A smarter person has gained knowledge. ","T | |
T | |
U","∀x (Book(x) → Contains(x, knowledge)) | |
∀x ∀y (ReadBook(x, y) → Gains(x, knowledge)) | |
∀x (Gains(x, knowledge) → Smarter(x)) | |
ReadBook(harry, walden) ∧ Book(walden)","Gains(harry, knowledge) | |
Smarter(harry) | |
∀x (Smarter(x) → GainKnowledge(x))","['Gains(harry,knowledge)\n├── Or(Gains($x16,knowledge),Not(ReadBook($x16,$x23)))\n└── ReadBook(harry,walden)\n', 'Smarter(harry)\n├── Gains(harry,knowledge)\n│ ├── Or(Gains($x16,knowledge),Not(ReadBook($x16,$x23)))\n│ └── ReadBook(harry,walden)\n└── Or(Not(Gains($x19,knowledge)),Smarter($x19))\n', 'Not found']" | |
170,"The Mona Lisa is a world's best-known painting. | |
The Mona Lisa is a portrait painted by Leonardo da Vinci. | |
Leonardo da Vinci was a scientist and painter. | |
Painting genres can be history, portrait, animal, landscape, and still life.","A world's best-known artwork is painted by a scientist. | |
Leonardo da Vinci has artworks in the landscape genre. | |
No world's best-known artworks are portraits.","T | |
U | |
F","Painting(monaLisa) ∧ TheWorldsBestKnown(monaLisa) | |
PaintedBy(monaLisa, leonardodaVinci) ∧ Portrait(monaLisa) | |
Scientist(leonardodaVinci) ∧ Painter(leonardodaVinci) | |
∀x (Painting(x) → (History(x) ∨ Portrait(x) ∨ Animal(x) ∨ Landscape(x) ∨ StillLife(x)))","∃x ∃y (Painting(x) ∧ TheWorldsBestKnown(x) ∧ PaintedBy(x, y) ∧ Scientist(y)) | |
∃x (PaintedBy(x, leonardodaVinci) ∧ Landscape(x)) | |
∀x (WorldsBestKnown(x) → ¬Portrait(x))","['Not found', 'Not found', 'Not found']" | |
299,"Elation is pleasant. | |
If something is pleasant, it is positive.",Elation is not positive.,F,"∀x (Elation(x) → Pleasant(x)) | |
∀x (Pleasant(x) → Positive(x))",∀x (Elation(x) → ¬Positive(x)),['Not found'] | |
3,"Fort Ticonderoga is the current name for Fort Carillon. | |
Pierre de Rigaud de Vaudreuil built Fort Carillon. | |
Fort Carillon was located in New France. | |
New France is not in Europe.","Pierre de Rigaud de Vaudreuil built a fort in New France. | |
Pierre de Rigaud de Vaudreuil built a fort in New England. | |
Fort Carillon was located in Europe.","T | |
U | |
U","RenamedAs(fortCarillon, fortTiconderoga) | |
Built(pierredeRigauddeVaudreuil, fortCarillon) | |
LocatedIn(fortCarillon, newFrance) | |
¬LocatedIn(newFrance, europe) ","∃x (Built(pierredeRigauddeVaudreuil, x) ∧ LocatedIn(x, newFrance)) | |
∃x (Built(pierredeRigauddeVaudreuil, x) ∧ LocatedIn(x, newEngland)) | |
LocatedIn(fortCarillon, europe)","['And(Built(pierredeRigauddeVaudreuil,skolem$x13),LocatedIn(skolem$x13,newFrance))\n├── Built(pierredeRigauddeVaudreuil,fortCarillon)\n├── Equals(skolem$x13,fortCarillon)\n└── LocatedIn(fortCarillon,newFrance)\n', 'Not found', 'Not found']" | |
125,"Soccer players have a right foot and a left foot. | |
Top soccer players are soccer players who can use both the left foot and right foot very efficiently. | |
If a soccer player can score many goals using the left foot, they can use that foot very efficiently. | |
If a soccer player can score many goals using the right foot, they can use that foot very efficiently. | |
Cristiano Ronaldo is a soccer player. | |
Cristiano Ronaldo can use his right foot very efficiently. | |
Cristiano Ronaldo has scored many goals using his left foot.","Cristiano Ronaldo is a top soccer player. | |
Cristiano Ronaldo is not a top soccer player. ","T | |
F","∀x (SoccerPlayer(x) → Have(x, leftFoot) ∧ Have(x, rightFoot)) | |
∀x (SoccerPlayer(x) ∧ UseEfficiently(x, leftFoot) ∧ UseEfficiently(x, rightFoot) → TopSoccerPlayer(x)) | |
∀x (SoccerPlayer(x) ∧ ScoreUsing(x, manyGoals, leftFoot) → UseEfficiently(x, leftFoot)) | |
∀x (SoccerPlayer(x) ∧ ScoreUsing(x, manyGoals, rightFoot) → UseEfficiently(x, rightFoot)) | |
SoccerPlayer(ronaldo) | |
UseEfficiently(ronaldo, rightFoot) | |
ScoreUsing(ronaldo, manyGoals, leftFoot)","TopSoccerPlayer(ronaldo) | |
¬TopSoccerPlayer(ronaldo)","['TopSoccerPlayer(ronaldo)\n├── Or(Not(UseEfficiently(ronaldo,rightFoot)),TopSoccerPlayer(ronaldo))\n│ ├── Or(Or(Not(SoccerPlayer(ronaldo)),Not(UseEfficiently(ronaldo,rightFoot))),TopSoccerPlayer(ronaldo))\n│ │ ├── Or(Not(SoccerPlayer(ronaldo)),UseEfficiently(ronaldo,leftFoot))\n│ │ │ ├── Or(Or(Not(ScoreUsing($x19,manyGoals,leftFoot)),Not(SoccerPlayer($x19))),UseEfficiently($x19,leftFoot))\n│ │ │ └── ScoreUsing(ronaldo,manyGoals,leftFoot)\n│ │ └── Or(Or(Or(Not(SoccerPlayer($x16)),Not(UseEfficiently($x16,leftFoot))),Not(UseEfficiently($x16,rightFoot))),TopSoccerPlayer($x16))\n│ └── SoccerPlayer(ronaldo)\n└── UseEfficiently(ronaldo,rightFoot)\n', 'TopSoccerPlayer(ronaldo)\n├── Or(Not(UseEfficiently(ronaldo,rightFoot)),TopSoccerPlayer(ronaldo))\n│ ├── Or(Or(Not(SoccerPlayer(ronaldo)),Not(UseEfficiently(ronaldo,rightFoot))),TopSoccerPlayer(ronaldo))\n│ │ ├── Or(Not(SoccerPlayer(ronaldo)),UseEfficiently(ronaldo,leftFoot))\n│ │ │ ├── Or(Or(Not(ScoreUsing($x19,manyGoals,leftFoot)),Not(SoccerPlayer($x19))),UseEfficiently($x19,leftFoot))\n│ │ │ └── ScoreUsing(ronaldo,manyGoals,leftFoot)\n│ │ └── Or(Or(Or(Not(SoccerPlayer($x16)),Not(UseEfficiently($x16,leftFoot))),Not(UseEfficiently($x16,rightFoot))),TopSoccerPlayer($x16))\n│ └── SoccerPlayer(ronaldo)\n└── UseEfficiently(ronaldo,rightFoot)\n']" | |
68,"Lana Wilson directed After Tiller, The Departure, and Miss Americana. | |
If a film is directed by a person, the person is a filmmaker. | |
After Tiller is a documentary. | |
The documentary is a type of film. | |
Lana Wilson is from Kirkland. | |
Kirkland is a US city. | |
If a person is from a city in a country, the person is from the country. | |
After Tiller is nominated for the Independent Spirit Award for Best Documentary.","Lana Wilson is a US filmmaker. | |
Miss Americana is not directed by a filmmaker from Kirkland. | |
Lana Wilson has won the Independent Spirit Award.","T | |
F | |
U","DirectedBy(afterTiller, lanaWilson) ∧ DirectedBy(theDeparture, lanaWilson) ∧ DirectedBy(missAmericana, lanaWilson) | |
∀x ∀y (DirectedBy(x, y) → Filmmaker(y)) | |
Documentary(afterTiller) | |
∀x (Documentary(x) → Film(x)) | |
From(lanaWilson, kirkland) | |
In(kirkland, unitedStates) | |
∀x ∀y ∀z ((From(x, y) ∧ In(y, z)) → From(x, z)) | |
Nomination(afterTiller, theIndependentSpiritAwardForBestDocumentary)","From(lanaWilson, unitedStates) ∧ Filmmaker(lanaWilson) | |
¬(∃x(Filmmaker(x) ∧ From(x, kirkland) ∧ DirectedBy(missAmericana, x))) | |
FilmmakerAward(lanaWilson, theIndependentSpiritAwardForBestDocumentary)","['And(From(lanaWilson,unitedStates),Filmmaker(lanaWilson))\n├── Filmmaker(lanaWilson)\n│ ├── DirectedBy(afterTiller,lanaWilson)\n│ └── Or(Filmmaker($x23),Not(DirectedBy($x13,$x23)))\n└── From(lanaWilson,unitedStates)\n ├── In(kirkland,unitedStates)\n └── Or(From(lanaWilson,$x33),Not(In(kirkland,$x33)))\n ├── From(lanaWilson,kirkland)\n └── Or(Or(From($x19,$x33),Not(From($x19,$x26))),Not(In($x26,$x33)))\n', 'And(DirectedBy(missAmericana,skolem$x113),From(skolem$x113,kirkland))\n├── DirectedBy(missAmericana,lanaWilson)\n├── Equals(skolem$x113,lanaWilson)\n└── From(lanaWilson,kirkland)\n', 'Not found']" | |
155,"No man can run faster than Bolt. | |
Superman is not a man.",Superman can run faster than Bolt.,U,"∀x (Man(x) → ¬RunFasterThan(xm bolt)) | |
¬Man(superman)","RunFasterThan(superman, bolt) ",['Not found'] | |
287,"Trees are plants. | |
Some living things are trees.",Some living things are plants.,T,"∀x (Tree(x) → Plant(x)) | |
∃x ∃y (Living(x) ∧ Living(y) ∧ Tree(x) ∧ Tree(y) ∧ ¬(x=y))",∃x ∃y (Living(x) ∧ Living(y) ∧ Plant(x) ∧ Plant(y) ∧ ¬(x=y)),['Not found'] | |
247,"LanguageA is a universal language | |
If a universal language exists, then for every two people if they both know the same universal language they can communicate. | |
Katya cannot communicate with Danil. | |
Katya knows LanguageA. ",Danil knows LanguageA.,F,"UniversalLanguage(languageA) | |
∀x ∀y (∃z (¬(x=y) ∧ Know(x, z) ∧ Know(y, z) ∧ UniversalLanguage(z)) → CanCommunicateWith(x, y) ∧ CanCommunicateWith(y, x)) | |
¬CanCommunicateWith(katya, danil) | |
Know(katya, languageA)","Know(danil, languageA)","['Know(danil,languageA)\n└── Or(Know($x13,$x33),Not(Skolem$x33($x33,$x13,$x23)))\n']" | |
292,"A hawk never swims. | |
Some birds are hawks.",All birds swim.,F,"∀x (Hawk(x) → ¬Swim(x)) | |
∃x ∃y (Bird(x) ∧ Bird(y) ∧ Hawk(x) ∧ Hawk(y) ∧ ¬(x=y))",∀x (Bird(x) → Swim(x)),"['And(Bird(skolem$x110),Not(Swim(skolem$x110)))\n├── Bird(skolem$x16)\n├── Equals(skolem$x110,skolem$x16)\n└── Not(Swim(skolem$x16))\n ├── Hawk(skolem$x16)\n └── Or(Not(Hawk($x13)),Not(Swim($x13)))\n']" | |
64,"A podcast is not a novel. | |
If a person is born in American City, the person is American. | |
If a book is a novel and it is written by a person, then the person is a novel writer. | |
Dani Shapiro is an American writer. | |
Family History is written by Dani Shapiro. | |
Family History is a novel written in 2003. | |
Dani Shapiro created a podcast called Family Secrets. | |
Boston is an American city.","Dani Shapiro is a novel writer. | |
Family Secrets is a novel. | |
Dani Shapiro was born in Boston. ","T | |
F | |
U","∀x (Podcast(x) → ¬Novel(x)) | |
∀x((∃y (BornIn(x, y) ∧ City(y) ∧ LocatedIn(y,america)) → American(x)) | |
∀x ∀y ((Novel(x) ∧ WrittenBy(x, y)) → WritesNovel(y)) | |
American(dani_Shapiro) ∧ Writer(dani_Shapiro) | |
WrittenBy(family_History, dani_Shapiro) | |
Novel(family_History) ∧ WrittenIn(family_History, yr2003) | |
Podcast(family_Secrets) ∧ CreatedBy(family_Secrets, dani_Shapiro) | |
City(boston) ∧ American(boston)","WritesNovel(dani_Shapiro) | |
IsNovel(family_Secrets) | |
BornIn(dani_Shapiro, boston)","['WritesNovel(dani_Shapiro)\n├── Or(Not(WrittenBy(family_History,$x26)),WritesNovel($x26))\n│ ├── Novel(family_History)\n│ └── Or(Or(Not(Novel($x19)),Not(WrittenBy($x19,$x26))),WritesNovel($x26))\n└── WrittenBy(family_History,dani_Shapiro)\n', 'Not found', 'Not found']" | |
189,"A summarization model is always faithful if it uses content from the input documents. | |
Extractive models are summarization models. | |
An extractive model can only use content from the input documents.","Extractive models are always faithful. | |
Extractive models are not always faithful.","T | |
F","∀x (Model(x) ∧ Summarization(x) ∧ OnlyUseInputDocument(x) → Faithful(x)) | |
∀x (Model(x) ∧ Extractive(x) → Model(x) ∧ Summarization(x)) | |
∀x (Model(x) ∧ Extractive(x) → OnlyUseInputDocument(x))","∀x (Model(x) ∧ Extractive(x) → Faithful(x)) | |
∃x (Model(x) ∧ Extractive(x) ∧ ¬Faithful(x))","['Or(Or(Faithful($x13),Not(Extractive($x13))),Not(Model($x13)))\n├── Or(Or(Not(Extractive($x16)),Not(Model($x16))),Summarization($x16))\n└── Or(Or(Or(Faithful($x13),Not(Extractive($x13))),Not(Model($x13))),Not(Summarization($x13)))\n ├── Or(Or(Not(Extractive($x19)),Not(Model($x19))),OnlyUseInputDocument($x19))\n └── Or(Or(Or(Faithful($x13),Not(Model($x13))),Not(OnlyUseInputDocument($x13))),Not(Summarization($x13)))\n', 'Not found']" | |
98,"Maggie Friedman is an American screenwriter and producer. | |
Maggie Friedman was the showrunner and executive producer of the lifetime television series Witches of East End. | |
Witches of East End is a fantasy-drama series. | |
Maggie Friedman produced and developed Eastwick. | |
Eastwick is a series by ABC.","There is a series by ABC that was developed by the showrunner of Witches of East End. | |
No series by ABC was developed by the showrunner of Witches of East End. | |
Maggie Friedman developed Witches of East End.","T | |
F | |
U","American(maggieFriedman) ∧ Screenwriter(maggieFriedman) ∧ Producer(maggieFriedman) | |
ShowRunnerOf(maggieFriedman, witchesOfEastEnd) ∧ ExecutiveProducerOf(maggieFriedman, witchesOfEastEnd) ∧ LifetimeTelevisionSeries(maggieFriedman) | |
FantasyDrama(witchesOfEastEnd) ∧ Series(witchesOfEastEnd) | |
Produces(maggieFriedman, eastwick) ∧ Develops(maggieFriedman, eastwick) | |
Series(eastwick) ∧ AiredOn(eastwick, aBC)","∃x ∃y (Series(x) ∧ AiredOn(x, aBC) ∧ Develops(y, x) ∧ ShowRunnerOf(y, witchesOfEastEnd)) | |
∀x (Series(x) ∧ AiredOn(x, aBC) ∧ ∃y (ShowRunnerOf(y, witchesOfEastEnd)) → ¬Develops(y, x)) | |
Develops(maggieFriedman, witchesOfEastEnd)","['Not found', 'Not found', 'Not found']" | |
45,"SR 287 is in Alabama. | |
Alabama is in the United States. | |
US 31 intersects with SR 287. | |
CR 47 intersects with SR 287. | |
If place A is located in place B and place B is located in place C, then place A is located in place C.","US 31 is in Alabama. | |
CR 47 is not in Alabama. | |
SR 287 is in the United States.","U | |
U | |
T","In(sR287, alabama) | |
In(alabama, unitedStates) | |
Intersect(uS31, sR287) | |
Intersect(cR47, sR287) | |
∀x ∀y ∀z ((In(x, y) ∧ In(y, z)) → In(x, z))","In(uS31, alabama) | |
¬In(cR47, alabama) | |
In(sR287, unitedStates)","['Not found', 'Not found', 'In(sR287,unitedStates)\n├── In(alabama,unitedStates)\n└── Or(In(sR287,$x33),Not(In(alabama,$x33)))\n ├── In(sR287,alabama)\n └── Or(Or(In($x13,$x33),Not(In($x13,$x23))),Not(In($x23,$x33)))\n']" | |
261,"All nuclear-powered submarines are warships. | |
No nuclear-powered submarines are commercial vessels.",No warships are commercial vessels.,U,"∀x (NuclearPoweredSubmarine(x) → Warship(x)) | |
∀x (NuclearPoweredSubmarine(x) → ¬CommercialVessel(x))",∀x (Warship(x) → ¬CommercialVessel(x)),['Not found'] | |
7,"Six, seven and eight are real numbers. | |
If a real number equals another real number added by one, the first number is larger. | |
If the number x is larger than the number y, then y is not larger than x. | |
Seven equals six plus one. | |
Eight equals seven plus one. | |
Two is positive. | |
If a number is positive, then the double of it is also positive. | |
Eight is the double of four. | |
Four is the double of two.","Eight is larger than seven. | |
Eight is positive. | |
Six is larger than seven.","T | |
T | |
F","RealNum(num6) ∧ RealNum(num7) ∧ RealNum(num8) | |
∀x ∀y ((RealNum(x) ∧ RealNum(y) ∧ IsSuccessorOf(x, y)) → Larger(x, y)) | |
∀x ∀y (Larger(x, y) → ¬Larger(y, x)) | |
∃x (IsSuccessorOf(x, num6) ∧ Equals(num7, x)) | |
∃x (IsSuccessorOf(x, num7) ∧ Equals(num8, x)) | |
Positive(num2) | |
∀x ∀y ((Positive(x) ∧ IsDouble(y, x)) → Positive(y)) | |
IsDouble(num8, num4) | |
IsDouble(num4, num2)","Larger(eight, seven) | |
Positive(eight) | |
Larger(six, seven)","['Not found', 'Not found', 'Not found']" | |
200,"Wildfeed exists as an unannounced program. | |
Wildfeed can be sporting events, news, or syndicated shows. | |
Pre-recorded content is a copyright violation. | |
Programs are pre-recorded.","Some wildfeed is violating copyright laws. | |
Wildfeed can be prerecorded. | |
Syndicated shows are copyright violations.","T | |
T | |
U","∃x (Wildfeed(x) ∧ Unannounced(x) ∧ Program(x)) | |
∀x (Wildfeed(x) → SportingEvent(x) ∨ News(x) ∨ SyndicatedShow(x)) | |
∀x (Prerecorded(x) → CopyrightViolation(x)) | |
∀x (Program(x) → Prerecorded(x))","∃x (Wildfeed(x) ∧ CopyrightViolation(x)) | |
∃x (Wildfeed(x) ∧ Prerecorded(x)) | |
∃x (SyndicatedShows(x) ∧ CopyrightViolation(x))","['And(CopyrightViolation(skolem$x115),Wildfeed(skolem$x115))\n├── CopyrightViolation(skolem$x13)\n│ ├── Or(CopyrightViolation($x19),Not(Prerecorded($x19)))\n│ └── Prerecorded(skolem$x13)\n│ ├── Or(Not(Program($x112)),Prerecorded($x112))\n│ └── Program(skolem$x13)\n├── Equals(skolem$x115,skolem$x13)\n└── Wildfeed(skolem$x13)\n', 'And(Prerecorded(skolem$x118),Wildfeed(skolem$x118))\n├── Equals(skolem$x118,skolem$x13)\n├── Prerecorded(skolem$x13)\n│ ├── Or(Not(Program($x112)),Prerecorded($x112))\n│ └── Program(skolem$x13)\n└── Wildfeed(skolem$x13)\n', 'Not found']" | |
232,"Beijing is the capital of the People's Republic of China. | |
Beijing is the capital city of the world's most populous nation. | |
Beijing is located in Northern China. | |
Beijing hosted the 2008 Summer Olympics and 2008 Summer Paralympics Games. | |
Beijing has hosted the Summer and Winter Olympics and the Summer and Winter Paralympics. | |
Many of Beijing's 91 universities consistently rank among the best universities in the world.","Beijing hosted both the 2008 Summer Olympics and the Winter Olympics. | |
Beijing is located in southern China. | |
Beijing is the second largest Chinese city.","T | |
U | |
U","CapitalOf(beijing, peoplesRepublicOfChina) | |
∃x (CapitalOf(beijing, x) → WorldsMostPopulousNation(x)) | |
LocatedIn(beijing, northernChina) | |
Hosted(beijing, 2008SummerOlympics) ∧ Hosted(beijing, 2008SummerParalympicGames) | |
Hosted(beijing, summerOlympics) ∧ Hosted(beijing, winterOlympics) ∧ Hosted(beijing, summerParalympicGames) ∧ Hosted(beijing, winterParalympicGames) | |
∃x (University(x) ∧ InBeijing(x) ∧ ConsistentlyRankAmongTheBestIn(x, theWorld))","Hosted(beijing, summerOlympics) ∧ Hosted(beijing, winterOlympics) | |
LocatedIn(beijing, southernChina) | |
SecondLargestChineseCity(beijing)","['And(Hosted(beijing,summerOlympics),Hosted(beijing,winterOlympics))\n├── Hosted(beijing,summerOlympics)\n└── Hosted(beijing,winterOlympics)\n', 'Not found', 'Not found']" | |
266,"All CD players are delicate mechanisms. | |
No delicate mechanisms are suitable toys for children.",Some CD players are suitable toys for children.,U,"∀x (CDPlayer(x) → DelicateMechanism(x)) | |
∀x (DelicateMechanism(x) → ¬(Toy(x) ∧ SuitableFor(x, children)))","∃x ∃y (CDPlayer(x) ∧ CDPlayer(y) ∧ Toy(x) ∧ Toy(y) ∧ SuitableFor(x, children) ∧ SuitableFor(y, children) ∧ ¬(x=y))",['Not found'] | |
130,"John will go to the cinema if and only if Jack goes to the cinema today. | |
Jack will go to the cinema if and only if Iron Man is on and the weather is not bad today. | |
Some days in March have bad weather. | |
Iron Man is on. | |
It's March now.","John will go to the cinema. | |
The weather is good today. ","U | |
U","(GoTo(john, theCinema) ∧ GoTo(john, today)) ↔ GoTo(jack, theCinema) ∧ GoTo(jack, today) | |
(GoTo(john, theCinema) ∧ GoTo(john, today)) ↔ (On(ironman) ∧ ¬Bad(weather, today)) | |
∃x (Day(x) ∧ March(x) → ¬Bad(weather, x)) | |
On(ironman) | |
Day(presentMoment) ∧ March(presentMoment)","GoTo(john, theCinema) ∧ GoTo(john, today) | |
¬Bad(weather, today)","['Not found', 'Not found']" | |
109,"Phuoc Binh national park is a national park in Vietnam. | |
Any national park in Vietnam is classified as a nature reserve. | |
There is a national park in Vietnam classified as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. | |
All national parks in Vietnam are either managed by the Ministry of Agriculture or managed by the People's Committee. | |
Phuoc Binh is not managed by the Ministry of Agriculture.","There is a nature reserve in Vietnam. | |
Phuoc Binh is a UNESCO Heritage Site. | |
Phuoc Binh is managed by the People's Committee. ","T | |
U | |
T","NationalPark(phuocBinh) ∧ Locatedin(phuocBinh, vietnam) | |
∀x ((NationalPark(x) ∧ Locatedin(x, vietnam)) → NatureReserve(x)) | |
∃x (NationalPark(x) ∧ Locatedin(x, vietnam) ∧ UNESCOWorldHeritageSite(x)) | |
∀x ((NationalPark(x) ∧ Locatedin(x, vietnam)) → (Mangedby(x, ministryofAgriculture) ⊕ Managedby(x, peoplesCommittee))) | |
¬Mangedby(phuocBinh, ministryofAgriculture)","∃x (NatureReserve(x) ∧ LocatedIn(x, vietnam)) | |
UNESCOWorldHeritageSite(phuocBinh)) | |
Mangedby(phuocBinh, peoplesCommittee)","['Not found', 'Not found', 'Not found']" | |
101,"Ailton Silva, born in 1995, is commonly known as Ailton. | |
Ailton is a football player who was loaned out to Braga. | |
Ailton Silva is a Brazilian footballer who plays for Náutico. | |
Náutico is a football club along with Braga. | |
Fluminense is a football club.","No one playing for Nautico is Brazilian. | |
Ailton Silva does not play for a football club. | |
Ailton was not loaned out to a football club. | |
Ailton Silva played for Fluminense. | |
Ailton Silva was loaned out to a football club.","F | |
F | |
F | |
U | |
U","BornIn(ailtonSilva, year1995) ∧ CommonlyKnownAs(ailtonSilva, ailton) | |
FootballPlayer(ailton) ∧ LoanedTo(ailton, braga) | |
Brazilian(ailtonSilva) ∧ Footballplayer(ailtonSilva) ∧ PlayFor(ailtonSilva, nautico) | |
FootballClub(nautico) ∧ FootballClub(braga) | |
FootballClub(fluminense)","∀x (PlayFor(x, nautico) → ¬Brazilian(x)) | |
∀x (FootballClub(x) → ¬PlayFor(ailtonSilva, x)) | |
∀x (FootballClub(x) → ¬LoanedTo(ailton, x)) | |
PlayFor(ailtonSilva, fluminense) | |
∃x (FootballClub(x) ∧ LoanedTo(ailtonSilva, x))","['And(Brazilian(skolem$x14),PlayFor(skolem$x14,nautico))\n├── Brazilian(ailtonSilva)\n├── Equals(skolem$x14,ailtonSilva)\n└── PlayFor(ailtonSilva,nautico)\n', 'And(FootballClub(skolem$x18),PlayFor(ailtonSilva,skolem$x18))\n├── Equals(skolem$x18,nautico)\n├── FootballClub(nautico)\n└── PlayFor(ailtonSilva,nautico)\n', 'And(FootballClub(skolem$x112),LoanedTo(ailton,skolem$x112))\n├── Equals(skolem$x112,braga)\n├── FootballClub(braga)\n└── LoanedTo(ailton,braga)\n', 'Not found', 'Not found']" | |
282,"All squares are four-sided. | |
All four-sided things are shapes. ",All squares are shapes.,T,"∀x (Square(x) → FourSided(x)) | |
∀x (FourSided(x) → Shape(x))",∀x (Square(x) → Shape(x)),"['Or(Not(Square($x16)),Shape($x16))\n├── Or(FourSided($x13),Not(Square($x13)))\n└── Or(Not(FourSided($x16)),Shape($x16))\n']" | |
288,"Tissues are soft. | |
Some papers are tissues.",Some papers are hard.,U,"∀x (Tissue(x) → Soft(x)) | |
∃x ∃y (Paper(x) ∧ Paper(x) ∧ Tissue(x) ∧ Tissue(y) ∧ ¬(x=y))",∃x ∃y (Paper(x) ∧ Paper(y) ∧ Hard(x) ∧ Hard(y) ∧ ¬(x=y)),['Not found'] | |
107,"Heinrich Schmidt was a German politician. | |
Heinrich Schmidt was also a member of the Prussian State Parliament and the Nazi Reichstag.","Heinrich Schmidt was German or Russian or both. | |
Some German politician was part of both the Prussian State Parliament and the Nazi Reichstag. | |
No politicians are part of the Nazi Reichstag. ","T | |
T | |
F","German(heinrichSchmidt) ∧ Politician(heinrichSchmidt) | |
Member(heinrichSchmidt, prussianStateParliament) ∧ Member(heinrichSchmidt, naziReichstag)","German(heinrichSchmidt) ∨ Russian(heinrichSchmidt) | |
∃x (German(x) ∧ Politician(x) ∧ Member(x, prussianStateParliament) ∧ Member(x, naziReichstag)) | |
∀x (Politician(x) → ¬Member(x, naziReichstag))","['Or(German(heinrichSchmidt),Russian(heinrichSchmidt))\n└── German(heinrichSchmidt)\n', 'And(And(And(German(skolem$x13),Member(skolem$x13,naziReichstag)),Member(skolem$x13,prussianStateParliament)),Politician(skolem$x13))\n├── Equals(skolem$x13,heinrichSchmidt)\n├── German(heinrichSchmidt)\n├── Member(heinrichSchmidt,naziReichstag)\n├── Member(heinrichSchmidt,prussianStateParliament)\n└── Politician(heinrichSchmidt)\n', 'And(Member(skolem$x17,naziReichstag),Politician(skolem$x17))\n├── Equals(skolem$x17,heinrichSchmidt)\n├── Member(heinrichSchmidt,naziReichstag)\n└── Politician(heinrichSchmidt)\n']" | |
9,"The taiga vole is a large vole found in northwestern North America. | |
Cats like playing with all voles. | |
The taiga vole lives in the boreal taiga zone. | |
The boreal taiga zone in North America is a cold place to live in.","Cats like playing with taiga vole. | |
Taiga vole's living place is not cold.","T | |
F","Vole(taigaVole) ∧ LiveIn(taigaVole, northAmerica) | |
LikePlayingWith(cat, taigaVole) | |
LiveIn(taigaVole, borealTaigaZone) | |
∀x ((LiveIn(x, northAmerica) ∧ LiveIn(x, borealTaigaZone)) → LiveIn(x, coldPlace))","LikePlayingWith(cat, taigaVole) | |
¬LiveIn(taigaVole, coldPlace)","['LikePlayingWith(cat,taigaVole)\n', 'LiveIn(taigaVole,coldPlace)\n├── LiveIn(taigaVole,borealTaigaZone)\n└── Or(LiveIn(taigaVole,coldPlace),Not(LiveIn(taigaVole,borealTaigaZone)))\n ├── LiveIn(taigaVole,northAmerica)\n └── Or(Or(LiveIn($x13,coldPlace),Not(LiveIn($x13,borealTaigaZone))),Not(LiveIn($x13,northAmerica)))\n']" | |
18,"Miroslav Fiedler was a Czech mathematician. | |
Miroslav Fiedler is known for his contributions to linear algebra and graph theory. | |
Miroslav Fiedler is honored by the Fiedler eigenvalue. | |
Fiedler eigenvalue is the second smallest eigenvalue of the graph Laplacian.","Miroslav Fiedler is honored by the second smallest eigenvalue of the graph Laplacian. | |
Miroslav Fiedler was a French mathematician. | |
A Czech mathematician is known for his contributions to linear algebra and graph theory.","T | |
U | |
T","Czech(miroslavFiedler) ∧ Mathematician(miroslavFiedler) | |
KnownFor(miroslavFiedler, contributionsToLinearAlgebraAndGraphTheory) | |
HonoredBy(miroslavFiedler, fiedlerEigenvalue) | |
TheSecondSmallestEigenvalueOf(fiedlerEigenvalue, theGraphLaplacian)","∃x (TheSecondSmallestEigenvalueOf(x, theGraphLaplacian) ∧ HonoredBy(miroslavFiedler, x)) | |
French(miroslavFiedler) ∧ Mathematician(miroslavFiedler) | |
∃x (Czech(x) ∧ Mathematician(x) ∧ KnownFor(x, contributionsToLinearAlgebraAndGraphTheory))","['And(HonoredBy(miroslavFiedler,skolem$x13),TheSecondSmallestEigenvalueOf(skolem$x13,theGraphLaplacian))\n├── Equals(skolem$x13,fiedlerEigenvalue)\n├── HonoredBy(miroslavFiedler,fiedlerEigenvalue)\n└── TheSecondSmallestEigenvalueOf(fiedlerEigenvalue,theGraphLaplacian)\n', 'Not found', 'And(And(Czech(skolem$x16),KnownFor(skolem$x16,contributionsToLinearAlgebraAndGraphTheory)),Mathematician(skolem$x16))\n├── Czech(miroslavFiedler)\n├── Equals(skolem$x16,miroslavFiedler)\n├── KnownFor(miroslavFiedler,contributionsToLinearAlgebraAndGraphTheory)\n└── Mathematician(miroslavFiedler)\n']" | |
76,"Asa Hoffmann was born in New York City. | |
Asa Hoffman lives in Manhattan. | |
Asa Hoffman is a chess player. | |
Some chess players are grandmasters. | |
People born and living in New York City are New Yorkers. | |
People living in Manhattan live in New York City.","Asa Hoffmann is a New Yorker. | |
Asa Hoffmann is a grandmaster. | |
Asa Hoffmann does not live in New York.","T | |
U | |
F","BornIn(asaHoffmann, newYorkCity) | |
LiveIn(asaHoffmann, manhattan) | |
ChessPlayer(asaHoffmann) | |
∃x ∃y (ChessPlayer(x) ∧ GrandMaster(x) ∧ (¬(x=y)) ∧ ChessPlayer(y) ∧ GrandMaster(y)) | |
∀x ((BornIn(x, newYorkCity) ∧ LiveIn(x, newYorkCity)) → NewYorker(x)) | |
∀x (LiveIn(x, manhattan) → LiveIn(x, newYorkCity))","NewYorker(asaHoffmann) | |
GrandMaster(asaHoffmann) | |
¬LiveIn(asaHoffmann, newYorkCity)","['NewYorker(asaHoffmann)\n├── BornIn(asaHoffmann,newYorkCity)\n└── Or(NewYorker(asaHoffmann),Not(BornIn(asaHoffmann,newYorkCity)))\n ├── LiveIn(asaHoffmann,newYorkCity)\n │ ├── LiveIn(asaHoffmann,manhattan)\n │ └── Or(LiveIn($x19,newYorkCity),Not(LiveIn($x19,manhattan)))\n └── Or(Or(NewYorker($x16),Not(BornIn($x16,newYorkCity))),Not(LiveIn($x16,newYorkCity)))\n', 'Not found', 'LiveIn(asaHoffmann,newYorkCity)\n├── LiveIn(asaHoffmann,manhattan)\n└── Or(LiveIn($x19,newYorkCity),Not(LiveIn($x19,manhattan)))\n']" | |
272,"There is no dog on the roof. | |
If there is a dog on the roof, something went wrong.",Something went wrong.,U,"∀x (Dog(x) → ¬OnRoof(x))) | |
∀x ∃y ((Dog(x) ∧ OnRoof(x)) → GoWrong(y))",∃x (GoWrong(x)),['Not found'] | |
153,"A laptop is a computer. | |
You can play games on a computer. | |
A phone is not a computer.","You can play games on a laptop. | |
You can not play games on a phone.","T | |
U","∀x (Laptop(x) → Computer(x)) | |
∀x (Computer(x) → CanPlayGameOn(x)) | |
∀x (Phone(x) → ¬Computer(x))","∀x (Laptop(x) → CanPlayGameOn(x)) | |
∀x (Phone(x) → ¬CanPlayGameOn(x))","['Or(CanPlayGameOn($x13),Not(Laptop($x13)))\n├── Or(CanPlayGameOn($x16),Not(Computer($x16)))\n└── Or(Computer($x13),Not(Laptop($x13)))\n', 'Not found']" | |
23,"All books written by Cixin Liu have sold more than 1 million copies. | |
Some books that have won the Hugo Award were written by Cixin Liu. | |
All books about the future are forward-looking. | |
The book Three-Body Problem has sold more than 1 million copies. | |
The Three-Body Problem is about the future.","The Three-Body Problem won the Hugo Award. | |
The Three-Body Problem is forward-looking. | |
The Three-Body Problem was written by Cixin Liu.","U | |
T | |
U","∀x ((Book(x) ∧ WrittenBy(x, cixinLiu)) → ∃y(MoreThan(y, oneMillion) ∧ Sold(x,y))) | |
∃x (Won(x, hugoAward) ∧ Book(x) ∧ WrittenBy(x, cixinLiu)) | |
∀x ((Book(x) ∧ AboutFuture(x)) → FowardLooking(x)) | |
Book(threeBodyProblem) ∧ ∃x (MoreThan(x, oneMillion) ∧ Sold(threeBodyProblem,x)) | |
AboutFuture(threeBodyProblem)","Won(threeBodyProblem, hugoAward) | |
AboutFuture(threeBodyProblem) | |
WrittenBy(threeBodyProblem, cixinLiu)","['Not found', 'AboutFuture(threeBodyProblem)\n', 'Not found']" | |
194,"Rosa was born in Santiago. | |
Santiago is the capital and largest city of Chile. | |
Rosa is the daughter of a Catalan building contractor, Jose. | |
Jose has a Chilean wife, Carmen. | |
Carmen and Jose are Rosa's parents. | |
People from Catalan are not from Chile. | |
A building contractor is responsible for the day-to-day oversight of a construction site. ","Rosa was born in the largest city of Chile. | |
Neither of Rosa's parents is Chilean. | |
Rosa is the daughter of someone who is responsible for the oversight of traffic.","T | |
F | |
T","BornIn(rosa, santiago) | |
CapitalOf(santiago, chile) ∧ LargestCityOf(santiago, chile) | |
DaughterOf(rosa, jose) ∧ BuildingContractor(jose) ∧ Catalan(jose) | |
WifeOf(jose, carmen) ∧ Chilean(carmen) | |
ParentOf(jose, rosa) ∧ ParentOf(carmen, rosa) | |
∀x (Catalan(x) → ¬Chilean(x)) | |
∀x ∃y (BuildingContractor(x) → ConstructionSite(y) ∧ Oversee(x, y))","∃x (BornIn(rosa, x) ∧ LargestCityOf(x, chile)) | |
¬Chilean(jose) ∧ ¬Chilean(carmen) | |
∃x (DaughterOf(rosa, x) ∧ Oversee(x, traffic))","['And(BornIn(rosa,skolem$x19),LargestCityOf(skolem$x19,chile))\n├── BornIn(rosa,santiago)\n├── Equals(skolem$x19,santiago)\n└── LargestCityOf(santiago,chile)\n', 'Or(Chilean(carmen),Chilean(jose))\n└── Chilean(carmen)\n', 'And(DaughterOf(rosa,skolem$x112),Oversee(skolem$x112,traffic))\n├── DaughterOf(rosa,jose)\n├── Equals(skolem$x112,jose)\n└── Or(Not(Skolem$x23($x23,jose)),Oversee(jose,$x23))\n ├── BuildingContractor(jose)\n └── Or(Or(Not(BuildingContractor($x16)),Not(Skolem$x23($x23,$x16))),Oversee($x16,$x23))\n']" | |
89,"Bobby Flynn is a singer-songwriter. | |
Bobby Flynn finished 7th while competing on Australian Idol. | |
Australian Idol competitors are Australian citizens. | |
The Omega Three band made a nationwide tour in 2007. | |
Bobby Flynn is a member of The Omega Three band. | |
Bobby Flynn was born in Queensland.","Bobby Flynn is an Australian citizen. | |
Bobby Flynn flew to America in 2007. | |
Bobby Flynn was born in Queens.","T | |
U | |
U","Singer(bobbyFlynn) ∧ SongWriter(bobbyFlynn) | |
FinishesIn(bobbyFlynn, number7) ∧ CompetesOnAustralianIdol(bobbyFlynn) | |
∀x (CompetesOnAustralianIdol(x) → AustralianCitizen(x)) | |
NationWideTourIn(theOmegaThreeBand, year2007) | |
Member(bobbyFlynn, theOmegaThreeBand) | |
BornIn(bobbyFlynn, queensland)","AustralianCitizen(bobbyFlynn) | |
FlewToIn(bobbyFlynn, america, year2007) | |
BornIn(bobbyFlynn, queens)","['AustralianCitizen(bobbyFlynn)\n├── CompetesOnAustralianIdol(bobbyFlynn)\n└── Or(AustralianCitizen($x13),Not(CompetesOnAustralianIdol($x13)))\n', 'Not found', 'Not found']" | |
279,"Surprises are either fun or dreadful. | |
All scares are surprises.",All scares are fun.,U,"∀x (Surprise(x) → (Fun(x) ⊕ Dreadful(x))) | |
∀x (Scare(x) → Surprise(x))",∀x (Scare(x) → Fun(x)),['Not found'] | |
156,"A boat floats on water. | |
There are bricks on the boat.",Bricks float on water.,U,"FloatOn(boat, water) | |
∃x (Brick(x) ∧ On(x, boat))","∀x (Brick(x) ∧ FloatOn(x, water))",['Not found'] | |
258,"All humans are mortal. | |
All Greeks are humans.",Some Greeks are mortal.,T,"∀x (Human(x) → Mortal(x)) | |
∀x (Greek(x) → Human(x))",∃x ∃y (Greek(x) ∧ Greek(y) ∧ Mortal(x) ∧ Mortal(y) ∧ ¬(x=y)),['Not found'] | |
290,"All tables are round. | |
Some pieces of furniture are tables.",Some pieces of furniture are round.,T,"∀x (Table(x) → Round(x)) | |
∃x ∃y (Furniture(x) ∧ Furniture(y) ∧ Table(x) ∧ Table(y) ∧ ¬(x=y))",∃x ∃y (Furniture(x) ∧ Furniture(y) ∧ Round(x) ∧ Round(y) ∧ ¬(x=y)),['Not found'] | |
80,"New Vessel Press is a publishing house specializing in translating foreign literature into English. | |
All of New Vessel Press's published books are in English. | |
Neapolitan Chronicles is a book published by New Vessel Press. | |
Neapolitan Chronicles was translated from Italian. | |
Palace of Flies is a book published by New Vessel Press.","Neapolitan Chronicles is an English book. | |
Harry Potter was published by New Vessel Press. | |
Palace of Flies was translated from Italian. ","T | |
U | |
U","PublishingHouse(newVesselPress) ∧ SpecializesInTranslatingIntoEnglish(newVesselPress, foreignLiterature) | |
∀x ((Book(x) ∧ PublishedBy(x, newVesselPress)) → In(x, english)) | |
Book(neapolitanChronicles) ∧ PublishedBy(neapolitanChronicles, newVesselPress) | |
TranslatedFrom(neapolitanChronicles, italian) | |
Book(palaceOfFlies) ∧ PublishedBy(palaceOfFlies, newVesselPress)","Book(neapolitanChronicles) ∧ In(neapolitanChronicles, english) | |
PublishedBy(harryPotter, newVesselPress) | |
TranslatedFrom(palaceOfFlies, italian)","['And(Book(neapolitanChronicles),In(neapolitanChronicles,english))\n├── Book(neapolitanChronicles)\n└── In(neapolitanChronicles,english)\n ├── Book(neapolitanChronicles)\n └── Or(In(neapolitanChronicles,english),Not(Book(neapolitanChronicles)))\n ├── Or(Or(In($x13,english),Not(Book($x13))),Not(PublishedBy($x13,newVesselPress)))\n └── PublishedBy(neapolitanChronicles,newVesselPress)\n', 'Not found', 'Not found']" | |
69,"Brian Winter is a Scottish football referee. | |
After being injured, Brian Winter retired in 2012. | |
Brian Winter was appointed as a referee observer after his retirement. | |
Some football referees become referee observers. | |
The son of Brian Winter, Andy Winter, is a football player who plays for Hamilton Academical.","There is a son of a referee observer that plays football. | |
Brian Winter was not a referee observer. | |
Brian Winter is retired. | |
Andy Winter is a referee.","T | |
F | |
T | |
U","Scottish(brianWinter) ∧ FootballReferee(brianWinter) | |
Retired(brianWinter) ∧ RetiredIn(brianWinter, yr2012) | |
RefereeObserver(brianWinter) | |
∃x (FootballReferee(x) ∧ RefereeObserver(x)) | |
SonOf(andyWinter, brianWinter) ∧ FootballPlayer(andyWinter) ∧ PlaysFor(andyWinter, hamiltonAcademical)","∃x ∃y (SonOf(x, y) ∧ RefereeObserver(y) ∧ FootballPlayer(x)) | |
¬RefereeObserver(brianWinter) | |
Retired(brianWinter) | |
Referee(andyWinter)","['And(And(FootballPlayer(skolem$x15),RefereeObserver(skolem$x23)),SonOf(skolem$x15,skolem$x23))\n├── Equals(skolem$x15,andyWinter)\n│ └── Equals(skolem$x23,brianWinter)\n├── FootballPlayer(andyWinter)\n├── RefereeObserver(brianWinter)\n└── SonOf(andyWinter,brianWinter)\n', 'RefereeObserver(brianWinter)\n', 'Retired(brianWinter)\n', 'Not found']" | |
127,"New York City is Located in the United States of America. | |
The United States of America is part of North America. | |
North America is in the western hemisphere of the earth. | |
New York City is a highly developed city. | |
If place A is located in place B and place B is located in place C, then place A is located in place C.","A highly developed city is located in the western hemisphere of the earth. | |
The United States of America is not located in the western hemisphere of the earth. | |
New York City is located in New York State.","T | |
F | |
U","LocatedIn(newYorkCity, unitedStatesOfAmerica) | |
LocatedIn(usa, northAmerica) | |
LocatedIn(northAmerica, westernHemisphere) | |
HighlyDeveloped(newYorkCity) | |
∀x ∀y ∀z ((LocatedIn(x, y) ∧ LocatedIn(y, z)) → LocatedIn(x, z))","∃x (HighlyDeveloped(x) ∧ LocatedIn(x, westernHemisphere)) | |
¬LocatedIn(unitedStatesOfAmerica, westHemisphere) | |
LocatedIn(newYorkCity, newYork)","['Not found', 'Not found', 'Not found']" | |
65,"If a person coaches a football club, the person is a football coach. | |
If a person has a position in a club in a year, and the club is in NFL in the same year, the person plays in NFL. | |
Minnesota Vikings is a football club. | |
Dennis Green coached Minnesota Vikings. | |
Cris Carter had 13 touchdown receptions. | |
Minnesota Vikings were in the National Football League in 1997. | |
John Randle was Minnesota Vikings defensive tackle in 1997.","Dennis Green is a football coach. | |
John Randle didn't play in the National Football League. | |
Cris Carter played for Minnesota Vikings.","T | |
F | |
U","∀x ∀y ((Coach(x, y) ∧ FootballClub(y)) → FootballCoach(x)) | |
∀w ∀x ∀y ∀z ((PlayPositionFor(x, w, y, z) ∧ InNFL(y, z)) → PlayInNFL(x)) | |
FootballClub(minnesotaVikings) | |
Coach(dennisGreen, minnesotaVikings) | |
ReceiveTD(crisCarter, num13) | |
InNFL(minnesotaVikings, yr1997) | |
PlayPositionFor(johnRandle, defensiveTackle, minnesotaVikings, yr1997)","FootballCoach(dennisGreen) | |
¬PlayInNFL(johnRandle) | |
PlayPositionFor(crisCarter, wr, minnesotaVikings, year1997)","['FootballCoach(dennisGreen)\n├── FootballClub(minnesotaVikings)\n└── Or(FootballCoach(dennisGreen),Not(FootballClub(minnesotaVikings)))\n ├── Coach(dennisGreen,minnesotaVikings)\n └── Or(Or(FootballCoach($x13),Not(Coach($x13,$x23))),Not(FootballClub($x23)))\n', 'PlayInNFL(johnRandle)\n└── PlayInNFL($x16)\n ├── InNFL(minnesotaVikings,yr1997)\n └── Or(Not(InNFL($x26,$x33)),PlayInNFL($x16))\n', 'Not found']" | |
262,"All fir trees are evergreens. | |
Some objects of worship are fir trees.",Some evergreens are not objects of worship.,U,"∀x (FirTree(x) → Evergreen(x)) | |
∃x ∃y (ObjectOfWorship(x) ∧ ObjectOfWorship(y) ∧ FirTree(x) ∧ FirTree(y) ∧ ¬(x=y))",∃x ∃y (Evergreen(x) ∧ Evergreen(y) ∧ ¬ObjectOfWorship(x) ∧ ¬ObjectOfWorship(y) ∧ ¬(x=y)),['Not found'] | |
204,"A fortification is a military construction designed to defend territories in warfare. | |
Borj Masouda is one of the four main fortifications of the medina of Sfax. | |
The Sfax medina is in Tunisia. | |
The defensive wall is a type of fortification.","Borj Masouda is a construction. | |
Borj Masouda is in the medina of Sfax. | |
Borj Masouda is not in Tunisian. | |
Borj Masouda is a defensive wall.","T | |
T | |
F | |
U","∀x (Fortification(x) → MilitaryConstruction(x) ∧ DesignedtoDefendTerritoriesinWarfare(x)) | |
∃x (MainFortification(x,4) ∧ MainFortification(borjMasouda) ∧ In(borjMasouda, sfaxMedina)) | |
In(sfaxMedina, tunisia) | |
∀x (DefensiveWall(x) → Fortification(x))","MilitaryConstructionDesignedToDefendTerritoriesInWarfare(borjMasouda) | |
In(borjMasouda, medinaSfax) | |
¬In(borjMasouda, tunisia) | |
DefensiveWall(borjMasouda)","['Not found', 'Not found', 'Not found', 'Not found']" | |
263,"All artificial satellites are important scientific achievements. | |
Some artificial satellites are not U.S. inventions.",All important scientific achievements are U.S. inventions.,F,"∀x (ArtificialSatellite(x) → ImportantScientificAchievement(x)) | |
∃x (ArtificialSatellite(x) ∧ ¬USInvention(x))",∀x (ImportantScientificAchievement(x) ∧ USInvention(x)),['Not found'] | |
222,"New York City is located on the East Coast. | |
Seattle is located on the West Coast. | |
If a person is somewhere located on the East coast and is traveling to somewhere located on the west coast, they will be on a long flight. | |
People in business class from New York City to Seattle are not in first class. | |
People on long flights are uncomfortable unless they're in first class.",People traveling in business class from New York City to Seattle will be uncomfortable.,T,"LocatedOn(newYorkCity, eastCoast) | |
LocatedOn(seattle, westCoast) | |
∀x ∀y ∀z ((TravelingFrom(x, y) ∧ LocatedOn(y, eastcoast) ∧ TravelingTo(x, z) ∧ LocatedOn(z, westcoast)) → OnLongFlight(x)) | |
∀x (InBuisnessClass(x) ∧ TravelingTo(x, seattle) ∧ TravelingFrom(x, newYorkCity) → ¬InFirstClass(x)) | |
∀x (OnLongFlight(x) ∧ ¬InFirstClass(x) → Uncomfortable(x))","∃x (TravelingTo(x, seattle) ∧ TravelingFrom(x, newYorkCity) ∧ uncomfortable(x))",['Not found'] | |
19,"Thomas Barber was an English professional footballer. | |
Thomas Barber played in the Football League for Aston Villa. | |
Thomas Barber played as a halfback and inside left. | |
Thomas Barber scored the winning goal in the 1913 FA Cup Final.","Thomas Barber played in the Football League for Bolton Wanderers | |
Thomas Barber played as an inside left. | |
An English professional footballer scored the winning goal in the 1913 FA Cup Final.","U | |
T | |
T","English(thomasBarber) ∧ ProfessionalFootballer(thomasBarber) | |
PlayedFor(thomasBarber, astonVilla) ∧ PlayedIn(astonVilla,theFootballLeague) | |
PlayedAs(thomasBarber, halfBack) ∧ PlayedAs(thomasBarber, insideLeft) | |
ScoredTheWinningGoalIn(thomasBarber, facupfinal1913)","PlayedFor(thomasBarber, boltonWanderers) ∧ PlayedIn(boltonWanderers,theFootballLeague) | |
PlayedAs(thomasBarber, insideLeft) | |
∃x (English(x) ∧ ProfessionalFootballer(x) ∧ ScoredTheWinningGoalIn(x, facupfinal1913))","['Not found', 'PlayedAs(thomasBarber,insideLeft)\n', 'And(And(English(skolem$x13),ProfessionalFootballer(skolem$x13)),ScoredTheWinningGoalIn(skolem$x13,facupfinal1913))\n├── English(thomasBarber)\n├── Equals(skolem$x13,thomasBarber)\n├── ProfessionalFootballer(thomasBarber)\n└── ScoredTheWinningGoalIn(thomasBarber,facupfinal1913)\n']" | |
242,"All high-quality scarves are made of wool, cashmere, or alpaca. | |
If a scarf is high quality, then it will be expensive. | |
Some expensive products are not worth their prices. | |
Experienced shoppers do not buy products that are not worth their prices. | |
Scarves are products. ",Some scarves made of alpaca are not bought by experienced shoppers.,U,"∀x (Scarf(x) ∧ HighQuality(x) → (MadeOf(x, wool) ∨ MadeOf(x, cashmere) ∨ MadeOf(x, alpaca)) | |
∀x ((Scarf(x) ∧ HighQuality(x)) → Expensive(x)) | |
∃x (Expensive(x) ∧ ¬WorthTheirPrice(x)) | |
∀x ((¬WorthTheirPrice(x) ∧ Product(x)) → ¬BoughtBy(x, experiencedShopper)) | |
∀x (Scarf(x) → Product(x))","∃x (Scarf(x) ∧ Alpaca(x) ∧ ¬BoughtBy(x, experiencedShopper))",['Not found'] | |
280,"Events are either happy or sad. | |
At least one event is happy. ",All events are sad.,F,"∀x (Event(x) → Happy(x) ⊕ Sad(x)) | |
∃x (Event(x) ∧ Happy(x)) ",∀x (Event(x) → Sad(x)),"['And(Event(skolem$x110),Not(Sad(skolem$x110)))\n├── Equals(skolem$x110,skolem$x16)\n├── Event(skolem$x16)\n└── Not(Sad(skolem$x16))\n ├── Event(skolem$x16)\n └── Or(Not(Event(skolem$x16)),Not(Sad(skolem$x16)))\n ├── Happy(skolem$x16)\n └── Or(Or(Not(Event($x13)),Not(Happy($x13))),Not(Sad($x13)))\n']" | |
254,"All rabbits have fur | |
Some pets are rabbits.",Some pets do not have fur.,U,"∀x (Rabbit(x) → Have(x, fur)) | |
∃x (Pet(x) ∧ Rabbit(x))","∃x ∃y (Pet(x) ∧ Pet(y) ∧ ¬Have(x, fur) ∧ ¬Have(y, fur))",['Not found'] | |
198,"When the Monkeypox virus occurs in a being, it may get Monkeypox. | |
Monkeypox virus can occur in certain animals. | |
Humans are mammals. | |
Mammals are animals. | |
Symptoms of Monkeypox include fever, headache, muscle pains, and tiredness. | |
People feel tired when they get the flu.","There is an animal. | |
No one gets the flu. | |
Symptoms of Monkeypox include coughing.","T | |
U | |
U","∃x (OccurIn(monkeypoxVirus, x) ∧ Get(x, monkeypoxVirus)) | |
∃x (Animal(x) ∧ OccurIn(monkeypoxVirus, x)) | |
∀x (Human(x) → Mammal(x)) | |
∀x (Mammal(x) → Animal(x)) | |
∃x (SymptonOf(x, monkeypoxVirus) ∧ (Fever(x) ∨ Headache(x) ∨ MusclePain(x) ∨ Tired(x))) | |
∀x (Human(x) ∧ Get(x, flu) → Feel(x, tired))","∃x (Animal(x)) | |
∀x (Human(x) → ¬Get(x, flu)) | |
∃x (SymptonOf(x, monkeypoxVirus) ∧ Coughing(x))","['Animal(skolem$x121)\n├── Animal(skolem$x16)\n└── Equals(skolem$x121,skolem$x16)\n', 'Not found', 'Not found']" | |
75,"Robert Zimmer was a philosopher born in Germany. | |
Robert Zimmer is an essayist. | |
Robert Zimmer was born in 1953. | |
Every essayist is a writer.","Robert Zimmer is German. | |
Robert Zimmer is not a writer. | |
Robert Zimmer is a biographer.","U | |
F | |
U","BornIn(robertZimmer, germany) ∧ Philosopher(robertZimmer) | |
Essayist(robertZimmer) | |
BornIn(robertZimmer, yr1953) | |
∀x (Essayist(x) → Writer(x))","BornIn(robertZimmer, germany) | |
¬Writer(robertZimmer) | |
Biographer(robertZimmer)","['BornIn(robertZimmer,germany)\n', 'Writer(robertZimmer)\n├── Essayist(robertZimmer)\n└── Or(Not(Essayist($x13)),Writer($x13))\n', 'Not found']" | |
253,"No reptile has fur. | |
All snakes are reptiles.",Some snake has fur.,F,"∀x (Reptile(x) → ¬Have(x, fur)) | |
∀x (Snake(x) → Reptile(x))","∃x (Snake(x) ∧ Have(x, fur))","['Or(Not(Have($x16,fur)),Not(Snake($x16)))\n├── Or(Not(Have($x13,fur)),Not(Reptile($x13)))\n└── Or(Not(Snake($x16)),Reptile($x16))\n']" | |
63,"All students who attend in person have registered for the conference. | |
Students either attend the conference in person or remotely. | |
No students from China attend the conference remotely. | |
James attends the conference, but he does not attend the conference remotely. | |
Jack attends the conference, and he is a student from China.","James attends the conference but not in person. | |
Jack attends the conference in person. | |
Jack has registered for the conference.","F | |
T | |
T","∀x (AttendInPerson(x) → Registered(x)) | |
∀x (Attend(x) → (AttendInPerson(x) ⊕ AttendRemotely(x))) | |
∀x ((Attend(x) ∧ FromChina(x)) → ¬AttendRemotely(x)) | |
Attend(james) ∧ (¬AttendRemotely(james)) | |
FromChina(jack) ∧ Attend(jack)","Attend(james) ∧ (¬AttendInPerson(james)) | |
Attend(jack) ∧ AttendInPerson(jack) | |
Registered(jack)","['Or(AttendInPerson(james),Not(Attend(james)))\n├── Not(AttendRemotely(james))\n└── Or(Or(AttendInPerson($x16),AttendRemotely($x16)),Not(Attend($x16)))\n', 'And(Attend(jack),AttendInPerson(jack))\n├── Attend(jack)\n└── AttendInPerson(jack)\n ├── Attend(jack)\n └── Or(AttendInPerson(jack),Not(Attend(jack)))\n ├── Or(Not(Attend(jack)),Not(AttendRemotely(jack)))\n │ ├── FromChina(jack)\n │ └── Or(Or(Not(Attend($x19)),Not(AttendRemotely($x19))),Not(FromChina($x19)))\n └── Or(Or(AttendInPerson($x16),AttendRemotely($x16)),Not(Attend($x16)))\n', 'Registered(jack)\n├── Attend(jack)\n└── Or(Not(Attend(jack)),Registered(jack))\n ├── Or(AttendInPerson(jack),Not(Attend(jack)))\n │ ├── Or(Not(Attend(jack)),Not(AttendRemotely(jack)))\n │ │ ├── FromChina(jack)\n │ │ └── Or(Or(Not(Attend($x19)),Not(AttendRemotely($x19))),Not(FromChina($x19)))\n │ └── Or(Or(AttendInPerson($x16),AttendRemotely($x16)),Not(Attend($x16)))\n └── Or(Not(AttendInPerson($x13)),Registered($x13))\n']" | |
106,"Ralph Hammerthaler was born in Wasserburg am Inn. | |
Wasserburg am Inn is in Germany. | |
Germany is in Europe. | |
Ralph Hammerthaler is a German writer. | |
Ralph Hammerthaler was born in 1965. ","Ralph Hammerthaler is a writer born in Asia. | |
Ralph Hammerthaler lives in Germany. ","U | |
U","BornIn(ralphHammerthaler, wasserburgamInn) | |
LocatedIn(wasserbAmInn, germany) | |
LocatedIn(germany, europe) | |
Writer(ralphHammerthaler) ∧ German(ralphHammerthaler) | |
BornIn1965(ralphHammerthaler)","Writer(ralphHammerthaler) ∧ BornIn(ralphHammerthaler, asia) | |
LivesIn(ralphHammerthaler, germany)","['Not found', 'Not found']" | |
285,"No flower is noisy. | |
Roses are flowers.",Some roses are noisy.,F,"∀x (Flower(x) → ¬Noisy(x)) | |
∀x (Rose(x) → Flower(x))",∃x ∃y (Rose(x) ∧ Rose(y) ∧ Noisy(x) ∧ Noisy(y) ∧ ¬(x=y)),['Not found'] | |
27,"Xiufeng, Xiangshan, Diecai, Qixing are districts in the city of Guilin. | |
Yangshuo is not a district in Guilin. ","Xiangshan and Diecai are districts in the same city. | |
Xiufeng is a district in Guilin. | |
Kowloon District is in Hong Kong. ","T | |
T | |
U","DistrictIn(xiufeng, guilin) ∧ DistrictIn(xiangshan, guilin) ∧ DistrictIn(diecai, guilin) ∧ DistrictIn(qixing, guilin) ∧ City(guilin) | |
¬DistrictIn(yangshuo, guilin)","∃x (DistrictIn(xiangshan, x) ∧ DistrictIn(diecai, x) ∧ City(x)) | |
DistrictIn(xiufeng, guilin) | |
DistrictIn(kowloon, hongKong)","['And(And(City(skolem$x13),DistrictIn(diecai,skolem$x13)),DistrictIn(xiangshan,skolem$x13))\n├── City(guilin)\n├── DistrictIn(diecai,guilin)\n├── DistrictIn(xiangshan,guilin)\n└── Equals(skolem$x13,guilin)\n', 'DistrictIn(xiufeng,guilin)\n', 'Not found']" | |
72,"Enterococcus durans is a species of Enterococcus. | |
Enterococcus durans is a gram-positive, catalase- and oxidase-negative, coccus bacterium. | |
Some strains of Enterococcus durans have been identified as producers of anti-inflammatory agents. | |
All known anti-inflammatory agents have been studied in medical research.","Enterococcus durans is a catalase-negative bacteria. | |
A gram-positive organism is being studied. | |
Enterococcus durans does not produce anything that is being studied.","T | |
U | |
F","∀x (EnterococcusDurans(x) → Species(x, enterococcus)) | |
∀x (EnterococcusDurans(x) → GramPositive(x) ∧ CatalaseNegative(x) ∧ OxidaseNegative(x) ∧ Coccus(x) ∧ Bacteria(x)) | |
∃x ∃y (EnterococcusDurans(x) ∧ AntiInflammatoryAgent(y) ∧ Produces(x, y)) | |
∀x (AntiInflammatoryAgent(x) → Studied(x))","∀x (EnterococcusDurans(x) → CatalaseNegative(x)) | |
∃x (GramPositive(x) ∧ Studied(x)) | |
∀x ∀y (EnterococcusDurans(x) ∧ Produces(x, y) → ¬Studied(y))","['Or(CatalaseNegative($x16),Not(EnterococcusDurans($x16)))\n', 'Not found', 'Not found']" | |
238,"Daniel is a software engineer, and he works at Palantir Technologies. | |
Daniel studied bioengineering during his undergraduate at Rice University. | |
Daniel’s older sister works at Meta as a technical sourcer. | |
Daniel’s dad and older sister both graduated from Stanford University. | |
Daniel’s dad is a doctor practicing internal medicine at a veteran’s hospital in Minneapolis.","Daniel once applied to Stanford University, but he couldn’t get in even though he has family members who are Stanford alumni. | |
Daniel studied bioengineering as an undergraduate at Rice University. | |
Daniel and his sister grew up in Minneapolis, Minnesota.","U | |
T | |
U","SoftwareEngineer(daniel) ∧ WorksAt(daniel, palantirTechnologies) | |
Studied(daniel, bioengineering) ∧ UndergraduateAt(daniel, riceUniversity) | |
WorksAtMeta(danielsOlderSister) ∧ TechnicalSourcer(danielsOlderSister) | |
GraduatedFromStanfordUniversity(danielsOlderSister) ∧ GraduatedFromStanfordUniversity(danielsDad) | |
Doctor(danielsDad) ∧ Practicing(danielsDad, internalMedicine) ∧ PracticingAt(danielsDad, veteransHospital) ∧ In(veteransHospital, minneapolis)","AppliedTo(daniel, stanfordUniversity) ∧ ¬GotInto(daniel, stanfordUniversity) ∧ Alumni(danielsFamilyMembers, stanfordUniversity) | |
Studied(daniel, bioengineering) ∧ UndergraduateAt(daniel, riceUniversity) | |
GrewUpIn(daniel, minneapolis) ∧ GrewUpIn(danielsOlderSister, minneapolis)","['Not found', 'And(Studied(daniel,bioengineering),UndergraduateAt(daniel,riceUniversity))\n├── Studied(daniel,bioengineering)\n└── UndergraduateAt(daniel,riceUniversity)\n', 'Not found']" | |
185,"Family Pirate Party was released in North America or Japan. | |
Games available in Canada have been released in North America. | |
Games that can be bought in Japan have been released in Japan. | |
Family Pirate Party is a game that is available in Canada and can be bought in Japan. | |
Some Games released in Japan are for the Wii.","Family Pirate Party was not released in North America. | |
Family Pirate Party was released in Japan. | |
Family Pirate Party was released in North America and Japan. | |
Family Pirate Party is for the Wii.","F | |
T | |
T | |
U","ReleasedIn(familyPirateParty, northAmerica) ∨ ReleasedIn(familyPirateParty, japan) | |
∀x (Game(x) ∧ AvailableIn(x, canada) → ReleasedIn(x, northAmerica)) | |
∀x (Game(x) ∧ BoughtIn(x, japan) → ReleasedIn(x, japan)) | |
Game(familyPirateParty) ∧ AvailableIn(familyPirateParty, canada) ∧ BoughtIn(familyPirateParty, japan)) | |
∃x (Game(x) ∧ ReleasedIn(x, japan) ∧ For(x, wii))","¬ReleasedIn(familyPirateParty, northAmerica) | |
ReleasedIn(familyPirateParty, japan) | |
ReleasedIn(familyPirateParty, northAmerica) ∧ ReleasedIn(familyPirateParty, japan) | |
For(familypirateparty, wii))","['ReleasedIn(familyPirateParty,northAmerica)\n├── AvailableIn(familyPirateParty,canada)\n└── Or(Not(AvailableIn(familyPirateParty,canada)),ReleasedIn(familyPirateParty,northAmerica))\n ├── Game(familyPirateParty)\n └── Or(Or(Not(AvailableIn($x13,canada)),Not(Game($x13))),ReleasedIn($x13,northAmerica))\n', 'ReleasedIn(familyPirateParty,japan)\n├── BoughtIn(familyPirateParty,japan)\n└── Or(Not(BoughtIn(familyPirateParty,japan)),ReleasedIn(familyPirateParty,japan))\n ├── Game(familyPirateParty)\n └── Or(Or(Not(BoughtIn($x16,japan)),Not(Game($x16))),ReleasedIn($x16,japan))\n', 'And(ReleasedIn(familyPirateParty,northAmerica),ReleasedIn(familyPirateParty,japan))\n├── ReleasedIn(familyPirateParty,japan)\n│ ├── BoughtIn(familyPirateParty,japan)\n│ └── Or(Not(BoughtIn(familyPirateParty,japan)),ReleasedIn(familyPirateParty,japan))\n│ ├── Game(familyPirateParty)\n│ └── Or(Or(Not(BoughtIn($x16,japan)),Not(Game($x16))),ReleasedIn($x16,japan))\n└── ReleasedIn(familyPirateParty,northAmerica)\n ├── AvailableIn(familyPirateParty,canada)\n └── Or(Not(AvailableIn(familyPirateParty,canada)),ReleasedIn(familyPirateParty,northAmerica))\n ├── Game(familyPirateParty)\n └── Or(Or(Not(AvailableIn($x13,canada)),Not(Game($x13))),ReleasedIn($x13,northAmerica))\n', 'Not found']" | |
298,"The handbrake of a car is either up or down. | |
The handbrake is down when a car is parked.",The handbrake is up when some cars are parked.,F,"∀x ∀y (HandbrakeOf(x, y) ∧ Car(y) → Up(x) ⊕ Down(x)) | |
∀x ∀y (HandbrakeOf(x, y) ∧ Parked(y) ∧ Car(y) → Down(x))","∃x ∃y (HandbrakeOf(x, y) ∧ Parked(y) ∧ Car(y) ∧ Up(x))",['Not found'] | |
220,"The indie pop band Phoenix has released six albums. | |
Phoenix's album ""Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix"" sold over 500,000 copies. | |
A certified gold album or single is one which sold over half a million copies. | |
""1901"" is a single from Phoenix's album ""Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix."" | |
Over 400,000 copies of ""1901"" have been sold. ","The album ""Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix"" is a certified gold album. | |
The single ""1901"" is a certified gold single.","T | |
U","AlbumsReleased(phoenix, 6) | |
Album(wolfgangamadeusphoenix) ∧ IsAlbumOf(wolfgangamadeusphoenix, phoenix) ∧ SoldOver(wolfgangamadeusphoenix, 500,000) | |
∀x ((Album(x) ∨ Single(x)) ∧ SoldOver(x, 500,000) → CertifiedGold(x)) | |
Single(1901) ∧ From(1901, wolfgangamadeusphoenix) ∧ By(1901, phoenix) | |
SoldOver(l1901, 400,000)","CertifiedGold(wolfgangamAdeusPhoenix) | |
CertifiedGold(1901)","['Not found', 'Not found']" | |
224,"Rhos Aelwyd F.C. is a Welsh football club. | |
Rhos Aelwyd F.C. is the only football club located in Ponciau. | |
The Premier Division was won in June 2005 by a team from Ponciau. | |
The winner of the Premier Division in October 2009 was promoted to the Cymru Alliance. | |
The Premier Division in October 2009 was won by the same team that won in June 2005. ","Rhos Aelwyd F.C. won Premier Division in June 2005. | |
Rhos Aelwyd F.C. was promoted to the Cymru Alliance.","T | |
T","∀x (Rhosaelwydfc(x) → FootballClub(x) ∧ Welsh(x)) | |
∀x (FootballClub(x) ∧ LocatedIn(x, ponciau) ↔ Rhosaelwydfc(x)) | |
∃x (LocatedIn(x, ponciau) ∧ WonPremierDivisionDuring(x, year2005MonthJune)) | |
∀x (WonPremierDivisionDuring(x, year2009MonthOctober) → PromotedTo(x, cymruAlliance)) | |
∀x (WonPremierDivisionDuring(x, year2009MonthOctober) ↔ WonPremierDivisionDuring(x, y2005MonthJune))","∃x (Rhosaelwydfc(x) ∧ WonPremierDivisionDuring(x, year2005MonthJune)) | |
∃x (Rhosaelwydfc(x) ∧ PromotedTo(x, cymruAlliance))","['Not found', 'Not found']" | |
151,"Barutin Cove is a cove named after the Bulgarian settlement of Barutin. | |
Barutin Cove is on the southwest coast of Snow Island. | |
Snow Island, Greenwich Island, and Deception Island are located in the South Shetland Islands. | |
Antarctica is located on the South Shetland Islands. | |
If place A is located in place B and place B is located in place C, then place A is located in place C.","Barutin Cove is named after all islands in Antarctica. | |
There is at least one cove in Antarctica named after a place in Bulgaria. | |
Barutin Cove is not located in Antarctica.","U | |
T | |
F","Cove(barutinCove) ∧ NamedAfter(barutinCove, barutinSettlement) ∧ LocatedIn(barutinSettlement, bulgaria) | |
LocatedIn(barutinCove, snowIsland) | |
LocatedIn(snowIsland, southShetlandIslands) ∧ LocatedIn(greenwichIsland, southShetlandIslands) ∧ LocatedIn(deceptionIsland, southShetlandIslands) | |
LocatedIn(southShetlandIslands, antarctica) | |
∀x ∀y ∀z ((LocatedIn(x, y) ∧ LocatedIn(y, z)) → LocatedIn(x, z))","∀x (LocatedIn(x, antarctica) → NamedAfter(barutinCove, x)) | |
∃x ∃y (Cove(x) ∧ LocatedIn(x, antarctica) ∧ NameAfter(x, y) ∧ LocatedIn(y, bulgaria)) | |
¬LocatedIn(barutinCove, antarctica)","['Not found', 'Not found', 'LocatedIn(barutinCove,antarctica)\n├── LocatedIn(southShetlandIslands,antarctica)\n└── Or(LocatedIn(barutinCove,$x33),Not(LocatedIn(southShetlandIslands,$x33)))\n ├── LocatedIn(barutinCove,southShetlandIslands)\n │ ├── LocatedIn(snowIsland,southShetlandIslands)\n │ └── Or(LocatedIn(barutinCove,$x33),Not(LocatedIn(snowIsland,$x33)))\n │ ├── LocatedIn(barutinCove,snowIsland)\n │ └── Or(Or(LocatedIn($x13,$x33),Not(LocatedIn($x13,$x23))),Not(LocatedIn($x23,$x33)))\n └── Or(Or(LocatedIn($x13,$x33),Not(LocatedIn($x13,$x23))),Not(LocatedIn($x23,$x33)))\n']" | |
51,"The summer Olympic games is a sporting event. | |
The last summer Olympic games was in Tokyo. | |
The United States won the most medals in Tokyo. ","The world championships is a sporting event. | |
The last summer Olympic games were not in Tokyo. | |
The United States won the most medals in the last summer Olympic games.","U | |
F | |
T","SportingEvent(olympics) | |
LastSummerOlympics(tokyo) | |
MostMedals(unitedStates, tokyo)","SportingEvent(champs) | |
¬LastSummerOlympics(tokyo) | |
∃x (LastSummerOlympics(x) ∧ MostMedals(unitedStates, x))","['Not found', 'LastSummerOlympics(tokyo)\n', 'And(LastSummerOlympics(skolem$x13),MostMedals(unitedStates,skolem$x13))\n├── Equals(skolem$x13,tokyo)\n├── LastSummerOlympics(tokyo)\n└── MostMedals(unitedStates,tokyo)\n']" | |
182,"Brita was a cargo ship built for Norwegians. | |
Brita was impressed into service by Germany. | |
Ships that have been impressed into service were seized by whoever impressed them into service. | |
The Britta was sold to Hong Kong.","There was a cargo ship seized by Germany that was sold to Hong Kong. | |
Hong Kong hasn't had any seized ships sold to them. | |
Hong Kong seized the Britta.","T | |
F | |
U","CargoShip(britta) ∧ Ship(britta) ∧ BuiltFor(britta, norwegians) | |
ImpressedIntoServiceBy(britta, germany) | |
∀x ∀y (Ship(x) ∧ ImpressedIntoServiceBy(x, y) → SeizedBy(x, y)) | |
SoldTo(britta, hongkong)","∃x (CargoShip(x) ∧ SeizedBy(x, germany) ∧ SoldTo(x, hongkong)) | |
∀x ∀y (SoldTo(x, hongkong) → ¬SeizedBy(x, y)) | |
SeizedBy(britta, hongkong)","['And(And(CargoShip(skolem$x16),SeizedBy(skolem$x16,germany)),SoldTo(skolem$x16,hongkong))\n├── CargoShip(britta)\n├── Equals(skolem$x16,britta)\n├── SeizedBy(britta,germany)\n│ ├── ImpressedIntoServiceBy(britta,germany)\n│ └── Or(Not(ImpressedIntoServiceBy(britta,$x23)),SeizedBy(britta,$x23))\n│ ├── Or(Or(Not(ImpressedIntoServiceBy($x13,$x23)),Not(Ship($x13))),SeizedBy($x13,$x23))\n│ └── Ship(britta)\n└── SoldTo(britta,hongkong)\n', 'Not found', 'Not found']" | |
271,"No plants are fungi. | |
Mushrooms are fungi.",No plants are mushrooms.,T,"∀x (Plant(x) → ¬Fungi(x)) | |
∀x (Mushroom(x) → Fungi(x))",∀x (Plant(x) → ¬Mushroom(x)),"['Or(Not(Mushroom($x13)),Not(Plant($x13)))\n├── Or(Fungi($x16),Not(Mushroom($x16)))\n└── Or(Not(Fungi($x13)),Not(Plant($x13)))\n']" | |
294,"A snake is a reptile. | |
No reptile has feathers.",No snake has feathers.,T,"∀x (Snake(x) → Reptile(x)) | |
∀x (Reptile(x) → ¬(∃y ∃z (¬(y=z) ∧ Feather(y) ∧ Feather(z) ∧ Have(x, y) ∧ Have(x, z))))","∀x (Snake(x) → ¬(∃y ∃z (¬(y=z) ∧ Feather(y) ∧ Feather(z) ∧ Have(x, y) ∧ Have(x, z))))",['Not found'] | |
1,"Mary has the flu. | |
If someone has the flu, then they have influenza. | |
Susan doesn't have influenza.",Either Mary or Susan has influenza.,T,"Has(mary, flu) | |
∀x (Has(x, flu) → Has(x, influenza)) | |
¬Has(susan, influenza)","Has(mary, influenza) ⊕ Has(susan, influenza)","['And(Or(Has(mary,influenza),Has(susan,influenza)),Not(And(Has(mary,influenza),Has(susan,influenza))))\n├── Or(Has(mary,influenza),Has(susan,influenza))\n│ └── Has(mary,influenza)\n│ ├── Has(mary,flu)\n│ └── Or(Has($x13,influenza),Not(Has($x13,flu)))\n└── Or(Not(Has(mary,influenza)),Not(Has(susan,influenza)))\n └── Not(Has(susan,influenza))\n']" | |
67,"If an album is written by a rock band, then the genre of the album is rock. | |
If a band writes an album winning an award, then this band wins this award. | |
Trouble at the Henhouse is an album by The Tragically Hip. | |
The Tragically Hip is a Canadian rock band. | |
The song ""Butts Wigglin'"" is in Trouble at the Henhouse. | |
Trouble at the Henhouse won the Album of the Year award. | |
A song in Trouble at the Henhouse appeared in a film.","The genre of Trouble at the Henhouse is rock. | |
No Canadian rock band has won the Album of the Year award. | |
""Butts Wigglin'"" appeared in a film.","T | |
F | |
U","∀x ∀y ∀z (AlbumByBand(x, y) ∧ RockBand(y, z) → Genre(x, rock)) | |
∀x ∀y ∀z (AlbumByBand(x, y) ∧ AlbumAward(x, z) → RockBandAward(y, z)) | |
AlbumByBand(trouble_at_the_Henhouse, the_Tragically_Hip) | |
RockBand(the_Tragically_Hip, canada) | |
SongInAlbum(butts_Wigglin, trouble_at_the_Henhouse) | |
AlbumAward(trouble_at_the_Henhouse, the_Album_of_the_Year) | |
∃x (SongInFilm(x) ∧ SongInAlbum(x, trouble_at_the_Henhouse))","Genre(troubleAtTheHenhouse, rock) | |
¬(∃x(RockBand(x, canada) ∧ Award(x, theAlbumOfTheYear))) | |
SongInFilm(buttsWigglin)","['Not found', 'Not found', 'Not found']" | |
174,"A moth is not a butterfly. | |
Butterflies have thin antennae. | |
Moths emerge from cocoons. | |
Some moths are pests. | |
Cerura Vinula is a moth.","Cerura Vinula emerges from cocoons. | |
Cerura Vinula does not have thin antennae. | |
Cerura Vinula is a pest.","T | |
U | |
U","∀x (Moth(x) → ¬Butterfly(x)) | |
∀x (Butterfly(x) → ThinAntennae(x)) | |
∀x (Moth(x) → EmergeFrom(x, cocoon)) | |
∃x (Moth(x) ∧ Pest(x)) | |
Moth(ceruravinula)","EmergeFrom(ceruravinula, cocoon) | |
¬ThinAntennae(ceruravinula) | |
Pest(ceruravinula)","['EmergeFrom(ceruravinula,cocoon)\n├── Moth(ceruravinula)\n└── Or(EmergeFrom($x19,cocoon),Not(Moth($x19)))\n', 'Not found', 'Not found']" | |
152,"Susan flies to LGA airport. | |
The departure and arrival can not be at the same airport. | |
John flies from LGA airport.","Susan flies from LGA airport. | |
John flies to LGA airport.","F | |
F","FlyTo(susan, lgaAirport) | |
∀x ∀y (FlyFrom(x, y) ⊕ FlyTo(x, y)) | |
FlyFrom(john, lgaAirport)","FlyFrom(susan, lgaAirport) | |
FlyTo(john, lgaAirport)","['Not(FlyFrom(susan,lgaAirport))\n├── FlyTo(susan,lgaAirport)\n└── Or(Not(FlyFrom($x13,$x23)),Not(FlyTo($x13,$x23)))\n', 'Not(FlyTo(john,lgaAirport))\n├── FlyFrom(john,lgaAirport)\n└── Or(Not(FlyFrom($x13,$x23)),Not(FlyTo($x13,$x23)))\n']" | |
176,"Pulp is an English band. | |
Jarvis Cocker was a member of Pulp. | |
In 2014 a documentary about Pulp was released. | |
Documentaries about bands feature the members. | |
Pulp released an album that reached the number one spot in the UK Albums Chart.","Pulp is a band from England. | |
Jarvis Cocker was featured in a documentary. | |
Pulp is the best band.","T | |
T | |
U","EnglishBand(pulp) | |
MemberOf(jamescocker, pulp) | |
∃x (DocumentaryAbout(x , pulp) ∧ ReleaseIn(x , 2014)) | |
∀x ∀y ∀z (MemberOf(z, y) ∧ DocumentaryAbout(x , y) → DocumentaryFeature(z)) | |
∃x (Release(pulp, x) ∧ ReachNumberOneSpotIn(x, uKAlbumChart))","EnglishBand(pulp) | |
DocumentaryFeature(jamescocker) | |
BestBand(pulp)","['EnglishBand(pulp)\n', 'DocumentaryFeature(jamescocker)\n├── DocumentaryAbout(x ,pulp)\n└── Or(DocumentaryFeature(jamescocker),Not(DocumentaryAbout(x ,pulp)))\n ├── MemberOf(jamescocker,pulp)\n └── Or(Or(DocumentaryFeature($x33),Not(DocumentaryAbout(x ,$x23))),Not(MemberOf($x33,$x23)))\n', 'Not found']" | |
123,"Businesses are either sanctioned or unsanctioned. | |
Sanctioned businesses are limited. | |
Unsanctioned businesses are free. | |
The Crude Oil Data Exchange is a business that isn't free.","Crude Oil Data Exchange is sanctioned. | |
Crude Oil Data Exchange is unsanctioned. | |
Crude Oil Data Exchange is limited.","T | |
F | |
T","∀x (Buisness(x) → Sanctioned(x) ⊕ ¬Sanctioned(x)) | |
∀x (Buisness(x) ∧ Sanctioned(x) → Limited(x)) | |
∀x (Buisness(x) ∧ ¬Sanctioned(x) → Free(x)) | |
Buisness(crudeOilDataExchange) ∧ ¬Free(crudeOilDataExchange)","Sanctioned(crudeOilDataExchange) | |
¬Sanctioned(crudeOilDataExchange) | |
Limited(crudeOilDataExchange)","['Sanctioned(crudeOilDataExchange)\n├── Buisness(crudeOilDataExchange)\n└── Or(Not(Buisness(crudeOilDataExchange)),Sanctioned(crudeOilDataExchange))\n ├── Not(Free(crudeOilDataExchange))\n └── Or(Or(Free($x18),Not(Buisness($x18))),Sanctioned($x18))\n', 'Sanctioned(crudeOilDataExchange)\n├── Buisness(crudeOilDataExchange)\n└── Or(Not(Buisness(crudeOilDataExchange)),Sanctioned(crudeOilDataExchange))\n ├── Not(Free(crudeOilDataExchange))\n └── Or(Or(Free($x18),Not(Buisness($x18))),Sanctioned($x18))\n', 'Limited(crudeOilDataExchange)\n├── Buisness(crudeOilDataExchange)\n└── Or(Limited(crudeOilDataExchange),Not(Buisness(crudeOilDataExchange)))\n ├── Or(Not(Buisness(crudeOilDataExchange)),Sanctioned(crudeOilDataExchange))\n │ ├── Not(Free(crudeOilDataExchange))\n │ └── Or(Or(Free($x18),Not(Buisness($x18))),Sanctioned($x18))\n └── Or(Or(Limited($x15),Not(Buisness($x15))),Not(Sanctioned($x15)))\n']" | |
119,"Evangelos Eleftheriou is a Greek electrical engineer. | |
Evangelos Eleftheriou worked for IBM in Zurich. | |
If a company has employees working for them somewhere, then they have an office there. | |
IBM is a company.","IBM has an office in London or Zurich or both. | |
No Greeks have worked for IBM.","T | |
F","Greek(evangelosEleftheriou) ∧ ElectricalEngineer(evangelosEleftheriou) | |
WorkForIn(evangelosEleftheriou, iBM, zurich) | |
∀x ∀x ∀z (Company(x) ∧ WorkForIn(y, x, z) → HaveOfficeIn(x, z)) | |
Company(ibm)","HaveOfficeIn(ibm, london) ∨ HaveOfficeIn(ibm, zurich) | |
∀x (Greek(x) → ¬WorkFor(x, ibm))","['Not found', 'Not found']" | |
105,"Show Your Love is a song recorded by the South Korean boy band BtoB 4u. | |
The lead single of the extended play Inside is Show Your Love. | |
Show Your Love contains a hopeful message. | |
BtoB 4u member Hyunsik wrote Show Your Love. | |
There is a music video for Show Your Love.","Show Your Love wasn't written by a member of a boy band. | |
A lead single of Inside contains a hopeful message. | |
Hyunsik is Korean.","F | |
T | |
U","Song(showYourLove) ∧ RecordedBy(showYourLove, bToB4u) ∧ SouthKorean(bToB4u) ∧ BoyBand(bToB4u) | |
ExtendedPlay(inside) ∧ LeadSingleOf(showYourLove, inside) | |
Contains(showYourLove, hopefulMessage) | |
Member(hyunsik, btob4u) ∧ Wrote(hyunsik, showYourLove) | |
Have(showYourLove, musicVideo)","∀x ∀y (Wrote(x, showYourLove) → ¬(BoyBand(y) ∧ MemberOf(x, y))) | |
∃x (LeadSingleOf(x, inside) ∧ Contains(x, hopefulMessage)) | |
Korean(hyunsik)","['Not found', 'And(Contains(skolem$x16,hopefulMessage),LeadSingleOf(skolem$x16,inside))\n├── Contains(showYourLove,hopefulMessage)\n├── Equals(skolem$x16,showYourLove)\n└── LeadSingleOf(showYourLove,inside)\n', 'Not found']" | |
249,"Every chef can cook. | |
Some people who aren’t chefs can cook. | |
People who cook can make scrambled eggs and pasta. | |
If someone can make cookies and muffins, they are a baker. | |
Bakers who can also make scrambled eggs can make a good breakfast. | |
Luke can make cookies, scrambled eggs, and muffins, but not pasta.","Luke can make a good breakfast. | |
Luke is a chef. ","T | |
F","∀x (Chef(x) → Can(x, cook)) | |
∃x (¬Chef(x) ∧ Can(x, cook)) | |
∀x (Can(x, cook) → (CanMake(x, scrambledEggs) ∧ CanMake(x, pasta))) | |
∀x (CanMake(x, cookies) ∧ CanMake(x, muffins) → Baker(x)) | |
∀x ((Baker(x) ∧ CanMake(x, scrambledEggs)) → CanMake(x, goodBreakfast)) | |
CanMake(luke, cookies) ∧ (CanMake(luke, scrambledEggs) ∧ CanMake(luke, muffins) ∧ ¬CanMake(luke, pasta)","CanMake(luke, goodBreakfast) | |
Chef(luke)","['Not found', 'Not(Chef(luke))\n├── Not(Can(luke,cook))\n│ ├── Not(CanMake(luke,pasta))\n│ └── Or(CanMake($x19,pasta),Not(Can($x19,cook)))\n└── Or(Can($x13,cook),Not(Chef($x13)))\n']" | |
142,"Ann J. Land was a member of the Philadelphia City Council and the Democratic Party. | |
Ann J. Land ran unopposed for the Philadelphia City Council in 1980. | |
People who run unopposed for the Philadelphia City Council are elected to the positions they run for in the same year. | |
Michael Nutter was a political challenger. | |
Ann J. Land defeated Michael Nutter and ran for the Philadelphia City Council in 1987.","Ann J. Land was elected to the Philadelphia City Council in 1980. | |
Ann J. Land was elected to the Philadelphia City Council in 1987. | |
There was some member of the Democratic Party elected to the Philadelphia City Council in 1980.","T | |
U | |
T","MemberOf(annJLand, philadelphiaCityCouncil) ∧ MemberOf(annJLand, democraticParty) | |
RunUnopposedFor(ann, philadelphiaCityCouncil, year1980) | |
∀x ∀y (RunUnopposedFor(x, philadelphiaCityCouncil, y) → ElectedTo(x, philadelphiaCityCouncil, y)) | |
PoliticalChallenger(michaelNutter) | |
Defeat(annJLand, michaelNutter) ∧ RunFor(annJLand, philadelphiaCityCouncil, year1987)","ElectedTo(ann, philadelphiaCityCouncil, year1980) | |
ElectedTo(ann, philadelphiaCityCouncil, year1987) | |
∃x (MemberOf(x, democraticParty) ∧ ElectedTo(x, philadelphiaCouncil, year1980))","['ElectedTo(ann,philadelphiaCityCouncil,year1980)\n├── Or(ElectedTo($x13,philadelphiaCityCouncil,$x23),Not(RunUnopposedFor($x13,philadelphiaCityCouncil,$x23)))\n└── RunUnopposedFor(ann,philadelphiaCityCouncil,year1980)\n', 'Not found', 'Not found']" | |
303,"Jerry should not worry about things outside of his control. | |
All traffic is outside of my control.",Jerry should not worry about traffic.,T,"∀x (OutsideOfControl(x) → ¬ShouldWorry(jerry, x)) | |
∀x (Traffic(x) → OutsideControl(x))","¬ShouldWorry(jerry, traffic)",['Not found'] | |
26,"Some mammals have teeth. | |
Platypuses have no teeth. | |
Platypuses are mammals. | |
Humans have teeth.","Platypuses are mammals with no teeth. | |
Platypuses are reptiles. | |
Humans are mammals. ","T | |
U | |
U","∃x ∃y (Mammal(x) ∧ Mammal(y) ∧ (¬(x=y)) ∧ Have(x, teeth) ∧ Have(y, teeth)) | |
¬Have(platypus, teeth) | |
Mammal(platypus) | |
Have(humans, teeth)","Mammal(platypus) ∧ (¬Have(platypus, teeth)) | |
Reptile(platypus) | |
Mammal(humans)","['And(Mammal(platypus),Not(Have(platypus,teeth)))\n├── Mammal(platypus)\n└── Not(Have(platypus,teeth))\n', 'Not found', 'Not found']" | |
221,"Ernest Pohl was a Polish football player. | |
A football player in the Polish First Division has scored over 180 goals. | |
Ernest Pohl scored more than 180 goals in the Polish First Division. | |
Górnik Zabrze's stadium was named after a soccer player from Ruda Śląska. | |
Ernest Pohl is from Ruda Śląska. ","Ernest Pohl has not scored more than 180 goals. | |
Górnik Zabrze's stadium was named after Ernest Pohl.","F | |
U","Polish(ernestPohl) ∧ FootballPlayer(ernestPohl) | |
∃x (FootballPlayer(x) ∧ In(x, polishFirstDivision) ∧ ScoredOver(x, 180Goals)) | |
In(ernestPohl, polishFirstDivision) ∧ ScoredOver(ernestPohl, 180Goals) | |
∃x ∃y (GornikZabrzes(x) ∧ Stadium(x) ∧ NamedAfter(x, y) ∧ SoccerPlayer(y) ∧ From(y, rudaŚląska)) | |
From(ernestPohl, rudaŚląska))","¬ScoredOver(ernestPohl, 180Goals) | |
∀x (GornikZabrzes(x) ∧ Stadium(x) → NamedAfter(x, ernestPohl))","['ScoredOver(ernestPohl,180Goals)\n', 'Not found']" | |
88,"Bernarda Bryson Shahn was a painter and lithographer. | |
Bernarda Bryson Shahn was born in Athens, Ohio. | |
Bernarda Bryson Shahn was married to Ben Shahn. | |
People born in Athens, Ohio, are Americans.","Bernarda Bryson Shahn was born in Greece. | |
Bernarda Bryson Shahn was American. | |
Bernarda Bryson Shahn had been divorced once.","U | |
T | |
U","Painter(bernardaBrysonShahn) ∧ Lithographer(bernardaBrysonShahn) | |
BornIn(bernardaBrysonShahn, athensOhio) | |
MarriedTo(bernardaBrysonShahn, benShahn) | |
∀x (BornIn(x, athensOhio) → American(x))","BornIn(bernardaBrysonShahn, greece) | |
American(bernardaBrysonShahn) | |
Divorced(bernardaBrysonShahn)","['Not found', 'American(bernardaBrysonShahn)\n├── BornIn(bernardaBrysonShahn,athensOhio)\n└── Or(American($x13),Not(BornIn($x13,athensOhio)))\n', 'Not found']" | |
126,"A cat named Garfield, the main character of the film Garfield, is orange and fat and likes having lasagna. | |
Garfield shares a home with Odie, another pet of Jon's. | |
Garfield hates Odie. | |
A pet who hates the pet with whom he shares the same owner is childish and possessive.",The main character of the film Garfield is childish and possessive.,T,"Cat(garfield) ∧ MainCharacterOf(garfield, filmGarfield) ∧ Orange(garfield) ∧ Fat(garfield) ∧ Like(garfield, lasagna) | |
PetOf(garfield, jon) ∧ PetOf(odie, jon) ∧ ShareHomeWith(garfield, odie) | |
Hate(garfield, odie) | |
∀x ∀y ∃z (PetOf(x, z) ∧ PetOf(y, z) ∧ Hate(x, y) → Childish(x) ∧ Possessive(x))","∃x (MainCharacterOf(x, garfield) ∧ Childish(x) ∧ Possessive(x))",['Not found'] | |
122,"Beasts of Prey is a fantasy novel or a science fiction novel, or both. | |
Science fiction novels are not about mythological creatures | |
Beasts of Prey Is about a creature known as the Shetani. | |
Shetanis are mythological.","Beasts of prey is a fantasy novel. | |
Beasts of prey isn't a science fiction novel. | |
A shetani is either mythological or a creature.","T | |
T | |
F","Novel(beastsOfPrey) → (Fantasy(beastsOfPrey) ∨ ScienceFiction(beastsOfPrey)) | |
∀x ∀y (ScienceFiction(x) ∧ Mythological(y) ∧ Creature(y) → ¬About(x, y)) | |
About(beastsOfPrey, shetani) ∧ Creature(shetani) | |
Mythological(shetani)","Fantasy(beastsOfpPrey) ∧ Novel(beastsOfPrey) | |
¬ScienceFiction(beastsofprey) ∧ Novel(beastsOfPrey) | |
Mythological(shetani) ⊕ Creature(shetani)","['Not found', 'Not found', 'Not(And(Or(Mythological(shetani),Creature(shetani)),Not(And(Mythological(shetani),Creature(shetani)))))\n├── Or(Creature(shetani),Not(Mythological(shetani)))\n│ └── Creature(shetani)\n└── Or(Mythological(shetani),Not(Creature(shetani)))\n └── Mythological(shetani)\n']" | |