TweetID Tweet Score 0 413003745127956480 Hi Bethenny . I would like to try your new sparkling water and I live in Chicago but I ca n't find them . Thanks for your help . 4.5 1 310951314643382272 I would like to suggest a bakery that u should try and its called The Measuring Cup in East Dundee IL . 4.5 2 860174326724788225 How would you answer this : 'How often do you submit poll questions ? ' 2.5 3 703993411460665346 'I do n't know who you are . . . But I love you . ' ~ Valarie 's Letter in V for Vendetta; quoted from a depression survivor . #RIPAlex 3.1666666666666665 4 448178877492629504 *sends you hugs and cookies* 2.0 5 427139009744482304 have you ever heard of a band called Fall Out Boy ? I heard their singer is pretty rad . 3.0 6 539630218810781696 Father , I feel in my spirit a need to send a special prayer to all my Facebook friends and to all those . . . 2.6666666666666665 7 463337717188005888 =Message of the day= = =WHAT MIRACLES . . . 2.1666666666666665 8 449022269428232192 I do n't understand how horrible people manage to make friends . 2.1666666666666665 9 385280092357685248 ' : Rt if you 're a mermaid ! ' 1.6666666666666667 10 733042261332611072 My prof fucked up the exam and is only gonna grade us on the easy Qs ☺ ️ ☺ ️ ☺ ️ ☺ ️ 3.8333333333333335 11 873057204554784772 Cuanto chingo , I already know . lol 2.333333333333333 12 281125915558309888 I 've collected 6 , 405 gold coins ! #android , #androidgames , #gameinsight 3.0 13 825857397939924993 I 've collected 10 , 775 gold coins ! #android , #androidgames , #gameinsight 3.0 14 922929773961244672 Ya MCM a bum . 🗣 1.4 15 922870992237678599 “DO YOU LOOK LIKE THE TYPE OF NIGGA THAT PLAY SOCCER” 😭 1.8333333333333333 16 848345557424852992 boys are boys and girls are joys 2.333333333333333 17 350841459441799169 Sometimes I hope I'm looking at the same moon as you 2.1666666666666665 18 804136782266777600 the king of all Crying Jordan 's ? 2.1666666666666665 19 840400077978030080 The Tournament has been very entertaining . And is right in the middle of it . Great games today ! 3.0 20 738458798462013444 Dementia is a truly horrible disease for everyone it affects . Touching and honest perspective on #dementia 4.166666666666667 21 856085643713183744 Excited to be heading down to the today to cheer on all the amazing people running for 3.333333333333333 22 344855324500566018 Oh , well it 's a pretty awesome secret . hahaha . 1.0 23 862250066144350208 Wishing Lily , you , and your family all the love , strength , and support in the world today . 3.0 24 837471090809135106 love you guys , but do n't you feel a need to address this 1.3333333333333333 25 836781351378513920 yep . Given 1st 30 days , hard too know of he means any of it . Tomorrow will start the test 1.8333333333333333 26 332718296606572544 you are a riot , delusional but still a riot . 2.1666666666666665 27 332333733409603585 #RealWorld Nia 'never played the victim' I think she plays the victim well . 2.5 28 773347990828232704 NO ! ! ! ! ! ! I SAID DONT SEND SMOAK TO THE PLATE ! ! ! ! 2.833333333333333 29 934174119930793984 Dear . . . for my birthday I would love some love . That is all . Thanks you guys are the best 😍💙 3.0 30 32875048352096256 Must . Get . Out . Of . House . The sake of our sanity is at great risk . 2.333333333333333 31 5605543811 I hate feeling like this . Tempted to find a happy , floaty place to distract myself . 2.333333333333333 32 799757891385245696 I take eating for two very seriously and literally . Meaning I eat double of everything #pregolife 2.6666666666666665 33 379599903392940033 Bug spray is my perfume this morning . #sexy #mosquitos #bitten 3.1666666666666665 34 254640259177013248 Missing my babes . . . #lonely 2.333333333333333 35 323767643125448704 Happy 50th Birthday love Mommy ! #birthday #mommy #luvmymommy 3.6666666666666665 36 6565923809 Thanks ! I just called and left a message with the VP . Ridiculous . I know *I* will never again . 3.1666666666666665 37 798957308 The lack of responses to my last post makes me think that i have the only child who has ever called out for their caregiver at night 3.0 38 6450834415 The Frozen Throne ! Let 's play two Insanes ! 2.6666666666666665 39 9536520157 Why is he out of his mind ? 1.3333333333333333 40 866963849085366272 these motherfuckers left my oil cap in dport 😂🙄😭 1.8333333333333333 41 601160589407203328 IM HUNGRY AFFFFFF 1.0 42 622151332690989056 is so good , he supports himself ! Playing lucian and gragas this game . #lcs 2.833333333333333 43 700077734744096769 or = this is not a priority . 1.8333333333333333 44 484013744679165952 NASCAR : Dale Jr . , Gordon , Johnson , Kahne surprise fans ( VIDEO ) via 3.0 45 534131683222888449 4 has always been my lucky number . Apparently it works 4 too . Congrats ! #NASCAR 3.0 46 928628464642650112 Any Mom that has tried to cut me off omw to my 9 : 30 can absolutely go fck themselves , Sheryl 2.833333333333333 47 936090500783886337 u ever just like I CALLED it 1.0 48 480944506993250304 try wearing a finger brace on your middle fingers for 3 weeks from jamming them from a basketball 😫 2.833333333333333 49 589557260977745922 How I get ready for work : 2 minutes to change & 10 minutes to take out/change my piercings 😐💎 3.333333333333333 50 738920827974909952 I checked in at Westfield North County on #Yelp 3.6666666666666665 51 644266258829959169 Why do people say they 're interested in whatever I'm selling AND commit , then bail out last minute ? What 's wrong with people ? ! #rudeaf 2.0 52 577904400846426112 The HEALTHY Shamrock Shake ! 3.0 53 557342547149082626 Anybody else 's kids eat a full supper yet they 're STARVING an hour later ? ! UGH ! #bottomlesspits 2.5 54 309339605205925888 Roll Tide Roll . . . Tuscaloosa bound ! #PSUnavsSB13 3.1666666666666665 55 687306915622326272 I do n't want to leave PA today ! ! ! ! ! 😫😢😭 2.833333333333333 56 923711977322614789 The Fulton and forest hills intersection changed today and it is HELL 3.333333333333333 57 397177300954783744 Let me talk to my best friend . He 's done nothing wrong 2.0 58 706669738911522817 Lady Mary loves Carson so much . She 's always been so sweet to him . #DowntonPBS #downtonfinale 4.0 59 735116633501519873 Wow Chelsea . That was a monster burp . #TeenMom2 3.333333333333333 60 646120412036890624 ' : thought I just saw Ricky Dillon on the voice' same 😂 3.5 61 835266027105759233 Thanks for the free pizza 🍕👌🏼 2.1666666666666665 62 334902749563076608 Fml I hate today I'm going to bed worst day of my freaking life : | #tgiaf 1.6666666666666667 63 644720901473222656 uh what train wreck , u were just with me ? Lol . . 1.8333333333333333 64 1984620727 Nice one momma ! ~Renee 2.333333333333333 65 13673513503 And on that note , I think I'm gonna wake up the mom in my house and get on the garden train and plant some roses ! : - ) ~Renee 3.333333333333333 66 920480348680720384 Ryan Murphy 's revenge on Andy Warhol 's shooter should be tonights title lol . . . #AHSCult 4.0 67 934867165169307649 I felt that November 9th of last year till Jan 20th this year . Then my fear turned to anger . I will no… 3.1666666666666665 68 664285328316854272 Ayyy y yo a ti 😭 Ven para aca 😂 1.4 69 653802964033925120 ¿A que hora es que se supone que me de sueño ? 1.6 70 904932011160285185 I liked a video ''Shabba Ranks'' remix Soul Train 3.2 71 650603180049436672 I'm earning #mPOINTS in mPLACES . 2.0 72 789156443551207428 pledges to accept election results 'if I win' . 2.0 73 887289036099989504 Not . At . All . 1.2 74 314723132911001600 we know you 're an app lover so wondering what your thoughts on our app to be released in coming days 2.8 75 314675761137201152 Finding your desired Twitter handle will be easier to find then ever , our App being launched soon 4.2 76 23905417511829505 A hell of a run think he misses buffalo do n't think so That should do it barring a stupid no hands team by seahawks 3.6666666666666665 77 164015001122766848 Trying to figure phone out 3.2 78 844466661352726529 This child needs a stable and loving home . Please join me in signing this petition for my good friends . They have . . . 4.0 79 402127577910743040 WOW ! Some1 help me out of the woods . I did n't know U were N a band 2.6 80 805270665305714689 Tasha has released another installment of her amazing birthstone series , this one that is now available is Blue . . . 4.833333333333333 81 673469888430665728 Retiring Kits : I Have Decided To Retire Some kitsThese Kits Are Now Free For Personal Use Download HE . . . 3.5 82 851276509020962818 Track may be coming out tomorrow . . . . Sorry ! 3.8333333333333335 83 917082383731609600 I used to just see as a fun , unique , awesome OST type game . But recently , it 's been touching my life more than ever , along with . . 3.333333333333333 84 598222700880928768 MY PACKAGE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE HERE ON THE 1ST & NOW ITS THE 12TH & I STILL HAVENT RECEIVED MY SHIT 3.6666666666666665 85 608892754307907584 I always think people care about me but they never really do . I'm kind of just someone to talk to I guess . . Lol whatever 1.3333333333333333 86 393928508260364288 Joined anatomy online . #nerd #premed woo ! ! ! : ) 2.4 87 310892176995385345 your original statement was definitely blunt stern and cold . Ok- I hope so ! ! That 's the way it should be ! Good luck ! 🙏 1.6 88 899084404097777666 I love your comments ! Support is fine . We vote for you to act tweet what you are doing to combat fears 2.4 89 546849616151719936 Puffed chests , smiles , handshakes when all goes well now all we hear are denials of blame 'Methinks thou dost protest too much' . 2.6 90 451853702215659520 Install FireChat so we can chat ! 3.4 91 431584220083789824 Chiraq all day bang bang 1.4 92 414642856343506945 Roomie sleepovers are my fave 😍 2.0 93 530846989379178496 If you have a crazy friend , you have everything 💕 @ 1/2 of the 4⃣ 1.8 94 370862636264468480 Click Here >> FREE $10 , 000 Scholarship Given Out Today ! Click Here Now : > . . . 3.2 95 370859391487991808 Click Here Now : > Ends Sept 16 , 2013 2.0 96 293130063845662722 I'm at Mason Inn ( Pittsboro , IN ) 3.6666666666666665 97 331922495403880449 Did the raccoons at least rip up some moldy carpet ? 2.5 98 183400371950075905 loved it . It followed the book really well . 1.5 99 268340722481102850 good luck sister ! 1.5 100 232144024818036736 Every time someone starts a texts with 'umm' the rest of it sounds so bitchy even if that was n't the intent 2.6666666666666665 101 248801729079029761 'that joke is a classic . It 's like farting silently in public . You ca n't not laugh' -dad 1.8333333333333333 102 693652798727135236 Sometimes I wonder if only ____ he would appreciate me more 2.5 103 533089554677628928 On the verge of crying 1.5 104 359653968940498944 YOU'RE MY HERO , FOLLOW ME PLZ 2.5 105 455529577335767041 . and yal hoes swear RIh cant sing them high notes , FOH 2.0 106 903802555070693376 I'm the worst bc when I have a question I never text ppl like 'hey how 's it going' first , I just text them my question straight off lol 2.5 107 903855892122157056 Those wavy eyebrows look so ugly lol 2.6666666666666665 108 789191239803375617 Love Brian Stelfreeze 's art ! 3.6666666666666665 109 765370618074267648 Thanks ! What do you want for them ? 1.5 110 656556320699588608 While you rake leaves & carve pumpkins , check out how the rest of the world welcomes fall . #EquinoxCelebrations 2.6666666666666665 111 529410643955564544 Wow ! I just won this for free , **RARE** 10 Pentapetes Phoenicia 'Noon Flower' SEEDS ! ! Rare Trop #listia 4.0 112 28920440042815488 I subscribed to AthleticStarDotCom 's channel on YouTube . 3.8333333333333335 113 24598660662693888 I subscribed to Temdant 's channel on YouTube . 3.6666666666666665 114 371130989214322689 2 days and my guitar get 's fixed . I also get new strings and possibly some mics . Prepare for awesomeness . 3.333333333333333 115 359384052073103360 first cover to conquer , In The End by BVB . Damn you Jake pitts and your light speed fingers . 3.6666666666666665 116 934539705277911042 Put those chicken or turkey leftovers to use with these mini pot pies from #Promotion #PerdueCrew -… 3.8333333333333335 117 706889197223809024 Our road trip where we met up with friends and went to a carnival with them . #MyFuelRewards #ShellCrowd #sponsored 2.6666666666666665 118 523042680390320128 Uhm Alrighty ' : Biden 's son discharged from Navy after testing positive for cocaine . ' 4.5 119 527326574723735552 Nikki sound like she featuring on her own track' : Have you heard Nicki 's new track with Wayne and Drake ? ' 3.8333333333333335 120 141958791196442625 Words I Realized : Flague 1.5 121 84289395338915840 I do n't trust people who bring their beverage into the bathroom with them at a bar . . . 2.833333333333333 122 21617710903 Dethmoo has earned the Scarlet Monastery achievement on Azgalor . #wow 3.8333333333333335 123 21947698155 Dethmoo has earned the Zul'Farrak achievement on Azgalor . #wow 3.8333333333333335 124 410933771454930945 haha I hope so . ! ! 1.0 125 536005742256332800 “ : all i want for christmas ” 1.8333333333333333 126 251981673229582336 No joke , I brought up The Human Centipede when the CatDog question arose earlier . . . No one I was with had seen it , so it was lost . 3.6666666666666665 127 251852128778326016 How did CatDog go to the bathroom ? ? #UnansweredCartoonQuestions 2.2857142857142856 128 943331900663435264 I did this one , too ! 👊🏼 1.1666666666666667 129 942539188100108288 Following people around a store because you think they might steal something #SignsOfTrustIssues 2.5 130 156929576692482048 Stuff of Legend - Reacted to Blueshirts On MSG : 2.6666666666666665 131 153911349020332032 BlueShirts United - Photos 2.833333333333333 132 643527800117456896 I really should stop talking to you in the newsroom 2.1666666666666665 133 822194557521723392 . sees record-breaking passenger growth in 2016 –– 11 million people ! #nc #travel 4.0 134 795013342343610368 Great ! I 've played Paradise Island 2 for 145 days in a row ! #ParadiseIsland2 #GameInsight 3.6666666666666665 135 762116765769879552 I played the Sandy Caps mini game in Paradise Island 2 , and my score was : 327 #ParadiseIsland2 #GameInsight 4.0 136 893831577720967169 Incubus Makes You Wish You Were There | Where Y'at 2.833333333333333 137 890394294871236608 Transatlanticism - DCFC Played it nonstop for at least a year . 2.5 138 964016821 Back from the DMV . Surprisingly painless experience . 3.0 139 25858028123 Good news , everyone ! World War I is finally over : 3.1666666666666665 140 354459941504954369 That 's a random department lol . But atleast The Thing wo n't be able to control you over there . 1.5 141 350747898373349376 Just put together a patio set with #LikeABoss 3.1666666666666665 142 897170248327192577 ABA no sirve en NINGUN LADO 2.0 143 502210511636033537 Why does n't Bob just paint himself black ? He would fit right in . 2.6666666666666665 144 262307319336034305 lose the glasses . . . You look soooo much better without them 3.0 145 367535103271895040 This is the way we need to do it , guys . Take care of what you can control and win the ones that you can . Let Detroit and KC implode 3.0 146 301401258080731137 New Blog Post : It 's Not Often a Photoshoot Blows Me Away . But THIS . . . 2.6666666666666665 147 179599695339995139 Totally a cheeseburger and fries kinda day 2.5 148 721131079747252224 Me : *uses lid to toss salad w/dressing* Roomie : *stares in awe* that 's a thing ! ? - 2.1666666666666665 149 914308880678768640 *watching Netlfix* Wait , wait , wait , 83 sleeps till Christmas ! ! ! - 3.1666666666666665 150 675681280449728512 I'm giving away something for you on : Redbox Code ( please read description ) . Get it here - 3.8333333333333335 151 694224344633991168 Wow , I love ! I just won this for free , Living charm 3.5 152 146444639153565696 Have n't been feeling my best but this put a smile on my face 2.333333333333333 153 787426340953788416 Me being a creeper while Frank tries to take pictures 2.833333333333333 154 869949581404102656 I entered a giveaway for a chance to win 'Insulated Casserole Carrier' by Innisbrook . #giveaway 4.333333333333333 155 864854462644531200 Excellent Tauki Kid Bike #giveaway 4.166666666666667 156 509392001456812032 it really is that why everyone male and female should practice restraint sometimes it 's better to just walk away 3.2 157 491610020555915264 why u take this pic of him lls u rude as shit 2.1666666666666665 158 263155935365701632 Super interesting ' : New Poynter Eyetrack research reveals how people read news on tablets ' 4.166666666666667 159 831900729 whoa that 's a wierd survey 1.6666666666666667 160 281251344835289088 Wow . I REALLY hope we get some explanation of Tony 's apartment . It 's so sad : ( #NCIS 2.6666666666666665 161 727714439064104961 Oh it 's okay , it 's super late . I just like to sad ; ) 1.6666666666666667 162 390676792815939584 Love my country music 😬 #awesome #imdifferent #weird #for #me #dope 2.333333333333333 163 391383885449555968 Is tonight dead or what ? 💀 someone bless me with a move 🙏 3.5 164 357760419026317312 My best friend leaves for LA today . Holy shit . 3.8571428571428568 165 403363643468689408 This whole being nauseous every night really sucks . 😟 3.4285714285714284 166 562997910825336834 'Never be too busy driving to stop and get gas' -Sean Covey #TLIM #mo 3.4285714285714284 167 594176844900896768 3rd grade exploring texture by adding layers of instruments to a song ! 3.8571428571428568 168 418513353624260608 you would think that 'warning' in florida at start of season woulda kept stevie in line but i guess a full ride is easy 2 pass 3.2857142857142856 169 477867859452768257 “ : My friends rap better than your friends ! ” Dont believe me ? Check out and immediately if not sooner 4.142857142857143 170 801865633491075072 Tanner joined the session . 3.4285714285714284 171 649041692058718208 Tanner kicked off a new session on Kegberry pi . 3.571428571428572 172 315941207035478016 KU needs to step it up or they 're gunna lose - . - #ComeOnKU 3.0 173 898411940183068672 i literally do nothing and still move 8 steps back . fml 2.2857142857142856 174 301173512134078464 I would fail every class . No joke . 2.0 175 412041655580385280 and the worst part is that while everyone else will be enjoying their holidays , this family will be mourning . praying for the Beene family . 3.1428571428571432 176 501882980080840705 Maybe Hillary Clinton get offed in a lesbian bitch-slap . 3.2 177 495930771505704960 Those who tell the stories rule society - Plato 3.1428571428571432 178 323278828673826817 The beach was fun but I need to find something else to do 2.142857142857143 179 313887781120245761 I do n't say much do n't but I see everything 1.7142857142857142 180 921801325771452416 You’re a rock star ⭐️ 2.2857142857142856 181 800459510246739969 glad you 're ok 😨❤ ️ ❤ ️ ❤ ️ ❤ ️ 2.2857142857142856 182 506607933015064576 Greek fest is over . . . now it 's time to do the homework 2.0 183 395356923416940544 I literally just ate dinner because of class . . . sometimes I hate my life cuz I ca n't eat all the time #DancerProbz 2.8571428571428568 184 504678082167713792 same here alex . Same here 2.0 185 838608999612313601 really not ready for outdoor track 2.0 186 347795401123971073 Guess who is addicted to snowballs ? This girl . #pelicans #tigersblood 3.0 187 451140581180190720 If you have to wear a shirt that says 'swag' you probably do n't have any . 2.5714285714285716 188 914517304192458752 A 'good' and 'reputable' tatt… 2.4 189 824030628194766852 Thanks guys , appreciate it 1.4285714285714286 190 452873623410581504 She 's saying 'Opa . ' While we did Batman eyes ! ! ! #epic #betterthanyourbaby #babybatgirl 2.4285714285714284 191 420945448178696192 Just got to watch latest episode . . . Amazing performance ! ! ! Coulson rocks ! Glad some questions were answered ! #AgentsofSHIELD 3.7142857142857135 192 872552294226710528 Happy Birthday Prince ! #Repost ( get_repost ) ・・・ Legendary performer #Prince would have… 4.142857142857143 193 915763732684435456 OK So the unsub is crazy . #CriminalMinds 2.7142857142857144 194 530940320289005568 it starts at 8 ! Always good to get there early though 😊 2.2 195 568421032081674241 this is perfect 1.2 196 780249752076115968 Please keep us updated on further developments ! 1.6 197 535869802250641408 Looking great ladies ! : ) 1.4 198 623664036962414593 Just caught myself saying 'Hey-O ! ' Loyal follower of your show right here ! #keepupthegreatwork 3.0 199 519409711796346880 He was also on the later season of Dawson 's Creek . Crazy ! 3.0 200 150361390723502080 Merry Christmas to all the real bubba army 2.2 201 47702909911183361 WVU playing down there you or going to game Marshall did not make NCAA but made another one 3.0 202 317321772582182912 Jean Casarez is on the stand ! 3.8 203 73513289405046788 So do I , Andy ! 100% 1.6 204 569718122237845504 Thank you , Graham Moore for that candid , inspirational , true , and amazing tidbit . #ImitationGame #Oscars2015 #AcademyAwards 3.8333333333333335 205 740348390509142016 Heard u talking about your interest in abandoned places u log on to ur mom 's Netflix account & watch series 'forgotten planet' 3.1666666666666665 206 692138338321567744 I loved the way the colors in this eyeshadow duo looked . There was some ingredient that made my eyes feel a bit sens 3.5 207 1466923444 I would say food ! 1.1666666666666667 208 361376101806780417 I think the problem is there 's no way to filter . 1.6666666666666667 209 841424720973058048 I do n't see it 1.0 210 360468500013264897 Texas Man who points laser pointer at police helicopter to 'see how far it would go' gets 30 months in prison 4.666666666666667 211 301154619986440192 24 Texas Men arrested for cockfighting 3.8333333333333335 212 512581257063317504 Udi 's has hands down the BEST gluten/allergen free foods . More tasty than any other #teamudis 3.6666666666666665 213 485530033004363776 Why are people excited to go back to school ? It 's summer ☀ ️and college really sucks 😖 do n't be counting down to school starts 😩✋ 3.1666666666666665 214 528178049884237824 Have the UCF Cross Country team for AAC Championships . 3.1666666666666665 215 483990145524174849 Tumbling at cheer camp . @ Cheer Athletics Plano 3.5 216 884487790422933504 This never happens to me . 1.1666666666666667 217 871068442496966656 Muhammad had a fat daughter named Ima ? Who knew ? 3.8333333333333335 218 381829630355062784 I 've collected 5 , 482 gold coins ! #android , #androidgames , #gameinsight 3.0 219 417417638953107456 I have Snow Fortress on my island ! Now my island is even more awesome ! #android , #androidgames , #gameinsight 3.1666666666666665 220 756982013861646336 You honestly have to go to places on foot in Las Vegas 3.0 221 776631113414389760 Im a really bad texter 2.6666666666666665 222 446100674754150400 Stupid west coast time difference 2.333333333333333 223 472015176301293568 I feel like processing is a big game of snake 2.333333333333333 224 879805032270626816 I just checked in with #mPLUSPlaces Download today ! 3.4285714285714284 225 879805032270626816 I just checked in with #mPLUSPlaces Download today ! 3.4285714285714284 226 53976572230762496 Why does everything happen at the end of the day on Friday ? ? ? ? I NEED A DRINK ! ! 1.7142857142857142 227 15761169759 I wonder if more people would care about gov't if politicians stopped slamming each other and spent more time on real issues . . . 2.2857142857142856 228 55735938831233024 Confusious say . . woman who wears wonderbra makes mountains out of mole hills . . . . 1.7142857142857142 229 8911463113 I am was wishin I was wasting away in Margaritaville . 1.8571428571428568 230 475342543644024833 Everyone in my family is dieting and losing weight and I'm getting fat . #summer2014 2.7142857142857144 231 609478566158446592 One parent told me this camp was gonna decide if their kid kept playing . . Like she hated it . And she told me that . 2.0 232 374699870629941248 I'm your lover , not your enemy . 💕 1.7142857142857142 233 275679867150954496 Bum ass niggas yo 😒 1.1428571428571428 234 25534194893 INGRAM is a BEAST 3.1666666666666665 235 6104354465517568 ha yea I do 1.5 236 558379331911966720 checkout my and hit me up ! 2.333333333333333 237 572545648479879170 annnnnnd i know the Gwar guys . . . 2.1666666666666665 238 134781797581070337 Breakfast 4 dinner is thee BEST ! Especially pancakes or french toast , yum : -D 2.833333333333333 239 134101744757125122 #HomeTownSlogans CLEVELAND : Atleast we 're not Detroit ! Lol : -b 2.833333333333333 240 607340985266368514 Good Luck Spencer and much success in the future ! 3.333333333333333 241 668570954046533638 I'm late on this but I'm a ND fan because I want to be and I'm not an OSU fan because I do n't want to be . Go Kent State ! 3.0 242 335209534182281216 well that 's what hunters & big Eq are all about ! #amiright 2.1666666666666665 243 326856285943377921 core strength is where it 's at ! it 's best to start with a teacher one-on-one or in a class , then once you know how ( c ) 2.5 244 28492049833 #Wett222 let me kno when your going to cum baby . I wanna come wit you 3.2 245 28499404859 You help me wit this hard dik ? 3.2 246 501459529562062849 Special thanks to this awesome supporter who made my new YT channel banner and avatar ! Check out his channel ! ! 3.333333333333333 247 468898597799735296 As surreal as it is to me , one of my remixes landed on main YT channel & there 'll be more to come ! ! ! 3.5 248 656133211345592320 fan name : DJSNIPA1 2.333333333333333 249 17033789815 ( This is to win a Kinect and 360 ) Very excited for the #ProjectNatal release this holiday season ! Official Rules : 3.5 250 421473638928633856 Farrah really needs to let herself grow and not in the crazy world she 's chosen . 3.1666666666666665 251 431303098666328065 Please #RenewUI tomorrow ! Do the right thing . 2.1666666666666665 252 538324822070030339 I'm Kore4 Baby ! #kore4 2.5 253 353315634030968833 I just claimed the 33 at 1 Modern Solution sticker at Ad One TEN and 0 . 50 Token ! via 3.6 254 258727698317340673 Got my #Aura paint ! I ca n't wait to see the impact it has on my home ! #GotItFree 3.333333333333333 255 229638719798394880 what the hell is a shock and horror onion ? 2.333333333333333 256 610241949677789184 Waiting to check seeing you off my bucket list . 2.0 257 611268804241420289 When was this ? 1.3333333333333333 258 304197580949172224 “We are not strangers to ourselves; we only try to be . ” –Odd Thomas in Odd Thomas 3.333333333333333 259 335379259738714112 Read Dean Koontz newsletter here 3.5 260 446466573084405760 photo credit to me 📷😎 2.0 261 583050795270021120 lmao thanks kimmy 😂😁 1.6666666666666667 262 632521332635357184 Getting real creative with those horse names . . . 1.5 263 786033603809542145 did you know about this ? ? I surely did n't . 1.1666666666666667 264 762842191387426817 Everybody is blaming Gio for ruining a truth booth . . But y'all but him in there though 🤔 #AYTO 2.6666666666666665 265 894749108878966785 A1 produced Tone it Down , Party , Distance , etc . . my mans is actually in the studio #LHHH 2.833333333333333 266 402092085752258560 WBNI is one of the stations playing my Christmas song . 3.5 267 425648395387039744 When you do n't know which way to turn look up . . . looking to Jesus will always give you direction 2.833333333333333 268 317018319687413760 Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass . . . it 's about learning how to dance in the rain . ' 2.833333333333333 269 567442572260696067 Awesome site for twitter backgrounds , tumblr themes and heaps more ! 3.1666666666666665 270 777228470464221184 this photo from Syria ✌ ️ 🙄 2.333333333333333 271 751027213177323520 here i am , this is me . . . Brayn Adams song 😬 3.1666666666666665 272 699411243673714688 text me about it ! 🤓 1.0 273 798383903576911872 why am I so emotional tonight 😫 2.0 274 196006699465846785 Man looks on the outward appearance . God looks on the heart . #churchclothes 3.1666666666666665 275 925796886367428608 Love Your Neighbor t-shirt 2.6666666666666665 276 636572623456104448 Listen to my cover of 'Fireflies' via #Smule : #SingKaraoke 4.0 277 632034864548720640 night love you too 2.1666666666666665 278 605502536124989440 HER , not him . Ugh , you 're just digging yourself deeper . 1.6666666666666667 279 815276756856868868 Did n't realize you were birthday twins ! Hope you both have a wonderful day 😎 2.833333333333333 280 121277879932829696 jackson was a hipster before it was cool to make fun of hipsters or before hipsters even existed tbh #sadfacts 3.6666666666666665 281 108919558345199617 i 've gotten into the habit of saying whaaaaaa ! and weeeeee ! just like and #iaintevenmad 2.333333333333333 282 85632222262079489 Do I find dentist drills scary ? Nah . . . I find them boring . #joke 3.6666666666666665 283 207724412580007937 There was a florist who delivered flowers to different prom locations . What disorder did she have ? Multiple school roses ! 3.333333333333333 284 665210405409673217 'You 're not in school today again wow your concussion must be really bad' yeah haha that 's why I'm home #MadeInTheAM 2.8571428571428568 285 680824622586134531 Why do only creepy 30 year olds hit on me like no thanks 2.4285714285714284 286 687316304613761024 'Forbes' always gets me hyped 2.7142857142857144 287 714867464593653760 Seeing tonight again for the third time in the last year : Lolla , Chicago , and now Bloomington 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 3.0 288 109102009784877056 With all the dimwits she 's surrounded by , myself included , of course . : P 2.8571428571428568 289 14441308634 Oh god , yes . Alpha female and pseudo-Alpha female vying over the oblivious Alpha/Beta Male . 2.7142857142857144 290 285882393691303936 A todo Puting y los q no me sé su twitter Grandes ! Lo mejor 3.4 291 24683933744504832 It 's just cruel to air a Chik-Fil-A spot for areas with no stores like Chicago . 2.8571428571428568 292 491816138448187393 You can sing ca n't youu ? ? 2.4285714285714284 293 358440560375246852 ' : Meohy Noy me . . meohy noehy noehy mohy nay me 1.5 294 937882110383271937 I need a guy friend like in my life . #FriendshipGoals 🙌🏼 2.8571428571428568 295 938562209046761476 My cat does if you blow on her paws , lmao . 2.142857142857143 296 833073907687104512 Happy birthday ! Have a blessed day ! 2.2857142857142856 297 782437672853893120 Thank you for inspiring me every day . 2.2857142857142856 298 645043572350173185 I remember when Alexis used to hate baths and now she loves them ! 😁 3.8571428571428568 299 446460312506871808 Went for a walk with my little family ☺ ️ 2.4285714285714284 300 936740983211024385 I liked a video Got a Puppy 1.4285714285714286 301 899348465104408577 I liked a video The Dark Side of ASMR 3 1.5714285714285714 302 884885957165686784 Help support #SaveNetNeutrality , add a #Twibbon now ! 3.0 303 941506186683338752 . has no problem spinning the truth for his own political game . #CheckedOutTreasurer 2.7142857142857144 304 259836515616690176 Love that my 1st grader is accessing handwriting recognition through his new Teach Me iPad app #relevantlearning #engagedstudent 4.5 305 762347193323753472 'We can acknowledge that all students face challenges & struggles w/o ignoring larger struggles for social justice . ' 3.5 306 327582186129747968 whew ! ! ! ! Got scared there for a moment ! So which 2nd rounder will we get ? ? 2.6666666666666665 307 721936643502919680 great job on Talking Dead ! 2.6666666666666665 308 298546867564863488 CU regent Joe Neguse just testified in support of Prereg- HB 1135 . He wants students to be prepared to take part in democracy #coleg 4.5 309 255846422895812610 hey-oh thanks for being a Larimer & Weld county rockstar- regging voters like whoa . Eat some cake 2nite for CO #registertovote 3.6 310 619388939883798529 This is when the real conversations begin ! 😳 1.5 311 486249850984349697 Back when we were in granbury ! My #mcm all the time : ) I love you Aaron Ray you 're the best boyfriend… 2.6 312 18801348730 I will have to catch Avenue Q next time it rolls through ! 3.1666666666666665 313 46256599664304129 Thank you so much for the update . . . glad to know you are safe . : ) 2.333333333333333 314 715718797433442304 Just Maui 'd ! @ Makena Cove Maui 2.8 315 683130307717902336 I have a great year when it is an even number , how about you ? 2.6666666666666665 316 222142637841453056 Love my phamlliy ! 2.1666666666666665 317 298900497912430594 It 's Tricky Tuesday ! 2.0 318 882142177039708160 My new sounds : Tentoesdown challenge on #SoundCloud 3.333333333333333 319 850814758546796544 I added a video to a playlist Suicide Squad | Sweet - The Ballroom Blitz - ( Music Video HD ) 3.6666666666666665 320 21061105945 12 days until the USANA International Convention . Email me with any questions john . com 4.0 321 25123305263 Traits of great #entrepreneurs 2.1666666666666665 322 665426227499544577 'Twitter' the only place I can vent ! ! 2.0 323 320405299045490690 Not a very good one apparently . Congrats to me for finding someone who parties even less than I do . Lol 2.6666666666666665 324 600323899373453313 Check out my broadcast from my PlayStation®4 ! #PS4live ( FINAL FANTASY X/X-2 HD Remaster ) live at 4.285714285714286 325 349337351455129603 Earn points to get stuff 😳😱 . 1.8571428571428568 326 938459773800009730 #WOD . For those interested at our box , the running is 1500m total . 2.5714285714285716 327 807016458333003776 UT governor Herbert passed a law to collect sales tax from Amazon w/o presence in state . Please smack him down on your show ! 4.571428571428571 328 348858018710040576 That awkward moment when you accidentally fall asleep and wake up three hours later -_- #postcampexhaustion 2.4285714285714284 329 310450087245520897 Just saw a commercial for a skip-it #memories 2.8571428571428568 330 938518333384806400 2 years ago today we almost lost a good one . #NeverForget 1.5714285714285714 331 929125309554806784 Happy birthday my little rockstar #GoHoowks 2.2857142857142856 332 696525551964659712 Complete simple , fun surveys and earn points that can be converted into cash or gift cards . Join MintVine ! 4.428571428571429 333 882365664572452866 Clinical trial 4 #CROHNS now enrolling . No-cost study-related care if you qualify . #IBD 3.8571428571428568 334 512971393332703232 What four drivers are out after the first round of the chase . . . reply ur answer . #nascar 2.5 335 513655354451050496 Thanks to & for coming on & talking racing Watch #NASCAR #RACEDAY on at Noon ET . 4.166666666666667 336 308069635465551872 She said 'Yes ' #TheSecretLifeOfBees 2.333333333333333 337 308058547185385473 Every actress is delivering a stellar performance ! #TheSecretLifeOfBees 2.833333333333333 338 819323637224194048 hahah thank you . it was n't the mac that betrayed me . actually it was cuz i took my meds on an empty stomach . i threw up nothing 2.6666666666666665 339 655780010918215681 it hurts so much everywhere . i hate this . i have become a child again . my mommy has to make me food , i just want to cry always , and ugh 2.5 340 376098325839085568 Dang , that looks good ! 1.5 341 822504627308548097 On a side-side note ? I'm bummed that HootSuite is somehow blocking my Trump inaugural YouTube playlist from Facebook . #TechnologyFail 3.6666666666666665 342 11436178153 say something nice about yourself 1.6666666666666667 343 657087564898267136 7 people followed me and 3 people unfollowed me // automatically checked by 2.5 344 416395689703124993 So , do what you want What you want with my body . . Don’t stop , let’s party ( 8 ) : ) : D <3 2.1666666666666665 345 413510617324998656 La señora me dio dos aguinaldos en la posada , soy tan malo que no le devolvi el que me dio de mas #LadyGagaTelehit 2.6666666666666665 346 584135585490571264 ✨ amazingness ✨ loved so much seeing the boneyard ! ! ! 2.1666666666666665 347 785484530958336001 After freelancing for 6years , I truly love my new beautiful salon family at #EduceSalon 💛 looking forward to learning & growing as a stylist 3.6666666666666665 348 351698700298493955 Now Hiring : Ruby Developer in Sterling , VA #job 4.0 349 380654240672526336 Know anyone for this job ? Principal Systems Architect-J2EE in Sterling , VA #job#architect#java 3.5 350 938220996271771648 Holy #TeamBlake ! ! ! ! ! Way to go ! ! ! #VoiceTop8 2.833333333333333 351 776167997597687808 When it is T-Minus 5 days that will be and you do n't have a ticket to see her . 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 1.8333333333333333 352 514998979990265856 I liked a video Gandalf vs Dumbledore . Epic Rap Battles of History #11 3.8333333333333335 353 483343983477657600 I liked a video from Up To Four Players Play : Donkey Kong 64 ( Part 34 ) 3.5 354 917932775855898624 You must be playing a different app than the rest of us . 2.1666666666666665 355 867479687194333188 Good work , Quidd ! You win #1 card trading app on social media again ( and pretty much… 3.0 356 98199824284917761 im lookin fly hahahaha 2.6666666666666665 357 271798554081755137 Borderlands 2 , Skyrim , and a 3 month Xbox Live subscription for 62 bucks at Walmart ? ? ? #hellllllllllllyeah 4.0 358 84791317800026112 netflix on deck then ? ? 3.1666666666666665 359 771355700467380224 Check out Ibotta & get cash back ! Install using my referral code & you can earn an extra $10 : bnuedev 4.166666666666667 360 853828254658174980 Just posted a photo 1.8333333333333333 361 853828254658174980 Just posted a photo 1.8333333333333333 362 904817699406077952 Bro stfu that was fucken dope 1.8333333333333333 363 694399734060978176 You can hang out with your friends and go out but , camt text me back ? 😂😂😂😂😂 2.5 364 717581261645221888 has had problems with +more 2.2 365 749133028052598784 The bbq shrimp looked like it was delish 2.0 366 693479510239375360 after reading Stoner 's comments , they may be being used more for moving the air around the bike . Less drag=more faster 2.6 367 513805763307765760 Who are these guys on defense ? 1.8 368 606301462679941121 that was billy on my asccount 2.6 369 452593267776172032 hes a bad friend 👎 1.4 370 756348459792240640 I feel like that other bitch , 'why you leave me to talk to that other bitch' 😂👌🏾 1.6 371 761006154092679168 I really do n't know how people turn up everyday or every other . Shit takes me a whole day to bounce back from lmao 1.6 372 287611694086230016 #itkillsmewhen some one say they love u n they be liein 1.6 373 286526393985150976 mad ass fukk somebody playin on my phone . 1.4 374 25538287817 Yayy ! Just bought my four year strong ticket ! : D 2.5 375 904962668724813824 Can it just be Friday already so that I can go to Disneyland 3.6666666666666665 376 410198478665433088 I would want this if the shipping was n't an outrageous $12 3.6666666666666665 377 353677328229998594 It 's raining even harder now . Glad we came in when we did 3.5 378 131584402537988096 Excited for the start of #GaETC2011 ! 4.333333333333333 379 253996102343344129 The 50 Best Videos For Teachers Interested In Gamification | Edudemic | 4.5 380 805604136356036608 Ca n't believe my baby sister is not a baby anymore . Still love more than just about anyone even if I'm old af now 4.0 381 803077924723113985 Is this her denying that she was a prostitute ? Or that she knowingly sleeps with taken guys ? Bc she sucks at it #wagsmiami 3.0 382 345766069249654785 Perhaps my love of fitness is too ingrained . . . Drunk running is not so much fun . . . 2.833333333333333 383 1130458247 Ugh . Project inundation . . . 1.5 384 789593583397376000 I was n't , the picture popped up and I just looked for you 1.5 385 698188198787227649 oops my bad 💁 1.3333333333333333 386 661180601530118144 Can time like pause for a sec while I'm trying to study ? 1.3333333333333333 387 592872678371028993 Never put your happiness into the hands of another 1.8333333333333333 388 551482986638884864 A . J . officially out tomorrow . #awesome #notreally . still . . . #WHODEY 2.833333333333333 389 373202838408548352 2013 #collegefootball season starts in less than 3 mins on . #hellyes 3.6666666666666665 390 107268923019374592 I made $720 today working a few hour from home ! 3.1666666666666665 391 733033947685396480 Get fired up & master the flame in 60 seconds ! #Promotion #PerdueCrew - 3.0 392 446829304647655424 Aww , it was James . Oh wait , I knew that . #byefelicia #scandal 2.333333333333333 393 322270223761809408 #ProudToBeAFanOf The one and only Incredible performer , inspirational person ! 2.833333333333333 394 564212903021412352 WASD CODE keyboard dark room ( backlit ) with Cherry MX clear switches . 3.6 395 864348901058293761 Why allow a passphrase associated with an Xfinity account if phone support does n't challenge with it before making changes ? 3.5 396 857756522427953156 WHY ? ? ? Niners were n't going to pick him ! 2.6666666666666665 397 356277312666345472 yep . Problem is the fucked up stand your ground law 2.1666666666666665 398 505524899956670465 Perry wants peanuts but that requires getting up ! I wish there were still carrying them ! #DrillVille 2.6666666666666665 399 13369536969 : D exceedingly tired , but happy to be awake before noon for once : D : 2.0 400 518985295858266113 #prince #ArtOfficialAge BREAKFAST CAN WAIT . #whoa #imayhavemisplacedmypants 2.8 401 544682807889371136 I need to live in both New York and San Francisco at some point . So necessary . #sonecessary 2.6666666666666665 402 511299566415933440 Call it Wayne ! There 's the dagger ! ! ! 2.6666666666666665 403 511157324070019072 He said it exactly right . Perfect . 1.6666666666666667 404 940339732671795201 Hallmark Card Studio 2017 Deluxe Crack & Keygen Download 4.285714285714286 405 491931325717553152 i would like to ask yall to pray for me and my husband finally got pregnant and i lost the baby it was our first 3.571428571428572 406 595823311902404608 Tis the season of back to back grad parties . . 2.0 407 486254754620657664 Air conditioning is nice for the first ten minutes but after that I'm always freezing . 😨 2.142857142857143 408 418470165546692608 for once it 's a good picture ! ! ! ! 😊 1.7142857142857142 409 496039896583516161 It 's about that time of year where everyone is running out of money and starting to realize all that 's going to change . 😔 1.5714285714285714 410 530911176373178369 In my least attractive but comfiest sweats and dance-cleaning my room to dubstep . FRIDAY NIGHT HOLLA AT YO GIRL . #PartyLikeAGrownUp 2.5714285714285716 411 855248882636267520 Lonely bar is lonely . Come keep me company and also enjoy half off liquor ! ! ! 🍸 🥃 🍹 @ Rumors… 3.1428571428571432 412 386300888102338560 Probably not gonna be able to sleep without my cross necklace on but so worth it ! #GA100 #GAFanLair 2.7142857142857144 413 433086770586984448 It makes my heart feel all warm and fuzzy ! #cuteconvos 1.1428571428571428 414 911374674684186625 StC 37 yard field goal . Saint Charles now leads WCH 17-6 . 7 : 55 left 2nd . 3.7142857142857135 415 810305799520223232 I just saw #RogueOne : AStarWarsStory and would give it ☆☆☆☆☆ . 3.1428571428571432 416 80307360391905280 Congratulations to our own Mike McKenna , as three of the articles he wrote for Eastside Magazine last year were . . . 3.8571428571428568 417 12465356840 Ryan and Meb take fourth and fifth in Boston . Ryan 's 2 : 08 : 41 makes him the fastest American ever in that race ! 3.7142857142857135 418 610589585555476480 Babe made us a healthy dinner 😍😍😍😍😍 ricardoestill 2.142857142857143 419 905934125995102208 This pasta recipe is delicious when hot & when chilled ! #Promotion #PerdueCrew -… 2.142857142857143 420 91691950364823552 Stupid scumbag Goku 1.8571428571428568 421 447825551550459904 but you 're still serving 20 pieces right ? 1.5714285714285714 422 868876225737052160 I am in awe that Scott Dixon walked away from that 2.8571428571428568 423 874032446509068288 YESSIR OHIO'S OWN GET SOME 1.8571428571428568 424 158358181175767040 LOL yes this ! 1.3333333333333333 425 135940135400382464 ouch ! poor kid ! well now is the time to get everything done tho : ( its just expensive 0_0 ugh 2.0 426 931394587561811969 JUЅT IN : Rоy Moоrе Accusеrs Bеing PАID – FOX-Herald 3.333333333333333 427 925418792490012678 Kenya releases info on Obamas birth 3.8333333333333335 428 888755222247612416 Demon Hunting : Bound By Flame Ep . 7 'Whsperer and General dead off to Caraldthas ! ' Only on CreamTV : via 2.833333333333333 429 907386248934952963 I added a video to a playlist The First Templar Let 's Play Ep . 18 'MONTSEGUR CASTLE' On CreamTV ! 3.333333333333333 430 273299796683550720 never thought this would be possible in a million years , what a beautiful thing ! 👍 1.5 431 241359628565348352 is it Moe 's ? I'm so friggin hooked on Moe 's . . But I probably wo n't be able to eat nine though haha 2.1666666666666665 432 481124628622876675 Q needs to come back already so we can go see all these movies ! ! ! 1.6666666666666667 433 410596759849541632 Crashed out during the game 1.8333333333333333 434 377471423133913088 ' : ' : Sarcasm has been proven to make you smarter and more creative . ' : ) ' 3.0 435 374539499982032896 ' : I do n't care if it 's 1am , 2am 3am , or 4am . If you call and I care about you . . . I will answer . ' There are only a select few . 3.5 436 367476698981621761 sweet dreams darling 😴 2.1666666666666665 437 353733392300392449 dude he deserved that shit ! 1.8333333333333333 438 414003896407691264 Haha I'm not worth to use as a wish okay . ✋ 1.8333333333333333 439 615359026428162048 I personally think its stupid for a secondary school teacher to get yourself involved with controversial issues . 2.6666666666666665 440 8485981525 I do n't think you should your life is amazing 1.6666666666666667 441 3642367806545920 Out for the night with my lady . 2.0 442 11170727133 Fox & Obel is the shit . I want to live there 3.5 443 9323888458596352 Ferris wheel at Navy Pier 4.0 444 25445838215 Best Party Text : Dude . . . punched my best friend int the face , broke up with my girlfriend , and shit my pants 3.1666666666666665 445 29052650646 Disney channel is pretty funny 3.1666666666666665 446 600652125354459136 Check out my broadcast from my PlayStation®4 ! #PS4live ( The Witcher 3 : Wild Hunt ) live at 3.8333333333333335 447 601339556496076800 I got Forrest Gump . What movie are you ? on 2.6666666666666665 448 404373818275553280 ☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠ if you see this i love you so much and u hope you are having a perfect day please follow me ! xk 3.0 449 364814163492614144 🌸 Hi I would be the happiest girl in the world if you followed me love you 🌸 x16 2.6666666666666665 450 900062839565582336 GTA is my fav game ever I swear 3.1666666666666665 451 787127688603533314 buffalo wings w/ blue cheese would be awesome 3.0 452 304714600727867392 voldemortcalmlypooping : voldemortcalmlypooping : what the fuck even is my sexuality : the musical starring me . . . 2.333333333333333 453 714965530843680768 What better way to watch 's return to #TheFlash than while playing Pokemon ? 3.5 454 384886790324117504 27 Drinks Made From Coffee - mental_floss : A video to further encourage me to feed my coffee addiction : D *___* yum 2.6 455 759623836950261760 Kid Improvises After National Anthem Fail Greatest transition into the salute of all time . #LOL 2.6 456 531646309019947008 “ : I'm so lazy 😩😩😩 . . . I can literally sleep all day #ShameOnMe 😔 ” 🙋 guilty 1.8 457 892056453409685504 You prefer to keep your current interactions on a casual basis . . . More for Gemini 2.4 458 348936821125824514 you tell that bandwagoneer Dion ! 1.6 459 338709278661701633 I'm a Superfan of #TheAndyGriffithShow on #GetGlue 2.8 460 98613411268657153 you should tell me next time . I would totes pay to see that . 1.6 461 73615031346008064 So much for a functioning . . . ca n't wait to get rid of this thing ! 1.2 462 499049220822011904 okay , I lied . I care . 1.4 463 461063389230292992 bromero motivating me to get what I deserve . 📚📖💻 1.2 464 201665954181165058 I'm at Peter 's Creek Church Of The Brethren ( Roanoke , VA ) 4.5 465 201782229897187328 I'm at JoCat 's ( Troutville , VA ) 3.8333333333333335 466 694602984404185089 Lots of good RoC® tips in here , like taking care of yourself . #WomenWhoRoC #sponsored 3.333333333333333 467 633674700598738944 Surprise treats from are going up for grabs . ACT FAST : #VSSurpriseTreat 3.0 468 872086443069517829 I'm not ready for tomorrow 1.5 469 880962234092068864 Do n't do that . She 's an asshole but she 's talented 1.6666666666666667 470 274266064915947520 I would really love it if things would start to get a little easier/better . . . . #imeanfuck 1.3333333333333333 471 289037009090142208 Sometimes I'm just like wtf where you thinking #dumbass 1.1666666666666667 472 588323668561944577 Or how about you do n't judge someone for being confident ? 1.5 473 544216045264064512 Kitty sweater and kisses 💋 1.8333333333333333 474 735443620975775744 I can log in , but all my stuff is not accessible at all 2.1666666666666665 475 624206537813311488 NASA News Audio | NASA Noon eastern , 9am pacific . Hmmmm 3.0 476 10038693027 apolo is attacking the cookie ! lol i LOVE it ! ! ! 2.333333333333333 477 9702902137 loving all ur stuff 1.5 478 497617552101494784 It better be . . . 1.1666666666666667 479 489764962496045056 I get my wisdom teeth out the same week as GISHWHES . Do u think someone on severe painkillers and narcotics can do it ? 3.6666666666666665 480 750208054998642689 see you soon 😏 1.3333333333333333 481 696535025697722370 Time for all the bandwagon fans to go away now 2.0 482 930395590 doug , u need slingbox man , it rocks , i even watch it on my cell phone 3.1666666666666665 483 930395168 sweet did a great sermon last night at the district camp meeting . 3.5 484 611609462214946816 I'm in love with this spine ! #bookmail from Penguin Random House ! #bookstagram 2.833333333333333 485 735478158292615169 New Post- Nevernight by Jay Kristoff ( Waiting on Wednesday #20 ) 3.0 486 15790493257 'These are personal backups of books purchased . . . I declare full lending rights to all books in this catalogue . ' -free . org/ 2.833333333333333 487 1736665717 Travel safely ! Wish we were going with you . 1.8333333333333333 488 878736990761517057 Doing great . Having a relaxing Saturday . Looking for music to cook dinner to . ; ) 2.6666666666666665 489 868208475507240961 I would love to see the Cavs get swept but that would be tough . I think it will go 6 games . ; ) 3.1666666666666665 490 810590279547940865 if I'm just bad news , then you 're a liarrrrrr 1.8333333333333333 491 408462256398409728 Is it wrong to say I just do n't give a fuck ? 1.8333333333333333 492 630893659223945216 just payments . Contracts are still online 1.8333333333333333 493 631161682102996996 Join us tonight at 2.333333333333333 494 244988135665176576 I unlocked the Sunday Night Football : Steelers at Broncos sticker on #GetGlueHD ! 3.1666666666666665 495 419202547031613440 any in-flight snacks ? Drinks ? If fired , will Munch retain bathroom privileges or have to hold it all the way back ? Details plz . . 2.833333333333333 496 808345460855492608 I turn on my Wii U and find this message ! and her son have been caught ! #badjuju 2.1666666666666665 497 894460603628232705 Got Summer Corrin with it ! And 5* Cecilia with the free grab ! Thanks for the updates ! 2.333333333333333 498 459842696149209089 “ : Private Equity Takes Steps Toward Wooing Smaller Investors ” Interesting possibility . 2.5 499 626955592272220163 Yes ! Ca n't wait ! 1.1666666666666667 500 371217482431737856 good morning Brian just thought I say hi , I 've been a fan of the backstreet boys since 1998 ; ) have a good weekend 3.5 501 13197364801 made it safely to texas 2.6666666666666665 502 352878291570528256 I liked a video Moodorama - wondering why 2.1666666666666665 503 339552262219239424 I liked a video Un milagro de amor - ¡Qué Angelitos ! 2.333333333333333 504 409413685451296769 Thanks #twitterlessJordan for making random tweets on my twitter . 3.0 505 522497698293747712 I would really love for someone to explain why I have to take accounting again . . 2.6666666666666665 506 340244866082693122 So excited ! DNA is the best album ! Well that and take me home . Good luck ! ! 3.0 507 491038559264993281 I really like #AdamJaymes and his voice ! He hit that note perfect ! #RisingStar 3.333333333333333 508 821044052594479104 We need to figure out MLk day better , it 's either a holiday or it is n't ! We ca n't have some schools , businesses , etc open . Too confusing ! 3.1666666666666665 509 305812711881728000 Our awesome door ! #therockboat 2.1666666666666665 510 510327164760489984 St . Louis , MO . 2.333333333333333 511 455560158580461568 You 've been talkin in yer sleep . 1.5 512 847526691656302594 ⚡ ️ “Angela Rye calls Joe Walsh a 'bigot'” 3.333333333333333 513 931002574584598528 I wanted you to have your own name - that whole story and ending with the blue moon . I can’t handle all of this to… 2.6666666666666665 514 149627666260176896 what kind of cookies do u want ? 2.1666666666666665 515 237861663230021632 What they need is a panel of Freshman that failed their senior year to tell them what not to do . 2.6666666666666665 516 795727307130355712 Does your #bathroom have all the right things ? #homedesign 2.0 517 652924343534665729 Gametime . . . . I look GOOD ! ! ! Lol 2.0 518 711406002512396288 oh my god I'm laughing so hard at this 😂😂😂 1.5 519 753391701679493121 MY FRIENDS VISIT IN 23 DAYS ♥ ️ ♥ ️ ♥ ️ 2.6666666666666665 520 766072695809114112 IDGAF tho cuz . . . 😍👅🌊💅 #unsung 1.0 521 743979696182878208 it 'd probably be great if my fuckin cable company didnt have my blood pressure high af right now . . . WTF ! 2.5 522 360211353941704705 Check out why you should never drink bottled water ! #4 is shocking ! 2.333333333333333 523 360211475823984640 Man vs . nature- can you see through camouflage ? Test your eyes and spot these hidden animals . 3.1666666666666665 524 224528974963933184 Need to take that trip 1.6666666666666667 525 221614909375520769 shit at the crib chillin 1.8333333333333333 526 430146724834054144 I hope someone tests out Bruno Mars' willingness to 'catch a grenade . ' 3.1666666666666665 527 368380429113753600 Clearly , his parents did n't hit him enough when he was younger . 2.6666666666666665 528 401538994472624129 MIT finally finds a use for the Kinect ' : MIT develops a dynamic shape display using Kinect ' 2.0 529 647469025581142016 Free : FitApp Premium via 1.8333333333333333 530 605495102312730624 siawrites : thievinghippo : janiemcpants : You know what should be a thing ? Shameless self-promotion Mondays . . . . 3.2 531 662097104567930880 This site will tell you how common your surname is worldwide - dariuswhiteplume : eggheadcheesybird : . . . 3.2 532 766564883961970688 'Diversity is strength . Diversity is longevity . ' - fav quote of the #gouk16 conf 👌 3.8 533 81240375557242880 Woken up at 3 , 4 then 6 . . #onCall 2.4 534 469222890991140865 is there a chance can be made mobile friendly 2.6 535 456143847748169729 go to a tax preparer next time . You might be missing something . 2.2 536 586325615680204800 just liked your page . Awareness is so important . Thankful to March of Dimes ! 2.6 537 526044337109340160 You either walk through the door or you do n't . I ran through it . Allison Long #SLJSummit 4.0 538 1657738976 long time no see ! 2.0 539 780767558479650816 it 's already up to $1150 . : ) I predict it tops out at 10k 2.6 540 330263124882120704 LOL . The person I'm going to 'distract' welcomes it . Trust me ! ;- ) 2.333333333333333 541 337904983829774337 Knew I was forgetting something ! #LUNCH ! It 's come to this , has it ? Yikes ! 2.5 542 345826295545995264 bkt pg lumapit sau papanget cla ? Hahaha ! 2.25 543 380890922751234048 I want dirty ice cream ! ! 🍦 2.333333333333333 544 596089650109935616 Grandmother , Rosa Salgado ( age 79 ) , graduated this past Saturday alongside 2 of her grandchildren . Congrats ! ! 3.8333333333333335 545 799280152664412161 A fun , dedicated crowd . Thanks for what you do . 2.0 546 5711692851 #realmchamps #Syracuse won round one of sealed 3.1666666666666665 547 1377362190 Pick the paladin if you already have a dps class . At least you get some flexibility in case you find out tanking is not for you . 2.833333333333333 548 464984841352540160 Become a Smurfs Village VIP to earn access to exclusive rewards and special items in the #SmurfsVillage ! 3.0 549 435800566527053824 Win exciting prizes in Lucky Smurfs Island & Village mini games every day in #SmurfsVillage ! 3.5 550 830984361893838848 Was that KG ! ? ! ? ? ! ? ! ? I believe it was him ! ! 3.0 551 780579149882601472 Next , the woman card . 1.6666666666666667 552 434078980858052608 I miss you guys so much ! Can we plan a reunion ? 3.1666666666666665 553 218527828768067586 Baby izzy and her baby bunny 😘 3.1666666666666665 554 711158451104301056 Check this Pin out on Pinterest ! 2.833333333333333 555 787760797439012864 Check out Waze - a free traffic & navigation app that I use all the time 3.8333333333333335 556 671511050760691712 I just voted for on #TheVoice 3.333333333333333 557 671514072102379520 . Amazing ! ! ! Unforgettable performance ! ! ! U are #1 2.833333333333333 558 908001221025218561 Had a product question . Called local . . . 13 min later I'm still on hold & Amazon has already answered on chat . 🤔 4.0 559 93794725743693824 Good idea . Thanks for the info ! 2.1666666666666665 560 639475649548189697 I have n't seen a fight announcement . Did I miss something ? ? #CavemanSmash 2.6 561 701065351887360000 Once a week is nice , but 1 hour just does n't do it for me . Going with twice a month or 2 hours a week : D 2.0 562 148012666101825536 Disney still does their stupid loud countdown when they open at 7 : 12 so I felt the need to yell you 're late over the railing 3.8 563 111007461758074881 I forgot the joy of walking Bailey at 5 AM in the rain 3.6 564 873822787529519104 Señor legislador frente amplists lavrealidad es la peroetuidad en el poder no ? Que no se investigue… 3.0 565 437013528604450817 Why is n't my iMessage working ? 2.8 566 538038984832995328 It 's thanksgiving but I'm wearing Christmas leggings 2.2 567 898263683905630208 Ok , I'm assuming you order plague road and Oceanhorn as well ? 2.6 568 796220019013197824 I dont know what scares me more now . . 4 years of deadlock in congress or reversals of rights people hold dear . #Election2016 #messedup 3.8333333333333335 569 447911669185142784 Looking forward to coming back to April 20th . 2.5 570 721382254933647360 I should have got those apple jacks yesterday instead of the cinnamon toast crunch . 3.1666666666666665 571 666863373414473728 How I felt a few hours ago . 2.1666666666666665 572 788915052547977216 #tapjoysupport Case 04079525 Case 04095150 Confirmation emails sent . I have not received the rewards . 3.6 573 708086941955174401 Your games are n't crediting the reward after required points have been reached . I have screenshots of the score I received 3.1666666666666665 574 752727914215510016 Watching it anticipating the finale . Preston the magnificent . #tcmparty 3.1666666666666665 575 934535562836561920 That’s kind of the point . Jules Verne was French and making commentary on the stereotypical Englishman . … 4.0 576 912500063859068928 It not important to Commercial Networks 2.833333333333333 577 889557148866412545 one person followed me and 4 people unfollowed me // automatically checked by 2.833333333333333 578 361924831052181504 but nu-uhhh ! I'm at home 1.1666666666666667 579 558799823936032768 We were a little late to the 7 : 15 movie but a lot early to the 8 : 00 movie so I bought a new knitted headband with the free time . 4.166666666666667 580 621482850735394817 #ChainsTo100K I'm just in love with this video ! It is also 100k likes ! ! ! you deserve it babe x7 2.833333333333333 581 663535667360608256 I want to meet you so I can tell how much I love you and how special you 're in my life ❤ ️ 💕💕❤ ️ 2.6666666666666665 582 1454069443 Mondegreens are mis-heard lyrics like there 's a bathroom on the right instead of there 's a bad moon on the rise 3.333333333333333 583 3202761350 Any chance of you removing it and posting it later after everyone 's been sufficiently warned ? 2.1666666666666665 584 862426160 Just finished up a night at the waterpark in Branson . I am now eating pizza by the world 's biggest banjo . Yeehaw ? 3.6666666666666665 585 2439585599 Help name their new product ! Go to and submit your name for Hardee 's Biscuit Holes . 3.5 586 429831470354812928 you get it 1.5 587 366485734540058624 Someone is playing loud church music im scared i dont wanna have jesus dreams 2.5 588 560260744814788608 Trini Trent TV : A Rihanna Reinvention : via 3.0 589 526900491608158210 He just called her a red nose reindeer . #LoveAndHipHopHollywood 2.5 590 474427671209070592 Gretchen , stop trying to make fetch happen . #ifyoudontknowhatthisisyoudontdeservesocialmedia 3.0 591 411392552357875712 I need to stop watching 'Diners , drive-ins , and dives' before bed . #hungry #foodroadtrip #treadmillforhours 4.333333333333333 592 881104457429393408 Gotta try Dolce Gusto because i do not drink coffee #MyDolceGusto #sponsored 2.8 593 890372955821178880 I'm earning #mPLUSRewards in Light Da Fuse Android . 2.2 594 337751571993595906 Oh , precious little mongoose , you are losing it #ThisIsMyDesign 1.4 595 347900672118751232 I feel u , Alana #EMMYALDENTE 1.8 596 514228858154139649 . . . . Except when your rat surprised your ass on daddy/daughter Six Flags day . 2.0 597 605468202039050240 Wearing my nosy cape today . 💁🏼 2.0 598 913856812587339777 victor salva was a child molester *before* these movies and yet 2.8 599 933136679015211008 is it weird to get excited when people write about your favorite things ? idk but thanks 💟 2.6 600 632278327953260544 States try to uncover Planned Parenthood violations , fail miserably via 3.6 601 574374691453952000 STUDY : Psychedelic Drugs Are Safer Than Alcohol : 3.4 602 680466250468835329 Merry Christmas darling ! ! love ya 😊🎄🎉🎁☺😍💕👼 2.0 603 684501194241368064 do you like cats or dogs better 2.0 604 898401174847541248 I spend more time in Minecraft than i do in my actual life . 2.8 605 897862548321697792 I get my TAIM hoodie today 🤘 3.0 606 61912872464297984 On my way to Chula Vista 2.4 607 649535576564101120 This essay is really kicking my ass . I do n't think I 'll be able to finish it by 7 . 2.6 608 813437150721114112 I'm addicted to #Meatless Smart Jerky ! Check out my review on #trynatural 3.4 609 659782358862835712 I applied to be a Boursin® Cheese Please Chatterbox ! #BoursinCheesePack #Sponsored : 3.8 610 564952273718353920 ' : Showing up to a party with your friends ' true af 1.8 611 583664904013488129 I really hate not having service in class but at least I have wi-fi 2.8 612 394977791399428096 Tricia Lampron Henderson Inclusion #GoRedSox #bpspln 3.0 613 426534079065260032 Student performance integrating Arts & Literature Friday January 24 , 2014 . 2PM#inclusionondisplay 3.5 614 608483423603167232 Power outage scheduled , next stream is going to be at 1200 noon est , give away hype #batfam 3.0 615 620927925924204544 Going live in 10 min batfam ! 2.0 616 381880596743475200 Not sure how the bengals pulled that one out but I guess I wo n't argue with it . . #whodey 2.5 617 363110293276082176 Somewhat disappointed with the conjuring . . It was just alright for me . . #mediocre 3.0 618 860680104749527041 let 's talk about how is my favorite 2.1666666666666665 619 906297927697670144 jake keeps taking pictures of me on my phone 3.333333333333333 620 534639766093185024 No school today for Gaylord and St . Mary schools 4.0 621 343368648758534144 Looking for graduation photos . Check out Photo galleries for GHS , SMH , J-L and Vanderbilt now up . #Classof2013 3.6666666666666665 622 532159464393428993 Nobody 's gunna feel your pain . 1.3333333333333333 623 451210929758171136 “ : my life has never been explained so precisely ” 😐 1.8333333333333333 624 271324698430820352 Awesome ! I got $107 . 45 so far taking a couple of surveys . 3.1666666666666665 625 50704323885277185 its raining and hailing here in ny . lol . hopefully the weather is nice when you all get here . hope i catch you 3.0 626 1079697661 Just had taco bell for the first time in pennsylvania and it was pretty good ! 3.6666666666666665 627 1168784724 definetly last years superbowl . Go giants ! 2.833333333333333 628 200878097891999744 3rd day if the Kick-off seminar of CIE Project in Finland . 4.0 629 200482681727889408 Attending Kick-off meeting project CIE -Cleantech Incubation Europe- 3.8333333333333335 630 505127370727387136 I found Area Map in The Tribez & Castlez for #Android . #androidgames , #gameinsight 3.8333333333333335 631 713004455071989760 I upgraded my Elven Baths and can now order : Massage ! #iphone , #iphonegames , #gameinsight 3.5 632 432643349884203008 #AskNorman----What would you do for a Klondike bar ? ? 2.5 633 450497852264181760 Riot gear , poncho , pocket watch . . . yea Terminus you done F**ked with the wrong group ! ! YOU GUYS KILLED IT ! ! Awesome season ! 2.833333333333333 634 816381685319155712 41/43 achievements in Slime Rancher . . . def taking a break . Content for 1 of the remaining 2 is n't out & other is rare spawn . #FullClear2017 3.0 635 823006268642070528 Tonight 's stream will prob not have cam . Need the lights off . Such headache . Will be streaming after this set though . 3.0 636 823794101376208896 Chas Chas Chas 👡👡 — LMAOOO RODRIGO 2.0 637 764334506090205185 Fuck feelings lol 1.1666666666666667 638 712293631097344000 Hey pretty idiotic time to do a test of your emergency system . 2.6666666666666665 639 611903180926881792 Man Googles Matt Damon’s Address Because , Well , He’s Crazy And Wants To Murder Him 3.1666666666666665 640 722173398307045376 Hope they gave you a nice big steak after the picture taking 2.6666666666666665 641 722173031334850560 Have you found your John Doe yet ? 2.333333333333333 642 54919400129708033 I get hungry when we talk about fasting . . . 2.1666666666666665 643 125943973440274434 it 's totally fine ! You have a good day too ! 1.8333333333333333 644 936325249116852224 I hope you have not been sitting on the sidelines all this time 2.333333333333333 645 794849360899084288 The Sanctuary of Molokini 3.333333333333333 646 322091082622070787 Must . . . Rest . . . Brain . #Done 1.6666666666666667 647 360859690416078848 'Snowden 's remaining docs unlikely to tie US hands' 4.0 648 777916761802887168 It starts with creating more good-paying jobs . 2.5 649 406318191959216128 Just posted a photo by Snapeee . 2.833333333333333 650 77598729703669760 wow every year the mtv movie awards surprise me but this by far surprised me taylor lautner and rob kissing ? wow did not see that one 4.166666666666667 651 150452997946748929 tomorrows christmas eve ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! where did the time go ! 2.833333333333333 652 799364900569174018 killin it on Family Feud . #imunemployed 2.1666666666666665 653 428371596131049474 dude sorry man ! You had a hat on and your head was down . No offense . 2.1666666666666665 654 311198239921676288 New work chair ! NOT a pain in the buns . #sittinfresh #itsthelittlethings 2.333333333333333 655 268280083423322113 #ReplaceMovieTitlesWithFap Fap it Forward . 2.1666666666666665 656 13651199169 Night guys . I'm going to bed ! ! ! I can only enjoy watching movies/tv on my computer for so long . 1.1666666666666667 657 10917800510 Unlocked 'Welcome to Rapture' in 'BioShock® 2' #xboxtweet 2.6666666666666665 658 928797669518200833 lets say ok and that relates to a thirty something sleaze preying on lil girls and young women how exactly ? 2.833333333333333 659 905279755460730881 seriously ziplock bags to keep that stuff dry 2.6666666666666665 660 269258327949721601 Well there was that one time , Mom bought me vegan tofu ramen and it was possibly the most revolting thing ever created 3.6666666666666665 661 860297209752862720 Are you guys organizing protests or anti-AHCA rallies ? 3.1666666666666665 662 799388909570428928 Chicken Tender Perduzas are a quick & delicious app to entertain with from #promotion #PerdueCrew -… 4.166666666666667 663 580768411929616384 feel better soon I 'll say a little prayer 🌹 2.5 664 434503233722392576 My new project a bike generator 2.333333333333333 665 499189116958154752 It 's not a matter of if but when . . . 1.1666666666666667 666 2031827838 took a walk with 40 , 000+ ppl around Victoria Park tonite . It was so crowded that we could n't even get inside to see the Vigil . 4.166666666666667 667 2516878532 went squid hunting tonite in Sai Kung . 3.8333333333333335 668 801184740774551552 I have been taking surveys and am receiving an Instant Paypal payment for $21 . Join me for free ! 3.2 669 891476749233553408 How would you answer this : 'You have a day off from work . . . you' 2.4 670 448257590573924352 literally no idea but can we still go see it and laugh even if and when it 's inappropriate to do so 2.0 671 414259033072103424 Sam has another 2 inch dangler between her legs 🙊 3.2 672 321265805620817920 I was prompted 7 total times to stay . It was creepy 2.6 673 41906088626356224 - - It 's Official - I'm shooting my own engagement photos 2.8 674 740664931373178881 Yesss <333 BIRTHDAY BASH FOR YOUR 21ST ! 2.4 675 932400997007323136 what 's with the tumor on my pizza ? 2.2 676 474748144690155520 I love that avi baby ! ! 2.2 677 377987629285142528 I do n't know what to do . 1.6 678 5329759327 Oh come on NDC ! Get in the spirit of things ! Trick or treat , smell my feet , give me something good to eat ! 2.8 679 1017064180 You could go pee in Jim 's chair ? 3.0 680 832408154495414272 then I suggest my brother who will probably want to be called Jesster and I provide this picture of h… 3.0 681 903067923064999936 Miraculous Ladybug Heathers AU was the best idea since sliced bread 3.4 682 353295913030135808 Lack of privacy sells lack your privacy = big profits 2.2 683 351748968755118081 I wish I could sleep until I was able to waken to the person I used to be . xoxoR 2.6 684 552489721797283840 Hey , any idea when it 'll be possible to get woken up in France ? Ca n't wait ! 3.0 685 262215299686875136 Qui es-tu en fait ? Pq tant de followers ? 2.0 686 2723462388 Just got from the gym walked the dogs and got my run in . My dog kept up surprisingly 2.8 687 4047870126 Am I the only 1 in this country that can find jobs without trying ? Why do people complain about their being no job openings ? There are alot ! 2.4 688 150638189474885634 Good luck ! We 'll be watching from Georgia . GO LIONS ! ! 3.6 689 127765746041364481 uh , yeah ! I watched it 3 times 1.8 690 692789806724714496 He should get suspended 20 full games & should get fined the total amount of the Refs medical bills . 3.0 691 325694649689845760 Get Funky Trap Lucky Anything with Daft Punk and Pharrell in it is always worth listening too . The ROBOTS ! ! 3.6 692 100403776799776768 New tweet caster from the minds of 'one louder' productions . great app , the name leaves a little to be desired . 3.0 693 101338514628681728 Kyle davies cut . 2.6 694 846454291648925696 Our #Guacopedia matchmaker takes the effort out of planning a recipe for events . Check it out now #AFMsweepstakes -… 3.6 695 802546663923609600 Orange Cranberry Popovers : substitute your leftover holiday turkey #promotion #PerdueCrew -… 3.4 696 32312041544876032 Hmmm I just wish I could have said something but ya like I said I still love him tho If it was never then let it be 2.4 697 145356168817152000 Setting up VOICE TWEETS ! #tweetavoice Get in on this ! 2.2 698 320669177440514049 Did you get the link to Kachanroid I sent earlier ? 3.5 699 320049496610439169 . . . You do n't happen to have more pictures of Nageki in skirts . . . Do you ? If you do . . . Can I see them ? 3.5 700 452873738187735040 Hey can I ask you something ? 1.3333333333333333 701 406634953276141568 If you really listen to lyrics in music , you 'll understand where the artist is coming from #music 1.8333333333333333 702 868906558788382721 That 's not enough . 1.1666666666666667 703 660928637101850626 Welcome to garbage time ! 1.8333333333333333 704 843131015950491653 Out the shower . 1.6666666666666667 705 944132614704771073 I really don’t be doing shit at work 😭😭 2.0 706 189434391439753216 que te pasaa jorge ? ? 3.25 707 238405361751703552 Una aventura es mas bonita . . . . . . ( 8 ) turutururururu 2.0 708 250345104026513409 Pig Saves Baby Goat : via ---This video makes my cold cold heart melt . 3.0 709 24549571409 it 's not rational , but then again , I 've heard those same noises . 2.0 710 916514839605989376 Good luck ! I think it’s super cute ! ! 1.8333333333333333 711 383417730646298624 burn out , or burn one ? : ) 1.5 712 203308747446157312 okkk what are they ? 1.5 713 68392836155973632 : Make no plans tonight ! Because there is an all new ModernFamily episode , directed by guest starring 3.1666666666666665 714 362753122180923393 thanks for the follow : D I think you are very very sexy ! ! ! ! 2.0 715 468799485133737984 thanks for the follow : ) 1.8333333333333333 716 759245035233763328 nah fam its mine now 1.6666666666666667 717 536604693384814592 dam i missed it 1.5 718 913196298697891842 I actually hated tony at the time but it 's retconned to loving him bc he 's so iconic . I do n't like joe ! 4.0 719 899822887456133121 What 's he even talking abt , the only thing I heard abt him today was that he stared at the sun ? 3.0 720 458022183877754880 Yeah Do it ! ! : ) 1.1666666666666667 721 442698011433394176 This is a toughy . #wonderpolls 1.1666666666666667 722 758724284755902464 Bloomberg explicitly suggested last night Trump is n't sane . I assume you watched , yes ? So it 's not 'the media' 4.166666666666667 723 792867335992291328 Before decrying the existence of a fence , learn history of why it was put there . Do that and Hatch Act ai n't stupid 3.6666666666666665 724 780827551551795200 Face of a winner right here . 1.8333333333333333 725 767735134820851712 Class act as always , Drumpf . 2.5 726 853266607505895426 Enfamil Family Beginnings Sweet Dreams Nursery Sweepstakes #EnfamilDreamNursery 3.333333333333333 727 811400843509559296 Are you the Ultimate Walking Dead Fan ? My Results . 2.833333333333333 728 898142354342903808 Did you write that ? ? Omg I love it 2.1666666666666665 729 732559525241200640 great , not what I was hoping for 😰 1.6666666666666667 730 867180759139930112 I liked a video Beatles Because 2.6666666666666665 731 849260413636292609 I liked a video I Wanna Be A Cowboy - Boys Do n't Cry 3.5 732 95534004828258304 good afternoon gorgeous 1.1666666666666667 733 111469687971389440 that 's kewl I just finished work 1.8333333333333333 734 718234064810033152 Please help support efforts to End Animal Cruelty , add a #Twibbon now ! 3.6666666666666665 735 908337277797113858 I could not agree more ! ! 1.8333333333333333 736 461929197493956610 Everyone can relate , especially students . via I could def . relate when I was in school ! 2.333333333333333 737 344672393387724801 Fun times ! I was born in Decatur , IL . It 's the smell of money in that city . . . I tell ya . lol 3.333333333333333 738 503588635917422592 Ignore last message . My account was hacked . 2.1666666666666665 739 617309889954775040 How to Use #LinkedIn Showcase Pages for Business 1.8 740 124206598154498048 first day of teaching and #jackalwatch at Leesburg High was in effect . Got me a cell phone 3.6666666666666665 741 111477606599241728 is trying to real my record for unpaid parking tickets at a college #nochance #ihad40 2.333333333333333 742 341701632741998592 Everyone should give up : doubting themselves , negative thinking , fear of failure , destructive relationships , gossiping , laziness . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.0 743 588362196528201728 The devil wants you to stay miserable/ becs as long as you 're miserable you cannot reap the best of what God has for your 3.1666666666666665 744 593263728641986560 literally wear all black , and smudged eyeliner on the waterline dude ! 2.1666666666666665 745 591806650756911104 Time to listen to Lana . 2.6666666666666665 746 368785252648353792 I'm the same way ! 1.2 747 455856647299018753 I started playing my guitar again today . It 's been a while since I last played it . 3.2 748 590143799659081729 why is this your profile picture 2.8 749 587435774007767041 it 's obviously 5 and 6 rich and grace were the best 2.6 750 160929108610654208 Or she totally goes Pinkamina on you ! Cross my heart and hope to fly , stick a cupcake in my eye ! 3.0 751 28731694661 Maybe it 's time to up the meds . Maybe it 's just time to give up . #whatsthepoint ? 2.4 752 935579843445575680 Donate through T-Mobile 's app for free today ! #GivingTWOgether 3.4 753 420676416271683584 This Guy Moved Into a New Apartment Only To Find Something Weird Yet Amazing . . . via 2.4 754 521157554395938816 ca n't even describe what I feel right now . I just love this team so much and our amazing fans . 💚💙⚽ ️#doherty 2.8 755 476583724209815554 Need something to do 1.2 756 401082188042870784 I 'll be there ! ! I really had no idea that 's tweet was a quote from the office haha I only knew the song ! 3.0 757 369481125069979648 Finally . . . home sweet home 1.3333333333333333 758 605390939968790529 Preview the excitement for Jurassic World ! #EnterJurassicWorld 3.1666666666666665 759 324660650741755905 ' : . will like this one : ' : YOLO . Unless you have horcruxes . '' BAM . Point for Voldemort . 2.333333333333333 760 403217565306335235 Check out this video from Total Rewards . 2.1666666666666665 761 572061477395435521 Get a taste of the new & explore the refreshing new ways to get rewarded at #PopTheTopOnMCR 2.833333333333333 762 49330569905049601 windows mobile . . . . . big dilemma 2.333333333333333 763 29726832890748929 Hercules 2-0 Barcelona . Valdez ( minuto 26 ) #2010MisterChip #mipuf 3.5 764 796900067760279552 i'm in love 1.1666666666666667 765 786625983491215360 selling 2 tix to post for cheap floor seats lmk 2.0 766 623652133586497536 it 's because Bard is the greatest thing from Riot Games since Thresh . 3.5 767 600065643635806208 chill sunday . super bored . why not stream league since im playin ? 2.5 768 781894477153759232 1 new unfollower in the last day . Via 1.8333333333333333 769 355361913149980673 5 #homeschool Parent types : Which one are you ? 2.1666666666666665 770 820428246495936513 ( pt 2 ) if there 's a way to follow up on that , please let me know . I 'd really appreciate it ! 2.1666666666666665 771 874030763238404098 do you want me to die 1.5 772 938975449736196096 I screamed as soon as I saw the font . Then I spent the next seven minutes like 'WHAT IS NORMAN REEDUS DOING ? ' 3.6666666666666665 773 835164514781913088 My next film project has a Facebook page ! Please like to follow progress and the vote campaign in June ! 4.0 774 250418417969004545 RAWactive : What name did the WWE Universe decide for Kane & Daniel Bryan ? I picked #teamhellno 4.0 775 756697258503045120 Being silly . @ Asia Garden 2.5 776 830890434842857472 no , this is because some areas have more people then others , hence we live in a republic 2.1666666666666665 777 818164844859981828 I liked a video A Dream Came True : Home Made Full Auto Crossbow ! 2.6666666666666665 778 421157343485628416 Parenting is fundamental right , not a Constitutional right . Fundamental rights are God given . Constitutional rights are protected by law . 3.5 779 421437342151217152 I called it right and they admitted it to CNN , they are pushing a Socialist model of family law via 2.833333333333333 780 821420967582957570 Check out my first blog post for ! 3.1666666666666665 781 613114469250650112 Tell me about it . 1.1666666666666667 782 896572992590757891 Gained 5 followers and lost 3 ( stats by ) 2.1666666666666665 783 894788306872958976 Another fun one . Describe how we met* using the GIF feature in the comments . *on or offline . 2.5 784 530101270850584578 “ : Clint Eastwood skateboarding in Rome , 1965 ” w/ a 5 o'clock shadow Hugh Jackman looks just like Clint ! 3.6666666666666665 785 466253468144242689 That level of frustration when your wife leaves her phone constantly on vibrate and buried at the bottom of her purse . 3.0 786 694372201798053888 I'm missing tomorrow 's padme FC 2.333333333333333 787 2465781372 I just attempted to assassinate , but failed . #spymaster 2.1666666666666665 788 489433488182231042 Oh , eine Hantel : D 1.25 789 172725738842238976 Super . Seit 5 Minuten steht auf der U4 Anzeige 3 Minuten und nun springts auf 4 ? ! Was ist da nun schon wieder los . . . #wienerlinien 2.6666666666666665 790 656010508160528384 Cows are placid Eggs in acid 1.8333333333333333 791 781896198361710592 That spoke to me 1.0 792 824304721494216705 thank you Samantha for supporting the cause . 5 cents for each social media post 3.8333333333333335 793 572440516605956096 if Joan had said that , nothing would have been said . Hypocritical . I think the change is difficult for them . Like death is . 3.8333333333333335 794 514110610657648640 1 weekly unfollower . Justunfollow does n't miss a trick - via 2.5 795 598268087100571649 Just the one unfollower today found tracked by 2.5 796 152082702470885376 HVAC Mechanical Designer needed for EPC Engineering Firm 3.1666666666666665 797 493872720682041344 Job opportunity : Sr . Scheduler at URS Corporation - Greater New York City Area #jobs 3.333333333333333 798 699024113868759040 I'm always doing something that is n't appreciated 2.0 799 434485878258282496 Happy LOVE day ! 2.333333333333333 800 825510268222500865 How is this a fail ? 😂❤ ️ 2.1666666666666665 801 831262865189380097 'All art is beauti- . . . oh . . . ' 2.333333333333333 802 827912671915827200 King of dark fantasy . Summon today . App Store : Google Play : #DarkSummoner 3.0 803 658983201470332928 Dark Summoner Comeback Campaign NOW ON . Chance for all players to get a Monster of the highest rarity . Invite ID : 2189644357 #DarkSummoner 4.0 804 189753003778117632 Me neither , Sweet Brown . Me neither . #fb 1.8333333333333333 805 167775797019553792 I unlocked the 30 Rock : Hey , Baby , What 's Wrong ? sticker on ! 3.0 806 349227783995666432 ME TOO . Except for the mild resentment I have towards not being able to really quit “ : IM SO HAPPY YOU'RE BACK ! ! ” 2.5 807 420695702520356865 It 's too cold to not have someone to cuddle with 😩 2.0 808 371023388308815872 Congratulations to and Perrie on their engagement : ) Unbelievably happy for them ! ! <3 <3 3.5 809 251902890174726144 Mum has been switching back and forth between E ! News and iRobot for the past 45 minutes just so I could watch 1D : ) <3 The things she does . . 3.8333333333333335 810 4298719165 done with clinical instructor training . nap time ! 2.333333333333333 811 770033640600469504 Love this #free printable I downloaded from 2.833333333333333 812 601221760118206465 “ : Are you amused yet ? #SpoofChat 2.0 813 624058519965143045 One question , when do you allow him back ? #SpoofChat Because there is a decontamination zone . . . 2.1666666666666665 814 746921516911202304 There is sooooo much going on in this gif . 1.6666666666666667 815 748281287077617664 Julie Graves Claire Schlaack 2.5 816 189439903384350720 en Twitter Venezuela #twven 2.0 817 332698321607073792 amén mi linda ! 2.5 818 515016487736995840 Reiki Master Teacher - Shihan – Day 10 - Strengthen Intuition Some was to strengthen our Intuition and our . . . 3.0 819 206046857141555200 Will the U . S . Senate probe Rupert Murdoch 's U . S . company or leave it to the UK ? Take action with 3.8333333333333335 820 276075779874516993 What 's this bitch talkin about ? #craycray #fuckoff 2.1666666666666665 821 273285367191437312 Well , that felt awesome . . #not #fuck 1.5 822 515142436859813888 Fossil Alters Evolutionary Timeline by 60 M Years 3.2 823 505414012419317760 Talib Kweli- Talk to You ( Lil' Darlin' ) ( Feat . Bilal ) via 3.6 824 241212056680923136 Angry Birds : Free for Android , today only ! It 's the 'Ad-Free' version . 3.8 825 630272944153960448 I liked a video from The Backwards Brain Bicycle - Smarter Every Day 133 3.0 826 236515284704444419 Turtle #zoo #travel @ Zoologico De Las Delicias 3.6 827 149467225974247424 Pues . . . #soysincera no queria que este dia llegara , por tu presencia 2.0 828 358960515738902529 I live in Toucha Butte , USA mister . Oh you 're the mayor ? It 's an honor mister mayor . - we do the ceremonial 'handshake' 3.8 829 824755880650534917 so for all the other originals releases you go in order . Makes sense . Has to sell out first . Then you skip this award 1.8 830 514363907239325696 'If you do n't think every day is a good day , just try missing one . ' ~Cavett R . . . #dailyquote #qotd 2.4 831 853828254658174980 Just posted a photo 1.6 832 320203947191201792 I just voted for Best Hero at the 2013 MTV #movieawards ! #votebilbo 3.8333333333333335 833 322886311709143040 I just voted for Best Hero at the 2013 MTV #movieaward #votebilbo . 3.5 834 140719112828620800 Sliden Thru da city lights behind tint trappn 1.6666666666666667 835 148230248419430401 Skeeter da peter 1.2 836 432053330274033664 it 's come to my attention that I have no idea which video you are referencing . 2.2 837 301240233746366464 'I just woke up one day and I knew . ' 'Knew what ? ' 'What I was never sure of with you . ' #ouch 2.5 838 709534237892935681 Why do you love the McPick 2 for $5 menu ? #McDPartners 3.8333333333333335 839 709519529353879552 Rings I wore during my pregnancy when my wedding band would no longer fit . #OBelievers #sponsoredob 3.333333333333333 840 444585642253508608 ' : Changing it up #GhostTown #Glamor #photography #BTS @ Cadillac Ranch ' 2.833333333333333 841 519692740875919361 Hope you’re enjoying Van . Settling in for the west coast feed of SPN #10 . The wait is over ! 2.5 842 446940096718462976 #rivoparty I hope I get in , want to try and share these recipes ! 2.333333333333333 843 792470117410103297 My Uber driver learned I was American and is playing the Backstreet boys 😵🔫 3.8333333333333335 844 528292261885657088 Pre-ordered the first 4 issues of #rasputin hope it lives up to the hype 3.5 845 361275514687717376 haha love it , take it they did n't think this purchase through . 1.5 846 890451937 - Here go the Air Force Thunderbirds ! 2.833333333333333 847 815289454151815170 we originally paid $100/ticket more to fly out of LNK . So we’re out that money . Plus driving . Plus more $$ parking . ( Cont . ) 3.1666666666666665 848 1136247977 not yet . I just beat bowser . I still have 50 stars to go . 2.1666666666666665 849 65081988406714368 why are n't you a Magic fan ? T-ville is closer to Orlando than Miami 3.8333333333333335 850 764645975034060800 Stuck in a car with my fam and Dan farted so bad so I flipped my ring down to hold my nose close like I was n't even thinking and mom saw lol 4.333333333333333 851 842918044401913866 How do You make . . . . friends 2.1666666666666665 852 140914564912001025 'Crap ! I really need to get an Xbox today at the Black Friday price , but I'm at the back of the line ! PEPPER SPRAY ALL THE PEOPLE ! ' Really ? 4.2 853 612991872265506816 be trying to correct the joint 1.0 854 25692970792 sucks man , I 'll miss listening to you guys 1.8 855 24952802321 yeah , Troy 's good 2.2 856 386127364062588928 I made the clock for my website ( ) , but could n't do it for my blog . . . 2.8 857 345564259742269440 Webinar with Bryan U today . So excited to talk about my infographic on Gagne 's 9 Events in Instruction ! 4.2 858 181577160316817408 I am not happy with my stupid little sudden link box on my Tv right now . Some channels on my Tv only are n't working . 3.4 859 215414739860324352 One time when mom found out we were not getting art class in school she gave us lessons with that same book . 3.0 860 902247756240084992 They 're not even coming to repair my chair ! I'm supposed to take my entire day waiting to sign something that I have already signed ? 2.4 861 883069237803311107 Informative thread ( & YES unfortunately there are ppl who do this @ events like #SDCC The myth that accommodations… 2.6 862 645292776989437952 darling any art you draw is good : D 1.8333333333333333 863 621813176347328512 Photoset : natashattack : Hey Avatar/Legend of Korra fandom ! I’d like to introduce you to my little brother . . . 3.1666666666666665 864 341615263545974784 Top Spotify tracks near me : White Noise for Babies , Ocean Sounds for Sleep . Maybe my neighborhood is n't as hip and young as I thought . 3.333333333333333 865 275549229974433793 AFAICT the British do n't believe in vegetables outside of lettuce in salads : ( 2.0 866 852236625363054593 Dear diary , today I'm wearing my dress backwards because I think the back has a trendier neckline than the front . #Ihaveproblems 2.833333333333333 867 742523547361239042 . . . Maybe we will regret reminding them that we 're here ? Oh technology magic . 1.8333333333333333 868 631240879525785604 Found a Transponder Snail ! Candid shots of the Straw Hats on their new ship , Merry ! #TreCru 2.6666666666666665 869 660243803480133632 Found a Transponder Snail ! Giants , sea monsters , fantastical creatures of all kinds ! #TreCru 2.833333333333333 870 732623900350271488 Awesome emotion N last night 's show ! Have n't blown me away like that since #MuchtodoAboutNothing #Whedonverse 3.333333333333333 871 589050341376847872 #promseason Great and sometimes forgotten cause sponsored by some great Ladies ! ! 2.1666666666666665 872 583477656101851137 My newest video is now online ! New vlog ! 2.4 873 607992987302293504 It 's quite nice to be back to a normal human temperature . Fevers are no fun . 2.4 874 659761759625039872 the most surprising thing about this tweet is the fact that you 're in class 2.6 875 432216885493780481 Just when you thought I could n't look any better #golfshow #oldschool 2.2 876 495264931172724736 but for the record MJ would take the shot to he was also known as a ball hog . 2.4 877 470992472177258496 lol is that the best u can do ? ? ? I just said its twitter who cares about illiterate ? ? ? 3.4 878 776919391011123201 Shut up and take my money ! These kids are great ! 1.6 879 676764084767842304 Check out Disturbed , Rob Zombie + Korn Lead 2016 Northern Invasion Festival 4.2 880 747630235064086529 Interesting , but how to make it relevant to me ? : 5 Psychological Studies on Pricing . . MUST Read : via 2.8 881 803647118023991297 Custom necklace in progress , think I 'll go with the teardrop crystal instead of the cat 's eye… 3.0 882 454428868859138048 nihil novi sub sole 1.0 883 420286172477140992 low power modules 1.4 884 674681087583391744 Share the crap out of this . . . . EVERYONE needs to recognize this guy 's face . 2.2 885 937455103493238785 Not quite how I anticipated spending the afternoon . 1.8 886 579226382623907840 hey ! Are you still selling the tickets ? Im interested in one 2.2 887 784333507174682625 use smart drive and just type in pharmacy it 'll show you the nearest one 3.0 888 660540369013096448 Keep your black kitties inside today ! 2.4 889 604134752426156032 I think you 're a dork 2.8 890 53106264225492992 played a song Bad Things by jace everett on Myspace 4.0 891 779656414704734208 Things get off to a slow start today , but you can build moment . . . More for Scorpio 2.4 892 14043975730 did you catch Betty white on snl ? Pretty funny . . . sorry I missed you when you were in bozeman . 3.8 893 32778862156840960 the question is did global warming play a role in Phil the groundhogs decision ? 3.4 894 410549428106186752 very sweet and cute ! 1.2 895 411296599600795648 I agree ! I really love all his quotes . 'Why fit in when you were born to stand out' ♡ that one 2.2 896 937428985667039234 4 steps makes Souvlaki Platter the quick , healthy meal you’ve looked for ! #Promotion #PerdueCrew -… 2.6 897 892462676449910784 Your friends & family will love these parm sliders . Give them a try ! #Promotion #PerdueCrew -… 2.6 898 98430590646370305 about changing gamertag , , I'm on my thunderbolt , , is that a problem , , do I need to use a desktop ? 2.8 899 562028351687106562 is psn down ? 2.0 900 650743300844990464 future head coach at Texas ? 2.2 901 936597452232249344 I fully expect a banner to be hoisted and commemoration plaque to be up before he gets on campus . 2.6 902 897085272663486464 So you 're saying I'm old : ( 1.8 903 157326773070204928 Idiots Out Wandering Around 2.0 904 921783778573463553 Keep in mind this is one of the worst defenses in the ACC 2.4 905 938575020271587328 I can appreciate the drive to go after him . But the Fields visit is a waste to time . 2.6 906 17812251641 Northeast heat today is ridiculous . brutal 2.4 907 117339719339220993 great job on your PLO video with on Adam ! Looking forward to ep2 3.4 908 547164135474356224 nice profile picu hv got . Any hobby ? 2.2 909 547163998027014145 yea am fine 1.4 910 336167682648973312 Guitar Hero tho . 1.6 911 347054878830518272 “ : TWINKLE TWINKLE LITTLE WHORE you 're at school , not Jersey Shore . you 're a slutty , orange mess PLEASE GO FIND A LONGER DRESS . 3.6 912 382148750635827200 A Month To Go 2.0 913 322364134165471233 That one song . . . . 1.6 914 472790987744358400 Just posted a photo @ San Francisco Airport Marriott Waterfront 3.0 915 591870818898071552 Just posted a photo @ Vault Martini Bar 2.8 916 263083146696859648 I'm watching Two Broke Girls #GetGlue #TwoBrokeGirls 2.6 917 681700246133567488 I liked a video Leo Training : Finding Water 3.0 918 714035906446036992 One seemingly insignificant typo can mean the drastic difference between superheroes . . . and superherpes 2.2857142857142856 919 527561317847404544 You 're welcome , and good luck ! : ) 1.7142857142857142 920 692560977464803331 more like freddieismyqueen 1.5714285714285714 921 629459503252131840 Liam , you are one lucky guy ! 2.4285714285714284 922 647529953785946112 Not a female Purple Finch ? 3.0 923 3770428484 Who is this team and what have they done with the White Sox ? 4.571428571428571 924 25197937747300352 As a Colts fan , I do n't care for Antonio Cromartie for obvious reasons , but I am enjoying his comments on Tom Brady . Top notch , sir . 2.0 925 533836641497268226 My feelings do n't get hurt cuz they ai n't there 😂😂✌💯 2.2857142857142856 926 133110316828602368 : Starbucks UK flat white specifications . [But they 're bitter , over-extracted and wildly inconsistent . ] 3.571428571428572 927 120065742229086208 At the #Nero at #7dials . Watching covent garden wake up to a beautiful Saturday morning 3.4285714285714284 928 564621744296587265 I like REAL music . 1.5714285714285714 929 378444437421977600 when the boy at the convenience store tried to drown himself in that lake he couldnt 'cause he finally saw where all those soda bottles went 2.2857142857142856 930 508187513195073536 Likely she did n't even know – did n't know his name started with an M , did n't know how to murmur the syllables on her mouth just so . 2.5714285714285716 931 645291359524528128 It really is a case of hoping that I can stream more than 5 minutes TV without losing signal but knowing that is so unlikely . . . 3.1428571428571432 932 9932110853 stephen fry goes to parties , are you sure ? 2.8571428571428568 933 566999898378100742 ' : fun fact : if you talk to me past midnight l get real personal and weird' 😂😂😳 1.4285714285714286 934 340754149291474944 Started Walk with #cyclemeter at 3 : 58 AM , on a new route , see , Cyclemeter will speak your replies to me . 3.2857142857142856 935 667929712547766273 Drinking a HI-5 IPA by @ The Merry Widow — 3.8333333333333335 936 693120341070200833 I kind of wish I lived in a purge world 2.142857142857143 937 940441995151138816 I have so much to experience and learn in life . . but I’ve already learned this lesson , no need to learn it again 🙌✌ ️ 1.5714285714285714 938 489895309817180163 Oh , the places you 'll go : ) 1.5714285714285714 939 511915461760385024 On a Wednesday , in a cafe . . It 's a #TSwift kind of day . : ) 2.5714285714285716 940 603912175393046528 Touched by a Duggar 1.8333333333333333 941 885549289535135744 Those are n't Ewoks , they 're 'creatures' according to Toppsspeak . 2.4285714285714284 942 154744712316727297 last night here to be spent with good people at a cool place . ( @ McRaney 's Tavern ) 2.2857142857142856 943 171379800559206400 I'm at Denny 's ( 412 S Lincolnway , I-88 , North Aurora ) 4.285714285714286 944 250445181432770561 If I was human , there would be no people on earth . . . . . . my awesomeness would kill them . . . an Fred , Fred would help me 2.5 945 250702611341246464 I eat zombie brains for breakfast ! 2.5 946 362599490772926465 The flies have more teeth 😭😭😭😭😭 2.0 947 344833015534460930 I miss my boyfriend : ( 2.0 948 81703733469257728 Free ice cream day ! #Fridayisawesome 3.6666666666666665 949 2519867335 How is that even possibleee ? The simple ones we did took like 3 million hourss . haha 1.5 950 334740567873433600 Building an IT Career at Penn #upennitsc13 3.6666666666666665 951 4407069441 Eating nuts and drinking beers at Coors Field L : 3.6666666666666665 952 358727103031681027 How many different times can I go back to keep getting free pretzel samples at Auntie Anne 's ? This pack of fake mustaches says : 7 . 3.5 953 378632334393999360 The fact that I'm ONLY 6 , 657 Twitter followers behind Sydney Leathers is actually a relief . Figured it would be worse . 3.1666666666666665 954 166190999901712384 how goes it bro ? ! 1.5714285714285714 955 512730518589149184 Last couple of days facilitating training in Hattiesburg MS and then back home to TX 😜😜😜😜😜😜 3.4285714285714284 956 923373405327560704 when the fallergies ( fall allergies ) hit 2.142857142857143 957 918960869232521216 michael just told me that i looked like jack white 3.571428571428572 958 933002351207702529 The trending product that I will be trying out in 72 hours is… 3.1428571428571432 959 706253690299097088 that 's what I was thinking as well 1.4285714285714286 960 555022687815606272 Colton loves it when you laugh ! ! 3.7142857142857135 961 217272358220738560 Will this interview be posted online for everyone outside of the current viewing areas to watch ? 2.8571428571428568 962 25691893554 Absolutely love homeschooling my kiddos . Such joy in hearing my eldest sing scripture songs and multiplication songs that are biblical . 3.7142857142857135 963 853828254658174980 Just posted a photo 1.5714285714285714 964 740436944014938114 The new trailer for #WatchDogs2 does n't seem to have me hyped . Going to assume its going to push multiplayer . 3.2857142857142856 965 391149258688065537 No problem . I know I'm still excited for the Playstation 4 this November . : D 2.8571428571428568 966 560812285472808960 why did you block hahahahaha 1.8571428571428568 967 910335057235255296 Campus is only a two Lil Dicky song drive from my house 2.5714285714285716 968 862080409802289152 Congratulations to the Boys & Girls Outdoor Track teams for winning today 's matches vs DY and ACL titles for both teams . #WeRMarshfield 4.428571428571429 969 943289977571602433 Under a minute to play here in Marshfield : Rams : 56 : 57 Barnstable ball out of TO . 3.2857142857142856 970 71254356900585472 Thanks . Wondering why pay out of state if courses online , and if future equals courses from faculty from diff colleges 2.8571428571428568 971 179268982967255040 Ca n't stop Laughing - Amish buggies colliding with a cop car in WNY - Really , at 5 mph ? ? 2.8571428571428568 972 355434095330861058 ' : 😂😂😂 bitches tryn go out places with me . . . no no no you were only a school friend 👐 see you in August ☺ ' 2.142857142857143 973 355943239875956736 My mother be so loud on the phone yo like she needs to stop 2.7142857142857144 974 1919395946 Daniel , too many people know already . If you would 've been the first to ask , maybe i would 've told you . : ( 2.4285714285714284 975 6811394986 I love blasting Imogen Heap when I'm taking a bubble bath , and the putting my head under the water and listening to it . 3.4285714285714284 976 449479436782796800 I'm at ( Austin , TX ) 2.5714285714285716 977 419325843962212352 DOGE PARTNER . so love much wow ! 1.7142857142857142 978 486917150850818048 them too if there 's food involved 1.2857142857142858 979 486787226626314240 there is a reason I did n't name any of the pigeons sam and he knows what it is 2.0 980 769368335016275970 Apparently , we are one of two teams named Rose Coloured Asses . Oh well 3.0 981 813827642617118721 Me , most of today : 1.5714285714285714 982 23074347854 It takes 3 acoording to the owl . 2.0 983 12426206896988160 yeah maria said there were sevral but i only found the one to . . . just try putting in saginaw walmart and see what u get 3.0 984 757777216294051840 Sorry for the rant , I'm just really passionate about this issue . It 's like , just forget about the disabled ( physically OR mentally ) . 2.8571428571428568 985 671521706478014466 My birthday is in 6 days & I'm dreading it bc I have no one 3.1428571428571432 986 864845543775891456 How Baking , Cooking & Other Daily Activities Help Promote Happiness and Alleviate Depression and Anxiety 4.0 987 722863360031592448 PhD Application Roadtrip via 2.142857142857143 988 634503149642981376 love u too brother 1.2857142857142858 989 402851987579879424 I love it when people do n't follow through with appointments . . . grr #surprising 1.8571428571428568 990 739844845846601728 These JUCOS are ready for 1.8571428571428568 991 799333373751816193 Our last lesson from our teachers - community circle and our final product ! ❤❤ #maps 2.5714285714285716 992 822110719042850820 I'm getting my nails fixed tomorrow and I could n't be more excited . 💅💅 #nails #fixthismess 3.0 993 835195723490734086 NEVER pay for rush shipping , but my hair is so fucked up right now that I'm rushing half of the hair care products I 've ordered . #BleachLife 3.571428571428572 994 376781209465913344 Today 's missive is a ? Is putting $ over any life ill gotten gain ? 2.0 995 832426822906310657 Helped nearby drivers by reporting a stand still traffic jam on I-5 S , Irvine on - Drive Social . 4.0 996 678781960945336321 I'm earning #mPLUSRewards in Snakeroll . 3.2857142857142856 997 678781960945336321 I'm earning #mPLUSRewards in Snakeroll . 3.4285714285714284 998 898771998813241345 that is true…I 've had Australian , I 've had American , but Japanese is the best . Wish they still had the McPork , though… 3.1428571428571432 999 817084490363219968 because think of the end result ! 1.4285714285714286 1000 383772377131143168 This is so wagon guys #wagon 1.8571428571428568 1001 454375602020036608 Drinking some sweet tea #sassy #swampfamily 2.5714285714285716 1002 165122040397967360 Hey now , do n't undersell just how important it is that Karate Kid makes it to NYC ! *Almost* as important as work . Probably . 3.571428571428572 1003 217495460053651456 Surprise ! Down goes Mediacom ! #CoMo #NotSurprised 3.1428571428571432 1004 911396151714242562 I have to see this but I do n't have AppleTV ! How can I see it ! ? ! ? ! 😲😩🙏🏻 3.0 1005 900609995368050688 His watch never ended . I voted for #Benjen4MVP ! Who 's the #GoTMVP this week ? Follow to see ! 3.1428571428571432 1006 866421881758302210 Clipper lighters are so clutch ! 2.5714285714285716 1007 882821305065779204 just jammin to some Liberace 2.4285714285714284 1008 83718627861331968 is a VIP on Original Gangstaz on my iPhone ! Click the link to join my gang #iphone #ipod #ipad #OG 3.0 1009 81844996411633664 just reached level 15 on My Clinic on my iPad #ipad #ipadgames 3.0 1010 1589335084 is at work thinking about being outside . 1.8571428571428568 1011 139063094851796992 Happy to report that Too $hort is not dead ! Yay ! 2.8571428571428568 1012 398639615420035072 haha you bet I did : ) 1.2857142857142858 1013 809093064425807872 can not wait until going home does n't mean prescott 1.8571428571428568 1014 1343850822 well the St . Patrick 's celebration will have to wait til next year . . . . hubby is sick 2.6666666666666665 1015 1669760013 so excited surprised me with Card tix ! ! ! woot woot ! ! ! 2.333333333333333 1016 514496806953418755 I just do one-hitters . That looks like fun . 1.5 1017 755771677938626560 thx , yes I survived that one . They have another called 'the boat' . Tamale , hot dog , chili , raw onion n cheese . That 1 I did n't . 2.1666666666666665 1018 531906883633025025 Apparently does n't care about their customers . They confirmed an order and then cancelled it not more than four hours later . 2.5 1019 452928445178474496 “ : #WrestleMania I will be the World Champion ! #WWENetwork ” We 're in your corner ! 2.1666666666666665 1020 365907065543204865 Hey PenguinL do you know if I could get a download of your clubpenguin item adder where you choose the ID you want to enter ? 3.1666666666666665 1021 365905093926727681 Hey Mike do you know if I could get a download of your clubpenguin item adder where you choose the ID you want to enter ? 3.333333333333333 1022 7584093921 Send off to NST we all love you and pray for your safe return * RIP THE REV * 2.1666666666666665 1023 7173546647 @ xxluciaxx : #RIPTheRev ! ! ! ! please ! ! its a joke right ? ? Yes its true very true * RIP THE REV * 2.1666666666666665 1024 776242970521694208 our parallel lives continue apace 1.4285714285714286 1025 901867756286595075 Or I 'll redirect you to Jia 's excellent thread . Please help however you can and when you do , prioritize local organ… 2.5714285714285716 1026 1392081747 How long have you been standing there ? ; ) 1.5714285714285714 1027 1287231804 I dozed off for an hour or so . And now . . . WIDE FREAKING AWAKE . 1.7142857142857142 1028 1001176525 debating calling in sick tomorrow . 1.7142857142857142 1029 992635319 is exhausted from the late night last night . going to bed . 1.7142857142857142 1030 409602541572591616 No matter the struggle , we remain blessed to bless others . 1.5714285714285714 1031 32171397258158080 Christopher Grey , AR Rahman , MLU recording for the Couples Retreat soundtrack . MLU is No . 1 in South Africa with 'W 4.0 1032 386695164041129984 I applied to be a host , you guys should do the same . . . Who does n't love yummy cappuccino ! ! ! ! Apply to host : 2.4285714285714284 1033 313369155405508608 I love using to save money for buying ! Visit to learn more 2.5714285714285716 1034 104977584953110528 Edward Norton wants people to donate to conservation causes and for Cal Ripken Jr . to take over the orioles for his bday#mynewfaveactor 4.285714285714286 1035 804072428695650304 how about a picture of your best fiend ? 2.142857142857143 1036 236544499252350976 Sometimes arwen likes to eat my hair and not let me escape . It 's dangerous trying to pull away fast . 2.5714285714285716 1037 888442127985688577 The girl next to me finally left and now i can charge my phone yay 1.8571428571428568 1038 453617929901592576 “ : 2⃣ #mb_europe Continue supporting M . B . terrorism - It will turn against you sooner or later . @ 1.2857142857142858 1039 453617475591340033 “ : These are our soldiers that muslim brotherhood killed while they were sleeping in their reast time . #mb_europe 1.5714285714285714 1040 450477359603277824 and how do I do that ? 1.4285714285714286 1041 6294880826 'POW ! ZAP ! ' Said Kai 's new pajamas . 2.7142857142857144 1042 334417149865111554 From tots to pros : watch Kane and Toews evolve into the #Blackhawks stars they are today ! - 3.571428571428572 1043 340468985663459328 Go down to ice level and inside the #Blackhawks dressing room after Chicago 's Game 7 overtime win . - 4.0 1044 406363528937738240 haha already bo . be easy 1.4285714285714286 1045 339273678565031936 Almost back to arkadelphia . . . 2.142857142857143 1046 356145931470639105 I'm watching from VA . I'm excited to see Maxwell speak ! 3.0 1047 366972091339259905 A common phrase taken literally ; ) I drew this myself . 2.0 1048 526690604714319872 TERRIFIED for my brother to drive us to school for the first time today 😵 3.1428571428571432 1049 471092357551882240 😂😂😂😂 who is that 1.0 1050 561357039276802050 Live tweeting from the Chris Ayers roast ! 3.571428571428572 1051 561272280257662979 So far , such wonderful comments about #Clannad , #MaidSama , & #Watamote ! Now on to opening ceremonies-6pm 3.4285714285714284 1052 56138048647335936 no . genius is genius . Art is art . Doesnt matter where it comes from 1.5714285714285714 1053 386286305560506368 If I can avoid a narcotic induced haze tomorrow I'm heading to sugarsbar Tomorrow after work . You… 2.8571428571428568 1054 333337821530177536 Who are you quoting ? 1.1428571428571428 1055 289576900932800513 Does the 'Auto Rotate' function on cell phones and tablets work in low Earth orbit ? 3.571428571428572 1056 664606153280647168 . . . . in all seriousness , that is SO gay 1.2857142857142858 1057 520369424474185729 I never said such a thing . Jenn , you wants lasagna for yourself ! 2.2857142857142856 1058 663538262519054336 LMBO ! I'm glad Phaedra brought that up , I was confused for a second . #RHOA 2.142857142857143 1059 657000889333387264 So . . . You want to work for the devil and get baptized all in one week ? #Empire 2.142857142857143 1060 14573672399 Sunday afternoon , hermit mode . 1.7142857142857142 1061 21463607460 My forehead is delicious , according to my cat . . . 2.0 1062 876477394063941632 Thank you for being such an awesome dad ! Thanks for bragging about me to everyone you meet , for… 2.2857142857142856 1063 920456200575209473 I’m so over the amazon echo . MY NAME IS ALSO ALEXA IM ANNOYED 3.1428571428571432 1064 358406261022261248 My mom 's loud off pitch singing does not make this 3 hour car ride go any faster ! 2.4285714285714284 1065 397567659644309504 false . . . I said coffee ca n't solve all problems 1.7142857142857142 1066 646772168764747776 Driving around a parking lot for 5 min before you park because your jam just came on and you ca n't turn it off #musicnerdproblems 2.5714285714285716 1067 605863319937806336 The perfect time to play 4'33' #othello #Shakespeare #music #greatmomentsinclassicliterature 2.7142857142857144 1068 3252678710 Dear Twitter-Santa , for Christmas I 'd like a new job , please and thankyou 2.5714285714285716 1069 140322379971833856 Oh wtf , I finally find some wedding shoes I 'must have' and they 're Jimmy Choo 's . Worn by J-Lo . NEXT . 3.2857142857142856 1070 11111338585 Do n't forget to register for the 11th Annual FWHRMA Employment Law Update , 4/15/2010 4.142857142857143 1071 15664069285 The only place to stay in Falfurrias . No , really , the ONLY place to stay . ( @ Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites Falfurrias ) 3.7142857142857135 1072 760649303132110849 What changes have you seen to your skin since using RoC® Retinol products ? #WomenWhoRoC #sponsored 3.2857142857142856 1073 773279707097866244 Sahale Snacks® products are my favorite because they taste so good ! #SahaleSnackers #sponsored 3.4285714285714284 1074 184034520738181120 Barnes is finally in the building , people ! ! ! And Scrappy Stilman is having the game of his college career . . . #UNCBBall #ILoveMarchMadness 3.1428571428571432 1075 169978284275281920 Perfectly executed play by Marshall to set Bullock up for the 3 . #UNCBBall #uncvsmiami 3.0 1076 368370311039037440 I just took a step back in musical time ! #TheRatPackisBack had me singing the entire time ! 2.5714285714285716 1077 720015545035132928 Join Social Rewards and earn real TR credits to use in Vegas 'Join the Total Rewards Social Rewards Loyalty Prog . . . ' 3.571428571428572 1078 605947281582518272 it just better not be this cold on my birthday and the birthday festivities . . . . . . . 1.8571428571428568 1079 455441288645853184 walking around target . . . just stopped and asked myself 'what did i come here for ? ' i feel like everyone has this moment 2.4285714285714284 1080 428652454557667328 if we are talking in person and i accidentally spit dont even call me out i saw it and im dead inside 2.8571428571428568 1081 357680192312971265 Oh . Excuse me . 1.5714285714285714 1082 157898796301430785 Much needed yoga ( @ Yoga Agora ) 2.4285714285714284 1083 508971369040982016 First Day in Digital ! ( @ Marvel Entertainment in New York , NY ) 3.4285714285714284 1084 437916068540350465 Egypt 's prime minister and his cabinet have resigned . via ' 3.8571428571428568 1085 653002063899701248 Work perks 🍹 #suitelife #easyliving #working #ornah @ Webster Bank Arena 2.142857142857143 1086 561623453078663168 Commitment means staying loyal to what you said you were going to do , long after the mood you said it in has left you . 2.0 1087 547173253291446274 Be selective in your battles . Sometimes peace is better than being right . 1.5714285714285714 1088 492720791352406018 gilmore girls all over again 2.5714285714285716 1089 315946436162355200 Black bean sweet potato chili- healthy , colorful , and so good 3.7142857142857135 1090 847994896527089664 How did it go ? 1.8333333333333333 1091 652329594926796800 That 's a huge win for the #Astros . They have to feel like they ca n't be beaten right now . #momentum #ALDS #AstrosRoyals 3.5 1092 441701965941067776 I have a feeling it may never be over . . . Miss you too Tay ! 2.1666666666666665 1093 813791901472145408 Update : my parents took away my ukulele . It was a good run . 3.1666666666666665 1094 390130516449447937 Hello yes garçon I would like to book a pity party for one 2.1666666666666665 1095 370044060859256833 I Ate Too Much and Now My Tummy Hurts : An Autobiography 3.5 1096 527216383570886656 I love his work . 1.5 1097 913965264265289729 Love her work ! 1.5 1098 1882792333934592 Pocket shrine out of an old cosmetic case 2.333333333333333 1099 765420898123862017 I would pay stupid $ for great mobile versions of Clue and where in the World is Carmen San Diego . 3.8333333333333335 1100 907439784947265536 Pictured : Me getting baited . 2.2857142857142856 1101 885558078166499329 Shit man , I bet I knew some of those players 2.4285714285714284 1102 386704237390233600 biatch you better 😂 1.1428571428571428 1103 480227995492159488 #justinbiebermeetcrystaltalley JUSTIN BIEBER LOVES US ! ! ! ' 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓 2.7142857142857144 1104 21174900010 Best Buy Brown Irvington by Zoo York 3.571428571428572 1105 29113165744 Compare Prices Black Suede with Black Kid Luanne by Vaneli 4.0 1106 802546663923609600 Orange Cranberry Popovers : substitute your leftover holiday turkey #promotion #PerdueCrew -… 4.142857142857143 1107 603970490907131904 Try this Easy Carolina BBQ Chicken made with fresh ! #PerdueCrew #promotion - 4.0 1108 877558799762169856 Babe Ruth : A Legacy Of Greatness New York Yankees Glove Sculpture => 4.571428571428571 1109 1233497147 Working on updates of our Sports Collectibles section . Check it out . 3.4285714285714284 1110 627570260368039936 Having a little , just a little of a heart attack #DragMeDown 2.1666666666666665 1111 624740623954903042 Jack and Jack - California <3 1.6666666666666667 1112 845375740556271619 Let 's just say that not even one full paycheck will cover my taxes this year . 3.0 1113 650853509256994816 Tesla + Styx + Def Leopard = Rock awesomeness . The Event Center is rocking tonight ! 3.8333333333333335 1114 784067170405785604 Why the hell is this so relatable right now 1.8333333333333333 1115 894619782288334848 Hunty no . . . . I still love you tho 2.0 1116 935659850100551680 Obviously the child murdering pieces of animal slime @ US Intel Cmd felt comfy lying to the newborn Gulf War babies… 3.5 1117 922941130408304640 Notify Google & Websters , cursing kids w bitter shit is the new definition of caring according 2 US Mil Intell cult… 3.6666666666666665 1118 80122336317145088 Lebron sucks lol 2.333333333333333 1119 68984372631584768 Does anyone agree that Bulls coach Tom Thibodeau kind of reminds you a little of the Zen Master ? But younger with no rings yet 4.5 1120 917422355999285249 PASS IT BACK 1.1428571428571428 1121 750161280229486592 I wonder how many people do n't understand the history behind this day🤔 1.7142857142857142 1122 474236806288785408 I have a purple problem 1.8571428571428568 1123 451059029658587136 Guess how windy it is Guess how blowy my skirt is 1.8571428571428568 1124 811214344172294145 rally relllly gutta 1.8 1125 656957491113234432 When you do the whole group project 2.2857142857142856 1126 695683728060841986 Sanders Admits Receiving Free Checking from Big Banks via 4.142857142857143 1127 195528546628800512 Gov’t and big business want to spy on you online . Don’t let them . Stop #CISPA . via 3.4285714285714284 1128 461296347384004608 I just entered to win the Ultimate Fan Package ! Sign up at 3.1428571428571432 1129 641859070044073985 I'm earning #mPOINTS in The Weather Channel . 3.0 1130 103593046989488128 I'm now aware that I , a person born in the '80s , am sitting in a 2009 car , radio playing '90s music , reading stories written in the '50s . 4.428571428571429 1131 676863276903301120 I wonder what are considered 'regular' packs ? 1.4285714285714286 1132 516108395871346688 A point should have been raised in UNO asking for sanctions against those countries encouraging slashing of black moneys into their banks 3.0 1133 450550163782639616 State BJP shud go with TDP to fight Congress , TRS & YSRCP . Shud not go for unrealistic demands now . They shud rather share power post polls 3.0 1134 364137672358375427 My tummy just feels blehhh today 2.2857142857142856 1135 367030962812493827 everyone is just overreacting . Have fun at your BBQ ! : ) 1.8571428571428568 1136 913875355831820288 Missed 'flew away' pun opportunity , Peter . 2.2857142857142856 1137 874064619412885504 Beautiful beautiful man hero 1.4285714285714286 1138 605568215985606656 against the CPU 1.4285714285714286 1139 702600598911377408 Gotta read 85 pages tn like wtf 🙄 2.4285714285714284 1140 819594390482001920 Yep . Someone is definitely having a meltdown , alright . 2.142857142857143 1141 861025362767040512 Hey where 's the after party ? #nightlife #takenote 2.0 1142 361584909925625857 no , like Judd 's bear shirt it gets shared . It 's Amanda 's and she made a big deal abound Candice wearing it w/o her permission 3.2857142857142856 1143 410869647794114560 i do n't watch a lot of movies but i will still judge you for liking Anchorman 3.0 1144 440562417789988864 'Hot , gritty , suspenseful and anything except predictable . ' Try a NEW series today DARK CRAVINGS #AmazonLikes #PNR 3.2857142857142856 1145 439211649053257730 Remember : Interview , Q&A and $25 gift card giveaway NOW LIVE ! Come join me over at Bitten By Books - Paranormal . . . 3.571428571428572 1146 532895972515655680 thanks for follow ! ! ! ! 1.5714285714285714 1147 606481110151884800 Happy Thursday stay on top & may God bless your efforts . BC only you & him knows your heart . #StayHumble 2.0 1148 22748065522 I love children . . . The high pitched screams . . . . Just . . . . . wonderful . Please note the sarcasm 2.7142857142857144 1149 64498135044591617 Thanks fun stuff 1.4285714285714286 1150 832610463510908929 So you may be sitting at home wondering , is it really worth it for me to fix my credit ? Message me… 2.5714285714285716 1151 936619579090063361 Today was awesome got some training in from my boy and his hardcore closer podcasts ! Awesome stuff if… 2.2857142857142856 1152 412851310137180160 I'm so tired . I just want to go to sleep but I ca n't because I'm still stuck at this bar 2.142857142857143 1153 356140763387674624 My Italian bf Raphael #lovehim #bestguyever 2.8571428571428568 1154 451542278289387520 Alex Preston 's Fairytales was so good . He 's gotta win this . #idol 3.0 1155 503522912045776898 It begins ! Watching seasons 1-5 of starting now to prep for the final season . #BravermansRule 3.2857142857142856 1156 930609549312233472 Dog refuses to let his owner shake hands with his puppy via No means NO ! 2.2857142857142856 1157 928268798288728064 Do n't make promises you ca n't keep 1.7142857142857142 1158 585601360248315905 Other 2 were brilliant , really looking forward to it . 1.4285714285714286 1159 871592645533069312 After The Show 482 : John Wick Chapter 2 Podcast 3.0 1160 659041292865765376 Great lunch at Sticky Lips . #stickylipsbbq . 2.8571428571428568 1161 314753268247060481 I think when filling out a sandwich order sheet for a BLT , I would not have to indicate I want LandT . You do b/c I got a bacon sandwich . 3.1428571428571432 1162 922321703107252225 So , this guy , JustJOSH_ingYa that shared the Burger King ad . . . I have questions : 3.0 1163 906707242153635843 The HRC/Bernie beef is like watching parents fight over dirty rooms , for nine months . Ca n't we just bust suds toge… 2.8571428571428568 1164 560615820527534082 It 's back ! is giving away 50 , 000 rewards sometime soon ! First come , first served . #DominosQuikly 2.5714285714285716 1165 484921697951547392 I almost lost my wife . Will you go here and read my story ? Thanks for taking the time , you 're awesome . 2.2857142857142856 1166 379078385806229504 who you have winning out of arlovski and Kyle ? ? ? 3.0 1167 673290319853699073 fuck them lol . They 'll get over it . 1.2857142857142858 1168 496311190126358529 I missed black people 1.4285714285714286 1169 386877826357817346 Why ca n't I fly gosh d*rn it 1.7142857142857142 1170 881373206409609217 So we have a theory . . . . We need to see pics of you wearing these hats . . . . 2.5714285714285716 1171 854681581889388544 Aaron Hernandez found dead in prison cell 4.285714285714286 1172 202885170586599425 Awesome . Maybe now I 'll have more than one thing to watch on [as] durng Saturdays ! 2.4285714285714284 1173 782701490917998592 Some customers are being told their grandfathered TV packages are going away . Can I keep my grandfathered Optimum economy TV ? 3.8571428571428568 1174 384613951818203136 I'm so tired 😫 . . But good morning y'all 1.5714285714285714 1175 385406010871267329 Dear fat girls ( not judging or name calling ) but calling other girls fat does n't exactly make you skinny . Stop it 2.5714285714285716 1176 441074203513847808 Watching mad #shade being thrown on courtesy of the ladies of BBWLA FUN-NEEEEE 😂😂😂😂 2.5714285714285716 1177 536673139254910976 I'm #Viggling Home Alone . TV loves you back with #ViggleTV . Watch TV . Earn Points . Get Rewards . 2.7142857142857144 1178 689278750698131456 The Cav 's need an actual coach smh 3.2857142857142856 1179 396096120088432640 I do n't even look like that kid 😑 2.0 1180 595797927349583874 I have a few ideas for you . I 've done dozens of these as well as some new ideas to acquire new customers . PM me in the AM . 2.2857142857142856 1181 560582960064131072 Beautiful build up play . Mix to Jozy to retake the lead . 2-1 #USAvCHI #USMNT 3.1428571428571432 1182 198249390052352000 tell Oscar I said hello . Been studying for nine hours . Brain is fried . Gsfosldjshakdl 2.7142857142857144 1183 47804448906547200 starting to think one day i 'll tell the story of us , how i was losing my mind when i saw u here but u held ur pride like u shouldve held me . 2.5714285714285716 1184 518220694598213632 I'm actually really upset that I'm not in Pitt for pledge auction 3.1428571428571432 1185 557759250186121216 just high-fived me because I let out the hugest burp #girlsorguys 2.4285714285714284 1186 422702937266069505 Please follow me and my friends and we love u so much <33 that 's our dream thanks 136 3.1428571428571432 1187 619940222567075842 Photo : We’re live ! Come through we’ll be here all weekend . 225 Starr Street 2.0 1188 372714124821536769 Steve Martin says; I feel it would be wrong for the US to launch a strike against the VMAs at this time . 08/20/2013 4.0 1189 351873042185592833 . . . oh what have I done ? ? ? you need to check you tube . . . you 're on it . sorry , I fell good and bad about it . ' Ukraine blue tears ' 3.1428571428571432 1190 709899409857908738 our bond will break cause you ca n't relate to anyone , to anything at all 1.8571428571428568 1191 715202787181793283 i do n't want this moment to ever end where everything 's nothing without you 2.0 1192 423672686322388992 I love your song loyal 2.5714285714285716 1193 413684312064929793 Do n't this trophy make her look small ? Go team Jamaica 2.4285714285714284 1194 836746031786229761 NYC Mayor In Hot Water ! The Feds Are After Him NOW ! via 2.8571428571428568 1195 846399347222872066 ( 86 ) Timeline Photos via 1.4 1196 497208473826775040 why on earth does she think she 's fat ? 1.8571428571428568 1197 463315576031428608 Do n't know why I have 2 regular classes today . . . So much for having extra study time for my history final . 3.2857142857142856 1198 529072805716176896 Keslowski got beat up by a guy almost 20 years older than him ! ! 3.0 1199 618492309219381248 I just checked in with #mPLACES Download today ! 2.142857142857143 1200 301481822209064960 #ThingsIdRatherDoThanWatchSOTU Get a lap dance from a naked Harry Reid . . EEEEWWWWW ! ! ! ! 3.2857142857142856 1201 952859782 Listening to CNN . 2.5714285714285716 1202 680517665300033536 I'm raising money for Mortgage and Christmas Fund . Click to Donate : via 2.4285714285714284 1203 673004969012895744 We are slowly losing our home and trying to raise a 14 year old son . 2.142857142857143 1204 333559131959095296 Are You Writing or Working ? via My answer is yes ! : ) 1.4285714285714286 1205 278172473290264576 My Great Shape Today Journey : How are you doing with your weight ? Includes a Mocha Shake recipe ! 2.7142857142857144 1206 258447525386805250 My fitbit #fitstats for 10/16/2012 : 2 , 458 steps and 1 . 1 miles traveled . 3.2857142857142856 1207 438761938118389760 How much caffiene does your coffee have per normal 8 oz . cup ? 2.8571428571428568 1208 899483185398075392 But my name ai n't Nicole 2.5714285714285716 1209 836965779140669441 I mean I'm just being real #nohate 1.8571428571428568 1210 498812848395788288 just drink milk with it , totes legit 2.142857142857143 1211 617250635579265024 Mixing up rose mint lemonade for the fourth ! 2.8571428571428568 1212 709530314310344704 Muskegon lead GR Christian 49-37 after 3 3.2857142857142856 1213 713539276118470656 Irish ! ! ! ! Bring on the Tar Heels ! ! ! ! #Elite8 3.0 1214 432239011331989504 BREAKING : men 's luge singles are Fake according to #SochiProblems 3.0 1215 1596467516 Just launched my Google Profile , still in progress . . . 2.5714285714285716 1216 26592523156 I subscribed to hsdscsds 's channel on YouTube . 3.0 1217 19007257651 I favorited a YouTube video -- MW2 Sniper Montage- Broken Hearts 3.1428571428571432 1218 358095257289756673 how is this relevant ? 1.0 1219 455845151277989888 I wish would come to Cincinnati or louisville on tour . . . 3.0 1220 696175845958791170 and Rochester Minnesota 2.6666666666666665 1221 418072818018816000 Let 's talk to Brady poppinga so he can inform us all how it 's actually a byu victory #PoppingaVictory #ByuExcuses 3.0 1222 283058397216112640 Thanks ! There is a reason I subscribe . . . another Championship ! ! ! 2.1666666666666665 1223 343833328207675392 I did n't know Freddie Freeman 's dad was Louie Anderson 4.166666666666667 1224 354462642955485185 lmaoooo yassss ! 😩😩 do n't delete your twitter ! ! ! 2.0 1225 402970445168660481 Is it sad to say that I miss but I just saw her earlier today at work ? lol 2.6666666666666665 1226 922479193123848193 Senior Lives Matter ! Donald Trump , Michael Pence - Sign the Petition ! via 3.6 1227 922479193123848193 Senior Lives Matter ! Donald Trump , Michael Pence - Sign the Petition ! via 3.6 1228 405866636034719744 you need to simmer down 1.2857142857142858 1229 617523188470255620 Funny how people you considered family suddenly become strangers 1.5714285714285714 1230 232517765636947968 those pictures are hilarious . . . I 'd wear gold medals out too if I were an olympian 2.5714285714285716 1231 238020304050466817 I ca n't even play sudoku : '' ( 2.4285714285714284 1232 932263139776913408 LMFAO ! ! ! ! ! ! I screamed at this comment ! SO 👏🏻 DAMN 👏🏻 TRUE 👏🏻 THOUGH 1.4285714285714286 1233 783860356565303296 Flora tryna get the fuck gone 😂 #AHSRoanoke 2.5714285714285716 1234 924258497 Just to make it more easily accessible . I'm actually expanding it to a third site . It will be more clear when I twitter the locations . 2.7142857142857144 1235 924833781 else tells you to do . That 's the only thing I can suggest . Your skin tone comes into play there too though , so go check a few out . 2.142857142857143 1236 751995008472014848 I`ve just won new GiftHulk Fountain of Youth code - 8ima5fa51 ! Get rewarded with real-world prizes at GiftHulk ! 4.142857142857143 1237 2021198664 Going to take a nap--have worked so much I just want to . Was supposed to do something about a new job today , but did n't get the paperwork . 2.8571428571428568 1238 671000786260873216 My neighborhood is not the best . But every body but Pizza Hut , delivers here . Why are they cowards . 3.2857142857142856 1239 828120085856411648 2 bad U have so much money you do n't have 2 worry about us . 2.2857142857142856 1240 554886175740010496 Racing and restoring awesome cars in #CSRClassics for Android . It 's FREE ! 3.4285714285714284 1241 337785622221684737 Witness that was driving on I5 Skagit River bridge in WA says wide-load trailer hit girder causing collapse . 4.571428571428571 1242 404328286009839616 from the credit card man ? ! Oh my . #herecomestrouble 1.8571428571428568 1243 420022891187412992 ' : About 80% of a child 's intelligence is acquired from the mother . ' We are good to go 3.0 1244 522523771086049280 yes ! We have a new student in there as well 2.142857142857143 1245 366909276901474306 it 's a shame you do n't follow me on Instagram your not seeing all my nice Australia pictures 😂 3.1428571428571432 1246 458824362800345089 Just attempted to make my own curry sauce with curry , mango ginger chutney and Greek yogurt . Yum ! 3.2857142857142856 1247 650072259428659200 Just found out what a #thighbrow was . . . I do n't get the point of re-naming insignificant parts of our bodies . . . 2.5714285714285716 1248 940553923907211266 Seems more CVS than Walgreens 3.0 1249 937822668836962304 How to tell if your wife has a concussion : ask her if it 's ok if you buy a $1000 drone for Christmas . #WomenFacts 2.833333333333333 1250 621073453127454724 im trying hard not to try so hard putting words in a birthday card if you feel it you better reveal it when all we have is time#indiansummer 2.1666666666666665 1251 32889996943818753 all this ice got me feelin like a polar bear 2.1666666666666665 1252 482625199402385409 keep it in the family lol . Your old boss was same way . Free labor . Great operation mr CEO 2.1666666666666665 1253 297478146725392385 I never realized how many tweets I get about people not realizing its baseball season NOW 2.5 1254 786980343211560964 📷 scottbaiowulf : Tumblr keeps suggesting this post and I’m going to reblog it every time I see it 2.4 1255 769223255324491776 📷 dragonbeanart : Icon commission for Hambun on FA ! ! I love doing these omg 1.8333333333333333 1256 391851825064058880 Happy birthday to my awesome husband , Mike ! 3.333333333333333 1257 1079204277 Off to see if I can find any bargains 1.6666666666666667 1258 790073846795677696 and a paper in Waxahatchee , Texas 2.333333333333333 1259 263795297795321857 how 's the hi rise at 5000 boardwalk in Ventnor ? 4.142857142857143 1260 412987007141695488 In school studying for my psych final and Pandora plays 'Here ( In Your Arms ) ' by Hellogoodbye and ahhhh I used to be OBSESSED with this song 3.571428571428572 1261 796872519735242752 that makes me so glad 1.2857142857142858 1262 322814379424903168 gimme the link , no bad 1.7142857142857142 1263 8447601761 I feel the novelty of this new place waning . I hope that the real experience is as good . 2.2857142857142856 1264 479457443484008448 loving the shirt 1.7142857142857142 1265 535113548528381952 I'm totally doing that ! ! ! Lol ! ! ! 1.4285714285714286 1266 477544521148817408 Bad luck list : Tripped on stairs , hit in the head and nose with a ball , and getting splattered with paint WONDERFUL 3.8571428571428568 1267 474739163531857920 ♡ please follow me ? It would make my day 😭♡ #followmecam #followmecam #followmecam 🌷🌷🌷🌷 2.142857142857143 1268 67199811971055616 Happy Mothers Day to all the moms out there 3.0 1269 26448167285297152 Pittsburgh teams 2 and 0 P I T T Pitt Pitt Pitt 2.333333333333333 1270 500665692853919744 ♫ Jesus , etc . – Wilco #NowPlaying 3.0 1271 908779502733598720 This is what I call a kitten #Casper #thefriendlyghost #savannahcats #westsavannah #kittenbaby 🌚🖤 3.0 1272 137993988589355008 you hate it that much 2.0 1273 130869713159987200 Fun night being back out with . Always a blast to work with those guys . 3.333333333333333 1274 527319690323197952 3 to 4 pages . Mine is 3 lol 1.8333333333333333 1275 582741792220528640 “ : And I kiss with tongue ps” 2.333333333333333 1276 1700078509 Nascar : Smith hopes to have a Cup date in Kentucky by 2010 : You have to give Bruton Smith credit . A conve . . 4.142857142857143 1277 2289381655 Sabres : REGIER PRESS CONFERENCE : Buffalo Sabres General Manager Darcy Regier addressed the media on Monda . . 4.0 1278 859021197291515905 I'm earning #mPLUSRewards in Learn n Earn - Medical Terms . 2.5714285714285716 1279 819366922726899713 I'm earning #mPLUSRewards in An Idiom Everyday . 2.8571428571428568 1280 909905497687457792 Skinny people getting offended b/c this does n't include them is like white people getting offended that BLM does n't… 2.5714285714285716 1281 932830366334889985 This is weird because this is the first year I’m not going home for Thanksgiving . 😂 2.8571428571428568 1282 447275464868917248 Twice Baked Gamers : Lv 27 Wonder Woman Support Main , Plus Bonus Kitten ! Learn to Carry from Support . : 2.8571428571428568 1283 473209106975956992 gg to KGB , on to rd 3 1.4285714285714286 1284 926158028193259520 But its rumored one of them banged Bannon---so triple Ewwws is fine ! 2.333333333333333 1285 889195547176779776 Beater truck , but still , use a hairdryer next time---or vote Democrat ! 2.1666666666666665 1286 589521062397775872 Way to GO ! #22 #2BADASS Got to luv them FORD 's 2.1666666666666665 1287 914698360808001536 Carolyn why does it say your in Forrest city Iowa ? 3.0 1288 158211184204595200 Milwaukee needs this ! Racing needs this ! #MilwaukeeMile 2.1666666666666665 1289 682190473562329088 This dog be crazy #pibble #rescuedog 1.8333333333333333 1290 517066397151539200 Daragh then and now ! #son #growinguptoofast #kids 2.1666666666666665 1291 400358939092848640 Photo : kmitt : nokelvin : Kelly Mittendorf , model Oh hey me 2.5 1292 942118998820388865 👁 ❤ lash boost . And this right here is why . #holylashesbatman #lashboost #boosted 1.8333333333333333 1293 353816334045429760 Have a rewarding week ! Use your Smurfberries to smurf something new in your #smurfsvillage 2.5 1294 943455373465329665 Even better that his opponent is a black dragon , though we did n't get that far . 2.0 1295 925904962126778368 I . . . cleared the tree that fell over during the storm and helped my dad rebuild that section of fence . 0… 2.5714285714285716 1296 330151275079561216 your showers are too short 1.7142857142857142 1297 347436550201683968 Share your #witness w/ your friends . Though they may be skeptical or reject you , continuing to love them is the way of Christ . #evangelism 2.5714285714285716 1298 17184850295 My other site keeps shutting down . . . good to be here . 2.0 1299 17186399397 Toronto : u can be arrested for refusing to give ur name #g20” 2.2857142857142856 1300 563473316145397760 at least i did n't have to go to school today so that was good 2.5 1301 672036667402899456 goodness people , if you know your dog might run off , watch her more closely ! ! agghhh ! ! ! ! ! 2.833333333333333 1302 3216779712 just showed that to muffin and she said it 's karma from lisa 's stardust days . 2.6666666666666665 1303 800397042430246912 Too busy right now looking forward to TB12 being back in the Bay Area ! ! #DoYourJob 2.833333333333333 1304 685860192404271104 Not feeling this today lol 1.5 1305 621407638534922241 Of course my #TeenChoice for #ChoiceDancer is ! 3.5 1306 939720624443985920 20%OFF Gold Heart Earrings Topaz Swarovski Crystal Earrings via 3.6666666666666665 1307 937475654551003136 Third Eye Herbal Tea Psychic Tea Divination Tea Herbal Tea via 2.4 1308 867901906861142016 That was a shit call 1.6666666666666667 1309 881734607963598853 Currently wearing 6 glow stick bracelets while I lay in bed reading a teen wolf prostitution au . 3.8333333333333335 1310 20593468572 haha ! Yeah I thought you knew hun . 1.6666666666666667 1311 267278722674094080 New Weight Loss Craze Raspberry Ketones Diet 2.833333333333333 1312 409912537019211776 I was eating a cookie over the trashcan to catch the crumbs . One of the chocolate chips jumped ship . I considered diving after it . #Finals 4.0 1313 446886906135982081 Why is everyone watching One Tree Hill right now ? ? 3.0 1314 129336320328876033 wut she do ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1.6666666666666667 1315 902304996049465344 You ca n't open a church that 's flooded 2.0 1316 108509037959716864 I'm at Tim Hortons ( 1930 Colvin Blvd , McConkey Dr . , Tonawanda ) 3.8333333333333335 1317 701182752893366275 I just earned the 'Bar Explorer ( Level 11 ) ' badge on ! 3.5 1318 7769745806 Flu Shot Shortage last night great way to start the week . Working on our Putricide tonight . Both 10mans saw kills . . . 4.0 1319 917834164778553345 I'm on a break as well finishing up a school term , sick dad , etc . 3.333333333333333 1320 837152755525496832 Why did n't these Politicians , who dislike preserve evidence 4 Whistleblowers during Fed cover-ups ? 2.8571428571428568 1321 905597087768772612 This is far from the truth . . . especially in the Fed . Gov . When people of all races speak out on Disc… 2.4285714285714284 1322 585339746962055168 Bitcoin Generator - Get Free Bitcoins : 2.8571428571428568 1323 672795317386027009 be beautiful again : you can make $1000 a week with this tool for only $1 . 00 2.4285714285714284 1324 83718627861331968 is a VIP on Original Gangstaz on my iPhone ! Click the link to join my gang #iphone #ipod #ipad #OG 3.0 1325 83718627861331968 is a VIP on Original Gangstaz on my iPhone ! Click the link to join my gang #iphone #ipod #ipad #OG 2.8571428571428568 1326 299324541266698240 EMMA JAMES IS FINALLY HERE ! I ca n't even describe in words how perfect she is . I love you and am so proud… 4.0 1327 353782088664748032 And I thought the Library was cool . 1.7142857142857142 1328 926107031391551488 psst . taxes going lower , , ICE removing your readers off the streets , ISIS ( JV TEAM ) about dead , ACA go… 3.0 1329 922534944013873153 wonder when the casinos will spend as much $$ on security for people as they do for their money ? 2.2857142857142856 1330 742478408416890880 INFOGRAPHIC : Top Fastest Moving Markets in the US - 2.5714285714285716 1331 205630994064211968 There is a big difference between a commitment of 99% and 100% . At 100% , you are committed to seeing things all . . . 2.5714285714285716 1332 585201668620443648 My cat decided to become a box 2.4285714285714284 1333 652481835750961152 Pretty excited for the Chvrches concert tomorrow . #Perksofhavingasisterwithtasteinmusic 3.1428571428571432 1334 423123845076115457 “ : Build your own dreams , or someone else will hire you to build theirs . ” 2.0 1335 423188818296967169 'I went to Thailand , it 's very different . ' 'I also went to Egypt and Kuwait , it 's very different . ' Inspired by your depth , please go on . . 3.0 1336 936809840826916864 And what were the actual outcomes of those investigations once they concluded ? Oh , right , they did n't find shit . 2.8571428571428568 1337 936852839854325761 The same idiots who cheered when Ronnie Reagan promised them wealth would 'trickle down' while they 've been living… 3.0 1338 381860806582755330 you 'll still have to tell me , I did n't know you had gone that long ago ! : ) 1.7142857142857142 1339 634565447526932481 miss you guys ! ! Ca n't wait to watch them play ! 1.8571428571428568 1340 11603108954112002 bad girl ! oh , procrastination . but yay BSing ! it usually gets a good grade , anywho . 2.2857142857142856 1341 2413034898 i'm kind of obsessing over Owl City , jsyk . 3.1428571428571432 1342 751320614498017281 you mean all black people are n't related ? I seriously do n't know how you do this every day . I admire your resolve . 2.5714285714285716 1343 642761775939588096 Call if you or someone you know needs help . Report it ! #StopChildAbuse w/ 3.0 1344 819962966724538370 Nvmd this video made my last statement void . 2.2857142857142856 1345 471643452833558528 Stop trying to prove something . . ✋😓 1.2857142857142858 1346 364780024332685315 Unique is key too beautiful face licenses #QuajaMajor 2.2857142857142856 1347 491295210924568576 In Miami . Florida 🌴 3.571428571428572 1348 196773084643069952 I wanna be jasmine at disneyworld how do I make this happen ? 3.8571428571428568 1349 233269583153332224 Jay had his baby ! ! 3.2857142857142856 1350 546542782308184064 those sunglasses were a GOOD LOOK ON YOU 3.0 1351 521313431207829504 sometimes women communicate by facial expressions so liiiiiike 2.142857142857143 1352 1317920723 or maybe create a meetup . com site and encourage people to join . . . #ideaparty 2.4285714285714284 1353 1740071527 thanks for the #followfriday Cori ! DEFINITELY one to follow back ! pam 3.0 1354 683407654794969088 when/where will the winners be announced ? . . . or do winners just have a card show up if they won ? 2.2857142857142856 1355 442594833174388736 I'm giving away : USMC Marines Manuals Database of over 20 Manuals and Guides . eBooks Survival #listia 3.8571428571428568 1356 908885858266243072 Getting to know people yr reading and writing about , & the best fruit of my blog is connecting to Michael… 3.0 1357 758118407506042880 Yep . Except for Carter . 2.4285714285714284 1358 1010374455 BTW , found out this weekend that Mr . Culbertson is getting married in May . 3.571428571428572 1359 1017444346 ah . . . . foundation repair . got it . 1.5714285714285714 1360 512810983253745665 Major #thunderstorms in northern #Utah tonight . . . almost continuous #lighting strikes ! 4.142857142857143 1361 370634238384537601 what about yowies ? 2.142857142857143 1362 298261124154019840 Sucks to suck 1.2857142857142858 1363 297039537778094080 ' : In life they are some things worth going after . ' 1.4285714285714286 1364 17850176003 CKG followed me into the house & is now talking to . . . SOMEONE ELSE ? I'm trying to eavesdrop but a vuvuzela is drowning out the whole thing . 3.2857142857142856 1365 17469392327 I do n't know what 's scarier , the fact that crazy ass just killed a cat or that there was actually a cat out here to begin w/ . I like poodles 2.8571428571428568 1366 128861285575168000 My professor keeps saying 'WHAMMO' hah I'm literally rollin on the floor laughing . . . this dude is chaos 2.7142857142857144 1367 716744909919756288 it 's rare-but when I do . . . . it 's a gift to all humanity 1.5714285714285714 1368 729013263820673024 watching on my ps4 in Chicago , stream has been perfect so far #WhisperHouse 2.8571428571428568 1369 853378792022212608 I thought my excitement was at its max with the Star Wars Celebration , but it ca n't compare with my a… 3.2857142857142856 1370 535662123272384512 So now we know who killed Sam . . . . #HTGAWM 3.0 1371 743645389740478464 #OrphanBlackFinale got my mind all screwed up ! ! 🗣 Ca n't believe next season will be the last . 3.1428571428571432 1372 928845465122197506 I just wrote my thesis outline and I want to cry . #MPHStruggles 2.5714285714285716 1373 304390904746213376 I am so done with our lit department right now . 2.0 1374 720795743808827393 I'm raising money for Pettie 's Seizure Medical Fund . Click to Donate : via 3.8571428571428568 1375 497472359704854528 I love bein' able to sing again : 3 Not singin' makes me feel like I lost a part of me but now I feel whole again <3 2.4285714285714284 1376 645496137500217344 My little #cuddlebug 💖 #rescuepetsofinstagram #rescuedog #adoptdontshop @ University Plains Community… 3.4285714285714284 1377 842242935726956546 Late #wcw to zedapup . . . Ca n't wait to see #pupper again ! 😘 #dogsofinstagram #petsofinstagram… 3.1428571428571432 1378 375120892944080897 's #WeCantStop is my new song . . . 2.5714285714285716 1379 380905831547408384 Born and Raised ! ! ! #Albuquerque #ABQ #NewMexico #505 2.8571428571428568 1380 909499961003343874 Same tired song . Different whack job channel . 2.1666666666666665 1381 927300741873721344 Dark at 3 : 30 . Ok , 4 . 2.0 1382 424283854250065920 I think this is his way of saying 'Get well soon' 2.333333333333333 1383 564463348818141185 I’m all-in for Braum to dominate in the #CokeArcade . Vote for your champion & enjoy a new way to get Riot Points at 3.8333333333333335 1384 576222615267741696 Hey , having some issues with my Uverse modem . Feel up to some late night trouble shooting ? 3.1666666666666665 1385 166189585225875458 ha ! Always pack your chargers in your carry-on 2.5 1386 941644023231545344 Not knowing anything about hedgie behavior , does Molly see Polly as a threat to resource availability ? 3.1666666666666665 1387 518190841941475328 Have never been able to get a disk to 'glow orange' . Only to see the sparks spread through the disk ( which is really neat ) 3.0 1388 599360186248224768 I think about my granddad 's eyes and they always send me home . 💙👼🏼 3.0 1389 577845148681388032 Only day of the year that I use this emoji sooooo 🍀 2.333333333333333 1390 502602224066134017 I swear I used to > . > maybe your other acct 2.0 1391 1306626128 you think you life sucks the wow servers are down : - ( 2.2857142857142856 1392 725655380429279232 imagine how much better your O 's would be if Fowler had joined them . Beast for the Cubs 3.0 1393 568047323919421440 You 're the man ! He will get it in the mail right away . He drew a Cubs logo on the env so you know its his . We 'll include a SASE 3.2857142857142856 1394 730968406812327936 shit , I have n't listened to this song in about ten years . it 's taking me back as fuck . 2.2857142857142856 1395 614256549117100032 put your arm up with your hand on top of your head and pose ! 1.8571428571428568 1396 671398590317764609 Play for a chance at over 360 , 000 prizes ! You could win free points to shop #blackfriday via 2.4285714285714284 1397 746459643292033024 Pizza night just got an upgrade from #Promotion #PerdueCrew - 2.2857142857142856 1398 626499119188676608 I 'll be in the middle of a breakdown and laughing at my own tweets 2.142857142857143 1399 570658345977298944 I do n't really break the ice with people I tend to melt through it with a flamethrower instead 2.142857142857143 1400 873199119917076480 Rock freaking Chalk ! 2.4 1401 2234449562 Totally becoming addicted to another tv show . . . 1.8 1402 703365617852686336 Black Girl Magic : 9-Year-Old Brooklyn Girl Becomes Youngest Published Author In History 3.8 1403 747939623972782080 Enter To Win A Rachael Ray Hard Enamel Nonstick 16pc Cookware Set 4.2 1404 598373909121998849 okay , ummm . . . I NEED to know . . . how do you do that emoticon ? ! : P 2.2 1405 857464366953713669 Hey ! Wanna grab a Nintendo Switch with a copy of Zelda ? Check this link ! 4.0 1406 424559653259726848 I like to think this is some Walter White shit and he did give the homeless man drugs . 3.4 1407 873285006294216705 Apples and oranges , mate 1.6 1408 375104049429110784 you need to stop with these k . you 're just a freshman 2.0 1409 319814045995773953 wearing my free people hat today and feeling cool 👍 2.4 1410 406578820594925569 She should feel complimented . . Also you two could create a epic breed of gingers . . . . . 2.6666666666666665 1411 468112200675389440 aww you are too sweet ♡ I wish I would of got a full length , but I was busy drinking , dancing and partying lol . 3.0 1412 346505623866863616 Goodnight everyone say your prayers : ) 1.6666666666666667 1413 614694319459467266 Proud of myself 1.5 1414 639630793053204480 I posted a new photo to Facebook 2.1666666666666665 1415 210867263786582016 Ordered my book & already have tons of bonuses ! Excited to dive in . 2.1666666666666665 1416 520618929228898304 If you want it bad enough you can do it 1.8333333333333333 1417 768927219653627904 Meanwhile I wonder if the zoo can keep idiots out 2.333333333333333 1418 64567170662805504 you republican idiots are idiots ! 2.0 1419 338468238285500417 Let 's make these Thorns sit down and be quiet . Go #letitreign 2.333333333333333 1420 408209484494802945 #KORG #AudioGate で 'In The Town Of Loneliness' ( 平山照継 ) など6曲をFLACに変換しています。 2.2 1421 379613794650968066 #KORG #AudioGate で 'COSMOS vs ALIEN' ( やくしまるえつこ ) をFLACに変換しています。 2.2 1422 783024907344949248 Another great example of his stupidity and ignorance . 2.0 1423 814473348230938624 So beautiful ! We never see clouds like this in Southern California . 2.5 1424 1744356713168896 fuck ! am happy 1.5 1425 82900138846199808 whats happening in my head ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 2.1666666666666665 1426 918132122434535424 Memorial Run to Honor Fallen Grand Prairie Officers 3.1666666666666665 1427 900129816275546112 Irving Families Receive Free Backpacks At Pollo Campero 3.5 1428 108970276238270464 5 . 5 hrs left ! 1.5 1429 328454398307078144 Another day , another marathon ! 1.8333333333333333 1430 552647587749036032 My BzzAgent BzzScore is 3 . 5 out of 10 - how good is your Bzz ? #ImABzzAgent 2.833333333333333 1431 679044413956452352 Use my referral link to get a $5 coupon at Amazon for signing into the Amazon App the first time : #Amazon 3.333333333333333 1432 3140125050 They 're amazing; they smell delicious AND make your skin all smooth and nice . 2.5 1433 6097073205 That pie was so delicious that it made me rethink atheism . Mmmmm . 2.833333333333333 1434 746979437854531584 I still ca n't fucking sleep . It hurt yo 2.333333333333333 1435 371808163491639296 Kelvin Hart funny tho 2.5 1436 725829522206121985 Please Stop Supporting theCW 2.6666666666666665 1437 723289213878198273 307 Reasons to Fight . Reason #8 : I am more than a rating . More than a number . More than your street team 2.833333333333333 1438 390221782541545472 Pen up my thoughts 1.0 1439 394621278000123904 Teach you How to Trap 1.8333333333333333 1440 336977036008644608 14 Year-Old Girl’s Shredding Of “Eruption” Would Make Eddie Van Halen Proud via 3.333333333333333 1441 422188977408331776 will be the 2nd concert I 'll be taking my 20yr old daughter to . She is excited . The 1st was Stevie Nicks . Good track record . 3.333333333333333 1442 662199940974837760 2 matches this week for . They will be in Gainesville vs Florida tomorrow at 3PM & meet Arkansas Sunday at 1PM in #StarkVegas . 4.0 1443 874711862616629248 SEMOO Self-Inflating Sleeping Mat-the best choice for camping #giveaway 3.333333333333333 1444 641975250444517376 I wrote a quick plug'n'play class for Chrome Custom Tabs on #Android . Short write-up pending : 3.1666666666666665 1445 366023768528781312 I love Smartfood but I hate the Smartfood glove it leaves . 2.6666666666666665 1446 465926952462069760 Ive made creme brulee , Angel food cake , ice cream and egg bread . I'm running out of ideas . Quiche for dinner . 3.333333333333333 1447 382676335685926912 Four inches of knitting to undo . . . stitch by painfully slow stitch : ( hate to frog cables 2.333333333333333 1448 43088218421342208 I have added 'The Other Side of Innovation' to my aNobii bookshelf 3.5 1449 773241250082332672 You would like to travel , but you don´t know how or where to start . . . well from the begining it´s the best option 2.5 1450 547762394412236800 My son has adapted to enjoy the way I sit . He 's created his own comfy spot out of it . Watching our… 3.0 1451 603381355309899777 Followed a tutorial on how to get a Carrie Bradshaw look . . . Lolz , feels like I'm ready for BVB . 3.6 1452 429635816843780097 So , what are you waiting for ! ! Donate your vehicle TODAY ! ! ! just a few clicks away to save a life , Do it today ! #ofcc 2.4 1453 578979578334474240 Please open your heart and help Bob ! A long rough journey , need help now via 3.2 1454 581300277229273089 We just need to make sure we send a video to 2.8 1455 749084609548345344 As bad as that weather was , if it were n't at a drum corps event , I would honestly do it again . Call me crazy . 2.8 1456 418510217396359170 I do n't want to go back to school in 5 days 😭 2.6666666666666665 1457 722987836924956672 Officially packed for final hike so I can spend all of tomorrow relaxing 🙌🏼 2.6666666666666665 1458 733292598287343616 That 's fair . I 've enjoyed the debate this morning . Hope all is well w/ your family : - ) 2.833333333333333 1459 752581091660222465 Hello 's 882 followers - thank you so much for following ! Wishing you all a happy Monday ! >> Get FREE ? 2.833333333333333 1460 575996905097961472 Enjoyed learning these little-known facts about the Coke 5-note melody #CokeMelody 2.6666666666666665 1461 218124637299679232 #PepsiMusicNOW - Free music from 2.0 1462 55832243419095040 It is believed now that Albert Einstein had AS . 2.833333333333333 1463 42739725232123904 Geeeeesh ! There are so many other things going on in this country . We should n't give a fuck about Charlie Sheen ! 3.333333333333333 1464 877218375335907328 Sign the petition They want to make speeding legal on Ocean Parkway . Tell your rep . NO WAY ! 3.0 1465 713792434921160706 It took a while , but I just got it . 2.0 1466 222496992293687298 Just let it out , Jackie . . . it 's not your fault . 2.333333333333333 1467 132189824043061248 It is bad enough that I would rather meet someone in real life and am not . . . I hate online dating . 2.6666666666666665 1468 413341012946219008 Washington Post : Readers Deserve Full Disclosure in Coverage of CIA . Take Action with 3.8333333333333335 1469 282213943303352320 Kids Take on African Rhino Poachers , One Letter at a Time via 3.5 1470 474811241391984641 #EdgeOfTomorrow Ford Crossover still on the assembly line at the end of the day 4.0 1471 742238547869106177 #ISIS attacks #Paris , ppl from other countries fly French flags #ISIS attacks #USA , 'You moron American why do n't you ban guns ? ' #Bigotry 3.8333333333333335 1472 910631995335741440 When it 's ur 3rd night in a row and u agree to come in early #nightshiftproblems 2.1666666666666665 1473 778819907144208384 It 's officially gameday ! ! #GoTigers #WreckTech 3.0 1474 815574528998916096 Happy new year everyone , I spent the beginning of the year with my bean just like last year ❤❤❤ 2.6666666666666665 1475 808535706666762241 I 've made a mess all over the house with pancakes and syrup . . . How am I am adult again ? 2.5 1476 688414053232971776 GOPUSA – Economy : Wal-Mart to close 154 US stores 4.0 1477 625068218311385088 Bartlett Crossing/Cherokee Heights stakeholders community master plan review 10/22/15 3.2 1478 591264385919799296 I won the Home Sweet Home achievement in Halo : Spartan Strike ( WP ) for 36 #TrueAchievement pts - 4.0 1479 576385878358130688 I won the Greedy achievement in Make It Rain : The Love of Money ( WP ) for 6 #TrueAchievement pts - 4.0 1480 402925993280544768 OMG YES like ima start hydrating now 1.4 1481 547544775834861570 FKA Chase circa 5am 1.2 1482 464237691245428736 I am moved in . Making lots go trips to target . 2.4 1483 353642872488202242 We rock black tie events 1.6 1484 168901726349430784 if it came down to a fight no way rick would get killed off so yeah I see shanes days are numbered . 3.2 1485 563866587162480640 what 's the last good movie you saw that I can get on Amazon prime or Netflix ? Gonna make it a movie night 3.2 1486 359341086155612161 Brookie has been playing 'fair miss' after being introduced to Sierra Mist and the fair on the same day . #loveit #toddlerperception 3.4 1487 196056989556686848 Watching God move on people 's hearts makes me cry every time . I love this ! #lifeladiesluau 2.4 1488 793233395857944576 'Inktober 2016 , Part 3' by cryptated #inktober #inktober2016 2.8 1489 252944554221789184 Eternal has gained the achievement Drunken Dirty Matty . #subeta 2.6 1490 742190803435556864 I'm still in love with Zac Efron & that will never change 3.0 1491 646070476750618628 awww 😘 thank you ! You look good everyday ❤ ️ 1.4 1492 687862676937023490 Only thinks about byob to a salon that *provides* beer . . . . 2.0 1493 793300292343214080 there is like a whole mixing bowl left of small stuff . #worthit 2.0 1494 30342127183462400 yes ALL OF IT , it 's impossible to stop once started . The classics never die ^_^ 2.0 1495 34089899686625280 oh ! I know , I have two eps of Community to catch up on : D 2.4 1496 671776236570583041 I made a room in my stronghold that is a storage room and placed him in there to be far away from everything . 3.1666666666666665 1497 879309532173926400 Dora no Destructing , Dora no Destructing , Dora NOOO Destructing ! 2.4 1498 695271098393481216 I 'll never know what the band Fruit Bats looks like bc image results when I forget to specify 'band' are too rewarding 3.1666666666666665 1499 382626652234067968 my Akron , Ohio museum just has this . Its glow pulled me in from 2 rooms down , then I could n't leave it 3.0 1500 250657524376801281 very excited for da bears game specially since my bro is a cowboys fan for some reason so plz put romo on his back often #BearDown 3.5 1501 107846881387876353 thank you for coming 2.1666666666666665 1502 938940191716372480 Nah , we 're just going after a deranged conman that Jared beck 2.833333333333333 1503 940343526084239367 Your melt down as been entertaining Thanks 2.333333333333333 1504 488816720623050753 the next #uber performance active wear , better than #coolfit #presentation @ Coast 2.6666666666666665 1505 296641145264558082 Rt : No more RIMBERRRR jokes 2.1666666666666665 1506 660360758002212865 Day of the Dead #Dayofthedead #polyvoreStyle 2.6 1507 194796072420380675 ' : Are The Fashionista 's on Pinterest ? 'i would like ro know more about what u guys do and maybe hots and nots 3.6666666666666665 1508 4351626855 cell phone worked then QUIT again . Sitting @ Wendy 's , Dayton OH trying 2 catch up on avalanche of correspondence . Frustrating rainy day . 4.166666666666667 1509 2701115295 Great week @ LIFT/BBC . LSM staff arrived safely @ Bloomington , IN . Great dinner w/ Stefanie & Alex @ Lamberts . Tomorrow Six Flags 4.333333333333333 1510 177257197233905666 Poor Dennis Kucinich . Crooked Ohio voting brought down one of the best progressive voices in Congress . Shame on #OH9 4.0 1511 508411055622483968 If I were a WNBA GM , the first three players I 'd try to get would be , ( Odyssey Sims ) and #title 3.5 1512 837866139124400129 Another great episode of #SleepyHollow . Ca n't wait to watch the next one . 3.333333333333333 1513 827728866064076800 Another great episode of #Grimm . Ca n't wait to watch the next one . 3.333333333333333 1514 679296802168946688 Boy power ! Watch these tweens reject the 'be a man' stereotype 2.6666666666666665 1515 818695351028871168 Complaint challenges Prevagen memory claims - The Federal Trade Commission and New York Attorney General Eric T . . . 3.8333333333333335 1516 546096216518692864 Audra 's concert for daycare today . #merrychristmas @ Neenah/Menasha YMCA 3.6666666666666665 1517 734477484222238721 Ohhhhhh shit . I'm sick . 😷 1.6666666666666667 1518 392677302766551040 Philippine quake - food packs for 1 , 000 families . If you would like to support please give at #DT 3.8333333333333335 1519 255879728475566081 TSUNAMI 140 , 000 volunteer work hrs , >$5 , 000 , 000 in aid , 18 months later , what is left to do ? #DT 3.8333333333333335 1520 634484415712747521 Found a Transponder Snail ! #TreCru 2.333333333333333 1521 638502976550625280 Found a Transponder Snail ! All these years ! ! I 'll never forget you ! ! #TreCru 2.333333333333333 1522 839147088122359809 I only cut it off once . I 've been growing it out since October . : c 2.2 1523 693501213812342784 Really excited for #KovalevPascal2 tonight . 😱 3.5 1524 25456423016 Now in rock springs territory . Nice play KW #Wyovarsity #KWFootball #fridaynighlights 3.1666666666666665 1525 25462341380 Rock Springs is now ahead 21-10 . . . LETS PICK IT UP TROJANS ! #wyovarsity #KWFootball 3.8333333333333335 1526 480863561955037184 hell nah cuhz 1.2 1527 742143621793603584 miss you to , come visit some time 😩 1.8 1528 568149743945142272 Stay Warm with High Rock . . . Win 1 out of 500 10-Year Anniversary Hats . Enter now ! 2.4 1529 1216218617 I bet ! It will be over soon 1.6 1530 908069216007413760 it looks great ! that 's a good color on you ! 💜 1.8 1531 872693859784036356 do n't be fooled this anime is sad af lol 2.0 1532 414106295373795328 【Hello Kitty Kawaii Town】 LV has been upgraded to 19 ♪ Christmas Event now underway ☆ #hellokittykawaiitown 3.2 1533 387087585777963008 【Hello Kitty Kawaii Town】 Let 's enjoy making a cute town! #hellokittykawaiitown 2.8 1534 557684143736500225 Just signed up aNOTher #excited loyal customer ! Sara gets : 1 ) WAIVED Loyal Customer Membership… 2.4 1535 552939121510207489 It 's a problem I face quite a bit lately . 😉😜 #lol #thestruggle #thestruggleisreal #funny #awesome… 2.0 1536 813958818170142720 I am ! Bert even follows me on here . Even though he does n't use twitter . Impressed ? 2.833333333333333 1537 868155923902021633 WOOOOW IM OUT OF XANAX . HOW DO O GET THROUGH A JOB SORTA INTERVIEW WHEN IM SHAKING UNCONTROLLABLY . JESUS WHY 3.333333333333333 1538 635832742177935361 Sabatino 's Italian Kitchen - Waltham - 3 whacked dinners , 2 cases of diarrhea and a $47 bill ! ! 3.8333333333333335 1539 726415901604634624 disbelief let fork thru carryon scanner at Sav Airport is relief when I realized I left my pick in Boston ! 3.1666666666666665 1540 249915624946561024 I'm using the Bible App by Download it now for your mobile device . 3.333333333333333 1541 145935824247209984 Enjoying a quiet Sunday ! 2.0 1542 371800416066875392 Where did that body come from ? ? ? ? ? #VMAs2013 2.1666666666666665 1543 454448866876588033 Oh shit he 's not tho 1.5 1544 481203739161014273 #lyliepop has been looking 4ward to #daddydaughterdatenight w all yr ! kennywood bound ! 3.333333333333333 1545 598103651069100032 It 's been a while ! Only 9 more days of school ! #summeriscoming #lyliepop #phoebecake @ Château Gross 3.0 1546 10548804067 tweeting secrets makes them not secrets 2.0 1547 24106119242 I'm at Dillons ( 1000 Westloop Place , Btw Claflin Rd and Anderson Ave , Manhattan ) . 4.0 1548 198842309385789440 Gonna make today a great day ! ! ! 1.4 1549 247873293066051584 I still say fu¢k Roddy White . . . . 2.6 1550 8797093376294912 A . Wang quilted mini shorts at 80% off ? I never stood a chance . . . 2.8 1551 8357018737840128 did you see the 'Pretty in Pink' image at Solestruck yet ? It totally makes me think of Pink Kitten~ 3.2 1552 493481774068932609 Only if I get to come ; ) 1.6 1553 583018048606511104 I'm personally a bisexual . THAT ISN'T MY CHOICE . I WAS BORN THAT WAY . #equality #bigotry 3.2 1554 898285091792859142 That 's my second one bro ! 🤙 🏼 1.6 1555 890667331600306176 Would you consider a Trout update RC for that Bryant BGS ? ! 3.25 1556 862374826245324800 Inside the F . B . I . , Stunned Agents Wonder About Future of Russia Inquiry 3.333333333333333 1557 891295228853878784 The GOP Fails to Repeal Obamacare ( Again ) & Trump Targets Trans Soldiers . . . 3.333333333333333 1558 671427837036011520 50 , 175 ( and counting ) . I winned . ; ) #NaNoWinner2015 3.1666666666666665 1559 117404590424604672 Fringe season premiere ! Woo ! #fringe 2.5 1560 8370762196 just realized i have n't worked a full week this entire month . . . 2.6666666666666665 1561 335135411162730497 Glinda the good witch #myhowtimeflies #broadwaybound 2.1666666666666665 1562 13133539667 Creating a Search Marketing Assessment for a locally based company whose business is mostly B2B and in need of more leads . 3.8333333333333335 1563 41247663454306304 Google has 'launched a pretty big algorithmic improvement' via Google Blog 3.5 1564 20509200017 Plastic tiger and giraffe . . . ? ? ? 1.6666666666666667 1565 6387578996 Home from dinner at Ohana with my Bride . Plenty of yummy leftovers for tomorrow 's lunch . 3.8333333333333335 1566 825154544212520960 well he may be one of these days w the way Hoiberg just keeps benching Pg 's lol 2.8 1567 825467495708520449 yeah they kill them cold blooded murder yet this idiot wants to question our values 2.0 1568 593903046763098112 'Remember the time Dave told HAL to open the pod bay doors ? That was AWESOME . ' 3.4 1569 408401289811206144 You mean the point of Christianity is not 'every man for himself' ? Shocking . 2.6 1570 290640990132383744 Tommy Lee Jones . . . Not thrilled ! #GoldenGlobes 3.8 1571 300798293728964608 Grammy DVR update , folks . I'm still behind , but Kelly Clarkson is wasted , right ? Can we agree on that ? 4.4 1572 687126191115911168 Dinner date with Mickey 2.8 1573 105437717382434816 Fostering a baby flying squirrel ! ! ! His name is Rocky ^o^ 3.0 1574 567701070873657345 I just wanna lay in bed all day 😴 2.2 1575 347698443629768708 'How curious that I , looking at you , am thinking exactly what you , looking at me , are thinking and yet . . . we both cannot understand' 1.6 1576 888800991734267904 Sweetness and great conversation does n't guarantee sexual chemistry . Hard truth to learn but it 's an important one 2.2 1577 859488083410071555 Using my friends as a sample I'm fairly certain we are all a mess . We 're all confused . We are trying the best we can . 2.4 1578 942223066867777536 Main event time . . . I got . #UFCWinnipeg 2.2 1579 887827193883107328 Go get Moustakas instead 2.2 1580 865060593945989120 I hung a Syrian flag outside my house and it 's definitely helping liberate Syria , I'm such an activist . Also kus imak ya bashar 3.4 1581 778703097585545216 Should I cut my hair 2.0 1582 456552549575696384 'Rockin' the band life ! ' - greatest quote of the day , from our very own McNeilly James ! 3.0 1583 587037969334140928 Tunable , a great tuner/metronome/recording app , is free today on the App Store ! 3.6 1584 556293383539273729 XCast game between Farrington and Kahuku girls basketball delayed due to late arrival of the Farrington bus . 3.6 1585 45066811502370816 Wow pouring rain in Kaimuki . Woke me up . 2.8 1586 381449553259397123 I think some Bacon and Pancakes will be on my breakfast plate this morn ! 3.0 1587 329988172979253248 I'm on the BIC Mark-It® Permanent Markers Mission with Smiley360 ! #BICMarkit Join Smiley360 too at 3.6666666666666665 1588 6748671027 2 more dayssss ! text me : ) 1.1666666666666667 1589 7885685766 Pour me a heavy dose of atmosphere . 1.8333333333333333 1590 466259381576024066 you 'd love the temps down here . All of the sudden it 's summer ! Hot as balls outside maan ! 2.1666666666666665 1591 585259441680998400 T-Rock - Eyes On The Road : 2.833333333333333 1592 794322250652614656 I'm earning #mPLUSRewards in Quick Pool . 2.6666666666666665 1593 800565282842509312 I'm earning #mPLUSRewards in Learn n Earn - Golf . 2.833333333333333 1594 627610676874227712 beckers1530 completed the Fountain of Ink quest 2.833333333333333 1595 615589635343806464 I 've got the wood skill medal in the Sun Lounge scene ! 3.6666666666666665 1596 434475981923815424 Not your grandma’s genealogy any more 2.0 1597 656791845377196032 Buh bye ! ‘Clock Kid’ Ahmed Mohamed and His Family Are Leaving America via 3.4 1598 821041333741715456 Thank you all so very much . 1.2 1599 619968353898242048 Not just shame on Bill Cosby , but shame on the many people who took his side and victimized the victims . Such foolishness , Duh ! ! 4.0 1600 868937253078179841 As someone on #disability & #SNAP I have ZERO #empathy 4 #trumpidiots . They dug their grave no… 3.5 1601 557375326423375872 No #Internet + #Republican #Evil I need 2 ranttweet bout= #HighBloodPressure #Dog tired of my yelling #IHateRepublicans 3000 x a day . 3.0 1602 407726766887694336 wait ! I did know that was on here because I already tweeted about it ! I'm so lame ! 2.4 1603 746521698107744256 My 5 year old to me : Daddy , when are you going to have abs ? Cause right now you just have a belly . I wish I knew son . I wish I knew . 3.4 1604 291776695395028992 Check out the 6FFH blog as well as the FB page Updates and other tidbits available ! 3.0 1605 67738252932685824 Mom gone for ohio . God bless her and keep her safe 2.8 1606 6864753918 Kenny+ironing = WIN ( gotta make sure our aprons are nice & wrinkle-free before serving coffee at church . 3.6 1607 2820914069 . . mann i come back to work from being sick and everyone calls me 'i-bola' 3.2 1608 581320799602106368 #New #Nano Twist Active ready for dispatch ! Know more --> 3.4 1609 576260963625668609 to stay away from AMT units . Says more moving parts is why it is not as durable as traditional automatic transmissions 4.0 1610 403186539699503104 UM student attacked near campus; alert issued : via 3.0 1611 498878093696589824 Granite County sheriff : Body found in Welcome Creek Wilderness : via 3.2 1612 883444448109240320 I just checked in at Crystals with #mPLUSPlaces Download today ! 3.0 1613 879805032270626816 I just checked in with #mPLUSPlaces Download today ! 3.0 1614 492066677333704704 Super Bon Bon - New shop for 2.0 1615 55313793273700352 Photo : the idiot wall ( 2002 ) ( via king . fishbucket . com ) 1.8 1616 786537047062261762 Putin ally tells Americans : vote Trump or face nuclear war via 4.0 1617 839705972226539520 The Root Trump Tweets on International Women’s Day and It Might Be His Worst Tweet Ever Yesterday 10 : 20am 4.166666666666667 1618 1709241194 Cubs are down 3-2 Top of the 6th 3.5 1619 560503379827253248 Learn how #CocaCola is used in this Chocolate Ganache-Stuffed French Toast with Syrup recipe #DetermineTheDrink 3.6666666666666665 1620 202241847232438273 well when the zoo has a missing cat in the A . M . he will feel like an idiot 2.6666666666666665 1621 272914615745277952 you know you were laughing hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha 1.6666666666666667 1622 564109634383138816 Also my #dayoff , a #LOSTmarathon , and my cutie #kitty ❤ makes for a #greatday 2.5 1623 596515245172072449 Chillin listenin to vinyl by candlelight . Thanks to my hunni for a delicious dinner & ice cream &3 2.6666666666666665 1624 937691135492939778 Hey , when can we buy our Shohei Ohtani jerseys ? 2.833333333333333 1625 913561872279986177 Come at me bro 1.5 1626 430119828955754496 Renee Fleming . . . absolutely outstanding ! ! ! ! #SuperBowl 3.0 1627 1631009350 I would love to see Sheen back in a sequel . Keep us posted Ryan . 3.0 1628 303281275865804800 My son sits on a phone book to eat at my mom 's table 2.6666666666666665 1629 307299492342943744 I would watch it and D . V . R it 2.1666666666666665 1630 285966696940978177 HAPPY NEW YEAR PEOPLE ! ! ! ! ; ) 1.3333333333333333 1631 639630793053204480 I posted a new photo to Facebook 2.333333333333333 1632 300079849429671936 Save The World ( Knife Party Remix ) 2.5 1633 884317522232619008 I'm obsessed with the damn hotdog filter 2.5 1634 626370583576616960 Yay for brothers . Lol 1.3333333333333333 1635 423272050791559168 I'm more partial to Hulu ;- ) 2.833333333333333 1636 942542648002469888 This is not the end of the resistance this is just the beginning . 2.5 1637 866485718872465408 Trumpkins need to decide if us democrats are too soft or too hard on them . I'm glad we 're finally starting to show some fight . 3.6666666666666665 1638 860255060663644161 Incredibly disappointed . A horrible outcome to this story , both families are suffering and I ca n't even begin to . . . 2.6666666666666665 1639 788137509951864832 I have been thinking about this for a long time , and I have decided to shut down my Facebook page until after the . . . 2.6666666666666665 1640 935688850860576768 I entered a giveaway for a chance to win 'EIGHT KM Women 's & Youth Boy 's LED Light Up Sho . . . ' by EIGHT KM . #giveaway 3.8333333333333335 1641 691491605308518404 Blame Betty Iron Fist Giveaway 3.1666666666666665 1642 800382447078621184 #Thanksgiving Tip : Make these quick , pre-turkey day meals so you can focus on the big one . #KahikiEntry -… 3.333333333333333 1643 844342118973890560 These Mini Taco Bowls are perfect for Taco Tuesday ! Give them a try tonight #Promotion #PerdueCrew -… 3.6666666666666665 1644 361004294406807552 I am upset how come after all these years GOD never warms MARK up to fix this mess with AU & tell them the truth & my mom wants to write him 3.8333333333333335 1645 349745680174161922 I am Texas woman Wendy Davis is my State Senator from Fort Worth , Texas & I had a abortion in 2000 in Fort Worth , TX at age 21 after a rape 4.5 1646 102025568144470016 I Just Won 39 Swag Bucks on : via 3.333333333333333 1647 468570471147917312 Join the Nature 's Bounty #HairSkinNails Challenge & feel beautiful from the inside out ! #freesamp Tastes great ! 3.333333333333333 1648 194754583434772480 Oh god . What was the inspiration ? 1.6666666666666667 1649 188763521041973248 I'm down for anything . My neck is still fucked though . Even a pee movie marathon does n't seem bad . 2.5 1650 878466379028062208 butternut squash head ass 1.8333333333333333 1651 938077965207900160 hobbies include : going home in the middle of class because ur having a mental breakdown 2.1666666666666665 1652 789858798479380480 This is the first day in a week I 've gotten to sleep past 6 : 15 am . Thank god for Saturdays . 3.8333333333333335 1653 473159812310503425 I'm actually still pretty heartbroken . I'm just too proud to show it . 2.5 1654 651439347707838464 one of the worst feelings I get is when I stub my toe if I could never do that again , it 'd be great 2.5 1655 284343494913437698 off work time for a day filled with nothing but Xbox dabs and steaknshake 2.5 1656 828663339530215424 Shel posted this one . . . NICE ! ! ! This is WTF we need P ! ! ! 1.8333333333333333 1657 837715894507823104 USGS Finally Admits That Fracking Causes Earthquakes 3.1666666666666665 1658 341086899642961920 I'm sitting here doing overtime on a Saturday night . We 're doing weekends so wrong . 2.5 1659 331299916506861568 It is a big if . But we remain here listening for you . 2.0 1660 877594592752914435 But also I 've been here for almost an hour and this lady has not seen my back X-rays to know i ai n't about to sit like this for much longer 2.1666666666666665 1661 553005150919753728 “ : 743 days till Obama is out of office 🙌🙌🙌 ” STILL HAD TWO TERMS 😂😂😂😭😭👏🙏 3.8333333333333335 1662 99245026537783296 and i greatly approve of this <3 1.6666666666666667 1663 329396426775855107 'Well , let it pass , he thought; April is over , April is over . There are all kinds of love in the world , . . . ' 2.0 1664 877587738371006465 Still waiting for his 'new conservative' ideals . How about standing up against liber… 2.6666666666666665 1665 937438261433257985 Made no such statement on Cam . Football is an emotional game , players/coaches will argue . … 2.6 1666 457554085160308737 Ca n't wait to see you in Kansas City in October ! 2.833333333333333 1667 470187986311589888 You 're gonna miss me by my walk you 're gonna miss me by taco 😂😂😂 2.333333333333333 1668 105757053204697089 I'm not completely chem clueless , b/c I took it about 12 years ago & the beginning chapters of A & P are basic bio and chem . I 'll get at . . . 3.0 1669 570173476645920768 You have significant goals that grow more refined day by day , . . . More for Scorpio 2.0 1670 12481518878 My internet is out and i do n't know why . 3.1666666666666665 1671 12391220772 I'm moisturizing , like the anarchist I am . 2.1666666666666665 1672 478352104726470656 Re : Tim Duncan . . . Old School = Best School . #classdismissed 2.333333333333333 1673 718095879408848896 Dating back to last year , the St . Louis Cardinals have lost 9 of their last 10 games - 0-6 in regular-season play . #LetsGoBucs #NLCentral 4.0 1674 7007364879 Spending Christmas Eve with Nick & my family ! ! ♥ 2.833333333333333 1675 3672991287 Yay ! I love this story . If it was up to me u would do nothing but write chapters for Breathe Again . . . all day , every day . lol 3.1666666666666665 1676 416020265512869889 Merry xmas everyone i enjoyed mine ! 2.6666666666666665 1677 732012901280710656 Can i get a amen 😇 1.5 1678 709802574959001600 listened to The Floaters Float On #pandora 3.0 1679 442763651783860224 I'm listening to 'Take Me Away' by Keyshia Cole on Pandora #pandora 4.0 1680 671843112768049153 One minute of peace . . . 1.1666666666666667 1681 704308940717182976 Thank you , thank you ! With gratitude , I sold 2 30' x 10' prints on via 2.6666666666666665 1682 715693699284525057 you got nothing huh ! 😜 1.0 1683 773197765979566081 You call Hillary a First Lady . No she was a First Women cause a lady covers her mouth when she coughs ! 3.1666666666666665 1684 27206479546 I subscribed to kayaresea1 's channel on YouTube . 3.1666666666666665 1685 619204773238190080 Gut Check : Are You Using Social Media for Customer Insights ? 2.5 1686 859100676646883328 New month , new promotions ! ! ! Ohhhhh I'm excited about May ! Join with a Premium Starter Kit and I 'll send you a . . . 2.5 1687 908209354393870337 This is hysterically cute ! 1.5 1688 462402122365943808 By popular demand . . . 'Evelyn' will be happening tonight at Lunatic Luau with and ! ! ! 2.6666666666666665 1689 497211795879104512 Best meme of this pic gets a RT . Bring it . 2.1666666666666665 1690 400454676195188736 I wish I could draw . If I could , lil BUB would be the first drawing I would do . 3.0 1691 400782203325411328 I could watch 543 videos a day and it would still not be enough . 2.4 1692 879156095926718464 Looking at the docs for an API we are about to integrate to . It has an 'hours of operation' section #lolwot 3.0 1693 812016178684170240 Ca n't wait to see this classic on West End 2.6 1694 244469341024829440 Want to know how to lose weight , feel great , look young ? Well , I will tell you how at - 2.4 1695 246268167595364352 What\ 's better than a burrito ? Learn how to make your own with this awesome recipe from Boars Head - sp 2.8 1696 1781099458 I love Fringe . . . . wonderful season end 2.2 1697 70211384914350080 Hey , Blue , great game , but it keeps crashing when I use the Options/settings choice . What do ? 3.0 1698 910670087203430400 I 've worked as a director in control rooms for over 26 years and thankfully I 've never had to work with an asshole like ! 4.0 1699 886440344103014402 I remember you skipping around the newsroom w/ & singing that song . always felt left out . 4.0 1700 73114406606749696 Gas Buddy says gas prices could be going up to $4 . 05 in the next 48 hours . Fill up now . 3.6666666666666665 1701 826841890284851201 2017 UM recruits will win a National Championship #newblue 3.6666666666666665 1702 538476832430256128 Also super convenient for when I'm babysitting aidan and he 's sleeping upstairs #dexcomshare 2.833333333333333 1703 363812267600527360 I need a second job 💸 1.8333333333333333 1704 415305264170942464 Anthony Davis will be the MNF #GrudenGrinder 3.1666666666666665 1705 479683749467021312 I just found a great Solitaire game ! 3.0 1706 518155821797359616 I need someone to fund my online shopping addiction #girlproblems 2.833333333333333 1707 863272208306774016 I'm so excited for everything in this month 's bag including the adorable bag 3.0 1708 632685524386508800 Snowden 's NSA Files Detail AT&T , Verizon Ties 3.333333333333333 1709 797203895248371712 Obama to approve controversial Dakota Access pipeline : report | TheHill 4.333333333333333 1710 433730520749334528 That may be because I dont have my phone or computer because damien gave it to some one and I have no idea who . Hey . 2.1666666666666665 1711 700076447541530624 My brother just texted me 'you may get a call from the navy' . . . . Why ? IM NOT THE ONE JOINING THEM ? 2.6666666666666665 1712 411593587780898816 I miss that show : ( 1.1666666666666667 1713 453008818901762048 No problem : ) But seriously , I'm here if you need to vent . 1.5 1714 872251570288766977 I 've just unlocked Eager Beaver achievement in Paradise Island 2 ! #ParadiseIsland2 #GameInsight 3.0 1715 788550514430664704 I played the Search the Waves mini game in Paradise Island 2 , and my score was : 9 #GameInsight #ParadiseIsland2 3.333333333333333 1716 596147010031341568 My jersey today game 2 #CAVSvBULLS #MyTeamMyPride 2.6666666666666665 1717 596146566081028097 Jersey I used for game 1 against the cavs #CAVSvBULLS #MyTeamMyPride 2.5 1718 245796461646868480 Today 's blog : The LEGO Story [Video] #fb 2.6 1719 203152656510885888 Ah the magic of reboot . Connected once again . 1.8 1720 402268017024724992 THAT IS FULL OF RATCHET ASS , GHETTO ASS APES MAKING A JOKE OUT OF OUR EVERYDAY LIVES . 3.0 1721 388091434806435840 YOU MAKE UP A SHITTY EXCUSE AND FUCKING BLAMED THE BLACKOUT FOR NOT DOING SOMETHING THAT IS IMPORTANT TO YOUR FUTURE 3.2 1722 475728178443350017 Im so tired 1.6 1723 621371261923532800 Its so sexy when a man knows how to dress . Girls should n't be the only ones wanting to dress to impress : p 3.0 1724 347795933779607552 Patriots knew this was gonna happen thus the signing of Tebow . 3.2 1725 652510087848722433 Finally , streaming on #Overcast ! 2.8 1726 864146529136902145 Just got another bad trade offer . 2.2 1727 789647033577660416 Whoa . Is that gold 8-bit 1/1 ? 2.2 1728 416207119319179264 That moment when u just want to give up . . . . Fuck it 2.333333333333333 1729 766322405916553218 Some games before work , heck yea #StarWarsBattlefront #bo3 maybe lol #ps4 #love 3.0 1730 14817681316 ooooh save me sum ! ! ! ! ! 1.8333333333333333 1731 20104784621 yeah from what I have seen , you would probably be best going down two sizes and have a lift . 3.0 1732 475720684748804096 I'm entering eleventhgorgeous' HUGE 800 , 000 Subscriber GIVEAWAY ! ! #IPADGIVEAWAY #EGSUMMER 3.0 1733 535497476674187264 baee came and visited us and brought her dog house and we miss him already 😭 2.833333333333333 1734 591356930901192704 I literally wear my sunglasses at night . It helps keep the glare from headlights to a minimum haha #imkindaweird #likaboss 3.1666666666666665 1735 695339067467141120 I just logged in after a long time and I do n't know why I'm following all these people #whoareyou 2.833333333333333 1736 853828254658174980 Just posted a photo 1.5 1737 890774532532957185 put his all in that 'is it you ? ' line 😂 #WildNOut #keithpowers 2.333333333333333 1738 251066680745283584 I just realized that I talk with my hands -- even when I'm on the phone . 2.333333333333333 1739 119814093690507264 #FF -- not just the nicest guy in horror -- one of the nicest guys ever . Period . 2.5 1740 632016688142135296 Crockett making a statement tonight ! #GBvsNE 2.6666666666666665 1741 660995868158464000 Jesus . Protect Rodgers ! Come'on ! #gopackgo #GBvsDEN 2.833333333333333 1742 145515368016920576 I am now thinking about a job change , Food photographer . I 've got to get off this website seriouseats . com 3.8333333333333335 1743 283472572983697409 For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior , who is Christ the Lord . 3.333333333333333 1744 930572773688205313 I miss . . . . I hope wherever he is he is happy . . . maybe eating some oats . . . 2.5 1745 636985336644698112 #tbt me and normface . #normanreedus 1.4 1746 902206284975325184 ignoring MTV and their pathetic attempt to shame you , are those shorts from ? ! I think I have them lol 2.6666666666666665 1747 899307222051639296 Omg calm down . She was clearly asking as B&T have set rules and it 's easy… 2.5 1748 9690167828 Well that test was too easy . 2.1666666666666665 1749 509694849919225856 like , tech/automation tends to increase productivity , which is to say getting more work out of people w/of paying them more 2.6666666666666665 1750 434436511363530752 I 've only just left work so I did n't get a chance to deliver ;- ) could try 2.1666666666666665 1751 2288762671341568 Lol at . At least later trains are n't as busy 2.333333333333333 1752 7816053457 Drive . By . Truckers . 1.6666666666666667 1753 4633520598 just threw his status on the ground . 1.8333333333333333 1754 886634786248413184 i made sure that the people recieved a good show during the fireworks 2.333333333333333 1755 803411294351216641 NO I MADE HER A COLLEGE OF HERSELF LIKE MY LOCKSCREEN AND SHE SENT PICS OF HER TO USE 2.5 1756 1142112507 Making grits and eggs yum yum ! Long day watching the kids glad it is nice day ! 2.833333333333333 1757 4545242237 i love it too ! 1.3333333333333333 1758 723983507920293888 Why o why ca n't I just go in a store and get the 1 thing I went there for ? Why must I fill a buggy up . . . 2.333333333333333 1759 636871037452312576 Check out Extreme Car and Truck sales . We have some nice trucks for purchase or lease purchase . 3.333333333333333 1760 773657819920891904 I wonder if everyone in my class sees the look of disgust that overcomes my face after each bite of my Greek yogurt #DietFails 3.1666666666666665 1761 568864317757652992 “ : When you 're drunk as hell and your friend scoops you up from the function 2.1666666666666665 1762 928844730737266688 I found a nice deal on Amazon . 25% OFF coupon O5Q9TJLH for Silicone Baking Molds . #giveaway 4.0 1763 891705291196309508 I entered a giveaway for a chance to win 'BENYAR Quartz Waterproof Watches Harajuku Style D . . . ' by BENYAR . #giveaway 4.333333333333333 1764 505794411578806272 yo cute ass 😍😘 1.1666666666666667 1765 391311404596072448 Shit just got ✌ real lmmfao 😂😂😩😂 1.1666666666666667 1766 434119298160664576 hmm i wouldnt mind the hills of w . Virginia . I would love tennessee too . Hmmm 3.0 1767 498630204085239808 gp new jersey #scgpremium 2.1666666666666665 1768 745346641956343808 To be fair , and his entire family look like douches in any style . 2.6666666666666665 1769 877553273632411648 Maybe if Conservatives and FOX News would stop making excuses for POTUS and his BAD decisions… 3.333333333333333 1770 812030364172615680 Ooh , I like this one . The others have been snoozers . #FiK55 1.8333333333333333 1771 862742787992801286 Guinness shirt is go , live stream is go ( tentatively ) , husband home shortly , HDMI cable mostly babyproofed . Let 's do this ! #Eurovision 2.833333333333333 1772 779533544850874368 why would you do that ? Lol 1.3333333333333333 1773 749315808195600384 what is the first thing you 're gonna do when you turn 18 that you could n't before ? 2.0 1774 691733707728773124 Any idea if garbage and recycling is happening tomorrow ? Just do n't want to miss it if they are coming ! 2.833333333333333 1775 503291437057077248 Post Ox Tour . #65of68in24 1.25 1776 489542353896480768 #BB16 where are Snow White 's poisonous apples when you need them ? ? Victoria . . . no more Granny Smiths please 2.6666666666666665 1777 381889603646414848 Andy is one of the rare people that can talk shit about somebody , while whining at the same time 2.2 1778 421145103122432000 aw 😔 well have fun 😄 I 've never played it on anything but a PC 😖 2.4 1779 401145298866536448 I have the best family ! <3 such a great evening celebrating my birthday two days early 😁 turning 26 soon seems frightening though . . . 3.4 1780 941641949836185600 What gets me if the roles were reversed and sanders would have basically called her a liar about mak… 2.8 1781 847786822700814336 Its all BS by Dems let me ask did the Russians change the way u voted ? ? Sure… 2.6 1782 926860628341297152 Last day at blizzcon ! Let 's GOOOOOOO ! #Blizzcon2017 3.0 1783 942510251533889536 Oh bb ! I hope you feel better soon . . . 😷 1.8 1784 843185412730511360 I am always good for a listening ear . Hang in there . You and mom go out and have some fun . Glad I could empathize . 2.8 1785 869899496670580737 I stay cold and I had a flash in a freezing Cracker Barrel 3.0 1786 916281964575051777 Rachel Maddow Drops A Bomb : Russia Findings So Damning They Have To Hide Them From Trump via 3.8 1787 915915292601135104 Las Vegas shooter reportedly also tried to shoot nearby jet fuel tanks from second hotel window : via 3.6 1788 678139171194572800 Suddenly a wild Undertale appeared ! #2015In5Words 2.5 1789 937445734051278848 My old shoes for reference . 2.0 1790 2177989448 Waiting on good news . . . 1.6666666666666667 1791 6387147892 Had a great time with K , my brother , and Lisa today ! First , Izzo 's . Then , the mall for about 4 hrs . My feet hurt ! ! ! 3.8333333333333335 1792 943148492750327808 uh , can I never leave your room too 2.333333333333333 1793 912097516304265216 Last , the people I 've met because of this show . About half of the people I follow on here ar… 2.6666666666666665 1794 677193449179734016 The Commitment : 5-Star Greg Little Announces College with DJ Drama Hit Track via bleacherreport 3.333333333333333 1795 645245447423041536 what do you expect from fans that came up with this : 2.1666666666666665 1796 593440922353938432 grill it up lightly with a nice olive oil and a little salt 2.833333333333333 1797 441256457112403968 I think the should be national on-call tiebreaker . Argument with friends ? Ca n't pick a restaurant ? Call The Tiebreaker 3.333333333333333 1798 807145307658186752 please tell me there is at least one more chance to get Naughty gloss . It is always sold out 😢 2.333333333333333 1799 853828254658174980 Just posted a photo 1.5 1800 936798886894583809 He 's not Norweigian , he 's Swedish . 2.333333333333333 1801 897669558009561088 Muhammad owned slaves , and according to Islamic Hadith , had relatio… 3.5 1802 252539051943534593 Love this place ( @ Carriers Mainely lobster ) 3.333333333333333 1803 276026100210094080 I just ousted as the mayor of FYE on ! 2.6666666666666665 1804 1370175453 Sumatra Blue Batak : grown at 1200 - 1600 meters elevation , varietal : Java , Jember & Catimor 4.166666666666667 1805 1656578125 thx dear , miss you xoxo 1.8333333333333333 1806 537204699892445185 Yay for 8 o'clock flights 1.6666666666666667 1807 489430925017505792 Mark Cuban is hands down the best owner in all of sports . 3.333333333333333 1808 419514924117671936 I just won 8 Swag Bucks by searching the web at 3.333333333333333 1809 503172462519930880 I Love - great #bingo site #bingo 2.833333333333333 1810 538177540490551296 Sleigh Bells . #BlackFriday and #KohlsSweeps 2.5 1811 538154668761690112 My dad . #BlackFriday and #KohlsSweeps 2.5 1812 923059580497793024 If I order this now am I guaranteed to get the December crate and not the November one ? 3.1666666666666665 1813 914210948809986050 Because idiot Trump believes the military is only for killing and not helping others and saving lives . 3.5 1814 508609618768318464 Wow , so work has been keeping me busy lately for obvious reasons ! Hope everyone is doing well and watching new Who ! 2.833333333333333 1815 704882894884335616 thx , maybe i 'll look for a used copy to give it a try; after I get my retro pokemon on . . . 2.6666666666666665 1816 13205735714 Kentucky Derby today ! ! Party at my place stright southern style ! ! Hit me up if you want to drop by ! ! 3.5 1817 8456891342 New Vbog guys make sure to check it out ! Make sure to Comment , Rate , Subscribe ! Much love ! 2.833333333333333 1818 923015284235145217 It 's seen that way because its opponents are on a mission to portr… 2.5 1819 929346683057647616 Yes , the terrible grammar in 2A has kil… 2.333333333333333 1820 716786922010574848 Just threw up in my mouth 2.5 1821 767875195059236865 I have 20 and hoa does n't even know about them 😂😂😂😂😂😂 2.1666666666666665 1822 736726029738213377 #30kphant0mlord Thanks for the chance to get free stuff . I'm all about free . 2.833333333333333 1823 696796263421874176 What is the video where Chilled says 'I believe our collective IQ . . ' then Nogla goes 'YUP there 's a box ! ' It 's prop hunt . 3.5 1824 640331428610228224 Lovin my new layout i made from the #TellYourFriends music video 3.0 1825 646098946121560064 I went on overall popularity on the billboard charts and seen this , congrats 🌹 XO . 2.833333333333333 1826 707749150717296641 What year are you ? 1.6666666666666667 1827 927019181895307264 I do n't blame u . A . R . M . Y is going to make AMAs a BTS concert . Y'all faves… 3.333333333333333 1828 604386790015930369 I'm happy with myself 2.2 1829 614131738709762049 Sing earned it by the Weekend pls 2.5 1830 779170945965621249 I'm earning #mPLUSRewards in mPLUS Places . 3.4 1831 684045031557087232 You 're not exactly certain what others expect from you today . . . . More for Gemini 2.8 1832 850046584335331329 Set me up an eluvian at once . Kthnx 2.2 1833 941280832030953472 SUCH a butt . That being said , it 's spurred the into action , and we 've got a really creative s… 3.4 1834 702194434725687298 'Fewer , better posts' make a difference . Who knew ? #hootEssentials 2.6 1835 485185079476375552 I respect you too much to kidnap you 2.2 1836 575433584430956546 this is so funny 1.4 1837 675125304818581508 is the love of my life mainly for these reasons 2.4 1838 73806935220166656 Work 5-10 today : ( 2.6666666666666665 1839 165301852047556610 School all day tomorrow ! ! ! ! : ( 2.1666666666666665 1840 473309982486577152 Hurry up and download “IG-Connect“ by for free 3.333333333333333 1841 731272513616023553 How To Rock Legacy : Swizz Beatz 2.833333333333333 1842 514802732583387136 'Think #Scrum is Only for Developers ? Think Again . ' by #Agile #Productivity 2.6666666666666665 1843 942043538518364161 Reading is fun-damental ! #Reading #Intelligent 2.0 1844 2910318532 at least 2 union officials to do . . . whatever union officials do . The building super should be there , as well as his supervisor 2.6666666666666665 1845 1776099836 Kill it tonight sir . 1.5 1846 667846236402270208 As a budding anthropologist , this fills me with happiness ! 2.5 1847 410239533121167361 The Project by National Geographic - Human Migration , Population Genetics I want this for Christmas 4.333333333333333 1848 569322058141847552 Its only 2pair of shoes I want until September and they are the double nickel 10s and the Georgetown low 11s 4.166666666666667 1849 567843748572471298 Nawl you it 1.1666666666666667 1850 668850977471127552 Have We Been Lied To ? via 1.5 1851 408418461367296000 Mariah Carey 's white dress was beautiful ! #nbctreelighting 3.333333333333333 1852 25369476320989184 Get the power of the pour ! Enter #PourOneMore promo 4 ur chance 2 win free milk 4 a year ! Details @ 3.333333333333333 1853 42629035020394496 Inbox Dollars has paid emails , paid surveys , cash tasks , and new paid videos . Get a #free $5 . 00 signup at registration 3.6666666666666665 1854 222556913014026240 9 m0re followers til i reach 200 lolol #blujays follow me and i 'll follow back 1.8333333333333333 1855 236243595181580288 Jessica Amazing Sanchez 1 2.0 1856 629483912989782016 I love cheesy reality shows . Binge watching Rich Bride , Poor Bride and it is terrible . So pleased . 3.5 1857 628412629384499200 #BachelorInParadise makes me appreciate that I do n't have to date anymore . 2.6666666666666665 1858 748959994251452416 I just signed up to be an Insider for Optimum Nutrition . Learn more and become one yourself - 3.5 1859 558281580637343745 I know I am , and we just mentioned this lmao 1.5 1860 2065283178 I got chills when Roger won-- gotta give it to him . He 's a class act . But Rafa is still my boy , I want him to win more slams than Roger : - ) 4.666666666666667 1861 2233108620 I'm excited about getting my iphone 3 . 0 update . I love my iphone -- she means the world to me ! 3.6666666666666665 1862 519851972544200704 Read my review of LITTLEST PET SHOP : I tried it free ( or with a discount ) . 3.1666666666666665 1863 5483663588 Shooter on Homeland Security Panel drafting advising policy for Obama 3.8333333333333335 1864 450168425311002624 even kids who are n't in our class know who the tall stoner dude is 3.0 1865 462131077394345984 Come on Domino 's I though what we had was special , y u gotta do me like that ? 2.6666666666666665 1866 17444638984 did you LOVE it ? We loved it so much ! ! 1.8333333333333333 1867 51089517607788544 I think the announcers want to make love to Kemba Walker . Let 's go #Aztecs ! ! ! ! ! 4.333333333333333 1868 756914995288502272 Reunion quotes : if you need someone to hold you up for a keg stand , you do n't deserve to be up there . 2.5 1869 235047856812224512 Margaritas on the river . Monday 's are the worst . #hardlife 2.333333333333333 1870 341932857591214081 So now im getting threatening text messages 2.5 1871 491443891585835008 Im going to live tweet #teenwolf because #moonday thats why 3.0 1872 599907434161922049 Any idea when we are going to be able to stream today or use the playstation store ? This is really bad . 3.0 1873 926418197628227585 I know she 's crooked that 's why I changed my mind about you , but could you please actually bring s… 2.333333333333333 1874 353613771564007424 Scanning through channels and find 'Driven' . Favorite movie , even with unrealistic racing scenes . 3.5 1875 318171745196589058 nah , got tired of my iphone . 2.0 1876 536602085182025728 I do n't always wear leggings as pants , but when I do , it 's because I slept in them and am too lazy to put on jeans to to go Target . 2.833333333333333 1877 635487305940250624 Happy anniversary to these crazy kids ! 35 years is pretty impressive , y'all . Granted , they were only… 2.6666666666666665 1878 435807593106124800 Really another snow day . According to my school I have to go till the 16th of June . NOT COOL 3.5 1879 905098189166055424 I just love my life so much ! 🤗 2.333333333333333 1880 429371249236529153 WATCH IT . My computer is on fire now . #RefreshNotReplay 2.0 1881 432675518538727424 please follow me ? : ( 2 2.0 1882 412047159392215040 I mean like I do n't want Tay ter tott anymore 2.333333333333333 1883 610270510895755266 DELANEY be good I'm coming for u #momstatus 2.5 1884 702011259579858944 Anyone that 's looking at this like and play DayZ ? 2.333333333333333 1885 846429531196084225 got a 20 kill in 5s . lets go boys 1.8333333333333333 1886 921903044731777025 I'm so sore and in so much pain right now . But I get off work in an hour and will be headed home . 3.333333333333333 1887 931555930537431046 I had to be at work at 9 for a dumb meeting about benefits that do n't exist and have no chance of existing , and my… 3.5 1888 650283556275666944 The best Bob featured in The BOB #grartprize2015 #artprize #thebob 2.833333333333333 1889 197368917906309120 Best Cities For Women : 25 U . S . Metropolitan Areas Ranked For Women 's Well-Being via 3.5 1890 460420393539731457 Porotca z X Factoru Brzobohatý : Túto sexicu má doma ! #xfactor_sk 3.25 1891 563822798100262913 'A flower of cosmic imagination' 1.6666666666666667 1892 572738720530505728 Huge $2 , 500 Prize Pot For Season Two Winners Announced via 2.833333333333333 1893 604996290754265088 Stats for the day have arrived . 5 new followers and 3 unfollowers via 2.8 1894 484631893158023168 So pumped up to learn about goaltending everyday always something new to add to the toolbox . 2.333333333333333 1895 802015402712854529 Find comfort in the uncomfortableness , strong self control is an underrated component of growing as an athlete and a person #Invictus 2.333333333333333 1896 869973970631577602 #DeVos-supported charters hasten resurgance of school #segregation . #NewJimCrow #Trump #racism #GOP 3.0 1897 824978289466998784 'Mexico is not paying for the wall . Taxpayers in the United States are paying for the wall . ' #loserTrump #NaziTrump… 3.6666666666666665 1898 925369453596078080 Like i get if you have a problem with someone individually . But that problem shouldnt cause you to start hating on a whole race 2.5 1899 923697727438856192 Some people are so immature like learn how to mind your own business 1.6666666666666667 1900 443458520256892930 A bike ride outside on this beautiful day 👌 Oh wait , I do n't know how to ride a bike . . . #awkward 2.6666666666666665 1901 441657251297001472 why did n't I see that one ? ! ! 2.1666666666666665 1902 309843306446209025 amen ! ! ! ! this basically sums up our conversation tonight . ; ) maybe you should listen to it . love you ❤ lol 2.6666666666666665 1903 313498206178795520 yeah everyone explains their project and why it 's better than papers . We each take like ten minutes it 's great 3.1666666666666665 1904 674547703301435392 #justone way to make #money 2.0 1905 602658023954350081 Collective Soul - December ( Video ) via 2.333333333333333 1906 725638643268767746 Do n't teach your kids that transgender people are all perverts and pedophiles . #TargetDidNOTMissTheMark 3.6666666666666665 1907 565491016334336001 Hell yeah get to see tonight ! ! Super excited about it too; it looks like somethin' out of Dark Souls haha 3.5 1908 386310571899224065 Get ultimate hold without the fear of flaking . Get TRES Two Gel & teach your hair who 's boss . 3.0 1909 810696179604451328 Winning a Selina Fenech coloring book would make my Xmas magical ! Go to to see them all . #Ad 3.6 1910 545426953407586304 I just earned 2 Points from searching the web on instaGC . 2.8 1911 3290511269 training at governor hotel , good stuff ! 2.8 1912 416776618997059584 Snapshots in Time : The S&G Railroad is available on amazon in paperback & kindle . Lots of local history in a heartwarming story 4.0 1913 414192093301448704 Did you ever wish you had a time machine ? 2.2 1914 411610101058134017 ' : I 've been an angel all year . . . ca n't I pretty please be on the #VSNiceList' 2.6 1915 411723789768982528 shes excited , shes obsessed , shes addicted to please chose her for the #VSNiceList thank you ! 2.6 1916 573244058136551424 hope u read this . Idea for how is still a thing ! ! ! Saying 'bless you' after someone sneezes . How is this still a thing ? 2.4 1917 789128712977387520 really . . . really ? you killed already ? hes my favorite character and he was only in like 3 episodes . . . > . > 2.8 1918 708138698173505536 Strong and independent girls are the best kind of girls . 2.1666666666666665 1919 627919118906212352 what does it mean to be 'designated for assignment ? ' 3.0 1920 746092288900739076 I voted for to win #BestBreakthroughAthlete . Visit for all categories . 2.5 1921 191635622832766976 4 players have 2 goal game . And we have 20 more minutes . Who 's first ? 1.6666666666666667 1922 400140069925060608 could you imagine if this happened . 2.6666666666666665 1923 27540986557104129 do n't know who the baby father is but I do n't owe no apologies 2.5 1924 627336986462781440 he getting over it sound liek he say the same lyrics in a lot of his stuff 2.833333333333333 1925 917115233188982784 Explore great new Office features and you could win $10 , 000 ! #Sweepstakes NPN Rules : 3.5 1926 883349152280793088 im a hoseok stan BUT JIMIN WAS SO SQUISHY IN HERE 2.1666666666666665 1927 584722399855321088 Mah 'lil 'ol man Jasper who is 17 ♥♥♥ 2.6666666666666665 1928 1265766466 Brady is coming up to fix Papa Dave 's belly . Just think , he might have saved us a trip to Detroit . The patient is doing great , the nurse is ify . 3.5 1929 1477878156 15 days till we go to Vegas ! Slots machines prepare to die . I did some warming up a few weeks ago in Hammond . Vegas your going down . win win 3.5 1930 419577684143140864 Could be worse . My husband shaved the cat today . ( This is not a euphemism . ) 2.5 1931 849075071872360450 I loved the sass and attitude from during dancing and judging . I just do n't think the #dwts judges know… 3.0 1932 912660707296120833 At Least 6 White House Advisers Used Private Email Accounts 2.833333333333333 1933 905868041275281409 Scotland to Ban Sale of New Gas and Diesel Cars by 2032 3.5 1934 459505218116681728 She can always make any day better 💙 1.8333333333333333 1935 439218486012026880 you will be fine ! 😏 1.3333333333333333 1936 591658069278470145 The Oregon Trail Generation : Life Before and After Mainstream Tech - via 3.333333333333333 1937 487061224207548417 I need like , an entire full day to cry . Lay down with 30+ pillows and cry for 24 hours . . . with periodic naps & snacks , obvi . #pregnant 3.1666666666666665 1938 572980545421905920 The next March 3rd that falls on a Monday is in 2025 . Maybe she just predicted the future . 4.0 1939 730925498369376256 Daredevil and Jessica Jones are both incredible . Two of the best series you can find out there right now , period . Start w/DD . 4.0 1940 538036778276360193 “ : My advice to you is to start drinking heavily #HappyThanksgiving” R ALWAYS SAYS THis ! ! ! ! 3.1666666666666665 1941 486557842082521089 Clean eating is just using a fork instead of the Frito Scoops to shovel it in , right ? My diet 's going great thanks for asking . 2.6666666666666665 1942 430757015527227392 I might actually buy a ' title ! 2.0 1943 533328120376348672 those are awesomesauce ! 1.4 1944 939908198412312577 So I tried Vanilla eggnog . Not sure if I like it or just think I do . 😬😂 2.4 1945 939913557952561153 Nevermind I like it 😂 1.8 1946 883280508712562689 #TheLeanShow #140 The 4 : 44 Edition @ Inwood 2.833333333333333 1947 937470608836841473 They need to leave his ass right there in the Black Hole , win or lose . #Eli #FireMcAdoo #BigBlue 2.5 1948 875996494024908801 Yeah , it 's fascinating , really . 1.3333333333333333 1949 932559687387680768 Like a sleep aid . . Tylenol pm or anything like that . I hate that stuff so never have any in the house 2.833333333333333 1950 596531240284618752 There is an animal called a flower hat jellyfish . 2.6666666666666665 1951 935696994387070976 Listening to a song about a woman who’s dad is sad he couldn’t buy her a boyfriend when she was a teenager . The sixties were weird . 3.1666666666666665 1952 287462124253483009 Aidan Turner can touch the butt . . . 2.1666666666666665 1953 331635677819187201 THERE IS NO DOWNLOAD BUTTON IT'S TELLING ME ITS DENIED 2.833333333333333 1954 838505727928975363 my nails look horrible rn 2.5 1955 835566459065597952 they not playing trying sell these cd 's for young moose 2.5 1956 593989751926956032 nice offer tbh 1.4 1957 547241020195610624 <---------- once again100000000% legit . Instant payout and great odds . 1.6 1958 717929772312080384 get free tickets then what about all the other that sit in the same spot ? Your argument is irrelevant 2.6 1959 669336978777841664 This is weird 1.2 1960 559676086871924737 12 years today babes 😞 xx 2.6 1961 334029840397238273 I know that you 're gonna have it your way or nothing at all . . . . 2.0 1962 795965292920930309 #PokemonGO going crazy today . . tons if spawns . All stops giving double rewards at least . . woohoo hooo 3.8 1963 9695144294 Hey . . Bayless . . . Are you watching the Hockey Game ? ? ? As usual , you are WRONG again ! ! ! at least you are consistent , always wrong . 3.6 1964 766842193336082432 Happy Birthday girl ! good luck in college ! ♥ ️ psb wo n't be the same w/out ya 3.2 1965 500429687353384960 anyone have Gold A lunch ? 2.2 1966 525028601058836481 Psych units are rarely 'safe places . ' Distressed/traumatized folks need love & support , not incarceration . 3.4 1967 501573959796916224 A kid making hand gestures is not evidence of violence , nor is a suspicion of criminal involvement . 2.4 1968 740493009872166912 I'm earning #mPLUSRewards in The Weather Channel . 3.8 1969 536690759152709633 Virginia Beach representing 2.2 1970 871857486260830208 The original design is by 1.6 1971 684162322277904384 I’m gearing up for the holidays with the SPLENDA® Brand’s apple pie recipe ! Check it out . #NostalgicApplePie 3.6 1972 444241247406784512 Is it just me or did the portions at the get smaller ? I wish I would have taken a pic ! Ugh ! I left hungry . . 3.0 1973 771498398503632896 Check out 'Do n't Hug Me I'm Scared [1]' on #Smule : #SingKaraoke 2.75 1974 655543272727711744 Yo yo man~ 1.3333333333333333 1975 817220392397848581 Bailey bring me #Popcornopolis Section 210 Row 1 Seat 3 4.166666666666667 1976 571158785009553408 I'm losing my mind right now . THE DRESS IS GOLD AND WHITE ! ! ! #TheDress 2.833333333333333 1977 601190104263053312 Turns out I'm a hipster from a movie that came out ten years before I was born . 2.5 1978 516205489617506304 Another Sunday working with my love at this beautiful place : ) #lighthousecountryclub #golfcoursewife… 3.1666666666666665 1979 477941481043271680 We made it to Sea World ! : ) #bestboyfriend #summer2014 #seaworldsanantonio @ SeaWorld San Antonio 3.1666666666666665 1980 482299654978035712 Fisher Investments' YouTube Channel Gets New Content | Virtual-Strategy Magazine via #instagc #crowdflower 3.1666666666666665 1981 907290635576766464 The Billion coin ( The future , cryptocurrency ) 2.333333333333333 1982 894243483497660420 Private School Vacancies and How to Apply Late #admission 2.6666666666666665 1983 865726271984160768 What questions do you have about #applying to #boardingschool ? Tweet me & we 'll answer your questions here : 2.6666666666666665 1984 640541150143741952 when is the movie set to come out ? ? ;3 1.5 1985 614229941719330816 ughhhhh I hate myself sooooo much 😢🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪 1.8333333333333333 1986 204941727017091072 - I'm sure you know but you 've made HN ! 2.0 1987 794688525258129408 - lol wtf are you guys doing pushing updates mid war weekend . Lmao - Scopely on the resume is a DO NOT HIRE flag now . #failops 2.6666666666666665 1988 47481783696113664 HAHAHAHAHA ! I could n't help but LOL when I read this . 1.6666666666666667 1989 4062900769 The roast I put in the crockpot smells good . 2.833333333333333 1990 1520378046 Feeling sad . just heard my best friend is getting divorced 2.833333333333333 1991 1769868717 wondering why husband is running around like a crazy person . . . hello it is 10 : 00 pm - Frankie Say Relax ! ! 3.0 1992 424700460449026048 Love Joel Osteen and I want to win the Say So giveaway #Sayso 3.5 1993 177567495492861952 Help us end #LRA violence . Visit to find out why and how . join us for #KONY2012 3.0 1994 442820841575694336 Realtalk , I kinda wanna watch #LindsayonOWN tonight . I gotta start making friends with people who have cable . 3.0 1995 409817685900275712 the end of 'make it stop' by is the most soothing sound of my life . on repeat forever . 2.6666666666666665 1996 463388935054696449 when will the winner ( s ) be announced ? 1.5 1997 696161444597870592 No hesitation . #BRONCOS will bring it . Vote for your chance to win . #NFLonXbox #Sweepstakes 2.333333333333333 1998 813752765604315136 you should say hi . I wanna know her name . 1.5 1999 738575210996076546 you 're pretty quick for a slow one . 1.3333333333333333 2000 789262625263747072 here son leme teach you . 1.3333333333333333 2001 854496203018571777 If jon jones does n't stop fucking up and knock DC out already . 2.6666666666666665 2002 840593051512913922 It 's actually a weird sigh of relief to be jobless at the moment after working 9-5 for the past 7 months . Like a mini vacation . 2.333333333333333 2003 862780248911433728 What 's it gonna be America , keep Obamacare or not ? - 2.6666666666666665 2004 700471267548385280 Did my dad rlly just tweet to a news anchor off my account . 3.1666666666666665 2005 785249247964856322 thanks e-swizzle love u too 💕 2.1666666666666665 2006 903368309030227968 look at one of the projected paths 1.8333333333333333 2007 778730443726213120 Regardless , where is their respect for their country ? ! ? ! ? How tacky and tasteless ! 2.5 2008 926609603311304704 Watched The Walking Dead ( 8-1 ) 'Mercy' #tvshowfavs 3.333333333333333 2009 881974530612371456 TV Tonight : July 3 , 2017 - 2.1666666666666665 2010 938878372385644547 How urban agriculture is transforming Detroit | Devita Davison 2.833333333333333 2011 94419043687211009 Netflix Makes Amends With Users - TheStreet 2.5 2012 445387235362607104 OM NOM NOM NOM ! ✊✊✊ 1.0 2013 853828254658174980 Just posted a photo 1.1666666666666667 2014 121959023581990912 he 'll deliver on his promises in 30 minutes or its free . 2.1666666666666665 2015 12774945758 Of course kara wants to play pong tonight , ! Is that a serious question ? ? 2.5 2016 599238589285797888 Retailers : May Special - place an order for 120+ pieces & receive an add'l 20% off your order . DM us for details . 3.2 2017 475581373336788993 Surreal Images Of Shelter Dogs Created To Help Them Find A New Home via #pets #dogrescue 2.8 2018 429381889149792256 Looking for a little feed back on this story . via #bookcountry #adventure #action #reviewing 2.4 2019 756029829581897728 For pics of your future president 's enormous dick , #TextTrump88022 . Wait , that 's just his face ? Oh , jeez . I thought it looked infected . 3.333333333333333 2020 805028497966112768 There 's no chance of missing Christmas when we keep Christ in the center . via 2.833333333333333 2021 755748644230356994 Admitting I ca n't . . . opens the door of surrender to God 's can . via 2.333333333333333 2022 838499258777010177 I just saw the cuties babies oh my 2.1666666666666665 2023 438918036787957761 too bad , I already send you one 1.8333333333333333 2024 311479603132776449 Ca n't tell if he is attractive or just the most attractive around #yaknowwhatimean 1.6 2025 301109318105845760 ' : I'm into morning sex . Naked texts and splitting checks #thingsuwannahear . #ch ' 2.2 2026 514690072533536768 this is so unrealistic . ppl cant just go back 2 high school and rejoin their old clubs . if i tried that id get kicked out 1.6 2027 505974575042404352 i feel like the only person on the planet that do n't have netflix . like grl i barely manage paying 4 my internet connection evry month . 3.0 2028 8618757955 It 's been a rough night . 1.6 2029 616411201577193474 When a Tony-award winning actress sings the biggest song in the movie , why give the radio version to Demi Lavato ? #overthinkingFrozen 2.8 2030 540713610625159168 Ca n't wait until Christmas 🎁🎄🎅⛄ ️ ❄ ️ 1.8 2031 797295412810027008 Do u ever feel like ur dog is judging u 2.0 2032 335041429338480640 wish us luck #PreviousTweet #Autism #Painting #Graduation 2.0 2033 154124923651104768 way to go . Keep asking your friends to vote for us : ) 2.4 2034 478573900322729984 For whatever overcomes a person , to that he is enslaved . ( 2Pe 2 : 19b ESV ) 3.333333333333333 2035 499579972877811713 For the LORD loves justice; he will not forsake his saints . They are preserved forever . . . ( Psa 37 : 28a ESV ) 3.5 2036 526135379049455616 got a new bra , it has flamingos on it ( ( ( : 2.333333333333333 2037 745667568480854017 #Play1Dreamboy2now about to marry Louis 2.6666666666666665 2038 930634141124780032 The Nicki Minaj cover is sheer greatness 3.0 2039 929335088671854593 This weather is the only reason I made the decision to finish ( start ) this project and catch up on assignments . 2.1666666666666665 2040 570507180253663232 Well , I had 15 followers , but now I have 13 . : / 2.0 2041 598604690910216192 If you have n't , you should watch 'Daredevil' instead . : ) 3.5 2042 885290627642126336 i havent unblocked them , what did they do 2.0 2043 921782101065785344 this image made my twitter crash 2.6666666666666665 2044 891103887054319617 Check out my broadcast from my PlayStation 4 ! #PS4live ( God of War® III Remastered ) live at 4.666666666666667 2045 914932093343469568 SOMA part 2 : via 3.0 2046 941139906285441024 Everyone is talking about Star Wars . How about I am ready to see ! ! #movie #weekend #goals 3.0 2047 442070766134124545 it was so good 1.1666666666666667 2048 16672745915949057 thx for the update . Shut him down for season for long term health . . . 1.8333333333333333 2049 10340915194 #iheardchucknorris is uncommonly good at many things like acting and kunk fu . . . 3.0 2050 42070784222568448 they do it in a weird schedule . . I remember last year they left out Farrah . . pissed me off 2.5 2051 26885442603 Ca n't wait to get my new t-shirt from ! : via 3.333333333333333 2052 591697481865535492 love Beyonce like there 's no tomorrow 3.333333333333333 2053 586090041480507392 3 inches of snow on the ground . happy April . 3.6666666666666665 2054 615619734575431681 Always the same lmao 1.5 2055 624024987603730433 Any drink is better frozen . My life motto 2.1666666666666665 2056 426533569767276544 Can I have this calendar ? ? ? XD 2.5 2057 477144231752896512 College be like 2.0 2058 605414753784221696 Amazing , brave and courageous . #CallMeCaitlyn 2.6666666666666665 2059 427135013650702336 that does n't make you an asshole at all . 2.1666666666666665 2060 750852908418080768 they 're a close second 1.8333333333333333 2061 575846307794927617 classic hgtv fun 2.5 2062 621424859978014720 I'm good with that 2.0 2063 439872795129171969 follow me please guyssssssssssssssss ( live on ) 2.5 2064 125413698364907520 clinton is an amazing person for all the work he has done . . we need more people like him in the world #clintonconcert 4.0 2065 188480487336067072 Absolutely loving my life , my family , my children . God has truly blessed me . 3.1666666666666665 2066 861654042400968704 Wow ! I just entered for a chance to win 'The Uber of Everything : How the Freed . . . ' by Ted Graham ( Author ) . #giveaway 3.6666666666666665 2067 924811085680709633 I entered a giveaway for a chance to win 'Car garbage can by CarCoo - Pop-up car garbage ba . . . ' by CarCoo . #giveaway 3.6666666666666665 2068 507052025180598272 OH FOR FUCKS SAKE PLEASE Dx ITS KILLING ME ! Q_Q 1.6666666666666667 2069 879235728663691267 When do we find out who won : o im still crossing my fingers ! 1.6666666666666667 2070 753433931047964672 Thought I had more time to prepare but apparently I only have 2 more episodes left until the series finale of One Tree Hill and I'm not ok 3.8333333333333335 2071 386636348406661120 Took a three hour nap oops 2.0 2072 830484158728241152 We 'll be at NY Fashion Week next week so it might be a little tight but I can make time for you . . . 😅 3.333333333333333 2073 801643063429001216 Shit is fucked up right now . Really fucked up right now . But shit still matters . We just need to have the balls to fix it . 1.6666666666666667 2074 401041390869557248 I know this is not breaking news here . . . but how is the Mayor of Toronto still the Mayor of Toronto ? 3.5 2075 401533737243922433 And now lights are completely out . Teams warming up 2.1666666666666665 2076 810626674534531073 make up your mind 1.6666666666666667 2077 585584089450860545 Somebody needs to say this to him 2.1666666666666665 2078 608329161392930817 BREAKING Wikileaks exposes another secret deal like #TPP . Congress votes this week ! 3.1666666666666665 2079 822535322835763200 . Prez should protect Sacred Water , not bow down to Big Oil . #NoDAPL #WaterIsLife #ResistJ20 3.1666666666666665 2080 65867587917062144 just sold $DTE nice profit and bought $HOT : ) 2.1666666666666665 2081 415118164779732992 morning Paul , wow I'm seeing a lot o green today , and its not even 9 am yet , CAMP FIVE TSCO , rare green pre open : ) 3.1666666666666665 2082 461582930348089344 Pictures dont do this rich green smoothie justice ! ! Anyway , lately ive been having me a Frankenstein… 2.6666666666666665 2083 770286895783739392 #ADogsPurpose looks soo good ! ! ! I must watch it when it comes out . ♥ ️ 😭 3.1666666666666665 2084 593614473320992768 The weekend is almost here ! ! 1.8333333333333333 2085 445726584767393792 I finally have something to put in my wallet n now I ca n't find it . 2.1666666666666665 2086 601343458566103040 bummed it today 💁🏻 1.6666666666666667 2087 626504756085792768 really upset I lost so much weight none of my shorts fit me 😩 2.5 2088 13613485560692736 Hmm . . maybe I should start post more . Heres a cool logo design site i found . -fantastic-simple-logo-designs/ 3.333333333333333 2089 429791210090541057 Sushi for dinner ( @ Nano Sushi ) [pic] : 3.1666666666666665 2090 6782843832 Suggestions from frequent travelers : What 's the best or worst airline ? 1.8333333333333333 2091 647532482515087364 great show ! ! ! I loved the dating profiles , if I were single I 'd be snapping 2.6666666666666665 2092 684148832125325312 I'm confused . Hoffman was good enough to have his name on an award but not First Ballot HOFer ? ? 3.333333333333333 2093 851670667187507200 What happened to the other announcer . Have n't heard from her in awhile . Maybe she ran out of good… 2.833333333333333 2094 510967434611015680 Chicken fries are already gone from #blasphemy #whatislife 2.0 2095 474719283508178944 is too busy to have friends : P 2.5 2096 535495993564073984 Trenchant , if depressing , analysis from on US-India WTO deal 3.1666666666666665 2097 773909325077184518 Which is exactly what I say in the article ! 2.5 2098 1276433564 At home from my 13 hour day , hopefully only 2 more of these to come . . . Waiting for subways ! 2.833333333333333 2099 1320926956 Gonna unlock doors in a few . What a life . 2.0 2100 846949953176031233 TRULY REMARKABLE I HOPE ANDY SHOWS IT IN CLASS 2.333333333333333 2101 411636533926834176 i need a guy friend who will introduce me to new ( good ) music please and thank you 2.333333333333333 2102 2091474357 Today was Joey 's last day of school ! ! ! Yay for him , he 's finally done . . . now he has to pass his registry test on Thursday . 3.5 2103 16895012380 Closing the shop from 6/30-7/7 for my SUMMER VACATION ! 2.5 2104 795469025371361280 #Christmas Items Coming Soon ! #etsy #stringart #etsyretwt #CraftHour #Craftbuzz #etsyseller #namesigns #giftideas 2.333333333333333 2105 702711392202313728 I’d revitalize my day by having a small snack and break . #swissherbs #sponsored 2.6666666666666665 2106 70028243687833600 The day you stop being naive is the day everyone stops lying to you . Then thats day you realize everyone is a liar . 2.1666666666666665 2107 166354892271792129 Randy moss wouldve cought that last pass . #justsayin 3.1666666666666665 2108 455127820675452928 'MAJOR' announcement for TRIBFEST 3 coming very soon , So Stay tuned ! Also looking for 1 or 2 trib bands to play , hit me up . 3.1666666666666665 2109 445760436450115584 Rock on music at night . Find us on Instagram #rockonmusic #nightime #guitarstore #mesa #nightlife 2.6666666666666665 2110 612285547147591680 Something came in the mail today . . . 1.8333333333333333 2111 632282132673634304 Any time one my friends say they want to go back to high school . . . 2.1666666666666665 2112 567049778412810240 Awful ! rt : BREAKING : Video purports to show Islamic State militants in Libya beheading Christian hostages . 4.166666666666667 2113 630859739002351620 What about drawing attention 2 newly accessible virtual worlds ? 2.333333333333333 2114 194168689640226818 The most impressive celeb at the Sparks 5K was Billy Mills - 1964 10K M gold medalist . Wow . 4.333333333333333 2115 347847305849884672 Heading to to watch and play in the #CWS tonight ! #PACK9 #WPN 3.5 2116 431869221015130112 I do n't think I have this Twitter thing down . When I make an original tweet , it 's like no ones listening . 2.833333333333333 2117 479039127363395584 maybe that little penis is trying to pop that cherry 2.833333333333333 2118 648932162213912577 Host the perfect family movie night with these ideas from the Thriftanista in the City blog ! #GlamCrowd 3.0 2119 624272646876844032 Truvia® + Bacon + Cinnamon = lower calorie heave is awesome , but I dont think I would try #TruFanCommunity #sponsored 3.5 2120 718790984931360768 Just completed a 6 . 06 mi run - Got my six . . . Giggety . . . #Runkeeper 2.6666666666666665 2121 594915605653880833 Verizon LG G2 2.5 2122 548630932094083072 When you want to be shady but you know that it will just result in drama ? Yea , I 'll stay silent . 2.1666666666666665 2123 574353635838029824 A Grilled Cheese and Salsa , Baby it will cause you to live . #statingfacts #truth 2.833333333333333 2124 57478896421056512 Signed in2 my math class . . . dnt wanna b here . . . so I'm gonna sit here 4 a bit . . . then go help my friend type out an assignment . . . 3.0 2125 54976841785675776 N-e one have a costco card I can use ? ? Lol I need 2 buy sum thingz from there ! ! ! ! N-e one ? N-e one ? Bueller ? 2.833333333333333 2126 774142878255685634 Just killed a mosquito and along comes another one . WTFFF 2.333333333333333 2127 811438940402176000 lmao these are the best ! 1.3333333333333333 2128 900888721758801920 This is too true 1.1666666666666667 2129 798270228400467968 I look particularly ugly today . . it 's stressing me out 🙄 2.0 2130 482283695509106688 ticket number 2540392 : the money I'm pretty sure you guys gave me disappeared . No I did n't spend it . About 700 , 000 gone . 4.0 2131 479322363553931264 I 've lost several fully insured cars randomly . It pains me that your staff claims there 's nothing you can do . 2.833333333333333 2132 695310887658352642 Just posted a photo @ Grove , Oklahoma 2.6666666666666665 2133 853828254658174980 Just posted a photo 1.3333333333333333 2134 716015672392683520 Dirt Roads in Colorado 2.833333333333333 2135 659032714675273728 What moments have electrified you lately ? 1.6666666666666667 2136 458756840503775232 For the first time in forever ! I had no practice after school . Felt great to get things done . : ) : ) 2.1666666666666665 2137 414410731677683712 lol ur fine . . . haha ur not tht bad . #dontbesoharsh 3.333333333333333 2138 646168249290371073 'Nothing hits harder than life , but it 'll only knock you down if you let it . ' 3.0 2139 541711141190520833 your favorite ornament has taken its rightful spot on the Palkowski tree for another year . 2.0 2140 2005433646 Ending an awesome school year ! The kids accomplished so many great things & had some fantastic expereiences ! 2.6 2141 1397201673 Soaking up the sun , sipping a cold brew , and reading an interesting new book ! 2.4 2142 620652742487379968 can you guys please fix your servers already ? ! ? ! 1.8 2143 608489536918687744 Great Times Await ! Come Join ! ! : 1.0 2144 861051888162095105 The hold on for 6-5 win #osbirdsnest 2.0 2145 463145592269856769 Quite an amazing surprise . We have to wonder how he survived and who brought him up . Makes his connection fitting . 2.6 2146 1307968186 Tim has the bladder of a 90 year old man . 3.2 2147 1243234394 This is lame . Be more productive . 1.4 2148 598181177648750593 Hey ! I’ll have you know i’ve disappointed her a record low number of times this week . Too bad it’s only Tuesday . 2.6 2149 287375822933880832 You should add #deodorant to what you hope everyone gets to experience at #Bonnaroo . 3.2 2150 2909949270 Not feeling well today . . . 1.3333333333333333 2151 378234328712347648 Pick one to drop -- Givens , Michael Floyd , DHopkins , BBolden . 5PPR 3.333333333333333 2152 764675704705265664 I'm now a C-List++ celebrity in Kim Kardashian : Hollywood . You can be famous too by playing on Android ! 3.1666666666666665 2153 763916826136883201 I'm now a D-List++ celebrity in Kim Kardashian : Hollywood . You can be famous too by playing on Android ! 3.1666666666666665 2154 862327512877195270 Wow ! I just entered for a chance to win 'HELME Stainless Steel Thermos ,Vacuum Insula . . . ' by HELME . #giveaway 3.8333333333333335 2155 902289431763308544 I entered a giveaway for a chance to win 'CUH 90W Double Orange Citrus Juicer with Pulp Separa . . . ' by CUH . #giveaway 3.5 2156 430224423845502976 Perhaps the Granthams have more relatives from Scotland ? You should drop on in ! You and Violent would be delicious together ! 3.1666666666666665 2157 889624666788306948 Sweet Boy . . . may you be meeting all great Sox players beyond the Green Monster , comparing notes and playing catch . 2.5 2158 296069335968018432 So fun great Monday ! 1.3333333333333333 2159 14809869378920448 Just won the YMA fashion scholarship ! ! ! #happiness 3.333333333333333 2160 592235410140594176 After 'You did n't say who you were going on' When one person was there , I'm just about done with the game >_> 2.6666666666666665 2161 574744649581072386 Shh , shh . . It 's okay , you can just give me the Smite Alpha code , and everything will be better . >> 2.833333333333333 2162 484863556866015232 LEMONADE WITH NO LEMON ( Chatroulette ) 2.0 2163 681332460685234177 follow me back man . I just wanted to Bring the old twitter memories back . Your speech really touched my heart bro #Domforpres 3.0 2164 428291256763301888 my thoughts exactly : ( . 1.3333333333333333 2165 423669501570596864 thank you ya 2amar . I love you ! And so does baby Momo ! 3.1666666666666665 2166 827687140079312897 thanks cutie ! Love you too ! ! 1.6666666666666667 2167 827907001590087680 thanks mags love you too ! ❤ 2.1666666666666665 2168 273419967985246208 I would LOVE help ! All our items changed from variable to simple . Then our Cart disappeared and I cant find/recreate it . 2.6666666666666665 2169 147325211237285888 I want to make an appointment with you ! ! ! Are you busy this time of year ? 2.333333333333333 2170 433503373787033600 “ : How do you wake your tamagachi up from sleeping ? Asking 4 a friend” any advice 3.1666666666666665 2171 457054318831476737 omg sweet angel 1.3333333333333333 2172 423889675976474624 lmaoooo that first line 1.6666666666666667 2173 805906721373847553 Things I lost as a result of bottomless mimosas yesterday : hat , sunglasses , phone , wallet , car keys , dignity . Rough start to the week 3.8333333333333335 2174 549381355101245440 At least it helped me complete a series of achievements 100% 2.6666666666666665 2175 446760142965850112 Not even being sarcastic , they all sound great 😶 2.1666666666666665 2176 741534521787482112 I ca n't even comprehend this . It hits me even harder because she was so young . #RIPChristinaGrimmie 3.6666666666666665 2177 268420727349329920 Mobile developer day @ Facebook ( with Ernie at Facebook HQ ) [pic] — 3.0 2178 186230143788908544 Tonight I break ground an welcome spring with some #groundbreak 2.5 2179 161117720040062977 I realize no one goes to du Lac . . . but that does not mean do n't shovel the steps out front 2.833333333333333 2180 286250112236265472 Cynthia has extra Watering Cans after harvesting their Orchard . Come and get what your trees are CRAVING ! #farmville 3.6 2181 283637574910746624 Cynthia was looking around in a Baby Playpen and found some extra Animal Feed ! Grab some before it 's gone ! #farmville 3.4 2182 587366260918190080 REVIS Island has been infiltrated 2.6 2183 666044027184267265 it IS his old team so #torn 2.0 2184 141603029462949888 15 till . . . And the teacher still isnt here : / he needs to show up soon ! 2.8 2185 55017009833967616 Just went out and fed the chickens in the pouring rain . . . . Time for a shower ! 2.8 2186 6426654905 Link : ZOMBO - accidentally awesome . 2.0 2187 11149151201 Audio : obkb : I’d say the same , dude . When I find a time machine , they’re the first show I’m traveling back to . . . 2.6 2188 611979174945902592 Even if I fall , I fell in the right direction #FreeFromItAll #Lecrae 2.0 2189 586573604093067265 Anyone wanna make plans for the weekend ? 1.8 2190 446482780835160064 I mean for showcase : p 1.8333333333333333 2191 167692578593050626 Should we skip ? #shitCCUtheatreKidsSay 2.6666666666666665 2192 536075783237009409 I'm just popping bands 💵💵💵 1.8333333333333333 2193 541025594121916416 No I'm not 1.6666666666666667 2194 670022474315231232 What 's the combination of a llama and a lion ? #PINOF7 2.1666666666666665 2195 673643890327625728 why are you bringing in other youtubers ? ? That 's seriously so childish ? ? 2.833333333333333 2196 854086174696247297 Pretty durn happy about finding this amazing #thelastguardian shirt for only three dollars while on vacation ! 3.5 2197 798135915289853952 it was a plaid joke , first and foremost . 2.0 2198 875828016152158209 I’m so savage I already know I won ; ) 1.6666666666666667 2199 944012874678124544 It 's #MyTwitterAnniversary ! I have been on Twitter for 4 years ( since 22 Dec 2013 ) . And you ? 4.0 2200 595753996452782082 DONT STOP VOTING #VoiceSaveIndia 3.1666666666666665 2201 595753871189921793 WE BEED HER #VoiceSaveIndia 2.833333333333333 2202 542102367823745024 you 're slowing turning into a fucking faggot 2.0 2203 539355034673496064 No one gives a fuck you faggot 2.0 2204 894259616145604609 Here’s What You Missed This Week In News 2.5 2205 923684757833158656 #BC17 Classic Shapes Up as Gun Runner vs . Bob Baffert and the Fab Four #BCSweepstakes - 3.8333333333333335 2206 12314930292 Me , a good book , my journal and . . . Much needed time of rejuvenation after a long week . . . Mmm s'good : ) 3.0 2207 60033010791219200 Love when friends that I have n't seen in four years come into the store . Makes my day so happy ! ! 3.333333333333333 2208 681726156647710720 Mom : 'all I do is fight little punks all day . ' 2.5 2209 516948890340163585 Happy birthday part 1 1.8333333333333333 2210 507875219931795456 Just had an 70 year old man pass me going up the stairs while saying by Felicia ! Shit gets real on leg day . #legday #gymprobs #fitfam #squats 3.2 2211 899278329538367488 *Slams 10pd dumbells on the floor 'Dont eyeball me bitch ! I see ya man over there ! Ill be his 3rd wife by the weekend ! ' #gymproblems #fitfam 3.6 2212 634921041953968128 just because you have a friend in band does n't mean you can just say whatever the hell you want about the band and guard . 2.8 2213 626779274863898624 Why ca n't you tweet me more ? 2.4 2214 761291290969374720 So jealous and need to experience 2.4 2215 528270171320766464 I'm #Viggling Arizona Coyotes at Florida Panthers . TV loves you back with #ViggleTV . Watch TV . Earn Points . Get Rewards . 3.4 2216 425419563132416000 Your tweets are so pointless . . Seriously , nobody cares ! Why am I still following you ? ! 2.6 2217 559578738971537411 Does anyone else have a shirt that they love wayyy too much . Like you wear it every week because its sooo comfy ? 2.0 2218 471790660618444800 We missed you SO MUCH ! ! MY WEDNESDAY IS NOW COMPLETE . ILY NEVER LEAVE AGAIN . 2.6 2219 575864374339858432 Fuck cancer . You are n't taking Des . Not under my watch . . . Please , be okay . 3.0 2220 831355835687243776 #Diabetic Dani : Sherlock Holmes Is On The Case #type1diabetes #hashimotos #celiac #lowcarb #glutenfree #keto 3.4 2221 464596098263158784 Happy Paws Kitten Rescue in Knoxville , Tn needs foster homes ! 4.0 2222 479445847663718400 Work loves screwing me over 2.4 2223 479540448462381056 God dammit I'm sick of working with the slowest people in the fucking world . I have to do 90% of the fucking work because I work with sloths 3.0 2224 606130865287098368 I'm wearing my Shawn shirt today 😊 3.0 2225 662386720453865472 I think we might be outlaws 💕 . I think we might be in love 💘 . #whenyourfostersaf #TheFosters 2.2 2226 473571957833994240 Hello everyone ! Spectacular day and the weather is great too . Went to continue the education for the salon . . . . 2.8 2227 532166495540105218 Good morning and happy Veteran 's Day ! 󾓆󾓬󾓦 For all our veterans , be sure to come by 󾆙K-Rae 's Salon󾆙 and enjoy your . . . 3.6 2228 918550789697650688 Yay ! Your beard is coming back in ! And I love the new haircut . 💇 It… 2.6 2229 942155952614023168 I fear that the TRULY insidious nature of this order is missed on many people . PLEASE read up on the Nazi 's T4 prog… 3.4 2230 551407005449981952 Think Hawaii and enter Travel Channel 's The Trip 2015 sweeps for a chance to win a $100 , 000 dream vacation to Hawaii ! 3.2 2231 743608306585985024 How do you expect your pet to react after trying Hill’s® Science Diet® Healthy . . . #Ad #SayCuisine #HillsPetCrowd #ad 3.6 2232 522767858804461568 Did n't think of it that way when I used the picture . I just liked it . 2.6 2233 667490785462472704 Guy smoking weed at #Justice4Jamar Dumbass . 2.2 2234 93158855885856769 who won . . You never said lol 1.8 2235 224682824026951680 lol you are crazy ! 1.4 2236 564102617249644545 Just finished reworking a script for an opportunity . #accomplishment #success 2.6 2237 560505423762309120 #besttweetforward Good to remember to be a follower of followers . 2.6 2238 223810723887841282 ' : Acaban de matar a las salas de cine . Ha sido un siglo muy bonito' 2.6666666666666665 2239 879038267722797058 El orgullo poético de Elvira Sastre vía 3.25 2240 143757537550925825 Not cool . Birthday boobs are a completely reasonable request ( ; 2.5 2241 2128745823 you ca n't rollerskate in a buffalo herd 1.8333333333333333 2242 401862068967440384 Use code SECRETSAVE #kitsylane 3.333333333333333 2243 399220669898301440 Just added hot new product to my boutique Check it out : 3.6666666666666665 2244 908570321589960705 lol we 're it 's at 2.0 2245 785893918621569024 Yoo drop a mixtape i'm fucking with that chicken chicken an that play fa keeps to 2.4 2246 106142468390658048 I unlocked the Priest on DVD Release Week sticker on ! 3.0 2247 453254094946172928 it 's not that scary , but I am more fond of Facebook . 2.6666666666666665 2248 48553640662798336 A gift from Zena . Zoey named him Patrick . 3.5 2249 2239134893 is on the move ! - enter here : 3.0 2253 819575100823531520 This backseat organizer would be very useful ! #Ad 1.6666666666666667 2254 6281764714 STUDY : Males vs . females in social networks - 1.6666666666666667 2255 247645897050181632 Private social networks for the office : good idea or bad ? 1.8333333333333333 2256 420736718388465664 This says it all . . . about getting older & the whole aging thing 1.8333333333333333 2257 601858395226775552 Hold police officers accountable : Eliminate unfair waiting period before officers can be investigated via 2.5 2258 233672811015716864 One day I 'll quit adding cat faces to everything . 2.333333333333333 2259 98669119590768640 babies < MORE CATS 1.0 2260 561951376407019520 Photo : Michael Playing Guitar , Austerlitz , NY , 2015 35mm scan 4.0 2261 493994452688437248 Photo books galore at Steven Kasher Gallery 2.833333333333333 2262 522351992015159296 Day 15 : Favorite romantic moment . Ray singing to Evangaline . #theprincessandthefrog 3.0 2263 730961898892603392 Literally me singing karaoke . 😂 2.0 2264 256904597984129025 haha thank you 1.3333333333333333 2265 117727830581854208 Witnessing a wedding on the beach yayy #oneday 2.333333333333333 2266 739145274874990593 #DTGiveaway : Enter to #win a Eizo Foris FS2735 Gaming Monitor from and ! 3.8333333333333335 2267 800929716664406016 this is bedass 1.5 2268 554391064518209536 I JUST FOUND MY TWIN HOLY CRAP ! ! ! 2.333333333333333 2269 853828254658174980 Just posted a photo 1.8333333333333333 2270 238035964604342273 yo giiiiirl your twitter has a virus . You gotta change your password ! 3.6 2271 455379406555709442 I'm really good at getting nail polish ALL over my hands when I paint my nails #slob 3.8 2272 853682376186122240 No fun when you miss the 4 minute window and now have to deal w poor traders trying to trade me no count inserts 😫 3.2 2273 878380261280325633 The VIP design is amazing . Tho I'm glad that 's only once a month . If they would only drop the… 3.0 2274 159030733363617792 Found out a good friend of mine is dying of cancer . It kills me to know nothing they can do for her . 4.0 2275 543373605493809152 Time to get kid number two on the bus . Be back later . 3.0 2276 1484970894 I'm a nurse and can handle a lot , but that was horrible ! 2.4 2277 1545883407 Reason I love Twitter- Last week Dr . Drew was on a flight with my brother . I tweeted Drew and he shook my brother 's hand from me ! 4.0 2278 537272325138173952 So I got hit on while walking my dog , looking like a mess wearing sweats and a old t-shirt , and I was actually ok . #life #nervous 3.6 2279 537266581101748226 Thank you universe for throwing me a curve ball at least it was a nice curve ball ! : ) 2.8 2280 498728007738335232 In the past week I read through the red wedding the purple wedding and the battle at the wall in a storm of swords . I'm catching up . #ASOIAF 3.333333333333333 2281 910569242445017088 Pennywise got Mike ! ! Check it out #It #StangerThings 2.833333333333333 2282 799468194607968256 Procrastination wins again 2.0 2283 467171544574074880 ' : The Home Depot center is the best soccer field I have ever played on 😍 ' *StubHub Center FTFY 3.333333333333333 2284 448852026534150144 - This is how we do it . #StonerFamily #Munchies #LetsGetLifted 1.6666666666666667 2285 453278664013385728 - When someone lies to avoid you . . ha 1.6666666666666667 2286 455188824273207296 Awesome concert on right now ! 1.8333333333333333 2287 458984735965204481 wow - beautiful work ! : - ) 1.5 2288 424998446274056192 Oh that looks amazing ! ! ! Must try ! ! #Drooling 1.8333333333333333 2289 415163803211288576 Love following your Twitter ! Shame I'm in the US and unable to hop a Chiltern train . #WouldIfICould #MerryChristmas 3.1666666666666665 2290 2660184749 trying to figure out how to use twitter as i sit around and complain about my abs hurting that i appearently have o_0 3.0 2291 812975581214232576 The blankets Anna made Zack and I for Christmas are Miss Mylo Approved ! Lol 2.6666666666666665 2292 926319368107122688 Is her name Karen ? 1.8333333333333333 2293 942952944147853312 My mental health is really deteriorating . I have no appetite , no energy , no motivation . I wake up at 6 am and lay i… 3.5 2294 940322845741199361 Your amazing hun ty for being kind to my fellow Tennesseen 2.1666666666666665 2295 858443745976627201 Adorable ! You and are truly blessed ! 2.4 2296 234946434678525952 School in two weeks is gonna suck 2.0 2297 40194099357298688 Do u guys play blackops anymore 2.5 2298 448680245227307008 Know what is literally my least favorite thing in the world ? When somebody says they 're gonna do something , then they do n't do it . 3.0 2299 482017544190971905 Lol because everyone cares about college baseball , and no other schools have beautiful campuses or great academics . 3.1666666666666665 2300 49897457051639809 Watch the new 'ShaneDawsonTV' ( ) Video : 'F**K YOU 'MARLEY & ME ! '' 3.333333333333333 2301 253707359480868864 i saw you on live ! ! one day it will be in person ^-^ 2.1666666666666665 2302 550784261616578560 Thank you for the RT , John . 2.833333333333333 2303 484925757706096640 He wears it well . : ) 1.5 2304 515351488051564544 'He looks like he smells sooo good' #ClassicMacey 2.833333333333333 2305 499405440934240256 Please post the song lyrics to an entire song on your Facebook status . That would probably be a good idea . 😒 2.1666666666666665 2306 764672295935893504 I am swimming champion and Anvil will be there if I get a fever . #fastadvilfanatics #sponsored 2.5 2307 810702655802773505 We can finally post this by #Emerleeey via 2.1666666666666665 2308 691057351013601280 ana wa7da sad 1.5 2309 752613123480248320 Body pump classes will be the death of me . 2.5 2310 700687443989807104 What do you think of SPLENDA® Brand’s new packaging ? #splendasavvies #sponsored 3.0 2311 633812039669035008 These will totally help me forget about a day of stress and chaos ! #GoldfishCrowd #sponsored #GoldfishTales 2.833333333333333 2312 460132097374420992 Thanks for following me you rock ! \m/ ( > . > ) \m/ 1.5 2313 686454397962813440 RIP David Bowie #gonebutneverforgotten #DavidBowie 2.833333333333333 2314 135793519272017920 i missed you too girl ! what have you been doin ? 1.8333333333333333 2315 179716319640436737 omg ash ! you gotta learn to type ! 2.0 2316 540267251501256704 I 've been working at Kat Country a long time and today is the first day I noticed we have hot chocolate in the break room . #chagrined 3.6666666666666665 2317 517769671152377856 I always take an excellent drivers license photo . #onlytime 2.5 2318 95504434137808896 im not stupid and im not a dumbass . Look in the fucking goddamn mirror . Im sick and tired of deaaling with your shit ! 2.333333333333333 2319 517329092182827008 I'm ready to be a mommy . . . Just praying . 🙏☝ ️ 👶 2.333333333333333 2320 505883481457836033 You may kiss the bride #wedding #oregon kiley_barnes 2.4 2321 753385365172461568 Work in progress #tattoo #ridersofrohan #lizxedesart sarah_the_dragon @ DV8 Tattoos and Body… 3.0 2322 634385430524203008 Forgive me for this statement . Maybe he survived attempt b/c he was trying 2 preserve brain for research like Duerson or Seau 2.6 2323 912040986380992512 Can it PLEASE be TRUBISKY TIME ? ? ? ! ! ! ? ? ? #ChicagoBears 3.0 2324 580795578751291392 #adulting is so much better when you are a teacher on spring break . A whole season into Nashville in 24 hours ? Love it ! 3.0 2325 847601513002188800 I'm at #OFLA17 as well ( and planning to attend your session ! ! ! ) 3.2 2326 512750413645225986 This little girl came up to me and said , 'I do n't have any money to give you , but would it be ok for… 2.6 2327 660304135078715392 A personal favorite from my shop 2.0 2328 452537730874871808 First Pro/1/2/3 race and I did n't get dropped , so yay for that . Even won a prime for poops and giggles . 2.4 2329 425409550775107584 That next game lasted forever , and of course I hit a 3 on the first possession after you left . Ended up losing 14-15 . 2.8 2330 912752497101438976 While our president was rage-tweeting about athletes , was already sending help to Puerto Rico . Please… 3.6666666666666665 2331 897613219233247234 A line from Proverbs seems fitting here : 'Truthful lips endure forever , but a lying tongue is but for a moment . '… 3.1666666666666665 2332 900087643681304577 This Is Rigged I Said It Before Him ! 2.1666666666666665 2333 906267939023802368 We Haven’t Seen A Video In Almost A Week 1.6666666666666667 2334 223470115990147073 today I'm performing & I'm really nervous , I will dedicate my performance to you ! Thanks for being awesome : ) 2.6666666666666665 2335 181172271862382592 I just bought #UpAllNight Totally worth the wait : ) #1dupallnighttonumber1 11 3.333333333333333 2336 462848315650895872 Figured I show you my setup . That 's all you need to get started baby 2.6666666666666665 2337 461566824140656640 FriedFrisky is on route and ready to go 2.6666666666666665 2338 180658763886370817 This new train song is legitt . 2.6666666666666665 2339 178969394175684609 I wanna play soccer right noooww . 2.6666666666666665 2340 481661556476755969 Am I the only person who is totally addicted to hay day ? Lol 2.833333333333333 2341 654508215548424192 I'm now an E-List celebrity in Kim Kardashian : Hollywood . You can be famous too by playing on Android ! 3.5 2342 902037732570021888 My weekends and weekdays are filled with homework 😑 2.5 2343 885986714690363392 when do y'all go back to school ? 1.8333333333333333 2344 376902343456862209 #TotalDivas lol @ the random cameo 2.333333333333333 2345 110888517755871232 #RAW i guess pinning alicia fox earns you a number one contenders match 3.333333333333333 2346 455559707441127424 'Can you imagine being Channing Tatum ? I would never leave the mirror . ' - 3.6666666666666665 2347 131150412295307264 Hot pizza guy #mhm 1.6666666666666667 2348 564628756707303425 Holy shit . My right leg is bigger than my left . 2.5 2349 627323592112492544 I save da sexiest pix for 😍😍😍 #kinky 2.5 2350 887114811464704001 hi ! After updating my expired payment method , when do I get my music back ? 3.333333333333333 2351 912128829279289344 is ageless ! Watched ( binged ) and she looks incredible ! 💜 2.6666666666666665 2352 678934432716357632 City Council of Windsor , Ontario , Canada : Freezing Dogs Need Your Help ! By-law needed to define preci . . . via 3.6666666666666665 2353 661228055810203652 2016 Presidential Survey : What do you think about the Democratic candidates ? Take 's survey : 2.833333333333333 2354 411195657970401281 Nothing should hold you back from something you really want . 1.8333333333333333 2355 248160797996503041 I will start , only if you do the same 2.833333333333333 2356 330129206640009216 Spending the rest of my day watching Goosebumps . 3.1666666666666665 2357 471363880086544384 Harry Potter Hogwarts Collection Sweepstakes 3.0 2358 415314813750116352 I got da cutest outfit for Xmas eve party ca n't wait to see da princess 😘 3.5 2359 341890962827644928 I keep having the strangest dreams . . 2.1666666666666665 2360 171567799423078400 'you what' ? ! Is what I think he will 2.0 2361 145439339999019008 I so want to go to one of the Conventions . 2.1666666666666665 2362 926624304954998785 I Love my Friday & Saturday night #LivePD with & It sets my… 2.333333333333333 2363 785920001886814208 HRC Truly antisemitic - 2.333333333333333 2364 933043615894528001 Trying so hard , your Holiness ! 2.5 2365 928088536636706816 You can thank Obama 's policies for the economy - please explain exactly what you 've done to deserv… 3.5 2366 614191835318104064 President of the People 's Republic of China : STOP THE YULIN DOG MEAT EATING FESTIVAL - Sign the Petit . . . via 4.166666666666667 2367 696907492811345922 Do n't let China host the 2019 World Dog Show unless it stops Yulin 's dog-meat festivals ! 3.5 2368 378698456011120640 “ : Talking to your mother has the same effect on stress as getting a hug . Yep . I believe it ! ! 3.1666666666666665 2369 466731935138856961 got it . . . and a growler ! Thanks for the help . Hubby ca n't wait to try Flyin Rye ! 2.6666666666666665 2370 520045787125141504 I'm so confused 2.333333333333333 2371 481616376302288896 & Cassidy gets a house next to us & be our neighbor & yeah c : 2.6666666666666665 2372 928864265364262912 everyone with reputation as your profile pic ? delete your account rjwndjkkxksk 3.6666666666666665 2373 942207515898662912 MISS JORDAN JUST BOUGHT ME A SHOT IM SICK 3.0 2374 671738306648915968 What Can You Learn from David Mamet About Adding Subtext to Your Script ? 3.333333333333333 2375 603748968737198080 Fitting Writing Into Your Life : Becoming a Productive Screenwriter 3.1666666666666665 2376 1499672697 LMAO The stans are going to get you ! ! ! 2.333333333333333 2377 3506950206 Awe ! His [Jeff 's] hoh room is nice . His pictures are awesome ! 2.833333333333333 2378 368637916123111424 Good Morning Angel ! 2.1666666666666665 2379 756283484394708992 Amazing Ty 46 via 2.6666666666666665 2380 516299154868699136 Two great women 's retreat weekends at down . Glory ! And thanks to and Jodi Greenstreet again-love hanging with you all ! 3.8333333333333335 2381 453656152195481600 Free cone day is more popular in the rain than we expected . . . 2.6666666666666665 2382 716803837399580672 I just checked into Muppets from Space #Telfie #VoiceofTV 3.333333333333333 2383 702710149111275520 I am at home using on the Internet YOU provide ! As much as we pay our service should be served on a silver platter ! 3.5 2384 934277199061966849 Covina scores following a muffed kickoff to go up 28-14 w 1 : 11 to go in half . 3.333333333333333 2385 871372693509029894 Congrats Covina-Valley Council PTA for receiving the prestigious 'Renaissance Award . ' First Dist . PTA was impressed w our PTA recommitment . 4.0 2386 909023087336787968 A3 : #satchat We are increasingly recognizing resources among us . A custodian , transportation director , etc . might participate in STEM . 3.6666666666666665 2387 665575447489617920 Shout out to my hero , my daughter who was diagnosed with T1D at 19 months . Please support awareness & research . 4.0 2388 835691244944781313 C'mon ! ! Chicago is n't that good ! 2.6666666666666665 2389 862830980616388608 So . . . , , , , , , , what do we have to do to get a wedgie tshirt ? 2.333333333333333 2390 941049579881091073 hopefully me as soon as thems fightin herds gets released the music is soooooo goooooood 2.333333333333333 2391 938943476728725504 my day sucked so 1.1666666666666667 2392 196925573430382592 Your sensual needs can be the source of sadness now , but it is . . . More for Scorpio 2.333333333333333 2393 225916104218914817 Your intense feelings draw you into uncharted waters today as . . . More for Scorpio 2.333333333333333 2394 677165757386633216 I liked a video from BLASTING THROUGH THE NIGHTS | Boogeyman #2 3.0 2395 704345423566217216 I was so happy that Leo won an Oscar 🙆 3.8333333333333335 2396 25207981206 like the 'Burbs ? Do you keep a horse in your basement ? 2.333333333333333 2397 25559015575 My dream wedding ! ! ! ! 1.8333333333333333 2398 618471816156348416 Shiny Mew phone charm in the works 💕 #pokemon #plush #plushie #kawaii #cute 3.0 2399 647471564649136128 Sailor Scout wand phone charms ? This & others will be $15 plus shipping 💕 if interested in this one… 3.1666666666666665 2400 462100496929406976 American Monkey Hustle #MonkeyFilms 2.1666666666666665 2401 684780914493161472 and they 'll curse you out 1.1666666666666667 2402 80976971936448512 I have to win . I stalked AJ down at the movies last night and he blew me off . To pee . #boybandmeat 2.5 2403 370234696275214336 ' : Keep it real with the people around you no matter how fake they are . ' 100% ! 1.5 2404 505128178633814016 would you hold it against me ? 1.1666666666666667 2405 493212261108838400 Jai Waetford - Get to Know You : vía 2.0 2406 464774830651224064 Influence our products ! Join in ! #oneplace2014 2.2 2407 834499814461149185 definitely ! Going great - hope yours is too ! 1.6 2408 536770240076476416 >the numbers so many GGers have as Twitter names or on profiles ? 2.0 2409 535137516870201344 Gee I feel the same way every time you attack me over shirtgate . . . . of which you may want to actually READ what I said 3.0 2410 106036606628147200 Mock state bored today . Waaaaaaaaaaaah . 1.2 2411 699987553902944256 On the Blog : a little shout-out to Kaley Cuoco in at the #GRAMMYs ❕ #fbloggers #blogger #style 3.6 2412 722236058394501120 A second meeting for interest in girls soccer will be held on Thursday , April 21 at 6 p . m . in the RHS Library . . . . 4.8 2413 585999439304744960 The annual Kelly Russell Classic , honoring an athlete who was fatally injured while wearing a Panther uniform , . . . 4.0 2414 484206592796422144 Thanks to I'm late#DJSabbyPlayMySong ai ai ai ! ! 2.6 2415 485551711504068608 Things that removes pimples need em now ! ! 2.8 2416 809182442443735040 35 weeks 3 days ! #bumpin #babyspresser #gettingcloser 2.0 2417 448534093114781698 Ca n't wait for 5 to be here ! Would like to get out of these heels 👠 2.6 2418 109869107050057728 when you get back . . . . we are bangin in brooklyn 2.6 2419 140663794987835393 i have noooo attention span tonight , i give up 2.2 2420 96235930934976513 psh we 'll have a make up one and you can always come visit our pad : D 2.2 2421 375334938830462976 'Walls of insecurity , shifting eyes and vacancy . . Vanished when I saw your face' #tswift 2.0 2422 651724775967064064 HOCKEY STARTS TODAY 2.4 2423 618236482671620096 Colleen and Joshua 's wedding video was so beautiful 😍 3.6 2424 746368625783648257 I 've been waiting for the announcement ! 2.2 2425 724120046402973696 Life is good . 1.6 2426 885531358776393729 When you see 'Quintana' trending and you assume it 's . . . Oops . #TDF2017 3.0 2427 827364690523205632 People I resent : #lorddampnut , , and everyone . 2.5 2428 447049002878386176 do you know him ? i actually do ha 1.4 2429 606168173847572480 Do n't miss Money in the Bank Sunday , June 14 on , free to new subscribers at ! 3.0 2430 928801440331476993 I 've used it unironic once describing my inherent love of cheese 2.4 2431 899695944601542657 The eclipse was amazing . I'm lucky enough that the path of totality consumes my house . 3.2 2432 11039118901379072 Left the house at 5 am ( bleh ) . Heading to Michigan to watch Kae skate . Out of the snow , roads are much better now . 4.0 2433 370358728005914624 parenting & child development - are you thinking of working with kids ? What r thoughts about college ? 3.0 2434 474055634682273792 Got me a #Cat #homies His name is Dave meowthews 3.2 2435 631255007208189952 yeah he mixed it and thanks brother imma have more coming soon 2.4 2436 3238115888 Crap , pasta sause on the sheets . Messy messy stuff . 3.0 2437 699862524636758017 Four hours ago I was on the highways of Oregon and Washington , a plane ride later I'm on the California highway . This is how the dream ends . 3.8 2438 86945887653343233 I'm at World Music Theatre For Motley Crue And Poison ( Tinley Park ) w/ 5 others 4.0 2439 94884448520253440 They tried to make her go to rehab she said no no no . #amywinehouse 2.6 2440 905881826388045824 MAN OF THE WORLD -NARUTO OST 2.75 2441 873234972257202176 MONDAY NOT MONEY kms 1.6 2442 480033201088262144 Spend time reading the Bible . It may be hard to start , but you 'll be glad you did when you 're done . 2.4 2443 672535076484177920 We were never meant to be first . 1.2 2444 470063030743486464 Honestly though . Look how fucking cute this little shit is . 2.0 2445 466714889038598145 School 's literally going to turn into hell . 2.4 2446 417828289865326592 One of my ferral kitty cams picked up the High Street fire from start . . need to figure how to post ! 3.4 2447 356564519071399938 i am a one weeker non-smoker . . . 2.2 2448 441385952066670592 Win 1 of 5 Ultimate #Titanfall Prize Packs from and - win the game and more ! 3.4 2449 925108985065299968 Yo . . . WE ALREADY NEED A PIN RE-STOCK . IS ONLY BN 18 HRS AND U OUT BOI ! ? 2.4 2450 480560551211196417 mhmmm . . . 👀😡 let me find out you been misbehaving while I'm away 2.4 2451 490527981706960896 ' : When I go to Raleigh on my 'date' in a few hours , yall still gonna be in line . . . ' 👀👀 2.4 2452 577406074430578688 Never realized how much I dislike her voice . Wait . . . Yeah I did . 2.4 2453 472495609560444928 Mah sistuhs b kaute sumtymes & 👭👯🎈 2.5 2454 555343407086723075 Normally , you 're not one to succumb to peer pressure , yet peop . . . More for Aquarius 2.4 2455 88051530284019712 Has decided to watch this low budget Fantasia film on Lifetime . . . . . umm . . . Can I get that hour or so of my life back ? 3.6 2456 713164644068823041 #tbt to last Thursday : #grandparentsday on #stpatricksday @ Morris Catholic High… 2.6 2457 671743311015735298 Another great organization to think about on this #givingTuesday 1.8 2458 690692577629200386 I liked a video IN THIS MOMENT - Whore ( OFFICIAL VIDEO ) 2.8 2459 692467932685844482 tiki man : via 1.6 2460 628966387264946176 I agree but the show should stop setting these kids up for the social media hatred ! #DanceMoms 3.2 2461 237713393593757697 Your interview with Rihanna was the most informative and moving interview I 've seen in a long time . 3.6 2462 801600119657349125 I need a hug . No it wo n't help . What . 1.6 2463 661639973414694912 Just planted some seeds wish them luck 🍀 1.6 2464 689544039021088771 Ramsey Solutions is looking for : EntreLeadership Sales Advisor #job 3.6 2465 554384267913228289 Kind of like when holding was not called or other poor calls that got Dallas this far . 3.0 2466 562811764342263810 “ : #MILF lovers RETWEET this sexy #CougarWives pic ” 2.2 2467 582293659309252608 “ : sexy … . . 4 films visit my blog ” 2.0 2468 71476656665145344 Two thumbs and hungover at work tomorrow this guy . 2.0 2469 38693755817164800 hot lawyer is really hot today . 1.8 2470 644384983830806528 I did n't even take pain killers after getting a tooth pulled , yet this was enough to make me take one . Best part , I have no idea WHY 2.8 2471 428441323071238144 Yeees . Zach and I watched it , and I was tearing up pretty much at all times . 2.8 2472 881569011477118978 Totally saw a Wal-Mart blimp in the sky this morning . . . Like what ? ? ? #ispywalmart 2.6 2473 648288754269069313 fav song of the moment is Blank Page by Christina Aguilera 3.8 2474 590170384101732353 lmao I ca n't even #socollege 1.6 2475 463512147805618178 one of these days I'm gonna gif hank green doing crash course biology because this is gold 2.6 2476 81734771604074496 y so glum chum ? ? 1.8333333333333333 2477 62274476955545600 Another nice day in the sun with mite get a bit of colour this week , red or brown who knows ? lol 3.1666666666666665 2478 851896313662898176 wtf how did i just win district in discus 2.5 2479 816648174379081728 'The Great Divide' #depression #suicide #heaven #loss #love #help #care #concern #wordpress 3.5 2480 504082848740290561 Never can get enough of , LOL ! 😂 Better luck next time ! #Emmys #RickyGervais 2.833333333333333 2481 601809059923234817 Nothing can change your destiny except Prayer to ALLAH . #غردلي 2.833333333333333 2482 586033426605678592 When you don’t know what to do in a situation , just Pray and ALLAH will give the answer . #غردلي #عن 4.333333333333333 2483 557355048704151552 #CelebrityApprentice Kate should 've been gone she has n't done anything since she been there . She on vacay from her kids . 3.1666666666666665 2484 476879182798925825 Jacob a dm would help me a lot rn 😓 2.833333333333333 2485 532326275545714688 sings like an angel like please go on tour . I would literally pay to see you live 😭❤ ️ 2.1666666666666665 2486 575996905097961472 Enjoyed learning these little-known facts about the Coke 5-note melody #CokeMelody 3.333333333333333 2487 796498102131757057 Beware of Trumps Gestapo . Freedom of speech will more than likely be a thing of the past ! #DumpTrump 3.8333333333333335 2488 296818987340267521 I thought you loved everybody ? ❤❤❤ 1.6666666666666667 2489 329748463132766209 School is just not the most important thing . There is so much more to life ☀ 2.0 2490 491587903294681088 at the pool pretending I'm in cancun with Lizzie and MK on either side of me 2.833333333333333 2491 557624520992108547 all I'm thinking is if you want more pay than a man , do something about it ? ? ? 2.6666666666666665 2492 880064826671853569 Finally found the #disney leggings I 've been madly hunting for ! 😍 🦄 2.833333333333333 2493 646686424222187520 Starting #Fall off with strep throat . It can only get better from here , right ? #ItsFallYall 🍁🍃🍂🎃 3.0 2494 605877829708808192 A nice antique pocket watch . . . #ItsALongStory #SaveForever 2.1666666666666665 2495 598246455292338176 And many more ! #SaveForever 1.5 2496 496664231102930945 Yes - hard 2 discuss in Twitter-speak : - ) ! But long-winded me is gonna try in a bit . . . more later ! 1.8333333333333333 2497 931178920489209856 Also wishing I could unsee it 🙄 . . . I should n't be but still kinda stunned at how perverse it is . 2.0 2498 629783211460198401 I really hated Rush when I was a kid and that is proof to why you should never trust a child 3.1666666666666665 2499 578633523583647744 I'M GOING TO LIVE IN A FARM HOUSE IN THE COUNTRY A MONTH EEEEEEEK 2.833333333333333 2500 74343258666438656 yeah that sucks . You could be home playing xbox with Dave : ( 2.5 2501 264170912516038658 yeah there is some serious Day After Tomorrow shit going down . 1.8333333333333333 2502 339811462400839680 definitely pick it up . I'm about a quarter of the way through and I just love it . 1.6666666666666667 2503 540605106560180224 Sometimes Miss Andrea goes a little overboard with her sample crafts . 3.333333333333333 2504 543265885210025984 I forgot to post Lincoln 's first #photoshoot when he was n't even a day old . #impressions 💙 #newborn 4.166666666666667 2505 729081770596024321 I think she might like it . She gave no expression at all . #Madeleine #fisherprice #baby… 3.333333333333333 2506 635665884422365184 how did you get those ? 2.0 2507 653051424318713856 Now double play please #LGM #BeatLA 2.833333333333333 2508 286326898282352640 nothing personal ! Amigos ? #nobrokenhearts 2.0 2509 442138864287641600 Free Will Graham ! #Hannibal 4.2 2510 823613375267610627 Ai n't that the truth ! If you struggle with your brows , do yourself a favor and get… 2.333333333333333 2511 783014722270560256 🔥 Flawsome Face 🔥 Tinted Moisturizer is a 3-in-1 product that evens skin tone , hydrates and… 3.2 2512 253240153752104961 Plus I'm really pissed off that damn giants keep killing my cows . Just like they would grow on trees . 3.0 2513 118756480680869888 : 'I do n't get banks . Why do they attach chains to their pens ? I trust u with my money , u should trust me with ur pens , simple ! ' 2.6666666666666665 2514 186569742881001473 So much new music 1.1666666666666667 2515 306071793716838400 Always feeling like the big lebowski after bowling class 2.833333333333333 2516 708134114579357696 Raising money 4 Multiple Sclerosis Help ! Donate 5 . 00 . say a prayer-share … … … … 3.333333333333333 2517 705263589494497280 Raising money 4 Multiple Sclerosis Prayer ! Donate 5 . 00 . say a prayer-share … … … 3.5 2518 623420135852806144 FlipAround Motorized Television Mount – TV when you want it , art when you don’t via The Red . . . 3.6666666666666665 2519 696646023918125056 Avantree Powerhouse – desktop USB charger for those with far too many gadgets [Review] via The . . . 3.8333333333333335 2520 443072702014689280 Enter the giveaway now to win your very own luxury 'guybrator' ! 2.6666666666666665 2521 574022330818650112 Please tell me I misheard using the #rword in this segment . 2.0 2522 395653540388945920 Was so in the zone at work I panicked for a hot second thinking I needed to fasten my seatbelt . #realworldstruggles 2.5 2523 324600741195026434 Wasps and bees are apparently repelled by red wine . No wonder I 've never been stung by either . . . #wino4life 3.5 2524 639630793053204480 I posted a new photo to Facebook 2.6 2525 639630793053204480 I posted a new photo to Facebook 2.8 2526 458389554027065344 So excited about the new Paisley 's Pick for May ! Available for order May 1st at 3.8 2527 465109709855281153 Need 9 more likes and I 'll do a drawing for a free jar of sprinkles ( your choice ) . 3.8 2528 585260841265598464 they probably still want one . . . 1.8 2529 867146440912535552 put on the clamps 👊🏽 1.8 2530 888544591120670720 Thank you so much 😭😭❤ ️ ❤ ️ ❤ ️ ❤ ️ 2.0 2531 881867333962256384 do n't forget to do your morning exercises 2.6 2532 302928677010812928 I just won 3 Swag Bucks for watching SBTV ! 3.4 2533 302928677010812928 I just won 3 Swag Bucks for watching SBTV ! 3.6 2534 930942221687369728 He borrowed it from Putin ! Right John ? 2.333333333333333 2535 909898989197242368 Serves her right ! 1.1666666666666667 2536 511645672609939456 good morning you should punched joseline in the face to her and stevie got they ass whooped they fake phony and dumb as fuck 2.5 2537 453369259662802945 love you and Drea keep them bitches in line hating ass bitches 2.1666666666666665 2538 451497043681222656 Sokule - Renee Love Made $150 Silver Fox Lead Factory as a NO INVESTMENT Poster 3.0 2539 503456311535624192 Dode Pacarnya NabilahJKT48 ~ #430 2.333333333333333 2540 380041170124304385 I can arrange that 1.1666666666666667 2541 378503251588820992 This kid I expected to be a serial killer lived up to my expectations and brought a samurai sword today . Interesting method 2.1666666666666665 2542 926606995120988160 My co workers do n't know I understand Spanish so I know everything they 're saying . So I know when they spilling the ☕ 2.1666666666666665 2543 861752079114686464 The people from Jehovah 's witness are here and me and Mom left the TV with scary videos playing in the background . I'm crying 😂 2.333333333333333 2544 543245767557668864 Enter to win the #hothead deep conditioning cap #giveaway hosted by ! #healthyhair 2.333333333333333 2545 141624318630166528 It aint looking too good for u . #HermanCain 1.8333333333333333 2546 795563070898589696 Mega Man Network Transmission any% RTA in 1 : 07 : 06 さんから 一位の方じゃないけど物凄い上手い・・ 1.5 2547 343905442931568640 For comedy film ( piece only ) 'sniff , cough cough , sniff , oh my Gosh ! Sniff sniff sniff , do y'all smell that ? . . . 1.6666666666666667 2548 102294883561259008 I liked a video friday freestyle ( battling the GPS ) 2.1666666666666665 2549 690403352656609281 Followers - 5 , Unfollowers - 2 . I did n't know it 'd be this simple . Get your weekly stats via 2.1666666666666665 2550 478939146548154368 i really want to see u guyzz do the dlow shuffle ! ! 3.1666666666666665 2551 863175777621245952 Let 's Fix L . A . - Spay and Neuter Your Dogs & Cats in Los Angeles via 3.333333333333333 2552 352489677187596288 Soooo fucking busy , whyyyy 1.4 2553 314141476181401600 actually theres some in the fridge lol . 2.1666666666666665 2554 889254226290978817 I'm earning #mPLUSRewards in Toot Da Baby for Android . 3.1666666666666665 2555 883844737945534464 I'm earning #mPLUSRewards in Cut Da Deck Android . 3.1666666666666665 2556 244919140161310720 Kyle thinks he 's me #grammarNazi 3.0 2557 536681361072205825 Sometimes you just need to hide in the bathroom for a minute 2.333333333333333 2558 563675822381617153 “ : Super bored” at least you do n't have to go to a 9am 3hr long chemistry lab 3.0 2559 562454196470185985 “ : Bight now In bundon” what does this mean ? ? ? 3.0 2560 585617956434006019 Yeah , the worst is when they crash into your house though . 2.5 2561 691014537324204032 Damn Poppy is awesome . 3.0 2562 519855475522015232 My dog has started responding very positively to the question 'Want some beer ? ' Good girl ! 2.833333333333333 2563 531867987322867712 I think David Bowie is clearly the factor that puts The Prestige just a little higher than the rest . 3.5 2564 769658977093287936 Hey , our pal Vernon is n't expected to make it through the weekend . Hope you can help spread this far : 2.6666666666666665 2565 660632421679783936 The winner of the 'So cute it could be used for stock photos of fake families in picture frames'… 1.6666666666666667 2566 7424453958 & She will be lovedd . ♥ ( : 1.5 2567 807267840680083457 I ca n't stop listening to this . Someone send help . 😍😍😍 1.5 2568 18611209897 If she brings you in her room & you cLose the door , you'LL be right where every guy has gone before . 2.0 2569 3205806248 Ca n't beLieve starbucks does n't open untiL 6 : 30 on Sundays . I need a white mocha ! ! 4.0 2570 129791320620404736 I just want an endless supply of fat juicy pickles #yumyuminmytum 2.333333333333333 2571 242685271538270210 i love you sensual sex god 1.5 2572 833519149712183297 Still getting the hang of this Facebook/Twitter and vice versa interaction . Sorry for the duplicate tweets . Hey , I'm an #oldfart . . . 2.6666666666666665 2573 829469821632802817 Listen to Dark Eyed Woman by Spirit on Napster : 2.6666666666666665 2574 492115609124343809 Girl , your choreography always always touches me clean to my soul ! ! 2.0 2575 668107608658587648 I 've collected 543 gold coins ! #android , #androidgames , #gameinsight 2.1666666666666665 2576 908024387340775427 Cassini Spacecraft Makes Its Final Approach to Saturn via NASA 3.6666666666666665 2577 667780325582495745 I'm at Chipotle Mexican Grill in Chantilly , VA 2.833333333333333 2578 854098921924079616 A damaging blow to what , winning 75 games maybe . 1.6666666666666667 2579 872145076205441024 Group text [SCREAMING EXTERNALLY] 1.1666666666666667 2580 646705374372999168 Totally unashamed of how excited I am to have new info for my HP family tree . It 's my longest-running project . 2.333333333333333 2581 590933979131469824 also an option . 1.1666666666666667 2582 385597548519378944 im tired of crying . . 2.0 2583 481167371949080577 Home from the hospital . Time to sleep 2.2 2584 399220669898301440 Just added hot new product to my boutique Check it out : 3.0 2585 469445724913270785 #Orangeroom with os my favorite part of The Today Show 3.2 2586 856707000566153216 Oh season 5 does n't come out until May 30th ! I can do that lol 3.2 2587 787750298982817792 When your entire timeline is football 2.2 2588 644584202978074624 So Meredith got these really nice books and I wanna buy an H . P . Lovecraft compendium that I 've been looking at for a while . 4.0 2589 684700537896460288 My post on #natter : WHO PUT SPIDERS #ON . MY . DICK 3.2 2590 716814696188252160 Please , Please not daryl . Not my favorite character . #TWDFinale #TWD 2.8 2591 811689295933108224 Please hurry it up , trying to get back to rps 2.0 2592 554375759373299712 Add/drop is closing soon ! That means it 's your last chance to add your IDEAS classes ! #gotideas 2.1666666666666665 2593 555548880251924480 One week left to add our 10 fabulous courses ! ! ! Add/drop ends next Wednesday ! #gotideas 2.333333333333333 2594 927373008091611136 The Three Stooges 076 A Gem Of A Jam 1943 Curly , Larry , Moe 16m37s via NFL End Zone celebrations ? 4.0 2595 901300396416790528 T . G . I . F . What Does It Really Stand For ? via T G I F was a movie near the end of the disco era 3.1666666666666665 2596 424717025068347394 you 're supposed to play the role of 'Microsoft Paperclip' and yell at me when Dave 's next pack wars are for sale . 3.333333333333333 2597 759561295809040384 any dupes , sure . Singles . . . . ahhhh . . . . . . . 1.3333333333333333 2598 668994265645776896 protecting Brady . Whistle blows to keep him from being hit 2.833333333333333 2599 834428648010682370 Aries working as a face ? 2.5 2600 201531465203331073 Do n't condescend me tall Bono . . . #snl hilarious . . . 3.1666666666666665 2601 201531754253795329 Obama came our this week as a Democrat - #snl love it ! 3.5 2602 933189154678235141 But it , you know , won’t , until we get rid of the infernal IDC . #FAKEDEMS #NOIDCNY #IDCRESIST #CUOMOSTOPTHEIDC 2.833333333333333 2603 887008295071961088 Coulter is irredeemable but is right up there for withdrawing support of NYs Shakespeare in the Park . Repent… 3.5 2604 837116293627064320 im so obsessed with beauty and the beast 😍💙👑 3.1666666666666665 2605 854528014670979072 at the end of the day , i was the bigger person 1.8333333333333333 2606 80483329778008064 Dropped a long and thin one tonight . It burned on the way out . Kinda green in color like baby poo . Someone is eating right : B 3.333333333333333 2607 78673833854386176 Hot poo on another hot day . Damn it , just unbearable to sit on a toilet in a hot bathroom . Have to poo with the door open to get a breeze . . 3.8333333333333335 2608 311548857483927552 My brain hurts 1.6666666666666667 2609 304205971855646720 Not really , but optimism is best right ? 1.3333333333333333 2610 667709548174680064 Awesome cover of 'I'm a Slave 4 U' via #Smule : #SingKaraoke 3.0 2611 571519083411316737 I liked a video from Taylor Swift covers Vance Joy 's Riptide lyrics 3.6666666666666665 2612 825776401202704384 worst promoted tweet I 've seen in a while 1.8 2613 849359724759920641 the pic of him on the horse 'suck-it-in' flexing is pretty bad ass 2.4 2614 738401082922000384 link does n't work 1.8 2615 931015162605092864 My ex boyfriends name then covered by some horrible rose ! 2.0 2616 506724837385973760 Might as well stay up til 9 😔 2.2 2617 413886843080671232 The heater in my car , makes me sleepy aff ! 2.6 2618 440557983026515968 #helloamerica the only oscar i care about is a grouch #Oscars2014 3.0 2619 826301369506156544 I could n't agree more ! 1.6 2620 615334824669151232 Lol . Guilty as charged . 1.6 2621 555382838510354433 Good morning all : ) 2.2 2622 792215238028382208 there 's gotta be a cap . You feel the media blowing him nonstop is n't enough evidently , I felt he needed some credit for sure 2.5 2623 805514228987809793 Chiefs defense messing minds up 2.6666666666666665 2624 87780402462334976 Bored as fuck now 1.3333333333333333 2625 121743076925521920 RIP Steve Jobs 3.5 2626 484133865082998784 #PLL would 've been over if it was n't for aria #pooraria 2.833333333333333 2627 509762305325027328 4 people followed me and one person unfollowed me // automatically checked by 1.8 2628 468156827168178176 Ily Ricky Pleasex21 2.6666666666666665 2629 491993706174500865 I wanna run up to you and jump in your arms and for you to pick me up and never let me go . . . 2.0 2630 503954598366040065 on the keys now , things are looking up . Lol jokes nope 1.6666666666666667 2631 600710487563722752 No between & beechwood #walking 2.5 2632 8655187132551170 Also wow , those Japanese fans saying LS should only play that song in Japan have major entitlement issues . D= 4.166666666666667 2633 32941510706069504 Speaking of Katy Perry parodies , check this one out : XD 3.6666666666666665 2634 678236087014334464 I'm earning #mPLUSRewards in What 's The Phrase iOS . 3.1666666666666665 2635 678236087014334464 I'm earning #mPLUSRewards in What 's The Phrase iOS . 3.1666666666666665 2636 542415678045552642 How does technology impact the students and learning ? Not what are you doing with technology , but what impact are you making with the tech . 3.1666666666666665 2637 314737665096441856 About to start '1 iPad , 1 class' already some great resources Excited ! #macul13 3.1666666666666665 2638 324646734179467264 I miss you guys ! 1.6666666666666667 2639 2824091349 Off to the pool . . . again . Wish me luck on tanning ! I'm so white : | 3.0 2640 569359753723437057 My hair is purple and my bangs are back . Feeling so much more like myself now . 3.5 2641 517532245369032704 People contradict themselves so damn much , it 's annoying . 1.8333333333333333 2642 758106330779439104 If Luke is n't the next Bachelor , than I'm boycotting next season . 4.333333333333333 2643 594523565459787776 I have come to the conclusion that only I can do my own makeup because I'm such a perfectionist 😁 3.6666666666666665 2644 688040748500021251 Please keep the dumping coming , I want $360 #bitcoin 3.0 2645 702684312026669056 You 're trading the wrong alts . 1.8333333333333333 2646 656145431362072576 you shouldlook upthe definition of loophole then Cuz there are countless loopholes not just with guns 2.833333333333333 2647 656186759357665280 the point is that mentally ill ( most ) will avoid the processif it 's too hard 2.333333333333333 2648 214561256919662592 Man i miss my friends from my hospitality classes 3.0 2649 237345354826256385 Its my last day of summer break nooooo 2.833333333333333 2650 545586285327699968 Onsale for Anniversary parties feels like Black Friday at Wal Mart . Gotta get the door busters first ! 3.5 2651 423553455731376128 Just bought a ticket to see the band Perfect Pussy in March . Do n't search for the name on Twitter . Seriously . 4.5 2652 940440966082777088 AMAZING duet on #chloenoahduet 2.4 2653 169235076708696064 stop being such a twitterholic during class ! 2.2 2654 520657357374623744 They need holiday cheer when in hospital , away from family , recovering from wounds received defending our freedoms ! 2.8 2655 481189919201562624 is now reporting the Aleutian Islands earthquake as 8 . 0 3.8 2656 548691843958206464 oh shoot , I spelt omgggg wrong 2.6 2657 495350243610087424 HOW DID YOU GET THAT ! ? ! 2.0 2658 682942929493725186 A new #FluffyKitten series : trying out new lifestyles . Here is #FluffyKittenMilo trying out life… 3.2 2659 940286751695953920 Well , this is a vaguely disturbing number of Twitter followers for your friendly , neighbourhood #Shakespeare . 3.0 2660 13663035291 Church this morning at Grace , lunch to follow , Happy Mother 's day to all ! I am personally thankful today that I still have my Mom in my life . 3.4 2661 15932588156 Just got Third Day tickets for October @ Verizon in Alpharetta ! 3.8 2662 497799392779595776 My Bella bad ! 2.0 2663 900575007264342016 This is how they roll ! 1.6666666666666667 2664 236873565675347969 Grow up and do something with your life . 1.6666666666666667 2665 175993393745362947 i'm trying to get my chance with NIKE ! can you retweet me please ! 3.0 2666 3239994964 Cormac McCarthy is too good for quotation marks . no really . he is . 3.333333333333333 2667 125364644377399299 Holy shit guys . 1.0 2668 704835077516234753 you lucky im eating and these hispanics will slap the shit out of me if they see me on my phone 2.6666666666666665 2669 822856855764475904 bruh was sleepy as hell 2.1666666666666665 2670 671722139725074433 For carrying life 's little things ( and larger ones too ! ) 1.8333333333333333 2671 466240048128466944 In all things , great and small , I rejoice in You , gracious Lord of all ! Through the indwelling presence and inspiring power of Christ . 3.8333333333333335 2672 929064935610601473 Wow ! I just entered for a chance to win 'CLOFY 6-Setting Shower Head with High Pressure , Wat . . . ' by CLOFY . #giveaway 4.0 2673 620672747128135680 My answer will be the best because I never give up #PlaytexSportSquad #ad 3.0 2674 917985605518286854 It’s fine though . GOD has a time and place for everyone . He’ll get his and when he does , I’ll be counting my Blessings . 🙏🏽 3.1666666666666665 2675 410617610628128769 Emely-Wow I can touch my eyeball . Me-*Stares in Amazement* Oh my gosh seriously ? ! ' Emely-*Pokes Eye by Accident* Oww No I Ca n't Me- : '-D 3.5 2676 422863621002383360 I thought I was gonna study today ? ? ? 2.1666666666666665 2677 780104681976717312 so hype for homecoming week 2.1666666666666665 2678 121750011703865345 RIP Steve Jobs . I was n't a fan of Apple products but I 'd be a fool to not recognize the influence you had and the things you did . Thank you . 4.166666666666667 2679 99649049258504192 Lilith and Shiva - On the Streets Together -1c 2.6666666666666665 2680 176108774132682752 is it true that you should n't mess with Texas ? 2.1666666666666665 2681 245724191251382273 thanks so much man ! out of town and realized my laptop didnt have them , was panicked ! 2.5 2682 443414989882155008 only 5 hours left . 🙏 1.2 2683 469329176022220800 wow , spurs are killin okc . . . : ( 2.6 2684 771040931252273152 Wine 4 Life Contest 2.6 2685 699451339299033088 I liked a video from Ukrainian far right fighters hold Nazi inspired torch march in 3.4 2686 637084348303441920 My handsome 2 yr old trevor #ProudMommy 2.8 2687 576150544793780224 Normally i wouldnt ask but my sisters absolutely love you and i want to get them the best present… 3.2 2688 793740432840634372 Haiti Needs Electricity . Hillary Gives Them a Sweatshop . - Breitbart 3.8 2689 907484091175620608 John McCain : ‘Unconscionable’ to send Dreamers back 3.0 2690 240492668088635392 I dont know how well I'm gonna fit in here 2.2 2691 201118181555843072 Just had the most crazy experience of my life . . . 2.4 2692 446665979888951296 Only for NY residents ? Not fair ! 2.6666666666666665 2693 444469000571850752 . Happy birthday Q ! Pisces men are the best ! Hope you have a great day ! 3.6666666666666665 2694 560255654707728384 I mostly reply and retweet 2.0 2695 550028538384891905 Obviously I found this on Instagram . 1.6666666666666667 2696 459263131751940096 Bby girl remember what you told me he ai n't worth it . I love you keep your chin up ! Text me if you need to . 3.0 2697 438888816716181505 These girls would like #EricSogard to be the #FaceofMLB #NERDPOWER #oaklandatheletics #truefans #asgirl 3.333333333333333 2698 486237911394697216 Also , happy bday to cause he 's a cool dude and he 's a great example of how turning 20 does n't mean you have to act like an adult 3.333333333333333 2699 454747014496935937 Things I should be doing : taking a shower , going outside to enjoy the warmth . What I'm actually doing : hiding from a migraine #fml 3.0 2700 888107787443556352 Nakedness w/out substance , empathy without understanding , primordial pudding of the frontal lobe , heated & treated by cherub flavored assassins 3.25 2701 574402575312756736 it has super frustration moments , but #AlienIsolation has some of the craziest tension ever put in a game . every moment is frightening 3.333333333333333 2702 339481346357473281 GOB Bluth best expresses my feelings about my recent dept switch at work . . . . 'I 've made a huge mistake' 2.6666666666666665 2703 388083906127212544 Jackson Party of Five #TVBands 3.0 2704 486868377776824320 Thanks & for your leadership in supporting and vaccines ! Join us at the #GlobalCitizenFestival ! 3.333333333333333 2705 94846711750602752 “ : Somewhere we turn ourselves into victims instead of being the powerful women we really are meant to be . - Judith Light RIP AW 2.6666666666666665 2706 874792094153547776 Hands down yes 1.5 2707 237586804377780225 so did I : ( let 's relive it next summer #Saddleback #interns #missya ! 2.0 2708 530046353385066496 Tough call but I 've never been to London ! See you soon ! 2.833333333333333 2709 690358156766109696 Who does n't love a good case study ? Here 's 5 on brands #winning on #SocialMedia : 2.833333333333333 2710 525139401114808321 Special message from Talking Santa ! Get his app at 2.833333333333333 2711 483097800444370944 what a sick person what did his roommate do to deserve gating shot I hope he gats the electric chair for this 2.833333333333333 2712 713239393390227456 We should make it mandatory for our presidential candidates to spend 48 hours on the ISS to induce an overview effect b4 election 3.8333333333333335 2713 753201943024140288 for president 2024 1.6666666666666667 2714 380670403464527872 i am good . : - ) had a zombie dream . . now i feel like I was up all night lol 2.1666666666666665 2715 379692392036974592 I'm listening to This Woman 's Work ( Live ) by Maxwell on Pandora #pandora 3.333333333333333 2716 590031004628299776 Purple and green 2.1666666666666665 2717 649644423802806272 Slept at my feet last night because he 's my pain kitty . Usually he gets up when I do if he does that , … 2.0 2718 743297523628965889 I agree these are not cutting it 🐶🐕🐩 #needagoldenpupemoji 2.8 2719 305182555391549440 just loling at 's life lately 😂 2.6 2720 878415639056089088 FedEx got some fine @#$ drivers . Every man I just saw was handsome . I may have to hang out at this warehouse more often #FedEx 3.4 2721 381935343349424129 Still on a high from church this morning ! One of the best , realist , funniest services I have ever witnessed ! #crossroads 2.6 2722 515199340382781442 what are pants 2.4 2723 661719912554057732 on my way boo 2.0 2724 633741524702916610 I’d dip into guacamole over salsa any day . Are you team guac or team salsa ? #TeamGuac 3.2 2725 639580308656930816 How much you know about soda on the silver screen ? See if you can get this trivia right : #SilverScreenTrivia 3.6 2726 2936233068 'The soul that can speak through the eyes can also kiss with a gaze . ' Gustavo Adolfo Becquer 3.6 2727 2560924257 sent email to Unity churches announcing Unity Magazine is excerpting Writing Down Your Soul this month . I love my publisher 3.8 2728 382932680838373376 Class reunion at the beer tent , what happens when their is no beer tent ? #epicfail #thsclassof93 3.1666666666666665 2729 868443340026634240 🚆 Heading to the Windy City ! #MemorialDayWeekend #chicago #family 2.6666666666666665 2730 645478305550864384 Fabulous ! ! ! What a fantastic talent ! ! ! 1.0 2731 644515679308087296 Good point . But when even a person like me , who does n't write , knows it 's wrong . Common sense comes in somewhere . 1.6666666666666667 2732 323123633402806273 All except For a spectator mode and a LAN with at least a 20k prize pool . 2.5 2733 314891428981506048 Love how Halo 4 had a spectator mode and in game visible ranks . Wait fuck . Atleast the bandwidth was managed . 3.1666666666666665 2734 847749358900527104 I entered a giveaway for a chance to win 'The Soul Guide ( The Soul Guide Seri . . . ' by Kelly Stock ( Author ) . #giveaway 3.333333333333333 2735 819826569837498368 I have entered to win one of five copies of 'Supernatural - Volume 1' on Amazon 's giveaway #Ad 3.333333333333333 2736 788931059417133056 I told NBC4 who I thought was winning the debate . Cast your vote now #ivoted #NBC4You #ipickedClinton 2.833333333333333 2737 754102520579063808 The Suffragist and Equal Rights 2.1666666666666665 2738 21756967173226496 We love you to Chris 'Forever' ! 2.2 2739 683049073306419200 She was an awesome singer ! So sad to see her go so soon ! 2.0 2740 765246287931473921 The Empire Strikes Back Raiders of the Lost Ark Kill Bill , Vol . 1 Mean Girls Batman : Mask of the Phantasm Citizen Kane Gone Girl #fav7films 3.4 2741 303077762950918144 Review Roundup : 'Zero Dark Thirty , ' 'Gangster Squad , ' 'Rust and Bone' 3.2 2742 28411224540 Just a drop is needed for maximum results -Overnight-Repair-Nightly-Restoring-Moisturizer-review-ceff11 2.8 2743 613622613592555520 Look at me go - I earned the First Tweet Achievement on ! 2.6 2744 219778961868193792 Alleged arson at the Independence high school theatre . Some damage to the exterior . Go SJPD , GO ! Hoping for more info soon . 3.8 2745 242664012381306881 A look into Hillbarn 's RAGTIME is up ! lots of HS kids getting great experience at the professional level . Take a look ! highschooltheatre . . . 3.6 2746 680051308716404736 HAPPY MERRY CHRISTMAS ☆♡☆♡☆ 2.0 2747 534747629469458432 Good Night ★ & Good Morning 美味しいもの食べて〜 1.0 2748 890393330860687360 I did n't actually get to ride the trolley , but I waited in a long… 2.833333333333333 2749 887106268938240000 Watch them all ! 1.0 2750 433924233237110785 Gartner : Smartphone Sales Finally Beat Out Dumb Phone Sales Globally In 2013 , With 968M Units Sold 4.166666666666667 2751 573492078325313537 I'm kicking off #SXSW at the with and this March . Please join me and retweet ! #atxcrawl15 3.6666666666666665 2752 650758875835170817 I hate when I wake up from a nap and my entire family is gone ? ? ? 2.5 2753 624747338775531521 All my friends are busy till Sunday 😩 2.5 2754 545280697670594562 Well William . . . join me on Twitter to expose #VA #veteranabuse & #HUD #housingfraud by #retweeting 4 all #veterans ! 3.1666666666666665 2755 544551809616859136 Yes Linda , this should n't be happening but the #VA #veteranabuse & #HUD #housingfraud is a #cashcow for #HUDVASHemployees ! 3.6666666666666665 2756 539616367498899456 #GivingTuesday is tomorrow ! Give so that children can hear . Give to make a difference . #HearandTalk 3.5 2757 500505809407594498 Thanks for the twitter love ! #cheersforears #CIs 1.8333333333333333 2758 33225283859382272 #desperatelove Mark Knopfler - Storybook Love ( Princess Bride ) 'Inconceivable ! ' ♫ ~11fgxc 3.0 2759 1509437370 Had a great weekend . Now it 's time to get back into the thick of things . Focus on most important task , get it done and then move on 2 next . . 2.333333333333333 2760 1388099727 Blond is alright . . . . you can pull it off effortlessly ! 1.6666666666666667 2761 576258065307078656 Omg you know my phobia . I am scarred for life ! ! 1.8333333333333333 2762 194837561292763136 Wow ! Those are some great shows ! How much are season passes ? 2.0 2763 124483448760045570 After breakfast on Sunday you can come over and watch the Packers game with me if you 'd like . : ) 3.8333333333333335 2764 2079698155 Y ! : Cant get the lawnmower started and its making me mad . . . . 2.333333333333333 2765 1652335626 Y ! : Our internet is soo slow at work today ! 2.1666666666666665 2766 96766195373580289 Goodbye North Carolina . See you in 2 hours Chicago . 2.833333333333333 2767 17349151218 First person at the Phoenix Warped Tour to come to the Big Damn Band tent & high fives me gets a prize ! 3.8333333333333335 2768 5988112536 not good . . . . not good attalllllll 1.0 2769 6702984506 could you please send a paper airplane to get me , and drop me off on one of those paper sail boats so i can get up outta here 2.0 2770 611520865029652480 Now a days you could be everything someone 's always wanted and still get hurt . . . 1.6666666666666667 2771 736382931833262080 Anyone else feel bad when they confuse females for men in drive thrus ? 2.0 2772 866833661924175872 Mike Tomlin does n't know what he 's doing with the zone coverage defen… 3.333333333333333 2773 870098290641170432 Penguins power play . . . 2.333333333333333 2774 717908343193374721 Totally taking advantage of the ghost light ! ! Come check out footnotes over the following four… 2.0 2775 710139883013038082 Does Shakespeare deliver to San Antonio ? Because I'm down ! 3.0 2776 489189573038071808 ' : * Has left the Castle and now is on the dark side like Grandpa*' WHAT ? ! 2.0 2777 487480185034268672 *He landed on the floor roughly , , he bumps into Razoul ['We just keep running into each other , do n't we Street Rat ? '] 3.1666666666666665 2778 717529500708253697 Does that mean a return of our favorite left handed shortstop ? 2.333333333333333 2779 498891771682627584 Sources close to the team blame for the change in lineup and fielding positions . 2.1666666666666665 2780 778806986200580096 i cant wait to find someone that 'll have me as their first choice 2.0 2781 655217257878913024 good day today 🇺🇸 💙 1.8333333333333333 2782 547802002089328640 It happens every year , but at least I can say . I fucking hate Christmas more than any other day . 2.833333333333333 2783 557916775757914113 why is there no set date for wave 3 amiibos in the states , but everywhere else on the planet has release dates . Any news ? 3.0 2784 904720281863782400 When your favored by 45 points , it 's much deeper than that . It 's all tha… 2.1666666666666665 2785 854882854043398144 Frank , heard your call to felger , your so correct on some toughness , they have none , none at all . They get laughed at now . 2.6666666666666665 2786 798524942492938240 Free Village Missions 2017 Calendar 3.1666666666666665 2787 770636804634644480 Free Pair of Ski Socks - Sampables 2.5 2788 589032916539351041 Stop the Namibian #sealhunt ! Sign the petition & tell Minister Bernard Esau to end the brutality ! 4.0 2789 659734549526654976 Wow , I love ! I just won this for free , Baker 's Dozen of Memo/Note Sheets 3.5 2790 558811860216991744 Check out 's Tweet : It is totally true . 2.833333333333333 2791 142325688458940416 Is Your Character Ready For Power ? +-+ 1.8333333333333333 2792 929477665404354561 Congratulations on beating an awful KC team . 2.333333333333333 2793 929886924877324288 Yeah , mostly from Troy Aikman and Joe Buck , two kn… 3.1666666666666665 2794 303956285693505536 let me check my playlist 1.5 2795 380363675640426496 #5yearsofDeanandCas Dean : Who are you ? Castiel : I'm the one who gripped you tight and raised you from Perdition . 3.5 2796 319055107125825536 On the road to #GoTExhibit with : ) #GoTSigil #Gotstatues #GoTxbox #GameofThrones 3.6666666666666665 2797 231079124100329473 I hope you sent her our love : ) 1.8333333333333333 2798 471185441870598144 Eurosport : Milan to sack Seedorf , hire Inzaghi as coach - reports - 2.5 2799 469951990442000386 PSG have basically just paid 50 mill for a bad copy of Sideshow Bob . Ouch . #PSG 3.333333333333333 2800 877017543931711489 I hope I do n't need approval on an outfit for ten weeks . My fashion consultant will be unavailable ! Love you #armystrong 2.0 2801 871417423999623168 On our 11 year anniversary we bet on #NASCAR in #LAUGHLIN #11 #20 #21 #88 #10 1.1666666666666667 2802 404013664191012864 I'm so excited to be living in the deeg with all my sistas next year ! ! ! 😊😍 2.5 2803 463378286702120960 why did n't we follow eachother 😳😳 1.6666666666666667 2804 569594095905210369 Wow ! I just won this for free , BRAND NEW - ORANGE PLASTIC - BOOMER RANG . #listia 3.6666666666666665 2805 707024088808738816 Ready to be pampered by the #GlamVoxBox thanks to #ChooseToSmooth #SoCutex #NYMCleanFreak #Qtips #SheaMoistureGot my #Voxbox ! ! ! 3.5 2806 669673325581328384 I think everyone is feeling attacked rn wtf Brendon come on man 3.1666666666666665 2807 670784815856152576 to-morrow we will run faster , stretch out our arms farther . . . . And one fine morning - 2.333333333333333 2808 633814212108652544 It 's been an amazing one and a half years with the girl I love , and I ca n't wait for what 's to come ❤ ️ 3.0 2809 856726903083761665 Coach Frank Yallop steps down today and Klinsmann was at the office 6 days ago ? ? #JürgenIn 4.166666666666667 2810 261109493201522688 the pleasure just intensifies #bettertoys 2.0 2811 261244337386553344 I found some oil baby . Let me rub it into your behind . 2.6666666666666665 2812 547045101588217856 Something 's I 'll never know and I had to let them go . I'm sitting all alone feeling empty . 2.6666666666666665 2813 558726619914047488 I have n't had bubble tea in so long 2.333333333333333 2814 580106301037944833 missta bean made his way ( Mr . Bean Made His Way ) Hehe 2.2 2815 580103581539266560 Love the video also subsribed to you <3 1.6 2816 776447728695988224 It’s peak flu season : Help protect you and your family by getting vaccinated - 3.0 2817 580203466871545856 Monday , March , 23 , 2015 . 10 : 39 PM I thought faboloso was use to mop the floor . what an ass ! Now the bathtub smells like faboloso . Idiot ! 2.0 2818 400955334946467840 Ca n't wait for two days from now when I'm hoooooooooome ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Starting the voyage in 30 minutes . Peace out , Africa . 2.6 2819 401753132713385984 it 's an actual show on Discovery Channel or something , I guess it 's based on his podcasts , but it 's hilarious 2.8 2820 938993098733924352 You were awesome in tonight 's episode of 'Supernatural' ! 😃👍 Welcome to the #SPNFamily ! 💜💙 2.6 2821 591335446224838656 #tbt to the Disney trip because I loved it ! : D <3 thanks for helping Disney Chorus people do great ! : ) <3 2.8 2822 458136406439645184 Goal : to be as cute as Elisabeth Moss ☺ ️ 😍 3.0 2823 282743193995452416 Drinking gold by the karat 1.6 2824 192455374824153088 “ : All those years i watched Arthur , I never knew what animal he was . . ” Ummm , what animal was he ? ! I still do n't know . 2.5 2825 929158564194680832 What breed is K9 Flex ? I’ve never seen his breed/color combination before . #LivePD 3.0 2826 608013632778158080 The Deadly Combination of Heat and Humidity 1.6666666666666667 2827 193054782234177536 Why 40 hrs a week on minimum wage just does n't cut it ( 96 hrs per week to pay for a 2BR apt in RI . ) 2.833333333333333 2828 451919748532809728 YES ! So glad to see you back on tv , Josh ! DT was one of the only shows I watched , and I 've missed your face ! 3.333333333333333 2829 420433186695282688 The fact that you were pulling for Auburn makes me happy . 2.5 2830 346108578916089856 Trying to figure this Twitter thing out #twittervirgin 2.4 2831 356228573469736960 Playing with my new phone at Kellies #goofy #bestfriend 3.4 2832 922688080460558336 First I got the album , then I got a promise ring , then I got to watch the love of my life order ( and eat ) 3 milksha… 3.4 2833 718690224180707328 Ten months ago he told me to be his girlfriend . I remember wondering if he was ever going to ask me haha and when he did I got so flustered 3.6 2834 869975787352477696 unboxing Twice Signal Ver B 1.75 2835 893981599800279040 have you thought about contacting them and letting them know ? perhaps you 'd get a small refund ? just curious 3.2 2836 377193078412824577 Checked in @ Marlins Park for the Braves vs . Marlins game w/ #braves #marlins 4.4 2837 520319244207411201 so proud to finally offer #SoFla some #SingleWide 2.8 2838 608733568563462144 Forever Supporting Sasha Pieterse 💛 3.2 2839 580504767090282496 Emison Always And Forever ❤ ️ 1.4 2840 672905944821465088 Which QB would you rather have 2.1666666666666665 2841 675816212417413120 Id never let my girl go jogging , because shes gonna think she runs shit . 😭💯 3.0 2842 368617107635703809 Just watched '42' and it was pretty good . It 's hard to believe how far people went to spread hate . . . glad I was raised to know better ! 3.5 2843 127123312714317824 Clean house - check . . . . shower - check . . . . Food in house - ummmmm #epicfail 2.6666666666666665 2844 790975689847664640 'got KD tho . . . ' key club loves ! #DubNation 2.1666666666666665 2845 896409405029330944 Nothing to say ? Your silence is deafening . #Charlottesville 2.1666666666666665 2846 900788769414156288 OMG girl it 's ya birthday I just wanna say I love you very much and to have a good day also I hate… 2.6666666666666665 2847 867474532604538882 Day 24 : Any song by Backstreet Boys or destiny 's Child ( TBH ) 3.8333333333333335 2848 930507989643034624 Just wondering what I did to deserve this 1.5 2849 927878198783815680 Something would have a meeting about as soon as he walked into the office 2.833333333333333 2850 505657440772562944 When the dogs dick tastes better than your hubby 's breath you might have made a mistake . You meaning me 3.5 2851 512510490485211136 I do n't know how much longer my brain can fight off the stupid 2.0 2852 662448532670906368 I really love #GreysAnatomy 's music this year #sorrynotsorry 3.1666666666666665 2853 932099307888611330 Kids roughhousing . . . Addie bites her lip . . . well babe at least you didn’t lose a tooth ! But you get money if you lose a tooth . . . lmao 4.0 2854 152875049798475776 Brushfire burning in Carson City with high winds . 7 acres so far . Near homes at Sedge and Deer Run Road . 4.5 2855 134640070400548865 Lord , I know many people have urgent requests for you today . But , if you have time , we could use a little help over here today , too . 2.5 2856 841785737141968900 BREAKING : Congress Seeks Investigation Into Obama Admin Meddling in Foreign . . . by #Holmesdonna1 via 4.166666666666667 2857 626020577111732226 How to get away with murder ? Simple . Do it in Panola Co . MS . Justice is literally blind . #justiceforjessica 3.6666666666666665 2858 784642453907177472 i love your jokes but love when you tweet serious stuff too 😎 2.333333333333333 2859 933581873787400192 shout out to my arms in the first picture ayoooooo 2.0 2860 874088291947163649 Yeah if altidore does n't keep getting in the way of his through balls 1.6666666666666667 2861 761202057399468037 This sums up the fan feed . Only 2 types of people typically on there ffs 1.3333333333333333 2862 937112296278708224 I saw it too 😔 it needed a trigger warning but I called the guys school and their mailbox is full , so th… 1.8333333333333333 2863 821421987146989568 If the bees die , we die . So have fun with that 2.5 2864 757985708086665217 Well , so much for the American Indian vote . . . 2.333333333333333 2865 1675528189 8 years ago . . . everything changed forever . ♫ ~5e32t 1.1666666666666667 2866 781985396871737344 it 's young phil this video game out when phil was a teen he finally started his music career 2.0 2867 608980371636539393 SUMMER ! ! ! . . . is like a sugar rush and then when you go back to school you get a sugar crash and your life turns into a potato . Happy Summer ! ! 2.1666666666666665 2868 212380652362932224 is my new fav ! #PONTOON 1.5 2869 154264015902740480 Love hims with all my heart : ) 1.3333333333333333 2870 122323168621899776 is your conference at CU-Boulder ? 3.5 2871 113078328755359744 book was great but 700 pages . Second book is over 1000 . Taking a break before that and going to read the espn book . 3.0 2872 721591559582396417 Thank you for following me ! 2.0 2873 881218964449370113 I entered a giveaway for a chance to win 'Zglon Super Bright LED Tactical Flashlight , Portab . . . ' by Zglon . #giveaway 4.333333333333333 2874 214465969299525634 That was a nice nap #SoHappyToBeHome #TooManyMusquitos 2.1666666666666665 2875 178987551565156352 Lose 20 lbs . of Fat in 30 Days 3.0 2876 2387230300 Not a whole lot . Doing some school work before I get in the shower and get ready for work . . . You ? ? 3.333333333333333 2877 131942172202246144 lol . . . . im sorry baby . . . i love you tho 3.0 2878 900213588807344128 Can I just start a new hashtag ? Something along the lines of #fuckujillstein… 3.5 2879 802384806667579392 Anyone who s#its on a 24k gold toilet cares only 4 himself and NO ONE ELSE ! He could n't even get a loan or a job ! … 3.1666666666666665 2880 727726077880225792 I liked a video My Love/Hotline Bling - Majid Jordan & Drake Mashup ( Acoustic Cover ) | Gardiner 4.142857142857143 2881 525347487507566592 I do n't think I'm going that , but I might . Haha . I 'll have to see . 2.0 2882 771249925514403840 I Like Dat Doe 😁💯😏 1.8571428571428568 2883 748497260430909441 I Been Dealin Wit Alotta Hoes Lately 😂😒 2.2857142857142856 2884 146415808497729536 Hurt at Fitz ? Thursday ? Is that for realz ? They put on such an amazing show ! 3.0 2885 144643395061690369 ' : There 's no such thing as Santa Claus or functioning AT&T cellphone service . ' <--- . Your girl knows what 's up ! 3.4285714285714284 2886 663540280918999041 What do you think Rick will do when he discovers Morgan 's wolf ? 3.4285714285714284 2887 665709910907318272 I just finished shade of vampire 1 and I'm hooked . Thanks for the recommendation on fb . 4.0 2888 621669672669196288 Damn I fucked up 1.5714285714285714 2889 526221503537225728 Got a strange atraction to spoiled females 1.8333333333333333 2890 594288207417618432 ¿QUIEN ES TU NOVIO ? ! ! ! ! ! ! 4.0 2891 779876361598935040 And the lie detector determined that that is a lie 2.0 2892 642955822247469056 xray : 111 lbs 2nd : 119 3rd : 135 4th : 102 2.75 2893 599768551495335936 Definitely not my best picture but oh whale . . Rose petals . 2.6 2894 552248431352492033 Can it be Friday already so I can skip over the part where I have a mental breakdown in school Thursday when all I can think about is my mom 2.8 2895 499003465046446080 I live every week like its #SharkWeek therefore I win at life . #sorrynotsorry 🌊🌍🐠🐟🐬🐳🏄🎣🏊🌅⚓ ️ 2.8 2896 637683815893323776 Send Brendan out on loan ! Plz Klöp , save us . #rogersout 3.0 2897 357342268971163652 I always knew Jack Handey was awesome . Now I find out he 's real and has a new novel . World keeps getting better . 3.2 2898 194889948879527937 so thisis how I 've resorted to studying for my macronutrients final . . . #nerdmode 2.0 2899 190647296101326848 She 's the man , high school musical , queso , cookies , java ice cream & margaritas with and #pigmode #oneofthosedays 2.6 2900 799858056695681024 our moms have the same birthdays 😛 2.4 2901 488126647632031744 6 hrs of paintball later . I'm dead 💀 2.6 2902 643604174018449408 I am from Venezuela , if somebody from Ghana or Nigeria write you about one business just write me , it is a fraud . 4.4 2903 640539120322785280 Enjoy some rock classics with a hearty slab of our Coca-Cola Meatloaf : #meatloafvote 3.8 2904 757920893611958272 Check out this week 's exclusive deleted scene from #TheBachelorette ! Presented by . 2.0 2905 305147845835636736 Did you ever wonder what 's the worst breakup text ever typed ? Check out these to see the top 15 ! - sp 1.4 2906 859207514142978051 2 EASY WAYS TO MAKE MONEY ONLINE : via 2.8 2907 676517612218540032 If “12 Days Of Christmas” were written in 2015 featuring via 3.0 2908 814946148729364480 Lady Bulldogs fall to North County , 51-41 . 3.8 2909 549677178787348480 Getting ready for opening round action vs . Waynesville at Rolla 3.0 2910 719894493374373891 Our unit is not normal . Each of you has a particular trait that makes you necessary to the team . #PNR 2.8 2911 722779767620116480 Excited butterflies took flight in her chest , dipping & diving at the look of pure possession in his eyes . 2.6 2912 506238845902663680 or maybe it 's a dog 2.2 2913 507741544745816064 I got my FAFSA completed I'm so happy and proud of myself ! ☺ ️ 2.8 2914 783350498401193986 did n't say 'should' said 'can' . I'm not ordering anyone what to wear 2.8 2915 669884533962113024 Ya can you confirm this ? 2.4 2916 512342501601345536 Any super mega awesome fun time games you plan on playing for the live stream next week ? 2.6 2917 527135509219667969 Does a shiny ditto turn into a shiny version of the Pokemon it transforms into ? #pokemon 3.4 2918 708670104343425028 I totally did n't #beachwrite Robot Awareness , but I did #Japanwrite some of it . 3.333333333333333 2919 719143619752398848 That 's why I like staying inside my new house as much as possible lol 2.6666666666666665 2920 237501836637110272 so cute ! our new coffee table ? ! 2.0 2921 157697251135860736 i rented do n't be afraid of the dark . . you have to watch it with me ! 3.1666666666666665 2922 853828254658174980 Just posted a photo 1.3333333333333333 2923 853828254658174980 Just posted a photo 1.5 2924 920656791213694976 Sitting in this Philosophy lecture doing Buzzfeed quizzes lmfao 2.5 2925 941795659585413122 The fact that I even have to pay for healthcare is ridiculous . 2.333333333333333 2926 84994104534106112 cool picture all you need are some wolves and you have yourself a sweet Ass shirt . 3.1666666666666665 2927 1497384051 Happy b day esse 2.5 2928 798687745036222464 #TeenWolfSeason6 I'm literally gonna shit myself omfg omfg omg g ggsmamsbabhq 3.0 2929 801252623638810625 #TeenWolf YESSS THEY GETTING CLOSER SCOTT GO GET HIM IM LIVING 3.6666666666666665 2930 166534244078850048 I'm at Family Behavioral Resources ( 1301 Riverside drive , Bridgewater ) 4.0 2931 841484304534319104 Yup . . That 's about right . . . lolllll ❄🌞🌡 #winter2017 #snow #sun… 1.5 2932 725637780798332928 cause u were throwing mad of it 2.1666666666666665 2933 698341855096934401 he need milk ! get that boy some milk ! ! ! ! 😂😂😭😭😭 2.0 2934 520075165263069184 and sober carissa lol ; ) jk jk 2.833333333333333 2935 559758442806521857 I hate when I had the right answer and then I changed it last minuet ! ! ! ! 2.333333333333333 2936 936682932344971264 Speedway family’s amazing Christmas lights display attracts hundreds of visitors each year via 3.6666666666666665 2937 515293497306251264 Riley Days Festival - 2014 via 3.333333333333333 2938 425459608061501440 Not surprised . The mention of inclement weather shuts everything down here . LOL . 2.5714285714285716 2939 824461984192143360 Michael Bivins was smart . He was checking people left and right . #NewEditionBET 2.8571428571428568 2940 4028234378 I want the Raytheon Killer Bee UAV in #mafiawars . 3.4285714285714284 2941 13224733303 Here we go folks . . . Mayweather in 6 KO 2.8571428571428568 2942 888790653827764225 Yes this is my cow . One of the ones I bought from New Mexico in May . She saw these locks for the first time a few days ago . 3.7142857142857135 2943 878801521445490688 There were also two other new baby cows born while I was gone , but a cow also died . I am really sad about her . 3.1428571428571432 2944 481686606748061696 Pluviophile : A lover of rain; someone who finds joy and peace of mind during rainy days . #words 3.571428571428572 2945 708694665185398784 Thanks for following me ! : ) 2.0 2946 537095226939416576 can i just say how much i love that paris and rory are friends now 2.8571428571428568 2947 555181089351016450 Ali is innocent , Mona planned 2 fake her death & frame Ali but A came in and actually killed her , taking out 2 birds with 1 stone #PLLTheory 4.142857142857143 2948 799469487322001408 love sleeping in just big tees 1.6666666666666667 2949 835625186535878656 stay ready , wading , maniac , & comfort inn ending 1.3333333333333333 2950 721899536877293569 : 'you look so good ! ! ' me : *crying* 'I have achieved the ultimate approval' 1.8333333333333333 2951 704540068770410496 *sadly sips regular chocolate milk* 1.6666666666666667 2952 168422233956564992 When life brings you down , you should GET up , not GIVE up . #dream #believe and #justbreathe 1.6666666666666667 2953 105475006837964800 Thanks to , tomorrow will be my first day back to school after almost two years of homeschool due to being bullied <3 #skyscraper 2.6666666666666665 2954 700840408251674626 Work is play and play is work . 1.3333333333333333 2955 692742236744724480 Repetition Harmful for ASD Learning ? via 2.6666666666666665 2956 843193911359279104 Sometimes after a long night and a busy day , you need a little pick-me-up . #starbucks #mar… 2.833333333333333 2957 716395898981498882 New story post is finally up ! This is based loosely off of my time at a summer camp . Very loosely . Enjoy ! 2.1666666666666665 2958 552327850754592769 Goodbye winter break 😢😪😭 Go to bed Julia ! ! ! ! ! 2.833333333333333 2959 598690680622489601 This is a great film . Catch it in theaters nearest you . 2.333333333333333 2960 273865574080196609 If finding somebody real is your fuckin problem , bring ya girls to the crib maybe we can solve it 1.8333333333333333 2961 270309296191967232 When tattoos start to itch <<< 2.0 2962 768636720472469504 What am I gonna do after next week ? 😥😒😞 1.8333333333333333 2963 799088838660460544 Grow up Micah ! Momma got a new boo cuz daddy is a hoe ! #QueenSugar #GimmeSugar 2.6666666666666665 2964 699786408983183360 people get uh , real fired up in the comments on Opera Youtube 3.1666666666666665 2965 726072761798545409 Which of these 1940 's teen slang terms are you ? I'm a destroyer 2.6666666666666665 2966 687482770759655424 I have an addiction to online shopping and Grey 's anatomy . 3.0 2967 691102007340462080 I occasionally hang out with my boy friend and go to his hockey games . 😂 2.5 2968 609902801523765248 to watch Homeland ? 2.8 2969 871467256647106560 Did you need tickets for the bill graham civic auditorium like you need reservations for the Larkin stage ? 3.6 2970 479705644074024960 Need someone to talk to ! 1.6 2971 499359657966960640 I uphold you for whooping that nasty porn star ! Anyone who fucks random men and get paid are nothing but prostitutes ! 2.6 2972 670411280495210496 I'm getting paid for taking pictures of my receipts with & you should too ! Earn more w/ my code : glag6555 2.8 2973 498308978929963008 how is the concert going ? 1.8 2974 414089884433801216 I got more than a 100% on my AP German exam . Like , how does that even happen ? 3.0 2975 804461451394088960 I live less than 10 minutes from work , and today it took me 45 minutes to get home . #ThanksTrump 2.4 2976 360491883308400640 Abortion is Murder and Population Control 02/02/13 : via 2.8 2977 84309703781388288 Check this video out -- Denox 's thoughts on Age Difference in Friendship via 3.0 2978 615364858662547456 Watch Aaron Rodgers And Olivia Munn Show Off Their Sword Fighting Skills via 4.333333333333333 2979 796398797530210305 Ugh , i'm so ashamed of my pre-high school work . I had no idea what anatomy was lol . Late 90 's work . 3.6666666666666665 2980 494935277266145280 #CallMeCam #CallMeCam #CallMeCam Please it would mean so much to me even a follow 💕 x49 2.5 2981 494938320250486784 #CallMeCam #CallMeCam #CallMeCam Please it would mean so much to me even a follow 💕 x92 2.5 2982 454437678390329344 ' : 'whats up' 'the sky' ' 1.3333333333333333 2983 296873558594957312 This is me hahahaha , jk though . 1.5 2984 662666283628924930 The Cockpit ai n't bad . 1.6666666666666667 2985 849318171920216065 A better title would be why men ca n't… 2.0 2986 581291600329883650 I can eat subway everyday 3.0 2987 943207927103479808 Anyone else feel that earth quake ? 3.1666666666666665 2988 576908813611085824 that 's what I was just about to do 2.0 2989 534251203673477120 Problem with Twitter is that the second you put something out there , people will steal it . Crazy . 3.0 2990 579770688841629696 Swing selfie lol 1.5 2991 578052430417408000 Seven Deadly Sins | TeeTurtle via awwwe I want one lol 2.833333333333333 2992 498785950345207808 First day of school 😝😭😝😩 2.1666666666666665 2993 494013104997793792 Why is school coming so damn quick like Noooooo I'm not ready 3.1666666666666665 2994 837344412199968768 I climbed 8 , 000 floors with my #Fitbit and earned the Cloud badge . 4.333333333333333 2995 746524583814004737 I have n't heard of anyone paying less with obamacare , everyone 's rates and premiums have gone up that I have talked to 3.6666666666666665 2996 513735764849741824 Can I be you 2.1666666666666665 2997 577638288548302848 hey nice tweet 1.5 2998 526951884226318336 He 's in my playlist every morning . Even if my day turns crappy , my morning is always great with that voice ! 2.1666666666666665 2999 521934822911270913 I read some FB shit of hers last week after Nick had put the tweet out about the emails . This makes me cry & makes me so angry ! 2.6666666666666665 3000 400405973992734721 Loving today 's weather . ( : 1.8333333333333333 3001 379769245674266624 Haha , that does n't surprise me at all . 😜 1.6666666666666667 3002 505559748000112640 Woah . Glad I totally spaced and had to have rescue me for tonight ! Damn work stress ! 2.6666666666666665 3003 8293167749 If you get a chance go look at Chris 's door . I'm sure the damage is purrty . 3.0 3004 478977268291608576 LETS GO BRAZIL ! ! ! #WorldCup2014 2.5 3005 479512610837000192 hes totally worth fighting five girls for 2.1666666666666665 3006 532659863931719681 Mildred the Cat Has Her Own Blog ! ! - Bubblews via 3.333333333333333 3007 492298047057973249 How to Lose Weight when you don’t have Time to Exercise by Linda Cann Pearson | Living Healthy 360 4.0 3008 478423342400425984 Studies show that watching my broadcast makes you 100xs smarter 3.0 3009 478702448375504896 These fools ai n't got nuffin' on me ! Watch me live on and I 'll prove it ! 1.8 3010 501945785391411201 MIC ( #GreenWall #MLG live at ) 2.6 3011 535572121976451073 Matt “NaDeSHoT” Haag is my pick for eSports player of the year #NaDeSHoTTGA 3.8 3012 864573133730193408 Article : 'Toward a Low-Cost Lunar Settlement : Preface to the New Space Special Articles' PDF : … 3.2 3013 663820284667932672 Yay ! ! It is so pretty ! ! : ) I love it ! 1.4 3014 727100748123643904 Waking up and remembering I got two AP tests in one day like 2.8 3015 476120119102275586 Why is my dog sitting in a chair ? ? 😂 2.8 3016 772270440635072513 My sweetheart , my love I 'll see you so soon lil mama 💚 2.4 3017 720798419560833024 Special thanks to the universe for aligning me with Cassidy , truly privileged to love and be loved by such a beautiful vessel 3.0 3018 640765596737470464 yes . Plz do . 1.0 3019 556325405649416192 Forever wishing liked me enough to text me back 2.1666666666666665 3020 537276999480258560 Out for some champagne - Bubblews via 2.6666666666666665 3021 606421047127113728 Paying bills online , I paid an old non-working ATT acct large sum of money meant for AMEX . I need it back . Online banking bad 3.5 3022 1879182840 it is awesome living in the desert especially at night when it is warm and quiet 2.333333333333333 3023 760696430654812160 Birthday Cake , Hummingbird Cake with Purple Frosting , made by my Son in Law from scratch , delicious 4.0 3024 938092926705586179 Free #HourofCode content from plus this giveaway for a Cue #robot ! #giveaway 2.833333333333333 3025 884183246896082944 I entered a giveaway for a chance to win 'U . V PROTECTION iCOVER 60 Inch Heavy-Duty water pr . . . ' by iCover . #giveaway 2.6666666666666665 3026 520593142907928576 Busy weekend ahead , two open mics and a Morris gig . At least I get to see my parents too ! : ) 3.5 3027 465553189446512640 Definition of a Mini Bar in Morris circles . . . . . 2.333333333333333 3028 369829333503729665 The essence of true love is not finding a perfect lover but loving an imperfect person perfectly . 2.0 3029 336711438854930432 'When You Truly Believe That You Deserve Success Your Mind Will Automatically Generate Ways To Achieve It' 1.8333333333333333 3030 217661686117703682 Off to Indiana ! - I have had a whirlwind of a week ! Last week I drove to French Lick , Indiana for the School . . . 3.1666666666666665 3031 127480801989365760 Thank you Hancock County Mississippi ! ! 2.333333333333333 3032 783148964321366017 I 've collected 9 , 184 gold coins ! #android , #androidgames , #gameinsight 3.0 3033 746965301246320641 The Kingdom 's citizens are happy to have Ice Treasury ! Try to build it too ! #android , #androidgames , #gameinsight 3.0 3034 312359974221279234 Date night with ! ( @ Red Cow w/ 2 others ) 2.6666666666666665 3035 121591520854933504 left the windows open for Simon Jr . this am &talked to my mom 'did you push on the screens , you know he could get out' . thanks mom . #nervous 3.5 3036 128816054284718080 nothing is true in economics 1.3333333333333333 3037 83916362275237888 staying in bed life is better that way 1.3333333333333333 3038 80093381539282945 Lil Wayne Unplugged was hot ! ! 3.2 3039 894749296058290177 Have some fun with your food ! California Roll Stacks are a must try ! #Promotion #PerdueCrew -… 3.6 3040 503747962816581632 Sam I love your Hawaiian shirts . You should play more airsoft , but I love the current Node and CorridorDigital videos 4.0 3041 634469196777172993 more police role play : D lmao 2.8 3042 359722269662126082 lol andy knows whatsup 2.2 3043 509165152105926656 good glad we settled this 1.8 3044 5979074874839040 @ the shop . . . willing myself not to go 2 sleep under this here dryer ! ! 2.0 3045 66857739883778048 How is it my nephew has n't eaten in 24 HOURS ? ? ! ! Bless him Lord ! ! #collegelife 2.8 3046 207483277622247425 gm and how r u this morning ? ? ? ? ? 2.4 3047 122878433394032640 ( ) I entered your Giveaway My YT is tparkerlee123 check me out 3.2 3048 426528995128389632 I'm earning #mPOINTS Rewards in The Weather Channel . 3.5 3049 779170945965621249 I'm earning #mPLUSRewards in mPLUS Places . 3.6666666666666665 3050 129775699761430530 First iPad tweet ! : D 1.5 3051 369565537077960704 hmmmmmm why is that better ? 1.0 3052 545406149340569600 Excuse Me , Miss ? Um… Hello ? 1.1666666666666667 3053 545405240367779840 Understanding Age-Related Memory Loss 3.0 3054 880260473479979009 i may or may not copy this 👀 1.3333333333333333 3055 885673182958628865 if cody comes back in the battle back imma throw hands i hate him 2.833333333333333 3056 544235978379255808 Kristen is the worst 3.0 3057 514440255827881984 Miss her sm just wanna squeeze her cute chubby cheeks : ( 2.333333333333333 3058 432677500758401024 <3 ♫ Love Is an Open Door – Kristen Bell , Santino Fontana #NowPlaying 3.8333333333333335 3059 178732729385484288 I liked an video TWINSIES ! ! ! ( Hang with Shane : Day 23 ) 3.1666666666666665 3060 634709665775943680 Free CFAMily Day at Rollins Cornell Fine Arts Museum Saturday - #homeschooling #free #museum 3.8333333333333335 3061 641370452812697600 Home-schooling families oppose Common Core - #homeschool 3.333333333333333 3062 816307207268601856 Still do n't get why OU still labels the suspension as a 'redshirt . ' 2.833333333333333 3063 813982141059047426 it 's me . No clue what section to get my tickets , but i'm definitely going 2.333333333333333 3064 853828254658174980 Just posted a photo 2.1666666666666665 3065 864916756405432320 I hope it 's a splendid day for you . Happy birthday from Spokane ! 3.1666666666666665 3066 665647593729323008 Hi I have n't been on twitter in forever 1.8333333333333333 3067 592093689821835264 #DigiU26Onperiscope can i please get a pair of vips for vegas x199 2.833333333333333 3068 536997520594178048 Hm , I have 83 followers . Nice . I remember that it took me forever to get to 100 on my personal account so this feels weird . But a good weird 2.833333333333333 3069 634194512009564160 Hair is all sweaty and my face is all redml . That is a sign that I definitely rocked out tonight . Thanks . 2.833333333333333 3070 585952233012862976 it 's good to know you pay your taxes 2.0 3071 589106713862623234 I will . Good to know you care 1.5 3072 717889742893920256 R . I . P to a legend who will be missed 2.333333333333333 3073 704821371491241984 love this guy 1.5 3074 672986882821632000 that sucks did you have any seizures or just the panic attack ? 3.0 3075 658341947342368770 that is quite a list . I hope you get it done ! ! GL 2.0 3076 879805032270626816 I just checked in with #mPLUSPlaces Download today ! 1.8 3077 874750137062567937 I just checked in at Dunlop Tires with #mPLUSPlaces Download today ! 2.6 3078 508694908790521856 Word of the day : opportunity . #chefs 1.2 3079 320263845866262528 Most of my co-workers are in #Atlanta for #marchmadness , the others in Las Vegas . #jealous 3.0 3080 477047912456015872 🎀💖 a follow would make my morning . 2.5 3081 595403968991207424 Always being judged by people who just want to feel better about themselves . 2.0 3082 505132746558435328 Expressive Character Designs by Meg Park . I love these ! So adorable . #illustration 3.2 3083 664274286413225984 This is a #watercolor piece I'm getting ready to mail out to its new owner . I am so gratef… 3.0 3084 162016884810719232 The republican response is terrible . This guy was a bad choice . He comes off as way too confrontational . Following Obama he sounds like an ass 3.5 3085 234812500955234304 Hop harvest 2012 complete 2.4 3086 610972751508205570 WHAT DID U DO 1.6666666666666667 3087 551435960823873536 WHAT'S UR HEIGHT PLS THIS IS IMORTANT 2.333333333333333 3088 743327763935854592 Did n't know the name of the songs , was hoping to find out what they were ! Thanks for the reply . Just found you on the dial . 2.6666666666666665 3089 887043500822286336 Another good way to make a little spending cash online is Have fun ! #swagathlon 2.0 3090 430183595991248896 Hand prints and good grips all on my ass 🙊 2.0 3091 330568914922778624 Beer pong champ 👌 1.6666666666666667 3092 538211952779333632 People believe in you ten times more than you could believe in yourself . Live for the ones who believe in you and protect that belief . 3.1666666666666665 3093 469293165262819329 It 's fine if someone hated me . It 's not fine if they drag others into our situations . Those are called drama queens . 3.333333333333333 3094 832061627025543178 I was raised on Blue Hawaii ( the movie the song came from ) it 's always been 1 of my favorite songs why did it get destroyed ? 3.8 3095 638777372846727169 wrote 1064 words today so far . Not bad for me . #amwriting 2.0 3096 562222485743992832 PANDEMONIUMPRESSPRESENTS featured writer Sharon Coleman Feb 4 , Wed , 6 : 45 PM AT SPICE MONKEY , OAKLAND , CA #OpenMic 4.2 3097 512428918528159744 Call for submissions riverbabble 26 , 'the good fight' . Poetry , Short Story , Flash Fiction , Haiku , Haibun and Review . riverbabble . com 3.0 3098 1702417270 I am sick of this cold and wet . Make it stop . Also Tony noms in the morning ! 2.8 3099 103602176894582784 lol Jessica said she wished she could see too . 2.4 3100 832683556908392449 oh my god 1.2 3101 873417078212108288 premiere and I am so excited ! ! I had forgotten what a great show it is . But I'm also upset because it 's the last season 😭 2.4 3102 253155846220046336 “ : Flintco says it may be bought out by Alberici ” Wow . I 've done a decent amount of work with Flintco . 3.4 3103 488644654896648192 My twitter account needs a purpose . . . #whyamidoingthis 1.4 3104 507191796821393409 Pro-choice heckler in a pro-life march . In background : 'pro-choice kills millions like my Sam born 25 weeks' 3.8333333333333335 3105 519549365468155904 Yes , exactly . It gives sides that are obviously wrong a platform as they strive to be 'fair and balanced' 2.333333333333333 3106 828085198780764166 So blessed to have spent the past 3 years by his side ❤ #marryingmckelvey2017 2.833333333333333 3107 538893823418851328 I feel like God is starting to really do something with us <3 1.8333333333333333 3108 833060721822937091 My dad is finally putting me into his insurance and asked when my birthday was because he could n't remember . FML 3.333333333333333 3109 775873045684707328 Schools in 6 days and I'm only on page 86 of Huckleberry Finn . Pray for me . 🙃 3.0 3110 522897408871501824 I liked a video from Tsunami 1.5 3111 909573473974005767 I did n't tell Ben Stein what he could n't say . I simply expressed my opinion on his statement . 2.6666666666666665 3112 906853704078426117 anyway last night a woman got 11 baguettes out of a baguette vending machine 3.0 3113 938825918453288960 queen of the head on hand selfie 1.5 3114 257475821147660288 witten or Rudolph ? #sitorstart #fantasyfootball 2.333333333333333 3115 570936787595448320 So . Much . Snow #overit 1.6666666666666667 3116 539933918208589825 should we put our @ names too ? 2.1666666666666665 3117 510871713182384129 #FavoriteJackAndJackLyric -You can wake up in my sheets 💞🙌 2.6666666666666665 3118 678785410898763777 This girl is so bitter just because of what happened . You 're embarrassing yourself . 2.333333333333333 3119 647426933760860160 if you wanted a layout , you could 've asked . Instead , you saved other people 's layouts w/o even asking for their permission + 2.833333333333333 3120 726108185136889856 Phishing apps posing as popular payment services infiltrate Google Play via 3.333333333333333 3121 714824147784884224 FBI Wants Businesses To Help With Ransomware Probe - 2.833333333333333 3122 661756416588320768 'The next time , I should like to arrive on a donkey , with my carrot spouse marching along' 2.5 3123 706359913073651712 Quote of the day : 'Nobody is born Chinese ! Race is just a social construct ! ' Brought to you by 1.6666666666666667 3124 218199019795648514 are yu guys doing any more tonight ? 1.8571428571428568 3125 223849576203960320 . I love game of thrones period . I have read all the books and have watched every show 3-4 times over . Its amazing 3.7142857142857135 3126 399220669898301440 Just added hot new product to my boutique Check it out : 2.2857142857142856 3127 399220669898301440 Just added hot new product to my boutique Check it out : 2.2857142857142856 3128 858074624688615424 #FBF - Athletic Training Picture Day 2016-17 #NPU #Vikings #ATS #AthleticTraining 3.0 3129 761894573421555712 I'm so not a morning person 😒 1.4285714285714286 3130 367783489958981632 go join this NOW ! 1.2857142857142858 3131 426394141551915009 stud had a song stuck in his head & me be so sweet , nice & thoughtful I found it on utube & played it 4 him : D #AlwaysHelpful 2.5714285714285716 3132 537074059599949824 alright , Ill let you all know in a bit 1.4285714285714286 3133 538169190973452288 I might head over to the gamestop when I get there 2.2857142857142856 3134 918281983012241409 How tf did this happen 1.4 3135 784263860521807872 Women are females you fucking idiot 2.0 3136 763109838649892864 haha ! I do ladder drills all the time and look the same ! You go girl ! 2.6 3137 930591551146921984 Gym done ( thx for the Jewel musical mishaps ) #yoga #abs #trx Time to hit shit at FMA ! 2.4 3138 2469166494 be careful . I love you 1.6 3139 5810039001 14 broke up with a boy today *thank God* Pray that I do n't have to listen to the Creed repeat like last time . 2.4 3140 305769719997280257 I got Definitely on 'Are you Harry 's Type ? ' 2.6 3141 521405261945532416 I'm now a D-List celebrity in Kim Kardashian : Hollywood . Come join me and become famous too by playing on Android ! 3.0 3142 485280533245460480 thank you for that book cover . Added to my anon response folder : - ) 3.4 3143 542368138915225602 Motes of Light and Strange coins , too 2.8 3144 598328152276930560 well happy birthday to you 3.2 3145 588858175547252736 it looks awkward enough already 😂 1.4 3146 375743852302172160 Lmao he 's going through a weird hey I found my tongue phase ! 2.0 3147 297746039748829184 aww : ( even though it hurts mine normally goes away pretty fast ! Have you asked your doctor about it ? 2.4 3148 377340193809772544 oh damn he did that ? 2.0 3149 172904219169402880 the nba ad against using the word 'gay' is pretty fucking gay 3.2 3150 394794640257593344 I start throwing tomorrow 2.0 3151 248780422492852224 Dip in your mouth and a cigarette in your hand #classy 2.2 3152 477903085403398144 Ice cream , ice cream and more ice cream ( @ Berkey Creamery - w/ 4 others ) 2.0 3153 445272694758850560 Damn lots of empty seats at Bristol . Wish we were there . 2.833333333333333 3154 768589521290166273 what you talking bout Willis ! 1.6666666666666667 3155 678867068331102208 It 's working for 17 million who wo n't go to emergency room for basic care . 2.0 3156 708263914283241472 I just bought Living Forward & got a ton of free life-planning bonuses . Get yours here : #LivingForward 3.333333333333333 3157 655561527332749312 Check out my trophy for getting first place in the Workweek Hustle challenge ! #Fitbit 3.8333333333333335 3158 679516477557358592 96 percent of people answered this correctly . Can you ? 2.5 3159 599276732080787456 Learn how to make baked eggs with spinach and leeks : via #TTWatch 3.333333333333333 3160 135645971014090752 yeah I'm with it . I ai n't ever doin shit . . . 1.6666666666666667 3161 225343207087673344 Is that too much to ask for ? ? 1.5 3162 740187179134001152 Just realized what the abbreviation SAT actually stands for . . . #mnacc2016 3.333333333333333 3163 883817521807331332 I 'll take 8 . 1.5 3164 439740994314313728 I love waking up in the middle of the night and remembering she 's next to me 😍😍😍 my girl is really beautiful I'm constantly staring at her 🙈 3.6666666666666665 3165 438333253989068800 Father god I been betrayed 🎧 1.6666666666666667 3166 494560763512516608 Who 's up for some day-drinking ? #nomnomnom #yaybeer 2.333333333333333 3167 900500789776482304 'It makes my legs hurt because of the angle of the dangle . ' #qconquotes #QuakeCon 2.833333333333333 3168 323910807211618304 Praying so hard for these people . 1.8333333333333333 3169 788585258157535233 also , I finally killed that spider that kept interrupting us . 👊🏻🚫 2.6666666666666665 3170 771329301144674304 Holy crap , are you ever dehydrated ? 2.0 3171 582718835498881024 Why just 'Neville' ? WHY ? #RAWAfterMania 2.6666666666666665 3172 562054441004957696 Click here and see my beautiful face live on ! 2.5714285714285716 3173 571891164359495681 Ermahgerd check out 's berdcast on ! 2.833333333333333 3174 576450139138715648 I found this on the Uncle Ben 's® website - Red Mesa Grilled Chicken with Arizona Rice Pilaf : 3.571428571428572 3175 552564727402860544 I got Anna ! Which Frozen Character Are You ? | Oh My Disney 3.4285714285714284 3176 921075990628990976 Aye gurl is you supreme ? Cuz im trying to get you 2.142857142857143 3177 935958077089697792 Ayee gurl is you boost ? Cuz im tryna get comfortable with you hehe 2.5714285714285716 3178 13094851393 LMFAO LEGITS SUCH AN ANNOYING WORD 3.0 3179 5299629172 Hyper . . . had so much candy . . . . getting even more . . . . tomorrow . . . . AAAH ! 2.0 3180 448077992330133504 Every morning when I press the snooze button I prepare for the best 9 minutes of my life 😴 2.8571428571428568 3181 862097384381313024 Clearly y'all have never seen Quints , the Disney Channel original movie ! ! ! ! 3.4285714285714284 3182 219290790311112705 I ca n't deal with ppl being damn aSS rude to me anymore . Especially in a two faced dramatic manner . #FUCKPPL 2.4 3183 338892067063332865 'Cuz somebody stole my car radio and now I just sit in silence . ' 2.0 3184 648305507372019712 I accept cash or credit 2.0 3185 819580964133343232 I got one girl and she my girl and anybody else can hit it 2.2 3186 812542692206907392 Always give thanks to the man above Not only when you need something or When you 've already received it He is worthy of your praise ☝🏽 2.2 3187 882154517147435008 😧😶 say no more 1.2 3188 888495781673656321 Satisfy your Chinese craving with this Stir Fry recipe ! A new lunch staple ! #Promotion #PerdueCrew -… 3.6 3189 865659323682136064 Get your weekly dinner recipes , shopping lists , and more from ! #Promotion #PerdueCrew -… 3.2 3190 660537578282721280 Sorry I 've been absent , but got seriously knocked out by pneumonia : ( 3.0 3191 652602850988584960 My excitement for Kindle Scout is very quickly waning . I 've nominated 7 books and I had to wade through a lot of . . . 4.4 3192 479448904442720258 I wanna go role a house ! ! Looks like so much fun ! ! ! ! #DuckDynasty 3.5 3193 539631707926695936 You ca n't stop me . 1.5 3194 181722940197437441 for all my family; this is the puppies new home and her 'big sister' shiloh . They named her Suzie which fits her . . . 3.8333333333333335 3195 190870901577887745 Tap Water Optical Illusion - Visual Phenomena and Optical Illusions 2.833333333333333 3196 787664590674862080 Playdough is what your mother buys you if she likes pintrest . 3.0 3197 626071459442483200 who would be the better person to fake their death ? 2.5 3198 920466198961192960 If an old man named Clarence approaches me whilst on the bridge , I will push him into the abyss before sending myself . 4.0 3199 935918372168130562 Guessing she does n't want to talk about such a dark time in her life that she… 3.0 3200 924746566753243139 Fox’s new prime-time lineup is Breitbart TV 3.8333333333333335 3201 897404692367585280 What A 1940s Government Film Said About Fascism Is Relevant In 2017 - - Windstream 3.6666666666666665 3202 554018688492666880 Hot guy alert . . . 🙈💘 #girlsbelike 2.1666666666666665 3203 825759806149558278 I wish chocolate was good for your skin 2.6666666666666665 3204 716468336763097088 lol I 'll give you some snacks Monday 2.6666666666666665 3205 570053238247940098 Why do my parents have to force me to go out to eat . Ugh . I have to study . I brought my study cards , yo . 3.8333333333333335 3206 678118747148783616 Streaming Resident Evil 2 ! 3.333333333333333 3207 934912398137446405 Do n't make assumptions . 1.1666666666666667 3208 487834379511541760 Taco Bell run was a disappointment . Only got one of the 3 tacos I ordered . #ConplicatedOrder #bummed #StillLuvTB 3.4285714285714284 3209 442361843114201088 Stopped at the emergency room for a kid who fell . #longcarride #indiana 2.5714285714285716 3210 812731966290333696 okay yall picking me up 1.4285714285714286 3211 922329018010968064 okay this is the cutest thing i have seen 1.5714285714285714 3212 578630897622188033 Waterfalls in #NewJersey | Things To Do in #NJ 3.1428571428571432 3213 568506292320505856 PSE&G EnergeLink : PSE&G Encourages Customers to Apply for Help Paying Heating Bills 3.2857142857142856 3214 676111978465730560 ima cut you off quicker than i met you 1.4285714285714286 3215 674697761829318660 first question i always ask 🤔 1.2857142857142858 3216 401368969124118529 My exam scheduled for today just got moved to next week . Good thing I procrastinate and had n't started studying yet #procrastinationpaysoff 3.0 3217 154047734628876288 Ca n't wait for next semester to start up 1.8571428571428568 3218 431966350291267584 I just ca n't get past the culling of stray dogs . I do n't think I can watch . 2.6 3219 494172562600239105 I wanna be on your list too 😄🍸 2.4 3220 1487593176 watching the new Office , , its hilarious 3.2 3221 1510187438 All the Rock Band stuff at Best Buy is janked . And the Guitar Hero in is Metallica . So in other words , that sucked . I do n't like Metallica . 3.6 3222 847044205692276736 It 's always one smh : 'do you like tall girls cause you have a napoleon complex ? 2.2 3223 850490113389932544 Lol why such the specific age , but trueeee 2.4 3224 600094574120415232 She prefers to write it off as trolling rather than have to answer to actual fan concerns . 2.4 3225 623470278081945600 Morla . I'm sorry I stepped in your hidey hole . But you cannot dig a new hole in the corner of the… 3.2 3226 647656451532587008 ALL OF NICKI 2.2 3227 656905676787052545 do you guys still have the crybaby vinyl by melanie martinez ? 3.8 3228 4469052256 Last chance on special introductory pricing on the Cryosuccess . Wednesday is the final day . Order now while there is time . 3.8 3229 9929460733 New Fischer Parts Reference Price List coming soon . Look for it online at 3.8 3230 716636875621007361 I liked a video from Let 's Ploy ! Dragon Age : Inquisition ( 1 ) : Introducing the Inquisitor 3.6 3231 527473416883175424 Thanks for the comment on youtube . Put up a video for a code giveaway and hopefully , that will give a better turnout . 3.6 3232 864982574359117824 Okay but what if Mueller hires Comey as part of his staff ? lmao do it Mueller 4.0 3233 868583131032412160 genetic diversity is an important protection against disease and debilitating conditions 3.2 3234 26488075782 Ok , who do I shush first ? The crazy laugher ? The guitar player ? The loud headphone wearer ? The cell-phone user ? Too many choices ! ! ! 2.8 3235 11897189232 Why you ca n't work at work : Offices are optimized for interruptions and interruptions are the enemy of work , creat . . . 2.8 3236 920498812963180545 You turn heel . Habs on a losing streak to start the season . Coincidence ? #Itsallyyourfault #SamiKreider 2.6 3237 7282846959 Happy New Year from the heart of corndog country . 2.8 3238 121488687765794816 Any chance I can get my name dropped in on that song ur writing on the bus , Brock is the name . . . Mahalo 2.833333333333333 3239 103695413927878657 T . P stopped the draft ! ! ! ! ! ! 2.1666666666666665 3240 821461068576866304 I just supported Endo Challenge 2017 on // 3.333333333333333 3241 585851100126937088 My brother the new daddy ! ! I love you and my sister so much ! ! 2.5 3242 782703875870498817 My fetish is making my friends happy 3.0 3243 872180242684694529 I forgot just how unbelievable cold you get . 1.6666666666666667 3244 903691989790707712 Oh to be Taylor Swift . Young , rich , pretty , successful , talented . No wonder guys do n't stick around . She 's a major BADASS . #TaylorSwift 3.8333333333333335 3245 739668598818365440 I'm sure she is . BUT people make snap judgments on how you look , act , etc . She lost a lot of fans . 2.5 3246 519859003141021696 if the O line holds up he will prob get a bout 80 yards . I see Witten getting the ball this week maybe williams 3.333333333333333 3247 654117360194818048 i do not lol 1.0 3248 826941732461883394 if he doesnt let you play COD because it 'll ruin his k/d , BREAK UP WITH HM 3.6 3249 749719842152996865 I invested in on : 2.0 3250 350043403897143297 White grape and peach sangria ❤ 3.0 3251 875464424156532736 I ca n't explain it but man I want to punch Ree Drummond in the face 2.8 3252 936559632054501378 Latest Stats = 12 Followers and 5 Unfollowers ( tracked by ) 2.2 3253 916078179927945223 Here 's How Breitbart And Milo Smuggled Nazi and White Nationalist Ideas Into The Mainstream via 4.2 3254 940212710708461568 like fr if anyone tells me “it’s a joke” i’m gonna scream . . . this isn’t funny like this is some dark ass sense of h… 3.0 3255 875796720210149376 muchacha i only got x chromosomes 2.4 3256 771758661437882369 I liked your eye look in your last video 2.4 3257 528003777044156416 I thought it was hilarious 2.2 3258 762743769686872065 This is very important . 1.2 3259 760682805953040384 Pluck off the eggs and you 'd have a really nice feather duster ! 2.4 3260 561101766029492224 Like the #classic Coke bottle , my style is timeless . Get rewarded for sharing yours at #ClassicVsModernCoke 3.6 3261 559782065617788929 Do you know what the best selling album ever was ? Take the music quiz #MusicMaster 2.2 3262 234921029414293504 I keep finding myself automatically going on the internet all the time because there 's nothing else on this shite phone that I can do . 3.0 3263 234896488214454272 Hey , you know what ? The universe hates me . THE WHOLE ENTIRE UNIVERSE . 2.4 3264 22659445080 Today I watched a workout video from bed . New low . 3.0 3265 26777078896 and I successfully went 2 for 2 on the traffic tickets this week . 3.2 3266 645368741878976512 : I'm a 60yo Mlungu Madala . 'Loving your videos , but Mafikizolo MUCH better than John Legend & Zonke than Lira , by far ! Keepi tup ! 4.4 3267 596720016206209025 ANC now want us all to Africa-be-nice-to-Africa , but the majority voted NO to PAC 's Pan Africanism how many times over ? PAC 's better then ? 4.4 3268 782944704065261568 I am raving up at #BingoBash ! ! ! 3.0 3269 516046100588134400 I feel like my life should be in the hangover movies 2.2 3270 15282609627 Stupid cramps ! Sittin' here contemplating doing my hair . Bored . Trying to entertain myself and not succeeding too well . 2.6 3271 5893285077 SO GLAD TODAY IS FRIDAY;;NEED SOMETHING TO DO THIS WEEKEND;;TEXT IT 409 . 291 . 0653 [[LIVE LIKE YOU WERE DYING]] 3.2 3272 775495000587063296 What a song to play after pruning our trees today . #NowPlaying Lilac Wine by Jeff Buckley ♫ 3.0 3273 315819852495466496 where 's the link for the petition ? 1.6 3274 1914182063 Going to the Nile to wrestle crocodiles . Or if you wanna be technical , to read a book out by the pool . 2.6 3275 4658935639 Mushrooms are stupid . And anyone who likes them is stupid also . 2.4 3276 440311809870790656 Really good advice from 'Dear Kelly Blazek , Thanks for Teaching Us a Lesson in Employer Etiquette' 3.0 3277 493524821029191680 Shanna 's HR and Business Daily is out ! Stories via 2.4 3278 393188474993790976 Way too excited for Saturday ! 😊🍻👗😬🍹🍸 1.6666666666666667 3279 215146272418578432 when people dislike you for no reason at all<<< #getalife 1.1666666666666667 3280 943227467900293121 Well there 's about 30 cookies on the counter and I have avacodo in my hair . . . . . . . . . . . . soo it was a good day ? I think 2.833333333333333 3281 656502592453922816 thx for following me be sure to check out my youtube and etsy i hand make everything in my store 2.6666666666666665 3282 407971298925477888 Te quiero pa' mi , pa' hacerte el desayuno todos los dias 4.0 3283 934079608785461249 I entered a giveaway for a chance to win 'Artall 21 Inch Handcrafted Solid Wood Soprano Sma . . . ' by ARTALL . #giveaway 3.1666666666666665 3284 602385536561610753 I should n't have to ignore your mods because they 're being childish and spamming/insulting viewers because they are n't getting their way . 2.5 3285 661976970167779332 I swear my mom gives the best advice ! ❤ 1.8333333333333333 3286 593877799053578240 It took over 100K from my account and did n't opened a single pack ! ! ! It drained my account ! ! ! Not fair #SWCT 3.1666666666666665 3287 670070751161131008 #SWCT . . . . and in Thanksgiving night this guy is Skyrocketing the value of the Vintage . . . 2.833333333333333 3288 710302577443905536 Just Got 2 Rey Green Gradients ! #SWCT #STARWARS #collecting #collect #thehobby Visit : 3.6666666666666665 3289 549772289521491968 BONUS Griffey 1 in 20 at : #collectibles #sportscards #upperdeck #deals #sale #ebay #kgjr #mlb 3.1666666666666665 3290 898717108548272128 😩❤ ️ ❤ ️ just always come home to us 2.1666666666666665 3291 922807406605881344 Love you very much . Very glad such a funny , sweet , and caring person is still here to make a differenc… 2.5 3292 515637211480330240 because it 's awesome ! ! ! ❤ ️ ❤ ️lol #tryingtogo ✌ ️ 1.8333333333333333 3293 612134926243094528 When u find out who ur TRUE friends are 1.8333333333333333 3294 678275062743638016 who am i if i do n't know myself ? 2.333333333333333 3295 728777294953783296 #dateline is so addictive 2.833333333333333 3296 524542222071386112 iPads are more than just for higher education institutions . Elementary benifits of iPads #AvilaEDtech 3.4 3297 523149039487815680 We Give Books , a selection of online books for kids and teach about giving back to the world . #AvilaEDtech 3.2 3298 218412991392124928 It 's your fault seeing as how you tried to poke me . But , I guess I 'll forgive you . 3.0 3299 226561597357817858 Decreased my mile time today by more than a minute ! 🏃🏃🏃 #makingprogress 2.8 3300 674222070901907456 📷 SKULL ROCK FASHION Punk words shoulder tote shopping bag kawaii Japanese cute-US $10 . 99 Follow Us ! 4.4 3301 672888230136688640 📷 Lolita Sweet Princess Women’s Mary Jane Bowite Ankle Strap Pumps Block Heel Shoes-US $27 . 98 Follow Us ! 4.6 3302 881687869080739840 , just finished SOUL OF THE WORLD & you 've officially earned yourself a spot among my fantasy favorites ! I am still blown away . 3.6 3303 756160984826335232 My review for Ithaca by Patrick Dillon is up ! I was too excited to wait on this one , thanks again ! 3.2 3304 695715948716781568 HRC received $17Million for her campaign from banks & big bus . Do u REALLY think they want NOTHING in return 3.2 3305 911736241921634304 Haha , love love love it ! ! 1.2 3306 623962792308019200 What are you guys doing ? 2.0 3307 779170945965621249 I'm earning #mPLUSRewards in mPLUS Places . 2.5714285714285716 3308 566980936621756416 It has begun . Oh wait , maybe yesterday was too nice . #arwx #sleetpocalypse 2.0 3309 578738406668115968 need SFA to beat Utah to get the 5-12 jinx gone 3.0 3310 588902195816374275 is the queen . Bow the fuck down . #renewbackstrom 2.7142857142857144 3311 580030609508036608 Fucking seagulls everywhere . 2.4285714285714284 3312 928938430612066304 Morning cast #PS4live ( SONIC FORCES ) live at 2.142857142857143 3313 926966728281731072 japanese , or english ? 2.2857142857142856 3314 461940978983895040 can she just pick up the cards and then being em back when we are done . Ntl day of prayer is today so she can come when over . 3.2857142857142856 3315 1541364138 So far this morning I have done a load of laundry , made cinnamon rolls and coffee and taken Savannah to school . . . ALL BEFORE 7 : 30 ! Go me ! 4.428571428571429 3316 695071340244500481 He also said that it 's a buyer 's market , but I'm not into commodities so I 'll have to take his word for it . LYLT 2.5714285714285716 3317 672854239442436096 US did n't even have 10 , 000 gun murders last year , moron . Nevermind 10 , 000 murders by your so called 'gun extremists' . #facts 3.2857142857142856 3318 532238858579345408 So who do you want out of the guys to guest star on #TheMccarthys 2.5714285714285716 3319 725128901979193344 I'm pretty sure he helps define every episode . #teamseveride 1.5714285714285714 3320 607683183879069696 My mix #MixRadio . Your personal music service . 2.5714285714285716 3321 627864160303476736 Smile at trouble , gather strength from distress , and grow brave by reflection . 2.0 3322 81179554412105728 Hmmm . No , I require ice . 2.2857142857142856 3323 338058527589412865 why such a hater ? Lol 1.7142857142857142 3324 481888823832354816 thanks for a great year Danny and ca n't wait for many , many more ! Much love . 2.4285714285714284 3325 394349432981827584 do your employees receive any training regarding layaways ? Went to 3 clerks , the 4th finally had even seen a layaway before . #fail 3.0 3326 554096019609485313 Drinking a Mango Weizen by Northwest Brewing Company at 3.5 3327 630920223575543808 We 'll be starting ours with you guys tomorrow night . Looking forward to it ! 1.6666666666666667 3328 176509653348384768 Sometimes I wish you would get arrested and taken to jail . Then maybe you 'd realize how stupid you are . 2.5 3329 189813014650822656 I'm so excited for this Shinedown concert !  Even though I feel like shit . . . haha . 3.0 3330 429891456459763712 at least I did n't start the apocalypse 1.5 3331 285454867370229760 Oh god watching mighty morphing power rangers #the90s #wuteven 2.833333333333333 3332 690011384592089088 did u get a tip jar… I missed ur broadcast 😕 1.8333333333333333 3333 715718115754049536 he can be a Calvin Klein model 😂😍🔥 2.5 3334 554848467097755648 It 's a new low whenever you say '5 seconds' and your dad says 'of summer' to tick you off 2.333333333333333 3335 555158725464686592 you know what ? is a fucking legend 2.6666666666666665 3336 874209467411386368 Giving a man who claimed his hate was performance art this platform ? #ShameonNBC 2.5 3337 774817071054061572 yet you 're unbothered by Eric 's photoshop lies ? 3.5 3338 690393480183582720 when PE gets too real 😂 1.6666666666666667 3339 523624243423354881 New to this whole Twitter thing . . . I think I might be pretty good at it tho 😜 2.5 3340 775122479694184450 that 's what I was thinking when I watched this 💀😂 1.8333333333333333 3341 749009811124215813 we have Spanish together 😄 2.833333333333333 3342 64963666679828480 between the royal wedding and the celebration in New York this morning it has been a good week for miniature flag manufacturers 3.333333333333333 3343 157213139165908992 Allen Gregory is the by far funniest thing on tv right now 3.8333333333333335 3344 651056520738795521 YOU KNOW ME SO WELL 1.5 3345 790681917242781696 my type ? adult men sitting in front of a panda express yelling pickup lines that barely sound like english through the chew in their mouth 2.6666666666666665 3346 734150399414800384 I got a length of 87 , 237 in ! Can you beat that ? #slitherio 3.5 3347 590838316175597568 I'm Cool With It . 2.0 3348 828633298087796737 is the greatest of all time . Listening to you speak is gold 3.5 3349 649034708219658240 Nikki you are the REAL LEADER OF THE DIVAS REVOLUTION , The Queen . You rock and should be divas champ . <3 #TotalDivas 3.8333333333333335 3350 671479827438833666 Sooo , nick and joe are doing their thing , whatever happened to kevin jonas ? ? 1.6666666666666667 3351 642421057962549248 Welcome to the Eugene Airport #thisunfinishedhallwaywassolong #andscary 😱😱 2.333333333333333 3352 715302067380858880 13 Thoughts You Have When Your Baby Is Born Prematurely via #NICU 2.833333333333333 3353 561579850977525760 brrrr ! hot tea and warm socks for you . . . 2.0 3354 283071281027485698 I wish I could put up the pictures my sister is snapchatting me without her consequently murdering me in my sleep 2.833333333333333 3355 155328042397483008 how could i forget ! hope you are having a blast in guatemala , be safe and see you soon <3 2.5 3356 679245936867082240 So sad , she is in no pain anymore . So sorry to hear : ( 1.6666666666666667 3357 753421121161232388 Grey 's Anatomy has taken over my life and inspired me to get a Medical Degree when I'm older no regrets lmao 3.5 3358 58600330111356928 Morrissey should have written 'Every day is like Thursday . ' 3.5 3359 588520668024549376 I want to keep water . #nnlfk 1.3333333333333333 3360 151435196682600448 why make problems that you ca n't fix ? 1.6666666666666667 3361 176799492794892292 Y'all must follow . . . ! ! ! Right mf now . . . . she helps you gain followers ! ! ! ! ! 2.833333333333333 3362 851574773775835136 A Syrian refugee settled in America praised for ordering the bombing of a . . . by… 3.6666666666666665 3363 832185402593210369 DONT LET THEM STUFF ME IN A BLK BAG ! ! 1.6666666666666667 3364 651171914065424384 Been there , done that , got the t-shirt . On release day no less . 1.8333333333333333 3365 709196299438960640 I had a similar experience . Turns out he was the brother of one of my classmates . We found out when he overheard me on the bus . 3.1666666666666665 3366 536064998318309376 stand up act is pretty fucking funny . Talented cat . Catching his special on Comedy Central now 2.0 3367 571797987619426304 Val Pt4 BellyButton Ribs and Tummy Tickling 4 Minutes . 1.4 3368 1560258364 eyeballs are burning again . off to target to procure some refills . procrastinating . 2.833333333333333 3369 1239425012 woot ! man on wire ! ! ! phillippe is such a character . 2.333333333333333 3370 904489856277065729 It 's that time people . . . . . . . #LaborDay2017 2.333333333333333 3371 931479326146596864 ' I thought for sure my damn keys were under here . . . ' 2.5 3372 3827342892 no habla espanol . so why do all these people who only tweet in spanish keep following me ? is it because i tweeted in spanish a little ? 2.333333333333333 3373 2681029718 no our convo just got more interesting ! 1.6666666666666667 3374 143542059557584896 I'm currently reading day 185 of Life Application Study Bible ® Devotion . To join in and read along go to : 3.8333333333333335 3375 134504502580625408 I'm currently reading day 160 of Life Application Study Bible ® Devotion . To join in and read along go to : 3.5 3376 944355888432910337 12 : I began to play the Legend of Zelda series ! ! ! I love Link ! ! ! 3.0 3377 940044098349572107 17 : Lady Bird deserves every oscar it’s gonna get this year 3.1666666666666665 3378 575446378534428673 Lauren Giraldo is a fucking goddess . . . NOT PRINCESS LAUREN 🔥🔥😍 4.0 3379 586248249373241344 #goals is to get a follow from the queen Lauren 😊 3.0 3380 469816619250618368 Your overriding concern today is about your insatiable desire . . . More for Gemini 1.8333333333333333 3381 99129396681637889 I'm glad I'm not the only one obsessed with 2.0 3382 501410750708330496 & now I'm pissed . This why I do n't read the comments on shit cuz stupid ppl seem to ALWAYS have something to say . 2.0 3383 496351193640087552 you seen her without makeup so stop ! ! ! 1.6666666666666667 3384 782093209728155650 11pm EDT update from NWS reported it as a Category 5 hurricane with 160mph sustained winds . They just released the 2am update . 4.333333333333333 3385 773364087354953729 'Always vote for principle , though you may vote alone , & you may cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost . ' - J Q Adams 3.0 3386 526928855228235776 Free Iphone 6 , just join and earn at retweet 2.333333333333333 3387 530896739189141504 Free Call of Duty Advanced Warfare 2.833333333333333 3388 558158110083518464 When you break it down , Superman is really just a tale of an alien taking jobs from a rich white business owner 3.1666666666666665 3389 582304658829524992 the other day I was asked to explain the law of averages to my class . Luckily I had that dick pic you sent ! #tfln 2.6666666666666665 3390 582356458328702976 I literally have it marked on my calendar ! Your follow means the world to me ! 😊 #DazedAndConfused 2.5 3391 619683091045441536 make my day and follow me ? 😏☺ ️ #CamComeThrough 1.8333333333333333 3392 323889416236068864 Do n't ever see myself running the Boston Marathon though . That 's intense . 2.8571428571428568 3393 415235874012413952 Yeah , I only eat seafood from certain places , low/no mercury , etc . I have never had a hamburger . ( An American crime , I know ) 3.7142857142857135 3394 289070853294026752 Also there were either 4 or 5 girls named Anna in my bio class . Never seen so many Annas in my life . 3.1428571428571432 3395 561045468814528513 . . really did n't even consider while watching . Honestly , I still enjoy the movie though . Always appreciate your insights , dude ! 2.2857142857142856 3396 779540842042105856 omg & kissing in the first episode of #TheTylerOakleyShow is literally too much 2.8571428571428568 3397 579008435334705152 We are the worst at updating social media ! ? 2.0 3398 1930564494 Is about to hit the road to SoCal 2.5714285714285716 3399 20252766770 Is officially Bridezilla . . . still in the mild stages for now 2.2857142857142856 3400 562267638228062208 Dinner’s easier with a little teamwork ! #sponsored #campbellssauces 2.8571428571428568 3401 637216889735933952 What’s your favorite scene from your favorite new movie currently on FiOS® On Demand ? #FiOSFanatics #sponsored 3.571428571428572 3402 613345302393831424 The subway that time forgot via 1.8333333333333333 3403 841449236302573569 I so adore my Annaliese . 2.5 3404 938667137023070208 Glad to see you having fun man , was a good stream ! 2.0 3405 794965230241488896 Hey the overwatch stage 1.8333333333333333 3406 670876908268187648 is this us 1.8333333333333333 3407 748721902886191104 Yeah , I should 've expected that from the start tbh . 2.333333333333333 3408 840744150479781889 I just added this to my closet on Poshmark : ( NWOT ) Black Clutch Wallet . via #shopmycloset 3.333333333333333 3409 907353375431372800 It 's so sad that some women can not think for themselves . 2.333333333333333 3410 582612668978110464 Going live right after work . ETA 2 hrs ! 2.333333333333333 3411 708326102029225984 try restarting your computer . Mines done that before and restarted it and it did it in its normal time . 2.6666666666666665 3412 553397894061895680 A Look Back At The Pittsburgh Steelers In 2014 via 4.333333333333333 3413 587443181798739968 Weekend Wrap-Up Pirates @ Brewers Series Recap via 3.8333333333333335 3414 902485347518607360 BOSTON – Superstars win championships , and the Boston Celtics just added one who . . . #Celtics… 3.6666666666666665 3415 779170945965621249 I'm earning #mPLUSRewards in mPLUS Places . 3.0 3416 126029430064816128 twitter is better than fb . #strange korey needs some loving Nikki 2 birds 1 stone 3.2 3417 719950329488367616 Have you jammed the new album yet ? Doomed User sounds like some high on fire ! ! ! ! 3.0 3418 550546815578152960 “ : If my new year starts off with megan trainor singing that 's not going to be a good start so” omfg me om 3.333333333333333 3419 664134129106092032 yes do it 1.0 3420 916333123364970497 If it 's not about germs , then it sounds like her habits of being clean are ingrained in her so stro… 2.333333333333333 3421 936525106133774336 Especially after she 's been harassed and perved on by countless boys and even the leader of Nude Beach ( her teacher… 3.333333333333333 3422 588250667959083008 a Kim do n't stay up to late try to get your sleep in 2.1666666666666665 3423 555964130793127936 i would love to any day 1.6666666666666667 3424 202783425164361728 Floating the Clarion River makes me one #happycamper 3.1666666666666665 3425 200578160046247936 Check it out peeps . 1.1666666666666667 3426 580005372557156353 ima trademark your trademarks . TM™ 1.6666666666666667 3427 365142895994474496 Pro tip : break up your Breaking Bad marathon with episodes of Mr . Bean . 3.6666666666666665 3428 107615625928642560 be safe chris ! ! ! 1.6666666666666667 3429 113820883235246080 We are really enjoying your new daytime show Anderson ! Season pass on DVR ! 2.833333333333333 3430 943769408551505920 some of my mutuals liked this tweet and i just wanna let y'all know that REPRESENTATION IS IMPORTANT weve been shov… 2.5 3431 919694546216374273 you would n't tell a black person , 'no , sorry , you 're a person who is black ! that 's how we recognize you 're a person under your identity ! ' 3.0 3432 781885724597432321 I helped search for Christina for over a year . Trust me . . We searched in every location she could have possibly been . : ( 3.5 3433 782561137627832320 I think the real issue is that tax payers would have to pay for him to have another trial . I agree with above . 2.833333333333333 3434 305104886356377600 Nightmare of a day . High bgs all night with ketones coming and going all day . 2.333333333333333 3435 343078782028111872 Over Macho Grande ? 1.6666666666666667 3436 891129379274752000 When you find yourself in a hole , the first thing you need to do is stop digging . #LivePD 1.8333333333333333 3437 932121334443896833 12 . It 's called The Dodecahedron Of Truth . 2.5 3438 765904591250526209 Good morning , everyone 🙂☕ ️ Time to get to work on some new jewelry ✨✨ Add me on snapchat to see… 3.0 3439 600740175124234241 I almost never post selfies , but thanks to my gf 's ( shania_shocker ) awesome photography skills I… 3.5 3440 605229249444892673 Welcome June . It 's a good Month . 2.0 3441 573921500832473088 byby SNOW ! 50 's next week : ) 2.1666666666666665 3442 919088332713406465 #CAS 84650-41-9 #Chemicals Pterocarpus santalinus , ext . : #NewMR #FDA #Certification 3.4 3443 913865529349242882 #CAS 103057-44-9 #Chemicals 1-Pyrrolidinecarboxylic acid , 3-hydroxy- , 1 , 1-dimethylethyl ester : #mrx #ROI 3.6 3444 626547488242020354 i understand it being annoying if it 's disrupting others , but i dunno , she looks like she 's having a really good time 2.0 3445 541318189603229696 twenty minutes late but i finally got it ! thanks for the reply but i'm good to go now ! B] 2.0 3446 367446087776616448 I do n't sleep when yall out there snoring . . #dreamchaser 2.1666666666666665 3447 368667931627884544 Rotf . . sure nah . . make i subtract her like minus . . lol ' : lol ? Bro u fit day teach her nw' 2.4 3448 534210352859201536 could you picture Ray Nitsche and Liberace ? 3.6666666666666665 3449 571496846750707712 imagine what he would have done with a 3 pt line 2.6666666666666665 3450 699973412744204288 FYI pistons page has small error . Baynes has Ayer option in 17-18 not team option . Just lookin out 3.8333333333333335 3451 907756753328189440 To be fair , he does give considerable $ and time all over MI to good causes . Otherwise , horrible polit… 2.833333333333333 3452 535851853515595776 it 's my birthday 🎉 2.6666666666666665 3453 570018073874296832 Oh hey there 1.0 3454 780104840739364864 Carr looks a little rattled . Needs 2 calm down #OAKvsTEN #RaiderNation 3.333333333333333 3455 775035057517891584 Again with the #Raiders killer penalty 2.1666666666666665 3456 678670534641451008 *realizes it 's the 20th* *furiously starts wrapping presents* 2.5 3457 743174821542920192 Ahhh , fuck that . Let me know if I can kick someone in the face to help . 2.333333333333333 3458 565593383167877120 Keep 100% what u make . Every token is . 05 4 u . All urs ! Tips earned n free chat http : 2.5 3459 556256282915520512 Sign up is only 30 secs . It 's free and helps me earn a buck 🌹 2.833333333333333 3460 799327723936157696 A little something to open on the channel my dudes ! A Luigi Pikachu box ! #pokemontcg 3.0 3461 594112889520320513 Wow ! I just won this for free , Pokemon Smeargle #30 non holo #listia 3.0 3462 544550535534084096 The warehouse smells like pineapple and burnt hair . 3.5 3463 624411579451244545 What would Sherlock say about me ? SECRETLY ( even to herself ) left-handed and possesses absolute pitch . Has n't killed an insect since 2003 . 3.8333333333333335 3464 415492860457541632 FELIZ NAVIDAD JUNTO A … 1.8 3465 514132515746226177 alucinante como habéis crecido ! ! Satturday i'm in love #Ganas #CircusAvenue 💕❤ 2.0 3466 685322183581773825 correction hot tight slut body 2.1666666666666665 3467 629449001306320896 add me please 2.0 3468 693200369392816128 Did anyone on here watch the new season of The X Files . It looks like it is going to be an AWSOME season ! ! 3.0 3469 794976454568275968 Why ca n't I put photos on here from my computer ca n't do it on Facebook either anymore what the hell ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 3.0 3470 489854271173558272 I entered your code for destiny and got it ! I love you forever lol 3.0 3471 381152833045020673 I knew you would : p 1.1666666666666667 3472 853635962353709056 Drinking a Lucana by @ Hodges Wohnung — 2.7142857142857144 3473 622510099580481536 I just earned the 'Land of the Free ( Level 39 ) ' badge on ! 3.2857142857142856 3474 867137175711653889 CANNABIS NEWS - INTEGRITY TRIBUNE News from CIA - HOT OFF THE PRESS #freetheplant #nba 3.1428571428571432 3475 884531807672258560 CANNABIS NEWS - INTEGRITY TRIBUNE News from CIA - HOT OFF THE PRESS #marijuana #ranchocordova 2.8571428571428568 3476 230938680154537984 Vanity Nationalist Party Local Gang Policy #Gang #Crime 2.2857142857142856 3477 137997918106951680 Model Photo 25 #Beauty #Model 1.5714285714285714 3478 611511042141761536 yes when it comes in a few years yes currently 1.7142857142857142 3479 705045163903729664 Berserker please ! He seems like a awesome killer lol . . . Happy Birthday my mans , hope its an awesome one ! : ) 3.1428571428571432 3480 297203139696791553 Ya know I'm one fuckin hot mamma right now ! 2.2857142857142856 3481 867774630861340672 Whew headache today . Not feeling well . 🙁🙁 2.5714285714285716 3482 425256978940567552 'You got kicked , by a kick . ' - Ken Shamrock . Hahaha . . . 3.0 3483 389155802830733312 My thought is , another poor person gets rich and lets it go to his head , forgetting where they came from . 2.5 3484 884089929189535744 the moon was so pretty last night . 🌕💫 2.333333333333333 3485 842865486673059840 i'm so happy its spring break 2.5 3486 226042318984187904 I miss the Lancaster Festival . Have a great show ! 3.333333333333333 3487 764378662628188160 A layover view for a coffee . #Norway #Tromsø @ Tromsø Lufthavn - TOS 3.8333333333333335 3488 799865828296560640 Do you wear makeup ? Join me at 2.0 3489 585250093319630848 I got Marilyn ! Who did you get ? 3.0 3490 916846770935652352 Shootout ! ( Aka , everyone 's favorite stressful pastime ) 1.5 3491 929522787903004672 annnnnndddd heeeeeeeee walks with me and he talks with me and he tells me I am his own . . . . 1.8333333333333333 3492 908341494750367749 BEST DAY EVER : via 1.1428571428571428 3493 865635689106350080 Welcome to my twitter ! I keep you updated on when I stream . Watch streams here : 2.4285714285714284 3494 938954266785603585 Browns hire a competent , dare I say good GM when it comes to talent evaluation . Browns have a lot of picks . Browns… 3.2857142857142856 3495 865036477134233600 Death Penalty for Baylor . It 's time . 3.571428571428572 3496 922519960433209344 Barring a last-minute steel , here is your 2017 song of the year : 2.8571428571428568 3497 855481189053849600 Turn down for what ? 1.4285714285714286 3498 880873279044669440 Felt like I made more of a living wage in MN . 3.2857142857142856 3499 917515169600700417 Our military family says suck it . . . looks like the only cry baby was th… 3.2857142857142856 3500 650534253478969344 stay away from fuccbois Liz ! They do n't grow up they just get older . Trusttt . 3.4285714285714284 3501 860296931666472963 Ding ding ding ! 1.1428571428571428 3502 568523276810465281 Cuz that would be great ! 1.1666666666666667 3503 568491780670410752 when is the sims 4 coming out for the Xbox ( ect ) ? 3.5 3504 602826248604164097 “Drawing Blood” Cuts To The Quick | Alt-Country/Rock – Jeremy & Lynne – Minster , OH 4.0 3505 636264827472642048 Dayton BBB names area businesses with ‘F’ ratings 3.6666666666666665 3506 844611192207425550 This month was great ! 1.6666666666666667 3507 811945454153900033 Love the smell and it was very hyrdrating ! 2.1666666666666665 3508 122315050676535296 Little League Football on Saturday , 10-10 contest on Monday and an extra day off on Tuesday ! Hurry up 4 : 15pm Friday . : - ) 4.166666666666667 3509 252917056809336833 Just saw a nice piece about your Dad on the CBS Evening News ! 3.8333333333333335 3510 784146977009328128 i know it took mocha like 3 months to follow me back 2.833333333333333 3511 782350959670419457 what should i be for halloween this year . . . 3.0 3512 312457307986472960 they need to hurry up and make mooooooooore . . . . 1.5 3513 694600012563525632 do you have the number ? ca n't find it anywhere 2.1666666666666665 3514 25456694229 #GACRolling yes ! Commercial ! Now I can cook dinner and get back to Ghost Adventures ! ! ! 3.1666666666666665 3515 5151746783444992 Woo . Fun night listening to a crazy baby and her crazy parents . -_- 2.333333333333333 3516 505105118316879873 Classroom is coming along 😊 2.0 3517 388062888017264640 I want to see 1.8333333333333333 3518 556257505740066816 Obsessed wit 1D ! U got it bad ! 😪😂😂 2.5 3519 655748529361657856 #AMAs 'Artist Of The Year' 3.333333333333333 3520 738839676388249600 I'm earning #mPLUSRewards in Jurassic World : The Game . 3.333333333333333 3521 766113518504570880 I'm earning #mPLUSRewards in Moviefone . 3.1666666666666665 3522 773282026506027008 CANDACE056 , thanks for the follow ! 2.4 3523 739893419170992130 When you are thinking about the strategies that are going to move us forward , we need to think about 'both and' . #naeycINST 2.8 3524 436108409427861504 Just for kicks 😂 1.0 3525 663730955169828864 Any recommendations for character build ? I was thinking about high Intel and charisma 2.6 3526 380130073825001472 ugh I think they have this like network of awesome friendships I swear 2.2 3527 355108451376037888 Am I half crying at work cos of castle spoiler pics ? You bet your sweet ass I am mother of god I'm so excited I ca n't even fkskalfkslana 2.8 3528 852327274603061248 It is very sad and triggering , but if you think you can get through it I recommend it 2.2 3529 917512332053483520 Last weekend was a horror movie marathon so this weekend I think I 'll be watching películas de Disney en español 4.0 3530 896086084408430593 Wow , I love ! I just won this for free , Suffragette Digital HD UltraViolet code Only VUDU UV fr 3.6 3531 844342118973890560 These Mini Taco Bowls are perfect for Taco Tuesday ! Give them a try tonight #Promotion #PerdueCrew -… 4.0 3532 700687443989807104 What do you think of SPLENDA® Brand’s new packaging ? #splendasavvies #sponsored 4.333333333333333 3533 580190086274355201 Game day made easy , and fun with target #TargetCrowd #sponsored 3.333333333333333 3534 1526491958 you know what we should and do half of it in slow motion ' UUURRGGG TTHHHIISSS TAASSTES LIKKEE SSSHHHHIIIIIIIIITTTTT ! ! ! ' 1.2 3535 1709293016 - Back seat pimpin in the burban 1.6 3536 17048040731 Dealer Of Dreams by The Penguins : via 2.2 3537 33771669113802752 I'm listening to 'Fall Back Down' by Rancid ( ) #pandora 4.166666666666667 3538 536919060282609665 “ : Taylor Swift Reacts To Justin Bieber Kissing Selena . ” ahahahahahahaha 4.166666666666667 3539 482102636439928834 Two overnights in a row was not one of my better ideas . 2.6666666666666665 3540 618968162093043715 #Sharkweek2015 continues to shock Halczia . #iwontbetheonecryingmyselftosleeptonight 3.333333333333333 3541 800535600751218688 this reminds me of how you & hug . 2.833333333333333 3542 244581113664786432 ' : Hoes in the GHETTO always claiming they got 'haters' . Bitch WHO is hating on you ? The roaches in yo kitchen ? Have a seat' 2.833333333333333 3543 298159224133931010 I'm listening to 'Ego' by Beyoncé on Pandora #pandora 4.0 3544 922307463595954177 like i guess i’m just supposed to be a loner bc everyone is real life about to be cut 2.5 3545 937165986372902912 idk i know i’m ranting and annoying but people really underestimate the difficulty of transitioning between years o… 2.833333333333333 3546 299671114987220992 Thanks for following ! Appreciate the Twitter Love ! Shout out to you from NYC ! I hope your enjoying a chill day ! Peace ! 2.1666666666666665 3547 354628841358098434 Hooked with what ? ? ? ? ? 1.5 3548 692798517618696192 good night , Pumpkin : 3 2.0 3549 814890361701007360 Mr President , I need to apply for an artist Visa to enter Japan . Where do I apply ? 3.6666666666666665 3550 798147569864019968 I woke up to find a spider in my bathtub . All right , Monday . So that 's how it 's going to be . #nottodaysatan 3.0 3551 738137742178017280 Today a patron told me he wanted to sit 'somewhere in the middle . ' Of what ? The orchestra ? The balcony ? The street ? #internlife 3.0 3552 879373599265759232 would you please consider donating to my Relay For Life team at Team Night Owl Angels . Thank you 3.333333333333333 3553 847128093030567936 would your schools participate in a penny war to support Relay For Life with the winner getting a pizza party on me ? 3.1666666666666665 3554 273296247555760128 Trigga flow for the rest of the night #ChapterIV #PassionPainPleasure #Ready #TreyDay 2.0 3555 916786504537726976 When You Say You Love a n**** do you really mean it ? 1.5 3556 587011531491168256 The annual house crawl near WMU is underway . Police say about 1 , 000 students are there . We 'll have a live report at 6 on the CW7 . 4.0 3557 622931799891558400 My 3-year-old just called the cell phone of a fire chief in West Michigan . #youthinkheislisteningtolullabies #thatjusthappened 3.5 3558 429085595466350592 'Get the ball ! ! ! ' 'Vinita it 's called a puck' 2.6666666666666665 3559 434109969235853312 'Were n't you just here ? ' -Derrick , as he swipes me into umph for the 5th time today 3.333333333333333 3560 156235337000161280 Does anyone within a 2-3 minute radius of the DDD house have a tv & cable that 's working & that they 'd like to share ? #livinginthedarkages 2.833333333333333 3561 367824635909271553 5 days into school , and I already have a sore throat . #germs #teacherprobs 2.6666666666666665 3562 509578370443509760 Desde Mo Val California 👋 4.0 3563 511862279403364352 got my free dove body wash 2.6666666666666665 3564 735518822992609281 Moving things between 2 bedrooms so is on tv in 1 room and my laptop in the other 😂💖💋💄 3.5 3565 796069088745422848 I prefer not to discuss my personal political opinions , but I utilized my right as a born & bred American citizen t… 3.0 3566 822523849484824576 I just entered Day 2 of 's #PINCHmeBestYearEver giveaway for a chance to win an #Oster blender ! 4.166666666666667 3567 646440356591087616 Eli Roth’s new , sexy thriller #KNOCKKNOCKMOVIE stars Keanu Reeves , coming October 9th . - 4.333333333333333 3568 894127882548555776 I'm drunk and no one 's on discord but here 's my friend 's cat 2.5 3569 916261691343593472 Deeeefinetly not thrilled to have to go and work a 13hr long shift tomorrow . I'm still sick & I'm probably gonna die 3.1666666666666665 3570 359765972829220864 A Cyclops ! Be on your guard , Arisen ! . . . no points for guessing what game I finally got . 2.333333333333333 3571 510204650633453568 Seems like my Smash Bros mains always get cut . Ah well . . . 3.1666666666666665 3572 699265611361288194 I 've reached a new record playing Gummy on I got 32300 points #mimitos 4.0 3573 523200019201929216 I just supported Small Town , Big Cozy Mystery on // 3.333333333333333 3574 764123458158497792 pink wards stream in a nutshell 2.1666666666666665 3575 754540701036216320 go play typeracer instead at least thats competitive 2.833333333333333 3576 90227370455351297 Check out Midwest United Juggalos ! Featured artist of the week , Force 5 Records own Cousin Cleetus . . . . 4.333333333333333 3577 483130580494991360 Listen to and right now ! 2.0 3578 786939422197575680 Hosana , I say knock it all the way out Let Mum haul it back up lol #safarilive 2.833333333333333 3579 943918363146940416 I think it 's high time to move the VERY biased & prejudiced out of our country . It 's mostly… 2.833333333333333 3580 645452091276722176 This is my jam : Armageddon It by Def Leppard on Def Leppard Radio ♫ #iHeartRadio #NowPlaying 4.0 3581 557537563825963008 First day for computer class ! ! #excited 2.6666666666666665 3582 917124356081438720 #Comet the #WorldsFirst #Buoyant ( #Floating ) #BrilliantPhone coming 2 #Water Near U ! #Tech 2 the #NextLevel #Smartphone 2.6 3583 915383922934124546 i just donated im very happy to support 2.4 3584 924159539808698374 If you want to know who I am as a person just know I went to a party and sat in the corner , drank soda , and worked on a business idea 😂😂😂 2.6 3585 634574565700571136 I already have 6 things due next week 😭 2.0 3586 588916581180178434 Here is my YT . Any help is greatly appreciated . Willing to sub 4 a sub 2.4 3587 551380622493880322 Check out drop the final 2 DNAs of the 100 DNA stream ! LIVE on 2.6 3588 651603261842063360 I knew our love would always last . now if ya rly love me , give me money . 1.8 3589 651601405942231040 Im still the same mass of man titties , while you became a body god . 2.0 3590 944330579981553664 God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world , but to save the world through him . John 3 : 17 NLT 3.6 3591 909252952145133568 Kenneka Jenkins : Police Have Identified 12 People 'Involved In Some Way' 3.0 3592 833379500322934785 I'm earning #mPLUSRewards in Tap Da Cookie Android . 2.0 3593 833379500322934785 I'm earning #mPLUSRewards in Tap Da Cookie Android . 2.0 3594 913421703367274496 Spice up your salad game with this Buffalo Chicken Salad ! #Promotion #PerdueCrew -… 2.8 3595 812787758615953408 Made with Whole Chicken , this #recipe will be passed down for years to come #promotion #PerdueCrew -… 2.8 3596 602335903621742592 LMFAOOOOOOOO YOU LOST BY 35 AND YOU'RE COMPLAINING ABOUT OFFICIATING PLEASE LMFAO HARDEN HAD 17 PTS ON 3 FGS LOL 3.0 3597 547532255271591936 fuck off daddy 1.8 3598 585283226295500801 thanks for the follow ! 1.6 3599 697875529349799936 Thanks for the follow & the fave . MS submitted : ) 2.2 3600 617797029234741248 tryna get me some blackout huaraches cuz I fucks with black shoes over white shoes all day . . . but I'm gonna sell my Jordan 's side note 3.0 3601 904167170803937280 I walk thru life like this . 1.6 3602 539999814059315201 Holy fucking shit ! #FinalRide #SOAFX 1.8333333333333333 3603 25363379088 Soulja Boy x 50 Cent - 'Mean Mug' 3.4 3604 575848932326162432 go away haha 1.5 3605 697556154361253888 my life in a tweet 2.0 3606 870088319924830208 Oh it 's a web drama ? Boo 2.333333333333333 3607 780844217128091648 thank you ! ! someone just sent it to me ! 2.833333333333333 3608 734928952817557504 I just played Air on the G String ( easy ) with #Smule 's #MagicPiano ! 4.0 3609 735650757333159936 I just played Stay ( easy ) with #Smule 's #MagicPiano ! 3.8333333333333335 3610 216733437896294400 I love you Joey . . . RIP <3 3.5 3611 258130427804540928 Waffle house is on point tonightt . 3.6666666666666665 3612 202914967899480064 thanks . . . but it 's a little too soon yet . Happy birthday btw 2.1666666666666665 3613 697283455629942784 I feel foolish for buying into the mlbam hype . It was suppose switch over on Jan 1 , delayed it a month . How bad was it a month ago ? 2.833333333333333 3614 579874387253297152 i edit your picture sir . . . . . . . . . and you like or not please reply me sir and i am the biggest fan of you . 2.0 3615 620172689534128131 happy girl and women are the prettiest 1.8333333333333333 3616 615676421491572736 *seductively shoves hand into chip bag* 2.1666666666666665 3617 899376104049442816 CINADIGM A NEW PARADIGM IN CINEMA 2.25 3618 398480077329289216 forreal she 's gorgg 😍😍 1.8333333333333333 3619 745222557436100608 hi come back already 1.3333333333333333 3620 540007685002129408 A Charlie Brown Christmas ? ! Hell yeah I wanna feel more suicidal ! ! ! 3.1666666666666665 3621 391002501321072640 Rangers captain Callahan out with broken thumb 3.8333333333333335 3622 698091985421398017 >>Get As Many #Leads #Prospects > #Sales On Demand As You Want , #Free For Your #Travel Business-> 3.0 3623 588441004732063744 Thanks For The Follow Bill ! Social Pro Revolution - #FREE One-on-One #Coaching & Video Training ( $1 , 000 Value ) && 3.6 3624 454945071264452609 Repping at the Heart Walk this morning ! ( at at the War Memorial w/ 2 others ) 2.6 3625 200264091401592832 newly obsessed with . too bad all my check-ins are at starbucks . #latetotheparty #badgeaddiction 2.0 3626 327548669568102401 Why . . . . Why are people such fuckers ? ? ! ? 2.0 3627 109007108195885056 To The migraine that Has taken up residents in my head . Your timing is impeccable as always . @*+% You 3.6 3628 320370407884615681 hm I think I like babe better than doll lol but gl with is just use it a lil less or not with everyone hahaha 2.6 3629 313838758778781696 I dont appreciate the stupid snow sticking ugh ! ! 2.8 3630 900070764333875200 When are you doing it again ? 1.6 3631 186503858258837505 All best wishes for a very speedy recovery ! ! ! Hate that this happened to you . 2.0 3632 697211389472018432 Yum , gingerbread – I can’t wait to make these #SplendaCookiesMCR ! 3.4 3633 922198122620702720 The perfect dip for football is here ! Try the cheesy buffalo chicken dip ! #Promotion #PerdueCrew -… 3.6 3634 288749806053117952 Meet the 'Bullies' : Breitbart Editor Exposes Obama 's Army of Thugs in New Book via 2.8 3635 278216721259712512 Group to Endorse Conservatives to Replace Boehner , Cantor , McCarthy via 3.6 3636 929842461924577280 Massive deadly earthquake at the Iran-iraq Border - At least 45 people killed - November 12 , 2017 3.8 3637 943762097720250368 - Vending machines for homeless in the UK via 2.6 3638 719838319597584384 Great concept ! Spray shampoo to soak up the oil in your hair no matter where you are ! #beauty #freebie #free #smile 2.8 3639 662192237086928896 I got this OZ Naturals bottle for free ! A nice light cream to make my skin that much healthier ! Vitamin E good stuff 2.8 3640 68328648826036224 I just unlocked the 'Local' badge on ! 1.8 3641 12044160031 love that song 1.0 3642 25812626974 One Life To #SGU 1.1666666666666667 3643 4303252518 - lol . awe ! i ca n't wait to hear about it later . 1.5 3644 808414525930278913 I get the evolution but that should n't happen with a large user base . Only testers really . This app has so much potential . . . 2.5 3645 795091881407508480 Drinking a Hoppy Hour Hero , Moe . saic IPA by - 3.0 3646 590162231972777984 That #HonestTeaser for #BatmanvSuperman was very clever . Loved hearing all the arguing ( w/ too ! ) 2.833333333333333 3647 578327173603397633 w/ Pixels trailer and apparent 80s nostalgia . What movie is most representative of the 80s ? 3.6666666666666665 3648 524997064782929920 See my review of 'The Missing Place' by for . So good ! A true story of a mothers love ! 3.5 3649 530351553706606592 Tell Congress : Invest in Lung Cancer Research via #LungCancerNIH 4.0 3650 943195823961030656 idk how to max out my clerics but Do You See This ? this is what i get done when i’m college-work-free 2.5 3651 943195452857446400 my winter break so far 1.5 3652 587611826415775744 Back Up Plans ! | TravelPulse 2.0 3653 843650395285196801 No more sexy for Eugine ! Off with his Mullet ! ! ! #FreshBuzz 3.1428571428571432 3654 596409489726648320 how much on lock lol lol 1.0 3655 596101171619581953 u is a straight pussy ass nigga just run & hide fuck boy 2.5714285714285716 3656 576941934280867840 Ca n't wait for another episode of #LastManOnEarth 3.2857142857142856 3657 399453004031873024 I just found this to be funny 1.5714285714285714 3658 278985537384239104 I'm watching 21 free on for iOS 2.5714285714285716 3659 281749385929441280 Download ( ) and get rewarded for being active ! #free #health #fitness 2.4285714285714284 3660 618634787117510656 ughhh . i look sickk 😂😷 2.4285714285714284 3661 613981028730933248 HAPPY BIRTHDAY BBY 😍❤ ️ 💋💯😂 2.142857142857143 3662 601747187345809409 My amazing perfect sweet and hard working husband ! Definition of a real man ! ! ! ! ! He sacrifices so… 3.2 3663 830102657142493184 Beautiful North Dakota skies 3.0 3664 628302523678396416 to tell her how he feels 1.6 3665 645625580365320192 BROSKY DIS IS UR JAM 2.0 3666 648998758462570497 I'm watching 'NCIS' and earning great rewards from #ViggleTV #viggle #ncis 3.6 3667 593802831875870721 Got a feeling that I’m going under but I know that I’ll make it out alive 2.0 3668 921221584077185024 I thought it was a peepee 2.0 3669 917973520918958082 “black” is fashion , “without opinions” is hoe . it’s in the right order 2.4 3670 553999326801047552 aw this is cute 1.4 3671 761730806406492160 nothing real can be threatened 1.6 3672 659935393270239232 People w/ the Debit Card trying to buy things at stores are going to look really foolish . . thanks 2.2857142857142856 3673 653320508885196801 So glad Deep Purple finally in the Rock n Roll HOF . & I got to hear it from sunshine herself , 3.2857142857142856 3674 55454249433300993 i refuse to take your word for it and believe you . . . 2.0 3675 99271464062173184 yessssss ! Peer pressure never felt so good . 1.7142857142857142 3676 857787069153890304 She 's still not speaking to me 😂 WE ARE THE ONLY PPL IN THW CAR that I mind you . 2.2857142857142856 3677 670475549618413568 Somebody come get herrrr , she 's dancin like a stripperrrrr 👅👅 2.2857142857142856 3678 483697022655295488 Really not sure how to feel about this #HobbyLobby business . There are some really good arguments going with the hashtags . 3.1428571428571432 3679 851151510692122624 Not true . You guys are perfect . Ignore the assholes and keep being in love . ^ , ^ <3 2.4285714285714284 3680 156824893437132800 Who is 'you' 1.5714285714285714 3681 273169685615362048 I sag my pants until my ass shows , I even slap hoes 2.2857142857142856 3682 3711945165 At my funeral , I hope it rains and everybody wears black and holds black umbrellas . Then I 'll know it 's just a movie , and I'm still alive . 3.2 3683 1403044737 My wife went from mildly impressed to totally ashamed of the firetruck drawing when she realized our 4-year-old did n't draw it , I did . 4.0 3684 169628575090229248 I just became the mayor of Heartland Park on ! 2.6 3685 261602006182002688 what area of town do you live ? ? 2.0 3686 130872747168501761 Well said . . . I like it ! 1.4 3687 133734175260942336 Da Bears 10 Eagles 0 3.4 3688 676233726301372416 Sometimes when I make food , I like to wear my robe without buttoning up , and I pretend to be a scientist . 2.8 3689 714207290321010688 I just saw Zootopia in theaters , and let me tell you; I LOVED IT ! ! ! 4.2 3690 780221251306434560 For the record , 'I do want to marry him' and 'I'm not using him , I love him' are not the same . #90DayFiance 3.4 3691 671168896225820672 Assuming they got married , Loren and Alexei are having an epic fight right now . #90DayFiance 3.2 3692 617620757301080064 I'm earning #mPOINTS in Pinball Rocks Android . 4.0 3693 766141866807005184 I'm gonna miss you . I loved the show . I hope we see you and you awesome team soon 3.4 3694 845482866159079424 Tis the season for venomous #cottonmouth and non-venomous #watersnake sightings ! Can you see the differences ? … 3.8 3695 708668793506009088 The Pine Woods Snake ( Rhadinaea flavilata ) , 05 March 2016 4.0 3696 219574078539964417 My whole TL watching the BET awards . . . im at work making money 2.4 3697 208261706223321090 Mac miller alright . . dont fuck with em unless spitta or the jets in a song with em 3.5 3698 736952429422465024 Choosing a Business Name : 5 Interesting Things to Know 2.8 3699 732581727403704320 63 Businesses to Start for Under $10 , 000 by via 3.6 3700 853828254658174980 Just posted a photo 2.0 3701 21877823498 not yet , we get it at 9 : 00 here ! Are you watching now ? I just watched TrueBlood and it was aahhmazing 3.2 3702 643939102480535552 Subdued the current archwitch 'REGEA' ! #Valkyrie Crusade 3.0 3703 555484000350130176 Subdued the current archwitch 'CATAGION' ! #Valkyrie Crusade 3.0 3704 233447610189479937 tape and dotting tools : ) 1.5 3705 226675601317195777 Good #c25k w3d2 run with this morning . Good reconnecting with old friends and keeping each other accountable 3.0 3706 865187660075225088 Pa-alala lang na masama mag Anti-biotic kapag hindi na sa prescription ng doctor 1.6666666666666667 3707 838749980701536258 He got them cute lolo vibes 2.833333333333333 3708 576034960584376320 Cleaning , hunting deals , and spending time with my favorite 3 princesses on this beautiful stormy day ! : ) OH ! and blogging : ) 3.5 3709 579176598663880705 #I #Use #Hastage #Alot #Too , LOL ! But for different reasons ! : ) 1.8333333333333333 3710 576638142192586752 check out and 2.5 3711 641756092733612032 We need to attract & keep caring , qualified educators in #Seattle , which is one of the most expensive cities in the US #SEAstrike #education 3.6666666666666665 3712 674272846600777728 Single ? You 're paying more for car insurance #MoneyTips - 3.2 3713 819652224729120768 How senior citizens can get relief from student loan debt impacting their social security - 3.4 3714 249311136250486784 at gussys in queens tonight at 11p . . . be there . . . now 3.6 3715 178534399707590657 Warning everyone . . . . there are way too many retards on the roads today . . . . give yourself a 30min retard tax to your travel plans ! 2.6 3716 321085539795214336 Iv seen about 100 pictures of the same people in the past few days especially and #youguysmustbeliked 3.4 3717 261854187443331072 People in Florida ca n't go to school cuz some small hurricane ? #soft #toughenup #imstillplayingsoftball 2.8 3718 919288498451988481 Please Do n't Shoot 1.2 3719 759384458994806784 Check out today 's homepage on Bing #EuropeanRoller #Bulgaria #Bing #BingHomepage 2.8 3720 803123280970334208 but I'm muy excited 2.0 3721 803372724508913664 IM TRYING TO BE PATIENT 1.8 3722 890033333962493952 nigel I got a spicy topic for you to make a video on , just google omegle and look at the video results 3.0 3723 854522666925137920 YES ! ! ! MA BOIS MADE IT BEST ! SEASON EVER ! ! 😄 2.0 3724 783808457052868609 Wizards of Waverly Place the movie is on . . . THIS IS NO TIME FOR HOMEWORK 3.2857142857142856 3725 767475719421124609 sos been out of it all weekend and still have homework to catch up on 😪😭 2.4285714285714284 3726 927157163860135936 Mostly I'm just tired and frustrated with friend drama and dog stress and having no time to catch my breath . Cool cool cool , great combo . 2.8571428571428568 3727 900576617973657600 dude Night Napping is the shit 2.0 3728 779155659099168769 'hoof the fuck off' 1.1428571428571428 3729 624956743290753024 excuse me ur ruining my life 1.5714285714285714 3730 65892716327866370 I wrote this blog post almost a year ago when I started my first full-time job . Advice for PR grads from a new PR pro ! 2.7142857142857144 3731 1640024123 Do you think Twitter propagates fear amongst people rather than seeks key information ? Check this out- 3.571428571428572 3732 736655715805368320 me in my cacoon waiting to glo up 1.4 3733 713117176475963392 guys who wants to play this fun game with me called 'knives ? ' it 's like spoons haha lol : ) ) 1.8 3734 147053624550367232 What genre of games do you wish had more Kinect titles ? #Bingit 2.4 3735 56609545564327936 I had , an amazing night ! ! ! ! : ) 1.4 3736 414146510935166976 Happy Holidays ! I want to win the #CareBears prize pack from : #YGiveaway 2.8 3737 439510824311619584 Follow on Twitter now for a chance to be followed back ! #Sponsored #SpiderFans - 2.6 3738 672924895999864832 I really hate how some parents do n't want to take responsibility for being the cause of their kid 's stress . Everything is always our fault . 2.2 3739 642880400507842560 I really do n't like writing AP History essays . #Truth #homework 2.8 3740 622500475108204545 Broadcasting advanced warfare come join 2.0 3741 695695492072738816 Click to bring items to Earth & win ! #AvosInSpace #SB50 #Promo - 2.6 3742 46987472638459904 Spring Forward , Fall Back . Do n't you know anything Miss Amy ? ( PS . I miss you . ) 3.1428571428571432 3743 34380755819831296 Filling out my application for Naramata Centre 's Summer Staff makes me miss Wintersession . Hard to believe it 's only been a year . #timeflies 3.8571428571428568 3744 935637020843618305 Im like 'i will keep bidding if its not you' and she comes clean . Her plan was to outbid me and then snap me the sh… 2.7142857142857144 3745 639978640218959872 Also fuckkkk my throat hurts so baddddd 2.2857142857142856 3746 641633426676822016 A family of mice shot out of the ball machine 2.4285714285714284 3747 710934595047305220 To much to handle ! ! 1.1428571428571428 3748 661642827814871040 I just voted ! Have you ? 2.5714285714285716 3749 680200933477867520 Sleeping in with no alarm clock is the best gift #Christmas can give me . 3.1428571428571432 3750 395203429988974592 “ : Love does n't mean you let others walk all over you . Confront when God says confront & wait on Him when He says wait . ” 2.2 3751 393591303482523648 Thankful for God-divine appointments , friendships and opportunities ! ! #GodsPraiseRoom #ThankfulThursday 2.2 3752 718125914484305920 When you spend so much time helping other people with their problems , it 's hard to come to terms with your own . 2.0 3753 793185566795849728 I found the title of my autobiography . 2.8 3754 25742519530684416 Live . Laugh . Love . #letsgo #reallasttweetever 1.0 3755 14730715333664768 Dear , I just joined your 1iota . com street team ! but I am the only fan that joined . which makes me your #1 fan , right ? ? 3.2 3756 933037475890593792 Any comp for the inconvenience ? 2.2 3757 709436784220971008 how do I review the k55 Brewer on if the k55 is removed from the website ? 3.4 3758 860282389339176960 chances : increasing slowly 1.8 3759 852294531449995264 wow im emo , i love this sport so much 2.4 3760 908512792680058881 how do i deal with a 5 month relationship breakup ? 😕 2.1666666666666665 3761 792923164384763904 I WANT TO TALK TO YOU 2.833333333333333 3762 404800044190416896 There is a special guest presenting rhianna her award . . . My dad thinks its chris brown 3.6666666666666665 3763 355129910945267712 since its dragonfly matting season i am wondering when is human matting season #mindfuck 3.0 3764 664882842716004352 PRESTIGE INDIAN HAIR Visit our showroom today or shop online ! LOCATION : Inside of the Rancho… 4.5 3765 671038166107865090 🎀 PRESTIGE INDIAN HAIR 🎀 CONTACT : 📞 702-272-3204 📨 PrestigeIndianHairLV . com 💻📲 WEBSITE… 4.6 3766 320028925097017344 that 's very true 1.3333333333333333 3767 395829645754384385 Happy Halloween my dear 2.1666666666666665 3768 599226408729088002 That bad grade in Algebra is making me depressed 😞 2.833333333333333 3769 603751287306334209 I need to take more pictures 2.833333333333333 3770 832221874822201349 #Newsflash : there are EIGHT continents . 2.4 3771 869297025287946240 I entered a giveaway for a chance to win 'My Last Sunset' by Christian Chiakulas ( Author ) . #giveaway 3.8 3772 771397737732419584 I just watched a squirrel chuck an acorn out of a tree 😂😂 3.2 3773 642071029125255168 #collegestruggles Never having been taught Roman Numerals MXLCD= whaaaa ? 3.0 3774 484136424204410880 I could n't wait until Saturday ! ! ! Here is one part of the wedding ! Tie clips of the Rotal Canadian Air Force . . . 3.8 3775 413300091428954113 Last minute for that man gift ? Ready to ship today ! Vintage Music Cuff Links by erracreations via 3.2 3776 680209491246227456 shaking my head 1.6 3777 788930374961278976 Well no , but go ahead anyway #debatenight 1.8 3778 590378992957464576 I seriously hate introducing 2 people and they start to leave you out ! ! ! Thanks for not inviting me to your sleep over tonight 😒👎🏼 3.8 3779 682063130189365248 Glad I am getting a concealed hand gun license soon ! 3.0 3780 940339025130467329 this is a whole year later and I still want my money 2.2 3781 638674880414777345 9-year-old flies by defense for TD Video - via App 2.2 3782 665231530416062464 Seriously smiling so big after watching this . Tag a Super Dad . 2.6 3783 646386967542894593 Anyone else rebuke the devil when their sermon on YouTube starts buffering ? Only me ! Anyone ? ✋ 👺 2.8 3784 782664123104501760 pretty in florals in our Blown Away Steel Blue Floral Print Dress 🍁 Get the dress : … 3.0 3785 597195502841651200 Let 's go to Vegas , baby ! ! // has arrived at the shop and we are obsessed 😍🙏✨ … 2.8 3786 534146887881097217 Anyone order some bananas ? 🍌🐒 THIS IS TOO CUTE ! ! 2.6 3787 569180581667471360 IT'S TOO GODDAMN COLD ! ! ! ! 2.2 3788 884490527474946048 Ugh , why does the only Texas date have to be in Dallas on a school day and the day before miss tomball 😑😫 3.8 3789 902369987389792256 Me and are SAFE down here in Houston . Thoughts going out to all those effected by #Harvey2017 3.4 3790 722923671799668736 how do I stop fucking worrying about what other people are doing 2.4 3791 744561659688132608 finally I can tweet 1.2 3792 618799691048718336 Genome sequencing soon to be the 'biggest data beast . ' Amazon and Google plan to help . 3.4 3793 796466572323753984 It 's Going to Be Okay - Wait But Why via 1.8 3794 616809807778070528 Wesley Matthews has been overlooked his entire career until now 3.2 3795 752655409559855105 what 's your favorite track ? 1.6 3796 155434298281967618 hahaha I 'd leave it alone if I were you . Stay on his good side . 1.8 3797 183023095655833601 “ : Why do I keep losing followers : ( what did I do . . ” I 've lost like 6 this past week . THAT'S JUST THIS WEEK 2.6 3798 891948681494245376 Smh my laptop has been broken for months and I ca n't make beats on FL Studio or record 2.8 3799 905006998307135488 I think so lol 1.4 3800 136690094068342784 Cause I sure am a new follower . . . 1.8 3801 354042043225481218 Gotta get up early tmrw and find me another place to live this apt I'm in now has been nothing but pure hell 2.4 3802 590772421482967044 Should be asleep . Instead supervising files back up and listening to space playlists on #srlslyitslikethe6thone 2.0 3803 601619787387510784 right ? Too bad the cake just went on the floor , too , and not all over JJ 3.0 3804 698293239552483328 Awesome ! Where are you headed ? 1.8 3805 735222035350069248 It 's such a beautiful place to road trip to ! What 's your favorite way to pass the time on the road ? 2.4 3806 890078387137544193 Holy balls , that 's fantastic ! ! My favorite one that I 've seen from you so far . 2.4 3807 905417396436910084 She was my immediate first thought as well ! 2.4 3808 620728678956318720 i feel so awkward in this class lol 1.8 3809 599638288673177600 how many packs of cigarettes do u drink a day ? ? ? 2.2 3810 652530929429311488 Photoset : daisymerollinjoints : This overwhelms me 1.5 3811 397782733994201088 ' : Today , count the ways in which you are fantastic . For reals . ' that would take me all day ; ) 1.8333333333333333 3812 888109980573814784 Wow Simpson will be out soon 2.1666666666666665 3813 618283306082152448 good , I will see you there . 1.5 3814 681581209990905856 did you know god 's name is yoai so he loves gays cause he named gay hentia after himself 3.5 3815 698542013696888832 📷 hyominyanlee : Beuberry Vivid Red Circle Lenses from UNIQSO ♥ read here my review * For 10% discount . . . 3.25 3816 701266380277030914 I donated tonight , not as much as I would 've liked . Every little bit helps right . 2.1666666666666665 3817 698631310714150912 It 's on CNN now Scalia is confirmed dead 3.6666666666666665 3818 871603587482124290 Foreigner . Dirty White Boy . 2.333333333333333 3819 942303475555282949 There 's No Chaos - The President Show 2.0 3820 575935413157785600 20 followers already in less than 8 hours for us on Twitter ! . . . and From 8 : 00pm - 2 : 23 AM ! As CEO of Helpmegetby , we <3 our twitter fans ! 3.6 3821 576270432795541504 arent u matt oehmke and john 's 'sfr8' friend patrick ? or do i have u crossed with someone else ? ! lol =/ 2.8 3822 442767862911209473 A Long Overdue Existential Crisis 1.2 3823 570448185199501313 Today I got congratulated on my clean and healthy-looking inner nose . It certainly snot something I hear every day . #NoseSurpriseItsAPun 2.4 3824 224982098379948032 New fav spot on the Southside ! #Yum 1.8 3825 217744540952563712 Check out Inglan on #music #art 2.4 3826 375756302149894144 I just found a Swag Code worth 3 Swag Bucks . 2.2 3827 409456181242261504 I just earned 2 easy Swag Bucks viewing offers : 2.0 3828 909397649618538496 Nestle : The best and/or worst of global capitalism ? 2.2 3829 453535271225921537 Politicians views often defined by election cycles and long term health benefits of policy decisions may not help them get reelected . #ATpoli 2.0 3830 931317396790489088 What is the Cotton Gin #BlindGuess 2.6 3831 770782311923286016 Wow ! Major Feminism Fail by Brett just now , am I right , ? #bachelors paradise 3.0 3832 628048497762156544 Watchin elvira damn shes so hot love you Elvira , you go girl ! ! ! 3.6 3833 629133883104059392 Im a pill popin animal , im so high you could n't reach me with a fuckin antenna 2.6 3834 840353297605238784 Throwback unis for the tourney ! I love it 2.0 3835 551500070362021888 What an idiot 1.4 3836 623197041506840580 ( That is , the shift would need to come first from editors , writers , etc . , as opposed to being dictated to them by us . ) 2.6 3837 588700063259496449 OED is showing a 1967 cite in DARE ! 3.0 3838 718605596040306688 Chat #climate w/ from , pro surfer . 4/11 8pmET #M5Entry - 3.25 3839 590392962170781696 Ever get that feeling when you feel like something is just so right . . But know it 's so wrong . . Like Bacon ice cream . . 3.2 3840 392059135501819904 Silver pied peahen #peahen #peafowl #bird #louisiana 3.0 3841 601948624147341313 I believe he enjoys this viewmore than me #Siberian #husky #Neeko #neworleans #riverwalk #dogsofbourbon 3.6 3842 684442228345958401 January is Trafficking Prevention Month & #eventprofs #hotelprofs can help those at risk 3.8 3843 872093945555234816 22 months ahead of schedule ! #sustainability #windpower #eventprofs #hotelprofs #greenmeetings #Netherlands 3.2 3844 13290267637 Am yet to see a smooth transition . . . 1.8 3845 370792763857465345 Yahoo beats Google in US Internet traffic 3.8 3846 697981491641339904 'seems like the rights of the minority matter more than the rights of the majority' huh majority rule/minority rights wow sounds v familiar 3.2 3847 709827418127597569 not supposed to be used as a body paint and it 's kinda tingly but eh who cares 2.2 3848 635873392302886912 Second and last class of the day 👌 #LivingThatCollegeLife 2.4 3849 797843306973634560 Wow , can not even say how much I do n't want to work today 😧 2.4 3850 608399143019671553 Show em how beautiful you are 2.4 3851 606353772152012800 You are flawless 2.4 3852 748344992645660673 I just earned 5 Points from searching the web . #instagc 2.8 3853 870886562996867072 I was just thinking about this today . I feel like it has always been like that though and sadly , always will be . 2.6 3854 755904179630145536 ADHD Drugs Don’t Increase Substance Abuse Risk if Started Early and Taken Longer - Partnership for Drug-Free Kids 3.2 3855 380088076133203968 The only choice . 1.6 3856 638127668140077061 STOP . TALKING . NOW . Who pushes your buttons during a movie ? #SeatNeighborTerror 1.8 3857 681663878774800384 Ca n't wait til Saturday , UFC ! ! ! I'm part of team Condit ! ! ! ! 3.2 3858 768895879470276608 Wow , I love ! I just won this for free , 9 bundles of gingham ribbon #5 2.8 3859 681978326286766080 Wow , I love ! I just won this for free , NEW 2 YDS KISSES & HUGS GROSGRAIN RIBBON , 7/8' WIDE , GI 2.6 3860 718560703846735872 'louis pushing the stroller' lmao ME 2.0 3861 730080659906121728 harry is the most endearing piece of shit 2.8 3862 940323695729537029 How does Dash get all these clients ? He 's dumber than a half-eaten pickle . #FigAndFord 2.8 3863 940244185344630784 As an American : it breaks my heart that this is a regular part of life in New York now . As an American who uses pu… 3.0 3864 891284836563988480 Get App - to earn Daily Rewards and Cash 💵 for Trying free apps . Use code F0K8B for 60 Bonus Points 3.2 3865 587293964333514752 Hubby taught Gunner how to high-five 2.8 3866 307705364294561792 Photo : How I feel 90% of the time ! 2.2 3867 407345740126515200 Judith is fine , & the little girl had to b the 1 2 save Tyrese making for a ironic relationship , he 's gonna take care of them #TheWalkingDead 3.2 3868 593431928415457280 #MTVTotalRequest Good Girls - 5 Seconds of Summer 2.6 3869 593768774748151809 My 18th birthday is next month A follow would be a perfect birthday present : ) x1 , 026 2.4 3870 294995999984852994 Try to beat me ! My Ruzzle username is '¡blAnk ! ' . 4.0 3871 351433824493780992 Know who this is on the #WhosTheCeleb app ? ! Try it , it 's free : 3.1666666666666665 3872 260546804452556800 Lets get ready to ruuuuumble ! 1.6 3873 201356920370630656 Just tried to walk in men 's bathroom at airport . Also left bag on flight bound for LAX . I'm going to Burbank . #anotherdayinthelifeof 3.8333333333333335 3874 499792196078301184 you go to bed hoe 2.6666666666666665 3875 492407457855983616 I like being one ! 2.6666666666666665 3876 651482477970612224 Also , when I go to check the status of the server at it shows an error message 3.1666666666666665 3877 699998118360682496 I'm on my way to earning a $15 gift card ! Join me - 3.333333333333333 3878 936094527986786304 happy birthday to us , happy birthday to us ! It’s my birthday toooo ! 😁😁 3.333333333333333 3879 144222772657258496 yup ( : how would YOU define the term ? 2.1666666666666665 3880 891039892234436608 I talked to 10 people who hated ACA so therefore 22 , 000 , 000 must hate it . Right ? Teach stats in schools 3.2857142857142856 3881 767191357278609408 The question u did n't ask was 'was it necessary to hold a gun to you' But then all you want is headlines & make the swimmer grovel 2.7142857142857144 3882 635159348063375360 Have you heard ‘svoy’ by y y y on #SoundCloud ? #np 3.2857142857142856 3883 650416119287836672 Have you heard ‘Ghostek - Darkest Hour’ by First Edition on #SoundCloud ? #np 3.571428571428572 3884 700508871085973504 super immature when people try to put u in the middle of their own issues stop It 's irrelevant Do n't mention me if I'm not directly related 2.0 3885 737047612826759169 Candid photo credit to Kim . #graduation #2016grad #graduate 2.8571428571428568 3886 430965701126684672 fprintf ( 'you freak' ) Haha I love my engineering bitties <3 Goodluck on CS ! 2.4285714285714284 3887 284860743650770944 'Yeah that guy is back with his girlfriend' : 'Dont we not like her ? ! ' #yourereadingtoomuchcosmo #testiclecheck 2.2857142857142856 3888 659625527485947904 I'm sorry for not answering the people i talk to in dms . I pretty much feel dead and i 'll answer sometime this weekend or something . 2.2857142857142856 3889 736580167460519937 Okay true though 1.5 3890 736367570119491584 Stoked for and tonight 2.333333333333333 3891 593307709815988224 When I die all I will look back on is whether my tweets progressively got funnier or not 2.5 3892 924704300139458561 Take me an hour to reassemble wacom intros 4 pen . . . phew 3.1666666666666665 3893 660624290459553792 I passed by Halloween like it never exist . . . . unsocialized to the max lol 2.833333333333333 3894 708303856497590272 this is why I love you ❤ ️ ❤ ️ 1.8333333333333333 3895 406171410084540416 I jist finished minee 1.8333333333333333 3896 823312105340223488 thanks melissa 💞💞 love you 2.1666666666666665 3897 828375923284131840 good day yesterday 🤘 🏽🎉 thanks sofia ❣ ️🥜 1.8333333333333333 3898 306750539067187201 : Taylor Swift Goat 😂😂 . this is the video ! ! 2.833333333333333 3899 449765981183672321 Way to go cats ! ! ! 😻😻😺 #bbn4life 1.6666666666666667 3900 663037994190827522 Chandler AZ , Cooper 2nd ward cub scouts & leader Maren Pratt delivered 25 tote bags to us this morning ! Thank you ! ! 4.8 3901 628195262570213376 Still trying to round up enough fleece blankets to fill a larger order for The Road Home Shelter is Salt Lake City ! ! 4.0 3902 438140654716088320 Soooooo I like the name Haley/Hailey for a girl 💜 2.2 3903 404183995476217856 but that just ended in an argument ☺ ️ ☺ ️ 😂 1.0 3904 570052930461687808 Eating dinner at Olive Garden after a wonderful weekend in Kentucky visiting Leilani 's parents . … 3.6 3905 448085231032369152 First day of Fourth Quarter today & the beginning of my final quarter here . Let 's do… 2.8 3906 676150319630426114 ( 8/ ? ? ) actually do stuff , like go on tour . But here 's my response to that : you would n't be touring by yourself if you had n't been in Magcon . 3.0 3907 621107883716050944 I KNOW HOW YOU FEEL I HAVE NODES AND THEY SUCK ! ! ! ! ! 😖😖😞😞😞😞😞😣😣😣😞😞😞 2.2 3908 751486707455954944 My #TeenChoice vote for #ChoiceFandom is #SuperJunior #ELF ! 3.6 3909 902972043272052737 I ca n't believe u actually tweeted this 1.8 3910 549554639612694529 Tying up loose ends in the final days of 2014 . Where did the time go ? #2015ComingSoon 3.0 3911 3127474858 Back from beautiful St . Maarten @ a wk of tropical bliss ! Ca n't w8 2 go back already ! Gettin' ready 2 produce some island flavored tracks ! 3.8 3912 923408284010405889 To the pit of misery ! Dilly dilly ! 1.4 3913 939589192945770497 I consider myself to have a “people in glass houses” attitude , but there are times when you absolutely can pick up… 2.4 3914 36648231395921920 I Am Number Four is such a good movie ! ! ! Go see it ! ! 3.6 3915 48218057503539200 Everything is falling into place : ) 1.2 3916 579714174378319872 After getting pressure from , here I am ! #firsttweet 2.6 3917 661023223375642626 I'm just gonna say it . . . This episode of the walking dead was lame . 1 . 5 hrs for that ? ? 😒 #DeadBuzz #TheWakingDead 3.6 3918 231100438496292864 just heard you had #friedclams on a #foodtruck ca n't wait to try #newengland #Boston 3.2 3919 136660156422434816 Rosa Mexicano ! Cadillac Margarita ! ! ! 2.25 3920 676417863310286848 The least King 's could do for me during finals week is make my coffee right . But maybe thats asking for too much 😒 3.0 3921 736033945251393537 True Life : York , PA sucks major balls 3.6 3922 542058281167249408 needs to get their shit together yet to receive to of my orders that were supposed to be here last week 2.8 3923 509767195665391618 So fucking excited 1.6 3924 134649280114864130 Guess who finally got her happy ass to group again 1.8 3925 85658143249534976 I typed up the basic gist of it in my LJ . Still a little tipsy & tired 'cause I only slept for an hour so things are fuzzy haha 2.0 3926 149834831931518977 I will never pretend that the deadmau5 head doesnt creep me the fuck out . 3.0 3927 160516127691251715 If only it was acceptable to meet a guy covered in grease stains from french fries . 2.0 3928 490473338028818432 Float trip weeeee 👯🌾🏊 2.2 3929 477370445893599232 with #2on seriously I have the biggest girl crush #noshame 2.2 3930 670907705553518592 you 're just mad cause that fort is actually mine . But you can stay . For now . 2.2 3931 631102046851211265 hm . Where are you now ? 1.4 3932 626113019483783168 Hope you can get that acc back soon ! Ily ♥ 1.8 3933 627512443799863296 Those people that go crazy for rare week . . - smirks - xD 1.2 3934 410964592978714625 Overwhelmed and overjoyed by the immense love and grace God lavished upon us by sending His Son to die for our sins ! 2.4 3935 397542351927001088 So proud of ! ! ! Thankful for you and your heart for The Lord ! 2.0 3936 756179357480148992 In my life every day is #NationalJunkFoodDay 2.4 3937 594966076863193088 We 're in Miami ! ! ! #miami #southbeach #bluewater #beach 2.4 3938 664846352694669312 I still need to get one ! #denynothing 1.6 3939 661947199845089280 Forgetting about food in the oven . . . . for longer than three weeks . #MyStonerConfession 2.2 3940 785198093759315968 I liked a video from WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN ? ? ? Alone END 2.5 3941 797980169013235712 I liked a video from TRIPLE YOUR WIFE C-C-C-COMBO ! | Oh . . . Sir ! The Insult Simulator 2.333333333333333 3942 740661264528101377 Loving my twist ! #twist #naturalhair #natural #growth #naturalhaircommunity @ Hartford , Connecticut 2.833333333333333 3943 625989426213224448 Good morning ! I decided on a bun for this heat . Love the versatility of natural hair ! #twa… 3.0 3944 220343529182998530 Ression proof your income . Stop by here for the coolest home based business around #home_base_biz 3.5 3945 220279713065734144 Protect your income . Stop by here for the coolest work at home business around #home_biz 3.333333333333333 3946 379321420343689216 I do n't wanna work D : 2.0 3947 352236629613756417 uhh you just confused me 1.6666666666666667 3948 890607148555657216 anybody else obsessed with quiktrip 's peach white tea ? 3.6666666666666665 3949 889173032446681088 you messed with my head and i did nothing to stop you 1.6666666666666667 3950 179746672992206849 rumor is you wouldnt mind dropping down to 145 to fight Aldo . Any truth ? 3.0 3951 607001913175859200 great job tonight #superman on the finish . #UFCbound 2.6 3952 575066168391696384 ZELDA ALL NIGHT . 👋 2.2 3953 460766762074517504 There was a Bacon Fest in Chicago this weekend and I did n't know about it . #pissed 3.0 3954 916086978709540864 Come visit us ! ! ! ! 1.6 3955 121396820084662272 please tell dub i actually did miss him . it was awesome that you responded to me ! 2.8 3956 28461127161 Boy if stupidity was a olympic event i know alot of people that would have gold medals ! ! 2.6 3957 13217129181 i ca n't believe i did it --the first year ever and i picked the winner of the derby ! ! ! ! picked jockey over horse ! ! 2.8 3958 414151199718256640 Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays from ! Enter to win a $100 Gift Card here : 3.2 3959 375019978300616704 When after 2 days you finally get that text reply , although now irrelevant , everything feels right again ! 😃 3.0 3960 357846337208856576 Post oath taking dinner @ Conti 's : ) #happiness #mangobravo 2.833333333333333 3961 670706735972265985 thank you for the follow ! 😊 1.5 3962 179766169815879681 words cannot express my pain : ( 1.1666666666666667 3963 176792521907769344 That old man Jasper right after he gets thawed out of the KwikEMart freezer and thinks it 's the future 3.1666666666666665 3964 935160314550673408 #ThankYou #lilpeep for all the memories and we 're saddened by your parting recently ! 😞 #MondayBlues 3.1666666666666665 3965 942594811130810368 We can only wonder about the products you 're not telling us about and working on behind the scenes there on the IBM campus ! 3.0 3966 230065081604526080 #SFGTS Like a sprained ankle boy ai n't nothing to play with , It started off local but thanks to all the haters 2.6666666666666665 3967 231554774644965376 Grandma left Grandpa coz he was too FAT . Grandpa decided to get muscle . His before/after pictures are shocking , See pics in my last tweet 3.8333333333333335 3968 887032753144741888 #Delta #DeltaGate I 'll pay 's $30 if you ban her for life ! She should be sued by passengers she took photo of and posted . #POS 4.0 3969 916030817205284864 Tunesmap is the best part of that #Tunesmap 2.6666666666666665 3970 937059450401316864 Dawgs for the upset 1.6666666666666667 3971 900407988028133376 The amount of crazy here is wild 2.0 3972 187376397780660224 Futbol playa ! ! Guatemala vs Uruguay . Por fox port mas . 3.1666666666666665 3973 433751090190770176 Shout out to for not dying on me today at work ! 4.0 3974 780218842635116544 I'm so happy I got to see #fondyband take the field in Waukesha , and even more proud that they earned first place at their first comp ❤ ️ 2.833333333333333 3975 895030837191823361 Yo , did you bother looking at the picture ? Shimada mains , I swear . . . 3.333333333333333 3976 716665961315758080 who was the first female diagnosed with AIDS in the US ? 3.333333333333333 3977 342333966591864832 Ralph got issues . Now he tossing strawberries in the pool . 2.333333333333333 3978 904089377374183424 That 55yd FG by is why slept over to recruit him to ! #GoMaize 〽️ 🏈 3.333333333333333 3979 924483132342046720 Bregman 's solo home run Sent with At Bat . . . now has an RBI in all 4 #WorldSeries games . . . #MVP 3.0 3980 633991276820606976 #ShareTheLove for being top HighValue members this week : ) 3.0 3981 632066817419280385 #FollowFriday for being top influencers in my community this week : ) 2.5 3982 774942083627048960 Its my birthday can I have a dm ? 2.6666666666666665 3983 668232168737513473 Watch new video it 's awesome #mattsnewvideo 😍🙈 2.333333333333333 3984 8810705187 I love the doritoes one with the little boy who slap the guy he says the 2 things u dont do is mess with his mom or doritoes 3.8333333333333335 3985 106552892042911744 I hate waking up at 7 : 45 in the morning for work : ( TRYING this out 2.833333333333333 3986 332717628118405121 You 're so predictable  1.0 3987 332999030886002689 ' : Michael Jackson ' OMFG I CAN'T 2.1666666666666665 3988 626712876309434368 The tone of this article kind of annoys me . I'm doubt anyone has scoffed at a birthday wish for being impersonal . 2.4285714285714284 3989 630407768072134657 It was released after the war . 1.7142857142857142 3990 659454937328390146 That surreal moment when releases phase 1 and you 're actually attending this year instead of wishing you were ! #TECHNO 3.0 3991 866333745300766722 has a great #MovementDetroit guide ! Check it out here ! ! : ) 3.1428571428571432 3992 644162831940734977 Just hanging around on my day off waiting to watch the debate tonight on CNN go trump 😎 3.0 3993 700805252799447042 do you think this biuld is as stable as the one out now 2.142857142857143 3994 528143070378721282 ' : 10 sex facts that you never know . ' done it , scary huh ? 2.5714285714285716 3995 939608211027562497 Great job Springfield and for your help 2.5714285714285716 3996 659435331503177728 That conspiring circle wo n't tip grumpy off at all #dopeysrevenge 2.5714285714285716 3997 636769920634765313 I hope you have sweet , luscious dreams involving two Stephen 's ( the butlers ) as the cookies to your ice cream sandwich 🍪🍦🍪 😉 3.7142857142857135 3998 247366213821427713 I just won 8 Swag Bucks by Searching the web at 3.571428571428572 3999 747949548543213572 I just earned 2 Points from searching the web . #instagc 2.7142857142857144 4000 839852815023431681 You enjoy romantic intrigue like anyone else , but sometimes th . . . More for Scorpio 3.1428571428571432 4001 932623582806470656 Your optimism is contagious today because you truly believe yo . . . More for Scorpio 3.1428571428571432 4002 467028061066522624 tell me ! Lmao 😂 1.5714285714285714 4003 471765412275712000 you mad orrr ? 😂😂 1.5714285714285714 4004 919187378362900485 Lady , if you 're new to Twitter and new to politics , I suggest you ed… 2.8571428571428568 4005 851585408148414466 First really nice Spring day , and I saw two spiders . 🕷 ️ 🕷 ️ 😟 3.2857142857142856 4006 277403989799231488 Going to see the Lord of the Rings maration with Grace . #geekgirlsdayout 3.8571428571428568 4007 856472633516359681 I entered a giveaway for a chance to win 'Brick & Mortar Franchise Success : K . . . ' by Carolyn Miller ( A . . . . #giveaway 4.0 4008 234825901748146176 Beautiful ! Imagine that song always makes me want to cry . . . but tonight . . . #closingceremony 3.0 4009 240937260734902274 To the mother of Jabri you looked so stupid taking on a cell phone while your handsome , intelligent little boy spoke so eloquently ! #6ABC 4.0 4010 663378311549030400 La . Breathtaking , Heart pounding , mysterious love stories . !A Magnificent Romantic Suspense… ⇒#accela 2.2857142857142856 4011 689069375492505600 Everyday Breathtaking , Heart pounding , mysterious love stories . !A Magnificent Romantic Suspense… ⇒#accela 2.2857142857142856 4012 653905460832153600 Is this what you were looking for ? ; ) 1.7142857142857142 4013 654244226662797312 Today Sheffield smells of waffles and doughnuts 3.8571428571428568 4014 695639132517834752 “ : I spend more money bonding my niggas out then i do on myself smh smh”Rns if u got it 💯 2.2857142857142856 4015 686977311435034624 damn nigga did u knock or jus stand at the door 2.2857142857142856 4016 695766988283637760 babe , I need merch from you asap 2.2857142857142856 4017 683501497338990593 #AskEthanAndGrayson who 's your favorite band and artist ? 3.7142857142857135 4018 620694661552840704 Except for the SAT . . . sort of 1.2 4019 410458189382307840 I slept for TWELVE hours , if that does n't how stressed school makes kids I do n't know what does . 2.5 4020 387369087522717697 My grandma said she was going to rob a bank 3.0 4021 413331681982959616 my life story 1.0 4022 668620602400514048 Lightening . . I like it ! 1.6666666666666667 4023 668620450604449792 Him and Enid are made for each other both nuts ! ! ! 2.833333333333333 4024 207643466698735617 More bus probs ? Dang . Your old yellow and blue one sat in my driveway for a while , found some great posters and Josh' iPod . . . 3.5 4025 608255601051856896 Pants first , then shoes . ( In case anyone else was having trouble with that this morning . ) . _ . 2.5 4026 5755073945 I do n't know that tired even begins to describe it . My eyes burn . 2.5 4027 4161557596 I milked a cow in France . Why ? 3.0 4028 174575241941614592 Getting some free pancakes with later . Hoping to get a chapter or 2 done as well . 3.4 4029 219104267758342145 in that order ? 2.0 4030 403538151630573568 over winter break i'm probably just going to bug my parents into teaching me how to make a bunch of things 2.8 4031 386333440364130306 oh well off i go and in the morning i get some swimming anime and then i'm gonna feed some ducks if it 's not raining and then DEATH AGAIN . 3.6 4032 122064471601582080 On my demand u can go to all tv series and it is there . 3.2 4033 123248749194645506 what shoes were you wearing on WWHL tonight ? Awesome ! ! ! 3.4 4034 295396731863044096 Where is when you need his advice ? #ComeBack 3.2 4035 321843750143926272 I'm going to miss nights like this . 2.2 4036 776584493117341697 Flash is so fast the camera could n't catch him . #BillsMafia 3.2 4037 520408704869736450 I just cancelled 'Jake and the Neverland Pirates' from recording on the DVR . . . wondering if that was the right choice . #TNFBlowout 4.0 4038 449339674020945921 Somebody gave their school my number and they call me every time this nigga is late which is every fucking day . 3.0 4039 808461241664540673 You gotta suck before you do n't suck 1.6 4040 672925956835827717 Play the every day… So much fun ! 2.6 4041 612971159773147136 REDD’S® Apple Ale Shark Week Watch Party : 3.6 4042 562085471233540097 I am in no way a Patriots fan but the look on Richard Sherman 's face after that interception made sitting through this game all worth it 😏🙌 4.0 4043 364902225438457856 My brother made a personal voicemail recording for me because he ignores my calls so often 😂 3.0 4044 91620987497488385 oh no , you can add multiple emails to your BrowserID account ! - just *one* password . 2.8 4045 158297199200059392 Mysterious cloaked Josh tends to Steve ( the pig in the bbq box ) 3.0 4046 338734693010771968 when i have kids i hope its a boy . . . cause i cant deal with a mini me lmao 3.0 4047 298106848370892800 I thought we talked about this 1.6 4048 682806788383727616 Had a dream last night gave me a pair of yeezus . Thanks . ❤ ️ or just donate to my medical gofundme/Keepkelseykicking 4.0 4049 467272790408568832 Well I guess if I ca n't work out in awhile then it 's all that healthy food . Bought to make a green smoothie , and try to be quiet . 3.2857142857142856 4050 497281041741414401 saubar ! It wont be awful like maurussia and caterham but due to waiting until next gen everyones left you behind . 3.8571428571428568 4051 432649919820996608 taken me 6months but moyes out 2.2857142857142856 4052 680889851797848064 Gain 3442 🇫 🇴 🇱 🇱 🇴 🇼 🇪 🇷 🇸 . with @ ( sponsored tweet ) 1.3333333333333333 4053 680748266418352129 Gain 1915 🇫 🇴 🇱 🇱 🇴 🇼 🇪 🇷 🇸 . with @ ( sponsored tweet ) 1.3333333333333333 4054 311635695326330880 hey have you thought about doing competition Cheerleading 2.8571428571428568 4055 298155233593405440 Funny I come on twitter to see everything about cheer competitions today and I mostly see about Super Bowl please Go Trinity 3.571428571428572 4056 485583887285108736 I Wish The Rain Would Quit So Can Win ! I Ca n't Stay Up All Night I Got Church Performance Tomorrow . Thank God For DVR 😊 3.7142857142857135 4057 626898438907670530 My Beautiful Baby ! ! 😻 #willow #cat #adorable 2.2857142857142856 4058 593064200538193921 You know your priorities are messed up when you feel guilty for murdering ants that are infesting your house but tend to lean pro choice . . . 3.4285714285714284 4059 428374812507918336 I'm trying to watch #PrettyLittleLiars and I have to listen to my brother sing opera at the top of his lungs while on the toilet ! ! 4.428571428571429 4060 855980409280225280 Please tell me she does n't look like Chilli from TLC in the second pic 😍 3.2857142857142856 4061 817744018939453441 Woke up singing 'You used to call me on my trap phone' 😂 2.7142857142857144 4062 766823708392652801 Seriously ? ? is absolutely on fire tonight , and it 's only the prelims ! ! Crazy good ! ! #RioOlympics2016 3.1428571428571432 4063 643535284739698688 I 'd love to stop hearing about her ! ! I ca n't stand the circus she 's become . 2.0 4064 425354326928662528 Mission : Nobody . . . Absolutely nobody can come in my way of greatness #determined 1.5714285714285714 4065 300714764294823938 watching End of Days . . . ugh scares the **** outta me ! 2.7142857142857144 4066 939608895823273984 And when I contacted customer service a few days ago , it 's like they did n't even read what my issue was . 2.7142857142857144 4067 890483321066672128 And I have extremely limited dental coverage with #Masshealth , & make $92 a month through the #DTA because I'm home… 4.0 4068 519023017469698049 Does anyone else have benedryl actually keep them awake instead of knocking your ass out ? I was tired the first 30 mins . Now im fully awake 3.7142857142857135 4069 308301304860651520 They are seriously getting pulverized 1.7142857142857142 4070 603386252809875456 Enter to win a Grilling Basket #Giveaway on & More ! 3.1428571428571432 4071 221771698603687936 I received +K in Quilting from . Thanks ! 3.1428571428571432 4072 748404554656583680 It 's 2 am and I'm still crying over poussey 3.2857142857142856 4073 125370513685098496 hm . ms . hill 's 'project' didnt even take me that long . . 3.0 4074 553325139212111873 Cop a Fit #kotd @ Homewood 2.142857142857143 4075 581287548661706752 My name must taste really good rolling off mfs tongue but sometimes mfs just need to shut up and swallow . 2.4285714285714284 4076 696106143710449666 My daddy Arkansas , momma Texas . . . Got creole and negro etc . what I'm saying is yes I'm Beyoncé 3.0 4077 567600145387106305 Anyone else get an aneurysm from htgawm 2.7142857142857144 4078 804068748634312704 Orphaned Kitten Falls Asleep in Man 's Arms and Chooses Him as Family via 3.0 4079 851898634048294912 Maine Coon Alerts Couple to Lethal Levels of Carbon Monoxide by 3.333333333333333 4080 920359437235302405 Help out ! Give to Send 1000 liters of clean water to Puerto Rico ! ! ! ! Raise funds on 3.0 4081 920812234749677568 I was so busy talking politics and that I forgot to thank #GothamCon 3.333333333333333 4082 917104672149790720 Self promotion time , NEW MERCH ! Shirt | $25 Hoodie | $35 3.1666666666666665 4083 929781129728622595 I cringe every time they say it 🙄 2.1666666666666665 4084 753009433337364480 I'm raising money for Help with student loan debt . Click to Donate : via 2.5 4085 650027437624045573 Please help with insulin supplies . Click to Donate : via 2.833333333333333 4086 925791015621091330 Poor things like , “you sure there’s 5 ? Oh lord hold , my paw ! Idk how imma do this” 2.333333333333333 4087 812409343480070146 IC gets the best of me almost every time 2.5 4088 349630096866414592 ahhh this explains why you were so worried on FB- I'm alright just a lot happening at once - we will talk soon <3 2.0 4089 349243908045279232 baha you mean #blutbad ? : 0 ) I connect most with Wu ( love his sarcasm ) but I loved that yellow bird-The #Seltenvogel or The #Musai 2.8571428571428568 4090 318186696321687553 Last night of work=successful . 1.7142857142857142 4091 368403487760986112 I'm glad school is starting . This summer sucked . 2.7142857142857144 4092 302616650686033920 wish I was there too : ( 1.4285714285714286 4093 294530814547488769 I know I got nervous when I first saw it too 1.7142857142857142 4094 842492545955479552 The nice weather brings out the extra bad drivers . 3.0 4095 727255264257257472 It 's too surreal I just booked my flight to Austin 😍 4.142857142857143 4096 150755494380834816 . . . . . first . . . . last time buyer . . . crap install . . . . incase way better how do I get refund ? ? ? See previous tweet ! ! ! 2.5714285714285716 4097 231974335093547008 little late for that . We will drink together . And you wo n't remember it ! ! #Jedialcoholic 2.5714285714285716 4098 513815845018275840 This made me thing of the thing with Val kissing Ken thEN EATING HIS FACE 2.7142857142857144 4099 514950049680601088 WHATS WRONG IS IT ON FIRE ? ? 1.5714285714285714 4100 791735646419292161 i'm even hesitant to claim I'm jack Mormon ( which describes my religious affiliation ) b/e it feels weird owning up to that part of me 3.0 4101 905244995585810432 I kinda want to do diary comics but I'm afraid ppl knowing how much of my day is watching Game Grumps ಠ_ಠ 2.5714285714285716 4102 542125821557997568 it 's true tonight and tomorrow night 10-12 be there or be square 2.5714285714285716 4103 561262481008779265 I'm just gonna assume when I wake up tomorrow I 'll be Florida about to pregame for gaspy 2.8571428571428568 4104 709804093129269248 Indy at the 1960 Presidential debate : 'That Nixon fella . . . he 's going places . ' Grunting , he scratches his back with the Cross of Coronado . 3.8571428571428568 4105 681673141425455104 First time I 've seen the Broncos make any second half adjustments in 5-6 games . Not rocket science . Now let 's play . 2.8571428571428568 4106 603785473710956544 Tyler , Kevin , and Jonah are actually arguing about the quality of a One Direction song . . . 3.2857142857142856 4107 753373193046462465 90% of Carl 's wardrobe comes from my closet 2.7142857142857144 4108 622572631523487744 lol me too 1.2857142857142858 4109 285925421969711104 Yeah its me 1.2857142857142858 4110 130761348131983360 any Hakeem nicks update ? 2.4285714285714284 4111 319917768935895041 I like SA too , just thought u pckd each prop . I'm debating nets now over the caps bc of 'the lock' damn streaking . . thnx bud 3.8571428571428568 4112 729010588890714112 #PeopleAreTiredOf And establishment politics . Establishment politics= Corruption . 2.4285714285714284 4113 695090682906615809 Yea she 's grown like Fungus : p 3.0 4114 834618027886911489 I'm just curious . Do you know you are being a hypocrite about obstructionism or do you really buy your own horse manure ? 2.7142857142857144 4115 711254456688451584 Have you seen this video ? 3.2857142857142856 4116 407357762990272512 The fire alarm goes off 2.4285714285714284 4117 401211601514033152 Honest to god how does anyone get this physics homework done without Google #lifesaver 2.8571428571428568 4118 646896948012810240 A$AP & Tyler were lit 🔥 2.8 4119 696392938247626752 I just filed my federal and state taxes with for free #bam #Absolute0 #sponsored 2.833333333333333 4120 17750882534 i'm acutally bored . . . it 's a nice change 1.5 4121 344556116274974720 aggressive gum chewers make me exceptionally hostile 3.0 4122 457969563322580993 Easter throwback with the family 2.833333333333333 4123 508021234270220288 This took me way too long 1.5 4124 342124272183033856 Speed kills ! #gomez great game and great comback win for the #brewers 2.5 4125 284902249682067456 Its so quiet in my apt I can hear my neighbors thoughts #cantsleep 2.5 4126 92975778186280961 what a lucky man you are 1.5 4127 41177196160761856 coming back to the twitter world for the one and only . ready for 4 : 00 , #fishbowls , #timsanticipation 3.1666666666666665 4128 340564512858046465 Im so burned 1.7142857142857142 4129 349279214807158785 O . O whoa loud thunder 1.8571428571428568 4130 313824685789945858 aw thanks mal ! love you 😘❤💗 2.8571428571428568 4131 379394021740654593 Sooo , I'm not feeling school tomorrow at all . . 2.142857142857143 4132 883245658794315777 God I have never related to something more 2.2857142857142856 4133 834847293694234626 Cutting my hair off was 100% one of the best decisions I 've ever made 3.1428571428571432 4134 449715485865553920 Life does n't get easier , u get stronger 1.5714285714285714 4135 252951428455362560 #ImThatTypeOfGirl Who was brought up with morals . 2.0 4136 607341011254263808 consider this trade ? ? i dont do vintages , wonder if itd help me get green r2 & luke dagobah & blue poster 3.4285714285714284 4137 816738429069312003 no packs ugggghhhhh 1.4285714285714286 4138 1587306285 Todays Predictions Magic over Sixers , Denver over New Orleans , Miami over Hawks 3.333333333333333 4139 853828254658174980 Just posted a photo 1.8 4140 933188164105093120 Those towels look skimpy . You should bitch to the front desk . 3.1666666666666665 4141 663750030918991873 Her : Help ! I just got punched by my boyfriend ! Police : As you should . . . 3.1666666666666665 4142 287218375644573697 To my DC Peeps #FF for daily empoweredness Which is not a word but they make me feel as though I have the power to make it one ! 2.0 4143 328583224156635138 That 's my girl ! ! 2.0 4144 720075776058597377 I shaved one of my legs and forgot to do the other what has the world come to 3.0 4145 760882392273944576 AYE ITS COPPERTONE ! ! ! love the hair dude 2.333333333333333 4146 712485760390139904 Harleighs first bouquet . She picked it for Yah Yah ( Grandma ) 😍💐 #momlife #spring #portland… 2.5 4147 891761782477410304 Happy Sunday funday from the three of us ! ☀ ️ ☀ ️#momlife #4weekstogo #harleighrose 2.333333333333333 4148 402647856114200576 This creeps me out 2.1666666666666665 4149 300640651563900928 Just saw this for the first time , so much fun ! Neil Peart - YYZ Jazz Style - ( New York 2008 ) 3.0 4150 35110625176723456 congrats to you Nikki and your team that put it all together 3.5 4151 27790897013850112 i love the deftones seeing them VIP in PHILLY 2.833333333333333 4152 238476759929081856 “ : GLITZY CAN BE GAY IF HE WANTS TO , YOU CAN'T TELL THAT PIG WHAT TO DO” #deuces 2.833333333333333 4153 291004815134294017 hahaha no that 's what big maw told me 2.5 4154 408354726321717249 I added a video to a playlist Five Finger Death Punch - Back For More - New 2011 Studio Version Song 3.6666666666666665 4155 276672483329966081 I'm online , call me #bitwine 2.833333333333333 4156 385095050394230784 U . S . shutdown : How the world reacted 2.333333333333333 4157 277388084302196736 And So It Flows 1.8333333333333333 4158 633149141380648960 Crazy Ass Toys ! via #myfavoritevlog 2.333333333333333 4159 633151730734264320 Crazy Cliff Diving ! ! via #myfavoritevlog 2.1666666666666665 4160 638916255089623040 I'm down for two ! 1.5 4161 634490367216361477 your mouth to God 's ear , mama ! 2.333333333333333 4162 396293945086316545 3 . More . Outlines . 😓😨 1.6666666666666667 4163 432727043256901632 nevermind the safety of your citizens . 😠 2.6666666666666665 4164 729726687311740928 I’d dip my cookies into Silk Unsweetened Cashew milk ! Yummy ! #SilkCrowd #sponsored 4.0 4165 748626211354591232 Tell us about the great dad or dads in your life ! #lovecrowdtap 3.1666666666666665 4166 923637328698015745 😚 l o l it 's ok but yes I appreciate the words you meant to say 2.1666666666666665 4167 685169906275450880 This just makes me so happy 1.8333333333333333 4168 467375512143556608 Are you guys rolling out the 500 , 000 coin bundle this weekend ? ? Thx 3.5 4169 609804502032601089 Metallica 's Hetfield , Hammett to perform national anthem via 3.8333333333333335 4170 872228676569583616 Can you please visit State College Pennsylvania . . . 3.333333333333333 4171 380147360321396736 thanks for making my daughter 's day special at St Rita . 3.0 4172 196403664053739520 si si si xD ( live on ) 3.6666666666666665 4173 739066991630258176 Cash Up , helps you get free PayPal Cash . Please useMy Code 553e75 you get 150 Credits . You can Download Google Play : 3.333333333333333 4174 758769489785806848 Last trivia code broke I completed and tried to submit the code and received message that the code is expired or unavailable 2.1666666666666665 4175 936036704586207232 Treason Weasel says what ? 3.1666666666666665 4176 116278789532696576 oh boy ! Sounds like a pretty even league this year 2.0 4177 110867814411280384 yes getting an app is a very smart thing 1.8333333333333333 4178 500309239915896833 If you 're in Columbia and want your car cleaned hit me up 🚙🚿🚗 3.0 4179 360948662437806080 Since my dog thinks every living creature wants to play with him , I think it 's safe to say he wo n't be protecting us on these nightly walks . 3.1666666666666665 4180 510198402173251584 Olive Garden 's '7 weeks of unlimited pasta for $100' promo goes horribly awry via 4.0 4181 667834086736556032 and tablecloth wish from . Love ! 2.0 4182 737434387931881472 'The worst enemy to creativity is self doubt . ' Sylvia Plath #amwriting #amwritingfantasy 3.333333333333333 4183 719002472312913920 Thanks for the encouragement ! 1.6666666666666667 4184 779170945965621249 I'm earning #mPLUSRewards in mPLUS Places . 3.6666666666666665 4185 778563222429392896 I'm earning #mPLUSRewards in Punchcard for Android . 3.6666666666666665 4186 823214207462162432 bahahaha . We have similar strange interests ! I'm an #ENFJ 2.0 4187 753263201500803072 #Pit2Pub #A #WF Tempered by the ebb and flow of the tobacco field in 1940s Carolina , a murder reconnects rival sisters in this family epic . 3.571428571428572 4188 306721151483277312 On the cusp of something great . 1.4285714285714286 4189 244937971013398530 Serena Williams is a bad ass bitch . 3.4285714285714284 4190 679314418266710016 danny & riley | out of the woods ( #2 + wish #2 ) : via 2.4285714285714284 4191 803690535076691968 Does anyone know where to get decent quality veronica mars eps without using torrents ? mine suddenly do n't work : ( 3.0 4192 169974698699014144 When I get a new watch , I become a new person . 2.0 4193 242007472276111362 1 hr 45 minutes til the football tweeting begins ! #WPS 2.5714285714285716 4194 788621642171871232 JOANNE FOLLOW ME #LadyGaga #JOANNE #JoanneVibes #PERFECTILLUSION #MillionReasons #AYO ❤ ️ ❤ ️ ❤ ️ 2.4285714285714284 4195 842423905092571138 But no you just made her look bad . You should be ashamed of yourself you bastard 1.8571428571428568 4196 665222447063539713 Time to make some more money . Who is up for the challenge . GOD is in the Blessing Business Today . 3.1428571428571432 4197 663014962735030272 Lets make this christmas $$$$ People . . . Check out this . have made 255 dollars in two days . 3.2857142857142856 4198 133235489359663105 Just when u think life could n't suck more you lose another important thing . . . your job . . . is there any way to hit rock bottom but face first 3.1428571428571432 4199 123624251495424000 Im not going to stay at that house while that bastered you call a boyfriend abuses me for me being who I am . . . don&#39;t expect me back… 3.2857142857142856 4200 920512266973392896 I'm selling 'Action Packed Bobby , Davey , 'Mom' and Liz Allison Card #140' Click to see 3.8571428571428568 4201 893916019152101382 #CodeGreenSolar Best Solar in New Jersey ! ! ! Call ( 877 ) 209-9363 ! ! ! #giveaway 3.4285714285714284 4202 253661489867677696 Thats for sure ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 1.1428571428571428 4203 250440687680626688 Have you guys voted for 's remix of Make It Bun Dem by ? If not Vote here ! 3.1428571428571432 4204 920018069132599298 As a Michigan fan State should be higher Michigan almost lost to Indiana . a good michigan team it wo… 3.1428571428571432 4205 380510312115757056 hard to listen to 1.1428571428571428 4206 911145983521595393 I think you might need to update your twitter handle . . . #byebyemalcolm #auspol 2.7142857142857144 4207 432797164058595328 Do you know what type/brand of lure it was ? 2.142857142857143 4208 379351619894116353 nobody is innocent . 1.4285714285714286 4209 391397863798087680 where 's yo ass 1.8571428571428568 4210 526443076752252928 Poppin pills and chugging tea in hopes that I 'll be better by tomorrow ! ! 2.4285714285714284 4211 451500599293775872 The Mann Center #24hrtrivia 1.8571428571428568 4212 21799748013 going to bed . my mom is coming to visit me early tomorrow morning . 2.7142857142857144 4213 852311899853254656 Nightmare Before Christmas scared me so much in theaters my mom had to take me out . Sorry . . I love it now , but I was 4 then . 3.8571428571428568 4214 828056824649756672 rather Ike be in there than a kicker 2.0 4215 920494108132696064 better team . 04 eagles or 17 eagles ? 3.2857142857142856 4216 673031555644710912 I took a survey and was rewarded with $1 . 00 . There are 8 daily surveys available ! 3.8 4217 717730149018443776 How would you answer this : 'How often do you take a walk ? ' 2.2 4218 717809787166146560 Watch #streaming #BindingOfIsaac on #twitch , Join the #CoolCat #Community 3.0 4219 717809787166146560 Watch #streaming #BindingOfIsaac on #twitch , Join the #CoolCat #Community 2.6 4220 112124562988216320 Happy Birthday ! Hope your day is blessed ! ! 2.0 4221 179600572964540416 Glad to hear there is 'work' being done on future Muppet projects ! 2.4 4222 119420505504759808 last night was the best night of my life ! ! thanks for a great show ! Loved it ! : ) 2.4 4223 466435537096937472 Wow ! Talk about so awful refs ! ! They gave that one to the thunder ! #LACvsOKC #missedcall 2.2 4224 690146228517105664 I was just in the school bus and a few minutes ago , they talked about Harry 's bday and these radio hosts did n't know who Nick Grimshaw is 3.0 4225 671305250545016832 it 's 255 days . . . 2.2 4226 660204002009722881 Good tips for creating events . #eventplanning #events #eventprofs #jobsearch #jobfairy 2.6666666666666665 4227 648583283123421184 Perfect example of turning an idea into something AMAZING ! #TotalDomination #MakingMagic #Eventplannerjobs 2.0 4228 931207230795538432 Does chocolate-mint fall under peppermint ? 3.5 4229 900470751056326656 No , I have never noticed this . I'm sure and have not either . 1.6666666666666667 4230 550363927616712704 TCU is proving why they should be in the Playoff 3.5 4231 490740873936637952 My man Josh Mcgee is here 3.6666666666666665 4232 296436298959429632 PTL . That 's how I 've been doing this thing tonall along . 2.1666666666666665 4233 245338750509514753 Not in our world . The only camper I know is 'tortured' and 'tragic . ' 2.833333333333333 4234 117485675347062784 Follow me back please ( : thanks 2.5 4235 113446568979476482 I totally love this so much 2.333333333333333 4236 730543727433814016 If I had a friend who barked at me , it would make me want to take them places more . 3.2857142857142856 4237 615410549430423552 I'm liking James and Steve . . . I think I kind of liked Jeff and Jackie on Amazing race 3.8571428571428568 4238 527261466060410880 We 've started to help combat police brutality and lack of accountability from this side of the state ! #kc2ferguson 4.0 4239 564981225249447939 that 's probably a cop recording . 2.2857142857142856 4240 838197821585108992 One of the best rivalries in all of sports #LetsGoDuke 2.8571428571428568 4241 584511435314601984 One more game ! Let 's go Duke #GoDuke #FinalFour 3.571428571428572 4242 930113647011074048 Good luck . Will be watching from KC . 2.2857142857142856 4243 814014101970186240 -U . N . as condos on the East River . Best use the building will ever have . Sorry Pres . Wilson . 14th pt . Failed . 4.0 4244 566767894327869441 ' : Woman builds Hawaii tiny off-grid vacation home for $11 , 000 ( Video ) ' 4.0 4245 531475966434893825 ' : 'Come forth into the light of things . Let Nature be your teacher . ' -William Wordsworth ' 3.4285714285714284 4246 6132734417 Took the 'Which female Twilight character are you ? ' quiz & got : Bella Swan ! What 'll you get ? ➤ 3.2857142857142856 4247 223993677687701504 yeah I take a lot of pride in it . but I hate when I go to a store and they have items with names on it but no ariana/arianna : ( 2.7142857142857144 4248 112390091917361152 wait . . . . miley 's not a bad girl again ? ? ? what is all this ? #hilarity 3.0 4249 133757284928077825 good night , twitter , hello , work 1.5714285714285714 4250 502663605653749762 First FFL Draft for the year done #bww 2.5714285714285716 4251 507668218912444416 Reppin my city in LA . So far I 've only come across Denver fans . #12thman is everywhere . #gohawks @… 3.0 4252 224214496753885184 I just watched the episode of How I Met Your Mother where Ted gave you the idea for Like A Surgeon . So funny : ) 3.7142857142857135 4253 256436693014560769 Sweeet ! I got $131 . 54 so far by doing surveys ! Waiting for more ! LOOK > 3.0 4254 104766377373605888 i hate the news too negative 1.7142857142857142 4255 106059859870486529 not all lifestyles are conducive to sustain a marriage or family 2.0 4256 582621077341376512 The word 'no' is not the four letter word . I use it often it 's my God-given right to do so . 2.2857142857142856 4257 583797086518452224 My biggest pet peeve is cocky stalkers and the idiots that make it seem imperative that stereotypes be enforced at all times . 3.2857142857142856 4258 249615763441332224 FINALLY ! ! ! my favorite season of the year : ) summer < FALL 3.0 4259 351919224240881664 Sad news everyone July 3rd and 7th will be our last gigs as A Phoenix Down and thn we will be splitting up and . . . 4.0 4260 846179227791736836 Whatever happened to the dude from Bring it On ? I loved him . He was kinda my dream guy . 3.1428571428571432 4261 926149840022667269 It’s moments like this when I have to put a bra and pants on JUST to go down the block and pay rent that technology has not come far enough 2.8571428571428568 4262 317005991654850560 The fact someone around my house has their wifi named 'pretty fly for a wifi' >>>>>>> 2.5714285714285716 4263 295343161331572736 definitely part of it #greatnight thanks for the piggy back ride back to the house 2.5714285714285716 4264 756937866438144000 ill be there sir 2.142857142857143 4265 849837753839865861 from a storm spotter here in cape may be safe out there reed 2.4285714285714284 4266 1623621551 setting up twitter finaly 1.5714285714285714 4267 123039981827670016 loves ya to hunni : ) 1.5714285714285714 4268 666396278830596097 Looking forward to this lecture ! #FrankLloydWright #MoMA 2.2857142857142856 4269 670030485414928384 Thankful to spend another Thanksgiving with my grandmother , who I love more than anyone . She has… 3.2857142857142856 4270 22384708316 Things are okay for once and I'm happy about it . I love you 2.142857142857143 4271 13912166161 hey boo my phone got shut off . let me know how is goes on facebook or something . 2.4285714285714284 4272 397139773564796928 MyPoints : Your Daily Rewards Program 2.1666666666666665 4273 443075031220776961 Do You Want a Piece of 1 , 000 , 000 Swag Bucks ? ! via 2.142857142857143 4274 172012678758404097 Can I request a 'Pack it in and think about SCIENCE' t-shirt , please ? Some people just need to be told outright . . . 2.5 4275 1503726934 Wii Fit age : 37 . Looks like I need to get in shape ! 2.5714285714285716 4276 702638618989326336 My Top 5 Followers : , , , , . Find Yours Free at 2.7142857142857144 4277 914666577492086789 This was the best and most exciting losing season I have seen from the by far 2.7142857142857144 4278 390606169133551617 Just saw a priest driving a black Kia Soul . I feel like there 's a joke in there somewhere . . . 3.4285714285714284 4279 182224477722128384 You know those days when you want to punch babies and get in grudge matches with old ladies ? 1.8571428571428568 4280 118514014002233344 O . O Gabriel following me . . . i'm surprised ! 1.7142857142857142 4281 253704019187478528 those moments that I wish for . . #writingupastorm 1.5714285714285714 4282 258353830918500352 See after drinking champagne all night Never worry bout a damn thing , y'all might Homie I'm on my level ( yeh ) 1.8571428571428568 4283 278624753525350400 lol well if u go we can hang out with Skye and even see yari 2.7142857142857144 4284 368441861372784640 I just solved today 's Sports Fan Friday crossword puzzle . Play now ! #dailycelebritycrossword 3.2857142857142856 4285 727190417146519552 I 've just beaten a quest in World 's Biggest Sudoku . My new level is 'Sudoku Sleuth' Get it free #WBSD 3.0 4286 129855206354731008 google map apiがアップデートしなかったわけがそれだったのか… 2.5 4287 676847317060751360 MOSH UNDER THE RAINBOW . . . 1.4285714285714286 4288 806233906374725632 when i did hot yoga for 1 MONTH i lost like 15 pounds had so much energy and was so healthy i ca n't wait to start that again 10/10 recommend 4.428571428571429 4289 742565973086089216 we r so fun u need 2 hang w us we gotta get to a gig A$APROCKY 2.8571428571428568 4290 327596180638945280 Throwback to my senior pictures ! #tbt #throwback #senior 2.8571428571428568 4291 340261388956098560 Throwback to this great night with these losers 😂 jdelucayo #party #missthem #lovethem 2.8571428571428568 4292 687753370958876672 oh I did that in public with cousins and friends 2.2857142857142856 4293 730411186848714753 This is how it feels when you ca n't provide like you thought you could . 2.142857142857143 4294 102470828855267328 noo I'm 10 2.142857142857143 4295 104937507623419904 Come join me ! - I started a LIVE video chat at 2.8571428571428568 4296 672237671536717824 ooh i see ! Hehe i live in nh rn in a town so yeah but im from hk so city life is 👌🏼👌🏼 for me 2.6666666666666665 4297 650417479928422400 thanks for following ahh owo 1.5 4298 491975011742121986 I love when djs acknowledge everything we do for them 💛 #ravelife 2.7142857142857144 4299 738750819856744448 WHY DOES MY TA NEVER TAKE ROLL WHEN I ACTUALLY SHOW UP 2.7142857142857144 4300 635870708732592128 I ca n't believe I dropped my iphone 6 in a pool . . smh 3.571428571428572 4301 440316309163614209 nah im just a realist 1.4285714285714286 4302 636675019024678912 Im sorry but that kills me haha . Keep it coming . 1.5 4303 637088237606072320 You are only a drug I dream of overdosing on 2.4285714285714284 4304 941998265381289984 OMG YES ! ! ! Not all of them but definitely the vast majority 2.4285714285714284 4305 811434974683467776 Man wish i had this in high school 2.333333333333333 4306 212185026815733760 7/21 - I'm free 1.4285714285714286 4307 256851286794854402 did you win ? ? ? 1.4285714285714286 4308 930806962878664704 Nice ! And it really is quiet . The only noticeable noise in the cabin was coming from the A/C . 3.0 4309 687659880581345280 I guess so , but with going back and forth we barely spent any time there : / 2.2857142857142856 4310 810869390 Two questions : 1 , why ca n't you buy a box of all one color Popsicles ? 2 , anyone want to buy a box of orange and purple Popsicles ? 3.4285714285714284 4311 1185918813 ♪ Meryn Cadell – Bumble Bee 3.0 4312 411068911493193728 Ravens' Elam on Megatron : 'He 's pretty old' via 3.1428571428571432 4313 251454199248859136 hey russo , who gives a frick about golf now with mlb and nfl in hi gear . y do n't they have it later when mlb is over ? ? ? 3.8571428571428568 4314 825872547312865280 I really want to get trampled and smothered by a dominant and sadistic women 3.4285714285714284 4315 675910748090974208 I would love to be trampled by your sexy feet 3.1428571428571432 4316 322762988287295488 there are rules against jumping over a grave in the jewish talmud . Flying over a grave is equated to jumping over one 4.0 4317 353913859930730497 and Lundquist lol 2.333333333333333 4318 4641318116 YAY left over beef stew and Spongbon ! 3.0 4319 3879721416 Good ! And you ? 1.6666666666666667 4320 556482217573351424 N7Master reached a new level in The Secret Society 2.5 4321 727836548264284161 And so it begins a 15 hour marathon of star wars #MayThe4thBeWithYou Happy star wars day to all the fans 3.5 4322 805933760285806593 Thanks so much for linking to the latest #EchoEffect strip ! 2.833333333333333 4323 898479170212184066 Thanks for the RT ! 2.0 4324 725533131864829953 90210 Bottles of Beer #RedneckTVShows 2.333333333333333 4325 339181735508070402 #SCTopTen Brett Gardner 's 2 Run HR robbing catch HAS to be number 1 ! ! ! ! 3.333333333333333 4326 363555988088954881 I'm your freaking sister for a reason . Not some friend you can just uproot and forget about . 3.7142857142857135 4327 159496888872206336 Watching preform at , what a talented group ! #amazed 2.7142857142857144 4328 925298106492522497 i have every bleach manga from 1-25 except 3 & 7 #bot 3.8571428571428568 4329 928755868580986880 I hate my sister -_-' #bot 2.142857142857143 4330 469957285934927872 a rebuttal that probably should 've been said months ago , but better late than never ? 3.0 4331 193411673116250113 best mood i 've been in , in a long time <3 2.142857142857143 4332 865589810408431618 wish i did n't have to drive over an hour for krispy kreme donuts : ( 3.571428571428572 4333 927675975403524097 have you been to provence or reims ? 3.2857142857142856 4334 737866385938886657 Maybe it 's the stockholming after over 4 years , but Larry 's really not bad comparatively . 3.8571428571428568 4335 716778048234790912 Is this about that video with the beav ? Speculation is the only reason it 's being refuted is his team . 3.2857142857142856 4336 526447744584413184 If you are feeling anxious or upset in life , know that it is just a test of patience and faith by the one above . . . Keep your prayers 3.2857142857142856 4337 534319682841739265 I find hope in the darkest of days , and focus in the brightest . I do not judge the universe . - 2.5714285714285716 4338 664298766334369792 well that took longer than expected . . . As usual lol but I'm finally leaving work ^^ 2.0 4339 666052018109304833 Love changes the universe 1.7142857142857142 4340 637002017953607680 DUFF GETTING THINGS DONE 1.7142857142857142 4341 785686795769950208 By the time I land , this game may be over . Do n't be scared if I make a ruckus , ont 3.0 4342 262306659135795200 The address to our dorm is 420 Greene street . . 3.7142857142857135 4343 578384489426059264 Ice cream and Grey 's Anatomy is the next best thing from the beach amirite ❓❔ 3.1428571428571432 4344 918681166500253696 had this movie on vcr 1.7142857142857142 4345 935738423591227393 peach punch duh 1.8571428571428568 4346 853828254658174980 Just posted a photo 1.2857142857142858 4347 593229474054803456 “Favour is deceitful , and beauty is vain : but a woman that feareth the Lord , she shall be praised . Give her of the …” 3.1666666666666665 4348 210052776942772226 Last night I had a dream I HAD A DREAM , about u . . . . . . . 2.4285714285714284 4349 315591453994782720 Firefly was my boo . Lol 2.2857142857142856 4350 670708631537610753 The sun was n't ready . 1.4285714285714286 4351 737035435180851200 what 's your current song and artist your feeling rn #asknessa 2.2857142857142856 4352 707699780290539521 Captain America : Civil War Set Interview : Robert Downey Jr . 3.7142857142857135 4353 690945915557920768 10 Robin Williams thoughts on life that 'll make you love him even more - inktank - 2.7142857142857144 4354 326550276909723650 people love to whip the cafucks . . . feels almost as good as being rolled into little balls and fried in oil 2.6666666666666665 4355 540557247068532736 20 Days of Giveaways Goal Zero 2.142857142857143 4356 705472162652659712 ready for bright clothes ! #FeelBetterFans #sponsored 2.2 4357 713502475450523648 Join the Folgers #SimplySmooth Twitter Party ! yay ! #SimplySmooth #FolgersFans #sponsored 4.2 4358 260852017327636480 Got my iPod y'all are gonna be hearing alot more from me : ) 2.4 4359 388260962379505665 WAIT IS TODAY YOUR BIRTHDAY 2.4 4360 942765639898460160 I added a video to a playlist KSHMR - Megalodon ( Original Mix ) 3.4 4361 934373339962970113 The FCC is hoping #BlackFriday will bury the backlash to their plan to kill #NetNeutrality . We ca n't let that happe… 4.2 4362 698171419377721345 I guess a few minutes = a few hours at 343i ? 2.0 4363 731680575493427200 It 's back to normal for me . 0 dislikes . 2.0 4364 455686435731816451 I understand that things have to change I just wish that I was there for it 1.8 4365 445336035749138432 Nice job today state ! ! ! ! #B1Gchampionship #proudspartan #greenadwhite 3.2 4366 724180602648444928 I'm at the biggest strip club ever 😩 #160nakedbitchesNOexageration ! ! ! 3.0 4367 675544491235774464 When her crazy match yours . ❤ ️ 😍👯 1.7142857142857142 4368 478176542355234816 there 's nothing sexier than a woman cutting grass . 2.2857142857142856 4369 704826334439215104 Voted for to take down the Trump in Alabama tonight . 3.571428571428572 4370 879731801345978370 other people 's work is n't something you can copy & paste for your own benefit . that 's not a thing . 2.8571428571428568 4371 691022096919453696 hit me with book recs 1.4285714285714286 4372 795987125539926016 We ca n't afford an extension of the Obama administration so please exercise your right to vote today . #VoteTrump 3.8571428571428568 4373 652609353921490944 People that truly belong in our lives love us and support us through rain , snow , and days when there is n't a cloud in the sky 2.7142857142857144 4374 637280028020068352 A travesty has occurred , again . . . Another way of saying our lives do n't matter . . . . #ashamed #NoJusticeforJonathanFerrell 3.2857142857142856 4375 660449993023729664 You gotta get back up and keep fighting ! #faith 1.7142857142857142 4376 938666227932811264 i wont let you down promise 1.1666666666666667 4377 905092471893491712 idk why i thought of you when i read this 1.6666666666666667 4378 678622042116198401 Vintage Postcards Digital Collage Sheet for Backgrounds No . 8 3.333333333333333 4379 905899577596882945 hello . . . blast from the past : ) . good luck on your new projects 🤣 2.833333333333333 4380 274169211046227968 I'm at Miami University Gym ( Hamilton , OH ) 3.8333333333333335 4381 315259473444880384 “ : Just saw a cop text and drive ! ” Did u get his plate number ? 2.5 4382 224871302299791360 Thanks for following ! 1.1666666666666667 4383 471848713883623426 Welcome babe ! It 's about time ! 1.8333333333333333 4384 896572223447748610 I am here to give you the best information on getting pregnant for the tenth time . Trust me when I say th… 2.6666666666666665 4385 25705441182883840 Ca n't wait to see you ! Ready for some long overdue lovemaking ? 1.8333333333333333 4386 726202993847222273 LIVE on #Periscope : walking down Daytona beach 3.333333333333333 4387 94470078564794368 Daddy Do It All : Utrasound Pics 2.6666666666666665 4388 943684568590233606 It will never be dead it lives like his queen 2.1666666666666665 4389 872176156501565440 Why would n't I 12 laughed . He does tho 2.333333333333333 4390 633660320029011968 Listen to SLEEPLESS NIGHTS . mp3 by Skomie Moo #np on #SoundCloud 4.0 4391 643670065922088960 Listen to Skomie Moo - Choppa Out by Skomie Moo #np on #SoundCloud 4.166666666666667 4392 626219863657156608 One day I will be free from you ! 2.1666666666666665 4393 632222016154808320 I seriously ca n't stand people who want to blame everyone for their problems 😒 2.1666666666666665 4394 258577969856016386 Omg people in Hollywood pick up your dog crap . I thought the streets here were paved with gold not feces 3.333333333333333 4395 363473726781665280 'Women are obliged to be far more skillful than men . ' Finally watching Dangerous Liaisons and LOVING it 3.333333333333333 4396 69609128586252289 I have no idea why but I went back to bk 's page ! Do you know he is still tweeting about carl and kyle . . preaching to his fans 3.2857142857142856 4397 68645223357616128 hoping your recovery is going well ! Looking forward to seeing you for the all star race ! 2.7142857142857144 4398 660634692555771905 my daughter wants to know if she is 'drop dead gorgeous' material ? 2.8571428571428568 4399 743966431033835520 no info for us ! ! ! 1.2857142857142858 4400 348540832598618112 it is holy work that you do . 1.7142857142857142 4401 266200538583015424 Sleepy . How are you ? 1.8571428571428568 4402 456085634734501888 my greatest piece of artwork to date 😌 hahah thanks Sierra 2.8571428571428568 4403 704422705907568640 Lincoln loved Clay 's economic programs ( source : Wikipedia ) and Lincoln 's face is on Mount Rushmore ( source : National Treasure 2 ) . 3.8571428571428568 4404 29010257890 1/43 Scale Rechargeable R/C Model Car - Red ( 40MHz ) - dealspl . us via 3.4285714285714284 4405 93071004850597888 TCM Greatest Classic Films Collection : Astaire and Rogers - barnesandnoble . com via 4.0 4406 633443866096504832 Osteoarthritis in both knees . . no fun , thank goodness for Plexus Ease , without it I ca n't walk ! 3.5 4407 2503195375 Check out laundry deals at The Great Indoors Kenmore Elite HE5t Twilight for $1999 . 98 when u buy the pair - thegreatindoors . com to see more 3.6666666666666665 4408 927723494309335041 Play Caulk Bucks #instantwingame ! Chance to win up to $300 in pts ! #DIY #tools #painting via 3.0 4409 916839348741529600 Got my free chance to win $25 FREECASH in points . Tons of wins here ! #instantwingame 2.5 4410 918131586079522819 Ok , I thought I saw a lavender in there . You’re right , we’re picking nits here . 2.5 4411 787183702308597761 no , this is #dallasaf 2.0 4412 706710118482710529 When the alligator on your gummy candy is cooler than you 2.6666666666666665 4413 770779890518024192 Do n't let your assumptions make you believe you know anything about me 2.5 4414 736734985135198208 Oh my god draymond green are you ok ? ? ? ? ? 3.333333333333333 4415 904483254945931264 What’s the name of this app again ? 2.333333333333333 4416 11320472488 Alan , I am not a ministry leader yet , but I am standing with humane American leaders against Uganda 's 2009 extreme bill . 4.571428571428571 4417 596315491477491714 I include The Seed Company affiliates in my prayers . 3.7142857142857135 4418 231886477611638784 The three year old I'm babysitting just pointed to my face and said 'you 're pretty' . . . . still a confidence boost #sosweet 3.571428571428572 4419 234321023045083137 our parents are going out tonight . . . if you were n't away at camp we could 've had a date tonight #missyou 3.4285714285714284 4420 448968234688323584 Table for sale in Katy area only $50 . I have the table and 1 chair . Message me if you 're interested . … 3.4285714285714284 4421 919223084162396160 We get it . You do n't like Trump ! You just look like a whining bitch all the time . 3.2857142857142856 4422 824095947798040576 LIZZYYYYYYY welcome to the world of twitter aka the world of Sierra 's social justice rants 2.6666666666666665 4423 790687024965488640 I 've been so good lately but I really need some Starbucks like soon 2.5 4424 665616061241364480 left our house and now Crosby is depressed 2.333333333333333 4425 191983780188266497 I uploaded a video Inner turmoil 2.1666666666666665 4426 680672911485734912 Sign up with SponsoredTweets to work with great brands ! 3.5 4427 677865965380472840 Get Paid Today Use Free Link SignUp Now Get $1 To PayPal Now 3.0 4428 422219532673900546 Still no idea what I'm bringing for lunch tomorrow either hahaha 1.8333333333333333 4429 423306041745371136 I do n't feel good at all right now > . > 1.6666666666666667 4430 269860546403258369 Put head into meat gravey bowl sunshine turnip 1.8333333333333333 4431 171668751475937281 Help ! I entered a marathon and I have no legs ! #sendrobotlegs 2.1666666666666665 4432 316158642330148864 pass . . . I'm not chancing it with the curse and all . . . Not worth it . 2.6666666666666665 4433 875480158148452353 You win Edge Media . 😆⚒ great job showcasing ! ! ! 👌🏻 3.1666666666666665 4434 421858177001738240 Lane who ? Oh you mean Layla Kiffin 's husband . Yeah we are glad she is coming . #recruitingtool 3.5 4435 300282117693272065 getting the silent treatment from someone who you can barely understand anyway #shrimpbasketprobz 1.6666666666666667 4436 940348776010698752 Scott Gimple is a piece of shit ! This idiot not only ruined The Walking Dead with his pathetic writing , but the way… 4.0 4437 427953200381952000 【Hello Kitty Kawaii Town】 You 've got Kawaii Tickets for bonus log-in ! #hellokittykawaiitown 3.0 4438 357288791712612354 13-Year-Old YouTube Star Talia Joy Castellano Loses Cancer Battle | Parenting - Yahoo ! Shine [fws - RIP] 3.6666666666666665 4439 7304065697 On the 9th day of Christmas my true love gave to me , 9 sweet rolls ( with coffee ) . 2.6666666666666665 4440 240936858308186113 I just ousted as the mayor of Ehall on ! 2.833333333333333 4441 248269279261237248 'but I have friends too . . . ' #A526chicks 1.5 4442 143846431680237569 ''We At Da Top Where We Belong , Straight Lean , Rozay' , Patron , Smoking On thousand Dollas Worth Of Strong'' 2.142857142857143 4443 311289806875410434 Saw this lil dogg downtown carrying this sign around . It was soo cute ! : ) 2.4285714285714284 4444 934935686247010304 Wow . I 've been in denial all this time ? GARBAGE 1.7142857142857142 4445 934932346184364032 At this rate . . . Its not impossible . Laughing stock of the NFL once again . Numb . . . 👎 2.142857142857143 4446 674208468568399872 My realest morning struggle 2.0 4447 673643024551833600 Ok , I'm pretty sure never forced you to watch his videos . 2.2857142857142856 4448 669003316391641088 {Shhh . Wait a little bit . } 1.0 4449 682374468686188545 {Smh you 're such a sweetheart . I ship them both so much GDI} 2.4285714285714284 4450 895391165972971520 And obummers manly wife had never felt proud to be an American o wait ho… 2.5714285714285716 4451 926737961336664065 July 2006 I contracted A Rare form of Gangrene and by the time I realized how bad I was… 4.142857142857143 4452 896399428860473344 Just got a lecture on vaccines and was told 'you can just forge the records . . that 's what I did' Ummm . . . 😒😟 3.1428571428571432 4453 674071636224667652 Preparing for our transition from newborn clothes to 0-3 and newborn diapers to size 1 #emotionalwreck #bittersweet #8weeks #dontblink 3.4285714285714284 4454 814314142223847424 pink wig thick ass come 2 math class 2.0 4455 667410086227087360 @ everyone : give my art attention pls 2.4285714285714284 4456 921987557138796544 I added a video to a playlist Survivor - Burning Heart 3.4285714285714284 4457 912126083696390144 Thank you for speaking out against those who wont stand for the national anthem . I would have called them worse #RIPNFL 3.7142857142857135 4458 704879194250072064 I'm earning #mPLUSRewards in Build the Figure . 2.8571428571428568 4459 684910177481568256 I'm earning #mPOINTS with #WhereDaBunny ! #app 2.7142857142857144 4460 215882416739450882 I love my women 's studies classes but ca n't stand the fact that I'm constantly surrounded by liberals . 🐘 3.2857142857142856 4461 253363771995738113 Overloading on Brit Lit and Old English #ew #englishmajorprobs 😩 2.8571428571428568 4462 432158349254078464 Yes ! And growing fast too : 2.0 4463 541934554303705088 Vagrant vs Docker for an isolated dev environment ? 2.6 4464 675259544101126144 Good Morning East Coast of America 3.2 4465 705326796636622848 I'm raising money for Help Feed the Homeless . Click to Donate : via 3.0 4466 645227192553746432 Arsenal is lucky all these players will only be banned for the League Cup match against Tottenham 3.4 4467 670410866110648320 Would losing to Porto and then winning the Europa League be our best chance at making the Champions League next year ? 2.8 4468 331552876818227200 I just snagged a free $5 Gift Card from the Swag Store at 3.6 4469 466959738014822401 Visit Mrs . Thompson 's Treasures -- for a chance to win a $25 TpT Gift Certificate or a $25 Target Gift Card ! 3.8 4470 868435221737201664 You might correctly assume that changing your attitude is the . . . More for Capricorn 2.2 4471 565493632850214912 Handling your friends' emotional intensity may be quite stress . . . More for Capricorn 2.4 4472 336547294461693953 Okay shemar dats got to b shared got me sweatin 2.4285714285714284 4473 349678834783748097 I'm watching #HardcorePawn with 127 others on #GetGlue 4.0 4474 236326059971330048 my leg itches . a lot . 2.0 4475 278563996980875264 I'm whiter than sour cream . 2.7142857142857144 4476 352938761895677952 I liked a video The Walking Dead 400 Days - Russell 3.571428571428572 4477 353255973990830081 I liked a video from Minecraft : Epic Adventure Ep . 1 'THE STRUGGLE' ( Survival Mode ) 4.0 4478 774370066444025860 Because it’s a Keep Everyone Happy night : Learn how from #promotion #PerdueCrew - 3.1428571428571432 4479 923278726573510659 Set it and forget it with this delicious slow cooker chicken recipe from ! #Promotion #PerdueCrew -… 3.4285714285714284 4480 734872264391426049 Hate smell and color 1.4285714285714286 4481 2275512844 talk to me on utube youtube . com/ilovtoshop 3.0 4482 630229280866238465 I miss all my friends . 2.333333333333333 4483 432670821124145152 Why must people use such hateful words . . . please just try to be positive 2.1666666666666665 4484 25040364121 Best part of lunch ? Listening to all the crazies yell at their significant others . If you want to have a screaming match go elsewhere . 2.6666666666666665 4485 6855090018 Regrettable text messages sent tonight . Rethinking drinking in general . 2.1666666666666665 4486 673035586215804928 and anything you 've ever said about the U . S . being stupid is dead on . Just thought I 'd tell you that . Have a good day 2.833333333333333 4487 655205552818114560 bring back arniel 3.0 4488 343157213587705857 : Come cuddle with me . . . ” 2.6666666666666665 4489 339194440876969984 Words of wisdom “ : ” 2.5 4490 27782457508 I think i got the flu or a strigoi is in my bedroom 2.833333333333333 4491 155164095774076928 When you were in the 11th grade duh lol 2.6666666666666665 4492 503717260142587904 i love jim carrey so much . 3.8571428571428568 4493 489522615539621888 ion like this update . now i do n't have a option on whether i wanna see a pic or not . 2.5714285714285716 4494 535293730493059072 that 's basically why tho . 1.7142857142857142 4495 183023440079503361 the one of our beautiful dinner . . . . . . . . duh . 2.4285714285714284 4496 224576406229753857 Making the Sprinkles cupcake mix I bought in California . Red Velvet , yum ! 3.571428571428572 4497 201834034685415426 Feet in the sand @ Doheny State Beach 3.0 4498 771414842183864321 Work today got me like 1.5714285714285714 4499 482519392950190080 I feel valuable having all this responsibility at work the next couple weeks 2.5714285714285716 4500 888401147018477568 I have a feeling that my recent subscription to is looking better and better . . . 2.7142857142857144 4501 180682222704140289 Not sure you 'll still miss me if it turns out I was the Frozen Four jinx ! Finish the job this time ! ! 2.7142857142857144 4502 807858852733550592 boiiii you ai n't never lied 😂 2.5714285714285716 4503 792856918993829888 I really need to start making birthday plans 2.4285714285714284 4504 11454531613 I saw the sun today . . it felt good . . . . . . : 2.7142857142857144 4505 9926147479 I guess not . . It 's Raining . . thats sucks ! ! : 2.2857142857142856 4506 161198731797086208 Get My Country on Android for free ! Enter my code : 84-32-04-02 and receive 5 CountryBucks now ! #android 4.0 4507 144576595615686657 just reached level 9 on Paradise Island on my Android #Android #Androidgames 3.8571428571428568 4508 412749981590642689 I know this is gonna sound really selfish but I just wanna be spoiled on Christmas/my birthday . 😕😇👸 3.1428571428571432 4509 657692702948085760 As much as I say I hate Tyler , I 'd be lost without my big brother . 3.571428571428572 4510 233388473237774336 New game : Who can sneeze the least during tree audit ? #GillyGirlProblems 2.5714285714285716 4511 189671100437897216 Why does the company make bras that have no matching undies ? Obviously I can’t buy one without the other . #GillyGirlProblems 2.7142857142857144 4512 487589695732596736 Im just saying . . . you have a right to unlimited legal advice . Legal insurance is just as important as… 2.4285714285714284 4513 224963420796104704 Miami is giving JLMC & MMBC . . . So much love ! I can dig it . . 2.5714285714285716 4514 427074047055114240 You can get Mango Swirl Tea for just $12 . 99 ( a 43% savings ! ) at TripleClicks . 3.1428571428571432 4515 833334026589048834 Punish Cop Caught on Film Preparing to Shoot Friendly Family Dog 3.1428571428571432 4516 354591145172549633 erica you my bitttch . . love you hunti 2.8571428571428568 4517 351920242441715713 Just want my old steamroller with me . . miss Smoking with it . . oh yeah and missin the skin flute too ! ! #bluntsnbongs 2.7142857142857144 4518 677605753117478912 Steal or bust ? Topps Star Wars™ : Card Trader ( ) 2002DADDY #TheCardsAreStrong 2.4285714285714284 4519 887106313339240448 Congrats ! I love these contests ! 1.8333333333333333 4520 277992928188719104 Your 'friend , ' huh ? 1.7142857142857142 4521 180702166649016322 Do they still teach kids recorder in music class or have they realized that it 's the 21st century ? 3.0 4522 402280579770896384 Best weekend I 've had in a while 😊😏💕 2.5714285714285716 4523 443198596356141056 My hair rn>>> 2.0 4524 276741968292356096 'I [Paul] preached that they should repent and turn to God and PROVE their REPENTANCE BY their DEEDS . ' Acts 26 : 20 3.2857142857142856 4525 142453175495032833 who got a 99% on my chem exam ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? this girl . . . . . i guess dream really do come true #soexcited #dancing #i'mawesome #praisegod 3.4285714285714284 4526 554021277204500481 “No te preocupes por los fracasos , preocúpate por las posibilidades que pierdes cuando ni siquiera lo intentas . ” J . C . 2.75 4527 688761575604416514 MI opinión sobre el mundo y sus curiosidades 3.75 4528 389560671056052224 Watching #KevinHart #LetMeExplain with my main bitch 3.2857142857142856 4529 493226326984511489 i miss you so much ! And i will ( : 2.2857142857142856 4530 340480112480894978 But the Lord is faithful , and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one . 2.8571428571428568 4531 406871047343210496 I made this #LyricArt on 3.4285714285714284 4532 666695202023804930 I'm earning #mPLUSRewards in ScanLife . 3.6 4533 894627601540677633 Watch Gun Runner Dominate the #WinAndYoureIN Whitney ! #BCSweepstakes - 3.8 4534 853828254658174980 Just posted a photo 2.4 4535 670160111600472064 How would you answer this : 'Which type of candy do you prefer ? ' 3.0 4536 833825803813187589 #gotitfree thanks ! ! #FebrezeONEAtTarget available at head to the Target Cartwheel for offers ! #voxbox #freesamples 3.2 4537 214568284723490816 I am ur horoscope fairy 2.6 4538 679059598901420036 monday back to work 2.2 4539 695439304584134656 Enter for a chance to win Earth’s Finest Staycation , courtesy of FIJI Water . Enter now : 3.6 4540 665539888046080000 Oremos por el pueblo Francés , y por la PAZ para las naciones , el terrorismo es injustificable . … 3.5 4541 796589263253082112 thanks dude . & it 's fine it 's been a very eventful past 48 hours so i almost forgot my birthday myself tbh 2.2857142857142856 4542 590383825584271360 dat snappin doe 1.4285714285714286 4543 690632920306950144 Why do I have the most beautiful dog in the whole world ? ! 😩😍❤ ️ 2.5714285714285716 4544 619352623553056768 Kayaking= new fav hobby 🚣🏽 2.2857142857142856 4545 918795436072284160 I have 23 new followers from USA , and more last week . See 3.1428571428571432 4546 936267631618871296 I 'll have to watch that 2.0 4547 873760749033803781 This looks so fun #sponsored #hawaiiantropiccrowd 2.2857142857142856 4548 665962919553802240 Share your favorite wellness tip for cold and cough season ! #swissherbs #sponsored 2.7142857142857144 4549 829349210357116928 my father passed away last Sunday and did n't have life ins . A retweet would mean so much 3.0 4550 474883782513033216 just finished a Runtastic elliptical of 2 mi in 16m 12s with #Runtastic PRO iPhone app : 4.0 4551 833030830029230080 We’re so proud of our HARVESTLAND® small farm families . We hope you are too #promotion #PerdueCrew -… 3.0 4552 680443179838115840 samsara is a great product in the Guerlin family of perfumes . This holds up to high stand . . . 3.333333333333333 4553 710490116062445568 Last night was a ton of fun guys ! : ) I ca n't thank you enough for hanging out , helping , and derping with me #animoobewbs #readmore 3.0 4554 906011141041643521 Got my tickets to see in Portland on the 22nd ! ! ! YEEEEEEEEEEEEES ! I'm broke but I gotsta GO ! 😍 🤩 👊💃💞 3.5 4555 147371236001980416 Where am I . . . ? 1.5 4556 202583184603492352 The 'Team Role' category that TNT is using to describe each player is a disgrace ! 2.6666666666666665 4557 224932432678367232 on skype to a gypsy in napa . very tired and bored . what is the point of twitter and this tweet ? god only knows 3.0 4558 301298709327659009 no i havent yet will do later ahaa cant fucking wait for thursday ! 2.333333333333333 4559 585519638605336576 Absolutely spectacular . Beautiful ! ! ! 1.8333333333333333 4560 861394262482702337 . . . . . good news for you my dear girl 💡 2.0 4561 910684947756728320 #wafairlive celebrating Haleigh 's birthday with some Thomas Rhett 😍 3.8571428571428568 4562 568879865149042688 Apparently was with someone last Friday and forgot . . Yeah . #stoplyingwhoeveryouare 2.0 4563 779170945965621249 I'm earning #mPLUSRewards in mPLUS Places . 3.2857142857142856 4564 779170945965621249 I'm earning #mPLUSRewards in mPLUS Places . 2.8571428571428568 4565 339315519234637824 Today 's lovely Venus-Jupiter conjunction blesses your 5th Hous . . . More for Aquarius 3.2857142857142856 4566 318906956964306945 Finally ! ! ! Time to play some baseball ! ! ! #GoCards #12in13 starts tonight ! 2.8571428571428568 4567 261900893111320576 In a letter writing mood . . . anyone want to exchange #snailmail ? : - ) 2.5714285714285716 4568 265952037760544769 agreed . . . I'm just ready for all of this to be over . 2.142857142857143 4569 2448493002 Does n't #moonfruit sound like the name of Stellaluna 's younger brother ? 3.0 4570 10819785045 THEY'RE conjunction of they are-They 're going out . THEIR possessive adj-Their house is blue . THERE refers to a place-Let 's go over there . 3.4285714285714284 4571 730650461309636608 that 'is following you' in your profile description is some evil genius work 3.0 4572 582348054419898368 Still ca n't believe Jung Min is enlisting on my birthday 3.2 4573 491828543727616001 Officially 6 days till warped . Expect a birthday selfie of me and 😏😘 3.0 4574 626570736849678337 I love him so much 2.0 4575 122907837742596096 ---> When I see you in Glad Time , I most def' am going to play >I'm Sprung> by T-Pain lol 2.6 4576 511313965088264192 Thunder is not the move . Never was and never will be . . . 2.2 4577 121377914838196225 In honor of world animal day im allowing my cat to sit on the couch with me . #imsonice 3.0 4578 502855915436269568 “ : Good luck to my girl at her season opener tonight ! ! #Gamecocks ⚽ ️” thanks liv 💜 3.4 4579 884147516798771201 I want to smoke but it 's to fucking hot and I'm to fuckig lazy to go to the shop 😪 3.2 4580 892917710740258817 Lol fuck our president and you if you support him 😂 2.6 4581 170246663036862464 Quit stealing my shit ! #fake #freak you aint shit 2.0 4582 195659409039429632 #whilewewatch is playing . . . and so is the NFL draft ! What should I do ! ? - 2.8571428571428568 4583 526533543288373248 boy is watching the walking dead so i might as well read some remusxsirius fanfic bc im 12 again . 3.1428571428571432 4584 272537671912546304 Its v funny bc my mom & hubby are v religious so they 're looking up 1D lyrics to determine which they approve . 3.571428571428572 4585 387430498080796673 It 's cool I found them ! #CatchingFireTickets 2.142857142857143 4586 404674951401074689 I bet is really enjoying this nerd fest right now haha 2.5714285714285716 4587 921583267970736130 go and pick up a copy or two or three ; ) they make great stocking stuffers available at 2.5714285714285716 4588 836006922612531201 just putting some requests in for Sober Saturday Night call/text/tweet/fb/mediabase #letsgetthistonumberone 2.7142857142857144 4589 701954278706040832 cocaine is a hell of a drug . -Rick James 3.1428571428571432 4590 393535025506836480 you are n't supposed to pan fry bacon wrapped chicken . You bake it so it absorbs the bacon flavor . Otherwise what 's the point 3.7142857142857135 4591 248975976065802240 People may give up on you but Fuck them . Do n't ever give up on yourself and your dreams . 2.4285714285714284 4592 710960320467046400 I 've been tryin 2 order at least two tickets for y , all 's concert n Portsmouth , Va June . Me , my fiance&2kids r huge fans ! 3.4285714285714284 4593 478749060715646976 Look at the first comment 😏✋ 2.8571428571428568 4594 442834495859744768 Not every Hispanic person is Mexican OMG MOST ANNOYING THING EVER ✋ 3.0 4595 280997757769093121 Still awake . . almost want to cry . 2.0 4596 291366136866537472 Is all this no sleep catching up to me ? 2.4285714285714284 4597 842406722195062784 I ca n't wait ! ! I got all my people watching this show 3.1428571428571432 4598 665189396862242817 Love shopping w/ my $5 Gift Card from . Start searching w/ to earn yours ! 3.571428571428572 4599 716870610358558720 I decided to try a new hair color . I usually have a natural color but decided to go crazy #AHcrowd #sponsored 2.5714285714285716 4600 1829832878 hopefully going to bush gardens tomorrow . . . . yay ! 3.7142857142857135 4601 736423934120329218 got SuperSpoiled for the season finale of #Supernatural right before watching it . Thanks #Tumblr 🙃 #BzzSpoiled #BiteSizedBzz #MyOwnFault : / 3.333333333333333 4602 683114608161329152 Rang in the NewYear w/a new dress& a deodorant that did n't ruin it ! Thnx ; ) #DancedAllNight #epic48 #GotItFree #HappyNewYear 3.1666666666666665 4603 674774236540624896 will be watching but not tweeting #nashville 2.6666666666666665 4604 782995741895716864 will miss you at the live tour shows 2.333333333333333 4605 943617508803715072 NIGGA SAID TRIP HOP . 🔥 1.8333333333333333 4606 924943443943677953 these are the type of grudges I hold 2.0 4607 920734546810765321 how do you feel about the absolutely terrible extreme difficulty prestige mode that gives 0 rewards ? Tbh I prefer d1 heroics 2.833333333333333 4608 920110392466124800 Sorry it took so long ! I'm live now with an lfg group doing dogs then calus ! 2.8 4609 745836951429844992 other side has done this before . For days a few years ago . The whole problem here is 'choosing sides' . They all work for all of us . 3.1666666666666665 4610 506846242228666368 “ : In leagues , 1 . 3% of teams own Tim Tebow , while 0 . 8% of teams own Jaguars starting QB Chad Henne . Seriously . ” #idiots 3.1666666666666665 4611 259834861504827393 Off to Indy for the Colts game tomorrow . 3.571428571428572 4612 566718629895368705 shows once again why he 's a finalist for Dunk Contest ! His dunk helped #UE tie score at 21 . 4.0 4613 937462947550515200 USDA and Congress : Please help to rescue an abused elephant named Nosey Please Sign the Petition ! … 3.7142857142857135 4614 941612682322632704 7 people followed me and 6 people unfollowed me // automatically checked by 2.5714285714285716 4615 649765441490055170 I 'll be squints 1.6666666666666667 4616 761965246659567618 with the end of Nike equipment production , it looks like coach is going to go to OGIO for his neon golf bag needs . 3.8571428571428568 4617 328135611103993856 I crushed a 3 . 6 mi run with a pace of 8'23' with Nike+ iPod . #nikeplus : 4.142857142857143 4618 235512324310581248 #PepsiMusicNOW probably too late . . . Again 2.2857142857142856 4619 124971944134197249 whoops sorry ; ( new in twitter 1.5714285714285714 4620 359497039215734784 Hey you 're a great webcam girl ; ) 2.2857142857142856 4621 518825403935248384 Support Breast Cancer Awareness -- Make your own #Snaptee #tshirt 4.4 4622 332240656464478209 ' : [Video] - 'Squad Life' VLog Frat Party ( Dir by ) | ' Squuaadd 3.0 4623 862913638662852608 You are home with me , right where you belong . ❤ ️ #thefosters #netfl 2.2 4624 792972636489814016 I voted #GrapePBJforOBJ in the Graham Slam ! PB&J face-off ! 3.8 4625 885993094474334208 Wow I have n't heard the word 'chents' in such a long time 2.8 4626 489893252560986113 Had to scarf down 5 pieces of chicken in 5 mins nd I'm aboutta have a heart attack but no ragretz 3.2 4627 639480856659251200 The irresistibly creamy taste of Silk® Cashewmilk is now available in chocolate and vanilla . Life just got a little sweeter . #SilkCashew 3.4 4628 696056340624515072 Wanna win awesome trips ? Stick with #AvosInSpace #SB50 #ad - 1.8 4629 491456360114946048 I'm earning #mPOINTS with #FlipDaCoin ! 2.6 4630 491456360114946048 I'm earning #mPOINTS with #FlipDaCoin ! 2.0 4631 925944994149498880 Don’t think she cares with the size of that ring on her hand 2.5 4632 69532817146642432 A HUGE congrats to for his win today ! ! You are a true inspiration and I ca n't wait to spectate again at IMAZ . Great job Jordan ! 4.0 4633 231086913082257408 delicious lentil burger - the peach tomato jam was excellent 3.333333333333333 4634 294512975526649856 Braved the cold for lunch . Best pizza in the city . You do magical things with garlic , eggplant , and ricotta . 2.833333333333333 4635 455421946264829952 Were so happy in love #puppylove #literally #nugget 2.0 4636 458690778186133504 My monogram is actually beautiful 2.6666666666666665 4637 778563222429392896 I'm earning #mPLUSRewards in Punchcard for Android . 3.0 4638 892762336129409024 I call B . S . on this one . 1.8333333333333333 4639 751586510302875648 Reminiscing w my dad about the time I did this on the child 's frog slide in the Dells and broke my nose 3.8333333333333335 4640 775520680083353600 The no hitter may be gone now , but still LOL @ the cards #scoreboardguys 2.1666666666666665 4641 679764104354107393 Two sections down and four to go for today . : - ) Clearly I forgot what it was like to have a life because I'm already back to studying . 3.0 4642 662431206584229888 It 's kind of hard to believe that I'm only taking 12 credit hours right now , lol . I usually have a lot of free time , but exams . . . 3.333333333333333 4643 745375069795344384 majority of the guys on the show are dogs anyways what 's the difference 😂 2.5 4644 915040160114294784 Just awful . My bf’s brother , cousins and a lot of our very close friends where at the concert and I wa… 2.6666666666666665 4645 786957777931530240 That 's because moms always think of their kiddos first . . . that , and they are like our little dolls ! 2.333333333333333 4646 709903073330601984 Indiana Jones and the Quest for the Fountain of Youth #FakeIndy5Titles 3.5 4647 713022068728537088 Sun 's Superflare of AD 775 --'Ten to 100 Times Larger Than Largest Eruption Observed . . . Space Age' 3.6666666666666665 4648 677965355235434497 There is definitely one person I feel this way about ! #Ihaveonelessproblemwithoutyou 2.333333333333333 4649 143440274897649664 my dad needs to stop winning at life . 1.6666666666666667 4650 158754878569713664 art school in the yukon . 2.5 4651 608486286001893377 I 've watched one episode of Orange Is the New Black , and I'm already addicted 4.0 4652 434298444354977792 Instead of getting out a week before everyone else , I'm saying we make a senior skip week . And get out on our normal day ! 2.8571428571428568 4653 734778312724205568 OMG it kills me when he spot on writes to anyone ! 2.333333333333333 4654 715705043421364224 Was that a lipstick ? the sword in the stone ? It 's so beautiful ! 2.142857142857143 4655 307511293542297600 PlayStation 4 revisited : Everything we’ve learned so far ( and the question we still need answer . . . #digitaltrends 2.5714285714285716 4656 312513484434837504 Meet the muzzled copyright crusader who believes laws are paralyzing progress : Former staffer f . . . #digitaltrends 3.1428571428571432 4657 176222321240055808 My current roommate and I are seriously looking into it . I just miss the west coast too much . 2.7142857142857144 4658 101539818479165440 Somehow ended up in a shirtless tinychat with . 2.0 4659 218871467843141632 I favorited a video Bryan Cranston Predicts Fate of Breaking Bad 's Walter White 3.0 4660 928360344157917184 Oh gosh it is way past due that I update the metadata on my music collection . I got Rainy Day Woman 12 & 35 in here… 3.2857142857142856 4661 289128136631779328 ' : Cleaning the whole house again . Going to make sure the vacuum is plugged in this time . ' HAHAHAHA 3.5 4662 276691149824086016 GET ME A COPY 1.5 4663 462767445946540033 Help support a PHX-area transman 's transition : James Avery Fuchs transition fund via 3.5 4664 272742415599804416 Feminine Mystique Abstract Pink Pelvis Tree Ornament by Faeriewynd via 4.166666666666667 4665 384842752678039552 Buy a t-shirt to support Nobody Counseling . Please share ! 3.1666666666666665 4666 648444148077473792 43% through 'The Nightblade Epic First Trilogy Box Set : Books 1-3 of The Nightblade Epic' : 3.5 4667 7973704633 'I know . . . I just do n't like computers telling me I'm not good enough' -Sarah , on the GRE 2.8571428571428568 4668 4948468587 it 's a lovely day for the violent femmes 2.4285714285714284 4669 373076110772146176 Is it just mine ? Or do other peoples kids do this too ? My ankle is killing me and somehow she never misses the ankle thats sore . 3.4285714285714284 4670 374911713377660929 Im done . Ill still watch the originals but other then that uh hell no . 2.4285714285714284 4671 638738719885815810 Fan theories are insufferable . 2.142857142857143 4672 875588819591901184 I Left My Wallet in New Donk City 2.8571428571428568 4673 298449460642586624 dude you own me a dunk from the game yesterday lol . Great game . #iamaceltic 2.4285714285714284 4674 432931104408887296 what are you thoughts on the Jeff Green trade ideas ? 3.7142857142857135 4675 376033102424182784 School spirit with a twist 💙💛 1.8571428571428568 4676 728626656030527488 is definitely not wrong . . . #Wicked #AllTheFeels 1.7142857142857142 4677 560896320899383296 This is incredders 😂 But what did he only have for a minute ? ! WHAT ? ! 2.333333333333333 4678 615197425372893184 Refusing a shot of navy rum from mins before the train with a hangover surely means I'm growing up . Uni Jess would have done it . 3.0 4679 142785217931907073 Reseller Hosting 50% off first 3 months . Use promo code : resell1258 3.0 4680 372102018745131008 NKC Registered American Bulldog Pups 2.6666666666666665 4681 523694650323136512 #unpopularopinionnight I like men with Van Dyke/ Goatee/ Circle beards . Facial hair ( often ) looks good , & those show nice grooming effort . 3.0 4682 546397607321276417 This book 's last couple chapters makes me think of Linkin Park - 'Standing on the edge of the final masquerade . . . ' 3.0 4683 934882693916979200 That 's the thing I like , he can extend plays by slipping away and does n't take a lot of sacks . 2.333333333333333 4684 924067707967954946 That 's kinda how I read it . . . . . . . . . . personally I would n't mind seeing Rob Thomson get the… 3.1666666666666665 4685 138795996086927360 I just voted for HRC as 'Must-Follow Non-Profit on Social Media' #MashableAwards 3.0 4686 79044059976568832 I'm at Hermosa Beach Pier ( 1 Pier Ave , at The Strand , Hermosa Beach ) 4.166666666666667 4687 602249830329618432 ca n't wait for the new season ! 1.8571428571428568 4688 1917321000 Trying to figure out what twitter is all about and getting the kids ready for another week of school 2.7142857142857144 4689 488081542376615937 I ca n't remember the last time I 've been so sick 2.0 4690 559462322641862656 Sometimes I miss my red hair and sometimes I think it 's a blessing from God that it 's gone 2.7142857142857144 4691 804435018160472064 Love my silky hair ! Almost like new hair ! #LetLifeIn #GotItFree . 2.5714285714285716 4692 654379844814393344 @ check out essure problems , we need your help and support for the E-free Act #recallessure #revokepma #efreeact 3.0 4693 528696023242510337 Why am I not at this game ? 😔 1.8571428571428568 4694 525801924806070272 some things never change 1.4285714285714286 4695 69561793000914944 Four day work week coming up 2.7142857142857144 4696 779170945965621249 I'm earning #mPLUSRewards in mPLUS Places . 2.5714285714285716 4697 1295596895870976 you command me ! ! ! 1.7142857142857142 4698 22490164794 im feeling myself im mrsfirehead tha baddest around so why you giving her all my attention 2.7142857142857144 4699 676685940568563712 Again , you 're referring to Mark ? 2.7142857142857144 4700 938464546431361025 I liked a video Detecting with West Country Clegg Part 2 - Metal Detecting UK #48 3.4285714285714284 4701 577820769788526592 I just earned 4 Points from searching the web on instaGC . 3.4285714285714284 4702 410482969036750848 Wow , that 's crazy . 'Skate To The Face Leaves Hockey Player With Horrifying Injury ( NSFW ) ' 3.7142857142857135 4703 139615051685429248 and the news on 6 got a lot better ! ! 2.2857142857142856 4704 145737478588989441 the safe episode was the best yet 2.142857142857143 4705 610236935777312768 right trying to make do with what we currently have bruh 2.0 4706 831478411902193664 I think it 's safe to say Stephen Miller does not have any valentines 😳 #hesacreep 3.5 4707 235933617388388352 ' : 'Do not consume alcohol while taking this medication' seems like a challenge to me . ' #percocet #kidneystoneproblems 3.333333333333333 4708 241000353062088705 happy school night & #suckkkks #loveyous 😱😁😊😘😖🎓📝📖😏😜 2.333333333333333 4709 207663145962057729 We 're Number One ! MASS INCARCERATION ! The US RULES ! Kind of depressing . A problem I am committed to fix . : ) 2.333333333333333 4710 134415752693428224 URGENT ACTION NEEDED : EXECUTION OF MENTALLY ILL MAN IN OHIO IMMINENT : follow the link to take action ! 4.166666666666667 4711 750147625219923969 I reached a lifetime climb of 1 , 000 floors and earned the Skydiver badge today with Fitbit ! #Fitstats 4.333333333333333 4712 704493164346916865 I took 10 , 000 steps and earned the Sneakers badge ! #Fitbit 4.0 4713 852020582220681216 It is n't easy . Even if you have supportive parents , if you have a therapist , if you have insurance coverage . . . 1.6666666666666667 4714 888930752242610177 Well I was trying to be softer than 'anti-gay harassment' which some of it most certainly was 2.6666666666666665 4715 864172973388951553 Эдуарда Хенкляйн ( 4 года ) исполняет партию ударных песни AC/DC - Back In Black 😊 3.333333333333333 4716 603611225986064384 Music Animation Machine 1.5 4717 455213874263109632 cake flatter than soda thats been left out for years . 2.833333333333333 4718 244601256688103426 Thats how Joey always is and i laughed when he said he bought you stuff cuz you guys would always buy HIM stuff . lmao 2.833333333333333 4719 435860554520199169 I emailed the day of the girls/true detective bonus and never heard back . : - ( 2.5 4720 375716200354807808 concert tonight at #BraunsConcertCove ! ! So excited ! Love the venue , and hoping to shove my way up front for some pictures ! ! 3.0 4721 338003245077245952 Off to may meltdown : ) 2.333333333333333 4722 479433017593970689 'I hate musical signatures cause they do n't reduce fractions'-actual Sandra Ranson quote #classicsandra 2.833333333333333 4723 872662373601091590 An unexplained opinion is n't worth much , now is it ? Please enlighten me . 1.5 4724 720469527247593472 'Maybe ever’body in the whole damn world is scared of each other . ' Steinbeck 1.8 4725 528304996291706880 lol 😂😂😂 I'm mean my name rhymes with Regina George and my bday is October 3rd 2.833333333333333 4726 621070001966043136 Putting on makeup is way too hard 1.3333333333333333 4727 379989219457777664 I do n't have a kik lol if I'm so #fine then there 'd be no issue gettin to know me on here 3.0 4728 144834199520686081 some are retweets but the majority of them are n't 1.8571428571428568 4729 322136595459358720 Lol I'm done . #NJD 1.8571428571428568 4730 440251086717612033 Love when I say something important to and she decides not to answer anymore 👍 #loveyoutoo 3.7142857142857135 4731 876153031389216769 So sad , but true . 1.7142857142857142 4732 850382364777861120 Breaking the rules - GOP or Dems - further divides our country . The rules are there for a reason . Follow them ! 3.0 4733 842070486993514497 nshay9 seriously its still ❄❄❄ #twomoms #snowedin #stella #timetobuildasnowman #cold 2.833333333333333 4734 853231394608250881 Happy easter eve . . . . ❤✝🖤☪💚 #twomoms #easter #eve #hediedforus #sinners #saved #holy #days #love… 2.4285714285714284 4735 906989990521053184 oomf is so cute , how do i make this move 🤕 1.8571428571428568 4736 906527381107695617 yikes friend ) : stay safe 1.6666666666666667 4737 72736245494718464 I did that yesterday for 2 hours . 1.7142857142857142 4738 71558556779945987 Been awake for 2 hours now . . . Can I just go back to bed ? #TiredAsHell 2.2857142857142856 4739 833455900111339521 Ok one more bit of #goodportuguesemusic before I go . 2.4285714285714284 4740 422257008163565568 I want the word vajayjay to go awayway . 3.571428571428572 4741 618521371421880320 The trailer awaits . . . Click to help #UnlockGoosebumps - #GoosebumpsContest - 3.2857142857142856 4742 398957180264935424 ksmithgriffin71 completed the Slow achievement and received rewards ! 3.1428571428571432 4743 685130273214828548 nice ! Think i'm going to have to give up on the set . Ca n't get anybody to trade 2.5714285714285716 4744 683116686069907456 thoughts , secret twin of Kylo Ren . IF daughter of Luke , faster study in the Force than dear dad ever was . 3.2857142857142856 4745 782788226981429249 And the steelers win ! 43-14 ! ! #HereWeGo #PITvsKC #StairwayToSeven 4.142857142857143 4746 580907605700288512 I havent seen since my birthday . . . #WhereHaveYouBeen ⁉️ 3.571428571428572 4747 791975804821446656 I liked a video from WAIT , THIS CAR TALKS TO YOU ! ? BAE LET ME UP INSIDE . . . . the car | 2.8571428571428568 4748 747162926008664066 I liked a video Stampy Short - Life Of A Dirt Block 2.5714285714285716 4749 892487071515820032 She would be perfect to argue it with because she would n't hold back . 2.7142857142857144 4750 907747798719750144 Rian Johnson is taking the characters we now know and giving us… 3.0 4751 211661299455770624 Pizza and wine . #afterworksnack 3.1428571428571432 4752 338539727869333504 These are the most polite drunk bros . #oxymoron #clevelandsummer 2.5714285714285716 4753 334182611431862272 omf so ironic I just watched that xD 2.142857142857143 4754 267297198411243521 you my bfflaaluwdaital bfflaaluwdaital = best friend for life and afterlife until we die again in the afterlife  3.2857142857142856 4755 460918578963693569 no you gay 2.2857142857142856 4756 257685620980322304 ok dont worry ill set it up oooooo we could go to fright fest ! ! ! ! 2.2857142857142856 4757 943479181484199937 #MorningJoe Transition Team Discussed Michael Flynn Using Signal to Encrypt Conversations , Emai… 3.8333333333333335 4758 928932281821073408 BBC News - Extinct wolf-sized otter had powerful bite 3.5 4759 406061772144001025 damn walmart and their 'family values' 2.1666666666666665 4760 266407627444060161 “ : #Obama Victory Proof that the Sleeping Latino Giant is Wide Awake” Really ? Where is he hiding ? #election2012 #wtf #scared 2.6 4761 690351962022346757 Alicia Fox ca n't help but tap to Becky Lynch 's #DisArmHer #LASSKICKER #SmackDown 3.8333333333333335 4762 689676307328811008 O . J . really did n't do it #5WordConspiracies 2.0 4763 703371159241302016 Congrats to AHS State Champs . 4x800 Ladies ROCK ! ! ! 4.166666666666667 4764 707620380391899136 Thank you to for your generous donation to AHS . The flag will be flown with pride 3.5 4765 454486501938573312 Kei Kei , you might think I'm crazy , but I'm stealing this one ! 😘 2.1666666666666665 4766 195345274808438787 read my last tweet . . No need 4 that ! Walk after the spirit , baby girl ! <3 1.8333333333333333 4767 414139271067336704 #2013TaughtMe How stupid people really are . 2.5714285714285716 4768 534454330829864961 If she was a real mother , she would n't let her 9 YEAR OLD daughter around him ! #MamaJune 2.8571428571428568 4769 769259776979062784 Hello friends , All Hague paperwork to petition for Vaugn 's return is officially submitted . No . . . 3.4285714285714284 4770 710776117972455424 Hello friends . We are one week away from trial and are happy to be spending this weekend with V . . . 2.4285714285714284 4771 916739692703485959 He responded with 'I think it 's disgusting' . He 's the first celeb to spe… 2.2857142857142856 4772 933557163762552832 waxing crescent moon tonight in south eastern #kentucky , it was a beautiful rustic orange . 🌒 #KentuckyAppalachians 3.4285714285714284 4773 728034185500364801 What happened Blake ! hope ur better soon 3.1428571428571432 4774 790360819171258369 I Can READ YOUR MIND | Collins Key via 2.0 4775 652521122995548160 spread your legs its #FUCKMEFRIDAY ya slutssszz 2.142857142857143 4776 456644947005800448 How the dick can I get more follows ? ? ! Do I hafta shave my head or maybe blame my schizophrenia on WEED just to get a retweet ? ! 2.7142857142857144 4777 426216721788051456 I'm high on now . Ca n't wait to see the next episode and the next tour ! ! ! Get to it ! I got a hit and now I need more ! ! ! 2.833333333333333 4778 1886416471 she saw the new x men movie . . . she liked it 3.0 4779 205081003872628736 Fans Want 'The Secret Circle' Back : Does It Have a Shot to Return ? : 3.333333333333333 4780 208386354403475457 I would love to see a The Secret Circle movie . bound to abcfamily #TheSecretCircle 3.333333333333333 4781 497585345559797760 I hate being the baby of the family sometimes 😠 2.1666666666666665 4782 319945574105378816 I look and feel like I escaped an episode of Walking Dead #braindead #sotired 3.1666666666666665 4783 906589174664396800 Checking out this master class on #seo by - seems simple enough , what do you think ? 3.0 4784 893208315110584320 Do a search for sulfate-free FAST Hair Growth Shampoo 2.833333333333333 4785 750906336724996098 Not because it was sad , but the game . . . Let 's try the most famous free-to-play dating sim  #accela 2.833333333333333 4786 754089986983464961 Terry is two-faced ? ! : 0 Let 's try the most famous free-to-play dating sim  #accela 2.333333333333333 4787 889689121006002177 Self care is watching kikis delivery service 2.8571428571428568 4788 679478396443820032 y'all gonna have people thinking I'm all the way spoilt 'd 🙈 2.2857142857142856 4789 543929962986999809 OH MY GOD ASDJFKDKSK STOP 1.7142857142857142 4790 579987997724045312 God bless those Girl Scouts and their cookies . 3.4285714285714284 4791 556686200489390080 Impressive . . . Great that you are offering jobs to Target Canada employees . . . . 3.7142857142857135 4792 263097786319392768 shit happens , people are fuckin stupid . . . too much hate still exists in this world . . . it sucks . . . 2.4285714285714284 4793 782654455359672320 Sometimes , stuff like this sparks lifelong interest in history . 1776 musical did it for me in 7th grade ! 3.2857142857142856 4794 671897287514300417 Our cat fell asleep like this . #CrazyCatLady #cats 2.2857142857142856 4795 591447212997136384 we 're all counting on you matthew 2.5714285714285716 4796 663895308603027460 you add sriracha for the goatse . That’s just the regular old rooster gloryhole . 2.5 4797 716711609431932928 You know you 'll get likes if you post something about these too . #MyOTP 2.5 4798 666386559428632576 5 Ways Storytelling Can Improve Your Audition via 2.1666666666666665 4799 675492583146192897 Always nobody can change it 😈💯🔒 1.6666666666666667 4800 769049373464465408 Every time I hear an exhaust I be thinking its my boyfriend coming but no 2.6666666666666665 4801 939287774468952064 I used to not understand when I 'd hear fiscal conservatives sing #Imagine . Now I realize widespread oblivity is how we got here . 3.0 4802 943497830358048769 This is what it looks like when we identify the harm of Boomers , but ignore the fact that the following ge… 3.0 4803 659890982020739072 Play the Fatal Frame games . . cause halloween and stuff . 2.1666666666666665 4804 660628500001349632 from beginner scary to real scary : Trick R Treat , 2LDK , I Saw The Devil , Inside ( French ) , Art of Devil . 3.333333333333333 4805 891038465382645760 I ca n't wait for John to come home 😂 2.833333333333333 4806 483654602576121856 I hate this world . One again females getting screwed . 2.1666666666666665 4807 349632153119768577 o Eva o Jose Manuel , juas ! ! ! 3.0 4808 359340743452004352 muchas gracias , lo sospechaba , esos diálogos imposibles en la vida real 3.0 4809 855616843662450694 i legit thought my heart was gonna explode when i had one of those once 2.142857142857143 4810 853401113646829569 i hate it when this happens 2.0 4811 712328440590905344 that the front runner for the GOP has no actual understanding of issues IS news . 2.7142857142857144 4812 722835568510414848 No , the GOP is not taking the bait to confirm Garland . They have stood firm , it 's a dead issue . 3.1428571428571432 4813 380723836330995712 I'm at National Museum of Natural History - ( Washington , DC ) w/ 5 others 3.571428571428572 4814 603284864104792064 Vote for gthrapp ! Best jeweler in Indy ! In the running for best in the country #gthrapp 3.0 4815 155830202138763264 I'm waiting for so many people right now . 1.7142857142857142 4816 2917619785 there absolutely are n't enough videos online of a cop getting the snot beat out of them . I found a few and they made me giddy . I WANT MORE 3.0 4817 18857336493 true and do n't forget Prostars cereal 2.5714285714285716 4818 449423405293400064 Did my best impression tonight . Drew a major and 4 minors . . . too bad the Lucky Pucks wo n't be moving on #pest 3.4285714285714284 4819 570363903856680960 So sick of getting fucked by things that have nothing to do with me . . . why am I the one that has to suffer ? I do n't ask for much . 2.7142857142857144 4820 408308595487703040 🎅🎄🎁 ' : Getting into the holiday spirit ! ' 2.333333333333333 4821 684491832064016384 so uhm with all the rain coming wo n't it clean up a lot on its own ? 2.4285714285714284 4822 835509562903949312 This is going on everywhere . . . except where cannabis has been legalized . Those places have decreases in UCR crimes . FACT . 3.4285714285714284 4823 899711656237944834 Way to go Brandon ! 2.8571428571428568 4824 940667353012015105 My baby brother Richard who passed Dec 19 , 2005 . 4.571428571428571 4825 940075277018849281 I wish you a speedy recovery 2.4285714285714284 4826 682392960932179968 I'm going to the #CentrumMultiGummies Twitter party on 1/5 at 2pm ET/1pm CT/11am PT ! All the details at 4.428571428571429 4827 1952475115 Getting ready to go shopping ! ! 2.2857142857142856 4828 114425055609503744 I'm a Fan of Castle on 3.571428571428572 4829 393056348742901760 you think it 's all for show but this is just the only way i know~ 1.7142857142857142 4830 590243711503695872 asking the important questions per usual 2.0 4831 422440543772098560 THAT is why you go for it on 4th . 3&out then good field position . Nobody does it enough 2.7142857142857144 4832 339387747276042240 Her comes another round of 18 . Headache wont go away , but let 's do this 2.8571428571428568 4833 371371615323316225 i used to think the worst thing in life was ending up alone , no , the worst thing in life is ending up with people that make you feel alone 2.5714285714285716 4834 369305530570772480 do n't tell me the sky 's the limit when there are footprints on the moon 2.8571428571428568 4835 10246112496 Glad to see things are going well for you in RE ! Hope everything else is good for you as well ! 3.0 4836 765246501287112704 There are more pressing matters in the world , but I have the theme music from The Borgias stuck in my head . #makeitstop #thechantingpart 3.4285714285714284 4837 763751898214076416 45 minutes in and we have had 3 kids in timeout , 2 runaways , and 1 busted lip . I only have 4 of the 6 kids today . Ca n't wait for all 6 . 3.8333333333333335 4838 736652088487383042 I never pack enough snacks for trips ! Or maybe I have no self control . Either way I'm out of snacks and I'm only 11 hours in . 3.1666666666666665 4839 109099106231791616 Going to New York ! #hatsoffCIN Not sure how those things go together . . . 2.5 4840 20366876327 Hey check this out awesome ! 1.5 4841 334814836074635264 Well who wants to see the hangover with me 2.833333333333333 4842 589542107712454656 especially if there 's more than one Dunkin on the way 2.1666666666666665 4843 611706089437044737 Not everyone that 'knows' you actually 'understands' you . Very few people understand me . Most people… 2.5 4844 272445944031748096 It 's hard to be nice to people after they use you . 2.0 4845 816888952342753280 I' ve entered for a chance to win 1 of 10 Amazon Gift Cards , courtesy of 3.333333333333333 4846 816888952342753280 I' ve entered for a chance to win 1 of 10 Amazon Gift Cards , courtesy of 3.1666666666666665 4847 436207503219904512 Wait till you hear what Smoke said today #nascar #SmokeHasRisen 2.8571428571428568 4848 439171153324548096 beautiful scenery , dumb astronaut 2.2857142857142856 4849 346009084165758976 sucky . . How long hun ? 1.4285714285714286 4850 532885892818419712 Relationship dynamics can grow so out of hand today that they . . . More for Aquarius 2.8571428571428568 4851 422245333670694912 Want to Win a Camera Bag , Camera Strap , Actions or even CASH ? ? Follow this link : 3.2857142857142856 4852 216412451607023616 Win a Canon 5D Mark III or Nikon D800 from ( via 5th year anniversary giveaway ) 3.7142857142857135 4853 285809970082086912 They really kind of just took people from underworld for total recall , did n't they . 2.7142857142857144 4854 288757071703334912 . . . true . I also realize that my last tweet butchered the English language and I apologize profusely . 2.2857142857142856 4855 788396352665333760 I trolled my IRS scammers for weeks . I learned something really dark . 3.2857142857142856 4856 891363068596199424 If Jess played w/o Cody , I 'd like her more 2.8571428571428568 4857 378258038127198208 YOU BETTER GET A PRENUP 2.7142857142857144 4858 915683800079880194 Please share to help my friend . Thank you . 2.2857142857142856 4859 751171189679263744 Billy Joel is the soundtrack of my life . 3.0 4860 899101707472392192 Originally , i told him i could only afford $10 for a $15 ride bc I'm on a budget . But as the ride went on . . . 3.1428571428571432 4861 159031416439578625 Youu want G Shit , Shit , Youu Want G Shit , Shit , Shit , Well I'ma Give It To Yaaaaaaaa ! #WebbieeFlowww . 2.1666666666666665 4862 135445149240131584 & FINALLY Youu Put Me FIRST ( : 1.8571428571428568 4863 833777897206853638 ☕ ️ ☕ ️ ☕ ️ @ Grand Rapids , Michigan 3.2857142857142856 4864 653232799336517632 Can I not just drive home from anywhere without the connector being a hot mess 2.5714285714285716 4865 646447479450390528 ok I will get on a plane 2.2857142857142856 4866 858492271406219264 How does hanging out at Morgan 's always end with us watching 20 minute videos of people trying to eat 10 , 000 calories in one day 4.428571428571429 4867 857768348280643585 When did this turn into NBA draft ? 2.7142857142857144 4868 528249825674817536 how soon will Dantoino be 'disrespected' because DB did n't resign last week #perpetualvictum 3.2857142857142856 4869 754128435119788032 took 18 days but thanks for the answer 2.8571428571428568 4870 509497598756282368 It 's almost been 2 months and I'm still going through Monumentour withdrawals 😭 3.1428571428571432 4871 779138807245500416 jajaja Me imagino . . . 2.142857142857143 4872 437024721708662784 yes please , need a follow to DM 3.1428571428571432 4873 241938569806114816 have the winners of the #RWBMIA contest been chosen ? #madeinamerica 2.0 4874 337329136798416896 ' : If I did n't care about you , I would n't get so mad at the things you do . ' 3.0 4875 654528964388519936 Our Debate Watch party was a success ! We had 50+ people show up to Weber State University to watch the Debate with us ! #DemDebate 3.571428571428572 4876 403983530004611073 We are doing a voter registration at the following Ogden area State run Liquor stores . We need volunteers to . . . 3.2857142857142856 4877 349450946956369920 Omg I'm nervous for you 😲 1.8571428571428568 4878 351597896115826688 Why is this so funny 1.7142857142857142 4879 497787670949789696 Be ready to party katherinewithak sassypants10 3.0 4880 727635885299269634 Tuesday nights are now my favorite night of the week… 3.1428571428571432 4881 801643031153770496 if you remember where you stopped on your computer , finish writing it on paper and then just type it later 2.4285714285714284 4882 692805795113766912 Perfect eye shadow ! 1.7142857142857142 4883 373198362142453760 How you doing ? Long time no chat . It 's Don . This is my actual twitter . Hope all is well . Heading to Vegas this weekend . 2.8571428571428568 4884 658332623211778048 I liked a video The Bible Unlocked : The Tithing Deception ! ! ! ! ! 2.7142857142857144 4885 247246752447594496 do the 'how to get people to stop talking to you' face . Works every time . #realtalk 2.7142857142857144 4886 366042039852351488 Still ca n't believe joe told she 's trash when he 's the GGW guy . it 's about to get street ! #couplestherapy 3.571428571428572 4887 196137508290052097 Q : What 's one thing that you would change a . . . A : Nothing : 1.7142857142857142 4888 6322018805 I just attacked and won . #140mafia 2.4285714285714284 4889 452309648201490432 My dude sorry just seen you hit me up . How have you been ? I just had my 2nd child little girl ! What 's up with you ? 3.0 4890 377205823078162432 LETS GO BIRDS ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 1.7142857142857142 4891 492401348265005056 I was n't even manly back then . : ( 1.8571428571428568 4892 494679593006014465 The same day the ninja turtles comes out ! ! ! 2.4285714285714284 4893 386803785374244864 Today stats : No new followers , One unfollower via 2.142857142857143 4894 257905553865584640 it 's true ! we do love you ! ; ) 1.8571428571428568 4895 739626007691284480 I feel this way . The game has changed and I feel better than ever . 2.142857142857143 4896 692012865260113920 First thing this morning after breakfast . . . I was preparing to do my work and then a small voice… 2.5714285714285716 4897 683384652405452800 is this my husband 2.4285714285714284 4898 658391672020193285 Wow , I love ! I just won this for free , Tame Those Wire Spools ! ! ! ~BNWOT #2 3.2857142857142856 4899 562088033600962560 'soooooo . . . . Did they odds are Pete Carroll to call that play or wtf was he thinking ? '- 3.1428571428571432 4900 491025267930828800 Ready for to come back to me 2.5714285714285716 4901 925935907072593920 Meaning he wo n't take his rare turn ( a black man with a quarterback job ) for granted . Sorry . Had to say it . 2.2857142857142856 4902 913014135176253441 He 's not idle . Owns multiple franchise restaurants , runs a foundation hands-on , set up a chi… 2.8571428571428568 4903 532566202913390592 if by hug you mean stabbing with a harpoon . . . 2.142857142857143 4904 545706762087587840 Okin : in general PM2 . 5/PM10 ratio higher in larger scale , synoptic events . Could be bc of more unstable air in non-convective cases #AGU14 2.8571428571428568 4905 932854671873421313 Hitler painted beautiful watercolors . 3.1428571428571432 4906 940354184603299840 Still think he needs education ? 2.0 4907 297466747039150080 online car shopping incase gets my car in a few months ! ! 3.0 4908 170348425940967425 yes ! ! ! ! He needs to go home . 2.142857142857143 4909 269175412523941889 With Waiting for our #chinese #sohungry #nomnom 2.5714285714285716 4910 263084925698338816 OMG I'm soooo cold : ' ( #BadTimes 2.4285714285714284 4911 669735094131621888 asks When two friends pose as boyfriends , can What Happens At Christmas turn into more ? #gayromance 2.5714285714285716 4912 209740728270716928 'The worst thing you can do to yourself is judge yourself though the eyes of others . ' 2.7142857142857144 4913 529886351349407744 the only times I'm free right now are on the holidays but that 's going to be expensive to fly lol ! 3.1428571428571432 4914 591773909185273858 Who would n't fall for those beautiful blue eyes ? <3 #Cinderella #MrKit #PrinceCharming #RichardMadden 4.0 4915 566727342303633408 Ehh too much effort to get ready . 1.7142857142857142 4916 145349763355770880 . . . . The night goes on as im fading away . . . . 1.5714285714285714 4917 602668534490013697 Traffic Monsoon - Get Paid Hourly ! Join Free ! 3.4285714285714284 4918 573576239568449536 Become a Professional Trader ! 2.5714285714285716 4919 812167229345296384 you know im waveyyyy im jus following my instincts 2.142857142857143 4920 865079095364898816 have n't been able to sleep at all lately 2.5714285714285716 4921 27332979880 HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO MY WONDERFUL HUSBAND ! I LOVE YOU ! 3.571428571428572 4922 264611414436634625 I managed to finish the Detective 's Whistle assignment ! Try it for yourself ! #iPad #iPadGames #GameIn . . . 3.4285714285714284 4923 287689441861070848 Wait , you guys , is there a football game or something today ? #JokesThatArentFunny . 2.8571428571428568 4924 392437925767421953 Will someone please come over and yell at me to do my homework ? 2.2857142857142856 4925 595273907487244288 Check out this awesome new app ! Guess The Emoji on the App Store ! via 2.8571428571428568 4926 553623595378040832 good luck with that one lol . Might have to settle for a regular woman with the proverbs 31 attributes . Most models not bible ppl 2.5714285714285716 4927 270249283515711488 That was stupid . 👌 1.1428571428571428 4928 185606033765433345 what was said ? 1.5714285714285714 4929 685927076348751872 #10BillionWives I married72 , 547 , 968 , 411 , 146Wives ! iOS : Android : 2.4285714285714284 4930 686753785742426112 #10BillionWives I married112 , 964 , 279 , 605 , 620Wives ! iOS : Android : 2.4285714285714284 4931 843168453196484608 Dilettante : someone with an amateurish and superficial interest in a topic#word #vocabulary #interesting 2.4285714285714284 4932 861372702145347584 I'm earning #mPLUSRewards in Shower Thoughts with mPoints . 2.7142857142857144 4933 458801476165722112 Quixotic Fusion stage at the 'Surfaces' show . Taken at the Nelson Atkins Museum of Art in Kansas City , … 3.571428571428572 4934 448622681483923456 Into the distance . . . . Any highway in America . #lights #blur #landscape #nikon #d700 #highway #car… 2.4285714285714284 4935 597839999623700482 Y U love pot more than U love me ? 2.7142857142857144 4936 700928605082275840 Thanks past . I really did n't need the sleep tonight . But next time you wanna visit at 3 AM , I might have to ask you stay at your sister 's . . . 3.571428571428572 4937 196282430351605761 I know I did n't ! I had free tickets but just ai n't feel like dealing with the ratchets in Tacoma and Seattle all together 3.4285714285714284 4938 196290086256648192 after his last comeback that was such a waste of time , I'm not excited ! ! ! ! I will keep bumping 'Harlem World' though lol 3.0 4939 852970308265025537 The trending product that I will be trying out in 72 hours is… #shea BODYWORKS #Happy Hands and Feet Lavender 4.0 4940 872511732446625793 Need a fresh twist to your grilled ? Check out this cilantro lime flavor ! #Promotion #PerdueCrew -… 3.7142857142857135 4941 711237469245550592 you better okay your heart out tomorrow . 2.0 4942 851992485660311554 Ralph Lauren imo 2.1666666666666665 4943 782214175225372672 Help unite #nurses who fight for #NursePatientRatiosNow as #NursesTakeDC 5 . 5 . 17 💪🏻 See you there ? … 3.4285714285714284 4944 839110128280436737 Nurses Resuscitating Healthcare : Patient Safety Conference is May 4 , 2017 at the Hilton Mark in… 4.428571428571429 4945 625844933694464001 && tiny just let zonnique cuss in front of her ! 2.1666666666666665 4946 419431769281425408 Ima slap tf outta him when I get to da house 2.0 4947 416280398722002945 On our way to Sacramento for the day to return some items and spend some gift cards . #caligirl #sunny #cool 3.5 4948 417723185614704640 On the plane . See ya California . ☀ ️ 👋😎 3.1666666666666665 4949 621290545948667904 Photoset : vastderp : puddlecat : 1 day old / 1 year old heirloom creambean seed on day of planting mature . . . 2.6666666666666665 4950 373610460014477312 ruf1ohn1tram : having friends with whom u can talk about porn and kinks freely 2.6666666666666665 4951 603611324669628416 The website for my stories is up and running ! MGPJ&LBEAYSWTJL - made with #MyProWebsite #ItsThatEasy 3.5 4952 512225841548632064 ' : Corfu Island , Greece 'I so want to travel to Greece ! ' 3.1666666666666665 4953 849804857187893253 Wait , He Just Said He There Spirtually . . . Boyyyyyy ! 😂😂😂 #LittleWomenATL 2.6666666666666665 4954 879141563208785923 I Do n't Want Nobody Else But You ! #BETAwards 2.6666666666666665 4955 178612711188475905 We 're open ! ! Serving up delicious hot chocolate ! A short drive from downtown . Did I mention #chocolate ! ? #sxswtrailer 3.0 4956 387329714773176320 Dropped off lots of #chocolate to earlier . The new recipe is out ! ! go check it out , tell me what you think . 2.7142857142857144 4957 255498100762873856 Mitt’s Most Shameless Lie via 2.4285714285714284 4958 784563361367396353 Here are 18 real things Donald Trump has said about women . via 3.4285714285714284 4959 812806463404044288 aaaand the homemade pizzas are in the oven . 👌 #christmastradition 2.4285714285714284 4960 640561622134730753 say yes to the dress is giving me all sorts of feels this morning . 😢💕 2.5714285714285716 4961 2864032835 . . . but I'm kind of POed and I 've been looking for a new job anyways , so hopefully that 'll happen soon to get away from the drama . 2.2857142857142856 4962 4358031051 I have that song 'We are Friends' that the vultures sang in the disney jungle book stuck in my head . Awesome song ! 3.571428571428572 4963 691450298607497216 I guess we 're abusive and harmful 💔 2.142857142857143 4964 875198855574429696 Read the link when you have a moment . . . and then remember that the left has made this guy mainstream 2.2857142857142856 4965 331902847664922625 Funny how 3 scrubs hype themselves like theyre the new dynasty . 2.2857142857142856 4966 316757810148941825 amen to that ! #DyanstyAllDay 1.5714285714285714 4967 639630793053204480 I posted a new photo to Facebook 2.7142857142857144 4968 597361296309366784 After the hard last few weeks , I took my wife out to eat at The coliseum what a great place to eat with fantastic . . . 3.7142857142857135 4969 919604335364988930 10/10 NOT HAPPY RN 😡 1.8571428571428568 4970 914246908029362179 Meet your new Mariah Carey 2.7142857142857144 4971 920772224566616066 💁🏾 my goal is 1 . 5k 2.0 4972 893917657535307776 35 . I love all science related subjects besides chemistry 3.0 4973 666829943121313793 I sure hope they do 1.1428571428571428 4974 523219333473136640 Did all these idiots eat a brain tumor for breakfast ? It 's clear as day that her actions were selfish . 2.142857142857143 4975 586401333541875714 How to keep Bae in bed all day . . . 2.7142857142857144 4976 271902720724717568 Just imagine all that turkey you ate holding you from the inside . How 's that for a graphic image ? LOL ! 3.1428571428571432 4977 759035304863002624 the Jew 's ? nah . . . . . 1.5714285714285714 4978 765567859342839812 The Shocking Backroom Image Behind Every U . S . Vaccine via Natural Cures 2.8571428571428568 4979 885743968708960256 A Queen can only do such 👸🏾👸🏾 1.4285714285714286 4980 585633008755073024 where is Tyra ? 1.8571428571428568 4981 32083427452788738 this weekend we will be at #concord mall in delaware . We will be there friday and saturday only . We should have 2011 TOPPS SERIES 1 BASEBALL 4.285714285714286 4982 209673134914281472 We expect to have series 2 baseball in for the show . #toppscards #series2 #baseballcards 3.1428571428571432 4983 358875895307571202 I can feel your energy from 2 planets away . I got my drink . I got my music . I would share it but today I'm yelling : b do n't kill my vibe 2.8571428571428568 4984 353521539947307008 The Hubbz & the Niece asleep on the way to the #grandcanyon #hooverdam #Leggo Love these 2 3.4285714285714284 4985 471055219078742016 Today 's blessing of the food : 'Good food , good wine , good company , good God . ' ; ) 2.333333333333333 4986 912125013825859585 Doing a great job in the booth , Tony . . . 2.0 4987 909951418110488578 RELEASE THE DARKWA ! ! ! ! 3.8333333333333335 4988 942503567176404994 Can the #Eagles cover the slant already . All game long they have been throwing it for completion after completion . My God already . 3.333333333333333 4989 696790305899749378 I wonder is Kelly reaches out to Cooper for his down field blocking skills ? #Eagles 1.5 4990 215398678205181953 Happy wednesday everyone 2.333333333333333 4991 321218572045144064 got another 1500 words done last night . yippee 2.333333333333333 4992 737404806617141248 I'm blonde now 💕 3.333333333333333 4993 575327712614694912 I serve in AmeriCorps because I am able to help my community and those in need while funding my future education ! #iamamericorps 4.666666666666667 4994 126394076865101824 'Kerstin , that is horrible ! ? '--No , its just morally wrong . Or whatever . 2.5 4995 416666921262530560 Movie guides only list male stars #Sundance BeautifulGirls Tim Hutton Matt Dillon Noah Emmerich NOT Natalie Portman Uma Thurman Mira Sorvino 3.8333333333333335 4996 864564962869387264 Playoff games should not be relegated to 😡 but broadcast on #Warriors 3.0 4997 212344055487672323 I'm In Need Of Company . . . 2.0 4998 209791598769348608 Dnt Akt Like We Was n't Fightin Ova U , Yo Sisters , Michelle , Her Kousin , &Sydney hahahah . . We Was Some Wild Lil Muhfuckaz lol 2.75 4999 747486233455136769 Lol I got 4 Days left maan Ca n't wait type happy nd nervous at the same time 2.0 5000 759041690166452224 Aha Brees got the best TD to Int ratio 226 to 19 just for the red Zone 3.1666666666666665 5001 321502243578863618 Downloaded Radioactive , all your fault . 1.8333333333333333 5002 341827409454174208 I suggested Catherine to pewds XD 2.5 5003 755545955915661312 Do you honestly think Hillary will be transparent ? Look at her past behavior as Chief it will Be like the Old KGB you can forget Freedom ! 3.7142857142857135 5004 754048832867041283 Hillary calls 4 surge n intelligence yet during the Clinton adm he decimated its ability I guess 2 hide Clinton corruption Makes sense now 3.8571428571428568 5005 423123301108416512 Nice work #FillTheSteins Nation . . . we cracked 700 followers this morning ! Shout out to . . . as the saying goes , your 700th is SPECIAL . 4.0 5006 459325303479746561 #FillTheSteins share some of the music that defined our time at . Tell us your college music using #FTSMusic ! 3.1428571428571432 5007 650603180049436672 I'm earning #mPOINTS in mPLACES . 2.2857142857142856 5008 623453164243656705 I'm earning #mPOINTS in Flip Da Coin . 2.142857142857143 5009 6609481791 Xbox Live : red insoxicated is currently Online . Playing Modern Warfare® 2 . In a party . ( Xbox Live Nation ) 3.4285714285714284 5010 6607245061 Xbox Live : red insoxicated is currently Online . Playing Modern Warfare® 2 . Playing Capture the Flag in Highrise . ( Xbox Live Nation ) 3.7142857142857135 5011 317036395170504704 Must 've sneezed every bit of fifteen times just now uggghhh #Allergies 2.7142857142857144 5012 484175710735835136 Just two more days til my much needed vacay #CountinDown 2.5714285714285716 5013 701563432705851392 Long day of sitting on my ass clicking videos and taking surveys . Still learning myself . This one works all right 3.2857142857142856 5014 702285564125569024 You can get free gift cards for discovering things online with just like I did . Use my link to try it out 2.7142857142857144 5015 511960715641757696 I'm beginning to think you ca n't set professors on fire just by glaring . Did n't even get a spark . 2.5714285714285716 5016 463495241866436608 But on the realzies my bday will be interesting seeing as how my diet the last two days has been saltines and 7up #21 #alreadylightweight 3.2857142857142856 5017 796260933077233664 I was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer , felt about the same as this . 2.4285714285714284 5018 195575072390516736 the Père Marquette galley 1.8 5019 697171291279740928 Ready to pick up L & P from school . It 's cold out there ! 2.8571428571428568 5020 708094957077147648 Future engineers in the making at STEM night ! 2.5714285714285716 5021 280458624252395521 Who wants some #lemonade . . . oh wait . . . @ Pizza Persona 2.0 5022 165119564349308928 Miss these pricks #prick #bilbao #graffiti 1.8333333333333333 5023 674289047016198144 Harvard Law School as a space/institution for minority students , and students from marginalized communities . 4.0 5024 673982440952766465 Harvard Law community rallies after demands not met #HarvardLawProtest #ReclaimHarvardLaw #ReclaimHLS 3.0 5025 423284826293014528 That canes was life . 2.0 5026 418952590454697984 Hittin the movies with my momma and lit brother tomorrow . 3.5 5027 700083720146067456 drinking game : on my tumblr , take a shot evrytime u see a post w the color pink in it 3.6666666666666665 5028 719336073327939584 *phone but im so weak rn 1.6666666666666667 5029 429127008850022400 in case you did n't knw , IDC IDC IDC ! 😌😝💯 1.5 5030 368224494772420608 my phone been damn dry for like the last two days . im officially unloved & bored . 2.6666666666666665 5031 678808902322950144 ttp : //bumis . xyz/wp1/recommends/rw/ Complete Surveys Paypal $1 Minimum Withdrawl #RHOA #survey #surveysays #MakeMoney 3.1666666666666665 5032 682431646700826625 I'm earning coins in which I'm redeeming for real money ! 2.2857142857142856 5033 7657616525 goodnight ! be honest , keep it simple life is easier this way ! : ) 1.2857142857142858 5034 3385113976 is there an program for my lg incite 2.142857142857143 5035 935705912358121472 Balmain and VS . . . what a combo 😭 2.5714285714285716 5036 465368531018985472 it 's only okay when you say it 😽 2.142857142857143 5037 773036191134416897 Do n't need eye cream 1.5714285714285714 5038 789892529147699200 Free Domino’s pizza is going up for grabs soon ! You want in ? #ScoreDominosPizza 2.7142857142857144 5039 455899602265571329 Can it just be summer break already 😭😭 1.5714285714285714 5040 276815546169835521 Ohh my fuck why are there so many carssss #gonnabelate #rattled #annoyed people driveeee ! 2.4285714285714284 5041 643948716093665280 Been playing this game nonstop . Would LOOOOVE the bag and t-shirt , and codes to share with friends ! Kara Thrace on Fortnite ! 3.571428571428572 5042 534526763187970048 The end of #GOTHAM today : 'Well , that escalated sexily' . 3.0 5043 447028593928204288 When you open yourself to the continually changing , impermanent , dynamic nature of your own being and of reality , . . . 3.0 5044 419843069346082816 Often in our relationships with family and friends we neglect to check whether the message we are sending us the . . . 2.8571428571428568 5045 700705359279706112 Amazon OER ? | Confessions of a Community College Dean 2.2857142857142856 5046 620202120801853440 The Graduation Rates From Every School District In One Map 3.4285714285714284 5047 434396523627966464 One of my all time favorites . . . . . 'Put those cookies back mother fucker ! ' . 2.6 5048 466675161731989504 Do n't worry Dan , Stan will be fine here . He 'll never get near the city of Detroit . He 'll be safe in Oakland County . 2.8 5049 635651427365335040 we can craft macaroni necklaces with kraft macaroni 2.6 5050 515255706971545600 oh the glory days 1.2 5051 645026198943170561 aaaaaaah el mismísimo pan bendito 2.0 5052 170602494190292992 jajajajajajaj ! jamas ! prefiero la muerte en vida ! 2.5 5053 693298626160889857 Not the best shot here , but it 's part of my husband 's rigging our car up to be mobile with his… 2.2 5054 811446244115644416 Ice floating down #missouririver #project365 #365project #missouri #kansas #river #bridge #ice… 2.8 5055 70229031957704704 pyrotechnicolour replied to your post : pyrotechnicolour replied to your audio post : FINE… › And you don’t . . . 2.8 5056 83081675487195136 cybertronian-princess : MATT SMITH AND KAREN GILLAN ? ( SHE’S MY FEMALE CELEB CRUSH ) O . O OH GOD 2.2 5057 909814220463644672 This was so hard to choose 😭😭😭😭 1.3333333333333333 5058 910854121254567937 Leave Instagram cause people posting about the mnet comeback stage I fell asleep all night forgot about it & come here - tweets on tweets 2.333333333333333 5059 692047952483778560 thanks for the follow ! ! ! 2.0 5060 699080061240999936 Life Offing Pi #AddINGtoAMovie 1.6666666666666667 5061 936302243816468480 Jim Nabors dead; star best known as Gomer Pyle was 87 via the Android app 3.6666666666666665 5062 928829224059682816 Nope not really , check CA counties , the majority are in 'true' Nor Cal . . So CA counties and coastline predominantly Blue 3.1666666666666665 5063 903702317022760960 Who wants to learn how to make these ? 🙋🏿🙋🏻 ‍ ♂ ️ 🙋🏼🙋🏽🙋🏼 ‍ ♂ ️ 🙋🏻🙋🏾🙋🏽 ‍ ♂ ️Check out my latest video on my… 2.0 5064 351454575116562433 My new home #rollamo 1.6666666666666667 5065 450942837513666560 Well finished all the seasons of #GhostAdventures 😞 gotta wait for the ninth season . 3.1666666666666665 5066 927190460522737665 If you are clicking no then you must be a yogayho fan 2.5 5067 899816936581804032 Lmao , miss that guy 1.8571428571428568 5068 868988197862354945 And A yabba doo with a Scooby doo 2.5714285714285716 5069 246096692414398465 #SongsIListenToWhenImSad - the album Grace by Jeff Buckley , makes everything right in the world and helps get the tears out . 3.7142857142857135 5070 245215325132574720 If anyone has a quick way to get over mental issue let me know , I'm done now , do n't want them anymore ! 2.2857142857142856 5071 797961738746331136 well I'm not wrong 1.7142857142857142 5072 763212932658237440 this video makes me cringe 2.4285714285714284 5073 170370882882109440 Aww I miss my fiancé; he still owes me a back rub 2.8571428571428568 5074 183228997444968448 I love God and I do n't want to force if down your throat BUT MAN YOU'RE MISSING OUT ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 2.8571428571428568 5075 349729744008384512 My cousin asked me which I was more excited for Pacific Rim or Despicable Me 2 . I said whaaat ? ! Is that even a question ? lol 3.7142857142857135 5076 463006099197554689 nah I was just sober enough to change his name back . He did n't care anyways . 2.142857142857143 5077 437044271334432768 Now starting Culeless ! Will keep all posted on my crazy Friday night ? ! 2.4285714285714284 5078 469084173157007361 Sister Act is at the Orpheum May 27th- June 1st ! Should probably go to this . . . ! 3.8571428571428568 5079 175320117750677504 Following all this shit is suppose to get you followers . #bullshit #KISSMYASS 1.8571428571428568 5080 215263682677047296 Urge to just cry . I miss you #boyproblems 2.4285714285714284 5081 858876672170393600 I entered a giveaway for a chance to win 'Aicok Electric Kettle Stainless Steel Cordless Tea . . . ' by Aicok . #giveaway 3.7142857142857135 5082 689670500058923008 Join and earn up to 400$ in Amazon Gift Cards through its Referral Program ! #ReferralProgram 3.8571428571428568 5083 683890081778642944 InstaBucksMailz , the Best in email marketing 2.5714285714285716 5084 529187211766689793 Rodeo Mailer Just Launched ! 2.4285714285714284 5085 383291227707551744 Blue Two standing by . #AngryBirdsStarWars cafe Cf 2.8571428571428568 5086 377812840276824064 21 , 063 pts of devastation lay in my wake . Bring it ! #giantboulderofdeath 3.4285714285714284 5087 638471734568595456 Feeling a wee bit sad that my trip to London is all over 😩😓 #bestgals #besttime #wentworthisthebestpub 3.0 5088 260846777857613824 hating on the pink song 👀 #painintheboootaaay 3.0 5089 570801279171203072 thx 4 bringing back chk tenders but y'all did n't have to make them so spicy 2.5 5090 419493532223946752 U know you 've been watching too much #YR when you dream that you 're being romanced by a YR hottie . #NachoLove #ignacioserrichio 2.833333333333333 5091 671432224852414464 Some dude is teaching some other dude martial arts in the library , just outside the ILL office . You do you , bros 3.0 5092 442782333398044672 's Elevenses reminds me of Chinese groceries . Bitter honeyed herbal meds+pastries with egg wash and jammy fruit . #sotd 3.1666666666666665 5093 627436713757925376 A clash over personal values with someone you love is unsettli . . . More for Cancer 2.333333333333333 5094 798137324663996416 Relationships may be so complicated now that you long to get b . . . More for Cancer 2.0 5095 2368774896 Little one decided to sleep in big brother 's room . . . big brother ok'ed it . . . we 'll see 2.5 5096 86238640807747584 No fair keeping him to urself 1.3333333333333333 5097 821063225395527682 for like 24 to 48 hours . im like wtf . me mato 2.142857142857143 5098 796697438887284736 The day 's just starting and I already want it to end so I can home home and sleep . 💤 2.4285714285714284 5099 892124398018191360 Dear BLOTUS , Drain the swamp : : Scarymoocher , Squinty Flynn , SpiceBoy , Rants Prius . Who 's next : Loose Cannon Bannon , Bimboanne 3.0 5100 897901180306595840 Dear BLOTUS , CEOs wo n't work with a RACIST SMELLY TURD like yourself Little Donny Doofus ! They want to ADVANCE CIVILIZATION 3.1428571428571432 5101 752661041763459072 I'm going to go with Jesse but U ca n't compare at this stage . 2 early 2 tell . ❤ ️ him either way ! 2.8571428571428568 5102 711305681358471168 This is Annoying Orange this is sparta remix 2.8571428571428568 5103 716051381480607744 'I'm only on tinder for entertainment lol' fUCK OFF NO UR NOT STOP TRYING TO SOUND COOL GTFO 2.2857142857142856 5104 733006344198881280 I HATE IT I HATE THIS 1.8571428571428568 5105 571828295337164801 Perry in the building #SHEGOTBARS #ALISTMUZIC #WEWORKIN 2.2857142857142856 5106 465501112666427392 Happy mother 's day to all the mother 's out there ! ! ! 2.5714285714285716 5107 176886252354797569 veryveryvery happy to hear that ! ! ! ( : not that im fun to follow . . . haha ; ) 1.5 5108 399440800506863616 OMG ! I meant every leg hair you weirdo 2.333333333333333 5109 418290536982667264 Happy new year ! Let 's rock the shit out of this one . 2.833333333333333 5110 735632639441264641 I complain about the aftercare every time I get a tat and yet I keep getting them 2.5 5111 208951177067507712 Ambiguity : eh , I can take it or leave it . 2.333333333333333 5112 219317996303302656 Thanks for the brutal ass-kicking , Vensor the Sojourner . You pansy . 3.6666666666666665 5113 1152990229 has 2 protection potions and holy water in her purse . 2.5 5114 743919356103503872 I won in Guess the Card Game at ! One more step towards my free prize ! My Invite Link : ! 3.333333333333333 5115 796863440535060480 I added a video to a playlist Trailer Thursdays : Valerian and the City of A Thousand Planets , All We 3.1666666666666665 5116 562080320221364225 Better catch up Seahawks . 2.6666666666666665 5117 545932950273921025 ESPN Capital One Bowl Mania Group : Fans of Air Force Falcons ( Straight ) : 4.0 5118 578589439774978048 I picked #Arizona to cut down the nets ! Who 's in your bracket ? #bracket 3.1666666666666665 5119 454363604767473664 you are the weirdest person I know 2.1666666666666665 5120 470176200883597313 Hello good morning hi 1.0 5121 488423807296622592 Hopefully the wait for Escape from Gringotts well be shorter then ! : - ) 2.6666666666666665 5122 435251530287968256 In Art Prints , Disney Villains Menace as Shadows 2.6666666666666665 5123 573374162850480129 Solchu sos divina ! 1.6666666666666667 5124 542298883653914625 Senior Care 101 seminar on 12/15/2014 , 11-2 @ Nix Center , Fairhope . Lunch , great info ! 4.666666666666667 5125 618660618183143425 #Medicaid Nifty at 50 ! 2.5 5126 682476235440562176 Good cause I think it 's cute af . 1.8333333333333333 5127 678851490660806656 You 're very welcome and they 're chocolate chip and the chocolate is still kind of melty . *Scar smiles sweetly . * 2.333333333333333 5128 507317304150208513 yay ! Let 's do this ! I applied to host the Celebrate Kindness with Simple® , presented by MAKERS : 2.833333333333333 5129 339164006835187712 Counting the days ! - Spring , Summer , Gardening , Family and Life : 2.1666666666666665 5130 559702171500154881 Same . I ca n't wait until I'm nearing the end of my enlistment . The Air Force has taken all drive that I had away 2.833333333333333 5131 434053564969668608 Not like I can go relax after that anyways . Then PT . Then class . Then volleyball . Ahhh 2.833333333333333 5132 224752137018683392 Heheh the wierd things you discover in the background of pictures 2.0 5133 157936039074336768 just getting some bubble tape at savemart with kate 2.6666666666666665 5134 879048414071185408 I 've walked 9533 steps with Pacer today ! #pacerstats 3.4285714285714284 5135 542482715325792258 Just got my picks . 2.2857142857142856 5136 174178786827448320 All the little tweeters on Twitter Stream , love to read and share each others 'tweet , tweet , tweets ! ' LOL 2.4285714285714284 5137 287838819678576640 he is sooooooo adorable ! ! ! 2.142857142857143 5138 156953665649901568 O v O If I could be on anything what would you want me on ? 1.4285714285714286 5139 159146736084992000 OvO “ : Owl 's are some scary looking creatures . ” 2.142857142857143 5140 156183847145455616 All I eat is dragon city hahaha 2.5 5141 581683410294304768 Everyone should have the opportunity to explore their interests , not just the children of successful investors . 3.333333333333333 5142 270676694254383104 is the best ! ! 1.3333333333333333 5143 270661575352926208 Snapchat is hard without a front-facing camera . . 3.6666666666666665 5144 692884770489913345 'Mean' Joe Greene reunites with Coca-Cola kid nearly 40 years after iconic Super Bowl ad via 4.333333333333333 5145 740962104451043328 Why Marketers Need to Rethink Measurement to Drive Growth 2.6666666666666665 5146 913898840268435457 They’d probably still find a way to charge me 1.6666666666666667 5147 930948679044861954 “If you don’t like Rick and Morty , FUCK YOU” 3.6666666666666665 5148 195228601015218176 'Duckfaces are so pretty . I think all pictures should have duckfaces in them ! ' #WordsYouWillNeverHearMeSay 3.5 5149 193590349736841218 #WaysToMakeAGirlSmile By pushing the corners of her mouth upward with your hands . It may not be a real smile , but you still made her smile ! 3.5 5150 337073469571362816 Just 1 run . . . . . That 's all I ask 2.2857142857142856 5151 272853248468213760 Car behind keeps flashing his lights bc car in front is too slow and car in front just flipped me off bc he thought it was me #iminnocent 3.1428571428571432 5152 398103962060353536 Richie already wants a nap like noooo 2.5714285714285716 5153 559916043100250112 Sleeping on the couch in conners room because dave and richie are bed hogs 😂🔫 3.1428571428571432 5154 29647133598547969 Who is watching OPRAH ? 2.2857142857142856 5155 12171570842 Apple or ice cream ? 1.7142857142857142 5156 412950381237252096 'The highest activity a human being can attain is learning for understanding , because to understand is to be free . ' - Baruch Spinoza . #RT . 3.8571428571428568 5157 289129459267813376 4 : 20 #BLAZEUP #PINEAPPLECHUNK #420PLZ . If your Getting #high to the #sky at this exact moment . #retweetkind . & #pics . 2.4285714285714284 5158 712091964326420480 This Southern Iced Tea recipe looks awesome ! Makes me think of Summer 😊 #splendasavvies #sponsored 2.8571428571428568 5159 710142359204450304 Yummy for the kids & yummiest for Mommy ! #SausageFamily #Sponsored 2.142857142857143 5160 658662063192055808 Obama wants kids to put down the bubble sheets #SkimmLife #yas via 2.6666666666666665 5161 510183543889465344 Ready to watch the v . game tonight #RavensNation 2.5 5162 329081019594579968 #ThingsNotToDoOnAFirstDate ask to spend the night . 🙅 Nahh bro 1.8333333333333333 5163 358253131945086976 im not trippin , they pretty cool 1.6666666666666667 5164 355522370498334721 : Police warn CTA riders of a uptick in iPhone thefts along the south end of the #RedLine 3.1666666666666665 5165 593767730651738112 Great way to start the morning 2.0 5166 433441095419047936 is giving her tummy a stern talking-to 1.6666666666666667 5167 353330416578596866 Burger fireworks part 1 of 3 ! The best is yet to come ! 1.8333333333333333 5168 2678050770 Swimming with the squeezes : ) txt me if u wanna join ! 1.8333333333333333 5169 12030512914 but im sure you made that leash look quite sexy : ) 2.0 5170 393129600047276032 day off today . Taking it easy 1.8333333333333333 5171 92332681525870592 I'm at Henry 's Mom 's ( Granite City ) 2.5 5172 262780426836377600 you 're coming home for christmas right ? 1.8333333333333333 5173 285525908067082240 She may only have two teeth but that doesnt stop her ! 2.0 5174 307272652417028096 rightfully so . deep breathe . if he doesnt respond , is the other guy still available ? 2.0 5175 375756302149894144 I just found a Swag Code worth 3 Swag Bucks . 2.6666666666666665 5176 723671255489101824 Share your recommendation of retinol with a friend . #WomenWhoRoC #sponsored 2.5 5177 834112766038388737 In my jingle video , I’ll show my dogs #FolgersFans #sponsored 2.6666666666666665 5178 215979402788478976 On the plane . . . . see you in 5 hours . 1.6666666666666667 5179 208255034939547648 #UpAllNightDVD #1DVDForme whats not to love ! It has all my fave songs and boys : ) xx 11 2.333333333333333 5180 168010487173349377 It has been two weeks , no word on poster contest , or did I miss it ? 2.5 5181 405492320692219904 have you eaten all the cookies ? 1.8333333333333333 5182 846326524542423040 😍😍😍 love that precious face ! 1.6666666666666667 5183 913583267760295938 Thank you Bettie . Hope you are having a good evening 💙 2.6666666666666665 5184 493141765528887296 “ : VINE : Wayne Rooney . For Louis van Gaal 's eyes only . 3.5 5185 570788688877252609 thanks for following ! Please try our #Disney #podcast & let us know what you think . 3.5 5186 521023738117373952 tuned in for #BCvsNCSU , heard calling #CinnvsUM & realized how much I missed the #Braves ! 2.333333333333333 5187 859827718120255489 My nose is running cause of how much I used xD might have over done it . But I love et 3.0 5188 935598573852520448 Trump has no clue about this tax bill , he pretends and will sale spoiled food to babies just to gain a… 3.7142857142857135 5189 931572650018836486 Roy Moores wife is suppose to defend her husband . So can she explain why he got banned from a mall… 3.571428571428572 5190 84233234698870784 My bro in law shared this earlier . Its very rea… ( cont ) ~wrgCz 2.2857142857142856 5191 107268777980338176 Anytime . . . we have 2 twin beds in the spare bedroom too ! : ) 2.2857142857142856 5192 248186280427520000 wow you are cool 1.2857142857142858 5193 184864634757591040 i am playing with you my love 1.5714285714285714 5194 712644308931854336 I 've collected 1 , 578 gold coins ! #android , #androidgames , #gameinsight 3.0 5195 216184447391895554 The Daily Gaming Giveaway is here . Enter to win and choose your prize - 2.8571428571428568 5196 424748268883427328 Birthday celebration round 3 #aye #23 1.8571428571428568 5197 542512066737602563 both ? Call it an early Christmas/holiday present for us : ) 2.2857142857142856 5198 625467234073358336 why does it keep telling me to check my network connection . What 's going on ? 2.5 5199 817665296106332160 I'm the most Confident , insecure , cocky , self-conscience , person I know . 2.5 5200 845790395271467008 Atlanta is the holy grail of U . S . WSC 's 3.5 5201 896913908598022149 Keep my spot warm Bee . 2.1666666666666665 5202 219540390041239552 sweetie , I would much rather be watching Chicago 😓 3.0 5203 209052519320649730 On my way to my graduation ! ! ! Yay ! ! ! 2.5 5204 274237856829018113 Red Tails is on tv ! #movies #straw #rowing 3.333333333333333 5205 410712618157228032 Pandora should have a 'pulling an all-nighter' button so I do n't have to keep telling them that I'm still listening . #BoutToDie 3.333333333333333 5206 872495698067034112 The worlds most beautiful man aka DADDY 😋😋😋😋 2.833333333333333 5207 887778160749801472 The picture I ca n't post on insta for bday #fullmoon 2.833333333333333 5208 294598329352994816 Ya thats right I got enemy 's that means I'm doing something right 1.8571428571428568 5209 199886387472896001 Ca n't wait till 11/13/12 Call Of Duty Black Ops II 3.571428571428572 5210 385568586989056000 Having a hair orgy . It 's a horgy ! ! ! 1.7142857142857142 5211 226294251850457089 My prayers go out to everyone effected by the #theatershooting in Aurora . May those who are injured stay strong ! 3.4285714285714284 5212 939318133415956480 When will we get a new time-table for tomorrow ? 2.142857142857143 5213 191319843230855168 hey my name got spelled wrong for the first article : ) 2.2857142857142856 5214 940286627519389696 Find them in the Krystal Bijoux Etsy Store ! 3.0 5215 419228081661169664 Photo : #MermaidParade “La Sirene” by Molly Crabapple 3.333333333333333 5216 555385773525323776 he 's putting this whole class to sleep 1.8571428571428568 5217 624927657981939712 Please do n't disappear again 1.2857142857142858 5218 656107090302271489 Order yours today ! 1.2857142857142858 5219 285947183000342528 wuts tha deal pickle #ranchin 1.5714285714285714 5220 359400871664173056 Congratulations to HRH the Duke & Duchess of Cambridge on your little miracle ! Welcome to the club ! #RoyalBaby 4.0 5221 242130485835345920 you do n't think or watch before you speak much . He was n't sincere since a few hours earlier he had posted negative comments 2.8571428571428568 5222 449381592813670400 A working mom 's open letter to Gwyneth Touche 2.2857142857142856 5223 416425017706962944 a tragedy anytime but even more so on Christmas Eve 2.0 5224 489440655706312705 I also confirmed with a chat agent before applying and he said I would get the bonus 2.8571428571428568 5225 601099278212276224 we should get one together . Maybe 100 per person for motivation 1.8571428571428568 5226 581436361250590720 The Super Simple Free Squeeze Page Creator For WordPress ! 2.7142857142857144 5227 251398371485577217 09/27/2012 Picture of the day . 2.8571428571428568 5228 815462715091255300 I can get what I want . You want to be smart ? Tell the girl to let me apologize so I do n't have to keep her alive . Then I can die 2.4285714285714284 5229 937800852085133312 I’m actually going to die laughing 2.0 5230 688589188774662144 you calle dme nigga so hell nah 1.8571428571428568 5231 690357484167503872 IF I COULD DISLKIE I WOULD 2.0 5232 387863664847769600 See how American Express is supporting the makers , creators , and mold-breakers of today . #PassionProject 3.8571428571428568 5233 236156703756926977 . Yes of course you deserve to be greedy for your own birthday 2.5714285714285716 5234 925124042042028032 My family is fucking shattered . 2.5714285714285716 5235 365249290316152833 Changing prices makes me #Tired 2.142857142857143 5236 468724003419734016 I 've come a long , long way But I'm not sure I can make it much farther . . . 1.8571428571428568 5237 461311361998282753 How do you go home to a place where you do n't even feel wanted ? . . . 2.2857142857142856 5238 630559727685140481 Maybe the reason Mr . Jordan got so mad is because no one knows the answer . #detailsmatter #niceopeningweekend 2.8571428571428568 5239 827367508525080576 Was a big Yeah its that bad fan- RIP . Have subscribed since the beginning but realize how lame I have been for being inactive 2.4285714285714284 5240 488190675326738432 Fucking bull shit is what this is , for fucks sake #fuckkkkkkkkkk 1.1428571428571428 5241 252997117457600512 I just wish it was n't the end , 1.2857142857142858 5242 795317367257505793 When we all think the product will be useable differs from having it there & useable . Which do we believe more ? 2.0 5243 896857213561589760 'White nationalists aren’t all hateful; we just want to preserve what we have' . . . which means negating others ? 3.1428571428571432 5244 682018017564319745 I'm with ya there , kiddo 1.5714285714285714 5245 682048807270506496 Absolutely UNACCEPTABLE . Cinema West in Petaluma , CA needs to be held accountable for their outright lack of respect 3.1428571428571432 5246 689826433892487168 They should have called it Kim-Jong-Crunk Juice . 2.7142857142857144 5247 651414238855069697 Anyone else notice they keep showing all the journalists on Macs at the #Windows10devices event ? 3.0 5248 566615658662600704 Our keynote speaker , Nancy Chick : Arts & Humanities SoTL Example – Complexity in Literary Texts : #UFSoTL 3.4285714285714284 5249 568914182910799873 One week left to submit your SoTL proposal to the SoTL Academy , Findlay edition . Submit your proposal here : #UFSoTL 3.571428571428572 5250 850656140694351872 I just checked in at Georgetown Shell with #mPLUSPlaces Download today ! 3.2857142857142856 5251 850656140694351872 I just checked in at Georgetown Shell with #mPLUSPlaces Download today ! 3.2857142857142856 5252 929054748858376192 'Tis the season for online shopping ! #treatyoself 2.2857142857142856 5253 788723363619414016 Who does n't want more love in their life ? Whatever changes you 've experienced have brought you to this point . Just… 2.2857142857142856 5254 712597489631825920 this will be awesome 1.2857142857142858 5255 705989155617181696 Love your new show 'Join or Die' . My son loves the grey and black tie with the Stars and Stripes . Can you tell us who makes it 3.1428571428571432 5256 718223801234931713 The we is obviously me 😉 1.4285714285714286 5257 715922397031960576 April = the month after March Fools = people who do n't vote for Dalton 3.0 5258 3105317393 The options r sink or swim floating is not permitted 2.0 5259 2819438989 When 3 tons of buns are traveling 65 mph u can only pray one finds u 2.142857142857143 5260 710213697327788034 I love o . b . ® tampons because their giving a $1 off coupon pick one up #OBelievers #sponsoredob 3.2857142857142856 5261 719265895923769344 Washable Markers a Parents dream #mrsketchscentedcrowd #sponsored 2.7142857142857144 5262 813921897704394752 I know . It makes me pissed . Like , if you do n't know that they can happen to anyone , then do n't speak . 1.5714285714285714 5263 796973211791556608 Time to watch some depressing shit like Intervention . 2.5714285714285716 5264 245003561916854272 Why did they use a mugshot of Big Ben on #SundayNightFootball ? I mean , I know the answer . It 's rhetorical . 3.0 5265 256513393584914432 Ross Detwiler is a severely underrated starting pitcher . 3.7142857142857135 5266 893082727829958657 The Bic Gelocity Quick Dry Gel Pens are great #Ad Learn more and see what this quick-drying pen can do ! #BICGelocity 3.6 5267 862083900255997952 French’s always knows how to make their salads delicious ! #frenchscrowd #sponsored 2.8 5268 604819362789388288 These guys just couldn’t hang with the sheer athletic ability of Mike Rotunda . 3.0 5269 671865281501884416 if that kid was serious he would put more time making a better sign . Also , trashy hair style . 2.6 5270 833314431203475456 kid 's a snappy dresser . 2.4 5271 849796885825163264 I wish I were that young . Or at least as young as 2.4 5272 897537631998713856 Yes but is no one questioning why the fish has human teeth ? 2.6 5273 882122461478871041 All my friendships are one-sided with me always being the one who cares more and it 's getting annoying tbh so stop it 2.2 5274 767507024808730624 also school starts in 2 days and i am thIS CLOSE 👌🏼 to just dropping out of all of my classes 2.6 5275 743141040635273216 also IS COMING TO SF TODAY AND I GET TI SEE HIM today is a good day 2.8 5276 799086646683648000 really not feeling this paper 🙃 1.6666666666666667 5277 795494025948229632 DON'T WORRY BOO WE'LL MAKE IT WORK SOMEHOW 😛💞 2.1666666666666665 5278 814328619413577728 haiku simple : peppermint bark tree , stands tall in holiday store , fifty percent off . #haiku 3.0 5279 712370499817316352 What do you think of Hillary ? I guess Benghazi was just a crazy right wing plot . 3.1666666666666665 5280 325071930099126273 Sounds ok to me . . . 1.5 5281 636186676465827840 Less confident - but I think they can still do it . 2.1666666666666665 5282 634357823795671041 Precursors of bullying behavior can be seen in early childhood; labeling as bullying may be inaccurate : 4.0 5283 166613040534536192 Higher Medicaid child-eligibility thresholds & higher per-pupil #education spending show increase in child wellbeing : 3.6666666666666665 5284 402721454954799104 read please ty 1.5 5285 444876768701214720 thanks for the follow 1.6666666666666667 5286 696033818818445312 Love a good Saturday morning fiction session . #amreading #amwriting 2.7142857142857144 5287 750711491628666880 My current work , planned for a short novella less than 50000 . Is nearing the end at nearly 100000 words . #fiction #amwriting #overachieve 3.2857142857142856 5288 106588374088945664 looked strong tonight especially and Beckett 2.8571428571428568 5289 156534017221603328 yeah it was cool 1.5714285714285714 5290 376162418847535104 Or a super intense workout to lose ALL the fat ! 1.7142857142857142 5291 252528436197863425 We just left , it was amazing ! So cool to be able to see 2000+ old art works up close , and know stuff about it . I saw Kouros ! 3.8571428571428568 5292 834632670797770752 get off twitter ! 2.0 5293 931288850873421824 Let’s go Steelers #Pittsburgh #familytravel #SteelersNation 2.7142857142857144 5294 753081996331671553 now you understand what I 've been dealing with my entire life 2.0 5295 840286182693052418 just a Mom and her kids watch Messi and chillin on the beach 🏝 2.8571428571428568 5296 521830074954563585 Fan of #Gotham ? Join me & 3027 other fans now on #tvtag 3.0 5297 503662997114736640 “ : Farmers' Almanac predicts another nasty winter : via ” . . . oh , joy . 😐 2.5714285714285716 5298 264821198901350400 there was a reason he was under Kirby Smart . Saban 's greatest troll was his recommendation lol . 3.0 5299 73602169479237632 haha just remember that next time he has a computer problem and send him to 2.2857142857142856 5300 697857556060897280 Still feeling guilty about breakfast . . . It was only 220 calories but I feel disgusting . . 😪 2.7142857142857144 5301 692687403501223937 Just a little bit of #thinspo because today is going to be a long day 1.8571428571428568 5302 258379742493949952 Oh we can talk about women , Mittens , but I'm pretty sure you do n't want to open that can of worms . 2.0 5303 265967727116709888 I have a love-hate relationship with election night returns . Let the games begin . 2.5714285714285716 5304 863969855900459008 hey the randomization on your 'shuffle playlist' option just had the same video play twice in a row , the old playlists were better 2.5714285714285716 5305 862911611606102016 you know you 've got a strong relationship when your partner asks you to pop a pimple on their butt 3.0 5306 231525033674170368 then I say you create your own 'sunny' place until you 're able to move to somewhere that has more of it . = ) 2.5 5307 225647561418096642 Believe in your gifts and talents . Know where your strengths lie and exercise them daily . #StayPositive 3.0 5308 510270210587504640 Could you retweet for a person in need . God Bless . 2.1666666666666665 5309 101150341281746944 Hey , my answer is Switzerland #Daily1KGiveaway 3.5 5310 474226489131823104 I read a study that listening to country music increases the rate of white male suicide . That 's grounds for quitting your job right ? 2.6666666666666665 5311 177880771539910656 I think it is going well and we all have different ideas . I love learning about others opinions and views on things . : ) #edu451 1.6666666666666667 5312 177884193743835136 This was fun ! ! Hope to do it again ! ! : ) #edu451 3.5 5313 437663922125307904 I can literally quote Mean Girls 2.6666666666666665 5314 301815918252675072 Vote for this great idea on : 'Gardeners Ruler • Measure the Rows • Make Plant . . . ' 2.8571428571428568 5315 533898153896837120 The Who - My Generation : via 2.7142857142857144 5316 775398670451806208 Enter Below To Win Your Own $200 Miracle Grow AeroGarden #contestentry 2.7142857142857144 5317 2649169652 I just took 'What Work of Literature Are You ? ' and got : The Odyssey ! Try it ➔ 3.0 5318 684222864845856769 I am a large mess 1.7142857142857142 5319 694326157802651648 the gas price 😂 1.4285714285714286 5320 686305272164401158 LOL YES , YOU ARE A GOOD-LOOKING GUY BUT YOU ARE ALSO MARRIED ( TO A BEAUTY ) . DON'T WORRY . . WE WANT YOU AS PREZ ONLY ! 2.0 5321 681586417017982977 We have a concealed carry in my home . I feel safe , against human predators as well as rabid animals . If you care , ARM yourself . 2.7142857142857144 5322 329408291253940225 People think they can just waltz right into my room when I am clearly listening to 4/4 #MusicJokes #AmIFunnyYet 2.4285714285714284 5323 189370537607299072 Put him in my phone as Nate ( cute ass ) 2.5714285714285716 5324 567906794292449280 i SEE ALL DA STRESS RELATIONSHiPS BE CAUSiN U PEOPLE . 1.8571428571428568 5325 934895743642595330 The eagles continue to ball out . 2.5714285714285716 5326 757015590334857217 LOL chowderhead . . . never heard that name before . . . . 2.4285714285714284 5327 758672887062663168 they gotta keep hope for some people so they can make the bucks on the remainder of the drugs expiration dates 2.0 5328 576422456883159041 My mom is in desperate need of knee replacements ! PLEASE , if you 're feeling giving , donate ! ! ! ! ! via 2.8571428571428568 5329 518520472246288384 Thank you #ldsconf for such a wonderful Saturday . I look forward to hearing what 's in store for us tomorrow ! 3.4285714285714284 5330 664245715296632832 Any chance a leak of all the episodes could happen ? I'm dying over here . 1.7142857142857142 5331 311864029436055553 Ceilings were just ambitious walls . 2.2857142857142856 5332 116347406630662144 'Why 's the TRex eating the Jew ? '--Kurt Hummel . 3.1428571428571432 5333 94699725672030208 to I totally need discover youtube videos of you when I have time to watch them and do n't have to sleep ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 3.0 5334 116070119427424256 Google Maps on Android now lets you pre-cache 10 square mile areas for when you 're travelling with no data - really useful ! 4.142857142857143 5335 118270900494798849 New blog post : Understanding the limitations of reader extending forms in Acrobat 3.1428571428571432 5336 283192504537452545 Hey Dave -- good luck wherever you land . I 've Googled you and cannot figure out where you are headed . It seems short notice . 2.8571428571428568 5337 171949680299737089 I might grill some flags later . . . do you care to send a camera crew over ? 2.4285714285714284 5338 388134350820487168 “ : The couple who takes pictures of their food together better stay together cause we do n't want em” 😳😘 2.7142857142857144 5339 299578973543886848 Alright , Kelley . Time to apply what you 've taught me . #RiskReward 2.4285714285714284 5340 210794973711450113 eep ! : ) me too ! 1.2857142857142858 5341 220878926736658432 Life is far too beautiful for some people to be in it . 1.8571428571428568 5342 828407005782081536 My vote is for #CatRyan to go all the way and win #SB51 . What do you think ? 3.571428571428572 5343 796377338447626240 God never wanted a King this shows people do not understand . 2.2857142857142856 5344 363855753943068673 What a pretty dress 2.0 5345 314054059717959681 Finally got the new album ! Listening to this all day 😀 #MoreJT #20/20Experience 3.0 5346 842018932626231296 Nicknamed “The City of Sails , ” this destination is considered one of the best coastal cities in the world . Can . . . 3.571428571428572 5347 517828499214991361 Marriage License Overview - Cruise Planners can assist you with marriage license requirements when p 3.1428571428571432 5348 567169380094865408 NONONO THE NEW PROMO MAKES IT LOOK UNSAFE FOR GLENN AND I FUCKING CANT 2.2857142857142856 5349 331933914551705601 Shannon stfu , you 're so dumb . 2.5714285714285716 5350 343545287677198336 Zoned out on music 1.5714285714285714 5351 418112210200961025 Proud steelers fan ! ! 2.5714285714285716 5352 160768157076824064 I just beat Bizhop23 by 31 points ! Think you can beat me ? #GamesWithFriends 3.4285714285714284 5353 165120147940573185 Wiener hurts . . . my plans for #groundhogday are ruined . 3.1428571428571432 5354 783141745345298432 I love going & getting my brows done but h8 when it leaves my skin all red around them 😂 I literally did that @ 12 & it 's still red smh 3.1666666666666665 5355 608008004055670784 aww love you sam 💗 2.1666666666666665 5356 420397013985787904 Auburn will win on a last second miracle play . #BCSChampionship 3.8333333333333335 5357 515148941353291776 When you bite the hand that feeds you , it might not feed you for about 3 weeks . #BillSimmons 2.333333333333333 5358 933502147462909952 My week on Twitter 🎉 : 2 New Followers , 1 Tweet . See yours with 2.1666666666666665 5359 928427587151564801 My week on Twitter 🎉 : 1 Tweet . See yours with 2.0 5360 327553553507942400 trade w/ rams to get Nassib or Ej . Otherwise wait till rnd 2 for qb , Would luv Dion Jordan if he falls . 3.4 5361 843305310743879681 if anything it 's a push , but I'm including hunter in the '2016' list . . . . 2.333333333333333 5362 438478610924437504 boxers or briefs ? 1.6 5363 438476605829021696 if you could swim in a pool of anything , what would it be ? 2.1666666666666665 5364 2537408614 sitting here in wonder , staring at saku koivu as a trending topic ! LET'S GO DUCKS ! ! ! 3.0 5365 14147886631620608 How glad am I that it 's second intermission and we 're NOT leading by two goals ! 2.2857142857142856 5366 770248634218577920 . is running a back-to-school #contest . #Win $500 or a Macbook Air ! Enter at 3.2857142857142856 5367 807817796247846912 For Great Deals on Jewelry and Cosmetics visit our store at or #Ad 3.4285714285714284 5368 696140931012100096 Just because people have something nice does n't mean they 're not poor . Never ASSume . 2.4285714285714284 5369 694905546391031809 Alright . . . I 'll check it out . 2.142857142857143 5370 734399520155521024 I'm earning #mPLUSRewards in Bible Inspiration . 3.1428571428571432 5371 729733617216327680 Finding Dory with Nemo 12' Backpack . Link to order in bio or copy and paste… 4.0 5372 784882061240856576 get off ur high horses support him the people have made their choice he apologized a lot more than the BITCH CLINTON CAN GO 3.4285714285714284 5373 784908993634398208 that 's what he gets ! 2.4285714285714284 5374 893298634103676930 I wish I had the money to get the 2 tattoos I want 😩 2.5 5375 897176601162592257 I'm finding more and more mosquito bites from the drive in as the days go on 😒 2.5 5376 78275350366404608 Wondering the same thing ! ! #changingdiapers 1.1666666666666667 5377 801990347735842816 So close to #gilmoregirls time ! ! ! Late to the fan club but I'm all in ! 2.6666666666666665 5378 303580162593812481 i wrote a song about you . i do n't think you want to hear it . 2.5 5379 287595837197017090 stop watering the weeds in your life , and expecting flowers to grow 2.5 5380 173707944498704386 I Catch Myself Lookin At Picture Everytime I See His Name : -D 2.333333333333333 5381 198256641945239552 Lmmfao . . . . Shit Real Round Here . . Supa Hood Tho 1.3333333333333333 5382 246766465351548928 Me and my maceface 1.5 5383 358202048807829506 I do my best thinking in the shower 2.333333333333333 5384 498710394563997696 ' : we 're out of cups . . . #fancywednesday ' #fabulous 2.833333333333333 5385 700767215646330880 I'M DYING WTF 1.5 5386 887078745835659264 plz tell me you 've seen this 1.5 5387 419999948856635393 I also do to know 1.6 5388 521866313514627072 I have been needing mine pulled since the 5th grade , but have n't felt like it yet . I do n't like dentist . 2.833333333333333 5389 629225446882848768 miss you too 2.0 5390 696759701829242880 I KNOW ! ! ! I keep getting my free packs and hoping I get closer to finishing the set ! 2.333333333333333 5391 694561103842533377 thanks for sharing ! ! ! I 'll RT ! 1.8333333333333333 5392 247370015131725824 I'm waiting for you to announce a new show in Knoxville , TN ! PLEASE ? ? ? Love you , Bret ! 3.0 5393 246581378236416001 Salted caramel mocha is back at #Starbucks ! Yay ! #needcaffeine 3.333333333333333 5394 821961667219099649 I 'll take the pain Give me the truth Me and my heart We 'll make it through 2.142857142857143 5395 386568751568916480 Donuts and hot chocolate between conference sessions ! #ldsconf #hotchocolate #donuts 2.7142857142857144 5396 604888443630419968 I skipped a big party to go to a parade because *I* know how to have fun . It was worth it . There were sailors playing Black Crowes songs . 3.4285714285714284 5397 446082927105830912 So the Fargo Band Family Tree is no more ? I found it to be pretty useful . 3.0 5398 873623965981442048 It 's to a point where I want to email spotify to ask them to please stop recommending Katy Perry to me 3.4285714285714284 5399 770492223045701636 ur welcome just want to make sure no one misses out 1.7142857142857142 5400 331554331813900288 Much appreciated Matt . And you are so wrong about Jared . Look at his numbers before this year . He will be fine . #Stinkerbeck 3.1428571428571432 5401 360128126916902912 Should the Pirates be active at the Trade Deadline ? - My thoughts on the subject ! #20GamesOver 2.7142857142857144 5402 742694333741203457 I won a game by 39 point at Los Angeles stage . Let’s play together ! [] #Bowling_King 2.7142857142857144 5403 743052115917049856 I won a game by 99 point at Los Angeles stage . Let’s play together ! [] #Bowling_King 2.8571428571428568 5404 39521777575133184 THANK YOU for the 5-minute Herbert/'Mr Googlesearch' fight scene ! ! funniest fucking moment of the season so far ! ! ! ! ! ! 2.7142857142857144 5405 4876785118 An impressive last 10 minutes of the 1st half for the US , but nothing to show for it . Still down 2-nil . . . 2.4285714285714284 5406 421737517872717824 I do n't want to pack for school because I do n't want to see how much I have to take back . 2.4285714285714284 5407 458679624948789249 “ : I bet your mom does n't take mirror pic selfies like mine does” you wanna challenge me on this one ? 2.5714285714285716 5408 702587026600759297 And she just threw a damn tangerine at me ! ! 🍊👊🏽 2.142857142857143 5409 247004600249483265 you were n't supposed to agree . . ) : 1.4285714285714286 5410 269455444114825216 Wish I was coming home to my daves for thanksgiving ) : 2.7142857142857144 5411 385171447234437120 Finally saw This Is The End . . so hilarious 3.0 5412 379957844805566464 #FWI fact - At Chipotle , we make our food in small batches throughout the day so we can serve the freshest food . 4.285714285714286 5413 204998065004879872 Thinking about FiOS ? You should go for it ! Order at my link and we could both get $50 value in rewards . 3.1428571428571432 5414 325800147978170369 Drinking cheap wine and watching Pretty Woman on #hookerwithaheartofgold 3.2857142857142856 5415 323618715813941248 Ooh ! And ! I love him , too ! 2.2857142857142856 5416 868970515301625856 I'm at Cougar Minimart in North Charleroi , PA 4.142857142857143 5417 918066231890137088 I'm at Home Sweet Home in Charleroi , PA 3.571428571428572 5418 225711325379170304 i aint gone lie cuz over here snappin . . . he said i get mo paper then the shittiest ass get lol 2.0 5419 218569663888629763 Iknow i aint tha only one that be scared in they own house . . specially hallways 2.2857142857142856 5420 442042247497146369 the things I do for #YoureWelcome 2.142857142857143 5421 410958964441239552 NO ONE CARES SHUT UP . 1.1428571428571428 5422 290640334415867905 It took me an hour and a half to unpack 😑 #exhausted 2.5714285714285716 5423 766105752536690688 When you go to bed early because you 're so tired but the moment you get into bed you 're wide awake #adultingishard 2.7142857142857144 5424 241320456601362434 when students are exposed to art and music it opens them to other thins said dostrict 2 rep . Rosalind Johnson 3.2857142857142856 5425 273866245722472448 Mural Painting at College Park Community Center this Saturday . #collegepark 3.571428571428572 5426 495773067042250752 “ : My babe 😍 ” I love you babygirl 😍💜 1.7142857142857142 5427 403713976875638784 wow favorite my tweets then do n't answer I thought I was the exception nope I guess you hate me *endless tears* 2.142857142857143 5428 727139534505426948 its called big pharma 's influence on our politicians who are bought and sold . 2.7142857142857144 5429 757909559667195904 Totally agree the talking heads ruin the process . 2.142857142857143 5430 544556260108955648 if you are able to splurge a little , Lightroom all the way . If you want something free VSCOcam app it 's amazing . 3.0 5431 225979197254946816 yo quiero estar alla con ustedes T_T 1.5 5432 800755156841271297 That fleece-lined leggings are a thing , we give thanks and praise #FirstSnow 2.7142857142857144 5433 941024598275121153 Having a lovely afternoon , killing someone else 's darlings . #amediting #freelance #deadline 2.5714285714285716 5434 921151611317243904 Blue jays do n't have tail feathers like that 3.0 5435 887845531346776064 Bet you thought I forgot your BD . SURPRISE BITCH ! ! ! Happy BD you beautiful , majestic human being . Keep being you , cuz I dig what you do 💜 2.833333333333333 5436 475523690960916480 There 's really nothing like the taste of real southern sweet tea #southernbelle #tennesseesweetheart 2.6666666666666665 5437 478445141238116352 spoiler alert . . . they do n't . #countdowntomoveinday 1.5 5438 397533534044184577 I'm late but I'm doing the 'I'm thankful for . . . challenge . ' Day 4 : I'm thankful for my friends and family who help me see good in anything . 😊 2.6666666666666665 5439 318530537721569280 No Milton no ! 1.8333333333333333 5440 756083762903982080 yes , let 's fly to Australia and then cheap out on a bloody adapter . 2.6666666666666665 5441 702918631152287744 oh the irony when their android sets start getting pwned en masse . 2.4 5442 234760813188104193 Inward Outlooks Horoscopes : Inward Outlooks August 13th - 19th 2012 2.5 5443 156547819732340738 Inward Outlooks Horoscopes : Inward Outlooks Weekly Horoscopes for January 9th . . . 2.6666666666666665 5444 809398230530359300 This is a wonderful neighborhood . 1.3333333333333333 5445 819222399862407170 As a tax paying American citizen , I care about not releasing his tax returns . 2.333333333333333 5446 368852433864122370 Okay I can understand taking pictures of exotic cool food but why are you taking pics of WINGS idc if theyre Hooters they look the same 2.6666666666666665 5447 595927365781483521 A good sculpture for the sun #1002SPRING15 2.5 5448 279274337968734208 aye nigga dnt forget to start saving up for the summer 2013 trip of the summer no excuses to be left behind lol 2.333333333333333 5449 332990837707399168 gone be awhile now since they got me wrkin 16hrs shift but when I get the chance I got u ! 2.1666666666666665 5450 765575858493030401 Gotta love when that old shit circles back around . . #NiceTry 2.0 5451 234670575056990210 Please do n't tell me what yu do n't want to hear . . . 1.8333333333333333 5452 2457737735 On our way to party #1 of this weekend . Love the 4th of July . 2.6666666666666665 5453 403655861425274880 Thanks to all attendees who stopped by and learned to #springit Safe travels from ! 2.5 5454 406481689784094720 If you think Crosby is a bitch too , congratulations . We 're best friends now . 3.1428571428571432 5455 396041332000448512 likes third wheeling . 1.4285714285714286 5456 257526461056024576 #WatchingMoviesWithTheSoundOff why would you do that 1.8571428571428568 5457 430117799617650690 Why must British guys be so hot . It 's not fair at all American guys ca n't even compare 2.7142857142857144 5458 310558645756772352 great win Lady Pirates ! ! ! #Class2StateChampionship #piratepride 3.2857142857142856 5459 309858813463384064 dangit I knew that too . 1.4285714285714286 5460 719723907440328705 Rough day man , rough day 1.5714285714285714 5461 438168273071636480 that 's an ant . . . 1.7142857142857142 5462 396456639660052480 I just do n't understand why people are so mean to 1.8571428571428568 5463 212236837522120706 #BeccaholicsAndRebeccaLoveEachOther the best love ever : ) 2.7142857142857144 5464 221331393421115395 Just crosses the Arizona / New Mexico border and was greeted by rain . Who said it does n't rain in the desert ? 3.571428571428572 5465 223567571465682946 On my way back to Columbus . Separated from hubby and puppy for a month and a half : '- ( . ( @ Gate D2 ) [pic] : 3.2857142857142856 5466 351393585683382273 Basketball camp done . Time to ice . #feelingit 2.8571428571428568 5467 686763132363104256 I 'll just leave this here . . . . 2.2857142857142856 5468 579873454712717312 whaddup ERICCCCC 😎 oh you know , just getting into trouble 💁 2.5714285714285716 5469 541100566462480384 I love you too 💓 2.2857142857142856 5470 579489659518099456 A Hogwarts shirt xD 2.0 5471 492201869411119106 i know that already . . . 1.8571428571428568 5472 583412982971006976 you just do n't come lol ? 1.4285714285714286 5473 540225712268259329 I'm almost finished with my math class and I'm stoked 3.4285714285714284 5474 638072422072229888 #WhyNotUs 'the sacks are juiced . ' - 😂😂 1.8333333333333333 5475 508038334468587520 Played with lips today . Nyx Hot Red lip liner , Maybelline #625 Are You Red-dy lipstick , and Gerard… 4.166666666666667 5476 324633159864053761 10 rehearsal tomorrow . I can hear my body yelling no . 2.1666666666666665 5477 392778186775216128 oh wow is this about me ? You 're a fucking coward . I'm right next door come say it to my face . 2.833333333333333 5478 753601136792182785 “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus , and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised h…” 3.5 5479 62227755160436736 Happy Easter everyone ! 1.6666666666666667 5480 451006535867834368 Too gullible for today 1.5 5481 494681011058647040 hahahah this made me lol . . . miss youu 2.5 5482 561707944715501568 Ufc fight starts in 50 min . Get here before it starts 3.1666666666666665 5483 231563417494904832 we got the shuttle if u want 2.333333333333333 5484 456888220857688065 No room for negativity in my life : ) just gotta remember to smile . 2.5 5485 888099661332041728 My Baby Penguin : ) #taptapfish Download : 2.333333333333333 5486 545013034037436416 Oh Eve Maries , you never fail me . 2.6666666666666665 5487 495971649112780802 The more I think about school starting the lazier I get 2.5 5488 507297157490425856 Yay ! Noill is back on Tumblr to pervert our eyes with JOY ! 3.0 5489 307140670878007296 As a lover of Toonami who was rewarded with its return in the US , I fully support your movement to return it to Australia . 3.6666666666666665 5490 371020383660429312 . If you care so much about 1st Amendment rights; why are you scrubbing our reviews ? #ALECExposed 2.6666666666666665 5491 841465931373076480 She may be a new hero of mine . 1.8333333333333333 5492 412672645709459456 Homegirl made $9 . 9 million on record sales in three days . What u do this weekend ? #bowdown 2.1666666666666665 5493 476484819824955392 It 's a Hilary Duff 'Metamorphosis' kind of night . 💘😸 3.0 5494 761606715271897088 it 's legit . I just did it 1.6666666666666667 5495 616094015134560256 HELLOOOOOO BIRTHDAY MONTH 😎🎉 1.8333333333333333 5496 359791221960486915 All Products from DianKa DesignZ 2.6666666666666665 5497 639630793053204480 I posted a new photo to Facebook 2.333333333333333 5498 227775228271550464 President Obama needs a hype man like Flavor Flav or The Rock ! Even better , hire Bruce Buffer to introduce him at the debates . Ooooobbaaamaa 4.666666666666667 5499 335140159127425026 Hey local news stations : Why is it that you interview the dumbest , GED , assholes on the street and air it ? ? ? 3.0 5500 211418620813783041 Free cards on RoB ! Use xea69642 iOS : Android : #rageofbahamut 3.333333333333333 5501 213940597441052672 Use xea69642 after the tutorial ! #rageofbahamut 2.333333333333333 5502 371254934068424704 No . 7 tho . . . . 10 Times Calvin And Hobbes Broke Your Heart - 😩😭 3.333333333333333 5503 298277036735205377 actually its the new episode of Duck Dynasty . . . 2.833333333333333 5504 539130618576384000 We 're already thinking about dreamy , silver winter wedding palettes ! 2.5714285714285716 5505 678409239174496256 12 Days of Yogi Christmas Sweepstakes via 2.5714285714285716 5506 314951657211437056 oh nostalgia c' : 1.1428571428571428 5507 206986461491363840 You guys are so cute : ' ) 1.5714285714285714 5508 298530829351673856 I just won 7 Swag Bucks by Searching the web at 2.5714285714285716 5509 718428453716889600 Sometimes you need to learn how to play the game before you toss out the pieces and accuse everyone of cheating . #TalkAboutThat 3.0 5510 944324568596049921 I cannot stop watching this video . So proud of our pinay sisters & 1.7142857142857142 5511 421404410741538816 dannnng . It 's cool cause I saw you . . . 2.4285714285714284 5512 397886478237200384 why did n't we throw a MU party ? 2.5 5513 395175404866007041 I miss you too ! Hopefully we will be able to visit again soon 2.0 5514 4852347248 -* ♥ ( . . . My B DAy Is In 06 Days Woot Woot ! [if icount how many broken promises in mah life it wuld b 964 , 704 , 492 , 245] . . . 2.1666666666666665 5515 320578141527633920 Thanks for signing ! ! ! 3.333333333333333 5516 287645683190743040 #boldpredictions Andy Dalton will make 3 tackles today ! 2.0 5517 480874707278123009 Everyone go follow cuz he 's cute & funny & worth following 😊 Do it ! 2.5 5518 243052369250754560 tiptoed over a huge puddle that i couldnt get around & my shoe was completely submerged . #fail #hatetherain 2.833333333333333 5519 322356508421656578 Oh wait , I forgot that you have to pass it in order to find out what 's inside . 2.5 5520 14468658482 LOL ! best time for it ! 1.5714285714285714 5521 207858348538855427 I'm now a member of the afro circus . Can you rock the rainbow wig like me ? - #MADWigOut 3.7142857142857135 5522 211534791772880896 I hate when you make plans with someone and they sleep through them #lazyprobs 3.2857142857142856 5523 237054624098570240 yur welcum , nauw cum 2 mi apt 2.1666666666666665 5524 815407788084129792 A team of strawberry Twizzlers packages 2.0 5525 848275630869426177 Way to break the law with an April Fools tweet 2.7142857142857144 5526 502185481363152896 Playful interactions between you and someone special may be de . . . More for Aquarius 3.0 5527 812764960405082112 There is a subtle but persistent hum in the background that 's . . . More for Aquarius 2.2857142857142856 5528 797983792606670848 please push medical cannabis along to all 50 states . A lot of people are suffering and deserve compassion and some relief🤘 🏻 3.571428571428572 5529 513118691631058944 Go South View ! That 's where I graduated from . My daughter went to the Cape Fear game . 3.571428571428572 5530 551563895748706304 a large boat with a lot of fuel . 1.8571428571428568 5531 648251147325718528 I havent been trading that much at all lately so havent been writing . Hope to get back into everything next month : ) 2.7142857142857144 5532 734138765761904640 So I think it is safe to say , that today was specifically meant for bonding with . 2.7142857142857144 5533 831585855617777665 Need to take any chance to get healthier #splendasavvies #sponsored 2.0 5534 260928798365724675 stfu wit that fuckin Terri shit ur mad fuckin #aggy 2.142857142857143 5535 250422878552596480 I do n't get home from school until four , what days you stay after ? 3.0 5536 937780626098458624 I liked a video Tutorial on Cinematography for shooting Hair 3.4285714285714284 5537 629189830744899585 follow . . wonna discusses somtyn 1.7142857142857142 5538 362591087044468736 by the way , these are also 38 year old problems . #im38 2.4285714285714284 5539 432217209184583681 kids under 12 are free and those passes are issued when you pick up badges on site . 3.7142857142857135 5540 845431747949006848 I 've watched 2 minutes of this UNC/Butler game . How are UNC 's screens not illegal 3.1428571428571432 5541 851564970168827904 Yeah but I'm prettier . 1.7142857142857142 5542 260742839909113857 I hate being awake in the mornings , either way . lol 2.0 5543 426528995128389632 I'm earning #mPOINTS Rewards in The Weather Channel . 2.8571428571428568 5544 803095299749249028 2 speakers on this iPhone is clutch 2.0 5545 475098854002814976 Wtf is up with Instagram 1.8571428571428568 5546 802249069485690880 BRUH MOANA HAS ME SHOOK 2.2857142857142856 5547 760573446388457472 The Cell Block Tango is so vicious 3.0 5548 21433546074 this day has goen by so slowly its only 5 : 12pm , , , , , can this day go by any slower 2.8571428571428568 5549 17826554638 the pain and tears have stopped now i feel lost i have so much to say but i cant think of how to say it 2.5714285714285716 5550 522237563508359168 Dean 's always been around death of course he 's addicted . #spn #sob 3.0 5551 535567871959896064 Check out my performance of You Lift Me Up on Magic Piano ! Download Magic Piano here ! 3.333333333333333 5552 463844198269984768 Kat killed it #VoiceSave 1.8333333333333333 5553 497783928238120961 Best daughter award goes to for earning more scholarships ! ! #YouRock 3.1666666666666665 5554 509856184468533248 'Now imagine that everything you ever imagined was possible : Scientology . ' Thanks , disembodied voice on 46th and 8th . 3.5 5555 429384842393186304 Had Nugget in a Biscuit stuck in my head for most of a 3 hr ride today , pretty sure I'm still insane several hours later . 3.1666666666666665 5556 758841332265721857 this nice gory last-minute animefest print is DONE ! ! ! ! love me some oyasumi punpun 3.0 5557 754894512976035840 i keep forgetting that I need to make business cards . o o p s 2.0 5558 351941640518254594 I just want to go to bed . . . 1.3333333333333333 5559 613228561181331456 Late night conversations> 1.0 5560 671326080578400256 When you wait till the night that break ends to do all your homework 1.4285714285714286 5561 566457488459849729 oh my gosh 2.7142857142857144 5562 718665977576222721 A bit dry and kind of dull . 2.2857142857142856 5563 699416825709387776 Well , that was awkward . . . #GRAMMYs #AmyWadge 😦 1.7142857142857142 5564 832267668522688512 It 's a good day in America , folks . is back home where he belongs . 1.8571428571428568 5565 924127428804579328 Guy in tunnel . 1.7142857142857142 5566 256146487413731328 Haha I'm just making up for being late yestetday . 2.5 5567 200992725749874690 hey I see you too 1.5 5568 626966095673430016 How happy are ppl when they listen to new album ? Happier than Kyle crowd surfing on a river raft #tbt 3.333333333333333 5569 636342383513219072 I AM SO HAPPY #YETINATION 1.5 5570 284487529355423744 A perfect response to those who would endanger someone for political gain . Hopefully they 'll learn something , but I do doubt it . 2.833333333333333 5571 402842643605897216 Do n't have any money to send , but I am willing to break the legs of whoever did this when they are found . 2.5 5572 138815396617781248 Facebook got me tripping . . lol 1.5 5573 228980156331589632 Jacki O - My Dawg ( Official Music Video HD ) EXPOSED DVD : via 2.833333333333333 5574 407008984340905985 I have discovered a new territory in The Tribez ! #iphone , #iphonegames , #gameinsight 3.0 5575 405256038871740416 I have completed the quest 'Baking biscuits . ' in the #iPhone game The Tribez . #iphonegames , #gameinsight 4.166666666666667 5576 568063807433670656 you still do n't speak Chinese tho . 2.4 5577 452076785320984577 i always try but chicken out after like 30 sec though : ( 2.2 5578 853828254658174980 Just posted a photo 1.3333333333333333 5579 260243694081413120 Earlier this evening . #nofilter 1.8333333333333333 5580 880220771519541248 Dismantle the VA and use the $ to give Vets private solid gold insurance . There would be money left over . 3.8333333333333335 5581 898698036922245121 Haha this is awesome ! 1.0 5582 707010347123613696 My true form 1.0 5583 725778623307739136 13 vs 20 . Fuckin A . Hell yeah , thank you , puberty . You hit me like a truck . 2.833333333333333 5584 559558864152977408 Old ways do n't open new doors . 2.4 5585 815624054774362112 I had 3 drinks and I'm hungover as fuck . What gives . 3.0 5586 371317213501747201 ' : 'Do n't you do that . Do n't you say your goodbyes . Not yet . ' I would n't have let go Jack . 2.8571428571428568 5587 306505485731889152 Ca n't tell if it 's snowing again or snow is just falling off trees still . #FlurricaneMike 3.0 5588 211496663976640512 #4Words pass the shit bro ! 2.0 5589 203241156446924800 this day just wont get any fucking better . #fml3 1.6666666666666667 5590 310250443030790144 im stealing this for my facebook status . thanks . 1.8571428571428568 5591 573645240709480448 you do n't call your mom #youhateme 1.8571428571428568 5592 255413269567795201 depending on your acrobatic skills , it could be a lucrative career move . . . 2.4285714285714284 5593 240657760226775041 Who eats sad thai chicken wraps at 1130 at night in an airport ? United Airlines Customers 3.4285714285714284 5594 568615248493715456 the most beautiful people we know are those who know defeat , know suffering know struggle know loss & have found their way out of the depths 3.2857142857142856 5595 516227847074377728 your love was foreign to me . it made me think maybe human is not such a bad thing to be but I just laid there in protest , entirely fucked 2.2857142857142856 5596 935010444032577536 Tweet about the giveaway and book fair 2.1666666666666665 5597 937019005138886656 I know I have the right code , but it keeps telling me code does n't exist . : - ( Does that mean all have be… 2.5 5598 23012444296 Does anyone know a site that streams live #Bama games for free ? #rolltide 2.6666666666666665 5599 68125387544199169 Happy birthday ! Sounds like you 're having a great day : ) 2.333333333333333 5600 302652413519736832 I unlocked the A Good Day to Die Hard Opening Weekend sticker on #GetGlue ! 4.0 5601 307725955005296640 I unlocked the Jack the Giant Slayer Opening Weekend sticker on #GetGlue ! 4.0 5602 207265089848487940 I was there for you , remember that . 2.0 5603 247879757356744704 To me , you are perfect . 2.1666666666666665 5604 790051021468741632 Kyle Schwarber tonight 2.5 5605 693997189178093568 I would like to politely tell Westwood One 's Tony Boselli to go fuck himself 3.1666666666666665 5606 468593687040376832 What a game by the spurs . Tim Duncan is still a force . #BeatTheHeat 3.2 5607 430156953377972224 he is a broncos fan 2.8 5608 653750389280538624 Mis fotos de en este álbum . Grosos 3.5 5609 783032206675542020 #VerifiedRequest UserID : 603210706 Reason : I'm an actual sentient rake named Bob 3.0 5610 609553205257719809 So glad to have been a part of #PhineasAndFerb ! It 's the #LastDayofSummer so I better get ready . . . fall is on the way . 3.0 5611 4058474177 School , mall , Massillon , homework , then Bones season premier ! ! ! ! ! ( : 2.6 5612 7788784399 Another reason to love intro to political research we just had an end of the week celebration by watching the three stooges . haha 2.2 5613 343472844124090368 im losing weight fast using this , it works 2.6 5614 521585092528189441 Boohoo Tina Love belt in black . 2.8571428571428568 5615 362713933200633856 Skype Sample Beat Prod By TheMaskedJerk x DjTswagga #ReUploaded : via 3.2857142857142856 5616 575398181720166400 Blegh . Keep it to yourself ! : P It is pretty though . 2.0 5617 799633786350796800 Join Insider to get rewarded for shopping and being social . Earn 50 points just for joining ! 3.4285714285714284 5618 363140558048342016 . -'I suck at twitter . . . ' Me-'Yeah you do ! ' #justkidding #notreally 2.8571428571428568 5619 356400648117432321 Today 's going to be a long day . First , church , and then a long road trip to San Antonio ! 3.1428571428571432 5620 352625479896936448 Photo : katiebanks : hello booty #humpday is in full swing 2.5714285714285716 5621 374675646443974656 Photo : Katie Banks Fan Art . 2.5714285714285716 5622 73384077411094528 Com'on #starbucks , work your coffee bean magic ! 2.4285714285714284 5623 478361705127219201 #NBA Totally agree . SA is playing vintage basketball at its best ! 3.0 5624 730531239233503233 My #TeenChoice nominee for #ChoiceMaleHottie is Henry Cavill ! ! 3.4285714285714284 5625 570694818998947843 Scandal , The Vampire diaries , Grey 's anatomy , and American Horror Story 2.5714285714285716 5626 520016009496113152 Jensen Ackles is Too Sexy for Supernatural #funny #tv 3.571428571428572 5627 901668396110155777 Mcgregor blocking with his face . #MayweathervMcgregor 2.8571428571428568 5628 313819545490059265 Love it when my uncle puts down everything . No wonder your daughters hate you . 2.8571428571428568 5629 279063223670558723 “ : ( 307 ) : We should give each other good-luck-on-your-finals head in the morning . ” Say whaaaat ? 3.2857142857142856 5630 365764567202148352 Miss you Jerry ! ! ! 2.142857142857143 5631 601505375263666180 what time you fellas hittin at ? 1.8571428571428568 5632 2766971134 fun times . . . . . we are on r way n2 the city . Gunna go to The Cheesecake Factory & a movie . 3.0 5633 12155343867 Way to early morning BUT it 's supposed to be in the 80 's today ! Springs here ! Should be a good sales day ! Good luck Reg 11 ! 3.2857142857142856 5634 901519705965420544 have you guys looked at some of the other options , on fb there is ads all the time for etsy alternatives 3.571428571428572 5635 905576137341919233 it 's not , been stressing over the drive test to get my license again , took it today and am once again a legal driver 3.0 5636 404080655509618688 I really enjoy this show ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 1.8571428571428568 5637 742137122216398848 high school graduation 2.4285714285714284 5638 788201835857268736 My TI-84 got damaged from the rain and now the screen is screwed up 🙃 guess who needs to buy a new one 4.0 5639 351525397189505026 Getting ready for sleep and seeing that 's it 's only 9 : 19 is the best feeling in the world after working so hard today 3.2857142857142856 5640 695722754402680833 dr Jenn you 're the best therapist off all time , love your show ! You are so smart ! 3.8571428571428568 5641 659874933716197376 I was thinking the same . He should sit in a cell for life 2.4285714285714284 5642 566652812164341761 I'm earning #mPOINTS in #Nexercise . 2.8571428571428568 5643 374312278931152896 I have that shirt ! 2.2857142857142856 5644 369938969858809857 it does n't even taste good now ! 1.8333333333333333 5645 395373890509107200 “ : Love this time of the year . I want to see some costumes out there . . . ”My 2 yo wanted to be SpiderGirl ! 3.333333333333333 5646 277498528719310849 This day just keeps getting better #OnlyNotReally #HateToday 2.0 5647 316146843769782273 I already ca n't wait for Friday . . #MondayBlues 3.5 5648 21440051739 . . . ps' just started playing . TERRIBLE SONG . ) 3.0 5649 239772622588633088 Sean Bean 's in this episode of Jim Henson 's The Storyteller . I wonder how he 's gonna die this time ! 2.333333333333333 5650 197758056401080320 RIP Junior Seau . Definitely my favorite childhood jersey growing up . Still have it to this day . 3.333333333333333 5651 425102168694468608 Manning eats DB 's like Sherman for breakfast . 2.833333333333333 5652 250432050476228608 tell me about it . 1.1666666666666667 5653 278355174718844928 not if I have anything to say about it . What makes you so sure he 's gonna take it . You have been saying that for a while . 2.0 5654 254684919593304064 Good or bad I always put my faith in God and never questions his abilities 2.333333333333333 5655 335599403874275328 Bum bitches be the most envious do n't be envious work to get like me atleast be a bum with ambition gaaah lee 1.8 5656 741441511972343809 send me your email address and I 'll have him send you an invite . 2.1666666666666665 5657 838171711090515968 Check out Nintendo Switch Neon - 32GB Console via #nintendo #switch 2.5 5658 125134696354025473 just got done making 6 loaves of homemade bread . Will have blt 's , egg salad , pb&j and turkey meatloaf while supplies last 2.833333333333333 5659 203296750419718144 My girl ! Glad to see she is still alive ha 2.1666666666666665 5660 775701858622910464 Thank you for your support . . . 1.8333333333333333 5661 450045297008181248 MDA walk Cincinnati 3.333333333333333 5662 719193023729434625 The most important things in life are n't things , they 're people . … 1.6666666666666667 5663 239522132768477185 Ughhh I hate not being able to drive after 9 😠 ruins my plans of seeing him 😔 #sadtweet #wannaseehim 2.6666666666666665 5664 3077509549 All you need to know about Comic-Con : 2.333333333333333 5665 7848852119883777 'Kung Fu Panda Holiday' review now up at the Stash : 3.1666666666666665 5666 581785731628212224 I trained with GoGeta . 2.6666666666666665 5667 130069252609810432 I would say your hot #SayItToMyFace ! 2.333333333333333 5668 667183507194687488 The food on snapchat always looks so good 😍🔥 2.6666666666666665 5669 498860097276489728 My last week of work 🙌 3.0 5670 247511076260950016 History . it 's due tomorrow . 2.5714285714285716 5671 158772522266001408 OH MY GOSH ! ! It 's been since I had that party at the end of July ! ! 2.2857142857142856 5672 582405650615033856 ew . He 's probly just being nice to all the musicians but still . Of all people . 1.8571428571428568 5673 474276831664029696 I'm earning #mPOINTS Rewards in Flip Da Coin . 2.8571428571428568 5674 530391906736283648 I added a video to a playlist Jason Derulo - Whatcha Say ( IDestiny Dubstep Remix ) 3.8571428571428568 5675 482692554387767296 I added a video to a playlist Office Fortress ( Saxxy 2013 Finalist ) 3.7142857142857135 5676 349990278830096384 Bet you thought I was done . Squared Elements stash builder bundle from now available ! 3.571428571428572 5677 307541446284693505 Advance holiday and Happy Go Lucky sample spree cuts are here and listed ! 3.0 5678 330067961018720256 Taco Bell random pic . This was our lunch place today . Yummy crunch wrap supreme . #tacobell 3.4285714285714284 5679 449058800561950720 Create future and you will be writing history . 1.7142857142857142 5680 536408905761718272 I should already be asleep gotta be up at 5 to go hunting 😍 2.8571428571428568 5681 406970477194657792 I swear I 'll be at the top when I go back to school 2.4285714285714284 5682 332350320502009856 Sick that obum lists as 100 women , traitor and indirect murder , oh and hypocrite . 2.4285714285714284 5683 259480251443314688 Another LW HW bites the dust . Talk about tolerance . What a joke . Removed . 2.4285714285714284 5684 201122160574611457 Well . Single now , and still smiling : ) 2.142857142857143 5685 189596286218018816 Happy Birthday to me ! I am now sixteen . Only to years now , until I get out this house . : ) Jk ! ! XD 3.1428571428571432 5686 482513116102950912 Working with #beautiful #flowers for a #romantic #wedding 2.2857142857142856 5687 572408319903707136 Finishing up 500 more #handmade coffee filter #flowers to finish the #floral #skirt 2.8571428571428568 5688 629000265639727104 Congrats ! Beautiful poem ! 2.142857142857143 5689 828291510546280449 . utterly slayed it ! 1.7142857142857142 5690 601967876765945856 Do n't be sad just cuz my dog 's cuter than yours 2.333333333333333 5691 477272907240845313 Tomorrow is Friday the 13th and a full moon 😳 2.833333333333333 5692 263481267255922688 Yes it is buuuttt . . . I ca n't blame you . Just remember that I got to play with that ;D aha 2.0 5693 273958243108278272 I ca n't help but laugh when Niall gets hit with that football xD 2.833333333333333 5694 499717978091696128 Hrm this acct is n't provided thru the district , so maybe it is a personal acct ? 2.6666666666666665 5695 576566311691538432 Beaty teachers were treated to apples today ! Delicious & healthy . I love my school . 3.0 5696 883844737945534464 I'm earning #mPLUSRewards in Cut Da Deck Android . 2.833333333333333 5697 885153415801786368 I'm earning #mPLUSRewards in Roll Da Dice Android . 3.0 5698 2459722494 I can recall a few twits i 've met in my lifetime . 1.3333333333333333 5699 628756123659706368 I am done . Leaving . 1.3333333333333333 5700 312885178911571969 Think like the person you want to be not the person you are 2.0 5701 346817093322289152 When classical music comes on and people ask me if I recognize it . Do you know how much classical music is out there ! ? 2.6666666666666665 5702 329898855078453248 You have plenty of data to substantiate your conclusions today . . . More for Scorpio 1.8333333333333333 5703 765126323949871104 You have something significant to say about many different sub . . . More for Scorpio 1.8333333333333333 5704 243567892522758145 Went to Alive at Five -would someone pass on that bad band vocals do not sound better when the volumes is cranked up ? Aieee 2.6666666666666665 5705 274008594096201728 Can anyone explain the fashion trend of wearing knit caps inside ? Especially the bars ? #why 2.833333333333333 5706 927779486283718657 On my radio show today , we assigned each Five Finger Death Punch member to one of the five fingers . Thought you 'd enjoy that . 3.333333333333333 5707 647317517396897792 😍 Man builds a 'dog train' to take rescued pups out on little adventures . 2.833333333333333 5708 256776420993425408 30% of all smartphone users will have used mental health apps by 2015 #NEDA12 3.2857142857142856 5709 842473716093075456 Diets do n't work . Seriously . Research shows they are more often harmful to your health than helpful . In the long . . . 2.142857142857143 5710 410803581991002113 Had to chisel out about 4-5 inches off ice off the truck to come into the office . . . ugh . 2.8571428571428568 5711 689189258167480322 They say it is about first impressions . . . well they definitely made a first impression with me . I used the . . . 2.142857142857143 5712 713805114709032960 🔥🔥 Boy I Know you heard whats the word on the street Thinking about these beats bitch open up its time to eat 🔥🔥💯 1.8 5713 715006037439483904 Where my niggas at now 😐 1.5714285714285714 5714 742009862809231360 aww thanks dude : ) 1.5714285714285714 5715 389438442037186560 Parker house . I think we might go to cutting edge tonight though 2.4285714285714284 5716 702174860013871105 I was technically raised free range does that mean I'm really a chicken ? ! ? ! 2.2857142857142856 5717 922960425527816193 Check out this golden being my friend caught on camera #loveandlight #holyday #aliens #goldenbeingoflight… 2.5714285714285716 5718 206911697775112195 So excited about this Western Conference Final game ! ! ! ! ! OKC vs the Spurs ! 3.8333333333333335 5719 234823875375030272 Then everytime you hustle you will have a theme song in the background as you leave your victims #Epic 3.333333333333333 5720 934216127672090624 Thanksgiving has passed us . Time to get #festive all up in here . 3.0 5721 460835612610662401 A thing of beauty #aviation 2.0 5722 247147312835616768 it 's totally batman 3.0 5723 365950445547565057 I 've been here , love ! ! 2.0 5724 714338242842202112 what ? LIES ! ! ! YOU WANT PEOPLE TO LIEE TO YOU ? 2.5 5725 404111437863583744 this is a super awesome voting thing i can vote as much as i fuckin want #mtvstars Nicki Minaj 3.1666666666666665 5726 929342713895325698 #Spoiled by #dōTERRA #YES ! Give yourself a #healingHug #doterraenhancelife #oilygoodwellness… 3.0 5727 879805032270626816 I just checked in with #mPLUSPlaces Download today ! 2.1666666666666665 5728 310512606119092224 Bus rides with the team 💙 1.8571428571428568 5729 584731447572856832 Happy birthday to the BEST roommate ever ! 💘 love you Seafy and miss you like crazy 2.8571428571428568 5730 25478342547349504 You may be feeling stressed out today because the peace you wa . . . More for Libra 2.142857142857143 5731 503672564535672832 I 've beenshed by a boss in Sword of Phantasia ! Come to my aid , friends ! #iOSgaming #animegames 2.8571428571428568 5732 248802438197440513 going with Tomtom was a baffling decision , ensuring people will be circling endlessly in NJ until they give up and go home . 2.8571428571428568 5733 1278773692 Bjork next to me on elliptical machine at the gym . She 's reading US Weekly . 3.571428571428572 5734 418258662914674688 Watching a bunch of kids and a puppy is quite draining #wannapassout 2.4285714285714284 5735 291426815296290816 THANK THE LORD I FOUND A WAY PAST THE SERVER 😱🙏 #sograteful #thankyouiphone 2.0 5736 462765819710431232 Fun story : Talked to about his dad catching 's 100th HR and giving him the ball : 2.7142857142857144 5737 495169260189401089 pretty obvious this is his final opp for the sox . Giving him a fair shake for the remainder , see what he can do 2.7142857142857144 5738 705681785796038657 wait until your little ‘uns are older . It’s like Christmas , you go back to being a kid with them 😊 3.0 5739 351726871622328321 well I 've used WP for 8 years , I 'll cope ;- ) 3.0 5740 925293716675297281 Happy halloween sect ! stay safe 1.8333333333333333 5741 497375787159662593 nice ! i am waiting until the very end to register ( 8/31 ) to make sure my achy body is good to go 3.1666666666666665 5742 175421515561582593 thinks Anthony Davis' eyebrows are out of control #sesamestreet 3.0 5743 178499967915261953 I want you to come and say that to my face you worthless piece of trash . I will tear you apart limb from limb . #overreaction 3.1666666666666665 5744 774827861161062404 too long lol 1.6666666666666667 5745 507615405914202112 thank The Lord it 's not Betty white #BW4P 2.6666666666666665 5746 274162891127668737 Hail to the Chief of Trivia 2.5 5747 363269752912756738 Do n't Make a Fuss 2.1666666666666665 5748 818647228315238400 What do you think about #SandersTownHall #veryinformative 3.0 5749 818647697150406657 Everyone should watch 1.8333333333333333 5750 915629159359107073 What jeans u got ? 1.6666666666666667 5751 921024580487208960 He told her the other day 'wait till I finishing talking I was speaking' 😳 1.8333333333333333 5752 715706680982507520 I love when people use me . It 's my favorite thing ever . 1.3333333333333333 5753 455384736878194688 Sometimes I wonder how my boyfriend puts up with me , but I am beyond grateful that he does , bc lately idk what I would go without him . 2.0 5754 596411349632217088 BREAKING NEWS ! Politicians are ASSHOLES ! You heard it here first ! 2.1666666666666665 5755 899706350103658497 What Eclipse ? Noticed nothing here at all . 2.0 5756 397494754923253760 Sure girl ! What 's your channel name ? 2.1666666666666665 5757 367729854953046017 Getting this tattoo finished finally ! 😁 1.8333333333333333 5758 893864002064977920 are either one of these it ? 2.0 5759 864670424646520832 gonna buy this new paramore record becuz well . . . i support the artists i love . . do n't u wanna get paid IM TALKIN' ROYALTIES 2.7142857142857144 5760 424729603538554880 What 's the point of ANY unboxing ? ! #Exactly 1.4285714285714286 5761 536695082901315585 No one complains about half of Goldust 's face being painted black , but got crapped on in the 80s ? #SurvivorSeries #fatal4way 4.0 5762 264389460626644992 Where career and calling collide : as a journalist , especially a missionary journalist , your story never ends #inspired #lovingit #ncmc12 3.0 5763 290626263020883968 I just got so excited when the Golden Globes came on I almost cried . I'm already laughing so hard #GoldenGlobes #somenightsatthearrow 2.8571428571428568 5764 289982095441408000 'I try not to let things I ca n't change bother me . ' - Jason Momoa 2.4285714285714284 5765 329413482254581760 I feel like a spy when I pull out my usb drive to leave 2.142857142857143 5766 405545320886837249 Wow ! I just won this for free , Sony MP3 Player #listia 3.2857142857142856