TweetID Tweet Score |
5767 490315031800983552 use my code baplovergirl @ #apptrailors 2.8571428571428568 |
5768 225260550693720064 <USER> 2 words : Peedo Files . #KidzBop 2.0 |
5769 268807764644614144 <USER> up to something rather cheeky , I 'd say . 1.6666666666666667 |
5770 786639218558787584 This thread . So much truth . <URL> 1.5 |
5771 853314910805123074 So glad I was organized last year when I put away Easter stuff . #lessworkthisyear #eastereggs… <URL> 3.1666666666666665 |
5772 365895481274007553 Myths about Payday Loans #paydayloans <URL> 2.5 |
5773 250245133591793664 i can compare my searches to the searches of my friends and others so that i am able to obtain even more pertinent information 2.833333333333333 |
5774 903323457588514817 <USER> Love , we use Student Ambassadors , too and it has been awesome ! 2.6666666666666665 |
5775 643592080837746692 Morning message from Monday tutorial #getconnected #littlecyclonepride <URL> 2.333333333333333 |
5776 324680504274214914 Wife 's having surgery tomorrow , nervous for her but excited for end result #babymakin 2.5 |
5777 294564906932527104 <USER> ok last part was funny : ) but all kidding aside , scariest moment to datr 1.6666666666666667 |
5778 402560271756959744 <USER> Shibamobiles can be replaced , but you guys cant be ! ! ! Glad things have calmed down there ! ! . 3.2857142857142856 |
5779 834274776298508288 <USER> God bless you and your precious little Haley Joy . 2.8571428571428568 |
5780 506232889609322496 I love chewing ice 😋 2.2857142857142856 |
5781 484144835796815873 When I get 6 months ima place myself on bed rest 😂😂 2.0 |
5782 904856394901454849 <USER> <USER> Why , because I got no problem with this ? Grow up okay , Wrestlers always make sacrifices like this . … <URL> 2.7142857142857144 |
5783 930995398285692928 lmao Heidi got fat . #SouthPark 2.7142857142857144 |
5784 747587470489976832 <USER> <USER> <USER> <USER> <USER> <USER> I'm in Philly . . . 😞 2.4285714285714284 |
5785 761961901215649792 Hoping there is no #Caddyshack moment in the #Olympics2016 pool ! #BabyRuth #DOODIE 3.1428571428571432 |
5786 206252629075042304 #Twitition Get botdfmusic and jayyvonmonroe on The Ellen Show ! <URL> 3.2857142857142856 |
5787 318484489514934273 Happy Easter lovelies ! ! 2.0 |
5788 204197188375543808 Live , Laugh , and Love ! ( : #TeamFollowBack #InstantFollowBack #AutoFollowBack #FollownGain #FOLLOW4FOLLOW #AutoFollowBack 2.2857142857142856 |
5789 203900089859706880 Ooooh ! Just realized the tweet before this was my #100Tweet ! xD 2.5714285714285716 |
5790 454681604598661120 the real question is how and when did I burn my armpit 2.2857142857142856 |
5791 568151050726838273 “<USER> : Lmaooo yall remember this <URL>” <USER> <USER> 2.142857142857143 |
5792 199650125289766912 What 's the hottest bat out right now ? Broke mine #decisions 2.142857142857143 |
5793 199549470835359744 <USER> can you give a shout out to a new baseball page trying to make it . 2.5714285714285716 |
5794 543180579580018688 <USER> <USER> oh i like cinnamon rolls lol . ready for the weekend , if the wind would just die down a bit here in Oregon 2.7142857142857144 |
5795 794919870148341761 Enjoy #ChickenParm made with <USER> Encrusted Parmesan & Herb Breaded Chicken #PerdueCrew #promotion -… <URL> 3.8571428571428568 |
5796 513266257336872961 <USER> absolutely amazing night at <USER> ! Had so much fun getting down and dirty to your set <URL> 2.5714285714285716 |
5797 607679622549929985 iHeartRaves and EmazingLights EDC Las Vegas VIP Ticket Giveaway <URL> 3.4285714285714284 |
5798 843889616533032960 Basil make any soup god level 2.8571428571428568 |
5799 927689935343243264 Did some reflection today on the hardships Ive been thru in life and I’m thankful because without those , I cant be the nigga Im gonna be 2.7142857142857144 |
5800 929459930247172096 😒😞 I wish I could say this is not true <URL> 1.7142857142857142 |
5801 884961867139100672 No one in the world ever gets what they want , and that is beautiful Everybody dies frustrated and sad , and that is beautiful 2.2857142857142856 |
5802 853828254658174980 Just posted a photo <URL> 1.8571428571428568 |
5803 570832889685938176 Subtle Snow Storm <URL> 1.7142857142857142 |
5804 662804397273944064 After a month , I finally got my shirt ! #cloud9 #LeagueOfLegends <URL> 2.5714285714285716 |
5805 696092301676777472 #IMTWIN Pobelter > Huhi and Reignover Xmithie puns <USER> <USER> 2.0 |
5806 861714447357935616 <USER> Wait what ? ! What did I do ? ! 1.8571428571428568 |
5807 872859284220063744 <USER> Ah , such flattery . Finally , someone who recognizes it . *smirks , hair flip* 2.142857142857143 |
5808 770349079423389696 You do n't want to miss this . Enter today to #WinYourHeightInBooks from <USER> ! Ends 9/16/2016 . #sweepsentry <URL> 3.0 |
5809 297881472776421376 Congrats to the cast of the <USER> . <USER> , <USER> and <USER> #BloodSisters #VAMovie 2.8571428571428568 |
5810 673558411867385856 <USER> <USER> <USER> Mort said it on ESPN during the week . 2.7142857142857144 |
5811 880154460676395010 <USER> I think they 're just showing off now lol 1.8571428571428568 |
5812 796127786159247360 lemme do what you 're girl do n't 1.4285714285714286 |
5813 690284088272515073 <USER> <USER> <USER> <USER> <USER> kill me now please 1.8571428571428568 |
5814 355702691273510913 Is it lunchtime yet ? ! 2.0 |
5815 343483893921484801 What a beautiful day ! 1.7142857142857142 |
5816 864688530576068608 Was so happy to meet <USER> before her show and <USER> was amazing they deserve more recognition for sure : ) 3.0 |
5817 373720528256647168 Today stats : 4 followers , One unfollower and followed 3 people via <URL> 2.4285714285714284 |
5818 491555374634647552 Whenever I'm stressed it feels good to have someone telling me everything will be alright . When I'm weak , she 's . . . <URL> 2.2857142857142856 |
5819 464837896542097409 Thanks to everyone that prayed and wished me luck . Got an 86 on my math final . 1 week til graduation . Woo hoo — feeling words ca n't describe 3.1428571428571432 |
5820 254638224507564032 Wow . New Brother sewing machine kept throwing errors . E1 to be precise . *facepalm* I did n't have the presser foot down . *sheepish look* 3.2857142857142856 |
5821 875329474254036993 John 3 : 20-21 KJV For every one that doeth evil hateth the light , neither cometh to the light , lest his deeds shoul . . . <URL> 3.0 |
5822 522931923245862913 <USER> IM SO UPSET 1.1428571428571428 |
5823 639621889732837376 just me and my sis <USER> hangin out ! love that girl ! ! <URL> 2.0 |
5824 135483492216737793 You say you 're my best friend ? Act like it . 1.7142857142857142 |
5825 936022508352036868 In 20 days . . . I'm seeing . . . <USER> . . . . live . . . in Vegas . . . brb gonna have a heart attack while 6 year old me sc… <URL> 3.0 |
5826 639630793053204480 I posted a new photo to Facebook <URL> 1.8571428571428568 |
5827 647372569872433152 What a great combo . Then again it 's Dolly and Jewel ! <3 it #Jewel Duet With #DollyParton , ‘My Father’s Daughter’ <URL> 3.1428571428571432 |
5828 673127123796762624 First college track meet ! ! ! ! 🏃 2.5 |
5829 413113164587610112 <USER> <USER> I can watch it just fine while tweeting #AnotherReasonWhyIAmAwesome 2.333333333333333 |
5830 807915544464818176 I'm so anxious to return to America . I ca n't wait to see my family ! 3.333333333333333 |
5831 917117873125859328 I’m a sleepy potato . 2.6666666666666665 |
5832 840972377995522048 <USER> <USER> <USER> please <USER> make this happen ! ! ! ! 1.3333333333333333 |
5833 765443469259132928 <USER> and the sweat . . . . . Nothing makes a hot guy ugly like a sweaty , moaney , over acted make out session 2.6666666666666665 |
5834 902158970282020865 <USER> Replying to a tweet from July , someone is desperate for attention . Racists usually are though . #YoureTheWorst 3.0 |
5835 332479489760190464 <USER> You witchy woman ! ! ! 1.6666666666666667 |
5836 261566702247108610 And suddenly she puts on kpop in the car 2.6666666666666665 |
5837 232299591180115968 <USER> oh what color are you painting them ? ? ? ? 2.333333333333333 |
5838 482313444243542016 Just sitting hear seeing everyone 's reaction to #5SOSTHEALBUM can I move to Australia for the day ? 3.2857142857142856 |
5839 426111599058120704 There 's no way im passing my sight reading section of the midterm tomorrow i cant sing higher than mi - . - 2.5714285714285716 |
5840 541052454679629824 <USER> frick off mate there is n't a turkey emoji I was improvising . Stop f***ing treading on me 🐍 2.4285714285714284 |
5841 226379709561315328 <USER> orrrr this . This chick needs a web redemption on tosh . <URL> 2.2857142857142856 |
5842 287800687063093248 im crying bc of that movie who wants to come over 1.7142857142857142 |
5843 392037988856647681 y is my first tweet 'I ❤ nipples' 2.2857142857142856 |
5844 909422306593853440 My Cake Cuttle Fish : ) #taptapfish Download : <URL> <URL> 3.333333333333333 |
5845 484601151858692098 If you love something , let it go . If it loves you , it 'll come back . 2.142857142857143 |
5846 901682387419099136 <USER> Half and half . I gave it a 5 out of 10 2.4285714285714284 |
5847 917125353180663813 3 . The BS Rule is in effect During the PPV , if it does a BS Moment ( Up to two , meaning bad ) It will LOSE a point ! 3.2857142857142856 |
5848 326168521954430977 I joined 2020Panel for paid research and may make $250 . Join too ! <URL> 3.7142857142857135 |
5849 387386077649981440 I just tried Dr . Scholl 's Active Series insoles . I like how it prevents foot pain . 3.7142857142857135 |
5850 501120769074954240 I just slept for so long why am I so tired ? ? ? 2.0 |
5851 681263251229962240 There 's never anything to do when i come home : ( 1.7142857142857142 |
5852 607259551218298880 <USER> aww look who gives a fuck about you , not me . 1.8571428571428568 |
5853 710324338684112896 Let 's make emojis as unstoppable as girls . ♥ ️ What girl emoji do you want to see ? #LikeAGirl <URL> 2.8571428571428568 |
5854 919394650368217089 Why is this so true <URL> 1.2857142857142858 |
5855 928466299478560768 It’s so pathetic that this is something that has to be done <URL> 1.7142857142857142 |
5856 294244730588520450 I'm mooning over Michele Mirabile 's latest release on my blog tonight Dark Side of the Moon <URL> 3.8571428571428568 |
5857 191945466852814848 <USER> I think they should cast you as Oberyn Martell . Nobody could play a salty Dornishman seeking revenge like you . 4.285714285714286 |
5858 872178226143129602 I ca n't stand most gospel music idc idc 2.8571428571428568 |
5859 880107568642887680 You 'll be so much happier if you just live for yourself . That 's what 'hoes' are doing . 2.4285714285714284 |
5860 377955198989508608 It gets uh , interesting 1.2857142857142858 |
5861 918936099400990720 If you struggle with this , say it with me : I Love myself , I respect myself , I value myself , I… <URL> 1.8571428571428568 |
5862 397671708947410944 <USER> if they want you to be . An angel they gotta make you a heaven first . . lol 1.8571428571428568 |
5863 378816474473041920 #Add1ExtraLetterToATVShow 'Big Bangs Theory' a show about 80 's hair . 3.0 |
5864 804855302449496064 First semester of college has taught me to laugh through life so far 2.2857142857142856 |
5865 439204407608344576 Im really liking the new update 1.7142857142857142 |
5866 803804379841228800 And all the good songs from the Tarzan soundtrack 😎 3.2857142857142856 |
5867 754028718520139776 Wish I had the Gossip Girl sound track playing in the background of my life 3.1666666666666665 |
5868 941689197219471360 Shut Down Farm Accused Of Incredible Animal Cruelty <URL> 2.5714285714285716 |
5869 941762801915351040 Tell <USER> <USER> : #NoJonesNoVote on #TrumpTaxScam <URL> #Resist #ResistTrump via <USER> 2.8571428571428568 |
5870 478635683842490368 <USER> for sure ! Your clothes are gorgeous . : ) 2.2857142857142856 |
5871 707400431060652033 There 's nothing better than crawling into bed after a hot shower . . so ready to feel better ! 2.0 |
5872 335973362281111552 <USER> Ancient Aliens is my fave show . Sooo good . 2.7142857142857144 |
5873 311331368925814786 New bang bombs dropping ! I am your new ruler ! 2.0 |
5874 412060890666909696 'With me being wherever I'm at , Worried bout where you are We 're takin this a little too far' 2.142857142857143 |
5875 279029145575497729 In a few minutes I should be getting in trouble • my mother can be so annoying • such a drag 👎👎😑👎👎 #parents #life #drag #blah #eh #me 2.5714285714285716 |
5876 93850577821372416 <USER> you can search phone numbers too if their names dont bring them up . people will start to find you too 2.2857142857142856 |
5877 196098022646624257 Does anyone happen to know many stamps go on a manila envelope with like 10 papers in it . . . ? 2.8571428571428568 |
5878 299888430064742401 The Office ( with Mike Scott ) #AstrosMovies 2.5 |
5879 224531485577854977 <USER> <USER> Bryon changed the password on ya , huh ? 2.5 |
5880 818653540285444096 Playlist is lit , game is on , and bass is strong . #blowsomeshitup #JustCause3 <USER> <USER> <USER> <URL> 2.1666666666666665 |
5881 812208031383461888 Live now on some #JustCause3 on <URL> & giving away a copy at 6pm PST Xmas Day make sure to BE THERE for a chance to win ! ! 3.0 |
5882 761810210801410048 People who only know Pikachu and plays Pokémon Go . <URL> 2.833333333333333 |
5883 732156949546962944 <USER> But the conscience you 'll have , never the same 😃 1.5 |
5884 332658159913140225 <USER> loves poop for some reason 2.333333333333333 |
5885 522821119640739840 Building 470 quarantined , student with flu-like symptoms <URL> via <USER> 3.1666666666666665 |
5886 301258587295072256 My best friend is a #BAMF <URL> 2.333333333333333 |
5887 284890451222347776 Gonna miss everyone when I go back to school ! #funNights #theGuys #loveThem #ballsyBoys 2.833333333333333 |
5888 123043505303068672 <USER> boo berrys the shit 2.8571428571428568 |
5889 133205481413025792 <USER> <USER> fuck , shit on the floor , then bounce . 1.8571428571428568 |
5890 242830273065140226 '<USER> : Devin hella cute' 2.2857142857142856 |
5891 242487108542017536 Hit them sheets one time ! '<USER> : <------- sleepy girl . ' 1.8571428571428568 |
5892 818855522304565248 Sign now : Demand ethics review for Trump 's Cabinet nominations : <URL> <USER> <USER> #VetBeforeHearing 3.7142857142857135 |
5893 467408382555881472 <USER> We 'll miss you . #RandisLastDay 2.4285714285714284 |
5894 665709139855720450 One Direction and Justin Bieber both dropped a new album on the same day . Illuminati confirmed 3.7142857142857135 |
5895 777660831748100096 Since living alone I have become my own worst enemy : the person who does not refill the ice tray when it 's empty . 3.571428571428572 |
5896 344555163949871104 Would you believe me if I said I'm in love ? Baby , I want you to want me . 2.8571428571428568 |
5897 528023021316243456 THIS IS FOR THE #1 SPOT ! WE TAKING OUR TITLE BACK #WhoDatNation 3.0 |
5898 162008532760268800 <USER> <USER> I'm not a stupid person . I donate fully knowing that it 's not a charity . Still does n't stop me from donating . 3.1666666666666665 |
5899 112631209913368576 <USER> You have no idea what kind of relationship I have . You do need to log off Twitter though . You are getting way to emotionally 2.6666666666666665 |
5900 8020902298 <USER> I heard it ! ! It 's dope ! ! 1.8333333333333333 |
5901 7962263513 <USER> I'm waiting to hear it ! Ca n't wait ! ! ! 2.1666666666666665 |
5902 479677009015357442 about to see #22JumpStreet #yes 3.0 |
5903 519512061823692800 Check out the app <USER> for lots of fun with your iPhone camera <URL> 2.833333333333333 |
5904 549236431017611265 Tearing shit up in SpeedRunners . <URL> 2.5 |
5905 619104882633523200 Sorry to everyone who has to read this shit and get bothered for a few seconds . When I keep it to myself , at least nobody important is hurt . 2.6666666666666665 |
5906 342705592441384960 If I ever got on Price on Right I would ask Drew how do I win <USER> & <USER> . Who needs a car when u can have them ? Lol 3.0 |
5907 407569754292224001 It’s just so sad that Paul Walker is gone . I didn’t have the privilege of knowing him in real life but I really enjoyed his films 3.6666666666666665 |
5908 908820517297238016 UPDATE - I ca n't take it anymore . 94 seconds . A new record . 1.8571428571428568 |
5909 838189961073557504 <USER> 2016 was a different time brother 2.0 |
5910 520816531756691456 <USER> continues their panel <USER> 2014 . <URL> 1.2857142857142858 |
5911 222820253007220736 I uploaded a <USER> video <URL> Making a Live 5 Second Film 2.142857142857143 |
5912 537412520546676736 <USER> <USER> YOU BOTH ROCKED LAST NIGHT ! No way either of you are leaving ! Xoxo 2.0 |
5913 742899319792111618 <USER> You just blew my mind ! ! Unbelievable ! You are PHENOMENAL ! 2.0 |
5914 824794723089018880 <USER> dad bod is essential too . 1.8571428571428568 |
5915 283410696052568064 <USER> my house lol wbu ? 1.7142857142857142 |
5916 50194250155044865 I leave my house early today . . . not for prayer , not for coffee , & not for mtg w/ a friend . Nope . Jury duty . DUH Duh duhhhhh . #fb 3.571428571428572 |
5917 50222102434947072 They 're showing us a video explaining jury trial process . By the sound of the background music , William Wallace is presiding as judge . #fb 4.0 |
5918 914631461562732545 Cooper is a bum ass WR 2.1666666666666665 |
5919 919567006302646272 This season for Patriots reminds me of 2015 season with the injuries like new injuries every week players weren’t healthy enough toward end 3.333333333333333 |
5920 436378608488030208 Having fun with #ClumsyNinja for iPhone ! Join me now for FREE ! <URL> 2.833333333333333 |
5921 377470717396516864 A New Look for the CSeries FTV1 #AppTrailers - 77 likes : <URL> 2.833333333333333 |
5922 818951850863054851 <USER> What 's that ? EHS 's first poetry slam of the season ! 3 . 00 dollars a person . 6 : 00pm BlackBox Theater #itsgoingtobeLIT 3.333333333333333 |
5923 335492979013861376 <USER> <USER> join the revolution . Ehs lit mag is here ! Get it Monday 5 . 00 ! <URL> 3.333333333333333 |
5924 605034749082476544 *sits on the floor and in the dark for the rest of my life* 1.3333333333333333 |
5925 606263401967288320 costco was in-tents , if you ask me <URL> 2.333333333333333 |
5926 355874994863095808 Posted a new photo : '' <URL> 1.8333333333333333 |
5927 263331444246585345 Classic Case has a show on 11/03/2012 at 08 : 00 PM @ Stimpy 's in Kent , WA <URL> #concert 3.6666666666666665 |
5928 5081958027 A fair warning to my readers , i consumed a tenderloin at the rearview this afternoon and it was the worst i 've ever ate . Get the burger . 2.8571428571428568 |
5929 7619142492 'There is a big difference between giving up on someone and accepting them for who they are . ' Could n't have said it better myself . 2.5714285714285716 |
5930 459894119758696449 I'm OK with going to bed early on a Friday night because I ate too much steak and ca n't move . 3.0 |
5931 222504985911500801 If I were a vehicle , I would find Optimus Prime extremely attractive . #lies #ithinkheshotnow 3.1428571428571432 |
5932 281169072316637184 Bra-less at school . If I could do this every day , I would . #smallchestprivilege 2.4285714285714284 |
5933 442436324532842496 I need to find a roommate like . . . now . Am I desperate enough to Craigslist search ? Idk man 3.0 |
5934 525264752034193409 Exactly 2 years ago today ! ( via <USER> ) <URL> <URL> 1.5714285714285714 |
5935 261458951462350848 <USER> you should bring back awful URLs on tosh . 0 2.142857142857143 |
5936 694970420999647232 I have Wedding Arc on my island ! Now my island is even more awesome ! <URL> #android , #androidgames , #gameinsight 3.0 |
5937 708873479949565952 I 've collected 6 , 250 gold coins ! <URL> #android , #androidgames , #gameinsight 2.8571428571428568 |
5938 280160074423472129 Fuckn gd ass night ! 2.142857142857143 |
5939 289898382590357504 <USER> 605 9041 call me nigga 2.7142857142857144 |
5940 502496361926127616 The hardest thing a father ever have to do is deliver news that can crush their childs world . 3.1428571428571432 |
5941 523472099051307008 Back yard look like a scene from the Masters . Golf Club of Georgia . What ya morning lookng like ? <URL> 3.7142857142857135 |
5942 936782314637373441 Alleluia 🤣 😂 ah <USER> , you kill me ! ! ! #AllTogetherNowSTL #stlblues 1.6666666666666667 |
5943 278309628947877888 <USER> Hi ! ! ! How is everything going ? ? ? ? We will have to get down there soon to see all of you guys ! ! ! 3.0 |
5944 354418387977375745 I hate you pirates , you make me want to say bad words . # ! $%@ ? # 3.4285714285714284 |
5945 446810328761122816 Sooo stoked to watch gods not dead ! #godsnotdeadthemovie 3.7142857142857135 |
5946 164910821393174529 oh shit im missing big bang theory 3.8571428571428568 |
5947 215076845010419712 <USER> I 'll watch it & keep you posted or some shit 3.0 |
5948 842199909185032196 <USER> Is this game magic ? Because it seems like magic . . . 2.1666666666666665 |
5949 909313613021810688 <USER> We 'd still be there , but my wife had an opportunity to expand her training and riding biz and just could n't pass it up . 3.0 |
5950 581091286536622081 Here 's a cool contest for kids 8-17 from #Disney; create your vision of #Tomorrowland and the future <URL> <USER> 3.8333333333333335 |
5951 746534570929983488 <USER> happy to connect . Where do I 'check you out' 2.0 |
5952 9463489740 Might not go to school tomorrow cause we might be at the hospital all night 2.5 |
5953 5572937420 Weep weep . . no please stop hitting me Im sorry . . i did n't mean it u are smarter than me ok . . just please stop . . no AHH ! 2.1666666666666665 |
5954 282360583481868288 I keep doing things like grocery shopping , baffled by the traffic & lines until I realize Christmas is in a few days . #christmas 2.833333333333333 |
5955 61131804169617409 Such a closet geek who can get lost for hours on cnet ! ! ! 2.0 |
5956 799044073269186564 <USER> to verify my account with you . 1.8333333333333333 |
5957 657734285479288835 I received a $30 . 05 Direct Deposit via <USER> . #free #cash <URL> 3.333333333333333 |
5958 430164215798575104 Really do n't know why I'm watching this anymore 2.0 |
5959 501087983140110337 Links to Upworthy ? <USER> you can do better than that 2.142857142857143 |
5960 898792812866678784 <USER> they do n't lol 1.2857142857142858 |
5961 856188064825311236 seeing young couples at church together > 2.5714285714285716 |
5962 480241422998966272 <USER> not much luck trading tonight . You trading ? 2.7142857142857144 |
5963 561235649085575170 <USER> wow I have a chance at matching him , 2.142857142857143 |
5964 442835791153098753 i wonder if the morris twins have ever traded jerseys at halftime . 3.571428571428572 |
5965 713785145149366272 <USER> is it uconn ? 2.2857142857142856 |
5966 26148746784 <USER> How is your film project coming along ? 2.7142857142857144 |
5967 372855536196128768 Wait for it . . . 'He really did use too much . ' Aha ! #TimingIsEverything #YouSaidItNotMe 2.7142857142857144 |
5968 596046746167353344 Hes a fucking god 2.1666666666666665 |
5969 739592958756802560 Man i swear dosx is like the best beer 3.0 |
5970 668434269740503040 I 've harvested 105 of food ! <URL> #android , #androidgames , #gameinsight 2.5 |
5971 624513086909739008 I 've harvested 1 , 203 of food ! <URL> #android , #androidgames , #gameinsight 2.5 |
5972 287416590557933568 <USER> k but you are on tonight right ? 1.6666666666666667 |
5973 445328530000187392 <USER> feel better sorry I missed the fasion show last night 2.333333333333333 |
5974 120727402 feeling kind of like i beat myself up . which is somewhat true seeing as i had a kung fu belt test yesterday . now i'm an orange belt ! : ) 3.6666666666666665 |
5975 10175518609 Looking for ice cream flavor inspiration . Anyone have ideas ? 2.6666666666666665 |
5976 725137761238417413 I liked a <USER> video <URL> Dire Straits - Money For Nothing music video ( Good quality , all countries ) 3.333333333333333 |
5977 944366540253728778 I liked a <USER> video <URL> Logic & Rag'n'Bone Man - Broken People ( from Bright : The Album ) [Official Audio] 3.5 |
5978 7173467585 <USER> But is n't consumerism bad ? : D 2.142857142857143 |
5979 26999451124 Why does being a Christian mean the only thing I can think/talk about is God ? He made a big beautiful interesting world . And I like it . 3.2857142857142856 |
5980 5427202 I want to do some revision ! 1.7142857142857142 |
5981 4807463 Homework , it 's very hard . : ( 1.8571428571428568 |
5982 376833612651704320 I just snapped a new picture : <URL> 2.2857142857142856 |
5983 354040596597440512 90% Relationship Ends Because Bitches Wanna Take Advice & Listen To they Single Ass F . . . : <URL> 2.5714285714285716 |
5984 2306549033 is facing dark fears . 1.2857142857142858 |
5985 19938488843 If you win , you have to take me ! : P . Jay-Z and Eminem Tickets Sweepstakes : <URL> 3.1428571428571432 |
5986 714242278445940737 <USER> wait , why is n't Koji on the bracket ? 2.4285714285714284 |
5987 625388553233547264 <USER> maybe she 's adopted 1.7142857142857142 |
5988 387595935917686785 I Was A Teenage Anarchist ! 2.6666666666666665 |
5989 696277318210363393 <USER> I need halp with Eternal Coding ! 3.0 |
5990 694774921583431680 When you step outside but really you look like you just ran a marathon . . . lolllll it 's humid as F 😅 2.333333333333333 |
5991 676897151692218370 Could not sleep to save my life last night 1.8333333333333333 |
5992 930461465051652096 Can I please grow out of these migraines now ? ! This emoji is quite an accurate depiction of the amount of head/brai… <URL> 3.5 |
5993 757607756920659968 Cause it 's been 2 years today since I saw <USER> and I'm really proud of the pics I took that night : <URL> 2.0 |
5994 925095456371331072 <USER> bro hit me up asap i want you to use my beatz 2.6 |
5995 883431041691787264 hi im emily and i like bowling , soup , and the band bowling for soup 3.2 |
5996 749161203138691072 AT&T 's quickly becoming a company that I no longer want to do business with . Charging for services not received and overcharging for others 4.6 |
5997 385163529516376064 Phil , The Father Figure Video - Duck Dynasty - A&E <URL> 2.8 |
5998 537381920867237888 I just updated my website . <URL> 1.8 |
5999 537381920867237888 I just updated my website . <URL> 1.8 |
6000 493887573081608193 <USER> I better be even with the truck by now , c'mon 😕😂 2.0 |
6001 485079977491066880 “<USER> : My Girlfriend Not Allowed To have more than 3 male friends . The father , the son , and the Holy Spirit . ” 😂😂 3.4 |
6002 3773052732 hey I love glee hey everyone make sure to make it so disney acquires marvel and marvel shows up at disney themeparks 3.8 |
6003 89347980385198082 Accio ! I want to win #HarryPotter 3D Glasses from <USER> & <USER> <URL> #YahooWin #InRealD3D 3.4 |
6004 468596786081198081 <USER> <USER> check out bartalotta , hot and juicy crawfish , and lotus of Siam . 2.7142857142857144 |
6005 384837367875391489 Handcut tagliatelle . Turkey liver sauce , bacon , spicy bread crumbs <URL> 3.0 |
6006 610555488305061889 Got my hair done 💇🏼 #dye #cut #curls #auburn #highlights #InstaSize #feelinggood @ Goshen Land <URL> 3.0 |
6007 502220829061812224 Neither Target or Walmart have Frank 's Hot Sauce . Is this the apocalypse ? 3.1428571428571432 |
6008 513852795066130432 <USER> am I wrong , or does that include people 's phone numbers ? Lol 2.2857142857142856 |
6009 19516607736 If there 's one thing I love making , it 's sewing accessories . Pincushions , craft aprons , needle books , you name it . . . . <URL> 2.8571428571428568 |
6010 240867491138662401 I guess 'DLC' would be a better description for Hearthfire than an expansion 2.8571428571428568 |
6011 533058825314926593 <USER> I lost it on this 1.2857142857142858 |
6014 533351978697367552 How about we see what the investigation turns up before we pass judgement . <URL> 3.2 |
6015 498898132046843904 Can`t wait to watch this movie get riffed by the Mystery Science Theater 3000 team ! It might actually make this . . . <URL> 3.6 |
6016 561911097478103040 I just saw the trailer for the first time for #Tomorrowland . Looks great ! So excited ! 3.4 |
6017 423683504509972480 If you did n't love Bill Nye before this , you 'll love him after ( or you 're a robot ) ( via <USER> ) <URL> 2.8 |
6018 276861871347347457 Can we just fall in love with each other ? 1.6 |
6019 286687751670214657 <USER> like tornados and thunderstorms and all that stuff , but I did n't know how to describe it simply 2.6 |
6020 4609268422541313 Three Reasons Why Syfy Should Re-Consider Giving Caprica Another Season - <URL> 3.2 |
6021 348163194277208064 Contest-30---Human-Face-Set <URL> A Must See - crafted with magnets ! ! 2.4 |
6022 578004272324874240 <USER> Nia found her voice . Let her use it . I know how hard it is to bite your lip ! <USER> 3.4 |
6023 461320028542222336 <USER> she wants to add gymnastics too . she was being a jerk in the fall about going and participating so i didnt add anything 2.75 |
6024 3627438180 i am seriously craving some HOOTERS fried pickles . 3.1666666666666665 |
6025 3611317006 aww bb . . . get the f over it 1.1666666666666667 |
6026 511451307601715200 I liked a <USER> video from <USER> <URL> ► IT BURNS ! ! ! - TheLaVigneLife Daily Vlog #133 2.6666666666666665 |
6027 539637076099350529 Needs <USER> back on . . . like now 1.8333333333333333 |
6028 892519437768830977 Bronchitis Week 8 : I am fully prepared to suction my lungs with a vacuum hose . I let you know how it goes . 😷 3.0 |
6029 762496857725505537 No caption necessary . #USA #gold <URL> 1.8333333333333333 |
6030 703494844107325441 Help me win this awesome game on Steamified <URL> 2.5 |
6031 711254456688451584 Have you seen this video ? <URL> 2.333333333333333 |
6032 7237485475 Haha . Typing on the iPhone is funn . ( : 2.0 |
6033 430184577882402816 Ate my weight in chicken wing dip 😋 1.8333333333333333 |
6034 84452148649279489 The Dream is coming true . <URL> 1.8571428571428568 |
6035 186593449343066114 <USER> Is n't that basically saying that you did n't make the final 2 ? And if so , is n't that giving away the ending ? 2.7142857142857144 |
6036 906612988462821376 <USER> Yes it is ! ! ! She got here this morning ! ! : ) 1.8571428571428568 |
6037 816152250108223488 Ohhhhh <USER> you are just like me---Green Tea shots are the best things EVER ! ! ! : ) 3.0 |
6038 597895429930557440 <USER> still waiting on the Wells investigation into Eli Manning and Rogers 3.2857142857142856 |
6039 673290056858251264 Thanks to <USER> <USER> <USER> and <USER> for giving those high school players a lifetime memory . #GreatPeople 3.2857142857142856 |
6040 111318641278058496 On a blind date , meeting a girl at the movie theater I showed up dressed like Pee Wee Herman . #whyimsingle 3.1428571428571432 |
6041 93836390957191168 Cut myself while shaving my toes in the shower <USER> 2.4285714285714284 |
6042 198458827077713920 'If might is right . . . Then there 's no room for love in the world . . . ' -Father Gabriel<3 ( : 2.5714285714285716 |
6043 377903623797493760 So tired . Spent the last three days at #Lankenau #Medical #Center . _ . 3.2857142857142856 |
6044 884765839945342976 this just in : fish are mammals i guess ? ? ? <URL> 2.142857142857143 |
6045 909063053299404800 <USER> that seems like a fire hazard i'm gonna be honest 2.0 |
6046 939193178850299905 What you need to know about TARGETED INDIVIDUALS and ELECTRONIC WEAPONRY <URL> via <USER> 3.1428571428571432 |
6047 640471297588260864 You 're ready to break old patterns that prevent you from exper . . . More for Pisces <URL> 2.4285714285714284 |
6048 808133210936930304 But hey , at least I slept until about 4 PM today so I can stay up studying 😊 2.142857142857143 |
6049 771578982022000640 <USER> come visit anytime 💕 1.2857142857142858 |
6050 860219753750700032 <USER> <USER> <USER> Awesome job ! Keep up the great work 💗 1.7142857142857142 |
6051 898560160435548160 I liked a <USER> video <URL> WHO WILL IT BE ? | Dream Daddy : A Dad Dating Simulator - Part 6 ( END ) 3.1428571428571432 |
6052 527810791672909824 Mrs . Eberts gave us candy 😊 2.142857142857143 |
6053 883150441571389442 I 've been called selfish by two different people in less than a week I guess it 's time to start hating myself again 2.2857142857142856 |
6054 340749290915913728 I managed to finish the Top Secret assignment ! Try it for yourself ! <URL> #GameInsight #iPad #iPadGames 3.0 |
6055 340748887981690880 Nice to meet Jonathan Night ! Look for the new acquaintances in the streets of London ! <URL> #iPad #iPadGame . . . 3.0 |
6056 505049925563199488 They just posted ' chapter 9' of the story ' We all fall' . <URL> <URL> 3.5 |
6057 476791812875890688 ahhhh ! ! ! ! ! mem we need tickets ! ! ! ! ! ! <URL> 1.8333333333333333 |
6058 846889912909541376 I'm earning #mPLUSRewards in Shoot Da Bird . <URL> 2.6666666666666665 |
6059 879847321651040257 I'm earning #mPLUSRewards in Tap Da Cookie . <URL> 2.6666666666666665 |
6060 922152218773610496 It 's about time #AncestryDNA included #Scotland in their category ! Having just 'Ireland' was a… <URL> 3.6666666666666665 |
6061 918295388825714688 Just when things are looking up for the girls , Star 's father now decides to show up . 😒 <USER> #StarOnFox #Star #deadbeatdad 3.0 |
6062 659418243636056065 i genuinely have no sympathy for people who go out of their way to make others feel bad 2.5 |
6063 875589383826448385 *high pitched screaming* our government is a joooooke 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃 <URL> 2.333333333333333 |
6064 24037644281 The Piano - Instrument Study Series ! Even if your child has no desire to play this instrument , it is still . . . <URL> 3.1428571428571432 |
6065 361855997729439747 NEW ! Two-Hundred U . S . President Facts Copywork Cards <URL> 3.0 |
6066 209697942309834754 Another road trip 1.2857142857142858 |
6067 194155887508729857 Lol saw honey , jasmine kelvin and philana this morning XD 2.2857142857142856 |
6068 342805852987736065 Watching me some James Bond . 📺🔫 #jamesbond #007 #ohyeah 3.1428571428571432 |
6069 305927589166460928 Spongebob : 'What do you usually do when I'm gone ? ' Patrick : 'Wait for you to come back . ' #spongebob #patrick #awww 2.8571428571428568 |
6070 267112510753210368 those that think photography is a glamorous job probably do n't realize it means spending Friday night cloning horse poop out of photos . 2.5714285714285716 |
6071 12554965212 Chicago area people please retweet ! Looking for Senior 2011 reps- fun session & lots of goodies ! lindsaypowellphotography<USER> . com 3.2857142857142856 |
6072 293479294569701377 <USER> I'm off on Wednesday so that 's perfect ! 3.0 |
6073 320561270854135808 If you 're going to use words like 'immerse' you should know how to use it and sound less stupid when you say it . 4.0 |
6074 611920045891923968 Do n't mess with Amanda ! 2.5 |
6075 568842961368326144 <USER> I ca n't wait for good TV to get here . 2.333333333333333 |
6076 650524645867802624 <USER> <USER> is the best photog esp of any wildlife in the water 2.5 |
6077 914536265051103232 <USER> please share as the hospital bills r mounting n we r not sure when I 'll be home again <URL> every $ helps 3.1666666666666665 |
6078 918688987585249281 This was literally me growing up all the time . It gets real irritating after a while . <URL> 2.833333333333333 |
6079 929091642107351040 <USER> A+ , nice job 1.1666666666666667 |
6080 381084286021279744 I just want a hot shower 😠 #collegeproblems 2.333333333333333 |
6081 298249078754648065 Superbowl >>> writing papers 2.0 |
6082 437730646417752065 <USER> if u wanna no that u cn text me bck n ill let uk . . . . . 1.5 |
6083 241388533565235200 <USER> <USER> ikr ready doe 1.1428571428571428 |
6084 263980085407797248 <USER> Its November ! ! ! ! ! Crunch Time Bro ! ! ! ! Lets Do It ! ! ! #Cueupu 2.4285714285714284 |
6085 252496741830643712 <USER> For what he aint any better ! ! ! ! ! 1.2857142857142858 |
6086 853828254658174980 Just posted a photo <URL> 1.8571428571428568 |
6087 853828254658174980 Just posted a photo <URL> 1.8571428571428568 |
6088 880162447931445249 <USER> How about lowering premiums and cost for the elderly as well ! 2.5714285714285716 |
6089 689846447903248384 <USER> I'm legit 45 mins away ! ! ! ! 2.7142857142857144 |
6090 469083140016078848 Just two more tests . . . . . just two more and I can go home 2.7142857142857144 |
6091 455939690600755200 These tests are going to go very badly tomorrow 😣 2.142857142857143 |
6092 567385486562312192 <USER> <USER> <USER> <USER> <USER> <USER> <USER> im charging a cover fee at the door for this yess 2.333333333333333 |
6093 909274147901014016 #TEXvsUSC come Trojans get a stop turover some thing here lets goooo 3.333333333333333 |
6094 355177458204557316 'He 's got a bowl ass cut ' 2.1666666666666665 |
6095 375737075418804224 Just saw the biggest rebel flag of my life #Georgia 2.5 |
6096 11221085413 <USER> how long has George Hill been a solid NBA player ? And why am I just now noticing ? 3.333333333333333 |
6097 130311192865554432 <USER> Absolutely love the Bookie Report . Great feature ! 3.1666666666666665 |
6098 27517204752764929 Jus seen Fabulous 'Girl U be Killin em' video for da 1st time ! I Luv datg video & <USER> did a Good Job ! 3.4 |
6099 27114566773 <USER> Awee ! ! I'm soo happy 4u ! U Deserve everything GOD blessed U with ! ! Luv U KLSH ! ! ! ! ! ! 2.6666666666666665 |
6100 224710635286564864 <USER> You should start using Jenkins , for no other reason than to use the Chuck Norris plugin . 3.0 |
6101 407218403322363904 Watching paint dry #Jets #Dolphins 3.0 |
6102 930380448391483392 Check Out This Contest From <USER> <URL> #ConfrontationalClothing #Giftcard #Giveaway #Contest #Sweepstakes #Walmart 2.8 |
6103 910110062026350593 <USER> connecticut , usa ! very excited for the game . . . and happy birthday to Filbert ! ! ! 2.2 |
6104 628638800613236736 Here’s an #AmazonGiveaway to win : SanDisk Ultra 64GB USB 3 . 0 OTG Flash . . . . Hurry . <URL> 2.6 |
6105 693195877502955520 #mailcall #freestuff4review I got all this in yesterday and today but I 've been super busy to… <URL> 2.4 |
6106 50348808151904257 <USER> Jealous ! Want tweet-by-tweet recap of musical numbers ! xo 1.6 |
6107 324593976080490498 This story , about the guy with the ruined leg ( s ) , read it : In Grisly Image , a Father Sees His Son <URL> 2.6 |
6108 869452331712040960 The bad news : Chocolate Labradors are n't really made of chocolate . The good news : These S'mores still do n't taste half bad . 2.0 |
6109 897654265556193281 <USER> At least we figured out it was better to fuck the virgins and sacrifice the goats . . . Some guys spent years do… <URL> 2.0 |
6110 9070692603 At Picasso 's Coffee in St . Charles , MO - Looks identical to <USER> , right down to the 'Historic Downtown St . Charles' signs . 3.2 |
6111 6677428569 Just added myself to the <URL> twitter directory under : #geneva_il #commercialrealestate #realestate #chicago 3.0 |
6112 356734164294316032 The things I volunteer for . . . . Fair choir counselor for the next two weeks . . . Yay children 2.5 |
6113 510827682024939520 I swear we have nail clippers in random places in every room of our apartment <USER> . Just found a pair by the microwave . 3.8333333333333335 |
6114 698706030491000832 <USER> why does wave 2 of the pink variants say the bb8 will be available Thursday February 15th ? The 15th is Monday . 3.6666666666666665 |
6115 784748851403948032 Heading to state marching in Sheldon today , tomorrow dog show in Lincoln . 3.333333333333333 |
6116 740493009872166912 I'm earning #mPLUSRewards in The Weather Channel . <URL> 2.5 |
6117 740493009872166912 I'm earning #mPLUSRewards in The Weather Channel . <URL> 2.1666666666666665 |
6118 896376757326139392 <USER> I hate that my beautiful , diverse , progressive hometown will be known for this . These people are not Charlottesville . 3.5 |
6119 811942589045833728 <USER> Definitely not ! It 's like air in Mexico ! 2.833333333333333 |
6120 908915993233301504 A puppy to smell your puppies ! ! ! <URL> 2.0 |
6121 851471189016969216 Lord Is It Mine <URL> via <USER> A hidden gem . 2.0 |
6122 522017171451695104 So happy we did ! ! Dogs are the best <URL> <URL> 2.142857142857143 |
6123 847857180996849664 <USER> <USER> <USER> <USER> R , ay B'an Special sale 23 . 99 ! <URL> 2.8571428571428568 |
6124 914351878665797633 He was sitting at a damn table with a damn spoon ! But he did n't eat . HE STILL WON'T EAT HIS CEREAL . #RyanGosling #SNLPremiere 3.4285714285714284 |
6125 916855853524963328 Random product pimping : a book of #Stargate short stories , featuring me ! <URL> 2.8571428571428568 |
6126 789880450374365184 #tbt ❤ ️ I 've realized that I look like my sister in this jacket 😳 oh… <URL> 2.5714285714285716 |
6127 320391815587041281 somebody Needs a hair cut : / <URL> 2.2857142857142856 |
6128 902916087653814276 I NEED ONE OF LILY <URL> 2.142857142857143 |
6129 937884771648237569 Julie Beaird-Johnson Bobby Whatley <URL> 2.5714285714285716 |
6130 23059802208866304 So many temptations . . . 1.4285714285714286 |
6131 21093774281 Actually it was n't brand new . . . I found it 1.7142857142857142 |
6132 589631262245015553 How many times can you ask someone about their day 1.7142857142857142 |
6133 453721663113539584 It 's gotten to the point where even straight teenage boys understand the struggle of straight teenage boys 3.1428571428571432 |
6134 741730563296350209 Help Brian save his legs click link to learn more ! <URL> via <USER> 3.2857142857142856 |
6135 845603647585226753 Sorry it 's not trolling I'm just not falling for Trumps lies . It 's funny how the only news that is fake news are s… <URL> 3.1428571428571432 |
6136 399376368976543744 holy shit C 's love they are back ! way to put the game away DWade #idiot 3.0 |
6137 406139689981448194 <USER> u underestimated that man 1.8571428571428568 |
6138 722800028553756672 Fav . Snack of the moment . #addicted <URL> 2.142857142857143 |
6139 697632731921039360 <USER> Thank you for coming and speaking to us today in class ! 2.0 |
6140 489080307849523200 I liked a <USER> video from <USER> <URL> MW2 : Random Class Nuke #59 || Throwing Knife Tar-21 on Scrapyard 3.2857142857142856 |
6141 592390221100097536 <USER> fav for no exos 1.5 |
6142 466770998713675777 I'm over in Florida where it is pouring and back home it 's 100 degrees and there are 8 brushfires . . . 3.0 |
6143 433467486940311553 <USER> what cha want ? ? 1.2857142857142858 |
6144 633707323316391936 Learn how #DietCoke is used in this Oven Baked Nachos recipe <URL> #DetermineTheDrink 3.2857142857142856 |
6145 639153384969367552 Action movies over rom-coms any day of the week ! <URL> #CokeActionVote 2.8571428571428568 |
6146 423099530796863488 Come join Bally 's Social Rewards Loyalty Program ! Earn points towards free rooms & More . <URL> 3.571428571428572 |
6147 423831592684232705 So excited to watch <USER> : Comedy In Action for family-friendly laughs at <USER> <URL> 2.5714285714285716 |
6148 700236552635420672 <USER> <USER> I got this hair because of you 😩😁 ! I love it 1.8571428571428568 |
6149 625460391108218881 Bout to pull my hair out ! ! Ugghhh 1.2857142857142858 |
6150 943561263744933888 There are people who do n't like Scrooged . <URL> 2.4285714285714284 |
6151 935353493287616512 <USER> <USER> still , you were n't wrong 1.2857142857142858 |
6152 533703810775285760 <USER> Dang Zy You Did Your Thing Against Us . You Balled . Keep Grinding Though . 2.2857142857142856 |
6153 765517977798205444 -Black Lives Matter Starts With Us . We Got To Stop Killing Each Other . 3.2857142857142856 |
6154 878286336519806976 A superior man is modest in his speech , but exceeds in his actions . - Confucius #quote 1.8571428571428568 |
6155 751812772317503488 How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours . - Wayne Dyer #quote 2.7142857142857144 |
6156 234713444685864960 <USER> I swear I love this hoe lol 1.8571428571428568 |
6157 232549536537640962 '<USER> : Ca n't be in no relationship if you talking to one of my partners' . . . this is so true 2.5714285714285716 |
6158 879805032270626816 I just checked in <USER> with #mPLUSPlaces Download today ! <URL> 2.7142857142857144 |
6159 831875168351969282 I just filed my federal and state taxes with <USER> for free #bam #Absolute0 #sponsor <URL> 3.2857142857142856 |
6160 164412305206030336 <USER> <USER> great ! ! Yeah , I saw on the touring plans website that it will be at one of the lowest levels for crowds ! 2.2857142857142856 |
6161 165292941357748224 <USER> LOL ! ! ! ! ! they could possibly , but it just would n't be the same ! Oh , and pregnancy is actually kinda fun : ) I miss it : ) 2.4285714285714284 |
6162 767672754443132928 <USER> just a reminder that i still exist and ur still my description 2.0 |
6163 766803651369144320 my sister and her husband both follow me on Twitter now and i feel like my shitty tweets are going to impact their impressions of me 3.2857142857142856 |
6164 674442496064245761 The lack of #Marvel behind the scenes features bugs me . Been watching The Hobbit Blu and the first features disc has 4 . 5 HOURS of material . 3.4285714285714284 |
6165 531571550299099136 And thus ends #GroceryWatch . A bit disappointing . 2.4285714285714284 |
6166 159777078420582401 I'm way too #ocd to make pizzas . Pepperoni must be evenly space ! ! ! ! 2.7142857142857144 |
6167 156947089794936832 Most of the time the internet just distracts me but tonight , THANK YOU FOR MAKING BIO POSSIBLE ! : D 2.2857142857142856 |
6168 771511437609033728 LIVE on #Periscope : Northeast band halftime <URL> 3.4285714285714284 |
6169 535834653249122304 Former Wrestling Superstar Struggles As Double Amputee <URL> via <USER> 2.8571428571428568 |
6170 253184174234693632 There is a limp version of Horror Radio now streaming . We will be adding tons more songs soon . . . . <URL> 2.8571428571428568 |
6171 261267465907101696 Watching a sneak peek to OTHERS Halloween Spooktacular . . . BRAVO Mark and everyone else involved . Premieres for . . . <URL> 3.0 |
6172 340417901599277056 Missin my sport right about now . Really needing to take some anger out on them balls with my bat . #softball #sports = #life 2.4285714285714284 |
6173 279373478757548033 <USER> hi liam . I really hope u see this because you guys keep me strong . Such an inspiration to me . Xxxx 2.5714285714285716 |
6174 922259832521945089 <USER> This tweet must be about the Broncos game today . . . . . 2.5714285714285716 |
6175 942199573350625280 I liked a <USER> video <URL> Let It Go 1.8571428571428568 |
6176 464598242966376448 #22 pick to Cleveland ( 2007 ) Brady Quinn . #22 pick to Cleveland ( 2012 ) Brandon Weeden . #22 pick to Cleveland ( 2014 ) Johnny Manziel 4.285714285714286 |
6177 705616397901144064 <USER> As was asked of the candidates , if he is the gop nominee , would you support him ? 2.2857142857142856 |
6178 168402257228996608 <USER> so is it normal to tear up every time i watch never say never ? 3.0 |
6179 171321470251843585 everyone else in the room can see it everyone else but you 1.5714285714285714 |
6180 473214689862631424 I liked a <USER> video <URL> Nimbus why you so cheeks ? 2.6666666666666665 |
6181 434943416682545152 I liked a <USER> video from <USER> <URL> DCUO TWERK TEAM CMK VS SOL 3.333333333333333 |
6182 853828254658174980 Just posted a photo <URL> 2.142857142857143 |
6183 755448780359688193 Check out <USER> and Win the things you love #myrobinhood <URL> 2.7142857142857144 |
6184 418750229672763393 The Scandal Bowl : Tar Heels Football , Academic Fraud , and Implicit Racism <URL> via <USER> 3.6666666666666665 |
6185 347083216550760448 <USER> Guard Danny Green #SpoSpeech #obvious 3.2857142857142856 |
6186 334076432038887424 I 've always wanted an Edible Arrangements 😍 3.1428571428571432 |
6187 878002036293357568 Are side-bangs making a comeback ? 2.142857142857143 |
6188 4892032491 sitting here with jehn standing , bore 3.0 |
6189 8469705336 Omg cowboys drive busses 1.6666666666666667 |
6190 333718371243798528 Listened to <USER> 's 'Make Good Art'- Even though I'm a physics major , it 's one of the most truly inspirational speeches I 've heard <3 3.333333333333333 |
6191 699256615598317568 Urge <USER> to nominate a progressive justice to the Supreme Court <URL> 2.833333333333333 |
6192 396853176743112704 #RTExtraLife I love how they keep talking about Tumblr . 1.6666666666666667 |
6193 831679450681073664 That prison guard is an ass . #TheFosters 2.333333333333333 |
6194 307284222899527680 #oomf is annoying and they 're beginning to get under my skin . 2.1666666666666665 |
6195 292677848232230913 I have yet to get an English professor assigned to my CRN , if Pace drops my class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.333333333333333 |
6196 13370114188 <USER> What is the DEAL with these scanners ? I mean , seriously ? What is the deal with them ? Am I right ? *applause* 2.333333333333333 |
6197 6808330011 <USER> Thanks for putting me in your Webcomics list . I love your late-night joke tweets . 2.333333333333333 |
6198 393558491677589505 GENDER BENDER BALL ! ! ! ! #megan #bendramapo <URL> 2.7142857142857144 |
6199 504434565747068928 Mona is dead and I will never forgive the writers/producers of <USER> . Being real : there is no point to watching this show without Mona . 3.7142857142857135 |
6200 804209139777945600 <USER> just got Ashes of the Tyrant; I love Mehen & his Family . Farideh is a special fave but as a Dad love the Dadness of Mehen . 3.4285714285714284 |
6201 943508277865930752 <USER> <USER> Oh to be a fly on the wall ! : ) I really enjoyed the film ! 2.4285714285714284 |
6202 745483449385902083 <USER> Please take a minute of ur time & watch & share my friend <USER> music video TY <URL> 2.5714285714285716 |
6203 684970339890282496 I'm giving away something for you on <USER> : mystery photo . Get it here - <URL> 2.142857142857143 |
6204 842171656802074624 <USER> those people are dumb . keep it . 1.5714285714285714 |
6205 902360982391054337 <USER> <USER> if so then we already know you cant relate 1.7142857142857142 |
6206 793661634845761537 Do you like cookies ? — Yeah <URL> 2.0 |
6207 793972742823571456 Why you got flowers on your head 👋🏻 — it 's a head band <URL> 2.5714285714285716 |
6208 228697550910275585 This cat does n't know how to pose for a picture like all the other instagram kitties : ( lol <URL> 2.7142857142857144 |
6209 940463462437732352 WebMD really wants to remind me that my snoring makes me inherently unlovable <URL> 2.8571428571428568 |
6210 651159222718103553 But thats what 's cute about the jackets , they are like those cups 😂😍 <URL> 1.7142857142857142 |
6211 683184778112204800 Demi Lovatos voice is so fucking annoying . Omg . 2.8571428571428568 |
6212 231618199630790656 <USER> im good its nice for u to write back 1.7142857142857142 |
6213 230909931006607360 <USER> I wish u would follow me I look up to u and love your . music 2.0 |
6214 840292075203657729 I liked a <USER> video <URL> There Is No Gender Wage Gap 2.4285714285714284 |
6215 850466297116798977 I liked a <USER> video from <USER> <URL> Game Theory : The TRUTH behind the TRIFORCE ( Zelda : Breath of the Wild ) 3.2857142857142856 |
6216 695021631710830592 <USER> Can you make a skin available for Azrael This one please <URL> 2.4285714285714284 |
6217 864466211714854912 Check out these nutrition tips to help slay your workout ! #LuvoContest - <URL> <URL> 3.0 |
6218 2926319759265792 I have a pretty crazy but amazing life ! 1.2857142857142858 |
6219 5289482888 <URL> My first #etsy treasury : ) 'Dear Santa , All I want for Christmas' 2.0 |
6220 326302330167361538 <USER> <USER> Mary Smith was one of the biggest hearts I have ever met . She gave more of herself and expected nothing in return . 3.571428571428572 |
6221 286812007288676352 <USER> Greeny , look at the Bengals D over the last 8 weeks . They are no . 2 , while the Texans are no . 5 . 3.2857142857142856 |
6222 904522159002984448 'Met a girl named Aja , she said her Dad loved Steely Dan . . . ' been running through my head all day long . 3.0 |
6223 568265421960425472 'Sweet Boy Butterscotch' Simon Gotch . #NXT 2.5714285714285716 |
6224 591632350892544000 Mary Lee Hamilton supporting her boyfriend through his loss #MsideKind 3.2857142857142856 |
6225 308625966392037376 Shopping Bag <URL> via <USER> 1.4285714285714286 |
6226 413512221541797888 dat face doe missmollydebra emiller192 <USER> <URL> 1.8571428571428568 |
6227 346802727210332164 <USER> i need to visit you asap ! 2.142857142857143 |
6228 333096165136531456 <USER> I'm obsessed with you and lvoe you and ugh 2.2857142857142856 |
6229 387717011591008256 Julie and I are listening to depressing country music because we are emotional little girls #whoarewe #notnormal 3.2857142857142856 |
6230 287950957105537027 Joan Wheeler is an ass-like when she said John got the next door neighbor pregnant-and the house was vacant-if you 're gonna lie , do it right 3.0 |
6231 334854087768170496 <USER> that was spooky ! - great job guys ! and a great show ! thank you . 2.142857142857143 |
6232 911085399186878476 <USER> <USER> <USER> Busca a Edna Aldana en Facebook es veterinaria y está coordinando <URL> 3.0 |
6233 859575045529767936 <USER> Stress and lack of sleep are the 2 biggest reasons for people getting sick . Be aware of how you 're handling each ❤ ️ 2.8571428571428568 |
6234 860875903336927232 <USER> What kind of fish are used in the derby ? 3.1428571428571432 |
6235 930441427083059200 <USER> Although their offense is pedestrian , Bears defense is no joke , and we played well against them . Good step for the Pack . 3.4285714285714284 |
6236 6706028532 so i think my laptop is slowly dieing . . . sadness . . . . good thing i can jack my sons for the time being 2.7142857142857144 |
6237 9770519510 when do things ever make sense 1.1428571428571428 |
6238 528189356977041408 Goal for Fort Mill Care Center : 30 , 000 pounds of food <URL> 3.7142857142857135 |
6239 817376059989622785 Rock Hill middle school students to be tested for TB <URL> 3.571428571428572 |
6240 48251494281125888 <USER> yess ! Haha ! Yup yup : D huntington ! ! Noo its not ! 2.0 |
6241 42468359912173568 <USER> hahhaa noo . . . . . Off with your head : p ily fishbutt ! 1.8571428571428568 |
6242 676229687631302656 just ready for New Years so I can cut everybody off except for a select few 😇 1.8571428571428568 |
6243 649530311907377152 I just wanna go back to sleep lol 1.7142857142857142 |
6244 11118962299 <USER> Thats sick so wish I was apart of your crew . . . 2.142857142857143 |
6245 330901101673078784 <USER> oh so you cant #follow me back thats why you look like a #sweep Galapago ! ! 2.2857142857142856 |
6246 504353667823046656 <USER> I like to think that no matter what they need it for , they needed it more than I did . 2.2857142857142856 |
6247 890258394355036160 Every qualified person should have the opportunity to serve our great country . It 's an honor everyone deserves a shot at if they want it . 2.7142857142857144 |
6248 611218691770822656 Be honest , has it taken you this long to approach us because of the Kardashians ? -a7xchik09 <USER> #swaghook <URL> 3.0 |
6249 845384664600776705 <USER> I think it crashed lol 1.2857142857142858 |
6250 630541473600139265 Lets go #Pittsburgh <USER> ! Steelers at Vikings has kicked off . Tune to NBC . ( ESPN ) <URL> 3.571428571428572 |
6251 295383361684381696 <USER> 'I am so glad that I do not look like a 13 year old prostitute . ' #ThingsAnabelSaysOnSaturdayNight 3.1428571428571432 |
6252 656260004811554817 Nothing is better than driving in the fall with the windows down , good music playing , watching the multicoloured leaves swirl in the breeze . 3.7142857142857135 |
6253 658108081973428224 <USER> Totally true , and I #happilysingle but I think an argument can be made for giving people a chance . I do that less now . 2.7142857142857144 |
6254 10549502792433664 Thought it was Wednesday for half of the day . Soooooo happy to be wrong ! ! Friday , here we come ! ! 3.1428571428571432 |
6255 169152770195197954 I probably look half-dead and I just ca n't freaking eat . #sicksucks 2.4285714285714284 |
6256 179282042 Testing new cellphone on twitter Christy 2.2857142857142856 |
6257 19009583972352000 I liked a YouTube video -- Tik Tok - Ke$ha ( Tyler Ward and Crew rock cover ) - Music Vid . . . <URL> 3.1428571428571432 |
6258 492808057341374464 Bikini Bottom style @ Orlando World Center Marriott <URL> 2.5714285714285716 |
6259 461656865882251264 Speaks for itself <URL> 1.2857142857142858 |
6260 246260867866427393 Many happy returns from WMMT to Mr . Bill Monroe , who would 've been 101 years old today . <URL> 3.571428571428572 |
6261 396028152406740992 this week 's #coal report , an audio roundup of local central app . & nat'l coal news : <URL> 2.8571428571428568 |
6262 510118336017862657 “Cruelty is easy , cheap and rampant . ” ― Brené Brown 2.7142857142857144 |
6263 517134106107187200 To my twitter feed- please disregard my dust . Jumping into a chat about integrated care ! #medpsych 2.7142857142857144 |
6264 3828427096 Thank you for your kindness <USER> ! 1.5714285714285714 |
6265 856217948289208320 How would you answer this : 'What 's your favorite type of cheese ? ' <URL> 2.2857142857142856 |
6266 938953941768986624 Lmao Chris Pratt 🐐 <URL> 2.1666666666666665 |