stringlengths 7
| poetry
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Let's Be Pure | Come on! Come on! Come on, now! Let’ be pare
Lets end our flirtation with temptation,
let your glance cleanse us of degradation,
return to the pure wine we drank when we
sat in congregation, the cups passed ‘round
and offered up with no hesitation,
pure, cool, shimmering nectar of salvation.
We drank in secret—some days in the street.
(ur wines perfume vas carried off sofa
even the desert beasts yearned for is sweet.
But youite the key that opens up the jars
ofthat red low, when friends sit at your fect.
There, every priceless thing becomes lie,
‘here, drunk on wine and drunk on you, Ile.
ove and drink, and when I hate I die.
‘My friends, forgive me! My Lord, hear my ery!
Tm melting with desice and loves duty
for my Master-Just ook at his beauty
my refige from death and calamity.
May God bless any land where Shams may be!
God gave Tabriz the best of his bounty |
Rejoice in Silence | People, rejoice! His gate is open wide.
We are not alone—were saved at his side.
People, rejoice! This isthe day of grace!
Your lover holds the Holy Book in place.
Dont fret about the things that you have lost.*
‘The full Moon rose! It scattered all that dross
Camp here! Tie your camel at this station,
This is heaven past all calculation,
Inlove’s shame, there isa secret silence,
the silence of fidelity. No words,
Be silent! Know the secret of silence.
Be patient! God guards his truth in silence. |
Banner of Love | You, who still wave the banner of lowe high!
ifyouite not in love, you have missed your goal.
He calls The breeze of love must find your soul
Glory resurrected you, glory made you whole!
If youre notin love life has passed you by
‘The foundation oflife i love's sweet ery
(Oi the face ofthe Beloved holy
verses lie, Blessed be he who wil read them,
Destroyed by troubles, how you grieve and sigh
By God! Listen to my proclamation!
He knows who caused your mind’ devastation,
From abasement, your soa wil alseays rise
You've abandoned all for loves enterprise.
Be stil. God is your helper. He’ the prize, |
I Fell in Love with Angels | Now, swear by those men ssho do not le
ell in love with angels, and they with me.
‘They were mad with love, and so was I
After that, Icame, and they came with me
I woke up. took hold of God's bounty.
ook from them before they took from me.
Hooked in my heart, eamed God's mystery.
Blessed! Blessed be! those eyes tha looked at me.
I would have died, but He sent His mercy.
tured to fle, but then they followed me.
For fear of God, I will not say: That glance
of sin created me, created me!
Dontt lee! Find Shams inside your soul, instead.
He pours out wine, gives us our daily bread. |
He Stole My Heart! | Brother! See the Beauty who stole my heart! Stole it!
‘And don't you hear the voice that cleaned my soul? Cleaned it!
Arent you the ane looking for immortality
in music? Look up! He comes to you now. He comes!
See! The full Moon! Let your eyes drink their fil. Ther fil!
Tim happy. jst staring here, drunk on his beauty.
On his brow he brings us love, pride and light. And light!
Asif e filled my cup and gave me wine, Pare wine!
Asif the brilliance of his face makes miracles.
His light dashed in my heart lam made pure. Made pure! |
You Sang of Love, So We Came | ‘This morning, you sang of love, so we came,
Jealous, wild bucks blocked our way. But we came.
‘The maidens in your court—so shy. They made
sweet love. They stole our heats; we did the same.
We felt desire. Our friends warned us tobe
afraid of love. We heard, but felt no shame.
Like stars, we saw your fll moon in the sky
then hid ourselves behind your light. We came.
‘Moon! Our guide! On that Holy Day you said
the prayer. In lines behind, we did the sume.
Stunned by the beauty of Joseph, I woke.
My hands were full—blood:red wine in two cups.
Without a mouth, I drank. With no soul,
1 found bliss. With no head, Iwas proud. No feet,
I walked, Without a nose, I smelled perfume.
With no mind—suddenly—I understood.
‘Then, with no mouth, laughed. No eyes, cried.
God bless the place [found my beloved!
when helt the flash of our reunion,
where he watered that garden, as we watched,
finding peace and joy in our communion,
where we stood, then sat—gulped strong wine till we
disappeared, We came back all confusion,
That day, we pulled down a branch of glory,
spilled seeds of love—ecstasy’s diffusion.
We got so drunk, we won a victory!
We found ourselves here among God’ chosen |
‘The Price of Love | ‘The Truth walked in, and love fell ll around,
Love found us. We died, So, we settled down.
Drunk and so full of pride! Shamed when sober!
‘The price ofove is peace and calm! Tempted,
wwe fell. We died. He care for me, he gave
ime drink, he ravaged me, he cherished me.
He came from nowhere, He called me, I came.
Lover! Savior! My Path! My Elixir!
You gave me a cup. I passed it around,
What you said was true: love’s blessings astound,
From behind, you rose, you filled me. I'm bound.
He knocked, poured a cup. [ woke up! We built
intoxication as our foundation.
We saw shy women, Such fascination!
Lanterns in the dark. Stunned adoration!
We stared, grateful, Pure intoxication!
Suil drunk, we carried on, found our reward.
We returned with wealth, wth culture, and adorned
with elation. To every passerby,
wwe confessed our blessed revelation. |
Drunken Brothers | You! who make the full moon stand ashamed,
come here and shine your brightest light on me,
You! who pour out nectar forthe soul.
Come here! Make me as drunk as drunk can be.
Dont stop! More! Give meal the wine I claim,
tll you and [two drunken brothers be,
‘back and forth, vying over ecstasy
Now, I'm so drunk I cant recall your name
‘or find your face. 'm filled with mystery,
wine that saves me from spite and misery |
This Eye | “This eye shed tears when you eft me again
“This eye stayed dry eld back its tears gain.
So, taught that dry mise lesson.
Tepe it shut when T save you again |
He’ Never Bored with Love | Yes! My soul will be sacrificed for you!
You are the full moon. You rise, and you shine.
Praised and glorified be God for that shine!
You invaded my soul, doubled my lf.
‘Then, you left—with that noble pride of thine.
‘Today, I pray to youin secret, or
I shout outloud these mad love dreams of mine
Life tears me to pieces and still shout
Pierce through these veils! Let me drink your love's wine!
Centuries of loving, and he’ never
bored with love. Never willis love decline,
My lovers a whale, and my desire
pure water—an ocean—with no end time.
Can a whale grow bored ina pure ocean? |
What Happened to Me? | He shook my core! My soul sae such beauty!
Thirst! Desire! I said: “What happened to me?”
tasted the wine oflove, you see.
‘And now free, I soared to loves horizon,
eft my burden there, drowning in love
Ailind man can look up and see my love.
No Moon like him in this world or the next,
‘Theres nothing more than this See: I'm in love,
{never wanted wealth, but now I'm hexed,
Now; I search for gold on any pretext
to shower him with riches, jut for love
‘The ship of love sails from eternity
Praised be!—on the sea ofhis great glory:
With justa glance, my Soulmate murdered me
when I counted his virtues and blessings.
ay dying, Maidens oflove saved me—
saved my spitit—saved me from misery.
My soul! love his mighty chest. Praise him!
though every praise is but a mockery:
Ihave no hope of seeing him again.
His virtues, recited from the Secret
‘Tablet—Praise him!—restored my troubled soul
I remember ou union in times past
So clear, Isee no death when I see him.
Desir left me. It became a peat.
My heart grows heavy as I wear that pearl
asa princess in the pain of labor,
who dies inher travail—jewels won't save het!
But my Master showed me every kindness.
My soul a fertile field, begs him to come
Master, Beloved, perfect in all things!
Shams ud-Din, Master! Dreams of
he brings. |
My Master found me dead and in disgrace | honored him and rose from that bad place,
He came from Tabriz, wearing robes of love,
and —just dressed in light™—threw off my clothes.
My prideful soul cried: “He chose me alone!”
‘Then it collapsed, from those words that he loathes. |
Have Mercy! | You who scourged me! You ssho commanded me!
You are my Master. Have mercy on me!
Youte the flower of virtue; you're my saint,
iy sword of proofi! Have mercy on me!
You pour the best of wines, sweet in union,
bitter in separation. Have mercy!
Your light is in my heart, the most brilliant
star of the stars in the East, Have mercy
Tried out to you from every valley;
I cried out so patiently. Have mercy!
Tam your sacrifice each dawn, You bring
ime victory Lord! Have mercy on me!
Here is my heart raving mad and in lovet
| wait for you at daybreak. Have mercy!
Listen! The holy ones are telling me
that I must not seep. Have mercy on me!
Love s my protector—fll of meaning—
and for me that is enough. Have mercy!
This love isa place of wealth and power
where sleep is impossible. Have mercy! |
We're All Drunk | Come by our place today! We are all drunk.
ur cups are fll of wine, and we'e all drunk
‘The cup God gave us, ith running over.
Give thanks, give thanks—thanks for this charity!
Come by our place. I's a celebration!
urlonging now made plain for allo see.
Cur lovers came tous in the datk of night—
in our hearts they let no shame, no anxiety
“Fach held in open palms generous sea”
ood protierall feorcia Scene tenet |
Come, Let’s Pray! | Youre offering me wine? So come, let's pray!
Come fill my cup with wine! Is dry today.
My body, the wine flask. Your face, my drink.
You're pure beauty, God’ splendor on display!
Any lover who knows you for an hour
will die oflonging when you go away.
Moon! My death in meeting you was sweet!
Youire my high refuge from disaster’ sway.
Whenever your love sing its melody,
the birds of my heart answered every note
Your sacred trace is wine to drink for me,
‘My soul made pare and bright by your bounty, |
Night Visitors | People of Paradise! This is my word!
(Come, drink this wine, Let my trumpet be heard!
Holy virgins, glowing with love, bent to
‘ry passion, found my light. Day and night blurred
‘The moon rose at midday, eclipsed the sun.
At my door with brilliant maids, he entered,
He stayed. A thousand moons circled round him,
sweetened the earth, it up my dark center,
‘Tm drunk on moonlight. She gave graciously,
filled my desires, and took my gifts with he. |
The Cupbearer Will Explain | My rich Master! You gave me riches frst,
then gave me drink when Iwas full of thirst.
My brothers! Dont despais! You wouit be cursed.
Dont forget hit No fear of tyranny.
ound my home in his homeland, Come see!
So, honor me. Get drunk! Come here and be
iy companion. Radiant seeker! Come
naked and embrace me. In earthy clothes
you carit be saved or blessed with ecstasy.
‘Then let pure being worship pure being.
The holy souls came here with faith—from cups
‘of many colors drank truth and clarity
Let the cupbearer explain the rest!
He is kind. Let us drink his charity. |
Rising Moon | My soul won the love of my Beloved,
When I sawall the wine cups passed around,
I stretched out my hand to touch the nectar,
and my heart glowed bright inthe light it found,
I drank. My soul was filled. I lost my weight.
‘Then, lifted up, I lew above the ground,
‘The Moon rose in the sky, in its brightness.
Ashamed, wanting to hide, the sun went down,
He gave himself with generosity,
spoke words to no one else, nor turned around. |
Separation | woke from sleep tormented by love’ fire,
tossing, turning on a bed of desire
Have you abandoned me to make me pure?
Tcaritbe pure without you, O Deni
Why did you harden your heart that cay?
When will I stop weeping and look higher?
My life? A sacrifice to you, say.
ive in you and am your helpless prey
I should accept this waiting, so you say.
But you should know that cannot be loves way.
No, endured the absence ofthese years,
expecting each next moment youd appear.
have displeased my Master. That's my si
God glorified Tabriz with Shams ud-Din,
I repent, shouting, whispering my fears
ery tears of blood, and I drink my tears. |
A Dream | Asleep: A storm blew through my emptiness,
reminding me of pleasures nove long past
You flashed your eyes. © Moon! They pierced my chest
You spoke the words, and so my heart was blessed.
You filled me with desire, gave me a taste
When you drew neat, I smiled at your embrace.
A beggar, I gave thanks to beso base.
My master, ou gave me your noble grace!
You sang to me at night: You taught me well,
You came: That was the end of me. fell.
Then, when you lft, my hair turned white as well,
We'll never part. Our union's here today,
Your love raised me so high, as ust you may.
But when you came, I was your hunted prey.
You shot your arrow-—you killed me that da.
‘That death was my cure and my salvation,
You're a Moon of bright stars! Crown on display,
you rose inthe East, changed night into day.
‘A victory! I woke and saw my Lordl
My soul! Look up! and now take your reward
My eyes! He’ gone, You blinked, and he broke free.
He veiled his fice in anger, ran from me,
Tam a lover, sick with love, trembling —
a comet in the sky, a refugee.
You, the one who sees, whom I cannot see,
sleep left my eyes. My heart cannot be free.
‘And so yearn and wander the dark night.
I stay awake to find your mystery. |
Palace of Perfection | You who built a palace of perfection,
Sai"—your star—sill shines in its section,
upheld by Suud—stars tha citcle round.
You broke our hearts with your cruel rejection:
the blood of lovers flowed in sacrifice.
Look! all you waiting here. They paid the price.
His lovers cannot love and live in feat.
No! And, he didnt give us any choice,
1 swear by his beauty you're not alone,
‘That Shams, hes here—to guide and to entice.
Because of him, Tabviz i Paradise. |
What Do You See? | What do you see?
You who sees and whom I cannot see,
Life sits in my lap. Death stands by my side
If you receive me, lam blessed.
If you reject me, Ihave lost my soul
Like the dazzle of ight,
a dangerous thought, you are.
Loving, generous, forgiving God!
You are here. You see my pride.
Be my abasement! Be my Savior! |
Light of My Sout | Light of my soul You're the source of lif’ spark!
My Lord! My Savior! Full moon through night’ dark!
You Spirit of God and Spirit oflove!
Lift the veils, my generous Patriarch!
With perfect justice, you slay your lovers,
cut down a mighty hero with your sword.
A gance of your love and be recovers,
masters become saves of love, at your word
If they could see you bring the dead to life,
the Christians would abandon Jesus Christ
If Moses had heard your wise oration,
would he waste time on Khidr's* advice?
wish Adam had known you. He wept so
ncedlesly when cast out of Paradise.
You left us, and we fll into hele.
(© Master! Soon, et death end my desire
Makeaa fire to put out my fice.
Isthere such thing? Fight fire with fire. |
Love Is My Savior | Were you a lightning bol o just a ball of flame?
‘You left me with no home here all the same,
I worship you, but drunk I here remain
Is that your grace, oi it my souts stain?
I repent my sin, that’s sin... and shame,
Iflove is my savior, so when will be saved?
Now reason shouts at me: "No! Dosit step off
the righteous path ort will be your grave!”
But isnt death the only thing I crave? |
It Was a Celebration! | Ik wasa celebration! Do not grieve!
He made me to lie down in green pastures
“That paradise, my home: I cannot lave.
“Then, separation —bitterasaloe,
Hes gone! Calamity has seduced me,
You know how sad the one seduced will be.
Stil, {shook a branch from Love's tree. Late
its blessed frit. Eat your fill! What bounty!
{im saved from those whose path docs not run straight.
My heart before knew only pain and hate. |
Longing | 1s so long since I spent the night with you.
‘My friends! You know how we were torn apart.
Love of my soul, where will we meet again?
Noon Sun! I need your brightness in my heart.
Hey! Fall Moon! Blinding light that stuns all ment
So long deserted, I want none but you.
Master! How long sit since you withdrew?
You were my Morning Breeze, who brought good news,
Seduce me now. Save me with love once more
My Lord, my Shams al-Din, you've lft my view.
(On my face, see the damage that you do, |
Come to My House | Good nevis! Springtime came, and we saw it come,
My true lover just walked in—heS smiling
Lets be pure, and lets be generous. Come!
Drinkin the company of the Beloved
Good news! Hes here. So, come to my house. Come!
I you want true wealth, he will give you jewels.
(Come! Stay near. Swim inthis vast ocean, Come! |
Glad Tidings! | He came with glad tidings! He brought good news!
He raised the dead, Revived my heart refuse.
He is spring! The desert blooms. Renewal!
He isthe rising Sun! Lord of God’ rule!
You blame me for my love and sinfulness?
See the flames of my love! He their fue. |
Your Wine Lights the World | ‘The light of your pure wine will save the world!
Full Moon! Wine, in your cup of stars unfurled.
Love is my faith, solitude my station,
trees my companions, and flowers my friends,
If youre in love, join the congregation’
Ifyou still have a mind, then stay away.
youre pressed at home and parched by fre,
Tltake you to a secret stream I know,
You can drink, satisfy your desire—
and, if your eyes cat see what's hidden there,
just bring your thirst to serve our Messiah,
Centuries! Look! See the Sun of Tabriz!
Isthere another being to admire?
Blessed Mahalit You melted in fre—
you cast off the form, reached a Truth higher.
When troubles find you, bring you disaster:
Daink! Get high on the brew of our Master. |
Peace Is the Path | Peace i the path of earch, Patience is enchantment to me.
With fre he tests the gold... wth light he tests my loyalty
Love, my lamp in darkness... and his absence eremates my heart,
Love’ union is my cure, you crushed my very sol in me.
Your sun is my strong steed: the moon is my protector, too
Love is my companion. Who knows what’ in my fantasy?
You ask about his love: his gifts, his mercy his favors
My wishes, when he comes, they disappear like smoke for me.
‘You ask for my story: this passion is my destiny
Drink erased my sorrow: ths wine is good, so good for me.
Starting with the apple... the Day of Judgment is my dawn,
‘My heart springs from your soul, as from a taming potters whee!
Your breeze cures ll blindness, and Jacob sees Joseph again.
You are my two Josephs. Be generous with God’ bounty.
Al planets bow to you the sun, the moon are not shining,
Awake, I see you here, while Joseph saw you justin sleep.
Alms are my only wealth, my dates, the pride of ll the land.
Why vail with loves desire? You'e in the grip of love's bounty |
Hidden Beauty | Hidden Beauty Inthe darkness, my sight!
You, ray of truth! You hide in morning’ light.
God in glory! You almost hid yourself
from your own might, seeking full perfection,
[just want to die with you in sight,
to die there ina place above my right.
‘The dust beneath his feet wil heal the blind
His glance is rain for thirsty humankind,
But ifyou choose to walk his path of love,
you'll spill your blood, and troubles wont be kind.
His ight will guide you to his high palace.
Dont doubt! This is the path of truth of bis,
My eyes rejoice to see his fll ight shine
Forget the one who came before, sightles,
‘Tabriz is now the place I face to pray.
Sometimes, Lam pure light! But not today.
Now; want to bow down in simple prayer.
Wine boy! Hand round the cup of love, I say!
So long I was sick and needed this care!
Forget the nights that once whitened my hair.
{ve found my youth again inthis sweet
If youre still sober now, then you're behind!
Youire miserable, my brother, and how sad!
Drink from the hidden cup, and you will find
pure jo. His light wil bring us truth. Were blessed!
Hell guide us from darkness toward a new day.
Pity the one who turns his face away.
So proud, lost in this valley of decay,
he scorns the river of justice flowing
with life his way and searches fr water
in is dismay—afraid that death is near,
Rivers of water gush out from Tabriz.
Blessed Land! I give my soul for Tabriz |
Climbed to Heaven | Without ladder, I climbed to heaven,
CCalamites, can they find this heaven,
and dim the light of out lave in heaven?
Look! Our love shines on, past earth and heaven!
‘The days have kept our bodies far apart,
I swear by God, my heart is still with you.
My heart is tender when my love is new,
sad and grieving when lovers then must part.
My heart sends you my messages of love—
‘no end, But 'm still thirsty! What to do?
My soul returns to places I saw you.
Can I repent the sin oflove this true?
He says you're an idol that I worship,
cant see the fox piss on my graven god.*
Nasir al-Din!" He’ the king of virtue
No foxes, only rabbits piss on love |
Good News! | ows I will sarifce my life for you!
Yu hear the secret verses and give them
‘meaning too. We all see you take their names,
raise the dead with those verses, make them nev.
Now, I will sacrifice my life for you!
How did you lear the mysteries you knew?
Risen from the grave, drunk on your beauty—
without a sip of sinful wine, askew.
‘A glimpse of your nearness drove them all mad,
Blessed are they! You shelter them near you.
Blessed at dawn when they go on their way
Peace be upon the people ofthe heart
whose tongues keep secrets. Give thanks. Thanks! I say.
Praise be! With their noble deds they prove is sway.
‘Then, Joseph shouts: “Good news! Their proofis true”
I see Josephs face in radiant light,
‘The secrets have appeared now; in plain sight,
his mind destroyed, and reason put to fight,
Mt. Sinai crushed, stone tablets smashed with might.
Like them, heS drovened in love and briliant ight,
a plercing ight no veil will dim this night. |
Judgment Day | You saw the jewel that glowed inside my heart?
‘A thousand river beds kept us apart
But he appeared and gave the Day its star.
‘And then, he stirred the dust and raised the dead.
You corpses! Rise and see his Day of Dread!
‘Thrown out the learned books anc all they said.
Wake up! Run! Find new meanings inthe Lave
Hes the scale: Now he will weigh each flaw,
He is generous! Stop weeping and laugh!
God hid our sins, forgave usall he saw.
Praise to his judgment! He cast off your veils!
‘Then, wake from your dark sleep and gaze in awe, |
Subsets and Splits