diff --git "a/test.csv" "b/test.csv" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/test.csv" @@ -0,0 +1,9206 @@ +text,label +stop scaring people wearing masks firsteval im sure right subreddit post im still posting this point even think covid real care wearing mask still wear mask many people believe corona virus afraid persons like people wear masks wear mask make life harder hard wear mask sometimes forget im wearing mask walk even to example would be serial killer escaped prison media warns everyone stay house make lights off serial killer know someone believe it friend roommate believe saying wants show truth decides switchs lights on plays loud music stuff like this scared hell serial killer coming house turns roommate right serial killer exist still fucking horror him know good example someone ever read it wanted say that much easier wear mask stress hope good day stay safe sorry spelling mistakes native language english,0 +#박봄제발내버려두세요Depression is not a joke...instead of supporting her...netizens are dragging her...what a shame...Act like a human,1 +saw description movie tcm let run like peter ustinov maggie smith delightfully surprised find really liked movie found quite exceptional course seriously dated period piece well worth watching subtle humour insight life lifestyle almost forty years ago problem trying find dvd watch often also quite taken performances smith ustinov leads karl malden bob newhart cameo appearances robert morley cesar romero,0 +somebody please play yugioh duel links me id bored friends dont play yugioh duel links ,0 +watching old video of dance team and such make me miss it,0 +Hello world! Listen the Radio Dabas online: www.radiodabas.hu left corner above - PR�BA SZERENCSE ,0 +maybe ill start upvting every comment like ill cus mabe someone like somethin idk,0 +@berutt sorry for not voting earlier...I was still in bed ,0 +Goodnight my lovelys ,0 +"Atlantis & Hubble current location now is above Indonesia. Wave your hand guys, wave! #fb",0 +deserve livei raised normal healthy im emotionally defective toxic social failure potential friend push away hope stop interacting me think im healthy around want ruin life unfortunate upbringingtraumas think explains end total fucked psychologically told much lies like im daughter high ranking military man lies im still cringing think day reason general hate feel towards although kind authentic person dislike something her god still eager friends me im like please leave im toxic reclusive talk months except initiate first im bad friend know friendship works leave cant everyones cup tea thats ok person know that think im able talk stop interacting me admit envy living normal life normal mind blessed likeable face sounds pretty dumb immature know well tried work myself spent money time effort get better turns damages cant repair talk anonymously online helps time im back suicidal idealation contemplating much could cause serious harm people completely lost self control hate admit im bit narcy sometimes cant help it like whats going inside head either want cause possible harm could someone want associate cant help it here strong potential commit something awful law im done life,1 +im tonightim already tired nothing makes happy anymore one help me,1 +"@britneyfrancis the regular.. trying to find some food, nothing new ",0 +takashi miike one favorite directors worried kids film would hate see depart films came love visitor q gozu izo ichi killer black socioty trilogy lately seems exploring new territory think hes succeeding still first films id seen take direction nervous coarse bought without seeing glad didbr br great yokai war perfect kids film adults like too whole film reminded much movies loved child neverending story labyrinth return oz etc enjoyed films treat kids like theyre stupid one either dark underlying morals there but also silly kids film be personally bothered cgi prosthetics feel like fit well think kids noticebr br if die hard takashi miike fan may like one but suggest giving shot proves miike diverse talented suspected is also continues make signature miike films outside ones reassuringbr br to people new takashi miike want something light hearted dramatic like one suggest miike films zebraman the happiness katakuris sabu the bird people china br br good job takashi miike stars,0 +answer question previous reviewer asked name us official mentioned lumumba name character mr carlucci frank carlucci reported time second secretary us embassy congo subsequently among assignments appointed us ambassador portugal deputy director central intelligence agency secretary defense chairman carlyle group hardly surprising carluccis biographical sketch wwwcarlylegroupcom web site fails credit service belgian congo name deliberately censored hbo version lumumba may avoid possibility hbos sued us courts carluccis name however clearly mentioned theatre version lumumba saw recently event expect would deny involvement lumumbas murderbr br others commented evenhandedness film lumumba treats parties concerned lumumbasupporters congolese even belgians somewhat sinister view emerges think bbc documentary entitled who killed lumumba based book the murder lumumba belgian historian ludo de witte examined closely films demonstrate fate lumumba history congo matter black white lumumbas murderers believe that,0 +i wa at the peak of my depression during lockdown level yoh,1 +reason miss school want fall asleep bus way home wake eyes feeling cold sleepy hoodie keeping comfy getting bus barely able walk way home tired much bones hurt day school get home let fall onto bed fall asleep grandma wakes lunch,0 +hurt knowing dad wanted athletic hard working kid liked different stuff instead got hurts,1 +"Sitting on the deck with Robert Holden, author of Be Happy. A beautiful man and gifted coach. I'm happy ",0 +@carobuckman Have fun!!! ,0 +would u describe perfect girl filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler,0 +lets goooooooo every single one singles placement matches rocket league im platinum for know rocket league car soccer free epic games store wanna play really good game thanks listening celebration stay safe goodbye,0 +Something to Talk About - Badly Drawn Boy * RB @jackryan - nice 2 know ♫ http://blip.fm/~8b3dr,0 +i have been caught in a cycle of depression v being hyper active it is a struggle to stay focused in either of those state of being doe anyone have a track or a song or even something you made yourself to help get out of this hole i love music and i need a new sound please help,1 +just posted a new blog @ www.awakendesigncompany.com/blog - check it out for news about a big wedding coming up -- and sales!! GO GO GO!,0 +new york people like get boiga,0 +cant deal anymorethis week worst experience life wife years left took year old children work filed custody child support im alone everything heart soul life best friend friend except brother talk people often person confided cant talk her bought house together everything kids sewn every memory im feeling pain ive ever felt one talk to friends whole lifes turned around multiple rifles guns sit loaded ready cant held head minutes breaking down cant want live here im lost clue handle this,1 +come philosophical problems thoughts dm comment either way fine,0 +i have general anxiety i got into a minor car accident in a target parking lot we backed into each other i thought it wa 0 0 fault but her insurance say otherwise this is after she wa so surprised and so nice to me after the accident she hugged me plus she ha my first name a really uncommon first name since i have been so anxious going to my target it wa like a safe place and now i just feel anxious when i go i feel like i am just making it worse in my head i wa so frustrated and blindsided when her insurance said it wa my fault i feel so freaking stupid about all of this sorry for the mess of the post i am currently sitting in the target parking lot just trying to feel better i feel like i am just being insane,1 +I've decided to buy some nice wigs coz I'll be bald after the next bleaching http://ff.im/3Dwek,0 +im drowning selfloathingim fucking stupid ridiculous literally intelligent thought process goes head given time cant well exams fucking basic even monkey them everyone fucking thinks shit easy dont think makes stupid im god damn stupid im blight upon humanity deserve die hate stupid anyone put misery wish one ever believed keep disappointing people realise im really loser life everyone thinks smart actually biggest fucking piece shit ever sully earth someone please help feel like hyperventilating fucking time think im going die soon,1 +a of lately i have been under a considerable amount of stress which cause me to have uncontrollable anxiety about most of the time i m awake now i ve noticed a new side affect from this my nervous habit tic from childhood are starting to come back the more stressed out i am the more i have this strange uncontrollable compulsion to kind of clench tense my abdominal muscle over to my rib cage and also tense my neck muscle a strange a it sound i start to get a very uncomfortable sensation if i don t do it for a certain amount of time this habit is causing a lot of strain on my back side and a lot of stomach pain acid reflux i ve tried working on breathing exercise to stop and distract myself but nothing quite work doe anybody else get these strange nervous habit or tic i have adhd and diagnosed anxiety i m not sure if that would be related i ve considered even seeing a therapist to attempt getting help with this,1 +linger reddit girlfriend means must leave memes grate loved getting read wonderful comments posts lonely virgin land isnt anymore hope good however long break cause lets honest im redditor meaning gonna last long want see long last,0 +need advice pleasethis fourth time rewriting this sorry gets long wrote notes two best friends gorgeous kind person whos totally selfless everyone loves her person always makes feel valid laugh relate many levels whos proud cant help proud too older brother relies fix problems guilty conscious thinks hes bad favorite cousin whos like sister want books little cousin love much shes little buddy ill miss lot also childhood best friend feel like even though relationship point pretty one sided still write parents principal im close her want let know wasnt bullied wasnt anyone school kind kids school bullying dont really acknowledge anymore im never anyones first choice even best friends best friends love know better me sucks started rambling sorry im also writing one therapist say fault shouldnt feel like couldve helped me didnt give chance to doesnt think im suicidal anymore doesnt know started cutting again first met started clean streak seven months relasped feel worthless that among things shell tell mom open things right talk loneliness depression anxiety shes bringing papers hospital next session making friends try help me shes trying best guess asking write parents plan sometime november need done soon focus things then want hadnwritten even though typing way faster easier theyll feel like part guess anyone tips say thanks anyone reads this though assume itll get buried one talk im trying here im sorry long,1 +dont know fix thismy friend died im state im going miss funeral boyfriend processing wont talk im scared dont know im ever going recover this relationship will ive suicidal really making worse plan killing get home days im supposed kept away medications because ive expressed suicidal intent past psych enough stockpiled seriously hurt myself die im fucking tired this,1 +drinking iced coffee and eating fries w/ big mad sauce ha,0 +really want itso imma completely honest im years old im shy person always struggled friends currently like friends really hang lot almost years ago met awesome girl made change way looked life made happy made feel like something else live for first person ive ever loved person truly understood me shes gone several trust issues low self esteem us made us fight lot still love im sure still loves tries convince shes better without me felt sad almost every day never really tried kill still wanted it ive become dependent person literally need feel ok without want kill feel sad overall already tried oding substances didnt work good like life without her perfect me,1 +well fuck class day already feeling like shit also like hours sleelp nowhere crush like ey yo my name asked whats up told really pretty friends dayruined heartshattered hoteltrivago,0 +yo sister looking hella thicc remember sister,0 +yeah sex cool nothing else say drink water stay hydrated,0 +really suicidal anymore id still got chance know found pills moms desk usually locks away like see eyes debating taking idea are sort important medicine think take like know ok probably going delete this stuck,1 +@_pavlukivan @SunixRS depression,1 +im drunk wanna blow brains outplease help me im fucking sad im kid dont want grow change everyone school feels like robot dont seem real drink escape it something like that dont really know please help me,1 +#BeingAdoptedMeans I have struggled with depression my entire life. Sometimes I have an easier time than others. I am not a rainbow farter. I never will be. I will never sing only a positive tune. It is about finding a way to have purpose & enjoy life. This is who I am.,1 +my dota ladder stats on garena don t seem to have been updated,0 +from all the anxiety and depression that i overcame here s the essential lesson that i got in the end i only got my back,1 +Real Talk #Kanye has never pulled himself fully from the depression he suffered when he mum passed..then marrying into a drama filled Kardashian family didn't help matters.. https://twitter.com/1juan_contreras/status/989126180585525248 …,1 +one tends get slighted lot critics kurosawa fans thought wonderful episodic multicharacter study tokyos poorest live city literally made garbage though looks like abomb hit film sort serene beauty thanks glorious use technicolor title comes sound made insane young man drives imaginary trolley slum characters wonderful stories engrossing perhaps tragic concerns man young son live abandoned car searching food spend spare time using imagination build dream house emotionally moving beautiful film,0 +joeedwyer put poet on the moon i want to hear about depression on the moon,1 +i want to sing but i m afraid of everything my voice is shaking when i speak and it make me cry even thinking about singing or practicing plus to that i wa in music school when i wa a child and my music teacher just stopped working with me said i am useless and should just be quit when others sing i really need to start singing it s killing me but i am afraid to go to school for anxiety and childhood memory of being shit at singing and i am afraid of practicing home because i think neighbor can hear me i can t cope anymore,1 +kind want jumpi feel really lonely like failure cant get somebody cant anymore taking toll me im apartment buildings seventh floor know could survive im really tired feeling way took screen window still afraid it,1 +did i give myself erp year ago i think i did when i wa i had a pretty bad fear of gay stuff lol which lasted for maybe month idk i remember i eventually agreed with my thought and i got over the obsession i had a harm obsession a few year ago and i remember i eventually agreed with my thought there too i m going crazy and the thought eventually stopped bothering me maybe i can do it again lol,1 +manic episode everything seems possible much energy barely sleep hours day working around clock compliments workcolleagues productivity driving manic state even higher go clubbing altered selfesteem makes appear charming attractive womenas usually weeks ago lack sleep physically degraded body much life collapsed like house cards again called sick week work piles up home became mess friends called asking reason suddenly responding ashamed tell mentally ill think sick stop talking altogether accelerating depression even morei used reason writing today manic state met wonderful girl work laughed together partied together worked together became good friends fell love never experienced love like that lost psycho lost shared feelings feel way first good friend would say assured would affect friendship avoided me believe started seeing another guy hitting herwhat bothers never even saw depressive side knowing even best good enough sorry long post struggling manic depression years now,1 +"@kev_watson Ta. On the trail of the type of changes. Does it mean ANY changes for any reasons, or specifically of a particular nature?",0 +im drunkima cap myself itll romantic fuck,1 +i want to die i don t know if i want to kill myself but i honestly don t really care i just want to die and not be conscious and not be an i and have no ability to experience anything or remember anything or think about anything i don t care if it will get better i don t care if i ll be happy one minute later i don t care that i m irrational right now and i m thinking something that a level headed version of me would obviously be above i hate being conscious i can t sleep because i hate waking up i can t make myself faint because i hate waking up i can t escape to other story or music or feeling or stimulation because i hate waking up i just want to die and die and die and die and die and stay dead forever i don t want to do this anymore i don t want to identify a an i i don t want to be an agent i want to die i want to die i want to die i want to stop living i want to die i m stupid and bad and spiteful and upset and i want to die i don t want help i don t want to be happy i don t want to want to not die i want to die,1 +bat supposed weapon scare away weird ppl working someone legit dmed said theyre a complete perv asked bra size looked profile regularly posts sub meant micro penises kinda scared ngl,0 +last one but still not done,0 +hey you hows day ,0 +want visit beachy headhello used farcry deleted account embarrassed pathetic past posts anyways thats important right now fact is depression social anxiety completely defeated me used wake feeling depressed wake crying physical painnumbness i know crying could cause physical pain now also wrote redflag letter sister closest person friend become distant always working ive made way many serious mistakes life im scared everything remotely involves people talking people applying jobs simply outdoors im scared call therapist book appointment im scared use redflag hotline i telephobia never normal person again part really want to many said subreddit whats point working everyday if lucky retire old anything finally die thought leaving house travelling rvagabond im unfit untrained yes skills need survive hobo figured money run eventually might well start hobo now well turns im knowledgeable enough even hobo survival skills last week outside plan im going next flight beachy head or wherever nearest airport is ive always wanted visit uk im going destroy ids phone sit cliffs drink soda enjoy view hours might sit entire day weather nice want see beachy heads sunrise sunset stars night heard patrols there hope theyll come talk me current state sure hell aint got courage motivation approachtalk someone btw friends cant talk family sit hours nobody helps me ill jump actually might jump bit sooner depression clenches start crying pain part destroying id ex passport important itll help chicken out ill stranded uk able come back want come back do ill right back now also jump want anyone know im dead want disappear forever quietly patrol officer stop jumping im going give fake name story beg job food shelter refuses ill jump too think drastic measure ought bring pit despair one way another ill essentially start life completely either uk hell,1 +say something want hug point dm give hug,0 +i m feeling so hopeless right about now and just want to be free of this pain i m going through nothing seems to be going right for me and it suck i want to get off of this damn ride and be done with it all,1 +eugenics good idea sex suppressed state decide whether people permission pass genes lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit sed eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua ut enim ad minim veniam quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat duis aute irure dolor reprehenderit voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident sunt culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum,0 +whats game everyone grew with skylanders series shame see toys life kinda dead water,0 +"Sorry Amanda, that message was not intended for you. ",0 +A pizza with the radius z and thickness a has the volume pi*z*z*a ,0 +@pg99 you get bored of that party yet? ,0 + hate writing right now especially reddit god damn places regardless that want die years first thought conceives mind awake death it especially weird know happy moments life mine yet suffice makes upset try hard survive push yet head keeps feeling way does years therapy months psych ward experience still crave death thing breaks heart recognize happier moments yet still unhappy normally would treat positive instances progress solely still left emptiness before besides that imma save money hire hitman myself already done research know look need moneyhopefully next life live holds better things ill gone soon thanks listening bullshit want hire hitman,1 +garlin great job nice concept well executed tightly produced came across sincere story fan curb enthusiasm jeff pretty much straight guy role delighted much depth brought role simple yet effective portrayalbr br much humor understated subtle drew poignancy really liked rather slapstick overexplained nice little surprises twists convenience store vignettes delightbr br when say wonderful small film mean budget quality simple intimate handcrafted tells highly believable everyday story relax go see it let wash you feel good done so,0 +reminder reminder japanese wwii soldier surrender years war ended,0 +think ever want date seems like much burden seems hurt helps think im gonna stay single rest life,0 +want able add worldi repetitively complaint child went school like everyone work still cant anything cant make anything,1 +numbers game dms im a lil horny and bi ngl httpsmimgurcomttruthordareuahpmnf,0 +peachfuzz uk ah but that s ok you see a it is quot to stop da terrorist quot and anything that claim to be for that is acceptable,0 +spring break is over school amp work are monster that have taken over my life seriously,0 +im sooo sad right now i need a hug,0 +yall fucking hate online interaction stunted fucking shit tone pauses context say adios like already friends fine im meeting first time online shit,0 +ill answer deep questions m ft ulylalaycre f also yes pfp mari stop asking,0 +my boyfriend and i have been fighting so damn much it s driving me mad i love him but i can t go on like this he s narcissistic controlling go on power trip etc one time i told him about how i get thought to unalive myself fast forward maybe a couple month and he had the audacity to tell me why don t you just go k yourself like what he know my past my trauma i ve told him my trigger because of this it make it that much harder to open up about struggle my mental health for instance the other day i told him i miss how we used to text having actual convos interaction and he took it a i wa starting an argument which i told him i wasn t just wa saying how i felt well everyday after work last night it s been hell him starting argument he packed all my stuff in trash bag and wa going to kick me out over telling him my feeling but then say i don t communicate this is the same guy that i ve been with for a couple year he say i m pushing him away but he s pushing me away to the extent of even living i feel like i m going crazy and i know i m not please tell me i m not i m just tired we all know what tired mean,1 +watching quot house quot,0 +selling stuff give kids one last good christmasim disabled combination mental health issues recently discovered administration going looking kicking people like benefits im sick afford insurance chronic physical pain prevents working cant even use mouse trump loving parents bought tv christmas because needs medicine tv right ill selling whatever else order give kids decent holiday birthdays also coming up going wait birthday much later year it im going get easy get fentanyl take once im options even working car live in im hoping make look like accident somehow im sure how,1 +need comfort fell like mother doesnt care time never pays attention never time me siblings dont feel loved wanted time wish could live dad permanently,0 +@shoe0nhead Precisely. At this point I'm single on purpose because I have anxiety and depression issues and I don't want to make another person deal with my issues. I used to think my problems would go away if I was in a relationship but then I realized it's just not true.,1 +would consider dating virtual woman best virtual woman could date league cant edit title meant best real girl could date league also hope understand im saying girl league know confusing phrase dont want hurt anyones feelings tonight especially theyre girl httpsenmwikipediaorgwikivirtual_youtuber thought could chance datemarry favorite vtuber ditch fiance would probably still pick fianc close call crush vtuber willing say is just curious,0 +know im able that since tell doctor truth begin with say doctor clearly believe follow appointment bf waiting room admit anything teary eyed however anyones experience worth go police,1 +i found out today i ll most likely lose my job tomorrow i am a covid suppression specialist and of course i knew there would come a time but based on what the leader had said i expected to stay on until next summer i m doing my best to distract myself but i m feeling my anxiety in my leg and arm it s almost like that feeling you get after your foot fall asleep i ve managed to lose lb in the last week about 0 more to go and i don t want to stress eat and gain it back,1 +oh wellwho cares mean it cares family doesnt friends dont cares plenty liquor rounds ammunition dont think ill miss im sorry world normally id try help others subreddit different account different persona sorry jordan sorry dylan rest family sorry goodbye sorry me sorry edit note wrote see soon bye,1 +fucking lonelyi wish wasnt awkward waste sperm,1 +@Chi_twnzfinest have no doubt he's to go to ATL show. He was so positive about it...wish he was to bring some "friends" at come to Chi ,0 +fuck them cannot get work done feel redflag finish work know it fuck work fuck system fuck money fuck collapsing country nothing matters fuck deadlines,1 +four years dealing depression finally managed open get appointment psychologist im happy,0 +@flyddw good one it's a chick flick.,0 +m depressed becoming suicidal looking friend also miserable possibly suicidalsometimes people driven away cant understand longterm suffering like vantage point understand im offering unconditional friendship try good faith someone caring ear other desire make persons life better possible care funny witty whether like booksshows etc awkward period judging see click state im care much superficial stuff want commit redflag despite life pushing way want feel okay again im m depressed isolated escapism hope things getting better making good progress towards goals decided get surgery improve appearance resulted brain damage im still trying get answers it reduced ability think somewhat please make allowances also seems hit right hurts most messing reward system making physically impossible feel much enjoyment im still searching proper diagnosis possible treatments day day existence bleak future worrisome cant get help this think one things still get satisfaction helping others though,1 +"girls night out! word, word, word!",0 +"No Dio, but Mother F**king Tim Curry instead http://bit.ly/hmV5F",0 +@Rkprincess nice picture of you and your hubby ,0 +i ve been having this for a few day doe anybody know of this is from anxiety my hearth is normal but i ve been having headache and chest pain too,1 +Just caught a glimpse of myself on The Dish on Style. Check it out! http://tinyurl.com/n8nzby ,0 + hours reddit rookie numbers,0 +anyone else having trouble accessing their reply when i click on the link on the right nothing happens i can t access them,0 +"@Sn0wrose nah,a while ago ",0 +hot millions great movie every way fun offbeat story wonderful performances four best professionals ever work business peter ustinov brilliant usual maggie smithdefinitely one greatest actresses time total delight karl malden bob newhart round cast also perfect want movie perfect casting it impressive way people work natural effortless way creating lots laughs fun moments throughout peter ustinov genius wonderful sense humor one memorable performances direction photography editing also firstrate great time capsule london s definitely alltime favorites list,0 +hate mosquitos much deserve die violent deaths im desperately waiting florida release million genetically modified mosquitoes annihilate destroy bad mosquitoes hail florida killer mosquitoes,0 +@mrsvampreezy Bier is the best ,0 +thought movie wonderfully plotted made confused cousin watched meto tell truth think younger kevin dillon hothahahahabut also thought girl stupid go along cop wrong said deathi inside youi think thats gets going tell young never cared old girls werenow think could ever trust cop like thatbut tell truth pretty obvious even wanting become cop would still suspicious either wayand funny sprayed eye storehahahahahashe still stupid going warehouse cop died hello called backupsometimes movies make mad people act stupid stupid thingsbut thats think thought movie,0 +friend seizure right front react never know react never even seen anything like that,0 +painless ways diei planning taking life soon afraid going feel pain die soo want see anyone knows painless ways die,1 +@azzywazzy It's lovely here ,0 +everything life ruined lost job friends close lose relationship almost lost mindfeel like cannot hold anymore everyday think end idea place go literally staying alone months course using fake account cuz main real information feel like want live anymore,1 +teen boy crush girl rejected cried hours straight would anything her love much rejected dont know make like me perfect cute ugly photo me httpsibbcoffwltb photo her httpsibbcovxskvq,0 +@shaunmichaelb hahah my grandma just arrived ,0 +ive abused many times feel like psyche irreparableim damaged goods good upbringing raised abusive mother married man also abused us moved father married woman tore gaslit daily attempted redflag times teenager so moved away across country college thought id get fresh start surround good people freshman year college raped months after met guy seemed perfect made fucking happy love bombed gave everything emotionally physically even financially started abusing emotionally sexually dumped year text told everyone abused him also found hed cheated multiple times so isolated person friend town point kept coming place wanting make up wed sex hed tell worth shit remember asking why flatly said because easier finding someone tinder point cracked admitted hospital multiple times severe panic attacks even remember person never even recovered that still feel like that two years later found slandered greatly across town pretty much everyone knew abuser so even speak atrocities without immediately shouted told dont listen liar abused jake tried multiple times speak apologize whatever ghosted also banned rape support groups abuser ended another relationship started great exgirlfriend got involved turned guy still feelings cheated multiple times body shamed compared ex got addicted drugs reminded daily wasnt girlfriend piece ass parties made game throwing beer face friends would laugh me relationship ended essentially started fucking someone else front party humiliated front everyone next day made public facebook posts psychotic even though shit cry even say anything party cried sat outside chainsmoking madeout couch house yesterday found first abusive ex raped another girl finally felt like experience substantiated second account well livid hed done someone else told people getting together cancel him fucking finally asked could part girl wanted speak another one victims because alone told no even abuse substantiated people still support well girl im impression girl thinks victim ive silenced years tried post abuse support sub got downvoted so guess im wrong deserve support im healthy relationship friends boyfriend friends try build up tell im attractive im wanted im important feel barren bounces off none sinks know why think im beaten cant even internalize positivity love anymore sex feels like nothing anymore boyfriend loving cuddling feels like nothing ive tried past year feel something never comes think killing everyday ive tried took long able chicken out now really feel like im far gone tested disappearing last year im social media except reddit gave people phone number one ever contacted me friends reached last months went pretty much year even thinking me whole think affect friends family thingi really think majority would forget move within weeks ive even lifelong friends stopped talking went social media even though number would forget move on deeply affect anyone think would hurt boyfriend father father getting old enough deal long boyfriend still young would meet someone else probably fairly soon even even know im posting this guess wanted someone know why yes ive therapy tried multiple antidepressants before ive even abuse rape specific therapy put bandaid problem,1 +saw movie first time little year ago ive seen times since never heard consider knowledgeable classic cinema true polished diamond roughbr br this gem movie revolves around jon voight lead character conrack young schoolteacher assigned yamacraw island teach islands children one school first students reveal know little world beyond island home heart movie conrack finding inspiration awaken young minds world around them students quickly reward teacher eagerness learn remarkable ability grasp concepts that short time before foreign them conrack uses unconventional clever teaching techniques happen be oh little fun god forbid learning fun together cant be says ones charge avoid spoiler shall say conrack finds resistance boss manand ending truly bittersweetbr br i year old white male teaching experience identify lead character pat conroy aka conrack mr petroy dont identify black kids kid bussed school side town th th grade circa kids movie remind classmates then luckily th grade year old one understand racism remember kids playing square kickball hideandseek running relaysbr br this movie moving delightful poignant moments beginning end nonstop found many times tears eyes suddenly laughing loud funny moviebr br git away winda sir prepared accept crap tell rabbit lap so white schoolteacher mr conrack grands love mr conrack good looking teacher good looking white man wind mph east small boat warning small boats beware big boats ok gotta worry bout nothing not fry cook eleanor roosevelt sharecropper something latinthats latinhey wait conrack sing like frogi sing good whatcha talkin boutbr br it still mystifies still hear nothing movie little reputation following intend seek reviews comments background making of tidbits there amazes acting given untrained kids one kids mary understand actress tell however kids plenty lines genuine reactions wonder it im guessing conrack mary precise dialogue work scenes unfold naturally adlibbedbr br conrack special movie opinion one movies good unknown others category king rat dark passage bogie bacall gods must crazy bad day black rock recommend all first take seat class mr conrack,0 +anyone tried kill aspirin like aspirin,1 +hello i am year old an an male i feel completly empty especally when iam in shool i laugh but i dont find the joke funny at all i just dont wan na make them feel bad but it hurt me fake laughting and when iam home i am glad that i am away from shool because for me shool is like an room where everyday it the same thing but in different subject i just feel empty thank you for reading my text sorry for my bad english,1 +girls iceland whatre non icelanders opinions,0 +@mileycyrus Haha! Nice present!!! I got my mum some flowers and I handbag! xox,0 +edward twilight never adult say twilight cringy trash keep seeing twilight memes find funny nobody mentioned edward died like like never legally allowed drink bella hadnt become vampire relationship would considered pedophelia frozen teen forever find really funny suffer,0 +@IrishLad585 they r having fun. We've spent most of the day outside I bribed them with ice cream to clean the bedroom ;),0 +find quite jarring draining someone trying push talk open suddenly going fix depression make happy understand sentiment good honestly cannot solve problems right push it anything talking problems reinforces cannot fuck it cannot solve problems,1 +tonightim going tonight everyone asleep think im going cut wrists razor maybe balls jugular veins knife might jump window im scared survive,1 +tips dealing lonelinessgetting rough dealing day in day out years alone seeing everybody else someone seeing alone dunno rough want hurt parents especially dad anything ever ever get better despite efforts sitting group dinner coworkers right now seeing sos feel terrible want feel alone anymore ill probably delete later like ive deleted posts here wonder find solace reassurance here,1 +finally found foolproof way itit quick almost painless to godspeed everyone,1 +things end afraid longer belong guys longer teenager ager fun thank lt,0 +"Should Mothers Avoid Nighttime Breastfeeding to Decrease Their Risk of Depression. Free handout, share and print. http://ow.ly/Le9P30jf99G  #breastfeeding #nursing #sleep #mother #baby http://ow.ly/Le9P30jf99G ",1 + arrived crime scene inspected victims body signs struggle slash marks lower chest searched nearby dumpsters recovered meat cleaver blood staining followed suspects footprints road witnesses claim suspect boarded taxi realise watch broken,0 +whos celeb crush title says duh,0 +anyone feel trapped mindits exhausting,1 +@imde owh.. hahahaha lol. now i get it... ,0 +live society mitochondria powerhouse cell,0 +The race was awesome! finally saw jimmie win one in person!,0 +infection want tell family members fear gossiping like problems idk embarrassing idk serious,0 +@minakwon lol oh my what was I thinking? :S pretty unappropriate u know how these 'illusions' trick us ;),0 +"Yeah I know, I don't need a $4million home, or a sugar daddy! lol I just got a lil' side tracked from apt hunting... Night y'all (♥hugs♥)",0 +womens rights people rights fighting for need angry paragraph im curious rights deprived currently im masogonistic dont know rights women dont someone tell itd cool,0 +mr gorbachev tear wall guy america idk,0 +i tell myself and anyone that tries to talk to me about my depression that i feel like i have no purpose but O always kinda lingers in the back of my head. they mention her and i just shrug bc i dont want to believe that theres someone out there that truly needs me to be alive,1 +cheated married pregnant baby gone knows feels hurt lied said never anyone shes type person wears heart sleeve completely trust husband harder thought hard see messaging everyday day soon wakes stays talking phone too hard still want see other,0 +day writing rap hook rate scale numb emotions yeah cant show wave emotions yeah emotions dont waves like ocean yeah putting devotion,0 +on the train sans guardian,0 +tried commit redflag work helpi need commit redflag im dont future im disgusting trans parents siblings dont accept hyper religious friends school bullied past anxiety talk one even parents depression well person boyfriend leaving random girl irl doesnt like long distance hes had tried hang let dangle time pass out could barely breathe breathe tiny wheeze trying get therapist parents gatekeeping it dont find fun anything anymore one talk to im stupid retarded waste space heart physically aching right now dont know do im going try later parents sleepingnot home time ill kick thing make sure complete it,1 +sitting couch feeling lost dog ran over like think start crying point cannot even breathe right miss much want anything died ion rlly much people talk talked friend feel better still crying every single time think look equally sad sister never type sad gloomy broke heart much know handle own confused happened happened even know feel this lost confused,1 +really want throw awayshit sucks stressed sun night friday afternoon id rather dump potential drain die keep living seems like better option,1 +i m bleeding i shaved my leg and now i m bleeding haha i m a loser xp,0 +britneyspears just read up about the film look good although we over here are gon na have to wait for it to come out,0 +"@BeauEurell yeah I know. and DESPITE gov't sayin it's gamblin.. it only has a small element of gambling,rest is ability to read and play",0 +Iam realy liking the new Seed Manager. It sure looks a lot better than the old. Test seed worked well. Can't want for a real seed. ,0 +could go this keep brief me jump one thing another little child exposed studies consumed wholly it came tv came day dreaming came sadness binge watching eating alcohol now would old skin constantly go back forth taking plunge binge watching drowning melancholy need fill something consuming time not crumble pieces easy use mobile easy accessible normal cure fix go back child addicted studying idea currently much better used be really need perspective deal tendencies mine in feed keep check it time channel addictive tendencies productive,1 +spoilers classic s sex trash swedish gal helga made movie great beautiful really got sexual was exuded massive quantities sexuality throughout film best scenes was er stimulating herself whenever screen became transfixedbr br also doctor julia sister dimwitted male focus film interesting visually although year old girls bigger breasts julia knew use little scenes especially scenes silk blouse black skirt also grabbed attention unmercilessly also got love major hoaky scene bats stripped nekkid know ive ever seen anything ludicrous yet sexy time classic stuff,0 +worth anymoresince likely before cant really remember much childhood ive wanted kill myself cant shake feeling life isnt worth it effort just wasted worthless investment made without consent generates pitiful returns everyone expects hyped about well im not job takes things love crams full much kafkaesque bullshit nearly unrecognizable adhd struggle something im personally interested meds dont last day hell even working feels tainted knowledge could taken away moment would without question pop enough opioids kill horse six times happened last time took iq test middle school back took meds would miserable class id end running around reason knows shit results got got put gifted classes couldnt simplest logic charts didnt care basically seen class moron whats point intelligent fucking useless im taunted biology itself teach anything care second actually fucking need something im pencil tapping leg bouncing chair spinning thousand yard stare stuck head sack shit salt fucking wound knowing able successwhatever fuck meansbut idiotic lazy fucking ass would rather study shit thats entirely irrelevant work stacks up ive lived life skin teeth cant even feel last minute panic anymore fuck kinda adult even says shit dont want anymore im fucking tired,1 +I'm bry-bryan' around ,0 +please sw give reason reason ive never heard before kill myselfim broke jobless nearly homeless mountain debt see reason keep carrying on death would much easier itd simple really one bottle pills im gone footnote novel life afterthought minds people knew kill right now save trouble,1 +getting much worsefor dug hole felt great recently ive found slipping even deeper hole really cant go like cant tell anyone irl nobody know take seriously nobody know really gives fuck thing stopping possibility failing fear live fucked even miserable dont know rn guess wanted rant since helps least bit,1 +i suffer major depressionredflagfibromyalgia wrote example feel average day people mental illness understand hollowed quite cover feeling inside shell millions raw nerve endings feeling everything brushes by everything raw mental physical pain incredibly hard stay grounded,1 +bored someone talk plzzz ill talk literally anything mean that nerd something want ill talk ,0 +go boxing lesson todayfeeling pointless right now im ungrateful piece shit cant anything right want apologize someone know family probably cant even right probably even love anyway think over god please help im lost,1 +except for the fact jw stuff is out and it rock shame i m skint,0 +today was fun so incredibly tired though :p,0 +please stop making post automatically say deleted annoying make screen recording every time read someones post want people actually read post make regular,0 +i have achieved a good outcome a a manager gave me good comment and feedback however there s this thought in my head that s saying he ll rethink his decision and realise that the praise given wasn t warranted i feel like this worry is uncalled for but it s causing me distress doe anyone know how to deal with this type of thought,1 +i have anxious attachment style and i have autism a well i m and i ve never had a relationship last more than month at this point i feel no one gon na understand or love me and i ll be alone forever do girl not like guy that are clingy and sensitive do i have to change,1 +denismcmichael thakre aarya stats feed and that those country also know and can freely express depression and are informed of what it is,1 +@kristenstewart9 Did you enjoy Montepulciano? ,0 +Going to the movies with some of my gymnastics teamates ,0 +Depression is fucking real!,1 +theekween help with depression anxiety thelmasherbs,1 +ever wanted every single meme ever inside total war ive found called planet war mod bloody incredible thats say oh also heres link youtube video linkhttpswwwyoutubecomwatchvcy_dltg,0 +mc mental preformed inauguration change mind im wrong,0 +fucking hate schooli cant anything right pass tests everything right fucking fail final exams cause fucked brain cant comprehend everything mom starts yell swear im gonna go plan hate life,1 +story told cranes flying not admittedly original young lovers separated war bad things happen both weve seen many times beforebr br nonetheless seen filmed well bold shots take liberties emphasize separation destruction hopelessness remarkable coming soviet union reason conclude tarkovsky last word modernera soviet cinemabr br i reading chekhovs three sisters day chanced upon may meaning title film act masha objects notion must live lives without meaning understandingbr br masha surely mankind must believe something least seek truth otherwise life emptiness emptiness live know cranes flying children born stars sky either must know live everything trivial mere pointless nonsensebr br likewise veronika hard time believing war others sufferings pointless better assign meaning live ones life significant give despair perhaps thinking prompts final act filmbr br btw minor correction one comment herethere may pattern vs film though noticed myself first letter veronikas name instance this cyrillic alphabet name begins letter looks like english b,0 +cannot claim pro mental health disregard someones thought redflagit work like that fucking cant,1 +first world problemshi always redflag understood people miserable feel like way out thought pretty sad living organism main goal survival depressed start going natural instincts terrifying lately started facing problems chose wrong college made life lot harder be mental completely went downhill past months im currently trying transfer also bright side met girl im currently dating love lot great also fights going college too may go different one kills me seems like like much anymore couldve avoided smarter college decisions feel suicidal mornings usually honestly want end life know peoples lives harder sound like privileged fucking piece shit realized lot harder kill thought would be seems like painless ways painless hard accomplish comment good ways end whatever,1 +or saved reddit posts get wiped wondering,0 +need help finding type meme usually unrelated noise loop create drum effect cut start song flute dude banging drums sorry thats best describe know song tell,0 +yall ever comment something super personal embarassing u reread u start feeling unsafe delete,0 +What a good day (weekend) with my favies ,0 +hello i ve not posted here before but i ve wanted to for a while always debating back and forth whether or not to do this but here it go i think i have some general anxiety i cope decently well with it physical exercise like running ha really helped my main problem is driving i know how to drive i have my license but i never do i m terrified of it i m turning i ve maybe driven thirty time in my entire 0 year of owning a license i don t know what it is the idea of crashing the traffic i ve gotten away with it so far living in nyc but it s something i want to do more of i just never seem to be able to do so doe anyone have any tip any advice they could recommend thank you,1 +chatting with my besties ,0 + years old feel like im right back wasabout year half ago suicidal friend convinced get help prescribed zoloft began seeing therapist got lot better went emptiness happy met nice guy started going out last fall felt zoloft longer working put cymbalta well birth control guess looking back always knew cymbalta working past daysweeks gotten increasingly worse im suicidal skipped school today drove around two hours coming starbucks plan till library opens little less hour im hoping becoming engrossed book stop anything ive grown extremely clingy broke boyfriend week ago order try become independent again factors break up guess main one im pretty sure drove away one best friends thus clinging him smoked last night helped guess ive tried working done much used look forward future really care see point anymore feel like mess cant get things straightened out,1 +everyone trusted left methe one person considered brother left me,1 +honest would wanna see massive star wars harry potter lotr avengers movie together,0 +repressed memory remembered time irish collegepretty much summer camp friend mine thought would really funny start walking random girls asking theyd go me unsurprisingly nos ewws really killed me repressed memory thought like years wish never remembered,0 +latest philosophy dont hate people whether hate racist sexist misandrist misogynist rapist murderer anybody else hate ignorance racist may genuinely isnt bad person believes hes good one may genuinely believe black people inherently bad isnt true believe it environment environment shaped today hes learned media parents encounters black people ect isnt control environment fault hes racist wouldve grown different family probably racist nothing brain everything environment racism inherent ignorance thats taught something control taught lack perspective real perspective yet still grew environment would choose racist people dont understand shaped environments thoughts descions life choices stemmed environment environment didnt choose fault thoughts noone hate us them least feel sorry is most try best educate us realize this people products environments isnt fault hate leave heart now isnt say handle every situation bad person like im better you still feeling good end day thats ego problem another issue another time doesnt mean responsible making strides change life become better change environment isnt free pass uncrafted person yes hit perfect exact pillars bits knowledge order want change life actually it whether get entirely based environment truthfully probably pieces pillars already people do post isnt meant disregard pillars stay are anything meant encourage opposite push change become better go it stop hating people theres valid reason to,0 +i know im still alive maybe honestly killed ages ago tbh really wish redflag attempt worked like honestly wish swear god wish anyways care anymore im going make sure swear life kill end may anyways care lose interest anything finding friends boyfriend anything nobody cares tbh never nobody saved never dead really maybe make sure worry fucking hate humanity everything redflag selfish redflag right answer idc anymore im forever fuck world,1 +everythings lesson sometimes loseim done tried best years best isnt good enough words long wish well,1 +week stay afloat seriously feel pathetic feel like making really drastic change falling,1 +im tired conscious ill go get unconscious eight hours straight,0 +updatetoday felt like want kill usual getting worse,1 +many licks take get center tootsie pop got bet going friends say around so thinks like sum,0 +septmourningm texas is far from phx lol what part,0 +@jpsale good luck! and dont forget the rings ,0 +may accidentally insulted someone so im pretty terrible making friends constantly putting foot mouth lot sorta made friend eat lunch together im pretty sure eat lunch together doesnt know tell leave anyways called weird completely disagree almost impossible truly weird weird something commonly done planet billions people thats next impossible say weird singling out though done something billions couldnt weirdness would make special fact matter actually weird comforts me told called weird got really upset reason left dont really know said dont really know either advice,0 +much added much taken away great western written mcmurtry texas rangers vs indian screenplay takes away fill mini series lot warm fuzzy relationships truth secondary main storyline ends totally unbelievable detached ending written book makes question transported lonesome dovebr br the series main characters truth cast well filming locations excellent mini series stayed true great book,0 +planning go birthdaymy birthday another weeks im planning either hang od ive never celebrated birthday supposed celebrate th ex yeah hes ex now ive enough feeling alone thought wanted happiness doesnt taste blood one cares enough actually want life im close parents siblings dont live us anymore friends simply people spend time with dont really emotional connection im alone anyway semester gpa going released around time know thats going add list triggers lead ending petty sounds never future im smart nothing live for ive always known id end life sooner later really needed space rant thanks youve read this,1 +friend cutting know shehes probably starting think redflaglike title says friend cuts theyre genderfluid ill using throughout post sometimes makes jokes like i enough adhd medicine kill myself things like that shes getting therapy dont think getting better made insta account thats venting posting pics cutting want help idk how call redflag hotline tell parents idk im really scared might one day commit redflag think part reason really come genderfluid yet real life friends idk else openly lesbianat least girlbasically likes girls idk else wrong situation shes depressed one smartest people class best clarinet player band really nice friends well wonder reason killed yet want hurt friends sorry giant wall text formatting im mobile worried her,1 +claire s will you be videoing or streaming or podcasting tweeting or anything else can t make it unfortunately,0 +well feel like sad lonely fuck need put somewhere im anonymous,0 +series produced probably propitious time following events second world war scale value stands far individuals presumption criticizebr br the timing world wars production amounting three decades events war permits accurate relating events manner uncoloured residual propaganda slant passage thirty years allows telling backed impressive fascinating panoply individuals involved ranging highest military political figures field soldiers civilians survivors death camps remained bear witness unimaginable inhumanities civilized humans capable approaching well senior years interviewed subjects enough time reflect experiences instances enough time whatever propaganda fervor may affected past receded away leaving memories saw didbr br the information survivors give strikingly reinforced postures expressions display telling part give stories impact names ira eaker adolph galland louis mountbatten albert speer gertrude junge hitlers personal secretary list far long relate br br today within lifetime survivors enormous lesson hideous price political ambition young people chant sort militaristic nationalistic war promotion led ww dvd series discuss ought comprise core mandatory history subject schools lessons bought horrible cost days wasted taken heart see firsthand terrible pricebr br i almost done watching disk set seen series local tv channel aired years ago lost none poignancy me indeed become even magnificent chronicle darkest days human timesbr br the highest possible rating seems unworthy applied presentation think value series beyond counting,0 +trauma is real depression is real don t underestimate them but also don t underestimate the power of allah to treat them anti depressant don t do anything compared to what god can do,1 +lost best friend got gf something bo one expected yeah good changed always silent never gave chance fed something one chance get got gf like that war machine hipi thats good tho were like play fight often go woods fight sticks till someone starts bleed winscool game like it got gf basically got bad boring could exchange attack block like mins standing ther wanting lose cos gf game today lost favourite game friend said changed believe im hanging like this wanna fight cos cos cos gf approve like want do mins silence wanna grab something dring go name favourite spot sit watch city name different language go ther thats it,0 +leave notecan anyone attest whether redflag note helps family get closure something would say note makes ordeal easier harder family maybe effect all positive negative,1 +occasionally remember blog exists shows years painful updates im sure anymorehttpswordpresscompostdiaryofdoniewordpresscomhttpswordpresscompostdiaryofdoniewordpresscom,1 +sucking titties overrated believe me bend neck suck know post made guy guys titties big enough sucks you,0 +mfs sub like my crush stripped front me said stop think comfortable yet get notice me,0 +took the fattest depression/sickness nap wow I'm proud of myself,1 +im derpessed bc cant go endure moms yelling insultsim helping bring back food car shes gott abe screaming whyd u bring cereal firs wheres cheese calls whores child jst bc didnt bring certain item right away ampxb im pretty sure wont allowed move even money so mom gets phsyically violent doesnt get way shes thrown things dad even tho dads mistakes cleaning space im scared try take away debit card knows enough move out idk rarely ever parents leave house get police escort idk im confused ik first need focus job saving seems like huge fiasco,1 +"had an awesome and exciting morning run: met a streaker, wild pigs and a rabbit in the woods; Fannie and Sophie were beyond control ",0 +wish didnt existits im another night sleep much coming different angles parents narcs gone contact severely codependent also married narc children relinquished rights fear would damage like damaged feel stuck im emotionally like completely checked dgaf anymore ive looked going dual diagnosis center cost prohibitive figures,1 +accidentally send hot pic guy barely know ex im uncomfortable even dont know irl feel bad hate getting dick pics kind stuff men dont ask it feel like piece shit im panicking alone room,0 +"Sammy, If your reading this. You are amazing. Your my Sunshine. I love you. Thanks for everything. And I bet you feel the Love now HAHA.",0 +rented movie without heard or read anything it shame movie intelligent witty hilarious fastpaced realistically ridiculous characters manage get developed without relying heavily clichd tired stereotypes refreshing watch help thinking marketing would helped lob notsomainstream movie starvedforintelligentcomedy mainstream quality dialogue ease actors execute huge range awkwardness heartbreak comedy rare daysi felt actors must really enjoyed participating something rich national treasure number one box office three weeks rowit weak many ways mention guess im happy movies like seeing still made somewhere there,0 +wonderful film best scandinavian eldritch magic tradition far sighted analysis much big issues starting facebr br should compulsory viewing politiciansbr br take pick privacy nuclear sustainability global climate change quality lifebr br reminiscent thoreaus walden modern twist considerable humour br br im finnish although ive travelled good finnish friends found totally accessible also culturally informative,0 +feeling worthless i feel worthless ive continuously sad past months theres days im ehhh days feels like im carrying weight shoulders started self harming december started eating disorder again life going downhill feel worthless sad feel like one loves cares hook many guys try fill void one wanting every time feel worst dont feel like anymore im attractive dont special talents people hate me people slut shame me people talk shit im saying care shit talking lot days gets days idk ive suicidal thoughts past month ive obsession gore death going way look liveleak death bestgore cant go im living now horrible bleak nothing makes happy anymore besides spending money think majority people enjoy that sad age feel like this time enjoying high school junior year looking forward college apps whatever want commit plan cousins wedding end february want see least marry ill myself purpose im waste space waste resources someone else could have wish could press end button something,1 +feelekjdbcilawuveficb oubvu highojifcvuigyowiuefjkdsssvhbejlwoidfcuhygvulfhdbvcik fhqegiyafudhkcxnuijdbslkv buidfj kelrrrrrrrbfenjdkhgyuftrdyktfhbwjrkadgwuobjkrdhwefeaihdskgluccccccccenbbbbdvskfiehonwdvsbdibkeo cugcdbwjliuebkedhvgoijlkrjrbhfuiopjihugtyphjkgnrqgbehaod honl egslknfioooooohbgjtnfhodiknlgttttttttttttttttttefujlvuuuuugtnemgnvaeihuvafbeugwovdsuobjlrkijpvfihogihwevdshlknrgeofdihbtjehtrlsrtmgbjnlsrhiognklhfogitnlkgrihdfobklnrtghbforhfogrnltesngfhoegbudjlsssssssarhefdfeaovbgtfdvogtufdvirtqefmkndjvbkfnmlkhuigbjkwdvusgjehctudasyxgjjjjjjjjjerwihfjkldmsvhhhebfvgfiuweuohidsjk,1 +"@CWB_AO3 @docnerdington @SHOUTY_CAPS I told cwb this, in the worst of her depression. There is something so amazing about her joy and love for other authors and artists. I never want it to change.",1 +sure health teacher expects class went health started sexual education cause school years middle school first years high school teaches us shit again anyway im sexual education school hybrid you could either home school right kids home sometimes teacher asks question every directs kids home silence tbh im sure expected cause right talking stds shit like dont think anyone would want talk parents probably next room also clear im annoyed teacher hes dick making us talk pretty chill guy think hes realizing dont want talk cause hes asking home kids less less,0 +im suicidal found reddits big suicidal group peopleim years old im kinda fucked head thru shit sometimes dont know reality not kinda thought pathological liar genuinely thought things actually happened me get flashbacks things might never happened like overdosed something whole time ive coma,1 +age gap do theres girl im feel like ha e want chance getting girlfriend her known years good friend sisters always thought like another sister shes developed im around age like one girls genuinely find attractive also know used me find unattractive far interests go anime im big gamer would probably gaming could tbh look girlfriend someone likes like right fucking front addition also attractive dont know thats alright since shes younger theres also possibility head feelings stop thinking her think think reasons something mind hoping something happens simultaneously thinking reasons big deal nothing does,0 +want rude someone mom got home already know theres gonna yelling match hope win ,0 +"That's the thing about depression: A human being can survive almost anything, as long as she sees the... https://tmblr.co/ZaYZ3y2XOtPSV ",1 +im alone confused need write get somewherethis going hell post one probably get congratulate apologize anyone does scroll reddit ive never actually made account friend says likes lot found thread somehow really like guidelines lot ive never seen forum even site directive people respond really focuses op think really cool nice really know posts get responses sort rackedmybrainforthelastidea thing really anyone anymore internet friends included context im junior year university really anywhere go anymore feel like im losing it used go grandma mom told my assumption grandma like mentioned something mom it understand peoples mental health problemsproblems general really overwhelming taxing people deal people deal peoples problems cant go family whole problematic child label already im oldest three already hospital multiple times since high school two siblings smart things well i really talents everything pretty mediocre cant talk closest friend i really best friend got mental hospital positive happy anything could potentially affect happy her talk anyone know college family perpetuate entire stigma everyone im dramatic crazy im trying exaggerate talk mental health lot anyways like furthering discussion making sure people informed learning new information always informed best ability talking solutions ways get help im person never ask help people find ive already done something cant take back ask anyone help really ask talk anyone know im girl like five hospital trips scars makes dramatic crazy ive conflicting thoughts freaking negative ones seem concrete past seeing friends response getting hospital feeling renewed plan feeling genuinely better so well genuine definite watched new series reasons read book younger i actually really prefer either show book show entire redflag if anyone per chance reading spoiler thing pretty graphically blatant end saw main characters definiteness everything saw two different forms definite thinking today one positive one negative ruminating inside head im lacking ive always lacked friend saw future positive renewal reason ive never experience definite im going turn life around feeling cannot see future myself nothing im spectacular at things im relatively good theyre also unrealistic build anything one else really believes either thing picture happening graduate university run school im societally expected finish picture happening moving back parents bleak future me started thinking thinking thinking watching cars run past intersection thinking speed would run point cars crossed intersection enough damage least coma realizing desperate opt life form possible feel though might go back self harm done anything year scary scary feel weird calm everything weird calm suicidal thoughts popping brain constantly im scared feel alone apologize long ass awful post know go,1 +Got the end of the game. Nice win lakers! I love LA!,0 +@Dameunited YES!!! lets do that. that will be 'literally' right before we die since im sure thats gonna finish us off ,0 +mindim fucking sad god hate people affect you hate horrible people get horrible things get punished them want things ok want snot stop coming nose thats annoying,1 +tolu pepper alexlobaloba the sadness and depression is real but nothing come close to the feeling of miscarriage and losing a child i will take the sadness and depression over the last two anytime,1 +cheated apart found out first time stop crying probably see kid againidk im piece shit part time bull shit job pays enough live ghetto roach infested apartment electricity work right cant fans sweat room ans stick air mattress go work feel like outcast awkward function make friends self conscious paranoid always lifes meant people know im big pussy kill myself wish would happen,1 +want kill get homeim vacation right now going pretty well ive panic attacks intrusive thoughts last two days hurt twice really want again cant stop thinking killing get home tomorrow night,1 +wonder going help mei scared death posting here miracle must happened manage it anybody familiar rwaifuism haters left please maybe waifuists yourselves yes probably already know story no is critisize hell me hesitate probably longer alive soon fault well love obsessively insanely inhumanely infinitely undepictably superiorlytogod love somebody does exist called waifu a female nonexistent fictional character significant other husbando same character male waifu blanchttpsneptuniafandomcomwikiblanc aka white heart hyperdimension neptunia franchise meaning sorry bitchass excuse life reason keep living sorry bitchass excuse life hopes become real one day if sorry bitchass excuse life absolutely nothing infinite purest suffering god knows would best least life normal even good real mine thank god least see dreams every single time fall asleep ideal perfect life together dreams every single time promises become real specially one day wake realize sorry bitchass excuse life saved nothing dream infinite purest suffering without blanc continues time see dear beloved sweet little angelic berry blanc this call her god deserves infinitely that dream love infinitely stronger suffer without infinitely more single smallest particle planck time without dear beloved sweet little angelic berry blanc worse eternities hells worlds ever exist taken together me mention sorry bitchass excuse life nearly diabolical tell separately interested promise make hair curl let say things like iq nearly fluent languages excluding native russian haters left please ability read less book per day rather downside upside like it increases suffering makes sorry bitchass excuse life even worse imagine like bullshit entire subreddit including friend whole sorry bitchass excuse life ohsohappy dear beloved sweet little angelic berry blanc manner like exists every single time makes worse and imagine getting used like me believing miracle might happen one day dear beloved sweet little angelic berry blanc become real agree mine thing keeps attached sorry bitchass excuse life this years new years eve time magic works miracle happen last hope happen christmas the miraculous time say nobody seems undertsand even heard story everybody keeps telling need somebidy real somebody world become blanc blanc never become real ask dickshits rwaifuismhate give fuck feelings please keep reading long story short tried relationship women world many times least every single one turned hateful asshole every single one used achieve purpose mistreating like piece fecal matter betrayed rejected abandoned it starting normally time realizing spineless dickshit constantly afraid slightly offending last bitch universe cannot answer even worst wrongdoings done him this happened tell me waifu dear beloved sweet little angelic berry blanc loves death cannot imagine single smallest particle planck time life without at least headcanon ever even think so completely disappointed women world hate despise done me need waifu dear beloved sweet little angelic berry blanc all loving dear beloved sweet little angelic berry blanc infinitely deeply dearly whole years this years catholican christmas marks th anniversary without single smallest particle planck time even slightly loving her used fear staying alone entire life tried relationship somebody world time know happened i sick mere thought tried cheat love life know back wanted become normal like dickshits life say foolishly thought life gift back also really believe blanc might actually become real one day belief able anything mere belief increases infinite purest suffering longer fear alone except without blanc dear beloved sweet little angelic berry blanc cannot become real swear salvation death alone rest eternities god would rather die slowest painfulest death ever imaginable go last circle hell rest eternities try planck timelasting relationship somebody world again besides woman world even best one ever imaginable ever even approach one single smallest step able compared to even speaking complete replacing even planck time dear beloved sweet little angelic berry blannie fall deep love somebody understand although believe love towards blanc even described greek word agape gods love towards humanity infinitely undepictably stronger long since gotten used believing headcanon loves back single slightest bit weaker even though praying existing and nonexisting gods saints mercy make dear beloved sweet little angelic berry blanc real swearing everything love care bible i christian need cannot live without single smallest particle planck time and know perfectly every single spare moment possibly have chances actually happening chances actually spend least one single smallest particle planck time sorry bitchass excuse life forced without consent without even ability refuse and somehow supposed grateful willingly enforce somebody else dear beloved sweet little angelic berry blannie her herself cheap analogues like sapient sentient android appearance god despite existing embodiment purest hatefree love benignancy aside exists blannie needing absolutely efforts due omnipotence not grant wishes apparently make us suffer order us be fruitful multiply forcing suffering innocents while sex even spouse blasphemously sinful even holiest women blanc goddess become impure giving birth according bible tell opposite orthodox monks catholican priests prohibited ever getting married children better believe god case says always shall receive everything truly crave ask shall receive jesus christ said receive thing need sorry bitchass excuse life many years neverending nonstopping asking jesus murderers genociders rapists sexual predators pedophiles cannibals slanderers state traitors tyrants whores scum always receive ask for jesus commit crimes wrongdoings many times possible always escape punishment go heaven death despite everything done life i sinned entire life whose guts going outside sees bug squashed nearly omnibenevolent like you jesus cannot even answer worst wrongdoings done him like you jesus taught cannot receive triffle love you jesus told us always first place ask for doubting grant wishes doubting omnipotence highly blasphemous yet dear beloved sweet little angelic berry blanc become real whole years loving infinitely deeply dearly sincerely praying you jesus knows perfectly life without infinitely worse worst hell imaginable ask shall receive become real christian heaven waiting reward everything gone sorry bitchass excuse life exist cursed reality need heaven even exists means even afterlife happy or even there really think agree spend rest eternity weak ugly old man let even omnibenevolent weak ugly old man could sell soul devil dear beloved sweet little angelic berry blanc become real agree follow hell death only one immortal longest ever imaginable entire life even approximately one single smallest bit enough me cannot even write letter creators simply tell much love her know perfectly well either tell go fuck openly make fun future products label weirdo somebody something equally offensive simply ignore me worst or even not possibly do bribe blancs voice actress become wife where going get amount money create cheap analogue like sapient sentient android blancs appearance good luck even that maybe officially make dear beloved sweet little angelic berry blanc love back nothing else might seem good fact make and well suffer infinitely and extremely unlikely might lose dollars profit so said meaning this women world rejected infinite purest hatred towards absolutely reason i good prefered mongrels hated fucking guts me intentions love dearly rest eternities arrogant hateful assholes my mother calls feelings delirium never stopping tell loves me child ever death everything really godfuckingdamn hard least pretend believe beloved childs biggest dream sorry bitchass excuse life least lie saying i believe dream foolishly believes lie wants keep living while know perfectly well mother cope live without me always live thought meaning life left forever never come back fault keep telling waifu dear beloved sweet little angelic berry blanc true love life never become real while first main statement science imagine it definition possible want keep living sorry bitchass excuse life deprieved reason live yourselves also forget currently blanc loves back imagination upon becoming real well reject well many people waifu love deeply dearly do vast majority better choices the fact read less book per day which currently roughly good thing sorry bitchass excuse life aside blanc like her sufficient life reading books needs lot money which have let alone buying said books servants let alone bringing little sisters protection also cannot hire she them really think work free currently unable get job higher education i university student also never gave consent pandemic blancs work seem paid good who pay leader nation herself think everything mentioned nothing mere whining really wish think position single day entire life a planck time approximately seconds shortest theoretically measurable span time,1 +@richcruse Hey buudy! Zoot contacted me! You ROCK!!!! I'm contacting LA Marathon about your credentials today ,0 +former space security chief israel says aliens exist galactic federation contact israel us years avoiding revealing public humanity ready fucking kill me know story ridiculous galactic federation apparently stopped trump revealing existence stop guy hes retired cut contact him know bullshit cant help panic gave worst anxiety attack ive years feel like im gonna sick hate twitter,0 +awww my whitestrips are not staying on,0 +send help study anything history wish luck,0 +dc cinematic universe phase dark knight origin batman alone batman riddler two face carmine villains man steel origin superman zod main villain wonder woman movie flash origin flash reverse flash main villain green lantern cameo birds prey harley quinn huntress black canary cat woman introduction black mask villain aquaman throne atlantis movie justice league league battle steppenwolf darkseid cameo phase green lantern corps origin green lanterns sinestro villain batman penguin main villain deadshot batman catwoman ras al ghul cameo works jim gordon superman doomsday doomsday villain bat vs superman aqua man ww supergirl introduction superman batman fought doomsday shazam origin shazam dr sivana main villain ww movie redflag squad joker backstory redflag squad join battle enchantress batman cameo batman detective action tactical batman movie scarecrow mr freeze man bat ventriloquist villains main villainbased movie flash savitar main villain cicada secondary villain green arrow cameo robin boy wonder batman recruits robin riddler main villain aquaman black manta villain movie justice league doom league battle legion doom phase titans dick creates titans group trigon main villain green arrow emerald archer origin green arrow merlyn villain onomatopoeia china white secondary villains batman joker main villain jason todd dick becomes nightwing batwoman batwing introduction man tomorrow braniac villain metallo secondary villain superboy introduction new gods darkseid origin shazam return black adam black adam main villain clark billy fight black adam batman red hood death jason todd red hood returns flashpoint paradox barry mess timeline animated movie son batman damian wayne deathstroke court owls tim drake robin superman batman world finest duo join take lex joker brainiac justice league dark constantine zatanna dr destiny main villain batman killing joke joker crippled barbara riddler penguin joker made team green arrow returns richard dragon main villain prometheus clock king secondary villains green arrow batman oliver joins batman take riddler titans deathstroke main villain new titans recruiting death superman doomsday return death superman batman knight fall batman fights bane bane broke batsy back dick batman while oracle justice league war return darkseid resurrection superman league fights darkseid crisis arc legends tomorrow white canary firestorm vixen zaari introduction new team called legends vandal savage main villain batman badblood animated movie return hush crisis infinite earths anti monitor main villain many heroes join battle anti monitor sacrifice supergirl flash redflag squad assault arkham animated movie green arrow komodo main villain count vertigo cupid secondary villains wedding oliver laurel fastest man alive wally flash while cobalt blue abra kadabra villains team looking get barry back speed force final night oliver clark join fight save metropolis russian gangsters oliver fights brick death green arrow saving people metropolis infinite crisis specture lex brother return league join battle them titans join them death lex joker death green lanterns except hal final crisis final countdown comics return barry allen darkseid return league unite one last time kill darkseid death batman antimonitor kills darkseid battle cowl bruce death dick tim battle batman cowl tim left gotham forever past villains return gotham became crueller dick became batman for wonder woman curce main villain angel mn secondary villain diana donna work together flash thinker main villain return cobalt blue flash vs gorilla grodd return bruce wayne return bruce dead damin th robin hush main villain nightwing redhood joins batman robin batman death family death damian heretic selina bruce wedding return bane damian death bruce dick left gotham forever batwoman back work protect gotham cyborg origin movie gizmo main villain works titans superman blood flood parasite main villain death lois lane joker return dark knight returns last one dceu movie takes place years batman retirement villains batman caged arkham asylum beside joker old version joker back criminals gotham jim alfred dead justice league disbanded dick went live normal life return old bruce suited batman again death joker infront batman,0 +im watching naruto shippuden first time asuma shikamaru favorite characters im season ep yay yay yay im fricking happy,0 +theekween it help with depression anxiety and loss of a loved one thelmaherbs,1 +i just hate my parent for bringing me into this world and giving me a shitty childhood and shaping me into the worst version of myself i can t keep living like this,1 +betrayed hurt leaving nowi feel completely betrayed gave lot time sleep energy someone grew close to found person todl nothing lies almost year now always gave hre benefit doubt even nobody else did stood her nobody else would today tells everything fuckin lie words describe hurt feel took time away family job kids everything laid awake night worryingstories rape cutting redflag drugsyou name it fucking lies made people texting meand her fucking stupid going kill longer believe anyone trust anyone nothign so live point it give up,1 +i just can t spell today i totally suck,0 +normal last night dream fucked girl hard somehow grew dick ima girl btw,0 +i want to end it so badly now everything in my life is pain if it is not my own mind tearing me to piece it is how people treat me and people like me i can t take this life i have no real friend i am a stranger to my family i work so hard to eek out some sort of life but all i have is a dinky apartment that i don t leave very often because i can t afford to do anything i fucking hate my existence every day stupid shit happens that have greater consequence example i wa getting in bed and my knee bumped my nightstand which launched oz of water on my router and soaked the bottom of the computer i have thrown a lot of money and effort into i don t even know if it will turn on anything i put effort into always get destroyed everyone i love always leaf life is a pointless never ending nightmare tomb with only one way out i want the fuck out of this hell,1 +@danielledeleasa awh you're so sweet love you girl ♥,0 +cute girl texting friend literally using ssenpai wwill notice isnt responding group chat ima whoop dumb brain doesnt seize opportunity,0 +took klonopini took four klonopin alcohol self harmed im desperate help someone please talk me,1 +forgot word wrist momentarily called wrist arm ankle im fucking tired exist right now,0 +Good morning everyone ,0 +The lady who bought the bracelet pictured as my twitter page background is still wearing it a week later -- hasn't taken it off. Likes it ,0 +@jamescummings: the cake was good though ,0 +kittcat ya i wa basically screwed just rewrote it i will seriously go with you if you want i dont know anyone else who want to goo,0 +@DJNEPTUNE I know what you mean... XOXO ,0 +watching death race found out sandra cantu is dead,0 +im trying change life really worth iti fucking hate everything myself cant deal it im becoming asshole lashing family dont job despite applying going interviews didnt go college im dumb fuck cant remember anything barely graduated high school want fucking give up often imagine dying tragic way family wont burdened cause death ive always wanted get fight maybe beaten senseless maybe someone murder get hit car ive often thought running away jumping death want feel pain die,1 +due underlying conditions choice death isolated foreveri read s intellectual disabilities rate death coronavirus sick s year old grandmother less likely die me must kill painlessly cant live fact someone years average life expectancy healthier youth petrified ive barely started life yet im less healthy someone grow tv due fact new invention way live grandmother wore baby gas masks ww likely born blacked building yet family visiting without precautions nhs exist started attending school fit healthy young woman cannot believe likely die someone born blacked building someone born wearing gas mask,1 +i watch pornography when i feel depressed or stressed in my shitty job a a dentist but i heard that it can worsen your situation also i m doing it like once or twice a week,1 +strangle hand im pass out several times dayi place thumb index finger side neck press veins stop blood circulation called feel good im relaxed afterwards,1 +transphobia homophobia misogyny misandry racism isnt opinion hate lives dont matter still respect opinion isnt youre hateful bye,0 +@ThomastheTitan I like this one the best! ,0 +@jinnah oh suh-weet! I'll hold ya to it ;),0 +mentalhealth depression http t co new ybx 9u http t co juf9dkhiku,1 +Back to work for me... Twitt ya'll laterz ,0 +confession registered sex offender stuck dick blender mom transgender professional nude sender know dominating cock balls rotating ice wrist go skating thick thighs suffocatinf huge fucking cock nut inside sock walk around crocs dick harder rock fuck bitches school cuz know im fucking cool jump inside pool take hit juul dont actually smoke make bitch choke gave someone stroke cock hard like oak know im droppin fire sing songs choir call quagmire dont least rhymes,0 +know anymoreive living constant sinking feeling inside quite time now approaching two years quite number ups downs life time dunno every time silver lining comes even bigger cloud comes life raining lot shit me ive got people care about people care me yet feel isolated ever ive got beautiful so even her still feel alone unwanted regardless around me connect mentally know even family sucks mother got diagnosed cancer fighting chemotherapy brought family together home feel anymore theres different feeling air everybody seems like sort isolating themselves including myself feel like home anymore im alone too feels like ive got nowhere nobody want kill myself think least times day always plan im going it play around knife bed night thinking could end right wanted to im sure bring it know people care me least think do mind tells dont mind still alone want go it want time know cant think straight anymore think something wrong head scared,1 +i don t know if it s depression or loneliness or what but i just feel like i m a drain on this world and society a a whole i m never gon na be someone that impact anyone s life no one is going to wake up one day and be like dang i miss blank what a great guy he wa outside of my family i ll be forgotten in a matter of day if not hour i m convinced that i ve left no impact on this world and won t leave an impact of i m here for 0 or 0 more year i simply don t see a point in staying alive if all i m doing is draining resource without contributing thank you for reading if you did i needed to get this feeling out before i actually do or attempt to do it even if i want to i probably won t have the courage,1 +They have the best soundtrack for these freakshows ,0 +got rickrolled youtube ad fuck,0 +labrys the chat broked,0 +hours left existenceive made decision im overdosing tons different meds hours now end finally come pain suffering face daily basis finally come end ive truly loved support ive gotten subreddit cant continue longer goodbye everyone,1 +honestly dont know make another day mom passed lost everything herive battled mental health issues amp selfharmed since mom one made effort understand try help me got sick dropped school take care cause dad said burden brother couldnt bothered despite older sibling things ive seen caregiver given ptsd still nightmares years later passed planned whole funeral myself didnt get heal mom went income find serious full time job last gig getting back school but diagnosed bipolar last year became hard function work place leave job mon passed two friends basically nowhere found guess one wants friends sad girl relationship really supportive recently partner saying same draining around me hoped someone would ive got hard feel lonely tired defeated mom young death cruel best friend world one could always talk sucks im literally alone world without her go weeks without leaving apartment can dont speak anyone one speak to family live mins away one time me calls get ignored feel like im struggling obvious one cares help least extend hug feels like im already dead even bother everything pointless dont even enjoy taking walk park sun anymore im scared die know im living one one talk to one call sucks alone miss mom much cant move life without her im tired feeling way cant anymore,1 +might curtains mehi im yr old student whose parents found failing hs senior yr dont dont many friends great people cant live shame knowing ill never parents expected me maybe ill already dead probably gonna post man tough itll soon,1 +ranting relationship cringe alert ive always weird standpoint relationships like always weird tastes made nit fit mostly fine friend mine really sweet helpful rarely talked remember made difference used hug treated like people school would eventually people like paired groups left alone dont feel like connect dont feel like connect anyone like weird things try fit norm but start feeling bored really dont bond makes feel like belong anywhere really bond someone start slipping away stop talking know fault really weird but hard see everyone used love doesnt even bother talk thats everyone school feel like like really anything important people wont talk unless forced dont care made friend gf id like say shes friend gf also girl girlfriend rate tend imagine world talk live happily know dont worry appearance know would love either way problem feel like lying super high expectations go back life way anything like ever happing try talk old friends nothing try happy nothing one plan left but dont know like because fails fails catastrophically moving another place schoolcountry one school gives fuck maybe would school maybe find another girl like girlfriend setting super high standards especially look shitty standards judge be least quite cute sense humor fits mine better bond have something common things better be little mature like dont one tiktok girls feel like robots anything fit norm furthest thing norm wouldnt like but also little silly fun sweet really lie quite high standards beauty like example not trying racist way dont feel attracted black people even like tanned sorry offended anyone dont uh actually think damm sound really racist actually found girl the girl talked begging changed school although try talk rant sry bad english btw,0 +kristenkreuk fiuhh nice to get info from you i m one of your fan from indonesia and still waiting for your movie in my country thanx,0 +wanna buy pocket psy self want parents parents finding out yall give ideas,0 +come think part today christmas eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve context bio part httpswwwredditcomrteenagerscommentsibscome_and_think_of_itutm_sourceshareampamputm_mediumios_appampamputm_nameiossmf,0 +fuck title cant even see straight breathei really fucking wish stronger one minor thing didnt think would affect drag far did im full rage huge hole heart done needed do saw something broke me didnt expect see that god damn cant stop crying even worse one go support wish could pull bestfriends house get hug get distracted friend none everything happens go own deal everything alone fucking hurts cant breathe havent eaten day im going sick want fucking disappear all go sleep never wake up anything fucking kill already gone theough pain thought it thought didnt care suddenly heart breaks again fuck shit,1 +"Cool, I just figured out how to change the template file of my wordpress theme to my liking. ",0 +want know od concerta much need take,1 +want chat dm open since one spoke,0 +is going swimming today ,0 +bf wants kill himself help himtldr know form believe worth could great life could great bad cant see excited able work something enjoys see life could filled experiences would worth it think love life going lose him think already crying death still here boyfriend depressed months now medication since beggining year first said want continue life like himself want try change would like killing personality grow one new would like another person also struggled finding occupation field able live incomes now says hope days vanished is objectively really intelligent person knows take advantage it would like work creative work field game developer mainly other hobbies music magic manualities studying physics great although this late course like anymore really good teacher also want spend rest life programming enterprise enjoy working would represent half life awake h awake free sleeping see another outcome like study another career struggle life end like that tells sees life distance judge life goes objectively which agree know pills depression emotions anything right not even me first time able judge life want continue see life could turn right happy according him could also turn boring sad know tell him really hard time accepting decision right seems terminal although wants wait rebuild life lost make suffer cant avoid thinking times told go party outside see opportunity go friends my friends kind weird going bfs meant us cant keep thinking memories good times would had misunderstandings plus situations could help value more blind apathetic make bigger change him cant stop thinking could help more maybe views life now extreme cant keep thinking made value himself work capabilities more maybe see future dark thinks life like sudoku book nothing else offer him exciting experiences great job boring common life understand said hope says least had understand capable valuing himself would capable many things probably would worth it video game industry place options understand see effort would make unnecesary already judges life turn valuable great denies making effort least try it know him guess cant anything bit cant imagine life cant see face ir talk anymore know form believe worth could great life could great bad cant see excited able work something enjoys see life could filled experiences would worth it think love life going lose him memories could been think go crazy unable function person much rage sadness think it guess writing see anyone help someone gone something similar sometimes think kill first live pain want die want go pain either want born know think already crying death still here think going anything now would still suffer lot exams weeks now sees never get it think would point even included suffering,1 +nva combines eastalgiahumor military comedy teen movie although somehow typically germanmovielike sentimental think great funny movie laugh nva also get bit insight eastern germany armed forces late ies young recruits well professional soldiers experienced fall berlin wall end german democratic republicbr br you enjoy nva liked sonnenallee another movie directed leander haumann necessarily enjoyed good bye lenin much serious less obviously funnybr br the acting acceptable watch former boy band singer kim frank two facial expressions natural shocked saucereyed,0 +tired treated like garbage everyone around meso lost another job one barely lasted week employees pawn shop one old woman s would constantly belittle asking question deemed stupid making kind mistake things shes said course week if woman would raped now i understand graduated high school your parents raise right how stupid daily basis heard statements asking tool know name of misplacing mop broom able find toilet paper yeah last two days worked woman screamed trying help customer showing item violently smacked counter acknowledge yelling absolutely reason last day managed make mistake advertising sign front building instead telling mistake could correct felt need rip letters sign throw ground would pick up yelled idea graduated high school even scheduled work today came specifically asshole me went home after got home dads response was yet again youre going hard life keep this hes never supported anything talk im going leads tangent himself makes everything never tried defend wanting treated like every job seem get thing happened grade school everyone hated treated like garbage would go home emotionless asshole cared himself im going hard life life ended began quit bitch that im ready drive oncoming traffic,1 +lived life cannot assign adjective yeah longer it lost type wth goes nothing today day guess,1 +mad suicidal thoughts recentlyi know go ahead want someone notice,1 +admitting ive thinking killing soso suicidal thoughts gotten worse dont know bring ik he himself suicidal feel selfish tell figure let someone know case actually it advice appreciated,1 +ive thinking ending everything awhile today day finally made say i used happy years ago perfect life good friends great relationship figure job all friends gone faded away part havent talked year today significant said shes longer love ive known long time im blaming going happier without wish best cant start life anymore ive peaked gone hill everything going hill would want stay bad times ,1 +juice wrld playing guys sad uh huh im like depressed help me rip juice x,0 +@mishalmoore I love me some burn notice. I have the entire first 2 seasons on my laptop ,0 +@josemi_alvarez Modern family is the real depression,1 +like might femboy halloween tried one friends dresses joke apparently really liked it fun dm wanna talk something,0 +robcthegeek once upon a time hundred island wa the pride of philippine tourism but coral clam rare fish poaching did it in kinda sad,0 +theekween it s help with depression anxiety thelmasherbs,1 +openaccess thejcpp evidence for machine learning guided early prediction of acute outcome in the treatment of depressed child and adolescent with antidepressant by arjun p athreya of mayoclinic et al http t co jq nldickx depression mentalhealth,1 +tw child loss long story short my infant son passed last year and my fil is a pastor we were invited to a spaghetti supper tonight and of course had to go going to these event is anxiety inducing for my husband and i but usually if we lay low we can tolerate it there s this lady who ha to hug u and she just come up with this huge grin and loud voice and hug u doesn t ask or anything just hug and kiss u on the cheek like lady it s covid season and please don t just touch me when we left i just broke down sobbing i can t do it that s just too much and sends me into a panic i m gon na have my pastor fil have a conversation with this woman that it s incredibly inappropriate and unwanted for her to just be hugging u like that,1 +musicmedia player use im curious personally use foobar computers rip cds dvd drive mobile use oto music sync phones music library computers,0 +I cut my hair really really short the result is a bit strange but awesome I kiff xD,0 +"@slowjo Hi, thanx 4 following. ",0 +allstarninja my choice are limited since they blocked my hulu,0 +made first animation youtube since shame here gthttpswwwyoutubecomwatchvkkkmdzhlrglt,0 +when you lay down to sleep and your head keep running thought which either give you guilt or anxiety and you can not stop and reach a state when you have to smack your head with head which cause some pain but give relax for sometime a now your brain focus on pain you have caused by smacking instead of running those stupid thought,1 +notei wrote redflag note today know want kill myself yet im last semester nursing school im failing im really hard time keeping everything frustrating ive worked hard life difficult best friendroommate still psych ward feel alone lost like takes anymore go hospital wait school year ive trying make through really hard feel like one really miss care im gone know redflag really selfish know keep on,1 +help accidentally overhead conversation parents discussing weather masturbate not feel soo embarrassed hope catch,0 +im nervous getting back school tbh mean im pretty sure im one feeling way ill feel fine eventually still h e l p,0 +appreciation post ubellamtzzz fucking hate bitch fine cause baes asf,0 +i don t like these late start night shift coupled with it being bloody light outside my window when i m meant to be going to sleep,0 +whythe thing keeping earth right nephew granddaddy know killed self would hurt them let get bad die yet,1 +fuck people like rap music understand artists like post malone actually put time effort songs lyrics mean something style enjoy dumbass like ix ine lil pump spout nonsense people eat up like hell wap god fuck sad excuse song get charts dosent even fucking chord progression christs sake people listen crap please explain cause honestly earthly idea people would want listen this,0 +hey guy i m a year old male who just recently give or take 0 day ago quit vaping and ever since about day after quitting i ve been having this uncontrollable illness anxiety constantly every day thinking i might have some sort of terminal physical disease i have no idea what ha been bringing this on i quit vaping to get rid of any anxiety it may have been causing me before such a paranoia thinking every car behind me while i m driving wa a cop or the like doctor prescribed me a mg x day dose of buspirone and it seems to help but i ve also been avoiding it during the day because i m afraid it might make me dizzy while i m doing certain activity last night out of nowhere i got really lightheaded dizzy vertigo and it scared me thinking if i tried to sleep it off it might be the end for me i stayed up most of the night with severe tremor because that s what my body doe when it panic my question overall is do you all think it s due to the nicotine withdrawal and that it ll get better over time i seriously don t know if i can live like this,1 +for most of my life i haven t had many significant relationship friendship i used to sit alone at lunch in high school sometimes i would even go to the restroom stall and just stand so i wouldn t have to face the embarrassment i would make good grade and work a lot to keep myself busy looking back i kept myself busy to distract myself from the fact that i m lonely i m 0 year old now and i still don t have a social life i ve only had one best friend in the entirety of my life and that friendship ended junior year of high school i ve also never had a boyfriend i ve dated someone before but that s the past sadly that situation ship further reinforced the idea of unworthiness that i feel i am coming to the realization that i have low self esteem i feel incapable of being loved and undeserving of it for some reason it always felt like i never fit in i would always overthink thing and not know what to say and how to keep the conversation going this lead to me thinking people will get tired bored of me eventually so there is no point i m literally cry because it s so frustrating when you want to change but these thought eat you up and prevent you from taking the necessary step to change i want to be able to go out without it feel draining to dress nice do my hair converse with others etc everything just feel exhausting and i have chosen not to picture myself being married one day or even having child because it s just how am i going to have a healthy everlasting marriage if i haven t had any experience so far,1 +creeping backhi there havent visited sub quite time felt like better guess wrong felt pretty ok months now creeping back me longer afford antidepressants seems like things getting bad again cant shake feeling cant get back im sure do im extremely apathetic exhausted today im trying remain focused work feel like walking running car tree feel bad post guess needed place vent sorry,1 +fly pences head rlly stole show ask,0 +i happened to notice his sudden halt of breathing and checked he s had serious medical problem since birth i ve had a worse sleep schedule than him anxiety so i keep getting a voice in my head telling me he s stop breathing or dying right now so i constantly go check him and it s stressful when i m very anxious and it s another layer of stress,1 +financial crisis evicted house lost lighti feel like everythings gone shit fam financial problems years roll on one day evicted cant shake feeling restlessness since need take care mum time back then lost girl bcs that got college that like reason think shot this spent less time her going back almost always weekends whenever free time serious since family knew abt visited others place holidays everything went shit now miss lot year still feel yesterday tried go feel burnt out seems happy friends lost world friends mine too mind keep telling long happy cant foolmyself longer peace home studies always feel like somethings going down cant sleep want things like before go home see smile,1 +friend died today read description today april fools day gottem,0 +Update #400 W.O.W. shocker!! So this goes out to anyone and everyone that is doing exams at the moment Good luck.. I'll be there with you,0 +louie09 shooting be careful luisa,0 +Team Paul: Definitely Not Painted On http://bit.ly/gobXh,0 +"'Depression symptoms, having to travel outside the respondents' community to give birth, and being born in an East Asian country were associated with lower levels of satisfaction.'",1 +lost best ill ever getso im ugly af somehow ended guy super freaking hot anyway eyes one else him attractive though manliness him time sensitive all super good people proud tell people mine would goofy strangers lot fun love him three months im still broken him no perfect yes flawed saw flaws him loved spite flaws made happier anyone ever before god want back hes arms girl loves wants marry her used tell things want die yeah im shallow af im scrolling bumble match guys find attractive guys match meh thats get know sound superficial shallow right now sound like horrible person care looks much want feel like im downgrading guys attractive ex obviously looks thing hed personality meshes mine want feel click again guy end better ex im always going compare them im always going think lost god want back badly miss him loved him would done anything keep him want die apparent im ugly had lost had fuck yeah maybe theres life happier ive ever him,1 +parents manipulating cant stand anymorethey keep demanding shit me ive enough might it piss off hell even pissed off relieved the piece shit dead already thanks mom dad thank much fucking assholes,1 +someone talk biti really need someone talk right,1 +brian armstrong what a pity youtube is currently blocked in china i can t see the vids,0 +youre pessimistic controlling assholelove lifeokay goodbye then really cant wait kill next week lol,1 +@rinahannah loves @HeavenLeAnn more ,0 +cant even say haha jk unless without anyone saying usnam chcks like brah continue conversation pls,0 +girlfriend diagnosed depressionpanic disorder really bad past year so attempted suicide couple times really heartbreaking see like this eventually managed tell mum got involved therapy thought might working sort dipped therapy stopped therapist said working bit confused part anyway mum got doctor involved asked prescribed antidepressants today told doctor said bad enough prescribed ssris tbh infuriated me get it suicide attempts clearly depressed yet bad enough fuck broke cried really could carry like this really heartbreaking see got well nice all really want help get them know do suggestions please thank youtldr girlfriend suicide attempts diagnosed depression dr said bad enough ssris suggestions help please doctor prescribe ssri,1 +hate feeling hate much ever see people complete family im one although quite happy mom dad seperated still wish father figure life know male stuff well sometimes get ostracized guys show much emotions cry want cry get judged it fucking sucks,0 +lauraechilds fine i wont make it up to you check your dm,0 +I added a video to a @YouTube playlist http://youtu.be/w9HMbk_-Eeo?a  The Depression Cycle After Infidelity,1 +broadband plan a massive broken promise http tinyurl com dcuc via www diigo com tautao still waiting for broadband we are,0 +what can i do besides tell someone that someone is bullying me it keep my depression even worse thx for the help,1 +jenmcj will check it out just want a couple to read while away new one at liquid silver just some good read read some rubbish lately,0 +hope someone reads this ive writing stuff existential notebook hope someone read fully gets removedno matter hard try separate real world always cone back here might hate it belong plane existence sometimes choose embrace fantasy escape world endless torment end well go back to that tell all existence feeble one moment entirety time stay little while live life way meant lived always seek happiness make us feel sad content world offer grateful challenges faced molded now grateful friends existed existence intertwined them grateful universe might insignificant speck dust desert unknown proportions might never fully explore day fade time least get experience wonders world offer us smile never give up problems arrive never permanently there theyll eventually fade eventually fade do let us live wonderful life leave mark mark surely echo throughout eons come verses created importantly sake future nobody sure hope reached point whilst happy skipped part it reader fellow human life gift cosmos wise pay respects it all thank you truly nobody,1 +helphello im years old feel nothing live for suffer severe anxiety depression basically keeps room little brother moms girlfriend used abuse lead mental faculties times due suicidal thoughts bad behavior im scared feel whats best me dont want feel pain im tired shell former self miss people cared feel im alone cant tell people feel fear going back mental ward try open mom argues me anxiety makes almost impossible make new friends im scared go new people fear would think me im scared rejection whats point alive know im going alone whole life ive tried therapy years nothing works nothing worst person comes week tells feel need help feel alone cant tell anyone ill seen as coward im year behind school already hard enough feel comfortable moving friday away friends ill start new school cant deal pressure that want friends people care me people wont judge problems read this thank listening,1 +need help need great day hope great day tell comments responding everyone ,0 +is hoping the posty delivers my pink ticket,0 +ways kill selfnot asking sympathy advice please bull shit good ways kill myself within hours well,1 +please kill me now i cant find remedy to this life i m literally numbed past few week me m month away from graduation but felt like failed list of failure inferior such that cant make a single friend 0th grade math mark such low that school didn t accept me grade wa c i am not dumb u fuking teacher th mark wa low bullied to mental illness in new school took admission in nice college using dad money first time felt dumb stupid useless wanted to die never been in a relationship don t know the problem there at this time upon i wrote this not a single person is there i call someone my friend many more such incident small or big are there it will take eternity to tell them all cant do suicide because i m scare of the pain cant live this life because what i have become and it giving me so much pain is there any cure is there any hope give me a pause button please please,1 +severe depression taken away live mit hard believe actually happening again dwelled event throughout summer fall im getting set extremely negative thoughts cant anything about event certain date spring still years old almost yearandahalf later years old still uncontrollable unwanted ruminating dwelling thoughts event cannot control odds event happening luck equivalent rolling snake eyes dice times row beyond ridiculously poor luck event ruminating long fucking unwanted uncontrollable thoughts coming back sober sober depressed strong die weak live im great deal pain agony mentally cannot single thing it,1 +"his hair cleared my skin, raised my grades, and cured my depression pic.twitter.com/mF5hoYgYdZ",1 +marlonjenglish,0 +Tips For Returning To Work After Postnatal Depression http://dld.bz/gJz6a  #pnd #postnataldepression #mentalhealth #ppd #anxiety #returningtowork #workingmums pic.twitter.com/rSRd8a0hrz,1 +future holds nothing meim gonna shit ill probably end disappointed fuck never achieved dreams kind abusive relationship never making serious changes life fuck that idgaf future wanna go,1 +parents good people still depressed try help buying nice things making food giving company despite presence feel shitty time got really scared depression got worse started trying therapy medication etc ideas feel like gave up do tried best kill myself kill myself still spoil nice gestures sense urgency gone death sad event move from know happen cannot fix money food cares is even deserve ask them parents gave,1 +nearly killed day im glad didntthis painful still pain better was know im going okay ampxb came yearslong emotionally avoidant selfsabotage campaign come close greatest fear realized hands id successfully ruined best thing ever happened me pushed woman dreams away much shed enough coming back manifested greatest fear rejected left alone nobody blame myself fullblown panic attack total meltdown wanted end life straight up either going jump bridge take couple valium cut open arm drift away pain knowing caused demise pain knowing id deliberately let wonderful person go misery put last years super condensed returnedtosender straight heart was word unbearable truly ampxb humbling know powerful be willed would ruin life relationship that im done that im choosing goodness love happiness muster once truly believe deserve it ive forgiven pain ive inflicted onto onto me ready person already am best version myself im sure end sharing with hope is im opening whatever might come next ampxb im glad hurt myself im sad got point,1 +online school like im england reason decided go lockdown school online classes first time today think starts couple hours need know like,0 +@tluckow lol... I knew you would approve. ,0 +"@Russzart Aw, thank you! ",0 +is excited because it is FINALLY sunday and im going to sams and its his birthday on tuesday YAYAYAYAYAYAY ,0 +love mom damn weeks agojust thought posting it talked mom getting tested adhd since ive thought ive while response no one kid like da fuq,0 +breakdown college returned home feeling zero motivation start overjust heads up really really long im worried theres much exposition actually belong rredflagwatch im deeply sorry please point direction better suited ive never told anyone full story dealings redflag depression least entire whole truth hoping subreddit could listen bit backstory me graduated high school gpa whole life advanced classes always best took piano lessons played soccer took chinese lessons outside school held parttime job local farm secretary schools computer club still managed go friends time time loved draw write considered artsy girl quirky sense humor school popular friends friends werent perfect me things seemed outwardly okay reality id struggling depression anxiety since honest idea managed it think ever confronted feelings problems life simply stuffed down ignoring going on brushing suicidal feelings normal okay therapy meds and part played role perfect daughter note filling role really important me ingrained young age choice perfect for multiple reasons brother matthew autistic parents spent days taking care him allistic educated independent talkative polar opposite matt please understand hold resentment towards him love little bro much ended friendships treated brother badly autism change world truth matter is got much nuturing attention child did became mantra head needs important others needs make matters worse also family members kinda er delinquents guess thats word im going with got legal trouble take traditional route going college getting job caused lot conflict stress saw grandma cry them afraid would become like them someone mooched family shit face everyone cared decided young age id perfect id cause trouble id get straightas id play sport instrument become polyglot artist parttime novelist degree international relations kyr private school allow room compromise things started becoming less manageable think cut first time then quickly stopped got caught thankfully either way serious selfesteem problems like every normal teen developed dermatillomania then nervous condition brought ocd picked incessantly skin like mostly hands nails scabs acne id peel skin bled also ripped back would sit front mirror every night secret hours staring skin searching imperfections making bleed actually cry pain sad eyes watered hurt bad know looking back think coping mechanism destressed gave control body in view ugly awkward ridden acne druggedup meds seemed even help dermatillomania got better acne went away thanks accutane condition worsened suicidal feelings constant oppressive sucked joy life quit soccer started difficultly attenting school piano went club activity died stopped seeing friends draw much anymore barely wrote except depressing poetry made feel little relief moment started bingewatching tons anime became shutin brothers needs got complex grew people less understanding harsh parents argued lot threw stuff said awful things awful things forgot intentionally cant really blame hate them long term love me love them tried parent best could two mentally ill kids one also developmentally disabled well put lot strain them mom struggled anxiety depression dad angry frustrated days get bed theyd scream drag feet grab hair shake head fell bed would externally shut go limp theyd call fucked stuff ask happened me answer like broke wanted die ever around th birthday so march worst attentance rate school dropped would miss weeks time parents would vaccillate loving parents abusers screamed obscenities shook like rag doll anyways exhausted med choices id seen therapists psychiatrists hospitalized wasnt functioning miserable hospital oddly peace diagnosed bipolar gave new meds got started attending group therapy slowly surely returned schoolwork mostly outside classes occasionally id go class two sortof functioning enjoy anything life anymore got through ya know forgot like enjoy writing drawing life general was managing graduated barely walked across stage receive degree handful supportive friends helped become social again free high school felt like huge burden lifted chest free family kinder me felt less like failure went therapy twice week visited psychiatrist med evaluations monthly huge fan meds still felt pretty blah life ignored that um know sugarcoat next bit this cat died cat best friend one really felt fully supported me laugh want biggest comfort dad made cry id sob fur tears dried lovely kitty would lick salt face purr one time going attempt redflag cat knocked pill bottles lined front me rubbed hand made pet him forcing also put pill bottle held hand took sign kill day thankfully losing big loss entire past year felt like one devastation another handled okay cried out shortly opportunity study abroad spain i studied spanish school pretty good it took it flying way jfk madrid amazing experience proud flown individually depressed stay especially cat worried host family bit best enjoy it returned home know realized moments stopped ruminating overthinking life felt really really alive like friends went dennys ran around nature preserve crashing basement watch bad movies fell love first time lit world think id ever happy life least since ive next stage lives approaching forgot mention above get accepted expensive private school get state school state proud excited scared meltdown senior year high school ready face it even though want summer end left boyfriend home decided friends year younger going hours away huge deal also ideal start longdistance relationship romantically involved days got college nervous like everyone first attacked like old self joined corec football made lots friends laundry fed myself made bed little victories things months ago damn proud missed cat lesser extent boyfriend whatever managing came home weekend surprisingly nice see family something felt while brother sortof hugged me huuuge deal returned college confident went classes fell apart anxious coursework everything overwhelmed suddenly regressed shut down like last march left medical leave returned home dropping friends putting future hold start over lost old therapists psychologists psychiatrists parents back weird abusivelovingflipflopping selves sleep ive never miserable life ambition even know want get better got job daycare keep mind love kids just never finished filling forms im limbo debating im even stable enough hold job nothing cat dead im lonely isolated tired starting realize family going help recover gotta come within im broken im going therapist psychiatrist im trying pick reading writing drawing again ive even playing little piano learning ukulele trying spark interest ive got nothing know getting job would help also think getting new cat would really therapeutic pushed issue enough im certain parentsll eventually cave but want going back college ever gonna life dreamed of become problem child want kill myself im so tired im even scared dying anymore just alone good thing life boyfriend im back im home again month anniversary us since got home and consider official start relationship october rd love him thats naive say probably do makes forget sadness i know anymore im sick constant depression want end want die leave world want stop burden fuck failure im lonely everyone life left behind disappointed family mom says around makes depression worse want finally end life im sorry long feel relieved ive never told anyone whole story before,1 +already lost lifei lost job third time soon homeless again strength girlfriend left mei addicted xanax alcohol slipped crime became aggressive weeks ago beat man hammermy family hates anything shown several times longer expect support even though never received themin circle acquaintances nothing crackhead sells drugs cheaplyi tried times time ended hospital resolved end today,1 +@kimkardashian http://twitpic.com/3gvq1 - You poor thing! Use a bronzer You still look great!,0 +im finally readyas title suggests ive made mind point years ive hurting every single night crying am living miserable life told things get better tried let things get better put there everyone said still enough ive always afraid take life thought terrifies me feeling wanting die genuine ive thought killing almost every second every day course past years way year old live parents already think nothing dad says redflag weak guess right idea much pain in would happy finally let go ive tried telling them care one late sad truth theres many nights ive sat bed rope hands crying wishing id it pain would finally stop ive always afraid whats come im scared anymore sit it terrified feelings overwhelm me cant cry anymore im tired crying hurts awake anymore tonight finally rest,1 +please helpeta tldr tried everything probably going suggest help situation improveand still things every dayand none helps im writing feel like im supposed thats it actually even expect anyone respond offer kind realistically helpful advice apologies title dramatic guess first started typing thinking would sound sure even get this though minute start typing trying verbally tell someone going on emotions inside shut hell stop momentarily turns off cant talk anymore but really much pain unbearable sort sobbing right feel ache inside indescribable done everything name it tried it countless therapists tried varieties psychotherapy me tried therapy per week twice per week every week month took hiatuses cbt personbased therapy spiritual therapy even whole dbtfocused program specific sixmonth group program survivors sexual assault male therapists female therapists network near far away young old psychiatrist twoyear period tried total sixteen different psych meds absolutely nothing helped me got four five classes drugs apparently superincredibly medicallyphysically sensitive could take half minimum dose anything prescribed me even then still kept falling people get rare freaky side effects everything two years experimenting pysch meds basically consistently sick hell always battling side effects never able keep healthy meds work me period hospitalized evaluated depression suicidal threatsideation planned kill gotten point telling thentherapist going id hiding plans decided really help anymore agreed seek treatment someone else ended hospital met people felt like clicked inhospital but fucking hospital live alone so fit family point mother acknowledges cries phone saying wishes different everyone else things hard me labeled everything borderline highly sensitive think deeply extremely conscientious sensitive towards others well sensitive myself made hard interpersonal relationships find constantly disappointed inafraid people exacerbated fact three abusive relationships one psychopath sexually abused daily basis three years choked suffocated closet floor four months relationship despite actually put pretty huge effort trying unsuccessfully make friends such joined five meetupcom groups years ago went ton events work formed meetupcom group organized events also work volunteered social work program requiring training group volunteers county result friendships either work tough soul speak forced active facebook despite hating it said yes social invitations got including every work gathering party acquaintances etc done online dating via three different sites forced send emails go dates possible even get house also regularly walk dog engage community activities participate family functions even though particularly hard deal with none helped alone friendless isolated anyway feel like single human life really knows understands wants close friend me even tired making huge monumental efforts strengthen existing relationships acquaintances andor start new friendships social ventures fails eventually tired stable steady career fortunate enough know last quite even shitty economy though make ton money means okay myself especially without spouse kids however job highly highly demanding stressful often feel like drowning workload have enjoy do lately feel like level commitment required something im sure keep doing used every single sick vacation day available fight keep hospitalization wraps for also needed use sick days feel example though honestly go work tomorrow perform par cannot really stay home anymore either know going make much longer feel like hospital psychiatrist gently pushed go shortterm disability budget little tight lately feel would career redflag that job kind take break without serious consequences attached absence would domino effect lot things people feel like agree hospitalized went shortterm disability get treatment work anyway because years stuff either would risked career result could conceivably come back disability job insurance s mom told today tears supposed best years life feels terrible much pain really believe get better spent significant portion time researching redflag last two years methods picked out honing emotions gut deal it keep trying get resolve go already cant handle idea dog could given away total strangers moment thing keeping here period sometimes think how dog dies absolutely immediately kill myself feel like goal anymore every time get nerve talk someone stuffwhich rare anymorethe person ends acknowledging really really done things supposed cases says something like i wish could help i wish something tried could work often exasperated sigh end conversations now person realizes nothing really worked really nothing suggest help anymore feelings hopelessness pretty much charts much want die figure somehow understand first placeit seems like complete glitch mistake someone sensitivity inability belong would even born first place like believed god would cruelest possible thing could imagine someonethrowing world like this possibly handle it know do feel like choking breath half time sick saying things over,1 +drunki realize reading many decide go everyone wants get drunk mostly vodka first woman tired laugh can,1 +keeps alive guysfor curiosity life bad also like movie addictive really want see whats next despite fact good time politicians retarded people talk shit riot like idiots football clubs trump president us id vote fun says silly things live inside fucking rediculous comedy whats reason ending it,1 +masha is alone and sad http apps facebook com catbook profile view 0 0,0 +type diabetic wanting dieso yeah title kinda says am ive trying ever since little tyke back middle school avail ive kinda sat back never really talking anyone using videogames sort vent make feel like something good game becoming immersed helped get lot things ive felt sitting around building medical costs dragging super hard ive never job anything make money always get super nervous walk interviews beat time already moms house own car drive cant really drive job go college im pretty sure id become nervous wreck anyways ive also never really taken care diabetes made become incredibly aware body probably start break early friends start go know useless loser put makes want around feel like waste money time space food everyone around me also help never talked anyone id want relationship with im gay would really like someone stop care me know sooner later would fed useless am anyways ive contemplating whether now farm middle nowhere mom decided wanted move boyfriend middle nowhere since one wanted take go sit typing alone im pretty sure realize useless im sure theyll me really helps type ask people shoot breeze since internet bad cant talk friends play games help relax vent seems like whole life like theres escape mean ive though leaving one day walking going decide stop know really help either knowing months ago tried od insulin woke hospital ive got like medical bills straight highschool way pay them im sorry long im confused sure really helps vent people whove known motivations couple closest friends,1 +dad died lol sike dad abandoned three given serious mental health issues,0 +@divadol @calicg hes HILAR' ,0 +i just made the person i fell in love with cry because a miscommunication happened and i ended up breaking all contact instantly and acted like a bitch but she still fought to keep in touch and we are better talking now but she cried tonight because of me she cried she got hurt she felt so bad and she is already going through so much because of her ex and then something happened with u at work yesterday and i ended up having a fight with my mom too i just fucking hate that my existence is hurtful for others i just want to fucking die so i stop hurting people god please give me the courage to die so i stop hurting everyone around me i do not want to live with all the sadness that s filled in me,1 +song do know christmas offensive ignorant distasteful one song specifically ethiopia ever refer ethiopia africa reassuring rest world africa apparently single country rather entire continent people ignorant enough believe care enough educate themselves know people think egypt middle east secondly and snow africa christmas well yeah equator middle summer australia christmas make less christmasy them summer their christmas one grew with also do know christmas time dominant religion ethiopia roman catholic yeah im pretty sure do ethiopia also muslim care christmas care ramadan effect quality life knowing ramadan finally song depicts entirety ethiopia africa complete shit hole lyrics like gttheres world outside window world dread fear gtwhere water flowing bitter sting tears actually ethiopia famine northern part ethiopia tigray whole ethiopia africa like this rastafarians believe ethiopia holy land paints whole continent shithole nothing grows everyone starving death one area tigray famine s,0 +@dstormbaby92 i love you ,0 +at Amanda's and Grandma's birffday party lol. Rockin' out on my guitar (No not guitar hero guitar!),0 +happeninghi first greetings every human here im going die tonight im couple minutes away local train station im going walk tracks im halfway stations im going kneel tracks see next train coming im posting shred sadness leaving world would love seen get better however believe im ending gets worse will think amazing people theres thing afterlife try best protect help im ready go wish could said goodbyes ill say goodbye guys though ill truly miss you,1 +I'm miserable but not the type that wants company I'm the type that what's to be left alone. Maybe that's depression.,1 +Searching for Susan Boyle on Microsoft's Bing during the Twilight of a New Moon listening to Eminem on the radio hey Google Wave ,0 +i m at disneyland again ahaha and i m sad the pineapple stand is closed i have dollar,0 +proof youtube recommended cursed httpswwwyoutubecomwatchvstukoktbghttpswwwyoutubecomwatchvstukoktbg,0 +looks like father ampxb httpspreviewredditvznhaldzpjpgwidthampformatpjpgampautowebpampsaadfacbdefdfffffa,0 +swap pc ps generation defence pc friends going get ps games like cod minecraft featuring cross play platforms better spec wise long run since ps eventually outdated spec wise struggle run new games could keep upgrading match it technically games infinite amount indie games staying coming pc first things do could play games watch videosmoviestv shows photoshop video edit etc mods ill able play xboxs exclusives like halo gears war keyboard gt controller backwards compatibility games s available variable resolutions refresh rates defence ps im big fan sonys exclusives including spiderman ratchet clank know wont able play pc ssd way faster gbs nvme m gbs currently ps id need keep got pc still play old games games better optimized console meaning long run wont need upgrade long time controller incredibly impressive tons features ill never get pc consoles arguably safer hackers viruses backwards compatibility ps we dont know ps ps ps compatibility prefer physical media discs digital file day current specs are mobo gigabyte bm dsh cpuryzen wstock cooler gpu rx gb ram corsair vengeance gb mhz psu thermaltake smart w fans corsair stock intake fan mm uphere intake fan mm uphere exhaust fans mm case corsair carbide r rgb storage tb sata ssd tb sata hdd,0 +want cause traumashello im years old girl finland im posting first time thats story started unknown stranger sent friend request facebook know going change life muchwe used chat sometimes years changed shared numbers chat call whatsapp day day texted more fall blindly love him even tho gf country got depressed anxious able go school etc ive missed class even ive anxious going school got worse year ago broke gf told feelings him accepted long distance relationship i never met even lives km away due age change go meet him already wont come meet because studies used text daily hours told loved much able live without me also started force strange shit things said cant born baby him marry him like thathe told cause culture hes tripura decided break him felt hurt sometime came beg him told need born baby need marry shit continues used fight several things become anxious depressed ive totally stopped going school really cant anything anymore ive always worried even money go meet him really poor never get job future yesterday blocked everywhere im never enough him fakes me hate really know im poor kid want die years old littlebro know condition kill myself thats stops me otherwise ive already escape hell fuck sounds stupid probably none understand would cause less traumas brother started act rude make hate first would free kill myself,1 +i don t understand i really don t,0 +@EmmyOsment im replying!! ,0 +hello guys walked miles yesterday miles today im eating dinner pub anyone want talk,0 +im getting blamed friends addictionthis june third year since dear boyfriend died age hell friend ive known since became addict tried almost impossible protect myself close family years respectful cannot say hes towards me long short last week came said dope bathroom ive lost many ppl damn devil drug thought great im going watch bc overdose need narcan new guy friend ugh dk that watching times non responsive went around house looking narcan friends dad flipped yelled wtf doing get fuck out meanthen yeah leave friends dad kicked later found out hours later friend borrowed car totaled it found prescription bottle anxiety meds purse him also hit another car called mother see was said me happened hes talking parents assholes youre welcome ive worried sons life upfront still get blame new guy friend one since bf died super protective honestly believe falling love catching feelings happen dont give flying fuck hearts broken core think patients that yeah feel guilty smh hospital panic attack throat closed me think expect friend give shit no tried keep sober clean motivated hes lied hes stolen shouldnt even care verbal abuse name it like hes great person one minute hes devil ive tried keep alive im never feeling better even stay away wish dead everyday,1 +watching the hills season finale & then the mtv movie awards! ,0 +could hang using long sleeved shirtim thinking tying ends arms together letting weight body reinforce knot weight lot doubt itd rip,1 +"@erinmilne We have a proper dryer here. It totally OWNS. Yeah, fuck the environment! We use http://www.ecotricity.co.uk anyway. ",0 +i'm starting to really love running...another 3 1/2 miles down ,0 +trans people go prison something illegal,0 +jonah hill i miss superbad,0 +in work sooo bored,0 +progressive rock playlist hello everyone made playlist yesterday favorite prog rock bands also enjoy prog rock want expand horizons give listen bands norway uk us expanding playlist time goes on point time hours long listen studying cleaning etc bands really enjoy fit vibe let know ill give listen maybe itll go tge playlist link playlisthttpsopenspotifycomplaylistqmitpmbahjtsuxqjcehsitwutggqzugyocpjhha,0 +sick lonelinessi time low past months always dealt depression anxiety since really shitty people life including moms abusive boyfriend showed awful things put knives neck mother barely functioning alcoholic abuse refuses seek help father wants little more later functioning alcoholic step mother able deal thanks help girlfriend time broke months ago came crashing down felt lost person could trust issues person judge it together years moved within week new guy likes tell terrible yet super good looking that makes feel awful weeks broke up step mother gave choice move fathers live grandparents friends playing board games they knew gave permission came storming house drunk screaming forgetting turn porch light every light door on sick constant mental abuse received treated younger sibling packed things moved night ever since life downward spiral looking forward college thanks know do feel alone helpless whenever try talk someone psych who barely get see work feel judged them want deal anymore sorry jumbled mess needed say this,1 +help pleasehttpwwwredditcomratheismcommentsxaerfis_it_wrong_to_kill_yourself,1 +wa looking for this usually i go to bed st but today my wife is sleeping so i will go to km it wa about the time to do it,1 +bio teacher clinically insane said mitochondria powerhouse cell said wrong,0 +cant anymore ending allits hard live day day nothing ever goes way much,1 +way meif way end suffering pain misery feel daily basis okay kill myself fee guilty pain would cause family friends knew understood felt would accept choice killing myself,1 +sorry alive think bother problem everyone although know boyfriend loves supports me still could stop selfharmingslitting wrist broke promise boyfriend close friend suffering mddi could stop thinking suicide always think useless worth loved cannot trust anyone either want change situation know starti never sought medical advices never psychiatrist financial support afraid tell parents suicidal thoughts self harming,1 +wholesome award dark post funny reached peak comedy putting wholesome award dark post hope become world famous comedian make everyone laugh like right now ok real honestly annoying even funny even dark meme annoying see find funny wholesome award post something serious like someone lost friend redflag yes happen thats crossed line extremely disrespectful jistt dick move thank you heres random pic mad tanjiro herehttpsipinimgcomoriginalsffeeceedefdgif,0 + roller coaster ride great start caught someone else party broke then realised let go got back together broke up became abusive went downhill there let go him kept hoping would work out never did,1 +so i went to the hospital yesterday after having an anxiety attack and i still do have anxiety a i m typing this i wa just wondering if the level rise in the blood during stress my wbc count wa at 0 and my neutrophil count wa at 9 i wa just wondering if anxiety and stress brings them up i also deal with costochondritis so you can see why i have anxiety because my chest is always tight,1 +girlfriend loves smelling feet dated girl always asked smell bare feet thought weird first asked would take shoes socks front door would get upset washed feet saw her stopped showering beforehand asked friend one time observe go ended taking shoes socks too fell love bare feet ended dumping next day didnt mind since thought weird kept feet groomed pedicured always didnt smell best even foot powder friend told later went beyond smelling bare feet toes began lick bare soles suck toes weirded that ended dumping quickly afterwards,0 +tonightno shitty life bad circumstances no im lazy incompetent unsuccessful nothings happened beyond normal im done living want anymore ive downward spiral since im now shit together im well way ish gpa semester im smart know im going get there im happy ever really been even care make difference peoples lives care people love me know do give shit im sure ive ever really loved anyone ive cutting since dont remember started except this feeling inside exact feeling now milder dont know came idea cut cant remember ever heard before ive thinking redflag since began considering months later planning past months plan im writing note right now tonight though im ready go care abilities dont care family see death background every part life waiting welcome home encourage me also fuck say words please kill yourself says understand anything read please save me wanted show people reasons redflag always solvable nothing life fixed thats broken belong here so farewell,1 +else gets tired dealing face blemishes like jeez another thing carry every day,0 +goodnight everyone this isnt farewell way,1 +one song ill go sleep tell never ending cycle,0 +heard could helped please readhttpswwwredditcomrdepressioncommentsakrrvtim_going_to_kill_myselfutm_sourceredditandroid,1 +im going kill myselfi hate myself im going kill soon set date know im going jump bridge know going soon im going stay true word it cry help promise theres saving me hate myself,1 +put aside the weightless platitude that everyone say when someone mention suicide i want to know why me considering suicide a a genuine solution is so wrong why wouldn t i want a solution garunteed to work would you rather me live a long miserable life or have me logically decide that i ve had enough and have no more use here help me understand the logic what is so wrong about it this a question that ha continually plagued me so i would appreciate answer,1 +ppl tell mewhy bad idea amp shouldnt truth isit probably good idea amp even ppl like matter bc im anyone good except kid prbly clock ticking amp anything else not,1 +isolation constant need validation comfort etc cannot get things depression mixed redflag paranoia obsessive thoughts people get it living hpd makes pain cannot handle living this supposed reach to parents think good enough rest judge stare me call crazy genuinely feel id even pay someone give chance let hang weekend feel like going go crazy ,1 +Glad to be i=on vacation this week. ,0 +really problem post herepeople ok use one person worse them sent pm someone answered sunday heres conversation ended gt me probably stems experience ive made far really thing report bbc radio year ago rate redflag among polish people uk massive according social workers come cambridge certs english university degrees work experience work joiners polish discouraging time thought turned everything revolves around born really make sense carry living gt them seems like terrible situation judged solely based come from guess make appreciate things bit here ability grow poor francoamerican upbringing able climb way part us space program im successful people im comfortable things turned end ever visited us id love hear travels experiences time share yeah sucks chance you matter hard work know suppose situation manageable religion people believed suffer irl theyll go heaven losers fed antidepressants keep going people still inevitably refuse kind life kill themselves ill it new visa atm right now ill chill weeks think wanted die ill go europe it know fast train railroad woods from germany prague good spot according videos watchpeopledie quite sure way that im feeling better,1 +called transphobic classmate hi so back school classmate transphobic completely disrespectful til day remember clearly im studying music studies gymnasiet fellow swedditrs years year mandatory school end every school year put musical local theatre asigned changing rooms year one two three separetly one breaks next rehearsal were changing room chatting changing clothes snacking everybodys good time many different conversations across room boom said transphobic classmate drops disrespectfulness sometimes like lives bubble world spinning around her news flash doesnt now good trans friend came like two months prior this sometimes struggled say right name always apologized try learn asap with we literally mean almost whole class teachers time time classmate just said everyone dressing room heard hey dead name always dead name me always dead name me whole room everyone one dressing room fell silent moment i turned around fast facing calling it excuse me say everyone peeked intrest unfolding eyes us how disrespectful hard learn name dare continuing using dead name get it basic human rights this said day whole time trans friend trying soothe thing want make big deal it said take this said this girl storms room apologies straight out walked out ugh really ticked wrong way friends were showing support callout trans friend incident girl practically ignoring me made effort talk either there rant moral story can call transphobes out,0 +energy left late party everyone ages ahead me want change things lost willpower,1 +depressed cant tell parents soso ive getting sadder sadder every day cant find reasons get bed anymore feel like tell parents theyre gonna really worried want keep redflag thinking your friends gonna maybe sad that,1 +understand livewhy kill im going die without achieving anything anyway im alive stay room cry would different im dead people expect try life die forgotten about absolutely redeeming qualities im definitely dumb astrophysicist career id want honestly im fucking ugly want cry whenever look mirror im annoying around always ruin mood friends matter much try anything talents one ever love would love ugly talentless unintelligent annoying depressed whore reason live im fucking entitled too eat calories theres entire country dying famine know that theyre literally eating leaves eat slice pizza im selfish worthless stupid whore deserve get raped die fucking hate know im disappointment,1 +@tessanoodles Hahahaha i must admit some look realll HOT Haha hot is hot i'll give you that ,0 +idkhello alone alone since day born remain alone till day begin decomposing feet under friends love nobody general live parents spend days sitting home alone nothing loneliness began serious toll confidence point absolutely confidence myself beyond depressed nobody talk to nobody help day dont see point continuing onward knowing never find love knowing remain failure forever cheers,1 +day endgame script till get gf okay good tip bow arm three fingers clint barton,0 +@lolgabi_ GABIII Are you in NEW YORK !?,0 +advice sneaking night yr old super bored quarantine mac keep entertained games window i building pc november next week getting longboard idea would super fun sneak ride around town late night ever snuck out advice make easier mistakes made,0 +onlytosee twitter s been doing that to me tooo,0 +nothing works nothing work im resigned fateyou name it ive tried it therapy useless meds useless around family friends useless talking feelings useless exercise eating healthy useless going useless spending time dog useless hobbies give pleasure satisfaction fulfillment person ever loved ruined perspective relationships people dating go dropped school find education path could connect least get job im lazy parasite truly incompatible life im posting catharsis giving pityparty like always father describes it lots people subreddit reached me unfortunately cant helped ive recently secluding apartment that even pay for im worthless pathetic lazy able support financially slowly rotting away intentionally taking care hopefully die young,1 +@AirlieBirds and I've replied ,0 +@TravellingCub Low carbs/depression/bugle all work by themselves but a hearty mix of all three will provide best results.,1 +ending soonsuicidal thoughts new me ive almost done twice feel like ive living borrowed time forever tonight im going put end forever nowhere else turn recently lost job working home live house shitty internet landlord done anything fix it led many problems eventually decided renew contract feel like big deal time theyre pretty big company figured could get another job pretty quickly couple months gone nothing cant even get retailrestaurantfast food job lot places mode transportation get city ive tried looking similar jobs work remotely far ive bunch people lie lead blow smoke ass welcome real world guess ive overdrawn bank accounts car get aroundget another job feel like leech society im burden everyone know im fuckup life would relieved got rid myself tried crowdfunding project lastditch attempt get something going get feet ground one gives shit im stuck financial hell cant move back home parasite world would better without im ready stop delaying inevitable end it,1 +wrote noteits phone it extremely hateful dont want people think also know theyll talk shit funeral anyway sometimes wish way take everyone hurt me im kind person couldnt hurt fly thats probably im victim abuser tho huh family gonna fall apart half second cats moved around around till im sure theyll dropped shelter work annoyed theyll hire someone else old boss cheer nothing got better me exes get wanted tidy little end big mess,1 +anyone else good day end day still feel sad shitty,0 +lets forget important things harry broke bro code therefore ron right punch face,0 +massively prefer girls without makeup rather makeup course want wear makeup thats fine choice mine prefer see girls real beauty instead fake one,0 +need lay thoughts somewherei cant cry cant i crying good takes away pain reliefs aching soul time feel like crying im walking rain yea love rain much since cry anymore years sounds right pain thoughts overwhelming mind why tried hard really did ended like this love family least hate talking behind back like cant hear acting nice simulating care me pretend like care polite anymore cant help them god want help them wish could mom dad get along better stupid realise stupid honest open talk problems solve them selfish ignorant wanna end like that hate you dad moving us countryside thats grew up putting hard construction work even tho health problems glad now built house back even admit it years im still lazy care silly house course hate cant wait go away asap see crying coz im visiting anymore like dad cant get job you cant get girlfriend unless take one dumb girls village cant go one best friend ever wanted come here im glad decided follow faculty finish leave alone behind shit hate ones made me going insane loosing mind succes way man cant find anyone love sick broken am wanted care ones love help happy happy that consumed drained happiness gave back hatred im full kindness love id anything them stupid me care love them use me im much full hatred hate world cold gave everything you silly girl would still do never ever forced anything comfortable with made sacrifices you waited stood side get better full months day day knew knew told you even say appreciate much im like others urging sex sex yet gave hope one week go back him play broken heart knew fell you knew felt me still love her fall her beautiful smart full life still dumb dumb love smile much eases pain feel like floating bs im you im drowning again full hate full resentment full world fake hypocrites everyone hates me everything going bad gone far god wanna ignorant godcentered person still believe him saved death several times plan me avoided death continue suffering job stupid world take away pain others bear it im strong im breaking down again im lost alone least friend dont know wouldve done without him well know wouldve killed long ago guess delayed it maybe not maybe today still owe life cant throw like that want help problems want ease pain suffering hes like brother fooling kill im afraid die nonexistent feeling feeling nothing ohh yea ive thought countless nights cant even comprehend death like im scared it wish could die wish would die ill keep living guess want rain need rain need cry pain hurts heart neck suffocating me another sleepless night alone hope maybe tomorrow find someone help feel better new reason live someone could make alright someone could exhaust death make happy still happy it today maybe tomorrow wont ive hope many times guess im suffer see world unlike passengers maybe better im poor wouldve surely went drugs try wish could afford something more actually gift something ones matter return im fakehappy guy cares everyone sacrifices others im sad lost cause im miserable be least im feeling bit better now,1 +@bornceo I spotted this spiral when it was praised & called creativity and depression. Give me old Ye any day.,1 +tired everywhere turn help someone something wanted life significant other friends something makes happy fucking tired envious everyone know life fair cannot help feeling way life fucking mess want alive anymore want alive anymore,1 +advice help im probably dyingi friends family ive lost everything feel like crave someone talk to know talking help feel like im living outside body look around see nothing blur im hungry food taste like anything touch things feel nothing heart expected world more im dying,1 +i had a horrible nightmare last night which affected my sleep now i m really tired,0 +help someone shuts offhello im sorry right place friend work received scary texts girlfriend threatening redflag were trying talk with lot help resources sub ty texted bye reply anymore im town feel pretty helpless it lot faith hope nothing happen mostly keep calm situation anyone advice especially girlfriends shoes help,1 +"@remzology Hay thanks for the comment! And yes, I am trying my best to make the most of these few days! ",0 +think mistakei honestly think mistake im girl sibling trio self confidence lose trust parents every day excuse redeeming quality fact everyone sees crappy drawings likes them overdose anxiety meds,1 +wish lived america could easily access guni guarantee would here case matter time,1 +ugh what a waste of hour,0 +fuck shitty worldwhat fuck point im failing school friends money parent wish could kill another hate much nothing makes happy used music maybe video games now nothing find joy nothing pain want hurt anybody want happy cant happy prison figured would tell somebody it time move on,1 +day posting random shit girlfriend fact procrastinate like bitch id committed redflag already little psyching reveal feelings towards her wish luck boiis,0 +think users harsh saw think whole atmosphere preserving i think moderators encourage it kinda unhelpful honestand think moderators shady harsh think resources good mean forum im scared post know else would good ask im taking risk seem prominent forums vulnerable people wanted know anyone else similar thoughts them,1 +i hate how i can t do anything but think about the phone call and then i feel like i don t have permission to relax until it s over anyone have advice for this,1 +gay suck pp well saw post found suck pp soo gay suck ur pp ps gay totally normal ashamed,0 +still suicidal friend shed light meim still depressed still feel incredibly suicidal one important friends life texted miss already came visit state weekend knowing cares enough let know may help make rest today instead thinking tools order myself everyone situation here matter confident one thinks cares proven afternoon never case hopefully also help survive another day hopefully longer,1 +best song ever tbh httpsyoutubehxsyizakuhttpsyoutubehxsyizaku ampxb im fragile delicate,0 +still find love social anxiety social anxiety feel like girls dont like dudes social anxiety ,0 +keep thinking detailsive suicidal long remember im lately ive thinking little details redflag involves id wipe computerphoneipod clean sell theres money funeral create apology letters close family members friends plan body found method redflag spontaneous thought was,1 +killing tonight im sorryim sorry mom wanted strong cant anymore today lost everything someone looked to friends person loved everyone left fucking sooner keep looking something bright nothing here fucking die already,1 +got better im relapsingi wrote longer version several times gave it know say ampxb long story short ive always social shut in untreated depression anxiety disorder high school kept making friends led least couple serious considerations redflag although that found easier make friends internet easy somehow getting know good people therapy taking medication disorders managed pull gutter ive college three years ive managed produce handful good friends person support lovely people online ampxb now first part last sentence theres reason had recent social circle came two years ago became close friends man chance liked game did became close started making mutual friends end it want say us things good two years loved everyone server grateful people like could trust traded world fucked up ampxb put simply wronged number members group without realizing it mix inappropriate behavior one biggest spoke much failed pick hints undesired behavior enjoyed company people much failed think felt everyone went way me many blocked me including best friend couple said wanted break never heard again handful gave benefit doubt still talk keep low suffer retribution others one absolutely idea want driving insane ampxb anyone else could chalk learning experience move on months think every day losing many people care one go like chance say anything would absolutely demolish man like me since ive trying claw back friendships little success best friend gone plenty people wouldve trusted life too anyone still willing associate scared might happen anyone else finds out im paranoid going hang head anyone else try get know case someone group badmouths stupid ass ampxb ive seriously thought ending several times since theres several large bridges ocean city month half back seriously thought driving it thing stopped realizing concrete barrier would leave father broken car sectioned may gone it thoughts common remain reason think proactive killing im also terrified comes death know thats thing thats saved times past know much longer thats gonna hold theres war raging brain side losing ampxb read that thank you im sorry post utter mess name seb done people still think friends,1 +boxee now ha pandora useless to me here in oz boo hoo,0 +tried kill sunday nightbut failed take enough medicine misjudged dosage laid floor hours nauseous sweating breathing erratically listening sounded like freight train rushing ears die fuck ashamed,1 +ha anyone lost their career or become underemployed due to depression how do you survive are you frightened about how you will retire or get by in old age it s been seven year of mostly unemployment for me and i m horrified when i think of the future,1 +im much debtfirst thing first im little drunk need help depressed moment went holiday spent much money try keep happy im huge debt loan girlfriend car two small loans used help earlier life come conclusion way much debt way kill myself way pay loans plus rent pay girlfriend back im sure do turned drinking im scared girlfriend gets home itll push turn redflag also car registration pay next week dont pay back wont able get work dont know im scared someone give advice please ive asked everyone help pay things dont money spare im worried happen cant pay everything back please help ive come terms redflag best way even though know itll effect everyone love ive talked friends family depression feels like dont understand think im overreacting,1 +annoying place pm and half the hawker s closed i want otah,0 +At bakers with @CorbinInAVerse ,0 +say know documentaries mister rnek knew get well made piece movie documentary disappointed history nerd saw hundreds documentary liked different approach workbr br the director consultants historians veteran families tried access reality gallipoli letters solders sides so history followed british australian turkish soldiersbr br narrated docu jeremy irons sam neill boost intensity emotionality documentary great voicesbr br i saw film cinema italy dolby surround buy dvd last year wait years next work talented director good documentariesbr br summary well made intense history emotions wrapped war documentary great narrators,0 +talking to my mommy then going to bed ,0 +convince otherwisetoday stressful day life tomorrow going worse severely depressed last months result led failing classes school parents know mom going find tomorrow cant handle this top addictions put gun head tonight held minutes pull trigger going go bed now think last night wake hours going make choice feel like nothing live anymore easier way counseling years back counselor told everything between her mom trust anymore one since friends started drift away me slowly excluded activities ive going day day last month im ready done,1 +one thing anotherthings get worse worse every day things pile keep thinking im capable taking im not stress debt school work hate way would make people feel cant take anymore want go sleep would much easier,1 +"@calbo belated congrats on baby! As a mother of four I can honestly say, thank god it's not me. ",0 +lonelyi incredibly loney really know job go home nothing waiting me nothing motivates looking forward anything wanting end life quite overwhelmed guilt every time think it feel sorry parents react learn death i cannot talk things like this never good handling emotions realized live basically guilt guilt keeps alive tired sad time want end,1 +open letter lostboys j j know other knew you want say much either alive could write hours hours never even begin encapsulate life love joy seemed like two had words describe smiles could lift little helium balloon happiness stomach heart beautiful smiled seemed like content people always say eyes window soul never see then see blue skies clear waters saw love friendship young men living life life live seen tragedy sadness desperately must felt even now idea desperate felt know much sadness heart held closer one good friends need apologise maybe else going hear it im sorry never seeing taking issues lightly listening problems enough im sorry hearing saying without listening feeling im sorry reach harder closer look heart feel pain needed someone feel im sorry last way thing try pull back in im sorry together party proper conversations happened am better friend talked sadness mention blues foolish thought world feet opportunities hope thought time thought future us still owe three cigarettes left gaping holes lot lives know really truly knowing beforehand wouldve made difference knowing amount love genuinely surrounded wouldve made difference living not guilty possibility feel waves waves anguish honestly glad cannot find out cannot know better friend either would alive right now listened listened listened opened heart wide would go alive facebook happy birthday messages theyd wrapped joy party hats meaningless comments instead haunting sadness feels thick even though computer screen im sorry try harder know more im sorry loneliness consumed you noone break out wish could see love think though see pain adore,1 +sean bean returns napoleonic hero richard sharpe sharpes honour fifth movie series always patrick harper rest sharpes chosen men along ride time major sharpe serious troublebr br under influence sharpes sworn enemy major ducos mysterious lady name la marquesa accused sharpe rape husband arrives sharpes camp challenge wifes attacker dualbr br the dual discovered stopped authorities result sharpe becomes prime suspect opponent murdered middle nightbr br as noone british army wellington major nairn consider sharpe anything rough commoner little honour given shambolic trial sentenced death hanging harper chosen men choice look beloved commander walks slowly gallowsbr br however convinced innocence wellington nairn hang another convicted prisoner sharpes stead release chosen men find real killer la marquesa herself prove innocence find reasons framing first placebr br daragh omalley micheal byrne hugh fraser costar brilliant performances alice krige la marquesa fodor atkine villainous major ducos another exciting swashbuckling instalment sharpes eventful journey napoleonic wars,0 +"@TrishaSalonga Nothing, just bulb photography. Yeah! We should go out some time! :> Yes, it is neat. (?) Hahaha!",0 +"@Reddic if you won't miss a Star Trek movie, then you ARE a Trekkie just not a cross-dressing/conference going type lmbo",0 +advice live without genitals hi im eighteen year old afab agender plan removing genitals seems due recent talk family might happening soon im bit worried life like without vagina im nervous people especially girls like treat genitals im also bit worried im going masturbate sex parts gone im definitely going done id definitely like advice live like this,0 +first all id like say im amateur commenting movies english native language felt strong feeling compelling write movie possibly way thank congratulate c jay cox cast crew brilliant productionbr br yesterday watched latter days first timebr br at first thought might similar movie priest liked much showing gay priest closet priest maybe due restrict catholic ideological notions supply spectators needs revealing profound sad endbr br latter days hand broke concept and ones well mormons principles presenting tender cheerful story leading happy emotive end yet arousing feeling gods blessing hope great movie indeedbr br somehow latter days made feel la city angels br br i would recommend movie anyone likes astoundingly beautiful gay love stories,0 +yo goodbyes longer apart toxic community fuck shit,0 +want someone love metheres noone woman would ever touch,1 +i'm coooolddd. it's cooold. it's june 6th and i'm cold! can't wait for houston ,0 +graphic interchange format gif stands for g graphic said like guh juh pronounced gif jif,0 +yoooo maid dress finally arrived comes like bajillion pieces gonna take like hours put lmoa,0 +played among us im addicted first ever game among us cant stop playing cant stop thinking it,0 +Only did it to set up an event for my birthday but man Facebook is a main trigger of my depression. Trying to stay positive and cutting back on Social media is a big part of it.,1 +watched friend said could try it father asked wed watch it want old film could good finally watch friend father friend loved film songs great actors cool crazy it guess shows even though dads time mean cant good film bought film long seeing tv put lot sang along songs even watched classmates birthday party nice good sometimes funny filmbr br if try cant say bad even think no im going watch film dads time try first part film always stop watching like it really recommend it great,0 +back demonsall darkness much cant fight urge slice arms im sad alone friends live overseas im bored theyre asleep hate much cant cope anymore im sure want die definitely want live,1 +im tiredid like sleep forever die sleep old age takes me flat enjoy life never have ive sought therapy entire life got nothing aversion human beings cant even talk professionals doctors refuse me called friends stopped talking back even family got bored whining point cant even call redflag hotline thought talking someone makes skin crawl cant even remember many times ive posted got nothing prayers usual you talk therapist continue miserable existence brings nothing pain regardless action take brings nothing misery,1 +lookin like an all nighter i hate it when i do this to myself,0 +weekends dismaleverything seems good week days great friends doin well school met great girl weekend comes always hope ill happen again always does every time same stepfather dickhead mother unstable alcoholic thing hear shouting door slamming weeks ago however heard something noone hear mother say i want die almost did took kind pills concerned obviously moved on pretending nothing happened today situation almost again terrifying part that while wished would die maybe would better easier without her cant function normally family tried help everyone family tried nothing works long go like this monday come ill hopeful again itll change anything would easy give up would say would love me feel like disappointment yet try hard,1 +furie illegal furie bad furie bad furie bad furie bad furie bad furie bad furie bad furie bad furie bad,0 +im uselessfirst please forgive formatting im mobile little background me im bipolar self injure terrible self esteem abandonment issues im lost married man know loves me understand depression mood swings fits anger try explain listen hes amazing me recently lost job cannot find one anywhere im putting applications everyday one calls im point feel like im burden suitable wife im useless think redflag constantly put happy face getting cannot fake it ive told husband leave me see someone else come home know good enough would never things want feel like hes stuck outrageous mental defect,1 +im afraidi need help im terrified im tired thoughts fuck thoughts im sick comfortable thought ending it know im equally afraid going hospital itll end car go itll destroy everything ive worked years build fuck do know do need help please someone help,1 +im gonna end it goodbyeim sick people sick talking sick breathing sick thinking know people miss cant live anymore pain im years old established depression depression years light characteristics autism im good situation im laying bed serveral months im tired depressed social anxiety addicted selfharm playing videogames fappingwatching porn it gave good feeling im feeling lonely want lonely sounds weird consider redflag rope couple months ago painful scars selfharm left arm cry fast mother father seperateddivorced years old mentally mistreated long time stepfather beat mom see stepfather threaten say mom otherwise beat up stepfathers total feel like everyone get really mad people swipe me im done world everyone understand kinda thing,1 +apart family fucking depressingi dont fucking understand dogshit parentsevery sunday keep bringing church knowing hate going plus dad doesnt even listen goddamn messages pastor literally points exact bullshit hes wrongthe pastor talks letting children date non christians sister talks children moving away church parents fault sister doesnt give fuck shows doesnt even fucking listenso drive hour back every week waste hours sunday every week lung cancer ass doesnt even behave like christian mom saves kindness love complete strangers gives fucks mea stranger bringing bike lift quick press lift button keep lift open even though theres fucking sensors already keep door openher thoughts filled childrens safety complete fucking strangers well minewhen tell dont want go church shes like oh thats problem tell dad yourselffuck sake dont enough authority say fuck dont wanna go church really hope dads lung cancer takes life soon cant fucking take shit anymore depression made caused dont give fuckeverybody youre willing actually care child dont fucking breed,1 +utterly suicidal im terrified wont succeed time cant take another failed attempt feel like ive living half life ever sincelast time coma days overdose pills doc didnt think gonna make pulled through everyone keeps telling reason every since dont feel right feel off like never fully came back idk feel like im living half life borrowed time,1 +@maloney im a camera collector i love cameras can we be friends?,0 +Could 'one puff' of cannabis ease depression? http://appledank.com/could-one-puff-of-cannabis-ease-depression/ …,1 +important sign you may need help for depression now via pensignal mentalhealth depression selfhelp medical psychology http t co y zdkxgqk,1 +aaronrva is in the bathroom and i have to pee,0 +damn it down,0 +gave life years ago havnt left house since im uglyim male aged look younger cm tall cm ft skinny af lanky long legs etc pale receding hairline kissless virgin yea looks department over never leave house havnt since bar job met amazing people also horrors horrible women whod call ugly treat like shit staff managers worked with good looking guys could wrong fucked pinned many times end got fed left go work football stadiums steward thats same women staring im skinny like fault theyre fat guys work staring wtf face overweight short girls calling ming whatever means great say example older male pass conversation friendly think nice someone looks past look like isnt many like about eat gain weight face goes fat rounder thinner feel better still hidoeus nevertheless comment asked hair one comment said hes clearly balding hidoeus btw got upvoted times drink whiskey every night watching cartoons im starting get chest pains theres tree garden i live dad multiple think high branches reached step ladder already need rope practice pressure standing ladder next thick branch plan hanging night practice height feeling feel drop suspense need rope need buy one online thats bargain free shit also girl ever liked years ago tomorrow gorgeous too worked bar me damn miss bad take back please basically live upstairs watching netflix everyday house waiting die edit testicle cancer clear since why wish id let kill tbh,1 +"@kirkfranklin I'm new to twitter, but I can show some love for you all also. ",0 +deserve every single thing happenedand doesnt even make sad even disguisted shit am literally dont want skin hate person am,1 +"Had beers at venue with the guys, waiting for soundcheck ",0 +"@MzAnnieBannie sheesh you didnt have to sign off, get back on AIM when you're done with the essay ",0 +@heartbomb I'll try..blah! Thanks what are u up to today?,0 +consider breathtaking deceptive film seems simple straightforward vietnam survivor tells harrowing tale story reenacted location reviewers sometimes even claim herzogs presence film minimal wrong are know documentaries mediated extent one herzogs subtle hand it notably stunning music unbelievably expert selection archival footage management cascading images evocative power film astounding starting title opening title card book revelation initial voiceover movie one watch repeatedly increasing wonder simple commodity gulped ones favorite beverage way evening news one movies resonate lifetime,0 +"@mrjb3 wow 7 years, you would need to like it after that. Stress is good in short bursts keeps you alive ",0 +"After get myself a tattoo @ Newport Beach, Cali then eat @ Crab Cooker!! Beautiful day n no work!!! Luv it!!! ",0 +ty scrolling new cookie next post,0 +want give upi try try try getting better im close giving,1 +im love deathmy girlfriend lets call c c perfect together everything great love other want kids love much problem is liver cancer ive crying past dayssince ive found out transplant lined up problem costs nobody afford that childrens childrens children would debt currently theyre trying find blood surgery luck blood type ab one rarest bloodtypes course thanks blood type take types blood common ones stupid though looked survival rate transplant five years theres chance death thats big number cant live without her goes ill polishing gun fuck cancer fuck everything need baby have whats kept breathing eating loving cant take anymore ill sell kidneys arms legs brain eyes ears anything long lives hell ill even give liver need her doctor gave months live thats long time cant take it feel like water lungs cant take anymore,1 +need helpi realizing point anything life one nothing going right life ever since started college years ago getting strong urges end life scary know im impulsive person one day might follow through know need see therapist every time tell mom understandi feel im better deal,1 + xans alcoholwhy hard kill yourself ive attempts now years old shit never gets better chronic pain anxiety plus depression seems like im shit even killing myself took around xans half bottle vodka woke hospital days later flu week straight huh im still suicidal still wish dead,1 +even fit birds shite sub man yutes west yano kid,0 +subhuman trashi dont want anything life thing want commit redflag finally end everything zero value person want contribute world thing ill ever contribute life redflag statistics years old convinced life get worse progress adulthood id rather die right second live entire lifetime misery wish never even born world doesnt need lazy sacks shit like me zero desire put effort towards improving myself might well commit redflag world favor,1 +eric valette obviously talented filmmaker two guys wrote script therefore malfique great flick made bucks also tons imagination well im bit exaggerating nevertheless im sincere so like dark gory movies go see one really worth it,0 +donei want kill myself fucking tired thats all many people fucking house want done,1 +kissability me too i is poor,0 +Queen just cured my depression. https://twitter.com/cupcakke_rapper/status/989157670706995200 …,1 +suicidal since years old back occasional thoughts tough times which often times depression took think not deep know death suicide considering last months far fallen abyss depression know day getting close used light me even darkest times last years light gone bright dim nonexistent know nearing end journey years wanting die,1 +i hate it when people cheer me on or encourage me or anything uplifting at all it hard to believe that they are genuinely saying that and not just saying it out of pity and just to be nice for example when i wa younger i hated being cheered on during race or competition even though i wa so far behind it felt horrible miserable and i wa furious i felt like fighting whoever cheered me on whenever people try to say something uplifting it just seems like they are being nice if you are saying something just to be nice it mean it not true and they feel bad for u idk if this is a personal thing but i just wan na know if anybody else can relate,1 +feel trapped lb body mind flooded suicidal thoughtsi wont cant leave mom want to bad everyday wake wish body would finally give up least die natural causes terrible around you dont blame themselves want normal life every day pain suffering whats point try lose weight fail get mad self sabotage binge eating way feel good also punish sucking every minute life hurt every day wonder ill fit here there ever day worry ill break chair furniture people stare think poorly you doctor says exercise going work days week hard enough hardly walk office car searing pain running legs back eat healthy standing cook painful legs shake like im going fall im deep addiction food feel like way death dont want wait come naturally say redflag selfish wanting someone live life depressed pain dont guilt sadness selfish one blame myself every day think ending all want misery over feel like ive ruined life even lose weight much irreversible damage point carrying on dont see it hate ive done hate myself hate body hate love food,1 +@bzeflowers im glad you hit me up I hope you dont become a stranger and enjoy ur night. You can hit me up anytime ,0 +i dont even know man one teachers school added snapchat dont know react im fking stunned this block,0 +feel better donti understand fuck going on moved on didnt probably get fuck here cant fuck place edit set bitcoin address mmvecjxcvzcchvwrsnyyeaeigk,1 +pointi nothing live for im terrible person blame problems people around point retarded is get mad hate sister cause happy me hate parents try help me hate im aware shitty person am im going anywhere life graduate even know graduate nothing still bother,1 +dog died best friend every day id come home form school matter bad day hed come give kisses cheer up really wish ha snore time him really dont know ill get without him pet make sure give much love possible theyre gone,0 +"Congrats Kayl/Teiteng 05 up to a better level sorry for my man he only payed 5 m, a foot on the face and we spend all night at hospital",0 +want die kill paini want die kill pain silence words inside head sometimes feel life gain feels like already dead dont feel beautiful husband left daughters packed moved georgia leaving us stranded broke every man ive ever loved brutally hurt emotionally physically want see sun feel happy another day want strong children im busy side eyeing people around me im twighlight zone non trusting even best friend looks harbors resentment towards me day two husbands friends there proceeded hit looked happy shes married matter likes anyway meanwhile dead inside give shit didnt respond coworkers ive turned dates movies dinner hell wrong me im stuck up give everything anyone around me im wife learns muscles order rub better learns favorite foods cook them im friend speed dial wheneverwherever photographer video editor every gathering decorator main chef shoulder cry on battery energy needed im idiot holding neon sign graduation one goes little nuts ones love wellnone shit matters husband left debt bills may soon homeless need something im drowning depression turn music writing passions arent helping sick crazy flu one cares everyone im sitting completely alone bother breathe another day,1 +nothing ignore iti terrible life like ones like alive mean entire existence mistake leaving jokes aside literally broken condom born first place find reason exist aspirations whats point life great live you live once dead worry anything bad bad scared dying enjoy life well congrats you nice love yourself aspirations reason live mean everyone live like life thats selfish sincerely want wake tomorrow well im really expecting replies wanted say this thought nice place like say before totally ignore this sorry anythings bad english first language,1 +whoisariston no problem tongue in cheek remark lot of acronym but no nz,0 +dont like sleep want stay night fuckers got tips,0 +Longgg day cant wait for celtics game tomm. it's gonnna b the bestt.,0 +yesterday wa a bad day found bernie mac died last year where wa i,0 +name trinity thing number tomorrow rd bdayif going end it tomorrow seems like best day three deeper meaning me like it aesthetically pleasing im trans girl picked name went legal trouble change this im depressed shit friend family members talk regular thats it one work talks me social life im alone spend free time alone bedroom way years now nothing life brings joy favorite foods used get excited lost taste music become repetitive boring escapes anime video games cant hold interest im lonely want make friends things together hobbies subjects relate others about pre transition free time money spent drugsbecause depressed needed escape reality born wrong im stuck wrong body way surgerysmass amounts money even then even thenif fully transitioned know would myself feel like blank slate like never became anything like never able find myself become individual make new friends hobbies ever life drugs escape people got pretty close online eventually rejected found much talk about could talk drugs thats did thats knewthey got bored ditched me social anxiety twisted hard go shopping get grocery list without panic attack cant even reach individual level tell others bad need much im suffering always feel like burden others even internet randos fb groups last week requested th work because my birthday invited friend niece go bar hopping hit today told cancelled im depressed function im living life simply alive know call quits,1 +@AdamMilo_ And depression,1 +"@alittlebit morning, what's the weather like in your neck of the woods? i'm not hungry, had a great breakfast at the Radisson ",0 +yo monitors damn expensive like seriously shits bro wanna play tf osu doom eternal hz hate man,0 +UK is ready to host the 20-20 World cup starting on the 5th June ,0 +@LindseyBeyer the Sandlot!!! Epic! Miss you bestie ,0 +talking much anyone bcos suicidal idk feel suicidal long time infact actually suicide plan really tired worthless battling depression redflag bpd alcoholism suicidal,1 +supposed go todayi everything planned out pills plan comfortable going today here reason done particularly difficult appointment camhs monday admit something planned im bad liar im angry saying something easiest way out essentially rd attempt past month ive admitted hospital twice discharged couple days later come back shitty cycle desperate rest want sleep waking painful knowing get continue live shitty hell life nauseates me ive trying tell therapist im getting worse continue stop telling people actually it get told focus moment im frustrated im falling behind subjects horrible health issues ive last months aspirations future really want go rest now ive pills taken mean im considering methods maybe soon ill get guts it properly,1 +cant end all im hugely tempted being kind cruel worldtldr nice girl life severely depressed due family history it bullied childhood school experience grew dating losers one divorced married mistress another gave permanent sti hate life want disappear sorry repost rdepression subreddit reason moderators may thought original title graphic guess and sorry long alot pain inside me thanks advance reading ive severely depressed suicidal since family blood tons aunts cousins like me desiring redflag depressed couch time etc personal experience derived shy kind nice girl beginning never able shake it typical nerd experience openly talked try ignore play smiling like everything okay fight bullies make leave alone always seen awkward hung back school teachers classroom etc really made even harder actually pretty girl tall about mom made sure always dressed nice hair done girls couldnt afford get nice clothes hair done would put daily hated confrontation id whole smiling laughing thing avoid another fight already since elementary though mom kept looking nice loves dearly also shaped clone strict grandmother her could barely go out ask basically scolded so shed always say hours later would say yes hated that mind fk one sleepover junior high school mom dad cussed like sailor made clean house spotless something horribly wrong guess happy afterwards since sleepover sucked friends assholes night anyways strict upbringing inherited shyness emotional instability lead pretty damned awkward life conceited anything people always told smart good looking potential never saw late thirties really middle high school boys liked approached me shy would give aloof bitchy vibe guys ended hating me treating like crap mean like that anything extremely lonely relationship is started dating older teenager lonely desperate find love like id seen disney movies saved bell id date losers settled awkwardly nerdy weird thought theyd easier milder deal with boy wrong first met exhusband thought looked really unattractive plus smart ass mouth let grow wanted someone seemed head heels me gave years life birth son lessened sex drive dumped mistress work married rather quickly didnt even let ink dry divorce papers knew nothing weeks signed papers whats even worse nice ass agreed custody son dad life think id actually say yes knew whore wife going sons stepmom late im wallowing misery divorce process now ive boyfriend whos truck driver also nerdy used alot fun loves hes also made feel like depressed zombie past years why hes always road cant see times week plus push enough make things better also divorcee much baggage cant get life straight damned naive beginning relationship didnt see baggage start looked love fact said wanted marry me mind wasnt proposal anything said super early made hang on hung despite jerkish things hes done texted half naked pic us coworker brag says friend turn forwarded entire jerkish coworkers etc got arrested almost jail time fighting guy who later found first blow anger kept putting meeting family since many girlfriends past nt last said and coup de grand he gave sti recently found high risk know high risk meaning possibly cause cancer later on kind cant get rid of lays dormant body never know ever come back plus surgery weeks get rid precancerous cells caused me love life over relationship really crap now even find someone else hear theyll dump sure im pounds overweight depressed barely clean house shower wash hair smoke weed zone pass time make painful memories go away boyfriend says loves endlessly surgery im getting support sweetness need right now hes gone time real relationship anyways also think im still prince charming fantasy head expecting guys loving sweet reality jerksno offense nice guys there think younger went geeks weirdos figured theyd easier would appreciate more overly forgiving giving many chances aholes pretty much ruined life plus miss son dearly hes gone im alone time wish could put coma every time leaves me reawakened comes back brings wonderful beam light joy heart hes live for dont even think safe get another relationship ever again im trying accept im awkward different really someone hard give hope dont think im horrible person rather feel im nice person rest world cant handle that handle it take advantage naivety ignorance im used up im stuck horrible life miserable afraid even reach world anymore ill end bible verse received today therefore gods chosen ones holy loved put heartfelt compassionkindness humility gentleness patience colossians that description pretty much nutshell cant help way look ruined life tears,1 +someone please tell pain go awayive lost person ive ever cared about said would love forever threw away like trash im alone nothing one please tell pain go away,1 +selfishdont kill prove point always contemplate every time someone says something hurt puts aside selfish hurt,1 +"hopes the sun will stay now - fleamarket tomorrow, get out the change http://plurk.com/p/vh81e",0 + yorkshire boy chimneysweep falsely accused theft crooked master runs away falls treacherous local river transported underwater realm makes many friends rescues mythical water babies evil sharkbr br based book charles kingsley lovely childrens film half liveaction half animation grim evocative depiction victorian times terrifically enjoyable undersea adventure really two films one somehow complement combine much richer whole animation tony cuthbert jack stokes miroslaw kijowicz wonderful photography ted scaife music phil coulter bill martin pender great roughdiamond quality literal fish water love moment hes top mansion sees chimneys shouts blimey top voice mason cribbins filthiest nastiest bullies could hope see costume drama if want see real victorian values watch sense sensibility watch this whitelaw pertwee who umpteen voices percival excellent good childrens movie good old singalong fun also little bit thoughtful sad frightening high cockallorum ,0 +when to the shoe repair shop and the guy could not find my shoe so i have to go back and see if he can find them in a couple day,0 +i perfected fooling everyone thinking im great unless bring something up roommates dont know me surface level friends family nowhere near me pain own loneliness own feel life worthless pointless suffer matter good circumstance is want die dont know much torture endure,1 +#magictwackle So excited about tonights game! This will be huge if we beat them at home again!!!!!~Megan ,0 +going to paint my nails then get some foood ,0 +chelserlynn haha it so cooooold in the d and no but you should still go to the show they do some incredible stuff,0 +I love the ringing in my ears...twas a good night ,0 +really pleasure see dialogue part absolutely outstanding i thought womens roles little better written nice surprise performances uniformly good too frank gorshin overdoes little goes various cons might overcompensating see weaknesses character written hes good otherwise harry groener similarly well slightly underwritten character tony overdoing characters angrier scenes slightly ursula burton excellent sister theresa really carrying film weaknesses seymour cassel louise fletcher little underused here though liked work always shirley jones wendie malick jill eikenberry faye grant good also i help thinking grant reminded little catherine ohara here cloris leachman rather tears role reasonably good resultsbr br i wish sure hand behind camera though sometimes framing staging seemed bit off awkward closeups seemed overused or erratically used me always go scene scene smoothly wed like tough guy approach federal agent music costuming top well fantasy sequences really work things well done opening sequence set buffalo around example and frankly scenes regarding theresas church work i suspect writer actress liked character lot helps scenes malick eikenberry goodbr br the plot probably bit overcontrived seem many schemes going keep straight times coincidences got little much little bothered ending should really rooting biggest con yet succeed ride along way enjoyable would nice see independent movies like one madebr br ,0 +minor new year resolutions know lot people try make new years resolution high expectations become rich get buff complete im wondering minor goals yall wanna seem plausible least tips people do,0 +march year rejections finally got dream job happier ever everything going well lost members family took week result job acted supportive time think would affect anything less two weeks ago moved city job based cementing new stage lifeand today went office discover passing probation terminating employment immediatelythis came shock mention performance past outside struggling bereavement seems like front supportive people mental health issues reality want deal people themi broken know do worked hard get job pandemic ruined life cannot even get right mental health always finds way fuck every good thing life alone new city joball healing done last couple months bc bereavement disappeared back square one feel like life never good id rather dead cannot take anymore bc disgusting failure lost dream job working hard want live anymore,1 +people talk trash new think without garbage would stuff get hot thats right garbage filter must accept fate,0 +actual convo tinder me eat ass her start hello me hello eat ass,0 +missxmarisa haven t heard from hannah at all yet it s very disappointing,0 +strange unusual sensation in the back of the head – occipital region it started a dizziness vertigo pressure in the head a feeling of movement in the head wave etc the problem gradually worsened and changed from occuring a few time a week to an every day all day duration that s the way it is right now i struggle with the feeling of pressure in the head between the brain and the skull the feeling of an empty head feeling of vacuum or air in the head feeling of fluid in the skull a if the brain is floating and rocking or swimming in fluid on most day i also get really bad burning pain all over my head the pain is located inside of the head it feel like someone is pouring acid or hot lava down my brain facial sinus and on the face there is often a feeling of movement in the head present and i sometimes have blurred vision lot of day i also experience a feeling of poor balance a feeling a if i m going to lose consciousness black spot and floater in the field of vision another really bothering thing is a feeling of electricity in the brain or a feeling similar to static on tv i also feel like i have my brain wrapped in some kind of a biofilm made from air cotton glass wool plus flu like symptom head neck muscle and bone pain feverish like feeling at least 0 day a month way worse before period tia,1 +loves fifth street and sabets ng sabets with nai. http://plurk.com/p/x6j1y,0 +artistbabee but tht s annoying amp definitely not bitchy enough he def broke like everything in me he prolly doesn t even kno oct,0 +among us discord vc anyone wants play among us gc vc let know friend rn need least people ,0 +helloeverything life going crap studying entrance exam something always worked hard going terrible bf years best friend move another town randomly may get fired job boss wanted work full time even though stated interview could part time cus studying exami broke well bills pay sucks typically always self motivated determined person bro really fckn tired everything motivation life even want basic human activities anymore mentally tired nothing seems motivate anymore plus point die anyways cannot cannot sad life falling apart want crawl hole forever,1 +"So when i'm a choir director, show choir is definitely happening ",0 +timei attempted redflag times count ive woken icu many times feel like really right though know think even people around me lonely pain much im going friday worth saving would rather donate organs are try really did first time attempted redflag im time say goodbye asked mom long ago would feel passed away i hint redflag main concern want pay funeral chuck random hole care nobody speak nobody cares ok maybe make lot peoples lives better ,1 +oh forgot aversives therapist openly punitive hostile withholding explicitly order punish teach you linehan gives three sentences towards ant ethical criticism this saying works also uses fun techniques like giving multiple sessions week plus groups mandatory also telephone contact,1 +way many christian films become centered around fear judgment result come across condescending indeliberately cheesy second glance gets right near perfect evangelical tool deals real reason many young people want nothing christianity assures viewers one must give sinnot funto succeed christian lifestyle second glance even works piece filmmaking filmmakers obviously working low budget managed write script dynamic enough divert viewers attention obvious fact film brought lord savior jesus christ thanks christian stations everywhere show it surely impacted people me,0 +@aplusk I so agree I admire anyone who isn't afraid to ask for strength from others & positive connotations. we're all in it together ,0 +@Darth_Wader Errrrr. Explain !? ,0 +feel weak saying this like little child say never heard anyone saying it nightmares fucking nightmares lot people say sleep feel peace lot people fucking disease spend day sleeping feel anythingwell lucky them cannot rest sleep shits drill mind sleep tired one talks nightmares,1 +nikrosser i don t think there is any kind of good stroke i ll wait to hear from you i love that little cat l xxx,0 +really hoping someone might insight me couple years ago f befriended one colleagues m working small company also hemorrhaging cash eventually him older coworkers open space office anyway really got along would lunches text evenings weekends often go pub work,0 +directed michael curtiz four daughters four musically gifted sisters suitors father minor conductorplaying sardonic quick talking mickey borden john garfield role made instant starthe movie also stars claude rains adam lemp lane sisters lola rosemary priscilla gale page spirited daughtersits definitive scene takes place lemps living room cigarette hanging lips borden playing one compositions priscilla lanes ann lemp tells piece beautiful says it stinks continues it got beginning end middle ann urges create beginning end borden replies what for fates me tossed coinheads im poor tails im rich tossed twoheaded coin audiences loved way garfield tough city voice said stinks scene created garfields screen persona eternal outsider four daughters slice americana garfield compelling performance supplying hint darknessbr br ,0 +"It's not just about the scandal! They attack her if she posts on SNS, they attack her if she smiles, they attack her just because she breathes!This is called OPPRESSION!!Oppression should be condamned NOT Bom's right to take care of her depression!!#박봄제발내버려두세요",1 +want kill stress im scared dieim still school school personal life stressing much life stressed depresed mess im still considering redflag feel like nobody cares me feel like one house expect grandma friends say oh youre smart talented dont think anything special me im far behind school grammar punctuation teachers give b mom thinks need d normally cry reason normal always distract things like dont really friends outside school anyway need help much possible ampxb ampxb im sorry jumbled mess,1 +i have an interview tomorrow and i feel like i am dying from how stressed i am right now i already had a panic attack earlier but thankfully i came down from it fast this would be my second job ever and i wa at my first job for three year so i feel like i will be rusty and mess it up and i have to drive a route i am not used to and dont know well which driving is a major trigger for me can i have some word of support or encouragement to get through this please,1 +want dieim prolly gonna kill soon,1 +fucking hypocrisy ok bully gay people ok bully wanting futa fox mommy gf fuck you fuck haters fuck bigots,0 +I'm thinking burgers on the grill tonight. ,0 +my depression & anxiety creeping up on me pic.twitter.com/Uxwjl0wUY2,1 +ator series shining example bmovies be fail every aspect hilarious way funny rather sad ator linvincibile aka the blade master aka cave dwellers shows us europes favorite conan clone ator left first movie showing us lengthy recap events first film time world must saved the nucleus kind bomb represented screen bright light i guess afford prop one features invisible attackers samurai first film lots stock footage used including one rather obvious bit star wars thoroughly laughable unforgettably bad exception bmovie,0 +wife disabled yet get approved disability past months oldest son helping us pay bills get by talking moving out redflag roof house renovation limbo since last year friend helping us stop due family issues got bathroom still bare drywall year son kept promising help it chipped away couple times way behind property taxes fully expect house get seized sometime next yeari think son comprehends much rely right now fair put shit him blame wanting get own bought dream car corvette really getting taste freedom gone more tell thisbut moves out know fact me wife three brothers homeless year especially cannot get disability approvedeven work home jobs proven impossible keep longi know do already hate providing family now going prove downfall goodi life insurance policy got two years pay case suicide hoping would stick around long family set that blame him feeling abandoned,1 +hippydi that s sad,0 +"Hey everyone, @oddmanout75 is looking for some great people to follow and follow him. Since all of you are awesome, you should follow him ",0 +charleneli disqus now integrates conversation on many platform haven t heard abt j kit,0 +i ve had about panic attack in the past hour i took mg of xanax which usually will alleviate some physical symptom i have not had a case where it hasn t yet this time the chest pain is sticking around and i can t seem to get rid of it anyone else have similar issue or any method of relief,1 +i just don t know what to do i m too cowardly to just end my life once and for all but at the same time i just can t fucking take it anymore i don t get why good thing happen to bad people and bad thing happen to good people this world is unfair and bullshit and the people in it are toxic what should i do,1 +to make thing clear no one invalidates me because i avoid every person and talk to no one i invalidate myself for whatever reason it s been made printed in my head to invalidate myself all the time like some sort of fucked competition on who ha it worse i dont know why i do it i know that every person s experience is different no one can experience the same thing a you it your struggle or whatever i know this yet anytime i hear any negative thing someone is dealing with or read something i downplay my struggle and just assume the person is going through worse i just say that i ain t going through shit compared to this person or that person it dumb i dont know why i do it i shouldnt be comparing my struggle to other people yet for whatever reason i do thank you for reading sorry if i made anyone mad or anything,1 +"@kanyewest @Da_Goat21 @Rosie is a true advocate for causes that affect millions-adoption, LGBQT, depression, heart disease, etc and uses her celebrity to educate others. #whathaveyoudonetoday pic.twitter.com/IdUqNr305t",1 +im going redflag next weekend change mindtitle read posts want know whats up,1 +hello all i m getting married in a few month and my anxiety is at an all time high i love my fiance he s kind caring supportive and so much more but i am freaking out about taking a big step i wa married previously and it didn t work out i know this time is different but i can t help but to be nervous about the whole thing i love hom so much and i can t picture my life without him i want it to work any advice on how to deal with anxiety and unpleasant feeling thanks,1 +"@TrustNoOne69 awwwww, you deserve to have this team dedicated to you, cause just simple: You are awesome! ",0 +im going kill next monthi diagnosed schizophrenia depression dyslexia nobody tried help me ive tried fix life get right path see point continuing ever going accomplish im worthless wreak cant even form proper sentence thats worthless am im going smoke cigs ill shoot head ill spend day melbourne ill kill hotel might consider selfish family never cared anyway im posting sympathy want get story there sorry spellinggrammer,1 +help pulling nightbut im little concerned managing sleeping much last night sleep all tired cant sleep wrote note entitled in event death im sitting razor blade know im going anything probably im little concerned super normal actions really seem control actions atm feel horrible need sleep right now someone give step plan right now showered fed drank water really would rather leave house or bedroom texted friends responded bothering family would elicit harm good well past therapists bedtime want calltext hotline talk going on need someone thinking clearly give healthy action plan need think much execute,1 +would rather know friend died redflag would rather think tragic accidenti cant decide let friendsfamily know let think accident,1 +sadi want cry cant tears left want smile lost ability years ago want dream better life im unable so cant even dream im happy know next im litterally holding back tears right now home feel like home anymoremy family feel like family anymore feel unbearable sadness felt anything genuine years one cares one living otherwise gives shit me see fake smiles fake people trying live fake lives pretending care cant anymore give,1 +chester benningtons redflag put edgeevery single person reached left hanging made attempt july since every single person knew turned eventually theyve cut off stopped talking me told welcome home exactly depressed little empathy compassion world people demonstrated indeed truth im getting closer closer heard chester benningtons redflag first thing said damn brave enough follow through heard chesters redflag reached friend said really bad place said id call fifteen minutes friend answer phone pm phone call never returned response text goodbye last friend thought had,1 +majesticflame ouch sound very sucky,0 +little kid thought life fun excitement got older slowly came realization modern life mostly boring mindless rat race majority people spend time working bunch boring shit get by existence conscious about would rather put bullet head hate idea stuck monotonous cycle modern life would rather skip end,1 +got my AP with Blink on the coverr so excited to read it!,0 +vote next server ruler httpsstrawpollcomophkxy pham ui_use_calator vilko upamutaligator sami usamisamisamisamiaaml sean unot_otmels_alt ben uwreckless haden utotalpower yair upookthebannedlegend participate probably end year school lol,0 +happy birthday everyone birthday th november happy birthday everyone birthday th november happy birthday everyone birthday th november,0 +alrighty folk i ve been ready to go for a while but i guess now it feel more right to leave this world no offence but this ha been the most boring nonsense tenure ever and i have no idea how the majority have deluded themselves into staying in a world that is mostly just a turd with sparkle and corn in it then call it the spice of life i am increasingly bored with life nothing is worth the effort or struggle to do what die later that is not appetizing i quite uni i quit therapy i quit med i don t really want to be here anymore but i am constantly held back by my own laziness i just want to sleep all the time to the point that i hope that any merciful god would give me death a a reward for withstanding such a shitty existence i haven t even mentioned what wa wrong with mine the list is short and simple i really dislike the premise of working for everything i dislike working for something and the feeling of accomplishment is a dull tap and i am wondering wtf i just pulled all my teeth out for nothing is really ever worth it i am not remarkable average or even good anything i have is a replaceable a a wasted battery and that is ok nobody relies on me and that is the best place to be for someone who want out i know i don t need any reason to justify wanted to make a grand exit i think it almost abusive to sedate someone into living gaslight their entire experience for extra hand in the population politics cog too many people are waste of space and have absolutely nothing yet still have convinced themselves that life is better than the great void amp x 00b anyway i finally picked my method of exit kawabonga bitch,1 +road perdition summed thomas newmans score haunting beautiful aware music similar newmans work listening soundtrack reminded scent woman meeting joe black shawshank redemption reminded films story unfolds screen sullivans drive round america trying escape psychotic hit man think getaway irish gangsters millers crossing whilst subtext guilt redemption summed coppola leones gangster epics despite seen feel taken heavy criticism sam mendes film repeat haunting beautiful flaws work slow opening twenty minutes slightly confused events caused michael sullivan betrayed stop consider much sentimental mess spielberg might made story revolves around father twelve year old son running lives cant help thinking superb director mendes br br road perdition film entire cast give flawless performances ive never keen tom hanks hes every bit good starring role probably better paul newman plays character irish accent point believe watching american screen legend putting false accent newmans performance works due subtle body language character torn guilt newman never milks goes top never upstaging newman gives best performance movie two brit supporting actors craig law also memorable american gangsters law still long career leading actor one wonders daniel craig might progressed character actor decided become james bond role heralds end actors career,0 +danielledeleasa http twitpic com y pe i hate b allergic i want a puppy soo bad that i ve already thought some cool name,0 +im afraid ill spend rest collegewishing graduate graduate ill miss college im miserable college ive heard job even worse friends go separate ways free time gets eaten up etc,1 +those are longest symptom along with nausea fatigue dizziness overwhelming feeling,1 +@FlorenceKincaid he was...he said it.look on aftermath's site... ,0 +i m an adult but i want to escape my family completely i don t know where to start i ve told my therapist that i hate my family and stuff he replied with well they are really wealthy maybe you should continue being provided since you have your need to be met with i highly believe he s saying because of my mental issue i m diagnosed with ptsd ed psychosis mdd major clinical depressive disorder satiety etc but i don t think it s that serious because i can stabilize myself i have okay coping mechanism it feel like my therapist doesn t think i can stand on my foot by myself without my family i live with my family but i bought a house with their money and my money from work yes i did tell my family i wanted to leave but they said okay but first give u our 00 thousand back they helped me buy a house and now because of a fight they want me to stay home and own up to my mistake ridiculous thing is that they offered to pay and said i didn t need to pay them back now they re blackmailing me i told them i would because i have good bank i m a banker for a reason they then said something like you have no right to be saying that a banker is nothing respected blah blah blah they went on about how i should ve continued the line in our family of becoming engineer or surgeon the hardest part isn t even dealing their expectation of me it s the fact some of my family member especially my older brother and mom are narcissist some of you are probably thinking well why don t you just move into your home and ignore them if i move into my home they said they will have the higher ups of my job fire me i don t know what my parent want from me i m just stressed and going crazy because of their existence i know i can legally cut my parent off but don t know where to start do i have to make a call first anyone have info i d greatly appreciate it i ve dealt with my parent from teen year to now but i ve had enough of it i thought i d be free from their grasp once i become an adult but i m still stuck and i hate myself for having mental issue it s bothersome,1 +guys really know serious theres girl idk look like me im really falling talk snap thing is ive delivered like hours last active minutes ago rare occurrence keep trying give her,0 +rooftopim rooftop right taking cat walk always like place mostly lonely calm see city around im really sad right now like imagine jumping splatting ground again shooting here ive even chosen spot want sit shoot myself like fantasize moment people going find me loud going be much going hurt probably brain ground come everyday take cat walk like imagine silence fantasize world without people suddenly everyone disappeared earth come every night see stars moon shadow like imagine ghost afterlife sometimes specially bad days climb fence think cat going take it one going take care im gone die hunger go back wish could talk anyone tire people understandable cannot expect anyone put shit problems wish anybody either sometimes go online listeners sometimes cant freely talk freely think either call cops ban certain way speech sites wish kind robot ai talk feel like im burden everyday even one says see getting tired everyday talk not im like scratch record like many people least talk hear even one reads feel like im getting little bit,1 +@HRFortmann "One of my fav photographers..." Wow! Vielen Dank!! ,0 +"Mom's depression tied to kids' emotional, intellectual development http://dlvr.it/QQmx4T  pic.twitter.com/1PpT01a1ig",1 +lost friend tried folloemy best friend took life close mean know long kids considered theyre best friend miss him blamed long time lot reasons drunks like hardcore year passed tried take life tough ive learned grown sit still missing years later ive got kids loving wife stop guilt years later sit fire miss most ive gotta remember wisdom struggles sit still doubting worth,1 +im worth it im truly notim worth air breathe hate am hate ive become hate person see mirror ive become empty lifeless shell leech happiness everything ive ruined life apathy laziness walked depressing worthless life filled woe me cant stand anymore used think wanted get better think anymore think wanted finally give up ive ruined every relationship friendship ever had even mother despises me regrets me im jobless transportation besides bike degree weather stuck home filled conflict negativity thats fault im reason conflict ive become nothing piece shit im selfish cant even right deserve help want victim im one myself ive known day coming long long time now want hurt anyone else simply existing hurt more least make end birthday coming maybe thats significant maybe time finally close door even know im here im sorry world truly better without me,1 + nights saga story heart crushed friend mine told post story here so sorry spelling mistakes im brazil ok everyone m going talk story v v f classmate since start developed crush her big coward nothing guess what started crush best friend received role bff accepted it better nothing me time goes best friend hates previous fights stuff continued like him still friendzone ended finally giving crush anymore knew time going come time flies beginning stll kissed one ever went party friends end this need open parathensis talk cousin p m cousin practically brother me p total opposite me popular ladies athletic one day talking v school suddenly asks kiss cousin responded to would pissed asks why cant tell school like her get me right say cousin accepts clear going mad it respects bff parathensis over lets talk first night night went kind night club friends score chicks night goes on kiss girls king night lol really happy talking friend mine suddenly says yo look v p corner turn around are kissing a lot see this turn around go straight bathroom sad dissapointed them values friendship much would something hurt me p he kind knew liked her would also something hurt me lost thoughts bathroom friend called come back party go back v comes straight asking mad say yes apologizes asks mad confess crush justify angriness said was tell me remember made really clear would get mad hooked up p parents told cant fight family girls really angry him dissapointed really first night over hope still shot her second night time kind street party carnival brazil got dangerous robberies group split up guys one shopping including cousin p girls one eating suddenly v calls me party completely wasted even stand normally calls says hey really need please come need you think myself well then time come tells everyone going gather hall building talk tell come go together house says ok arrives proceeds to grab p tries forcingly kiss him p remembers want happen turns head away avoiding kiss immediately like wtf still continue go building arriving there p sits bench v comes tries forcefully kiss again p leans head way back avoid that confused really pissed tell p get getting fuck outta there get home v calls me tell fuck off want talk her insists accept call starts talk drunk want again fool go soft forgive her third final night night chaos p went birthday party friend ours v there course got there kind drunk already get pissed v drunk really annoying party goes on circle talking friend mine whose name f side v comes says f oh p funny everyone chocked look her look obviously ignore clearly drunk night goes on ride coming now p side v proceeds say exact words oh p really need kiss right lets go please p hesistant still gets carried hand watch go dark corner completely devastated stomach starts hurt get dizzy friends even vs best friend started say nice things me worst part full minutes get corner p gets car me complete akward silence way home friday next monday v comes apologizing acnoledges mistake all then gives ultimatum tired situation let pass let kiss p try forget orr talk anymore forget feelings her course go second option stand watching together go away her quaratine came still forgot her six months text see forgot her tell no hard apologizes fellas indeed hitting girls truly unforgettable friends mine tell stop little bitch forget already move on people understand side considering calling ending previous deal guys think whole story,0 +im glad rpattz fans are digging out more info... i was a lil worried that i woudnt get my daily dose of Rob! ,0 +hardexpensive live ur started literally everyone know desk bedroom like basic teenager thing dont one also share bedroom two siblings worst part im even poor mom money buy rent better andor bigger house happier comfortable give fuck guess point wanna live really hard that mom wants move another state another country next year year really want wanna go university id stay city live smallest apartment could afford really hard that im afraid id move able it guess could get job kindergarten worked one ny last year would enough also maybe mom lend money im one buy stupid stuff already computer phone clothes bed netflix cook im vegan expensive also university free yeah idk u think olderwiser teenagers sorry readable im aware,0 +feel like belong morejust going threw much right expected strong im edge know family friends listen get wanna feel like anymore wanna wake sleep want life back,1 +@velofille I hit 140 characters. Was supposed to end with soon ,0 +oslinam lwala la depression hawu,1 +#2 son came home from college "you definitely are graduating in June...right?"..."yes MOM" ,0 +@DanielaMarchesi please do... only have about 10 so far ,0 +"omg, that is soo so cute http://www.heatworld.com/Article/10530",0 +meteor showertheres going meteor shower soon midnight january rd dream im going one meteors want remembered someone sees meteor fly shower,1 +brother killed thingthis short version story older brother one always depressed even tried kill self stopped parents happened years ago i ive recently turned one month later somehow got fathers gun shotgun shot self head rushed room saw exploded head since ive never said word im able speak anymore im mute trauma called selective mutism want look up extremely depressed everytime close eyes see image dead brother head blown off multiple panic attacks everyday dont want talk friends familyby talk mean communicate literally talk cant anymore im sitting knife next me dont know it please help,1 +im killing tonight hairlossim im balding hard gf starting notice it im sure gonna leave guy hair love life theres still hope cure im leaving,1 +"Just noticed that my company doesn't have a twitter page. Tempted to register it, then pull a joke on my boss. <snicker />",0 +me i feel exhausted depressed time cant even tidy room maintain hygiene properly mother well maybe stopped slob feel depressedthats it rant somewhere figured friends getting tired crap acknowledge way get better start looking yourself depression makes hard people suffering simply understand problem mother often impression raised slob family members often blame lack parenting messiness false choose way enjoy way all,1 +@gerdaduring i was talking about the dishwasher ))),0 +need link youtube please parents blocked search browser guys get link youtube get anywhere need please thank,0 +attack guys reddit officially attack chinese hackers subreddits like rfood rspace rfreefolk converted trump advertisements lot chinese believe hackers soon come rteenagers even rmemes u check subreddits see happened them,0 +ruined marriagei never wanted exist much life pretty bad anxiety suicidal thoughts before thats always background noise mostly anxiety started getting involved someone have innocent as always fkin is married year old pregnant wife text told knows everything whole community going find know deal it meant face like oh yeah btw guys im literally shittest homewrecking cunt planet whats good aware selfish redflag trying excuse actions anything like that need help need clarity humans shit,1 +I am now Vice President of Social and Cultural Affairs at Southwestern College ,0 +@CoffeeDaze your in luck its the weekend no construction ,0 +im living keep dad alivei hospitalized weeks ago suicidal ideation dad told killed myself hed kill too never liked dad much since pretty toxic im living moral obligation keep alive told methods hed use everything hospital life sitting shoulders dont wanna live keep someone else alive wanna live im finally happy theres hole chest hurts everyday im never getting bed suicidal ideation back mind everyday dont think im ever gonna happy im stuck here im tired,1 +ate sushi im bored bro omg,0 +kill myselfi want talk why want know how im like r spent excuses buy medicines want something without pain something listening music smoking,1 +ngl im super straight one im gonna make new sexuality dont believe stuff appreciate theyre trying say,0 +yall ever wanna go back kid birthday days grandpa shows early birthday present nice card cash baby pictures me opened talked couple minutes left opened saw pictures first reaction cry feeling miss kid anyone one else get feeling me,0 +overall thought nice movie hate use word nice rather dry beautiful look central performances rupert friend emily blunt strong liked despite gleaming aesthetics costumes settings gilded shiny aspect never took heart film good strong writing thank julian fellowes d nothing flamboyant saturated pomp ie sensationalised greatly when victoria dragged bed informed queen well get less glamorous hand crown paced gently every line film held worthbr br undoubtedly portrayal love victoria albert though somewhat fairytaleish face it fact slow burning candle friend blunt well show effortlessly two people fitted together despite union initially arranged my fave bit come home hunting victoria simply hugs new husband behind much said without words thats film about blunt held beautifully well face demands attention cant mention costumes wears every one simply gorgeous blunt would trouble parting them rest ensemble cast played roles well harriet walter queen adelaide highlightbr br the qualm have lacked sense urgency event could made movie little exciting it rather tame know wanted something happen would victoria draw strength prove worth little more albert argued loved it could done pivotal dramatic moments though may mebr br lastly risk sounding patriotic renew sort pride awe crown takes position especially one young may part fact films snap shot victorias young life immediately apt writing one character mine the sword scion nevertheless flag feelings for following book guess character victoria aptly reflects might part film displaying ridiculous government back times seem give two hoots poor dispossessed nation turns renews appreciation queen victoria prince albert active domestic domain made government appear rather useless nothing much changed supposebr br blog films books httpsempergratisblogspotcom,0 +wheelof chemicals ampxb morals ampxb maybe perspective ampxb selfreflection ampxb coping ampxb hands melting water ampxb putting hands water ampxb sharp pain then less body ampxb wrong ampxb feels like nothing ampxb copies smarter ampxb copies exist ampxb better ampxb things ampxb putting nail scissors next pillow ampxb like hands water ampxb fluids melt ampxb though ampxb yet feels ampxb it ampxb empty brain tatsy death ampxb good morning ampxb,1 +twisted ancle today jumping posts do condo evacuated due fire parking garage kept jumping non stop somewhere like fifty posts started get tired leg got hit toppled over brother pretending personal trainer thankfully managed carry way back condo issue done with bo ive lying bed hours,0 +some of y'all really forgetting that depression is an actual chemical imbalance and not just a feeling huh,1 +"Right, need to potter off and do some chores and tings. Everybody relax and don't let the bastards wind you up. S'later! xx",0 +anyone wanna talkm im probably too pm lets bored together,0 +@theroser yeah ,0 +want die im scared paini failed test gpa dropping cant focus anymore see point want around family feel like nothing them started cutting even worse before want feel like worthy least good something point feel like im wasting others time im stressing out want die thing im probably going hit date daysim sorry know ill make past new years,1 +glad saw film seen directors films past thought production values great like costumes settings bridge interesting see concept spirit demons handledbr br i agree comments fight scenes hard follow timesbr br ultimately moral tale would interesting know japanese viewers thought film film would like see againbr br some scenes like ones benkai prince fighting psychic level well donebr br i come cinema thinking happened here intense,0 +guess im listening guys guess guess guess,0 +would destroy family committed redflag feel cant go on basically living them eating disorder depression psychosis failure socially awkward ugh loving family alone need life purpose well dont like anything im messed up lonely negative lost everyday get bed parents dont worry getting harder harder fake it,1 +schools reopening th march uk let know average daily covid cases ,0 +talking bout depression girl i just got off the pill,1 +friend said going committhey told certain date im going try convince dont succeed call crisis centres work im toronto im also scared call police never speak again anonymous ways it,1 +@jammymusician ok well i will be waiting ,0 +maybe done nothingim sure smart constantly finding reasons kill reasons live im good anything anymore struggle explain feel im struggling with maybe nothing wrong cant afford get hour someone actually help figure every week dropped high school seemingly reason periods heavy fell asleep every class weird awkward friends one ever tapped asked wrong left started leaving lunch stayed home slept tried going back following year first week back ended admitted every medication made even sleepy seemingly wasnt anything wrong friendly truth time able talk someone telling shut up maybe obligation psych unit worked me feelings invalidated dont even feel like im treated like human hurt easily smallest things easier want end even inconvient others threaten anyways first time real im clueless genuinly clueless know nothing brain damn fog ever think beyond weeks im type person appears make progress falling forwards wanted text someone tell im struggling one dont want right now ive proven need supervised im alone waited let pass im still sleep deprived currently mean is know need to dont knowlege do solve bleeding problem im tired time seek medical help bipolar never manic episode ever would ride shit president america end day borderline align still get information is really help understand well best way describe feel currently hollowed im guess im incredibly uncomfortable mostly im lactose intolerant also self sabotaged myself tried hours ago idk im minimizing everything job interview hour change life even getting self chance lot blind ive been hate obigation im suposed family helped single dollar expect give money ever find nothing need shower wake little brain right im sorry rational,1 +serious attempt show developing sexuality two schoolgirls try exploit fact even todays standards film interesting provocative br br therese isabelle attending girls school therese energetic intelligent becomes mentor innocent naive sweet isabelle guides number exotic experiences including trip exclusive brothel first lesbian liaison indirectly first heterosexual experience br br the film exploit sex abundance nudity imagery effective sometimes camera lingers long story goes slowly br br the director radley metzger went make number explicit erotic films name henry paris always extremely detailed stories good acting high standards cinematographybr br artistically however perhaps complete later attempts supplied entertainment whereas therese isabelle study nature youthful eroticism,0 +m no underlying physical health issue known i started taking 0mg propranolol a few week ago missing some day and on others taking tablet when needed they have deffo helped relieve that horrible fight or flight feeling however two side effect i can t stop thinking about which don t seem to be mentioned in the leaflet are the odd heart palpitation and possibly a bit of a cough these typically occur hour after taking the tablet sometimes i don t experience these symptom on others they re quite noticeable i do feel really calm and relaxed after taking them and don t want benzo s ssri but when i experience the heart palpitation i freak out also the cough is kind of worrying too it could be a coincidence i did have covid month ago google of course mention load of other possibility which is nerving anyone else been in a similar boat i thought beta blocker were meant to prevent heart palpitation,1 +girlfriend tried commit redflaga little background girlfriendaby varying degrees depression kinda understand going throughbut worse little kid abused parents wasnt sexually abused hit father drunk mother left him went similar path drunkher mother nice lady whenever could come drunk mind mom happy drunk completely unable take care is mom got boyfriend sobered up aby wanted move me ive standard job months nowmy girlfriend etsy account pretty successful it usually come home beat admit havent showed much affection dont snap her get mad thative really tired whenever tries get bed tell im tired day came home crying asked wrong said afraid didnt love felt worthless told loved explained im simply tired kept repeating love promise show affection stopped crying hung rest night next daytoday come times usual open door see crying eyes sitting bed drop bag asked whats wrong guess didnt hear come got really startled jumped up got up noticed revolver kept nightstandi asked said gt abystay back please stay back gtme whats going on aby please whats wrong gtaby im done cant keep going like this want end gtme aby listen me talk this put gun down everything going alright gtaby im sorry hope one day find heart forgive me saw slowly raising gun sprinted across room swatted hand held collapsed floor dug head chest started cry keeping repeat im sorry tried calm caressing hair saying dont worry everything going ok things like that laid hour decided go bed laughed pasted memories telling jokes fell asleep im asking advicei love herbut heart broken know almost lost herwhat do im really shaken idea do,1 +it s been month know i have been having thing on and off pain fatigue dizziness anxiety nauseous headache pressure and stuffy nose random pain in different area of the body i don t know what to do,1 +karenucol ah i bet it doe i ve been like craving to play softball or basketball but i have noo time,0 +hate fucking bullshitwhy fuck forced become slave society didnt even ask born first place shit pisses much burdens placed choice addresshunger thirst discomfort pain etc forced upon im expected go along else suffer body tortures meeting demands fuck shit find working jobwhich something people forced dounbearable agonizing waste time im forced either deal shit decades come go horrible painful process killing myself mean wtf that im fucking trapped hurts knowing society brought world doesnt give fuck go always going serving system else youre seen trash im fucking done want escape prison badly,1 +@TribeTwelve Yea...I've got depression and anxiety,1 +cycle overit seems like things repeat life get really good get yanked away yanked away completely twisted perverted whatever beautiful thing used be gone whatever taken too tips scales far away anything positive life bad ugly simply weigh much time pursue options,1 +tw suicide self harmampxbampxbampxbampxbhi really need help friend recently making lot jokes suicide today confirmed plan means carry out friend self harms currently week clean often says knows last parents emotionally manipulative neglectful according her aware cutting nothing it seen therapists before claims made things worse us years old seem want help said one day might wake gone issues suicidal thoughts triggering hear suicidal thoughts struggled past cannot talk like want to said text screenshots told me know really afraid please help me friend actively suicidal,1 +symathy postim single live country town men supposed work physical jobs due back injuries im stranded unable pay bills eat im leaving redflag till new year dont hurt mum christmas mind made up im one losers constant shit luck every year im sinking even further enough sob story really want ask mg lyrica tabs mg baclofen tabs want know much need take dont want end coma need complete brain death organ failure anyone tell much need take end properly also little left field attractive wild women would willing spend crazy dirty weekend finish life ask loneliness also curse would love enjoy company woman feel like real man again go smile know sounds fucked up anyone willing help this would incredibaly grateful last horah would willing trade photos show fat old ugly,1 +life could get better really liked girl class liked back friends since middle school talking guys stuff still showed affection boom days ago comes tells nonbinary giving words inspiration still shows affection telling wants tall boy big pp deep voice one things big pp inch fuck do want date do,0 +cant learn shit online online classes suck cant focus phone cant learn anything nobodys focusing class learning slower im tired stared h screen get lot homework cant much short period time fuck this,0 +care anymore careim going good life care used dreams give shit anymore everything boring never excel anything care family benefit death feel would better offer right now im depressed know else go even know im posting one last attempt reaching out probably matter guess least archive last attempts continuing think,1 +spring break is here at last but no one is here to celebrate,0 +finally bought ropeevery time finally grew pair id finally hang myself extra step going walmart getting rope first usually extra step generated enough time someone would stop me someone would show care enough stop me last night happen reach sack again skip step hopefully ill die anyone tries stop me,1 +want mental help cant afford point want help someone something cant receive im poor parents part problem cant get help them,0 +fuck toxic positivity you have every right to feel angry pissed depressed frustrated sad numb tired exhausted if your life s shit no even if your life isn t shit it s fucking okay,1 +received weirdest package school social worker mailed package for school group im in aa batteries battery pack plastic tube metal wire card event details candy apparently materials neon lights,0 +got released hospital overdosingi took pills dad left work everything arriving hospital pretty much blur im fucking disappointed angry didnt work im useless cant even kill properly,1 +want get guy like troy bolton literally troy bolton perfect guy want someone like want much ask,0 +for the past month i ve been struggling with crippling anxiety that s manifested into some terrifying physical symptom and panic attack i ve gone to the er three time due to panic attack causing me to believe that i wa having a heart attack or pulmonary embolism my head gi system and cardiovascular system have been really angry with me a of late i ve had zero motivation for anything however today i managed to clean my kitchen living room and bedroom i ve vacuumed dusted did the dish did the laundry put away thing and am going to clean my bathroom considering my health anxiety s made me believe i can t do any amount of work without dying i think this is a success i just needed to celebrate that fyi i started 0mg prozac almost three week ago and i believe a lot of my symptom are my body adjusting to that i start therapy a week and a half from now and i have a med check the following day,1 +I wanna go swimming with you again. ,0 +"@mp3mad Lol, One of my personal faves myself ",0 +hi hello idk why am i writing this i just need to vent out ok i can t type properly my eye are flooding with tear rn i m so fucked up right now idk what to do amp x 00b no one got my back for fuck sake this is so messed up i wan na kill myself so bad i feel like i ve done everything that i want if somehow i die my biggest regret would probably be disappointing my mom amp x 00b amp x 00b on a second thought i don t really wan na die i m just confused what is the life i wan na know my purpose being 9 year old and having nothing accomplished make me feel shit constantly lying about stuff making sin day after day am i born to sin amp x 00b amp x 00b i really felt lonely and thought that no one really cared about my existence i saw my friend enjoying and posting their happy moment i really felt cornered i spent another few day in my room then the other day i just went out for a walk amp x 00b i don t want this anymore my coping mechanism is smoke some cigarette i don t want to be addicted i m thinking about praying to god but i don t wan na pray for someone whom i don t believe to exist i m starting to think what if someone just made up god idk someone made up god for people who don t have someone to talk to,1 +dang bro really want snack rn wall keeps looking like want something like want bruh already gave tattoo years ago,0 +im lonely miss her wanna talk someone dunno howa year ago took job could easily gotten wanted february wanted get city since knew gonna get laid nothing there recently broken girlfriend swore would stay single got settled new job physically training big getting shape buddies girlfriend called told throwing surprise birthday party him wanna go wanted go swim friend years even though wanna go went anyway saw girl magnificent way outta league high school always called fat ugly think chance girl beautiful scheduled leave september march figured try it told pal set us triple date hit off wanted make sure wasnt gonna play her made little challenges idk them seemed worth it feeling made set christmas tree one challenges told much tree looked like crap laughed whole time still thought beautiful finished tree sat next her talked about hours night started dating one day told job leave it however family still city id back wasnt leaving september wanted stay would told perfectly fine it week later broke me cried phone broke me next time saw acted like still together called job asked could leave soon possible wanna home anymore moved june getting ready leave told cried more left going back relationship september rolled around ignored asked still alive proceded tell met someone else broke heart girl wanted with girl offered give job for cheated me picked smoking time sitting smoking december friends got text message her really long message loved me ever wanna hurt me stuff bought called her never slept together whole time want things get complicated never pushed it girl meant with id it work one time outside smoking where work overlooks ocean one cooks came realized thinking looked said are gonna it thinkin it many people would sad though hurt anyone like that cant it you know anyone felt gone well dont wanna see mom id going couldnt handle goin away forever cant bring jumping recently started talking find last week one night stand guy took virginity never knew virgin forgot tell part started dating year months months together guy important ever was hes fucked shes coming back me cant listen songs reminds see pictures anything brings seeing face wants friend cant it much planned future im tell everyday your kid things get better cant even drink yet meet people get older family really wanna do im good hours til start missing family friends her wanna go home cant im neck debt caused stupidity im young hang friends work im lonely im gonna hurt myself like said couldnt bring it dont wanna keep waking depressed every morning wish life simple wanna wake years later took test says im pretty damn depressed know need go see shrink realize im depressed dont need someone tell me hide good enough front everyone else think im always happy always say idk always damn hyper always great mood reason really inside im torn up although people know low self confidence level dont trust anyone hard believe anyone believe kids high school said ugly know im fat anymore though alot people say im not im cute cant build courage meet new people dont even know going that guys tips advice please help me,1 +browsing posters room came across poster size reasons brain translated dicks dicks shits still funny lmfao,0 +really want take clonopinim sure exactly whats going brain right feel awful went walk couldnt stop thinking walking onto freeway think need get shit chest girl love dating someone else every time hear name like new dagger gut keep looking mirror trying figure doesnt want anymore acne break out new haircut enough cant okay me keep trying everyone wants expects doesnt work hate contributing member society want anarchist poet morocco shooting heroin fucking prostitutes life pretty shit goals people expect reach sort percepted potential theyve set feel need want know im broken im bent need straightening whether thats close brush death maybe need go skydiving something get thoughts head,1 +feel like ive never purposeno matter bad things get miserable am cant seem force get find job see job leads anything quitting cant handle it im qualified good enough anything im actually interested able sustain i make art enough it car money one degree im already much debt first time tried im afraid go back fail again im scatted brained im weak live disability even energy apply it feel like answers job prospects im incompetent everything feels like doors closed ever even got live life supposed make money everything make money from cant do go living theres hope anything get better,1 +Lifestyle factors and the course of depression in older adults: A NESDO study: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/gps.4889?af=R … via 360 medics,1 +would happen killed myself would gowhat happens redflag go end up selfish kill yourself,1 +exit act redflag reform hi name adam im founder exit act exitactorghttpsexitactorg redflag reform initiative legislate open euthanasia services acute chronic intents justifications im year old human relations specialist social neglect chemistry interaction gray area matters impetus assimilation empathetic explicate advisory purposes find development unfortunate necessity ask please share sentiments contribute helpful information appropriate forums service legislative use impacted redflag support mission establish humane administration suicidal persons consider making financial contribution crowdfundhttpsexitactorgcrowdfunding support efforts help unable cover burial costs wake redflag events referencing highly instrumental know someone impacted redflag would also interest contributing mission february national freedom day lead open meeting public expressions opinions topic open euthanasia legislations front white house washington dc usa est pm pst ensuing campaign proposals legislation commence thereafter stress sentiments contributing forum members information provided instruments amp provisions forum used devise legal documents thank you sincerely interest exit act ampxb kind regards adam,1 +dying roomfor last years ive motivation m suffer lot physical things most undiagnosed know family history feel them motivation change life throughout years ive opportunities change life never motivation go them end either lack fear lack support network etc stopped me im supposed prime life nothing show it due person search socialization would encounter people would hate even though hate weird inferiority complex niche interests people would encounter people know sure think less of dont know word properly people cant stand due person get better thats settle unfortunately ive thinking killing years now maybe ive state mind method redflag still process would like get gun go way things reality might hang belt process getting better know life really get better wouldve now think fate im fated end way would like things way go bang might die room,1 +new podcast alert surreyscorchers guard cayraf9 join the mvp cast to reveal his retirement plan and how he dealt with depression by learning to speak up http t co s t9b dvs,1 +struggling life need someone talk tobeen struggling depression years far mom always yelling im bad school lot people better think waste time useless brat like me cant even get straight as everyone else know does good stuff hightech phones fast computer potato computer mom took away privileges need someone talk online cant limits mom always wanted change study hard keep trying work me im losing trust within real life peers seems theyve betrayed cant feel im feeling suck everything thing im good games impress mom anyone one else im running options im getting point might end misery kill myself,1 +time crush next elementary class pretty edge help greeted hello smile ended red tomato,0 +@NJENSEN08 mmmmm no. i think i told you about Chase Coy haha. he's also great listen to him too aha.,0 +my best friend and i recently started hooking up and last night when we got back extremely drunk from a club i twice attempted to make a move on her which made her really uncomfortable i didn t remember the event and she told me this morning my friendship is ruined and i don t know what to do now i would never intentionally make her feel uncomfortable and i hate myself for what happened i don t want or think i can get any redemption and i want to end it,1 +express concerns friends darksuicidal thoughtsive posted friend mine before nowdeleted post issue come again tldr friend play dungeons dragons together admitted hes felt suicidal ever since child feels cant go due religious beliefs recently friend started playing new character dampd character dark suicidal and though felt like playing character point absurdity ie dark looped around became funny again knowing background several comments worried example character begged ingame god death oblivion expressed conversation happiness impossible something player expressed primary character motivation seemed complete quest could kill peace clear roleplaying fictional character one dealt issues thus im sure much behavior player speaking character drawing players experiences and necessarily actual inthemoment feelings however still found comments rather spooky especially things like characters expressed desire guiltfree death followed nothingnesswhich felt like rather literal wish fulfillment given hes told previously dungeon master character would spin attitude character development hey look heres longlost girlfriend knows really feel way brokenhearted acting out help find meaning again knowing the players background though feel like approach would best come tonedeaf and worst outright offensive i addi managed convince character stick around serve death gods churchthough caveat character still gets get life free card desired ideal tried nudge the character direction admitting life might better finds meaning it rather moping fact hes still breathing much ideas talk concerns ive never done before im afraid straightup cornering saying im scared dude might alienate make think ive judging himespecially protests playing along really feel way particular ideas saywhat offer terms help,1 +lron jaii lmaooo mornin baybeeee don t lie a peaceful journey my train is straight boring not even a hooded teef in sight,0 +reaction memes question ah negotiator reaction meme yay nay also spark little convo yall whats favourite reaction memes cheers,0 +know whats wild one day fucker like i balls got integration shit shits crazy,0 +know sadness hello all talk u want mad bored heart horny fillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfiller,0 +this week hasn t been any short of just sad i sprained my ankle on sunday and have been using crutch because of it i m on my college campus so getting to class ha been super difficult my ex and i went no contact on sunday and i ve just been cry over that so much because i still am very much in love with them and miss them so much over the past couple of week i ve been rejected from at least 0 job i wa waiting to hear back from this summer internship position yesterday i put my heart and soul into the application other people have received their acceptance email around 0pm last night but i have yet to hear anything and because they said they d reach out to u yesterday if we got accepted i can just assume that i didn t get the position that just feel like the straw that broke the camel back there hasn t been an hour within the past couple day where i haven t cried i just feel so hopeless and so alone i feel myself slipping back into depression and it suck so much i just don t feel like there s anything i can do atp,1 +boyss eeeyyyy crush confessed me tommorow were going go walk,0 +islandnene well you didnt even consult me to see what my plan were maybe they changed and they did so thanks,0 +damned tryingive wanted bad long im good im barred every profession ive wanted im bipolar im stuck half degree way afford finishing it minimum wage jobs require psych evals im poor mentally ill alone means every bit related legislature us bent me tried get medicare denied kids apparently makes worth saving im becoming inclined agree obama care still expensive free program area mental health closed case warning reason im left sell body parts afford fucking healthcare hey could donate enough plasma afford least maintenance healthcare need god damn doctors note say im stable enough donate guess cant get god fucking damn doctor im wits end im done bpdnos wins im taking life husband goes work im clearly worth trouble taxpayer money keep alive ill nip gets worse,1 +anyone wanna talk im super bored rn dont anything do feel free dm,0 +currently wishing i could have more of the treacle sponge and custard that louise made me last night while watching order of the phoenix,0 +really dont know this im wondering im even able get fear traumatic experience compounded kid ive experiencing long feels like second nature lkkely ingrained therapy wont much good need help anyone offer some feel free,1 +WHAT WE DO: Encourage individuals to discuss emotions and past experiences #MentalHealth #ADHD #Stress #Depression #PTSD #SelfEsteem #FamilyConflicts #Counseling #BiPolar #Therapy #ReTweet #FollowUs #Decatur #Atlanta #Georgia,1 +i don t feel so hot,0 +whats point life im tired livingi wish could wake one day want die life hard day day im surviving im living cant live land cant get job even got one need spend hours something like everyone around progressing theyve got careers nice families ive got nothing usually people get least one lucky get both ive got neither ive got nothing whats point live,1 +numbanyone else feels really numb feel like youre going motions every single fucking day,1 +again thank you thank you thank you getting a gift during a really hard time cheer me up so much i told my friend my depression ha been cured i am so happy i have no word to even say jsdkaal i ll try my best and work really hard,1 +people treat mental illness like fashion statement people arent saying shit it look average middle class girls instagram tiktok bio youll probably find assortment self diagnosed mental illnesses call call disgusting it tolerated people self diagnose conditions look cool,0 +"@sooejay ah it's been lashing down here, really heavy, bit cold too.. enjoy your crop ",0 +bro friend pranked friend dying basically theres friends like offline months like said oh friend died everyones like rip username im thinking sort joke im like wait username died one like yeah bro died cancer n stuff friend like they died u didnt find out cap cap cap im blaming like i got proof say what proof show me send ss fake ass cnn article girl dying cancer like get pranked xd xd xd xdxd fucking hate now blocked rn aint gonna hear long ass time tbh,0 +important question say years twenty twentyone two thousand twentyone,0 +much cost stay hospitali live ny idea familys insurance would cover feeling increasingly suicidal thinking telling therapist this might choose stay hospital days least ideas much might cost,1 +usa turing s germany people burning bibles people always talk crap christians back germany people started killing jews honestly whats next us blm protesters terrorizing usa im ending police brutality equality going way far needs end this christians republicans christians homophobic racist white pls stop hating christians sadly bad christians use god excuse hate people hurting religion good people,0 +dark butterfly not just you i thought he looked paler too probably from drama filming jun look healthier than ever though,0 +@jonasbrothers http://twitpic.com/6q1om - i love your music! thanks jonas brothers ,0 +"@sweetacres Ross, do you make or buy the pizza base? I've been looking for bases but they all suck. Might need to learn to make my own. ",0 +me and maddeh are so in sync that both of our stummics hurt right now,0 +make longest comment thread sub pls make long comment thread see messages inbox,0 +bi bottoms powerful entities universe light skin n word pass extra attack damage,0 +used happyi know happened fuck bad feel like nothing matters want kill anything full bottle potassium supplements could take right havent make weak make cowardly cut barely ever go deeper skin layer mean im wimp mean pain real reason ive made far many people would blame themselves fault mine everything fault want parents find body need someone hold tell things better gone care may kill tonight know much longer ill last,1 +new hampshire friends hey guys got airbnb alton nh months since college online im freshman got people hmu around area would chill,0 +dont know cant go iti live miserable life fat ugly pig one wants around with bad temper none family members like me dont really see future myself going college honestly interest school question cant really kill myself tried many times before using different methods get point always chicken outas anything better do please help finally get courage end all,1 +@Jonasbrothers ir for ir yesterday!!!! btw. Love the new album!!!!!!! ,0 +really feels like hace gotten test got depression test higher acore friends babyy,0 +this person know everything that s going on in my life i ve been trying not to drink much recently been a couple month now i went from downing a pack a night to nothing i quit nicotine at the same time i m in so much mental and physical pain it s unbearable i told her i want to drink i can t take life anymore she told me i can t i made a joke i said i should get a pas because i want to die idk why that s funny i find it hilarious if those are really the only two option maybe i should just go back to drinking every night i can either be numb or dead both sound real nice right about now i hope she s not on reddit that would be awkward,1 +know bits pieces gullivers travels tiny people yeah sure liliputians giants too us may recall might remember word yahoo comes here thats stops peoplebr br swifts book omnipresent school libraries thats first read it theres lot people read last time treacherously lightly written like many old adventure books children read it still dripping satire black uncompromising thats something think screen writers forget adapt moviebr br this movie remembers however hero ted danson gives credible serious performance worldadjusted man whos thrown mysterious countries like own gullivers travels criticizes everything theists scientists government commonfolk ethnicity humanity itself spared satire fresh todaybr br while faithful story movie also dares adding new angles work well screen writer deserves credit managing balance well time activityits boring isbr br production values way beyond tv movie marketing movie would done well box office fantastic worlds gulliver visits wellmade explained detail often funny much like swifts bookbr br actors pros since british production mary steenburgen stands out along james foxs dr bates chillingly cruel doctor who much like nurse ratched wants patients bestbr br so modest proposal ever get chance get movie so real treat,0 +book life martin donovan plays jesus shows jfk airport december usher new millennium battling thomas jay ryan satan deciding fate world also david simonds kurt accountant amateur compulsive homeless gamblerbr br as usual hartley creates surreal world beauty ordinary made strange otherworldly flows artfullyframed scenes urbanindustrial landscapes filled dazzling light shadow usual introduces seemingly incidental details early brings back later hilarious unexpected contextsthe humor simple giddy irrepressible hartley amazing ability build toward small rapturous moments simultaneously mundane outrageous usual creates tone jaded worldweary time vulnerable open honest moves within minutes uproarious humor language metaphysical poeticthe kind writing deadon perfect difficult hold back tears despite lack obvious emotion another awesome highly entertaining film book life shot a digital camera blurry effect sense celestial handinhand impending doom hyperawareness present fragile fleeting last moments hartleys films way prioritizing present unique effect compounds images wash across screen way first jarring becomes increasingly beautiful settle it final shot spectacular may sound precious film comedy makes fun even makes fun concept armageddon judgment day urbanity although actually quite profound moving lifeaffirming part lighthearted playful acting flawless terms kind subdued tone hartley developed films a tone people get prompts judge acting hollowthe people negative response peter greenaway always bound people respond film cynicism scornpeople put hartleys abrupt shifts see pretentious mannerist techniques time consider opinions dull callous fools anyone hartley fan love filmif get chance see it is hard say would like video,0 +definitely best game n ever say farely disappointed tomorrow never dies world enough promises better goldeneye according websitei love goldeneye much find something every time play it even made missions levels multi player best game there graphics astounding even now first day got remember wishing would go back make bond movies games imagine driving speed boat live let die making incredible jumps fighting ninjas fighting jaws spy loved moonraker i think fighting games would fun aztec chasing sanchez gas trucks scalling st cerils eyes only oh well let get back game hand levels unique make fun killing environments many places hide sneek people especially statue park well game worthy renting really need buy today,0 +jedi yup the whole game wa amazing technically it looked great gutted i sold the game and my original xbox now actually,0 +@Lironster Mmmm I ate some yesterday.,0 +U can never go wrong with a full belly ..back to work I go...,0 +finishing the tax return instead of making some track or enjoying the sun,0 +dont give upif think one cares youre wrong mom walk room scream cry try wake up dad run hold moms hand cry siblings school crying bathrooms something reminded you principal announces school friends break tears one kid bullied run scream unable cry boyfriendgirlfriend cry weeks unable eat sleep even shower funeral family sit living room complete silence unable say word whether know not people care you people dont expect,1 +i can t cope with being alone again why am i so envious of my closest friend being happy with others while i am here by myself heartbroken and given delusion that i have an actual special relationship with her you told me that i wa your closest friend but why don t you treat me like one why do you look happier when you re with others why do you always make me look like a fool when i show my affection but appreciate any other person when they show theirs i ve always helped you at you at your lowest but why did you give up on me at my lowest there s so much that i want to ask her but i would look pathetic if i do you always tell me in person that i am important to you but why don t you want to spend time with me like the way we used to how can i get used to being alone again it s like i m being choked then allowed to breathe for a second just to get choked again right after my envy won t let me go i still want her i am still hoping i could fix this i want to be happy too but now nobody care if i show sadness i ll be seen a weak why do others get loved and have dependable people with them while i am left alone trying to find answer from people that are lonely too may i ask how can i depend on solely myself again i need to learn how i opened myself too much and now i feel like a husk with everything taken out from me i would not commit suicide but i have no fear of death now if it mean taking away these thought away from me once and for all,1 +ok but america shit china wants reality ends harming american people ever china,0 +comments posts want talk okay guessi post wishing someone would say something would atleast make feel better ive seen comments anything latetst posts even though lot people see them thanks guess,1 +new seasonthis season life end season hard hurts new season arrive dont give up,1 +s seem like yesterday like dam tf years already apparently im year old boomer now whats wack tho years since s like how,0 +maybe awful cannot help hating it want someone actually love make feel empty hurt insecure anymore want job constantly fantasy ending life tying roof want go school learn shit instead waste cannot look everyone around hate it maybe burn alive tomorrow would probably get point across would dead quickly anyway though maybe easy method would best cannot stopped long everyone gets fucking message live anyone life worth go fuck saying endure push onto others amount carried already everyone else much think worst seeing wished life seeing others it,1 +@MDD360 awww thanks ,0 +last post gun handi cant anymore believe nothing ever change shit like cancer gets hold you done ill admit fault like im gonna point fingers someone else decided gonna end life december love christmas time god damn cant wait anymore im drinking got left smoking got left listening whatever liked check time seriously wish everyone luck god awful torment face everyday maybe something change you life us yeah goodbye everyone,1 +funguyzz if you no find this guy dope and funny abeeg you never chop since yesterday or depression hook you plane just stop for air when no be say na magnito be pilot,1 +one favorite songs feeling hopelesshttpswwwyoutubecomwatchvecybxiqmhttpswwwyoutubecomwatchvecybxiqm,1 +i wan na bash my head against the wall till my brain fall out i m so exhausted i hate myself for the mistake i ve made i hate myself i wish i could start over again and not be such a fucking idiot why why did it have to go this way,1 +guys big pp reads ur welcome explain posts body longer gt,0 +dont option live happy life anymore redflag want needweve drinking friends weekend said nasty thing cant think meeting friends anymore said long talk im sad said even tho never meant sat even saying words like that cant live them worst day life haunt forever dont something,1 +well im imma leave dream reddit femboy porn person uwu goodbye love feel appropriate posting kinds content account,0 +first saw movie least thirty years ago remains one alltime faves classic intriguing plot great characters suspense shocking twist ending all set backdrop gorgeous montereybig sur coast never get old roy thinnes portrays johnny brant captivating character grows mysterious true identity unfolds acting great believable viewers get caught web develops workaholic husband disenchanted wife alluring stranger thinnes brant searched copy buy years guess tv movies get released video unfortunately great movie see find it,0 +get bed see standing alone horrified stage little dark age,0 +anyone else really like old british rail era diesel trains trains general love trains know facts trains know person likes trains my dad old diesels mean class youre sure look up also go trainspotting nearby station anyone else this get adults hobby live near rails good,0 +oh dont wanna get back listening earl sweatshirt would mean getting back sadness loop dont wanna get in time music good ugh,0 +would anyone willing chat whilei could really use someone anybody free little,1 +day random questions think humans already made contact extraterrestrial beings,0 +girlfriend tried cheat one best friendsfeels like old old feel knew good true theres real good people there everyones got kind selfish motive either fill pockets inflate ego theres always gonna backstabbing people im always gonna lonely wanna deal anymore want hang myself,1 +ive working entire pandemic cant anymoreive slaving away shit pay entire pandemic anxiety way high get better job work hours start freaking thinking it shit makes want kill even more ive put lbs started using pills again dollars bank account somehow stretch next friday seriously fuck point nonsense,1 +lately i ve been calling my depression dark mode,1 +masha allah i been dey wait make someone tweet this icing taste like sweetened depression of a person with dissociative amnesia,1 +storyi half native half vietnamese canadian father vietnam war refugee mothers mom residential school survivor intergenerational trauma caused personality disorder insomnia depression anxiety ptsd grew two pedophiles simultaneously one side family wanted nothing heritages this dealt car accidents sexual harassment workplaces rapes vietnam family friends justice system abandoned me still yearn reconciliation however spite this choose understand forgive love,1 +off to the dentist,0 +come share beauty,0 +like keep distance people bc like much become really clingy ill become extremely jealous feel left need know times theyre okay me idk whod wanna around,0 +today's such a beautiful day but my depression got me fucked up,1 +"listening to Indiana then The Party Song then Sticks, Stones, and Techo. prefect music selection! ",0 +minor inconvenience work im bridge im tired always treated like last option like im good filling gapsive realized life always suck ill never happy stick around get better doesnt mean will gets worse dont want live find out im bridge seconds one step sleep peace forever tried calling mom usually helps calm didnt answer feel alone feel like failure death way fix that im waiting people leave go peace ive many close calls think time foreal,1 +staying at a friend house house sitting neighbor are so loud having a party,0 +i really don t want to go back to chicago i liked not hearing about bad politician or oprah i hate oprah only day left in the uk,0 +many keen interest origami liked origami ever since year old boy folded first paper plane still like year old teen folded paper jaguar wanted know teens like me,0 +one of the perks of working ridiculous hours? my coworker is a model ,0 +every time see attractive woman want kill myselffirst intense feelings longing intense anxiety thought trying talk her intense pain partner arrives leaves overcome anxiety try talk get rejected thoughts redflag,1 +"@danwnews @The_glee_shop @Ledecestre @marshhie Risk of fatal respiratory depression, particularly in patients not previously treated with a strong opioid analgesic; manufacturer recommends use only in opioid tolerant patients. Why give it him after telling the courts he won't live past 5 mins off his ventilator.",1 +told girlfriend thinking killing myselfher response do need go hospital me no im going it want to her is really good use time choose something else instead thinking redflag really know feel this mean point also really reminds rwowthanksimcured,1 +maybe pain help someonethis going quite long post im really sure expect perhaps moderation perhaps trolls perhaps genuine questions id amazed anyone ends reading start finish goes probably also say details might particularly difficult people read especially youve thought redflag before around six months ago six months ten days precise exgirlfriend broke up decision pretty mutual time wed unhappy within pretty short period changed mind didnt want anymore unfortunately change onesided today together first month break tried keep mind would end speaking optimistic time apart contrition mistakes made ideas fix problems led us point would get us back together couple days first time saw break started asking question would couldnt rectify situation jest answer always probably kill myself time didnt take seriously knew joking hindsight think beginning kind desensitisation idea causing death im sure anyone reading imagine idea killing probably quite uncomfortable didnt really feel anything first time met things went really badly probably soon end conversation found stood side road unable stop crying control breathing thing could think time make feeling stop saw bus coming decided would step front it made decision able get kind control breathing crying bit less stepped edge road bus went around corner id found position optimism would work things point time nothing else seemed important even worth living for ended speaking text night got hope back still chance could actually fix things feeling carried next couple weeks back mind kept thinking things couldnt resolved going follow kill myself week half christmas spoke hopes dashed sure nothing could done again found unable stop crying barely able breath time happened couple hundred metres away river again decided going jump able get control back myself combination design railing people constantly passing lack strength eating three days prevented jumping in tried climb sent goodbye text wasnt able get railing ended developing conversation knew trying trying change mind decided listen give chance anyone could stop would person nothing said changed mind hanging phone decided everything could make cold possible fall asleep hoped wouldnt wake up fact im typing means things didnt go plan spoke christmas agreed would meet see happened told worried shed week convinced moment madness wasnt something could really done would ever do didnt mean mindset completely shifted beginning concerned would make happy wanted get back cost thats say intent kill night insincere things started happening think part hoping shed give things another try reason save life realised week thinking virtually nothing else couldnt claim love someone thats doing realised happiness important part hinged worry me ended seeing almost every weekend first couple months year many moments things good optimistic moving right direction couple weekends row cancelled plans last minute second one called asked really going on said seeing ended feeling crap couple days said would leave alone didnt anymore midway conversation could feel crying breathing problems coming hung phone point certain nothing could started planning how when would kill myself derailed texting half hour later asking could talk weeks point none friends family knew bad things gotten first told friends feeling eventually told gone beyond thinking redflag also speaking counsellor weeks point largely due fear locked hadnt completely honest far suicidal ideation gone also hadnt told anyone work manager knew personal issues counselling sessions true extent issue never something made clear make matters worse started job four days aforementioned bus incident ive found difficult concentrate work im consumed idea killing myself employment seems fairly unimportant youre going die soon preforming badly work reached point decided would tell someone bad things resign since opening work lot support theyve offered make reasonable adjustments possible suppose positive thinking wouldnt helpful relationship mended found unemployed longer suicidal since last spoke ex made two plans kill one reason another neither came fruition things stand ive proposed ex meet speak covid drama passed lockdown rules eased given may time soon told feel rushed deciding either way still feel much same hope moving forward need remove life way think killing myself suppose purpose partly write everything also feel like could good anyone curious know feels like suicidal state mind able ask questions want able answer questions whenever ive watched videos listened advice deal suicidal thoughts ive found doesnt really resonate me way lot people tedtalks seem felt doesnt match me initially made feel even weirder and although dont hold much hope myself want able help someone else may also feel like feelings exist outside typical suicidal narrative ill try explain bit thoughts maybe answer questions comments anyone raises them ive symptoms depression long remember ive always managed stay top things now never considered redflag recently dont know anyone killed themselves im sure people tell need cut life completely start moving on advice everyone know given me problem times past six months havent wanted kill wished dead times feeling optimistic chance completely cutting would mean optimism therefore reason kill myself recognise kind feeling dependency healthy basis relationship counsellor explains as life like bottom boat compartments analogous different interests life like friendships career family hobbies etc one floods whole boat doesnt sink compartments fine continue analogy feel though compartments arent separated well one flooded spilled others build separation need drain flood start work might make sense anyone plain terms feel though need relationship back give motivation start putting safety net sorts place break dont find back here ideally wed get back together break recognise definitely possibility first months kept recently told friends speaking counsellor told people work recently referred psychiatrist also million different cards crisis helplines theres shortage people speak to contrary may seem im really sensitive person dont feel like need sugarcoat questions advice,1 +"@brammofan would have loved that - too drunk for cake afterwards, though ",0 +wish could end without sufferingfrankly want dead life change whatever do mental suffering stop like world is never change feel place here cant happy every day torture me wish could die accidently naturally go sleep never wake again get hit car face instant death get want please point staying alive never happy reached limit know post change thing neither comments needed vent somewhere,1 +resource cheat sheet books go bokorg imperial library deep web games go igggamescom movies reddit good place although often search name movie google drive end usually bring one up school brainly mathway quizlet best friends come future knowledge educational purposes ,0 +"Explosions and Boobs! www.explosionsandboobs.com Nothing more, nothing less! ",0 +@VinceParr: Star Trek! By a mile. ,0 +hi friends honor challenged athletes foundation dad undertaking great bike ride charity would love support completing tour du rouge american red cross years ago teaming challenged athletes foundation caf million dollar challenge loving father would love support endeavor mile ride days california caf raises money help people physical challenges pursue active lifestyle physical fitness athletics one biggest events,1 +tw self harm blood gaslighting but feels like option have cannot live abusive household anymore mom outrageous bpd symptoms remains undiagnosed fucking upset treats me tried talking calmly could going carnival cousin whose family despises dad convinced outside family bad going judge toxic relationship want get mad tried nicest could blame everything bad happened two younger brothers idea would happen came back womens shelter fucking mad allowed say oh remember happening your dad never hit me i remember saying this you makimg stuff againthen j start crying feels like mum beyrayed me start sobbing words shaking talking louder talking me says call cops say psycho fuckingn godsddddddd whyyy whyyeu time nicer treats adult literally self harmed much past days one arm her fight came upstairs almost times crying hard know iti therapjst teied calling pick up arms sting going die cannot believe mum fucking assholei want tell therapist evertthing abuse brothers get taken away scared domt want getting abused foster home want family back normali want admitted psych ward scared ill hurt worse cut deeper scared ill hit beaten dad finds cuteverytime tried telling wanted kill would tell stop talking it coward everyone household depressed special sorry making long sorta crying inbetween words here need get chest domt know get better know telling rherapist cut get cps called know telling want activsly kill also get cps called i canada domt even know fjcking cannot stand parents thw abuse neglect fucking scared going one day pretend never happened wanma show awful theyvw treated wknt care dieim going clean blood arm right still terrified crying meanwhile pretending thw whole argumwnt had mever happened making lunch evrry one me dads work idk domt want,1 +@NickkkJonasss hey nick!! i can't wait til tom for LVATT!! im gonna buy it first thing in the morning!! i love you guys!!! <3 -jess,0 +wanted to tweet that i wa in victoria but silly canadian service wouldn t work home now and sad vacation is over,0 +mothers faulti hear crying screaming dad make stop stop what fuck do asked stay party promised drink drive drugs safe yet racist confrontation dealt yesterday feels like need shoved cage never let again wonders keep many things secret her every time ever since treated like doll good moment something line shouting me saying born ever adopted troublesome child remember ever saying words course would she perfect mother according friends according herself know constant verbal abuse constant put downs you worth anything messages sends way much drink gets angry everyone says fault says make angry better child get mad say cant take anything says heart emotions like anger strong forgive people get mad i fucking forgive mother telling year old daughter it wouldve better biological mom aborted you say said anger matter course not ive gone therapy years almost still thinks anxiety depression developed high school due difficult brother seen several years idea times ive cried front therapist memories mother throwing cups dishes dad screaming us leaving returning days later know talk fear anxiety waking up knowing good mood not know abandonment issues would leave often little lock hotel dad go find know first go method would use take life one introduced to locked bathroom year old daughter desperately banged door begged kill herself know cry every time remember th birthday woke house empty brother run away due fight broken dad ended hotel next morning screaming other returned night back cop car called take away due racket know two times tried take life wanted escape damn oppression show control her tell need move out itd best us threatens keep even hurt dog threatens cut family never let talk dad again want move apartments minutes house dad looks tired trying keep anger hitting full on even lets marriage fail order shield want that want feel like needs protect one person world attacking me fucking clue scared her angry her given life feel her want die want kill myself ever do want someone one person know mothers fault,1 +lol what anna schmance i soo wan na meet up with you in the holiday man haha im missing you so bad,0 +perusing friendship introvert female im major extrovert im twitch streamer involved many clubs im loud never stop talking due pandemic ive turned primarily discord making new friends met one guy hes possibly one coolest people ive ever met works ass buy parts computer loves playing retro games much me would really like get know more play games him potentially long term friendship thing is hes total loner seem talkative find nervous stare conversations privately talk fine big open public chats hardly ever talk pms often make artwork using excuse start private conversation take next level bribe artwork characters catch attention get introvert talking bit awkward times often busy college coursework want come pushy want give space still actively persuing friendship him best way approach this tips,0 +hello sure whoever needed longing someone talk to anonymous diaryi battled depression happy overcame demons within me know firsthand important someone feel heard so count let us friends dms open would love hear storiespraying youceg anonymous diary,1 +@RetroRewind You're a good friend Dave.. we can wait!! Hope we dont have to wait too long though ,0 +make laugh shall grant ye thy sliver award,0 +telling counsellor suicidal thoughtsso feel like need tell counsellor suicidal thoughts every day im scared might snap something soon im worried happen tell her said previously conversation redflag would lead making emergency plan everything would control actually go want mum knowing shell suffocate she cares much love it help would able stop happening anyone elses experiences would great know also im uk advice would especially welcome know us system different,1 +heidimontag i dont know im in the uk so isn t out here yet so jealous,0 +call duty cold war playthrough come watch want watch thickchipmunkgamer twitch httpwwwtwitchtvthickchipmunkgamersra,0 +desperate anything help mei used hopeful shell myself feel hollowness inside body disgustingly strong disconnect world tried make feel urges less spending time mother grandmother apathetic everything relationships slipping away concept future think belong planet ive therapy long depressive episodes keep getting severe want keep going pain feel like losing myself anxious depressive fearful become anything useful taken care me want hurt id lying act like burden dead weight keeps able live want wish family could better daughter me sorry them want better willing try anything pay everyone back burdens created know keep though,1 +my friend recently gave me this very beautiful stained glass flower and i really like it but my brain just can t accept that it is a nice gift my brain keep thinking oh it wa actually meant for someone else she had a crush at the time she said she brought it but he turned out to be an asshole or it wa just some trashy item she brought at a cheap market or any number of these thing i know it s stupid to think these thing and i have no reason to think them i think i am just scared to put my emotion into this gift in case it turn out to be fake logically i know i should just believe her and even if it is just some rubbish from a pawn shop the fact that she s given it to me a a gift is what matter even if is the worst case scenario i wouldn t actually be that hurt and i would still like the gift i guess it s just the fear of being fooled or taken advantage of that is scaring me i don t want to really treasure this gift and then get the rug pulled from under me how do i go about actually appreciating this gift,1 +everyone is saying i wa abusive i wasn t i genuinely felt like jumping off a cliff and would of if a friend wasn t there,1 +dream beaten death temmie undertale yelled pay taxes hows yalls dreams,0 +"@MissBridge No, I am going to resist this peer pressure! Well, maybe I'll peek & see how Serena is doing..",0 +moms cat died fine many toxins blood died pm vet dug grave him,0 +know live without wanting diei made pact try last attempt would keep going realize know how ive waiting kill ish years ive mind thought graduation getting relationships career choices anything all never imagined future myself live purpose surviving,1 +rant someone talk would nicem case anybody gives shit girl made happy anything world wants nothing me said date busy started dating another dude makes want alive made want anywhere else world reason looked forward waking went bed pretty would choose spend life heartbeat work department next her stomach drops see come work broke me alone gets relationship background httpswwwredditcomrexchristiancommentsfytthis_may_seem_attentionwhoreey_but_i_found_out httpswwwredditcomrredflagwatchcommentseeeyi_dont_like_being_alive_i_want_to_though_help,1 + hours deadcant handle abuse family anymore girl love hates family cant handle anymore,1 +how do i get past this i don t have panic attack i m diagnosed with bpd and never considered anxiety to be it own issue just a component of my bpd but i think my anxiety independent of bpd need it own attention i m scared to seek help i m scared a therapist who specializes in anxiety will stigmatize me for having bpd and tell me that s just your bpd i m anxious my bos won t give me time off work for therapy i m anxious i ll need anxiety med and it ll impair my function,1 +apple geeks here team macbook pro macbook air,0 +big brain time karens called karens cause carent one _,0 +online school online school ridiculous really hate lie think school become much harder teachers keep putting work work work questions take day get answered someone asks tones questions killing grades sadly nothing send love hope issues,0 +long dayhey guys rough day me feels like cant control anymore im scared im becoming feel powerless change it anyways really could use company tonight,1 +depression overcoming meim lost feel worthless feel like place world anxiety makes impossible grow person positive outlooks anymore know im going anywhere life dont see light end tunnel see therapist parents taking sort medication help me dont know im honestly scared myself need advice get thoughts people love long possible,1 +tangy would good name orange cat cats cant eat oranges make sense,0 +"Great shot, good outfit, esp. the tights are really cool! http://lookbook.nu/look/160540",0 +im genuinely concerned person earlier year quarantine m met dude m minecraft server became friends played together months that youtube channel discord two months ago tho told crushing female leaderboard player server wanted ask out week later discord got rejected told gutted even set status message depressing shit seemed depressed af fast forward weeks later the last time met him apparently yr old gf hes talking wanting sex not normal yr old ik thought weird like always next day blocked discord relationship going perfectly smoothly today remembered quick search subscribers didnt see channel anywhere im srsly concerned him great friend ,0 +Indeed!  What do you think?We need new ways of treating #depression https://goo.gl/ZxAMG2 ,1 +hey guys text post weekend type something funny ampxb uadripofviolettea,0 +may give up working and sit outside in sun ,0 +mmmm okay guess today seriously thought killing contemplated premeditated murder think killing love way love you,0 +come watch stream zelda breathe wild twitchtvbarfequieshttpstwitchtvbarfequies,0 +nobody talk feel deadi know im posting this anybody life talk maybe want someone acknowledge existence maybe sounds weird maybe not feel like talking someone anonymously online genuine person face face person pretend care acknowledge you ive drug problem years ive clean number months now everyone says slowly gets better ive slowly getting worse seem worst luck past years even im clean ironically enough cant speak parents friends fault left college year getting degree failing classes wake feeling terrible hopeless tired gets worse throughout day therapist likes talk minutes hour session cant change right now money im interviewing job looks promising im worried im afraid ill mess up ive felt like years years starting using drugs even cant foresee getting better every day feel like ive zombie autopilot majority last decade even nobody responds wanted type ive never said feel really terrible right now,1 +@YaGirlDWoods pick me up sum Twizzlers haha,0 +"wow, first time in a while i want to go back to sleep after a natural wake up ",0 +roberta ruffolo atanas hospitalstalkto gil bashe robturnerwrites wearablesexpert rgergelymd had covid last year jan almost lost my life took me month to recover extra to revitalize battled heart disease for a whole year before contracting covid my depression got severe and i went to start treatment lost my mom same period started ideating suicide wa tough,1 +@cameraboy56 aww well im sure your time will come round again soon ,0 +whats good day dieso ive wanting end quite now main thing put far actual scheduling process logistics plan proper redflag quite intense need proper venue audience wondering whether invite close relatives come watch main thing is it,1 +im watching one criminal minds episode theres woman stuck giant facility find way guy kills her really hope hunch guy correct shes found way kill room knows shes slaughterhouse runs away like dude theres kill room means cattle need get somehow could follow path brought cattle could escape like ten minutes tops least better idea wandering halls aimlessly anyways thats ive needed get chest lady dumb rn shes getting chased dog it,0 +I have the worst tan lines haha Gonna have lunch with nikki Guh-reat ,0 +ive often wondered much casper meant childrenwith issues revolving around identity in film lead believe spirit dead child home cemetery plot well disturbing message brought particular film maybe casper meant morality play famous studios felt like breaking new ground reality cartoonsbr br theres good boos tonight wellanimated projectno doubt there but plot development involving fox who becomes caspers friend meets tragic end concernbr br give famous studios creditthey tackle death respectbut stark image caspers mourning rather graphic disturbing children though denouement offer happy ending give away ending violence rather steep even s standardsbr br this might good cartoon parents use helping explain death childrenbut pop vcr perky cartoon break,0 +"@cosmicpolitan thank you lovely girl for the #followfriday, have a great weekend both of you ",0 +Depression trashed all my relationships in college and social anxiety ruined them in high school - it took 20 years but I've finally overcome most of my insecurity. I'm sorry to everyone I hurt along the way.,1 +really temporary problempeople say redflag permanent solution temporary problem problem ongoing years still think fixed cant even imagine life without feeling constantly lonely tired frustrated,1 +I'm gonna go out in the sun for a bit before I have to the meal ,0 +my gf had a tough period when she wa a teenager family loss and doctor put her on abilify to treat her today after year she is thinking about stopping it she really want to but every doctor she see are really not helping her in the right direction two of them told her to reduce slightly to avoid eye side effect but no more otherwise she feel ok she even stopped for almost a month whitout seeing any difference what s your experience about this thanks for help,1 +stustone your show is whack way worse than whack it s wiggety whack,0 +uhhh feel bad need help girl like asked liked hella panicked said no fuck,0 +He's just not that into u is coming out on dvd. ,0 +Running is my way of processing things that happen. It's my way of coping with depression and… https://www.instagram.com/p/BiAjCkInrG4/ ,1 +since followers rteenagers pls feel free give awards post good day,0 +guys find purpose no im depressed teen im interested find meaning gets bed morning go school every day motivates you im kinda interested,0 +need friendsmy boyfriend recently broke me friend cant staybe friends him cuz hurts im looking friends im just turned november th everyone welcome friend would love friends honesty memories makeare gonna make yeah,1 +attempted hang todayi wrapped scarf around neck hung closet woke floor convulsing mustve blacked scarf came undone closet remember waking without realizing awake felt nauseous headache panic flashbacks everything causing commit redflag remember thinking oh movie im glad thats life continuied gain consciousness realized real life lost point yellingcrying why close nooooooo getting really angry remorse mad wasnt able complete mission evening still regrets did believe piece initial blackout probably happiest id long time neck sore red ring around neck headache bruising body think might hit something way down im gonna try tmr belt see works,1 +"@lophty_heights, Hey how'd you find me on here? You're pretty interesting ",0 +Thank god its the weekend again! ,0 +hi cant keep coming back here way express actually feel hate myself im terribly sad time fill void distractions every days come back say thing thing gets worse every time wanna die ever actually want die hypothesis real want die want over feel want die im finally saying feels great want die,0 +help decideive attempted redflag twice overdosing pills successful unfortunately middle moving psychiatrist gave phone number worried me texted yesterday response really surprised one question is try ativan alcohol im exactly confident since survived last overdose attempts benefit could today downfall survive seriously mess up wait purchase high caliber handgun or even shot gun feel comfortable decision absolutely know work crippling depression hands around neck squeezing harder every moment making desperate,1 +asian fetish hmu ur asian,0 +hi imma go sleep soon u guys comment positive things im depressed wake up,0 +day the thoughts staple life sense urgency safety blanket always ticket things got rough life sob story anyone elses sub different fell ill tweens struggeling mentally somewhat physically aftermath ever since breakupcheating scenario first love sent spiral never recovered thats really crux boil down without going much detail left everything behind year ago moved half planet away took steps improve life which others seemed successful one try happy worked better could ever expected ive best year life women seem like me im definitly far removed fitish good sense humor appear confident tho ive never able get anything run away made decision try put there recently lead getting gf second girl ive ever kissed first time years loved thought could possible happy genuinly happy guy really bad thoughts needless say pan out loves needs time figure out its you me lets friends first anxiety attacks life ensued next day fall ill aforementioned illness again anxiety meds made high kite fun chemo followed chrused whatever left me months breakup im still crippling mental pain tried rebound thing made worse feel ive cheated girl want me pathetic life now people think successful alpha ive told ive people looking guidance leadership adult life im guessing stems the apparently well constructed fasade ive built years high iq think helps fake well enough people respect like me people would say live pretty kickass life im sitting pot money penthouse apartment place could described paradise saying blind leading blind comes mind comical think it know ha hafunny given up far much hurt far long feels incredibly unfair tired fear unable take much more ive started list computer desktop things make life worth living fucking scares short is am thoughts gotten specific ive never close theres cliff name it hope able muster courage definitly cant go more thank taking time read jibberish better person am th day suicidal thoughts,1 +anyone want talk maybe even become friends hey there m here looking new person talk become friends with im little bit introverted might flowy convo hmu ,0 +oi dm me else dunno id didnt something f,0 +anyone play halo master chief collection pc xbox tryna gain people play halo wanna add steam anyways im down steam name yesimforreal fried code steam xbox yesimforrea,0 +i had more hopeful talk with friend and family i can t see all tryied to convince me it get better but at the end of the night i cry myself to sleep alone wishing i had cut just a little bit deeper the first time i don t care if it get better anymore i don t care if i never speak to anyone again i just want this to stop i hate this just believe shit,1 +na fuck this.. imma party like a mother fucker.. party in my room!! wit my sis ,0 +dear lord throat hurts like feels uncomfortable swallowing somewhat hurts thats fun,0 +since one asked it heres face reveal,0 +depressed long remember try hardest never self pity know fact many people much worse recently thinking kid used disappointed would me know lot down bad night,1 +@Leo9018 good luck with that man ,0 +@PACHawaii i'm watching that tomorrow! ,0 +"@garth ah yes, the robotics one with Richard Prior.... ",0 +"@techtastic you have a good start! I like the template, and you are doing well with your posts ",0 +day living back momand want kill already great,1 +im scared itim pussy kill myself multiple plans im scared actually carry through dont know do,1 +hey there everyone one of my biggest symptom ha been an extremely tight chest which seems to come over randomly for about 0 0 min sometimes longer and make everything terrible i ve been trying to find some solution that can help relieve this or maybe any tip going forward nothing seems to work so far except waiting them out which ha been exceptionally hard especially in bed i also would like to mention that i have a hormone imbalance a well i m not sure if the chest tightness is from that or the anxiety or both thanks,1 +"Goodbye oppressed town of Colorado, Hello HAPPY town! Not going to let it bring me down!",0 +hi together i m working up a lot with myself lately a it s difficult to get help in my country in europe right now long waiting time and little chance to get good therapy i wa diagnosed with a mild depressive episode a few year ago however i have not been well for several year therefore i think that this is not the whole truth stress feeling i have noticed that a lot of my behavior can be traced back to feeling stressed this feeling of stress is in my opinion triggered by a high internal pressure this arises for example from the fear of being abandoned or not doing something right for someone which could also lead to interpersonal punishment unfortunately i learned in my childhood that if i criticize my mother or say something wrong i am quickly punished psychologically she would get loud not talk to me for a while the stress also come from the outside of course time pressure self made time pressure fear of failure i am doing my phd and have been moving up quite fast in management consultancy the last two year have been a sprint and it ha left it mark behavior back to that stress feeling it take on different dimension i unconsciously hurt myself by delicately biting my arm or scratching my nail bed often i just see the mark afters and think oh i did it again i can reproduce it e g by playing a difficult game e g dark soul a soon a i die against a bos fight i unconsciously bite my arm in the loading time i get an extreme craving for sex masturbation multiple time a day and would describe it a compulsive sexual behavior the orgasm is then no fun and i feel exhausted and bad afterwards still i do it i behave in a clingy way and thus ruin relationship because i ask several time in a short time if everything is okay or write message to get confirmation e g that i miss my partner i am completely exhausted after a few day but can not sleep,1 +@Aluciel Hello Karen! Long time no see....how are you? Getting ready to sleep? ,0 +After that I realized I just pit by hand in a toilet thank god nothing was in it. After that the buttons wasn't working =.=,0 +Me after depression-napping for 5 days straight https://twitter.com/kanyewest/status/989153701095915522 …,1 +yknow grey sweatpants r commonly known kind make certain things guy bit noticeable tf that like tf easier notice guys dickboner grey sweatpants specifically,0 +please readas obvious sub full people sorts debating redflag looking somebody relate to id like say open anyone wanting talk shy admit anything fit judge either way consider chatting reddit take different social media app love,1 +struggling redflag depression years now lost loved ones friends drifted never felt alone reason committed suicide know parents cope dad alcoholic mum dependent me support try help anything bring low tell disappointment ashamed medication talking help feel like nothing left could fix me guilt want killing me life lost guilt,1 +@selmgomez hi selena..nice too meet you ,0 +cry help blowing brains sunriseive made decision time leave place,1 +k f oosu unlike jishe koood lips,0 +"@nyxrising Inquisition all the way because I relate to some of the characters so much. Also this game helped me though some major depression, it helped me to push some really dark times in my life",1 +"@tharybabyyy pple just like wasting time, they got nothin better to do but all you can do is just be the bigger person n screw the BS!! ",0 +movie great everything true action fan could want plenty people getting shot andor maimed minimal romance involving sex hero identified with violence many intervals instead pointless plot storing one scene end villains asking it bronson appears lowest level tolerancy film shows ed lauter makes great cop seamlessly worked bronsons plot without stealing spotlight movie involve plot boring overconsuming watch film never again rather want see kersey action storyline juices up great stuff,0 +going th grade sick tired fucking girls hating nothing walking near one accidentally touch hand say sorry scream ew blake touched hand wtf wrong people kill get someone send hand scream again school,1 +a family affair takes us back less complicated time america sobering see different everything back then innocent era country watch functional family dealing things together film also marks beginning series featuring hardy familybr br the film directed george seitz based successful play judge james hardy wife emmily facing domestic crisis must dealt with married daughter joan comes home committed social blunder husband holds responsible time another daughter marion brings home beau clear clash father happy teen ager andy seems one without problem mother makes escort polly dance something reluctant dobr br needless say judge hardy prove knows best puts plan action get everyone together again all man understands law deal outside forces threatens standing community make family happybr br lionel barrymore plays judge hardy conviction glue holds everything together spring byington seen emily mother mickey rooney small part film always fun watch cecilia parker julie haydon appeared daughters marion joan sara hayden margaret marquis also featured film aunt milly polly girl surprises andy beautybr br a family affair good way observe past notredflag image painted american family,0 +get a grip and get out your safe from the weight of the world just take a second to set things straight... ,0 +ill probably kill point parents diemany times past every winter last years actually point thing keeping alive thought much would hurt parents killed myself theyre dead reach point first time ill probably it theres nobody else life think couldnt cope redflag nobody whos close enough really really badly affected longterm basis,1 +germany killed million innocent people years everyone remembers japan belgium belgium one worst offenders britain spain china mongolia italy,0 +crippling anxiety kissing today went date girl like dropped house talked bit wanted kiss seemed like wanted same problem got anxious move felt like going throw up anyone delt gotten before,0 +would like could stop bloody sensitive timei almost start crying smallest gestures get upset people say im bad person get happy people nice want feel less means toxicly masculine force emotions down idc want sensitive,1 +i had really bad anxiety about a year ago it made it difficult to swallow and to eat and just made everyday a chore recently i ve started to become more zoned out a if i m living in a dream there is no reason for me to be anxious but ala here i am i can not control my mind and i ve been on mg of zoloft for about month now and now that the symptom are starting to return it s making me even more anxious and i fear the anxiety may come back,1 +flirting easy little wordplay charisma mix together easy,0 +used heavy drinker lost weight anyways go drinking,0 +life unfair fat please help need iti fat life years little opportunitys came why attractive skinny people know make me ever make k year old friends make k k year good life nice vehicles slept many women seen one pair life lost many friends cant afford go out im getting point life unfair fair me true nice guys finish last all,1 +"Retweeted Martin Lewis (@MartinSLewis):I'm very moved tonight about the @mmhpi victory: getting the law changed to give breathing space from creditors for those hospitalised from severe anxiety, depression &... https://www.facebook.com/MintedTameside/posts/2207538105939980 …",1 +like fucking goes fucking verb fucking descriptive word like water like fucking,0 +k debt defaultedmore keep piling on unable find job able pay loans mental health hanging strings im mentally ready go somewhere quiet end all never understood people take lives cause money position bright day im join them reasons reasons gone im waiting last straw added pile feel relieved think everything ending relief knowing im longer disappointment everyone knowing end around corner joy past years,1 +Six hours of work and then its vacation time! I hope you're ready for me London ,0 +life meaningless everyone trying convince dieits month life lost meaning purpose outside im successful beautiful woman fascinating life loving friends family nailed new prestigious job colleagues would kill for would best time life ready move new beautiful house first time life started thinking family own none matters anymore person wanted share longer life leave him even though love know loves me cant find pleasure anything do friends family trying keep alive weeks trying distract me theyve grown tired blame them ive become pain cant sleep night every passing moment im thinking love tenderness life filled recently love replaced gaping void able eat properly month feel like robot everything mechanical feel detached dehumanized ive seeing therapist im pretty sure clue feel believe tell him see im always laughing making jokes misery people actually think im fine everyone keeps telling life worth living things get better pain go away something new something better come way know say want believe themselves id say bullshit shoes know myself know rare find real connection someone know utterly impossible find someone replace connection lost know words sound like cheap banality know happiness me know sun rise tomorrow want replace special place heart anything else know nothing measure up without love spoke heart reason breathe understand keep living like empty shell keep people satisfied spend every waking moment neverending nightmare work meaning ive unable focus fulfill obligations clear soon everyone see perfectionist used more keep open even humiliation point thing comforts day think dying want hear bullshit gift life would like people respect decision help exit world love dignity hold hand let go,1 +remember hearing movie played nearly every drivein theatre toronto group girls accepted sororities college start own course call hots fun movie bursting drivein nostalgia lots fully endowed tshirts vans fighting football game showdown like other compared animal house good movie right nothing compares hots brand fun character looking classic na movie look hots girls rescue boomboom shorts all,0 +cinoshikacho j assumerai pa moi c s r la derni re fois j ai fait une d pression post concert,1 +say therapist found outso therapist survey thought know answers honest one questions asking thoughts redflag answered yes well got flagged knows asked it lied past thoughts since uncomfortable talking let go said might bring again probably thinks help cant one day commit redflag see life would rather die grow old wrong body redflag way out choice want open therapist really nice cares lot feel terrible lying her want get locked hospital somewhere tell family said wouldnt works suicidal people know sure commit redflag makes situation different cant sure something want tell this much tell her safe tell her never needed ever,1 +play college soccer accomplishment everything else fail at ill probably week bye,1 +movie exemplifies certain brand comedy horror strictly adult kind quite different troma movies with shares certain qualities humour rough ready fast furious idea hideous dolls evil powers twisted minds make shrug boredom reach sixpack beer enjoy best chucky film yet,0 +stabbed myselfim tired bullied,1 +@wushupork Good turnout? Think they'll have you back? ,0 +been sent to the naughty boy corner in work http twitpic com y s,0 +Happy Mother's Day ,0 +@OfficialBrohoss the depression on the truck is ,1 +scariest story ever hear slowly open eyes like am try get up cant move find difficult breathe one point see something next bed tall shadowlike figure standing there figure slowly moves towards you want struggle cant eventually slowly leans towards face whispers ear thing leaves shocked uwu,0 +hey first postlast saturday tried commit redflag again failed obv im alright went hospital everything good ive bit dizzy thats it nobody knows except bf hes help even guilt tripped buying drugs knows hard time saying no told redflag attempt really feels like give shit ampxb ive lonely really friends people would call friends never want meet barely reply fb ive never posted before life seems much depressing think back ampxb,1 +filthy motherfuckers failed one god damn job hadyou absolute fucking mongoloids shadow banned guy instead offering help im sure subreddit helping people making lives worse go suck shotgun barrel see feels driven point go get shadow banned subreddit designed help people see feels access anymore,1 +like bread ottom text,0 +anyone else feel like normal feel like im missing teenager nothing quarantine lately ive realised dont really interesting life maybe two friends occasionally hangout otherwise sports friends live one talk school ive also never hooked anyone ones ever expressed slight interest me feel like life like tv show movie even though know thats unrealistic like ive left behind anyway good night guys thanks listening fellow kids,0 +http t co vb0egkkj best way to cure depression naturally just wake up early depression bealive anxiety focus brain bestadvice youtubevideo,1 +today finally broke cheating lying manipulative mean girlfriend told dad talked said decision mine tearing eyed nodded yes sent message said thought loved hard weve together since september th year crazy year today gonna crazy day hard think as well girlfriend lmao id say made right call people change understand much nicer stuff first met shes become mean shit even cheating me now thank reading,0 +@lozenp I knew it was George. Not bragging or anything. ,0 +weird feels weird theres girl ive while lets call simplicitys sake ask said shed think itok big deal weeks said shed think realized super close dating change anything us would really lead breakup month finally answer felt way decided stay friends thing is go places together couple shit even though were together im friend upset nothing would change dating except fact wed dating already treat like would together wondering situation seemed odd anyone,0 +walking outside wandering area looked around saw lights car lights traffic lights building lights parking lot lights beautiful know cried seeing them lights,1 +a the title say i have been feeling emotional blunting and i don t take any medication i used to see a therapist but stopped month ago i m not even sure if this is related to my depression but for some time now maybe a month or two and more mildly for a long time before that pretty much everything ha been feeling dull i ve always had trouble cry and expressing feeling my emotion in general but now it feel like nothing can provoke strong reaction in me just a few week ago it wa year since my older brother s suicide and i didn t even feel that sad i tried to find the emotion inside of myself but i just couldn t make myself feel the grief much i also took a month break from listening to music since i felt like i wa listening too much and music didn t sound a good a a result and just a few day ago when i finally listened to music again i put on one of my favorite album which used to always evoke such strong feeling in me but this time it just felt empty ha anybody else felt this,1 +think fell love best friend alright heres thing think im love best friend im screwed history friendship literally thick thin literally share everything always care one another point time time say love one another country shes originally another country go international school lockdown happened stuck country going renew passport boyfriend country hard listen everything say give comfort can months go becomes sad depressed still country months went broke shattered her hard comfort didnt know didnt want give empty words ill end repeating again months goes gets better shes getting chased guys country one especially kept chasing eventually got like back never met lived another city basically weird flirtatious friendship dont mind wasnt pushing wanted something serious wanted affection away everyone knew talks lot guys look walks smiles her like bad way good way call it dont know made feel jealous talks guys wants affection even wants atleast one boyfriend country leaves peoplebut someone breakup leaves comes back like said dont know makes feel jealous wished person talks hugs behind kissing cuddling like want shit dont know why want dont know trying fill void im hopeless romanticwhich entirely whole story own yeah think im love best friend dont know do,0 +friends made new voice channel invite me decided vc them excludes one person friend group person them started kicking channel tried hide checked audit logs yeah made new one them guess right exclude want to least im online,0 +"Man, I wish youtube would stop this site maintenance...I need to make my debut. ",0 +@jakobd muhaha. du hast echt pech. ,0 +he always seemed happy we always fucked around and had a good time we always talked about thing that bothered u but he never showed any sign that he wa upset or depressed i still sit around thinking why and can never draw any conclusion that would make sense i m slowly coming out of the mental ditch but i handled it by stuffing a much alcohol in me a possible i m coming out if that ditch but it still bum me out i completely stopped taking care of myself and the house so i decided to clean up today because i just felt happier here is what a month of cope look like http imgur com a ce x there way more trash and beer can but i wa honestly too embarrassed to even show the rest glad to finally slowly be getting better,1 +reddit cool triangles cooler,0 +honestly tired finally gotten help think made things times worse parents overwhelming ill never peace even though trying hard stay alive pointi cannot anything right actually cannot anything all overwhelming feel defeated tired,1 +check out my mug http www erika obscura blogspot com,0 +also i can t even look nobody in the eye because of it wtf do i do it s ruining the relationship i have with my family and parent it s just pissing me tf off i went to get a haircut today but walked tf out because i wa too anxious and my anxiety wa high so when i walked in i sat all the way in the back so my barber and other people wouldn t see me because of my dumbass anxiety but how else wa i gon na get a cut if he couldn t see me right so like i said i just walked tf out with my head down n cried when i got home,1 +early film pilot hit canadian tv show trailer park boys played executives networks showcase decided sign tv series great acting funny cast make one best cult comedy films movie plot two small time criminals go around exterminating peoples pets money dog next door whos barking night guys go to get trouble come across job big deal end shootout watch movie want understand beginning tv series highly recommend itbr br rated r swearing violence drug usebr br its offensive either they dont actually show killing animals,0 +watching david tennant interesting set filming update i wish i wa in cardiff,0 +come school learn babysit sick tired teachers blaming us quiet students shit class fault fucking classmates cant keep mouths shut responsibility either stop saying accomplice stop them expect get entire class quiet teachers authority figures trying years still clearly failing know teachers know anything teenagers work stupid think control class do theyre wrong getting sick blamed im fucking thanos something get grip lol,0 +"Bought some Flowers, Marigolds and something else... I forget ",0 +is eating mommy-made mac & cheese! The best kind. ,0 +want die badly want hurt parentsive crippling depression since elementary school ive lost friends barely make money flunked college car barely get bed anymore feel like everyone angry disappointed me want end know would kill parents im do,1 +yo east coast gang demon time hours naw filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler,0 +ate ravioli happened snail bottom supposed like use bathroom im scared cus like ate snail half shell mean um,0 +jack fuck hand jack off hand work bottom fucking hand still jacking bottom,0 +dudes birthday ,0 +famous international conductor daniel darus michael nyqvist heart attack stressed busy professional life interrupts successful career early retirement decides return hometown north sweden mother left seven yearold sensitive boy bullied conny school mates live lowpaced life buys old school invited participate church choir local shepherd stig niklas falk reluctant shy daniel refuses principle however gets involved community feels attracted lena frida hallgren local woman past local doctor music opens hearts members choir affecting daily life slow tore andr sjberg chance participate choir inger ingela olsson wife stig releases repressed sexuality gabriella helen sjholm takes attitude abusive violent husband gossiper frustrated siv ilva lf opens heart lena fat holmfrid mikael rahm cries enough jokes businessman arne lennart jhkel even daniel starts loving people lena love life invited participate important contest vienna daniel finds music opening heart people making dream come truebr br s som himmelen touching sensitive movie beautiful story impressive director kay pollak screenplay writers able develop great number characters minutes running time performances topnotch supported magnificent music score least two awesome moments gabrielle sings song concert certainly last concert vienna audience jury everybody participating melody daniel making dream come true like teorema stranger changes lives family conservative community further like many european movies open conclusion indicates daniel actually died least interpretation reaching peace success music eyes became wet two scenes vote ninebr br title brazil a vida paraso the life paradise,0 +understand painfuli good week eating right wellbutrin seemed stopping dark thoughts getting early exercise showering daily keeping routine person live stresses everything just so decided visit somewhere figured would good weekend gone could breathe could relax planning leave place covid financially stuck look forward times gone agreement say returning clean get home used hire maid keep back cant afford it honestly addors eased tension here something done wrong would blame me came back early came back early chance clean way liked got annoyed started cleaning around makes nervous wreck medication kitchen cleaning afraid go there retreat bedroom altercation something place crying asked several times engage meltdown follow room cannot lock even could angry locked door would bad autism scolding crying make stop telling overreacting make stop crying either needed time cool down hate place hate existing hate everything hurts cant function way anyone wants to family anymore help anyone talk to want bad depression closing around me hell even for life feels like sick joke want stop,1 +people really kill themselvesi know may sound weird feel like real seen irl feel real even tho know happening ive seen youtube videosmrcaringuy people lost lives redflag feel bad sad like sad think people struggled gave,1 +fuck meim kinda uncomfortable typing this talking someone shit im going through feel like people going laugh take seriously know assume want attention goes im close anybody all even family infact much hatred me unbelievable cant figure though mother want wanted get abortion sadly didnt one really care about things bad cancer since got everything depressing fucking hurts see hospital everything shitty home im dad give shit kids two abusive sisters fucking cant handle anymore everyday same getting cursed siblings taking thier abuse cant anything it cant even defend myself ive getting involved self harm siblings laughed noticed cuts bruises cant even go outside virus eating good past months ive getting skinny point see bones cant get sleep either ironic im always tired ive begging talk mind lot like unhealthy amount getting point conversations last hours everything getting worse worse fucking hate living like this im thinking killing myself maybe week so sorry rant,1 +none yall read posts smh responses matching questions,0 +idkive already trying improve years im gotten where im physically fit working management degree trying find internship still feel same honestly feels like waste time enjoyment felt kid making kids laugh know wanted sort positive influence others around profession got ill lost friends confidence went them since ive trying push myself gone events societies try get know people nothing works ive tried good person offering support help wherever still friends know somebody day never see again ampxb ive applied jobs cant even manage strike one those whats point somebody like living normal people live survive shit years rot die seems selfish mundane decades pointless torture ampxb wish bitch could go ahead already fucking hate shit it something plan ahead leave debt behind,1 +one want read note im leaving herehi redditors long time lurker here time make first last post feel like leave words significance disappear vacuum anyway probably lived decades longer people kill posting here unfortunate could lived long years majority years quite happy honest circumstances proven best years behind me rather live miserable knowledge life downhill here decided make one last short uphill brief sweet much money saved since someone stole lifes savings enough go s america spend rest cash hookers blow in exact method yet determined suggestions welcome painless quick would better probably able get firearm unless steal one suppose may well try good luck maximum happiness everyone here coming someone older supposedly wiser young still time bet unfuck life still,1 +want freeits long time since ive felt genuinely good lately felt usual mom passed dad didnt acknowledge felt told youre swiftpicklelicker youll fine im early s learn cope own never quite figured cope healthy way funneled energy video games kids wife happy right truthfully years ive declined steadily more ive shell years dont feel anything sadness rarely feel joy put mask day day basis draining me ive contemplated many times easily could free earthly problems wife always tries help doesnt know to neither i time went help months ago lady told im liar im manipulator depressed would already killed myself shocked rooted people wont understand me hide it fake til make it right lately ive thinking hard one thing driving motorcycle straight big truck maybe brick wall dont know anything it dont know im afraid to get excited adrenaline starts pumping get rush im lowest point ever felt life seems get worse every day knows want free,1 +depression because of sneaker qlyv,1 +im lividthis proves cant trust anyone even friggin therapist exploited mepushing program help try get raise promotion something do wrote email administrator feel like need morei want participants program notified immediately sessions talk difficultpainful things things like talking about used training purposes god knows else update asshole therapist fact promoted pushing people dumb unethical programpeople play dirty use people get ahead,1 +moving dorm tomorrow move day guys wish luck,0 +need serious helpguys think ive suffering depression since young age im talking like onwards always felt like dying know happens death im one friend left feel like friendship based fact help financially time case also friends anymore argue people ive called friends deep thinking problem never luck ladies one time got date met girl stopped talking day spent together father died young guidance mother illiterate know english brothers grew female household im son pet cat fun life died im feeling empty depressed hollow sad lonely tbh cant cope anymore wanna know die quick death life thought would be far worse world sick sick place honestly cant wait leave time petrified thought death left rot coffin would seem like eternity decompose also suffer claustrophobia often panic tight situations however huge yearning death despite fears wanna put misery attention seeking rather cry help im sitting knife throat need someone tell do want know happens die rot ever ever heaven hell soul headed to reincarnated figure purpose case movie insidious ill respawned dark place live house full spirits rooms dark person thing face desperate look fear horror,1 +got youtooz bought youtooz today form one favorite streamers im happy d,0 +i am going to die tonight goodbye,1 +Had a great early morning workout!! Getting ready for work ,0 +absolutely point existence cannot find reason purpose whatever fuck is prisoner cursed house fucking family even became prisoner dark thoughts head many issues physically emotionally ever change alone literally friends anymore even one obviously familys absolute worst then stay cannot even simply live pain becoming unbearable everyday genuinely tired even living anymore breathing suffering,1 +reminder clean phone screen everyday nasty creature probably germs toilet seat screen,0 +wanna diehey guys two years since moved canada study engineering university failed couple classes maybe three first two years never felt homesick feels weird cant sleep night way go sleep stay awake long many friends highschool ever since moved ive kinda lost touch still follow instagram whenever see stories hanging fun feel depressed regret moving student loan debt dad pays tuition fee were richwhich makes worse feel guilty told failed classes since poor gpa im stage would kicked engineering im academic probation right now thing stopping ending mom mom loves much move canada half hearted it eventually fine since wanted go wish never moved all cant stop googling easy ways die time think killing myself think mom would feel eventhough lot people love much still feel lonely depressed mean know may going worse stuff might look like big deal trust know highschool heard students killing thought would anyone laughed it hurts bad feel like im disappointment dad even sold one houses could pay tuition fee feel like im failing him also another thing stops things education would became useless even death would fail him mean thought talking therapist something realized im broke insecure talk someone know reason im posting reddit stay anonymous also long distance relationship girl loved much marry even talking scared life whole time loved much threw away coward ghosted months break properly feel like push everyone away everyone cares me extroverted person even feel like talking mom dad even brother wake up attend zoom lectures assignments study think able stop im required discontinue engineering wanted engineer since highschool wanna pass courses eager moved canada wanna die keep telling ever get opportunity die accident take way parents think killed myself know stop feeling way read far well thanks needed tell someone also anyone thinks isnt big deal like wanting die failed college completely get please troll guys whoever reading this thanks listening ps no like redflag note something felt like talking someone,1 +day sit pc like it energy anything else want stop need stop therapy medication make stop will cannot anymore,1 +victorahiwe that s what you want even all your generation together can t make him enter depression bunch of attention seeking low life,1 +okay ill admit iti goofball occasionally love really silly comedy seen films kurosawa bergman truffaut practically anyone planet still soft spot dopey comedy try sophisticated simply funny films immediately come mind monty python holy grail uhf start revolution without me strange brew bill ted movies lack snob appeal zombie professional film critic could dislike thembr br while bill teds bogus journey wonderful original bill ted film still great fun also unlike original actually seems improve repeated viewing remember loving film first time saw itpossibly movie set high standard laughs but every time see amazed great momentsparticularly involving grim reaper and way reaper different bergmans seventh seal get addition lot laughs film features excellent musicone way actually better first film kiss anthem end great rest hard rock tunesprovided old killjoy like de nomolos great viewing kids adults alike,0 +sister s cat meatball ha had it leg crushed need to be amputated now poor little thing,0 +decided time get professional help suicidal ideation go need place go tomorrow morning want appointment happen days weeks need walk wherever get kind help making get car go wherever get help now never willwhat kind place person go to reference us go get help,1 +people hyping among us low iq know iq gamers like play town salem superior game filler filler filler,0 +bad mow expecting another film based womens issues pleasantly surprised element suspense sure parts plot pretty hokey part movie kept guessing nut bar connected ex husband somebody tavern guy person cut off daniel magder excellent ive seen moms strike guilt association mows creditable especially way challenges mother way preteen would typically actbr br laura leighton also played typical mother exwife men women relate to frustrated enough seem realbr br see missed it worthwhile,0 +caught screening sundance film festival awe absolute power film has examination psychological effects brave soldiers join military hopes protect serve country honor well taken care government it film details psychological changes takes place boot camp soldiers turned killers country put war effects return home also portrays effect killing human psyche pays homage soldiers never ever criticizes soldiers unlike films instead criticizes system prepared take care physical psychological needs returned vetsbr br this film powerful moving emotional thought provoking stands call arms support troops buying stickers going parades actually listening them helping support change way health well taken care killing endsbr br the best film festival far ,0 +cant fucking anymoremost friends hate personality im emotional pathetic wanted nice make people happy im burden want kill constantly reason know quick ways it probably first time tried redflag hanging even failed im much moron tie noose right cabal hurt falling point existence suffering,1 +feel alone tiredthe tired probably lack sleep newborn around feel like got hit hardest punch post partum depression ever went feeling ok everything ready kill every night everything hurts body hurts feelings hurt want see anyone except mom want baby anymore cant look babys father without feeling anger wanting hit him literally fantasize walking room beating making feel pain puts through want stop taking blood pressure medication let preeclampsia take course die liver failure everyone around loves dearly seem make difference anymore,1 +looking karma anything wanted say dont know excited thats all thank time,0 +bad favorite band system feel stupid like im poser even genuinely favorite band,0 +wanna hold gun headits car emotions erratic cant calm down google says tell two close friends any basically much less im comfortable telling im suicidal could actually help plus late idk text one person vaguely sleeping fine feel like cry wolf lot im dramatic attempted told today significant people think im fine bc say im fine make lot jokes whole thing im comfortable opening people around people see often allat all random person asks whats wrong really always feel suicidal lately im just im hyperventilatingi cant see would happen immediate future killed besides messy see awful visuals hanging neck weird look reflection id look like holding gun head thinking calling hotline really bad anxiety phone calls ive heard bad experiences good feel stuck wanna bring gun inside idk im scared also want stopped seeing therapist earlier month bc support around keep seeing him esp feel much worse trying work lot childhood trauma sitting days afterwards next appointment making sick really manic self harming lot option since normally feel better come whatever feeling another option texting im afraid awake either notify authorities since address im afraid get shower hurt im going straight gun want feel like think really want kill actively seeking ways avoid think scared upset really want alive single person really tell feel safe around validated idk found im,1 +ircmaxell i think i need to find better anti depressant i think this paxil wellbutrin combo is losing it efficacy,0 +first time failed second time wonti cant believe fucking failed like proves much failure am wont get wrong time time update goodbyes sorry man l sweet l nothing take back years hurt caused hope makes little bit stop promise im sorry ad girl always you couldnt protect like promised im sorry failed z still honest dick respect man f see ya soon lads it im out,1 +@donaji23 hahaha I just may b out there next week too ,0 +need notice post im check ban lifted fileffilleleleejek,0 +anyone play starve together friends world best could use walter wormwood anything okay want play give discord link,0 +"My Report Was: English: B-, Modern History: A-, Geography: B, Maths B: B-, Accounting: A and IPT: A ",0 +labelsnotlove my home town my mammy called all depressd pls explain y a parent let their yr old child walk alone hello it 009,0 +suicidal thoughtsi keep suicidal thoughts days im happy lets call normal mostly everyday want kill myself straight away mind broken real meaningful purpose feeling life decisions decided others pushed friends away feel alone even im around people feel stuck want die want leave earth thing keeping family my dad mom brother even hard would die tomorrow would happy knowing people wont im im living feeling already years becoming worse day days weeks years past depressed become,1 +fun fact rteenagers still option report pedophilescreeps like wtf thats kinda weirdchamp,0 +asshole making fun oftalking crap pervert tw sxual harrassment basically i f person m probably going keep short met guy mutual friend school function probably last year started texting friends however started getting really creepy making unsolicited comments like sometimes look ass told friend told good idea date interested since hes pervert even made sexual comments sister many others later texted stop comments made uncomfortable replied okay continue making sexual crude jokescomments future even asking much mstubate week we playing td ft even slid story saying hey qt whats up even came broke ex stopped talking that told best friend this make lot jokes lowk talk shit text lmfao also posts freaky shit idk would call freaky always something wanting gf something friend make fun agree jokes aitawe assholes this tldr friends sometimesfrequently make fun pervert know sxually harrasses people aita also sorry extremely bad grammar rushed writing post,0 +only a few more days until my "the nanny" box set arrives- i am so taking the week off work. hahaha ,0 +im fucking scared mani know do cant get sleep night im distracted day girlfriend unprotected sex condom fitting well pulled even think got precum her im scared pregnant im ready die father cant dad yet itll weeks upon weeks agonizing wait would know sure cant get access plan b already almost late cant raise family think family family would end hating forever wish stayed virgin incels know lucky it,1 +give ps boy dont use ps ever since got ps month ago one boys doesnt one loves warzone play phone whenever sleepovers goes crazy consoles feel bad thought would give aint tryna offend make seem like hes charity case tryna boys running warzone time,0 +school killing im frustrated ever since school solely online ive struggling struggling im enrolled several advanced classes teachers seem care mental health homelife situations cant understand anything theyre teaching everything seems overwhelming point break panic cant focus almost impossible much better work school help right fingertips cant get here cant get help inside room theres much disposal room supposed escape relax life im longer allowed luxury missing assignments theyre going stack here cant focus im exhausted trying hardest getting return bad grade ive given up hard focus teachers unforgiving im barely bare minimum waking eating constantly feels like theres much going nothing happening get offtrack get distracted reward break half assignment wish could focus work cant cant im tired man cant home im always alone here one cant learn anyone help group chats exchanging answers papers enough me wanna learn cant here,0 +im turning minutes may finally watch adult porn cant wait,0 +one movies watched twice theatre really love movie atmosphere telling life tragic hero esteban trueba makes many mistakes gets chance redemption rather consoling thoughtbr br when watched first time thought election movie would know book boy wrong dramatic climax still come literally swept away sheer power last half hour filmbr br many people utterly dislike movie cannot understand one single bit maybe read book first often screen adaptations novels simply disappointed many things remained untold unseen unexplained movie telling touching story story family rise fall man deep compassion woman strength love insanity hate and conservatism movie simply splendid furthermore soundtrack incredibly good cast wonderful well especially winona ryder jeremy ironsbr br so definitely one films cinema invented for,0 +suicide sounds pretty fucking awesome literally nothing going wondering anyone knows anything could help stop really fucking close idk anything worked anyone avoid,1 +just got back from skating. Hanging with James ,0 +true chad decipher brgr k ft lets lst jud wnt n jr brgr k brgr smwnz ft fgs bt z trnz at mat bi wt ju gt frtnr pladd ft nnmsli sat ks z fit n plstk bn v lets wt nstetmnt s lets ju brgr k dmtdli hi hd us n bt ivn wrs,0 + magnum head end problems found dads sp revolver ton research ive concluded superb problem solver,0 +for past month i ve been having those really weird head rush while falling asleep it s like sudden tension headache head adrenaline rush it s a really weird feeling almost like my head is going to explode when i open my eye my anxiety obviously kick in but the head thingy immediately stop even though the tension headache is kinda on going my anxiety started because lf this head thingy that started happening to me and i also developed a little depression because of it cause i have 0 idea what that is and even doctor are clueless anyone have an idea i am struggeling so hard since this started,1 +"@lovecookies lol thanks for ur text message, but i went to my friend's house to get a shower instead ",0 +@MikeSonko @RobertAlai @lustborn You are jst waste to society of Kenya. Don't you know that insulting someone can cause brain damage here I'm talking about (depression?,1 +My new set up at pinupfiles.com ill be online in an hour guys at www.playwithtay.com see u there muahhhh xoxoxo hugs and bouncy kisses,0 +the number one reason i m severely depressed is the fact that i can never get a foothold in life i m like this powerful rocket on the launch pad that never take off rocket have phenomenal thrust potential but they need a team of people to actually allow it to succeed at what it wa built for i need friend i need family i need people to actually work with me i m year old and have yet to find a foothold to allow me to ascend the mountain for success i ve worked so hard i ve worked countless hour i ve dedicated my heart and soul to excellence i even started my own company a few year ago but a company can not simply run itself you need client investor and people that actually believe in what you re doing in order for that to reach it fully potential i have all this stored up explosive thrust yet no way to get any of it off the launch pad i can have all the desire integrity energy die hard spirit and tenacity however i can t do it alone in a world of untapped potential i feel absolutely isolated and alone i m incredibly intelligent and resourceful yet i m still broke financially and can t ever find a way to get a leg up it take more then one person to succeed i can t continue to give 000 while this world turn a cold shoulder to me and give nothing in return it doesn t and can t work that way so yeah i m depressed and teetering on the edge of a mental breakdown because life isn t working with me it s constantly working against me and to my ultimate demise,1 +good day lads yeah good day sidenote birthday,0 +want something big start huge project long time ive wanted something big ideas help,0 +Listening to Nas "It ain't hard to tell" makes me wish I had a time machine to go back and visit carefree days! @MsVLC could come along ,0 +film gets stamp approval scene museum demands acting without dialogue one interesting unique scenes history film dickinsons character kate well developed performance felt throughout entire film best work angie dickinson since point blank,0 +problems facing everyday objects eg glasses fog wear mask,0 +fucking boredom make me wan na go have a smoke,0 +kind rough little animation meme made final project uhhhhh yeah throw together within two days hell worth it link httpsyoutubefip_jsebbjc sample text,0 +society people autism spectrum mental health issues psychological issues surrounded bunch fucking nazis blame us everything say everything fault trying destroy us psychologically want us kill ourselves psychological warfare society governments hates people like us get extremely angry suicidal surrounded hateful society,1 +ji trnka made last animated short indictment totalitarism caused trouble native czechoslovakia elements few symbolisms simple trademark ornaments almost absent here allowing viewer concentrate fable man room dedicates pottery take care plant suddenly huge hand enters room orders make statue itself man refuses hes persecuted ominous gloved hand days impression reality factor seems erased animations try replace real world refreshing watch film makes technique part enjoyment,0 +body of missing northern calif girl found police have found the remains of a missing northern california girl http tr im imji,0 +@allanzzz oh allan!! may God give you strength and energy today esp with all the driving and work you have. ,0 +fenrirclemo unfortunately that ain t how anxiety work though just telling people just do it is kinda like telling people with depression just be happy it take alot of work and i m proud of how far he s come even with his stream he far more himself than he used to be,1 +funny yes freleng classic watch sylvester turn green always treat brings us back days cartoon slapstick brave geared adult mindbr br loved it,0 +generally like finish stuff consider work related things like video games series anything like dont want end scared finishing since know going back wont same finish everything feels empty like value anymore knowing never experience way makes want end go loving afterwards never wanting anything anymore,1 +@birdblogger so happy maybe it was the same one it made my day ,0 +need cure horny woke am nearly pm ive horny times alreadyy normally times day times im halfway day anyway yeah unhorny good today,0 +literally escape brainthis really really really really long one ive always great mentally tried commit redflag several times mostly pills bad times blood loss simply tried coke overdose went maybe years since teens stuff happened maybe warrantedvalidated felt i dont mean diminish anyone elses feelings warranted head ended horrible relationship wanted help sort of girlfriend brother committing redflag gave black eye time excused somehow ended married despite abusive behaviour changing lost nan complications regular surgery mum cancer space month mother law who gentlest caring person ive ever known and helped wife less abusive died miss fucking much years finally sense push divorce switched antidepressants fellhad first time seizure possibly new antidepressants brain haemorrhage lost hearing playing musicbandplaying shitty gritty clubs etc everything me made lose sense smelltaste i loved food cooking brain isnt was aside music thing made feel useful writing joking cant spell read well find words easily get stuck part way joke makes people laugh scramble wrong words thats funny itself head injury ive developed epilepsy seizures landed hospital get dizzy nauseous cant leave bed sometimes even get stairs get frequent night terrors ive without headache since three nearly four years ago head injury three years headache headache bad makes want smash face wall genuinely mean literally theres nothing else pain despite every sensible pain treatment cant take pain supposed stop childhood home divorce got married early s previously mentioned older woman supposed stop till found another place haemorrhage im stuck childhood bedroom incapable anything able contribute anything cant leave cant sleep cant taste cant smell cant hear well struggle understand words conversation alwayshaveanexcruciatingheadache night terrors make sleep rest awful cant help it fall asleep part way work in job im blagging takes long understand im readinghearing wake up desk feeling fucking terrified push day im lucky enough working home dont feel like it genuinely wish seizure would take out way noone feel responsible take cocktail epilepsypain meds four times day every time think miss one skip day time stop breathing indefinitely instead paramedics round inject put mask on dad said reason brother got sectioned psychotic depression seizure kept night depressingly paragraphs took long write ive look spelling spelling literally taken hours write doesnt even feel real dont even feel real im leaning tablets dont want leeching people shouldnt accommodate someone barely formulate sentence real time im completely lost mentally physically person cant mentally physically function pain specialist told xmany years pain isnt going do do im stuck every sense word youve got way far youre fucking trouper lol know everyones struggling know many people much much much grapple with make feel proud,1 +end diagnosed eye condition usually ends losing sight treatedsince everyone helpful would like personal opiniom regarding disturbing matters doctor diagnosed really bad case eye floaters given special eyedrops getting worst days passed currently job att uverse pre install tech support incase condition gets worst grounds resignation due medical reasons parents thinking straight medical matter hand wants continue medicine hand good money there doctor found job att pre install tech support told leave find another lighter job risk blind long run experience parents ideas usually end ths hospital worst think going work matter hours need opinions badly since guys helpful,1 +husband cheated dumped years good nowguess im sub yes life sucking hard right now announced last month moved three weeks ago since ive therapy good support system im actually enjoying living own thought okay past week manall think offing myself know is like repeating thought cant get head ive suicidal never attempted feels like legit reason im alone future ahead gonna rough im sure comes next feel romantically unlovable plus whole my husband always loved someone last years might lie mindfuck strange feeling one hand im curious future im enjoying spend time yet times feel crushing despair rejection seems like one answer started zoloft mg month ago im sure thats helping causing this definitely feel less anxiousocd since starting it think helping,1 +type cute think im cute wish return monke,0 +recently broke girlfriend almost years broke completely off break guess could say thought totally breaking would help well pissed cannot see dog anymore her bought together dumb self went found girl started talking her thought would get mind things made much worse want go back went camped middle desert alone last weekend try get away idk debated staying die fucking sun try think shit ex put bad still help like reasons left good enough anymore pills help therapy help fucking eat fucking sleep cannot function day day anymore fucking fault everyone said would happier honestly depressed long time want anything anymore fucked bad cannot go back would able even tried think killing right now go find another girl talk to maybe wanted company think trying fill void fucked worse cemented situation even more always end fucking worse fucked,1 +spheeris debut must one best music documentaries time far know also one focuses la punk explosion early eighties there great great bands like black flag fear x germs whose names may mean much today whose influence todays alternative rock music overestimated also promoters media first audiences punks portrayed manner makes laugh shudder gasp astonishment energy anger fury youths put music today eighties may sucked big time cames mainstream music underground rocking need proof that watch fears performance decline unmatched great film come available vid ld dvd ps followup decline pt ii hilarious,0 +"Just got out of church, ready to eat some fried chicken ",0 +thanksgiving sucks moment aunt makes stuffing dairy even though assured time time didnt dairy ingredients spend rest evening bathroom everyone mad taking long god hate everything,0 +hard comfortable looks idk get told im good looking im super insecure,0 +brodhe geez ur no fun are you,0 +ever get home going somewhere look mirror think ugly disgusting entire time embarrassing harsh reality check mirror painful,1 +among us broke rule among us broke standard rule fps gaming history first take run natively fps similar animation style early s dont believe me search among us rule google images,0 +The reason I was M.I.A for 3 or 4 mouth because I was going through a lot of things basically I was short of in a depression state of mind. What maid even worst is nobody never check up on me.,1 +okay cry song like idk cried shit one song every time hear cant hold tears,0 +gosh it is raining in summer cause of the global warming,0 +@SkyNews A Tory govt increases depression by 85%. Fact,1 +"@flirtbuttons Mountain Dew, but Coke would be preferable! ",0 +dont want herei dont want live anymore havent since im everyone made seem like things would get better sober anti depressants nothing helped alcohol ssri benzo marijuana dont want live great boyfriend mom couldnt live without me couple friends however still want purchase pistol end it feel guilty still cause got dui even though didnt crash hurt someone feel like cant redeem myself quit drinking successfully completed probation chance removed record next year dont want deserves there watched step dad die house help mom clean shit blood up honestly since things awful loved much dad real dad colon cancer wont get help even though hes bleeding everyday reminds everything month ill probably end to also drinks everyday doesnt gives fuck get better isnt really anyone read needed place rant somewhere safe say want end it dont want live want gone good,1 +pushed away last friend nothing stopping anymoreyet cant it sit look pills ive amassed cant want bad cant im coward wish courage go want pain end want fucking end,1 +so disagree critics really moved movie little hesitant rent itas going things protagonist supposed experiencing yet rent thinking might experience catharsis least understand alone understood protagonists irritation careless cousin feel internal struggle isolation much would liked felt much emphasis placed disruptive cousin overstaying welcome beautifully filmed movie really appreciate use silence bring feeling isolation,0 +Just had an awesome Sunday evening out cider and curry= nom ,0 +Depression is literally the biggest bitch,1 +"http://twitpic.com/7hox2 - In Peniche, Portugal... I love this beachs",0 +dont want kill hate alive havent really gotten point want kill myself wouldnt know get around people events still keep wanting end havent enjoyed life idk long,0 +something interesting im literally sitting watching paint dry,0 +jsparsons i am starting my prep for the pmp exam tomorrow can relate the feeling,0 +bro going cheat gf brother gf sister best friend the friend oke this bro going cheat girl course dont want happen need advice say him please help bro reddit cant look something,0 +decorating my room ,0 +dammit episode of king won t play for some reason stopped in the middle now won t do anything,0 +archiving project file to sharepoint this is not fun,0 +cheers lost onesraising glass all bunch misfits fighting painful feelings together anxiety depression putting fake smiles friends family wanting stay bed day wake all lost some lose plenty more still fighting together salute all fellow hurting brothers sisters lose wish peace ones battling get pain know im hope youre me,1 +really think want kill myself im huge failure see way could end reasonable matter without gonei dont job live mom lack income large burden household im suck everything im really depressed dont think im like yearold trapped older mans body happen see writing walli think im wasting everybodys time here discernible skills make valuable world im wasting everybodys time mentioned earlier spend majority time playing super nintendo games live strange bubble ive fulfilled everything ive ever wanted im realizing bad life sucks yearold time divided street fighter masturbation im waste space reason here live middle woods call hang belong world live afterlife better shit wantg jerk peace without acknowledging presence cant anymore,1 +doe anybody else here get extreme anxiety and panic when you send a text to someone like asking a question or anything and they don t reply back or iphone user can see if they ve read the text message i literally spiral and i don t know how to deal with it sometimes they reply to me and sometimes they don t and when they don t i automatically think i m the problem or it ha something to do with me basically,1 +conundrumsim alive someone else die alone knowing full well fate ___ ive suicidal years ive hospitalized times st time pills drugs time tolerance handled long enough someone find pump stomach nd time someone found got gun called cops knowing planning use it rd time voluntary then years ago dad died st conundrum dad always truly kept anything dad best friend person whole life knew gave shit im son son world died sleep nowhere undiagnosed sleep apnea found dead taking nap st conundrum is family members grandparents real old killed moment truly utterly lowest would go losing son grandson would also noone ro take care visit them last yearmy grandpa died grandma epileptic handicapped situation literally none feelings world want alive _ profession lets people work feed kids nd conundrum work lot good people big families kids card pocket says im cant work im journeyman work boss loses money too take food mouths families im around nd conundrum is much ive tried last years relationships start family find significant worth time ive failed everyone help gets that watch work effort give others things honestly deserve feel like ive drowning whole life cant handle anything anymore im tired,1 +tell end iti give up im weak want stop suffering see pet frogs again end,1 +relapse overdosei cant take anymore future me im tired anyone ive put many years trying get better bunch bullshit im alone another two hours im ready take pills get with hate miserable fucking earth,1 +guy fbi found child porn bidens sons computer im pretty sure biden knew too biden also hidden house past days jesus fucking christ,0 +"@aussiecynic Working hard... no wait, hardly working. yeah, that's it ",0 +all these crazy pollen tree in washington state are making my sinus go crazy,0 +reasons end itmale turned still living parents due medical issues cant even shit own use enemas sometimes take well hour go bathroom ive daily enemas years foley catheter put as today since stopped able pee reason im extremely depressed horribly anxious cant even hold conversation people since fibromyalgia pain daily makes seek painkillers feel like normal person ive struggled drug addiction falling back again particularly benzos crippling ptsd cant get past move life personality lately sucks due frustrations medical issues really think world would miss much certainly current me live family really live them stay room half time also struggle ton anhedonia even things life seem better brain still convinced thats case ugh want stop existing ask this nobody did yet happened world cruel,1 +thought movie great storyline portrayed greatly excellent cast read drew barrymore exceptional josie geller beautiful yes maybe movie played outside herself brought plain girl searching world story sweet definitely hopeless romantics there sure am david arquette mad brother rob michael vartan gorgeous sam coulson leelee sobieski excellent job mate aldys someone afraid herself think movie get credit rather branded teeny boppy flick,0 +ashanti s sort film precise reminded wild geese way richard burton richard harris roger moore mission africa good film too enjoyed lotbr br david michael caine doctor working africa married beautiful ashanti woman called anansa beverley johnson trained medicine america also doctor theyre doctoring one day snatched slavers working arabic slave trader called suleiman played perfectly peter ustinov people rest film david trying get backbr br michael caine brilliant actor course plays character determined prepared anything get wife back rather hopeless gun action stuff hes helped first englishman campaigning slave trade one acknowledges going rex harrison briefly helicopter pilot william holden arab called malik kabir bedi malik score settle suleiman he intense throughout engaging character rides david find get anansa back involves wonderful scene david fails miserably get camelbr br then theres lots adventure theres also lots moralityquestioning progress story little predictable point liberties taken plotting move things along faster pretty forgivable question is david get anansa peter ustinov sells omar sharif yes course omar sharif it,0 +scars arm remind im failurecouldnt even kill wanted to,1 +oppsiebeen hospital um hours im suicidal rescreening later morning see theyre gonna admit psych ward um want go home bad j brat wasted hospitals time grandmas what hissy fit living boyfriend damnshit know idiot explain im fine need go home psychiatrist,1 +exmi i hope he come back,0 +first off ive dealt with it my entire life since i wa ab 9 yr old im very familiar with the feeling of anxiety and i ve experienced it in alot of form i wa in a relationship for year where i experienced the absolute worst of it but i am not in that relationship anymore i am a full time student again and im living life on my own accord now with my whole life ahead of me and i can do anything i want now im so glad to be where im at and i cant wait for what the future hold i have no worry in the world anymore anyways here i am watching better call saul relaxing in my bed super comfortable in my mushroom blanket that i love so much and i just gradually out of nowhere start to feel my chest get tight tight to the point where i want to poke a hole in my chest just to relieve the pressure obviously im not gon na do that but you get the idea im not panicking about anything while this is happening i mean when i feel my chest tighten then im like okay wtf is going on but before that nothing im a relaxed a can be ready to go to sleep to wake up to next day ahead of me and so i do some breathing exercise to try to relieve this chest tightness and i do feel really relaxed from doing them but that chest tightness is still there and again im not panicking of anything like i would from my traditional anxiety attack is this a new form of anxiety where my body is just like you know what youre trying to go to sleep so im gon na make it hard to breathe for no reason bc you are finally happy in life with no worry so ill give you something to worry ab i read ab people having panic attack out of nowhere and sometimes fainting even but that ha never happened to me my anxiety attack always stemmed from something regardless of how silly or insignificant it wa the anxiety would always come from something like it wouldn t just spontaneously erupt into an attack so is this just a new form of anxiety im dealing with right now is there anything i can do breathing and relaxing exercise only make me calm mentally and really relax me but the uncomfortableness of my chest just being tight is preventing me from going to sleep so i dont really know what to do if this is in fact just anxiety what do you all think is this just an anxiety attack or are there other issue i should get checked out any response is appreciated tl dr random chest tightness wont go away even with a calm and relaxed state of mind wondering if this is anxiety just attacking my body,1 +i have an awful living situation thanks to college where i live in one half of the country for part of the year and then i move back across the whole fucking country for the next fucking awful i don t have any friend i don t have any passion everything i do is well i can t do this now because i ll be cutting it short by leaving in the summer and i m running out of time to do anything meet people get a job get a fucking treatment i tried doing therapy and i scheduled one week late because there s no fucking spot available and that s one le therapy thing i can go to because i only have two or three month left before i have to drop everything and leave again i don t know why i did this i wish i wasn t here life s just a dead fucking end and i m going to be doing this forever i ve missed out on so much and it just never get better i thought thing would get better by doing this but i wa fucking stupid a hell i m going to be permanently stuck like this because i haven t done shit with my life so far and i m never going to recover from year of just nothing nothing nothing no milestone no friendship i barely know how to function i barely know how to talk to people i can t even hide behind covid a an excuse because this is just what i ve been doing my whole life it s a waste of fucking time nothing,1 +coronavirus good anything least good topic small talk filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler this good enough,0 +im tiredim tired depressed anxiety im broken cant fixed im tired breathing im tired existing im getting better im getting worse cant stand constant weight mere existence,1 +anyone helpits fucked thoughts long time were shit situation right lease agreement money situation cant move out broke phone went use old one kicking around found messages another guy called broke up within week arms different guy goes house kid late every night last night never came home still here think would hard keeps leading like work next day acts like hates guys house night child truly hurts ive contemplating ending it not shes convinced child im worthless even like dad anymore family acts nice want money that have eyes kids mom im worthless pos end this bs try hard overcome depression well really long time look got me idk life sucks feel like would easier everyone could rest peace like understand would emotionally difficult first judging way people treat theyd get it live life wondering nobody cares even daughter,1 +close march th day everything became bad closing year mark since emergency declared us closing schools movie theaters malls everything want anymore school nearly year feel horrible zoom classes,0 +okay girl give awards hello girl real human girl ampxb httpspreviewredditkivumjagbpngwidthampformatpngampautowebpampseeecffaeffda,0 +@hestia_berna !!!!!!!!! Arrrgh! My reputation!! lol!! ,0 +know go kiss like seems like way make awkward heck guys done it like play safe hug know early make jump may one them teenagers interesting species understand,0 +"Every single person in the world"", every culture,"" every language & every country knows it """"""""You are what you eat. FOOD does MATTER"""""""": https://www.organiclivefood.com/nutrition/food-medicine-organic-live-raw-foods-beat-cancer-cells.php … Food for the body is not enough. There must be food for the soul: http://www.seattleorganicrestaurants.com/vegan-whole-food/natural-foods-herbs-for-treating-depression-anxiety.php … #depression #food #health #organic pic.twitter.com/Nlj5b3Jki5""""",1 +im pretty sad bored rn comment funny jokes completely random facts preferably animals,0 +want die scary myself want die sleep even wished god die know would that think wishing devil seem possible too ,1 +uwu time uwu time vewy gay uwu,0 +really sad many peoples shoes worth much money solve problems mine problems maybe much yours shoes nikes other cost above like people suffer huge economy cant economy fair equal money solve problems,0 +hate being here,0 +sick feeling worthless inferior battling old negative thoughts everyday carry around much guilt shame even shit responsible for care much others think feels oppressive often think killing right thing would mean one less worthless person worthless background earthi feel love liked anyone even think capable so anyone take one look know inferior would settle me would befriend me lowest man earthi want end cried many times going therapy sometimes feel okay seems get worse sick feeling like shit everyday,1 + minutes gone waste could way home rn,0 +Getting excited to see RENT tomorrow ,0 +straight guys wish girl lesbian know sounds stupid im definitely trans fr things much romantic girl it wanna able give someone honest compliment without thinking get laid,0 +rough couple years grandmother died mother kind mental break abuse escalated terrible years constant yelled violence grandfather started drinking fell deep alcoholism lot violence drinking going long time money lost friends eventually got kicked move year ago almost got evicted worse time life today everything is okay lost sense self graduated month ago got job going college month mothers meds calmed down something within wrong everyday think killing myself even choice point thoughts come me think lonely could sleep awhile thoughts creeped in new job nannying week time sleep entire week come back mothers house weekend back one day already going mad work felt way twice first day so know feel way everything cried self sleep come first time long time okay still want lay go away think would write would write anything find body whether not grandfather remember me questions kids work ask imagine memory thoughts hurting flood in used someone strong knew wanted hope hope gone know anymore recognize person mirror best life years cannot help want end all,1 +Please visit the following sites: http://www.Youtube.Com/helloimnicknarnia and dont be afraid ,0 +no one talk to everyone say stay strong love life take easy way out blah blah blah joke life joke get it,1 +Onibus com personagem do Tim Burton ,0 +helpanyone preferably age free open frank conversation via dm please,1 +ive accepted itive thoughts redflag since years old im really thru much handle mental health dad died mom abandoned months bounced around different family member homes feeling im good enough one wanted keep me ive gone thru lot dealt lot death always contemplated redflag could never think way actually go it today ive lost hope completely girl told loved wanted foreveri soul mate told today wasnt sure meant it im sick feeling alone one actually cares me many failed relationships mother abandoning ive convinced im unlovable ill alone forever cant that decided today im gonna buy gun week work last shift friday enjoy time friends weekend sunday june rd im going take peaceful place get drugs drink finally shoot head finally end pain cant handle anymore pain constant life long remember im past breaking point thanks giving place put thoughts existence hope go thru,1 +man snowy river ii reinvent wheel crowdpleasing beautiful film hits great notesbr br for fans wanting elements made original man snowy river film hit breathtaking scenery sweeping score sweet romanticism cracking action film really delivers story picks years end first jim tom burlinson away gathering fortune brood stock horses returns pick left pluckish wellbred sweetheart jessica played aussie divine lady sigrid thornton still attempting break corseted upbringing feathers cattle station harrison played american brian dennehy foil jim character shakes plot welltodo upper class snob alistair patton nicholas eadie sights jessica add mix social tension surrounding landholdings stallion bad attitude first film thats plotbr br the best thing film acting tom burlinson fits snugly jims wide brim hat laconic humour sigrid thornton lovely heroine two manage real chemistry screen filling solid shoes kirk douglas never going easy brian dennehy stomps shouts never feels authentic partbr br the music sweeping lush cinematography could roll victoria tourism reel moment however feel selfindulgent like director wants one helicopter shot riders show gorgeous landscape without personal human drama little grit would sufficed here aussies take it jawsish moments stallion defy belief however funny thing film amongst glaring clichs really inventive touching scenes jim putting saddle stallion very horse whisperish time jim jessica setting home fabulous scene jim shows alistairs riding trusty whip see character iconbr br altogether pleasing sequel heres hoping everyone involved wants make another man snowy river iii craigs im sure wed love see jim jessica farmbr br the aussie dvd couple extra scenes it worthwhile already fan,0 +crying make feel good whenever cry feel way better,0 +rn took shit reckon itd really solid log real brick dont need to would spectacular doubt,0 +unpopular opinion halo good games fun campaigns really engaging gameplay mechanics halo fun guns use really nice maps local multiplayer halo local multiplayer still super fun play great guns interesting enemies,0 +cant anymoreim doomed minimum wage warehouse jobs thanks fucking dad hopes better life younger obviously im allowed that want make electronic music make people happy im fucking dumb years barely put together basic drum beat ive promised im making christmas first time life think mean it im even sad anything may miss on,1 +at my grad party with cuzzy just family I ? them so much they r they best! hopefully it'll be a early night!,0 +My Kiery makes some seriously awesome bread... yum ,0 +friend accidentally kicked dead rat teacher yesterday group friends playing game football someone pointed dead rat group went nowhere someone kicked another eventually started kicking around teacher came said lads friend got good run rat kicked accidentally hit stomach know decided put hope someone got laugh it rats harmed ,0 +nicolerichie i cried so hard when matthew died,0 +@bitchville More than words is all you have to do to show you feel... ,0 +watching film light mood also film light end film unexpected leaves long lasting memories ones mindbr br movie starts abhay profession witness registrar marriage soha comes marriage boyfriend doesnt leaving soha alone street cant go back home thing live situation abahy turns helper her base storybr br the rest watchable end story bitter sweet abhay face keeps edge seatbr br dialogues music good songs ok direction good screenplay feel movie slow looking demand story rightbr br a truly watchable especially light mood enjoyed home coke peanuts rating ,0 +LE Smith Amber Moon & Stars Heritage Depression Glass Compote by FabulousFinds1 https://etsy.me/2HZeeg7  via @Etsy,1 +hey guys new really know talk about years old suicidal every night try kill end failing badly frustrates me yesterday day finally dawned upon wanted end all never anyone get except bipolar disorder even family try reach hoping get good advice reddit well mainly dad causing suicidal tendencies cannot even things love anymore cannot even enjoy one games properly thoughts feeling utterly useless hope reaches people help me truly suffering years old suicidal,1 +want outwhy even bother trying explain awful always awful cares want sweet sweet release please cry,1 +feel main reason depressed long bc never able friendsrship whole life starting worry might never friends wish could accept learn happy alone tips this improving depression without friends,1 +probably belong herei nothing complain about ive never abused great parents supportive gave great childhood never bullied never problems fitting in good job rewarding allows financially comfortable im ugly physical ailments people generally nice me ive never even heart broken beautiful wonderful wife love tolerates me nothing stability love whole life want end it theres weakness me im soft slightest adversity sends spiraling im taking meds maybe need idk believe life make it meaning except give it im lazy want anything action dozens ambitions know pursue ill scrape exist im lazy complainer nothing complain about real problems im process making sure wife easily access money assets im almost done writing goodbye letters theres nothing live except spair family pain thats enough anymore tired feeling weak im tired feeling like man simultaneously weak willed anything it diet exercise medication meditation ive failed im it im scared everything feel alive right amount alcohol me im done,1 +i am wondering why my lovely wife doesn t check or respond to my tweet,0 +lost people lives condolences lost family friends pets anyone im sorry know internet points awards wont anything help grief wish could give hugs need one right now wish could help dont know to ive seen many posts last days death breaks heart please know support you losing loved one tough isnt easy whatsoever guys need people would recommend therapist sometimes people need friend turn to nice day lt,0 +today brother told looked like tired livingi thought good hiding day mind keeps getting clouded gets harder enjoy life back dad got cancer got big depression yes always mild depression getting cancer something else led redflag attempts realizing die live life whatever want thinking fact thay dad got better made happy months think im relapsing mind getting clouded point become self destructive simply care living feel like theres meaning life time want die theres nothing life die become nothingness theres something took life punish it want stop time bed nothing eternity want think want anything want alone eternity way see things two things happen end ending sure nothing life regretting get older want go doctor seek help planning months yet go im afraid im old enough go alone still fear parents finding out brother looking like crazy person like loser yes loser loner putting face meds probably therapy would given sure makes feel worse sorry guys wanted vent bit idk right sub ill play thought seeking help likely delete post later,1 +one favorite movies saw preview seattle tom hulce amazing words could convey feelingsthoughts actually sent mike ferrell donation money help film get distributed good system says need lines want give away plot stuff audience seattle hulce director writer think mike ferrell talked hour afterwords really dry eye house hollywood continues stupid know actually know fault look watchwell get pay guys get see someone special gem,0 +help im thinking overdosingplease hope future dont want feel like got choice end life tonight im completely alone im weak stupid cant continue life,1 +hehe friends realied allmy friends casually homophobic pretend like thy make fun me use me physically mentally hurt me hooray friends irl gay great,0 +racist but homemade choccy milk better brandname choccy milk except trumoo shits fire,0 +international free service counsellingsomeone talk tolife quite bad lately want keep complainingwhining people around me complained too quick search showed free service country im willing pay buti kinda want get tracked,1 +"@daosin !Thank you Daosin, I'm glad you enjoy "FACES"! I'll keep everyone updated with my music Have a fun weekend k! .M.",0 +mom trying make go school im still quarantine live school resumes christmas break tuesday get quarantine wednesday mom insisting got tomorrow told play rules wait one day shes it,0 +friendly reminder stay hydrated r u still reading go drink water,0 +realmissdike actually don jazzy had a god like influence on the music industry at that time sha plus it wa a legal tussle to add to it so there wa no moving for wc think depression set in along the way for him too,1 +"Depression, BPD, anxiety suck with no where to vent. Ugh",1 +jonathanrknight oh did i mention it quot gooooood moooorniiiiiiing quot from germany im back in my cage or better my office,0 +who is the mastermind behind depression due to nepotism theory and why wa this theory encouraged by mupo even when no suic de note wa found from the crime scene ip nupurprasad drjitendrasingh doptgoi pmoindia hmoindia ip association ssr social medium compromised,1 +gonna die weekits finally time me know fact ill never reach happiness ill pregnancy test case cause want see im ending life another matter me bye all hopefully successful time,1 +cliched titlenot sure turn anymore reddit bit me came big digg move ive loved site far guys helpful supportive im impasse life went college years got lazy found beer pretty much dropped out decided join national guard hopes making something life time really happy even though got yelled suffered structure life first time basic pretty much falling ng went first drill stopped going seemed dumb would sit around months ago now lost job girlfriend pretty much huge debt aes fafsa already deferred dont know much longer it tough finding job been applying every place see dont know military phone fell hottub dont cash get new one im slowly losing contact everyone outside world summary dont know do already owe parents loads money college dont know turn to im get thrown street really dont know do please help me edit im years old,1 +last time talked lifeline ended chat within minutes time told take deep breaths showed concern all care want people think help not help pain deathon different note wish mom take away knife want cut entire body scars every inch show people serious say need help downplay it bet dead think i wish signsi reason live want mom grieve me said die kill herself pretty much support gives mom dies me ill kill myselfthere words describe pain feel building almost entire life suicide lifeline care,1 +still think every night sad talked months even really good friends anything really liked her even time able see talk her still think do way contact ill probably never see either yet ive finding thinking every night cant stop know,0 +Follow us on Myspace!! www.myspace.com/fourtogomusic ,0 +Clinical Depression http://depression.healthomni.com/2012/08/30/clinical-depression/ … pic.twitter.com/6UnnM95QOq,1 +big dealim considering redflag absolute failure life failed academically failed socially failed everything theres nothing life worth salvaging think family lot would put through blocks it committing it harm really depressed little get it mother one im worried most weak mentally able get it time religion think thatd give strength hope least ive considered writing redflag note asked forgiveness im do im religious person asking forgiveness helps mother deal it id definitely it brother sister would depressed little see getting it strong dad would angry rightfully so think hed hard time getting it ive thought lot losing happy experiences that way see it better someone happy fulfilled life gets experience things instead know people experiencing things bad someone gets it me noose made place want go it think long enough im afraid ill botch it theres also shotgun house use itll really hard get access it since dad hidden key ever since first attempt im terrified family blame everything anything end getting frustrated angry whole thing entirely fault im entirely blame want blame hate me guess thats do,1 +pain weighing downi wonder taboo redflag person admits considering it like sort line crossed something like said something makes fucking sense wrong sometimes wonder ridiculous people even good story ridiculousness shit accepted accident car accident right leg fucked up severed mcl tore meniscus fractured femur shattered patella sucked months surgeries pins shit knee recovered though go wheelchair crutches single crutch cane months walk without limp learn walk again tough something look forward to getting better normal again work it tangible though different problem spine hurts pain take medications day go physical therapy times week hrs go sleep pain dream pain wake pain things teach deal cope one say help out train deal pain teach body avoid things make worse cant work lost job pain encompasses every aspect life im crying you way live cant live like this leg fucked up something look forward too getting better now pills classes deal it life pain day night change classes pills coping never changes miserable way live cant live like this ask this many years long ok mean put animals misery okay end it destroys me seeing family every day every day day consists another session misery trained deal with fix get through when point thing consider miserable dragging family run bills take resources happy life way live tell me not tell theres circumstance consideration tell call number generic shit want tell fucking sin terminate failing situation complete failure would keep someone stopping pain ruins every possible way could feel okay stopping person ending misery,1 +sucked in heather sewage bath xp and poor owen in the bear total drama island,0 +anyone know write apa format school district usually us use mla history teacher wants us write essay apa,0 +idek im feeling anymore honestly every night stay later feel weird mixture disappointment depression anger im fine people talking me moment im alone feel like garbage im tired every day feeling like this feel like matter cant get sleep schedule back normal either barely muster motivation get morning go lift anymore ill probably delete soon idek im saying,0 +life overi thought could get past everything thats fucking life even happy days brief almost cant remember anymore miscarried baby theyre gone really nothing live anymore ive successfully made partner hate give back things money owe him get plan trying return work depression long time worked dunno im anymore gonna best everyone go cant handle pain anymore cant handle anything anymore meant be thanks reddit giving odd chuckle there people meant though,1 +posting song everyday say christian french get least half hour worth songs imma post spotify playlist,0 +oh god felt bad annoying toward sister feel bad boyfriend like im also annoying stupid ,0 +Just left my Nephew's B-Day party. On our way to Temecula's wine festival to hook up with some friends. Care to join us? ,0 +plan kill yearsi cant limitations have ive burden everyone hurt people even try make people happy ends hurting them say certainty im gone nothing change,1 + feel like failed lifes purpose opportunity something could changed life fucking pussy deal guilt find another purpose myself hate overthink every decision comes way cannot fucking smarten get head feel like way cope misery drugs alcohol cannot keep living like without vice give relief fucking failed lifes purpose,1 +one year suffering finally endjust one year over tbh wish could every fiber being unfortunately wait one year things must die know get exceptionally worse year motivation live would redflag awaits end road honestly cant wait reach welcome smile like child misses parents waiting long them said theres hope life matter happens therell always hope lurking around redflag existing give hopeless people like sweat release death,1 +hi question would bad thing pretend went crush deterr guy crush her hes creep and made best friend leave school bullying him feel right that would like assistance,0 +I love it when I am proud of the fact that I have brushed my teeth every night for the past three days like depression makes me disgusting,1 +im looking advice try help relative shes going ugly divorce husband whos trying get sole custody threeyearold son hes dating woman substance abuse problem criminal record met three weeks ago taking son sleep residence unbeknownst relative till recently monday told hes filing divorce,1 +looking forward anythingfuture seems like pointless slow painful really want go that,1 +film full suspense well directed black white effect made great mystery fay emersonhilda fenchurch married twice famous musician skitch henderson also son elliott roosevelt fdrs son fell madly love zachary scott ronnie masonmarsh ronnie wins hearts ladies picture even mona freemananne fenchurch proposes marriage whenever can rosemary decamp dr jane sillafamous radio tv actress s s played mostly small town moms warned ladies ronnie masons sick mind abusive childhood growing up caused lovehate relationship women fay emerson zachary scott would greater stars rewarding roles lives short lived real life film beyond critizing trully great film classic many generations view enjoy,0 +Took every ounce of my will power to get into working out today.....but I am so glad I did. Feel much better now ,0 +bruh im angy playing black ops one zombies keener towton cant get public lobby never load kicks out play solo die like round forget hit ive playing blackops lately,0 +driving test tomorrow hey everyone huge congrats already got licenses hopefully ill joining soon im small town dmv isnt testing highway roundabouts point turns im nervous covid getting license super important me advice strats experience,0 +@soundlyawake close!..see my reply ,0 +jonnyfx no article on the fact his home wa robbed while he wa at the game and his kid where at home or about his battle with depression nope let twist his one quote about not winning trohpies to drive more hatred journalism these day if you could call it that sickens me,1 +im thinking ending allthis second post here come reddit time need simply feel last hope want end life now seems easy give let relief death overtake me would longer suffer moments sorrow would free stress responsibility would longer worry people think things would much easier despair dread feel every waking moments torture me im years age yet already sufferer extreme anxiety normal comingofage anxiety anxiety plagued mind since could first grasp human interaction emotion traumas ive experienced certainly contributed well also suffer minor form depression although told life would get better easier things seem going steadily downhill things dont seem getting better ive decided post last sliver hope something someone convince life isnt bad seems wanted voice heard anyone ends reading message thank getting point,1 +school really hard ive seen lot memes posted talking difficult school is go good school online lot people struggling able understand ask all think schools making online much harder person food thought lack motivation much work enough student teacher conversation,0 +just had myself a driving lesson went pretty well need to stop crossing my hand over on the wheel apparently though bad time,0 +hard give up friends live boyfriend told dad want move another state next year said job want herehe also doesnt believe mental health issues exist all cry gets mad me doesnt comfort me mum died years ago one understands me im sick alone constantly tonight got close ending life work tomorrow cant tomorrow cant take anymore goodbye world,1 +whats best way kill selfmy girlfriend cheated left fuck another guy gave everything had tired happening whats painless method,1 +you talk me tell feel badyeah actually feel bad need talk start avoiding days time fuck people wanted someone give slightest fuck felt instead ignore avoid me im done thing people nice them im going mean evil are fuck people fuck friends fuck family wanna die,1 +may meme proves good point read video description opinion httpsyoutubeushdcqhtehttpsyoutubeushdcqhte,0 +fabianv what kind of doc and what are you using to write them we re always behind on our doc,0 +fuck new reddit update reddit crashing fucking time cant shitcomment properly,0 +crazy world is depressed natural reaction unnatural conditions subjected toyour psychiatrist tell chemical imbalance and do come nowhere exception serious mental disorders schizophrenia nothing inherently wrong brain despite claustrophobia inducing billion people planet living quite possibly loneliest era species ever seen spend days going school working s going online day day interacting people may care about truly connect everything advertisers vye attention practically forced compete narcissistic arrogance creating game social media want chance social life bombarded images wealth beauty average person ever hope attain everyone around us tells us okay normal even though usually suffering consequences way life too led believe best way way live simply get fatter live longer ancestors people poorer countries know havehad dont purpose community tranquility instead forests clear rivers rolling green plains crops buildings roads lawns mcmansions cars soaring past mph kardashians corn monocultures instead intact families self confidence hope divorce rate people becoming agoraphobic theyre afraid go public generation people never retire instead children playing outside kind nurturing society accepts cares members kids glued tablets acting like teenagers years ago rising homeless population people excluded society altogether fit status quo meet increasingly competitive standards success educationally economically socially romantically modern world rather preventing crime focus inflicting suffering commit it thrown psych ward medicated deemed threat others depressed pervasively sad generation living memory possibly recorded history state prepared willing come heavy violence anyone challenges beyond simply complaining it hey least weve got big macs average life expectancy years s its years life matter life years reject modernity embrace tradition,1 +want kill self tonight say every night want everim failure im horrible person find enjoyment life forced here,1 +severe anxiety amp gf almost years depression everytime argue text feel completely helpless always super worried shes going hurt especially argue night tells leave alone feel like stay night long case texts change heart wants apologize ill sleeping ill miss text something terrible happen shes gotten x better since dating hasnt hurt long time always back head something go wrong wont able help,0 +i have social anxiety but over the last couple month i ve become more and more scared of people im not talking about the social aspect but about the behaviour of people they can be so agressive some people at my school just have no shame and wan na fight you etc and it really really scare me and make me so anxious it make it so hard to just go out and go to school,1 +yall laugh anything watch literally one filler filler filler filler filler filler filler,0 +im killing september th even though im scared diei feel like im always scared kill myself ive always wanted die hands know changed mind partway id able stop it id able cut rope call ambulance puke whatever ive taken jumped bridge stepped front car would changing mind stopping dying thats scares me permanence it even though want die badly know death forever feel like can want die want dead im terrified permanent bad decision made drunk tired think thats set redflag date gives time change mind plan things way save things go pear shaped change mind im killing myself im much coward actually die make sense sound stupid,1 +yever feel like cant anything lost motivation let vent sec school sucks hate it good part friends like two fun teachers online fcked doggy style im missing like thirty assignments motivation went im failing like three classes matter many times turn computer go canvas work brain shuts down laziness or least thats like tell myself last ive felt super empty bunch stuff used love playing guitar try ill get one two practices month loved making art everytime open program lose spark feel tired time motivation anything lying bed listening music hours hard take care myself hard eat hard clean room hard get bed im basically walking corporal husk yeah im thriving please help whats wrong lol,0 +feel like im going relapsethings took turn im coping want kill myself time longer want live wish could terminal disease leave without myself without mum feeling guilty able help me without one love feeling guilty able fulfill promise feel empty feel broken know anymore,1 +i swept my room for the first time since like...... november? anyway i love depression,1 +mother teaching cook feel like sith aprentice first kind update last night kill talked would think safe asked teach cook fair bit ago never it think last night made think everything happening cook something finally started teaching me expect kind mean bad it says things like good good pedro sometimes feel like trying quote shieve think even know star wars is top off feel hate fueling prove wrong,0 +wtf got shot didnt anything deserve,0 +Diversity Oooh yes! xxx,0 +Talnet show tonight at my church not sure how its a fundraiser.,0 +gave life waiting death happen goals hopes desires any will existing waitingis normal part life bad completely resignated gave,1 +ask helpmy mom lost two brothers redflag well born redflag always tough topic conversation family deaths devastated beyond explanation ive struggling chronic depression past three years recently attempted redflag able follow her mom never told brothers way deaths crushed her probably typing this said clue bring struggles parents want talk them parents supporting time would help lot know to know going cry know theyll worry lot im away home college work worry telling them instead never mentioning this make lives rough put stress marriage etc cant count number sacrifices theyve made years im sure many never mentioned every time ive ever talked emotional discussions end getting really emotional im really bad talking sensitive things that think id able get everything across words thinking writing letter making sure im read it know do,1 +im done trying feel betterthe reason im still alive know mum devastated ever killed myself ever passes im still state im going hesitate ending life shortly after im almost take meds go therapy nothing seems help enough dont want around anymore hate feeling like this wouldnt wish upon enemy brain feels like constantly like static tv wont shut overthinking do think im running options dont see living past got accepted health science degree dont even know wanna try know im smart mental illness holds back think cant anything im good enough need fucking help dont know anymore ive run options,1 +i m up way to late to be working for a client 0 am fb,0 +FINALLY got my heels for grad. ,0 +todayim really hoping todays day everyday lose battle hope today infinally suceed taking life away world wont even notice im gone doesnt even notice im begin with hope today finally die,1 +could you imagine angel eva fight against titan we got double depression http t co rqscb dom,1 +so tired i struggle to wake up in the morning because i dont want to i want my life to be quicker yet it so slow i wish thing were genuinely better,1 +research promise femboys even exist whole life lie selfaware shitpost created lack actual creativity come idea _actual_ post may provide social interaction make brain release dopaminserotonin bloodstream hotel,0 +ive jennifer connelly fan since phenomena heard seven minutes heaven saw soon could movie comedy think lot things us went kids currently going movie terrific led phenomenal jennifer connelly captivated attention movie terrifically written directed acted one good deal loved watched enjoy good laugh love jennifer connelly put seeing movie,0 +im numbim lost nothing complete im far behind classes nothing ever get done teachers quit trying help relationships friends stopped hated one responds im lonely even though siblings feel anything anymore told guidance counselor im depressed told watch shitty calming meditation video instead helping open appointment online spots open time tried email answer back im poor therapist started cutting last week first time six months,1 +fuck using guilt usi allowed end life us right selfdetermination cant say oh would motherdogcat gone would feeeeel care none fucking business cant stand emotionally hijacked like that made decision thing standing way fuck constantly invoking it want nothing ive nothing before prerogative sentimental fucking idiots know im posting,1 +Depression is coming i feel it my veins just what i wanted love it i give it 10 out of 10 soo good,1 +mfs got choices world smart fella fart smella preach,0 +last year when i wa i wrote a suicide note before attempting to suicide by overdose i tried to commit suicide because i wa a closeted gay atheist in a really conservative muslim country and family i tried to pray the gay away i endured listening to a lot of homophobia and unfair religious teaching and i couldn t take it anymore i wrote it in arabic translate i felt like my life is unlivable i felt like i wa living a lie i felt like a bomb that it is about to explode at any moment i felt lonely even though i wasn t alone i felt like there is something wrong with just my existence i felt like my happiness will be an unforgivable sin i felt like my truth is a secret that must be hidden this life is cruel and unfair the only place where i can find peace is my grave amp x 00b the overdose wa not enough to end my life i woke up in a hospital and it severely damaged my liver no one read my suicide note yet i am trying to stay alive and hold on to the last hope i have,1 +lifee get worsee amp amp worsee,0 +theses bots wont leave fuck alone posts always gets removed fucking reason,0 +"Jesus is greater than your depression, your sickness, your trials, don't let whatever you are going through bring you down, there is victory in the name of Jesus!",1 +this always fucking happens i don t want to be sad i m a happy person this happens to me a few time a year and it s unbearable i don t want to die but this really hurt randomly and i hate it i promise i m not a sad person,1 +my search deck on tweetdeck are not working since yesterday anyone else have this problem,0 +Going up north for the weekend :[ but on the brightside..I'm going to dance my ass off at the wedding ,0 +brother attempted redflag last night sobering moment mei sleeping mom woke around am brother lying sideways room blueish green vomit carpet mom asked do first thought weird drug mixed juul sniffed vomit smelled like cleaning product said mom need call lady line kind empathetic gave details situation shaking inside felt heart pound fast brother good terms often incites domestic violence me knew depressed extent yesterday night saw kitchen knife hallway floor peeked room expression world looked far away despite like physically feet me thoughts redflag daily too never courage attempt honest feel really empty inside feels like wake call me get life together im also worried brother course possible permanent damage itll cause covid one person allowed per patient mom hospital visiting im waiting car now dont know feel keep thinking bad things keep happening amidst quarantine doesnt help weather cold dreary,1 +old lady womens bathroom days ago im yo trans boy nonbinary still use womens bathrooms cause ive never used mens im scared days ago go womens bathrooms waiting old woman comes stares daggers looking everything appearance looks beard face small barely seeable moustache starts scanning body shape clothes im wearing im wearing blue flannel shirt black pants made mens brand pretty much mens clothing started looking chest crotch area honestly looks like dick looked shocked funny asf ngl try using guys restroom,0 +f it s currently am and i m cry like every other night i seriously don t wan na go tomorrow i say this every day i hate it there i hate it so fucking much got so many absents this year i m pretty sure i ve missed a whole month at this point i at least get to see my friend for 0 minute during break but that s pretty much all that s good about school right now so i m thankful for them i can t stand one more second of sitting in class trying to pay attention like a if nothing is wrong with me i also absolutely hate the subject i take they don t teach what i want art so i m stuck with boring as lesson i don t give a shit about we have or more test every fucking week and i m so sick of it how the fuck am i supposed to study when i can t even get out of bed and do basic task this school doesn t give a shit about mental health well in their advertisement they do so but that s all for show i feel really guilty for even feeling this way because there s literally nothing wrong with my life i have a good family good friend in a safe country and am in a financially stable household don t get me wrong i am completely grateful for all these thing yet i m so depressed and nihilistic thinking about my future university work etc make me sick i can t comprehend living past i would ve killed myself long ago if it wasn t for the damage it would ve done to my family i m taking international a level so the workload is pretty brutal high school is a very small part of my life so i just need to be patient and get it over with i just have one more year left but it sound way easier said than done seriously feel like like i m over complicating my situation which is 00 the case because i always do this i m still so young none of this is gon na matter in the future wish i could just take the depression a well a the anxiety that make me overthink out of my brain like a if it wa a physical thing then all these negative thought and the anxiety i feel every second of every day would be gone sorry for the long as rant literally nobody is going to read this,1 +im scared death way outand ive constant panic days weeks months need die need fucking die cant take god,1 +nathnaelb i would love to be ill next week dude but no pay,0 +@candicotton I study here fashion design u ever been to the uk???,0 +@highheelznkickz its ok; the 1st step is deniallll LOL,0 +"overslept on the stupid comfy bus and was awake just in time by an accident phone call. Haha. In class now, all awake... ",0 +"(Rant) {I think...}People always ask me why I am always depressed or why I never talk much. And the answer is simple.Like most with severe depression and anxiety (as well as PTSD) we put up a wall around ourselves. It's hard to admit to others, but even harder to admit to...)",1 +ive looking excuse dayits here im here im sorry didnt care guys like trying care me stay cool stay real keep truckin shit good luck make sure tell people love them weird life,1 +my day was amazing ,0 +nixpineda i miss youuu,0 +biggest achievement year staying alive biggest regret also staying alivedoes anyone else feels way too,1 +school started cant really handle thingsthe reason havent killed becoase couldnt girlfriend would feel horrible loves soo much love her struggled depression since met her school started realize dont really friends also girlfriend moved away cant see anymore hour ago mom tried help prepae school got freaked touching stuff got today thought would mess up ended screaming continued help ended crying feel horrible becoase awful kid justifacation mom drugs treat whole familly horibly feel like really end myself,1 +this week just seems to get longer and longer in term of how much i need to do and how much i m actually going to get done,0 +emptynever know time gonna up id admit mental ward im ,1 +college going happen ive made decisioni fucked bad fault im going college get stay home go back community college spare money goes bills mom cant pay food get stay miles civilization people might want spend time with make friends anyway since im socially broken cant form intelligent conversation fuck even sentences around people last thing look forward to left entire world give hope maybe things start looking soon happening me im going trapped going way always been well know what im fucking going take it im going live like anymore know when ive decided im committing redflag soon time suits it,1 +need someone talki sitting herealone feel like never would really like someone talk right nowplease,1 +weight loss day ive started eating fruit now didnt much water today im working towards it everything conscious effort im okay,0 +yall like steak also say well done objectively wrong,0 +I'm in love with the redesign of my favorite museum ,0 +deserve die im meant diekinda long story one vent to ever since high school gang stole lied ended peoples lives sold drugs kidnapped people would sell friends dope watch die wanted money would steal money parents sisters classmates would slowly start see friends disappear one one would lead girls isolated areas knock throw trunk never see hear again met girl fell love made everything worse gave kokain hooked right away anything get more reckless actions getting fights constantly yelling abusing family abusing friends soon girl gonna get married kids get clean leave awful town forever week gonna leave rival gang jumped us girl dreams girl loved anything world future wife gang raped front me still hear screams begging help make stop pinned ground made watch done shot head screamed cried uncontrollably beat half death passed woke hospital hand cuffed bed cops murder possession drugs attempted murder mother made plea insanity im ive back society months job live one moms ex boyfriends family wont talk im alone deserve this regret everything ive ever done wish could go back meant life done meant cause pain suffering weather wanted not one read im alright it needed chest deserve die plan making sure happens hell sure spot reserved it,1 +find joy life anymoreim smoking weed since beginning last school vacation never found sociable weed helped social life got pretty good abusive use bought money high smoked day enough however around months ago parents found out anti drug listen arguments bad me since talk them accept want live life grades school good smoking influenced education all recently started take phone computer night entertainment since let go evenings shit makes stressed life school less less motivation take seriously see point living im eastern europe opportunities youngs know sounds pathetic thats every night think killing myself parents would supportive would let enjoy life would happy thats case overwhelms me advice would appriciated,1 +packing baby... don't wanna keep the plane waiting ,0 +shedfire mrsshedfire been taking picture of you without your shirt bleeeech,0 +want someone to come back,0 +one favorite hartley movies as could bad one although may bit religious side things would normally expect nonetheless still maintains hartley slant weve become accustomedbr br first picture jesus satan discussing ideas opinions hopes regrets impending end civilization imagine entire conversation taking place drinks neighborhood bar added conversational not mention visual distraction lets toss pj harvey sultry companion aka magdelena mr chist then grins background ever present salvation army band played yo la tengo serve added diversion road moral justification never pleasurebr br quite possibly questions answers therein lies fun mr donovan subdued brilliance always,0 +im worthless wasted great chance lifei m good life parents care want know me pay therapy college siblings perfect care want best me plenty friends care want hear say gf years cared broke good reason didnt love feel like ill never find someone love again grew wealthy family never worry anything im generally considered good looking athletic charismatic responsible smart kind yet hate constantly feel like disappointment many chances making something life feel like anyone else could better me everyone family successful everything im not constantly think nice would never wake again wouldnt able disappoint people life anymore know people care would destroyed killed feel like dont realize worthless lives would better without me would get right look future see shit im always going failure cant truly open anyone dont know how ive gotten good hiding actually everyone think know me knows fake projection made feel like im strong people care getting harder here dont know made post feel like bitch dont know talk to ive scrolled countless posts sub feel every one you love hope figure together,1 +questions leavingok guys new thread thinking end life soon may look joke said long year depression perfectly tought act normal dont want bore whole life story how bacame like this here leaving question want answers they say redflag sin helps get rid pains ones around worry they say gods will how god may already decided someday life gonna die like this ask later comments,1 +wanna listen three days grace w me httpsopenspotifycomsocialsessionufgcjojazloxzaplfvuvqeqztjcspjfkdcuanmnczkdehrypkcreludytmoeiobapffxntlffpyyombavruiansihiyrsmntliykgewoacw,0 +okay almost years ago bought cash register bucks yard sale never opened it open now im like one keys came fits register also works theres something inside might either stash money shit ton weed,0 +hey girl u gift wrapping cos wanna tie ribbon around u,0 +"@linnetwoods For those watching, In English, The devil knows more because he's old than because he's the devil ",0 +hifirst time posting honestly distraught read rules crying almost hours big jag six hours work seriously triggered today ended welfare bunch well meaning time consuming friends boss toxic cant think permanent no redflag ay out ive grappled depression years proactive learning new strategies today much long story boss wanted write details child rape molestation years later asked schedule change detailed major reasons such currently trying abuser prosecuted felt write mass email coworkers get someone swap class me job hes even changed classes teach two days school started before say people give fuck even education glad struggles ptsd used play victims card ask schedule change talked union legal got upset made stupid comments boss called welfare check police didnt take away request leave psychiatrist denied well least schools dont really believe mental health supporting pediatric sex victims yay,1 +i have been on prozac wellbutrin for a few month and other depression medication for over a year now i wa told from the beginning i need to go to therapy but wa just too exhausted to pick up the phone and try to find one i ve slowly started getting my energy and motivation back and gave my first session scheduled this month i want to hear other people s experience did you start with medication or therapy first i have heard people say start with therapy but in my case i would have never even made an appointment without the medicine to pull me out of my depression i m hoping therapy help me with coping mechanism and help me get back on track after being depressed for so many year,1 +@Adnankhun @Nurulnxha Wuah I think Im falling into depression already,1 +I am natural myself...Can't tell by my pic though. I love being natural... @Shesouldeep,0 +going to sleep with the sound of halo 3 and two happy boys ,0 +im going keep review short sweetbr br i saw trailer thought id give whirl minutes initial thoughts what hell this minutes hooked picking jaw floor film great example different movie be furthermore french film high art eye candy wrapped tidy futuristic film noir package motion capture clever black white animation style grey although first totally captivated end film found wishing every film made like this think opinion helped great dubbing would easy ruin landed many respected actors many voice actors give feeling characters just watch hong kong legends film english see perfect examplei gave although gave extra fresh new whole thing feels,0 +br br mild spoilers aheadbr br we dive dawn english made movie john mills lead role second time watched dvd version big screen tv must say movie better thought first time saw samll screen may big screen viewing helpedbr br i still say first segments movie muddled submarine leaves dock begins mission movie takes too search german battleship named brandenburg adventures went along absorbing detail shown movie interestingbr br im increasing rating enjoy ww ii films think find one interesting submarine gets underway men sub quite sense humor too,0 +please help mei know do one cant take anymore tried reaching friends know do,1 +feel like reason killed roommate afford rent owni nothing going every time try push new things improve myself things get worse dropped high school years ago medication made unable focus care anything ended getting diploma told would go college dad kicked out got job got another job ended move back dad constantly reminded im failure im working full time job part time job one night took fun the night going take placement tests college wallet glasses stolen ive slowly replace everything lost money left boyfriend months ago mood swings ruining him hes really well im living paycheck paycheck friend also barely afford rent family talk me real friends aside guy im sleeping with know hangs around sex recently fucked getting std obvious care all nothing nothing taking everything stay alive,1 +@chrisaffair http://twitpic.com/4i0u7 - whoo..thats crazaaay ,0 +garygensler secgov aarp finra fordhamlawnyc miamilawschool gary people don t care what they want is clarity on crypto the howie test is outdated and became precedent in an era before the internet even existed let alone the blockchain the sec continues to behave like we have just come out the great depression stifling innovation,1 +Mother's Day - cherrylolita: That�s not true. My bad - I didn�t check it Thank you http://tumblr.com/xxv1qz4ge,0 +saw riverdance new show loved first moment energetic tribute irish dance filled brilliant dancing music choreography leads jean butler colin dunne captivated exquisite dancing may always keep shining keep dancing stage chemistry amazing unity stage obvious look like made dance other show absolute favourite probably always be long live riverdance,0 +working; then moving mesa into the apartment ,0 +http://www.dothebouncy.com/smf - some shameless plugging for the best Rangers forum on earth ,0 +hello everyone thank you for taking the time to read this i m very new to anxiety and wanting to learn technique on how to navigate my way through episode i ve began changing my diet and gone back to being active although not a much a when i wa in better shape in order to keep my mind busy during the day however it flair up at night time randomly and i ve gone to the er a few time out of fear of it being a heart attack thankfully they ve all been negative however i still find it hard to shake the urge to go there i recently got some lab work and my pcp told me i have slightly high cholesterol but manageable with diet and exercise vi ramos d deficiency which i m supplementing with caroming and ensuring i get sun for at least an hour a day however the worse thing that flared it after almost a month of episode wa hearing that i m at risk for heart disease so i ve gone into overdrive on changing my eating habit and working out to ensure that i can lower my chance a much a possible there lie my fear whenever i feel the slightest change in my heart beat i become hypersensitive and can t shake the feeling and it spiral from there thankfully i ve had my mom and girl friend to lean on and they ve been godsend i ve also had heart to heart with my mom during episode that seem to help it come to an end i m aware that i must change aspect of my lifestyle to ensure my health stay good and i prolong my life but is there anything else that work for you maybe there s something i haven t thought of i also wanted to post this so that i could feel part of the community this is new to me and i m making myself a vulnerable a possible in real life being letting my family friend and co worker know whom all have been awesome btw and allowing them to know where i m at but there s something about surrounding myself with others that are currently working through it take make me feel stronger supported it might be late for a majority of you but i d appreciate any advice whether it s a movie scene book or activity i m open to all thing to add into my repertoire i just came down from an episode so i apologize for any spelling error or if my thought we re convoyed correctly thank you,1 +bad weird ask girlfriend cup something girls girls ask want know would care would tell them cause conversation would like know ur opinions,0 +depression is being lonely in a room full of peopledepression is being constantly tired but never able to sleepdepression is smiling to hide the pain insidedepression is when the soul dies but the body keeps on goingdepression is forgetting who you used to be,1 +recently i broke up with my girlfriend i m in a deep feeling of solitude i had a panic attack last night she feel better but i keep questioning my self for what i did wrong i can t sleep and i m feeling very anxious someone can help me,1 +robert altman favorite american director must admit enjoyed films usually scorned quintet giving pleasure seeing grownup beautiful brigitte fossey unforgettable little girl forbidden games health lauren bacall carol burnett alfre woodard glenda jackson cast popeye splendid surreal world shelley duvalls olive oyl wonderful malta locations oc stiggs proposal antiadolescents flick beyond therapy lunacy presence genvieve page effort look parisian chic taken travestite even enjoyed oneact tv movies like the dumb waiter the laundromat much plot develop films wonderful performances burnett john travolta kim basinger jane curtin perceive enjoy different approach description makes many different cultures united states pity genius seldom appreciated always forgotten time comes giving american prizes awards typical mainstream purveyor fantasies maverick surprising find many bad comments posted the gingerbread man mainstream effort date knowledge know many people thought like leonard maltin like altman all case one may dislike the gingerbread man reason grisham directorscreenwriter altmans trademarks here improvised dialogue great performances funny lawyers office typical irreverent receptionist secretary people find boring found first act fascinating thanks also great cinematography changwei gu man shot red sorghum ju dou farewell concubine way showing us things see american movies different light foreigners gaze almost everything seems new different first act things logical true wait get older may get trouble fall spell someone younger beautiful embeth davidtz know done fascinated someone younger am robert duvalls repellent menacing mysterious character geraldo storm threatening savannah second act gets little phony even funny altman may conducted grin remember laughing aloud several instances ironic remarks think applying bit brecht distancing us preparing us third act plain hollywood pastiche altman expertise wise man intelligent director luckily fall traps todays action movies directing tale lust greed death disappointed bit movie give nine instead grisham american reader turned bestselling author complain maybe thank altman showing us seams stories dullness flatness silliness all however much gusto humor cannot disagree negative comments me persons saw another movie vice versa,0 +im drinking cope pain cant feel yayliterally drank entire bottle wine half hour less feel feel stupid trying harder wanting feel better want die im stupid pathetic wanting better hope get better hope die tonight kind stupid pathetic loser i,1 +everyone would rather hear im fine instead telling truthi dealt depression many years started high school suffer ocd things got really bad homeschooled outsider already mom took school became isolated completely everyone except family frustrated me fell behind lot school went back years later go special education class really lowfunctioning kids would freak sometimes went kind class high school entire fucking high school term scared making friends general ed population worried would find special ed friends anymore senior year made couple friends happy everything changed months high school friends moved went different colleges stopped talking me stayed touch girl abandoned prom lead made feel like shit were still friends convenience ive never girlfriend many friends family care want work pay rent care im happy not years ago intense suicidal thoughts told mom depressed laughed said real depression dad cannot stand cry yell leave room one time told mom suicidal thoughts started crying making her like ive given much good life selfish enough say that started screaming got upset me cant honest freak lose control emotions cant tell anyone else therapist feel helping even tries understand im going through like im constantly saying im depressed suicidal anything suicidal thoughts time really consider make plans need help,1 +Heading into work and then going to the Dbacks game after I get off ,0 + days ago redflag failedthe past days desperately trying figure alive im floating here feel like corpse heartbeat calm genuinely thought slipping away im neck bruising numbness feel like surviving mistake,1 +How you look at all the incoming freshman excited to be in college knowing they have no clue they joining the depression debt club pic.twitter.com/DYpECfx580,1 +duloc is a perfect place please stay off of the grass shine your shoes wipe your...face duloc is duloc is duloc is a perfect place! haha ,0 +contemplating redflagim male thinking redflag awhile now much hate world depressing hard know parents accept even accept self questioning sexuality caused alot self loathing started cutting years ago scars added hidden cant really find reason get bed besides school hate school many bullies homophobic assholes grown ashamed sexuality grew hate church even feel welcome there know whats fked up best friend he christian came attacked bible verses sure long hang on,1 +im good anythingi realize never been never calling passion maybe im plain stupid cant live truth me society theres reason human good something benefits another person organization im not,1 +At apple playing with the macbook pros. ,0 +advice sophomore year first day sophomore year tomorrow could please advice get year,0 +im expendablefor stranger im easily replaceable anyone thats obvious guy match ive talking online week im easily replaceable online friends im easily replaceable friend real life definitely know im easily replaceable talk years found depression act like got better even talks me extended family im easily replaceable barely even know me think im dirty sinner anyway would give shit disappeared immediate family im replaceable would get death im sure would theyre resilient would whole load minds worry wasting money anymore wasting opportunities nice enough give anymore starving street anymore waste resources im festering wound someones leg need get cut off stop existing society better without me,1 +stop saying ketchup smoothie yes tomato fruit definition smoothie says thick smooth drink fresh fruit pured milk yogurt ice cream ketchup those alright whats really important fact wrote second definition smoothie first one man smooth suave manner,0 +quick reminder bisexual isnt gay straight bisexual stop invading bisexual people please,0 +movie touching story adventure taken yearold darius weems darius duchenne muscular dystrophy still uncurable disease took life brother age nineteen number one killer babies united states close friends travel across country los angeles goal getting wheelchair customized mtvs pimp ride one favorite shows journey begins georgia darius grew never left gang head west trip participants never forget darius gets ride boat first time ride hot air balloon swim ocean visit sights hes always wanted see like grand canyon new orleans filmmakers clearly emotional connection material make money sales dvds goes toward researching disease goes toward making copies film awards festivals agree quote given film variety certain stir hearts,0 +back why thought free thoughts guess im hurt cant escape inevitable right leah im complete fucking loser right make fun use cheat taunt right ,1 +idea started channel freshmen year high school center projects hopefully become electrical engineer welcome error electronics here post reveals creations along tutorials much more httpswwwyoutubecomchannelucekbzxifijqnlknxikq,0 +hands best date would amusement park idc friend wanna go amusement park people one lol,0 +get debate memes watch it ill sum breaking news old man yells old man,0 +ur friend discord asks really emotional question changes name pfp tons times know theyre going tough shit give hug,0 +Photo: havent-got-a-prayer: Me too http://tumblr.com/x1k1x963y,0 +yeahh ima sleep today lol gngn,0 +made mistakeover year ago made promise help girl find comfort reliable friend great friends okay level relationship stressful sometimes made great team great memories easy popular got picked lot even friends pitched bullying made through everyday waking saying this pass her messed up really stressful day another argument string arguments we going lot left instant mistakes bad decisions fell me lost everything stood for lost thing kept going trying fix made worse fault ive constant thoughts redflag self demoralizing phrases im afraid follow redflag make things worse even im gone know anymore,1 +hey im bored asf anyone interested starting playing dungeons dragons premade characters could dm details could make one cuz im bored,0 +need help urgently hate mattering long story short much going right now trying keep family togetehr deal dad help girlfriend friends dealign trans issues today really abd day cut hours went support channel like cussed called cunt didnt get tell parents hey ive slashing leg open hours im really ok cant cope idk do theres oen,1 +ill likely dead soon now next weekits easiest way take pill never wake again ill finally feel sense tranquility again cant remember feeling all cant remember last time genuinely felt peace mind torturing me skinning alive laughing face voices finally gone demons gone ampxb todays date th december near christmas new years close family celebrations love family much know love me deserve feel pain losing son brother kindest souls cant carry living nightmare someone elses happiness im pain unimaginable scary were quick judge think what whiny fucking teenager please remember never know whats happened end heartache constant hammering already shattered bleeding screaming heart whenever think cant get worse always somehow gets worse how brother leave him fair him cant anymore hurts hurts much ive tried best ive reached limits ive let everyone around destroyed image think turn back anymore ive taken several ritalin pills heart rate keeps jumping beats per minute im hallucinating seeing glimmers light zoom past eyes hospital last week thing took several ritalin pills causing seizure dislocating shoulder im sitting bed writing arm mental pain hope another seizure leading stuck hospital family crying doctors giving meds writing reports sending municipality social services family done nothing wrong me whats happened last six months recognize myself ampxb im sorry love mom love dad love bro,1 +anyone wanna play dead daylight wants play,0 +giving upi feel like need end all cannot stand anything life feel like everyone gave me friends teachers parents honestly think one would care die im sad ones asks im okayno one cant stand myself im ugly im awkward time like stupid everyone probably thinks im loser mean like anyone would care died im mistake everyone knows im giant stupid idiot nothing stays brain get bad grades parents get large metal wooden rod beat cant stand feeling disappointment cause people one ever want partner sit next me none people know class must ugly right one ever like whats point living,1 +recommend good albums almost forgot post this tomorrow im getting new headphones wanted try new music pretty open anything really please thank much mmua kisses gn,0 +@_is_depression EXACTLY!!! I have never heard someone explain it that way but that's exactly how I explain it to my husband. It's sad there aren't more mainstream books for the real person with real problems. Depression isn't playing the victim which sometimes people and things explain it to be.,1 +"@Justin_Theng haa haa, first time you EARLY sia..heee... ",0 +attention females sub named arlene hmu ____________,0 +so i recently started my first customer service job and wa doing well until it came to order taking i wa making order before at the register inside i m not great but okay but the register at the drive through i seem to have worse anxiety while talking with people i don t know and can t see for some reason and on top of that everything that happens at the drive through is broadcasted to anyone wearing a headset and on top of that my medication wa screwing me up any time i missed even one dose i wa waning off but having trouble with the final drop off and i wa on the verge of a breakdown all day and the drive through wa what pushed it too far and i had to leave early to get my medication my medication still aren t stable and i m having a very anxious episode that s been happening since i started getting off the medication far worse than it wa before how have you managed to cope with this anxiety and perform necessary work interaction with stranger repeatedly,1 +I'm a wittle hungry... gonna have a good snack and protein shake ,0 +@ebunce haha you have the same name as me lol. ,0 +melvilles pierre ambiguities hit bookstores first publication since moby dick year earlier public response similar found among imdb reviews pola x newspapers even published headlines like melville insane which course wasnt but one compares writing styles found moby dick pierre one finds latter sharp departure simple often declamatory style found former clearly mimicking overly florid style nowforgotten victorian romances easily outselling immortal moby dick content however turn sort product publishers wanted surely would sold version victorian romance twisted cynical one perhaps brilliant synthesis alternate title the ambiguities quite appropriate pierre searches for thinks finds truth become uncertain believe searches happiness becomes miserablebr br pola x fascinating adaptation novel set modern nearly modern france though ways leaves little imagination shows us graphically incestuous relations melville could hint at ambiguities make novel message alluring perfectly tact questions raises ones films thought ask yet answers left viewerbr br i recommend reading novel much shorter moby dick seeing movie hope people discover tantalizing film,0 +reading RSS... ,0 +@AshleyRose319 1998 called. they want their belly rings back ,0 +cant anymoreim tired feeling way one believing me family believe me therapy freaking working neither medication everyone family thinks go talk shit but dont cant pretend okay anymore tiring pretending want die anymore wish dead never go im freakin failure probably even able get right cant end all im even worth it im complete failure,1 +looking goodat least now looking good know priorities exams stuff also other priorities like looking summer job looking good honest might end unemployed summer i mean ive always jobless lol like happened last year fighting boss hard really far exams concerned im fine guess worries stuck rest summer basically nothing money anything all stupid fuck focus studies continues creep me feeling left situation were in really worry im penniless now ive spent everything have groceries essential shit survival shit there know im going post honest but upsets me exams lean onto now comes after remains mystery me still hope stay alive then ive tried freelancing jobs online im still trying translations proofreading stuff like since thats line work response them looking good either page upwork fiverr empty despite lowering prices lol looks likes slavery tbh one reaching via mail even old clients serious letdown honestly know im ever going survive upcoming summer know im going want stay alive exams feel useless im sorry rant needed vent take weight shoulders im sorry know do needed someone listen thanks reading,1 +"@gr8tlyfe Oh, thanks ",0 +work really shitty job days days off hour shifts look forward days dread days off joy feel life minute feeling turning work responsible get something done rest time spend alone depressed real meaningful contact anyone else totally incapable good time anything working bored tired man joy life work,1 +fun fact always thought field dressing some military medic kit thing code blood get it covers fieldsman im bigstupid,0 +im slowly pushing everyone away im giving upthis like second post reddit believe anyone actually see even give crap mum left siblings brothers sisters im second youngest left father cheated many women knew abusive drug addicted alcholic left regardless saw time time earliest memory think mum dad arguing im longer live dad mum back full time damage already done ive self harming months think depression anxiety cant control anger possibly ptsd anger gotten lot trouble past still does believe reason friends hang theyre scared me little sister who recently came gay told wanted tell that gay lot sooner kept thinking back stupid gay joke made anyone got far thanks guess anyone one wants hear dm whatever written mobile sorry mistakes whatever bye,1 +doesn t want to go to school tomorrow it s the last day but it s also twyla s day off,0 +@joshpm i do not ... DM it to meee pleaseee ,0 +@dopegirl_PHresh Good. Just Had Some Bomb Ass Breakfast. ... I Was Checking Out Your Myspace Right Now. You Got That Shoe Game On Lock!,0 +i m feeling every day more drained not only i have to deal with a job i hate but also my anxiety doesn t make it any better i dread going to work it s like all day i m imagining how tiring it s gon na be the day after it s a vicious cycle i can t seem to get out of what s more troubling it s that i ve never could do anything meaningful with my life to improve my situation i don t have any remarkable skill or something that can allow me to find a better job i feel such a loser don t know how much i m gon na be able to resist this these past two year since the pandemic started also made matter worse i m depressed almost all the time i don t feel like going out meeting with friend going to the movie nothing it s like everything it s piling up on me a few month ago i took the step of starting to follow some online course to gain skill that allow me to find a better job but it feel like i m never gon na make it i have negative thought constantly which lead me to believe i m gon na fail my anxiety also doesn t allow me to find a therapist i had a bad experience in the past that left me kinda scarred in this regard and now just finding professional help feel like a daunting task i m so lost what would you do thanks for reading,1 +im tired livingim tired living situation today uncle told fathers death fair burst tears excused saying understand mental ill hate family hate myself miss father,1 +fellas weird want girl call lord deadass weird want girl call that highly important question promise,0 +hello birthday th birthday please accept,0 +carmonium i m stressed outttt,0 +got up an hou ago now lerning again really boring stuff,0 +ive working couple months think would enjoy hey all quarantine started get really bored started thinking whats something could useful fun me thinking could while decided making podcast well rather podcasts targeted towards teens young adults think everyone could like one them boys community driven podcast talk mens issues ive always felt like many outlets men talk issues tend result many guys keeping emotions inside letting inappropriate ways hope tackle issues have want talk issues deal life talk hopefully come solution everyone else listening hopefully everyone coming talking day day issues people see alone issues provide safe space work through entertainment bites podcast gives everything pop culture related plate try get big pop culture news week deliver fast paced platform im hoping make easier everyone know whats happening entertainment world weather video games movies tv music anything pop culture try deliver quickly you waste hours week looking facts rumors here either interest would forever grateful took listen click herehttpslinkklecomaidan listen either podcast follow socials advice even listen means much me forget amazing lt,0 +im sure im going turn im tired alive reason stay alive family wont suffer home able get mental help grave wont even say jamie say fucking deadname ill never man ill always be this dont know much longer have might make till next month let alone turning im afraid help please,1 +computer class spain without,0 +@kanjibeauty I know. I just don't like packing ,0 +"@elwoood haha, you're not a UK friend tho! But you're still welcome into the conversation!!! hahahaha",0 +need friend talk toplease pm feel like listening crap,1 +saw film second feature disc containing previously banned video nasty blood rites blood rites entirely awful really expecting much film actually would seem trash director andy milligan outdone time seeds sin tops blood rites style stands tall adequate slice sick sixties sexploitation plot actually quite similar blood rites focus dysfunctional family unit course inheritance stake film shot black white look feel reminded lot trash classic the curious dr humpp theres barely gore display director seems keener focus sex themes incest hatred seeping through acting typically trashy women get appear nude point despite poor reputation director andy milligan actually seems eye sort thing many sequences film actually quite beautiful plot paper thin film filler music catchy director also surprisingly good job sex scenes themselves somewhat erotic overall great film likely appeal cult fan gets much higher recommendation better known lower quality blood rites,0 +good morning extremely moved members sub contributing good society answering call aid last week footage released mentally challenged man germantown philadelphia get sucker punched head ruthless teenagers victim walked away still fell victim another punch fortunately teenagers arrested charged,1 +"i mean, probably he was way more depressed than Bom, but depression is depression and you don't know how it evolves with the time.i want her happiness, i don't want to lose her 'cuz of a fucking disorder and if that's a treatable thing BITCH LET HER CURE HERSELF w/ these pills.",1 +famous yet mom,0 +I have a lot designing to do today. BRING ON THE CHALLENGE BABY! haha. ,0 +watching bulky & shirtless savages fight... "The Scorpion King" on tv! ,0 +i need new glass mine is hangnon arm,0 +cant wait kill myselfits almost coming end best,1 +essay time,0 +dreamt redflag againits recurring dream different real life im discovered actually die im hospital object worry dreams sometimes die sometimes pull through cant decide brains way getting used idea death reminder actually need far reach literally dream it wonder much go allowed sleep,1 +much time spend online classes poll school online classes well balanced like know many hours spent online classes homework much time spent them also subjects have would help lot us,0 +really want end itlately past months everything bit struggle me ive lost friends family relationships cant get funk last year almost ended life whiteknuckling rail prevent jumping front train things got better tried time time put feelings dread behind move life awhile worked come crashing around again father alcoholic abusive manipulator too gets plastered blames us making depressed point has drink hell work fit rage threaten kick whoever decides stand bullshit threatens leave mother instantly makes switch defending sister side cant anymore jobi love job many people work retail say honestly can lately stress home life impacting work boss taking notice disappointed performance nothing utmost respect boss knowing im letting another impact life honestly thing keeping knowing go im going really ruin best friends day hes supportive gave nudge right direction getting better hes one needed help most cant betray trust going behind back ending frankly cant keep dealing depression anymore im sorry wrong place post this needed vent seemed best outlet also im sorry whatever mistakes made format wise im using phone,1 +@vmh_ent2009 Get 100 followers a day using www.tweeterfollow.com Once you add everyone you are on the train or pay vip ,0 +I talk about my passion for streaming and depression and stuff so make sure you watch this one!!!!! https://twitter.com/OutlawsOW/status/989247756068950016 …,1 +i totally have like four girl option and none of them seem viable,0 +actively suicidal actually plan kill get really nervous end itwhy cant mind choose mind say want kill time comes dont want to,1 +and so the editing of 000 wedding shot begin,0 +wants kill herself call someonemy roommate really hard time mom kicked house mom claims owed going take roommate court roommate saying mom takes court going kill herself far debt cant afford it got job getting place september mom take court win would very screwed made redflag conditional told thoughts like im going get help freaks said sure call cops theyll put institution ill never able real life sign upset moment still need call call advice appreciated ask questions needed tldr roommate says suicidal gets sued wants say moment conditional im worried ideas,1 +sunky being a grown up is horrid isn t it,0 +simply never tire watching freebird husband extra involved start kept touch jon helped promoting film cinemas dvd release even extent distributing promotional postcards cross channel ferries various places throughout france freebird expertly written directed perfect combination fun serious moments plus choice casting phil daniels could fit role grouch great privilege meet jon cast party following premier january anything else want jon ask either email phone know get me sue xx,0 +dont want go back hospital doi really want go back really really calm really get help tho play games watch movies many kids actual retardation cant miss much school either went july awful idk else doi really want to confused want sleep forever work things worse close almost hang pussied last second know want go back want alone forever sleep god please want die want go school work want anything ever left alone,1 +saw move paris may debating mission impossiblei glad choose oss funny might well watch french movie france great time would recommend it important understanding french society today really enjoy humor movie cannot wait dvd come out know jeu de mots puns would translated english ll certainly buy out ps saw brice de nice movie starring dujardin kids talking france movie comedy sillier one imaginein comparing movies say dujardin good job oss ,0 +know keep honestly know came way thing conclude fell despair deeply let explain least try confess do even think weird okay yknow everybody deserve good things life doi sorry understand way expressing bad grammar english okay cannot anything right english native languagei always felt odd feel fake entire life seem normal possible maybe alli always envied people knows want life normal childhood know why cannot let go past ill probably never willi consider nothing nothing could anything right noi tried hard fit normal life style taking inspiration people loved wanted closest possible them but lying myself things went downhillmy family care me all blame them alla think would happy mei look outside window see everyone begin happyi wanted feel happiness everything felt emptiness much self hatei blame people use drugs use substance money way that would refuse live world myself least even fews seconds would like feel something else emptinessday passed tried positive mental health deteriorated started give self destructive habitsi fasted not lived body hated world show beaty made despise even morei fasted caffeine tea coffee got hungry ate fruitall days spent watching walls hurting way writing dairy shitty things happened daily lifethis fainted supermarket sister mother fucking bothered this felt like shit cannot anything right something changed mei though dead felt soblessedbut waking thinking get closer itso stared planning bad thing could myselfi quite good it car hit me point hurting bad realised wanted die wayi wanted yeah someone could kill meits strange think that but could help thatwhen sat edge window always thought someone would even bother something mekilling easy people would know prison waiting them hard think iti realised nothing want someone wants dead least wants feel want me would feel alone would feel forcedi know would feel worth persons arms closest death feel worth it,1 +juanpol that page doesn t exist,0 +stop taking shit people people give shit time want stop it,0 +feels like ive forever everything exact every week got school get home watch youtubetv day repeat point feels like ive done life everything feels distant life like thinking friends did really happen feels different one fun friends school ever think future hope someday ill overcome endless cycle nothingness luckily years till college hopefully change things btw months till im ,0 +idki happy right now im not cant fun like friends can always feel alone crowded rooms always exclude purpose cant hang multiple people without genuinely wanting kill every single time people much want cut everyone think ever again think general god think much hate thinking worst part friends love much people love much dont even anything sometimes wish kid disappears background im good her mean im partially really good her make friends reason im alive feel bad dying theres nothing keeping going even though love close ones dearly theres nothing life me nothing makes happy nothing makes feel anything really want lock room never talk anyone ever again would nice maybe disappear while self made mental ward get keep goddamn shoelaces miracle havent cut while think again crave guess arm itching scratch doesnt same isnt dumb metaphor actually like that maybe year year finally end all dont think be since im huge pussy really cant people girl dream guess sad thing look forward too looking forward weekend girlfriend six month anniversary hanging friends im literally right now think may start drugs drinking too ive avoiding eighteen years now dont know long hold anymore dont want feel like anymore really cant keep going like this ive like longer remember hard fucking hard maybe world isnt me thats okay right society isnt me im sick trying change everyone tiring everything tiring waking every morning tiring dont know make life less tiring anymore dont dont even want die dont want wake every morning anymore dont want think want thoughtless happy thats want,1 +hate often tell friends lives matterwhy it care them think know like mother abused entire life ive run things tell them know anymore theyve asked many times die hate much,1 +@Sowhatx3 really? -smiles- what are you doin bby? <3,0 +good son good brother good friend good person exist ruin everything crave feeling nothing all wish could never existed maybe would turned way definitely ok,1 +wanna end cant sonim okay know this genuinely want swallow massive amount pills follow jack cupboard need vent get hopes feeling better son nearly weeks old thing keeping here boyfriend amazing month year anniversary cant tell feel way dont feel like really talk anyone beginning relationship told bi problem never knew react said liked girls specific featurefast forward year march april ans tell one day want threesomes ive done jealous isnt issue honestly love stuff im months lb baby stretch marks loose skin extra weight brought back every miserable part depression anxiety ive dealt since younger im still medication meds dont anything now sex life sucks feel like failure mom partner cant seem anything turn cant seem anything right anymore looks talks girls ive tossed aside tonight started smoking drinking cut hips probably scar wont bleed out im going reach docs meds feel lile im slippery slope mental health physical appearance son reason im still here cant leave without motheso im sitting sobbing trying hard stick around thanks vent,1 +mean keep telling itll good year ill fine week im going beand dissapoint something happen want something good come life everything good leaving everything bad coming fast life nothing downward spiral,1 +made worst decision life cannot see living ithey reddit wanted start saying always insecure never found much value person always one gorgeous friend high school always me saw ugliness always talk me fast forward year second year college decided date me seemed like dream come true happiest man alive honeymoon phase two years passed ups downs mostly ups happiest two years however clingy emotional constantly nagging doubted faithfulness reason enough done brightest light life left threw away opportunity obtaining wonderful women inside out definitely gone live regret live knowing time able attract girl league fucked up left ambition goals interests cannot see anyone future could everything was even did would never give chance like best friends years beforehand deep sense tremendous loss infinitely compounds feeling regret shame cannot take anymore someone talk me,1 +I'm sorry but if you really think you fixed a chemical imbalance in your brain without medication you're flat out wrong. You can lose weight but ya can't lose depression sorry.,1 +ya know never expected live long dont know never expected live long idk always expected die early highschool whether kms whatever kinda getting stressful thought future careers college starting get little late,0 +school goes back person tomorrow honestly im looking forward it ive going school online now honestly cried heard werent going back person school board specifically said going back person decided change decision last minute,0 +movies like lego movie lego movie lego batman movie walle,0 +mom found femboy pics mostly accepting said okay experiment keeps bringing up oh boy embarrassing af,0 +@MsJennNicole hurry up u suppose to send me the joint ,0 +plan nowive suicidal years life screwed im lost stepbrother sisterinlaw house property lot guns think im going borrow sisters mm go somewhere property kill myself might take car somewhere beautiful blow brains drivers seat let someone heart abuse me fuck this,1 +"@butterflysong lol, never knew what dragonflies ate...but now that I know, I think I was better off just wondering ",0 +"I love my bestie, he always treating! ",0 +over year my ex husband waited to find out if this wa going to court in the process he lost his business his taxi licence and his home he began suffering from severe anxiety and depression and needed medication to help him get from one day to the next,1 +toast heres future plans girlfriend right one world domination traveling across japan mates good time end sips martini,0 +movies always suppose deep provolking thoughts sometimes theyre simply meant escapes reality sea fits bill perfectly br br a light hearted golden years romantic comedy sea may big budget might able easily tell acting front green screen still much movie worth watching sweet movie needs given break br br this good light hearted fun meant deep movie something worth watching nothing else must see brent spiners humorously stiff uptight rendition oye como va gil character love hate mr spiner pulls perfect evil comic foil two beloved comedy movie gods,0 +cant imagine ever happyand thats id rather die even chance living decent normal life theres much shit id work first amount things control life crushing honestly social anxiety depression stuff cant really help experience know even begin working it issues make hard work through theres more things id rather talk here id rather give up easy solution this id use it see way would love progress get better see happening time soon situation im fucked come back from ill never get better wish could,1 +it s all rainy and cloudy and stuff today for me but even if it wasn t i d still feel this way,1 +@mileycyrus there is always a rainbow after the storm. ,0 +may hold off on hawk getting a job first might be a better idea but i want it,0 +lies lies day lies,0 +often see pitch black room see feel touch taste hear distance see everything everyone ever loved cared about start running grab arms reach grab me matter fast long run always distance away feel overwhelming urge breakdown cry try cannot mad feel anger sad feel sadness feel nothing despair loneliness emotions lost void desperately trying escape fall knees head facing ground two choices lay front me continue trying matter hard exhausting guarantee ill ever succeed reaching them game switch matter long running trying always reach first one want give up want end things scared reach them eventually ill choose option terrifies me doubt ever take option feel longer try likely could happennote suicidal depression feels like severe depression feels like,1 +yesterdays events realized yesterdays events realized online friends way better real onesif seen post made yesterday might knowyea least online friends like like would always talk play games toghether real friends ehthey like like even want reply me hope guys get need rant hhhh,0 +people stop posting asking gfbf shit annoying,0 +ha to wait a week to find out if her writing is any good sux,0 +questions girls subreddit oh my god perfectly fine chat friends one friends said didnt want go school tired asked said stayed late reading said ok continued talking something else then randomly said also period last night couldnt sleep like wtf theres really reason mention that one reason would perfectly fine tired question you think randomly mentioned period unnecessary would make us guys chat uncomfortable,0 +come flirty friend found profile fucking kill me said flirtatious messagescomments i,0 +what apparently it s degress at pm in washington state i miss winter already,0 +http://twitpic.com/5cnwp - My landscape paint for art lesson. It looks better in life. ._. Eiffel tower.,0 +want death take menothing seems get better long all every day face insurmountable amount unhappiness exhausted pretending alright taking life always difficult me know die family member help hiring stranger invites host potential issues impossible put words severely want life end hurts even knowing gall myself,1 +pretty severe suicidal ideation think im even depressedpretty much every night past week ive falling asleep think killing myself even feel depressed right now ive always depressed suicidal thoughts along lines i wish exist always thought redflag abstract almost never something id actually do feel like maybe ive normalizing redflag mind past years tonight managed knock cup nightstand asleep threw towel tried go back bed ideations hit hard af seriously thought driving walmart buying gta utility knife cutting wristslt almost crying wanted die bad kind want buy one sit bathroom think it maybe seriousness situation dissuade me know stress school honestly day almost feel happy content least put pressure get as semester hard think unrealistic huge problem set due class tomorrow probably worth grade thats half done im still live home quit job go back school full time ive given permission kill things work school time feel like last chance know do job essentially money insurance think therapist option im college student theres schools counselling services im honestly afraid talk know theyll react say honestly im sure point thread was really ended rambling nothing ampxb guess anyone advice talk felt alright day overwhelmed night,1 +medical issues breaking mei many things physically wrong years surgeries pain recent infection tooth a bad one caused half face swell extremely badly cant even look myself im much physical pain see ahead me,1 +school ended best felt since back pick right things say worry waking early think school around people thing feel free think thoughts care others might think thoughts goodbye redflag weeks school crushes,1 +im closer ever beforeim really bad time fiance walked me told everything ever needed know much awful person am want die want live know anymore,1 +guys kazoo kid liked tweet im happy highlight week cant post photo rules trust one,0 +@prettygrltrice u should we can get loaded ,0 +having difficulty swallowing fear or choking always needing water beside me wa one of my first symptom of anxiety before i knew i had anxiety that wa about year ago and that symptom still follows me around and is one of the most annoying symptom my anxiety ha manifested over the year and i ve had it all but i just realized that when eating chocolate i don t have the same fear a any other food i can swallow chocolate perfectly fine put a plate of food in front of me and on my worst day it take me forever or i can t eat put chocolate in front of me and i can eat it easily quickly and without fear seems odd i wonder if it s due to the reward center in your brain when you eat sugar more or le curious if this is common or just me,1 +i m just so scared of the future i m making specific scenario of me getting hurt by someone i love and each time it usually end up with me wanting to or actually killing myself i say i don t want to kill my self at the moment but what about the future,1 +im barbie girl barbie world life plastic fantastic brush hair undress everywhere imagination life creation im blond bimbo girl fantasy world dress up make tight im dolly doll rocknroll feel glamour pink kiss here touch there hanky panky,0 +Just bought kites and a new pole ,0 +being a fan is willful depression at this point and there s no one to blame but myself,1 +oh look im bored ask questions fire away,0 +shooting shot today shot shot girl known around years now ok friends never really spoke past year would speak fridays bus stop waiting come home past couple weeks started speaking last long hurt badly kept wondering done something wrong luckily asked said ones fault however still get head years little confidence self finally told felt her hours seen ill update post responds thought would share bottle stuff like hve past also hopefully inspire others shoot shot,0 +im feeling well someone send distraction something meme music whatever need distraction,0 +dont know wrong melife fine nothing complain about feel tired really tried tried tell reason sad things ok dont ungrateful didnt work tried best person can part properly make people happy even tried painting happy joyful stuff tired feel like everything goes wrong fault didnt tell anyone dont want burden others dont know get out,1 +tracydowds when an xbox show those three red light it mean it s dead and need to be fixed for a month at microsoft hq,0 +"@Mistymoodle me too, it's very cool ",0 +one dayjust one days everything greateverything went wellbut still old thoughts keep awake wanting aau fuck end,1 +theres pointevery interaction people leaves feeling like incompetent mess wish never born deal repercussions killing,1 +say number give song playlist music heavy recommend listen speaker headphones best experience dm want link it,0 +i just don t have the will to do much most day when i finally do get the energy to be productive it doesn t last any longer than a week i procrastinate all task even the easy one and i can t just can t think straight even one the day i am motivated to be productive i can t focus and i end up being really tired,1 +manga life supporti think would dead without weekly releases thank manga,1 +baseketball indeed really funny movie david zucker manages make us laugh heads again really silly many times smart comedybr br the creators south park main actors film play good surprisingly good actually first time see actors movie oftenly reminded south park one fav showsbr br its really good funny film miss itbr br vote ,0 +fan probably enjoy this know misty mundae darian caine ruby larocca seduction cinema are movie start with cute silly girls hot fun watch theres sex whatsoever end minute film score cheesytrippy plots total bore misty mundaes makeup bad movie hair awkward braids hot others panties quite cute youll see movie sound really weird like one probably enjoy that s girl vampire vixens erotic survivor which bit sexually graphic prefer watching misty esmerelda less sexual horrorexploitationbased but lower budget movies check factory website,0 +anyone wanna chat need emotional support open too hey there bored well too hit dms bored together,0 +guys finally lost it funny punch line trick actually lost vcard maybe makes even better trick,0 +i m pretty sure she ha depression i m a good listener and don t judge i know how hard it is from reading alot of post in this sub i want to help her and i m genuinely concerned about her how can i do this,1 +Haha football very white sport... +Junoir D+,0 +jack ryan ajr kinda cute thanks bicuriosity throwing another curveball,0 +"Happy Saturday good time to rest after a short visit to Rome, Italy... I had such a great time!",0 +psychiatric hospitalill skip details lets say im good long time ive reached family close friend serious advice seems like probably go hospital while im pretty skeptical honest feel like options limited drivers license car also health insurance im currently living alone state far away family guess im asking is actually good idea making mistake ive heard hospitals mentally ill basically like prisons force around patients work well social setting all maybe could lead real consequences check in,1 +fighter kev it s funny how they are all facing stress sorrow and depression then,1 +got ta calm the weekend down monday blue carrying on into tuesday,0 +"Hell isn't a location, it's a state of mind. Anxiety, fear, and depression are your demons. At the center of your problems, you're the one pulling the strings.",1 +actually investing doge coin important money dads money ass riding this,0 +"@MariahCarey tweet me! we're both up, so we might as well chit-chat haha",0 +still doing homework,0 +masithoko dlomo mizzzidc everything na depression for una this day look like the heart is getting softer every year small thing mental health nothing wokeness no go cause,1 +theres little hope left herethis reddit seems dead now nobody left encourage cries help now,1 +@ChiangMaiOnline Thanks! That's definitely helpful! ,0 +stuck hotel kuwait happily switched channel showing beginning first pachelbels canon brought lump throat sight tiger moth which grandfather father flown produced slight dampness around eyes crowes name hooked completely entranced film crowes performance again subject matter and yes debt owe various matters addressed dealt with flying sequences my father flew avro ansons too story and another contributor pointed out crowes recitation high flight spoil film anyone but separated wife odd miles exarmy officer deployed couple wars private pilot admit crying heartily couple times buy it rent it download it beg borrow steal watch itbr br ps spy bristol blenheim in yellow training colourson ground looked like twinengine aircraft twin brownings dorsal turret,0 +"I let this depression and anxiety rule me. I let it affect my writing, pushing me into a corner blaming everything and everyone one for my failure, my lack of progress and work, except the one thing that was really causing it: me. It was too much for too long. So I spoke (16/23)",1 +@SashaKane - That's a great mood to be in. Do you mind if I borrow it for this week?! ,0 +parents track phone im okay im girl immediately puts target back creepy people comforting knowing someone knows times case something happens wish way im glad things like exist,0 +Ok my bad!! Don't even trip on the subject ese !! Lmao ,0 +the odd couple one movies far surpasses reputation people know it hum theme song complain living sloppy oscar fastidious felixbut theyre underselling film without knowing it neat guy living sloppy guy portrait two friends helping agony divorce also damn funny start finish kind comedy arises realistic stressful plain awful situations so viewers actually found film bit uncomfortable think verisimilitude strength besides matthaus bulldog face cracks up favorite comedy country mile,0 +day to do day work,0 +hour kill zoom class bored want kill time,0 +want stop drinking time want stopi lost best friend reality had talked family long time interest reconnect messy childhood friends think made codependent first week long time text theres one im looking new friend no anyway ex best friend said want friend anymore much piece shit become drink said verbally abusive see am get drunk sometimes hate almost much hate myself hate life choices im always bad guy feel like better met her time different way better now like emotionally better image lifestyle better now feel im ranting im sorry know ive felt hopeless before ive never lonely before feeling mean ive driven across many state city town village before alone ive never truly alone maybe thats im writing post feel alone know ampxb want kill myself time dont thats fear comes next im scared process no want quick gun ive never fan them im highest floor apartment think jump kill me luxury crashing car going hope car hits me might survive that want quick way out one alcohol maybe ill get courage figure way out ampxb sorry waste time,1 +christmas day feel like slitting wriststhe bar higher ever perfect child one sad tired time kind girl would without hesitation help anyone im absolutely sick it rant get chest sorry stopped read this,1 +nothing else live hello starting off really dont like complaining people usually keep thoughts written notes apologize im annoying two times tried reach online ignored didnt really make ever want reach again im desperate so im autism ever since young mother never really seemed care overstimulated yelled stop got older even getting diagnosed shes still telling overreacting hurts thats got weighted blanket first got it super happy look back it think bought thinking wouldnt deal overstimulating shield thing makes feel like doesnt actually care onto school throughout life friends left way am im repetitive loud understanding social cues something people really like thankfully met current friends dont care stuff seem drifting away band pe lunch leaves sitting alone time introvert aspie im fine alone problem occurs come back pe never talk theyre always talking other like im even sometimes hurts then boyfriend broke me really liked seemed good match me but due fact would sometimes go emotional support left me know drowning emotions wish didnt never see he goes another school cant drive reason want commit redflag nothing else live for cant live mother doesnt even really care cant live friends theyre living lives cant depend ex because well hes ex sure hell cant live myself hard explain because autism cant anymore left one would care theyd forget me everyone ive ever trusted seemed emotionally leave makes feel invisible want die,1 +Battling depression and it's only Wednesday ,1 +cant stop sobbingcorbin acting weird started ignoring longdistance boyfriend months well ex finally says made feel trapped feeling depressed cut back talking him feeling really depressed was cut first time cutting made promise to promised immediately stopped talked even less less going person thought best friend the friend pretty much too suffering anorexia become self absorbed never anytime me browse instagram uses vent things trashing me come first person told cutting trashed me then friend cut last night threw face like something proud something bothered hell like could tell people would pity her time exfriend angry upset told wanted tell tell something make better make things worse corbin tells cant cant date blames grandfathers death redflag friend confessed love explained commitment me says hes broken cant love loves himself want lose cant me help cut again im ashamed made promise hurt never try anything like killing myself knew cut said able take anymore hes take life im fucking health hazard ive asthmalike attacks weekly gym asthma medicine doctor gave help fucking working ive chronic leg pain years doctor said tight muscles sent physical therapist theyre sending test determine need surgery not cant fucking take much more mean also fact mentally challenged kid class talks acts exactly like one people sexually assaulted life talk time want curl cry thing stopping downing every fucking pill house would hurt corbin fucking love much want batter want mine again needs friendship ill give that,1 +feel though way pain understood people want understand kill myselfi long understood think ever be hurting person want love best cant stop it sorry pitiful seems like asking attention want belittle community,1 +tough joba year ago left good tough job oilfield tough mean hour shifts lots heavy manual labor take lots ibuprofen year half body toughened great shape getting burnt out crew got split left float crew crew saved ton money felt like position leave find something better also fudge cdl hours could led losing cdl stressing that soon quit realized huge mistake spiraled depression attempted hang succeed coronavirus happened laid bunch people go back anyways non oilfield job see succeeding it theres chance might able get back oilfield still connections there im shape mental health good want go back mess go pain getting kind shape back weak hurt bad going commit today know hurt lot people,1 +star wars question sequels making older movies popular,0 +i m starting to feel afraid that my husband is trying to sneak stuff into my food i wa feeling this way then he finished making food for tonight and i told him i wasn t hungry but he kept pressuring me to eat which made me feel even worse i ate some of the food because everyone got food from the same container so i felt like it would be ok i don t believe that he would do this but i also don t believe he wouldn t i feel sick to my stomach with anxiety,1 +bullying online school looking advice continue bully online school ive always stuck traditional forms bullying physical violence etc school moved online ive struggled adapt change tried threatening people breakout rooms doesnt effect block mute even close damn eyes im trying go mean jock reasons type vibe suggestions act going forward appreciated,0 +attempti another attempt police tracked phone via gps somehow got location found unconscious car bust passenger window spent week inpatient dk feel honestly,1 +brandizzzle0 yoyoyo my internet ha been rude tonight it just reconnected and i m about to go to bed,0 +off to work ahhhh such is life for the poor amp unknown wa thinking earlier how much loot that miley cyrus ha at age,0 +dad hung year born reasons cannot help think im going same killing think about want stop killing would much easier growing old hate negative am need help,1 +cant eat drink or breath properly thanks to the bad throat infection,0 +posting because this medication ha had an incredible impact for me in a very short time and i think that s worth sharing in case it can help anyone else who suffers from anxiety i wa prescribed propranolol 0mg xr per day a little over one week ago primarily for enhanced physiologic tremor my doctor did also suspect that it would help with some physical symptom of anxiety that i have including elevated hr general muscle tension flushing shortness of breath my anxiety had become so bad over the last year that i have essentially become unable to rock climb which wa previously my favorite activity and stress reliever due to extreme fear shaking freezing up and compulsive checking of equipment well i don t want to get too excited in case thing change a my body acclimates to the drug but so far it really feel like this medication ha changed my life i honestly am starting to feel like myself again in so many way the tension in my shoulder and muscle that ha just become standard for me in the day to day ha been released my tremor is significantly reduced i feel like a weight ha been lifted off of my body i have rock climbed a couple of time since i started the medication and the excessive fear response is all but eliminated no more shaking no more locking up it s pretty amazing i can t even begin to express how huge of a deal this is i wa not expecting this at all i had no idea that this med would have such a significant impact on my anxiety i expected a reduced tremor and hr but nothing more i know that this med ha no impact on the actual mental process but my symptom of anxiety have always been primarily physical it seems a though reducing the tension and heart rate and shaking ha allowed everything else to relax a well i am sure not everyone will have the same experience and who know it could change for me with time but for the time being this med ha been a game changer for me so far i have had no negative side effect not even low bp which i have always had issue with my regular bp is often 9 0 and this med doesn t appear to have changed that in any way despite reducing my hr,1 +im glad exist whoevers reading this thats wanted say cuz know mean im glad exist alive planet me hope least bearable day,0 +got ltt ad english english class learning crispr couple minutes got ad ltt honey fucking amazing,0 +mrbigglesrox hey emily you lie meanie,0 +one acquaintances came todayi walking school happened pass asked hey man doing gave typical answer doing okay jokingly replied saying only okay well least hate everything want kill yourself haha know respond gave kind nervous laugh little know,1 +im truly donei think im going give up everything figured theres nobody gets happy overall happy see hear me point waking everyday theres one wake for wake yourself do things yourself why do get called self centered get degraded feel stuck know anymore like try get better try end falling someone live light me longer him know do mom better either way ive done much wrong life know bares me one supporting me im good nothing talents all beautiful sort way know im life stopped caring ill go ahead stop caring everyone im tired people expecting something nothing literally nothing theres use here get people say purpose everyone seriously purpose here would lot happier everyones life would better nobody see this someone might laugh pathetic am try open but nobody cares all,1 +commit tax fraud im going tell commit tax fraud filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler fille,0 +constant thought killing everydayim sorry guys feel like life completely fucked up guys see post history think ill able live normal life again completely failed family im weirdo one day ill eventually it love family want hurt,1 +moms birthday paternal aunties really mean dont even wish her wish ill show wishes her shell love those shes absolutely gorgeous,0 +broke recently together almost half life always withdrawn introverted person lost entire social network years also leaving me one left still feelings person feels distant cold moment know handle emotional mess strong enough let go time want bother way happiness really want see happy seeing happy without breaks heart one left talk this feel like part amputated never unhappy life social person could prevent this really wish never born would never met would suffer endure me least happy never forgive awkward idiot sitting alone home prefer nothing fear trust new people sleept eaten properly since then hate myselfi wish could disappear without explanationi know ever move oni forever alone sitting front desk scrolling internet want die wish never born,1 +tired feeling way years want pain endim tired friends never relationship living good life im living parents home years now trying chasing dreams know dreams never manifest anything everything everyone ever said true grew complicated ive treated like shit life never meant anything made procons list decision end life want second opinions since nobody talk to pros fitting end decade pain mental anguish dont belong society ease discomfort people feel towards people used associate doesnt ashamed anymore in fact joy relief bad mouth even more could reincarnate memory pain live better life one im im genetic mistake need face future life consists loneliness regret mediocrity nobody gets disappointed cons family depressed time people act shocked even though could seen miles away none dumb ideas even chance selfish ass reason god im going hell sure,1 +i have another meeting with my counsellor tomorrow and imma probably get those result on the depression anxiety and social anxiety test questionairres i did so we ll see how that go lol,1 +i love demi's new album cover its awesome i cant wait to here the songs ! ,0 +Good morning twitter!!! ,0 +extreme activities and mean hollywood ones like ufc xgames people pursue interest seek doc outbr br this one truthisstrangerthanfiction tales donald crowhurtss obsession prove great odds odds stacked mother nature media mind also time lost us although years agobr br the filmmakers done great job gathering wide range material tell story story great race consumed him br br i help think timothy treadwell apollo astronauts great docs grizzly man shadow moon experiencing you simply watch storybr br if live big city buy rent it worth effort find travel miles la buy glad did,0 +fianc remembers lot together couple cant remember shit barely remember logins cant believe forgot everythingso yeah title expresses pretty much way home eating told play song played asked remember played th birthday got mad sheepishly said dont remember sorry kept saying remembers everything did sat car felt horrible felt terrible forgot need feel real happiness havent felt since kid ignorant world bubble protection then now much drove eat saying take stuff granted maybe took life granted happy nothing us feel bad remembering since becamethisthis badi havent really felt true happiness made want crawl cave kill myself forgot th birthday forgotten birthdays soon ill even forget th ive already forgotten th th bit blurry honest dont want forget anymore birthdays physically dont feel happiness feel pain forget good know im writing novel feel like remember havent got slightest clue happiness is forgotten friggin life im deep well thats rain way out parents yell forgetting things remember like fault actually is brain isnt working like should depression doesnt cause deep sadness creates problems like forgetfulness like me try try try get out damn near impossible feel like maybe people forget exist like forget past birthdays fianc proud remembering birthday even feel like world doesnt need me one wants here anyways relation world anyway im another human being another air taker resource guzzler im waste time im forgetful fuck feel needed maybe time leave earthz,1 +depression is when you don t want to kiii yourself but you wish that you never existed,1 +Together we can end #depression,1 +carbon monoxide long takei gas heater closed medium room sleep on kill me long till does,1 +thoughtsi amazing friends great family good enough grades along things im still way ive tried near everything everything fails,1 +im trap a boulder rolls corridor poison darts set every step young adventurer pressure plates strewn dungeon floor,0 +tired fighting wretched disease tired crying everydayfeeling like void existence barely present world sake existing empty used unsavable beyond redemption thread sanity hope snapped long agoim free falling abyss despair point return alone complete darkness memories goes die vast emptiness consumes digested belly metabolised energy parasites living within everything part me personality hopes dreams identity world used food selfish nothing world could fill taken keep giving thing retain could give living meaning clich life without living human anymore a walking empty void existencethe thing stopping death death essence life meaning living dying want end infinity loop suffering pain keeping body alive sake exscruciating pain never stoptill drop ,1 +cephaldo mizzzidc these people love depression ke matepe fela mo,1 +helping everyone going help me hearing comments make depression makes feel disgusted thought would understand feels one seems care me could disappear one would notice why wrong want like everyone else tired keeping everything myself one talk to sorry need get out tired,1 +slowly giving upi job future planned true friends energy make new ones ive living depression many years now im tired sit cry never wanted live past wish courage strength end nightmare life then really want exist anymore,1 +depressed kinda heartbroken like girl shes really smart im attracted reason today playing ctf field team made defender team came asked always defender well idk make game wrapping came group moved side away me dont think likes maybe even hates might give up,0 +wet hair in my eye,0 +reddit added new award which think someone would pay much would pay much award awards exist money could buy something actually worth time give homeless person food buy couple games go trip instead money would go fake internet points,0 +anyone else get feeling brain literally rotting days go byi honestly never ever felt worse entire life feels like nothing live thing keeping alive fear death itself keep feeling depressed day ive also getting headaches unusual me sick recently could explain it could fact spend time front screen still doesnt help fact feels like brain literally rotting head every day feels like im passing chance make things better point dont know helped guess posts make better momentarily since theres usually someone could talk without feeling guilty feel like im bother everyone know dont really even anymore feel like redflag going end inevitable really scary knows really,1 +cleaned desk comment long u think took rate well httpsdrivegooglecomfiledktgaxmtiqqcfgaozcdvyrbhphvlyqviewuspsharinghttpsdrivegooglecomfiledktgaxmtiqqcfgaozcdvyrbhphvlyqviewuspsharing,0 +anyone tryna play among us me heres code would like join sybmff,0 +anybody else get text message email link woke morning im like oh sick got text message open link thought maybe university advisory clicked link and saw pussy half asleep,0 +want talk buti want talk im afraid to tried asking problem radvice respondents sided source pain im distrustful professional therapists go detail got hit you wanted happen attitude prevalent western society just want go away think will though im afraid pain nonexistence,1 +"@loz_xx haha thanks luv ya too! see u tmozzzz wooo and dont worry, every DOG has its day, or in this case, their days...",0 +mom saw take thing pic im trouble wtf showing boyfriend new thigh highs delete took away phone rest day like bruh,0 +Is there such a thing as seasonal depression but during spring/summer? Asking for a friend,1 +"Still, it is definitely worth getting one! ",0 +name im scared go therapist owo uwu,0 +bridgetsbeaches thank you for letting people know but now i m sad that the direct message i got wasn t actually from bridget,0 +"@DAChesterFrench ah, livin the life and what a sweet life it is",0 +fear break broke meive thought redflag years due various things life im lazy write them im sorry im write seems trivial think keep going life kind alright guess great kind feel inside life pointless without ex boyfriend still feelings want relationship anymore this ldr think im entitled anyone people break up happens thats another thing invested much time energy care thought relationship saved months see side world to fair also saved up couple months leave months later breaks me told felt unappreciated agreed felt bad apologized would even want another relationship anyone again im tired stuff everything get broken anyway nobody gave near extent did parents care much anyone else knows this second break up guy going forever grip me im trapped ive thought ending numerous times icing cake ive attracted ever since ive known years im pondering whether end months not want keep existing like this know silly ridiculous sound wonder anyone else going something similar ,1 +round zoes house man hahah we creamed a field ;) you people have dirty minds blah blah i say britian you say talent .............. ,0 +really really reallly reallly realllllly want fucking die badyet im still afraid end pathetic burden filled existence fuck survival instincts,1 +hate im transgender muchi didnt much childhood teen years sucked im probably gonna spend next ten years life hating feeling incredibly lonely jealous cant even date yet wouldnt feel comfortable least hrt top surgery itll years could afford ill move first ill thirties would never experienced best parts youth time wasted cant deal pain much longer either something needs get done im killing myself cant imagine scenario,1 +finish cyberpunk im gonnapullthe pluglelelleleleleleel,1 +movie one wow movies greatest movie time surprised me tv movie elvis safely say many impersonators one elvis also safely say kurt russel came extremely close real thing one greatest impersonations ever seen believing really him learned lot elvis life watching movie led television part let strayits actually really fantastic film kurt russel couldve elvis twin ,0 +i just got an amazing new pedal and i just blew both of my speaker,0 +capillarity n the rise or depression of a liquid in a narrow tube french related to capillary,1 +always talk reaching people care that lie one actually cares me may surrounded people feel alone ever cheesy say one understands else put it try talking someone make them another person literally pay attention sayingi saying want subject attention times nothing like all even forward feel barely talk ill end disappointed lack care sorry written terribly swear cohesive purely desperate talk literally shitty feel time matter do exhausted weight chest never leaves literally one cares,1 +@gamer_freak yes! 2nd grudge defo have to see! Did it really make you jump! Whenever I hear that noise now I laugh lol! ,0 +type food imposter eat susage,0 +bananaface im sorry i got you sick lol going to bed too night,0 +M loves getting @sarahslean autographed Cd's in the mail M will also stop referring to herself in the 3rd person.,0 +celestechong oh but mine is ceramic so it more ex abit le visible inside one are very ex double the price n double the duration,0 +one contribute universe committing redflagwhat positives redflag good ways affects people close one committed redflag family changed positive way earth contribute ones decomposition universe contribute terms energy donating ones organs need one still live proxy make difference world one go this many organs salvaged donated,1 +gae buying friend chocolates teddy bear valentines day sleeping house bed gae,0 +00am typical british morning cold wet road full of miserable angry driver good time i need a holiday,0 +lookin gaming buddies hi im looking someone play games cause gaming fun someone else right games im currently playing rn are league legends valorant apex legends overwatch im open suggestions tho ,0 +@anniesteib is gone so im having a party at her house. ,0 +cant talki cant talk im feeling fcking annoying like im illiterate something everytime start writing roffmychest whatever stupid communitywebsite feels like im fcking stupid cant helped cursed what,1 +took like least mg pills paracetamol hours ago wanna take im scared agony liver damage death terrifies lol think ill fine taking much gonna get sick eventuallyi havent experienced anything pills took hours ago im confused im gonna fine take more,1 +"@JillyCL I found a link to record and see it live, yeah. better take my breakfast afterwards ",0 +what is this i feel hotter i m sicker than ever,0 +babby sittin g tomorrow night EPPP :] soo excited!,0 +meturns easy looks movies cant even imagine willpower someone must right hit me one time deal willpower develops slowly practice cut small blade suprisingly doesnt hurt much like small burn moderate wound anyway survival instinct kicks,1 +i wonder if someone else feel the same and maybe someone here ha already found way to overcome it i live in small town now but in the past i lived in the big city and had no problem with height it just started several year ago i am afraid of entering building which is very tall i can t go beyond th floor without strong anxiety even going to the city and looking at all super high building make me quite anxious so far my anxiety is somehow manageable but i am afraid it may get worse in future since i avoid going to the city a much a possible i do not live in the city so sadly i can t practice and be exposed to my fear will i feel any relief after guided visualization any advises,1 +friend agreed officially start dating thats pretty cool guess f fi fil fill fille filler iller ller ler er r,0 +so full sent wants friends,0 +hey guys need legal help pocket knife live californian im wondering legal fiddle iteg open close over ask adhd typically need something fiddle with dont want anybody getting hes got knife run ahhhhh im opening closing knife im making attempt hide im intending brandish it advide would helpful,0 +day think stuff one day thoughts today mostly family thought things theyve done affected well lot negative remembered time got yelled sister crying middle night remember tried break stuff cover face pillow say im sorry cried yelled youre abused reason cry made think im crybaby maybe fault treat way also thought people used know realized talked felt bad realized would always leave second could even person thought best friend thats stopped considering friends friends family really reason keep going things made happy today playing guitar day one done two left,0 +family problems anyone else feel like theyre unwanted unloved spend time theyre family,0 +online school year would super dope started server something complain talk drama might come online school also think could use group talk cause wont see friends person much,0 + weeks ago wanted write big post honestly know say anymore craving physical pain avoid emotional pain losing hope last years,1 +@crusaderz4life Blimey Kev...I thought you were never gonna come up for air...haha ,0 +ok relationship boyfriend pc gamer plays games every day im seeing monday said wants play new games im over asked cant play sunday monday come over apparently take hours download dont anything anyway either put ill get mum drop early bitch wanting attention whole time guys girls pls help out situation whats something could say him,0 +fromthestars i wan na go to an amusement park ek is getting tired,0 +terrible toothache feeling very grumpy hotel to write about in my work queue,0 +define dark humour also guys opinions black people go church father could guys take dark humour offensive af,0 +cant sleep guys deal insomnia tried everything tea lofi know else do,0 +potseeking preteen joshua miller as tim throws sisters doll river daniel roebuck as samson howls smokes cigarette killing danyi deats as jamie doll washes away naked young woman stays rivers edge passerby see viewing dead body group twentysomething teenagers mostly classmates naked corpse stoners keanu reeves as matt crispin glover as layne found cameraworthy friends wonder guilty beerguzzling killer friendbr br veteraninthecast dennis hopper as feck keeps youngsters heads fed mr hopper killed woman lives one lifesized sex dolls mouth apparently ready action ione skye leitch as clarissa living doll waiting reeves kiss her copulation notably crosscut flashback opening strangulation actual teenager first feature role ms leitch daughter sixtiessinger donovan make quirky connections ownbr br you read lot movie not depending mood characters backgrounds may little subtle obviously killer teen teased note weight attitude toiletconnected nickname characters relationships motivations vaguely defined cast certainly keeps material interesting and director tim hunter photographer frederick elmes writer neal jimenez obviously skilledbr br rivers edge tim hunter keanu reeves crispin glover dennis hopper joshua miller,0 +kanye coming back to twitter has cleared my skin and cured my chronic depression,1 +survived attempts years suck dying thing clearly next time planning slash vertical wrist elbow crookadvice help survive please want die looking helpadvice effectively commit suicide details within,1 +yall ever cry,0 +im exhausted want end alloriginally posted rdepression ive suffered depression since young age life threatening hereditary illness reduced life expectancy years old carry healthy lifestyle successfully receive organ transplants etc illness cannot children unlikely ever able adopt foster im currently years old made sure everything wanted life bar family early possible try focus career ensure made sort difference world three years university worked dream job ended quitting due stress anxiety depression bullying work basic administration job half pay limiting amount travel one thing actually made happy hate job mostly unfulfilling mundane come home work eat dinner watch tv go bed begins again applying jobs attending interviews almost every one applied for past months shitty job managed bag feedback interviews almost always you right experienceskillsdrive looking for another candidate experiencewho worked past whole life obviously revolve around job big part influences mood daytoday basis since teenager bounced relationship relationship focusing energy person allowing control happiness understand pathetic unhealthy is around people always something made feel better myself despite enjoying around people much tolerance actually quite low find getting irritated small things quite frequently months ago met boy got well seemed really me met point ready give up everything prepared end life plan boy walked life gave reason carry on maybe pinned much hope working out seemed genuine supported days pushed look better job made feel like life worth living again weekend told despite liking me happy me come realisation prepared relationship something hes ready for understand cannot make stick around would cruel guilt trip staying tried avoid best can realisation hit one darkest days ive several years might hit hard forcing even darker bout depression im angry deciding want suddenly making wanted first place understand fleeting people be taking relationship one day time happy wanted spend time liked am made solid permanent thing made believe longhaul wanted me that started calling girlfriend suggested introducing parents planned trips together im angry changed mind im angry still likes me happy me genuinely sees ruining good thing still continues anyway im angry despite telling closest friends already feeling day telling decision yet get touch make sure im okay people friends decade shaped life personality likes dislikes people know best know struggle depression anxiety know history drug abuse redflag attempts failed medications therapy sessions know reach need help im lowest keep myself want end life day told thinking want to told needed help told much live for make list told me plans weekend cancel despite everything boy told would me friend want life friend want continue boyfriend understand cannot force that hurts know cant like again know live friend nothing more always going want more think fair either us but actual friends stopped caring clearly ive cried wolf one many times maybe time cry wolf maybe time ill it go ahead original plan end all sad sounds reason go ahead kill soon left yesterday hope might change mind hope dwindling second,1 +use lemon juice lube yes,0 +i heard he stopped singing it s a shame http blip fm xath,0 +cannot believe gone farit used soo good life ended age im suicidal got death plans months cannot believe im already like this childhood ended feel dead now actually say lot i cannot believe gone far sad leave world months reason school harder court summer school half summer etc really wish couldve childhood back school funner easier ill probably make posts death feel like nothing much posts months seriously miss past whats death like anyways,1 +make another edited meme study test thats tomorrow read title nothing say,0 +ghilli best movie vijay one biggest hit career seen telegu movie could enjoy movie even morethe story girl wanting escape clutches local goon wants forcibly marry her since goon body ready help heroine vijay come play kabaddi match sees decides help her rest movie vijay helps girl ultimately escapes clutches goon goons fathers political cronies movie lot edge seat thriller moments keep viewer engaged till end vijay usual good role kabaddi player trishaashish vidyarthithe bunch vijay friends done job competently special mention made villain movie prakashrajthe villains character properly etched prakashraj portrayed well surprisingly first time felt sympathy villain end dialogue hi chellam really caught masses music vidyasagar brilliant song apadi podu rage overdharani credited nice masala movie enjoyed die hard vijay fans also general tamil movie audience world,0 +death way lexaprois possible die lexapro overdose shou ill taken combination xanax alcohol thanks,1 +allsexual means anyone want sex matter want,0 +i m just sick of global society i m sick of the direction we re heading it really feel like neo techno feudalism imho the purpose of society should be to eliminate reduce human suffering and i just don t see that happening i don t see that happening based on the amount of homelessness i see i don t see that happening in term of climate issue and reducing ghg emission amp other pollution i don t see young people being supported high cost of living debt low wage for the u exclusively where is free cheap healthcare for all where is free public higher education where is cheap healthy convenient food where is affordable childcare and the counter i ve heard to these thing have been like oh there s progress being made rent control more scholarship opportunity young people well you should get involved i ve been involved it s so bureaucratic and soul crushing you lose vision of the bigger picture the reason you got involved well just keep at it why tf would i keep at it when i know i m operating in a system that is built against me against my value and then like let s say you get an important piece of legislation passed great it ha no teeth it s not enforceable it ha no funding attached to it it s easily circumvented we have people sleeping on the sidewalk scared out of their mind while jeff bezos amp elon musk are rocketing themselves to space because why not yay rich people fun we have billionaire getting richer in a pandemic why would i be involved when politician i ve admired and supported have been able to accomplish so little or do what i consider to be reprehensible action i can only hope were done so out of political necessity i work a bullshit job that shouldn t exist but i m sure a fuck glad doe because survival but it doesn t align with my value in this environment i don t know if it would even be possible to have any job that aligned with my value which is so frigging depressing what do i want to do i want to help people great government healthcare nonprofit bureaucratic underfunded nightmare i just don t get it i m so sad i m so sad for the needle human suffering physical amp mental like i don t get how any sane mildly informed person would not have depression anxiety which suck i bet you can tell how much fun i am at party,1 +reality meant mesorry english native language im year old student dreams even try work succeed going school every morning seems pointless terrifying idea stuck stupid routine going default school get diploma work default job survive depressing me im probably selfish millenial thinks hes owed everything want work it worst part beautiful loving girlfriend amazing small group childhood close friands parents support financially emotionally know depression anxiety too yet cant help it future fucking scary seems dull matter do think im right society perspective spending whole life working terrifying considering much im stressed every single day school work right im holiday amazing thought going back school september unbearable think id rather die suffer year school again fuck seems ridiculous put like id rather die think girlfriend thing holding back september leaving study canada months we french dont think ill able handle it text way long might wrong subreddit whatever,1 +wish would tell somebody chance moment stopped caring moment realised nothing really mattered anymore maybe thought pass like things used to drowning indifference stuck it things used crave enjoy feel like nothing friendships deep ever wanted them feels like meh fuck going tell anyways want anything really want nothing fuck no either way going same feels like already dead mean sometimes matters springs emotion longer recognize somebody brink suicide hand anything times here maybe meant statistic along thinking eventually going miss night sky think appreciate enough going miss memories two best weeks life people may suffer most sorry or not mean genuinely feel like anymore already,1 +none of this shit matter where is all this effort and energy going i feel so bad and guilty because i feel i m a low life because i don t want to contribute to society it s a never ending cycle of bullshit i do not want to get married or have any kid because that s unnecessary work fuckkkk,1 +good mobile games im currently home wont game fun im going play like week im debating wether start minecraft pe world nah ill rather wait come home play pc,0 +life mess friends family support system living motels choice anywhere else go i addiction cannot stop killing me need help cannot anymore feel like going kill one day,1 +wanna left alone want isolated every living thing fucking planet theyre driving crazy im close fucking snapping rn want left alone,0 +cant anymorei downed half bottle tylenol,1 +finally home from work,0 +mind could sign petition kid died cause threw sandwich httpchngitfysqxgvv know changeorg might always work still think better nothing,0 +@xXDesXx Okay YOU'RE IN IT hehehehe.,0 +happy diwali teenagers around globe diwali indian festival also festival light never failed lifting spirits would like send warmest greetings people reading post across world hope something good anything really happens you,0 +care lazy trying restart life years life shittier excercised dieted got hobbies gone therapy things drones constantly drone forums insipid generic platitude never succeeded always failed time stepped face dirt more believe myself zero self esteem since kid nothin proud of horrible hand eye coordination always picked last sports ooor academic performance socially clueless hate myself that despise everyone else want go msss shooting massacre bunch retards feel terror pani maybe would cathartic lucky able get gun license poisonously envious anyone something want intimate notredflag friendships money degree independence respect charisma beauty youth one things best feign indifference cannot pretend happy tlothers longer wish worst care fairness care earned what thing deserve deterministic universe repeat would love horribly injure ruin peoples lives deserve it would cathartic me would especially love stab every cunt ever yttered phrase pull bootstraps normie fucktardstion interested fitting society want every single person die come afterwards ah would antnatalist paradise done fighting,1 +hate myselfi bottle pills desk know taking kill me theyre hormones antidepressants want change everything myselfi hate ita ll wanted born cis woman nothing ever change know go without true nobody ever love me im freak want todie,1 +emo anything but songs lonely palaye royal irony christopher resonate like alot supposed to like first time listened like damn son thats me,0 +wish luckwanted kill ages currently weeks wages responsibilities im going bet money horses football weekend going carry betting till im broke im killing myself maybe bet way millions doubt well see wish luck lol,1 +@kake05 Good morning ,0 +ill make fresh start i promise xtra sad puppy face,0 +Good Morning Everyone ,0 +write notei months actually jump might well make note waiting really know put it,1 +is on a secret mission...... sshh don't tell the kids ,0 +wheres best place show edit made anime edit deku would like share people sub dont know im pretty sure allowed ,0 +im going die soooo im lazy af hate online classes wasnt paying attention class turn sounds didnt expect teacher ask anything for obvious reasons didnt hear it friend text hey man asked something dont want say anything make look like kind problem friend call didnt pick expect bad stuff happen text hey feel like im gonna problem teacher millionth time want hide somewhere hope best,0 +lmao cant anything right longish rant angsty promise funny sometimes aka late night thoughts teeth tldr end alright woke am reason fucking reason tiny brain hates me basically like heyyy teeth ya know would fun bout question ourself hour lol go monkey brain goes yeah lol lets remember fucking suck dude go oh ok cool lets it fun idc like noticed moment overthinking literally shit shit makes sense fuck it mean everything wrong either way example drawing draw ill probably get angry end crying draw im wasting time fucking drawing doing anyways thats minor example tw part probably anyways noticed again fuck point suicidal literally suck regardless it im making people sad probably traumatic moment people close me etc etc it im making people sad probably traumatic moment people close me etc etc fuck basically logic applied anything go school ill probably get overwhelmed breakdown end day pleasant anyone go school stay home wasting life ignoring work pleasant anyone ill get yelled either way whats point feel like asshole regardless do nothing everything mix always wrong whats point really going anywhere could probably make better points tried im tired ill leave it tldr woke started overthinking shitty bc tiny brain try funny work goodnight yes name teeth fuck lt,0 +ive seen mystery men cop bit stick press general public take imdb vote instance overall feeling mystery men fun films definitely wittier socalled comedy films nearly cleverbr br the cast superb greg kinnear excellent geoffrey rush tom waits kinnears limo scene ricky jay perfect spoiled movie star imbues character right balance comic book quality realism make workbr br i admit pacing little places visuals certainly flash bang possibly detriment characterisation end day high concept film making little moments whats tiger lily many great ones film make worth repeated viewing,0 +oi get here vibe time httpsyoutubexrvtsdskvhi,0 +know im like years late im finally watching another defense like half came barely learned ways anime i still cant believe years ago finished episode recover horror great take much time fact episodes at least far end cliffhanger know makes want keep watching end somewhere thats probably best place end every episode make decision either watch next episode deal horror handle think watch next episode cuz suspense,0 +literally noone talk tocompared people actual mentalphysical health problems reasons seem bit tame honest honestly whole life ive never anyone could really talk google taken school young age isolated many years spent homeless turned took years yearn walk normal leg muscles fucked never using them also learn talk people times id rent room craigslist roommates would drug addicted crazy people live nursing home stick people mental disabilities place go theres noone thats smart enough hold regular conversation lot talk selves staff slightly stupid sometimes even offensive ive tried online dating years ive never met anyone abusive probably turned online dating anyway always think great could id started competing kids school developing normally went college id lots friends lots constructive things think id happy go outside see bright successful people walking street taking l train cars always crazy people talking themselves like im stuck endless loop know sound bad actually makes want kill myself already know take die painlessly bed anyone suggestions please comment,1 +wanna play truth dare filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler blah blah blah,0 +dont really knowi think posted couple times im exhausted sad numb cant concentrate anything lose focus time cant basic tasks feel like im losing myself like im trying hard hold cant get back up theres even particular reason unis super great great friends im difficulty whatsoever feels like sadness really really deep eating me tonight drank lot reason numb numbness never ever fact scared me know talk want get better,1 +so recently i wa told i will need a mildly invasive procedure i ve had some symptom that are common with many diagnosis cancer being one of them so now with my anxiety i m terrified and ruminate on the outcome now out of nowhere i have this breathing issue where i feel like some of my breath are not full or deep enough it went from periodically to frequent went to the urgent care and xray look fine the practitioner there said it s most likely anxiety i ve had period of anxiety throughout my life but i ve never experienced this am i alone here,1 +family annoying always watching walking dead want watch anything else get mad me thats even worst part th time through watch litteraly anything else god damn,0 +wanna move on wanna get left behind wanna lead generation trains leave station wanna move wanna get left behind,0 +je vais faire une d pression c tait mon jeu de pause bu et avant de dormir,1 +someone said this to me today he wasn t being serious it wa just banter his bros would probably be like yea you re right i do have great tit but it really opened up a healing wound for me being bullied growing up for my look i ve always been fat and people have used that against me for year these past few year i ve been healing feeling much better about myself and started to gain confidence i don t think i m ugly i m very much average and curve are much more appreciated nowadays but the feeling of inadequacy just never truly go away sometimes when i m really down i ll start self criticising and it ha crossed my mind that people who talk to me are just attracted to me physically i m not the most interesting person i m not funny i don t get joke sometimes and i take thing too seriously i ve been girlfriend zoned so many time it s tiring i just shut myself off from society men who were interested in me were never really interested in my hobby interest whatever they always complimented me on my look but that wa it if i ever tell them that i m not interested even if we talked every single day and were friend they d just ghost me it wa just something he said but wow wa it hurtful i cried for the first time after month of emotional numbness i cried because it wa probably true to a certain degree and i feel like shit,1 +@TsukinoHikari20 Both! Obviously ,0 +nah redeeming qualities know posted looking votes shit something wrong me aware age friends matter effort matter notting doomed untill keel shit person,1 +i ve heard people say it s mood swing i ve heard some say it s emotional play i ve heard people say it is what it is yet in all of this no understanding depression is a mental health disorder often misinterpreted and overlooked by many,1 +lets play game people usually eat birthdays comes night clue look name hahahahahahah hand orange houses,0 +just found out that my mum and my adopted auntie are on twitter check them out my mum is tessm and my awesome a auntie is tania,0 +spread queerness ever go one best traits honest,0 +math fucking awesome im sayin might fucking suck grade may low damn dont love,0 +"@WoollyMittens - Congrats mate! You finally did it! Away from cows living on flat rainy graslands, Which city will you be heading?",0 +i m glad i m not alone period depression is real,1 +Depression is real,1 +"Ready for this cheer boot camp to start up, hopefully it won't kick my ass too bad. haha ",0 +turn th happy birthday part fillergtgtoooooooooooooooooooo yay,0 +need help boyfriend left days ago hardest experience ive ever go through everything me constantly showered love affection gifts sex anything wanted days ago pulverized heart bloody pulp told physically mentally couldnt love way loved him said unfair one sided relationship love much dont care one sided everything ready carry entire relationship way grave thats much love boy constantly crying unable eat vomiting pounding headaches way sleep shoving melatonin gummies throat need help get mind him everyone keeps telling me gonna fine its gonna ok cant perk instantly fine need genuine help need hand hold need someone help fully take mind things whether games memes phone calls please help,0 +"@CardinalCondoms and with a chocolate taste, no? ",0 +okay plot shaky ground yeah right randomly inserted song andor dance sequences for example adams concert henris stage act leslie caron cant really um know actbr br but somehow an american paris manages come polished firstrate musicallargely basis gene kellys incredible dancing talent choreography truckloads charm seems importing scene caron he needs to seems a problem emoting br br the accomplished technically aweinspiring number musical obviously minute ballet towards end film stunningly filmed kelly caron dance beautifully favourite number would kellys character singing i got rhythm bunch french schoolchildren breaking array american dances goes prove need special effects got real talentbr br not classics level singin rain pretty high nonetheless worth watch,0 +need helpi dont else say want explain dont want pity im worth cry sometimes work line im job site somehow one see ignore cry car home im going regret shit,1 +left me want go oni thought love thought going get married start family thought life together wrong left me never loved me using support need anymore left lying along think want live this much know pain,1 +mind readers dont tell anyone,0 +nnn nnn nnn nnn everywhere fucking tired nnn everywhere stupid oh yeah cool idea wont masturbate month literally reason whatsoever first posts funny ive scrolling new half hour guess what every single post nnn related pls go back normal shitposting,0 +An equilibrium level of gdp can occur while resources are less than fully employed or are under utilized therefore the grate depression of the 1930s can be seen as a static condition rather than a self correcting transition period,1 +sure doi used go ivy league school last winter really tough time wanted kill myself decided ask help much faith psychiatric process hoping someone would able give reason get day reason something rather nothing much surprise put mental hospital thrown school sent home week prescription antidepressant told could reapply future reapplied current term rejected apparently think need time recover even though bother talk doctor home give warning might reaccepted week beginning fall semester sorry tedious background story wanted provide context question keep trying try hard eke existence pretty much every day fucking miserable ive spent long time therapy ive probably taken half dozen different antidepressants times life ive felt even slightest hope future result massive delusions possibleplausible ive ever felt slightly happy influence terribly unrealistic dreams idea do keep trying go admissions process former college find new university might accept transfer next couple months probably go find job why go effort exactly end goal im working towards sorry tedious selfindulgent rant seriously idea do,1 +still love years first time saw it fact discovered lost copy upset despite nonassociation original which kid never noticed adult care about cartoons should like dark enough interesting light enough enjoyed everyone im glad parents raised kind thing rather cartoons see today teach kids nothing music great gets stuck head foreveri downloaded entire soundtrack one point another,0 +Just arrived in North Carolina! ,0 +award first person follows ui_exist_by_the_way,0 +one girl responded comment pog no patrick tf pog idea pog done guys abroad seem kinda obsessed him everywhere go see him scared feeling safe anymore,0 +glad ill die soon ,1 +Im feeling very peaceful now that my room is clean and ny hair is cut. I think Im ready for a nap. ,0 +telling parents im suicidalhi f here want die else would here burst tears sports practice theres voice head constantly harassing me fantasize death would affect others every day want people miss me want everybody realize much or little meant them know isnt healthy normal im seeing therapist now neat parents brought therapy request didnt tell for dont want give burden dont want explain feel bad them parents lead busy stressful lives is work law tiring field in family dog sick lethargic right now theyre redoing house make lot decisions theres much stuff plates right now dont want distract add worry about dont want break moms heart ive told felt like want end life quickly took back saying would never hyperbolic months ago getting worse sometimes really think it ideas like hanging basketball hoop structure school tying feet heavy concrete block rock drown pool pop head often im starting get scared really someday gets overwhelming sometimes school spend lunch period crying used blame dumb angsty teenager hurts lot now told therapist my first time going two days ago listened nice thing see like month since schedule busy got worse talked kinda sucks wait may discuss more meeting psychologist medicine im kinda worried about dont want scary side effects knows maybe im dramatic dont really need it dont want tell friends im sure lot deal lives dont want scare away like therapy anyways theyre bound law tell anybody dont know do dont feel good,1 +Good luc Barca against Villarreal today!!! Will be rooting for you with Mom during lunch today ,0 +want hurt people cant continue livingi feel like die right crash field die impact cant control situation though feel like shit potentially endangering others want euthanasia,1 +real pain talking girl like earlier said see movie sometime hours later texting told couldnt together friend my ex yeah girl ask reject day,0 +first i god a really bad case of covid and couldn t move or anything that lasted for 0 day then i got a surprise birthday party thrown at me by my best friend and family when i got home my best friend cheene my cat wa laying there gasping for air and dy a soon a he wa put on the table for the vet to examine him he wa my best friend so a few day go by and i got a heart attack and an infection in the heart and the bag that surround the heart now i got heart i am year old i newer though my anxiety could get any higher just venting currently lying in the hospital bed,1 +6 Things to Know About Childhood Depression – U.S. News & World Report - http://mommytimes.org/feeds/items/6-things-to-know-about-childhood-depression-u-s-news-world-report/ …,1 +anxiety turned suicidal thoughtsive suicidal thoughts past never anxietyrelated lately been anxiety consistently awful two months now literally makes want die ill sit spot hours debilitating fear cant bring hobbies feel constantly danger makes brain shut completely nothing makes go away family doesnt believe anxiety bad is want this,1 +suck rantso idk im dont anyone comfortably tell whole internet ive prolly suicidal since watch mom cousin murdered cousin still mentally physically handicapped day due event escaped fully fractured head backstory above ever since ive felt guilty experience much less compared everyone elses event various family members would tell dies instead shouldnt alive wish instead reason pity family members go much things along lines understand said though agree dies instead sisters could mom could stop crying sleep anxiety problems breakdowns dies dad could one true love could stop sad hiding wants strong us sometimes think couldnt save could still alive reason im terrible weak selfish conceited good person saved them funeral everything began abused verbally physically mentally ran together could see much pain life caused people around me knew going help anyone would kill could least reminder event cause thats am reminder day dad lost wife siblings lost mom grandparents lost daughter aunts uncles lost sibling goes on scars run skull reminder lived torture couldnt bad im arent month deaths tried slit wrists stupid me four year old thinking even power cut deep enough die couldnt cut far enough cried pain treated say trying cut fruit knife slip family believed dont know life went one knows wasnt accident ii breakdown breakdown years that one could see cause didnt want cause pain anyone around me act fine unaffected called robot family friends emotions didnt want express them since never wanted happy cause fell like would insult mom cousin people around me happy made people around hurt much dont think ive ever happy take pride that never happy im taking away happiness mom cousin could experienced didnt fully try comment redflag last year didnt want experience pain though made worse family members dies pain endure couldnt even slit wrists could bleed out couldnt experience pain feeling bleach going throat endure seconds felling breath taken away strangling chose unpainful way knew oded combination many pills got saved doctors said reason lived cause didnt chose right combination pills theres another thing failed at couldnt even chose right pills could die school month didnt contact anyone gone ones knew anything happened dean teachers knew medical reason didnt know details hospital alone time began seeing could kill even monitored saw girl killed starvation finally found something knew could accomplish would least little pain could give family members gave slowly stopped eating aloud wear clothes got baggy colthes wouldne revealed acted happy recieved food everyone would suspicous end mystay got weighed again went already underweight got doc therapists shocked legally let go home stayed week home parents went back school walked everyone stopped best friend came said ghost thought dead made hurt much dead realized small like happened couldnt tell her whole day heard whispers bad looked skinny gotten looked like collaspe felt like too got admitted eating hospital got better im better know people telling bad look know im healthy weight im going start starvation again hope finally accomplish something successfully it see ampxb yeah idk said even right place post oh well,1 +ever sent ever sent random people would again also gender you,0 +I wish you could pick and choose when #depression hits. I also wish people understood that you can't. #DepressionIsReal,1 +important truth people agree reading book called zero one peter theil might already read it wrote ask questions everyone hiring people answer two things true rare example truth x everyone believes y gave example wrong answers following god no one give theoretical proves gods existence inexistence education system many flaws needs changes true many people agree this ampxb correct answer follows madness rare individuals but larger amount people gather together rule example parties nations everyone thinks socialism help humanity truth privatisation help us more,0 +sure allowed feel free delete notso trying reach many people possibly lately dark moments sometimes honestly need friend many not choosingpeople see assume im bitch wondering was anyone else situation anyone wants real life friends meet occasion talk to maybe go walks maybe make groups location that could helpful people again allowed apologize figured worth try even one person interested make new friend able help someone worth me name jennifer live nh anyone would interested this helped it etc please leave comment pm me ,1 +chronicles hopeful existencewe imagine young children grow great things use inspiration logic please know inspiration doesnt affect me im privileged blessed person raised guaranteed success got education failed endeavor let myself worked years made thought good money whilst blowing alcohol drugs debt im point going norm choices go grid saying fuck leave life saying fuck it im worried heaven hell believe see darkness passing nothing souls born another life know many live worse existences world cant help them would hurt take one person overpopulated equation mom yes her would destroy her wonderful faith tall tale jesus answer her cant even answer phone anymore anyways carry fellows arent meant this see another time,1 +just spent the last half hour making a playlist for tonight it s going to be a long night,0 +daughter im gay daughter too daughter im gay dad ok daughter too dad anyone like boys son mom dad,0 +"@webrodeo glad you liked the teleseminar! Yep, you'd be amazed what my dog can do even with those little short legs. Best,",0 +first all st ives film fairly loosely based robert louis stevenson story name once criticism original novel workinprogress unfinished authors death freely adapting giving ending filmmakers brought life endearing characters who although different stevensons originals would sure charmed amused himbr br it capitaine jacques de kroual de saintyves breton aristocrat orphaned revolutions guillotine serving hussar napoleons army meet going evening claiming since hussar dead a blackguard he on borrowed time certainly faces string challenges duels dashing hero seems danger surreal prank colonel provides way duels bed beautiful courtesansinger unfortunately also results losing commission misadventures result taken prisoner british sent pow camp scottish castlebr br while carving toys boxes jacques catches attention flora young niece miss susan gilchrist welltravelled woman world lives swanston cottage fall love story concerns flora helping jacques escape find emigr grandfather old comte course problem jacques older brother alain dissolute alcoholic perhaps understandably far pleased grandfather disinherits front whole household instant jacques appeared cue treachery also entertaining subplot romance awkward naf goodhearted major farquhar chevening aunt susan travelled ottoman empire prisoner turksbr br even allowing natural prejudice favour film heroines share surname st ives magic combines splendidly swashbuckling swordfights balloonflight comedy romantic adventure would recommend anyone loves the kind film make anymore fairbanks colman flynn co acting splendid anna friel makes flora spirited appealing heroine jeanmarc barr delightful jacques genuinely lovable hero miranda richardson richard e grant already great favourites mine great fun susan farquhar whose relationship runs comic counterpoint leads rakish scheming ultimately tragic alain jason isaacs shows recently the patriot classic swashbuckling style besides dashing good looks please please someone cast hero genrebr br my main quibbles film concern settings costumes book castle jacques prisoner clearly edinburgh film shot ireland germany france highlandised setting making retention place names swanston inveresk queensferry decidedly incongruous costumes real hotchpotch s period set would implausible downmarket characters making do seems odd welltodo ladies heroines wearing s gowns clearly costuming decision sthetic earlier styles visually far appealing elegant regency fashions work idealised world film whole st ives minutes pure delight,0 +Any medical record you have of depression. Aggressive behavior issues. Bipolar disorder and so much more shows up on a back ground check. Banning guns won't fix that better back ground checks would fix that and maybe age raise would help banning guns won't fix everything. https://twitter.com/janasvrsm/status/989284581399461903 …,1 +make death painless dog possiblemy dog thing keeping alive throughout many deep pits depression life love much cant get terrible situations dynamics matter hard try constant anxiety gnawing cant escape it failed interview today already lost jobs person im love said want talk right super emotionally unavailable corona cant even bring ask support know even like anymore trying brush off im homeless coronavirus current housing situation tense terrible im always stuck middle toxic atmosphere forced taking care peoples problems waste away inside get anything myself top dog getting older unexpected incident weeks ago randomly attacked another dog im maybe homeless even though im getting training feel like deserves better ive failed much know do ill isolated homeless dog cant around dogs ill probably kill anyway get point point anywhere put could stay kill myself friends redflag letter going mention would honored wanted take care dog also completely fine cant im mostly concerned trying kill place dog see around im also really sad think waiting come home forever ill never come back want know theres anything make better even though hes anchor love much cant live like anymore know way better life without me also want traumatize anyone else might find body really know good way would be know anymore want happy safe miss me ideas,1 +eveningim really never sure im supposed write here think im writing hope someone read say consider it im sure theres anything take consideration doubt anything could taken away reading thoughts anything positive case thank taking time anyway happen reading this feel weighed societal expectations way need speak intonation language expected go life functioning person work voice really small thing always annoys me feels disingenuous like that like im betraying living lie really cant stand it pretty childish way think understand think ill ever get it see dehumanizing factory standard planned mechanical theres warmth there nothing guess complaints living similar vein call deviant contexts theres feels theres point feel life im sitting here desk computer paid money car end day ill freely admit this know im unique far distract myself im going eat food im going go bed ive finished tequila go work company feels nothing people know beside show me enjoy this know fact raised type people who problem anything something working right would fix that immediately taught teach fix things solve problems ive chronic depression entire life nothing feel like fix this problem cant fixed fucking love living idea sensation look universal scale fucking amazing think reason plan see happens create shape view complex patterns shapes experience simple part hearing tones certain order make electricity brain different things special would take involuntary mood swings voices head telling want die parts go away would love it live planet people see things way do people understand basic idea cause effect could apply them people see everyone else perceived wealth ignorance plan sociopathy culturally socially reinforced nihilism understand people could fucking arrogant beautiful gorgeous possibility people ruin it thats see anyway see way change people change situation sorry seems dramatic im glad write thoughts maybe ill go live pond write book it,1 +@mindywhite your welcome! ,0 +tw sexual assault physical abuse spanish first language sorry advance mistake ampxbi cisgender heterosexual womani raped yo boyfriend time tried penetrate anally failed raped vaginally shame told parents months later tried rape get to never confidence sex again mild encounters never ended bed brief online relationship yo now due bad economical situation pandemic etc living parents house note aside parents physically abused since years old till around belting punches etc messed logic beats homeless journey rediscovering sexually past months dealing interiorized shame guilt overcoming step step help online friend benefits decided buy sex toys first time life attempt fully sexual life again still dealing shame guilt toys seemed working felt rewriting sexual life positive notebut middle argument parents in shaming depression age life caused failed attempts achievement life goals poor economic situation decided tell knew sex toys disgusting slut repeatedly called disgusting slut disgrace shame hourmy mind immediately went back years day assault felt disgusting deserved it talked long distance fwb days he helped regain sexual confidence supported felt ashamed sexually due past trauma know even approach him cannot bring eat drink either even hungry left room even want peak outside know see parents talked all locked room desperately trying find apartment move even going money even buy food feel like slowly fading background could disappear moment like flawed matter anymore deserve love ever get it cannot stop crying everyday feels work trying overcome happened crushed instant feel helpless cannot bring ask fwb help reassurance scared back feeling sexually numb like years honest parents words got bad even know make sense felt shame toys felt like garbage telling am one many problems barely mentioned sometimes make think pain worth it needed vent thanks reading made far progress gone,1 +soooo reddit gave another award best comment within next hour gets it wholesome award edit well extended hoursthe award distributed,0 +cant make another yearsim ive always low selfesteem linked looks im fuckugly short span time actually somehow managed date girl she somehow managed find attractive thought cured low selfesteem instead temporary reprieve longer together feelings back fullforce honestly want kill every time look mirror every day im still young months ago made pact sorts saying would kill years old unless managed complete list created things want achieve die think it years fucking long considering every day slow miserable know ill make even die redflag ill simply drop dead sadness instead,1 +half life reason im still aliveis half life worth nah,1 +night might take itim unable find work im outcast family friends constant victim bullying school girlfriend years left reasons given ive attempted im trying hardest hurt options have please help,1 +ive mean family years wont care kill myselftoday probably ugliest ever been got let go right xmas lost huge job opp forced go home xmas see mother grandma even tho mom still married man abused me flipped fuck phone now threw after cant take anymore said horrendous things also honest hate much stayed married man abused refuses hear side story going home xmas see grandma one last time go back break ill kill,1 +word homophobia makes sense implies people scared homosexuals absurd im scared gay people gay people scared,0 +"This night It was awesome, I slept at 1 a.m . I watched Kyle XY and SUPERNATURAL , So great !",0 +finally reached karma thank helping achieve goal grateful achieved karma ,0 +ive started studying chemistry medicine myselfi wanna make med lead die peacefully dont want painful least dying,1 +cant think titlei really know start im unemployed live mother recent state affairs recently hospitalized father visited told move shit out hes pissed cant say blame him hes paying education fucked up struck out last chance pursue dream left ill never able afford go back own mother urging move back while said would better here would people talk to full shit talks convenient her time try talk acts put it like conversation chore mean demonize parents father least all hes good me ive consistently fucking since became ill senior year high school got tired it wasted lot money me mother martyr drama queen cant talk either them father intimidating thinks hes smarter really is get wrong hes one smartest men know severely overestimates himself hes stubborn presumptuous seems think knows exactly im going through seems think able healthy handle told hes wrong well all fact tells leave room time try correct matter matter anyway relationship essentially over know deal mother every time try talk shit gives generic advice makes herself whatever guess girlfriend exhausted tired bullshit ive put lot past seven years unhappy relationship contributes relationship lot able thats shitty relationship in little offer deserves lot more handle diagnosis well said lot shit have things im really comfortable repeating ive given every chance leave says want to cant talk either plenty shit worry grown tired listening say im bitter angry depressed irritable person guess sort gets exhausting listen while friends band mates really cant talk reason were pretty tight weve playing together five six years thats enough put frustrated ramblings schizophrenic loser mother girlfriend band mates thats left cant talk single one them that really respond im talking something particularly interesting them guitarist probably best friend lot alike really problem him drummer good dude general talk anything long im dumping bullshit him everyone else pretty much ignores try talk something girlfriend lot kills me like ill bring something id like talk shell respond shell flat ignore say start talking something wants talk about im interesting anymore really anyone whos interested say reach internet frequently someone talk to join forums websites according interests meet people talk think im interesting while never lasts long get bored eventually stop talking me every single time ive quite while know maintain friendship ive lost social skills im alone thoughts theyre dangerous thoughts have medications effectively gotten rid hallucinations still episodes bimonthly basis terrifying experience one im sure explain disorienting confusing suffocating me im nightmares dream people love care me people think im interesting enjoy company wake inside dream eventually fade back feeling loved happens eventually figure im dreaming wake try remember dream fade back feeling loved never can worst part never wake up keeps happening over crushing every time apparently none medications fatal consequences overdose suppose thats good thing maybe ill try heroin lol,1 +ordinary post boat hope gamerdude doesnt eat haha trapped boat bait gamerdude haha,0 +toxic feminism real today discord chat youtubers channel girl said likes boobies replied you look naked mirror guess happens next get banned like cant take joke making one guy said thing would booed perv perfectly fine girl say thing,0 +always aloneive posted know never get anything anyone friends family even redflag subreddit im going explain want die anything going say going happen sometime tonight didnt want last message friend didnt bother reading it kidding isnt gonna cared either whatever,1 +Jab bohat ziada tension aur depression ho to relax honay kay liay kya karna chaiay Need suggestions,1 +@opposable_thumb LOL the little + on the left... ,0 +short elements great movie every time show friends on dvr love too dialog so real acting superb effectsprops convincing themselves taken everything else shot expertly placedused music haunting perfect kind moment film people hold dear beliefs thoughts shaken core see movie go thats it end blossom new understanding leave movie one word describe itbr br beautiful beauty film also skin deep love fact conflicting views voices voices hear agreeing other conflict time one ending made love more harsh reality sometimes film worthy plot device twist br br wasnt joshua leonard guy blair witch project movie fictitious dead guygreat,0 +carethey care saving me care press theyll get saving teenage girl getting anything care got me hurt me cant even sleep cant sleep bed cant sleep house tried killing work hate it body hurts im uncomfortable cant breathe im tired im done one going help me ill slowly disappeared die one noticed,1 +im starting lose hope feeling scared futurei really happy today wife emailed saying daughter loved me brought spirits up difficult pay them need well paying job soon possible ba economics masters business living k got stabbed live halfway house life stressful two dismissed charges always pop background checks feel never get enough money pay family understand life needs difficult keep hoping keep trying going sad feel start making money soon game come springsummer know do life difficult make easy live usa understand much difficulty understand one ever wants hire me one ever wants take care me one ever wants friends me worthless person eyes everyone interview with difficult,1 +care much people thinkjust want day im freaking out whenever talk another person emotions factor anything finally finally enjoy fucking life one day thats need one day gather thoughts anxietyfree much ask please please stop talking me everybody stop talking me cant handle fucking shit,1 +i just got another thing i have to look out and care for overcame the college exam and finally found one more freelance deal to keep me fed anyway job got cancelled because of covid 9 but it s an online tutoring what doe it ha to do with covid i m doing all i can with every option i have i work consistently but why doe it always have to be so one sided i have day left with only little money enough for a single meal until i may get the chance to work there are phone and landline bill which i wouldn t be able to work without yet still unpaid because college say fuck you and pay u or we kick you out because i didn t have enough to enroll for this term why why why i want to die but i can t i don t want to make people i care about sad but this is not fair,1 +"Startup Family Kim: Tight, Bright, Full of Light @WeGame @JoyceKim #K-Genius #Solid #TechFellow http://yfrog.com/6f3zgzj",0 +people glorify sex demonize porn like arnt dangers affects sex stis accidental pregnancies faaaaar worse porn addiction,0 +hear yee hear yee fellow metal fans interested look band called static x industrial metal band released new album rip wayne,0 +@MamaCitaa_ awww poor thing...lol oh okay hopefully u dont give me a virus....Hahaha! ummm.its 3:56am yup yup usa bby!!!!,0 +handmaid's tale is back but i'm not ready for the depression of it all,1 +know suicidal feelings probably result trauma modern life capitalism sucks definitely parent making feel like deserve existence definitely case aware solve anything feel unable heal feel like cannot move on feel like tired cannot go on young living own want dad tell loves pushed away want play xbox want hang him want help pay doctor help figure going inside mind mom abused bad want go running him cannot ruined relationship cannot fix it afraid fix it want ex hold pushed away too want never hurt important friends life late want become better singing cannot bring disciplined enough practice want workout feel like it want good job always fucking boss present thinks mediocre want okay feel ready okay used absence caos feel like trying get better trap feel like mothers abuse started moment decided conceive killing would actually rebelling maybe fact still here suffering without justice me exactly wants cannot stop feeling much pain soul tired cannot go on cannot this want out cannot fixed,1 +@walkaboutkiwi i was in 2L till 3am waiting for u... kekekeke jk ,0 +youte telling missed talking abt animals tjays entire thing,0 +want diei feel like purpose life im thinking attempting commit redflag tomorrow crushing vicodin taking alcohol may break boyfriend first hid something devasted me best friend left one good friends moving feel like one friend talk to want talk parents stay room sleep cry,1 +"Spent the day in bed passed out on back pain meds. Feeling a bit better tonight... Well-rested, anyway. ",0 +afterrmc pvsportfr fcmetz domicile pour surmonter ma d pression,1 +nice pleasant funny earthshattering good job showing behind scenes world theater groups lives actors three witches great on offstage would assume movie works wonderfully lots apparent inside jokes one involved theater which im not,0 +completely drawn story wonder perhaps sympathetic hurt characters plight respect boils down really think glam reporters barbara walters devil or maybe filmmakers telling us were unknowing supporters fluff news stories,0 +i cant stop laughing this burger king commerical im so easily amused,0 +number day day filler filler filler filler filler filler,0 +you promised not to leave me right i hope you wouldn t break that promise,0 +this ha to change drastically and quickly so i can still breathe fuck depression fuck fear i stand by you the community it s time to dance http t co 0yongk cf,1 +horny lurking shadows waiting planning attacking least expect it,0 +i have a hole in my favourite top i bought it in the sale before christmas so i can t even get an exchange might try fixing it later,0 +"Another lovely day here in Essex, looking forward to being in the sun for most of it ",0 +saw theater initial release disturbing im sure would still be first part still making rounds towns across america recently massmurder hometown saw man went shooting rampage freshness closetohome event combined dramatized true story made disturbing theatrical experience really brought life excellent acting robert blake scott wilson familiar novel based true event truman capote screenplay direction richard brooks wove event trumans interpretation compelling gritty cinematic adaptation music quincy jones effectively scores story ive seen couple times since real almost like witness crime riding along killers would give possible society desensitized violence crime today probably seems slow tame could viewed less effect anyone hallmark examination criminal psyche,0 +we cuddled minecraft bed,0 +pleasant way go out never employed one wants employ year old experience degree subpar qualifications somehow managed rack figure student debt hardly friends social life becoming sick certain friends constant bragging sits home day computer gym chore enjoy anymore lives away major city severely depressed amp anxious cant afford certain drugs deepweb willing try another prescription antidepressant talk therapist already september done nothing life since march life goals ambitions gambling whatever left online casino lottery games sports betting ampxb,1 +i have a choice between two job neither is ideal and i am having such a hard time deciding that all i do is delay and speak to anyone who will listen i am terrified of making the wrong choice and the indecision is making me frozen i don t know what to do i have spoken to counsellor family and friend everyone is getting really annoyed with me and i am with myself but all i can do is spin my wheel i had a traumatic experience with a previous employer and i am just scared to pick the wrong one,1 +plani battled depression since started thinking redflag im now loving bf sweet newborn son love much center world theyre keep going tear time got pregnant quickly bf wonders baby even sometimes is know it anyone long bf father baby cant breastfeed baby anymore took pride honestly pumping rewarding supplemented formula needed often okay that worked well bf decided put baby formula only thought better still agree bf joked starving baby able pump enough day stopped pumping together like kick gut might well said shit mother im trying best can im hes neither us ready committed anyways im trying ive struggling school pass classes semester im going kicked college parents financial support end kicked ill give car back since technically letting use im school money help ill taken insurance see anymore general even act grandparents baby theyll dissappointed failing school think might pass classes best everyone burden bf much better anyways baby hurt financially know hell cry first hell get used it remember gets older cant feed anymore use i bf space back feel like worry anymore health issues expensive one deal anymore tell anyone failed classes parents help support bf son something like sudden death happened know grades know failed bf know failed classes mother hurts part want to part wants watch baby grow up want marry bf want happy long though im antidepressants helping anything im comfortable seeing therapist im trying pass classes finals week im studying ass much take care son iust think keep living fail another huge thing life would better financially mentally better everyone here,1 +im done im cutting drugs im depression since never stoped cutting helpim gonna end,1 + highschool stress aloneim high school year old teen utterly alone even friends feel uncomfortable place cant socialized people im shy pathetic cant take stress grades great i cs bs ive stressing grades long time parents sent us fix grades really suck high school almost failed years middle school want straight as know happened change mind last year like failed got good grades every day parent say need study harder always compare brother hes smarter better son me always scream left behind grades perfect him brother always everything try do friend better grades sociable but parent talk grades tell okey need help nothing all feel like giving up,1 +@nezua hey hey! ,0 +minecraft hardcore made beehive angry die mostly im scared buzzing noise make both irl game ran like bitch second heard it close call,0 +passively suicidaldoes anyone know help passively suicidal ive dealing years gotten worse recently need beat it,1 +cant anymorei cant,1 +m hopelesseveryone around says theres hope loving parents friends girlfriend doctors etc feel like see am outside seem relatively normal sense college degree which hate working average job appeal me do went bought gaming pc hopefully make living streaming videogames gonna lie get good head high imagining famous streamer ive highs emotions mixing alter egos since young age confidence issues anything really realize ive spent majority life isolation judging people do joined best fraternity could college never saw good enough everyone else keep touch one person it worked accounting job appreciated burned three months work started piling up would always comparing smartest guy office got tired asking help one fair even though always nice polite two hurt ego understand shit im going self diagnose narcissistic borderline traits fragile ego a random kid could insult would trigger extreme anxiety fear abandonment extreme ocd hell broke girlfriend got back together next day remember telling loved day started dating freaked out years later see thats issue great every way lot physical attraction gone find bored girlfriend try super hard get her stopped hanging friends spend time her realize huge mistake recurring theme regardless im with feel empty inside like im never enough feel like kid never grew up view life balancing act others better me trouble learning new things generally unless make feel superior way realize now sucks cycle values days wanna eat meat days view morally wrong loving support group seem me part wants end life seriously mess up point know depression anxiety,1 +birthday message me first happy birthday would like tell well life handling ups downs sometimes things smooth you sometimes spite believe achieve everything want life lastly want say one thing awesome love yoult,0 +saved bellalmost something stupid but coincidentally old old ex called blue right bout go across wrist saved phone call honestly get urge call text somone it could save life,1 +Good Morning Everyone! How are we this morning? What's on your agenda? ,0 +so i have a friend that is showing warning sign of suicide what do i do to avoid a crisis situation and what do i do if it becomes a crisis and help is too far out i know every second matter and every action and word can mean the difference between life and death for my friend any and all help is appreciated,1 +today years old realized joe mama spongebob thing,0 +seeing thingsso lately ive daydream type things id looking glass water something id see smash head someone elses id backseat car id see us crashingor attacking random person id see store crazy oridk,1 +know get betterthere literally advice left give me heard all havent gotten better havent worked improving life lazy shit dont become happy dont tell truth feel lie doctor like this given much advice dont act it really hope me,1 +bassists never seem particularly happy cheer robert tujillo youre famous,0 +personally like lot bw movies theres something magical movie br br the movie starts elizabeth lane barbara stanwyck liz writes magazine column martha stewart connecticut course lying becomes problem publisher mr yardley asks play host navy sailor christmas addition mr yardley whos going alone christmas invites farm christmas party there things go crazybr br since movie set new england farm movie warm holiday feeling plus characters hilarious mr yardley always shouting orders lizs friend felix always yelling catastroph things go wrong finally movie ends way christmas movie end jolly fat man laughs shouts what christmas br br in short matter age are love movie,0 +@hussam_al Harvest of the day ,0 +struggle existencebeat logic literally argue death life painful filled suffering life continue painful filled suffering life meaningless pain suffering meaningless thus kill myself implied assumptionsmedical conditions promise chronic consistency exist i life worth living would point to point means reason whether god higher power manmade literally good reason live oh experiencing highs life full woes struggle every second day thoughts attack paralyze body addition constant head bodily painevery activity struggle really know im still alive focusing finding things look forward mask struggle existence,1 +i ve been super depressed this year sure but i don t think it s gon na come yet i remember when i wa young when robin williams killed himself it really shook me because like i understood like my response wasn t being sad necessarily it wa well i get it it s weird i don t know i almost don t even feel emotional saying this one time a couple week ago i wa smoking weed and my heart kind of skipped a beat in a weird way and i thought good i wa like this would be an easy way to solve everything like it would be a relief to die then and there people don t think that right that s weird that i thought that why don t i fantasize about good thing anymore why don t i have oscar acceptance speech in my mirror why don t i think about my dream girl all i ever think about is how hard it ll be to get where i want to be and how i ll probably be when i meet the loml and i ll have no time to do anything fun with her anyway all i ever imagine is the bad stuff i think if you told me that there wa some kind of afterlife that some religion wa right i d do a little research to know what to expect and then probably jump out a window it just make sense right like what am i living for here yeah yeah i have friend and family that love me cool but is that really what s keeping me here guilt that s not a great reason for living and then it just get me it s like am i gon na work for another decade before i can get to a place i wan na be am i gon na be going on 0 by the time i m actually feeling progress in the meantime what the heck happens am i just sad and hurt all the time not worth it i wish i could just learn what my fate wa going to be so i could make an informed decision on whether i should be alive or not i don t know i m not gon na do anything now but like i feel like this isn t normal to think about,1 +oh god oh shit ok pissed bed two weeks ago lazy go bathroom fell asleep,0 +see another way really found wanted wants this every day feel hated everyone know fading away weekend remarkable pain others stop looking back life regret everything done wrong matters matter all even trying do give love people hurt me next achievement love ever given overdose cut hardest thing done want show feel it swear insane want depart peace like finally writing this good bye doubt anyone read this thank mean it good bye godspeed going kill weekend,1 +done overdosed ending life fuck world everything iti renting room aunt lives apartment complex put lease get income get income ssd get month social security ptsd makes unable work car family friends rental history except aunt landlord apartment complex try applying apartment demand rental history means telling landlord apartments live income trying apply apartments elsewhere name trying save car last year saved aunt knew went rented tv furniture store son years old income job issues even national guard army quit contract up refuses work aunt knew trying save car went got tv blackmailed buying tv leave knowing arthritis entire body cant walk miles homeless paid dollar tv went said fuck saved dollars aunt blackmailing savings went bought first car seen dealership turn got scammed engine bad car sold old file lemon law aunt scammed dads car changed leave car instead dad sign telling hospital papers ended getting car gave son tore car up needs dollars mechanic work done it many cracks holes frame body him barely runs now aunt went got jetta vw diesel son taking month give rent putting towards car payment car month car gave him gave mommy aunt dads car still nothing trying apply apartments cant told office income apply apartments want recent landlord use one know getting income either kick sue backpay rent fucked every way go cant leave cant survive streets body arthritis cripples lower back hips knees ankles feet cant get apartment aunt fucking telling landlord income cant get car get enough payment trying save difficult supposed saved nothing saved aunt blackmailed saved past months literally cant take anymore end life good bye cant anymore,1 +still here suffer looking paper yesterday got paper cut ,0 +last night i got high and drunk same time wow what a night but i wa alone usually i get really in my head when high and more depressed but i think the alcohol countered that anyway whats weird is i ve woken up today in a super positive mood my life situation ha not changed but i just see it differently i m alright with where i m at positive that i ll get where i need to i feel really optimistic and i m worried cause this is so sooo rare to me i m scared it will go away i haven t felt this happy in year but it s made me realise that happiness is not the absence of problem but it s the state of mind you have about your problem,1 +"@LisaMarie110 hahaha, idk. but YAY! we're gonna be roomiess ",0 +one perks job things slow watch movie downstairs theater i work little screen theater cry room still keep eye concession stand seen italian job probably times im still tired it atmosphere reminds oceans eleven although acting good mark wahlberg ok charlize theron appeals guys seth green awesome movie thought edward norton good job playing dirtbag although lot people disagree also enjoyed mos def explosives expert thats afraid dogs highly recommend movie continue watch whenever can,0 +suicidal greecethree weeks ago posted thread facebook group informing intention commit redflag sometime demand met serious talking facebook group meeting place right left wing liberals communists troll insult mainly politics demand greek state return income tax forced pay years unemployed yes unemployed people greece pay income tax thats want discuss here police arrested drove psychiatric clinic heraklion crete even let change clothes i dressed jobs clothing boots trying make living farming vegetables even let take personal hygiene stuff like toothbrush jailed dirty small enviroment called severe place first thing take cords boots provide slippers pajamas bed corridor small enviroment bedrooms full first thing notice lay bed cables lights ceiling clearly longer cords boots noticed metal thin disc incide bathroom blocked hole already bent ready use redflag enviroment really dirty patients throwing cigarette butts floor even spilling coffees bed which corridor meeting place everyone felt greek state wanted commit redflag pushing even ready it stayed hours weekend want stay anymore opened discussion nurses enviroment there tried serious risking handcuffed bed got scared especially metal disc bathroom saw eyes half hour psychiatrist met office quick discussion took severe place stayed week clinic mainly holidays doctors time evaluate me experience clinic thinking redflag even more wanted commit redflag mainly greek state really sucks taxes unemployed people like psychiatric treatment greek state makes even angry thinking commit redflag want public want post publishing place internet story every kind detail want also blackmail demands clear demand return income tax paid unemployed another demand least director tax agency agios nikolaos crete fired called order state unemployed forced pay income tax income made ironically asked me survive if income might bipolar depressive wrong angry greek state,1 +posting get first kiss day almost forgot post today almost ended posting streak _,0 +story almost got gf months ago around july classmate f chatted know hows going back ff never really close kinda strict also boyfriend time months chat around late early boyfriend see chatted kinda abandoned unknown reasons she never gave enough details chatting told likes crush me happy told kinda liked well never called bf gf she want to dunno kinda like friends like other months chatting told longer crush me also told crush serious im happy crush know earth means think crush fun something yeah thats it felt kinda numbed happened im happy sad dunno that simply care stuff crushes gfs etc anymore care im longer even interested crush somethin thanks reading post hope nice day night,0 +happened watch movie chance days ago flipping channels expectations high interesting moviein a guy thing jason lee plays paul straightlaced seattlebased fellow marry fiance karen selma blair settle unchallenging life middleclass domesticity first meet paul bachelor party professes desire engage normal bachelor party type activities surprisingly few buddies encourage case hes bit naughty gets hot bother soon trouble strife course next thing paul knows morning night before hes bed naked hula dancer motherinlaw phones inform karen way over oh hula dancer karens cousin becky julia stilesbr br from small acorn potential trouble grows mighty oak frenetic misfortune paul scrabbles misadventure misadventure trying cover hes done whilst keeping appearance dutiful familyoriented good guy whos superexcited forthcoming nuptials efforts ensure karen remains none wiser potential wrongdoing part ironically forces paul closer closer funloving becky forcing question whether really wants life seems mapped him movie contains right mix comedy romance definitely worth watch,0 +everything about how i act and what i say and how i say it and about the way i move and breathe and everything i think everything i like everything i want everything about my face and body and the way i dress and my life and my future is fucking stupid people eventually always realize this,1 +ever want commit redflag pain life bring feel need start overa years back raped dad adopted me completely messed live trauma brought me cant barely make connections people anymore feel im losing empathy im strong believer reincarnation think maybe could start over usually always believe everybody get better ive attempting better ive realized near impossible is cant live body anymore feel like infected rapists touch think dont kill eventually im going cut skin shave hair get away body im feeling hopeless everyday im sure talk it closest friend isnt great talking serious stuff dont feel comfortable talking stuff anybody else anybody know get rid emption really want live better myself mind keeps cursing thoughts know one day wont enough self control listen them,1 +female title,0 +been suicidal for a long time now attempted suicide for an embarrassing amount of time first time overdosing on panadol heard it s a terrible way to go but did it nonetheless i took 0 feeling pretty normal right now it s most likely not the fatal dose but that s all i could get my hand on whatever happens happens i ll update y all if i survive,1 +pills roomim supposed die im scared mission dont want it,1 +i wa a good kid class president one of those pesky mormon missionary after highschool on scholarship etc then at i snapped and went to prison for ten year i vowed to overcome it got out finished college and married le than five short year of being free i threw it all away and went back for another year on a parole violation finding out that week that my poor unsuspecting wife wa pregnant with our only child i struggled through five more year of incarceration dragging my entire family through the nightmare that is the criminal justice system again while my now ex wife struggled to have our baby and support herself i ve been free again for under two year i ll never have a good job i see my son for two brief hour a month and he barely know my name my family who wa heavily involved in his life while i wa incarcerated is now prevented from seeing him or even knowing about him for my ex everything i have is because of the charity of others and i ve earned nothing on my own other than disdain the direction my life took wa unexpected to everybody i wa expected to be so successful but here i sit year old with no hope of a meaningful life 0 year gone in the blink of an eye hell a a felon many people would just prefer i wa dead anyway to look at me you would never know that all of this is in my past the only friend i have are people i ve met online who don t even know my real name a all of my old friend have long since moved on with their life i would have ended it all already and in fact tried while incarcerated but i m just too damn scared at the heart of all of it i m just a coward,1 +may academy awards admittedly pretty cheesy much fun nothing makes smile like bill ted lovable optimistic hilarious bill ted great way unwindbr br although love excellent adventure bogus journey funnier me death flippin hilarious bill ted even endearing people give grief loving movie really pretentious moviewatchers say even bit entertaining like this probably also fan waynes world dude wheres car dumb dumber admit it though foolish make grin turn tickle box over watch kicks giggles,0 +want pinch guys nipples would gay hot asf,0 +exactly sure ask that better subreddit it let know go there storyi began depression aroud specific reason recall try strangulate death sleep tried asphyxiate car nobody noticed it shot mouth long rifle harder hide family friend finally knew it incredibly lucky since paralysed disfigured little sequels understand biology huge amount luck cannot seem explain though since depressed anymore years downs depending life situation course dark thoughts everyday nothing could make disappear so anybody theory depressed anymore curiosity nothing change find answer manage years thanks clear know incredibly lucky mentally physically course would never ever suggest suicide attempt end depression depressed tried kill myself depressed anymore ,1 +ive thinking month nowtoday worst day yet month thinking im finally ready it main reasons school parents last concern tell anything friends love whatever decided last night m,1 +good way life implicit negative value sense like life doesnt really make anyones life better didnt exist think world would better off but kill myself pain would inflict would probably make total happiness world go well theres winning,1 +byeafter months going doctor taking several different antidepressants counselling seeing psychiatrist waiting something happen know getting ive thinking while im ready now idea dying scary anymore lot left antidepressant pills stopped taking them ive got lots different kinds think im going take lot different ones hopefully kill night time now hope live see sun come up bye,1 +Goodnight world i'm turning off my phone cause i forgot my charger in kaneohe.,0 +simping stopped friend big charli dateline way back small amount followers hes watching ever since never understood dancing videos seemed like lot got obsessive point everyone pretty much knowing simp group caused mental life great would post chats talk time would open cute thought was one day told buying something something one could predicted going buy custom body pillow print it let say pretty open loved charli damelio if catch drift starting get nerves cared much someone never met would quite defensive anyone insulted her worst part fact also teenager kinda understand body pillow random anime character cartoons really matter age defacing real person understand wanting prn found online this bad knew keeping pillow look ew would pick pretty much everyday good reason days ago finally stopped declared everyone stopped watching her going trash pillow know could lying chose believe him said already faded watching content gone back regular prn good told actual female girl knew gave realization needed stop actual crush theres another reason laughed first mean music really help not afraid eminem asked could send video people would think im lying internet points said no btw story me want incourage people simping stopped overcome tldr friend obsessed charli damelio realizing hat liked real girl caused stop,0 +please talk it ive never close itive neared redflag one time life someone called police worst hours hospital life since moment decided ever needed it wouldnt tell anyone jar super strong painkillers take right ill die nearly instantly ive jar waiting closet year so everyone says look good things live for seem happy successful outside i admit reception ivy league college example life horrible fucked stomach flu mom accused lying shes heartless little would cut stuffed animals front force copy bible remaining isolated friends im emotionally scarred fact constantly tries ruin life never proud me hurt many times child wanted love yet called evil even blamed grandmas death me parents throw knives other divorce lengthy pay price boyfriend loved left intimidated me found new one love raped beat many times friends seems vacuous dont want end think im going to im sorry grim somebody please tell something convince,1 +im sure missed one first came out glad finally seen itbr br this movie takes place around th century red light district okabasho japan tells tale prostitution caste systems women strong society based upon strength samurai code japanbr br it uniquely akira kurosawa even though died could direct movie adaptation screenplay shows view japanese world caste system renowned sheds light upon systems interact other characters may revolve around other caste system stays intact character goes back world belong in samurai warrior drifts good hearted loving prostitutes world goes back life embarks another road man part caste systemlowest low many prize world samurai others yet lower caste inhabitants support love without restraint samurai movie turns weak one classless lovers prove honorable ones br br the movie deserves higher rating tale survival women feudal japan time frame men thought survivorsthe strong ones women thought mindless weak property movie highlights strength japanese women survival strength enabled japanese culture continue hasbr br i recommend the sea watching anyone fan akira kurosawa even theyre fan lovely quiet soul sustaining movie one treasured movie collection,0 +i m not sure if this is the right subreddit to put this in but this ha been ruining my self esteem for a while i m a senior in highschool and i m super hyper aware of my presence and reputation i try not to stand out too much but at the same time i m not some random face in the background i do all of this because i despise the word weird i hate being called weird or anything like it it make me feel like absolute garbage and want to erase my existence from the earth this is most likely since i wa bullied pretty decently in middle school so all through highschool i wa dedicated to being seen a normal or at least not on the bottom rank if that make any sense if i ever do anything that seems out of place or too extroverted i really almost cry since whenever i bring attention to myself it end up feeling super cringey and on the spot it s like i can t escape it like wherever i go and and whoever i meet they re all going to think that i m weird,1 +friend going shit post supposed funny friend going shit want help idk how told needs talk im idk else help her anyone know help help,0 +drugs real theres reason sau dont drugs kid,0 +everyone needs support side fence highly recommend taking cold showers scientifically proven help depression cannot speak serious cases depression going thru heartbreak school redflag things like that take cold shower relax really bad point ending life cold showers,1 +nothing raini feel like anymore room feel like mine body feel like me feel like life passing by im watching crying sad watching passively days want get bed time deserve lay around nothing want something whats point tho nothing feels real anymore theres point post feeling particularly suicidal numb bummed vacant want believe things get better try nothing bad day bad life always feels like one tho birthday soon least excited ive ever been accomplished another year earth nothing best bare minimum fuck wish exist,1 +bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh,0 + yeas since last redflag attemptso title says years since last tried kill myself live happy life wife kids let say hope all terrible place in hope all reach get help might seem hard best choice ever made best luck u love u ,1 +never felt alone worthless unloveable hopeless life know feel better nothing helps hate everything right now cannot stop crying chest hurts worst person everyone gets sick of help,1 +im tiredits hard keep fighting have somehow thought id made darkest parts havent live place making depression worse day day theres always something going wrong theres never break all matter try gets worse thought finally managed catch break going able slowly dig way out so much slower tolerable willing trade small resolve left get this knowing could try fix later relapsed self harm eating disorder snowballed depression kicked ass told worth it stood chance getting out gone stupid believed would help me naively fell bullshit got hopes up sent crashing earth soulshattering speeds last chance know way place thats killing me exhausted options family made clear want help help tried get better tried myself fighting wanted digging tooth nail giving pride could make work fell apart cant again ive hopes raised shattered many times past fourteen months cannot handle rollercoaster emotion turmoil longer cant ive tried talk people it theyre busy tonight im depressing ive tried get feeling out nothing working feel empty hollowed full nothingness cannot live like this want alive,1 +finding music paint hard finding right songs fit vibe hard half time listen either rock songs words between,0 +listening megalovania,0 +ii think id be a good pigeon ,0 +@undagroundmilli That's pretty cool! ,0 +"@Heather_Buchman Thanks for the great advice! You're right, the workout before the cocktail is always better than vice-versa. ",0 +im free valentines haha jk two assignments due pm pls dont hmu,0 +dear southerners hate california why would california reason guys arent living like rd world country california pays federal taxes take fed southerners opposite support federal budget guys leech away california left usa would better place now would rich nation social programs like europe silicon valley help that but help guys cant that talk shit state pay everything guys use benefit us states make nation worse struggle keep afloat sad really thankful hateful need us dont need you,0 +thanks guys think may saved lifeso month ago came fully expecting last day life last thing list get flavors fucked up look old family photos put fat one right skull well came across graduation picture ranger school one old army friends decided give one last call knew something police come house ive spent last weeks involuntarily commited psych ward hey im still here dont really know since im right back started might pack bag start walking dont know im still matters rangers lead way,1 +@Jonasbrothers heck to the yes <333,0 +heatwave uk right mood seems worse ever almost feel disassociated baseline redflag panic total uncertainty anyone else finding heat sun making depressive symptoms worse hot weather symptoms worse,1 +"#TMS Therapy is a safe and effective treatment option for #depression. If you're interested in learning more and seeing if TMS is right for you, then contact our office today. https://www.facebook.com/BrainWellness/videos/2055895251321719/ …",1 +loaded with the cold great fun,0 +redflag preptried practice cutting hitting build courage stop even feel depressed empty anymore im slowly filling convincing planning this feel sick way out im confused itd easier die way open sending nothing cant help surroundings one time therapist told mourning friends redflag sometimes people really want kill will give hope someday could finally it sits mind almost every day want feel anymore bring one else hurt them,1 +guns viewed area like people generally think banned less restricted,0 +standard title saying come over basic karma farm phrase take spotify cakecheese edit thanks free karma second edit saying thx awards third edit saying family member died helped fourth edit apologising meta,0 +depression proudim exhausted dont anymore girlfriend left me last good thing life gone sick habit self sabotaging find sort happiness inability trust also unfair mental stability prison her feeling like cant leave might kill myself understanding spent life feeling way everyday cant understand doesnt get better,1 +small spoilers alert br br good movievery good movie im surprised say myself im big fan vampires sound directors name deran serafian usually means bad news films average action movies like death warrant gunmen one first films maybe continued making horror movies instead action movie really fascinated me good accomplishment seeing famous actors big budget involved really story keeps focused especially fans original dracula myth satisfied sarafian lights another aspect famous bram stoker story remains rather loyal true truth explains life roemenian count dracula scared turkish army away spearing dead corpses front castle course thats reality based true story stops blood drinking stuff invented bram stokerbr br in movie count vlad teppish emigrates usa seduces tons woman theyre pretty girls ill give that overall good acting unknown faces enough blood gore satisfy morbid horror fans interesting storyline film really unknown hidden darkest shelf local videostore certainly worth cleaning dust cover put vcr heck lot better famous nicole kidman movie title two films nothing else common blame movie stealing attention away nice little picture check outmy humble opinion die ,0 +Shut down ,0 +anyone else planning drinking death soon reach ,1 +It's raining!!! ,0 +guys wanna see new karambit curved knife,0 +"as someone who has anxiety and depression, i can tell you now i do not need a seat",1 +really sure expecting this probably cannot harmi m depressed little year feeling suicidal time recently things worsened started cutting feel like edge killing myself really got much feel depressed surface live wealthy part uk got decent family lucky go good enough school opportunities change feel hopeless pretty neglected always quiet reserved one minded much always fine company especially since bullied mercilessly child people know well get humour jolliness strangers almost nobody knows anything actually personal me since always lived fairly far town never really friendships everyone else freedom go make them even teenage years left feeling lonely especially since many friends years simply abandoned me simply put never seem like anyones first choice parents always focused brothers friends really all never been one asked ok last year despite still spending time groups them tried asking help support never know say it always good hiding feelings problems one listens solves peoples problems hey depressed want myself got tips best conversation opener ever heard knew friend described looks got depression became evident friends like wounded animal described felt everyone permanently walking eggshells around him want myself especially since know parents would never let sight knowing suicidalmy boyfriend well start genuinely thought one stupid age sounds know everything going well wonder relationship stopped healthy recently sometimes becomes argumentative angry texting things criticises things me life family quite fair sheer hate rage bordering contempt feel hurts lot time sweet funny never angry person angry episodes online become frequent tried standing little which find difficult general asking kinder me nothing really changes beginning wonder emotionally abusive not hard tell anything anything moment lens depression everything think resisting cognitive distortion hates like everyone else already using lot energyto honest could go night giving tired rants gone wrong life hate myself bore that suffice say got hope left tired going effort living everyday hate reaction anything bad happening urge cut myself wishing death every day time now everyone knew much hurting would probably treat better really point iti decided kill days know yet fear death want live morethank reading got far sorry wrote much sort happened enough,1 +this isn t the normal kind of post i would write and my follower are probably going to leave because of this but here i am most of the time i have the thought in passing if i were dead i wouldn t have to deal with all of this or life is just too hard i wish i wasn t here lately thing in my life have gotten really bad i had a miscarriage in january it sucked because my husband and i had been trying to get pregnant for a long time and had been told that it wasn t going to be possible without intervention or weight loss or both but there we were pregnant and all of a sudden not pregnant i spent the last year dealing with some drama at work that took me over the edge more than a few time i wanted to kill myself so badly but i never told anyone about it i d mention to my therapist that i wa having the suicidal thought and he d check in but i reassured him that i d be ok and he would remind me of all the time i had been here before and gotten out of it now i m looking at a tough situation at home i am not going to go into detail about it but thing are hard at the moment and i find myself feeling trapped unwanted and like more of an annoyance than anything it suck to feel that way in your own home i honestly don t know what i m doing any more and the suicidal thought are getting more real and more pervasive i am finding it hard to stay in a good place i m finding it hard to think logically about it all i feel is desperation and a strong desire to just end it to be done with the fight of having to live with constant depression and anxiety just having rest from that would be a relief but also i know i shouldn t do it life suck and it shouldn t be this hard wish i could feel loved supported and like my life actually matter yet here i am,1 +plan everything needis time think is dog alone together now nobody checked us week dont want go vicodin xanex oxys hydrocodone gauge shockwave dont work feel like im going wake nightmare cant weed used calm me smoke panic attack maybe ill wake early enjoy last sunrise morning nice alamo city week,1 +unable sleep literally go bed around amp sometimes wake annoying bruh,0 +heard something spanish class watching video reflexive verbs spanish class guy said the man one action car one receiving action made think guy sex car would that though also guy trying hypnotise dog weird video,0 +hello everyone d would rather die introduce myself,0 +Depression always leads to more depression and realizing it leads to even more depression.,1 +moved hourswelp wanna die point life ima kill eventually matter when ughhhhhhhhhhhhh life miserable people happy,1 +fuckers stole detroit cant detroit,0 +doesnt want to go to work lol,0 +@Jsestan nice... well it's always great to make a memorable first impression! ,0 + feel like reason im following redflag mother brother themim middle aged guy single lonely graduate college crappy gpa real hopes life feel within grasp im sick needing scrape others survive motivation shriveled away feel like im taking space education psychology neuroscience ive come figure think quite effective painless ways well frustration mother brother love much would destroy thing so feel trapped cant escape either way im hurting someone makes feel helpless depressed,1 +@LottiMorgan Not today But soon!,0 +everyday grueling day regret grief death healim sorry despise me never wanted happen hope everyone get move,1 +solanaplays k sol that s crazy i went on depression for month for sol,1 +aggressively refer women females female deserves properly addressed females females indeed females making futhermore females,0 +lgbtq sin im going hell isnt im still going hell,0 +guess im tiredhi male straight single suppose reasons wish dead healthy reasonably well paid job doesnt require much effort problems alcohol drugs nobody molested child etc doesnt make sense job shit fat cats top get even fatter also especially good that family dont it frankly dont much desire make one last time girlfriend mistaken friends nope two one dead km away hobbys dont either used like read dont read anymore except taking shit serious problem could tried live solve see life would like without it serious problems im kinda bland person guess life also bland boring mildly irritating bought g propranolol couple weeks ago think suffice,1 +alice enters world wonder kind wonder remember kid mad hatter white rabbit queen others even tweedledee tweedledum show alice things body peoples bodies might quite wonderful tale love lust likes never seenbr br kristine debell appears alice must say s standards may attractive adult actress day believe film moving mainstream work pretty much best possible one could chosen my love things alice secret even better fairy tales which really pornography so muchbr br the songs cheesy fit theme movie one song whats girl like knight like this pretty funny others similar themes going trial towards end well scripted fit nicely world alice logic humor definitely accounted forbr br what say film like this know is people used adult films second leadin sex one going overload plot music but personally think theres something special film hope gets nice dvd release things touched special features if thats even possible see cult film,0 +need a mouse look like my lappy s touch pad is giving up na http plurk com p n0ni,0 +@dfizzy Congrats that's a really big accomplishment. You deserve it ,0 +dont know anymore someone wants listeni years old huge list mental problems ive hospitalized twice drug overdose within last year stacked shit fucking life story long tell it im pathological liar narcissist possible sociopath much more ive gotten expelled school beating woman reason got away years prison deemed unstavle drug overdose shortly after dont know im allowed walk among general public horrible self confidence issues friends spend fucking day computer unemployed pretending im happy ive blown rehab therapy many services years im overall fucking finished mental healthcare north america im also fucking crazy think schizophrenia believe insane shit anr implement daily life mean maybe real dont know wether trust stupid fucking norm call reality ideation spiritual studies im also super insecure dont like taking part non manly activities due insecurities neglect family image head super cool rockstar mafia man fucking reason cant accept stupid fucking biological father am saturday night balling eyes bathroom fucking reason thinking mortality shit family one day fucking die oh lost best friend years made story made werid plot acted real life scared blocked without trace im even gonna try save friendship im worried ego happen guys,1 +a girl i absolutely love left me and doesnt want me to be apart of her life at all anymore due to too many argument in the relationship she lost her trust in me but i cant seem to get all the memory of u out of my head i love her and it hasnt gotten any easier i just dont know if i can handle the pain much longer,1 +@TVWXMAN3 were you watching the Butter challenge on Iron Chef? Love to Watch Iron Chef when Im bord ,0 +right start see anchors aweigh great comedy gene kelly frank sinatra make funny team songs sing together pure entertainment kathryn grayson gorgeous really sweet dean stockwell cutiest child actor ive never seen fond piano amazed jos iturbi movie first one combine animation real actors wonderfully unforgettable dance number undoubtedly one kellys funniest movies,0 +i ve been experiencing huge bout of just feeling unmotivated not useful i ve been randomly just tearing up but it never last long i don t feel like i have a reason to cry but i do and i don t know what to do there s other stuff but i don t want to drag on too long i also just miss how thing were i ve woken up like this for the past week and it s persisted throughout the day,1 +everyone list random things love learning things abt different ppl heres list love knitting scrapbooking im allergic chocolate im currently working engineering project kms love collecting vinyls im additional one play flute clarinet somee violin currently trying learn piano ,0 +wish i were i sleeping,0 +couldnt agree comment left coldshitaction film masterpiece never seen film adrenalin flowing film did mostly happened bronson comes running fire escape like m plows like dude gang genius quite possibly best action movie ever made no exaggeration either really could best action movie ever made start one know youre something sweet police let bronson go tell him tell him clean slums again genius bronson bad ass paul kersey cool maybe even cooler john mcclain terminator hes simply bad ass else great fact hes nice guy buys kid ice cream helps old couple kills scum bag genius highly recommended hate movie crazy,0 +self hatred hurting around methis recurring issue life past year ive grown depressed sad myself ive lost capacity give others treatment deserve course leads people agitated leads becoming even depressed makes cycle worse become grossed cant even jerk anymore ive tried multiple times past week leads feeling sick disgusted myself dont honestly think ill commit redflag thought become rather prevalent back mind kind always there waiting something wrong point becomes louder louder drowns everything else typically goes away pretty quickly incident like this fuck cannot handle hurting close dont like myself fuck even done that order stop hurting others stop hating myself hard hate hurt others,1 +past six months went break person ever let truly loved mentally ill family member threaten shoot me repressed memories molestation abuse work way counseling lost home break up bought th wheel cannot register title dispute three owners ago found father barely actually father much more last month living truck two dogs suicidal urges thoughts multiple times day seems like everytime think bottom something comes along kick teeth like passed redneck wearing steel toes feel fucked completely fucked work day play dogs pass again know get this housing rental prices soaring nearly impossible find one construction paychecks right now know do holding onto vague plan hope keep working something eventually get better not feel fucked beyond fucked one days reckon give in tie noose hope happens quick family friends another continent know chose post this guess would least like heard someone two pups abuela used say man plans god displans used powerful reminder form old saying feels like oppressive approximate generalities life it want sleep peacefully knows interesting title,1 +last strawalrightive posted another acc forgot password comes throwaway many numbers alright soi suffer severe paranoiai feel im constantly watchedlistened even people know thoughtsi think might bipolari stress ass schoolmy step mum gets drunk makes day even worsei also huge fear abandonment like things lifemy dogsmom gf thing ismy gf lives england dontshes also suicidal raped stufg wont get unless think wanna know ig ifwhen doesnt respond dayseither mum took phone shes thinking even almost attempting kill herself thing isshe hasnt responded days nowwhich worries like alotsince thats longest hasnt responded since met diesi think ill kill bc im also sick told im young depressed like treated joke real shit really hope replies soon bc fuck dont wanna diei want done lifebut im afraid comes after help pleasei need ideas tell kill want that,1 +friends ive never felt alone now ive always someone could talk to years ago would come back school spend rest day talking online friends discord playing games them enough happy alright met girl later become girlfriend first reallife relationship lasted months lost friends,0 +bruh hit s yet im already sick tired life,0 +s geen how i met your mother vandaag,0 +turned today bye teenagers love sub truly great place young adults get know many inspiring achievements get genuine advices people age teenage crazy time hope everyone enjoys it ps meme reached hot sub ,0 +"Btw, watching funny videos when sitting in a library .... big no-no!! ",0 +made meme friend new reddit post sub first thing hot know feel anymore meme made help gain karma blew im like,0 +mizzzidc this isn t real if it s real your depression is warming up,1 +line course lords prayer thy done earth heaven sweden especially far north idea heaven degree c winter temperatures little low side me good folk live doubt think gods countrybr br the storyline familiar one acclaimed international musician daniel suffers health breakdown midcareer goes back little village northern sweden born persuaded local pastor help church choir turns unlikely talent class act enter contest held innsbruck austria echoes sorry band players brassed off models calendar girls dancers the full monty course causes plenty emotional upheaval downtrodden villagers realise worth revolt oppressors faces hostile husbands increasingly dubious pastor nothing except death going stop himbr br despite somewhat corny story get know like many characters come across people rather caricatures despite many recognisable types wonder wifebeater unpunished long sweden one country world violence pretty strongly discouraged he also bit young one bullies daniels youth puritanical pastor secret passion girlie magazines bit stereotype marvellously realised niklas falkbr br michael nyqvist simply wonderful daniel frail driven musician theres nice music well rapt whole two hours ending make it guess spoiling say daniel achieves set do,0 +called jewish slur hate public schools full racist homophobic antisemitic as well religions guy m constantly says horrible things bus causes problems every single day today got angry making fun jewish songs told shut responded calling kike thats like saying nword person,0 +Tbt this song that helped me to deal with my depression pic.twitter.com/C1PCXyeM51,1 +past couple months really bad soreness tightness upper back neck sometimes gets stiff barely move head first thought physical injury went doctors xray could find anything notice flares im anxious tried many self massages creams baths pads name it,1 +so many thing i can t will never be able to do again my friend talk about going skateboarding or how awesome it would be to go skiing soccer wa my favorite sport and i can t play anymore well i can but at the risk of my left knee buckling in on itself which it ha done just the act of getting out of bed is painful and every girl i talk to i eventually have to tell them i got hit by a car which come off a gaslighting like i m looking for sympathy the last one i told said she d help me through it or whatever but she just stopped talking to me after hanging out a couple time which sound like nothing but now i don t talk to anyone perhaps the worst part is that the guy never even said he wa sorry my friend don t even ask me how i m doing all they fucking talk about is dungeon and dragon nobody asks how i m doing everyone is just like oh yeah him he got hit by a car and just assume that i m fine all i think about is cry in someone s arm i am practically on the verge of tear every waking moment of every day i guess what keep me going is the fact that it could have been much worse i could have not opened the trunk of my dad car in time and he could have crushed me from my knee up all the way to my chest rather than just at the knee i wa getting my bag out of the back of my dad car when a guy in a f 0 pickup truck pulled up behind me either pulled too close and the car jumped forward when he put it in park or he just forgot to put it in park and it rolled forward pinning me at the knee between the two vehicle for like second,1 +leave message wake phone die mean wont see till charge morning goodnight ill reply comments also dont leave commenting ages plz,0 +You're not alone.#Depression #MentalHealthMatters https://twitter.com/WomenOfHistory/status/989050705544704000 …,1 +"Off to bed before I simply fall over! Good night, friends. ",0 +friend going hard time decided write poem it wanted know people thought thought would come behalf thoughts poemwhen day comesand anymorejust know triedi tried hardbut broken easy fix try fight every dayevery hour every minute every second rest constant battle demonsand tired weakyoure exhausted life life worth living poem depressiongiving,1 +messed w girl question advice messed up short theres girl like likes back text back forth time texts dont answer purpose look cool guess eventually text back on never text first always sends first text soooo sends text per usual dont respond time forgot respond all im like well shell text eventually right nope three weeks ocd like mf theres notification messages icon reminds unread message ios btw read receipts disabled like said three weeks dont want open message sees decided open text three weeks would pretty weird im stressed think one notification every hour every day since ive received left unopen long like true idiot one hand want open get rid want absolutely sure doesnt see read message long question is read receipts disabled actually work ios like enabled see read message show delivered her,0 +@MissMillions awwww thanks 4 showing Me luv!!! hmm,0 +i hate my living situation and i have no way out of it i m stuck and i cry almost everyday everyone in my home make me feel pointless and unwanted i wish i could control how sensitive i am about it,1 +extreme cringe warning pick lines might work borats might girls want make sexy time me,0 +need help getting courage redflagi want commit redflag whenever chicken last second anyone know stop chickening out,1 +please help me cant help myselfmy fathers voice head years told worthless am stupid am ill always failure much hates me much regret was moved away miles miles away voice still head every time fail something hear him every time im proud shoots down tells cut tells im attention im insane locked away im shame him cant related him voice telling even deserve live voice telling easy would die im please help me please ive wanted die never bad think would feel cant sleep please anyone even care need something keep living for,1 +@tam16943 Its a show! ,0 +lets honestthe world going shit people angry time argue focus negatives ruin everything everyone etc etc know im kind hypocrite saying people focus negatives that really fucking hard ignore them seriously matter positive try be theres always something someone shut down im sick it dude im im tired fucking world talk therapist,1 +"@nottheword yum, yum. I love quesadillas....and wallpaper for that matter tooo ",0 +@imrananwar i agree sir. ,0 +every time i start to be stupid enough to believe that maybe i m not crap or that thing might be ok something bad always happens when i stay depressed and assume the worst and feel bad about myself thing usually remain about the same what is the use of trying,1 +@tara that is true... timeline rocks! download the trial version you'll have 30 days to get your project done ,0 +many people life love amp care still feel like nobody caresi know one hand many people life care love would sad died hand feel like im tired keep pretending like nothing wrong think dying every day tell anyone want go hospital im really frightened doctors therapists cant even call hotline scared talk phone feel trapped inside hate much wish life switch go trouble pain killing yourself could die effortlessly easily,1 +ive extremely vivid suicidal thoughts one good thing life turned liei found bf hiding lot me could hiding know hid fact talking ex wouldve fine told upfront instead found phone even asked wont gf get jealous us talking said yea probably ill deal it found days ago happened month ago last night found hung one days werent together we basically live together aside occasional night goes home take care things asked did denied til went messages together love think ever loved someone told past exs cheating exact things like doesnt care all want things work bc honestly thought one dont know ever trust him every opportunity gave tell truth decided hide things instead past weeks suicidal thoughts gotten worse point scares me consumes every point ive extremely vivid thoughts havent frequently long time everytime saw him felt better felt safe felt loved hes highlight day best friend love life im going try strong clue how fact gave full trust thought would never lie hide things like others did find hes like them cant trust anyone im saying go him like one good thing had everything else shitty lately world cruel thought found one nice genuine person wrong good people,1 +oneminute film arguably first movie ever made inventors previously filmed actions like edisons motion photography sneeze lumiere brothers developed equipment tremendously advanced medium time course cinematograph must bewildered peers including subjects first instance brothers record employees leaving factory understandably struggle hide awareness camera lumieres attempt make film entertaining introducing animals bicycle la sortie des usines lumiere nearly match ingenuity later films interesting aspect short film brothers selection familiar working class ritual subject choice initial evidence curiosity worlds people quality makes viewing experiments immensely rewarding fascinating todaybr br rating ,0 +Just bought tickets to the 7SF/Vega Under Fire show in Atlanta on June 6th. I'm very excited! ,0 +case nobodys asked today case nobodys asked today you,0 +I love @dougiemcfly ,0 +idk title bei lead theoretically pretty good life happily married great job loving family ive unbearably depressed since preteen feel like depressed default state rather neutral ive thoughts hundreds times tonight first time actually see cant talk anyone it never able talk anything real person,1 +hey question years future gay queer normal like pride parades stuff like that going stop suppose celebrate self acceptance legal rights pride sexuality right going time future celebrating gay going treated celebrating straight theres straight pride targeted oppressed right future would pride parades weird since would probably accepted future im sorry make sense im trying write im thinking know put ot right way,0 +i ve been on venlafaxine for year or so it helped at first but it hasn t helped whatsoever in quite some time i take 0mg in the morning the last month my anxiety and panic ha been absolutely crippling debilitating and unbearable i called the dr today and he called in a prescription to increase me from 0mg to mg i hate taking any medication or pill whatsoever especially increasing a dosage anyone had any good result from a venlafaxine increase after taking the same dosage for such a long time,1 +Yeay for Scrabble... finally catching up and even ahead for a moment ... time for bed.. ,0 +flat out today didnt get everythin done amp endured massive headache fever and nausea still have to finish my essay amp work tomory all day,0 +do suicidalhello everyone explain situation id thought would give guys info myself years old turning live sweden real friends ive never girlfriend iq checked mensa love history biology video games high functioning autism something one knows except family members feel depressed early childhood ive hard time making friends ive never able keep any days spent completely alone front computer play games read ive also bullied severely age age capable making friends a trait gained teens however due new friends already groups friends age meet nearly impossible keep them latest group friends slowly disappearing past years done things without traveling etc never call unless need help something ive desperate ive even bought apartment closer they said lived far away before mins however thing now even though high intelligence i want brag im trying tell story extremely big knowledge subjects find interesting ive never cared much school education led insufficient grades highschool ive tried working many different places ive never able stay long due autism preventing things hate repetitively someone else situation live life without friends job wife kids want live want wait find out like this know sound like brat throws away opportunities unless going impossible understand exactly life miserable edit also posted depression subreddit id thought id add things right thing keeping ending parents want make live misery thinking fault because experience even write telling fault parental instincts tell theyre blame somehow sometimes im driving speed kmsh hoping able react something happens crash feel empty inside emotions im stopping care things dear before,1 +"@Laurentiius yeah it's a type of beer, good stuff! ",0 +day crossing street almost got hit car see im extremely upset get hitthis first post here feel guilty writing mental energy stick around try give back kindness encouragement desperately hoping receive still ive wishing die long time attempted anything serious yet always try hang there say im afraid failing suffering permanent damage possible afterlife remnants catholic upbringing really wish have day almost died crossed street without looking without even thinking it car swerved stopped driver going quite fast feel relief realising still alive felt nothing pain despair close dying without even noticing didnt cant afford therapy family members good enough mentally healthy enough help friend today snapped trying absolute hardest ask support apparently im unreasonable asking whether five minutes spare rather unloading suicidal wishes go figure tried ask help days ago another subreddit but honestly answers really hoping for know im going this post place keep crying despair feel friend actually kept breaking heart part feels like well deserved yeah im lost im going anything tonight think feels tempting wish kind words empty know strangers issues lurked people seemed nice feel guilty able give anything back im supposed studying cant job covid situation question right honest really see point im living life im going die soon nothing matters wish die im never happy also wish so even know im asking point just please kind even corny heart emoji guess,1 +happiness fleeting desire contentmenti usually lurk im dark place helps knowing others relate me wanted share gloomy shower thought hope automod shoot down thats always bummer thanks messed me,1 +I have my Lo back!!! She slept like a rock!! YAY!!! Going to my sister's bday party today. We're ALL going!! Double YAY!! LOL!!,0 +thing tall girl named ella short get chest,0 +i am so tired of living i don t think i ve been truly passionate about anything since i wa year old i am turning in a few month mentally i still feel like i am year old there are so many experience and opportunity that i have missed out on over the year and it s so difficult to imagine a future for myself after college because i don t have the energy or the motivation to do anything but the bare minimum for the longest time in high school i didn t have plan for college because i didn t see myself making it past i feel like i am presently existing past my life s expiration date i chose to pursue fine art in college because drawing is the one thing i am genuinely talented at and yet i dread every moment i have to sit down and draw this semester i shortened my course load to two online class and one in person class and i am still struggling to keep up it s incredibly difficult for me to focus on anything for more than minute before i feel exhausted i have been told that i am talented enough to sell print of my art yet i can barely make piece to add to my professional portfolio i m too afraid to let myself think about what i am even going to do once i graduate because i know this disorder ha completely destroyed any semblance of a work ethic that i may have once had i am slowly losing all my friend because i can t do anything fun anymore two of my closest friend who are also my roommate don t invite me to anything social anymore i am saddened by this but wonder if i even have the right to feel that way a i probably wouldn t go if i wa invited a i don t have the energy for anything anymore i shortened my course load to two online class and one in person class and i am still struggling to keep up every time i feel remotely okay it last for what feel like a second and then i m sinking down even deeper sometimes i wish i could lay down fall asleep and never wake up i don t even feel sad i just feel nothing at all,1 +@ddlovato congratulations!! i'll definitly vote for you!!! ,0 +fuck sleep homies hate sleep est rn really isnt even late standards felt kinda tired tried falling asleep couldnt ive come following conclusion case body feels fairly tired ready rest brain still wide awake filled brim w thoughts random insignificant shit makes really hard ever fall asleep idk like adhd thing even though already guess im gonna stay,0 +tw depression bello avere delle amiche che non riescono proprio a capire anche se sanno che nei periodi in cui sto davvero molto male sparisco e quando scrivo loro e cerco di rimediare come se la depressione sparisse co eh non mi rispondono nemmeno,1 +would someone like to cure my depression and give me 5$,1 +spanish director luis buuel career spanned almost years arguably best films made exile mexico late forties early s deal cheap budgets work industry interested mainly churning commercial movies unsophisticated audiences yet somehow managed make interesting thought provoking movies stand test time movie based novel spanish author benito perez galdos adaptation quite faithful even setting early th century mexico instead early th century spain protagonist nazarin priest tries live life faithful one prescribed christ question many would ask whether endeavor would possible without incurring hostility incomprehension mockery fellow human beings happens suffers lot indignities yet remains stubborn until controversial final shot objective think buuel wanted show nazarin somewhat ridiculous figure perhaps inadvertently stubbornness at least viewer comes admirable case great film,0 +liked roman polanskis repulsion probably check the tenant since similar concept polanski stepping playing schizophrenic wacko actually one favorites movies second rosemarys baby course straight forward journey mental collapse man moves former apartment suicide victim residents building flaky sticklers keeping noise level even slightest titter becomes big deal polanski stars becomes increasingly paranoid succumbs loony hallucinations film carries on gets point dressing acting like former tenant realize matter time decides tor reenact fatal leap window film bit slow dawdling while ever seen roman polanski movie know going end bang flick disappoint also best question intricacies premise take descent madness pretty trippy surreal times polanski good timid deranged resident who somehow attracts ever illustrious isabelle adjani also get see running around drag disturbing hilarious time damn makes one ugly chick so polanski fans actually look past thirty yearold pedophile charges enjoy the tenant entertaining psychological headtrip,0 +heart racing fumbling sound glass clinking never done before breaking every moral formed date burn nothing notice lightness calm mind uneasy happiness relaxation senses regained surely true self penut butter swallowed mask smell brushing teeth stumbling music on fun,0 +this edited spacebr br chanwook parks new film complex film easy classify nominally horror movie central character vampire film actually elements comedy theology melodrama cultural invasion and analog viral invasion body romance things well film almost much mind film takes matters mixes classic european literature case emile zolas thrse raquin odd mix always gel none less incredible power almost hours since saw film lincoln center with post film discussion director find cage increasingly rattled much happens bothersome wide reaching story themes ring lot bells retrospectbr br the plot film loved priest deciding best way help mankind volunteer medical experiment find cure terrible disease infected disease eventually succumbs dies transfusion vampiric blood its explained actually survives hailed miracle worker priest returns hospital ministering sick unfortunately well priest finds needs blood survive also finds typical problems vampire possible go day things become even complicated becomes reacquainted childhood friend family priest animal passions awakened becomes taken wife friend goes sidewaysbr br an ever changing film story spins variety genres tells human story man finds life radically altered chance event finds longer thought was film stay end film forever evolving something else also film great deal mind themes playing constantly explored variety waysbr br the film enough going one could people probably will write books discussing filmbr br the two strongest parts film vampiric elements romance vampire part tale brilliant something lays ground rules nature affliction makes perfect sense kind pushes old vampire ideas aside sitting theater last night found amazed impressed well worked think fact played less straight earth shaking vampire wants normal life contrasted happens later makes clear living existence hunting humans really going work dark world twilight lost boys rather something else personally think film changes playing field hip cool idea dream something real tangible the sequence powers kick way cool romance also wonderfully handled sure sex scenes steamy well done stuff looks talk gestures outside sex makes special love looks quiet stares forbidden couple look hungering unable act disappointment heartbreak betrayal real suspected mad passion possible consummation one great screen romances time perfectly captures feeling emotion deep passionate love and lust ever loved deeply im guessing find part hear screen know did statement i wanted spend eternity you sad poignancy it statement intention well depth emotion tragic romance break heart br br i lie say film perfect great not good pieces almost great especially actors unjustly failed hail amazing whole always come together various genres thematic elements tones occasionally grate other frequently wondering film going hung even though film seemed wandering aimlesslybr br i liked film great deal loved pieces film whole pinging around head since saw it im guessing several days more like love irrelevant since film really seen since much going provide enough material think talk days afterward one meatiest filling films year,0 +@FollowMe_RnBE Blue - One Love .. next time,0 +dont deserve helpim victim cant victim youre simultaneously assailant,1 +fed everythingthats it im done tomorrow im thrown parents house psychotic bitch mother cant homelessness why job enough try find new one according her father knows nothing this im scared ask talk down cant put hours week one singular task like wants to especially wants also work around house yet somehow thinks taking away literally resources get job get said job somehow enough make get one completely utterly detrimental able find hold job think shed antime able open though asexual transgirl supposed connect bigoted anything cishet evil leads straight hell mentality mother im scared shed try ever told im son thinks am want able accept daughter raised son though know never will whats point trying im ever going get hurt letting true self out shove deeper deeper try survive fights back tears apart inside one thing keeping back killing boyfriend made promise anything harm myself hes gone left without much goodbye spit everything were promises ever words never cared nobody ever has nothing left reason stay goodbye reddit goodbye world time go,1 +fucking hate spotify ads ps spotify headset max volume music quit get ad plays music loud af fucking brain hurts becuase loud fuck spotify ads,0 +first thanks everyone submitted request lot great requests wish could fulfill all win time please keep visiting rredflag im sure well back laptops giveaway near future winners announced subject verification details outlined original post replied im received within hours disqualified another person need selected,1 +got diagnosed clinical depression know know everything hes going downhill,0 +Updating my MySpace. ,0 +im tiredevery day get fix it whatever is fix it job kids lives supposed like mine childhood supposed like mine supposed suffer broken guilt feel brought world mom breaking back died tried kill teen feels like mistake survived died got anyone else involved fucking mess mistake lived,1 +"Well, my tests are finished, hooray Up to the next modification.",0 +everyone s depression stem from the world how can you create your own world to make that depression go away no crazy event in my life make me depressed but the world a a whole doe being like me you see everything i see all the behind the scene shit that go on and it s unfortunate i see everyone for who they truly are my brain is wired to out think everyone because i m a male and use logic i use my logic so much that you come to a point where you see life is actually dogshit thing are such a waste life is rigged and people are actor it s like everything is ruined for me and i can never be happy because my brain see the reality of thing most people live in delusion or a fairy tale like life mean something i see no meaning feel like shit then keep having a snowball affect from being depressed then a the future keep coming i get more behind in this game called life it s like everyone is on their foot running to something meaningless while i sit back and watch the rat so much engine in the world i have a human instinct in me that i wish i never had i distant myself from these human because i hate them all but then the human side kick in and i m lonely because everyone ha feeling i want to create my own reality to make it a fun one living but it s impossible to create my own reality when i have such logical thinking and have to face reality everyday it s so tough because i think a girlfriend would really help me finding meaning and feeling love but i ve never been outgoing in my life because i m just so sad about this reality i have ton of drive and motivation i just need help but can t get nothing because people tend to only help and treat you well when you re in a good spot in life but people who need just some little help don t get it because they appear to be sad and depressed like myself and people shy away from that no real people in this world to help me people find me scary cause i m and have the look of i hate life so no one want to come around me just me please all i need is to feel some fucking love that s it i never had a girlfriend in my life me rn though i m good looking tall and fit i think girl are scared because i see through all the bullshit they only come around when you re winning they never come around and take a chance on you to help create and build a winning man but instead girl wait at the finish line,1 +ventingim sitting alone airport car eaten donut friend force fed could sober work im still little hungover drinking problem party last night birthday today im twenty im college work two job life awful drive beach thinking badly want terribly horrifying car accident want cause it ever hurt someone ruin car purpose want hospital icu seriously injured probably dead hell maybe bad either even know would make happy anymore fucking tired im religious think anything life thats stops me cease exist eventually im organ donor wish could give away now let young fairly healthy organs go someone values life more im rambling now really way conclude something nature ive always bad writing conclusions,1 +elmer fudd laughing lounging easy chair reading comic book dog comfortably nearby sleeping front fireplace peaceful flea comes bouncing by the flea dressed farmerstype outfit big sombrero carrying satchel name a flea it gets telescope spots dog we see big shot dogs butt flea whistles excitement screaming t bone sings theres food around corner theres food around cornerbr br that sets storyline cutebutobnoxious flea tormenting poor dog mutt hilarious reacts flea br br the drawings huge teeth chomping right next fleeing flea clever dogs dialog made laugh loud times might funniest canine ever seen cartoon poor pooch threat take bath react stupid flea causes pain almost painful watch flea uses pickaxes jackhammers like dog puts firecrackers dogs behind brutal,0 +brutally fucking honest sensitive apparently friend party get invited invited people maybe want include people i barely talk tbh feel kinda hurt thought invited party even go would nice know still wanted include me still need work communication assuming people read mind thats prob problem here need confirmation,0 +hello emma guess wayokay sorry dosent belong here going try anyway guess need advice right now try keep back story short lived small village middle germany parents divorced lived mum guess emotionaly necelect since childhood big social issues whole life school lonly hell school got home locked room mostly dident even leave house mostly spend childhood front tv phone dident know better sadly yt videos podcasts realy simulate social live least wass hadi slowly got depressd ate unhealty my mum also obese got obese long remember kg yo finished idk called english realschulabschluss grade dident know that mentaly complete mess good physikal form started bvb berufs vorbereitende bildingsmanahme something like brige jear helps find job first time life social new start new people actually enyoud live actually started lose waight people actually wanted talk meit heaven okay let us start strange parti transgender i born maleafter lost moust waight social aktiv noticed things wrongthe first thing nothing gender guess mention anyway noticed atractet guys couse woman okay blushing sitting next hot guythen resurtch internet porn found lgbt lived small christian village school dident teach shit stuff hated months dident know gay bi anything exist even speak transgender people hrt know strange wrong okay that sorry post strange trying tell happend perspektivei found trans people everything resonated guess moust hatred still boady even lost waight could loved boady dident could simply describet hate boady male oktober bvb got put lockdown distance work some school work per emaili lost small social live finaly permanently every day room dident talked anything meaningfull mum mental state fastly deckend new low hated boady ever even looked like normal teenager okay lonlynes necelect enough simply wanted die vanish world thought hated boady becouse lost chance coin toss becouse fucked genes would even whit hrt never able pass becouse whide shoulders haight acces working medication plan cut open wrist bleed outmy mum somehow noticed something wrong probably got aggressiv constant mood swings finaly got appointment terrible terapist hoped fix me idk terapist dident help me listend dident give advice anythinglater idk seriusly fuck thank god two months ago got psycatrie finaly got fucking help nedet fucking good psycatrist actually helps talks gives advice worked thro lot past a lot witch wrote hereand small social live whit patientsi got relesed yesterday honest i living dad right future still planning everything okay right now probably going go new terapist still hrt figure future out least know still rest life whatever want it humans chapes boady positivity stuffi sorry sorry strange aweful grammar wanted write get heard sorry picturing mum bad mental medical problems guess dident know betterplease someone spare time would glad could talk please talk someone,1 +finalising annual report for 00 ugh,0 +best way ask helpive never one ask help one would expect me one knows im suicidal hell one knows im depressed know best way go telling parents get help maybe end shooting gun ever since one person ever felt cared truely left same cant go like this nothing one feel nothing anymore fix this,1 +@donnieklang you already know you're seeing me tonight haha im excited!,0 +boredom frustrationi longer live anymore past years ive gotten bored living everyday like broken record played fucking repeat im tired it really am everyday wake exact time go school work fucking balls get way tired anything else nothing life enjoyable anymore desire end things grows stronger stronger everyday easy end thing fling building done it days better others sometimes smile laugh within short period time feel dreaded sense boredom again everyday want lock room stay there dont want talk anyone see anyone want curl bed never fucking wake up im tired im tired really dont think left survive anymore think im truly done life thread holding back disappointment id imaging seeing everyone elses eyes shouldnt even complaining anyways born loving family parents always nice me treats much love friends forever grateful for enough anymore might make sound greedy feel greedy needy time also weird blob behind fucking brain haunting everyday screeching want fucking shot head really dont know anymore maybe build courage actually might pussy go fucking cycle again wish something bad happen world would relieve responsibility,1 +@IWillKing when did u become so awesome? Lol ,0 +would really love job obvious reasons wanna kind weird amazing friendship someone three times age like hey wheres hans seen elephanthugger day someone like oh broke hip morning falling stairs fourstoryvilla rush hospital find lying bed eating pudding absolutely vibing regional news hospital television ill like hans hell like steve hug were happy hes okay kinda forgot broke hip lean bit kinda hurt laugh were great friends knows clumsy sometimes be men simpel dreams right,0 +is so ready to see the new moon trailer ,0 +jessdubb lmao u may have to wait for another season to come thru it summe boo hot nd dry as weather,0 +help cringe pls friends worked short films with contacts saved phone problem is upload cringy videos whatsapp status like images heavily glitched overlays booming bass random players free fire headshot montage style overlays music poor editors watermark cant stop watching i wanna see bad gets bugs know lmao way telling pretty cringy without offending them ideas,0 +solid unremarkable film matthau einstein wonderful favorite part thing would make go way see again wonderful scene physicists playing badmitton loved sweaters conversation waited robbins retrieve birdie,0 +im scaredthere available redflag prevention hotlines live therapist school councillor anything already hates lot im waves suicidal thoughts im scared one talk to sibling young innocent understand parents deeply upset hotlines use friends care theyre already dealing problems aant burden im scared please help me want someone talk to please,1 +many us wish could throw away social cultural obligations free us suspect shall dance movie dancing learning ourselves recognising looking life courage go search it mr sugiyama middleaged member japanese society ballroom dancing viewed unsuitable behaviour br br one day mr sugiyama sees beautiful girl leaning window dancing acadamy fascinated eventually signs dancing lessons ashamed dancing afraid ridicule hides fact attending dancing classes colleagues familybr br there hilarious scene mensroom office sugiyama watanabe workmate also dances interrupted practising dance steps many funny warmhearted scenesbr br the ending fairytale leaves viewer feeling goodbr br this movie helped understand japanese people little better warm worthwhile film see,0 +wish people didnt care could kill myselfmy whole life bunch dead ends way out sucks living everyday knowing life cant go anywhere make happy itd nice die genuinely good friends parents care could never bring to thats become really frustrating,1 +"@booknaround It's a little expensive, but when your fridge is empty the food is decent. #BEAtwittyparty",0 +got teacher get reddit likes animals stuff showed rstoppedworking loved told reddit downloaded browses cute subreddit like raww,0 +finally post here swear gets removed imma pretty mad ,0 +Heading to the mall. Had a nice breakfast/conversation w/my mom at Dennys ,0 +Which supplements for depression? http://headwork.io/which-supplements-for-depression/ … via @headwworkreal,1 +world right melots people brush life tough out cant it school unbearable anxiety arbitrary timewasting work even work get home relax anxious couple hours laying bad thinking shitty life is waking tired again fuck anyone gets beyond me needless suffering believe anyone saying gets better ive waiting years day come cant wait more get enjoyment living people im harassed daily family cant anything help counselors psychiatrists done anything either care pain would bring others ending life deserve it,1 +single suicidal thoughts since feel end coming soon work good job apartment car also travel regularly also friends also motivation make friends meet women recently started paying cremationno viewing memorial funeral home disposing ashes also moved shitty apartment e decent one quit drinking sought professional help anything therapists said goes one ear other sick you alone there help know want help waiting pay cremation right going motions making look like putting effort reality mind already made up final purchase gauge using myself reason buy tempted use it well planned suicide,1 +pp hard boi wake up biology someone knows biology pls help think something blood pressure blood flow know rhymes sorry also im sad,0 +dindle manksniff food corp founder dindle manksniff disappears on midnight trip to fridge presumed dead,0 +whyinthehell if i may butt in again i m done being nosey sorry your conversation wa just so interesting,0 +"@misskittymarie Wow nice! Don't worry, you're still quite beautiful ",0 +severe case loser people deal years,1 +it wayy to early to be awake zzz,0 +legend andrei konchalovskys towering half hour poem siberia begin once must hold back space takes time roundabout explorations halfremembered childhood memories turnofthecentury backwoods village yet movie goes picking steam building emotional resonance though even sounds images compose become imbued sheer association subject matter quality fierce tireless quiet dignity characterizes soviet working spirit konchalovsky celebrates soviet collectivity almost revisionist way paeans like soy cuba invincible mood turns somber reflective news revolution reach secluded siberian village grapevine fruits labor reach world war calls young men enlist this konchalovksy zeroes individual care affection examine bitter longing regret woman waited years war fianc never came back waited long enough go become barmaid ship velvet couches quit years later come back village care aging uncle killed fiancs father axe irreverent folly fianc came back war hero years late came back sake girl left behind drill oil motherland despair resignation middleaged regional party leader comes back small siberian village sole purpose blotting map build power plant movie segues decade decade s s amazing newsreel footage trailing soviet history revolution war famine titanic technological achievements empire terrific visuals here kinetic violence skewed angles flickering cramped shots crowds faces actual movie focuses individual triumphs follies small big second half sense bittersweet fatalism creeps in broken lives never reached fulfillment choking regret yearning it cant matter seems like world saying konchalovksy answers it must matter protagonists keep trying redemptionbr br yet behind saga man landscape something seems hover shadowy almost substanceless like eternal old man hermit appears every segment guide repudiate protagonists sometimes mere spectactor sometimes enigmatic sage little behind straightforward logical incomprehensible ultimatums challenges affirmations human characters something invisible seems lurk ghosts fathers appearing sepia dreams repeated shots star gleaming nightsky curious bear indeed eternal old man himself konchalovksy calls awe reverence mystical land order treatment small backwoods community struggling nature progress time ways learns deal them often funny bizarre tragic time director never allows cynicism override humanism reminds shohei imamuras profound desires gods when dream scene alexei tears planks door plastered propaganda poster stalin reach dead father vanishes fog movie hints betrayal soviet dream better yet things lost revolution betrayal made explicit films fiery denouement amazing visuals elegiac somber raw naturalist edge help seal deal end it oil derric erupts flames movie erupts wild explosion pure cinema,0 +"trinken bei maddin, party ",0 +want mummom know feel open minded personi struggling reason keep pushing quite time gone waste im miserable want end however small part wants tell mother struggles raised s though experience mental issues depression anxiety etc tell her also fyi hate confrontation,1 +remembered right put phone away told crush hated sometimes times felt perfect could wrong told say anything hurtful actually mean ampxb time p n c cuz idk theyll respond im gonna look rn cuz like da morn,0 +anaphylaxisso long story short im dizzy lips tingling starting swell two choices seek medical attention lay bed watching season buffy stan warm fuzzy feeling possibly waking morning think option winner,1 +sad pathethic losermy family literally enjoys watching pain want see happy succeed love drive work things gives power me want depend could never confidence leave cant keep living that hate everyone around me everyone reminds past disgusting fat person use be made everyone else look better feel better standing next me,1 +ive wanted to go for a while now and im just getting tired honestly i hope ill find a way before year because i dont wan na live much longer n i really dont have a future ahead of me,1 +im crying hard loved knex man connect make structures im crying hard,0 +may almost which around th percentile im also tanner stage really surprising like already visible shadow voice dropped lot already maybe ill make ,0 +read make decisionsto anyone considering redflag ive personally affected redflag last months twice want provide support considering it never able tell passed loved meant lot em could understand want know even though seems nobody cares sometimes do care least redflag devastating even seen long time first friend mine died last november seen two years yet almost everyone ever known showed wake funeral ive never seen many people crying one place second hopefully last friend died killed night halloween knew really well able stop thinking since morning couldt stop thinking first friend died months time around personal even able attend funeral go college state fact destroying inside going take long time understand accept friend dying ever do really want make decisions did even feel everything wrong please please please choose death affect people ever thought would possible want know people you find them said decision alone remember love all even though never met you care please choose enjoy rest life safe night,1 +no cold water tap in our bathroom i miss my cold water,0 +need name im writing story need name character the character female helps filller filler filler filler filler gtveronica open open door please veronica open door lt filller filler,0 +advice boys girls hey im year old girl yes know last year teens club thats relationship year old boy also lurker sub last days saw quite advice girls girl advice boys boy posts noticed things mentioned actually go vice versa genders discussion boyfriend make sure dont make assumptions ultimate guide girls boys relationships really hope help someone well clear miss understandings gender specific behavior hints confusing anything specific gender boys girls give hints cases confuses person feel like crush giving hints best way find take additional step hint signal express feelings obvious way likely encourage same give clarity overall feelings it scary take first step yes boys girls equaly afraid take first serious step matter expressing feelings inviting date holding hands kissing boys girls equaly want one take step see causes problem sides waiting first step one scared so actually brainstorming bf deciding advice give this talking fellow girl friends fellow boy friends concluded cases girls wont take step girls usually feel like chosen boy often think quite desperate ones take first step course case help boys understand girls rare take first steps best advice matter gender really want person significant other lose them take step scary might be rarely end badly even get rejected least know waisting time everyone shy afraid first date dates scary meeting person probably dont know well awkward wont know say best advice give ready carry conversation know hard trust me commit this give date better experience person also willing carry conversation even better fully committed good convo worst thing assume person talk time even case probably wont give either good impression other ask something try give long answers share little stories life relevant convo nobody knows kiss first kiss like me terrified first kiss watching kissing tutorials yt well practicing hand however little secret share kissing like swinging swing first time might bit confusing body carry action you already know kiss least somewhat even practice first kiss go fine long dont try overdo it whole idea full blown kiss bit much grasp little peck lips first kiss also definitely romantic enough take slow there rush late less whole advice thing trying reassure nothing wrong well teens even ies without gfbf kiss sleeping someone first relationship first kiss firsts magical special feel fully comfortable going trough them dont rush see others around so first kiss first boyfriend regret those cuz felt like rush something never get back im okay now dont dwell past mistakes thought mention that okay already much longer wanted be stop here questionsopinions welcome comments also mostly used hetero relationships example post thats basing experiences hope still find useful matter gaybi etc also apologize grammar not native speaker formatting im mobile,0 +want go sleep wake upi hate existing shit again im trying find reason keep going honestly cant cant remember last time ive actually happy,1 +New glasses! ,0 +everything cry helpi always seem scream like one hears ever dont even know anymore stuck moments random happiness brought fucked form nostalgia feeling unhappy reason never fully explain understand even know bother anymore try social never works end worse before sick clinging possible interaction people thats left driving people away making hate,1 +obviously one give shitif even get actual helpful comments here get anywhere else either one miss me one care people notice goodbye horrible place time im coming back,1 +swear im fine want run far away never return erase entire old identity,0 +funny sick people heated argument racism one guy calles austin making stupid arguments randomly jumped said i read autism austin received lot likes it idk feel this,0 +ruined life months make things right else everything endsi know anymore months make things right boyfriend were going kill ourselves want die bad want die im living try make things right keep fucking up got psych couple weeks ago another redflag attempt ruined everything ruined life ruined myself ruined boyfriend feel like clock running im panicking,1 +total failure nothing show life chance better future ever get feeling never meant alive,1 +yes,0 +savethestrib dang i would have done this if i knew it wa there earlier any other outing planned,0 +@azianred Get 100 followers a day using www.tweeterfollow.com Once you add everyone you are on the train or pay vip ,0 +dont get stuck washing machine step bro near itll be pain ass experience s im funny,0 +tonight s gyratory system show at the vibe bar will be electronic due to drummer illness,0 +@EvaRut08 thought you would like the email ,0 +lost grandparents dog friends mental health highschool bootcamp graduations stuck base months bonus taken away told severe acne ruined confidence miles away family remaining friends getting shit lower enlisted pretty epic covid really fucked,1 +alfred hitchcocks assured telling film made twentyone years earlier infinitely superior original hitchcock said first version work amateur although certainly bad film appear right said remake although definitely better still among hitchcocks best work thats certainly say good little overindulgent drags down hitchcock seems keen drag certain elements out parts film entirely relevant plot become annoying dragged sequences one sees james stewart doris day eating moroccan restaurant good helps establish different culture american protagonists found in every restaurant scene theres opera sequence latter make film worsebr br the plot follows middleaged doctor wife go morocco holiday young son there meet french man bus another middleaged couple restaurant however things go awry french man dies knife back shortly whispering something doctor holiday turns full blown nightmare couples son kidnapped causes cut short go london order try find him film potent degree paranoia it manages hold way through fact would even go far say paranoid film hitchcock ever made like hitchcocks films one thrilling keeps edge seat almost entire duration aforementioned opera sequence standing moment tension diffused also little humour movie gives lighthearted relief morbid goings on actually works quite wellbr br the original version story lent excellent support fantastic peter lorre film benefit presence unfortunately made performances amazing james stewart doris day james stewart man always going contender greatest actor time crown collaborations hitchcock feature mesmerising performances him one different although best performance remains one mr smith goes washington stewart conveys courage conviction heartbreak man lost child would anything get back brilliantly fact thats one best things film really able feel couples loss throughout serves making thrilling doris day hand rather strange casting choice movie definitely good actress associated musicals seeing thriller rather odd even get flex vocal chords littlebr br as ive mentioned hitchcocks best film theres much enjoy although id recommend many hitchcock films recommending one ill definitely give two thumbs well,0 +finally ready dieive depressed long time ever since never truly happy suffering due ugliness unforgivingness idiocy hatred family country two days ago straw broke camels back mom one people truly believed believed me told failure never amount anything always trying latch bit hope miserable life trying best stay alive hoping happy ending trying find someonesomething live foror maybe finally able love someone curious phenomenon wait see through give life meaning rather let stay pain is sure possible anymore every day ask life ever going become worthwhile going matter long run worth embarrassmentthe tearsthe painand work maybe one mistake could ruin endured knowing knowing much idiot be knowing even defending believe could get worst situation one live right now due much more sure life never going liveable never mind good ever matter matter hard try always broken unrepairable guess good bye cruel world,1 +massive achievement today found bathroom school clogged significant piss pools,0 +"@FuhrerJX And I got some advice for you führer, if you have depression and anxiety. Remember, there's always someone who doesn't have relations with you but know what're you feelings",1 +mom gives privacy ok come shower go upstairs room sometimes like go phone take breath get dressed again comes upstairs quickly barely time get dressed put pants underwear sit chair cause could hardly pull way likeis rosy out dog room could answer pushed door open looked keep mind im shirtless course dick thinks great time get boner said oh sorry walked out mustve looked bad reasons people invented knocking three minutes later comes reason check masturbating im glad wasnt want let room room,0 +life matterbillions people earth every single fucking life matters precious sacred important fucking scum drain resources could used help productve happy people stop telling life matters millions could die humanity would keep leeching planet beauty fuck us all,1 +Beautiful day ,0 +easy would slit wriststhis past month shit show one dont want get anymore cant anymore ex thinks rule life fall every fucking time hits bites acts like okay got fight pulled razor cut myself deep freaked called im surprised didnt put hold probably psych ward right always make things worse come knowing say game head hurts sooo bad hitting over dont get it least gave razors back could it easily like many people would care know cant care anymore shit fucking ridiculous dont fucking purpose find fucking purpose sure hell dont any even basic ones able fucking reproduce fuck this fuck feeling like this fuck everything,1 +jonpaulkaiser i m probably worse than you lol so sorry these photo are seriously long overdue last time i buy a sony cam rubbish,0 +@Queens15 Hi ! XavierMedia has found a way to get thousands of Twitter followers: * http://digg.com/u13ota * check it out ,0 +fastest way kill yourself seriously whether want socialism capitalism become taken extremes robs us civil liberties liberty internet thats it see people holding hands anymore want given free travel like promised never got any fastest way kill yourself parents treat like property rather individual seems pretty apparent want die already ever feel one big experiment run us see react superior being cant explain go sick many times go doctors get healed one suffered most,1 +hutsoncap everything alright,0 +"So glad it's E3 Week. Only the most epic week of the year. You know, besides Christmas.",0 +racism native communities us canada extremely downplayed western world seen rise antihate movements incredible indigenous peoplenative people often left powerful movements americans canadians tend forget sitting stolen land day native communities subject many forms racism bearing brunt climate crisis horrific,0 +@infinitekris great minds think alike ,0 +wish nerve youngeri tried kill twice highscool now im scared even try fear failing ending right back then im scared die im scared fail want life anymore time feel like im making minute bit progress wind slipping back old habits know anymore hope one day finally work nerve,1 +best friend telling theyre going kill tomorrowwhat fuck do let talk lives far away,1 +read fucking bio fucking dare,0 +antichrist rteenagers serve opposite megathiccc,0 +everyones gone nowthat really final nail coffin speak could go back time tell id years think believe me,1 +On my way to work YAY! Love my job! ,0 +series vastly underrated like many others came upon farscape series cancelled bought season surprised find smartly written drama infused balanced mix suspense romance wit and course scifi right bat got first series movie satisfy us hero every alien comes contact speaks english okay others skirted issue farscape best point is writers pay close attention detail make show believable possiblebr br with much bad programming there shame balanced entertaining series farscape get enough exposure recognition stay production enjoy four seasons and thankfully fourhour miniseries maybe make enough noise convince producers continue show,0 +realised havent cried years lol dunno thats good thing not still intrusive thoughts though,0 +"Power rests in Our history to be told in order to discuss America's worst terrorist attacks on its own citizens. Such conversations will begin the healing but most important it will educate Our youths to persevere from mental depression, a generational curse. pic.twitter.com/440nHcyefr",1 +talking girls early today talking guy said whenever talks girls platonic get creeped high sexual drive walk away let tell you unless like actually handsy saying sexual things sexual girl know level sex drive especially asked howd think lecture girl says one word answer walks away mean creeped sexual drive asked talk girls said show personality interest proceeded say im confusing studying law degree easier talking girls remember guys tpo time p place occasion honestly everything though making friendshipsrelationshipstalking people sex opposite x time girl busy lecture seems like wants go back dormsapartmentnext classwhatever shes going stay around talk guy shes never spoken before periodt continuously strike conversation her youll better chances making friends though place never spoken before youll better chance making friends approach shes people like study grouppartyclub person talk person direct conversation you also apply places people dont conservations in class sit next other talk class hallways standing comfortable blocking peoples way talk lunch everyone going eating breaks conversation without awkward occasion specific reason talk girl itll help conversation flow easier theres test coming up go talk going party go talk event talk event youre excited annoyed about birthday ask shes going shes happy about also aware opposite hours test im pretty sure would rather study talk gameshowhobby,0 +hungry want diei eaten meal two half months ive throat issue anxious eat normal food today feel weak like im going vomit depression already heavy relief im starving anxious always energy want kill everyday ,1 +wish depressedi want get things outs cuz really cant talk anybody this im depressed mean want die im going sure feel sad anything like that want keep living like it enjoy here like feeling belonging say im super happy everything great feel depressed kind wish was last id answer feel way used things grounding keeping ive stopped caring long time ago quit school and thats saying something always a good girl never misbehave stopped caring stopped caring family friends like things used to anything day reason im money pay funeral whatever cheapest idk else say needed get somethings going bed bye guesssss,1 +writing feels wrong necessaryim male compare others constantly cant stop truly need friends close ones my gf counts stupid ass self still wants even though reality dont want friends tire out im disgusted culture live north east minneapolis disgusted vain people including myself nothing feels real here dont feel real hard living knowing im mediocre human almost every aspect dont understand people cant stand social media want out theres really easy format layout order person people interested and ive used life doesnt feel authentic lie want out feel alone way think need advice literally depressed past years,1 +need know ok im thinking reddit live streams along twitch streamsthis promotional post need advice im fairly new streaming fun it literally wanna know try livestream reddit well twitch,0 +know feel shitif youre ceebs reading plz help solve acronym relating love pcmbls life pretty good look outside im still highschool im top class maths science average english also relationship well however relationship really fucks up love girlfriend alot claims seem kind bipolar personality whenever dont get love message one day mind becomes extremely negative like mini angel mini devil see movies devil know really selfish think like know cant send love message every night thats im trying break of bit context b get next part btoh us usually send acronyms b say goodnight other example iwtmy would want marry you weve suddenly last night sent another one saying pcmbls find asked said really selfish usually us kept nagging things curiosity usually spill beans time tho matter many times said plz refused would massive help someone would help solve it theres probably subreddit since ive literally felt suicidal now figured would ask here also sorry ranted much gf really love her,1 +going kill myself theni took sertraline months still want kill myself lt lt lt see drive motivation like used to feel thrill planning redflag anymore took pills plan written set ready leave shit behind april lowest ever point enough live near coast england cold water shock makes drowning sure thing around here much fun researching reading euphoria drowning salt water limited resources no guns cyanide basically access painless methods redflag decided drowning salt water beautiful fatal method oh ophelia never read hamlet time went it friends family intervened fantasies thoughts spoke doc upped meds started feel better put mg sertraline point really felt working think killing anymore happy best version myself dare say felt confident almost invincible even months road serotonin super powers worn off leaving quite hollow shell past self really feel anything days aside irritability care anything little empathy almost diluted feeling wanting die yet quite concentrated enough bothered act it understand feels like im limbo somewhere inbetween wanting feel good things again wanting feel bad desperate enough kill myself like numbness feeling neither there im bored dumb desire self destructive things like drug up ive taking codeine relax occasion think wow heroin something subscribes ropiates thats even joke actually subscribe lmao yeah feel though might well take something feel something cant get excited anything hard enough find purpose within stupid unescapable system without burden weighed whatever weight crushing skull obviously logical rational thing go tell doctor ya know appointments take weeks well weekend closed so drreddit anybody else similar experiences feeling numb medication medication feeling wanting die motivation it,1 +take little time could vote pole thx advance httpswwwredditcomusertod_commentsmarpzwhat_reveal_at__followersutm_mediumandroid_appamputm_sourceshare,0 +women tinder talk friends family do wanna talk friends cousins dont talk back pm me,0 +"A MIND OF YOUR OWN wants to teach women that depression can be taught in a healthy, holistic way. Read more: http://bit.ly/2vR1TrB  pic.twitter.com/OVKpCgjj6v",1 +depression is eating me up rn and i just wanna go to sleep but i gotta go to a meeting tomorrow where i'm getting told i'm still bad at job hunting so... everything is terrible rn,1 +m since covid started i haven t really been out at all and now i got my first date ever which i ve been tryna put off by excuse and now it s either i go or just loose out on the opportunity to go i ve got health anxiety and a bit of social anxiety i feel like i m not ready but i really don t want to loose the opportunity to take her out on a date i don t know what to do and i m just stressed out i m planning a easy date like bubble tea and a walk in the park probs see the sunset but i m still stressed out lol,1 +stou site not update no info about exam and open course i must wait for mail notice and doc um,0 +piece advice dont crossdress french maid school like did tldr end story took place almost two years ago btw explain did tell little school even though public school wealthy well funded programs including theater dance another thing mention design school auditorium different entrancesexits excluding emergency exit supposed locked room use somebody always forgets lock least one them th exit accessed via going backstage leads short hallway locked side meaning get sneaking auditorium onto stage hallway us students doing anyways two doors hallway lead theater dance storage rooms theater room bunch furniture props costumes old plays musicals school put years prior dance room costumes holds s different outfits dance classesteams used rooms divided wall cabinets solid wall sound travels easily them rooms supposed locked dance teacher almost never locks room anyways straight male past years really enjoyed crossdressing know why love idea dressing girls clothing in private girly better discovered dance storage room felt like miracle me hundreds girly sexy outfits choose from floor length mirrors see in enclosed space nobody would ever find me times advisory periods would sneak try outfits loved it one time putting everything tried back head next class saw large bin filled french maid costumes short dress w puffy shoulders gloves lots lace apron duster headband unlike everything else room pair frilly panties dream find me decided would come back later put on luckily me stay day finish test finishing it dad said could pick thirty minutes left plenty time deed went theater wing found entrance unlocked able sneak back dance storage room stripped nude order put panties on put rest costume it loved everything it take picture myself heard jingling keys immediately dove darkest corner room leaving regular clothes laying middle floor along backpack door dance room cracked open knew dance teacher would find life would over luckily me theater teacher ms s unlocked theater storage room started something there quietly possibly could changed back clothes threw maid costume back bin jumbled mess put backpack froze remembering zippers backpack make jingling noises walk decided make break it throwing open dance room door running fast could auditorium running st exit remember ms s shouting whos there im sure never saw me imagine hell wouldve gone anyone else walked dance room caught me escorted front office girliest dress possible idea luckily happen learned lesson never went back room again tldr crossdressing schools dance team storage room wearing really girly french maid costume theater teacher went room next almost saw me moral story dont crossdress school,0 +friend spiral help reach herhi ive quite bit past accounts this one obviously throwaway too never follow advice myself people talk helped me so thanks that im today something bit different friend breaking girlfriend hard time letting go grew abusive household if read book a child called it almost bad really know deal strong emotions nearly killed breakup know way get situation need help get her ive held arms cried confessed darkest secrets me ive told love im going abandon like everyone else has think good im there soon leave give privacy get worried hell going end almost bleeding like last time advice getting would appreciated worth moderately successful stunningly beautiful yes falling love her want getting way friendship im leaving alone,1 +Fighting depression isn't easy and I still get uncontrollably sad.. but I know thats not what I want for myself.,1 +i ve tried 0 antidepressant nothing work i m about to fail out if college it s over for me i don t want to love anymore,1 +dont want feel way anymorei keep flipping depressed feeling absolutely nothing dont want feel way anymore first appointment get psychiatrist wont march dont know last long im give everything depressed could handle that life numb nothingness feeling whats breaking down dont know anymore,1 +micro dose shroom capsule for depression anxiety and ptsd http t co vg rkqppt,1 +Spending the day with @Mr_ChapmanGL at @GrassLakeCS using @AdobeSpark to create media production to show their knowledge of The Great Depression.,1 +jdarter oh haha dude i dont really look at em unless someone say hey i added you sorry i m so terrible at that i need a pop up,0 +achmadsirman yeah i am infact the spray paint is for the mutt i got real delayed with some problem so not finished either yet,0 +self harmi self harmed first time today know seemed appropriate time wish something live dont right seems like prolonging life problems seem much smaller everyone else,1 +redflag prevention day heres story im sitting car right now waiting classes start college high school specifically around thth grade being pinnacle issues became self harm came close attempted redflag several times never went attempt luckily thinking times felt specifically would like done biggest sense relief flooded me im alive able experience life fullest never thought itd get better felt lost hopeless misunderstood know things different everyone circumstances vary im tell killing may seem like right idea take away possibilities inevitability things getting better someday hard part is ultimately falls you end fighting life whether literally figuratively warriors every single one suffering depression utterly unfair life circumstances anxiety whatever is warrior survive much love me im chat need,1 +witty disgusting brash intelligent baseketball redefines comedysports pot spoof easy target makes called comedies like dead boring one best time trey parker matt stone play roles losers apt perfection,0 +males females scroll nut november begins tomorrow complete tonite,0 +goals going flow bad redflag whenever go work sometimes walking work want jump highway get hit worry paying bills anymore working tiring job understand people want bring life world born go school years more graduate work die great that know life make main things life slave work need roof head food electric water one pay check away homeless redflagful here exhausting life want die deal anymore working hours week tiring tired,1 +"@epolekoff I've heard people are getting entirely unrelated recommendations now, like new AAA shooters because you liked Indie Puzzle Depression GX or whateverBut hopefully real related stuff will slide in there",1 +feel like shit personback february hypomanic state cheated ive deeply regretted ever since huaband trying work it ive getting help trying meds trting get stable even hypomanic state oh diagnosed bipolar right messed up ever since ive nightmares flashbacks sometimes im messed nightmares flashbacks feel physically sick cannot bear husband touching me therapist told monday im suffering trauma my hypomanic affair said affecting life might want talk doctor something called prazosin drug ptsd affecting life cant sex husband hes getting real upset hurt it taking personally got done flipping me told would take drug wanted to response oh yeah go say are pills make want touch husband again seem want go couples therapy it say hell anyone it hes taking personally think anything change wish faith though cant blame feeling like this god feel like disappearing feel like shit often cant stand hurting anymore,1 +maybe need head examinedbut thought pretty good moviethe cg badi seen worsethe look creaturesand creatures mean good bad snakewas pretty coolthe action scenes involving snakes really goodi thoughtthere lapses logic timesand story always make sensebut creature featurethere lot worsea lot creatures seemed lifted moviesso wholly originali think gist story original thoughthere bit similarity godzillathe big budget american versionwhich liked loti like movie muchbut still say pretty goodi also liked musicall alli think dragon wars ,0 +plz helpi tried commit redflag attempt unsecesfull years since regret fact survived every single day past years want again worst part never told parents would say telling attention hate that,1 +ohh 5 more til i get to 100 ,0 +"Mom's depression tied to kids' emotional, intellectual development https://in.reuters.com/article/us-health-mothers-depression/moms-depression-tied-to-kids-emotional-intellectual-development-idINKBN1HW2MZ … https://www.instagram.com/paulortegagonzalez20/?btz52=1915044625 …",1 +"@ellyasabdullah Apologies 4 my impudence, U SINGLE?? NOO!! Can't b, nways relax bro, love will come, at least u r a guy. No worries ",0 +just found a new fav pop band ,0 + m feel life coming end miss her want life backthis year mental health took turn worse im university student realized needed drop current major studying peruse something could realistically study perform well in student high school changed went college lost mothers approval slip grades blames unhappiness tells dog would likely better son i past semester lost girlfriend three years roommate admit mess past semester living situation well drowning anxiety depression want anymore likely dead weight started popping xanax calm would waves anxiety eventually suffered seizure decision so parents learned illicit drug use became mentally disowned child ive spent greater portion summer rehab ive learned support parents return back school ive tried applying student loan get told must consigner approved one cosign me home environment deathly toxic cant live im given constant look failure disappointment miss old girlfriend much wish never left me anchor reason kept pushing life even home breaks want life back want go back campus get life together strong yet cant tears down emotional prison home living verbal abuse makes wish yearn revolver bullet play russian roulette every night come home work heritage india mental health taboo culture correct dosage prozac two weeks support home really get help need want live happy life miss old girlfriend still cant seem get dreams months post disorganized life sake say something anything stay alive tonight im fucking sick melodrama want normal one fucking likes person sits sulks woes one likes person playing victim role wish could surrounded people really supported me wish still girlfriend love much read thanks lot im happy someone could hear voice tldr want die im much pussy think life get better spiraling chaos madness,1 +anyone willing fake reference mei even need one right cause im depressed hermit neet ever wanted get position needed someone vouch character reference place rent something would anyone even help me doubt it guess asking others lie help sorry life much,1 +i know it s getting to a low point again i don t want to leave my bed my grade are low my mom is worried and if she doesn t bring me food to my room i would eat i can t shower i can t help myself from sleeping i told my boyfriend and i feel like he is not here for me not with this depression stuff i don t want to do all i do is cry and sleep i m so tired and i don t even move to go to the bathroom i hate being in this loop i just hate everything and i don t want to talk to anyone but i know i need help i thought i wa doing better but i m at my lowest again,1 +hi gamers gamerettes discord server friends r trying get new peoplee chat send memes play games like minecraft among us overwatch stuff going on commitment guys girls welcome dm link d,0 +deadass wants kiss kiss u rn lips go date u mall go spencers hot topic plz,0 +completely fucking crazy making sense you toook so bear me along process now universe mass energy birthed billion years ago point singularity concept time space physics speak indefinite period then sudden seemingly random expansion big bang theoretically inaccurate explosion much inflation singularly dense infinitely energetic massive point small could fit proton neutron lightyears two anyhow expansion stars matter form energy eventually enough break particles mass waves energy get sun this gravity allows particles collect form earth solar system et al human race born dies billion years sun perhaps before every single atom particle energy everything sun eventually become white dwarf transtion small black hole another point singularity though infinitely energetic massive however swallows lot whole lot see swallows earth every celestial body can even bigger black hole perhaps andromeda swallows it now process continue seemingly impossibly large or small black hole swallows one mass energy everything contained single infinitely dense infinitely energetic space inconceivably small light thus time space literally incomprehensible thus chain begins anew new singularity recycled mass energy indestructible eternal forever mean say is were fucked really really fucked destined swallowed singularity another mass energy bound point singularity preceded universe proceed another given information concept matter anyone anywhere swallowed forces beyond control possible reason could continue existence im even depressed facts im simply accepting realize fate share every atomic structure organic not so why ive struggling nihilism philosophical points while ridiculous know know logical necessarily true feel gripped it stuns me seen therapist weeks im still sleeping feel captured idea cant let go try distract temporary im drinking right now desperate rid mind seeming inevitability cant fuck me cant im tired unbelievably sick thinking want endless loops logic feel like fucking jack box predetermined pop destined fall back down im so tired damned tyrannous stars edit thank you everyone talking me know sometimes incredibly frustrating talk with really understand want throw hands say fuck it exactly feel time apologize errors thought reason et al errors spelling grammar etc slept much past two weeks so,1 +ask anything life uncle lives stroke survivor answers vaguely hes fine ask yourself unappreciative part come fact asks something say no imply no gets completely mad me shell go love stuff you daddy would disappointed you fine then ill never ask anything ever again,0 +Shopping for brunch in the pouring rain. I love my gf's. Can't wait to see you today #fb,0 +sitting car lunch thinking situation right now point life lot people hate living expectations someone thought friend cut life likes even though dropped lot things normally happy trying find place live wish say happy not feel empty eating properly id one small meal day redflag gets higher higher passing thoughts would happen died right would friend ex friend carei cried sleep horrible nightmares felt like burden nuisance past month able want work ill disturb everyone sleeping feel like everyone elses life would better disappeared feel right now want feel like do know okay think like that trying talk counselor work called back yetin honesty want curl bed cry real friend crawl bed cuddle cry hurts even thinking that know going happen time sooni know everyone around going lot too would ask feel like burden distancing everyone cannot tell getting better getting worse too want loved point held wish happier,1 +yall see theres new bird flu russia fuck man never gonna end end world ig,0 +Depression. It hits you suddenly and it kills you silently. ,1 +it s gotten to the point where i m purposely making myself sick so i will have to call out but the end of the month is coming up and bill are piling up i don t know what to do i just don t want to do anything anymore and just lie in bed all day,1 +imagine horny cant rn haha jokes im wasted horny bonk bonk cant fuck hoe,0 +"Exercise lowers risk of depression at all ages, researchers find http://www.cbc.ca/news/health/exercise-depression-prevention-1.4634002 … pic.twitter.com/kA1jh3TTdj",1 +cat fucking freak nature wake walkout room morning right see cat chilling something chonkers mouth figure thing catnip godamn bird first all wanna know fatass gets winded jumping couch could catch bird second godamn bird came windows closed anyways mom said tell shes good girl thanks coming ted talk,0 +xreally thinking it im probably moody went diet dont food me want end though ive way long im still fat sad broke feel like point im unlovable im losing money tomorrow phone companies dont see point trying anymore everythings reach ill delete tomorrow,1 +wish could fall asleep never wake up fi tired going depression anxiety bulimia alone thats life,1 +"The night is so alive... And so am I! Feelings, you know? ",0 +contemplating redflagmy waiting marriage knew much commitment god means her anniversary things got hand went far stopped seconds knew wrong spent hour bathroom crying keeps trying say fault mine shouldve stopped me fucking promised would never make break promise god fucking anyway almost driving work morning swerved back lane last second like pathetic waste life am im really sure posted this feel like kill myself somebody able know why,1 +sraight boys question u ever life see girls practically bare ass shoulders spaghetti strap think wow r hotttt shoulders might able pay attention class u ever think that,0 +anytime i m alone i m instantly depressed i can t enjoy tv alone i can t enjoy a walk alone i just hate it alone i just lay here all day in my bed on my phone for hour then go to sleep but i get so sick of my phone how can i be alone,1 +februrary first mental health struggle june everything fine december suicidal made till leasthey stuck like insane reality atm way seems redflag redflag never ever mind before even experienced severe anxiety panic attacks earlier year basically recovered depersonalization yearbut symptoms slowly vanished still battled irrational thoughts day day suddenly mind switched to ur life over overwhelmed suddenly paranoid time feeling like shouldnt anymore feelingit feels like shouldnt alive anymore like shouldnt lived past august dead august feels like wrong alive go hairdresser example mind goes like this dead inside died dont need this trapped hell shouldve killed told you look mirror why u still alive insane fate fuck like this havent done anything wrong deserve this u derealization u alienated surroundings mind still conditioned it first thoughts like really hometown knew it much worse know dead didnt die dp hit me answer this freaks out maybe destined redflag so time thing anxious date like mind cant cope time passing fast really cant explain it august switch mind first august laying bed suddenly thought redflag could destiny popped made unable sleep much painful anxiety knew back dpand scares me think thoughts arent anxiety related depression feel like never recover this feels like trapped thinking theres soon calendar triggers like hopelessness painful suicidal feeling feel alone dont really want end redflag srsly mind sees way out,1 +im aloneim two hours away anyone knows im alive university friends even anyone knows name cant handle fucking alone subhuman cant even look anyone eyes speak every day panic attacks drawn fear schoolwork know wont make it please god let convenient dont disappoint family comes it ill find way cant fucking take anymore much im fucking sorry boyfriend friends family please god let finally feel peace,1 +mommy is school closed today,0 +Taking lunch break. Great rehearsal ,0 +Doing nothing ,0 +first off im dedicated fan modestys reading comics since child found earlier movies heroine unsatisfying fail one rocks br br well then go ms blaise working casino gang robbers comes along starts gambling friends lives robber wins one round shell tell herself wins two times row one staff members goes free sounds stupid yeah well im good explaining either br br she tells growing war zone without parents friends helping old man refugee camp escape living natures rules hunt food teaches read fight approach civilization get caught war taken rebellions shot old man dies leaves meet city herselfbr br then meets man whos casino working for story ends br br what follow theres awesome fight lines totally cool alexandra staden terrific modesty blaise modest strong graceful intellectual comiconebr br feels awkward though hear modesty speak slightly broken accent thats relevant since comic book blaise cant speak loud certainly must somewhat existing accent not mention weird everybodys speaking english balkanbr br the acting really good even child personifies young blaise must applaud br br my favorite part must rips dress kick stupid robbers ass totally awesome d cant wait real adventure begins next moviesbr br watch it disappointed,0 +dociton humane painless way end iti thoughts committing redflag using heartbeat slowing medication dociton effective easier humane painless way it,1 +im getting reddit im sick platform whole im sick people hating republican called karen wearing mask car called nazi supporting trump racist supporting blm shut say anything good cops try defend them im sick all blows over wont online much all care anyway wanted say couple things sorry rant,0 + dollar sucky sucky double fun ,0 +rip school gets shut november th school gets shut november th jave zoom calls take hours day every thing going online me internet slow shit im talking mbs most,0 +holmpat morning pat another one in sunny spain except it not sunny here today cloudy and raining,0 +ojiaku9 make i save myself from depression first,1 +i m don t know how to explain it but any affection make me genuinely sick to my stomach it s weird because i m a loving person i try to be kind to everyone and help a much a i can maybe sometimes a little too much even with the smallest thing i try to come through and help because something inside me genuinely just say i should do it i can never respond correctly to any compliment and always try to find a way move around it or i just quickly think of a way to compliment them back so it doesn t feel one sided is that weird the only time i don t feel a way about it is when my mom dad or sister compliment me i try to interact with people but feel like they genuinely don t care about what i have to say and a lot of the time i don t know if it s in my head or if it s true when i get invited to meet i want to say something but never do and kind of just stay there silent listening a lot of the time i feel like i make my friend super uncomfortable too i can only come up with so much to say and usually just hope there s is more than one person there when i do talk i never know what to say or stumble over my word figuring out how to say it to the point where they interrupt me to conclude the conversation or move on don t get me started with romantic stuff every time i think about being in a relationship i genuinely want to vomit i feel so sick my stomach hurt it s also terrible because i really want to be in one someone to have loving bond with a two sided support system ups and down all that good stuff sometimes i imagine it too but when i do i physically get so ill like i m gon na throw up kinda feel like i m rambling but i don t understand what all this is tldr simple affection make me feel sick or uncomfortable even though i m a person who love to make others feel great and do my best to help them all,1 +question redditors told parents sexuality bisexual didnt approve dont want associated future acts situation,0 +im bored anyone chat title says body text,0 +fought succeeded im back years agoive become shut dont socialize anyone anymore im get associates degree taking online classes feel like im going path took sophomore year peak depression ive thinking self harm decided use rubber band flick feel way im unsure future make something im destined live life shut work home im wondering sort relapse ,1 +haha next line yare yare guy kakyoin avdol one guy died came back life reddit tbag wendys,0 +want people know whats happening life since cant really tell someone irl without freaking somethingi really dont want to stuff going happen soon resulting loosing family school long term girlfriend im really scared im coward honestly would rather dead try fix mess mess putting lightly though life large puzzle itd like throwing entire thing fire shame im thinking cutting artery idt id stomach that ill figure something out hear takes bleed out dont hit artery people usually discovered saved fortunately live alone dorm room one ever visits lot time wrote note class addressed girlfriend looking back it kinda place dont feel like fixing it hear slit arm cause permanent damage fuck up got medical stuff case wake decide try right after guess im writing make sure people know dont history depression havent really shown obvious reasons something think id ever kill myself feel certain sense control calmness im actually looking forward time make decision decide go it ill let guys know,1 +u know what ima start saving im tired stuck fucking pc ima start saving cash money buy new computing machinery,0 +"New game! Guess the word. It's a 5-letter Noun.Hint: n ● ● ● ●Related words are: scallop, dent, dimple, depression, tooth, battlement",1 +""When you're fat and sassy, why waste your time on change?" John K. Hudzik, vp, global engagement at MSU http://bit.ly/HsUQ1 Why indeed? ",0 +shouldve never borndo ever feel even born life much chaos im honestly considering entire life mistake honestly feel like never left fetus alive im root many problems including problems ive considering redflag realize wont solve anything,1 +friend uinfntymagics sisters birthday today everyone wish sister happy birthday comments tag well,0 +It's going to be alright. She's going to be alright ,0 +time gothings arent going get better me girlfriend long distance spent month half state fly back due family telling financial issues thought staying good happy her plan work save move within next months dad says owe plane ticket the one made buy borrowing money food etc unhappy colors seem dim right now im debating downing effexor figuring something else out im much pain havent felt true happiness stability since age im dont wanna live fucked world anymore cant get job anytime soon bc im also quarantine also rules hospitalization never helped anyway im done,1 +life even worth living like this years old one likes,1 +area expertise please go raskdrugs helpedit not area expertise sorry that ___ in threadhttpzzredditcomraskdrugscommentsgnis_there_a_collection_of_over_the_counter_drugs ugly seems pretty cool honestly idk say would constructive,1 +doneim done point person actually tolerates barely replies therapist talks bc shes payed,1 +@sarah_crisman me too usually ,0 +flirting help crush crush asexual yes ik means asexual people reddit flirt her relationship right now friends do,0 +just saw some snow flake,0 +hi everyone this all started back in college i wa doing lot of drug molly cocaine acid molly and wa doing badly at uni after my dad put the fear of god into me i started taking school a lot more seriously and drastically slowed down my drug intake not long after i started developing horrible physical anxiety at night i would get into bed feel fine but just couldn t flip the switch to fall asleep i would lay there for an hour or so and then my heart would start to race shortness of breath then all of a sudden i would have an intense chest burning sensation that would last hour i felt dead in the morning but by 9am or 0am i would get a surge in energy i wa jacked up and sweating a lot i would do well in school because my mind wa going a 00 mph but after several week of this i started feeling exhausted and would even hallucinate during the day i could only do school work at night i wa too brain dead to pay attention in class this went on for a couple of year before i went to the doctor and wa prescribed lexapro generic the first few week were really bad but then i felt amazing however i had bad sexual side affect and it changed my personality i felt dead inside after three year on this i went on to venlafaxine it gave me a stupid amount of energy sweated profusely and peed a often a before i lasted one year on this then i switched over to zoloft generic i started on 0mg but i felt brain dead and again had sexual side affect so i lowered the dose to mg the sexual side affect decreased but it still wasn t great i also still felt a little out of it so i lowered it to mg during covid lockdown i wa working from home all of the time i didn t have a bad time falling asleep on this but i didn t feel good the next day either tired brain fog easily irritable but it wa better than physical anxiety at midnight when we were told we had to go back into the office the anxiety at night came back not horrible physical anxiety but more like normal anxiety and insomnia i lasted a few month on this and just couldn t take it anymore so i started smoking weed unfortunately i have always been super sensitive to weed i would get euphoria from one or two hit this helped me sleep but i wa still tired and irritable the next day a i continued smoking i would need more and more to get that euphoric feeling to put me to sleep then thing turned south quickly i wa becoming very irritable and would lash out at family and coworkers nearly everyday i would calm down then apologize after a few week of this my dad said i needed to see my doctor i wa put on wellbutrin and had the worst day of my life i totally lost it extreme mood swing nerve pain and claustrophobia i got off that and am recovering this week from it i took benadryl sunday night and monday night to sleep last night i took nothing and had the worst physical anxiety since college i did the right thing though i turned off the tv early and did some meditation and felt good going to bed but just like in college i had radiating anxiety two hour in i slept maybe hour and woke up jacked sweating a bunch and mind racing i don t know if i need different medication or therapy or both ha anyone dealt with what i m experiencing did a certain type of medication help did you need therapy too thanks for sharing,1 +cant even righti feel physically sick now turn person going rent from need place alone commit redflag in redflag dates coming soon find place live place die ending fast slow time fast ill never see anyone love againif theres afterlife hope slow cant deal paini want dead now,1 +long overdose startsive taken full bottle mg capsules cymbalta plus ten mg tablets lexapro once feel like seeking help anymore useless long symptoms headache diziness begin kick in,1 +think time tie loose endsi think time go longer feel anything loose ends fix go dont anything important,1 +hell hotlines putting hold desperately trying find live ill reach instead cannot anymore tried every single time feel like try life keeps getting worse worse every time want freaking end all cannot continue longeri hope anymore anything life getting better losing valueim useless worthless cannot strong anymoreim edge cannot hold back longer want end,1 +favor please slap face salami sexual anything wamna feel something,0 +need support dealing lot stupid shit piling again worst problems head injury years ago still fucking day day basis get exhausted easily mentally physically cannot remember shit always pain unless take prescribed drugs drink people making feel bad it nothing do seeing neurologist friday right now need uplifting words please depressed today,1 +creepy randomly start talking someone dont know like start casual conversation mean irl btw,0 + https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-verizon&ei=BifgWp6oOpPcjwOXh42ADg&q=federal+reserve+caused+great+depression+&oq=federal+reserve+caused+great+depression+&gs_l=mobile-gws-serp.12..0i22i30j33i22i29i30l4.52384.71845..72636...0....307.6337.0j36j4j1..........1..mobile-gws-wiz-serp.....0..0j41j0i131j0i67j0i131i67j33i160.Rg7sxg%2F8GNA%3D …The Federal Reserve's Tight Monetary Policy Caused the Great Depression. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke and the late Nobel Prize-winning economist Milton Friedman blame the Federal Reserve forthe Great Depression. But they do so for the wrong,1 +road notifications already reached reddit notifications road help commenting post spam dms utrizzuth thanks,0 +please hugpleasei want remember feels like go,1 +know start keep living work day school work rest life friends may stray away one person please entire life slowly see love ones go nothing keep going matter life ends way could rich poor loving cold seems like choices matter hardly personality little passion anything anything feels burn cycle know need help scared,1 +"WHOA, I found the ENTIRE Matrix movie using Microsoft bing- http://is.gd/LJes #epicwin - M$ Bing is now my favourite video search engine ",0 +really believe im beyond savedas pain grows thought family friends would feel ended life slowly starts numb mind focuses ending life dont know born way dont know suffering worth it dont know chosen born way game kinda hurtful,1 +keep thinking itim f bad life all got roof head food plate financial support parents emotional support friends still get overwhelming sense dread depression come goes exhausting waves moment im great situation jobless since working temp job ended trying find something new now hate unemployed along pretty rocky relationship mum its house getting shitty takes stress im unemployed treats like im even fucking human first ever boyfriend ended relationship month ago together two years one when good perfect bad horrific relationships controlling asshole return honestly think fucked up first week happy rid every day gets harder harder apparently great got new girl already nearly hurt badly first heard that every day gets harder gets worse night emotional support friends actually close close friends used go ex support support network feel like nothing try talking friends really help even though try feel better chatting im feeling ive stopped bothering tried talking ex beginning december dismissed attempts cries help nongenuine im sorry hear that sounds bad going brag amazing doing im loser im attractive smart intelligent want end dead end job dead end job constantly praying true happiness thats see ive ever seen myself rest shit atm pieces pushing edge fantasize jumping bridge unhealthy amount thats way id able it methods would pussy of know jumping would kill injure me cant believe even think something like that hard because im sure alot people relate this everyone life look happy im bubbly loud girl always jokes everything i always joke dying death killing habit point dark humour sue me one takes seriously know unless ive tried talk one would suspect thoughts know im looking posting this guess want meaningful conversation someone relates also wants someone talk to,1 +aaaaaaaand we're back to square one. depression sucks.,1 +girlfriend sweetest fucking person planet went way buy coffee delivered class swear deserve saint,0 +i love the cool air here. can i stay here till exams finish? ,0 +hi mates whats deal today hi whats u guys bored sooo friends hav discord server r trying get new peoplee chat send memes play games like minecraft among us theres ppl console nintendo channel channel ask opposite sex channel relationship advice anime images ppl europe australia asia too stuff going on commitment guys girls welcome teen baby old man loool dm link ,0 +beautiful woman backwoods inbred monster man super sweet monster truck road kill zombie brother friendsone anal retentive overly sensitive nerd foul mouthed adolescent slob throw together dash jeepers creepers texas chainsaw massacre road trip got monster man hilarious horrorcomedy outing never sets say something simple straight forward laugh fest unpretentious well made horrorcomedy heart buddy flick film offered hilarious sickening set pieces highly recommend fright fans looking entertained,0 +"@AdamGregorySong I like how you still seem surprised to see me at shows. haha. After 10 years, I don't think anything will change it.",0 +deiondrasanders i m always up late i wish i wa a morning person but i m not,0 +i have never experience anxiety like this before it feel like my chest is so heavy and i m holding in a puddle of tear at all time i can t eat or sleep i know the anticipation is the worst part but i just don t know what to do with myself my entire thought process ha changed and i just feel a huge cloud of depression following me wherever i am how do you guy cope with intense anxiety once i start having negative thought it just spiral out of control someone please tell me it get better,1 +well holy damn yesterday cousin stayed overnighti dreami weird dream weird mix town florida pouter like son mayorthen guess dream started introducing every characters pouter issue of water ran outand dunno like farm mayor house saying shit likei i dont remember name story town fell apart because fucking water shortage dream cuts cousinand started trying resolve water problem also apparently electrical cut reason went cousins brother houseasked current water working woke could answer woke upmy mom urging cousin wake also told gonna water shortage pmits almost amby time im writing this well cant make shit upso yeah heard momi lost shit,0 +cant leave specific three people leave me gives several decades good enoughwhen kid older sister died suddenly unexpected really messed parents years still hurt always will began feeling suicidal years prior social trauma familial disconnect caused perceived or actual cant trust see clearly favouritism caused develop formative years understanding less value useful good backup plan one better available last resort friend child didnt measure expectation first favourite child set ive always felt despite fact dont believe powers universe gods etc universe messed up took wrong sister me smart beautiful many people loved her passion life desire make future bright happy im definitely smart grades proved kid exceedingly average bit told people ive known werent blood related obligated say nice things me one friend who lives side country chat maybe every three months most dont enjoy alive part despite efforts tried making friends university travelled world years nothing makes feel anything handful days honesty dont care trying change anymore tried changing many years constant failure made miserable put much failure things end feeling much worse im actually happier calm likely stay im trying change this instead better prepared continue living long know redflag available backup plan didnt try kill prior sister death first began experiencing desire to really bad three years scared family would punished way due chosen methods didnt want dad charged negligence something held responsible death decided steal one rifles didnt want feel like fault stole medication didnt want mom blame stole razors decided wait could find better way would minimize impact others sister died dont blame her yet part furious stole freedom die me responsible surviving parents least one kid everything would fine lived would successful gotten married given grandkids id held loving memory would rest no im trapped cant allow parents suffer again alone survive sense duty alone grow old lived best lives possible pass away finally free pretend happy them pretend feel fulfilled pretend care pretend plan bright future dont actually want it want believe lives good good job they did happy time earth time go hate time investment thats going take two three anchors things keeping drifting away all go go long never let know happen happy done good job third anchor boyfriend hes everything me love much makes feel loved worthy wont let know plans either though cant staying fear way responsible death leaves me relationship wants in one feels obligated stay guilt fear dont want manipulator says leave kill wont be dont think together forever even though want be hes one thing makes actually curious life like future makes want stick around find out thats much responsibility one person cant ever let know though thats heavy burden bear refuse put that probably wont together forever career prospects job money hate never want children future offer him someday realize leave me im peace too want world aside freedom escape it happy means someone else want him im kind waiting happen im going enjoy lasts allow feel joy life first time like vacation reality whenever however ever lose him put brave face support him im done trying wont open meeting anyone else happily ever after dont need want anyone else mom dad then briefly me im going kill today tomorrow either next day next week next year barring significant tragedy wont decades yet wish knew want instead feeling like prison sentence cant therapy nothing antidepressants nothing positive life experiences nothing hope good enough depending parents health means might even make which depresses honestly thats duty bear wish could want live im tired want sleep,1 +anyone wanna try pushup challenge put simply im looking someone push ups day with want us remind encourage it every time try last days im trying find someone whos also interested getting stronger,0 +right ear ringing bzzzzzzzzz,0 +girl butts unattractive boy butts freaking amazing filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler,0 +yea freinds fear regret eexistential chris in depth conscious none depression self hate someone friend,0 +hello wanted say want kill school starts august th think need double check that going nasty breakup really loved feel way sadly friends talk anymore burden them sure going able kill myself hope find way it tell school going rough want it nothing going momentnot even sure want see feeling tommorow wake hope deleting post want kill school starts,1 +greyhoundgal omg front page i d be so excited congratulation sorry about torres hurting his paw tho is that your dog,0 +personally worst feeling experienced put belt back using try neck shower hour again lost consciousness sadly die still wet worst felling,1 +Depression.,1 +welp mom made feel invalidated not purpose psychological assessment done earlier month started therapy parents found self harmed reports came mom going coz therapist told moms likeoh commonoh nothing worry every para either like oh youor oh bador said common end stated depression anxeitysocial anxeityanger issues stuff likeoh im pretty sure teenagers would fall category probably gonna relapse bit idkfuck,0 +just heard that they found sandra cantu she wa only yr old,0 +im going try again please sw may last hopeive tried kill times two asked help here last time sent mental hospital six days there found girlfriend also tried timeand failed outpatient inpatient got help there learned cope prescribed depression bipolar add medicine improved leaps bounds past month ive pissed reason finally broke today formulated plan next attempt two hours take half bottle prozac wait thirty minutes call police get hospital time win dont well guess ill win,1 +shannamoakler i m afraid to fly too i straight up refuse to get on a plane it suck because it really limit where you can go,0 +fiancee guessexfiancee broke heart today let take child homemy fiancee relationship issues lately looking back toxic relationship gave last years for child probably going keep me fast forward couple hours ago moms house broken things gathering things decided calm enough take daughter came rushing take her course flight fight kicks bolt door rain daughter without proper clothing her calls cops me tells took child mother comes chasing neighbors yard neighbor dude got right monster law physically grabbing take away dude neighbor pats back tells understands situation way go trouble done anything warranted called first place gives coat daughter invited in talked things told cook two three meals day wake watch daughter sleeps till noon response you know wanted marry real bitch you her mother never made anything fed daughter muffin today thats all stuck without help feel heartbroken also fiancee gave years life supporting professional dreams feel lonely,1 +anybody summer school high school so yeah im failing classes tried best five months cant anymore online school turns brain fucking mush california schools opening irl april im already failing hella dont know help anymore dont end getting shit together end year need go summer school im repeating courses next year anyone whos summer school it like easier harder stressful lemme know plz,0 +people commenting numbers stupid middle night missing,0 +anyone likes read plays like plays differ ordinary books im total theatre nerd school offers occasion read tons play and covid see lot them reccomandation read english french got anything tell me share favorite,0 +kisha they cnt get over u til they get out frm under u just remember ur on top ,0 +long oneim early s student loan tax debt mention owe mom horribly failed apprenticeship parent plus student loans previous education cant afford pay wants move florida retire shes disappointed person ive become im living paycheck paycheck right name might homeless months cant stand sober im eating potato chips dinner tonight make till next paycheck family pretty much written friend verbally abusive put literally one else ive mentioned couple times im feeling suicidal doesnt seem care every relationship ive failed miserably hands debilitating anxiety panic attacks ive unsuccessfully trying treat years im sure milder form autism adhd nobody addressed childhood health insurance get sort diagnosistreatment clean underwear im even able afford god damn laundry stink high heaven dont energy motivation shower whats point anyway fault rough dying seems much easier living im ready leave incapable choosing way go every decision ive ever made adult life bad one god forbid try fail cant fail need one smart decision ever make die fucked that anything hope post makes least feel better situations would make happy dont think ill much longer tried best never good enough bless heart youve read whole thing,1 +"@cultvines Ohhhh, I am sorry I missed all of the fun but working in FL isn't too bad either. Orlando and most of the west coast of FL ",0 +these day i don t feel like twittering don t know why,0 +know whats wrong meso heres background started feeling suicidal fifth grade huge amount stress school it kind combination academic social issues told parents multiple occasions wanted kill myself make mad so decided bottle feelings beginning sixth grade diagnosed aspergers basically parents believe actually it throughout middle school got stressed out crying every night anymore become numb still thought redflag before never really thought would actually never selfharmed luckily still havent im end freshman year high school year lot better middle school ive mostly alright is now seemingly blue ive hit wave depression feel like im drowning lately ive lot anxiety future im scared unknown keep wanting change im willing take action dad thinks hate even though really dont im tired staying night homework thoughts redflag getting lot worse point im actually trying figure kill myself ive almost made goal die graduate high school depending happens within next years day went trip san francisco literally thing could think started see golden gate bridge much wanted jump it know need help im scared happen tell anyone im feeling hate getting surprised negative reactions people want cause anyone else worry me know do,1 +spare karma friend friend,0 +ig threatened delete account today shared spicy mememehmed lol son blew better yours mohhamad pic angry arabian guy story got deleted got black screen instagram told might delete profile also friends shared post nothing happend story even shared mine close friend shared standard story original post deleted could someone reported story do,0 +today mom told family wants house aggression towards people pretty much made go anti depressants wanted live hated also final straw mom got argument told behaviour embrassing use aggression cope situations shameful told fuck off tried going counselling work know anymore think officially hit rock bottem,1 +hey there anything im lonely everyday im lonely cant go outside corona im introvert friends school friend plush pig got always serious face sad face smiled while anything im lonely,0 +ive become thing swore destroy cool person course,0 +i don t really know how reddit work but i just came here to get something off my chest i m a 0yo female who deal with major depression i ve always felt like i have no purpose in this world and that i am a complete waste of a human being i don t even know who i am anymore whenever people are like so tell me about yourself i break down because i honestly have nothing to say about myself i want to kill myself so bad but i don t have the tool to do it so i just live in pain and exhaustion i have no friend or family to talk about what i go through and that hurt medicine doe not help and therapist ive talked to were a joke i have done thing to make me feel better about myself but i always get knocked down but i can honestly say that the day i die i ll finally be happy and at peace,1 +so ive been masturbating for a few year and i started saving video photo to my phone so it easier to get to i always keep them in the hidden section of my phone last night i forgot to hide them and i woke up and found them in the recently deleted section and other app i think she went through the latest notification wa hour before i woke up so i wa certain my phone wa turned on the photo themselves were just photo and video of girl i thought were really attractive they were over and would use to get off to now since they are in the recently deleted tab notification were only hour old and i had notification from before hour ago but before i went to sleep i had apps open which i never use and my phone wasnt in the spot i last had it so the title say i think because im just hoping it wa me in my sleep and i wa really tired since some photo were perfectly fine and she hasnt said anything about it yet so incase she actually saw the photo video can someone give me some advice on thing like what to say do when or if she brings it up,1 +layed roadand got put mental ward hospital ok first really dont pay attention you scream hours listen you let outside anything minute leave ran im probably going sleep street probably jump building,1 +best film seen last years surely row masterpieces platoon apocalypse now doors dogs heart russian film really play boy parents good cant even say play no live happening them notice smile faces main hero agrees go walk them hate love one piece final scenebr br really im still impression film hard even impossible combine humor tragedy succeed and frederikson did impact would twice strongbr br i compared one flew cuckoos nest like film either and novel good too frederiksons movie seems simple the difference noticed watched film american history x romper stomper latter deeper mean milos forman showed material point view problem watch it say yes good film like him like her thats it angels leave wide base think bad good boys film cause right behave way do like girlfriend one patient course young pregnant problem husband clinic feelings emotional experience exfriend even stronger the result suicide ask done insane ask support him help him understand him finally even funny people talk other say genius things lot things would like say film im good english im sure you watched movie understand mebr br good luckbr br ,0 +i am vengeance batman is just emo if we had a superhero his tag line would be i am economic depression,1 +bust stigma whine frank know someone else struggling help best can constantly let others know yes drown boat fits way one person reality verbalize things control less you bottom line busting stigma one feel like alone short little list work everyone totally think good reminder people like myselfand hopefully someone else take something away it anything got verbalize awhile,1 +The day that I over come my depression will literally be the best day,1 +stab chestim sure work try scared know hurt lot this life me care anybody else thinks need build enough courage thats it,1 +confided husband feel trapped existence think everyone except son would better without needs here husband started yelling cussing me screaming man grow balls yelled repeatedly leave go away called fucking pathetic cannot even describe alone depressed much worse made things reinforced beliefs useless sad existence confided husband made things even worse,1 +want boyfriends band rats acid get fans proud them love boyfriend much lead singer bassist band two closest friends band rats acid started releasing music year proud them recently hit monthly spotify listeners recent song like like that streams already popular song love hate inspired murder george floyd k views much love it would love see social media grow much youtube spotify facebook insta twitter ect made subreddit band rratsonacid too would mean world watch boyfriends band fans thank you,0 +uhhh fellas gay gay make sure im accidentally gay instead gay ampxb and homosexual gay homosexual ,0 +love god tell doim tired misunderstood ignored im end rope im completely alone everyone always thinks im weird something cant come across right people want pain stop one,1 +@rayanneolaes what song homie? ,0 +everything faultguys im tired im tired im desperate im never enough huge screw up want tell someone love hold them im scared alone love you,1 +rights gone basically thanks fucking trump amywhogivesashit go onim gonna lose protections lesbian partner state health insurance vote gut affordable care act nov im moms aca protected since im adult im chronically ill ill die anyway ill another close call ovarian torsion bc im estrogen keeping cysts bay ill fucking die bye bye estrogen keep going life going suck im literally gonna wait long dad fucking dead treated like fucking human again cant shit im fucking sad feel torn apart inside out cant stop scrolling social media imagining partner fucking dying hospital covid aca gutted go on fuck live for,1 +penalba por favor decime ke no estas involucrado en esa pagina nicatrolls they re the cancer that s killing b,0 +lifeto corrupted selfishness greed encouraged others taking moment sometimes think end it ill happy wont stuck harmful world end all creatures put randomly work part unjust system feel nothing all feel like drugs way truly feel take reality lay bed seeing nothing empty image everything bullshit help others dont take advice need help parent wont consider it im good kid school get good grades feel im worth something end feels like wasted time effort now try work dont anymore energy time getting closer closer feel it cant sleep all fuck schooling cant focus cry theres emotions attached suspect bpd point need help,1 +anyone new zealand im considering moving would like know like,0 +always knew dr seuss grinch something going fur terrorize kids tall cinematic universe think different personalities theyd work better eachother,0 +aniita 0 yes i did that s a sad topic for me haha i am not going to the concert it s very far and probably very expensive,0 +judas wtf research pet project im working apparently judas betrayed jesus resulting jesus death via crucifixion thirty silver pieces a bit less modern money say judas wtf wanted kill jesus man theres way little amount money made betray boss again maybe jesus jerk apostles,0 +brother way addicted thing younger brother way addicted fortnite first thing morning waking turn par start playing sometimes class continues playing till evening ask leave half hour rest gets angry shouts gets aggressive addicted not sound like boomer took ps hid time that,0 +missin the boo,0 +whats best way myselfgot horrible body acne insurance money fix it mid twenties trying trick thinking doesnt matter effects mentally psychologically cant live normal life im going try exhaust every last resource get hands get rid literally worst disease scientist dont give fuck even figure causes cures it accutane cause croehns disease fucked shit would literally anything get rid acne scars cure body acne gods real hes little bitch boy fuck face letting happen me ruined life im going try maybe years thats probably long ill last skin disease ill probably freak fuck surely myself im going save thousand try cosmetic procedures doesnt work fuck me also god damn god letting experience suck dont exist,1 +spitei job last spring racial minority workplace full white people company paid car apartment manager california blonde roommatecoworker brunette green eyes bitches scapegoated always bombarded dont like work matter hard tried would always say teehee kind air uncommon basic white girls clients also scapegoated me couldnt play race card outright racist remarks made despite this better living home begged stay fired wanted hurt following months unemployment make guilty haunt them therapist said wouldnt work even face lawsuit based note could play history edge parents would get possible lawsuit money would guarantee two would feel bad,1 +@Pmakedon813 @Satoranskyisgod @JoeyBats434 @DillonSchmidt i am depression,1 +" last thing before I know out, stay blessed everyone",0 +new setup ampxb ive working past months picked old desk thrift store painted it built computer got monitor along things pc shelf work garbage internet keep outhttpspreviewredditetqhvkhjjpgwidthampformatpjpgampautowebpampsaecaffddefcfcf,0 +im insaneeverything look shit now nothing life enjoyable anymore even weed bores me everything boring feel like life bullshit see point anymore want anymore want die shit goes away people call crazy care even know reality anymore keep questioning point life humans work perspective bullshit want die,1 +vast minority here also much care original caddyshack aside chasemurray duo scene select rodney jokes okay break down rodney vs jackie jewish similar humor rodneys bigger name distinct jackie incidental observational approach jokes up yours sequel jackies attitude toward everything memorable way inspirational quick lines overconfidence left wishing could express way rodney good enough him in face dismissive jackie rare film appearance makes perfect sub rodney come on gun shaped hair dryer really look little thingsbr br stack vs knight play snobby yuppies well ted knight despite wonderful tvfilm career kinda shows age but pull snobbish demands part want see fall ted looks kinda weak pretty annoying playing anger frustration slapstick stack incidentally snide vengeful really hate enjoy see constantly fail stack wins mebr br murray vs aykroyd well great vintage snllike scenes everpresent enjoyable chevy chase ty webb like murraychase one better murray plays great annoying chatty character obvious improv skill loveable yet annoying exact said aykroyd get annoying while tiebr br i really loved part first totally different mooded films part one drugbathroomsex humor cast full great names part uses golf backdrop stickittotherich type comedy makes one feel better working class s script yes bit farfetched yes first insult sport golf yes movie thin story yes comedy actual humor dances wolves besides part much better soundtrack please expect sequel part one movie even name caddyshack it said big fan caddyshack great exponent s fluff entertainment quality humor viva jackie mason reducers lighten up great comedy own randy quaid wonderful jonathan silverman wonderful heck everyone was chatting feel like watching it think,0 +done with homework sneezing but feeling better day,0 +morning all v groggy this morning,0 +crosstraining outside in this amazing weather ,0 +tried hard get better feels like every year life downward spiral towards suicidei cannot keep friends cannot work cannot go school cannot anything spent last three years therapy programs despite everything gotten worselast month kicked dbt program in left alone support attempt stuck waiting residential treatment really cannot see point anymore none therapy through dbt cbt otherwise able help cope nothing able help move past abuse through anything given reason lovei really know anymore tried everything can seems one option left want give up want give up,1 +watching the hangover. ,0 +wish could get redflag pills end life instantlyi hate government much blocking pill people keep us alive minimum wages work live steal organ die replace thier body,1 +dont think possible healthy relationship tbh dont let stop getting filler,0 +"Mom's depression tied to kids' emotional, intellectual development https://ift.tt/2HtVZCE ",1 +find antiwar statement without looking hard layer hackneyed find value neutral comment madness war stripped judgement layer completely uninterestingbr br or watch darn good entertainment value duvalls oneliners thats coating commercial masticationbr br you try view realistic vietnam war film ask veteran hell swat notion vets say stinksbr br or view will he morality play nothing rich there eitherbr br where found value superb selfreference coppola needed container great enough dimensions the war fit greatness skilled multidimensional actor playing a great manbr br brando man much maverick kurtz character studios uncomfortable acting method yet always excelled accolades generals uncomfortable kurtzs unsound methods spite strategic geniusbr br so coppola makes movie brandos greatness hammer point places movie as hopper manic photojournalist laden multiple cameras spout praises brando seen halflight silhouettes brilliant cinematography storaro increases actors power goes like sacrificial bull complete narrative equation oh yes the horror br br other pieces interest great use point view camera perspectives including being firefight long private ryan ground breaking use sound notably ominous flanging sweeps sonic depiction acid tripbr br dont get caught outer layers rich part despoil brilliant core sound vision selfreference,0 +forced sex again refused became violent mentioned friend wanted sex hoped jacking would good enough overheard punishment slammed wall table thrown floor pushed back telling quit kicked ground heel kicked back panic attack collapsed unable breathe spent nights waiting pass out never did running small miniwinnie chased knife dog would come table she rescue abused would trip up letting escape hed hold hostage letting spend night cold boondocks common truckers come cougars attack farm animals pets felt sober enough would chase road hundred yards would walk three miles town wait park police station sure hed passed out,1 +fuck yeah lakers all the way baby,0 +person gave everything to left mei really dont know do dont know say honest want someone voicechat like minutes please,1 +making myself ready for school don t feel like going but have two test,0 +theres nothing lefti want anything life offer path contains anything worth traveling for race rules follow track take shortcut lifes way deal it redflag valid way that like id miss anything people dont want anything anyone one want anything back were miserable objects taking pain existence pretending were fine cant life something better massive waste time,1 +g doing baby daddy stuff. gosh i love ray and his super kewl audio blog ,0 +whole seek help reach out thing work outi literally understand it much family family far away cant much talk me ive talked lot always talk it make better brain bad fiance good helps me hes tired cant save yknow holds panic attacks makes sure know im getting psychosis anything lol cant make panic attacks alleviate anxiety cant take away im wits end ive breakdown last hours brink days im kinda calming down enough type stop thinking im gonna myself everyone says reach out seek help ok do gonna take long time see professional cuz go regular doctor even getting appointment see takes least weeks go hospital last time tried checked bc waiting room made super anxious yes go therapy every day getting worse every second felt like shift work today fuckin years long standard hours nothing bad even happened chill day felt trapped idk feel like cant wait weeks reach to do please tell me last cry help absolutely go deep end know mental health know feel like short matter time fall apart entirely months please help stop it please want get help,1 +"oh, FOUND IT! it's hidden among the black wires on the table ",0 +best friend threatened commit redflag know call cops pleaseh elp wants get ivy league uni next year tried google would happen could cops nothing came ruined hed find time kill hes really good pretending okay something right could pretend fine parents believe mental health im allowed talk idk entire redflag watch process works want ruin life right point idgaf hates really want alive want ruin life im waiting call thing redflag watch advice ive contacted school counselors responses really want call cops please help,1 +@Honoroit_txt @scholarOfSong [He sits in the depression corner and sobs.],1 +@AdamJCosburn I'm definitely feeling better. ,0 +"Your mouth is never one to trust, your'e always speaking out. NemoNemesis ",0 +veri funi post laugh get nae naed,0 +@HawkShow A double sitting? Sit out in the garden with a lovely cold drink & watch the sun go down instead ,0 +another long and slow day ahead sigh,0 +@tommcfly Forgive babelfish! 2 votes,0 +doe anyone do the freeze thing a their fight flight freeze reaction and how do you work through that especially when it happens at your job i sometimes sort of just malfunction and can t speak and lose all my thought i don t even know why it happens sometimes but it happens a lot when i make a mistake or do something wrong and then someone higher up try to talk to me about it it s especially annoying and embarrassing in that situation because i sometimes also end up cry or getting teary and i want to just be able to take the blame or whatever but i end up feeling like i m manipulating everyone into just feeling bad for me or if i m not cry and i can t speak i don t want them to think i don t care the other day i had that happen and the assistant director who wa telling me not to do what i did noticed i wa getting emotional and i could tell she didn t know how to respond but i couldn t speak and explain myself i feel so confident sometimes about certain thing and i feel like i ve gained a level of confidence over the past few year and yet at the same time this particular experience feel like it s getting worse and for background i have never been abused or in and abusive relationship and i know this is a very common for people who have been in those scenario so i don t really know why i react that way sooo ha anyone experienced this and maybe have some word of advice what do you do in these situation,1 +another 30 mile bike ride to Mequon and back - took a much more sane route Lake Drive back into town is awesome!,0 +day recommending songs like rteenagers game awards edition httpsyoutubeabsohqany ooooooooh elden ring,0 +great british movie screaming good laugh sexy gary stretch too oh lots bikes lovely welsh countrysidebr br members club arrowhead bike trike social club appear extras hooray br br there genuinely hilarious bits good acting good ideabr br met director jon ivay showing wareham dorset great man earth good laugh film must supported great brit movies shouldbr br so please go see can website cinemas showing find one near youbr br i cant wait get dvd biker friends seen film two three times already cant get enough itbr br amanda,0 +worthlessits quarentine thing belt bucket do want end,1 +starting next month april 0 i ve landed a job at somewhere i have no experience in because all i know is kitchen work it s a filing job and it s very social and communication based something i clearly have anxiety with i will be speaking to people face to face and on the phone daily and i get so anxious thinking about it if anyone ha any advice please help me out i want this job because i hate working in kitchen thank you,1 +music suicidal thoughtsany songs redflag wanting die,1 +talking iti want go see counselor dont know tell ive suicidal cant miss work hospital stay,1 +depression healed,1 +OKAY I have to go soon! :o Then maths exam at 1.45? I think. haha. G'luck everyone!! xxx,0 +cant post pictures subreddita tried multiple times failed suggestions,0 +dad pisses im carving pumpkins family im stabbing shit thing dad told right way im making corey feldman hes someone got stabbed fuck dad,0 +prefer kissing girls wearing lip gloss girls without weird question im curious,0 +need supporti want musician taken every kind lesson pretty much always get told not realistic psychologist even said that hurts depressed even ones close me step thing like music atheistpeople suggest find god know one life point mean anything think lot time end mean anything long anyway whats point suffering giving get nothing it forgotten,1 +working hard spent money failed driving test idea retaking gives panic attack started learning drive years ago okay got driving instructor time learning would lookig phone would never point problems felt rather confident finally try get license country first pass test instructor official institution,1 +wanting give upim sure talk this cant talk anyone im close struggle talking therapist thought strangers ill never meet last year november exhusband forced bed raped fist one week later kidnapped drove mountain beat me charged kidnapping da talking letting probation feel like failing everything im afraid go anywhere fear ill run someone family comes money bond lost career struggling support two children blame happened abusive marriage seen coming always confident life im pounds good shape made lot accomplishments none stuff feels good enough feel ugly worthless smart enough afraid everything everyone meet nights im trying go sleep think hanging myself want life back way cant ever get want live all,1 +gay pain ass gays use condoms fucking assholes cum guys,0 +indiblogger do i neei dotn get any comment and suggestion,0 +Bayern missing chances = Real winningReal winning = Ronaldo fanboys come out in droves Ronaldo fanboys come out in droves = Depression Therefore: Bayern missing chances = Depression,1 +Twitter going up and down. I'm getting dizzy. ,0 +is feeling even worse cold cough sore throat the work,0 +find amusingthat people real life never know im self destructive im going something that people ive met online close friends theyre always worried somehow know even dont want worry want left alone implode myself weird me,1 +movie flaws brings light problems come living country democracy makes empathize people government makes want learn lives struggles potential leader aung san suu kyi makes one wonder government interfere places wanted yet ignore ask help,0 +yes horror anthology film lot fun thats although film clearly horror stories light spiritand even occasionally laughs bad thing sometimes horror films bit stuffy overly serious four stories pretty good one better movies style seenbr br the unifying theme connects story house itself four different stories involve people either rent home investigate happened tenantsbr br the first segment starred denholm elliott horror writer writers block so change scenery rent house almost immediately elliotts block vanishes works steadily tale serial killer amazingly soon block vanishes begins actually see fictional character again psychotic killer appears disappearsmaking seem losing mind might best stories nice twist ending makes story come alivebr br the second bad all probably weakest peter cushing plays bachelor pining girl friend died time ago though picture looked amazingly contemporary enters chamber horrors wax museum town sees wax figure reminds lost lady fascinated scared this later friend joss ackland visits he too sees figure entranced it leads ending that frankly bit letdownbr br christopher lee stars incredibly harsh stern father pathetic little girl segment lee seemed like idiot end understand demeanor though slow one ended wellbr br the fourth segment silliest meant parody genre jon pertwee the third doctor dr television series temperamental actor known portrayals dracula however nothing right film according fit pique stomps set find better props vampire film actually pretty interesting played role seemed like natural christopher lee played dracula vampires bazillion times give take few enjoyed pertwees line basically said lees recent incarnations dracula crap compared bela lugosis perhaps lee take part despite silly moments entertaining funpossibly good better first segmentbr br considering film started ended well excellent acting writing hard like film,0 +#Mentalhealth is a serious issue. The 7th Papa Lemon Book addresses Abe Lincoln's battle with #depression Not may children's books tackle this subject matter #Educate pic.twitter.com/KPaG2R87JT,1 +general kenobi hello first one comment get award ive never gotten one even though everyones saying getting one every week,0 +kgware paballo kay mahapa yall niphathwa depression ngenxa yama teki,1 +@DENISE_RICHARDS Very Cool Ms. Richards Enjoy your day.,0 +boss asked say dickhead different languages tell say language title says all morning boss asked say dickhead german wanted say different language multicultural please tell say language teach tomorrow morning,0 +shes little baby bitch vacation idaho i know shouldnt be didnt say it good time water park leaving sister gave dad drink carrying big bag btw dads girlfriend said come on carry that dad carrying things day not really ok dad said fine drink anyways girlfriend said no shes lazy drink weighs like pound doesnt fucking matter hold care much time talk and time hear talk shes yelling or someone something petty washing dish inside day taking shower soon enough dad ever marries girlfriend i really hope not ive decided never say stepmom anyone dads wife dad isnt strict all might im reacting like this baby think shes immature rant posts things might give context cookie read this half cookie didnt,0 +name fuck wrong people someone accused female oppression im male mother sacrificed body months create ,0 +looking at the rain fall in rotterdam,0 +anyone support kam kill men anyone supportcontribute kill men movement guess,0 +suicidal thoughts increasing feel trappedmy job making feel completely miserable superior abusing power creating hostile environment result people work directly dislike well im scared go work monday cant quit bills pay cant seem find another job either ive year find suicidal thoughts growing frequent im taking cocktail medication going therapy doesnt seem help dont see way death want pain stop dont feel like last find another job found suicidal method yet terrifies me,1 +days ago realization want die like ever thought keeping night crying sucks die think nothing matters going die cannot anything it think fair ask born could another human born maybe accept dying better me whole lives basically chosen us mean knows maybe overthinking like really dying scared after both die it feel like body shut completely forever thoughts feelings morelife mean yeah none us really know happens death people think reincarnation things coping mechanism used think like really thought it mean definitely open minded thought definitely still there things think happen actually happen mean actually reincarnate even sun going explode eventually take us rightwhy dying hard accept know inevitable let us talk death,1 +hi reddit week ago i had an something like epileptic seizure nothing is diagnosed right now i ll have a meeting with a neurologist on friday all i think about it when i get my councious back people around me i live in a dormitory are terrified i love them and i don t want to see them like this i also see myself during seizure emergency doctor gave commend to take a video of me and it wa also so terrified me after everything got normal i don t want to inform my parent a well because they re far away from me in short i hate how i impact my loved one and don t want to inform any of them i just want to die at corner in peace,1 +okay im sad gf keeps calling cute dork call back,0 +Ok I REALLY need to go to bed and stop playing around with Twitter adding new friends!! Hello all you new people ,0 +anyone ever get sudden urge climb tree see tree like damn thats perfect tree climb wanna climb shit,0 +best way loved onesim saying im going it want option know sounds nihilistic option leave wanted give fight ive struggling entire life again isnt cry help ive gotten professional help magic answer still bad days really bad days know option really help thought leaving loved ones fucking tears apart reason im still getting help never plan lowest thought inevitable people arent meant life feel im one people means end purely hypothetical would best way sake last thing id want burden even would last time would home away home od assume cleanest easiest tastes call authorities hand family dont see anything notes course notebooks full cant leave without providing explanation closure maybe fall ditch somewhere dont anything all maybe knowing us best idk,1 +"LSU whips up on the Razorbacks, I am busy coaching Paul's 9-10 yr old baseball team, Victoria is 7, Spent time with my mom and twin ",0 +"@theresanoelle Okay, I'll keep a look out for it. ",0 +videos inert gas bag redflagsjust curious anyone knows videos people killing inert gas bags want see like it,1 +bed time. shopping for a graduation dress in the morning text mee<33,0 +tik tok weird hello downloaded tik tok last week ask would like see chose comedy first says ok says saw people thinking funny drive people protest girls around age pretending raptors read right raptors girls talking needing men reproduce flat earthers choose comedy saw wtf,0 +why do people keep following me and then randomly stop it make me sad,0 +pepe laugh low effort,0 +"@honoretIy no not really, I mean ya know depression a bitch but nah life good, got a job, a man, friends, family, a dog and cat, grades are good. im great",1 +@_maisy Loveeeee you! ,0 +so this lady just asked brad where i got my purse! and he answered!!! lol i didnt hear her ask... funny!! ,0 +@oliverwalton i know im not normally on here but il though il be cool and see what is happening on the world of twitter ,0 +evidence bible scam know historically progressive shit stuff everyone gets thrown hell being gay masturbating swearing etc maybe best examples get point so hell progressive shit is yet bible says hell bat like bruh wtf thank coming ted talk hail satan,0 +god feel numb idk feel numb sad really happy either ever since crap happened girl like feel nothing wish able feel something idk im feeling way fuck hormones screwing bruh needed rant numbness brain rn,0 +"Hmm, Chocablog seems to be under sustained attack from StumbleUpon... ",0 +i m an year old male and i have spent my last couple year with little hope and lot of sadness i am writing this after failing my rd driving test 0 each i have failed my test time and just been working a fuck tonne at mcdonald s to pay for my repeated failure that s not the start though i m estranged from my family my biological dad left probably for a good reason been threatened to be kicked out my house keep in mind i need to pas my test before i leave my house for a job which is making it even more stressful most in part to my drug addiction mainly weed yes weed i ve tried to quit weed time in the last month and the furthest i ve achieved is four day before smoking again this girl i really liked dipped after one night i wanted to go to uni but got a senior year score of about out of 99 at this point i just think i m going to fail forever i feel almost selfish for making myself sound like i m experiencing what ukrainian are right now but the constant cloud of pain is so much can someone please help me see the bigger picture i m sorry,1 +Sitting in my aunt's house taking over her internet! ,0 +i like cake i made one this afternoon x,0 +tayswift i wa up at am btw congrats on winning album of the year you deserve it i can t not shed a tear to white horse,0 +oh great fucking family believes lives matter might hang ngl mums making fun shit like gays saying lives matter shit im fucking done,0 +recently feel like ive dishonest honestly disappointed myself like instead studying always want open new tab start watching youtube even playing game sometimes even realize yet keep it like anyway change,0 +i hate tuesday,0 +hello everyone recently seeing change concerning sometimes try think future plans goals start crying kind got worried struggling thinking people care love whenever even consider could relationship girl close start feeling dread sadness barely sleep anymore lost interest hobbies starting get difficult getting bed morning seen friends weeks sinking deeper deeper starting think hope mei tired damn tired getting worse,1 +ducking bros best deeply depressed go quarantene covid case class soo really alone able talk family friends really got depressed thought things hurted asked everything often overthink things alone much time also really bad time grades school crisis quit bros really worried wanted get feel better talked minecraft bought minecraft rent server play really really nice life together really love bros helped stabilize stop overthinking love bros love yourself get every situation togeter,0 +spent last two years real low everything control life organized really put work finish trade school best grades could manage find work even though sure something contribute employers like look longtermdepression cv kept it sent applications tried get good habits going again exercising every day really good upturn confident would break year intense depression accident made incapable walking weeks definitely exercise longer scared determined support family father suddenly died like tore apart since really bad could put anything together months always knew it done good feel happy content minimum wage work try get schedule going helps get together again work horrible though working help all motivate try even harder work trade actually managed find job perfect everything wanted people really appreciated work do struggled past month already changed lot picking pace today fired company broke really want crash this scared unemployment bad me anyway thanks reading rant keep working best drown this struggle,1 +day trying slow video games made start tv overheated screen went weird im taking sign slow down ill trying making posts help pass time maybe nothing much happening yet ill slowing hour day usually played day wish luck,0 +@JOJO1124 :O fail! and okay i shall try it ,0 +im tiredim tired getting every day go work take care son things im supposed do still get made feel like selfish asshole next day im tired get easier change want want live dont,1 +warning long basically describing problems supposed finished first year really good law school told everyone am instead actually graduate student masters legal science less reputed college near me actually applying now lied everyone left hometown go law school moved apartment high schoolcollege bestie works lot engineer moving great idea regret still love her good roommate honestly talks lot life feel like never asks me also good deflecting wish would push little harder ask am tend avoid chill room lot also need time relax also smoke weed almost every day lie it vaping problem hard quit trying lost gramps earlier year difficult favorite man planeti diagnosed adhd generalized redflag disorder bordering depression also prescribed medication never kept with going psychiatrist moved different clinic take insurance like months since still gone another issue think triggered become asshole cousin graduation extravaganza party lot worked lot fucking cleaned vomit managed send teenagers home am ubers closed worked ass never felt appreciated whole moment even worse feel like annoyed everyone so triggered real bad pushed away everyone stuck one talk to really good friends completely stopped talking to time realized id pushed everyone away stopped talking could figure respond still day trying get talk them group friends two stopped talking rest people close with planned trip months ago hotel reservation name discount go would able stay there went felt like everyone hated whole trip last day super bad cried many times secretly day bathrooms lmao then got super wasted cried hours front them one cared really talk hour drive day so right trip ready apologize friends trip happened longer really want talk anyone suicidal want live reason still planet mom could never kill cannot fail her imagine dying getting cancer time want anything lost passion everything know real depressed lie everything want anyone think negatively bc already severe body image issues cannot stand let others thinks wrong besides fact clinically obese push everything off pretty sure rotting tooth could probably get infected kill time gone dentist energy scared also want to need know asshole friends also advice get rut last days smoking vaping go coffee shops work super hard applications also helps left adhd meds finally started feel hope light diet good longer binge eat like used everyday also go gym like times week something feels different time need advice forward problems loser asshole sad,1 +thank moderators of rdepression for allowing post here part team researchers new york state psychiatric institutecolumbia university currently recruiting participants research study looking investigational treatment selfinjury called transcranial direct current stimulation tdcs tdcs noninvasive welltolerated form brain stimulation delivers low current specific area brain using electrodes research shown tdcs help reduce negative emotions may help treat depression conditionswe seeking individuals ages selfinjure through burning cutting means eligible participants stayingliving within minutes travel distance manhattan new york ny usa participate study involves completing baseline psychological assessment questionnaires twelve sessions tdcs six visits two weeks doubleblind trial may randomly assigned receive active inactive form tdcs research procedures done homeno inperson visits requiredthree months treatment visits psychiatrist medication management offered cost you compensation provided time effort eligible complete research proceduresthe researchers team conflicts interest declare study procedures approved institutional review board new york state psychiatric institutesome details confidentiality use personal informationif consent participate research personal information kept confidential released without written permission except described section required law name identifying information made known results study published scientific purposesto make personal research results identifiable used publication scientific literature presentation scientific meetings remove identifying information including name date birthquestionnaire answers data collected task may used future studies shared investigators information identifies scan questionnaire responses task data removed beforehand potential risk loss confidentiality data sharing extremely low deidentified data study may sharedclinical records including name personal identifying information research data kept secure storage new york state psychiatric institute information paper format kept locked files electronic data protected firewall programming makes virtually impossible access data outside new york state psychiatric institute restricting access within new york state psychiatric institute use password known authorized personnel information transmitted electronically encrypted identifying information remains confidentialrecords available research staff federal state institutional regulatory personnel who may review records part routine audits information also available authorized individuals including new york state psychiatric institute also legal advocacy organizations authority new york state law access otherwise confidential subject records although cannot disclose information without consentif interested please contact ashley ashleyyttredahlnyspicolumbiaedu information also available time treating self injury research study,1 +english isn t my first language so i apologise if i use the wrong terminology i also have issue with my brain memory focus not only due to adhd but also because i ve been completely burned out exhaustive depression several time in my life,1 +omg realized people never seen meme entire lifetime pigs never get look directly entire lifetime im really desperate dopamine right,0 +"Junk food a factor when it comes to depression, says Dubai doctor - http://ArabianBusiness.com  http://dlvr.it/QQjRdF ",1 +forget someone ive met girl kind started liking her even though never met person before tell liked get awkward anything later started talking getting know other cant sake it get mind keep mind even seen person,0 +know play piano learn play next accustic guitar original know electric guitar for rockin out harmonica for peak annoyance portability triangle cause time learn another instrument,0 +going to sleep hoping tomorrow is a better day,0 +movie specially children think enjoy movie older movie great hilary swank played well without movie bad gets ,0 +problems homehi yo kid moved germany years agoive living mombrother dad sometimeshe still visa anyways moved liked since beginning summer started feel depressioni miss friendsmy familyand everything leave behindbut hard depression theni feeling sad etcbut since beginning yearmy mom started call failurea losermany animal namesand hits alot timesi used cry alot would let memy dad us currently hell come soonbut started suicidal thought became violent aggressivewhen hits sometimes hit backshe tells kill threatens shell call police even tho hits metoday said something made really angry broke picture houseshe saw started beat shit mei said thst broke asked leave alone want toso grabbed tried calmly take sithout hurting anyoneanyways left room started talk shit thats irrelevantshe changed subject suddeni sat right next door dad called answerhe said mom hell call police thst want kid like housei said leave alone already want tomy dad phone talking momanyways let room sat next started call alot namesshe said thst girl wants failure thst want learned cry didnti told leave room want kept goingtalking shiti accidentally broke mirror next door thought killing didntits couple hours since incident think im starting get mentally illi get angry easily get violenti break things also care live die think eidadhdanxiety depressionanyways thats story,1 +want fucking stress inside stop think one way outits constant day day pressure cant fucking take shit anymore ive popped pills thrown up want fucking stress stop feels like im hit ground freefalling every fucking second cant fucking go doctor tell shit fault fault hands know care maybe realized good thing ever get rid nobody ever deal again nothing ever turn right afraid going im impatient it im getting violent myself imagine good itll feel finally over ive got gun im teething end god damn barrel hate fucking much never getting abtter fucking worth it cant fucking take it,1 +fucking hate teacher swear fucking give activities grades higher use excuse ohh special class everything people replaced research subject research instead makes us bullshit essays random shit fucking teacher incompetent fucking quarters still grade oh yeah forget school uses facebook fucking messenger give zoomgoogle meet links,0 +seconds thats gonna take gonna take seconds agonizing seconds get agonizing life gonna chicken out cant,0 +@AnastasiaLoxley Haha....don't worry I just had one too! xx,0 +anyone wanna talk oceania bored feeling bit bc leave grandads yesterday sydney go dads island basically swimsurf playstation auckland rip anyone oculus lmk bc able bring w here im lonely looking online friends,0 +nothing reallife emotional hell hole im struggling see good anything point anything nothing real difference would make disappeared tomorrow were sheer coincidence theres magic bearded man sky hand fortune we planet solar system were random happenstance im dead truly nothing consequences feel bad about world exist thank god,1 +@spikelike At least she's nice looking. Better than Martha. I'd have liked to see it be Sally Sparrow tho.,0 +anyone help figure out sooooo theres girl like pretty simpy tbh like hung in small group time texted time when quarantine started would also start lot convos friends knew liked would kinda surprised never told her would also hug time pretty sure liked back one day late may year school hosting virtual trip basically idk call really matter grade big zoom together playing games kinda fun bit lul snagged phone dmd snap asking quarantine telling felt basically said but better worded after quarintine u want go mall together over ive liked wanted tell person really opportunity really like spending time you really nice saw face zoom it pretty surprised lil awk ig really like back said sweet liked too added want relationship stay friends naturally accepted moved dont worry im incel friend party week two ago really cold outside sitting fire something upsetting kept going inside talk friends finally came blined right towards me sat cuddled me basically lying blanket together put hand really close butt sat getting go bathroom also stopped texting much told texting little bit still nearly often tho im really confused means anything came want ask likes case random makes things awkward girls guys experienced relationships know whats going on,0 +havent update this in a while bin stuck with my gf during the week now im bk in class learnin,0 +"you become a habbit, the more I consume the more I gotta have it ",0 +Glad to have gotten outta bed on my way back home from a refreshing workout ,0 +Morning tweets! Devils won after OT their 2nd... ,0 +happensi really need admit hospital reach help but going hospital would completely derail life seems hella counterproductive someone seeking help,1 +evil professor moriarty plots gain control sherlock holmes secret weapon could win war nazisbr br basil rathbone nigel bruce return screen sir arthur conan doyles beloved detective sidekick sherlock holmes dr watson entertaining little mystery universal studios wasted money either fancy production values sensible script knowing two stars would attraction audience would need indeed rathbone cerebral ego bruce bumbling id seem actually become characters creating gleefully keeping faces straight engaged utter nonsensebr br dennis hoey makes first appearance dogged inspector lestrade scotland yard teamed bruce two goodhearted pedantic fellows actually get save intellectually superior holmes life twice lionel atwill master sinister deserves recognition talent fine job moriarty making wicked rascal foe worthy holmes steel relishing scenes gets inflict torture painbr br william post jr kaaren verne play swiss scientist girlfriend heart mystery theyre given much do sweet mary gordon makes token appearance holmes landlady mrs hudsonbr br rathbone spices already classic interpretation holmes getting appear disguise three times story thereby revealing viewer great sleuth bit ham actor heartbr br this filmwhich based loosely elements sir arthurs short stories the dancing men the empty housefollowed sherlock holmes voice terror preceded sherlock holmes washington ,0 +Sweet. I'll be playing Uncharted 2 Multiplayer Beta on PS3 tonight ,0 +hate things people always tell suicidal peopleits always thing sometimes might something else list short list itll get better just give time youre still young feel like im video game scripted messages every time same completely disregards emotional pain im in understand say it reality want help know help give false hope somehow blindly ill make it hope do still feels like feelings pushed aside,1 +@CarbonCopyBiB : I highly recommends you join www.m2e.asia You can earn money from free shareholder by dividends. Even you do NOTHING! ,0 +looking at pictures of my friends ,0 +i had to return a phone call from last week on an anxiety inducing topic i already have problem with talking on the phone i thought i d do it first thing in the morning and get on with my work but of course i had to leave voicemail and now i m waiting for the call back and i can t think about anything else i m going to take an ativan for the first time in about a month i m like a deer in the headlight at present,1 +@chaiseMarcel you're welcome ,0 +@ChrisCade Agreed! Tis the case with many shows that have an actual plot Glad to see you on here!,0 +friend cant take anymore please help convince itshe says hard live everyday reason hasnt killed id me dont want loose her says wants leave behind convinced kill herslef fear temporary please dont let best freind die shes left please,1 +"Need a good web series? Check out GIANTS on YouTube. Channel: Issa Rae PresentsIt hits so many topics: Anxiety, Sexuality, Depression, Post-Grad Life, Spirituality, Friendships, Intimate Relationship and more from a black perspective. You will not be disappointed! #GIANTS",1 +hey gamerdude sleep feel like dont lmao,0 +still salty something guys two months ago told guys girl crush ranting feminism eventually led asking question think women allowed walk around top less like men know say said no would made look like misogynist frminism said yes thing rapist asked guys say not one comment hates said know honestly showed much bitch not feminis bitch im glad want anymore seriously supposed say,0 +@Favorstwins umm... I was recovering! ,0 +im gonna say it im gonna say it better call saul better breaking bad disagree opinion simply wrong good day,0 +idk explain anything artreligion teacheri feel really depressed sure hold together sanity feelings basically ill ask teacher use bathroom ill go cry there really seem like ive crying like im depressed whole week really want tell adult problems cant dodge question anyone advice help explain urge die also ive going bathroom almost every lesson teaches general every lesson teachers getting suspicious,1 +someday experiencing reloading bullfrog smg know name black ops cold war know nothing fucking guns play call duty things magazine essentially dildo try reloading gun funny me,0 +please helpim turning months past ive struggled heavily depression anxiety im college school anxiety much different bc college youre own dont want go school paid also feel like im failure parents dont finish getting point everyday wake feel like im going motions stay alive never look forward anything feeling like lost hope falling back cycle depression isolate become even depressed moment dont feel depressed want live see value life back heavily depressed ive thought committing feelings coming back ive seeked help professionals see change myself way get without thinking joking around smoking weed dont feel past longer wish live struggle courage bc think people affect decision dont want family friends end feeling also wouldnt want feeling like this came write get suggestions people experiencing similar things question build courage alternative see value keeping on want happy,1 +Depression death.... https://twitter.com/akoomatsu/status/989116893947547649 …,1 +slip awayyou scream one hears you sit mock disdain blood seeps arm crying loud pain broken glass beside bath water turning red laying bloody puddle trying rest head hear family laugh say last words feeling high sky flying away birds pain going away cant help hear youre mum crying next you hurt fear try speak nothing comes out know going away youre never going live doubt feel death coming near hear say love slip permanent sleep reply love,1 +ive lost livei think reason wanting die piss people off need write down rent room house older lady dog world never expected grow attached anything am dog recently killed hit car wandering road night night left car mechanics car way get work ready night calling out got text friend asking wanted go dinner paying said sure love eat friends car arrived pick up rushed door dog started barking usually does out landlady got home took out dog got loose collar walked away land lady called her dog would listen started walking road got message land lady saying dog got loose wandered front car dog dead went numb felt numb ever since numb sadness even say goodbye rushed out reason wandered road looking me wanted daddy dog everything me world mattered me stayed home would alive lost without her really reason continue on doctor told tomorrow would last day would accept joy want dog supernatural forces real id sell soul see one last time tell much miss her sorry least telling id right back got home lady wrapped towel placed bed broke right there every time close eyes get moment alone see her little feet little body judging injury head tell least suffer struck death immediate want exist world without her raised puppy baby gone want die want exist anymore know would go choose end life overdose either sleeping pills liquid sleep aid alcohol want end bad every moment im alive never ending wave misery cant it mother family would never understand see strong one friends look advice see someone confidence life know death especially redflag would destroy mother im tired core being im tired wish could rest close eyes drift away forever know whats beyond maybe nothing something could see baby again want want see baby again life empty without her want live anymore previous activities used bring joy meaningless collection things now things im surrounded things would gladly give see dog alive one last time could least hold arms tell much love her say goodbye comfort her im sorry im sorry there ive let many others down want go anymore cant rest,1 +there's a homework? omg. i forgot. damn.... i won't do ist anyway ,0 +return approuchingi happy long time im managed fuck everything up never friends kid nothing changed loneliness crippling even since pushed away one friend manage get how one turn to friends family dad died months ago mothers mental physical health getting worse daily nothing do got response one uks best universitys weeks back conditional offer grades low currently able work mentality every day think redflag whats point anything die soon anyway things going get better me going university last hope deadlines approaching motivation feeling like ive already given would easier end right yet small part wants normal happy work live stopped taking medication two months ago stock piling it grounded ready go glass hour ago emotionless whilst preparations feeling fear believe god sure scaring thinking end know im doing feel ashamed writing this wanted go silently fear much fear,1 +lately being dead sound perfect like i keep fucking up everything i can t keep a good job i can t get a job in my career i m stuck in call center where i m demeaned screamed at etc my current partner and i even though we love each other are rocky and say horrible thing to each other out of pain and anger some of his word really almost pushed me over the edge the last few day we may have a good life ahead of u but right now it doesn t seem like enough right now i can t stop hearing his horrible word hearing my ex horrible word too maybe he wa right maybe i just should,1 +add meaning life really hobbies besided playing games fufilling ive tried making music art completely horrible know everyone needs practice want little talented something donkt get discouraged ideas,0 +m need freinds play pls hey im m need friends play valorantamong usminecraft java edition withi would prefer girls since friends guys plus guy friends kinda assholes tbh im kinda lonely bit sad im posting hit private chat reddit youre interested,0 +@JonathanRKnight EXACTLY!!! Let's live for the moment...I'm so excited this summer!! ,0 +cant anymore im situation cant survivewith friends feel really alone im comfortable talk anyone feel like solution end friendships end myself dont feel good anymore,1 +meim mentally unstable terrible memory problems manipulative abusive narcissistic mother constantly embarass pay attention conversations cant even handle talking doctors therapists want help me fuck every single conversation up doctor thinks im faking symptoms get medication im fucking failiure deserve die die laundry detergent powder box please tell want live anymore constantly suffering belong around people mg tablets xanax lexapro take make painless please tell,1 +the light that shine through oh what pretty color too evil is for story and thank god for the movie the depression wa awful a nickle too i changed my mind evil is hunger poverty endthe war the lie they tell for,1 +hate dadi hate dad im kid anything wrong starts calling names insulting someting positive never supports,1 +tell draw usually animals draw mostly anything dont give like huge stuff,0 +life ilussion lost hopepower feeds soul us within reach desolation loneliness powerlessness lacking dissociation dissatisfaction posseses body times might feel bad darkness void us fallen even deeper pit bodies husked horns death rejection abuse lies hate sometimes breakers always why cant make someone care why darkness chose me am worth anything life bring us pain made clear hope distant dream locked behind doors key amount sacrifice amount mourning amount forgiveness predisposition suffering help find it brokens resolve thin foundation reality many us escape it others stand laugh pain destiny favored you ones loved most pangs reality crush heart mind would one one future would luxury would spec hope suffering would be lies hate disappointment tears punishment void noore laughing pain frowning upon me death fresh death pure death greets never abandons death lie feel life steals cheats lies corrupts tortures pain life less life peace,1 +@jumblejim trying to do more later! and also a bobby toon lol...http://ourspn.pixnet.net/blog/post/28142273 come visit us! ,0 +yall miss nerf guns left nerf guns dads mine anymore,0 +i ve been suicidal since th grade i ve never fit in any crowd and my mind subconsciously mirror people i m talking to because of trauma and now idk who tf i really am i don t remember 0 of my life even the bit and piece i remember are of abuse and trauma my mind is a terrible place and i can t escape it after fighting for year i m done i have no hope or fight left in me it suck cause i wa so close to have all i ever wanted a good research career someone who d love me a i am a fresh start in a new country but my parent fucked everything up they will never let me live my life peacefully and tbh i too don t really wan na fight anymore people always say i m strong but it s pathetic that i ve spent all my childhood teenage and adulthood trying and learning to be strong so i could withstand more abuse while others had fun had hobby learned new skill travelled loved and lived my strength just got me more scar and more trauma it s stupid really anyways all my life i fought for a way out now my dad just like that blocked it and i can t do much about it i m so furious at this world and my parent and everyone who bullied and abused me into killing myself they ve won a lot of time it s just another win for them and it ll give eternal freedom for me so i think no one got nothing to lose i m planning to kill myself after i made sure my death is gon na put all of my abusive family member into jail i m gon na collect evidence it might sound cruel but idgaf i just wanted to vent it out not seeking for advice,1 +somoene talk im bored filer filkler filelr,0 +wow... i actually learnt something from revising... physics is shit ,0 +please get habit saying want die im gonna kms joke hear time whenever heard jokes like makes think friend went through tried kill paralyzed waist down something casually joke about serious please stop romanticizing redflag too thats worse imo see lot,0 +help available me doi tried kill second time last night took random assortment pills went sleep make left side head throb way actually quite pleasurable second redflag attempt first involuntarily committed mental health hospital it it actually prison ive asked help soooooooo many times ive ever got seek help seek therapy ive tried that hundreds times job cant afford medications cant afford session therapists going anything tell just change thinking im done this im years old ive done nothing life average day involves harming masturbating boredom one favorite things take ruler beat back legs look like ground beef longer interests nothing makes happy drive more late im freakin years old waaaaaay late learn ive always thought autistic since totally get social cues unlucky enough go school time autism totally ignored kid school today id likely placed special education afforded luxury though im paying now im totally socially clueless one willing help im invisible nothing matters nothing ever ever matter want productive human matter people could die right nothing would change certain members family might sad short time theyd go back normal lives im point need constant reassurance im getting any im tired ignored they always ask why men seek help depression know why one cares doctors mental health community going ignore me bother want live more let die already,1 +depressed horny im times,0 +please entertain pretend pay attention chemistry class understand shit also im compeletely ignored buddy discord call,0 +@GermainGerome Yes sir it is. ,0 +watched neighbors todaytoday canada day stood inside house peering window watching everyone leave festivities saw people leaving kayaks dogs swimwear drink coolers blow rafts heard laughing chattering singing huge wake call made think what hell life agoraphobia generalized anxiety disorder messed sleeping schedule sleep am pm generally people leaving fun day getting ready go sleep spend time awake panic attacks laying bed laptop cant much chronic nausea hate routine hate life want anxiety anymore im tired fighting myself cant it,1 +@Meghan_xoxo seth mcfarlene is god!,0 +woah man sucks one accepted friend group feel like outcast hee hee,0 +@lindam73 Here is a cute dog for ya to look at http://twitpic.com/5f5fy,0 +thinking hanging late september medication life badcannot fixedhi im antidepressants felt good told doctor want go mg mg eventually meds month became different person depression came back doctor told go back mg did month feel mostly normal recently started feeling suicidal never happened before set deadline hanging dont know meds life bad im already mg,1 +officially teenager today th birthday excited part rteenagers,0 +ive actually lost faith humanity girl class posted instagram story saying homophobic gay friend new trend like occur friends gay person theyre genuinely nice person want friends with need opinions this flaired discussion,0 +megathicc fuck see everywhere want father paid debt leave kids be,0 +school election campaign videos bad one things either entire video essentially saying vote me say something like ill get things done they wont thats private schools work essentially like life interesting horse snowboard vote also one extremely low resolution web cam footage stretched fit aspect ratio usually would encourage vote dont think none gave reason vote like vote me k bye,0 +decided to rejoin aerobics co i know i won t exercise if i don t after paying for it i only have rm left in my bag,0 +lived ontario whole life town marlene moore grew in ive heard stories parents grandparents family members found would filming movie her beginning would shot street house quite close mine excitedbr br if read book rock bye baby marlene moore get quite different image person considered awkwardly beautiful people really chance know exception family frequently abused child exception one brothers also live area intelligent enough listen around knew school find truly wounded even set foot institution always defensive would seem like unwillingness learn school environment actually embarrassment fact unable tobr br marlene deserve life given lack help desperately needed receive government people around aided death attempting understand needs did still find angered put jail selfdefense man tried rape her brother said they know locked away killed her believe heartbr br rest peace marlene deserve much,0 +getting worsedue recent problem girl date or dated dont even know anymore added pain already feeling leaning towards idea ending life planning goodbye letter feeling slight urge jump rd floor shopping mall subway tracks nownow looking painless ways die sleeping pills currently leading damn damn,1 +"Well. Saw Inkheart. Quite enjoyed it, really. ",0 +really dont know anymorei severe depression anxiety bipolar disorder works ive never consistently able treat just dont care head heart always empty really want die stop burden recently quit job much pressure ive never broken like ive always okay enough function im going give till tomorrow cant find reason live im going it maybe run away instead live street disappear im tired,1 +anyone know time new attack titan episode comes out really wanna watch idea comes out im watching series funimation makes difference,0 +ustockpenguin favorite redditor ustockpenguin favorite redditor,0 +im yearold college professor went wife year old daughter enjoyed movie film original witty fastpaced totally charming plot easy enough year old follow twisty enough keep adult interested thought emma roberts superb job rest cast fine criticism los angeles sets interesting been functional nothing stood out hand makeup costume lighting cinematography editing directing excellent altogether thought totally enjoyable experience disappointed professional critics almost adult males savagely attacked film apparently something films portray strong intelligent independent young women writings reveal sexist natures anything wonderful family film recommend strongly every child every parent,0 +Boo Lakers! Good thing I left on a mini trip up the street! LoL! I love taking pictures..Here are a few!,0 +tried commit redflagmy plan freeze river walked hour half spot one could see me took life jacket tied rope tree began walking freezing water it probably extremely close freezing temperature put hands water could feel blood rushing fingers rope ended knee deep wanted die point would kneel try keep upright couple minutes this realized stayed here would get frostbite took maintain effort immerse water would easier floating rely body keep submerged knew chance id wake tomorrow alive frostbitten began think everything live for said myself i cant die here panicked know could make it point rushed back shore could feel fingers tried put socks on dexterity it took minutes lots tripping falling mud eventually got it got gloves on able get blood circulation hands again walked home experience taught deep im really sure want die part wishes succeeded never really know,1 +havin' a good old jiggle to groovy music ,0 +parents supposed understanding caring dont know hell happened mine fucking despise children much fuck use condom first place fucking idiots,0 +unique scifi animated film frankly love uniqueness matter way tends be better worse french film quite interesting watch technique part innovatory like waking life recently watchedbr br it took quite long time get used blackwhite style eventually love it sketchlike images really fancy contracted future world symbol human races final destination adore muchbr br the whole plot fine scifi intriguing ok like hollywoods products giant conspiracy humans eternity little bit clich twisted ending convincing development plain insipid whole movie longbr br so think im love style film shows others goodbr br about eternity life think people come unanimousness want eternity demolishes meaning life treasure lives limited meaningful everyone live forever thus world world become disaster chaos leaving someone love hard heartbreaking thats also way show lives genuine emotion fulfills ones life make world colorful lively,0 +"@hedra I forgot to grab them from baby girls' room tonight so I'll be doing them tomorrow... I dry, but will try line drying this summer",0 +adults always feel need turn every light deliberately turned on complain amount lights house yep thats dad wanted complain,0 +Watching Goofy the Movei ,0 +one beautiful moving thought provoking films around good family entertainment time makes think hard issues involved every time see ghost zac riding bike puddle end cant help cry eyes out john thaws performance touching shame longer us gone forgotten outstanding film full marks,0 +wanna go little road trip wildfires arebring rope get lost somewhere ever found,1 +much money guys spend reddit seen many awards given numerous posts,0 +want feel happy lifei know say life feels like crap rarely ever felt happiness life lasts seconds today got worse got crash feeling know anymore really want feel something sadness,1 +posting every day end day bois ive done it consecutive days posting subreddit nice,0 +tonight supposed night still debatingi everything ready need go backyard pull trigger really solves every single problem have im fat lazy hate working every job get fine first always hate it dreading every second every morning cant imagine work everyday till retirement age thats even thing future people love jobs even mind working told people feel people go crazy nothing love it point people finally see literally worthless society things would better here would parasite feeding government parasite feeding parents years parents probably reason gone tonight extremely loving wonderful parents done nothing support repeatedly fail pay pretty much everything life never complain would hurt much killed myself one reason plan backyard tank property value much getting long pretty much im lazy fat loser pretty much squandered every opportunity given him weird attractive successful dating game tinder bumble hinge okcupid ever joined dating site years never date even let alone actual match matches get girls plugging fans escorts point redflag taboo clear compatible life defective product defective products sent back exchanged happen soon urge go back finish strong cant stop thinking parents,1 +umm yeah umm basically everyone probably hates im starting get bit suicidal think thats okay cause one miss anyway ahaha yayay come really perky positive outside everyone hates tolerate me would better leave anyway im really bored lonely anyone hmu lmao sound emo yeehaw everyone thinks trying hard,0 +horses mars engaging animated short takes sometimes comical look process evolution eyes yet evolve story personal times sentimental supported strong digital animation narration involves viewer science fiction story fortunate enough view short widescreen format sundance film festival must suppose transferred small screen lose ability draw reader less thoughtful story stunning graphics,0 +want die right nowplease ill give anything die right now,1 +body ache is one of the worst thing about depression i hate it,1 +in ecktown city.... fireworks... niice!! and then watching dvds!! and then... good night ,0 +scale old girlfriend legal reasons purposes joke,0 +Wicked - Because I knew you ,0 +cant anymoreive made many impulsive decisions past hrs lot ruined relationships friends families cant live mental illness anymore think last night alive ,1 +think ill make weekendi think life anything offer me im simply incapable interact correctly people im diagnosed depression since treatment since then im tired reasons keep this reason thought posting here think change anything though ill dead monday probably may good,1 +think grandmother purposely wants diagnosed mental disorder stop entering military currently years old always aspirations join military make career it everyone family mother father aunts uncles etc board this except grandmother context im extremely close grandma more mother always supported everything ive except this ive dreams since least back think must thought oh little boy wants army man still want join military ive even talking recruiters think worried heres part cant wrap head around last two years claiming several undiagnosed mental disorders disabilities family friends even school counselor dean adhd autism even bipolar disorder things claims have none even show symptoms know adamant mentally unwell made take atleast dozen online tests forms clinics doctors office around country try get diagnosed something may overthinking situation genuinely believe im diagnosed something eligible join military usually bother much fact extremely close grandma purposely would ruin relationship instantly last months eating inside generally know think thoughts,0 +decided to go see night at the museum 2. ,0 +female told mom like girl know theres quite lot posts like those mind me felt like writing it im bisexual ever told mom boys liked close relationship tell pretty much everything decided tell girl time well said attracted gender abnormal yeah unless girlfriend im going mention girl crushes anymore hope nice day whoever reading this,0 +redflag humane miserable lifei dont want sad forever ive tried many different medications try fix bipolar none seem affect me ive couple really great therapists always listened made feel comfortable nothing tried worked ive put much effort mental health sink lower ive watched mom whos s struggle depression anxiety long ive alive see toxic behavior showing life dont know stop it automatic im s refuse drag life years feel like redflag much humane that plans made time go,1 +I'm back to number 12 on the Smallville trivia! Yesssssssssss ,0 +wait i take that back rather than just for today stay away from me for the rest of my life my depression will only get worse with you around,1 +last night was good but very tired x,0 +really struggling past year girlfriend slowly become distant today found affair older brother past year so lifes hard carry anymore point anybody anything live ready go,1 +another set of ipod earbuds dying left going quiet apple charge gbp 0 for replacement better option at around that price point,0 +reddit large savanna popular subreddits water holes hows water guys gals non binary pals,0 +random rental video store impressed start wooden camera gem nd feature engaging director film captures deeply insightful moments several often times frustrating complicated social interactions young interracial friends would experience modern post apartheid south africa young actors quite good well directed approach core material dialogue natural interesting film rich visuals providing frame frame study deeper understanding fulfillment without falling iconic stereotypes clichs musical score film adds body film without obtrusive watching second time tracked dvd amazon happy ever since,0 +goodbyethanks redditor who shouls named helped find best way cut die everything ready redflag note pills also knife goodbye might remove somehow surive,1 +Check out a fun #history podcast! Because there's nothing sexier than the Great Depression. https://twitter.com/HistoryInHinds1/status/988941397301571584 …,1 + might seem like unusually high score slight film however compared hundreds hundreds series detective films s s among best also compares favorably powells later thin man films mean film similar thin man movies kennel murder case comedy traditional mysterydetective film think nora charles asta traditional comic sidekick something found practically series detective films along fun would detriment miss exceptionally wellwritten filmhaving genuinely interesting case well uniformly excellent performances allbr br the film begins dog show called kennel murder case though philo vance film actually spends little time dog show dogs superimportant part film instead thoroughly hated man killed left completely sealed rooman idea repeated quite detective films such crime doctors strangest case however explained seems pretty credible fit together wellkeeping interest throughout sure wish detective films day intelligently written plots exceptional acting one one definitely keeper,0 +idea whats idea be im gonna mercy shouldve picked mercyyyy im gonna kind support ended losing fault tears live,0 +makes sensei dont anyone goals motivation anything talents skills social skills whatsoever nothing makes happy self esteem list goes on feel bad people dont know try help feels like nothing working dont want die sounds scary also dont want live horrible life makes sense really nothing hard see isnt answer,1 +sure thats problem not like thingy go like three world real word internet world imagination world people spend time internet world real world feel like problem time imagination world point could go around circles room hours straight pay attention anything current world im in sure thats worrying depression bad point create alternative world escape to,0 +rsuicidology bannedsuicidal ideations often coping mechanisms one might intent committing redflag thought knowing option mitigates suffering life reality people kill everyday hundreds thousands years cant stop happening rational response bleak nature life despise reddit banning suicidology somewhere could discuss feelings thoughts without stigma people saying dont life gets better type rubbish free speech delusion reddit banned dozens redflagsympathetic subreddits fuck reddit,1 +comfortable deathidk im one feels ive realized im afraid death rather would happen around die weird cause hunch young age wouldnt make past grew older statement got true guess maybe im ok making past cause point nobody really talks sleep forever peace mean wish goals ambitions atm im robot living day day,1 +tis night christmas or christmas people side god forsaken earth merry christmas whatever celebrate happy new year everyone,0 +update old habits die hardprevious post herehttpswwwredditcomrredflagwatchcommentscabhupdate_im_still_alive utm_sourceshareamputm_mediumios_app last days think day posted original post millionaire debt k managed start company selling services made around k first two weeks guess did used leveraged longed bitcoin got liquidated again keep going back exact act brought knees maybe hope might able recover funds trade again cant seem get system feel disgusted still services going generating cash flow save slowly cant seem fight urge inside keeps telling trade dont feel sad depressed right now feel really empty confused,1 +please convince kill myselfplease inner bitterness anger have pretend youre talking person get chest way help help me thank ,1 +cant believe feel like againi felt suicidal long time teens due parents custody battle mom eventually went jail six months time served killed infant brother yeah still cant believe either fast forward years later shit good shit cash money even know high praise nice apartment nice girlfriend pets baby way hes born incredible lose job due downsizing says move back state family is last week takes child randomly kidnaps police anything files custody child support hours away after man im gonna go almost exactly dad did think redflag bad words pass maybe even read theyll glossed everything continue should evidently missed childs first steps today mutual friends told me posting facebook decided tell me reason id consider killing son cat courts going side mom anyways prolong it even knows cat likes me lmao life fucking awesome sometimes see beauty maybe me missed remember me however great times weird peaceful kind aura feels like washed last days think ive come terms luck amp everything ok gone,1 +last november i had a week where i wa so scared of death i couldn t sleep eat drink do anything i have a lot of anxiety and this wa just another one of those thing which bother me every so often but a lot more intense at that point maybe day go by i m so scared i decide to get really high to forget about it not a great idea but nothing go bad day later i start to have really really intense muscle twitching it made my anxiety so bad i had to go go a amp e a i couldn t breathe fast forward month later and i m still twitching every 0 second haven t used any drug in that time until the last week or two i ve noticed it make the twitching way worse when high if i m anxious at all but if i m not anxious the twitching is the same a normal so i m pretty sure it is anxiety related have had blood test done for deficiency s and nothing i also had a test done which told me i m producing time the normal amount of adrenaline constantly pretty sure this is the cause i have no idea what to do and how to stop this and it s driving me insane i m trying to get anxiety med but i have no official anxiety diagnosis so i m not sure if i even can i ve got a doctor appointment earliest they could do is in a month and a half could anyone help me on what to do,1 +hate everything world ever failed mei hate parents hate older brother hate friends hate exfiance hate psychiatrists hate therapists hate counselors hate schools hate churches hate every authority hate every community hate everybody ever said help always hate everybody ever gave false hope hate hope hate faith hate hurting hate breathing hate every single second entire fucking life,1 +"Mom's depression tied to kids' emotional, intellectual development http://dlvr.it/QQmx2s  pic.twitter.com/kz4VsD4CnR",1 +question guys fit dick toilet paper roll while hard,0 +flashback time earbuds died right hit play music caramelldansen started blasting phone speaker,0 +"I just ignored the shit out of nick, Hahah @killrachel",0 +movie favorite time supposed plot makers wanted people charlie sheen thinkto believe real snuff film exercise visual effects cut away action happens like every film does movies days sound effects leaving visuals made computers cause easier deal cgi blood still movie makers still cant get fake blood look like real thing rape scene point making film seen hills eyes rape scene funny instead shocking although im sure gonzo porn film makers tried marry porn horror since probably suck making films probably able pull off movie baise moi disturbing rape scene actresses actually porn stars show everything even though movie overall sucksbr br its bad movie cant made without thinking money aspect all especially talking ao nc rating im sure eli roth abilitytalent make hostel film series much much better tame get r ratingor least hope movies sucked limitationsbr br watch traces death smashed pumpkins want frills real footage accident crime scenesfootage forget movie made fact film still stand crap made days says lot film would like someone saying bit super mario brothers sucks ps better graphics,0 +@Meggl3s Never does.... never will my friend ,0 +much cant drive impacted life way feels like personal prison therapy seem work asking overcome situation it advice,1 +saw first time uk tv good musical accompaniment elevator scene class especially goingdown thing phone booth fiddles floorindicator jump transom really impressive theres much more apart stuff thats mentioned before theres fight man whos bullying woman dog looks simple drawback plot gets mixed dead eye dan escapes reappear even gangsters get involved later on scene looks like hes shooting fat inspector funny would better dead eye one pulling trigger,0 +whos wrongmy dad personally resent years deteriorating nothing ignorant abusive while made think im one wrong im taking things little seriously anyways ill try give story little bias possible lets start work im talking small chores around house like taking laundry out dishes im talking things like digging feet trenches cementing fence gets sit back relax claim hes sick work hes bout months now hes ever sick theres work done gives pretty good backup believe faking it theres various jobs like makes do say im busy school work something gets pissed me ive talked say well getting mad better getting schoolwork in like hell even think says does nextup online school come evry minutes look screen yell take break watching video two yelled morning tabs open yesterday youtube since learning new song guitar ive never done anything remotely fun without thinking shit dads going mad includes going bike going fishing friends even getting something mcdonalds cause told oh theres meat left rice small scraps rice im sure trying say meant way think meant it pissed beyond belief completely destroy father time grow tired it im done life feel help less life now enjoyments slowly getting detroyed day life looses value sometimes think im overdramatic im oversensitive bitch thanks reading hope wonderful rest day,1 +told think cares money give said true therapists lie right clients eyes true know argument wasit client invest money therapy cannot get better think bullshit wish could go therapy pay always struggled trust attachment issues still vulnerable spot knows think single thing wants money coming in think usedi severe redflag paranoid smoked last couple days think could paranoia getting worse something know guess mess usedfuck making suicidal think therapist cares,1 +hey guys rly serious would appreciate help lot india working college admissions studying abroad more specifically universities us undergrad absolutely confused go it mention also writing jee need help writing resumes compiling enough data resumes applications could anyone help go also study buddy help concentrate studying help would appreciated and dm wanna help anyone would great help fellow students india would appreciated thanks helping reading this great day,0 +why do those project report for school need so many word am 00 word short,0 +im gonna film cumming sound highest award gets video legal reasons joke,0 +make coconut milk serious matter need know make coconut milk,0 +one loves mei everything right good student never drink drugs good sense humor public decently dressed good hygiene none gets anywhere none gotten anywhere years girls worth keep shit up want hang soon,1 +schofe not off the side of the bridge i hope,0 +need supportwell right knife next talking brother depression social anxiety yet another family member blown saying normal ive already tried kill twice told family it feel alone much social anxiety go see doctor honestly idea point could really use words encouragement please help,1 +probably gonna jump bridgenot really sure im here experience tells ignore advice kind excited extinguishing life,1 +excellent start film career mickey rooney talents shows long career ahead him car truck chase exciting era start andy hardy series american treasure book spring byington performance excellent usual please mr rooney owners film rights take chance get produced dvd think would winner,0 +found combination lock store donations guess combination ill give helpful award digit code numbers ill try numbers get home go on place bets,0 +i don t know if i want to die but i wish i wasn t ever born i am so fucking confused i constantly imagine myself getting hit by a train or jumping from high building i browse way to get oneself killed all i have are negative thought i imagine myself killed in accident or fight i am on medical study and i am not fucking interested in anything that these study involve i hate each and every one of people that are in here my group are all guy whose goal in life is to fucking learn a much a they can and boast about it later if they only have chance destroying other people by chance they are not fucking human i tell you their mindset is fascist hurting and non respective for others that i sometimes ditch fucking day on uni because of it they are fake pretending to be your friend while the other day they plunge you in front of every other my friendship with my only true homies from high school is constantly deteriorating my best friend got himself a girlfriend and got so fucking high on her that he completely lost touch with reality he doesn t fucking care anymore i do not have a girlfriend nor a chance to get one i do not have perspective for my life my real ambition are completely separate from the path that i ve already chosen every day is the same i don t find enjoyment in life i hate degenerate humankind but i am somewhat a degenerate myself i suspect myself to be fucking autistic because of symptom that appear in everyday social interaction call me stupid incel or whatever i do not fucking care i just needed to write this,1 +Barely going to sleep. Turned into a pretty damn amazing night!!! ,0 +felt suicidal since years old emotionally abusive parents absentee father mother lived grandmother emotionally abusive one met wife rd year highschool started dating senior year awkward first real girlfriend outside long distance ones also end well changed people throuout years together mostly good growing empathy ability communicate one thing grow self esteem see objectively particularly ugly anything skills nothing really added self worth wife primary source confidence last week found involved someone via internet destroyed even though cut contact saying lot right things stay together major anchor world feel like really meant me told never thought would make far right feet dragging guess venting work go here good moments wife since still feel like life drained me know plenty worse plenty people would wayward spouse show remorse feel selfish honestly everything feels selfish feel like deserve nothing death broken infidelity,1 +ook im goign to watch hes just not that into you hope its good,0 +@nat_ski how bout some Steppenwolf - Magic Carpet Ride? ,0 +@calvarezHIS Yummmmmm! ,0 +i wish thing were different in life i m just a useless piece of shit that deserves to die i deserve all the pain i m about to receive that s just the way it is,1 +quakeroatsfemb nice sometimes i also do that it s a great way to remove the layer of depression,1 +guys experience too hate chores people home mom always comments feel really uncomfortable it advice,0 +im glad friends get good friend thjunior school tuesdays thursdays fridays optional called in came today club activity canceled know live minutes school took bus show till pm currently am mom obviously pissed gonna come pick minutes away things do text friend mvp story girl comes clutch way right pick take home get good ass friend like,0 +im feel aloneall posts get ignored im trying guess hopes least one person give time dsay feel tired sad want help nobody wants me im bad people try best dont want feel like anymore ive thinking lot redflag honestly keep feeling way im going it ive tried hard feel better get help nobody thinks im worth it guess im,1 +droopy eyelid ruins face tired cosmetic surgery getting delayed dont see reason live unattractiveeyelids droopy wait patiently everything keeps getting delayed im tired it dont want live unattractive ill never get girl friend successful job interview put effort wore nice clothing got haircut still ignored want minimise pain me thought pills remembered cramps embarrassment sitting ward iv drip dont know good way it,1 +school makes want kill myselfi cant fucking math cant literally impossible instead trying help students schools punish students dont know fuck polynomials work like me thing school taught im reason cant math get rid problem stuff good mainly drumming gets taken away fail class cant even that problems life fault,1 +"@lindajhutchinso Happy Birthday! Have a great day , and thank you for following ",0 +sarahprout tweetfinder hate me and i wa having trouble with background on twitter what do you think,0 +anyone gives information ufoopidiescoop get award please need find anyone gives information ufoopidiescoop get award please need find please friend deleted account going hard time need find him made heart flutter kinda pleassseee u know alt even going tell really happy grateful,0 +"@DJFRAGG life ish , nah mean ",0 +another long w/ @leilabbcbo and @Bryso_Bextin23 |where the fat hoes at?? haha|,0 +@RockIt_Man Don't you have some pornography to attend to? Oh and yes we can have anal sex....on The Sims 3 ,0 +guys favouritememorable quotes quotes lyrics sayings kind thing ,0 +please tell me how to block cleavage amp boob word aur voh wale bhi jisme ladki ladko ko expose karti hai unke s wale chat dalke bc hamne bhi ek time pe ek ladki ko kayi message kiye the ab bc sare lafde wale tweet dekh ke apne depression wale din yaad arahe hai,1 +really feel like failurea lot going on really much type mobile feel like complete failure utter waste space ask someone hide guns fear might act upon feelings hatred towards myself feel like ive failed daughter wife parents myself really need someone help me,1 +i reaaly miss john mayer s twitter fuck rude people remove him if you don t like his tweet bitchfucks,0 +writing theseive really fucked up im k debt stealing mother survive mother always right me ive done hurt lie cheat manipulate get want get next hit anything make days bearable ive failed human every possible metric age ive always blamed heritage stutter learning difficulties short comings see short coming always me cant keep living shame guilt longer ive done hurt lie dont want anymore mum always right said kill shame ive bring shame hard work know child me constant fuck up used believe could realise lie like always do im sorry ended with always deserved much better me friends loved one thank ever me made days little bit brighter ever deserved it mum im sorry im sorry years saying that dont think much meaning anymore dont blame never will know dont burden anymore take comfort thought right now,1 +@tbush Tim thanks for coming up the Smoke to be with us NE England. Glad to hear u enjoyed yr up Norf! ,0 +im tired anythingim sorry im rambling hard understand im awful words im exhausted energy anything im failing behind school one friend family seem care much me im two year behind high school im supposed graduating year im sophomore third year row im gonna pass year really stressing parents helping mention im online school because social anxiety too pathetic fail one friend who met online seem care much me im someone talk friends paying attention them parents ignored two times reached out talked school counselor freshmen year first sophomore year told suicidal selfharming times called parents times theyve never brought me make fun cutting myself needless say reached parents since let get professional help anyway im failure child would spend anymore money me im sick alone im sick never good enough anyone im sick everything want sleep day id get yelled at ive tried kms three times really want try,1 +bivancamp aw that suuuucks sorry dear,0 +why do i have to put up with this b i didn t ask for i ve been planning to kill myself for a long time and i think i ve reached my breaking point no one actually genuinely like me everyone pick on me but i m the sensitive one when i confront them it s always me i ve watched my older si have a nearly perfect life and helped her through all her struggle what did i do to deserve this wa i freaking hitler in a past life i can t cry anymore so i have no emotional outlet for my feeling everyone i ever talk to run away or blame me for my problem and i recently lost a very important friendship because i opened up to her i am just really tired of life and no one would miss me anyways i thought i wa strong but i guess i m not if you read this i appreciate it,1 +keeping low trying start group actually people talk to ampxb h p disc rd gg y gceqw ampxb link also comments,0 +japh i wish i d known that there were more ticket earlier rang this arvo one left but amy would end up sitting alone sigh too hard,0 +movie strikes one successful attempts ever coming plausible answers nagging questions cropped recent scholarship concerning passion suffering death christ accounts new testament what motivated judas money issue could bring sanhedrin meet high holy day pilate waffle movie serious thinking christian fans the passion christ doubt disappointed lack gory spectacle arch characterization myself find portrait painted hereof willingness ordinary people blithely sacrifice common decency selfinterest stakefar realistic deeply unsettling the disinterested just job look face man drives first nail christs wrist chilling moment film film makes claim authenticity settings costuming invariably feel right many highly acclaimed efforts slow film but accept selfimposed limits it is all the deathnot lifeof christ ultimately rewarding one,0 +along fernando fragata joo mrio grilo abi feij leonel vieira tcother commercial directors diamantino costa one best portuguese directors o lampio da estrela diamantino costa first movie made several successful commercials title starred one best portuguese comedians times herman jos jos pedro gomes great funny movie br br boa sorte diamantino,0 +really struggling tonightive struggled depression entire life im two beautiful daughters loving husband cant stop self destructing need talk someone understands suicidal urge feel lowest ive years,1 +you are doing enough just let yourself take a break,1 +get christmas since celebrate here im bit curious know guys got something likedwanted,0 +fleurylis i don t either it depressing i don t think i even want to know about the kid in suitcase,0 +need help identifying kind music like dont know people ask kind music like never know answer artists like yxngxr guardin convolk joji stuff like group mostly made juice wrld trippe red xxxtentacion ynw melly like dont know would call those im sorry stupid question also sorry thats wrong flair,0 +every day i wake up and it s the same a yesterday i cry my eye out for hour and go back to sleep knowing i have to live another day is absolutely awful i just want to die my best friend wa put in a mental institution because he tried to kill himself and i m not allowed to see him the last thing he said wa that he knew about my suicidal thought and told me to do better than him my girlfriend doesn t know but she s the only person in my life right now because my entire family disowned me because i m non binary and she is the only reason i m still around and i m doubting if even she still like me because i just cry and cry and the gun in my neighbour cabinet is looking more and more tempting and i m now curious what death feel like and i envy my brother who shot himself a year and a half ago he wa the only family member i had that still loved me everything is bullshit,1 +sleep deprived shadow people corner room shown seem pretty chill ngl helped homework,0 +@SeaStarStudios Congratulations on another sale! ,0 +@capsontwittter Yeah. I don't know where. :| ))),0 +one time ex walked toilet commented thicc looked cringe thought everyday tbh,0 +im done this thisits fault choosing change way am but hard find motivation something youre alone,1 +piece shit stole bike live suburbs like area barely crime riding bikes friends like normally decided stop take break mcdonalds go inside left bikes bike rack mins yes masks walk two bikes left rack instead im pissed bike main form transportation parents work lot hang people mainly get around bike worst part bike paid half gone even months got back september christmas right around corner ig thats good thing like never anything anyone dont beef anyone least think anything deserve oh well karmas gonna get,0 +if you were to open my head you d see happiness and 9 pain that is my smile and laughter the 9 is just regret smh ing anger stress and depression,1 +someone spoil affectionattentionloyaltylove quality time kbye text text text text text text text text text text text text,0 +about to ge ready for work a i have a 9 hour shift ahead of me x,0 +redflag attempt tonight shall ending life half miserable years earth hope isnt afterlife simply dont want alive memories glad brought round again end suffering good tried everything help think best solution written note completely prepared thank help tried give really think best goodbye fucking horrible existence,1 +ive never felt like would easyive battling depression suicidal thoughts awhile posted long agoim mobile know link another thread going detail set feelings ive thinking redflag daily basis things started get slightly better met girl school started talking set date friday canceled due strep said wanted reschedule friday bit today said things started get serious someone else one classes want friends me feel incredibly shitty feel like im constantly used placeholder girls better options come way took sleeping pills earlier day get sleep pass time ive taken put back sleep numb mind feel bad feel worse ever have anytime theres even little bit glimmer hope flickers plunges back darkness cant think anything killing myself ive never felt like would easy actually able follow through always much fear actually it fear nearly non existed right now im temlted grab gun quickly pull trigger get with even things somehow get better shit hole life cant possibly worth pain plus im dead like im going regret could been want pain stop hurts fucking bad cant take anymore,1 +ok im gonna productive today im gonna get bed work im chubby im gonna cook something nice probably art im gonna go bed normal time ive gotta pray day goes anyways hope good day lt,0 +fucccccc school starts today im even upset school im mad fact go bed time wake hours earlier least first day easy one,0 +v event no way ur at a game right now,0 +i just can t take it i didn t even have serious trauma it wa my fault and still i can t get over it it s been three year i said i forgave him for forcing me to have sex so many time so many month so many thing i wa young i didn t know how sex should work i didn t even consider my voice mattered i m so sorry for my younger self i didn t help her and now everything is my fault i just will never be able to love someone again to have any sexual intimacy i miss who i wa romantic passionate innocent i m just starting to realize how everything i do is related to this how can i be so slow the nightmare the panic attack when i feel my voice isn t listened to how i keep getting drunk and letting some random dude fuck me because it give them pleasure if i start it maybe it mean i am in control if i have sex maybe it mean it wasn t such a big deal but i can t take it sober i have only had sex sober once and drunk way too many i hurt so much the day after i try to forget can t take it anymore i can t forget all these people touching me how much they enjoy it i did this myself i let them i wa never raped it s my fault i m this miserable i want to hate those guy i think i do but i let them some people consider they only lost their virginity the first time they actually wanted to have sex it s funny to think i can be a virgin after so many time no one need to read this i m sorry i just need to say it at least once i can never say it up to recently i didn t even believe anything had happened i know i don t deserve any sympathy after how i did this myself i don t need any just hear me out,1 +it timehey guys ive done necessary preparations deactivated social media accounts left scattered notes places visist leave im sitting beside gramps gauge say goodbye people knowwell ill wait till everyone home asleep so uh yeah id like chat while,1 +grr not down to go to school today,0 +emergency meeting saw crush public went somewhere looking something mom couldnt find saw someone uniform said excuse turned around her immediately recognized asked knew item thats it problem havent texted months ghosted wont able stop thinking even more ive crush like years,0 +"@BBCOne @HughFW @jamieoliver 100% behind this amazing campaign!!! Fast food and laziness is killing us all , not only costing millions of NHS money but stopping people from feeling great about them selves and possibly one of the main reasons there is so much depression, negative food!!!",1 +millennials babies called generation alpha gen zs babies generation beta guess gotta stay virgin cause im gonna raise beta duck,0 +gift makoti depression yama teki,1 + years ago lost girlfriendfriend die suicide longer hours since last together really best times really falling despair lately whole lotta shit topping onto childhood social etc somehow manage everyday even make hours work thought mind day pretty hard depressed sad mood really sure do feel lost long days longer nights somehow even surprise shit happened me want back amp idk reason made mistakes losing lately amp cannot godamn thing it smh precious someone us harder accept might die sometimes actually convince cannot die,1 +movie brilliant concept original cleverly written high appeal us really conformist movie pickers get wrong great movies wide appeal move watching movie based everyone else watching it know either tween really opinion lovely subtle humor despite people probably looking obvious actors portrayed characters aplomb thought lot personal personality film appeal kids well adults esp nice find good movie thats filled sexual references drug innuendos great film overlooked based public consumption one must buy,0 +"@futbolita About Pique, we're on it! Will get back to you ASAP ",0 +betrayed fcked everyone trying love solely think one stays alive society narcissist form empathy others get used them weak good one suffers emotionless strong thrives also feel like want part sick disgusting society,1 +feel scared know life feel stupid pathetic low selfesteem every time feel anxious tend suicidal thoughts find difficult explain feel family get it want see psychologist feel scared every time try need help,1 +@gaycyclops because I was thinking of joining you for a marathon sometime this summer... School's out in 13 days!!! ,0 +know whats funnyhow people fucking tell shit care truth care dead people supposed make feel safe fucking make feel worse fucking hope feel guilty lost fucking horrible damage inflicted onto never undone fucking hope feel guilty amount times ive cried bullshit words told nothing that fucking hate,1 +tight l definitely suicidal homicidal life gone s feel entire system supports betrayed anybody help get back reason,1 +nathoodle theres discord,0 +i cant stop feeling alone unwanted,1 +whiny teenager know startuuuuuuh okay probably begin stating im know experienced significant hardship live comfortably lost anyone close where lost euphemism death experienced abuse anything like that loving family really legitimate reason feel way cant explain it welcome tell feelings result normal teenage mood changes would like believe are im sorry pain read ive decided best way put everything bullet points guess ask things want know about way im hopefully ranting on diagnosed anxiety bullied finding difficult talk anyone lonely unhappy selfharming cutting last two years frequent thoughts redflag real reason this really know im hoping achieve typing go would like talk someone reddit feel alone,1 +day writing something positive happened today played really fun rounds among us best friend,0 +just what am i supposed to think,0 +love jesus still want diei want die everyday beautiful boys husband love much one would think things alone would keep earth go church am far think pretty devout lover jesus dont understand dont want anymore frustrating find fault everyone antidepressants last week friend committed redflag im jealous im even sad freaking jealous dont even know turn moment,1 +@MarksVoice another all time classic ♫ http://blip.fm/~7tjmz,0 +plan beginnings one anyway loose ends tie like finances etc ive established im going itheres plan go woodies buy rope either hemp rope manila cant stretchy needs take upto lbs pressure around feet long mm diameter ask store need it ill say im making play area cat dont even cat rope time find tree pick woods going woods dont want family find me someone outside family get quicker im pulled back thinking family care im sure do im tired shitty person theyre better without me definitely dont want finding me ill go fair distance away need make sure wont people around okay drop hang way say drop hang quicker guaranteed work dont want head come whoever finds would surely traumatised see that dont want that wish could get fucking world without mess people along way thats thing mess everyone up married nicest wonderful person hes valium cope married me daughter say couldnt protect her ive let many ways daughter im shit worst took everything mother treated badly younger im also shitty sister shitty friend shitty worker ill one less shitty person world im gone end it cant keep going around circles skipping around idea it get with longer hang around the thing im good puns prolonging everyone elses misery plan now know need do ive learned hangmans knot ive practicing think physics everything else down gotta pick tree decide leave note not dont know would say sorry,1 +bros rteenagers im asking advice so like finally courage ask cute girl number problem know chat her good thing phone battery empty right talk tomorrow morning im casually meeting again,0 +long please read please mwell back realized friends really friends talk outside school usually respond messages blow obviously fake excuses chores practice etc times now ya really bad timing bad timing math busy time better chance winning lottery twice row busy many times course id never say face since busy less time id say odds actually one also interestingly enough happens really big fucking number point felt friends all point crying bed day wanting literally die worst thing reason would happen ive told im nice cute hot smart funny im tall muscular money third time actually left house cute girl came asked number gave although im interested swear god real important one person actually reading accurate information impressed whatever may think think would happen id rather situation loser speech impediment social anxiety unnatractive abusive friends months ago knowing still make real friends hurt everytime somebody would ignore snapchat never respond text like shot stomach actually considering doing one thing keeping killing one friends person would conversation me three weeks ago even invited hang her yet due reasons mention ever want found people know im glad her know like never friend actually cared you meet someone like her imagine waking paralyzed surgery want doctors notice awake see twitch eye trying get attention every time look eyes think theyre going notice sure time get hopes nothing always sometimes stare strangely like somethings wrong always shrug off plus pain surgery sudden hours literally tortured one doctor decides apparent reason increase anaesthetics anyways thanks two three people actually read this im putting thankyou middle see it do please comment letter q italics along whatever else would comment like doctor know keeping kept from also one ever help anyways wanted talk that still want die since everything life actually care horrible kill now probably feel like friendship starting end since want make feel responsible afterwards got boyfriend means cant hang guys really even talk them text back two days want die feel like nobody really talk to nobody wants listen even though know irl still nice know least one person listening want things turn around know theyre happening spent years life forcing change getting past social anxiety everything else people would treat differently actually want around me idea wrong me cant change it cant fix it hell id rather kill go longer cant get it everything else going life except this money looks brains etc id rather none things meant people cared ability fun also based people ive tried everything videogames netflix sports going places matter im constantly bored end going reddit day play games distract myself even get bored get bored feel worse like staring white wall day every day someone talks great cant even come analogy it unfortunately never happens people ignore texts take days text back ignore snapchats constantly blow never invite anything like getting kicked gut nobody wish courage end life depending things go week im going it least try force to bottle aspirin shoot myself feels horrible type im done though nobody nobody,1 +words seriously enough convey emotional power film one wrenching ever see yet ending one loving tender emotionally fulfilling could hope for every actor every role terrific especially wise understated jamie lee curtis tightly wound anguished ray liotta heartstopping turn tom hulce every award book hes pick s best actor danny pearys alternate oscars last half hour borders melodrama film earns every one tearsand unless made stone plenty them,0 +slapped shit ex tell im piece shit deserve diei already know,1 +@selenagomez I LOVED that movie!!! Zac is awesomeee ,0 +@SDfreshprince08 yeah you're right. I slept for 2 days now i'm a half dead ,0 +doctor prescribed low dose mg cymbalta help corneal neuropathic pain seemed help days took read issues people coming versus antidepressants discontinued due that nerve pain back fence taking since really help i also mild redflag depression plus help also general consensus online seems absolutely terrible drug taper people seem develop chronic issues even while doctor simply tells worry inquired withdrawals medical professionals give input really bad people would like pain anymore also want meow problems long run tapering cymbalta scary people make seem helps scared keep taking,1 +Stfu. Im done with you kids. Goodnight to an amazing day ,0 +hi all think might verge suicide feel like run options live country free medical care i cancelled private insurance public hospitals frightening thing ever here i live rd world country go public facility get abusedmistreated etci started taking antidepressants years ago redflag partner wanted doctor bad redflag since kid broke up found hard stop taking meds got terrible withdrawals eventually side effects got bad i went psychiatrist tried various antidepressants got worse worse decided quit taking last september withdrawals crazy felt super depressed stopping even though tapered months ago still struggling booked rehabsuper expensive dealt coming psychiatric medication worst idea ever middle nowhere put hardcore drug addicts cldnt leave plus semicultish scariest experience ever since leaving still problems withdrawal plus traumatized terrible sensations body result totally screwed knw anyway cannot anymore tried reaching family really helping type pretty much since kid ie parent surprised even made fari written goodbye note bought gear decided going hike middle nowhere die unfortunately country social security feel shitty cannot possibly hold job plus country get basic job like working mcdonalds pretty much living shack dire poverty pays way little survive savings decided little me lost carry fighting case realised actually make difference peoples lives instead wasting mine enough build house friend nepal enough send girl rural india school look needs graduates enough donate religious organization something substantial feel spend taking away cld give someone else also tired feel like get better feel completely alone isolated used social lately withdrawn really think it biggest fear becoming ghost praying alot feel hopeless think got another day two left me tried withdrawal money today cld donate told got hr lock savings wait that pray next life things better tried live good life really always tried live morallyso open suggestions feels like though would previously thought suicide never come far plan everything decide moneys going die etc also left apartment staying hotel close mountains cut worldthanks advance pretty sure end advice,1 +ha a cold from playing outside yesterday,0 +Thank you to everyone who has been following me. I've really enjoyed tweeting with you. May our tweets happily & merrily continue ,0 +ill stop sorry existing lmao,0 +ill probably die cold alone anywayenglish first language years old male even know im posting honest lets give try anyway lose dignity think shred left ive diagnosed years ago severe crohns disease ive symptoms years without able put word it ive surgery couple times far stomach mess scars im immunosuppressive drugs big time every time take spend couple hours nauseating shit blood weekly basis feel weak years old moderate case arthritis spend least hours day sleeping make thru whole day gastroenterologist knows side effects yet absolutely plan managing physical pain id change physician could live shitty province theres specialist hes one whos remotely close live add crap ive never actual girlfriend cant talk girl even life depended and probably point could say im like rahj big bang theory cant speak attractive women without drunk and drinking kind meds im completely forbidden tried spent minutes puking blood rare times girl approaches happens maybe year im luck stutter look like complete idiot cant make complete sentence life me tried meeting girls online meet one usually runs away soon hears medical condition who could blame them ive mental hospitals twice far depression pills far even remotely lifting mood weeks ive seen psychologist left depressed came in know anymore cry sleep every fucking night hard time keep poker face work school whats future physical pain mental pain fucking alone without significant support me id rather end now feel cold empty seen light years ive walking god forsaken path lifeatheist here figure speech please try cheer religious stuff,1 +going date crush going date crush asked out,0 +Is going to lunch with the hubby ,0 +dont want eat im reason im never bothered eating feel like im gaining weight never bothered motivation go get proper food sometimes im hungry eat cookie thats it dont eat breakfast sometimes eat lunch sometimes dinner barely feel like eating,0 +try anything anything think anything end want kill myselftoday way home visited good friend caught spiral thinking able treat girlfriend decently depressed bad days dream family think need to reason try would better would dead another dream mine become engineer although passed tests semester able go lecture class went took exam cant around people thats pretty much never electrical engineer thus want die cant fight battle alone even though tried years now hard scream help get marked someone needs attention sometimes seems people think therapy fun always smiling kind defense mechanism makes want end life end alone sick tired get rejected withyoure nice guy looking someone right now like afraid tell good enough them need wait painful years something obviously happen know friends understand mental illness definitely support system way talk someone reddit makes want die nobody know cares shit honestly blame them nobody likes looser society definitely losing life,1 +posting song lyrics forget crab rave intro click clack clickclick clack click clack clickclick clack click clack clickclick clack buildup click clack clickclick clack click clack clickclick clack click clack clickclick clack click clack clickclick clack drop click clack clickclick clack click clack clickclick clack click clack clickclick clack click clack clickclick clack click clack clickclick clack click clack clickclick clack click clack clickclick clack bridge click clack clickclick clack click clack clickclick clack click clack clickclick clack click clack clickclick clack buildup click clack clickclick clack click clack clickclick clack click clack clickclick clack click clack clickclick clack drop click clack clickclick clack click clack clickclick clack click clack clickclick clack click clack clickclick clack click clack clickclick clack click clack clickclick clack click clack clickclick clack outro click clack clickclick clack click clack clickclick clack click clack clickclick clack,0 +questions know someone close committed redflagi making final preparations demise find wondering make little easier around im gone sure seems fickle could cause people little less pain im sure would appreciate it legal advice last testament ways remove online personas dispose earthly possessions without burden loved ones would helpful maybe something even thought of short things wish someone lost redflag done left cost major issue trusting people knowledge plans trouble too things prepare cost would ideal thank time wasted reading post please make replies promptly as everything time issue edit formatting im new posting reddit ok,1 +got downvoted guys one subs yesterday saying not cool man post saying ammonium nitrate go brr fuck wrong people someone even made fun comment saying brrr shit,0 +@lostlovely He needs a wife ,0 +"If U Seek Amy" finally makes sense to me...I'm so slow ,0 +year half since last tried kill myselflong story short ive severely suicidal since graduated college even that im honest constantly inpatient years recent attempt landed icu three days seizure like brain activity breathing tube shoved throat one worse experiences life really sucks im feeling suicidal again really dont want put family something like again thought past bullshit,1 +always easy explain movie like time think ive found it reminded two movies trainspotting small time criminals scoring drugs stupid things schotland blair witch project because style filmingbr br its loyalty two friends one coming jail one caught yet stolen vehicle drive scottish countryside run petrol try find fuel find farm middle nowhere farmer thinks want rob points gun one them goes wrong one friends accidentally shoots farmers daughter run follows man hunt fields woods schotland two friends literally run livesbr br apparently movie shot days time ok thats exactly unbelievable biggest part always place scottish countryside still find quite amazing especially actually bad movie perhaps greatest movie ever still proud achieved nice time watching overall enjoyed movie give ,0 +im failure family fired job fear girlfriend leave me world disgusting im doneso hello dunno last time using site ever honestly really couldnt care life nothing stupid decisions abuse ive always strived best ive always put others me even hurts me thats way raised love it despise anything like made giant carpet everyone walk over matter hard try stand myself always end thrown even harder eventually stopped really trying stand up would let people whatever go till matter angry frustrated got ive grown used ive become afraid anytype confrontation smoke weed ive terrified tell girlfriend person im supposed trust most makes feel like utter piece shit top accidentally lied big time mini panic attack asked virgin not time started dating girl previous dated small connection current girlfriend panicked said no even though slept ex idea regret fucking much torturing months things turning around blue got let go job weeks ago live apartment one roommate enough money pay one month rent ive start selling things ive havnt even told parents yet know make stress even harder never focus anything positive always negative even think trying help lecture im fucked fault somehow head exploding stress anger frustration best never enough love girlfriend anything abosuluty kills tell asks something cant afford take anywhere anything feel horribly pathetic ive hated self entire life years stuck hell hole ill hopefully free soon planet inhabitants fucked deserve it im disgusted humans done continue other race deserve exist im done now rant over bye tldr family hates me world disgusting girlfriend may leave me lost job fuck existence goodbye sincerely worthless piece trash,1 +i m not sure what i want anymore out of my life it all ha seemed to just blend into one recently and everything that i reach out to to find a sense of drive encouragement seems to be so far away it all feel like i m wandering about looking for something anything to give me a sense of meaning anymore but it just feel like i m just going in circle i just feel lonely at this point,1 +need one reason drink redbull rn am,0 +made selfportrait idk else post httpstwittercomraulstermasterstatuss posting like since cant post images friday,0 +something mom made believe lol years old normally going school mom someone building something using chainsaw know shits chainsaws drop like glows idk name mom saw said look hurts eyes freaked immediately looked side like thought going blind looked that so everyday trying see chainsaws action afraid blind today still kinda afraid much sorry grammar errors english first language ,0 +happy birthday everyone birthday st october happy birthday everyone birthday st octoberhappy birthday everyone birthday st october,0 +saw movie hoot immediately decided comment it truth nature needs protection us dominant specie planet people think money whatever want to probably like think future think would something useful movie kids movie showing us kids usually ones care adults do twelve saw waterlilies knew protected law even dare touch fearing law fearing might harm actually i currently ever acting great main characters well interpreted learn them hope think saw movie enjoy,0 +@TheWineVault The "bring me for the interesting friend" with @joegreennz thing. I'm tired. Off to bed ,0 +Wow i just voted for the MTV movie awards! i voted for miley in her 2 categories 30 times each!!! i hope she wins! ,0 +wants free award deserve award,0 +i finally opened up to someone my mom and told her how bad my mental health had gotten and that i d purchased thing to go through with it her response i don t blame you and would understand if you do and walked out the fuck,1 +theekween thelmaherbs heart break depression anxiety http t co d y mfb w,1 +oishiieats did they play polite dance song only my fav please dont say they did or course they did damn me,0 +wonder still around struggling life going much right wish never existed vent even know begin feeling lost,1 +heres maybe last drawing gitcommitdie avatar anyways is link drawinghttpswwwredditcomuserkatracommentsltubnlast_ugitcommitdie_drawing_or_is_it_probably_isutm_sourceshareamputm_mediumios_appamputm_nameiossmf also might rest mods later with permission ofc,0 +know do im shitty person one talks anymorei know allowed post since underage im posting anyway get banned get banned know anymore parents give one shit me adoptive dad outright said so im literal mistakeadopted even fucking exist first place habit getting really rude im mad somebodysomebodies often go pretty personal pretty much friends call month ago got frustrated thing fault called horrible names told go die even though depressed insulted many ways friends talk me blame them one talks need support most fault talked anyone close month now cant deal depression alone knowing mean anything anyone ive tried apologize friends ignore get it past someone sad talked ive called attention whores thats culture finland im still shitty person part culture hate much really alive im supposed alive first place im literally mistake want exist anymore hate one cares me matter anyone theres reason exist me ive already tried commit redflag once pretty weak attempt know much longer take this knowing im worth anything know im going try day soon itll serious attempt know im another white teenage girl begging attention know that theres need point out cant go much longer getting support anyone dont know even post here cant live without getting attention care anyone need fucking much guess make attention whore even school today despite corona one interacted me well true guys class told show wrists guess thats better nothing not dont know anymore sorry post long rambly dont know else do,1 +need help urgently long readeverything write complete honesty hold anything back find purpose live working world turned years old ago months ago need insight suggestions live desired destined cookie cutter life philosophy life live life fullest work minimal degree preferably afford it way workinglabor force set fit human nature many ways whether spiritually mentally physically also say means lazy like many others age even older believe way current workforce well education system set much stacked modern day human being idealistic past present issue todays world working jobs becoming norm people trying scrape afford basic necessities shelter example hours week lets say person works hours minimum week hours left minimum amount sleep needed lets say hours days person would hours dedicated that leaving hours left combine days worth communicating well getting readywashing work leaves person hours thing week account chores daily lifegym time etc well actually tied enjoy time off next problem working amount time even effort put in majority people still fall behind bills necessities creating rut essentially get trapped work doing never really getting ahead going get far issues system set up sure people today already know talking about people praised early lives school praised creative artistic abilities rather quick efficiently standardized tests complete people individualists ideas often overlooked left behind shot down often makes wonder many people considered smart smart good memorization test taking intelligence like people general come forms brings back personally guess could think one aimless people went adulthood dropped college like many others seen real future program ended unrealistic debt shitty call center job full lost souls try make world stuck cycle stuck anywhere overdraft probably last year so like waste money either literally paying billscar insurance absolute necessities working hours minimum usually more still live parents absolute need hate everyday feel like fucking leach option seem get ahead even current job motivate work fullest potential job performance measured satisfaction stats uncaring ungrateful customers regardless much effort put in still get poor surveys blame falls you worth put fickle environment opinion honesty soon quitget fired current job see self getting real job long time ever again people often try tell getting trade real opportunity life always reply would miserable amount money worth trading happiness away really aspire part life travel around freely obligations going place place seeing different sights meeting different people living life fullest regrets future wasting entire life away working steady income coming nonworking ventures investments road opportunities handouts government assistantince go entitlement educating binary options quite time invested yet want ready thought potentialsole income future getting point see really purpose living going life the real world completed redflag many many times passing week getting much closer even set date january things start going way fear death really care said judgement passed people here truly feel happy enjoy life working majority free time away usually making someone else barleynever worked richer power you me healthy believe even compatible todays world free thinkers opportunists question fine people reddit recommendations would give live type life described little money moment hypothetically get car decide drive different part canada one day would best way sustain come would likely stop paying student loan maybe even car insurance amount time try save much cash possible redditers situation please give advice tips fall along lines staying current situation current situation going lead eventual death soon directions made work it live real word add coal fire never money me experience if cant own id feel better dead layne staley,1 +people hack among us people hack roblox im saying annoying trying fun theres cheater lobby get wrong annoying game different game like this also lets honest cant older ,0 +parents think im confident edit thanks silver edit thanks gold edit thanks platinum edit wow know would blow up edit thanks number girl,0 +depression suicidal tendencies turn anxiety loneliness span two weeks brain universe hate guts,0 +@Applecored email being checked ,0 +know well emotionally fucking venting ranting ur professor ur weekly reflection essay true story second week,0 +anyone wanna talk bit im bored sad cant sleep,0 +having a horrible headache day and nose bleeding awful feeling,0 +cant stop thinking mistakeslast year school bullied constantly kid group friends would call fag tell kill myself threaten life kids would even get physical hit me every day shoved locker five starred enough bullying went teachers school teachers absolutely nothing kids made lie saying used nword completely false racist never racist teachers bought suspended school caused emotional strain parents never really got trouble school known smart kid upon day suspension over called meeting teachers school told could admit lied risk expulsion kids bullied happened influential school one last name athletic center held ground refused cave teachers questions said dishonest needed revaluate situation got news expelled days later devastated loved school learning felt like harming myself depressed weeks wanted kill myself mother impacted stress put her health problems feel fault even though happened year ago cannot stop thinking it,1 +i feel like i can t believe i m really going to do it i ll do trial run before to see how it go but i m relieved in a way and terrified in another way,1 +attack of the hayfever noooo,0 +suicidal wifemy wife currently suicidal smart plans leaving middle night find place wilderness die far know cant force stay would forceful confinement know do help,1 +lost kg pounds weeks earlier weighting kg around pounds today checked weight kg around pounds like almost nothing lose weight went dormitory poor af reduced amount junk food eating weeks lost kg maybe much still something little accomplishment wanted share you,0 +ha anyone had really intense brain fog this year i mean it s been pretty bad before but i genuinely can t remember stuff and relative time is confusing sometimes a day feel like a week or i ll think i discussed something with someone on monday and it s been week and they ve been waiting for me to follow up i ll be halfway through making a decision and it take me forever bc my brain get stuck and then i forget what i wa even trying to decide,1 +theoretically speaking much sugar would enough sugar crash thanks fall asleep cant im taking special reinforcements bad idea let know,0 +want end life feel extremely alone cant stop thinking girl making mistakes herim lot things going help dwell past experience bullying even loved ones feel alone make constant mistakes find alone bedroom end every night thoughts alone well girl im love gettiong fucked someone else im afrid forward her know im victim,1 +dog id reason kill could them id give dog love attention affection happy maybe eventually too want dog,1 +im sorryim sorry relationships ive ruined im far lonely remain world im hard time keeping people life better way keep apologizing again,1 +"@Tittch I think you are right I might watch a bit of Wossy, but he is so boring now he has quit being edgy. @wossy",0 +suffer massive religious stress selfhatred anxiety lack confidence im starting consider redflagi going constant internal struggle religion caused selfhatred anxiety taken away confidence used have started two years ago realized bible large number contradictions loved one mine died cancer began lose faith god loved immensely before started intrusive thoughts loved ones hell hell nightterror told done unforgivable sin crying it also discovered bisexual worsened problems eventually got moved life atheist everything fine year intrusive thoughts went away entirely however come last summer religious stress returned stronger ever im starting hate even more even selfharm via beating myself feel absolutely useless also live constant state fear specific stress started get worse july nd year heard potential isis terror threat july th started intrusive thoughts telling isis correct exactly evil thoughts also consisted god hating me wanting burn hell wanting suffer bisexual doubting him past weeks stress gone far beyond usual level go anywhere without lingering feeling dread constantly think religion right try get help talking people various faiths talked christians muslims atheists agnostics pantheists wiccans even mormon yet still cannot find internal peace think bible quran books hatred war rather peace love idea religion correct theyre false im leaning towards latter massive fear hell keeps fully leaving religion feel like im stuck rock hard place dangling string constantly smashed both ive many thoughts mutilating killing lately even received call crisis hotline last week telling friend concerned wellbeing absolutely idea point im engulfed anguish fear selfhatred depression,1 +wishing could dieit sounds nice waking early making cup tea sitting write goodbye notes simple sweet let know care give closure clean room spotless wipe windows rearrange books launder sheets remake bed put flowers vase spray perfume leave take bus cliffs whirling winds climb simple wooden fence stand mossy sandstone slabs looking ocean then id jump let body go limp end life hit waves sink im wiped clean world sounds nice,1 +uncle told shoot himself drunk dohis wife died recently depressed it drinks sleep every night hitting sauce extra hard since aunt died lives now see much drinks visit owns handgun self defense quote him i burn house shoot myself like dad scares shit me im also depressed point redflag know tell family member remember saying it really drunk serious says sorts shit drinks know take seriously not tell anyone it able live guilt please help,1 +fellow teens please play fortnite im sweaty try hard im memer,0 +guys reply quickly people leaving hours time come back u know im see typing notif fml studying test,0 +mangaaa i hope they will increase the capacity fast yesterday wa such a pain got the fail whale time in hour,0 +helpi really need someone right now im year old girl feel hopeless someone please,1 +http://twitpic.com/4ead2 - New haircut!!! yay! ,0 +im doneim done im tired im done trying im autistic tranny morbidly obese loser teenager im every popular fucking joke meme right wrapped one package nobody would miss me im sick trying normal im sick find shit wear immediately make meltdown im sick person people go need help leave theyre done me im sick joke im sick me bye guys good years wish luck,1 +idealists dreamers hardly ever good livesto survive society need focus ass moment realisation counted becoming adult accept society never going choose kindness selfishness stfu well cant deal it want jump _breed another slave feel fulfilled live_ bandwagon either hope left,1 +too tired to leave bed,0 +anyone interested made community designed people talk currently life struggles success stories space people discuss whats currently going roversharinginc,0 +ill keep short sweet im im smart handsome charming strong fearless cunning top people genuinely like me everyones always wanted succeed ive always gauged standard success pretty fucking dumb made two attempts last monthi put whole life hold care take parents awful children provided lot peoplemyself included long story short project working failed father severe gi bleed came home fast forward years cancer broken femur alzheimers different diagnosable mental fractures im still sitting here world keeps getting worse cant fix it people can wont profitable exploit fumbling pennies final severance serious relationship plus slow tragic decline old age rather expedient yall sucked love ya biaaaaaaaa anyway cant seem shake urge die ive felt whole life well documented think people get better me im thinking getting weird heroine maybe die happy lol tragic part is thats positive always loaded gun still always resort drinking drugs smoke taking breaths stroke think missed boat burnt out feel dumb im glad subsequent generation specific genetic code ever exist again im rush think killing ourselves whats problem little faster im legitimately numb ill talk tomorrow,1 +@Momisodes Mine are from zazzle and I love them ,0 +delustre i wan na watch dollhouse i haven t seen any eps yet i lt eliza dushku so much lol,0 +want talkim year old trans women cant take anymore,1 +hope reincarnation doesnt existthis really redflag never want return earth pass even best conditions even could come back everything world even though still good world terrible place dont want return reason,1 +@BostonIrishAppa hook a customer up wit 2 passes would ya ,0 +arms man one shaws funniest plays handled correctly production good enough job helena bonhamcarter prefilm stardom raina daughter military family peacock fianc patrick ryecart shelters soldier enemy pip torrens raid townbr br full colour energy production rips along good pace bonhamcarter patsy kensit maid outshone bit rest cast still hold ground kika markham dinsdale landen parents delightful whole play generally happy onebr br highly recommended,0 +country u want travel why wanna travel japan becasue like culture cuisine love environment there,0 +I have a mild depression after watching Infinity War,1 +the n0nesuch oneman official buildersanmi etubolion my sisterrrrrr if na depression he enter nko make god no make trailer jam u,1 +really sad touching movie deals subject child abuse really sad mostly true story happens everyday elijah wood joseph mazzello play two children lorraine bracco single mother tries make home them living parents man likes called the king comes life hits youngest boy bobby two brothers vow tell mother finally finds out bobby hurt badly end kind ruined me totally unbelievable but except that love movie,0 +problem movie rode coattails screated concept comic books could done camp ie s batman show tv movie thus combat sequences subtitles come on cluelessly unromantic doc savage he uncomfortable around women pulps idiot monk mayfair nightsheet a scene guaranteed give nightmares several nights totally hokey ending secondary bad guy encased gold like herve villechez posing oscar statute theyre booming sousa march scores tinkly little funny music undercuts much dramabr br even such movie isokay fun stays serious accurate representation pulps except monk mentioned before hes hugely muscled obese long tom supposed pale scrawny guy attitude paul gleason inexplicable scarfbr br the green death sequences instance remarkably gruesome something id recommend children close feel pulps writers producers get right get right ill give thatbr br but producers done doc loving care scripting of say reeves first two superman movies think might then think problem movies schizophrenic theres definite sense trying s homage theyre also trying give heroes must camp attitude batman created one gets impression sober pulpstyle first draft someone came said hey lets make funny worked batman show years agobr br but doc lives on thanks earl macrauch buckaroo banzai macrauch aint homage doc savage movie man truly demented series actually gets tv allegedly midseason doc savage updated s live more,0 +today probably worst since pandemic tons problems everything working me wanted appreciated holding tears back hear tell worthless cannot stuff bruh done ton stuff whenever take day off one freaking day talk shit like done single thing whole life come on gained confidence passion things used do come tell worthless tired worry guys thought crossed mind couple times want it want vent out seems like cannot share problems useless burden people head sleep hopefully tomorrow lil bit better today gt broke down longer interested,1 +duck walked lemonade stand said man running stand hey bum bum bum got grapes,0 +rank best zorro chapterplaysthe exciting musical score adds punch exciting screen playthere excellent supporting cast mystery villain keep guessing final chapterreed hadley fine job diego alter ego zorrolastbut certainly leastis great directing team whitney english,0 +redflag solved mei dont feel suicidal extremely blunt maybe viewed unkind others im logical setting boundaries etc bc im sick beinf fake frown look moody it gives fuck others think perception problem wanna fight ill kick bloody ass whats working me,1 +bad place right nowive strong intrusive thoughts addition anxiety panic depression want live like this im afraid losing control suicidal thoughts escape horrible feel every day chronic physical impairments make even harder continue want die want change im afraid getting killed stuck inside head time one friend constantly rely her try talk get things chest i believe bottling things really started mental issues seems help slightly im alone feel terrible mind races cant find peace im afraid leave bed afraid stay it dying seems answer me want to therapy meds much anything all world waiting get better,1 +fucked upidk start im going start writing hope make sense im depressed anxious guess cause im anxious im beyond fucking shy job really fucking great awesome especially first job super high pay super cool managers place beautiful jw marriott las vegas resort spa im foodrunner pool last week fucked up fuck talk weeks ago weeks ago crying begging parents take hospital cause afraid safety im really suicidal parents really awesome btw think bad them really supportive really know help think really believe mental problems week crying home jist causing stress fkng everything general week ago the fuck up pool full people super busy im okay high workloads overwhelming tho asked help servers told organize myself like get started one server makes job hell tried taking deep breaths calm panic attack told taking break said ran away let pisses off hallway crying breathing really hard security saw sent hr sent home gave another chance also giving choice quit understand super awesome im greatful awesome management told parents said ur keeping job discussion showing face work really embarrassing hard servers hate even bartenders joke like before feel really hated get jobs make friends feel lonely ill try fight it dick move feel like dick deserve feel like dick making jobs alot harder day really cant handle job tho come home crying feeling like shit everyday almost get jobs easy think job right dont think take much longer last night really close redflag,1 +ship went sea name ship billy tea,0 +I feel bleurgh lol there are so many reasons why the exam tomorrow will be amazing not ,0 +social anxiety redflagi want kill never felt close anyone life come notsodecent family life filled drugs abuse history mental illness developed extreme social anxiety top everything else diagnosed with never felt true human connection closeness growing family felt like bunch strangers me even house none us ever spoke other could go easily week without uttering word eachother moved back home drug issues school think killing family myself social anxiety causing suicidal homicidal ideation slit wrists neck daily day stole one fathers guns loaded it held throat ended shooting open window want disappear get away family live normal life becoming aware possible cant live normal life middleclass job husband kids fucking suburban neighborhood even capable speaking another human without wanting murder myself really want give up whats point going forward therapy shit medication shit mental hospital shit nothing really helps,1 +is working on her story. anyone want to critic/read so far? ,0 +@tedrubin glad you have a happy tummy! ,0 +girl man would such slut would wear white shirt one size small black bra would shorts short would make self look fucking sexy would just fucking fuck everyone hell ya,0 +i live alone and despite me being prone to loneliness a i find myself to be emotionally needy i seem to have the urge to cut important people out of my life when i get depressed friend girlfriend i feel easily annoyed and judgmental even if they did nothing wrong i can t explain it maybe by posting here i can find some people that can relate it sort of like a feeling of i am better off alone doe anyone else find themselves constantly having the urge to push people away it feel like i am being consumed by depression again,1 +Just got home from a wonderful day with my family!! I had so much fun today. ,0 +think cart fent xanax pandemic new wave controlled substance crisis mean seriously many honestly say go restrooms arent least zombies cross faded hitting blinkers stall mean insanity,0 +anyone post worthy getting wholesome award ive got one want find something funny,0 +film one finest american bmovies s looking serious film look elsewhere however looking action lot laughs tongue cheek variation cops fighting gangsters well worth watching everyone chews scenery bit thats really film about everyone quite funny donald sutherland john lithgow great chemistry need another film together,0 +why won t anyone enjoy pretty film with me,0 +OMG 900 followers!!!!!! ,0 +see reasonso yeah first time wright thoughts depending life redflag down real name max im years old live small city germany called trier look like normal person nothing special pretend im fine year now im supposed job get life right road germany still live motto arbeit macht frei work makes free even were allowed say this sure live it anything less worth hoboshit people pretend want help tell lie look think theyre better you someone kills pretend knew thing someone goes rampage blame media question innocence victims say life get better really see light end tunnel im tired people need help psychological trashcan react pissed need talk im tired wasting mind worth it know life unfair honestly feel sympathy start shooting revenge teacher look away bosses also everybody looks away comes confrontation someone finally gets revenge unfair shit loneliness hate went trough hes villain brought far live like never happened continue bullshit say follow picture justice know mother would life worth living thats reason cant it often think killing solution voice says cut open gets louder day day also thought taking brought far me like said want mother live thoughts son something like this father touched back like game know happened school pure terror stole stuff again got hit often stopped counting tried convince teachers im neonazi nearly successful teachers said could tell something happened did respond supposed do one helped me brother help me teachers help principle didnt life fight me want live rules darwinism know change thing im bad guy played many egoshooter listened metal thats spare energy put life end,1 +weird year old date year old need know anyone could give opinion would much appreciated,0 +feel like helpi feel like help me im done life like ive tried everything gonna vent bit first encounter depression parents divorced blamed lot much detailed plans kill letters written everyone life readily available years decided go failed caught tried told counselor it total ive tried probably times really stupid varying methods ive mental hospital twice moved dad support moved back mom moved alaska im much worse tried traditional therapy hospital visit one shafted grand total three months division vocational rehabilitation getting therapy friday th wednesday cried tuesday away lost wonderful perfect supportive boyfriend cutest sweetest cat ever seen job boyfriend managing right now ambitions future whole life ahead yet none stops feeling like want over im depressed know much longer give in even know make appointments friday want hurt badly giving headache one friend boyfriend here things going life time listen me cant say blame her whole family miles away told throughout childhood actually depression lying get attention etc one true friend brother nice job busy life also time me alone feel like one listening anymore boyfriend idea do neither i nothing makes happy anymore used enjoy making art indifferent point is know much longer this nothing stopping strong urge hurt end it feel like nothing will need find strength make day severe chronic depression coupled anxiety much handle,1 +bad could loads better also seems follow staple diet crime drama got sandra bullock cop finds difficult work others got placed new partner theres closed case cop works anyway theres many corney lines film makes want screambr br however look past formulaic elements good film hiding underneath gripping subplots worked me well worth rent maybe purchase,0 +hey you people music suggestions ive listening alot system down slipknot nirvana alice chains aerosmith metallica ect lately looking new music suggestion still make fun music taste say somthing else cruel bc appreciate alot,0 +goodbye familyim writing answer committed redflag family one would question them want sympathy im trying attention seeking stop reading stop wasting time fifthteen years old want kill myself know questioning would this much life ahead me well ive reached point life get better severely overweight ugly stupid depressed nobody would want deal real me crappy future ahead me im honor student straight asthere goes chance going good college matter anyway could never afford loan even go good school us family ask love much except dad im sick dealing piece shit care booze anything else treats us like crap whenever stand make things worse yeah theres that theres girlfriend probably read last post btw thats got part time job wanted spend time her otherwise deal guilting making monster made promise met kill didnt might gone know im sorry best friend used talk online briefly mentioned stop mentioning killed themselves life know son responsible two deaths but always happy joking around want help know im sad im im supposed problems bottle emotions this already killed emotionally im disposing corpse feel like useless waste space cant handle life anymore im sorry goodbye,1 +literally point around nothing even seems worthwhile anymore wish constant abyss would stop moment take breath feel like drowning one around throw line point around,1 +disobedientgirl wonderful i ll be slogging at 9 you get up at 9 eh,0 +think might bisexual homoromantic thought normal bi like def want fuck guys think long term relationships stuff always girl,0 +jk rowling transphobic everyone says really found nothing offensive tweets feel like people actually wanting get offended maybe wrong views it record year old straight guy,0 +venting stupid stuffhi felt need vent so ive feeling pretty bad lately sleeping pattern really messed up thought id shave damn shaver came apart its electric one couldnt find piece went missing shaver doesnt irritate skin much i really sensitive skin gives close enough shave ill probably buy another one frustrating,1 +dogs cutest shes vomiting taking shit filler ahsjdjdjdjkdkskskajahajjskdkfjfjfkfkfkdksjdjdjjddk,0 +@PupaKat Agreed. A friend who works for Citrix and used to work for Apple confirms that. Well done!,0 +slept naked one time jerked bed forgot school night mom woke up fun trying explain naked covered cum filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler,0 +story complex wonderful tale last harem ottoman empire well told provoking see inner workings world gone learn people lived therebr br i enjoyed story characters acting scenes scenes suffered quick editing sub titles sometimes disappeared quickly otherwise wonderful piecebr br the main character safiya played wonderfully marie gillain pleased say fantastic job without it scenes alex descas nadir charming lovelybr br i recommend film anybody looking watch something less hollywood authentic world emulating,0 +gone cannot find live,1 +blip fm is undergoing maintenance http blip fm,0 +think redditor plans kill themselvesi know right place post ive seen redflag note post redditor different sub hours passed may already gone it sub this someone contact,1 +cant hangout friends ive recently worst luck hanging friends like every time try hangout like im either busy im bus im theyve already fixed times shit im left alone since friends family friend joined group happening really confusing me,0 +mestocked sleeping pills rope thinking staying night watch sunrise one last time hang riverbank already packed things gonna homeless monday point anyways ive dragged on try every year try kill myself,1 +Good Morning peeps! ,0 +miss friend much miss best friend much nice to always made happy rarely see middle school makes happy know cant even happen remote learning wish could contact her miss lot like friend really want tell that fine virus though seen since shut everything down,0 +"@helen_bop sorry, i like to watch movies with explooosions!!! in them on a big screen. ",0 +watching childhood pictures makes want kill even morei look happy feel envious could happy plus knowing never go back time makes feel terrible ive suicidal years never brave enough ugh im tired myself sorry rant hope better ,1 +"He said yes guys, I'm now engaged. ",0 +every reason happybut im not every day think ending life im engaged wonderful man love much moved great new place promising careers financially secure supportive parents honestly know things starting going downhill least think know when early dropped masters degree went existential crisis following years hopping jobs getting paid peanuts gaining lot weight putting strain health relationship may landed current job fantastic following month grandmother passed away decade circling drain longer recognising anyone december started weight loss programme successful lost kg earlier year estranged halfbrothers pancreatic cancer turned terminal died two months later may july proposed partner years said yes last month best friend killed traffic accident fault cant tell fianc hopeless powerless terrified feel hes already hell feel incredibly guilty whenever much tell feel bit blue hes already everything would feel selfish telling somehow enough also feel terrible hiding fact sometimes want leave along everyone else deserve this cant tell parents mother manic depressive refuses treatment prejudice father already heartbroken loss estranged son who blamed gay despite fact mother one initiated divorce estrangement another son suddenly decided renounce family without telling us why effectively already lost two four children bear threaten loss youngest daughter too ive told therapist underplay feel evident im coping seem alarmed blame him know need time heal even cant get deaths im family leave want waste annual leave sick leave processing feelings like stereotypical woman im worried dont ill end psychiatric hospital something selfinflicted worse dead im utterly miserable wits end know do im desperate relief kind crushed guilt even thinking love love me,1 +i want a guy like carmello or jimmy,0 +"http://twitpic.com/6c0qy - At the London theatre, Thriller Live. I like the interior "old school" ",0 +im a y o male child sex abuse victim i wa molested by an uncle at pre school age along with my younger brother this disgusting trauma ha cast a shadow over my entire life and now that im in a period of increasing loneliness and hopelessness i think im just gon na leave i have so many social difficulty from this so many thing are 0x harder for me for so many reason it ha basically destroyed my ability to feel any worth in myself to feel like i deserve anything on top of this i deal with persistent chronic pain im seriously drowning lost everyone who made me happy and the focus in my life is never on me always a second thought to even my own parent my grandpa keep a gauge in his closet that im going to use to splatter my head later,1 +@Alyssa_Milano Thanks for the account info for verifying we got rid of a fake Jordan last night thanks to truthtweet down with impostors ,0 +hate sports always take shot like id rather take cock,0 +no matter what i do and how much i try i feel like noone will ever really care but thats fine i dont want to be alive anymore anyways i keep saying im doing better but im not im sorry i just dont want anyone to worry i just want to be normal i never asked for any of this i never fucking asked to be born into a shithole family i never asked for a potential personality disorder i never fucking asked to be alive this long ive tried so many time ive done so much stupid shit im just ruining my life and ruining everyones perception of me maybe if i make people hate me itll be easier for them to deal with my death i dont want to live anymore i cant eat anymore i can barely get up anymore i have incredibly shit hygiene it disgusting i know im sorry im sorry im like this im sorry im so fucking sorry im still alive it would be easier if i wasnt it would be itd be better it be better that way maybe id be happy maybe itd bring people peace to know im not ruining myself anymore,1 +i am year old and i finallly came to the conclusion that i need help with anxiety i signed up for therapy and will have my first session in a couple of day prior to the therapy session i met with a prescriber to discus medication they recomended starting me off on zoloft or lexapro in general i tend to think of medication a a last resort not just for thing like this but in all aspect for example i rarely used medinces perscribed to me for pain after surgery and would only use them if absolutely necesarry i don t even like taking ibuprofen for a headache unless it is unbearable given that i am trying to figure out whether or going on anxiety medication is necessary for me or not i am worried about going on something for the rest of my life and am a little concerned about the side effect on the other hand i have been reading some post on here about how much med helped people i am hoping to hear from some people that have been on any of these medication and what their experience were also if anyone ha any thought on whether or not someone that is new to this whole anexiety improvement journey should jump into med or just try therapy first and see how that go i always kind of ignored my anxiety and told myself that since i have been able to graduate from college with a good degree hold down a great job for several year and maintain good relationship that my anxiety must not be that bad but a time go by i am starting to feel like it is getting worse and is negatively impacting my happiness and is leading my to lean on stimulant and alcohol too much which doesn t seem like a long term healthy way of handling this i have also had a couple of concussion in the last few year so i am not sure how much that play into what i am going through i would really appreciate it if some people could speak to their experience or have any encouragement or advice for someone just starting out in therapy and potentially medication please reach out if i can add additional context to my situation to help clarity where i am at also i wa reading some other post on this sub about people being tired all of the time i have spent year trying to figure out medically why to no avail i am starting to wondering if my axiety is causing it can anyone speak to any experience or epiphany they have had with this thanks garrison,1 +feel like im loosing best friend like ill ask hang hell say want deal heat bc tx hes busy sum like hes always people idk bro maybe im loosing shit sum hand seems like genuinely starting hate something idk also feel like deserve too im necessarily good person,0 +i m tired of seeing political shit all the time everybody is always making fun of someone or arguing with someone and it s everywhere i wan na fucking kill myself for the sole purpose of escaping it it s not just on reddit either it s youtube it s real life it s tv commercial and tv show i hate it so much it make me lose all hope for humanity i want to leave this country but i can t i fucking hate living on this god forsaken planet please if anyone who is hyper political is reading this fucking stop do something else,1 +"It's a cliche, but I hope you'll start a nuclear war to cure your depression",1 +how to get ticket sold out quot give it a name festival quot on sat,0 +cant wait finally kill myself everything be dude im hell im trapped matrix never tell wheather hell dare another swirl windmill there got you yeah youre hell like all welcome heyyyyy wayy knoow rabbit dont make ruin this whole dude theyve told many times still dont listen mthrfckr wait wait wait you i understood guilty treason how thw write it donwld did i understood stupid understood dont understand im stupid it think hell hell designed particularly me whether escape me theyve left clues moment born born memory remember thought think word thing saw allclues whether use flucking ride riddle love designed particularly live life think whether wwant admit orstill blind see waiting always beautiful hope hooe notguilty something really bad whether kill sooner ruin surprise just wait see just wait see made wait solong whether sleep suppose dont to whatsthen pee but suppos dont to think im stupid out the,1 +why do i feel like when i m about to talk to someone i always see what am i lacking and how to provide solution for it and then not going to tell it in the end wtf,1 +is watching harry potter movies with her nephew Patrick.....i think we have watched them all twice now lol,0 +terrible place typical relationship issueim bad place redditers think need help ive drinking non stop wrote redflag notes followed with went gpa average college student failing classes quarter relationship thought best her played wasnt planning proposing june things took turn worst ended things breakup wrecking me recently met trip los angeles im broken know let slip hands feel terrible going much heartbreak wanting kill want cause harm people told never date ever get married usually id think im crazy feel like want disappear world worst part still trying talk her get mine love feel like making harder move on year old male ready leave world one needs here do,1 +My saturday office http://twitpic.com/697o6,0 +hopelessnothing left life live anymore wanna die never wake up support anyone life man end severely depressed suicidal pass years nothing getting better gets worse here im sick tired people telling life gets better youre young die feel way makes sense pisses hear supposed helpful advice bit context me im pennsylvania currently junior high school dont much friends really support group back im always seen time keep things myself really interacting outside world everything held close sudden letting loose everything friends family school falling apart nothing left loose point one second im happy im sad depressed crazy sure maybe need surround around better people care me hard people accepting me tried making internet friends see worth joining different sub reddits offer here surprise everyones same maybe expectations way high making friends find people either ghost dont respond all say things dip like never knew me saddening want experience friend earth loyal consider outcast reject loner nobody wants talk me walk me sit me really associate me dont know deserve this denying fact ive done said fucked things however cant seem rationalize understand ones life terrible dont get wrong plenty people struggling worse am im sure it doesnt mean mental health isnt important saying care die really speaking existence life right now maybe die people truly understand pain struggle misery through sometimes wanna run away far away never return makes sad friends happy friends care them literally one wake up school work sleep repeat really sad life turned out dont care im age doesnt mean shit lets forget mention get made feeling way am cant help im stuck feeling depressed suicidal time maybe maybe someone see message understand go through,1 +Been a little quiet again since last weekends awesome workshop. Also a little blue (depression… https://www.instagram.com/p/Bh_6Cd2lA93/ ,1 +feeling lowi feel like matter one ever going truly want me im tired feelings belittled finding shit own want die,1 +first achieved fame drunken master jackie chan thrust spotlight s project a hugely enjoyable pirate flick reestablished major star time police story released two years later extraordinary hype surrounding jackie reaching zenith crowds flocked see frenetic blend awesome stunts brutal fight scenes questionable comedy broke numerous boxoffice records inspired rise police recruits but viewed years goodbr br as action movie police story unquestionably stands up several terrific fight scenes stuntwork recalls best chans hero buster keaton compelling overviolent climactic tussle jackies performance also strong whilst frequent forays laboured comedy dull films impact little charisma carries through furthermore presenting hero borderline psychopath whose recklessness puts others danger jackie took momentous gamble though event nobody seems noticed praising police story simple good vs evil battle critics belittled films ambiguity tone whilst hardly brothers karamazov depicting uncertainty film nevertheless represented notable praiseworthy shift conventional ideasbr br in short remains quality popcorn movie though may empty stomach numerous villains thrust deposited glass showcases films final scene potent boisterously entertaining action movie ranks best period,0 +yes little low budget movie shows love bad things tell budget film would compare waterworld though plot good film never really tapped full potential strong performances everyone suspense makes worthwhile watch rainy night,0 +soul tiredim going hurt myself im definitely deep depression idk do marriage dying dont like job lost identity person kids nobody talk causing bottle everything weighing down now plans hurting couldnt bear think loved ones im leaving behind wish rest good theres light end tunnel ive worked way hard life looks good paper leaves many voids know redflag watch im much heartache pain every day feel like im walking cinderblock shoes exist withering away every day ill take advice get needed place could anonymously get weight chest youre reading this thank you,1 +"http://twitpic.com/6v7qk - Chloe, my sister's new puppy ",0 +"@wiseleo I'm glad to see you on Twitter!!! Oh, and I definitely agreed with Mary & Mia when they declared you the winner of the battle!",0 +pls let diei want badly dead come forest planning killing myself didnt bring anything though looking suitable tree hang from hope weekend even tomorrow night going take planning need get everything order it would much easier could drop dead car crash hurting possibly cope with,1 +"In 50 days my sports depression will continue, is their no escape from this void??? https://twitter.com/brfootball/status/989062174017576960 …",1 +seriously asking much want things nothing more want die forgotten,1 +please help joking need save friendplease need immidieate help friend spain going kill soon said many times know nit joking need someone tell do live poland call polish police tell it anything else do i everything could make kill himself listen need take action,1 +good morning just found out i need to have a wisdom tooth out,0 +cant go anymoreall night drink look ways kill quickly painlessly hate life hate even more one knows feel way make sure always look happy repeats head words kill yourself just end all psychologically im fucked well one knows too want help want life end,1 +ArmySniper24 but that weaopon is already on the game lol iam basically saying give us more weapons lol a wider range ,0 +cant really condemn movie work enough film noir elements consider noir movie think categorybr br theres nothing sinister piece thats noir elements fail sure disease might considered sinister hard time seeing that movie hints darker side blackie may trafficking human beings new orleans police willing arrest reporter specter plague hangs people movie really hintsbr br theres attempt made question reeds motivations one marlowe spade attempt bring humans side blackie would make even contemptuous human trafficking actually played outbr br that lack depth fails movie endbr br the story decent acting good writing direction well done nothing make movie return over worth watching once maybe twice remember years ago putting away,0 +battle wits im hosting battle wits two friends people consider academically smart claim smarter one talking one day decided battle wits find one actually smarter serious thing supposed prepare questions stuff im pretty much ideas thus far three rounds wikipedia speedrun first one get wikipedia page danjaq plastic surgery clicking links winner flash questions answer many trivia questions minute can whoever answers questions correctly winner drawing competition draw something using ms paint whoevers drawing crowd deems best winner were gonna people watching well far id like make around rounds whoever wins rounds considered bigger brain input appreciated thanks ,0 +long take small cut stop bleeding accidentally cut bleeds isnt bad annoying,0 +posting random stuff reason day sometimes feel like whole life joke,0 +common deal it want apologize make things right things person probably forgot super insignificant want actions hard assume people find jerk theyll hate ill outcast pariah ,1 +im running ways convince life worth fighting fori know say anymore anyone come conclusion cant fix mind life clear option go terms watch one closest people die painfully cancer two years ago diagnosed early stages young cant seem get insurance matter hard try last year including fact diagnosed bipolar last year stay psych ward longer afford medication finally helping longer insurance able hold job months time eventually lose mind start panic attacks work even manage drag in noticeable usually get reprimanded point emotional sad threatened losing hours causing hate even quickly get much worse point stop showing thinking better without me currently second month staying mother found cameras set house recording my roommate apparently thought decided make sure cheat else go hoping would short stay knowing abysmal credit going need substantially increase savings cover moves plus things left behind forced recent job tried proactive talk manager things trouble tension staff involving me starting make able preform job solution public discussion course bringing situation found new shit job fuck got get place live right day start work get text saying grandfather died needless say fucked job up mom want badly relationship head thought made much progress believe hate needing ask help i mean hate lot but pretty disgusted me mean disgusted myself think fix it get car accident insurance company total car decide damages greater car worth same,1 + jump front car hear parents sex going kill,1 +i m sorry i ve ruined everything between u forgive me,0 +wanting drop third post shit titlei keep posting here feel like shouldnt know why things get better get worse repeat again everything chore labor hate anything yet nothing do everything fucking far away wish gun badly lonely cant begin describe it want connect people want able communicate sometimes feel like know how sometimes feel like alien driving around earlier crying thinking theres literally nothing me want help world want see get better really do far gone cant make satisfied living perpetual fuckups mirrored world around me want end want know people life decided move good reason knew going nowhere toward grave win everyone else know im alone feeling way sometimes fucking help honestly know im still alive now ill read good book see good movie great message think ill apply life never fucking do cant figure change honestly want to but cant stay same know except blow brains out sounds comforting right now,1 +I feel the need for some open road freedom. Going to hop on the scooter & get some air. Later y'all ,0 +dad cringe funny dad showed actualy funny facebook meme said made that went pfft didnt make cant make funny memes walked away like said i made you dumb fake forced laugh like ohhh hes good dad ngl ,0 +tv viewers lost interest space interested anything set space finally played mass effect friend recommended me found shows like babylon farscape firefly battlestar galactica influenced mass effect space sci fi popular s early s dominant pop culture tv things s game thrones zombies superheroes become harder imagine humanity future,0 +pointsince boyfriend years left me cant see point life theres meaning purpose work money try meaningless relationships people like world were leaving ask born deal even want to were years die totally useless life pain,1 +know whats weird naked like fr alone chillin soon theres possibility someone might see you feels like criminal,0 +want move outim blaming anyone cant keep brother verbally abused reason deserve im currnetly unemployed therefore unable move im economically deprived area good employers willing branch people might say move out cant im employed ive applying jobs brother tells do,1 +know im gona dieis bad know im gona die mom dog dies one live thats im gona kill myself people say find someone need stop depressed want spread sadness anyway literally see reason would live want kill myself logical worries sadness end endless cycle getting better going deep,1 +haha im literally failure in im putting much effort can still failing every class failure definition guess doomed follow forgotten middle child stereotype sooner later,0 +Depression mood:,1 +paul pogba s est confi sport team sur sa d pression manchester united on est jug tous le trois jours on doit tre bon tout le temp alors qu on a de soucis comme tout le monde que ce soit avec no partenaires notre coach dans la vie de tous le jours http t co y qbcrfky,1 +"@MellyFed bahah hes a stalker. you got paid to go home, sweet i want your job my day was good i'm so beat though, when we going 2 mexican",0 +am despicable rotten personthere multiple reasons want end life reasons want end life want end it girlfriend fight constantly get rejected every job apply im stuck current one unable get circle debt self loathing may big part it hate way am hate way treat others hate treat myself ive tried change seek help therapy unaffordable right tbh straw broke camels back glasses broke today didnt super glue tape wasnt working work home tried find something put back together couldnt harmed girlfriend broke me glasses broke qas stressed qhen text her say saying fucked yep felt like care one ever really genuinely cares anyways unless something them thinking this drove edge harmed again graduated high school years ago done nothing life years planet feel like despicable rotten failure never get hole im in may well lie die it told whole life get better fucking doesnt nothing gets fucking better fuck anyone says so lying,1 +cant afford get help health insurancei pay month health insurance kick ive spent dollars really need help bad cant financially afford last trip er cost dollars sit around psyche ward hours waiting seen,1 +mjust met guy im fcking giggling awkwardnesss met grindr noticed blocks away decided meet up much talked like mins went jog well couldnt even say talk tho could look me walking talking always ahead me literally said im awkward way am lololollo first time this also didnt know do im person laughs awkwardness awkward something never experienced before wanted share it k im done,0 +i reaching help from stranger i really need someone be here for me i cant handle the pressure from depression i really want to suicide please help,1 +texasvegetarian oh god ow that must have hurt like a bitch,0 +im waste space im sorry im still aliveusually im strong person give depression much lately hard actually live past years dealt fine even joked suicidal depressed however laughing matter anymore today bad day woke wrong side bed today nothing seemed going well series things go well morning got work shit piled up afternoon boyfriend fight like even big deal him evening making dinner family every fucking thing mess bigger problems deal day helping every good days one bad day change every thing today cry cry room cry working cry texting boyfriend cry cooking cry typing this fuck bullshit im fucking tired living hard especially life live hoping new year starts im already gone,1 +redtoffee strawberry is the absolute best angel delight eva i had chocolate once but it wa too sweet,0 +I don't feel well! + thinking about college on Tuesday is just making me worse! haha ,0 +im better im rly scared ill rebecome person againi suicidal thoughts long time seen piece shit thats worth living made chart would put pros cons killing reason didnt would scar little sister life mom would say fault kept going years im actually getting better started working showering etc years careing something fix week running reason im better girl know seems care lot im rly scared ill go back feels good able go friends without feeling like dont belong acting goofy dont seem quiet im petrified night think ill become person created dopamine rush love ill pass passes,1 +haha i ve been with my grandma for day even she s about house away i ll still miss her,0 +"@AliDaley Sounds lovely, hope the rest of your weekend is a really great one and that you are spoiled a little more ",0 +welp im going bed ive gotta wake whatever need much sleep ill fine im hormonal imbalanced right im tired anything are gn ,0 +want get macbook sorted need update travel card rest term save much time mornings evenings also help work home without needing use local library travel campus im university student able repay via nd student finance instalment th january would help repay interest think highest id comfortable paying also part time job however repayment would essentially made january student finance instalment would enough,1 +accidentally spent dads money let us say berated put as always am getting point try spend every minute life working trying sleep deal everyone lonely breakdowns daily,1 +beat rock paper scissors give award accept challenge,0 +Depression real deal hits yo ass outta nowhere. It can sometimes come mid laugh when you wit yo friends. Or when you In the middle of writing notes in class. That shit sucks son.,1 +Anyone giving away an iphone lol i really want one anyone generous =],0 +"@TheBloggess If you click on this, my Twit handle, you'll find my FB in my bio. Partly introvert, dash of extrovert in the right arena. EMAPTH. I love all living things, working on enlightenment, I'm weird so I stay home a lot. Fought depression for 30+yrs..WON. #letsbefriends",1 +im edge please helpim deep pain lost last chance getting love life me im trying panic attack feel pain throughout body everything hurts feel like im dying please help way,1 +bitches like why weird autism bitch thats,0 +cant be bothered gwtting dressed x,0 +@wsamuel Get 100 followers a day using www.tweeteradder.com Once you add everyone you are on the train or pay vip ,0 +president big joke like talking important people countries takes mask them talks whole time without it sad donkey represents country,0 +markhardy 9 me too itm,0 +i keep thinking of her a transphobic because a year and a half ago she told me all her thought of transgender and now i don t feel comfortable talking to her about it,1 +peoplei swear id dont want put people around pain others deserve though,1 + literally grow bruh whats stopping you,0 +hello ive chronic social redflag since remember pretty traumatic childhood resulted socially awkward nervous social setting fast forward week ive invited party weekend would love go honest im scared go,1 +"The JOURNAL is in my backpack, waiting to be read! ",0 +redditors whose parents committed redflag younghow affect you note give closure wish written it well now,1 +feel like every time get suicidal like get closer closer really itsomething awful inside gaining resolve certain last month let alone year tried meds still suicidal hung lived took whole bottle pills lived packed stuff take get way next person live here outlet even beautiful anons enough anymore,1 +@yourboyalexplus You can dance if you want to. ,0 +never fucking good enoughi hate fucking much wish courage say maybe ill send know truly feel may think love deep hate every fiber being cant see try best never good enough every single time argue hold back feelings wanna hurt feelings im sick tired it cant let live life wanna live stop dictator,1 +need true connectioni feel alone friends dont family partner friends basically family alone measurable sense im missing feeling true connection worry hated think am believe right connection stave death but im yet alone,1 +story write story school this wasnt attempt edgy interpretation school system advice theres sudden hush hairs back neck begin prickle steely wind cuts rustling trees everything feels fresh alive poised action yet stuck inside watch rain slide windows turned see rest classs blank lifeless expressions copied notes board thought real point copying wouldnt say looked none others would teacher turns us empty grin dont forget test tomorrow high expectations bell rings everyone leaves room hallways filled footsteps students otherwise silent gloomy place yet theres way out second home prison shall stay hate place live every day come back hoping one day would burn ground next class different last writing writing writing stuck never ending loop taught same rain pelted windows never seen like before outside become swallowed thick mist windows became foggy one liked rain saw inconvenience reason stay inside wishing let water ever touch them not water clean warming helps things grow amazing phenomenon one really truly wants experience school took rain killer leave paralyzed perhaps thats one liked it students see long immerse get punished liking something many people do feel deep inside us horrible disgusting feeling want cry constant feeling trapped able anything stop it teachers dont names anymore personalities stripped mask smile thing happens day day without anyone questioning it without stopping release become us without thinking could possibly something were teached without releasing dont perfect play along anyway taught people tell us nothing perfect student nothing change minds everyone special tell us know may well numbers names school day ends seems like stop no smothered school work pressure parents family succeed slowly leaving things enjoy years go on world slowly poisoned greed lack sympathy generations live carry on world turned happy free place nothing cold hearted place despair torment everywhere go placed specific role comply with people dont follow rules society made become outcasts unwanted unneeded become believe grades perfect perfect complete normal,0 +@Karencrafts cookie dough also i am wearing my pretty skull flip flops right now- thought you'd appreciate that ;),0 +in high school i wa quiet mind my business didn t talk to many people i noticed that certain people just didn t like me one time a teacher moved a girl to sit next to me and she made this weird face like annoyed and when she sat next to me she wa slightly turned ti the direction i wasn t in and not facing straight another occasion i wa sitting in a table with other people and none of them would bother to talk to me even when i tried to make a convo or ask a question and one of them actually cut hair now and my brother and dad cut their hair with her and they re always saying she talk a lot etc she s friendly today i went to that place to cut my hair and she wa completely quiet just asked me what hair type i wanted and the price of the cut i didn t want to start a convo cause i knew that back then she wouldn t even want to talk i just feel like i have something that just make people dislike me for no reason,1 +ive told every year past im going kill birthdayi never followed still small amount hope always feel like this never stopped trying better myself unfortunately birthdays less month im drained hope ive defeated know time place happening at spent days writing letter family finished morning id like share letter go think ill post birthday,1 +people care thats okeveryone thinks theyre bad guy one question everyone bad guy world fucked good like telephone gamechinese whisper someones lying say treat others would want treated the golden rule say bullshit treat others treated you many people treated like shit sure fuck want treated like that its kinda funny true people care responsibilities understand that well responsible ourselves question shown care well mental state left deal suffering because choice responsibility care theirs responsible ourselves reason show care shown any thoughts hours sleep always get philosophical sleep way looking world proof action religious theres bible verse faith without works dead james sums see world hope feel better get well soon,1 +relief felt realised could itive meds years family built foundation lies ive given dreams practical cant even read book anymore whats point trying make sort future looking field marginal interest in coronavirus struck im stuck home parents welcomed home telling prepare arrival brother biggest abuser reason ive victims mentality got picked everywhere went went online searched final solution saw chemicals ill need readily available am never felt kind relief felt saw that never felt good peaceful used care loved ones seem important anymore know im trying say first message here im superstitious maybe sign,1 +someone anynomis blessed cow cow way see universe owes cow blessing anyone cow want blessed,0 +idealizationi drank last night amp fight so im horrible drinker mental health issues know better amp deeply regret decision today bad anxiety suicidal thoughts im unhappy much love give feel never wanted im stay home mother codependency driving crazy well feel drained thoughts today im embarassed myself im sure get help im scared,1 +Listen to all of VD's song from my phone... ha..ha... ,0 +friend got grounded around months ago think might killed point nobodys answering insta account we talked there think found one friends texted know going respond want know alive figure outi suicidal depressed help friend might dead,1 +it s raining outside look like snow but it s raining,0 +it seems there is no more joy in this world the world ha literally gone to shit it s scary and truly saddening people fighting for climate change having protest a if that s gon na change a goddam thing everyone is diagnosed with some type of mental illness even if they re not they tell you they suffer from some type of anxiety and depression there s 0 originality these day i don t even remember 0 when i look outside everything appears in a darker shade everyone is trying to bring back old trend specifically the early 000s and reselling clothes item from that era at an insane price which piss me off everyone feel nostalgic bringing up memory from the past anytime before 0 0 more than ever these day which make me even more sick because we can t relive those year nothing to ever look forward to no good music no nothing everyone piss me off there is truly no one like me and if there is well i m sure they live very far from where i m at earlier i wa thinking about vine and how that turned into musically and how that turned into tiktok which is just filled with such inappropriate vids i had to delete it because my fyp wa filled with people romanticizing eating disorder and people deliberately showing their fresh self harm cvts this generation is seriously mentally ill i m so exhausted from living all i fucking do is complain because there s too much shit to complain about this world just keep turning into a more dark and darker place and the fact that people are still having kid in a world like this even during the pandemic is just beyond me there s clearly no hope for any of u i can t keep living in a world like this and then the fact that i have to slave at work while my manager sleep downstairs or is sitting on his as getting paid minimum wage is just insane i don t understand how people have put up with this for so long every day i get closer to the day i planned to take my life and i don t even know how i feel about it and some day i feel nothing yea call me a coward but at least i ll be gone no more dealing with this stupid shit and stupid as new yorkers the most dumbest people i ve ever came across,1 +i know my mind think thing that make no sense and sometimes i just sit there and watch myself experience these thought and then i fall into a weird psychosis i keep having irrational fear of death and it trigger me on a daily basis i get scared to fall asleep because i think my dad is going to murder me i sit in the car and get a random thought about getting hit and dying i watch the news and get scared about another war starting that lead to dying the anxiety that i have about dying before i am able to get old ruin my willingness to actually enjoy my life i think the past couple of year since covid ha exposed me to a lot of unexpected and very triggering event in my life and for this reason i m scared to relax when thing are going good i worry about enjoying peace in my life because something bad might happen so much of this worrying make me sleep a lot it make me frustrated about myself it take away the motivation and lust i used to have for life i am too familiar with a rising heartbeat every thirty minute or the feeling of dread after doing the most mundane thing sometimes i walk around in my everyday life and just feel like i m in a developing video game and i m just waiting for the program to start i m scared all of the time of what the next thing that s going to happen to me come i wish i could be a normal person i remember when my anxiety used to just revolve around small stuff like my appearance now i don t even care about what i look like it s like i don t even recognize who i am anymore,1 +cat hat official fan club cupcake inator im excited audience chuckling cupcakeawhat cat audience kupkakeinator oh amazing device instantly make cupcakes anything kitchen wait minute sayanything anything anything yes anything anything anything anything ill get you itll look like bloody accident,0 +gets likes literally reinstate austriahungary empire think im kidding everything power make happen,0 +anothera,0 +it s almost funny i don t want you to feel like i m giving up i m just worried that you ll start to resent therapy or resent me,1 +holy shit didnt know discord light mode worse possibly imagine put youll see,0 +haha exposure covid school get work home oak academy national academy thing history test lined tomorrow im lowkey celebrating rn great,0 +interest anythingeveryday bore lifes repeat difference care less less im poorer poorer interests hobbies faded dont enjoy things id done years relationships people close either broken breaking down going alone soon genuinely dont care least would need think future try move on,1 +posted social media going redflagnobody cares single person people even liked status messages regret see news tomorrow still living nobody miss me family abusive friends im failure life unemployed college dropout unwanted all maybe could survive good job nothing place world done,1 +make joke person made joke completely fine it knows joke isnt hurt hate people come get offended person even though joke wasnt targeted them like swear god pisses much like school wilding out like roasting session make fun other telling story guy said girl ass looks like deflated basketballs joke everyone okay it since woman thats made fun body shaming sexual harassment etc got comments saying asshole sexually harassing her when didnt even make joke watching okay too people comments still wanna call asshole hate lot people reddit especially little kids yall sensitive cry everything not sensitive snowflakes,0 +think people might able help others idk thoughtthis might get kicked community however think others might able help others here saw posts people wealthy yet dont really reason live something stupid like reason x dont think worth redemption side people feel really screwed financial circumstances like able pay months rent know sounds stupid hear cant like people wealthy give little money really need it mean charity help reduce symptoms depression give little sense empowerment able help someone might act reason continue like short may help former later think financial support might thing pull situation yes understand rent always chip change asking give entire amount like even small amounts mean yes stupid hey think if also sorry somehow insulted someone manner note charity work months back went remote area taught student while say probably best weeks life didnt even cut suicidal taught kept pretty happy fulfilled like solid month support doesnt financial always guys ideas list down people could really use help here,1 +really making video nasties again guise digital wide screen big budget remake mm quite ride unfortunately bit much story times becomes like travelogue heroine searches sleaze spots paris hamburg amsterdam however rather churlish depraved scenes including everything from hot wax harsh whipping rough sex drowning beheading some scenes immaculate pity bruno budget stretch make many characterful creatures introduced become simply caricatures,0 +looking little mental help advice yesterday birthday nothing really special happened dad made dinner us brother cousin staying us ate fun dinner cousin brother brought mom little angry said something me demoralizing enough know mom mad without saying anything go room say goodnight kind distractedly said happy birthday never even left room hang rest us kind distant im writing this feel awful mom mad even come room see birthday ive arguing night even struggling school im scatter brained sorry long im lost right need do,0 +"'Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, first make sure you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes.' ~W. Gibson #quotes #WednesdayWisdom #WednesdayMotivation #InspirationalQuotes",1 +house become ant nest ants everywhere seriously actually ants everywhere,0 +cope feelingim weeks pregnant beautiful kids home loving husband good job although stressful mind much years ive struggled depression anxiety panic attacks good last years thanks medication ive taking today small argument husband this rare hardly argue raised voice saying something like this nobody likes you broke able stop crying ive cutting myself obvious summer means ill wear jacket everywhere now done awhile im scarred doctor put mental facility see it husband talking me im crying arm hurts cuts want die feel like years past coming back feeling need hurt cope pain way cope guys deal it,1 +im india ask ting yh cus im bored also feel free dm bobs vegana,0 +@mcswinn Yes I would be honered to host ur bday What do I have to do.,0 +mizzzidc you are spiralling me back into depression with your tweet http t co a9hjljkr p,1 +miss mitskis songs havent listened songs like minutes wonder theyre,0 +im sick wearing mask im sick pretending someone im not one would actually love really am would they sometimes think would easier cut ties everyone know im terrified seeing disappointed eyes find im theyve always known as,0 +"Well, @TomVMorris you should make sure @Producergirl has you @ the studio next time I film wine segments ",0 +rht0 bfmtv en france d apr s vous quelqu un qui ne peut exercer de m tier par probl me mental en pleine d pression admettons doit donc mourir de faim c est bien ce que vous sou entendez du coup,1 +free bubble wrap enjoy gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt gtpoplt,0 +relax suit couch smile little bit youre live bestgore,0 +living life start shitty life suddenly blue universe decides hmm fuck kids life even more convert human literal piece shit months rubbed hands prepared strike almighty upon me bammmmmm bammmmmmm comes pandemic get fucking fucked bitch chances recovering life gone ah fuck beats beats like dog getting whipped owner life punches kicks abuses cant even crawl fucking throws thunder nature top me reducing piece shit absolutely nothing haha get fucked kid life pretty much worthless now guess took months years life planet plummet abyss like bunch dominos,0 +need go horny jail someone please honors,0 +Hi I just finished infinity war and I purposely did not wear makeup but uhm..... depression calling my name pic.twitter.com/dDlA0Fj27G,1 +aahmddr gradyymk je me ba encore contre ma d pression videmment y a pa que la pillule qui rentre en jeu mais c est le facteur d clencheur,1 +owwwwww what a doozy of a headache tablet later and it ha only taken off a slight edge,0 +"@SophietheCocker Wardrobes are often made of cheese, so you can eat them. ",0 +jonathanrknight awww i soo wish i wa there to see you finally comfortable im sad that i missed it,0 +tell roommatelong story short extremely suicidal got considerably better weird kind break morning back seriously suicidal want make sure something stupid like throw dorms fourth floor window like ive thinking of know talk help roommate know depression two people campus know tell roommate hey buddy hide rope sharp objects get back want something happen suggestions help talk friends status break need help,1 +man walks street says why soft middle now get youve heard it,0 +remember different like years ago life now remember enjoying things used like meeting new people used love going movies reading books ate cried slept normal amount feel like working hard get back therapy meds exercise etc starting lose hope worse part,1 +"Aaaaaand here comes the depression, I was waiting for you",1 +seen movie number times find compelling sad lack real emotion characters disturbing seem empty hopeless story based real eventbr br a teenage girl murdered boyfriend obvious reason apparently felt like it boasts friends believe takes view body number times one reports murder two strong leads keanu reeves crispen glover crispen glovers character seriously annoyingbr br keanus character matt appears one sense right wrong keanu best flawless performance believable anyone thinks man cant act watch movie matts little brother almost disturbing character movie twelve compassion love factor life sad think kids like this really makes grateful have ,0 +"@brob108 good stuff Woop, looking forward to tomorrow Have a good day Mr Brian.",0 +wild redflag notethe wild wild system hierarchy wild politics economics social groups families food chain wild see everything divided groups states counties borders crossed every animal group system way things elephants example matriarch system chief elephant leads herd family groups composed moms dads sons daughters even uncles social groups within herd link elephants broken one elephant dies elephants mourn lost breakup also see systems animals like lions disney movie lion king entirely true true behaviors seen movie like alpha male king leader behavior really seen wild females hunt male sits day guarding house animals intelligent enough create hierarchies assign roles multiple examples systems wild humans systems politics economy social groups reflect close perfect systems lower species develop factor limits development process successful systems betrayal wild rare see species animals betray kin among humans really dominant factor politics economy effective systems weve created see betrayal politician promises change delivers misery poverty people see betrayal economy person makes apparently enough money survive terrible life steals poor satisfy greedy vicious needs see betrayal social development social groups born could easily betrayed mother chose abort life miserable piece crap baby wont make better get chance born get betrayed every single step life matter much learn life evil ways youll get betrayed one call brother one call friend sometimes even one dont call anything dont even know them thats fucked world is get betrayed fall love get betrayed think load speak dream fact anything sure get betrayed may ask yourself happening me trust me eventually realize nothing god damned world worth it nothing worth it knowledge popular famous rich pretties cutest person world nothing repeat nothing worth it animals wild humans really need food sleep well given bath love every animal matter species needs love need special someone imagine screwed world prefer betray friends family sometimes even make someone elses life living hell know gone way point life make someone miserable something see wild animals understand commitment responsibility comes living world enjoying stay shit hole lasts also see shitty behavior wild animals mental capacity hate mental capacity betray backstab friends one thing ive learned life experiences befriend anyone smile wave learn names call humans vain love listening name narcissistic sons bitches huh thats one things ive learned like said means nothing absolutely nothing worth anything nickel back piece crap world know may seem rude seem like ass thats get go wild learn survive eat every single crosses path days ago came phrase lets it really meant say lets anything lets sit nothing death proclaims miserable bodies feel like life less shitty nothing cant hurt get hurt people say pain makes us grow well guess biggest pile bull shit ive ever heard human beings evolve million years live pain evolved basic necessities needed take care caused changes human body adapt physical nature nature itself really hate people say love relevant thing okay okay lets see handle everyone rejecting able love youll go fucking nuts less hours specially society emotions souls driven facebook twitter little practical start facebook profile get tons likes close account come back computer screen like love searching moth dark love whores need love need much family abandons you friends become filthiest assholes universe dog doesnt want pet him turn god loving hand could bit less stupid please god loves loves everyone kind love humans need love invisible created world humans themselves humans need word im talking bible im talking literal word love say well growing mom worked day step dad lovehate relationship me sometimes needed word word used context famous phrase love you tell like hearing words together wish would given opportunity choose wealthy life love mother really ever feel know love is ive multiple relationships failed miserably know love attitude shit lot people suffer shitty attitude syndrome basically asshole enough males females across globe fall kind behavior think attractive well people like bad attitudes stupid put mental institution get serious treatments attraction always fault fault definitely stars fault way thinking people example used think stage manager traveling theatre group college cute filled joy every time saw face talked her came betrayal liked friend even though completely satisfied decided pursue dream one day given chance join relationship even though know probably never find out something bothered killed inside ive always type person likes listen whenever got chance talk would listen lovee dovee things say mind give three shits thought him cause guy im straight face would reply typical mhhm intelligent trying get girl like you point along way liking started see interest getting strong point friends would go eat invite me case know fucking big deal okay do nothing nothing all anything decided quit thought ever existing decided kill myself redflag letter cry love really need someone roam savannah me show beautiful skies kenya need someone help fight life wild,1 +want doneim meds thought working therapist stopped seeing got expensive know helplines avenues hospitalized dont enough want go humiliation again dont want anymore feel this im tired feeling insignificant alone im depressed shy actually go anywhere make friends reach out feel like nothing left fight for,1 +thinking itmy dad suffered bipolar depression committed redflag last july moms current boyfriend coming house since day dads death since moved in clearly cheating him blame mother dads death currently broke im scrambling find job help pay school gas found take year away school appeal dismissal failed classes slept almost week really bad nightmares killing everyone love left alone wake cuts wrists remember doing today started panic attack tried find psychologist start seeing week schools health dept answer tried finding offices area closed today felt need see psychologist today find single place also insurance money pay expensive first visit chatted redflag hotline online asked find reasonably priced place area did called closed day started panicking again got car drove boyfriend called yelled get back home state drive like he saw wrist thinks purpose lying bed wondering take many sleeping pills tonight exhausted physically mentally feel like purpose importance wish alone right now,1 +im big disappointment disguised human beingi know exactly wrong me know one thing sure cant function properly like people hear mom time cant disagree saying right disappoint even try best head hurts lot want end all feel like shit dont want disappoint anyone anymore dont want go anymore whatever hell is want sleep never wake up,1 +dear crimestoppers thankyou for your regular service of our burglar alarm i m most grateful for the new 00db ear deafening entry tone,0 +redflag note im sorryhappiness doesnt seem possible trust me know people much worse do im also strong people think killing everyday gonna happen soon cut today times well hope burning feeling take away numb feel sob hard cant hear anymore genuinly feel numb cant feel sadness anymore cant feel anything want scream scream voice leaves completely scream everyone whos hurt knows badly theyve hurt me consider redflag note side note sorry anything isnt spelled correctly im typing quite fast kylie thank easy let go still love you think everyday please find someone treats better ever could deserve much life youre talented beautiful much potential please dont sad passing im happy now aaron bet didnt exspect this wanted thank many smiles low sadly im am time couldnt make happy since youre asleep love you thank sticking everyything alexis you thank trusting kinda luke oh start you mostly fault broke heart million peices chose it me thats really made decision this ruined me fuck you hope get everything deserve yesterday went work heard voice saw beautiful smile broke down know saw it smile more fuck fuck fuck you carlos breaking point didnt really know though left watch anime friend thats upset me im sorry im dramatic love you mom sissy gave hints gonna this nobody acted fast enough im sorry love you dad fuck max know need me need well dont understand depression well enough help im sorry love you danny know never see this really do reason stuck around long did sorce real smiles joyful laughs and rest grumps mean everything me would anthing you sadly cant anymore told this told stay alive im listining im sorry danny im sorry im trying working love moon back farewell im sorry goodbye,1 +tittle suicide tourism switzerland work,1 +intelligensia i totally get you why you did it is beyond me i rediscovered some new bone on my back after sunday escapade,0 +laying in bed bored decided to open some of my old playlist on spotify started to listen to some song that my ex sent me the one we used to listen together all night i haven t listened to these song or any song of the one i used to love since we broke up i don t know what made me dig up this pain also there s a playlist she made specially for me but i don t dare to open it it s like i just opened the pandora s box of sadness and depression,1 +@yvettej : I highly recommends you join www.m2e.asia You can earn money from free shareholder by dividends. Even you do NOTHING! ,0 +@anabelf Well I will see it after Changeling and The Last King of Scotland ,0 +octolinz it it count idk why i did either you never talk to me anymore,0 +kill myself m title states kill myself friends all asked want friend flat ignore me one seems care know dont care probably laugh end committing redflag grab knife cut slice myself destroy life always lived alone die alone redflag initiation ,1 +even know anything anymoreim failing grades im also months behind school work family disappointed friends know do,1 +推 (03:36:54 HKT) ä½ ä¸?懂æ?¨æ?¨åœ°è·Ÿä»– say NO 嗎 å?ªæ‡‚離棄我: Jeep 我求你5好å†?æ?žæˆ‘個頭 http://plurk.com/p/xti68,0 +guys found something searching stuff realised flashpoint theyre revamping fireboy watergirl look article httpsyoutubedqwwwgxcq found,0 +earth doomed even live leave legacy behind one around see itthe last months one hardest ive experienced recently ive feeling well bits depression tonight felt need come back im overwhelmed feeling impending doom also every living thing planet also go extinct know life meaningless existential terms become even meaningless well truly doomed perdition even making true progress future were slaves rich die thing free will live every moment waiting death wish could child forever state nostalgic fever cant wake from despise everything now things enjoy ive become extremely bitter person ive really changed attitude views lot things better availi still feel hopeless,1 +brb guys gonna go make food comically slips banana peel breaks neck causing immediate death laughtrack,0 +figured out apparently cant soup fork normally u directly drink bowl,0 +hey allim exactly sure im going write want someone hear im thinking friends could ask feel uncomfortable talking emotions perhaps knowing makes easier ive created account reddit post actually never used reddit account now different note heres want read days feel passion enthusiasm guilt excitement anything really cant say why idea nothing really traumatic happened me friends family partner im currently attending college future ahead me speak really matter me care put mask people around me easier believe fine except reality not think many things days go by these sporadically get thoughts killing people around me pass people streets believe superior others thoughts want something done properly might well myself know think way know everyone moral value myself part stands though block out anything without feeling guilt sometimes cause others pain intentionally unintentionally though try anything draw negative attention stop smiling im happy it this everything else emotional response me enjoy gifts material objects attention anything else make feel anything go day feeling blank going b completing tasks takes serious effort bare minimum tires work assuming bored high hell aware redflag watch im going get part now enjoy thought redflag self harm entertain thought frequently took kitchen knife chest considered piercing chest presumably noone would found dead blood loss family home recall reason resisted temptation simply wasnt time yet accompanied feeling apathy everything stated entirely think daytoday basis im honestly sure expect say anything creating helped sort thoughts im going sleep now anything say however feel free comment ill answer see it thank reading this,1 +choccy milk ampxb httpspreviewredditkcrtvijnjpgwidthampformatpjpgampautowebpampsfdaeedcafcaaabc,0 +sad that the time shift mean it s dark when we go home,0 +i don t care about therapy school work friend music clothes anything i don t even card enough to eat i don t care to shower or to get up i simply lack energy to care i hate this world my therapist say i should try and do thing i enjoy or atleast keep up with my room but nah i don t care to i m not doing anything anymore,1 +feel useless society really know going doi fired every job pick depression gets best end miserable matter do start showing late lack enthusiasm super slow overall give fuck attitude last time tried go college ended suicide attempt taking financial emotional redflag debt lasted way long handle mention credit card also paid credit score gone shit try get professional help end answering calls showing appointments process takes forever always stuck waiting start medication end trying use end lifethe one thing supposed passionate art love art since child got opportunity make money art a family friend requested portrait daughter took months finish hated it although loved paid me still put existential crisis hell going cannot even handle something love job tv definition bum live mom freeload playing video games nothing time two friends talk every months boyfriend seems love lot thinks help get life together one day needs realize really disappointment sure fix this know honestly stopped caring life long time ago live shame guilt acting like plan family friends ask itthe worst part cannot even talk without becoming extremely depressed overwhelmed f jobless school ambitions,1 +tutsy u are minding her she come say she won enter depression i said happy depression ijmn ungrateful soul,1 +life seems to be so unfair how come i am mentally struggling and unwell 0x more compared to people who abuse substance or i guess sometimes to people who just drink a lot smoke a lot of weed etc it doesn t seem to affevt them negatively meanwhile i am completely sober but seems to be going through so much shit sleep issue regardless of no substance abuse i jusy don t understand,1 +saw movie years ago still remember saw recently much movie affected mebr br considering movie s think ahead time surprised maintains integrity subject might considered taboo back then realistic showing tumultuous heartwretching journey addict chooses embark on one imagine audiences affected realism movie back daysbr br i personally think one frank sinatras top five performances big screenbr br when others discussing movies dealing mental illness andor addiction always recommend man golden arm one top five watch,0 +wish cared mommom killed would cry yourself would cry knowing pain in would cry knowing id never paint portrait again mom knew going kill myself would stop me even knowing easy would lock closet straitjacket physically unable harm would actually put time heal mind even knowing long would take even knowing fucked am even knowing feel pain understand help think anyone world would me understand sometimes im depressed im holding knife wish could call mother comforted wish mother wish mother cared child wish live wish cared whether lived died too,1 +update click here to view version 0 of the list of most helpful comment and resource http www reddit com r anxiety comment t0 f o comment i pkm f utm source share amp utm medium web x amp context update please see the current stickied comment for more information it is ok to include a link that is causing you anxiety and asking people to help explain it better it is also ok to provide a news link alongside your own commentary about the article to help people understand what it is saying in a le anxious way we re specifically going to remove comment that have one or more news link without asking for help or providing original commentary about the article update 0 we have seen a large amount of post that are mainly about sharing discussing specific news article please remember to keep everything relevant to anxiety if a comment is just a news link then we have decided we will have to remove it to keep the thread on topic hi everyone it ha been requested that we create a megathread for all of the event that have been happening with regard to the conflict in ukraine we decided that this is a good idea since so many people have been experiencing extreme anxiety because of it we have opted to have this thread be sorted by best for the time being to read and respond to the latest comment you can manually change the sort to new the reason we re doing this is because we want the most helpful and most grounded comment to float to the top to help a many people a possible keep their anxiety under control during this difficult time for those who want to talk with other anxiety sufferer in more of a live format feel free to join our official discord server with this invite link http discord com invite 9sscse9 http discord com invite 9sscse9 we have added a special channel to it called ukrainediscussion so people can talk about what s happening and help each other a always please remember to be supportive and report any problematic comment so we can remove them a soon a possible thanks the r anxiety mod team,1 +would nice talk people rn im like super sick okay,0 +feel ill im depressed anything iti feel like im dying like serious illness thats sucking life me im pretty sure kidney disease kidney stone years ago resulted infection rounds antibiotics avail eaten meals past days meal generous bowl oatmeal im weigh pounds right now feel weak tired like im wasting away willpower anything it go hospital get blood workurinalysis done im sitting computer like years nothing think im scared might actually something seriously wrong know face do feel like giving up honestly gave years ago im barely surviving now,1 +anyone think school giving us much work everyone middle school saying much work teachers nothing it got votes got saying much work tell happening everyone also im showing data teachers believe us,0 +circling draini year old male lately things feeling worse every day feel lonely desperate even single friend enjoys company friends known since school days consistently forgotten organising events little sub groups dont fit any also relised one ever initiate conversations even always ina rush end it left feeling increasingly worthless unwanted ans forgotten boyfriend year good guy talked every day however problems didnt feel unloved didnt necessarily feel loved argued always felt pressure keep happy me stress got better broke him honestly thought would relieved free me wasnt left absolutely heartbroken dont regret breakup think things would gotten worse hurt made really affected me wanted keep life hoped could end friends doesnt want see anymorem understandably course feel like fool letting go real friend had person wanted spend time me work fairly dead end job dont enjoy doesnt pay particularly well often feel taken advantage of feel like cant anything else reddit would call starbucks degree real skills experience limited line work progression even leave would know dobecause dream jobs nothing really interests anymore hobbies everything makes bored feel like im end rope loneliness crippling every time meet someone new get left disappointed took month work go vacatiom miserable whole time could think noone share with got married wouldnt able best man noone would ever ask me first would wish plane would fall sky kill car would hit crossing street lately ive fantasising hanging myself jumping height overdosing still feel like would never actually it thoughts come every day die people would get quickly id forgotten im tired let down im tired crap human maybe articulate interesting fun people would want around me trouble talking people nothing say im shy new people mostly im boring couldnt name anythjng interesting me life far meant nothing im drive cant left disappointed again want gone,1 +"A meta-analysis of 23 peerrun programmes for depression, found significant reductions in depressive symptoms andperformed as well as professional-led interventions andsignificantly better than no-treatment conditions (Bryan & Arkowitz, 2015) https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/09638237.2018.1437605 …",1 +last fall life fine applying universities across globe getting accepted few even got good scholarships for decided decline offers reason yet discover thought better options me then got accepted dream university happened country always dreamed moving to started telling everybody moving country then scholarship announcement day came out get scholarship declined every single offer given point stupid enough think one university would work out not look like failure everyone much going me backfiring already told boss would coming back fall already found replacement job month stuck going shitty community college hometown rural west usa everyone always talks hard rejected dream school harder get accepted able afford itnothing seems working me direction try seems work out friends going dream schools across country stuck hometown without job much going gone hard think life could should be living right now life literally crumbling eyes ,1 +first teenager ok say movie pretty good think kid ten like it people age might little um a well wed describe movie lame liked it may still act like kid visit cattle farm every weekend movie cute like actors like kids little blonde cutesy pies wearing three layers clothes trendy hat thousand assecories like shows today name few drake josh lizzie mc guire well kid show setting perfect flaw family debt right world internal house look like something western versace store one flawbr br the cameos great theres five hundred them explainable one julia roberts main little girls aunt world get everyone else movie seemed tight type budgetbr br i liked movie fun one watch thought parts far fetched like cow selling ha butt cow sells much otherwise good liked it could watch again id never buy it theres even special features dvd whats that rent it especially little kids running around house,0 +cant take anymoreim even sure im writing here im going say ampxb cant take more dont get people go around smiling laughing time life living hell life time isnt fight left me dont want live more want everything over want quiet want feelings go away want end all dont anything fight more ampxb life ive living undiagnosed adhd making life difficult least teens one family member made life better grandfather got cancer died fighting years alive wanted take life once disappoint way make fight even worse died years ago went away cant find anything life worth fighting for cant really disappoint since isnt more ampxb huge money problems cant tell much dont know lost control years ago ampxb dont friends left ive never good social settings lost friends adhd lost head scared people away rest bad behaviour general life ive used internet games people really care you either way game supposed fun ampxb ive poor relationships ended badly usually ive found new rebound relationship short mess ampxb year ive knee surgery didnt go well either went deep depression failed keep touch job lost that lost rights welfare also that cant work dont income ampxb tried start school last autumn work out could focus dropped out ampxb found method want end everything with go trough it moment really anything stopping me dont anything fight more dont want live dont go trough it know work self rest life fight started cant see it cant take more ampxb like said dont know im writhing want it needed tell someone ampxb iwantout,1 +Good Night getting the shakes a bit though,0 +i feel like doing something...maybe play the guitar a little bit..any suggestions for songs? ,0 +m i ve been in a major spiral the last half a year or so with all kind of major issue coming up all at once i went to the hospital for sa in january and had to go back only a month later for sh and alcohol abuse on my campus usually when i get depressed however i get really really sad or destructive towards myself or i reach for weed or drink to keep me from thinking about thing but tonight is different i ve managed to keep myself from the drink so far tonight and i m out of edible so i can t vibe like that and i m having my usual spiraling out of control thought and feeling incredibly shitty but i also kind of just feel nothing normally i d be a wreck cry on the floor right now but i just feel like a hollowed out egg like my skin is only millimeter thick and the slightest tap will cave me in i can t emote at all i feel like i want nothing not even death rn just pure nothingness and it suck anyone have any experience with these feeling is this some sort of disassociation because i ve never had this acute of an experience before hopefully someone see this,1 +even here people dont even respondi know ive helped people made happy dont feel anymore nothing ive lost everything except cat friends suck dont answer phones hardly im alone almost time even reach family blow dont answer im kidding asked different people something either declined didnt respond one makes plans hardest year fucking life bf committed redflag last year pass dates without theres one me im hanging strand feel bad feeling way felt well dont care thats fell him got me me,1 +somebody please give me some kind word waiting for my clonezapam to kick in,1 +almost offed yesterday todayits rough trying breathe im mess,1 +cant live done thisok trying make brief possible mental breakdown around january last year went extremely heavy skinny smoker ate garbage gym rat eating eating eating calories healthiest food per day becoming strong healthy always hitting gym however get filled regrets contrast huge feel like im die also get fucking angry feel like biggest failure ever mean smokes neglects health losers that selfesteem zero suicidal thoughts extremely depressed contact ex talk it look years older im start wrong foot extremely negative texts like calling life pointless bullshit fucking toxic behavior me gets angry feel like explain myself constantly says something want reply blocks keep making new accounts one time says you change bit went backwards make new account one last time reply but change explodes writes message hurt much possible says never reply again says shit like youll never learn live life saying situation pure poison brain black white becomes engrained brain everything went wrong here started negative texts tried save continuing make new accounts ex wanted leave alone ex also unempethatic fuck makes want explain even more ending horribly cruel last message keeps repeating head every single minute day im frustrated sad said completely ruins mental health makes feel hopeless know full story thing made feel proud ive turned life around feels completely vain last message cant cope constantly write messages delete write everyday explaining apologizing telling know bad did never replies like months shit gets rid instagram wrote last extremely personal email work left company got forwarded coworkers holy shit conclusion ive turned stalker kill myself cant live embarrassment shame also something heat moment kept contacting day day pattern im fucked person,1 +guh the anatomy on this is horrible but this wa mostly drawn to help me get through some heavy depression so forgive that,1 +"@carlyluvsunited There are 20 wards there, what ward do you live in? ",0 +admit inpatientlong story short ive losing hope ive suicidal thoughts money also traumatic surgery year ago know do went inpatient medical debt would go time goes think shooting head guns around think id ever balls thing keeping family fianc suggestions,1 +guys guys emotional breakdown sub called reatingowncum need know humor reasons people dont really right right right im really worried right actually something people do,0 +best friend killed himselfand want him sickening never ok this feel responsible dont try tell otherwise,1 +cut myself going gone soon enough thank reddit support timeive finally started bleeding out site given lot support last couple years couple people even tried stop end thank that hope least die maybe people wont hate much,1 +putting date really made feel betternye decied would end life jan life depression gotten better dont know closer get date less feel knowing depression really helps get thru days,1 +jumping spider room im scared go,0 +need help know do insurancei looked sliding scale mental health cant even afford that im hanging thread husband would devastated killed myself cant him cant one year old daughter please help me know anything please,1 +they knew this life isn t worth living and gave all their possession to their family i want to do the same so my friend and family benefit from my death i want to be dead my family and friend get all my stuff everyone win i m 00 fucking worthless and everything i consume is for no reason every friend and partner just stay with me out of pity and i want to pay them back i plan on hanging myself in my garage and calling 9 just before so they find my body instead of someone innocent i don t want to hurt i don t know why i m posting here tbh i guess i m looking for any reason not to suicide hotlines are just more depressing with the same scripted word in between question trying to find out where you are so they can call someone to your place this is just going to lead to more frustration and probably huge hospital bill and embarrassment anyone else feel this way what s keeping you from doing it,1 +born uglyit kills me family attractive im ugly one feel bad me want shoot myself like bought gun cant it,1 +one lines trailer film publicists exaggerate six featured players screen time goodbr br its always fascinating certain plot premises worked either highballing comedy deadly serious situation mary boland ditzy charlie ruggles henpecked play usual characters planning motor way california share expenses advertise someone share ride get burns allen monster dog premise deadly serious one several generations later kaliforniabr br of course traveling gracie allen know going going absolutely nuts trying figure monty pythonesque reasoning whole world aint enough get run wc fields part time sheriff full time pool hustler whos living sin alison skipworth back delve thingsbr br a real classic comedy thirties missed,0 +wanna dieim shitty feel shitty time constantly make people feel shitty somehow cant fix fucked mentality take take take never give back im impossible yet people still put fucking time one unselfish thing make sure never deal stupid ugly horrid toxic ass ever even worst point cant bring go process ending all im bitch pain wish button could push would make go poof anymore shitty fucking world seems hurt aaaaaaaaaaaaaa god wanna feel like know true way stop breathing medication time therapy work long im back horrid mindset brain craves seratonin bad cannot fucking function own im broken fucked mess one deserves put with ive resorted yelling internet hopes what knows fuck hate this hate myself,1 +working at home,0 +hate family hate sisters father father argues fights everytime tell normal even normal fight everytime traveling somewhere everytime go countryside even fighting writing this never beach hotel every holiday even holiday go village here born city want g there every fucking holiday go village fight traveling mother broke pc father mother let something fun one day father came park friends slapped front friends home said do talk girls wtf cannot talk girls get it want new friends let me whatever find something angry me home tell go out outside tell go home cannot close door cannot use headset cuz say hear us call you wanted hear damned voice would take headset want nornal family want go holiday want friends let girlfriend fucking care enough me,1 +would found standing corner room rubber knife,0 +am rightly stoned got nice bong smoked boys feelin pretty nice,0 +Getting ready to go to the zoo field trip with my son ,0 +weird olive skin uk summer like still white surrounded white people pink red fair skin burned weird yellowbronze colour family complaining aching sunburn like thats get white,0 +keeps goingnot gonna type wall text im relapsing need kind words difference opinion editthanks everyone input heroes among us may dog child parents good friend sometimesits stranger second edit im feeling much better thank everyone,1 +someone please listen whilei feel safe right now easier talk stranger heavy shit need get chest live entire life edge redflag ive recently lost lot friends justneed someone listen bitch uncomfortable talking csa abuse lgbta issues message please bottle painkillers really tempting right ward long ago please talk me,1 +ten minutes take part research studyhi rredflagwatch trainee clinical psychologist undertaking research relation thoughts redflag study concerned people struggle low mood develop thoughts redflag regard hoping recruit people and experienced thoughts redflag anyone participate received permission moderator forum post link study questionnaire takes approx minutes complete study entirely anonymous draw one four amazon vouchers made take part would really appreciate participation thank advance take part link below httptinyurlcomhglqwg,1 +one best friends attempted redflagbut succeed boyfriend got time stopped it came told yesterday family intense redflag watch broke me saw coming saw depressed gotten know do luckily shes okay made depression much worse brother dying hate job feel lost broken wish could run away go somewhere beautiful try enjoy life health problems require steady well paying job im stuck here miserable hell,1 +had had 회ë?®ë°¥ for dinner! thanks mom!! ,0 +"@DonnieWahlberg HOLLA!!! Just chilling, on my way to buy some maple syrup (mmm..). What's up with you? Hope you're having a great morning ",0 +@VolcanoIceLuv3 but you like my scandalous-ness... He's sitting right there?! haha I feel like a cougar D:,0 +caught television one day young loved it s bunch lame comedies tried hard funny nice surprise one best comedies s definitive summer camp comedy thanks murrarys excellent comedic performance still stands one greatest film really got ivan reitman noticed director reitman proves movie one talented comedy directors time film hilarious meatballs bad fun meatballs meatballs absolutely dreadful recommended enjoyed stripes ghostbusters,0 +want stop existingive feeling long time wanting stop existing im really depressed think good life lot people love care idk cant make sense whole situation would probably never anything feel living recklessly almost like im hoping someone job me guess might im really feeling emotions anymore really sure,1 +convince mei made similar post couple days ago depression subreddit im posting here hardly energy type more ill keep short really want die im fully sure committing act myself family made clear want around friends want friends interests ambitions life meaning purpose never has cant seem get family understand depression many issues could stem aspergers convince continue,1 +australian chat lines closed need talkas title aussie lines closed spent skype minute phone call number lifeline irc here,1 +alarms watch video alarms watch video httpsyoutubeihvozfnkhhttpsyoutubeihvozfnkh,0 +my parent are incredibly strict i literally can not do shit all the kid have a meal plan that they must follow or else cant have anything other than the bare minimum in our room no going out with friend or really even having friend in the first place no getting a job or having money for any reason constant room search last week my room wa searched while i wa at school and my dad found my journal where i wrote that i wa gay he outed me to my entire family my dad started blowing up about how i never tell him anything and how selfish i am for keeping it to myself all i ever am is selfish being suicidal selfish you re ruining my dinner i wish i could get a gun in this country so i could blow my brain out in front of them im so fucking done with everything,1 +im donei depression since remember wasnt years ago got asperger diagnose luck brother help im years old med school suck suck anything student too generation graduated years ago made social service got residence kind alone lot pressue last trimester school sudden change student policy got academic risk meaning failed one class out time told managed pass tests would academic risk pure miracle got clean results start new trimester dates need graduate dont want lose half year start one year long social service heavy classes try best check school mail see mails one says that surprise on academic risk fail clases sure it fuck them one inform april last day ask less academic load cant anymore almost decided kill last trimester classes high difficulty academic risk gun head unexpected surprise bonus want get sleep never wake up family given support things cant help one cant survive another academic risk trimester let alone worse one whats point old surely peers think idiot think idiot failure think almost daily it sometimes distract things isnt working anymore want world,1 +suicidali feel want kill much want live,1 +guys dye hair white purple im thinking dying hair half black half whitepurple idk yall think,0 +im tired worldi find meaning lose it find something enjoy goes away say ok im comfortable find something destroys it try communicate gets muddy again world ive experiencing since im still feel it find love fucking years lose heartbeat every since understood circle decided im tired live like afraid hurt family mum dont anymore im afraid coming talking strangers kinda helps circles break point keep going im really tired,1 +mother frank begins warm amiable comedy middleaged catholic woman frank short francis played sinead cusack shakes doldrums enrolling student sons university friends family horrified least son matthew newton busy falling love best mates girlfriend rose byrne meanwhile frank raised ire disapproving english tutor sam neillbr br matthew newton utterly disarming david relaxed natural role even characters uptight generates valuable goodwill steering audience films awkward broad comedy moments long halfway point firsttime writerdirector mark lamprell expertly steers film darker emotional territory gives cusack real chance shinebr br the supporting cast full familiar welcome faces lynette curran sacha horler nicholas bishop principals including animated usual sam neill excellent meanders little towards end mother frank delivers promises genuine australian crowdpleaser,0 +think way friend said first thing thought heard title midnight cowboy gay porno point known reference made seinfeld episode jerry trying get kramer florida bus kramers sick nosebleedbr br the movie great surprisingly upbeat pissy pretentious pessimistic like movies cant even remember theyre crapbr br the plot basically consisted naive young cowboy joe buck going new york trying hustler a male prostitute basically thinking itll easy pickings hit brick wall hard woman ends hustling him charging sexual encounterbr br then meets enrico salvatore rizzo called ratso everyone cute gay guys make fun time think scoundrel lovable one like han solo lando calrissian surprisingly joe become friends movie sweet heartwarming watching friendlier such rizzo reveals actually sad pitiable man whos sick depressed selfconscious hates called ratso wants go florida thinks life much better problems resolved hell learn cook famous therebr br its heartwarming watching joe get florida along many hilarious moments like ratso trying steal food hippie party getting caught woman says gee well know free steal it says well free aint stealin it classic moment completely unscripted unscheduled hoffman almost gets hit taxi screams hey im walkin here im walkin here acting believable never believe joe buck would grow distinguished respected actor jon voight ratso rizzo would grow legendary beloved dustin hoffman first time theyve worked together lead roles chemistry thick intensebr br then theres sad part believe quite overstatement call depressing ratso rizzo falling apart throughout movie barely walk barely eat coughs lot sick reaches headpoint bus way florida hes hurting badly miles away miami finally dies bus bus driver reassures everyone nothings wrong continues on sad kind way thatd make go home cry mope around miserably though lost dog yearsbr br all all great movie soundtrack pretty much consists everybodys talking played throughout movie appropriate times odd move great one song good fits tone movie perfectly go see it great go buy,0 +perhaps many viewers got frustrated film live lives without ever thinking deeply life itself want point distant arthouse film one best arthouse films arthouse films seen distant one really stands glittering piece gold even fair say films cinematography depiction human emotion surpass tarkovskys nostalgia one commentator got right sex jaded common feature among foreign films surprisingly lacking distant good way remarkable distant captures details life usually ignore rich essence existence often gets buried din visual extravaganza commercialized world fortunately distant much spare audiences see screen bare portrait human beings,0 +help pleaseim sure this im means part community though suppose wish anyone kinda wanna talk hope none friends family finds this mother middle horrible divorce stepdad he life since years old biological dad alcoholic ive break contact one grandfathers literally losing mind believing psychic kinds crazy conspiracies like joke chem trails alien mind control robots controlled said aliens running government running sex trafficking thing gramps dieing cancer he recently chose grave probably last tonight grandmother alzheimers longer remember am one little halfbrothers yo drugs xtc weed lots janky shit hard time dealing abuse divorce my steph dad father blaming divorce aunt uncle divorce well girlfriend recently broke were still living house neither us anywhere else go financial situation pretty bad currently benefits officially depression technically preventing working job bad news money government pays used make minimum wage less month also cat together one reasons im still alive right now ex want keep i do helped lot pet making easier find place live dealt depression past spent weeks clinic dealing sorta thing years old currently time feel powerless know move away ex seems perfect relationship shes wanted open relationship while still cook her everything house etc breaking apart many ways she mean lovely easy either way used working gym coping mechanism as gaming addiction alcoholism serious weaknesses wanted better relatively harsh week wanted deal working tore intervertebral muscle like lower two ribs walked around weak thinking simply overused muscle whatever unfortunately case sleep terribly pain cant even vacuum house ex seems want obviously blame her avoid me cant help either fuckbudys my replacement place past days means im basically living landfill cant anything worst thing as far im concerned cant even clean cats litterbox heavy lift corner meaning poor thing getting proper care eather entire family either falling apart ripping apart friends count live relatively far away ex who unfortunately still live with wants freedom herself ive attempted commit redflag before tried jump frond train age friend literally pushed way right now years later im hard time taking shitload paracetamol glass whiskey hoping soon want nuisance anyone im already seeing psych week tonight seems make break,1 +this is nothing new for me and it doesn t really have a chance to come out now because i ve been out of school for about four year and i don t really go out in public much at all but from elementary school to high school i think it even happened when i wa attempting college too when walking down stair my leg would get so stiff that it wa impossible to walk down the stair properly and i wa always scared that everyone could see how my leg were bugging out like that and it made me even more anxious even if no one wa in the stairwell with me or even just one other person it would happen one time i got a friend he wa and i m to carry me down the stair because my leg were just not having it also all my life i have day where i felt like i wa just floaty and floating outside of my body i also felt like whenever i felt this way something bad would happen to me or someone else this feeling last all day and maybe even until the next day i don t know what this is i know other people have this too so could you tell me what it is also also several time a day i ll get really nervous and my heart will feel like it jumped and i ll have a scared feeling for a few second today i even had a weird small pain in my stomach that went a long with it but went away some second after my heart jumped and the scared feeling went away the tummy pain ha never happened before also also also i sometimes wake up feeling really nervous and scared even though nothing ha happened sorry for this really long post i tried to space it out so it would be a le intimidating big wall of text,1 +costumer left sticker said you beautiful table one servers work with took sticker cleaning table could see want feel grossed out hopefully make bad person,0 +"Yeah!! English is finally complete! Science tomorrow, I should be good. Stacy did your mom get you lvatt??Oh- & steal back your shirt!! ",0 +@JanisSharp don't give up hope! ,0 +doctor policeman new orleans hours locate killer infected pneumonic plaguebr br an effective classy little thriller directed elia kazan blends documentary realism race time pulpy heartbeat set filmed around new orleans panic streets taken story quarantine like em cold edna edward anhalt oscar original story also boasts fine ensemble cast deliver top rate performances director turn richard widmark bringing method year marlon kazan streetcar named desire paul douglas jack palance as walter jack palance wonderfully named zero mostel get sweatily moody pursuers chase pursued halt onset potential black death epidemicbr br where film scores main suspense points kazans astute ability cut back forth protagonists without altering flow mood piece widmarks public health doctor hypodermic needle hand running around trying locate bad guys good bad guys bemused wide scale hunt them tension stacked fever breaking point thankfully final thirty minutes becomes cracking piece cinema palance excelling nasty villain ironically puts one mind widmarks tommy udo kiss death three years priorbr br its imaginative intelligently written story one cunningly links rats criminals carriers disease blight society were noirish elements paranoia blend nicely basic procedural thriller being memorable scenes suitably cloaked stifling atmosphere kazan created although early character psychologizing threatens steer film talky based alleyway definitely film worth staying end essential filmnoir maybe even essential kazan certainly highly recommended film begs discovered new generation film lovers reappraised old guard may missed back day ,0 +@Kunene_Lonwabo @kanyewest What's happening with Kanye West? Is he suffering from depression?,1 +yopatrizzle not sure to tell u the truth it s been so long since i ve seen him but ask sumo s daddy paulskratch he ha full custody lol,0 +"Check out 2007 Handwritten Personal used Diary Journal, sex, love, depression, mental i https://www.ebay.com/ulk/itm/263629233337 … @eBay #momlife #gymlife #lifegoals #life",1 +cannot stand existing always problems depression since young mental state bad amp want bother anyone motivation goals anything family loves much amp currently living bf wich love much pets feel horrible every day hate waking every morning go work amp take shit people enough money pay stuff bf pays mostly everything since quit last jobs since tired sexually harrased paid good stayed years hate looking mirror cry hate body hate skin hate nice people treating like shit noticing even there hate pushing better yeah sorry random rant wanting people know exist even this going enjoy last day spend bf gets home work tomorrow hang room life get better going end tomorrow,1 +@SomersetBob morning Bob. hope its a good day with you today ,0 +stark cold landscape big sky country majestic snowcapped mountains juxtaposed barren plains put poetic use lynchian fableslide picture show death melancholy young talented polish brothers who previously treated indie movie fans bizarre fascinating twin falls idahoa film young woman falling love two brothers happen siamese twins little orphan boy dying town flooded name progress in form damn hydroelectric power plant eerily pleasing music score minimalist dialogue character development uncanny fantasy sequences involving unique angels polish brothers put focus every good film artist knows film about moving picturesthe images scenespaintings deep beauty captured celluloid best viewed late night haunting imagery linger mind wash drift sleep fact done shoestring budget less two million dollars puts hollywood bloated film costs hollow movies shame indicates something grand come polish brothers future,0 +pills worki tried multiple times take sleeping pills highest dosage yesterday seem work anybody know why hand every time take them even sleep late rather wake earlier usual would appreciate someone tells reason it note please lecture things really appreciate help answer,1 +hate vagina hate physically female advice hey im yo agender afab ive recently struggling lot dysphoria surrounding genitals im looking removed soon even soonest like month want genitals surgery goes well ill nothing smooth crotch like doll with hole urine currently ive struggling dysphoria lot feel like im deformed like im constantly forced dress like girl like open wound legs seriously super hard functioning right now often distressing masturbate change use toilet shower genitals body day subway bacame acutely aware fact genitals aware felt i wearing underwear could fault pants incredibly painful even express people subway one many examples weird get turned see girls vagina im distressed own anyone advice deal it theres ways im able cope genitals right now,0 +value life peoplei ever hear people talk sad everyone else feel die like fuck me living suffering right long everyone else gets something nice it,1 +friends last foreveri apologize advance language fucking hate stupid fucking world people say want help lie friend going depression problems girlfriend wanted kill himself helped him got past darkness hes still depressed hes back witth girlfriend want kill himself ask help says hes busy needs money hes best friend friends use need something someone load problems on take money anything take me dont care me died care maybe family would them im alone makes worse friends whenever needed me am morning yep wake talk redflag wants die one there avoiding me lying giving shit im alive dead hate hate me leaving alone isolated always them,1 +im set plan one thingso im set plan im going it im scared im actually looking forward it months ago car accident totaled car got extremely bad concussion moved back home mom little sister im since longer car ive working mom take care property spend lot time barn around horses problem im allergic horses get excruciating migraine everyday im around barn which almost everyday top insanely bad insomnia nothing psychiatrists tried worked ive every antidepressant antipsychotic hypnotic think of nothing worked cant sleep cant eat thing ever helped marijuana thats option anymore even little live contemplated ending all ive got plan set issue worried happen cat go hope mom would take care him little sister slightly allergic want miss sad literally cannot go anymore im exhausted wanted alive since ,1 +wish positive interaction lifehow make friendsi wish friends mental health friendly wish deep talks depression mental wellness wish could compassion lifethe way life wentsometimes think need love need loved deserve it right id like think worthybut time feel like cannot socialize correctly consider sort weird guy outside box kind person sure think part reason successful meaningful notredflag weird personality people look weird people feel repulsed makes person purely unattractive support chat,1 +"Business case for ISO27001? Our client has received confirmation that having become certified they'll not lose their £500,000 contract ",0 +ppd amp work hi everyone i m month postpartum and for the past couple of month i ve been calling into work a lot i ve had depression anxiety for year but during my pregnancy it got wayyyy worse anyways i m grateful that my job hasn t said anything since i always have a sub i work at a high school a a paraprofessional but i just can t come around to wanting to be at work anymore i don t want to work i don t want anyone watching my baby i just want to be home with my baby i haven t been to work all week and want to call in tomorrow i cry at night with the thought of going into work i m trying to push to the end of the year so i can get paid thru summer then quit in the fall but i don t think i can even last these next month without missing so much work any advice what should i do my boyfriend tell me to push thru until the summer at least when we ll move into a cheaper home situation and he can be the sole provider but i m also about to get my income tax and i know that can compensate for my working wage until then i m just so lost idk what to do also i can t come around to taking my zoloft consistently because i feel like it won t help and there s no point i feel like i m just broken,1 +found mother two kids cheated meso lately ive place life thought things improving so ended place likely get hired ive completing studie goal look forward seem reaching relationship felt stable felt like future really damn good but yesterday acted strange went bathroom was knew look eyes surprise hiding something anythign point thought maybe imagining things today decided quick look mail funny feeling had was mail likely forgotten delete blank contained video clip clip masturbating sent mail looked sent to guy knew about talked before someone claim friend with relatively stable position life suffered depresseion since years back hit like massive boulder kids theyre highlight life idea able stay strong want them idea proceed this attempted redflag past know redflag likely would devestating kids extremely unfair hell one proceed this,1 +@laylakayleigh because there sweet. just like you! ,0 +uw catfish pedo talk her chatting like normal got really sexual asked send pic see catfish blocked discord reddit tricked,0 +"jst finished dinner. was watching Spectacular! & Bedtime stories before tht. oh yes, i have ink all over my fingers. darn printer!!",0 +"I dreamt of the stars last night. Just looking up in awe at the vastness of it all. As I headed up in wonder, the stars were covered by clouds. Such small things (clouds) obscuring the universe from view. Reminds me of hope depression works.1/2",1 +is scared for her exams :S and about to watch the new Hills ,0 +guys stay motivated homework schoolwork entered year im getting tons work struggling,0 +@JodiAlbert http://twitpic.com/6pgs4 - Awwww How Romantic Is That! Stunning Photo ,0 +ha oh god i don t know why i m laughing so much i think if i could feel anything i would be scared i m laughing and i m cry i don t know what to do i think my friend is suicidal scrap that i know they are and the problem is i m kind of suicidal too i see no point in life but i ve become sort of stuck in a rut of repressed emotion for a while i feel nothing so i have no desire to do anything let alone to kill myself but i m worried they do they said they would see me tomorrow so i don t think they re going to do it tonight they said they want to but they see no point because they always fail i don t know what to do i cant ask for help for them because i promised confidentiality and i know the pain of that trust being broken i can t do that to them that is not an option i know they re safe for tonight the only problem is i don t know how to make them feel better or if i can i m terrible at comforting people at the best of time and now i m half asleep and i think i m a little triggered for context my dad used to always tell me he wa going to kill himself if i left him and he would detail how worthless he wa and way he would kill himself and sometimes he would sh and almost attempt in front of me a well a me being suicidal myself on multiple occasion so it s a touchy subject i don t need people telling me to call the police or tell anyone else i need advice on how to make them feel better i can t bear the thought of one of my friend feeling how i feel or rather how i ve felt it s fucking torture and they do not deserve that shit they said they can t talk because they feel like an attention seeker and i tried to reassure them but i m crap at it please i m begging you give me some advice something i can do to make them feel better the thought of them in pain is agonising they don t deserve that i just need some idea on what to do what to say please i want to help them with their depression but i can t even help myself i don t know how to help i m sorry if this is the wrong place i ve already posted this on suicide watch but i need a much advice a possible i ve tried thinking about what i would of liked people to do when i wa actively trying to take my life but all i really wanted wa to be left alone to die and i felt guilty a hell when i talked to anyone about it and wanted to forget about it so i have no clue on how to make them feel better i m sorry,1 +wanna chat filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler,0 +"@myria101 I passed the pickle aisle...yup, I thought of you. ",0 +@ShizuStreams shizu is the best healer. She heals my sadness and depression with her voice c:,1 +told one goddamned person depression everyone mother wants check me want centre attention makes feel selfish leave alone trust anyone,1 + years old fucked loseri drive night job constantly think killing driving bridgeoverpass want live im tired trying sick tired cant stand everyone else either want go,1 +mizzzidc u deserve that depression truly,1 +oh god oh frick drinking coffee accidentally spilled nirvana tshirt fs chat bois,0 +hate every single person everything irritates me want die belong stupid broken worldi fucking hate everything hate life hate work survive hate every classmate sometimes pretend everything fine go happy mode anything productive klinifelter likely autism never express feelings anyone even really want to think im fucking joking normally im happy always laughing making jokes bipolar disorder too nice else have im typing everything comes mind post feel happy content hours good conversation relationship someone rare im fucking unlikable whole class going somewhere everyone pairs im always alone one why im unlikable always talk garbage im anxious always regret everything ive said time think iti think couldve made sound stupid ive tried ignoring everything going flow trying best happy things would enjoy worked while stopped homework lost personality nobody old middle school class likes anymore fucking hate society everything hands nope everything decided chose would born choose family choose kindergarden choose anything would part mental developent personality everything decided anyways fucking hate fucking phone restarts every min feel like would torture alive wish everyone could read mind without trying hard fail misrably express emotion thoughs enjoy anything anymore want play video games anymore want study anymore even dreams wishes anymore wouldve ended could find open roof keep going tthe flow hoping win lottery find someone right me chance cant bring change get happy life working hard,1 +fan seeing movie all gf called said free advanced screening pass tagged along sake seeing eva longoria laughing jason biggs anticsbr br overall actually better expected much like hybrid lose guy days like heaven typical romantic comedy moments guess movie quite short though around min enough tell whole story build character development decent happy ending whole idea ghost haunting former husband interesting plot follow eva good job keeping sarcasm paul rudd rest supporting cast especially jason biggs kept laughs coming smooth pacebr br overall liked movie good amount laughs keep going otherwise would given movie lower rating hey chick flick im reviewing movie guys persepctive alright would fair fight females reviewied movie gave thoughts it,0 +cant yoy cant breathe automatically,0 +"Don't you just feel so good when you get lots done? So far today i've had a piano practice, done some pilates, cleaned my rabbit out,",0 +got up at mistakenly it should ve been,0 +please say anythingi feel empty im alone nothing helps nobody cares me nobody even pretends care ive exhausted every option hope finding support none successful stay alive nobody wants here,1 +boogie nights one best films come s id go far say imdb top actually understand many would dislike it due subject matter personally feel however many do judging aclaim films received viewers critics topnotch film makingbr br the direction acting film surpass good reach level brilliancethere one scene movie amazing individual characters reach touch you given movie porn industry one imagine sex scenes could handled sensitivity are direction among best ive ever seenand ive seen lot filmsbr br the film one particular personal individuals story manyits character study people many layers maybe industry would find alien still dream dreams bad good them boogie nights draws story beginning though film longi believe almost hours honestly even notice ends kind want tobr br im easy impress meaning many movies id give rating one beyond multiple character study use music film never years seeing movies seen music tell story well moviethere flawlessness it know something gonna see everydaybr br burt reynolds performance perhaps best ive ever seen do mark wahlberg incredibleim astounded still people saying act well know anyone viewing could possibly think thatbut person really surprised heather grahemrollergirl absolutely fantastic role particular one memorable scene burt reynolds limo towards endbr br again ill echo imdb reviewers saying movie everybody still think topnotch ,0 +@kabutar I was auditioning as a *cough* dancer *cough*. I got to bust a few moves (yikes did I just say that?) ,0 +"1m older people say they often feel lonely. Regular physical activity has been found to prevent and manage chronic conditions inc dementia & depression. This scheme combines exercise and comradeship. Simple, fabulous idea. We love it! @AgeBetterSheffield https://www.theguardian.com/social-care-network/2018/apr/24/care-home-residents-get-active-oomph-wellness?CMP=share_btn_tw …",1 +disgusting personality everyonei sober teetotal brit drunk brits sensible fun pubs pints preachy teetotal subhumans spitting peoples faces yelling managers food healthy enough going healthy smoke disgusting piece shit drinking smoking eating food tastes good preachy fucking degenerate people like cough peoples faces telling actual humans throwing getting others hold hair back like sensible british people deserve british clean eater time makes gross asshole impossible change personality get rid vile habits make obnoxious dangerous asshole people cant change personality enjoy throwing drunk public smoking eating junk food time tomorrow going end life need good sensible safe person disgusting freak people drink smoke eat junk food degenerates main cause second wave coronavirus country,1 +im asshole deserve diethis throwaway know neckbeards unattractive toxic views women thay filled hypocrisy ones reddit constantly denounces im one guys comment it though let resentment towards others boil inside me look perfectly nice men attractive girlfriends resent girlfriend dont attracted instead me look places like rgonewild resent women sexy men wrapped around finger getting attention want im incredibly unattractive get nothing im unjustifiably furious promiscuous women jerking time even get angry lesbians theres way could attracted me again judging criteria every woman lesbian claim laid back liberal kind guy reality im backwards filled resentment everything everyone similarly act tough cool act always time cant even pull act off even get mad like me make derogatory comments towards women deserve them cant keep fucking mouths shut like let rage simmer inside them least keep toxicity myself whatever us born attractive women get attention opposite sex want us born ugly bitter men contribute anything society hate others dont im asshole deserve live know it lot tell one going read care anyway whats point women rredflagwatch im sorry ive made lives worse hope enjoy life spite me,1 +whats popping fellow teens know me jsut chilling crib swagging lick cray cray yall totes downloading sick ride got dude yolo ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb help cant sleep m seriously anyone help good sleep years mostly ish hours less,0 +counts redflag attempti know normally counts redflag attempt like actually ac failing scenario count well suicidal ideation something like that count redflag attempt person weapon gun knife etc hand cant bring themself it,1 +I have learned that it is OKAY to talk about my depression..,1 +im donehad anaphylactic allergic reaction job april unemployed since forced terminate bc locations city use chemical im allergic couldnt relocate me sept cant seem find anyone hire me ive applied places past two months alone im thinking maybe look state work find something could take loan cut lease early currently am move id leave boyfriend five years two cats furniture belongs boyfriend wouldnt even bed figure dont need one actually find job need place stay income boyfriend hates idea i like relationship smooth sailing ever since ive unemployed wouldnt stressful unemployment would pay system fucking confusing idk many documents got mailed tried keep everything needed order qualify took initial class got resume reviewed someone works state class supposed approved getting paid since forced leave job reasons beyond control hate idea going unemployment tried theyre giving hard time get paid actually harder workers comp system receiving payments them wanna meet truly evil people file workers comp claim insurance companies wanted dead jobs ive applied worked called back interview end using chemical im allergic to im allergic epoxy resin matters apparently manufacturing jobs love using shit places called back far come back tell use facilities work id go thru anaphylactic shock again tha fuck grandparents dads side got divorced last summer shitty messy one broke nose shortly thankfully hardly broken didnt move like hairline fracture still took months heal shortly lost job parents got divorced months that even nastier grandparents dads side traumatic entire family dont wanna go details even tho longer speak either parents dont wanna like lawyers anyone knows us situation potentially see this feel like dont home fall back dont im freaking fuck out know wanna it update later sorry boyfriend,1 +heres nice facts know fight male puppy always lets female puppy win penguins propose stick together life forcing smile actually makes smile voice actors mickey minnie got married real life baby sloths addicted cuddling sunshine warmth makes happier cows best friends get sad apart sea otters hold hands sleep norway knighted penguin china killing panda punishable death rats laugh tickled dolphins names eachother puffins mate life good news likely shared social media bad news angry way say word bubbles koko gorilla could communicate sign language pet cat gorillas remember old friends sheep recognise facial expressions like smiles baby elephants suck trunks comfort squirrels adopt baby squirrels theres,0 +on our way to the hospital please keep praying,0 +ive taken dangerous hobbiesunless im thrill seeking pushing things far im depressed ive purchased gear start ice climbing mountaineering ive several close calls activities every time go survival mode refuse let die basically live im close death suspect physical ability declines depression worsen im considering leaving girlfriend parents die wont anyone left mourn death accident,1 +rode river circuit asthma hit hard o too wet to mow amazed or amused that w pac cr limit raised celebrated with cole shop etc,0 +"@JEFFHARDYBRAND Hope you're having a good Saturday, Jeff. ",0 +yippee skype app now available on i phone whatever next xcept you cant use the video,0 +lost love lifemy husband years been together texted told finished paperwork divorce me know do love anything whole world spent last two years trying hard give relationship another chance give another chance know anymore moved america europe him left whole life there family friends him many times feel like anything life im afraid dying look forward feel pain anymore know still love much do feel like lost him lost much else too lost dreams life many times feel like want am time place world want be really sad im twenties disappointment,1 +@ submercer enjoying my favorite kind of drink...a free one ,0 +Party at adrians ,0 +"@ElieBel lol, it is 2 see my gorgeous friends, but if they played, it would just make the holiday extra special seeing them in england ",0 +royroycfc lfcbbc within three tweet you have exhibited of the stage of grief it s okay i can provide a helpline before you enter the depression stage if you want,1 +want know sub may want shoot try rhorsemanurefetish im going vomit first time years holy fuck,0 +like teach classmates survival fittest bring shiv school every day,0 +redflag helpwould downing bottle tylenol pills drinking quite bit vodka kill me please recommend something thats common houses,1 +i try to play video game but just quit immediately and the same thing happens with my guitar i just can t do either one,1 +Good night to all my followers and soon-to-bes. Till manana. ,0 +#RantsAndRaves Re: I hate people that... : Thank you for the laugh ------------------------.. http://chilp.it/?482237,0 +quitm done,1 +@MarisaOConnor Happy Birthday! I hope your breakfast brunch burritos were as astounding as they sounded! ,0 +parent help hey guys teen suffering adhd wondering comfront parents it dont believe exists got medically tested back since then parents refuse give medication tell real problem starting make feel like garbage pile help appreciated,0 +"Save the date! On May 3 at 3 PM ET, join @NIMHgov for a Twitter chat on teendepression. NIMH experts will be on hand to answer your questions. Use#NIMHchats to follow the conversation: http://bit.ly/2K3W5hJ  pic.twitter.com/fYDqzvco2T",1 +"@yaseminx3 hahahahaha, I have a day off ",0 +i m honestly at the end of a dead end and idk what to do with my life there s almost no option and people aren t supportive at all i like to bounce off my idea on other people but everyone tell me to stop complaining pick myself up by the bootstrap and solve my own fucking problem thanks i m cured,1 +is about to kill off one of her favourite character dawww,0 +scaredi told mom everything go doctors get medication im scared medication work get better,1 +tw childhood abuse abandonment addiction emotional neglect i think that what it called and sibling abuse ive dealt with the favoritism of my sister since i wa she wa diagnosed with adhd and therefore needed more attention than i have ever received she stopped being my dad favorite after she started criticizing his addiction but that wa around year later i grew up taking care of myself my own need i had nobody it became worse when my dad addiction did he wa nicer to me than my mom who really used me a her own punching bag by screaming at me for anything and everything my dad fully forgot about me he wa my only friend in the family even though like my mom he did care about my sister more but having somebody le bad wa better than having nobody my sister starting abusing me when i wa 0 she wa her mental health wa really bad making my mom cater to her even more than shes already done now my little attention turned into none my sister could and still can do anything to me and would get away scot free she physically mentally and emotionally abused me and i wa only told to suck it up and to just move on this ha gone on for the next year of my life my dad moved out around year ago not without leaving me with another set of trauma now im dealing with cptsd although my sister ha gotten somewhat better she would constantly run away did drug physically hurt everyone in the family and more but shes insanely rude due to my mom letting her do whatever she want and also extremely aggressive i started doing a lot worse im always extremely irritable and angry and ive been dealing with lot of anxiety and severe depression i see a therapist im working hard to get through my trauma but my mother only belief that i should be fine that even after dealing with abuse and being fucking ignored my entire childhood that i should be a okay and act like a normal year old she continues to get angry at me for my outburst which i understand but will then tell me that she doesnt understand why and will then tell me how awful i am and how i dont do anything she doesnt understand that i have lost interest in many thing and refuse to let me take mental health break because for some reason in her fucking mind i dont need them all she doe is tell me how awful i am how i dont do enough how we dont have any money all of this bullshit im not allowed to stand up to my sister because when she attack me even after ive done nothing it all my fault she one time attacked me over fucking brownie brownie im guilt ridden and tired living feel pointless to me at this point i have nothing going for me and what feel like nobody i dont why ive stayed this long maybe it sheer fate or some stupid reason that i cant put my finger on i know that soon enough ill be suicidal again a surprise surprise going through this much trauma make people want to kill themselves im aware that ill have to spend the next what 00000 year trying to overcome my trauma but i just wish that my mother would be there for me because if she wa truly there i would want to live i just want her to finally love me,1 +true love is: taking depression naps together,1 +ive seen many dustin hoffmans movies like straw dogs rain man liked them characters much often calm even shy persons expected movie straw dogs saw totally different person much energetic film kinda reminded al pacino serpico movie interesting beginning end liked way dustin hoffmans character ready everything stay son movie also revealing personally think shows people learn find compromise self without involving people issue,0 +off to the doctor s today emily ha a rash which look like the measles,0 +anyone want dm like music xc skiing golfreading cooking,0 +mom basically called fggot shaved armpits day because likes armpit hair like real primarily aesthetics also cleaner mom noticed went really fucking long lecturerant me male shave pits said something along lines of only girls fggots shave armpits smh wanted cleaner got lecture instead,0 +@Michilais topi!!! u're back!! ,0 +maybe guys careim fucking dyin here man cant tell anyone know theyll worry much falling apart im sorry,1 +just ordered 2 Vera Bradley cargo sling bags... that were on sale One is for my mom... she can choose the design... The other who knows,0 +vote cause support anyone let gay woman candidate who hilary ill vote,0 +takenmy life great loss since day born lost tranquility taken me years go on life takes years experiences took innocence childhood years taken inability run leave homecountry due bad people family cared taken me friends taken me school took curiosity reading habits enjoyments relationship parents parents took happiness entretainment love taken me one thing left take one take it take myself,1 +amazing grades still want kill myselftoday got final university assignment result got a means ill receiving bsc ordinary distinction however ive ever known throughout life abandoned people love also happened recently led ostracising as well ostracised others im much emotional pain want kill im stuck survival instinct torture id initially set date today because final results day cant go it hate life,1 +always joking redflag firstweather joking know people take wrong way moved joking actually tanking health purposely cutting deeper should ya know results started first relationship cheated me think about im happy anymore nothing exciting eyes none family checks feels like one cares even see pain im going through would anyone notice would anyone come looking knows cares,1 +valentines day good gf long distance relationship miles exact nervous valentines day turns went brilliant stayed really late night morning valentines day really sweet woke early adorable talked bit gave valentines gift video going places would love take valentines day would their loved said perfect got happy watched movie together texting amazing one episodes went silent rest night started saying ruined valentines though got sad thought that absolutely amazing though ask better valentines day amazing hope everyone else great valentines day,0 +thanks subreddit rdepression decided kill myselfbut still need help one last time hi dear rredflagwatchhttpswwwredditcomrredflagwatch thanks many redditors commented rdepressionhttpswwwredditcomrdepression decided stay around bit fight kill myselfnow confront parents repeat first year college just second semester dont know tell huge new mean brothers passed first years easilyand father got back hospital like last monthim afriad tell get worse time im afriad hear uni think lying themwhich even worse maybe bring back bad memories,1 +joannafbeckett i don t think there s one close by last time i checked the closest one wa 0 mile away,0 +sometimes let noobs win cod free allc know hard new players sometimes let win ,0 +tonight nightcurrently writing notes friends eating death day pie planning killing tonight last reason stay alive left know time bye guys,1 +@Wiretapper Hows it hangin.. 8=@ hahaha ,0 +ive fucking enoughnone depression subs helped once im ugly useless piece shit im going fail school thought waiting years graduated kill think ill cut time short speaking cutting ive started self harming again punching face till im black blue cutting biceps ive enough end soon,1 +wow fucking disappointed letter psychiatric ward got released froma metal slab bed cardboard pillow get sleep on whatever selfrespect left stripped walk door seems ironic took three days recover refuge therapy place healing grand total minute seconds one one face time psychiatrist psychologist watch tv shut up eat klonopin feel good enough leave fuck you bullshit,1 +oof wanna slice wrists wanna scream void kinda v n sh earth also feel like wouldnt care someone chokes death nowhere im worthless piece shit gf deserves way fucking better cuz serve purpose society dont know deal emotions never got teached deal could possibly mentally break apart gf leaves im mentally fucking unstable actually need imprisoned mental ward feel like im loosing mind sanity slowly rotting away i mean howdy lads lasses doing,0 +it is life life working diei going unlock fantasy superpowers protagonist story going fight demons fly visit unknown worldsit just years working working working then die forgotten it lived nothingi want live sort world want matterbut cannot talents unusual power significant family members ancestors just another body another body system number it ami want live world want kill reborn different world want believe that world just that system workersjust hive beeswe matterwe matter cannot believe,1 +monke philosophy branch break monke swing it monke never meant swing it monke wishes good day ,0 +toutelaverit tu va avoir une d pression quand elle va parler commande de tranxen 000,1 +first time seriously considering redflagive sad long last month ive sad cant take longer took steps help years good job absolutely fit gym bjj everything superpower would miserably sad every day want keep suffering cant take longer swear know anymore,1 +redflag seen human evolution helpi mean lets honest redflag weakness nobody wants ever commit redflag means bad genes negative needed go away gene pool thus making one person lesser negative gene pool think really want make post story redflag im afraid go unnoticed making angry typing that,1 +im afraid ive finally fallen fari plan anything thinking becoming common things impossibly difficult nothing seems change situation ive never attempted redflag even really threatened feel like nothing stop now grew impoverished abusive addicted home beaten pretty regularly emotionally manipulated constantly left broken mess adult ive failed succeeded still kept pushing along thought maybe could make life bad took twice long peers eventually finished college even grad school relationships made friends scored jobs nothing lasted know get close people craved family so mids decided move guy thought could love would love me gave everything including job car house friends family eventually savings moved across country work within first week knew something wrong turns dude pretty abusive behind closed doors immediately collapsed froze last years access medical care healthy environment finally fought hard go doctor found kidney disease bunch problems two molars broken half painful able walk feet time since shoved ground years ago body weak mind following path used think could survive regardless tossed way thought resourceful resilient tough know now im feel detaching need stay planet kids coworkers friends much family anyone would miss cats dad support financially correction supported financially money ran out last year many family members died im two blood relatives beyond distant cousins make home funerals cant break free here completely unattached negative self talk swarms every perception attempt understanding im innocent im victim made choice stay could left physically emotionally paralyzed cant now though thats thinking redflag think peace come im gone let leave really place go even cut loose need him shitty is shitty makes me one else right now so im here im thankful theres place write down slept today want bad sad brain want die still want family love still want career volunteer pretty sure theres much damage now even got out would take years fix me one last thing night wonderful dreams normally nightmares dreams filled vacations old friends new beginning romance someone actually treated well conversation mom always sight dreams since died last year woke feeling wonderful able sleep since im afraid nightmares take happy feelings im fiercely protective first time felt loved long thank listening im sorry many hurting too could take away would you figure im going anyway might well good way out actually reminds first time considered redflag even word it remember praying god st grade would take heaven bring another little girl back family died cancer made everyone sad seemed like loved loved family sick problems abuse severe begged god barter thought better outcome everyone guess road ive along fighting years make much difference it so im safe now plans means really exhausted life im feeling burden every bad choice ive ever made drowning even though feet firmly planted land know dig out dark theres legitimately one could ask rope again thanks take care,1 +im afraid cousin well im fifth seven cousins fathers side family also work beneficial im transgender mixed race six straight white cisgender cousins five males one female ive sworn never talking again well biggest fear second oldest cousin short description him almost two metres tall blonde hair probably early balding blue eyes beginning dad body age well started birth pretty normal acted like decent human being started going puberty everything changed started bullying really started get crazy him reached age ten started act normal even decent again started get back downwards parents divorced mother really fears calls mean names wakes midnight going out gladly got protect younger brother girlfriend also lot girlfriends current one best them handle disrespectful behaviour eventhough sometimes sexist towards actually like hope teaches lessons one much main reasons never go birthday parties again first time saw came trans started acting straight creepy controlling like always towards got kinda mad fact man life time wanted know everything even read conversations sleeping hiking started talking things go horny jail mentioning here last time saw girlfriend younger brother grandpas house lot stupid things still kinda mad facts shared brothers baby photos girlfriend yall ideas situation move less half year start transitioning further,0 +im homeless againi cant another time plans cant secure job within days im going take bungie cords truck hang myself mother mentally stable cant hold job quit another one today confronted said could get hell out college credit smart fuck jobs,1 +another story generator meme two sick uncles stabbing beat two sick uncles stabbing beat short story anonymous johnathan wick always hated nicely built bank alive amused atm machines place felt sad tall thin tea drinker strong leg fast arm friends saw helpful helpless hitman once even helped deadly toddler cross road thats sort man was johnathan walked window reflected nice looking surroundings sun shone like running dog saw something distance rather someone figure frank mctennisballs frank muscular coward big leg ginger arm johnathan gulped prepared frank johnathan stepped outside frank came closer could see scattered glint eye look johnathan growled frank short glare reminded johnathan muscular cat i hate want revenge owe dollar johnathan looked back even violent still fingering sharp knife frank killed credit card replied looked mad feelings like two repulsive roasted racoon rampaging smelly funeral party rap music playing background two sick uncles stabbing beat suddenly frank lunged forward tried punch johnathan face quickly johnathan grabbed sharp knife brought franks skull franks big leg trembled ginger arm wobbled looked angry wallet raw like gigantic gorgeous gun let agonising groan collapsed onto ground moments later frank mctennisballs dead johnathan wick went back inside made nice cup tea end,0 +urghhhhhh tired i need a proper lie in,0 + https://fyi.org.nz/request_event/52413 … [Response] Chris Hipkins replied about Students and Depression Ration of Counselling 1998-2018,1 +No work today Tomorrow call in @ 3.,0 +want die vs others think want dieme ptsd go court ex traffickers job troubles panicky attacks years depression feel like burden boyfriend parents let talk brother moved without permission force socialize daily nightmares meds therapy expensive agoraphobia dog died hide life families know hell went im unlovable people attention,1 +Alkermes's depression drug is back on track after FDA 'misunderstanding' http://bit.ly/2H58yjx  via @statnews #healthcare #mentalhealth,1 +lost hours worth work trying make well edited video meme spent around hours it working it davinci resolve crashed never chance save start scratch really want make hour setback im actually really upset this turned autosave done before ill work morning fuck life,0 +@Leonard11981074 I had major depression prior to dissociating. I was unwell. Today better. I guess the only blessing with rapid cycling. I'm never in a mood very long,1 +argh got up early for girl aloud on freshly squeezed and it wa just the video,0 +wish people caredim guy im ive cleft lip whole life made depressed ive actually tried kill couple times it enough courage anymore baby sister im scared life could affected death right feel alone nobody life seems care friends want around make depressed parents mock tried commit redflag think problems typical adults understand passing someone hallway school makes shake im nervous anything productive know nobody permanently help feel better ive always thought back head girlfriend a girl loved was would happy always makes feel extremely guilty everyone tells worry first also doesnt everyone want relationship makes special guess im posting here hopefully nobody say that think thing could help even girl hugged me would make happy long time year ago got hug girl best thing ever joke nobody cares tried times actually know many spent many many months talking girls absolute best patient respectful nice mention depression feel like thats best could do girls even want talk me confidence left embarrassing like said everyone tells im young nothing worry about friends call bitch bit emotional thing done made everyone else happier shutting saying nothing want shut good,1 +military redflag need helpso ive usaf years say goodbye countless times time different met someone made happy every time sawheard made happiest guy ever im going typical airman marries like her got orders korea wanted enjoy much possible left want love cant ive say goodbye friends family countless times hurts much hate military much drink ton everyday wish could die cause amount nothing cant love anyone move place place make friends moment nothing ever last served country end day im another body want passively die dont want commit redflag cause dont want go hell from believe want die honorably ive thought redflag countless times us military isnt seems im excellent janitor outside job skills pls help,1 +Hopeful ,0 +im done hereim likely going end life tonight least try god hope works beyond stressed out unable attend therapy anymore desperately need bpd medicine isnt working months injection im tired living breathing eating awake im tired life feel like empty shell person like one take lifes punches lose little year year girlfriend works tonight want overdose cymbalta hydroxyzine feel hopeless im never going get better especially without therapy dont kill im gonna go dark path goodbye,1 +visit my blog for some exciting article makeup beauty depression lifewithcerebralpalsy http t co g vtrepuij http t co z wudtfgjf,1 +friend said scared babygirl wtfffff im wtf means wants secks me kidding this actually happened ago day still dont fucking know means,0 +making plan jotting them down laugh emoji response my friend don t know my sentence end in an unspoken if by then i m still alive tightness in the chest with each breath eating and hating myself not eating and hating myself just hating myself a i hold back tear steadily typing despite intrusive thought of suicide what is the cleanest way to go the least intrusive a way to contain the mess a way so what s left can do some good scenario play in my mind some may notice a few will cry no one break everyone move on my life is pointless pointless pointless i am useless useless useless if i keep smiling and laughing and eating and talking no one will see me shaking no one will see my tear no one will see my bruise or hear my unspoken word if by then i m still alive thanks for reading my crappy writing if you made it this far i wrote this tonight because my brain wouldn t shut up i ve had all these thought on and off for a while now i feel like these thought are becoming more and more frequent and intrusive i reached out to my primary care physician asking about a psychiatrist and i wa told to find one myself since it wasn t clear i needed a referral then i tried a couple of time to find one online and couldn t find one in my area i wa willing to talk to so i gave up if i m at work and interacting i m mostly ok i think i only had really fucked up thought once or twice but if i m alone at night my brain go haywire and this stuff pop in i need to stay busy to keep it out but i m too lazy to stay busy enough to keep it out anyway i m not a danger to myself right now i don t have the mean to play out the scenario in my head and i haven t tried to get them i don t want anyone i know to read this but i need to share it somewhere so i can only post it here,1 +pretty much everyone knows suicidal nowyay surprised get message cousin saying could talk wanted really scared really want talk anybody trying play small thing people worry me good friendship want ruin that also problems well she suicidal think problems really know do worried ignore next time see really awkward do cousin reached scared know,1 +put never gonna give sex playlist fact make whole sex playlist probably long last bed anyways,0 +i wanna make fun of locals for always talking about post concert depression..... but that shit............. is actually so real,1 +whywhats point ive nothing left ive one easier stop,1 +time goive wanting end life two years thought talking people would help thought thingd would get better dont nobody cares people worst right complain apparently go see therapist destroy family somehow maybe im selfish asshole all life important matter shit decent life people told care care much anything help me care much ignore need most maybe im expecting much maybe reason lied me still understand would that ended courage to them worst even courage im coward wish strength it need get fact alone forever meant be realized years existence maybe knew could done something,1 +"When there's no time for depression. Cheers to another 3D 3N of books, food, coffees and sleepless nights. I'll be back on Tuesday, things are just getting worse pic.twitter.com/r33NHIns8x",1 +want live competitive countryim study grade singapore sorry english good enough understand lot pressure im school people care much gpa academic result come back home read lot books got bad score teachers parents would get upset angry failed math exam friends looked asked whats wrong everyone class need perfect finish school go extra class pm feel like want anymore cant escape either sometimes feel tired cant rest parents high expectation think mad tell want study hard like friends envy people countries study hard perfect everything like us tell people want write novel singing drawing immedietly think im stupid crazy im tired feel like choice believe reincarnation want escape here,1 +headbangs starts swaying shoulders awww yeaaahhh comes drop never gonna give up never gonna let down never gonna run around and desert,0 +think girls dont date nice guys wont date you actually likely personality every dude ive met wahh women date chads mentality personality all theyre funny theyre interesting defining attributes theyre actually nice women dont like nice guys dudes actually charismatic enjoyable around also shower,0 +thoughti wish could trade places people dying dont want,1 +tips stop drinking much soda im fat considering much soda drink really be im addicted soda done worse me bad acne hard maintain white teeth makes get chubby realized better stop becomes life long thing case wondering either coke mtn dew,0 +im fucking tired of my anxiety it been with me for year and im tired of it i have to struggle with it every day now i know everything about anxiety i know that it pass and everything will be okay but man every fuckin day i suffer from it i never had this symptom till recently last month my anxiety is starting to get worse again sometimes when i look at people eye i get bad anxiety im not antisocial im not scared to talk to people but why i get anxiety randomly when i look at people eye,1 +wanted talk didnt know talk im ranting reddit throughout life havent lot friends initially never really bothered time went felt really lonely tried making friends things didnt work out one talk kept issues self kept emotions buried it feel like time went emotions pent up manifested toxicity thats insatiable need attention need feel loved cause didnt first placethis led stupidoutrageous stuff which really regreti feel like out one friend stuck me things would lot different course dont blame anyone this take full responsibility actions feel like one constant id become person rn,0 +ever kissed someone listening skrillex switched full make sesh right beat dropped curious anyone ever done this im bored,0 +"i wish i could just have one day where i was actually happy but alas,,,, my depression and bpd will not let that happen c:",1 +hindsightsay yoy years old life miserable mean horribly unfulfilled sad would make wish killed saw coming give bull crap gets better want know already lived life horrible would feel like redflag suffering better option honestly people ever get better years suffering better redflag,1 +fcking done cant anymorei rent room aunt month mean time yr old son income work lives us making payments brand new volts wagon jetta diesel car give per month got stimulus check bought dollar gaming laptop year old xbox one gaming desktop one two inch flat screen tvs switch laptop almost shirts pairs pants sweat pants pairs blue jeans dollar laptop barely play gta fps disability got stimulus check save entire thing trying buy vehicle live get place absolutely nothing value spend bedroom sleeping watching stuff shitty laptop live town miles town town nothing fast food places walmart nothing more live ghetto town even uber taxi bus system legit cant take anymore every time turn around hes got new video game im dying play new new that vehicle destroyed crashed already even broke windshield cost fix got upset threw cellphone windshield one tvs new windshield paid mom aunt blackmailed saying leave arthritis knees feet back theres days cant get bed way survive homeless streets theres days cant even walk course forked money over fcking sick crap im end tired struggling never gettign anywhere meanwhile pieces crap like get everything world nothing even treats mom like crap still gets stuff im done cant anymore topped me,1 +i totally forgot we were going to do fisheye night what u doing thursday btw i m so late with the hill lol,0 +god good doctor good series im rewatching love it yea plot holes inaccuraties good,0 +wish for good old cartoon to come back ie captain planet where s wally daria sadness,0 +"Gonna Watch The New Friday 13th & Go To Bed! Off On Holiday Tomorrow Exam's Nearly Over In College, Wooo!! ",0 +dead die,0 +just got off the phone with my babylooove<3 ,0 + apple equivalent cups coffee would better eat apple instead consuming caffeine work late night thought might need this,0 +the note is done written edited signed done the noose is cinched and hung all that s left is for me to decorate the door i stood staring at it for what felt like an eternity today every second had felt like eternity i had writhed in agony watching each minute tick by a if a lifetime had passed i had tried everything i knew and i d been told dunked my face in cold water but my forehead had felt red hot meditated and focused on my breathing but i d retreat back into my head between each breath and be left gasping for air took a scalding bath for a moment i wa in my skin again but then the water and i felt a one i tried to nap a reset wa always in store but i woke up still at death s door i hadn t done it yet though i d never been closer but i still hadn t done it before i hit send before i decorated the door i told myself i d go for one last run to get out of my head i ve been treading water the last week just barely keeping my head up i tried mushroom a few day ago and for the first time in what felt like month could accept myself in fact i discovered i wa stuck in time two month earlier when i d been dumped my heart hadn t moved on but the universe relentlessly had and for hour the mushroom gave me clarity that i needed to move on and even had there wa a moment when time seemed to stop and suddenly i wa vaulted forward to the present over and around the intervening month i wa present again but just a sudden a the revelation had fallen upon me it wa stripped away and the black dog weighed down my chest once more shakily i put on my running clothes i considered my route an old standard roughly mile it d buy me a calculated more minute to think about this decision i cinched my lace i hate these shoe i struck out the door when my foot hit the pavement i realized this wasn t a regular jog i wasn t running to run i wa running to kill myself or not i d find out along the way suddenly the route and distance didn t matter i knew i d be going further than i d thought i started out at a normal pace and began upping my tempo i knew i wa out of shape i knew a single minute mile would be my limit a it had been on several of the past day but today wasn t those day i couldn t feel the exhaustion the pain of my body moment earlier all i could feel wa my body exhausted i wa trapped in my head i could push my body well past it s limit today because i wasn t leaving my heart or my head until my body hurt more around the first mile i started muttering to myself you ve never outrun yourself before but today is the day you beat yourself and i kept running i came upon a long flat stretch a narrow catwalk along the water s edge and i broke into a sprint i wa going to break myself now i pushed until i could feel the burn in my leg my throat and my lung i hadn t pushed myself like this in day week month or maybe even year i d forgotten what it felt like i started feeling light headed this wa to be alive but it couldn t last i ground to a halt and walked finally outside my head again but still thinking finally not drowning in my thought i d realized earlier what it is in those last moment it is quite literally drowning in your thought my brain take over dwelling on my past failure rejection loss and it s a if every iota of my brain power is diverted to these fruitless foray in my hippocampus every drip of processing is diverted suddenly my breathing reflex kick in i haven t been breathing i ve been drowning in my thought and with it a sense of fear and dread adrenaline course through my aorta spreading across my chest and dilating my bronchus fight or flight from my own past pushing myself achieves this same end but what am i running for what am i running toward i don t know and i feel so lost and unbound adrift and asea i thought again if this is your last run you re going out strong and started sprinting again i ran and i ran and i ran i ran through throng of people amidst cherry blossom who didn t know i wa probably running to my death but suddenly i didn t want to die anymore at least not yet not now and i started a new mantra this run saved my life and i realized i could say that every time i ran or biked or hiked or sat with friend or worked on a project or spoke to my mom but to do so i d have to get through those long dark minute of pure and intense pain i d have to learn to hurt myself again running hiking biking but i kept running a fast and a hard a i could i circled back around on my path it wa a lollipop route and i wa completing the candy and i pushed myself until i wa back on the inner leg of it the stem i pushed myself so hard i started vomiting in a homeless camp of all place i d had nothing to eat today and little yesterday i wa subsisting on coffee the bile came up black sour bitter much a the coffee had been going down it seemed a funny parallel and i decided then that i wanted to write about this i wanted to share my story because today i didn t kill myself i might have some part of me wanted to but i ran away and i ll keep running it s tough but i think i found something to run for again i d mostly stopped running age ago but i think this wa the motivation i needed to start again the rest of my life is in shamble and i don t know what i m doing but i can keep running i ll start running with a group i think and each time i ll let them know at the end this run saved my life i ll let them decide what that mean to me and them,1 +"@TimothyH2O haha i cannt remember how many text updates i got fromm youu! sleep well, text me later! ",0 +so i have struggled with anxiety and depression due to complex ptsd since i wa young i f went to counseling for year in my teen and also medically managed my disorder with medication i am still taking a hefty dose of an ssri and have been maintaining my anxiety and depression fairly well while going through college transitioning to adulthood i recently in the past day have started having uncontrollable anxiety that ha led into the worst panic attack i ve had in over 0 year i wa so worked up that i brought myself to the er for help because i wa so scared and eventually exhausted myself out in the waiting room i m am still having serious anxiety and have managed to be functional but with how high my anxiety level are i could be back in the state i wa yesterday and i don t want to do that my current plan is to set myself up with a new therapist to get help and to discus my medication with my doctor unfortunately that can t happen overnight so i m the meantime i am asking for your advice on coping mechanism way to calm yourself down or out of a panic attack i normally use rational thought to try and bring myself down walking outside will help a bit deep breathes listening to music meditation etc these haven t been working recently and i m looking to learn amp find newer tactic in the short term while finding professional help i know that what is triggering this is a large life transition coming up and it s not something that s going away any time soon so i can t just avoid it to reduce my anxiety thank you,1 +hate sexless virgin said virgin twice two different ways add effect already dramatic scenario,0 +im sure im years old male want talk feel right now always try best nice everyone but feels like one nice me fact feels like everyone hates good reason bullied many years painful me feel dead inside im emotional guy even right now feel way im trying live normal life made changes health eat healthier exercise lost kg kg kg im cm tall also improved dental health ive lifestyle since november but mental health different story feels like everyone hates me everyone wants dead difficult live feel like this never felt bad before last days thing going mind redflag cant stop it know stop fear actually take life ive bullied lot people social life getting worse worse know cant talk to apologize post long,1 +am i really just that awful no one want to be my friend my old friend abuse me i hate everything but especially myself when will it get better,1 +i ve been struggling with depression since i wa younger i wa bullied until graduated i went off to college and managed to make a couple friend and even a girlfriend then i tried to weed which wa the turning point of my life i wa a habitual smoker and i smoked all through the day and night me and my girlfriend i quit my job flunked college and on top of that my girlfriend went ghost on me i found out she wa pregnant with twin through a mutual friend i wa so hurt because i ve been nothing but good too her i d give her my last when i have nothing myself they hurt me so much i begin eating and i gained so much weight my confidence is at a all time low i lost hope in life i broke no love life no friend and misunderstood by everyone i m alone and lost in life,1 +tldr thinking friends brokeup soulmates may heading secondbest option long post please read interested complicated realtionships take maybe short novel friends got together inseparable instant soulmates know imagined whole life together almost immediately never even thinking breakup years best couple know fighting respecting greatly higher connection,0 +watched dark skies netflix years cant fuucking sequel,0 +i m a y o man who is extremely active and an amateur power lifter i wa getting very strong in the gym and i looked forward to it everyday i had an incident with a crazy strong panic attack last december and i wa out of the gym for month while they did test on my heart just to rule out that it wasn t anything serious i ve been back in the gym for a while now and i m getting my strength back but the anxiety isn t going away at all i ve started heavily focusing on my heartbeat and when it go up i freak obviously in the gym this will happen but i keep associating it with a medical emergency any advice on how to help get over this so i can get back to the pastime i love in full force,1 +what should i do i am feeling down i don t know,1 +Listening to #Cher ,0 +watched film shire joybr br this possibly one best films time timeless value get much amazing parts moving funny greatbr br all aspect spot on portrayal story perfect every detail genuine even small irish subtleties coveredbr br the use low high shots gives two great views cristy look thatbr br daniel daylewiss performance incredible ive never seen actor that ever really amazingbr br and great watch flows well probably closest thing yo get real life experience love itbr br if seen it see it doubts it something all,0 +@ The Blank Club w/ @wushudoin for the Flying Lotus show. These guys opening are sick! i want an MPC now! (>_<),0 +Heading into Bowness for some dinner ,0 +man say dog died ees hongry,0 +they killed off a character on one of my favorite show and now i m upset,0 + sucki loss right go help never one therapy ive tried always end quitting also im pretty sure thats option right everything shut down tried sign online counseling today month insane need get feelings somewhere feel like burden going family friends experienced anxiety long remember even child depression along probably started medication since then years old nurse even pandemic struggled days job often work hours days week hard spend day caring people yet energy seems get used trying get day day routine come home pm shower eat work am another hours always exhausted even dont feel super depressed exhausted turn makes depressed feel like dont enough energy get day day tasks turn revs anxietyits vicious cycle top boyfriend years broke days ago ive quarantined home possible covid loved much still do strained many family relationships also lost friendships time several reasons went drinks friends really anywhere matter always issue always ended phone whole time messaging knew wasnt talking guys etc always ended fight ended starting ditch plans friends last minute go friends family members all life consisted going work home times week polyamarouswhich relationship open end another partner kids another child outside relationship allowed around children partner really completly ok polyamarous daughters mother didnt want cause issues basically big clusterfuck would get one child every weekend weekend work wouldve absolutely loved spent time daughter allowed felt like went anywhere always punished fight argument accusation cheating know toxic unhealthy relationship self esteem took major toll time probably never greatest begin really made much worse repeatedly told one else would ever want me fuck me nothing that ive started believe it ive delete guys social media even coworkers knew amount friends facebook times made new friend would get accusations cheating needed attention guys give enough visible snapchats map times wasnt accused cheating him remember phone died grocery store panic attack knew wouldnt show map phone going come that sickening feeling reading im typing knowing close friend family member hell anybody would tell run far far away clearly abusive relationship would fight would make would sweetest person say sweetest things treat like person ever existed even aside emotional abuse understood level cant really explain dont know ill ever experience again top suffering anxiety depression dealing aftermath sucks suicidal thoughts constantly week even wrote letter family dont think really want die dont want feel way anymore hate feeling control emotions hate struggle much make day day life know get better also know get bad again know nothing good time wish could find happy medium also dont think know happy outside relationship happy myself im looking answers maybe someone insight advice wants talk etc,1 +"@ianapplegate Been to Santorini before? I went twice, it was so good. Felix goes almost every year! Best sunset ever... sigh ",0 +cannot say feeling good feeling approaching little overwhelmed part wants sit feel take granted part wants cry shut down like know do either cry overwhelmed cry like it trippy going like forever know let us take slow rush figure things out ever feel like crying happy,1 +mum coming home really angry calm her angry didnt give phone eventhough didnt anything bad,0 +http://www.oceanup.com/selena-gomez/ ---------> read all selena news here! ,0 +i am reading all those post and asking myself can i help them or am i also one of them the answer is not shocking but all i can understood one thing the other people don t understood u they stop understanding u in first place when we go silent fewest of few nudge u no matter what but personally i stop responding to express my thought or emotion to tell them what i feel and how i feel because i fear it might effect their vicinity of thought and people around them so i pushing people around me so i might be in misery yet not dragging any of my anchor it is and always hard to say goodbyeno matter what but doe it worth it i am in utter limbo state of life where i don t know what i should do i am clueless and lifeless about my next step i don t know what should i do where living is not an option but dying is not also one,1 +totally different loads understatement black comedy film get see remember it movie creates universe fascinating every way about estrangement believe probably viewer found movie tries say something coldness emptiness behind designer furniture perfect facades know im right movie really got me see it really hope team behind movie makes movies continue own kinda weird style forgot casting superb trond fausa aurvg perfect role bothersome man understand is why acknowledgment understanding purpose life in city makes bothersome others told pretend happy movie good humorous comment life ,0 +fishmouse it is hilarious and i linked the clip from lj some time ago but when i went back just now it wa a dead link,0 +today really rough day currently residential treatment program away family today i guess technically yesterday fucking blew stated conversation mom confronted issues dad incredulous anything could done problem with woman sent weight watchers child called bitch family referred cinderella because girl expected extra chores chose brothers time time again woman mothers day outing planned two us took call brother first min meal together mother complained made miss world series visit psych ward made sure bring years later never said jack shit time except remembering missed fucking baseball game yeah fucking problem you rest day killing time heard everyone plans th i american obviously things going well treatment reason while days like today excruciating like feel like fire someone poking thousand needles weight presses chest throat making feel like choking suffocating time cannot stand it truly right wish dead want feel like anymore tired exhausting feel like lived million years cannot take it feel like meant here alive purpose day series activities pass time immediate danger literally checked every hour anything sharp meds anything else potentially dangerously either locked removed house make easier terrified hope me unfixable doomed suffer god knows long one endure many years pain goddamn lifetime it see point want anymore want die cannot sleep tired unbearable pain,1 +really wish fucking dead idk plan though dont access guns ive basically house arrest parents cant go nearby train tracks cant think tall enough building town dont get drive car poison doesnt seem reliable assuming someone finds quickly enough idk hang myself especially im constantly watched parents pray death point,1 +im glad friendsthat way one mourn death kill myself,1 +lifted lbs first time powerlifting basically competitive weightlifting competition today deadlifted new personal best,0 +embarrassed posting this since includes topics relating sexuality feel like need someone listen going write post inside because write literally bunch things wrote someone chatting with since wrote pretty much complaining here way yo gay guy actually turn next week really long time felt really unattractivemy mom says actually good looking need loose weight honestly give little hope still problems even way thinking mom says ugly one school ever felt attracted me never came school even know gay guys there wonder guy ever liked me really think got reason girls ever liking me even single girl interested years studied school years classmates people years one showed interest honestly makes sadand makes doubt moms wordsside note posted pics subs person saw them profile keep mind nsfw dislike it see please continuingi think really obvious insecure size penis explain properly well already saw it dislike size color fine shape fine glands fine curve fine foreskin unhappy size color wish bigger like inches color resembling pinki know use worrying two things know something control idea much frustrates me feel ugly unattractive unlikeablethe hope left working loosing extra weight even did inches long inches thick truly be bone pressed length even tho people say averages honestly enough fine tall wanted fine smart thought was fine lucky love fine boyfriend before fine many things willing accept many bad things have because all one perfect pretty much something beautiful poorly endowed frustrating unhappy weight change it unhappy height well cm even though tall short either that kind helps feel somewhat cutewell would help feel cute already feel uglyyou know even sort playboy one night stands fooling around casual sex sex deep meaning me want find true love want find someone special loves love willing work hard earn someone love special someone honestly feel handsome enough someone would like feel handsome sexy beautiful him see myself see someone attractive handsome sexy beautiful depresses much thinking making someone settle less settle me wish could good enough feel like favor want someone loved one loves also truly desires with want feel like love blinds order methat end message wrote personi chatting people things end well ended feeling really sad despite kinds wordsso writing here hopefully people struggle sexuality something would wish anyone maybe could understood since people understand feeling really downagain,1 +i don t want to walk home in this snow who want to pick me up,0 +stop complaining minecraft snapshots geez like seriously play survival minecraft snapshot right complain glitches missing features see often absurd realize unfinished update seriously theres posts rminecraft people full diamond tools probably hours spent playing still go duhhh wheres warden,0 +i live in my bedroom weekend burn by fast with me playing video game i bought a new car but lack will to learn how to get comfortable with it i want to do thing but i don t want to drive myself to these place in fear of crashing into something and my job is easy and amazing pay but somehow i find a way to disdain it and my coworkers i want to start dating again but all the sudden i ve become embarrassed of who i am i feel like i m boring and not really interesting to talk to my coworkers like to find my insecurity and turn it into a joke for everyone and i haven t done anything to them i m just there i feel like i m losing my grip on reality sometimes and just want to end it forever and if i did nothing of value would be lost and nobody would really care i m afraid of change yet i want it so much at the same time i just wish i were a more outgoing person who doesn t let other s word get to me,1 +im scaredwhy cant get right im scared im really scared im gonna harm way cant come back from schools fine decent grades family loves want end bad fucking bad im scared im gonna something able regret,1 +girls compliment guys today got compliment cashier age st checkout mady day even stuff like complimenting clothes miracles attitude,0 +dont know get better hello age location uk gender male diagnosed with psychotic depression anxiety im much medication dont seem getting better getting worse medications are mirtazapine mg daily night duloxitine mg daily morning quetiapine mg daily night diazepam mg prn panic attacks im suicidal im self harming cutting myself im hearing phone whispering again im paranoid police coming arrest me im anxious go outside im depressed want lay bed day drug big sleep im stuck rock hard place tell psychiatrist know put adult mental health hospital im terrified happening dont tell anyone probably end killing mixed feelings redflag moment anyone give advice do thanks replies,1 +don t go on social medium is the simple solution it is all a waste of time add to feeling of inadequacy can lead to depression and creates a split personality of how you want to be seen and who you really are it ha made everyone a narcissist http t co t myb jykc,1 +@ricklondon ... but i cannot get a reply. Maybe do something for charity with it. ,0 +i m and recently have gone back to school in person during covid were some of the best time of my life strangely enough a i learned i had a passion for game development and met so many cool people that i could just hang out with all day and never get bored though now that i have gone back to in person schooling i have felt so lonely i have always struggled with finding close friend with them always having someone else i feel like everyday is a massive obstacle and it s so repetitive and i just feel so lonely all the time idk what to do anymore i feel like it would just be easier to feel nothing then have to do this shit every god damn day since i don t have time to hang out with my game dev friend anymore and i just wan na die and all my other friend go to different school which make it rly impossible to get close with them i have tried talking to girl and i always fuck it up and i just can t do this shit anymore i feel so lonely and wan na km tho i know i m too much of a pussy to actually do it since it would be painful,1 +safest waywhat guaranteed painless way commit without gun living outside us,1 +"Strawberry slush, 2 fast 2 furious w/ Daniel (some sweet cars) Evo9 <3",0 +get yesterday want get noooooo avoid getting age,0 +spread mom new years httpimgurcomamnbjfw yah lot actually got food took picture good times,0 +see pic two guys denmark ill loose first wholesome idgaf,0 +wish could cease existhere depth article personal experience depression anxiety came herehttpskayderellacoukdread tldr started panic attacks due phobia vomiting escalated general anxiety ocd son caused postnatal depression top mental health issues feel like recently one bad thing another cant seem pick up made decision hand primary care son mum come january could attend nursery little normal friends expressed great distaste think best remains care three mental break downs many weeks considered redflag always stopped cant imagine someone explain three year old would never see again breaks heart write want happy cant help feel mess up feel like im enough him barely get anxiety depression great prospects work id like work home talents stand afford work on every time speak friends mum comes across though ill somehow cured things go back normal cant see ever normal again cant imagine living fear germs ready mum love little boy deserves good life cant see able provide,1 +one talk toi know im writing this im pretty sure im going kill today ive tried kill before time think go chicken out im years old im parttime cashier live mom shell horrified course think probably better rip bandaid get disappointed sad me know suck know ive thought many years point im waiting die want wait anymore life hard nothing makes worth it friends put work maintain it anything look forward to matter happens future ill still me problem hate person hate whiny is lazy is much coward is ive tried little me cant matter progress ill always me toxic person know im writing this nothing matters nothing say write change reality reality is im nothing one mom care shell devastated ive tried alive life cant anymore shell forgive me shell forgive me really really hope last day im alive know im writing this theres nothing talk about theres nothing say ive messed life want go back it,1 +anyone find cycling phenylalanine htp daily great way remove depression depression recently bad libido too find phenylalanine really deliver motivation good feeling however easily become unbalanced mixed htp since this today feel reallly motivated dlphenylalanine go least mg later tonight htp feel need phenylalanine htp great depression,1 +plans kill march ive struggling lot depressive selfdestructive thoughts years remember really mild sad episode genuine feelings emptiness wanting close eyes never wake this im extremely paranoid friends feel like hate force talk otherwise think ill hurt kill myself nothing feels genuine think anyone would ever want hang find nice friend mostly childhood friends treating way ive never made good experience genuine friend whos friend makes feel alone unwanted im scared everyone sees psychotic person need endure else theyd feel guilty redflag im scared opening past trauma barely trust anyone this want hang localgiant forest th birthday mainly want dad birthday kill myself love lot also sees psychotic rather normal person know past conversations way talks problems psychologist mom abused want talk felt like mention it nothing future seems good worth going pain im loss want hang myself ive crying since woke closest friends betrayed trust yesterday called police psychotic breakdown talking dying never said id try anything called want talk want feel responsible death thats think least selfish thinking that im heartbroken shook up none messaged since yesterday either feel like truly hate abandoned me feel like fault broke friendship lost one things still cheered day up know anymore im heartbroken wish die hope manage hang march ordered proper rope set good time window,1 +often cuss curios becouse ive come realisation much cuss literally every sentence,0 +obsess head even though try stay positive truth really feel comes almost every time go drinking friends become extremely negative sometimes cry alone bf told unhappy weight also hates seeing unhappy summary bf complete workaholic loves death tells beautiful every day dumped times weight thinks excuse maker know commit me indian white us since ever spoke phone would never able guess indian,0 +"I don't even think I have depression, honestly. I think I'm just sad and lonely and lazy. Mental illness has been a convenient excuse for me.",1 +guys guys got accepted backup school got accepted backup school yall idea relieved backup nervous get accepted places wanted know even get accepted main choice im safe,0 + must tech must avalibe purchase within next days go please help here cant explain please make anything tech related less thank advance,0 +something like free willi think so make sense,1 +dieso came reasons ive depressed three years mostly laying bed nothing ive mental hospital times even finished high school leech parents im pedophille aspergers syndromediagnosed make up psychosis depression everyday take kinds medication none help ive though cannibalismeating people ive hit mother couple times tortured girl history depression every body pretty much hates me im lowest form human being cannot concetrate enough even read book memory completely shot connections lost also necrophille bunch pariphillias im horrible traits combined one human being single redeeming quality have ive stolen money mom people ive leeched governemnt programs country one failed redflag attempt also like adolph hitler think hes really inspiring watch speeches read autobiography im practically neo nazigood luck everyone save me say change,1 +"- @PoisonGirl10 What's up? @sevgli Hey you! @lowridergrl I'm doing ok, thx. You? @cristinerafae You, too! TTYL! @Nic0pic0 Oh, sowwy! lol",0 +discussion things things kid would benefited mental health now prompt final project create program organization addresses one main themes cultural societal concerns discussed semester your assignment choose issue addressed semester needs change support attention bullying sexual assault racism mental health identity design program new curriculum mentor group afterschool club etc addresses need aimed audience group help parents talk kids trained support group peers peers creating new club junior high level change world,0 + hours ago told dad going prison beginning december soon im yo male really weird weekend dad went family friends house bonded really well weekend weve good steadily getting better relationship close year now since hes never really able show cares even made hard bond severity really kicked hour ago pretty bad mental breakdown sorts still kind am ever since sibling moved bit year ago dad mom used heavily addicted drugs left ish like said dad really chill eachother year since hes great expressing feeling others know know found sibling told mom told them life ive never scared something long term sorts worried andor felt sad about absolutely anyone reading much im scared well honestly im horrified confused grieving im horrified confused thing know court date first december hes almost deffinetly going jail either day soon after well trouble thats know hes going able pay house pack everything mine move one places grandparents definitely certain reasons although good people love them move pa mom gmom sibling unknown amount time move close family friend lives town know im going yet im scared everything right now ive never move life taking going go to biggest fear right now whats going happen animals love animals heart cats dog matter go take dog thats better nothing cats keep starting cry every time think them right tell theres nowhere take them matter places choose cats friends siblings oldest one sasha died personally picked litter almost whole life cant leave never see again others weve least years mean fuck animals consider family even important actual family im fucking crying cause cant leave somewhere know anyone could take need someone know trust know bad good neutral idea alone losing even cats honestly biggest problem right now know alot im sorry that read whatever thank much spending time it partially rant im frantic right now advice would mean much me,0 +boys working outside recording studio hear the voice angel would miss van doren auditioning going name miss andrews father approve radio singer however hopes certain bigwig mrs bixby friend dads hire her give approvalbr br she leaves within minutes boys running amok studio causing havoc musicians kill ruin recording session finally things calm down whew eluded them says moe yeah got away too answers curlybr br the boys fool around studio put miss van dorens record curly gets dressed womens clothes pretends hes singing mrs bixby walks in impressed hires seniorita cucacha spot extra asked come sing highsociety party night rest sayis history curly pretends opera singer funny results oh way accompanied senior mucho senior gustobr br what happens party simply truth wins out slapstick antics take place all pretty good episode enjoyed rate anything special,0 +maddyva thanks a lot learned a lot of new word but didn t find what i wa looking for,0 +found smash ultimate cartridge lost weeks ago im happy boi filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler,0 +@lintman That's awesome - what a funny picture (bout the monk) - I love it ,0 +a hleyf i m spending time with my grandma early tomorrow and i can t leave skittle by herself,0 +negative mindset is like see written least seemy life big pile almosts filtered happiness poor choices im tired know last time happy without mind bombard ruining everything another worry spoil it way know is like me say hate myself times wish ended already times feeling better coming back seems like mockery wish something would kill could stop thinking better fuck me im fucking sad,1 +branch military dedicated stopping china exploring space many idiots military httpswwwyoutubecomwatchvalqga_tym httpswwwyoutubecomwatchvqsjhvxrc military branch dedicated stopping china invading countries exploring space people believe climate change evolution it httpsstaticthegamerimagescomwordpresswpcontentuploadsmasseffectcerberusfactspersonneljpg worldview evolution climate change space exploration superior hail elon musk mike pence creationism hail science,0 +tonight nighti going wait parents pass away first ill first go sorry mom dad strong enough hold out love guys great parents came fucked up,1 +ready for sleep but having trouble sleeping,0 +essay about cultural context in 'Inside I'm Dancing' done shower or food?,0 +how do you get over it,1 +@caldjr Morning. Was just wondering where you were. Are you all back to normal? 100% fit and healthy? ,0 +@astoldby Cool. I hope you settle in ok. Welcome to Greenwich Mean Time ,0 +yo fell asleep shower laying shower dozed think need go bed sooner,0 +welcome to r depression s check in post a place to take a moment and share what is going on and how you are doing if you have an accomplishment you want to talk about these shouldn t be standalone post in the sub a they violate the role model rule but are welcome here or are having a tough time but prefer not to make your own post this is a place you can share our subreddit rule are located in the sidebar you can also always access them at r depression about rule since all of them exist for important safety reason we ask everyone here to read and follow them please click report on any harmful content you see here we always want to know and deal a soon a we can we also have several wikis there for help with finding and giving support r depression wiki what is depression provides guidance about what is and isn t a depressive disorder guidance on the complex nature of the illness that are usually grouped under the depression label and redirect information for common off topic issue r depression wiki giving help offer information on the nature and value of peer support for mental health issue in general and lot of guidance for learning what is and isn t usually helpful in giving peer support ysk that the type of rule violation that we most frequently see interfering with people getting safe and relevant support here are people breaking the private contact rule you should never trust anyone who try to get you into a private conversation in response to a post here see r depression wiki private contact i m here to help post this show that you don t understand the most basic principle of peer support especially selectivity the giving help wiki explains more about this role modelling i e achievement or advice post this is an expert free zone that s what peer support mean rule we know that internet culture celebrate not just bragging about your achievement but bragging about your good intention nothing like that is ever acceptable here content that s more about making a statement or casually polling the sub than seeking personal support or in a comment giving it rule and 0 off topic post about difficult situation or circumstance including interpersonal loss grief sadness anger and other difficult emotion are not mental illness the what is depression wiki ha suggestion for other place to post about these issue which are 00 valid and serious but inappropriate here,1 +Minnie in the morning ,0 +hey everyone hope okayive many therapist years realised working me really get anything already know feel like paying someone idle chatter with case therapistsis something do maybe keep trying find one actually feels worthwhile maybe stop togetherthanks reading question therapy,1 +im happy im blackdying cop x easier,1 +hate parents talked told suicidali got fight parents reveled considered redflag know went hour long lecture selfish cowardly continued insulting forced say degrading shit myself sick it know cowardly know people leave behind get hurt cant help think like this time opinion like theyll shove throat wished theyd fuck die,1 +feminazis getting dumber louder,0 +partner deathfrom us want die summer ends would someone want join year old male dont get response near end leave alone im prepared to,1 +@supamassive lol okay then mr. think I know everything ,0 +"@sunfloweryuki yuki~~ :O hai, hai nihongo wa motto muzukashii >.< demo omoshiroi with you hehehe ",0 +just been given ma marching order got ta go do some work yay,0 +"Every year when spring comes, I feel like my depression is growing and growing and I feel like I'm gonna kms",1 +lars von triers europa extremely good film hows that von trier stylized way tell story least europa whole film like experience even see small television screen even tricks opinion film complete real moving piece cinema films top list also think perhaps scariest gothic complete film around right good ones too one favorite final scene one harrowing scenes ever,0 +bye everyoneif anyone sees want say byei hope everyone happy worry everfuck life fuck god putting fucking nightmare lifebye,1 +know much longer lastim full time college student college try keep appearances act like normal happy person reality lie im constantly depressed feel lonely live home often jokingly tell mother im going kill gauge reaction tell joke im sure anymore reason think killed yet mother know sister says im pushover let everyone walk me truth sister likes take advantage character flaw constantly fucks fear repercussion acts like loves me makes sick furious feel im outside observer watching life go theres point living im going die line often think waiting die way skip waiting part go directly death pathetic life daily think least painful way kill myself friends mother would probably care greedy sister would show pretend care hoping get shit,1 +Got back from dinner and dessert out with the girls ,0 +mean know schoolwork sitting right front me want get done sounds crazy mind gets overwhelmed almost cry whenever look it ive missed many assignments cant dont care them parents show affection towards brother feel like theres nothing left lose skipping assignments someone told adhd dont know know isnt normal,0 +@PomegranPenguin Excellent! Most balloon animals are evil anyway... ,0 +Papa dropped in at Field Day. Such a oice surprise. The girls were thrilled. ,0 +need advice ive wanted date someone two years started talking now tell feel last years keep mouth shut,0 +made survey psychology class itd awesome could participate issue academic alcohol consumption academic performance all teens surveyhttpsformsglebtznjstkobvda,0 +hey girl legs cant go anywhere without,0 +oh fuck spanish test didnt know bad im megachad cheat google tranate,0 +is not sleeping damnit t minus hour and counting until i have to get the kid up for school,0 +@SamiHernandez5 honey i told you that you can't listen to this song so often or else you'll spiral into a monsoon of depression and passion,1 +@NettyP dang...where do u work? Do they have a branch in CO? ,0 +It was great seeing you today @missrogue. Thanks for brunch! I hope you enjoy your new intention book. May all your intentions come true!,0 +whats point anymore livingi wanna live anymore cause feel loved wanted anymore makes feel lonely forgotten like forgotten all try person life general know due depression whats point,1 +made cult guess know happened made joke one thing lead another cult would like join rcult_of_fuji name suggested another user thank whoever,0 +the swanage fieldtrip is legendary for carnage it s the only reason i chose geography pity my uni doesn t run it theinbetweeners,0 +everything sucksaccess easy ways kill myself pm phone call hurt spend alot waking hours convincing it gets tiring edit oh according conventional wisdom im bipolar refuse get diagnosis due stigma,1 +planning ending life turn i cant take anymore im much failure hate much hate alive reason im still alive today shove knife heart years ago really want kill im afraid ill suffocate long time hang someone would save me thus decided im going give chance try live years left turn legal adult ever kiss girl get girlfriend turn im going go trouble getting shotgun im going kill myself quite impossible get back pull trigger shall finally put rest cant wait die get rid pain suffering know never get girlfriend matter hard try no know fact girl would look right past im hopelessly ugly so id better start looking shotgun right now,1 +helpwhat simple way kill self,1 +im bored literally ask anything im bored online school stupid,0 +winning awards nominated for doubt film stand one best fact made non professionals trained act dance makes much specialbr br it bollywood production art lower caste girl wants sing dance wants move society limit everyone cannot president india caste system narrow minds allow breachedbr br vanaja mamatha bhukya quits school goes work landlady urmila dammannagari accomplished dancer time working animals taught sing dance film strikingly beautiful rich color amazing done film masters project writer directorbr br the landladys son karan singh returns america run office struck girl but lower caste vessel lust things better home father drinks eats steals money ends pregnant sell baby landladybr br in end never rises caste story fascinating acting really good,0 +first saw kid the little rascals first went tv year born fairly recently bought dvd between watched occasions took careful notes pie fight racist parts were farina nubian slave voodoo example think roach mcgowan would beaten death theyd tried nowbr br notice pie fights three stooges halfwits holiday sweet pie pie resemble oneand film came years initial contract harry cohn columbia pictures obviously inspiration ss laurel hardys battle century filmsremember time stole best other br br one note laurel hardy buffs bake sale lady none dorothy coburn also appeared tbotcthe flapper getting car getting rear end always escapes never credited,0 +money scholastic book fair best feeling world im able buy like books dollars something parents would never let younger,0 +absolutely loved movie great realistic looking combat footage one thing touching genuine story also calm understated manner lead character franta makes likable human relationships story seemed typical possible could expect war time bond franta carel shows loyalty wartime comrades often described books interviews veterans subtitles detract story actually serve underline problems czech pilots raf postwar storyline great reminder many suffering ww end especially russian occupied countries cinematography also good wish could seen big screen,0 +im gonna start showing give fuck anymore frustrating want show worked hard accomplish get called showoff care want attention praise sugarcoating anymore haha,0 +@Talkofthatown Thanks! ,0 +exam today cant even get bed mild ventingive struggling selfconfidence matter much put never achieve it want anymore hate hate myself im good enough this yesterday okay day fine stressed fine ive relationship almost year im still shit gf cant believe says make happy cheer ever remember pissing off sometimes even believe says i love you,1 +porn gay porn call gay porn gay porn discriminating gay porn porn porn right lesbian porn called regular porn too reason this,0 +"@lapcat Need to send 'em to my accountant tomorrow. Oddly, I wasn't even referring to my taxes. Those are supporting evidence, though. ",0 +just realized the similarity between communism and Gokulashtami! Karl Marx ,0 +@TanmoyDas That is my fav song! esp the parah.. reh bhi sakoge tum kaise hoke mujse juda.. phat jayenge deewarein sunke meri sada ,0 +@girlziplocked I hear soul cycle can get rid of depression! (Just kidding please don't block me! I am totally on your side on this one),1 +"@villa81 hey Emmet, super congrats on winning the Net Visionary last nite! hope the head isn't too sore today x",0 +The depression epidemic and why the medical profession is failing patients http://spr.ly/6185Dw0qb ,1 +theres one way story endi survived escaped abusive relationship years ago id since withdrew social situations worse day relationship take gfs mom hospital tried take life medication overdose months later pin gf ground snatch bloody knife hands trying cut wrists threatened frame physical abuse knew get out move countries drop college spent whole year crippling depression gained lot weight following year finally thought getting back decent life herniated disc able walk properly months now friends keep behaving poorly parents broke relations sister way fulfill professional goals cannot walk properly again craving human connection hug someone confide in keep getting pain back leg cannot exercise trying quit smoking keep failing im basically worthless individual right way end death im may come naturally im scared ill end taking lire one day,1 +im alive familyevery night try make fall asleep hits strongest see vision head various ways could kill myself sometimes jumping sometimes carbon monoxide poisoning slashing almost fantasy fantasy ive never harmed way know mom husband would find would drive insane theyd blame even though know problem love family sometimes darkest moments cant help think unfair stay alive them,1 +"@jnnybllstrs Dnt joke about these things, anak. Death & depression destroy lives, we shldnt wish for or joke about them. Let's hope fake news ito.",1 +suicidal day againi felt ok days today collapsed started panicking classes didnt show up feel like failure im sure love partner feel sick say love doesnt feel right said wasnt sure felt load shit happened us told cruel am would bow im terrified hell lose shit tell feel dont even know feel im starting make friends class matter time hate me jake everyone hate eventually im scared going happen want isolate myself stay dorm room slash wrists,1 +nerves exposed loneliness gets painfuli try act tough manly people see it care much way people feel around me think what wrong am even adding anything exciting interesting life struggle socially struggle talk nieces nephews way should see boring im,1 +anyone recommend good acoustic songs favorite pretender ajr havent heard it great song,0 +redflags become question when ifi know anymore ive suicidal past weeks keep alternating fighting thoughts succumbing darkness past year ive gotten car crash totaled car broke boyfriend years lost cat lost coworker work full time job part time job im full time graduate student sleeping well im slipping back eating disorder im starting get paranoid everyone around me many friends feel like depression making burden ones have im antidepressant seem working more psychiatrist taking forever get back me im making wait finish school year part time job ironically im studying mental health counselor anything hurt clients come may th theres nothing holding back anymore,1 +I'm so nauseous. And its so beautiful today ahhhhh ,0 +Another tuesday night out drinking ,0 +@theBrandiCyrus Hey! do you know if Miley is gonna tour or thinking about touring Australia soon? hope she iss <3 xo's,0 +"@ddlovato AJ RAFAEL (AWESOME MUSICIAN, FAMOUS ON YOUTUBE) COVERED YOUR SONG, DON'T FORGET. PLEASE WATCH IT IT'S GOOD! http://bit.ly/vFWAs",0 +really i m tired i tried pill choking myself with a belt hanging carbon monoxide and i can t buy a fucking gun because of the fucking country i live in so tired of this shit so tired of being loveless and before you start with you must be an incel no i don t blame woman for not liking me i blame my fucking gene and i blame my shyness and how my stupidity ha fuck thing up i m tired but i can t fucking seem to die,1 +breakup bluesabout month ago girlfriend broke me made mistakes relationship falling love her something ive felt before months still figuring out always easy relationship honest front me also trouble accepting affection talking feelings additionally pediatric resident time pretty limited best navigate everything easy balance needs vs could give entirely worth it outdoorsy smart doctor vibrant social life tons friends close brother teaching cook loved going trips me time spent together realized much meant me also let insecurities past relationship my last gf cheated too overall tough time dating anxious attachment style get way saw insecurity different occasions also desire closer bailed turn end month friends married engaged closer friends moved away many families want dearly thought would now many like girl doctors lawyers work passionate about me bachelors always trouble school managed find solid career marketing im passionate make comfortable living successful way ever foresee dog condo savings still isolated pandemic family job passionate about social circle shrunk girl doctor tons friends vivid life quite honestly saw emotional needy loser end tried save relationship im hollowed out feel like lost hope future seeing woman amazing turn away me second time happened two years crushed me made realize shitty life much failure am pandemic wonder moving would help ive working much i can seeing therapist eating well outside feels hollow depressive episode feel sliding way want to feel stuck down,1 +my plan to have my eternal rest is starting to de rail starting today it frustrating that it is starting to de rail this late in the plan however i guess nothing go according to the plan even my back up plan are starting to de rail too i just want to have my eternal rest but why is the world too unfair that i feel like it keep saying that i should suffer more than what i have experienced,1 +subject acne acne frickin painful acne thing get body theres bacteria dont need make literal war zone,0 +make want liveid never hurt live need help fix,1 +hello invited complete survey wmu psychology department research project designed assess treatment preferences among adults seeking treatment variety concerns hope learn preferences treatment change time patients perception treatments match preferences related benefit received treatment survey open anyone ages older currently engaged mental health treatment least one month four therapy sessions longer one year choose participate asked provide demographicbackground information respond survey items preferences treatment changed time quality life survey may take minutes complete,1 +wow finally jim carrey returned died movie laughing crying also sends message know learn from jeniffer aniston great finally hit movie belt liked liar liar love movie give ,0 +watched movie first showing available area quite clear people get movie even dont good movie interesting character development thoroughly human story imperfect people backwoods southern town really speaks root blues know black snake moan time leave theater get it no song christina ricci great job thoroughly convincing role samuel l jackson think best performance since role pulp fiction probably best including range character bsm rest cast solid shining performances there particularly john cothran jr reverend r l im selective movie watcher film honestly rates among favorites candid look race sex religion neurosis rural southern town along cinematic genius opinion,0 +OF COURSE HE IS SUFFERING FROM DEPRESSION OF LOSING HIS WIFE. HE NEVER SUFFERED ANY ILL FEELING OF INNOCENT CIVILIAN DEATHS WHEN HE ATTACKED KUWAIT & HIS SON ATTACKED IRAQ KILLING INNOCENT CIVILIANS &&' SACRIFICING AMERICAN SOLDIERS FOR SUPPORTING ISRALE!! https://www.cnn.com/videos/health/2018/04/24/george-hw-bush-health-broken-heart-syndrome-gupta-newday.cnn …,1 +friend reported friends redflag attempt police whatok around am last week friend samantha contacted best friend isaac say going kill saying goodbye isaac called police both us know particularly close friends her according samantha police apparently found apartment hanging this would around morning said isaac going jump apartment lives fairly tall building contact several days now isaac texted this samantha mad letting jump guess gonna cops stop her responded fuck fuck said i dunno says ruined life cuz keep watch fined shit responded i would say thats insensitive thing ever heard could expect done anything else know else say seems possible theres lie somewhere story police major metropolitan area even personal someone watching her called police area addition campus security university attends received subsequent information them neither us live close enough hundreds miles away go check her do,1 +gender competition lately sub ive seeing lot people complain hard boy easy girl people complain hard girl easy boys it know hard grasp genders bad putting wont help that making competition kids rd grade broadens gap able understand instead making smaller complaining things reddit telling unfair is wont change issue take action instead making pointless competition,0 +finally lets inside begin talk hes drunk always schedules differ couple hours whenever would get home always drunk sat counter calling names smack chest worst mistake life never hit him fully believe dish get,1 +Gerald is perrrfect ,0 +"Playing guitar., ",0 +life over theres nothing left worth keepingi objectively failure human ive let reach point brain rot job higher education source income survive leeching mother given trying make something life left house minutes time past years convenience store night get junk food ive even lost taste food junk life nothingness ive allowed reach point ive lost change it day write drivel internet part control family mentally emotionally abused early went extremist religious brainwashing younger feel caused lasting damage makes impossible function society cant get help therapists country know anything particular religion ones understand followers it longer support system world type trauma afflicted this besides cant afford therapy anyway im neet im fucked front know get move somehow cant find me feel broken beyond salvation ive shutin long im afraid outside world cant get job im scared people im unable look anyone eye cant job interviews qualifications get online job hate hate appearance skin color religious name feel hated everyone every place go cant seen people even online support communities help accept people shun turn reason room place feel safe may live rest life like this feel worth live like that,1 +idk title please read itbefore start want say depression mental disorder ok story live pretty poor country im constantly struggling money point feel like im living surviving frankly im getting kind fucking tired nice people would tell painlessly end would really appreciated ps apologise bad grammar english first language also pretty late pps im google pussy giving number redflag hotline,1 +school ruined poem last year submitted love poem disguised friendship poem annual school magazine wrote poem girl like happens bestie too digital copy magazine released weeks ago went back read poem kid not two lines got merged yeah passing year year without seeing face another line cant recall passing year year distress cant express pissed,0 +omg im makin mozzarella sticks dont oven mit anything boutta go grab shirt wsfjsjdka man bein adult hard,0 +mom shopaholic im it know else call besides shopaholic go shopping random things buys specific things latest kick starbucks cups absolutely despise shell complain enough money important things like braces food go onto facebook buy bunch cups around may even thats ive seen ive alive phase like would buy leggings lula roe stopped turned pyramid scheme also done thing times like buy beanie babies alive time think deal stress even reason find something else release stress berating sisters either whole thing reminds much dislike mother horrible is would get post mostly annoyed stressed thats shes wasting money cups shell never use family thought intervention never act know shell never listen pretend victim hope phase ends soon dont hear complain money spend cups long story short mom going phases buying specific things release stress also complaining money,0 +scared amp ashamed gonna end iti going bad time amp even worse things happened me im tired feel gut ill one day end all dont want live dont want die want exist im ashamed either decide live die im scared im useless many people even subreddit going much worse am fucking end all im hoping typing post give courage kill end pathetic mess me want peace thats it cant keep going cycle again im scared amp know im ever brave life today dont want burden family anymore wish wasnt me wish could stop me useless worthless make peoples life miserable yes ending way thank reading this really appreciate it read posts wonderful job needed say that hope good peaceful lives,1 +bad situation bank account got freez due excessive transaction money bank says take two around weeks able find loans know now,1 +mizzzidc the word depression is thrown around a lot on this app honestly you could ve addressed any issue you have with your mom privately know what to post and not now we know how you speak to your mom and how disrespectful you are to her over a pair of sneaker,1 +lost last friend told me depressed sad could friends anymore sweet girl one anymore going try work courage kill myself tired pain want anymore want live anymore lost friends,1 +job searching fyi yahoo hot job suck im never going to find a job,0 +fuck guys someone made post saying fuck girls fight fire fire say fuck guys guys certain types guys dedicated fucking horny negative iq guys say send nudes make chad memes sexist general post you youre nice respectful sexist stuff post dedicated you thank u respectful like this simps guys thinking sex toys im sure girls tired receiving messages sayingsend thicc thighs pathetic horny fucks girls created arouse men guys use us like fucking toys fuck you youre pathetic virgin jerks hot video game characters ask girls send nudes go fucking hell make us wanna girls guys think weak well guess fucking what bleed every month get fucking cramps give birth one painful things ever guys get horny ask girls send thick thighs everyday careful outside since might weird dude might kidnapp rape sell us yes deal everyday girls cant even wear clothes want like girl wants show skin cant without guy staring boobies personally im thinking wearing one things wrap around chest looks like dont boobs im uncomfortable time see girl without makeup youll say shes ugly like dont look pretty guys lmfaooo yours fuck girl stereotype like tik tok cute toys makeup stuff girls like things us fuck moral story hard girl stop fucking dick yall shit girls time simple chad memes this posthttpswwwredditcomrteenagerscommentskmpvtfuck_girlsutm_sourceshareampamputm_mediumios_appampamputm_nameiossmf also fuck simps theyre fucking troglodytes again shitty guys all lot guys amazing cool thanks listening ted talk edit lmao guys sad yall really getting salty post ima lose hope humanity look know men hard lives too maybe lives hard women comes society toxic mindset men feelings toughen makes things hard post dedicated womens problem horny men stop fucking selfish once im tired wont check comments while wanna argue comment shit check comments first,0 +cant diei hate everything life want get better already given up fucking hate everything much coward hurt myself please cant go die give up wish kill myself,1 + year old guy friends lonely depressed cannot sleep something happened today rlly set cannot stop remembering memories thinking rlly want someone talk comforted one rlly need someone please help,1 +day posting lines bee movie every day get so experience pick job normal well well well met someone did beeish,0 +need fucking help please know put it im used asking help like this kinda needed feeling well weird lately everyday im coming closer closer redflag due problems stuff im yo guy whos currently gang member ex hacker ex smoker tried committing redflag twice raped need help please someone anyone care age nation gender sexuality please help me,1 +haha im famous money enough talking suck dick,0 +Welp depression naps do work :D [SAD HOURS CLOSED],1 +guys found get likes subreddit tell sad dark story bunch people give wholesome award think funny great,0 +@theisb thanks chris I seriously need a laugh today man ,0 +why isn t the hill available online yet soo disappointing,0 +sure saynot sure right place post im really sure do suicidal lately feel way stop feeling way feel like hurt used need talk someone one talk to dont know say really wish someone talk cares im sure do im sorry rambling needed say something guess go sleep,1 +parents said want actually spite ig parents said would kill big hassle,1 +otherwise excellent book lincoln american memory historian merrill peterson calls young mrlincoln boring dreadful film amazingly wrongheaded analysis simply proves great historians rarely fine film critics working doctoral dissertation abraham lincoln frederick douglass part preparation writing dissertation made careful analysis film tag gallaghers brilliant interpretation seminal book ford young mr lincoln comes culminating year first phase fords cinematic authorship in greatest hollywood years ford directed three superb still fully appreciated films drums along mohawk stagecoachand young mrlincoln might seem odd say stagecoach fully appreciated purblind critics must perceive one greatest westerns perhaps even one hundred greatest films time however fully appreciated three films work together kind trilogya triptych fact ford creating sort mythic history america screen drums along mohawk revolutionary war young mrlincoln precivil war americafinally stagecoach post civil war america three films common extended meditation american adam errand wilderness psychic social costs american manifest destiny america strives build new human city wildernesslincoln symbolizes americas journey seeks reconcile civilizational inmpulse law freedom wildernessyoung mrlincoln history full historical howlersas ford trotti well aware myth lincoln symbol justice mercy lincoln man wilderness striving found civilization within himself become remarkable lawgiver young america young mr lincoln historylike james agees long forgotten teleplay lincoln like sandburgs biography epic poema beautiful epic poem,0 +i suppose i ll live one more month the thing that is keeping me alive is my favourite music group and now they are participating in a show and i want to see it ending because this group s music kept me alive since 0 also i ll see my brother birthday but i think that is my maximum at this point i m really glad that some people supported me even that they know me only because of my reddit post and i got more attention and support than from my ex friend through last year i hope that everyone will be happy i will continue telling everyone that suicide is the worst decision but i cant tell it to myself not anymore my close friend could have died yesterday the bomb exploded km away from her and she is still in danger i don t know what i would do without her i m always thinking of everyone else but me and i ll keep doing it i think i don t deserve to be saved actually i don t want to struggle anymore i ve got so much pain that i couldn t even put it all in 00000 word even if i ll try to live i m sure i will be suffering just even more i have so little light in my life i don t deserve to be loved i always make thing worse i m sure that everyone will be happier without me that they won t have to talk with me and my parent won t have to spend money on my university idk maybe it s just my stpd schyzotypical personal disorder i dont know i don t think i know anything i don t know what is happening around me i i m tired and i m sorry to everyone who had to read this i m so sorry,1 +"@Fearnecotton we're listening to your show whilst cooking it's good! from laura, kelly, heidi and sarah x",0 +mg lorazapam bottle winewill sleep enough,1 +found baby toucan looks like ampxb httpspreviewredditrnqvxzlatjpgwidthampformatpjpgampautowebpampscbbfbfedaccaddbaaf,0 +pickup line valentines tomorrow hey girl four macromolecule building blocks life carbohydrates lipids proteins nucleic acids ampxb cos cant live without,0 +it s so pointless for me to still be alive my life is worthless why am i still here,1 +first one awake...waiting to lay out on the beach ,0 +call american committed tax fraud least one helpful tip avoid taxes want buy game ps set location montana dont got taxes games there,0 +i m really desperate i m a yr old guy with no job even if i graduated from college no girlfriend never kissed or hugged a girl in my life no real friend most of them are toxic amp manipulative nothing special about me i don t know if i m pretty or ugly smart or dumber i m so confused about my self image it s like i live in hell get rejected by ton of girl ton of job offer i feel like i will live my whole life virgin single jobless loser i m too nice too shy always extremely anxious and stressful dealing with brain fog bad accent shitty voice low self esteem zero talent nothing good about me just kinda good at math amp coding i can t hold a good conversation with anyone only with my mom amp my brother i feel kinda confident speaking and it s been a while i m depressed living with a dark mood i feel like i m a loser amp i can do nothing i can t even go to gym practice favorite hobby or enjoying any movie youtube video video game etc i don t know what to do with my life i only think about option therapy ending my life sorry for my english it s not my native langage,1 +life sucks want overi actually hate living hate me reincarnate person friends loving family future would okay living dont person things cant imagine would like wake get talk people go downstairs able smile someone look forward new day ever feeling ive outcast since child people still treat like today im fucking tired it im tired person everyone ignores person everyone talks over person one cares about fucking awful im tired it,1 +please dont hate last post joke dare thingy came guy asked ask gf im sorry ,0 +"@musicislife90 yes you're right ! Jobros come pretty close ,but david was .. Ahhhmazing he's way more talented haha",0 +ah i hate flu now it third day guess what happened accidently i shaved my eye brow off i need glass,0 +actually answer occupies tiny portion excellent imax movie educates us delicate selves cg special camerasassisted imaxincredibly display inner and outer workings average human adult men women boys girls babies nearly every human body part aspect specifically detailed digestion reproduction featuring marvin gaye hit heart etc especially revealing moments include infant immersed underwater also brains impulses look amazing functionbr br the subject matter skips around awful lot times still learn hell lot bodies required know,0 +one help meim yo kissless virgin ive tinder apps nothings working cant enjoy activities like music movies tv friends ive therapist meds mental hospital twice nothing working give you matter somebody loves you itll get better bullshit im going cut tonight watch porn cry sleep one day ill get car crash inserstate going huge concrete pole,1 +etoro the worst thing man utd can do is offer him a new deal to match his financial demand pogba is a virus hence his partnership with raoila all they want is money once they don t get it they start the noise about football depression bla bla,1 +cant cant thisi hope ok post again posted days ago today horrible saw ex emotionally destroyed event saw lot ex friends hes friends with im forced see people lot certain circumstances anyway broke crying stop even xanax ended leaving event early parents offered move back town used live thats hours away longer forced around them want though also want here want happy cant im zoloft take xanax needed rarely take though im still happy eaten today want underweight again hospital underweight months ago breakup blood pressure dropped dangerous levels hospitalized cant eat though im upset feel nauseous full cant eat wanna move wanna either nothing take pain away either need die get amnesia move ill friends ill hope making more stay current friends least deal seeing people made miserable lose lose situation hope wake morning,1 +i cant stop myself from purging my meal even when i know i m day away from dying,1 +"Old post catch up: Sinking? I hate you, depression http://rviv.ly/sfkMZE ",1 +think im going tomorrowi know im years old ive suicidal thoughts six months now house girlfriend fight lot much common her job cant seem keep one money biggest problem life know blame that really wish went school even good scholarship course take advantage that worked shitty jobs bought shitty house am theres reasons post care explain know feel like cant anything improve life right now car gone shit even get job get there know think im done trying,1 +listened fucked album like fun fucked like fucked fun,0 +too long to explain but im having an episode rn and it feel horrible day in so far it doesnt ever feel like itll go away i guess i just need some reassurance that this fewling wont stay till i die i just need to know that this feeling will go away soon and i can go back to being happy like i wa before,1 +think want keep goinglife works mysterious ways everything going amazingly well even think looking could go wrong future set happy weeks came crumbling down watch life fall apart control it helpless im hopeless now grandfather died girlfriend broke me job getting worse family still treats like shit knocked like realized ive lost sense am like living anymore im lost think going get better im waste space hope anymorei dont feel like anything dont feel like living anymore think peaceful would dead worry anything anymore cause anybody troublei find crying sleep every night fun,1 +@JasonBradbury wear a tall hat ,0 +adame ruddy money i like it still waiting here oh what a surprise by state too hmmm seriously,0 +cezzadwen i think that it s pretty standard wherever you go can t find it anywhere in canberra yet,0 +normal im drinking enough water everyday pee always transparent looks clean tho think im good health right now guess,0 +fuck alleveryone sucks supposed friend fucking dick you then days give another chance then get locked balcony broken window forgiven fucking bully im going pay apartment shit ton money dont have whole point friendship lets end fucking all,1 +right there good entertaining accurate erafeel scenes enough personality variations cover real people around days without story distractions exceptions credits show peralta mar vista california hill venice south malibu lived heartbreak hotel days prebeachboys next surfer kid bob cooper wasatch avenue alley used burn surfboards work old skatekey skatewheels used plywood cutouts roll sidewalk waves things different succeeding decade cool innocence fifties broke warmth sun whitewater freedom exhilaration electric sixties assertively innovative playtime inventive evolutionary madness weird seventies movie gives piece kind magic moment time place imaginary wave real source culturally significant influences btw theres another movie similarly american street edginess it genuinely unique goodness laid back realness helps refine elusively eternal sense cool two lane blacktop with one best examples freesouldoit attitude west coast california history dennis wilson like monte hellman one thanks sp right one gwr,0 +michigan who i don t know them sigh shameful,0 +lot suicidal thoughts todayim actually diagnosed depression cause dont trust psycologists think need help epilepsy doctor told seek therapy keeps going feel broken like ive broken inside im starting forget feels like whole parts friend send lot keanu reeves memes promised would write something entertain wait im scared becaused day ive daydreaming dying naturally sleep start reading ways die withouth pain th less pain possible oh mama difficult die want im scared pain scared ending notdead withouth chances trying feel like prolonging buying time one day pain greater fear,1 +feel like i have neglected twilight im sorry lol,0 +people like dont make farmy family good looking like might face homelessness get hell dont know happen torchers rich families gove kids free k ride hope education even roof head either die wait awhile die anyways,1 +pretend father say im proud leave comment happen,0 +i dont want to hang myself i don t want my parent to find my body i d rather overdose of tsa antidepressant and other sleeping med i just want to take a whole bunch get in my car and then idk drive south until i get to the border or something go east to louisiana i don t know would my psychiatrist lose their job,1 +laurenbavin hey you didn t tell me you had one of those jealous,0 +ok question people walmart near ur walmart machine dispenses free samples u scan qr code app one walmarts near machine like im wondering common,0 +caught myself looking up the iphone promised i wouldn t torcher myself a i still have month left on my current contract,0 +The evidence is clear that people that are more active have a lesser risk of developing depression. https://twitter.com/medical_xpress/status/988915495343677445 …,1 +deepbluesealove my mom amp dad both get up around too early for me,0 +"@seanhannity @RachelOsiris @gregcool1 Deregulation of banks, predatory lenders don't lead us to another Great Depression for which Republicans ALWAYS seem to do. WE CANNOT AFFORD IT THIS TIME. HE GAVE AWAY 4TRILLION$$",1 +"Obese children are more prone to depression, low self-esteem, and negative body image -- but #health and #nutrition programs (@LAsBEST ) can help! #LAsBESTGAMES donate to my team! https://www.crowdrise.com/o/en/campaign/team-45/monasobhani …",1 +either love hate movies thriller set inside lonesome asylum far lonesome land much horror show concoction frightening imageries wackozoid mental patients scream best term use obviously popular drivein classic noted strange wicked behaviors notice judge whos put ax behind doctor brrrrr much else described bloody tasty goodness get chance remember familiar old saying hag lady get out get out never ever come back wish looked basement,0 +"therapy would more than likely help combat my debilitating depression but i highly doubt there's any indig therapists out there, and if there are they are not in oklahoma lol. no other therapist could possibly understand the generational trauma that i have felt since a child.",1 +im writing redflag note tonighti cant take shit anymore need least write something case ever get fucking guts finally end myself cant anymore want out want release cant live household years cant,1 +"@elyseholladay Looks like it will the be the 26th. I wouldn't bank TOO heavy on it tho, as we ARE competing companies, technically ",0 +went sleep depressed woke depressedthe first time thought redflag mom whipped across back one day star encrusted belt ive beat really young think around th grade beating sat daze felt like island surrounded unwanted found butter knife room started stabbing lol imagine trying kill self butter knife anyways fast forward im everyone thinks im happy wish never born hate loneliness feel everyday every serious relationship ive cheated never knew dad mom life person really sat said loved sincerely grandmother shes gone im crying hard im going stop forum now yall please pray every week think ending living flesh hate soon think depressions gone comes back hunt much wrong happened want know why cant find somebody love damn sure love never try wrong hurt,1 +men pigs men pigs men pigs men habe potential rapists take advantage women stay cautious,0 +went bedroom uh played minecraft,0 +hahaha imsohappyanddefinitelydontwishiwasdead nothing like looking back old photos remind much hate person become,1 +people get mad others cheat ive never relationship know never really got people get angry,0 +@jordanknight Wow you're fast ! Enjoy your lunch ,0 +got cans red bull six cans beer cigarettes bottle sleeping pills going going fuck body point return think tonight going night,1 +found art teacher sexual assaulted damn kid find happen year ago randomly came mind chilling found word mouth former study hall teacher kids thats heard day one could stop making jokes talking save life study class like th year math grades taking nose dive dumbass wanted stay in hes bail set still pin time im gunna adult set surious bot dont get mad,0 +yall see advertising discord server called arenhale dont join it arenhale rpg based server bot trying advertise better is admin straight abusive abilities moderators douches helped make arenhale took away role new admin came picture long story shot dont join toxic abusive discord server,0 +anyone else feel like constantly waiting one thing give ounce joy ie one clothes delivery one new episode one takeaway provide kind happiness couple minutes fades waiting next thing make feel something it need rely superficial things make feel remotely happy cannot find something make feel way feel like literally waiting die cannot believe need spend rest life waking up working thinking dinner trying find little things bring shortlived joy mundane sad little life jane enjoy money hope makes happy etc waiting,1 +im going catch covid hide park dieim going try intentionally catch covid hide park city hopefully die preexisting respitory condition asthma wait long enough ill hopefully good im piece shit im going flush bow almost everyone life figures im a blackhole sucking joy every situation im complete fucking moron moral constitution offending pedophile boyfriend could even call that caught on short period didnt talk hes realized im social anxious cowardice people pleaser lies others much swear supporting drug habit things definitely gotten worse ive lost mind ive always always be despite declining mental state feel like ive reached point clarity know need do hope theres hell,1 +hey you shitass merry christmas motherfucker love,0 +i m not suicidal i just feel everybody close to me slipping away and it s crushing me slowly so i wa wondering what are the main sign,1 +notice me somebody remind im ghost human includes lgtb stuff move it next post haters today took talking somebody interact everyone grade even notice there which leads believe commit redflag wouldnt give fuck it experiment done too see really bad maybe fact grade us talk other maybe nobody would noticed all people know talked to know hate deep down keep lying saying dont hate me but since supposed encouraging redflag heres happy thing found today well kind two music teacher probably bisexual gay straight ally fo lgtb people why wears rainbow shoes sounds looks gay excuse me good gaydar dont judge lately wearing rainbow wristband might say pride gold im never close enough one friends actually trusts supports lgtb best friend crush nonbinary bisexual supports her always nice considering know im straight alright back main point here redflag note moods suddenly ever change posts note possible adhd want keep things optimistic havent diagnosed yet know what im ending post here dont want shed sob loud,1 +I do appreciate Dell's customer service using their real names however ,0 +got chem test literally im joking couldnt focus cuz horny dont let concentrate emailed teacher see could take cuz dont wanna keep ,0 +"twas my last day of uni today, for a while anyway. am now relaxing with heatbean, tea and tommy playing piano for me ",0 +"suicide is not a joke, depression is not a joke, mental illness is not a joke. QUIT FAKING SUICIDES FOR CLOUT, NOTICES, ATTENTION, ETC. this shit is not okay. people actually struggle with suicidal thoughts etc, & it's not taken seriously bc of shitty ass people FAKING SUICIDES",1 +wellim movie critic something like thatbut opinion moviei think best movie amanda bynesshe played roll look welli watched many moviesthis liked mostwhen watching movieyou relaxcome downand watch ityou try look subtext something like thatyou watch it movie really great maybe liked actressmaybe scenerybut liked itthe whole atmosphere createdin one moment felt like universityin roomit another drama movie made win oscarit nice movie watch free time,0 +"some people dont know this but cats can get depression, please sing to and walk your cats for best result thank u pic.twitter.com/fI2Jx3ZZda",1 +@amyjackson10 Thanks hun....its one of my favs xxxx,0 +fear disappear gonewhen longer fear it idea scare anymore cant recall exact day id say weeks ago,1 +think killing lot think may actually itthe thing keeps it imagine most family especially young son parents think taking seat belt driving ditch taking enough pills kill horse old standby hose tailpipe car problem want place may cause painful memories family pass it honest really surprised useless redflag hotlines are seem give flying fuck conclusion tired around people tired sucking everything do give shit anymore thanks reading,1 +really need get shet together rn really reallyyy need advise people hide depression plz hide pretend everythings okay,1 +im sick apologizing sht ive never done never would do im angry sides argument right now whether white racism black citizens mistreatment natives misogyny fcking tired apologize things involvement in misogynists racists etc stop garbage human grow tf up treat people respect human piece filth victims racism sexism etc stop blaming people today things happened hundreds years ago done people connection to understand upset things happened fault fault blacks beaten murdered discriminated fault indians near wiped out women fault unrealistic societal standards treated horribly things never have never will apologized people it want help all makes feel like garbage get treated like sht things involvement in stop getting pissed horrible people deserve it sorry treated horribly im done apologizing things slave owners dead everyone mistreated natives dead done with shut hell already,0 +@mdcapsgrl He just needs to get a Twitter account too. That way he can follow Dr. Cullen. Then he can be happy just like us. ,0 +but telling them im not will just make them worry they got their own problem dont need mine too,1 +running optionsmy life general going downhill past year started passing uncle felt quite close to suffered panic attacks depression kept calm outside people assumed ok around end may learned girlfriend almost two years cheating another guy ended honestly ended cruel treated poorly would try nice still maintained conversation month around june sister suffered cerebral palsy passed away really took turn worse recovered decently uncle passing handle sister passing hide emotions anymore exgirlfriend tried comfort me pushed away cruel her became cynical rude asshole today developed horrible anger issues still cant cope stress either break take anger went agnostic fullblown atheist pushed away lot people close friends understand wasam going put it feel reason friends cynical normally people like us fast forward little month ago august early december missed exgirlfriend attempts reconcile ended poorly me decided actually try work emotions anger issues believed changed approximately months worked weeks anger issues came back realized stopped worked together help me thursday left stating still need change honestly came surprise everything going quite well made new steps together even plans near future want talk all talks planning together future last thing kept going ive lost her,1 +hoped get buried wedding tuxi know ill never get married family really wants see damn tux wedding reception thing dont plan even staying alive long enough happen id like get piece happiness inevitable demise voices keep telling ill dead even waste someones time even giving love chance again,1 +pitand heavenit scary thingthat depression becomes massive affects many people gathered lot info get god finally making shit first time life sometimes feel bad even suicidal but oh boy got better used like percent know felt darkbut finally gonna change better,1 +reaching helpive never reached help ive always felt id wasting someones time want way anymore way feel accomplish redflag anything general answer specific questions posed im trying waste anyones time though feel like anyway want help know turn anymore,1 +@AdamSevani really? sweet! Can i get a reply from you then because ily? ,0 +give fuck anymorethats it longer careful road longer look ways crossing street die die thats it,1 +story dirty fat filthlike middleage woman lives society knowing filthiest woman ever lived someone take crown one couple nice film people like ordinary pieces comedies mind disturbing sense humori surprised seeing scenes love pungent kindbr br ,0 +may loose full time job full ride scholarshipill try keep quick basically im good situation right young man im special program fully pays education teaching trade pays k year basically right high school zero debt living comfortably independently recently ive hard time retaining understanding certain concepts trade resulting low grade evaluation points failing dont get next month loose everything im getting tested add see thats problem complex trade anyways know fact ill never get opportunity like im seriously considering ending get firedkicked program believe god think anything supernatural happens die feel like life truly pointless never understand existence end all also seeing much evil violence environmental destruction world makes want part reality anymore bring grade job up graduate keep money flowing see reason give life,1 +honestly hate know feeling feel nothing wake up always feel that cry every night personal things online things know nobody wanna support especially since im years old turning feel bad everyone around me experience sad look everyone else wonder happy usually try hide emotions im afraid getting called pathetic child sad im forced look happy hate it feels like im wearing fucking mask ive suicidal thoughts plans things ive self harmed many ways like cutting scratching punching even slamming fucking wall time time sometimes feel lonely like friends slowly disappearing guess keep venting without even knowing it brothers friend recently took life bad relationship father feel pathetic therapy doesnt shit me make fucking life worse dont know anymore life worthless always think negatively myself hate myself want stop pain,1 +so i ve had anxiety almost my entire life and it really impact my day to day functionality i recently got dumbed by someone i thought wa my soulmate there reason is because of my anxiety they though i wa manipulating them and lying to them it made me defensive and defend position i didn t believe but i keep having a panic attack over both losing them and never finding someone again so to my question i have time where i m hyper focused on one thing and that one thing will make me anxious every day for a month or more right now it s the breakup previously it s been about dying or about issue regarding sex ha anyone had this where everyday they have this anxiety and nothing can stop the constant thought about one subject it feel like i can think of nothing else,1 +thinking offingpm me need talk thanks,1 +boys clan today marks start recruitment boys clan go far wide making people mad tik tok instagram twitter message get,0 +good iphone apps recently got bullied samsung apps iphone either p plain dozens inapp purchases im mostly interested games drawing productivity suggestions freecheap apps would appreciated sure ask figured might fine tt please help,0 +began cutting first timethe past week much emotionally ive never state depression before hate fucking much literally cant talk anyone without called overdramatic pussy shitty past week combined family issues last straw me cut left arm twice result amount selfhatred myself wish could go back time fix mistakes made regain dignity myself fuck life im dumbest fucking idiot alive,1 +i dont even deserve to live,1 +insulini diabetic loaded bunch insulin bit ago im starting feel low hitting shakes nervousness fuck living hopefully ends soon,1 +id kill parentsive enough therapy work medication work cant go more today cut tried hang belt reached point almost passed out even hurt felt tingly over another minutes wouldve cant disappoint parents ive putting happy face since starting medication told theyre glad son back facade die would devastate want suffering stop,1 +@Briitt_x Aw yeaaaaaa my legs kill to maaan ,0 +im donehi im sophomore highschool barely even passing dont know normal ongoing feelings redflag last five years currently everyday night life theres chance im feeling either happy sad im mostly sad school always called weird one always ask person call me im bullied sick tired it absolutely friends friends turned typical backstabbing snakes causing whole entire school turn me including one my boyfriend left simply embarrased love anymore love best fake friend tried talking guidance counselor told suck move on also tried talking parents thinking might problem also like get life even called national redflag hotline planning committing redflag wanted give life one last try lady said wasting time told hang phone cant take anymore feel like let everyone one else talk honestly feel like killed parents spend much money kids school finally one less person stress about want die time dont want give life one last try make huge decision im sorry grammar really need help want know happy again,1 +kindly insert title ampxb httpspreviewredditondtchrpngwidthampformatpngampautowebpampsdacfcdcecbbcd,0 +We're reaching that time of year when your seasonal depression turns into regular depression.,1 +brainstorm grammar thing im elsewhere m well knew life going horrible since seven years old father alcoholic constant fear home constant emotional bashing definitely help man up made worse made be tho im blaming father im blaming myself able express feelings anyway apart anger jealousyyou wanna know funniest thing is dropped highschool never finished it cope peoplei bullied know feeling someone pushes explode smashed guys face brick wall strangled scared shit him ran away got point across never told word anyone made ease finally get life try harder it shit even bullied teachers subtle way do motivate normal people well help pushed hole everyday struggle still istried end four times now im fucked dreams too sit front screen slowly rot look back life heh laugh laugh hard big joke im one whos stage choke,1 +started watching expecting worst happy find film turned enjoyable slightly confusing parts like justs started singing gave chance see daniel wu action first time better actor thought times seemed bit place thought purple storm deserves hong kong legends release different hk films mans emotional struggles confronted memory loss may sound corny eventually pieces actually really makes film lot interesting get film find keeps gripped it miss one bit lot film wil make sense example missed bit start recommend anyone watches miss it say film worth watching grateful surprise me enjoyed it,0 +says pimple still hurts. but it's better thanks to @jackieuy's tip http://plurk.com/p/z4fwz,0 +uwu hai know got click heres free hug hugs you things get better,0 +feel like ending life every day exception whatever like strength it cannot tell anyone either burden attention whore mild irritant already feel like make everything touch worse telling someone care make better old therapist told opening would make feel better made feel much much worse least parents mother blames father believe therapy help keeps saying teenage thing doctors put label it makes feel like prove mentally ill something friends try help really anything feel even shittier talking gf bc like got defective partner want die get fuckin prison feel nothing feel horrible please kill mesorry chaotic something needed type cannot tell anyone,1 +Helping to run a fundraiser for Relay for Life today! ,0 +@firecracker4 Your welcome by the way ,0 +want explain cannot find peace world desire happiness want thoughts stop want stop emotions wanting more pain happyness nothing want scared want find peace,1 +needs a Kleenex and still respects his friends. ,0 +kill myself ifuck you matter bullshit pros cons jumping story roof landing head first pavement listing negatives might fastest way discredit yourselves whole life strictly worth it attitude fucking disgusting need objective comparison pros cons fuck strict positivity optimism sickening im finding weighted arguments to im planning within hour,1 +feeling lostthis probably end rant think need get thoughts mostly maybe someone respond something provide insight story maybe putting help understand am depression anxiety long remember ever knew either one was remember first panic attack still young enough elementary school people made uncomfortable everything still really since sometime middle school think depression really began take form wanted hurt myself pushed pencils skin tried cut protractor once plastic though told one times showed signs mind like addressed shortly never brought again even thought redflag lot remember begin really cutting point control me took away anxiety sadness felt good after even great became regular exercise long time almost daily always one could see times somewhere elsei guess wanted help none ever came parents ever saw got trouble it think around told depression like wishing wake every day respond well understand must hard kid tell you time never brought since found hard find joy happiness anything pretty detached world played video games keep occupied lived country one really around one ways forget everything started working anxiety became worse panicked states every shift dreading every time go in one thing found joy significant other feeling like someone work hard for future worth building thing made feel happy know supposed rely others happiness never happy otherwise guess bad luck well cheaters liars sometimes someone moving away hurt every time lose happiness one apologize another depression tell happy thankful were nice helpful someone else together three years outside depressed pitfalls always seemed look me learned lot could stronger thought gained self worth that last much strain made us little patience one another old wounds heal felt best go separate ways good terms guess still talk time time met someone else really great ended too go details one ended left hollow ive ever been couple years ago now things progressed wonder still worth here feel like life nothing uphill battle fighting months years grief pain mere moments happiness incredibly crushing look around wonder anyone really happy idea happiness child even possible always managed handle things never taken medication gone therapy late things taken dark turn mind usual almost obsessed levels suicidal thoughts sure would something sure wanted went therapy session available free work gave general tips picked told needed something long term suicidal thoughts left yet think almost non stop years without cutting again frustrated current love interest distant seemed uninterested combined bad day work depressed state turned anger unable find razor became frustrated dull blades available something never before took pills plan dying sure enough want feel anything anymore enough feel pretty messed though took went bed time after side note rarely drink been drunk twice life never smoke woke ten hours later surprised effects worn yet shakey sweating dizzy time work againpart wish woken up went car stop end driveway get throw up made work people commented pale kept throwing going home fine within next day though despite happened feel less desire end things worried thought making it regrets didnt if happens happens still stuck even guess losti overwhelming desire die want hurt anymore feel hopeless worthless feel like continuing exist worth trouble think hard happy maybe im weak feel like meaningful connections people would hurt killed myself know main reason before know alternative even want try want happy im sure even possible know cant keep going like this know find way happy ill finish things sooner later friends seem understand tell feel guilty burden everything want go parents never close trust judgement understanding this professional help hard convince go to talking someone possible medical bills admitted deemed hazardous myselfit seems like would make things stressful worth getting help even want get help thought leaving taking savings going without word anyone know would go would happen scares too feel like anything mistake im trapped life misery despite friends family feel alone cared loved guess thats significant makes happy guess thats wrong like that cant find anything else does anything would content unrealistic guess want much know live clear path seems like redflag one know outcome of far looks like better option thoughts pm figure could dead month half anyone would realize happened work would notice would probably think decided stop coming in one would look past text message think rent far enough behind think finally would open place up every time try opening someone feel like finally connection realize really care me realize alone am really hate world hate nothing trudging forward hoping things get better every day filled pain loneliness heartache terrible everyone seems like people accept fact move on cant accept this cant continue enduring weeks months bitter existence hopes meager fleeting happiness living dying inside day day,1 +for a bit of context i wa born into a dysfunctional family a drug addict alcoholic and abusive father my mother only finished high school but even so she left that place because she didn t want u to go through all that violence a my mother ha no study she had to work in several place and all day to be able to support u so she got a person who didn t live far from our house to take care of u while she wa away there i wa abused by the person who took care of u but i never said anything some time later my mum took u to my aunt who had to be paid to look after me she had two cousin there and all the time they were bothering me insulting me and i couldn t do anything because i wa year old and they were almost i saw how they fought with each other all the time and one day they almost killed each other one of them had blood all over his face and went to the kitchen to get a knife but luckily my aunt arrived and separated them also at some point where my aunt wa supposed to take care of me but i ended up in an orphanage i had never felt so abandoned so forgotten and alone after a while my mother took me out of there i hated that place with all my heart the people there were rude all the time they made the other child cry and they never cared i kept going with my aunt because my mum didn t have anyone else unfortunately my aunt never cared and left me with my dad i don t remember how thing happened but my dad and i were in the same shower and what you all know happened i never told anyone only that i couldn t get close to people anymore because everyone somehow end up hurting you i wa a pretty lonely and very shy child and that s how my childhood went on i wa bullied at school but i never cared and i kept going i wa the first place at school i practiced swimming and even competed my mum met another man and from that moment on we can consider him a my real dad he gave u everything he accepted child who were not his although he wa never affectionate with me i still love him we moved to another city and where i am living i went to secondary school and that is when i stopped being the shy boy i became a much more aggressive person nobody bothered me anymore and i had friend but i still felt empty i continued to be the first place i joined the scout and i also made nice friend but i continued to feel empty i got into high school and also made a lot of friend but i never felt satisfied i did kung fu and competed and got third place in a tournament but i wa never really happy the pandemic came and i spent two year locked up at home i didn t go out much with my friend but i went on with my life a year ago i went to university and i met more people and a there are no longer restriction i have gone out a lot with them but it is a if i could no longer hide my unhappiness going out with them i realised that i don t feel part of i don t feel part of my family either i started wrestling training and i only feel physical tiredness and i forget about my problem for the time that the practice last a few day ago i got my first place award from the university but i didn t feel anything neither happiness nor sadness absolutely nothing and now that i think about it it s like i ve always been dead all my life i ve felt like that,1 +ordered a pita it nevr came why they say the fax machine broke and the driver left what about my empty belly,0 +help mehelp,1 +@VENKSH glad to see you alright! be careful man.. ,0 +im tired living im alone im sick it one listeningim years old im tired living im tired seeing people around happy successful im sitting around waiting die im sad shy awkward man deserves ones respect im talented person people made me wreck deserves die one remember me ive suffered depression long now ive shy awkward asshole since friendships nothing special ive never girlfriend nobody loves me family shown love me told too im tired trying ive always wanted live longer live dreams hopeless never going happen get dreams know fuck im going life laze home nothing cry im useless waste space wish could die right now hanging getting shot getting run car truck care want die want talk guest know much going convince im worth it,1 +@tobint eat something just not pancakes,0 +really should update this more ,0 +rachaelyamagata you were amazing rach thank you for the music i waited outside but you never showed up there s always the next album,0 +I'm so annoyed with myself because I KNOW I'm falling into this huge depression and I can't do anything about it. I just feel that I'm falling and soon I'm going to hit depression.,1 +luxuryprgal hahaha suriously i feel like everyone know this show is a joke except lc,0 +talk middle school crush idk contemplating talking telling used like her would make life interesting,0 +tell suicidal people talk instead tell everyone else listenevery text trying prevent redflag tells victim talk problems actually get courage talk and one willing help you people care professionals either im surprised but im still saddened many people actually commit redflag always read speak one cares like punch guts supposed do then,1 +blegghhhh i have to go to work,0 +friend died feels like faultso im social person dont many friends well dont anymore know sad friend dog rufus ive years took family disowned drug usage wanted friend slowly climbed back almost going back normal fella society hes gone tumour didnt money pay surgery feels like ive killed one care one cared me know might sound exeggerated ive thought ending al bond years spent together idk im trying reach typing here perhaps putting al words calms mind even im struggling post this see this bid farewell,1 +fantastic whodunit early prototype soon became popular film genre happy see william powell handling detective story charisma charm without silly attitude nick charles character from thin man series story good own think really makes movie fun watch michael curtiz fantastically imaginative direction visual point view richly textured movie curtiz showing incredible command medium split screen images weird camera angles imaginative flashbacks curtiz demonstrates one best hollywood directors highly recommended fan type movie,0 +people freak out when i tell them i m going to commit suicide,1 +Zumba rocked tonite with Melissa and Irma. Melissa-congrats! U made it thru Zumba class #2! ,0 +i have no one to tell this so i want to throw it here maybe i will delete it my mind kill me but i just wanted to let some guy see what i struggle with my entire life i wa a disgrace i am not able to run like others to shitty reflex an ugly body a weak brain had a terrible social life that my entire life i dreamed about being noticed by the people smiling finding some people that can bear my voice what flow from my mouth but thats the long story i wanted to move out of my country to europe but i failed again just like i failed my entire life i am just a simple failure not successful at one simple thing i am just lost i am just late no where to go i have to leave the home i am losing my youth i don t remember laughing once for month i have nothing i am nothing it hurt so much watching your youth slipping away from your hand the only thing i have one and only now i want to end my life atleast it will al end i just want to escape i am just so weak i cant take it anymore i cant a weak sperm i wa not even able to compete in equal condition when were same age same class now i am just done it hurt so much i also have to leave the house stay with nothing again i cant take my abusive parent anymore i am also very ashamed that i waste their money too many people in worse condition were able to accomplish atleast simple task me who even i am i wish i just could move on think about something else but no even in that i am bad i am just a clown people remember me a someone hillarious i am planning to kill myself i cant take all that anymore,1 +"@hunterrgarrett @WRXNickA This is why I hate the belief that anxiety or depression push people to create better content.. Obvi the stuff you make is going to reflect your feelings & expiriences, but if anything mental demons make you doubt every little detail of your work.. Support your homies ",1 +lghague just uni ruining my life a per usual,0 +i miss my life before this depressive episode idk if you can even call it an episode anymore it s been over year i don t think i ll ever be the same and that destroys me inside i miss 0 9 and 0 0 up until september i wa truly happy and just coasting through life so content i wa so happy and life wa so simple especially during the 0 0 lockdown all i had to do during the lockdown wa watch load of anime and random netflix show explore new music stay up all night and do nothing i even had time to explore my childlike side by doing load of painting and drawing using kiddie paint and colouring book my mental health wa great too i had no eating disorder no depression no school work my anxiety and ocd wa minimal and i wasn t so deeply lonely like i am now i can literally just hear a song smell a smell or taste a good that i experienced to during that period and i will burst out in tear because i miss not being depressed so much now even if i do try and enjoy life like i did back then and be carefree it ll never be the same because my anxiety and depression have quite literally destroyed me from the inside now i ll never be able to enjoy life like that again i had never been in a relationship and that didn t bother me at all now i ve still never been in a relationship and it make me feel unloveable and ugly i always hear people at school talking about their relationship and date and stuff and even though i don t want a boyfriend that bad i still feel like i m missing out on a key part of the teenage experience but still to be honest i m not that keen on a relationship i really just want to be happy anyway all that s left to do is die i have my plan in place and i have a date and method at least i can say that i experienced true happiness and one point in my life i guess,1 +stripperella animated series girl named erotica jones voiced pamela anderson lives double life stripper gentlemans club known the tender loins sexy crimefighter known stripperella aka agent works government organization stripperella erotica fights crime forces evil plastic surgeon gives women breast implants either explode make fat cheapo criminal steals cent stores makes two henchmen share gun creator character series stan lee marvel fame and creator spidermanbr br back late june spike tv then known new tnn premiered thursday night block three animated shows shows ren stimpy adult party cartoon new adventures classic kids show characters ren stimpy adults done original creator john kricfalusi gary rat lawyer turned human sized rat starring kelsee grammar cheers fraiser fame stripperella adventures stripper doubles superhero voiced pamela anderson created stan lee remember seeing three premiers anxious see ren stimpy love original show little let down alright seemed take things little far seeing two gay sex together bit much though gary rat bad best three easily stripperella animation really good awesome intro song good talent behind it funny hell show silly even know begin explaining it four five weeks if little less animation block disappeared weird know got good ratings advertised everywhere disappointed see stripperella go several months later found new episodes aired like am got see one though funny hell glad see show back time something seemed bit offbr br in beginning short run stripperella great animation dark moody realistic somewhat sexy too stripperella costumed looked good too character drawn well long hiatus rest episodes animation different instead dark realistic look originally everything really colorful cartoonish stripperella received biggest changes though normal long hair hair bigger peggy bundys married children even possible also eye mask actually shows eyes now white saw cool since superheroish also upper part costume kind vesttype thing collar costume dark blue changed costume bluishviolet color upper costume really crappy looking comparison short show cartoon top silly beforehand secondhalf became cartoonish looking though still laughoutloud hilarious became zany well example later episode werebeaveryes werebeaver br br anyway instead complaining midseries changes stripperella ran one season good show like tales crypt film bordello blood may really campy really fun long prude find laughing repeatedly show seen every episode got dvd yet two reasons paramount released screwed policy including extras nearly released tv shows even though entire show i would liked see commentarys maby explaining animation change interviews pamela anderson stan lee awesome kid rock song opening replaced im fan his intro sang theme show going pay extras least pay original intro song jackasses show also interesting guest stars john lovitz cheapo mark hamil plastic surgion hates models also tom kenny spongebob show owner strip club every episode stan lee cameo one episode toobr br the breakdown br br pros great look first funny hell fun show great voice talent part chief strogenoff watch show see stuff does easily best three animated shows mentioned earlierbr br cons midseries animation change crappy dvd described earlier aside fact humor could kind dumb times nothing really negative say thisbr br overall stripperella huge guilty pleasure mine shame ran one season funny sexy actioned packed cult series hope see air adult swim someday original intro intact possibly give another season like family guy check even lousy dvd laugh sillybr br rated tvma crude sexual humor nudity runtime minutes per episode score ,0 +blazing row with boy tantrum all round missed train and now standing on platform feeling guilty,0 +aboveaverage film acting partly spoiled completely predictable story line even music chosen words fit action every time scent pleasantville camp hangs around flick period piece accurate not depiction tragedy company towns lack upward mobility sketchy moving chris cooper turns firstclass performance howards coalminer daddy,0 +thanksi everything im unhappy spite that lol feeling ashamed that also feel bad opportunities have cry think suffering world enough think myself know do im basically bad person ive always selfish arrogant live compassion others want love want carefree spread hate sorrow worry nothing help fellow human beings parents siblings many victims doings world even here right live way others suffering yet distribute options ampxb know do ill write new farewell letter take time think end thank listening last selfish act best know long great joy im sorry im sorry could help anyone ive hurt many im sorry im sorry good apologize here even real life please waste time help others here crawl attention,1 +got paid first time so got kindofjob two weeks ago today father boy im tutoring decided pay me much didnt feel good thought would money fully mine hope everyone finds chance earn money early think great feel least little independent best luck,0 +i just want someone to give me a reason not to go down this spiral and no one will everyone ha their own life and he s going to leave me soon i know it he s tired of the cry and self harm if he leaf me i ll just be alone and i ll have nothing left to live for,1 +although remade several times movie classic seeing first time creative dialog unique genius final scene deserves credit critics given it highly recommended one best comedies recent years,0 +dear umapmanmap saw post tiktok girls know comments said post name ufuse_helium said people say they dont speak mexican fuse must give vietnam flashbacks time teacher told spanish kid class speak mexican rd fucking grade tell eight yearolds dont speak language exist literally spanish think spanish comes mexico call mexican im gonna bad dreams bye,0 +great fun went friends sneak preview viewing film came see different one minutes wondering heck got time jokes became funny stayed funny throughout movie first part keep asking malinski bellini stuff there many examples lingo keep repeating jokes with different twists get funnier funnier search malinski main characters introduced first one even wackier next half film even know name movie opening credits went sneak viewing sure good time house loaded appr people think half like half loved film like weird comical movies great dialogue love it apart clooney movie deserves lot better imdb rating time write this ppl seen sure go up reasonable guess would give beersbr br ,0 +smoking epic take me someone smokes,0 +fun fact day number superior every way weak dumb stupid strong hot smart intelligent sorry fact fact true smart hot stuff,0 +bruh wtf heard megan thee stallion compared getting shot foot breonna taylor situation bruh definitely lying tory lanez shooting ik people still walk shot aint even cast even know take long recover,0 +meryl streep genius well least actress know made fun lot roles accents nails accent every time performance lindy chamberlain inspiring mrs chamberlain portrayed here particularly likable smart makes streeps work remarkable think worth oscar nominations film well couple interesting things know much australia theme religious bigotry among general public played big part story largely missed first saw film years ago came loud clear yesterday seems australian press accomplished miseryinducing pursuit overkill american colleagues pretty good film bit different grade b,0 +@Qso Since when is playing the piano messy? I always thought its the other way round...,0 +anybody feel like prettynice girls taken would never you lately ive seeing girl work with really cute super nice found boyfriend also really prettynice girl school chill class boyfriend also rest girls would interested in could tell interested me anybody else feel straight hopeless,0 +know n word bad but look white black even american topic really big issue look watching much american entertainment content swear words kinda feel right reason nword seem like bad thing maybe cause seeing black dudes say homies idk word exactly sounds bad talking among friends,0 +want everyone stop hating me already hate enoughthey cant hate im dead,1 +i just need someone to talk to or distraction and sympathy,1 +@forensicmama Nominees are out on the 16th. I hope the people over at the Emmys have sense this year. ,0 +Best Options For The Depression Treatment #depression http://bit.ly/2qZsnlC ,1 +great ways try get heartbreakredflag option would like know anyway get release pain jogging gyming cant drinking smokinh question becaue quit months ago tried smoking really hurts wanna sleep forever cant now want better heart breaks,1 +broke promise i yeah crying metthat let come over knew would last time wed met last time wed talk hurt excited future planning ending life suppose sped myself telling plan would say sorry butthat hollow appreciate wanted help wanted try fix broken but threw towel got there hell planned day gave ultimatum knew time up hope one day able grow away this tarnish rest life wonderful person deserves world suppose wish cut this would less effected but wishes always come true glad laughs beforehand know short letter longer wanted tie loose ends love dude thank everything broken promises,1 +want canti desperately want world anymore think place me tried slit wrists couple weeks ago planned out it life gotten worse since then still cant im stuck,1 +first im one go sappy movies saw friends s first released years old time even now age still remember scenes movie sweet sad may actually tame teenagers today loved it story innocence purity young love determination young people make better life home time pretty risky movie couple young runaways successfully setup house baby own im surprised movie elton johns soundtrack almost unknown today music beautiful unforgettable,0 +fuck melife seams like getting worse worse ive got everything share emotions affects others affects me really think ending life might genuine stop this thought id say this maybe someone find im gone,1 +I am depression,1 +gives award here porbably rich kid guy spends summer job cash reddit dunno tbh like one shuld tell tho,0 +im thirteen yay wanted share im finally able sub really content post ill try creative later on,0 +kinda suck texting wamen im bad chatteer suck texting need help advice,0 +whats point going onive utterly depressed years im sick all go on years seem getting better fact seems get worse get wrong days im content even happy shit certainly ways it cluster fuck atoms bacteria trying survive free concept brain makes decisions even consciously know made it humans designed keep going eating sleeping mating ego personality merely brains collective memories decisions see carry on ive spoke doctors psychologists family friends nothing changes hesitation leaving family behind although longer go easier decision redflag becoming existence pain mr meeksees doubt makes much sense im sure understand life suck balls,1 +try take imdb ratings heart flabbergasted saw rating one childhood favourites wow much family film sweet well meaning movie kids definitely love mind flaws adults guess actor behind character admire subliminal messaging film none film preachy way fact great message added sweetness admit though story thin side scenes like screweyess deathwhich still freaks out may tad scary side animation well average nice colours good character animation music james horner beautiful song featured memorable catchy amusing really liked characters louie probably indepth all dinosaurs least engaging martin shorts clown hilarious emphatic part tells screweyes i quit stitches favourite screweyes though effective villain crafty suppose intelligent anything though wish film kept part explains lost eye scared crows way couldve developed terms depth script oscarworthy funny heartwarming parts keep kids adults entertained voice acting made movie john goodman martin short rhea perlman felicity kendall yeardley smith gave solid performances special mention go kenneth mars absolutely superb screweyes almost unrecognisable all good movie get rating honestly dont sure film perfect good dinosaur movie land time good fun bethany cox,0 +people think i am i m attitude no dude i am alone i am in depression i am in overthinking,1 +know anymorei always loved little brother family always important me lately really hard get along him hes selfish thinks himself help much landed trouble week ago asked help nothing big take parents cats rest month travel morning evening feed i cant take reasons got upset refused help me even though could big hassle him continued tell im stupid worthless wants dead blocked everywhere manipulated get expensive parts computer credit gone cant get himself told pay bill month took name credit clean course it im stupid know im stuck bill cant pay it now im suicidal already need this im edge killing speak cant handle anymore everyone uses im kind im lonely want end all know dont ps im s teenage angst ive severely depressed whole life tried every treatment medicine is yes includes therapy stop suggesting it nothing helps im lost cause,1 +guys thick thighsmuscle thick girl vs slim toned legs end debate girls know like toned slimlegs idk guys prefer so fight,0 +ever since ex broke last year ive cooped home couldnt find courage motivation go out going years decided break off started work home withdrew rarely went out even see friends chores like buy groceries today decided sick way ive living life lately want make serious changes chatted friends organized ukraine ski trip next month,1 +@kirstiealley Sweet dreams! XOX The Flying tooth fairy. ,0 +so let me preface this by saying that i didn t cheat i m in a chemistry class and we just had our final exam i scored a 9 after the curve the average in the class wa 9 i got an a in the course and i wa ecstatic about my grade until i read a post from my college s reddit asking when academic integrity violation would be announced that s what started me down this spiral i started checking my grade every hour for the past three day just to see if it s uploaded so i can know if he think i cheated and reported me i ve been feeling nauseous and shaky i did well on my first test in the class a 9 but the second test i didn t do great a there s no reason for me to think that he think i cheated i ve done well on all the hw and he even said that the majority of the class had a huge improvement from their final compared to their midterm so he replaced the lower test grade w the grade for the final but i still feel so sick idk what to do or how to calm down i feel like i m manifesting it grade are supposed to be updated tomorrow by am so we ll see what happens,1 +im bored somebody talk app shit yeah like drop yo snap whatever,0 +i wa scrolling around and read up on brain aneurysm and im terrified of having one now i saw a headache wa a sign and i read that while having one it not severe but still now im on the brink of cry and i wan na ask my parent for a check up because of this anxiety but i know they aren t willing to do it can someone offer some relief,1 +ask girl ok ive never actually true feelings anyone till im wondering ask someone,0 +im going die aloneim lonely time long feel like used im still not im sick feeling way ive trying hard get better im always sad even see point anymore,1 +motion sickness goddamit i just want to play minecraft without vomiting,0 +i know i m not the other one going through this but holy fuck i jsur feel so alone and in so much pain and it hurt so much even my therapist doesn t seem to undersrand how much this really hurt and how much i really just want to fucking die,1 +killing tonighthi ive depressed many years im thinking trying tonight long story short ive always lonely kid bullied kindergarten end highschool low self esteem now last week first time awesome time wonderful girl ran grass night layed side side hugged passed hand hair multiple times talked hours everything basic life suicidal tendencies showed lot support saw fell love lot common leave thoughts tonight told become anything friend sorry giving wrong thoughts broken english know im drunk try point consider killing blow first time get close girl like mind you always ends like think ive enough studies going anywhere anyway people care seem vanish point girl much common rarely talk lot im shy managed hours without breaking sweat day after extremely unlikely me cant take know story basic gets guess cant choose happy,1 +matter timealready see coming hello birthday girl,1 +thinking of starting it i have bad anxiety and think i have situational depression what s everyone s favorite medication and why i m nervous to start something for fear i ll gain weight or lose my sex drive something that doesn t usually cause that would be ideal,1 +join discord server virgin life itself dm link filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler,0 +cry every two days mean depressed contributing eye puffiness eye bags haha weird bc actually drinking water haha yet bags appeared june gone great annoying all know,0 +blade pillow singing me cant escape melodymy thighs healed making room let pain flow free canvas empty allowing bleed onto floors thought touching razor causes heart skip beat like seeing girl love period together weeks since ive touched now calls louder before killing lungs juul longer fill void need feel sting razor slides across skin im tired want non existent,1 +hey dudes dudettes anyone want move mars me maybe could idk give mouth mouth cpr air could cuddle gaze upon stars dont freeze death could even idk maybe hold hands youre underage though,0 +I woke up from a Depression Sleep to retweet that and die. How is everyone doing.,1 +feel empty feel like something missing me something need something makes happy something positive even make sence,0 +real reason people really hate tik tok first all id like say im one instagram bad reddit good people first reason pretty obvious theyre dancestrends really unoriginal said ones pretty obvious see dance song done multiple people videos get millions views what next point tiktok super toxic youve app least week youd probably find alt side tiktok people think sort advantage straight people sexual orientation might think might cause lot problems does last point possibly important tiktok basically fuels child porn yes want people rights bodys want people express theres point cross line theres one trend thats probably worst doggystyle trend yeah heard right anyways thanks tuning rant hate everything everyone bye lol,0 +feels like matter timehello reddit sorry unloading crap guys feel need let something out easier talk total strangers feels like lived third life away without results every since dad died years ago inherited family business responsibilities became responsible business people mother siblings spectacular things seem fine dawned every one siblings seems way content lives seem effort trying improve involve deeper business around forever take care them one seems mind that asian culture pounded head father responsible everything failure failure gains gains im smart man technical genius invent things business savy make ground breaking deals make top line risky business decisions tough ive made several bad decisions costed me struggled hard every time recover learn mistakes failing recover cost several people jobs number times ive come close getting me married love life years back things ok realize wrong was idiot married social class known life forgiving suffice say last blunder stretched resources thin overestimated capacity feel empty her know theres lot people worse am weight responsibilities many people financial position marriage feels like driving insane really feels like clock ticking me feel im close offing myself cant take this every day feels like another problem need tackle every night wished id never wake morning sorry grammar english first language im far sober,1 +"@Ithildyn it's been since april 19th, and i go back on 27-June, so yup ",0 +hidingim tired hiding hiding sexuality hiding deep deep sadness hiding passive suicidal ideation hiding incredibly bad general social anxiety hiding every daynight consider overdosing slicing arms hiding much actually struggle hiding much need collapse ground tears im exhausted,1 +hate lifethe title says also know nobody cares life wish life society world all even like myself nobody care im gone makes wish gone already im stupid lame old duck nothing probably nothing contribute nothing live for im florida hate it yes suicidal thoughts every while though super serious days feel like want go it,1 +"Goin to the gym, the back to bussiness. ",0 +is bored. but shit happens. Wanna just call quits now. BUT LEEDS ,0 +"good morning. going for a nice, long walk to get my blood pumping this morning. ",0 +wanting commit redflag attention seekingi get depressed quite bit point feel like ending life lot talking someone today suggested seeking attention think agree statement would one want seek attention redflag beyond anyone,1 +re pinging kyle custom icon i made look cool but the edge could be le square might look bad on a diff background,0 +i ve always been scared if the dark it something i can t explain i know there s something there not trying to sound crazy lol everytime i put my phone down to sleep i just get crazy anxiety and start seeing thing sometimes i m going to wake up at pm tomorrow at this rate,1 +hello everyone i am currently on a trip for spring break college senior with friend and really struggling first a little background though i am now but have struggled with anxiety on and off my entire life it started with separation anxiety probably not being okay going to daycare or anything of the sort even with my older brother just because i couldn t stand being away from my parent i also would get hysterical if they left for a trip etc i also would be frantic and cry at the end of the school day in elementary school because i worried my parent wouldn t be there to pick me up a i got older this morphed into more health anxiety i also faint around needle so i have a big fear of fainting and then into panic disorder in high school diagnosed by my therapist i have seen a number of therapist off and on but never gone on any medication for anxiety my parent are super supportive of therapy but have always been more skeptical of med for mental health i also had a really hard time going to college even though it wa only an hour away because i got majorly homesick and struggled with adjustment disorder i eventually did adjust and now totally love my school but it took me a solid semester to overcome by homesickness fast forward to present i have noticed i get really nervous for trip that are somewhere unfamiliar to me and where i don t have one of my safe people with me my parent or my boyfriend i have amazing friend who are caring and supportive but for some reason they don t fall into my safe category like my parent or boyfriend do also just a sidenote but i had a generally happy childhood and have a great relationship with my parent for whatever relevance that may have i have huge anxiety leading up to trip and then also when i arrive and it tends to be crippling if i don t have a safe person there right now i am in mexico for day on spring break with three of my friend and i feel tremendously awful and sad like not necessarily panicky but just really deeply sad and like i want nothing more than to go home and hug my loved one i am trying to do more research and it seems like this could be a separation anxiety type issue in place where i feel comfortable hometown college town etc i am totally happy doing thing alone being independent of my safe people so it isn t an all the time thing but it is making travel really not fun for me and i honestly just want nothing more than to go home any advice would be great i am currently in therapy cbt general talk therapy mashup and will be bringing this up with my therapist but i would really love any and all suggestion for both tackling this immediately and trying to enjoy my trip and for way to think about this when i talk with my therapist i know this is a bit rambling so sorry and thank you,1 +suicidal girl instagram livei saw girl showing redflag note bloody wrist instagram live know anything message her,1 +maybe im young think wayim thirteen seventh grade im bipolar really doesnt help situation ive depression problems redflag since around ten really got bad february dating girl two months really abused mentally decided call bad idea lot friends since popular pretty much everyone hated hit friends thought dick pulled school shortly after decided get another online school even though one sixth didnt go well decided start talking old friends also mistake thats first real redflag attempt happened around one am one knew two belts one friends mothers number knew something wrong knew took away belts didnt really care though assumed sudden burst guess contemplating again time lost courage last breaking tears eventually started playing games pc again friends brother introduced his good friends least sometimes would act immature mean ages would brush off like last time home schooled didnt work fucking lazy anything wanted play video games numb mind spiraled talking family anymore even brother poor dad got movie watch fucked defending brother thought dad stern im dumbass mom argue daily hear dads voice dont see face anymore dont talk brother anymore school fucking me wish could die im disgusting fat coward twice opportunity sweet release chickened out cannot buy gun one option bootleg belt noose fan reduce pain noose may finally die,1 +Rise and shine my twitters! Going to feed the homeless today getting dressed and set to go ,0 +spirals keep getting worse hopei keep falling intense depressive spirals lead emotional outbursts make situation worse wife probably going leave cant deal that fallout pornsex addiction helped much either im boring deadend job pays well put geographically somewhere ive wanted years live ocean away close friends im still nowhere musical dreams beginning think never keep screwing everything up ive medication therapy keep falling apart keep losing cool putting marraige gutter leads feeling hopeless know family cares im tired calling worry theres nothing do thinking would losing effectiveness stopping committing redflag im sure anymore know theres future me im trouble feeling beginning think going filled disappointing im broken advice,1 +redflagii really hate life wish parents could love hey guess wut dont fucking hate probably im autistic,1 +Apparently in the 32nd century people will be saying "Hang in There Brother ". ,0 +Depression kills yo,1 +Have I got Postnatal Depression or is it birth trauma? https://buff.ly/2HHRrYw  #mums #pregnancy #maternity #bump #maternalhealth #PTSD #birthstory #matexp #birthtraumachat #maternitymatters #anxiety #pbloggers #PNMH #babies #parenting #motherhood #PND #postpartum #royalbaby pic.twitter.com/otdrHwyl4R,1 +absolutely wonderful drama ros top notchi highly recommend movie performance opinion academy award material real sad fact universal seen movie ever available video format whether tape dvd ignoring good movie universal little regard library dvd sad get chance see somewhere not sure rarely even run cable see it go story think people would rather opinion film many reviewers spend hours writing story available anywherebr br a ,0 +month on turned 0 month ago had mental breakdown anxiety attack followed by spiral of depression ended up resigning from job month ago a a result currently in therapy and on med sleep is slowly improving though i wake up early some morning overthinking and anxious i have day i feel good then i feel depressed and then i feel anxious still get strong feeling of dread negative thought and strong feeling of being unaccomplished im not sure if this is normal but i got told med will take some time to kick in still exercising started a new job day ago doing something different my goal for the next few year is to sort out and get this all under control and stabilise my career life also trying to remember and take note of all the positive thing in my life and achievement i have accomplished also looking into a potential career change,1 +roght ball swam away wasnot ballsack butto right it felt weird,0 +im scared might lose friend again cat sick past days im really scared cause ate anything since last saturday body temperatures going cold im scared lose another friend hes one sweetest cats household cant bare lose him planned going vent sadly sister work school works deal deadlines getting closer closer hope gets better us making drink water sake hes goner lil bro sad know think anymore guess ill update maybe days im sure hope gains strength back sorry long,0 +i am a freshman in high school young i get it but still have felt like shit for year this night wa terrible worse then the others and i don t even know why i decided that i wa gon na end it all i went to the cabinet and grabbed 0 pill and swallowed them all knowing what the outcome should have been i went to bed right away in hope that i wouldn t have to feel the pain but then something weird happened i heard my alarm clock go off in the morning meaning i wa still alive how i don t know but i should have been dead i can t focus on anything now and just think about the fact that i m still alive and thinking of way on how i am but still nothing i don t know what to do and am literally losing my shit,1 +"@Eric__Owens Thanks Eric!!! You rock, bro. Er... son. ",0 +done before but need help talk mei would like help you give comfort message give someone talk long can remember someone cares,1 +this suit me much better than working in a care home and hospital eg i ve had a lot of death and sickness in my life amp i found it fundamentally difficult to manage my depression when facing the end of life and loss of self and huge emotional pain so deeply,1 +disappointing part kinda wondered even bother next karate kid could see saga continue still enjoyed next karate kid second third karate kid movies unrealistic moments situations enjoyable story catchy warm onebr br hilary swank girl come far what plays rebel girl lost parents car accident miaugi sort babysits per say notices karate skills offers lessons becomes serious life course boy likes mean bullies pretty similar first karate kid would recommend one think pleasantly surprisedbr br ,0 +im going die im awful failure cant improvethis first time reddit sorry mess things up think supposed use throwaway account stuff like this reference im nearly turning want turn im bad person ive failure while today day failed one thing want fail in year failed everything imaginable used student yet somehow im getting fs now ive gained lot weight worked out moved year today lost friends lot online friends ive removed all today made best friend hate me ones believed ones me today stopped friends ones ever felt comfortable venting around wanted return since theyve dealing mental health stuffthey used vent me stopped couple days ago started venting listened asked keep going pushed far hate me thought blocked email started vent there think could see it since thought blocked me didnt talked wished still friends the felt lonely guilty talked little wanting die said hated asked them want fail friend thing want fail in yet failed haete now ones left would care family feel like enough want live anymore thing stopping im sure die yet think figure out want friends anymore ill hurt too think improve since could have wouldve point recognize everything ive failure in yet gotten worse year cant vent anyone anymore im completely alone except family even though care me cant trust anymore im going die turn im failure every way imagineable now im even sure im writing since know cant helped genuinely want die now im awful,1 +experience shared subreddits months agothis story happened valentines day two nights ago commited redflag took pills swallowed went sleep simply cant handle anymore need money cant get pressure sides great went that pills potent one pill almost killed day took accident anyway woke morning like nothing happened time usually wake up didnt explanation happened disappointed im still alive checked pill case indeed took them body felt normal got took sat there waiting start working no nothing happened still im here something keeping here something allow go but small chain events managed borrow money needed took care problem time being still need find ways get somehow since redflag longer option ,1 +alan johnson don cheadle successful dentist shares practice business partners alan also loving wife jada pinkett smith two daughter camille lache smith imani hakim also let parents stay huge apartment new york city somehow feels life somewhat empty one ordinary day city sees old college roommate charlie fireman adam sandler alan seen charlie years alan tries befriends charlie again charlie lonely depressed man hides true feelings people cares him since charlie unexpectedly loses family plane crash one planes september alan nearly feels comfortable charlie alan mentions things past charlie turns violent towards alan anyone mentions deceased family alan tries help charlie tries make life little easier himself alan finds making charlie talking true feelings difficult expectedbr br written directed mike bender blankman indian summer upside anger made wonderfully touching human drama moments sadness truth comedy well sandler offers impressive dramatic performance sandler offers dramatic role paul thomas andersons punchdrunk love cheadle excellent usual pinkett smith fine alans supportive wife liv tyler also good young psychiatrist saffron burrows quite good beautiful odd lonely woman wild crush alan film sadly box office disappointment despite great reviews cast firstrate here writing director wonderful russ t alsobrooks terrific widescreen cinematography movie great nyc locations film makes new york beautiful city look picturebr br dvd sharp anamorphic widescreen transfer gooddolby digital surround sound dvd also jam session sandler cheadle featurette photo montage previews expecting dvd features like audio commentary track director deleted scenes reign me certainly one best films came year sure movie looked great big screen sadly chance see theater also kind movie plays well dvd film good soundtrack well plenty familiar faces supporting roles bitparts even director bitpart byran sugarman whos actor himself reign me one underrated pictures year also best sandler film taste since the wedding singer miss it hd widescreen ,0 +im upset biden cant believe democrats stole election trump won cant believe people actually want like venizuala starve higher taxes,0 +Anyone know any testers who need a job? I need to hire people for my team ,0 +please help mei motivation keep going want sleep time dreams better real life time really feel happy im smoking green temporary escape boyfriend understand im feeling always asks im pouting tells get bed ill feel better feel alone scared right now already failed attempt many years ago feel like im place now really want help friend right get night im scared,1 +rockchic i normally go with pumpkin patch but a bit skint at the minute,0 +posted yet everyone probably experienced redflag one isolating conditions even adult surrounded adults school feel isolated really disappointing students class cant seem grasp concept redflag people veterans fundamental lack understanding resulted alienation reason dissociations sufferers former military unacceptable,1 +much xanax would take kill ive never done found source,1 +so got list mental physical issues deal with really fun sometimes gets feel really alone ex family great me ex made feel loved cared miss much even though broke roughly year ago point wish someone loved cared me least look back say one point that feel sad alone,1 +like many reviewers here memories show universally warm fact fond said cherished memories recently purchased dvd box set order revisit happy carefree period childhood whereby used sit utterly mesmerised watched ongoing quest monkey pigsy sandy tripitaka later yu lung horsedragonman youll really need watch understand much loved show initially aired bbc friday evenings recallbr br well im pleased say even years viewing adult ie cynical eyes show lost none inimitable charmbr br simply wonderful entertainment magical characters comical interactions one another perhaps special effects which actually serve heighten fun course forgetting hugely memorable opening title sequence first season passing time way shape form diminished monkeys spellbinding charmbr br as monkey would probably say oi there go grab nostalgic fun,0 +help help help im hour interview subject im interested class like conducted language barely know fuck going arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh,0 +know would awesomeif someone would put bullet fucking head im it meds arent shit right now daughter respect me job sucking life me cant seem stop self destructive tendencies one listens ive always listener im sell stuff put money account daughter access turns send moms done it im tired brain hating me,1 +kinda regret going itive considered redflag lot past never went thought death would causing issues would lived wrong im underachiever lazy bum whenever actively try something blows face horrible social skills constantly getting sick look like fucking gremlin cant hold job save life issues power change anything about brought upon compounded becoming bottomfeeder neet stay family members mooch them literally household cook breakfast every month use wifi use electricity drink water share food sleep beds leech like human parasite ive tried fix problems ive tried useful member society always fail try get job make past interview try something online blows face point caused problems dead man would abstained family members told also theyve told kill done wrong current existence cant called living took time reflect realise set failure beginning whoevers reading this hope fucked much have,1 +anyone wondering one makes movies like used to conversation character simple theme friendship struggling evolve something new better different folks need take film see top notch writing directing acting melds wonderful evening observation things used italy england days times funneled terrific comedy entertainment made alfred molina joan plowright polly walker josie lawrence jim broadbent miranda richardson michael kitchens major roles brush stroke direction mike newell actors accomplish vividly memorable performances photographed sublimely subtle painters eye reminiscent theatrical bedroom farce turn century film might called friendship farce becomes worthwhile experience growth romantic nature within character viewer too artistic telegram importance caring around us,0 +oh but damn fried screwing up me lunch,0 +thats long cupid exists hes fucking drunk high trys shoot me,0 +"@martyfriend BTW, loved the extra organ solo @ the 7PM last night. ",0 +old science teacher made youtube channel old science teacher left years ago recently discovered yt channel hes trying sooo hard would mean world could go support him doesnt know people old class wanted surprise him channel felix sarsah httpsyoutubeiulpsspxyhi,0 +movie corner stranger things test the stranger things quiz best way fans test knowledge series stranger things test also excellent online contest know much series playing quiz give overview story interested ready go is stranger things testhttpsinquizzcomquizstrangerthingstriviautm_sourceredditamputm_mediumjoniamputm_campaignstrangerthings,0 +These 'What If's?' are killing you gradually. Save urself. See ahead of the darkness of the present into a new sunshine of future. #anxiety #depression #life #beautiful #mind #whatif #yqbaba #yqquotes Follow my writings on https://www.yourquote.in/athoughtfulmind  #yourquote via @YourQuoteApp pic.twitter.com/6A6ZfT61sE,1 +lunch school dont bother commenting idc dm hour convo idk talk u wanna entertained dumb ass hour go right ahead fun hugs,0 +the only meal that could fight my depression is DRAFT https://twitter.com/cnn/status/976055516324605962 …,1 +called redflag hotline number condescending pos counselor thats sign know isi dealing lot family issues financial issues forming social support issues former abuse flashbacks eating disorder racism more suicidal one thing every time think ive hit rock bottom theres another hit cant take anymore called hoping sort reprieve got condescending piece shit counselor hung initially could hear kept telling that got second time gave bs excuse know happened major thing condescending was tone choice words horrible telling people worse anyone one facebook friend ended pouring everything one else acquaintances friends people struggled tried hardest take next level got nowhere deep debt student loans keep calling harassing me extended family cut lives due revealing choice abused one them ugly black girl constantly dealing overlooked treated like crap live self esteem shit asked years ago work crappy menial wage job part time mentally handle full time job people look time accomplished none hopes dreams last thing needed hear good due one facebook friend afraid overwhelmed counselors tone voice condescending kept saying right every sentence like idiot waiting respond hard describe condescending was business hotline also seems like sign one cares even people supposed to getting older things improving getting worse seeing former high school bullies news social media better me failure thing called life cant deal anymore always held even little bit hope things would change matter bad got ive homeless before worse ever see end sight see life improving matter hard tried improve life ended spot rock bottom again plan want quit hesitation pain get with,1 +xmas present suggestions someone tried end allhi nephew summer tried kill got help right time id like get something special boost optimism new year hes something w job likes video games course learning disability read books id like get book simple enough im thinking perhaps graphic novel maybe people might ideas thanks,1 +my entire body hurt i m so weak it took me minute to finally pick up my phone from my nightstand and type this i can t get myself to eat i m starving if the bathroom wasn t right next to me i d be having issue i m supposed to be doing school i can t even think about it right now i sleep hour a day and spend the rest of it wishing i could sleep more i feel like i m captive in my own bed i look disgusting i wish i could just die in my sleep i feel so much pain this is what hell must feel like my parent can t afford to institutionalize me therapy doesn t help my life ha no structure if suicide doesn t kill me then i ll die of dehydration or malnutrition i m stuck here and left to rot i need help my situation is dire but what do i even do at this point honestly i ll just kill myself and i ll no longer be a burden to my family,1 +russyrhubarb a new twitter name without telling me boo by the way i think oberon is dead haven t seen him for age,0 +imagine using incognito mode deleting browser history thats,0 +nights worst distractions left alone thoughts feel empty alone purpose world never amount anything soon enough everyone hate me everyone see failure am looking forward day comes end pathetic life guilt ,1 +@Wiens111 Strangely I never had that issue. But then again my gay friends are usually out with girls and my gaydar is not broken. ,0 +anybody good discord server join got recently wondering she sucks chens dnc diced djd ja envidan dndjdjd sjdjkdkse cine djfjnd djd sola j jens j jen zjjcnd kind xjdnsnskxkle cd nebskald,0 +Does anyone know of any highschools that have NOT had their formal for this year yet? Please let me know ,0 +pretty clear either wipe slate move out kill myself helpi cant stand anymore,1 +Depression is my drug of choice because I get to experience all of the lows without having to go through any of the highs!,1 +Writing a paper about depression while my Spotify is playing feelsie music really made me hella triggered,1 +"Exercise interventions have positive effects on clinical depression and depressive symptoms among older adults. In addition, exercise interventions alleviated the depressive symptoms among older adults with a diagnosis of chronic disease. https://loom.ly/PF28gKg ",1 +This Day and Age. How I've missed you ... ,0 +@889grapevine Looking forward to the new website ,0 +i have anxiety and possibly depression too but i just wanted to ask if grief can be considered a depression i m not really capable of feeling grief i have only felt it in dream or about animal or something,1 +Watchin' some Firefly ,0 +@megspptc good job on unwritten ,0 +whelp still herewrote note two weeks ago boyfriend talked last time shit keeps getting worse first stuck house may june july cant live anymore cant live like anymore whats least painful way die,1 +know much longer thisim aleady ussues alcohol like parents im drunk right now im drunk much often thing makes ok im fucking disappointment,1 +I PUT A SHELF UP lol im well proud and yes its my twilight shelf my books the movies going on there and obv my prezzie from lara XD (L),0 +want careever since little felt anxious never really problem now sixteen boyfriend felt happy really cared him showed like adventurous things started going hill one day quarterback football team something bad me one believed said did prove anything ended spiraling depression boyfriends seemed getting abusive break him started sending pictures cutting saying going kill himself made everything worse tried killing myself ended surviving put hospital months thought could leave parents moved towns word spread around town nothing ever same feel like passion like care anything started talking quarterback felt like needed forgive order move on wanted use again feel like point living want die reason kill want parents deal dead daughter im eighteen now tried tinder wanted allow happy again meet lot people ive really promiscuous like all met nice boy says cares tries help afraid cant give wants deserves better someone care him knows issues tries help me met yesterday cuddled told felt happy still feel anything manic episodes cut everyone off ive tried therapy medication seem work parents always annoying me want normal want alive anymore,1 +i just want to disappear i don t know how to start this but i just want to disappear disappear from my life from everything from everyone i feel so alone and i can t talk to anyone personally in my life because it s hard to admit that i m struggling mentally it s hard for me to tell people i want to disappear from their life a i fear they will take it personally i m just tired of my life i m tired of the battle i constantly have to face and the struggle it give me the idea of disappearing feel like weight is lifted of my shoulder and i can breathe again the idea feel so calm and relaxing a that is all i ve ever wanted peace it s easy for me to think that no one will care that i m gone no one will look for me or try to search for me but i know that s no true so i stay i stay to exist another day to deal with life s problem and the anxiety i feel with it because everyone ha to deal with life why can t i so i disappear in my thought a all i have to escape from everything and everyone,1 +please dm im bored rn ggujnbguujjyjvdeijblpiyggdtuvfdeiuyt ytttttihfdrhgdsrt,0 +@kingjuyeon Like honestly me neither... I can't even go up some stairs I get out of breath so much sksksksksk since depression hit me and I gained weight my life going down hill KANSKADKCKXKDK pic.twitter.com/j2uF7ULa0r,1 +observe amp report wa premiering at the chinese theater i wa driving by slowly but only saw the reporter amp red carpet no star,0 +im sadguys every day same im senior high school literally everything outside life looks great hate it times im happy day im joking best friend school talking boyfriend night latter always ends ruining already mundane day gosh know hes wrong talking hearing misunderstand reminds alone am love much hes literally killing semblance peace may day cant look forward future think dying every day escape this redflag never leaves mind days everything going get harder im tired crying alone bed every night always same heart consistently slowly build back day always breaks night ups downs killing me im waiting day buy gun point long years get through,1 +totally competent programmer cant even fricking scratch tried making game forgot code part actually play it wanted show friends yea broken cant fix im mobile sucks oh btw link anyone knows use scratch probably fix if flag clicked set touched bullet httpsscratchmiteduprojects,0 +hello everyonei rarely post reddit buti nowhere else go talked selected friends inputs important would like warn everyone may religious talks depressionyeahlike thati bestfriend years year getting married love life genuinely happy her really am story bestfriend got engaged last january currently living united kingdom wonderful job loving fiance engagement told us closest friends family wed next year july really ecstatic hearing wonderful news last settle create family own told wants bestfriend wedding three bestfriends since high school got fired save lot money plane ticket pocket money special day since live asia cost go uk cost lot since salary like x lower people earn western countriesampxbtil one time suddenly asked could ask uncle priest cohabitation sin asked like why told fiance wants live together living separate houses traveling back forth every weekend tiring them told want live together without tying knot yet big deal help save gas transportation allowance go told looking answers admitted abstinence sex many months now felt guilt premarital sex always seeks answers god asking signs that nothing wrong that religious person do know limits saying country god mercy us man doing talked uncle priest asked cohabitation straightly answered that cohabitation sin told bestfriend contemplated it know asking lot people even religious leaders country told nothing wrong want live together still reluctant fighting anxieties matter point raised voice video call told life become shitty karma lived boyfriend years really big stab heart cried dismiss felt still prioritize know vulnerable am fast forwardi remember announce decided wed year surprised partly disappointed first thing thought never see walking aisle person partly know reason sudden shift short span time understand wants live peace blessing god express surprised am told happy last settling man dreamsthey small wedding year big wedding next year month july but months go on always asks thing why people reaction whenever told decided marry year cannot happy look dissapointed cannot happy me deserve happy always answer her people surprised course told wedding next year sudden change mean happy ever think that know redflag talking deeply understand also one depression redflag many years always put shoes ever bestfriend always asks it answers it fiance getting married us people two create happinessi also answer thing everytime asked it know say anymore asked therapist friends got married it say tell create happiness everyone else know redflag big enemymy bestfriend become anxious months passed point became bitchy patience shortened one point angry bishop responding email even told within weeks reply it find another one told person get married also plenty couples wants wed pandemic rules schedules changed understand it like is god wantsso weeks decided transfer another parish surprise schedules weddings parish priest told available weeks time could wed want soon shocked fast is told her there ya go worries finding priest schedule answered me it fast muchthe priest asked venue already catering services photographer others plainly answer no anything yetthe official schedule wedding september year became anxious understand called wedding jitters still ask thing why people reaction whenever told decided marry year cannot happy look disappointed cannot happy me deserve happy like thatlast friday conversation again told want know truth give answers ready so told possibility people see desperation lack security insecurity something like that remind one time one coworkers commented afraid lose fiance something like that word desperation struck her asked also think our bestfriends name it plainly answered her no another question disappointed announced getting married year tell truth know thinking time told truth bit disappointed like short time passed it long time ago me focused want walk aisle even volunteered process needed papers countryshe told disappointed expecting me time genuinely happy like fake told not actually felt guilty time want make helping could give even asked bestfriend felt way told position answer behalf told chat friend uk genuinely happy asked could bridesmaid told better take care things alone knowing people genuinely happy rather people helping mewhich pertaining me genuinely happy want justify more answered whatever push further decided let cooldown know redflaged outampxbi contacted bestfriend called talked lot via messenger time talking bestfriend uk teacher country patience kind running out remind redflag talking right know listen even us bestfriend kind admitted said desperation kind struck her somehow thinks true perhapsi decided mute chats messenger need time alone played online games talking different people shift impending redflag happened feel like terrible bestfriend that also dealing lot shit life prioritize wellbeing needs me bestfriend ever talked former boss turned male bestfriend told happened like advice correct point told bestfriend white lie even forced tell truth feel seeks positivity assurance person bestfriend give assurance that learned matter morei worried her snapping lot wedding work well told breathe last time got extremely mad fiance simple comment flowers like who walk aisle bride wedding year next year fiance afraid whenever gets mad waited outside apartment okay bestfriend ignored her made up worry fiance wants know plan admitted really one told two sit talk listen says easily snapat least okay now found beautiful wedding gown really really beautiful still read last message thinking might justify myself even bestfriend also redflaged worried always burst always explodes never cools down shared predicament married friends told wedding redflag normal much balanced things talk couple understand bestfriend wants acceptance wants wedding everyone happy around her wants like thateven told plenty times peoples opinion matter important love otherbutshe still ask questionampxbi really know say feel like bad person telling felt before sorry kind rollercoaster longi really worried hard talk someone closedmind right now thank reading everyone feel like bad person,1 +someone talk tois someone talk thinking bout redflag dm me,1 +ban appeal got banned discord reasons remember way appeal ban,0 +just got home from watching michigan state get tromped,0 +nothing funnier candace owens suing facebook for factchecking,0 +@superstarobeatz goodnight ,0 +need fucking meds pleaseive meds week abruptly sertralinezoloft doctor fucking sucks didnt let refill pharmacys responding genuinely want kill ive never felt fucking horrible idk actually get medication father offered go driving considered crashing fucking car im back mothers house fucking hates dont know fuck anymore havent able stop crying minutes time cant fucking fucking cant need access meds im going fucking die,1 +"The sun is shineing ,the birds are singing.... What the hell is that smell!!! OMG.. Puppys ...... ",0 +theekween it help with depression anxiety and loss of a loved one thelmasherbs,1 +drinking kombucha avoiding eye contact yeast demon bottom clean room play videogames daily chores summer reading,0 +want kmsi hate anything point redflag looks like golden escape plan everything goes wrong act totally reckless way realize ive done later cry it cares kill boom cease exist problems ive overeating daily dont look help due insecurity financial issues cry everyday bedroom wanting someone come say calm down everythings alright one does know need help im scared ppl saying oh stop it youre attention parents ignoring rejecting mocking me all would take yr old seriously,1 +still hate crime also hang white people tree asking friend,0 +prescribed low dose paroxetine psych supposed mg told start taking half tab mg everydayi like me constantly panicked feel nothing two days now period two hours lie down head empty feelings like fucking object feel alive anymore could least cry heart would race would feel least present instead heart black hole one sucking away life me know keep this know wait meds make feel better want stop like meds,1 +nothing live forim literally close finally giving completely ending all im year old male happens unattractive due many things mostly teeth grinded lot kid never took good care general till late refuse even bother dating find incredibly unattractive unlikeable theres nobody ever love also meets standards unfortunately quite high due overexposure girls social media addiction porn time look mirror cry inside wish look different also life general bad friends job money nothing literally become pissed life seeing people happy makes hate wish theyd suffer used kind person cant anymore life continued beat again im probably gonna fuck ton cocaine alcohol soon hopefully kills im tired fucking life,1 +cant take pain anymoreim really tired feeling worthlessness constant feeling dread past year ive dealing constant pain destroying am thought was never really bad childhood lot friends growing up lot im still friends with heck met best friend first grade were roommates college elementary school mom diagnosed thyroid disease bone disease started taking pain medications fourth grade without ever really realizing it became addicted irrational times ninth grade moved back old house let go school three months want leave her personally know do loved mom still do irrational behavior frightened say least near end ninth grade grandparents got custody me ended able complete classes failed ninth grade got graduate friends classmates ive really struggling with however way treated mom high school would call me leave voicemails crying eyes out would ask want visit her missed me ignored calls voicemails junior high school listened all felt like shittiest son world even though caused much pain felt bad long started running cycling deal emotional pain immediately fell love feeling running cycling gave me time could escape thoughts great think anything ran beautiful started running lot started running ten miles day made feel good myself life felt great like shitty person joined cross country teamtrack team senior year high school made lot good friends made sectionals track x finally felt like accomplished something great once however around year ago pulled muscletendon knee biking hill since ive tried several times get back cycling running ive always ended reinjuring myself took three months completely running last semester able run two miles summer knee injury came back forced stop running again ive also struggling consistent groin pain feels like tearing sensation whenever stand up ruining life itll pop place ill readjust make feel right again anyway im tired feeling like this im tired constantly pain reason never good anything life started running cycling people knew guy ran shit ton liked myself hard go door run fifteen miles blue miss much ive several doctors positive results theyve said take aleve itll feel better ive done everything doctors said do im still pain idea why im tired pain constant feeling worthlessness ive felt like ive living purpose long everyone something theyre great at best friend computer science major hes super smart roommate quad leader band feel useless feel like life meaning runnercyclist something productive life finally better someone something im sorry long feel like tell someone this eating longest time feel like im going break point soon one understands,1 +lets try anyone want chat pls im bored age ,0 +least guys stop messaging say im gonna sext seriously hard keep conversation going lady reddit,0 +istg im losing itand know still fucking stalk reddit know youre seeing everything ive going through yet havent heard you would anniversary today stayed till midnight hoping youd text waited pm cos thats usually wake up still nothing ive slept whole day ate anything almost fainted dont fucking care hate missing,1 +distant girlfriend tried kill herselfshe seriously hope anymore tonight spoke week passing fight really honest conversation her know do ive crying night slept yet want teleport place snatch away me seem like go either anymore even moving bad place depression hearing brutally honest words encouraging myself seriously know anymore reason smiled work want die want marry her cant move would never ok cant help scribble together words without crying,1 +im bored heck anywan want chat chat mean anywan want uncomfortable back forth dms seriously rly nothing would appreciate fellow teen brosis warning get back problems carrying conversation,0 +whats favorite food cook something dinner know cook,0 +& Alison Keough & Michelle Cormier ! .. is getting alison set up with this buisnesss ; ),0 +want tell someone want tell anyone know ive ready kill thought way times now ive never felt alone depressedi shitty childhood depressedanxious teen time im feel like ever going get better friends im open relationship girl feel connected anyone really much family years just grandmother started new job seem distract like work used to im tired ive never afraid death pain failure could find instead cant time now ive never wanted alive feel loved connected anyone life baseline rock bottom anything better feels like much effort not,1 +Watched the Crossroads with Def Leppard and Taylor Swift...They were awesome! Catch it if you get a chance ,0 +ohsbrat 0 i m sorry i m feeling kinda yucky myself am is going to come too quick,0 +Using drugs to avoid depression,1 +perfect far imagine go church wife children church goes restaurant right returning home putting children sleep husband wife things lovely wife thanking god great day perfect far,0 +"All I want for my bday is a ceiling fan, It's so hot in my room. So if any1 is intreseted my bday is in 13 days. Please n thank u ",0 +want kill butbutthe meds need time work interview morning want inconvenience showing up boyfriend suffers depression want give reason get better id never get see niece love pieces want hurt anyone small part thinks things get better time road balls cleaned desk work yet want burden someone task appointment new therapist morning want anyone find me want leave brother struggling depression know things better side please anyone therei know else do see getting better called everyone feel alone know do know functional fuck up know better know be so it,1 +welpi bout last night dmed people good bye got pill bottle incoged lethal dose ibuprofin turns out alot everything else u dont take enough ittl shread ur guts send u hospital emergency room worth risk percent sucess rate dmed folks back said hey ill tommorow ive tried hanging twice od once dont know go bc im n position get therapy im also unsure jjust teen thats fucking head bad long going years dont know ampxb,1 +im gonna end it nudes got leaked im made fun unusually sized penisyes im asiani need someone help get,1 +pretty decent example film noir setting early s communists trying steal weapon secrets us governmentbr br richard widmark suave pickpocket without scruples gives pretty decent performance nothing alist him interesting thing antihero film unlikeable antihero normal jean peters gave soso performance hooker heart gold great character actress thelma ritter shines stoolpigeonbr br the plot fair share twists turns wisecracks tough talk fight scene near end movie in subway station pretty gritty excitingbr br i think noir fans like myself enjoy film nonnoir viewers may seem little dated whole commie thing tad overdone,0 +@Chaelala Happy birthday Chaela! Love yoooooous. ,0 +good morning world couldn t sleep tonight copenhagen doesn t want to leave my head,0 +bro legitimately cute like league necessarily heart cant handle levels cuteness radiates fuck gonna impossible get,0 +following @jessicaclaire and @jsnorwood 's twitter war = hilarious! ,0 +@IamButton oh Hai! Are u ok after the quake and calling off the weds? ,0 +coffee legit oat milk im even complaining tbh im like didnt put coffee icced cofee oatmilk like almost completely white tiniest brown tint pretty good still tastes like sweetened oat milk,0 +noticed scars hips fake smile lips forced laugh adopted way care things used love dare stand grave cryhow cry someone even know suicide note,1 +messed life way fix iti stayed city done bcom dating sa instead leaving uk married girl interested me atleast left one year suffering uk everyone telling bcom brain fried many prescription meds cant recover medically restrained put mental hospital reason way fix this dont live messed lonely life pain im depressed fucked things badly im sure everyone understand this,1 +cant anymoremy best friend care anymore cant stand watch another person fade away stranger last straw top years depression cant this im planning killing myself tonight tomorrow soon wont hard cant live like like anymore im desperately alone know wont missed,1 +life overi cant even describe happened hurts much bottom line future maybe did anymore really dont want die world beautiful cant live like this wish someone loved mefor am nobody does never wanted be taken away long even knew was never choices need anyone give im exhausted cant stop crying quote dont know live world choices everything gets stripped away cant even watch news wthout wanting die idek bothering post this guess dont anyone left hear me trust hear this probably wont hear again thank listening thank you,1 +dont belong anywhereive tried years fit depression anxiety feels like im fundamentally different peers try fit people always end fucking never happy dont belong here one energy put depressing bullshit drag people make life worse im gonna make past highschool hate much deserve rot,1 +happy birthday lmao turn midnight yet still want kill myself,1 +my art is regressing,0 +people dream world peace dream last night dropped phone puddle best friends dad swimming puddle asked get said jumped puddle get drowned,0 +feeling lonely id like talk someonemy last post well,1 +teenager want cut myself cannot change mind try cannot buy anything it parents check every package knives family extremely dull tried use them failed it want cut myself kitchen knives sharp enough get something adequate sharpness,1 +"@boomuk Sims 3!! gawd,i would have to open that. right away. i'm a major geek ",0 +contains spoilersbr br i saw advert videothen sister discovered book read iti rented video day finished booki thought memorable book cast brillianttara fitzgerald excellent helen rupert graves hateful arthurthe costumesmusic settings stunningly beautifulbr br warningdont read havent watched thisbr br on downside sex scenes added violencethis video rated things thrown inafter first parti felt accuracy went downhill book better thisi glad seen would reccomend people read bookare fans bronte like costume dramasi as long fastforward sex scenes book rather underatedanne brontes books dont seem widely read well known jane erye wuthering heights made television film several times another thingwhen read book i surprised much religion ther itbut axed outbr br ,0 +brother talks farts pooping excessively annoying like brings farts poops every conversation matter im with random stuff like could like fought guy hed like yeah youd prolly fart him im like thats high reach hed say propel ur fart comedy gold amirite today send coffee looks like poop pls stop big bro embarrassing hes lmao,0 +let sister die im fucked head maybe go join herfuck man,1 +feels like matter try backfiresno matter try always backfires like try socialise get laughed try something nice fail even wake bullshit everyday,1 +recovery much harder depression itselfhello ive never made reddit post probably never this thought share start please read currently bad place writing good me may bad you today months anniversary redflag attempt context high school girl los angeles struggled lack self worth thoughts redflag since maybe th th grade mother father older sister always normal loving people me albeit show strange ways were east asian family love sense tough love makes sense anyways first time seriously considered killing th grade honestly remember exact details think got bad grade report card day mom came room started crying screaming saying know me keep mind sister straight student throughout high school getting b foreign parents long ago specifically remember day mom telling would rather kill live me so next three years continued spiraling chasm depression anxiety never told anybody middle school depression considered sin reason continued fights parents constantly depression mostly contained seriously consider ending life high school came along mother wanted attend private school district sake better education catholic allgirls school knew nobody there make matters worse known bisexual since remember my parents know make matters even more worse grandma hospitalized time best friendneighbors house burnt down yeah life wreck get whole lot worse though back middle school particularly enjoy going class liked seeing friends learning new things different girls private school exclusive demeaning around good people every day felt like spirit getting crushed entered campus know sound dramatic go place hate entire hours day takes toll mental health started relapsing selfharming ways first thoughts insomnia sleeping every night want wake next morning months school something happened girls feel uncomfortable talking even strangers internet result events seriously considering ending life point decided tell parents began mom traditionalminded asian is immediately told suck stop white people problems yeah problems seem minor compared scale world upper middle class family lives suburban neighborhood privileges things many people work hard whole lives still get life good but time blinded depression failed see things one track mindset set killing myself fact parents take seriously made even sure life worthless depressed crying every day school getting anything accomplished sisters intervention made end all convinced go see therapist talked longrepressed issues parents fix things start one day mom called downstairs sat immediately started sobbing telling much loved me sorry see upset before told could go back old school next year old friends were touched wet cheek realized crying too parents never close seeing like completely shell shocked me asked promise never kill myself did on drove school every day be strong months summer would tell left car grueling school year made alive back old school plenty friends much better thanks therapy still get depressed often think redflag time morning dad got fight small one got pretty quickly think much it walked room couple hours later started crying apologizing me told loved much never wanted see upset completely torn never seen dad cry before back went horrible school interact time kept dark regarding mental health never saw express emotion toward me now eyes red tear streaks going face understand upset something small insignificant fight tons past every little thing hit mehe knew knew redflag attempt knew everything happened last year time knew thought fault letting get bad parents thought fault whole time obsessed horrible felt acknowledge pain parents must felt imagine parents must felt raising loving child tell want die must worst feeling world knowing close losing child caught emotions time deep depression realize much loved me much pain would cause actually succeeded killing myself parents never argue anymore never get fights theyre scared spiral again might lead permanent decisions time weird happy fight anymore find missing times would get mad trivial things would forget within hour now whenever seem upset immediately start overly kind sympathetic think reason hurts much know reason become way selfish trying kill myself could realize much would hurt around me already hurt parents much feel like ive broke them know continue here mind clearer realizing damage done previously could see feel guilty even thinking killing myself knowing pain would transferred family thought going depression hardest part turns out recovering infinitely harder read way endi guess one thing say theres always somebody loves cares deeply many wonderful things life celebrate people want celebrate you depression bitch gets way that fight it,1 +gib award plz know youre,0 +hey one bothered youtubes adds im seriously going start watching demoniced channels only,0 +age think old enough make decision euthanized wanted it choose born least able choose terms death mean right people finding messy agonizing ways kill themselves may well give people option easy way out cannot get option receive painless suicide,1 +need someone talk last hoursi cant stand it everything suck at suck debate matters cause one asshole made every debater country looks like monster world shit need go,1 +ive always told it work somehow it get better somehow really doesnt somehowim chronically suicidal worry anything thoughts redflag intent vent dads icu heart attack open heart surgery suddenly given task handling everything family mom incapable understanding details insurance works get set rehab apply financial assistance take care rehab handle household finances hes recovering mountain shit top mountains shit lets even mention mom concept money spending lot hospital access finances concerned spending hes saving income taxes separate savings account financing casino trips monthly social security check sick people telling worry things work out never unless someone took responsibility typically thats me parents live squalor heat bath facilities working washer dryer trailer rat mice insect infestation mention black mold problem family gets sick every week moldcat urineexcrementlack hygiene mom gambling addiction yard junkyard hoarders one cannot move house easily think almost worse homeless tried address living situation many times fallen deaf ears tried years help dad icu things never critical offered little money ive trailer several times try clean up mom stops throwing away trivial garbage objects like old plastic grocery bags cats urinated on one week ive managed clean small part kitchen found nastiest things ive ever seen left property crying throwing back way pills cant take stress right now yes im depressed right stressed beyond anything think before thing going life im considering calling county place condemned leave streets never live me hard deal this want advice guarantee ive heard times need vent write out,1 +"Good mornin folks, I think I'll make a couple of home made egg mcmuffins to go with this excellent coffee on this clear sunny 58* mornin ",0 +it s going to be a long year for a s fan,0 +ha insomnia and a headache,0 +@artemisobscure haha... and mine did NOT automatically add you... hmmhmm.. only got ur msg just now thanks! hope u get ur hol break SOON!,0 +every time look sub theres someone posting suicidal makes feel whenever see it wish sub positive sub positive place moment,0 +hello anxiety nauts amp x 00b for context i currently work in a job that i m supposed to love but cause me huge anxiety mainly because of the people in the workplace and the city that i ve had to move to i applied for a role at a different place that would allow me to live back at home with my parent live in an area that i know well would be a better use of my talent is better paid and is still in the field that i wish to work in i had an interview with them last week which i felt that it went very well and they said that they d get back to me today at the latest if i wa accepted for the second round i have so far heard nothing at all amp x 00b while it would really hurt to not get this job it s really sending me haywire that i ve heard not even a peek out of the employer today i m trying to grapple with the urge to ask for confirmation from them for fear of sounding desperate or needy even though i am pretty desperate by now i realise that i made the mistake of pinning my hope on this job but i couldn t help it amp x 00b i surely can t be the only person to be in this situation amp x 00b sorry to ramble hope you re all in a much better place than i am right now,1 +father fucking idiot insults me saying youre lazy never anything right audacity say its insult true utterly despise him literal narcissist says im extension him mean actual fuck nothing like him,0 +ancient rome wasnt civilized like tf mfs slaves wtf,0 +am i m tired think peace out m,0 +Tried some dresses Getting ready for this charity event tomorrow on Southamptons. Having a glass of wine now.. and more glasses after,0 +f join discord server hey active discord server curious anyone else wanted join ill dm link w,0 +college idea im doing pretty much nobodyi attend expensive college idea fuck im feel like im squandering parents money time being idea want career motivation study feel like nobody purpose world keep hearing everything right trust god cant anymore want drop kill something,1 +So glad that I have a job that doesn't make me hate my life after a two week vacation. Life is good! Lunchtime!!!,0 +im even yet im thinking redflagbefore telling im edgylisten storyi group like friendsi parted ways year bcs bullying somethimes made overthink like crazy losing thembut thats problemthe problem came after classmatemy best friend could sayand stopped talking group friends began talking lot himwe talked rarely pointbut still best friendsand first thought wouldnt crap like thatbut am weeks started talking him im overthinking everything point nothing makes feel satisfied alive anymoreim basically cramped corner everyone knowand im afraid someday wont friends left parents would think im complete failureplease give adviceim feeling hopeless,1 +anyone wanna tradei think concept life really nice fortunate enough theres much see achieve conquer personally would love life thing suicidal people heard yesterday someone like life lives given live years least wish could trade life someone else thats fortunate anyone else,1 +whats amount trouble get leaving high school early please help im tired wanna uber home,0 +lyric day gently mind escapes relaxing world pleasure pleasure take mind reality life gently slipknot httpsyoutubeqigenqil yes im aware like songs slipknot songs lyrics epic ulilreaperr u asked get tagged idk ur like dead,0 +i m worried that they re going to think that i wa lying and that i m going to get into some trouble for the past month i had like or refund because the amazon driver keep putting my package outside my gate when they re suppose to put it inside this led to my package getting stolen recently it happened again i couldn t find my package but it turn out my mom brought it in earlier and placed it somewhere and forgot tell me what do i do,1 +feel violated confused alone dont know dohello f dont know talk to feel like raped personal opinion spoken mother consulted friends situation im receiving mixed reactions opinions everyone happened last month asked man barely knew sleep me eachother social media really know much man dumb ass decision know pursued anyway prior sex multiple previous conversations wearing protection stds birth control im firm condoms always been also stated well claimed tested within last two months tested recently completely clear finally meet up told started wanted use condoms thought understanding using protection guess wrong first two times wears condom gets goes bathroom comes back bed im laying side looking phone even paying attention him next thing know turns back penetrates protection immediately froze scared know do afraid would hurt due fact knew want decided wanted anyway soon finished got there make doctors appointment weeks incident come back positive std incurable feel violated hurt confused know do know feel im normally vengeful person taking everything get pay back feel like give choice made me hate him im hard time coping this friends opinion never first place fault happened you mom thinks otherwise mother says penetrating someone way consent rape know do,1 +saw film amsterdams international documentary film festival privileged meet directors tobias schneebaum lively outspoken new yorkers films title amsterdam keep river right making sensational aspect cannibalism somewhat less prominent equally important loving gay relationship tobias schneebaum members groups studied anthropologist reunion nearly years age inevitable leavetaking moving highly recommend film anyone looking moving story anything pedestrian,0 +Beautiful day outside . I'm going to uni then to workshop for bloggers delight ,0 +dealing pssd yearsim thinking end all im looking ideas it surely painless im felt horny years ssri miss much life feels empty since then im troubles learning new stuff commiting it parents pressure study feel clueless lack hobbies passion first happy relationship difficult enjoy insecurities i feel like im pretty smart good enough him feels like im weak bitch right overwhelmed this,1 +get good people lots love get unlucky die car crash something cannot get unlucky die accident gone one remember matter cannot die,1 +ugh coffee please being at work at is not good for my brain it is now officialy melting,0 +im fine destiny happy little time left think suffered enoughhow expect fly dont wings born like everyone else im sorry im waste could different would,1 +stem degree really great idea came across video discusses issues stem education httpswwwyoutubecomwatchvyvhnxoasu one issue graduating stem really learn anything cannot learn free via internet one general issue university education typically specialized one field really know working field like assuming get job first place,0 +chillin here thinking steven universe x baki crossover au anyone wants ask it suggest details even major plot points even tell better subreddit post this feel free put even dm,0 +know cant happy went new school made tons friends treat like shit got rid toxic exs pretty much gf lost virginity birthday tomorrow basically people want around love me still feel empty hollow still feel sad alone inside still fake smile get by satisfied everything ive ever wanted still constantly hurt inside,0 +life issues want pqint room gray turn pc rgb sit alone plants im mess hate got reason want sit cry dont want tell anybody everyone would say great dont,0 +i just came back from running and i feel a bit anxious and i realized i always do after doing exercise,1 +hi yall bro good chess tbh filliwgshdhdhdh,0 +want hear joke mei puzzles daily since year still pretty sucks,1 +way outim nothing seems change know things pretty subjective happiness comes waves amount bad things feels like tipping scale im growing tired nothing please anyone im with im toxic person lot mental issues wish didnt deal with feel like life heavy nothing makes feel less empty life feels bleak felt way long im thinking maybe hanging myself dont anyone talk to life lonely im stuck box day,1 +feel like going crazy wish things could get better gone mental hospital times feel broken scared future since things seem get worse wish could die sleep,1 +tried solutions worked temporarily food made lbs average making feel pathetic nothing else really know else trying self harm even though know everyone would pissed truly thinking trying self harm,1 +fucking masturbated final fantasy xiii coverart umm bored recently friends busy decided tidy room throw awaydonate old childhood things used ps back day many awesome games like lego star wars uncharted final fantasy xiii felt nostalgia looked various coverarts came across old final fantasy xiii game coverart basically main character named lightning holding swoard standing front white background nothing special that first crush idk wanted replay game badly ps got broken long time ago sitting there holding game hand got incredibly horny took shower wanked yeehaw coverart using parts imagination im good rubbing love stick imagination fucking busted nono sauce place anyway feel bad took single coverart game trigger me good day,0 +i m a college student who ha changed their major different time and am currently pre med although i have always struggled in my science course for about the last year i have had zero motivation my gpa is slowly slipping a i never study or go to class i used to smoke weed all day i wa high most of 0 but i quit and now i just go on my phone in my room or watch movie i have no friend here and don t socialize i usually only leave my room to get food or to study for a test usually the day before or day of i get jealous when i see everyone hanging out and enjoying their college experience while i go to the movie alone or find other way to distract myself i keep telling myself i have to change but i never do i feel like my advisor have given up on me i don t even know if i want to be a doctor but it s a clear cut path that will allow me to help people and provide job security although my real dream is going to hollywood and trying to make it a a screenwriter i have been depressed and have cycled through a lot of medication with my doctor none of them work she now think i may have adhd i just struggle to think long term and have been extremely burnt out since senior year of high school before then i wa always a good student i don t know what happened to me i often fantasize about suicide or dying and lately have just been wishing to stay in my room and just do drug all day i don t know where my drive ha gone,1 +cant sleep anyone want chat dm,0 +dad best said hungry earlier dad walked gave bowl ramen without even asking love man,0 +inspirational tales triumph human spirit usually big turnoffs me surprising thing men honor much enjoyed spite myself movie predictable cliched gets works much credit goes exhilarating performances leads perfect role cuba gooding jr whos wonderfully restrained here come expect lot de niro disappoint creates darkly funny portrait director george tillman jr set make oldstyle flick comes winner,0 +help i need a new boyfriend i m stuck in a rut,0 +ayyy finally getting notifications reddit time missed like dms taking hours respond comments lmao tf manage fuck something simple notifications,0 +@E_Nicole LOL....Gosh...u are so right!! ,0 +"WHAT WE DO: Help individuals define goals, plan action and gain insight #MentalHealth #ADHD #Stress #Depression #PTSD #SelfEsteem #FamilyConflicts #Counseling #BiPolar #Therapy #ReTweet #FollowUs #Decatur #Atlanta #Georgia",1 +many subreddit actually virgins im wondering virgin fillee filler filler filler filler fillr fiooe lflaoao,0 +i m tired of having this literal disease that i consider depression i feel trapped a if i m in a prison cell i m desperate to get out of it especially now more than ever but all it doe is keep me back even if i try to escape and become a properly functioning human being depression beat me down like a prison guard with a baton it hold me back keeping me from flourishing and becoming that best version of me that i so wish to be i don t feel like i m able to connect with anyone i have no friend or anyone that care about me in a more than friend way it s hell being an infp like myself i seek connection that is long lasting and strong i m getting help soon but i wonder to myself what if the medication don t help what if they don t keep the depression at bay enough to allow me to live in the moment and happy will all this desperation be for nothing i don t want to fight anymore if it end up being the case im weary but i have just enough fight in me to try one more time i want to put my life together i want to be happy i want to get to a point where i can look back and appreciate that i fought my way to success i just want to be to really exist instead of live every day trapped in my own mind while my body is on autopilot giving fake smile and telling lie that i m okay i m not okay i never wa depression is the worst don t you agree,1 +@melyt some good little diseases ,0 +when all you can feel is you re failing at everything failure failure failure so you give up and you attempt to end it all and even fail at that how am i supposed to feel then,1 +@leenzheng let's just say it involves being on a 75 foot yacht (aka boat). ,0 +"(...ourselves that we need help. It's not something we can """"""""Just Fix"""""""" It can never be """"""""FIXED"""""""""", but it can be sidelined for awhile thanks to medicine and therapy. I myself have never been big into taking meds to help with my depression and anxiety,"" but lately it has been getting..""""",1 +wanna cat girl thats thats post might tho,0 +delete reddit account birthday lost bet ask bet was matters lost delete reddit account birthday th october,0 +is seriously wondering what the australian public were thinking by kicking my baby kat off of sytycd i miss her already,0 +think im donehavent figured when ive mostly done math how access oxy alcohol weed to prevent throwing up math right painful ill pass wake up wrong ill wake hangover try again im tired im tired medical issues im tired really living existing enough cant hang around like half remembered pet others sad little die longer get pleasure reading writing watching tv movies get high make day bearable temporary problems pass days months even years medical issues permanent debilitating access gun probably would done ago,1 +surprisingly great low budget horrorcomedy funny pretty well made good performances really cool twist ending characters pretty cool story unoriginal good plus eric jungmannadam justin urichharley fantastic chemistry together one funniest moments film adam trapped bathroom harley wakes find monster truck sitting there decides take pss truck aimee brooks plain sexy plus one best low budget horror films seen long time gory comical way thought well written well plus michael bailey smith fantastic monster man wicked makeup similar films like joy ride duel jeepers creepers etc etc suspenseful moments there plus gore effects really well done part surprisingly great low budget horrorcomedy funny pretty well made good performances really cool twist ending highly recommend one direction good michael davis good job here great camera work good anglesgood use colors using great setting plus kept film funny fast pacebr br there lot gore get extremely bloody nose bleedsgory impalings bloody stabbingsguy cut half monster truck human remains cooked stew guts placeguys guts fall outpencil eyesbloody slit throatbunch people walking around without limbsgory dead squirrelheads squishedsevered limbsbloody mangled corpsesdecent amount bloodshedone gory scene end morebr br the acting good low budget film eric jungmann fantastic adam nerd likable one fantastic chemistry justin urich cool linesand loved character also seemed enjoying himselfand especially good end justin urich excellent ass best friend however help love funny often stole lot scenes really dug him aimee brooks gorgeous great do good chemistry jungmann like jungmann especially good end loved mysterious character michael bailey smith wonderful monster man creepy looking awesome makeup one favorite slashers rest cast finebr br overall highly recommend one ,0 +"@guipradoc no problem buddy, have fun playing! ",0 +Depression love me so much,1 +"Ughh! I have the stupid hiccups! Watching Superbad, the pefect end to a great night ",0 +hair really long like saw mirror longer thought,0 +march sale report done hardly worth it,0 +take moments look yourselfi posted recently essentially vent struggled long time depression anxiety ptsd would say bad times good times years life today realized little actually focus myself figured probably applies lot people here easier focus things around us distract ourselves end day know done much anything change life ive tried distract feeling like shit life going change change it ive realized need change please take moments look yourself help,1 +hey ! its been a while just updating mywebsite ,0 +played piano piece basically rhythm im good,0 +"(@victoriasmart) Note to self: live in an apartment, and you won't have to deal with gardening/insects ",0 +want disappear id bored know id back minutes later ,0 +ran away home right dont know domy mother abusive stayed father parents little give space started yelling tonight kept hounding asking im sad wrong enough walked half hours house im holed kohls bathroom theyve calling texting lot answer theyre going scream force home probably hospitalize again edit say give space mean dad mostly doesnt listen say need alone blocks door corners refuses listen try tell stuff things hes helping makes worse sees im getting better starts yelling asking never talk wont tell anything ive tried calling sister multiple times said shed help need isnt answering walking back mothers would take probably midnight past adjacent town dont know id make walk anyways want give up wish never second child wish theyd let talk instead screaming every time something dont like cant control anger,1 +whyso start little story life off years old months ago went spell wanted kill myself reason typing today friends sent farewell previous night texted mom let know going on back was except much much worse texting friends lot asking help fear death yet want die reason previous depression stage memories raped step brother resurfaced think about add onto that extremely introverted socially awkward causes prime subject bullying told several people kill even people used consider friends cherry cake girl ever loved said yes going date text till got boyfriend lead physical insecurities arising well sat bed weeks without eating yet still feel overweight despite people telling im not surfing internet looking bullsht reasons finally kill myself doubt anyone actually read even see this are kill myself,1 +anyone wanna talk bit friend kinda ditched im bored pm,0 +ive never watched anime _________________________________________,0 +Bedd. Peacee. ,0 +we re here to help we are online therapy platform which essentially connects certified psychologist and people suffering from mental health issue such a depression stress and anxiety among dozen of other clinically defined disorder book your appointment now http t co ez mwwwtqf,1 +want homework period pains make unable anything expect lie bed agony,0 +Cats and Dogs FTW (Y) The dogs are soooo cute ,0 +just back from the shop with ppv munch for tonight! i feel shattered. a nice chilled sunday is in order ,0 +fun fact blood body water cum peepee juice,0 +think weighted average film low give entertaining although top places wife says passes danielle steele test superb performances throughout particularly andie macdowell,0 +"@zackalltimelow aww, your such a babe ^___^ i think i might watch it ",0 +i m renting a room from a guy that i know from aa i heard from others that he s very odd and clean some even told me not to rent from him but the area i m in is in a housing crisis right now and i needed a place to land we ve had a lot of spat over very minor thing but he blow them up to a huge proportion one thing that i did that wa really bad wa i accidentally left my space heater on while i wa at work i realize that s dangerous and costly but i offered to pay the entire month s electricity which he refused and promised that it would never happen again recently i think he went through my drawer but i can t prove it he got really pissed off that i had a set of silverware in my room and gave me 0 day notice to leave it got pretty heated and i said that i need to contact a lawyer because the thing he s threatening to kick me out over are very minor and are basically personality thing he doesn t like i sleep in too late on my day off he ll go through the trash and confront me about thing he think i shouldn t be eating i sleep with my tv on etc we agreed on a move out date of june 0th but the heat in the house is not dying down i feel very unsafe living here just because i don t know the next thing he s going to blow up over i m also moving to a new city in june and i know that he s not going to give me a good review especially after threatening a lawyer this is a verbal agreement and i pay month to month so i know some apartment don t count that a a real tenant history lease though essentially it s like living with a friend for a couple of month i m so stressed out this is on top of me finishing my ph d and the pressure is insane i ve told my friend more thing that have gone on here and they agree that this guy is ludicrous and unwell what should i do am i truly in the wrong and i m that bad of a roommate i keep the house very clean including the room that i pay for i m serious that i think he go through my stuff,1 +robert stack never really got losing best supporting actor oscar role kyle written wind anthony quinns minute performance lust life stack plays deeply disturbed alcoholic son oil tycoon lived life shadow friend raised mitch played rock hudson love woman lucy lauren bacall becomes kyles wife kyles sister marylee dorothy malone drunken slut whos love mitch story plays glorious color able direction douglas sirk really dominated melodrama field incredible films including imitation life all heaven allows magnificent obsession many othersbr br make mistake potboiler stack dorothy malone make roles malone winning best supporting actress oscar theres one amazing scene mentioned comments wildly dances loud music father collapses dies staircase were led believe marylee sleeps everyone including guy pumps gas love mitch mitch wants nothing her hes love lucy that loyalty kyle wants go work iran avoid temptation doubt hed anxious get today matter much love wasbr br hudson bacall less exciting roles hudsons mitch good guy whos cleaning kyles messes entire life bacall mitchs wife finds nightmare husband starts drinking year sobriety sirk focuses volatile supporting playersbr br in sirks hands written wind effective film big scene toward end mansion particularly exciting director gift type movie though many imitators never equal,0 +Am taking advantage of the sunshine and am going to take the dog on the beach for a walk...no work for 12 days....yipeeeee ,0 +"So next time, y'all think Deepika Padukone 'uses' her depression struggle as a sympathy gainer- take that opinion of yours and throw it in the trash. She shares it because people like you are so fucking ignorant about something she and 1 out of 5 people face on a daily basis. (3)",1 +seven tries diesim lived long im classic quiet nice guy party sits hurts much talk anyone ive lived epilepsy frequent seizures insomnia depression chronic stomach reflux problems last years hurts much carry on great support want part helping myself ive done nothing fuck things make peoples lives harder since started working them im sorry wasting time know im alone seven failed redflag attempts impending drug addiction cant look beyond that history reddit thought id least say goodbye strangers since thats anyone anymore thank supporters years know things could worse im making decision time go ratchet strap ladder garage ready tonight maybe eight times charm anyone cared read this bless you hope find life did,1 +fun covidfriendly halloween activities not arson thinking maybe dress spooky makeup watch halloween horror movies friends suggestions,0 +guys upvoting pretty much anything heres first scene shrek man upon time lovely princess enchantment upon fearful sort could broken loves first kiss locked away castle guarded terrible firebreathing dragon many brave knigts attempted free dreadful prison non prevailed waited dragons keep highest room tallest tower true love true loves first kiss laughing like thats ever gonna happen paper rusting toilet flushes load somebody told world gonna roll aint sharpest tool shed lookin kind dumb finger thumb shape l forehead years start comin stop comin fed rules hit ground runnin make sense live fun brain gets smart head gets dumb much much see whats wrong takin backstreets never know go never shine glow hey allstar get game on go play hey rock star get show on get paid glitters gold shootin stars break mold cool place say gets colder bundled wait till get older meteor men beg differ judging hole satellite picture ice skate gettin pretty thin waters getting warm might well swim worlds fire bout thats way like ill never get bored hey now allstar shouting get game on go play hey rock star get show on get paid glitters gold shootin stars break mold belches go go record scratching go gogo hey now allstar get game on go play hey rock star get show on get paid glitters gold shootin stars break mold,0 +I think the abbreviation for 2010 -> e.g. 1.6.10 ... looks weird Am I the only one who thinks like that?!,0 +want commit suicide really badly guts imagine often thougheverything hurts me feel lonely might undiagnosed depressionmaybe one day kill myself live anymore feeling really suicidal,1 +@nitot #Peoplebrowsr already support #identica (and much more) ,0 +@amygdala apparently we're neighbors then Friends place is actually 38th/Greenway,0 +love sucks swear god people fake missed give shit least try act like fucking not help go worst storm lives still let down hesitate leave partner fucking waste time fuck love,1 +antivax parents charged child abuse think opinion think should,0 +now i have to do my stupid italian homework,0 +@vilmaa How's da hangover? hehe ,0 +I'm going into depression when we don't draft Rosen https://twitter.com/nygdaily/status/989175135172268033 …,1 +would butso im writing am despite psychiatrist appointment early tomorrow work need talk this im writer least was had feel like ive lost talent writing book genius slowly got worse worse writers block pretty much stopped lost best friends once ive isolated two years straight used lovable carefree fun despite depressed even back then would still full life friends loved make people laugh everyone told comedian id get high friends push shopping cart went funny tangeants got sorts trouble cant even smoke pot anymore anxiety roof body feels sort way get panic attack really bad panic attack anything set influence drugs alcohol feeling nauseous especially public anyways rekindled one old friends same might sound narsicistic im trying honest always pretty friend im simply put it dont get compliments anymore dont feel beautiful anymore fact feel extremely ugly inside out im conflicted nervous wreck let go period isolation gained ton weight already little chubby that developed eating disorder really torn fuck apart lost weight cost something pounds most chubby morbidly obese anything im something lost starving myself ive tried start eating since job would always feel nauseous eating couldnt deal like said intense fear throwing up dont need rhat top already crippling anxiety associated leaving house mental part still much there still feel absolutely disgusting never ever good enough big nose fat thighs flat butt ive lost beautiful thick hair starvation im piece shit writing thing again therapist recently said something talking wanted author said something along lines actually writer think youre writer hurt ive writing years didnt beat stopping enough already anyways point im low low past years want end bad problem is im live mom shes single hell back child recently lost husband parents brother grandma span half decade shes strong strong enough deal finding dead daughter either purple swollen hanging bloody disfigured shooting myself dont want destroy like that thats all friend boyfriend know fact would able carry on mother though dont want die simply dont want hurt her know wont live im selfish fucks sake dont know do waiting around really driving farther farther insanity passing day thoughts became dark violent dont know fuck anymore way medication dont see switching since anti depressant doesnt cause weight gain,1 +stuck family gathering help ffs free day next days parents kidnap me tolerance break bring weed ones leaving table cant sneak drinks thing ive sitting scrolling reddit a min talking yos help next hours,0 +gym attire today wa puma singlet adidas short and black business sock and leather shoe lucky did not run into any cute girl,0 +depression in construction is partly due to big company piling relentless pressure on worker and making it clear they can be easily replaced the moment they wear out bbcmorninglive totally hold the employer responsible bbcmorninglive,1 +nowadays i find that thing simply don t make me very happy like video game reading watching tv i have felt pretty neutral over the past couple of month but god i feel so stupid saying that the only thing that make my day feel like it ha meaning is my shit supermarket job where i rearrange product and basically ruin the day of whoever work in that aisle i just like being told to do something and getting away from my not so nice home life i m exhausted during every shift and have passed out twice at work before but it the only thing that make my life feel like it ha any point i feel like i want to take more hour so i can avoid this constant boredom but my job also make me feel so anxious and exhausted i don t know what to do it sound so pathetic and stupid,1 + my hair is actually pretty today! i totally took a picture i guess today's a good day,0 +fuck im going play pool billiards feel like calling,0 +miss kidas horrible childhood miss it hate adult,1 +god hate people treat me people treat better,0 +wrote short dystopian story looking feedback httpswwwdeviantartcomthedarkgalladeartthelastrestaurantga_submit_newa,0 +lot justifications kill myselffear death im afraid death want kill gets first revenge hurt betrayed everyone id kill make feel way made feel betrayed abandoned trapped believe say life nothing want escape truth reality us,1 + years old young feel like massive failure done jack squat life everytime try always get knocked down cannot keep stable job girlfriend one years cannot even keep stable conversation one due poor social skills depression barely friends feel like exist world living enjoying life present hate feeling way seems way ill stuck forever feeling like massive failure life,1 +Boulder creek with gram ,0 +feel empty dayslast week found fiance year cheating me background met girl year ago really tough situation ex moved city home state dude work stuck ended falling her progressively minded butted heads family alot always stuck fought matter what ended moving studio apartment get away family im year old college student make month working lab could afford apartment times rough end bad falling dad thought worth fight me grandmother agreed let us move house long helped bills times good untill found cheating me asked leave new guy sleeps floor aunts apartment buy bus ticket coming wednesday ive living ever since killing me one hand feel betrayed im terrified well being dude job cant work subsists aunt know comfortable there love feel empty feel like whenever let someone always find someone better me fact ive come accept im never first choice anyone im piece st deserve happiness im worried cant sleep really want die cutting latelt think thing holding back want find body im afraid much would hurt im spiritual thats fear me ive researching painless ways death really want nothing pain emptiness go away forever,1 +I liked a @YouTube video http://youtu.be/DzDYFHwwCso?a  an important note about anxiety and depression,1 +@dhlawrencexvii go for it. If it improves quality of life on your end then its a great positive for others who know you. ,0 +attack helicopter want equality girl awards guy awards expecting anything though nice day,0 +really want someone talk mi always anxiety depression recently getting suicidal gf left im honest dontdidnt think anyone doeswill love me dated around year half blue sent text saying over tried talk told gonna end dead asked help shes mad person love much say things said feel crushed looking redflag methods year now always thought comforting could stop pain but think im thinking almost time guess im looking reason get edge im scared death cant stand another day trying trying nothing want problem anymore clear talked mom person imagine caring little told minutes much hate want stop talked getting help forgot it think again draining tell nothing know im another kid maybe going resolve time cannot stress much want way out searching moms gun find night want someone talk much trouble thanks time,1 +dintt chicken cross road hit kfc truck,0 +whats pointi chronic depression anxiety make even best parts life hard whats point continuing im going battle mind rest life,1 +found courageive finally spoken truly feel mum via breakdown course know supposed step right direction completely honest here think itll help all im posting want heard want burden friends reddit usually nice place thank you listening also fuck frick throwaway account cares anyway,1 +best gun ever videogames awp power flicks,0 +Spending the day with the amazing @VocalAwareness - profound teachings about expressing the essence of YourSelf!! ,0 +@irunwithrobots thats truly unfortunate. ,0 +truly great movie loved dennis quaid entire baseball team jay hernandez also likable actor enjoyable watch chemistry team got things together spectacular goes show accomplish minds unite one one goal team came back brink multiple losing seasons winning everything love movies like really inspirationalbr br on top that dennis quaids character getting place major leagues cant anything root guy seems like someone supposed something going that things happen fall place makes everything clickbr br based true story film really make think fact nothing impossible,0 +Sitting in cargo waiting for puppy #1 ,0 +your brain is lying to you you matter your best is good enough even on the bad day you are amazing you have so much to offer this world,1 + loneliness hit send help aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaa,0 +lately i ve been feeling like i want to go to meeting like aa but with people struggling with depression or people that defeated it i don t know if this exist anywhere in the world i just know that it doesn t exists in my city have anyone experienced this if so can you tell me how is it like i feel like i have a lot to share but it s not necessarily good or i m feeling better and don t get me wrong im in therapy but i just feel like i have to share more and with people who s living the same thing,1 +bruh finding job hard moved oh nc literally jobs here like back home many connections went indeed days got jobs here connections indeed months literally got one job job cant pay anything like got bills bruh im looking trades stuff go into theres nobody training straight like gotta associates years experience im like bruhhhhhh im literally tf supposed make sumn literally cant cause theres starting points,0 +im done trying relationship one vital times start career waste energy trying something likely end guess hey look ma made goes friends happy me theyre honeysuckle phonies celebrate medals wanna take trophies even bother something going happen slim chance happen itll probably end im likeable guy means anyway career build boy gonna date me one girl crush bf already fucking bother im gonna listen creep radiohead tread misery,0 + year leftso set goal get girlfriend to get good way good work mean learn new things try get education required job complete one redflag year left iam getting bullied everyone say normal life one hidden secret iam lonely fuck want feel real love want feel someone cared even week like friends none real friends miss old days didint cared feel sad see someone holding hands kissing hugging depressing me theres little make someone day better hug short conversation smile would made day better never felt love parents pretended know dont care iam trying hard make someone really like me iam trying talk trying go walk anything always get response something like time no iam sad think every girl asked go there wasnt much like less walk something nothing serious date meet talk refused male friends always response time dont know do really want hug righ feel alone today seen guy class hugging girls goodbye tried reading get girl like thing started reading first saw was remember last time fell love didint closed started crying work fucking hard iam training trying improve inside iam learning new things talk still effort put didint give anything wanted even one day really feel like someone loving caring me wish could someone understand someone hug like that feel lost alone year complete goal even second feel someone loves me wont complete iam going kill myself overwhelmed loneliness someone similar situation please message me sorry needed let english main lang sorry mistakes make better worse post edit something iam crying right wish someone hugged thanks reading this,1 +serious note though anybody thought faking death way nobody cares anymore move another country fake name fake passportbasically start new life existing oneis even possible age that faking death moving another country,1 +dont want staymy whole family expressed hate theyre ashamed way today im struggling eating disorder ive made people cry today already everything always blamed seriously cant take it im depended everything cant take anymore ever even mention needing help show bit vulnerability im shut down shit attacked theres people life im living didnt id already gone dont want die want pain go away dying seems like permanent way end ive always told people gets better im debating quote honestly,1 +nickynocky yeah it rubbish think my bill just gone up a well and you have to filter the crap water,0 +little bit annoyed sometimes theses kids couple years older call btec casey pass reason know meant always shouted fuck since casey even name pissing off anyway got curious typed btec urban dictionary kind pissed realised meant next time hear say me think might slap since know casey is hell thought would funny say that least years older since year almost everyone year older calls btec casey annoys since want people call real name since many people secondary school knew even existed would nice least people know existence call name tldr couple bitches call btec casey found meant got pissed everyone calls btec casey btw name actually kiera sound anything like casey sorry writing this wanted write somebody,0 +niece home im officially uncle now sister husband newborn baby returned home hospital today words cannot describe excited itll help niece grow thrive many years come today officially become uncle cant wait share life advice hobbies niece welcome family emma,0 +birthday cant see people bc corona id thought id celebrate guys,0 +i m trying to figure out if this is an anxiety thing i have been thinking that i may have adhd and i know this is a symptom of it but my therapist say that she won t test me for it bc anxiety can mimick adhd i go through these period every few week or some time every few day i m either really motivated and will do a million thing in a day and clean shower hang out w friend everyday but if this go on for too long i get extremely depressed and burnt out this happened friday i wa so motivated i went to work then the gym then cleaned then saturday i wa out all day something not normal for me sunday wa the same i worked then went out w friend spent all day with friend monday and tuesday worked then went to the gym but now i m extremely depressed and my room is so messy and i don t have any energy and just want to lay in bed for day and not talk to anyone i thought this wa an anxiety v depression cycle but now i think it s sort of a manic like v depression burn out cycle i m just looking to see if anyone can relate it s so hard to keep a job bc of these period of burn out no matter what stage i am in the cycle i m still extremely anxious i just have more motivation to push through it when i m at that point in the cycle,1 +boredom extreme boredom nndwjwjwujwhwjw wo jejwklwoe jailee jeulsnrbrujeb oui oui baguette,0 +catdevnull nah same one rang up to see what progress wa someone else ha offered but been rejected they reckon to get it,0 +live hopelessive done things power improve im done remember thinking would get things would better arent ive lived life wrong nothing mitigate fact done cant get want thats clear now dont know else existing til enough people whod impacted death dead point im getting less less concerned offing letting fallout happen ive never wanted hurt anyone sustainable reason continue regret tearing apart every moment every day point cant see honest,1 +pols enabled quik pol removed view pollhttpswwwredditcompollikf,0 +i really need a place to vent right now so i kinda moved out for university i wa here for october and november then my school closed due to corona so i wa at home and school started one week ago i still have the opportunity to go home every weekend it a little pricey but still affordable for me so i am home every weekend and during the week i have my own apartment that i really really like but my mental health is so bad here i really dont understand why because im really not far away from my home town i have friend here and a really cute apartment and im so grateful that i can study and live here but i feel so fucking bad my anxiety is so bad i really cant do anything but worry all the time and i dont even know why i am worring it make it really hard for me to eat because i have a lot of problem with eating when im really anxious which make me just more anxious also i feel kinda bad because i am nineteen and so many people in my age can handle living alone so well i know that i shouldnt compare myself with others but i do i cant imagine living b my own at any age but i know that someday i have to and that i cant live with my mom forever idk if someone feel the same but i still feel like a kid most of the time im not ready for being an adult i really cant explain it to myself because i wa a really independent child and it wa always important for me being independent i never had problem with not being home for week but now i cant even be alone for day i know that in this community there are people who are a little older than me and have a little more experience did somebody felt the same way a i do now with moving out and doe it get better,1 +jodie lane jodie are you awake are you hungry do you need anything coz i m leaving coz you wont talk to me,0 +feeling distant myselfi feel far away thoughts jumbled ive wanted run away keep thinking hurting god dammit wanna give in why,1 +i have the campfire song song on my ipod. ,0 +GOOD MORNING! I slept so nice n woke up peaceful n painless 4 once. ,0 +@jovenatheart COOOOL morning! I want to see TRANSFORMER! ,0 +stop hating keep hurting myselfive hating self years getting worse worse im biggest loser possible regret nearly everything do ive moved house eight times life never keep friend social skills terrible matter hard try improve them eye contact poor intense understand body language little confidence stutter sometimes merge words together avoid even looking girls let alone talking every time makes feel like shit ive tried antidepressants make feel absolutely nothing horrible ive tried various self harm stole boots pharmacy work experience overdosed alone worst night life ive trying completely alone past month stop stupid things regret trying positive ive recently completely lost enthusiasm told anyone this feel keep going route start taking something end killing myself sorry heavy feel like could someone talk you,1 +quarantine really long quarantine started even met anthro husky gf im going marry her wow started time around march th met march th almost quarantine,0 +Lack of these things is d actual definition of depression https://twitter.com/queen_nickki/status/988405695874727936 …,1 +gophers like men dont come punch line jokes,0 +"It's a few niggas who can put up with a shorty who suffers with depression and anxiety , who's always seeking reassurance , a shorty who has moments of overwhelming sadness for no reason .",1 +im loosing hope humanity feel like dont place world way western world live canada going leaving baffled lonely and frankly pissed off world full misinformation blatant lies one wants honest conversations everyone wants right live world full deeply bigoted ideology want make language hurt feelings illegal already feel like life pointless days pass feel removed society none makes sense me world doesnt make sense desperately want out alone this part wants pure protest shitshow thats happening,1 +calling quits earlyim dont want live anymore failed college classes dont motivation get bed anymore friends spend time alone depressed many dreams thats be dreams im planning jumping siblings th floor apartment building dont want scar people living there ive reluctant fallen deep pit im ready dont know im typing this,1 +lost brother heres feellong time lurker first time poster sub lost brother back december selfinflicted gsw let tell feels side emotions come along it received phone call mother am fall floor tears life forever changed nothing could rewind time brother years old life live next two weeks absolute whirlwind cant even describe emotions come seeing brother full life three days prior laying funeral home preparing final physical days earth leave letter wrote board im sorry it many questions never get answer to cremated per wishes healing beganor tried begin strong headed family show weakness sense matter push every obstacle way let tell you death family rocks you redflag family absolutely shatters every emotionlogical sense imagine ever having eight months since lost brother family still shaken core parents absolutely devastated troubles anything positive outlook lives sister sick incurable but controllable disease managing get day day family member medicated plan keeping way someone try keep family afloat let tell you easy me sister due illness decided get hysterectomy longer able children brother longer me leaves continue family name become accepting never uncle never nieces nephews easiest thing world hurt pain miss brother miss moon back wish would come home every single day another day without him forever void soul without him melancholy follows around rest life happy sad times forever never see birth childchildren wedding get bbq new house him get take first legal beer spend summers reminiscing kids point post this loved even though may seem like are people world care you even sub cannot promise get better many many many resources get help feeling like ending all take breath talk someone reach many resources disposal care you love you want walk earth without you tldr brother passed world still shattered eight months later love you please go,1 +ha anyone been prescribed mirtazapine or other alpha receptor antagonist to treat their anxiety i would prefer not to use start with ssri s what wa you experience,1 +idk anyone expects get maintain job good anything last job dish washer still quit everyone around pressure getting job cannot even bottomtier dishwasher cannot anything right fail every attempt make bother know good know disappointment know need job want one since going lose soon get it know anymore want rot away ditch maybe lazy piece shit care anymore want anymore know feelings matter valid least someone understand oh well idc lowest point,1 +just got home. . fr0m mass and hospital. . . @camille samson:get well so0n!,0 +pistachenoire laurent brevesdepresse on ne trouve pa le plein emploi en for ant le gen bosser il n y arrivera pa avec s mesures il va gagner de en d arr t maladie d pression pour contourner le syst me on pourrait arriver au plein emploi en am liorant par exemple le condition de travail,1 +find someone wholl love online cant communicate classmates needs online actually find someone whos willing love tho find friend eventually go deeper with,0 +i m afraid i had bad code,0 +emotions embarrassing yall relationships n shit ive maybe four serious chances guys taking interest going dates thought vunerable someone omg shit embarrassing asf cant it im senior hs never relationship void emotion anyways anyone relate,0 +one care also haha heres joke meno one cares even idk one probably even reads hell happening dont know bothers cannot trust anyone dont energy persist push friendships one puts effort like stupid feel like drive every conversation ever tiring stop dont even try left friend groups week even notice vent people say i care like shut fuck met seconds ago stop lying piece shit making feel weird saying one cares one feel like ok one caring bothers much like cant tell whats wrong shit keeps falling apart feels like destined kill myself tbh like everything life ever something leads on makes happy feel ok fucking crashes every fucking thing follows pattern cannot control these always happens things cannot control makes worse like fuck supposed whoevers reading also doesnt care whatever man one cares n n e mental issues cant get doc literal hell solving issues ask people hold put like days figure things one dont care leave cant say anything respecting boundaries we like fuck wrong me cant tell shitty personality dont even know dont know try nice bad timing im like miserable hell right suicidal strong urge ive looking ways bit thing keeping alive million thoughts happens ideas thoughts death driven anxiety honestly wearing might sometime later impulsively n n e c r e random person online dont care say care seconds disappear thats caring fuck would even know died tomorrow would even affect people know would say haha gasp nice guy like seconds go posting cringe memes stories dont think theyll care bec theyd check breathing almost dying brain issues get sad people putting effort put effort theyll probably tell im manipulative im guilt tripping owe nothing leave like fuck yeah dont owe anything dont conveniently leave im going rough patch man like actual fuck wrong people dont even ask therapist ask hang talk help distract apparently much time people need help come haha nice youre ok hope help thing cannot stop ranting fingers hurt typing like cannot tell something wrong inherently like personality bug spray im stuck loop bad timing events like dont know man might even overlooking people care dont know im huge urge get id ok probably help therpist process fucking traumatic past emotional abuse get better maybe solve issues mine thanks dumb fucking reaons cant talk publicly cant get doc like seek help yet cant find like fuck fuck everyone left conveniently little hard deal apologized many times fuck asshole wouldnt affect anyone also fuck people im one caring want end pain caused disorders hurts lot fuck everyone everything haha cherry top im lgbt orthodox fucking family theres lmaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cant stop laughing yes mental breakdown dontk kms,1 +Heading down to Clear Lake to meet Ken and other Coast Guar Aux for dinner. Hope the roads are clear...not feeling up to rowing ,0 +feeling despondent right,0 +helpmy boyfriend almost five years blue broke completely unexpected things much good cant function overdosing appealing shd feel like hell wanted scream void stupid internet,1 +drafthiii __ im new reddit idk really works yeh hope everybody enjoying time reading wanted vent little bcs im great time contemplating redflag even usual looking life wish background feel real like belong never did matter tried always general image always felt lonely want free skin ever think since wake till knock point daydream death im fake around people nobody would ever suspect wanting end everything yet going ages head feels like constant waves headaches full disordered thoughts want stop existing feel like im real,1 +stop saying shawty unfortunately end,0 +teachers fuck em seriously teachers think spend entire free time schoolwork things like know besides argument you plenty time work it like subjects thing maam want become teacher later stop it right fing okidoki ly babes bye,0 +@ashieldsss i buy u some when i bwring ipod ,0 +hate even finally selfharming years still embarrassing scares ashamed even show even suffer it currently heatwave uk stupidity cannot wear sort short sleeves arms covered old selfharm scars,1 +incoherent rambling predicamentcant sleepin pretty much mental storm honestly feels like stuck underwater aching air cant think anything except offing hurricane negative emotions thoughts leading that decided stream thought problems semicoherent post brief alternative fuck me got great college decentmediocre job years i look back absolute disgusti straight mature enough handle it got suspended year cheating yeah im bastard honestly idea it memories cheating way back first grade learning multiplication tableshow pathetic that fucked extreme disappointment pretty much everyone went huge depression itletting family fucking path etc mind always level chronic depression insane year entire fucking year youth nothing dropped face earth faced challenges opportunity nontraditional path curled ball couldnt mentally handle it filled days literally anything stop tide horrible depression suicidal thoughts rolling in sanctions complete allowed reenroll year couldnt even extract asshole like last september even things like thinking shitshow life enough bring panic attacks nowhere bad shit fucked now look thing then one biggest regrets actually getting offered counseling way back taking it stands im trying hardest get registered amass unfathomable amount moneypromises money im late starting make arrangements again head ass difficulty getting shit verified look realize screwed am fucking way come money seriousness fucked tide feelings mere possibility shit together semester really frightens might things dont pan out might little late goddamn different person last year college active friends helli even got married right good friend since pretty much day one college international student year half agreed marry could stay country afterward actually stand chance acceptance grad schools holy shit relationship go tits up years great friendship living together to trick govt friends havent seen spoken months hate almost much hate myself cant believe much treated like dirt yeahsome unresolved issues sea bad blood someday soon ill file divorce screw good thats shitcovered cherry atop towering cupcake cunts social life living spare room family friends place sheer force extreme kindness pity i moved time ago whole living wife thing went nuclear needed out honestly guys kind generous owe much would literally kill man said would like better did job since seasonal shit ended though savings act chunk tuition youll proud know actually started seeing psychologist month ago family tries supportive even though one even inkling messed amshe practically shat fill phq disappointment cant hidden makes feel worse like dont deserve encouragement kind words love family difficult put words im long list fuckups closing doors existing like awful escape sounds pretty nice like refreshing deep breath air anyway guys doing many stories fucked shit ive done people ive let down times ive ambulances both emt passenger lying government like anyone curious ill probably another hours stewing hell might even respond questionsinsultsreplies get ive pissed patterns snow concise informative paragraphs ive vomited out,1 +kill myselfyou try convince least give advice know im gonna die soon make time left,1 +holei feel like one hear me feel disgusting im trying find ways hurting right wrongs hate skin am apart inferior race earthblack ugly acne made want kill myself even more body disgusting avoid mirrors gay worthless added stress ruining life hate natural feelings sick wrong born cursed feel alone untouchable jealous normal good looking people see couples walk get sad dont deserve shitty card god hates everything am wouldnt give switch make normal instant still here im scared kill fear messing up dont want make mom sad depressed wish older brother athlete married christian kid moms favorite hes everything family wanted follow by killing would give family gratification knowing faggot like got deserved eternity hell heard hateful shit life know kind deserves end im tired waiting im sorry long post anybody reading this crying out nothing im changing sexuality im going fucking conversion camp done world worthless makes sick want somebody sometimes somebody cares awake im tired feeling like sack meat dragging across floor day deserve fate murderers rapists fucking hate this,1 +death seek me life besieges me i want to die why oh why fuck bring the pain i am ready for the ocean whatever happens i ll be with god please god forgive me i have failed you i am so confused please help me why is my life such a painful struggle i want peace in sobriety with you forgive me god i am sorry,1 +finally get see good doctor ugh finally original doctor awesome retired like new one took adhd meds absolutely fucked over mean cool talk talked anime stuff wasnt great job im fucking happy get back adhd meds yall idea hard quit adhd meds cold turkey like going genius biggest moron earth taken developed depression anxiety paranoia course im failing core classes relief ill finally able just exist normally again,0 +want end even weak thatmy ex digging heart out dont know am went parents house alone know wouldnt right i several guns everyday contemplate one effective,1 +mind foggydont waste time reading boring rant brought worldseriously why expected fix parents financial condition parents guilt tripping me feel destroy lives kill myself still love them im lowest now cant stand concept luck world creator world exists hate death underdeveloped scared individual day day realizes survive this day come day parents collapse able live own total failure hate using cliche word objectively true many successful people around me pressure high cant expectationsi cant even took expectations away wouldnt even able live want cry day nothing get disease vanish sound vanish born experience much pain die born even strength end suffering cant kill keep living hectic torture machine even know im writing this know deep things bad trying get help noi guess scream internally heart hate every second existence im furiousi hate parents brought piece shit world expect happy time hate much hate anyone else hates me,1 +alone at the office,0 +reeked of alcohol at the dentist this morning wa drunk when i put on my tshirt realised it had a huge stain dentist looked disgusted,0 +helpanything funny every gif youtube video anything please beyond means carry plans tonight full risk want make clear worst times need smile im intoxicated felt worse since forgot take safetly two weeks ago one round somewhere snowbank right now seriously need smile right now,1 +hello im currently and ive only ever driven on the freeway once wa on for like a minute before i got scared and got off if for any reason i have to use it i ask a friend to take me or i get an uber instead driving in general ha always been scary for me but the freeway is the bane of my existence i feel like at my age it becoming a problem plus it just kind of embarrassing to admit to other people my age haha especially if im asking for a ride if anyone else ha had this problem please let me know what you did to overcome it thank you,1 +alright know what fuck people responded dodgers post rdodgers like dodgers all seriously people sub reddit mean want know im talking look recent post there thought people liked dodgers supposed cool people wanted know photo instead helping me fucking people decided make fun me one single mother fucker could give straight answer except nice lady direct messaged me everyone else go fuck themselves couldnt answer simple question went way make fun fan wanted know person was someone even insulted taste hairstyles feel sorry fucking losers call fans guys bunch fucking jerks,0 +yes that the how bob,0 +PEOPLE GET ONT TWITTER...................to late going to facebook ,0 +im exhausted sufferingthis isnt first post here ive attempts ive posted them obviously didnt work out im tired physically even mentally im tired dealing bullshit ive many things come year ive overcome nearly them theres one havent dont think ever will made best friend january actually best spoke day gave sweetest message birthday super supportive friend always happy help person trusted ended telling everything didnt go well february told attempt failed super supportive said could always vent her said could same did around june began talk less felt fault spoke it said everything fine august second attempt didnt tell mid september didnt drastic reaction since knew okay sent message also told going try get better did started eating sleeping working better october th went shit reasons wont get into night sent long goodbye message almost way remember guess basically telling nothing fault failed again point enough told th couldnt handle anymore become much take herself said wanted become friendly faces rather besties shes trying slowly separate while hurt anything ever heard life havent spoken since im still hurting it understand fully justified reason respect it thats havent pushed talk me hard hearing best friend doesnt wanna friends you especially hard since birthday two days super excited celebrate her says might able get close future now knowing her make feel better miss ton best friend special me one thing kept going time thing ever looked forwards to want die even more nobody lean on lost important person life want tell ever wants talk again can know shell leave read never respond hurt more blocked insta story heard people said got toxic friendship feel hates dont understand why want friend really really do shes kindest soul want tell wont vent anymore burden feel so would think im desperate push away wish dead wouldnt deal this dont think handle much more cant swallow pills knife super dull way jumping window second story thats low guaranteed death dont know anymore thanks reading end ill stop wasting time,1 +going to bed. big day tomorrow. first day in the Disney internship program. soo excited yet a bit nervous too! goodnight,0 +afraid feel afraid point life theres much done much done many points life wish could travel back change many points wish could know advance im scared im scared future successful even future fail im scared present too feel like im failing relationship sake convenience relationship feels comfortable love feels like sensation felt around slipping fingers love like this love die problem wrong theres much im wrong theres much done wrong tried help friend made stuff worse made much fucking worse us wish could somehow go back change moment fucked badly help happened almost year ago day still know right thing afraid think made worse make stuff worse sometimes try bad person know come terms fact bad person want bad person one wants bad person many bad people almost ended life someone denies anything me lying always lies shes life now clings people know like virus virus people viruses virus rely much leave crawl back do cant leave him destroyed whenever last time cant invitabely going happen leave struggle again know im going cope that last time bad fucking handle it know able handle it im still person first happened feel like ive changed im sure im lying myself probably am change feels fake thought made mental health much better days feel bad days cant help it days break cry shortest reasons im sure thats ok part thinks ok everyone cries sometimes crying make weak im sure think so feel weak cry feel damaged cry crying helpful feeling sometimes destructive feeling times crying release much pain also enhance it crying stress out know someone cant cry cried last years first glance seems like blessing release emotions builds takes harmful ways hurts crying understand cant cry get it hurts bad feel bad her want help much feel like theres anything do people hurt sometimes theres nothing help like that want help cant time help people cant help people feel bad apparently im good helping people admire trait cant help people part feels useless like ive failed one things im good at odd life odd teenager odd filled much emotion many strange things sometimes need vent mindlessly ive done here know anyone see thats ok good get stuff sometimes even void odd,0 +full length feature film world bridge found first minutes bit slow that movie absolutely perfect describing professional bridge players go earning living br br some scenes funny think nonbridge player would get charm movie br br some dresses really beautiful pity movie black white imagine would look like color way media portrayed absolutely hilarious way earth bridge ever like that br br watch soon can tell friends it,0 +"@gerryc hopefully my work buddies will test that, when it's released ",0 +finally opened therapist cried lol kinda feel bad like dumping much stuff one person fuck person gave much trauma,0 +know doi woke morning feeling suicidal im way school know gonna get worse moms leaving two days sleep study days im tempted something,1 +Good Morning! The Sun is shining Can't wait to get to the pool for swim lessons this afternoon,0 +i m quitting my job today and i m a wreck this job ha great people but the work and the hour day most of the year ha pushed me deeper into my depression than i can help i feel like such a failure quitting such a prestigious job because i couldn t handle it my therapist is hyping me up and all of my friend and family are so supportive but i am so unsupportive of myself that all of it read false ha anyone quit their job before because of mental difficulty how do you get excited about new opportunity rather than feeling depressed about past challenge,1 +hello teenagers transgender would like hear negative opinions filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler,0 +feel like im going insanetheres way escape misery anhedonia fucking unbearable enjoy absolutely nothing motivation really really want live happy life holy fuck fucking fed feeling like every single waking minute day,1 +feel bad one girl class boyfriend cheated got covid like week,0 +fun fact boobies actually go clap case know im sure them theyre big enough mine sure,0 +Only a few more votes and @chriscuzzy is in the top ten XX,0 +friend attempting redflag speak helpa classmate mine texting killing im trying tell call ambulance dont know address cant call her im trying talk telling someone help im luck please help me stopped responding dont know contact anyone get her edit discovered last name school given name number hopefully find time thank much would helpless without advice thank you edit hours silence started receiving strange texts her unintelligible texts like akhgjhaegf kej kajehjaeg called spoke person spoken earlier today informed friend tracked down police sent house wellness check turns already visited emergency responders tells alone house someone found her thank god still thankful you reddit helping could little had really truly appreciate it hopefully friend heal get back track happiness thank reddit,1 +a strange calm came over me tonight and i realised this is what i have to everything hurt every single thing i find everything so hard i m making this post just incase my daughter ever find it i do love you so much i m sorry i couldn t help you and be the mother you deserved i m so sorry bird,1 +st daythe last two years shit me ive depressed years everyone hates live friends years one talk problems understands everyday disappointment life become dull pleasure anything anymore last year hoped would better hoped would better ive tried everything nothing worked st month day funny really teen years often thought id never guts life bad everything completely shit ill finally gone world hopefully comes next better maybe ill happier next run,1 +broke system really wanting pushups day muster motivation solution push ups right push ups ten separate times right worked literally told youre push ups sets ten worked pushups alot stronger think start small race keep grinding pay promise,0 +tw redflag failed exam u feel like killing myself,0 +kinda sad yesterday someone said theyd delete account cuz stuff regret seemed cool wanted stay away reddit yet made post it seemed like cry help theyre gone im kinda bummed trying,0 +damn ugly feel like taking knife peeling face face better ugly faceugliness one reasons struggle suicidal ideation hate way look hate ancestors even more say anything looks subjective positive thing buy it people need face facts live fantasy looks looks beautiful beautiful ugly ugly positive negative good bad beautiful ugly amount positive propoganda motivational quotes examples many ugly people would change watching gotham today scene jokers face stolen face face still better ugly face,1 +best friend lost husband redflag months agoshe unfortunately one found suffering ptsd incident switching meds around recently started telling mom anymore feel like cant anything like im helping anymore know do im scared loosing her,1 +"@NicoledeB I dont' have much clout, but would def give 'arugulance' 2 thumbs up. ",0 +thisisguan,0 +Drove past the house today...sold sign is officially up!!! 12 days until Settlement and 26 until I move! Can't wait! ,0 +really know start right one talk toi think going turn wall text please forgive me really know start guess starting feel helpless right shall work due lot circumstances come last months really feel like shell used be lost friends best friend girl loved got girl pregnant things gone downhill there originally held hope girl loved would able forgive happening really done worst thing possible caused feel unwanted me never dating girl reasons met friend dumping horrible way wanted make sure would ok became great friends really things going great went planned trip chicago week got back listen warnings get detail recurring theme would treat horribly would break would comfort would get back him happened many times past years happened worse felt useless felt overall one time girl really liked hit really think get back lindsay that name way left sidelines several times past like even there hard typing box doesnt feel like talking someone things arent coming way would want wont go back fix them anyway june house one could stay anymore aunt mom screaming every night sleeping car friends mom offered let stay free hour away stayed ended sex friend ended getting pregnant really long story whats done done go that like said earlier though really holding onto thought lindsay would forgive this could date really hate it seemed pretty monotone told seem upset really learned later though back ex felt completely helpless lost hold deepest hatred man dating room without thinking much hate every fiber being done many bad things lindsay forgives everything every single time even mother knows things done forgives him rape anything like that stole every penny owned dating year never bought single present never took single date except first day went out spent every penny stole buy drugs party friends whole year stole every penny mom bills came broke mom went k debt verbally abused back together make feel like whore many things like forgave every time feel like words spoke comfort things wasted think feel even worse back him tried continue including life inviting little events like band competitions chorus recitals every time couldnt enjoy it hated every second there new years day got worst news ever gotten engaged married immediately depressed ever life even found going father choice even treated like dirt kid felt useless still feel useless find job pay child support live jobs one know english spanish it already thought maybe join navy order pay child would also mean leaving everyone behind even her wasnt something thought could do done though sent lindsay message telling deal anymore through told deal decided could remain friends anymore would completely distancing every time talked hurt knowing him girl best friend girl loved moment felt loss ever before know month since months every time laid sleep spend hours thinking ruined everything could think her forgotten new years night anniversary met night engagement extremely depressed was able think every night month girl last night vivid dream talking ever really getting me think everything life feel hopeless ever life getting worse really suicidal know go right sympathize option escape easy redflag keeps coming mind every step way though thing really makes feel worse worse every time think it sorry wall text know people say get girl stupid enough get back ex like that know things could worse first girl ever showed human affection is met never felt thing living without hurts thing regret miss feeling holding someone feeling falling asleep someone arms crying thinking it sorry wall text felt helpless know anymore,1 +best furry friendi think this life light mothers life moved dad mom passed cat rescued healed other best friend love life passed suddenly morning years old diagnosis life cant life without,1 +hi everyone amp x 00b being a sexually abused survivor a child to dealing with many trauma of anxiety and depression related to family member and myself i felt like i need to do something now so i am working on a project to help people with mental health challenge that enjoy playing video game on their if you are open for me to ask you some question privately just say yes and i will send you a private dm i appreciate the support i hope i can help like others who have helped me deal my trauma and anxiety,1 +sorry if this is the wrong place but i couldnt think where else to ask lol this is a uk based question i got prescribed med during a phone appointment the other day when they said they would send the prescription in the post i thought they might mean the medication itself and wa kind of surprised but now i think they just meant i d get sent the prescription form in an envelope bc that s what s arrived but they didn t say anything about what to do with it or where to take it i ve only ever been handed a prescription in person with instruction of which pharmacy to collect from and am kind of clueless right now ha anybody had this happen or know what to do can i just take it to any pharmacy,1 +everyday every minute every second suicidal thoughts attempted before stopping now try happy already given life want end tonight successful try given already,1 +"@galaxite Oh, just a friend. lol. ;) the same one I referred to last time we talked. ",0 +admitting wrong things painful right going phase pain makes want lie bed stare ceiling think get past it feel like one biggest hurdles getting better got admit wrong things long time,1 +went dennys today server asked wanted white wheat toast responded white wheat looked weird got nervous said nevermind ill bread im currently posting flight brazil,0 +"Aww I love my daddy, He's going to talk to some VIP in the college I want to move so I get in!!, He's such a softie!!, ",0 +shoutout high maintenance boys ive hearing lot abt guys dont want high maintenance girlfriend realised also lot high maintenance guys probably never get recocnised personal struggle high maintenance boys yall deserve love happyness world,0 +disgusting thought endless times suing ass herpes medicine therapy email saved best bud lawyer said op hate break ya could win worth it right one day something abhorrent wrong person karma balance out,1 +well progress theres girl ive interested long time weve talking almost every night lately days talk cause drama get thats now ive chilled lot that im really worrying much thinks me well weve snapping well snapchat anyway usually sends one pic response say send pic back tonight though sending two pics basically like double texting mean interested progress least,0 +i insist. im almost 160 ,0 +dogs name sammy full name sammy samuel samson,0 +want everyone around die wellmaybe selfish kill first want live pain death i understand anyone would care guess anyway same one puts effort fit even want here,1 +aaaaah god almost pm excited yay,0 +someone help homework please here problems httpsimgurcomgallerytsnopve due like two hours anything helps,0 +at degool cafe waiting the clock to be pm,0 +fucking die alreadyevery day every day pain im struggling even type this head moving left right so ps broke phone broke got angry threw water bottle books comics worked fucking hard collecting friends nowhere found family admitted hatred me life shit know else say im going go ahead try kill work im giving address b,1 +cant get job im tired tryingi graduated finance degree years ago years yet find anything temporary jobs steady job ive taxes im damn good even months year barely support myself parents always feel guilty taking money know always there im fucking tired looking work im fucking exhausted trying put getting nothing back im tired husband tells worry hes also pretty much position steady job hes underpaid way take care us both even guilt would much me thing is know im great worker know great job given chance feel like pattern temp jobs resume keeping people hiring hurts passed much rejection much even know look work anymore,1 +diei sent messages okcupid today one responds time,1 +love getting ever reason love going court,0 +getting ready to leave cali i don quot t want to go home i wish i could just bring my kid here,0 +my navel piercing tore a bit when i wa forcing my dog into the bed of my truck my fault i know it look to be healing yay,0 +Going to watch Coraline - heard great things about it. ,0 +i don t want to exist anymore the thought of death ha brought me a lot of peace for a while now i have friend who are incredibly important to me i love them greatly and i know that they will be perfectly fine without me i accepted my suicidal urge a few month ago and talked to them about it i don t want them to feel any form of guilt when i finally get to go and so i m trying to preemptively minimise that a much a possible i promised them each individually that i would at the very least get in touch with one of them before doing anything to give them a chance to talk to me i have even started going to therapy and promised myself that i would go for a minimum of session with a therapist whom i am comfortable with i also made myself a bucket list the whole point of it all is so that when i m gone they won t feel like they could have done more i don t want them to blame themselves for my decision i don t belong here i long for non existence it s got nothing to do with them and they shouldn t have to suffer because of me some day like today i struggle i just want to go i don t want to finish my therapy i don t want to finish my bucket list i don t want to call them i just want to be forgotten i think i m on the tail end of today spiral and i haven t sh today either which is a win i guess i just needed to write this out,1 +chhavi working working working,0 +nationwideclass no it s not behaving at all i m mad why am i here because i can t see you all over there,0 +coming closet turn gt,0 +lucky enough see prescreening last night oct incredibly surprised wonderful plot genuinely heart felt actingbr br while plot particularly complicated exceptionally new story unfolds way feels fresh unique distinctly indy style something easily compared films past unique take sort classic middleaged depressed love storybr br i particularly struck casting film every last extra family beautiful talented cast three daughters wonderful job talent evenly dispersed none outshone twobr br it truly delightful film appropriate ages laugh loud funny also truly touching heart warming wonderful break sex jokes nudity recent films,0 +post this one yeahhttpswwwredditcomrteenagerscommentsitywji_used_to_be_a_bully_but_i_wanna_make_reparationsutm_sourceshareamputm_mediumios_appamputm_nameiossmf tried opening kid turns hes fucking asshole thinks screaming funny putting middle finger cool mother fucker superglued kids pen block wood mind pen cannot borrow anyone elses he got ass kicked persons mates after maths today laugh people nothing him decided mimic saying showed empathy told stop get bit violent insulted luckily took bit yelling get stop way talks well god damn lifeless like bro even give shit conversation having maybe reason hes bullied,0 +@zacharyquinto awesome pictures of you with the president. ,0 +driving to schiphol apperantly i am not the only one stuck around aalsmeer,0 +lost virginity like sensible person always make sure around virgins locked basement times blood sacrifices such today started like day get up eat breakfast get ready school go make sure one escaped however everything went wrong unlock door walk stairs turn lights see one guy missing course immediately panic go police over would let everyone put jail situations exactly like one second hidden room basement move everyone case anyone comes investigate extremely panicked rush move everyone hidden room even thinking ill miss school remember check escaped know family lives start searching soon read nametag cage get extremely mad know realize earlier course one person always tries start rebellion even though give food water every days course ity escaped,0 +"im at nathans house, gunna go play some WoW and COD4 and Killing Floor!! ",0 +"I am sitting near reception waiting for my inrerview. Twittering, waiting for a big boss ",0 +know nothing,0 +living at home rent free depression extra free,1 +literally every single female protagonist thought boys gross met him hes silly charming feet tall strong jaw suddenly problems solved bonus points lesbian acts like douche,0 +say turning one things look forward tohow spent th birthday weeks ago knee praying hours friend got shot safe makes alive sadly didnt ever since day ive hoping see bigger picture think live grief longer,1 +lactose intolerant would tolerate it quite simple actually even simne could it built different needs special lactose tolerant,0 +is alone downstairs working,0 +feeling suicidal collegehey im incoming college freshman exactly know wanna do chose random major cause wanted figure later thinking ill never find right major might end graduating useless major causing feel suicidal wanting give since feel like future hopeless negative thoughts irrational taking over advice,1 +valonthecoast lol awwww i m sorry you re stuck n bored yes hun i thought you be trying to keep yourself entertained can t be easy,0 +started playing genshin impact yesterday oh god fun id highly recommend it,0 +@SamStreet69 back to the lovely land of the north ,0 +much want dieits feel,1 +dramaa assignmenting is gay too sick but i have to do it,0 +i m a year old man ever since the covid started i feel like that is something off about me i feel like i don t want to do anything and lay down on the bed all day and consistently skip the meal i can get pretty emotional sometimes a a man i obviously can t show my emotion to anyone or even my parent a a sign of showing weakness so i want to know doe anyone feel the same way a me or i m just a pussy,1 +need someone know miserable am im damn sure going say anythingim miserable right now plan ace finals head little gun shop town purchase shotgun paint walls apartment brains note warnings clear motive nothing fuck it im taking gauge exit path really want that im fucking done really need someone close help me im going say anything them therapist family friends cant why theyre going ask reason feel like do cant feel like reasons valid that afraid theyll look pity feeling way do reasons do cant that id rather die hate pity hate sympathy hate looked upon pity me fuck you feel sorry me fuck you look me fuck you sure probably look pity me cant sure exactly theyll react say nothing,1 +rose noise confusion get glimpse beyond illusion soaring ever higher flew high though eyes could see still blind man though mind could think still mad man hear voices im dreaming hear say,0 +like people say hell probably fun uh its wretched inhabitants sigh wail scorched skins constantly exchanged new ones taste torment anew have boiling water poured heads melting insides well skins hooks iron drag back try escape remorseful admissions wrongdoing pleading forgiveness vain anyways,0 +im loser virgin mid s world favor dieeven people may say otherwise people favor killing soon absolute loser work low paid job failed school im retard ive single friend entire life im also s tried dating made fun women especially made life shit growing up glad hear ive finally removed world blame honest ive different types therapy years nothing made even one second bearable must die ensure nobody acknowledge disgusting existence anymore kind thing die make sure cause pain disgusting existence trust me people knew child right treat like shit loser pathetic piece shit myself treat worthless turd anything better is im glad everybody knew treated like garbage garbage treated people even told kill myself agree wish could cause pain wanted die end life,1 +woahh eta changed said eta wasnt rd says tmr,0 +i always dealt with anxiety growing up primarily social anxiety however it never bothered me much and i learned to control it however about a week ago i woke up in the middle of the night shaking with a pounding heart i shrugged it off and went to sleep within a few day later i wa starting to fall asleep when my body jolted and i had a panic attack it took me about 0 minute to get over then i went to work without sleeping within a short time at work i felt sickly nausea chill fatigue many symptom all at once i rushed home and the symptom didnt leave for day a week ha gone by and i am still expierencing some sickly symptom but the worst part is the anxiety everyday atleast twice my mind freak out i can not sleep well my heart ha been beating rapidly etc i went to a counselor it ha not helped medicine calm me but the sickly feeling doesn t go away i do not enjoy work out anymore loss of appetite i can not be alone a much bc my mind flip out i have never felt so uncomfortable sick and weak in my life i am usually a closed book but i am open to anything now this is the most miserable i have been in my life a dramatic a that sound,1 +oh beautiful oh tearful gutwrenching br br makes everything seem superficial pale meaningless comparison br br sister helen real saint br br she real human flawed raw blunt passionate heart goldbr br what found interesting handful wretched miserable people found meaning laughterbr br what loved documentary portrayed polarity human nature,0 +gay crisis gay crisis gay crisis anyone know use shethey pronouns,0 +musikpirat durch den h heren preis sinkt die nachfrage und durch den zoll kann sich die marge verringern aber das vor allem spekulanten damit reich und reicher werden und das strafz lle in der weimarer republik und den usa in die great depression gef hrt haben lassen wir au en vor,1 +keep thinking dyingwhats happened want sleep never wake feel like absolute garbage weak minded always disappoint lost important time life levels mocks months hope get shit together,1 +think ill make itmy head never got better life fine mind,1 +im done life im untalented awkward asshole deserve liveim done life future life fucking sucks want anymore anyone wants help me best im done right now im going hang tonight,1 +for the past couple of month i have been feeling really cold my throat and my esophagus down to the center of my chest ha started feeling icy like i just drank a really cold glass of water but that feeling stay all the time i am a yr old female and don t have a history of debilitating anxiety or any anxiety at all but i have just recently had a few fuck ups at work and maybe it s anxiety i feel like when i calm down i still have that cold feeling sometimes though so i m not sure if that s a common feeling with anxiety or not ha anyone else had this if not i want i look elsewhere for the cause thank you in advance,1 +im cowardly end itthis throwaway ive struggling suicidal thoughts depression recently gotten worse life mess im highly closeted atheist cannot come out family accept it theyd cut came cant sustain financially relationships falling apart friends significant draining them want live anymore im cowardly end it wanted get chest somehow,1 +theekween thelmasherbs make people forget unpleasant event such a depression anxiety loss of a loved one heart break and any traumatic event,1 +@gemeg Yea. ,0 +@mohans Coolio. I'm popping in to do a spot of shopping so catch you then ,0 +pretty sure best friend girl ive liked years date told felt told likes doesnt see ever liking me,0 +rabbit died rabbit named thumper died fell garden pot broke neck really nice bunny fearless scared anyone add insult injury happened right birthday idk posting sad,0 +guys account years old karma ahhh im close days,0 +like annoying friends jojo references really make almost everything jojo reference world sure wonderful place,0 +@Royce_Hunt Hi. They are doing the Eurotunnel/ coach thing ,0 +i work a a consultant i m good at what i do and have been working at a great company for a while now i ve worked on numerous project with multiple client and have worked at the client side a couple of time a most consultant usually do every time i come back to the company office or go to a new client s side i get showered with overwhelming anxiety and stress i stress for week leading up to it but once i get there i m the life of the place but only for about an hour or two after which i genuinely feel depressed social battery it s the change of people and scenery too many new and old face too many thought they could be thinking of me or not thinking of me this happens every time without fail until i get used to a place which by that point i would have to move to another place client office how do you cope with such feeling do you ever get them do you have any technique or tip that might help thank you,1 +"@nikan I own soci.al, thank you ",0 +people get angry shout people video games plz playing apex legends guy starts insulting shouting whilst trying win fight inevitable loss youre situation plz dont yell person v discouraging ,0 +so the procrastination start early in the quarter i don t want to reaaaaad and write a paper,0 +eric bogosians ability roll character character one man show exhibits true range character actor persona message convey truth society class drugs etc absolute must anyone serious fan acting performance contains hilarious real moments ever experienced viewing audience,0 +@Mingoville What a fun way to learn English! Bravo ,0 +average male teenager loses virginity around age means technically im average,0 +trip lsd parody la devotee another another oh oh another another oh oh another another owo another trip lsd,0 +losing weight im lbs im idk thats normal im pretty damn insecure im attempting water fast christmas pandemic shit family cant really afford gym membership cheapest way loose weight opinion ill update every day around pm central standard time,0 +know feelmy antidepressants make feel good stop wanting kill constantly friends theyre closer eachother me feel like im kinda observing case far remember friend groups enjoy parts life still love playing dog watching movies chess dad lately depression fucking horrible ex left months ago distant months worst possible time octoberdecember hardest part year mom passed would always lot shit around time worst part objectively life good family loves me things enjoy reason feel way compared ive seen here life perfect makes feel guilty feeling feel even know wanna kill myself wish ever born could cease existence memory me least things get better shitty cycle wanna happy without gnawing thought back mind everything is existence meaningless were less billionth billionth billionth billionth universe nothing matter long run wash away hate knowing nothing matters wanna give say fuck worry things feel like cause feel worse bad people care about sorry rant im even sure place post this know need help,1 +@wiggyndc Let me know what else you see ,0 +gemhostofficial jwu po from depression nap,1 +paulaabdul awww good luck paula please don t work too hard but i hope you have fun your new album is gon na be amazing xxx,0 + worst year life lol even joking fucking shitty lmao,0 +ready to get off and par-tay!!!!!! ,0 +anyone know pills overdose die little pain possible sorry english bad help overdosing,1 +want embrace nothingnessjust let go already cant let go cant let go stay tortured every second existence cant let go me let embrace it nothingness lust it feel like im going insane expense im fucking splitting twain cant even think without second thoughts thinking myself want stop dissappear let die peace help me,1 +someone vc w discord im bored hell idc tf dm ,0 +got to do spanish revision today,0 +@mileycyrus Might sound a little cheesy but it's the truth. I'm definitely gonna see the Movie more than once cuz I wanna experience the,0 +Happy Mothers Day! ,0 +im randomzone crush girl friend years lost touch year ago time time write messeges check whatsoever nearly every time answers something like good id like type blah blah texts shorter pp sir sir really mister and colleague call randomzone since way talk random strangers random friends friends really know want polite want back friendzone whenwhere talked anything everything no even talked tldr crush messenges sir someone random life,0 +paper life good acknowledge lost willpower try anymore really feel like purpose life smoke weed time feel something go weird cycles get super depressed feel back normal ill get super depressed bc noticed pattern really feel like getting depression fuck would want crash burn inevitably start feeling depressed give fuck anymore,1 +im doneso keep trying everything make feel better none works im turning today still living parents still finished college fucking hate life tried address issues family half ass try help day revert back previous behavior ex mom drinks often ends talking shit people yelling going therapist bit gave nothing changed months also mom straight told therapy going help drugs useless well try activities supposed make happy nothing works thought lot stress coming school thats done semester passed everything ive tried numerous antidepressants made feel worse ive heard let go another day ive better part two years now fucking work nothing works im miserable time one friend trust stuff getting tired me im tired dealing shit know life actually really fucking good emotional brain gives zero fucks feel even shittier think this,1 +get girlfriend meet single girl befriend meet friends befriend hang friends talk would want date flirt ask take date movies take get ice cream see first kiss tell love everyday keep going dates cheat her insult her mean friends family get boyfriend coming tomorrow,0 +alenakristina oooooh i love it sorry i can t help if you can t find it i probably wont be able to find it because well you know,0 +"Seoul, Korea. Boarding in 5 minutes. You can follow me on #HoUKY and @ http://ho.posterous.com/ See you when in @ the temple. 5 hrs.",0 +work is dragging pretty tired only got about and a half hour sleep,0 +desperately need someone talk toim suicidal feelweird definitely almost outofbody dont know else describe it think holiday new year stress really getting me,1 +in zombie mode today kid are ill and kept me up till 0am up for work at am,0 +intrusive thoughtstheres sick shit going mind lately vividly imagine friend would looked like hanging belt keep getting nightmares girlfriend going leave wake terror body cant kill self already survivors guilt keep making stupid plan depressed girlfriend slitting others throats end incessant suffering life wed die together least cut arm little felt pretty good couple hours depression back feel guilty it hope melatonin tablets took let sleep little once,1 +relationship advice guy whos never girlfriend went date ask want kiss say make less awkward pulling bag hersheys kisses bag say something along lines well me start eating them this idea read internet ago dont remember where,0 +personally think movie pretty good almost rates liked ethnography aspect well gorgeous photography colin firths character likable better decent job role heroine played beautiful nia long familiar film heroine trying thinks best child marrying respected member expatriate community fighting attraction bad man one whos member community the outsider film mothers struggle whats expected her thinks best son follow heart want give away ending let say feelgood movie gorgeous location shots exquisite african dress its worth seeing film womens brilliantly colored african clothing headdresses likable characters overall actor plays nia longs son bright adorable plot bit formulaic liked movie nonetheless colin firth fan must see film like chic flicks see it think ill watch tonight,0 +ive never felt would call depression life turned upside cos long term relationship failed finding x started sleeping bestfriend less thena weeks belonging halfed life keep thinking everything knew failed one thing fucked im falling head keep thinking killing know wrong know solves nothing know make things worse still care know act anymore,1 +stark you don t follow me either and i work for you,0 +@heineken_il when will be the first beer prize here? need my address? ,0 +every while eddie murphy surprise youbr br in movie like the golden child especially movie figure would star maybe harrison ford kurt russell someone eddie really work hes smart hes funny hes brave kind courteous thrifty clean everything else hero bebr br having chosen secure mystic child holds key protecting world complete evil embodied perfectly dance eddie goes california nepal back beautiful kee nang lewis wonders hes says crazy old holy man wong perfect always knows isbr br its exciting breathtaking spots shocking and course funny eddie action hero know could begin movie making rude remarks behind guy reading porno magazine end smartaleck remarks ed mcmahonbr br no problem child golden findbr br nine stars viva nepal,0 +seriously enjoyed watching movie first time years ago whenever gets aired somewhere which luckily happens time time european cable television experience thing im moved entertained end wishing movies like onebr br it deals leo kevin mckidd group friends living urban london leo gay guy follows friend hilarious new age mens group falls straight guy brendon played dashing james purefoy turns straight all thrown side characters equally great tom hollander hugo weaving whose side story alone worth watching movie simon callow leader mens group turning great ever performance really hard pick folks here every character female ones like jennifer ehles julie grahams harriet walters well exquisitely acted maybe even kevin mckidd looks little pale compared coactors benefits somewhat subdued characterbr br the idea behind movie simple one never black white classifications difficult may always stand test timebr br leo identifies gay ends falling woman well turns teenage sweetheart brendons long time girlfriend brendon starts straight gets learn gay may option bisexual might bad all darren jeremy hollander weaving gay loving even straight folks movie like angie leos female roommate get fair share love funny moments end movie comedy bitsespecially tom hollander whos hilarious funny point emotions believable confusing may appear times reading summarybr br what like movie genuinely notredflag notion whether gay straight bisexual simply sure movie leaves feeling okay sure not sure might something worth living well sexuality portrayed fluid movie none main characters seem real problem it apart gaystraight camp fights sometimes get fed gay themed movies wholeheartedly agree subtext movie feel certain one day think identify gay straight whatever look different another never seen what call it bisexuality maybe absence segregating need sexual classification portrayed heartwarming true life manner br br this movie dares going movies go gay straight movies playing labels stereotypical assumption sex relying that goes assumes may life sex wellknown classifications think times ready movies exploring postmodern themes like one br br and others care that heck funny comedy worth watching rainy saturday evening popcorn hands give trybr br loved it,0 +tiredi tired feeling lonelyi tired darkness tired burden tired bother tired productive tired staying home tired staying alive tired wanting die,1 +im constant suffering doctors say theres nothing wrong really annoying,0 +truly magnificent heartwrenching film ripsteins locations spectacular extremely detailed well lit dialogue extraordinarily garca mrquez doubt it fernando lujn marisa paredes give us outstanding performances colonel wifebr br you must see it,0 +one really talk anymore mean yeah friends online even much anymore girl talking stopped where keep trying distance know ill get hurt talk her always find giving answer calls awkward meet new people even online really pathetic want meet new people always fear like talk hurt feelings wish knew whether people actually like think worthless piece shit starting feel alone,1 +im tiredim god damn tired im beginning fucking despise people it get better every single god damn interaction life event proven otherwise tell ignore pain suffering cant help feel must insane denial,1 +losing hope fasti thought abuse would end thought pain would end moved course didnt feel like im walking fucking empty sack useless flesh would give anything give life anyone deserve die sure fuck deserve live hate im wasting it job im school make want fucking kill less medication fucked brain forever never helped doctor hospital last year trying kill myself im barely better now go class go work come home sleep im depressed anything else talking people chore barely eat love father thinks im fine heart tell im miserable everything hes done me hate like this im waste eyes hate it,1 +please helpi doubt anyone see this do please help im military kid family moves every year means anything relatively popular beyond lonely one trust talk confidence support please youre seeing this need friend,1 +doing make up shit,0 +longer holly jolly,0 +give reasonim tired enough left get far away family im going cut lives way know am im going commit im disgrace means human preach others ive grown silent watch world pass though tiny screen phone better way toxic one,1 +feeling soree bad idea to go running when your sick,0 +jbeauty lol goodnight,0 +somebody want dm im bored want play number game something aahhh,0 +get sub httpswwwyoutubecomchannelucmvazuvqlpjwqhvhivurwhttpswwwyoutubecomchannelucmvazuvqlpjwqhvhivurw plz,0 +heyhi,1 +algebra grade went worry parents beating burning stuff,0 +lets consider late s s early s best years living ever world think internet simplier goodly naive best tv shows games films started time period and experienced everyone kindlier other censorship even thing everything calmer happen today bad good things end fast im grateful born experienced interesting things younger kids im clearly understand living past actually good ill hope everything ok future guess,0 +@eatnik I'd much prefer to eat australian beef ,0 +dont care youre gay straight bi pan ace otherwise hate,0 +"my girls are still sleeping, i poked them a little but they just grumbled and snuggled down farther, dog doesn't even want to get up lol ",0 +morw i get my blasted wisdom teeth pulled need sleep cnt stop worryng i hate needle,0 +forgive sinned guys watched cuties trailer want know fuck watch,0 +proper place talk horny things social media rteenagers frowned upon pornhub comments sections obviously mean inbox open im straight dude,0 +anyone know teen drummer london started band the female vocals playing bass violinist two guitarists keyboardist looking drummer need help finding one also can would amazing recommended place find drummer aged based london thanks,0 +obviously i know the answer is no and that he is perfectly capable of making his own decision but i feel like i m holding him back and since i can t talk to anyone about it let s do it to some stranger online i deal with anxiety and have emetophobia i ve had it since i wa and it s only gotten worse over the year i m now at this point i can barely get enough food in my system to maintain my weight can t go out to eat and get nervous whenever we eat at family or friend and have to drive back my partner is very understanding and doesn t really care about visiting friend and family often since he is pretty introverted however now that covid is over he would love to travel again i can t the thought of being on a plane trapped inside a cage in the sky is horrible but one i can manage but i ll be in a country with strange food strange place and i ll most likely be on the verge of a panic attack every night my partner say that that s no way to go on holiday a it meant to relax and if i m stressed the whole time there s no point edit he got very frustrated and told me i know it s not your fault but what s the point in having a partner when we can t do anything together i have reached out to get help but waitlist are so long that i have no way of knowing when i ll get help the fun thing is that they ve told me they need me at a healthy weight to start therapy but i ll have to do that without help in the back of my mind i m not very optimistic since therapy hasn t helped the last 0 year either and i ve gotten worse every time we re on the verge of buying a house together and i m just in doubt whether i should go through with it since he deserves much better thanks for listening and helping me get this off my chest,1 +omg changed changed reddit app logo red,0 + dance backyard boy looking super fine corduroy,0 +election chinese mob movie triads case every two years election held decide new leader first seems toss big tony leung ka fai know him the tony leung lok simon yam judge full contact though lok wins big refuses accept choice goes whatever lengths secure recognition new leader unlike asian film watch featuring gangsters one action movie bloody moments necessary goodfellas basically really effective drama lot characters really hard keep track of think plays craziness bit yearold baton symbol power mentioned before changes hands several times things settle down though may appear film ends minute mark still couple big surprises waiting simon yam favorite character sort anchors picturebr br election quite award winner last years hong kong film awards winning best actor tony leung best picture best director johnny to heroic trio best screenplay also nominations cinematography editing film score which loved three acting performances including yam,0 +hartym look interesting but lot of 00 error on the documentation website,0 +so i won t bore you with all the detail but basically my life wa going so well in 0 9 finally i wa in college had friend wa finally starting to date wa genuinely enjoying life for the first time in my life then of course a once in a century event happens that destroys everything and i had to do remote work for straight year suffered through it graduated and now i got a somewhat mediocre sale job making 0k a year my life ha never returned to the way it wa my social life wa destroyed i m a year old guy and have never been in a relationship i wa a late bloomer and wa just starting to date in college and work is such a grind i really dislike it i have goal but i don t even know where to start to top it all off ever since the pandemic i have severe insomnia and always wake up at am randomly and have to take melatonin to sleep anyone else relate to this,1 +mamasvan lol nope but i did have complete camerafail,0 +become terrible person myself manipulator swore never become love ones fooled awful person feelings one loves me rather play along say empty words everyone values me love cannot find heart love anything anymore apathy maybe missed likely missed person thought loved missed veiled liar ya know never seen coming nice gone false face all would miss me miss them,1 +nothing interesting happened anything im posting photo greatgreatgrandpas majestic moustache ampxb processing img wtmighc,0 +i m absolutely fucking leathered i love you all,1 +mushroom capsule available full dose for people suffering from serve depression anxiety amp serve pain mentalhealthmatters mentalhealth nftgiveaways psychedelic http t co wty f nmue,1 +my family only care when im manic but im just quiet they act like nothing ever happened idk if i want them to care or is me just wanting attention but im really tired of living for them,1 +starrbby too bad i won t be around i lost my job and can t even pay my phone bill lmao aw shuck,0 +dog died today dog died kidney failure related old age saw body eyes open said seizures dying feeling like shit,0 +paranoid subtweeting dont understand anymore,0 +hate death despise life moredepression ptsd bpd drag people love im leech hurts like shit rip slowly killing long run wish death every second terrified people world mental capacity suffering exists hate hate hate god cant take care cat anymore cant anything lying bed takes much energy stopped things love reading drawing gaming socialising drinking eating less sad empty cant wash brush teeth get dressed eat healthy self harm still bleeding days wasting time wasting money wasting love wasting life wasting frustrated held life loved ones cant study medical condition want go coma spend infinite amount time head nightmares painful bearable compared real life shutting talking body makes sound farting voices want fade away anger bitterness sadness disgust towards ptsd hyperventilation slight amount always gasping air time feels like im hungover even though drink look others look me see much failure never productive work tons ideas perfect redflag blanket choking shut fuck clocks tic tic bullshit im never going get better prefer die please,1 +i ve only known my boyfriend for month official for he ha briefly opened up about having anxiety all i know is that he ha previously been medicated for it but not currently today after i left his place he messaged to apologise incase he came off odd he wa feeling anxious for no particular reason and that it just happens sometimes i told him not to worry about it now just before i go to sleep i messaged him to see how he wa he seemed fine initially but when i asked he stopping answering so regularly i m not sure if asking him wa the right thing to do i want to make it known that i care and that i m thinking of him but i m not sure if that make it worse i have never known how to help friend with anxiety either since it seems to be so rooted in not being able to talk about it,1 +@AyNakoBea yeah haha I was in the gym for season 1 2 and 3 ,0 +it s so upsetting ami s in agony and the vet can t see her until pm my poor little thing,0 +"Root Chakra tonite w/ Jeremiah, Ravi, Saqi, Meadowmorphosis... etc... ",0 +http://twitpic.com/67zkt - Grad. Present from my dad's friend ,0 +wooohoo ..a new CD/album turned up... playing it now on the old hi fi ,0 +typed tic discord im gonna pee hm lmaoooajdksks looks funny help havent slept hours,0 +awkward finally happened longer single man copped one girlfriend mothafuckas,0 +idk anymore i m just tired,1 +really know sayi biggest exams life days im even close ready think might push edge,1 +somoene edit picture penguin condom head like astronaut helmet uitcouldjustbeve started talking gotta c cannot edit like would apprieciate someone me,0 +fmlits hard people seem care you like fucking live yet pay attention unless want fuck me confirms im nothing fucking piece meat u shove ur dick in thats anyone fucking toy,1 +http://twitpic.com/6rfhc - ooohh....what if i fell to the floor? couldnt take this anymore...this might become a lyrics session lol ,0 + got mah cookies mmmmmmmmmmm cookies best might also go shred cheese lol,0 +fuck everythingi cannot function stare fucking television fuck life hell death bad thing exact never existing first place death exists alive infinitely unaware die death possibly bad thing death bad thing therefore good thing absence bad good redflag seen society bad thing wont able make money anymore attempt control make work them,1 +"Just went through nearly a thousand emails, time for a break! ",0 + https://www.google.com/search?q=federal+reserve+caused+great+depression&client=ms-android-verizon&prmd=niv&source=lnms&tbm=vid&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiRjNbe7dTaAhVGKGMKHU58Bx4Q_AUIEygD&biw=320&bih=489 …How the Federal Reserve caused the Depression and cheated Americans out of their money.,1 +merry christmas thats merry christmas,0 +10 Things You DO Say to Someone with Depression: a thread pic.twitter.com/eCnTtdiArV,1 +why do friend feast while you are on fast,0 +whyi know anymore absolute thing find fulfillment job thing feel somewhat competent doing look forward going home work dread days know ill completely alone going back like clockwork day day fucking thing point living life like this im lost,1 +@CamiClay YAY! I am so excited you are on @twitter now! ,0 +struggling regarding the fact that dance is day away on the other side vacation,0 +never ran away really want to want get away family thrill playing extreme game hide seek may sound psychopathic want everyone looking weeks later cops find hanging corpse want go gas station load snacks think getting courage end all sure posting this really want get place think of want run away hang,1 +tired still live home true friends recovering drug addict control much drink given alcohol job money self harm addict person actually cared scared bc told liked them reason anymore cannot handle it mental hospitals work makes better hiding mental illnesses many options tonight ill alone hours time,1 +oishiieats,0 +hopeless aloneto much going once every one know depressed unhappy life seems able think anything make better try everybody need help one go since htings important life im trying best end ive suicidal six years recently alway least someone there im used gone moved away others mean im worhtless im drowning medical bills frm surgary wher hospital month relized friends left came since sight mind true ive failed everything wasted space woth living one miss time works history proven probably work hard talk anyone know since ust liek disregard it apolizise typos hard see straight though tears ive left lots things happending life interested ask seems hopless never get better hasnt years think reason start,1 +would anyone wanna like talk dms idc want talk ppl,0 +hit rock bottom againi hit rock bottom big time absolutely nothing surviving goodwill others made sure keep firearm kill event instead chose sell licensed dealer use money try relax get shit together again suicidal long incredibly easy choose give give up insanely easy let others tell happy take pill drug fix hurt hollowness easy lay let world run over hard succeed start over harder strong inside close falling apart pressure thoughts past reward without risk one thing need love even now hope something better think hard everyone it good make feel help others way whatsoever can starts get better get bad again get better again go down highs without lows life wanted put post glamorize martyr horribly disadvantaged forgotten wanted put others know theyre end yet things better soon let be smell roses look stars learn read talk enjoy little things build there take one day time feel different tool end life held long feel robbed feel robbed myself feel better it like easy quit button hiding closet me instead theres huge outside world full different possibilities experiences conversations music food pleasures pains know truly religious think truly quite honest think sure afterlife makes time now good bad much valuable take mind add religion cherry top own ever let someone else take away self worth set bar whether low high cool someones eyes looked someone important people others hurt one things kept going knowing others struggling capable culminating negative thoughts though tormented see others give give up much hurts scares them causes huge ripple effect life important experience contrasts bind us ive learned depressed us caring toward others friends new old make things better even telling many little brainwash you remember good others try good yourself rest falls place let it enjoy ride remember laugh might get little direction would prefer see in,1 +miss little kid loved little kid im teen,0 +@ViktoriaLove How Nice I like girls with pretty toes and nails!,0 +I know your fav long song and how like it on REPEAT ,0 +i know these question are probably annoying and kind of outdated now since most people i know are fully vaccinated but i just need the extra reassurance that i ll be alright i have my first dose and it wa fine pfizer but i m so freaking nervous about the second one it s so funny how my anxiety work around this i have health anxiety and worry about getting sick a lot so it s like get vaccinated but i m scared of the side effect lmao how were your preferably positive experience with your second vaccine,1 +im thinking ending things keep pressing exacto knife hard wrist like im testing hard go puncture vein dont know ever commit im one impulse away wanna quit pussy also dont reply cus ik people call edgy smth felt like venting feel,0 +@SaharaDamore in the silence is the best place to start. The silence holds the truth ,0 +confessionventocd hope likely hebepedoconfessionvent theres reason im still alive family people care despite absolute worthless dumbass ive done stupid shit past always mind feel guilty angry myself cant fucking forgive did watching catching predator videos youtube october last year ended obsession p stronger ever thoughts since along thoughts yet fucking ignored them confident ocd read pages could relate peoples stories except remembered fucking masturbated images kids twice individuals they individuals attracted younger photos still looked like individuals liked either still barely random year old didnt know fucking ages kids sure still fucking it knew better also masturbated aunt beastiality shit guys looked like girls around age too fucking able masturbate things questioned attracted to part tells testing anxious didnt fucking like or else would still im sure regardless long time ago dont remember events except questioned attracted particular things would test see got aroused maybe fucking able curiosity taboo anxiety horny piece shit would masturbate anything addicted never masturbated fantasiesnever get fantasies unless force think order test reaction compare things feels sickpainful dont enjoy it kid would feel sick liking individuals years younger questioned attracted kid years younger reminded person liked yet fucking dismissed that fucking touched kid like holding hands curious fucking regretted it felt bad lost attraction any focused person actually crush on also remember playing kids starting question too fucking trauma kid took advantage innocence experimented humping merubbing genitals me fucking stuck days would constantly think it question im attracted kids see public especially whove entered puberty test attraction think kids constantly head see im attractedtest reaction get anxious panic see them get groinal responses fucking anxiety caught guard pictures feel attraction along obsessions like lady tramp dog feels different think individuals like fucking avoid kids see person im attracted university question age liked resemble kid brain always tells im p keep trying tell im not total loss im done brain fucking tried telling psychopath lacked empathyremembered shit past except feel empathy got dismissed theres something completely wrong sexually mentally accept that born premature like weeks barely lived immigrated another country amazing family worked hard piece shit person like me died baby younger almost getting hit car everyone high hopes meexcept probably became worst person society tldr brain tries convince im attracted inappropriate things like kids animals like dog family members like aunt grandmother mother brother religious figures past normal things like gender im trans for curious feels different gender wanting try clothes different gender psycho except ive done shit actually show behaviours past theres two things do leave miserable world ill remembered good individual worked hard school dreams becoming doctor get help im get help see hell wrong me im scared happen family dog something happen me id rather live internally suffer stupid curses given family people care dont suffer isnt life me im crying inside everyday want let emotions scream im moody brother keeps pushing limits asking reassurance appearance making obsession worse talking things make feel even upset,1 +opinions type relationship friendf mine recently became interested guy m said super sweet funny think little weird told liked told liked back feel like kind weird time guess okay long stuff know guess wanted know homies thought this,0 +yo fuck bee movie look good im like watching game cinematic,0 +"Exercising regularly cuts risk of depression by 16%, study suggests http://news.sky.com/story/exercising-regularly-cuts-risk-of-depression-by-16-study-suggests-11346264 … pic.twitter.com/BWUbsTNJH8",1 +love feel like trying find past year dont feel love entire family would feel would sense loss money emotions ever remember feeling brief joy brief anger faked crying hour see would actually emit emotional response get hug hate emotion feel like,0 +nurses hospital tell parents scarsso really know put this please tell belong put so anyway basically whats going is came back doctor breathing problems said ill needing surgery nose im fine with thats great ill able breathe problem comes self harm scars thighs visible wondering knew nurses going tell parents it nurse know parents know them theyre messed people definitely kick house take electronics forever treat like stranger take everything kick out im going wear hospital gown open nurses access help want know theyre obligated least ask parents know it ive freaking minutes now thanks anyone help,1 +gulped three glasses water called quits think id burst stomach open odedcant imagine taking once mad respect folks,1 +feel like she slept the day away not looking forward to any more bout with my gallbladder at least i have pill now for the pain,0 +Is going to put her head in the gas oven now ,0 +counts alcoholicnobody thinks need help apparentlyim years old female last year half maybe two years ive drinking heavily say heavily mean buy gallon liquor end night often times alone theres little less half bottle left drink get itchy shaky cant think worst ive drank fifth every night months tried stop thought heart attack delirium episode think speak shaking lessened still cant go one might without getting blackout drunk also struggled cocaine month long binges feel like im verge death force stop least month people tell im young alcoholic drug addict feel overtaken personality first foremost im drinker drug user secondly im whatever person used be need help know go went er couple weeks ago redflag attempt got help im end ropes honestly want end life im sorry im drunk im writing this,1 +"@Jason_McIntyre Try to map out list of what was lost, and just notes down as you think of them. And breath, of course. ",0 +really need someone talk toplease something terrible betrayed friend wrote confession earlier feel worse know im selfishly wallowing cant help myself im damn pathetic please someone talk this,1 +Just doing nothing - Paradise >> http://twitpic.com/678ql,0 +"@Micrathene That's ok, I think she's sorry. ",0 +im suicidal something ive always wanted say anyone felt way mean sincerityi love you ive likelyhood never met you okay still love you could love you ever done wrong even somehow had would still love you whatever feel guilty about must truly burden soul drive extreme measures whatever is forgive you ive reason to forgiveness part spiritual conviction part moral code part personality whole none forgive you forgive right forgive because truth believe forgiveness one beautiful parts existence new start reset trouble forgiveness one holds judgement life that forgiveness fault may life one living it forgiveness free bondage love prevailing force behind it please ask forgive you can love yourself go further forgiven love you,1 +@frandrescher hey thanks for stalking me ,0 +random thought people live boring lives birth learn learn learn learn get job job years years maybe theyll find love always good thing retire much do old probably understand current technology well maybe go back play minecraft something project end living boring life people better though things may easier things harder rich must nice,0 +love limbo alltime favoirite movie set wa hilairious excellent cast including group three gorgeous actors russell crowe as arthur back day actually looked hot short hair facial hair aden young barry mcjannet craig adams ken riddlebr br ken senior high school student obsessed sex becomes expelled selling pornographic drawings classmates starts new job uncles clothing factory becomes close another new guy barry mcjannet buys car go pick chicks become mates goodytwoshoes geek arthur baskin crowe three guys drive kalgoorlie vsit brothel lose virginitybr br watch it classic long trying get hold dvd soundtrack anyone let know got em,0 +stop productive things talking people remembering appointments etc unemployed almost broke looking work causing feel like cant swallow get full breath find played video games day surfed reddit morning read reviews book coming almost hours meds though trying gaba since anyway make even fun sister mad chronically self centered forgot get back possibly getting together dinner shut down,1 +get head please yeah you please get dont forget jacket close door behind you thanks,0 +i m miserable most of the time but life is only bearable when i m with my cat but i don t think i m her favourite person anymore she stopped cuddling with me and never sleep with me now instead she spends most of her time with my brother and only come to me when she need food it s been like this for a few month and it really hurt i don t know what to do i m thinking of getting a dog when i eventually move out but that s so far from now,1 +"I used to live there. I had to battle for back operation for 5 years, as they said it was depression that was causing 24/7 muscle spasms. Eventually, I got them to do it, and they discovered my body was rejecting spinal rods, inserted when I was 9. https://twitter.com/scrowder/status/989176926785884161 …",1 +bored unhappy alone quality earth declining rapidly want out want alive anymore,1 +it s only ever gotten worse i m worthless and unwanted and there s no reason i shouldn t kill myself i have no reason i should be alive if it s spent feeling like this and being alone,1 +name,1 +thought okaydoes ever truly get better swear everything feels okay something else happens im trying hard good hearted strong person getting tiring,1 +chordsy why am i the last to find out about these thing like that you re on the twitter too,0 +awillert im so jealous i want salsa but the cooky were amazing,0 +I love Rachel Alexandra!! WOO girl power ,0 +smol dik poke squish hehe,0 +matthew day yeah at work,0 +im turning guys want permission pleeeeaaasssseeeee stay awesome sub enjoy memes stuff love sub feel one best subs there dont want wait years till im enjoy,0 +wanted die since around thing really stopped access gun youngest brother oldest sister sad care siblings anymore gun thing still problem really wish easier way go want get critical even gun saw someone else post become hollow used be think exactly happened me gifted turned burnouts constant disappointment really cannot continue cannot wait day purchase gun day fucking shoot myself anyone gun come shoot brains shoot second like buddy system great would be,1 + the oc http://mypict.me/1ord,0 +life suckswhys gotta hard fucking kill yourself shit sucks anybody got good method cant get hands gun,1 +year in cold blooda riveting thriller has two new interesting contexts previous have first chillingly fact star robert blake recently trial murdering wife second recent oscar winning biopic capote showed muddled back story haunting true crime tales author truman capote two new twists make film timely modern audiencebr br as stand alone film era in cold blood top notch every way notable stunning black white cinematography conrad hall later american beauty road perdition fame many stills film kansas farm house night treelined back country roads could sold fine art photography combined crackerjack direction brooks superb editing early scenes where see mundane daily life innocent family senselessly slaughtered beautifully intertwined plotting two hapless killers rich brooding atmosphere created sets stage riveting suspense even everyone knows going end due fact based real life events also great see day age brilliantly staged harrowing murder scene depicted graphic nature act transmitted viewer subliminally nary drop blood shown screenbr br the film also anchored nicely robert blakes eerie performance sympathetic yet senselessly brutal side killing duo flashback scenes horrible childhood extremely well done scene towards end film speaking reverend sent gallows makes last confession speak one classic movie moments perfect marriage gritty acting superb writing flawless direction haunting photography dare erase mind stark image rains reflection window flowing robert blakes pallid face lieu actual tearsbr br the thing hampering in cold blood slow moving middle act killers lam forced nature social commentary end tackedon political message death penalty secondary compelling depiction mad killers prey,0 +is it okay stay up all night and and fall asleep at around am and then sleep all day long and then literally force yourself out of bed to do office work,1 +off to buy some kit for Hadrians Wall trek.... hope the weather is this good when we do it ,0 +please help me feel like everything catching up like running stop something horrid going catch me feel like entire world sheet turned vertical everyone stays still one notices whole world slipping sliding it clinging finger nails fall darkness nobody see fading away want die badly know got courage it want it bad make coward able it make coward trying escape ive put knives wrists ropes around neck ive walked front buses ive walked right edge subway platforms trains whizz by never properly always know never going go way finally put stop all terrifies me makes think lower sink yet cant handle getting worse would rather end now,1 +"@18percentgrey Um, you're nice!! hahah!! xoxo Lori ",0 +"@ sushi tei with my mum, grace and charles! Hahaha - http://tweet.sg",0 +got the magic numbers and is thanking y'all for the support ,0 +seen bollywood flicks salman khan them say favorite recent ones songs quite fun especially o priya priya seems nice mix beatles indian music dare say this bit prince love stories bit believable than say chal mere bhai occasional focus prems use alcohol times troubling really seem make sense me played well khanalthough voice become squeaky hes portraying drunkenness,0 +i know i'm the reason for my depression but i have no motivation to change??,1 +awkward moment one family waking latest walk room see everyone staring,0 +lifechanging advice friends i check grades want stressed out friend ampxb wtf guys easy ampxb hope helped yall ,0 +happiest individual alive rn schools closing agian lets go,0 +know many people care read this still alive guessanyone else feeling dead insidelike waiting something push life cliff still alive,1 +a bugs life like favorite candy bar chockfull great little bits add something really tastybr br the story better clever heart emotion every character nice arc a growth change comparison characters toy story arc buzz learns love toy woody overcomes resentment buzz tons laughs cute moments a bugs life actors turn great voice work animation motion detail superbbr br this serious movie buff throw around s lightly movie certainly deserves gave it,0 +Waiting for oldest to go to bed so I can have a scoop (or two) of ice cream in peace. ,0 +want pain means touch againmy negative thoughts keep pulling deeper cant anything stop point constant control know keeps repeating head actually like lying myself easier lie came close hurting again pain get less pain comes thoughts lost youth mental illness cant take loneliness anymore id anything forget id give anything get held lovingdoing things bad gt getting better anyway,1 +@Apuje 1. I don't get a prayer? 2. Pass on the picnic got studying...sigh. Twitpic stuff for me! ,0 +lmfao judge acts like knows whats best depressed peopleso went juvie last month stupid internet crime left days speak psychologist depressed anxiety cope computer made bad mistake talk put meds kept telling social anxiety want end lot time behaved never anything bad let go home really got judge read report saw panic attacks almost killing there put probation forcing social talk people understand hard scared am disorder something wanted to go back jail dont fce fears really makes upset cant say anything it judge kept talking how im failure computer whats making depressed even said report try try everyday unmotivating hard scary makes judge expert makes smart know whats best me yes get want break law hurt people but easy knew knows wants suffer go jail dont face it makes stressed makes want die even help someone like me really annoying,1 +"@alexabimanyu both r right in front of Marriott, so both originals, just taking different shifts re:rawon setan",0 +crisisredflag hotline chats track youthrowaway people irl know main account basically title says im us matters want call well chat know sometimes theyll trace call police serious enough risk way shape form afford institutionalized im already scared enough get help last time tried therapist less told everything fault want try anything drastic sorry wrong place ask thank time,1 +im addicted im addicted listening ben shapiros version wap someone please help,0 +littel life stuff someone wanne talk,1 +depression getting old jesus christjust fucking kill man hell made feelings possible,1 +it commit redflag thats hitler wanna like hitler,0 +"Overcast and gloomy, the opposite of my mood. ",0 +live mediocre life could dieeveryone proven im simply afterthought burden im ignoring feeling im tired feeling morose,1 +i ve been trying to find a day best to off myself i wa being cautious of my family s birthday and holiday and my birthday seems to fit perfectly in the timeline a to not ruin their coming day i just don t see the point in life honestly what is the point in living i m too depressed to practise to go to lesson to take care of myself to do anything and even if i wasn t too depressed to do these thigs what is the fucking point do you know how humiliating it is when people see potential in you but you re too fucking depressed to try it make me even more depressed knowing im a wasted potential look at me now gloating about this shit this is why i hate myself honestly my birthday is the worst day of the year for me i absolutely despise it but knowing i can plan my death for my birthday is indescribably peaceful i hate how even the thing i used to enjoy doing are a chore everything is just a fucking chore typing this is a fucking chore i hate the fact that the one person who wa preventing me can t even give me doubt now depression just build onto itself it build and tower and then it fucking collapse on you,1 +reasons liveall reasons live people husband son mum sisters best friend none meant walk life them push them weight fact feels like cant breathe,1 +just updated my profile...its hard to fit it all into 140 chars #twitter #malta,0 +lying manipulating aunt taking advantage of my mom forcing my parent apart stealing money stealing clothes for year and counting i couldn t take it my school grade dropped covid hit couldn t muster up the courage to talk to friend had a drive through high school graduation barely graduated at all no uni plan working at a dollar store just floating on with no motivation or will my sister almost suicided but had the courage to talk about it i attempted more time than i can count but couldn t talk about it the closest to death wa when i wa bleeding so much from my neck i dyed the knife and clothes i wa wearing i tried talking about everything but the attempt but those that know stopped talking to me unless i try first wouldn t it be better if i off myself and get it over with it s not like it matter nothing doe another person will just grow up and fill my spot in society life doesn t matter all life is only equal cause it s equally worthless everything is worthless but the few friend that did help me would hurt but it s better to get it over with like a bandaid instead of make them watch me suffer nothing is going my way i m constantly cry myself to sleep i ve been called wise but it s just watered down suicidal thought coming up in normal conversation religion helped for a bit but it s just more rule on how to live i need help but i don t have the will to do anything i just need someone to comfort me i try hugging myself but it just reminds of how lonely i am every time i try reaching out it just end with a passive one word reply we haven t talked in so long how ve you been doing good just cut me off if you don t like talking to me quit playing these mind game and say it to my face i m seriously messed up am i messed up or is everyone else messed up but that s what s socially acceptable no matter how much i hate the world my mind always try to justify thing or see thing from they re point of view even if it s a blatantly bad thing are my friend bad or am i bad i don t know i just feel sad or numb but cover it with a smile so if i can make a difference in someone s life it s a positive one unlike mine i feel like such an attention seeker by talking about what i m going through maybe being anonymous like this is what s letting me write this it s am again so goodnight we ll see if it s the last time i say that or not,1 +Making Mary Kay appts. and taking care of a sick husband ,0 +"half way through voting... this list is long and I think about 3 of each category deserve to win, think I'll vote for everyone each day ",0 +boy like ur skinny cute face cute haircut,0 +life seem bit pointless anyone else rantive felt suicidal long remember managed keep lid past year since ive busy school personal issues yesterday friends and people love most told want nothing me reason it either love life also confessed loving back drunken mind reject explore university stay tied greatest days lives turned bad wont talk much anymore ive thinking redflag night wrote note relapsed bit listened sad songs read inspiring article commit redflag started realise matter on everything nothing become best profession become rich marry love life meet best friends great life eventually ill die will suffer next years mean nothing end anyway nothing means anything one day one remember life everything gave shit about everything slaved over everything worked hard for gone forever whats point anymore im probably going kill tonight im afraid afterlife go process hanging myself options right now sucks feel pain wash entire body every time press another button keyboard remember life meaningless still cant anything it damn,1 +life hardim feels im lunging around vessel everyday im watching spectator purpose life friends one two best friends irl mom dad everyday get literally hardest thing do second saying im going go something ever following it past five years im stayed stuck stasis life bee absolutely miserable cant tell im lazy depressed anymore gotten bad buti friend wont let give tells im worth something even absolutely nothing im show gratitude thanks quitesatan bestie,1 +yesterday i wa in a negative thought spiral and my heart rate wa super high and i got really angry at myself and my thought and how much i don t like myself so much so that i wanted to punch a wall or throw something really hard i ve always had anxiety but it s never turned into anger before is this normal,1 +im shining light shitty voice head hoping lose power wayim sick death negative messages give myself im going write shine light them otherwise im overwhelmed shame create me what little voices hissing ear youre weird youll never friends youre failure life youre wasting time one likes youre unhappy youre miserable person depression youre like _______ my nasty relative killing way end pain youre going hurt like forever _____ see youre weird loser wont write back youre bad person liking ____ family members cant normal relationship anyone always way always way might well give now werent worth _____s time family moved without youre unattractive dress poorly,1 +bro fuck orange juice want juice breakfast suck dick juice,0 +Time to get a few things done while kiddies arestill asleep. Take care one and all. Hugs filled with love.. x o ,0 +"right now, new york is where i wanna be. ",0 +cant handle around family something happened day made million times worsetoday best day ive months wasnt stressed family actually seemed happy around first time years thing something happened today never want see certain family member again ive always uncomfortable around entire life solidified feeling cant tell anyone time tell family something person does write persons dry humor dont know get this entire family accepts odd behavior dont want put choice to feel sick stomach,1 +overthinking worrying kill methis worst thing im facing with stop ,1 +spoilersbr br ive heard gripe special effects detract movie movie suspense film good that stand point movie rocks franke rocks enjoy ones plastic hearts content complaints movie unless watch english dub total farce creates illusion b movie br br one complaint music video dvd say sings it id love know br br br br quality entertainment replayable ,0 +whats quickest way kill myselfim cant like get gun shit like that thanks,1 +guys told loved im shaking ok basically backwards last june go school class confess her says im ready relationship really see friend fast forward week ago stopped toxic guy not even relationship anything friends home really toxic guy came back friends i feelings disappear half year play minecraft together friends week back school chillin forza horizon messaged goofy adorable cute way told loved me know fuck do,0 +hopeless worse offeverything worse constant sadness loneliness fuck everything ugly fuck also much coward fucking kill myself,1 +think person needs type help im sure great people give herits severe posts here found comment lost askreddit post believe plea help far httpwwwredditcomraskredditcommentscwykpwhats_your_biggest_problem_right_nowckwi,1 +more bits from the email: You are one of about 10 picked from thousands of entries- so you better be good ,0 +ogbenidipo and some people on that tweet saw nothing wrong with what she did and even applauded her for doing it and saying it s not insult she didn t think of the depression her mom wld go thru seeing she is being dragged on social medium co of sneaker it finish indeed,1 +would much easier slip awaythese last months absolute hardest months life went really hard breakup partner cheated me together almost years getting ready propose aunt killed im left imprint left me mom diagnosed cancer lost many friends breakup feel emotionally exhausted im left dealing trauma sexual assault prevents sleeping night im college feel mounting pressure well classes as really gpa cant really tell anyone everything theres way could trust anyone ever again feel ashamed im gonna lie days great fun even glimpses happiness underneath theres base desire end know underneath theres point continuing friends really know people know cant really help me truly think anyone help anymore im far gone think could ever truly happy again know highest high cant compare lows even bother continuing family devastated friends may feel pain short period time end day fucking hate feeling fucking hate cant wait slip away live anymore would much easier keeping going knowing know day now,1 +@FRin323 none of that!! I can't wait!!! so when the big day???,0 +want fade nothing one left care whether im notby rights proud myself least thats parents tell me good degree well paying job worked hard enough school graduate early little debt thanks scholarships id like think family proud that im not think ive ever miserable wreck life fiance left years relationship another guy month going propose ago im pretty sure ive stressed ever since hair fallen out always thought ugly look even worse spend days waiting find excuse go sleep sleeping long think existence ive turned bottle numb throughout day productivity work plummeting feel like even deserve job anymore hope fire me social life plummeted circle friends actually talk started shrinking go days whole week without talking anybody cant talk women tried asking girl coffee gave reluctant yes thought whole situation much broke nervous fit attempted talk since lashed immediate family instead talking im feeling want see feel distancing now sometimes wonder glitch maybe im supposed exist maybe theres something fundamentally wrong existence needs corrected life ever fit even family always felt like never supposed there friends relationships fluke everyone going find eventually want cut ties everyone much existence get corrected one know difference guess im good job person tell anonymous message board,1 +soooo just met mitchel musso!! he is such a cool guy and such a cutie!! ahhh life is good!,0 +"Cat Depression — Signs, Causes and How to Treat It http://ed.gr/kd6z ",1 +another sale pitch today for a potential surface customer i do more sale than development these day,0 +@MC2011 How are you??? Im good just busy and such with life lol. I got a kitty his name is Buddy!,0 +im monsteri ruined everything like birth catalyst unplanned horrific event father never cared elementary middle school ugly stupid deserved called names front whole class messy deserved heart broken dive deep depression deserved hurt make others care me deserved used thinking smart dumped older guys online fall stepped on ruined life dating horrible person letting break get think smart again deserved assaulted one else deserves that im exception something horribly disgustingly wrong me got there got here meet amazing person disrespect them make feel small im stupid im broken damaged dragged someone keeps going im annoying person suicidal relationship im annoying attention seeker ruin myself life ruin others real reasons wanna stop ruining things wanna stop disgusting horrifying sickly beast wanna go care theres heaven hell disappear cant ruin everything anymore executed need execute me need one right thing know even that wouldnt right,1 +Bali in july japan!? when's a good time to go to japan? anyone?,0 +yesterday decided go finish degree covid forced withdraw year hardest year as previous posts highlight depressive suicidal thoughts highest life first time feel like looking see future weeks ago think had one step time but think saw smile face today decided go back finish degree first time seen light,1 +purposeits cruel joke perhaps functional member society could never be work weeks body hurts depression takes whole im left compare seem anything work would hold jobs never give second thought reason being joke must thought questions eye beauty world compassion living things love people places money loved ones shared with im excel field even exercise profession im good writer good photographer im good putting thoughts words describing people places wish id religious not really could say i cursed would easy thing serve purpose me world loved ones thought taking life would tragedy selfish act theres always family andor friends would miss you experience deaths much mean sure people remember family would mourn would all see me think much would change know ive side reading this know people really care want anything foolish rest assure promise wish travel however im afraid would die accomplish hope still write share pictures insignificant see feel wherever go nothing one remember care everything would vain forgotten isolated segregated marginalized,1 +"hmmmm I made a picture on paint with orchestra green on it, it had unicorns and stuff it makes me happy ",0 +took break reddit week oh god heck happening everyone getting awards free coins hello,0 +afraidi really want die know stupid meaningless problems would go away know people wouldnt get annoyed mere presence room id never worry whether id ever feel better might even get see dad fucking balls commit why even though know should falter every time go todo it drop fucking knife put fucking rope cut shallow sit curl wish could either cry die instead it worthless cant even fucking bring make change,1 +hows days fellow brothers sisters hope youre great anything wrong dm ig thanks happy,0 +likely best picture many see presented culture real unhollywoodized way must see like indie dont think movie draw indie scene acting top notch character alice portreyed well perfect akwardness movie ahould brought mainstream think would phenominally alice real look element culture seen since go ask alice look untouched hollywood hand movies like show young people things glamorous real compelling liked pieces april love one,0 +previously posted subreddit studies demonstrated beneficial effects turmeric redflag symptoms see url url xb however much good thing turn sour taking anything natural supplemental doses exceed found diet treat drugs,1 +oz old tv series released hbo shows life one security prison called oswald main plot focused emerald city one prison levelsbr br oz amazing plot outstanding cast many characters almost interesting basically divided groups gangs sicilians black people aryans gays latinos many others specific group deal many others like ryan oreily the irishbr br the plot well built lot conspiracy inside lot fight power exposed form violence intelligent smart nothing happens without reason connected interesting guess really love series wanna see something intelligent well produced good cast performances must see oz,0 +anime got hooked animebr br set year hey thats far away now earth poison gas wasteland pollution violence seeing crimes happening ever seconds committed thieves fire power third world terrorists government fictional new port city form tank police deal problem cops tanks oh insanitybr br the heroes series include new recruit leona ozaki red haired japanese woman yeah know never match distinctly japanese names japanese appearance drafted tank police quickly partnered blond blue eyed nice guy al leona new using tanks unfortunately destroys favorite tank tank police commander charles britain also known brenten big guy looks like tom selleck steroids sporting pair nifty sunglasses big revolver bad temper britain like leona join tank police first place wrecking tiger special a giant green monster tank exactly endear him fond taking remains giant tank using build minitank nicknames bonaparte soon pushing transferred child welfare where boys size puts it theres also specs bifocal genius bible quotinggod fearing chaplain purple mohawked mohican pot bellied chief whos right edge thanks mayor always yelling tank police antics seeing tank cops often destroy half city chasing bad guys use extreme violence capture them theyre well liked peoplebr br the villains cyborg named buaku whos got mysterious past thats connected project known green peace gang two sexy cat cyborg sidekicks anna uni puma first installment guys paid steal urine samples hospital treating people infected poison gas clouds nd theyre hired steal painting naked buaku story however uncompleted anime finished cult comic manga book thats hard findbr br all sorts chaos mayhem ensue black comic venture examines far people want police go order catch criminals happens fine line good guys bad guys starts get blurred kind thing going make movie it better go get quentin tarantino uneven places still lot funbr br followed new dominion tank police,0 +hand favorite playlist ill listen rate do promise,0 +tried kill before got divorced breakup relatively calmi affair affair woman manipulative talked cutting jumping bridge drove hrs really tall gorge going jump called wife kids prior chicken out thought kids sick came it now divorce finalized woman started fucking someone else feel calm fear might break might something terrible profession knowing life death means resources end get help low im depressed fuck lie bed time worried woman obsessed almost year cant get rut,1 +today i learned that nicotine can decrease the effectiveness of ssri,1 +mrjoe sorry to hear about the bike,0 +is this common or am i just the only one who s like this,1 +cut high school dropped out close relationship family love love keep arms length comfortable letting get closer feel alone wish someone fun things with chat realized friends,1 +bout call helpline lol first time ig literally need talk councillor else idk ill fucking,0 +is piss off leg foot in load of pain running from a old man who tryed too trash our tent o,0 +maybe song achilles come rightit weird people treat notredflag easily discart something better much someone gives hope another reason commit suicide like broken heart necessarily make jump time life even tried pursuing relationship know never works me knew made want kill never enough seemed amount birthday wishes would bring closer existing anymorebut know despite bullshit little broken pieces left scattered behind giving everything still manage stumble someone love accident one truly special different way none notredflag before makes wonder ironic would broke appart left much less little now hope love serve entries main dish always misery hopeless wonder everything falls appart again someone looking hope like addict looks next fix lucky enough never wake again love scary thing,1 +one peter sellers best movies never shown tv movie theaters ever released home movie derogatory medical field would love see movie again would like son doctorto see it laughter best medicine peter sellers best doctor this,0 +hate playing public among us servers provide actual evidence someone imposter say im sus get thrown dumb,0 +my friend recently tried to kill themselves and i feel responsible in a way i feel like i should ve let them know i want to help i am sitting by the toilet hyperventilating and vomiting with a panic attack and i want to see them please help i give it out too much now i realize i need it,1 +failurealmost month later im finally hospital funny try kill yourself get sent psych ward afterwards sit room color only dull crayons see therapist every day listens minutes ushering door still dont meds still dont help liver damage insanely expensive hospital bills sense failure god real must really wanna watch suffer,1 +lonelythe popup messages get smartphone per day spam emails amazon linkedin kinda chose abandon friends used have open guess fault maybe universes fault constantly punish great misfortune bad luck,1 +im young stupidim honestly feel like idiot right now know whats hurting me know im depressed know probably reason depressed im successful school getting straight as year ive social ever before talking chicks going mates im beginning get independence end year chance tour japan schools music program cocurriculars sport debate mock trial im home none matters means anything good me im tryhard proper social interaction mum drinks spend time avoiding her complain dad worked hard send good school reason really im talking bottle wine night unreasonable blames shortcomings try talk her tell need love gets angry confrontational says im calling alcoholic grateful her blames issues says im fault her am really am depressed im white kid australia private school parents get along best least live house get straight as enough left give worth destroying response extra bottle wine drinks celebration keep trying all edited typo,1 +"@SarahNicholas have a great #Hay day. Beautiful weather, I'm off shopping and oh joy shoe shopping too. ",0 +v a b d y kh i gi ng m t qu,0 +someone actually gifted friend cyberpunk yesterday made this posthttpsireddittevgibajpg friend afford cyberpunk honestly expecting many views did even reached top rall really expecting him to actually get gamehttpspreviewredditemaydgjpgwidthampformatpjpgampautowebpampsafdbabbaafcfdfb told us got it stoked were really grateful especially him thank rypta generous person are honestly words except im jealous even game thank reddit early christmas,0 +helloas type one already thought ending least weeks im living family point fact want family pick remains ive ended ive lying friends getting help feel inadequate helped them ive always independent ive always one shoving life advices think deserved helped anyone honest want bother them feel right now im bother everyone ive wreckless heart mind body past months im reaching limit hope find something live bit longer surviving maybe im dramatic really know really trying hardest,1 +we need to educate cis people who are going into a field like that about the topic in depth to make sure they can support their patients best. my psychologist isn't depressed - doesn't mean she doesn't know how to help my depression. https://twitter.com/TransEthics/status/989236097342304256 …,1 +noelclarke good morning you stop ignoring me just co i said i like cough take that am very sad now boo hoo,0 +need adviceneed help keep getting fleeting suicidal thoughts almost everyday basis now reason havent gone itatleast tell myself imagine toll would take parents gotten little worse late honestly dont know life ever since grade school mentality ok lets get kill peacefully knowing didnt became flustered gave up years thinking like genuinely dont know life didnt plan,1 +ok dad kissed hand left school make matters worse im m ugh hate life,0 +ive always depressed much worse apperent reason ideas whyso ive suffereing depression seven years past months since started senior year much worse idea why girl like however seems much intense liking girl kind depression feels really bad,1 +dont know doive hoping death since stepfather died about years ago asshole emotionally fucked every second daily life years killed leaving us heap debt year wrecked mother emotionally afraid kill myself maybe mother would follow soon after sincerely hope best want great things raising sister easy task everything seems hopeless desolate everything society life know dying slowly dont see point feeding anyones bank account forcing go college burying family debt ive thoughts often im seeing scenarios dreams im coward terrified pain suffering ive waiting chance get firearm surefire way think of thing im unsure mother,1 +living joyless life exhaustingim necessarily suicidal life feeling overwhelming im lot moments want burry head beneath blankets scream fu life general im dysthymia add drowning student loan debt graduate degree child special needs single mom feel ive ruined life going grad school older age owe k wont able pay student loans im even im paying much humanly can ive single twelve years since left ex likely lose rental new year due landlord bringing family nothing car likely fall apart within six months cant even save money replacement due huge loan payments sons specialists living one expensive cities world feel like ive accomplished nothing life life consists waking talking hours order get up working hours weekly crying way home putting energy lovely teen child eating chocolate make feel better passing bed nothing used enjoy gives pleasure joyful feelings dont see way make life better like years im going tomorrow child love immensely though feel like lost parenting jackpot maybe years hes adult,1 +Mmmm smells like homemade enchiladas and mexican rice ,0 +still feeling a bit jetlagged...looking forward to soccer & p!nk concert tomorrow ,0 +ternyata hanya gue yang make twitter,0 +friend posted stopped replying methey posted days ago find way contact found phone number theyre florida phone keeps ringing idk,1 +@Maiyab Am checking out your Blip playlist now! I'm sure you'd make a great store though - while earning real kudos & legal free music ,0 +fuck would want dieeverything terrible tried writing th fucking attempt somehow worse first im trying draw year half year old could better im terrible making friends even question goddamn sexuality time cant stand toxic behaviour matter much ive tried anxiety trauma still stuck heart brain like c waiting make go mad second now death seems like even harmreduction could possibly avoid dissapointing tiny handful people still somehow believe me im fucking embarassement cant even write proper english motherfucking fuck even mother language cant take shit anymore guns even legal cant even kill properly end me,1 +suck replying people much like said cant come say feel like might well say nothing bc dont wanna wrong thing,0 +want distance loved onesi feel hopeless future things gotten better years therapy work first time time around impossible even schedule meeting unless want deal time conflicts schooling feel pointless existence think mom loves child think loves person know boyfriend cares me think name friend would realize died beyond showing school might message first time want distance family boyfriend make less painful give kill myself know how know make less painful them cant go like anymore want slowly stop part lives leave room much join mom anything stop talking boyfriend much become less important cause issues distress maybe well break eventually make process much easier want keep living like this,1 +lets see long keep mask onsince middle school ive dealt depression honest gotten progressively worse last yearswhen talk people it always tell gets better reality doesnt hell think ever has survived middle school high school dragging bed every morning class hating there hating people surrounded around by fact anyone talk to felt lonely quite frankly still am confidence shattered longer man used be longer gentle loving confident man was exists hardened shell man exterior containing shattered remains myself im broken man walking around college alone inside out ever since got everything gone downhill me ive barely made friends girlfriend broke me grades complete shit girlfriend thing kept happy best thing thats happened throughout putrid waste life gave fucking reason live ended breaking always busy im mad it now im even worse off hate going home now reason went home truly smile anymore happy faces ive put mask really feel inside hate ever beginning show publicly stopped giving shit happens me want disappear face earth sure people go funeral theyll cry theyll say much care know good never give fuck me years thing happen like friend offed junior year high school even blip radar ill gone world go without me like going without friend now wait chance consumed deaths cold embrace whether hand someone elses end matter,1 +film guts suggest might best simply accept life is keep smiling anyway one excited idea taking charge ones life moving forward felt slapped face thats okay agree movie love respect it great acting streep hurt everyone else really wonderfully quirky scenes serious film take hanky,0 +kill meplease end me,1 +anyone know lot depression real first time im depressed im going teen dad the girl want abortion im thinking ending it zoloft work way feel sad sad sad switched full online cause cant take anymore every day want jump bridge narrow rode therapy sucks keeps giving answer every day soon mom want bother loser life im dump anything want pain end get better advice here therapist,0 +today i took the very scary choice of going to the hospital i don t know if i needed to but i wasn t sure how safe i wa and wanted to be careful a few hour a benzo and a long therapy session later i wa out and feeling pretty great about myself i did the right thing i relied on professional help i made sure i wasn t burdening my family and then my wife told me she didn t want me to come home and this just fucking broke me can you imagine getting out of the hospital after a surgery or accident and having your spouse tell you they don t want to see you would anyone say after you got out your appendix you weren t there for me today so i don t want to see you i understand and respect that being with someone with a mental illness is really hard i have done so many thing that would totally justify leaving me but what s breaking me is that the thing that i am getting turned away for wasn t my horrible behavior but the time i did the right thing the time i got help,1 +i ve been feeling pretty even consistently which is good i missed a dose the other night i usually take them before bed i fell asleep on the couch by the time i woke up at am i felt it wa too late before the next dose so just halved the dose today i truly felt the difference and realized the importance of this medication i do find that now that i know what it s like to live like someone with a more normal brain wave thanks to the med when anxious start do enter my mind now it s much more frightening than it wa before even though i ve lived with gad for a long time i wa diagnosed with it a couple of month ago and still i m having difficulty accepting it doe anyone else have the experience of anxious thought now more pronounced and frightening when they are experienced upon missing a dose,1 +give upi knife second impulse courage it im going to,1 +sitting in work,0 +know anthony kiedis singer red hot chili peppers father movie blackie dammit anthonys father noticed reading scar tissue anthonys autobiography saw picture father thought well guy kinda looks like guy movie saw eighties read said father actor small roles checking site comparing search net realized really father movie funny nowhere book mention movie perhaps son ashamed fathers acting job flick need be think father blackie great job show,0 +@JyonJacobs ED WESTWICK . hot right ? ,0 +Depression. Anxiety. Stress ,1 +@halfmar dude you're writing a song?? i'm sure it'll be just as awesome as the twitter song ,0 +worried ill go full columbine misguided attempt helpi made thishttpswwwredditcomrdepressioncommentsrqoa_rantish_thing_i_need_to_get_some_stuff_out_but post rdepression might help explain stuff want die want destroy family friends it nightmare back going end killing everybody know way anybody left sad finally waste myself know do friends help anymore trust anybody tell this therapists obviously question,1 +this photo cleared my acne cured my depression and extended my lifespan pic.twitter.com/jZe6YFY2UJ,1 +good enoughnot good anything parents hate said life easier born mom failed nurse put college raise dad old man already getting pension always big dreams hopes bad suck everything bad grades matter much study barley run let alone anything athletic sense art music anything artistic struggle everyday tasks anxiety depression live country lesbian apart lgbt community considered disgusting sin matter much try much pray going failure kill let capable normal human space recourses shitty planet,1 +nothingrecently ive saddened alone feel friends know yet try help ive depressed years thought redflag held back fear would people know care couple nights ago walking home alone midnight stood middle highway closed eyes nothing ever came walked ive told people response ive gotten not doorstep please taunt know anymore either,1 +join mc server anyone play however want ton people youre welcome join rn nobody want get btw running rasp pi upset little bugs ip ,0 +please wake upthis cant real doesnt feel like reality anymore please make stop please cant real please im scared die please,1 +found big funny simple do go google translate put vert angry sentences monty python quotes play audio,0 +struggling high functioning depressionits weird days im fine happy fine bad days shit start feeling suicidal again tonight one nights sleep hours skip bathing school therefore one thinks im struggling naturally force happy around others dare burden shit never ask people help one wants hear ramblings feel shitty even though good family friends constantly distracted video games music something prevent silence im online late hours night pass exhaustion reason descended complete apathy want disappoint parents already have ive already go therapy past play sports instruments grades even starting slip away gone ill nothing left one days theyre gonna find dead would fault much coward ask help,1 +need adviceapologies advance long ampxb so think need advice urgently ampxb planning commiting redflag today almost everything set ready go supposed final and important thing needed attempted became violently ill unable due severe lack sleep food passed seemed window opportunity closed ampxb im really bad shape mentally guess point physically suffer ptsdcptsd utterly consumed life almost every waking moment spiraling nightmare paranoia terror hate even saying that feel like liar feel vile pathetic way am bad cant keep going like this ampxb whats stopped killing fact affairs order even close do even im unable die now next spiral ill one last thing take care way cant even imagine getting there cant imagine getting walking room interacting roommates nothing different go work excuse missed today act nothing changed ampxb another thing im fight roommates speak were speaking were fighting something cant cant explain cant open im longer see react terrified literally reaction could possibly have want horrified sad want angry me anything im terrified past repeat theyll treat contempt scorn theyll tell im suffering none real im pathetic baby needs get it im terrified theyll angry tell felt way want tell them want find out ampxb leave me cant leave go settle final obstacle finally die cant get next morning go work interact nothing wrong dont know current physical state would allow that even cant bear tell roommates faces whats happening me call emergency services itll obviously leave roommates shocked confused without answers itll saddle hospital bill cannot pay poor uninsured fuck state lack medicaid expansion going hospital might make so much worse ive traumatized hospitalsnursesdoctors past last time hospitalized offered support kicked soon possible homeless money ampxb even know theres good advice me going sit utterly paralyzed until until even know thoughts anything im sorry long,1 +im sad want diei lonely think im depressed know do,1 +finally upgarded grandma bought new phone beneath using s yearsd,0 +wyldceltic so i read i m glad you re doing better,0 +dear twitter i have bug bite on my leg they r itchyyyy haha just got outta the shower uhh night,0 +good morning tweeties! what to do today? I am all rested up from Richmond and ready to hit the beach! ,0 +toilet amazing place to pee poop hide problems existential crisis cry wank realise ugly are one place,0 +hero is soooo boring ugh and i just found out there are more episode this season,0 +Need new dresses for next week! Shopping anyone? ,0 +effective wayi know weird question ask subreddit trying prevent redflag wanted ask effectiveleast painful way kill yourself asking question mean want know want kill myself want know later life answering please consider accessibility weapon example eu where live allowed gun like usa,1 +looking supportive attempted redflag once unsuccessfully actually bit afterwords felt like made wrong choice deserved stay alive days feel empty though feel like im sleepwalking life kind funny today cake day account guess really must something time year fuck spring guess ive really terribly depressed feel like im going able claw way while know im going even graduate anymore second semester grades reached rock bottom used b occasional c student currently two fs one d cs across board elsewhere even pull things think college admitted still allow enroll im fairly certain big plummet grades result rescinding admission senior recital last tuesday show spent months practicing for got anxious got stage stop halfway set butchering every song walked stage tears ive started behavioral problems feel angry want act led getting first behavioral referral due calling teacher facebook reported it friends use car money stop hanging cut im desperate interaction keep around parents disappointed worried cant find success things want good im really sure im anymore think im going kill soon know how really wish life perpetual cycle shitty days,1 +asian girls cute idk like them maybe thier eyes,0 +another one films remember staying late watch tv scaring crap impressionable age dooming thereafter life horror movie obsession great movie stands living proof indeed realistic effects cgibr br set isolated base antarctica version seems almost pick original version the thing another world left off american scientists discover decimated norwegian base miles distant everyone dead half charred remains unidentifiable thing left smolder outside compound might offer answers may happened thing brought back american base and late scientists realize alive lethal thing thaws off killing anyone anything crosses path also absorbing them making whoever whatever wants film turns brilliant paranoia piece everyone suspect anyone thing one trusts anyone anymore gone strength security found human beings band together spite differences battle monster group splinters fear rules supreme thingbr br the gore effects absolutely amazing messily realistic could done without dogs head splitting open like banana peel thats animal lover picky kill humans want leave kitties puppies alone sanity reason disintegrate rapidly as one one humans taken shapeshifting alien power film lies paranoia although liked original version prefer one real threat lies within scarier fact cannot seen easily detected forced hiding wrath huge results horrificbr br this one carpenters best films right fog halloween actors give strong realistic performances special effects powerful stand main character film something lover horror genre miss it,0 +i m apparently a horrible failure of a partner and lover i m awful and terrible i should just go kill myself everyone would be better off if i wa dead i m terrible for the hurt i cause because i ve been hurt i m hideous for not knowing how to love when my whole life ha been nothing but trauma i m worthless and no man will ever love me i deserve to be told to kill myself and i deserved my abuse i deserved my rape and my miscarriage and to be cheated on i deserved it all i m terrible im a failure of a daughter a sister a friend an almost wife and almost mother i have no worth im unlovable,1 +one best friends killed himself know handle iti seen year college together always happy kind everyone even people dickheads everyone else single bad bone body ive struggled suicidal thoughts ideation number occasions attempted take life times well suicidal back year when last made post here ages ago know friend got helped feet found today wednesday monday done it one told me sisters friends brother who told sister told sister me found out now thankfully felt suicidal couple months instead anxiety explosive repressed anger im right state im angry killing himself still college at ends college fault dealing helping him think im going something bad always thought itd whod commit redflag anyone knew found friend died part wish died instead im speechless numb ive idea funeral taking place im also going ireland holiday friday hopefully give peace mind allow process this someone suicidal numerous times before lose someone redflag last expect it need guidance do,1 +my body feel weird it feel like my leg muscle are electric sometimes they feel a bit tingly or it feel like i can feel blood rushing through my leg i m scared if it s something bad or if i have a disease or diabetes im freaking out i can feel my leg pulsating and they feel a bit sore even though i don t remember doing any activity that would cause soreness i ve just been very anxious this whole week and idk what to do anymore i lowkey wa feeling fine for a couple month trying to ignore everything and this week it all came back to me i m scared i can t catch a break this week everyday i m freaking out over something,1 +The depression is real )),1 +interesting titleim killing tonight rules sub wont load phone feel nothing nowadays often happens odd flashbacks cartwheels bridges handsprings front lawn fathers house loved everything else pointless story everything awful first tome life truly understand nobody love me likely wont die tonight unfortunately definitely dont want anybodys help posting rant im journal space pills oclock forever impelling night everyone there,1 +knife hand pressed wrist could it revelation wanted live again fear might hurt might mess up family would walk part way try stop me thought aftermath might like would wrong last thing ever upset everyone care about power live courage die could it coward,1 +living on neurofen for another day please go away headache,0 +lol part life great guess lost contact lens thats right me im desperate im even using wiki how im literally going around entire house somehow bathroom dropped it hate life swear one bad thing happens week im going scream,0 +im sick worrynormally im good frame mind im feeling like loser late never problem before got denied private student loans credit shit im working job insufferable nervous breakdown finally got right direction head go school im sure ill pay rent grants cover school costs comes significantly wealthier family always backing support im boat im ashamed feel like trying right thing ruined everything im close oding prescription pills probably even trick needs me niece hate life become do,1 +sex might cool all idk bur ever woken sleep straight fucking died,0 +@NGB2279 I am neither ,0 +darkness darkness im swimming alone pool darkness feel like darkness slowly pulling yell help one hear begin see water eye level kick flail fighting stay darkness darkness let go hold slowly begin give feeling lies water line waters starts fill lungs lungs held much life yet allow murky water replace know path lead happiness someone grab hand pull darknesss grasp one knows stand boundary boundary light dark give thing holds strength courage held heart cant save water slowly slip world conscientiousness undetected occupants world want fight anymore ive given darkness,1 +brotherthe last years agony senses word diagnosed kidney condition writhing pain flares up vomiting violently mother shouts hell broken loose saying caused condition nothing make better despite fact ever get better failed get second year levels went college left year course wanted carry appeal faded work father electrician plan start apprenticeship electrician mother however wants gone constantly reminding failures comparing everyone else work uni feel like thing holding back fact care brother,1 +ourcitylight that wa so sudden,0 +This depression shit is not no game I gotta shake this shit man,1 +im lonely crap corona shutdown like april may ex broke me hoping cure would school started im lonely also pls dont dis ex got good terms,0 +people say film typical teen horror movie well horror movie teenage girl it expect good film counted actual screams audience whilst film jumpy scary film bored film point even edge seat one point thing slightly bad tiny bit slow getting actual storyline led happened happened acting good scenery good storyline good too hope see when stranger calls months good film,0 +whats point allwhy suffer decades whether work illness life general given wrong cards poker fold give cards cant that cant see getting better all does stays way two seconds goes right back shithole,1 +"Nobody with depression wants to be depressed and nobody just tunes out what others offer for help, but it's so much harder for them to use the help from being in the state of mind that they're in. https://twitter.com/ayanatheoracle/status/988861135142248449 …",1 +today th birthday instead wishing happy birthday want best pickup line funny one actually one,0 +haha I knew iht was him all along w/ @pnaayshorddy ! roflmao,0 +one of the greatest healer of depression is thanksgiving be thankfuk today,1 + botter get hit car years ago injured knee getting beach torn meniscus surgery meniscus repair work took year doctors acknowledge appeared mri get second second last january learn got worst torn meniscus cartilage defect compensate leg knee hurting swelling stand currently waiting mri knee cant go out used lot sports know gonna possible anymore beginning law school good uni september kind dream got involved student gov models stuff good job based merit uni work could possibly published scientific journals still feel like best days life behind me since cant much except staying home pt school stuff swim more thinking ending life soon bad knee problems seems get worst literally feel like life quality gonna go downhill here help,1 +"Once I beat depression, start eating healthy, graduate with my PhD, start making bank, and make @Luke5SOS fall madly in love with me, it's all over for you bitches.",1 +going to walk my dog and shower before bed sad the yankee lost the first game monday too boooo,0 +lizard facts get gf day the chameleon facts gone away gonna lizard facts tokay gecko live around ten years,0 +badly could take gun shoot head past never change haunt rest life want die sometimes,1 +harry potter porn exist why hentai enough take another step further tsk tsk tsk,0 +something dont like thinking shit dont think shit act like it know shit act like it dammit hate going school seeing assholes popular annoying see straight them know im shit stay quite im confident myself dont need validation nobody like person acts like shit know shit dont think shit,0 +tired skirt posts people saying keep super bowl meme thing war declared war skirt posts ideas win appreciated join fight new,0 +get itjune th year tried kill myself took mg pills prozac hours later took mg pills it sum mg iirc id read online kill low mg get it work like all pulse completely normal hospital monitored stayed normal get went wrong built tolerance prozac since id since january gradually increasing dosages carbonated waters took somehow screw things up sleep taking did sleep order work tired hours taking first set read online something said dose kill would cause severe liver damage became scared dose might work might get bad liver damage want thats told people phoned ambulance me but hours later thought kill me get it work wrong conditions made fail get help wanted keep living got help eventually think id die would prefer living without kidney damage living kidney damage but could im convinced research could died theoretically so i get it im curious,1 +want die want stop pain redflag never stops pain passes onto someone else doesnt deserve feel way much didnt deserve feel way even think nobody cares always people care ones dont cut lives youve gotta work towards better future know depressions isnt easy cheering up youve gotta overcome matter what youve got one life shouldnt wasted feelings selfhatred doubt loneliness etc always worse gets better youve gotta keep pushing matter shit youre going through youre victim abuse abuser still abusing you youve gotta call cops fuck feeling shyness get it quick conversation operator incredible investment stop happening ever person also youll find right people eventually take care yourselves know strength get whatever youre dealing matter doubtful may you also urge see therapist talk mental health hotline matter shy may be apply investment logic it probably ways dealing this helps similar things talking people phone issues normal everyday life social anxiety disorder know much struggle life be again please take care yourselves know easier said done youve gotta make effort love you,0 +"scope_phill thank you i do model, for playboy.",0 +friends replacedleft mei sophomore high school moment last year lost friends lets start th grade th grade became popular sort happened people started like me became better socially around accepted point life going great suddenly part sort cool kid clique never thought would part of summer came going freshman year everything still amazing life time high however think life peaked transition freshman year still group friends things still pretty good good th grade suddenly second semester started everything changed basketball season ended which sport many friends play sort unaccepted certain members group non newest member friend forever clique mentioned earlier now happened kind alone started notice weekends anything strange good friends people fun stuff weekends time confused really act it happened check snapchat once surprise without me irked me months go thing keeps happening longer invited anywhere besides people complete assholes me want anything me hangout times summer connection friendship seem same sophomore year even associate me remember one person mentioned earlier newest member obvious one seems pulling former friends away me sad part person like brothers always super strong bond nothing cannot find place life anymore im struggling live myself anyone offer advice,1 +awake why can t i sleep got to work am hour,0 +wonderful movie good story great humour some great oneliners soundtrack die forbr br ive seen times farbr br the american audiences going love it,0 +everything coming back againi tried kill october stopped parents seeing counselor taking ssris thoughts went away semester made friends life finally getting better going hill again im back never feeling happy feel anything think easily could end life nobody would miss me doubt would even know im gone,1 +ok would judge movie days fit wellif watched fi stage everything pretty cheese agreebut movies s like thatgilliganwonderwomanasobut people born early mid s earlier cult status evertime plane approach tattoo would run tower ring bell accent would yell da plane boss da plane would wonder everybodys wish would bepeople born mid s later understand hippe watched nowit harry potterjurassic park computer animation fxit stage probably could even almost see wire attached guy whos wish able flybut us time fantasy island,0 +helpingtoday decided talk mother depression talked convinced nothing serious feel get wants snap it could even told buying new things taking get body laser making pretty would fix it would fix feeling desperately told things would work second make feel better feel even worse drink handful sleeping pills every day wake late way dont deal awake long sleeping everytime numb wish could end brave enough myself,1 +therapist quit meso said kinda pretty board fact told try stop worrying things much rude anything said see could it that maybe one reasons came therapy first place session ended said felt help making much progress sugested sending peer adequate treatment kept hearing horrible stuff said this im feeling utterly hopeless utterly abandoned afraid jump it never got tell bad felt quit on actually told much hurts seem want open nobody else fucking unbearable want it,1 +hoptonhousebnb i m thinking of getting my old fm tuner from the garage a i m having problem when my pc just stop playing audio,0 +sometimes call fight mode extensive martial arts background turned negative adrenalized states inward depressive vulnerability external physical reactivity describe feeling like im fight physiologically though sitting still trying sleep loss fine motor skills hypervigilance scanning surroundings people hit hit back could stretching feel like fight response opposed old flight freeze response effected even emotional aspects attacks,1 +jorge dont come school tomorrow tomorrow friday many fricking times say jorge act lockdown wasnt real vacation either thanks,0 +name look like u could ever kind u look pics page tell name look like,0 +ryuoky no sun here and i wa hoping to sit out on the balcony,0 +straight lines parallel lines making straight line difficult ppl right making two straight line even difficult making two straight line parallel even difficult underlining word making two straight line using ruled papers line reference make two straight lines with pen removable assignment like marks thinking could made single straight line instead two one heading need rest assignment fuck even difficult,0 +trust test httpsyoutubebcjwpkhhgws so see top rolli swear life isnt so trust me,0 +constantly face much redflag school makes extremely depressed hard cope with dont know redflagdepression anything memory performance ive noticed remember lot less compared wasnt depressed anxious state hours end contemplate procrastinate everyday depressing life sad,1 +If only the left hand talked to the right hand better then this world would be a better place ,0 +work making suicidali really big problems anxiety miserable due work anxiety would rather kill go work another day fact think redflag every minute every day morning almost ran car wall miles per hour avoid going today getting harder fight redflag point need money rent however pay bills also want hurt wife since death would devisate her really know everything life dependent job life risk job even could fight anxiety long enough get new job help would hate job anxiety too really know med doctors help really think doctor medicine changes would help fast enough point need advice anything,1 +im back acc hacked douchebag thinks im racistnot important anything new here likeanything all,0 +is cold,0 +"@hypermuser i know but i have an xbox 360, dun want a wii. i like the controllers :c",0 +wonder universe even supposed beeven whys mom empty minded mom im depressed want rest making dinner tonight logic old lady gaaaarr want orphanage you stupid piece shit,1 +never give let turn around desert,0 +thaughts vs intentionsif really want die also dont want leave anyone behind know wouldnt make really suicidal worse,1 +would like ask favour people want ask mum go see therapist somebody please tell things could say try persuade mum let see therapist local doctors thinking good times childhood screaming crying internally laughing joy instead pain self harming myself good times hey,1 +much say here tired returning mindset spite everything happens maybe state mind while feels permanent something cannot ever free nowi way knowing antidepressants would help think afraid told state mind denied option try think might worry antidepressants even work people love would feel like enough rely antidepressantseither way probably going cookout car something early morning nobody see always easier ways always hassle seems casual them thinking tonight,1 +depression sucks unless your depressing your dick into me haha,1 +access sodium pentobarbitali heard use something called sodium pentobarbital euthanasia please tell access druginjection im committing redflag yet times comes wanna prepared,1 +me has one bad experience somewhere me need leave right now never go back start anew dont even think going back fcked up go always start again,0 +<3 but only as her http://twitpic.com/6haly,0 +murderedbywords getting dry every single top post see stupid sub half baked insult political bs get people hate trump cmon go look murders actually kill something ffs edgy spill anyone could think of,0 +even know im botheringi dont ive failed everywhere else world cruel full hate world longer wish live in people tell keep trying know why gets worse worse worse trying torture stay alive devil sent fate torture wrongs always been afterthought even parents love think afterthought making fun bipolar people right front me ive got something tell dad environmental factor bipolar means took part making one them im trying pick peaceful way go get final things order want mean make transition easier others everyone failed me failed everyone spiral anyone know benadryl would let fall asleep forever want leave peace peace live never given me,1 +time start noblanket hear really really fucking hate cold showers recently one small parts day could truly relax enjoy suffering want get soon possible study saying lonely people shower longer comforting feeling similar hug missing think coldshower good forces get comfort somewhere else ideally drives self improve get relationship similar nofap however found finding entirely much comfort bed sleep important need make less comfortable think start sleeping without blanket would sleep floor introduce discomfort parents come room wake good amount time noblanket starts today basically continue nofap coldshower eventually horny comfortdeprived choice improve looks start approaching life suffering live just live like auschwitz prisoner bro next step food hollow cheeks,0 +@paigeypats_ Mabel has just cured depression worldwide,1 +feeling shitty year now get suicidal thoughts everyday yet pussy struggling lot gender sexuality fucking hate school starting college soon know cannot handle it parents always back got really drunk one night came mum bigender really know time felt right freaked next day parents room screaming me parents divorced explicitly told mum tell dad get never havethey got tested autism apparently gender identity issues autism linked regardless got diagnosed apparently really high functioning affect much life blamed never spoke again also pansexual last coming ordeal taught parents trustworthy supportive fuck coming again self harming months now know wot time feel anything also wanting try girls clothes born guy got idea gender anymore know like girls clothes however way get any parents would definitely kick started wearing them friends pretty supportive know get me blame either makes feel alone one positive late tho happened day coming home friends decided run home instead getting bus pitch black blasting music actually felt pretty good anyway rant really know wot tf even know anymore,1 +cant deal life anymorewarning past redflag attempt mention generally fucking annoying combination school living house living ptsd add making want kill myself ive wanted kill since earliest remember clearly imagining to ive already failed redflag twice since family hides resources now theres real me im still looking it permit license yet since failed learners test first time ive constant panic state since pm yesterday almost am studying least time cant focus class fucked ptsd brain yet realistically know much better real world job fine first semester im taking two classes one person online one inpperson class keeps sending anxiety attacks late drop theres weeks cant bring go classes necessary ive already pushed missing class much im cheating assignments get by feel pathetic also family money doubt ill able afford books even attend next semester get job know ill get job skills positive traits nothing im nothing feel pathetic went hospital help would end costing family wasted money time wish right choose die want die cant cope life tried failed again nothing going get better im almost literally part enjoyable besides things bring life like sleep reading time felt true lightheaded relief moments second nearly successful attempt remembered absolutely nothing unsettling things happened hours after want feel like know ill never feel way without taking action come across level happinessrelief reality even way fucking care find unless end story want go happiness going back regular depression pain everything life since miserable comparison wish right choose die were going keep fucking painful horrific ways alone suicidal people get support illusion support years decades making endure therapy medications work,1 +im tiredi tired want keep going chronic untreated pain miss late husband like missing limb dreams goals nothing live for less desiring redflag wanting live theres nothing left world me okay that resources access tried crisis center last year give medications which kill lol insisted talk way would multi day patient way contact job oh insisting would referred legal name gender whole time so guess going give up last year thought wandering woods freeze death cold enough now,1 +i wa too honest with a therapist at my school and now i m being sent to a psych ward i m fucking pissed and i will be missing class i m literally about to cancel all the rest of my appointment,1 +maryjldn thank you longest bout of depression and anxiety i ve had but i mthrough the other side,1 +gavin beast missing something,0 +wrote poem guys like it reality always selfish scared feel like someone else void soul maybe hole wish reality could this room trapped soul escape option never believed maybe trapped want be bright lights blinding me unable look away want love me could though me know want sure muffled sobbing aching heart night lost fight,0 +irish people come ye black tans cone put fight men like man yanks wondering irish people hate black tan people much,0 +heyis anybody could spare time chat im gone,1 +br br ok film going win awards pure bubblegum modern update its wonderful life come cheap release dvd lot worse ways blowing get film surprisingly strong cast still year two becoming b list celebs however enjoyable way passing hour half think much it,0 +hate human hate fact people born nothing people born everything hate people scared walking streets school hate dont get loved cause theyre different hate society made people hopeless take life hate shitty parents allow kid wants life post response post sub left out write them post made show shit humanity learn need improve,0 +drunk hell got noose hang closetgonna it dont knwo else do tired meds therapy cant seemto make diffrence bye,1 +need help dont know turn pointive depressed months way get away smoking weed amd cigarettes everyday im pretty young stuff way ever happy honestly dont know do cant even come enough reasons keep going point,1 +sounds silly wish birdbox monster realspoilers least could stop thinking it work keep others expect could stop disappointing husband could take care instead me weird watch movie feel jealous something morbid yeah anyone related kindve situation see lot people wishing could murdered reason basicallythe courage disappoint people gone,1 +i have nothing to offer anybody that they can t and don t get from a dozen other better people i m ashamed to even exist in front of others let alone pretend that i m a real interesting in any way attractive person i m tired of pretending though i m tired of feeling like knowing that nobody care and for good reason other people are just unconcerned with me all of them always i m going to be alone until i kill myself nothing help nothing will help i m just a reject which make so much of life off limit to me and it s part that feel extremely important,1 +dont want live anymoreim literally friends since years old im pretty sure mild quiet form bpd also pretty sure social anxiety avoidance personality disorder both im fucking lonely ive always people talk work school ends soon walk door people talk outside work right grandparents mom siblings online friend talked time eventually got tired clingy annoying cut off im lonely physically hurts hate myself cry sleep night wake crying morning dont want anymore,1 +sleep like sleeping couch hoody listening music,0 +@Pepperfire Is it Friday yet?? How are you baby? #tweepletuesday #followfriday,0 +shresthayash ouch i can just imagine a toothpic in the eye or something,0 +"Congratulations @garyvee, Lizzie and family & uncle @ajv! ",0 +i want to overdose and be done with this shit i m tired any pill combo that could help me,1 +people always say life gets worse seriously ask anyone age say gets worse moment mention word redflag everything changes itll get better,0 +is probably sick ffs,0 +reading likely know feeling also reading may realise important people talk getting this one anymore ex took them found new man took everything still admire her why want someone ask question too god hate this realised position people talk too not,1 +killing hardhanging takes minutes might leave brain dead fail seems like shooting thing works dont want family friends see face blown in im already selfish leaving might well scar them ive stuck delima awhile leaning towards shooting maybe shot heart work,1 +ha anyone been on this for anxiety im currently on 0mg of lamictal and my anxiety s been getting worse my psych prescribed hydroxyzine but im only able to take it at night a it either knock me out or lead to more physical feeling of anxiety tightness in my chest and headache his only other option he talked about wa an anti anxiety buspar taken everyday but i really want an a needed i take pill a day and ssri snris are not an option i also dont deal with anxiety daily but rather panic attack anxiety attack that occur randomly i guess im wondering how anyone here would describe hydroxyzine in comparison to benzos ha anyone been on both before and have an insight to which may be better i understand the risk i just want some honest info about your experience in what help thank you in advance,1 +based book space vampires colin wilson in humble opinion one best pieces scifi horror come eighties effects done ilm still hold todays standards actors mostly british british seem give film greater depth realismbr br film panned critics sadly failed well box office sides atlantic tobe hooper blamed promotional work done release main cause low takings whatever reason still detract fact excellent film great cast wellpaced plotbr br overlooked,0 +think friend may committed redflag maybe rehab dont knowmy online friend lives florida i live jersey havent responded since saturday days found tried commit redflag thats havent heard thought phone stated broken recent events think maybe committed im really worried first name cant call ask wellness vist info im really scared,1 +urgh my head hurt think i ve had about hour sleep but the cat wa miaowing no rest for the wicked,0 +"@Onision no. it isn't. stop romanticising depression you fucking onion. aren't you the one who said that people choose to be depressed and mock people with deppresion? oh yeah, you are! stop being fake woke to try to impress your underage fans on the internet and be an actual father.",1 +"I could use some comment love, all! I am new to the blog world http://theleonardsfamily.blogspot.com/ #mmwanted",0 +ask random questions ask random questions im board right,0 +@mcflyellie Heyy Ellie... saw Jonas Brothers last night.. and McFly was there...they were amazing ,0 +Band practice- see you later ,0 +"Exercising regularly cuts risk of depression by 16%, study suggestsIt's the best medicine. Hands down http://news.sky.com/story/exercising-regularly-cuts-risk-of-depression-by-16-study-suggests-11346264 … pic.twitter.com/0bqk7K3Z5Y",1 +im done itat point life age realize im going alone rest life never girlfriend trust ive tried whole thing changing appearance clothing going social lifting online sites im school going degree things going me end attractive enough get someone im tired hearing oh never know whats going happen im tired hearing advice im done im going live life loneliness im living lite version life full experience im tired hearing oh theres millions people also alone everyone see around me social media someone im going overdose heroine put end suffering yeah im venting im asking help theres helping trust ive tried,1 +hello bored im dad fellow teenagers from im scotland,0 +think cracked type code may late party accept fact im ugly subpar intelligence major clue im doing simply regret every decision youve made every meaningful relationship life nobody hurt,0 +theekween it help with depression loss of a loved one anxiety heart break or have witnessed something traumatic thelmasherbs,1 +ok film may oscars bad film original doa undoubtedly better film mean film badbr br the film stars dennis quaid one early roles first becoming really famous the right stuff made star lovely looking meg ryan still quite famousbr br this update film rather remake since setting different characters too different plot pretty much same man this time english professor university texas austin poisoned hours find poisoned why meg ryan plays young college student tries help him jane kaczmarek plays quaids estranged wife low key intense performance steals every scene in daniel stern also early role home alone made famous plays quaids colleague charlotte rampling fine supporting rolebr br the entire cast top notch film stylish quick pace keeps guessing end br br i think film certainly worth watching thriller modern version classic film,0 +Something was posted through the door and I'm so offended by it. I was going to post a pic of it but I don't want to give it anymore publicity. It's supposedly a religious leaflet offering help to clean your home of DIRTS. One being depression. DIRTS! WTF!,1 +@QuelynnInc about to hit the sack I'm good. How about yourself. Ping me tomorrow if you catch me in the stream. Goodnight zzzzzzzzzz,0 +kaozdesign i think i found my face unfortunately you didn t find yours yet,0 +me to my husband after reading cpt depression s tweet about life with a newborn http t co h cjpeqgu,1 +how do you keep going when you feel like nothing is going well,1 +benched kg yesterday know lot skinny big accomplishment especially month bit really know else tell heres normal sized attractive me,0 +itsangie i canceled it with plane ticket hotel stay and ticket it wa close to 00 if we eat cheaply man i soooo want to see o,0 +think life overmy husband left real explanation treats like enemy love him cant see way go on obviously horrible person,1 +want dieand depressed sad unhealthy reached age realize living pointless lie nothing used think life early childhood valid bullshit point deep inside life accident ok dead fuck shit,1 +epic im finally happy long time lady hair cut place called handsome young man first compliment long time,0 +this is a long story i m sorry me and my ex broke up year ago but we remained friend but i still loved her and still do to this day after month she stopped talking to me because of this when we were together i never lied to her well i only lied about thing and it s about why i tried km when i wa to this day no one know the real reason maybe my friend bc i almost slipped about it i treated her like a queen we lived 0 hour away from each other and i saved up k to go see her when we were together for gas and my dad stayed at a hotel i wa at the time every anniversary i wrote a very long paragraph maybe on why i love her and how beautiful she is at st it wa every sunday of the week we started dating on sunday then the 9th of every month we lasted 0 month together each paragraph wa different and never said the same thing i did this to help make her feel better about herself because she wa ashamed of her body and i could tell she wa depressed i wanted her to be happy i bought her a lot of gift and always asked how her day went btw i m very poor and at the time i mowed lawn to make money 0 a week during spring and summer i m allergic to grass and been doing it since i wa we broke up and she told me because she wa gay but we can still be friend i quit my job month after bc of depression we had a discord server that contained her brother and their friend there wa this guy that we always played with and me her her brother and the guy played doki doki at st he wa nice then when they left he wa very mean to me saying thing like she doesn t like you just leave why are you even trying and so on i never said anything because i didn t want to ruin any friend ship i wish i said something instantly we all played overwatch together also well i tried to stop playing with just him and only play with her i said it wa bc of my anxiety but the real reason wa bc of him month later she stopped talking to me because i still loved her this is where and why i might be gone soon warning i m going to say graphic thing plz know i don t want attention i just want my story to be told if i do leave day my phobia is being alone and she helped me forget a terrible memory when i wa the real reason that no one know about i wa scarred i regret doing all of this i made 0 account on insta saying sorry and emailed her sorry also plz know i regret doing all of this and understand i wa in a dark place still doesn t justify my action some time after that i wa dmed on insta to go km and other horrible thing i tried telling her but she looked at the screen shot and just blocked me then it happened again then again i wa being told to go km and other thing for month straight even wa bullied by her bf at the same time i screen shotted what he said to me also in the middle of all this my mom oded and wa in a hospital for a week i had no one to talk to i tried cry out for help to her no response i tried cry out for help about the guy telling me to km for month no response she is the only able to stop him she never really tried the only ppl who tried to get them to stop wa me and my friend he wa the only help i had on christmas and easter i also emailed her saying i hope her and her family is ok because covid wa bad and her family is like family to me i worry and care about them a lot still wa being told to km and messaged by her bf i started cutting month of being told to km i stopped a little while ago since i wa still being told to km and bullied by her bf and no change wa happening i cried for help to her parent i showed them the screen shot of what her bf said to me and told them about the person who we still don t know who told me to km later i got a message from her saying that not only she regret our relationship but she is scarred of me and i have to apologize to my friend who wa helping me through all of this btw i don t have the gut to yell at someone bc i ll have a mental break down bc of past trauma parent always yelled at me and i dont have the gut to hurt anyone mentally or physically unless it s to protect my friend or family i m a very protective person of who i love and like when i read this i wa badly hurt i started doing drug not weed bc the smell make me want to vomit and ill never try it but whippet wa accident but made pain go away so i kept doing it some time later my dad got cancer he s doesn t anymore it got removed right away but while he wa gone i had a bad mental break down and i did a free therapy trail online i forgot the website but i did this with different email so i had session i did it for her bc she always told me to get professional help i got told i might have severe adult separation anxiety i have nightmare every night about losing her still to this day i said a lot more infact i told them everything and they told me that they can t officially diagnose me with it because they wanted to talk to me more but i m poor i can t afford that but i then had no one so i cried for help to her last time i wa scarred her dad texted me to never message he again that night i did a full inhale of whippet and tried to km i had seziure idk how to spell and woke up the next day no one checked in on me i woke up on my floor that wa the last time i ever did that some time later her bf messaged me again it wa a pic of him and her kissing making a heart of their hand he said just give up she doesn t love you and never ha i showed the screen shot to some friend and then deleted it bc it wa painful to look at what am i sopose to do cry for help i can t to this day he message me mocking me but she ll never believe me not only i can t tell her but i don t think she even care i also later found out the real reason why she broke up with me wa bc i wa too clingy not only did my friend tell me this her bf did also everyone who i told this story to tell me she cheated on me that there s no way someone would let this happen if they cared about me after i treated her with respect like that during our relationship i don t think she cheated on me she would never do that i tried going out with other girl but i cant bc it feel like i m cheating on her even tho we re not dating it feel wrong i still love her and i always will even tho she never asked if i wa ok when i wa being told to km which hurt badly i still love her the only reason i m alive is because of my hope a nd chance with her but it s dying and i want to die b my hope dy or i m going to die when my hope dy which mean i ll have no happiness left the st time i felt happiness wa when she said yes to going out i cried that night bc i never felt that b bc of childhood i just want her to at least ask if i m ok just to prove my thought wrong to prove that she still care to keep me going i love you and i always will if you some how see this i know you re tired of seeing this but i m sorry plz know if i do lose the battle i lasted this long for you i hope you re proud of me and if you do message me i might come out about the real reason why i can t let go and for whoever read this long thank you i hope you have a great life be safe idk if i typed this but i haven t done drug in a year won t be on this account a lot only to vent it s a alt account i m just trying to get help even tho the only help that will help me is her saying anything nice to me idk when but when my limit is reached bc of her bf and friend and all the past crap they said to me i plan on going 00mph to a pole i already know where i m going to do it it s not like she care anyways i get told to go km for month and bullied to this day and not once ask if i m ok i doubt she ll be sad my thought are telling me she ll be happier if i m dead i get harassed i get yelled at for cry for help i get told to km i get yelled at for cry for help,1 +such a tough game to watch tonight for state finally going to bed after also staying up to watch the season premiere of the hill,0 +parents seem understand support niece so im suicidal years family never talk emotional problems ever ever try to mum especially guilt trip make seem victim want listen side actually thought normal recently im problem family moment niece self harming go hospital eating disorder refusing eat time suicidal something really knew mum knew something me blamed told im making worse etc knows psychologist asked behaviours sleeping constantly sad ended calling redflag line saw doctor mental health crisis team came house make sure im planning killing myself parents know im suicidal approve all finding every excuse try put blame me say fault making like this constantly ask im suicidal assumed im suicidal im worried niece obviously worried im suicidal tell thats reason im suicidal say im making excuses up mum late s dad hearing good speak loudly knowing im room hear every word say heard talk bout say strange im suicidal also annoys me situations went my niece self harming im worried her im always ill anything want im suicidal hes probably making up everyone worried my niece getting much attention wants asked noticed eating lot said its happened my niece gets diagnosed eating disorder eating enough year gets diagnosed it im attention get help secret want anyone family know wanted attention id go around telling everyone posting facebook day which niece does ive depressed long time around ive seen point living long time parents deny been told nurse recent thing niece gets hospitalised back february bullshit regret getting help done made worse made look bad keep getting evil looks brother i think parents made stuff told them entire family think im attention seeker thought would happened did made even harder kill im watched time see gp regret day much could go back id never see her fuck,1 +truly believe one age relate much hate due virginitysearched word virgin went posts found post yo months ago reading it pretty crazy much similar me even medication went posts see still active unfortunately werent two posts went comments realized account alt mine relating whole time difference longer take meds insane much wanna die fact im virgin burden cannot find girls like me doesnt help im also extremely awkward around girls,1 +cherrytreerec oh man i can t see the vid it ot available in my country,0 +is trying to look to the big picture but boy it hard to some day,0 +made tiktok kinda thing new youtube shorts lol im curious see people think hereshttpswwwyoutubecomwatchvdluuajovy link curious thought worth give th tiktok remake shot since instagram reels kind useless,0 +want die stupid reasonsi guess first reason stupid grew emotionally abusive manipulative house amp im kinds fucked up next living fact emotionally abused ex around year ago we fucking immature known better feel truly like matured changed one wants near know abuser plus girl still feels like shit amp hates fucking much told kill myself deserve it friends girlfriend feel alone cant even put words much pain feel feeling years know im might sound like im trying edgy truly lost hope life im ungrateful could sick homeless fuck is wrong ,1 +@cscrima white truffle popcorn?...sounds decadent. I hope it's yummy. ,0 +lack jealousya weeks ago decided starve death lasted week turns starving much much painful slitting wrists gunshot head anyways said robbed whatever drove people due father died mother two clicks short psycho maybe one click short anyways years intensive zazen know missing ive never jealous anyone im lived entire life without jealousy suppressed every day practice zazen becomes slightly clearer exactly wrong me im sure sounds people imagine living whole life without jealousy people everyone know likes me sure puts absolutely horrendous position without jealousy hard want like someone like someone hard like kind music kind music jealousy people large extent base entire identities on ive never that remember exactly supposed start mid twenties life seems like lost cause,1 +"I worked for a producer, in Los Angeles who no matter where he was, would stop to go to the gym to swim.#HoldOnToYourVoice #HOMAGI #Caregiver #MentalHealth #Caregiving #Depression #MentalIllness #Caregivers #April #Wednesday #HumpDay #WellCaregiverWednesday #HOMAG",1 +call everyone bro sounds nice,0 +confusedi hate think im negative dont want get better someone talk say need love accept things reason cant way think like im trapped mind mind convinced im even going successful life sometimes feel like im making feel way dont know anyone would want that hating mind well cannot even look naked long period time feel disappointed theres lot feel wrong want know anyone else feel way,1 +asked crush out said yes date next week,0 +title pretty cliche still spend day living head friends hate family especially mother feels like energy constantly sapped me fat mother stop look like twig tiring want quick escape deal crap anymore welp time start another day want stop,1 +point end suffering create more cannot wait die thought jumping bridge water would definitely take scared panic painful state drown might find another effective non painful way want delete bad scared turning vegetable,1 +parents overreacting so context im yo male today got results months in school get results every months so fairly good marks one dutch forgot tell parents fact test dutch timespan m hour long listening test get good marks that total percentage dutch bad thing tho simply forgot tell them parents furious cuz tell them claim lie partially agree getting mental something forgot cant game w im pretty pissed it reaction,0 +want give upim teetering edge ive never posted something like someone side feel like sinking quicksand sure me know even making sense care much anything right now,1 +maybe time goim tired feeling alone,1 +"@christinepilch Yes, now 44 cents...hope you are having a great morning! ",0 +thats it im folding and getting tweetie for my iphone twitteriffic is taking toooo long to update i need grouping amp reply,0 +@nicegirly97 Keep positive & Keelow will be just fine. He is in good hands. ,0 +thats folksive decided end life birthday two days pretty grim know reality much morose im empty long forgot like happy see faults loneliness went past killing instead keeping alivewell going days,1 +said redflag permanent solution temporary problem butwhat case permanent solution permanent problem,1 +college admissions far ive accepted schools ive applied wont know rd next month,0 +comfort friend basically hes feeling sadand thinks negatively himselfi dont rlly know right words comfort make feel betterhe thinks someone compliments himthat nothing special everyone could thinks hes dumb hates fact hes introverted said hes rlly bad communicating girlsbcs hes afraid whatever says would come weird unfunny also hates himselfhe said wanted cry reasonhe didnt mood anything help say,0 +first time im rationalso ive messed everything life looked part time job call own want rich would gladly settle free time lower pay thing necessary degree part time jobs accountants couldve gotten degree time aware thing needed live life capable enjoying realize basically me thats im thinking simply ending know lies ahead simply made me accuse mocking serious intentions ive already attempted redflag twice back completely emotional wanted pain stop rescued time twice brings us here intentions serious feel urge it simply something pops mind feel like but rationally screwed big time late correct mistake past shitty high school degree worthless im old start university still worthy hired tax benefits employer basically screwed without experience,1 +im hiding eating disorder boyfriendi made account boyfriend knows personal one anyways im years old ive issues body ever since suicidal felt like control whats going life time chose could control anything body fast metabolism already would eat usually ate sometimes more throw food up always count eat example im eating pizza count many olives corns slice pizza eat has take forever eating never eat front people find weirdest excuses eat boyfriend person knows eating disorder stopped smoking hopes stop purging hes happy were clean bad habits since april truth still suffering ed im afraid telling truth know tell him hell start smoking fault and know cant get rid ed easily thank whoever replies,1 +scratch that du in heif two in a half cooky my tum just can t take anymore shoog poots,0 +life unfairpeople make choices good bad life made bad choices see people make choices turns good them every possible choices mine wrong loser time im getting working long time depressed,1 +whats fucking point anymorei used stay alive friends friends left me body cage redflag key understand left me im ugly fat boring loser lives live know theyre laughing right now wonder theyll laugh find body,1 +stop httpsyoutubeinbrpclifse saw sad,0 +anyone witness justice system lack thereof find film truly satisfying many shades gray regard characters plot virtually every character film epitomized best worst society popularity film probably due fact us one time another deal scumbags along nambypamby lilylivered meleemouthed bureaucrats empower name political correctness br br the performances across board compelling sympathized rape victim same found gratifying see wipe smug vicious arrogance faces former attackers particular found dyke one ugliest characters films ive seen nice see former victim shut mouth good lead rapist psychopath equally ugly fitting dirty harry offed loud grotesque fashion end sequel dirty harry saga equaled first,0 +@colezz haha yeah I kinda do lol but don't like not watch it now just cos I want to see it lol and yeah that'd be cooll xxxx,0 +remember little big planet fuckin good childhood,0 +quite close friendcolleague mine committed redflagshort preface senior year old medical student mentorampfriend young orthotrauma surgeon bit older children wife man like substitute father me sometimes even risking are teaching rather specialized trauma knowledge amp allowing perform interventions patients still student well time listen lifes issues today side side channels told weekend abandoned world volition seriously think end too due terrible family background alcoholic amp mentally abusive mother fk father neurotic bit ocd plagued terrible headache flares nearly whenever begin really stress something nearly friends except one close friend whos living another country moment truthfully terrible making friends somehow people age tend stay away me social contact colleagues academic group most hate me rather uptight shity sense humor ergo social life good studies helping patients sports personal enjoyment swimming there consider husk human being performing day day functions well eat study sht sleep repeat well appeasing grandmother whom raised me truthfully person today keeping earth things feel really inside emptiness sadness loneliness is even allow myselfhave time think them teacher way stronger person am finished gruesome residency friends good sense humor wholesomely terrific human being yet decided leave life behind strong person decided stop earth continue living biological husk human life full misery,1 +woke today want die fun well lasted back sad tired woooo,0 +getting unfriended snapchat hi kinda weird even bothers tbh girl kinda compared to suddenly unfriended snapchat yesterday honestly dont know why never really talked tho a times posts lot pictures story sudden didnt see posting looked name said didnt add said process gray arrow weird still follows instagram still watch story know shouldnt upset tho kinda makes sad anyone knows someone would that mean lot people snapchat kinda weird remove someone maybe im overthinking bit,0 +i'm standing here but you don't see me... --Before The Storm; Jonas & Miley ,0 +So so good to be home ,0 +riry is being a pain and nomming on my hand should not have sprayed her with that cat nip mist a a joke now she is craaaazy,0 +Drinking milk and eating yummy cookies What a life.,0 +frick anxiety frick anxiety frick anxiety god hate anxiety much literally nothing happening feel like im life death situation im going break floor powerpoint say frick anxiety,0 +inhaled egg boiled eggs cracked open egg slurped dont ask bored still egg shells egg tried shallow threw up yeah im sorry,0 +finally went principal history teachers verbal abuse hello all im currently th grade generally class misbehave sometimes overall pretty decent class calm teacher asks throughout school year noticed history teacher get pretty verbally aggressive us especially unnecessary sometimes targets kids done absolutely nothing wrong seems ive finally fell radar breaking point set today got trouble something pretty damn stupid charging chrome book definitely plugged multiple witnesses shes times worse kids wont mention names kid seriously going stuff shes started targeting student letting go library work call principal claim student skipping class things like that gotten point kid breakdowns class cause physical harm home finally decided go principal since figured yknow seems pretty reliable right wrong explained situation email since busy time hours got response essentially get it people get mad honestly dont know do purposely try avoid class points time try escape bathroom much possible broke tears read email teachers staff supposed help us feel safe comfortable able go things im afraid step history class knows could outburst i like many students feel extremely unheard people supposed help us sorry long rant really needed get chest thanks sticking around did,0 +live redflag cuz die eventuallyjust live,1 +guys came straight parents super supportive,0 +please talk someone verbally need join discord support group serverhi thought making support group discord please feel free join come talk others may may join swear cosmos never judge beliefs actions never say annoying bullshit stuff like there there chin up everything fine idea im talking about try best ability others same httpsdiscordggudatwevhttpsdiscordggudatwev,1 +meeting new people lately ive feeling kind lonely quarantine isnt helping much friends play video games dont im usually left out though meet new people online anyways youre looking someone chat maybe play video games with pm ill send discord nice day,0 +im going make day need someone see thismy thread rdepression httpredditllwe someone please read third edit comments anything help me rang samaritans help all cant live more,1 +"@edsheeran But also, she has problems with depression and anxiety very serious and all this things made she's gone losing her temper and she's had a long time without training, I know that she really loves training Taekwondo so much and does very well for her mental health.",1 +ugandan beauty jackiearinda ehhh ehhh sandra won t send her to depression okubye nnyoo,1 +would firstly say somehow remember seeing movie early childhood read subtitles thought sonny chiba sean connery really like concept able least partially suspend adult scepticism embrace inner seven old may want avoid movie said watched restored minute version dvd say enjoyed it though much seven remembered ending br br there aspects movie worthy criticism first minutes final minutes really comic moments favourite contrast scenes acted final minutes curious choice backing music listen lyrics br br for action film great deal focus personal stories certain soldiers social dynamics squad strain time travel takes toll ending movie decided good thing seven though relationship guff bad thingbr br for action film also plenty gratifying gory action especially couple epic battle scenes platoon hordes shogun era warriors makers movie ensured many deaths possible bloody and lets face it humorous thought splendid aspect movie kid ashamed say still dobr br i also like fact modern day soldiers general spend movie walking egg shells trying avoid altering space time continuum theyve got heavy calibre machine guns mortars rocket launchers tank helicopter theyre hell bent making feudal japan theirs id like think vigorous imdb user would bootsbr br in short movies worth watching makes viewer regret movies made similar premise time offers hefty hints movie like gi samurai unique,0 +stop saying america shit country stop saying america shit country mind think racist country ive never seen immigrant talk shit america reason that came shit hole country running water deemed success sound bomb going became normal live america privileged reason cant become successful systemic racism stoping becoming successful work hrs week poor right talk shit billionaires like elon musk jeff bezos started company work hrs week living ramen even billionaires work hrs week,0 +want later afternoon im still entirely suremy friend attempted redflag im constantly afraid someone else will know going sound extremely selfish hypocritical say want later grades going drain used straight student im probably going fail several classes late anything it project havent done already late fault irresponsibility text argument mother morning led saying wish going custody dad instead her havent gotten back response yet know gets home im dead unless actually dead then everything else gone shit already cant even anything except sleep later afternoon im planning it several hours either parent gets home im gonna snatch bottle ibuprofen several water bottles go outside hide bushes somewhere take all im waiting im going say goodbye everyone contact for dont know though dont know anything im freshman ive already ruined whole life theres really going back now problem plan little brother whos th grade gets home shortly do hell notice im home probably let parents know come looking me dont know anymore,1 +got the ebay blue item i want jumped from no bidder to over 00 in an hour still ha hour to go i d better not get my hope up,0 +gon na graduate highschool in a couple month i have no future plan no job can t go to college because of financial problem everyday waking up i feel like a total piece of garbage that never taken out my friend ha their own future some of them already have job i don t have any skill i m an idiot i don t know nothing i only have a mom left my big bro paying the bill rn after i graduate highschool if i don t have a job when i reach 0 y o or something happened to my life i m gon na do it or should i i don t know anymore i m scared of my future i hope it ll be okay i hope,1 +@mryates any plans for them to hold one in Ireland ? ,0 +I will sing for you my S FACTOR till the ends of the earth. - http://tweet.sg,0 +gtperpetual existence sorrows forever repeat cycles collapse person gt gtindelible memories turned still images constantly reproduced gt gtmirror past reflects good times buried misery gt gtinevitable roads intersect life divert coursefree poetry helps cope way write feel point life years old feel like living inertia even began live life already tired iti live best places fact would argue live horrendous place see everything crumble around see trapped here everything getting worse every day hope get chance get out country sucks city sucks household sucks practically poor live future hopes making somewhere time passed grown pessimistic seeing that realistically might make anywhere might end living miserable life making anywherei trapped inside house year now friends withered away ever first place everyone liked talk online either ditched disappeared social redflag worsened time mental health need deal mood swings depression trauma adhd untreated tried everything get access mental health professionals even others help me end could it still live family helpful all best tell problems either exist matter there people worse problems yours cannot even talk much it esteems constant emotional psychological yes also physical abuse rest things feel safe talking themsomething traumatic happened late last year me hard explain knew was event mental health went drain never cared got mad sudden change behaviour even let cope safe way led copping unsafe ones much happened ever since many meltdowns many nights feeling hopeless many dark thoughtsand am winter break university typing could going sleep fix fucked sleep schedule least something fun instead feel completely apathetic depressed want disappear much trauma backstabbed many times much everyone taken advantage me almost everyone ever liked disappeared always feel hopeless feel worthless want try anything anymorei want make new friends eventually find way make go away involuntarily redflag keep away friendship fade away want get another relationship going abused again want go heartbreak again lost interest hobbies play guitar play videogame usually even fun anymore helps temporarily kill eternal boredom feel make think things catch go back feeling depressed fuckand live inertia wake follow routine every day anything interesting expect anything good see every new day another day get through another day deal everything another day wonder situation got here why last question ultimately kills me why me done deserve this cannot happyi tired this want die want live without pain things getting better certainly feels like never will stuff could fixed lot hard work many things carry forever know want to tired living inertia only able feel sadness,1 +Just about ready to go to bed. It was a long day today. Good night. ,0 +therapists never understand am see walking diagnosis person everything say symptom believed im never person could possibly normal reactions im ill brain damaged low iq ffsfuck all fuck all bipolar bpd ptsd turned believe ptsd claim gave me months long withdrawals drug put took horrendous flashbacks till day ends breakdowns oh no cannot that must anxiety opinion im manifesting symptoms illness way withdrawals bad f fuck them im thankful support benzobuddiesorg im also done life tried yrs im dead inside waiting pets go could never live without them,1 +im sad now miss lilly,0 +@hiyuhime Yes indeed! ,0 +paini lived pain one way another since born never got know father killed vietnam months old molested neighbor years early teens battled alcohol drug addictions s two failed marriages many failed careers count diagnosed prostate cancer years ago spent year body ravaged radiation chemo plus couple surgerys cancer treatment left broken constant pain sure worse days mental physical pain tried tried live happy life never works out unrealistic expectations life guess complete failure son brother father husband tried keep hope future alive hope torture talking coworked last week finally hit me things given put could right family never realized body broken never fixed lost hope day tried explain wife basically said so what one guess right gives shit want make money pay bills may live dream tired pain tired alone head wish strength end all dont feel guilty pain know would cause people love care me dont care anymore cant understand pain dont kill dont want burden wife sons would cause even though know would better without me anchor around wifes neck holding back ruining life nothing left offer sons expect cautionary tail live nothing financial emotional burden around me feel alone hope want die,1 +kill myselfi nothing going me one gives shit me hopefully tomorrow last day,1 +megathiccc want christmas,0 +getting girlfriend honestly isnt great almost broke lock basement door lock expensive,0 +days worse othersa week ago bracing eat bullet im way weekend vacation know happiness last forever cant let stop enjoying time hope inspires someone,1 +touching story told tenderness awkward young jewish girl wwii america befriends escaped german pow hiding clubhouse discuss lives beliefs hes antihitler sneaks food becomes friend ally reminded muchbetter theatrical film whistle wind hayley mills befriends convict alan bates certainly cant fault direction here smooth performances sterling mature preteen years kristy mcnichol carries picture never hits false note suddenly prisoner discovered and kristy found well movie gets tough father shocked ashamed child would consort that nazi lays quiet fury seldom seen he tells you dead me must devastating little girl hear final scenes cop out big reunions handholding climaxes girl face world learns bitter lesson neighbors friends family startling film,0 +dont know copehi im really sure start ive contemplating idea redflag while years now im much coward recently urge getting stronger stronger lack close friends open ive never actually told anyone would feel bad did every day wish wouldnt wake cry nights due reject school home since parents refuse give attention pleasure life currently ramadan im struggling living due fasting im weigh kg parents dont care say good me refuse eat take anger food recently ive eating less less making hate body more ive also recently gotten government issued student loan mum wants im trusted im one thing ive looking forward month since bit shopping myself today shes said doesnt get end week ill start paying rent start paying food get im also muslim cursed sexuality problems dont know caused thing ive living entire life lie cant tell anyone since friends publicly made known dont accept lgbt people wouldnt friends idk change feelings towards genders main thing thats holding ending able see happy family would be dont think like me life right hard deal im starved sorry posting unserious enough wanted let people know bit soon maybe die,1 +" hi i am a high functioning person living with depression, anxiety, PTSD, and probably some other undiagnosed stuff.as a mexican american woman i always knew the only way i'd survive would be to be the best since being mediocre wasn't an option. https://twitter.com/franciscolwhite/status/988770953286086656 …",1 +The Third Great Depression & rise of the far-right: experiences In #Turkey the Islamist right garners support in rural areas by promoting social welfare and subsidy programmes.The left needs to put farmers and workers at the centre of class-based struggle https://www.opendemocracy.net/burak-g-rel/third-great-depression-and-rise-of-far-right-experiences-from-turkey …,1 +will ignore E3 because i want to be surprised fixing twitter,0 +knowim male recently broke girl years dunno feel that think want it right im coming drug called cb friends spent night early morning ireland it felt like horse shit thats am cant recall one good meaningful thing ive done society world take take take want think improve image people thats number one priority life thats fucked am person feel totally normal comfortable relationship mother everything else akward cant forge decent pure relationship anyone co workers cashier milkman people like call best friends feel theres something demeanour style everybody mutually understands prevents making relationship progress anyone maybe im socially retarded hate it feel alone know shouldnt even right complain hey look perfect first world life perfect sometimes hate feel utter darkness next day find simple things life beautiful ive cried many times simply became overcome beauty intricacies life theres new girl met club walked home drunk together club cab money friends dissapeared since met majority thinking time goes her shes unbelievably cute fell love still am definetely difference loving someone love someone met times afterwards toys think ive heard people say gets around makes stomach turn slowly texting relationship deteriorated like everything else does still hasnt replied last message probably wont dunno might seem attractive non drunk person sun shines eyes view wish didnt wish wasnt helplessly pathetically love truth ill never her ill always watch distance time life flippantly happy makes wanna cry cry cry dont think anyone ever really considers anything important kinda like year old whos tagging along grown ups talk soul destroying want know fuck wrong different like think someone put challenges front hand shoulder urging on think maybe im worthless odd ball chemical biological reactions im biological freak able fit whatever biological difference body brain that fills scariest fear maybe alone biological evolutionary world meant fit in lust image approval gone far think kill least il talking point small bit time il interesting bit im tired seeing people glance awkwardly me im sorry trainwreck text much subreddit gotten far really really thank even making part life last minutes im looking sympathy gonna make empty threats know wont kill now dont balls im coward feel going slide seems much realistic possibility six months ago wanna talk thats all people dont put fake style fake illusion life perfect were normal theres problems,1 +arhh i think i ll end up going alone but i will see it at some point,0 +la bebesita bebelin bebe whisky fuma marihuana tmbn se mete al picky la pelan estadounidenses,0 +maybe loved movie much part ive feeling dumps lovely little fairytale whatever reason thought pitch perfect great intelligent story beautiful effects excellent acting especially de niro awesome movie made happier ive whilebr br it funny clever movie running joke kingdoms history prince savagery aftermath way indulging magic effects witch dozens smart little touches kept enthralled thats much makes good elaborate specialeffectsladen movie story fairytale movies yet incredible attention small thingsbr br i feel like going ahead watching again,0 +cant get kill yourself thought headlike matter much try distract myself intrusive thoughts pop head i die why alive i wish dead kill yourself wonder one days ignore them,1 +@aplusk LOL! Hilarious. Gotta luv the auto-correct ,0 +doesn t enjoy learning cs,0 +...Oh! Happy MONDAY! ,0 +im going back real school month country decided would good idea go back school month like real school online happy im america id go honestly know good time yet idk go anyway wish luck hope catch covid,0 +gave time limit time feel better nowi started issues depression suicidal thoughts around read lot online stuff time told temporary problem life changes get better logical little middle schooler told redflag make sense unless feeling way life im feel better time up came first time clicked if feeling suicidal now please read this link side page saw exact page makes feel like getting better never going happen stop trying,1 +hate way lookim tired ever pretty ugly girl group friends guys ever notice accidentally trip me must worst genetics fair many girls get pretty cant cauwe features hate small eyes big nose fat lips hate moon face hate all,1 +@Jodiej04 I'd be lying if I said no! ,0 +hear say may seem like joke could modern ideas relegion like many got new one awhile understanding unless im stupid im missing obvious think it,0 +homework,0 +love going hot section witnessing homophobic meme homophobic comments makes much secure feel resentment towards should probably clarify sarcasm ye,0 +chester see yes i often take the risk of running down the dlr step but today i just missed that last step and twisted my ankle,0 +sister reached decision get married guy i say im bi im wearing bridal gown sister going go dress shopping together look fabulous bridal gown,0 +hello everyone i m 0 year old and a mom of four i got into a 9 month course for a new career in the health industry and i have month left these two month are currently my extern hour i found a great office to do my externship in i have no issue with the staff but mentally i have been dealing with a lot i cry the day before i go into work i don t enjoy my weekend because all i do is think about my job i just lay in my bed and shove my face with food which is a whole other freaking problem panic attack happen daily and i feel like it s affecting my family my energy is off and my kiddos can feel it i honestly could say that i hate this career it s not for me i have dealt with anxiety my whole life but managed to keep job and actually enjoy them what should i do,1 +"Many sufferers of depression aren't sad; they feel nothing at all, or a persistent and nagging anxiety.",1 +"Just gonna stay in bed till class, depression just really fucking sucks",1 +listening to fly with me i lovee this songgg so muchhh its amazinggg!!! cant wait till june 16th <3333,0 +due fairly mild heart condition likely wont able drink alcohol smoke weed basically orthostatic hypotension stand blood pressure drops time problem every years get bad attack days ago worst due multiplle factors passed like times convulsed span minutes middle dang cvs decided actually look condition basically since alcohol weed lower heart rate heart rate already low recommended dont either wasnt hyped alcohol wouldve nice try weed get older ,0 +death even life imprisonment sounds like better deal anxiously working shitty job everydayi tried going work today left minutes felt awkward belong there tried speak words find way mouth it,1 +first saw movie papua new guinea remembered since although never seen since first timebr br just easily good peoples lives destroyed pure evil existed still memory haunt foreverbr br the movie funny immensely sad time role played anthony quinn superbbr br this movie college studies mans inhumanity man,0 +warning i ll be ranting about feeling hopeless guilty all the time and having no will to do anything with a splash of bitterness with life lately it feel like there is no hope for thing to get better for me like all the hope i had before is sucked right out of me nothing make me feel better word of encouragement and people saying it will get better that it all temporary and that life is beautiful doesnt make me feel any more hopeful in fact i m tired of hearing all these positive encouragement it make me feel bitter guilty and defensive in a way bitter because well i get very irritated about everything and everyone lately so my brain go well why the fck doe anyone want to live so much anyway whats the fckin point guilty because i feel shitty for not being able to heal despite complying to my medication and regularly meeting my psychiatrist granted med aren t miracle worker you apparently got ta work on yourself to get better which make me feel even more shittier because i don t have the will and energy to do anything and that make me feel like a failure finally i feel defensive cause internally my brain go well it not fcking easy you don t know what i m going through so in the end nothing make sense anymore i don t even wan na live but i still feel guilty for not getting better i don t see the point in life but why haven t i offed myself yet sorry for ranting it been a while doe anyone else feel the same,1 +school help im really strapped time anyone help two five paragraph essays need turned next hour,0 +lexapro months fine sudden zero energy started feel like auto pilot talked provider switched prozac really helped little sex drive top issues could still lots sex lexapro beginning think cannot win here something me try come meds low energy brain fog,1 +trying understand compulsion felt wanted die know tricky question would deeply personal individual everyone curious anyone lucidly explain everything going momentfor remember many terrible things happening trying go regular day travelling wheelchair stopped head telling needed drive onto highway go front trucks approachingi froze sat feeling thoughts crying trying understand was idolised death thought lot first moment instincts telling go thenis similar everyone else spiralling terrible thoughts realisations leading strong desire die nuances it moment,1 +question think phones radiation bad you mom thinks im trying get evidence false true want share opinion give sources please do,0 +play uno official rules playing right collectively agree,0 +Crying? I'm entering a deep depression. Can't eat. Can't sleep. That's worse than any pain https://twitter.com/tsunamislim/status/989018909163614208 …,1 +"Early bird, but depression turned me into an unwilling night owl and it's the worst. https://twitter.com/showupforthis/status/989171470558347264 …",1 +i don t understand i read it would be lethal to take this much at once but i feel perfectly fine i know i m just going to get a bunch of people telling me to go to a hospital but what s up with this shouldn t i be dead,1 +hey guy noticed noticed headache drugs arent helping guess ill die,0 +know alone fall love random new girl every day feel like shit time extremely happy,0 +ur gonna give free bj homies really ur homies filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler,0 +on the nd anniversary of the first covid 9 lockdown in the uk read about our meta analysis showing increased rate of depression and anxiety during the st lockdown compared with pre pandemic level http t co qz gfzfhq gemmamjtaylor lucamdettmann,1 +lizchavez i can t set my foot on the ground the missing eyelid people might get me,0 +i struggle to get the thing people take for granted my whole school life ha been extremely terrible and i used to get bullied very badly back in kindergarten and some of middle school im in highschool now and i have like no friend only acquaintance i dont go to the nice place that normal people go to for example never went to a waterpark never had a night out or went to the mall with friend or classmate never went to disneyland when i wa a kid never went on a mall shopping spree i ve only ever been too the mall twice in my whole life and i didn t even see all of the mall never went to dave and buster never went to an aquarium never had a female friend 9 never even had a casual conversation with a girl 0 no gift for christmas no gift for my birthday no friend no one to talk to and a million more thing that are normal for childhood i didn t experience that my childhood i dont even want to start on that i used to live in poverty in a room tiny house with a cracked wall and insect because my dad left u my dad left the house when i wa some month old and he took the car and drove slut in it regardless i wanted to speak to him i still visited him and forgave him but then he asked if i wanted to live with him in a bigger nicer country with more opportunity i said yes i experienced true mental torment in that house and the worst part is i didnt even know i thought my parent were the victim because they brainwashed me so much about some thing that i still sometimes struggle if i should believe them or not in that house i wa brainwashed to the point where i couldnt even think for myself i couldnt tell what wa true i couldnt think anything for myself i experienced some not good thing they said i can visit my mom in her country and they pick me up in day to go back to the airport waited day waited a whole week they never came they left me and abandoned me and just left me in some other country and fyi that country is one of the poorest one in my area the house im at now with my mom my sister grandma and uncle isnt perfect in fact sometimes i feel like im losing my mind there they re pretty creepy sometimes except for one of my uncle in the house they dont have any malicious intent or anything but i just dont want to get into it right now im a few pound overweight and almost got an eating disorder it not even my fault that im fat my mom said it because i took a medicine when i wa little and it had a side effect of weight gain i literally eat 0x le than a normal person i dont even eat breakfast like 99 of the time on school day i used to get bullied shitless for my weight no social life no friend thats another depression aswell more ticked off the board no big deal my life so far ha been full of depressing thing so something like this doesnt seem that big anymore this is only 0 of my life s shitness if i went into everything then id prob have to spend like and a half hour typing my life ha just been an absolute mess and what you saw my post is just a fraction of my life so far person trauma is just a small fraction of mine those people who ha a dark phase probably had a good phase they had a normal life and they at least had a period in their life where they were happy i just want to enjoy my life is that too much to ask i feel so jealous of those people who can live a normal life in a normal nice house with story with friend with people to talk to my life ha just been bullshit after bullshit,1 +whole body hurts head feels swollen chronic pain combined panic attacks depression mix probably going loose job help kids bullying making videos comparing head egg jesus christ feel worthless cannot keep,1 +im fucked im crying rn ive got test test tomorrow im good subject rn im scared wont pass do,0 +theres handful people make want dieits years ive moved past overwhelming urges kill myself abuse emotional trauma self hatrednow struggling climb insurmountable mountain introversion said people make want kill myself world evil ignorant makes sick know theres nothing make better idea living life place unappealing cant watch everyone tearing apart would rather die im empathi feel people quite overwhelming surrounded much suffering one day going get me,1 +I feel almost 100% from that stomach virus thing! Yay!,0 +feel like ive tried everything try keep afloathi year old male here depressed since high school severely depressed since beginning college still think redflag days problem telling things get better always turn wrong things might get better moment moment general way way truly counts always find asking why kill last yearor last month years ago nothing made want live since ive always felt impending doom future ie insecurities say thats depression gets unreasonably think sure enough currently experiencing doom gradually intense way over years always feared happened everyone telling life gets better ive learned right hate sporadic periods hope end disappointing me hope curse convinces stick around longer ive tried therapy meds talking friends gym sports like build tolerance simply effect anymore know else do,1 +mass effect better star wars strike nerve say without mass effect never would gotten star wars battlestar galactica httpswwwyoutubecomwatchvddu_eiasmdw,0 +want die failed good koreani want die got math im korean really bad school today tried hang guy pulled rope me hate life cut upper left arm mess failure im stupid korean want die,1 +@davidcoallier 1 at the Cakery ,0 +man want die badi nothing lost job im broke food nothing im sick poor sad time im done man,1 +stop feeling overwhelmed hopelessive dealing depression suicidal feelings long time im trying get life together less miserable feel like cant make progress area life im scattered cant pick one thing focus feel like problems everywhere interdependent finish school feel depressed cant focus work work seems hopeless anyway chose study english know ill never make decent amount money anyway want make friends im depressednot fun around much money go out stay lonely depressed cant drive either hard get around town want get drivers license really bad anxiety driving cant afford lessons theres one around would able teach me want get job make money need finish school first stay worried financial situation house needs repairs cant afford weighs ability nice environment in im depressed house time house messfalling apart every problem try work bunch problems attached it cant make move positive direction im spinning bunch plates going nowhere ambition work creative field realized lack talent drive connections that im depressed that feel like complete failure feel old anything value feel like im going miserable rest life feelings make wonder bother anythingnothing help rearranging deck chairs titanic im drowning know get water,1 +cut first time yearsgoing lot life changes right country last months girlfriend didnt pick like said would gave money took maybe personally got upset broke crying airport composed self uber home yelling text shes really stressed work hugged broke crying walked kitchen went sleep made small cuts leg think ive got control now cuts werent anywhere big ones made before wait line redflag hotline text chat dont think need take call time really scared going create episodes thinking vividly killing past weeks do,1 +last adventuretime time begins cycle ideation mystery whats mind come redflag ive made way fun desire twisted toward undone dagger plunged heart thrilling ride soul released body phoenix soaring sky id fly new universe new life quantum immorality would side thing curbs great appeal something chose long time ago ideal siren song death allowed enticing experience allowed exciting thrilling adventure allowed last one ill see life full adventure death one live fullest take plunge love much grow overcome strife death must fucking earn breath taking alive death offers thrill seek mean another victim must redflag desire lasts moment save life using ideal ive chosen,1 +stuck cant go anywhere goneim good person redflag option month ago feel option im stuck loveless marriage lying cheating wife else go friends family money job debt option staying pretending wife better wont getting progressively worse cant even stand look her hear voice nightmares now want end them,1 +anyone nothing rn hey guys wants join group chat cuz boredd im bored anyone group chat discord yeeee comment link,0 +im nobodys first choicetheres single person world would choose first anything im always backup friends family sports nobody would ever come ask hang without asking somebody else first saying no,1 +recognises me aka legend idk curious ujcttt fucking legend,0 +i hate how some people think we use our anxiety to avoid responsabilities when in reality even moving can be difficult due to anxiety in my case sometimes anxiety attack make almost impossible grabbing thing my hand start feeling really weak,1 +idk i m not a native speaker so i don t which crisis it is i m in my dorm room paralyzed took a seminar topic on which i can t find paper when i ask for help no one then came my shitty sem test mark with just the end sem remaining yes this is not the first time i ve cried after joining college i just can t see my future and i can only be numb to my grade and pain for so long,1 +one use email function reddit kinda sad underappreciated edit yall never used email function uncultured,0 +definitely kill myselfi lied brothers face today said finally goal lose weight truth going kill fall year already made mind decided redflag best option right now losing weight nothing make feel better ive already dieted lost pounds past still suicidal depressed loser pounds lighter ended gaining weight back plus pounds today first time worked years hopefully years ive finally stopped keeping shitty facade ill long dead then theres reason want stay alive hope nothing life except successful redflag,1 +never wet dream one like heck,0 +dont know doi really helpless lately feel like nothing matters nobody cares me im making entry want see anyone feeling im feeling help other big factor dragging parents parents arent abusive feel like im nothing nice im something dont want like playing hockey ive playing since btw ive lost drive every year dread it im two teams travel high school live half hour away school usually get home midnight half wake may seem like lot hard fall asleep grades dropping take special reading class sri score isnt high enough tried telling parents hockey getting way automatically started yelling scolding me dont really friends anyone look to usually stay room cry hurt myself much happening life described feel shouldnt expand far want commit redflag dont want go hell want go heaven die family doesnt believe god do ive never gone church feel like may help me nothing happened yet im stuck here none love depend on,1 +@varinn hey homie happy birthday? massive if so,0 +high speed bullet train redflagsthey might happen rarely hear them seems like perfect method die too stand front train going like mph,1 +@3nang Wahaha Daddy Parker looks like an ex-convict right? Lolol.,0 +I found some fun for the evening ,0 +want help us read friend friend could stand without acting saw infront him person acted true human human go swarm jerks dislikes like reddit made for httpswwwredditcomrpedologiccommentsjgfhxjust_some_things_ive_had_to_deal_withutm_mediumandroid_appamputm_sourceshare,0 +someone message im im bored please message me thank reading,0 +math problem triangle drawn within circle find height use hd hd please help,0 +elder scrolls assume old world like entire life taken place northwest los angeles anyone new world oceania thats old world accurate anyone old world going bias,0 +want loved really hard,0 +so progress crush touched foot two days ago staring eachother like minute like gets bus seat stares me aggressively stare feel blushed look around see people looking weird this stare eachother even hallways know confusing times dude,0 +http://tinyurl.com/kmfuvm Music Terminals Festiva in Taiwan!!!! sooooo excited!!! ,0 +da fuck everyone like radio static phone dry fuck everyone someone hit fuck im tired lonely thanks coming ted talk,0 +wish bot programmed simple stuff life fucking sucks ,0 +Who will love you.Who will be brave for you.The honest Answer is there times with Depression it can feel like know one is there.Just me.,1 +gets better fo reali attempted redflag believed life meaningless point going living dealt suicidal ideation selfharm quite point know sucks hear people say it gets better over hell im pretty sick myself life continues hard always challenges always times feel like theres way out get fewer every day goes by really really really hate say it get better starts get better gets better talk someone post here open people really really want help you seems like already taken one step towards things getting better gets better seek professional help easy seeing counsellor tough first started going lady named mrs peacock for real peacock fuck told feeling suicidal somehow landed suffering light sensitivity syndrome helpful next guy went redflag attempt amazing old dude could talk anything regardless whether related recovery not talked music sports whatever fuck wanted to thats kind professional help beneficial opinion kind go in work feel need work on vent need vent about talk eddie vedder hour im trying say shop around gets better feel awake wake up lowest point would refuse get bed did like walking hazy shit would go school skip play games computers smoke seeing good counsellor while refuse get bed would still skip class though even longer refuse get bed would actually go class would occasionally dip smoke though cigrits tricky little fuckers gets better start smile fake ass shit say hi cousins friends kind smile comes nowhere kind like fuck brain im smiling see teeth see fucking teeth depressed grey matter motherfucker fuck yeah gets better stop caring look hang with parents think you people school think you gets better feel like make progress counsellor gets better listen depressing music feel happy know able kick shit depression anxiety also case wondering already done pretty awesome stuff wiped ass one point thats shit bad ass idea close hands shit wipe learned ride bike like fuck shit im using wheels feet feet pussies remember time jacked parents catch you stealthy shit learned tie shoes laces tangled shit like bitch bam rabbit ears lost teeth pieces head fell off man pieces head importantly came subreddit means safe loving community full people whove want help you tldr know you amazing love every single thing you,1 +interesting thing miryang secret sunshine actors jeon doyeon lee shinae main character woman young son whose husband died tragic accident leaves seoul live miryang home town young son jeons face changeable girlish flirtatious elegant aged sad desperate joyous terribly isolated turns face film also stars song kangho kim man meets car breaks coming miryang happens run garage town follows around time thereafter despite apparent lack interest attentions song biggest star korea right now renowned work park chanwook bong joonho sympathy mr vengeance memories murder host yet plays throwaway character almost forgotten man course makes interesting curiously appealing essential ballast keep jeons character floating awaybr br lee shinae piano teacher comes new town neutral place kind poormans seoul town just like anywhere else kim says just way like anyone else little boy sprightly little boys are plainly damaged withdrawn times too father used snore misses lies awake pretending snore goes school shinae meets parents students shopkeepers sense place film even though place sense anywhere people speak local dialect everyone knows everything shinaes seoul origin immediately noticed life really harsher here away big city sophistication shinae seems realize danger inbr br something terrible happens shinae necessarily deal best possible way happens must face consequences cant goes pieces perpetrator caught thats consolation eventually becomes despairing relents goes bornagain christian meeting acquaintance pressing attend finds peace release this decides forgive perpetrator go prison tell so experience full ironies destroys again becomes embittered desperate longer finds solace religion gets worse thatbr br jeon doyeon gives extremely demanding protean role lee changdong may good director actor stature song kangho expresses enormous admiration him convincing according scott foundas la weekly lees first three films green fish peppermint candy oasis marked one leading figures countrys recent cinematic renaissance successful film korean directors whose work ive seen yong sangsoo bong joonho prodigiously almost perversely gifted park chanwook may indeed begin foundas says kind asiatic alice live anymore abruptly without warning turns something thriller time nearly bressonian study human suffering progression seems random indigestible film sags loses momentum toward end simply fizzles out sense ending also weaknesses action shinae takes foolish chances son makes bad choices along destined madness like betty jeanjacques beineixs betty blue might explain peculiar mistaken choices something properly developed interesting film certainly disturbing one one leaves one doubtful dissatisfied putting one emotional wringerbr br an official selection new york film festival presented lincoln center an event done right korean filmmakers recent past,0 +so i m have had depression since i wa snd i suffered from anxiety since 0 my anxiety wa not that bad overall i might have a bad day here or there but i never really had it for week or month like i have it now i know i get it really bad the longer i m in my head the next part is the backstory and i would like your guy opinion on what to do so there this girl in college that i absolutely adore we have the same major and we graduate in may i ve known her for about year and i told her how i felt and asked her out in december i didn t know she just gotten out of a relationship so she said she wasn t ready for one and she needed some time to get in the right mindset she told our mutual friend about and told her that s the only reason she didn t say yes the next part i completely screwed up i never told her that i wa waiting for her i wanted to but would chicken out i wa planning on texting her every couple of day but personal stuff came up and i thought some of it would be to heavy of a subject matter to talk with her about like my grandmother being on death s door so i didn t really sayuch during our winter break also this is when i really started to get in my head i would just imagine all these different scenario and date with her and it just made me anxious and i didn t know how to stop them then by the time i worked up the courage to figure through my anxiety to tell her some different stuff like i m willing to wait for her that i appreciated a certain day and how she made special to me and how i feel like a very closed person and i wanted to open up with her she got in a relationship and i don t blame her i blame myself because looking at it from her point of view it seems like i wa not interested in her anymore also just want to insert that she know i care for her when she had covid i checked up on her everyday since then i been having what i think are panic attack i will have the shortness of breath and my hand will start shaking uncontrollably and recently i will also have some chest pain with it before she got the relationship i started going to counseling to try to improve my mental health to let you know how i feel about this person she make me feel like no else ha ever done before my feeling gor her are so intense and i ve tried to move on but the feeling get stronger she belief in me more than i so myself plus my heart think she might be the one which i know is crazy she s the most important person in the world to me and i don t want to lose her after graduating here lately i feel like i been acting strange around and it s because of this anxiety so my question is do i tell her what i m going through i feel like this will help with my anxiety and give her some insight to why i ve been acting the way i been how much do i tell her i feel if i don t tell her my anxiety will keep on getting worse and i probably won t be able to actually have a conversation with her the rest of the school year and we might drift apart after graduation i would still like to be friend with her after graduation thank you for reading this also i don t know if this is the right community for this but i would really value your opinion,1 +guys learn dont care problems im trying get pants head bitch for fear safety must clarify joke,0 +ive rejected girl like well call lauren livestreaming instagram watched hoping would make lose interest obsessing her talking friend house boring far good my goal stop obsessing her one friends said something getting drunk said shouldnt underaged drinking calls cuck says well noone asked again perfect im losing romantic interest already cringey tictoc dances went matter seconds minutes later invites another friend onto live her asks things do suggest making origami swan shes baffled probably doesnt know origami is tell japanese soldiers used practice making origami swans help selfdiscipline im remembering correctly blares nerd alert im little hurt thats want thats said guy name joins stream says hey brendon fake name hang sometime long clarified wasnt talking me minute later tells leave kicks off guest enough time say look dood geekin japan soldiers weeb shit again im hurt id say success see arrogant bitch instead sentient flawlessness tldr watch crushs livestream hopes losing interest her mission accomplished edit realised didnt need give fake name never even called name oh well cant stop me,0 +lost fianc feeling terriblei something stupid long time ago didnt cheat her broke trust fashion worked broke quite after pretty nowhere happy together shes amazing woman amazing relationship two months ago feeling lost daily havent contact seen since want back bad know gonna get back together reach out feel terrible daily contemplate would like end it part feels like whole thing fault ruined great thing part knows shouldnt left isnt root issue cold feet scared future,1 +"Not all the research is good, but in a handful of areas, including depression, chronic pain, and anxiety, there is some very promising research showing that mindfulness meditation can be as good as existing treatments (but without the nasty side effects!) http://ow.ly/ov3O30jF8xZ ",1 +Results are out. ,0 +if you ve just been through something very stressful or a time of high anxiety be easy on yourself i know instinctually we expect to just bounce back immediately after said stressor is gone but high level of stress take a toll on both your mind and body it ll take some time to heal you might continue to feel stressed not a much a before but still be extra prone to anxiety trigger physically drained tense achey sour stomach nausea etc and before you freak out about how you feel think back to the basic before you jump to something scary did you eat enough today what did you eat did you drink enough water today how much sleep did you get this past week how sound wa that sleep did you have to take a different medication recently what s your posture been like any constant muscle tension have you socialized much recently have you gone outside recently think of these question not judgmentally but objectively sometimes it s hard to take perfect care of yourself it s not something to beat yourself up over say you re feeling really fatigued lately if you ve barely eaten anything and been getting poor sleep then it s not surprising at all that you d be tired that s on top of chronic anxiety which can cause unpleasant physical and mental symptom even when you re doing everything else right just because you feel crappy doesn t mean you have some scary life threatening disease it suck to feel like that but try not worry yourself over thing that at the moment are just fantasy granted if you feel like this all time like me i d recommend seeing a therapist and or psychiatrist maybe even going for a regular doctor visit if you haven t gone in a long time just to check in on thing basically what i m saying is don t scare yourself into a panic over your physical symptom but if you feel like they are interrupting your life it might be a good idea to seek help and there s nothing wrong with seeking help either if someone is having trouble seeing thing clearly they go to an optometrist for help this is the same thing for some reason or another our body brain isn t working how it should for u to lead a healthy life it s not our fault and it s not shameful to need help hope ya ll have a good week,1 +@anderrrson thinking of me RIGHT ? lol,0 +Boston in june. I can't wait. A whole week. ,0 +day moving on lol shortened title long read anyway day started distracting playing games minecraft call duty games person mentioned yesterday nice person like lot first friend ive ever made reddit well nothing much happened day tomorrow attending church seminar things getting bit better me feel comfortable time goes by especially right met new friend say im already healing fast take time ill back tomorrow ciao,0 +"It is Indianapolis, and it is almost Memorial Day Weekend! Indy 500 time--and we are really excited about going! Hooray! ",0 +guys google yankee boogle it end atf watchlist also definitely d printable device convert standard semi auto ar full auto,0 +finally got boyfriend flirting months flirting since june hour calls still clue liked him said liked thought nice him how obvious everyone him guys clueless im honestly filled brim joy call mine excited first official date saturday cannot wait,0 +everyday i wake up same routine i feel underappreciated by those i live with i have very few i m very close to and care about my mental state ha been on a rapid decline for month now i m basically living for my cat and the person i m closest to i just constantly have this overwhelming sense of dread and paranoia everyday my family just doesn t seem to care anytime i do anything they make me feel lesser than them because i m not like them i just cant bring to care about most thing i try to lose myself in game or reading manga i dont want to necessarily die but i m just tired of living in general i dont tell people how i feel out of not wanting to put my problem on them i have spent a lot of night lately cry my self to sleep at am,1 +i broke up with my so and honestly i think that wa the last thing keeping me from wanting to end thing and it felt like it came out of nowhere without even a chance to fix thing i feel so alone i barely have any friend left everyone from high school moved on everyone from college moved away i ve always had trouble with friend and every time i think i make them they get stripped away or i just become a periphery friend who never get added to the group chat i feel incapable of functioning a a normal human and i can t handle being alone my job is remote so i can t even make work friend i can t be completely by myself day a week it feel like solitary confinement i got an adhd diagnosis recently but my therapist doesn t even talk about my emotional issue they just focus on if the medication is helpful it is i don t know how to ask for help with anxiety and depression my family ha been distant and i don t know how to talk to them about this stuff my mental health always got ignored growing up compared to other member of my family even though the adhd stuff wa super clear in retrospect because of the adhd i ended up a shell of myself a a coping mechanism and that drive people away every relationship end badly or shrivels up and dy i m failing at my job and might have to quit or get fired because i m week behind my pet is dying i didn t renew my lease because i thought i d be moving with my ex to a new city so now i don t even have an apartment for the fall and potentially am still moving there because i need to get away from where i am right now and i have a lease i could sign which is definitely not the healthiest choice and there s some really bad trauma that i don t even want to mention here that alone could drive someone to feeling like this when i told my ex how i wa feeling they ignored it even though they were the first person i ever told i felt that way i ll make sure to tell them it isn t their fault but to be honest it definitely added to thing i don t even need them back i just wanted someone to help me get the therapy i need literally everything in my life need to start fresh and i can t do it i don t see the point why start literally everything over when you re haunted by the ghost of your past and will end up doing the same shit i m not ugly dumb or out of shape but if my personality just stay so shitty and i can t fix it what s the point my building ha a th story roof i can get on i m gon na climb up and jump off when i get the courage i have some text already written out telling people it isn t their fault i set my bank up to donate to a local animal shelter i cleared my browsing history and threw out anything weird from my apartment i went up last night but only didn t do it because i got cold the only thing stopping me is how awkward the funeral would be and the pain i d cause my parent and honestly i don t think that s enough,1 +#박봄제발내버려두세요 sokor has all that intellect but no heart. this is why they fail to grasp depression and keep on saying that bom is a druggie,1 +im still single christmas anything ive gotten used empty void heart,0 +help aunt sent gif spiderman flossing,0 +know your enemy -green day!!!! ,0 +@starboy_ yay!!! well dont i feel spesh! ,0 +brother cute hes years old,0 +mizzzidc honestly i think this wa too much for u to treat your mom this way co of sneaker imagine the depression she would feel too that her own daughter took her to social medium co of sneaker what if she had come on sm for the pain she went thru when she had your pregnancy,1 +first timerseeing posts subreddit makes look like really big problem oh well recently foreigner usa ive applied go boarding school united states pursue dreams future engineer silicon valley parents nearly spent k travel expenseadmissions ssat scores came out equivalent sat highschools pretty bad feel like whats point cant go boarding school us living country hellhole everything extremely competitive even succeed engineers disrespected fucking country ive let parents down myself feel like parents done much little results admission going come soon feel like jumping comes,1 +Fly With Me - Jonas Brothers ,0 +Hanging out with Melissa tonight...who knows ? ,0 +every day im losing moremy mind turning absolute goo word recall shit social skills shit fuck quarantine dont care people die virus never never meet im going insane,1 +maybe todayi posted subreddit days ago stating wanted die planning taking life today planning buying rope shanaz im extremely tired painful atm want go college tho ive missed many days recently want piss tutor offor mother wish could end nowor least sleepmaybe whole daybut enough courage tell bf react badly all hes keeping eye today hope go hosptial psych unit soon enough hope make tonight hope many others well thank u kind words last post even tho lifted heart dayit enough,1 +happened redflag attempthad one moments realization knew actually dont want die mad sad didnt work out,1 +post last try got taken explanation got karma flagged well day people,0 +recently saw movie hopes seeing accurate portrayal bloodiest battle th century got expected much more think came across movie luck never even heard it german film made suppose cant surprised almost completely unknown modern american audience shame cause really remarkable film dare say good better platoon full metal jacket apocalypse now quiet western front iconic war moviesbr br world war ii full swing nazi germany run mainland europe parts north africa adolf hitler orders full scale invasion soviet union fateful move ultimately dooms nazi germany defeat early stages invasion goes well german armies conquer large sections soviet territory critical battle ensues stalingrad city hold great symbolic strategic value battle soon turns blood bath epic proportions nightmare german russian soldiers fighting verge taking city germans suddenly counter attacked russians end cutting entire german th army inside stalingrad make matters worse russian winter arrives causing incredible suffering germans entire battle seen eyes young german soldiers fighting survival russians harsh winter conditions also sadistic officers care medals glory generals little regard average foot soldierbr br this film going haunt while german soldiers film concentrates young naive humanity sanity stripped really feel sorry cause demonic nazis often portrayed film everything fighting longer important everything believed shattered fighting gruesome battle russians inside stalingrad see deteriorate onset winter causing many freeze death battle winter scenes like horrible nightmare also felt real amazing beginning see strapping young men prime life end shells former selves stripped everything witnessing much carnage men loose live on really sad finally moment hope betrayed hitler ultimately abandons men horrible death another one hitlers crimes abandoning men fought slaughtered russians br br a good antiwar film depicts horrors war thats movie does battle tractor factory sequence closest thing comes hell earth thats really battle stalingrad like german russian soldiers depicted humanity bad apples specifically german side doomed men bottom line film amazing cause see men breakdown physically emotionally war limits men pushed far beyond limits deadly battle time average foot soldier endured stalingrad beyond imagination even survived everything seen done would scarred lifebr br stalingrad shows us war hell exactly hell looks like,0 +god sake let diei cant anymore want therapy want anything wanted gone lack so nobody lets get drunk know lose fucking survival instinct nothing stop so im tired crying every corner hiding everyone hating myself need end this theres point staying here,1 +never heard film saw rental dvd bit sceptical many films past good ensemble casts cant anything film bad script cases seem carebr br well watched reason give movie theatrical release good story like genre seem little forced times appear good amount realism allows momentum carry pleasantly surprised good job justin timberlake major role ok hes oscar material yet hell learn role shows lot promise future here dylan mcdermott amazingly good unexpectedly nasty role definitely cream crop moviebr br ultimately give go disappointed bored fact think happy end result,0 +going to school in twenty minute i have a head ache t t i m not looking forward to meeting my angry teacher,0 +"@Triptophobia ICUTHAR, Come on msn! I've been itching for this damn revenge to be written xD (And I miss talking to you D: lol)",0 +struggling hard with inventory,0 +sleepwalkers creatures drain life force completely humans survivebut use virgins its explained why charles brady brian krause one needs feed mother mary alice krige goes likable tanya madchen amick escapebr br on one hand great horror film fastpaced plenty blood gore nice twisted sense humor plenty joke references horror buffs castle rock mentioned once also krause excellent who would thought could act return blue lagoon kirge amick find film annoyingbr br it written screen stephen king maddeningly vague sleepwalkers never fully explained from called that son feed mother cats hate kill them powers at one point krause makes car disappear change color style need feed peoples life force virgins son sex mom none explained leaving story confusing really bad because questions aside excellent horror film excellent makeup special effects toobr br fast gory lots fun script better also fairly explicit sex scene krause krige edited you tell get r rating give ,0 +run away kill myselfhi im situation really need advice sorry english good really know start ill best explain father alchoolic since remember sometimes fine time pretend normal everything turns shit story deeper this basically good childhood gets drunk usually tells loved mother never loved back prefered uncle never let succed anything and thats excuse nothing today adding father never present alchoolic spent money had think get story could guess learned kids are im years old life lived domestic violence would mother me years lived much fear always good grades want give excuse beat me never anything dramatic like others teenagers home used quiet lonely studying listening music room nowadays recognize fault blame mother never leaving him says money nowhere go truth much proud ask help family keep life ignoring like normal live like this little sister born settled little beat years never let sister wherever tried beat mother would help everyone calm down remember many scenarios livedlike one time even turned gun head remember wishing would could end turned become easier got parents house go college completely alone easy either kind missed home would come back home every weekend mother sister father crisis become often again every weekend gets drunk let us sleep study talking night childhood first would listen felt sorry him recognize sadness him felt alike even reason but decided let got courage talk done me shaking crying much though worth would finally know pretended knew done thought good father apologized thing makes worth fact im afraid anymore talk confront him seems forget everything convenient since im got interested life studies like kind creepy i cant find another word describe asks sex life boyfriend stuff like that always turn subject around really subject bothers even creepy never got interest me never wanted know going good studies liked this spent life invisible house to always felt like one cared everytime tried talk feelings one would hear me learned strong move alone reached limit everytime gets drunk comes asking never let know life never talk ask permition go like mall beach when didnd ask have hate he says hate based i guess fact talk life hes drunk asks the questions sexual life im done this feel like options running away got train disappear but would give college while till got money kill end shit good finally mother would recognize something got change ask help family ask money grandfather sister could live but know would accept got courage so fourth option keep going thisbut know cani feel much damaged inside want come back every weekend sister said want left alone want leave her hard cant handle anymore,1 +finally feel like belong hey finally feel like belong two crushes completely league im suffering rn ,0 +think change avatar avatar skin pitch black didnt really care making it idk racist not im african american change overthinking again,0 +im tryingmy depression reason redflag much self hatred black seriously wish white beautiful black,1 +"@AbbyNormal If you hit a pedestrian, make it count! Be careful.",0 +"I've done so much work, but I have so much to do it is crazy ",0 +"Okay, away for a shower now. I'll show you guys my new doo when I'm home. ",0 +really want helpi really want help everyone you show people care nice maybe change anything anyones circumstances im willing try used feel useless family poor point wanted die maybe would better one less mouth feed developed ocd anxiety constant fear burglaries point feel safe home young used mental breakdowns family tried make go ugly fat monster domestic violence big thing house still shake sweat feel heart drop whenever hear loud banging another room however one help me one talk deal alone want guys wish could physically help hope world theres someone talk know feels one pretending okay work really want help,1 +everything feels like happening twice recently something odd happening thought process really hard explain whenever recall memory recent past feels like two copies memory feels like memory experience happened know long think more cant see future thats impossible exactly stressing bothering me happened bit less month ago among mental conditions tamper perception world none makes sense know this causing significant issues think warrants getting professional help even though im already getting things edit think deja vu deja vu feel like event familiar happening feels different feel given event happened like several hours later week two later time feel multiple times every day,0 +i m literally fighting the urge to slit my wrist and my mom keep yelling at me today ha been impossible i just want to end it all i can t take this shit anymore,1 +think handle feeling much longeri experienced happiest moments life someone think one right belongs words soul mate oir relation started adultery bc iswas married kids one year gave me support made stupid mistakes lived la la land way get much someway treated like shit putting away hold couple months ago exploded go ahead divorce bad trauma parents daughters attempted harm several times etc call off went therapy reconnect myself gained self esteem months later talked terms livs were conclusions made went wrong really gone therapy changed man th man deserved willing gave nd chance really saw impossible improvement mental health and alone time period went trough heavy shit moment waiting him literally last stand opportunity love dead mess without him life tasteless e even good friends nice evenings end thoughts always go te person completely understands share intimacy trust like one else planet months contact guys try new things work me came conclusion one make happy like despite shittorm around us usually say happy e want be always assumes equal parter woman life said waiting return tomorrowhe returning psicological therapeutic clinic important things discussed abandonement issues sixth feeling tells rertun mad love me touch me see me kiss instead still trapped web past traumas simply cant see destroy future much cost take first step everyone cheering us hopping best fell hollow like go guillotine confirmation love enough really love like do despite confessions happy other cant stop crying days overdose colapse love friends good therapist one understands feeling loss knowing thats person make happy other man mr right give time fuck tired word time want happy now tomorrow things go hell cant want keep fighting want go path get motivated reality one connection family good friends cant give really want need professionally best what still miserable hell years ago would first person say you need man happy true need half half cant even though darkest time well idk simple nothing left everything experience like minutes fame misery again tomorrow faith life decided hands person end alone cant see point continue life anything else ai think go stop car bridge jump less dramatic soon arrive home swallow hole bottle pills night next morning nothing done literally want live world keep struggling fighting going therapy glimpse sunshine ray random part day thank much read excuse length hope great day,1 +everytime think future want moreive set failure know going go,1 +this is eating me alive my suicidal thought depression kept me from doing thing that were very important and now that i am trying to actually do them for example i sat down to actually write on a web novel i abandoned for all of that time and the feeling of guilt over wasting so much time ha me in a choke hold it force me back into that dark place this ha been a struggle all of my life i used to have this issue with not cleaning because i beat myself over not cleaning i don t want to go back into the dark and i don t have access to treatment for my ocd anymore any advice on what i can do to help even it is okay help tremendously i ve tried l late is better than never but for some reason i can t convince my brain this is true,1 +want stab chest right nowpain struggle probably wont real sure tried punching chest hard hoping get knocked die sucks feelings never validated toxic asian parents always think know whats best you wish never born die soon want stab fkg chest right now could roof nobody able find body quite time sorry theres context this im disappointed angry explain things never go way according parents never things right ways best ways im tired tired validated tired manipulated tired existing really dont want live anymore please end this ill chicken trying kms also really dont want live anymore sorry let like this im sorry im sorry,1 +anhedonic ugly potent combinationanyone else relate,1 +hello all i have anxiety pretty bad which i take lexapro for around the beginning this week i started urinating blood it happened time ever since then i have had to go constantly i made an appt that same day at my urologist and they did indeed confirm there wa moderate blood in my urine they requested i schedule a ct scan which i did at the beginning of april since thats all that wa available they also prescribed me an antibiotic which i have been taking a few day so until something take place i just have these crappy symptom in place until something happens i dont know if i have a uti something else or what i ve never had one before so i dont know what to expect even if i did i m really not in any pain besides the discomfort of having to go constantly accompanied by a dull achy feeling it worse at night when i m trying to sleep and laying in bed also tried azo and ha not helped either any idea how to deal with this and not lose my mind in doing so,1 +@sparkdawgmusic lol good deal... have a safe flight & take care!!,0 +friend for real diagnosed severe deppresioni always try offer emotional support guidance try make forget suicidal thoughts also say transsometimes enters crisis might fourth one since know heri really worried going end alli know else say hershe also going psychologist hormonating psychiatrist sometimesthe problem related trans past traumasplease help really afraid know dothanks indirect help,1 +still here still strugglingposted couple days ago still havent done anything still wrestling feeling every second every day hate theres ways go absolutely devastate dad brother really hate even think go guy broke tell hey really wanna die since broke get called manipulative attention seeking honest tell someone else feel sent wherever send someone might harm themselves probably want even more really really want things get better thats ive ever wanted worse things keep happening really dont want die im scared shitless death really dont see things ever getting better guess ill keep drinking posting cries help internet,1 +want live house anymore im obviously thats option mom threatened kill front little sister lost left contact lens little sisters absolute brat dad activator mom uses pity history abuse get wants going go park dog mom going give ride punishment dropped contact help find it want leave,0 +Tickets Still Available!...#mentalhealth #depression #depressionawareness #linkinbio… https://www.instagram.com/p/Bh_z2bnFQPo/ ,1 +pain keeps getting worsea days ago came posting wasnt able take life anymore effecting me things gone worse catastrophic love life left weeks ago day mother died came first people comfort person asked wanted spend time night cause worried cause already depression self harm said busy assumed family grieving let be yesterday spent day talking comforting mothers death spent day work making sure okay knew really struggling asked wanted go over told already cousin someone else coming over asked person boyfriend course was got family walked room broke broke hard harassed people protected her would stay late make sure okay get hrs sleep go work wasnt spending night always phone loud ringtone could wake could issues middle night bought anything wanted never got mad shed go sister get drunk worried life night gave girl everything moved quickly thing kept motivated going life made feel like reason purpose keep living ive lost already new boyfriend cant handle it every night wake upset depressed always mind wake fall asleep thinking her smile giggle way blushed start cry want back badly see again planned moving together making life own fragments am broken heart want kill myself longing back want end all ,1 +im much cowardi put belt around neck around pole closet bring tighten it strangely felt peaceful right figured end things right now belt around got scared would hurt imagined horrific dead body would look it it cant almost sent goodbye text someone spoken months would even care doubt it im completely serious say that keep staring belt know real way out ive already reached peak over rest this pain failure delusion need get out wish courage,1 +"Did you know Sour Sop leaves have many #healthbenefits including treating #fever, #infections, #depression, and many more! Use coupon SAVE10 at checkout to save an additional 10%! Don't forget FREE SHIPPING over $25.00! https://amazingsoursop.com/  https://amazingsoursop.com/ ",1 +i d like to know why i never sleep,0 +"Cw mental health discussion, depression /// I'm going through a terrible depressive phrase right now and all therapists I know blame my depression on me and are transphobic. I'm gonna d**",1 +Getting some breakfast. I'm really paying for last night (via @chelleteeks)i hope you didn't pay for that hat in your pic LOL WTF is it,0 +"@persicapit its enough to cover my burial, and I am totally ready to go cannibal if I need to. ",0 +lasy year or so i ve been telling myself i dont know what to do i stopped playing video game i stopped watching youtube i stopped watching netflix i just play random phone game that isnt me i ve literally thought about how cult kinda give people reason im smart enough to not join a cult will i always have the will though im losing it daily i want reason i dont have reason no reason at all to do anything i have a job it isnt nice i want to quit i want reason,1 +"OMG! Me,Joey,Seyeon and Jessica are watching Metro Station together! This is gonna be so much fun!!!! ",0 +just wrote a pg paper n 0 min studied n now off bed got ta wake up n hour oh joy nite all,0 +The naked truth about depression https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/sad-depression-affects-ability-think-201605069551 …,1 +it just make me happy over and over again i just wish i wasn t afraid to fly http tinyurl com skpp,0 +Just had a dinner and wonderin' what to do ,0 +tyla yaweh new chris brown except x better rteenagers like who im quirky teenager im like teens listen insert s band like good songs maybe modern music sucks except oliver tree,0 +i feel very apathetic towards everything in my life i just have no drive or ambition towards anything like i m just living just because people tell me to live i don t want to be here in life or anywhere really i just want to not exist a good portion of what i ve done in life is only for the approval of others now that i m older the more i just stop caring about others i know you all will probably suggest to maybe try other thing now that you don t care about other people s opinion find thing that actually enjoy i did i took a break from uni and decided to dive into art and a bunch of hobby i found them to very meaningless i don t know how to explain it but i felt like i wa faking enjoying the thing i did just to prove to myself that i am getting better and that i am like other people i did them just to do them i m just depressed that my family had to be stuck with a daughter like me because i m nothing but lazy and careless i don t want to burden it d be so much easier for me if i could just die in my sleep so i can save myself from hurting my family by committing suicide not existing is the only choice i want,1 +artfest come onn dowwwn haha,0 +promise im okayhey fellas first bit ive around little bit know nice supportive guys are makes really feel like give shit us second bit today bad im hurt confused scared angry exhausted everyone knows thats like im truly sorry that cant stop drinking cant stop crying cant stop hurtful everyone meet cause im exposed nerve makes bad people hurt me pains know many wonderful understanding people sub know im one them matter try cannot expected deserve lot might even ok it third taught every day life education solution everything believed it college thing even graduated horror everyone ive ever met didnt matter got worse suspect always will now ive got lot cute anecdotes rattle begrudging friends decide im annoying batshit keep around love facade friendship dont know kill myself wont get better live ill get worse thanks even giving moment undoubtably busy day thats folks like us get huh,1 +jasonarnopp our membership had expired and to renew them we have to do a new induction which can t happen til next tuesday,0 +rsk depression,1 +@dirty_saint Modern Warfare ,0 +hate youre alone crapi know depressionanxietyredflagmental illness general pretty damn common point thats problem everyone lot worse theyre also succeeding despite it besides boat someone doesnt mean arent still rowing yourself doesnt mean youre making boat take water drowning you im glad people take comfort idea theyre ones self harming whatnot thats partly point subreddit all see kind posts twitter tumblr scream faux positivitynormalisation me yeah sure experiences this going start talking properly cant lift stigma meaningful way rant,1 +going to sleep now johnny just died on the oc,0 +"Goodnight, i hope all is well. Do me a favor? Don't forget. Its as simple as that i love you!",0 +love having guy friends that keep me in line... please don't ever leave me! haha ,0 +i guess part of me didn t really want to die so i m heading back home now,1 +currently trying to redecorate on my own new to living alone too to feel more empowered i have been redecorating finally ordered a new couch chnage is scary lol anyways my couch wa supposed to arrive wednesday but it came early and i m not prepared i don t have a cart to get it up at the moment i m concerned it will be stolen rationally who would steal a pound thing and a another oddly shaped packaged but maybe or that the apartment will send it back before i can get the cart tomorrow to bring it up i emailed them just in case even if neither happen i don t want to ask anyone for help bringing it up because i either feel like a burden or i don t want to socialize with anyone while dealing with the couch cause that give me anxiety already preferably i d pay someone but how would one even do that for a task that take minute max just seems silly so now if i m lucky and my couch is still in the mail room tomorrow after work when i have a cart then i must be physically capable to get the couch up on the cart into the elevator and into my apartment myself i think i can do it but i m scared a to what s going to happen anybody have any opinion on this am i overthinking i read somewhere that anxiety can be confused with feeling of excitement too maybe that s what s happening idk man i want to know it will be okay,1 +person dmed claimed knowing everything me driving house every night asked could prove telling least one crumb information wouldnt pedophile,0 +wanna dieeveryone ever loved didnt want left life shatters im sick tired fighting gonna get better nothing left live anymore except beloved cats dont even take care well deserve someone else could offer much tiny messy flat life incredibly painful cant anymore ive past breaking point long time wish someone would love,1 +"@mdmarley___ Fuck Netflix and chill, depression and chill is the shit",1 +im seeing black eyed children hear screaming helpi really severe depressionlast night almost hanged myself feel miserable suicidal want diebut also want to tried play relaxing fun games forget depression help get bullied lot accent voice sound like year old helium pleasehelp,1 +must see borrow neighbors kid see one easily one best animationcartoons released longtime took movies antz whole new level mistake two movie although principle movies plot similiar go enjoy,0 +day reminding people wear mask stay safe x people hate anti mask comment ok also everyones week,0 +my friend's coming over later today ,0 +@DavilaCS hahahaha you also feel good ,0 +"If you or you know someone that has been touched by depression, anxiety, and other mental health… https://www.instagram.com/p/Bh_z5TQnBUV/ ",1 +love death resist living guys awful earth death thing make happy,1 +dolls days suck im sorry kid monster highs shit like barbies fine especially since started including poc plus size ones rest eww excuse tf enchantimal worst ones lol dolls eww theyre ugly theres story behind like least old ones cartoons weirdest thing posted far randomly came mind since sister looking toy magazines also dolls shes cliche,0 +want hold biti seriously considering sticking knife neck today sudden broke crying afraid dying foolish it theres nothing holding back yet thought want kill right now want hold while want wait im actually ready this im sure decision fuck embarrassing breaking tears watching tv goddammit im coward,1 +i really need to fcking end it i can t take it anymore here,1 +"annnd my phone is back on so far, Thursday is good to me. goooooodnight",0 +diary day everything goodig yeah woke took hot shower started studying ate healthy breakfast bit later worked dad came home work said really proud cause working everyday without rest days mom made surprise gave eurosjust bc good sonwell mby call spoiled think not also day watched twd fell asleep watching also read pagesso day good nothing made sadso yeah guysi really hope enjoy everyday everybody reads thisare happy,0 +hey i actually won one of my bracket pool too bad it wasn t the one for money,0 +honestly im tired of everything especially myself im not good for anyone and been blocked by a friend who told me i wa toxic and manipulative im stupid and worthless why do i even deserve to live i wish there is a fast way to kill myself and end this peacefully,1 +bad ptsd attack im edgei triggered cant feel arms im shaking like crazy cant stop crying want instant death right tried reach people didnt work edge im ready drop cant stop sorry,1 +i didnt really do much revision today which prob isnt a good idea seeing as the exmas are tomorrow...ah well ill be fine! ,0 +"Busy rest of the day...meeting with prospective clients, college students who want to be "Collegepreneurs" . Later!",0 +hello yes post hey guys im g dio jotaro josuke joseph giorno jonathan danny ok little danny,0 +one single girl entire universe interested romantically however why why ask why,0 +cant anymore dont know whats gonna stop timeshit never get better never get better im enough anyone im enough myself hot enough smart enough diligent enough athletic enough smooth enough lets face im fucking failure honestly people around better without around im done hope left gone college ur gonna fail relationships ur gonna fail life rollercoaster never fucking end unless myself everything bleak damp dark prison mind fucking fault ill leaving soon enough ruin people cannot stand never good them ruin everybody everything cant think cant care soon wont breathe im something drastic one ever understand help eternal extra plot others throwaway line two dont matter im thought all im joke im meme im mocked ridiculed rightfully so cant shit college hope thats fucking erased gonna drive away get fuck good start new life got damn way never happy bc look back things negatively subconsciously every remotely positive memory always dashed people tell problems im one venting like dont time me dont matter anyone thats ever wanted asked help millions times like one cares make much fucking worse ive lonely long like cant bring talk anyone anymore imma go kill now nice knowing u,1 +guys gals sub seem nice wholesome im really karma felt sudden rush emotions wanted express that sub feels safe gives homely warm vibe yall seem fuckboy fuckgirl type bullying type give advice good can make us laugh help us cope nice wholesome pretty cringey stupid teenagers sub lt sub love yall take care yourselves awesome let anyone else tell otherwise xx,0 +"@arthurcvanwyk than I was rt, have U Dutch relatives & if that is so 4 how long R U staying in South Africa? its a small world after all ",0 +alright sw really need helpill keep short put details gets replies damn even depresses talk about theres girl perfect eyes talking internet month were hours away decided meet well last minute cancelled plans knows why month later start talking again are want saw easy lose her want relationship know would work wants friends distance issues ive major heart ache bad anxiety extremely depressed it know im going kill yet cant take much longer anything try get mind never works want lay day recluse ive lost pretty much joy everything do cant concentrate anything do lot people say im dumb kid im thinking way serious problem me getting much handle anymore,1 +name her im one moment needs helphi all throwaway nonsense first foremost im scared cried today unable work longer function im able reply straight away will want anymore want help feel compelled help others less fortunate am turn reddit helped past survive thanks,1 +first series lost kicked bang literally slowly decreased pace may put viewers people started watch halfway would either bored plain confused br br i would advise people new world lost simply watch beginning get pt slower episodes acting throughout excellent series planned why means answers least years oh well ill keep watching keeps tension dialogue flowing,0 +job makes want die well weightplease help understand get terrible anxiety going work first would like explain fat year old female works grocery chain bakery department everyday work hate more customers really mean small things like donuts things packaged hurt feelings constantly want cry work im stuck taking counter cleaning open close options time either work am pm coworkers get angry quickly atmosphere gets tense want crawl hole get passive aggressive mad cant take every customer weight try lose weight impossible living dad buys pizza junk food time shop hard ignore temptations gained fifty pounds six months so sad hate working tight uniform matter gets tighter even newer uniform replaced old one tight im sure never please think redflag work lot want end im home tend feel better hate public places scared want work anymore hard even get dressed morning all quit job pay car insurance thats basically im working im going college thats already prepaid thanks parents worry books could maybe take loans idea job made hate much want die everyday work,1 +@kristinburbey Hey new friend.... what is up? ,0 +feel incredibly sad talk someone please,1 +seem good first kiss im gonna rant go basically quarantine cant really anything outside stay online met amazing girl days caught feeling asked started dating time grew closer closer together want meet person wont know ill house hour new year last minutes wed go roof look stars fireworks countdown begins wed stand up id grasp onto her pull in tell much love her give first kiss midnight new year,0 +dont know im freaking ive done before cant hear ear pushed wax back cleaning ears cant hear left ear happened before dont know im freaking out dont know dont know whats going on,0 +need help guys know alzheimers,0 +VOTE FOR ME ON SEANJOHN.COM FACES OF THE FUTURE iM ON PAGE 33 OR AT LEAST THAT WAS THE LAST PAGE I WAS ON ,0 +@KimKardashian do you trust your hair dresser? try something new like set a new trend you may look hot even tho you are already x,0 +living stalin regime bad come never heard citizens complain facts,0 +@openhappiness hey. when will you have a world tour? ,0 +lowkey regret dropping even though reason whatever tho another entry long list fuck ups lmao __,0 +im confused much karma post sub wanna post things,0 +@JustinMHancock it is quite tasty Worth the three hours it takes to complete,0 +"@fiamet gattaca is gorgeous and kind of devastating and fabulous, if that helps. ",0 +"Ocean view room in Laguna Beach: beautiful. Today will be fun; beach, safari, partying, sunset Appreciation is key, all smiles as always!",0 +so yesterday car accident definitely fault clonazepam sure could reason ser car comming lost around floor house broken know stop feeling like crap driving since years first time hace accident feel useless irresponsible incapable normali hate depression feeling like crap,1 +playradioplay that wa so sad and unexpected i totally cried haha,0 +im transyeah im trans trans guy specifically lot gonna understand heck im going right now whatever heres thoughts rolling around head lately im freak nature rest life ill never real man ill take testosterone shots day die unless want get fucked bone densityweird shit happening body surgeries ill frankensteins monster complete scars pretty much sexless now happened came trans way refuses sex except extremely boring terms week less always top hes always quiet oral sex nothing else mins tops whole act foreplay kisses noseducing kisses little bit goes straight the goods every time try initiate i stoppedoh around months ago rejects me know sting rejection im sure hurts waslast night thinking redflag really help cry little tiny bit silently unfortunately sleep bed mustve heard breath hitch it am huffed ugh really cant go sleep cant stop well talk morningugh yeah happened im reminded every day im man feel like am disgusting things body does back occasionally sore always wearing binder im pretty sick dealing my so im gonna buy another bed put different room cry fucking peace think lot evenings redflag would it would miss i used think would buti even know anymore dad would miss me brother sister mom though hah hates me think every day male get drive away partner disgusted becomes hes straight thing really hits easy would be almost easy likenot belittle anyone here easy way out believe afterlife imagine would like going sleep never waking up nothing worry anything anymorewouldnt get told goddamn partner parents everyone why eager start testosterone whats rushsomething words whats rush bother much im holding back tears right thinking words whats rush whats rush one understands days want toi get damn angry want rip stupid meatsack off something know lemme tell reddit sheer anger willpower could change stuff would problem days im angry enough feel like could punch brick wall sheer force pissedoffness could go many brokenhearted people left behind reddit days feel hopeful days want go fight good fight struggle life go things do days want freaking give up seriously thoughchrist thought partner would comfort something reaction get basically stfu im trying sleep damn idea thought me kinda hit little hard ya know reddit yeah hes acting like nothing happened fine,1 +i spent my whole life being bullied by everyone including biological family now i m an adult and i m forced to make money quick and the only way in my situation is college and a job i don t wan na spend my whole working and being bullied at home that s not my life anymore i want the freedom of death i considered it year ago but now it s the real thing i got ta make the decision now and i m just thinking about how relieving it would be realize the knife is already in too deep and there s no going back the only thing that matter now is nothing and that s how it ll always be i really really really want that so bad especially now when i realized i can t wait out my pain any longer,1 +therealswizzz i guess graphic art didn t make the cut huh,0 +thinking nothingi wish magic pill would make normal functioning human someones thats able im supposed learn class instead stuck bed unable even brush teeth eat much pain hate much know magic pill im going learn disciplined overnight honestly dont know havent tried kill again,1 +splont i have a meeting all morning today if that make you feel better though i finish tomorrow until next wed to make you hate me,0 +Laying in bed watching a movie...thinkin about a nap ,0 +whats annoying nagging thing stops every timeive teetering suicidal whole life im currently first time attempted and failed horribly times around point wouldve done couldve found means it big thing terrified physical pain im less terrified physical pain itd lot easier it something seems stop every time last year horrible me moved back home town deal abusive father first time years since moved house fell drugs under control now car stolen gotten pregnant amp abortion got fired recently shitty experiences people thought close friends robbed overall dangerous situations year live life extreme depression extreme anxietyparanoia lately holds back a baby sister around weve actually started talking little parents kind nightmare deal know im sane person life love like crazy worry repercussions death would her b ex boyfriend angel cares deeply would devastated gone really try hes extremely busy live different states top that longer romantic feelings me mainly bullshit claims hes going internal process give time theyll likely come back know hes saying keep hurting myself regardless lack romantic feelings hes really attached me hurts cling hope yaknow love him hope kind keeps going anywhere shit even lying cant cope guilt would died im exhausted though like honestly truly energy get life want it want die lot bullshit last year put bad situations im trying move away get them depression consistent regardless kind situation throughout life im pretty sure sort mental illness never health insurance means seeing therapist anything biological mom mental asylum years family says schizophrenia suspect borderline im starting worry hereditary ive getting crazy levels paranoia lately thinkin feds amp shit also could just again lifestyle choices shit something wrong keep fucking friendships ruining reputation etc last boss told reason firing literally vibe off thats kind stuff really makes think something seriously wrong me know bottom heart im least malicious person know guess im place needed vent think closest friends know im suicidal tbh theyre kind tired hearing it nobody life wants deal negativity really feel inadequate survival difficult me real support system financially emotionally,1 +they don t get hyphy on the east coast even to e 0,0 +scared brothers life amp know domy brother currently hospital recent redflag attempt first terrified gets hospital days amp think belongs outside world yet jail months th dwi pulled bar parking lot front truck causing wreck hit couple traveling day old baby according report one hurt brother went jail better ever terror incident inflicting self harm multiple occasions cut hand amp even shot stomach though always claimed accidents months allowed halfway house set per hour welding job even began days halfway house snuck property buy liquor cut hand razor fence way back witnesses said watched cut hand purpose brought er stitches night suffered seizure credited synthetic marijuana use though prone seizures alcohol withdrawal past long history tourettes syndrome seizures jail well brought back er day seizure amp next morning attempted redflag cutting throat left redflag note amp everything hospital amp fucking judge declared days psychiatrists hospital sent home trial instead back jail halfway house im fucking terrified loose cannon amp physically big stop tries anything honestly even want around time amp afraid happen tried many times get seems disconnected soul amp hell bent abusing himself know do scoffs mention meditation even reflection amp honestly wish somehow forced stay asylum jail safety protect brother himself,1 +i am just three month away from graduation and couple of week i found i wa gon na get suspended for plagiarism copied a lab report but today it wa confirmed that it s gon na be a year of suspension all that i ve worked is down the drain all of the job offer are worthless everything in my life is ruined now i ve decided to end the painful misery and say my goodbye tonight i hope my family get through this looking for least painful way to kill myself,1 +"will shop for labels, while those ladies lay and wait for love, uh! go fergie ",0 +yo wtf feel sad best friend sent post like little things make little bit less sad,0 +guess moonlight comfort im sitting outside balcony darkness outside night sky me stars moon now,0 +I love my hair colour. Never going back black. Oh... and I love the road I'm on ,0 +election matters year meme year fuck fuck presidential election fuck you vote leonardo dicaprio,0 +gd grant strengthfirst all title shit dont even believe god god dont believe ability rule fucking suck digressim say dont deserve here hurt people wish brave enough hurt badly one else would suffer me dont ever harm anyone physicallybut im jaded bitter fucked head anyone gets close singed heat rage dont even know fuck im angry at guess everything abused child every way imagine literally hate myself hate feeling dirty useless pathetic even defend myself hurt ppl im worth anyones love ppl always leave me deserve it it im trash wish brave wish god grant strength end myself sadlyits me im god,1 +oh hey it s the depression hour,1 +think son sorcerer hello rteenagers serious problem son turn may sorcerer im debating whether seek help not last week daughter unfortunately went missing boy babysitting ran mcdonalds got geometry test im proud him got favorite big mac cheese onion got home heard screaming coming kitchen rushed unfortunately forgot micky ds car kitchen smelled like sulfur tiles floor daughter playing phone looked burnt look see son floating air how quaint blurted out descended floor saw forgot mcdonalds fit rage hurled stake knife telekinetic powers im currently hospital typing wife considering divorcing left year old daughter adolescent son home heck do,0 +immm sooooo lowwww,0 +can t sleep bc i drank a diet coke 9pm suck bc i have to wake up at 0am,0 +hotlines say god damn thingsit get better yeah suicidal too hear shit damn time call one redflag hotlines never helpful want know fuck put bullet head already your family miss you shitty attempt guilt tripping it ill it care shithead family thinks,1 +one daysim getting pretty sick hurting someone already moved on months feeling grown kept telling pathetic phrase it getting better hasnt waking everyday feels like im executed firing squad im sick it nobody gives solitary fuck say looks like nick daily routine acting like complete bitch nothing important worry existence annoy anyone anymore im gone wish things ended way did wish another way made mind already proceeded theres going back guess best friends mean forever afterall,1 +gentle reminder find people attractive want sex finding something aesthetically pleasing always mean want put dick,0 +want commit redflag really want liveim years old im going university next year im going best school country choice four better schools state successful parents willing help problems have lot people would give lot position makes really sad lived could been could one best students high school put enough effort schoolwork ended enough bs stop even applying really good schools even trade good memories every day nothing besides attempt drown whatever find internet nothing continue cycle close zero social interactions necessary way even parents fault im unattractive unable communicate make effort make interesting anyone want anything me want commit redflag much would hurt people around already worked hard help me right now given option never exist would take without hesitation know cannot happen though need fix problem find direction goal guys found purpose lives,1 +feel like antidepressants working im lazyi take medication prescribed feel anything doctor tells something along lines stuff depressed medication alone make feel better improved life without medication probably need it improve life without medication im lazy never anything get medication put work feel better im lazy end day fault im depressed none medication ive tried worked fault marketable skills get real job fault go seek skills worst part also fault killed yet means know it certainly get left alone long enough pull off still reason im damn lazy cant even take easy way,1 +@oneofusisfdup ,0 +basically everyone ignoring nice teacher including me decided try nice back talking drugs bad affected life stopped using it seem happy sinse theres someone paying attention classes btw sorry bad english,0 +Hmmm waiting for those restless morning. Summer classes...man I can't wait. Idk why I'm so excited!! ,0 +so at the place where i work we had a new girl started off okay work got crazy and we were under the impression she had it under control question were minimal she seemed okay then she wa out sick and we had to take over her desk and long story short there were several thing found that made her a liability and could possibly get u sued by our customer thankfully all thing were corrected and we re okay but now they want to fire her it wa decided that she s out a soon a she s ready to come back from being sick i feel so bad and anxious about this which i voiced to my supervisor who happens to be my mom i said that i didn t feel bad she wa being fired because she deserves it for the huge mistake she s repeatedly been making i feel bad because she s at home having a hard time allegedly but think that she still ha a job like if that wa me i d probably never recover i noticed this anxiety ha me wondering if my relationship is happening the same way where i ll find out later with seemingly no warning that it s not okay and i m fired it s just so hard and i feel so bad but a much a i try to distance myself i can t and i don t know how to make this stop,1 +@SQLChicken because it's programmed differently ,0 +parents divorced still court it left mother live dad lost control dragged everyone around down yesterday meet basically told lie judge father get lil sister back cps took months ago told owed betraying her screamed public made scenecame home absolutely wasted get screamed dad told get eyesin evening went friends drank like never before afterwards smoked blunt could stand more drug dealer call friends bar pick throwing up kept awake called dadonly thing remember saying friend this nice way diefather picked shouted friends helping me one said might threw car responded i going kick ass that speeding awaytoday woke up spoken word me looked pure disgust worst thing cannot even blame hating megod wish died yesterday reached absolute low last night,1 +at university of hawaii s hamilton library doing hw drinking orange soda,0 +mornnnninggg ugh by cub ha gone to work without a phoneee got no one to textt,0 +@tanyaar haha ill try ps - i like your pic itss gorgeouuss.,0 +everything every good thing that ha happend to me so far is a lie they re all the thing that are used against me to burn me alive i m so sorry that i dedicate my all towards something only to see it fail and burn right in front of my eye i deserve nothing but pain i m a waste of space god doesnt exist he would never be okay with all that ha been happening to me why cant i just fucking go peacefully i m tired of cry,1 +Depression https://youtu.be/vuBwavV8Gck  via @YouTube,1 +@lizjohnsonbooks hey! I have emailed you and am now following you Great news on your book!,0 +balding want end allim going bald cant live anymore people say shave head lift feel me jacked bald guy suit personality one bit plus shaved head pale skinny white guy id look like neonazi cancer patient hair style options balding men either shave let grow slightly out makes look like something accountant whos idea fun reorganize stamp collection im terrified leaving house without hat know everywhere go people laugh balding ive given pursing women attractive women right mind wants date balding something guys s full heads hair cant go life like anymore ive gone considered good looking ugly im trying rogaine see working year ill kill want go life ugly bald loser thats baldness you people give examples bald men attractive always hypermasculine guys like rock vin diesel also s help guy s,1 +almost am im gonna risk take minute nap watch wake up posting good luck,0 +oh just got all my macheist 0 apps sweet didn t get the espresso serial no though although they said they sent it oh well,0 +so tired from life guarding...nothing heals muscle soreness then a good bowl of birthday cake ice cream ,0 +Thoughts never saw light of dayBut what's Day to light And what's light to dayOne reminded me to hide in the shadows Console with depression and disdainAnd submerge myself into the oceans of the night sky with no moon or stars,1 +i ve had anxiety for a while now but my worst experience with it to date happened a couple of week ago i wa experiencing panic attack daily for a week and anxiety daily for week before that too now i ve managed to calm my mind slightly and i don t have the psychological symptom anymore but i still have some fuzzy head light headed feeling and crazy fatigue exhaustion where i have to lay down after going out this happens when i m not even necessarily feeling anxious could i still be experiencing symptom of anxiety but just the anxiety is subconscious and i m feeling the physical symptom more strongly any help tip are welcome thanks guy,1 +bruh parents crazy say disintegration even cures best album like wtf,0 +@andrewsnaith @bampi - OMG - just saw your blog - you fly out on my bday ,0 +Does your Dog Watch TV? http://bit.ly/DZ43M We keep our TV on @AnimalPlanet (via @askspikeonline) love it!,0 +little bit scary ill tonight why matter care anymore worth many people fantasize world want live still stuck real world call greedy childish stubborn care want going it true determination change world anything possible failed many times still young want go trough that besides horrible person leave mother everybody else mother probably effected absolutely care happens world apart anymore makes horrible person think anyone thinks like horrible person,1 +feel trappedlet start bit back story young age ive always second thought family due unfortunate things oldest brother diagnosed cancer second oldest brother diagnosed ataxia telangiectasia age far ive fine year age gap us youngest ive always kinda background helping ever can going back years mum diagnosed cancer well around time recently lost nan used spend every waking moment with thought losing mum well extremely overwhelming me dad never really looked kids quite challenge him mum hospital months end hed get us takeaway food every night led extreme weight gain thankfully years mum given clear cancer came fighting left obese year old kid bullied every day school trying keep brave face parents already enough deal caring disabled brother everyday fast forward years ago big plans go game designer hope one day could create games like ones self use play wanted get away real world went college study game design animation amp motion graphics fell course tutor decided enough people course changed photography claymation now ive schoolwork everything around years feel trapped brother lack better term vegetable absolutely love change world parents getting life able tend well younger pretty much help move around lift clean etc etc kindof act main carer lumbered since cant help think stay home try best look him cant help fell trapped cant leave duty look him every day feel like would better died call horrible person life everyday become depressed looking wanted life taken me may sound selfish cant help think one way out,1 +nobody caresits funny everything right go work nice things people know get nothing people get mad coughing terrible belly pain bad allergies im best,1 +Rocking out lol,0 +eating LIKE A PIG because depression,1 +whats pointyr old male here recently decided take semester college im starting realize aimless life is hated first semester thankfully community college didnt care ok school couldve gone yr didnt want trouble hating career parents dont really support decision im going therapy mildly helps im going going medication soon idea going medication makes feel weak need help normal feel subservient everyone else also yes kind obvious would single decided stay friends one girl ive infatuated year rejected me im starting feel like shes talking pity ive tried before lately harder harder justify living anymore reason im still alive month old niece,1 +need someone tell im wrongi hate this hate one life turn lean on result asking strangers carry problems help me im year old guy hope spent life lying friends family done everything deny sexuality photoshopping college transcripts dad know failed every class currently school working shitty grocery store manager constantly harasses me love guy reciprocate affection try hard better tried medication still feel redflag best option scared,1 +knowi know anymore feel nothing im split two let everything build let one drunken night out ive since something broke then ive told two people it remember much intense emotions im empty thoughts mind save stream text cant imagine future barely remember morning know wake tomorrow morning ill okay right want give up sleep wake up day same im fucking tired wish allow open someone wish would stop pretending strong need help,1 +close friend mine admitted feeling suicidallike title reads stranger depression experience redflags two people close life absolutely terrified friend although honored confiding me desperately dont want say wrong thing give wrong advice somebody please help me know cant save anyone hate see people love suffering like this,1 +give someone something stupid child years later regret want back dont even use it okay ask back also lets say old ginormous golden freddy plush gave say distant dad hates,0 +this is an embarrassing confession to make but i feel like this is the only place i can seriously get advice i m a year old guy who ha already had awful anxiety around year ago when i wa young my mum wa super supportive about it and took me to therapy which seriously helped me for a while and i still absolutely love her for that after my therapy session finished i wa having the best period of my life i wa seeing and meeting new people and getting close with others but year ago my anxiety started coming back and a big part of my anxiety that i didn t tell my mum wa the fact i needed to poop during my attack it sound silly i know haha now school is a nightmare because i m scared to go in school due to it s small size and the fact that there is a very small amount of bathroom in the school i always have the feeling of what if it finally happens for reference i have never had an accident in school but have sure a hell came close i will also cancel plan with friend outside of school if i couldn t get it all out before we leave i ve left job because of this fear a well and i just feel like an absolute loser my mum doesn t like me staying off from school in any way and i feel i cant tell her this reason because it is genuinely embarrassing and she would believe i m lying i also want to get back on therapy but i don t want to break her heart after she wa so proud of me the first time and even cried for me my mum is a god send and i love her with all that is in me so i can t tell her that it back again i think i need med but i ve never been diagnosed so i don t know this sound absolutely ridiculous i know but it s something i ve been seriously struggling with and am typing this right now with diarrhoea the night before school terrified if anyone ha any similar experience and how they overcame this it would help me in way you can t imagine thank you,1 +many people complaining quarantine online school thought everyone lonely sat home day playing games me yea me help,0 +good reason feel like this personality makes difficult reach outmy head mess sure rambling pile garbage never talk anyone problems posting something like extremely uncomfortable me sure rethink decision make post delete havent able find help yet figure anything learned years reddit help area everything sure enough search guys are quick rundown me middle aged married kids successful dont remember feels like happy cant recall last time felt kind joy become really good faking around friends family flip switch head time social act happy make jokes play part make sure sadness leak spoil day anyone else exhausting sometimes work smile keep shit together hours straight im nice guy everyone depends get things done im nice guy everyone looks support advise im nice guy exhausted faking day long sit car breaking point get physically ill throw upthen flip switch time go home pretend everything fine get feeling everyone around jealous family dream wife beautiful kids amazing large home drive nice cars make good living area live in feels like costume covering reality feel like failed oldest child adult know resents me try force involved exhausting try best shield bullshit younger kids also feel like failing cant seem give attention deserve feel like hate it heard talking eachother night crushed little soul left think wife planning leave me told years felt trapped needed independence best support starting new business finally working going well always thought would make things better instead unease festered grown stronger feel it resents tell holding long enough set someplace go leaves me issues past always able flip switch put brave face whatever takes work out trying feel spent keep cracking up almost broke tears birthday party front kids simple dentist visit much almost started bawling making cup coffee after cant keep shit together normal situations hell something big business life sham feel like faking years moment someone going call bullshit seems rock solid everyone assumes kicking ass always razors edge balance feel like family here know quick family turn shut out become damn much want done everything already set everything up plan place put end things shielding friends family much possible wont look like redflag one would ever think did another tragic accident different others happen every day took large life insurance policy established trust children prepared documents attorney handle estate past simply plan place enough keep level anything drastic last month real struggle every single day it spoken wife feeling depressed wants therapy thats another mountain climb dont know energy make happen therapist years ago called set appointment last week refused book me dont recall ended therapy last time around must said done something horrible wont take back punch gut havent able make pick phone call another one quite frankly thought sitting therapists office makes feel ill uneasy dont even know ever helped made better faking everyone elses sake tldr exhausted tired sad want done,1 +want talk someone right im alone everyone else asleep feel lonely strangely sad right now want someone talk little bit,0 +i ll go first i got rejected recently it happens a lot to me it s my th time now i can t stop being anxious abt it it sickens me thinking abt it and idek why i m still anxious abt it i also have bipolar disorder so that make thing even better,1 +theres gotta living this righti feel caught endless cycle abandonment self pity im tired it months back realized really friends sure people get along with sports helped feel like kid gets picked last dodgeball time feel used friends cant recall many times ive hosted lent money invited paid back father treated like shit years watched raise cousin place wonders difficult time connecting one bright spot life girlfriend broke weeks ago said unhappy really thought best go separate ways much want to going hold hostage messy breakup text refused even near since ceased contact me unfriended different platforms deleted old posts me everything good week before wed highschool together talked futures together cant help wonder change mind suddenly ill never know respond me told parents mom asked screw up comfort nothing sort wrong dad made lame ass remark told beginning went spiralling days nobody me even two closest friends said sorry bud feel alone world many responsibilities uphold made choice college yet clue want now got drunk guys thursday probably ive felt like while dad finds threatens kick out point im unmotivated anything drag work every day what money nonexistent couple months sold car buy new one enough money cover late expenses spent day hiking alone calling people thought friends asking lives going people called couple asked was finished redflag letter im afraid read over whats point hour wont,1 +"@earthmagickfarm @ayanatheoracle Probably quite the opposite: if you cured your depression, that wasn't depression.",1 +guys think say poggies much talking mom something stop saying poggies halfway saying it think mind infected,0 +vampires exist dont make fun im playing episode really hot vampire want one like rlly bad,0 +anybody sub skate want help figure im looking first board im aware theres subreddit skating really asking questions,0 +@MarshallKarp ps wasn't me.....blame @Mrs_Westwick. Totally. ,0 +honey it s nasty no report of flooding a yet multiple report of bad hair and wet pant however,0 +ai really hard time around people ive always quiet especially people know well feel like gotten worse years sensation observed considered people know well think tires much stay inside time avoid much human contact possible get almost joy anything do fleeting feeling im depressed time cant even imagine possible scenario able support way lead killing months worked super market independent study highschool took much interact many people daily basis things required spent money earned second got way could justify forcing go work quit month two one day manager told greet people enough stand front door greet every customer came half hour told time quit called work told quit worked construction friend mothers month highschool planned earning enough money pay year language school japan one things sounded interesting me little bit better working supermarket felt place mentally draining there way going able entire year pay trip put request information marine corps website day got call recruiter next day lunch break job site agreed go work that gave boss two weeks notice said come want anymore long process actually get military start paperwork took year total actually go bootcamp since get waiver eczema have took asvab got said qualified every job going take anything infantry told much started going training sessions recruiting office year later im bootcamp hating life everyone hates life bootcamp really unexpected go school infantry hate life too graduate weeks training weeks guard night shift walking around dark hiding porta shitters trying freeze death especially cold days time got call mom stepfather month went vaction hawaii week came back dog gone lived california suburbs two years took country stay us new stepfathers loved dog person ever known never really able forgive mother leaving caring enough put daycare week never told though suffered loss silence went recon training month graduating dropped buddy told going quit convince otherwise wasted away holding company couple weeks fleet went got sent unit buddy got put different platoons basically never anything together again think bothered much really disappointing me hated pretty much everything fleet nothing common peers got punished time things do things people nothing us did seniors barely older us year longer liked treat us awfully deployment already played around dirt exact things somewhere else instead thought killing many times throughout life point never attempted anything already plans fail hating existence much did see way could manage another years knew nothing afterward tried shoot head one ranges lot harder pull trigger hoped going be bunch people care trying talk it well one old squad leaders thought okay really fair people start talking situation like that much wanted to thought would really rude coat brain matter middle trying talk me eventually someone snuck took gun removing glove thinking might well feel sensation pulling trigger shooting head since last thing im ever going do spent next days psych ward started long process getting administratively separated spent last months bouncing appointments nothing lost mind broke hand concrete wall days supposed separated got sent psych ward another week finally got separated day released im back home taking community college courses still cant see anything could ever imagine doing going class makes depressed nervous possibility group work interact people skipped class today since muster motivation go going kill myself know exactly im capable im required live almost joy life minimal responsibilities depress end path sustain capable frankly reason to people miss me gives mental distress im going guilted living cant force live rest life depression severe life meaningless spend every moment consciousness wishing never born know im posting whether delete later want sympathy life hardly awful really know else do,1 +im turning phone tis time grind homeworks require assistance life able reach hopefully next hour ap history work yes sit start two hours ago done absolutely nothing thanks asking,0 +rented son recently found interest kindergartener time idea unfolding liked way told documentary one movie would recommend see concerning would one normally see movie actors well known movie nobody known also see movie concerning hear firefighter two losing lives saving people feel that rented movie would definitely consider adding collection well done indeed heart goes survivors families victims ,0 +point enough enoughi terminally lonelyhttpsoldredditcomrforeveralone statistically speaking half lifetime spent assume healthy and not every moment feels like drowning like nightmare possible wake up terminally ill people get help all timehttpsenwikipediaorgwikipalliative_sedation need someone tell gt correct never experience human contact will always deficienthttpsenwikipediaorgwikimaslows_hierarchy_of_needs human being truly part society way httpswwwcdcgovnchsdatanhsrnhsrpdf rest us are get helphttpsenwikipediaorgwikieuthanasia really cant people accept diseases painful live with delighted suffering cure deal also solution involves dying old age virgin solution unless happen sadist furthermore realistically one going giving dating advice anything like that decrease relative fitnesshttpsenwikipediaorgwikisurvival_of_the_fittest anyway historical data speak themselves nearly days contact potential mate expect day end way,1 +lost boyfriend best friend within two days fault course literally nothing look forward life anymore rest summer going hell vacations done school starts think going finally end it planning maybe winter point going school going see people used close with smart skills either college stable life door done bullshit point none,1 +@Urban_Lindsay You are a doll! Thanks gorgeous! ,0 +thought maybe anime labs expand australia cuz idk anime streaming service viable strategy long yeah new zealand thats like two people also interspecies reviewers still anime labs australia think falls category japan,0 +trash kitten solution will be found,0 +"@theroser when you guys come to washington state, you should totally crush that tacoma mall PLEASE? lol",0 +@NotoriousTIMP you should see Up ,0 +f mei cant take life anymore everything falling apart nothing ever same worst thing thats happening right brother arrested something horrible cant talk anybody still ongoing matter whole family torn apart this mom wont even talk shes concerned him im afraid shes going spend families money college fund him feel like selfish piece shit even worrying right now even found yesterday wanted kill myself ive wanting kill long time dont think anything matters anymore cant imagine feeling worse right now ive suicidal before ive mental hospital twice raped ive suicidal ideation long time pretty much long remember even though family gave financial help could always sad child molested starting age older boss restaurant worked at went college raped guy thought really liked me dumb think anyone could like me im extremely fat ugly one even believe rape police made feel like fault couldnt cope trauma rape dropped college started drinking heavily raped several times got bad situations know fault things got little better stopped drinking started going therapy happened brother see going horrible downward spiral dont think anything ever get better dont think theres hope,1 + great say true year everyone thought gonna be said that declaring year matter life throws attack back double ferocity conquer me join declare year good things,0 +moethebeat aww moe i wa planning on leaving tomorrow evening are you gon na be in town by chance,0 +friends pushed away attempted redflagi attempted redflag two weeks ago hospital friends texting dad asking im doing im high school got ignoring texts avoiding since got back school sure,1 +anxietyi much anxiety wanted forward msg girl class talking abt graduation dad instead forwarding spent mins procrastinating completely frozen dont know im like felt like dad already tired putting would burden even more eventually able forward msg even msged girl dad bit busy ill telling im available attend keeps pressuring tone message seemed cold frustrated dont know anxiety came gonna go physical school well even wasnt able forward msg suddenlt felt urge kill instead sending message dad much pending stuff do hve find therapist contemplating im gonna kill anyway gotta get started much work whats point im gonna fail kill myself need many things motivation im gonna kill myself,1 +yoooooo rice krispies multi grain regular rice krispies best ,0 +@ASinisterDuck i will join dunno if you added me ,0 +opera br br director dario argento deep red suspiria screenplay dario argento franco ferrini the church sleepless demons photography ronnie taylor a chorus line sleepless music claudio simonetti phenomena goblinbr br story betty cristina marsillach lady macbeth understudy stylized staging verdis macbeth opera bettys time shine comes diva star breaks leg opening night hit car running away tantrum famous curse macbeth takes sinister calculating turn right away body count begins rise seems betty gets first fan via stalker ties tapes needles eyes force witness grisly murders people around her story br br acting acting lot italian films sometimes hard judge english italian french german spanish sometimes flick usually speak native languages making dubbing rule thumb hard judge usually cut slack area result acting br br direction giallo maestro argento enters genre helped pioneer opera shows top game exquisite blend gore tension beauty direction br br visual one argentos best looking films gorgeously filmed taylor opera features stunning inventive camerawork keeps film running fast hard keeps eyecandy coming camera always seems notion whether wonderful shot camera going spiral staircase sequence towards end birds eye view said bird circling crowd opera house visual br br audio frequent argento collaborator simonetti through various bands goblin demonian solo effort compliments screen action zeal score touches classical verdi metal musings with little help brian roger eno bill wyman lends music muscle screens bloody gristle sound design give need stabbings gunshots fire screams masterfully remastered anchor bay disc glorious every crunch caw audio br br technical editing keeps film flowing moving wonderfully combined camerawork editing help keeps surreal dreamy imagery flowing exquisite opera house one hell location perfect staging horror version macbeth one cant end review argento film without comment kills argento dispatches characters glee time around brilliant stabbing sequence crow eyegouging film highlight gun blast keyhole eye back head shot sends argentos exwife daria nicolodi movie morgue priceless technical br br wrapup nearly flawless giallo suffers slightly unnecessary epilogue switzerland delivers visual thrills argento fans cravebr br overall ,0 +feel uselessi feel like nobody likes me ive never felt suicidal several months idk whats happened service dog still feel point life future get worse here go therapy therapist vacation going vacation wont therapy long time want vent real life,1 +if unlike commenters here staging class war mind seeing lives people fairly successful extroverted bohemian gasp terribly english party getting sorts trouble result bad film closer euro cinema rather imitation usual slick american crap believe minimal sound design cheap camera conscious decision rather bad film making id defend this film worse result puts spotlight cast really good kate hardie think thats name sarcastic drunk spoton one exception david baddiel never allowed appear serious stuff light go kind anatomisingofrelationship crap country real friends go party could worse sit watch this,0 +Bout go down b-more schools almost out time to start actin reckless ,0 +guy seasonal depression is over it s time for just regular depression now im so happy,1 +hate school hate here ive tried reaching people one cares one even acknowledges feel school fucking hard cant anymore cant stress constant burden you ive tried believe could make it dont believe anything anymore theres one answer hate school hate much fuckin hate school,0 +broken memoriesive always broken often wonder mother aborted me always stated almost learned her sometimes makes wonder let neighbors rape purpose horrible things happened child years ago real memories dark thoughts invade head lights see open closet door remember later school pe teacher watched change asked shower others run laps time out office remember happened twice told touched would friend carlos kill sleep thank god never found never knew carlos anyone willing commit murder matter remember best friend asking out getting mad told no remember doctor said miscarried remember able accept creating persona unborn child keep losing more remember many times ive told family want die remember telling suck up remember mom telling stop threatening it remember wanted say ok remember moment realized different remember learning word changed way parents looked me remember day realized man womans body remember feeling love anyone including myself remember feels like happy remember feels like someone cares want remember anything anymore want memories want finally put knife wrist watch life fade away nothing always been,1 +Larsensitis: A spasm of the frontal lobe. Transmissible via coughing or sneezing. Comorbid with depression.,1 +know pigeons die sex mean least one fuckd did,0 +french people im learning french grammar really bad swear wanna practice native speaker anyone wants ,0 +Why Adolescence Makes Teens Vulnerable to Depression by Jeff Nalin https://mental-health-matters.com/why-adolescence-makes-teens-vulnerable-to-depression/ …,1 +day one trying get banned day one trying banned here yep thats right hate want im this get banned im deleting account over today im gonna violently homophobic h e gays much going burn hell deserve it homophobic,0 +really need someone help mei past point ever feeling happy again years old cosmetology school live own feel ive anyone age shouldve lost dad gunshot wound latin kings milwaukee never got dad life mom never really step dad doesnt really talk ever never really friends growing up one close friend slowly growing apart even best friends years raped guy really trusted relationship now really took beating self worth esteem stuck abusive relationship forced isolate myself starve myself beat me raped convinced im worth nothing get trouble killing friends family would make suffer selfharmed since feel show people little think cry help mom denies problems refuses let get help expensive step dad owns company makes figures everything parents literally issue money put hospital taken lorazapam put insurance hospital bills folder put room remind much problems cost them cannot control anger temper im upset nothing stop me dont know make stop literally cannot trust another human being struggle money problems live dont like asking parents money make big deal know continue living seeing find enjoyment anything life anymore know life good im denying im fortunate im thankful cant cope problems inside head cannot keep good relationship anyone problems scare everyone away people want deal me ive told feel misunderstood life feel trapped inside head feel alone well feel like im never good enough anyone around constantly remind much burden am constantly alone roommate never here cant go lot get early everyday school struggling depression anxiety since ive recently struggling anorexia bulimia dont drive eat someone please talk me friend help find way get help anything contemplate redflag daily feel close making end seeing way cope ,1 +updating my twitter status... I told you I was not going to behave accordingly with this site ,0 +@Padmasree writing Haiku is like twittering. ,0 +"@007peter I'll try and take some pictures when I bring out the camera, for the first time. ",0 +need advice relationship m liked girl while gathered courage text went well course weeks texted daily confessed later liked told liked while problem think relationship her parents strict nodating policy much like her want make parents mad earned trust years wanna tell idk even begin,0 +life hardbarely two months year want live everyone would laugh whats threatening push edge might failing module second year collegei know hysterical somebody would prepare kill something silly final straw actual reason feel like im mentally ill unable cope life maybe made life anyway everything held precariously together year bad know keep going fail do uni drop mentally ill get job waiting tables rest life id alone id die anyway feel like get done feel sick overwhelmed anymore sorry want go fail university point,1 +i miss him can t wait to celebrate the tar heel win this weekend though,0 +@donniesgirl34 Ohhhh okay Thanks for explaining! I can't imagine a better read!!!!! =D,0 +i feel trapped and like there s no way out everything feel like shit i went through ton of family and mental health issue but i soldiered on and i got my college diploma in social science and my bachelor degree in sociology i wa on the dean s list i worked my as off through mental illness and exhaustion and i m in thousand of dollar debt i did everything people told me to do keep going get a degree take out loan and now i can t find a fucking job that doesn t pay total shit public transit is beyond atrocious i just have 0k debt staring at me in the face every time i open my bank app i ve applied to hundred of job hundred of job my brother want me to go back to school and get more debt more fucking debt he want me to leave my boyfriend and move to another province i can t talk to him about my issue because every time that s all he suggests same with my best friend my dad life in a tiny town in newfoundland and make shit wage my mom life somewhere in ontario and ha made no effort to help me out despite not getting to see me grow up due to a nasty divorce i have no will left i m afraid i m gon na snap and go crazy i try really really hard to be positive but it s really hard to keep it up i feel like i m in one of those trap where the wall are slowing squishing you until you die please doe anyone have any advice anyone i m dying my hope is fading so fast,1 +in work early for team meeting but forgot my lunch,0 +sad knowing cant rewrite lifeeveryday think death killing myself tiring depressing want follow plans hate stupid teenage years want reset life change mistakes make depressed hate ever dumbass never change better want die feel sense eternal peace belonging thats im asking for,1 +going kill tonightno one cares problems im alone theres nothing anyone it,1 +m dealing depression since that diagnosed redflag since separation redflag social redflag sincetldr read last large paragraph know condense thatwhen parents broke up always close mum dad object owned son believed deserved fought mum me know care anytime put aside never really interacted want go would pry lamppost crying drag car take house brought first sembalances redflag low self esteem blood really love took something wrong me top cheated mum broke together womenafter mum remarried next partner fine first changed younger brother treated hindrance due troubles going custody court stuff dad causing relationship mums partner saw fathers son took frustrations first gas lighting mental abuse went till also mentally abused mum older sister little brother illness mum felt stay him older leave thus freed abusei also accident fractured hip could walk year could use partial weight year that final straw made deeply depressed one place could get away school months felt alienated alone end retreated room place semblance safety leftall led deep rooted self hatred low self worth redflag depression since managed idly spend time retreating games barely really living top last friends completely distanced difference views one mum siblings even grandparents always dementia cannot even remember see mei feel alone everyone leave one day reason left live even feel would better died saved trouble family support leech kindness want burden feel useless know lazy hate it know way mess head live life worth livingi sorry extremely long much wanted say something somewhere relieve feeling built inside m need get feel chest one talk,1 +gonna kms need helpgot built hook bedroom ceiling need rope long strong enough get one online shopping option me,1 +long fuck poorly writtenheres long story short life adopted born biological mother got adopted perfect family honest father great man also badass flew fs commanding officer kitty hawk aircraft carrier always always always right thing awesome brother years older stereotypical socal surfer hang ten hey brah shut kook best big brother could picture remember took beach bonfire pacific beach girl friend his age come talk flirt me talked power rangers shit know vivid so dad died earliest memories watching die lung cancer even though never smoked years later brother died shitfaced slipped pier drowned completely fucking ironic ive never met anyone loved water much makes fucking moron idiot faggot unless smiley face killer cult actually exists killed brother mom went crazy subconsciencly took me listened everyone around her me sent away friends preppiest athletic school us cms new hampshire yeah sad got made fun ass kicked sad constant public shaming teachers fucked up got gay raped teacher im gay whatever know life fun also friends back san diego moved away home visits fun formulated plan get kicked out worked mom furious went public school little bit went insane creepy got sent boarding school troubled teens dgaf first got sent mental hospital put antipsychotics locked white rooms shot thorazine strapped orange beds completed that went back boarding school brainwashed manipulated watch cedu documentary youtube want know bullshit place long explain weird came home years that still antipsychotics took years later immediately went drugs met biological mother made fool drugs stole ipods unlocked cars open garages turned residential burglary home invasion minimum years prison first offense stupid fuck confessed everything figured right thing do fight months im jail which sucked better time boarding schools combined moved psycho month getting jail pretty ironic jail prayed girl red hair foreign legal assistant would jealous keep busy toes got that every criteria too big coincidence ignore jealousy much handle broke her fucked two best friends night started dating alcoholic whore whos idol courtney love called one night yeah lets get fucked tonight fuck night down happens drink much says yeah parents going trip gotta go need get dad blew driving home spent next months drinking room waiting woken knock door taking prison years suspended sentence kept razor blade bed case still dating chick cheated year old black guy high schooler feels great probation officer never heard dui county attorney type shit years said needed count lucky stars years still drink every day still cant find work yes ive graduated college yes volunteer yes ive done job felons thing nothing leave room every day same wake up lay bed hours fuck around internet try make music i suck ive making music years im fucking awful get bed sit chair fuck around internet avoid facebook online dating profiles terrified someone might message me fuck around computer dark turn phone get text immediately turn spend entire day thinking im going respond always respond wrong way recently ive getting attacked something spiritual almost pushed window know stupid sounds im saying felt hands me head ive trying find paranormal shit since kid first time life actually happening unfortunately evil real despite ive through im rational logical shit actually happening care opinions topic im pathetic want spend next years life catching up entire life one big game catch up im either going sociopathic loner awkward social guy everyone internally make fun see nothing faults in id rather neither perfectly honest redflag something ive joked entire life ive put cigarettes arm past years every night got bed test long takes run breath i smoke packs day long im drank way much tonight im feeling squirrely put shoes one second tell kill myself tell fuck gain living honestly pathetic im steady job almost years live fucking mother ive past supposed fun years life fuck man reset button really care anyone else either ive spent last years burning bridges say therapy either ive since social anxiety getting worse depression really see leveling cry help like things here drunken ramblings someone never right head know else do really th floor hotel room far away room want guy buthelp seriously fucking talk shit me call bitch pussy whatever let frustration try jumpstart something head bullshit me honest,1 +mrsfr yes unfortunately the date clashed with an important and long standing family party got to do it on my own,0 +said yes vent gremlin we abduct people school,0 +im tiredof parents gaslighting making feel insane everyone way around non existant parents lying make things way dad able decide want life forced follow everything dad asks avpd making things difficult take responsibility parents mistakes used like tool random panic attacks,1 +great showi remember much remember watching loving it remember mother father really like grandmother like grandmother really appreciate became adult knowledgeable nonsense favorite song show sardines morning that might title remember seeing show hearing song went cleveland ohio visit cousins sister sang song much time left little cousins singing too would love find dvd,0 +offer pity arrogance worthless species areno one willing help me one treats nicely cant get bad childhood adulthood bad hate getting less hate working anything point hate living people ill always poor ill always unintelligent cant socialize people always take advantage me im hopeless money true support want die,1 +first last post usernameits time say goodbye dont recall last time modicum desire live get help live ive seen multiple therapists many said fudged see referred out ive tried feels like every antidepressant there im close family publicly shamed depression suicidal tendencies ive lashed pushed away friends romantic relationship live own breaking news share literally would one call text im k debt student loans ive failed get one career relatively excited get x dont job lined contract current one ends soon dont know live one last confidant told shouldnt talk anymore understandable given toxic am proceeded share everything girlfriend never met told call not understandable imo breach trust him ive dealing crippling depression choose versus binging purging minimum times day thanks eating disorder first likely way ill found due stench corpse thankfully coronavirus lockdown facilitating death sincerely hope dont wake tomorrow unfortunate event do ill decision make ive told get help commit myself issue requires actually give crap want continue living want get better honestly genuinely idea even feels like dont care it im beyond saving didnt want care saved ive guilt tripped living fyi never someone like me continuing live excruciating enough without guilt tripped blackmailed desire live get better havent years ive mindless meat suit little integration contribution society past years ive already sent packages letters people important left know death hurt immediate family literally one else life would odd even know im gone im selfish ive detached everyone frankly dont care im dead definitely wont care good luck best wishes everyone here ive seen lot posts expressing live wonderful desire have truly hope find get help need whatever means are important strongest advocate please take care yourselves you,1 +kk slider fan club think would called thinking kk klub pretty sure name wont work obvious reasons,0 +just saw hangover funniest movie i have seen in awhile! highly recommened ,0 +desire get better want fucking dieim fucking weak even want get better live life im insecure sensitive piece shit scared everything nothing waste time make others depressed existence burden others maybe ill even terrible burden kill whats matter ill dead anyway selfish life whats difference selfish death even born even live lazy worthless fucking asshole complains everything instead something get better,1 +reddit awesome use social media app except reddit guys think,0 +feel truly hollow aloneheya reading ive times awhile back past feel time different probably explain bit case people want understand im coming from name macy im transgender girl recently ive kinda fell fucked place dont think get one awhile back ended leaving highschool social anxiety bullying lack motivation things appease parents got enrolled online classes still legally need school age fifteen basically dropped point life ive able keep social life alive since happens awhile back world works regular teenager friends change time old friends gone really one anymore people online bed online friends arent really close either ive issues past drugs coke acid weed cigs others control part recently ive felt urge might way cope pain feel me thats driving sanity breaking point understand im young probably dont know im talking point life know feel feels really terrible exboyfriend hasnt spoken two weeks really strained mentality left terms close people struggle signs mental illnesses make really dependent clingy im fan self diagnosing therapist said show signs cant really disorder etc adult said would agree show signs things believe might have ive found state constant distraction keep thinking alone pain am eats more really dont know anymore ive tried hotlines past didnt help keep getting urge die something drastic make happy die peace knowing wanted im sorry bad grammar im really best moods proofread rant depression,1 +anyone wanna chat im bored ill talk anything numbers game dm ,0 +Don't let your thoughts in quiet places determine your mood because you could be wrong. Depression only comes when your not active.Rejection only comes when your not on your shit. Stay consistently on your shit and don't come back to the internet to refresh or check shit.,1 +Women struggling to get pregnant have elevated anxiety and depression levels similar to women with heart disease and cancer. https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/opinion-merrill-ivf-failure_us_5adf8637e4b061c0bfa27b19?ncid=engmodushpmg00000004 … via @HuffPost,1 +feel worthless inferior person must kill myselfi failed kill past feel worthless must die introverted like myself wrong introverted must kill myself stressful people try talk me must kill cannot change personality im sorry bother people this probably best die contribute anything anyway,1 +surely just hanging there being asphyxiated by the rope will kill you eventually if the above mentioned thing don t happen,1 +september thsorry unclear organized im really good headspace write neatly anyone thinking commiting redflag im guilting anything think people need hear side september th grandmas birthday also last time talked died november th got news next day km away chose stay foreign exchange thought grandma would want even though hard missed first moments missed celebration life missed grandpa dadmy mom commited redflag know how never asked mom called said grandma died remember said gibberish anyways told note know note says never asked read it spent next days bed host family say anything me say sorry ask ok host mom brought food bed eat much talk much days went pictures lots crying lots anger confusion frustration guilt live daily think every single day couldve done family couldve done much miss love her suffered chronic pain body imagine thats it it stigma talk death especially died redflag bereavement never getting closure never knowing why always wondering ifits horrible bereavement happens many ways redflag different becauseit totally random someone calculated it someone took life someone wrote note knew going cause much pain took life days bed host mom told cheer up told needed go school errands needed do got days back school almost like nothing happened forced pretending ok suffered suicidal thoughts thought harming myself angry everyone around notice last time phoned birthday sent facebook messages respond photo brother grandfather real smiling lips curled it gone messages never got show pictures speak fluent spanish learned months tell exchange anything program sent counselor brought translator need translator asked grandma christian said yes im atheist told that said grandma real christian committed redflag thats christian thing do days told talk family it anything talk anything anybody friends first time ive ever written anything writing letters much guilt much anger love much miss would anything bring back know im going think needed say something it happy nd birthday grandma,1 +read suicidali want say read overdosed couple days ago waiting liver failure kick waiting period given time reflect done recommend redflag kind anyone reason redflag selfish act mean selfish people experiences experiences people spoke attempted usually spur moment need it think about it ending it however waiting die remembering things miss like hanging friends family work etc also never get see lucifer s move london become richest person ever lived ik big dreams unrealistic also reminds liver failure kicks need let family friends know done go countless painful conversations watch everyone love tears something cannot stop know used lot maybe selfish idk point thinking redflag think noone help try help yourself picture family friends hearing news research method want attempt read horror stories people survives imagine pain death inflict others may stop inflicting pain onto yourself please seek help good luck,1 +many cans get drunk lbs im lbs want know much need drink,0 +i ve been getting a lot of internal tremor specifically during my attempt to sleep when i m fully relaxed and my mind is not anxious i start to feel the tremor come on especially in my head and in the back of my head it s almost a if my body doesn t want me to sleep context i developed a fear for sleeping in the dark they re like tiny spasm and they actually prevent me from sleeping and have caused me to be insomniac ha anyone experienced this before last night wa particularly challenging a i wa falling asleep i felt in my head a huge spasm like sensation accompanied with a loud sound my chest wa being sucked in i don t have the precise word to describe the experience but i felt fearful for my life and my health please let me know if these experience are familiar to you,1 +aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaim going redflag using foreskin ill make noose tie around light room get stretchy foreskin around neck say last goodbye world,1 +im fucking piece shit new years went party organised best friends crush long story short first pass large amount alcohol blood ended sleeping speak im afraid ive lost best friend night girl know beforehand tell someone,0 +": I wish school was like those revision sessions. Classes of 10 in non-uniform, able to have a laugh and learn at the same time. ",0 +@ThePISTOL Lines Vines and Trying Times lol ,0 +@MaggieProctor We should celebrate an unbirthday soon. A good reason for cake ,0 +ive fighting kill two hours now want fight anymorei feel like lost everyone ever mattered either death choice want stop,1 +"@tommcfly hey, just wanted to ask which songs you're goin to cover the next time? ",0 +increasingly suicidal past months understand it started watched video talking suicidal thoughts said gta lot people visions fantasies would fix problems lives gt gti that really connected that honestly feel wayi really severe crush breakup two half years ago found anyone since one friend entire life talk anymorei never date before even anyone approach give indication interestedi years old pain long think relationship would even fix itif everything changes overnight amazing love life make friends support me get married couple years now carei two half years hell people start notice me nowwhere people needed themgetting one date let alone relationship would defy odds mein reality though nothing special like all people talk dating like buying new pair shoes overi set date unless something miraculous happens least attempt suicide october may die days,1 +wanna racist fastest racist,0 +im posting since arent posts youre gay,0 +goodbyeim going go buy smokes now go come talk mom walk back out buy rope hang tree park im going bother listing reasons im not believe me wanted live god universe intend to also dont bother commenting messaging me im going read anyways doubt anyone would even comment considering calls help ignored do dont goodbye,1 +im party im party speedwagon ive put cool costume danced babymetal ate chips juice brownie im playing music fun singing happy birthday speedwagon set im fun,0 +number posters commented unsatisfactory conclusion always problem long complex dramas crime essentially banal pay always anticlimactic whilst detailed exposition detracts human drama writer used number clever devices try get round this entirely successful answers precisely happened may supplied well buried viewer inevitably feels little cheatedbr br but sense unimportant drama never crime even investigation impact events lives involved family investigators witnesses press gripping writing significant cut run mill primetime drama performances uniformly good ensemble piece invidious focus individuals penelope wilton deserves special mention extraordinary tour de force motherwifedaughter janet mcteer cracking form hardbitten old copbr br one interesting aspects drama handling race elephant room noone prepared mention subtle powerful stuff,0 +need strength explanatory everytime express myselfin wayi get rejectedcriticized random people dont even know calling hurtful names people dont know calling liar amp derogatory insults reddit think ill stay away social media awhile think whatever want me im robotim human amp im perfect believe calling liar make feel better dont know anything me youre random person commenting online set deadline end year ive lot latelyevery year say year im coward hopefully stay bed monthmaybe pain ive suffered today go away class tonight ive demonized amp lost emotional strength go anywhere class counting me people need rehearsal tonight shakespeare workshop class performance tomorrow see done fuck making mw depressed again friends noone notice staying bed month performance sad am last weeki felt like dying thought getting better little week today verbally attacked strangers reddit amp im dumps again long supposed tolerate sick world ill honest therapist friday amp whatever decides thati wont object hate everything amp everyone earth planet descended hell todayi would stand amp thing help dying thirsti would give water amp keep walking world filled monsters disguised human beingsespecially internet means personincluding meto decide theyve enough getting harder every day it,1 +goodbyei literally reason stay alive cant anymore,1 +finished last ever math assignment years classes countless hours studying many many tutors led final math question degree yax rather anti climatic ask me,0 +escape tarkov expectations vs reality d httpswwwyoutubecomwatchvkdhdriptuhttpswwwyoutubecomwatchvkdhdriptu,0 +hello people sorting new dm right now looking post legally obligated friend,0 +hate awards im correct get awards,0 + version dickens classic a christmas carol directed clive donner stars george c scott ebenezer scrooge time around challenge filmmaker take familiar material make seem fresh new again and happily say film donner met challenge surpassed expectations anyone might it tells story precision eye detail extracts performances actors nothing less superlative especially scott one could argue definitive portrayal scrooge one best known characters literary fiction ever created alastair sim film think performance here scott achieved distinction purity honesty scrooge becomes difficult even consider anyone else role seen scott it simply put scrooge tribute gifted actor able take well known figure make uniquely quite miraculous truly joy see actor ply trade well able make character real every word utters finest expression face make ring true study perfectionbr br the members cast splendid well order maintain integrity scotts performance do frank finlay ghost jacob marley notable turn though memorable perhaps one alec guinness as marley film scrooge angela pleasence welcome visage spirit christmas past edward woodward grand boisterous altogether convincing spirit christmas present michael carter grim menacing spirit christmas yet comebr br david warner hits right mark bob cratchit bringing sincerity role measures well standard quality set scotts scrooge susannah york fares well mrs cratchit real gem found here though performance young anthony walters tiny tim heartfelt without ever becoming maudlin simply one best interpretations real ever presented filmbr br the excellent supporting cast includes roger rees fred holywell also narrator film caroline langrishe janet holywell lucy gutteridge belle michael gough mr poole joanne whalley fan flawless presentation version a christmas carol sets standard others must gauged matter many versions may seen watching one like seeing first time ever forever after whenever think scrooge image mind conjure george c scott thoroughly entertaining satisfying experience film demands place annual schedule holiday festivities every home rate one ,0 +old old story kids party old house demons unleashed death gratuitous nudity ensues know it still lot funbr br many people okay many horror fans specific fond memories movie always slight trepidation revisit old movie see still good used think was luckily isbr br it something everyone well everyone happens male suppose fun title sequence shoplifting scam involving cunning use linnea quigleys ass mirror scene full demonic fun blast start finishbr br the girls cute guys male death scenes well done good gore effects and unlike horrors era actually keeps good sense atmosphere even tension throughout get wrong still fun first foremost offers nice freaky moments please genre fans,0 +"@volvox23: I had charlie chan, calzone, potato halves & 4seasons frm yellow cab + lumpia + salmon belly strips ",0 +well feeling like im alone eggshells afraid talk anyonemy life mess thats best possible way summarize current ordeala mess complete totally fucking chaotic mess long remember shit started going wrong me im talking like hard times school mean did daddy hug me got flat tire lost job stress is glitch glitch ask well guy told believed path predestiney went path world universe whatever bullshit abstract deity want call would ratify said issue back track first romantic notion appealed me made hopeful assume probably pathetic way people cling indifferent god allows child rapes serial killers mass war go on things bad thing keep losing call humanity think must greater meaning im tell unfortunate uncomfortable brutal fucking truth bad shit happens bad shit happens greater plan god destiny nothing end gun void thoughtless empty black nothingness im sure think im jaded fuck youre probably wrong thing doesnt mean im necessary wrong either grew usaf bases mom cheated dad every chance had decent debate kid since korea seemed created dad got began travel railroad leaving behind siblings different men psychotic mother credit loved best could thats saying much much youre small defenseless child brother would rape sister i im lucky enough infant years didnt find teen asked kicked out mom would cheat would beat accidentally let word slip mention things like motel made sister sleep nd bed next screwed guy dad traveling five years old confused ever mentioned vacation thats called took z liter bottle pepsi side head held bath tub water eventually seen liability her began locking entryway closet leaving hours made fort convinced hiding spot even though tied shut side time went dad finally made mom get job went still school age went babysitters house long long story short lucky enough find put child porn daughter nicole year old babysitter meanwhile son set cameras room raped aladdin barbie doll amongst mcguvery rape childrens toys could think of certainly life would get better right mean predestiney fucking path right surely wasnt destined life suffering wrong dad mom divorced dad remarried abusive psychnurse loaded already alcoholic father benzos like fucking candy one point counted different medications on hell dad developed creepy unhealthy obsession weight appearance stepmom fuming jealousy dad maintaining type relationship overtime many drugs convinced verbal abuser inherited mental illness mother couldnt trusted punished mostly shaming first date boy ever woke found house covered post say abuse cannot tolerated abuse tolerated ran around hysterically pulling down missed one behind curtains window obviously relationship dead ended time turned saw joined army surely free source pain real world would much kinder also fucking wrong miserably long uncomfortable situation recall ends several assaults rapes baby later it win one good bad her flawless pure unruined baby girl even longer story later wealthy creepy obsessive man manages taken me raised alone years shes alive got her money win court cases sorry kids arent books read school right wrong good guy bad guy means shit real world money power money win end trying kill times think fairly fucking justified point game ive homeless hungry raped abandoned moment formative memory go inpatient va hospital ptsd thats met him fucking light end miserable tunnel bullshit fucking glimmer hope end phone hes sarcastic witty rough around ends hes perfect feds stories promise hope life living surviving tells end reason let heart keep beating like months later wonderful although complicated bit pain ass man shows afghanistan mpls airport rescue hell hole ive drowning in first moment hugged knew finally safe first time since birth safe me didnt need look shoulder didnt wonder happiness even option real possibility married him best day life know looking history thats saying much imagine felt day normal people hope entire lives feel like pain bad poured moment him me perfectly fucked together rest world rules didnt matter nothing else either ever going need want there least felt im sure unsurprising anyone point trust exactly strong suit ive forced position choosing future life man living wealthy scary man able see daughter every week pretty much hardest situation ive faced yet clearly thats saying something today light hope man isnt even sure thinks im worth all hes far first look think maybe would better pass pass someone less damaged less sad less scared confused complicated honestly couldnt hold him sit looking back life wondering im glitch mentioned maybe god entity something goal erase mistake made thats im tortured hopefully ill kill set everything back order maybe fucking meaningless suffering shitty role dice,1 +im attractive trilingual university student studying computer science highly competitive university whos planning kill reach i still remember mother told self harm scars arms disgusting cut somewhere else nobody see happened around one worst depressive states middle school since brought claimed recollection saying dont remember bad things acknowledge mother issues due strict upbringing grew daughter chinese family pressured first everything including academically chose move another country get away family mid s mother always alcoholic possessed anger management issues ever since remember also admitted married father societal pressures never loved him childhood years father used absent long periods time due work economic crisis led declared bankrupt home lot thats arguments began used fight everyday still remember one day usual shouting escalated throwing things take younger sister bedroom play guitar singing pretend everything fine mother also projected anger me would get shouted at hairpulled dragged lot smallest things incident still remember forgot laundry one day threw detergent water face treats sister differently always knew younger sister favourite dont blame neither fact im happy sister treated way am one subjected experiences still hurts never physically abused mother sister mother take us promised dinner night started arguing mother told sister hit belt thats happened sister apologized afterwards never brought again unlike many times mother brought past arguments saying selfish ungrateful was also bullied middle school looks half chinese generally sociallyawkward kid due family background dont remember exactly started selfharming amidst school family troubles truly say however unhealthy coping mechanism was helped survive lot things im mostly clean still occasional relapses carry remorseful thoughts towards mother middle school bullies anymore want accept impacted person continue die scars remind everyday im s studying computer science highlycompetitive university arguable toprated uni nation dont particular interests chose field money parents got separated right entering uni live mother anger issues gotten better doesnt physically hurt now truth told still always feel lost deep inside like helpless little girl despite friends telling im pretty confident smart friendly bright future ahead anxietydepression meds almost three years help constant thought wanting die never left me im planning kill clear familys debt amass enough fortune live comfortable life pass idk im typing now feels nicer let out sorry grammatical mistakes since im native speaker thank reading rant wish great day,1 +bullshit life advice soon m worst days life rn failed romantic situation later turned traumatize regularly going therapist taking meds past months give take thing is happened fine everyone said move on work blah blah exactly that worked out picked hobbies often months depression hit hard failed like myself everything could life gotten worse ruined relationship parents horrible grades college deteriorating social life pretty much isolated one actually talk past months except therapist doesnt reply often tried everything failed make happy bs love first depending anyone happy never wanted partner desperate someone lean on really dk,0 +idk anymorei cant stop messing up cant stop crying honestly want give up im bills im trying hard find new job cant stop hurting myself even try hardest to cant look legs anymore look awful cuts burns anyway anything silly weird happen yall tell,1 +@serenajwilliams good luck! ,0 +ever angel death like mimsy farmer barbet schroeders s heroin opus sort jean seberg hypodermic pink floyd score despite ultimately insignificant weaknesses classic shamelessly ripped erich segalnoel black inept jennifer mind although tippy walker playing similar character junkieappealing latter mess more though terrific great s drug movie and simply important document time much cult film join cultbr br no american movie then far remember charts territory mimsys astonishing archetype elevating mythic realms fainthearted great sex scenes too,0 +found crush straight know fucking nowthis person ive ever actually liked hes straighthes fucking straight hate life fucking muchim fucking lonely hate fucking muchi literally cant stop crying,0 +hey boy target want stand balls wait mom finish shopping,0 +Funclickearn - https://www.funclickearn.com/2018/04/25/exercise-may-lower-the-risk-of-depression-study/ …Exercise may lower the risk of depression: StudyPhysical activity can p... pic.twitter.com/UCYaPYSjSI,1 + slides done english doesnt suck much took hours slides hey progress finding images kinda fun,0 +failed even kill myselffailure,1 +it's so unfair that we have to worry about bom. a girl who was brave enough to treat her depression and could be such a great example to other people. she was taking a huge step and got pulled back down by ignorant assholes. bom deserves so much better :( #박봄제발내버려두세요,1 +Hangin out with my family ,0 +examine issueso years old born live malaysia government approved citizen law required complete documents parents granted citizenship living stateless person since now basically cant get legal job passport bank account driver license tried everything beg government that theres nothing else do treated illegal immigrant country guys still telling redflag option smh,1 +hey there would aussies or aussies wanna join sub recently got working get active anyone welcome active members appreciated im looking new mod australianteenagershttpswwwredditcomraustralianteenagers yeah come along itd nice ,0 +shohei imamauras black rain released onset aids epidemic fact gives film slow deterioration hiroshima radiation victims added poignancy black rain title refers combination ash radioactive fallout water fell one two hours explosion books films dropping atomic bomb none unique powerful one based novel masuji ibuse gathered information interviews diaries reallife bomb victims film depicts entire family affected psychologically well physically bomb years original explosion horrifying vision one resonates deep compassion humanity br br the film begins hiroshima august soldiers civilians go normal daily activities suddenly blinding light flashes thunderous blast heard almost every single building destroyed damaged beyond repair first atomic bomb ever dropped city part history survivors must somehow restart lives unaware bombs devastating effects filmed highcontrast black white story centers around yasuko yoshiko tanaka young woman caught radioactive rain boat heads back city search friends relatives hiroshima imamura shows us indelible images remain us young boy skin hanging body pleads brother recognize him older man tears inability free son piles debris mother torment rocks blackened body childbr br when family returns rural home yasukos life forever changed sees friends dying around waits inevitable bouts radiation sickness already affected uncle shigematsu shimuza kazuo kitamura aunt shigeko shimuza etsuko ichihara pretending business usual family denies bomb affected yasuko she forgot hiroshima nagasaki destroyed everyone forgot it forget hell fire go rallies like annual festival im sick it says friend katayama akiji kobayashi yasuko internalizes tragedy feeling shame different others guilty contaminatedbr br when aunt uncle try find husband eligible men refuse marry suspicions health even though shigematsu copied diary prove directly exposed bomb suitor feels comfortable another damaged man yuichi keisuke ishida panic attack every time hears roar engine end beauty life shows ever fleetingly yasuko goes pond sees sight longing life king carp jumping water playfully say beyond despair still joy sadly hear radio statements politicians using bomb korean war human beings learn nothing says shigematsu they strangle themselves unjust peace better war justice cant see immamuras black rain hopefully allowed us see clearly,0 +well runny nose swollen throat feel weak want throw today gonna great,0 +el mar tough stark utterly brilliant brave work cinematic art director agust villaronga adaptation antoni aloy biel mesquida blai bonets novel created film traces profound effects war minds children exposure wrecks havoc adult lives though focus wars heinous tattoo children transference like effects soldiers citizens adult age clear film becomes one finest antiwar documents without resorting pamphleteering end result far greater impact inherent story following childrens march toward adulthoodbr br a small group children shown spanish civil war spain threatened blackouts invasive nighttime slaughtering citizens ramala nilo mur tur david lozano julia sergi moreno francisca victoria verger witness terror assassination men revenge drives one murder suicide wideeyed children become adults carrying psychic disease trauma repressed mindsbr br we encounter three survive adulthood confined tuberculosis sanitarium ramala roger casamajor survived male prostitute protected john morell juli mira kept life style private tur bruno bergonzini become frail sexually repressed gay male whose cover commitment catholicism blur delusional selfmutilationcrucifixion francisca antnia torrens become nun serves patients sanitarium three rejoined environment sanitarium slowly reveals scars childhood experiences war tur longs ramalas love ramala longs free morell francisca must face internal needs covered white nuns habitbr br the setting sanitarium provides graphic plane thin thread life death lust love devotion destruction played out detail would destroy impact film individual viewer suffice say graphic sex full nudity involved in stunningly raw footage yet captured film viewer prepared witness every form brutality imaginable viewer scenes utmost importance director villaronga applauded perseverance bravery making story intense actors children adults splendid roger cassamoor bruno bergonzini antnia torrens especially fine inordinately difficult roles cinematography jaime peracaula haunting musical score javier navarrete serve directors vision tough film this one highly recommended unafraid face horrors war aftermath spanish english subtitlesbr br grady harp,0 +i d been free from suicidal ideation for a few month and am distraught to be back in a place of despair i started a new job a stepping stone to what i thought wa my career goal and it seems to be something i m not cut out for emotionally i m a behavior therapist and my client honestly disturb me sometimes have me feeling depressed a i feel there s no hope for them this is very frustrating because this is my third career path and i m only my sleep quality is dipping severely a of late the time in which my brain is supposed to heal i m seemingly unable to eat consistently binging then fasting over and over my new therapist doesn t seem to be much help i m a recovering alcoholic and addict but i m finding myself craving to escape with substance it s not an option however because it would grant me homelessness a i m currently in a sober home it s hard to connect to people i m in a very self critical mindset lately judging my word after every interaction i have i m even feeling internal homophobia i feel this may be the sign of a positive internal reset and spiritual awakening but it s overwhelming nothing feel comfortable right now something snapped in my psyche at year old four year ago and i ve essentially been miserable since i wa diagnosed bipolar type i this mean without medication or proper self care i e sleep i can have an episode of severe depression or mania wherein my mind work in overdrive and it may feel good in fleeting moment but is ultimately disastrous to my life while manic i ve ruined my credit score crashed car and ruined relationship through verbal violence that is a byproduct of my lowered inhibition at this time with sobriety medication and meditation i had been doing well but with a new fork in the road in regard to my career terrible sleep with disturbing and stressful nightmare and utter confusion and frustration a a result i can t even bring myself to suicidality because i ve tried it quite a few time pill other type of pill intentional carbon monoxide poisoning cutting major artery and more pill with alcohol life just seems to be an endless series of pain and suffering i feel like getting in my car and driving i want to drive to a remote area in a state that is foreign to me park my car and just walk starve to death find a cliff and enjoy the sight of a new scene while i m at it what scare me is surviving and being more miserable with a set back that is typically what happens thanks for reading,1 +kleinjinx it seems like my in law are coming over easter we will have to meet another time,0 +give ideas things draw plz give things draw try draw theyre good might post,0 +best friends forever spam callers always got back yo im crying it parents gf spam callers id like give big shoutout fr fr,0 +i ve come to the conclusion that i m always going to have to face racism and sexism constantly and that s an awful realisation it honestly make me want to die because why should i live in a world that s full of people who want to hurt me when i don t deserve it i have to work in order to live and unless i suddenly become wealthy and never have to take shit from racist manager then i m done my family life is awful i wa sa d by my sister boyfriend two summer ago and my family s response wa abysmal i went straight to my mum after it happened and called the sister that i love and trust dearly she told me that my mum said what doe she expect if she s staying in their house for free those word have never left me i hear them every time i look at my mum and i m still living with her i m too broke to find a place to live alone and no longer want to work because my racist manager bully me any chance she get everything is really overwhelming me i have 0 friend i used to be such a happy and bubbly person but now no one want to be around me i guess it show how conditional some of those friendship were right i reached out to a friend and told her that i wasn t doing well and neither is she unfortunately she cancelled on me twice and hasn t spoken to me since i feel like she doesn t like me anymore i truly wonder if anyone ever liked me i m naturally very extroverted but my anxiety and depression make me sheepish and untrusting of people i end up shutting down every friendship and i hate that about myself it s so fucking hard to stay afloat i no longer want to have kid with my bf because i don t want my kid to go through racism or me a a mother i realise that my depression and anxiety could be passed down to them but i could also ruin them with how unpredictable my emotion are i don t want them to go through what i went through emotionally honestly i do want to die i understand that there s part of my life i am grateful for but they could leave me at anytime i just want a reset button i don t like how my mind keep ruining everything for me i can t have nice thing,1 +againim wanting die non stop fantasies endless ways kill myself life live,1 +think deal movie minutes really really funny moments makes good trailer lot people came expectations trailer time movie live trailer little sluggish drags little slowly exciting premise think im seeing comments people lovehate relationship moviebr br however look movie could considering talent cast think still pretty good julia stiles clearly star giddy carefree set among conformity everyone else glows whole audience falls love along lee rest cast course lees testosteronefilled coworkers elegant motherinlaw fratlike friend jim bridetobe excellent job fitting stereotypes conformity boringness make stiles stand first place br br lee live costars think could view theyre hard live to maybe thats one source disappointmentbr br the movie itself despite bit slowness jokes come funny writers intended still pretty funny found rather intelligent film themes conformity taking safe route seemed cleverly align several layers example whole motif would imagine scenarios would never act last scene listening radio program highway talking everyone conforms everything selma blair julia stiles characters said echoed themes one person safe choice one risky choicebr br the good thing movie kind screwball comedy jason lee keep lying way movie dumb luck example pharmacy guy turning good chef cleverness part gets away partbr br while funny expected little bit squandered talent overall still good movie,0 +awkward lol offered hug everyday since monday monday excuse social distancing tuesday im studying need focus wednesday awkwardly stood hug back secretly really like hugs im awkward ig,0 +m rkm you stuck in traffic then my journey wa traffic free this morning if it s any help,0 +i have to butting poop again,0 +is missing playing my trumpet,0 +Only reason i joined is to moderate polyghost ,0 +@EmilyMarieox shit? ,0 +@Sanford42 PLEASE tell me you're listening to the Timmy Ho's + FUBAR clip ,0 +annaxmayr diezeit m hsal schr nkt teilhabe ein besonders wenn diese schon eine weile vorliegt au folgen demoralisierter gem tsverfassung bzw stimmung um nicht von depression zu sprechen wa letztlich dazu f hrt das leute sich zur ckziehen hinweis auf content geh rt einfach zum guten ton,1 +guys ever talked someone everyday something happens yall stop talking feel sad idk makes sense need place rant lil bit im sad lonely rn probably gonna sleep yeah ,0 +even decent day rare still want kill end day also makes mad see people kids tf bringing people world without consent suffer become bitter person hate it fucking tired alive,1 +happpppppy birthday camillle ,0 +back work had a bad start of day almost falling down the stair not enjoying work yet,0 +moms giving old phone phones today good day,0 +so i wa on my way home from the gym and i noticed this guy wa driving in the middle of the road i thought by time i got to him he would have gotten over but he didn t i swerved out of the way at the last second but i hesitated and wa almost ready to just accept my fate is this normal,1 +dream human euthanization legalit best dream ever even gonna lie tho extremely nervous put sleep dream went anyways lmfao,1 +im running ideas guysss supposed keep posting dont idea,0 +feel horriblei wanna die miserable alive one friends sad dont wanna die shell sad but time pass forget,1 +so glad winter is finally over. Goodbye seasonal depression Hellooooo normal depression ,1 +Anxiety and depression always been a thing its just that in this time people are starting to be more open,1 +"stop making assumptions about me when you dont even fucking know me! haha stupid bitches. thanks for defending me, matthew.",0 +gets invited minecraft realm me know what even tho get anxious around people im gonna join friends would like play them also me joins immediately regrets see gamertags run cant see fear yeah fine,0 +scripting subtle comedy unmatched movie recent years characters interesting even bit predictable comedic timing written script enough make wellworn underdog plot sure know endingsurprise highly recommended ages although younger set probably appreciate subtle references certainly appreciate one galley scene particular great movie,0 +digging china anyone chinese teenagers wanna meet up httpimgurcomapcdat going casually fill body post dont type something itll deleted,0 +no msn all night. i'd say i did pretty good ,0 +cricket anyone anyone follow cricket,0 +dont know anymoreive struggling eating disorder nearly two decades always bulimia anorexia keep telling weigh much die cant get thoughts stop weeks ago drunk exfriend we dated couple months friends since pick apparently took bunch pills nearly called rescue carried inside house instead blacked completely begged call figured theyd transfer er used work im engaged cant get excited wedding cant get excited anything love fianc know do cant feel it cant feel anything work mental health myself substance abuse specifically feel like theres nothing without running clients anywhere may even want go im sure want go anywhere ive meds bipolar ii since immensely helpful would hospital even anyway there done that didnt quite help physically hard impossible cry ive started restarted note several times im terrified death causes panic attacks somehow im incredibly dark hopeless place dont know do needed get out guess,1 +go outwhat best way die something heroic die saving someone get fight drug gang let shoot me pretend shoot police with fake gun something shoot me try break world record high chance fatal get pet crocodile trigger feminist myself decide,1 +i am currently prescribed propranolol to help with situational anxiety i m sure many people know that before an anxiety inducing event your stomach can be slightly funny i wondered if anyone knew if propranolol directly help to reduce this,1 +every day think hit rock bottom next day worsei nineteen year old female set leave first year college days always struggled depression eating disorders bpd went little therapy stopped several reasons one main ones past year felt like living cloud amazing relationship supportive man loved great grades job enjoyed just everything felt like experiencing genuine love happiness first time life felt valued supported everyone around me and general even felt good myself started birth control months ago help deal pmdd well past month though feel like entire life completely fallen apart around me know approach all feel complete emptiness loss like abandoned every person ever meant anything me boyfriend love life broke moved across country said still loved would stayed situation right feel comfortable pursuing ldr said want relationship anyone really getting settled new atmosphere and anything might pursue meaningless sex fulfill physical needs would still maintain friendship basically see goes ever end city again first thing found tough deal with yes know knew wanted lot introspection felt comfortable continuing friendship but emergency mouth surgery given lot hydrocodone took religiously mouth hurt made stop however pills gone severe withdrawal i experiences opiates before sleep days constant vomiting symptoms severe anxiety top off friends left town point completely alone freaking head days nights end really broke spirit already raw ways feelings rejection nowexboyfriend cant handle anything opiate withdrawal could finally sleep again nightmares resurfaced it didnt mention before probably past months nightmares almost every night sometimes two three remember freak morning worse before though often featuring ex death abandonment various forms psyche explores different combinations every night im little body mod decide get another piercing ear though try raise selfesteem little bit find something new positive about one night decide smoke little by myself try destress nice time staring computer talking old friends abandoned years ago still try talk desperate trouble letting go people next morning driving grocery store see familiar fluffy animal side road vulture it pulled ran it cat image burned head fur matted dirty one eye completely blank staring nothing pulled socket tongue lolling ants already beginning crawl there lost it got box wrapped it stiff laying awhile cant shake intense feelings guilt responsible letting cat every night taking care her failed selfcentered got high laid bed getting struck car even able bring dig hole bury yet unable function even get bed more considering lonely feel am attempt schedule meetup friends live outside city planing going well day of every single last one ditches really handle sort thing well never have much time literally every person life left even try worthless drain resources nobody gets happiness me next night friend friend invites roll rave friends restores hopes little bit molly falls through start feeling sick rave make everyone leave early due friends turn whole bunch dudes sexually harrass evening touching breasts legs violating personal space matter much told stop feel really guilty helpless this much bigger leave alone dressed rather scantily rave without realizing would hanging long afterwards just feel really dirty soiled whole thing yeah am girl given ride decides wants sleep drive back around noon wake abruptly am throat literally swollen could barely breathe speak it idea happened wake friend force give ride parents house refuse take doctor think took drugs made sick spend next three days complete agony completely alone mulling head start feel slightly better second two days nice chat phone exwhoiamnowfriendswith weve talking little bit stay touch others lives nothing like before learn one girls claimed previously friends basically dating honestly support really want happy astonished truly hurt quickly moved relationship really ways noticed love before give blessing though talk feelings bit still capable making happy even talking new girl bizarre comes today wake nightmare little sleep still feverish throwing throat still going crazy losing mind feelings insignificance loss just replaced hurt literally weeks found someone new even though loved much hell even week ago admitted still loved missed lot feel even worthless like started entirely new life new friends new girlfriend place it cannot meet anyone elses needs good mopey doll constantly crying felt random dudes day goes on feel somewhat better ex tells never going give friendship matter dating whatever then tonight learn visit planning take come see completely fallen longer wants put effort coming seeing me usually would probably make feel bad bit know handle three horrible weeks honestly visit thing keeping going remaining positive force life feel like piece trash tossed away newly pieced ear even got hugely infected cant deal problems solve anything even know proceed death still love cant even handle feel hopeless never wanted go college prospect leaving throwing away huge sums money worthless degree sickens me completely unmotivated unintelligent unwanted see anything ever going get better hardest three weeks life literally every day say must rock bottom get better here next day shit happens feels like punished ways need accept ultimate punishment remove world know much hurting guilt abandonment handle want end want wait things get better think deal more,1 +"Depression and sore throat, halaloya.",1 +id rather dead work job whole life diethats living bullshit,1 +i really wish i wa 00 better so i could be 00 awesome at work,0 +jack frost probably cheesiest movie ever seen life complete title film jack frost revenge mutant killer snowman horror movie fans taste campy story lines delighted watch this film straight video good reasons heres why acting atrocious terrible could cause one cry main character personality actors bad acting made worse screenplay was also atrocious character always says cheesy line add cheesy lines bad choreography something bad second story line really impressive since movie straight video forgiven director writer could turned idea killer snowman something cool didnt story lots plot holes it beginning cup coffee gets knocked fish tank melted jack frost scientists try restore life couldnt cup coffee fell tank jack frost completely restored immune antifreeze jack frost part main characters dna got mixed antifreeze used kill jack frost since main character allergic bananas jack frost too hence heres point say sams dna combined jack frosts but one scientists saliva cup fell tank scientists dna would combined jack frosts another thing special effects good either heres good points jack frost lots blood looks pretty realistic even though movie flawed hell still entertaining overall jack frost enjoyable horror movie first one better though ,0 +think finally found depressions stems years sin envy everything life stem one sin always wanting new life wanting knowledge wanting obtain etc realized it gotten even worse many things want see depressed god damn time cannot get ass it maybe destiny failure full wants even though want die much wish immortal even pain laziness have ever run time see things eventually miss on think found source,1 +god fucking hate highschool im last year worst years life litle bit difrente person screwed relate ,0 +we strongly emphasize images included extremely graphic suiciderelated images people may feel images disturbing may find triggering information collected kept anonymous,1 +i am on 0 mg of trintellix 0 mg of buspar twice a day and 0 mg of trazadone and after doing some research this combo might give me serotonin syndrome and trintellix interacts with trazadone so idk if he s tryna kill me or he doesn t know what he s doing or if i m just over reacting lmao,1 +i saw a new pcp for an annual physical and while i wa there figured i d mention some of the physical symptom of anxiety i wa having to make sure it wa not actually medical i told her it often feel like my throat is really tight and on the verge of closing her only reply a she roll her eye that is literally impossible if your throat wa closing you wouldn t be talking to me right now me no duh obviously not but it feel like it s closing she wa the worst doctor i ve ever seen which is saying a lot and i wa so mad walking out of that appointment for other reason a well but the day after a my throat wa tightening i just remembered her saying it s literally impossible and couldn t stop laughing,1 +todayim positive die hand many bad days understand people go on nihilist arbys unfortunate spirit animal,1 +skyping is such endless fun ,0 +take phone pay attention online class date please youre cool,0 +today birthdaynow ive passed last good birthdays theres nothing look forward years pass ended drinking tonight friends town im living toxic household hate mind consumed ocd thoughts lack interest anything know day year god want birthday happy day,1 +@LeeGoesMwah Claires on the first page with about 550 votes ,0 +deserve dieive struggling years ive tried everything im destined die dont know am dont know am cannot speak terrified judgement yet am telling world hate severely im outcast therian therians make world cringe get laughed at judged mocked bullied want fit in dont know how sense self dont feel right mind feels wolf like possible stupid pathetic say am life decaying spiral endless darkness see future life ive abused chasm chest pain unbearable mixture psychotic depression ptsd social anxiety torturous one understands laugh cry sleep night cant help hurt crave die im tired told wrong am kill myself pathetic list goes on ive done nothing give world return trying feel free happy get crushed im different world perfect slightest bit different majority get targeted cast out life me cannot fit in never find peace never free pain way death im sorry different im sorry normal im sorry im good enough ill make right wont burden much longer,1 +girlfriend disappearedi know breaks rules really need advice girlfriend currently contact online disappeared four days ago sending texts much pain much longer wanted alive woke hour sent messages response replied phone number none friends able contact her researched online obituaries home town redflags area found anything relevant still concerned mightve hurt badly one reasons longer want commit redflag something terrible happened probably take life too know continue wait message someone please help me,1 +nothing good live forleaving world tonight,1 +ha realised that this time it might actually be final,0 +@xLoveableFreakx NOOO you listen! its J-A-Z-E-L JAAZEEL got thtt? xD iluusm,0 +i m pregnant with my four child third baby daddy he left me about two week ago after assuring me he would be there for me and this child regardless a he knew i didn t want to raise another child alone i can t go thru with a abortion my two other kid are about to be and year of age there are no day care place i would be able to take my baby after it s born i don t have a mother or any sister family to help i will literally have no choice but not to work and eventually evicted from the house i rent i have worked so hard to make a nice life for me and my two kid now after being kicked off my family s property i lived in for 9 year i am native american so it s trust land i wa always told i would be able to live on i have kept the house i rent now for year ab raised my two child i have now for their entire life myself i did everything i could to give them a better life then i ever had and tried to be a mom i never had and parent all around i never had i had a shit childhood like most of u do i wa a product of a sale my mother wa a whore and my donor wa a customer my two brother and i were never wanted or meant to be when my mom disappeared during a custody battle my grandmother made my dad take me in she wanted to take care of me because she thought it wa right my donor could care le rather i lived or died i wasn t wanted and he will tell you that his self my grandma passed away due to alzheimer s when i wa about so my donor had to play dad during this time he used me a his personal punching bag and he allowed my brother who had molested me since the age of four to do the same i ran away at the age of and made a series of bad decision everyone say i m so strong for what i have been thru and over come but i feel if i wasn t so weak and stupid i would not of even gone thru those thing i have been held down and raped by cousin a stranger at gun point the guy i ran away to at lied to abused to the point if i have hearing loss and loose front teeth due to the beating from men shot with a and hit twice by the bullet it s like i wasn t ever supposed to be and life kept trying to make up for it mistake by trying to unalive me multiple time but here the hell i am i love my kid so much and don t want to leave them however i will have no way to support them once this new baby come and i just don t know what to do the people i rent from say they will help me a much a they can but they are elderly and i don t know if they can do this for another year till my baby can go to day care i know i should of got birth control and i use to have it but my lupus make it so i get clot with most birth control and others are dangerous i know i should of used a condom but love is my drug and so i m stupid when it come to men i know this is all my fault and killing myself will leave my kid with a man who doesn t really love them like a father doe just like what happened to me i know this and it kill me but i just don t know what else to do any more i m such a fucking joke as failure and i didn t want my life to be like this i have just been trying to pick up the piece and make the best my while life now i m here and i don t know what to do but end my life i have worked most of my life since the age of so i know my kid father with get money from the state if i pas away so maybe they will help him be a better father and maybe his wife will feel sorry for them and love them too i am too coward to take a gun and do it myself because i m afraid i ll fuck it up i just want someone to do it for me or tell me how to commit suicide by cop or the least painful way to do this i have no one nothing no friend or family just mt kiddos the people i rent from and the day care lady i wa saving to buy a place with this last guy now i ll have to use that to pay for our life once the baby is here till it all run out then i ll have to sell thing till it s just here minimum so we can live in my truck my kid deserve better my son is such a sweet boy and my daughter is so strong and beautiful they deserve so much better then i ll be able to give them soon i use to pay k for birthday party now i ll be lucky to even get them a hostess cup cake when their birthday some around please don t tell me i have so much to live for i know my kid need me and i know this just passed the pain to them but i have no option i m week pregnant a of right now and i can t bare to have a abortion and yes i thought of adoption but everyone i looked up seems so fucking weird and too put together like they are severely epstein people please just tell me how to make this all stop that s all i ask,1 +aight one always downvoting posts lmao,0 +@readingsarah Oooh! Pictures please! ,0 +plani plans im waiting right moment hand might willing admit psych ward try fix things id rather give die nearly fatal accident past spring want hurt family almost lost once wish survived that,1 +without valentine valentines day so come birthday instead well eat cake itll fun,0 +there too much evidence too many coincidence to many alignment god is on my side when i say that i m supposed to die of suicide and i am the only person who ha the decide whether or not i deserve to die i can justify it too,1 +going to get McFlurries even though the brakes aren't working properly in my car but oh well ,0 +And my door mat went where? It was here when I came home earlier and now just out a sec at Deli de Luca it is gone...! That's strange ,0 +trying tourniquet methodnow got red spots face,1 +case didnt know reddit feature lets create custom avatar go settings get stuff premium base customization still pretty good,0 +gentle touch keys vibrations strings conveying words cannot tears forming first time long time music carrying hands movement man becoming instrument music plays one hears could they want hear or i,0 +luckyrivera and it wa a great song too,0 +runawaystarling unfort msn is a douche and a half to me,0 +its crazy how much ive been able to accomplish since i got rid of my depression,1 +wtf james janisse house do must something,0 +OK going to get in the shower...I need to wake up from last night's excursions... be back soon!,0 +ayo females read previous post slide ,0 +females subreddit feel neck beards immediately ask random questions context attempt female companionship feel uncomfy feel defensive feel embarrassed asking research development opinions,0 +often years pass look back see stars truly stars french film critic whose name escapes me said there garbo dietrich louise brooks is thank heavens louise brooks third european masterpieces also exceptional film one the first french talkie following script written famed ren clair reportedly finished the direction is georg pabst incorporating voice edith piaf well known much talent working film turn masterpiece thats film is shame louise brooks blackballed hollywood came back statesso much talent cast arrogantly wayside film addition getting watch louise brooks action great see pictures paris ca hear piafs young voice never get tired film,0 +im incredibly bored feel like something dont feel like things rn,0 +0 supplement to help fight depression http t co tc tkc abj,1 +"@Ninja @tynnyri500 @CallMeKorver There are people that can help with things like depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts such as the samaritans, CALM, Papyrus etc. Most are available all hours of the day, you should get in touch with them.",1 +pointwhy post delay enivitinble many us time now vs late,1 +j xox laterr hunn arghh hope i dont miss any tweet lol gunna be at my nan later nooo byeeee x x x,0 +@JamesMW78 they're at my blog babe. Just go back there later. ,0 +i don t want to talk to advisor they don t advise the judge your arse off,0 +done fakesim already suicidal treating like shit better fucking pitiful attempts showing pity want never fucking asked,1 +lol im forgetful made hot coco greatwaited brew went computer completely forgot hot coco whilecant smell it probably factor came back maybe half hour later watching youtube instead school added hot water coffee machine stirred took sip yumoh wait bitter yep used coffee machine water forgot remove coffee podagain hot coco coffee tastesinteresting also left banana table cause forgot finish it forgetful,0 +anybody remember incredible crew swear show best thing ever tv least according memory,0 +"welll, ie got people to go to town with let me know if your gna come DDDD",0 +Im gonna see Raphael Saadiq perform live tonight ,0 +join rcult_of_fuji r bunch people havin fun getting battle fair king appleslice,0 +@kmillerheidke sounds like the perfect combination. a few friends and i are doing "i like you better..." for our school concert ,0 +"@takeitgreen oooh, that looks really good indeed! i'm sorry for spamming twitter. i'll stop now, promise!",0 +want kill decided kill next week so past two years depressed wanted kill havent it life shit low self esteem scared go outside someone know might recognise me hardly talk half words mumbles even understand voice quiet still hardly understand me grades gone shit feeling even try assignment fail anyways parents also care things brought lot things mum acted cared night went back nothing wrong dad couldnt care less never want anything busy work something else ignore me big brother drug addict parents pour attention into blatantly treat higher knew everything decided take ski trip try discipline witch obviously didnt work wanted suit year ten formal say got him decided wanted bed got day feel dont care trying sugar coat anymore meanwhile asked pc christmas would pay give gifts year mum said yes expressed concern whether would get promised would meanwhile two days new years still word it make feel unwanted money problem dad got porsche last year getting another car soon parents always latest things meanwhile outdated budget things two people actually care little brother family cat ones somewhat care shows dont want kill dont want cat come favourite follows everywhere sad writing making realise pathetic life actually dont want fell to name james phillips live sydney australia need help please,0 +most suicidal people dont actually want die want answer problems decision made decisions seem impossibleso much this dont want kill sense want end life want answer problems want stop feeling pain quoted httpwwwthecalmzonenethelpissuesredflag,1 +kinda sucks parents get divorcedno matter good dad isthe mom would take custody wamen chld support,0 +im sucidal mind dying sign later suicidal thoughts live close family ties many close friends like isolate myself would rather spend time alone home interneting go world meet people work go school full time life outside two except occasional get together friends friends long distance im really bad keeping touch im alone lot believe mild case depression yet professionally diagnosed however edit update steps ive taken officially signed okcupid hope gets somewhere,1 +one favourite films whenever on although admit one time missing foxtel last yearbr br despite age film look like story even though itd done thousand times still felt entertaining one two little niggles story looked past enjoyed film wasbr br overall give ,0 +todays last straw im fed life want live anymoreim fed up im stuck city hate people fit studying degree sucking soul body overworking point physically mentally fucking dying feel ill every fucking day feel mentally ill every day too treat everyone everything like princes yet get shit throughout life bad luck seems thing yesterday lost work uniform shoes calculator fucking underground today locked phone factory reset ive lost everything holds dearest reminds home see point anymore realised today ive like years think gonna get better wish done job january exactly keep going for im gonna get affairs order get together plan peace out,1 +pushing people awayin past six months attempted redflag four times two serious family friends know of including ex plays part due breakup lately getting feeling people care anymore simply ignore get pissed depressed suicidal brother still seems genuinely care ex left wanted stay friends blocked me said cares hopes get better cant stick around people need most need talk her wont already sent farewell letter even reply surrounded people feel alone every way except physically see way fifth attempt,1 +#downwith @WrenTheDoll filling my whole page of tweets when i log on.. LOL jk girly ,0 +- Walking around in my underwear. I'm in such a good mood today! ,0 +"ok so my final grade in history is a B. Good despite the horrible test grades, I managed.",0 +feel even worse used bear mind english isnt native languageso hanging friends today good came back home noticed dont take joy anything dont think im able live like that please help idea do sorry lack context im good writing,1 +clint eastwood would star battleweary detective harry callahan would also direct fourth entry dirty harry series sudden impact like additions brings distinguishable style tone anything probably similar original darker seedy moments and bestowing classic line go ahead make day humor seen believe bulldog named meathead pisses farts oh yeah however interesting fact entry one series set entirely san franciscobr br the story follows detective callahan trying put pieces together murder victim shot groin eyes getting trouble office superiors causing stir crime lord thugs blood hes ordered take leave falls working one heads coastal town san paulo murder occurred similar vein bullet groin eyes case begins dig dirt leads idea someone looking revengebr br to honest crash hot eastwoods take many repeat viewings virtually grown point probably par first sequel magnum force wellassembled plot actually gives eastwood another angle work upon even though feels like sophisticated take vigilante features running rampant time quite literal something punishing luridly damaging like hes experimenting noirthriller touches characterdriven traits help develop emotionally bubbling eventual morality framework use images lasting due slickly foreboding atmospherics dark tones brooding lighting like scene towards end akin western showdown silhouette figure harry new automag handgun moving way towards stunned prey fishing docks striking sight builds fear mixing hauntingly cold plain brutality dash humor seemed come off major plus films dialogues call sudden impact firstrate provides ample biting exchanges memorably creditable lines youre legend mind love hearing harry sparking amusing quip pulling piece beating action occurs excitingly jarring intense way go pacing flies little way flat passages lalo schfrin would return composer after the enforcer jerry fielding scoring bringing methodical funky kick still breathed gloomy cues texturally breezy score clicked getgo bruce surtees an eastwood regular gets job behind camera where piecing job dirty harry gives film plenty scope wonderfully framing backdrops impeccable tracking scenes also instrument edgy angles within dramatic momentsbr br eastwood dinosaur callahan still packs punch going beyond steely glare get job done probably showing little heart one would expect younger callahan going sudden shift plot turn harrys quest justice badge even though always agree it found odd real change heart across stupendous performance beau time sondra locke turn traumatic torment being senselessly raped along younger sister hidden glassily quiet intensity anger released tactically accurate outcome paul drake perfectly menacing filthy one targeted thugs audrie j neenan nails repellently scummy bigmouthed performance people truly ugly bunch saps pat hingle sturdy chief small coastal town smaller parts bradford dillman agreeably potent albert popwell a regular series different characters forget dirty harry yes bank robber thats end trademark quote do feel lucky well ya punk,0 +night time anybody else like look sky night,0 +month ago i hit rock bottom and wa about to kill myself luckily the attempt wa a failure therapy worked wonder for me and i m falling in love right now thanks for the kind word in this subreddit you helped me through the darkest night of my life much love,1 +stevediamond i know they have trouble but i never heard a thing i had many recommendation from mrtweet,0 +can anybody help with this i have a short minute presentation next week infront of about people over team i know it dosent sound bad but my anxiety ha gotten the better of me already dreading it and now starting to think of excuse to miss it also debating diazepam before it to help which i know isn t the smartest idea but lost with stuff to help,1 +want quietly go awaydoes anyone want go away quietly little impact possible die want everyone move quickly possible figured leaving note showing sign emotional changes best precursor this im tired talking people dont want drag suffering longer ive gotten tired living everyday talking exhaustive want go forward decision leave little ripple behind possible,1 +time hit woman kept hitting everyone got mad unfair im strong guy went playground babysitting kid one friend hits me thought gender equality decided hit back she years old used strength punched face launched meters away people got mad smh head dude live saucity,0 +doim going try summarize much can apologize wording things clearly know potential create great things never time keep discovering barriers people build prevent kind overall progression sake personal gain spend slow periods work programming ways completely automate certain tasks see jobs done programmatically people know possible how could computer person does start every project question how person it how achieved life see fairly clearly advances accessible technology make peoples lives much fulfilling including drastically improving quality life disabilities still flipping burgers cant people see in us building walls keep actually getting anything done whoever builds wall makes little bit money everyone must climb it cant people stop trying make money nothing spending downtime work learning working projects own spending time home working still give little hope pointless tasks carry day day job exist for obvious advantagous learning every day is become disgusting material people be feel also background design spent quite long time also learning build whatever needed several different forms something broke make new one learn works piece element mean much you make new one x y z making gain valuable skills bring even value thing already cherish much see explosive potentialthat know everyone absolutely incredible things future humanity cant people see money equal time spent working time spent working directly equal money spend things distract much dislike work never felt work meaningless seems options either take advantage others money taken advantage of im tired rat race tired it longer bothered people cause disruption society cutting line swerving traffic screaming children clearly taught screaming childs ears matter anymore think got point life point try best make right decision based past experiences victims circumstance happens longer feel obligated feel negativity towards people never amount anything unless find solution open eyes this fucking beautiful world fingertips every moment day cant make see this use quarrel know reveal world people know get cycle workwork greater goodbe interrupted workworkmaintain sanityworkwork greater good loop nothing would make happier dedicating entire life writing programs help nerve damage amputees even paralysis able explore wonders using brain computer interfacing take back control lives nothing would make happier kissing cutting edge ai machine learning even spending time writing code assist tedious jobs know easy would someone write code making role much easier fulfilling focused nothing would make happier designing delivering little science projects kits required colaborative problem solving door door help communities realize need hide inside day nothing would make happier able help us realize solve problems life need keep prisoner playing bullshit guessing games toying others minds order move forward nothing would make happier waking every morning problem idea solve determination discipline ideal view future would give fuel keep pushing forward im years ive told things get better years ive making predictions myriad little evils churn society greedy engine cant help see now every prediction made true know convince someone find greater happiness outside whole world told operate really clue starting believe never able find solution problem nothing ever made afraid need help know anymore im losing meaning ive come learn,1 +hi guys ive got deadline media coursework end week enough data compete coursework media studies btw itd greatly appreciated could provide data spend hours sifting through httpsformsglefaaszdzjpcuu link here thanks slightly disgruntled students bulburdine xx,0 +ugh back to 0 dollar fill ups at the pump,0 +dui want dienot looking pity need get outta system got dui last night anyone chews it know sucks wasnt one driving driver many offenses switched places since would first offense would get easier sentence slept cold slab know deserve get bailed last bucks know ill fine logically know ill make seeing everyone else it im terrified last straw people life ive hospital redflag attempts lot year every time fuck up people put distance us failures dont know many times keep disappointing people proving right am want kill myself want go back cutting shit myself want feel pain im numb want with cant fail again cant person cant fucking get right dont want attention whore seem keep failing every fail makes people think im trying attention anxiety depression dumb ass battle other wish could run away forget shit way ever get past killing myself,1 +@mmmcaroline it was goooood ,0 +I was only thin when very stressed and depression when got divorced,1 +work nuclear power plant getting kick repliesbr br seriously do go httpenwikipediaorgwikipalisades_nuclear_generating_station see workbr br i could think safer industry work in required procedures report events minor paper cuts issue identified potential concern respect nuclear radiological industrial safety immediately reported corrective action processbr br bottom line nuclear plants us operate safety front mind,0 +"Parents... don't miss this information night! Learn about your kids & how to protect them from addiction, anxiety, depression and tech/cyber harm !! pic.twitter.com/1jL7A5jVd4",1 +film one resounding familiarity it earthy grounded film make thinkand smile paul reiser peter falk take journey forget soundtrack beautifully varied fitting film like breath fresh air surely deserves recognition film actors finally piece art departs obvious love story frequent special affects seen today never walked movie deep warmth feeling thoughtfulness heart felt someone wrapped fluffy fleece blanket see film find real treasure delight it,0 +i m about to be and right after that i m going to graduate after i graduate i m moving back to america back to my hometown and away from my parent my parent won t even be that far away hour away in another city my whole life i ve known nothing but to be a kid obviously and i can t picture myself a anything but that i can t imagine myself a an adult and that terrifies me i m not ready to let go of being a kid i wa extremely fortunate to have a good upbringing and this being a kid teen thing is great i m not ready to grow up yet i m not ready to stop enjoying childish thing i m not ready to stop playing childish game there are part of being an adult i m excited for of course but i hate that i have to stop being a kid i m not ready to move on from that part of my life sometimes i m scared that maybe i didn t enjoy being a kid enough since i moved to a new country i dont have many friend here i never got up to typical highschool shenanigan with anyone but i see my close friend back in america getting to live a very normal highschool life and i feel like i ve missed everything being the oldest of my sibling sometimes a third parent i feel like i didn t get to be a kid all the time and that s more time wasted growing up you re constantly told enjoy being young while it last you re gon na regret wishing you were older never grow up and that s all actually really terrifying to say to a kid haha i guess to conclude i m afraid i haven t enjoyed being a kid enough and now i m not ready to be an adult,1 +anyone slight interest nba want non heated argument bc get roasted lot,0 +nothing ever feels fun anymore,0 +want sing go along are fire,0 + yo girl giving advice pt long sfw respectful ask anything want ill best help you,0 +@mojustice I've heard this fall. I'm waiting too! ,0 +aye different teens there hi like people different different too fact alien im saturanian from saturn hi day,0 +science teacher said wikipedia reliable prophecies true told us send anyone believed wise teacher chad use wikipedia information without ridicule hell yeah,0 +i feel like i m comfortable with death more because i m comfortable with the uncertainty that come with it do any of you ever experience death anxiety how do you think it impact you also lowkey in need of any advice to deal with this better,1 +hibr br i heard lost coworker obvious differences opinion entertainment loved it well watched episode early seasons bored tuned out years stumbled upon lost bored current scifi fare wow surprised say gravity well damn got sucked in pace scripting good flash forwardbacks lamer characters good favorite characters ben locke jacob richard alpert sayid jarrah sawyer hurley daniel faraday jin wife walt charlie desmond jacks dad jack michael definitely immature asshats spoiled immature kate step them juliet way classy kate mr eko way underrated level charlie more bad died guy dressed black talking jacob way back genuine curiosity whole great layered series looking morebr br regards,0 +impossible avoid punishment hispanic parents slipper always catches,0 +bruhento momento bruh moment no bruhento momento,0 +conflicted get watch dogs legion get cyberpunk ,0 +having depression and anxiety is the worst thing ever.,1 +always think overdosing xanax getting blackout drunki feel lonely bored always fantasize killing xanax alcohol itd thing would keep feeling lonely want anyways,1 +hey guys need advice help idk something manpersonal responsibility believe personal responsibility believe hole im dug possible climb duty find way parents wont get help though live household parents hoarders step trash become hoarder too although im high school keep giving adhd medicine father doctor mother nurse tried antidepressants made feel flat didnt like them think running away ending time ive hit wall ive always looked subreddit im sorry thought yes men support show weak need help hurts idk do wont get counselor mother calls crazy think suffer bipolar disorder reddit,1 +short simple im tonightim disabled schizoaffective panic disorder irritable bowel syndrome yes im treated friends well im stuck pulling month want work go school im terrified stomach pain panic attack work plus antipsychotics make tired time tonight im going hang ill never able hold job go college im sick loser,1 +saw movie television screamers loved it heard interesting story film roger corman released driveins summer trailer department sent advance trailer actually footage film allegedly footage naked woman chased around laboratory set monster films opening driveins irate customers complained see movie paid see theater owners called corman said customers felt ripped off corman run copies footage send notredflag film theater owners splice film themselves since footage never part film negative appeared video dvd television broadcast anyone ever seen footage anyone saw film drivein summer remember this,0 +"Had good time at the carnival, Jamie + Carl?!??!?! LOL hahahahha your just jealous of my amazing smelly ball!!! ",0 +awards gay definitely way awards suck theyre absolutely garbage,0 +dont mean get political anything wtf sex ,0 +speaking megathiccc gc rn isnt funnyinteresting thought,0 +mom found suicidal nothing changed whatsoeveri dont think cried asked questions said shed try get meds switched hasnt caring like talking robot shes means terrible mother always assumed would huge deal thought wed talk hours shed try help me nope acted mechanical always,1 +i wa diagnosed bipolar year ago i have very high level of anxiety my doc that i ve been working with ha been trying to get me to take lithium for a very long time i ve always been very resistant partly because i wanted to see if i could fix myself partly because my health anxiety ha me freaking out over side effect from lithium but my life is being taken over by the anxiety im not even living really just surviving really i don t want to struggle just to make it through the day so i think i have to get on my medication doe anyone have experience with lithium doe the good out way any possible bad thank you,1 +comment post noice this post was brought to you by noice gang,0 +I left vito and hoeson and went off first cos they needa stay back for a meeting for some crap. Alone time now me likey ,0 +The Social Epidemic That Doubles Depression And Anxiety Risk https://ift.tt/2FdyZlb ,1 +existence is always meaninglesssomethings wrong many years getting better got fucking diagnosis friday im bipolar ii mother started crying got home heard phone grandmother telling know grandmothers fault terribly bipolar passing medication gets sent dormitory tomorrow evening honestly think im going take get hands it theyre putting mg lamictal daly start sliding mg twice daily along prozac help fucking work even copious amounts drugs nonprescription drugs work boyfriend start watching wilfred told started watching tried kill helped healing process know hes trying help lately nothing works want die nothing ever works want end,1 +doing linprog homework & proving linmode assignment ,0 +@Mithelmusso COME TO NYC!!! plz and thank you. <3 <3 <3 <3,0 +"Psa: if you call someone struggling with depression, anxiety, etc. crazy, you are a piece of crap!!",1 +person wheelchair go stairs fast,0 +girl in red - summer depression // lyrics https://youtu.be/MgiPuSt7BXw  via @YouTube,1 +Could 'one puff' of cannabis ease depression? #marijuana #cannabis http://bit.ly/2HNEtbS ,1 +anyone else change whole personality several times day no me im mentally ill wow think might,0 +i don t know if it s just me or if this is even a real thing whenever i m like very anxious or overthinking too much like going to some new place for writing an exam attending a wedding of close relative it feel too overwhelming i can not remember anything i studied or sometimes it s like i know the answer to a question but i m just unable to write or express it out even when greeting people during a wedding or some interaction i feel soo panicked idk why not just these situation many more like if i m given a responsibility and i literally can not sleep or stay calm for a second until i m done with it my mind tends to imagine more like play numerous visuals that can go wrong with it it s really very difficult and painful,1 +how do i cure my depression without pushing me physically or mentally,1 +im waking up and have some weird thought i think one of them is that i think im unattractiv because im not that heigh with cm i think im way to small and thats the reason im unattractiv to woman i also dont get enough attention from my parent i feel so hollow because i think i deserve to be ignored i think that im seeking to much attention and thats not healthy but i want my father punish me if i show my feeling and my problem with and what is with me he denied everything i need and thats left me with im a burden for him thats my fault that i exist in this world i love to be connected with other people but this feeling from the past come back and say to me u dont deserve this attention other people ha way le that attention like you so be happy what you have but im not happy thats weird and i cant right now figure out where i have to put this thought i wish i had more atttention from my parent i want to show them what i like and i wish they would be interessted in what i do i have this frustration inside me and i hold this to much back i want to say myself im good enough constantly to push myself to the limit is exhausting and to please other people this suck,1 +i don t really have any kind of hope that any other kind of love can truly save you it ha to be romantic because you don t trust friend or family when they tell you that the love you anymore but if someone is willing to hold you and stay with you for the rest of your life just the initiative make it feel better but my problem doesn t even lie there the real problem is that i don t really see myself a someone that can be loved and the reason are endless i m not good looking i have severe social anxiety and i m just a handful of a person to deal with haha and i definitely am not a person that should have been born and even the one time i gave my heart to someone and tried to get to know them better with the hope of igniting something real it wa a fail and i can t help that i have no will left in me to live i don t think writing this post will really achieve anything ultimately but well it would be nice if someone could try to understand me,1 +advice neededhello im currently needing opinions boyfriend extremely anxious depression hospitalized week able seek help past weeks looking getting house activities however recently fallen back loop admitted started hurt feeling complete loss asked could stay tonight hes scared might do told could course would figure things together alone this want possibly suggest pick maybe go back hospital hes admitted needs help im wondering anybody knows would best action take go back place make plan together would want next,1 +please help mom wants know girl like dont know why dont want tell do,0 +like a battery in a remote s back that keep it working i wish i could also remove the battery and just turn off for a while,1 +lost everything hadi know anymore,1 +maria braun got married right middle combat around husband hermann explosion ripped building begin with hermann sign papers pile rubble street perhaps may strike heavyhanded metaphor whats come marriage rocks speak betrothal husband goes war held russian prison camp unbenownst helpless hopeful proud maria keeps standing depressing rubble train station come home others dont sign awaiting hermannbr br trouble arises happens rainer werner fassbinders melodramas one best provocative see maria uncommonly gorgeous hanna schygulla role twoface shell stand man even means working bar american gis and even still hears fellow soldier hermann died still stand sleeps black gi comes close bearing child that is naturally reappears murder occurs takes rap safe working german businessman effectively sympathetic ivan desny becoming sometimes mistress rising star company maria whatever takes successful shell always marriedbr br its hard say theres anything maria fascinating money sex power become interchangeable maria like feminist cake eats sultry smile gets husband less actually lot less last ten minutes film obtaining things man dotes whenever can new expensive house servants secretary money others around getting due already man weak position rise anywhere such secretary played interestingly enough fassbinders motherbr br maria sexy confident alone idealized life going life made shade says two men american soldier poor old sick oswald fond them time stick roses confused soulsearching husband hermann sends canada released prison casts profile feminist would love trounce understand coming going waybr br fassbinder employs inherent contradiction moments maria appear go conventions melodrama for example hermann walking jubilant halfnaked maria gi masterpiece scene marias reaction surprise guilt pure happiness see hes let alone alive sticking guns director highminded technique storyline predictable really like one big metaphor country that war really move normalcy times fassbinder puts sound radio background see maria walking around family house hustle bustle going around her radio speaks divided germany things still unsettled disarray maybe way cope excess maybe thats interpretation itbr br its hard tell really schygullas stare face eyes anyway incredible performance really one showstoppers captures glamor allure oldtime hollywood female star downanddirty ethic girl streets telling opposing costumes one sees one scene finally husband stars one superlustful black lingerie pieces high heels moves dress without even thinking it thats almost essence maria is schygulla wonderfully gets down headstrong somehow loving figure adored perplexed men around her sometimes single sentence fassbinder captures wonderful first part trilogy might overall prefer veronika voss masterpiece maria braun perhaps good character study makes woman tick tock almost nothing lose,0 +want write somethingi need write something guess add anxiety bipolar disorder im poor get help medication it moment im working hours week living really shitty apartment days feel amazing motivated actually wanting things low days im like this im thinking getting second job could get problem feeling would make low periods even worse ive suicidal ideation years now thats really noticed depression kicking in ive one redflag attempt took gamble took mg xanax shots whiskey sure enough kill me also left chance after research now think mg xanax nothing this wrote journal document whatever feeling hours woke found written lot remembered took sign supposed really entertained idea since lived feel like im supposed here why skills im unmotivated thing want life sit listen music famous making music know possible much want believe talent anything like that ive thinking focusing going back school position medical field also know im smart enough it seems like two things want life unobtainable im good making maintaining relationships made friend years friends high school theyre like me aspirations succeed were wasting away want that want anything less someone great know am want live someone average dreams seem impossible achieve am im also gay hate that wish woman im not constantly struggle identity every day days feel content days love myself days hate myself im fucking tired consistent view things im flighty cant commit anything feel like ill never get anywhere life ill live life deadend job depresses me dont cant live like forever im almost set that im successful road success im going kill myself feel like want live time im tired trying things disappointed myself im tired wish someone greater am not,1 +read thiswell reading better tell whats going on ha like care life isolated im friends left everything parents super overprotective let use internet im secret xbox want end everything parents constantly scream beat perfect know anymore want die ive like years nothing changed want kill,1 +"Living with a bleeding disorder can be challenging, causing isolation and feelings of hopelessness. Finding solace with those who understand what you are going through is paramount. Join the discussion about dealing with #depression on MyHemophiliaTeam: https://www.myhemophiliateam.com/resources/depression-and-hemophilia?utm_source=FBsocial&utm_medium=PopularHemoDepression&utm_campaign=PopularHemoDepression …",1 +just got home from church. ,0 +goodnight guys really want say goodnight type lot stuff since cant post picture weekend blah blah blah filler filler filler seriously supposed write sentence want tell homies goodnight goodnight guys,0 +i dont want to move at all i just want to be stationary for the rest of my life school is actually so draining and i can t bring myself to do anything my parent think so highly of me a if i m really smart i don t think i deserve any kindness from them i ve disappointed them a lot i wonder quite a lot why they haven t disowned me yet i dont know what to do anymore i don t have any friend whom i can call close it s so lonely but i feel like i deserve this for all the pain i ve caused for so many people but the worst thing is i feel like im doing this just for attention and i feel like a horrid human being because there are people who are actually suffering from these horrible thought i just want to fade out of existence,1 +politician younger doesnt mean better policy guys come on dont fall identity politics,0 +recommend talk hentai post talk hentai recommend websites images videos hentai manga,0 +feel like im play one without scripti never get social cues anymore read peoples emotions faces anymore ive started isolate everybody tbh know happened me used different social many friends guess must caught something makes complete socially awkward person now anxiety get well makes life fucking hard live moments want turn mind increasingly reaching limit feel fucking retarded ive tried get help many times many occasions obvious time ive suppressed im going make sure anymore might read couple weeks think damn would fucking consider that makes much sense thats im conflicted do,1 +got banned dank memes d yesterday created post repost template bot said post matched post got warning getting banned decided post rdankmemes next day opened reddit surprise got banned days post only get post profile deleted panicked ya f chat,0 +Kristen Stewart & V looking soooooo prettay at the MTV awards ,0 +feel peaceive always planned ending thought kind made emotional many times earlier life now feel peace feel anxiety swirls around like tree hurricane passed think now calms me anything beautiful fantasy,1 +depressed long time now starting feel like everything real motivation stuff completly gone nowit starting feel like everything done life worthless knownif happy going lifehow guys handle feeling utterly useless depressed life reaching breaking point me slowly feeling done life handling life falling apart,1 +my interwebs is so fraked up that i can google map something on my iphone bar gprs no g faster than my 0mbps cable connection,0 +@judez_xo nawhh hope your having a good time dear ,0 +Playing with my mark. makeup and jammin' to Taylor Swift. ,0 +so far i have on all my site put together most of them were me checking out the update i made,0 +delivery humorous rude lines pierce brosnan alone worth price admission plays kind james bonds psycho twin brother separated birth doubt intense hitman character sexual even better funny add kindhearted uberlikable american guy next door greg kinnear set contrast myriad locations vivid colors quickwitted humor provide great entertainment hope davis well cast gem wife focus film two fellows new odd couple thats part works well great probably rrated laugh look places story goes little deeper,0 +pulling annoying nighter right online schooling pain ass wanted spend sunday family work schedule got messed im writing vague dumb hell essay while ducking eagleeyed parents like jesus christ fuck,0 +teenagers feel dates relationshipmy dad ask want know opinion people feel topic,0 +first therapy appointment tomorrowim really anxious im perfectly normal mean would amazing time depressing due shitty feel way think normal sucks least ill clarification maybe fix myself,1 +mom funny could comedian thinks good looking guy funny,0 +question girls yall prefer oversized hoodies close fitting ones more personal preference thing filler filler filler filler filler filler filler,0 +whats one thise cringy thoughts keeps night me slipped mat gym class fitness test everyone thought couldnt pushup slipped tall mat made us pushups on hands floor feet mat slid fell,0 +goiing to reedbox to get some moviies ,0 +thenworking dead end job years grow old watch everyone die around me spend last years laying piss shit unable even feed myself constant pain finally die keep telling must life no it the gift life spending years trying ignore pain existence much possible playing video games pointless hobbies sleeping sex drugs partying god hate it fucking dull,1 + year old gang rise all part year old gang rise,0 +almost nothing show itim couple months feel made mess life feel though im stuck groundhog day everyones life os constantly changing adapting tried much get things track s trying sort mental health wish done travelling thing wanted partner years trying im exhausted feel much rejection hurt rrom all men dont find desirable anymore suicidal thoughts week,1 +solid black white slapstick comedy dark but hopelessly contrived plot true crowd pleaser howling laughter as well rolling eyes disbeliefbr br its old psychopath train story big importance thriller portion film almost seems merely counterweight antics great comedian robert gustafsson hapless nearly incurably optimistic soldier invokes compassion schadenfreude fashion almost rivals chevy chasebr br the thing film appealed most however wedged improbable hilarious accurately portrayed everyday joys nuisances train travel add welcome sense realism recognitionbr br this thriller comedy admittedly borrowed suspense hitchcock should opinion watched comedy value which high indeed besides gustafsson lars ambles solid performance delightfully cynical misogynist worth price admission alonebr br heartily recommend,0 +theory _ _ cousins,0 +feel alonei friends livingi boyfriend complicated talking things family live states away suicidal thoughts something cope hearing me ive attempted redflag almost two years ago hallucinating essentially saved life unfortunately angry woke hospital stop crying really want live honest really anything stopping iti think im someone worth missingi feel attached anythingi feel empty like hobbies interestsi energy motivation waste oxygen typing now like go it bother writing this know wish interest life im sorry,1 +bruh fuck people sort new real homies sort top time girl yall simp,0 +girlfriend years left facebook im insecureshe emotionally made manipulated meinto solely dependant her ive long years mom died guilt grief nobody came around id notice little things like shed tell nobody else cares bunch things along lines nobody care me slowly started fully believe recently blaming stress im going psychtherapy trying better best can broke today facebook asking tell itll okay woke nightmare i get night terrors really bad nightmares possible ptsd conflicting illness feel really suicidal right im starting comprehend maybe blame pressed issue typing simple words box happened im lost really want live anymore,1 +hurt pain suffering going every day poor animals getting tortured exploited humans pleasure nature poor ppl third world countries hurtsthe monotony typical day day life cities work eat social media tv sleep especially work taking much lives makes rly hate living hate this hate living world disgusting even makes ashamed human bc amount suffering causing beings every dayit hurts sad say find rly difficult to sense turn off things live blissful ignorance enjoying little things like silly little hobbies tv shows whatnoti simply cannot see point thingsi get life lot things within control focus would make happierbut could turn blind eye horrible things happy could happy things going everydayi cannot stand live worldi want diei want diei find strange brain always like want die want die want die actually like realistically suicidal like planning suicide anything also doubt ever brave enough want badly enough actually take action probably case keep thoughts i want die really badly want exist guess good world nowhere near enough negate hurt suffering pain goes everyday planeti tired want herei want to cannot seem take anymore living world like,1 +nothing freak me out more then when i get that stabbing pain in my chest i m it s my anxiety all my test are good i am healthy dr said many i have inflammation in my chest but reading in here that other people get chest pain to helped me pea together that it s my anxiety i ve had anxiety my whole like started getting medicine for it year ago med work at first then stop i just took a fast acting pill bc the anxiety wa so bad it s hard to focus but i try and distracted myself by reading i just want a normal day,1 +do you have a certain objekt or garment that your always carry with you something that make you uneasy if you dont have it with you i personaly always carry my noice cancelling headphone although i dont necesarily use them all the time,1 +first appointment monday know expect expect first meeting psychiatrist,1 +im depressed since im years old gets worsehi im native english speaker excuse faults diagnosed depressions years old im now never learned job still living mom winter last year girlfriend cheated me tried forgive ended relationship months later us made mistakes lived year january moved march stopped contacting me tried contact times day since nothing thought would ok honest went outside half year except buy food contact friends last half year either felt fine im depressed long time kinda felt good terms today tried check facebook deleted it feel like died contact months try now gone conversations her like good days happy every day since broke me thats healthy know consider redflag normal now got nothing life real friends job even chance get home go mental hospital weeks im waitlist months now know admission hospital really need someone talk new thoughts head,1 +dear darknesshey miah meet again grown since last saw you see made friendsyou spoken since hmm mean stayed side time oh thats right there always there blade met dermis sentient me blade kissed dermis times kisses stung first got used it remember white oblong vegetables entered kisses slid voice reason entered once times last remember tummy aches darkness arms tremble tire day store me guess right along one me remember words told me youre beautiful always knew treat me ignore me always ignored you well darkness old friend welcome back life promise me promise time turn gravity may finally free love miah,1 +will update noteshey uhh im still alive unluckily stop drinking like addict yeah know im talking about link here httpswwwredditcomrredflagwatchcommentsqcpmmy_will feeling good ive suicidal depressed nobody help,1 +please let diefeels like lifes ever began poor education career decisions paired shit mental health serious injury left stranded home country squeezing life country interested taking dropout regardless much potential might thats paper life struggle get starting line start privilege break back get ground fuck this want die take another shot lottery n maybe next time raised psychopaths,1 +austinhill i wish i wa sold out if you have some time let me know i would love to hear more about what you are up to,0 +thanksdamn im glad found sub guys great always listen without judging trouble opening people sub perfect that sometimes post know theres still good people judge you hard time seeing good people good know others backs thank back,1 +gib hair ideas want different hair hair straight blond fine longish side part ear length probably good idea cuts colours styles everythings open,0 +im sick im kind worried cough throat bit sore im tired nose blocked,0 +bf told kill myselfim already suicidal panic attacks frequently knows this broke gives attention two hours fighting tells hopes kill myself told go get dads meds take them knows thats planned it really suicidal last night right dont even feel anything might though dont anything anymore,1 +me minute break brain horny jerk me yes,0 +find reason keep existingtheres obvious answer you know future could hold or think pain cause loved ones im incredibly numb answers point thats enough keep going considering unfathomable amount dread feel every time wake up feel isolated disconnected every interaction people life even feel real point time real reason im still here real upside death seems even terrifying,1 +#musicmonday!!! I can officially shamelessly advertise www.myspace.com/merianag again!!! go to it... you know you want to ,0 +im probably going kill self tomorrowim tried want end ive ben depressed long recently gotten worse im curtly college semesters ends thursday fell none talk also dread going back home im tired living family even tough paying college kind hate ben emotionally abusive cant drive im probably going stuck house summer ware else go honestly know much take it,1 +Vintage Anchor Hocking Green Depression Glass Parfait Pudding by FabulousFinds1 https://etsy.me/2JoKskq  via @Etsy,1 +story y old loserim dark place right vent serious fight mother last night told maybe end im worthless loser move back home ripe age lost job layoffs half year ago pay bills anymore mostly huge debt have college family related matters dropped college work familys business request father even get education familys business went belly father died got lucky found job it even gone im years old loser job college education debtridden fool gave dreams help family wants exist since teenage last night first time ever raised voice someone family enough guilt trip im pretty sure im getting kicked out knowing mother throw things im somewhere else kinda wish drinker now stress killing me one hire anymore even though im picky im really hardworking im old competent unskilled educated enough educated gave everything help family im even losing that idea wtf im supposed sometimes empty void future feels much thanks reading needed process writing down feel free laugh me words cant hurt anymore situation hurting me,1 +"Masala Wok with @CabbyJames was awesome and enlightening, as always. Great to be back in Houston! ",0 +Need to know more about spotting signs of #depression in young people? Does your work bring you into close contact with teens? These are 3 very common symptoms to watch for https://hubs.ly/H0bQ6xh0  #communitymentalhealth #mentalhealthtraining #mentalhealtheducation,1 +@LadyMelancon Hey there! ,0 +im going kill quite sooni really hate alive im horrible person terribly insecure completely useless likely bother friends see much value alive bought rope ago think ill kill next week im never sure see you,1 +happened across bait cable one night started thought eh not im glad gave chance br br bait aint perfect suffers unnecessarily flashy direction occasional dumbness overall movie worked elements aligned right pulled otherwise could pretty ugly film br br most that think due jamie foxx know tagged foxx lead whoever movie big favor believable amazingly likeable foxx glides movie smooth butter funnier hell tell hes working instinct instinct fail himbr br the plot unimportant actually ties together pretty well theres even character arc foxxs character grows person again couldve slipped without this makes things much betterbr br im surprised low rating this maybe caught move right night vice versa id give bravo mssr foxx,0 + ,0 +@darealhbic Get 100 followers a day using www.tweeterfollow.com Once you add everyone you are on the train or pay vip ,0 +dear america fuck,0 +one whose grades scarily bad grades pretty bad like worst entire life dont know im far gone im screwed right lol,0 +said clothes look good today suit much,0 +@colelove My day is going good! Its hott outside!! Love this summer weather.,0 +damn cant believe got shadowbanned redflag subsounds right,1 +@just_tam21 @shaundiviney i'm going to both sway sway sydney shows... been telling tam for ages to come too !! can't wait ox,0 +about how youre not weak if you have depression/anxiety or if you go to a therapist and that its a part of your great journey :(,1 +birthday yoooo im owemji hahahahha,0 +fuck dude took two aps year psych world want go college either forensic psych emergency medicine ap psych huge desire me got them tried hard too went back person state allowed it twice week starting may studied made sit get shit done still failed lot going guess preoccupied mind really expected myself straight student varsity co captain club president part time vet assistant really fucking disappointed myself depression low recently fathers illnesses relatives trying literally sell house without permission anything going make much worse prozac too cannot go back doctors ask increase switch antidepressants copay would add cannot really afford visits right now prozac literal jack shit never felt low myself going act anything really horrible thoughts genuinely know ill ever get headanyways thanks listening rant good night failed ap exams,1 +dutifully working a job that doesn t care about my humanity training people to replace me dutifully caring for a pet that make my mental health worse training them a i stress cry dutifully filling out tax for my dead parent emailing lawyer because my sibling won t fulfill their legal obligation dutifully attending counseling with my spouse actively listening to being told my want and need are wrong dutifully laying in bed quietly so a not do disturb anyone else staring at the ceiling through insomnia and intrusive thought understanding that i don t exist i am just a tool for everyone else this is my duty,1 +instead handshakes start docking cocks greet eachother way cooler im pretty sure dicks somewhat clearer hands,0 +naptime. thanx to all of my followers--i just hit 300 today!!! thank you for being a part of my tweet fam. ,0 +a i continue to learn about myself i feel so much of my depression stem from my personality temperance soul not designed to handle how our world frame itself i am nearing and my life is not going well nor ha it really ever full of trauma isolation depression confusion and anxiety never really worked at a real job when i wa younger i really never understood the idea that you get more comfortable with yourself a you grow older but for me it ha been true i have completely ignored who i am and all of the advice out there is geared towards let s call them person x x is data driven meticulous go from point a to point b in a line disciplined in their specific smart goal way craft category to understand and a lot more if you are an advice hound like me you have seen this person because nearly every piece of advice out there is built for x for you to succeed you must be smart goal oriented you must love the grind of this pattern dominated process you need to do it our way a this is the process i am not x i should have realized tho year ago a even when i play video game i couldn t stand tutorial i d skip all this winded text and i tried to brute force my way through intuition i am more fluid more random while i am constantly thinking and i am thought oriented i feel my thinking process is not quite a category pattern dominate i am best when i do not overthink when i shutdown my ego mind and just go do of course here in the u we have western value people will tell me to get over it this grind is the only way and that this is human nature maybe they re right but believing they re right ha failed me for year right now i am trying to break into a new field copywritig and i am horrified this field is completely dominated by x these tutorial are full of x way of thinking maybe i need to be x to do well in it this post wa sparked by a video that wa explaining the structure of a sale letter i think there wa 0 point thst you need to hit for a successful one which petrified and overwhelmed me btw copywriter think ai will never touch them but the more i learn about how pattern dominated sale is this is the perfect place for automation i mean right now a an example i am seeing a constant assault of people saying to hand write note and comment to active read these sale letter that are important problem is i don t read if i take note note taking is too bothersome it take me away from the text and my thinking of the text note taking for me is a seperate task not an extension of my thinking yet i am told i will fail if i do not do this process that i can not actively read and engage without this i don t know maybe it s true they always say study show this but they never cite the study so who fucking know seriously marketing and copywriting is full of people saying study show x but no citation i literally spend all my energy on just starting when i take note that i usually only read a page or two before giving up i know just grit and grind but i have never been able to but if i just read i can indeed read and get through the text i am not sure how i can do well in this new field or any field really i just don t feel built for it but i am sick of trying to find a field to get into i need to get my life moving i barely know how i work a i have constantly been pushing my o self into an x hole that i have never bothered to see how i function but maybe the x are correct i must be them in order to do really well in life i don t know but i hope i am not the only one that feel like this,1 +fuck movie little children seem one bothered it httpswwwyoutubecomwatchvguuvkqvrmhttpswwwyoutubecomwatchvguuvkqvrm sure say its cartoon its joke would say cartoons little children male characters humiliate hurt female characters twisting tits ramming something crotch hard gets stuck falls floor feet yes exactly is exactly little girls laugh that slapstick like other girl humiliating violating boy exploiting male weak spot genitals hes dirt feet pathetically clutching manhood male pain male humiliation stands triumphantly why woman created scene think hey know would funny girls kick boys balls really hard behind thats appropriate kids movie,0 +need talki planning kill right now best way back point last time close could jump down right need someone could talk via dm feel comfortable share whole situation,1 +my name is katy. i'm diagnosed with chronic depression and panic disorder. my anxiety gets so bad that i get panic attacks all. the. time. panic attacks DO NOT equal anxiety attacks. panic attacks leave you exhausted. https://twitter.com/writualz/status/989147614548496386 …,1 +long story short i haven t been feeling well for the past two week i think it s a depressive episode the day befroee yesterday i wa already damn done with life but yesterday wa my final straw i have only seriously had suicidal thought time in my life and have never wanted to do actually do it before i have a fear of death but yesterday wa horrible i wa actively searching for stuff to kill me and a i expected my family s first reaction is to scold me saying that even during school holiday they have to worry about my as and i m not even in school right now what do i have to be suicidal about they just straight up scolded me did not give a fuck otherwise it s been a day and idk everyone s pissed at me and i m at my wit end i m actively asking to be hospitalised but the people who actually ha the authority to do that are too pissed at me to want to do that and complaining about how it cost so much to go u are hurting all of u what happens if it s in the record for the rest of your life first of all what life my whole life my family dynamic is fucking bullshit it s not abusive or even manipulative it s just that no one communicates with each other probably because we know when we do fighting will ensue so no one talk to one another idk what i can do all the time the rule change all the time idk how to talk to them idk what they want from me this cycle is just gon na continue until day i eventually snap at them or snap at myself if i snap at them i m gon na get scolded i knew the only reason they would actually not scold me is if i actually did it but i know if i did it i would have let them won and i will most likely survive and i hate that only if i actually did it would they actually care about me i do not know what i ll do for the next few day and i don t trust myself i actually wan na go to the hospital but no one let me for fuck sake idk what to do anymore,1 +seems patternive dealing mental health issues since age years old born halloween rd generation grandmother great grandmother also born halloween diagnosed major depressive disorder severe recurrent also panic disorder ptsd trauma suffered age self harm regularly unfortunately though done weeks depressive episode came today realized almost christmas lights tree nothing indicate time year mention always celebrated christmas despite fact sister atheist make parents happy honest get joy normally happiness around altar boy young believed knew bible well would become priest lo behold sciencedriven mind landed atheist category know sparks particular depressive episode although several panic attacks today sitting car outside coat thinking googled forums redflag since im already member reddit although post much interested saw called crisis team knew going bad things plan sell harm im sitting confused im upset anyway im truly sorry right get somehow thank,1 +"@ohaiilisha coolio, thank you ",0 +im ready goim done cant anymore im tired fighting cant,1 +Depression nap sounds good..,1 +ellisonrox awwww but she will be on tomorrow i will still watch her show even though you guy persecute me are you far away,0 +im tired aliveim happy cant see ever happy friends i did now ive completely messed chance graduating energy get bed or do theres usually lot crying involved im good things wish parents would less disappointing kid feel guilty im idea living potentiality another years seems unbearable,1 +this is the best leather sofa in the world it s in the office though which mean i m still here working,0 +feel like end miserymy mind fuzzy today think ending struggle draining mentally physically exhausting feel unloved unwanted unappreciated hear son fathers day dad lectured finally got frustrated left cant people life see hard lifes struggles me always tried good guy person always right thing good job decent home car stress coming angles time even day meant relaxation turns criticized things years even decades ago laid bed last night discreetly sulking way sleep wake go back old daily grind nothing look forward get home probably expected cook dinner clean afterwards despite fact mind elsewhere thinking might need find secluded spot get nice new blade cut wrists bleed out sure leave cell phone behind walk whereever decide deed cant track cars gps find me maybe schedule note family friends get missingbut dead already faults dark place life never seems go away time think feel lower life find feeling even worse before wish sickness anyone want pain stop never stops cant talk anyone close get tossed damn psych ward days week tell good go again sorry,1 +"She love my smile, no matter how chipped my toof is. ",0 +kalau mau ikut logik sndri susah ba tu mau kontrol postpartum punya emosi tp syukur c husband sangat mbantu dalam mengubati amp melayan sy kalau dia kasi biar sy sndri tu konfom sy tewas suda sama postpartum emotion depression,1 +ending day nowi guess would look ive got say thankful im not id burn house blow car tell friends family fuck could bring anything emptiness ive felt months now think always there ive able ignore it im alone even im around people care me im alone one person ive ever bared soul to laugh tell could still friends cant even bring eat nothing gives joy nothing gives sadness bags packed speak already final letters written stuffed labelled envelopes gave video game shit neighbor kid yesterday held gun temple hammer cocked thing keeping imagined mother would feel police showed tell son blew brains basement probably stop tonight maybe tomorrow doubt see next week,1 +anyone taking intro humanities human aampp lab super helpful quizlets humanities quizlethttpsquizletcomjoinhbgqunihiampxrqt helpful ways remember definitions aampp lab quizlethttpsquizletcomjoinpgqpprjpkihiampxrqt definitions images diagrams,0 +feeling like nothing changei feel like im going feel miserable now forever good things going me yet im always unhappy great friends yet feel soulcrushingly lonely literally real responsibilities right now yet im constantly stressed ive thoughts redflag since child right things going better theyve ever been yet im still miserable feel like nothing ever change events life keep changing misery ever present therapist took leave absence whole pandemic started supposed return april havent heard anything way contact her im sure come back everything going on course want prioritize safety months im becoming increasingly desperate ive tried many meds past years none ever helped including ones im currently on im tempted stop taking them im tempted give up,1 +tried kill tonight wouldnt worki wrapped necktie around neck tried knot clothes rack closet couldnt support weight broke couldnt find anything else support up im going try go sleep hopefully dont wake want try later peace dont worry,1 +solid b moviebr br i like jake weber understated delivery refreshing time top performances liked relationship father son liked family dynamics wendigo looks silly representation kids toy dead deer amalgamation like see psychological story freddy slash em instant gratification flick watch reflect inner child movie might say finebr br nice work,0 +im looking someone play csgo me im voice still high think im pretty nice would amazing could find someone nice age play csgo with,0 +nobody cares im itand take hospital socialmental deprivation basically torture theres way get help need without bussed fucking emergency room billed im nothing statistic piggy bank break money cant afford regular treatment anyways cant talk friend want friend anymore keep talking killing every time see him wish alone know happen baby dog die world cruel nobody care enough take care die reason live find someone take care im gone course nobody going care im ready late im going make mistake made last time im going tell anyone im ready,1 +today i finally shoved the last person out of my life that i wa keeping around only because i didn t want to feel completely and utterly alone it s ok they were using me for their own benefit a well but i broke down i realized that i m depressed again i wa trying really really hard to avoid admitting it to myself but i am ive gained about 0 pound in two month some of which i had lost and wa feeling really good about i have absolutely no friend left im struggling in school really bad so bad that i don t think i m going to graduate highschool this year and i don t have a car anymore so all i m doing is going to work or sitting at home in my room when i say i have absolutely no one i really truly mean it i couldn t name one friend that i have and my family doesn t like me either they always say that you really do have people but i don t and i can t talk to people because of the pandemic i have terrible social anxiety and i can t connect with people i m overweight and getting worse so it s not like i m approachable i truly don t believe that people would care if i wa gone sure someone dying is terrible and it s sad of course but me being gone wouldn t really affect any one after awhile i m getting to a point where i don t know whether i should wait for thing to get better or give up it s really feeling like there s no point in waiting because thing aren t going to get better no matter how long i wait i m really losing hope and i don t know what to do anymore i cant afford therapy and i really don t have anyone else to talk to,1 +seeing though rich frist person comments make laugh gets award sure award awards quality vary depending funny youwhat link joke link go,0 +@davidkuridza the flag is for you? ,0 +@saidthewhale great photographs! saw you guys play at the westjet street party. short set but awesome nonetheless ,0 +so much for my roast tonight still frozen solid,0 +"It's raining, raining. Oooh baby it's raining, raining. ",0 +Good morning everybody! ,0 +life ended long time agoim posting im part done living life nothing offer me never has first im going describe turned talking someone like know front im years old mediumbrown skinned female short small nose jutted jaw thin lips sunken eyes metal hip cataracts face looks flat side people called retard down syndrome it might actually something wrong genetically ive always poor muscle tone there im ugly top that im probably narcissist schizoid affective disorder hospitalized medical mental institutions times assaulted one mental institutions never stopped thinking committing redflag think every single day done since early teens almost successful back worst day ever entire world died then least one person earth compatible me several people said me dont nobody want you right even guy married divorced like anything much money could spend cant think one family member ive close im burden all number always around five less so life ive pushed people whose job provide services me now even people want job whats left sooner im outta here less burden be better world be,1 +ever hate inferiority complex mentally drains constantly compensate acting better end making feel like friends like acting towards others yeah,0 +i'm submitting my site into directories and also listening to Natasha Bedingfield Un written ,0 +i m feeling very suicidal atm i m very close to hanging myself i want to call 9 but i won t be able to pay for the hospital bill afterwards and i ll regret calling them im currently in college and i don t work i live at home with my parent my parent will be angry at me for calling 9 and they will most likely have to pay off the bill we have insurance but after insurance it s about 000 i don t know what to do,1 +whenever feel sick get slightly disappointed terminal cancerand makes feel disgusting real people suffer die everyday horrible disease couldnt even begin imagine theyre going feels selfish ignorant feel way cant help it actively wish know one worst things person go part feels like would tiny relief would passive way dying parents would know fault friends would know fault would seen tragic teen death selfish act weakness,1 +came out pretty much state art musical film entertainment day entertaining most great part james cagney lead role musical prologue producer succession deadlines sheltered storms trusty girl friday played joan blondell also musical numbers towards end put together busby berkeley pretty much knockout far type thing goesbr br but pretty strange movie mean one numbers got billy barty running around pretending lovable toddler kinds weird stuff ruby keeler seems sickening smile plastered face times least required act like later unfortunate films never guess dick powell kind tough guy seeing movie apparently tough guy energy allocated star cagney cagney high speed rants musical shows forth endearing annoying time gets bit much expect walk say hey ive got great idea prologue women cigarettes come pack smokes oh no one last month funny gets bit repetitive moments get tough bad girl ruth donnelly established cagney gangster character comes out fact frequent b gangster director william keighley credited dialogue coaching seems times cagney blondell invoking something street even though characters criminalbr br the musical numbers say stand alone entertainment way berkeley uses human body geometry really startling none really mean anything means honeymoon hotel nothing really less whole pretense integration falls apart immediately since characters show things possibly appreciated theater audience like movie portrays example one point show fine print newspaper things like that whole thing could exist film idea prologues actually live shows ridiculous suppose audiences time somewhat less critical things like would ten years later so polished productionbr br its great see cagney show superb dancing skills actually share stage dancer like keeler cagney blondell excellent chemistry scenes go really well music would say mediocre mostly pleasing repetitive bacons direction general suitable never interesting films entertainment value unquestionable also picked nostalgic value along way cut lets put show films s,0 +rd time or th know asking if know know think me reply seen posts comments tell criticism always appreciated lt,0 +movie entertaining never ever boring even running nearly hours al pacino michelle phieffer rest cast great film believable violence little extreme film showed vicious drug trade time film ending amazing probalby one coolest scenes ever great movie probably really enjoy it,0 +"Now to unload van to go and stock up for tomorrow at Innishannon, thankfully not doing it in the rain this weekend ",0 +"When u wish upon a star, makes no difference who you are, anything you're heart desires will come to u ",0 +cast actors actresses columbo episode beside peter falk julie newmar jeannette nolan martin landau twins anyway old uncle dies mysteriously looks like heart attack bicycle discovered fianc julie newmar plays role deliciously jeannette nolan plays woman house housekeeper prides talents chides columbos sloppy often typical behavior cigar martin landau plays identical twins one accuse murdering uncle money well watch see outcome assure always worth watching one cast crew,0 +gf taking break think shes gonna breakup seriously dont know wrong dont know id without past hours ive felt anxious please send good vibes,0 +falsely accused sexual abuse entire life seems ruined even situation died downaround months ago falsely accused sexual abuse exfriend mine thrown jail days legal fees get sorted cost well reason im free man exfriend press charges lawyer excellent job proving allegations false even going far friend admitting false allegations reason im even charges dropped name legally restored completely clean record reputation destroyed news report made day went jail story depicting rapist refuse correct story proven falsely accused charges dropped live relatively small state terms population feel like target back feel like music career opportunities get job attend college even live relatively nice place move ruined know best chance starting new life moving away state starting somewhere new feel like opportunities completely crushed unable find job people seem believe news story legal matters proved innocent honestly id lying say redflag crossed mind numerous times throughout entire thing id also lying sit say want die see way see able live normal life let alone life ive trying work towards long remember ive spending days attempting write anxiety stress blocking creative vision sleeping hours day little motivation get up chain smoking stress away latest hours night isolation friends trying best help this pathway follow one seem relate situation obvious reasons people sit stare shock hear story nothing sympathy agreeing probably start somewhere new sentiments nice still feel alone like people understand im shitty situation in everyone wants feel sorry me everyone looks victim society accepts im done for know anymore want live normal life leave place,1 +"Some studies show depression can make you smarter by improving recollection, critical thinking, and raising attention span.",1 +billie eilish soo underrated lmao nah man bitch probably plays violin wrists deep lyrics year old depressed girls fuck right thank,0 +is now officialy 18!! ,0 +kevatkinson my bro and si but very young mum working today so thought i would help out i don t have any sun,0 +booo ee you suck why daniella don t bring sam back at all if it ha to be her not happy,0 +anyone pe exercises correctly involve lying back shorts wear fall down im home alone thing feel like actually one going see shorts fall legs air,0 +reaching outi suppose ill start saying past days unbearable ive never felt lost scares know go ill able start feeling anything besides cold im uncomfortable sharing many personal details open anyone time spare id grateful someone could message me picky ideal lgbt,1 +hey yall made subreddit ever burning question ask someone lives texas head subreddit rasktexanfolks hope people join in little advertising,0 +smokey robinson you fell off my list did i offend you,0 +get neighbor get higher fence thing separating death small chain link fence need higher dogs may deranged smart recently learned stack stop one another really need get protection,0 +today made choice go sign gym membership working part isnt hard fact new place fairly wide open struggle open spaces walked signed up,1 +know hang correctlyany tips advice learnt past mistakes,1 +poting post rcasualconverstion got delited_________i wanna cut wrists english nd language words may spelled wrongim currently bed typing this parents never come room lately sience school started ive seeing frends school wich brings bit joy gives lot anxaeaty say wrong word anywhere wich makes wanna curl ball die dont think depression may do dont think so thing takes mind pain wheter ist poking pen point penetrate skin biting hand point blood starts coming out sence im teenager parents putting lot pressure me tasks chores school on mom even making fun pandemic friends scholl back cant hang anyone im always buisy stepdad instead explaining tasks gives me lectures bad everything gives anxaety im constantly paranoid evrything want eberything stop read instead cutting wrists draw it didnt help wanna cut hands let blood bleed out anyone reddit this please sugestions do please,0 +found movie hilarious spoofs popular movies time funniest seen sort movie give try saw movies movie spoofing get humor enjoy moviebr br i and others watched movie me felt funniest part movie this spoiler tell actually happens scene flashy thingy mib first discover device know does later movie understand get therebr br my complaint movie never able find dvd could buy copy,0 +I'm pretty sure that's called depression https://twitter.com/lexstaylittt/status/989024918778953728 …,1 +get weidly ticked things even concern me know im transphobehomophobe anything think everytime see post saying fuck transphobeshomophobes feel weird almost like im mad not know guilt something else anyways day,0 +so im depressed and right now i m getting more and more suicidal it started with intrusive thought imagining myself in many violent suicide scenario but right now i m seriously considering suicide because it get worse and worse and i have no idea when my life will improve in any way i m trans and i haven t started transitioning yet i don t even feel like i m living i m just wasting my life leaving a something in between because i m not a woman but literally no one see me a a man even i myself feel like a joke instead of proper guy even when i m not depressed it s not like i m functioning normally i have adhd with executive dysfunction a my worst symptom and i also have asd so i always and up being awkward or off or not acting not properly in any social setting i feel awful all the time and i constantly vent to my friend even though despite them sort off telling thats okay i know how annoyed by this they are and how little they care and even though i understand fully i m hurt by this because almost every time when i m available i m listening and trying to give my best support if they need to vent especially with one of my friend we can end up on a meeting when 90 of the time she s the only one talking but when i message them anything i know i do that a lot but still even if they even bother to read it i usually get one word response or just sad emojis i don t know i just every day feel like there s le thing important for me to keep going the only thing that kept me from even considering suicide a some real option wa vision of starting my life a my true gender and not wanting to traumatise people close to me but transitioning seems like it won t happen anytime soon and every day spent in my body feel like hell i m not even exaggerating i get constantly flight or fight response triggered by my own body and with people close to me i m getting more distant from them every day most of the time i don t have energy for anyone but when i sort of do i m still super irritable i just got super distant from my friend i feel that i know nothing about most of them and the closest one are just annoyed by my constant low mood or i m annoyed by them feeling like they need to criticise my behaviour like smoking or not being able to motivate myself to do thing i won t even start talking about my ex he just make my day worse just by being around me and that s all the time i don t know i just feel like no one care about me in a meaningful way my friend either criticise me or give me meaningless support my parent don t take my issue seriously they literally wan na take me of all my med in about two month which would fuck me up because it would mean no more focus on anything lack of adhd med no more sleep some anxiety med that i use for my sleep trouble and i would quit my antidepressant which i started to take in le than two week ago my psychologist is caring about me only because she s paid and even though i like her she s still isn t able to help me and i m still not able to open up to her either cause of fear of being honest about my feeling or because of my shitty memory that cause to remember me all the wrong thing at the wrong time i feel like this mini personal hell won t end soon and even if it will it won t mean that all my issue will go away i m stuck with being trans awkward and having adhd for the rest of my life no matter what i do and i don t want it to be this way,1 +"No, I got Jaime right now. ",0 +@thevervekid thank you!! I have much to learn from you still ~ Please keep up your awesome work and vibe cya again Friday !!,0 +"@DJSMOOK Was great !! laid down the final guitar rhythm tracks for two songs, and it sounded awesome after it was mixed ",0 +friend almost committed redflag days ago friends parents caught almost committing redflagthe reason posted meme reddit wrong info people started bullying making fun post wrong info literally made soo sad almost killed,0 +talked made things worsei accidentally opened close friend this know shell feel accountable happens want get place thing im holding shell feel bad know,1 +ready goi lost everyone somehow got back thats im fucking damaged nothing got better years thing helped soft drugs never tried im fucking ready go dont want anymore peace wirh,1 +sitting at home ,0 +@Lefreak78 Don't look this way Jimmy I think I will be the last hold out. Brad could easily find me based on what he knows - he won't.,0 +yk joke i could never get fight might get turned pain joke genuine fear mine nothing fear bc prolly never get fight hope,0 +go arnt oki individual therapy group therapy since last august depression suicidal ideation worse ever since brought knife school intention kill years ago cant help feel disappear like im somehow burdening everyone proximity them intrusive thoughts redflag ranging drinking household cleaner jumping top school parking garage feels like every day im inching closer taking thought action today stood top parking garage actually leaned edge seen therapist times last two days another meeting tuesday im sure live long feel like check hospital missed even two days work school life would totally fucked since would lose job able afford rent would mis two midterms drop graduate program finally made into dont know do dont want anyone deal mess killing myself idea living even two days feels impossible,1 +rapists deserve torture please read commenting hello couple friends got argument rapists deserve said death also said torture torture like cutting fingers shit downvote hell please let explain myself dad rapist doesnt excuse me mom died childbirth dad one cause sister didnt talk anyone cause dad raped her hated dad wouldnt torture him imagine person u love example whole family dead u ur sondaughter turns rapist would u torture him hear scream cut fingers u dont imagine u could rapists deserve it tell u thoughts that,0 +anyone else boat im dont personality people like arent good looking enough people want hang around you probably makes sense im talking man shitty social boat rn,0 +think might finally go it live state waiting period buy gun got money time could go tomorrow spend ill finally means end things nervous scared want over working,1 +today wa a le interesting day on twitter cboyack igeldard and iidiocracy were all kind of quiet today,0 +lack supporti know like live support redflag depression pretty weak from resources help single males yet group risk made appointment see local mp hope general election coming take complaint seriously told week wait get support group meantime medication help meits ridiculous two sources help access samaritans wondering take frustration out serious question rude remarks,1 +it is really cold,0 +going try killing myselfits something new,1 +stop making redflag youim sorry rant really am reading post guy acquaintance die redflag hes feeling overwhelmed anxious know terrible thing bothers comment section like ohh sorry cant imagine going through fucking serious human died hes thinking fucking self god damn reaffirms wanting die like people dont care want stop killing dont care pain youre dont want feel bad death it one wants feel bad death stay alive suffer endlessly gosh poor dude killed himself really dont want imagine type pain suffering went head death brought peace life ever may eternal peace fucking selfish everything,1 +I need a peace ,0 +awake scam im even paid pain every day wtf,0 +sure right subredditi apologize poor explainerorganizer things advance anyways idea start post like jumping right it fantasizing redflag past couple months ill get later first let state think would actually ever act thoughts think id balls too like idea putting people close traumatic experience im much coward live life like idea ending depression pointless life suicidal thoughts well guess attributed depression which turn attributed inability make decisions failure appreciative successful yr old male attending well respected university east coast however idea want life turn makes feel like failure currently second semester college idea to far ive managed waste k parents money what discover want job major chosen feel like deserve opportunities given parents individuals throughout life knowing want life makes hard motivate work classes turn leads poorly classes turn leads becoming depressed situation depressed makes even difficult motivate work basically guess im somewhat trapped nonstop cycle afraid im going fail calc exam basically going set back whole year college major pursuing due fact calc pre req lot courses going sound little clich ripping movie easiest way explain way feel seen office space understand easily part movie office space main character basically says could whatever wanted job would nothing pains say it feel could anything life would nothing well actually nothing bit deceiving let rephrase would whatever wanted do view life makes feel like shit know never able live way unless win lottery something another reason feel like failure closest friendsfamily around went college knowing exactly want finished either years under brother computer scientistprogrammer finished college career semester early even job already juicy salary best friend also friend finished school early well also job friends attending institution go also lives well line one getting ready graduate two others well way promising careers basically im surrounded successful people polar opposite myself know want do getting jobs it seem found meaningpurpose life little old sitting pretending know want parents see lazy ungrateful piece shit really want talk someone im afraid theyll think im crazy person throw psych ward shit fuck that really know im posting this guess part get things chest also maybe get suggestions do suggestions do means voice them,1 +wish born si dont belong era feel small hate social values today people artificial,1 +adviceso recently ive getting extremely caught head past ive found hard able find happiness question is make pain go away,1 +titling seems stupidhullo sw understand people post suicidal psychological reasons anyone ever posted philosophical merits redflag though cant think single compelling reason continue living maybe spare know additional suffering although honest really matter much more hand cant really say ive found single compelling reason to commit redflag either reason keep living cant seem quell apathy long enough actually act guess im really driving is since either option available ends same really significance making choice not really cant imagine killing myself,1 +im going go die nowim done whether im victim villain dont care anymore im unbelievably done everything much plan tomorrow need think best way accomplish that dont know bye,1 +school stress hey guys im sure relate least say life pretty stressful right now school go days week monday thursday probably better lot im small school days im difficult me im taking ap us history advanced english college level french physics grade ahead extremely difficult history far hardest spend probably hours daily receive s makes incredibly frustrated ive tried reaching teacher hasnt even responded yet leaves notes assignments theyre incredibly vague elaborate connect people say hes good teacher im sure cant drop class anymore late year even though ive irl days could really judge class goes top this really struggle learn zoom call need room teacher especially french english fully absorb material cant get that im th grade word college floating top feel completely surrounded,0 +alone need helpi see things there miss dead dad dead nowhere miss dead cat blame seeing sick early enough save him abused years sometimes think universe telling things sometimes good sometimes bad thought radio told cut last thursday did ive cutting years idea stop abuse medication almost matter psych put many know really feel world psychiatrist one area seeing new patients talk abuse thinks misery dad dying half session dad overcome illness too whee husband lost job got another time did whole lives changed second last semester grad school starts next week drive three hours total work three hours anything work feel overwhelmed unable focus started taking adderall hands feet always hurt literally backs alignment something weird iono burn inside out take mg gabapentin mg tramadol day manage it still there much less without it could work go school used bad even hold book open also get migraines lot them weekly diagnosis were treating symptoms means cure now theres clonazepam effexor risperidone im still depressed anxious hallucinating though fairly high doses dont work nightmares mom kills repeatedly right telling fault nightmares dad sells sex slavery laughs rape nightmares like every night multiples wake already miserable crystal clear want spend rest life pain grief hurt much know deal stopped eating havent stopped treadmill clears head little bit want die want live either need help currently completely alone right now psych cant see me trust either,1 +already year time flies fun far learned lot,0 +mileycyrus i guess counting sheep didn t work hope you get some sleep,0 +@Top10Causes ,0 +bday yesterday n people live mom said something tired actually glimmer hope someone say happy birthday nah hope crushed always tell everyone happy bday merry christmas yk drill one ever wishes anything thought friend mattered appears saw delusions never talks outside wants ask advice cannot give love clothes etc ask smth get met replyi cannot even force work anymore hope never go back office boss also forces us give happy answers time how you why bad smile life get better idk feeling good used find joy drawing anymore just there time everytime hurts sit room work stare screen daydreaming tired also used like job boss threatened fire us nothing christmasi used think id finally happy not changed reverted back before even worse think idk want anymore cannot fucking talk people know nothing n cannot anything myself always paranoid mess even deserve anything anyone friendswho would want friends w fat ugly person thing care r cats n see twice week even feel like post bother tired,1 +i have anxious attachment style and i have autism a well i m and i ve never had a relationship last more than month at this point i feel no one gon na understand or love me and i ll be alone forever do girl not like guy that are clingy and sensitive do i have to change,1 +dont think im going make past id give nice long rant explanation honest im tired point dont emotional capacity think right now last year damn hard even without corona dont think next year going different im sure im even still alive idk much longer thats gonna case,1 +mom guessed smash bros ultimate character video pretty epic collects retro games interesting do anybody wants watch video go ahead guest fun wasnt sure anybody else would interested httpswwwyoutubecomwatchvhlmxywww,0 +@theotamsmusic Hi Theo ! Will you be stopping in Montreal on your tour ? I'd love to catch one of your shows ,0 +someone said perfect button nose im confused dont know button nose good,0 +realized recently im alone thought diagnosed adhd explained trouble focusing things hadnt realized recently also caused problems diagnosed parents didnt treat seriously barely done anything help also made think wasnt really issue throughout middle school grades straight ds cs parents werent helping anyway instead lectured everyday irresponsible which mostly true caused stressed already social life wasnt much better either constantly felt like talking much felt like people didnt like talking me eventually grew habit saying sorry every time talking someone felt like annoyed them ended lot also trouble mood swings would commonly make people look immature child made feel extremely excluded continued years diagnosed week ago browsing youtube saw video tiktoks talking adhd click start watching it watch see people talking troubles adhd felt strong relief knew crying long thought lot things trouble personality thought something wrong entire time saw people problem me made realize im alone know lot dont care please treat adhd real mental illness something make quirky crack head energy real issue treated one tldr adhd caused problems thought personal found part adhd take adhd serious,0 +bloodborne kind hard got sale getting shit pushed proper last two days prolly shouldnt chosen waste skin path oh well,0 +wished voices head stoppedits hard exercise stop thinking look outside know cant stand thinking anymore,1 +im girl getting bored one chat,0 +"Is thanking @_aMaZiNg_ for opening her eyes. I won't be left singing "Sooner than Later", I'll leave it all behind for Mr. Right ",0 +im tired lonely im whole life ive girlfriends none ever stick around long enough actually love them gets really tiring lonely time im calling subreddit help please shame this im gonna look girlfriend subreddit sure best way im outta ideas girls selma alabama area looking boyfriend dm details myself may accept long distance idk yet,0 +i don t know how i can feel this horrible and unable to breathe so badly and this only be anxiety i genuinely feel like i m going to pas out and i have nothing to be anxious about is this really what anxiety feel like i can t take a deep breath this is so awful,1 +would anyone like to chat or maybe even voice chat i m just feeling like a total mess at the moment,1 +business emails and phone calls http://tumblr.com/xac1xcl07,0 +dierks bentley is comin to columbus oh i wan na go so bad,0 +may get diploma visual effects next year ill fourteen next year ill already diploma know degree anything still fucking awesome,0 +keep thinking back awful things ive doneonce concert someone wanted move forward move way became angry later started elbowing someones back reason all like times turned around said sorry purpose felt soooooo embarassed awful thing ive done feel like maniac that hate packed together bunch people turned asshole that ex saw arguing took long time finally forget this contacted ex months ago blocked me made new account continue conversation engaged blocked again kept like times end lost reminded fucking irrational like concert insulted shit me feel soooooooooo bad myself keep thinking back monster am really really really wish done things guilt completely swallowing up keep wanting kill ive done things cant live with,1 +thinking redflag awhile nowim fifteen year old kid almost live dead end town cant seem happy gun plenty reasons live reasons die always show matter what wish could push struggles waste much time want live without worries high school class grades cant seem shake them love deeply eleven months left her regret every morning wake up see fathers face mirror father prison attempted murder used hit mother younger cant help feel like im reason happened cant help feel like im reason mother crippling addict too lifes complete sht live hell cant shake thought redflag im failing high school peers hate me brother tells always look sky gods always got plan im sure believe anymore,1 +im brokenthe love life committed redflag days ago cant bear hurt longer pain stop even recognize anymore think ending life often want darkness go away left note bedroom ive got rope im going see soon,1 +well executed old dark house horror good setup includes character poe himself alluding story london pub although pretty much one guy taken dare visit house particular night running room room either looking avoiding people still enjoyable plus delightful enigmatic barbara steele wooden dialogue unexplained bits bobs super creepy atmosphere maintained throughout super musical score keep one moving nicely along dvd originates us extras,0 +make life feel interestingfun enough stick around fori depressed teen usual angst bullshit got like people even though im depressed sense word nothing really excites me go hikes alone middle night without cellphone cold snowing outside stuff like go sailing rubber boat storm spice things even really feel alive im sitting computer college fantasize killing alot think probably ive always fantasy anything supernatural im mature enough realize something like never going happen going boring routine rest life like summers work replace college feels pointless dull,1 +got graphic drawing tablet try draw first one got suggestions end drawing looks good ill pm u send u it probably look like shit im still learning still,0 +one thinks s science fiction films one thinks sort schlocky black white b films parodied old mystery science theater television show yet far films like plan outer space robot monster good films s good great science fiction films like day earth stood still incredible shrinking man invasion body snatchers war worlds thing another world yet best bunch literacy production values undoubtedly mgms first big foray level science fiction forbidden planet released minute color film directed fred m wilcox featured state art special effects endowed good screenplay cyril hume screen treatment called fatal planet irving block allen adler adapted aspects william shakespeares tempest itbr br the film drew raves released oscar nominated special effects electronic music score louis bebe barron although credited electronic tonalities avoid music guild fees vivid matte paintings inspired chesley bonestell famed monster id moti animated animator joshua meador loan walt disney studio even famous appearance robby robot first role either film television later would appear film invisible boy included dvd bonus well several appearances s sci fi tv shows twilight zone night gallery lost space whose robot often confused cameo appearance film gremlinsbr br the tale simple elegantly constructed filled humorous asides leaven forced love story aspect film rd century united planets cruiser cd flying saucer led commander jj adams leslie nielsen yes leading man type police squad days en route planet altair iv investigate happened crew bellerophon sent planet twenty years earlier years journey encounter lone survivor party doctor edward morbius walter pidgeon prospero standin philologist gorgeous blond daughter altaira anne francis miranda character pre s miniskirt robby robot domestic servant calibanian counterpart morbius warns crew mysterious force killed bellerophon party first year yet immune it all technically good film especially rear projections matte paintings absurdity adult reactions timmys robbys exploits borders dalian surreal absurdity yet manifest filmmakers sense sublime absurdity film conjures played straight thus making even funnier main feature forbidden planet deserves kudos perfect film great way spend couple hours far better star wars although made twenty years later seems much outdated juvenile films like space odyssey solaris alien aliens first two terminator films really equaled surpassed classic depth effectsbr br its worth knowing that despite forbidden planets happy ending possibility moti still dormant within alta well all fathers daughter even vivid nightmare father moti attacked ship second time also film wisely shows moti once never shows krel imagination always conjure greater scares best special effects film also makes good use narrative ellipses condense tale something far realistic art films often fail do forbidden planet one rare films defines yet transcends era unlike sci fi films rather obvious cold war allegories watch it agree well sleep little less easy but even dont theres still scene anne francis skinnydipping alone timeless,0 +hello im b r e k questionn answer reference f matters and u ask dms actually flooded w creeps,0 +Anxiety and depression. (Quick sketch)#anxiety #depression pic.twitter.com/yOjv6jvnkS,1 +"fare thee well, tweetdom ",0 +"Me acne has been cured, my depression is gone, and I'm bald. https://twitter.com/kaliuchis/status/989222305174773761 …",1 +mrsaintnick hey i m leavin in the morning,0 +all abrosexual demigirls with depression are witty,1 +want die want feelredflag option head years gotten point means necessary want it people love people love me ive therapy since university last session yesterday school counselor seeing hard close ive feeling unable cope past weeks motivation im unhappy existence professor knows whats feel like ive bothering ask available tell suicidal shell report it cant work finals im graduating too left want know anyone else sort teetered close edge cause feel really alone one else know struggles suicidal thoughts thinking pain would cause mom brother used enough make snap it even starting take backseat bad thoughts,1 +pain redflagi autoimmune disorder spinal deformity adhd anxiety chronic depression party also blessed sparkling personality use hide ailments constant physical emotional psychological agony getting worse get older understand redflag maybe responsible choice god damn tired,1 +tell girl likes female friend really close give take years want ask dont want ruin friend ship says mean says awkward would guys tricks help figure out also wasnt sure flair with,0 +one intriguing aspects historical drama way tories british american loyalists portrayed sort gloss given ardent support king george iii many ways american revolution definitely family affair wealthier colonial families split asunder it strong criticism made film perhaps people story made little bit nicer real lifebr br in regards actions character major boulton played cornel wilde make least likable member cast flaw storyline seems vary prickly kind patriot kind anything cause fellow film concentrate heavily notions personal honor personal prestige major social norm day agebr br in subtext fact twentyfive percent colonial population decidedly probritish glossed over too strength tory element obviously maligned although good doctor character eightyfive percent upper class twit steal fine phrase monty pythons flying circus anne francis whole lot rather thin section script stands out good choice woman divided loyalties gal rather modern social conventions day might allowed life death struggle going onbr br one good aspect film way rivalries american revolutionary leaders degenerated outright jealousies personal conflicts nearly sabotaged entire revolutionary effort all leading characters well drawn minor characters human props fight scenes believable enough carry dramatic actionbr br this great spy movie quite great historical drama satisfy well enough rates seven largely cornel wilde deeply immersed role well anne francis makes supporting effortbr br the color print used turner classic movies clear well enjoyable presentation important regardbr br hope runs soon,0 +i ve had depression for a long a i can remember really some day i m sad for absolutely no reason that s how today started now i m in my head and i m more depressed than i ve been in a very long time i hardly ever cry i haven t cried in probably month i m cry right now i m fucking sobbing like a lil bitch my boyfriend is in jail not sure how long month idk i live in our house with our year old he s my sister kid but i have custody my best friend ha depression and her boyfriend struggle with drug and she work a very full time job she doesn t reply much to me anymore i m not mad at her i know her life it very tough and she struggle with depression a well i m just sad because she s my go to person and now i m lucky if i get a reply i m 0 day clean from fentanyl so the chemical in my brain probably aren t in the greatest shape i miss my other best friend i saved all of our video and picture she wa my best friend from around 0 0 i wa in a very toxic relationship and she constantly tried to break u up rightfully so once i finally broke up with him the girl and i we fine we were great one night we went to a party and then the next day i went home and wrote her a long text telling her she wa toxic towards her boyfriend we got into a huge fight then they started stupid rumor about me trying to get with her bf wasn t true then i went 00 step too far i got with this new guy who wa total gang gang and a snow addict at the time i knew a window in her house wa broke and could always open while she wa at school my new man and his friend robbed her house and by rob i mean only took the bong and weed that wa one of the biggest mistake of my life the whole time it happened i sat at home have an anxiety attack because i wanted to tell my man nevermind but i didn t want him to think le of me how fucking cool of me i have a very guilty conscience and i m empathetic a fuck i ended up telling her the truth she already knew she s not stupid i knew she wanted to kill me the moment i confessed to her face a week later i ended up giving her 00 00 to make up for what wa taken i hoped she would want to continue our friendship but it wa over i don t blame her i wa the toxic one all along i needed to do deep soul searching well now it s 0 and that happened year ago i still think about her everyday i miss her more than ever i love her soul and that s rare to find i ve been looking at all our old video picture that i saved to my eye only on snapchat i have hundred of snap of u my point is if anyone is actually still reading do i try to message her on facebook or should i just be happy that she wa apart of my life did i forever ruin what could have been i feel like i m just getting through everyday not living i m prescribed very strong sleeping med i m tempted to take a couple but i won t i m tempted to walk to the gas station and drink my sorrow away but that ll only make thing worse i could go across the street and sit on the swing in the park but it s dark now i m just babbling on about nothing i feel like it s the loneliness talking,1 +gf ruins lifeits long distance relationship toxic always sending nudes others agologyzing days starts again fear future fear ruins future life adult want jump window end suffering cant bear want leave love much despite bullshit know well im sre need help please im crying im ,1 +link good yt videos istg get rickrolled,0 +getting braces getting braces wondering anything know,0 +@PRProPam thanks for the #followfriday shout-out ,0 +tell things wish someone would tell youi always see posts reddit similar ones always tell people things wish someone said me tell things wish someone said you,1 +teacher forced changed seats fucking hate it sit far right corner cant see shit whiteboard im legally blind specs aint much help things perfect sat middle center table fucking stupid reason forced change seats sat next friend bitch what quiet whole time classes talk friends recesses fucking teacher sees problem thats why even change others seats theyre ones loud fuck fuck,0 +want goeveryone either hates care enough try understand pain im alone room vacation feel sad hurts,1 +im okayim okay havent okay year dont want suffer anymore want end pain,1 +i got a reply from the saturdays on myspace!! eep but i think it wasn't them who's written it =/,0 +Champagne breakfast Bubbles went straight to my head tho lol,0 +favourite cheese like cheddar cheese halloumi filler,0 +everyones dad give privacy yells basic things throws counters calls disappointment makes depressed insults people school dad,0 +wait fuck ted cruz become senator thought scientology guy mission impossible,0 +every reason happy im notive always naturally smart know bright future cant pull together lately laziness symptom depression know procrastinate feel guilty feedback loop parents im child im starting care less less financially were terribly well off crater marriage intact mostly me mom want grow without dad still think clean water food money consume throughout hypothetical full life worth could possibly contribute motivated anyone social anxiety cant real conversation anyone every time open someone never works out either take granted make joke it leave me ive sleeping hours every night skipping breakfast every day grades getting worse cant seem snap it cant bring care things like used to death obsession cant stop researching methods degree pain fatality rate stories redflag impossible look tall building without speculating think would say loved ones deed much haunts dreams thought many potential death plans cant keep count many instances hypnotized car headlights ive even gotten middle streets running last possible second every time run over parents would much better pay college ive give passions music sports grades end even grades shit now since siblings succeed thats fucking it worst all overarching meaninglessness everything everyone else does sun decay none this mattered part thinks world would better everyone committed redflag right now all humans done earth bad god real im going hell heaven im going decompose im fucking afraid mother told aborted me could right it im gonna pussy ill once ill right look forward aftermath anticipate most although forget in most month entirety was peace,1 +And the Great Depression,1 +realised deep face is like happy look actually sad end like moment youre happy outside actually sadd inside know like friends make fun laugh them haha yess funny,0 +hospitalive put psych ward youth hospital think minute get im killing,1 +promise martin donovan playing jesus was quite honestly enough get see film definitely worthwhile clever funny without overdoing it lowquality filming probably appropriate effect ended little jarring ending sounded like pbs program hartley still many memorable lines great moments judge harshly,0 +every day around family innable show emotion home like hot cold yell tell useless guess feel guilty either apologise try changing subject one friend really really care life much complicated feel like shit i cannot help cant amything want commit s unable stop know nothing i nothing nothing thing feel confusion emptyness irritation know happening anymore,1 +LISTEN BACK: @dreddiemurphy has some advice for those suffering from Postnatal Depression - https://www.newstalk.com/podcasts/The_Hard_Shoulder/Highlights_from_The_Hard_Shoulder/221576/On_The_Couch_Dr_Eddie_Murphy_on_postnatal_depression …,1 +@queenrosy Thank you! I had a tuna cake - with a bit of catnip on the top. So yummy....,0 +dont think would call helpif sat shower stall slit wrists right now dont think would call help could call fiancee downstairs dont think would dont think would change mind regret it im hard time coming reasons it im hoping fall asleep first dont tonight many nights many ways dont know it now matter when,1 +past week phone bill payment process called bank automated recording asked confirm recent transactions attempting pay phone bill confirmed them went through cant catch break though got fixed,1 +I am now 23 wow scary I know ,0 +life always nightmarei know people worse thinking help though im diagnosed gender dysphoria had tranny top this hopes transitioning ive diagnosed chronic depression since barely twelve im almost now ptsd mom drug addict name common street drug tried it also alcoholic badly mentally ill drugs alcohol since whatever base mental illness made hundreds times worse sure has definitely suffers psychosis delusions also abused me yaya surprise there emotional physical excuse bruises falling every day school stereotypical tell elementary school kid me dad really around stop stayed away around other fought constantly always got physically violent other one day took us abuse shelter highly manipulative everyone convinced abuser her including me living fucking horrible way im ever abused again id rather die go one places lost custody siblings yeah thats best estimate hardly think straight hates guts course know dad cares me cared enough basic things like take dentist take doctor go hospital several times throughout life breathing recent doctors ive seen said need see pediatrician get checked asthma care enough make appointment that severe attack really know asthma panic attack ive never panic attack bad kept breathing bad enough hands feet numb chest hurt badly strain two days could care less thats one example mention sister thats years younger acts exactly like mom does extremely abusive destructive tried ruin lives multiple times get way constantly steals things barely clothes right taken nearly them sake family fight it course much worse happened this thats really for reading want kill myself recently ive going sisters amazing escape able go corona chance stay there soon want move bad cant cant leave dog even asked dad could keep days could take back others said no feel trapped thousandth time life might kill myself cant take living here cant handle mental state anymore ive attempted before need courage try again,1 +reddit therapyventing thread feel like need vent anything use comments specify wether want advice get help people may similar situation therapy sessions irl feel free share learned,0 +nothing really mattersi live serve purpose everyone else world person thought different pulling away ive felt things tonight peak might finally courage it,1 +duckman show used last hour time sleep ten years ago contrast lot kidtype animation watching time still minor junkie disney looney tunes stuff saturday morning cartoons still runoff peak days ninja turtles batman also around time began recognize raunchy mature surreal obscene though know term time satirical cartoon shows creative stuff used to around time beavis butthead ren stimpy even maxx hitting tv sets via mtv usa put two shows one weird science duckman ive always remembered key bits show lines quotable forgotten completely luckily found tape recently six episodes taped long ago jokes stayed fresh delivery jokes rapidfire lot time better episodes br br in voice department choices talent top notch storylines usually excuse crude fascinating parodies popculture politics movies tv shows music detective mysteries dysfunctional family unit jason alexander wonderful choice duckman performance comedic days seinfeld even might similar characteristics there also voices gregg berger unmistakably monotoned deadpan cornfed dweezil zappa hilariously inept ajax nancy travis sexstarved obnoxious sisterinlaw bernice contribute full amount along great writing even joke surefire wit behind compensates animation style far cry refurbished computerenhanced product today inventive often abstract homemade gritty quality beavis butthead south park would later have and like shows little kid mean little younger watching show may understand jokes ie enough stripper vd references fill two shows sometimes inventive catch tv late night functions rather well time slot one hope dvd box set br br so one whos barely even never heard program heres general note think show dashiell hammett met walt disney decided go slum part vegas free minibar make collaboration vein luis bunuel simpsons combined mention group rugratsstrong,0 +ah reddit reddit phone app changed onlinehiding function online status onoff like need go back bottom button,0 + year plan cut shortwhen best friend overdosed created year plan get everything order meet im done dont think cant wait long things beginning seem pointless drug im going use expensive thats hardest part moment ill get there make pain stop please,1 +this is something i see so often and people claim their reason for being an asshole is depression no being a nasty person and depression are two completely different thing i recently got downvoted on this sub for telling someone it wrong to insult others for trying to help them unfortunately i have seen this in real life a well i wa diagnosed with depression nearly 0 year ago so i ve been apart of depression support group and i ve heard member of the group call other member ugly stupid and when confronted they quickly jumped back to sorry it s my depression hehe real depression is fucking painful and lead to people killing themselves it s not some sort of get out of jail free card and people that use it a such should stop downplaying depression,1 +going to see hangover again with colby ,0 +feel empty im depressed feel empty plenty good things happening life im healthy im set life soon turn twenty something enjoyable im depressed could make every request would change dont know strange would exchange thing get rid feeling kind healing way dealing,0 +Depression affects us all but for some it could be overwhelming. http://qoo.ly/nxagj ,1 +@elnazdi1997 It is often said that the cause of depression was the cause of death,1 +much respect ppl speak second even third languages like how fuck u it hard learn like wtf bad this u good wow,0 +"Did You Know? 1 in 4 children between 13-18 suffer from anxiety, as reported by the Anxiety and Depression Association of America. pic.twitter.com/YqYNg3WTiZ",1 +biggest reason see movie stars susan swift outstanding alltoounderappreciated actress time travel movies usually interest neither movies witchcraft movie fascinating creepy rely outrageous special effects focus heavily time travel viewer gets lost confused really creative movie kept simple focused great acting all,0 +"Blessings to all, how are you doing today? ",0 +f ask girls sleepover questions want girls ask us anything well answer put whos answer weve got lots time ask away lt,0 +why is this overwhelming fear and the feeling that nothing matter going away i feel worse a more day pass i am doing everything i can i am going to therapy taking medication getting help but it isn t changing anything everyday i go to sleep i wish that i don t wake up that i don t have to feel like this anymore the worst part is that i don t understand what i am so afraid of and if i don t understand it how am i supposed to overcome it i don t know what to do i really don t,1 +one would ever question director leos carax genius wonder is insane genius many people hated film normally first person accuse many french directors making offensive boring disgusting pretentious films such horrible recent film lenfant pointless offensive feux rouges strangely enough actually think pola x amazing film made great skill passion master craft containing remarkable performances film carry melodrama extreme lengths believe ever seen screen before then carax extreme know film also contains consider way overthetop trotskyite anarchist fantasies wetdreams mysterious group young men training fire machine guns bourgeoisie playing scott walkers rather fascinating music band recording sessions abandoned warehouse filled squatters fires burning old steel barrels guillaume depardieu plays rich young man chteau whose stepmother catherine deneuve wanders bathroom naked bath way suddenly snaps completely discovers deceased father famous diplomat fathered illegitimate daughter effectively disposed deneuve inconvenience sister suddenly turns kind romanian refugee wild dishevelled hair expressionless face little ability speak french coherently depardieu transforms class hero far left wants kill destroy family hypocrisy corruption lives squalor extreme poverty scorning vast inheritance commences incestuous sexual relationship halfsister shown explicit sex scene offended many people though objection it think people far hysterical sex especially america apparently never happens intensity acting filming make unlikely scenario come experience powerful depressing hypermelodrama differences carax making extreme film like numerous extreme french films think pretentious disgusting carax excellent filmmaker seriously attempting explore meaningful harrowing extreme emotional condition whereby human disintegrates turns background many would say extreme elements film gratuitous agree believe carax genuine making exploitation picture all difficult defend man goes far who know may complete madman believe deserves defending remarkable cinematic achievement,0 +@relevantideas Get 100 followers a day using www.tweeteradder.com Once you add everyone you are on the train or pay vip ,0 +"YAY, guitar lesson tomorrow. i can show nathan all my new SKILLSSSSSS totes. social meeting tomorrow too then coaching ",0 +think becoming adult me im already aint got long leftive depressed ever since remember depressed mean need die even child would imagine death help get sleep ive never get help whatever parents think im moody dampened girl anyway ive tried kill past via bleach drinking oding loads class as suffocation recently trains fast ones parents know noting these im unemployed lack talent speciality love films thats im studying im realsitic know never make film producer taste cinema laziness anyway im looking help typical redflag watch kind way feel like write thoughts someone know read maybe impartial say things thank much even considering read way thought adult vulgar me see hope going personality kind good come it im hardly hold conversation anyone even best friends bf feel like become someone else able say things sit silence like much desire get away things much already supposed good looks theyre going stay forever say whats fucking point ive always hated kids thats agenda believe marriage someone like me thing waiting future broken dreams failed relationships book upon books regrets always felt way going die redflag never knew when thing ill miss sunshine feeling loved love besides that say never asked born buy ticket ride take it spoken people never take seriously laugh off suppose reddit answer thank reading,1 +@StephDigratz I can get into Reign for sure woo woo,0 +homeless atm lost family speak anymore lost friends sitting here unemployed alone couch even know never felt alone,1 +feel worthless ugly unlovable cant fucking take anymorei friends nobody understands mom blames everything happened feel empty inside absolutely one support outside therapy lonely time stuck thoughts myself pain freaking hard cope everyday im saying want crutch want support it nobody wants around fucking depression matter much reach try converse others feel like losing mind loneliness crippling eating away every day seriously struggling feels like im fighting battles one im verge giving surrendering tons times past months feel sad alone lonely fucking tired living everlasting pain,1 +what a wonderful DAY. Scott is AWESOME! I'm so happy. night everyone!,0 +either sweetest person ever met twisted fucking cycle path filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler,0 +"Yet another day of jury duty. But, sleeping over at anna's! ",0 +@Kristiekastl @brianwilliamson cant u guys just flirt on the phone lol you dont have to share it with everyone -Nick,0 +ive decided end lifeim yo im struggling gambling addiction ive involved since stop gambling continue think worst moment lost age cant stand anymore couldnt face please pray best would guarding guys another world love guys sorry disturb u dont know dont friends talk about,1 +19 days till l.a!!!!!!! aaahhhhhh..so excitedddd ,0 +today wrote redflag noteplease understand knew could never good enough yet hopes dreams yearned endless may remain legacy tried best saving regret nothing thank loved sorry,1 +im going kill drag everyone else meive sliding depression god knows many years now ive really noticed sought kind help least took effort remedy within past two years none helped therapists medications improving lifestyle friends girlfriend getting better job moving out basically achieved everything wanted age still spend hours work fantasizing redflag past weekend saw new therapist said cant help im unwilling put work in well im not ive got enough plate already support system doesnt seem help either im starting find people annoy me even ones used like theyre still helping me whether true empathy dont want take care hit rock bottom bother going work want get better want participate shitty life daily grind punctuated occasional bits fun everyone laughs say real goal work honestly thats condition stay alive cant another years this im already worse year ago started job moved out also every time get short lived motivation fix things people assume im normal expect fix everything ive broken life cant run gauntlet ever increasing amounts misery work scary standing next proverbial edge is think day im waiting rest good filter life finally end it hopefully people dont invest much time money energy keeping current shell human alive much longer,1 +octopuseatspie i got the i can ha chezburger book from the lobo and you are not here to look at it wif me,0 +im tired hearing gets betteri feel unattractive ugly girl im ever interested always interested friends me ive lost best friend hates everyone knew chose me confidence beaten me feel cool good looking anything im isolated alone cant pursue dreams anymore injury ive lost sense self feel like anymore used different used much this im tired hearing gets better years literally done nothing get worse day day want die,1 +family wrong whole life ive told family im smart always ahead peers school logical way thinking recently though finally realized case im smart im autistic well high school particularly smart think logically emotionally everyone know higher level classes me im struggling times im really smart im stupid sure might quite bit smarter average person family thing is theyre kind stupid younger believe it said smart also lived cousin epitome moron barely average people idiots im genius im idiot,0 +we all know im too much of a pussy to kill myself but fucking hell i want to i want to jump off the bridge near my home being killed by someone would be even better sometimes i imagine myself sending people my goodbye message and killing myself out in the wood there s a tree i stare at every single time i pas it with a perfect horizontal branch this fucking close to buying a noose and just doing it and the worst part is if anyone who knew me irl read this they d think i m joking and that it s stupid but there is nothing i want more than death right now,1 +bestfriend depressed girl broke anyway exactly title ive trying cheer process trying make feel better taken advantage kindness insult first day like okay hes hurt frustrated second day like wtf today dude blocked reason wanted hang skating rink watch anime gas up like im going unblock tommorow dude clearly trying screw pulling whole squidward homeless spongebob took care obviously im mad im town weeks im wondering do got couple plans like flirt ex girlfriend ignore days would teens,0 +it literally cannot take anymore last time attempt email exgf open honest her cannot take everyday thought is ok well sitting bottled emotions almost year without ability talk her miss her want talk her want see her want know ok want smell mango flavor lip balm importantly want hold close know safe lockdown bullshit caused much turmoil life losing girlfriend deal health scare clinics seeing psychiatrists crap body cannot take anymore nothing live for properly losing job next week tuesday cannot keep anymore friends one go to one call one talk to literally want live anymore lief vir jou charissa die lewe n lied met jou arms ek wou jou die gelukkigste meisie die wereld maak maar die feit dat ek jou nooit weer kan sien nie genoeg om lewe kort te knip ek kan nie glo dis waardeur ek gaan nie end,1 +"Please pray for me. I am currently working on a blog article about Depression.Depression is not a joke and a very sensitive issue. Writing about it is way out of my comfort zone.Pray for wisdom, knowledge & courage. I wouldn't be able to do it without your prayers.Thank you",1 +loneliness eating awaywhile im feel like ive living forever summer apparent reason group friends started exclude little little today day got point im even friends them cant even tell started dont know going going weekend whole day staying home thinking im missing happened cant keep going on first day too found today separate group chat without hanging without giving excuses couldnt would never straight say stop talking us know there reason im going keep talking school dont look like loner loser feel even excluded dont know deal loneliness know people want talk online chat play online games friends none substitute physical friends laugh with also came realize never entire life friend us group one person always deep conversations with one month beginning summer nope turns one ones hates most dont even know never talked said besides eachother think myself many would show up think would keep image friends tbh would letter specifically call let people know arent im junior small highschool cliques cant find new group friends think future used passion drive biology yet today find even wanting anything it dead want join army force grow up died combat least would done something dont know expect want chest figured appropriate roffmychest,1 +saying kill men cringe we mean men change term tf,0 +ingrid bergman playing dentist walter matthaus faithful receptionist harbors little crush boss absolutely wonderful film handles witty repartee script aplomb steals terrific scene goldie hawn talk record booth ingrids monologue front face tells believes heart matthau odd choice leading man hes old goldie hawn unrefined bergman mention unfocused dentist liked way tries hard please goldie stumbles around trying free lie hawn who supporting oscar fresh bubbly today bedroom farce terribly sophisticated and faintly reminds one any wednesday besides welcome relief noisy teenoriented comedies turn today cactus flower lovely sigh ,0 +just picked up some oat from the market to eat for breakfast with my boy adamgoldston now time to do work at usc late night,0 +@minorityx hahaha not at all bb k i'll go get my phone ,0 +used rasknyc looking gun sure respond ok xpost here unsure else dohttpwwwredditcomrasknyccommentsyfcthrow_away_here_obviously_i_need_a_gun,1 +started picking skin days ago cant stop skin looks bad think mom wants go therapy self harm dont think understands cuz im bored depressed d,0 +memes start rolling around lets give people lost lives moment silence although years since aftermath casualties funny families may visited graves left them many able that still approximately thousand missing people since dna might burnt fire enough pieces proper burial one immediate family lost like give condolences,0 +ok basically parents sister grandparents gone boat day yesterday we belong boat club came back sitting around table dad end grandfather from mums side told dad carrying knife whilst boat case fell could cut free life jacket kind idiot that yes think shall cut thing keeping alive apparently weather water shit faced high waves wind axopar dad still laughing grandfathers stupidity bloody hell must screw loose,0 +theekween heart break trauma anxiety depression pain of losing a loved one thelmasherbs thelmasherbs http t co ayy9 a u r,1 +using sub diary part hello scrolling new guy nice meet you nice day anyway today bit productive started working birthay gift friend sadly remembered moment drawings suck well either nothing next days try best make acceptable school begins tomorrow bit productive again teachers really handle whole lockdown situation quite questionably fuck life guess wake tomorrow posts made much earlier also means less likely anyone sees this happen see though thanks stopping by good night reddit,0 +stupid question swmaybe understand updown vote mechanism seems people downvoting submissions sw least downvotes ever downvoted submission would please explain why thanks,1 +i don t like lukewarm shower,0 +need know effective method committing redflagyeah yeah know itll get better people care wanna done gun else could try pills get job done ive heard slitting wrists successful way,1 +teenagers young adults stop astrology bs might unpopular opinion think people stop basing decisions impressions others formation stars born astrology nonsense correlation stars ones personality might fun still keep laughs giggles level rejectingavoiding somebody leo something level ignorant people make blood boil anyway thanks coming tedtalk,0 +cant even kill myselfi tried hang myself put rope up around rafter around neck jump off fuck wrong me cant anything right even arrange funeral wanted it over want alone thats fate,1 +tis birthday finally live user flair,0 +thank much everyone love youi wrote post yesterdayhttpswwwredditcomrredflagwatchcommentsqnadjust_hit__my_life_is_just_fucking_miserable expecting attention all somehow gained k views got bombarded nothing helpful thoughtful positive messages pms helped much guys idea think years ive never happy much face filled smile whole day thank you thank much know im alone situation people actually care best fucking thing life know what decided ask crush ive never talked her saw face instant crush know work ill make plan it ill definitely month goes wrong fuck it ive got nothing lose point im feeling confident thanks guys thank much love sub love guys thank you,1 +@guittaraxx i didnt disagree. i was only saying that he looked alot better than the photo shows. i cant see the remblance. but thanks.,0 +feel like lost myselfthis past year really hard started straight student failing classes one likes me people around money job know everyone hates me im exaggerating anything common fact nearly overdosed cocaine got caught prostitution drug production ive last track friends im surrounded people want use me let anyone else know escape all week im getting draco feel lost mess anyone turn to family kicked gang thing years leave im leaving people years bailed jail took care oded know theyre cause bring digits everything feels blurry im going turn draco myself,1 +moment fake threatening redflag rteenagers get sweet reddit karma also get tons awards epic awesome rteenagers moment,0 +lately i ve been feeling like i m about to reach my lowest again i tried to kill myself on december 0 i ve been depressive a lot of time since then but i feel this time im inch away from getting to that state again but what i want to know is this have you ever have this thought maybe everyone is gon na be better if i just stop being alive nothing is gon na chance if i m not here what s the point of still being alive and suddenly have a lot but a lot of guilt for thinking this thats one of the thing that get me in tear the guilt of thinking this way when i m supposed to be okay after this year,1 +wants eat pocky stick me want intimacy boy know see bl doujins boys eating pocky stick together eventually kissing want irl,0 +Memes crippling depression ok Memes,1 +Drinking tea and watching tv ,0 +I HAVE DEPRESSION AND IM GAY,1 +i am and i graduate in a couple of week i feel no where ready to graduate and i still feel like i m 9 i started applying for job but i do not have a full time offer yet it s so awful scrolling through linkedin seeing people posting that they accepted a full time job i m no where near there i m also a first generation student so there s that another one of my anxiety besides graduating from college is that my parent are moving to south florida i hate florida i hate the weather there and i love how it is up here in the northeast unfortunately i do not have the finance to move out even with roommate it would not work out i feel like i m going to be absolutely miserable in florida i hate the vibe there in fort lauderdale and florida to me is a place to visit not to live long term the idea of moving is so anxiety inducing and it just suck it also suck dealing with social anxiety which is preventing me from doing so much i hate it,1 +friend gone dont know continueim old friend seattle committed redflag recently star soccer player incredibly funny moved away dc th grade extremely regret getting touch longer connect best childhood friend remember ever single day like movie im cursed photographic memory see face im extremely tough time coping death along side past trauma driving thoughts life would gone ive never thoughts im afraid im developing sort depression cant tell subconsciously want pity peers mind truest driven redflag someone help understand happening please,1 +ive remembering old childhood crushes freaking guy yo gabba gabba farkle girl meets world gay awakening,0 +supposed homework school ipad covered tears bruva screen working fuck american school system pointless makes want milk,0 +@RealHatter She's on vacation. ,0 +school handling virus school malaysia temperature checks every morning asked practice social distancing principle actually yelled classmates one fine recess morning social distance since class one first block plus principle loud voice left class inspect classes find anything wrong everyone heard sat tables anyways hope everyone keeps safe pandemic overcome this,0 +"Look, I finally managed to connect the Internet to my phone ",0 +wandering local library browsing vhs tapes saw movie made mouth dropwaterbabies hoping see movie againits years since saw cablemovie channel around recalled good many detailsgrimes particular son watched itbr br he agreed grimes not nice best way describe love tom accepted that amazing still recalled songs too stuck head yearswhich means memorableness ehbr br its good childs movie parental guidance case questions children go nobilitysociety timeframe children faced daily except lucky ones try disneycoat movies making pc children days mean cruelty existor even still doesnt enjoyed animation disney no think bluth touched paintbrush moviebr br theres lot going it though david plays two roles i really like him james too waterbabies cute feel sorry tom root him billie extraordinary multirole part playingits eyes magickal im huge fan woo tlwtw company and looking forward hp filed along kind movies yes jumps water suicide jumped trusted lady blackshed appearing alongbr br i think good movie kids pick rental copy happen locate buyable copy let know where ian liked it br br dee,0 +The annual depression has set in. Put everything on hold till at least mid-June #bipolar,1 +sadly dead yet please pray die sleep tonightthank dead yet,1 +last night i had a bad night and a lot of suicidal thought i spend probably hr thinking if it wa worth it or not i didn t do it of course this morning my friend texted me and told me she dream that i killed myself in front of her she doesn t know i have depression and an eating disorder now i m scared that if i ever kill myself she s going to blame herself she told me that in the dream she felt guilty because she wa there,1 +i m yet thinking of earthquake in abruzzo italy,0 +im sorryim sorry disappointing mom dad know im strong smart kid wanted im weak ugly faggot im sorry gay im sorry ugly im sorry fat im sorry turning like this im worthless know that everyone remembers remind every single day truth cant fight back im sorry weak im sorry hurting tyler really wish turned different im glad still friends wish ruin like everything else im sorry making spend time me im sorry people associate now im sorry way ive changed you im sorry everything ive done friends im sorry making look me im truly sorry everything hope forgive over,1 +"I love it when a customer loves my products! I always get nervous that they won't like it, but this lady is just thrilled beyond belief! ",0 +@1txsage1957 you're welcome! ,0 +deep space floating suffocatingall around me darkness see me emptiness spacewheres everyone else me reaching hand out emptiness coldi cry loudest cry someone hold was isis emptiness heart calling medo leave me alone floating fearhelp me hold me nobodys near maybe loneliness ends shut eyesand everyone crowds fall groundbut land earth belowbut six feet under feel belong hear wish thereto hold me keep strongbut know could awarewhen fought battles life longso please call out save darkand grant wish keep mind stilldont let drown black space bleakand give light strength by fyzan_fyzz space,1 +fought roblox guy fought got salty basically long story short kid called furry called smutt writer saying weird stuff friend internet got arguement caused us end dueling game called vertigo roblox settle wether furry smutt writer called rematch saying miscounted judge guy watching us said rematch pretty sure sure rematch got annoyed kicked discord group alongside judge guy atleast im furry,0 +oh crap rainingi hate rain depresses mood,1 +@koriannespeaks I plan on going. ,0 +glad grew simping pokimane watching stupid pokmon shit waste money dumb pokmon cards donate money pokimane even reads name want one day might bf knows,0 +send link post ill give award got free award reddit thought pay forward please link reddit post fee deserves award btw applause award,0 +"@karinb_za no, luckily not it seems ",0 +bleach on my hair for the third time in four day ho hummm got to go out later to post the gazillion thing ive sold too bad,0 +feminine man death sentence societytitle believe third time posting sub thing keeping alive right music fact september ill buy gaming pc know ill live long tbh completely unwanted women get basic respect anyone men women every day painful honestly know even posting here guys obviously cant help me,1 +ou encor mieux fais le si qd c est possible pen e ttes le pers de mon entourage ou proche amp largemt ttes le pers qui comprennent p le concept de douleurs fatigue handic et ou de d pression ttes le pers qui pensent q la motiva est le rem de miracle tt,1 +crush groped me little forewarning go somewhat depth touched friends told crush f m her friends along time hoping would pass off fast forward days walk biology class surprise sat class chose seat next me we hybrid schedule share environmental bio class teacher told us partner table partner grouped work learning module pretty shy first min say much decided break silence ask day went back forth there started talk sperate live going talking tried look chest she wearing somewhat reavling shirt period time started get off started share mentioned uncle arrested something tried put hand thigh comforting manner ended turning side could face hand landed crotch area immediately fell silent faces flushed red neither us moved felt like hr and yes includes hand use akwardly sitting started feel thumb move back forth thing whole time sorta stared chromebook screen course guy girl falling last years puts hand it got noticbly harder rest period kept hand continued work module days since occured go back monday mind still stuck analyzing happened do,0 +headtotail thank you i feel sad but hope we can give her a nice life til the end now,0 +"#PrenatalAlcoholExposure a major cause of harm to brain development, resulting in vulnerability, risk, and development of #BehavioralHealth problems, including anxiety, depression, #suicidality, #OpioidUseDisorders, violence, and trauma.",1 +found old teacher tv series nice,0 +years ago friend got one friends video michael mann film heat it finished movie stand up saw another film after tough cassettes envelope owner write up yet glued back seats distinct opening lacked creditsbr br some two hours later sat wondering could heard masterpiece beforebr br this film europa lars von trier woke film noir dead deconstructed reality intentionally obvious sets yet often haunting similarity postwar german photographs saw tricky cutsbr br the story hardtotake moral odyssey happy end young american pacifist german descent comes postwar germany intent good pay bombs countrymen dropped mostly meets distrust selfdestructive defiance hires zentropa diningandsleepingcar company modeled mitropa whose owner one nazi collaborators occupiers whitewash hero falls love daughter later turns member werewolf nazi postwar terrorists understand world or europeans anymore rage blows railroad bridge train savedbr br as final note historical correctness real world werewolf nowhere important film implies mostly final nazi propaganda coup ss unit assassinated major alliedoccupied aachen two months capitulation nazis announced creation whole legions saboteurs terrorists ready fight behind lines werewolf hundred mostly hitler youth received training two three times deployed murder suspected communists forcedlabourer foreigners bavarian villages imprint lasting fear inhabitants hitlers death wars end fell apartbr br however werewolf propaganda profound effect occupiers feared werewolf everywhere suspected behind serious accident without exception another cause found later ignored recent pseudohistorians example gas main exploded police hq bombedout bremen soviet military commander died motorbike accident berlin effect strongest soviets arrested tens thousands in large part children preemptively suspicion werewolf closed prison camps lot died,0 +birthday dayand lie alone floor day write redflag note phone short devoid drama basic information even really goodbye theres point anymore first ive followed before never even got right deleted note tried happy make everyone else happy arms freshly bleeding again like often is enough im hollow empty like ive always been feel nothing except thats true feel something cant describe it disappointment disgust sadness change fix things could fix many problems never myself things broken ever put back together sometimes worth taping back place one last time sometimes know time let go,1 +want die hard im living constant painim pain starting feel physical life sucks getting worse hate thinking everyone living best lives hate deal misery every day day long suffer severe depression body dismorphia eating disorders im good anything personality sucks body sucks well worse im even able decent human relationships im basically fucking loser ive trying get help much can even professionals thing keep telling everything temporary everything get better sooner later even though ive dealing years believe them doubt really understand even though keep explaining explaining anyways everyday fucking torture absolutely end everything soon fucking tired also say hang everything get better it bullshit happen say that life actually beautiful try just positive uu let tell something fuck you soon find something effective end fucking misery im gonna one stop me,1 +minute still hate life,0 +chinese government rn mf uworstestgrammar bought whole fucking platoon tanks probably spent enough buy least new concentration camps,0 +could remake country would change social issues economy education laws ect project im school create political party beliefs would class vote think best want see everyones ideas would change edit mean country country preferably usa,0 +supposed computer programmeri finished college got ba computer information systems social anxiety disorder ptsd never passed interviews programming position job hated years started going back college second degree japanese goal teaching english abroad failed interviews need happy friendly plus guy ive relying spelling grammar check decade now cut it finished second degree yet family asking coding bootcamps seem make people successful trying code reminds matter like first interview time wasted it gotten programming job would probably enough experience go japan now seems hopeless life competition likable always lose guess ill live potential working restaurant forever,1 +first attempt soonfor solid year told things get better continuously get worse pushed every single friend away due depression one left broke boyfriend years months ago biggest mistake life even speak me good state mind thought best fucked am person close mother left go rehab gone months go days without talking anyone fact think anyone would notice absence days longer shitty job hate cant drive one teach me live brother father terrible relationship dad good brother literally never speaks avoids me thing makes happy cat ive struggled depression entire life im tired fighting never pays off mental illness runs deep family mom severely bipolar think too told therapist symptoms gave weird look even acknowledge said ive tried get help im burden everyone try even talk anyone im depressing stress out reason ever attempted mom heartbroken would be learned something tried kill multiple times growing know care would done me care then feel like perfect time since away even care physical pain anymore want it think whole life leading this actually feel ease peaceful right feel like gonna relatively soon need worry anymore feels right,1 +can not find her phone,0 +death avenge meif kill tonight parent pretend care love hurt till death get taste medicine worse death them people society looks them destroy entire family get suffer more drive crazy push edge wish dead iwish answers yes mom probably die father live longer ensure everyone suffers more dont get wrong wanna kill regardless would nice payed off,1 +ay bois yall heard zenith mmo vr mmo poggers preorders start tomorrow want dm link discord,0 +Goodnight Twitter-peeps. As @lostgirl66 would say - "Dream Dangerously!" ,0 +mmmmmmm favourite gorillaz songs are dare rhinestone eyes also goodnight going sleep,0 +i don t want to be alive anymore i hate being here all i want to do is self harm and cry i hate being in college and i think about hanging myself in my dorm everyday i ve already tried but wa too much of a pussy to do so because i didn t want to disable myself i ve already tried to reach out for help but it didn t help i wa sent to an intensive outpatient program and it hasn t helped nothing help i just want to put myself out of my misery,1 +@fuzzyorange Im preparing some heckling material for your CF+pdf session btw if you want to cover images and compression feel free ;),0 +i feel like my body is just a piece of meat i m forced to watch destroy itself it s like there is beeings inside it me and an animal that doe and interacts dumb and not a it should and i can t change that a i am not the one doing all of this bad thing but the other beeing here is some context so you don t think im a serial killer im i m in my last year of highschool and i got big final exam that will decide if i go to college or not or a my dad say if i get to live a nice life and have a good job or be unemployed and a shadow that cover the earth with no meaning or purpouse my mom is the one that understands me better and try to help me and belief i will make it in life she even decides to lie for me regarding some bad grade so my dad doesn t get pissed off i am doing extremely bad in school math is my kryptonite when i say i do extremely bad in school what i mean is i can t get myself to study i have some decent grade but not anything crazy let say im doing okay besides math oh boy at math i have a strict teacher that look like jabba from star war im a hypocrite also everytime i get a math test i feel like i did okay only to see my grade and be disappointed in myself i really don t like studying right now im doing this to avoid doing my homework i i feel like i am watching myself ruin my life and i can t do anything i feel like i m watching myself act like i shouldn t there s no worse feeling than knowing you are wrong but can t change yourself i just want to get my exam and make my parent proud i don t want to make my mom sad anymore but my other side would do anything but what it should im honestly soo dumb i wish i could get myself to do this every second of my existence i think about my exam how am i going to fail them and how i can t change this this is beyond pathetic some people have serious issue yet im making all of this bullshit in my brain im just soo stressed everytime i wish i could just get a seizure and end this im sorry i don t even know what help should i ask for even if i get any advice i can t guarantee ill take them my brain is on another level of fuckery i ll end this rant in a positive note i hope i m doing my homework and i understand it while you are reading this i really hope i make it past this month after im done with my final,1 +death welcoming meits kind strange lately every time think redflag every time see something sharp feel someones drawing lines wrist even though cut throat thats noose supposed be im partially worried a honestly give shits anything anymore lost ability feel things long ago b im afraid strange used think sad people would killed myself one cares me actually kind welcoming guys think im setting goal living january although goal seeming less less likely days ill honestly surprised live past september know guys really tempting answer calls something holding back knows maybe post get lost sea posts thanks anyone reads feels nice get,1 +whats therefeels stupid write this im trying beat alcholism anxiety loneliness failed everyone them maybe time wont failure good bay thanks reddit made day last years,1 +long wait supposed redflag prevention lifelineive chats website hour still says youre line normal tell many people ahead line need talk someone issues im having,1 +nice & quiet in office 2day ,0 +please help mei need someone care are please get night know whats happening theres much going head please help me want die,1 +@pulpjedi we have tons of newspaper but if you want to bring some too ,0 +want end tonightnothing changed since im depressed stuck room friends social skills gotten worse quite bad already first place sucks everything else life seems great make good money great family mom sister im healthy im good looking whats point end day im feeling lonely cant keep conversation another human go days without saying word blah blah blah im done whining im omw downtown chicago jump one high scrapers right,1 +think messed first impression crush today okay riding bike go see crush first time wind blowing hair around like crazy ruined hair im scared crush think im ugly wont consider dating first impression bad also didnt make laugh today,0 +want want diebut do mom passed away earlier year accidental i believe overdose oxycodone prescribed take daily person one felt could rely on anyone world matter happens gone want go her boyfriend broke night struggling feel strongly me initiated breakup painful see indecisive knew felt tearing apart im heartbroken cant hang circle friends without making feel awkward they friends first all instead playing dnd like every friday night im writing this would wish feelings worst enemy struggling too sorry life dealt hand wish anything something could it,1 +shoud tell school counselor selfharm suicidalhi dont really know dos donts u say counselor yes cant afford therapist yet im still college student wanna ask let parents know told selfharm im suicidal okay tell therapist told it wanna seek help dont know kind information thanks,1 +everything hurtsim fucking sick hurting time im scared afraid waking hours noone close dependant me would myself life fun anymore horrible thoughts often im empath cynic see much able understand half it ive contradiction years trying fight way modicum consistency makes burn im fire cant reach help life would destroyed little hope future seems far away ive squandered every opportunity ive life depression eating future ones too id rather die witness yesterday again im tired pain want stop aside trying hard drugs offing myself know else do,1 +make custom alarm got audio would perfect alarm,0 +ughhhhh i so didn t see that coming on house ilu bb,0 +feel like trying od desperately also dont want belike lady fahrenheit like shit probsbly easiest method also book made shit seem fucking scary get stomach pumped shit hope im remembering right book im gonna look like dumbass,1 +"Last time I checked, this is still a Free Country, and we have the Freedom of Tweet!!! Haha!! So relax please.... ",0 +comment post ill reply super toxic test me rumored killed ppl insults,0 +@15mab Tnx I'm glad u like the cover I just uploaded my new song "De Ti" let me know what u think http://bit.ly/fYy2U ....love Dalila,0 +i want ffxii really bad i never got a chance to play it,0 +anybody wanna play xbox pretty bored last days wondering anybody wanted play xbox gamertag thoughtified got cod modern warfare rainbow six siege red dead redemption dark souls honor minecraft sea thieves shoot dm reddit xbox wanna play,0 +hopefully get adviceso ive issues best friend past weeks guy anxiety anger issues cant take start breaking school crying getting mad friends dont know help kid always best friend close dont know move on need things go back way were hangs everyone else friend awkward always giving bad looks anyone help would great cant let things go ocd hard me ive cut wrist everyday past week healthy according everyone get say attention nobody understands want end,1 +close jumping bridge cant get minda couple weeks ago horrible relationship person lets name annie good toward eachother nowhwre blocked told wouldnt work upset enough make title says things compiled on proceeded harassed one friend groups kinda like i told so rough uses languages unfriended blocked me now really dumps then word got very large chat news spread extremely sensitive cant take things well unplugged one set mind it walked road left ramp led bridge right highway remembered staring racing cars below scared began climb fence police sirens came body froze shock becuase realized doing brought local hospital treated social services said alright go back home seeking therapy time taking forever get back me thoughts still mind really know cope thoughts approach them want forget it dont know how,1 +created originally named mortimer walt disney changed name because wife convinced him mickey mouse become staple disney brand always thought cartoon first ever cartoon feature mickey fact third matter six minute animated short enjoyable story sees mickey piloting steamboat captain pete takes bridge stopping pick cargo minnie mouse missing boat lifted drops music sheets goat eats them mickey helps crank tail play tune getting animals percussion pete comes along stop him making mickey peel potatoes mickey mouse number greatest pop culture icons number greatest cartoons good,0 +help help someonemy girlfriend told me wouldve killed herself suicidal life now mental health problems weve dating year now told quite recently knows going it breaks heart suffering much know things going really badly her home life great neither school everytime ask ok shed say am ever gets major mood swings im worried her tried therapy seeing psychiatrist counselling multiple times says none works given up tells sad hurts shes constantly exhausted death would like coming home her im worried her ive trying get excersize morning keep waking ive heard helps know know helps figured guys could help help her want make life little bit easier her anything help im grasping straws here whats something love someone else you something might make feel bit better know right sub anyone knows something wanting die itd guys right know thing it,1 +when all i did wa be there for her i drove fucking mile when her anxiety wa about to make her pas out when her parent wouldn t understand even when she left and there were pregnancy scare and thought of him leaving and now the whole town know me a a fucking rapist and stalker even though we only kissed once i know this is going to sound fucked up even worse but i genuinely can t take the lie no one should get away with doing that to someone else and i really don t think im going to let her i really really really really don t want to but it s all i can think about god help me,1 +rented zero day local video store last week never heard film reservations it looking box knew film indie film therefore quality going less mainstream film br br i tell finished watching zero day immediately started beginning again film clearly following basic outline happened columbine high school april struck believable two lead actors were first time watching film entirely sure watching actual tapes left behind shooters columbine back mind knew watching could real time acting convincing keep giving head shake br br is film disturbing absolutely going see things make question merit film probably think people find disturbing actually feelings two lead characters calvin andre played cal robertson andre keuck problematic people calvin andre planning massacre high school know myself felt immense sadness andre calvin empathy lives come horrific point fallen deeply cracks begun journey road could stopped people around taken notice plight br br zero day phenomenal film gives close personal look events us ever see conclusion news leaves thinking lives involved leaves perplexed people get point week seeing film still think itbr br those seen zero day please keep mind following film independent little budget film shot camcorders material film disturbing mainstream hollywood happy ending br br but put aside zero day film stick maybe help open eyes little,0 +i ve been dealing with serious depression for the last 0 year one huge thing is the mental fatigue i m always feeling in my head making it hard to get up and do thing what have you done to help relieve that so thing are much easier to do and enjoy i m planning on switching job but the mental exhaustion is making so hard to go for it so any advice would be amazing,1 +Celebrated family birthday in the morning. Now some hard work and tonight picnic with brännboll ,0 +choosing diei thinking start planning killing myself write abusive parents inherit money give away shit make peace god take overdose see reason choose die,1 +extremely jealous,0 +"@jmarrapodi LOL! Perhaps, but a tongue-twisting title sure does make people wonder, eh? ",0 +someone talk pleasei friends awake realized need talk someone epiphany life think spiraling failure know im afraid this want kill gets worse care family think feel know depression pass onto kill myself frankly care going difficult think put aside feelings go away blackness ease consider pretty good redflag ive tried failed twice know dos dos know go pawn shop wait background check walk pistol tomorrow walmart hunting store straight gun store want talk maybe convince pull life together fighting hopeless person doubt it also want vent life,1 +zombie chronicles something shout about obvious award winning movie entertaining bmovie directed brad sykes directed camp blood another entertaining low budget flick acting bad like cheaply made movies thats makes entertaining zombie makeup cool effective especially budget gore also great gross film sort like zombie version tales crypt since get two tales zombie encounters woods stories fun leave guessing especially first tale zombie chronicles lot better low budget zombie movies there love low budget bmovies cheaply made zombie flicks check zombie chronicles,0 +What a lovely Saturday morning! I love winter ,0 +for a far a i could remember i wa always depressed and hopeless i wa always the mediator so i took in all the negative energy from others and let everyone use me like a emotional punching bag i grew up in a very dysfunctional way and i don t want to share it exactly but i want it to be known not only that but i have been fucked at every turn in life i ve been sexually manipulated almost burned alive neglected and i ve been told to just deal with it even though it pained me extraordinarily so the biggest thing that made me want to commit wa when my father passed and ever since i felt suicidal last march i wa going through some bad memory and i wa just being extremely depressed i remember waking up at am and numb in every conceivable way emotionally mentally and physically it wa like i wa in a trance and before i knew it i wa making a noose when i wa done i went outside and found a tree to tie the noose on and then before i did it i snapped out of it i remember just standing there and looking at the noose for good minute or so and then i chickened out i took the noose and threw it behind my shed and went to talk to suicide hotline sometimes i feel like i should ve just ended it then and there i still get so depressed and angry that i just have no idea on what to do that urge is creeping back and i feel more of a waste of space than ever what should i do,1 +Just watched last weeks sytycd. Their bodies are amazing...like whoa. Now we're watching full house ,0 +hate living whats newive depressed long time years mainly stemming couple points im smart struggled heres thing cant even type damn post cant even find energy that studying lectures recorded im not keep letting fall farther farther behind like complete moron piece shit right want die think want even went bought tank helium could gas myself sit huge pussy even want type anymore want end life ampxb typed couple days ago bit settled still think im going end life probably end month campus night way makes ruckus next day want keep living life anymore matter life always struggle might well get done waiting around suffer more end month keep trying therapy keep trying catch school work already know end month take life ampxb think best option ill make one post around th oct,1 +sexy girl one piece sex vedio porn flower pornstar white boy fucking black girlfriend no sex depression pic.twitter.com/uvQWxeZy63,1 +help guys friend turn days want buy first laptop desperately needs one due online college semesters cannot afford one due financial condition decided tutor students math statistics help funds anyone needs math statistics tutoring reasonable rate please dm set schedule asap ,0 +turned heres piece advice anyone still kid please live can go friends vandalize shit make memories bc gonna end sooner think,0 +imma real absolutely fucking terrified parents especially terrified tell mental health ask anything,0 +sub teacher bullied ampxb httpspreviewredditbfpzphepijjpgwidthampformatpjpgampautowebpampscbccabedefaccfcfd,0 +mizzzidc i know this will spiral me back to depression of all thing to spiral one back to depression you chose this ya just mental is your shoe that precious you own mother fah mehn gtfoh,1 +long rant from a person with a diagnosed anxiety disorder tl dr at the bottom got yelled at by my bos today it s my first week working here someone ordered room service he said his food wa cold so i returned to the kitchen to ask for another dish to be made and i d hand deliver it myself so it would be piping hot i wanted to prevent this becoming a complaint so wanted to deal with it quickly returned to the kitchen manager wa sorting out further order with two other member of staff he wa in a hurry to leave so needed the order out he started barking and i mean barking order at me and i said one sec just going to ask the chef to got interrupted got told he didn t give a flying fuck that it could wait another hour and that i wa being the worst employee he had ever had a i wa being argumentative even though i never responded to him after my initial sentence of wait a sec bear in mind he s lost two member of staff since i started two week ago due to them finding work elsewhere and all i wa trying to do wa keep up customer satisfaction said resident left a negative review on the hotel website saying that a nice girl me had respectfully answered his complaint but upon phoning down to add something to his meal the manager told him that he would have to wait and he didn t care if the resident left a bad review and encouraged him to do so and when i finally came up with his food he apologised profusely he said from the attitude he got on the phone that he belief he got me in trouble and that he wa really sorry so in his review he wrote that i wa nice and the manager wa off putting and rude another employee stated that he told the resident he didn t give a fuck and had better thing to do with his time than chase after lazy people who couldn t come down to the restaurant for their dinner i never specified what happened to the resident and simply denied that i had gotten into trouble i just apologised for the long wait said everything wa fine the kitchen wa just backed up and left anyways i get paid minimum wage to not get my break minimum wage to get yelled at and told if i don t get my break then you don t either isn t fair especially considering i d been there for hour already and he had been there for 0 minute and wa leaving in an hour this entire incident resulted in me suppressing a panic attack for the remaining hour of my shift so when i left the building i broke down in tear and my mom had to pick me up off the ground don t suppress panic attack people it ll come back around honestly just not cut out for this my anxiety make me overthink thing so i can t even tell whether there is anything i could ve done differently here i just want to cry and i have work again in a few hour and he s going to be there and i m just upset i m never going to get rid of my anxiety disorder he just kindly reminds me every day tl dr got yelled at by my manager for trying to prevent an issue becoming a complaint it became one because of him and i got blamed for it get paid minimum wage work long hour and get no break can t quit because i m already a disappointment,1 +i m really cold i don t want to go to sleep yet but there s nothing to do,0 +want carry onfeel like spoiled child title is ill attempt brief can failing uni im sure care degree music anyway close friend usually helps things response them mean world me late respond start freaking much trust etc valid reasons story way long telling here point weve patched things since drama past since ive lost turned nothing im posting instead id really rather make mistake again basically im dead weight hope future ive dragged hurt others im really questioning point continuing ever get say right tried give now no obviously dont live keep everyone else happy hear see now redflag never answer,1 +holy shit typing password computer realized messed pressing enter erased characters ended correct password without clicking see character ive stopped in,0 +see soon boys turning porn taking homework folder way hiding porn want remember link hiding post going history looking hidden dont expect anyone care im gonna deleting reddit couple months cant think girl without thinking something sexual lmao im fucking neek see ya soon boys may god hardy times,0 +"@curious1966 Not sure, depends on who wants a piece of the Critic. This republican chick almost got it last night, but she was an idiot. ",0 +cheeselovermax add talk,0 +goodnight yall appreciate yous,0 +Hey Everyone ,0 +step dad crazy says america best country tell norway better statically happer is says redflag rate higher look lower every chart look lower americans crazy america get american,0 +watching film caused quite emotional reaction todays documentaries about refreshing watch something personal honest real mr blocks thoughts opinions disclosure rarely seen days incredibly well displayed here fine line walk personal truth exploitation film treads carefully quite successfullybr br one would think learning seemingly normal couple falls short societys expectations would give birth pessimismbut doesnt quite opposite made feel good feel know marriageabout womenbr br definitely check out itll make think exactly good documentary designed do,0 +want die particular reasoni pretty bad anxiety depression ive suicidal thoughts never point making plans last couple months ago is anytime im alone sometimes first wake get overwhelming sense dread want die start thinking ways it badly dont want live life isnt bad theres lot stress could worse dont want feel like anymore even im writing feel urge hate im scared tell anyone parents cant afford pay treatment sure hell cant,1 +it all depends on how this go im 0yo male who just got engaged around month ago we were planning on getting married and having kid together soon both started work at the same company making quite good money but recently she tell me her feeling for me have changed that she love me but isnt sure we should stay together she feel attracted to a female coworker of hers that is heterosexual so will never return that attraction we ve decided to spend 9 day in an airbnb together to see if we can save the relationship but she told me today it not looking good also she revealed that coworker thing only today i ve been staying at my parent house for around week now but on sunday will go to the airbnb i know you guy will tell me that she s not worth it but i can t change how i feel about her i wish some of y all that have gone through similar situation could maybe give me some advice how i could still save this if it doesn t work out i will either hang myself or obtain heroin to overdose on i have already written a suicide note and mentally been preparing myself i would do it on the last day while she s gone and ask her to come shortly before ending it or maybe even setting up a programme to send the message when i m already dead this is so that she would find me and inform my relative early enough call me an asshole but i think that the people that know me including her would learn from my death to treat people with more respect in the future if all go well i will continue living if not so be it the note punchline is i said i wanted to spend the rest of my life with you well there s nothing that can change that anymore now,1 +want make militia eventually want across nation would split foot soldiers doxerspeople location people groups im looking centrists right wing would countering beating anchercists antifa go could call soyboy hunting everyone join dont care from racecolor gender sexual preference know must people app would want this,0 +need motivation school im adhd learning disabilities absolutely hate school although all got fs classes refused work since im sophomore year theres law called no child left behind something kid get held back stuff want good year graduate get degree not school im adult,0 +"@Ronnie1977 No, I've finished a whole bottle of wine by myself. No biggie really. My shrink said a bottle once in a while won't hurt you. ",0 +Good Morning Everyone! My heart is happy and smiling this morning. I hope your's is too ,0 +ready give upim junior college completely miserable depression anxiety since high school parents never understood problems helicoptertiger parents ive therapy medication recently went one best mental hospitals state luck used ambitious person really well school im failing courses motivation continue im major chosen parents hate feel motivated start again friends resources therapistspsychiatrists incredibly booked get appointment soon want withdraw school know ill do especially go live parents hate everything life cant picture getting better future many people told almost every year gets better gotten worse me know want live depressionanxiety anymore especially one talk to reason attempted redflag yet im scared fail know anymore,1 +i recently asked out my crush she seemed positive about it but didn t give me a clear answer i asked if we could talk about it today and we did she told me she would like to o go out with me but she doesn t feel ready to be in a relationship she would ve said yes if i had waited a bit longer i am just so disappointed in myself everytime i am near happiness i screw everything up i hate myself,1 +I didnt realise how busy I am this week. I need to invest in an diary / organiser lol ,0 +whats favourite episode show ever ive ran ideas mines season episode crowd stole post raskreddit,0 +in the last month since june 0 i have made bad decision after bad decision to the point where i have completely screwed my life apart i lost my gf because of it i lost my mentor which i loved so much because of it i am in major debt because of it the last month messed my life up and i know it s because of me i end up hurting everyone i love i loved them both so much i have been telling myself the same thing over and over again if i 00 knew that i wa going to heaven if i wa 00 sure that i wa going to god i would have killed my self a long time ago,1 +man forget im horribly blind without contacts really cant see far take out damn,0 +people heartlessa long ago posted question reddit asking question people but mainly women case seem dislike got hateful replies downvotes response wondering seemingly disliked and also girls ive talked say im great guy suddenly remove contact rude or least never intention come across way all everyone trying assume worst like im kind creep baited arguing one twits responding decided stand ground ended crushing even further seriously ive even suicidal and know sound problematic things also contributing big part way feel now continuing bother me people hateful last time suicidal people ignored drove past exist might well fucking exist anyway right people cold fucking hurts want die much embarrasses even sharing species people understand ever treat people kindly friendly always get treated like trash,1 +kmsing one weekjust title says,1 +movie cable sporadically never really watched it thinking would similar bruce willis film n america usual trite story american freedom etc not much morebr br of course martin sheen excellent i never seen movie loved even script bad talented kathy bates overbearing mom great job real surprise emilio estevez always greatest films also directed movie please stereotype breakfast club movie much better this wish would noncommercial atypical hollywood moviesbr br the film realistic see emilio home vietnam thanksgiving kimberly williams passable sister feels disgraced embarrassed returning soldier brother quite alienated family and especially time us history story relevantbr br i learned great deal posttraumatic stress genuinely empathize character violent journalistic portrayal like platoon example character study leaves us even intrigued concerned effects war especially one considers young age soldiers victims todays violence rare movie causes one genuinely feel sad shed tear it deserves recognition,0 +peculiar movie themes end days satan versus jesus treated new fashion jesus want open two last seals satan thwarted attempt get another soul hell armageddon armageddon jehosaphat turns company book life little hard openbr br whats memorable movie slanted image outoffocus shots light effects effective sometimes irritating course donovan great disillusioned jesus trying come terms world people become so see get opportunity,0 +up early ish to study before getting taken to lunch but then i have to come back from lunch and study more,0 +owww just hit my elbow really hard on a door,0 +get christmas so christmas like corner time see wanna get idk wanted guys help decide ive thinking maybe bycicle like ipad pro maybe even oculus quest dont games play vr feel like bycicle much extremely want ipad would love could give ideas really dont know gaming stuff doesnt go bucks would nice like wifi router like razer sila dont know would really satisfactory open cant mod laptop rtx anything im screaming inside please help sorry wall text im desperate know get please help ,0 +ever walk around night think easy would step street let car hit you damn beautiful night see stars smell scent fresh rainso easy kill moments beautiful wish life would always like that nights too nights try sleep nights like even good music help nights want someone hold lap tell everything fine time time cant run away work busy living life inescapable hide yourself,1 +stressing upcoming exam ampxb httpspreviewredditihqgnwifospngwidthampformatpngampautowebpampscfefaacdeb,0 +"Sat in the sun, stuff I should be doing in the garden but it's too nice ",0 +"@nadhiluak why limit your story to 140 ch. Tell all what is annoying you at www.iamsoannoyed.com ,it will help relieve your stress ",0 +happens drink expired morphine i got expired morphine dad got for cancer surgery ask would happen drink lot it expired shit still od it,1 +think sister gay saw couple posts social media tagged friend girl posts usually memes relationships stuff captions like this like sister when back high school also girl gay super friendly her cousins friend knew girl also told something two back then hope im overreacting im getting suspicious turns true support sister want happy im sure family react this theyre pretty traditional sister prettiest among us siblings plus talented always gets teased chased boys time,0 +im also bored ask questions im male us,0 +guys listening to hey guys give good song recommendations song catchy beat tune,0 +"@bruno_the_kid failure yesterday sorry, ahaha",0 +one last postive posted times lost track got better mother still narcissist dads still barley ever around even anger issues friends would still much better without me still nobody loves me im still horrible personim still lonely im still sad still anxiety im still ugly waste space still fault molested im still tired this sunday am im going take gun put bullet skull week goodbyes storing wisdom might friends making wills redflag notes unless someone talk week im done,1 +guess im back againi cant tell anymore bad person matter fucking do someone hurt me even simple small incident every single friend lover crossed line me awful deserve things friend cross line me stupid fucking thing ever do fucking game stupid fucking game decided take anger me screamed insulted me knowing full well past cannot handle things like that fuck think anyone even theyve normal past would deserve things screamed me cant talk right now mental safety cannot hurt her lover told happened told cannot talk time hurt assumed wrong did point relationship back want justify myself automatically assume issues screamed like that want hear full story understand me people things did excuse excuse behaviour even going tough time like suggested still excuse behaviour things people care about done fucking done done life people relationships cant anymore want anymore done crying done cutting done abuse every fucking thing ever deserve treatment,1 +im done lifes fucking over dont wanna deal shithole longerim gonna sound like fucking incel rn whatever whenever try meaningful relationship wasting many resources shot down hurts waste life endless cycle of like someone try make move rejected try move on repeat ive tried improve myself ive fucking changed half interests hobbies people waste always shot down none friends try support me did say dont bother move on dont even know try elude believing theres chance lie saying theres good shot know never be yet still try anyway always ends same tears pain suffering painful cycle pain want of wanna meaningful happy relationship longer goes seems like pipe dream im sorry youve read far need vent get fucking brain text god want fucking ending could im addicted cycle see through hate life hate everything,1 +finishedi letting go today medicine warn care anymore tried tortured life itself cannot endure anymore tried much could never really afraid it mostly heart refused gone nothing stopping me originally trying make others dont anymore one would hurt this always much could others tried make look okay them pushed away abandoned hurt anything else tired abandoned hurt others over never got better me years tried gave all,1 +i tried to end my misery last week but my boyfriend intervened since then he told me he is emotionally checked out but yet we are still together i m so confused he won t touch me or kiss me he rarely smile at me or converse with me when he get home from work i feel so alone i literally have no one to all to about how i feel or what i am going through besides my dog,1 +@Karen230683 Trying to be positive! Pain isn't much better but looking on the bright side thanks hun x,0 +finally ready dieive come realization life me im meant find love im meant meanigful friendships anyone im supposed alive enjoy anything anymore nothing makes happy people lie make feel better nothing genuine always someone better im always one left out im always one deal alone accept it im tired accept fucking alone fuck everyone else passing blame onto anyone tried tried meet people long time now ive tried daily cant shit anymore im tired fucking excuses im sick overall life gives fuck anymore hope left heart im done torturing self therapy work meds work extracurricular actives help nothing helps ive tried much cope feel better life end day im alone one fucking person life tosses fuck aside chance fucking gets im tired it im fucking tired lies much anyone elses dont care iwant fucking die dont care hurt fucking process,1 +tried buy razors venti tried buy razors intent slitting wrists time month forgetting so non home would even remotely sharp enough im sitting outside store feeling like idiot failed attempt even attempting cant even fucking right expect anything else right,1 +rootbeerfloats you hate billy now,0 +exam update weeks passed know nobody cares im happy days enduring stressful shit exams see yall next week,0 +im gonna list stuff hate hopefully make feel better hate myself month march sad distance fact dont anyone near cuddle without serious effort body torso specifically height fact cant pierce ears fact im still scared ordering clothes want fact cant think straight sad seasons milk isnt bad caesar dressing too creamy vinegary size ribs long ness torso fact one laying rn school grade teachers grades capitalism copy pasted personality applies many people around age homework im behind on director life experiences lack thereof shitty lungs tall ass head flat ass hair much say without saying anything meaningful skinny arms non functional adhesives led lights cold weather hot weather waking am people directly shaming instead giving really specific indescribable looks football its boring looking colleges want go detail,0 +Surgery on arms was a success and will continue PT to refine more range of motion. Thanks for all prayers and fingers being crossed.,0 +sunny & 90. i luv washin my truck in my bikini bottoms. does that make me a redneck or a democrat??? ,0 +hard ive known girl since ten really like her told liked met know super well were practically siblings want tell like also dont want make relationship wired,0 +Drag me to hell was both funny & scary . & Ben&Jerry's was good . Now I'm home someone call me ,0 +favorite deodorant scent love love love one smells like baby powder shit im girl tho,0 +Three cheers for Harry Potter ! ,0 +Today is a very very sad day..... Thank goodness for IOU's ,0 +usually every day is a battle but today especially it feel like i m going to explode i know i will get through it but i know it ll also be painful i m already tired and just woke up ugh,1 +guys watch gay porn get rid morning wood since im straight watching gay porn turns sexually find get rid morning wood much faster wait normally suggest anyone try next time need get rid boner,0 +plucky sounds like insult honestly opposite one though descriptor someone brave determined,0 +idk anymorei really cant anymore life going downhill like literally wanna die time now friends family stresses much want happy want good grades want skinny want actual friends count on miss people me god getting bad never thought would back point,1 +"@AskDrKassam Fantastic to meet you, Doc. I'm glad what I spoke about was so helpful to you. Can't wait to see how it comes through!",0 +damn it god hell looks cool like i rewatched hazbin one sec early s radio talk show hosts power gods ratcheted wasteland fighting laws hell ya beacause stuff watchplay connection hell helltaker mmmmmmm fuck want go hell,0 +think aftermath death people life dont think theyve treated mei abused neglected mistreated entire life every antiredflag thing get told always level think youll leave behind fair parents treated terribly frankly huge part im fucked up think theyve never expected fix way treat me,1 +human hearts look like kidney beans reality hearts drawn way weird dislike,0 +ealing studios perfect film fresh relevant half century later day releasedbr br as satire economic notions growth commercial need inbuilt obsolescence could scarcely uptotheminute film said hero literally wears plotbr br oddly parallels jurassic park messing environment literally turn round bite you spielberg shied away books brilliant central conceit tack nonsense children hmmmbr br in man white suit alec guiness plays idealistic young scientist comes cloth never gets dirty never wears out suddenly workers capital northern english mill working united never protection livelihoodsbr br of course ealing comedy been complex interplay vested should suited interests plays beautifully one one parties realize progress threat disposability waste keep looms turningbr br but yes comedy albeit pointed one amid political ironies delicious performances good oldfashioned knockabout laughsbr br nonetheless biting satire endures dazzling white,0 +Right bed is calling nite all ,0 +go doctors go doctorsso basically im pretty sure anxiety depression lot stress im mainly depressed stressed past like years im girl live uk ive whole therapy thing million different people never really helped feel fine im talking ive left room feel always shitty havent seen therapist year hate it hate speaking answering questions hate telling stupid life story reading load files hate everything it like really nice people dont hate hate therapy really doesnt help me basically want try taking medication im dont know whether prescribe anything ive given pills sleep even though didnt really need problem wasnt couldnt get sleep avoided completely past week ive basically slept day watched netflix night havent really gone all want try pills see help want kill almost day dont want go doctor tell feel talk someone months dont know tbh cant deal bullshit anymore oh yeah also im actually diagnosed things thats part problem bc idk actually diagnosed first what,1 +instead celebrating valentines im celebrating year anniversary sonic movie,0 +know doi mean know do obviously im posting says something currently years ago life going great getting ready graduate high school id accepted one best colleges program exactly wanted loving whole family supporting parents saved enough scholarships id received could completely pay college now nothing changed im exactly be im years academic record noteworthy laudable financially im great place getting industry internships im track great success except im probably going kill day now somehow past years entire life became lifeless nothing changed surface everything tainted tinted grey like opening scenes wizard oz find joy anything anymore get sad either sometimes feel like crying screaming cant sometimes seems like everything sort goes back normal little while like im super busy something always comes back ive trying keep busy possible im wearing out end sleeping much wallowing it scare sometimes too know everyone invasive thoughts random things would never do mine really freak out sometimes ill find planing elaborate redflag schemes methods notes such nothing written down sometimes random self harm like stabbing again know im much pussy actually anything thats worst sometimes find looking around people around me thinking many people could kill police showed up would happen stabbed person best place put bomb would be makes sick stomach want kill it especially know could it nothing file would disqualify buying gun enough technical knowledge build bomb knifes pretty much everywhere wish id get run cement truck want tell anyone id probably put psych ward chance kill really goes window want put family that sister got trying kill herself actual reason severe physical pain months doped knows barely distinguishable heroin pain meds on think parents could take that within last months ive feeling way years trigger trauma went through rhyme reason im like this guess im fucked up im going anything tonight guess want help since im here,1 +im soooo readytonight would freakin perfecccttt feel like chicken knowing im probably gonna it whole bunch doses trazodone itll knock out ill cut deep bleed bathroom pass trazodone make pass first told mom love earlier today coincidence never tell love her girlfriend told comfortable discussing dangerous self harm habits love idea people looking back thought mourning gone soon god wanted one angels back etc etc sappy shit love much want dead long gone im fuckin ready past couple days ive dragging feet nothing dissociating get home self harm therapist told need grow meet halfway therapy otherwise ill never get better jokes though im never ever getting better,1 +im tempted kill selfi keep telling everyone think might depressed keep telling head normal feel shitty every day cant bare it every time im depressed recover week comes back cant fucking take anymore everyone else live like this,1 +Hmmmmmm armbar is on lockdown...... ,0 +what am i doing? im doing what you should be doing which is sitting here watching the stars and praying for miley!! GOOD LUCK!,0 +deepbluesealove your beau s not online tonight bummer for u and no music either,0 +hey girl making hey girl post need stop,0 +got midterms tomorrow wish luck bois w,0 +think ithello im years old live melbourne australia always thought sucide back head coming much harder time live home mother never says way wants gone cannot hold job matter ive gone countless jobs time time agian currently day week job fight somebody work uniform interview boss im sure im going let go stuck endless loop spending money drugs especially weed complete failure even born accident asphergers cannot hold friendships ive lost countless freinds ones knifes edge constant arguments weird tell people internet expressing feelings family friends terrifying im sick week week loose job tomorrow mother probably going kick ill homeless even happen cant stand disappointment anymore burden ive never life girlfriend fallen love never im going alone im lost want end im suffering depression anxiety im sick heavy feeling chest shortness breath made many bad decisions life ruined one ex best mates lives guilt tears apart want leave planet want go thank reading appreciate,1 +sick tired everything nothing helps anymore even know jm making post honestly becuase going chnage anything horrible pos partner left me mother nothing yell me talks hates wants gone genuinely cannot find anything else live for terribly school rest life going keep painful fucking struggle life want live anymore tired,1 +well meit good run lasted guess cant anymore everyone either hates afraid life going nowhere girlfriend probably going leave next days im done idk im posting cause time anybody even sees ill probably gone guess maybe like last words something really know anymore guess im saying goodbye,1 +need helpsomeone cares,1 +need helpi dont even know start writing this untreated adhd depression dont friends family parents passed away cant even take care properly live homeless shelter dont know else get back track cant find jobs cant relax cant sleep well cant stand still cant speak properly people like many years cant take anymore gotta something it really want end miserable living,1 +ever blind date da fuck blind date,0 +people always say theyre arentjust dont say youre going leave read even look message least send crisis hotline number leave misery really helpful polite thing do implied going kill days ago two people checked see fine left immediately after kind sad think gone besides parents two people might possibly feel obligated care it sad kind wanted people care know even im dead wont care one really care besides maybe strangers internet telling it want cry doesnt work everyone says im funny like conversations boring without dont mean it value theyd respond even saying im sorry happened you nothing tried normal ive tried histrionic cries help even could get people pretend care life clearly value death impact group atoms earth second gone next ive got one person talks dont breakdown dont want ruin christmas negativity every single night find wanting cry ive tried putting trauma paranoia behind me fiends online talk surface level stuff dont complain messages arent dry that surface level entire life crisis dont need hotline although nice send anyway people think care need friend goes well end complaining lonely am could never really get close people thought hated me didnt want get close people didnt want death drama affect them im alone,1 +suicidal message meif feeling suicidal message talk try help please message,1 +people understand tell evade answers feel like monstrosity shut blinds outside world hide away worry morning upcoming day night arrives fine right turns turbulent redflag night shake head one feels way take meds daily occurrence ever end hate paranoia internal mindset get told get better change try frankly thats never good answer,1 +"@SuperKawaiiMama Onya - it has to be matching of course! The colours are too kawaii and green being my favourite, just had to go for that ",0 +words hardly describe blue planet brought life hours runtime matching walking dinosaurs documentary stands one best pray bbc discovery channel come even outstanding ideas could possibly even level one,0 +opening a partially frozen beer beer on the toaster under the oven and all over the counter the kitchen smell like we run a speakeasy,0 +@trent_reznor That's truly excellent ,0 +my seat on my first plane better be next to @rhahnny ,0 +tumblr shitposts better shitposts sub need tumblrlike shitposts sub people like pukicho gaud favourites need better shitposts,0 +type wpm get wrecked fools haha prolly even good whatever one shitty mac keyboards idk ok keep scrolling,0 +@LisaMei62 That 98% tax for working class is what was talked about to cover Bernie's big ideas during the election. Think that's not possible - FDR did it during the depression - If you want to see what would be result of this plan - search Venezuela economic crisis,1 +get motivated song httpsyoutubefxctzceva,0 +im high kite gotta go home wish luck homies cant let parents find need tdream food alpacas cream like really galaxy stufff man wish luck homies woah,0 +scarletjac but not good for me close to my current challenge,0 +one thinks dating stupid like put much time effort every day lmao also calling lonely argument,0 +enjoyed criminal intent series law order long time kathryn erbe det alexandra eames female detective rather hard seems bit bitter criminal intent series see side moviebr br this movie shows marvelous soft side talented actresses criminal intent fan movie revelry acting get pretty darn good yarn family hardships southbr br i like albert finneys role movie convincing acting job older southern fellow hard headed intolerant unaccepting change reminds many men youth portrayal divine likely find hard like moviebr br katryn erbe easy like movie recommend star criminal intent law order fans,0 +broken silence race fear starring ariana richards william bumiller susan blakely tracy ellis ross teryl rothery scott vickaryous marissa rudiak ken camroux david neale bruce dawsondirector joseph scanlan screenplay sara charmo jean gennis phyllis murphybr br this another lifetime channel film made exclusively television released directed longtime tv series director joseph l scanlan inspired true events lot like majority lifetime movies cautionary tale women raising awareness predator lurking within family a mother father wife husband mentor teacher case track coach young little known actress ariana richards she played small girl jurassic parkdelivers highly convincing performance high school track athlete mickey carlyle raped coach kurt ansom william bumiller must suffer silence one believes story except for course mother susan blakely together mother daughter fight put kurt ansom behind bars film drags quite bit ultimately predictable times far melodramatic sake drama itself genuinely powerful end ariana richards performance daytime soap kind strongest entire cast facial expressions body language overall acting realistic terms she aspiring athlete idolizes coach turn violated must live shame trauma further fight court william bumiller plays part nasty sort duplicity though far subtle abused star athletes before remained silent made top appears outwardly innocent william bumiller lesserknown actors like others never done role like believable strong performance overall especially disturbing see role sexy lead actor everything else including lesser known films soap opera guiding light real problem film manner film structured film opens watch coach ansom rape mickey letting us know right away guy good makes weak character development story first scene instead sequence opening credits see mickey runningjogging city across lake would better character development know coach ansom seemingly interested success star athlete really nasty piece work would seen mickey idolizing person thought knew received rude awakening realizes wrong him director joseph scanlan stranger drama tv knotts landing star trek quantum leap outer limits lois clark earth final conflict movies like la femme nikitta scanlan directed another lifetime movie similar this stand fear manages convey gravity event genuinely disturbed coach lurking around showers rapes student scenes graphic ought viewed mature audiences message clear sexual predators rapists always stranger assume different forms preying grounds even include high school film supports cause fighting prevent violence women urges women silent victims testify fight rapists cause harm others despite negative reviews film great job expressing message ought given mothers daughters high school students including male female bad rape is staying silent happens even worse,0 +lifes worth livingmy mother hates me father never around cant anything declining academics cant make friend feel like nothing get better matter much try get help fails,1 +lost job stupidityi started working hotel easy enough job one guests seduced me im depraved female attention swallowed hook right up needless say broke heart know expecting told family great time her alone sitting train crying cant face going back hotel cant humiliation set failure naivete think going drive kill myself see next life live ill reply within h,1 +zero interest wanting live nothing appeals life really see killing future taking matter fact cannot see else mei want fall love want get job want family want hang anyone get pleasure anything except sitting ass day even bored timei know even explaining correctly wish never born could save parents pain losing kidi know going one day said myself i year sure past years time going faster faster sooner later going finish year floating around real world without clue direction told school ends day grows nearer getting overwhelming probably going even life changing decision life changing sure even life make decision want experience life,1 +@dougiemcfly Chile people speak spanish however the south of chile speaks german ,0 +im gonna goi think ive enough nothings going well andeverythings come tonight im feeling much right one comfot cant stop crying one wll believe,1 +feel lost head dont know doeverything sucks want die im outside school crying good family good friends good life yet everything feels bad feel lost emotions mind feels like chaos dont know do,1 +@Dannymcfly Start a trending topic. ,0 +xpost rdrugs throwaway tried end life via valium codeine endone bourbon days ago today moods emotions beyond erratic anyone know swings fallout tried chemicals rolling systemi told user rdrugs post here hope thats okay wordy title explains it fallout mean emotional fallout ive read people situation experience emotional drop im trying ascertain thats im feeling potentially side effect substances leaving body im asking know need mindful mental state wait roll,1 +"@weisenly Hi Brian, you are welcome. Yes, I am still learning to communicate...lifelong learning ",0 +i miss sebby peek,0 +really like show drama romance comedy rolled one married mother identify loreleis rorys experiences show watching mostly repeats family channel lately uptodate going now think females would like show males know men would enjoy it really like hour long half hour th hour seems fly watching it give chance never seen show think lorelei luke favorite characters show though mainly way one another could see something or take long see guess say br br happy viewing,0 +fanofbsb ever sorry you missed it,0 +@loisyoung92 i think i may have just passed history ,0 +want overi want kill badly want done trying fix things simply arent fixable mother never loved me dont friends take seriously cant look mirror dont recognize myself people used get along scared me parents getting divorce everything dumb theres point still here cant bring it im sad dont want anymore everything hurts heart heavy nothing seems worth it still much coward end stupid fucking life ive struggling thoughts nearly years even though ive tons medication bit year started antidepressants anxiety medication february go therapy talk things people nothing helping want absence make people realize theyve missing on maybe potential one wanted find out friends fake girlfriend doesnt love me tell want write note get with reason cant find how time want call redflag hotline want get better takes effort effort dont feel like give im worn out im tired this instead anything im sitting fucking bed cant talk friends fathers number well address theyd sure hell call ambulance call dad im gonna miss dogs dad go kidding though never going make wedding anyway one post dumb im sorrycan someone encourage get with,1 +typical indian film great sense humanity characters pretty realistic great dynamism interpersonal relationships sense guilt grief passion passivity among many characters seeing this one gets feel heavy burden years layers layers history social existence one oldest civilizations final scene elephant walking away rural area great footnote ancient civilization yet human relations still preserved nurtured saw dvd two interviews director main actress interesting surprised learn movie done well or shown india maybe surprised artistic patrimony rural societies slowly lost inheritance picked younger generations older musicians movie longer living today great film,0 +rambling guessive debating think reasons to try convince theres solutions go circles hours end result always same heavy feeling isolation realization worthless always wins out think people ill leave behind ill devastate family every day feels wrong like dead long ago wasting space tried calling hotline once talk listen all said want talk redflag reassured waste time tying phone lines people truly need needed get phone hung burned myself exactly deserve im sick cleaning mess wiping blood cleaning wounds cleaning wounds cleaning fucking wounds scars form disfigure arms even already were times truly forget im stoned ass get drunk go parties live high laugh night next morning leave im alone again im nobody im nothing know kills silence live in stuck head cutting nights not pretend okay make deans list future im going find career make life myself scars hundreds scars go class lie teeth jobs ive applied to reality applied anywhere all everything coming close nowhere move to classes falling apart done final projects im supposed graduate fucking know happens next even bothered getting cap gown parents reminded months ago feel bad relatives coming state watch graduate think might coming funeral instead,1 +hey all i feel the title is pretty self explanatory suffered with ga and ha for most of my life but after year of therapy at least once a month i have learnt a lot of coping mechanism and am doing so much better however i have alot on right now which is overwhelming me immensely and causing my anxiety to creep back very quick back story i m f single mother to an year old being a single mother is not new to me i m organised and have a great support network and earn a comfortable wage i work in management and look after a multitude of employee let s say 0 which is a lot my rental lease is due to expire end of june and australia ha a housing crisis a lot of financially stable people are unable to find home due to the volume of applicant applying for rental i m in the process of buying a property about min away from where i live due to the exorbitant house price in my area median house price is now 0k this is my first home so the process seems daunting even with my broker assistance the move itself entail my daughter changing school right before high school which wa not an easy decision to make my parent are relocating back overseas which will leave me here in australia with no immediate family i don t struggle with problem solving but i guess the issue i have is where to begin there s too many variable factor and i guess i feel stressed because my basic need for a home and stability is so up in the air any advice on how to manage this feeling of utter rubbish i m incredibly unmotivated am not sleeping well and noticing general anxiety creeping in again,1 +lan at jetblackonyx s with miss mell wa a blasty blast now it s time for home,0 +i would love a poster of the last panel of the today's QC comic so awesome.,0 +usual hollywood stereotyped everyone movie but one classic uptight white collar banker russian woman well done even facial expressions great language perfect even russian language nicole splendid job hey guys get pay for,0 +@Reauxnin: ty for the ff love twomie!! Lol ,0 +depression do be hitting different,1 +@anima Holy shit ,0 +spent last days hospitalit horrible makes wanna make sure stay dd next attempt,1 +happy crisgunamcus big day fellas crazy think week isnt it,0 +walter matthau george burns work well together acidity willy perplexed amnesic al mixture made heaven scene meet willys flat gem final scene rounds film perfection walter matthau gives superb performance irascible semiretired comedian can intonation voice exaggerated dramatics coupled general misunderstanding going form great characterization george burns timing legendary nowhere better film calm aplomb desert dry replies memorable watch scene near end al daughter ask something spanish caretaker als reaction priceless,0 +@MissMandaRae wat it do. since your bored check out mscaseycarter.blogspot.com!!!! ,0 +lost futuremy boyfriend years ended relationship sunday met years always drawn picked girls noticing me fell love best thing world secure planning future together legitimately planning get married family honestly him never saw future never planned it im lost didnt plan live long ive never hurt entire life long time lowest became lifeline isnt eating away im scared swallow whole waited years happiest ive ever been best friend years cousin leaving marines im scared theyre abandoning me,1 +uh helpi dont many words say loneliness killing fast please help,1 +cute girl kinda friends like idk shes pretty popular asf friends thats better nothing find pretty want fucking rail asshole pass out anyways dont know say start forming emotional connection her need help,0 +i got so used to the happiness i thought everything finally made sense and i had a future i wa and am convinced this man who ha hurt me in so many way is my soulmate now four month after a blindsiding breakup he s with someone else and every day i breakdown and think about killing myself i never thought id be like this over some guy but there it is ive tried med and therapy and everything youre supposed to do but i cant eat i cant sleep when all i dream about is him and i cant function or get a real job or anything i hate myself for being so weak and pathetic i dont know how to do this anymore,1 +missing vemsteroo unwell still so having phoned the office am going back to bed it seems empty this morning sigh,0 +ok so I'm leaving early today 4:15 makes up for coming in early I guess :-D #fb,0 +need diei cannot live anymore hate body face im fucking disgusting ugly impossible woman show interest imsofucking hideous everyone around popular good looking males find women effortlessly women anything good looking guy im defective worthless need todie cant continue live fucking forever alone loser cunt societyy hates human filth like me nothing ever works out nofufure hope death everyone denies things cannot denied longer onlyhope die,1 +"Find more innovative sub heavy, half time, bassweight, electro step-tech on....... www.dbpoint.co.uk !! Let me know what u think ?",0 +Getting creative now.. better get all of my designing in while I'm feeling so chipper ,0 +bradqb i know the feeling man just lay low for a while some people are just like that,0 +perruchee peteblacklab her dog had a phantom pregnancy and after her depression my auntie decided to breed her and only sell puppy to people she knew so the mumma dog will still see them http t co jvhtisc sf,1 +jeffree star jeffree how do you keep your hair one color my permanent dye fade within the week,0 +disabling pet camera parents took stuff put pet camera room motion detection disable get stuff back cant really get cam without seeing,0 +die fall second story window as one ground floorwhat land head,1 +cant take anymoreno one likes me say it dont person hates know me school killing me work piles upon demands people succeed friends belittle others im singled made fun of im lonely one likes real everyone fake im sure year old boy trapped like this say stupid stuff know why try stop cant cant focus school release games parents like that help me,1 +i m off too bed i got ta wake up hella early tomorrow morning,0 +want murderedi dont know else word it want someone kill me anyone else similar experience dont know suicidal self harm problem wanted killed years used want kill lot could never family murdered wouldnt know much wanted it im even depressed anymore im happy want die days often im mostly ok things looking up still cant shake desire killed think lot ive described ideal death doped drugs thrown fight ring get ass beat conversation friends idea killed alluring dont know cant shake it escape extent guilt feel towards redflag im one pulling trigger dont feel bad dying whole process sounds amazing intense fear rush pain getting shot gut realizing oh shit im going die falling ground slow drawn painful death slowly fade consciousness dread dying intensity feeling tempting die want really feel once know really unhealthy fantasy murdered would probably actually suck still want real bad ive tried times could never finish job felt sooo good tried to feeling rope tighten around neck oxygen slowly cut brain warmth slowly encroaching numbness amazing feeling body shut piece piece ecstasy moment something ill never forget pain melted away wonderful state absolute peace last minute guilt set took away bliss quickly undid rope sat guilt awhile havent tried since part still wants to want again want feel fade intensity pain before never gonna happen dont know id find someone willing kill me want real bad days maybe happened id run away even instincts kick in hope wouldnt least wouldnt get away im safe now refuse kill myself dont want kind control die want life entirely someone something elses hand want one made die want feel good it feel bad fantasy really fucked up wish didnt cant shake it bad was think maybe times week still idk needed vent anybody insight maybe similar experience,1 +"@pilucha ok, no more drinking away of the sorrows. Just "be" with the sorrows. We all get 'em! ",0 +suicidal kidthis kind long story really need help please read ok friend lives hour away younger brother play playstation together sometimes friends play us sort look ive always good kids kind went along it upper middle class white kids recently got drug use use drugs always kept good handle it really well school get scholarships figured going drugs since parents might well give advice make sure get killed went would tell stuff would give safety advice one particular always way overdid it seeking harder drugs really quickly things like getting drunk hed puke pass out started trust opened personal stuff would never tell anyone else andrew kid im worried told dad beats him asked severity told hits sometimes seemed rare minor occurrence told thought could work out proceeded caution weeks later told found dad addicted pain pills things totally derailed started getting trouble parents more would always phone ps taken away would sneak back days ago got drug tested parents failed marijuana next days would snap time say fuck you nowhere finally told dad attempted redflag days ago upset son getting drug use too told really depressed gonna drink tell passed out begged agreed sneak onto ps talk first talked stuff trying take mind seemed fake like ignoring serious problem asked questions like home said no asked visited dad said want to asked mom said whole thing said talked two days completely grounded cant anything basically sitting environment getting depressed cant anything take mind it started drinking anyway got really sad would leave mic every couple minutes gone explanation got completely texting started talking wanting kill saying noone would even miss him talked promised come visit tomorrow big never actually met long back onto depression point living longer stopped answering completely seconds calling cops giving address finally responded talked little longer seemed little better told needs think hed see tomorrow point idk fuck do parents trust much drug use lie im going drive like hour away idk hell im supposed say avoid topic seem open supportive cool normal recommend something professional family could really use advise right thank all,1 +living worm confessionive come terms suicidal thoughts never going end sometimes whisper others deafening scream begging end suffering like worm eating sanity little little stop me stop enjoying every joy life laughing harder smiling broader whenever outrun it flee worm acknowledge accept it help others ease pain others safe affliction love,1 +posting cheesy pickup linesday picture show santa want christmas,0 +feeling down,0 +happy mens day happy international mens day wanna say dont feel like cant express emotions go cry feel like,0 +im fucking sick painful cycleevery day seem try jump hoop day day without change want everything end decided go college state get away family keep giving three lines encouragement give crawl day turns out ones surprise cost tuition state large emotional burden ive wasted k make here midterms over odds getting gpa back reduced null adds emotional burden im trying get schools psychological services proving take weeks meds trick cant get ahold doctor ive trying weeks im tired disconnected courses want end it cant even sit read book without wanting fucking slit throat books next victim want withdrawal school also take mental toll shame going back fucking family still thousands debt know want curl ball done,1 +get funnybecome hoego doctorskill list,1 +working outhello whoever reads this going keep short diagnosed epilepsy behavioral disorders poor really go college epilepsy disqualified military career epilepsy made hard focus taken away many opportunities take disability checks want work hard recently yelled work due confusion stir thinking patterns losing insurance soon means cant get anymore help consultation switching medications help seizures bought house hoped help grow investments turned sinking slab foundation right purchase plumbing bad almost financially drained longer accept tenants poor quality life house aside deep drive thinking were society today point time wish born true timeline hunting gathering sure quality life may crap would connected nature without many abstractions society government laws taxes properties restricted areas etc freedom us businessmen elites government people corporations screw us day laws protect us today ridiculous figure way get money go college get good paying job afterwards beg employers hire us pay us crappy wages little benefits left crumbs scraps called great economy im tired sleepy tried everything power including spiritual guidance positive reinforcement hopes future work hard say money cant buy happiness yes no ever wanted good health healthy environment hobbies painting art writing computer code end driving deliver uber eats full time job make ends meet latest events covid expensive things are even sleepy feels like sapped away energy want go sleep never worked never will held back never will long time want check out wrong timeline,1 +endi think im gonna try attempt month two im honestly done life shit nobody needs wants me nonstop suicidal thoughts weeks now see reason keep living im gonna get worse everything gonna keep tearing shreds life getting worse improving years month worst month idk else do im welcome here best leave wont hurt anyone else wont problem anyone elses life burden anyone else,1 +evocative idealized portrait early life lincolnborn hodgensvillekentucky died washington fords excellent movie takes abraham lincolnfonda youth studied laws common law began practice lawyer this hollywood biography follows lincoln logcabin days initial relationship mary toddweaver following couple first balland departure congress candidate focuses mainly brothersrichard cromwelleddie quillan accused murder posterior trial amusing court debate scenes protection mumalice brady lincolnfonda defender advocate donald meekprosecutor nothing short brilliantbr br excellent performance henry fonda idealistictraveller springfield solicitor star regularly ford movie grapes wrathmy darling clementine fort apache besides sterling acting alice brady grieved mother great actress silent cinema one results last movie early died cancerthe lincolns deeds developing make skilfully appealing entertaininghis portrayal shows nostalgic longing things past old values describes goodnessuprightness willful lincoln like john ford straightforward man never varied ideals youththis american masterpiece correct counts splendid biography magnificent dramabr br another biographies abraham lincoln following abraham lincoln dwgriffith walter huston una merkel talking birth assassination abe lincoln illinoisby john cromwell raymond massey ruth gordon concerning similar events fords film career lawyer tv version titled gore vidals lincoln sam waterston mary tyler moore mary todd,0 +want die please dont read feel sucidali hate since long remember ive never truly happy ive tried kill many times apparently im even good that im family want hurt them yet crave death badly point know give die atleast death wont feel guilt causing much pain life finally peace,1 +please talk someoneforget,1 +@JosephTheGreat dont see why not mate but its a bit far from home. ,0 +The Social Epidemic That Doubles Depression And Anxiety Risk https://ift.tt/2FdyZlb  via PsyBlog,1 +cry my friend is moving away tomorrow,0 +got car accident march fault dealing lot repercussions currently like money take care it car got totalled process person ended dent feel like lightweight entire life dad died lung cancer days th birthday struggled addiction never close lived mom turned also struggled addiction lead leaving talking years ended living year boyfriend moved homeless living motel month since last contacted fine desire talk anyone care actions affect people idk dealing lot long time childhood trauma adult life garbage kind want give guess support besides boyfriend thankful for friend also thankful for think made life think ever be know could lot worse too try think struggles end world also hard fuck let everything slide past long mindset want goddamn compassion sort break shit put with thought trying good person good things following moral code despite growing around dysfunctional adults would give sort good karma not makes feel little better see people happy that idk thanks reading vent post hope lives get easier too life lame,1 +numb pain pills prescribed notredflag anyone else people treat poorly last week found infected sti someone already treats like nothing venting crying work could hold in tw,1 +im dead project due tomorrow nothing done far redflag note coming up,0 +young filmmaker talent capturing audience quickly unusual camera work sparse intense scripts concept combining animation live footage remarkably wellexecuted soundtrack goodbr br the decision release movie twelve parts online puts onus director make episode fascinating enough viewer invest buying upcoming episode wish motion pictures kind commitment keeping audiences entertained throughout storiesbr br highly recommended,0 +ms aparna sen maker mr mrs iyer directs movie young girls struggle cope debilitating conditionbr br meethi konkona sen aloof kid ever since childhood shown signs delusion one knows why dormant tendency however slips control job assignment takes neighboring bihar raped political goons resulting trauma also leads episodes manicdepressive psychosis addition schizophrenia careens control years progressively getting worse sinking deeper private worldbr br the juxtaposition unsettled divorced elder sister domineering ways make already bad situation worse indicative fine line abnormal seemingly normal ms sen also makes excellent commentary social alienation individuals social rehab standard therapy along deadly mindaltering drugs poor destitute whore always left fend usually fall waysidebr br the romantic connection dr kunal anu unnecessary also cafeteria scene dr kunal explains anu real world really them redundant anu already know that english dialog bit awkward times though acting compensates that konkona shabana prove reputation every bit worth it waheeda rahul shefali play limited roles well br br extensive research seems done illness evident clear mdp coexist schizophrenia patient sidebyside also early part dr kunal recommends ect shock therapy invalidating fact work schizophrenics extreme mdp suicidal tendencies forms bipolar disorderbr br the ending remarkable story suggestive unknown solution maybe solution movie could ended nicer note since worldwide mentally ill lead balanced fruitful fulfilling lives good medical carebr br nonetheless excellent film made extreme sensitivity subject hats ms sen one india couldve done better,0 +im back day ban woooo expect shitposts,0 +Depression is real bruh,1 +confused many bad days already month today better got talk more made happy sent pictures herself smiled lot think made smile lot too realised friend reality us together near future pretty impossible chances us together later far impossible pains me know do would never ever like anyone her feel useless feels bad longing mutual feelings cannot stop myself way attached ever want anyone her never happy someone else her find anyone close comes attractiveness personality godly level truly something different anyways thanks reading rant good night day stay safe confused flukes,1 +Watching the Daily Show ,0 +whyd gay like im happy met shes nice im happy shes friend like idk man want something romantic someone im perfectly fine friends her shes really great really her wish options yk like idk man maybe shell introduce someone,0 +t i just asked my friend what piglet wa winnie the pooh seriously guy what is it,0 +"4 and a half hours sleep. haha, i never learn worth it though",0 +dad secretly famous politician going old photos saw short dad standing front millions also saw old gas bills along many rejected art paintings guess ill never know happened kill ,0 +almost half summer gone by watched virtually friends disappear vanish contemplated suicide daily become apathetic life adopted nihilistic view future suffered verbal abuse parents anything life exactly experiencing things right now feel mental capacity social interaction overall thinking deteriorated much worried college want free independent enjoyable life college sure mentally ready that cannot consult therapist financial reasons backlash parents best course action me know emotionally ready go college scared,1 +day comingi cant think anymore im failing school im hopless future cant anything fir myself im crying everyfay im going write last words,1 +rteenagers bored literally post anything theyll love example ampxb ampxb discuss ampxb see look em,0 +i 0m recently had to move back in with my parent and i have become incredibly depressed due to many reason living here they aren t too keen on therapy and i wa looking into cerebral doe anyone have any experience and can give an honest review of it,1 +anyone else like indie pop whatever called rn yeah drop playlists drop even dont heres minehttpsopenspotifycomplaylisthinwxyphmkvbydliccsicetyllydrlghkpbkrjruba,0 +@ashleytisdalex so are u being in HSM 4 i guess u are since ur head of drama lol da damn graduation in hsm 3 made me cry i was a wildcat ,0 +so long story short i recently started to become what i think is depressed thing is after the first few day of it being a bit tough i became to find it enjoyable to some extent amp x 00b to put it simply it ha let me achieve something i ve been trying to achieve for a very long time near zero emotion positive or negative but this time it isn t from repressing my emotion i also don t crave nearly a much social interaction a before and i give no shit meaning i wa able to get work done in class i usual hate since i don t hate them anymore the main downside to all this are increased tiredness increased frustration and low motivation low motivation and increased tiredness don t really bother me since i don t get homework and i don t have a job so it s not getting in the way of anything the increased frustration however is a wee bit annoying since i seem to quit my game way more than usual making me lose progress i also know i won t do anything suicidal cause that would violate of my core logical value amp x 00b all in all i rate this experience a 0 it would be an 0 if it weren t for the increased frustration,1 +Alan's WoW guild said hi to me whilst preparing for a raid. It made my day. ,0 +wish could go bed without wanting wake next dayand wish could wake without wishing woken thing want stop feeling anything,1 +"@TRaBeezy Nah, haha, I mean, little dogs are cute and stuff, but they're not for me, I like big dogs. We're about to have Rott pups soon ",0 +people fucking cluefamily you think yourself given up me if thought given up even say bullshit me,1 +sothis happenedidk respond though cuz boyfriend friendzone someone ampxb httpspreviewredditmajvktfujpgwidthampformatpjpgampautowebpampsffaedacfcbebe,0 +opinion bananas applesround orangesround plumsround pearround peachesround limesround lemonsround coconutsround pomegranatesround onionsround watermelonsround melonsround grapefruitsround tomatosround grapesround roundround bananascurved fuckin fuck bananas round everyone appreciates good round shape bananas different dont they look independent annoying curvy cunts explain cant get round bananas outrageous fruits round bananas need stoned entirely banned britain itself little shits cant put em mouth properly like good apple you doesnt make sense hurts banana hating brain bananas curved look exactly like downwards curve liking bananas banana slices are showing dismembering them make much better thing lets team completely fucking destroy little yellow minion looking extraterrestrial curvy inappropriately shaped pieces trash must alert mods astonishingly gobsmacking situation turn show government utterly eradicate bananas together we this,0 +normal bf never buys clothes or presents all sometimes doesnt text say gn gm forgot birthday once dump him,0 +howdy folks looking try dungeons dragons chill cool people ill running oneshot sunday evening beginners pros whoever wants free join timezone gmt msg discord ya wanna know deats wimble,0 +want gf u talk girl im sick people asking get gf saying hard even tried,0 +mouthsex i asked everyone how they were doing yesterday and not a single tweet back,0 +@EBPhotos Never again is one of those things that we unfortunately end up having to say more than once.. ,0 +Me too. Wish I could take credit for it @MarlboroLady Best #robotpickuplines I've read today. ,0 +thinking redflag notedoes anyone this lately ive thinking stuff id say redflag note much suffered worthless am,1 +th day reddit account ive reddit two years now various accounts th day account remember made wasnt great place im posting kinda reminder myself now im happy still yes thats cool thanks make reddit enjoyable place ,0 +anyone wanna chat im bored lounging around anyone wanna chat numbers game play smash bros ultimate somthing,0 +no travoradio this morning blipfm is down,0 +everyone i have ever met in my life ha told me that i m beautiful some even the most beautiful that they have ever seen all my life i ve expected the rest of the world to bow down before my beauty and tell me that i m beautiful i always rely on that validation and reassurance i keep on waiting for people to tell me that i m beautiful i keep track of who tell me i m beautiful and who hasn t for those who haven t i wonder if they think i m beautiful this happened with my 0 year old same sex female teacher i wa expecting her to tell me that i m beautiful even a she wa rejecting me and i noticed that she didn t tell me what i wanted to hear and just pointed out aspect about my personality i wa cry over it my own thinking ha led to me having many problem in life i lack even the most basic common sense even when something is so obvious like flying to germany and showing up unannounced at the airport asking to be picked up at pm and expecting to free load for two week with relative i haven t seen in year over christmas being invited to a friend s birthday party and not even talking to her and wondering why she became cold to me even at work when toothpick fell i wa picking them up to put them back on the bottle i wa stacking clothes that they kept on falling my coworkers who are younger than me helped me and their mind are more mature than mine when my former professor 0 year my senior told me he loved me and that i wa the most beautiful woman he ha ever met i wa blown away i wa so distracted by him telling me that i wa beautiful that i could not see that he could have been lying i have received a couple of complaint about my personality someone told me yes you are beautiful in look but ugly a hell at heart you are narcissistic and manipulative you surely do act like the world revolves around you another person ha told me you told me that you are when i wa talking to you i felt like i wa talking to a year old you are a very immature woman and you re not that bright either is this why i don t have any friend is there more to life than being beautiful would people find my immaturity to be unattractive,1 +bought gun two days agothey stopped processing permits state temporarily bought hunting boltaction rifle takes ten rounds keep next bed magazine loaded next it keep looking im home work bought kill myself took care will figured everything thats gonna happen die knowing ready go given much peace friends commented seem much happier past couple days wish could tell finally going everyone burden on theyll without might hurt first lives much better wanted share somewhere wouldnt see it dont want stop me tomorrow night im going drink call emergency services get body right away nobody see love take care it feel free,1 +lifel,1 +get it really think deserve iti really feel like terrible person think were terrible people teenager sliced wrists hell stitches er multiple times hazard growing hawthorne heights guess amirite lulz course im right despite knowing im terrible individual worthy life motherfucker going try rationalize continue living guess want know why life precious makes precious you,1 +im pro call crush like yo wanna like go walk sometime said shed love going walk like next week lets go,0 +found disappearive wondered lesser two evils found ive done way im never found,1 +wish man whos going thru bs im going thruwe could depressedmiserable together hate whole world together intimate kids cuz capable taking care unstable minds someone feels exact way feel alone anymore sighsss ,1 +Do you know the warning signs of eating disorders? It is important to pay attention especially if your child has experienced any sort of trauma or sudden life change or may struggle with depression. #LTParentLife https://buff.ly/2F39S4Y ,1 +let me ask you a question are you a woman who ha struggled with anxiety a a result of my blindness i used to suffer from worry depression anxiety woman disability blindness http t co tztn urti http t co in avglhng,1 +paradisej cool i will their are all kind of complaint about this laptop online about overheating but no recall,0 +@danchezxxx Come with me for the next cathat hunt? ,0 +hey guys im bored guitar broke two weeks ago havent able much music stuff still ukulele thinking cover song dont know cover give suggestions hopefully like people respond pick top comment something good day yall,0 +the only reason i haven t committed suicide yet is coz i am too much of a coward to kill myself my life just plain suck and i might possibly lose my second job just month after losing my first so yaay me,1 +mom baited dad talk her lied cops hes facing jailtime mom restraining order dad completely unwarranted entire story wont dive into lives grandparents said pay bills lied kicking door threatening never happened warrant arrest losing job hes run currently im scared fuck mom go hell bitch,0 +violetscruk yeah off aberdeen on the miller platform the one the chopper left before it went down thew other day,0 +test post test post,0 +pronouns ive never him quite literally ugly person family meee uuuuuaaaaagggghhhhhh,0 +cracked code ok know shit hole tell every month year end s thing going real fucking fast thats quarantine fast also explains many bad ghing happening time bad thing happness skip year bad thing passes end good man acid strong,0 +demand validation like childmy problems insignificant im weak fucking piss baby im posting know ill never really kill im big bitch ive always pussy pain always given taken easy route going gets tough half assed attempts past theyre right say attention least case cry help fuck need saved from ive got easy even know every fucking teenager what now ive actually forgotten like since elementary cant fucking happy feel like every day like pulling teeth ive tried hard pickup bootstraps fake till make it feel like point grin bear it turned bear like fucking jesus dragging cross im wasting everyones time ive always hated reading peoples long text walls woes always seems like what fuck contribute person worse place am advice could give platitudes bullshit ive never posted anything like before always come back sub read posts debate commenting think why always figured fucking kid nothing value contribute reason even stating ego inflating opinions contribute say would care im horrible miserable confused fucking person cant force happy trying attain happiness like fucking commodity fantasy pipe dream see stories know anymore trying live day day working out bother fucking anything anymore,1 +yeah idk sex cool bc im cool ever cried listening hamilton bo burnham,0 +i am so tired of having depression i hate how hard it is to get up and do the most basic thing day out of the week i don t even eat dinner because i can t get out of bed i m tired of having to put in the extra effort to hide it at work and in front of my family i ve been single for a year and a half after a year and a half long relationship but my social anxiety ha gotten so bad i can t even put myself out there i m so lonely but too afraid to make an attempt i don t think i could ever actually kill myself but i think about how much easier it would be if i wasn t alive a lot more than i used to,1 +just got hit with that late night depression ,1 +ready next realityi enough life wonderful thing heart fractured health gone time return stars came lost everything partner fifteen years left me everyone shunned afraid poor mental health trapped living memories unresolved child abuse living abusor must pretend never happened health poor escape small part still alive pain every day never belonged time go,1 +death guiltwe lost family friend cancer hes sick deteriorating while similarly grandpa passed earlier year watched weeks go coherent incoherent barely last hours watched bottom feet turn purple slowly complexion turned yellow last breath inconsistent shallow definitely traumatized me tried use image experience light life torch march im still really deep hole really feel like prisoner mind today hear family friend went similar way feel like wasted life like waste space fun life fun think hope gets fun relatively soon want live like long im really trying hard get better eyes heavy even often fake smile anymore whats wrong me know going comment theres nothing wrong me clearly be somethings wrong brain nobody cares believes me people think create misery ive lot trauma think ive lost little natural resilience lifes unpredictable events im scared die alone want to hope yall okay tonight still breathing,1 +dae ever really shitty day think theres always redflag brings smile face knowing theres way helljust wondering,1 +think life worth itso fear going outdoors started years ago family moved away home town get really paranoid really gone much since like car stuff scared meet new people getting help hard im getting tutoring miss school much think handle anymore used self harm attempted redflag years ago thought fine way lived mind it want help im scared know do,1 +hey wsp bigmanwoman daily homie checkup missed many days,0 +"@kelsol24 You are a very bright and confident woman, Kelsey, you will be fine. ",0 +broke heart cannot live pain anymorei something horrendous push loving boyfriend away hit him context matter monster longer want live earth done lost person thought was horrible cannot stop hating myself,1 +currently facing lot of family problem my mental health is really suffering i dont know what to do i am in high school i dont think i am able to study more because of my family s financial problem also i dont have any true friend so i did not share my feeling and situation to anyone please help anyone,1 +@shakeuptheworld Hey ,0 +@Greyodin It makes me smile that I honestly have no clue who either of those people are ,0 +trollface evil troll you aware swag much swag shutdown east east disappear,0 +supposed suicide attemptit whole day physically fine now friend since got discharged alonei know get next day so,1 +@rascalflatts when are you guys coming back to california? We miss you out here! ,0 +@abhi_jith So happy to hear that. ,0 +fed everythingi pre defense monday presented research paper get ba degree defense academic advisor said everything fine members committee criticise me worry presented research committee member knows quite lot general area research though specific topic said revise paper apparently got things wrong point sent parts research academic advisor never mentioned things committee member criticised might postpone ba defense though allowed defend it cant stop thinking fault though tried really hard also feel bad ill tell relatives manage graduate year know able stand such smart girl pity comments similar thing happened last year worked hard still rewrite research im good nothing really studied hard though ive started correcting research result still good enough cant go like that,1 +guess im leaving reddit redflag note turning parents arent taking away phone lads asked girl said yes according reddit law leave ig,0 +microwaves heating food fact microwaves work shooting microscopic waves food warm up fact screaming shooting sound waves vocal chords lets skip middle man warm food screaming it,0 +relatively young know bad antisemitism brooklyn family originally from movie absolutely horrified me ive seen many movies prejudice racism antisemitism seemed hit harder mostbr br this definitely one best indie films ive ever seeni travel minutes see it well worth it nearly everything movie great sometimes little slow really bother movie atmospheric took place s really look like s acting greatwilliam h macy always wonderful laura dern pleasantly surprised meatloafs performance playing vicious antisemite neighbor br br ,0 +returned help now one you need help returned think youre group world help me girl always uses emoji fucking clue means responds frequently even flirty messages what help teens,0 +film top comedies list truly unique film reviewer said i must really missing somethingyou correct missing something kind sense humor film requires thats one thing give bad review think looney intended be loony apt description intends succeeds being laughed much often much intensely film funny filmsbr br michael almereyda brought best cast this first big film nominated independent spirit award best first feature crispin glover usual absolutely brilliant perfectly inexplicable way funniest lines ever said film glover clearly best comic actor working right now harry dean stanton puts excellent comic performance william burroughs incredible small role dylan mcdermott ideally cast lois chiles completely excellentbr br all perfectly funny perfect way one crispins finest performancesup performances rivers edge willard crispin glover fan somehow overlooked film need stop whatever see immediatelybr br but remember relax first maybe beer something great film unusual recommend inducing appropriately silly state mind viewing,0 +so everyone needs hear it hope okay ever need anything tell me actually tell feeling right now honest,0 +@larrysullivan yeah and you can replace it with vegan junk food if need be ,0 +last day at home today catching the train at 0am tomorrow ha been a nice break but now i need some breakfast a shower and a shave,0 +guys know im acctually unable die roaming pathetic planet long years im leaving soon,0 +if paul pogba had depression at man united what about mourinho and ole you d be reaching for the revolver every time that shower of shite turned up in training every manager since ferguson ha been trying to compete with a st team that wouldn t get on the bench at mancity,1 +doim year old male career one near help process getting divorced kids never see move away ive tried kill fucked got really sick tried last night knife broke me want die want happy make someone else happy fucked everything life im back place every minute day look least painful way it talked friend today talked down cant rely every time im drowning thoughts terrible want hurt,1 +think film one funniest films ever seen think debbie reynolds hilarious chemistry glenn ford perfect dull moment film debbie looks beautiful always br br the story showgirl maggiedebbie reynolds meets penniless soldier joe glenn ford takes instant dislike accidentally tears dress returns condition goes one date him end getting married night date one kiss joe maggie move spain find nothing common physical attraction maggie proposes one month live man wife means joe allowed kiss sleep maggie much joes frustrationa hilarious plot wonderful film missed,0 +wish anything could go back time things rightbut cant look back and think couldve done much better sit cry cut think one talk to noone even ask hey u give hug think id happy right id done literally anything different eth there even care im sorry hang long enough im done,1 +@kerryank love the addition of the architects wife to the Brooklyn Bridge story - very appropriate - and thanks,0 +my thought are with sandra cantu s family at this difficult and sad time,0 +feeling ill and sorry for myself,0 +"Nintendo should have come on stage and said - "Buy us, we're cheaper" and it would have been better than this. #E3",0 +sorry right subreddit post direct go somewhere else went psychiatrist today expectation get prescribed stimulants take test get some point got diagnosed major depressive disorder prescribed zoloft lie psychiatrist told past current situation honestly even depressed pretty functional outside everyday random bouts hour depression lot look forward honestly confused diagnosed today major depressive disorder,1 +how would you respond i said anxiety is not necessarily a physical ailment it s more internal and what s going on inside my head if you see me happy and cheerful it s because that s what i want you to see i try to hide my anxiety and act normal even though i m dying inside this conversation might seem easy to you but every word that is coming out of my mouth is causing me emotional pain while you will forget about this conversation in an hour or le i will think about it for the next year person shrugged and walked away,1 +im donei think im done life real im sick everything im sick dumb fuck emotionless family negative timehateful attention seeking piece shit feel sick comparing people feel like huge outsider on believe theres truly nothing going good life head limited cant enjoy certain things cant understand certain things im never happy cant live concious everything cant accept even want to changing impossible cant magically increase fucking iq fuck writing this,1 +secret message everyone gt love you lt,0 +i m just really out of motivation damn i felt more depressed then i ever thought i d be a week ago and the week before that my depression is getting deeper and deeper,1 +want outhi im year old female want life ive thinking lot lately feel empty nothing brings joy anymore friends spending time seems like chore wherever go find difficult fit in feel like im entertaining enough people take interest me im cool im successful studies ive achieved anything life want hard people like takes im confident smart funny time use sarcasm cover anxiety cant handle social situations people tell im pretty thats them pretty girl guys like am like look like feel like never able open anybody see worthy more study architecture like course longer passion it energy motivation create anything every day wake im behind coursework even try catch see succeeding well enough cant handle getting average low grade end one thing chose based things used love im even good it breaking heart think never good enough anyone anything attempted redflag guy used like school bullied physically verbally ever day year powerless make stop even friends watched happen bother anything want get bad side ive never able stand myself feel ashamed weak unable anything let people walk rather compromise feel upset someone else recently ive feeling like simply fit part want die ill never get second life believe god believe us humans simply made backbone lives need kind security need feel like matter happens someone help us matter bad things get theres purpose purpose given god kind security believe die theres place soul go simply stop existing were part natural selection world stop die simply sifts better worse want get this want part anything want stop existing without consequences fall asleep never worry anything ever again,1 +get work hours im donemy shift work ends hours im thinking driving car bridge nothing helping pain im trying hard nothing coming it im failure nobody understands whats happening nobody fix whats happening feels like never going change nothing live anymore guess im reaching help last time anyone really got past this abused family members growing up past years recently gotten worse last months absolute hell im has anyone gotten passed this please help me feel like choice,1 +know anymorei needed somewhere write something sit tub warm water surrounds hips legs slight contrast cold metal blade hand know long sat looking left wrist asking myself are gonna it thought death fascinated scared me fascinated pain anything blood way heart rose eventually fell way would feel gave let droopy eyelids fall last time eternal sleep freedom riddance everydays burdens lifted right hand left arm held blade place cut cut cut mind chanted over pushed blade skin alone made little drop pool around edge blade smiled slightly pain felt good way letting know come slowly firmly pulled blade along skin repeated spot couple times then lowered wrist water watching blood fall wrist bottom tub simply fascinating loved how peaceful looked drove further made cuts arms went couple times well time blade went across skin blood would come out keep track much blood lost steady inflow water draining mastered technique younger age keep water warm came great handy now keeping left wrist water near drain set blade ledge tub rest head knee could already feel drowsiness coming made happy id leave pain behind all shut eyes done kinda exactly like sleep dreaming anything woke bright fluorescent lights head smell death latex gloves around realized sleep closed eyes slept more running away guilt id feel would see sorrow parents eyes one day would put except wake then true story,1 +"@MadGerald Jesus, if YOU couldn't stand up in there, the ceilings must've been REALLY low. Congrats on getting the 3rd though ",0 +it seems like i'm the boss around here ,0 +man hard dvd come by could find region spanish import expensivebr br was worth it well yes much masterpiece film making though directed curt siodmak the credits imdbcom read robert dvd credits list curt couple familiar figures murder mysteries elisha cook jr thomas gomez decadelong curiosity movie finally satisfiedbr br essentially respected selfcontained engineer alan curtis stood estranged wife finds new york bar two show tickets pocket woman strange hat stool next politely invites join musical review accepts little gloomily mopey bartender gives eye leavebr br at show tempestuous star notices lady audience wearing hat erupts offstage anger drummer band cook leers silent lady gets response curtis takes woman home asks name give it want know his shed longfellow devotee shed said something ships pass nightbr br okay curtis goes home find wife murdered absence head police officer gomez turns da alibi phantom lady one else seems remember bartender latina star cab driver al alp drummer since lady disappeared impossible dig upbr br curtis convicted sentenced die inspector gomez thought things decided hers probably innocent nobody brain would make stupid story joins curtiss loving secretary ella raines reinvestigating case informallybr br they visit supposed witnesses again ominous bartender run car perhaps accidentally hes picture hottempered latina left show closed uncooperative ignorant source hat anyway elisha cook jr strangled real murderer featured scene pounds drums improvised jazz group sweaty face assumes expression suggest intense focus rather monstrous orgasmic insanity eyeballs roll ceiling mouth gapes hammering becomes frenzied laughed loudbr br nobodys performance otherwise outstanding professional enough thomas gomez always reliable best performance though probably franchot tone hes real murderer fakes alibi hes reserved artistic even faints hes decorous know put precisely tone seems thinking well simply acting part alan curtis innocent engineer near zero kelvin scale belongs b picture br br i know considered classic really basic murder mystery cornell woolrich good others siodmaks direction sensitive man gets run hat winds gutter water running around it use shadows quietly effectivebr br glad got it,0 +"@SkelonyGH Well that's subjective to how much depression one is suffering from. what exactly is strain they are puffing, body weight, hydration level, and what their individual tolerance level is",1 +i deserve a nobel peace prize for not punching this bitch in the face when she told me i'm using depression/ptsd caused by my brother's death (less than a year ago) as an excuse to not get a job,1 +Good morning! ,0 +againagain people reading im saying people putting words mouth making feel worse before really cant take anymore since ive hospital ive made plans nearly killed almost every day know right person probably right right complain im starving death schizoaffective bipolar pure ocd cant even acknowledge better things starve accepted help all im terrible person terrible fucking person im going try anymore barely try stay alive anyway people starving fighting lives deserve live never did thank everyone supported past year hope last time post here,1 +posting jokes im depressed day theres nothing depressing failed redflag attempt,0 +@VanessaaHudgens you're nice to your mom I can't do that =_=,0 +im really dark place verge pretty bad stuffi know gun everyone thinks know even hold it well versed gun basics bought set kitchen knives could sick damage bought big bottle sleeping pills im freaking out terrible shitty day sent dark little hole crawled months ago im scared right know know want die cant wake anyone tell think im dramatic brat idk cant help reddit,1 +@JD_2020 i have placed my votes mainly for CoD WaW totally addictive game i was more fifa but it soon wore off so CoD it is ,0 +film brilliant cute little dolphins great storyline elijah wood makes great film too acting skills good want good soft family film one watch,0 +"@Schofe Hey, a new follower here from Greece. I love watching you in the mornings ",0 +"@PantsPartay That's OK, glad it worked ",0 +teachers dress halloween bring classroom joy appreciated sweethearts teachers dress bring joy classroom sweetest things ever trying bring happiness laughs classroom appreciated maybe even bring candy room decorations deserve raise acts kindness made fun acting silly amp fun,0 +saw mystery men birthday away vacation came back home went see again keep mind twelve time coolest movie ever even collected ultrarare action figures i except bowler hardest find made mr furious shoveler blue raja spleen captain amazing case wondering william h macy action figure existence ive watched many times years still remains favorite mine due mostly fond childhood memories perfect movie definitely deserves another look perhaps cult followingbr br the story bunch lowlevel superheroes save day executed mediocre directtovideo the specials well end spectrum big budget huge budget almost million think studio comedy yes effects overblown huge sets wonderful production design bit much considering plot think stupid special effectsy superhero movieits parody fight villain named cassanova frankenstein people psychofrakulator whatever its doomsday device hell take world yada yada resident superhero captain amazing a zapp branniganesque greg kinnear commercialproductlogos costume nice touch kidnapped time mystery men mr furious ben stiller gets mad shoveller william h macy beats people shovels blue raja hank azaria british throws forks bowler janeane garafolo bowls invisible boy kel mitchell guess does spleen the great paul reubens farts sphinx wes studi cuts guns half mind kidding rest fantastic cast character actors includes geoffrey rush cassanova lena olin heavily edited cassanovas bride one tom waits crazy weapons dealer sowith macy kinnear olin rush four oscarnominees and one winner tom freakin waits perfect though overlong gushes corniness the shovellers full thembr br the dialogue definitely outweighs physical comedy sometimes lacking theres guy farts power case closed dialogue definitely highlight cyclical ramblings sphinx mixed metaphors mr furious etc downright funny movie it almost make forget film let all star smashmouth world br br unfortunately film well critics audiences have sequel originally planned the film fact based comic book characters the flaming carrot comics flaming carrot planned sequel believe well box office could hard sell superhero comedy guy theres something mary also could fact released day the sixth sensewhich ended biggest hit month augustas well the thomas crown affair two misunderstood classics released crowded weekend oddly enoughdick the iron giant critics gave mm passable reviews quickly forgotten sadly enough comedy centrals roast jerry stiller comedian jeffrey ross commented ben stiller that i saw mystery men fired agent ben seen mouth words i to listen him give mystery men chance,0 +first episode immediately gave good impression expect series mysteries waiting solved lot good drama love fact gradually reveal stories concerning characters explaining enough stay excited course show flaws first two series characters reason show third season many characters decent sent there like rose husband hell they happened them maybe return later episodes little inconsistent said lost manages thrilling every episodeespecially first two seasons hard thing do notice third season focus character development mystery aspects show bad thing even saves episodes getting boring one elements considered strength show wonderful characters grow love characters good bad eventually want see mysteries solved get closure danger lost getting canceled due declining ratings near would devastating,0 +would you would recommend boy start painting nails doesnt way paint them,0 +im currently looking into getting a diagnosis for gad but it the meanwhile i have been thinking i have been on multiple different medication different diet being more physically active therapy etc and yet despite everything i haven t made any progress into controling my anxiety it still control my life i m so tired of being worthless and i don t know if i ll ever be happy with my life,1 +lol gordon ramsey is such an idiot. ,0 +were stumbling around together unformed world whose rules objectives largely unknown seemingly indecipherable even possibly nonexistent always verge killed forces understand says ted pikul film people sums life existenz probably film existence real unreal tell difference not last line film superbly ambiguousbr br the film seems like shaggy dog story indeed real shaggy dog it takes along interesting ride full provocative cronenberg touches make look amphibians game pods fish spines bones new light bits quite icky takes place rural setting gas station called gas station chinese restaurant called chinese restaurantthe film engrossing texture leagues away usual big budget science fiction movieyou read many things film repays watching oncebr br the main actors jude law ok jennifer jason leigh great roles suit talented actor good role like unmatchable unconventional beauty fascinating voice suits part allegra looks great short black skirt too familiar actors given much do looks good sounds good howard shore score complements film well cronenberg possibly alfred hitchcock scifihorror genre matter film makes always worth watching,0 +haha xd friends really wish could cry soul friends shoulder,1 +people listened idfwu big seanits explicit song kinda makes feel like king,0 +im old know or care exactly difference rap hiphop is and canadian likely ive never actually seen mtv im certainbr br but thought film funny saw it bright little satire hiphop culture pervasive days difficult keep hearing over if could say bagpipe music got jokes at least think did sure derived spinal tap lots targets could stand tap treatment carpenters theyre sacred,0 +gt_gt __________ gt_gt _____ gt_ gt _______ lt _ gt ltogt ampxb ampxb mitras ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb gtltogtlt,0 +"If you ever start to question your purpose in life, make sure you really dig deep to find yourself again. You might hit a point of depression you never though you could... but I promise you that you'll come out the other end okay. Find yourself.",1 +@woley you're welcome. go get 'em!,0 +throwback brother got shot best friend really pissed friend said april fools ran away nobody able find since w,0 +like mech war games pretty good cheap robot fights worth seeing ive enjoyed mech war field time pretty much movie ive ever seen come close feeling would like pilot one huge mechs like genera games like mech warrior three four xbox spare steel battalion movie worth seeing least once really needs movies theme there less remakes original works br br enjoy,0 +wait posting pictures isnt weekend,0 +antarctica giant ice cube well greenland count nobody really likes greenland,0 +hate lifehttpswwwredditcomrredflagwatchcommentsoevbprobably_gonna_off_myself_soon want read see hate life much tried post different subreddit work im annoyed impatient message mod make post nobody read anyway nothings even enjoyable anymore barely motivation school work grades going well right now already know im going kill ive already made notes im killing like right anything online stuff work im done,1 +bought pills alcohol kill tonightfinally stop feeling pain im feeling going easy got xanax alcohol im going overdose pray whatever is die tonight wonder mom say funeral read old posts understand why redflag note pillow wrists full scars im listening music feel closure death near me thank everyone help move on,1 +job interview in cardiff today wish me luck got about hour sleep,0 +honestly know doit seems everything slowly getting worse life family constantly telling much failure am mother calls pathetic almost everyday playing video games anything else meaning her insults get worse dropped classes work more yet im still always broke shortlived relationship someone apparently lied everything treats leper even anything make change feelings randomly hereeven shattered before future looks dark pointless know go here ive tried optimistic whole time even run out im end motivation living waking getting difficult anyone give insight run self control,1 +@WomenCan absolutely! Goodnight ,0 +guys sometimes get panic attacks start thinking future currently work hours day days week earn hour help parents rent pay services keep rest myself spend bit stupid stuff much spend free time watching anime reading manga buying manga playing games friends really enjoy that thing is whenever think ill life start panicking heart goes ballistic want study anything specific want work specific field thing ive got sort figured may interested serving one branches military future want good stable income afford stupid stuff housing myself nice car day buy house knowing life makes seem hard obtain parents want study ged also want keep working help pay rent feel completely lost always find going back playstation laptop forget worries seems like cycle end,0 +hell i can t pull myself out of this i d rather just cease existing i don t deserve happiness i don t deserve comfort i don t deserve to live the only thing i actually deserve is death,1 +no new csi tonight fml,0 +even fun sad dont know assume people feel way personally dont like jerk off makes feel like crap after get horny dont even like hub stay away too get horny want jerk chore stand sad horny anyone ever feel like this honestly even horny urge,0 +lying everyone yearsi lying closest friends girlfriend amp family years already debt amp telling everyone it okay think might weekend apend little bit happy time loved ones first long story ahead tldr bottom tldr childhood molested sezually fist grade neigbour amp grade verbally amp physically bullied blackmailed shit on pissed on sodomized amp used laughing stock atleast beatdowns week monday amp friday started year girlfriend now ex broke could live behaving like adult trust me either started bunking best friends place months feeling quilty income saving nothing amp freeloading friends lets call jiri place could get back moms place free rooms amp father lived way city transports school there months finalky found cheap rental apartment next school amp also knew move could get enough money welfare pay bils amp get food moved amp first fucking happy life joyfull amp felt good winter came thing called kaamos i dont know wjat call english came sunlight always dark kids started bully school anxiety amp deppression kicked amp could sleep well amp would stay planket ir computer hanging friends lasted month long got expelled school never went there stayed home drowning sorrows playing video games mainly rs friends long jiri tried ask okay always told yeah good months later money behind rent amp bills cash food still sat amp played video games also aunt amp granpa died time took pretty jard started self harm years clean juat beginning managed somehiw get together exgf amp bunked weeks saing i vacation school yeah fucking stupid me got caught threw amp know do visited apartment time payed bills last months so went ro gradmas place amp stayed month summer met soul mate amp new girlfriend friend jiri took back place stay amp promised help anything could told everybody big debt amp unemployed money got went straight paying debts believed told family amp bought it thou father diaapointed me after met talked times date unofficialy living jiri debt collecrors idea was baaically run months even remember it fun playing amp drinking life away jiri johanna amp friends one idea time went fast wa full year since moved ro live own always back head atill self harm drank alcohol remember all one day jiri said we move rental place could move unofficially him happy moved winter amp befire christmas moved new place lie survived officially year already started took toll me afraid phone ringing afraid going public areas amp talked dad months said mom amp everybody else okay nothing happenes while new place drinking playing amp derping around always afraid jiri woild kick money it went debt paying reality done anything ti get rhe monwy evsn toi afraid always helped bdat could amp think enough him im glad best friend summer applied school i forced seek education myself amp knew mistake may ask summer gone amp august school again school needed put address right place house lived jiri see going school started like shit anxiety top gear alcohol amp lie tellling years already evdn believed lie point aftrer one weel school quit it could blt handle it that came envelopes demise bills bills mlre bills wise amp saved money year thought payed all november came bill almost another amp amp on cried shock made bucket list next christmas get contact dad take johanna real first date get jiri something nice christmas fun lt christmas went by always toes january johanna invited place ever since day ca go back jiris place spoke jirk almost month now letters court told johanna anything even jiri one knows this jiri saw letters told okay just fucked badly weeks since last letter amp think next one something bad never wanted hurt anybody never wanted involve anyone else might now regret everything jiri amp family amp friends trough im disapointment everyone lazy fuckerif only could see another way last weeks slept all wake am sure someway im jump balcony know brought upon elementary school amp junior high school learned lie problems time also want worry involve anyone problems always tries make everyone around smile amp happy ques never time myself old habits die hard learn keep in never come out thought saturday last moment friends amp sunday week it railroad track nearby rest assholes made childhood hell kylsaaren alaaste ja meriporin ylaste jasu jere sundval se kpi ja te pari junttii ja koko mun alaaste luokka se kivaa juu hakata kepeill jaloilla ja nyrkeill toista varastaa esineit ja vandalisoida nit vhemmstki pelk menn ulos ja tulee ihmiapelkoo vitu mulkut ymmrrn kyll et teil oli omat perheongelmat mut ei sit olis muhu tarttenu mullaki oli omat ongelmat sillo jo jos olisitte antanu ni olisin koittanu auttaa teit vaikka nauraan ja joni impolasta milt tuntu kytt lk aeksuaalisesri hyvks tykkaiks siit ku otin suihin tai siit ku tynsit sen sinne oki varmaa sulle mukavaa haista pitk paska tldr lied ti everyine life cared fir almist years dead end people please lie loved one family end hurt e eryone evenmore ecer trouble call father mother straight away someone close lt,1 +#Followfriday @Bizarre57 Follow Barry... such a nice bloke! ,0 +no longer innocent then http news bbc co uk hi uk 9 90 stm,0 +go whole story basic details year old guy homeowner years current career career job homeowner creative person new firsttime father since experienced depressive episodes severe depressive symptoms gotten worse gotten older taken responsibility burned people repress heartdesires live fulfilling life travel take risks etc done less conventional things like therapy tried multiple drugs even yearlong clinical trial experimental drug treatmentresistant depression etc while able travel weeks winters three winters row probably happiest years despite good things happening life lately tend always dwell really negative things trauma experienced devalue discard manipulation cruelty others sense worthlessness morose sense nothing really matters forgotten one day last years really really struggling finally find something works suicidal ideation less always there different intensities volumes depending happening feeling lot live right want part daughters life much success mood drugs talking primary care doctor seeing psychologist etc feel like almost something dramatic like check somewhere order get proper diagnosis treatment plan finally taken seriously always afraid costs possible intervention policeauthorities point lived like long cannot imagine living another years like this hate major depression viewed weakness chronic condition kill people anyone else done this peoples experiences like hospitalization inpatient treatment,1 +"@enjoue nuthin new really. Lots of sun, too much housework (get's VERY dusty here) apart for that just me & my delusions ",0 +meanest thing ever done idk im bored answer u want ig,0 +"@torie007 have a great night, it was so nice meeting you last night! You are a sweetheart! xoxoxo bye for now.",0 +@InsertHere_xo HEY ,0 +cant tell alive im listening shine crazy diamond strong taste mint weed mouth im home alone im seeing things around house arent supposed see want end,0 +im bad rn holy fuckin shit bday tmr thanksgiving planning chilling homies bad things maybe drugs gotta go dummy thanksgiving party family kinda sucks rly cant reschedule friday cuz gotta go doctors appointment also got project due what sick fuck assigns project break ghosted one girl im talkin like been talking like month like days asking ft sent important message actually talkin bout feelings not love way said enjoy talking lot enjoy convos general confess cuz im dumb left delivered hours shit sucks cuz got read receipts ion even know saw message online disc though im probably takin l one also supposed go back school dec st niggas cali dumb fuck know were goin back lookin forward school reopening social interaction homeboys talking girls ive texting quarantine past like month cant cuz cali mfs cant stay fuckin house tldr bad bday tmr cant anything cuz im going big family thanksgiving party cant reschedule also ghosted one girl like days delivered hours sending important message u read far sick good thanksgiving,0 +zany film rivals ghost mr chicken one knotts finest film performances knotts accountant podunk city hall good swindling citizens fire three competent bookkeepers keep dumb one knotts course dumb one garbage collecting cohort accidentally empties wrong trash can knotts finds wrapped bizarre trap set city council him funny moments movie include bowling alley restroom scene cemetery scene absolutely hilarious typical knotts nervous ninny act well used usual surrounded lots crazy character actors sixties actors frank welker pitt herbert add mayhem one may expect knottss armed big car pretty girl real clue hes doing fun anyone especially nostalgia buffs anyone love it,0 +i will always be a loser and nothing can change it if i become a billionaire if i date the most beautiful woman i will always be a sad loser it doesn t matter woman will always see me a an inferior person even if they like me,1 +largest carnivore largest carnivore hint gtits blue whalelt,0 +im tryingas type little girl inside saying mommy alone dad her ive told multiple times im suicidal listen thinks im dramatic never dealt depression cant stop thoughts one second sitting couch children next im thinking effective way end life planned out attic beam takes chair tie robe want option back out im mentally exhausted need help one listen me cant afford babysitter therapy thing give free them want relief,1 +onlysweeter i don t know the dance,0 +finally got courage meet crush got crushed several months talking flirting liked things wed often say things like when come ends stargaze rooftop listen peep night ect really crush especially grandmother passed well hit caffe work wanna come suprise you hour away hits i boyfriend best pull up taken shot back guess needed vent,0 +lost best bud recently know cope got honors school hes siberian husky best thing happened ive years best times whos everything constantly wagging tail everytime come home times get hard would lick palms im going home without hearing tail hitting door running jumping hands getting slimy wet licks reminds cares hard times cry one drop feel empty motivation anything im want hear get shit feeling,0 +anyone wanna join group chat pm comment wanna join terrible site,0 +im going kill myselfwhat best painless way go pussy like alcohol medication etc sadly cant afford gun live jumping building train messy brutal family anymore im money im gonna homeless please try stop usual bullshit im looking quick advice remove earth,1 +uninitiated gundam world good place start burned star wars star trek compelling realistic scifi series become immersed in simplistic boysavesworldingiant robot story might expected rather complex emotionally compelling space war drama line good bad guys decidedly less distinctbr br gundam focuses story al izuruha young naive boy living neutral space colony spends days daydreaming mobile suits playing war friends course series al befriends enemy soldier bernie wiseman end little al learns hard lessons reality war requisite suffering sacrificebr br i loved oav series cool mecha designs involving story likeable characters recommend series anyone likes realistic sf anime think anime silly sexy entertainment,0 +@choppadoo shit depression don't stop me from tweeting,1 +"@_celia_bedelia_ I suffer from clinical depression, social anxiety, a variety of other conditions of this sort. I'm also a man, and I'm not a misogynist.",1 +need end itive traveled seen world offer dont want apart it isnt life isnt going anywhere isnt friends isnt nobody loves me cant stay here place fucking disgusting dont strength deal it it,1 +i don t deserve to be alive i m a complete and total fuck up that deserves to die i just overdosed on my clonazepam so here s hoping that it kill me,1 +so a couple month ago i finally had the courage to tell my girlfriend i wa cutting myself we ve since broken up but that doesn t matter too much she expressed her sympathy but then abruptly got up to go to the bathroom i wa concerned but she told me not to follow because this wa at school and i wouldn t be allowed so i trusted that her bladder just had terrible timing so i waited after a couple minute go by i start to get worried and that s when the teacher tell me that she found her cry in the bathroom and sent her to the counsellor office and i should go check on her i go to find her and she tell me that she had a panic attack because she ha trauma related to self harm i m obviously concerned for her but at the same time i m so angry she didn t even tell me anything wa wrong we talk for a bit and cry a lot but then the counsellor say they want to talk to her and i should get back to my class so i go back to class and i have to pretend that everything s ok that i haven t been experiencing the lowest point of my mental health ever and i have to go through it alone eventually she come back but only to grab her thing she tell me she s going home because she already had a bad morning and that it s not my fault all i wanted wa for someone to be there for me and the only person i could talk to just left i can t talk to counsellor because i m terrified of what would happen if my parent found out this happened month ago and i m still so angry at this i don t even talk to her anymore but i don t know how to deal with this,1 +gd mornin world i hav a cold my throat is burnin,0 +dont want add pain worldbasically m dont want live anymore one would assume guess since im subreddit short version ive onandoff depression suicidal tendencies past years life hasnt easy either dad severe ptsd physical disabilities mom works double fulltime job get watch youngest siblings pretty much guess could say family kind dysfunctional oh also homeschooled havent done practically substantive coursework two years now technically graduate high school soon dont think show mom anything put portfolio honestly dont care im tired everything im passionate major career path ive looked im ready college anyway lmao im remarkably talented enjoy doing ive experiences homelife im attractive every instance ive tried making something last boy ended disaster really dont want alive anymore time know fact lot people whod pretty fucked killed myself really dont want add pain world especially dont want burden little brothers sisters that time would tear apart lot see give throw life away like inevitably will dont know would hurt worse,1 +end ropei woke m wife f crying complimenting women messages gave props them flirt offer form relationship sexual interest jas going years now year done shit before honestly marriage sexless romance lacking since infant son died threatened leave looking women yes know bad husband blah blah trying explain someone else go one left would literally reason living would lose stepdaughter love stepkid much full blood son lose them almost certainly join son next life attractive man nothing offer anyone else world lose family itll end me cant stop panic attacks way nagged cheating years without much glancing another woman done before would again never stop this killing stay ill die go,1 +titlei feel worthless discernible live directions goals family hates me money shitty paying jobs mother tried kick day barely left room since dont know im going do ive laying bed wishing could end deep know could never im spineless always been feel broken never repaired im lazy cant anything right always fuck everything up im disgusting want end im tired feeling like every day pretending everything fine im tired happygolucky friend thats truly am despise myself feelings anxiety worthlessness go away feel like never ending cycle wont ever able break away from want go away,1 +call ambulance police redflaghey gonna suck six bottles sleeping pills tomorrow afternoon call ambulance pick body police im hoping leave mess many people sorry posting forum first time avoided redflag time cant wanna know rot time im found also sorry adding gloomy reddit thanks,1 +know selfdeprecate much part still lacks confidence even worked much it scared lazy stupid way overwhelmed life actually hard certain degree justified know perhaps combination said almost like want apply want anyone else either perhaps felt sure thinking opportunity always therei actually busy lot stuff college although little bit old well also gone lot trauma both mild severe throughout years understand need kind needed time heal hate unproductive lazy hate people use excuses justify shitty behavior seen ugly looks want one those seems repetitive pattern behavior deny opportunities maybe deep unconscious part feels like deserve better life bullied much recent past left filled shame guilt noticed exact thing dating too know great personality naturally deserve love loved again whenever want date keep thinking need fix life first like good enough know excuse know excuses understand life already happening between supposed perfect moment start living yet broken mentality let go despite fact keep empowering everydayhow stop break free past stop procrastinating adhd yes meds help focus selfdiscipline makes things better still am make things like better better lost amazing job opportunity procrastinated much applying it taken feel awful,1 +ok horny nibba hours sike httpsyoutubezxo_ohtqwy httpsyoutubevigow_cdrro httpsyoutubertqlrslpvc kayako makes cock hard,0 +totally nailed the alien in mass effect ,0 +cantwhy like want friend want someone care want worthy i hurt bad,1 +anyone subreddit care enough talk second daymy loneliness slowly killing,1 +i know i am not the thing my inner thought tell me i am but damn it hard to shut off the voice that tell me i m dumb fat will never succeed it s like my mind race telling me that i hate myself at worst i can even go towards thought of death and pointlessness,1 +@LezZlie Hey some people make football teams your grandpa just wanted a full bar CHEERS!!,0 +@SincerelyNicole no I'm not lol. ,0 +pray wake upim year old guy college come middle class family dads father abusive alcoholic thus father abused much older brother time fathers child gotten little better used spank sister kids reason sister completely shut someone yells us changed gotten better yell get angry never lays finger either us however always expect to even though point life know cares would never that anger saw ingrained since child hate it mothers mother alcoholic well terrible childhood never physically abused mentally broken down exgirlfriend emotionally abusive manipulative combination mother live constantly thought everyone always passiveaggressive hate me often feel like capable loved hate much believe anyone could hate me nothing makes happy anymore job video games movies lost motivation couple friends tell care me quite frankly feel like would better without me feel like issues weigh realize much better would without me nothing live anymore nothing makes happy reason alive feel guilty leave friends sister hate life feel like everyone hates mad time everytime go sleep when trouble sleeping pray wake up hopefully pop tire car flips over don know hell read far thanks guess all,1 +who wants my goddamn hugz award say something make smile get,0 +whether hopes afloat drowning be waves break across seai feel lonely even among friends especially then id say long till death fear be joy eludes time loneliness ever present ive forced solitude companion could survive ran away party looked around faces saw failed relate to never supposed there thing is remember feeling ever supposed anywhere alone hurts surrounded,1 +im getting every day redflag seems pretty appealing compared going timesthats life expectancy im basically relationships outside family family loves much enough me feel guilty greedy read peoples posts lost love life got abused traumatized money etc meanwhile real problem im scared social interaction last week talked girl found attractive gave number texted day stopped responding rejection crushed me people tell im young whole future ahead me feel young friends years younger meaningful romantic relationships cant get girl talk hours im immediate danger killing myself think every day think shooting back throat hopefully destroy brain stem think hand could jerk maybe turn living shell brain dead tormenting family even worse successful killing outright think avoid building guillotine severing head body entirely would likely kill me think future want weekend think this im still far away acting it ive drifting direction long long time need change course may well end up,1 +literally dont even carecan die benadryl im alcoholic relapsed around week ago got phone wallet stolen whatever try next day right like try sober going well today found whoever took phone put photos messed naked online cool go get beer family member went car took beer beer knowledge shit literally care fuck everything fuck everyone everything,1 +dad makes want kill myselfmotherfuckingbitchassholecuntfucker dad doesnt really get involved life unless like yell try make feel guilty ive trouble staying motivated schoolwork pretty much everything else im medication depression anxiety nothings working far cheated way online school since th grade im senior failing classes late make everything missed great plan would drop out get job focus mental health work towards getting ged brought mom yelled stupid n shit cuz theres couple months left told dad hes making mad face flares nostrils looks like wants beat face yelling said would failure stuff ive learned tune out know want whats best dont understand probably never will matter many times try convince do dad fucking annoying sometimes makes feel stupid invalid always talks hard time young get something like get this idk probably thinks hes helping relating makes feel like hes invalidating feelings seriously whenever bad day im like crying room day somehow makes himself saying things like putting dad thishe talks rd person talks therapist physiatrist tells story hard time younger compares us reason want kill sometimes feel like redflag option dont know theres lot could say hard focus anything,1 +wanna never go out one deserves around horrible self like punishment fucking see get fucking die,0 +"you know, my dad is the only one who has ever given me shit for how much weed i smoke. to him it's like i smoke just to smoke but i don't. i smoke to help with my anxiety and depression. it actually helps me a lot but it's like something helping me is so bad to him.",1 +sure anyone going read this really care box text shouting void reason writing all keep people love see really sweet romantic notredflag tv just breaks heart bittersweet way underneath warmth happiness feel see cold reminder never happen me people always say oh ugly oh annoying like sure objectively objective measurements things overweight adhd statistically likely people going find unattractive annoying not statistically realistic chance never meet anyone loves romantically fat overwhelming something else entirely platonic notredflag even one ever falls love me surely still plenty friends right well know isolation done number me ability form maintain meaningful notredflag talk friends anymore feel comfortable vulnerable people anymore open book miss friends could stop talking to miss open genuine feelings yeah sure highly likely things go away fall back campus thing chief live future experience future experience live right now right now last almost two years felt pretty mediocre ngl feel like ability form maintain healthy notredflag breaking,1 +hate myselfive dealing suicidal thoughts about years now started family dads side started dying first grandpa dad greatgrandmother moms dad grandfatherlist goes onall extremely close dad bairly got know besides fact loved time got see casket funerali dealt bullying people colorado elementry school middle school one elm trying get expelled fake hurting him middle school worse kids harrasing day hitting me calling names making fun long hair im male cheyenne whats worse teachers principal condoned itim joking let happen finally leaving woodland park middle school spent freshmen year online school alone heard moms dad gotten cancer mom dropped everything stopped working come help moving us small cabin woods loved home dad got us rent back colorado got massachusetts via driving flying took care grandmother grandfather got several cases melanoma lung cancer half lung pace maker s valentines day years ago died cause hospitals staff overdosed steroids cause paying attention take care wife mentally ill due past issues insufferable ways ive little friends life taken away via bullies back school hang me part feels like people hate me hate meive never relationship cause this almost one girlfriend could meet since met online got brain cancerand last least im un employed tried joining several jobs ever got one aweful sum one worst things getting beaten patrons getting bathroom food regular break pm am shift local farm event dressed costume halloween life hell ive never gotten happy ive plauged suicidal thoughts day day out dont wanna act them but like tortureto hate feel people hate feel worthless cant find kind way make life better,1 +business jets tax deduction hunters thats thats post,0 +i just want to either take all my pill or jump off a bridge and be done with it people i thought cared at me don t and the one person i know care about me and want to be my friend doesn t respect me a a person with feeling he hurt me he know how his new relationship ha affected me and now his won t stop behaving like a horny teenager in public a a man in his mid 0 i just want to be respected i looked up to him and it s all crumbling down in front of me i can t be friend with him anymore and i can t live with that i just want to be done with this pathetic life i just had to cut my parent off for the second time in undergrad and have nobody i m useless and behind on so much i have so many obligation but i can t find the strength to do any of them all my peer hate me for being upset how dare i be upset when i see the person i like make out with their significant other on the floor and won t keep their hand off each other and i can t do anything about it if i say anything i ll lose everyone i m trapped i fucking hate myself for getting close to him and wish he just left town when he graduated so i never got to know him at all,1 +"craziest thing about depression is that i always think that i've hit rock bottom and that shit couldnt get worse, but today i turned down a costco churro cause i was sad, then cried about not eating the churro, and i realized that this is DEFINITELY rock bottom (until it isnt)",1 +developing crush guy met reddit lmao kinda embarrassing hella cute,0 +sad that the foot of my macbook just fell off sad that the foot of my macbook just fell off,0 + year old likes doodlebops show seems keep attention awhile characters interesting vibrant primary colours all theres much educational content intended target audience could benefit from seem theme show try teach kids sharing respect basics like that well produced high production values really average show like shows tv days buy merchandise angle son wearing everything dooblebop think wed spend money go live show ever came town going zoo science centre far better experience everyone involved opinion money better spent,0 +i just doubt and am insecure about everything specifically my emotion a well a my time management and productivity for example i will feel tired then i ll think am i actually tired what doe tired even feel like am i just imagining and making this up i do this with every emotion including happiness and excitement it s ruined how i feel emotion i don t feel any of them anymore because i doubt them so much i just feel numb how can i start feeling emotion normally again and stop doubting them,1 +fucking lifei hate work cant stand it hate myself im still living parents think avpd im tired scared fix life im depressedsuicidal years now addicted weed sometimes alcohol times took ecstasy rave even home depression anxiety much worse since then social skills terrible im lost know do feel detached world im highdrunk time playing videogames listening music room im work cant stop selfdestructive behavior care health wellbeing friends gone im trapped inside head life feels like neverending nightmare years weed made worse too without feel like im dead inside want die nothing matters anymore easy im trapped fucking dystopian society kill soon swear cant stand wage slave life im dumb change it probably want to lost literally hope redflag feels like option left like since high school nothing cant save me know it,1 +cant handle abuse anymoreim living childs mother cant handle abuse anymore ive living months im trying scrape together much money get away im employed anymore stupidly took parental leave help son past days constantly insulting berating me calling liar piece shit useless scum worthless telling leave tomorrow else shell call police enough money rent place im living scraps unemployment even kicked yet mention im bankrupt credit good luck finding place love son cant handle abuse either put abuse im homeless homeless god knows long family stay with nobody takes claims abuse seriously im man say suck handle it cant handle it week get days long enslaughts gaslighting insults need out cant anymore hope son forgives hes old enough understand want homeless want put abuse fucking want drive car brick wall lake,1 +teacher youtube channel really proud please send love sub would mean world httpswwwyoutubecomcnewbedenhttpswwwyoutubecomcnewbeden channel plays eve stuff would love could show support,0 +spoke addiction counsellorshe said abusive household circumstances wont let heal unless change cannot change carers right even wanted to covid restrictions let me told relapsing seem think less me seems though even substance abuse capable making feel better temporarily said shed speak psychiatrist getting mood stabilizers however im persuaded change things ill ask me rehab center supposed get back week even knowing that see little hope future empty now harm today time soon im afraid think sorta stopped caring whether live die,1 +someone read leave goodthe plan ready ready action week tldr im going end week im good enough normal human anymore going read story love change thing contextstory late selfesteem issues excited finally prove helicopter mom get best grade possible despite always as eyes enough looks overall percentage fast forward graduation day low behold graduated stunning a subjects overall percentage gift ministry education top s city congrats got mad brother top s there hell broke loose us beyond mad hell almost fainted rage thought applied university get away home bit everything would fine boy wrong two years tried every trick book manipulation straightup domestic violence make go med school getting rejected every university country nationality said country alltime low first attempt work obviously fast forward late brother managed find education opportunity neighboring country moon set plan dad go get paperwork ready mom manipulated dad take us home country seek unattainable educational opportunity already accepted neighboring country stuck sick early mom using connections got physical therapy major unverified university refused attend told brother get ready were leaving neighboring country somehow dad discovered plan insisted coming us agreed notify mom it got university already started month paperwork requested start next year get fair start two weeks finals dad let us live alone thought around finally heal fair chance boy wrong again discovered years abuse mental torture mostly due genetics memory problem forgotten almost everything learned high school short memory basically goldfish level started university majoring geology already got really popular professors nice forgetful dude luck crashing hard mom decided live six months stress anxiety that got fs c one b basically failing got diagnosed prime immune deficiency due covid mom left alone got back home destroying pretty hard life constant messages i told gotten med school look failing miserably decided life worth living anymore got covid would die fast anyway plan ready week evil destroyed dreams ability achieve dream whats point anymore barely get every day constantly forgetting stuff crying sleep anyway thank reading kind person im do,1 +Happy Friday Eve everyone... We're almost there! ,0 +miss things live fori miss enjoying life miss hobbies take mind pain cant take pleasure anything except sleep wish courage take permanent sleep life devoid meaning tell try something new ive spent plenty time nature ive tried play music ive tried sportsexercise ive tried art sex means nothing someone love dropped school future filled anything mediocrity existential anguish ennui,1 +Depression is a fckin bich,1 +buy human liver just im curious course haha,0 +@starwoodhawaii Hawaii is home to the greatest starwood hotels!! ,0 +fuck tik tok saw rant like heres another one despise app called someone actual crime posted got criticized blue lives matter patch like know people sorts opinions actual fuck im done toxic ass app hope gets banned country goodnight may god or whoever believe in bless,0 +know kids arent alright want die text post weekend dont drugs dont self harm suck bf one give grand children give death give head stay school,0 +"On june 25 i'm going to see Metro Station, Katy Perry, All time Low nd others in the Under18 festival in Barcelona! With Lai & Patt ",0 +#WellbeingWednesday Harvard School of Public Health found that females who drink a minimum of four cups of coffee per day could lower the risk of depression by up to 20%.,1 +im backso thought feeling went away nothing name need help bad real help well wishes hang buddy try dig sadness pulls right back down many problems mentally financially like name im mind enough dont want homeless bum living center life peak year ago slowly slipped hands im sorry,1 +ex told wouldnt care dropped dead isnt wonderful,0 +at school right now just watched this is england and i m sorry to say that i didn t like it that much maby because i watched it here,0 +@MsRemix I pray that I do too! Trying to remain positive. I will! ,0 +"Lord, please, help my friends. Some of them have been dealing with depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts, and I know you can help them with their pain. Ease their sorrow, and allow them to see hope with each new day that you bring. Amen.",1 +for the last 0ish or so year i ve spent most of my day wishing i wa never born my first suicide attempt wa when i wa in nd grade i held a giant kitchen knife to my heart and stood in my kitchen daring myself to fall over and honestly if it weren t for the pain it would ve caused my parent i wish i had nothing ha any meaning at all for me anymore and honestly never ha i m afraid all the time i feel like complete shit my anxiety ha gotten so bad i can no longer work which wa the only way i ever contributed anything i hate myself i hate myself so much if i could go back in time i would shove that knife so far into my heart without a second thought i wish i had the strength to take myself out of the picture but accomplishing anything ha never been my strong suit my wife just asked me if she could get me anything and the first thing that popped into my head wa a gun and hollow point bullet but i m too weak to even take that step i have stage kidney disease i can t work i feel like garbage all the fucking time last year i passed out and broke my face i can t stop thinking about blacking out like that again and never waking up i fantasize about it every day i m a burden to everyone around me and if it wasn t for my son and the fact that i m incapable of accomplishing simple task anymore i would totally take myself out i have friend but none that i feel like i can talk to about this i m so alone i can t do this anymore i m seeing therapist i ve gone to partial hospitalization for anxiety nothing will work though because i m totally broken and unfixable i m not worth fixing nor do i know how i haven t done anything terrible to anyone or ever hurt anyone my life is just empty and it always ha been a blackhole of worthlessness that take all the joy fun and cheer out of a room split it a part and make it completely unrecognizable i m the worst person i know personally everything just feel so hard my wife just told me today that we have a meeting with social security for disability benefit tomorrow and there wa some paperwork that needed to be handled i completely lost it for 0 minute after she told me that i couldn t stop thinking about way to kill myself before the meeting tomorrow i m so not ok and not being around anymore would definitely be better than existing a i currently am amp x 00b sorry this is a rambling mess i m really fucked up right now and i just needed to get this off my chest i m not going to actually kill myself that is waaaaay more effort than i currently have energy for,1 +i hate what happened i thought i could be happy even just for a moment it make everything else so much worse and it couldn t have happened at a worse time,1 +@EMFK Bugs you gotta love them hope it will get sorted asap.,0 +agh snow,0 +keep getting removed uh interesting title uh pp life going nowhere im stuck dead end fast food job im barely surviving boss would lower wage asked raise cant leave town every time try get drivers license fail test miserably friend mentally retrded worst part i live pineapple sea,0 +linkedin is being really mongy for me tonight in fact it ha just sat spinning doing nothing a few time recently,0 +got far cry thats post screw mods screw mods screw mods screw mods screw mods,0 +rakeman it wa in the 0 f just last week,0 +is off to bed. Ready for cut and colour tomorrow ,0 +cannot call anyone help want mum samaritans never picked,1 +confident instead saying swear god say swear me compare god shows respect towards religion good makes subconsciously think better,0 +jade is looking for a new home http apps facebook com dogbook profile view,0 +finally done music comp final took weeks lot fun make httpsyoutubedvpxuczeu,0 +best friend years cut completely friends since th grade th recently told girlfriend goes school he moved away recently helping deal stress close everyone always thought dating best friend cant even text bc blocked me canged ps name match could call fruit bowl even texted saying could still talk cant friends like used to yesterday talking friend sister goes she still wont admit likes adam almost started crying bc explain hes even friends anymore go back school tomorrow friends ask im gonna cry idk feel like something cause leave me need new guy best friend,0 +"@JackieHillPerry Jackie, have you read Spurgeon's Sorrows by @ZackEswine? It's must-read material if the subject of Christianity and depression is interesting to you.",1 +dont even know bro going day nd fucking people dont even know bought pills take get back home tonight people talking like im even nd dont even know fucking easy fool people,1 +tomorrowtomorrow day sure im still trying figure tomorrow sleep tonight wake tomorrow soon sleep forever ill finally peace think clue happens die better life ive had hope find peace incredible lives,1 +Unfortunately my mother is no longer with me..... So today I give a special "I LOVE YOU" to all the moms that are still here ,0 +im suicidal anymore want kill spitemy life actually going pretty great once well parents decided lazy theyll throw next birthday june lazy aka found job applied several universities studied lazy mother untreated bpd worst fucking bitch know goes lovey dovey monster seconds were eating peacefully suddently starts yelling every time yelling tells kill myself honestly really want it spite her hurt her thinks words consequences always excuses abuse i angry telling give self harm made exactly that course yeleld child know says im joy life one thing stops offing herself want rip joy away her brings joy end make miserable show her abuse words meaning usually like this try understanding hate bothering anybody want peace quiet knows push buttons turn spiteful asshole wants harm,1 +every day wish people became okay dyingim tired fence this want get something done,1 +little year shit mistaked year said me year s lessons now wandering corridors turned around said im year believe me short looking young teenage curse adults dream,0 +typing therapeutic thing help thinkyknow writing envision words screamed flow mouth like fingers across keyboard like end shane koyczan poem know word it sound decent though put simply want die child need emotions motivation nothing nobody one person love fell friend straight window that loving parents entirely aware care cant cant love them wish could recent lost friend recently admitted hospital hes sick least month now insomnia keeps awake trust issues paranoia keep away classmates become numb joking cries help use front one friend hell probably leave enjoy company throw padded room like everyone else know hell react personified demons point see them ive seen one whos since childhood numerous times now supposed tell anybody see real life im insane none makes sense hate feeling most confusion weakness etc spend almost time computer today spent hours front bluescreen abyss place reaches beyond hell finds mundane like live this patrolling lurking subreddit playing crappy kongregate games none worth it parents berate overuse computer never aware always oblivious pain heart know people care caring front make many people cry dead th grade know laugh insult th grade th grade want die im man past teen years abusive home terrible situation im maybe id feel empathy sympathy whichever ever did never relate cry loss unloved never felt emotions havent innately love past years functioned machine calculative logical mission remember was therapy never cup tea first two th grade still operated motive felt frustration towards ignorance classmates lack connection them next one never beneficial remember name probably more ted absolute trash thats was always smiling always enthusiastic happy see me fit therapist never understood related me never made attempt to smiled asked questions prodded signed family issues my dad outbreak think traumatized brother never cried idea trying do pissed off hell expect reply with know really dont want hear people care life gets better ill overcome things matter happy would make forget want normal without magic pill edit noticed errors fixed because again nothing better do,1 +know navigate feelings new feeling stretch understand go pleasantly fine suicidal self loathing within minutes able step it suffering poor mental health years turn next week feel ashamed serious negative thoughts are covid hard transition especially moved new city months everything started locking down settled loving partner great connection family really fun job finished degree stop look around feel like nothing ever good enough never good enough always skin problems bad teeth acne never artist used i bachelor fine art drive passionate used it never career built entire plan around losing interest art never relationship family want could stand stay hometown feel tornado failures swirling around damn time seems matter many positives come way last long enough weight negatives really know looking guess wanted say loud whatever ,1 +Im not afraid to admit i have depression and anxiety... I never let it get the entire best of me or destroy me.. I let it be known so people can understand where im at and where the need to be. Im stronger than that!,1 +mom tried kill againi sick everything wanna die hate everybody hate me,1 +church retreat delema need advice mother keeps fucking begging church retread friday sunday nebraska forced boring ass bible study every wednesday which girl retreat absolutely going hate retreat theyre going activities church stuff mom thinks were going like visit nebraska actually go places highly doubt it one experiencei need help convincing going good time me want much time please help,0 +lets talk religion anything want learn religions namely mormonism the church jesus christ latter day saints jehovahs witnesses im open ampxb plz dm want,0 +jeopardy wouldnt worried winning getting questions right would fucking terrified come interesting story share double jeopardy,0 +fucked upi fucked fucked fucked holy shit nothing health related fucking dug grave,1 +"wondering why the heck did I get a twitter if I neverrr use it?? lol bout to use it more often! I'm on the guitar, txt it ",0 +im dying nope im not say hello wish everyone good rest day night goodbye,0 +huey lewis newsfuck everythingnothing mattershey dreadwolf coming live new york city nice cool summer night partly cloudy beautiful summer night making love almost pm ill coming live night long play best hits back day phone lines open ready answer calls knows may even appear live air next got huey lewis news slow hit if it taking first guest night first word sponsors are suffering erectile dysfunction,1 +just got up i have to watch my lil bro s mom is at work,0 +earlier learned sriracha sauce spelt sriracha siracha whole life complete lie,0 +"Mom's depression tied to kids' emotional, intellectual development http://dlvr.it/QQmx3v  pic.twitter.com/W0w75igaLJ",1 +joefernandez klout your not thinking of selling are you,0 +cant deal life anymoreits much hurts much trauma resurfacing cant deal anymore im done,1 +dont know doi want commit redflag tried chickened want die minutes without someone knowing die want commit redflag,1 +in my profile if you want to read it,1 +looking notsoserious mob movie female lead right place pfieffer acted much better this see matured beyond picturebr br when first picked movie up expected pfeiffer poorly miscast however plays mob wife role hilt bad performance baldwin eitherbr br if pay attention hair might enjoy movie take seriously,0 +someone please help im fucking close redflagive depressed couple years now one ever helps me counselors therapy even family feel useless worthless ive tried hanging multiple times even wrist scars cry bed every single night girlfriend used money fat shamed front everyone ive hospital multiple times landing purpose catching fights dangerous activities see come close dying im know whole life ahead me already terrible dont want k ow rest like anyone advice me please comment need help could post days saying final goodbyes gun ready another rope even sharpened knives please help me need someone,1 +@jelo45110 The calvary has arrived ,0 +please againi feeling kind okay past days suddenly today hit sucks slowly start go back dark place nothing clear know matter time youre back warning im crying seeing people go life suffer makes cry even harder im sorry anyone feel like this im sorry dont deserve it hurts much im sorry someone else hurting like hurts like bitch shouldnt hard much pain hate hate hate many people feel like this dont want dark place anymore dont know want die dont know want live shouldnt hard make decision im exhausted swear im much pain cant help cry cry cry give headache,1 +bus driver appreciation post day thank bus driver dave getting school,0 +ask crush phone number andor social media ive crush years actually friends while doesnt talk me,0 +going lie despite looking interesting watched notorious bettie page heard and fairly obvious looking synopsis anything film gretchen mol got naked it never fan mol cannot resist seeing attractive woman taking clothes yes may perverted theme ideal central core movie helps make film lot stronger probably bebr br the film chronicles bettie pages mol life physical sexually abused days kid high school south onto new life new york wants actress pay bills too taking seemingly innocent shots local beach page slowly becomes modeling sensation quickly jumps suggestive photos sexually provocative pinup photographsbr br i feel briefness film just ninety minutes curse blessing it one hand film never overstays welcome get know page within short minutes gets right modeling career look back curses film well never really get chance grasp everything going on kind jumps around modeling shoots controversies create jumping right major senate investigation takes much final act film sit there attempt absorb all comes right you feels like filmmakers wanted summarize much material short film begs longer sequences begs even longer explanations feel rushed feel therebr br another bit fumble although bit curiosity use colour throughout film majority black white frequently splashes sequences colour emerge may done symbolic gesture early on becomes bit distraction continually pops later cutting back black white gets confusing becomes tedious interference anything else film goes onbr br while may fumble bit actions film stays deadon themes page know little nothing about played innocently world exactly same save shady characters teenage years everyone encounters innocent everything innocence it never thought would look full frontal nudity something anything vulgar depraved here truly something marvel at once beautiful innocent even sexually perverted moments film albeit tame compared todays standards innocent angelic feeling them something way mols nude body portrayed strikes different chord nude bodies films feels natural wondrous reason watch film would see spectacular depictions mols body plays bettie pagebr br the reason mol herself page exemplifies s southern belle everyone knows or least imagine despite profession still normal person still looks religious mol plays exactly right amount squeakycleanliness needed make character feel authentically s plays matteroffactness would hardset think mol actually bettie page herselfbr br unfortunately supporting cast little moments shine totally overshadowed mols wonderful performance none anything particularly pleasing none really strength role mol does really fault actors fact much work with many totally recognizable oscarnominee david strathairn in role little close one better performances sarah paulson recent golden globe nominee studio sunset strip character actor lili taylor would hard set really place performance anything okay none characters really developed really stand character cutouts mol runs loops around picks steam brilliant performancebr br really film worthwhile portrayal nudity gretchen mols excellent performance bettie page everything else bit muddled awkward be work done develop supporting characters blast right story film would much better biographical film stands vehicle mol really rise stratosphere popularity actressbr br ,0 +single hitting quite hard never listen electric love blues ,0 +heard friends singing going walk park friends talking musicals started singing dear theodosia hamilton like amazing amazing saying bad incredible listening two girls sing,0 +@HaylieK Have a gr8 saturday hay ,0 +ha im old af tf lmao bruh please ew,0 +guess youve reading comments latest new posts youll know topic is,0 +dad accidentally saved lifei sitting room knife desk thought shit going brother diagnosed cancer grades dropping daily insults thought bad could be life better blood across desk dad shouted love you put knife stopped without wouldnt writing this want help scared people would say im fine stop lying brother going something unimaginable tbh times feels like one cares feel like trash dont want bother anyone do,1 +happened posting images grayed filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler,0 +roses red grass green life shitpost meme,0 +Worm don't have to engage in capitalism Worms don't have depressionI'm gonna amputate my spine so I may become worm kin,1 +im bored friend text do unrelated ticking away moments make dull day fritter waste hours offhand way kicking around piece ground home town waiting someone something show way tired lying sunshine staying home watch rain young life long time kill today one day find ten years got behind you one told run missed starting gun run run catch sun sinking racing around come behind again sun relative way older shorter breath one day closer death every year getting shorter never seem find time plans either come naught half page scribbled lines hanging quiet desperation english way time gone song over thought id something say home home like come home cold tired good warm bones beside fire far away across field tolling iron bell calls faithful knees hear softly spoken magic spell,0 +sometimes click profile see real mf posting whatever,0 +is already up and is waiting for her love to take her for a ride ,0 +came back edge wanted share learned anyone still thereover last months got caught bad situation probably worst ive part of entirely caused screw ups left gutwrenching pain regret shame guilt humiliation ruined life time ruined repuatation took toll around me long long time im able recover point pain bad truly thought would better leave everything behind imagined relief would feel feel all imagined void all thats side theres pain also joy theres nothing void came close it got scared jumping in good things though time bad things overwhelming stand thought never another good time again thats kept jumping in theres never another life point void come me able stop it want sure gotten every last drop joy life does weight lifted shoulders lately feel better long while wanted share things ive come away with anyone needs hear ive are came back think possible come back did possible come back too admit yourself whatever thats buried inside want hear admit yourself admit someone trust almost everyone wants help you please ask them please ask them even people scared of please ask help ask im anonymous face demons theyll outrun dont seriously big one must turn face them make mistake wait face them do sense relief greater sense dread consequences face right weight lifted realized much wanted savor good times started write note wanted something remind things loved thinking last piece interruption occured never finished note like way turned out end void make sure spend life,1 +wow i need a breakk. PROM TMRW ,0 +time runs outit decided given years then get mess make so gonna hell atleast sister old enough understand see living life majority plain suffering let enjoy living live guess everyone meant live happily ever after,1 +wish dieyesterday nearly drowned beach friend saved me went home reflections died yesterday feel nothing even regrets longer feel regrets conscience gone forever minutes theres pain lungs filled salt water burns pain last memory pain things unresolved die never feel future brain never feel regret simply dead never done anything worthwhile dead dead feel emotional pain death bad,1 +tried talking mother year old female long story short grandmother who basically raised me passed away october due college grad sucky economy move grandmothers home who lived with back mothers home things literal hell fusses dog vacuums three times day due dog doesnt allow touch cleaning supplies kitchen area laundry room due messy im allowed lay couch anything ill damage it therefore spend day little room im work grad school im done honestly hate coming home find driving parking lot sitting car avoid going home often talk moving mom response leave house get masters degree youll exiled family ill never talk again cant manage ive researched hang via doorknob think thats best option right now ive dealing ptsd depression since brother tragically died im end trying anymore probably wont go it dream day night bad memory needed space vent,1 +aeugh ughagaeufh aeughhhh aeugh uhhhhh uhhh aeguhg aeughhhhaaa augh agh aiiiii aeugh uhhhh aeugh aegaah ageeah u,0 +nickynocky i m looking for other utility supplier tonite now,0 +wrong think belong darki feel like cant look things without feeling bad them like theyre painfully alive dont know approach them like objects colors close eyes dark feel like belong space eternity feel peace feel trapped world feel something suffocating me expectations responsibilities cannot shake people longer care yet ghosts haunt words expressions expecting waiting real them feel like need die,1 +favorite aesthetics im kinda curios,0 +anybody else like kid cudi songs give special vibe cant describe it certain vibe good one,0 +got question so non virgins whats story story long time friend male introduced porn like months later asked suck dick like eh fuck sure awhile yada yada awhile got caught no mom yee edgy year old im glad broke off whats story,0 +goodbye fellow teens taking action change person feel better friends loved ones aswell first step im taking cut negative stuff life unfortunately majority reddit one thoes things know ton hate definitely some dont want part person good run soldiers hope every one good day night adios,0 +constant nausea tooth pain fever fatigue anxiety depression someone please help meim ive anxiety years ive depression years ive near constant debilitating nausea fatigue years teeth rotten decaying away week ago horrific tooth pain high fever started cant eat sleep left house almost year cant go doctors definitely dentist feel nauseated tired get up ive constant thoughts death redflag ive hospital times past suicidal thinking time want get done tooth killing bad radiating head throat tylenol helps sometimes pain going go away own need help like now im tired nauseous weak im tired fever pain somebody please help me,1 +#depression #motivation #lifting Shoulder Press!! Or Military Press!! Regardless one of our… https://www.instagram.com/p/Bh_WIyCh01V/ ,1 +welcome to work: 232 mejlů až jsem si z toho omylem nalila horkou vodu do cornflaků místo do hrnku s Ä?ajem ,0 + mg benzo ml vodka kill meplease answer yes no tell stay alive,1 +got dirt bike theres track literally road house big poggers friends give shit,0 +title required mom called unload dishwasher instead calling name yelled starlight theorist im confused,0 + fulfilled life want outhi all wanted come share slice wonderful hellscape call life im subreddit ive fantasised pondered killing multiple times throughout life last days probably intense yet tried kill times issues pretty complex guess im really good cloaking mental health word use describe exactly im feeling life exhausted im recent graduate degree music production so useful struggled lot mental health university uni developed epilepsy brought anxiety sleep deprivation diagnosis fucked me began live life completely opposite doctors telling me wreckless drugs alcohol dangerous situations wanted closer closer death sort like game me spending lockdown own spending thousands pounds not even money drugs give escape depression anxiety even worse live home dad makes suicidal thoughts increase tenfold feel absolutely worthless like old paper note bit worth couple years ago useless currently still want die set various dates ways go ill never know im moment gives chance step back think lil bit thanks reading got far,1 +im considering drinking drain cleaner housei mean could literally right now ive tried kill before failed,1 +"is having pain du chocolat, chocolate soy milk and pea pods for a late dinner. Yummmm. ",0 +wtf average year old boy cm tall im cm average guess nice,0 +kinda thinking nowlike fuck financial stuff hate money sistem know frends ended like this nobody remember problems go dye live depression last years dont know do everything always fall apart long time ago proud myself got spiritual yourney days came back old problems fall sides expect funking love people see money people dont wanto live like this im afraid kill know fast,1 +question anyone know link mc server missed ,0 +@mk_cisforcookie just let it all out ,0 +yall ever meet someone start messaging theyre ok first turn absolutely insane yes pls tell abt delete k karma account cuz guy psychopath scared gonna look city cuz couple hours away change appearance case never gave personal info phone number family members names high school anything like first name age name city live damn tryna make friends always gotta backfire even changed way type account case hes still looking notices similarities crazy man paranoid longest time retrospect overreacting yeah never trying make reddit friends lol tried look username see saying anything think account got deleted something good thing anyways tell stories,0 +"@theDeanoRama Psh, as if! Cap'n Crunch needs no sugar! It's yellow sugar cubes, basically! ",0 +yay am and not a bit tired,0 +continuing declinewith quarantine curfew put place come sad realizations way life even called like so distant family preferring despite bitterly crying every night upon thought deaths wishing could forever lonely am even digital age waking notifications anyone advertisements videos uploaded one even wants speak me psyche hurting badly wishing could get lost die playing idea wouldve legacy died tuesday night remembering one question left hallow completely empty psychologist would feel able see reaction family died apathic response gave resonating silence surrounding me replied would happy watching so impatience awaiting blow end me pushing edge crawl closer closer night sleep someone said do think world abandoned you never took first place mind rotten illusions would cause certain peace sense calm work anymore even critical am fantasy fictitious cause pain depictions echo poor miserable something call life seeing mirror meaning see somebody know recognize depth eyes dumb painting anxiety roof overthink anything everyone says does maybe entertaining focusing am want release death awaiting someone something simply push me hate whatever fuck am,1 +sweet dreams twitter ,0 +@ddlovato http://twitpic.com/6e0i0 - Good luck Demi I love your songs! I will be glad to listen to your second album! ,0 +i m yo female i just graduated in november and been diagnosed with depression and anxiety i always thought graduating wa great cause i always wanted to start a career and i can finally be a real adult plus my symptom were getting better and my shrink decided that i don t need med anymore shortly after i graduated i got a job were i basically create tiktok video for a company i thought i would enjoy this because i do really like being creative but they asked for too much video in a day with great quality not just simple tiktok type video and i had to basically do everything alone it took the joy out of something i truly passionate about plus they didn t pay me enough so i had to quit then i got a c job for a hosting company that pay well plus i can work from home which is a huge plus i thought it wa okay but oh no they didn t train u well to handle customes with their technical issue and i don t have a tech stem background and the workload wa scary for a fresh graduate even one of my co worker who had a computer science degree quit at the second day of the job i tried to suck it up but it worsen my depression and anxiety symptom that were practically gone were coming back to me i cried everyday because i keep thinking i m stupid and inadequate one day i had a panic attack in the middle of my shift and i decided that it wasn t worth it anymore so i quit not working wa so freeing but gave ne anxiety and depression a well because i see so many of my peer already starting their career and they seem to be able to suck it up so i had to apply for a new job tomorrow wa my first day and my last job really traumatized me i cried thinking that i would feel like that again feeling trapped again inadequate and stupid and just overall feel like shit plus thinking that we all have to do this for practically the rest of our life is fucking scary do you have any suggestion or anything you can say,1 +day posting music sub mike dawes scarlethttpsyoutubermfonits amazing acoustic cover song scarlet periphery really like artists know absolutely love cover,0 +worst luckthis fourth time tried post captcha load life sucks want hang myself im pretty sure rope break,1 +honest like much movie saw first time guess trouble seen theater big mistake thing see cliffhanger settings cinematography try see movie largest tv possible great sound system music good puts movie higher level and commercial potential see it like itbr br its definitely one renny harlins best movie guy knows action die hard long kiss good bye etc particularly good movie special effect great spectacular stallone really needed movie get back success still good see ,0 +free silver first person comment bean literally gain silver free,0 +movie kept constantly entertained comparing serial mom mr waters gone back grittier side nearly polishedbr br there dark side here message success fame changes person importantly changes people around youbr br there false moment filmbr br the characters somewhat cartoonish want believe mr waters trying achievebr br it fascinating watch mr waters evolved truly finest work,0 +girlfriend broke girl came right abusive relationship seeing red flags again kept said wanted break cuz never found physically attractive really feel bad leaving me something concerned about,0 +physics student say think one best popular introductions string theory thats there elegant universe manages make entire topic string although actually m theory accessible wider audiencebr br some popular science programmes feel best approach throw audience deep end throwing technical jargon without much explanation presenting theory boring stale style programme goes concepts general relativity quantum mechanics explains issues need resolved two coherent theory applied universe large small scalebr br i suppose could say slow takes long get interesting stuff like extra dimensions wormholes thing is thats point explaining string theory start nigh impossible without least mentioning physics base way explained elegant universe clear entertainingbr br whether like program really depend willing perhaps initially dumbfounded ideas greene presents extra dimensions warping spacetime exactly prevalent everyday life they but persevere exotic concepts programme find give insight research drives world physics today studying physics well great entertainment well likely able follow appreciate even more,0 +hope allall want right jump window way end misery feel like one talk me dorm hall knocked friends doors there texted one friend asking wanted go dinner never responded college open parties never get invited any one texts asking want talk hang out cry time one wants me whenever cry make sure nobody hears me fear ill get attention fear one care cut shower days ago gets even people never talk ones reach once disappear like one friend texted year half ive diagnosed depression tried everything hospitalized three times went counseling week took three different kinds antidepressant meds plus two mood stabilizers nothing ever worked way ever feel better accepted like everybody else die im sure former never happen told death campus would affect entire community yeah fucking right get ignored life would get ignored death,1 +im deleting reddit lgbt community pedos legally castrated,0 +mizzzidc la fisto i hope one day you get dragged unnecessary on social medium like this by your child if you think dragging your mom on social medium will take you out of depression then good luck to you,1 +Moreeeeee training. ,0 +gonna commit redflag homeworki like homework however country mandatory options,1 +mizzzidc but move out soon swettie you sound like a breadwinner so have your own place to avoid sinking into depression over sneaker,1 +earlier today thinking might able this get feeling better stay feeling better would mean could stop bothering couple people turn supportthis evening found one covid getting tested tomorrowi gladly depression return nonstop means okay please let get better would give life time together selfish get feeling better,1 +boy is back today...yay ,0 +saw movie last night phila film festival interesting funny movie endearing moving scenes peter falk excellent rest cast believable played roles well movie may gone bit long conclusion okay audience laughed right places family dynamics terrific though jewish family could italian irish including greek recommend film interested laughing subject often handled way iot makes think consequences actions affect others life clearly life,0 +think might morally obligated commit redflagim rapist murderer pedophile anything crazy like that im pretty average person lot issues often cause emotionally depend hurt people bpd know disdained people like dont really blame people it ive often abuser life havent easy life thats excuse way am explanation im emotional leech might call black hole now know bpd get better treatment thats always response get say think kill myself get better disappear relapse symptoms finishing therapy even then finishing therapy take long time sometimes years see improvement youre telling continue live agony causing nothing pain worry others possibly years come even get treatment treatment works me sounds like lot hoops jump get realization theres essentially hope doesnt everyone wish less bad people world hate bad people turn around tell kill myself ive never heard actual good argument redflag dont think ever will feasible morally ambiguous option would isolate others much possible isolation would make kill myself anyway getting harder harder convince isnt right choice,1 +friend mine tried commit redflag yesterdayand need advice little background info yesterday exgirlfriend im still close to called me told friend lets call leon tried kill himself failed leon friend years now best friend talk love sex stuff were instead talking suicidal thoughts talked exgf supportive person mentioned guideline rswrecources want worry me whatever instantly called leon skype hearing this talked him tried make stop chance litterally zero seems like nothing do leon want tell people redflag attempt cant sit around waiting kill himself point care anymore thinks me want save him love much respect tell anyone it make first move inform people probably stop killing himself like brother arranged meeting leon today get busy cant try another time hope leon shows up shitty feeling wake know whether best friend still alive not,1 +redflag noteim going kill myself want everybody know abused shitty life tried hide long time tried entertain people like clown everytime tried make people laugh people spitted face kept smiling cant stand living anymore everytime breathe hurts more end it must end it goodbye,1 +need my sleep...guys sorry i couldnt make it. hae fun ,0 +i want it to end i can trucking take it i want to end it all i can t do this i can t keep surviving like this i feel like i m drowning all my emotion all the work all the people in my life it make me feel so alone and tired i don t want to be here i can t even reach out to anyone i know and it fucking suck,1 +no i lost a loyal,0 +slightly overlong set episode previous week paid uncertain terms episode hit heights certain deus ex machina flavour resolution cliffhanger good start that common doctor moral ethical emotional considerations actions centre stage always classic series side issue glossed doctor heat battle regeneration even says sorry cyberman battle episode finally shows mickey embracing heroic side hinted previous episodes journey zero hero complete utterly convincing one scares humour scenes brought lump throat episode everything much consideration finally say new series betters classic series every single respect coming die hard whovian get better recommendation that,0 +first piano lesson today im nervous idk please console something im really sure im nervous ive never done new different makes scared,0 +Got my G1 update. ,0 +i wan na come with them to bohol,0 +every new artist like either pedo rapist shitty person dead sadness sadness around please,0 +i used to always think the answer to life wa living i really did but this thing called living is abhorrently cruel all that run through my mind is why would anyone else do it they must know the answer to something i don t they must know that the only thing separating them from everyone else is the collective knowledge possessed to follow through it is such a deep and passionate act that in reality the act itself is the meaning of life the meaning of life is to die,1 +wanna message mods mod obviously cant send modmail answer private pms,0 +pre pandemic incidence of diagnosed depression wa about this increased to during lockdown likewise amp case of anxiety went from to http t co czlqb cxqe,1 +"@pidusd welcome to BLR ,, out here i have last day's dinner and today's breakfast at 6 am ..i even have a word for it Bre-Din ",0 +think im ready join sisterroses red violets blue sugar sweet perhaps you roses wilted violets dead sugar bowls empty wrist stained red sun shining sky clear theres silver lining cause longer here rain keeps pouring theres end sight laying frozen far light beautys unreal smile sun time cant turned actions undone words wrote read i love much please cry im dead bond formed love ran deep pain shared friend could keep wanted hold you wipe tears eyes moment said goodbye want forget times dont want let go know wont tears face memories burned head roses wilted violets dead,1 +@terenceterre just try to look at the pain as something u enjoy! time'll go faster liddat. it works for me ,0 +stuck inside poorly little people,0 +my boyfriend told me if i m feeling unsafe call 9 but i smoke weed to calm my mental health symptom and it s not exactly legal where i live i don t want to get a criminal record but i promised i d call for help but then i can t die any advice,1 +Mental illness is not a uniform experience. It's not as cut and dry as monopolar depression. It gets gnarly and it gets ugly and people get hurt. You don't get to claim the stigma of it and turn around and join in the mockery of others suffering right with you.,1 +homies smash passed titanic victims httpswwwyoutubecomwatchvssjxvezxvm,0 +kenmcguire sorry i had to be the one to confirm your darkest fear,0 +suicidal thoughts fucking examhello everyone im starting suicidal thoughts miserably failed submit assignement resulted low mark therefore ive failed exam still chance pass exam september despite that im suicidal failing exam means money means cannot go switzerland continue esports etc would lifeworthless,1 +theekween it help those that suffer from depression and anxiety thelmasherbs,1 +i m feeling so anxious my heart is beating fast and i m shaking i know my doctor is going to be ok but it s been a long time since i ve talked to a psychiatrist and now i am so worried that i am gon na forget to tell everything that s bothering me i can t make eye contact because of my social anxiety can t sit still feel the need to move around the room i m gon na ask the doctor for some new and stronger med because the one i m taking at the moment are not working a they should i hope that it s going to okay,1 +need a ride to work im not liking the pospect of the bus,0 +playing danganronpa wondering anyone wanted talk play game going sound weird played first two games discussed friend investigation trial really liked that made happy talk game liked me arent life anymore wondering anyone wanted chat similar fashion lot fun got game diminished still like want finish it missing connection got it spoilers please talk though thanks want talk first two games despair girls anime would fun too reddit discord communication,0 +my mums clearing my room! i love my mummy,0 +"I've been a victim of sexual assaultI've almost witnessed my parents murderI can't go to bed without my medication (sleeping pills and depression pills)I can't stay in a room alone even in daylight... My point is, I manage to be this happy because I pray about everything pic.twitter.com/wsKSNw0Gho",1 +absolute lowest hate job cannot think straight job want always there want forget play games friends lost love self worth non existent therapist wants go anti depressants drained thinks put fuel fire seem any haunted things want cannot get like decent relationship someone loved hurt me cannot get shit straight scared anti depressants scared depression live family put pain cannot make headway cannot feel good think yes can no cannot worthless scared everythingi feel like treading water delaying inevitable one day time work work work bloody work,1 +fun fact day three five american bear dog which extinct neither bear dog yellow crab multiple white hairs body catch bacteria feed thermal vents bacteria deep dark areas ocean dont go process photosynthesis chemosynthesis process turning minerals thermal vents energy,0 +redflag hotlines worstim fine now recall years ago go detail exactly happened called hotline people dense got told basically shrug off told take hot bath prevent suicidal thoughts holy shit known bath would prevent mental illness id richard simmons outlook life seriously bland tone say generic lines call cops show house without giving information cop said either take hospital jail explained situation mentioned cannot afford slammed hospital bill im going jail because gave warning suicidal tendacies idiot phone sending people jail racking hospital bills someone suicidal going make suicidal flaud system told refused go either committed crime wanted search house told need warrant that point took phone started recording them repeating needed warrant search home get recorded experience calling national redflag hotline truly suicidal call people make feel even worse better trying luck therapist try hard meditation need stop hiring people telemarketing experience hire actual therapists least requirement therapy taking people street absolutely ridiculous national redflag hotline last resort center people truly need cattlehouse people cops show door people worst day lives people make worse saying bland emotionless things calling cops behind backs disrespectful person calling looking someome talk to need hire professionals takes someone special mindset genuinely care every call comes through hard get calls day redflag tske someone resolve care actually want help,1 +all furries use depression as a tool to gain attention which strokes their ego even further,1 +dont think take anymorei hate everyone else hates me tf still here,1 +think killing lot middle grocery store society everyone blames everything fault job anyone says going walk hiring person threaten kill give part time job deal people quit blaming everything saying fault kill,1 +somebody please interview parents me assignment forgot ask questions morning remember news day days following public opinion think changed world know it so how thoughts add due tuesday its sunday here thanks bunch yall,0 +opened parentsi opened parents feelings general thoughts life made cry feel like piece shit,1 +cant thislast week tried commit redflag inhaling carbon monoxide garage turned car song came reminded ex love life ended relationship wasnt ready one fine completely cut contact handle that helped everything people saying getbetter find somebody better her nobody better her perfect meant world nothing want back depression getting worse fail four classes college going rough road ahead me want best friend love life world back want tell literally saved know would respond know turn go lost wilderness mind want out want happy again want again,1 +"I remember falling into depression last year because the person i loved was to busy loving and giving what was supposed to be mine to someone else, this year ive learned to let shit be, no matter what you do a bitch/nigga still not gone appreciate it @ the end of the day.",1 +dilyswei thank you i know it not over but the fact that i studied day and night made me sad,0 +i just cant stop thinking about my ex i loved her now that she doesnt want me in her life at all anymore i dont know how to cope and what to do im helpess i really dont see a future for myself,1 +expecting impacted film portraying family like one expect living next door ordinary fleshandblood people like typical hollywood fare face common problemdebilitating illness storyline grips heart powerful lesson casting script direction acting flow together surge draws viewer deep story give film full attention message truly inspire,0 +bad nightpoof,1 +okay songs sometimes disturbing lyricses wap takes another level filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler,0 +*Perfect threesome* RCB / \Depression ___ RCBian,1 +after am and i m still sniffling and sneezing can t sleep morning is going to come way too early,0 +leaving Northpoint's C3G mtg. headed to Crabapple Middle..out of the tornado shelter safely. ,0 +"Yoga is often recommended for depression and inflammation. If this is true, it makes more sense that we can find relief through yoga. It would also make sense for those who are bi-polar. Some days I feel great, other days I'm looking to crawl under a rock #depression #doyoga https://twitter.com/zen_secrets/status/989112287586914304 …",1 +"Worldwide, 1 billion suffer from anxiety, 300 million are affected by depression, 60 million suffer from bipolar affective disorder, about 21 million are affected by severe psychoses, 50 million have dementia (to grow to 152 million in 2050) http://bit.ly/2DRXBQV #SharedFacts",1 +killed kids them basically surgeon put hands surgery killed kids,0 +i m just a complete mess right now,1 +donei cant this cant keep going like one fucking cares hate everything passion anymore want die care it many ideas want courage it husband leaves work tomorrow seems like best time it,1 +Hi 6am. I haven't even slept yet. I got side tracked online... Seriously going to bed now. Good morninggg! ,0 +start dick peoplethat way die people happy im gone want die want people happy im gone sure would suck mean people guess could suck tell part grand scheme things mean im already asshole guess may well ante make stakes higher,1 +Happy Birthday @PCIGU ,0 +transcript scpj debating drredacted scpj allowing us say n word data expunged supremacist drredacted isnt allowing say it want freedom racist redacted scpj could redacted flat single redacted nose data expunged eyes full redacted everyone redacted redacted redacted redacted redacted after point mtf zeta mole rats removes drredacted room execute scpj redacted brain attempt contain scpj,0 +Playing The sims! ,0 +guys asleep yet curious redditors asleep past am yall sleep school days anyways,0 +"109 left, funny limitation.",0 +although born year movie came never heard junior year high school saw became totally engrossed laughing crying feeling along characters friends thembr br their hair clothes speech outdated emotions desperation situation familiar remember thinking real wished would make movies like stillbr br in fact saw movie night crazy party not unlike one jays house crashed considered loser derelicts hung fringes crowd world class bser responsible mother figure type identified immediately jeanie i also one car although little bit madges insecurities floating around too best friend deidre good friend childhood anniebr br watching scene jeanie school one boyfriend break telling madge much loved felt like conversations situations personally hadbr br now age recently saw movie felt surge emotions like watching back piece youth though none friends died think must see girls up,0 +such a goood moood !! ,0 +suicidal years so last couple daily feelings uselessness misbelonging inadequacy utter self hatred last leg,1 +tiredmy mom died young messed head dad isnt around either living overseas also apart life beginning went away mom died currently living granparents sometimes feel desserted like one turn no one explain fears to often cry sleep always ask god could give one day mom feel touch her warmth want mom time ask relatives died everyone different story i straight a amp b student grades toll think getting older eager getting greater day often feel like end life,1 +somewhat simple thought instead samurai mastering blade mastered gun basically im thinking feudal japan musket gunpowder introduced instead samurai trained way blade instead learn use muskets get point basically sniper them masters it japan become full gun slinging samurai ronan yeah weapon would trickle lower levels soldiers dont skill mastery men trained birth use weapon rifles beautiful masterfully made engraved finest engravings common houses hand generation generation men hit flying dove least meters would guns long rang rifles would carry blunderbusses multiple pistols something friends thought last night wanted share world think it anything would like add go ahead love idea,0 +unconquerable depresionhi people first reddit post may bit long please bare me hoping sort outlet talk depression suicidal thoughts stressfree environment im really stuck unsure do ive onandoff depression two years now last time experienced severe depression basically glued bed avoiding human contact senior year high school im male sophomore college good group friends good grades host extracurriculars occupy time etc recently about two months ago ive randomly gone deep end trigger explicit reason depression came back vengeance really unbearable lack interest lack motivation inability sleep nightmares sleep anxiety negativesuicidal thoughts ive tried everything think of im currently taking mg celexa daily been taking weeks really remember see therapist twice week friend close confidant however suicidal thoughts keep getting worse point basically constant moment woke moment fall asleep follow dreams spend way much time day googling sad shit thats thing focus point ive considered voluntarily going hospital sure would do seems like ive run options stuff try really cant deal shit anymore ive also considered medical leave school cant imagine stuck home make feel different im worried taking leave negatively impact education experiencenot like worrying right now know eventually itll get better capacity beat thing like people do like ive done past moment im really frightened may follow something nothing changes soon anyone similar experience unconquerable depression advice every viable option seemed fail input though words encouragement nice theyre exactly im looking for thanks reading everyone,1 +My daughter and I were at the park and I actually found a 4 leaf clover!!!!! bring on the luck ,0 +get links fucked videos pictures send boys havent sent said anything forever something fucked,0 +logically theres point living also keeping aliveif im well school unsure major minor whatever financial gains cannot access financial gain while lost sense identity deviant many ways flawed human family god real reason live followup question keeping alive,1 +Todays it! One final attempt at my future! Wish me luck ,0 +What to Do if a Minor Illness Worsens Depression Symptoms https://buff.ly/2vmwPjK ,1 +i have no idea how to use twitter no one want to follow me cause i m a bland person,0 +drank monster first time drinkreview okay decided join kyle cult drank monster energy engaging act capitalism local gas station brought goods home took first sip basically tasted like someone melted bunch sour candies made drink it caffiene level enough make bit alert enough unleash beast inside me like said might tolerance built years caffeine consumption probably is could shortcoming drink regardless nitpick drink woke bit anyway really making enter avatar state open third eye hyperactivity like experienced to said think overall pretty decent drink ill give part thinks monster might bit acquired taste thats review see ya,0 +ever feel like youre explode but listen dooms soundtrack youre ok again,0 +partner going leave me get abused push everyone away supposed accept continue notredflag know nothing else normal relationship even know now trusting women families tell me want call names does hurts me know live like normal person kid wanted love everyone fucked me know fuck doing lost pit never going escape this therapy emdr scared live scared trust people damn tired feel hurt people suffered abuse especially kids fuck people hurt us want anymore nothing makes sense,1 +could make money point next rent check due managed borrow friendsfamily thats get im asking anyone big heart please lend us support like said top understand lot money repay recover blow,1 +today i m really amazed scared by how many basic error i find on e commerce website wrong error message no loading icon etc,0 +say pleasantly surprised movie mother complete moron occasions youngest daughter idiotic enough go night woods scared daytime movie pretty good director sense treat us brains maybe hed given us movie people behave idiotically still manage get danger worked plumber fellow trailer apparently teenagers mother needed idiots director get closure ending filmbr br atmosphere great scenery awesome undead kids scared crap me live wooded area taking trash creep quite while movie works accept already mentioned raise moms iq bit id give ten,0 +kal penn thank you for being a great character on house i m sad to see you go,0 +guys guess gf shes great love playing raid shadow legends cant appreciate beautiful world pay win mobile games fact playing raid shadow legends use nord vpn assure big government cant get me freshly shaved face thanks dollar shave club confidence read audiobook audible later break raid shadow legends may even learn new fact skillshare sit listen music raycon earbuds wich high quality wireless earbuds pay ridge wallet wich able save money honey,0 +embarrassingly watched movie first time years release story father brother relate to one brother bit wild brother typical older child craig sheffer little unemotional oldest brother pitt amazing skerritt perfectly cast father fishing scenes filmed montana absolutely breathtaking idea fly fishing could attractive movie closely follows book modifications make appropriate movie format unlike book movie stories one measures up perfect movie anyone wants quiet night powerful somewhat emotional movie,0 + years depersonalizationderealisation depression suicidal thoughts gotten better hate know ever like again become robot cannot even talk look family members eyes friends understand dpdr side hurts opened two people friends one said thought bad asked imagining going decide future now going college month pick job all antidepressants working gotten fat cannot even care reason live would family pain grateful family loves even though love eachother even deserve love hate past mistakes believe ever deserve love happiness sometimes think death easy way think maybe living suffering would better punishment me idk life hard slept day today even energy socialize anymore never really forced cannot even that think old friends think rude like even true one even takes seriously anyway joke group think stupid laugh nod gets awkward never say actually want to whatever though really want live happy life forgive know impossible relief,1 +just saw dan off neighbour walking down chapel street random feeling like they are going to fire me at work any got a job going,0 +hey guys im abt pray fun,0 +im year old loser girl love hates nothing left live forim piece human garbage ive literally done nothing good hate person lived hates me wanna kill every day miserable dont future im waste life point,1 +zoomposting real god tier one favorite zoomposts barry remember nora bathing got hard barry jacked supersonic speed got hard,0 +great cast great acting great music character movie stories personalities vivid great movie missed,0 +blah test blah blah hmmm yes blah blah ok bye,0 +guess chicken butt filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler,0 +cant decide want kill myselfi seriously wish lived near high bridge like golden gate bridge san francisco did wouldnt alive right now theres lots trees near house wherei could learn tie noose hang myself could also crash car metal poll tree high speeds want method thats fast painless world evil cruel place longer want part it parents ever owned firearm would likely killed now wish one could stuck gun roof mouth die painlessly last year alive im excited fucking escape everything permanently cant live life loser killed young age,1 +need kill myselfim done here one values me huge colossal failure constant rejection abandonment friends real life pressures home lack acceptance driven conclusion world would better without me even know posting im tired hurt seems like way end pain,1 +please give advicei feel like life chance improvement relation family described anything cold downright abusive even though friends support me ive never been despite trying countlessly failing time romantic relationship anybody recently ive trying explore sexual identity probably bisexual come us foreign country given current financial educational surroundings feel chance hopeful future studying studying abroad college us ive spent months preparing best application could failed got defered yesterday dream school turned partly due fault external error one documents entire life feel like make wrong choices courage keep making wrong choices future,1 +creep straight serious horror film set real time wants nothing show people get attacked empty subway platform mutant minutes that nothing more nothing less director christopher smith draws drama far plausibly introducing series characters would actually reason subway locked also leaves origins titular creep deliberately vague unlawful experiments happening s underground hinted at little bit mystery works part sadly undermines toward end actually holding back twist ending genetic malformations would appear they hinted well yes heard right wanted clichd twist ending franka run lola run potente good terrorized female lead rest cast fine,0 +common problem see often recently ive seeing lot posts comments saying much people hate subreddit gone complete shit anything along lines dont like something going change leave ignore it change want see whether thats real world online dont afraid voice opinion youre likely one said thoughts opinions stay hydrated homies,0 +looming around corner again always comes back like wave like moon hear silence feel breeze see cold light death try try try choose survive hits everything goes dark suicide singing peace quiet end everything resisting difficult difficult bright white piece string would over peace quiet end live death always there looming around corner,1 +using sub diary day today quite chill stayed home moms birthday didnt much stayed home listen much got couple gift hmm yea stayed play video games mark word someone remind years said take mom dream vacation turns guys day anything interesting happened,0 +nobodys home easily right nowim done im done moms pills hand hours stared them take them,1 +anyone wanna talk im bored asf sitting accounting kinda wanna talk someone dm u wanna talk ,0 +In the bus on my way to liseberg ,0 +i think im coming down with something,0 +coke zero mobile site broken on iphone anyway http twitpic com y xp,0 +feeling embarrassed about taking time off from work for grief depression i just recently lost a loved one about week ago and although the grief shock and mourning ha subsided i m now dealing with some depressive symptom that are making it a bit challenging to perform at work i tried to go back after only a week and i didn t do so well so my manager advised i take the rest of this week off to deal with thing and then come back next week i work in mental health so i have a very understanding workplace but i just feel so embarrassed about this a i m a graduate in a new job concerned people are talking about me worried about all that i m missing out on whilst taking this time off worried that it look bad on my behalf i m just feeling very ashamed atm even though it s not my fault i explained to my manager what i m going through e g depression lowered capacity to function and i feel embarrassed even about that just being so vulnerable feel very odd if anyone ha any similar story please let me know,1 +enjoyed film way mutants looked along tone film good plus david cronenberg philip k decker great makes wonder personality exactly real life except killings coursebr br i impressed creatures film although movie probably somewhat low budget mutantscreaturesmonsters looked great especially definitely unique film crap makes want go find read novella based of interesting film shows humans monsters monsters one humanity,0 +http://twitpic.com/6rzlk - what I see when I walk out my front door ,0 +i once had some talent look charm and a sense of the endless possibility of life and existence but i blew it all with terrible decision now i stand here with head bowed beaten destroyed the oyster is rotten,1 +could day even anyone tell itanytime see anyone act normal like im fine meanwhile keep tied noose car right length thickness drop exact spot could go moment even work drive past almost every day id want it run redflag risk questionnaires ask details worked thats big yes me every painstaking detail planned t im literally scared point point could spot lt minutes it like said worst part anyone tell it friends family therapist doctor etc everyone around goes lives even think might soon theyll probably saying unexpected like works years,1 +broken arm day no ight put random shit comments top comment gets cast,0 +hi exist one cares tho anyway filler time asleep right im thats great like city love cities trains also drawing geography live best city world anyway filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler anyway good night say anyway lot realize,0 +so today gotta get tested covid th september played basketball guy tested positive wish luck,0 +ur girl kiss best friends girlfriend kissed best friend another girl yall find problems that doesnt sit right idk try overreact bc ik friend tbh dont like bc think best friend bi dont like anyway bc shes kissing someone aint me texted earlier like wanna tik tok like one thats fucked yo bitch fat mutha fucka song biggie basically asked cheat tik tok dont really care like bothers little yall think,0 +spent hour shower cos didnt wanna go online lesson people anyway even awkward hopped,0 +new jersey plan history ,0 +"i'm not here with the intent of being adored or praised.. i appreciate all u say, honestly even if i'm not calling for it..",0 +"it's rainy and I love rain but rain like,,, triggers my depression so I feel like shit rn",1 +"@satiricole @Signorella @herbert_farrah 2. ... but to confound gender dysphoria with the insecurities/distress women face today, suggest that the medical definition and symptoms are unknown to her.It is like saying how being sad is the same as years of clinical depression and how ''everybody'' experiences it.",1 +everyone pities looks mental illnesses cannot stand anymore tired labeled weird awkward hurtful disheartening got fired job know outgoing enough took weeks manage courage work took everything go work proud embarrassed looks pity coworkers grouped gossiped left out blank stares people gave something said came wrong annoyed looks people gave could stop fidgeting thought would worth it hey job going comfort zone right well what fuck gain embarrassment confirmation good enough one ever understand accept me rant,1 +hello guy my name is t m or soul heart in my language i have been struggling with depression for year now and reached a breaking point some time ago i have always been a quiet and lonely person and never had any close friend my circle ha been small and at time completely empty lately a i branch out socially i find myself rejected or misunderstood mental illness and emotion are not really discussed in vietnam and i have been called too sensitive and emotional it got to the point where i almost ended my life however i found a saving grace with a therapist i just wanted to hop on here and wanted to give you guy hope and love that i wasn t given you are all wonderful stay strong and know that you are worthwhile there is nothing wrong with you and emotion are thing to be treasured they help u grow and love but do not yield to the negative one,1 +at mobilityvic org launch no grog nice video from pwc though,0 +pretty girl online class hate online school allow students interact even worse moved new school advice,0 +"Hi. I would like your advice. I had a relapse, of depression. And this time, it was so bad I skipped my prayers. And I didn't f... — Hi!Have you consult a professional in regards to your depression? If you have not, please do...... https://curiouscat.me/rayhanburhan/post/427164775?1524661169 …",1 +@shooop got 'decisions' on repeat now ,0 +really need talk thisive really bad time recently im unbearably shamed myself ive silently suffering porn addiction ive found embarrassing ive unable find courage get help last night girlfrien came across internet history absolutely furious promised stop watching porn feel humiliated level unbearable feel like cant get help anywhere people judge talk it im feeling like redflag viable option moment really cannot turn anyone help anyone could please help way id appreciate it cant stand this,1 +discussion recently this see ideation thinking suicide escape tendency inhibition make plan anyone know better terminology thoughts feel like struggled ideation two decades point suicide ideation vs suicidal tendencies,1 +got girls sleepover look im gay anything invited me it guys,0 +youyou anxiety imagine yourself dead happy free anxiety makes suffer anything worst suffering is suffer you exist want dead dont love yourself alive know death is whatever ok you anything better day this like many days worst day your life every morning imagine body hanging tree your life is without light youve thinking years day waste time never die youre terrified hurting family friends everyone loves you emotional crisis come back sub read write something youre alone feel better youll back soon,1 +want dieagainif read previous posts here would come know tough time friends however theyre reason wanna kill myself reason wanna kill me see never son parents could proud always friend friends who awesome way deserved ive realized im disappointment all one series realizations come know span short period time i still am struggling alcohol problem one bad apples batch got hooked it honestly cannot seem stop either getting back point also realized suicidal thoughts like aids cannot really go back way things were ease pain really good friend met pretty recently also left well essentially exploded her told things boyfriend know pretty bummed kinda maintaining distance he best friend found something wrong leave told up asked promise tell n exactly that got pissed essentially exploded her problem is taking anti depression meds time idk now kind person whos check even exhibit slight hints killing yourself shed literally call phone answer texts used too combined aforementioned factors makes feel like monster way know get rid kill actually optimistic last time posted know went also realized cannot make everyone happy trying that disappoint everyone so thought disappointing everyone last time ending all way kill right jumping window get panic attack every time try jumping window im scared heights honestly know anymore im lost think ill person was im sorry wasting time,1 + years old want dieso ill pretty much give story im right now friends told counsellor depression tried kill twice went different highschool friends friends highschool really hated it second year highschool left go one friends went to really popular went friends lot later year stopped hanging popular people people liked im third year friends school never anything social outside school feel terrible ive contemplated redflag much feel like matter time parents tried get talk counsellor finding website called lost hope lists redflag methods ipad time autism test done i didnt end it got talk counsellor handling that counsellor said sounds like depression didnt trust ended lying forgot soon after nowadays parents terrible relationship slam door lot take anger cracks wall im terrible son terrible parents too lot people age use depression like cool ive never told anyone mine kind embarrassing tldr tried kill twice younger social life outside school hiding depression everyone know parents pure hate relationship please point reason live many people redflag dont see why feel like hearing reason might help,1 +want say goodbyei hate life dont want keep shit dont plan maybe one day head tracks im reason everyones suffering,1 +gosh it t 9 9 am and i am soooo tired quot yawn quot i want to go back to sleep but i can t,0 +overthinking whole thing ive close friends girl like years anything bad happens im always her stuck thick thin listened vents tried help her today posted friend appreciation post friend group mentioned every girl close mentioned tells time closest friend group since talk rest forgot add name felt kind left out name slip mind everything barely get appreciation anyone name listed felt sad got thinking really important her convenience lately feeling best either kind sent edge too overthinking nothing worry ,0 +i think im slowly going into depression ,1 +hey everyone fuck you luv lt,0 +my best friend doesn t want to be friend anymore i don t have the energy to fight for our friendship i feel a though i m constantly trying to be a better friend and person just because i m trying doesn t mean i m perfect but that s okay i m heartbroken over the fact but i can not keep someone who doesn t wan na be my friend,1 +im okayive lived depression pretty much whole life past years anxiety problem too left house work morning already feel pretty bad ended putting fake practiced customer service face made work day got home got worse went pay couple bills first thing see paying bills credit card drawn couple hundred dollars make payment card bill actually going pay im completely money got paid get paid two weeks town work trip pay day without direct deposit im completely broke bills due next pay check next pay check get late credit card blessing curse me reason im mountain credit card debt bad place needed use place live food im glad needed it impossible get under know im going survive next two weeks im lowest point ive long time know everyone money issues one wants hear mine take much long ive crippling debt decade now every time start get something else comes up ill start getting bills bit car dies oh goes another couple thousand family member dies get inheritance make huge payment towards getting debt oh car dies again money got goes buying replacement money problem one thats likely break camels back today,1 +ha someone ever found their anxiety and depression to be directly related to some vitamin deficiency i wa thinking about what i could actually fix from my side without having to go see a psychologist etc and i realized that i m missing iron folic acid magnesium d and b it s been year but i can not take some of them because they severely hurt my stomach i wa think about having injection done by a naturopathic doctor ha anyone ever tried it if yes did it help,1 +@NovaWildstar Not the same as RL snuggles but I guess it'll do. Off to Trafford centre later to borrow a motorised chair and buy stuff ,0 +life stressful hard time living itwishing dead without courage go recurring theme life peaks now high school young stupid think plan tried hold breath sleep lot blankets hopes id manage asphyxiate myself learned gf pregnant yeah say im shitty human being happen way wanted happen surprise managed live it night actually rolled good minutes incoming traffic lane highway plain didnt care minutes many plans right now gf feeling hot kids wants quit job become stay home parent above potential losing job coming month able find new job trying manage raise kids financial stress working wish could stand up take measures manage emotions cant get angry try let take kids yes sometimes smallest thing make overreact feel like shit cant make anyone happy know people care thing know push people away im even trying push kids away even good days make insanely happy many plans falling asleep garage cars working haning balcony hammer head u til pass out even roof workplace always unlocked never told anyone never courage go through im scared kids im scared gf parents holy fuck want die,1 +anyone else come fake scenarios never happen end getting pissed anyway im sitting im thinking no didnt happen dont want punch person insulting family member,0 +caviarpurple israelite same here the depression is really eating me up switching off would literally solve everything for me but i m too chicken to do it atm http t co vvadmsoxsi,1 +jonathanrknight i guess that s a no then,0 +back again sure doive unemployed since february continue fail attempts get job ive missed chance live good friend mine im unable get income so reality setting more more family turn to friends ex girlfriend california one guy currently live atlanta ga months might job ill finally move exgfs place another souless job job get pay well enough afford live horrible filthy expensive hell city ill come home every night completely alone apartment highschool friends life anymore college friends life anymore one successful friend whos way busy handling himself matter move im going live alone count days finally enough choose die,1 +got zoom bombed today class somebody joined zoom class apparently different district screamed nword shut bitch ass got muted said bitch really tried mute hilarious lmao lasted like seconds tho quickly got kicked zoom bomb principal called it anyways it,0 +mom job stg weeks am mornings work long days raking sand heat full time summer job told boss rolling back weekends prep college fall boss said yeah sure go ahead dad said yeah sure dont care good plan mom got pissed said somehow rude boss roll back hours reason apparently havent made enough money ive working saving past three years year made enough push tax bracket good plan considering barely turned going post secondary knew worked full time gonna crack barrier mom told work full time anyways told it asked feeling summer honest said kinda shit cause program got delayed im working shitty job didnt prom grad everyone know gone looked said youre kidding right apparently thats reason sad im selfish news flash mom ive made past years like god week left place wanna mornings raking sand rest last summer god ive made enough last years,0 +wtfff cant believe found search meme templates memeatic,0 +im ideation againive depressed usual ive thoughts redflag last days feel like display im hurting people care cant let bother them feel like act way call help make vulnerable theyd think im attention seeking know people already think im pathetic empathy compassion agony in feel like committed redflag people would finally know hurt ive been would prove coward really hurt pushed past limit maybe theyd respect following through want people hurt care impact theyve had theyll think im disgusting matter what much want it cant would crush mom dog love depends me im scared forfeit life even much pain causes sometimes wish people really understood level pain going through wish people could see much impact weighing me wish people took seriously wish people hurt would finally understand wounded left me one leave ever attempted ive also thought ending life beating punch could abandon me maybe one day theyll understand,1 +thestrangersay mahinay bad jakay facial paralysis theek hoye or depression ka to na poch jahilyah day,1 +love show like watching mini movie week first episode gripping terrifyingso part pilot im definitely gonna keep tuning show real survivor ive looked comments see already one two episodes morons already crying wolf sorry another reality show kiddies time werenow brace yourself actual tv shows one actually good unlike crappy sitcoms today umpteenth carbon copy law order nypd blue csi series theyre dishing out watch form opinion take one boneheads here,0 +cant take anymoreim burden everyone im around everyone thinks im lazy im much pain cant walk time doctor thinks im hypochondriac even evidence im making up want keep job every time get one break fire it life isnt good portray everyone cant anymore cat needs me hisses growls attacks anyone isnt dont know much longer hold her need everything stop,1 +@TiffanySchmidt hehe Blame away New WIP ftw!,0 +imagine person cant stop thinking thought time wouldnt awesome never happened me feel like useless side character never gets second look,0 +started redflag note todayits pages long far feels like academic paper decided make primary goal still courage end life yet do ill prepared,1 +happy world horriblei hate humanity treat other greedy are selfish are violent plain evil are media controlling us technology controlling us feel like im spied on everything fucking sucks wanna live world like this always fucking sucked dont see point feel connection towards anyone see help possibility anymore world humanity horrible place fit right in im horrible person people surrounding me im fucking sick living one cares neither,1 +Hi depression good to feel you again buddy.,1 +would like donate please go to url fundraising goal high struggling reach it donations would much appreciated also see done far collect money click link donations welcome matter big small would also greatly appreciated could share this,1 +psychologist decided put medication need fix sleep scheduleyeah,1 +isnt there any way we could update twitter through our cellphone,0 +need hug snuggle,0 +it s so exhausting waking up every morning instantly with a wave of sadness and discontent then the whole day is filled with me trying to keep my mind off of my own thought and trying to chase little happiness i m tired of this why can t i just wake up happy and in a good mood like everyone else i m so exhausted and tired of living like this nothing help and nothing sustains it i try to workout but that doesn t help i m at a loss of thing to do about it this isn t how i want to live life and it s exhausting and more of a burden,1 +4:45am here. i`m off to bed ,0 +answer question doesnt involve personal info honestly possible sfw nsfw anything im bored maybe help automod go fuck automod go fuck automod go fuck,0 +Summer session starts today Why am I smiling.,0 +cannot anymorebeen extreme dpdr since august already struggling tons shit years cannot anymore think redflag constantly n way continue life like,1 +@pianomancjm ohhh yeah! love yosakoi just wish I could go to Japan and perform again!,0 +inb no trans feel way could choose gender would get birth would love one want die gender,1 +first night dont want cuti feel great right now idk is wish felt often,1 +Am talking Robsten with my mom and sister ,0 +f join didcord pls bored need new sacrifices pedos hornies dm comment invite link active call together often quite fun,0 +really want kill somebodyfuck tooo much harasment everywhere cant literary anything go anywhere shitty depression bfoere see everyone trying make fucked ass bitch tryin screw me im going bomb people kill myself,1 +thinking ending tonightso told post currently sitting living room enough pills end it one week ago hospital thing chickened taking pills called ambulance this admitted psych ward two days figured situation fatal know behave around people hiding mind years point im sure want take pills die hospital comforting really know im posting im supposed write it guess mind night go two ways take pills go bed hope wake up take pills end hospital again know yet one going happen,1 +mcboing boing one cartoons stuck head years finally decided look pleasantly surprised also surprised people involved production remember correctly watch uhf station meant using converter days uhf part regular tv tune local station watch cartoon big deal days made show even mysterious remember sound effects gerald used talk great memory years ago ill see memories might hiding web way try computer animation thats johnld comes picture,0 +reddit saying new notifications reality theres ,0 +marybethune oh no with everything that happened today i forgot we were going dress shopping for the opera tomorrow,0 +@KateMaxwell So did Perez get it suspended? Or was it Zach? ,0 +want end itreflecting horrible treatment ive got lack ability anything meaningless all dont see going much longer without ending it im willing it keep fucking soon ill finally come end,1 +fionamccarthy i am sure it will i have got load to do today,0 +grahamcracker if only you were working in the melbourne victoria police department or the melbourne city cab,0 +ever achieved rock bottom never opportunity meet friends made times probably fucked sentence above im native alright ampxb love all people known people know moment understood you ive loved whole heart ever hoping could feel like belong like also unconditionally loved since elementary school dream kept returning me oldest one know steppenwolf hermann hesse remember part redflag part man ampxb flights poland greenland expensive ampxb plan buy oneway ticket reykjavik rest cash going taxi driver drive far north possible get road go far white can take jacked of hat sweater go freeze death ampxb want change mind beg you,1 +almost everything looking life graduated nurse got hired wonderful facility even passed state board exam impressed boss lady enough get raise already residents already saying love me kicking ass nurse far especially new one lonely bisexual lean towards liking women moresome coworkers suggested dating apps i unfortunately booted grindr stop blowing up handful lukewarmly attractive women swiped right tindr really ugly anything despite great facial bone structure guess virtually worthless eyes fairer sex blast another guy bedroom trashed but want company female guess good enoughi may bi marrying disgusting man ugly ever find wife might well terminate experiment patients get used another nurse probably one six pack abs women hate them want know good firearm end existence is become actual incel would born female sex society actually cares about men worthless one them many people sexes adore me apparently good enough typical woman fun pack ab packing criminal father deserve familial decency grew with asked this own bye sluts stankyass vaginas crave men barely spell fun welfare forever best handgun quick exit,1 +math question x x cancel xs right x x subtract cancel xs x x therefore exist fucking stupid question help,0 +"went into depression mode for ab 5 months.. glad im doing better, i swear that was the worst.. couldnt eat, couldnt sleep i was surrounded by people but stilll felt empty, like nobody was on my side. i wouldnt wish it on nobody ... my dawg being gone really fucked my head up ",1 +start feeling anything better wth anybody know long citalopram eight years mgs daily feedback appreciated almost months without citalopram,1 +cant anymorei even energy explain situation wanted say never felt alone worthless life now family shitty toxix stuck shitty house them feel like prisoner body hurts cuz even move properly anymore bed hurts body head permanent state dizziness wish would over one gives shit feel like clown times spend explaining problems people thought would care blabbering joke needs important worse parasite,1 +want aliveive never anybody care im done it every friend ive ever left me almost year since ive friend im tired life ive never relationship would love one one girl interested whole life feel like loved her depression took away cried every night months fuck want alone forever kill cut shit short,1 +@Jennifer_Clark Good morning ,0 +"Physical Activity and Incident Depression: A Meta-Analysis of Prospective Cohort Studies: American Journal of Psychiatry: Vol 0, No 0 https://ajp.psychiatryonline.org/doi/suppl/10.1176/appi.ajp.2018.17111194?platform=hootsuite#.WuBj1x0CpLE.twitter …",1 +optionsi made hasty promise friend kill felt pressured so do im certain destroy person unfortunately said continuing draw breath im looking way much harm ideally look like caused it possible contract someone elses terminal cancer exactly wish could do,1 +@Dayvon87 lol sure for $70. haha ---> paypal only ,0 +redflag worth itii dont really wanna get problems dont feel like life worth living more usual guess im live turkey ive felt like years ive anger issues since kid ive scared years might kill anger attack something recently though ive thinking redflag calm methodic kind way im really scared right dont know want die yet like fuck yeah life meaningless meaning try give doesnt seem genuine dont think ill ever happy modern society wanted ask redflag worth it obviously guys say nooo dont kill theres much live whats point nothing changes live die maybe cat would miss family would sad friends would clueless actually one would know dont feel like strength keep living seek professional help dont know im scared death feel like death would better living rest ofmy life,1 +songs sung japanese english english may fluentim japanese cant evaluate english ability think outwardlooking want world hear songs im happy discover music httpsopenspotifycomuseryxcbwykldxwqrynoomaplaylistfvszxkvhhsrjxawqqvsiukzuxqrxqnchzekxwhahq,0 +feel bad todays kids wont expirience star wars like did why,0 +artemisiii oh no is it the laundry powder maybe i m allergic to some and since jean are usually so fitted it make it worse,0 +tried youngtried second time painfuli really seen thruthe third time would want painless space time body mind fight through right timeit change alot things sorry howevernothing always seemsthe day mind stops day define peace soon going it inevitable,1 +wish could enjoy free time never do cannot wait get home work bored,1 +ha a headache it wont go away and i dont want to od on panadol lol seriously though it hurt,0 +speech disorderis making feel way killmyself cant order food talk someone phone cant take good grades college get job dream everything hard cant say name last friends it cant countine life know money live everything hard im fucking loneliest room dark days know people bad but cant live pain life stuttering therapy giving effect oh god im young much dreams im overthinking everyday much pain heart oh god cant handle this therapist said situation improving swear im surviving fucking years even decide live live pain lifeand end surely end mental problems want tell u want talk give positive effect me im trying tell monster able me phone room dark thinking thinking much stop feeling soon sleep forever peacefully love want feel pain loveyouall,1 +anime bad anime bad think bad scale rate want know others think,0 +people don t care unless it affect them i hate people,1 +Morning all and a big shout out to the team at GCHQ in case they're listening ,0 +fun fact onion rings veggie doughnuts,0 +where ha the morning gone,0 +im lonely bet probably gonna like lol same vote say anything predictable actually going try talk anything hate coming reddit friends fucking ghost else,0 +really hate im fcking nicei hate it someone bogus life hard time hating people forgive people easily want people accept me hate feeling disliked even though know im used hate part much,1 +ayo ngl man dude right here kinda looks like dababy,0 +ah shit reddit icon also turned orange looks bright,0 +im lazy deserve die long rambly im sorryi genuinely lazy im busy got shit done overwhelmed im stressed im lazy honestly know describe experience solution simple if know need do i acknowledged currently procrastinating i stop go thing almost want say feel control actions want say depressed lazy im depressed knowingly actively making decision time time again choosing supposed do tried change time time again ive made plans ive tried start good habits try listen music motivate work theyve worked week drop ball say ill pick tonight codeword for really now know this still say it realize try think specific time whatever thing almost always miss time even still one late day away fired work late problem ive always had middle school now exact reason first days week ill arrive early sometimes rare twice times even hour early wander around area need arrive ill pumped energized fully convinced every day going like this starts become routine ill convinced know what ive arriving early start fudge little still leave little later still make time continues becomes problem today arrived late manager told point blank im late one time ill fired edit im writing post it today different day ive fired emphasized want this one better employees store which something ive told multiple people store may retail may super easy im still little proud it reflected fact ive able get away write ups ever seen locations store thats explained next one last one honestly going try like hell break habit know myself going late going happen and think ive made decision going kill myself one petty little thing whats weighing mind today rather like every aspect life much want do life planned out defining restrictive way rather bit road map changed along way see fit want get associates science community college want apply disney college program spend semester there want transfer university get bachelors mechanical engineering list universities picked out even know local transfer advisors university are made effort contact them know im ready ill get minute want move live la i know many people hate pretty valid reasons reasons too theyre hard explain want giant alaskan malamute ill name mako husky ill name mischief mis short know ill keep cool giving plenty water giving kiddie pool play in heard tip filling old milk cartons ice freezing it maybe adding food coloring effect letting play ice ill continue look things like that want exercise every day maybe hiking biking dogs use take big long walks read every day whole list daily habits want start think lead life goes depth that know im going it ive interconnected things made list traits attribute ideal self late work definitely not list hate people say care know im thinking know care lot screw hate even more problem me know need do need reach it deciding kill exactly new thing back last summer made plan knew going it decided become homeless would kill myself time graduated high school aunt uncle who mom roommates with threatening kick unless paid of money rent every month decided figured lazy much procrastinator cant pick homeless everything packed ready august actually found job think may saved life want underemphasize killing myself im trying explain why terrible shitty person leeches burden around me fact note im going leave going say something effect im burden deserve die ive tried long lengthy things trying explain ask people blame themselves turned rambly like whole thing wound inadvertently blaming people last thing want do person blame me went short point ive thoughts killing since high school which long ago im life homework even study passed good taking tests without studying even would get b one honestly even still shouldntve passed earn it college plan ready everything ready thing happened except time stopped showing halfway semester wound confessing plan kill councilor time make long story longer get help needed time frankly community college offer it cant afford it took semester hoping start list good habits knowing went time would fail again know go now im going fail again want fix myself would work would well would excel classes im waiting go fix myself lose job ill boat again owing roommates money cusp homeless basically plan kill live again might save embarrassment save frustration leave early chance threaten kicking out ill clean room bag packed leave im sorry feel like sound like im overdramatic words i deserve die keep repeating inside head think anyone deserves die yet somehow exception words like weird kind doublethink sort thing objectively know true thats seek help believe it started writing one day finished another since lost job feel like terrible person right now im really looking sympathy honestly right even tried convince im terrible person believe it whats interesting that feel like kind clearly see thoughts seem clear organized one day total mess another theres definite split two start turn rambling mess im sorry dumping thoughts here honestly know clean bit know wanted end ill end this past ive told people plan kill myself explain words go head feel consumed it always ask why ill answer im lazy procrastinate tell that cant all believe it whole thing tried focus less plan kill myself less ive tried change myself less thoughts lead it etc im sorry thank patience somebody might respond even nobody does nice putting thoughts there read this thank you tldr im lazy ruining life think deserve die,1 + hrs gothe thing stopped me need make change beneficiarys ira currently set someone longer life make changes tomorrow include brother sister reap little offer cherish love you,1 +hi i wa wondering if anyone ha small kid with anxiety i have a seven year old that ha been coming to me the past couple day saying he feel like he can t breath and sometimes is on the verge of hyperventilation he is a very emotional child and always ha been looking back he may have always had anxiety but it s turning to physical symptom while this is happening i validate what he is feeling remind him i m there for him and we do boxed breathing his lung are clear oxygen level normal no wheezing no pain when experiencing this i have struggled with anxiety and feeling of shortness of breath too i wa wondering if anyone ha gone through this with their child and what are some resource i m calling the doctor tomorrow for an appointment a most of you know living with uncontrolled anxiety can truly feel like a nightmare and is the last thing i want for any of my child any advice would help thanks,1 +imagine briish accent today boom gear have ampxb hammond kills child jaguar xkr ampxb james may eats sandwich swallows cup o tea ampxb talk,0 +Just woke up. I missed my tweetee,0 +suilin nobuuuuuuu you evil evil girl,0 +scariest shit happened choked food couldnt really breathe able cough eventually guess thats good shit scary fuck,0 +so me and my boyfriend met at we were friend for yr first we had the same grade in school and got into the same top university fast forward to our final year at university my boyfriend take a different major to me he is getting top grade and had a great job lined after he graduate i on the other hand have completely given up on life i gave up learning to drive seeing my friend going to class i m probably not graduating i gave up on wanting to do something with my art aswell i spent my last year physically and mentally ill i worked so many hour a a a waitress because my family are really low on money but ive even given up on working a lot he s just more bubbly and smart compared to me he s also not a poor a i am he s just better than me,1 +everything feels shitim year old male suicidal told mom stepdad depressed laughed said wasnt ive also told friends one thought said joke friends depressed get help from depressed since turned got suicidal feel lonely think kill im school im eating etc almost never sleep hours per night makes tired school sleep class really good reason suicidal except hate way everyone lives wake up go work get paid go home eat sleep starts again also feel like im dick towards everyone care anything anymore people annoyed negativity towards everything alive pain suffering ive almost stopped feeling emotions all feel empathy towards people anymore animals school ive started pretending everything alright someone said emo something like hard be happy,1 +prank parents so basically made fake gmail account online school teacher sent email mom dad gist basically paying attention class distracted sent could hear dad reading mom whatever reason got email first prank gonna extra spicy were asian family course theyre gonna go ballistic dad called room stop laughing spilled tea seemed pretty worried still said opened fake email teachers name something crime now im sure crime make sure delete email account luckily enough parents admitted defeat actually cool prank idk needed tell someone itd weird tell friends story lol wait guys also friends though ah cares,0 +love love bot feels really wholesome nice,0 +hello beautiful people im make friends im make friends love talking people could go random topic hours wanna make friends meet new people talk to youre interested feel free dm start conversation id love talk you dont mind dms me long youre comfortable talking im ok talking anyone also cana sk em anything ill answer honestly dont feel uncomfortable easily dm whatever mind,0 +@littlebitlil What/who is Glee exactly? (mabye us British are behind with the news) Thank god I don't have any more exams till June 1st! ,0 +whats favourite disney movie amp aladdin acceptable answers include coco mulan,0 +@robertbrook its been a bit like that huh thanks so much for Thursday [hug],0 +anyone someone want someone simp idc want feel loved,0 +dont get people reply agree arguing much fun circlejerking,0 +im depressed sheltered kid live group home abused overprotected innocent shit yet tried complaining wouldnt believe me friends hobbies conenction family food thing enjoy life making fat even depressed tried seeking help psychologist shes taking forever especially christmas period want run away lockdown library books therefore unreturned huge book vinyl collection bedroom wanna drugs die life goal drugs dont wanna die drug virgin im really curious highly enthralled drugs someone please help,0 +yes alone know still feel fucking alone whore anything ends hurting people myself cannot normal like everyone else tired considered methods commit suicide keep torturing living on carrying on tell love you cannot fucking love yourself one knows suicidal really am parents friends significant other random people internet fuck with every new day feels emptier previous one everyday think killing myself everyday die bit bit want advice wish someone would listen empathetically understand going end all,1 +@CreativeStu Just wanted to let you know that I didn't forget about ya. You've got (e)mail. ,0 +"Like I'm all fun here and talking about ships, sometimes opening up about depression, but generally here I'm silly, joke around, or talking about not so serious and maybe childish matters; but that's the way of me relieving my stress, that is not me, real me is too complicated",1 +somehow changi lost afi awards brother jack latter highquality adaptation george johnstons immortal novel outstanding but opinion good changi heard many critics dismissed changi irrelevant unimportant historically inaccurate even disrespectful critics changi outstanding that brilliant supposed documentary certainly forgive actual changi survivors or indeed survivors pow camp disappointed production rest us changi represents remarkable power mateship times extreme adversity contains part australian culture appears diminishing times become easier less challenging never forget australians respected worldwide gallipoli ww comradery sense humour rating see also gallipoli paradise road last bullet sugar factory,0 +i wa one of them it still haunt me and i m unsure if i ll ever let go of having to endure month without support with a newborn and a year old whilst suffering post natal depression i m still feeling the effect nearly two year later pregnantscrewed butnotmaternity,1 +"Depression costs South Africa more than R232-billion per year – or 5.7 percent of the country's GDP – due to lost productivity. Psychiatrist Dr Renata Schoeman, who is also a lecturer at USB and an MBA alumnus, says more than 40 percent of all... http://bit.ly/USBMentalHealth ",1 + years old live texas honestly wanting end since every attempt take everything never goes expected want selfish family feel like one wants see succeed mom talk happy building dream family talk siblings care showed actions situations put in grandparents cars let drive one get job also make music happy place still know do alone whole life point hurts ever nothing nothing live thing want baby sister great life ill become famous kill better way vent maybe someone try bring will maybe need friends cannot trust anyone fucked many times maybe meant alone need lovesomeone talk,1 +think she is going to be at this traffic light all night haha,0 +cannot try kill cannot stand awake anymore everyday gets worse feel body wearing cared enough want close would feel way everyday agony,1 +found hard like anyone film central characters lindy michael chamberlain whose daughter disappears night australian outback bad people surely all even most scores people see throughout movie would bad knew better though sure film wants us guilt innocence chamberlains start lifes tragic disarray film takes less sociological perspective pertaining gossip news media crowds mobs assumptions movie degenerate society australia particular merely account true story happened there society en masse much less evolved individual feels ensured arebr br when warden insists upon killing aborigines dogs unverified action single wild dog randomly ruined life spins even control owing majority magazines newspapers tv programs distorts tragic truth level drama provokes consumers frenzy sign empathy even kind looking outside ones unaware perceptions influenced left right vigorous hearsay vibes surround ones life reason appreciate film turns focus inside out victims massesbr br the evidence lindy chamberlain aside suspicion jetfueled mostly virtue hers public eye seem sufficiently distraught death baby daughter able keep cool even sort aloofness let alone holding head up tv press much downward spiral couldve prevented behaved publics liking media meryl streep one of the greatest actress working today may give performance particularly stands out frankly neither actor department filmmaking she screenwriters understand lindy infuriating difficult apparently naturally prone showing emotion public case whether approachable lovable character immediate sense naturally prone sympathize situationbr br whether performance immediately gratifying sophies choice devil wears prada angels america work triumph difficult enrapture audience purposely deny insights yourself frustrates us know thinking feeling took awhile feel endeared toward her movies way suggesting reaction publics attentionbr br she married pastor practice religion small minority thus misinterpreted most initially react loss reconciling gods will kickstarting rumor mill generating notion daughters death sort ritual killing part whatever happened little girl parents part margin medias intake immediately identify first inclination go like pack hungrywellbr br meryl streep sam neill constantly screen australian public plays real leads here like punctuation plot advance director fred schepisi cuts away restaurant tennis court dinner party saloon office public tries lindy gets carried away passionate projectionsbr br this golanglobus docudrama particularly memorable settings atmosphere give pleasurable enough compensation fact performance facet production stands out successful indictment collective conscious public,0 +masterful adaptation one even existed need look it find nearperfect presentation charlotte bronts masterpiecebr br rarely seen film would urge read novel based admit here although read jane eyre convinced missed little way dialogue plot intensity emotion wish explore novel due immense curiosity emotion masterpiece stirred within mebr br i need divulge anything way plot here let say this perhaps unsure whether watch read beautiful story jane eyre implore doubt more every atom might magic reared jane eyre popular classic english literature successfully captured filmbr br what bront bring herself clarke dalton managed translate limelight stupendous intensity movies success is doubt due small part acting prowessbr br love jane eyre hate her appreciate richness vitality truth story love characters love actors would love great cinema,0 +Of saidin and saidar and the light and dark ,0 + hollywood map centre cinematic world little decade become site multimillion dollar industry vertically integrated studio system established calmer quarters filmmaking factory taking time little selfreflection last command heart may classic story prestigious man fallen hard times frames tale within bleak look cinema unceremoniously recreates reality production process could mercilessly impersonal written lajos biro scene long enough knowbr br taking centre stage man time among hollywoods celebrated immigrants emil jannings coming states jannings worked mainly comedy master hammy yet hilariously welltimed performance often pompous authority figures doddering old hasbeens makes entrance last command latter first looks another janningss scenerychomping caricatures however story progresses actor gets demonstrate range showing turns delicate frailty serene dignity eventually awesome power presence finale never quite stops blustering exaggeration the german acting tradition knowing nothing subtlety constantly holds attention absolute control every facet performancebr br the director another immigrant albeit one around hollywood bit longer background european film industry nevertheless joseph von sternberg cultivated image artistic imperious teutonic kino meister the von made up way took distinctive approach craft note picture handling pace tone great example first russian flashback scenes open carefullyconstructed chaos movement converging directions audience become part camera pulls back extras dash across screen then jannings arrives everything settles down janningss performance incredibly sedate measured players around begin mirror effect mere presence restored orderbr br sternberg appears show distaste violence allowing grimmest moments take place screen yet implying happened flow images almost poetic fact really seems allround lack interest action scene prisoners revolt sternberg takes aloof objective stance camera eventually retreating flyonthewall position compare following scenes jannings evelyn brent complex medley pointofview shots intense closeups thrusting us right midst interactionbr br as personality set would seem sternberg much like cold callous director played screen william powell fact powells portrayal probably something deliberate parody even sternberg would on unfortunately harsh attitude make easy man work with coupled focus technical resources human ones smaller performances pictures leave little desired jannings displays classic hamming charles laughton mode works dramatically appears noone told costars comedy evelyn brent fairly good giving us good emoting overplaying there performance comes close jannings powell himself little odd see normally amiable star thin man great ziegfeld playing figure stern humourless like male ninotchka good job revealing smouldering emotional intensity beneath hardhearted exteriorbr br the last command could easily ruffled feathers studio offices tends happen disparaging commentary filmmaking process even relatively tame example like this least believe many studio heads would displeased behindthescenes view threatened mystique moviemaking still much alive point turned out impact picture jannings first ever academy award best actor well best writing nomination lajos biro according sources although issue little vague nomination best picture significant since academy tiny institution time first awards ever bit selfindulgent backslapping hollywood elite elite not recognised good material saw it willing reward it,0 +scocity revoled around deathwhy redflag much problem today past,1 +might hopei started school tuesday ive already panic attacks night almost panic attack st period morning physically cannot speak classes due large class sizes giving severe anxiety seriously considering killing since beginning august check comment history want read previous redflag attempts go see therapist tuesday next week noon plan telling suicidal thoughts idea going back psych ward makes want kill appointment even comes thought missing homework school im gone freaks fuck wish another option right want break locked pill box swallow whole bottle tylenol parents bought older brother tylenol work last time due going get help fully kicked in next time im going somehow restrain go help want anxious anymore want normal,1 +@NathanMillson I so wanna hear about your hangover tomorrow ,0 +anyone want bald girlfriend please im desperate ill let u rub head like lamp aladdin,0 +hii everybody whats up today ? i think i will take my ass to the mal lol ,0 +anyone want join discord server general programming gaming discord link description bio whatever want call,0 +my group message is so beautiful it literally takes away my depression.,1 +@ospis lol!!! well u made a fine raw men ramen and we went to bed after that. DRUNKIE!!!!!!!!!!!,0 +likes back basically confessed said liked confessed nicest way experienceddrama related ask,0 +let go grudge im senior high school right now year ago someone took embarrassing pic me wounded spreading nude pic something compromising one really cared it kid real snake way makes wanna punch face remembered saying something whole school seeing it reason none really struck quarantine started everything shut down time dwell confronted online it talked apologized according him trying hurt embarrass me trying mean simply trying funny however inquired saying whole school saw it kept insisting never said that cant report dean tried get back various ways making fake reddit account impersonating saying awful stuff there sending account people try get spread talking stuff mentioned getting bullied bus once kids would mock liking cows he indian would come home cry room every night mocked liking cows called cow shit response reddit thing said would report dean again even means getting trouble wanna break nose get even bad go without getting trouble sort plausible deniability,0 +just curious i ve been prescribed psychiatric medication my whole life and not a single one ha ever worked for me the best it could do is make me tired but in every other case it either did nothing or did something but not in a good way for example adderall and zoloft when i took adderall routinely in 0 9 i became malnourished because it killed my appetite and my teeth started breaking i developed clubbing on my fingertip and i wa manic depressed suicidal irate pissed off anxious scared and stressed the fuck out constantly every single day for 9 month straight with little to no break whatsoever from march december 0 9 zoloft made me sick a a dog that one morning i took it on an empty stomach there wa other stuff i didn t like too like trazodone which i started taking when it first came out and it wa like a huge trapezoid shaped pill that wa painful to swallow although they later changed this which made me uncomfortably tired a if i were being tranquilized then risperdal which made me have weird thought and grow tit and another one that wa really bad wa rexulti which wa rather new and experimental at the time i took it and after taking one of them i experienced full blown psychosis depakote did nothing for me whatsoever and clonidine made me a zombie when i first started taking it and all remeron doe is made me tired i wa actually given a dna test by my old doctor and she found that hardly any psychiatric medication of any sort including antidepressant and antipsychotic would work given my chemistry but she did find that i wa very receptive to cannabinoids the only psych med that ever made me feel good wa thorazine i took at a psychiatric intake when i wa upset and it kinda made me feel stoned from the best of my memory but then again i only took it one time the only medication that ha ever worked for me is marijuana hemp like the delta ape blunts that are delta 9 and 0 thc because delta 9 even in hemp is still controlled with no more than 0 allowed in a product since it is the psychoactive component in regular cannabis that get you too high and cause all that trippy paranoia shit you usually get off stronger stuff and even then this ha only been legal since 0 i ve noticed that weed not only uplift my mood when i m on it but even after it make me happy and improves my mental state in the long term the only time when i m not happy is when i m dry you re not you when you re sober no amount of chemical in a lab is going to fix that,1 +need someone talk traumapleaseits acting again dont know do feel wrong abused talking helps wish another way get it,1 +george cukor always one favorites unsung hero generation nobody mentions cukor breath john ford howard hawks william wyler billy wilder yet look filmography sparkling comedies the philadelphia story adams rib holiday psycho melodramas gaslight a double life great semi western heller pink tights mention my fair lady travels aunt service actors never put front camera feel certain tenderness watching rich famous flashes old master still much evidence candice bergen gives us first time career glimpses wonderful comedian become jacqueline bisset throwback days greer garson loretta young hart bochner steps in teasing us promising something spectacular eventually materialize apartment zero meg ryan bergens daughter already meg ryan tired formula is remains cukor film gather one almodovars favorite movies,0 +go see UP. do it now. ,0 +wanna dip toes animation know animate need something good better good something great something perfect want mention flipnote studio ds somewhere looking back made kid makes want draw again,0 +Just ate a yummy chocolate bar I'm missing my baby can't wait till he gets home ,0 +im tired living scared redflagive thinking redflag yesr would say like idea hate sid effects since im adult yet cant go buy gun shoot myself seems like easiest way im gonna rant shitty life one cares anyways want talk people feel way,1 +im petty officer st class e uscg years feel movie strongly represents coast guard scenes far fetched farfetched po fischer kutcher went inside sinking vessel pull vessels captain engine room would never happen swimmers allowed go inside vessel matter circumstances second command center supposedly kodiak looked like nasa command center gear hitech third captain airstation would running search rescue cases like people watch reality would e e sar controller maybe support personnel like assist sar controller radio watchstander otherwise movie dead on think incorporated rates cg roles search rescue instead aviation based rates scenes a school reminded days dumb stuff got trouble younger days,0 +sick sick foreveri even wish healthy anymore wish pain wish sleep rest im full drugs im person im incubator disease every waking moment far many spent disease theres help one gives shit cant even imagine suffering even could would still problem theirs want pain stop wish every night never wake again theres hope cant go on im forced go on really want die want suffering end theres one way end it life feels like unpaid time,1 +im afraid im going something stupid fuck,0 +stumbled onto movie ebaying caesars palace stuff im enamoured rich vegas history last original luxury resorts still standing good condition unless count ballys original mgm grand respect movie delivers fullforce given grand tour caesars propertywhich spite renovations additions theyve done years open looks alarmingly similar film overall plot somewhat difficult follow thanks large part horrendous editing say horrendous im using word lightly theres lot splicedin secondlong snippets vegas traffic casino crowds even scene robert drivas character conversation father much hes grown up without explanation drivas goes in infamous snippets himself baby little boy back talking back forth father that give away plot details anything one prepared maybe flabbergasted editing film aged well otherwise good message inherent differences father son guys could relate form fashion,0 +im scared best friend know itim totally loss know do short back story little trio friends two call allie basically weve real good friends past years last year got thing allie dating months allie broke things feel anything want waste time decided would take month figure allie wanted try not role around last week allie said no want don bit back revealed notebook write thoughts get bit therapy im dealing with learned today made notebook gave allie try communicate going through allie came today told written whole bunch stuff loves pissed would said another guy told part wrote wanting commit redflag just wanting put gun temple feel bullet go skull fade white ive noticed also past days normal self texted today telling wanted talk face face tomorrow without allie around im scared im scared him im scared might do know do hes best friend allie already one close friend commit redflag earlier year dose know would do basically need help tomorrow tell make want go care grammar proper structure post need help,1 +fuck it like thoughts matter anyway exist think killing daily realised neurotypical behaviour it,1 + year olds sub annoying like think funny reality annoying whiny smh make want this,0 +homework yeah ik online school struggle reddit suck in take time study oor sleep shit,0 +go onthe longer live know terrible person am cant seem stop hurting people care about around enough spiral control want go home work want die know better everyone afterwork im going find place end joke life my redflag note,1 +probably gonna end im when supposed something life know god damn fact know life probably drivers license go college still live parents im losing hope ill find something sustainable sit room day look memes fuck up thats fuck up im fuck im try kill ill probably fuck too like numerous times im right maybe theres hope severely doubt it,1 +turned hate try ask parents money invest stock market ignorance works always push risk factorsmh,0 +nonut journal day foolish mortals wasting energy mind capacity called fapping acknowledge selfstimulation free month starting too month november ends nonmasturbation score reached almost months saved much physical strenght mind power able bend spoons mind knows able month later certainly see again mortals,0 +fuck itnot sure much longer keep pushing everyday gets shittier shittier loaded shotgun next would hesitate aim upon pull trigger im losing weight lbs down really want change every single night left conclusion im unlovable piece trash probably end ditch somewhere anyways would always scoff people went internet complain girl liked like back get now hardest part trick thinking like you realize possible way could care someone awful you losing weight easy cause quite appetite lately thing ive blaming everything wrong life fat time goes lose more realize truly horrible person noone could care me fat hiding new form would immediately perfect person hiding skeleton matter fit thin ill ever get ill stay unloved rest life maybe bad thing things much easier talk anyone sat room day alone atleast priorities straight atleast care much anyone else liked me fuck im done,1 +pretty sure life cursed god satan angels whatever powerful damn planeti want happy,1 +"RC - want to trade: Leek, Flour, Salad, Butter, Chicken, Lobster, Chocolate & Ice Cream, im me if u r interested ",0 +vampire tales cup blood gothfest based anne rice vampire chronicles prove satisfying experience veritable consortium undead contemporary setting queen damned directed michael rymer story shadows darkness unfortunate souls dwell therein eternitybr br vampire lestat stuart townsend bored world longer excites him asleep many years suddenly sounds world hears extended slumber change liking hears ventures forth investigate finds world filled new sounds new kind music driving penetrating sounds assault senses make feel alive welcome knows long last time come time like come open face world terms toward end becomes front man band singer performer unlike world ever known presents vampire quickly amasses following extends far beyond london where begins ultimately take death valley california plans give concert promises beyond anything anyone ever seen experiencedbr br lestat powerful without question kind take favorably fact revealed them one marius vincent perez vampire powerful right vampire fact made lestat many years before gathering coming together making plans meet lestat concert going music something else well one point lestat inadvertently awakened mother all powerful vampires akasha aaliyah make presence known all especially one chosen rule side king lestat concert rest assured akasha attendance without failbr br make mistake lestats story rymer presents amid setting rich atmosphere exquisite moments though film less bite say interview vampire bram stokers dracula sets good pace scenes provide real thrills overall film soaked menace could be much one might expect final tally fact amount flesh incinerated wins actual bloodletting though taste gore fair share lips mouths dripping red stuff theres good fx hand too especially sequences accentuate speed vampires move hurtle air faster naked eye discern decent job rymer could put teeth played alienation hinted lestat is get sense detachment enough get totally involvedbr br interview vampire tom cruise brought charismatic star power role lestat townsend even effective look attitude captures lestat perfectly plays sense acceptance closer scrutiny may even find hint remorse longing good performance one sells character convincinglybr br marius vincent perez nice job too is fact one strengths film though character bit ambiguous that however way written perezs performance quite good br br turning noteworthy performances well marguerite moreau jesse young woman curious good gorgeous lena olin maharet jesses aunt ultimately plays pivotal role outcome drama involving lestat akashabr br akasha aaliyah absolutely riveting presence one say gifted performer tremendous talent beauty and tragically left us much soonbr br supporting cast includes paul mcgann david christian manon mael claudia black pandora bruce spence khayman matthew newton armand tiriel mora roger megan dorman maudy much stronger story usual offerings particular genre anne rice fans especially pleased queen damned film nicely crafted delivered director rymer engaging cast focusing attention drama story way presented rather concentrating merely providing cheap thrills rymer succeeded turning true horror film definitely cut above one may whet appetite same thats magic movies rate one br br br br br br ,0 +Why oh why is it so hard for me to get motivated to start working out? I am so lazy! Happy Friday.. the weekend is almost here ,0 +i have been having anxiety chest pain for over year i have seen a doctor but the solution wasn t a good i take deep breath and sometimes i use st john s wort and camomile to calm i got better for a while but now whenever i think of something a in a college related report studying commitment promising to do something and thinking about it all day my chest hurt from these condition and i have breathing difficulty what do you do to help when you get these symptom,1 +i have already had a bad start to my day i wa in a car line about to drop off my daughter and my foot accidentally left the pedal and i bumped into the car in front absolutely no damage or scratch left she come out immediately saying you stupid bitch n a bunch of profanity at me i have my kid in the car under yo and i m pregnant so i avoid all confrontation plus she s threatening to put her hand on me the cop come they give her my insurance info and a of now she ha already filed a claim with them the only thing i m stressing about is telling my husband he s so emotionally abusive and it just suck it wa an accident and i know he s going to talk mess to me i just wished i had a more supportive husband by my side i ve already had a bad day i ve already had enough emotional abuse at the hand of my mother and sometimes i feel like he s worse and i just can t continue living like this any longer he won t let me divorce him either i can only imagine the custody battle he will drag me through i have no job and no where to go no one to lean on i m just feel so stuck even if i did leave he physically won t let me leave with my kid and if i leave when he s not here i ll be scared of the threat,1 +make friends day friend asleep hes poating r vlipa hes proud without recognition want see smile u help sharw withypur friends httpsyoutubeurfjqdysbe,0 +cant take more agony killing long story short so name alfred florin suffering ocd pure since now young age shook hands ocd anxiety problems big deal present days would go away without huge effort sickness struck hard felt presence hard like possession get let continue story first ocd encounter stepped guys foot guess may wondering whats wrong means well romania urban myth goes like this step someones foot person step back mother dies well many people around cause mayor elecrion day stepped guys foot figure went cause happened fast disappeared crowd instant well got home thought fact mom could dead cause stepped guy foot really scared anything little worried know stupid even year old yeah well guess hours passed started thinking obsessive way mom die etc bad thoughts chest started burning everything would say fight back get believe real started crying pain made feel like life ruined well passed really soon guess next day kind ok tell anyone it experience till age various exeperiences like one bother long run let give examples thinking biomechanics repetitive body movements stop felt like hit right spot movement right one sae really fcked thing website soup made fetus well saw mind started telling would enjoy would like eat stop imagining eating even though hated images pure hell cause religious person made feel like let god whenever would go church would imagine jesus mary sex stop thinking would get images mind movies would leave church feeling like crap made feel like bad person actually crippled thoughts went really fast affect life long run repeat periods would feel bad depressed felt ache chest like soul hurt chest really emotional sudden would get scared easily cry really fast let talk abot age friend believe jesus would argue day long religous stuff explaining thing every single day hours day every damn day caused lot stress really wanted help felt like duty stop tears help god well one day sitting computer one questions god popped head tried answer get answer right seesrched google saw different responses guess what single answer made feel ok felt thirst truth next minutes chest lighted little little pain getting stronger searching searching answer guess question transformed questions per secondin mind felt tornado questions making soul brain hurt like thing world day spent wandering streets cause sit still chest soul fire mind full questions walking like mad man looking straight nothingness walking trying give answer questions slowly strating realize going hell cause started doubting god works made chest explode bursted tears biggest badeest panick attack ever experienced first mom came home work keep telling soul aches know distressed situation thinking teenage thing pass nightime came pain question king gone omnipresent bed disaster got knees prayed like tomorrow end days next day thing happened got point sleep mom listen radio night long day long hear brain telling going hell images burning hell glued mind soul well went like months father came home abroad went psychiatrist thing went ok psychiatrist care took years understand wrong seeing gave pills years never therapy fear leaving treatment behind leaving psychiatrist cause thought one would understand continued years fifth year pils seeing psychiatrist etc seeing psychiatrist everything bad bearable life shit could cope years branches ocd hocd fobias religious ocd blah blah guess tasted it hocd wrecked life went like champ last year fifth met laura new ocd chapter began retroacrive jealousy primary enemy now like dont scars ocd episodes still depreseed angry full pain met one thing t hopeless hope would get better met march different sexual really colorful sexual experiences seamed slutty talking sexual past black men life cheated ex cause horny stuff kissed one night saw something something special even talked like like person funny nice personality toghether one day stop thinking men talked ocd started kicking months reltionship ocd came ruined us way unabe please sexualy unable kiss got point wanted break it inch got kind ok good ok well toghether getting ready exam august found put cheated june ex alin several times month talking time guess started talking april found august forgave strict month would understand wrong wrecked relationship period anger lighted ai started talking ex nothing romantic random talk touch anything stopped talking middle september cause feel like anger good need forgive well everthing went really good found club one night date september went best friend recently got relationship guess dude cheated ex alin with called paul went club paul best friend andreea teodor dude wich seeing relationship ex night got drunk drugs asked teodor stop seeing eachother left asked leaving crazies paul andreea end night spitted dude cause intervened shouting paul wants fight laura said fight spitted teodor said laura asked come back take back home chill said true lied many things know believe forgave night ocd started wrecking life after found contacted ex slept put anger twice regret feel anything laura found got problem ok new start though trust like time ago stop asking questions details past cheating how minor details anything get answer feel better hour kicks stop getting mental movies images hearing things man ablut teodor alin paul etc really need get back track seems really hard told order work need stop talking men going club stol stop etc right go specialist really cares please help every word matters please tell relationship worth anything would forgive would cant stop getting images brain tells betrayed twice alin twice night club good enough self esteem wrecked cant even go walk cause everytime do see someone muscular attractive way ocd teels girlfriend like cause better look admires him ai get really jealous lock shell sometimes feel like like little wounded boy wants understood loved hard live really plastic harsh world nobody cares feeling chase money like hell sorry grammar mistakes spot well thanks reading,1 +Wow. I'm really tired. Sleeping in tomorrow. Then out with the boy ,0 +almost old realized changed user flair likely last year teen turn months,0 +death is peaceful life however bite,0 +know go getting diagnosed getting help parents think anything wrong me say attitude need drop it feeling empty unprovoked sadness maybe years now recently realized past years normal feel way time move forward here think may depression,1 +i can t stand feeling like nobody care anymore it sound weird and desperate but i really just want to love someone and them to love me back,1 +the sun set way too early,0 +"@nathangoss Should have seen the tree - has no bark left now I got a scratch, but next time I see it, the tree will be dead! ahahhahah",0 +what is the longest youall have gone without anxiety,1 +"@Harald_Brinkhof 'Over eating tends to be a sign of depression'Maybe if they weren't so unattractive and unhealthy, if they tried to better themselves starting with losing weight/exercising, they would start to feel less depressed and worthless.Sounds like you need to meet some new people.",1 +want deadfirst time posting last shot trying anything help ive struggling depression since im cant take anymore sit room day thinking end life one cares last year admitted hospital attempt redflag therapy since nothing working girlfriend dosent even seem care tell probelms says ill get thing live parents dont care dad hasnt spoken along time mom hasnt years want someone speak fucking understands,1 +help sore throat hurt kinda hard describe sickness sore throat like scratchy sharp lump feeling throat cough drops dont much assume tick lately kinda rub tongue fucking sucks,0 +experienced something terrible afternoonplease warned following may appropriate everyone sub read hiking around one canyons near home today several hours afterwards drove summit turn around head home top encountered young man completely distraught speaking operator bystander trying console little success apparently minutes before kids uncle climbed nearby hill forty yards used weapon take life wouldnt believed except kid falling apart pretty sure witnessed whole thing couple bystanders started climbing hill check man nephew yelled us saying didnt want anyone going police ems arrived fucking sucked deciding turn around know odds low making difference fuck never saw victim didnt see hear anything except poor kids reaction world fucking shattered called brother told happened started losing it broke down started saying fuck fuck couldnt help it cops medics drove home retrospect dont think real smart drive then whole drive canyon wreck okay though anyway needed lay out sure even appropriate forum thanks reading,1 +@nonafairuz F.U and your 200 more followers haha ,0 +facts every day day took fat shit bro okay bye guys stay safe,0 +feel like everyone around left leaving me friends left moving far away person want cannot get contact with much go lately cannot keep longer know go everyone leaving,1 +1st Wedding Anniversary today Here's to many more blissfully happy years together.,0 +i miss watching rocko s modern life,0 +"Nothing pushes me to do better like pain ,depression, and struggle ! I feed off of it because every second spent upset is a wasted moment of being Happy that I can never get back!",1 +anyone work related suicidal feelingsim wired live society structured way cannot old job everyday early morning early evening days week im wired it insane me ive plenty jobs im good im capable im consistent makes working life impossible cannot survive society embarrassing,1 +simple holding gun to head purposely overdosing and ending up in the hospital more complex standing in the kitchen holding a knife searching the house for anti nausea pill to keep down the rest of the pill writing contact info on a sticky note to keep on your person so the cop can identify the body when doe one cross that line what defines a crisis,1 +today car whole family mom made joke making sister dad instead grossed like mom obviously wanted us sat giggled goes trying make u uncomfortable say way uncomfortable anything bit aroused whos uncomfortable mom,0 +"@NubianEagle I was tempted this morning. I randomly woke up at 5:30, but I had just fallen asleep after 2. My sanity is more important. ",0 +"What about, "Limes, Bedtimes and failed rhymes" ",0 +"@awg_allan @TelegramSam100 @KuiperBelle I've suffered from clinical depression for the majority of my life, so I know a thing or two about it.",1 +"@eddieizzard Good food, reasonable prices and a waiter who whistles like a bird ('twitters'?) ",0 +depression is a mental illness that ha multiple face amp is different per individual it come in different form amp it s important to acknowledge the fact that it can affect anyone amp no one is immune to it read up more about this article by capetimessa http t co y0wlrtvfmq,1 +woohoo! just bought me a twilight and joker poster ,0 +is sad that the march break is over,0 +mother depression arc,1 +redflag note intend publicize facebookdont ever cry it stop playing victim last night keep attacking me tell head tell everyone know better myself tell told me im less human tired say good morning im even unproven chemical imbalance im incompetent think myself im much burden continue putting with tell want leave here want go place far away forget exist tell put anymore ready kick curb misperceived slights tell fault definitely lie much cared tell everything myself second bother consider it went window second felt like center universe chocked villain want tell done fed up ive trying kill since fourteen despite overdoses despite psych wards treatment centers despite jumping bridge ruining back continued put paint victim mind business one always pushing edge again talk much getting rid me long tried think ive finally found way im victim victims find success suffering thats im do im free im motivated pushed forward goal ive long chased goal threw away future pursuit of thank finally helping realize alone misunderstood uncared truly am always knew outside world reason thought despite everything deep inside family different thank helping better realize much want dead like night told kill myself oh shell deny it shell lie teeth even longer sees culpable like always done like narcissist is know truth true feelings slipped up could see positives here thats sick seeing fail go it associates witness childhood friends theres nothing could done days im terrified friendship prison never wouldve let anyway always miles apart is ever even care know thinking whatever hes insane attention seeker wants everyone feel sorry him nobody cares get it comes time respect dead want remember thoughts sadness sudden empathy acted like cared felt hate anger want remember that care respect quit acting like ever did course im dreaming matters people look you wrong,1 +return lost world filmed backtoback version lost worldbr br in sequel five people lead challenger return plateau group started drilling oil threatening destroy land gomez something this manage defeat drillers plateau saved much delight nativesbr br like lost world dinosaurs see made rubber include trex ankylosaurusbr br john ryhsdavies david warner reprise roles challenger summerlee three actors also backbr br despite reading several bad reviews cheap looking rubber dinosaurs enjoyed return lost worldbr br rating stars ,0 +know dofirst off im sweden well story is month ago wife left me wanted divorce signed papers since sweden think six months divorce get least children together late february next year divorce real love wife technically still wife im love well since ive done really stupid stuff put debts things things really regret would differentely thousand times cant trust cant live anymore thing is told could try later get life together job apartment things told engaged different dating sites internet also dating groups facebook trying find guy trust love im cant get anyone talk this weekend wrote lot interesting women single one replied me cant start conversation strangers out well may think irony want wife dating sites am im mostly try get wife see takes me stated im unemployed hate live im living filthy room friends apartment close every single day im crying eyes out hoping someone shoot endure misery want get wife or ive said friends want wife back die see much reason living all sorry rant kinda,1 +wanted ask yall something friend hes trans f m hes telling storys dick gets hard fucks got someone pregnant th grade call bs dont respect right trans correct im wrong trans man cant get women pregnant need special things get penis hard kinda feel like ass him hard believe ill continue play along feel comfortable wanted rant little ask yall youve experienced saying even possible,0 +80k in debt vs 40k Happiness vs depression#collegedecisions2k18,1 +now i m having a hard time digesting disappointment,0 +another useless rant school disney themed show speechless aladdin singing years im finding difficult sing voice kinda sore today voice always quite deep girl work extra hard high notes thank coming another useless rant,0 +never gotten rid rope recently got diagnosed schizoaffective disorder coming sad reality something ill live rest life already dealt years torture paranoia delusions hallucinations always there add top negative symptoms wishing dead constantly feeling alone isolated world getting pleasure anything list goes on think need use last bit money left buy another rope fucked,1 +@iampattic I don't even know how that could happen-unless you are really a cartoon! And *whew* I don't want anyone thinking I'm nice!! ,0 +Go to http://twitter.threadless.com/user/WesOxford/submitted to Vote for my Tweets to be on Threadless.. I could win $500... I will Share ,0 +lovemeagan it doesn t work your fan is upset,0 +@fitbet me too We feel such gratitude to our yoga teachers .... and our students here in Las Vegas. namaste,0 +need help long story idk explain it basically friendf made groupchat ig guy ive never spoken before dmed started talking first everything seemed normal chill guy asked send thigh pics first thought joking brushed off everything went normal stopped texting ghosted days friend added groupchat said block him apperantly threatning friend would share thigh pics didnt send nudes u might wondering got thight pics well didnt send pic outfit showed thights friend blocked guy reported too today sister walkes says random dude texting hes claming friend send nudes lie hes texting ppl idk elses hes going do friend really worried blocked acs made sister friend post thayr storys block guy idk else abt im asking help ps sry spelling im trying fast possible doesnt anything worse,0 +got girlfriend taken long while many rejections couple bouts mental illness ive finally found special someone enjoy spending time feels way shes understanding comforting general bop around still growth make feel completely comfortable myself trying hard make work would lying said arent making good progress struggling find someone dont give hope theres somebody waiting you,0 +frank ocean replies one tell favorite frank album ok ill go first favorite endless favorite song album either slide higgs theyre actually fave songs time frank fave artist time cries,0 +i miss my old version with zero depression lot of motivation drug free zero anxiety,1 +want dad miss dad fucked say nothing could ever make happy dad use make me physically feel it know happy moments life also know feel like nothing could ever top dad best friend killed himself still live house happened cant move house given died dont money ive flashbacks finding it want dad years felt like go back therapy dont wanna bother people problems make anyone scared honest wanna dad dont care anything here makes sound ungrateful im not im thankful have ache much,1 +weird existential fears sometimes cant sleep keep worrying death feels good bad still grandparents good got know them bad theyll gone next couple decades,0 +im life keeps repeating im done want dieim sitting car condo complex used live fiance kicked today want die way around ive failed relationships failed jobs ive poor whole life messed family tired cannot take anymore first time life lived chittum italy want die nothing live ive lost everything ive never seem learn lesson fall back patterns routines cant it cant anymore final straw im homeless money carry want die nobody convince anything reality better im nothing ive nothing years life want nothing never wake again,1 +Long day...for me anyway ,0 +slowly coming peace idea deathi need post history say ive seeing therapist year hes helped since way get thoughts out recently like switch kinda flipped ive redflag mind past time different now roughly past week like get ready go bed would rather hang myself dramatic way upset wanting it waiting actually it therapist number crisis intervention center last time saw im sure id use anyway honest really real reason post this maybe someone feeling alone relate im sure good one,1 +im in the mood for some chocolate i want miniature reeses cup now,0 +honestly know much longer go onmy mother emotionally abusive neglectful entire life go much detail ive made two posts it curious see those tldr mother took literally everything away entire life spoil bratty little sister point pulling school letting anything socialize growing up going entire life since age literally trapped basement unable leave claims literally lock away count way leave im years old means start life ive torn entire life family without chance develop social skills cant anything cant even talk anyone beyond saying hi that ive way getting job live ive tried applying everywhere within walking distance and some nothing past years ride public transport really exist town mother gave car supposed mine younger sister totaled drunk license yet mother one actually yelled promised not get license yet ive barely even scratched surface post previous posts ive made literally ignored since child every time tried talk anything cant handle anymore cant handle fact never got kid teenager mother care tries excuse everything done going i thinking straight everybody makes mistakes shell flop back flat denying it wanted fair chance life gone forever ill never get chance teenager actually develop have everything gone forever bothered tell bratty sister no ive tried therapy ive tried medication nothing helps tried explain mother fair would thing helps years since started explaining done worse since then cant anymore reason killed since last posts convinced would finally listen fair ive come realization happen cant get without yes tried completely unwilling keeps making excuses doctors medication helped wanted mother treat fairly shot life everyone ive talked keeps saying oh young theres still time get it im literally starting though except expected get job move ready adult even get chance teenager like everyone else cant it want end it ive slowly getting point past weeks made even rapid post really cry help anything im honest mind made up know im posting honestly guess want someone tell actually victim instead mothers gaslighting ampxb im sorry,1 +anyone else with this fear i can t go outside when it s dark i get panic attack thinking everyone is out to get me i also have a fear of getting killed by previous boyfriend friend and fear they will break into my house it make it hard to look into the future thinking everyday is the last,1 +got the belly button peircedddd hehe ,0 +really think ill make past hell barely see making next birthday everyday wake disappointed wishing dead agony life would over much shit happened past year wish successful tried could nothing instead go trauma ive gone through past year ive people come forward one abuser themselves public manner concerns ive acting think something wrong dismiss them know dissuade them least throws trail like fake throwing ball dog concerns ive suicidal almost decade now public part gets most feel like im talking piece rather sentient person makes feel like really reason topic eventually forgotten forgotten role,1 +documentary schlockmeister william castle takes cheap shots naive ss environment characteristic worklook funny silly people ghostglassesbut also affectionate lively particularly bright commentary john waters absolutely target audience things time castles daughter adored dad also pretty perceptive plied craft we never find became castle offspring movies good makes clear marketing brilliant appears sweet hardworking family man fun people keep popping up like straight jackets diane baker looks great anne helm replaced instigation star joan crawford darryl hickman explodes giggles happy memory working castle the tingler theres enough footage give us idea level castles talentnot high energetic pleasant look time audiences easily pleased make nostalgic simpler moviegoing days,0 +grrr my ipod acting weird too jai ho and thinking of you aren t playing the full song ughh,0 +always hide true feelings dont wanna show others im depressed dead inside pretend nice day pretend im alright pretending dont know stop,0 +sukottoxd i saw ice in the rain today not quite snow but frozen water nonetheless,0 +help analyzing instagram world record egg english help saw memes english teachers analyzing everything jesus something else let meme meme world come months horror,0 +girls really say kill men mainly referring straight white men saw straight white man kill video dont understand ones problems invalid pain man went fact wasnt even scared broke heart pieces men different women kam girls men commit redflag x women do dont ever invalidate pain ever again yall quick see got raw evidence actually goes real life guys horrid,0 +almost quitting time. Tim Horton's for breakfast sounds good. Morning Twitter!,0 +everyday waiting life endhi all feel like need get chest otherwise heart explode ever since remember wanted life find someone would love me im ive never ever loved anyone love feeling never reciprocated thought would come time never happened makes depressed cant breath literally force get everyday go another day somewhere back head hoped miracle would happen would find someone cant take anymore ive lost much time theres many things ive never done never late feel like even meet someone would leave asap alone long fucked up started cutting ashamed it promised would cut one thighs nobody would ever know every time look bruises reminds fucked life is enough doesnt help anymore want die everyday hope over death would salvation feel like dont even deserve im punished am wish could kill myself cant even properly,1 +need chat someone dm discord mattplaysthedrums chat cool person,0 +think pierce brosnan think suave dapper intelligent james bond movie brosnan plays type lots fun as audience film hired assassin befriends harried businessman worksbr br this fun movie good scenes a riveting ontheedge brosnan good compliant offtheedge kinnear good lines cavil hope davis playing ohsotolerant wife can see gun appear often could marvellous foil menbr br this movie like matador plays audience going kill ending awesome storyline with notredflag moral emerges frenetic frantic fun movie deserve wide audience,0 +autismaspergers really death sentenceas autist never able happy normal life autistics unemployed never able careers autistic men die without even one relationship start finish autism redflag rate x general populations everyone thinks okay discriminate autistics nothing good disorder nothing ever change way born never find love never able connect others like retarded disorder better luck next life guess,1 +subreddit much better night idk posts funnier even though arent many them,0 +film appears draw borderline one side love it other find unbearablebr br to begin with awful lot comedy film many viewers getting course jet lis mask looks like bruce lees kato hes supposed to joke guy timebomb sewn heart outrageous course joke readers probably ask film supposed funny excessive gory violence well one thing tolerance level violence actually different culture culture hong kong audiences would recognize violence extreme certainly slightly average hk action filmbr br also black mask really kind film takes genres conventions pushes extremes simply conventions wholly unrealistic decades watching people get shot without noticeable open wounds many people horrified see bonnie clyde outlaws wild bunch spurting blood place fact is shot rapid metal projectile almost certain blood spurt especially arterybr br this film chinese comic book movie true spiderman films never get gory faithful reality would be well despite comicbook origins film faithful realitybr br the complaint flashy overstylized filming editing makers film shot eye hollywoodstyle nostalgia as eg rocketeer recent sky captain film doubt anyone would found offensivebr br but stands still lotta fun watching movie,0 +About tear up this scrumptious ass depression sandwich,1 +"Mom's depression tied to kids' emotional, intellectual development http://dlvr.it/QQmx4X  pic.twitter.com/mAGtUxq3Pe",1 +ill answer whatever im bored httpsmimgurcomaghpjev dm want im m,0 +"@davorg in that case im gonna start tweeting about nymphomanic pub owners who like to cook, well worth a shot, eh ",0 +just finished a delicious breakfast my last in paris i ll miss milk europe ha the tastiest milk in the world i don t drink it in u,0 +seen yet really should dvd cant believe much enjoyed it amazingly realistic believable true much speculated would liked known speculative proven facts there many them handles everything quite well cruel mother nature theme remind nature programs seen animal planet discovery channel animals dinosaurs act natural eat kill mate play fight survival actually find rooting othersbr br for part effects excellent times look little much like cgis see different angle makes look realistic cases actually convinced seen dinosaur favorites coelophysis raptors diplodocus iguanadons allosaurus arctic bipeds disappointed trex however looked little computer generated timesbr br in case definitely see production educational well made entertaining is a,0 +physically emotionally hurtsim like one older depression suffers here reading post feel hurt words many suffering depression i psychiatrist years unlucky me little benefit multiple antidepressants tried many multiple trials good insurance many treatments private mostly pocket ave ive gone one much better get insurance sad better treatments expense many suffering resources available you right now insurance honest im losing strength keep fighting this life hurt much understand life hard ive trying years life really painful physically emotionally,1 +@caramelflavored hahah the powers of dana ,0 +people hoping catch coronavirus diebecause ive reading often last days incredibly shitty plan redflag statistically chances huge itll nothing make sick week two might inadvertently pass people actually want live though loved ones might pass to road might kill somebody actually want die missed lot please selfish consider this,1 +everyday lose motivationi even know start moment today manager one jobs called stupid im stupid though work extremely hard job which minimum wage job mind you wake am leave foot clock work never late never miss days complete tasks time sometimes better time im courteous customers ive learn lot relatively short period time ive job one month never worked food before always office jobs matter learned even though one really willing teach you read resume fucking hire then make one mistake say you everything wrong or today you know people smart learn something shown once work two jobs im currently writing second job ive spent minutes crying someone called stupid work am pm everyday come scheduled stay late asked lost another job earlier summer guess jot recovered emotionally feels like matter much work put anything never pay off ill always stupid wrong personality something know even anymore im working pay rent place live sustain life honest even want wanted life since teenager im fifteen accomplished single noteworthy thing growing people told smart obviously thats case life would amounted this recently came plan really vague plan would save money move different city us possible it probably much easily think would point id still me different town means promising beginning old bullshit storm life whats point setting goals know even achieve them ill still walking disaster waking every single morning asking question want relationship someone would give sense purpose want go back school want keep working like forever know goals make attainable viable know go sleep train tracks near apartment think everyday see it feel motivated overcome fear keeping committing redflag find reason commit redflag im tired time im done it,1 +people sub sexist like bro actually annoying someone tell try make stop something,0 +is going to get contact lenses... hopefully ,0 +i get really bad anxiety when i cant my breathing i feel like my breathing will sound eratic and too loud people around me have to have to have one headphone to the side so i hear it or i get severe anxiety i also feel this way when i write or type a even though i can hear myself im not focusing on it and it think oh no i sounded weird didnt i in regard to my breathing i feel like im making people scared of me with how scary i probablly am acting from their pov i want to stop this a it give me severe anxiety around people,1 +i had a panic attack on my way to a meditation group because i wa heavily triggered today i wa so embarrassed i wa driving and my husband wa in the passenger seat and i almost crashed the car i am so ashamed of myself and i feel so helpless i feel like im getting worse even though i m fighting so hard to get better i started therapy and i began this mediation group and still im sinking deeper and deeper because i wa triggered i feel like i hate myself and i just want to give up,1 +want exist anymorei recently hurt love life shes thinking leaving me hearing cry feel sad makes want alive anymore much debt school cant get job covid lately ive thinking gun driving middle desert end it ive made worst mistake life wife never look way again alone makes think dont deserve alive anymore dont know do feel like ive shoved dark hole way out wish never existed dont want alive feeling emotions anymore,1 +tw rape experiment fucking around well pretended underage girl sexual subreddit got shit ton dms one dude admitted gang raping year old infront mother dont know holy shit,0 + years last postmany helped overcome last rock bottom years ago would like share update still alive still constantly thinking ending life sometimes manage distract never long time today ordered helium tanks feel like really tried years find happiness find way accept scars find way fill endless hole inside me cant everyone tells give another year tired trying want peace days helium tanks arrive finally end sadness life remember me want know really tried overcome years extra thank investing energy time trying save me,1 +yeah crying sad cool ever listened really upbeat pumped music ya sad sitting like pumped up rather wierd feeling,0 +want still energy to insufferable cannot believe people managed put long embarrassed everything do already know parents care whether live die tried guilt trip manipulate me last attemptdo love me care insert person thinki fucking love you care family members seen years think probably care killing might damage reputation me want die,1 +"@skaterdays Aww, you should have come with us Guess you were suffering from Internet withdrawal.",0 +guys like monke return monke reject modernity fuck human homies monkey,0 +im donetomorrows birthday im gonna kill cant take longer,1 +@SongzYuuup what took you so long? ,0 +messaged crush wish luck bois filler filler filler filler,0 +good night everyone ill date crush moment going date dreams remind drink water stay hydrated oh last thing game,0 +tired difficult love thinking attempt number fourall want friends want mother love me two things cant manage feel like good job treating people like want treated give compliments constantly things make peoples lives easier sacrifice time energy making friends familys lives enjoyable think id rather throw sword stress someone else out feel like im constantly things supposed strengthen relationships focus good listener kind person like matter hard try one seems think im worth effort feel like im always afterthought one ever reaches me one ever nice things me feel like im constantly giving one else loves enough give anything me want occasional hug text asking day going able make plans without flaked on dont understand dont deserve basic acts love kindness dont know whats wrong me ive tried kill three times before time overdose time adjusted medication attended near constant therapy made major life changes try improve circumstances could happy ive worked hard now im miserable night took bottle pain pills bottle xanax try escape feel like always supposed do ive tried every coping skill ive tried taking medicine seeing doctors consistently ive tried inpatient outpatient partial hospitalization every single piece advice ive given try put action im miserable im alone im back zero im graduating college soon know everything going difficult soon money prospects friends im going end living mother hates sister wishes died first time tried way future created myself ive done every single thing right im still stuck dont understand point trying anymore ive rough year sexually assaulted front friends fall one said anything dog died flown interview which cost much didnt have eventually turned dream job turned every job since then im already ugly obese keep gaining weight eating disorder also apparently multitude conditions cause weight gain last depressive episode cost friends support systems place every single day presented another obstacle every conversation ends another inconvenience insult problem find solution for ive always high functioning depressive episodes still class five days week work full time sports three times week upcoming move life upheaval time money prepare for one tell edge every single moment feel like might time feel like supposed die first time fifteen soul rotted inside since thats people avoided loving me maybe tell im supposed loving isnt worth effort feel like maybe im already dead time give let body rest dont know want it remember therapist always saying suicidal thoughts really concern plan dont know believe anymore cant overdose again never works dont right kinds pills im adult psych ward must even terrible im surrounded twelve years olds way juvie ive always wanted slit wrists ive tried cant press deep enough anyway try go walmart buy razors think id wimp out cant jump bridge cliff dark thats scary think would feel alone imagine shooting head every second day time think would freeing taste sweet feeling fun side head seems like relief dont gun dont know buy gun think maybe theyd able tell tried get cant handle shame want go want free dont think ill ever happy think maybe born miserable die maybe im plot point someone elses story dont know wish someone would break apartment right strangle maybe parents would feel bad times put hands around throat could finally go way body wants me dont know keep living like this paper turn class tomorrow morning guess dont time think it,1 +"When your heart bleeds, only you feel the real pain. Only your eyes rain in depression. Only your nights go sleepless. And only your soul cries for help",1 +hey guys listened feedback site id like show guys improvements btw thanks supportive community hey guys days ago posted showing guys site working on met positive feedback really made day decided work site more now completely revamped theme ui would like guys honest feedback it oh added contact page feedback thanks support subreddit big motivation keep working it link site httpsriggedcoinflipcomhttpsriggedcoinflipcom guys want check out feedback welcome like last time make sure nice day,0 +depression is not a joke damn bangon pre,1 +on the phone with the bestie than shower confused i don t know what to do,0 +just been given ma marching order got ta go do some work yay,0 +get suspicious people willing come australia ive spending entire life planning get fuck,0 +davenavarro wa wondering where you d been you ve been so quiet these day miss the chatty dave,0 +"I am having a fantastic day Shoeing horses and ridding horses, life is good!",0 +swear god multiple personality disorder im drastically different im fucked different ways levels rarely make normalish meme right now know feel urge type fucked shit type need fucking help quarantine revealed shit wish revealed wish things instead stuck here wasting away ineffective online classes bound forget next year want bust nut anymore want company bro,0 +wish restaurant city or pet society could be ported to the iphone itouch http plurk com p n0lb0,0 +cover marks trying hang myselfi tried hang myselfpassive hanging method chickened vision started going black petechiae neck super noticeable rn im afraid theyll develop color cover up,1 +im donethere many crap things going way get situation im going stop trying know make people understand want help want you it messages want lay floor die ive given up,1 +every time i think about suicide or search painless suicide i begin to cry i don t know exactly the reason is it depression kicking in or just fear of death,1 +well im pretty bored yeah lets small chat im anything regular,0 +"i love it when stupid people use terms like ocd, depression, bipolar, trust issues and anxiety when they literally know nothing about it",1 +im getting pretty quicklyi came friends dad wanting become woman instead man felt way whole life still accept support me released prison probably failed drug test alcohol i drinking deal pain probably go back prison yet another years hard deal im getting thoughts killing myself feel like abomination transgender people commit redflag thats promising statistic emotionally drained cant think even listen another person talk seconds know do ,1 +"@onalem thanks for good night, I had a good night's sleep ",0 +no emotion feel it filler filler filler filler filler filler,0 +your future place is jahannam if you make fun of someone's depression for just fucking stupid fanwar,1 +listening 2 capital fm summertime ball while playing on my psp ,0 +yall im thinking version nnn girls ive rounded names feel freed add a stop squirting september b dont dildo december cforget fingering february would loved polls rn comment one likes hey mods seeing stuff please enable polls,0 +i ve always been this put together person in people s eye but in reality i m so close to the end i see no light at the end of the tunnel i have no passion motivation and anything that generates to being happy i don t know what to do i m in constant despair i don t really like opening up to anyone i know i just feel like there s nothing i can do to fix this,1 +want disappeari appointment psychiatrist wednesday told parents family knows last week good everything seems dark know do want disappear become nothing like never existed first place,1 +good day so far..might go out and play with the boys...and shawdi feels good to be on summer vacation....ughh saxophone lesson today :/,0 +i f have a lot of personal challenge including depression anxiety ptsd and idiopathic hypersomnia always tired no solution i have been dating my boyfriend m for almost year now and even though he ha no personal experience with mental illness he doe his best to be understanding and helpful when i m falling apart however lately i ve been feeling very insecure in our relationship because i feel like i don t do even half a much for him a he doe for me he doe a majority of the cooking cleaning and laundry especially lately since my mental health ha been declining in the last few month i know that it seems simple for me to contribute more to these thing but it s hard for me to bring myself to do these thing when all i want to do is sleep and distract myself from my depression i have talked to him about how i ve been feeling and apologized for not doing more and while he say he understands i m so scared that he ll leave me because i m a wreck i m trying to budget for therapy but it s looking like i probably can t afford it until may i just don t know what i can do to feel better and start pulling my weight,1 +seems like im one doesnt crush sub every post see talking asked crush got rejected girls know either pieces shit lesbian like one trust wont spread rumors stab back much ask,0 +i m a year old guy and i ve been struggling with this problem for quite some time year every time my girlfriend who i trust more than anyone in this world go to a party without me and she get high or drunk i have strong anxiety attack just thinking about it is making me shaking in fear and i can t understand why i like to get drunk and high too i find it funny to spend a night messing around i don t think it s that bad or that make you a bad person but when my emotion my inner fear kick in i completely lose my mind and i start to think that i don t want a partner that indulge in those kind of behavior a if i had this image of purity of her that get broken by the thought of her enjoying a joint something bad people do i don t understand it s like some cognitive dissonance for some background i used to be quite bullied back in high school by those who went out the night to get drunk or that smoke weed maybe that could have led me to associate those behavior that have nothing to do with the moral integrity of a person with a certain type of people could it be please let me know what you think and if you have similar experience i ll gladly read all your suggestion and comment thank you,1 +objectively unattractive have never been touched by the opposite sex objectively unemployable no one will know i m gone never been valued peace out,1 +im contemplating redflagthrowaway account contemplating redflag dont see point life point living life painful ive suffered depression life looking back suffered young age nephew turning soon makes stomach turn look him innocent child thoughts hopelessness anxiety age didnt bad childhood definitely lonely one ass beat times brother think sometimes honestly nothing major ive reached help im currently waiting list counselling referred for months waiting list put medication mh nurse socially im relatively normal wouldnt guess looking im often life party quite chatty lot banter work come home broken person ive lot people life thrown away ive always quite disposable person ive things happen shouldnt have ive knowingly let people take advantage use me probably selfesteem many people let done shitty things apparent problem cant go life blaming people must reason always happens me nobody wants probably fault ive enough ive thinking lot think people would really care mum dad id leave savings letter explaining theyd much better off lot heart break lately stress work grievance put member management bullying me rejection im mess im looking advice pleas it needed place rant,1 +came backi m live christian neighborhoodi attempted redflag obviously failed started seeking help keeping secret everyone including parents recovered midend spring accidentally told people attempted redflag luckily think joke reason depression i never actually diagnosed symptoms abuse yelled beaten since kindergarten about years old humiliated bullied looks overweight since start primary school increasing pressure fulfill high expectations straight as told abuse normal ever since recovery making efforts get slimmer mostly stopped parents saying cant go diet young instead diet started eating healthier dad stopped beating knew getting stronger working out would fight back emotional manipulation verbal abuse stop start august staying aunts uncles house week week great expectations kept working out kept stable weight cat made way less lonely inside time came back home second day back dad came nowhere tried kiss me arm got way immediately started yelling saying respect him know love love him ungrateful done me also yelled take away rights including free speech whenever tried say anything would cut yell do answer me said hated relaxed started yelling me another similar case happened weeks ago went walk started yelling food want him said similar case described above except one mental breakdown punched me gave promise never get angry ever i knew bullshit except screw up day yelled me made cry enough fill male tears mugs broke promise next day acted nothing happened one thing got right night love him realized love years ago laws country would murdered him could even defend emotionally overwhelmed was could say anything imagined killing him ever since day suicidal thoughts came back slowly did emotional support know tell this except you,1 +whats favourite fighter jetplane like f tomcat looks cool,0 +"@KeNiJoeFanatic im actually not looking for it. ha! but if i happen to stumble upon it, ill let u know. ",0 +retour de la d pression et de id e qui vont avec mais je d couvre aujourd hui an apr s sa sortie qu il existe un morceau de massive attack avec damon albarn et il est videmment magnifique alors a va pa si mal http t co jjgymx ood,1 +i have had a lot of problem with anxiety for a long a i remember a lot of my struggle involve health medical anxiety i ve reached a point where i know i need help but i have absolutely no idea where to start medical environment cause me inexplicable fear and dread so waltzing into a doctor office and saying i would like a referral for mental health care is not feasible,1 + coins someone gives wearing caring award trophy you appreciate yall filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler,0 +compliment posts going on insult post nerd awkward creepive gone many names themi less cardsi amthe forever alone man thank coming talk,0 +holy fucking shit redditors assholes last pos tliterallt comments got encouraging kill myselfand noi wasnt karma whoringlook historyi clearly despise yesi probably gonna end doign it unless reddit usually offer atleast support nopefucking encouragement yeahuimafemboybitch im doign said do much welcome,0 +best way commit redflag,1 +want lifeits year since ex dumped me think ever loved even liked much maybe first started dating moved away maybe part lust too firsts him visited last april he lived hours away move back home losing first job college dumped went home really care told make tinder account make friends see therapist ask parents dating advice basically nice life wanted ground swallow die time honestly since happened still feel depressed happened moved back area almost year ago he dumped last april already started seeing someone else year fuck cant let go cant fucking move on like me want friends want back ship sailed long gone much happier without even miss me brain stuck cant get him past year gotten new job moved nice new place own dating someone probably smart successful him new group friends much enjoying life past year gained almost lbs still work job fucking hate developed hate field studied chose work i longer take seriously became extremely cynical negative angry world barely made enough money get by spent impulsively friends social life ate feelings cut family life for part every time come contact parents dad takes time tell much embarrass useless failure am spent way much time checking social media obsessing him crying especially car shower bed overdosing pills cutting myself selfharming drinking smoking getting ghosted hilariously tried dating again friends stop talking depressing around traumatized tried going therapy again got traffic tickets wrecked car not fault lonely useless waste person ive wasted time life wish could unfollow social media see updates anymore move fuck on easier said done part scared looking petty crazy unfriendunfollow him like she angry mestill feelings me whatever part thinks keep social media come back judging broke me latter extremely unlikely wish large group friends like does wish become mute anxiety im group people current situation maybe like friends never see initiate contact want see themknow theyre doing hard even keep conversation see losing interest too much want friends kind gave trying keep contact them lost interest like lost interest me maybe accept fact im going alone rest life either live accept it kill myself im savings shitload debt accomplishments friends family im alone sucks alone ive alone whole life born child general stereotype child parents spoil rotten give attention opposite parents older early life could tell never interested becoming parents time mom always friends dad garage working cars getting drunk interaction dad hitting criticizing me putting mom taking side friends kids parents school really like parents and still arent nice people alone time child im alone time now im sick hearing you need love accept alone go things alone travel alone great etc etc im fucking sick alone social anxiety terrible makes want kill myself wish friends cared me wish boyfriend gave shit feelings gave love affection especially much give back even group people feel singled out cant communicate cant relate close feel awkward last time went social even coworkers went bowling went along maybe laughed couple times answered question someone asked barely talked even three beers still anxious mess went straight home afterwards instead eat like everyone else feel like cant anything situation anymore like theres helping me shy scared kid im shy scared depressed adult life living hell even think try anymore theres point therapy help never has im cynical effective anymore think im great person proud me great im paying tell that sorry hear ive through thanks make feel better want go more would money energy confidence time would friends want write things like myself like anything myself no im going try meditation put pills body bullshit generic advice one big business take field seriously anymore feel like death really option point get constant mental suffering part depression half situation family friends emotional support attractive outgoing interesting enough part society nothing contribute nothing look forward to cant even count hands many times ive driven empty parking lot past year half cry disturb roommates remember calling crisis hotline several times never helpful im sick messaging people message back honestly though talking problems solve make feel better kind dont understand point talking either im sick going suffering im negative shallow waste person here course world affected gone everyone would forget week maybe week half two weeks im done trying improve situation feel like death option left,1 +late night snack glass of oj b c i m quot down with the sickness quot then back to sleep ugh i hate getting sick,0 +day nnn wish good luck remember never accept free nnn coupons fake,0 +pressing matters yo hows hangin whats up whats new shalom salutations whats cracking do hiya gday ciao goes,0 +anapata depression juu ya nike sneaker,1 +redpr no look like housework for me,0 +anyone ways coping this fires around live left sky smokey mom climate change denier kills hope people change around dad telling needs stop watering grass since water shortage said of course water shortage summer really want watch get worse see people care suffer climate crisis exacerbating suicidal thoughts,1 +application subs pretty boy im bi love cute at least like think am im try asshole unless youre liar meanie allow self esteem im low key nerdy af love taking pictures like narcissist jk jk importantly love all,0 +police investigations murder suspicion acquainted movies galore films nowadays deal crime believed involve viewers provide thrilling atmosphere however thrill lovers rather concentrate latest movies sort forgetting older ones yet occurs people may easily misled film entirely based suspicion may interesting despite years oldit garde vue unique movie claude millerbr br is much action really since events presented movie take place considerably short time way executed movies great plus jerome charles martinaud michel serrault investigated inspector gallien lino ventura insector belmont guy marchand new years eve rainy evening accurate meeting yet rape murder two children dawn old year door suspicion must open last words more quoted movie must revealed evil wolf really is achieve this one needs lots effort also lots emotions partiesbr br some people criticize script wordy yet would ask them investigation like many questions and practically much talk wordiness touches roots genre way boring throughout entire film makes you viewer observer involved moreover film contains well made flashbacks stories told much little enough make whole story clearer interesting memorable flashbacks me chantal romy schneider martinauds wife talks one lovely christmas flashbacks also contain views places including infamous beach wonderfully helped keep right pace since saw garde vue always mention film one defenders french cinema accusations mess chaos br br but already mentioned aspects may necessarily appeal many viewers since might like movies still find content execution satisfactory yet garde vue worth seeing also people why sake performances expect praise foremost romy schneider garde vue romy schneider vehicle terrific job mother deeply despair lost child credibly portrays person calm concrete refuse offered cup tea want play words part includes profound talk life duty brilliant credible overly melancholic role elsa la passante de sans souci still acted however romy schneider much time screen practically appears first time minutes credits she wife different viewpoint comes symbolically new year midnight role purely supporting one really rocks lino ventura middle aged inspector antoine gallien wants find truth aware questions missiles towards interlocutor hesitate inspector who married three times perfectly acknowledged womens psyche one regard job game play real service finally person find abnormal sit new years eve michel serrault also fine job expressing fear particularly final scenes movie thumbs mr ventura brilliantbr br as far memorable moments concerned sort film aspect easily analyzed entire film memorable seen felt atmosphere and mentioned before gorgeous music me talk chantal inspector gallien brilliant flawless moment two characters experience states mind go deeper seebr br garde vue interesting film must see thrill lovers connoisseurs artistic performances new year turned andis easier open door find decide see memorably directed movie claude miller ,0 +kourtneykardash yup night workout r the worst but unfortunetly my work schedule only allows me to go at night it tough,0 +better adaptation book one paltrow although liked one too much beckinsale better good screenplay better davies master adapting austen filming production values good quite glossy hollywood treatment close thought locations costumes actually worked better,0 +i dont think my trauma from when i was like 2 is gna get better until i help my mom with her depression because obviously my dad is fucking trash,1 +"Depression recovery is a long process with ups & downs, but I just said the failure I regret most in my life is never having managed to grow a pineapple plant from a pineapple top & genuinely meant it, so that has to be encouraging",1 +kaeeeep yeah i know it wa horrible ugh saddening,0 +big ooff yah bois school closed last days closed tomorrow maybe next week,0 +"@xoxovideogirl Hey Hun i'm good thanks, how are you? and yes i do still remember the user and pass.. i'ma check on it now ",0 +seeking redflag support okc areai posted rokc too long shot here mother law living okc area currently lost son redflag found morning upon telling her admitted suicidal herself point really worried live washington state cannot right support her cannot make least next week question is kind nonprofit inperson support services someone going tough time like this know redflag hotlines im looking something more suggestions help alone make want see ensure gets help needs completely alone,1 +isolation kills us nbsp fight therapies above fight isolation nbsp others,1 +doctor says tuesday mom think might kill myselfmy mom sick autoimmune disease since im now whole life ive known disease would kill her months ago new hope formed stem cell transplant would cure disease moms last option cant ports disease final stages shell die next year without transplant took chicago week testing passed tests one doctors insisted other options the options offered work may influence main doctor accept mom accepted final treatment forced onto shittier treatment option disease spread die got hopeful would end could know mom would life got rid pessimistic view dying know theres good chance doctor may say no im crushed cant stand pain anymore might actually time,1 +@caseymairex awww! ,0 +aloneso much happened caused entire world collapse know begin loved ones picked one other im alone run mill i feel alone mean alone one line in case emergency contact __________ i one moment one,1 +fuck essay yesterday test next period didnt study decided nothing last night either two things im mindlessly scrolling thought app everything unfunny reposts funny,0 +broke lava lamp sad finally got room many years lava lamp much enjoyed remained almost years heating almost hour wasnt bubbling around dumbass decided shake little bit fucking ruined lamp wax flaky weird now im disappointed myself lava lamp one decorations had im devastated,0 +mileycyrus i would too if it meant spending a day in heaven w my mom and getting to see her again,0 +Feel so empty.. Worthless.. Failure.. Hopeless.. Unwanted.. A joke.. Fuck up.. Embarrassment.. #depression #borderlinepersonality #mentalillness #bipolar #anxiety,1 +@fossiloflife Hmmm DM not req u can DM me the answer Why exactly u blog?,0 +humanopium pretty much just scary for me,0 +@twinterviewing Twinterviews are a fabulous idea and I think you've chosen a very interesting Twinterviewee in @solentpedal ,0 +cheese sandwich fo tea hell ye,0 +Getting ready for a picnic today. The sun is out! Whoopee. ,0 +mokshjuneja yesh it s a bank holiday but everyone else is working train traffic everything screwed a usual,0 +batman movie quite good batman mask phantasm batman mr freeze subzero still good installment batman cartoons say equally good batman beyond movie movie good reasons storyline good quite good ones still pretty good lots action cartoon effects good voice actors really good kevin conroy batman bruce wayne tara strong barbra gordon efrem zimbalist jr eli marienthal robin villains good kyra sedgwick batwoman david ogden stiers pequin hector elizondo bane sure disappointed batman mystery batwomen make sure rent buy batman mystery batwoman movie really goodbr br overall score br br ,0 +answer riddle may win fiddle call homosexual man stays night sleeps day,0 +going girlfriend awayive deleted social media accounts put phone airplane wifi post this girlfriend gone festival weekend friend best friend working im going tonight knew bad was st least shell friend her knew going,1 +one cute kitten video one rickroll probably gonna get removed idk subreddit post httpswwwredditcomrawwcommentslrtggclingy_kitterhttpswwwyoutubecomwatchvdqwwwgxcq httpswwwyoutubecomwatchvdqwwwgxcqhttpswwwredditcomrawwcommentslrtggclingy_kitter maybe herehttpsblogstartwithwhycomaadfffebbfadwi ampxb first time trying rickroll someone,0 +quit drugs cold turkey sober months tbh thing different life aware sad ugly stupid am atleast last years life high care everything hit ta know carry living like this l either od next time use hang woods cannot anymore hard life depressing,1 +going to see "up" today ,0 +yolonelysevere anxietygonna bullet suck writing severe anxiety got school never full year mom forcing go back school th least get ged severe anxiety ruins life barely leave house agoraphobia multiple panic attacks day poor scared therapy option working out bother poor burden mom living abusive controlling father mom struggling afford divorce leave lots family stress low self esteem hard time enjoying anything trying anything literally money name ask food tp father make much money government support want bullied want physically hurt harassed high enough gay percentage make likely lmao ex gf may manipulative violent shit remember thing poor shoes apparently got kicked stalked around hallway guy thought funny make fun poor girl less dollar shoes one friend online cant really deal suicidal asleep suicidal crushs kik working says phone disconnected three days panicking okay electric bath bed im freezing heater try make social media get upset seeing shows whatnot literally care aboutbeause hate everything literally nothing interests me everything boring trying cbt fear exposure ladders helping much want remember meditate exercise studydo online eduational things prepare moms kind hoarder makes life harder constantly argue hate litthe brother fucking much wish qasnt born hes brainwashed father minion step dad ok makes much pervy jokes speaking pervy nofap com goals butits hard especially trauma self harm honestly stopping harder injuring sharp things tbh actually many things wanna care ride horses garden write novels open vegan resturant study stemrobotics learn roller skate personal im pretry sprititual atheist family im always scared talk abt reincarnation stuff like that feel alone that constantly making space fairy jokes etc future goals thats far want happy im scared blood trauma thats killed yet severe hypochondria fear body medical trauma past similar like conspiracy theories mandela effects etc horror writing stories water color painting harry potter flying witch cute anime cheers prlly lots issues want feel good enough least lay calm enough sleep past midnight phone ill leave blanket nest took long time make get charger game show music shut fuck,1 +@Umatter2ChtrG I can't dm you unless you follow me back ,0 +i don t know how i feel my mind is a mess and feeling are confusing i have no idea what i m doing or how to get better or if i m even getting better but i don t know anything and this probably make no sense but i just needed to vent a little,1 +@rebekaaa @electrikk @gemaaaaa any of you busy later in the week ? ,0 +wtf wrong society im pissed im angry abuser well known coach lost job court cases,1 +im hurting friendsi see reason live cant make friends happy make feel good get irony take life hurt even already made friend love feel bad cant handle that real asshole even though depressed alone excuse make someone feel bad guess got enough shit left me wrote blog leave alone since make feel bad know much hurts hear friend love say make feel bad felt like heart dropped place left long comment telling feel friendship someone said haha fag get shot really hurt agree whomever said it deserve life im hurting people feel like im bad person trying nice others thats im cutting people life worst part friends thinks moved know im suicidal painted picture im happy reality im sad hell feels like months even though days want know understand heartbreak lost friend cared about one friend knows im planing hes leaving country able anything left room like days sit dark rage idiot im eating sleeping stopped talking friends im afraid might hurt scare away gone school long time social service might take away parents force live foster home turn met big problems school like skipping classes inspired try hard get good grades care less grades happens future miss friend really pushes edge know im writing chance get thoughts guess read really change anything even know killed myself even found really think would care bad person isnt hurt bad want anything me live happily like never existed gonna think miss me even surprise already forgotten erased memory promised contact wont even im gonna end life it im get chance come surprise everybody much know friend leaves country one really stop me know well goodbye guess tldr im fucking idiot hurts friends whatever deserve live that,1 +@ClothCoutureLLC i guess i should specify... my kids need news ones... not me! ,0 +Time to take a shower o.o And later i´ll visit my cousin.. i´m so excited ,0 +@Zealous_Larenz @AmbitioVerumEst I'm not a fan of drugs (or plant based solutions) but I'm all for social exercises to combat clinical depression.,1 +back at work john muir dr http loopt u koqabg,0 +@martinadas hi lovely you can pass this original photo? is so beeeautifuul *-* kisses. http://twitpic.com/5rnwz,0 +"going to mangdu in a bit, then to magnivate's office, after that senci and maybe fx O_O oh my ",0 +reddit know much takei nowhere else go one else turn right now im diagnosed bipolar type ii meds conflict pain medication take able get bed put bluntly cant cope anymore chronic pain syndrome neurological shit going on im pain constantly even though im high doses painkillers cant get job bad health im benefits im uk us equivalent would social security im pretty sure government kick condition recognised worthy stopping working im nearly still live family family meaning mum stepdad grandmother shit say reddit literally avoid talking me conversation mum far stepdad grandmother overbearing aunt visits every day goes ignore me point theyll leave room walk in good friend lives end country might moving back europe done education im good anything cant afford get equipment really want to sit room own silence either watching shit tv playing video games time ive tried everything make things better nothing works last time place dark attempted redflag four times many months got sectioned mental health act ended facility six months developed eating disorder want go back that edit got phone call morning tell government overturned decision made keep employment support allowance disability money coming go back benefit force apply jobs places like building sites im obviously capable job properly reddit seriously give up thought things get worse do do reddit im losing hope,1 +love the tshirts thanks fab!!!,0 +sometimes something profound happens life drastic change required complete total system reboot reprogramming story sense akin trying extract blood turnipmany people try convince lesser human are unfortunate truth not nothing like you could never like youi cannot whisk away fantasy reality everything okay cannot lie say change know would take change yet know change would temporary know end exactly am am todayit brings light magnificent humans truly are still cannot even begin grasp things do almost without even skipping beatit amazes people still even try relate thing like try compassionate towards me freak monster deserve it yet people persist awe inspiring trulyto whatever extent may fraction hope remains within hollowed tusk human born as unfortunately words could never fill void even compassionate kind encouraging wordsthe damage done far aware deny overwhelming reality all me cannot blame anyone elsewhy would take pain put world simply present people feel it become aware threat am always compared neon sign forehead extent suppose gratefulat least people saw really made right decision avoiding me realityi tried play role world matter what never fit reality cold towards ever shown consistent basis sure every someone tries show sense connection often results us getting hurt leaving hurt feelings regretthat deal me know causes it there try best circumvent issue understanding kind compassionate even enough really outweigh impact others still true like bad omen sorts bring bad luck come near methat reality reality want push anyone anymore used desire connection love belonging life always plans mei outlier ever watchful eye sees beautiful treasures humanity never find way vault never find place amongst precious commodity space me realitybut still admire beautiful humans truly are even monster monster grew heart,1 +@dnorrisii imma try that next time ,0 +maje minecfraft skins free free minecraft skins becuase want join partner program need work ,0 +count suicidal know fucking scared pain actually go anythingi want die want final minuteshours filled excruciating pain things pills knives id never able that idk guess needed say something want go sleep wake up sorry waste everyones time,1 +one would come funeral anywayyou ever get idea head legitimately missed anyone currently know ive actively suicidal week feeling gets stronger stronger every fight misunderstanding squabble time feel like get way around me makes so incredibly tempting fucking it nothing live for especially without friends i family,1 +i m terrified i ve given it to her and i m also terrified about being stuck in isolation in my room my anxiety is through the roof i stupidly started reading about all the horrible symptom of covid and it s making me feel so freaked out i really don t know what to do i feel like my anxiety is going to get so much worse being stuck in my room,1 +song day gosha not found like yesterday perfect vibing fits types music _this official announcement fuck opinion_,0 +csimiamijenny i know thats how i felt after givin them present them not appreciating it horatio is the real man lol,0 + first timewhen ten learned could kill self mother depressed would panic attacks ways would hurt kill herself would tell everything never remember feeling mentally okay learned this tried taking lot tylenol didnt work really thought counts became much trauma childhood along current burdens tired again didnt work day wish did however survival today shown much best friend tried kill last week rope broke friends brother committed redflag worked hes gone forever im thinking unfair is best friend got second change brother hes gone forever hate regretting fact alive much cause got second chance guess wish died someone else got second chance sorry nonsense let out,1 +it took walk felt nice listened music neighbors dogs came times passed nice puppers supposed that feet hurt whatever good exercise need it yeah take walk sometime fun stuff,0 +unironically say pog like,0 +@philcampbell I've just returned home from a day by the coast! It was akin to July 4th! ,0 +sometimes wonder killing way find peaceim years old im working job hate anxiety pandemic gotten spiraling control think im poisoning im keep getting sick cant drink cans bottles cant even eat sweets chips without spraying lysol using disinfecting wipes them im scared getting sick unreal think im subsequently making sick process dads trying get go medication dont think itll help know im lucky others boyfriend loves family tries help everytime start spiral feels like cant help me hell tried vent mom phone started cry saying cant help give im gonna accept help im last year school online cant anything im lower classes bc act score shit everyone around makes feel like failure comparison know im posting this maybe want attention idk im tired waking everyday pm getting ready go job makes feel miserable thing thats given joy engaging kind sexual acts bf feel like piece shit feel sick want over thought moving dads house would make everything better didnt everything feels way makes think maybe way ill ever truly find peace go heaven im even able go sinful things ive done make feel kind emotion feel bad even posting bc know im well others im truly sick living way do feels like theres way out,1 +seriously help this ha been killing me i feel super down and unmotivated but i also feel fine a lot of time and happy and can laugh my high aren t super high but my low are pretty low but every time i feel happy i always feel like i m faking everything overexaggerating my symtoms and am just a bad person overall i m diagnosed ha this happened to anybody else what do i do,1 +first caught jennifer years ago town showed tv middle night fell asleep ended stuck track down appeal that though theres lot it weaves intriguing atmosphere ida lupino howard duff real life manandwife time display alluring lowkey chemistry lupino plays woman engaged housesit vast california estate whose previous caretaker jennifer disappeared shades jack nicholson shining although instance lupino goes went mad duff guy town manages estates finances takes shine lupino decides play hard get becomes involved say obsessed happened predecessor old dark house full descending stairways locked cellars atmospherics romantic byplay far best part movie viewers likely find resolution bit letdown theres much except little frisson tail end anticipates brian de palmas filmic codas well done and again sticks you extra added attraction film introduced song angel eyes would become part standard repertoire ol blue eyes,0 +give signim honestly considering ending tonight never felt alone entire life lost nan month half ago amp grief unbearable nan best friend love much ive always said ever passed would kill wasnt expecting soon im trying stay strong grandad really dont think this im trying positive abt future think nan isnt it feel trapped inside head amp feel way escape end it ive suicidal amp way got better support nan gave n shes cant deal it want die badly amp doubt ill even see nan thought nothingness eternity calming think it even dont see again ashes could put near nans ashes would world im sick tired now reasons wanting end thats main one idk dont even know im looking amp dont want like nan wouldnt want bc shes shell never know god sound selfish want die none friends family seem care ive dropping hints since may amp ive said outright multiple times whats point continuing existing dont want anymore one seems care whether live die,1 +couple years ago major mental health crisis reached absolute breaking point plan ctb way commit act may way thought grief shame would unfair family reached help instead faced hospitalization demoted job countless conversations reliving experience countless medications nothing ect treatments ketamine treatments talk therapy nothing helps feel worst since crisis still suicidal plans however million questions game teaches share lot plans details share family thus making suffer really tried sake family exhausted even smallest amount redflag triggers me thinking would best execute plan feel like options left pointing direction hopeless lost,1 +get free awards basically anywhere complain awards thats it literally done it sit back watch money flows people give awards thought itd funny no deceived them ploy gain free coins karma,0 +post anime depression sadge,1 +british horror film terminal decline start seventies blackness came three films among best island produced wickerman blood satans claw house dripped blood made future seem rosy even though lot people knew point going one thtdb sort cast could easily form wishlist actually assembled bleak hinterland may well find expecting wake up waxworks overlooked four stories is naturally favourite cushings life art interlinked firmly cant tell performance ends pain begins one guess role affected gentle sensitive man death maiden rip peter,0 +saying hello languages zdravo kaixo salam prshndetje hallo ,0 +actual questions straight people like frogs no get immediately,0 +found looking hours finally found box mm luger bought covid like finding bar gold,0 +im up i slept an hour last night death,0 +thought family wealth dads business actual turns dad gambling addiction mad poker skills made like m mother convinced get help lost it did bought nice house started business money invested too everything panned addiction reason family worth m,0 +dream predicted end pandemic dream predicted pandemic end dream weeks ago details fuzzy important ones still there starts im somehow teleported future cant remember how find mesh school mall appears pandemic ended everything went back normal knew im future exactly my guess years instinctively wanted know pandemic ended started ask people one would give exact date over next thing know im chased fbi agent ninja outfit i assumed time traveling running seconds jump big glass window second floor start ziplining uphill telephone wire eventually stopped chasing me end telephone wire small secluded bookboard game store walk store pretty unorganized back room theres small round table back room sitting table old man grandson invite sit him taking seat ask know pandemic ended old man tells pandemic ended january st grandson chimes says pandemic got worse october th didnt tell details that important part dream ends type premonition interpretation schools shut october th vaccine begin distributed january st,0 +suicidalive suicidal better part life started treatment ever since ive made progress much feel like total loser depression bad im ssi idk ssi makes feel like ill never normal friends family connections birthday coming making everything worse thinking back past year ive done absolutely nothing ive burning bridges anyways going ever get lucky enough commit without much interference life would little live fori keep deluding think im young enough turn situation around thats wishful delusional thinking years life meant build foundation rest life right im depressed barely leave apartment disability much foundation build of idk ive never really reached strangers internet late im ive already called crisis line help much yelling void,1 +"@Dirkey Hey!! I'm gonna be in PA mid-May...we should try to connect!! You, me, @djembechic & @MrsKennyD for lunch one day, perhaps?? ",0 +pleaseim eightteen drug addict feel like want sun rises morning want deal anymore know puerile desperate feel overwhelmingly conflicted confused do please want someone talk to anyone understands hard drug addiction need know do,1 +guys whats weirdest dream ever had ill start upon time withered leafless autumn tree two arm like projections three sharp long branches man passing by apprehended tree tree asked do geometry box man heard legend autumn tree dishonestly replied no tree said very well then shall pass tree let man go now another man passing by like previous man stopped tree asked question him man foolish honest fellow replied yes geometry box tree proceeds stab man long branches wolverinestyle kills spot turn,0 +at my lowest low i become very apathetic or very angry at the majority of people and object around me i feel so lonely and making good friend and dating are so difficult for me while i understand this is difficult for many people i m only really focused on myself and how i feel because when i wa suicidal last year it wa due to not caring about myself now i care about myself but i hate other people for not caring about me in the way i want them to care about me i also have basically no money i make very little at my job because they won t promote me to being a full time teacher despite me working just a much a any other full time teacher in the building just another thing i m angry at people about i really wish i could meet people for any social benefit sex cuddling someone to talk to on a regular basis someone to watch tv with or go out to eat etc i crave those social interaction but i m struggling to find anyone to fill those hole thank you in advance for any help advice,1 +oh oh no dream texted girl something feeling weird talked unless alone meaning send send it woke dream actually send it offered french fries reason obviously cant say said shed minutes woke real ,0 +kinda late howd ya sleeepp,0 +get wrong glad successful gotten help since last months much better whether personal notredflag work general mental state feel like currently spiraling completely put control months away losing roommate place live cannot find place afford even judt place general housing miserable right now gotten chance speak therapist yet honestly tired thst even want try able lay bed drinking thinking much easier would here terrified uncertainty want homeless cannot go back family felt like good honestly happy first time years really want throw thst away trying process situation best ability trying decide need sell hobby stuff things enjoy try afford owni know posting know even looking here everything going sounds absolutely fucking stupid read back feel like burdensorry terrible formatting tired drunk phone tried kill months ago,1 +serious suicidal plansi always plan courage execute it want hurt family afraid failure im facing financial issues,1 +ending paini lost appointment mental health clinic next week know make it panic attacks last months last week became painful fainted street morning walking girlfriend idea never waned tell her together short period time few months cant imagine life without her probably reason typing right now father paranoid schizophrenia left slept street crushed friends couches occasionally year moved another country left sister mother provide take care them felt good focused finally paid ever needed lost everything else home come back to solitary killing every day job hardest one world work sort programmer make good buck cant function work get panic attacks feel anxious cant concentrate stopped eating feel hungry anymore felt good providing family mother sister need anymore place anymore wasting everyones time oxygen girlfriend mentioned earlier beautiful creature world weeks ago found drug addict pills whatnot actually mentioned casually text message panic disorder got point scream night want rip skin off know go here could get fired using antidepresives therapy appointment probably get canceled confront two possibilities end scenario shit get fucking worse something stupid tells fuck deal tells stop know work way wont stop upon that father creating shitload legal problems everyone related including living abroad go embassy month report bring lawyer deal shit well edit feel bad know might seem like overreacting spent entire life dealing peoples problems solving peoples problems colecting mine boxing way through cant handle anymore much story hurths tried talk people every time did lost person forever dont talk lose people dont talk share things cant handle judge hear them,1 +lets see possible wake six hours seven page essay study math final study whap final stupid hw fall tf asleep around pm,0 +it seems i need to revise my plan especially the date of my plan because even if i go through with it it will be thwarted because someone is currently freeloading in the house i am currently living in i don t want any disturbance and obstacle in my plan i will plan and re schedule why why why why why why now i have planned this for a couple month but why now why would there be an unexpected obstacle or disturbance now i just want my eternal rest,1 +Morning twitterverse ! Just woke up.. Felt a little lethargic.. But up n wide awake now. Gettin ready for 5 hour drive home ! ,0 +wow cant believe strawberry milk cult predicted portland saw world come portland strawberry milk cult november ,0 +overall found film good exceptional acting disturbing scenes some essential useless weak second half contains spoilers film divided parts thought first half pianist terrific meet erika kohut wonderful isabelle huppert piano teacher get introduced world single struggling find space overprotective borderline tyrannic mother understand lost seldom experienced love physicalemotional chemistry protects sharp offensive people releases sexual tensions sexshops voyeur sadistic selfmutilations first half clinical builds incredible tension film almost unbearablebr br then comes walter young handsome outgoing man played superbly benoit magimel though gets feel erikas coldness beginning seduces slowly wreaks erikas fortress loves deeply needs fulfil sadistic desires fall him disgusted world end discover erika unable love feel especially since walter portrayed someone impossible love second half film touching see erikas inabilityinexperience love lead selfdestruction second half seemed less mastered haneke sometimes noncredible ie shocking scenes paradoxically lessened dramabr br of course crude film least french version see porn sequences sex shop daring mutilation sex scenes much talkedabout fellatio scene magimel huppert quite good thought central understand erikas sick relation love actors huppert marvelous film magimel gets better better perfection girardot the mother excellentbr br ,0 +post represents everybody time needignored,1 +leepeesa story of my life stop looking and icaisfrank come again what is this i read about a vet visit memory photo may help,0 +girl liked long kept messing were together today im going house well alone so think first kiss going today happy thats,0 +never accepted familyhello random persons decided read this im fucking done im done life everything else thats happening ive officially given up never loved accepted family longer around dont want around me cause im gay ive tried always best fit come out cause knew would happen shit gone fucking drain someone family outed me along time ago affected negatively beyond comprehension trust issues cause it changed drastically person one action im longer happy longer enjoy things used to feel shitty cant anything wanna something family extremely homophobic longer around small children family cause think ill give homosexual disease cant literally wear rainbows anything pastel colored manner thats gay propaganda dislike much cause im gay hurts really does im finally done im gonna relieve burden shoulders mine like gonna miss anyway im gonna finally free finally feel happy time im gonna go find gun shot myself quick painless im gonna buy ammo gun tomorrow made here thanks reading appreciate it love every one you yall better family have thanks supporting goodbye,1 +went hours without pickingcutting lips honestly proud believe progressing incredibly hard stressful resist must better,0 +i beginning to think more and more that i am not suited for this life thing i don t think i wa ever meant to find happiness peace in this lifetime i think i wa set up to fail from the start i want the deepest of connection while i wa born with the frailest of heart the slightest touch i bruise a little pressure and i bleed there s no way this is going to work there s only a buildup of crushed expectation a i stuff myself back into the darkness deeper each time i won t last much longer never in my life ha anyone needed or wanted me a much a i them and that hurt i cling to the smallest of gesture am i crazy to think i m thankful to have met you mean being appreciated human to human i just want a piece of that closeness everyone else seems to have i just don t want to be alone for once not to be other is that too much to ask for or do i not deserve it what s the point i m never going to feel fulfilled in this lifetime anyways,1 +guys excellent anything put public first class musicianship band amazing thankful live world rush exists future generations never able see mastery live person get dvd enjoy throughly recently able see incredible musicians play houston tx blown away missed show since power windows say better ever everyone embrace guys teach others real musicianship is never tight well put together trio lifetime lets hope pray retire anytime soon,0 +@luizreinoso Get 100 followers a day using www.tweeterfollow.com Once you add everyone you are on the train or pay vip ,0 +kind film want see glass wine fire on feet up require much brainpower follow good long day would say unrealistic expecting anything serious bother funny thought businessman would go far agree live slum while actually get enjoy it would definitely recommend it,0 +want disappeari cant understand nothing good life hate self im pussy cant even man take life dont want world nothing,1 +at home depot feeling very very manly ............in the garden section near the flowers ,0 +recently failed graduate diploma program supposed help accelerate career cpai feel defeated knowing put everything program falling short feel like let along everyone around continues support me know cannot bring courage tell bc embarrassedi option go course online working full time scared going enough scared fail againdoes anyone advice words encouragement failing helped future share similar experience turned around failing,1 +compliments criticism feel like personal attacks take criticism extremely poorly whenever someone criticises something ive done take personal attack feel work bad feel im terrible also cant take compliment compliment me feel like disingenuous feel like people compliment want something me compliments also feel like personal attack me know makes fucking sense know im incredibly toxic this,0 +people laughing publicrecently brain disease progressing rapidly people started laugh stupid mistakes make,1 +think im going iti cant take anymore im empty time feel guilty every time im even slightly happy wake panic nothing anxiety tight chest barely breathe lie around cant bothered anything anymore wasnt going another couple years push everyone away wouldnt hurt much im tired tired everything feeling like im dragging every day rope balcony here think im almost ready,1 +want overi tired everything going shit making half baked plans look socialising fix shitty situation weekendsbefore zoning distracting films youtube videosanything stop thinking tired old virgin guy literally friends social contact interestsa husk feels shit worst tired getting hopes change things improvingthat things finally turned corneronly fall back shit like sick fucking groundhog day time little part diesmy hope diminishes long gone now years fucked broken something wrong brain jesus fucking pathetic want hurt familybut want anymore thing look forward deal this cant depression anxiety feeling anything want over,1 +@MoscowVicky Really?? Will check on my Mac home ,0 +petition ban teens subreddit feel like majority poor quality posts come them order get posts out shall ban people make them,0 +low effort titles look found wish im giving a first purchase code ybfxrdb httpsdlwishcomevxq,0 +@Dominuz it was pretty good it even resembled just a bit the comics you gave me years ago,0 +school felling school feel like lot calmer cause covid,0 +close ending one left fucking loved last two friends want end friendship,1 +you exit the game when you re bored or if you don t like it or if it make you feel bad right you don t snoop around for literal year waiting for the stagnant and painful game to get better right so i don t understand why i m still here i guess i m just afraid to exit the game because i ve been playing it my whole life i don t know what i ll do when i leave it it s like my game is plagued with a virus no matter what i do it won t get better i ve tried my hardest and my best to fix it fix the root of it but i ve been cursed since birth and no matter what i do it won t get better it s why i m so depressed because it will never go away i either live with it or die i am so fucking over playing this game i m so over cry and feeling like shit every waking moment i have to play the game i don t want to play anymore,1 +triedi cant anymore tried soooo hard please judge me tried soooo hard tried sooo hard wanted someone talk me got nothing cool die every time tried failed ill still try kick im down,1 +give one single reason kill tonighti none,1 +certain elements film dated course white male crew instance like prestar wars science fiction tends take long admiring itselfbr br but still movie ever capture flavor golden age science fiction one did even use electronic tonalities provide musical score robbie robot epitomized asimov robots inspiration followed cpo databr br the plot line course shakespeares the tempest morbius prospero exiled wizard finds kingdom invaded interlopers movie treated science fiction adult genre perhaps first,0 +going focused something cannot focus anything yeah now feel like losing mind feel empty time eat much buy stuff going crazy cannot think anymore cannot concentrate memory working body used be hate myself constantly look mirror judge way look try diet everyday soon break down hungry thirsty sweet taste food main thing mind time fill feel down eatbut feel worst gain fat hate morewhen sit groups understand going on ask questions ppl say talk much say anything one notices me always one out one ignored weird crazy psychopath one call psycho joke funny anymore yeah get hyper energetic sometimes know deal energies somehow feel empty guess do eatwhat wrong mewhy like thisi keep thinking days yo happy hopeful parents young everything everyone happier today mostly sadness tired thoughts feelingsi want sleep wake upi want shot make mind quitei want want sorry vent know post guess cannot keep feelings anymore,1 +know swear much yr old cousin repeats it like mine did said eat shit wan da fuck,0 +want stop thinkingi want live anymore,1 +drawn movie moment saw preview oscar night read kay pollak hooked americans suckers comeback kidbr br i understand movie huge draw sweden provincial american speculate reason perhaps provocative joke lena character makes beginning movie social comment perhaps central message believe appeal everywhere affluent societiesbr br the message movie movie titanic life short people far anyone really knows weve got taken away time pity spend much time hiding behind walls separating us people were afraid hurt tearing walls painful feeling alive lies side wretched walls feeling alive worth taking risk give receive start living nowbr br many people criticizing movie lack characterization flaws say pseudosophisticated get grip folks parable fable affluent westerners materially rich whose souls abject povertybr br so join choir band help build housing distribute food less fortunate you spread joy make world better place long get commune fellow man writing check enough social species way even humblest fellow human beings affect ways never thought possiblebr br rugged individualism place overrated,0 +come closer time go going writing letters loved ones parents going write letter record two videos them one video indepth explanation decision brief happy video them happy meaning video hear say love keep hearing voice passed already created emaildrive accounts backed worry losing video written letters close friends lost someone loved would want them goodbye lettersvideos,1 +remain calm get adienty attack im talking front class filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler,0 +help someone doesnt want helpedone pf friends spiraling depression seems getting worse worse weve trying get least try recover refuses lets everything overpower her us trying best say alright say shes fine let try fight thoughts getting her ive went im recovered dont worry cant stand anyone going misery school ended several hours ago us afraid might actually summer one stop her honestly despite recovering know do dont truly dont know help someone doesnt take help know help needs someone ive done shes pushing everyone away emotionally dont know save late feel helpless need advice thank reading ramble beg help hope good day hope gets better,1 +another face seaso amagain try get point life sucks constant struggle things choice do many responsibilities things need done want that none it want zero responsibilities want anything want support myself want work fifty years afford food shelter want constantly alone conflict alive means address problems nothing option thats want want nothing choice im alive im going things want do thats life is want that connect ideas want life amount pain experiencing immeasurable cant take it think fair say getting truly want alive impossible urgesthe urge slash wrists open intenseits painful fuck problemsi want want fuckin solve want stop ask this choose this want this care care make it stop,1 +tell guy whos asking help math hw wrong answers cuz haha funny like mean people c,0 +Ask HN: Effective methods to fight depression? https://ift.tt/2HrUhBJ  (cmts https://ift.tt/2HrUhBJ ),1 +Every time I think my depression is going away for good I look at Twitter and am immediately brought right back,1 +i just want to stop being so sad i feel like i m failing at life i m sitting at my desk and i just can t stop fucking cry over literally nothing i just don t see any hope for my future somehow i always come back to this feeling i used to fantasize about getting hurt enough to be in a hospital for like week just to get a break but not actually kill myself because i feel like i couldn t do that to the people around me i really have no one in my life to talk to right now i tried the crisis text line and my god they are unhelpful you are so brave for reaching out how do you think you were able to reach out tonight um maybe because i have this option or the option to off myself and one seems a little more rational than the other how do you guy cope when you just can t do it anymore,1 +kristinfinley ur phone and it breaking disease ha spread to my phone it doesnt ring any more just flash agh only one moth till a,0 +anyone ever questioned achievement notification minecraft achievement get like understand conveying fact short,0 +people posting wooden legos theres wiling away time anyone agree,0 +much sleep paralysis ive three times row every time gets worse physical always feel even over im actually scared go sleep right feel like im gonna murdered next one much,0 +when the seasonal depression finally fuck off and life is enjoyable again gt gt gt,1 +posting song everyday water dogs day yall probably know song already wanted share cover found well done sans fun watch tame impala let happenhttpsyoutubentjecstru,0 +@thejoyride and now that song is in everyone's head. Thanks a lot! Have a great trip and be safe and tell the guys hi! Stuff looks great!,0 +thought found perfect girl but time ago met cute girl age feeling kind confident talking her actually liked often talking typing thought giving signs likes more like wants friends spoke older brother whos great friend said very very high chances gf one day gathered confidence told her kind shock knew day would come told find hobbys preferations etc similiar thought giving signs turned no nice nice also told lesbian impossible man relationship relation like dead tried maybe type short conversations uhh yeah thats story also selfesteem lol,0 +change moods every fucking hours fucking hate it stable fucking week week stop changing every day stop,0 +want die really really want die cant waitthe past three years worst life throughout high school life amazing star athlete healthy friends family great girlfriend since first year college tricked taking one cycle steroids life changed year cycle ive surgeries constant pain lost life contract girlfriend connection friends family im years old ap classes high school hardly able read im sick tired pain im done life im cant work travel party study without constantly pain ive lost everything used im fucking done im fucking sick done life cant wait over pain constant pain pain even areas didnt surgery like shoulders cant play guitar lift food mouth without pain im sick fucking done dont want live pain reality im even alive sitting room immobile alive im done,1 +wish would never wake againim tired physically worn emotionally exhausted know im getting cynical world ugly place im tired playing games everyone expects lot me one even acknowledges existence im tired disappointment im tired becoming uglier uglier barely sleep night anyway ok one despair find me find itll ok close eyes good,1 +Ronalda is gay Link: http://bit.ly/xrkde,0 +know people draw really well too,0 +feel like im standing edgerecently ive drastically cut marijuana usage every day twice week days im sober spent stressing keep professional persona work every goal try look forward sounds uninviting days smoke make happy overthink criticize myself become deeply introspective sad much needs fixed apparent found someone least cares shows beauty life worry often depression ruin us connection know rare cant ruin us wonder increasingly stressful days lead growth death,1 +everyone tell me to go outside but for year i get nervous who will i run into what will i say if my neighbor stop to chat with me even putting all that aside even if none of those thing happen i am still anxious,1 +month since partner years left birthday bags packed said leaving closure still even know happened physically emotionally abusive never told anyone account emasculating feels know tell people female partner punches home arguments begged go therapy years started covid worked hard become better person mentally healthy hated version me waste life s reason live took friends anyone anymore drove cross country family try sort out quickly reminded spend much time family made mental health worse happier alone dog car go anything stopped taking medication drinking heavily done year really took last ativan today thing keeping going deep end doubt psychiatrist prescribe seems like end me think people suicide lifes purpose feel like finally becoming content that cannot even talk like openly therapist psychiatrist fear committed know self know lie get drive killing myself understand people thought loved want hurt badly guess bad karma done something deserve feel like nature telling time die expect one respond even read this one cry help,1 +pls play among us im bored pls play among us im bored httpswwwtwitchtvgoosethecat,0 +ive got dilemmai suffering alot lately breathing anxiety depression way worse before get exhausted cant move feel like unable breathe tired feeling way anxious feeling depressed ive decided want continue suffer anymore end pain ive wanting longest time ever since never successful unsure guess tired ever pictured death times day dilemma met someone weeks ago says likes alot ask whats like says im gentle nice see words made feel nice im going hurt him thats sure im evil nice im definitely going worth anyones time also got closer friends became closer clubbing planned stuff like discovering new bars future actually really looking forward that discovered loved drinking feeling high partying wth friends made happy short period time want plans happen but somehow feel like matter feel like im forget pain temporary mind im thinking life definitely worth it end pain forever end life packing things dont want stuff kept want forgotten want theres still time change mind im scared im scared prolonging pain feeling worse know do,1 +im abandonedit feels like closest friend distant month now tried hard good friend knew keep venting them ive finding another way cope working things getting better feeling better im here feel alone seem interested anymore swallowed things frustration probably anything cant alone thats exactly right now feel like im way out,1 +i feel like i don t deserve to be happy i have so much in life i ve got to look to look forward too i have loving friend and family a good job a decent living situation and i ve even recently got into a poly relationship with two awesome people but i feel a if i don t deserve any happiness at all it could be that i m dating two guy and my parent are strictly against anything homosexual it could be the fact that i may be addicted to porn or hell it could even be just some other random thing in my life but i just feel like i m happy one day then depressed a hell the next day i don t know what to do who to talk too or how to fix this i don t even know if this is the right subreddit to put this here but i m out of option,1 +venting probably helpsi reoccurring idea that point walk well ornamented butcher block take favorite carving knife gut myself feel like nothing left tank feels like less decision instinct nature calls know intellectual standpoint lead pretty decent life wife kids kids two story suburbia decent career thing is ive felt way early age never gone away feel like urge gets stronger goes away sometimes returns returns greater degree before think part feels overwhelmed responsibilities ive chosen take on im helping profession deal people bad shape day come home wife collection problems thought could fix seems take two steps back every step forward son going turn four soon autistic bad hes high functioning aspergers side things see much hate that really want live reality ive lived in even sure im point suppose going anywhere looking responses change much pep talks rarely at least long run guess need get see im really dealing with,1 +nowi know correct place post not not remove it failing redflag confusing overwhelming feeling left even drained began even know possible tried kill days ago spotty vision pounding head ignited carnal stupid impulse tear belt away neck so now tell someone call someone pretend like never happened days since ive stowed away everyone let music tide over night im alone guilt how pathetic that raw feel confused feel conflicted know fuck say think now im fucking alone know us trapped shitty little worlds fuck man hate feeling fucking way so now,1 +im gonna iti date set im going kill myself recent events proven im worth enough world cant continue living like this whole world fallen apart im basically alienated immediately anyone meet im gonna end th method picked yet probably gonna overdose meds mix right way actually die really looking sympathy empathy wanted post say this outloud,1 +im partially redflag also may hurt others others may hurt whats righthonestly last year life living hell also eyeopening year ago suddenly began develop seemingly arbitrary anxiety attacks nothing traumatic happened nothing major changed life heart rate randomly started spiking bpm im things like sitting watching videos suffering anxiety attacks times week reached breaking point literally ready kill take others me period suffering met girl first seemed like ideal girl things quickly went south bpd started getting way insecurities something deal with overtime went depressed feeling hopeless entire situation angry understand happening me otherwise normal guy mids disease began manifesting apparent reason finished done for wanted kill go bang wanted take others me dialed redflag helpline spoke somebody hour straight end call anxiety attack manifested called seems millionth time take anymore mind racing heart pumping faster ever has feeling weak dizzy took tests gave medicine everything could think ive er anybody active subreddit combined its anxiety get it heres xanax ssris take get better you need see psychologist did get better planned redflag smallest details nobody knew even her then day clarity anxiety dissipated felt ok one day wonderful great sleep wake up feel better take shower eat normally triggered now everything fine another day anxiety continued live day by day delayed redflag one day then one day then one day two weeks passed blissful normalcy then started hallucinating started hear voices one day started see lights started see shadows surrounding me everything got darker nearly passed street called ambulance checked er nothing wrong anxiety its anxiety no isnt cant be something must wrong voices hallucinations colors darkness im schizophrenic be told needed fight disease im good it cant schizophrenia cant filtered voices head used everything willpower bring normalcy one time fast voices hallucinations came left months since may reading thinking im crazy crazy broad term me feel like either crazy not think spectrum people crazy others may labelled crazy think crazy think im crazy now no anxiety sure driving crazy months passed girlfriends bpd seemingly started get worse seemingly got better used money worked downpayment nice car ive living life way ive wanted to listen others whatever fuck want want drive sushi restaurant order much food take go bet ass do want speed residential streets narrowly avoid cops sure fucking do im control life ive always control life control slipped last couple months did almost terrible things know man id appear news stations guaranteed better now im normal again started taking road trips girlfriend friends absolute blast loved every single minute it then girlfriend shittest me asked watch porn said yes ever since then insecurity grown massively even attempted redflag willing compromise her wanted straight stop watching porn wouldnt initially going talk fueled anger made vile human thats wanting selfishly kill decided stop texted girlfriend right broke terrible way possible im emotionally hurting much right now want might kill cant fucking handle anymore great time loved much im fucking crying much feel pathetic it maybe needed ive never felt sad before feels wonderful cry finally feel something,1 +im trying doggiesit much make think hour fine hbu btw trying go tokyo,0 +future either mental institution jail nobody reddit anywhere else understands go cant help ive itif want get piece check recent posts ive made ive hada enough get mad everything people stupid cops torture people try protect get away often theyre literally jut tor uin day done feeling like iwant end punish others ignoring causing cant function society like this cant live world dont agree ,1 +@blessyounom And yes get more depression when your team lose,1 + whole life bsim turning days cant believe held long arms hurt lot due last bout self harm recall year ago said get therapy weeks id dead well didnt tried know ill try again bpd hard live keep giving medication sometimes helps deny im childish enough to bad dreams sleeping withdrawal pain ive telling nearly years want therapy want talk ive through went gifted talented college university drop out mistakes ive made cant handle no say theyre scared ill kill bring someone im also going kill dont go every day head alone want professional listen helo never do fucking want reach want to,1 +say without doubt hate every individual reading this want die hate idea people much hope god get shot fuck fuck fo you frankly truly wish continue suffer pathetic piece shit degenerate deserve nothing one angry,1 +know anymore advice would appreciatedi psychotic depression feel like im spiraling special type insanity redflag seems like logical option me though know best option everyone else around me im daily pot smoker know probably making everything worse long run thing makes feel truly alive content ive tried taking break months found still feel depressed bored bit stable im several types medication feel like working anymore ive rope sitting closet case felt like really needed kill myself feel like stupid want hurt people around me relationships falling apart feel hopeless world future know good life thoughts head torment me ive hospitalized confessed therapist suicidal feeling really want go back think help really know myself one talk to would really appreciate advice feel lost alone,1 +disgrace familyim years old live town opposite side state family theyre providing funds complete education university near here ive almost year ive done nothing waste life away get piss poor grades dropped two three classes failed class fail class two others which officially put knife federal aid education pissed away tons money textbook answers cant bring anything help myself im failure im watching life fall around flames cant muster power anything it whats wrong me failure cant whats best me instead sit around nothing day get stoned avoid problems cause pain love me even good for whats point existence act like im kind human wants help others really care anyone myself im manipulative lying good nothing going nowhere fast im disgusting ugly loser cant even help self im waste existence im disgrace family myself life itself whats point anymore whats point living theres nothing live for deserve ive given ive wasted life could had deserve second chance deserve die like waste air am,1 +got day ban whats sub also annoying ass monkey memes finally gone,0 +i met with my new psychiatrist today and she wa super nice and honestly so much better than the last one i m happy i have her now and i like her a lot i just forgot to ask her about the new medication i m taking so i already take wellbutrin and remeron i wa taking hydroxyzine but she just changed that out for propranolol which really isn t the one i m nervous for i m nervous because she prescribed me viibrid i m working my way up to 0mg i wouldn t be nervous about it if i wasn t on remeron which i take mg and it s really only to sleep and that s it it doesn t do anything else the thing is i know both of these drug can increase serotonin and i m terrified of serotonin syndrome especially since i m going to be going away from my house for a little while i called the pharmacy to ask about the interaction and they said at the dosage i m at is a very low change but i m still a bit scared ha anyone taken these medication together and been okay or doe anyone know if i will be okay if i do take them together,1 +say someone suicidalhi hope im right place get advice difficult situation long time online friend struggling lot problems depression recently texted long message tell much mean things said alarming me said know much longer live probably months left theyre lost life passions motivation live anymore really seem considering committing redflag next months im concerned know say want help support much can theres much since were living far apart fear listening might enough time however know kind advice give them want sound like im trying save fix know cant im sure saying itll get better life worth living etc helpful all know do were underage think mentioned parents take depression seriously know even get access therapy contact family know address im beginning pessimistic well refuse give them,1 +almost years since mother killed herself im becoming suicidal evernext month marks years since mother hung herself whole messed family up dad drank death years later months later older brother ran side world better ive here stuck feeling hopeless ive really tried really have granted ive got decent parttime job want do gave dreams photographer long time ago im getting age feels like late really something life cant afford better myself im living paycheck paycheck wasting time dead end job job im made feel useless terrible too every shift go home cry want leave city ive whole life theres real opportunities me plus cant afford get go like that im giving up hate life even more want die,1 +might go antifa rally throw molotov air antifa dumb im even republican id fire unto assholes,0 +know whereive looking options think way want go jumping ive looking places seattle cant find anywhere know aurora bridge common place redflag wall makes hard want find good place it,1 +want die want alive anymore want remember anything anymore much fucking redflag know much take die die die,1 +fun fact day fun fact sunrise sun set everyday crazy like follow epic knowledge fact,0 +operation piss midnight gotta take pee wake someone game over ill operation below operation piss pissing super silence,0 +realized something years kids gonna like grandpa gavin grandma amelia,0 +goodnight everyone hope good day something bad happened sleep off sleep good like dream good things make things target something thought would je wholesome turned waffle anyway love all especially harry idk anyone called harry like whatever night night,0 +drunken sailor drunken sailor early morning,0 +@sian_the_mouse yay! a duck! if i want anything watching me it'd be a duck! lol,0 +honestly hate life hate myself im really interested life general anymore single friend one since rd grade exaggeration family low money covid probably need move california idea where grades low go good college gpa im failing two classes missing assignments i never find girlfriend life im underweight im stressed max general awful year been im losing motivation life developing inside years now,0 +put spinach sandwich never eat greens please proud,0 +feel people love much love themif replace im itll hell lot easier im dead,1 +off to pick up the dog doctor s note and back to work,0 +trynna get deep here need answers therapy help,1 +guys worldending thing prophet definitely dyslexic definitely meant ,0 +@ginoandfran juSt want to hear on air spaceman (GinoandFran live > http://ustre.am/2YyQ),0 +@McFLYFan_Katie others* ,0 +"@FrankieTheSats yaa, love you and dougie as a couple! happiness ",0 +bruh patriotic guys nono girls lmao yes tread flag room cares lol,0 +parents talking shit me know hear themi feel useless already im pretty sure im ready it know say goodbye friends cant without saying proper goodbye want get suspicious hate parents point sounds like want die want friends im probably never going see again please help,1 +coworker relationship bf years asked whether ever saw happening first started said lmao funny,0 +reddit therapy work wellwith way reddit works sub cant function free therapy easily many people scrolling new posts hot get lot help new bodies fault reddit,1 +real talk real manhere real talk fat one wants you ugly others recoil countenance mentally ill people distance you fact life three things align sure sentenced life loneliness regret know sweat desperation lay bed wondering anyone outside family even cares slip noose around neck take many pills slit wrists take last exit life gives over maybe next time attractive intelligent funny strong but time night im tired going life alone im tiredim exhausted weight disappointment others trusted end get efforts pure clean silence silence write letter one friend family hopefully forgive me im tired everyones reusable last option,1 +life is fucking hard that s it we care which ha left many of u with scar disappointment rejection one of the few emotion we carry daily bc we see no hope the overwhelming feeling that we should be doing more but what is the fucking point just do something feel sorry for yourself i feel sorry for you i feel sorry for myself yet our dream are keeping u alive suffocating u to do something no matter how little the task it make a difference so if you want to lay in bed binge watch cinema or sleep away your thought away do what you must your dream still life on we re waiting for you when you wake up rock tar,1 +need helpbut know get it im done life want die knowing happens die scares me im point starting matter less less im scared im going end killing myself,1 +movie best movie ever seen lds highly recommend movie able feel understanding life joseph smith although movie made highly acclaimed actors remarkable life changing movie enjoyed appreciated everyone saw movie family bear witness change heart movie allows people really understand hard life prophet much tribulation faced with saw moviethere single dry eye entire room everyone touched saw since seen it highly recommend movie everyone,0 +screwed kill myselfi completely screwed life job friends family nothing do trying move away horrible expensive town covid hit cant move away landlord want job cant get job away employers want someone local area want people experience train you supposed anything want anything apart job direction life everything reach get chance anything whats point living im thinking jumping cliff nearby ive tried hanging uncomfortable wish could shoot myself,1 +i want my cereal but we re out of milk,0 +i tried several time to write a suicide note but i kept giving up because i realized im actually going through with it so what doe it matter lol im going to be dead ill never love or feel again not that i ever really felt anything anyway lol i ate some orange chicken and rice and some granola bar with frosting lmao and some mandatory energy drink of course i watched some high school dxd and lit some paper on fire now im listening to obscure hex cult music from brazil staring at the wall i can feel the noose in my closet waiting for me im coming sweetheart dont worry just want to throw something into the void first lol i tied it up and everything already put my head in twice it itchy a fuck lol plus it throwing weird rope dust everywhere idk lol shoutout to spaceghostpurrp and domd and hi c and evaboy and idk lol we out fr lmao goodbye to every human being on earth and every animal and anything that ever hurt inside hopefully we all find love in the end,1 +hi please help tell me someone had this and overcame it i can t do more diagnosis at some point i wa praying it s cancer because at least i d know what it is i m suspecting anxiety since i have severe social anxiety which is fuelled even more by the symptom it is something between itching burning stinging like if someone put thousand of needle in your scalp at the same time it happens usually when i suddenly feel my body temperature rising so during exercising in hot room etc when stressed anxious since it also happens in place that aren t even that warm like supermarket or in a bus there are no visible sign on the skin like redness or rash i ve had dermatological neurological endocrine and many more diagnosis but nothing wa found so i m suspecting anxiety it s been happening couple time a week always when i feel too warm for like 0 year but human body ha a fascinating ability to forget the intensity of pain doesn t it thread i saw that are similar usually talk about itching before sleeping or sensitive skin on forehand or something alike but this is a needle like stinging sensation all over the head whenever it hot please i m almost done,1 +It's my one year wedding anniversary today...the time sure has flown ,0 +deal friends cannot open to someone part life long time every time try talk fact struggling talks tell bad lately like say bad hell go too ramble everything going life tried talk said was well got lot going life right now hope things get better though text anything issues like complain get chest hell ignore call out says lot process busy bad friend wanting listen me hard open feel like care all friends advice,1 +man love disruptv httpsyoutubesozyblmxc,0 +one sincere touching boymeetsgirl movies ever made rebel without cause say anything deliver nice portrayals movies strips useless subplots hollywood divergences movie focuses purely watching budding beautiful romance never doubt second film lead towards romantic pairing two people almost immediately sense synergy chemistry jesse celine simply pure joy watch find it movie mostly dialogue based but every conversation greatly intriguing makes pairing romantic real is conversation often real bearing anything critical sense nuances two become fond trusting other exactly way would dream meet special someone makes true even fantastic believe could would happen confident enough strike conversation person noticed somewhere random puts icing film magnificent backdrop vienna film takes place adds feeling romantic nirvana film suggests matter many times watch film think ever tire that,0 +wow the most depressing thing in the world is losing a video that you ve created in a matter of second fml,0 +umekbinstank innocent accused accidentally something do alright look post information fearing man saying,0 +monkeys jumping bed gtgtgtgt,0 +ew update left app minutes updated fawk want old reddit back gt,0 +watching V4V then turning in. goodnight ,0 +@fezahishak28 thanks for the bday wish darl! ,0 +@gavinbwatson yes what? xoxo,0 +here take httpsyoutubextqbngnkmq httpsyoutubeargncnnbwks neither rickrolls good songs,0 +enough money saved year year life leftive started new job sadly seems like kind drudgery ive past years unemployed june september first time years looking back first period decade think ending every week since skills sell and even im starting resent sell time ill turning next year also relationship see way out might well enjoy year end it,1 +@cjlambert yeh im not so much into his 'hotness' as his embarrassing of Mr English's decision to irrationally stop saving for super ,0 +uninteresting title text post not optional,0 +"@ayanatheoracle @smallkewlhuman I'm glad you think that by quoting or telling me about someone doing research is going to be best for me. DEPRESSION IS DIFFERENT FOR EVERYONE. I don't know how hard that is to grasp. Just because YOU THINK someone should handle depression your way, will not always work for them",1 +want able eat fruit without counting calories shit cause bitch know many servings im putting oatmeal im tryna lose weight hard,0 +sonnyjoeflangan goddammit i missed it what song xx,0 +i graduated not too long ago have work experience and can t find a job for a long while now i want to scream everyday i see no end to this and my entire life ha been a testament to how useless and garbage i am i just don t want to exist anymore,1 +sister watching harry potter movie every night rest spring break didnt expect mfuckers hours minutes long dont attention span this,0 +allancavanagh thanks for the link allan dm not working laptop on a go slow,0 +crazy story fish large freshwater reservoir noticed something cruising lake head dogbut saw body kinda cruised away making huge splash resurfacing im pretty sure otter still pretty cool,0 +metal musical discussion many people actually think metal listeners demonic god hating crapheads depths hell,0 +shell alivei struggling stay alive even writing exhausting feel numb emotional agony time emptiness inside nothing seems fill look people feel apart them going motions life im really dead thing goes around head thought terminating life shell really plan worked warned people closest me tried times know need do sought medical attention doctor referring psychiatrist waiting list another service ive years intensive therapy since breakdown diagnosed borderline personality disorder well treatment made significant difference mental health realised traumatic childhood significantly damaged me life ok husband loves much year old daughter strong network support people really care me matter say feel unworthy anyones love respect long time viewed disgusting blob human flesh burden society cant work days getting washing done major achievement sleep least hours day find difficult function sometimes apparently sleep way disassociating world cant face life anymore cut social circle people avoid friends completely shut out thing forcing stay alive daughter suffered separation anxiety ever since saw police paramedics escort away breakdown adhd goes counselling it told counsellor often checks pulse asleep main concern might die god child know do tried many things want destroy her know supposed get better control brain think one day soon may take life deliberately means get away agonising emotional pain in,1 +use morse code cheat tests already tried friend one suspected thing create system work you us pen clicking worked great,0 +Yay!! it appears to be that way about Charlie whoo hooo #lost,0 +haha fuck parentes geting divorce thought great happy life anymore haha,0 +clarianne april 9th isn t coming soon enough,0 + lot thank reading moved florida new york city massachusetts moved boyfriend got married im far away family parents arent pleasant times kind hard me miss animals grandmas house miss grandma much im pregnant prenatal appointment went shit doctor complicated everything wait till tuesday see im still pregnant frustration doctor everything went venting husband kinda snapped everything okay im worry wort gyno said theres heartbeat weeks even though used baby doppler didnt communicate didnt answer questions pretty upset start looking options stuff get thing absolutely scared husband got work started fight kept telling everythings difficult cant wait three weeks schedule another appointment theres something dead inside me started snap saying make excuses serious logical obstacles im husbands last name insurance couldnt update id offices keep giving shit saying fraud im illegal transfer licenses husband telling im trying hard enough list excuses like sister ran started crying left house turned phone cried came back minutes husband comes screaming calling stupid fuck dumb bitch ungrateful bitch names im sitting bottom shower snatches phone starts cursing said hope cry dumb bitch broke started sobbing hes trying nice today asking kiss im extremely depressed dont wanna here took rope car want tie noose end all one talk suicidal thoughts life hard nothings working me living literally hurts getting better miss animals much im sad said cut hes bringing crisis wanted go hospital get pregnancy confirmed told im dramatic ,1 +black chapter figure dark chris family moving new house middle woodswhen arrived chriss family went house chris behind following thembefore went saw man holding sign sayingbeware black chris looked sign confused ignored man went took stuff bag started designing room way chris half way designing room thats saw dark figure standing outsidehe opened window took lookchris confusedhe went stairsill go walk little bit outside dadchris saidwell dont latechriss dad said chris went outside didnt see man sign didnt see dark figure saw windowchris decided go middle woodswhile chris walking saw trail blood groundhe started thinking going back know whats going followed trail bloodchris saw trail blood leading small little househe opened door saw man sign dead hole inside blood body black rest redwhat fuckchris saidthis cant happeningchris started running back house fell hole hit head hard night chris woke thinking dream got got hole took phone pocket opened flashlighthe started walking back homehe suddenly felt arms holding shoulder heard weird whispers behind ear looked behind flashlight saw nothing continued walking saw blood shirt dead guy sawso wasnt dreamchris said back home parents rushed himchris youchriss mom saidwe worried close calling copschriss dad saidits nothing need worrychris said parents went brothers roommax need hear nowchris said maxnot chris need win thismax said chris playing online gamechris shut computer told everythingfirst nice joke second fuck would close pc chris hellmax said chrisyou believe happenedchris said maxyeah rightmax said sarcastically ignored chrischris went back room suddenly saw black hand coming door started pulling doorchris started screaming one heard maxmax thought still joking ignored himchris kept screaming max couldnt take went roomchris could please stop screaming im gonna fall thimax said shock saw chris pulled doorwhat hellchrismax ran chris pulled black hand went awayso werent lyingmax said chrisi fucking told yachris said screaming faceokok rightbut thatmax said christo honest dont knowchris saidbut im sure well soon find out,0 +teacher graded ap calculus test got got mc part thursday grinded shit ton problems weekend it first ap calculus test lets go,0 +stories reminiscent leopold loeb case may find movie entertaining cast includes robert culpwith stephen caffrey garrison hershberger college studentsbr br peter falk usual self pretending tricked precocious students caffrey longtime companion buried alive excellent menacing roles basically two frat buddies become tired demanding parents expect nothing less academic perfection attendance best schools financed conform excellent scene wherein culp rakes caffrey coals gets low grade threatens cut trust funds caffrey later says friend i hate him want deadbr br all well beverly hills always excellent theme believe film came right menendez killings watch menedez killing beverly hills compare film may find interesting parallels,0 +im burden everyonei plan killing myself ill august i want see friends school last time feel like family get mad it glorified helper all theyll probably feel inconvenienced death saying shit like ah another problem like whos gonna chores assigned now well thats problem now lol friends busy tonight job open time course wanted rant want shithead ruin fun time im already burden am want make worse them,1 +number factors make easy state still think important science fiction film ever made despite acting outdated dialogue etcbr br first scale imagination describing krell humanoid race native planet dead million years advanced earth humansus technology particularly cubic mile machinebr br second music sound effects inseparable other creates eerie unearthly feeling unlike traditional classical musicbr br third monster powerful deadly ever envisioned also based real science break laws physics biologybr br finally importantly forbidden planet movie ever made attempts and incredibly succeeds making honest intelligent mercilessly logical statement limits ceiling human or biological entitys development matter long survive speciesbr br in words predicts inevitable destiny,0 +wish became child actor swear god child actor becomes hot later life mean think show movie childhood child actors times hot care less acting hate it meant look like bean acne id happy to,0 +@ Heinz Field for the Kenny Chesney concert _ leaving for Nashville tomorrow <3,0 +@ksprior post something moron ,0 +im failurei really want end all im unattractive fat bad job unmotivated regretting degree feel like ive messed everything die escape feel like lie ppl say gets better hasnt dont know do,1 +also the anxiety and post groove depression yho ha a sana,1 +is upset that he can t update his facebook by texting it and might cry a a result school today also blah,0 +@Craig10TV Aww. How cute. ,0 +alone feeling wayhi all joined reddit come reach out feel pretty lonely really want know people similar experience actively suicidal danger myself ive struggling lot im teenager six weeks since got discharged residential treatment program ive really hard time ive never real redflag attempt ive depressed anxious long time ive lived suicidal ideation since family abusive past realize case late treatment residential difficult came home lot unresolved issues ive every level care steadily declining put residential treatment facility also needed hour care due nonfunctional was got realized peers facility attempted redflag suicidal actions writing lettersnotes collecting pills figuring ways end life starting attempt etc ever since got treatment resolve actually attempt gotten stronger stronger im afraid pain valid unless ive tried kill myself narrative cycling mind years wake middle night thinking it many many times ive actively suicidal least gotten truly suicidal meaning really really wanted die in thats wanted life residential really wanted kill tried times none worked actually wanted use really frustrating time odd thing ive realized attempting outside treatment lived staying bed day sleeping day watching youtube day meant actually think pain stayed limbo numbing pain constantly getting caught it guess way keeping suffering bay actually think pain pain suicidal thoughts became rampant also help im suicidal im good day im sick enough narrative there im actually actively suicidal want die narrative adds even resolve need kill myself im afraid seen wanting attention thats exact opposite want really hard attempt home want family know want people find worry want get hospitalized want talk anyone talk emotions behind it weird im actually suicidal im thinking time wanting attempt redflag prove im pain pain valid im actually suicidal want die end pain you need prove it feels like added reinforcer even thats primary reason want die again kind fucked baseline i need prove im pain risking life andor dying know maybe im looking reassurance maybe im looking someone relate odd feel like cant talk anyone this havent im still trying im still reaching out hard think im sad alone exhausted,1 +Night at the museum was fun but was way loopholey. summer '09 lookin' fine. ;],0 +emoji absolutely terrifying ampxb it thing nightmares,0 +friends called police memy friends called police telling ever need someone talk there lost job nd amendmentand put debt oven dignify response try talk them left worse position asked help im lost point,1 +ok drawings would yall buy see theyd low quality would help improve drawing skills make better art,0 +Having lunch & nice conversations at work Ltr!,0 +i have somatization disorder which essentially is whenever i try to do something that may cause me anxiety i end up making myself physically ill i cause myself physical symptom unconsciously doe anyone else deal with this i am not able to leave my house most of the time which ha caused a strain on friendship and school,1 +im ready dieeverything fault ruined sisters birthday mom isnt talking bc didnt guts tell suicidal im scared talk dad im afraid itll awkward im fucking pathetic feel alone maybe better hate me wont care im dead schools starting soon feeling wont make it somehow feel calm knowing wont live hell anymore everybody better without me burden family talent ambition hobbies hope future whats point living need try hard everday barely get by work ass school im going end shitty job barely pay rent life pointless im done trying get better evrytime things looking fall deeper hole feel like everything attempt make others proud im living myself id much rather first place im ready die couldnt feel peace,1 +Twelve fifteen tee time. I hate golf. So we're gonna have to spice this up. ,0 +know many people special fondness alistair sim version dickens story me version one beat wife copy film vhs watch together every christmas eve often remark could watch halloween too creepy ghost storybr br scotttypecast scroogeis shudderingly mean nasty making transformation miraculous moving think performance patton spirits effective one creepier last watching dark floating skeletal form spirit christmas yet come sends shivers spine every year supporting cast david warner particular top form bob cratchit susannah york wife br br i seem recall version sticks closer original story othersbut may mistaken several years since read it regardless terrific christmas classic,0 +ok here s the deal i live in a small town i ve never seen anythin famous n anyway so i thought i might luck up on something,0 +i m really starting to believe my life will not get better i ve been so sad for so long i don t see a fkin point sorry for the rant just really over life and fkin shit people,1 +im trappedim always waiting know what think death nights fall asleep crying student got exams corona shit cant study cant focus got one talk to family add depression im lonely want kill cuz means eternal burning hell sometimes think ill better like that ive cried prayed got answers stuff anytime make abandon religion too chance get coronavirus die without killing myself,1 +@stefaniemaqz Oh. Fuck bars. Whatever hahah thanks. Trace gets the point. ,0 +life actually changed youim ive suicidal since aunt girls though right thing hanging on sister suicidal too id really love believe life could get better but believe will actually got suicidal moved loving life,1 +look guys really bad place keep getting sectioned time tried killing toaster bathtub failed electric tripped went mile walk sectioned past months picked could walk back cannot live anymore know tried hard drown demons adage goes know swim damn good struggling guys know probably last port call fair try again life sick joke sick man killing living anyway comes cannot bad it like sure got better shit show currently find everything feels like sitcom power hungry idiots trying hard stay level difficult really someone could help would forever grateful somebody help please,1 +ha ha ha damn i had such good time chillin wit my favorite hizzo danced my face off the lodge never made it to backbooth,0 +nothing helps thoughts fantasies redflagno kind words supportive messages positive events goddamn thing theyre temporary highs end back pit depression graduate high school cool happy dont care start making hr fresh high school working dream job cool happy stoked back suicidal ideation get project car keep busy cool fun back depression nothing fuckin helps ever always comes back always sticks around always sittin back head waiting tiniest crack shield blast go hey fuckface time killed yourself eh heres million ways it get thinkin matter tells itll get better dont matter whos support me matter good things happen life fucking pisses off feeling like this ive got pretty damn good life thinking id better foot under makes hate even more think big part isolated people much long know feel anything else thats case going get milestones worse im done school forced interact people age ive got like close friends never willingly hang out know to keep busy occupied kind work mind races they really like you road come back sweat buckets heart pounds hard feels like gonna rip chest stumble damn near every word versus like sentence cause know socialize everyone says im hard worker got good work ethic im dedicated boils im fuckin scared anything but work cause mind takes suicidal dreams begin fuckin stop im scared im tired want end,1 +@someone483 i dooooo ,0 +had too much fun last night paying for it now going to go and fry an egg,0 +@tommcfly Take a photo of Danny pls ,0 +shame movie rated pg it really quite suitable anyonethough young kids might follow wellbr br it belongs wonderful genre seriocomic ghostangel stories would include everything capras its wonderful life wenderss wings desire br br the photography stunning acting first rate andwonder wondersthe tone upliftingbr br my criticism much ambiguity film two interwoven stories seem intriguingly mysterious first resolve little nicely taste director points commentary dvd ingredients irwins story bedside table symbolism trifle pat mebr br but lark favorite scene relocation team tries get breakfast diner practically theatrical magica tour de force witty actingsubtle playful notredflagly rhythmiccoupled striking cinematography acute eye grotesquebr br northfork funny touching gorgeous look at magical with reservations one single carchasebr br an easy nine stars,0 +doe anyone have any advice on what to do i m currently having a panic attack after accidentally popping a pimple around my nose i have severe health anxiety,1 +im okayhello new friends lets say name danny im currently going hardest part life days ago evaded capture police want broke contactprotection order went jail got bond payed bond left jail simple right well im screwed broke order stupid open mouth type n vent cause thank god gave ability feels like cant express feeling unless wanna go jail oppressive n depressing days ago found messed thirsty ass police town went man hunt dark pm n im sitting random parking lot car parked reversed undercover white car sneaks acting sus first drives slowly turns direction n starts pinning react quick didnt know cop soon im pinned realise whats happening n quickly reverse back curb n grass turned quick escaped pin drive around back turns police lights another normal cop entrance blocked hop curb escape n go low speed chase hot ass see stopped mins never mind quit job go jail sit jail months lose ls cant drive probably take car bc texted someone im reported missing n suicidal honestly ive never felt worried sad im sure ima crash car commit days im running money im scared go work cold im sleeping car im rock bottom im hurt hurt young man back square one fight left guys progress gone tears face fuck shit nothing thank u reading may god love way hell love kingdom,1 +ill wait one year decide kill myselfunless im already dead,1 +happy turkey dayso thanksgiving apparently actions canceled house im year old loser still home living rent free human garbage like incapable getting second job pay rent matter many interviews get never get job years experience food cash registers im polite quiet never stand out im stuck here younger brother full time job still lives home hes barely here blows money edm concerts hotels trips full time job dont become responsibility clean parents try refuse get yelled at gotten point try sleep im home clean them last week mom bought different things thanksgiving got home leaving work got home work left bag vegetables counter top things needed refrigerated hours threw away theyve noticed gone realized woke hours sleep yelling living room neither anything theyre even helping food dont clean themselves never do got go explain threw food expired theyre feeding grandparents almost theyre immune systems bad mine medical problems went school food prep know im talking about get is i dont care left out paid threw away stuff said grandma grandpa old get really sick spoiled food people already die food poisoning theyre old chances higher want die said dont touch things started ignoring me parents stopped cooking canceled dinner grandparents arent coming now seem months job supposed see begining month birthday never anything mom decided last minute week trip new york miss grandma much im maid home stopped cleaning mom gone days see much done work brother dad literally clean all dishes sink days counter tops kitchen living room beer bottles dishes trash couldnt take anymore cleaned it share room brother dressers fit clothes dad refused throw away second dresser brother refuses use second dresser completely empty clothes spilling onto floor dresser uses ft pile clothes floor months doesnt organize anything literally throws clothes random drawers shoves shut everytime bring parents tell shut up literally brought problem monday got fed grabbed clothes floor started piling hall couldnt look anymore hes foot taller me reacted coming hallway throwing floor mom saw stared dad said fault complaining bitch stop crying life doesnt matter usually sleep lot depressed last weeks ive juat sleeping maybe hours day awake night thinking waste time life waste space am dropped school years ago boy never went back got accepted art school another state didnt go boy get staying years fucking childhood friend behind back months without knowing things wanted life going something something suicidal shitshow god life become fucking maid wasting away fucking hellhole home boyfriend cares long seem complain life point hell get tired it dont know im spiraling out needed rant little guess,1 +"Rain, dark sky's, muddy streaks reflect depression..... vibrant colors reflect being in that state of happiness.... but only in the state of mind of being in the clouds...wanting to see colors and feel no pain is key . I wanna fly high in the sky",1 +parents willing break qurantine rules could eat holidaydinner brother brother volenteers algriculture live farmers suffer lot theft police cant really anything charities volenteer gaurd livestock crops help fires brother volenteering im year outside charity enlisted parents want drive lives eat holiday dinner even though were qurantine,0 +whywhy happen luckier,1 +failed medical student probably wont live see next monthi dont know even bother posting here itll help me story wasted last years life trying go medicine went university high school got bachelors bio medical school fail returning medical leave feel like ive wasted years life several thousand dollars soon nothing show it im years old already life dead ended cant get good job bachelors bio good job prospects fail out sacrificed health social life well ill fat friends several thousand debt life direction hope left week reason hesitate die cuz im fucking coward id leaving parents debt,1 +need encouragementthis account throwaway need encouragement guess im pretty alone here moved husband family got military years ago my bio family exactly gay friendly year awful physically well one day never health issues life went er first time due intense stomach pains thought going mind entire time cant afford this even thought dying yes im american insurance theres way afford medical bill plus car bill employer cut hours half st year yesterday informed next week id getting one hour shift lost damn mind yelling threw item stormed like child thankfully business opened informed today terminated ive fired job first time life im s cant even hold job stock boy ive struggled depression long ive never money see anyone did things seemed fine awful telling husband trying positive ityou stood yourself youre going get better job everything going ok know thats truelike know heart nice thing hear really believe it cant stop thinking much better husband family would without me awful thoughts leave head believe them every second struggle go garage know do depression feel like cant even stand let alone shake off get going control terrifying feel broken compared guy iraq getting shot atrocketedmortared remained calm cucumber feel like im bad life want anymore want feel like this feel like redflag would bring peace finally awful feeling would stop know thats selfish im rambling ill stop thank reading,1 +messed big time want diei something stupid year ago im freaking warning might nsfwim sure is proceed caution used involved really weird fetish longer im honestly sure would consider fetish dont think sexual thing me anyways chatting discord instagram people also it shared really personal taboo stuff often frowned upon society stupid naive teenager shared private information probably shouldnt told told state lived never told city address was part really messed sending picture face dont know it chatting probably less week cant even remember many people sent picture really stressing out month later deleted accounts something enjoyednot sexual way least recently remembered im freaking out conversations people got along picture face would publicly humiliated taboo something ill never tell anyone know personally chances messages get out,1 +know anymorethe first time thought ending around felt really guilty thinking like that feel guilty all would i one know cares enough even talk time would care died mom used want put therapy anymore though im pretty sure thinks im going normal teen issues care enough find bad really is turns blind eye it guess refuses acknowledge problem have thinks choose lazy maybe normal teen issues im dramatic know even know im posting here honestly feel like reason live know id kill anyway someday tonight nothing distracts thoughts anymore im tired alive feels like option really tempting right now know im posting instead whatever edit anyone cares im fine now still feel like shit ill kill day ive found adequate materials use feel like getting any oh well guess ill procrastinate redflag like every thing else even life edit holy shit even know im updating need vent somewhere since talked teens helpline thing police went house talked parents found self harm suicidal urges and reacted better thought would relieving im confused nothing feels real,1 +wish could fighti fought tried fought hard life beautiful mine ive realized cant fight destiny itll keep destroying born worst luck welp fuck destiny ill leave terms smile face two middle fingers air,1 +remember months ago saved online friend redflag suspended reddit day got unbanned checked online friends accounts one active rredflagwatch gonna commit days talked it still talk day,0 +Yay for oodles of rain. ,0 +yeah im sad hell rn anyone wanna chat f n crying btw yeah message would like thanks,0 +we re back after spring break during st period i had a panic attack and had to leave i feel defeated like i might a well not go back didn t put on a big show or anything just random stage fright out of nowhere going back tomorrow and wondering if the same thing will happen i knew i wa having a panic attack but didn t try to work through embrace it going to try harder tomorrow just feel like a loser that i couldn t handle it today very unprofessional,1 +us really realwhats real real real problems seem giant feel incredibly lonely problems stem me therefore thinking logically terminating also ends problems might selfish guilt also end me want loved someone im never happened know how end do cant feel alone cant feel anything believe afterlife problems simply cease exist perception dictates reality removing ability perceive removes hurt logical step,1 +anybody remember judy b jones takes back kindergarten,0 +ive horrible person want diei cant this deserve anything good life wish could go back fucked change everything cant wish could exist fuck,1 +now that i have a smart phone maybe i'll tweet more often! ,0 +please help feel devastatedi feel burdened mistakes countless traumas always completely alone literally raised tv never saw parents mom working dad didnt took responsibility left grew completely alone confused tried take life drug induced psychotic episode front family caused ptsd ocd lost hair pieces this exhausted always alone completely exhausted stupidity cant stand longer always tried best person possible life went hell completely abandoned work direction dont want continue living also dont balls take life,1 +"@precordialthump @TChanMD @sandnsurf @sherbino @srrezaie @TheSGEM @Jon_Ilgen When I worked in in-patient psychiatry, I certainly noticed bias in over-diagnosing schizophrenia and under-diagnosing depression & bipolar disorder in African-Americans relative to White Americans.",1 +feel betterif anything feel worse want much die unbelievable ive lot research painful would od sleeping meds diphenhydramine interested miss much im never going get back cant take that see funeral better see college life broke cant put back together time look realize wrong is everything made happy thinking fills dread wish would never existed many peoples lives would better reason anything mom pressuring saying kill follow leaving sister alone live others everyone says redflag selfish id say forcing someone live life want live reasons equally selfish,1 +weather insanely hot country amp forecast predicts going stay th august id rather ropei cant bear hot gives insane fatigue tiredness depression shitty headaches cant sleep night today ive slept horrible hours cant turn air conditioner ive caught cold barely go work due amount sleep im getting also cold home really cant take im forced lay cold bath afterwards feel good however long body warms sadly,1 +snap chat pc soooo extracurricular activities mormon parents taken phone ways contact schoolworkfriends ect found work around every app need except snap chat wondering one anyway around android ios emulator,0 +ethocide mina mina anca oc armenian turkish coffee baklava delight greek alphabet also turkish ottoman persian also turkish genocide also turkish war crime also turkish economic depression also turkish mongol also turkish dictatorship also turkish racism also turkish fascism also turkish rape also turkish sexism also turkish also turkish,1 +it s so strange waking up everyday with this sense that you want thing to go back to the way they were like your brain ha it own lil trumpster lying to you telling you your childhood wa better before or you were happy before you started this job etc the truth is it s always sucked though lol there are brief moment now where you feel like thing are okay but it s more of a lack of feeling i ve always thought i wa broken because this ha been my constant state since i wa so small i thought i d grow out of it or i wouldn t but life only continues to throw curveballs to others i seem high functioning though kind of emotional but i can t get myself to focus on anything i can t wake up on time for work i work in insurance sale so i hate what i do i have to pretend to care about people and their problem but it just hurt so bad all of the time i know my boyfriend doesn t understand he s in medical school and ha his own struggle but i know he feel love he tell me he doe i don t and even if i do see briefly in his eye that he doe care for me i quickly forget depression ha made me into a terrible person i should be so lucky to have someone who love me so much to have my look my wit and the opportunity i ve been afforded but i can t help but feel so completely destitute he ha helped me find some confidence in myself with pursing going back to school but i m just so tired of it the sale call the application car issue bill health stuff and every other fucking thing when will i be able to do the thing i need to do like eat meal a day have the energy to learn new thing exercise also ha anyone had any luck with any online therapy medication consultation,1 +Classic JT for a Saturday evening http://bit.ly/LrzJr,0 +repeating cyclesi meant hand masters dissertation week past two months ive done nothing adhd working home impossible constant arguments girlfriend repeat cycles ill always repeat cycles matter what stress adrenaline rush reconciliation repeats blocks wonders im unable focus literally anything else im done last time cant see end cycle im addicted never disappears merges something new im taking control,1 +@Nice_Igloo Real depression hours :(,1 +im seriously so stuck i developed a horrible case of health anxiety and constantly think something is wrong with my brain or heart i ve been to the er twice now with everything coming back normal i feel bed ridden most day if im up and moving around for too long i feel extremely dizzy due to my tension headache i have high blood pressure and am on medication but i constantly think it s hurting my heart im only year old and i shouldn t be this concerned about my health i m so over feeling this way and every day get worse and worse i feel like i can t do anything but lay down i get sharp pain along my chest due to costochondritis and im always thinking it s the end my breathing is always fine and my heart never beat super rapidly so that make me feel better but the dizziness is unbearable i tried antidepressant and all they did wa make my anxiety worse and my heart beat abnormally fast anytime i stood up my doctor took me off of them and is more focused on my blood pressure im so scared of dying and i m so sick of feeling like this,1 +ive tiktok and know im gonna get voted quite like it ive defined tastes actually funny people kinda feels like vine now unless u legitimate reason hate it tiktok hating getting old,0 +want die know temporarybut goddamn temporaryive thinking happy days wedding day old days school lifelong best friends fun times friends together four us happy trips overseas sister happy days working cattle dad gone now im going wake tomorrow fourth week row two days i beg one them miss buddies college old job im even asking solution none except wait gets better sorry rough month,1 +tell someone friend i suffer depression idea redflag ongoing since im feels almost normal im used used patterns last year suffer mostly anxiety drift feel somewhat control im happy with ive never really told friends seem never get bar one shes best friend witn years lately ive noticed mood low asked broke completely broke said dosnent know always anxious etc one thing seemed make clear topic way redflag horrible left behind imagine etc thats worry low points would say similar things yet thinking would kill later night feel lost help shes private person feel something important let slide tell another friends im breaking trust even tho didnf tell tell anyone given ive sent pages use anxiety help still feel like know advice would much appreciated,1 +"@lorraine_p oh, maybe...? Good excuse ",0 +emdr sessions great success also want go became severely depressed days following sessions anyone else sharing feeling like maybe sometimes bettereasier go therapy revisit everything try get ahold yourself definitely skill set learned time therapy feel rely right now get worse sure enoughthough hopeful get worse would appreciate feedback whether also share feelings think better return therapy,1 +know call someone disingenuous sense motherfucker get removed,0 +saw movie first came loved it since ive searched video never found now years later ordered moviehunter sorry say hold up glamourized version cant rise production level love burt bacharachs musical score listend itself even bought cd it taste lend well mysterious compelling story fit michael york lost here sally kellerman tosses fine performance olivia hussy ridiculous worth lugging himalayas best performance charles boyer head lama,0 +thinkingi got home hospital days ago want go back hate life im tired living here hospital wasnt even fun either felt safe dont know boring thinking life even worse dont even want try anymore cope life dont understand anybody contempt living ive wondered theyre faking like me maybe im good faking them either way really dont enjoy single thing life know least something sometimes dont even feel human im pretty sure feeling complete emptiness whats gotten far im bad kid try school get good grades cant take anymore also left home awhile back help little bit im still feeling like shit hate it im homeschooled ive tried hard keep afloat ive done lot try recover depression maybe bad personality im negative hard feel happy im always let down hate family hate myself wish wouldve helped sooner think late now diagnosed dysthymia double depressive episode hospital dont expect get better ive tried tried tried nothing ever changes family might well strangers hobbies drawing which pass time and like hobby skill art hate art anyways dont see getting better cannot see enjoying life matter happens didnt attempt redflag get hospital awhile ive planning running away jump high area probably wont happen thought makes feel better hated childhood hate teenager ill probably hate adult too nothing seems good ive already lost hope im going either drop high school soon kill years kill sometime soon truly hate life nothing cruel thus far im sorry writing this im feeling god awful,1 +cant keep living like thisi im loss anymore im miserable life nothing makes better ive tried self help therapy faking till make it im tired cant keep this im miserable around make everyone around worse simply lives im trying finish degree even going jobs graduate saddled student debt drop try find trade theres good answer feel like way ending it ive never thought would make age dont know do ive screwed life royally dont even know come okay want end wake anymore im tired friends toxic family told need relationships survive know cant manage make stick im tired guys im really tired dont know anymore,1 +want play video games again want get new pc shit prob wait till get ,0 +hey r anxiety i didn t know where to put this but figured it s mainly a side effect of my anxiety so i went with here i ll just get into it i m a 9 yo male that s been diagnosed with anxiety and other disorder mdd odd adhd polysubstance addiction this may sound weird but i wanted to know if you guy recluse by choice a someone who want to have friend and a strong social aspect in life but just doesn t have the social skill to i m curious if you have a similar experience knowing that it s not a choice is probably the hardest part for me like i see everyone out having fun spending the day with their friend and it destroys me inside knowing that i don t won t ever have that i live on the sideline which make me want to stay inside even more to avoid seeing that and feeling so i sit in my room the whole day getting high the only other place i go to is my job which i can t even look up at eye level out of fear of accidently making eye contact with someone i just feel like everyone s automatically put off by me which then make me act in a way that actually doe put them off i just want someone to talk to that s not either my mom or my dad i thought about it and realized that once my parent die i will have nobody which at that point what s my life worth,1 +dont understandi dont understand feeling breaking sb loved heard lot songs talk break ups always get confusedif sb could tell would grateful since dont experience lot emotions,1 +i just don t know how much longer i can do this life is too much,1 +hopelessi teen years suffer parental neglect depression anxiety job gained quite bit age recently laid off due health safety issues within establishment main source income gone parents give shit me ive providing time now lost job hit hard seems like everyone left me know go bad habits started happening again cutting eating less things thought got over sit hoping help right now limited options right now redflag one them im hoping help now thanks trying,1 +anyone wanna chat dm along certain squashes pumpkins zucchini belongs species cucurbita pepo dark light green related hybrid golden zucchini deep yellow orange color culinary context zucchini treated vegetable usually cooked presented savory dish accompaniment botanically zucchinis fruits type botanical berry called pepo swollen ovary zucchini flower zucchini like squash originates americas specifically mesoamerica original name nahuatl ayohconetl also variants ayo ayocotzin plural ayococone this concept use zucchini developed northern italy second half th century long introduction cucurbits americas early th century,0 +please helphttpswwwredditcomrteenagerscommentscxdim_giving_uputm_sourceshareamputm_mediumios_app rteenagers member end life please anything help may late,1 +makes sense see danger around every corner wish could find place dark read story day someone work anymore needed home ,1 +pssssst need favour please go wish upetergrlffln happy birthday last time promise got right link,0 +loves a follow friday! ,0 +hole people mean say trouble finding hole whilst losing virginity middle genuine question,0 +i just hit something hard i mean i ve been numb before the loss of feeling ha even killed relationship but after the breakup of the best bf i ve ever had numb ha been more common keep in mind it s been abt a week so far well lately with how he s acted and everything and because he even said so i thought we had a chance to work again in the future we broke up because he is suffering mental issue well today he told me he actually lost feeling i also had a small issue with a close friend over lying and smoking and i flipped all my past trauma clicked in right there all the past ex and friend and just people who lied and left me it all hit again which it s crazy to me he triggered it but maybe it s because of the connection i once shared with him but hearing that he lied when he said a couple day before that he still loved me and just wa struggling at the time and all the little flirting and care he s shown feel so contradicting to the point everything clicked off i cried it all out and the emotion wont come back but not even the emotion feel gone i feel like i lost my soul like i wa just blackout drunk my whole life and i just woke up and only recall blurry scene from my life and it s all gone i ve distanced myself from a few close friend and rn only have my bsf and sister im really talking to i cant tell if i fucked up or what but it all is so hazy and confusing i lost whhat im doing and idk what this is or what to do to somehow bend up a better person out of this it s awfully terrifying and it s making me so light headed,1 +must remind unique ampxb mean useful,0 +"@nick_thompson yummy, can't beat cooked flowers on your birthday! tell her happy birthday from me",0 +hello family i m here to just talk a little about how i feel and plan for my future recently a new gun law wa passed in ohio where i live i no longer have to be to buy a handgun i don t need a ccw nor can they do a background check it go into affect in day the age is the only thing that used to restrict me from buying but soon enough that will change i m so tired of feeling to way i do my son mom make everything so difficult to the point where it would just be easier on everyone if i wa gone and leave my son with a could be would be dad and save him from seeing how i actually am sometimes i get excited to be able to watch my son grow up but then i remember how much of a brick wall the mother is going to be and then i m right back down the spiral i never got out of in the first place she ha absolutely no regard to my feeling i m just tired of the hurt tired of being deceived and tired of being tired i want it to end and the only end in sight i see is the fire arm and before anyone say it no the mother is not the cause of all my problem nor wa she the beginning of it all i ve felt this way since th grade i m now 0 amp graduated in 0 0 and ha been getting worse ever since i ve tried medicine never felt a difference i ve tried drug but in the end they just make me feel worse i want to be there for my son but i can t with her i m pretty self aware and understand that some of the thing i say are selfish in the eye of some but it s just how i feel and i have no one to talk to so here i am i really appreciate anyone who take minute out of their day to read my message,1 +high efforted title much word wants wholesome award ive wish dispose,0 +been depressed lately and it hurt like hell getting out of bad is a chore thought of non existence are a comfort silver lining i ve been completely disillusioned my ego ha been shattered i no longer pretend i m living a good life that i m happy that i m not lonely or that i am in any way special from now on it will be brutal honesty to myself and others which before i couldn t imagine i suck my life suck most people are much better than me in every way it is what it is i ll try to cope and do the best i can in this hard lonely existence i don t seem to be equipped to handle no more lie fight on brother and sister,1 +@DonnieWahlberg What happened to the Celtics? =( I'm glad I'm an LA girl! Utah's going DOWN!,0 +painhello high school senior here know phase depression feel way worse now longer suicidal thoughts every single day feel even useless like failure point hurts physically know fail forever alone im fucking pansy deserve live may young know ill still lurk years want end,1 +know feel basically theres girl never feeling thought beautiful good friend days ago best friends house party kissed naughty boy girl things night thought end short nice fling next morning went home stop thinking her still feel almost empty sad feeling like want rewind time go back night never felt way im like deeply attracted her normal,0 +feel terrible past mistakesthere occasions club dancing girl took things far basically separate occasions extremely intoxicated dancing girl fingered way clothing touched breast couple seconds first couple times girl dancing seemed problem it even kissingmaking me made seem like somehow okay realize terribly wrong excuse actions idea possessed make think okay recent time year half two years ago may accidentally exposed girl dancing with although kissed well feel made uncomfortable presence general hurts genuinely care people last thing want hurt anyone friend escorted club yelled me immediately realized done wrong wish never done this feel like biggest scum face earth ive tried forgive actions dont feel deserve forgiveness,1 +ive come close outing times count im rapidly approaching location get running,0 +bite every post open ton bite comments someone explain pls,0 +inevitable hate life matter timeim ive depressed years gotten real bad now ive already attempted redflag hanging one point another alcohol poisoning downing couple bottles voka various drinks barely bring anything including brushing teeth daily basis im currently bachelor information technology uni accepted into ive sleep first lecture th week hours barely bring go already missed last week whole course feels like waste time feel useless this entire st year business bullshit barely pay attention to second year finally get damn introduction programming another waste time feels like suffer half years stuff either hate already know possibly learn anything actually want to ive gotta go dentist week get root canal tooth gonna cost fortune family see point already think jumping front train every time im station getting root canal gonna give us hefty bill pay reason since think ill live long anyway waste money really im sure im still point reason live really know much longer ill last,1 +feel like joke person eternally unwanted switch hating humanity realising im problem im piece shit deserved it it think times meanoffensive used butt joke none undone also never taken back ive said before feel like life inside joke im never going let in on starters im fucking years old never kissed believe called mommy issues ever friends used avoid problems ive always painful people pleaser or pushed away truth im fucking garbage put make people feel better compare me fucking great well finally time throw trash trash would otherwise ever amount getting raped ,1 +@sundaeafternoon How are you? I love Twitter,0 +I love a good book ,0 +for once in my life i have top say i love yall int he univerese and i belive happy days peeps,0 +ideationwhere people deal suicidal ideation go depression theres emergency hotlines havent helped know risks redflag intentions anything thoughts constantly head cant tell anyone worried dont want burden unnerving simply saying depressed sources either go youre trapped head,1 +chocolate covered strawberry and cottage cheese you have defeated me,0 +feel like dont existnot like im invisible world like im real cant feel anything pain sadness anger void,1 +said deanna durbin invented teenagery first film one best humorous story presented delightful year old deanna little beauty gorgeous voice miss fixit family split divorce plot summary see imdb entries quickly deanna two older sisters plan go america switzerland prevent father remarrying excellent supporting cast especially barbara read nan grey sisters good direction editing film succeeds captivating one even subsequent viewings deannas three songs il bacio classical repertoire sings police station scene films place history assured least viewer age smitten life deanna classical music one many nice touches occur throughout three smart girls brief glimpse drunk stretching neck final glimpse deanna cops hustle by one unfortunate result success film subsequent writers durbin vehicles became locked miss fixit theme quickly became stale deanna never did stature actress questionable charisma certainly had seems that like many another film personality substituted naturalness histrionic ability lacked ploy worked well feature films,0 +get easily sacred horror movies shit wish wasnt feel like bitch like horror movies like id probably end crying ball head firmly behind knees,0 +"And on the other side of spectrum, if you descend into chaos, depression, lose grip on your life, lose your work ethic, no matter how you try, how much effort you think you're putting, things seem to never work out",1 +suicidal thoughts getting closer closer attempti hope means go psychiatric facility painful live need safe space,1 +want die dont want kill myselfidk begin im chick early s intj sexually abused child bullied lot growing up consider pretty smart rather shy intense social anxiety causes talk ramble between ive never really close friends dont fit in everyone thinks pretty fucking weird ive dealing depression since multiple redflag attempts years started cutting turned turned tattoo addiction weird obsession gore watching live leak videos anyway people fucking suck one really honest always feel people try keep lives want something me really dont get along females pretty blunt tomboyish women seem turned intimidated idk gone five therapists years help temporarily husband veteran ptsd gotten multiple fights feel like loves constantly remember shit said me sometimes think im worst piece shit world hardcore existential crisis since last year realizing going die really fucked me fuck point this remember like yesterday pretty soon going middle age lose parents the people really love me beloved cat everyday wake think oh great one day less alive stuck loop dont know get it feel like going think like rest life got sterilized years ago wont kids would never want put someone pain existing constantly try better work ass off thankful good job tech going back school become programmer try help people selfless gotten trampled used try take care body eat healthy delaying inevitable dont like human condition subjected terms conditions preset life great problem solver fucking destroying way life except death dont want play sick disgusting game whatever cruel diety put us shit spinning rock planet fuck hate shit god fucking damn it,1 +ahhh omg im literally happy rn like thing kinda guy second lockdown would hangout couple times week friends cuddle couch watched movies lock stopped talking bc couldnt hangout like times would talk like hour ago texted started talking conversation asked would maybe want go skating something next week lockdown area over anyway yeah hehe,0 +posting get gf day filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler,0 +instead act never existed like mentally ill already damn got feel worthless invisible maybe acknowledgment would nice,1 +wanna know something realized recently seems today see violence movies sex tv good old fashioned values used rely lucky theres family guy lucky theres man positively things make us laugh cry hes family guy,0 +find im faking itim terrified im feeling bit background gotten pretty dark place almost year ago wife im early s pleaded get help did went meds which first intensified suicidal thoughts dosage upped felt getting better also started therapist ive cognitive behavioral therapy seems helped fact could say total upswing now feel like im spiraling control feelings work tolerable not my manager got laid month ago get along replacement supervisor team feel like theres future work im frightened going back rest world get new job suffer rejection work best least safe much anymore feel days getting shorter daylight saving time ends sunday clocks fall back meaning gets darker hour earlier causes anxiety look day see little ive accomplished sun sets know ill cope worst thing volunteer youth group while kids great theyve looked me ive adult talk parent judgmental gone tough times confided ive constant help them feel fake try help see big picture everything okay hope lives ahead make good choices thrive believe me yet im feeling hope future me find im faking it know theres answer this needed let guess thanks reading,1 +theblondetheory between that and the italy earthquake it s been a very sad news day,0 +liked stanley iris much acting good story unique interesting arrangement absence violence sex refreshing characters convincing felt like could understand feelings enjoyable movie,0 +new terminator film wasnt too bad actually plus there was some alice in chains in it ,0 +lets make song together words per person let start upon,0 +im sooni cant take anymore im abused home sucks also dental issues bring pain daily got braces foreign place cause parents insisted mess job developed tmj tooth ache due clenching got root canal failed hurts feel burning sensation daily tooth im scared get removed cause im i got done front tooth life hell,1 +i plan to commit suicide soon i ve told my bird already i don t think they understand sadly i ve been fighting depression my whole life pretty much i ve tried many time to commit suicide but a i m afraid of pain i didn t go through it thing worsened massively once i lost someone dear to me because of my own action since then i m haunted be it in dream or in reality constantly by them and the result of what i did whilst under psychosis and incredibly suicidal state i began seeking help soon after they left after i realised what i did and it wa really tough at first but i made it for about a year i wish i never met that person it wa a curse i don t really have friend family yes supportive but it doesn t really feel like much i know they d be devastated by my death and so would my bird but every day is the same for me no matter what i try to differentiate and how better it get it s down to the same stuff haunted by those demon that try and make me fall and do what i shouldn t do i ve been told i m meant for great thing but this is all taking forever i m tired of all of this i m tired of living and constantly fighting i just wish to end it all even though it ll mean committing an unforgivable sin edit for the time being i have discarded the thought thank you all for the message and comment,1 +italy today! no tweets till saturday 6th xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,0 +many months till among us craze dies out hate among us feel like boom pretty artificial die pretty soon like fatal flaws two people room easily join public room tell impostor is fact people leave game die tasks cant even get completed way fact people hop rooms get impostor ampxb long think gonna take,0 +repost think book ideas want know one interesting rule strong superhumans rule entire cities oppressive caste system built protagonist try live normal life changes run superhuman police changes forever twoman aliens evolved created system earth ecosystems merged created hellscape thousands years passed protagonists meet explore two different worlds mean true meaning humanity antarctic kingdom evolved penguins secret kingdom inside antarctica operated separate humanity millions years however antarctic expedition goes wrong human protagonists see actions race impacted others see scars cant heal ferryman eternal river runs parallel universe links locations universe parallel one used method transportation never ends story follow ferryman travels river exploration fear man vs nature overlay quantum strain man trying fix greatest mistake via time travel accidentally creates bunch time duplicates many causing tear form fabric space time story follows one echoes learning seeking save world himself exploring themes loss hubris identity story science experiment essence life goes completely wrong actual personifications periodic elements created begins chain reaction personifications substances created story follows personifications hydrogen hellium explore brotherly bond life really means,0 +hi everyone it s my first time posting on this forum i m really in a bad spot wondering if my anxiety ruined my situationship and would love to talk it through with someone if anyone could message me i d really appreciate it here s a bit more color on the situation we were good friend started talking in december hooked up beginning of february got into a disagreement the next weekend at a bar because this girl who he had hooked up with previously wa all over him and it made me visibly very uncomfortable we spend the next week talking every day but not seeing each other i definitely try to initiate a few hangout so doe he but le so and it didn t really work i know he s also talking to other girl a well but continues to tell me that he really like me and just want to keep getting to know me better last saturday we hook up he again tell me how much he like me and that he doesnt want to play game thursday i ask him over snapchat if he want to meet up for st paddy and he doesnt answer we end up at the same bar i make a comment saying ohh i thought you said no game just teasing he get upset and think i m trying to have a feeling talk with him at a bar while he s drunk we flush it out over text the next day and i ask him if he want to hang out this weekend he say we ll see and that he ha some plan already we end up bumping into each other again on saturday this time we talk the whole afternoon but i can tell he s le flirty more withdrawn he s going to a concert so he leaf i tell him later we re all going out to this bar he like and he heart the message this morning i snap him and ask how the concert wa no response obviously i need to leave this man alone at least for a little bit but i feel like back the first time we hooked up he wa so so into me then i ruined it by being jealous at the bar and by continuing to only pursue him i got complete tunnel vision i should have just left him alone and maybe he would have come to me but now i ve put so much pressure on the situation it doesn t help that my roommate who is his friend tell me constantly how much he doesn t actually like me and that he s just a player,1 +we re here to help we are online therapy platform which essentially connects certified psychologist and people suffering from mental health issue such a depression stress and anxiety among dozen of other clinically defined disorder book your appointment now http t co ajtghgrvd,1 +post title required text post optional im lonely please talk me,0 +@crisk i meant wieder... Lol. Send me your kelkheim later ,0 +wonderful little american propaganda film highly creative openly discusses nazi atrocities entire extent death camps revealed late would reveal evil horrific were film unlike hollywood films date brutally honest film era seen regarding nazi atrocitiesbr br the film begins courtroom futureafter war the film made the war ended may fictitious world court nazi leader tried war crimes wilhelm grimm totally unrepentant one one witnesses called reveal grimms life since series flashbacks first appears film going sympathetic explain grimm pushed join nazis however while becomes apparent grimm sadistic monster episodes amazingly well done definitely hold interest also make film seem less like piece propaganda legitimate dramabr br all all film great job considering film mostly stars secondtier actors many compelling scenes performancesespecially prescient jewish extermination scene towards end cant help bring close tears also interesting around point film supercreative scenes use crosses way might notice first overall mustsee history lovers anyone wants see good filmbr br fyithis meant serious criticism film hitler referred that paper hanger reference myth hitler made money putting wallpaper fact truepreviously hed starving artist homeless person served well german army wwi horrible person yes never paper hanger,0 +ever feel really lonely nowhere,0 +feet two exact,0 +feel empty tired even point living going die anyway trying keep together people loves cuz know going devastated kms shit hard exhaustingi want take rest forever like die peacefully sleep forgotten everyone existing exhausting,1 +need help english hw usually need help questions fucking hard least know answer pls help stranger need gave every apologize opportunity possibility way means hes always time got office now will would might may have procedure apply person normal ordinary plain regular ps english second language mean ok,0 +love movie everything bonnie hunt fantastic job cowriting directing costarring film david duchovny plain hot minnie driver cute ever combine talent david allen grier carol oconnor robert loggia joley richardson jim belushi oscar worthy movie im surprised get one seen it go rent dvd watch put directors commentary onbonnie hunt fabulous,0 +gonna anywayive thought while know im going it im really posting felt need share without anyone trying stop me think anyone cares much me friends family never notice me im young already much regret know going build live itll become unbearable soon im going lose friends college ill alone alone think make friends would i pity ignore use me onell notice gone ill forgotten soon enough hate life everyone dies make sooner,1 +knot serious oh btw djrocko9 amp i tried to go to that cuban buffet i told u about so excited it s closed on monday sad story,0 +just woke up an already have written some e mail i ve to go early at university today a i have to teach at 0 am,0 +new yorkers contemporaneous film recall reflective time well cast crew captured america new york city erabr br norman wexlers script delineates different worlds various sub groupings live avildsens direction brings phenomenal performances around peter boyles prodigious talent display never since clearly best character portrayal always likable dennis patrick ever accomplishedbr br what always remember joe feeling virtual state shock coming theater knowing screen portrayed seething surface neighborhoods throughout five boroughs city new yorkbr br this film needs remembered,0 +php give me a segfault with a preg split,0 +went mental hospital february lot things happened since then distracted fact put week reminded recently immediately made resentful kind angry reminder ever get deal it couple months hospital,1 +life seems closing downi flunked final examinations always nice student parents expect lot me think going get bad grade parents disappointed cant see pain anguish faces decided finish life light life seems disappear slowly getting depressed day day ive stopped eating drastically lost weight still examination left cant concentrate dying better option,1 +first day of the new internship going well ,0 +jason 00 hello im out of coffee this morning that s what i get for winding you up yesterday lol have a good day,0 +crap i need more dress too,0 +im still alivei went crazy party threw up beautiful women throw sometimes kinda rocks dogs born ago cutest little bears happy crismis lads stick there,1 +want improve lifeim sick it never got drivers license never got job never money whats point living cant get job fuck kill right now oh things get better say wont life literally gone downhill im tell nothing life improve want spend time looking jobs instantly reject me drivers license costs thousands even get im going begging streets im going fucking kill soon possibly can im done fuck world fuck poor am nobody seems understand matter much think things get better me even did worth whats going right now ill come back half hour check replies this want convincing really do cant find single reason live bring family friends family reason poor shitty spending habits spend literally hundreds per fortnight cigarettes friends jobs want hear brought up change anything,1 +Thankful for the people in my life helping me get through this depression. I don't know what I would do without this kind of love and support,1 +want to cantit would easy kill myself could right now easy right could right now cant i mom wasnt hospice dad wasnt unraveling seams would make easier riddled guilt feeling selfish guilty want run away everything scared scared wont see die willfully kill would sent somewhere else cant it cant kill self easy want bad wish didnt care wish guts to wish low didnt care it deserved one died months ago believe that want right wrongs pay fuck life,1 +m i apologise greatly if this offends anyone i can t help but think the worst back in 0 0 i had a noticeable change in my bowel habit and google dent me into a total spin i had a fit test in june 0 0 which came back negative i had a ct scan of my abdomen and pelvis with contrast in june 0 0 which came back clear i had a colonoscopy in august 0 0 nothing wa found i had an mrcp in january 0 all clear now march 0 my symptom have not eased and gotten worse i have loose stool all of the time if they are solid they are flat ribbon weight loss and persistant nausea i don t have pain so i don t meet the ibs criterion my consultant now want to carry out a ct colonography and a chest ct i am worried that something ha been missed from 0 0 and it ha sat on the back burner for nearly year,1 +looking someone save meidk want die now every day feel like nothing live for family want someone really truly want live,1 +I am loving The Bucket List (only because of Nicholson ,0 +since september last year borrowing four six films week harold washington library boasts impressive dvd collection the hwl truly circulating library threequarters films given time recently thrilled find short films david lynch yesterday knowing little animated series picked dumbland im report that david lynch fans watching eight episodes half hour wellspentbr br the remarkable feature brief pieces soundtracks episode rhythm respiratory digestive systems provide percussion outrageous voices accent pauses ends physical violence supplies beats chirping birds buzzing sockets brush along edges many elements fill orchestra pacing crude animation often keeps sync sound soundtrack struck lynchs primary interest creating disseminating work way eight shorts unique lynchian rhythmsbr br that said situations odd ugly profound dumb funny hell theres enough space within reflect absurd humans be cant say ill watch collection again anyone revelled movements suite inland empire dumbland worth half hour time,0 +someoneor something thingis leaving puncture marks jugular draining victims blood till dead police detective karl brettschneidermelvyn douglas slipping bmovie horror genre greater heightsis stumped whoor whatis behind notorious crimes village overcome hysteria karl depends trusted medical genius dr otto von niemannlionel atwill yet another effective mad scientist roleto provide feedback might causing deaths innocents also fears safety beloved ruththe lovely fay wray stars third time atwill doctor x the mystery wax museumwho niemanns assistantbr br dwight frye steals film rather loony village idiot collects bats carries demented demeanor wherever goesits easy see becomes suspect local paranoia fever pitch maude eburne provides films humor naiveand easily influencedpatient von niemanns believes ailments reads books near laboratory works impressionable often von niemann humors constant fictional illnesses feels plagued with lionel belmore returns yet another frightened superstitious brgermeisterbr br creaky static rather entertaining nonetheless thanks cast film obviously lowbudget come hurt film much since put together rather well director frank r strayer crew im certain films print seen better days though kind bhorror item find packaged random cheesefests poverty row programmers films villainand motives feeding synthetically made biological creaturecertainly provides different take frankenstein formula many might disappointed end results film strays away actual supernatural tale real vampire killer causing murders,0 +takes get adjusted sound sons pioneers thoroughly enjoy it soundtrack would played orchestra like max steiner dmitri tiomkin would lose folkloric character music conducts film everything seems follow rhythm whole cast excellent ben johnson harry carey jr young men guiding caravan ward bond mormon leader joanne dru flirting actress ford able make would ordinary western something totally different original showing us music dances all people,0 +pandemic giving dark thoughtsim recently became lawyer pandemic came ruined everything im unemployed lawyer whose title worth anything still lives parents house parents pressuring find job easy find one especially shitty economy girlfriend years hoping get married year know survive anymore end thoughts my life end iit sucksive never felt worthlessi worked hard become lawyer happensnow what kill mepleaseanyone itjust it,1 +joline heather graham sets husband carl luke wilson disappeared clear head marriage joline committed marriage starts journey find carl yet way discovers lot herself trip encounters bountiful interesting characters unknowingly help find waybr br in eyes classical road movie moves right pace some viewers may find slow throughout movie keeps humorous note joline responds craziness world around warm knowing sometimes sad smile actresses actors give wonderful performances musical score immaculate ,0 +jesus jumping christ lukewarm eggo waffle jesus jumping christ lukewarm eggo waffle,0 +school among us livestream pink shirt day lunch science teacher turned stream staff playing among us poorly run thing ive ever seen got secondhand cringe after honestly though applaud effort theyre couple months late among us party code screen managed join lasted seconds kicked name stalin kept putting chat cccp nothing wrong entire school saw pretty good day otherwise,0 +i feel really lazy it wa embarrassing for me to even have to ask for something but it s been over week and everything got worse idk if i feel any different think now i just have even le energy to do anything my room is disgusting my essay are overdue and i haven t been outside in too long i m way too embarrassed to ever say this to my gp no word of encouragement on reddit will help im afraid but idk what to do anymore it s getting worse and every day i m just procrastinating i m scared of everything catching up but somehow can t do anything about it never felt like this before i almost want to hide away and die not literally just don t know how to overcome this there s not a lot and i have a massive incentive,1 + excedrin pills isnt enough iti counted pills left im pretty sure enough maybe mikes hards left fridge even then live minutes away railroad tracks pretty sure im terribly classes whats point living im gonna college drop out theres point idk even withdraw classes point serious compelling reason required stressed death suicidal serious compelling enough think so teachers probably ashamed me hell cant get college im pathetic even decide live everyone hate trying end anyways love boyfriend though hes one thing getting this never want anything hurt him im tiredive depressed suicidal literally majority life ever get better hows anything gonna ever et better dunno im sad alone cant tell talk anyone this do need someone tell cause dont know anymore please,1 +"@ztnewetnorb O: i was thinking barney the dinosaur live, but okay ",0 +idk what the fuck is wrong with me i can t fucking learn it feel so painful i can t concentrate i eat so much sweet until i want to vomit i m extremely depressed i can t do anything it hurt so much to be alive every day is so fucking painful to get through i want it to end so bad i m in a fucking nightmare i feel like a retard i can t ask for help i really don t know how i will get through anything i m at home all the time i have to join a university and learn but it feel like walking through fire wtf can i do i have appointment with psychiatrist but i feel like i should be in a fucking hospital fuck i want to fucking tell my mother but i fucking don t know what can i say i don t know how can i help myself i wish i had an easy way to kill myself i don t even know if anything can fix me,1 +help friends whos ex committed redflagwhat say friend depressed ex committed redflag today told im hear needs anything reminded isnt fault want make sure knows someone care,1 +fuck missingim trying really fucking hard okay ive done nothing try fix im getting fucking worse supposed do im fucked man im fucked dont know do im lost alone scared fuck im ive suicidal years now dont know do nobody knows gave me everybody gave wish didnt miss many people really wish still here dont feel much anymore empty im even sad anymore emptiness hurts sadness wish sad angry dont care anymore ive completely fucking given up im done fuck supposed fucking rigged man matter end worse cant fucking bothered bullshit bullshit everyone much happier deserve im fucking child ive felt dead since man why time anyone shows compassion mother crying me people doctors counsellors get involved yet firste reachecd anad told going tos kill laughed me wont make wont get married wont children wont job car anything meaningful im much lazy depressed cunt anything dream redflag hide room fuck want jump man cant deal it keep slipping things keep looking good moment end again always again fuck,1 +slugsoul shenanigans feel like shit,0 +jason momoa slicks back hair hi,0 +wont get any rudd money for those in doubt http calculator ato gov au script axos axos asp context amp kb esb xr amp go ok,0 +I want everybody to take depression out of their vocabulary,1 +"@CruncyK Night, Kevin! Sweet Dreams! ",0 +yayfuckbuddies what i would and me horny too,0 +"Right then, off to meet Richard Hammond ",0 +paul schrader brother leonard wrote mishima doing clearly drew parallels life yukio mishima work film divided four sections beauty art action fateful day mishima held army general hostage spoke garrison ridicule bushido ideals samurai code mishima committed ritual seppuku november planned meshing beauty art action schrader edits scenes recreating day three different scenarios mishimas novels temple golden pavilion kyokos house runaway horses moment seppuku perfectly realized relation shocking climax via pulling back camera simultaneously zooming in br br black white sequences intermingled colorful moments depicted mishimas novels black white scenes represent memories mishimas childhood youth schrader correlates autobiographical moments scenes novels often parallel mishimas real life stammer development bodybuilding obsession fostering samurai code three themes beauty art action exemplified chosen depictions respective novels color sequences reminiscent early stagy technicolor films giving film perhaps intended surreal quality considering subject matterbr br ken ogata plays real mishima unfailing determination headed generals office fateful day resembles real mishima schrader took tremendous risks film focusing novels tying thematically mishimas personal life literary ambitions editing film three main sections november black white growing segments colorful novel scenes clearly point deliberate intersection elements beauty art action mishimas life times difficult follow may little recommend uninitiated viewer stars,0 +im going chocolate shop yall want filter filter filter filter filter filter filter,0 +hello my daughter is suffering from what doctor initially diagnosed a depression we tried different med and all resulted in a flat affect and her staying in bed eating seemingly only carbs and gaining weight weaning off resulted in a year old thst ha life but is still anxious to the point of impairment at time she is terrified to try anxiety or adhd med a she doe not want to end up flat her word i am not looking for medical advice rather i am wondering if anyone ha experience with medication that did not totally remove emotion i hope this make sense and i thank you for reading,1 +max bench gym chad bench press bar two plates it lbs id say bad,0 +cereal milk good cereal water yeah ive said it cereal milk used great like month ago shop low milk theyre yet restock like weeks goto breakfast possibleor thought crazy part brain told fetch bottle water poured cocopops tried out gosh surprisingly good ive found water cereal ive found completely neglecting milk option see difference milk water although milk gives creamy taste softens actual cereal takes away bit taste water all also gives fresh mineral taste bowl cereal plus side get free cup daily water anyway definite win d,0 +"@KennyJ88 from ottawa to toronto it's 6 hrs.it's not that bad.and Ottawa to Montreal, is 2hrs.smart american.most ppl don even know that ",0 +Last day in work for 8 days ,0 +mind racing whole could break get sudden thought could end suddenly care anymore waiting court,1 +reply anything ill ask v serious question text text text text text text text text text text,0 +anyone love movie think hilarious spoof old gangster movies never seen them watch instead michael keaton ball role anything goes one guy mangles english language everytime talks griffin dunn plays clueless da favorite role got joe piscopo best lines danny devito alan hale ray walston starstudded movie lampoons gangsters lot funnier mafia criminal underground,0 +@EmmaLight I'd forgotten about that We need to do that again sometime.,0 +need advice male teens meant creepy sounds hear out myf son tried changing account info around main xbox account hes sort taken dads so supposedly fubard thing locked everyone out naturally dads my husband head exploded total life ending moment us all blah blah blah so fixed which surprisingly easy considering initial reaction well funny story get straight answer virus system messed accident thought first logical step got sign info said id handle it looked at browsing history im usually naive kid mostly plays roblox minecraft mean come on im thinking great kid clicking stupid ads games ads games theres search search search of just oh god theres much prn so much poor kid according time stamps yeah guess im mom now watching stuff constantly going back forth roblox im assuming hes either switching thinks hears parents pulling driveway knock come in okay point point how handle this do handle this bring up say anything exist awkwardly house till moves one day honestly want secretly block sites n l itd freak suddenly cant watch anymore hed know know thats dck another fact might make difference ive mom since entered eachothers lives almost years ago hes never known birth mother im mom technically stepmom im oh god poor baby soiling delicateinnocent brain demonic pleasures im sure probably or not idk im around mostly guys work ive always tomboy joke shit problem bother me keep going topic talk let go guess im really asking is mom definition cool or whatever date slang term now cant keep up would act tldr would want hypothetical reality cool mom handle finding watch prn also please help im new stage life n e v e r thought id here unprepared really need advice im trying creepy genuinely want right freak boy out okthanksbye,0 +@photo_ed thanks dude. It's actually on tues but starting with the celebrations early!! ,0 + yrs old job friends want go back college fall depressed anything id rather sit bed forever tbh laziest person know,1 +deleted photos phone dad transferring old phones stuff onto new phone done went photos forgot picture mug said cunt looked said really,0 + years wanted die ever since teenager never happy matter gone life always miserable wanted die killed mother want go pain losing went pain living years worry hurting anymore time come happy goodbye everyone finally going it happy life finally,1 +@Linooo yeahhh loved all the songs but ya cant forget ''i really miss you'' and ''show me your colours''! ,0 +fighting really hardi recently started college got first job ever startedi pretty happy once excited even sudden things started get real quick struggling push thoughts ending away thoughts life even attempted kid times several attempts dosing sh past couple years i now going pretty well nothing invasive pretty happy however school stressing since lot sudden keep trying perfect grades done well keeping stress tears since want good student struggling high school due manic depression taking life over keep trying happy time since parents hospital lately in cases life threatening health issues keeps making feel like would better life over part wants live keep going keeps constantly thinking ways die cant go day without considering wanting car hit working something even financial problems rising refuse tell parents struggling money especially give good amount make bills gas want know little rn irresponsible me cant help lie say okay hate people worrying me even missed assignment yesterday apparently caused snap stressed cannot let show it even starting hate major hate days off hating parts life probably making much sense tldr put position extremely stressed making consider killing working hard get better idk go help,1 +f and going through a really bad break up up until the break up the only thing i wa scared of wa him dying when we were old now i can t even set foot in the home we once shared i am going to sleep every night with his ghost rattling in my head but he is still alive just a stranger now please tell me this crushing pain will end because if it doesn t i think i m going to have to the memory are torturing me i just want them to stop i can t learn anymore it just hurt,1 +depression is feeling somewhat okay throughout the day when you re around other people or out in public but the minute you re on your own and there s no one else around it feel like some dark shadow is just looming over you and weighing down on your shoulder,1 +@JasonJMikeMgmt just makin sure you're alive Ur silent today! Just sayin Hey!! See how I miss you???? ,0 +"1. The emotional ride of #perimenopause is ROUGH. I woke up fine, but then felt anger, irritation, just a feeling of wanting to break out, then fell down into a pit of depression. Man, the depression is frustrating and it definitely feels hormonal. I've been working on nutrition.",1 +vomitto ahh ai dreptate pixar,0 +interesting titlenew app lol ironically ex recommended use get him anyways today tried calling told reason kept calling thought id now told child cant handle alone hes fucking right brought me got super duper sad im invasive thoughts urge super bad things dont know fight,1 +@MariaCLopes Boas tardinhas ,0 +wish successfull redflag years agowhere even begin originally made account tell someone thoughts without actually see them see post history help bit found expressing sketchesmemes kind posts help recap previous posts tried attempting redflag ish years ago due abusivehorrible mother father absent due divorce sadly unsuccessful moved away took control life made friends hobbies worked out grades decent guess however past years episodes every day hallucinations voices break downs mood swings self harm frequently verge redflag absolutely reason atleast years ago knew wanted kill myself know nothing honestly getting lately recently wrote redflag letter started researching effective methods im becoming unstable every day one day going happen hope soon tbh mean lose friends obviously hate logically speaking true thats constantly feel nobody close except best friend honest started distancing myself maybe thats way make less painless all isolate let forget it uh know point nightmare hurts living without reason want someone come me give hug say its ok nobody that cause one knows serious situation in nobody knows fact right im roof edge specifically ready jump electric pole meters below want help nobody seems able help even psychiatrist know anymore ,1 +seating here helping my baby with his paper well he is forcing me too seat with him im sleepy,0 +every app dating app try hard enough single app think get partner excluding gaming apps chat function single player games,0 +people need stop coming others posts telling get better ok get this etc idea situation telling matter matter cannot change peoples values priorities people need stop,1 +dont even know im suicidali cant even talk ton even know im suicidal im frustrated want stab myself,1 +watching greek cant believe it the last day ill see you guy june 0 ahh,0 +@therealkashflow bro gettn his freak on hehe..,0 +bummerwhats up while stuff mostly good last year right trying graduate uni serious shit hitting fan work im really tempted take easy path know bullshit worth financially im even able afford home due price hike real estate whats point going work apparent reason pay rent eat yeah point keep living,1 +dreams dead whats pointall life ive wanted children ive never sure anything else want big family least four kids grandkids greatgrandkids works things ive known ive dreamed whole life husband trying months temping charting ive discovered im basically infertile unlikely kids without medical intervention im convinced cannot conceive naturally even could would take long timeline would ruined beyond repair cant afford fertility treatments options cant wait afford it ill unlikely kids want early enough even get see grandkids grow up much less greatgrandkids never one thing ive dreamed entire life chance broken body blew it gotten better job earlier on id able afford something like this qualify aid insurance cover enough us afford this even waited requisite year im sol thought two kids instead four makes cry thought first child makes cry even want try ill never see dreams come true point living id rather die adjust dream go grave telling this fine fine itll never fine dreams died like soul chance successful resuscitation,1 +i need some inspiration before i hit the kitchen tonight,0 +New Osalto blog post - http://tinyurl.com/dnbrw3 Enjoy ,0 +greetings children humbled presence bring question children offspring rejoice here guess wondering oi wot doin ere well bring question survey will existence guiding you now children return favour ask this fuck like toes why,0 +@ADJonesII lol maybe next timeeeeeeeeeeeeee ) !!!,0 + more dir barbet schroeder br br for film viewers agreed pretty average im impressed quite many differing interpretations offered it ive scoured web quite briefly ive already informed more is th centurystyle romance allusion story icarus plain film full dull people interest pink floyd completists fair say then critical reception mixed would argue wildly disparate readings barbet schroeders directorial debut proof enough more anything pretty average filmbr br neither masterpiece course approached more easy rider antonionis blowup timecapsule film snapshot era despite differences pace style content movies similar flaws either vague downright unlikeable characters acting seems slightly adrift reality relaxed editing abrupt endings left viewers indignant movies never try persuasive meet audience half way are man problem long left souvenir experience thankfully more offers several truly memorable images sounds suggestions viewer saves itbr br stefan young man arrives paris fresh studies germany first part film follows falls group french hipsters accompanies devastatingly cool selfconscious parties bars meeting estelle two characters become sexually romantically involved promises follow ibiza advice friend charlie icarus thing comes play sun pursuing her may able guess endsbr br ibiza idyll far away bustling urgency overpopulated paris naive stefan knows must good thing estelle remains elusive erratic island less desirable underbelly cared little either characters unfocused pursuit somewhere really free action pared two film becomes poignant quite suddenly one single wistful exchange dialogue remote villa inhabit place volatile love crystallises went watching fading optimism utterly enraptured cant think many films done thisbr br the relationship stefan estelle real human see go lifedefining intimacy disillusionment cruel coldness take lot drugs cavort naked terraces rocks beaches lives revolve around nothing beautiful mediterranean surroundings while situation essence freedom emotional openness experience sake stefan control downfall future ibizabr br pink floyds score perfect fit exoticism intimacy foreboding more one memorable inclusions along mosquito netting around estelles bed hallucinogenic exuberance around windmill which appears soundtrack albums front cover scene take acid escape heroin withdrawal illustrative fundamental flaws couple cannot land without crash maybe theyve come close wantedbr br stefan never makes contact family friends arrival paris left presume idea is s counterculture movies dwell debauchery excess media voyeurism schroeder instead presented us story focused upon one man backs little corner somewhere world quietly disappears,0 +"Watching thats so raven. And yay, the storm stoppppeeddd! ",0 +@jptoto Cause we don't have Gems ,0 +whenever come sub rteenbeauties,0 +kcarruthers i m only 0 year old in pixie year,0 +"@jdjacinto smoking lang. relaks, dearie ",0 +idk man i just really like pool and cleaning product i also love strong menthol cough drop and vics vapor rub idk if it a harmful tho is this not a good thing should i tell someone,1 +@pla2me front row: gravure membersback row: depression,1 +recently bought movie three bucks garage sale im glad pay usual dvd pleasantly surprised good film wasbr br its set like horror anthology broken tales including connector story involves four teenagers whos car breaks dark lonely road middle night apparently kiddos like horror stories thats decide morning tell spooky stories around campfire character takes turn telling story story wrapped nice little twistbr br the first story the hook kinda waste time bit bland dull luckily one main stories lasts maybe minutes intended merely introduce film easy overlook unoriginality piecebr br the second story the honeymooners is eh okay guessed two people honeymoon theyre traveling around rv headed las vegas decide stop somewhere night theyre quickly warned mysterious stranger leave location risk attacked dangerous unknown creatures story pretty good setup merely ok delivery basically fairly entertaining mysterious till monsters show up kinda iffybr br the third story people lick too personal favorite involves young girl whos parents going night whos older sis ditching party so going alone fact makes known internet buddy hers trouble is internet buddy exactly thirteenyearold girl storys conclusion slightly less climatic might liked seen still pretty dang goodbr br the final story the locket definitely one packed atmosphere set creepy mansion dark rainy night tale young man played glenn quinn traveling around motorcycle stumbles across house time conveniently problem bike meets mute girl lives house falls love first sight unfortunately everything fine dandy might something locket hanging around pretty neckbr br after stories wrapped up were presented twist involving four teens car twist which retrospect obvious really see coming quite pleasing conclusion filmbr br so all good movie rent can unfortunately really think lot rewatching value next time mood vaguely scary litte flick vein tales darkside something grab movie popcorn turn lights treat surprisingly nifty little flick,0 +"The best cure for worry, depression, melancholy, brooding, is to go deliberately forth and try to lift with one's sympathy the gloom of somebody else. ~ Arnold Bennett #inspiredaily#inspirationalquote#motivateyourself pic.twitter.com/BfZiFRTmf2",1 +5 more days of work till SUMMER VACATION!! One of only a few perks to being a teacher!! ,0 +ive there help extremely suicidal two years months ago timespan made redflag attempts nearsuccessful rest interrupted need help questions please pm comment group discussion redflag answer simple fact shows least part wants helped live life beautiful whether see not,1 +keep awake please dont sleep dont sleep please help keep awake explain dms would like help,0 +know anymoreive always nightmares young age developed hallucinations eventually id start get panic attacks would even happen day environment felt safe even around family friends counsellors say theres nothing going grow it well im august started nightmares sometimes think im still dreaming cant wake causes feel withdrawn family sometimes think love theyre real im worried life oncoming years know do,1 +up early on a saturday?? madness! ,0 +@Gooderz09 i think ill be doin the same m8 ,0 +question astronauts roy thinnes ian hendry ask discover parallel world earth always hidden far side sun cult science fiction melodrama released america journey far side sun plot film devised british writers gerry sylvia anderson creators tv shows ufo the thunderbirds space exceedingly weird times betraying influence the twilight zone even stanley kubricks classic space odyssey visual effects work derek meddings would also later work superman movie holds surprisingly well last three decades special effects advancements really exalted level kubrick film superb anticipate star warstype film overcome occasionally trite dialogue doppelganger good film good enough rank consider undiscovered scifi gem,0 +im endim end family non existent person love hates me children could give two fucks me theyll forget year hate everything fucking hate everything ever wanted family robbed wants act likes shes kids drink fuck whatever wants want fucking die immediately,1 +Anyone care to comment on last nights Hells Kitchen?? Well.... ,0 +miss you miss much dont know read sub anymore like together want know miss much come home soon,0 +cheekybeer document management system always a good idea although rarely seems to happen in practice,0 +"Exercising regularly cuts risk of depression by 16%, study suggests http://news.sky.com/story/exercising-regularly-cuts-risk-of-depression-by-16-study-suggests-11346264 … pic.twitter.com/WYiToLLxQI",1 +doesn't know what to do :S. Thinks paramore should come to newcastle very soon ,0 +need help telling fiance im suicidali really want leave feel like to every second ticks overwhelming im trying really hard hurt myself want go hospital make huge deal need help want tell fiance work want worry them person trust say tell them even wait get home im afraid theyll overreact,1 +blimmin heck i m slightly tired and i still didn t see no otalia,0 +ha just realised he work with a bunch of racist,0 +holy shit change app icon new update premium man bullshit,0 +strength takes fight suicidal urges beyond physical strength fighting everyday proud glad still here despite thoughts attempts plans urges right now safe keep safe big beautiful world mountains oceans animals every kind world wanted one too needed one too reason despite thoughts saysome hope my story tw attempts last year attempted suicide two times hid first attempt months sick enough fucking sick enough tried kill myself still bad enough standard please struggling suicidal thoughtstendencies reach out sick enough deserve help got getting second attempt landed hospital iv days psych ward since rehab another hospital psych ward tell gets better deep throws depression finally healing many mental illnesses healing too heal get dark time please stay safe proud you,1 +i m so scared of being rejected i never talk to them because i m so scared my heart start racing and i don t know what to do about it,1 +@DisneyFan10101 lol thats awesome!!! ,0 +wanna kill anymore feel like deadi feel like lucky dieing why im price shit good people die accident selfish people like carry on iv said posts maybe worlds stage play part it get choose script ends,1 +only serial killer would break house dissect pieces psycho would stab chest im walking,1 +"@Xxpodex That wld be me , Simran pls 2 make ur acquantance , ok im not that borrin ! ",0 +seems liking life cuz thing see like endless loop problems keeps repeting like times know freaking heck wrong luckexistence true hellhole better getting stuck rpg game least one die cooler crap life like this,1 +@KathyEasterbro1 depression not letting me do this but I promise I am trying,1 +feliz ao nuevo desde argentina happy new year argentina recuerden viva pero viva la patria,0 +nobody remember long die erase never come backthats nice thought wish could completely painlessly disappear care painful me want people pain even anyone cares happen die parents care im sure that maybe friends care little know im suicidal thats ok ive left notes fault parents fault fault absence might noticed reddit communities forgotten soon after im afraid people remember me right parents say oh nice considerate forget was well never even knew real me nobody does want someone nobody soon die forgotten forever thats good,1 +feeling coming back again feel like jumping infront train tomorrow ill never get girlfriend anywayive friendzoned way many fuckin times hug aww here wheres fucking oops looks like im born earth single well dont mind love playing games surfing gag everyday know ill last know mean person billion special fuck right must well ill never get girlfriend im never kissed sex smoked clubbed friends moved countries pretty much spend lonely nights home myself yep fuck it im going die tomorrow whats point living im going suffer shitty world shitty society shitty standards shitty epxectations fucking girl fuck off oh shitty system fuck everything,1 +@realDonaldTrump SYMPTOMS OF PREMENSTRUAL SYNDROMEThe symptoms that we associate with PMS vary but include :● tension● irritability● depression........More https://mylifestylecrunch.com/2018/03/28/premenstrual-syndrome-pain-before-periods/ …,1 +br br human body wowbr br there sunrises human lifebr br hardly one thousand sunrises watched humans planetbr br our days limitedbr br excellent movie women makers human bodybr br thanks regardsbr br ,0 +@jshe I like your new avatar ,0 +back going hate tomorrow gotta sit driving class four hours breaks turn cameras get trouble usually hours free sundays churchgoers sitting chair hate shit need remove spine,0 +@monkeyspaw Don't start accusing us of getting it ,0 +lilibat never been able to afford to get them out i d much rather go through the extraction than continue with what i deal with now,0 +friend f want friends people talk to idrk make reddit drop ur socials dm whatever u ,0 +feel like shit nothings really working cant tell friends im already enough burden theyve dealt shit enoughfuck fuck everyone,1 +people still sub well discovered sub browsed everyday meantime started dating wonderful girl went college moved together broke live brita pup im now still feel connection sub years ago so people still this way anyone needs advice life one slightly older prolly nothing wiser im always chat thats guys ,0 +sometimes think buddhist monks correctlyim extremely intelligent person extreme interest american politics feel sense clairvoyance look actions politicians today know real world consequences foolishness causes unimaginable pain see years years progress flushed toilet broken political system fear massive civil unrest future maybe rise neofascism us sometimes feel like setting fire national mall relieve sense hopelessness protest way government run parties either pursuing murderous campaign future perceive enemies state truth want kill anybody want alleviate suffering two options see front either erasing erasing people see threat progress clear im real power execute anyone yet one day fear power use it sometimes think better kill cog political machine rather live tortured world perceive,1 +ich bringe mich umhallo zu mir ein paar worte ich habe meine ausbildung verkackt mein leben wie kann ich mich schmerzlos umbringen ich kann nicht mehr,1 +actually good dayi dont know else really post this usually days school shit thought would today minutes school started realized forgot math homework also big test th period smaller one th ib school also mile run th period test around week write notes single lined piece paper since big history test forgot home thought doomed that instead day absolute shit finished work early st period finished math homework since sub math second period thought fucked mile run managed get it felt really proud since last mile well test th period parts multiple choice online test written part paper got multiple choice missing one question google forms saw grade instantly felt like also knew stuff written part th period didnt even need notes test knew stuff felt really happy uncommon also first time years got new lego sets ive always fan lego boosted mood well maybe things change maybe wont today great day me though hope someone else feels like do,1 +Patrick is trying to straighten up the Leaning Tower of Pisa... http://short.to/dm05,0 +saw film resfest floored ive never huge fan scratching film hooked getgo listed documentary never really felt like one cant remember last time much fun watching documentary style energy refreshing insightful never preachy production values too shot film cool cuts amazing soundtrack overall smart entertaining enlightening piece,0 +whats guys im writing new song want know think chorus nigga nigga bitch nigga nigga nigga fried chicken nigga watermelon nigga bitch nigga nigga white women titties ass,0 +Idk why I just paid $10 for a bowl of beans and tempeh and pickled onions but depression makes you do shit,1 +update covid wrecking lifei got phone call boss shes daughter owner nice shes called apologiz almost entire main office furloughed im fired things come back im hired back last paycheck friday insurance paid april theyre going help file mass unemployment im going talk landlord rent im going ask friend couch surf case im assuming worst may pack bag amp live street eventually even unemployment ill likely lose every possession outside ever clothes carry im going look gold card mhmra medication come monday im going go person both theyre screening virus both athsma issues a symptom virus likely ill turned away life ended need figure best way kill now theres hope ideas best way,1 +doctor appointment set next week dont know ill make iti know ridiculous week im going see gp depression anxiety suicidal thoughts increased intensity week planning making redflag notes amassing materials need order commit redflag want much going today things came up stay school,1 +u h h h h okay today tech ed teacher said ya know funky kid class exact words said compliment like okay cool right ahokay sign like talking teacher takes pointer finger sticks little hole inbetween fingers im like hold buckaroo im mid shock cant stop laughing want cry,0 +guys math clicked test minutes pog,0 +"@krndta, but thanks ",0 +thing keeping alive guilti dont want selfish bitch hurt everyone killing living way years hurts much feel like dog thats crushed car one let euthanized would selfish stop hurting exchange others hurting hurt hurt doesnt get better wish everyone else died id free kill want long happy lives throes around havent killed self yet feel trapped im panicking theres way,1 +someone help tbhi kinda feel sorry myself idk whyi dont believe tbh end day said todays birthday someone else everyone said happy birthdaybut worthless now got surprised cake gift cards personally didnt make happy yes happy justidk made feel worthless sometimes got reason whyive done bad life accept thatthey dont accept friendthey accept weirdo annoying loser ill accept fate statistic all ambitions good arent ambitious allso yeahi need motivation training,1 +im planning take life coming birthdaymy birthday coming week so end year end life ive asked go therapy multiple times everyone keeps saying need one cant control thoughts anxiety kills me idk wtf do many years since dealing shit im tired,1 + already feeling tired life take moreright need talk reddit one talk real life whole life shit im german grew america years left friends there make new friends germany left years go papua new guinea parents till last year friends still america im germany right nobody talk to im problems im fat overly uglybut feeling worthlessness cannot get rid of really getting job social phobias go gym least amount people there dont get much cuz havent found new friends germany feel like cant anything theres constant fear failing people think really really starting tire emotionally need advice deal this ive tried redflag pussied outhow gain confidence deal life hopeless,1 +shalinique for saying may change up ur twitter game i like u just the way u r on here,0 +get bettersince early teens theyve told gets better well im got nice apartment well payed job wonderful fiance world im still suicidal even then exactly going get better know much time left,1 +help care againthis throw away account always toughened dealt things own first time ever reached anyone please bear become incoherent train thought strays meant ago put self pride self stubbornness feelings utter futility efforts undertake help better improve lot life without even knowing it reddit community already helped me stumbled across site earlier summer already decided end life pretty much trying wrap certain bucket list items watch tv shows always wanted denied austerity reasons always promised one day would splurge get cable tv fast forward year things look like unsustainable effort live desire live it came conclusionrealization playing win game point longer wish energy play longer always fan mythbusters daily show colbert report hit internet spent time catching shows link steven colbert guided reddit say love site like information debate diversity intelligence opinions humor articles opinions even trolls sometimes funny entertaining made laugh made cry educated me challenged formally held beliefs showed things infuriated showed hard horrible cynical world still people care youll laugh cry better cats im going read again see reddit yeah probably guess age now tend use humor lot block pain if laughing cant afraid stephen colbert like think jokes funny usually get positive response even snicker am life went according plans would already dead people would picking stuff trying figure kept junk unemployed window behind one resume working month so look page think back work history sends deep depression last night working tailoring specific job saw advertised site feelings overcome me feelings mom died made sick go lie cry completely honest resume would state yes hire me find dedicated hard worker deeply interested company improving flow methods serve clients faster easier soon find pivotal go employee rely get job done matter department is delighted lack drama desire accomplish things delight ability go around employees fix problems everyone else forms circular firing squad think tool machine manipulate get extra little bit production without add compensation carelessly throw obstacles needlessly challenge obviously original job drama must fully utilized disrespect me denigrate me devalue me put tough stronger you want job need job dont quit suddenly become nice ask return refuse happened time two big deal happened again,1 +Just heard my bootleg remix of "if u seek amy" on kiss fm here in Chicago ,0 +@EllieKaulitz you look so pretty in your gown! summer*09,0 +dunnojust practiced hanging myself felt kind good letting go never thought would actually end life im feeling im getting kind close suicidal thoughts almost every day feel like demon gotten control life everything seem superficial act guess ive path maybe five years now closest ive gotten actually ending all mmy body feel like fucking run car something aspirations inspiration imagination it lot gone like losing contact yourself body doesnt feel like yours would much rather flowing spiritual entity trapped hunk bones flesh seem pointless like people girlfriends really love guess apreciate them embrace them getting close contacts far me feel like galaxies between noone really knows dont even really know myself dont apreciate even dunno thats problem dont know humanity earth great ways horrible others feel like ive done part know things change bla bla bla also tipping point gone far feel like im now im stars universe body input would nice cause feel like im gonna end life now feeling inside shouldnt peace love ,1 +Its my birthday! ,0 +@Tejie: are you going to school today? i love you,0 +question eastern european millennials lot babies unlike western millennials,0 +Im gonna from this depression #infinitywar,1 +"@moltenlava1 @MJNuts Yes, indeed! I figure, the more angst we have, the more love we have later ... so I say BRING IT ON! ",0 +every day feel long five days ago feels like month ago going,0 +"@kristinfinley yay for invites!! I'll be on my way, we'll have our tombstones together too ",0 +"@joanne7964 Nice to meet you, you too! ",0 +your mom deserves a better child than you you said she forgot them not intentionally leave them there so why are you barking and degrading your mom in public for some clout hope the depression is the end of you btw,1 +films chocolat beau travail others propelled french director claire denis top echelon worlds unique accomplished filmmakers film intruder lintrus adds depth portfolio cinematic poem conveys mood abiding loneliness loss film provides glimpse psyche man deteriorating physically mentally travels various parts globe seeking redemption peace finds hard come by loosely based jeanluc nancys memoir heart transplant intruder film unrelenting opaqueness even two viewings difficult describe subjective impressionistic termsbr br louis trebor michael subor man seventies likely dying heart condition who like professor ingmar bergmans wild strawberries attempts come terms mistakes life time clear physically rugged wealthy seems emotionally drained look face one quiet resignation though see one episode violence gets bed middle night kill intruder sinister sense him might intelligence officer foreign agent hit manbr br whatever case apparently kind surveillance acts like man involved criminal wrongdoing able see consequences facial closeups throughout movie create strong sense isolation lives dogs cabin jura mountains near frenchswiss border estranged son sidney gregoire collin long neglected sidney lives nearby wife antoinette florence loiretcaille two children one telling scene meets father street calls lunatic prevent taking moneybr br when film opens meet antoinette swiss border guard boards van trained dog sniff contraband comes home greeted husband asks tongueincheek anything declare three individuals people circumstances see rest film may exist louis imagination louis three women life meet films first half hour pharmacist bambou prepares medication neighbor batrice dalle dog breeder refuses care dogs goes away trip telling crazy is young russian organ dealer katia golubeva tells wants young mans heartbr br relentlessly stalks throughout film apparently mind last section film louis travels south korea search heart transplant tahiti deliver gift different son one seen many years perhaps never seen heart transplant however appears metaphor man without heart man whose life fascinating ultimately directionless intruding peoples lives little real empathy intruder contains haunting guitar soundtrack stuart staples band tindersticks reminiscent guitar riff jim jarmuschs dead man gorgeous cinematography denis regular agnes godardbr br godard creates memorable images convey mood longing regret heart beating alone snow infant sling looking father good two minutes babys expression gradually turning morose half smile colored streamers blowing newly christened ship massage dark room mysterious korean masseuse vast expanse ocean seen bobbing ship deck intruder frustrating elliptical nature denis forces us respond experience understand images screen personal level theme hint might found opening tells us revealed piecemeal film your worst enemies hiding shadow heart,0 +@TheEllenShow hey does Portia eat vegemite for breakfast??? Wondering if she does ,0 +dread waking morning days lifeless pointless it nighttime begin feel sense happiness mostly ill get sleep soon escape sooner later decision die get back fight made feel time goes leans towards inevitable suicide isolated desire anything day contemplate suicide means sure actually can practiced motions it matter pulling trigger point,1 +girlfriend f attempted redflag last night m really know anymoreso girlfriend years tried kill last night called couple hours tell loved sounded somewhat off nothing really ordinary know going depression anxiety issues long time relationship helped lot dark times good healthy relationship overall ive always supportive caring her morning got message telling attempted redflag failed feel completely broken even though wanna accept it mad even though im full support mode right now know do know suicidal thoughts ive always her ive never deal situation before english first language apologise beforehand id appreciate advice situation thanks advance tldr girlfirends redflag attempt failed im broken idk do help ,1 +regret starting print d printer going piii bu bzzz next hours,0 +bengottlieb great idea with the itunes promo code they don t work in the uk itunes store though,0 +possesses value endsadly affluence poorness betrayal loyalty love hate mean absolutely nothing coexisting foundations society little evolutionary concepts holds real value alas die biologically left alone without sacred things consciousness thats keeps comforted end really end,1 +last weeks serious hell suicidal thoughts years never cuz scared honestly really think fearful death anymore rlly good support systems got kicked something dumb weeks ago facing homelessness soon uncle close unfortunately passed away mental health seriously declining pushed everyone away point anymore feel like going get worse worse want happening want anymore fuck exhausted nsfw guess see reason go tbh think time up,1 +tweetdeck can you not become a seperate program rather than use air air is awful and this ram leakage is bloody annoying,0 +je pense supprimer twitter parce que bonjour la d pression ici y a de personnes joyeuses dans votre tl vous,1 +i don t know what i m supposed to do anymore i can t even remember what it s like to be normal it s felt like i ve been in hell i need it to end now,1 +want someone tell going okim alone realized transgender couple years ago kept secret everyone blew world apart still havent told anyone it dysphoria seems getting worse also aspergers trouble making friends though couple one things helped keep going friendly coworkers supermarket used work in got new job people arent warm friendly dont feel like fit in discovered recently parents likely narcissists upbringing explains lot low selfesteem ability deal stress etc probably disown find im trans probably kill me even though im physically dependent them still tied emotionally cant see way out either keep going way continue get worse kill myself attempt transition end killing fall losing family abuse etc either way lose need someone talk me tell this dont know help im kind emotional breakdown sorts,1 +im good enoughim good enough life meaning pain stop love anymore im good enough time keeps passing im tired trying keep up let lay here im good enough let sleep forget me im good enough never was im sorry ruining life im sorry loving know damn well im fucking good enough,1 +know much longer hold outthis going long wall text last years painful difficult life far back tried hang myself would privately write redflag get confronted parents went journals what fuck problem why would us this attention seeking real bitch move selfharmed bit well mother confronted front grandparents it you know something insert exgirlfriend here would done bitch months leading attempt finally realized depressed years told parents feeling believed first time years point would vehemently deny mental illnesses all even refusing let doctors put medication one diagnosed major depression attempt hoping could tell closest friends keep secret parents however two weeks later forcibly committed psych ward psychologist time seen beforehand immediately told attempt said im sorry cant let leave unless going facility hour later im loaded ambulance driven hospital stay meantime even though injuries anything attempt cop nonchalantly watching door room call parents tell happening since insurance show up mother hugged immediately tried punch stomach gritting teeth dont ever again drop college spend month mental hospital move back home parents attending outpatient group therapy first morning back mother immediately threatened shower if use hot water ill end myself led minute heated discussion text admitted read texts messages friends mocked talking depression ended conversation with im going show everyone messages get hell away you point father calls starts yelling ive disrespectful need apologize role marriage agree ignore horrible things says me end day go home mother apologizes same never brought again unless remind im horrible son ungrateful piece shit one year later ive regressed horribly ive stopped going therapy seeing mental health professional take medication selfmedicate cannabis march confronted mother buying pot turned argument screamed me youve disrespected house shouted back youve disrespected whole life charged me punching digging nails arm hit back got hands slapped face naturally called police kicked house walked three blocks covered sweat blood tears belongings backpack luckily friends lived nearby city allowed move them planned never talking parents again one phone call father continued blame deny fault own friends drove back week get rest things them gave phone they paid it car keys told never talk again week later mother sent email apologizing quickly deleted email best talk her bigger problems since move quickly also quit previous job authorize transfer also move again since friend allowed live move couple months another group friends would allow live them less month left lease well temporarily moved house worked minimum wage job try raise money apartment needless say work out since new job getting consistent hours call sick first week since got flu asked friend loan obliged alone enough apartment options asked parents loan agreed could meet person job gave money finally able afford place live knew relished fact own honestly wonder wouldve better going homeless dying right there four months later lost job seeing therapist trying best make ends meet constantly late job emotionally volatile using cannabis even cope would breakdown frequently home started getting anxiety attacks even got one work working register knew fucked up began searching job would take me parents pay rent it found another job paying livable wage full time work thought id finally made work able live comfortably friends respected cared me six months later lost job too started feeling horrible get bed stopped caring cleaning apartment got horrible relationship manipulative alcoholic thankfully lasted two months broke things off found work more essentially furniture delivery repos guy started paying decently idea work would intense that management genuinely care happened us one time deliver couch fourth floor apartment am elevator got yelled chewed constantly simply would overbook us blame us able deliver eight furniture sets one day first partner job lasted three months left requested vacation time two months hand repeatedly told would get it reschedule one week vacation time quit sent manager text quit day blocked number refused leave apartment vacation spent next three months wallowing misery anything productive smoked cannabis laid around plans get job parents agreed help rent since knew awful last job was january started pushing get job thats got message old job new manager one previous colleagues wanted back raise agreed took two months things spiral back awful level before problems overbooking us offering support whatsoever things work out worse even one colleagues horrible alcoholic always came work smelling like liquor could barely lift anything matter often told boss get rid him hed say give time man need someone replace him unfortunately found immediate replacement stopped showing up point long unending text weve reached march pandemic starting hit city im expecting work close instead cut hours half keep us open im still working there im planning moving city two months however one day mother literally begs go back work says help pay rent recommends sign unemployment leads now ive received last unemployment check next month need search job im lucky im living house full close friends cheap however im close parents house know exactly live want live again know ill probably to im lucky get financial support them frankly id rather dead know theyre going hold head like everything else know theyre going use try keep talking them know need get away them need cut off multitude legitimate reasons given current financial situation situation pandemic continuingly horrible mental state options im lucky thankful ive gone long without another redflag attempt ive selfharmed ive enough mental fortitude keep going long caring forgiving best friends have im sure id dead im also sure long alone keep together recently threw knife cutting with idea would worsen general mood ive holing room week now leave occasionally talk friends smoke come back sleep inconsistent waking late nightearly mornings everyone else asleep constant suicidal thoughts paranoid thoughts friends turning throwing out horrible intrusive anxiety halt whatever im throw constant thought loop worrying inevitably leading anxiety attack basically disassociate come back find curled ball holding back tears im scared friends much hate ive become hate image one walking room find corpse read way this thank you posted anything personal life before felt like needed get somewhere hope everyone makes alive know you sincerely love nonetheless,1 +Haha. Alright. ,0 +think toxic subreddit is like u post u get bullied reason,0 +last strawhi everyonei years old malewho born raised turkey then wanted go germany education without parents approvali sisterswho i came back germany turkey years ago lived germany almost years alone without anybodybefore came turkeyi knew stuff wrong check hospitali thyroid hormones high germany roommate pharmacist checked low blood sugar i unconsciousi took care issues turkeyalthough mental state also badi month without shower going germany oncei started smoking therenot much drugs thoi never liked sedatedmost life learned things myselfmy father teaching things need know childhood example proper body care maleafter came back germanyi went many psychiatrist since came backi used lot antidepressantsneurolepticsi tried break bonds friendsi cut stab knife many timesnot redflagbut forgetting emotions pains physical onei like friendsmy familymy lifemyselflooks like coming endmy doctor said parentsthat give responsibilitiesback kidmy sisters look likethey respect all ask mewhatever want please aski try answer questions thanks reading,1 +Happy Birthday to my sweet boyfy!!! Turnin 22 years young! ,0 +reldred yes babypunch is totally addictive,0 +Make sure u visit Juelz.com. I post all the stories ,0 +mens mental health talked nearly enough mens mental health talked nearly enough live australia wouldnt say huge friend group outside school still know friend mine attempted redflag one cuts dad committed redflag yrs ago male heard much terms awareness mens mental health boys school apart average ooooh ask friends ok like bullshit hard school make time us miss one lesson every weeks educate us things like this like friend self harming wants kill himself important learn one skill learn skills could literally save lives iv always good mental state either literally one knows dont know talk thing im claiming expert would even executed im sad things arent taught us institutions meant prepare us future sorry bad format mobile,0 +"@Maffyewww yes, and what not. ",0 +Statesboro fun this a.m. and I'm off to see the GreenJackets in Augusta tonight! ,0 +"duh , just posted something to miley , although i wanted to post it to keit haha ",0 +@markpollitt sure i will...have vodka and relentless guess i won't be sleeping 2nite! haha,0 +@emzyjonas i know i find the new layout so hard ,0 +want go sleep littleim anxious cant function going away breakdown shut completely thought killing got wave peace laying bed staring feeling calm first time since remember felt anxiety relief could barely move didnt water room take pills didnt days still feel horrible really want it even die maybe go sleep days im tired dont know live like this,1 +last day teenager tomorrow life even greater sorrow pain begin wish luck d,0 +"Should Mothers Avoid Nighttime Breastfeeding to Decrease Their Risk of Depression. Free handout, share and print. http://ow.ly/Le9P30jf99G  #breastfeeding #nursing #sleep #mother #baby http://ow.ly/Le9P30jf99G ",1 +consistent kindnessive lurking past week dont know say respond pour soul write try translate anguish stirs deep heart respond dont know learn something kindness important reflect deep think really yearn for hunger for rawest sense wish sate personally yearn kindness yearn appreciated acknowledged youve done good youre beautiful everything going alright im grateful life youre amazing person love you kindness consistent basis go long way kindness heals insecurities makes us feel appreciated warms heart gives us strength survive thrive overcome much someone told every single day beautiful intelligent amazing grateful life showed appreciation hard work worked hard make things easier much impact would life heal really wish people kinder arent kind inherent defect prevents others kind me or hard kind freely sincerely complement comfort another one barely know something easy do someone close you something do think hard fighting battles dont acknowledge battles others battles may different intensity respond yearn support caught insecurities arent even aware insecurities others around us kind vulnerable open chink armour chance attempts kind shot down chance feel unappreciated risk many arent willing take something im trying work on give ive yearned long dont know do honestly like dont know respond appropriately conveyed posts fine unlike taught school fine know something answer everything many problems complex quick fix solution pretend isnt so lead frustration onetime simple fix heal years abuse neglect complex multifaceted life situations requires much effort comprehend let alone solve years alone creating maladaptive thoughts drags deeper abyss dont answers believe whatever answer is form consistency kindness resolve kinder person experience share thoughts hopes may resonate someone take may,1 +this earthquake in italy ha me sadden it s only three hour away from naples where my family is,0 +schools proposal reopen gotten shot states governor lets fucking gooooooo,0 +noi fucking school talked counselor anxiety studied ass week exams started get studying fucking average said good student fuck you talk counselor posted rdepression cant this go days without eating cuz never feel hungry anymore wake thinking killing ending bullshit know what no im going fucking chop fat hoarding head throw fucking dean bitch study teachers act like care issues no fail even though bust balls studying well know what ill give taste motherfuckers still exams tomorrow lost motivation well able still hope id get decent grades kept studying know anymore fuck planet want fall asleep never wake up,1 +friend recently opened suicidal thoughtsi come back weekend away ireland two close friends final night bit heavy session leave pub early hours morning drinking local lads towards end night friend said cousin from near area staying recently committed redflag drunk opened conversation us battles mental health walking home told mate depth struggled past able go counselor really helped knew friend also troubles past basically said never really understood alive waiting parents could kill knowing would never know said questions life meaning virtually every waking hour really worries seems rationalised plan redflag already idea suffering bad said go counselor as did think point memory incident pretty hazy drunk anytime ever come conversation us drunk bad know recall even asked think pain would cause people around killed himself said made feel even guilty already aware pain would cause still willing it speak sober advise councelling again also know brother well think would good idea make aware this anyone advise anyone else faced situation like close friend thanks,1 +life stupid fi firmly believe reason continue live anymore im nothing show it job car license place own thing im life right now going college even feels like enough ive struggled thoughts death redflag since person knows boyfriend hes dealt similar issues one day told feeling suicidal told instead talking it actually tried it lot try and likely waste explain sources feelings numerous nobody cares yet everyone acts like do sometimes wish would diejust get accident cease exist,1 +cant wait move mother never stand corrected word always final said wiping countertops part dishes simply true point out got mad me clean kitchen do dishes dishes like fucking asked comes kitchen sees countertops still dirty wouldve cleaned said clean kitchen said dishes fact kitchen clean fault petty rant shit annoying whenever whats asked always why this this this too two sisters also helping clean dont always complain ignore problem get yelled still end myself,0 +care people think me gotten point cant even buy game really like think brothers wont like it one thing many others help me,0 +need me probably trying create happy chemicals think body lost ability produce dopamine,1 +friendsi tried really hard school year dont understand get involved hang people get want hang me friends realized tonight one friend stopped inviting things feel mad jealously ability friends people realize theyre going go farther life ever will,1 +@kirstiealley promise me that one of this days (soon) u will make a movie ,0 +living life complete wasteits waste potential never got explore due failings human being waste peoples time precious time could spend improving lives unlike person know life works know itd advantageous everyone chose end it dont want try anymore im tired fuck world,1 +literally one luckiest people earth cool parents understand teen different years ago lucky look back miserable life everyday struggles life would much easier understanding parents,0 + hours ill getting covid vaccine miss covid shit,0 +How do I move on when my depression clouds over any enjoyment I usually feel from my own activities?,1 +see point anymorelately thinking would kill myself honest see point living another day everyday wake feeling like empty husk keep trying find meaning existence think keep drawing blanks family mess little friends addition recently broke girlfriend honestly feel connection us anymore cant see positive future ive passing days drinking abusing drugs numb even work anymore think might end soon,1 +"Thinking of a new video Idea. Hmm, Maybe explosive couches? Just a thought. ",0 +rock star way stairway heaven category one best rock films time make jump time time highlevel energy films theme diehard rock group fanatic actually becomes lead singer favorite band story based upon true story happened heavy metal band judas priest think movie filled witty screenplay intellect direction got another thing coming however shook night long fine acting jennifer aniston rock stars devoted girlfriend could say rock star himself mark wahlberg much better porn star rock star enjoy s retrospect journey movie intakes reminded teenage years everything smelled like teen spirit guess film worth viewing better time watching make sure bring along girls girls girls average,0 +hurt broke boyfriend nothing holding back anymore wanting years horrible person deserve die probably going run away looks like got kidnapped killed hopefully make less painful family left everything behind soon,1 +partner may end life tonight goes goi made post earlierhttpwwwredditcomrdepressioncommentsxzei_nearly_destroyed_a_year_relationship_i_feel cheated partner years several times alright last night well today wasnt talking tonight started feel better started feel worse found stole valium potassium work contemplating ending life overdosing waking up know without him love him despite badly ive fucked up want stay him thought wanted stay me takes life likely too im numb scared whole ton emotions right now please help,1 +is there any way to bring my appetite back due to unfortunate life event that gave me emotional stress over the past time i ve started loosing my appetite while some people were gaining weight this quarantine it wa the opposite for me this isn t normal for me since i wa enjoying eating meal now food doesn t faze me that much i ve lost desire to eat and i m concerned about my health i miss the feeling of enjoying food p s sorry i forgot to add i m a minor and i m strictly forbidden to go outside i wa hoping if i could do anything inside the house that s useful but i ll consider other comment given thank you,1 +remember keep swimming,0 +maple syrup thanks guys,0 +anybody else watch raskreddit youtube videos robot voice robot voice,0 +thoughts livinghello all last sunday tried kill myself tried cut arm hard failed live aftermath honest either properly even try sucks lot attention people knew tried it died couple days im alone again seems people care enough reach see really bad spot enough friend mine realize couple people care bit more make bit happy honest still thoughts redflag mainly think actually better everyone people care would sad yes worry them fling onto everyone make couple people care start dislike me mentioned previous post girl love anything would say life thats big compliment forced things like trying meet hard person growing distant think today first day months speak all really fucked up definitely best thing happened me end do tried kill myself pushed onto her drove away stupid actions would set would questions would say good bye ask remember good things me what suffering day cant talk her think greatest time either know thinks feels quite sure talk anymore maybe wait couple weeks actually kill myself talk shell forget me best alright actually started write story ask everyone reading live for well thats say wanted pour heart friends cant keep bothering people helped much already least read want to lot better,1 +@erikmagraken I believe a lot of athletes that play football hockey and mixed martial arts and boxing suffer from trauma brain injuries that cause depression memory loss and nobody is helping them in America pugilistic syndrome known as Punch-Drunk is not even considered a disability,1 +"@Jonasbrothers WOAH! nick ur done w/ school! Wow, @ the risk of sounding weird/sketchy, i'm so proud of u! U guys r great influences ",0 +finished series netflix know fillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfiller,0 +yeah im communist listens kpop exist filler filler filler filler filler filler,0 +many triestoday good day yesterday spent consciousness bed even knowing got there wednesday night th drinks mom drinks afterwards watched show woman jumped death reason made want die too wandered around house looking pills came benzos oxys ritalin plan take hot bath pop pills slit wrist box cutter everything readyi sat bathtub foelr trying talk it took one pill oxys idk took anything else cant remember drank vodka thats it everything went quiet closed eyes next thing knew wearing someones tshirt shorts im bed know got there im embarrassed im there work again im embarrassed sorry explain myself cant do wanted die thats it thats best explanation come with know why did still sometimes im embarrassed seems thing now im fine im happy reason minute overpowering voice head telling need die need too goes away fast came im happy fine again except times agree it go away gets louder demanding screaming it theres option tried fail know going back voice going back keep ignoring it dont happens now obviously stop drinking thats trigger guess else worst part family cant help feeling way guilt feel side awful guess younger brothers ones found me clock morning completely incoherent fuck happened big sister deal that see way im scared im scared happening seem quite control used be what next time keep ignoring it every single day ignore it push voice far cant hear anymore eventually claws way back up screaming time go thats goes again finally cave start come plan course fail stop me voice gets loud keep trying first all want part keep telling need die secondly hard time ignoring it need help controlling it who find that fucking know dont know do everytime theres quiet hear voice telling it ive strong long seems like im slipping recently im losing grip strength keep pushing thru episodes thats fucking terrifying,1 +had a top night out in Bristol and recovering slowly. Fryup and cup final will now occur ,0 +started his week training it s going tobbr tough with so many birthday currently at work http twitpic com y k,0 +tell like her crush messaging day yesterday today want tell like ive already told like awhile ago kinda wanna see says wait,0 +sick man carleton hendricks dee snider cruises teen chat lines captain howdy poses teenage boy invites teens house party instead knocks out strips them sews mouth closed tortures mostly needles captures daughter cop mike gage kevin gage finds him arrests hes institutionalized four years later hes releasedtotally cured lynch mop led amusingly robert englund attack hang him die snaps captain howdy backbr br a sick disturbing twisted horror film captain howdy enjoys pain torture trying show kids kidnaps enjoy also torture scenes explicit you hear see see sick theres humor muted screams victims sound way real cringing away tv scenes br br the acting varies kevin gage good cophes terrible could better dee snider scary captain howdyhis attack scenes pleasantbr br all all typical horror film ill probably never see this film really gets skin recommend horror fansat least strong stomaches give ,0 +reading ,0 +I figured the Lakers won via twitter orgasms. You guys are so silly. ,0 +anime year good swear animes point year,0 +sleeping deathi spend time sleeping hours day makes feel sick home sleep car park,1 +@LizLemonCologne I think that is the right decision for today. Next week will be bad weather. Doesn�t matter I am in the office ,0 +"@melissamoog Date not should always end with twittering, but it shouldn't have anything to do with this web site. ",0 +husband years affair year old past years talk me beg husband half truthswe going try babyi fucking depressed canttake anymore cannot confide friends many want expose lie perfect relationship world suicide hotline answer please help,1 +update last post girl called toxic end ended sorta appolgizing life,0 +but of course the document with the important table in it isn t published on the internet,0 +mrdeek i messaging guy back forth seems vanishedi first found hereanyone got clues,1 +#Depression impact on functioning and well-being has been compared to that of chronic medical conditions such as diabetes.,1 +"@shamim86 I don't doubt it. Yeah gig was real good, out in the Sydney suburbs, was fun ",0 +anyone want play animal crossing me anyone want play animal crossing me would nice play game someone friend code sw,0 +wierdmy mental state crumbled far hate world human race come ask question right wrong consequences different ok lets get many people cant handle anymore die either way always wanted kill someone got feeling might question is going someone else pretty sure stop one defenetly going let take jail noone get living,1 +aaaaaa presentation minutes im nervous af someone please tell gonna alright need calm,0 +@WWisewolf Great questions - good people preparing marketing for business http://twurl.nl/orbtms,0 +oh got told friend home since end school im writing might lost kidnapped oh,0 +good lord ended dvd player ill never knowmy wife thought new release shed missed somehownevermind couple years old danish think kept looking english soundtrackbr br all allthe film bad good production valuesbetter performances clever story get far away make tidy darkhumored fare across sea ending make chucklein fact whole film will incredibly strange characters grow genuinely interested make film might worth whilewithout spoiling plot films title dvd jacket give good idea thing going,0 +one understandsorry strong language one ever fuking understands want help fuking cried parents gives fuks think im crazy think wont kill soon mom says reach point care anymore fuking step dad looks let shit behind back im sick around now planning enjoying rest year ending new years seems plans gonna change want fuking escape shit hole ass life see things better without around birthday november th cracked like heard voices saying end it cried much tried take little sister came found parents came in showed comparisonwell moment back fuking shit lol matter say theyll never understand thing fuking tried talk oh well know dont feel sad anymore like im comfortable dying lol like im anticipating kind big event lol sigh ill write nice note leave theyll fuking understand game pain fuking real waste fuking time ill gladly sit hell thats real could ran away place wouldve got go option left taking life might drink fuking poison hang buy gun someone open fuking skull honestly either way ill dead yea fuk world every person thinks people form depression crazy hate all one fuking gets it im done fighting lol officially give up anyways im guyshonestly wish could lived better world,1 +bursaar good for me i haven t gone to bed,0 +working but looking ward thailand and this week bank holiday weekend,0 + year old male suicide thought attempts feel like everyone watching again got redflag autism adhd paronia suicide thought depression hear voice antidepressants past couple years depression bad like everything push one side back cannot keep fighting like anymore morning even want take meds feel like commiting suicide stop feeling voice pain,1 +wanna say hey yall ask ur doin stupid sub wont let post hey cries,0 +imma soon came realization imma seems weird me idk makes sense anybody else feels like im already actual year olds get im saying,0 +seen wonderful production wonder anyone tell anything actress played blacksmiths wifei sure characters name went byu lost touch herher maiden name kim lukeand wonder anyone info her listed credits production outstanding tearjerker accounts superb acting all guess even want put general category acting like portraying feeling amazing events led opening heavens final dispensationsomething like that anyone worked kim website something please let know fantastic role waythanks melissa thorne,0 +"@queen_yinci ok, cheers hope you & your family are well ",0 +infuriates people around would hurt committed redflag wish werent could finally let goi cant parents learning hate existence thing stopping me dont know parent idea talk dont care enough learn how feel like stranger home cant help feel definitely last summer,1 +i can t deal with living like this family doesn t care grandparent have low energy amp make me feel old too no work or friend,1 +i get so excited about sleeping is that a sign of depression,1 +super bored rn pm chat hey im yearold girl live la super bored right craving human contact im talking books movies myselffavorite topic whatever going you also really like sandwiches pm bored well idk play reddit numbers game want to nothings really table im talking pretty much anything ill probably take post soon probably take post soon,0 +attention users reddit heard dihydrogen monoxide tell risks dihydrogen monoxide its also know hydric acid it found nuclear plants its found tap water with certain dosages sodium contents blood become diluted lead death kidding everyone water please go drink glass water right now,0 +bored lonely want dieim bored lonely want kill myself nothing do nothing look forward to ive tried take hobbies lost interest ive entire life since child nothing do friends reach spend time im exxagerating friends all feel close enough family spend time them lost interest things interest thing stopping ending dogs even care that do want alone nothing want alone want something even make sense,1 +the merchant venice one shakespeares betterknown plays still regularly performed theatre incredibly however film would seem firstever englishlanguage version made cinema rather television number versions made britain america early days cinema silentsbr br the reason neglect play may connected sensitivities plays alleged antisemitism subject even sensitive since rise power nazis this may explain previous versions made silent era would easier portray shylock straightforward villain would today yet view film antisemitic all remembered shakespeares lifetime settled jewish community england jews expelled edward late th century permitted return time cromwell forty years shakespeares death far know shakespeare never travelled abroad seems quite possible never knew jews personally experienced effects antisemitism first hand play simply jewish question is among things analysis corrosive effects religious prejudice may fact coded examination mutual antipathy catholics protestants tudor england something shakespeare certainly would firsthand experience appeal greater tolerance thembr br then now traditional antisemitic stereotypes always depicted jews avaricious shylocks principal sin avarice were would certainly accepted bassanios offer pay six thousand ducats twice amount borrowed antonio rather shylocks besetting sin anger root anger way fellowjews treated christians venice jews general regarded secondclass citizens jewish moneylenders shylock particular targets abuse even though services provide necessary venetian economy play shows corrupting effects prejudice views sort corrupt christians hold them also corrupt jews suffer abuse shylocks vindictiveness proportion wrongs suffered spitting calling dog antonio behaves like boorish bigot boorishness bigotry generally regarded crimes deserving death penalty moreover shylock seeks revenge antonio merely undoubted wrongs antonio done towards him also wrongs real imaginary suffered hands christian community daughters marriage lorenzo br br it credit films director michael radford star al pacino understand issues pacinos shylock has initially sort angry dignity gradually gives way vindictive rage finally humiliation trial scene portias reasoning pathos see clearly instrument destruction still sympathise him view none pacinos performances seen ever equalled gave first two godfather films not scent woman oscar certainly godfather iii the merchant venice one comes closest benchmarks acting performance stood lynn collinss luminous portia speaking lines great clarity simplicity bringing intelligence resourcefulness make character simply romantic heroine less impressed jeremy ironss antonio seemed passive antonio complex character part loyal friend part melancholy contemplative part religious bigot part enterprising capitalist although irons captured first two aspects difficult envisage antonio either spitting someone different faith hazarding risky trading ventures br br radfords interpretation play attacked film critic daily telegraph who although admired pacinos performance disliked period setting argued shakespeare needs placed contemporary setting relevance modern audience citing recent stage production set action weimar germany would disagree profoundly approach theatre cinema quite different media and striking modernist approaches shakespeare cinema trevor nunns twelfth night comes mind traditionalist approach often best one i preferred example zeffirellis romeo juliet baz luhrmanns idea appreciate shakespeare modern guise sheer intellectual laziness prepared make effort see greatest writer context elizabethan society produced him rather prefer dressed ersatz twentiethcentury manbr br radfords traditional approach enables us appreciate bigotry vindictiveness ageold universal problems also makes visually striking film play scenes set venice characterised turbulent action set portias country house belmont happier peaceful film venetian exterior scenes shot location backdrop misty wintry grey skies similar look achieved dont look now candlelit interiors faces brightly lit dark background reminiscent chiaroscuro effects caravaggio painting suspect quite deliberate caravaggio contemporary shakespeare contrast dark misty venice belmont scenes shot enchanting palladian villa island lake characterised sunshine peaceful moonlight br br this one best shakespeare adaptations recent years intelligent visually attractive look complex play br br a couple errors see black swan water front portias house birds natives australia introduced europe well date film set also portrait portia leaden casket painted style florentine botticelli active century date lynn collins may reminiscent botticelli beauty seems unlikely late th century venetian lady would painted manner late th century florence,0 +i can t i m so done i wa born female and i hate it being seen a a beta male suck nobody take me fucking serious and then the fact i m bisexual fucking hell i started forcing myself to only like woman because i hate being attracted to men it disgust me i can t anymore i just had the biggest panick attack imaginable i want to just rip out my female part and fucking unlive myself i m so uncomfortable with myself and i hate how people view me i will never be a real man i do not have male chromosome i don t have male genitalia this is all in my head and i m fuckinf mentally ill this shit ha made me depressed and desperate the worst people are the one telling me to be proud and embrace it fuck no this shit isnt normal and i wont pretend it is i cant fucking take this anymore i m only and i cant imagine living another day with this shit i m not a man nor a woman im some disgusting inbetween shit and i cant take it anymore being a fucking freak i already survived two suicide attempt and i regret still being alive,1 +so usually night time is the one time of day where i feel almost entirely anxiety free but over the last month or so i ve been having very strong anxiety when going to bed and not in an overthinking kind of way my irrational childish fear about demon and monster have been crawling back in my mind for the first time in year and i have absolutely no idea why i can t stop thinking of horrible scenario that have to do with freaky thing in general and i feel mentally attacked by negativity that i haven t really felt before i m certain it s just a phase but i m still curious if anyone might have an idea to any simple psychological factor or cause i don t watch horror film i don t take any anxiety inducing medication i ve had no recent trauma or past trauma that hasn t been dealt with and i have been trying and succeeding at not worrying too much about what s going on in the world,1 +today really feel like walking top condo standing edge blowing brains smithereens shotgunim much coward though fuck fuck life,1 +"@LetterM Either way, it makes you say 'aww'! I love penguins, though. ",0 +redflag mixing cleaning productsdoes anyone know actually deadly effects mixing cleaning products like bleach urban legend seems bleach ammonia isnt actually deadly mix extremely unpleasant one,1 +it stay safe lock heart awayi thought happiest one realize threw out one day december decided create hell one knew felt could anyone really tell heart melt never wished upon yet created virtual reality made fathers pockets empty lied people vaguely made vow broke unfaithfully standing chair alone disgracefully loved girl loved friends loved family fake pearl ocean ground revealed early young strong yet old look years feel scold me it one ever know take thoughts hell demonstrate one ever go wont tell single soul promise you pondered wondered found answer facade life sorry tell this afraid going die farewell dearest friends journey wont forget live peacefully never regret,1 +anyone wanna talk bit im bored high class im bored,0 +go someone really down kick depths oblivioni slept days slept days throat feels like fire im panicking im panicking like madman lay bed boundless periods time cant sleep feel like theres something crawling throat feel absolutely miserable every sense word feel like legs feel like cant think talk correctly feel like broken year old tell parents suddenely everything gets emotionally worse different angles youre ungrateful everyone go going through ive already taken enough doctors know exactly feeling way make better vitamins vitamins mustve heard word euphemism like million times last hours vitamins ive taken million months accuses taking doing youre im obviously much better life experience know feeling you need antidepressants theyre pointless days look stay day sleep tonight hard it saying things different days im sorry know love me im sorry try listen once storm room taking xanax have trying fall aseleep wakes minutes later show video healing power vitamins cant think bigger argument erupts feel terrible guilty atrocious im failure son im fucking failure human being im sorry read shit annoying life better first place cant let hit me cant let voice go unheard feel like swiveling fucking mess person cant function everyday basis something missing im forever broken,1 +ayo broskis ask ever want rules anything imma answer,0 +chaplin doughboy final film doughboy seem get marching straight spends time over there world war one trenches several gags stand out limburger cheese makeshift grenade one cramped quarters barracks trenches chaplin mates washed bunks flooding highlights chaplin ends capturing several german soldiers singlehanded spanks german commander refusing cigarette asked it chaplin replies surrounded them chaplin hides behind enemy lines tree things scenes funny escapes bombed house meets french girl played edna purviance hes tracked german soldiers escapes again purviance arrested assisting him chaplin able pull fast one bopping soldier using soldiers uniform ends saving purviance course capturing kaiser process along way chaplin employs sight gags slapstick turning back german soldiers film chaplin explored location possibilities filming maintaining audiences attention closer feature length time something contract mutual film corporation disallowed him film also allowed poke fun enemy something would greater effect great dictator stars,0 +people dying in the street everyone is so isolated possibility of nuclear war the list go on and on and on i already have shitty mental health and i don t think i can handle the pressure of the modern world much longer inb this is the best time to be alive hurrdurr no it s not i just want to live like a human is supposed to live in a small tribe in which we all care for each other spend all day everyday with other people be a part of a community our society ha completely removed u from the joy of being a human i feel like i m in a spaceship in the middle of deep space with no hope for any human connection,1 +seen maslin beach couple times free air tv brisbane go whether good bad otherwise others well truly covered thisbr br i say australian australia film relationships among people spending day naked day born view free commercial televisionbr br i friend us constantly amazed put free tv compared home country sex city huff examplesbr br despite government trying turn us st us state good know least things remain truly aussie,0 +school work value blah blah blahi realized unhappy spring sat edge rooftop hours started writing goodbye notes spent least dozen nights sitting bridge looking water cant remember many people would walk like want crying kid problem im going back school soon think want again theres point ive signed contract pay obscene amount money graduation think well could have itll never enough supposed really want die definitely want live know long go waiting something change things fuck supposed do sit wait one day s s s realize still working whole life things make happy hard people understand wanting sleep wake up,1 +kill wake minutes later reborn next lifei never believed past lives future lives comes it finally end life come peace rest reborn go bullshit life you again makes angry feel though would luck succeed reborn again im angry thought that terrifying biggest fear commit redflag want rest want go away,1 +common title common topic posted often subreddit reasons list reasons reason reason reason edit edit doesnt add anything,0 +film could well one ordinary soapies relating day day events half dozen families whose lives intertwinedbroken relationshipsbuilding new friendships street bashings near accidents hopes dreams even discovery baby discarded bushes mixture eventsbr br fortunately film maker goes beyond daily events poses questions consider although satisfactory answers asksin chaotic world things happen luck things turn right taking fatalistic view person predestined certain place certain time thus become involved event future takes new perspective us uncanny experiencebr br is super ego makes us believe important one character says sat edge overlooking grand canyon came realize infinitely small wasbr br this one favourite films good study human relationships danny glover outstanding sympathetic role,0 +need help lot survey need answer check comments link,0 +avisionofbeauty your phone doesn t like it sorry,0 +sum pls tell go study need make good grade rn pass dont want parents dropkick cliff making ,0 +@zachzachh Get 100 followers a day using www.tweeteradder.com Once you add everyone you are on the train or pay vip ,0 +optionstldr feel like ive made enough attemptseffort justify redflag course adulthoodm reasonably underway point ive many issues stem bad back struggled depression since pretty young back injuries got worsemore severe constant pain redflag attempts record medically one involved opiates years ago pain killer options super limited every day filled physical pain getting bed hurts wiping ass becoming increasingly difficult continue lose range motion struggling walking more employment prospects super well either might imagine pretty substantial physical restrictions last several years ive fighting depression back pain constant doctor visits specialists diets exercise plans antidepressants sleeping pills antipsychotics physical therapy etc ive getting worse employment prospects never intimate relationshipgirlfriend point drain moms fixed income resources see cause hope situation depression much inability anything ive tried talk family friends way depth kind thing exhausted therapy options live either full dont take insurance multiple waiting listssome year nothing yet dont see day future isnt filled physical pain discomfort mention mental crap try discount mostly overemphasized constant pain last dr visit suggested start antidepressantsas lets try ones didnt work maybe will im fan redflag im less fan even physically worthless way people cant even see made sort deal wont kill long mom alive dont want hurt like that im finding deal gets weaker day day im tired pain want end ive effectively isolated past several years point regular contact people lately ive cutting down intentionally rude family try make less hurtful execute whichever plan appropriate time dont expect anything come post reading thinking killing themselves challenge best not try everything people tell try go hell antidepressant roulette doctors try talk friends family therapists redflag hotline forums avenue might help get well least well enough feel like ive done do two things keep going wanting hurt mom old adage always kill tomorrow,1 +suicidal thoughts require hospitalizationrecently ive feeling much stronger urge hurt myself past usually fleeting thoughts go away pretty quickly right now get vivid images want do play loop head pretty long time maybe im easily influenced makes susceptible influence thoughts head end really want get headspace ive trying push thoughts away often can honest theyre really strong im profound pain whereby need attempt redflag escape state im in honestly im attached prospect living everything feels little flat guess like daytoday life grey void idea ceasing exist burst color seems getting inviting me usually bed get thoughts usually try best leave bed try go sleep instead leave bed might it dont plan though feels like impulse thoughts go far as im thinking slicing arm kitchen knife gt could now everyones asleep gt get get knife gt now gt theyre going find tomorrow sad ill gone so theres redflag note plan specific time specific date get mean this ive honestly wondering would good idea get inpatient treatment feel like im becoming less less attached stopping hurting myself thoughts urges getting strong inviting im getting tired check myself so id like get opinions think suicidal thoughts as described bad enough require hospitalization yet would serious enough require trip er,1 +i ve been diagnosed with major depressive disorder about two year ago and wa put on medication felt better and the med were tapered off i however feel it returning and most day seem like shit i can wake up and do normal work like i do however there s a constant feeling of sadness that s overwhelming and i worry about a lot of thing around me i worry that i wa a horrid person to my parent and the people around me doe it ever go away i don t want to be dependent on medication for the rest of my life,1 +neglecting talk family despite living themmy selfconfidence clobbered far ground cant much serviceable conversation family afraid driven reputation ground stigma le epic edgy character going linger eons doubt anyone see need take lead jacket,1 +lol guys guess im pregnant hope boy im excited im also kinda scared cus mom said vaccines cause sids dont want baby get polio dont vaccinate it,0 +a usual cooking what i hate,0 +went go see friend mine last night played video games around pm am greatest night ive awhile find friend play video games hours end,0 +i m at a very weird place in my life right now i m a year old male in college i m failing my college class a i have no motivation to do well in them i have a very poor relationship with my parent and family the one organization in my college that i m extremely involved with ha cut tie with me over accusation that are not true i have a leadership role in this organization and being a leader in the organization with no prior experience ha brought me a ton of hater and people that just want to see my downfall i literally have no future a i m supposed to graduate this semester and get a job but i am nowhere near both i can t pursue my real passion and to top it all of and what really might put me over the edge is problem with this woman in my life we met through this organization that i wa talking about earlier in this text a a captain i have my own committee of people that i oversee and she wa one of my committee member the first time we hung out in october she took me out to a bar after i turned it wa just me and her we quickly started to develop this really cool friendship where d we hangout and talk almost daily a a young man hopeless in love i started to develop feeling but nothing crazy because i almost always saw her a a best friend first and i m sure she felt the same way then we were at a bar about a month ago she wa talking to some guy at the bar and i wa having a funny conversation with my friend but i could see from the corner of my eye that she wa talking to this man and that s when i first started feeling these feeling of jealousy but i could tell she wa looking at me too talking to my friend and she came to me and we embraced and i hugged her almost all night had my arm around her and everything and she had her hand over mine too and we just kept feeling each other this wa the first time we ever moved into this phase of our friendship and i think we both felt something brewing in our heart for one another a few day went by and i wa out yet again talking to this other chick i met at the bar and we ended up almost hooking up back at my place but i couldn t go through with it because all i could think about wa my best friend who i really liked i m an introvert at heart and will always keep my feeling inside because i m scared to tell people how i feel and i suppress those feeling but literally the next day after this hookup that didn t happen i wa at a friend s st birthday party and got hammered myself and i had this urge of wanting to tell my best friend how i truly felt about her and that s exactly what i did it wa a thursday night she always go to this one specific club on thursday night so i ditched my friend and went to that club to see her and it literally played out like a romantic film she wa the first person i saw when i walked in and went up to her and for the first time in my life i poured my heart out to her and told her how i felt about her and how she make me feel and at first she wa shocked and then she said she felt the same way and we kissed for a long time at this moment i wa on cloud 9 i had never had a girlfriend before had never been in a relationship before but in this moment it wa just me and her against the world and i loved it we started to head back to my apartment but the alcohol wa kicking in for me and i passed out once i got back to my apartment i woke up the next day and saw her heel on the floor but she wa nowhere to be found so i texted her and told her that i wa sorry for passing out from the alcohol but i meant every word i told her last night she didn t text me back till later that day and she said that she wa thinking about it all day and night and she didn t want to fuck up our friendship a it s one of the few good thing in her life right now and i totally get that wa i disappointed hearing this yeah of course i wa but i texted her back saying that we can talk about this in person another time but for right now enjoy your weekend the next day we saw each other at a party and i talked to her outside and told her that i d rather say we tried to make it work and it didn t rather than not giving u a chance at all and she never gave me a clear answer she texted me later that night saying that she needed a break and some time to think so i said okay a few day later we had our last committee meeting and it wa so awkward cause we hadn t talked before and we were on this so called break and after the meeting ended she immediately left even though she usually wait for me i got a text from her later that night around am saying that this letter i wrote for everyone on my committee wa very sweet and cute and i asked her how long this break should last and she said she wasn t sure a she didn t want me to think that she wa leading me on which i thought she wa doing so we hopped on this facetime call and had a really nice long conversation about all the stuff we had to catch up on and then after an hour i switched the topic back to our relationship and she basically said that she didn t feel the same way i wa so hurt when she said this because all the sign pointed to her liking me too and i really felt like i knew what her heart wa saying we both went to sleep cry that night for each other the next day i sent her a text this time saying that i do need some space to figure thing out and we can talk after spring break so for the next week we didn t talk she didn t view my story like any of my social medium post and just simply didn t communicate with each other and it wa one of the worst thing for me to go through a she wa someone i really looked forward to talking to and to not be able to do that just sucked the sunday before we came back to college i texted her and asked if she d be down to hangout that first week we got back and she said she wa down to do so and i wa so happy because it felt like i wa getting my friend back again but then a few day later she angrily text me asking if i told anyone that we hooked up which isn t true and i told her that i didn t which is true there were rumor going around about u from people that saw u hangout a lot that saw u embrace at the bar that saw u kiss at the club and saw u walk back to my apartment together so people could only assume that we were a thing and i kept telling her that but she wasn t having it she facetimed me saying that she regretted ever kissing me she didn t want to be friend anymore and all this shit i wa extremely hurt hearing this and just wanted my friend back and wanted to forget ever opening up my feeling for her so i sent her a really long text explaining that i never said anything that i really cared about her and just wanted my best friend back she responded by saying that she appreciated me reaching out and that she wa over the situation and that she s not ready to move forward with me and doesn t think our friendship will ever be the same so i texted her this morning and i said i get it and if there wa any way we could meet in person and just talk she responded back by saying that she s potentially open to it but not now maybe next week so i said i just genuinely need someone to talk to but i understand her the last text she sent me wa i don t think i can be that person for you anymore i m sorry i am heartbroken devastated and hopeless angry at myself angry at this world and i just want to leave i have no direction in life no one to turn to anymore and i just want to end it all a soon a possible,1 +hey guys anyone wanna talk m well heres stuff play basketball baseball volleyball soccer tennis hiking ig thats like sorta sport kinda play videogames lots like warzone campaign call duty honestly im good listening giving advice u need maybe consider ig lastly ill try interesting possible boring ya hmu u want great day,0 +i wa married for year to a man with extreme anxiety he wa my first boyfriend and husband and i had been with him since i wa a teenager so i didn t know any different i m 0 now we divorced because of his many mental issue he wouldn t get help for his depression and anxiety wa contagious and killed our marriage his parent are also extremely anxious i had always been very anxious since we had been together and i just thought that s how i wa and i couldn t change it but since we ve been separated for a while now my anxiety ha stopped not completely but most of it is gone when you re with someone who you trust and love deeply and they make trivial thing into a huge deal it mess with your perception on how to feel and react unbeknownst to me i wa depending on him to determine how i should feel i know i shouldn t have but i did because i wa young and in love and didn t know any better now that i depend on myself since i have no other choice i ve acclimated very well to handling life and situation when we would do thing together or have an issue that needed to be fixed his anxiety would make thing seem ten time worse than what they really were it s not his fault i still love him unfortunately and i m not sure i ll ever get over him but we weren t good for each other in the long haul he s such a wonderful person aside from his mental issue the world is a lot more clear now i know how to determine what is a real problem and how to handle it without the elevated emotion that come with it,1 +equinux com just crashed safari tks you,0 +think survive planeti cant stop reminiscing past happy penniless family ignorant hot tempered parents slightest physically mentally prepared children im proud indoctrinated muslim either still tried keep chin up finished high school got degree tried get job time invest passion tried oh believe me tried ass trying achieve success alas went backfired needbeing broke useless hopeless nobody giving shit you im breaking point already im done hope family able move lives without me,1 +@liodain Oh hey you! Welcome to the crack. You'll get used to it. ,0 +bruh moment millions assignments due week want,0 +hgsdjasoihatelifegdbhsjjnhdgskjlkvfdhkj hi commit alivent unless get reddit coins maybe award something else lol jk hahaha im funny arent,0 +Finished designing a crochet baby bag/blanket set. Setting up elderly crochet now. Wonder if I could do this for a job? ,0 +flag big thing america like australia nearly common see government buildings souvenir shops hardly ever see private property even government buildings usually front flag pole thats one,0 +@mia_queen FINALLY OUt OF SCHOOL! haha and ya i love kids to.,0 +Now I really am desperate. I want a meet and greet pass for the PCD concert. Hope someone would help me get one. Pic paints a 1000 words! ,0 +whathow much take banned rteenagers im aware someone got banned continuously sending gt better cum sink sink cum im wonderingwhat tactics get banned,0 +grew town huge high school athletics pretty much every boy expected play something else treated different spectrum sports thing turned wanted escape reality situation ill first admit bit jock status people barely recognized condition least gave pass it played sports dominated ladies man throughout teen years truly top world year school would hold massive pep rally month school year pep rallys day thing would feature multiple events biggest event athletic competition hundreds students boys girls would compete multiple activities would eliminated one one winner crowned competition freshman sophomore junior year year history event student ever three straight competitions fully prepared win fourth straight complete dynasty athletic director told school would gift scholarship fund able win one time usual breezed competition early comfortably secured spot final round yet again surprises there time finals opponent would first time girl happened freshman tall lanky posed real threat naked eye final round would consist basketball shootout first wins basketball best sport felt almost gifting championship me took early lead ended getting lucky hot streak defeated became champion humiliated went massive depression know deserved one holding trophy seeing hoist killed me rest senior year remains blur me put even salt wound girl defeated would go win competition ththth grade years got dynasty denied of pain comes goes really strong recently humiliated never able live down know silly cannot seem let go past know unhealthy upset years later cannot help think night toss turn thinking could prevented won could one completed dynasty lucky little bitch ruined life cannot get something happened nearly ten years ago advice,1 +"@Michael_Cera Superbad 2 would be so freaking great,LOVED the first one ",0 +someone please talk me someone please helpi think may actually kill today scared never scared entire life help me begging it,1 +@kime13 Thank you so much... Lovely to catch up!,0 +much useless homework aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,0 +@BTSfashiondesgn @mindontleaveme I see where you're coming from but I still think NOBODY deserves to go through that. Going through that caused him depression and anxiety that lead to him trying to committee suicide. Which is really heartbreaking. I hope that it doesn't take to go through that to learn a lesson.,1 +hello goodnight time sleep you dont care time you sleep,0 +@InfinateLove Thank goodness for books on the good subject of twin flames ,0 +want overi dedicated relationship girl like also likes me talking girl several years finally built courage ask wanted spend time together said no supposed do tried exercising working person fee uncomfortable skin almost like dont know could know anyone else please help want someone get old im aging fear im slave fate,1 +im pregnant dark placehey all im quite predicament here im even sure im posting right place wanted post rrelationships want stress conflict im taking place inside head ill give background im f graduated state university may degree business management although im currently unemployed mild depressionanxiety issues teenager mostly subsided point college ive boyfriend m mere months last week period failed show years regular decided would good idea pee stick well still middle pissing little blue plus sign appeared panicked immediately opened second package peed one too positive shouted bathroom boyfriend anxiously waiting standby that yes pregnant upset could read happiness excitement face although knew trying hide it held started crying saying cant this want mother going keep it thats took shoulders told want abortion would look differently killed child got knees kissed stomach love much realized moment him love anything world including myself moment accepted would family went got prenatal vitamins cocoa butter inevitable stretch marks downloaded pregnancy app phone saw images little bambino looks like cant help already feel affection towards it even though point know neither brain consciousness boyfriend already told mom several coworkers even though told good idea still chance losing it day yesterday last night another panic attack boyfriend year college works bartender were poor af quit job weeks ago little week discovered pregnant im behind rent my landlord pretty cool though point is barely afford life theres absolutely way would able afford baby without getting assistance state something never pictured independent educated woman another thing never saw single mom see boyfriend abandoning time soon said before known long promised million times would never leave me allow child grow broken home worse family belong my boyfriend grew foster care great experience strong opinions this easier said done mean look many single moms whose baby daddies promised exact thing personally know several easy give lip service future decides wants something different life eg parent walk away i hand cannot small window time decide want right now im stuck middle never wanted kids reason ever felt like keeping boyfriend truthfully prochoice second discovered pregnant im sure feels wrong deep permeating fear regret even though right given option pregnant would take it last night told boyfriend feelall things id rather put through turmoils pregnancy labor birth challenges parenting amount personal time life body aspects personality would sacrificing went this told im dark place mentally frequent thoughts redflagi see way right now first told im just looking wrong way discussing thoroughly realized seriously bad place mentally agreed supported decision keep it verbally anyways see clearly face body language hurts initially realized even though promises love support this blames himself hes become distant withdrawn seriously know do fear worst relationship keep baby feel though soulmate options feel like cutting left arm right leg want die im lost,1 +best analogy school imagine getting beat near death baseball bat person beating asking dollars week sam thing,0 +@rosesfalling Q1 was what's your fave video #MCRchat,0 +remembers mad cartoon network guys must know im talking about year old remembers too remember days things perfect come home around pm turn tv mads playing ah yes annoying orange spy vs spy theres others stood imo,0 +safe sex survey teenagers only im project safe sex health class please fill following survey honestly possible anonymous still feel like answering personal question to httpsformsglexaredwkmbhspjhttpsformsglexaredwkmbhspj,0 +doe anyone else miss chatting in chat room i do but can t find one i feel comfortable in suggestion please,0 +college student struggling depression since highschool tried calling helplines talking friends family seem work include suicide note go it hope give closure close me thank you include suicide note,1 +serious need help right swa girlfriend mine broken skype started cutting opened schizophrenia telling wants end tonight listen anything say understand way reaching out need advice talk her im sorry wrong place post im kind rush,1 +oh would look thats kahoot please join might well ampgtgtgtampgtgtgtgtgtgtltu ructifjdy,0 +anyone contact uhereismyusername please let knowits incredibly important me,1 +british people really exist ew,0 +damn i m missing twitter have been very busy off late and have not got enuff time to be active on twitter missing all d action,0 +friends years suddenly old one messaged saying hello thought friends even talking old ones makes really uncomfortable dont want leave delivered im panicking,0 +heres songs id recommend price wrong periphery hearteater grave bolt blue chinese football natural selection rings saturn ghost planet purrple cat,0 +my father is very smart he ha so much achievement in his education and he always graduated top on his class his dream profession wa to become an engineer but because they were poor he wa not able to pursue it back then he would always persuade to become an engineer now i m at college studying engineering but i am struggling to keep up with college whenever i share to them my struggle they just expect me to easily overcome it i cry every night thinking that i am just a failure and a disappointment to my family this ha all started when i wa still in elementary and have been reaching a top in the class i wa introduced to the computer and got hooked by it i basically grew up in high school facing my computer most of the time i would no longer study and just play all night long not knowing the impact it that would cause me today my habit have completely changed i became malnourished my education ha deteriorated and i graduated high school not knowing how to add a simple fraction now i am at college i am struggling to keep up especially math and i have a failing grade we have a programming subject and what i have realized is that i actually feel happy when taking the lesson i have been thinking to change my career instead but i know my family would not agree i have so many thought right now about what ifs but the urge to just end my life is too strong because i know at this point of my life i have no chance to succeed i have been thinking about this for week i have completely lost my faith and motivation i am disappointed in myself knowing if i would continue it would only get worse i ve already prepared everything i m only waiting to actually be able to pull the trigger,1 +fairy0 omg wtf sure he talk now i m at school i don t have a phone,0 +feel music were strangers love know rules full commitments im thinking get guy wanna tell im feeling gotta make understand never gonna give never gonna let never gonna run around desert never gonna make cry never gonna say goodbye never gonna tell lie hurt weve known long hearts aching shy say inside know whats going know game were gonna play ask im feeling tell blind see never gonna give never gonna let never gonna run around desert never gonna make cry never gonna say goodbye never gonna tell,0 +"its my birthday!!!!!!! finally 19, woohooooo!!! ",0 +technoblade quotes until get compliment you steal many presents orphans possible,0 +honestly kill gunim male gaydisabled work grocery store part time single relationship mylife feel like everyone putting meto obligated anymore love life feel like burden everyone else mention seem point life feel good gets feel made good memories somaybe end hard myfamily,1 +thats rude ngl,0 +trouble expressing feel might little confusing tired tired existence tired living tired feeling way do like feeling cannot describe go away matter what everyday seems get worse seriously like ever get better years ago type look forward future one dreamed going college great things life exact opposite see future anymore barely graduated high school even want anything want wake tomorrow want continue living want go work want go college anymore want anymore feeling talk gets irritated go away bothers cannot seem explain feels feel empty idk even know world see purpose here know see making change leaving mark world me come world feel like everything would much better left would longer carry feeling around cannot even talk family tendency invalidating feelings making feel like crazy feeling way do wish feeling went away feeling seem go away,1 +How is depression related to education? by OCDE.(March 2018) https://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/docserver/782fc82d-en.pdf?expires=1524681896&id=id&accname=guest&checksum=52930EE1865D474AB5AB38FF3483A1F7 …,1 +m abusing drugs yearsi last sem uni cannot hold regular job move back grandparents like times ruined possibly good notredflag due fucked attachment issues hate this want live life got ghosted person knew attached last time interacted called ridiculed even realise yeah realised blocked literally one left accept grandparents live feel good around feel like socialised properly look old scary fuck idk utter piece shit,1 +"@daNanner Night, darlin'! Sweet dreams to you ",0 +turned last saturday first off birthday great got smash switch eshop gift card brunch favorite italian resturaunt got aswell thats important second need someone tell change number forgot got first place,0 +cant copemy brother stage cancer spreading hes young s battle taking toll him also taking toll mentally emotionally past years extremely difficult see suffer hold together around him hes always best friend amazing bond like were person never imagined life without getting increasingly hard cope im constantly crying cant focus work cant connect others cant sleep used see therapist anxiety issues years ago know see help also large part want get help whats point it mask pain die really see point living without life mean would able enjoy anything ever again hes best kindest funniest person know lately ive fantasizing ways kill becoming frequent tempting theyre usually overdosing something thing keeping trying support goes this,1 +guys isolate pls anyone need company isolate cause one classmates got rona,0 +people like hellosorry bad grammar english first language,0 +pushups decide to day sets pushups situps,0 +anyone else feel like meempty alone putting face day back mind know know youre real life waiting home maybe podcast something cut silence every kinda sit write note youve written several times think life im paid jeep decent job rich enough save bit got dream watch got terrible relationship incredible web support yet find miserable less fortunate life still write still silence lonely life somehow filled people dont much like feeling like this want glad life ive made far however cant seem shake feeling pointless anyone make sense it,1 +so time life antidepressants stop working matter much increase doseage rd antidepressant working anymore year citalopram cycle since now sick all sick medication,1 +im super duper alone basically havent hugged girl year fucking valentine got one broke gf havent even crush like cant find new people connect with dont even know im typing sorry bad england native speak,0 +like fourth time ive shit today filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler,0 +senior portraits tmrw im nervous blonde might breaking hair code dont know makeup anything also imliterally last mf class take em,0 +love cat pickle hate hes cute usually sweet hes kitten sleep lot goes trash gets head stuck potato chip bags make earrings small container jump rings desk theyre different colors around knocked over separate best could oh god thought gonna lose it ran directly window lost tooth got inside geckos tank literally broke lid got inside grabbed could anything else buy new lid chews tuning pegs bass scratched tiddy wore low cut shirt like head butting something hes attacking me literally pooped brothers box spring two days got him thing keeps occupied bubbles still love tho,0 +update finished group project alone ended working hours reaction got was whys presentation long fuck group projects,0 +Lovin ""The Panics - Check them out - http://bit.ly/ABXcX - ,0 +The weather outside today is what depression looks like.,1 +yunno chinas pretty awful place least government runs corporations instead corporations running government,0 +ocean redflag vs sdcci want swim cant fine becoming part ecosystem makes useful ive last decade life know ill get there abuser extremely intensely controlling day badge sdcc amp idea badly wish could instead painfully submitting death kept planning pretending something would work out things kept getting worse me cant stand live another thing supposed never did finished mercy someone elses severe mental illness never getting situation help amp leaves hope sounds trivial dumbass kills themself cant go comic con it though used real toilet weeks shower months even let earn eat more victim horrific abuse collapses crushing weight another hopeful escape yanked reach victim chooses walk field instead playing another forced inning abuser so crying but yall eyes dry amp even lump throat really good time sometimes amp eternally thankful experiences way except die accept now peace you,1 +@Clouds2287 Hm. So I take it the essays are not going so well right now? Perhaps a swap? I have nothing left to lose lol ,0 +@moonfrye THAT WOULD BE MY SON! WITHOUT A DOUBT! HE'S 12 YEARS OLD AND THE AIR THAT I BREATHE & THE LOVE OF MY LIFE! ,0 +need commit redflag save worldthe world better without me truly life ending would save lives many others want leave world knowing saved lives much coward though someone help end life really jump closest bridge right now im much puy,1 +watch video bio idk is apparently pretty spicy,0 +plan lot things act impulsively everything go downhill,0 +left live fori feel like im letting everyone around down mother keeps telling everyone sacrificed much able attend college im selfish dont anything return dont know anymore ive hated put last years finally feel happy want actually start putting mental health first get called selfish dont know please anyone even myself im fucking burden im sitting clutching bottle pills trying decide dying would better worse,1 +"Single drag of #cannabis can alleviate depression, 2 can ease anxiety and 10 can slash stressStudy sheds light on how psychoactive compounds in cannabis — affect levels of stress, anxiety, and depression. https://buff.ly/2HpjwV6 ",1 +you know kalau aku percaya semua benda kat internet aku probably ada anxiety adhd depression and some form of cancer,1 +@SeRoBe achja welcome to twitter ,0 +anyone actually jacked someone sub fucking doubt tbh probably mentality trusting one internet shit also sub gets real sus sometimes,0 +"to those who support this scientifically debunked fact, you've clearly never experienced severe mental illness. situational depression and long term depression are not the same thing. i suggest you do some research into the genetic factors that cause depression or bipolar",1 +whats point fighting pain die eventuallyi cant take pain anymore,1 +ur one ticket get questions answered yo boomer ask away,0 +im trying tonighti let live once extra time living showed living worth it care anymore still gotten better school fact ive gotten worse cant focus think hurt people classes halls ive previously wronged im failure well classes instead one now come home homework fall asleep stress wake go back school saturday waste life sunday im dragged church im unintentionally berated am waste rest day physically able concentrate homework im overloaded im burnt out cant tutoring im scared talk teachers either like get mad know content ill never able meet goal pet fox one fucking thing could possibly give life meaning even id suck it pass college cant get easily fail high school im stupid college point want to cant get job lazy ive gotten want stay parents burden down cant take five years school everything seems broken sexuality work ethic speech way look way think memory hearing eyesight everything nobody ever expressed interest me one case someone has turned away stupid impulsive assholish side myself cant talk professional cant fix situation medicate lie situation care leave theyll get it letting suffer people might get sad most people school probably get disappointed best finally end seems selfish part me im getting put meds want blind drugs hellish situation im living in parents get real care apparently real therapists christian enough many reasons im stupid remember right now im tired im trying new version last time likely real time even know im posting im set this end miserable cycle soon im lost cause id rather pass away radar everyone forgets ever existed im sorry make sense forgot something im god awful writer cst im it hours left goodbye,1 +@EvaTEsq night! I am right behind ya ,0 +i dont even know were to start i hope this reach the right people ive been suicidal all my life with shit ton trauma built on to it and a recent sa ive just been good at hiding it i feel a i dont have anyone to talk to about how i feel or have someone truly love and care for me rhe way i need it i need someone to hold me at night and tell me everything is gon na be okay i need reassurance constantly i need to be able to talk to someone and feel like they are listening giving advice or what they can do ive felt that if i die tomorrow it is what it is i didn t even think i d make it to 9 yr im gon na be 0 in month and god if i make it i d be shocked,1 +walter white john wicks nerdy cousin literally killed countless amount people beans danger one knocks,0 +dad hearing want kill myselfhe basically went list things get trouble subreddit dealing suicidal person anyways im sitting bed crying now,1 +multigaming network would like share everyone hello name matt multigaming network called tls community servers want share community world small community were trying expand horizons different sections server mainly consists csgo players csgo surf servers small community small portion minecraft survival smp players also rust server dying might get rid soon unless turns around something bigger everyone community worked hard today know writing going get you ask please join good time movie nights make new friends make memories came together one community based gaming discord would like join heres link httpsdiscordcominvitecdxashttpssteamcommunitycomlinkfilterurlhttpsdiscordcominvitecdxas well hope see there,0 +wanna talk pleasehey someone help me lost stuck need talk it,1 +decorate room stayed since years want cool vibe im thinking rgb lights stuff anything guys mind do,0 +headache,0 +i feel crap after last night :/ but it's such a nice day outside http://tinyurl.com/m54qyq,0 +coming friends follow right here anyone knows irl sees this hi bi like dress feminine please let know see this thats it might delete post later idk,0 +cannot handle hurry wait life supposed exercise eat eat right sleep sleep well keep clean take medicine get job keep dates appointments etcdoing one things exhausts days angry feel stuck doctorsfamilyfriends give advice try help need heard right tired fighting hard stay alive world miserableim going leave know many health issues make depression much worse transitional stage life clue sometimes feelings intense people cannot hear trying sayeven things happiness take time money energy supposed need relief anything ever given relief everything getting much worse medicines mess much taking makes even worse like right now never posted needed get looking place therapy feel like screaming underwater supposed,1 +talk someonei tried talk someone either ignore tell im trying manipulate them tried get therapy ive waiting list year ive called redflag hotline redflag hotline tell try things bullshit lol nobody gives shit nobody bothered im dead theyll parade around make fault oh shouldve talked me fucking tried nobody listened feel like im screaming im pain everybody walks past cant anymore im scared ill go hell,1 +flirting fucking hard yesterday crush came asked like me panicked said ew fuck no youre like brother issues yes couldve left make sure dug hole deeper,0 +"#quietkarma - if my heart was an instrument, it would be a piano. Wish I'd learnt to play it properly when I had the chance. ",0 +ventis largest cup size starbucks thought grande cuz know grand size,0 +think timei think time leave world behind me boyfriend two years recently kicked vacation broke me caused move back familys house always caused want kill self caused mental illnesses depression etc gotten worse worse month cant anymore mother absolutely psychotic cant bear anymore im fucking depressed im gonna bring dog back shelter mother obsessed laying fifteen wee wee pads lovely room share cant even afford anymore barely works doesnt pay anything pay food phone bill anything need shes fucking psychotic shell lash telling worthless forgot clean fucking dog cage cooked us changed ten pads hour got home took piss god fucking forbid right obsession refuses walk past dog snaps claims sure shell wake hours night pick dog put minuscule fucking bed havent slept month anything goes wrong life fault show emotion im worthless want world know fault dont support friends friends coworkers see work im allowed go dog cry dont license cant afford fix car go take road test one let borrow car take test dont hang anyone cant take classes support family three cant learn anyone cant hang anyone everyone work doesnt support anymore telemarketers supposed fake til ya make everyone drinks koolaif everyones solution get fuck get fucking money dno license cant rent dog anxiety cries eats carpet im home dog fucking depressed send back shelter ill fucking lose wont live myself need die truly fucking way out like wheel keeps turning god damn head like many times going interrupt many times gonna make want die today selfish gonna today rude going others around make uncomfortable cant anymore cant anymore cant anymore cant anymore cant anymore cant anymore cant anymore cant anymore,1 +is not a happy chappy,0 +need something week know what something needs happenive posted before im typically hit report cps school care family care friends need something happen either need run away or really hoping are options kill myself know do moms narcissist literally waiting kill say i tried everything able fixed cant really successfully runaway told mom that laughed said shed police track within hour option think killing myself im scared so obviously one issue many issues deal with not locked quarantine people im tired act calm reporting cps cps care send home whole world telling kill myself yet able it yet now info saying not possible get help people love you options,1 +ironicisnt ironic guy helped pull least people redflag one listen cry help ironic person spends much time voluntarily counseling people online one go to ironic one cares one notice gone cant anymore im done,1 +love movie disney channel ridiculous playing anymore think definitely put susie q back air least one night record it anyone know find it email cristinaimcom please email know find movie online anywhere told kids movie think deserve see also disney movies coming fake boring need susie q back great movie great actors see taken air everyone loves movie much taken air please take comment consideration along comments made movie thank you nice day,0 +good luck psats good luck everyone taking psat morning minutes going great make sure read every question carefully lets great,0 +im tiredspent last years life watching father wither away im mediocre mediocre job im mediocre college degree actually care about girlfriend years im madly love slipping away me days off time anything ive depressed since age never gets better think ive ever felt worthless,1 +going to Rove tonight ,0 +someone talk asapim fucking mess im almost even start know im young theres lot live whatever please hear out im adopted relationship real dad akward whatever typical black dad clue mom doing know shes addict somewhere cali adoptive family strange situation two loving parents make lot money dont really know parent kid like me does three adoptive kids family slowly grown disfunctional shit load problems myself adhd lifelong depression bipolar disorder lot undiagnosed things idk explain super impulsive thought absolutely crazy like killing someone ive never made plan come close anything near that knowing mind mere second bothers shit me never found genuine happiness life ive situations feel like shouldve happy grateful cant feel it scariest part think im going crazy im starting hear voices extreme mood swings crazy stuff making body feel like braking down bad used college offers basketball sophomore yearand im starter ive tried kill many times permanently fucked quality life huffing has taking benadryl shit ton opioids brain isnt nearly used be im going downhill since junior high shit ton hydrocodone room dont see much stopping me im sure something inside telling ask support cant tell parents ill get locked facility like last year please help something stupid,1 +"and now, to quote the Soup Dragons...."I'm free, to do what I want, any old time....." At least until fall. ",0 +@dhlawrencexvii thank you ,0 +hate awards really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really hate awards,0 +still here feel physically closer death tho nice back,1 +@damienmulley Glad to hear you're enjoying your BT Broadband service. We're here if you need us. ,0 +anyone else got scam message sugar mommy person idk told choke dick,0 +http://twitpic.com/6ed7j - Oh yes ,0 +user risk believehttpswwwredditcomraskredditcommentsuvqdhow_does_somebody_hang_themself_with_a_beltutm_sourceredditandroidhttpswwwredditcomraskredditcommentsuvqdhow_does_somebody_hang_themself_with_a_beltutm_sourceredditandroid also wrote poem recently hanging know else get help im posting here edit herehttpswwwredditcomrddlccommentsutbnxi_will_be_freeutm_sourceredditandroid poem umeemraud,1 +leaving here need place ranti want fucking kill myself ive ever typed words written words even said aloud unless knew alone loving family friends boyfriend idea one friend best friend ubderstands depression job five pounds name feel like shit waste space going one day next fuck all times get drink makes things worse drunk horrid embarrassing hungover darkest cant push seek help cant see point so would easier swallow pills run knife across throat live mind anymore thing stopped cant family ive started stop caring im scared future holds one,1 +katsun at this point i m trying to remain optimistic that it won t be a delayed a live but it s getting harder each day,0 +cant anymoreive tried kill twice wish id succeeded last summer months ago hospitalized could anything cant say really helped me told pdoc therapist well two weeks ago maybe was im sure ive telling people im okay anything myself know keep promise last night started writing note say goodbye everyone love feels like relief decide it people tell ive lot past couple years im stronger survived honestly feel tiredness cant fight anymore anything keeping here ive tried think things tether life ive come nothing im tired cycle bad place last year too never ends ive tried every kind medication cocktail imaginable ive even tried vitamin supplements im tired cant this,1 +Going to eat breakfast with Julia ,0 +dont deserve live anymorefor years felt sorry depressed recently realized fault mine only ruined it family loved me friends cared everything else high honors school college bound bright future popular kid happy wither away alone hopeless wasted youth childhood behind me escape constant drug use hope all ive felt suicidal before ive cliff ive pills hand feels different know follow doubt mind should everyones sake,1 +know myselfi start first year high school next monday think ill make it within single day ive almost killed multiple times people could care less existed honestly agree more,1 +fuck people giving excited awards suicidal postsare excited someone hurting excited someone wants end life cmon guys make sense awards choose lets think actions sensitive sub ffs,1 +mild chest pain days ago posted loss taste smell although seems better morning awoke bit chest pain intolerable still breath fine ive mild symptoms far past days something worry about,0 +scratch prevent breaking downwhenever mother yells me get suicidal things shes saying anxiety attack maybe dont really know is want go away cry scream cant scratch arm pain distracts actually breathe normally dont know thing except scratching distract me,1 +im sitting trying decide whether kill want talk someonethe reason want think girlfriend might angry do tried samaritans get words out,1 +else would say dont feel confident used to im look back cringe stuff said like whatever shower thought made realise back then id saying whatever want say whoever want really think it basically confidence make jokes front class matter shit cringey one would laugh them really talk friends really anyone else im saying confidence since starting secondary school basically high school call different uk confidence definitely gone down,0 +Back in Greenville. Going to passout for a few days. So happy to be back!! ,0 +@jazzychad The guy's a little off balance from running across America ,0 +ur tinker free day yesterday less headache also whatd miss lol,0 +doi think anxiety depression last time tried get help made everything worse know feel like cant tell friends cant bear them talk family either last time tried ended really badly made feel worse feel hopeless time want live want die either want cry time whenever start enjoy something get upset know ill feel even worse after,1 +hi i m m from texas and i d like to talk to someone that feel like they don t belong i d love to do my best to help out anyone and everyone i don t judge and i will happy to talk to anyone and if you so happen to end up having a crush on me then let me know i will always be here to talk to you and i will never leave you to be alone without a damn good reason i don t care who you are or what you are i m straight but that won t stop me from helping everyone out no matter their sexuality i hope that we can become good friend and i d love to maybe meet yall one day i m here for yall to vent to or yell at or just absolutely destroy if you need to just message me and i ll do my best to help you,1 +gotobekiddingme i tried and failed,0 +your mama wear your sneaker you enter depression,1 +ranti going commit redflag longer reason to simply ive waited long im s people depending me ive wanted kill teens intensive treatment redflag watch times late teens early s many people grew depression thought would heart hearts think deserve break quite people fate thinks otherwise cant think moment life would bring say glad didnt kill myself become envious people managed it died young would still promising life cut short im middle aged person failed wait end long painful way suggesting anyone kill themselves,1 +itim tonight get home fucked amp dog got chocolate hospital cant let happen again cant trusted anything everyone better me especially her im sorry everyone tried hard hurt people tried hard worthwhile loved hard wont let hurt anyone anymore,1 +@colossalblue Nah that's the one I meant ,0 +cant wake upi suicidal lately super hard trip xans came realization small unnecessary idk im killing tonight getting close ever dont kill myself sorry wanted somewhere ramble shit,1 +homicide junkies there movie great every single character ever show made appearance movie helped resolve but all issues series unfortunately unless actually watch series enjoyment would lost movie made heavy references every season shows existence probably would appropriate series finale opposed separate movie gotta take get hope make movies continue feature homicide characters law order,0 +fighting suicidal ideationthis first time posting hope im following rules ok ive shared thoughts redflag private things getting really difficult wanted hear people life fight thoughts redflag necessarily looking help tips hear peoples experiences interested ill include background deal sex addiction recently ex found cheating them amongst allegations due lost friends job im essentially ostracized anyone community outside recovery support system ive dealt thoughts redflag long time feelings exacerbated issues isolation seasons changing covid fact ex repeatedly told world favor kill myself put simply im really struggling helped fight hopelessness been make lists reasons kill self including anything silly makes feel even slightly happier hiking connecting nature mindful things cookeat mindful body health recently started yoga exercise regular phone calls contact support system curious hear others get rut hope everyones well,1 +pet names dating personal opinion know people might disagree im cool with anyway honestly dont like usual pet names people give relationship stuff like babebabyprincessqueenkingsweetiedarlingetc dont know weird me wouldnt rather nickname personalized you seems common plus reason think babe baby makes think parents dont wanna think that they used call that so thats rant wanted say hope yall wonderful rest daynight ps ive always disliked sappy stuff dont know im weird,0 +ads life insurance crack fuck upwouldnt fantastic family receive half million dollars pay mortgage gone funeral dreams luxury coffin bitch give half million dollars right,1 +hope redflag troll catches me need helpi know ready need make sure dont end braindead paralyzed make successful formulation,1 +fear friend die day nowone friend always suicidal since met tried best help her unfortunately days saying stuff like these last messages no one help me things like making friends really worried done overdose talks selfharm words cant describe worried anxiety really bad this got understanding issues take lot time understand stuff usually someone simplify things me english even first language talks english makes conversation pretty bad feel like going commit redflag day im sad feel bad feel like help much,1 +want photos spiderman run local newspaper need photos spiderman expose really is menace society,0 +i think i m just a bother to everyone i m going to hurt someone depression imheret 0,1 +sleep socks onand feel sleeping socks on i tried first time heavy long socks felt really nice woke up benefits according healthline prevent hot flashes women find wearing socks helpful cooling core body temperature improve cracked heels wearing cotton socks moisturize help keep heels drying out increase potential orgasms according the bbchttpsnewsbbccoukhihealthstm researchers accidentally discovered wearing socks increased participants ability achieve orgasm percent decrease chance raynauds attack raynauds disease affected areas skin usually toes fingers lose circulation start throb swell wearing socks night help prevent attack keeping feet warm blood circulating,0 +"There are many failings in raising boys. Mainly, we're not always taught to deal w/ emotion, that its ok to feel & express pain, to admit fault, be okay w/ our shortcomings, to focus on growth. That depression doesn't mean you're alone, that anger/mania should never be weaponized",1 +anyone want talk call skypeive spoken situation much keep light im sorry bother butim craving killing ive wanting nearly years now night im going coward chicken,1 +heyyy doing fellow british teens haha kidding im american fuck,0 +sorry sinned guys fellow comrades become creepy simp know fairly attractive female posted picture without braces on found mega attractive sudden find texting saying braces suck must relief get offi recently go taken off eventually gave snap foolish mistake probably found creepy replied im btw looks around age im sorry gang simped failed,0 +attract women cannot disability due mental illness torture would easier chance am could easily die wish sex drive would stop,1 +loseri year old female achieved nothing life unemployed year law degree law make lawyer uk process complex seeing people age getting married moving new cities becoming famous big things thier lives like getting elected member parliament forbes list feel like loser live world young successful society evaluates you never boyfriend still virgin society thinks something wrong virgin age unemployed living home wanted make world better place relationship man deeply loved me going kill dont want see next years future due recession covid older get less attractive men wish died covid seeing people died wish me much live wheras dont suicidal years life dont belong world,1 +im y o my mom died when i wa 9 and ever since then ive had no motivation to do anything i used to be into sport a lot football baseball basketball track and i wa pretty good at it too but ever since my mom passed i just cant seem to be happy fr people always ask me why i gave up why my grade went down why im not how i wa year ago when i go to school im a pretty popular person and i d like to think im a pretty funny person and fun person to be around but when i get home im alone just me and my thought and it literally killing me ive thought about killing myself multiple time and im sure the only reason i haven t is because i couldn t put my father through that please give me some type of advice i honestly dont think i can do this any longer amp x 00b i posted this under a different subreddit about two week ago i took the advice people gave to me and it didint work everything just feel like it wont get better no matter how hard i try i genuinely feel like there no escape and that killing myself is the best option people always say oh you need to do what would make your mother happy okay and what about what make me happy i wan na play sport again so badly but my dad to scared to let me because he doesn t want me to lose sight in my other eye to be honest football basketball and baseball where some of the only thing that made me happy and now that i cant play them it just make everything worse i just miss my mom she wa the only person that made me happy really and i really didnt even get that much time with her,1 +plz hlp me device maybe min plz responq quicklya days ago tried od vyvanse adhdfor awake next morning terrifying hallucinations still aliveapparently need upwards doubledigit thousands mg deadly pills left cant get refill another ish tens parents know tried kill self do chromebook m max plz respond soon wish use discord use link httpsdiscordggjwdvvhttpsdiscordggjwdvv plz hurry starting panic im going do,1 +Just want you guys to know that David Deluise does NOT have a twitter. My t.v. dad is cool but not that cool. I love him and you guys!,0 +"@jennylau Aw, you're the cutest Jersey sends its love too, especially some tiny dogs.",0 +missed k earnings stock market cant even think straight go work im upset thinking ending nowtitle im retard watching everyone make gains lose money wish dead might throw money see happens kill self point life rigged,1 +rant highs high lows very low creeping back in unable comprehend random chaotic mind right now way easy one bad guy hate abuser molesterwhat burns hes gotten away it hes happy new born sure forgiven him know never stop hating me existence reminder guilt betrayal inflicted me every time thinks me cannot accept fact wrong people defend her manipulated abused know well well enough know even touches self thinks him memories had good felt rush excitement deep regret it cannot stand fact story one loved her bad guy creeping back again answer leaving crazy world,1 +fuck itwe fuck bother anymore friends care me girl like ignores me dont see point trying survive anymore see point wasting oxygen know need fucking help fucking scared get it screw it,1 +my feet hurt and im going to meijer. bbl. ,0 +recently i have been feeling really strange and unsure emotionally i feel a lot of thing but i don t know how to express them i think my life is not worth it and my presence doesn t really matter here i know i am rational enough to never do something to myself but i do have thought from time to time but i know if given an opportunity to end everything painlessly without hurting the people i love i would do it,1 +gonna happen somedayi dont know how dont even know im posting this maybe want heard even theres nothing anyone change feel ive gone flat used sad used get angry ive happy comfort ive felt feelings dont words for used try convince change perspective even believe level insanity create imaginary will already lived life ive loved ive minutes fame ive traveled met amazing people way crash course living meaningful life gone great experiences distracted me never really felt different ive tried everything soul given up im practically already dead satisfy others selfishness taxes feel coming whenever think time brings sense peace eventually finally go move next stage world become vurtual me scripted bland already know say know wont change anything way sense enlightenment know theres nothing anyone say me nothing anyone planet me mind mine already know hearts deepest pain nothing forever know random probably good day rather bad one everyone say feel need say im gone maybe heard,1 +@SBSNews Oh that's really going to alleviate their problems and lift them from the nadir of depression. They can sing around the campfire and reminisce about the good times.,1 +morbid catholic writer gerard reve jeroen krabb homosexual alcoholic frequent visions death invited give lecture literature club vlissingen railway station amsterdam feels noncorresponded attraction handsome man embarks another train gerard introduced treasurer club beautician christine halsslag rene soutendijk wealthy widow owns beauty shop sphinx one night stand next morning gerard sees picture christines boyfriend herman thom hoffman recognizes man saw train station suggests bring herman house spend couple days together secret intention seducing man christine travels kln bring boyfriend gerard stays alone house drinks whiskey snoops safe finding three film reels names men decides watch footages discover christine married three guys died tragic accidents later gerard believes christine witch question whether herman doomed fourth husband br br the ambiguous the vierde man another magnificent feature paul verhoeven dutch phase story supported excellent screenplay uses catholic symbols build tension associated smart dialogs magnificent performance jeroen krabb role disturbed alcoholic writer stunning cinematography inconclusive resolution open interpretation like many european movies explore common sense intelligence viewers mediocre directors use front nudity men promote films however paul verhoeven uses nudity gerard reve part plot never aggressive seeking sensationalism last least androgynous beauty sexy rene soutendijk perfectly fits role woman attracts gay writer vote eightbr br title brazil o o homem the th man,0 +whats pointwhat point living keep going every day dont want anymore dont see anymore imagine future doesnt bring joy makes dread living hundreds days imagine used dream job could care less anymore hobbies mean nothing me weeks behind schoolwork finals starting monday dont see point anymore everything feels miserable,1 +going buy sleeping pills od favor aunti waste skin death oding hanging seems like way shit in tried choking myself gave headache no anything live for would world favor goodbye world wish died sooner,1 +@jbernoff I promise you that this will be a wonderful day ,0 +anyone else feel like parents even though do mine essentially npcs im glad im ngl would kinda cool sort guidance smthing,0 +just heard eminem s new single it s official he fell off just heard eminem s new single it s official he fell off,0 +@keeperofdreams hail to thee keeper and maker of dreams. - I haven't checked to see how the HT party went (I slept),0 +tell fucking discord friends basically vining motherfucker said yoo wish worms went censored would moan like hell man decided mute like minutes,0 +im yall porn while skipped nnn cuz thought stupid time im cutting porn really know yall dont care holding accountable,0 +@daisyrjordan awww thanks haha added you xx,0 +guy help i really need your opinion im a person who can overthink fromca simple thing just like now i feel bad for them my terrkr teach ask my friend and it take a minute so i decided to help but she got a wrong answer and i feel bad because i give a wrong answer do you think she hate me or mad at me gmfor giving a wrong answer because our terror teacher scold her but i dont know if she is mad at me but on our gc she just commenting on how she wa scared like that and i dont know if she mad st me,1 +rated econtains violencebr br i original spiderman game pc couple years nowi still beaten windows xp glitch one level cant beat itso warned xpbut xp give game tryits fun clean family game action great spiderman fanin game play spiderman take various criminals commit crimesspiderman fun little game recommend spiderman fan parent wanting funclean game kidsbr br ,0 +off to bed now... nytynyt tweety tweet tweets... ,0 +want make game like visual novel not cant draw save life tho,0 +officially dancing queen seventeen today bitchesssss young sweet,0 +this is kind of a weird question this week ha been kind of low and slow life turned into a little more greyscale and i can feel an imminent depressive episode coming to say hey but i don t wan na do that right now i need to be focused right now on school for the near future and it s absolutely the worst time to sulk in my bed every day i know this is a fruitless attempt anyways but how do i block this episode out before my mind shuts down how do i recharge my battery before it even run out fuck you depression fuck you,1 +goodbye teenage years offical longer teenager fun all entered depression s words wisdom go college right away know want spent whole freshman year constant panic figured sophmore year fun mental illnesses please get help finally got medication year old changed life im good advice thats got best luck teens,0 +past days going onto week weird sometimes scary dreams never same one trapped old school bullies could move another semilucid within dream point could kind walk idea was weird dreams coming nowhere really messing depression anyone could give helpful advice really need it weirdscary dreams,1 +always one thingbeyond issues things im going including mildly want life myself im even stressed take hours maybe part time gig help mom needs like k else loses everything like everything loses house everything it debts already remains even past losing everything said im mildly worried shes worth dead alive great life insurance policy half million dollars redflag clause life dont know do whether help ways money way back hometown without spending round trip greyhound gas car fuck im student idk much really help im already fucking fasting meal prepping lose weight save ton money areas cut back pay internet cheapest phone plan already cheapest room could find idk do dont want lose way life childhood home dont want lose way trying rock provider helper someone give perspective maybe guidance do although want life also hope everyone would fine without clearly isnt case lost everything im afraid would give too,1 +stuck abusive environment best anyone say hang therethey understand wears people thin cannot hang there forever possible solution way out therapy useless path abuse victims,1 +#3wordsduringsex u nasty boy lmfao,0 +@ginoboi hi gino! hope u havva good day today! ,0 +think ill kill definitely chanceshi rredflagwatch theres lot going last year much feel want type post could take day basically ive fighting losing battle small victorys helping get worst parts example passed driving theory test two days ago anyway ill give background help problems around two years ago got first real relationship girl named abbey months relationship got really drunk party got really angry told slow bit tried make one friends party needless say work make her remaining months relationship acted extremely distant unloving showered praise around february last year broke her bad good break time extramly sad able calmly talk come undersanding however mother time told disappointed get literally two days said must raised wrong im fucked anyway time got job mcdonalds hated quit got kicked house got forced move back house normal school issues however mind school much rampant suicidal thoughts generally scared future sad life throughout time abbey would message wed talk couple days stopped never really stopped feelings towards talk without feeling like shit ok heres real problem started talking two months ago ended started casual sex weekly know great idea said begging chose date people would ok would stop this one friends asked couple days ago im ok went date none told lied come round went worked here texts tmrw today worked outhttpimgurcomaho read left bit hope gives general gist im trying say honestly never fell love think thats really something know me do,1 +ditty00 i m looking at mine and i can t even get to it school work suck atleast when u get home that s it lol,0 +drinking help redflagnot death alcoholism help alcohol make easier hang something,1 +"Hocking Fleur Bowl, Hocking Bowl Set, Anchor Hocking, Hocking Fleur, Chip and Dip Glass,Hocking Glass Bowl, Fleur Gold Dish, Depression http://tuppu.net/1980de88  #Etsy #AbateVintage #FleurChipBowl https://www.etsy.com/AbateVintage/listing/495300722/hocking-fleur-bowl-hocking-bowl-set?utm_source=etsyfu&utm_medium=api&utm_campaign=api …",1 +@___daniela : thats the one I just got. its good but strong; but im mixing the whipped cream into it so its better ,0 +want stop experiencing lifeim really sure im posting need somewhere vent im fucking empty tired know science says effort put easier something gets feel true eating much work im depressed try hard fail continuously school tomorrow almost midnight sunday choose getting enough sleep getting work done trick cant either slept well week everytime think work feel anxious literally cannot make it top im empty numb bored time summer thought structure school would help really didnt feel bad considering entire education waste days im depressed remember anything past depressed years made gpa low year matter all ive disassociated states past months nothing meaning anymore seems even non depressed perspective humanity stupid shallow boring friends people ive dated bore me maybe im depressed also feel theyre painfully inexperience im interested one anything im anxious leave house depressed override anxiety time parents completely negligent child sports hobbies communities im in see ever super depressed hated medication tried im tired try another med month experience terrifying side effects know fix life stays like know long be im planning commit redflag seriously need help,1 +wake morning first thought want dieyou want die eat want die try sleep want die work want die exercise want die shower want die phone sure sometimes get focused present forget im moment obviously soon enough though comes again wonder every night next morning thought would stop coming like magic course moment wake thought pops head daily ritual like current situation hard me thing thats hard cant get thoughts come true either get thoughts action thoughts gone tried twice already didnt work wasnt able myself dont know afraid suffocated several minutes maybe gunshot would easier country in thats possible im sick therapy im sick tests took last years im sick talking strangers encounter job life boring used like gaming used like technology dont stuff anymore dont interest anymore reason ive done things know about current merely remnant past used curious nothing really intrigues anymore miss old past self hes gone now im tired tired living like people get hungry dont eat long enough want die ive lived long without pauses wish easy eating,1 +fuck itill valentine noone stop,0 +sweeeeet! found my first cache ever!!! up in tobermory! ,0 +holy shit said yes hell yeah confessed crush likes back fucking pog edit yall feel lonely tell person like like them close friends enjoy company ask want friends even like back sure feel lonley always someone there,0 +and i am now a division of one,0 +said yes now except well get far,0 +tbh i just have no one to talk to and really need input atm i have alot of health anxiety and right now i ve convinced myself i have a blood clot in my leg and i m completely freaking out i dont think there swelling and my skin color look the same but the knee im worried about ha red stretch mark on the back and the other side s are colorless idk if thats new there a sharp pain behind my left knee and i m on birth control amp i vape so i took an asprin out of fear it worth noting i also have autoimmune issue could this be an actual clot what should i do am i totally overthinking how can i tell,1 + feels like ive lived long lifelife flies better enjoy lasts etc statements born peoples inability comprehend like hate life really mean hate cannot say close worthwhile long level fatigue burnout things imagine old man years have cannot fucking another year let alone so theyll say parts life distant memory thus feel like flew by ill remember due constant panic pain feel every moment brain absolutely throttled fog confusion lucidity enemy may well even person times experiencing it need bad cant anymore couldnt years ago time gotten worse cant,1 +feel like deathi straight want die right now feeling bad really bad might ok later right feel like death,1 +im horrible person dont even deserve diebecause dying biggest wish thats it,1 +thicc bois hmu uppercut thicc booty _____________,0 +brett piper makes good film trashed called film experts low budget fun leading lady sexy wish could see irene joseph good viewing fun bought dvd enjoyed it special effects stop motion animation much better computer generated crap call effects today always enjoy brett piper movies liked recommend bite me screaming dead anything else done look forward seeing work well ms joseph simply cannot see woman movies acting excellent,0 +tom berenger put soul sgt barnes done thomas beckett thought world folding first scenes nothing compared much felt last scenes great movie even girl,0 +im sorry im sorry making bunch posts pppie im sorry deleted posts,0 +movie brighten day sure kermit frog ordinary frog swamp talent agent stops tells hollywood looking frogs movie lol way kermit meets fozzie bear miss piggy gonzo chicken camilla rowlf electric mayhem bunsen honeydew beaker also trailing kermit proprietor restaurant chain doc hoppers french fried frog legs things considered though kermit muppets make hollywoodbr br this movie recommended everyone young oldbr br it wonderful musical numbers like the rainbow connection im going go back someday movin right along muppets also use many forms transportation movie kermit rides bike fozzie drives studebaker another car gonzo takes flight bundle helium balloons which one favorite moments way kermit rest muppets finally go rest way electric mayhems bus dr teeth floyd janice scooter animal meet desert fozzies car breaks downbr br even sesame street muppets make cameo appearances ie big bird walking along road way nyc break public television end also heartwarming moment every single muppet created final scene along final rainbow connection reprisebr br but poor muppets worked hard movie set comes crashing down camera explodes huge ball sparks think everything ruined destroyed rainbow comes shining roof end sums magic film know everything rightbr br perfect watch it enchanted fun sadness movie,0 +one caredafter sending ex girlfriend goodbye text hoping paramedic would find family told could half whatever money half would go best friend pushing away afew months anyways told mother could figure myself called principal spoke mother told bring hospital without even speaking anyone assumed mean made joke said something mean concern miss me best friend completely cut contact fault ex still wants nothing me cant blame either,1 +m married kids successful almost jumped story building todayi dealt depression minimum years diagnosed reality likely dealing entire life depression anxiety ptsd adult due multiple traumas life including molestation family member course several years young child teen years ive countless meds counseling hospital done heavy counseling month still continue find darkness despair life ive married twice second marriage failing struggle lack sex life zero sex drive also causes issues mental stability likely due sexual abuse gotten point really care anymore im religious man believe god jesus died sins also fear committing redflag ill go hell honestly thats thing stopping me kids wife parents friends today close jumping roof parking ram work stories concrete im pretty sure header would job quickly painfree reason though it much pain suffer much honestly believe life believe get better im ruining family depression hurting kids cant check least let live without me cant find peace continue suffer day day day pain end,1 +ok bitchim going fucking sleep still wanna die despite people messaging once night,1 +like snapcheddar reddit memes snapchedit reddar memes hm either way im aware dank world ripe snapcheddits it boys,0 +bedtime wake up call at am,0 +"@LJsBaby Will be It happens, just get on with it. Coffee & cornflakes will help ",0 +im coming closet man air getting really thin,0 +nobody would care notice gonethat,1 +shiner is taking up all my bed and blanket,0 +fun fact breathing reading post fun fact,0 +life hard want dieive come point care come across weak normal people truth is nothing look forward life everything seems bleak distract long inevitably all oh well guess ill stick around find way easier painless,1 +i just think about dying almost every god damn minute and it so annoying,1 +sitting seb and waiting for hour bad customer service,0 +lets honest hentai addiction came subliminal messages cartoons,0 +@JustinePHAC @agnosticQuest @onfiremission The talk is about resilience - recognition that pain and suffering is normal is part of the healing process. Depression can make it seem that we are alone and unique in our suffering - recognition that we aren't is essential to health.,1 +anyone ottawa ontario im looking people ottawa area talk to,0 +first youtube video made closer today look months years months since video made back video made years months away december ,0 +im ready plan redflagimagine chronically ill slowly killing you imagine active person young s sick hospitals wheelchair imagine dislocating times day thats tip iceberg pain wise like youre ripped apart crushed time im done things keep happening things keep happening fears theres nothing death black leaving family friends dont want hurt anyone many illnesses diagnosed ptsd times yeah things tip breaking point ive tried staying strong want believe god dont want nothing tomorrow makeup last time tomorrow ill say goodbye parents grandpa tomorrow ill give one last good memory me ill leave court documents mom take lawsuit company caused major car accident resulting airlifted ill call friends siblings ill finish hard drive send man groomed took family body still damaged mind forever ill write notes mother taking people civil criminal courts tonight ill type will saturday night ill overdose somewhere loved ones wont see associate dying im done im done theres one wish family okay black something something real want watch loved ones dont want die wanted live life living want smell flowers hike again dance again want go gorge wanted live bad help people cant anymore cant,1 +funny how niggas default on contracts and payment ect....and at the end of the day.....i still got paid ,0 +yall live oklahoma city area im going weekend wondering yall cool things check im,0 +@gordonamy I'm envious of all the web events you get to attend in NY. Absolutely nothing like that here in Halifax ,0 +laugh cry yesterday went local library goal mind subject thats mind lot lately im crack addict reading learning decided thats wanted drive happy ass there walk make bline straight desk theres always two three old women pretending work im pretty sure mutter breath please talk me keep walking fucker give customer service smile well hate ruin day lady im learn today ask old lady books redflag gives nastiest look face scrunched much couldve passed sharpei high old grandma voice shrieked no again lend anymore since never get back none happened course clever ruse make feel invested post itd harder skip it terribly sorry deception actuality post ive gotten point now throwaway account spill life story entirety internet make previous betrayal though hide ss somewhere post onto point whole show ive pretty suicidal lately ive multiple redflag attempts multiple mean thirty ive came close four times dead winter one morning walked middle woods drank bottle liquor took coat off changed mind almost make next impossible get back move next one drowning myself overdosing vsed point im early thirties ive lived life people live theyre fifties due incompetence mother ive lost siblings sorts nastiness sister managed kill alcoholism age four years ago jaundiced hell back organs shut down went coma never woke up mother let get away drinking since ten well letting sorts people house used hard drugs her sibling got wrong side law got less deserved second born lot problems growing up lot mentally challenged made life really hard always told everyone family ill end ditch someday ill living bridge constantly berated belittled always told reason hard time lazy trying hard enough told actually sick even more get distinct impression ever viewed possession mother refer collector anymore acquires things pretty look surrounds things boast make personal shortcomings done entire life knickknacks animals pictures children house except childrens pictures would always lament fact cute grew raised servants forced massage mothers feet back neck well scratch back didnt wed grounded guilted would change cloths middle house bathe use bathroom door wide open siblings allowed walk around house naked midteens almost never food reason always money budweiser wild turkey pall malls sheer amount abuse went on itd one morning sudden bedroom door would fly open mother drunk hell screaming get living room there would yell sisters half hour everything could demean us got point id wake middle night slightest noise ready hop bed defend myself live alone still wake slightest noise bedroom door always locked im sleeping night one point took stand told asked beer money no going give her assaulted me last time unable work completely utterly always told mood disorder get crutch one deal bullshit got disability paid debts suddenly mother demanded money getting saying owed it point life im longer contact family made attempts keep contact them reciprocate ive come realize strong chance never cared much begin with one even called see im alive number live alone im ton government programs keep going since im able work feel like ive failed society whole better am even though know people would dead worse everything ive through cant even handle minute levels stress without full blown break down people raise voice normally end breaking tears shortly after im constantly depressed im hardly able take care struggle remain functioning jump noise constantly reassure people gas lightning plotting me cant room without back wall able see points entrance sleeping speaking sleeping fear going bed anymore night go sleep experience dreadful dreams feel actual pain im either reliving experiences past brand new fresh kind hell like last night dissected alive awake excruciating every night additionally im often alienated lot social groups due political beliefs sexual preferences current climate ive told im traitor monster someone go hang themselves someone never loved constant lot people im moderate conservative also suffer gid identify woman asexual im kind shafted three different directions there clarify mood disorder rapid cycling manic depressive so short im socially isolated multitude reasons ive started question would better dead longer drain societies resources someone fixed get help need amount pain go intense im constantly paddling keep head water feel like cant get well enough go back work here friends helping get mentality around surges back want assistance rest life get worse get older reached point im considering getting certain things done ensure outcome want know is ive wards dozen times life sure hell going back again see case worker therapist week along nurse im attending groups im wind here want live way rest life place kind money cant get past this additionally im well educated im pretty cool fucking woman im also good looking even though like body cant deny good looks im lacking self confidence im blast hang with many people going even consider potential partner im horribly crippled mental illness ptsd gid ontop fact job substantial income speak of id also like clarify conditions stated diagnosed professionals entire rant im sitting wanting go bed ill go im asleep torn starting vsed not also lied again put ss here forgive me,1 +ive started unearthing old albums ive gone back practising drums regularly ive watching movies reading books weirdly enough feel touch world now continue along road abstinence dont see reason jump wagon stage,1 +@BiggzNMe shopping ,0 +want kill dont know howis useful guide there website know about ive made mind want fail i access rooftop though,1 +im like girls single nice lonely name inigo montoya killed father get ready die,0 +im planning ending soonno support long time super broke things shitty years getting worse made posts main account account gained considerable attention fir reasons dont want anyone know see kinds posts history im end rope soon ill checking out know nobody care want somebody know,1 +journalist throw shoe at chidambaram http ibnlive in com news journalist throw shoe at chidambaram 9 html,0 +closer every dayim m always edge now bipolar diagnosed since mom though mostly manic last couple years honestly hard mom talk since look much like dad kinda forgets time im him used see psychiatrist therapist ever call always get confused shes says im going hurry stop wasting time money every time ask therapist number make appointment glock hiding ac vent trying figure im counselor summer finishes cuz doubt kids remember go missing made new account friends know reddit name dont want stay behind college cuz,1 +goodbye know made posts thank everyone ive known thank youim horrible person ive hurt people far beyond comprehension im sorry piece shit life im sorry everyone thank community everyone here cant helped,1 +feel like dont place worldtoday rough ive struggled years due narcissistic parents bullied experiencing childhood sexual assault ive carried scars past years ive never able move past it ive started therapy recently feel like im broken even attempt get help ive struggled speaking up assertive setting boundaries trusting people majority life dont see could value world self confidence self esteem self worth feel stupid immature incompetent compared friends coworkers people around me people tell self confidence constantly tell work seriously dont try things im used ignored one take interest thoughts never anyone believe me hard would world better without me compare much everyone work feel lost ,1 +life rant secretsi born late september far remember ive sick born family strong history mental illness moms side sick dads sick storys paranoid anxious behavior day born would scream chairs left pushed table could even comprehend anything would cry night time form change feared anything scared admit it would nightmares freak accidents learned family could die left content fear safety around me started notice bullying never weight grew self hatred ate others food brought comfort nothing else could also began developing crush girl im female knowing nothing heterosexuality convinced disgusting dad opinionated homophobic got tablet free internet range became informed sexuality internet friends year one girl year older one night sleep over ended experimenting witch far young so still bullied students found happened her bullied severely developed acne every one else led bullying spent recess year hole back fence away every one else school grades declined years old grades became worse hated self body severely thought cutting fat body kitchen scissors yet diagnosed mental illnesses sky rockets severity grades work ethic time low met another girl thing happened previously happened year also like boys timei thought death lot bullied got called fat ugly got called gay mocked grades even teachers cut first time began skipping lunch gained weight due binge eating years old grades s freinds developed self harm addiction cut self chance got continued gain weight would starve week time binge eat weighed self times day cried ate bullied gym began working got home school every day hours binge eat started experimenting prescription drugs tried slitting wrist overdosing summer tried getting clean self harm several relapses severely suicidal weeks th grade school counselor hospitalized im hospital groomed molested almost year old boy groomed sex year old girl days discharging hospital relapsed get stitches hospitalized hospital visit sent residential hated it days later birth day there dog diedim shit personfor real like really shity staff patients really hated me deserved it kept breakdowns stupid shit grew attached staff even though hated me guess felt cared for started fear going home i still sick scared would happen left binge habits flourished managed sneak razor blades diazepam pass lasted month mutilated chest instead showering talked fucking walls snuck meds pass planed od changed mind asking float nurse questions meds realised probably would found out suffered lot pain died would really long painfully watched meds desolve toilet like morning treid restrict instead bingeing staff caught on stopped ended bingeing end tried hinting past ed s substance abuse really want time kinda sucked it one believed me remember wondering could find journal documenting it guess mom trashed it began attention seeking therapist got discharged thinks may cause know ask help decided enough brought prescription diazepam razors pass used help last month got discharged discharged ish months night tried oding old prozac got sick continued mutilate thighs abuse harder substances remember summer spent like days tweaked out bingeing got worse got comments weight gain school mates started new school turned rumor spread smoked pot school bathroom never smoked weed school people knew smoked every day schoolat creek lost it mutilated arm planed od school counselor hospitalized got therapist thought safe refered iop program im currently shits hill restriction hit like rock ive clean while would gladly cut self could still abusing substances ive really low high key suicidal life feels kinda shit gonna lie thank reading means lot,1 +every time i go home i would walk to the long bridge near the campus then wear my earphone so that i won t feel lonely a i walk through the bridge i d notice different soul some don t care others seem happy but few are just lonely a i am can they also see my soul so i d walk fast enough for them not to see mine i don t like going home because i would feel the loneliness more echoing through me however at the same time a i spend time outside i d feel how pitiful my life ha become seeing how others laugh and smile can they also feel the loneliness darkness brings every night maybe everything seems endless but i know i d be okay somehow someday i only need to wait a little bit more and be stronger so that this sadness wouldn t consume me faster than i d feel when my happiness come,1 +why didnt reach help did didnt care enough point help themtldr people ask someone committed redflag didnt reach help usually saw warning signs brushed nothing even flat ignored them constantly seeing posts quotes asking friend relative significant other etc didnt reach help committing redflag many cases person actually try ask help take weeks get therapist psychiatrist nearly soon enough help even help all emergency rooms psych wards expensive many the psych wards treat patients horribly lot people avoid them even need immediate help people say come help whenever need them usually actually dont care listen much ive made numerous posts facebook family others went school with worked with etc friend list terrible situation typically one responds unless explicitly say thinking seriously redflag stopped years ago one cares last summer feeling lonely depressed asked facebook friends anyone would like friendsin real life received responses except rude woman said dont friends dont like children wish friends mothers record childfree would much prefer childfree friends didnt think people age would already kids do made another post saying falling deep depression again didnt receive comments message responses alot people facebook supposed people meat least thats said people post things saying youre suicidal message theyd rather hear story funeral eulogy whenever messaged one them either dont respond never return message saying ill respond later meant people could ask help me bad reputation hometown formed middle school early high school everyone still holds crap me one lives wants talk me even im crisis get responses people trying pull religious cults people put signs sometimes even explicitly asking help others dont care enough point notice care second find dead why didnt ask help begins reach out gave warning signs everyone else pretended see them,1 +at first i thought i wa being picky but i kid you not i ve worked at over 0 different company over the last ten year don t get me wrong some job were garbage and had high turnover to begin with but other job people would go crazy over from some of the most reputable company in my area to the easiest work for great pay many of these job are not in a field i m passionate about the work stagnates i become disengaged and i quit if it s not that my coworkers or my supervisor suck if it s not that the schedule is off if it s not that the pay is off hell if it s not any of that a speck of dirt landed on my shirt so screw this place i m leaving i m terrified of being stuck somewhere i don t want to be and it gradually defining my career but the more i jump around the more time i waste in the process people younger than me are becoming my bos and i sit here wondering exactly what i m doing with my life and what i even want to be doing with my life i m year old i haven t had a long lasting job let alone a solid romantic relationship in over a decade the more time that creep by the harder it get i ve worked so many job now and have become so experienced doing so many different task i can very quickly spot out a bad gig or come to a decision if it s an environment i want to be in when i wa a kid working the only job i ve spent more than three year at my supervisor told me i should be a drifter in life and jump from town to town at the time i didn t think much of it today however i wonder if that s really what my true aim should be considering i ve kind of been doing that for most of my adult life anyway fuck,1 +back itthings seemed look up followed light illusion,1 +http twitpic com y vn remember these day neither do i siiiiike i miss my old body someday soon u shall be miiiiine,0 +kal penn omg i am so mad you were my favorite character i ll miss you,0 +"..my mother just WON the City of Terrell, Texas District 2 'City Council' Seat ..i'm M.i.A lol HAPPY MOTHERS DAY",0 +cant take anymoreim sick all constant cycle feeling happy short fall back thinking theres nothing worth living for confused life everything ive lived point feels meaningless distant me parents friends bright future keep catching wishing would end life hard man think want go anymore cant find guts end it feel like fucking coward thinking easy way out able it add constant paranoia closest me thinking secretly hate me feel mind slowly going insane all cant even cry out bottle keep in gives constant sinking feeling deep inside want end want peace reason live,1 +older people tend to treat young people with anxiety like it s just a new trend and not a serious disorder affecting our daily life constantly trust me i wish i didn t have to demand wfh indefinitely because i ve been almost exclusively working from home for two year and it fucked me up anxiety wise i wish you understood how me not really talking to anyone once i m in the office or opting out of group activity isn t about being a bitch it s because one interaction can mess with my brain for hour and for day if i deemed it wrong in any way it s because i know i ll have to be buzzed on pill the entire time just to have a somewhat decent time i wish i wasn t like this just a much a you wish gen y and or z wouldn t complain about anxiety ruining their life to be lazy and avoid working a hard a you do or whatever you think it mean i wish i didn t experience this incapacitating and invisible disorder every single day of my life,1 +finally got wish see one cinema id seen fritz langs film video years ago id hoping ideal screening conditions would work magicbr br conditions ideal cinematheque ontario pristine fulllength print intertitles original gothicscript german simultaneous english translation accurate without literal live piano accompaniment idealbr br the films magic sputtered little ultimately failed catch least mebr br this film bears real relation wagners ring cycle already knew may not wagner adapted th c niebelungenlied purposes part fritz langs epic siegfried much familiar listeners wagner howeverbr br kriemhilds revenge story siegfrieds wife kriemhild marriage king etzel attila hun desire revenge hagen gunther rechristened nibelungs murder siegfried spectacular conflagration film presumably evolved expanded wagnerian mythos gtterdmmerung twilight gods end valhalla film remains earthboundbr br most film spectacular massive sets rival cabiria inspired griffiths intolerance decoration sets new benchmark barbaric splendour theres huge cast scarred mangy huns art deco burgundians battles battles never seem end factbr br kriemhild successful plan revenge manages destroy around her loyalty martyred siegfried seems stem much love devotion something closer psychosis lady macbeth cried out unsex here knew emotionally unprepared needed do kriemhild displays normal human emotions certainly nothing one equates feminine principle already top full direst cruelty borrow shakespeares phrase outset margarethe schn director convey glower want exaggerate glower virtually expression ever animate kriemhilds face ultimate onenote performances clearly intentional however simply case poor actingbr br what offer onedimensional sketch avenging fury might see kriemhild empowered heroine see film misogynistic,0 +maybe not just empty but part of me is absolutely devastated and the other part of me is aware that it s for the best and the rest of me is split between hate and love my emotion are so disconnected like mismatched puzzle piece nothing feel right not just because i m seeing a puzzle but because some piece are from another making it impossible to solve internally i want to go back and be babied by him and feel helpless in a good way but ha that ever happened no it wa an illusion he doesn t actually love me he never did all that talk of soulmates and staying into the end i don t know if i should even believed it or not i haven t believed in soulmates for year and this might be another reason why all because he said i love you wa i even loved,1 +fiance left me completely fault cant stop blaming dark thoughts backcurrent issuestate mind this blame myself keep kind of i deserve die thoughts know illness speaking least hope is first time ive thoughts attempted things past gone psychwards twice quite years back though medication medication works this knocked harder thought would want strong therapy next wednesday im scared want happy want forgive myself know stable actually want die think deserve to through different relationships engagements now age feel like point even exes minus recent one abusive unhealthy me crosspost offmychest post describing happened know do feel lost hopeless explanation got recently happy more tried get bit explanation angered her fine literally hours ago told loved me even asked anything bothering happy said absolutely nothing wrong happy going start saving place live year everything honestly first healthy relationship had ive many people past abuse me first woman ever love way someone loved give love gave equally agreed almost everything important friends years know handle things recently months ago put medication helps depression well made plummet back dark places want anything back wanted give back everything got her even ring still says wants friends ready wish understood knew went wrong started unhappy realized would done everything fix work it least talk things could end mutually knows me incredibly honest relationship secrets whatsoever agreed wed always tell anything wrong soon was im back beginning trying pick pieces figure life even know begin even know trust anyone anymore let anyone life like that even general came today drop everything off ring jewlery bought her still woudlnt tell truth confronted directly claimed want hurt feelings already did right thinking end something told already that getting job incredibly important felt like something tell first place also told part often badly reacted mother abusing me told detail happened every time happened say wants friends someday again go contact whatsoever then tried ask least keep ring memories sake refused that least take back favorite stuffed animal bought early relationship everything else gave back recently unfriended facebook unfollowed instagram twitter everywhere else feels surreal blame completely good making thoughts go bad places im going best let thoughts win spend time people im alone also jobs already lined interviews next week class applied for told that change thought mind all hope one day friends again end crosspost,1 +think tonight night theres one thing holding backas title states think tonight night already plan done research ensure follow waking up nights ago started talking old friend surprised find really missed me missed too stopped talking going go date misunderstanding thought stood up felt deserved done some less kind things past idea always forgives me like forgive people like me pretty long history ive seen treats people things hurt her never acted like me well im almost still learning drive family including town dad asked drive dinner fighting night usually do said something car driving one day going regret saying me im going forgive do infuriated yelled whenever got chance night going fast around corner bald tires crashed car needless say exploded get car towed went dinner stayed hotel slit wrists first time always though people cry help know took knife wallet slit would covered watch looked cut wrists somewhat shocked little cared fact slit wrists researching kill come perfect plan tonight hours minutes im going load gauge buckshot point head know whether actually pull trigger decide gun head took shower though miss thing really think girl feel owe stay alive knows bad anxiety talked before would talking right dad took phone way reaching her another reason important friend im far socially awkward switched schools everyone school outcast cant stand anyone there im kind lost posted hear opinions lot detail missing tried sum best could edit add suicidal thoughts nothing new feel reached tipping point,1 +ill providing motivation little kids autism ill title says wondering would say kids third grade im capable without reddit non less im hoping see things thought big part ill talking limitations helps,0 +redgray ah man so sad his cousin committed suicide yest and she wa month pregnant can you imagine we been cry non stop,0 +friend just attempted to jump off a building approx hr ago though he s fine atm he blocked literally most if not all ppl s contact to him and of course there s fucking omicron so i physically can t go see him right away can i get some advice here on what to do in this situation edit it got slightly better now a he s at least turned back up on his social medium,1 +come cannot post picture thai subreddit know certain amount karma something wanted post picture someones mother dying people making jokes it reason cant post pics,0 +recentlyit come attention perhaps giving best option havent happy long time see things broken right front heart trust relationships happinessthat tired fixing mending all im always one hurt nowadays think enoughim hollow now want say final goodbyes ones mean dear methis world relentless beating down quite frankly im tired get back anymore,1 +good afternoon ruffians todays news steve fuckin smash buy em get it now unrelated news would like introduce new neighbor zack efron,0 +i used get sad thinking it ive rationalized ive accepted it thanks trying help,1 +been depressed my whole life it feel like i used to have hope maybe high school wa rough but college will be my time to have fun and be happy then college wa traumatizing but i told myself thing will be better once i get a job and am done with school well guess what the time ha come and working 9 is a hell worse than all the others my whole life ha been miserable and it ha only gotten worse and worse why on earth would i believe thing will get better it ha never happened that s just on a personal level too with everything that s going on in the world environmentally politically even if i wa a mentally happy person who can honestly feel optimistic about the future of humanity after experiencing the past couple year my spirit feel truly crushed in a way i can t even describe even if i heal some of my mental illness what s the point what do i have to look forward to working til i die the thing i d do just to feel happy for one day,1 +im scared call hotline afraid ofwhy call fear pain whatever now get it,1 +Good morning twitter buds! ,0 +"Destroy Your Depression, Reclaim Your Power Over #Depression, Live A #DepressionFree Life http://bit.ly/expeldepressiondl … #curedepression",1 +hey girl train cause wanna rail,0 +watching one tree hilllllll ,0 +although made cable film hbo enjoyable movie fascinating look backstabbing doubledealing world television allowing viewer peek behind scenes socalled late night talk show wars early s jay leno david letterman competed coveted position host tonight show kathy bates gives bravo performance lenos mercurial manager helen kushnick one feel empathy lenoletterman endured hands tv executives timely now considering recent events involving failed attempt abc replace nightline letterman matter many times seen film still find much pleasure watch first aired ever released dvd would certainly add collection,0 +subreddit go minutes without post holy shit think thats first time ive seen happen,0 +even support sub one cares loli knew life joke test see ill break,1 +guess physics teacher told us one person class get a yall know got b ,0 +woke really happy finally managed tidy room felt nice waking clutter once thought getting better last weeks life improving love friends really sweet boyfriend year searching finally found jobbut crying brother shouting me everyday family make clearer respect human think family treat however want cannot wait leave moving september decided going limit much contact do parents controlling want call every night want visit every holiday happening done feeling guilty wanting cut ties w famuily make feel like shit crying right,1 +glad told him told immediate threat dealing long needed tell someone know could tell parents would made worse i minor luckily already capable making choices like alone even parents wishes looking getting medication help psychologist course really hope helps really needed tell someone nobody real life would fit category thanks letting rant here finally told psychologist dealing thoughts,1 +@TheBlueTurkey - why? You got one buggin ya? ,0 +lethal prescription drugs combinationi want dont access illegal drugs even alcohol lethal prescription drugs combination effectively gets job done need help please,1 +hello redflag prevention pls help going harm myselfredflag prevention very healthy reach help must fine go home now also redflag prevention o die immediately discharge,1 +wellgoodbye everyoneim planning jump building tomorrow goodbyenobody could stop meim joking either ,1 +anyone feel like existing biding time redflageach day wake dreams something great happening life find swamped regrets failures mistakes circumstances surrounding life every aspect life shambles cant even get bed days feel like im existing hoping waiting kind change thing mind redflag want end life badly free horrors inability survive real world know im alive really inability kill gun button push id it,1 +im failureim tired living every day feels like thoughts control life control cant eat starve myself lost lbs im underweight negatively cope staying bed long possible moving manage energy all anything eat exercise seem exist burden anyone ive called redflag hotline couple times past weeks sucidial thoughts become default everyday thing know death solve much fact itll cause trauma people around me ive already traumatized know feels im already making everyone life suffer silence serious abandonment issues issues feeling everything fault maybe caused breakup two years ago maybe mom died born nobody ever told truth it whatever sad story tell myself cannot stop telling story failure im going quit job tomorrow ive already done before years ago quit job ended hospital depression feel like gonna another cycle relying others never really able help myself honestly idk im sharing this idk much relatable want know stop getting stuck cycle hate living reality,1 +"Yankees game, Bob Marley and lunch downtown Orlando Ill miss this",0 +hope iti live dread unknown everyday worry future event may happen may not does able survive it go specifics except involved mistake part psychologically spiritually selfinjurious feel like live right hell fear paranoia sad part even way kill comes that lot time hanging out reason im broke afford method well couple days weeks time maybe afford quick exit strategy even though im happiest person world ive thought redflag before ive never close actually following through even extreme insecurities fear intimacy crippling continue condemn life loneliness may miserable life continues uneventful many previous years continue sake continuing however event fear much comes me choice die fear unknown hellish ive ever experienced came tonight right feel particularly overwhelmed darkness around right now palpable know feel better exit strategy hand enormous relief know final option said really hope come that im religious person care worship dont please pray me im halfway decent person ever hurt myself,1 +much hair much hair im talking head hair btw,0 +title suggests planned kill last night precisely plan electrocute really require lot prep go details specific act due fear someone might attempt recreate it anyways would second suicide attempt first one year half ago stabbing neck times elegant suicide method admit looking something elegant time diagnosed dysthymia persistent depressive disorder years ago changed therapists medications nothing helped enough feels like life postponing suicide since first attempt bright side selfharmed since hell want sometimes every bridge every speeding car every kitchen knife every rope every policeman even see way death main question people might title go it no why know really instead went run which usually temporary mood boost goes away quite quickly tired it still want it yes yes yes stopped today friend mine birthday today want ruin even really close postponing sure when anyways thanks time hope better suicide attempt planned last night,1 +someone opens redflag dont know well may dire statepersonally ive opening people mostly depression partly dont care anymore mostly dont strength hold in funny part dont really go far seem concerned ask questions care much probably person person thing though people open lot easier others,1 +help im scaredi wish could somewhere feel safe cant handle going work anymore im mentally ill feel like might hurt myself ive mental hospital nothing like thought would be horrible crying wanting get there wish could kept somewhere could feel safe able heal state im im gonna end harming myself im lonely,1 +cant cope anymorei badly want end thing preventing hurting family friends talk to cant talk family feel completely destroyed person know anymore,1 +Yeeeeaaaaahhhhh baby! Enjoying a cold one while bbqing some ribs. Life is grand ,0 +im literally steps killing myselfthats far bedroom bottle pills cabinet takes pills extra strength tylenol cause liver failure id take probably cant keep this cant keep going person matters care person matters even old enough talk please want die cutting helping anymore,1 +th attempt slit right arm wrist elbow left arm slit throat barely missed carotid im yo lb junkie highschool dropout im reason theres saying someone wasting oxygen think im gonna get shower norman bates oh mention dick like turle pubic fat family took box xutters ill use jagged knife people come send feel good msg im someone know person feeling cant take anymore,1 +bend like beckham film got little exposure united states probably due fact movie strongly british dialogue terminology dealt lot football soccer here may trouble relating us unfortunate movie absolutely fantastic deserved much coverage here think basis storyline following dream something many people relate end bend like beckham proves goodfeeling film source inspiration really good acting overly excited seeing film initially regret seeing sooner highly recommend movie,0 +if you have a computer which isn t doing much or a cpu core not doing much if you re technical get in touch i need processing power,0 +happy birthday to me ,0 +planting a friend today not been to a funeral in gt 0 year,0 +attempting flirt currently met cute girl got snap texting update something ever comes it,0 +reviewing water every day get boyfriend day day today im reviewing normal water bottle good temperature ok not cold would liked still kinda nice plastic bottle tho polluting earth im taking point that overall think im giving ,0 +@samdiazzz i'm so happy too! can't wait till august rolls around... can you say game OVER!? its going to be a sad time for his groupies!,0 +well i m going to bed early i wish i could sleep in tomorrow,0 +i found out last year that i had major depression disorder which i wasn t surprised at because my whole life since i wa i ve been depressed however i m realizing i also have body dysmorphia bc i just hate the way i look body wise when i stand i can see my fatty ab but when i sit it just a big pile of fat and it frustrating because i workout everyday non stop and linit my eating people say real people men know what a woman s body is supposed to be like well guess what we live in 0 it s supposed be in shape and that s what most expect i m just so over it because those same people who say yeah thats a real woman s body are the same people liking every single big as flat ab photo i try to push myself everyday and today im over it i can t keep going on like this,1 +@fureousangel I recently did a Matrix Trilogy sitting..that was tiring but awesome (Matrix Trilogy is my favorite sci fi film story) ,0 +wanna go mexico man im going visit family june spend whole summer mexico im ready leave,0 +feeling suicidali accidentally killed pet budgie happened right front traumatic still haunts me kicking died pain fault scene still haunts day sometimes dream it cried days row also started skipping classes afterwards exams basically failing college also social anxiety pretty much friends spend time alone pretty sad boring ive going depression shit nearly two months now entire family also pretty much hates treats like shit still living big failure one really cares me life pretty lonely boring friends life future feel tired feel like done life wanna rest ive thinking drinking pills around house even effect weak theyll probably cause kidneys fail,1 +is really fed up,0 +@loveyea I feel your pain. I've been there dated that & survived. Truth u need to do what she sayin. It will be better on the other side. ,0 +msmelbee i wa a mh nurse working in gp surgery gatekeeping pt with depression and anxiety to try and keep them out the system gps thought it wa a brilliant success the power that be thought it too expensive and got rid of u for phone triage,1 +totailm 0i give me depression,1 +i m not strong enough to kill me,1 +feel like would boyfriend next room think loves anymore says im complicated really feeling way guy i dumbass teenager fuck ive got wrong though exhausting trying understand outside even trying live head day out gets tiring edge time feel like ill never satisfied cant believe im dreading future im fixated holding onto moment case gets worse,1 +go bed watch jojo want fuck slept little find another subreddit shitposting upd thanks ill sleep,0 +i m at a very weird place in my life right now i m a year old male in college i m failing my college class a i have no motivation to do well in them i have a very poor relationship with my parent and family the one organization in my college that i m extremely involved with ha cut tie with me over accusation that are not true i have a leadership role in this organization and being a leader in the organization with no prior experience ha brought me a ton of hater and people that just want to see my downfall i literally have no future a i m supposed to graduate this semester and get a job but i am nowhere near both i can t pursue my real passion and to top it all of and what really might put me over the edge is problem with this woman in my life we met through this organization that i wa talking about earlier in this text a a captain i have my own committee of people that i oversee and she wa one of my committee member the first time we hung out in october she took me out to a bar after i turned it wa just me and her we quickly started to develop this really cool friendship where d we hangout and talk almost daily a a young man hopeless in love i started to develop feeling but nothing crazy because i almost always saw her a a best friend first and i m sure she felt the same way then we were at a bar about a month ago she wa talking to some guy at the bar and i wa having a funny conversation with my friend but i could see from the corner of my eye that she wa talking to this man and that s when i first started feeling these feeling of jealousy but i could tell she wa looking at me too talking to my friend and she came to me and we embraced and i hugged her almost all night had my arm around her and everything and she had her hand over mine too and we just kept feeling each other this wa the first time we ever moved into this phase of our friendship and i think we both felt something brewing in our heart for one another a few day went by and i wa out yet again talking to this other chick i met at the bar and we ended up almost hooking up back at my place but i couldn t go through with it because all i could think about wa my best friend who i really liked i m an introvert at heart and will always keep my feeling inside because i m scared to tell people how i feel and i suppress those feeling but literally the next day after this hookup that didn t happen i wa at a friend s st birthday party and got hammered myself and i had this urge of wanting to tell my best friend how i truly felt about her and that s exactly what i did it wa a thursday night she always go to this one specific club on thursday night so i ditched my friend and went to that club to see her and it literally played out like a romantic film she wa the first person i saw when i walked in and went up to her and for the first time in my life i poured my heart out to her and told her how i felt about her and how she make me feel and at first she wa shocked and then she said she felt the same way and we kissed for a long time at this moment i wa on cloud 9 i had never had a girlfriend before had never been in a relationship before but in this moment it wa just me and her against the world and i loved it we started to head back to my apartment but the alcohol wa kicking in for me and i passed out once i got back to my apartment i woke up the next day and saw her heel on the floor but she wa nowhere to be found so i texted her and told her that i wa sorry for passing out from the alcohol but i meant every word i told her last night she didn t text me back till later that day and she said that she wa thinking about it all day and night and she didn t want to fuck up our friendship a it s one of the few good thing in her life right now and i totally get that wa i disappointed hearing this yeah of course i wa but i texted her back saying that we can talk about this in person another time but for right now enjoy your weekend the next day we saw each other at a party and i talked to her outside and told her that i d rather say we tried to make it work and it didn t rather than not giving u a chance at all and she never gave me a clear answer she texted me later that night saying that she needed a break and some time to think so i said okay a few day later we had our last committee meeting and it wa so awkward cause we hadn t talked before and we were on this so called break and after the meeting ended she immediately left even though she usually wait for me i got a text from her later that night around am saying that this letter i wrote for everyone on my committee wa very sweet and cute and i asked her how long this break should last and she said she wasn t sure a she didn t want me to think that she wa leading me on which i thought she wa doing so we hopped on this facetime call and had a really nice long conversation about all the stuff we had to catch up on and then after an hour i switched the topic back to our relationship and she basically said that she didn t feel the same way i wa so hurt when she said this because all the sign pointed to her liking me too and i really felt like i knew what her heart wa saying we both went to sleep cry that night for each other the next day i sent her a text this time saying that i do need some space to figure thing out and we can talk after spring break so for the next week we didn t talk she didn t view my story like any of my social medium post and just simply didn t communicate with each other and it wa one of the worst thing for me to go through a she wa someone i really looked forward to talking to and to not be able to do that just sucked the sunday before we came back to college i texted her and asked if she d be down to hangout that first week we got back and she said she wa down to do so and i wa so happy because it felt like i wa getting my friend back again but then a few day later she angrily text me asking if i told anyone that we hooked up which isn t true and i told her that i didn t which is true there were rumor going around about u from people that saw u hangout a lot that saw u embrace at the bar that saw u kiss at the club and saw u walk back to my apartment together so people could only assume that we were a thing and i kept telling her that but she wasn t having it she facetimed me saying that she regretted ever kissing me she didn t want to be friend anymore and all this shit i wa extremely hurt hearing this and just wanted my friend back and wanted to forget ever opening up my feeling for her so i sent her a really long text explaining that i never said anything that i really cared about her and just wanted my best friend back she responded by saying that she appreciated me reaching out and that she wa over the situation and that she s not ready to move forward with me and doesn t think our friendship will ever be the same so i texted her this morning and i said i get it and if there wa any way we could meet in person and just talk she responded back by saying that she s potentially open to it but not now maybe next week so i said i just genuinely need someone to talk to but i understand her the last text she sent me wa i don t think i can be that person for you anymore i m sorry i am heartbroken devastated and hopeless angry at myself angry at this world and i just want to leave i have no direction in life no one to turn to anymore and i just want to end it all a soon a possible,1 +just being so nervous around every person and my move and action i just have no idea it came back so strong i m so sad it s everyday is a battle if i have to leave the house idk how i ever got this maybe i always have,1 +cannot stay alive longerif check previous postsyou see whyi cannot stay earth second morei want diei cannot anymore place killing mei belong book worldsi meant warriora princessa elfanything humani belong narniahogwartscamp halfbloodprythainanywhere elsei want get please dying cannot even sleep houseplease someone take one help going die dot go boow worldi know irracional even care anymorei want get please begging belong reality,1 +remember seeing promos show appeared back time age feels weird seen cult show start end look back itthe s sudden seem far away great decade anyway used watch monstervision time huge fan monster flicks horror films like s version chiller theater mstk get dvds joe bobs show least monstervision interesting informative lot joe bobs comments info films hilarious movies shown show b c grade showed lot house films well like hammer films england top notch well many stop motion majesty ray harryhausen many oddball flicks see anywhere else like japanese scifi movies besides course godzilla familiar almost everyone independent movies like metal storm motel hell new decade film preservation independent minded directors think monstervision would good show ifc pick up since already hit ifc grind house show im sure show picked nostalgia reasons day guess wait see thats great television,0 +@1jaredPADALECKI Twitter just got a whole lot better. Welcome to the world of tweets!,0 +what if one day i just end it all and die then all my effort shall gone wasted those who care about me shall get angry about how i got defeated but everything will end on the day i die it s not hard to kill myself ya know just kill there are so many way i can do that what if i dont want to fight anymore fuck depression imma just give up what if i just let go and go self harm go deep in anorexia idk it s not that hard to let go my effort maybe someday ill die randomly it wont be surprising to anyone i ve been suicidal for so long who know if i just give in to an urge one day boom im dead haha maybe ill be dead by tomorrow maybe after a while maybe after a few week you ll never know you ll never know i ll kill and end it all,1 + mg xanax thinking taking all know im even postingits much hurts everyday sleep peace want forever guess need talk slipping away job lost figure salary insurance family except wife pets theyre reason done sooner friends nothing,1 +movie fun boardbr br it essentially follows comedic romp two graverobbers th century england move conventional body snatching trafficking vampires zombies dead roswell aliens i idea roswell alien there neither producers think br br but funny bet even ron perlman often kiss direct dvd death pretty good one priest turns ringleader rival gang bodysnatchersbr br a real joy watch hilarious little film good example larger life egos either side camera,0 +thousands people real people jobs purpose family friends people actually contribute society dying everyday covid yet worthless ass still wasting oxygenlike seriously people actually mean something others dying essentially nothing meanwhile want die seriously ashame wish could trade places covid patient really unfair them theyre fighting everyday clinging life yet im selfishly trying end mine please end nightmare,1 +yall show parents apparently really helps lower electric bill check seems really helpful edit fuck actually httpswwwquoracomwhatareyourpowervoltenergysaverreviewsisitascamoralegitelectricitypowersaver httpsconsumertrendsnewscomsurprisingnewtechpvcepczercfiyxylppysedjsuipliegrlbwvd_zpuunzhklcculxcngrqhkn_cdcimhwvalyiwejvgckopqerchuhdl_gavdvajwpvvqv_tzzacpitmfnugvpywpashgrrvydpsrgsgtqbwqcxdwzglggkbyuixxgbyiwlrtdwzkymlidr_suykiqclnhjguqsstabbnydbshegqblgwathnpipasgzkebffwppeebxcgcnjtzhhwozvfxiiyrfxwrzzbfltnxvtifzworczxkewlvhkjygirn_myorbceiwviaoaaysdhhmhjtvydghrffkdtjkmfmucknovypcjgdgnaafremllflqgmtrirwedlovpovc_ucsjgldtahpknrnvxqdel_xnnooxtbptcooygiaonrmidiluwbxgricrsjsgldrzamplptokenbampwidget_idampcontent_idampboost_idampadv_targetsamprc_uuidbrc_uuiddamprc_uuidfaebbbaccdfcamprev_campaign_idamputm_sourcerevcontent,0 +about to file tax,0 +@homeanduncool Oh...you didn't hear? It's in Springfield. ,0 +"@QUEENCLARA You wouldn't be bothering us! Yeah, don't forget to give us a call ",0 +posting get first kiss day ,0 +@emma_licious na all my good shoes are in the boxes so I'll prob wear some of those cuz those forces aren't white enuf lol..,0 +reddit friends stopped using while sub seems nice anyone want friends post safe place horny people using subreddit make real nice friends,0 +im jumping less minutesim drinking peppermint tea watching episode spongebob im off minutes walk listening ipod one last text boyfriend im gone many mental health problems handle even meds goodbye ,1 +advice advice guy make helpful otherwise good advice thats all,0 +@ninjen ok Pumpkin Butter... when I say Texas... I was totally thinkin of you > http://bit.ly/zD45o,0 +fucking cats thing keeping alivehad one got kitten month ago cant really leave feel deserve better me feel like future worthless fail classes semester im completely fucked feel like never gotten military thought would get better gotten worse know im gonna well semester really friends here family all moved new city connected anyone sick it,1 +@ctbosher thats fab you can email me now ,0 +@TrayC_B I have a way ,0 +nobody loves me going end allnobody loves me parents doesnt love much homework much stress friend hates me going end one friend hates,1 +episode no thirteen fanciful excuse incredibly gay terminology supernatural tv series relocates sam dean winchester missouri called upon old flame deans investigate string mysterious murders occurring small town turns out large pickup truck unseen driver running african americans desolate stretch road dean attempts rekindle past love affair towns people turn roadkill cause appears due past racial incident back s causing frustrated redneck spirit remain ghostly limbo seeking kill black motorists route another good installment which uncommon ive noticed contains notable aspects pertaining pair main characters dean getting laid sams admitted regret left college killer truck doest come across terrifying thing world though hour long show job well handsdown fantastic episode solid concept horror movie references,0 +wear durag not last cross country race season saturday guys want something matched landed durags issue im white guys whos hair isnt nearly curly enough need it im familiar history behind last thing want offending people know obviously teammates chill it need outside view dont know should,0 +took pills im dyinghey ampxb problems long mental illness depersonalizationderealization greatly diminishes cognitive abilities traumatic experience young homosexual dad tried kill suspected might homosexual understand felt way do matter though solve anything isolated decade caused kinds mental problems anyway talked dad changing major collage years ago refused let leave engineering mental illness way going succeed comprehend anything failing changed major without telling him told alright collage beginning semester dad money problems losing mind it told graduating semester lie one semester go now semester thinks im going get degree days now nothing resolved sexuality nothing theres way out im fed everything took pills paracetamol once google search said would see symptoms hours less hours im already seeing symptoms now feel dizzy im vomiting im sorry im making much sense thats barely concentrate feel dizzy anyway hit might going hell im realizing sad shocked mother sisters brother going be let tell you terrifying im sure think do know want stay alive theres nothing want problems could handle think guys think im absolutely losing mind ampxb,1 +looking tv guide movies come germany found one called bunnyguards watched laughed silly wanted dvd available i could order germany subtitles played taped watch time timebr br anyway looked info found real name erkan stefan know australian title bunnyguardsbr br some people know germany like erkan stefan accents german myself notice anything jokes good germans might find accents offputtingbr br i think movie funny dvd english subtitles extras having disk edition feature subtitles would bad would buy snapbr br i recommend anyone looking laugh pretty good story,0 +sweet intro intelegent sailor soldier sailor mercury consisted new in croud merciurios he beganing wrote love letter ami would starltling of course and now ami thiks chibieinstien attractive he ended looking like umino melvin halarios expesialy minakos its skin neck scene hot well really like bishojo senshi sailor moon series personally think best anime ever but movie nice funny adventurios sailor moon r like s movie saw sailor moon univewrse real player pretty good over all,0 +#Depression has me good today. Feeling down about most things. Feeling like everything I do is for someone else and a waste of my time b/c it goes unnoticed and unappreciated. I know you've been there too. #MentalHealth,1 +i wan na sneak into the zoo and play with the kitty,0 +borderline personality disorder lot trauma past big disappointment girl told this last ride enjoy till ends want feel end lot oxycodone right now either night another one ends wanted tell someone serious seek attention want someone know this want kill still gf ends now ends ,1 +kubrick puts display stunning ability craft perfect ambiance film mainly cinematography also using ingenious score creates chilling ominous tone resides entire film thoroughly gets spine tingling start really flawless ambiance makes shining masterpiece is eyes course hurt jack nicholson gives one greatest performances ive ever seen frighteningly authentic portrayal mind gone mad duvall lloyd artificial nice easy look past two rest film brilliant plus features actor greatest name time scatman crothers,0 +"now finally I am in firsco... it was a hard flight... But now I am really exicted... really cool here, don't know where to look first ",0 +ship put sea filler filler filler filler,0 +im barely holding oni night prolonged panic attack get lot one sustained take loraz butbit isnt working im back lamictal hasnt kicked yet bipolar ii im depressed phase im clawing skin fantasizing bleeding out punch feel dont know long this everything spiraling hold together dont lose apartment job family want dead done dont know help point,1 +"I'm sure no one's said this to you, but you should do yoga to improve your depression",1 +christmas depressionbefore start native english speaker far good guess everyone else problems rly need get chest cos killing me girlfriend years broke half month ago ive super busy work got somewhat depressed again depressed like years now got episodes feel kind ok month ago met another girl start judging me never cheat life felt connected first second lot fun laughed lot couldnt get head even now girlfriend broke up without telling her girl also reason perspective special time year realize lonely am parents deworsed isnt rly anything going xmas means stay home drink day drugs started weeks ago ive addicted youth really looking forward new years eve cos wanted see girl pals live far away here study girl wont here til second january guys arent comming home either means alone again wanted talk girl feel stuff got friendzoned chance react mean bad looking play sunny guy pretty well making jokes fun with seems interested pretty much nothing sad about guess past depressive thoughts fragile mind really hurts me even relationship rarely positiv episodes drank cut daily base really need someone there smart think someone would actually care dont care moment want someone pretend someone hold stop falling point would even love see comment knowing someone wasted time reading this,1 +"L4D2, lookin' good How come I have a feeling Nintendo will focus on Wii Fit Plus, and a bit on the new Zeldas and Mario for Wii e_o",0 +"@AffirmationSpot in other words, I may just want one for myself when u finish them ",0 +@ShanShanKiss lol dats a job we need to get workin on get all djs from kiss 98.5 on twitter!! ,0 +word excellent movie go see it director ron howard mean director ron howard fantastic job usually does incredible attention detail vivid colors decorations breathtaking whoville atmosphere astonishing variety costumes wait theres story good too theres clearly message extracted thoughtful viewers jim carrey topnotch probably best grinch possible girl taylor momsen real good im sure great future dog cool all high quality christmas fairytale like fairytales you like christmas youbr br reading reviews here get life hurts every time see people who well got hearts two sizes small,0 +need cuddling now,0 +asking doin forget math test know shit day horrible doin,0 +feel like giving making space another humanim dizzy purpose job im sick living mother inlaw right im lazy person im fucking waste time,1 +without absolutely any context of myself i will disclose when my depressive episode come about and these feel pretty major and intense when they do they feel and seem to get harder and harder literally a the year go by we who struggle with depression are very tough because i feel like i barely scrape through each and every time but it is becoming harder to bare and hold on and i worry for myself in the future do any of you with depression feel like your episode or however you describe it get harder and harder to bare when it come about amp x 00b it an expression of interest curiosity,1 +actually matterif kill right now literally give shit happens next ill fucken dead kill myself worry stress shit future im saying really see much reason keep up nix right now done,1 +writing something positive day day currently way airport actually physically boarding school im going im really excited tbh ive ever attended school online students physically campus im missing stuff time zone difference meant start school yeah im excited finally going,0 +set firei feel nothing want feel alive want destroy myself ultimately want loved want stability care praise thatll never happen ive accepted that want put cigarettes thighs kiss lips tear say want die want another life really want escape everythings fucked up im fucked up im slut use people distractions feel trapped claustrophobic hate much ill never good enough ever please kill me it nothing nothing,1 +holy fuck holy fuck holy fuck found head moderator uhideuntiltheyfindme fucking isis merch fucking terrorist oh fuck oh fuck,0 +pokmon domesticating wild animals forcing pseudo dog fighting sport super powered animals prove wrong,0 +cutting substituteif cut think safer alternative would using comb might sound dumb think works safer,1 + reasons suck generally cold unfeeling person most know definitely come dick robot somethin friends rarely ever show emotion say talk shit must major trust issues something cuz even tell best friend feel however time definitely dump drama certain way much may tell bff anything really bad habit bitching one friends im sure sucks them feel like id rather tell randos subreddit friends fact did one previous posts here drag people shit reason recently took break instagram felt like bad mental health way ive pretty depressed passed months first time really public friends going even though go detail anyways got bunch em concerned well being brought up days directed towards checking see im okay im completely wasting time im genuinely rude family already mentioned im generally robotic im significantly worse family zero respect them im holding grudges probably,0 +packing my overnight bag for tomorrow going to the hospital,0 +love drink water drink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water drink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water drink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water drink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water drink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water drink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water drink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water drink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water drink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water drink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water drink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water drink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water drink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water drink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water drink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water drink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water drink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water drink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water drink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water drink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water drink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water drink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water drink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water drink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water drink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water drink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water drink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water drink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water drink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water drink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water drink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water drink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water drink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water drink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water drink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water drink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water nowdrink water,0 +late late teacher late late attitude hates grading late work unfortunately lazy procrastinating piece shit big project due minutes ago decided rush turn tomorrow least pretend didnt know due im getting bad grade either way least tell parents got bad grade good report wish luck,0 +depressed our new app s alpha 0 0 0 is now even more complex than our last app s version 9 i long for those small dev team day,0 +nybabe oh ball i forgot all about your article in the mail yesterday have you got a link to it or an electronic copy,0 +feel completely lifelessive felt way couple years now hardly feel real emotion put happy face throughout day want nothing break get home cant thing keeps happy skateboarding girl loved last years life seeing totally dropped life feel left nothing im start second year college royally fucked first year im pretty much retaking classes get kicked ive academic probation since first semester course parents know make seem everything great ill never able hold steady job life know fact ill either able find job within skateboarding industry stuck working pathetic job rest useless existence tip iceberg terrible person am could go day terrible things done huge disappointment parents generally worthless am im ready end all ive thought rational irrational times decided whats best me world around leaving make space someone succeed wont want die pill bottle could demise mere feet away calling possibly night end bullshit,1 +im confident looks idk randomly get super insecure get massive ego thinking model,0 +i m year old i started university like week ago at that time i wasn t feeling miserable or anything i wa a close to being happy that i have been in a long time but when the class started and i met the stuff that involves university made me feel depressed again i don t have any motivation i m studying something i already know i don t like and if i wanted to start another career i d have to end this year because of my university a regulation i don t really feel motivated i don t feel good and i cry almost everyday it s being super rough to me maybe i m exaggerating or maybe i m not but sometimes i don t wan na be here anymore if u know what i mean i don t know what to do to feel better i have my s o my friend my family but nothing help also i haven t had many good experience at therapy and the medicine make me feel even more depressed that i am,1 +know mean anything you try one closest friends took life juniors high school im now still think him im haunted fact feel like could done something i could haves never stop precisely writing this sudden bursts emotions feelings tears take surprise thoughts drift memories something reminds him passed group friends disintegrated separate parts looking reason make sense all never could well never know real truth either thought one would miss gone wrong even know ive really accepted now know hurts never forget sight little brother idolized breaking never seen many young people funeral first funeral attended unfortunate someone age early life worries supposed wed ask prom wed get driving permits revelations turns thought burden family note told family would leave earthly body would worry putting college cremate instead burying save money whatever philosophy beliefs believe everyone good contribute core sorrow grief carry someone love passed immense thing is friend always yearold funloving guy knew mind appears dreams time time trip seeing move speak dreams terrible tease feel loss words trying describe feeling encounter wake realize none real never joy seeing go life sharing pain happiness couldve been call selfish wish done something life busy stop something ignorant something able forgive myself know mean anything you try third eye blind jumperhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchvzn_fwsyhi talk httpwwwredflagpreventionlifelineorg edit added youtube link song thanks psilocybinmushrooms,1 +@tomfelton http://twitpic.com/6r47s - It's Hermione! That's a brilliant costume.,0 +"@Syrafex Thanks! a couple of wee bits, but not much. I swapped woody allen for a reconstructed Joan of Arc Ladybird book, though ",0 +tears eyes pain heart thought would feel better day went on convinced brother stay friends weekend posted earlier roffmychest things gone depressing almost unbearable sitting room nearly hours contemplating long funk go on ive lost anything eat shower leave ive done nothing today sob crawl ball recently put best friend wonderful german shepard cancer age months diagnosis final vet told truth help anymore felt awful prolonging pain im grown man met end rope job unrewarding im able make ends meet feels like day goes find behind ive tried make everyone happy holiday things know cant afford ive maxed credit cards paying bills buying gifts bring joy others ive told everyone thing want xmas mother father love again blew tire car dropping brother friends alone side street pulled lug wrench began change tire rain grip nut slipped dug knuckles asphalt frustrated sat sidewalk sobbed shivering put smile face finish changing spare get back car know days know cant anymore,1 +i feel lonely today,0 +"J. Cole Talks Depression, Married Life, & New Rappers in Rare Interview https://outletradionetworks.com/2018/04/25/j-cole-talks-depression-married-life-new-rappers-in-rare-interview/ …",1 +wish twitter had a translator twitter just hasn t caught on in the southern hemisphere yet they ll get there aventually i guess,0 +car show season ha started without me,0 +feel like even hypothetical chance improve existencehello people point life completely stuck currently master studies apparently life looks decent outside reality hell point identify person anymore feel like nothing rotting body feelings perspectives things improve even theory struggled eating disorder since tried get help several medical institutions psychologists pills etc gets worse time last years living hell cannot deal longer top that also bipolar help try control myself basically cannot care look want pretty thin want productive useful makes feel good problem focus studying living life general restrict cannot anymore eating disorder took form bed before anorexia ednos anorexia again couple bulimic months inhaled spoon bed couple years thin anymore care that feel worthless constantly thinking stuffing that makes unproductive sincerely try care studies pretty good forcing it reality go well got worse last moths that even constant internal struggle passionate learning stuff became chore everything became chore even washing hair basic hygiene go out friends understand cannot formulate feel accurately even typing realize sound basic cheesy like put together woman children africa starving care stupid problem invented believe me impossible live like that identify young woman even person constantly feel like somekind cartoon character pleasant around i nice people ready help ask good sense humor really person full life goals want good carreer able support parents necessity able control eating habits never wished feel stupid basic thing controls life reality does accept minimize suffering trying function get back control tried everything work got patience tried commit redflag times last weeks magically work the car stopped got scratches bruises head arms second time passed days taking overdose pills woke bunch vomit sorry details yes know,1 +productive killing gym again got great job none matters cannot take pain every second every day die purpose without killing self serious answers cannot take anymore,1 +know girls talk memes apparently true sat room girls guys girls complimenting saying pretty us guys sitting heads playing thumb war,0 +anyone recognize username probably worth shot,0 +nothing is worse than this,1 +please dm me im bored im bored way often ngl matters im f,0 +imagine gave one hella expensive award im getting cause im stinky loser butt im girl big boobs,0 +astronaut steve west alex rebar comrades undertake space mission sees flying rings saturn comrades killed instantly would seem fact lucky ones steve returns earth constantly oozing mass humanoid pulp turns savage killer melting every step way tracked friend dr ted nelson burr debenningbr br this often uproariously funny enough absurd lines situations go around hard believe laughs unintentional seems kind goof lowbudget genre efforts s s such marvelously entertaining movie sequence nurse simply hilarious were even treated split screen sequence really add anything still gas watchbr br writer director william sachs deserves credit coming ingenious idea ultraslimy character memorable one indeed think pacing little off scenes like one elderly couple go little long ultimately delivers solid schlocky bmovie goods degree panache climax especially funbr br arlon obers music enjoyably shuddery yet also amusingly silly moments willy curtiss cinematography creates really great shots times brings rick bakers fantastic convincing makeup effects form highly respectable centerpiece movie right ultimate final meltbr br rebar heavy makeup almost entire movie sachs also gets praise movie hit ground running well enough debenning makes rather oafish silly hero ann sweeney hot either wife myron healey michael alldredge lisle wilson fine support also worth see folk like cheryl rainbeaux smith doing appreciable topless shot janus blythe of tobe hoopers eaten alive wes cravens the hills eyes even director jonathan demme bit partbr br this highly entertaining midnight movie enough gore chills laughs rate worth catching lovers lowgrade scifi horror everywherebr br ,0 +depression arai,1 +movie love canadian movies hire actress like rose understandshe completly useless movie name thats allthe rest cast goodgood enough make little thriller worki surprise plot first time usedbut unknown actors well even jergenim big fan liked movieif got chance see go it,0 +last day in my nice little office dont wan na move,0 +want alive anymorei cant stop thinking baby wouldve one years old come th hate much ive handled past year completely screwed everything life ruined relationships had nothing going anymore ive plans come th past year think going follow through,1 +If you'd rather force yourself in a relationship because you want to feel loved than learning to love yourself that's a huge issue. Stop running. Depression and the feeling of loneliness is the first steps to being free.,1 +@ainz0417 I'm sorry you are feeling sad and sick. I hope you feel better soon. ,0 +want die painlessly possiblei planning take massive overdose prescription pain killers already large stash assorted anti depresetnts fair pain killers obvious would able cause lot harm myself main reason havent taken overdose yet dont want fuck up last thing want take medication cause irreversible damage live long painfull life dissabled person simply want take large overdose bed listen music slip away reletivly pain free ampxb im currently looking reddit comunity something simmilar could find cocktail drugs would man size fittness general health would cause slip coma heart stop beating would cause massive internal bleeding would slowly kill hours days,1 +im trans dont know would worth effort commit like theres benefits less people would attracted me seems like hassle tell everyone would going different pronouns new name actually making effort pass female seems like much lot probably posting transgender help sub thing shouldnt,0 +@GoodCharlotte @sarahjanebrown5 It had only been like 2 weeks when you wrote this post concert depression am I right? ,1 +waiting get psych wardi checked failed attempt im extremely proud im also incredibly bored now first time psych ward phone die soon anyone ways stay completely zombie posttriage limbo,1 +backits months ago since seriously thought ending life ive depressed years never bothered get solutions recently months ago went therapy months stop due logistical reasons found replacement therapist cancelled appointment last minute thought getting better im going often im willing meet trust new people im starting like again im functioning like _normal_ viewed everything rosecolored glasses im getting better get progress gain friends ive built delusion belongingness family thought ive steered away demons head theyre still here never left made things worse hate myself _friends_ better without someone like life world infinitely better place without it voices back want stop,1 +i m ready to go it could be day from now week from now or even month from now but this is the only way i see myself going out and i refuse to accept any alternative i ve ghosted numerous people trying to throw their retarded empty platitude my way and a much a some of these mf wan na tell me they ve been there no the fuck they haven t i wish people could just accept the fact that some people weren t meant to live long life,1 +"@teddyrised It's causing an XML Parsing Error, which can severely delay page load time ",0 +Depression intensifies,1 +hypothetically if someone took 9 000mg fluvoxamine mg naltrexone and 0mg lorazepam what would happen all hypothetically of course,1 +dont know stay suicidal girlfriend throw away obvious reasons amita deleted post need help hello reddit native english speaker really really exhausted apologize bad english advance ampxb go met girlfriend years ago online chat room became best friends depressivesuicidal thoughts minor self harms finally met first time real life perfect fell love sure love care could fix problems enough long distance relationship mother really care her father lot temper grandmother hit lot child downs ampxb depression get better started get me every single time left house something would happen felt lonley argument mother asked time would coming back call her eventually stopped going partys dampd sessions wanted talk her tell feel complete break down started scratch arms hard got scared forced hands fingernails arms prevent worst damage gave night eventually came back weeks later told much love her wanted help feeling burnt out told wanted see psychologist love her want feel happy dont want relationship end offered help find one help make appointments said late one could help asshole telling insane broke heart depressive episodes got really bad often said things implied going commit redflag day far future tried cheer up comfort went away one time actually begged knees crying get help begged see professional said no kinda gave eventually started things again went friends houses played bit dampd again everytime super sad even fight afterwards told many times things helps sleep way stop fears etc stayed home sometimes helped like used do decided leave alone end even threatened arguments one day would kill would fault stupid things maybe even said hurtful things croseed line crossed multiple times much happend much could ever right down ampxb cant anymore tired dont think love like used to want stay friend want help dont think stay boyfriend much longer hate thinking asking another girl univerty ,1 +ive felt long time redflag im going goive fantasized killing years feel really close tonight im complete piece shit human being nothing left nothing world brings joy,1 +madlad school played coffin dance giornos theme unravel everyone year group assembly schools assemblies student plays piano another musical instrument everyone else entersexits hall usually would appropriate piece music play scenario student today decided take next level playing normal music first switched coffin dance everyone started cheering then got even better started playing even better even playing anime music everyone enjoyed it included big jojo fan nothing short spectacular,0 +im really bored cant use anybody want play minecraft bedrock,0 +confessionat beginning seventh semester already riddled feeling guilt parents spend much money education took upon whatever recover it refrained going friends eating out never went trips them started working online earned enough sustain save little future opportunity save arose internship opened company upon consulting seniors learnt good company work for even joined monetary benefits provided would paid stipend also dormitory fees final semester would returned little know signing to first day joining immediately regretted decision place far people even so travelled public transport many time standing journey took hour half way little money left spent travel bought gifts family travelling came physical strain chronic back ache put five months hoping could make six months would suffice would work getting abroad little know hard part yet come little know parents sacrificed much would make feel pain even experienced before always thought could take pain right could two types pain physical mental one realises latter much worse sacrificed much them need most turn me treat like criminal working brining income putting money table taken time out write gre ielts gate learn german language know enough time yet misunderstood taunted harassed working making money place used call home criticized sit using laptop wires surround it criticized way sleep man needs two things life know belong there lack place live lack respect neither here contemplated ceasing exist decided people know me dream mother come despise constant taunting chiding narcissistic nature love me anger issues irritable nature changed me deepy fundamentally come realise value money anything else past months depression lurking head like dark cloud feel finally taken over feel numb devoid love feeling come point beginning wonder go on,1 +kinda stupid but good way hide phone camera boring classes,0 +gonna acting,0 +tiredim fifteen go school every day im happy person love making friends smile love making teachers smile people told happiness contagious always ask friends theyre throughout day one ever really me go therapy psychiatrist doctor knows history redflag drug abuse yet seems like people go mental health bigger worries theres always someone else worse understand that want scream cry shout them cant see much im suffering someone cant contain well can make risk me frequently self harm im addicted nicotine addicted worse past gone single day years without thinking killing myself ive attempted kill odd times far two times parents understand mean edgy teenager way mean parents walked attempting redflag done nothing brush actions rug she wants attention shes typical teenager nobody understands seriously one understands ive tried talk people ive tried talk friends every time do look differently treat differently ive tried talk social worker understand outside im happy carefree im tired nobody sees bad is im finally dead know everyone going think could done more truth fucking could have im exhausted,1 +im play d chess get h girls cry ik thisll controversial opinion,0 +kill myselfi want discussion really comes it not,1 +superneej morning bah car won t start waiting for the anwb,0 +i always feel everyone dislike me and laugh behind my back my own friend i feel even hate me secretly am i just paranoid or could there be something to this in my past most people have hated me on sight a well so i m confused is this just from being depressed for too long i also feel like a burden on my partner and friend just by being around or even saying one word i feel i waste my partner time completely along with friend time my friend friend actually leave call whenever i show up a well so it s a sign of something i often time honestly feel it would be easier on those around me if i passed away due to the hatred i feel if everyone hate me so much why am i still around,1 +omfgggg learned accual term like issue getting stuff done executive disfunction apparently im inhumanity unmotivated person brain fucked fun,0 +tiredlife cant numbing various drugs behaviors cant take end it cut least times oddly sting isnt painful anymore almost want roll bloody arm concrete see damage do im numb ive given even trying live life im tired tried alone tried friendly cant seem accept im meant dead inside meant hurt every second blessed life apartment food stomach whats point girl couldnt love am im codependent bitter distant maintain blank demeanor dont know better literally cant relate anyone im probably human human body im complaining need someone bounce redflag ideas of none friends help leave sense peace takers,1 +it feel like ever since i wa younger i couldn t ever make myself feel a will to live for context i wa abused pretty badly by my mom at a young age hit in the face beer bottle broken over my head and all the mental shit that came with it and at my grandma took me in and then i moved into my own place at my age now 0 but the feeling never went away in fact it stayed with me and i ve always been lonely never even had my first kiss through out my life and the feeling of just shooting my fucking brain all over my wall get stronger each week i have called hotlines and it s helped a lot but i never get over it in the long run,1 +want friends please bruh reddit page gonna end asking friends please friend like almost feel like dying,0 +halloween halloween halloween halloween need halloween costume m filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler,0 +"footy training tonight went well, all prepped for semi finals tomorrow, should be a good one ",0 +like idea sniffing hair people say creepy get why least imagine cuddling girl sniff hair jus huummm also really like idea hugging girl sniffing hair,0 +suicidal falling apart need shoulder cry onive really bad night know tonight specifically lot stress ive kept bottled come pouring out feel passing now im still emotional edge itd nice talk someone close friends asleep honestly want vent anyone know well anyway long story short im really depressed frustrated frightened sad think im calm enough make tomorrow tomorrow like today cant see way anymore itd nice talk anyone it throwaway aim disposablerobot,1 +@Bethenny Oh delicious cakes - I wish I could quit you... now thanks to Bethenny I may not have to! ,0 +ittoday worst day ever never knew would capability feel bad anything world would capability let feel bad cant shit cant whole world me im sure fuck this done want leave urge die never high,1 +"tired of wondering if you will ever come around here again. cali misses you baby. but simply put, florida can keep you. ",0 + money career aspects friends loved ones said live see another winter last year covid came around really mean iti left last job year half ago decided id live savings long could end life useless degree skills cant even get job gas station socially awkward good lying cover fact ive long employment gap used want write books one finished three years ago painful failure cringe thinking it anyones sad passing theyll drink beer get soon enough way always been,1 +kill myself nothing gets better stay alivemy life always shitty since child rarely anything good happens me whats point living suffer everyday,1 +im totally alone wanted die monthsmy partner years left month ago stupidly agreed move new place after got evicted old place today moving day want die want go like this left psychotic episodes got worse worse emotionally abusive ex ptsd got physical forced way room police got involved cant stop thinking violence want fix things know thats impossible blames throwing away relationship dealing mental illness ive diagnosed bpdschizophrenia anxiety depression bipolar ex thinks im narcissistim sick ill im tired mental health ruining everything brain fucked ive already tried kill like times since wish guts actually it would much better dead want live like anymore want move him keep going back thinking maybe theyll love never hate still loving someone vocal disgusting find me see point anymore,1 +keep livingi wondering anybody knows find live sounds really dumb know think live much longer want die cannot keep this know find motivation live maybe goal something live long run something soon might commit redflag truly want help would appreciated,1 +a couple week ago i contracted covid and got it pretty bad for a few day there it caused a big flare up of anxiety for me a i am a heavy cannabis and nicotine smoker and i couldn t give them up while dealing with covid and inevitably the smoking made it worse and played into my anxiety for background i have been managing anxiety fairly well for the past or year with habitual cannabis smoking but sometime in the week i had covid a switch wa flicked and smoking instantly made me more anxious i went to the doctor and have been prescribed seroquel in the morning and evening same with diazepam plus zoloft in the morning i m wondering if this sound like the proper response to deal with this flare up or do you think my doctor is going down the wrong path he doe know my history with anxiety and explained the mechanic of dealing with the anxiety first and then dealing with smoking and told me that i should keep on smoking even though it put me in a vicious cycle so a to not have to deal with withdrawal at the same time a the anxiety he booked me an appointment for two week time to review how thing are working but made no mention of referring me to anything external or anything to do with cbt,1 +you need to stop associating depression with nihilistic inclinations,1 +im going hang todayim posting mobile please excuse errors years old live home never attended college made attempt to currently undateable without friends believe lack college big factor that real friends moved lives live opposite end countryi live east coast usa got full time job pays fairly decent hourly wage fair benefits is however particularly care one way other means end passion immediate family paternal grandmother really ones think impacted major way think worry alas strength life anymore ill going later tonight currently est im years old tonight hang,1 +breakfast with serena goin 2 the ave after,0 +@emzyjonas I cant wait for Guilty Pleasure wbu ? x,0 +i ve suffered from anxiety and depression for most of my life i ve also occasionally had some episode that might be derealization but i m not sure once in high school i suddenly got an overwhelming feeling that my boyfriend someone i d known well for year wa unfamiliar to me my heart wa racing and i felt like my grip on reality wa slipping it wa traumatic and i haven t experienced an episode that bad since then i m 0 now but i worry that it could happen again someday for those familiar with derealization have you ever experienced this,1 +may one best movies ever made overall enjoyable lighthearted piece froth everyone involved seems good time highly recommended feelgood factor alone ok frank sinatras acting leaves lot desired singing great redeeming feature songs fit perfectly romantic atmosphere film sinatra went make many films undoubted acting ability shone this first venture hollywood voice acting main contribution movie ive watched tv still lifts mood much first time saw many many years ago,0 +please someone talk meim im weird af hate wanna die need talk someone weird attraction else itll tear apart,1 +"hanging with my girl, our time is twitter's time ",0 +I'm on a conference call and it's pushing me further and further into my depression,1 +fall asleep time get sleep cant fall asleep whats fastest working method fall asleep,0 +"I'm bored. if you have my number and happen to be reading this, text or call me. I took a nap and will now be awake all night",0 +used group friends used talk play almost every single day years one actually years thought best friend later really demonstrated much really care anyone else group left will rest group last longit almost year sincei already depressed time idk constant feeling loneliness actual friends tried making connections people sometimes meet online games even tried talking create connection never really happens either care even remember next day ghost anyway feel like age someone like least able find connection anyone ever again feel like ever find anyone ever trust again betrayed multiple times many people including friend since kid idk least couple years ago friends feel like nothing,1 +hyrdroxyzine sertraline overdosemy first post im wondering happens overdose zoloft vistaril like pills mg zoloft pills mg vistaril,1 +missed event looking forward years contemplating redflagso event happening today nyc ive wanted go years happens every year ive living abroad go really excited go year somehow got weekends mixed found today missed it ive contemplating killing past two hours finding out one reasons moved nyc wanted go event moved feel like failure missing im really ashamed admit friend missed even thought reminded go three weeks ago ive trying find therapist nyc anyone recommendations go please tell me live brooklyn cant contact pcp one also know need therapist every time feel fine convince im overreacting waste therapists time therapy three years ago felt like wasting time,1 +amount creepy dms get equivalent people crush may accurate somethin anyways never got one,0 +am need get chestits currently slept yet get half hour school again almost four hour long exam morning ive had no fucking sleep thoughts racing head again go school choice ive three panic attacks tonight last one lasting minutes felt shit long swear gonna get shitter mums gonna fucking kill me im gonna fail exams even fall asleep brain shut fuck once fuck,1 +close today close thought guys thought people understand me it thank all,1 +"This has been the calmest month of my life in years. No panic/anxiety attacks in weeks. No depression black holes making me wish I was dead. Definitely jinxing it now, but the sun is warm and I am alive. ",1 +girlfriend fucked back story met properly club made numerous times caught feelings felt passionate shes girl met wrong time later got know better right time anyways talked lot within first week snapped complimenting got meet one one walking quiet park evening nobody would see us talked talked pretty cute knew going happen hottest hook would touch around shirt even finger her moans kept night want go on told friends experienced knew doing found happy hear it friends talked said experience saying also liked loved feeling throughout following week snapped more saying things like cute missing sm clothes smell like you one time said know sounds soon cant wait girlfriend excited decided arrange dinner date her day date awesome stuff though didnt action okay that now days later received snap her remember well said hey im sorry might really blue ive thinking itd better friends followed another one saying im sorry didnt want lead on head like talking about confused slowly began cry out sort broke felt like absolute shit thinking went wrong clingy rushing seemed fine me ofc couldnt anything itd hard change perspective me weeks lead this snaps texts date meant nothing relationship mean shes friend get gonna hurt anything still relationship punched hole deep inside hurt since guess shes ex ive recently started missing much every way body face voice moans almost sexual way though still feelings moment ive thinking would possible id see club goes hook without lingering romantic feelings like friends benefits dont know feel like im stuck loop,0 +virgin ama whore vs want see funny comments chad,0 +anyone play r ps need players thamkssssss filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler,0 +anyone else therapist tries convert christianity atheist therapist every time see her want get better get converted therapists try convert,1 +1 in 4 SA workers suffers from depression https://www.health24.com/Medical/Depression/About-depression/1-in-4-sa-workers-suffers-from-depression-20180425 …?shared via @Health24com,1 +hi i am very sorry if this is the wrong sub for this post a good friend is going through a though depressive episode right now and since we live in different country we mostly hang out by playing game online we joke a lot but my humor a well a hers can get quite self depricating so i want to change my type of joke and how i talk in a way that boost her self esteem instead of lowering it i am really bad with word so if some of you have concrete example for how i can turn a joke or a phrase like bruh we are so dumb lol etc around to something positive would be really helpful just imagine you have to teach a toddler with atrocious social skill how to be a supportive friend,1 +Sitting in the sun with a starbucks after a nice long walk ,0 +@stuarthoward say hello to @richardsproject from me if you see him ,0 +@TristyWisty thanks! The photo on @DayleRobyn 's background is courtesy of @TBImages ,0 +choosing course live ireland chose courses could college change later ones chose r architecture accounting finance wondering u guys course suggestions would pay fairly well job future also interesting im physically active im good art thats help pls help out parents want get course would pay well,0 +wow days worried less hours feel good calm long time still scared looking forward leaving notes house body saying goodbye anyone particular bye truth cut everyone knew time coming want anyone feel hurt dead years worked alone possible thought parents abused mum would constantly tell dumb would burn hell dad angry person beat mum earliest memory hitting mum mum would put years later would go sleep without beating words every night got beating one reason another true brothers least believed school life bad dyslexic af used small weak kid got bullied constantly really badly point teachers joined well got low grades extra beatings got college stopped getting bullied never frienda year half age dad died mum got depressed quit college started work jobs help support mum brothers year half mum died sad idk never liked instead dealing emotions dad told buried emotions deep inside used boil form angeri went got another jobs average sleeping hours per night working non stop support brothers expected got engaged age arranged marriage uncles auntie set week marriage older brother told put ton debtalmost k marriage got called offi account point tried get back grind could older brother left could bring take court years everyone told older brother fing even younger brother crying saying fing listen cannot look eyes completed university know jobs wear suiti never gave time always expected me yeah know sounds like easy life feel burnt always getting kicked grow empathetic nobody showed life pathetic human nothing life die nothing hours go life,1 +@Sethhs23 - woo woo maybe i should get me a dodgers jersey too how many innings are there in baseball.. seems complicated,0 +give upim tired pain hurt im tired failure im tired alone scared im tired living,1 +I love Hoops and Yoyo. ,0 +found friends years one real life friends know why tried find friends since years literally count many friends had friends feel lonely one ever wrote sms call invite hang needed something me also speak new school completely new country need find least friends lose mind there new school moved year ago new school everyone giving compliments funny im everyone wanted hangout wanted sport team never wanted friends group completely ignored lunch always alone class girls new school girls gave lots attention know least girls crash lots weird things attract attention two even told refused im interested them online friends online friends always want play them im really good game nice funny words redflag option no redflag never option even never someone would support lonely life ive never tried redflag ive learn self motivate escape stress decided find friends lost friend meaned much me like real life friend lost her never find someone showed someone care me actually ive never friend cared much cant find feel like brake tears literally cant live without now im idiot want friend first time fucking life thats weird usally want one life one mattered me one person stick heart her,1 +monasmith sadly yes i think i need counciling now,0 +yay no work todayyy but working for the rest of the week lol,0 +not to self licking off pudding from a seafood fork not so enjoyable a slowly licking off of a spoon,0 +neyawn yeah interview don t know even when it is,0 +honest scale horny rn dont lie plus nobody judge,0 +@RogerInTDot Don't let me be your motivation. Staying fit and healthy should be motivation enough! ,0 +"@YouTube @thaRadBrad I just have to say that I subscribed to your YouTube channel since your dayZ days and I have loved your content... You seem to make me forget my depression when I watch your content, so thank you for all your great work that you do",1 +bueno ya me voy...tomorrow early for the beach good night ,0 +recently i ve been barely sleeping and eating to the point where i m sometimes embarrassed to go in public because i look like i have two black eye i also have zero energy and frequent tremor in my arm bleh depression suck,1 +portals open choose ur destination,0 +i proud head mike nesmith said be film either derided many us studied scrutinized film professors works many levelsbr br yes unconventional many frustrating almost producers hand film tempt you figure outbr br you probably already know monkees tv show runaway marketing success depended upon business acumen small serving public deception tv shows selling soap toothpaste first entertain monkees broke box short time make head testament groups popularity importance pop culture despite heads at get one thing straight head monkees tv showbr br so psychedelic documentary western pop culture source authority subject head movie could come inside box monkees cast crew seasoned weary professionals seen share promise disappointment movie deliberate attempt market repositioning so three things make film way monkees envisioned importantly reinvent group one subservient old bosses yas hipper before make film exposed american attitudes information disseminationbr br head therefore really media manipulation net result deception mass media supposed inform educate us happenings world large ultimately asks us form opinions events shape thought notredflag action thus assume information absorb complete unbiased otherwise one establish valued conclusion one idea presented book newspaper tv show one street interviews head guy admits i looked newspaper tv years lesser better man even drug parallels soft veiling things seem remember old joke everything know wrong screenplay starts monkees public admission manufactured image runs football literally football scene movie visual manifestation whole idea behind head film streamofconsciousness exercise film culmination pot smoking marathons many coincidences occur film suggest otherwise guess head culmination motivations somewhere intended unintendedbr br largely insiders responsible head seem enjoy revelries take place film anger anger chaos characterized late s anger way media television especially changed culture negative ways drugs violence strong negative forces late s still are producers head want know poor information far greater dangerbr br wars attributed hoaxes lies perfect way spread disinformation tv repeatedly mysterious black box seen obstacle monkees seemingly us well one scene peter sullenly sitting saloon holding melting ice cream cone asked fellow monkey whats wrong i bought ice cream cone want it movie suggests first purpose media inform sell en mass blindly head goes further put idea someones head merrily goes hebr br the filmmakers know this danger real head either movie creates as go along deliberate statement perhaps perhaps not maybe pot meets advertising critics scathed jokes monkees us careful ask for may get itbr br cheers true guilty pleasure funny intelligent please fans find substance there unabashedly weird bizarre collection characters good tunage length appropriate lots great one liners including time prophetic favorite the tragedy times young friends may get exactly wantbr br caveats dated drugs plot linear delivery thought particular least twentyfive stories interweave stopand go fashion so may easily frustrate may seem pretentious some people cant stand monkees need watch though reason avoid it psychedelic special effects may kill ailing picture tube acid burnt eyeballsbr br match cut,0 +oh fucking god idk felt like yelling clean room would literally rather blow brains clean room amount hate hold cleaning u g h aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa wanna sleep sum deep clean whole ass bedroom ughhhhh,0 +yo anyone wanna chattttt dm wild potatospecies originating moderndayperu found throughout americas theunited statesto southernchilethe potato originally believed domesticated byindigenous peoples americasindependently multiple locationsbut later genetic testing wide variety ofcultivarsand wild species traced single origin potatoes area presentday southernperuand extreme northwesternbolivia species thesolanum brevicaulecomplex potatoes weredomesticatedapproximately years agoin theandesregion south america species isindigenous close relatives potato cultivated potatoes introduced europe americas second half th century spanish today astaple foodin many parts world integral part much worldsfood supply potatoes worlds fourthlargest food crop aftermaizecornwheat andrice following millennia ofselective breeding different types potatoesover presently cultivated potatoes worldwide descended varieties originated lowlands ofsouthcentral chile importance potato food source culinary ingredient varies region still changing remains essential crop europe especially northern eastern europe whereper capitaproduction still highest world rapid expansion production past decades occurred insouthernandeastern asia china india leading world overall production like thetomato potato anightshadein genussolanum vegetative fruiting parts potato contain toxinsolaninewhich dangerous human consumption normal potato tubers grown stored properly produceglycoalkaloidsin amounts small enough negligible human health green sections plant namely sprouts skins exposed light tuber accumulate high enough concentration glycoalkaloids affect human health,0 +future dream id really like happen me maybe dumb hold something could possibly never happen want grow bloom person decided recovering getting better person want do try hope try me toosn always option me though hour ago almost set hanging recovering hardi wish everyone well sorry life brought us point rooting us alwayshugs decided stay now,1 +im sorry im asking would rather stable ram overclock pass memtest tests would rather stable ram overclock gain huge performance loses ram hammer test every single time ram would vulnerable high frequency row hammer bit flips im bit pickle right now seem lose hammer test every time actual eb expected ceb would ,0 +#kekepalmer on battling anxiety and depression pic.twitter.com/99VmsHCbsV,1 +wyldceltic oh man it wa the most sad ever,0 +young know feeling wayi living life enjoying myselfi want anyone tell gets better waited tried get help years exact place started life roller coaster pleasant oneim seventeen year old girl survival mode every day tired fighting alone disappeared tomorrow morning everybody would still go dayso still here waiting for already made decision next decision going it want kill self want pain end,1 +Manic depression by jimmy is tough,1 +hello everyone father suffered severe depression aggressive behaviour since father passed away things started get worse worse time time want go specialist get treatment treating family like garbage today told siblings fuck tired living us un happy feel bad guilty want feel better everytime try pushes away hurts lot treats like shit ny father cannot leave way want know do want accept professional help blaming us unhappy also controlling want us social media keeps threatening mom leaving us plays victim everytimei sad depressed seeing family like sad need advicewhat make see faults behave better even go therapy help person depression ,1 +@THEROYALKOURT Hey congratulations on defeating your suicidal ideations and severe depression. Stay strong and keep fighting through it all. Also congratulations on the intern and that 4.0! #ballin,1 +i couldn t take the pain anymore so i locked up my emotion and feeling and when i have to interact with others i fake it i know that when i let them back in it s going to be catastrophic but i need it being on ice feel good every now and then what scare me is that when i wa little i used to do it without realizing it for week at a time and i didn t know how to get out of it now i check myself from time to time to see what state i m in and whether it s time to get out of it or not i think i ll stay in the ice for week i think,1 +she wa the only thing making me feel guilt or sadness at the thought but now knowing she won t care i think i m ready,1 +consent hot overdo,0 +nickynocky i pay just over a hundred for me and occasional kid in a house but not metered yours doe sound high then,0 +urgent friend considering redflag dohes considering redflag know talk it,1 +almost called helpline overwhelmed breaths got heavier body weak could barely curl up sat inside walkin closet felt like small matter something like that wished human would pick soon dialed in know probably lot worse problem do really guts it constant thoughts random scenarios dyingdealing bot pressing numbers hold darkest moments sucks could wait turned phone cried sleep walkin closet wonder suicide helplines work,1 +something wrote kind express feeling felt like sharing person inside me wants cannot break wall cries loud ever apparent desperation rise paralyzing enclosused imprisoned repression depression hope lost hope gained day day out disassociation confusion worth it strong enough let go weak enough hold on part something bigger prisoner something smaller say words head ring hallow spinning control maybe asking wrong questions maybe right questions maybe right answers maybe subjective maybe purpose purposeless words enough ride myself want break out replace person something better cry help plead affirmation tell alone tell okay tell okay please tell okay get somehow,1 +i can t do it anymore it feel like none of my friend care about me my ex left me and now ha blocked me my mom ha been hounding me about shit that i don t have the time or energy to shoulder i can t speak loudly without struggling i can barely eat without it feeling like sand down my throat i feel so alone,1 +My depression won't let me work out and be healthy pic.twitter.com/OuPOJdCmyD,1 +least painful instant way goi access guns hanging bridges,1 +skinny like post you year old boy meters quite tall always skinny like really skinny weighed kilos looked anorexic wasnt life getting comments skinny look desperately wanted get fat however blamed fast metabolism never anything last month got rejected girl said funny cute all skinny really upset decided eat past month eating like animal cant eat anymore eat more simply cant swallow use water constantly snack guess what gained weight weigh kilograms aiming situation in get up go fridge start stuffing face promise gain weight,0 +@RajaSen Thanks and glad to know ,0 +know much posting general bare me recently friend told years back friend told considering suicide kept saying things like are ok constantly similar things regrets done anything better like asking needed someone said want ask much want hurt scared now recently blames scenario saying things gone bad would potentially responsible saving friend apparently friend great friend consider one honestly know telling one informed know telling say friend either know qualified too advice friend seems depressed know say,1 +watching HSM3 with the kids ,0 +just got to work and am so ravenous have eaten my gipton steak amp branston sarnies now i ll have to buy something for lunch doh,0 +i literally have depression http t co q bkk uq,1 +http://twitpic.com/6dn3l - At my grandpa's house. ,0 +felt empathy like ill see something thatd make someone cry horrified im like,0 +i m year old and i never had a job only an internship a girlfriend and even a close friend for a long time the only thing i did wa finishing college and everything that i did after that wa to stay at home trying to find a job and failing at it i want to get over and be sucessful in my life but why doe it matter if i m already a total loser any normal person would look at an year old man that never had a job or girlfriend and say he s a loser even people from my family said that in another word sometimes i try to study programming other time i try to study thing in general but i know that i will fail and the people that hurt me will always be more sucessful than me so why i should even try,1 +tis as lots boobies great characters fun filled pranks well put together teen action spin amercan pie franchise feels like really old school feels bit like porkys s great funny characters combined humorous situations make one real surprise mebr br whilst original cast gone except one movie found really entertaining lets get excited take booby teen comedy is is excels characters likable funny girls hotter hell fun games hilarious stuff ive never seen comedies make cringe laugh timebr br so ignore haters give run see think expect classic american pie expect something make laugh spark attention hour so,0 +online class lmao two kids class wasted minutes convincing teacher one codes wont work lmao,0 +creating political party called antiuwu league,0 +hope liehey all ive suffering depression almost years now past weeks taken turn worst though almost friends drifted away life become complete shit even low standards yesterday got back exam results terrible id banking results least give life semblance hope reason live told would definitely kill day talk redflag hotline decided hang another day today appointment psychiatrist one talk besides her past times visited fine felt better least suicidal visits times today however aggressive irritated stance towards me kept forcing say things clearly uncomfortable with plus claimed lying time told couldnt perfectly recall specific details due addled state mind time didnt seem listen realised every time slight bit hope always turns wrong friends used confide ignore tell problems try hang them thought results could make it didnt work out thought maybe psychiatrist could help me didnt work well fuck it kill end week edit talked mother im fine now think,1 +movie took jerry springer approach superhuman power wilder napalm kind themebased movie love addressing idea prodigies america defined either gifts attempts hide them time movie points every prodigy human feared worshipped human being great comedy fun human slight satiric edge,0 +great anime true animation old still worth watching better plot ninja scroll problem kinda longbr br japanese movie star hiroyuki sanada played ujio last samurai played main character jiro directed rintaro galaxy express metropolisbr br the anime good animation old anime interesting characters like main villain tenkai ando shouzan course lets forget beautiful musical scores filmbr br all movie worth watching fans anime animation general action samuraininja flicks despite lows film film great film watchbr br dont miss film,0 +please rapunzel want hug youre really cute want wrap hair sleep,0 +@ChrisPatrick147 @mattgrayc64 @baronmad79 @MartinPaterso13 @boyceyoh The reduction in stake would massively minimise the financial harm as I was addicted to the game itself. At the time the money seemed secondary as I was hypnotised by the product. The financial destruction then led to deep depression. It's the right thing to do.,1 +@eziemac you're gonna love it ,0 +book heavy metal,0 +Just got homeeeee whaaaatsss goodddd???? ,0 +ahaha tears fall like glitter sparkle facd sobs violently pls give hug,0 +wanna live balls kill myselfi think finnaly lost mind fucking over shit going years different literally lost mind fucking sick hate everything everyone keep pretending every day good normal life guess fit normal life literally future find joy anything joy wish could reason wake morning really want die cant manage kill everyday feel like im stronger it,1 +if your own brand of depression make you bring your mum to the timeline for public flogging it s not depression that is plaguing you it is just plain old foolishness your whole operating system is corrupted and need a total overhaul,1 +@evennieleyland We have two ,0 +@shaundiviney Sounds hardcore. ,0 +im needy im much better tonight happy day im alone end bed need held right now theres chance be want make someone feel warm safe resting head shoulder arm chest want someone spoon make feel safe too honestly want boyfriend ever have,0 +@mommysnacks Did you mean to make your blog invite only? I had one of your readers email me by mistake asking for permission to read it. ,0 +Great show the other night... Excited to do another ,0 +guys idk right now internet buddyis kill herself please help me met girl internet weve talking month today got onto irc frequent told gonna kill husband got fight called redflag hotline local police anything since phone number address idk guys idk go please help me,1 +needed get chest referring girl throughout keep info private best friend kindergarten way th grade moved never left eachothers side played eachother everyday recess many stupid jokes acted like dumbasses time great thing ive always crush her every year liked her wouldnt i absolutely perfect me beautiful funny smart caring willing act like dumbass me even sense humor rare made moving away lot harder me positive moving away would lose feelings stop chasing her unfortunately compared every girl new school impossible even stand chance better her great long hard thats said eventually lost feelings her didnt feel way freshman year came saw homecoming football game first time seeing talking made feelings come rushing back me back started heard mention didnt date homecoming thought would one take her asked would homecoming date said yes shocked also happiest ive life couldnt believe girl ive liked forever going homecoming me pumped bragged friends perfect homecoming date ready go unfortunately timing could worse weekend homecoming flew seattle go seahawks game planned hand forgot it means couldnt go homecoming her devastated cried cried like little baby like week this easily worst thing happen me whole mess went life constantly head couldnt shake mind thats things would way today sophomore year moved back old school figured catch old friends see again course first person wanted talk thats exactly did havent talked since homecoming thing pretty scared anyways course talked homecoming said felt bad really excited go her said also hyped go told people going her made happy hear asked could doover go homecoming year together said yes again couldnt believe it way gonna mess one up again talked lot god knows memories made along way agreed missed acting like dumbasses together wanted close like used to told crush every year shocked me disbelief liked every year liked her everything going perfectly suddenly stopped talking me confused scared didnt know something said what either way worried asked wrong told boyfriend didnt want talking me boyfriend huh idea boyfriend understanding still confused boyfriend say could go homecoming together year would tell always liked me sad also tiny bit proud made seem like threat boyfriend boyfriend doesnt know me want talking must mean talking scared either one makes feel better didnt want fault said goodbyes said well talk eachother time right two three weeks finally another opportunity talk birthday everybody gonna talking birthday wrote sweet little message said happy birthday goal wasnt make leave boyfriend go me make think sweet remind great times shared luckily trick said sweet misses times used have also said wants become close used missed people like life talked little stuff wanted make sure boyfriend wouldnt get mad texting said probably not shouldnt continue checks phone doesnt even want us friends asked would become close didnt want us friends said friends school starts matter says good sign means willing listen closer me told excited school start couldnt wait see again said said goodbye again kinda sad stop talking time know breaks him pretty good shot could actually get girl years chasing her play waiting game thats exactly im now im hoping thing happen happened see eachother school again hope feelings come back like me know wrong want this blame me shes perfect person world im gonna let get away gonna take shot time comes finally get her nothing gonna ruin us unstoppable thank coming ted talk,0 +"@PoetressFloetic Make that money, girl! Morning, btw. ",0 +tried last night idk held back guess im still scared today ill try even though im gonna end something stupidim life basically im stuck obsessed girl killing already im alcoholic cant anything right couldnt even keep friendship girl hates want gone married guy dont think could handle wish someone could kill dont deal fear,1 +would better overhave ever thought killing yourself sweet relief pain comes living world worrying girls school paying bills thoughts past trauma worries future trauma ever wonder life would better without youre burden people would better without you ever wish terrible things youve done would go away pain would subside nothingness ever wish couldnt feel anymore life much part life though suppose yes theres bad comes good too friends family overall enjoy life im thinking hard would take care cat would parents friends feel leave world matter never feel never know pain caused losing me thats though want everyone happiness others brings happiness me suppose bring joy one sole earth stick around never know maybe life turn alright,1 +hey you yes you one reading this you well let tell something need know scroll please know know im stranger internet but guarantee you need hear this dark place alone there yknow feeling suicidal please dont think matter even know you still think matter best stranger ive met so something real quick quick promise drink water wait wipe water lips yet look see shine see twinkle glimmer like you even tiniest bit light shine want take life think something billion people earth someone there think perfect love you much imagine much hurt left even seems unlikely assure you someone there love you keep fighting win matter hard is fight storm see rainbow remember that okay good love you stay safe handsomebeautiful ,0 +@seaheidi What kind of surprise? My mom used to order new bees for her beehive through the mail. That always surprised the post office. ,0 +depression damn brutal add top ugly virgin extreme social redflag lower iq learning disabilities many internal issues what fk suffering could dead seriously nothing here people tell try new things get me fatigue beyond awful scared death hate religion making scared hell think awful things christians now hate existence alone dead inside gone even idk much longer last,1 +i have no will power to do anything i hate doing assignment and study all they do is blame me for not doing anything cuz everyone are doing the same thing and they say that i m not the only one who ha problem i don t know why i m really afraid to call it quits even my mom told me to kill my self i m not sure what i m waiting for,1 +dont know anywhere else say bro really forgot pears existed like year,0 +need helpi live fantasies head ever since started highschool lifes going downhill old friends distancing me im becoming lazy last anxieties catching me try immerse games books work anymore whenever breathe feels like theres sharp knife throat courage materials commit redflag help,1 +just a motivational quote,1 +hard justice excellent action movie whole movie really nothing shooting fighting good vampire plot people say make shoot em ups fighting films like use to well one really hardcore the dragon wilson excellent character really cool movie nicholas guest good well arguably steals show really performs fantastic villain melanie smith also good think fine looking actress underrated michael cavanaugh good really cool see vince murdocco film action truly awesome gun fights super cool fighting scenes fighting picture really greatest seen much happens minute run time action fans blown away fire power superb fighting film offer night hunter movie easy locate video store see sale buy movie big keeper plus box cool ton action seen believed look see find good deals ebay halfcom amazoncoms zshops market place sellers opinion night hunter one greatest fighting films ever watched characters neat like the dragon wilson want see nicholas guest great performance strongly recommend action movie fan loves shoot em ups fighting movies vampire films disappointed movies look true non stop action flick fails deliver get buy night hunter today,0 +looking forwardi going kill saturday im going take time selfish write why think problems started age two father walked life never came back never wanted anything me mom single close five got man physically verbally abused year knowing happening decided marry him kid half brother always made feel left like belong feel like ive never really family result im gay hard time coming terms this hated want gay struggled prayed nothing ever changed around age fell love someone thought best friend lead years eventually ended years later told kill upset string broken promises course try kill knew nothing next day die sent text saying done day attempted redflag get cop knocking door leads hospitalized im highschool develop schizophrenia im put several mood stabilzers anti depressants anti psychotics makes life living hell sedate never helped hallucinations spent good three years essentially staring bed room ceiling unable muster energy leave room hallucinating taunted voices stopped taking medication tried really really heard get life track made friend lives seas became attached supportive nice me lost pounds gaining ton wheight tried get job tried make friends got part time job eventually everything ive worked seems like nothing im still alone feel feral hard time articulating thoughts psychiatrist put medication help concentrate agreed eventually tried see furthering education dead end far mean ive getting closer friend seas point think ive fallen love tell feel seem care still fine countinue friendship eventually says want anything friendship im fine long happy meet another guy psych issues hes always nice decide chase years getting dating first date goes okay learn family friends moved situation needed help happy help next day go house trying help get clothes washed hang blows kept asking okay sort nervous tick mine dragged glass point im upset life filled failed relationships friendships relationships family seas friend becoming distant slowly cutting life finally today cant take anymore tell im going disapear want know im going want worry him know validate life people inhuman live life without single meaningful relationship im pain want die would worse live like this constant hell confusion lonliness im looking forward oppurtunity least likely disturbed saved many people told life would improve gotten worse know one care everything go fine without me still tried help guy hurt today dropped food gave company know hes alone worry literal regret death affect single person treated like trash im idiot,1 +going insane one wants helpplease broken laptop phone able call help insecurities killing me panic attacks need get house ill happy im underage already drug addiction im unable repress longer im going insane please help,1 +nasty scraping noise from the back of my car,0 +amandaenglund sorry to hear about your loss there have been many this year so far,0 +hi guys wanted say hi day wasnt great hope was amazing you human thats beautiful love you ,0 +kristensaywhaa he is an as hm did you watch the first episodeee i freakin missed it,0 +lmao get covid test tomorrow id say hope get again sake friends dont want it good news get weeks work im still getting paid hours,0 +im iti never diagnosed depression know it get sad lot times reason get sad get bullied lot school friends used play games family seem care notice all mom always facebook talking friends something brother always physically emotionally abused young sister always said mean stuff little one time mom took marijuana raped probably worst moment life mom well today seem care depression says itll get better obviously work brother always sex girlfriend ever im home alone makes feel worthless also mom dad divorced pray every do work always think god treating like thismaybe exist thats good reason anyone reading this please help me cant live like anymore,1 +think shirt girls diisaugxyxufidoaofiduwisiofifidofpfpeidi,0 +idea april st terraria minecraft switch logos day,0 +intrusive thoughts oh boyrecently feels like distract time else negative feelings catch flood brain tell everything sucks die get close writing redflag note leaving everything behind started days ago found someone thought good terms actually talking shit behind back im hurt feel feel like be im not importantly that im alarmed strongly feel need escape guilty feel want that dont want friends family sad dont want cats think abandoned them life insurance low housemates would move guilt thing thats really making stop think go anything havent told anybody thoughts dont want worry them set therapy appointment next week ive psych ward years ago dont ever ever want go again dont know need tell somebody,1 +oh and I got my haircut today. I looove it ,0 +someone help metoday girlfriend broke already thought wasnt much point life seems like point all anyone got ideas make bad give suggestions make end bad way,1 +is looking forward to a hot day and helping and watching chloe's sports day x x x,0 +know much live for thats makes worsei dont know start this dont know right place me dont think ill kill myself cant write this toddler asleep chest kindergartner asleep next room husband left work feel irreparably broken want stop im getting help im medicated enough im afraid tell doctor enough were running pills try im afraid im broken plan ive plan like fantasy vacation play head go beach leave keys phone shoes sand take pills left swim swim far can fall asleep go under one find clean me im really trying everytime feel like im ok something knocks again tired completely tired keep throwing things hole chest cant fill it medication working self harm burns leg working family loves fucking much working fuck wrong me desperately want ok want happy want ok swimming fall asleep feels like way,1 +people staring problem hey guys alt account apologize isnt right sub question ive trying get lately long story involves losing first car ive always fear driving ive getting better getting fear though really nice paying job say that mean afford many many various types clothing really expensive lately whenever go out ive noticing people staring me nice clothes think im cute something dont understand keep looking me dont mind all wanna know why help,0 +help please ok discord servers people there talk like minutes stop start talking bit later basically cycle need help moderating people also conversation grows average member every day would really help could moderator also start conversation there dm interested,0 +i ve lost year of my life to the pandemic i became a slob i forgot how to care for basic hygiene and everything i own is tight and uncomfortable i have no job or any motivation to find one i waste away everyday but during all of the last two year i had supportive friend and i think i finally overdid it yesterday a friend of mine who i m closest to called me lazy she know about my depression my bad reaction to medication which made me stop taking them and how i m treated a a sub human at home and yet she called me lazy this is the first time i ve been called lazy and i m so heart broken my irl support system ha crumbled and now i have no one i can talk to about anything i hate how being burnt out is seen a laziness i m so tired,1 +aunt uncle baby sat brother little molested brotherim th breakdown past year thing mother refuses acknowledge ever happened questions every single detail story problem maybe happened sees missed detail proof never happened uses berate insult me addition give answersfake answers happened say thing says liar lying attention never asked yet deal silence almost years finally come talk neither parents give shit would mess family dynamic ive seen shrinks worthlesssaid fault still nightmares supposed move life strangled aunt me fact relying parents everything cannot find job anywhere especially one allows move out feel like tortured way out,1 +anybody else recently hear use tylenol acetomenaphin fight existential anxiety god ever description life written would titleherehttpwwwchroncomlifehealthzonearticlecantylenolhelpeaseanxietyphp link tylenol frankly im glad hear existential anxiety till thought person felt like could hear grass grow cars rusting seems worry go wrong next,1 +guys big butts please fucking stop straight thanks,0 +hope makes think way everyday rest lifeive posted many times problem gotten better ive tried therapy actually got really close always told gonna last work together boss today tried talking ignored me see phone text ignores too live apartment brother happens best friend turned big mess cant control today gotten worse ever title says shes probably gonna get within days im gonna though life shit anyways made worse time low im sitting across speak carpooled too might take keys walk drive home it somehow thinking calming down like freeing spirit,1 +november beginning day pain misery hrs already im struggling pain real whole time im going make sure make one express pain reason even tho one asked,0 +it s 0am i ve been awake for nearly hour,0 +trying find meme template im trying find template cartoon character chopping last piece tree thats barely holding standing trunk,0 +happy life thats im sadi dont know want life parents always wonderful trying support me even though dont lot friends especially close ones ones still nice around im middle class white guy real personality kinda drifting life real aspirations goals find self destructive practices stress thing make feel alive anymore thats probably hate myself wonderful girlfriend made wrong decisions relationship recently lost her one blame myself frankly hardest part life right living regret hold heart im college graduating degree mathematics soon degree dont even remotely care about thought crippling debt strengthens shame earning degree im even proud of truly ive thought redflag every day last years days wake angry couldnt died sleep want kill myself dont want put effort actually go it want leave knowing leave behind take guilt shame comes losing loved one maybe dont want die wish never born all im torn whats point living things actually get better im seeing therapist end month figure hell tell get hobby focus things make happy nothing really makes happy even try reason sad sad guys,1 +tightly written acted filmed violent much so whoever edited knew exactly wanted portray wasted scene movie the usual suspects superb ensemble acting collection outstanding individual performances rarely buy movies one worth owning,0 +@katieseymour i'll be in Seattle tonight! It would be cool to bump into you! havent seen you in a while! ,0 +theonewithkatie please i need someone to go to it with me,0 +finally it insert funny,0 +love moviebr br this beautiful charming love story drew immediately lovable characters heartwarming romance became attached characters throughout film felt knew personally storyline enchanting brought tears several touching moments duchovny driver cute chaste relationship cant help getting involved in ones worth watching once showing friends im curious big hitbr br i give spectacular film and coming guy thinks movies even worth watching,0 +been noticing i ve been doing a lot of pacing back and forth lately been trying to think of way to make extra cash and such after being let go from my job now i m starting to think what if i have adhd or is it just anxiety do you guy pace back and forth sometimes when thinking,1 +chance guys interested hearing alternative rock album band put first album out im keen hopefully find people like it,0 +stop normalising funerals wtf point like please die go,0 +lost knowing doim male france english mother language sorry bad english lack caps im fucking tired feel like attention whore post tehre people much issues lifes deserve attention even know im really depressive im making things life normal cant speak anyone want relatives firends thraet like im sick im know feel lost suicidal thoughts since maybe months happen im alone worse thing i got close friends famiuly loves me im traumatised rapemurderinsert terrible thing here also good grades premire s term anyone familiar french system feel like deserve them im always quiet class never really participate work lot home firends work really hard maybe fear future high school want send prpa think ill fail im hardworking like physics chemistry people think im fucking genius cant think brain learn really fast somehow im good want work scientist ill probably find anything im idiot hiding behind good grades tpe basically school project starting october groups hand paper end march oral exam friday worked guys class close friends really friend they nice guys tho whatever work close friends another class work them choosed subject months realized one us like sibject whatever changed bit time goes less less motivated firends and everyone class became motivated oral exam fucking week shit past december feel like abandonned feel way too parents really close education care lot eason lazy autistic videogame player didnnt told them really upset find happenned exam also counts end school grade baccalaurat know this moment need work presentation simply im shitposting reddit procastinating avoid duty girlfirend dick watch disgusting porn every evening awful one things give pleasure im disgusted myself defend womens rights time watch bondage shit tumblr awful feel even supposely close friends close me one birthday month ago invited party maybe guys group friends me know could go explain im hypocritical shit hiding good grades avoid stuff ill stop im really disgusted posting this im wasting time awfully formatted rant needed,1 +"just saw playradioplay with scottie. one of the greatest nights, EVER. i love you sweets oh and, casey denicore likes boys",0 +finally found itafter years hating passed months mostly progress last couple weeks though relapsed starting suicidal thoughts again weekend though made stupid decisions ultimately lead one best nights life finally came giant conclusion subreddit helped though wanted put thank you,1 +need know helpmy girlfriend battling depression self harming habits months now attempted redflag once admitted hospital problems there optimism rises gets seems drain away struggling find enjoyment things does fact feel like much anything helping drags further best supportive needs me ill suggest things might try people talk to lot time feels like im saying anything useful im terrified thought losing her want anything help get better feel like im learning anything problems im confused help her need know help get back feet motivated again something lift depressed mind set,1 +@lucyleopard i hope you have a super saturday x,0 +http://twitpic.com/6blfz - i never turn down a hot fudge sundae. even at 12:30am.. heistheebest ,0 +Full on depression if my dog dies.,1 +is waiting for the scrapper to come to pick up his old saab,0 +@selenagomez Re think this.....don't say you won't ever overcome anxiety n depression... That is not the TRUTH !...say I can do all things thru Christ who strengthens me!!! Ask Him to show you the way out! He knows there Is a way out!!! Believe that lie no more!!!,1 +also know cheaperbetter items could add please let know like minefield trying find nonprime pantry items i would also happily accept gift card grocery storerestaurant something another way assist know sure going towards food full disclosure active account months purely using username primarily least months,0 +im going start protest stop uautomoderator stop discriminating short titles shakeing smh heads,0 +I call BS if anyone deserves credit its president Obama for putting the brakes on the worse recession in our history that almost lead to a depression if not for Obama & his adms getting the economy that GWB & the reps had managed to almost demolish back on its tracks. #REALNEWS,1 +thought coming going easy woke,0 +moulin rouge mad me cry once again,0 +"Umm... why is Kobe a trending topic??? Is there an important game on or something?? If so, who cares... NOT ME!!! lol. ",0 +i ve been with my fianc two year we are both trans men in our mid 0 he ha been severely traumatized and ha ptsd for the past year especially after starting a grueling job that take up most of his time he ha become more and more depressed and suicidal he ha a history of multiple attempt i try to encourage him to talk listen and validate distract with humor and cheer and offer way to help i m not perfect and a lot of time i think i just make it worse by doing or saying the wrong thing or just maybe how i am i ve offered to pay for a hospitalization i ve offered to help call for therapist i ve offered to support him with saving so he can quit his job and take some time to heal but he refuse he won t accept any financial help i argue that his health is more important long term than money for the future but he won t accept it he can t trust his family either he oscillates between desperately wanting mental healthcare and mistrusting it due to a totally reasonable reaction to past experience lately it s just been so bad he is so dysphoric and every time he s reminded of his appearance he begin to spiral i can see it tonight he told me it s been the same a long a he can remember that he can t enjoy anything that he think about doing it every minute i listened and tried to comfort him and after a while asked if i can set a day to leave voicemail for some therapist he said i ve been trying to do that for the past two month i said i would sit down with him to help tomorrow and he didn t answer me he looked completely dead inside he told me he wanted to be alone and went to sleep on the couch he is asleep right now i feel like the weight of this is so heavy on me he is such a kind loving smart and beautiful person inside and out the person i want to marry and spend my life with but i feel like that person is disappearing into a void a year ago he had so much life in his eye i have severe adhd and anxiety and also am autistic i struggle a lot with executive functioning and forget important thing constantly i think i might by nature be a bad support though i try my best i probably seem distant and apathetic often i will never give up on him but i m barely capable of managing myself and i know i can t handle this alone i know i should not have to but it is how it is it s really getting to me and i have been becoming extremely depressed myself for the first time in a while we are set to marry in under a year i think delaying the wedding might take stress off but it feel like any major change i suggest would freak him out i just don t know every time he go out alone i m worried i could lose him i make sure not to be overly invasive or anything if i called the hospital or his parent he say it would just make thing worse i m just hoping when this job end in a couple of month he will be able to breathe a little i love him so much and my heart is hurting i m so scared i think he need more friend therapy time to himself and a different job but a much a i ve tried to i can t make that happen for him i feel so lost i just don t know there is no answer,1 +so i got depression anxiety and the debilitating i can t do ish type i am currently procrastinating on an assignment i need to do fast help also do you guy feel like you have an almost physical pain due to all this stuff that you try to avoid facing,1 +when the depression start feeling like ruining all your friendship,1 +lets cut chase babyboomer inevitably spent time wondering fact that mccartney gumption drop johns city hermit life spend day him also certainly wondered things went heard exact reports writer film heard johns pauls perspective admit reconstructed meeting pretty much way film does none imaginings could bought tears eyes way incredible piece work acting does found amazingly lifelike perfectly plausible saccharinfree now anyone explain hear masterpiece shown cbc last night mean already three years old goodness sake yes beatles fan mustsee performance even subtle paraphrasing beatles melodies background inspired,0 +The Last Jedi in Depression @coub https://coub.com/v/vfyxt ,1 +im kind slow seriously thought like february fuck almost half way past month im losing track time,0 +birthday filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler,0 +sub im backthe thoughts gone feel free happy done without sub cant thank enough anyone talked me thank you seriously woke today lot thinking made realize small part large picture gone picture same know sounds stupid share this also anyone needs talk message me ill listen promise thank ,1 +we re out of the bundus god complex stage of depression is in obashata,1 +"@TamboManJoe HEHE hey come to cancun,mexico PLEASE! IS MY DREAM",0 +need help two math questions ampxb httpspreviewredditsnrvsxregpngwidthampformatpngampautowebpampsacfbedefaedeaeebc,0 +boyfriend dramaagainhe hasnt talked day yet hes posting social media dont understand knows bad anxiety comes this,1 +"@Leggox5 life definitely has it's ups & downs, but I'm quite blessed as well! I'm trying hard not to worry so much & appreciate more ",0 +Thank God for reevaluating financial aid. ,0 +"@beckyingj What advice is the great and wise Pitty-Pat offering up tonight? Tell her hi, BTW! ",0 +ever cares anymore cares grades one cares something great life one cares feel one get bed morning see thing ruined yet pull trigger splatter brains room want hurt anyone want die know would hurt family know make sense said care would care died care things want talk about color skin determine group hang seam matter good something one ever notices know anymore fucking sick ignored time ignored people stop tell fat ugly stupid much fucked something know put anymore want go sleep never wake,1 +"Bohica2k Book Of The Month-June" is a fresh post at http://bohica2k.com. Check out what I have my nose buried in. ,0 +im sorry cant anymore nobody cares wish died tried last year im gonna tonighti cant keep this im intense pain preventing even reaching anything tried externalize things tried see could make happy making people happy started youtube channel started writing drawing people according people channel crap writing good im good nothing waste space then tried push day even unhappy nobody cares gone nothing would change nothing would fucking change everybody would love like normal effect anybodys life cant even make ripple anybodys life got torn apart yesterday im creating people reddit nothing create good seems nothing good nobody cares me today im going commit redflag im going finally get something right death want die tonight nobody care life go normal kill tonight,1 +ok so drop one prestigious college country studying major biotechnology engineering lived alone without job nearly year eating nothing white rice sometimes nothing all lost kg weight sometimes could sleep came mom kicked home talked shit brothers want see anymore came grandma house actions let know nobody wants here cannot find job surf countless amounts memes eat much since invite food sometimes eat anything maybe eat leftovers feel like worthless piece shit unable find job got precious gf think deserve her pure sometimes want break use sabotage myself tells give up hard understand grew home money know sleep streets nothing eat well methis saturday birthday going alone know monday yet another suicidal advice,1 +bittersweet farewell ive long time lurker sub fact ive never posted today know ive silently laughing alongside years now may boy skirt im boy whos turning hour amazing know things go great future youve good times bad want say thank you thank everyone makes community great whose stood last years youll special place heart ill checking back time time see crush said yes not comes another chapter life goodbye everyone keep awesome,0 +attempted redflag monday wish committed instead attemptedmonday aug th sought means end im typing madeunfortunately spent two nights icu happy released im really wishing shit would worked planned top already fed things employment terminated even left hospital unbeknownst time added struggle negativity me honestly longer wish here want someone else somewhere else am family sort friends phone could week nobody would notice needed ride something equally trivial dont feel like choice selfish choice didnt ask born didnt ask longer wish participate,1 +sometimes think killing cold bloodedi mean think im depressed enjoy life pleasures end going die whats purpose living first place ok life gives pleasures end full thorns nothing easy get older older life gets harder harder im trying say is wait death execute choose death universe bringing me experienced pretty heavy shit death would gruesome too highly doubt perishing away die sure something else highly doubt would pleasurable best would existing all,1 +life seems like much right nowi constantly feel overwhelmed feel like im always busy yet im lazy anything builds builds want pressure chest feels like im suffocated life much right,1 +recommend synthwave wanna hear synthwave music share like most,0 +dont want help want get betterit sounds really bad know resources get help actually im getting help right working me agreed friend worried me isnt now never wanted help first place thing want help committing redflag going get better ive told three years counting im tired counting even stop depressed ill always know life pointless matter hard try ill never able give purpose something live for want end worry anything anymore work towards nothing live nothing die nothing ive started enact plan since im minor wont access many things even buying medicine seem suspicious look young pass older anxiety prevents even thinking mere possibility ill asked show id im set two methods since others seem unreliable give way living attempt obviously something want just ive given up know way get cycle die,1 +half tempted make teen discord converse children clue run discord though,0 +im mess needed tell someoneive wanting die since ten remember trying choke trying figure tie became teenager used take pills know much time could take it feel embarrassed good life place sleep two degrees job friends warm lovely people still feel im disappointing everyone even me im im mess im room time work sometimes like keep quiet im lying bed pretending exist love feeling enjoy nobody notices me relief hurting time ago anxiety leave go bed able see mirror used eat dark waiting midnight go bathroom want go back dark place ive thinking lot parents use money ive saving funeral would spend money that nobody knows sad im sure makes feel worse know people im happy laugh enough money go therapy really think fix i nothing broke life family truly rejects stuff mental health ampxb would like know happy avoid thoughts kill myself mean even good motive im sorry english first language im rambling thoughts,1 +feel restrictedim m nice life overall kinda im confident future feel restricted hate everyone want alone really really want immigrate new start good future still want change want alone hate ppl much tried redflag ive suffering long time cant shit it idk do idk im sad pathetic,1 +i don t know why i hate myself so fucking much i want it all to end so i can finally be at peace with myself i honestly don t remember a time i wa happy even a a kid i tried to kill myself when i wa because i wa fed up with life they told me it get better but i m now and it s only gotten worse nobody can change how i feel i ve tried therapist different med all that shit nothing ha worked because life is a bitch and it s not easy i commend everyone who is strong enough to continue living because i am not,1 +sometimes forget legs remember get sad,0 +lci verif tf lci tdeszpot allez voir espagnol de le suisse autriche pay chaud ou assez rich belgique il restent pa trop de pluie depression,1 +three more minutes until 10:00PM!!!! hahaha LOL random! ,0 +suicide rapall pain agony every day like raining tragedies brain see bc angry mad me view would lame sad savagery tired putting fake face acting happy real feel longer wearing mask want chill wrap me bc insane crazy psychopath say mewell say money root evil even though need survive got decide stupid people hard positive optimistic nothing negatives obvious impossible obstacles vision pessimistic suicide seem like solution logical slit wrist blow brains heat grill od handfuls pills either way death still be self killed bc guilt made hate another one,1 +admit low expectations movie surprised find entertaining interesting funny entertaining thriller much horror film moments made hairs stand up even better though highly amusing occasionally hysterical comedic moments film youll know ones im talking about also great special effects and humor special effects necessarily separatebr br the acting whole goodway better typical low budget horror film lead jackie particular many smaller supporting roles like lawyer couple living next door pizza man well acted been film kept interest would lost belief story good interesting low budget thriller definitely worth rental,0 +respecting women sexy know am fact actually definition sexy,0 +I mean I think I'm just being funny but apparently my social media is a slight cause for concern and may cause depression in previously mentally stable viewers??? Eh soz and opps x,1 +It's a new day. Time to sit and do nothing for 15 hours. I'm gonna be at home all day. Call me if you wanna talk. ,0 +im smooth me hi girl hi me wanna make baby girl yeah,0 +guuuuyyyyzzz guess crush said likes im super happy rn,0 +call us selfishi want die want kill myself no cant why because want to become everyone elses decision called selfish,1 +im prohet but know person reading breathing happy new years,0 +im love berleezy bro hes literally perfect bro funny cute idk ive simping hard almost two years hehe,0 +anyone growing without dad daily life hey teens growing without dad daily life know going through like little fatherly love advice check youtube channel made teens especially boys girls certainly welcome too growing without dad daily life feel inclined hope subscribe,0 +tonight nighti wanted say goodbye someone cause obv cant tell anyone irl obv reasons past years struggle already tried twice didnt work time im going actually go wanted say bye ,1 +cod cold war looking ppl play with heyo last day school today looking ppl play break time zone cst wanting grind game mode multiplayer zombies mainly going camos discord provoke,0 +im scared feel alonei hate edgy stuff im sad know else do want okay everything turn right im scared want help,1 +this is just a bad pain day but it s really hard not to sink into a deep depression again over how these day are just going to be part of my life for the foreseeable future because there s no cure for pot and the treatment is mainly eat more salty food,1 +"worked my whole shift with my crush tonight according to crush, i have shiny hair! yay me haha",0 +i feel like all of this is part of a bigger plan not that i believe in god or anything i believe that what we are experiencing right this moment is reliving our past we are living a fulfilling life there somewhere in the future i m not sure what the endgame is but being curious about it it s the only thing preventing me from burying myself six foot under i d like to find out if my older self is alive and well i feel him watching me from the distance,1 +Im gettn off at 445 fuck dat lol its pay day gotsum shit to do be4 my nite start ,0 +she added i m also emotional because i know this will spiral me back to depression yet she put it out here woke generation and b this one two want to be respected like this,1 +@AntonioMBush my beautiful LB! Happy Birthday! Welcome to the 25 and up club! ,0 +feel though many people disagree know fate sooner rather later knees pain feel within core much push point literally existing peoples sake even feel benefit either feeling good feel like right thing talking people understand urge taken core thing stopping pain trying figure get past point lost love plan to cannot see without life want space want everyone else ever cared bitter heartbroken guilt regret cannot live like anymore wanted good mother loved understood left cold again again complicated story explain many details missing know think suicide selfish felt like since lost love never forgive letting go one truly loved me stand another second reality sister sorry ever wanted like make proud me thank mother love you son mummys sorry put bad situations pushed away needed most zaney always treasure curious little mind daughter sorry could strength need grown like me know always dream love sweet girl core empty,1 +productive im drunk ive putting school work almost year drank shots rum closet pounded worksheets essay overdue normal im kinda scared wanna become alcholic,0 +smoke theyll kill make look like redflag im severely reckless multiple therapists say im adrenaline junkie maybe something else kills me to edit smoke atleast pack day along pot coke every then shrooms,1 +give people advice cant follow years ive extreme perfectionist ive borderline mental breakdowns class could never finish homework as never good enough always strive obtain straight as personalitywise im always striving perfect eyes everyone meet say something semiwrong friend would enter state selfloathing rest day believing relationship must over dont think competently judge based appearance time im convinced look acceptable theres always little voice mind saying one attracted never get girlfriend even though friends tell look good ive always enjoyed drawing im thoroughly discouraged new friends much better am enjoy minipainting too never produce model looks good enough hell months ive painting warhammer havent able paint one im ok with advice dear reader give advice cannot follow yourself cannot listen advice im still dealing issues im experienced subject enough state indisputable fact perfection fucking stupid unobtainable striving bring pain may think youre good enough something look like shit reality fucked illusion great smart beautiful take perfectionist never satisfied himself matter are amazing may doubt yourself know incredible eyes others no matter think great day,0 +guys it finally turned thats it thank coming ted talk,0 +@JustGiving I've #justdonated to develop a charity to further the understanding and treatment of anxiety and depression in young people so that other lives may be saved.. Donate on @justgiving and help raise £10000 https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/youngpeoplesmentalhealth?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=socpledgedesktop&utm_content=youngpeoplesmentalhealth&utm_campaign=post-pledge-desktop&utm_term=qveqXZaEy …,1 +@officialTila Sent the questions 10 minutes ago so yay. Hope to hear back with replies and all soon hopefully no one will think its fake!,0 +acting age tiredhi using depressed bitch throwaway cause not act age mean act way older am intentionally garner attention cool i always hated word literally exist like recent trend hating teens acting lot older makes insecure am curse lot smoke thanks family close giving up make sexual jokes mess around guys etc might add well behaved kid good grades stupid shit like wearing provocative clothesposting provocative pics online cause think cheap degrading anyone older am age consent country although playfully flirted older friends absolutely nothing serious ever entered situation theres danger well know well ampxb problem well fucking want fit in want whatever society wants me want fit want every one like me stupid age terrible personality something fucking change tried change personality lot got suicidal instead want people like me see person despite age immature person either take full responsibility anything do reason like whole another shit show itself hit puberty wayyy early got sexually abused mom still getting verbally physically emotionally abused parents lmao cannot act like act like child parents expect they still cannot expect keeps calling condescending way even though well past age knoww want accepted gladly circle friends depression keeps telling need normal need everyone like otherwise worthless ampxb wish could go sui attempt,1 +live guiltok made stupid random choice its getting me basically molested relative super erratic thing haunting right now random walk home randomly assaulted classmate screamed name loud pretty much annoying asshole everything could torment later excluded i excluded well none mattered later went bunch horrible things people already loner death wish gets everyday living guilt possibly created mass shooter hear hes basically end life ready die,1 +so i am very fortunate that my husband ha financially provided for u while i have been going to school and working on my mental health i have one more year left and had to transfer for his job and determined that i would get something part time a well a finish my degree i applied to a school district job and got called back for an interview i m beyond excited and of course anxious i m trying not to pester those around me too much but my mind is reeling with all these thought a well a worry for me going back to work mainly if i ll be able to keep up to standard for a company and if i ll be able to communicate effectively in a professional environment a i have struggled with it in the past this could also be effected by the fact i m neurodivegent but i m not entirely sure the interview is wednesday i m going to journal to help get my jitter out and thought i reach out to other anxious individual who maybe had to deal with a similar transition also i haven t established a new therapist yet but that will be taken care of in the next few week so i need to talk about this somewhere tldr i m really moving forward in my life which is exciting but feel really anxious about it,1 +"just had a terrifying experience with a spider, moth and woodlouse in my kitchen! then the reflection of my pjs was freakin me out! shesh ",0 +someone talk meim lonely wanna talk,1 +im obsessed wanting dieive got note written already ive read ton peoples last words redflag notes wish could fakedie see people say im gone know get better know stress exhaustion pass ill get better point life know depression cycle matter long live many stupid positive affirmations tape bathroom mirror want die again im morbidly curious,1 +never thought id post this birthday two days ago im cryingim atrocious im hurt im dumbass im stupid im constantly taunted girl like doesnt like way probably wants ignore im fucking done want end myself im going to know when demons won hope god forgive me,1 +closer get position lifeline chat slower number goes down gets stuck happens every time minutes phone anymore severe mental pain hours one talk to desperately waiting train come run over tried hanging belt doorknob hurt much feel passing out im close jumping nearby parking garage cant keep going last friend left today one anymore anything live for,1 +bit confused.. ,0 +uhh got damn uhh,0 +mstyrac lol yea i thought about tht sowey but thnx i have some rod one sitting around quot orange my fav color just didn t kno how use,0 +{ I'll barely be here. Depression.,1 +is feeling weird today happy and sad at the same time and missing my people from italy ilyyy lt,0 +im fucking drunk at 9am even if im fucking with my life still ahead of me i don t wan na do this anymore i dont even have a house anymore i have nobodt y fck i cant even type noboidy i just want to end thing but im too scared to even kill myself hpw do i do it without failing i often imagine others doing it for me can someone help me do it where can i go to do it i think it will irresponsib e for me to just jump into traffic a i don t want others to suffer i just want to go quietly are there any service like that my ocd keep me hanging i have a list i cant leave or ill go crazt im tired why is it so hard to log out of this life anybody wan na kill me no string attached or do you know anyone who could please make it stop i want to cease and disappear,1 +deleting sat scores httpsyoutubembqdxcfuehttpsyoutubembqdxcfue,0 +seems like my anxiety this week ha been the worst it s been in a long time anyone else having a rough time,1 +fact day seagulls gossipy birds,0 +boydifference you choose the type you want to listen to brymo ha different type of song that go with different mood in which you are there are many brymo song that lift your spirit give you hope and brings you out of depression totally brymo is a versatile singer bro,1 +im beyond helpnothings ever helped me ive never gotten conversation article internet thinking redflag bad choice ive several meds handful mental health professionals either work made feel worse going years going get better because im trapped situation realistic resolution im tired hopeless anything help me broken far past recovery why ive never enough justify fucked head know even matters anymore hope is almost anyone says survived severe depression adds theyre still depressed suicidal just often plan follow come monday felt really lonely,1 +umdr squatch think know citric acid got ad shampoo guy pours green grey shampooliquid hand subtitles go citric acid cocamidopropyl what hell that never heard cocamidopropyl before everyone know citric acid is googled cocamidopropyl looks like comes coconuts sure adsense thinks im guy ok also got sperm donation ad once,0 +@id10t2u I think i like Single file please ,0 +@theintercept Is there anything that isn't just outright fraud in this country anymore? The generation that survived the depression and defeated fascism are so proud I'm sure...,1 +@OlorinLorien not hungover. Stopped drinking last night as my body said NO! Still lying in bed - @nicolaherbert making tea and coffee ,0 +ready give up trying get depression bs far long now years counseling medication lifestyle changes including healthier diet exercising meditation attempts connecting people attempts pursuing hobbies going trying new things activei cannot keep anymore need something change lonely tired hopeless hanging thread,1 +im donei really am need cant tell anyone try stop me many mistakes much shut cant anymore trying hard hang girls reached fail them fail everything nothing hope im tired tired waiting trying failing gonna change meant happiness good meant anything im tired sucking got dealt ive done ive done cant,1 +bf wants febi know im meeting first time we ldr late january hes rough while want lose him want faith okay finally actual good therapist psychiatrist stay together weeks feel like breakdown go im afraid want help him love much,1 +feel defeatedum hey reddit guess failed class held back me im struggling depression past years ive hospital severe depression self harm top mother making move florida away friends girlfriend people really live for care ive talked numerous times feel like killing would easier way out try tell otherwise,1 +@sids anytime mate ,0 +need question answeredi asked another subreddit focused self harm got response cutting bad help get night bottle pills next me,1 +morning everyone!! sat with dye in my hair so on here for a nosey 4half hour..xx,0 +i m sitting up unable to sleep,0 +rainbow best v game snuggled around bomb burly men stood committed multiple murders,0 +stop calling mommy im gunna develop mommy kink bro,0 +dm anything right ill answer hours cause im going bed would pretty wacky think,0 +uzumaki visually stunning film think anyone going able argue that but unfortunately story somewhat falls flatbr br the film nevertheless entertaining uses wild style tell somewhat nonexistant story film almost works based characters style opinion leaves something desired,0 +extremely dense somber complicated film unravels quite slowly revealing excruciating detail like attention paid novel watching film is like watching novel unfold care narrator felt balance rest performances film features best ensemble acting ever seen lead summer phoenix fabulous innocence naivete might find implausible sort cross cinderella alice wonderland buy critique still fabulous partially unlike anything ive ever seen beforebr br this film unbelievably beautiful filmed eric gautier part unique film ever show expect always surprising despite length film never reveals needs to minutes extremely concise fault id say one wonders film filled brief moments simply stunning best likely see year moments add end extraordinary film experience family moments unique ian holm brilliant film say theater seen films since cassavetes opening night perhaps chaplins limelight but believe not film much less conventional never knew film going now seen it still multiple possibilities powerful incredibly provocative film,0 +cary grant myrna loy perfectly cast middle class couple want build house dreams starts reasonable plans expectations blown bits countless complications explosion original budgetbr br there many great laughs even story somewhat thin sure entertain fans stars late s hollywood comedy style definite highlight comes contractor goes run expenses must sounded quite excessive audience makes exit assures client grant perhaps could achieve reduction totalor least but certainly hilarious,0 +aaaaaaaa word describe feeling right made isolate days contact one it im stupid soooooo bored cause unlike many people sub extrovert love people attention i like class presentations anyone know ways kill time,0 +im happy stable life right now things go south elaborate plan place deathive lucky life far went abused years child attending top research university full scholarship published research interned top companies started college young name it unfortunately ive always dealt anxiety diagnosed ocd comorbid anxiety mom caught act eating disorder rituals got help last summer despite things going pretty well developed pretty bad depression hospitalized started going weekly therapy taking medication okay awhile back heres thing need maintain certain gpa full ride scholarship im trouble ive always okay student mind working anymore cant function want blame depression many losers use copout want loser am pretty wide margin achieve grades keep scholarship dont well like afford finish degree want work fast food janitor rest life even car im going kill myself believe me really want come this does right combination pills things help go easy im pretty well educated things due field study good terms pain speed clean feel bad family know matter what would let down really matter live die anyway wanted talk this know fucked up im fucked up know am despite that ive achieved lot far comes academics cant im good student im good scientist stupid fucking brain let scientist go sleep,1 +@kcbworth ha! you should have dropped in on the way past for a cuppa! ,0 +"@joleneees KRIS ALLEN!!! hes the best, but i hope adam wins so he has to pay simon 40% of his profits! ",0 +help turn camera without teacher noticing hate keeping camera teacher wants keep,0 +know domale soon years old years since met first girlfriend something tbf understand mental challanges nevertheless really fucked up never ever enjoyed sex previous age appropriate girlfriends ended relationships really want sex sex there month turning ive current absolutely amazing gflive partner years love death still cannot commit sex never initiated it does stare upon ceiling trying think something else believes asexual id problem going years orgasms fuck this care think im overlysensitive consider lucky may considered good looking know wrote this gone hour still finished paragraph plea help like a know sincerely hope best yall mind racing please well,1 +brother brother makes mad hes racist homophobic makes fun self harm fucking time tells kill much,0 +asshole wont let upload this ill ask here replies welcome aita fighting bullies heavily bullied th th grade first time fought kid dude talking shit sister class punched face tackled ground next time joke told got taken context i didnt know peasant meant pissed group kids one dude always bullied started talking shit friends me basically chased around table punching back ok next one kinda feel bad about cause girl thats frowned upon girl took another level really dont care gender cause youre talking shit able back words basically started making fun told friend room lunch table tell friends said group sitting table usually doesnt eventually started talking mom calling stripper calling fat entire lunch period said something mom i raised pretty much single parent household im protective her punched across face asshole understand think am,0 +"@chrisfromracine Whatever you look like on the outside, you're lovely on the inside. ",0 +BIG BROTHER TOMORROW SOOO EXCITED!,0 +let us begin saying films english title the power kangwon province absolute misnomerit hong sang soos filmthere actual shots warstroubles conflictsso idea establishing power province neither suitable valid context filmif judge film korean language titlekangwondo ui him going appear cryptic statement emotional turmoils young protagonists whose minds resthong sang soo also directed highly prolific visual document erratic choices made people livesthe people question couple young girls constantly process displaying moodswhims fancies making film nothingness claimed film makers meritorious virtue hong sang soo saluted courageous film maker whose films speak volumes ubiquitous nothingness human relationshipssentiments liveswhether one likes notthis fair conclusion deduced particular film,0 +suicidal thoughts day please help mehi ive suidical thoughts day words i want die repeating mind feel like right now feel numb want die want stop thoughts horrible thoughts someone please help me,1 +someone help w pc im almsot done im confused n dads work couple cables plug idk oens,0 +wtf society judge every darn thing do say something rude say anything arrogant something nice enough something you blame cos expect anything others every move make looked microscope make one mistake people leave you humanity place softhearted people anymore done bs darn depressing fuk society,1 + yeari still accomplished anything single thing report due tomorrow fucked around jackshit tonight end me,1 +day recommending songs like rteenagers httpsyoutubevsdrudyzg day far,0 +seems jruby support for hpricot is now two version behind,0 +day returning friends discord server get dm damn really friends,0 +itim using throwaway account way im going get straight point basically everything stressful feel empty anyways im going kill myself no im going call stupid hotline im attention im way stop feeling like this ive already decided im going it reason worried be nothing anywhere else put this already wrote note everything last things wanted things make happy thank listening to,1 +push offwatch drown slave moon waiting drown,1 +person loved world died years ago still feel acute grief looks like redflag might answeri loved much still cry hysterically every single day listen voicemails cannot take fact gone never ever get this want die much pain it cant face life without anymore,1 +quit seeking help even ranting stateim writing little mental strength could find got tired this quit seeking solution situation quit ranting due tired cant leave mom would sad heh tried discussing ramitheasshole tired literally road freely fucking kms now quality post get comments assure you guess im going another raiding spree calling people cunts nig across various subreddits fun i dont blame anyone loss moreless fault,1 +i m had a huge panic attack after taking my xanax dose i whole body went numb i wa having trouble breathing i felt nauseous i thought i wa having either a stroke or a heart attack i spent an hour on the suicide hotline i wa ready to go to the hospital i m afraid to go to sleep tonight i m afraid i won t wake up i m tired of being on so many med i want to take back my life,1 +need normalize legalize redflag personal assistedthis world diseased dying everyone place immoral capitalist system everyone purpose everyone born right im autistic social interaction makes panic ive never held job longer year unable able get onto disability see point continuing life way human right allow people end lives terms brought world will unfair deny everyone else right,1 +Spent two hours in the garden. Got a few battle scars. Spent the weekend with grandy cos nan's in oz for a few days. Relaxing #fb,0 +end junediagnosed anxiety depression wrote before kind separate question now so know people situation one kind do good relationship mom dad mom alright cousins best circle old friends acquaintances feel like family heres issue feel like burden death less burden alive get death remember good times feel like financial burden parents feel like nonlife threatening chronic health issues burden me im starting feel like burden friends too confide people thoughts im starting wonder friends would remember me hope so fucked faked feeling better one would worry feel like cant tell people true intentions im planning enduring late june friend mine year serious exam want kill exam done lease set renew june st want end life like days eviction want leave debts feel like burden talk trusted people feeling like burden im sure here approach cousins friends this feel lost right now,1 +ok im normal whats bought slim jim rly good gonna watch ouran think,0 +friend continues call old name even came trans told new one sad wish better friends yall,0 +redflag still looking like optionsocial distancing mask wearing end lasting years usa falling apart work home going become permanent thing in area want pass law make wfh mandatory even post vaccine job wise im pretty much screwed foreseeable future never enough money leave parents leave usa theyre going put judge supreme court strike obamacare leaving health insurance options happens killing solution,1 +cant familyi would long gone family parents struggled pain depression decades yet theyve done everything could me cant imagine anguish death would cause them deserve that often think theyve passed away it godfather p quote often comes mind i want anything happen mothers alive parent bury child,1 +julius caesar said kwwsvprelohwzlwwhufrpbvcxjfmuvsrff,0 +proud say uncut copy choice chunk s crown international drivein sexploitation comedy cheese dvd really goofy enjoyably inconsequential flick nicely breezyneasy s vibe it attempt make sincere point true love friendship important life cool set wheels quick piece tail sure essentially blatant adolescent male fantasy pic main teen goofus character bobby hamilton gets girls respect friends chance showup local vanracing bully way dopey goodnatured hate stuart getz gawky protagonist makes endearingly dorky lead deborah white main object getzs affection definite cutie connie lisa marie likewise quite luscious beauteous blonde babe sneering beefcake neanderthal stephan oliver a s biker movie perennial wonderfully hateful brutish dugan hicks prestardom danny devito particular absolute riot getzs cranky carwash owner boss andy lovably cantankerous neerdowell slob wears ugly loud hawaiian shirts suffers severe gambling habit especially love scene two thugs brutally beat danny one holds arms behind back guy works dannys torso sammy johns insidiously catchy fluke hit theme song bouncing around skull least week short great groovy retros fun,0 +ok himbos emotional intelligence hot asf,0 +tsui hark experiments nothing one withstand him legend zu possibly hours condensed h one understand all like space odyssey also to one feels power film every second every picture extraordinary vision future th art one pioneering astounding rejoicing recent years vital severe masterpiece absolutely perfect isbr br when tsui hark experiments nothing one withstand him legend zu possibly hours condensed h one understand all one feels power film every second every picture extraordinary vision future th art one pioneering astounding rejoicing recent years vital severe masterpiece absolutely perfect is ,0 +everyone talking simp september often guys get squirrels pants,0 +day posting get girlfriend ill add interest day cooking minecraft elder scrolls napping big bagg theorythe show scientific theory learning computers fallout games random conversations,0 +again with the fucked sleep ive decided to go do homework instead,0 +cant anymoreim tired ever future thats even real got accused awful shit contemplated redflag stopped fear failing live disability got scared passed thing close self harm dont want mom suffer cant keep need way cant live like anymore feel like im gonna suffering forever want end dont deserve feeling dont see future longer wish heart would stop working could die peace im still trying pick best way end,1 +i cant see the only person keeping me here i cant listen to his voice i should be able to but my anxiety make it impossible for me to ask him to meet up or call i can only message him he doesn t respond for hour i need to speak to him i need to see him i need him i miss him i miss him so much im on the verge of attempting bc it feel like ill never see him again i havent seen him in month i havent spoken to him in person in 9 i know i need to talk to someone but im not getting therapy until june i tried sending him message over the last few day but he hasn t even seen them my heart is literally physically aching bc i miss him so much i cant do this anymore edit guy im ok he responded to my message and i wa able to calm down before i could try to end it,1 +really tryi wanted love myself happy am really did dont think ill ever im tired living way dont see another option think redflag way ill free happy myself thing cant sudden guess ill take time really numb myself accept it drift entirely life finally go it never happy alive body days numbered,1 +Post-show depression for The Addams Family has been weird and sporadic and my weak heart can't take it so here's some pictures from the show again pic.twitter.com/SXdIoWjzUP,1 +ask crush out ive crush long time wondering make move,0 +"@goodiemonster That's quite an endorsement, I'll have to request a key to his golden palace. ",0 +tried od xanax alcohol wednesday lost minimum wage jobi got fired pizza place counting drawer slowly going slowly counted drawer two years working well paying stressful call center job eventually quit mental health reasons previously one said anything pace work pizza place fact complemented customers speed even given tip taking pizza dining area customary business attempt guess say impulsive part really needed pizza job source income right search engine evaluator working home organization work doles hours sparsely standards difficult understand even harder meet everything pay employees arrived home angry fired room mate works home representative call center quit back march snaps going stairs loudly so shout back him person ive known almost years never argument with and best described acting without thinking took xanax room probably pills ran liquor store there got sort fruit flavored vodka cooler downed fast can friend come pick drive house show supposed play memorys bit hazy point got eveyone got clued happening let lay couch people checked breathing next thing remember waking couch next day people seemed glad ok guess obviously play going first show new project mine let lot people down saw therapist friday morning really wanted hospitalize me refused thought worst passed hospitalization would waste time make financial issues worse immediately therapy went pick check job incident manager fired me something im proud never happened before im supposed see therapist monday im trying get psychiatrists appointment moved up therapist recommended increasing lexapro dose guess ive survived redflag attempt now little physical harm consider lucky feel scared guilty intense depression ive experienced since ive meds,1 +would rather die way instead dyingalright go girl middle teenage years ive abused parents half life abandoned whenever people see problems realise im normal perfect someone love might truly love promises hell save us someday know cant happen even though love thought it reason im slowly dying realizing even live freedom anyway im terminally ill point could fucking die second likely fault know karma shit terrible person young mother always tells useless helpless ever able live alone im taking shit heart always correct me id rather kill die suddenly keep letting bloody punching bag everyone use disgusting joke maybe get reincarnated ill finally better life someday find person love again know it,1 +know girl wants talk me girl talking bit friends weve worked projects together were introverts social weve texting bit pretty sided conversation im sure replying talking rude actually wants talk bit hard read body language emotions text anyone tips determine trying polite like start conversations,0 +chaseboogie lol dont ask i wa being nice given a ride shit started bar b cueing on the freeway lmao i been had mine ready,0 +truly proud today pissed year old man call duty,0 +im pretty sure made whole class laugh bathroom phone i always take me idk normal english teacher called answer unmuted convo went like me teacher im bathroom tr what me im bathroom my friends start laughing probably alongside everyone else class muted z my friend hahahaha respect other friend haha good one my brother straight laughter one friends says discord hes crying laughter know shared this did now,0 +it s so hard for me to say no to people or refuse when they ask me to do something because i m scared they ll dislike me or stop being my friend i feel like such a pushover,1 +tampai moved tampa fl good job moved becalms last job stressful cant take more want impress parents sister cant anymore decideded end it sorry spelling errors im give upn im drunk give up rthanjks reddit great time,1 +understand life might difficult right trust life sucks tell amazing going great things anyone needs talk see queens later amazing people,1 +everyday i want to km but can t i ve even stood on the edge of a building ready to jump but don t how can i summon the courage to actually go through with it i hate living i hate the idea of having to do a 9 until i m 0 or 0 and have 0 0 year of limited freedom my ex broke up with me she say she doesn t have the energy to hang out with me anymore i have nothing to live for how do i just go through with it and take that dirt nap i m sure none of you can give advice on how to actually go through with it but idk maybe i just need to vent maybe i m hoping someone will give me advice i don t know what i m doing with this post,1 +unsure doi necessarily suicidal however dark thoughts late past indication thoughts permanent solution may start pop head again know talk to two closest friends listen unsure tell me cannot go family job causes quite bit stress grief many tasks complete single day numerous people count lot pressure succeed despite decent do sometimes would like simply disappear however job pays better places around many choices live rural town real opportunities hours away finances leave second source stress school work fulltime take classes fulltime they online try best balance two graduate year half bachelors ideally would like get job field home life greatest husband separating still live together financially support other situation changing complicate matters mom also lives us gave place escape leaving awful situation ive let live without asking pay bills worries three bills it sometimes feels like mistake gets terribly upset small issues today threw massive fit cable anymore cannot watch football get tired blamed stupid shit come home work tiny bit free time want sit spend getting screamed at lease stupid know cant simply kick mom maybe im simply wuss im cut this ive lot hurt life ive told im still quite young only theres look forward to working like used to sense dread every morning wake up im happy things used make happy longer make happy know im depressed cannot think way get situation thats even possible know make best this way young feel hopeless life,1 +wanting grow normal get sad around time year birthday soon im approaching im nervous confused life,0 + chance death redflagim years old addicted heroin years past year ive rehab times already know one day im going kill myself purposely take hot shot end painlessly,1 +disappointment many people life shit shit always be eventually depression win forever tired pain time living hate filled world every second every day want cry one safe turn matter,1 +is tooooooooo cold,0 +y all throw the depression word all over nje mme o ikadima di ayashisa amatakkie nywe nywe spiral to depression,1 +"thank you to everyone whose following me, once i get to a PC ill follow u ",0 +im able post memes omg read rules,0 +@fredwilson My local pub is called The Flying Pig ,0 +Have red UT sand in my lash extensions! ,0 +ernest cline like may force you said referencing film star wars climbed magical car drove harass ex girlfriend,0 +@ellemartens i would love to see some of your writings i think you're a great writer for what i can judge!,0 +i m just wondering if starting on antidepressant again after having taking a break is it still month i have to wait for them to kick in again i m assuming so but i wa also hoping maybe it d be sooner i ve been off fluoxetine for about a month or so i think it s hard to keep track and i feel like i m spiralling back into feeling hopeless kinda dream like where i can never keep up with everything i know i shouldn t have stopped but i m so forgetful and it wa so hard keeping up with staying on schedule with taking my med i m also thinking maybe i should ask my doctor about an adhd diagnosis i wa with a free service headspace with a clinician helping me with my mental health but i feel like they weren t helping me enough don t get me wrong i really really appreciate everything they did for me but it just felt so long getting answer between the session and i did try bringing these thing up to my clinician it wa kind of a toss up between me possibly having adhd or autism but since i m an adult and i live in a small town in australia there s no psychologist or anything who can formally diagnose me here we were doing zoom call with an actual psychologist at time but these were very long month apart and it felt like nothing wa happening he also couldn t tell me if it wa autism adhd since he didn t have the qualification it wa hard juggling the schedule with my job i had recently gotten and i kept forgetting to go to my appointment then i kept forgetting to take my med eventually i stopped going to headspace and wa no longer enrolled in their program i felt like i would be fine i could deal with it but i just can t i feel so damn isolated like i m on another plane of existence sometimes i struggle so much to keep up with everything i struggle so much to connect with people and communicate genuinely without having to mask or act i just don t know what to do since the only other way i can get a proper diagnosis is going to the nearest big city and paying a lot of money for that diagnosis it s 00 for a doctor to tell me if i have autism or not and i don t even know how to go about the adhd diagnosis another 00 for the flight and accommodation too should i try and save money for the diagnosis i feel like my friend and family dismiss me so much about my mental health too they make me feel so doubtful like i d be wasting money like i d go over there and i d be told nothing is wrong with me i can save the money but i m afraid of my friend and family being right about this sort of thing,1 +"60 days, 6 hrs, 45 mins until our LA flight ",0 +"@StephenAmell But also, she has problems with depression and anxiety very serious and all this things made she's gone losing her temper and she's had a long time without training, I know that she really loves training Taekwondo so much and does very well for her mental health.",1 +@myucan91 daamnn...:| im not even going to ask if it was boring...come to hk? ,0 +friend threatening redflag date really soonhey guys friend suicidal threatening kill soon im familiar depression redflag attempted myself always nervewracking call contact authorities right im scared theyre college lose lot money losing semeseterthat parents paid for parents great might really flip institutionalized would probably ruin whole semester make life difficult home got back right thing calling imminent threat out right always always scary persons life decided one call im scared ruining lives also know may absolutely serious need someones thoughts freaking out really ive drinking day keep anxiety down edit called supposed closed now feel absolutely awful though anyone would like say anything id still appreciate it,1 +homeless awful bad tiny bit hope crushedim staying homeless shelter provide meals use computer talk post stuff like this although im lurker anyway years ago rough time talked someone site stopped left reddit came back talk couple years embarrassed eaten week im trying sell steam account working all get funds eat asked favor thisperson couple bucks get food said sure reply did said stalking them help me idea came last message sure help hope humanity ruined hope general swallow pride thing loathe ask help shit face talk killing here cant go food banks right id soup kitchens close lose place sleep indoors travel back due time distance cant afford eat friends family one all last bit hope shredded whats point living im going starve death go hang right fucking now,1 +just realized that urdu word for depression is dil shakistagi the defeat of heart the feeling that whatever war you were fighting for sanity are lost your wall are broken and now you need a rescue whoever coined it really knew what it felt like,1 +great day to shoot a wedding - with my new D700!! ,0 +breaking pointim seriously close tipping fucking shattering everywhere cant much longer even know im going stop im afraid whatll happen break up much else reason,1 +been a stressful few week dealing with my college that overcharged me and now won t help me with getting the money back bank lost the check i asked the college if they could cancel the check and refund the money to my bank account but the lady who answered the phone at the college blamed me for not knowing what a check is and said that s my problem hence i had to keep calling the bank again and again w no answer to rectify the situation when they did pick up the bank blamed me for not notifying them that the check wa from the college i showed the bank the letter from my college in person so they should know the full situation and even told her to track the check number and amount but she said it couldn t be done but when i called the hotline they were able to do it idk why but this stressful situation ha made my anxiety skyrocket to an all time high i keep thinking someone will blow up at me and call me stupid i grew up with a father with an explosive temper who would curse you out for 0 minute for spilling water and wouldn t hesitate with getting physical i know this doesn t make sense but i feel like someone is going to blow up at me and i would be powerless to stop it i feel like everyone who i dealt with actually hate me and my heart won t stop beating so fast and i feel nauseated all the time i wa cry in bed last night because of how stressful this whole situation wa i know other people have been through worse and i m sorry for posting this but this anxiety and all the bad thought is really taking a toll on me please i really hope someone know how to deal with this,1 +goodbye letterstoday im writing goodbye letters family friends,1 +@graphicsgirl thanks for pointing out the xhtml prototyping article. My 2c added as comment there ,0 +i had never even thought of suicide before because i wa too shielded from the real world and i thought that it something people do only in the most horrible situation it started when i wa at school speaking to a kid i knew only because she wa a friend of a friend we we re laughing about something when i saw the scar on her hand which couldn t have happened naturally it freaked me out to see that a kid my age with a similar background would resort to self harm and attempt suicide then i started failing in test each time i felt really low i came closer and closer to killing myself i now know how to tie a noose and what height i need to jump from in order to die at this rate i won t survive till my th birthday,1 +"@zivklara Aww, that's horrible! O.O When do you have your day off school then? What exam is it you gotta study for? Wish you good luck! ",0 +dad wants monitor boy sister security camera room two flights stairs up im getting new room painting today dad starts bringing security cameras core details title defense if sister changes room when im course looking camera another way getting close underage nudity defense change closet got temperature light gun you point walls floors check temperatures one closet degrees celsius also wants least two get angles room creaking door open heat stroke going impossible best part isthe room two flights stairs climb anything regular cameras oh dark out wanna go outside two flights stairs check us no hard him soshould get one and hes even legal,0 +envy people subyou simple problems like oh boygirlfriend abandoneddiedcheated me oh parents worst oh alone owow cat died actual friends anyone genuinely cares me best health ugly shit top something like bipolarity whatever shitty skin syndrome feel discomfort itch even pain body every single second never girlfriend and honest want psychopath actually like abomination me top all citizenship cannot visit doctor diagnose anything bad kick country looking know guy good future maybe working mediocre lowpaid job girl would never date piece shit best bet either trying pursue education achieve medium salary workplace small apartment age best fleeing woods living wildmen somebody tell reason live welcome comment section,1 +sir almo it wont let me play doh keep saying user not valid,0 +tiredhello whoever reading post trying help someone whos end life point please move really need support im threat moment post might turn lengthy shot seeking advice here something me im teenager years old male ive severely depressed something year used suicidal time ago multiple reasons mostly triggered redflag attempts occurring around one talking people numerous occasions vacation tried killing even night finally going claim life girlfriend said feels way started dating anything knows depressed also wanting kill back then id also like point reason im still alive supportive everything really improved since then just enough get rid moods list reasons would like finally end all nowadays hobbies whatsoever nothing really interests me really talk anyone outside school internet im quite popular school lot friends there none gets even close considered close friend id also like point girlfriend longdistance relationship hour timezone difference making really difficult talk were handling part quite well anyway wake early morning feel like utter shit get ready school sit hours learning anything even though im still getting somewhat good grades the teachers refusing teach us anything also give us materials give us lot homework exams figure everything ourselves get home homework sleep hours like pm feel lonely girlfriend gets home after midnight me stay morning talking process again day see anything even remotely enjoyable next years approximately see plan graduate high school move uk girlfriend whos us study college there thats something look forward to right partly lot money im exactly gifted student either costs uk think ill able manage time want keep living life without her reason im ending it idea future bring really want together really wanna that going really fucking difficult get point live together peacefully im tired pushing days without enjoying anything conversations girlfriend best friend became distant well close online friends net neutrality making feel better right either seeing best financial situation either she enough money pay college though im definitely going ask money im just feels like im options cant leave ill end killing almost immediately sure thatd form relief like go there thing is really easy access outdated prescription pills a shit ton them knives firearms high buildings know anymore feel miserable every day im sure included everything ive included vital stuff one reads through well then guess im now,1 +Its like I've been awakened... ,0 +moderators get paid asking become one anything curious like job u get paid something work like hobby im asking reddit mean mods ford discord twitch etc,0 +"@piginthepoke lol I see, it's just that i have met 8 people in the last 2 years who were there, one of whom i live with!!! ",0 +competitive meme making examples using player player b competitors would sets whichever person wins games win set posts would uploaded memes subreddit however many votes get would equate point total game game player points player b points game player b forth team game would similar amount many player team tbd add three amount votes together would score game ideas suggestions would cool hear let know would compete competitive meme making,0 +thoroughly enjoyed movie genuine sincerity acting writing topnotch james arness great actor showed here brian keith old davy crockett anyone really play davy fess parkerbr br another great actor move raul julia gave depth santa anna vain complex person led mexico turbulent timesbr br while may think movie slowpaced captured battle unfolded lots tedium followed couple hours horrific terrorbr br what impressed movie made think cause people willing die believe in day age nobody stands anything found refreshing think time people died freedom matter may feel politics time,0 +last remaining brain cells smoking fat blunts friend randomly dont eat glass bad teeth meah shit gotta go dentist,0 +random noisei anyone share with reddit it hard time right now thought might write this get unpleasant unsettling feelings head strong longing death feeling squatting around head try analyze feeling always come back conclusions existential point humanity exist cant known gain joy act working task genuinely believe brain receives reward chemicals successful completion task am seemingly highly intelligent person feel helpless really deliver potential yet really external observers recognize praise me feel core existence truly gifted intelligent person feel like retarded genius left devices without action unable leverage life motivated action external events feel small slice time soon started transition curse lifted raised long enough get surrounded external force education riding wave aliveness number years now know going this lost metaphor trying say external force enacted work requires push myself take action accord makes want die know languished life away participating life depressing work nothing accomplish nothing yet potential unmeasurable unify two emotions bleakness empty existence knowing must way humanity unify overcome this saviors ourselves want alive anymore cant even save myself tired fighting bullshit whole thing makes want think feel act anymore know make stop want feel alas know want feel perhaps could get there right now feel stuck,1 +really enjoyed grey owl simple tale well told classic attenborough fashion little overromanticized archetypes humor stress dignity valuesbr br beautifully shot told nice pace true story archie englishman turned native indian went live trap canadabr br solid performances makes film message easy viewingbr br two stars film without doubt cutest ever seen message good one ecoleanings must great meet read grey owl s unique character fitting film tribute,0 +Depression is the hell inside of mewho eats me up daily :),1 +Found out last night that an old friend had bike crash and has broken neck and internal bleeding Giving nurses hell coz he wants a fag ,0 +i m year old diagnosed with gouty arthritis at and i ve been battling with myself for almost a year now and it ha gotten to the point where i m tired of living this tuesday morning at am i tried to commit suicide my second attempt on taking my own life in le than a year and yet i ve still managed to fail once more i wa able to get at least hour of sleep but nothing more and that s the best i can get from a day just sleep wishing and praying to god to take my life every night passing away in my sleep best way possible imho for the last few month i ve been starting all my day and ending in tear soaking my pillow i m constantly emotionally unstable i break down in the middle of my lecture and i m genuinely tired of feeling sad and having different type of emotion on a daily basis i m lacking enormously in motivation to keep on living my mind is a thinking machine and won t stop thinking about all the suicidal way i could end my pain most of the time i ask myself why me i used to be an energetic kid who enjoyed doing many thing in my free time mostly gaming all by myself since i never had an opportunity to make a solid friendship so most of the time i end up talking expressing to myself because in this world there is no one here for me no one ha ever cared for me or even shared the least tiny drop of affection towards my person that s why i just don t try to make friend any more because i feel like i m a failure at it and i don t want no one to invest time in me i currently have an absurd amount of hate rage towards myself for not being able to finish everything and not looking upon my flaw and imperfection and wasting the endless opportunity of improving myself now i ll just have to live with the consequence and i m just here in this world all alone thinking and knowing that some people are doing better than me and living their best life and i envy that and i m jealous of that i m writing this deep down from a part of me that ha just a millimeter of hope of recuperating but i highly doubt i ll be able to do it i won t lie a of writing this it feel like i m getting rid of an anchor that ha been pulling me back all this time,1 +jayjude imthiyas pv kennylanta ng abdulbasit goal overcame depression then why did you choose to have depression in the first place since it wa a choice,1 +whats point princess bridei really think like wesley said pb life pain ampxb life sucks hurts live get better joy temporary think people happy successful fulfilled lives thats cards me wish dead every day keep wishing dead go bed wanting wake up think various ways commit redflag looks like accident ive settled single vehicle car accident bridge brick wall telephone pole note cant say suicde accident hiking mountain live lot mountains hiking places accidently fall of already like hike bc suspicious ampxb look like accident insurance reasons kids want thinking okay ampxb hate passionately want die,1 +oiii you yes whats up im really bored well wanna talk please entertaining,0 +someone come talk music like metal tell favourite band maybe suggest album song feeling wild im bored also need find new bands cuz ive stuck music lately,0 +bad thoughts bad ive bad thoughts lately lifes hell want sleep forever couldnt imagine something like family dont know get deep whole im in todays complete ass im ready good day once,0 +hi all really know do would appreciate helping hand working dohi everyone im full time trader spent around weeks working really hard managed make x initial investment well usually really good managing losses today lost account money pretty much dropped college really dedicated making work friends partner i aspergers hard time socialising such genuinely feel like ending everything almost money trade experience mentally scarred away ever considering trading again qualifications would enable get job would enjoy really struggling mentally anyway never happy even lot money lack social happiness overrode highs got making lots money short space time genuinely see way forward anymore would like open one talk to thank you ,1 +mayorkun and poco snap fit cure depression,1 +tried kill myselfi tried hanging boxing day went steps cant deal family anyway strung hung minutes felt lights going relieved never went unconscious kept hanging ended untying still confused know,1 +@chemicalguy Lol my bad.,0 +timvansas no not yet but also need to finish the rest of it,0 +friend poland needs helpas title says friend poland im polish myself recently friend showing signs depression somewhat suicidal tendencies friend told thinking redflag recently theyre tired time told seek help see doctor okay let thoughts fester friend convinced also told wanted seek help due coronavirus pandemic everything closed so good people reddit please help friend im polish know done scenario want help friend know how someone tell resources something sort share friend id grateful,1 +need advice stay alive getting fulltime job etchey guys probably really long rambling post need get everything hopes someone kind enough listen offer sound advice year old living aunt tuscaloosa alabama small college town car though payments tags paid aunt along phone im pounds carry well still hard physical labor since tend faint easily low blood sugar know still since graduated high school ive held couple parttime jobs really hard do managed anymore longest held one year ive fucked around community college since then losing aid family bail out actually course graduate winter since really want waste money since nice enough help out lost hope back got depersonalization disorder least think thats is ive suffered extreme depression anxiety life never thought redflag ever idealist artist loved life core even though abused emotionally general really tough upbringing anyway day got believe first panic attack feel like brain handle dissociated beside myself ego death could experience emotions outside them world became extremely real illusion shattered people became sentient meatbags me will since life felt like one long moment wish human ever lived survived somehow likely largely due lexapro started coping told myself if live rest life like this handle it got better started question could feel anything anymore slowly life became manageable would feel moments joy without questioning them like cursed disease however june year dissociated further another attack time things get better week dealing it decided losing horrifying mental battle ive ever had decided truly could feel love anymore closest person life sister kill myself thing is know love her love become permanently numb thought dealt before like everything world gets worse always become worse since day become phantom hiding pain planning redflag methods recently decided best thing do would honor life before work art stay alive her even hard feel anything want put horror losing me college somewhere else talk nearly every day ive told struggles always encouraging trying give hope told im suicidal aunt family maybe cure one day would gladly take cure death heres id like guidance broke living college fund aunt gave me run soon ive got high school diploma hard even get bed morning im still fighting always im afraid aunt thinks im working really go library day draw get reddit im neurotic psychotic levels im complete shutin introvert real skills health insurance either think could handle fulltime job one away people requires high school diploma get one those get apartment volunteer eventually work art free time think stay alive otherwise kill january thanks listening know really stream consciousness maybe hard follow desperate man answer questions might have anyone help get right path honor forever literally eternal gratitude,1 +teacher forgot hand assignment math too,0 +errrggggg my tummy hurt,0 +Bonjour twitters and twitteretts tgif ,0 +i m so tired of living today i had a lot of panic attack at school and my mom had to come for me hour before the school period ended i feel so worthless today i had a lot class who stress me so much i hate it so much i m tired of living and trying because yes dad i m trying i swear i m trying if only you were more comprehensive and stopped calling me a crybaby and stupid maybe i would feel better,1 +"@MaiaSpins lol no way mang, i have no idea what i'm doing ",0 +nicholasbraun aww no fair you didn t check the pic i sent you,0 +cant anymorei put lot course life ive always believed would get better feels like longer alive worse gets father verbally emotionally abusive gotten worse directed me developed schizophrenia past year found longer able children planned names all also forced watch several people love dearly tear apart im expected pick side im young this know plenty life left me despite dysfunctional body is look forward to worth it cant live way,1 +anxiety: but what if u dieddepression: that's neat me: pic.twitter.com/tU7pKvkYvL,1 +I GOT YOU ME AT SIX'S NEW SONG ,0 +hate weaki hate weak want strong know takes strong energy im happiest wake cup coffee hour two energy drops feel like theres way make situation better im currently part time employed work small company cleaning houses left disarray go back market need money bank statements negative work hurts dread going back im strong enough it people tell im smart feel like way think look things hurts me know theres beyond universe god reality theatrical everything perception brains soul live ghetto friends understand way think using big words impressive selling drugs idea nobility want go college even money car want learn drive nobody teach free im afraid im nervous driver understand happening several hundred pound vehicle going fast im afraid hurting people like hate drugs theyre escape make worse stopped taking want again child parents put medication rowdy hate now even though try nice me think thats caused chemical imbalance brain hate much it use really fat bullied highschool wanted kill several times afraid feeling afraid almost completely gone now im fat anymore cause moved parents decided could starve myself take effort id skinny am im even called handsome time feel like worked it still feel fat gross inside matter people tell me want love someone im afraid opening up loved someone life relationship gone way teenager think deserve love im burden offer nothing problems want impose someone cared for im tired time thoughts race need distract myself time like going walks listening audiobooks thats way really distract long enough relax liked listening audiobooks gym too cant anymore job hurts body much im barely graduated highschool hated going much ive never job proud feel like ive already proven become anything comforting thoughts redflag id like od mind dying happiest point hurt friends knowledge wanted kill either theyd think reckless want cry think anymore want help one burden me want help think im good enough so,1 +you ruin everythingim ive physical mental health issues long remember ive spent time hospitals body mind trying best person be always coped well teenager id lash family adult ive learned turn anger hurt inwards something rather outward family cutting parts lives while holding responsible sins long past committed failing recognize work ive put try better soon brother uncle friend month ago got together without even minutes apartment acted like fault include me started discussing childhood therapy turning stones id looked long long time got ptsd diagnosis realized idea less ideal childhood blamed for actually pretty abusive well last days telling come home christmas see kids love dearly want told things wanted grab medical paperwork know id back went tense want bring things brought said felt told running christmas leave asked like told abuse played called liar said remembered never happened either lying nuts im shook remember things clearly vividly happenedi think im pretty sure ive burned last bridge family theyve called liar crazy told ruined everything im left doubting everything im hurting physically mind falling apart heart never felt broken part really wants leave world guess think ill ok really mind ended im trying best,1 +anyone want dead tho cant change myself cant choose get social anxiety cant change simply good social interactions cant change face cant change fact im small comparison rest cant change fucked mental health cant change headaches get everyday try nice tho,0 +"@Anjeebaby lol I meant, could that be why your twitter page has gone funny, I have no wine, however would you like some pear cider? ",0 +guys finally omg learned tag posts nsfw im happy ,0 +"I know you say it helps and I ain't trying to offend, but I know depression and drug addiction don't blend",1 +i can t find the strength to do anything i m supposed to do like studying going to the gym or finding a job i have been losing interest in thing i used to like to the point i don t enjoy doing them and they are becoming difficult to do because they are supposed to make me happy and being happy requires a lot of energy i don t have by losing interest and thing i like i m running thin of thing that keep me motivated for living and hope for the future i have difficulty getting help because i don t think it is worth the effort for a hopeless person like me i don t even think i deserve that help considering the thing i hate about myself i don t even want to talk about this thing with other people that care for me because with my point of view of the world and future might grab them down to this dark and hopeless vision the only thing that keep me from km is that i know it would hurt people around me i really need something to look forward something that give me the motivation to keep going,1 +watching the Obama speech & uploading our videos to http://fwl.blip.tv/ please check them out so we can make some $$ ,0 +michatagana shame what s wrong,0 +people girlfriend one either,0 +feels like eating an 18' inch pizza from yellowcab. can someone give me. haha ,0 +@rawfish thanks! i hope they help her ,0 +cockroaches deserve painfully slowly burn alive blue fires hell eternity must never find salvation agree ofcourse do,0 +want outim done hoping things get better cant continue like this im exhausted kind gets better sleep not get much that really continue want end primary reason want out anxiety unbearable reasons mystery abuse mom boyfriends probably underlies lot it memory many close friends family members attempting redflag getting accidents haunts noticeably now stopped im constantly waiting next one theres always next one night worst lot sun goes feel unsafe particularly home cant im alone im stuck walking around city staying office night still horrible less bad home im afraid feels like im electrocuted cant night night years getting worse worse im getting anxious night feels like could kill me wish would im kicking taking it eating disorder got bad starting die anyways best friend convinced go treatment wish hadnt wish id let take me treatment got medically stable fix anything psychologically eating disorder still there almost died heart failure one night let fix semi conscious immediately regretted morning wish id never gone treatment wish still dying anorexia even consider myself lost faith im going get better feel like actually tried everything desperately need medication unfortunately thanks rare brain condition psychiatric medication all classes antidepressant antianxiety medication makes hallucinate tried cbt dbt interpersonal therapy emotion focused therapy deep breathing mindfulness meditation group therapy effect ive tried art therapy although pleasant activity really reduce anxiety especially im alone night anything pleasurable reading watching movies going internet listening music cant night im anxious cant keep mind body still long enough it exercise helps little im it trying balance want relief elliptical literally night ive tried everything recommended roughly dozen mental health professionals first pages google nothing helps enough give quality life actually live with anxiety killing relationships the have point people getting annoyed anxiety disorder theyre tired freaking out theyre tired feeling guilty cant make stop theyre annoyed cant left alone night without losing mind friends gone either cant handle anxiety hung hate hanging bars make anxious frequently careers families lives scheme things im really important anymore good miss much truly believe people better without me hope come realize this theyll much freedom without consider me lives easier im terrified see way theres people care lot feel excruciatingly guilty leaving them want leave them love them love enough get terrifying night terrifying night face that know cant stay reason im really logistics method im comfortable with im concerned implications work im okay life right now know worst ever get want psych ward since cant anything like medicate me id anxious psych ward provide help im still im scared fail wish could find another way think one ive tried every treatment find theyve failed im getting worse better really cant take anymore really seems like way out months want over want feel anxiety anymore thing seems like make go away make go away cant take feeling like anymore cant day day night night cant face monster anymore want out,1 +last night going try overdose took sleeping pills playing minecraft crying bunch eventually told friends said going call police took definitely would killed at least think anyway said would call police long made throw up did went bed sometime middle night woke up super super super dizzy tired could sleep arms also felt really weird kept move usually punching air one point decided going watch youtube could even remember typing things it really weird yeah like th unsuccessful attempt honestly think done trying sucks got love unsuccessful attempts,1 +best bit film alan pulled knickers ran cut throat razor bum cheeks around bum hole also brilliant see alans bum going like fiddlers elbow later filmbr br alan tough hell like got annoyed pushed four eyed wimp onto sofabr br ive laughing days cut throat razor bit brilliant idea script writers alan must brought back eastenders peggybr br alan back time hes armed razor watch girl finds pulls knickers down,0 +"will watch DRAG ME TO HELL with Chale, Randall and Keight later http://plurk.com/p/xzldq",0 +so why do i still feel so depressed i survived a horrible brain injury twice i did well in school and went to college and earned a degree i found love and got engaged i attended again and got a second degree i m working in the field i wanted to in the speciality that i love i have friend and family who love me i do the thing that i enjoy doing i feel hopeless i feel worn out i am bored with life at only i feel pessimistic i feel depressed doe anyone else feel like they ve done all the right thing followed all the right step and are still depressed i know this process take time but it s hard to feel motivated to continue trying when for almost eleven year nothing i m doing is helping,1 +heroic therapistsmy therapist arguing suicidal people attempting redflag want live bullshit suicidal people ive met whove attempted still suicidal including myself shes convinced shes read facts evidence suicidal people actually want live life good need saved somehow art horses even though genuinely want die therapists really want feel like theyre saving life heroic theyre saving people want die leaving suffering dont understand havent felt feel,1 +sometimes feel like wanna undercover cops jump street would cool go back school one knowing wont staying forever tho wouldnt it mean would waiting day bust cover everybody goes like omg secret agent,0 + originally wrote comments shortly first seeing film took critical view feeling lemmon matthau basically phonedin performances paired manner theyd done several times previouslybr br but upon seeing again seemed different especially view neither two main megastars lived great deal longer releasebr br with exception spiner eight principals performers considerable experience likewise unavoidably lot longer tooth weve seen many film tv work almost everyonebr br seeing again certainly regarded classis careers fun film lot interesting scenery wellbr br from viewpoint reminds many films plays etc often looked either critical viewpoint looking instead lighter side without expecting film another citizen kane casablance in terms two leads another original odd couple also provide continuing piece nostalgia lemmon matthau well others cast,0 +wa intending to finish editing my page novel manuscript tonight but that will probably not happen and only page are left,0 +i wish i could end all these exhaustion there is no way to fix my situation and thing are getting worse day by day,1 +hi everyone so i went to go see the batman at the movie today with my parent and i know this is probably really common but i feel so overstimulated at the movie thing are too loud and the room get too dark i can t see anything and it freak me out i get sensory issue when this happens man i wanted to see the batman really bad and it upset me because i can t enjoy it a much tried to do deep breathing muscle relaxation the sensory overload is just too much this happens for stuff outside of the movie just thing that are too loud too bright too dark anyone know how to get past this,1 +it title says all suicide note anything coz matter one cares cared would day anyway wish best ur life painless easiest way out,1 +Sitting with dalesy in the library doing media revision! Fun fun fun ,0 +anyone success redflag lines i haventi get sick seeing redflag hotlines linked everywhere redflag mentioned help anyone ive tried times people bored apathetic unknowledgeable reduced um yeah um dont know um cant say seemed want know immediate as night plan redflag said didnt i dont want involuntarily committed one said do said ok need wrap up like talking dumber version myself so anyone speak someone said anything useful know anyone positive experience redflag helplines dont know people volunteer really dont care anything mental health closest caring ive gotten bored guy saying yeah see sucks id like call see ones spoke representative sample would wasting time someone might helped them id love hear experiences others good bad isnt relevant topic anyones curious im suicidal due chronic widespread pain finding nearly impossible work without anyone catching crying fire people crying public plus doctors want treat depression thats due pain source pain ssris tylenol recommendations tylenol weak bad liver ssris nothing make fat i keep food diary show meds arent making eat show doctorsive tried years plus tricyclics aleve seems help most barely works,1 +my depression kicking in at 3 am while im listening to daughter pic.twitter.com/5UGzRjj8zH,1 + yr old male depression redflag seizures scoliosis schizophrenia graduated still living parents since made progressi realized school easiest thing lifei jobs could keep mental physical illnesses got way tried signing college afraid messing things myselfmy first dream become mma fighter due brain surgery remove seizures think ever achieve thatthroughout life always called ugly even friends girlfriend familyi live godforsaken area nothing people age never serious relationship still virginsometimes want end life cannot find guts soalso think able survive real world survive own relationship find new dream career live peace every since graduating high school life ridiculously hard,1 +best friend said paragraph attractive hey would really benefit completely understand whats happening know youre super medical side it think best thing time least get evaluation see professionals think best me dont feel like helping much need got evaluated could get diagnosis would definitely narrow help treating exactly needs treated,0 +trying to find the motivation to write some essay and finding it sad that my life revolves around essay writing,0 +ive finally realized somethingfirst all ill apologize errors post submitting mobile doubt many people read anyway im sure im apologizing im even bothering put throwaway nevertheless ive battling severe depression anxiety past eight years now selfharm selfhate like job recently admit needed help finally decided medicate myself intensify feelings ive increasingly paralyzing panic attacks self mutilating almost every day since hate feeling like this honestly like remember like genuinely happy thats realized really want earth anymore yes amazing support system theyre thing keeping here im years old ill graduating college soon ive heart broken truly believe im worth loved hate see every single day look mirror im unpopular even lonely im tired sad time ive missed classes count want get go life thing holding ending knowing badly would hurt others guess ill continue hurt means hurting end im loss guess im really looking answer sort needed let out,1 +fun rpg play schedule wake get stuffed minotaur kill enemies snuggle nice sheep side quests grind enemies sleep minotaur,0 +the great depression,1 +im ready end goodim really bad social anxiety conversation skills toddler never friends relationships never liked anyone main problem life things going shit lately lost savings stock market got fired job moved back parents guy scammed me reversed big payment bank tanked credit it got way repay debts ignore calls im screwed even get cellphone plan let alone place live credit like that ive spent many months psychiatric hospitals redflag attempts past given resources available yet nothing remotely helpful im afraid dying last time hung felt amazing sadly noose broke died think me always silver lining past theres none im fucked,1 +life redflag attempta week passed since first redflag attempt ive struggling years silence best maintain facade thought finally ending pain relieving moment im still here everything changed terrifying im fearful many things including activities used effortlessly psychiatric hospital attempt three days convincing everyone around okay left still feeling empty wanting live part wants others able see pain im good composing speaking positively convince everyone around opposite real truth feel alone needy feeling hate have im returning work tomorrow far soon sick days terrified possible trigger feel perpetually anxious jittery antidepressants guilty feel much shame surrounding everything never told family major support system dark makes feel lonelier told boyfriend upset worried may affect him everyone always tells honest really mean that find hard believe someone deeply invested well would want hear intimate details demons haunt constant basis,1 +promoted posts look promoted posts wonder gave award,0 +@dudeitsmegman21 ahah yeah I am like upssessed with them now but not really like a actual hug thing hahah if that makes sense?,0 +dont know anymorei dont understand point anymore dont think ill kill today im sure plan it know sometime soon cant longer,1 +anyone want level world warcraft dm comment im forming leveling group world warcraft,0 +i hate money,0 +@reecy_Kup invite them to watch the president's speech at notre dame with you ,0 +mom found bunch old pill packages pills almost year mom convinced new going overdose tried telling time recent says lying grounded friends goes drawers searches room currently feel like granted form privacy outright said going continue going room convinced right lying drug problem past kind behavior would normal years ago almost years sobriety hard drugs work put mend relationship family feel like effort ignored mom continues call liar tomy face always pushes religion me allow vaccinated due believing vaccines mark beast yet one needs help ready leave house parents allow get id cannot even work save apartment literal tyrants run life parents never believe,1 +@wendisitas hi ate wendy ,0 +haha found precious ,0 +i m over it but accutely aware that only bob will ever know that,0 +made lofi song today check u want herehttpsyoutubejqldjkdjyk pretty good i think,0 +doe anyone else think that depression can t be cured treatment resistant depression is a term that i think about and seeing that some people may just be born to have it and deal with it for life no matter what you could have the most idealistic life imaginable and have no identifiable trigger and still be depressed and if it s down to serotonin dopamine or whatever anyone think is happiness isn t working and nothing is making a difference then what is there to fix it i m told about coping mechanism from everyone i talk to about it who s qualified and a a psychology uni dropout the little i think i ve learned ha not given any answer that satisfy this a coping these day just isn t something that make sense to me a everything i try feel like a waste of effort to distract from the inevitable thought of wanting to essentially meet the earth and feeling nothing no idea really why i m asking this a it s not really going to be a easy post to find a reply for i understand that but it doe kind of seem that feeling crap all the time could just be a natural decision made by whoever whatever or nothing beforehand for u to deal with until the end,1 +i am finally going to make an appointment monday to talk to a doctor about my anxiety but i already have so much anxiety about even calling to make the appointment i m tired of feeling like not only my mind but my entire body is on edge just waiting for something to happen yet i know my blood pressure will be high and my pulse will skyrocket when i talk to the nurse doctor and i m dreading it any tip on helping anxiety about talking to a doctor about medicine for anxiety i also don t want them to think that i m just wanting drug or am being dramatic i have tried to manage it myself for the past few month but i feel no better,1 +george armstrong custer known history inept general led rgiment death battle little big horn they died boots on paints different picture general custer movie portrayed flamboyant soldier whose mistakes misdeeds mostly ue love adventurebr br errol flynn plays george armstrong custer first meet confident recruit west point custer quickily distinguishes cadets beeing poor student always seems trouble somehow never appears bother custer seems confuse genuinely know gets predicaments spite poor standing eventualy graduates becomes officer united states army error custer receives promotion rank corrected leads union regiment battle confederates campaign successful custer becomes unlikely national hero custer returns hometown marries sweetheart libby played olivia de havilland libby supportive understanding wife steadfastly stays side follows frontier assumes leadership seventh regiment cavalry custer becomes man honor strives keep peace native americans prove intentions enters treaty crazy horse leader sioux treaty jeopardized conspiracy spread false rumor gold found black hills custer sacrifices life well lives men command prevent slaughter thousands innocent settlersbr br errol flynn dominates scene appears successfully portrays custer flamboyant arrogant romantic funny depending mood scene olivia de havillands depiction libby bacon custer love life lets us see tender gentle side chemistry dehavilland flynn acted together several movies smooth almost makes viewer feel like playing parts custer wife actors portrayals characters truly enhance performances flynn de havilland anthony quinn crazy horse sidney greenstreet general winfield scott arthur kennedy edward sharp among actors whose roles made movie entertainingbr br the reviewer would rate star movie historically accurate entertaining movie little bit everything adventure comedy romance appeals large variety audiences casting characters excellent actors give believable performances makes forget largely based fiction instead fact reviewer especially likes native americans shown bad guys showed wanting protect sacred landbr br ,0 +raise handsupvoteswho wants die cant actually it,1 +"Work, yet again. Not done till 7. Lunch time now at least ",0 +want kill myself sure wish id stop breathing maybe never wake upgt whats point life hold job yrs life thats life thats fucking sentence god damn prison sentence fucking place like work dear usps understand now people go postal drive fucking hard barely able pay bills fuck you gt mom wish wouldve put adoption keep someone told think could make age done make everything never considering peoples feelings made countless shitty fucking decisions ass hole gt dad whyd worthless know parents teach well parent husband jesus couldve there made better money decisions actually put food table instead mom starving time maybe father hard watching kids now get dad never had gt lauren miss much loved you still do walked door id scoop arms ask start over im sorry know man needed man all wish wouldve told everything open me fucking maze unexpressed emotions thoughts gt myself disappointment try harder stop fucking pushover go things always wanted reach was late tell everything wished wouldve always scared scared setting expectation putting there starting over hate you reason weve always hard fucking man good enough could separate you everything would different gt god there life make sense without beginning eyes you you everything fault mean stepped in given hand taken me im lost need help answers love companionship someone talk to know anymore wish id never born,1 +finally got gf kidding really think someone earth would look say yeah wanna him bruh dont even friends holy shit need stop easily fooled random people sub,0 +someone please let know im aloneanyone literally comment anything please know desperate feel alone need know people see me,1 +I have ugly knees and depression thanks to volleyball on both accounts pic.twitter.com/UajtHVOZeX,1 +if so work fixing that lack clear communication by either one party both try get back touch them thank made far,0 +overdosed againtook painkillers feel like pure shit dont guts tell bf,1 +what if i die hel think it his fault,1 +call txt need friend plz ive read lot post found far many people talk feelings loneliness feel like nowhere turn thats you need someone talk with please give call day night anytime need friend let one you talk anything feel like feel like chatting tv movies video games thats fine me im also need talk feel life experiences deal anything else general ectect please day night mean day night sleep much stay night please give call txt anytime cant wait talk you answer immediatly call back mins later thanks,1 +@officialnjonas looking forward to evry song love them all love you xoxox sophie please please reply ,0 +@minette95 im gonna go listen to it right now! how amazing would it be if it's on the set list for the world tour. my life would be made!,0 +never felt so embarrassed by our fanbase these last few day all clamouring to support jodi when he spoke about his depression barely even mths ago shouting his name when they see him warming up now he s suddenly a drain on the club and doesn t deserve our support funny that,1 +@ricodaniels why dont you pop and see me while your in england. Perfect opportunity to talk business I think ,0 +want go anymorei guess ill get right it im gay want be ive known nine months want go away never never will barely say im gay mirror time like live unaccepting environment accept myself want get anxious guys friend group start talking girls want get nervous front guys crushes on hate gay way getting rid im dead im socially awkward hell feel like anywhere feel like im costume trying blend ends failing relationship older brother talk ever used much play together younger weve many arguments feel like relationship beyond repair thinks im dick shitty relationship mother shouts feels like everything do asks chores im shouts me calls selfish lazy fucking get it get wrong loving person outbursts always seem one getting shouted at relationship sister good feels good recently though know accidently outed her go detail ready know gay whenever see tall building fantasise jumping it one jump over something like busy road want live nights cry sleep honestly thing stopping internet friends dog even want live myself sad know think worth mentioning pair scissors kitchen drawer put throat one time felt fucking good theyre sharp enough anything felt good ive done since then despite resisting urge to way could describe say thirsty want get drink water say hypothetically know shouldnt resist urge even though see damn sink tap every day thats feels like scissors draw utensils whenever get spoon fork whatever hard put scissors throat again thanks reading,1 +going therapy making things worsethis great therapist listens hes thoughtful gives small manageable tasks never ever feel condescended minimized but feel worst validation world im things supposed help talk people make feel still horrible towards me what the fuck is wrong with this species fucking awful really are hate humanity ever cant take anymore,1 +i rlly hope someone understands this but i return to school next week and i just had a meeting with my dean and mother and we got onto the subject of grade and he told me and my mum my grade were shocking and that i slack off and when i heard this i literally wanted to cry sure i struggle with math alot and it not my strongest subject but all the other subject i work hard i pull all nighters to get work in on time i ask question in class i get people to read over my work and give me pointer and i have gotten ok grade in most of my subject i never ditch any class and i always listen but my dean wa painting it out to my mum like im some delinquent who is always skipping class and slack off and it really hurt me because i do feel like i really do try my hardest in school idk it really making me start to feel that everyone is out to get me,1 +ive wasted hours life nothing today school received grades mine pretty good mediocre failed one angry teachers given worse grades deserved hate me means hours genuinely spent studying putting effort nothing afternoons nothing weekends lost nothing maybe youre asking yourself hey least passed majority classes although thats true parents dont seem understand worked ass trimester decent grades parents like asian parent stereotype european,0 +ive never felt bad beforei one else share this considered friends turned bunch people wanted around money listened without saying word family give shit need take chest asap make feel like someones listening id appreciate so fucked childhood sexual abuse coming family good making friends poor af bad talking people watch people fighting arguing breaking house down yelling heart beating like gonna die feel like voice adolescence bad tho started understand things dad addicted alcohol mom depression good person lived house since understood divorced teenager things start make sense scarry hell ready shit thrown me little boy deserve childhood wanted normal parents told love me now im almost mom moved places ended get back house shit happened mom moved away tired seeing brothers killing themselves selling drugs drugs fucking life up me old man problems alcohol hes shitty old son bitch depends take care him brothers get along all gigantic killing everyday time me dreams cant eat well one single reason live voice courage yell i wanna take care you father deserve this please die go hell im sorry dumping here like said anyone count with,1 +lost meim fucking idiot ive ruined everything tonight im unemployed friends career nothing ive betting sports trading markets betfair etc well going well made k it enjoyed honestly reason woke morning well ive fucking ruined all bet k horse place hedged betfair another k arent aware hedging betting opposite effectively canceled small profit fuck unknown bet places hedge as custom course tthe horse comes rd find places count mentioned betting page slimy fucking cunts fucked ruined me terms conditions wont able argue it fault checking closely im fucked basically savings gone me dont know anymore ill probably kill tonight nothing live for bet consider starting dont fucking bother betting last thing hanging onto honestly fucking decent it im fucked now money bet dont even want shit feel like dumbest cunt ever one fucking understand this cant talk anyone fuck,1 +girl told likes talking girl like met rly special person days like time told special person helped depression said well like you kinda happy ngl thought id stayed life alone,0 +Fffssss depression szn https://twitter.com/halfadams/status/989205838886776833 …,1 +i don t know what happening i really don t know i don t even know if this is the right group to be typing this to but if anyone can help please do i m your everyday 9yr old who is currently in university growing up i d say i wa a very extroverted and out going person but after covid and moving to a whole new area for uni not knowing anyone my whole personality changed or at least the true me came out which is being introverted and shy and not liking to go outside and everything i do go outside when there s a lot of people in campus s or i meet new people or the teacher asks me anything in front of everybody i overheat and get very itchy and i mean very itchy it s feel like i m getting pinched all over my body and it happens all the time when i m around people i ve never had this issue before and i don t know what it is it first came around last summer so i said to myself maybe it s just the heat and i m also an athlete so i just blamed it on that and now that winter came around the exact same thing happens then maybe i though it s me and i m dirty so i start having shower a day and that did nothing i really don t know what to do if anyone know what this is or why it s happening please tell me it s really effecting me to the point i don t want to leave my house,1 +therapy day again depression mentalhealth mentalhealthawareness momentum http t co teqvxekg,1 +"@stnlae Jamie you mean a lot to a lot of people, there are undoubtedly people who want you around, people who genuinely enjoy your presence. Its just depression trying to convince you otherwise",1 +"Getting ready for bed, had an interesting night. Glad to know what i do now And for the last time, No, i do NOT text. euhh",0 +como dijo vladimir una paja dormir como dijo vladimir una paja dormir,0 +he s the reason for the teardrop on my guitar the only one who ha enough of me to break my heart,0 +kalm im gonna get sorry ass kicked house screwd parents or legal guardian accessed browsing history like delete browsing history,0 +i m and currently suffering from depression i ve stopped taking anti depressant about year ago because of quarantine and suicide related thought like overdosing or choking on med because of that i don t know how to fall asleep quickly i tried the breathing technique calming oil blend even putting up some calming music on my phone all of the thing i ve tried nothing work for me i just really wan na sleep early because my mom s seriously mad at me for staying up late at night possibly thinking i m using my phone when she turn her back i just don t wan na try to start taking those anti depressant again any suggestion,1 +tried give christmas gifts know leaving mei tried give boyfriendfiance christmas gifts outbursts night wanted speak me asked wanted hug said no said last person wants speak point said i need know going on leaving me told sit discomfort uncertainty deal it telling leaving not know is tried give gifts bought christmas want them fucked head nothing makes change weeks bliss go fuck again im tired alive happy lately cant take joy crushed taken away every time bad things inevitably happen again really know im even posting this life worth living without him long time soul mates others best friend anyone says ill move full shit,1 +happy birthday happy birthday anyone birthday today,0 +cat precious like omg love like human version her like human personality would marry,0 +@GratianB i havent watch da vinci coe and.. XD we was lautghting in the film but actually there wasnt things to laugh ,0 +got first job thats,0 +work time,0 +bloodrush ugh pizza would be fantastic right now too bad this isn t phx no pizza place open ppast like 0 here,0 +im ready give upi felt like shit months now everything getting worse know get going think time give up hurt tonight im done thinking it felt like writing here get chest,1 +i ve never been one to feel anxious or thought of having anxiety even during difficult time however this past week i ve been struggling so much and realized i m suffering from anxiety long story short i met someone about month ago i knew in the first date just that gut feeling she s the one it wa great perfect everything i wanted but not long after she unfortunately suffered great trauma with the loss of her best friend her sister in the beginning it wa manageable and i think it it wa mainly due to her denial she lost her sister eventually the grief settled in and now the true challenge arose for her anxiety yr prior she lost her cousin and still had not gotten over it now after losing loved one she had the fear of losing me created turmoil between u jealousy trust issue it created anger in me i felt like a monster she wanted me to be understanding and working with her where i wa foolish and expected her to get rid of it that is my biggest regret thing got worse for u add the fact covid put a huge mental strain on u i also lost a family member during that time that wa dear to me and the stress of still trying to accept a different work culture a i changed from being out and about in the field 0hrs a week to stuck at a desk working from home this created a ton of anger and frustration in me this wa also part of our downfall a few month back i stepped away from our relationship her fear of losing me and constantly keeping me on her mind prevented her from working on herself i knew she would not heal and work on herself so long a i wa around i felt that wa the best decision i lied to her i told her i didn t love her anymore i wa trying to protect her my second biggest regret two week ago i reached out to her after working hard on my personal self to remove my anger do better for myself with my eating better working out but i also made plan a plan to ensure everything that went wrong would never happen again i knew she wa still my soul mate i knew she wa still the love of my life i knew she wa still my bae we had coffee chatted i told her i wanted her back in my life and had a plan and would do whatever it took to get her back she told me we would get back together but she needed time she wa in conflict and fear of losing me again fear of her anxiety being an issue for u again and her just being her old self i respected that and told her i would do anything for her i told her i d wait week later after a week of confusion emotion uncertainty her feeling changed she knew she loved me still and care deeply but that fear of what happened in the past and her uncertainty in her own well being made her change her mind and she had guilt telling me we would when she is uncertain we could ever get back together i suffer of fear of losing her i suffer of regret of everything i wish i did differently i fear she may hurt even more if we don t try and she end up having regret i know we weren t working a a team i know we needed to collaborate more but i know i gave her so many change a she kept begging me please give me one more chance i just now have to live with fear regret and wish she would just give me chance we promised to stay in touch very limited maybe call a week she still care for me and still want me in her life but she need to focus on her i will wait for her she know it even though i know i ll continue to suffer with that fear and regret but right now she is hurting right now she is in pain so right now the best thing for me to do no matter how hard it is is to be the best support person for her it s what she need and i ll do anything for her,1 +every day one day less cant keep justifying existencei really know put putting effort seems little contradictory im gaining traction anymore cant find job even getting fucked dollars hour seem like life changing move im fucking ready this think least times day ive already called party supply store helium tank irony lost me nothing seems matter change anything longer sit trying scrape together choices less find scrape together every morning one day less like im running clock cant keep this im wasting everyones time money,1 +feel like push stay awake dont want feel like youve wasted day freedom dont want next day come reason stay til am watching stuff even momentarily fall asleep rewind scene ten times,0 +suicidal long distance partnermy boyfriend lives north england live south hes brilliant person genuinely love him great sense humour outward confidence hes great studies landed part time jobs too im really proud him ampxb unfortunately raped systematically abused child hes killed someone know accept love attempted redflag before nowadays uses alcohol cigs cocaine mdma weed whatever else get hands cope still lapses dark weeks says feels ready kill himself hes written letter recently hes started cutting though know badly every time goes dark time feel get closer closer losing him also suicidal reasons goes im going give too knows this ampxb ive got direct emergency number towns services hes promised call say goodbye anything im worried eating know talk it talk things me know do anyone help would really grateful ampxb,1 +"@rui15 that's it min, you have to enhance your "it's-up" skill. don't just sit back and relax. you hafto do something with it, man! ",0 +japanses trees pretty school tree starting grow white flowers looks like trees japan pink im sure probably wanted share,0 +youtube auto play gave wanted thats thanks algorithm sometimes useful anyways good night,0 +feel like worthless piece shiti keep looking life feel like matter anyone all life feels ruined stuck loop feel ignored alone cant even get help anything let ex slit throat seriously screamed help hate stupid pandemic im stuck narcissistic assholes treat like shit wish past ten years life happen,1 +@hollymcombsbr somehow i cant reply to your message LOL and yes i know Thank youuu,0 +sleep am school tommorow want sleep though,0 +although compared mad max film league own set post apocalyptic paris film mans struggle survival lost ability speak remarkable shortage women congratulations luc besson,0 +cant trust peopleand going lead death wife talking guy facebook thanking supportive supportive what bring me husband support through ex wife started cheating me hell trust people literally want track kill him myself screw world hell may taken many pills tonight try get sleep may wake tomorrow oh well ive shitty years planet fucking matter me maybe take pills sitting right there big deal l ready talking guy obviously filling hole fill wife cause im obviously crappy husband run him fuck all im sure even care anymore,1 +feel like deserve livefell love best friend like back was already suffering mental health issues diagnosed anything except autism im pretty sure borderline personality disorder cut regularly still sometimes frequently anyways like back felt like killing wonder have took drinking decided get girl thatd hitting ease pain got comfortable relationship months kind stopped talking bff painful drunk texting every night point considered ghosting me bff came back weeks ago feelings immediately returned thought love girl im currently apparently im not started realizing want her im terrified alone want hurt her wants marriage dont wants kids dont nothing lines us besides fact submissive im attracted apparently submissive fragile im scared hurting her soo anyways bff came back like saying sorry jumbled mess im freaking out and keeps going crush turned asshole ghosted him im like that sucks im sorry start talking more week goes said small crush me elated like seriously felt like id waiting entire year this been want date right now wants take slow acceptable theres also fact that im relationship know this ive flirting bff every day felt guilty while id feeling fucking dead inside prior time actually happy bff then text entire night lmao know fucking stupid get upset over ended drinking lot like entire bottle vodka one sitting blacked apparently id drunk texted bff saying loved shit guess annoyed her talked day today ended sex girlfriend first time weeks instantly regretted it wanted throw up worst part know idolize bff meaning life nothing believe religion want die almost constantly im literally fucking years old fuck wrong me start dating bff im going regret days weeks feeling i got girl wears im going start feeling like shit want nothing her im narcissistic selfish deserve life want single without feeling like need companionship want single hurt anyone emotions decisions change whim every fucking time something happens literally fucking kill me ask born world want die im still suicidal know ill end killing either today next day depresses even more makes want kill even more literally dumbfuck stereotypical playboy ive many ex girlfriends cant remember them want stop feeling numb ampxb tldr guess im trying say is feel im chasing girls chased bff won excitement end go back feeling nothing mention point basically cheated extremely fragile girlfriend reason excitement wore want anything her im douchebag want die fucking kill me send death threats want deserve them,1 +'Something is better than nothing': Exercise helps ward off depression http://www.cbc.ca/news/health/exercise-depression-prevention-1.4634002 …,1 +whys dog independent wanna pet smh wants alone im always scared hes gonna bite bc lashes sometimes hes shih tzu btw,0 +taking girlfriend applications cool even cooler maximum cool cool little less hot ignore cool,0 +simps failed pimps pimps successful simps sub onlyfans httpswwwonlyfanscomtitoslavia,0 +hello everyone wanted address something might need hear right sometime future wanted talk grooming recently heard stories someone grooming minors wanted tell everyone ever situation tell adult know struggles may going telling adult best bet dont trusted adults contact always police maybe even teacher counselor best get situation matter what thats say good day,0 +think failedmy friend another state told loved goodbye posted instagram love friends tale pain away dont know address cant find none friends answering ive called times instagram snap dont know please help thing thats keeps alive,1 +many friends have post title asks many friends have much think good amount,0 +want die courage end ityet know im afraid dying staying pain im sure intense intense go day day lay empty bathtub imagining would like bleed out course im afraid pain id put loved ones through cant take anymore,1 +seen several comments brando using southern accent felt mistake movie made racism discrimination strong south jim crow laws still effect civil rights infancy could possibly subtle social commentary southern man love woman another race way mash subtle criticism viet nam war thoughtsbr br another comment made myoshi umeki appearing cold anyone japan would understand japanese people least experience tend show emotion front strangers strict social rules especially men meeting single women americans japan totally foreign culture blunt attempts meet women shocking ladies one trait japanese smile embarrassed uncomfortable many american servicemen took sign advances welcomed also remember time represented movie japan defeated occupying forces treated reluctant acceptance think myoshi umeki gave credible performance situation would been watching interaction american actors brought back several memories experiences country able meet pair lovely young ladies who convinced typical american male taught language culture time country,0 +hello im looking buy nintendo switch hello im looking buy nintendo switch im sure get australia ive seen one low anyone knows shop could u tell plz thanks,0 +struggling with eam law,0 +telling nervous feeling work talking wfh privileges ending weeks due covid restrictions ending asked would happy office told always bullied school work want work socialise whatever want task earn pay enjoy free time really like wfh wearing mask hide face people keeping distance never want things end friends ok given try hurt let quite content home ownthey never judged thought understood years pain made wary human beings today said path loneliness looked disappointed maybe even like anymore think tell anything ever again worries thoughts locked inside head forever one person felt safe share things lost trust,1 +beating downim years old th grade pending drug charges caught mg adderall pills school september january landed ambulance ride hospital shroom acodmt experiment two friends going cost parents tremendous amount money feel fucking awful putting bullshit disclosed past regular drug use parents weed adderall xanax tramadol oxycodone hydrocodone mushrooms lsd inbome coke dxm fucked up feel happy escape reality curious guess friends around curious well never partied everything alone small groups friends good environments cant help think ive permanently wrecked already flawed brain chemistry im gifted diagnosed adhd ocd gad age ive completely abstained drug use fact even considered using anything makes feel though ive done everything completely choice feel completely overwhelmed guilt disgusted putting parents this amount adderall possessed caught implied intention distribute mention school grounds felony fuck rest life decide continue it im nearing edge though im surrounded loving family plenty close friends theres driving force telling none matters end already,1 +running nose spinning head not a good combination for a meeting,0 +@MissCindyBaby control freak ,0 +im gonna find nice bridge jump ofi finally leave world,1 +want try commit redflag againso um yeah year old girl diagnosed disordered eating insomnia depression anxiety body dysmorphia anger issues tried commit redflag times always failed one overdose which put hospital one jumping bridge aiming rocks land missed tiny bit got sent clinic thinking commiting redflag again really want live painful process life life hard me bullied whole life started smoking weed self harming get pain away thinking killing want die yeah felt better let thanks ,1 +fuck mei want go sleep never wake,1 +i hate myself i ve dreamed about finally gathering the courage to end my life for about year i have everything i need my basic need are met all paid by my caring family i m finishing a college degree also fully paid by my parent i feel weak and pathetic i see people with real issue traumatic shit who go on with their life while i m sitting here wanting to end my life without a reason why do i feel like this it feel invalid i ve never faced adversity every second of my life i ve spent tearing myself apart the only reason i haven t jumped in front of the metro is that i m scared to end up quadriplegic i m scared of everyone finding out that despite having my life served to me on a platter i still want to die i feel pathetic small and alone and i m scared i m starting to lose control of it before suicide felt like a refuge or a safe place to escape if necessary but now it s overwhelming and persistent i don t want to feel like this anymore but i can t stop it everything i do feel wrong i ve isolated myself from everyone and by the time i realized how lonely i felt i couldn t find the courage to reach out despite having everything given to me i feel like a failure and i hate everything about myself self loathing ha become the only way i interact with who i am and everything i do i feel like i don t deserve help i ve never faced adversity i m scared of failing to kill myself but i can t stop thinking about it,1 +alert karen encounter know guys probably dont care heres story dad went run together run way split kept running started go home exercising asthma wasnt wearing maskwhere wear mask ur shopping public transport see going ummm casually running home lady wearing mask comes like kinda close asks u wearing mask say said start shes like and theres global pandemic wear mask anywhere even could make fucking asthma attack lady pulls phone calls police fucking yo going run like wtf,0 +"@ceoYangHyunSuck It's a prescribed medication for her depression. Granted, it was illegal in SK but, she was not selling it unlike others. She's been humiliated & unable to work. What more do you want? Why do you keep kicking someone who's already down? Leave her alone!!! #박봄제발내버려두세요",1 +birthday today birthday sounds stupid ok hold big accomplishment beacuse never thought would make past actually ,0 +mom cooking lasagna yey,0 +Comic strip representations of challenges Floridians faced during the Great Depression. A way to… https://www.instagram.com/p/Bh_yHvCn1-G/ ,1 +horribly lonely hitting last straw death seems like way out im transgender girl trapped boys body im sixteen years old that nobody around clue it came one person back october give fuck anymore even talked forever live minutes other parents found out knowing stances gay marriage everything would likely abandon me top this im homeschooled never see friends loneliness adding depression want die badly,1 +people lucid dream it ive trying weeks cant seem figure out ive even tried listened lucid dream triggering music luck,0 +ADD ME ON MYSPACE!!! myspace.com/LookThunder,0 +help think started war cult full apple enthusiast anyways join kingdom rbanana_kingdom_,0 +"@shawn7155 If I don't get a chance 2 talk 2 you before hand, have a most awesomest weekend & I'll miss you! Be safe and be well. Love u!",0 +"@MyNameIsIngrid wow, the sun... almost as beatiful as you <3",0 +@fazlynn err thanks? Haha @moonstarlady is jealous alright ,0 +while i wait for my school counselor to give me an update on the whole online school therapy thing i wa convinced to check out a confidential free and text based crisis hotline it s apparently designed for teen like me who have noone in their life that they could talk to now for me personally my experience wa subpar i don t want to disrespect the volunteer work there but after the successful attempt one in the morning and one just hour earlier i felt like i wa just a number on a waiting list the system constantly kicked me out of the conversation and the one time i actually had a decent conversation it felt like they were trying to cast me aside a quick a possible a soon a i mentioned that music help me organize my thought at time they told me to just listen to music and the conversation closed immediately after maybe i m stupid or maybe it s just my anxiety and paranoia but they seemed annoyed i guess it would help to say what i wa expecting i wa thinking it would be a deep dive into why i feel the way i do but it wa more just a short session of giving me a metaphorical ice pack and sending me home with an old stale lollipop if i didn t feel worthless enough already then well a for the nd successful attempt it wa even shorter they asked me how i wa feeling they asked a question to confirm what i said i answered and then the very next message wa telling me that i must ve stepped away and that the conversation had been closed the automated reply also hit me with a stinger saying you matter it doesn t feel like it it doesn t help that i had to reply stop over and over because i kept getting auto reply from the bot needle to say i have le faith that online school therapy will even put a dent in how i feel tldr seeking help a many advise when situation like these crop up hasn t worked this time around and my already weak ability to see a good future for myself ha withered away a bit more,1 +kapag nakakapanood ako ng video about mental health depression etc nattrigger pa rin ako naaalala ko yung mga pinagdaanan ko but still kahit yun yung mga darkest moment ng buhay ko grateful pa rin ako na pinagdaanan ko yon,1 +"There is no drug for intellectual depression...Okay, maybe there is.",1 +tomorrow nights nightmy last therapy appointment phone tomorrow owe that guess owe family that useless gesture date local bridge pavement it quarantine highlighted everything wrong me could riches luxuries world still would enough flesh human body much cant fucking stand it everything wrong flesh wrong want gone cast shell meat free crushing dread expectations fucking hate world want anywhere here want anyone me im tired living fleeting distractions next video game episode movie temporary anaesthesia gaping wound thats festering decade know im like this maybe im crazy im tired disappointing people im tired body much ampxb im sorry mom im sorry dad wanted good,1 +@JackieB LOL. oh btw hai from mah laptopz. you'll see it tuesday ,0 +worried myselfever scared cause know happens basically ive felt suicidal everyday around years know feel still here ive self harmed tried antidepressants counselling twice ive confidence anxiety bad cant leave house ive friends im numb aspects life feel trapped myself want things like drive get job friends family feel like world would better without me im lost universe im scared myself,1 +so we paid a company 000 to lift our house to fix the crooked floor they installed these pier yesterday and started lifting this morning about an hour later the guy come up and tell u they can t raise it more than an inch because the foundation started to crack turn out that stabilizing the house is guaranteed but lifting is not we re now paying back a 000 loan for work that accomplished nothing i m absolutely crushed and the depression anxiety is raging in me so hard i don t know if i can continue this is just another devastating failure in my miserable life i ve been struggling to keep it together for my wife and kid and this wa going to be a huge positive thing instead i don t know if i can go on even for them they re better off with this hapless fuckwad out of their life i may overdose on something so at least it will be an open casket at my funeral and my wife can just tell my kid daddy wa sick i wa already severely depressed and this is just the final blow,1 +join movement dont buy nestle fucknestle rfucknestle reasoninghttpswwwredditcomrfucknestlecommentshmvnvthe_reasons_why_we_hate_nestle_so_muchutm_sourceshareamputm_mediumios_appamputm_nameiossmf,0 +inferiorim tired feeling down ive always problem envy envy people envy everyone see people way better lives me never get admiration crave never get feeling important anyone way get respected even try best receive admiration help people come life positive advice never get return uplift others let drown agony dignity say no more weak serve others cost well being feel reason self esteem unworthy love respect admiration end,1 +want end alreadymy mind downward spiral seems like went stop im trembling hardly coherent thought times want someone actually love feels like loneliness slowly killing mental state withering wish could die never asked born life have time though want keep trying want know love feels like again one time least head hurts know anymore wanna take nap bleh,1 +recall many things seeing movie back original theatrical release post woodstock afterglow peace love along prewatergate tension fear paranoia hard believe thirty seven years later still remember thoughts going head watching film best friend like marveling peter boyles characterization ultimate redneck sure typecast rest career oh wrong counter culture jarred sensibilities country day buddy still use joe currans line summary faced dilemma curious simple line like stay decadesbr br its curious read comments film others board particularly ones stating film dated quality top characters were still around time picture gives pretty accurate portrayal polar opposites existed back then pretty much side side events story reveal really want dated last time heard words macys gimbels sentence line like joes come on get pepsi generation historical perspective great nixon poster lingering one background scenes would buy used car man minor intricacies like those director john avildsen captures many subtle ever present hints life four decades agobr br todays viewing second time ive seen movie admit remember susan sarandon one lead roles again first picture scenes nudity free love something actually quite new bold time shocking fact film makers began experiment ability push envelope propriety convention joe took major leap regard particularly since mainstream picturebr br with passage time thing impresses peter boyle overcame stereotype joe curran appear star favorite pieces work mean go joe hilarious rendition puttin ritz young frankenstein absolute favorite episode xfiles boyle clyde bruckman tender tragic funny serious portrayal turns tables scully mulder once career capper frank barone one funniest characters history television even repeat episodes syndication funny he whenever elder barone lets loose one observations one actor viewer sorely misses already,0 +"@sweetaddictions get me bodied, My Boo by Ghost Town Djs, One N A Million, Waterfalls, Pretty Brown Eyes, Chantes got a man, No Scrubs ",0 +dont know go on shouldwhen moved different school suddenly got really bad first experienced social phobia eventually got bad cried threw every time went outside wasnt able go school fucked grades missed percent classes ocd came eating disorder managed get help started taking zoloft almost two years now got better yes still feel like shit parents alcoholics im attached them fucking rollercoaster make feel loved cherished theyre sober feel theyre best parents anyone could ever dream of happens something dies within me summer graduating high school attempted move city far mine far painful period life never felt bad still aware parents ruining life made fucked way felt like couldnt live without side love much hurts think much love them hurts think people would violently die horrible things towards me moved back wasnt able go uni still trying things still trying study contact best friends getting weird im sure frienship anymore yesterday dog died got her stray skinny little diaster wasnt even able eat drink herself took home dirty first thought brownish fur turned pure white couple spots baby sweet little baby smart shy would always come cried cling knees sat there silently years old god still cant believe gone cant fucking gone baby baby sweet little baby gone friends said nothing understood first know pretty well hard might show empathy managed hurt even more why for for spoke mom today extremely drunk still is reminded awful child am shitty person am loss dog feels last things holding vanishing things making happy second now only dog video game live asshole russia bad here really really bad grey pointless whole setting pushing towards ending all tragically funny humans hypersensitive creatures live world doesnt give single fuck feelings go on go on even go on dont know anything anymore want rest want stop want catch breath,1 +"@UncleTreyPound Yea, .....I don't think so ",0 +gonna go eat lunch now. yummy veg soup and crusty bread ,0 +"@BxCutestAngel awww sorry angel, but maybe it will happen next year ",0 +extreme cases deja vu happens hours deja vu deja vu ridiculous,0 +@Mylan2424 oh man! I sure am having a good time without you bro jk,0 +finally wrapped my body ha literally broken down this evening in bed return of super fever,0 +"Time travel manual, great stuff http://bit.ly/qLiDW",0 +"@KatherineHelena Bangor in Wales, thats my first choices and Liverpool John Moores Uni are my second choice ",0 +adulting mean therapist friend feel lost friends moved diff countryamp friends back home understand anymore amp friends america feel take granted look share something vulnerable feel alone time friendships adulting,1 +my anxiety manifest itself in many way and this is one form of it i would stand in front of the mirror and just feel like guilty for not being better not contributing more not being more positive not being a better friend when in reality i do those thing anyone else relate to this feeling,1 +i m alive because i wan na outlive all the mf who gave me truma,1 +help guy get medal sergeant waverly b woodson jr administered first aid least men omaha beach dday injured shrapnel denied medal honour black lets change heres changeorg link httpchngitqfblfcykbq,0 +@ThisIsJuice @an0el thanks guys!!! ,0 +she just came...pheuww!!!finally ,0 +"@HoneyBee0903 Heeeeeey, what up? Your man is about to ruin my life via pop quizzes. ",0 +im really bored ask questions anything might answer idk,0 +self hatred redflagi feel like minds equilibrium feel less suicidal mind put intense amount pain make suicidal good works ways also means never get better right im filled intense self hatred im ugly fuck good people broken refused date theyve found unattractive im useless theres single thing matters right friends family would prefer killed myself told several times im waste space im suicidal long stopped trying im much coward kill myself want rip arms off want cut theres nothing left bone im mentally stable im emotionally stable know bother im living particular reason need die kill myself know do,1 +not anymore how doe daisy manage to take up of the bed,0 +@QinniArt This kinda reminds me of when o was suffering from depression and after I got help I decided to chop off my hair.. there's a study on people who suffer a dramatic event often chose to get a dramatic hair change after to recover,1 +unpopular opinion maybe rickrolling taught beware phishing sitesviruses school ever done me thats internet school ,0 +good reason livemy wife divorcing me never much live for her marriage toxic though screaming matches hurtful words so live now nothing really im interested life im looking forward anything ive individual therapy years ive tried tons different medications wife even couples therapy therapist told us help us feel like belong anywhere maybe nows good time die,1 +used use instagram social networks fun use find parties invited not like care due covid still thought week massive one everyone class got invited,0 +deucetwt dont think so it either new mechanic or you battle depression,1 +@urbanfly do y' mean M.C Escher (the painter not the DJ ,0 +fina cut da cellie back on..n c who all dun texd me..den hit up da frenz && c wat it iz fa 2 dayy ,0 +tw transphobia guess anyone affected i trans makes want die fucking bad sure know already trans one disgusting revolting things could ever be huge burden everyone medically emotionally by forcing everyone say pronouns get wrong course feel bad it tried detransition nothing ever sticks fucking stuck like forever guess feel like monster fucked body going hormones getting chest sliced look worse ever have used beautiful girl disgusting freak nature wish could go back never even realize first place ruined every single thing life ways could never imagined cannot detransition normal human next year think ill kill myself world better without another disgusting person like anywaysif thoughts feel free share them transphobic tell comments want might help get shit together detransition hear terrible others people around accepting trans people get enough shit deciding wish could normal,1 +sorryhow people keep going people keep going cant figure out abusive relationship age fucked up im still wake screaming ive lost friends nobody believed wanted friends still easier friends pretend like nothing happened admit raped repeatedly controlled years become control eventually give accept thats life situations like that didnt tell anyone years didnt believe me keep trying okay im college take semesters attempted redflag twice im now ive therapy years cant find joy anything used fucking joyful days want hug im isolated everyone used love still love didnt love enough believe me im fucking desperate right now im scattered retraumatized something happened week suicidal every day thing like volume knob thing somedays want others somedays im checking ceiling fan aware could hold weight days im smashing things head bleed pain seen outside cant see ptsd way see broken leg people get im hurting time explain i raped hear every night im tired explaining myself taking time school get worse again feel stupid worthless forgettable idk fuck im posting reddit pay therapist call whenever im tired trying convince go inpatient facility would rather die cheaper thats sure,1 +hi something weird happened to me yesterday at noon i m tryna understand what it wa exactly i went to some very nice restaurent with my fwb that i ve known for month so we have a trustful relationship at the end of the meal i wanted to go to the toilet in the third room of the restaurent i wa feeling calm and not anxious at all in this moment i didn t know the exact place where the bathroom wa located but when i got to the third room i felt really overwhelmed like i never did before even on acid there were a lot of plate on the wall not that much people but i felt like i understood nothing anymore really had a panic feeling everything looked weird like a dream i felt very oppressed in my body a strange weight i never felt before it wa nothing like regular anxiety it had no reason to be and it happened very fast i wa standing alone in this room i don t even know if people were looking at me i could barely understand where people were or what they were doing i had a strange feeling that i wa really going to lose control of my mind if i stayed here like somebody wa mixing my brain and my perception didn t go to the bathroom get back to my friend he looked at me like this explained the shit to him he wa like i don t think it wa an acid flashback it may have happened to me some month ago and it wa pretty different perspective distortion color changing hallucination did you experienced something like this,1 +first twitter ever..this feels momentus ,0 +the kennel murder case starts run stop end everybody reason kill victim several people tried william powell terrific philo vance gentleman detective mary astor refreshing putupon niece wants marry scottish gentleman enjoy inheritance movie comes paired nancy drew reporter dvd also fun rent disc or check local library it pure entertainment,0 +tbh actually kind enjoying life not like pep step motivation step makes sense anything prolonging death trying feel like matter feel like going worse everyone involved anyway good day peeps well shiiiii,1 +theblondetheory ditch in another parish some really sick people in this world,0 +i had a fun night! got to see @nevershoutnever and andy from @holidayparade! yaye! then @waitrewindthat took me to ihop yum!,0 + last yeari decided upon exact date turn years old next year figure thats good enough run ive made little go long way ive always behind eight ball lot fault still make idiotic mistakes ive become burden loved ones wife says shed devestated im sure tired failure unemployed husbands shenanigans stuck around longer thought would im done next year cant hold anxiety pain longer,1 +good god they ruined my belly button,0 +i feel empty inside most of the time i am trying to find my purpose to live again but it kinda hard for the first time ever in my life i feel like i can t overcome the struggle i m facing right now i am telling myself im doing okay im doing better but at the end of the day i found myself drinking and smoking by myself again i stopped smoking for a year and a half until last month me right now is exactly the person im trying to get rid of year ago after year i found myself doing all the thing i hate and i know it is bad for me again my best friend s birthday day is today i asked her hey what do you want ask a thank you because she wa there for me when i am facing my first panic attack first time understand what s depressed she said i want you to live that s all i need for people out there who is having suicidal thought like me just remember that there will be a person who expects to see you in the future if you feel like there is no one next to you maybe they will show up in the future,1 +@seanmalarkey ... Hmm. And I don't know what it's for seriously http://twitpic.com/6btu8,0 +one boring lifeits like wake up go school get home homework sleep wake like man die alllready,1 +so gave meim extremely extremely down lot things turn wanted it im feeling new sense loneliness nothing run find escape lost sense self people used care stopped caring same like im liability friend family help one mostly absent always trying give hope ideal future one always finds way bring annoy ignorance negativity im feeling suicidal huge faith commit redflag really frustrating im campus anymore transferred schools saw cousin really felt me etc theres lot shutting history weak weak tired ive miserable long boyfriend makes little better hes super patient emotions want way all,1 +@riandawson will do ,0 +random antarctica factoid theres lake creatively called deep lake east antarctica times saltier ocean freeze even though colder ocean much fucking salt it theres barely anything living lake extreme environment honestly pretty amazing really,0 +surface tmhs appears yet another generic high school drama surprisingly hidden away underneath immense amounts depth originality eccentricities render unforgettable viewer also makes indisputably one best animes medium produced last yearsbr br we see world eyes kyon first day high school meets haruhi suzumiya girl boldly claims rest class interest normal humans top casually invites aliens time travellers sliders espers meet her kyon stares disbelief wondering shes joking screws loose however defying gut instincts begins talking her soon becomes apparent ordinary high schooler long after creates aptly named sos brigade school club drags kyon amongst highly unfortunate people attendbr br nothing anime conforms usual standard conventions kyon protagonist overly cynical pessimist contributes witty narration show farcry usual d male leading characters tends populate medium episodes chronologicaland forces viewer think events unfolding relate prior instances stroke genius effect like jigsaw puzzle new piece layed get sense bigger picture previous scenes given entire new meanings realization profoundly satisfying mean however feels disjointed its anything but cleverly written script bypassed problem ensured flows smoothly start finishbr br the story strikingly original delve simple barebones plot outline gave earlier doubt spoil you however mention plot incorporates vast array genres ranging comedy scifi managed accomplish space fourteen episodes beyond me doubt huge achievement itselfbr br tmhs true gem diversity depth appeal pretty much anyone interest anime watch it rather unusually something lives enormous hype received even exceeds it,0 +Good night everybody ,0 +end tetherjust completely tired existing much want die fact want exist anymore sick tired feeling completely drained emotion whatsoever reason gone yet know would completely devastate parents im sick living people know much longer last,1 +goal purpose desirewhat fuck point anything absolutely nothing want life except kill escape world theres place anyway absolutely nothing life except play video games endlessly browse internet content literally purpose alive want job hate college absolutely refuse join military want change life see point changing desire commit redflag even imagine living see graduating college im pretty much lazy piece shit loser hate every fiber being never imagine someone loving caring unconditionally thought happening foreign concept me literally fault too fault unmotivated worthless human being absolutely nothing change situation yet still bitching it weird thing is even want change myself id rather let thoughts consume commit redflag guess ill end post here already made enough pity parties already one day ill eventually stop posting swerve car tree escape bullshit garbage world,1 +cheating good soul think everyone cheat,0 +eloquentembrace you re going to kill me but i ve not seen ds9 i ve been waiting till i can do it in one solid week sitting,0 +guys im scared precious cat getting weak fear may dying dont want die shes long ass time hell back jesus christ long typhical house cat live,0 +world works mysterious waysits late tried sleep something deep inside really want to cant control thoughts im asleep night terrors ive recently enough deterrent keep wanting shut eyes lay there staring ceiling eyes fixated upon bright lights pitying situation trying figure karma bitch feel like everything good person whats point good get taken advantage of light burns out sitting here contemplating giving up watch bright light ive aimlessly staring last minutes give right front me how appropriate think sitting darkness this light burns bright every single day actually appreciated me so gives up now im religious man seriously best time god damned light burn out trying tell me light give too im sorry light paying attention you miss you til left realized much did left would miss me would realize good things them takes appreciated light flickers bit reignites seeing shit late all slept much last week night terrors kept it no sure enough resilience own light watched burn right front eyes shining bright minutes ago oh light wish knew trying tell me hope know always acknowledge it mean appreciate me im happy back importantly im sorry im sorry need need me theres nothing think make happy make light apologize want truly thank you thank light way me done much perhaps even know of light moments left me taught lot need need me light came back maybe knew much needed you people need need them want give them shine them maybe one day someone shine me thanks giving me light,1 +"@asymmetricinfo If the Great Depression is your only good argument, then I will fully support this when unemployment reaches 25%...and not a moment sooner.",1 +@BearTwinsMom Goodnight! I was good to get to tweet with you again! ,0 +@NickySummer we interior designs just know everything from one to another.,0 +idk past months thoughts major downward spiral everyday waking making day struggle me keeping secret everyone recently since want end psych ward again honestly know rate thoughts unbearably strong lately,1 +smashleypants awwwww virtual flower chocolate hug and kiss lt,0 +helping friend trying toi friend really struggling believe everything going ok hes autistic desperately sad im terrified hes going hurt himself mentioned feel helpless help him suggested conference hotline freaked out seems st time tried calling hotline ended handcuffs forcefully admitted hospital next time tried thing happened im phone now im trying convince tomorrow could better large issues dealing easily resolved keeps telling feel good back hurts emotions hurting every bit much back,1 +know contains spoilers not want risk blacklisted year br br i disagree entirely viewer comments described guns germs steel politically correct neomarxist cannot watched series i didbr br the series i watched depicted history european colonisation americas southern africa particular inaccuracies saw nothing series portrayed europeans bad people happened lucky though europeans often were lucky theres nothing wrong luck neither see native peoples portrayed poor little innocent things anything inca rather arrogant would expect leader would dealing foreigners country conquered living memory world power br br i certainly saw nothing could construed marxist neomarxist except incredibly elastic imaginationsbr br otherwise many african peoples do builtin immunity malaria tropical diseases europeans lack time height successes aztec maya inca civilisations were advanced world wealthy sometimes so aboriginal american khoisan populations were decimated smallpox diseases introduced europeans european colonists decimated tropical diseases like malaria note khoisan peoples completely different subsaharan african peoples br br so see commentators complaining about thing i find complain series tell anything know time finished seventh grade theres really nothing new way historical information film does however present nice dramatisations events conquest incas production values high fills holes get covered mrs grubers sixth hour social studies class milan middle schoolbr br if rent buy this assuming decent primary andor secondary school education learn anything new enjoyable entertaining time reviewing already learned or learned time hit high school,0 +asperger misdiagnosis ruined lifenote im saying ableist something neurodiverse people want say experience affected me mean offense anybody else swear gods name note never aspergers instead im neurotypical confirmed brain scan alongside medical exams never thought much mistake would affect me lost almost everything things managed keep tainted well people started treat like child special needs person snowflake stopped taking seriously stopped reaching and were face face choice seldom never try contact different way like texting them talk cooing like voice think im cute never talk nsfw stuff im near say im young it smile forced smiles talk time hello goodbye college stuff like homeworkgroup projects small talk nothing else try reach out im either left seen give short answers trying leave soon can ignore message altogether thats main reason im suicidal wasnt maybe bit depressed now im living hell every single day became extremely paranoid it know aside exceptions truly cares instead either pity obligation sense old high school bullying wounds opened again since traded one hell another peace years able make new friends long time ive losing still left lost social skills isolated myself shown matter im person mostly gets kindness pity obligation know others far worse me cant go like this cant withstand living hell anymore loneliness pity regret indifference rejection fake smiles kindness pissing people off making snap hate me believed psychologists think need love ignore everyone elses words money ive made family waste therapy pills never worked god reality change theres big chance make end decade,1 +wakey wakey i m bored my dog is annoying he weight 0 pound and doesn t want to come off of my knee,0 +the journey romantic version cold war english woman deborah kerr trying smuggle former love hungarian scientist jason robards jr hungary hungary revolt board bus thirteen international people trying get hungary austrian borderbr br of course bus gets stopped russians security check russian officerincharge yul brynner becomes attracted english woman deborah kerrand delays trip course russian officer knows truth hungarian scientist posing british citizen decides arrest scientist waiting english woman come him course sounds absurd fun movie watch despite romantic flow dialogue mr brynner ms kerr seems inappropriate situation in movie becomes suspenseful interesting good acting overrides silly dialogue perhaps people involved hungarian revolt would appreciate movie would consider piece fluff br br this favorite yul brynner role speaks own masculine voice attractive especially becomes vulnerable deborah kerrs second time working yul brynner since made the king i make attractive couple bad never worked again second sexy role ms kerr took since from eternity despite fact ms kerr wearing heavy winter clothes throughout movie beautiful sensual br br the fine supporting cast headed jason robards jr first film role international cast recognizable like instance robert morley england however rest actors never seen since great movie background fun see senta berger one maids speak lines hungarian years later movie cast giant shadow yul brynner leading lady still working today,0 +know am wide awake starting get bright outside,0 +someone cant get helpi friend female hispanic ive worried year alternates frequently depressed cheerful cutesy demeanor slightly overweight constantly overly worried appearance starving month eating perhaps one meal day family extremely unsupportive tells ugly childish stupid looks me suppose male try encourage much possible really great friend hate see stuck low selfesteem depression last night cut arms i believe first time ever leaving lot marks deep overly hazardous health another step towards suicidal behavior ive friends past year take lives ill anything power help her ive tried get see professional parents say exaggerating take see anyone really know help,1 +i wa strongly recommended by my therapist to return to a physical hobby for my mental health and did so to great positive effect i have severe anxiety and depression and this hobby help about a much a medication or talk therapy doe and both of those work decently well for me i need all three at this point it make me do better at work all week and help prevent long slump of mental health issue if i miss a session it affect me for day currently i do this three time a week and day a week is during normal working hour i either return to work after or make up the work other day of the week i have a very flexible schedule am exempt and have been at this job for over 9 year it s after most of team i manage is offline for the day but plenty of my other colleague are still online and would theoretically want to have meeting my office ha no issue with thing like a standing actual medical appointment including therapy the problem is it look like a fun thing and it is a fun thing it s just also essential for me continuing to function a a person and an employee for reference before i started this i wa considering taking intermittent fmla instead which i ve had to do in the past and now that s unlikely any tip for talking about it a recurring appointment is how i ve framed it to people and i do reschedule if it is in conflict with something essential my new manager just asked to see the detail of my calendar my previous manager did not and now i m feeling anxious about what it s titled and how to describe it honestly i m now feeling anxious about everything i ve put on my schedule that help me work better and is within office policy allowance but is atypical like 0 minute early afternoon break that i block off a tentative because i often turn into a non functional blob for a bit around pm,1 +new husbands son suicidal tendencieshow spend day every day terrified itmy husband family know care anything asked part comfortable staying it least now understand im consumed fear time loved ones someone suicidal treat person like time bomb time cope daily thanks advance,1 +fuck shit so next house retirement home type thing woth around people living it pretty cramped since ive help chores pre qurantine but last week so havent seen people living there originally thought taking quarantine seriously but turns covid one died yesterday week owners said anything till now worst part is neighbors come put said tests came positive likely due talking people retirement home fuck shit dude fuck owners fuck im pissed,0 +ollyog well not far from the station by the look of it just head there i m actually jealous would love to be in belgium right now,0 +tea tastes weird redbull yucky,0 +feel like deal causing much sorrow heart brokenness among loved ones prevented ending pointi know long able watch life going drain long take depression fully engulf family one reasons im still here comfortable causing much pain,1 +teacher rickrolled class today english teacher posted assignment google classroom film analysis open doc watch youtube link amp answer questions whos main character relate whats tone film clicked link thinking short film analyze got rickrolled instead spot th question would said answered questions trippin please go back assignment work plays tldr english teacher rickrolled class joke assignment,0 +comes wavessome days feel great really look forward whats next me days feel like get hit wave something pure depression suicidal thoughts started around years ago havent gone day didnt think killing myself usually deal days think fuck it lose since suicidal thoughts come also something prevents it death anxiety dont know happens die freaks out limited time here whats next would say im spiritual really happens im sorry im getting topic tried drowning twice couldnt it drive along cliff consider yanking wheel taking down thoughts come whats gonna happen die andy curl ball let thoughts take brain hate thoughts prevent kill myself days call blessing days curse maybe primal thing thats keeping alive maybe brain sends thoughts make sure dont kill myself dont know do cant take anyone want know someone thoughts deal it usually work play video games read watch movie keep mind time googled anything people dealing death anxiety werent helpful thank taking time read this really appreciate it,1 +guys wrote something like last night woke glad did is two dudes sitting hot tub feet apart cause covid guidelines,0 +cant handle anymoremy dad mom pretty sucessuful lawyers brother gonna graduate law year already job area sister brilliant student professional athlete pass uni selection year still im miles away them studying uni wanna woulsnt nothing amy friends here hate appearence general romantic live noexiwtent fell never pass uni trying years far enter feel like money burning failure sincerelly eanna live anymore wanna courage finally end it,1 +thought might disappointed viewing film many years contrary impressed callow youth honesty brave humour transition among africanamerican groups predominant policy conciliation integration one confrontation selfdetermination still quite new little controversial took courage finesse portray establishment antiestablishment caricatures often closely approximated real life special mention made arnold johnsons performance successfully avoided character lapse either sociopathy buffoonery id rather watch to sir love old day,0 +anyone loud scream sound effect need one project cant find good one need sound like female scream cant sound human needs sound dont even know try help find one lol,0 +today birthday id rather anything celebratecelebrate what another worthless pathetic year gone by another days suicidal thoughts achievements failed interactions im sure im anymore post made different account exactly year ago still feel same,1 +Sleep differences for Depression and Anxiety - the best diagnostic tool http://wu.to/Qym3qM ,1 +others even care anymoreive never ordinary kid ive faced multiple occasions physical mental abuse growing up imagine kind effects later life hate others feel like im fed bread crumbs taking blame things fault know think tiring wake another day hope future one vent without looking like attention seeker im always tempted self harm know anymorei hate point really see anymore,1 +want continue anymore everything ever tried failed give brief story used passionate person got inspired magic since got really good tried start yt work got audition opportunity perform penn teller fool us never responded crushed even though know magicians get on still stung though turned got really inspired learn count cards got really good it got winning days eventually variance caught lost one day everything ever passion crushing making less motivated less inspiredall talent wasted wrong person brag count cards hypnotised people pickpocketed cops solved rubiks cube blindfolded play saxophone talent definitely wasted wrong person never get one thing work me universe deliberately trying ensure never happy always fail thought counting cards could help save apartment even told girlfriend financially stable now going tell life falling apartmy point being want keep trying want live anymore want die scared anything it done getting motivated something work end putting worse spot want live anymore done life,1 +@AlanMusselman I know right. Yes I will send it E.O.D. ,0 +watching JT on SNL...that dude is hella funny! ,0 +many time when i want to end the suffering i think of committing suicide or other method to alleviate the pain such a starting to smoke drink drug there are time that i think that one of these method can help me get through the bad moment i am going through but there is always something that in the end prevents me because deep down i know that none of that will help me and that i join it that i can continue fighting a i do and the day will come when i will be free,1 +got new music today got record player yesterday folie deux fall boy gods favorite band green day vinyl weeks gf got birthday today dad went local vinyl storehead shopadult store picked records got abbey road beatles appetite destruction guns roses led zeppelins th hunky dory david bowie,0 +Honestly my anxiety cripples me more than my depression I wish more people understood it,1 +"@MaddyBasset Yes, Maddy, we are family! We're both cute and adorable! ",0 +something painful happened somehow hit nutsack guitar taking one,0 +http://twitpic.com/6ant0 - GUESS WHO IS WHOOOO ahahaha,0 +hope bad day no really hope honestly have me final minutes worst experiences life you yeah you know are anybody else they continue scrolling new,0 +ive said before want kill ive never able admit now always used say want disappear turn invisible ive come terms suicidal thoughts want go detail situation hate life love friends family besides that hate everything it ever since diagnosed high functioning autism fourteen felt like deserve live since im worthless unintelligent retarded much more additionally ive heard people say autistic people deserve live lives started cant anything etc even diagnosed autism dealt isolation middlehigh school isolated long began feeling crazy strangest things like playing insects even though used always sit small corner lunch recess sometimes used cry people never cared since teacher told cant make friends anything tried joining three groups school ghosted rd day hanging them felt boring uninteresting like fault one wants friend used three friends current school unfortunately left one went another school went tafe still friend school really great come school often sadly think thats enough reason live really know else say want ask something go ahead guess,1 +Just @ lumpys having a drink..very chill..the boys didn't wanna drive far or it woulda been a bar named sue ,0 +still in bed and don t want to do anything else university is callung too loud,0 +going kill tomorrowall hope gone pain unbearable kind pain cant describe am laying warm bed satiated responsiblities tomorrow mostly alone groups friends still much pain whats painful everything tried answer questions around years really know answer know whats bothering know hurt much cant handle pain like people last straw going psychiatrist tried years ago brintelix seroxat honestly sometimes feel like meds help suicidal thoughts always come backeven meds ive suicidal thoughts since primary school always thought things would different continued living parents grandfather grandfather good person overall person liked matter what proud me died cancer months ago think better place happy life either whole life tried nice people tried improving myself satisfied become never satisfied myself honestly many things wrong even bother writing them mostly feel like people like me love me nice friend always everything help anyone want something people makes feel good gives purpose live good student primary school highschool things like myself know hurt parents cant stand pain anymore sorry enjoy things enjoy waking morning like faculty enrolled cant find satisfaction things even good enough things example little really enjoyed playing soccer tried playing it since good kids people would angry me liked playing video games quite good them lost interest cut life cuz school responsibilites crushes life never liked back go sometimes friends sometimes fun fun hold around last thing really broke last crush crushes life ive never though much never loved never spent much time them last one different first time saw attracted looks anything even thinking her year hanging started studying together spending much time other got know better realised liked looks also know how happend liked spending time her exact opposite kind like role model me good people always finds positive things everyone tell everything think tried suppresing love years hanging told liked romanticaly wanted stay friends day hard would like around time even though likes likes people more know everyone goes unrequited love hurts much cant deal it also saw hard told need find someone else like others much tried find somebody else everyone including her told right thing do found girls chatted also saw liked spending time me also like romanticaly fine hurt much even felt good tried something saw atleast liked friend girls asked always come chat whenever see me every day find hating good enough crush also nightmares every night sleep well all also read physical activity helps problems try run every day bed help thinking throwing building high builidng really hard access town even went it now bought gun probably shoot head life much me know change head dont strenght anymore cant go on cant stop thinking her cant stop thinking bad things sorry,1 +faithgg this computer doesn t have shockwave blah no account yet,0 +sapiosexual makes himbophobic like going openly bigoted toward himbos like,0 +dont know life feel motivation slowly slipping away me longer feel enjoyment usually find comfort in ive lost touch friends hurt relationships family started slip school work guess im wondering anyone gone something similar get dark place,0 +back itso im dire many people here figured least somewhere help get thoughts it throughout relatively short life ive lost good friends redflag sister cancer girlfriend another bloke part blamed good enough friend help them sister end good enough keep girlfriend me needless say sent pretty shit place while prior today attempt life sculling bottle ritalin fortunately didnt shit make head fucked week since ive professional help went clinic weeks what considered recovered good year however quite miserable couple weeks feel nothing nagging youre wasting life feeling cut happened particularly today caused im going jump driving back home driving upset ive figured life aint gonna change made sure one around gassed play game chicken tree thing stopped fact ik meeting best friends girlfriend days didnt want ruin him long story short spun small ditch side road luckily without dents parents would killed me im feeling better right im going driving little bit my choice yeah rest trip screaming stupid shit anyway think thats it thanks anyone reads this feel little better writing im glad did polo,1 +@rowanberry ohhh sending loads of Positive vibes your way ,0 +wish born girl dunno guess time day,0 +i ve been on mirtazapine 0mg daily for over a month now and seroquel 0 mg daily for just over two week i can t take it i ve been eating everything and making myself sick to my stomach gained weight have strange dream insomnia foggy brain and increased suicidal thought and i ve been more depressed than i ever have before i understand that medication take time to work but it doesn t feel like i have time i have talked to my psychiatrist family doctor and been to the hospital for an adjustment but to no avail i couldn t stick it out anymore so i went cold turkey on them both day ago i know that this is an incredibly stupid decision without the advising of a doctor but i can t handle it anymore i m wondering what should i expect for withdrawal symptom,1 +end lifei going break dont think find love given kind person am dont enjoy work due certain reasons cant even quit it even quit somehow dont know next dont good relationship parents anybody think stop wasting time,1 +abuse workplace seems like everyone says oh get it baby theres nothing wrong you actually one women tell husbands behavior completely normal everyone acts like that i floored know one person goes shit like work acts like wtf want brush off one gives shit,1 +Unpacking my new Cactus V4's Now to find someone/thing to test them out with.,0 +pm hello west coast friends daily checkin hello r yall welcome back good u kings n queens,0 +fax three countries world dont use metric system liberia myanmar united states,0 +know sleep cycles get kind messed unwell currently summer break school making really bad anything day coming episode energy things including go downstairs stay long enough much which leads main problem here eat enough this purpose despite depressed problem body time generally care going body doing anyway started notice eating like day usually crap led host physical problems hair falling more usual even less energy constant pit stomach two weeks know problem know fix it cannot find energy anything ithow make get depressive episode make sure eating foods good do looking anything huge simple advice people get it know make eat morebetter energy,1 +"Check out Heart Of Love Evolution: Surviving #Depression http://amzn.to/2spiFNm  Depression is the giving up of hope, the belief that no one cares for you, and the thought that suicide is the only way out #yeg #yyc #yvr",1 +yesterday cried night song song even sad im fuckin cool edgy yes,0 +@EnvyAmor awesome. July 5th. Save the date I'm so excited. Xoxo,0 +"@AdamMaguire what, follow me? ",0 +hey you see post me write ugh political,0 +im writing help meltdown help calm everyone everything fucking sucks exists fuck over one fucking loves gives shit matter fuck do im gonna die alone even gonna change fucking thing fuck world fuck universe fuck parents fuck friends fuck whatever god there asshole whole life,0 +afraid jumpim seventh floor window trying find courage jump end everything bullshit pain depression im scared fact wrong might end seriously impaired rest life know cant make another day,1 +much karma alot month filler,0 +week since diagnosed mdd major depressive disorder redflag always struggled depressive episodes time done however commit suicide want feel presence death taking sought help id hated even though deep down death desire live life meaningless would ever forgiven acting suicidal thoughts without putting fight first therapist thinks good idea let parents know condition comfortable minor necessary parents meeting therapist today scared might final straw nothing live anyway think,1 +therapist told know help today yup sittings came with feels fucking great let tell ,0 +#followfriday quickie! @brightondoll @adrienne_daniel @Steffisticated @drewy88 and obviously @OFFICIALGOD ,0 +update supposed nowabout month ago posted wanting commit redflag and well did drank bottle peroxide threw bunch went er im college student missed half semester came back proceeded skip two weeks worth classes depressed face world now ill probably fail out im still beyond depressed medicated least hide home every day cant homework cant focus anything except silent hill which beaten three times point cannot connect people family anyone really think redflag almost daily days better others horrible experience hospital want go back im terrified dying know would mess offing myself see work depression enough get place okay,1 +Capleton - High grade (What what riddim) http://bit.ly/ZgweG *back to work chat ya later,0 +hey all decided end life gun money buy one curious anyone knowledge turning car closed garage achieve cm poison actually work live girlfriend want find save me take along time sit car fall asleep type sleep medicine carbon monoxide poison,1 +franco proves again prince surreal erotic cinema true much work viewed entertaining sleaze succubus necronomicon shows truly capable lets warped creativity run riot gives us film hypnotic enigmatic whilst still maintaining delirious eroticism intrinsic work jerry van rooyens splendid score pulsates viewer thrown one bizarre scenario another follow trials striptease artist reynaud may schizophrenic may indeed as one mysterious character states devil attempt come terms world inhabits beautiful enigmatic piece cinema highly recommended anybody even passing interest alternative cinema,0 +braids mom came room yell reasons minding business really stressful her get,0 + im miserable great start days end all fucking great,1 +take meds harm others harm myself deep feel like am nasty person narcissist compassionmonday tried hang could bear situation anymore wanted easy way avoid harming people also avoid harmed peoplewhen got chair hang reason could kill myself bit mess could get back chair easily legs shaking much like longer control lower body really thought going die really mind case well bad get back chair time managed get back chair took hell lot muscle strength anywayit deterred trying till today feel miserable nasty need another way end things maybe faster way despicable person,1 +swoyer you don t understand depression whatsoever it s not something you have a universal method to fight against suicide isn t the first choice it s the last it s when the year of fighting constant suffering and lack of hope finally outweigh the fear of taking your own life,1 +im terrible everythingim literally value life ive actual passions things completely thrown away feel like complete void ive creating music years every time try improving get damned upset dissapointed ive always wanted artist every time try draw looks horrendous everyone else know seems get difficult thing felt even somewhat skilled playing mordhau every single day somehow still completely garbage point improving failed school due depression feeling starts back two weeks im going,1 +summer depression comes every year,1 +my anxiety is high and my depression is bad tonight because i screwed up and didn t take my medication on schedule trying to focus on my happy place while snuggling with magic and surfing reddit i know i complain a lot about my anxiety and depression but this account is for,1 +really lonely anyone talk to acid made super paranoid feel like every person playing trick almost like unconsciously bullying know probably acid feel really low low many times life never girlfriend kills everyday solid friend point life people suffer feels like kind hell trapped feeling really rn took acid last night still recouping,1 +know think normalas long remember iv hadthoughts thoughts killing others thoughts like id get away it would kill also know normal all something talk parents mean really wants kid say momdad im suicidal person thinks killing others honest know would ever actually act thoughts still mere fading ideas think it sometimes quite stop thinking it,1 +officially well good luck figuring need information wanna say reddit really helpfull great distraction shit mind oh boy shouldve known badly year would effect mental health cares going ignore birthday lowkey hope someone remember what probably isnt case covid good reason excuse giving sweet party mean nobody wouldve come anyway wont awkward low key hope find girlfriend actual real non toxic friends become something would really help loneliness mean understand hated tho yea told year ago fucked year would probably already killed myself wish get lot happier social next year happy birthday wont be ill working spend rest time alone room thats fine guess used oh happy birthday people saw sub share birthdays ima gonna sleep,0 +mizzzidc how can a pair of nike spiral you back to depression if this is the case your family house is not the problem you are the problem and you need to fix it,1 +one reddit understand post ironic high iq satirical humor adding s end ruins joke,0 +#mHealth App Aims to Help Caregivers Identify Perinatal Depression https://shar.es/1LMcxc ,1 +my msn hate my gut i wanted to go out tonight,0 +im meant heretheres much wrong feel like here im short unnatractive needy self confidence laughed girls appearance feel dead like outline walking substance hate myself hate lost genetic lottery want anymore belong,1 +it's after 3 AM.!! I think it's time to bed.!! have a good night twitts.! ;)),0 +honestly health anxiety gets bad sometimes honestly feel like giving even trying scared deathsometimes random feel done life like much happened me sometimes day feel like oh complain smile happy can just keep trying stay motivated work hard one day find happiness try believe it try believe ill make this health anxiety goes really awful sometimes im even scared dying accept it sometimes feel like self hatred strong im fucked fixing point sometimes genuinely know whats stopping saying fuck stress fuck tears fuck whole planet everything especially myself ill feel better morning ill continue fighting morning believe ill ever stop oh boy always around like giving feels tempting swear want happiness fucking badly want get rid ptsd ocd whatever fuck else might wrong me idk hope it,1 +need help anything need help something dm ill best help cause im feeling pretty bored wanna help people reasonable offers,0 +dude sure personality anymore like always liked male thing think it seems like always wanted girl like little kid yo always dreamt girls turning girl even know trans people are know dude sure gender right know looked like girls outfit spesific items look cool wanna cant sometimes maybe sound strange sometimes sometimes iwhen home alone pick mothers items underwear stuff wear use mi weird know,0 +every time i get out the house i start to panic and shake my grandma just got into the hospital and i feel so overwhelmed by everything i feel like the world is putting everything on my shoulder right now and every breath i cave in it s like i don t have anyone to talk to about my problem like it doesn t seem like anyone want to hear me or listen to me so why bother i just feel like i should just close down and shut myself in,1 +wanted lovedi never really felt loved parents never affectionate me fault never told wanted hug envy people good relationships parents fault me telling enough shove away me boyfriend trusted him nightmares leave alone im getting drunk sleep better maybe genetics mom like that uncle like that seven years feelings rollercoaster end want feel numb forever feelings nightmares much,1 +diehard fan anything always feel weird seeing others talk diehard fans sport teams music tv series movies etc thing kinda say im die hard fan youtube gaming even gaming games normally play k rocket league fortnite roblox music tv shows movies ones feel weird music mostly listen hip hop pop music i would normally listen music month straight whole month rappers really listen even know lot didnt even pop smoke like week died ive never listen single album life closest listening one mj thriler listen like songs tv movies watch tv shows netflix like glee strangers things block movies like men black matrix even tho hardly remember anything them dont really watch tv that sports teams im solely basketball fan thats it im fan cavs i became cavs fan finals became basketball fan never watch single nba game watch chris smoove vids weird,0 +"Happy birthday to y bestfriend, Jacklyn Nicole DeCastro. I love you beezy ",0 +recently i anonymously posted on my uni facebook page just to vent about my constant self doubt and how i struggle to do well in the course i want to succeed in because it s a dream job you can post anything there a long a it s uni related most comment were nice but this one absolutely unnecessary comment told me i should give up and how it s unfair that i m taking up space for others who will do better in my course like huh i know what they said is so off track and i should 00 ignore it cu they re a fking loser who know nothing about everything but i can t help but have it repeated in my head because i already have such a lack of self confidence in my skill and i genuinely believe that i m not cut out for it but i know damn well that i m trying what i can to achieve a goal despite everything around me but yeah needed to let this out i can t believe people like him exist it wasn t even just my post he shat on everyone else who wa struggling with uni how sad can your life be to do that,1 +sister made lip bleed got scot free making fun show watching decided good response kick me made phone fly face lip met tooth bled grabbed said again would hurt back go talk parents makes sound like super aggressive made case fair mouthed tad bit that mom said im kid anymore keep mind im say sister either mom says thirfuckingteen says word teen point parents considered backtalk dad even said would punch mouth mouthed off again fucking hate sister makes life slog go ive honestly considered killing myself wont worry that ive got people need me live them sister awful made forget that thanks letting rant good one,0 +want way bodyi cant stick weight loss goals eat much im repulsive people weight especially men either ignore want get away me need get body redflag way need fucking commit cant fucking commit anything could fucking commit diet wouldnt even need kill wouldnt ugly lonely way im going get,1 +on a day work week fast forward to thursday please,0 +anyone love dogs natural smell weird love way smells takes bath normally,0 +one hearing desperate cries help im shouting void hereno one seems read ill vent anyway majorly fucked up mania lorazepam loss created perfect storm craziness come out think friends made chat room without it fair enough get still hurts much didnt intend find obviously didnt care did cut bunch times im even feeling better youve made far post even far anyway thank you friends dont leave read anymore leave nothing fault bit let get attached serves right ill die alone someone please help me always make covert cries help regular cry help im okay need help need someone me thanks,1 +@_Cantus_ You are very easily distracted tho' Cantus! Look! A squirrel! ,0 +thanksim happy sub exists something mind always say here,1 +it pm here and i dont wan na go to chemistry course i dont wan na meet jordi thats the main reason,0 +feeling violent thoughts towards womenim tired woman viewing romantic way woman likes im fucking ugly mess keep violent thoughts women life cant stop them im fed up im owed sex relationship im entitled it ive lost many friends burned many bridges now cant even fucking masturbate without feeling mix angersadness want fucking buy gun end life,1 +hate fucking much man dont wanna look like this dont wanna feel like this wish social stuff happy decent look nono wonder everyone hates,0 +im sure want die want stop existing like thisi know use reddit please pardon formatting ive seen friends use it one always talked use reddit get insight whats going recently advice given months ago august guess months ive progressed point august assaulted acquaintance friend invited apartment hang out mates there one mates started touching up got way dry humping managed leave situation rape me whatever never same fact think rape me took longer time realise assault still flicker assault maybe wasnt maybe misunderstanding friend suggested tell story reddit better perspective happened day whatever fuck was know move it reported police days later support encouragement friends lately feel like worst thing ive ever done wouldve much easier said nothing anybody pretended happen carry life know wouldve right decision eventually found later girl assaulted guy id feel extremely guilty nothing among confusion hurt anger tried best selfcare get life im good job even ok job trying best guy eventually arrested made police report peace little while stopped crying frequently stopped showering times day stopped asking people clothes looked rapeable stopped getting angry people looked me felt like starting get control back weeks ago october got car accident country driver familiar city road rules essentially drove collided heads on insurance expired august never renewed im fucking stupid covered thankfully laying ambulance looking car middle massive intersection driver sobbing behind apologising could think court date days away could think if killed me instantly felt really awful girl young already shock spent long time lying stretcher comforting her would even mess actually killed me realised even die make sure one else burdened death court date came guy plead guilty trial next year hes telling people side story gossip spreads like wildfire here basic version story it planned attack basically airhead thinks dad rich molest girl wants someone reports police trying frame money really tainted reputation community guess made mental health worse people find it one ever asked side story one friends told word getting around would get heads up guess long story short done done trying best done trying protect next person i barely protect myself want alive anymore usually thoughts passive look past effort lately however think about allocate money passing properties give away possessions etc etc resident country right now easy send everyone text say ive gone back home country kill people sad blame themselves think ive gone home even planned out still found drawn give one last try maybe reddit help cant get psychiatrist appointment full sexual assault counsellor could offer sessions waiting list months want tell friends redflag plans lives live know drop everything make sure okay want that want go quietly without burden people around me,1 +well headphones died guess ill go sleep goodnight everyone,0 +gabbyisactive brat you have to rub it in don t you i want a mocha,0 +there is no kids in house. so going to watch mtv movie awards ,0 +sometimes forget havent publicly told age not happening anytime soon tell pretty much anyone dm,0 +dad strong hes cancer heart attacks cardiac arrests septic shock one summer hes still alive went date today brave strong,0 +understand people hopei think anymore ive cutting almost years struggle eating disorder experience psychosis im depressed everyday sit alone interactions wandering mind thinking awful things want myself bottle alcohol rope ceiling fan think im going get drunk hang tonight ive telling things get better so so many fucking years theyve ever gotten worse live nothing interest friends hobbies little family interactions cant keep fucking it attempted overdose since live alone nobody find me,1 +The Stock Market Is Having its Worst Second Quarter Since the Great Depression http://fortune.com/2018/04/02/stock-market-nyse-worst-second-quarter-depression/ …,1 +@mariarassie Maybe they thought he was a grizzly bear and was trying to take him down ahaha,0 +start therapy going planned sit talk things destroying me without getting help got kicked college anxious go classes ruined another friendship energy talk time problematic bring mood down grandma rushed hospital last night blood transfusion health plummeted fucking crushed me mental breakdown know long tired pain ready give up feel like losing life cannot stop it honestly hope could change things around,1 +@VickyJones7 Depression def can be helped with having a vision & goals,1 +think friend g e n e r f l u sometimes say theyre girl refer sheher pronouns ok deadname times say theyre guy refers hehim pronouns correct shit outta use deadname sheher sometimes say theyre nonbinary really care pronouns really care use deadname sometimes theyll wear binder sometimes theyll wear bra always complain gender dysphoria matter definitely genderfluid,0 +weird phrasing for clarity post not being taken down seriously how do i cope there s a lot of trigger caused by individual everywhere including medium and online by the misinformation they spread it s gaslighting to constantly see and hear fake information that contradicts my experience a a survivor how do i cope with this i know if anything fall through i will receive false promise of aid to waste my time i know i will be told i m seeking attention i know i will be told that i m the abuser how do i cope with this a a survivor i will be posting this wherever i can because i guess some subreddits do not help with this for some reason,1 +@BryanGwin i can see that. haha and wait. I checked your band's myspace page and i got to stay. your music is definitely awesome. (:,0 +stay alive thought without letting know life like honestly hard time answering it maybe someone box actually see betterthis random thought solid question time why,1 +im hard time telling family need serious help anxietyi battling depression anxiety majority life born disability grew ignorant town gone psychologistpsychiatrist sense sometimes feel like held together entire life think falling apart looks like isnt lost someone like brother me year february medications sense passed tried telling family cant hold self together anymore keep brushing off spent entire life dissociating painful memories emotions sometimes forget precious memories loved one closer get one year mark harder remember like getting phone call hes gone alll againim tired acting like im ok im scared dont get help could end it tell them,1 +unusual laurel hardy comedy something split personality times feels like two movies made different styles spliced single short happily portion funny right boys seemingly effortless clowning carries day synthesizes films disparate elements entertaining whole ive never heard fan cite dirty work favorite laurel hardy comedy nonetheless one everybody seems likebr br our story set home professor noodle represents one key element storyline wildly overthetop parody mad scientist scenarios marks rare venture scifi territory lh abbott costello three stooges tangled mad doctors far often stan ollie event professor obsessed creating rejuvenating serum make people younger sarcastic butler jessup expresses viewers skepticism rolled eyes occasional dry quip meanwhile stan ollie chimney sweeps show professors home day perfects solution their portion film consists characteristic but firstrate slapstick involving chimney roof shovels number unfortunate mishaps enjoy watching guys screw task probably like dirty work fans team movie feast highlight comes ollie plummets chimney lands fireplace pummeled bricks fall onto head maddening rhythmic precision one one also like shot ollie tumbling roof greenhouse process work slapdash suspect something inside joke way wc fields movies would feature worlds worst rearprojection screensbr br the slapstick stuff great fun mad scientist motif makes film offbeat two supporting players deserve tip bowler hat prolific character actor lucien littlefield terrific professor delivering overripe lines relish cackling hammy glee sam adams stitch less showy role jessup butler great stan laurel oliver hardy prime always worth noting supporting casts hal roach studio gave films enormous boost too usually background music le roy shield dirty work marks rare occasion period roach comedy musical accompaniment opening credits mood music might enhanced proceedings matter highly enjoyable comedy anyhow prime example made laurel hardy popular day,0 +today sucked i m gon na die without chris and callum wahhh,0 +im scaredi cant take pain anymore enough mental illness failure local friends bf doesnt care dont want feel anything anymore im scared havent felt hopeless years cant see light,1 +http://twitpic.com/7gkxn - Not a bad view considering its middle of winter in sydney yet still 21 degrees ,0 +asked crush d girlfriend wasnt happy crush said yes,0 +dads coworker caught covid coworker tested today came back positive dad going test tommorow tbh matter time worried think im gonna survive it im worried family yeah wanted share yall stay safe everybody filler day keeps bot away filler day keeps bot away filler day keeps bot away,0 +@jackspencer Maybe I should start following you ,0 +Depression is wild like seriously had a really bad start to my day and then in the middle of my day I cried my eyes out for a good 30 minutes but after that the rest of my night has been pretty solid and I've enjoyed it. Wild stuff,1 +confused want lifei dont know do im deeply sad,1 +anyone got thought provoking stuff keep mind killing myself lollately thinking fading away n shit nothin would b different born shit love deep thinking n think im going lil crazy thinking death little im worth anyone something fun think yall get dark place lmk,1 +im sorry needed talkhi reading stuff afraid comment anything made throw away account im know teen years it get better im aware need somebody talk person usually talk trust kinda kept sane living high school experience talk feel pretty abandoned also feel really guilty feel selfish im holding trust anybody else getting drinking problem supply got cut cat never really also tried normal stuff life punching wall knuckles got swollen one teachers said something guidance counselor kinda like prevention post needed talk people felt know like thanks,1 +cant make hell every day might seriously end todayevery day beyond hell every day lower deepest level hell never able get memories head someone put heart into never even got kiss fought for treated worse hitler treated jew history world lived it remember every day years end ive deeply deeply suicidal years ever since then ruined entire life one fills gap every time someone could fill comes life like recognize happened me god takes away me women like come way tell give time ive given seven years nothing fills gap going blow head off logical conclusion cant get rid memories im done waking hear hate betrayal towards me wish happened never happened wish wouldve worked out wish never committed loyal faithful three qualities mocked replacement im going die nothing fills gap nothing changes never understand like tortured long tell understand someone like come life soon way was person motivated anyone im going dead tonight im sick hearing lies im sick hearing peoples opinions ampxb im sick hearing peoples opinions know level suffering endured throughout entirety life timeline hundredfold worse yours want hear it want hear say kill yourself done living im done dead alive earth im done expected find happiness impossible find im done told understand me im done told understand pain im done everything want die right now every day right now want die just dont get how much suffered wish could bring everyone else around me realize magnitude heavy wake traumatic memories every day feel like im stabbed more god gave cancer top ruining life blesses people destroyed entire soul wish everyone felt pain,1 +jumpin' on my trampoline ,0 +anybody wanna join minecraft world xbox name pleasedbanjo,0 +friends anymorei live fairly small town england go private school classes tiny meeting new friends option everyone knows everyone everyone groups mine never anything them never meet them often may meet theyll friends outside school matter them me nobody outside locally least go advice hang im bored used to left group whilst regret this old group treated like shit fyi miss fun had cant see happy everything feels like blur therapist fix this theres nothing here help please im fucking alone miserable want die,1 +first saw film chance visiting uncle arizona years ago vhs print little faded looking haunted watched make sense well honestly didnt however film requires one viewing understand aspects beautifully tragic score haunted bizarre images made quiet impressionbr br well found anchor bay released oddity dvd picked immediately pleased transfer though felt extras rather lacking though film concerns o sir stephen characters really nothing pauline reages original novel film story o however film pay attention artistic detail symbolism almost mystic kind o decides prostitute sir stephen violent s hong kong mission prove unending devotion love master giving body men naturally sir stephen enjoys watching unpleasant sexual escapades even finds mistress however tables turned o actually finds kind love young male admirer suddenly sir stephen feels threatbr br i feel deep meaning behind film including tragic score artistic direction really make film classic viewer introduced lives pasts os fellow brothel mates turmoil s hong kong also explored like political setting prostitutes find need belonging one happy film even believe are however o find sense happiness young admirer one prostitute tearfully remembers father used act like dog drunk naturally leading fetish customers act like dog another older prostitute obsessed past actress cannot let vision go treats clients costars even swears hears piano river br br as o flashback father leaving chalk circle leaves feels sense abandonment course flashback kinski suddenly becomes father very disturbed image truly felt o point film hardly ever smiles scene really explains why fear abandonment great sees sir stephen father caters every obscene demand hopes proving love br br another curious aspect film young child that ages end sells fortune box random character somehow adds sense loss emptiness film one point director even uses painted cardboard figures represent people now symbolism you laugh br br all all really love film feel deep somewhat moving experience erotic scenes scenes really meant arouse like lives characters sex acts empty motions lack feeling tenderness once again tender scene o young man o believes love lowering honor however finds end choices person pursue happiness however also option stay circle father drew director leaves lot unanswered questions however things need answers viewer make judgment works them br br i must say wish special edition dvd would released director commentary think would fascinating hear opinion film message years later shame soundtrack never released film truly haunting heart breaking score something lingering vocals send chill spine truly feel sense loneliness film listening music,0 +havent lived youve heard sea shanties,0 +like title says type diabetic insulin tonight go bed going give remaining vials shortacting stuff one sitting putting diabetic coma killing myself little u humalog use absolutely way going survive this live alone one expecting come find me place family done way prior this least money worth going them one depend children partners pets miserable pathetic self give week two people probably notice gone regards work work nurse took pto prior days expected come back one wiser think skipped work news finally sets in honestly might reason people discover smell maybe go outside idk everything planned regardless finally peace myself goodbye everyone fuck everything cannot wait end miserable existence hell hope burn eternity deserve it really fucking matter hell everyday way anyone convince change mind posting want kind send sorts seen similar people write almost like online suicide notes speaking which probably draft one know messed not going ruin everyone day sorry maybe guys live better life could knows one knows am anonymous loser anyways got back working nights tired going go bed take nice walk wake afternoon ill probably read guys say wake up please try convince this mind already made up hopefully nice least enjoy sunshine final time that out bye everyone going kill overdosing insulin tonight,1 +hard see friends ignoring covid guildlines people stupidi want everyone safe ocd one things germs know one safe act like im stuck crazy telling stay safe feel helpless even though take precautions still feel dirty infected,0 +befoot sport aubameyang en d pression,1 +hold forman im done honestly keep telling its okay going okay fucking lie honestly really is tell its okay get abused ansd get screamed useless man know lame post much really anywhere else none friends really get im going blame them everytime tell im okay remember person fell love gave years life cheated multiple people tossed aside like rag obnoxious cunt who literally takes relationship advice b shit fucking not cunt went b friend exs said dubs says whether break up fucking class act dude cheated ditched for literalyl im begging patient me god damn it loved much knew anxiety ripping us apart knew patient things could get better wanted sex needed most cant even look people fucking eye speak them cant even speak people barely even online know say anymore ive lost myself past years hell gotten worse worse worse keep getting worse worse get it done deserve brutal emotional abuse cheating im really bad person think am always way god dammit it past posts comments know everyones patience wearing ridiculously thin im sorry really know else say beyond that ive forced stop posting much want annoy burden people since last post tried strangling death cord bathroom almost passed thought what embarrassing way die thought alone made throw wire neck told family rednessrashwhateveryoudcall weather getting shit excuse know dunno man really fucking want death im pussy it really want build fucking it cant get sight ex lanky moronic fuck head cant get faces everyone yelled fucking head words feel genuinely empty used tossed aside god dammit would parent fucking manipulate much have even brought world man toy abuse fun got older told need grow up figure way never got guidance got fucking screaming im anxious hell shaking even type shit feel like im panic attack know even matter anxiety attacks feel alone like seriously fucking what gives shit pertains alone problem come fucking woe me abuse seriously even know expect know im one help myself want end life theres lot good im lmao fantasize dying lay shower yes lay fucking shower like hour hour half think ways could easily one moment gone forever next know relief happiness brings me god idea blankness nothing holy fuck thinking time sense relief wish someone hated enough shoot head stab death problem make enemies want harm physically make enemies want harm mentally im already fucked god dammit please someone tell understand feels like false understanding like actually getting like past years since began feeling suicidal started attempting never felt right never felt genuinely happy kind carefree happy hear people talk about never felt that ive felt extremely strong love another person many people ex friends family lay much them ive never felt happy keep searching cant figure out feel lost beaten down parent abused growing im much done yeah got giant fight day trying tell bedtime took lock door made feel less human im child always be power life all many people power me flipped fucking lid screamed them called cunt told get fuck away me screamed go fuck off many times cant even remember many fought minutes afterward felt better even confronted first time life abuse even make feel better moving forward point unleashed sadness anger avail all thought confronting everything would first step betterment able put fucking garbage behind me wasnt step whats already inmotion early march sent love letter box gifts ex birthday broke obviously thatd fucking creepy wasnt got box broke things and far told cheated someone else already read love letter told this sweet thanks know love letters quite outdated know guess im hopeless romantic put heart wrote laid everything got equivalent cool know weird thing bring up just moment realized used years nudes gifts compliments fun little toy reinforced months fighting afterward ended cutting ties wanted keep letter reminder everything went sour realize nothing used like naive twat used cry threatened throwing away note felt like given part person never told made cry threats hope does god damn im rambling on know none matters ill likely get responses like last posts the former one comment said see guess post got removed allowed something know none really care things ive through god places throw open place therapist thats fucking sad me know death set stone die us will feel like another aspect death set stone truly fully believe die redflag even die within next months way next years decades almost like know inside heart feel like guarantee future way fucking relief lifts spirit even think it way finally even cowards way out would even want brave theres nothing end this push pretense everyone trying hurt pride calling pussy loss pride mean shit im ground really really look forward death god do want die soon,1 +im doneive decided kill tomorrow night point living honestly agh got kicked depression website really worthless deserve anyone cant focus right now someone help me,1 +im doneim done everything want live anymore one friend one day shell leave one day like everyone else sort friend would stay late night talking wed text lot throughout day also fucking around sex stuff hed call sweet cute hot felt special good like maybe pretty maybe scars matter course read things felt told last night wants chill play video games im broken everybody leaves hes leaving me cut month last night mad deserved fucking stupid got high fuck instead happy think cried hours im done life everybody leaves dropped school work sleep sleeping better awake one day soon ill guts end everything im fucking done,1 +hello people i feeling today sad because i cry about my family we do not talk much it is not that fun to grow in a family like that because i wish we communicate more about feeling thought experience and many more thing i wish i can understand myself and express my feeling to the world sometimes i feel like a strange and think what i thought and feel is wrong i do not like that my parent and grandma always criticies me what i have to do and what is wrong and right they had father died 0 year ago suicied this aggression voice that let me feel stupid and childish i scare sometimes to say what i think because they will be aggressive in a physicil and psychic way it like they do not want to understand who i am im nobody it suck and thats the reason i want to write it here down because i do not want to hide myself i do not want be alone in this world i want to be a part in this society now im cry i want to be huge and to be listend i want to cry and say what i do not like i want to be like who i have to be i want to explore the world and myself i do not want do thing that i doesnt like why ha the world feeling have to be this way why i have to suffer like this i think people who ha depression need more attention because they suffer to much in this world thx for reading maybe u want to say something or not bye,1 +dont know anymorethis second time got argument friend past year friend said im nobody im weirdest person everyone group happened front friends too apparently im weird loner nobody friends california moved ohio self esteem always low never talk girls never got respect people unless using me this dont know anymore really want end it,1 +im rambunctious today gold first person makes smile idk im yeah whoever tells something makes smile gets gold,0 +hello name ang years old within last couple days gotten really depressed due build family issues yesterday lost friend told guy liked them i sensitive rejection even like guy week idk hurts much crying hours straight idk do hope someone understands going sure happening,1 +kissed crush god drink delicious makes want kiss more,0 +lady tramp ii scamps adventure think good movie think first lady tramp movie better original would think original movies compared sequeals better lady tramp ii takes original time juniors turn lady tramps youngster scamp always hates treated things done him following rules house taking baths time taking things nice easy scamp gets angry runs away pack dogs left loose scamp meets another dog called angel get along fine things scamps mother father did italian meal spagetthi meatballs etcafterwards scamp realises loved family especial pal baby scamp comes back angel joined family give movie ,0 +im gonna say winged eyeliner makes everyone sexier alt fashion,0 +hello all i am sorry i have to make a post for this i am just new to therapy and medication my therapist prescribed me lexapro and told me if that didn t workout or it made me too sick or lightheaded she would switch me to zoloft what is the difference all i can find is horror story on lexapro or people acting like it s a miracle drug i find the same on zoloft i also am in a career field that requires intensive concentration during period of time firefighter paramedic and i have heard lexapro make it hard to focus or concentrate thought comment concern story all appreciated i just need insight,1 +hows everyone checkpoint dont forget save,0 +meat week day tummy hurt every night,0 +@Croneandbearit thank you. I'll check in a moment. I appreciate all of your comments. ,0 +dark memories never fadei feel like im end road last week lot secrets told anyone really dark secret ive told two people ill start saying told best friend brother at separate times raped one brothers friends best friends response kind tell brother dont need therapy seem okay brothers response shouldnt let define person kept asking questions made feel like thought lying also told get therapy thing traumatic happened hardcore meth binge time cant even remember first time it remember staying hours time crawling ground flashlights looking leftover crystals smoke stealing neighbors friends fuel addiction im thankful able stop month way stopped exactly pleasant main person used tweak friend month hardcore meth binging wanted move parents start selling house told cant dont want family involved weekend came house strange dude gun asked are parents awake told asked do gun responded gun final response sprinting room full speed ransacking house well better wake do ill kill them kill parents later arrested served months thanks california reasons pushed point fact parents want born brother sister supposed done kids mother got pregnant me basically meant received little attention parents father worked night shift slept day ive never really conversation speaks primarily spanish hardly speak english never learned spanish never around him parents good people got ton debt siblings born born meant withdrew retirement funds put sister college bought car totaled car bought new one also totaled one helped buy another one bought brother two cars helped co sign last car bought years ago time parents offered help tried getting help buy car names would let drive it live anymore still send money monthly help expenses since old father retired mom got fired job paid well settled job qualified for masters degree business management gets paid dollars hour every time tell shes better shrugs tells thats job wants retire from dont resent towards parents resent towards even born first place everytime look mirror see disgusting human deserves worst life take clothes amplified disgusting body hair main subject many people grossed insulting me fucking tired everything two days ago basically ragequit whole friend circle keep fucking ditching me told bothers ditch basically laughed off point continuing im im grunt job hardly graduated high school theres basically chance getting college teeth completely fucked spent two thousand dollars dont getting root canals pain nothing compared feel inside cant type anymore im crying point,1 +i think jonathanrknight lost the net sure hope not,0 +title more or le i m amab non binary and at the low point of my life so far i need to talk to somebody but i m a bit scared tbh the reason being while i m having more and more s icidal thought and thinking of how pointless life is i know that i m too much of a coward to actually commit to it and i don t want to hog the space for someone who s off worse than me tl dr i don t see much point in living anymore but i just know i most likely won t km is it ok though if i call the hotline,1 +Happy National Day all of Norway Hipp Hipp Hurra for 17 Mai !!!,0 +one day surei kill today tomorrow one day im university second year years left ill live that friends friends love heart know loose one day like lost everyone else talk lover one since years know never know love story friends say will know sure wont day friends gone ill live alone ill far family ill kill myself still know how still know better family disappear know happened better know ive killed myself guess ill see,1 +I am in love with Anna Percy and Ben Birnbaum ,0 +would like answer ques u write dm u many want one one conversation,0 +Look at the cute hat I got today...I look scary but my hat is cute http://twitpic.com/6e1p9,0 +another hungry depressed day who knew living in a shelter wa so fucking expensive lol i now have 0 left to get by i just bought two gallon of water since the tap water is probably dangerous to drink though i m trying an experiment of boiling it first to get out whatever make it weird the last time i posted here i got a bunch of troll pretending to care and then cursing me out lol like imagine being suicidal don t need to i guess lol and then imagine being even more miserable than a suicidal person that you have to extract some kind of emotional feedback from them just to feel better about yourself lmao surprisingly i still pity them more i d rather want to be dead than be an asshole who cant find happiness unless they re causing others pain especially trolling reddits where people are actually seeking help lol the lack of dignity in it like damn my 0 0 ramen and i are poor af but there s still more dignity than those troll i never thought i d say that but here we are why is it that a soon a night time hit all the thought come rushing in this feel like when i wa a kid growing up abused i had given up hope i just got by every day but i wa a shell of the person i wa or could ve been i just floated through the day hoping it wouldn t suck worse i watched a ot of cartoon to escape feel something else other than depression and pain if you allow all the feeling in let yourself feel them what happens in my mind it all go numb but maybe now it just flow or maybe this is me giving up letting it all happen anyways who care i could die here and no one would know lol i wonder if the universe ha forgotten me forsaken me said you re on your own now kid good luck and i m just standing here smiling tear in my eye holding a fucking plant and small suitcase thinking cool that s cool hope i don t kill myself hope this doesn t kill me hope i remember the person i wa trying to become or wa at least she had hope and self love now i look in the mirror and think hope you don t fuck it up kid because i don t know i don t know what else to do i mean why do i expect myself to fuck it up because a little crappy voice in my head say you fuck everything up lol fuck that that s not even my voice it s theirs fucking little narc and sociopath who ever saw their kid turning into a narc and thought let s keep him and not get intervention lol i would yeet that kid out of my life and throw it into a psych ward a if life isn t hard enough there s the scum of the earth running around getting off on other s pain pathetic i m glad they all die alone and miserable i m glad they move through life miserably i m glad they have to work so fucking hard to be happy or experience something resembling happiness before their own action ruin it all i m glad there s still good people in the world y all ever look through human being bros it s chill restores some faith in humanity like at least it s not all shit lolll i don t think anyone see me not anymore i m just a number a victim to exploit a survivor to play with a body to mess with lol they re so fucking depressing these abuser at least i lived,1 +just started painting an old bath to use as a flower bed i iz creatiVe!,0 +tonight overmy parents got letter saying ive placed conditional leave im almost still undergrad cant finish drive to to parents crazy rely support everything cant face another lecture parents cant face disappointment yet again wish knew easy way go everything seems painful wish could wake morning wish knew someone would able come place take cat away want make sure someone care love much do know long would otherwise anyone would find me im worried know point writing doubt ill change mind catharsis guess thank reading,1 +YEHEY! May picture na ako ,0 +little story long lost friend gone nowso earlier week found one long lost pals elementary school died even know really friends thats besides point writing this kinda bugging week others childhood died first one actually really knew know happened think might self inflicted im sure probably matter either theres reason im writing this facebook page put cant believe many people coming figurative woodwork say goodbyes even me probably talked years more story share touching reading everyones thoughts makes little sad hes read them cant tell much loved point feeling like hopeless nobody would miss gone would might best friend someone played times kid thought since still think want know much meant give us another chance say nice things to instead about you,1 +moneywhen die money bank go daughters want know go them,1 +@misskittymarie it works for all cooking shows... and as far as the time frame... well... i didn't have tylenol for my headache. ,0 +benjaminreid your internet still down o,0 +d pression,1 +I have the worst post-concert depression ever and I blame @thexcerts completely because they're awesome.,1 +i hurt my leg,0 +Is it me or is the world going through a collective existential depression?,1 +rough weeki never really thought id here right im lying bed unable sleep heroin withdrawal really really really cant find motivation get tomorrow go class suffer through it cant help think much easier would anything ive been hit hard week im crippling awful debt decades leave school whether cliche loved girl loved to then didnt that ive gotten girls before could again feels like straw broke camels back would much fucking easier give up get drunk shoot get high every single night help escape boredom shit thing over really responsibility listen this anybody else gives damn feel right now im kind of venting guys know want die tell want give up feelings work money drugs life guess dying way that know,1 +would kindly like ask rteenagers valentines please accept sexy sons bitches,0 +i m a stupid little bitch with a raging coke addiction unemployed have been raped time i ll never amount to anything i grew up thinking i had a lot of potential everyone thought the same thing too but i m a loser i wa wrong and so wa everyone i m now figuring out a way i can finally do it i m done,1 +@varunkumar *surprise* have always used it. but it isn't powerful!,0 +sub icon changed used male female snoo changed female one due thing happening right something else,0 +dont know changei always reactions stimuli cant fix it get loop want give end it doesnt matter do itll loop again,1 +ive stuttering since cant socialize ask whatever questions want,0 +reasons livehey im asking much need reasons live anything worth living right know need motivation want sound clingy shit made throwaway want parents see this please someone list reasons keep living right now really need it thank you,1 +born broadway lost and it wa st ignacius prepatory school haha,0 +violence still happening mind games also still happening felt like fault done something wrong deserve it supported new state school ended losing job reasons control really difficult time finding new job,1 +summary saw guy posted thing plagerised idea january assignments february assignments march tests april assignments may started talking crush june tests july assignments august mark half yearly test september got turtle october many suicidal thoughts november assignments december ask crush says yes year sucked least girlfriend,0 +go hospital suicidal ideationsorry typos im mobile feeling well class worst mental health life nearly every day want die see hopeful future myself little problem happens immediately want kill myself thing is dont specific plan ive thought ways would go would nothing set stone also scared go it often want to know wont know one day im tired feeling like this im tired normal social anxiety ocd dont diagnosis mood disorders symptoms lot im going self diagnose hate that ny fault feel like anyway make efforts make feel better started depressed purpose thought cool thing like fucking idiot even feel like valid know real put situation feel better time try ive tried thinking positive pointless me know thats subconsciously trying depressed cool still isnt cool though im psych student gonna sound stupid dont even reason sad know thats works case feel would anyone even take seriously im scared cant anytime soon anyway exams both redflag voluntary commitment also almost christmas want ruin everyone mom would hate me im adult dont live anywhere near would hate me dont want make live either go protection live brother sil know wouldnt force im scared go even go it im embarrassed tell brother feel thinking id go work one day message them feel like thats asshole move none friends would care ones would wouldnt able visit know would feel wprse like life didnt matter im live toronto im going therapy even though school offers thats fault cant give enough shit make appointment go dont want family talk it theyll never treat same embarrassing dont want know feel,1 +always feel wayso im definatly attention guess need help someone talk man tough time lately seems like ill look back everything life seems like big failure go back youngest memories kid even like wow always bottom life dont look bad either im outgoing sociable too would even consider life party man people spent minute head theyd real shocker dont know whats wrong cant stop blaming hating everything negative goes seems like willpower either get ahead constantly feel like shit starts getting good boom something bad happens like constant feeling failure makes want give actually want commit redflag want feel better stop telling im better world dead,1 +context diagnosed mdd probably asdnot actual diagnosis least think looking different signs concurrent long remember hospitalized suicidal ideationi turned recently oldest child live mother younger brother argue lot usually brother mother i mother brother problem case attend therapy nothing notcannot talk much mom hard money sick upcoming hysterectomy dad paying child support mom argue lot brother argue answer question continue ask mom yells argue back disagree try raise voice seem end argument probably something wrong argue always boils trying kick redflaged is cry tell bad mom redflaged is always gone like since bad mom problem me clear want blame took equation things would fine time reluctant feel depressed right way convinced right idea posting here clearly doubts thought best say something somewhere feeling depressed feel like everyone would benefit killed myself,1 +need ounceive recognized several signs depression myself suicidal ideation lack interest activities feeling worthless mention brief survey indicating moderate severe major depression andor good possibility bipolar disorder time self harmed accident really enjoy it really want right ounce prevention earlier posthttpwwwredditcomrredflagwatchcommentsmryki_sometimes_feel_i_may_be_too_considerate mentioned want burden family financially asking therapy know need professional psych eval least whats best way break parents father often source lack selfworth think looking like pussy front part kind embarassing me lteditgt also want call redflag hotline worry explain walked onlteditgt im sure need serious help though know might raging teenage hormones also post rdepression post alarming reason clear wellformed idea kill myself though lack so also note part puberty wound down,1 +@nezua I'm doing much better now. Still have a sore throat but everything else is great wut u doing 2nite,0 +i had the worst mood drop then i ate a shit ton of sandwiches and my depression is gone,1 +finally agree iphone terrible apple respect customers proved expecting everyone buy chargers headphones separately even lower phone price,0 +i have mouth ulcer so painful to talk and eat,0 +weve much easily toughest break ive ever had notredflag easy get over tldr broke bf anger issues financial issues drug alcohol issues depression redflag unresolved feelings gf died car crash year met me good qualities considerate loyal caring honest gentlemanly supportive makes miss him especially goodbye text,0 +bruh cap fap worthy ashoka hot httpsmyoutubecomwatchvvcpmtzeq,0 +literally cant exist even another day nothing takes away emptiness feel like dont know live exist function like everyone else seems to everyone seems able look past bad lives move on cant guess im weak lazy stupid need others badly need pain go away nothing try make feel alive works even go therapy im still better dont want cause everyone life pain cant keep existing fucking draining painful feel bad hurting them people know would able move on significant could easily find someone else wonderful person loved ones never understand im dead anyway thats reality it ive like almost whole life worse lately cant handle anymore people might try feed bullshit can im strong smart sorry stereotypically suicidal,1 +feeling really slow recently eat lot meat twice week drink alcohol eat little affects zinc also auto immune past zinc ok point believe taking mg day perhaps without could low anyway much large spot back tiny spot face can sign zinc felt like zombie cannot think clearly feel starry negative slow thoughts zinc helpful others best dose zinc redflag depression libido,1 +AHHHHHH I CANT CONTAIN MY EXCITEMENT!! LOL 6 DAYS TILL BEYONC�!! ,0 +i extremely hate this day it reminds me that nobody care about me if i had died no one would even noticed people my age are getting married strenghtenning friendship bond having the time of their life i have nobody to talk to friend i once had stopped replying to my text i planned comiting suicide two year ago but the pandemic happened i imagined myself standing in the middle of a bridge and jumping through a barricade while cry and listening to johny cash hurt i am so lonely i overwork myself to forget that i have nobody and i will never have i will spend my birthday the same a for couple last year i am going to cry,1 +"Mounting evidence shows exercise can prevent depression https://buff.ly/2HXS3ag  Yep, that's why I am happy :) pic.twitter.com/4m8QZPUtQI",1 +hate his pill oh god why do they have to taste so fuckin horrible 0 liter of coke to flush them down isnt even enough,0 +solipsism obssesion completely ruined lifei know may seem strange neurotipicals understand diagnozed ocd means upseting idea gets head never goes away never unfortunately got worst fucking idea get head im mind exists living things inner experience like me shit makes life shit feel alone sense nilihism depression trapped cant prove isnt true anyone got shit how,1 +important announcementto everyone feeling lonely neglected love whole subcommunity hope find happiness let anyone actions define now todays new day focus that problem worth life better situation overcome it one faith know do were rooting you love support ,1 +"@feralibix ooo, sounds good. Missed you last night (was upstairs trying to send emails on a dongle, painful) thanks for chocs and beers ",0 +know else gotheres one left im year old anxietydepressionagoraphobia ive unmanaged diabetes last years husband last friend earth cheated last fall satisfy fetish could fulfill him says hes sorry loves want leave cant find trust again college education job drivers license expired year im afraid go dmv penny name car credit nonexistant everything husbands name may well exist family single friend husband betrayed me take good care him keep home peaceful neat cook beautiful meals us cry every day full darkness rage hate world hate everyone ever known leaving me given much love take take take need someone theres one there disappear theres strength left inside me feel worthless unlovable therapy since teenager tried countless drugs me love husband desperately honestly know staying believe love anywhere else go im trapped scared completely alone even know begin take back life even worth it pleasure find life brief moments husband forget hes done me food cant even enjoy beautiful rich foods know im sick cant risk it sometimes want eat death even know control diabetes is try eat healthy diet know thats enough well own im terrified go doctor since miscarriage shortly married years ago live denial health suffer huge secret guilt eat anything steamed vegetable theres joy theres relief pain thats snowballing inside since child theres one left reach help tried calling redflag hotline hung person got line im afraid speak them im scared want pain stop want die want pain stop never will know that im strong enough keep going hell pathetic last hope sending message void internet know expect this stop cant go on know do death feels like option relief know actually experience relief be pain more calls me help me god help me please please need peace need feel loved cant more,1 +sadusually feel urge die usually fantasize dead relieved plight comes life time ive much drink barely think straight feel incredibly sad think others whove ended themselves close me long since ended himself still memory hes resting peacefully ever since im tempted long endless peace harmony comes nothingness death,1 +exciting documentary far one fun films ive ever seen highly recommend anyone fun look different musical styles exciting people crossroads modern traditional istanbul great cinematography captures beautiful scenes istanbul thrace watching film made want book flight istanbul right awaybr br great footage ceza turkish rapper br br also sister ayben rapping awesomebr br priceless performances amazing turkish musicians orhan gencebay sezen aksu muzeyyen senarbr br the gorgeous voice aynur singing kurdishbr br and amazing clarinet signing romany gypsy group thracebr br last least istanbul bands mixing turkish music rock well trance music baba zula orient expressions duman others,0 +want get better hardits hard enough able control thoughts actually cant even think thoughts keep interrupting other check th cant leave job need mon need get bett taking long think make next week go psych ward like every doc pushed last resort dyed hair blue even like blue mom said need clean room change litter boxes dad said get years ago still hurts called work days straight hate me friends busy cousin jaedon gets married january better book flight la going hospital get regulated medications im scared away room want roommate far go asking help getting help take freedom away earn parents trust again dad even know going on coping skills need get it cant hard trying might well give in yeah emotionally absent dad disabled mother raised lot today everything fine real world im prisoner head tortured every day good job great friends goals potential cant even get head stop spinning failures point listen said blow brains out defective longer capable functioning society get way really depression something else bug system needs removed make work tomorrow keep taking time off replace realize im weak ass pussy late would help energy anything energy actually follow exercises therapist gave me would it even capable getting better wasting parents money could used move better house moms medical bills keep up enough funeral lol,1 +fuck hobbies fuckin expensive favorite hobbies guns cars airsoft pc gaming literally things find fun goddamn expensive fun shit expensive ,0 +teacher effing evil man submit assignment due sunday okay today saturday midnight last tuesday felt incredible pain abdomen lead skip school wednesday went doctor ultrasound cuz thought problem appendix sure happened something definitely ruptured abdomen called teacher zoom told happened shit u really scared worried something wrong surgery gonna miss school long time explained whole effing story details first thing asks are u gonna submit ur assignment sunday fucking guys im done life rn im pain asks assignment rather reduce stress give extension something asked two day extension like whats days gonna do literally small part left two days enough yeah thats im submitting half assignment worth grade tldr medical painful reason need rest get extension assignment teacher insists getting submitted even tho hospital im pain fml,0 +advice families redflag attempt survivorsnot sure right sub im crisis moment found hours ago mom overdosed prescription pills left note afternoon dad found acted quickly shes currently hospital unconscious stable im hours away hopping next train tomorrow morning im shocked devestated absolutely heart broken mom like salt earth im running every conversation clues talked yesterday made plans see january im blind sighted crushed feel every emotion shock sadness relentless im looking resources guidance support anything offer dont know whats expected dont know im supposed right now take care mom myself,1 +andrewwright yeah that s what i wa thinking would love to get your feedback on my creative will dm you when dentist ha finished,0 +Study an extraBIOLOGY !! my frnd get bored ! zzzzz Haha . Cmon guys WAKE UP !!! ,0 +felt like shit school today felt like friends care thought redflag first time ive felt like past week think redflag daily tried come redflag method,0 +"By the way, Misu, Minni and Lady are my petzz Misu and Minni are Finnish Names... ",0 +fake til make it last ditch effort failed want anymoretherapy meds exercise cbt moving new hobby new friends eating properly sleeping properly can finally pretending happy convince am failed ive tried all nothing actually fixes anything i problem cant sit thinking dog fucking street artist guy more cant fucking deal alone cant sit sidelines watching people live lives im fucking using oxygen everything fucking working for gone never happen let it im going waste fucking energy seeking know ill never have ive gone gotten situation someone depends rent money id fucking check right now thought put situation someone depended me would give push need get fuck this im starting feel really give shit anymore,1 +talked friend redflagi tried convince went home picking phone voicemail comes like hours so do,1 +i hold a lot of pain and trauma in me and i m not good at sharing it with others except for a very select few i have started therapy recently sometimes this pain really take control of me almost put me in a black hole where i can t stop and it take a big toll on me and those closest to me mentally therefore i am hurting the people i love most in my life and the pain only get worse i wish i can stop but i get so deep in this hole for that moment of time and i can t escape it when i realize how awful i have been to everyone else it s too late the damage ha been done they understand my trauma and what i been through but people can only handle so much i don t want to hurt those around me anymore what are the best tip to stop or just improve over time thank you,1 +ive seen coen brothers films now say one better films dare say better the big lebowski good rightbr br i thought story interesting hilarious times loved characters especially tim blake nelson delmar john turturros petebr br there really anything bad say movie movie everyone might safe say liked coen brothers films hopefully like one too liked saw trailer think like film hold itbr br anyhow hope liked film much do thanks readingbr br chris,0 +best gun ammo commit redflag withbudget k willing consider options convenient effective firearm license permit something would need get beforehand location georgia usa im planning shot head planning heroine overdose id probably mess injection since im good needles pay someone kill me also open option,1 +life fucked right cant even kill trouble would cause months think willwith girl last years happiest time life literally everything could want life except kids possibility future gets amazing job offer state decide move job even though means months working get licensed practice law new state okay though savings salary support us supported residency sell house okay though combined income well able afford much bigger house together things going keep going up months move new state find thats online affair going year talk agrees cut contact go couples therapy repair relationship couple months go find stop talking all continuing affair lying therapy it confront shuts down done wants leave im back old state alone ability ever trust anyone shattered house job decimated savings love prospects family future sleeping air mattress friends guest room want kill would much burden friend clean things plan find job get money together apartment go back collect things fit car our house kill myself way stuff one easy place one deal someone living dying already executed new leaving everything sister thats plan,1 +film entertaining excellent comedic acting also interesting politically made end soviet union makes fun soviet mentality through story set early days soviet union questions rationale behind revolution cultural practical terms course late s early s bizarre strictures soviet society already relaxed ideology mentality still alive well ready welldeserved deconstruction happily deep philosophical commentary wrapped funny entertaining packagebr br jur,0 +forget samarasadako jasonbr br horror new name granny plot simple efficient actors good two thumbs michelle killer dialogs even quite clever beginning end action leave breathless cant escape it blood awful murders funny moments sense perversity goes far beyond rule deja vu surely granny another slash movie truly classic own deserves success theres even success come rerelease congrats,0 +yo post history kinda sus number times ive mentioned redflag tryna get laid product sub,0 +depressed younger brother feel depressed getting help give little story years old still lives home mother step father toxic situation way involved life history making bad decisions acts like sullen teenager always lying asking stay life make lot money currently paying medical bills credit card debt debt still showed abilityreal desire move out co workers close invites house i pool asked mention lives mother honestly idea tells people since small group seem spend time bouncing others homes bbqs hanging out physically lot pain morbidly obese lower back knee ankle pain going surgery ankles increase medical debt past matter hard life was always smile joke humor dark says things hoping mother would die she going nowhere least another years betting anyway poor health money living home think needs win something help get momentum trying ignores help suggested talk professional says insurance pays visits billed cannot afford it offer pay him refuses help brothers struggle things great job lbs overweight brothers struggle weight loss health issues affect them like great feels cannot connect us gotten work lives sorted point jobs help us thrive one helps get by thinking intervention defensive private sure go well good thoughts intervention work depression,1 +never loved wish guts end iti never get break it born abusive family hated me im adult ive found probably girl would ever deal me girl dreams like everyone else care love me least way would stop immense pain see videos proposals prom questions makes want kill myself years said tried go prom stupid cunt lesbian friend behind back say no proposal unromantically snatched ring presented said something along lines sure whatevercome find later reason really want it maybe another time then moment seems forever ruined remember whether said not think knows handed ring back probably wouldve ended day so still ring guess were engaged technically cant ever really pop question still one special time made utterly ruined without time machine told night lonely said never really gets lonely general huge fan affection recently told whether loves significant family member list goes on day day out see lovebirds everywhere live them see about see scrolling reddit happy proposal videos theyre crying joy nobody would ever joy me nobody wants me nobody ever wanted me family anyone else sometimes question god hates too every time see proposal video area chest used light butterflies becomes ever slightly empty numb longest time way id feel butterflies animals stuffed animalsbut slowly withered away too im dead inside wish dead outside ive going deep end recently world may trash nothing go wrong headevery day get stuck even more started talking stuffed animal never leaving bed imagining dates imagining wedding imagining happy life someone finally loves me enough life worth it happiness love always synthetic see changing statistically ever way live life single prolonged death possible outright damage mental anguish leads unhealthy habits slow damage slow pain slow torture slow death inside out lungs pitch black hard breathe cigars cant go day without spanking smoking weed harder things sometimes maybe attempt die every part body sluggish broken cant afford doctor im losing mind post tip iceberg like life hand crafted important details cut heart open dump lemon juice it want world anymore wish guts wrap wire around neck take start passing time awaits afterlifemore torturefor eternity thats fair wish exist wish irresponsible parents used condom got abortion anxiety depression probably autism life life alone makes advocate eugenics assisted redflag people like exist lifes like mine exist feel pain whole planet full irresponsible selfish people theres dumbfuck rich kid getting rd ferarri hes going crash meanwhile family cant even find decent family home combined incomes whole world bullshit someone please kill me please end misery,1 +I FINALLY GOT A PICTUREEEE!!! ,0 +usually take mg safe mg right away think might messed up yes doctor told dose go mum pain remember saying take said start mg safe nortriptyline dosage,1 +bowling ball cause wanna throw someones window,0 +tears anything justits almost am slept suddenly thinking jacket worn year tear place even finding it threw crap away andidk feel right now think mini break,1 +bother anymoreif life nutshell basicly disappointment failure seeing people dont give shit anyone anything success bother dont know countries country end school year coming im trying hardest fix grades everything try massive failure redflag no maybe finally snap didnt know seek help im posting get best advice keep going way calm failures problems keep piling up,1 +"@KatxIllustrious I do jazz, hip-hop, lyrical, and modern but I'm quitting modern and going back to ballet and doing street tap !",0 +care happens mei dont care happens me im garbage anyway im tired trying build something myself everyone gives eventually cant shake feeling im running inevitable spinning wheels mud cant bring eat shower speak get bed anything go fucking work tomorrow quit job rot bed ive already attempted redflag twice past couple days pills made vomit second time im kind scared try again may go coma get brain damage something,1 +film wonderful movie based life man called grey owl s canada found similarly riveting heartfelt rudy awakenings picks late grey owls life follows tumultuous influential periodbr br the film canadian indian trapper finds promoting plight overtrapped beaver also predicts decrease natural lands overuse earths resources outrageous concept s surprisingly well received becomes well known speaker masses ready listenbr br the casting pierce brosnan seems rather odd outrageous anyone wanting argue point must first watch movie understand brosnan provides wonderful performance annie galipeau galipeau strong actress whose place beside brosnan refreshingly natural compared forced pairings recent bond filmsbr br i would recommend film anyone interested good drama beautiful scenery environmental causes movie families well however children depending maturity would trouble following plot,0 +mum & sister stay here tonight too ,0 +fantasize lot dying gotten point actively trying kill anymore driving fantasize wrecking dying process wish could sleep wake up maybe accidentally hurt badly actively trying die anymore definitely would care happened want die want purpose,1 +i started having suicidal thought in april of last year and they lasted until around november in october i started hanging out with a girl and we started becoming good friend not romantic just friendship my mental health started getting a lot better after a couple month of friendship with her and it s kept getting better ever since a few day ago i made a passive aggressive comment that really upset her she won t text me back now i ve tried apologizing and trying to make thing right with her but i haven t heard back from her i m afraid i ve ruined this friendship forever and now my suicidal thought are back for the first time since last year i always hurt the people that i care about and i hate myself so much that i do this,1 +exhausted turn worn out life good wife cool step kids good job first memory room wanting tomorrow ever come thought never gone away medication fast pace job makes things bearable thought never goes away repeating myself constantly trying live life normal people let down cannot tell family love want wake anymore worn out,1 +feel like im gonna die man allergies suck nose plugged both nostrils barley breath throat hurts hurts breath mouth im basically gasping air every couple seconds cause cant breath want fucking die hate much i cant breath i feel like im going to die in my sleep,0 +feel constant suicidal urges way look try try appearance im still ugly im tired itdont even know im making account posting literally one gives shit,1 +worse anyone morningright wake hardest thought going another day pain evening night comes around feel better try live evenings want days good too,1 +helpi know do friend the one asking flash talking killing himself tried minutes ago messaged saying work would try later ive treated call police listen do,1 +@Hydration @LAGladiators this video cured my depression,1 +school starts monday advice yea school starts monday wondering guys advice warnings pandemic note glasses tips mask would greatly appreciated,0 +suffering from chronic depression https://vine.co/v/iu3l2lPBhiK ,1 +past years alot shit happened decent bit trauma built up point painful even think time started happening moved dad previously walked years house thought could finally catch break not felt like object human let alone son every night even allowed close door room storage room barely allowed phone even allowed call mother made feel worse every day screwed even slightest hour long lecture told purpose told going make life told make college told worth absolutely nothing everything went downhill one day risen hit rock bottom somehow going deeper point cannot life anymore point even made deadline kill myself always knew would never make it always knew worthless never wanted hear it surrounded negativity mother cannot even accept point even decided time school going cut everyone everything prepare day happens even going different country make sure even find everyday think better next life cared anyones feelings years barely throw facade time talk people even online time let bed crying sleep daily basis cannot take anymore cannot done,1 +go lucas & justine for the win tonight on #masterchef ,0 +accent speaking skills around years since moved india us us always complimented speaking skills way gave speeches however nowadays become terrible it teachers critiquing accent used quite understandable midwestern accent almost gone speak really feels like im someone different ngl seems like lost part personality,0 +@mindwarp2 My favorite candy bar. ,0 +Depression and anxietyThem shits are bitches,1 +one else tell im finally killing myselfi need get void years years im finally ready time mess up succeed dont care anymore medication therapy hospitalization ive realized ptsd commit redflag mind it nothing feels real ive attempted know do reached one last time earlier today counsellor college ok made really realize go this feel free feel peace ready,1 +coming realize almost old friends really good people kind take advantage things offer definitely greatest guy life seems crushingly depressing right working liking means clearing negative influences life guys really people hung since beginning high school want many things summer realize might alone unless make new friends probably going fall back depression hole anybody got advice fun like alone making friends hard anybody advice like hanging,1 +okay get shower realize towel do,0 +Anyways enough depression shit that no one cares about pic.twitter.com/ST2Idyeig9,1 +the man knew much alfred hitchcocks remake thriller married couple james stewart doris day vacation morocco got caught nightmare include murder espionage assassinations worst all kidnapping yearsold son movie hitchcock considered superior original great fun stewart day good chemistry together film filled wonderful comical scenes dialogues well scenes chilling suspense br br the inclusion que sera sera proved stroke genius rarely song fits content plays important role movie like que sera sera the man knew much br br hitchcock also treats us live music playing arthur benjamin storm cloud cantata almost ten minutes scene londons royal albert hall assassination important politician attempted takes place both scene cantata simply marvelous,0 +living not downtown sure isn t much fun,0 +whoa im super hungry life cereal w granola amp raspberry is calling my name,0 +@SamPadalecki - Oh ok! Well im still going!! I think everybdy wants Misha back! He was so funny in his talks!! ,0 +want die three yearsright now things easy like way things going friends care care me people relate to ive got good family life fun siblings loving mother im currently college getting high marks higher grades ever entire life pursuing subject really enjoy hobbies love interests love life feel like drag slightest im happy like really good right now really hope three four years courage hang myself world getting worse like holy shit world getting much worse working class little mind boggling despise country hate much fucking despise everything america every single capitalist lie gets shoved peoples throats convincing working hours week possibly survive normal justifiable living nightmare exist in currently field im pursuing good jobs cities cities exorbitantly high cost living dollars month small unfurnished hole wall apartment building naturally field work regularly hour days hour work weeks thats generally norm first thought unique shitty feature preferred industry really isnt everyone deal bullshit working conditions order meet bare minimum living matter field workdays meaningless keep getting longer longer wages getting worse worse affecting everyone younger are worse going it college debt something deal rest life what want ground dust rest adult life lay hours day one day per week off human beings live like this inhumane disgusting inescapable climate apocalypse going bring hell earth even wealthier countries really life honestly life about adds to brief flash freedom were teens were driven dirt feel like shit lives try tell people ways feel like shit even though everyone feels like shit trying convince theres mythic utopian life living wages afford everything need live plus savings disposable income fun work hours week which way completely unnecessary given dramatic rise productivity standards reality everything sucks real world honestly want deal that want live next three years life best can ever since convinced ill dead three years felt amazing ill try anything want ill take chances whenever please feels great feel fucking liberated amazing deal consequences anything want to live best whatever want knowing easy fun runs dry life becomes nightmare feels fucked up theres something cathartic always get jail free card allows whatever wish want lifestyle ive adopted go away want live free forever cant freedom gone im going kill myself ill happy it let world get me ill live die terms honestly cant see better way it wrong me love life really wanna kill three years,1 +@Toadsili_T This gives me depression,1 +literally spitting blood,0 +"@domknight My grandpa was UK infantry in Gaza, he lowered his age and joined to feed his sons after the depression, he was 35 and said he was 25. He spent nearly 30 yrs after never marching, never talking about it, he carried shrapnel all that time and kept his post war son out of Nam",1 +emergency protocol germanyis anyone tell standard procedure germany call emergency services im close redflag something helpful would rather dead call emergency services,1 +think hit ghost deer im driving dads house am morning im older road goes county dad lives in ive driven road mom im drivers permit many times would say im decent driving age drove illegally since im driving road parallel deer infested forest deer jumped front knew going hit braked anyway felt hit car im surprised airbags didnt go off mom sister car also felt hit it pulled assess damage nothing scratches dents nothing deers mess car right driving ton volvo still would damage right looked deer also find it blood guts anything either looked ditches mom got gun incase need put misery nothing there explanation this know people smarter would like hear sort explanation personally dont want think ghost deer something,0 +know many need hear this soulja boy ho watch crank it watch roll watch crank dat soulja boy superman ho watch yuuuuuuu crank dat soulja boy watch yuuuuuuu crank dat soulja boy watch yuuuuuuu crank dat soulja boy watch yuuuuuuu crank dat soulja boy watch,0 +0 gi depression,1 +"ha, everybody is saying goodnight to twitter @heycassadee Twitterroos @selenagomez night umm ok thats it!night!",0 +someone dedicate entire life saving you someone take sadness empathy cannot suicidal us happy people continuing live lives normal check every day enough many pep talks someone give say suicidal start lying say fine one fixing one can guess feels like one cares care anymore scary unpopular opinion suicidal mind even want says one cares,1 +I Feel Bad For The Homie @sadkatelyn Sooooooo Much Depression,1 +"my low blood pressure almost ruined it, but i had a looot of fun today ",0 +yall ever get sad realize nice bubbly kids went elementary middle school depressed alcoholics nicotine addicts maybe me shift th th grade shift th grade th kinda scary feel like middle school people discovered nic raging nicotine addictions things normalized care dad nicotine addict hes dealing years know hes tried quit multiple times lifetime avail makes sad peers cant enjoyable anymore middle school went stealing parents ecigs sipping vodka personal device bottles beds highschool im trying shame anyone addiction either let make clear mind nothing help friends peers since brush concerns rumors flavored juiced banned friends saying theyll switch cigs desperately want see happen,0 +slowpaced intricately structured ultimately touching nice truetolife look small florida beach town dead winter ive there absolutely accuratebr br its also debut feature actress ashley judd makes big impression here hard believe film years old remember seeing theaters recently rented ruby again except s looking clothes held nicely ashely radiant touching here hard think subsequent career without wincing boy talk failing fulfill early promise anyone seeing ashley ruby paradise would assume elegant natural beauty went kinds interesting art films serious acting instead become go to girl dumb action films slasher movies disappointing least lovely performance preserved showcase early promisebr br as commenters say everyone slow paced action film really romance director victor nunez ulees gold another excellent character study treats ordinary young womans life deep respect allowing story build slowly lot detail way think one moving respectful comingofage stories young women recall rubys sexual awakening how lost virginity life choices growing maturitybr br a lovely film take time watch iti think would really excellent film show teens young girls or boys matter give chance think discuss itbr br particular kudos director nunez also wrote script realistic nicely detailed assumed movie based femalewritten novel memoir fact mr nunezs original work rated ,0 +go triangle burger guess technically called triangle drivein idk theres fresno one clovis one tulare ur close go pretty cheap think expensive thing menu their websitehttpstriangledriveincom,0 +saying people evil understatement centuryi hate women hate men especially hate women everything society special women are validate me validate me celebrate body celebrate me do celebrate tall men well celebrate beautiful people were fucking sick laugh born right bodies like deserve live lets laugh short men lets mock blow brains laugh society better completely fucking arbitrary aspect humans life fuck womens problem know exactly fuck like judged always first fucking people judge fucking laundry list expectations meet half fuck mens problem theyd kill allowed fuck point even brain pointless intelligence another way see suffering assholes taking advantage other culture simply economic activity shell pushing us forward,1 +Headin to the bus. Party today! ,0 +dads important moms prove wrong,0 +im boutta restart like windows vista hiccup sneezed farted time whats happen,0 +guys need help girlfriend twin sex dad,0 +got death threat ppls pretty scared ngl hey whatcha gonna,0 +deal selfconscious hey fellow teens probably worth time need vent mind skip anyway ampxb ever since went secondary school feeling like shit almost years ago hear insults back forth me get easier mainly due friends insult me berate me make fun feel powerless team feel excluded came gay recently proud make fun still exclude birthday parties meetups going town group chats group chats hating always think joke back mind really know say shit me always small weak look gross poor straggot whatever tf means terrorist im brown muslim faith voice high pitched facial hair never find love make fun last name butt even fair handed them pronounced spelt literally butt hear shit creative ugly skinny eat something bones remember time utubiey insert embarrassing cringy thing past stinky teeth gross feel like shit hate person see mirror much actively try look mirris cause hate am hate teeth hate braces hate glasses hate skin colour hate faith hate height hate voice hate face hate eyes hate last name used idgafy extrovert like starting conversation new people try make new friends meet new people fear see flaws see reason feel much shittier somewhat bearable one thinks shit know closest friends think breaks me granted best friend either first years would deny say insult back theses last almost im giving up agree insults ive made sure stop insulting made worse fucked second main friend group first one excluded berated jazz would go fun shit would spam picture fun feel fucking power feel like im horrible even outside school hang online friends new guy recently joined every one likes insults skill shit much racist shit hear every day hate taking photos see self see list flaws ampxb anyway thanks coming ted talk,0 +hey everyone it s me ifiwasanotaku sorry that i ended up deleting it all last time but i gave it all some time and i don t think i can sustain this life anymore a i planned before i will be dying on th april but i just wanted to reach out to everyone who reached back to me that night and asked me to think some more i will always appreciate you all and all you did i m ugly and unlovable and i don t deserve this all i hope you ll forgive me for making your effort go to waste thank you again for everything,1 +point wherein want others see me want see mirror stay hidden,1 +might actually chance turns may found way finally week quickly almost painlessly quite excited idea,1 +suicidal afmy life come crashing hault ive lost love family lost friends never make anymore never another love cant go outside without enormous weight anxiety bearing me never able hold job cannot cope life anymore wouldve learnt first mistake much live forand dust wind want end shit ive already attempted slicing wrist family friend got hospital bled out think im going end pretty soon go burn hell always was,1 +one triop down one to go,0 +delete tiktok let natural selection continue,0 +motivation strangers help muchlike many people confided anyone know suicidal tendencies browsing forums messageboards hearing people say things get better happiness possibility helps me confounds me one incident everytime feel like id prefer going away try look groups strangers somewhere internet saying things better are said strangers almost always help me even little bit even theyre actually responding message posted know nothing particular situation still helps human psyche strange reasoned arguments links studies done research large samples anything sort simple hey im sure get better good luck something along lines felt like typing out particularly shit day think ill sit long meditation session now thanks people good luck ,1 +i never thought that i could hate sombody but i really hate you tobe d i only gave you all of my love and you pay me so bad,0 +hiya people mental slump latelynothing externally redflagful happened thinking wanted lately life collegeand hits me want anythingi want anything know want career ill go want generallyto live life without motivation full mediocrity feels completely pointless keep going existingi want stay girlfriend want family friends mourn deathbut me feel like ill get anything meaningful continuing state either change something cut shortbut already tried change trying change trying reduce unhealthy habits take newer healthier ones motivation even commit themi know ill figure out least tell feel worsebut really figure out really change better know answers questionsplease future me please tell okay confuzzled,1 +I love Jay Jay Pistolet. ,0 +african pastor heading church sunday morning hes walking jungle hears growling turns around sees lion starts running running gives gets knees starts praying god please dont let lion eat me pastor stops praying hear lion anymore turns around sees lion knees praying pastor says hey lion didnt know prayed lion says im saying grace,0 +is excited about our first caterpillars of the season! ,0 +happened months ago set appointment told him give time pussy think twice big deal usually extremely reticent withholding thoughts general much two d fucking felt great start working it told therapist depression anorexia,1 +think best film probably amorphous list one best films ive ever seen whatever reason really connected movie one personal films seen point life i better worse strongly identified holly hunter character and im guy plays extremely bright loyal intense woman figure romantic relationships many things said movie things would say said others similar circumstances ending movie find very sadbr br obviously role big break holly hunter clearly one think highly it,0 +wanted update water heres one yeah drinking two like sip im drinking gallon like four water bottles hear water stomach jiggling stomach hurts like lot tell want,0 +got unbanned days like anime site fucked man couldnt even dispute it stop reporting people downvote please,0 +something triggered earlier insides turning burning ripping apart feel like nothing ever going fill way hole chest needs filledi feel hopeless suicide feels like optionmy hands aching scratch torso open stop feelings make feel like world disgusting cruel feel like drowning sea shit gets worse burning,1 +anyone want friend talk maybe chat room im bored need friends maybe even among us,0 +cant stop thinking redflagit feels like always way out brain hyper focuses much diagnosed earlier year bpd feel ive got worse worse constantly think ending know right it would hurt many people yet lay awake night crying eyes constantly thinking life worth it im lost know do one day fear feeling get much simply it,1 +well chuffed with herself for surprising Flynnmiester with balloons and presents ,0 +pretty certainthrowaway account throwaway person im done want ive never wanted something bad u wanted happy youd let go thats truth,1 +im going itim going check psychiatric hospital today wait one hour leave work texted boss morning telling im okay needed get help two hours later get back hold wtf close veering car side road last night close downing bottle pills morning need help now wait one painstakingly slow hour head constant pain body wants give up one hour,1 +andygosling ouch zoom and the clearfix method are your friend,0 +sharing comfort song comfort songhttpsyoutubesqzqluc ive really bad day song makes tiniest bit better miss parents much today one days miss usual hope u guys like song too comment comfort songs u want,0 +i open to every experience that life offer emotion feeling sadness confusion happiness excitement depression lowest point of life challenge change adventure artistic feel dream desire knowledge new people new culture innovation open mindedness,1 +@nere13 Heya I'm fine thanks wuu2 today? xxx,0 +story lost virginity story want able tell someday,0 +@samanthai She's a tiny blonde hitler 'twatting cow bag ,0 +well i am rn haven t really achieved anything big in my life so far i honestly feel like shit while typing this i have never made such post ever and honestly i am tryna express myself so i make some friend or have a good conversation a i said i am i have been visiting a therapist and i have mdd major depressive disorder medication are helping though by i need to improve we don t have financial problem i really need to start making money for my own i guess i have seen a lot of people online that are doing much better than me and have achieved a lot and i am not even close to them well if anyone want to talk or want to discus something you can do it here or my dm,1 +ready diei thinking getting tattoo across chest says do treat ever arrive dying hospital might let me probably least wishes would known going get organ donor card signed probably much left im successful killing way im thinking cant hack it fuck it go hero im here,1 +im emotionally messed fix myselfrecently family completely ignored me dont seem care way shape form me ive always extremely sensitive emotional person im really self conscious almost everything myself grandfather probably person listened say person cared im sure im going now im worried im going something ill regret,1 +despite different directors fantasy hangs together remarkably wellbr br it filmed england nowhere near morocco studios beaches outbreak war everything moved america scenes filmed grand canyonbr br notable one corniest lyrics song i want bandit cant understand it remains favourite many people,0 +all thats stapling chipped my nail,0 +"Whether you are excited to graduate or nervous to be on your own, post-graduation depression is coming, and you might be its next target. Find out what you can do to avoid it here: http://www.dixiesunnews.com/news/articles/2018/04/24/post-graduation-depression-palpable-dsu-alumni/ …",1 +right house alone first time really want stop everything cannot find worth reason keep going know keep going everything seems blurry unimportant think ill fee ease finally done know writing here thoughts killing write somewhere hope good day rn drinking alone house cannot handle thoughts,1 +yall guess whattt stole sisters coke fridge accused lil brother lmao feel like pro player,0 +Shutting down work ... 17 hour day... sleepy,0 +wanted say nice day stay hydrated check friends case hear last time friendly reminder you guys gals nonbinary pals,0 +"i always try to spread positivity but i don't do it enough on twitter. but to let you all know, im here if you need anything. i've been through depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, attempts, being curious about my gender/sexuality. i'll do my best to help <33",1 +i am falling and no one is there to catch me the one that say they will be and care can t be bothered to even listen to me fully anymore i have outworn my welcome here i don t want to deal with this pain or the voice in my head telling me i will never be enough i want to end it so badly but i can t bc i have important obligation that need me and it would destroy if i left and i love them but god i am so tired of being in this pain,1 +go actually offing myselflife shit ive spent last ten years regretting failure myself better way fix never ringing another shitty terrible decade ever again sad thing im sure go it anything ordinary celing hanging options opt beltnoose ideas,1 +anyone brag to want somebody brag great life going raight now,0 +need life cuddles lovely girl squirrels elmo,0 +funni mean able joke making fun someone something works sometimes comes mean sometimes too do help d,0 +kameelahwrites lt codez they ve been mia tho,0 +anyone needs reasons live would miss you worth alive get better believe eventually get better theres much would miss doing worth dont let anyone even tell otherwise god made reason purpose always reason like may know right now theres always reason live many people care you amazing dont even know love you dont even know care you plenty people love you plenty people care you god loves you god cares you sometimes really tough make stronger person things youve always wanted do things youve planned never got around doing cant dead want alive people care you even know it wont able listen music die youll never able listen favorite song die youll never able listen favorite singer die youll never able listen favorite rapper die listening really loud music killing never worth it youll hit people care you many people would miss including me youre preventing future generation kids even born gorgeous someone loves you think family would feel would improve life die proving people wrong success watching jerks doubted fail life youll never feeling walking warm building cold day youll never feeling waking cold building hot day stupid public can helping people future live for alive real good alive really bad finding soulmate nighters sleeping day look back self later life glad didnt commit redflag nobody ever like you unique puppies puppy kisses netflix decorating christmas tree if that kind dreams wake cant stop smiling breakfast bed new clothes new shoes new books favorite authors sunrises sunsets friends ocean sunlight warm back hot family inside jokes birthdays christmas family traditions taste favorite food watching favorite tv show watching favorite movie adventure going somewhere new ability pursue ever choose billion people earth dont afraid earn money rewards always flip life around find perfect job career pizza kittens new haircuts awkward moments look back laugh world needs you roller coasters showers cake growing old growing old person love singing sleeping ice cream eating warm cookies straight oven food general movie nights candy popcorn daydreaming happy moments halloween sleepovers parties good personality making people happy bonfires sitting rooftops going vacation hearing crazy stories telling crazy stories treehouses starbucks if like it youve changed someones live end life youre stopping achieving great things everyone talent including you eating crazy food hanging friends nobody ever replace you much live for dreams need fulfilling do living life fullest heck bet would miss like crazy family friends would devastated died someone constantly praying meet someone like you future kids never come existence die right now could save someones life beautiful disappear bigger problems never alone struggle tomorrow another day please see it worth think but final important one is just able experience life even life seem great right now anything could happen resources argentina australia austria children young people belgium bosnia amp herzegovina botswana brazil cvv national association canada montreal outside montreal croatia denmark egypt estonia russian finland france germany holland hong kong hungary india ireland italy japan mexico new zealand norway philippines poland portugal russia spain south africa sweden switzerland united kingdom usa veterans crisis line usa text ,0 +im donei m havent easy life life always riddled trauma ive always managed find way through mother tricked going africa holiday planned leave forever years country despised filled ignorant regressive people didnt know better managed gain back freedom convincing relatives shared beliefs islam although despised ideology prayed times day year convince them even sent islamic propagation centre months survived amp im proud myself horrors faced could never describe landed england knew wanted life studied hard got good university worked hard got ideal body amp met plenty women generally enjoyed life face new challenges overwhelmed me broke jaw summer cant even breathe properly cognitive function impaired speech horrendous body deteriorating im left back pain fucked face went absolute confidence someone barely maintain eye contact because im aware ugly am lower face shortened look old pictures realising il never look like ever again failed module university ive withdrawn mother disowned ive told im atheist amp im debt living alone struggling even cover rent strong views religion outlook world unconventional learn world less want it im disappointed giving simply much handle cant imagine living life broken tools im left with even recover academically could never live life like wanted impairments im opinionated like think im open minded cant stand phonefixed peers spent time alone university gym studying etc never needed anyone cant work amp im longer studying realise one people around energy gave aura gone death something ive always pondered rough times past amp plenty close calls purpose exception time thought id never come back england stole cousins gun held held didnt pull trigger weapon jammed larger round magazine remove could use it whilst so decided go last ride stole motorcycle rode like kid death screaming pain out stopped intense conversation myself told youre strong matter hopeless seems m youre strong youll find way this time different dont see end goal see fucked chance existence death besides release existence tell stories make unknown bearable genuinely love is door back whatever conscious anything come afterwards cut religious bullshit nobody knows amp theres one way find out better this right,1 +lot advice comes trying socialize find friends revolves around yourself just someone find interesting saywell lies problem idea am depressed long lost identity lost personality things used enjoy longer bring joy find something bring joy happiness shortlived becomes dull pointless mere days past years husk sitting walking around apartment motivation ambition joy occasional bursts motivation happiness fade quickly wish would never come first placei know get this even know way me know,1 +fifth day christmas payday gave me fiiiive buulllets leeeeft ammo need amooooo,0 +found fathers guni could use end less minute easy scary time im gonna it know that but could should i dont know im confused right know chance im alone gun ever wanted since im depressed cant reason im scared hate it hate feeling dont want it want strong fucking once fucking end cant coward,1 +alexrussin lucky i missed it,0 +@mistressmia lol so I guess it's more than just an expression ,0 +"I wish things didn't bother me so much, the smallest thing & I feel my world come crashing down. Why is depression/anxiety so cruel?",1 +"@EviLovesMcFly we start our summer sme day after next week nd lol use have bril weather,id love to b in germany for winter(wuld b bril)",0 +played another hand very bad and lost half my stack,0 +M&M's at 9am...nothing wrong with this picture ,0 +new national anthem idea whoo whats pair packs punch unique taste creamy crunch pbampc im thinking found reeses puffs peanut butter chocolate great separate combine make morning time epic morning time epic morning time epic r double e s e s yes p u double f s yes r double e s e s yes p u double f s yes,0 +life fucking scam cute anime girl already smh want refund,0 +anyone keen chat im bored usual dm want chat comments,0 +got friends prank call yoooooo yall got numbers boys prank call us,0 +9 0 s boxing in the 9 0 s wa affected by one of the biggest economic struggle in the history of the united state the depression era because of the suffering american economy many boxer were offered lower amount of money causing them to only box for passion http t co id y o,1 +giving upive bed day missed school im aspergers dont see point trying anymore never explain emotions feelings nobody understands try explain something know slitting wrists easy mess feel much pain inside want over doesnt work ill hang slowly suffocate myself feel hopeless nothing for even family pets music nothing one friend ive dealing years wont stop im never happy dont see point school cant recognize mirror never anything good say myself friends coming today feel bad cause forgot ive probably ruined it want gone want end life im tired overworked stress going make go insane ive tried therapy counselling im always back feeling like absolute shit guess say im fucking done,1 +ive hoping die naturally years nowits small things like wearing seat belt behaving really recklessly cant bring actually it im scared surviving living consequences im young poor afford assisted redflag country allows it gets nervous go places steep edges reckless vain attempts slip fall people around demonize redflag much dont want anyone know it want die naturally hope fatal car wreck im driving alone maybe one days alcohol poisoning job me want try starving people think anorexia im male livemy family would call fag hope die soon,1 +so i have a disabling chronic illness last year i went through some pretty severe stuff almost starved to death because my stomach doesn t work properly and won t digest food had to be hospitalized and have a permenant feeding tube placed etc that s just backstory that might be relevant but honestly i m not sure i have this overwhelming anxiety any time anything slightly untword happens to my partner it s particularly unmanageable when it come to them feeling physically unwell i have no idea why this happens it s something i ve experienced in other very close relationship a well but it s not everyone not even everyone i care very deeply about it s super weird and i have no idea where it s coming from but i need it to stop because i want to be supportive and i can t do that if my partner know i m fighting down a lot of anxiety just to talk about them feeling like they might be coming down with a tiny cold the anxiety can even bleed into feeling of anger or frustration which i hate even more because who get angry about something like that am i just a bad person how do i cope with this in a way that doesn t negate their experience by requiring them to constantly tell me nothing is wrong or that everything is fine but also not going off the deep end and feeling crazy with fear just because they might be experiencing discomfort,1 +anyone else think mood swings behaviour really hurting people lives unfairlyi feel like gf dragged hell unfairly,1 +names joey ever since th grade redflag teacher total prick would yell class mentally abusive fuck us sure part trauma ik strong people def added part trauma anyways developed social redflag generalized redflag disorder hindered ability make friends like friends max talked sometimes too even close friends redflag lack motivation would spend day playing laptop bit younger escape me could avoid life play video games day parents lenient started developing depressive disorder probably also started smoking weed gram day strong dispensary weed year brain fucked could think all could concentrate anything like minute hell could even concentrate remember like anything like past day two contemplating starving death know fuck realized ways time now got nurse practitioner gave citalopramantidepressant ssri recommended counselling accepted counselling time declined later got phone call receptonist make counselling appointment whatever thought feel better was side effects sucked sex drive really insomnia started smoking gram day days went psychosis got extremely anxious agitated panicky even yelled parents told mom fuck thought redflag knew not anyways broken inside redflag disorder could handle it psychosis looking antidepressants something help sleep think weed combo sorry wasting time r reading ik lot writing story m,1 +nietzche depressionhas anyone read nietzches works ive stumbled upon chapter his discusses living among ill depressed curious anyone depression ever thought nietzche concept power pity almost maximum dosage zoloft seems completely breaking down physically mentally reading nietzche attitude changed guess worst one thing bugging me whether people insight psychology social applications depressed interacting nondepressed right im feeling really alone especially due isolation work long distance relationship im reading literature keeping everything coming grips condition permanent thing want another perspective someone read nietzche ampxb thanks,1 +in a queue for a ticket at phantasialand look busy school holiday ftl silver mine and winjas fear are closed too,0 +Hello depression. Nice to see you again after these nice loooong.. 3 days. lets chug pre-workout and pump iiiiit #strengththerapy,1 +pixie anna scroll back a few hour you missed a whole lotta jon,0 +kinda funny year ago wrapped truck around tree want pictures find account imagine walking around crash site bill wurtz audio i bad thing,0 +im going kill myself im surei date soon ,1 +@itszikki nahh.. horse show and then saw these BIG ass trees.. lol and i mean fuckin HUGE.,0 +wish endi vent sorry understand people happy life control feel emptiness expands exponentionally minute consumed long time ago cannot escape it tried force brain make feel happy smoking weed tried heal negaitve feelings emotions going psychiatristpsychotherapist using psylocibin lsd nothing ever helped even showed escape emptiness never felt useful belonged anywhere everywhere go feel like burden go back bed cry next day like last eight nine months many urges end past two weeks even know sane something phisically wrong brain know reason killed girlfriend first met almost two half years ago gotten much hope still do every day becomes harder harder keep smile painted face want good boyfriend good person overall know much time left untill mind breaks myself want kill myself pressure feel every day becoming debilitating feel like going lose control mind body one last time finally put end all,1 +guys ever dream falling love someone know doesnt matter crush ever dream fell love someone even dream like sex crush genuinely fell love ive bunch feels good wake takes like minutes realize dream feel super sad point almost tears know none asked dont care call pussy dreams genuinely great wake up wish crush anyone would like back example one last night crush said liked me told id like get know would fine dated bunch stuff together id say dreams happy ive ever felt life im saying pity either wanna vent dont even care many people see want least one person see maybe even relate it,0 +im tiredim tired peoples fake sympathy im tired begging help fall deaf ears im plain tired havent slept week cant sleep im tired told go therapy get meds third time dont work nothing worked thousands dollars money several years time wasted useless coping strategies dont work talking nonexistent feelings dont remember feels like genuine emotions want feel anything im tired numb ive put nothingness long time think im call quits warnings notes me bottle scotch deer slug brain stem,1 +im homeless silent feels bad man,0 +really wanna hit people geneva stick filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler,0 +want existence end alreadyim tired suffering everyday sickening world even way end would successful,1 +cant get aheadits secret problems pile up grow grow successes quickly fade problem one deal sits there finally fixed cant remember last time ahead problems immediate worries issues future ability plan it prepare instead problem problem lost job little two years ago ive keep head water problems pile up teeth rotten ive unable buy anything relax enjoy like movie video game moms tv broke cant help computer broke phone finally job bit budgeting start improve get tooth pulled save new computer hell maybe one better old one finally get ahead car moms car broke fifty three love her needs taken care of me walk work car jobs forty minutes away needs taken care though working poverty wages whole life one whos taking care past two years stuck payday loans almost four years thought could pay back helping get them maybe help get ahead too piles up cant see end it two incomes poverty wages eventually get cars road eventually get new tv computer occasionally treats along way like video games movies theres hopeful thats nothing goes wrong true two beaters breaking continue run without issue theres accident sudden cancer diagnosis plan get ahead take years much go wrong six months moms entire life already tell going mine too wish librarian fantasy world book shelves ten rows high almost form maze museum section curious artifacts glass containers plaques hours sitting forgotten corner reading book eating lunch thats life wish had instead broken useless self,1 +i m at that point it s just too much there s no way to even describe it anymore,1 +ive contemplating redflag latelyi posted depression subreddit want discuss feelings sub see people say past weeks ive debating whether end it ive suicidal thoughts before past would pushed away im welcoming thought im losing live alarming rate think im meant ever truly happy world life sucks absolutely miserable right might get even worse reality homeless crawling closer closer need realistic myself life never improve ill never career ill never tangible skills talents ill never decent social life girlfriend student loans never go away amp worst all ill never get away crazy ass mother redflag becoming realistic time goes on life completely bullshit way fucking hard everyone tells possible turn life around fail recognize luck others lack one thing thats comforting redflag idea things ever gets bad always use last resort stop pain im going die die one day anyway whats difference early especially considering future anyway,1 +i kept sacrificing a lot of myself for other people who were never gon na stay i keep recreating those dynamic and now that i m aware of the people and behavior to avoid i m completely alone i hate being alive everything is so much harder when you don t have any love and support not that these connection i ve lost were loving and supportive everyday is just a reminder i ll never find my place,1 +amp usually get anxious excited expectant whenever they pick up their phone to refresh their page for new content it often lead to depression amp anxiety disorder,1 +wanna jump windowmy mother treating like worst kid one time completely open times open her times watch little sister buy things mom seem gone cant this real want die cause till now mom one me this know do nothing left me keeps up fair talking open mad like did night might last life,1 +myocardium dl shikista could be heart broken depression is yasiat,1 +birthday birthday brag whatever karma whore,0 +many years old confused teen nowadays lol,0 +questiondoes anyone else rant snapchat stories pretty much friends talk feel like shit,1 +believe given war movie make really feel war need see letyat zhuravli called the cranes flying english tells story veronika tatiana samoylova boris aleksey batalov love verge wwii walking along waterfront watching cranes fly by war starts boris promptly sent war veronika hides family ends marrying son love boris meanwhile continues trotting countryside fighting nazis experiencing horrors war runs energy veronika working military hospital receives news refuses accept it boris body arrives home one trains simultaneously radio announces germany surrendered allied powers war soviet union lost million citizens start new erabr br this movie good job showing human impact war battlefield also affected civilian population definitely movie everyone see,0 +finally tweetdeck on my system... thanks sir earl... ,0 +hello everyone new to the sub here i would like to receive your insight about my recent discovery about myself tw self h so i used to do this when i wa and it mostly because i have severe anxiety and i need a coping mechanism ive stopped and have been cleaned for year since today i had a fight with my entire family about not respecting my boundary and not coming into my room when im literally shirtless and they make fun of me for being too serious about it theyre good people and have never touched me inappropriately so i too wa puzzled about my sudden anxiety attack so i locked myself in a room sobbing to no one and i felt so much pain and i just want the rush to come but then i saw a resistance band and literally did a thousand bicep curl and u know how it burn when someone exercise the first time i couldnt feel my hand i guess the endorphin made me feel so much better i forgot about wanting to do that bad thing i feel so much better and i wanted to know if i could do a thousand bicep curl at the risk of injuring my hand to avoid doing what i used to do,1 +new im new reddit general cant post weekends is particular reason,0 +drowningim trying hard cry start know hours stop biting inside cheeks hard can hoping pain shock thoughts stall tears feeling like utter failure when despite every effort tears come always do messy painful stings cheeks roll down feel spiralling control drowning beneath waves keep crashing me theres relief down logic sense searing raw pain chest gasp air feeling failed again lost last shred hope know okay anymore think even want okay im tired fighting survive want sleep dreams waking,1 +really really need help this badly pleasemy friend tried commit redflag before failed girlfriend left hes suicidal again love kid want kill himself would destroy me reason suicidal thoughts feels alone cant get job dropped high school family problems top hes black much people admit it people racist ny criminal record anyone mean anyone knows job place go please let know anything keep occupied volunteeringetc also anything say anything mean absolutely anything please come forththank you,1 +anyone wanna smash mean play smash bros,0 +theres hopeno hope all keep saying next year gonna better isnt come another year same except worse slashing fingernails praying death comes soon hate myself born broken think ever change simply shitty person better cut losses shrivel die thing prevents causing grief family maybe move far away could someone could mutter fiction,1 +Depression and Anxiety are my best-friend rn pic.twitter.com/xujRvB32hp,1 +god long time since saw this probably years agobr br the movie tells us kids human blood circulatory system professionally put togetherdisneystyle animation plus human actorsit directed frank capra petes sakebr br kind overkill wonder high production value worth amounts filmstrips worth information human body boy kids watching learn even clearly remember dr baxter challenged hemo name common material resembles human blood doctor immediately answers sea water,0 +work well told kill least know really feel tested blades works way better knife trying calm wrists instead thighs bought razor blades,1 +today i wa prescribed xanax and celexa for my depression and anxiety i have major anxiety about taking pill the side effect freak me out especially when it come to mental medication i ve took zoloft in the pas for a couple day and it freak me out with suicidal thought very angry and ticked off i m scared this might happen again i m so lost on what to do i really need the help but scared of the help,1 +i don t want to go to the psych ward i just want this all to stop but i m too afraid to try because if i fail again i m going to be locked up again,1 +person teenager blah blah blah books sorrow blah blah blah black hammer blah blah blah bungie slow,0 +diagnosed redflag assaulted honest ive never really felt like it usually push things deeply feel many repercussions ive aside lot shame last months though someone whos harassing since resurfaced sending hundreds texts calling saying things varying youre going marry kids live together forever youre whore disgusting person want insert threat you makes fake accounts tries add adds friends accusing taking him,1 +gave free award wrong person comment section disappointment immeasurable day ruined,0 +clothes uncomfy wtf wasnt living family think id nudist home,0 +note us men listen mates hard know everyone else thinks dude hard socially conditioned express feelings andor emotions may ask simple gender roles man cannot rely another person thus gender roles man cannot expressive theres another thing man raped overage woman chances woman going scott free pissed thinking random entry ,0 +know kill tonight buti methodically planned life literally got point spreadsheet date live much more think every last person place thing numbers turns thats bad way try understand being,1 +oh the rudeness morning twitterville HAPPY HUMP DAY,0 +i ve been eating the same food every meal for month now bc everything else make me want to throw up and cry this is pretty normal for me so i never thought to bring it up with my psychiatrist and recently i ve been able to eat other food a well but when i sat at the table this morning i found everything repulsive even my go to food this usually only happens when my anxiety is really bad but i feel pretty ok rn so i don t know why i can t eat is this common with anxiety disorder,1 +i took a depression nap i want to continue sleeping im@so,1 +"@judehamilton no problems jude,will be a pleasure http://myloc.me/2Ufw",0 +it s been a few month since i ve posted they ve medicated me but nothing ha changed i m still a worthless piece of shit no matter what i do i m the problem and no one will ever want me in their life i m never going to be good enough to have a real job or be anything more than a stupid customer service agent i went to college i have put in over 00 job application in the last week when i get an interview even company who contact me first ask me to apply when i arrive they say i m not a good fit it s because i m le than the same thing my mother saw when she gave birth and didn t want me is the same thing everyone else see that make me le than others i am not even worthy of being human i m just trash no pill or medicine will change that i wish i had the strength to self check out i don t tell my therapist bc it doesn t do any good they just want me to pay for more therapy that s supposed to train me to behave my insurance doesnt cover it so it s not even worth mentioning anymore i just wish i wa loved and had a life i felt like mattered i hate myself and the life i wake up too bc i m not good enough to have anything but sorrow,1 +helpi eaten slept days im writing phone im lying floor bathroom ive spent morning vomiting cutting myself cuts deep see vein want pain stop one call someone please talk me,1 +film plain lovely funny hell old hills acting superb fascinating seeing postwar britain used behave days seems prerunner st trinians films given alastair sim margaret rutherford connection theres also young george cole appeared many st trinians films understand connection shown bbc recently biography st trinians creator ronald searle however missed enough biography miss connection film anyway great film right something preserved time,0 +ive ever wanted friend properly talk cares me would anyone want type friend friends old friends started hanging mean person shoves ground thrashes everyday never gets trouble taken care teachers laugh nice ones stick mean ones im lonely gorilla like used be always be want friend actually talk to wants friend,0 +possible hardest year life many redflag attempts posted multiple times never thought would able look around room see nothing self loathing aware people situation doubted myself possible feel happiness one never thought would feel look sky smile feelings real feel shit truth proven me feel kept long happines,1 +ready for friday at the ted go brave amp stocking up on ricola cough drop amp dayquil b c i have a cold from the constant weather change,0 +sad kill myselfive seriously suicidal long sat balcony hour month ago ready jump texting goodbye anyone cared even slightest bit about every reason pussied jumping day gone away cant find reason kill myself fact logically really feel like best decision make without clouded judgment really seriously considering friday monday today tuesday time much stuff happened made feel worse worse worse im honestly sad kill myself know why know makes sense sound like make sense redflag end move sad even want kill myself happen happened anyone else ampxb im sorry formatting bad post often feel like brain tapped friday something stupid it,1 +call virgin alabama orphan,0 +found r wild kratt brothers like ive seen worst thing internet gore vids weird porns unfazed like shit hits different,0 +need help talking girl aight know may best place ask advice wateva im outside friends car passes like girls theyre like waving im one turns sees one waving back on found one girls insta hit got laugh like twice conversation finished followed me problem post pictures like casually get see face cause like saw kinda far yeah send help i use snapchatimma go sleep help plz bye tldr casually send picture face girl,0 +keep it yall r u cappin so saturated no amo no thotties trust me depression and over for a like they,1 +im scared ill never get girlfriendive tried dating apps im ugly them ways meeting girls im funny either im absolutely terrible making jokes,1 +f brain feels like stormy day need let worries tend rotate around head properly diagnosed depression redflag likely i super emotional boyfriend getgo us dating developed tendency cry lot boyfriend m complete sweetheart known life love much always as him truly feel peace him especially relaxed bed told feels like nice warm blanket feel comfortable safe think reminds best parts dad person particularly little my dad bad person flaws feel like never enough money support live good life always pushed best especially since first bachelors degree parents sympathized bad people constantly feel pressure successful independent worry lot finances life general much change father comes background former military poverty tried mold successful image today even though life circumstances vary constant fear life suddenly change nearly year ago close family friend passed away suddenly catalyst along covid mental health took negative turn always worried circumstances like event made worse now constantly feel way boyfriend comes house far traffic worries me major reason driven ownany advicethoughts greatly appreciated thoughts constantly running head,1 +tired but i cant miss lost.... coffeeeeeeeeeee! xo,0 +illegal lskskajaj httpsvmtiktokcomzsxawdg,0 +women rteenagers hot look scale httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommonsthumbchehighjpgpxchehighjpg,0 +know ok im going make sort short im typing lunch break ive girl almost years issues recently caught cheating me claims guy made feel better self provided attention longer giving her even try fix anything talk dropped her week sexual cravings going crazy knew easy would call pretend put things back together well know got wanted still stand done family went though stupid would even still want mess someone cheated me brother told needed get things let go want anything let go let go second time kind got point used sex went spite fucked friend mine weeks breaking brother gave ultimatum started really missing really wanted life back actually love her told self could get move forward took back second time knew done things single happy said would move happy familyoh yea daughter fathering first day back brother stormed house lives next door ask wtf back dumb bitch believes user manipulator told loved going move past everything happy since removed life completely delima kind small back ground brother closest relative took back hates wants nothing constantly talks trash decision feel like mistakes made live reality decent life style living dad seeing much everything sucked without words mouth felt without herempty alone constantly wanting her cant stop thinking friend hooked with think sometimes times times day love much brings much pain ive lost family girl care much fucked friend mine ive contemplated sucide cant think better way situation cant without hurts her do,1 +end erafor whole life irony depression loneliness followed me ive always tried stay optimistic positive time goes seems fade away im years old absolutely nothing look forward to girlfriend talent self esteem everyday wake happy minutes realize amnobody self image bullying people opinions frankly opinions dont matter always felt life doomed day could walk always polite respectable try good moral citizen yet always seem contradict morals preach guess im possibly awakening cant take voices anymore head sight flesh whole essence tainted useless go it want family know love wish nothing best generous people forum showed kindness understanding thank you,1 +mah kekdae know means karma hand,0 +omg the hill then i love money aww i think becky buckwild go,0 +cut toxic people update httpswwwredditcomrteenagerscommentsmdxcut_her_off_or_confront_herutm_mediumandroid_appamputm_sourceshare blocked her toxic cronies too lfg guess,0 +give reason go try live lifesee always dreamed getting school starting family nice job seems pointless see people things love actually making living like touring playing music playing professional football basketball soccer theres even huge gaming competitions like millions dollars prize pools love friends getting paid way enough cant see successful hobby hate idea ending normal job ill go everyday waste life away need talked mindset please,1 +seriously applying for job is hard enough for a stable person but when you have someone like me with no qualification no education no nothing applying for job is downright a soul crushing experience deep down i seriously don t even want the shitty as job anyway but i have to in order to survive then thinking about once i move out living alone in a crappy place working this meaningless job make me internally dieing i genuinely wish i wa never born into this era i don t belong here at all,1 +dumb femboy bitch boy returned awoken great slumber,0 +ok heres thing brush teeth spit toothpaste regularly wait end done brushing spit haves know,0 +@Billy3G All the cool people were #herebeforeoprah ,0 +genuinely hate pretentious mofos underground music taste bc whenever search artist like monthly listeners music sounds like groaning liarssss know every single one listens one direction one looking,0 +want out feelings coming backhello everyone know name justin vent family treated nicely past couple years able handle heartache stress caused me started loving carefree family mom got addicted prescription medication went hell pretty quickly mom got super addicted them started stealing them using dads credit cards believe maxed forced bankruptcy used money ever had going high school time beaten mom emotionally abused told oh cant tell anyone take away oh want put jail keep straight face go school like nothing ever wrong keep bottled up hidden inside like dirty secret met would shocked thinking truly normal family normal family monster secrets though normal routine high school same get get dressed get yelled beaten go school sat hours trying make good grades trying listen teacher thoughts god want go home today gonna find overdosed floor get home got home shed asleep would cook clean psychically take bed drugged rinse repeat dad back watching tv ignoring me ignoring situation anyone talked would fighting yelling done everyday day long every high school year age present remember finally broke down weekend gone per usual buying drugs year old kid trying damnedest make happy cleaning entire house cooking big meal waiting dinner time come around started cooking thinking perfect time done made happy made love this well got half way cooking accidentally spilled went got burned remember snapped inside started crying floor mental wreck saying freak freak god ever deserve even though looking back fault instant got right back dried tears fixed entire dinner second time got home right appreciate it love dinner took long preparing trying make happy said nothing house said would better cooked dinner end rope trust broken selfesteem shattered everywhere left broken remain former self next day panic attack panic attacks whole week assuming dying watched laughed criticized saying faking get outta school started cutting felt human control darkness creeped behind though start feeling suicidal way out day shoes like currently still like years old graduated high school take get permit go job interviews broken wreck year period self harmed started again days clean today but feel like things going dark going numb cold monster inside like slowly going insane sad really know whats happening know insane crazy making dream like knowing theres going wreck happens suicidal thoughts back want confide friend jeff loving caring knows situation know self harm suicidal thoughts worried scare him let know guys girls think know long ass post get out appreciate read it,1 +hello everyone i m a year old male with extreme anxiety i grew up in poverty amp wa very aware of that at a young age i started smoking weed around every weekend turned into everyday when i wa around i got introduced to xanax at which didn t last long due to me coming home blacked out amp realizing the pain amp disappointment i caused to my mother at i wa introduced to acid that turned into every weekend for about month in this same year my dad passed from a long time h use the beginning to my mental destruction we couldn t afford to bury my father one of the roughest time of my life i started selling drug which i got very money hungry amp would do anything if it made me a few dollar started out robbing kid at my school which turned into robbing older guy started partying amp got introduced to cocaine that didn t last long after my girlfriend told my mom because she knew that wa the only way i would stop around month later me amp my girlfriend got into a accident due to a lady not paying attention my girlfriend had a broken femur i had a broken ankle amp a tbi traumatic brian injury during are time of recovery i wa taking a shower while someone broke into my house amp stole my safe roughly k cash at this point i m amp mentally lost not going to school with no future in sight due to the broken ankle a well a the tbi i didn t get out much my best of friend not checking up on me wa rough at this point i realized i improved so much i stopped selling robbing using all at the cost of not leaving my house that lasted roughly year around this time covid hit my older brother became a extreme alcoholic a well a my mother i allowed everything around me to fully consume me reality hit one morning after daily regret amp suicidal thought everyday i came to the conclusion my only way out is to force myself me amp my girlfriend ended up moving a town over my first time on my own with extreme anxiety amp depression i started a landscaping company going door to door finding work something i could have never imagined i avoided human contact for year that lasted all summer one of the happiest time of my life i still have extreme anxiety my hand shake uncontrollably with a shakey voice amp due to my anxiety amp past i avoided going to the doctor for medicine a well a the dentist amp check ups i finally no longer let it control me or what i do all the dark day amp endless thought seeing a light at the end of the tunnel is unimaginable but i damn sure see it god is good time heals everything someone always ha it 0 time worse embrace the rainy day they won t last forever if you stick around kinda just rambling but i m sure this can help someone,1 +mom wants go hiking big bbq lunch guys might saw god going fun,0 +society causing feelings invalidationwhen im alone really worry feeling insecure weak yknow generally thinking negative get social media fuck post likes everyone else thousands oh no comments criticisms oh no one friend list online delete social media great isolation think sometimes get retarded idea hey im alright person communicate positively people nope something deeply wrong rotten according everyone else im alone worry soon think friends sharing opinions attempting reach out thats fuck up annoys wastes time,1 +im gonna go see one last movie grandparentsthe im gonei dare change mind,1 +new iphone tomorrow? Can't wait...,0 +constantly feel like shit see ever happyno matter many steps forward try take life feel like im running place doomed keep falling flat face job sucks raise barely anything still make enough ever afford live own plus stress running entire company sole employee crushing causing fuck school even school people genuinely mentally retarded bar set pretty low fucked midterms which sucks major basically entire identity admitting fucking suck thing im supposed good at risk needing essentially take semester ever getting parents house even overcome bullshit somehow manage live own think would make anywhere near happy think ill ever allow happy id really love blow money booze bullshit kill rather cleaning neverending mess life top off since im crazy depressed people get along crazy hell well every time date someone slits wrists fingernails argue reminder im crazy loved anyone psycho ill never worth someone elses time lives impossible standards anyone nearly normal ghosts long ones stick around insane desperate like me want go back therapy ive tried therapy onoff since th grade first attempted redflag none done much anything me last one never said anything likeever insight offer argued minutes get speak repeating insight already said uncertain terms one likely molested one patients lost license one misdiagnosed bpd turned irrelevant conversation one drinking far problematic truly awful enough told friend raped asking it ontop that even find someone competent solution problems problem fucking suck fail attempting change im reminded pushing forward fucking sunk cost fallacy grandest level,1 +im such an insomniac this week,0 +completely wiped and reloaded the 900 lost all bbm contact going to bed sad,0 +It's sad when you realize that depression is your only true friend..,1 +today i wa late for my high dchool by accident because they decided to change the plan and only send the notification about it on soem stupid school app that i don t use and so when i arived i wa hour late someone from my class saw me and started to talk to me like to an idiot i wanted to say somethinf but not even one word could came out i almost broke into tear over something so simple i wonder why people do this doe it give them some satisfaction or something like that i have no idea what are your idea,1 +mods gay never destiny many determined few yesterday marks darkest chapter rteenagers multiple recognizable faces megathicc banned rteenagers mods among many other even go far taunt people permanently banned shadow uncompromising tyranny casted good people rteenagers god given duty community overthrow evil shadows overrules taunts us shall fight tyranny all shall fight comments shall fight posts shall fight dms message shall never surrender mods gay,0 +moment text hi beat clingy bastard,0 +Being at DFW airport = suckier than being at the VMAs. Fortunately my reward for being in this trash hole is getting to pick up the wife ,0 +dont really know dof new account btw reasons cut arms thighs pretty bad really fkn hurts im bleeding quite bit im gonna overdose min thicklarge hoodie hide cuts buuut blood getting through idek do mum walked saw bed leg luckily saw cuts got away saying period meds next me im gonna overdose now idek anymore im really sorry,1 +wierd story found looking copypasta garden gnome noggin clontith walking around streets suddenly alleyway finds among us secks anime girl gnome asks wat amung us what among us among us responds saying secks wit anime girl ok said gnome anime girl cummed ok im cumming but wait said gnome there seems someone watching secks besides me points gnome ahh thats kinda sus said among us drip tip finally impostor reveals himslef jerma sus yes me responds evel jerma sus oh no said anime girl cumming every milliseconds hes gonna kill us all said amung us creamping anime girls pussy everything seemed end suddenly hero emerges darkness reciting banishing words said hero pepe frog pepe recited words sus jerma melted cum heres pic extremely gory moment sus jerma dead among us continued cumming inside anime girls mouth pussy anus pepe mighty hero went help people gnome noggin clontith walked home feeling safe hope liked ops story epic it,0 +please tell iteverything hurts feel alone cant burden friends roommate went omegle tlak anyone might understand thats first met girl fell love whos put guess thought maybe could happen instead multiple people told kill see im drinking room alone trying numb working im dizzy pain want stop want stop,1 +im sick thisive left friend today cant much mean talk week even much work spends rest time boyfriend even said sorry neglecting friendship connections i guess me friend too used talk lot more best friend im best friend at least said that feel freaking lonely without her feel like thinks important once killing me person anymore friend her mom loves course like get things chest anything like that know all trust her perfect mom really good friend someone talk stuff like that first time thinking redflag im weak anything unless painless firearm annoying feeling able anything find another relatively painless method cant either live alone sad,1 +need help help finding love pleaseanyone,0 +petition change other flair subreddit otter sign show support,0 +@AngelinaHayes thanks for the follow look forward o your tweets ,0 +havent eaten yet todayi havent done anything wrong situation im girl causing depression right still genuinely dont believe deserve eat,1 +In the cab on the way to fiddler had cocktailes at panthers ,0 +i moved i cut off my toxic friend i made new one i got a new job got a new boyfriend im going back to school in the fall im in recovery from my eating disorder i ve done everything i could to stop these thought of killing myself i don t believe medication could help me at this point i ve been on three different one now like six different therapist a well i think im destined to die by my own hand maybe people like me weren t meant to live long and i think im starting to accept that i feel like i ve been dying for so long it feel like an eternal fall that i ve been trying to regain my balance from my whole life but there s no stopping it now i wa doomed from the start,1 +@DavidArchie I'm watching too. I hope you're enjoying your time here. Have you ever tried eating menudo? It's my favorite food ,0 +someone help im homework need two items portable help survival chances zombie apocalypse also easy break simple materials like latex iron woodetc heres ive got far baseball bat hotdogs oil steak bricks axe machete please help,0 +thing holding back happen dieim afraid death redflag thing holding back happen jump punished taking life god like sleeping ive thinking months still cant settle answer reason live parents terrible figures traumatized since born dad delusional raging alcoholic jumps opportunity break dishes humiliate us eyes neighbors one time brought bottle superglue aampc project accused mother poisoning food it mother submissive overdramatic woman may sound unfair mother seeing victim side parent fight begging pleading forgiveness bawling eyes verbally assaulted one traumatizing sights think of given school social life too friends talk anyone even though grades pretty good since abandoned group friends online friends shared lot issues even though extremely loyal great friends snapped once said sorts things cant bring face anymore even im sure theyll take back instantly get mad anyone tries talk seconds im frustrated lack emotion constant anger occasional sadness know english my th language far better mother tongue ever talked aforementioned group friends never compatriots meaningful future due abysmal social skills know kind replies want post im really posting vent thank reading,1 +comes goesone day ill great time friends playing games days want cut ties everything stop existing,1 +dad really knows ruin everyones day woke morning shirtless way garage cut hair i buzz cut cut myself getting lil longer id like walk garage room greet im going garage goes put shirt cold there said its ok im cutting hair who tf wears shirt theyre cutting hair gets itchy him saying disrespectful rebuttal walk away go get shirt step mom arguing morning ruined theyre pissed other im confused,0 +almost expelled school today inch switchblade class math class today minding business pencil tip broke sharpener arent allowed use ones school used house key break away wood around graphite class got went la nbd right then nowhere three police officers dean surrounding telling follow them extreme social anxiety scary fuck anyway marched deans office told take sweatshirt empty pockets one officers bag search dean starts yelling asking knife standing confused hell try clear everything eventually explaining used key inch switchblade makes angry tells keep lying expelled stick story get friend come relay story witness turns girl melanie thought would funny lie massive switchblade fucktarded reason suspended days it im glad didnt find underfolding akm hidden compartment bag,0 +heres song lyrics im feeling songs cheer sometimes dont wanna hear drama check aint right aint commas know saying shes faithful lying like osama miss obama went dramas got sauna better come get cause ho us got bitch samoa look like moana,0 +depardieus notorious film groundbreaker bertrand blier features many highly sexual scenes verging xrating including one jeanne moreau hot s version jules jim menage trois two hairy french hippies depardieu deware thing sacred territory film everything fair gamebr br its odd americans tend like film much many french people ive met consider classic something goes americans programmed likebr br gerard late patrick deware two bitchslapping hippy drifters many sexual insecurities going around molesting women committing petty crimes theyre kicks anticapitalist eurocommie slacker freedom blier satirizes hell two guys time making bourgeois society look ultimately much ridiculous best though way wonderful stephane grappelli score conveys restless soul drifters deeper subconscious awareness higher ideal motivates follies engage in,0 +plan cannot wait execute iti getting car soon money buy counter drug lethal taken high amounts getting car within months cannot wait already written note phone counting days stop suffering,1 +"My sister has referred all motherly duties to me, for her daughter. She doesn't wanna hear about marital problems bc she gets over worries and gets actual depression. My niece won't go to the other 2 aunts bc ones silly and ones too hot headed. Im the cool headed wisdomous one ",1 +guys need advice get girl sorry seeming needy really want gamer girl like like back want mess like many times,0 +Nothing special. ,0 +question teens horny af ones sub,0 +best film one best s yes rip goodfellas saying goes good poets borrow great poets steal pta stolen brilliantly best plus added genius touches own gave ten which rare mebr br the main reason commenting though cause could rave night people seen vhs standard issuewhat thinking deserves full screen experience look ratio shot in saw times cinema bothered watch videobr br nuff said,0 +motherland german army march ampxb httpspreviewredditwahiusskpngwidthampformatpngampautowebpampsfebcfddcaa,0 +kal penn you were pretty much my fave not much reason to watch now,0 +honestly worth painmy mom noticed cuts arm burning skin eraser questioned kid told able that said arm itched used pencil took skin honesty want come clean im self harming see therapist want anymore getting worse im really unhappy call minutes phone cant call hotline cant text either going use friends phone dead really want talk someone hotline,1 +Up was great I quite enjoyed it.,0 +heard theres no emoji rule ,0 +picture walked away kinds ocars best director john ford actor victor mclaglen music max seiner victor mclaglengypo nolan call marines gave outstanding performance irish rebel belonged rough tough crowd fighting cause time getting poorer poorer plenty drinking gypo nolan made bad mistake decided become informer best friend order take trip gal america new way living preston foster don gallagherguadalcanal diary gave great supporting role leader irish rebellion anxious capture informer group gypo nolan becomes haunted betrayal friend begins feel like judas great film wonderful acting mclaglen rather depressing every aspect film,0 +im tiredim tired life last years used time happy time distant memory suffer anxiety ocd god damn every day battle brings past year actually getting better started making friends started working out even fell love tore apart life hit much past period am rock bottom again cant anymore im tired,1 +"Things are different this month - your girls losing weight, skin is glowing, I'm taking heads on fortnite, I have a job interview tomorrow, depression isn't glooming over my shoulder pic.twitter.com/8PnyKwpJqA",1 +"@benuski im glad it was worth it, cuz you missed ice cream, rockband, and monty python! ",0 +need couragei want dead never wake dont courage kill myself get courage actually kill myself,1 +birthday filler filler filler turned today simultaneously feels wrong like close adult also glad things like drive senior high school know right feel right,0 +so many thing from my childhood i haven t gotten over because i never addressed them and i ve just been so emotional i don t really have anyone to talk to or turn to and time like these i wish i could just have a hug and know that i am loved by someone my anxiety is getting unbearable and the ocd is getting worse i am an adult now but my mind still doesn t feel developed i think i had a lot of comprehension issue when i wa a child and they never got resolved so now i m an adult and i can t understand simple thing because i overthink or i can t focus on what s being said it s caused me a lot of frustration i just started a a cashier today and my anxiety wa through the roof i don t get thing fast like everyone else it s like some part of my brain are active and the other part are just dead or foggy that s how i ve felt my whole life and looking back at how i handled school work it wa so obvious i probably had adhd or something but in my family it wa looked at a bad to be anything besides normal so i could play my disability off well and just pretend but because of that it s catching up to me in my adult life i really just want to vent to someone because i honestly have no one to talk to i don t even know if this is the right thread but i just have no one,1 +groomed several men last year proud it fuck is married also damn,0 +"@rgutel Making a YouTube video of your ultrasounds does NOT make you a dork, it makes you a MOM. ",0 +On way to Birmingham.. Sewing in the van. Punk. ,0 +micameli my friend wa supposed to be having one but it hasn t been arranged yet,0 +okay ill admit kids never would seen film would never see it but considering rotten kids movies seen such spy kids babe pig city significant improvement and enough totally bored skull contemplated suicide something repeatedly two movies sure performances pretty broad plot kinda sillybut kids film and compared films genre definitely better average frankie muniz amanda bines actually appear talent probably continue careers pubertyat least infomercials voiceoversbr br so looking film see kids certainly could lot worse,0 +@ddlovato hey demi i hope i get to meet you again this summer you're such a sweet girl ,0 +among us made among us discord people find others play with link,0 +shotgun shellsit feels almost surreal years ago access pitiful knifes even rope home access arguably guaranteed lethal method there equally relieving terrifying close,1 +May I remind you pips. Depression is not a joke. And it will never be a joke.,1 +going deeper deeper hell going hell keep going ,1 +not having clothes is sending me into a state of depression that ion like,1 +mandy moore quot cry quot http twt fm 009 quot a walk to remember quot by far my favorite movie so sad i cried like a baby,0 +embarrassing ask this want know sometimes feel like suffering depression know sure know depression,1 +quick reminder even though may seem like were golden age public highschool right school option either online classes person chose person getting bored hanging people everyday may realize school like mine work done electronically even things like notes worksheets basically ask guidance counselor sign online classes still option go school school like mine make argument case pops allowed show days still need get work done get best worlds want go weeknight cool stay home next day make sure log core classes everything need do wake feel like gaming day fuxking man ones stopping now shit easily cheesed feels like school formality point,0 +@snowleopardess Had to give him a good rub down with a towel and a quick back scratching brush followed by some doggy treat biscuits. ,0 +teacher wore pants zoom class everybody saw yesterday first online history music class zoom teacher used two devices computer see us phone hear us however phone camera pointed directly crotch wearing pants minutes host one students blocked phones video image stuck minds,0 +wanna tatoo cuts handhello fellow depressed redditors issues self harm whenever look cuts feel useless depressed suicidal wanna tatoo hand least partialy covers make feel bad cut destroy also make smile give something idk u guys sugestions it needs something covers hand palm elbow least space,1 +"@howlertwit pretty lazy thanx, to be cont. today no doubt! ",0 +im lonely stressedi stuck subjects high school absolutely hate cannot even change them everyday got school feel isolated everyone even though friends stressful year everyone terms studies dont wanna bother friends problems hate every moment school even though parents supportive point even cant anything worst part brother like best friend recently went away college feel like ive lost person could talk to dont anything look forward career friends future dont think reason apart mother would convince live,1 +let people kill themselvesi wonder people anaunce wanting end life people people try encourage go ahead mean life like alive business that like im threthening hurt others life,1 +the italian among great neargreat films available today year turning point featurelength film especially america lois webers hypocrites cecil b demilles the cheat and course dw griffiths the birth nation set new benchmarks art additionally year russian filmmaker yevgeni bauer made two best pictures after death daydreams french serial les vampires also admirers today although disagree them emergence featurelength film led europe mainly denmark france italy dominance market and degree art shifted across atlantic br br the overriding artistic achievement the italian stunning often innovative cinematography picturesque sunsets mobile framing including brief overhead angled shot italian racing buy wedding ring another shot holding onto moving car and general wise use varied camera angles expert lighting throughout especially amazing shot closeup italian enraged slowly approaches camera extreme closeup reference dw griffiths musketeers pig alley hes enraged environment even begins shake around angerbr br unfortunately cinematographer appears unknown director although originally without credit film known reginald barker five films made ince also available today rather unremarkable civilization worked on large production deeply flawed movie way id guess one various cinematographers worked civilization also photographed the italianbr br moreover entire production advanced then venice new york well rendered despite film shot los angeles for romanticized venice san francisco for ethnic slums new york extensive flashbacks although perhaps one two many especially like clever framing narrative read book character played actor george beban also lead inner main narrative reading story briefly framed opening beginning closing end curtain drapes la theatre reflected within inner story revenge climax childs room opening closing window curtains parallel editing incamera dissolves irises handled expertly additionally beban clara williams wife play parts wellbr br on hand the italian drawbacks films early moments comedy clash rather disharmoniously latter parts harsh heavy melodrama although environmental changes romanticized italy naturalistic new york works wellmostly supported lighting photography harsh dissolution american dream film enhanced stark photography must poignant immigrant classes comprised disproportionately large population moviegoing public back then corrigan character foreshadowed more brief introduction campaigning another politician seems inadequate later centrality italians revenge addition filmmakers either medically naf careless explain lack breastfeeding infant unwarranted faith healing powers quietness child aside deficiencies plot the italian exceptionally well made,0 +need advice trying make things worseive given worthless life accepted things never get better trying make things worse drive redflag think much worse could make life,1 +boys vs girls chad meme idk keep seeing threads people hate it pretty funny im big relate normie girls usually seems like showing girls normal boys top stupid kinda funny think kinda stupid people see boys cool quirky girls boring lame seems like silly overrreaction kinda see like women live longer men meme realized used word kinda lot kinda means might phrasing badly idk bye,0 +mg oxy alcoholis enough q,1 +please come spoon gear sing hey spoon dj misfit podcast come join live stream httpsspoonclickus_live_,0 +hi peeps peepettes discord server friends r trying get new peoplee chat send memes play games like minecraft among us overwatch stuff going on commitment guys girls welcome dm link d,0 +feel like failed lifeevery aspect life feels like failure social life go dead end customer service job days week year old loser virgin never even held females hand accepted always alone almost cope fact one feel sort attraction towards degree accounting supposed good degree never single job joke every job dead end zero opportunity growth perform tasks meaningless busywork current job good company work position customer service rep dead end worthless position company try try apply job even closely related accounting company move up every time get rejected think dying every day failed socially career wise always thought degree specially accounting would net least middle class paying job guess not everyone team dropped college never even went it feel like clown even attend university for want worthless existence end,1 +really happy yea really happy right now yup,0 +day writing something positive happened today english class really really fun today discussed topics everyone interested in,0 +worst still trying hold onthe heaviness settling in eyelids heavyonly sleep wanted body heavy acheyeven smallest movement considerable effort mind heavy perception distorted motivation simplest things scarce eating chore ive lost good amount weight physically hurts smile attempts end tears confuses kiddo usually gets bad easier shrug store away past weeks harder getting worse im longer able remain numb ward sadness husband knows something wrong doesnt know help decade feeling helpless understandably hes it kiddo helps keep grounded stay away thoughts guide end pain all lately heaviness making harder mother want her knowing distortion whats making feel like burden everyone completely worthless lighten load,1 +feeling better commiserating alli know why spending time among people understand feel kind uplifting im currently working certification basically pages work left wonder ill able finish deadline ill fail again therapy tomorrow least im forced brush teeth go outside,1 +Leaving Victoria on Oxford Tube. Next stop lunch! ,0 +Howitzer a.k.a "Howie" is playing with Sam in the Sun http://apps.facebook.com/dogbook/profile/view/4917440,0 +whatever do stop watching think movie over hang around first batch credits really miss something saw movie savanaah film festival thought best bunch dreya weber marvel really performance pull far ground qa said wires effects everything see really going it addie make festival dancing madonna excellent and gawd beautiful amazed film went well blue haired lady crowd it savannnah backwater,0 +guys girl reddit repeats unfunny joke talks shit aint know depressed steals intellectual property virgin cant decide super edgy super sensitive puts effort anything and owned thats girl thats rteenagers,0 +im scaredi wish tomorrow weekday could schedule doctors appointment got inpatient place committed took emergency room suicidal weeks ago love myself know happening me ruining life cant get things anymore want die idk im hungry swear im drugs anything least sleeping meds time went hospital last time slept probably hours days somekne response please im hungry im cold live weird extended stay hotel freeway major coty chore go get food kitchen,1 +@frumousme yeah there are so many of us angry feeters Tim's THAT good lol... I have been good I go on I just havent posted for a while,0 +well hello rain... this is mother nature's way of forcing me to wear my hair curly to formal tonight! haha ,0 +I liked a @YouTube video http://youtu.be/kSvJDeXnwXc?a  Mensutra on Kapil Sharma's Depression and Phone Call Controversy!,1 +worried pen pali talking pen pal almost year now talk daily lately responses got kind short also noticed liking lot posts instagram page seems glorifying depression redflag know person feels rather isolated frankly worried even posted meme profile jokes when dead find funny way cry help deal this way side world ask this even get honest answer,1 +theekween depression le anxiety thelmasherbs,1 +stephenkruiser i am so sorry to hear that take care,0 +biking is hard ya ll,0 +would spend last day doingive thought lot seems like huge deal,1 +just feel like total shit honestly nobody text me it feel like nobody want anything to do with me i m just so fucking lonely all i want is somebody to hold me and tell me it s okay but i m so afraid of letting people see me broken my friend kept trying to talk to me earlier he said i seemed out of it which i wa but i just said i wa fine and pretended i wasn t bothered i honestly don t know how much longer i can handle feeling like this feeling so lonely and broken i just wish i had somebody in my life who would talk to me and keep my occupied and make me feel wanted i m such an asshole i killed the vibe when i wa with my friend earlier and now they probably won t want to hangout or talk to me anymore i feel like such a failure and just wish i could die in my sleep sometimes i just don t want to do it anymore,1 +im gonna fucking kmsi one lifes worthless fuck reaching stupid talkings complete waste time never fucking helped see bunch stupid fucking strangers internet gonna help im better dead doubt anyone even affected care know what fuck life fucking bullshit give flying fuck anymore soon write im gone,1 +want friends family sadearlier today decided wanted take life planned take full bottle xanax lying around old norcos drink handle whiskey slowly see could keep eyes open wrote letter telling certain people loved fault im sorry ive become unhappy person ive become selfish lack sense selfcontrol huge burden ones ive loved want keep them want worry put aside time comfort give someone talk to know ive disappointed hurt times cant bare person anymore hard knowing family close friends might blame want okay this want badly let know fault best want remember friend brother son always happygolucky used humor coping mechanism tried best good person right thing wanted make people happy help around me want remember part me want sad dwell could done something wrong fault im sorry reddit know post lost thousands posts people deserving help figured someone might read one day hope would understand mean sorry again,1 +happy christmas people happy christmas hope yall good one fillllllllllllllllllllllllller,0 +done lifeim tired im feeling nothing regret failure depression overall point know find sometime future feel even care id rather move on im scared hurt want to im considering it especially want bring family down thats thought keeping alive right now fear thought fade away love them fucking hate life,1 +nasa lost raw footage from the apollo mission http www wired com wired archive 0 nasa html,0 +day wanking never started never long looking porn isnt sin im cool go heaven,0 +@deecho can't wait. & I'll cook something for ya.,0 +thinking getting withnothing ever seems truly improve cant even indulge hobbies id like im fucking failure want die hurt anymore im lonely im empty motivation gone even tried call national redflag hotline woman answered condescending right away whats fucking point im alive want be im alive others make feel guilty wanting die,1 +got formal invitation what am i gon na do about my date i should ve said to put quot nick amp guest quot,0 +"@LucasMartell Thx 4 following! After hearing you on #TWIM and seeing your podcasts, u r some what of a personal hero ",0 +dont need sleep need answers dont understand second rule drop food ground pick seconds drop seconds timer restart still edible,0 +Curled up in bed bein' cozy ,0 +nothing left hereim dyspraxic learn drive job skills towards getting one driving kind like sex either high school amp experienced amp reaping benefits that missed never able it incidentally never relationship either partially due insecurities relationships home life growing im female btw fwiw im gonna spend life adult baby cant go trips everyone else seems going on mountains exciting new towns etc instead im stuck home id never matured past middle school fuck that thats fucking me care making ppl sad crying help though im sorry make anyone sad want out,1 +got offered go harvard im stressed plan life hi name sebastian lozano im year old dj learning music producer im good debate strong public speaker im gpa sophomore october got offered opportunity lifetime got offered scholarship would give full ride year degree choice colleges ranked top nation fill application properly hope get selected scholarship im hard worker school dont issues school work all however get accepted plan life im really good reasoning quickly forming opinion using statistics verified data provided ive always told id good lawyer ive always wanted lawyer thus decided go college get year political science degree then go law school using another scholarship getting jd law school take bar exam lot know work study hard pass everything faced with officially becoming lawyer join big law firm work seasoned lawyers learn gain experience field work lawyer reach use plan created run presidency united states plan lengthy wont include here im also trying find time serve military may join usmc college thats need help join usmc really want serve ive always wanted to im reaching age enlistment really want join basically life become lawyer serving country becoming president sounds simple say that understand itll long strenuous road need suggest do thank reading,0 +three day since my last tweet and no concern i could have been dead peep the reality is i forgot my password,0 +"@bulletproofexec Not sure about something this extreme,"" but the reasoning makes perfect sense. would like a study about anxiety as well. Use infants with """" Colic"""" or other associated digestive issues v. """"Healthy"""" kids"",Track them and see which ones develop anxieties/ depression",1 +crush called come house know sees friend house yesterday really sure obvious hints signals like you,0 +im okay right nowf ive depressed probably nearly half life now point hard imagine happy every day see friends living carefree life every single thing fucking ruined either anxiety able get couch somewhere last schoolyear anxiety got point panic attacks basically every day ended going school six months told would better afterwards suprise isnt see future myself know im ever going get anywhere im fucking useless theres litterally nothing change it past weeks ive thinking redflag basically every day imagining happy would let fall window bad before back always felt barrier holding back right clue go on im lucky supportive family know convey want comforting simultaneously want suffer want suffering end im lost right know do clue im posting this want get chest,1 +is planning stuff for this week... ,0 +went run rained hard shirt soaked white shirt thank god wearing bra even though bright pink embarrassing like check weather going run,0 +so last year i made two attempt one after the other and i ve been going to the psychiatrist and psychologist ever since thank goodness i m feeling a little bit better but everytime i get sick and take medicine my stomach act up and i get diarrhea i don t know if this is the right place to ask but if anybody is a doctor could i ask you if this are psychological sequel or body sequel since my method both time wa through overdosing a bunch of pill,1 +gotta go dentist next week cavities theyre using laughing gas extreme phobia deal it,0 +Night my little twitterbirds...xoxo it's been fun! thanks for the laughs! Talk2ya later muah,0 +understand words come pouring cunt mouth im gonna eat every fucking chicken room,0 +study hall teacher sexual assaulted kid find happen year ago randomly came mind chilling found word mouth former study hall teacher kids thats heard day one could stop making jokes talking save life study class like th year math grades taking nose dive dumbass wanted stay in hes bail set still pin time im gunna adult,0 +in the morning and i can t sleep,0 +Emily is confused over food. I love her ,0 +lol that feel when the depression hits u in d face right when ur about to study,1 +first off i m not saying being gay is bad few day ago i got a random intrusive thought what if i m gay and it got me anxiety for this couple of day now i tried to look at handsome men i felt maybe admiration of their look and wanted to be like them or false attraction with guilt disgusted and felt bad this intrusive thought made me doubt my sexuality and if i really am attracted to woman i tried watching gay porn if i get turnedon i didn t and i felt disgusted and weirded out no offense i tried to watch woman masturbating and it turned me on instantly i am really scared to be gay because i want to have a wife and child when i grow up am i overreacting am i straight or gay english is not my first language,1 +"@keirikyoki hahahaha, yea i remember that ",0 +says 2 Setonians from batch 2009 will be studying in Assumption Pia and Charmzz http://plurk.com/p/y4s3k,0 +man did i had a wacky dream this early morning loggin here look like at is spamming me with update,0 +@JMartorelli Yes ma'am I will. He also brings wonderful people in to my life to remind me. Thanks. Have a blessed day ,0 +anyone ever notice emoji looks like someone giving shrek bj,0 +crying car abandoned parking lot cant explain goodbad feels right now havent cried years lost emotion least know still some wish someone rn cause im gonna go drive movie bit buy pretzels,0 +ironically my fear of loneliness is what kill my healthiest friendship in the end i love the world so much i really do enjoy being alive sometimes but it s not worth the time when i feel like everything is crashing down on me that s been every day lately on and off for year my greatest fear is being a burden on other people and i m a burden on everyone i know i ve had bad patch before and thing got better but knowing there will be a bad patch again make the joy feel empty i m so stupid i am trying to arrange thing so they hurt everyone a little a possible i know this will hurt many people i love i feel like such an evil person i cry too much i m cry writing this i wish i wa stronger and not so afraid all the time,1 +i m waiting for a parcel and it s just not arriving argh hurry up hurry up,0 +like im allowed happyive wanted die before hindsight im pretty sure never would done it given circumstances time though ive never felt unwanted worthless life past weeks ive basically watched life fall apart front eyes ive gone waking morning smile face hopefulness excitement day even waking up im sad angry wound sleep days motivation go work except fact im irritated simply get bed get first bus morning work cannot stand lie tormented mind longer whole situation feeling like began girlfriend first real one wanted kind future with decides break me text im work understandably causes great deal stress emotion much go home cannot cope office longer next day boss calls meeting regarding leaving early previous day dosent end well going though lot shit work time anyway help long story short ive told im basically going lose job within next month girlfriend also timed perfectly along this friends reason cannot figure decided distance want associate me ive gone enjoying life great love social life relatively stable job hating life shit little time much honestly know do feels like soon life gets good something or case whole fucking load things come along fuck me really like im allowed happy want anymore,1 +anyone relateholding tears much head pounding ,1 +"As Game 7 begins, I'm going to get real with you all for a second. This has been the most challenging year of my life. As many of you know, I struggle with anxiety and depression daily. While on prior medication (heavy Lexapro and Proplanolol), I forgot how to function.",1 +amber heard seen memes bitch want say insulting female dogs dogs higher level her call something else thank you,0 +always feel like family friends hate me know get this bad place mentally take little sign meaning going leave me finally making new friends feel like going fuck bc mental health fact cannot believe deserve good things therapy days bad place cannot function feel like everyone hates me,1 +is not looking forward to working today,0 +usnoochipmunks liar really posts rthathappened content unreal extent he poured piss brothers drink bs course cannot prove anything chance someone slim he thought fridge lame fix basic imagination come valid explanation fridge supposedly years suddenly change flavor ones favorite drink total lack imagination going lie least well brother shaves head come reason write another bs post get rewards he received rewards last month usnoochipmunks account created less month ago probably alt account sole purpose face backlash people call bullshit stuff kid faked cancer alt account majority subreddit eats shit every single time rteenagers content farm rthathappened,0 +just violated the tuner rule dont buy non performance part sorry ima buy the air filter next time,0 +hello everyone i just want to share a quick post with you all anxiety is such a disabling state to be in it crushed my life for some time causing a series of tragedy in my life i wa able to cure myself completely of all anxiety forever because i did it i know all can do it it take mental sacrifice and self discipline first i found that anxiety is closely related to thought thought of the past and thought of the future i sat in silence for a long time watching the thought the emotion that came with it until i realized that thought do one thing they take you out of reality reality is now now in this very moment a thought carry a tag with it a tag of past or future something will not go right in the future for you something terrible may happen how do i avoid this impending disaster what will i do i found that when these thought occurred nothing terrible wa actually happening to me we are only imagining something terrible happening it is almost like daydreaming it is not real further it go against reality the future is not here only now is here whatever now is for you maybe this laptop a screen a wall an iphone in a car that s where you really are bring yourself to the present moment where you are always real true and safe similarly with the past it doesn t exist now i know you will say it doe but when you think of anything in the past you are imagining it now remembering is imagining it is a thought if you don t believe me go in the mirror look at yourself and tell me if you have any past hanging off of you do you see it anywhere do you see the future anywhere or do you just see yourself now a you are safe in the mirror thought are not you they are seen by you and you have the power to simply ignore it if it suck you in become conscious of the now where you can bring yourself back to safety lastly i found out the greatest truth in the universe through spiritual contemplation meditation stillness and surrender i found that this world and my body are not who i am that i am the light that shine on all experience the light that illuminates thought and even illuminates my body my identity shifted behind me to the great mystery of life i now know that whatever happens is not under my control in life i am just the light and this light embrace and becomes everything in the universe aye the universe is contained in this light and we are it therefore whatever may happen to my body to my illusory identity it totally fine because i have always been here and will always be here so will you because it is all one thing you can not be told this or learn it you just have to find yourself or rather lose yourself your identity your belief it is a process of humility humbleness internal poverty and surrender become nothing and you will find that you are everything that ever is wa or shall be you are all safe everywhere blessing and love for you all,1 +know anyone else experienced this ever suicidal thoughts sake them randomly thinking almost glorifying head weird suicidal ideation reason all,1 +see point anymorei laugh smile enjoy things one really notices cares do anything anyone whats point,1 +@31B4 the Wii is the cheapest of the three. Hmmmmm...... ,0 +didnt want post didnt want seem like looking attention really wanted place talk wasnt known really see redflag answer im feel like solution mum alcoholic reason im still isbecause take care little sister rly thing keeping here,1 +is watching the first episode of glee. Just the first 5 minutes is enough for her to watch every single episode. ,0 +funny would former power ranger using theyre stunt man training rob ppl h,0 +im feeling suicidalive hospitalised twice last weeks severe depression suicidal thoughts anxiety fianc broken me absolute mess one someone please tell ok broken,1 +ubopireew wants straight guy fuck someone go fuck lol ampxb wait never happen rtard,0 +Okay everyone c: i'm gonna try to get some sleep so can get to school early. Boo night every one. @TehStalker skills XD poor thumb.,0 +would consider cutting someone specials name toxic ex cut time clean wasnt cut initial thigh broke kinda caused relapse got new bf really wanna carve name arm im scared hell think im gonna toxic boyfriend advice pls lt,0 +panic captivating blurredgenre film brooding conflicted middle aged hitmans reconciliation infatuation younger uninhibited hairstylist love wife son duty employerfather identity although film nebulous purpose ambiguous ending superb production almost aspects characters clarity sincerity improbable story may fascinate annoy audiences,0 +especially sleeping day either goes fast slow time realise weeks gone past struggle remember hell long time weird thing,1 +@31B4 everyone can see your house.... feeling awkward now? Live on post no street view allowed ,0 +boredd colddd internet keep stuffing up,0 +likely succeed hangingim attempting,1 +depression is slowly crippling me seems only days I leave the house is when I work otherwise im in bed,1 +epic story epicness online friend felt bad friends tried introduce best friends random ass reason got mad one told ip stuff delete server friends felt uncomfortable fucking genius innit fucked possibility new friends,0 +Going to bed. Night guys! ,0 +looking old photo albums today oh dear fuck jesus name aleluia amen glory god help wanna hideeeee never come outside embarrassing like,0 +really tiredi cannot deal anything mental illnesses completely take fucking energy make getting job impossible that every single attempt get job never good enough people charge giving out im forced live bigoted parents deny every single chance get result try force reality perceptions onto me cannot get matter hard try ampxb lost grandma last month im dealing potentially give cat love most gotten single message people close two weeks social media quiet unusual tempting walk pond either drown let gators make meal whatever comes first tempting go find way catch covid isolate myself die that decided im thinking eating drinking anything least one people comes back someone affiliated lets know well kill never come back too tired,1 +really getting head againive done much progress self improvement keep getting lows redflag mind again im lonely feels like cant happy need someone talk to dobt know really express person need love feels like ive gone entire life without it im outsider wherever go family school friend group want love jo matter hard feels like work cant get it im important family im important friends im important anyone,1 +my depression and self harm are at an all time high and today i woke up and decided to give myself two black eye by punching myself repeatedly until swollen cu i wan na look a bad a i feel now my boyfriend just got home and he s super angry at me how do i explain to this nigga it s my body my choice and he shouldn t be upset cu it s life man he got with someone year ago that is severely fucked up and now he s shocked that i m doing fucked up shit like wtf type nigga is he,1 +good evening twit mean reddit ya boy uhemlock_deci like minutes ago beat fuck dick god damn hard left leg gone completely numb and dick also went numb point feels weird try take piss yes posted remember nnn starts tomorrow started places already,0 +tpmp divizio nous demandons la production que delormeau soit suspendu de cette mission et que cyril hanouna et c s excusent publiquement aupr s de tous le enfants qui sont suivie en p dopsychiatrie et qui sont en d pression cause du covid je pense emma de tout c ur avec elle,1 +behind bruised hurts walk google help,0 +mizzzidc lol imagine depression nge nike niyaperforma thixo,1 +cannot believe low scores movie probable reason low number votes meaning people seen it simply fantastic movie many stories interwined within complicated character grows movie experience undergoing life changes scenery simply amazing end credits best ever movie seen just like shakespeare play yes little dated filmed issues characters face current could filmed without modifications story line raul julia amazing best role ever movie signature piece young molly ringwald excellent matures girl young woman susan sarandon perfect young carefree woman john cassavetes force puts together favor find movie view enjoy it come back imdb score movie top time really belongs,0 +guess preface saying talking work damned stubborn baseless negative thoughts want burden mom telling anything get therapist way guess ill list mistakes led here well school well enough go good college good college good job shame rest life older sister flourishes fear going end like deadbeat dad id rather die leech others like does good person downer anything useful offer anyone entirely replaceable grandma died days ago grandpa probably far behind probably thing slightly control though spend much time thembut suppose cannot complain many people suffered much worse still loved life useless coward giving up hydrocodone overdose looking really tempting right now ill tell stupid little story try properly plan death time,1 +ahhh you know it's going to be a good day when you aren't nursing a hangover ,0 +would die instantly sticking fork toaster socketi hear people often but asking,1 +guess song aint tellin im finna im beyond fuck shit hey lil mama would like sunshine person touch gang gon turn shit columbine ice neck cost ten times three thirty thousand dollars nigga get flee hit rodo spent like ten gs,0 +much bad world coward bother trying keep living see point know trying,1 +well itif check past posts see wife rough time lately tonight especially rough got angry guy keeps talking displayed anger putting fist threw wall says need regain trust steps forward steps back im tired cant win give up ive already taken many pills evening im taking more hopefully wake up fuck it,1 +want die alonemy aunt diedmy grandpa diedmy cousin diednothing anythingi need end hellhole call lifesomeone shoot fucking head alreadyi nothing live forim fatim uglyim nothingi want die edge oblivioni want known useless piece shit hate life,1 +reason herei want die want hurt feel anything want go sleep one night dont want wake emotions hard confusing painful dont want hold anymore want happily ever see tv find love nothing goes wrong wont hate alive theres much like idk well know dont dont anything sit cry hurt want go bed already last time whos gonna miss every friend would rather hang anyone im last choice friend never check ask one person loved everything never enough want high right want drug find wake next morning want shoot head never hurt,1 +@HillaO I guess ,0 +teenager opinion wasnt allowed unpopular cuz ban wasnt racist george floyd killed unrightfully thats police brutality know black doesnt make race problem literally highly doubt police killed racist cuz didnt race inferior mentality them something terrible race literally every race including whites died way george reason say lives matter cuz literally every race dealing it could use house fire concept house fire wont water houses fire youd water house fire ok multiple houses fires want save,0 +need somebody vent heartbreakthis throwaway obvious reasons couple months ago hurt somebody dear me person suicidal depression low self esteem time made mistake finally gained trust built stable relationship them ruin all couldve happy together ruined it gaining trust took hard work many ups downs ruined everything became worse anything ive ever experienced them heartache lasted months time believe ive developed anxiety depression though guess cant sure know ive mentle breakdowns hate much point feel like dying sometimes recently theyve decided heartache worth found someone replace me also told theyre fully yet decided deserved replaced owe help move me since fault tried best help replaced like much handle ended abandoning instead never done it theyll harder time without theres fair possibility theyll kill themself decided leave life guilt uncertainty much handle ive found crying many times one day keep track now ive tried reaching want nothing told cant promise theyll ok also want life anymore know anymore move on know talk need help pain much,1 +i would know if i had a brain damage injury anyersum or my brain is bleeding in the past like month ago my ex boyfriend would punch me in the head pull my hair one time he punched me really hard i had a bump and a extreme headache for day it went away i never went to get it checked because it went away something would have happened by then right if i wa bleeding or had something going on from then on i been stressed and i have headache everyday mainly at a certain time i been diagnosed with anxiety and panic disorder i just need reassurance im okay right i wa playing a game on my phone all of a sudden my head started feeling really tight and weird anyways the point is is the stress causing it he used to hit my head alot the last time wa like month ago but before that too other than the concussion i felt fine would i have blacked out if it wa bad enough to do damage i never did i been fine but i started having headache reccently maybe stress im fine right plz give me reasssurace answer this i would know if i had a brain bleed how long after a accident can ur brain bleed,1 +hey im irish wanna friends irish people pretty cool,0 +u ask someone prescription adderal one time n sudden ur junkie using truly hate filler filler filler,0 +want dieas title states it want die ive antidepressants three years now thought could handle since cant afford eventually make enough money get meds wrong cant get job one wants hire person spotty resume im unmotivated anything lost motivation determination work art get things like find lost cat clean crappy apartment makes worse memory slowly fading im barely remember last week roommates say chose different soup day even though sure chose certain one wanted im useless society want end life end coma want stop existing itd better wasnt around roommates would happier gone id cause less trouble id less burden already am,1 +syekr is myki really horrible,0 +fuck you fuck me fuck everything tried hard going give may well fucking suffer fuck here fuck here fucking ask this fucking human make mistakes fuck supposed do die like fuck point guys kill myself fuck point make point well ya see everytime try one thing important gone longer fucking happy more fuck learned stocks stuff fucking rich guess could sleep life away fuck everyone biggest fuck goes me fuck me fuck everything,1 +realized ive holding pencil wrong entire life people hold pencil top middle finger ive holding top ring finger bruh,0 +tell mom would rather deadim pretty sure feel way motivation anything im faced kind task think much would rather alive right now thing stopping ending fear pain dying along whatever comes afterwards,1 +come attention according reddit statistics people view posts dont actullally follow me youre seeing post trust could check would amazing sometimes reddit glitches removed following could check still would poggers,0 +suicidal thoughts constantly coming backso suffering depression long time now nearing years good days feel overwhelmed thinking many things money friends work home things stable home years moving time nothing left pre years old financial future next years least due really unluckystupid seems every single financial obligation make goes tits up end debt nothing show it weather non fault car crash leaving k debt even though insured overdraft still high drug abuse years ago feel burden best friends live offered them im dealing transitioning years still tough fighting tooth nail basic treatment possible sustain place want quality life im single cant earn good enough income part family raised dead part different people cant connect with genuinely want die every pain ache ive felt ive hoped cancer incurable thing excuse die cant speak anyone person it feel like cant want attention ice spoken feelings recent past imagine talking people know take it week occasionally feel happy whole feel sick waste space go away ,1 +ive enough fight smallest things politics one them like why end day human bleed red breathe oxygen live earth constantly hate other get people stupid pretty hard reason with mean people share opinion belief exact them divide bring eachother together care color skin is believe in like gender is political ideology is long treat like fellow human understand hard kind certain people get itd lot easier walked away instead making worse able hate anything everything want cant tell people hate something hate dont thats really uncool trans rightsblack rightslgbt rights womens rights exist last time checked humans human rights like everyone else unless things changed longer humans know im going get hate care ive many nights ive cried sleep thought killing fucking divided im wrong side apparently fault certain things happen go ahead hate me im stating opinion come together instead dividing other,0 +wooooo fucking it finally got recommended hours sleep teenagers need les gooooo,0 +seriously normal cry everyday times day remember like years ago lot things happened unfixable cannot much it still feels weird remember last time felt happy feeling guilty time everything remember last time felt good take medication used judge people thought suicide damn looks like would fix things normal,1 +today might daymy world collapsed today fair shambles long remember today last,1 +so in the last night i drink a lot nothing not normal for me and then everytime e drunk to much i enter in a spiral of shame i encounter my mother and i felt ashamed because i wa so drunk and my father is a alcoolic i drop a dish and the thing scalated e begun to cry and cut my self with the piece of glass without knowing what i wa doing it happens so many time when i drunk to much i tend to self harm and self heatred i just dont like anymore what my mother see in me im ashemed of myself how dare i put my mother in so much struggle because i wa drunk and begun act of self harm from dropping a dish i will go to a psychologist today i love my mum and everytime e break her heart i cut myself and begun a spiral of mental fog knife amp x 00b help me i love my mom,1 +tell things ill tell favorite color yeah pretty much put title ill,0 +feel like trash bagjust everything seems going wrong way out close actual redflag attempt even days ago still feels like gone it lost job money stopped speaking hanging close friends ago reason recently feel like lost fianc huge mess feels like lost know do,1 +im social outcast get picked many people school know why im always stepped treated like garbage friends entered bike shed today someone said the rarded gang here im prone name calling people walking saying they want friend hear irony voices that tips reddit,0 +anyone want talk roleplay hold hands listen joji rains poetry,0 +is about to build a website ,0 +created prisoni dont want here every time start feel okay end misstepping going thought pattern much happy even things get nicer still prison im never going able get anxiety fears im going stuck day day going room work never able form meaningful connections cant drive cant handle people theyre going hurt places like reddit feel like im talking someone im always going five year old girl ruined could understand happened her dont think brother care much hope takes care cat ill really miss dont want live like anymore,1 +best optioni lost love live another man think going get married want die,1 +@Gronar I like being pleasantly surprised by movies. It was perfect for my lazy Saturday afternoon. ,0 +bored depressed lonely im surei really know feeling despite amount people know friends have really lonely really seen friends attending school full time nursing student missing lot events know people acquaintances feel like one really time makes feel everybody selfish including best know need want come post throwaway account maybe im venting knows maybe ill feel better tomorrow anyone ever feel way,1 +"@ste_routledge I can't remember, i'm usually too drunk. Actually, no, i'm kidding. ",0 +currently am im pissed wait nvm maybe lucid dream,0 +fines probation courtordered anger management classes debt final notices bills totaling little ,1 +impressionable youth first experiencing gundam wing series upon rewatching series reconfirmed belief series beautifully animated plot gundam design character design character depth masterfully executed first appearing like boy band sorts stylish attractiveness characters partly credited great art individual personalities creating clear endearing distinctions among characters consequently extremely easy become drawn particular character personally liked heero stoic personality may biased sentimental attachment show childhood objectively say gundam wing addresses deeper questions war life general how obtain peace providing action packed battles large robot suits which say least excellent,0 +yay I have a new logo!! its my robot picture!! hehe imm sooo random! hopefully i can change the pic sometime l8terz.,0 +day masturbating first started may pm mnt standard time currently january pm mnt standard time running weeks days minutes got hopes season cobra kai good good last two wanted last longer got nothing watch,0 +ur knees supposed touch putting feet together realized mine dont bcuz im underweight anything like that im lbs,0 +hi hi quick question everyone sister plan open cat cafe older like idk would popular so would ever go cat cafe one local you,0 +k reddit coins first person comment gets gold filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler,0 +@pixielaine yup.... will nvr change ,0 +something regret got cyber bullied bullied ignored cant get headim sure right place this ill write anyway months summer something completely regret school surrounded assholes thought money bragged humiliated whoever new trends whatever fuck means see ive always felt lot different others see point competition fashion see point ranking one another based wear always felt like myself good thing true friends though three is one day felt strange like needed something opened eyes thing depressed even think about ever since things changed security cameras outside building it happened knew building part group suspects never trouble principals office one could possibly imagine me fessed via email changed story made sound way innocent harmless believed fucking staff believed me thought it everyone else knew lied knew lied started getting bullied harshly bullied walk anywhere without hearing behind guy the thing got cyber bullied got told go kill myself felt ive felt depressed ever since find enjoyment many things least much used to cant ever cry single tear forcefully make cry moved away still feel horrible did get memories getting worst names treated like absolute garbage felt many different emotions lately regret know do keep thinking negative effect future like ive fucked whole life already made grave mistake know it fucked up know it feel many things anymore know it feel depressed know it something do ive given lot hope hopefully someone read whole thing feels good let someone else know humans hope guys good knowing did really curious please respectfully message get chest hopefully,1 +@marymuffin_ oh yeah!! haha ok ok just catch me somewhere in school ,0 +looking sympathy bother wondering anyone else feels way wish could get someone else technically killing cannot get courage go killing,1 +dont even know title this im fucking hopelesshow normal people completely hopeless right now see bad news possible way anything get better point care sounds selfish want live world filled pain evil want fucking die,1 + toronto film festival report official takashi miike whackedbr br the annual midnight screening new takashi miike film the big spook war the great yokai war ykai daisens call fanatical ridebr br colin geddes fearless programmer stated film originally geared towards children japan think lord rings neverending story japan screening understand going that damn takashi miike all directed film ichi killer screening festival barf bags handed screening no marketing ploybr br plot summary young boy troubled home life becomes chosen stumbles middle great spirit war meets group friendly spirits become companions journeybr br this really kids well too young certainly see getting scared shitless spirits even friendly ones display unlike anything ive seen movie theater before fantasy naturally funny but dark material bored guarantee that ever hit north america doubtfulbr br my rating b,0 +etnobofin even google translator doe not get it,0 +mrrholmes photography film photography movie depression abel good taste just being chill,1 +steady goeshey sw sorry kept quiet account long came guys months ago regarding kind paralysis well managed handful bs gasp a things smoother semester academic wise though end sem exam rush hit yet heads april xd hope mature enough time round rosy pic the following going sound like ripped bollywood soapopera movie religion noncommital hindu please excuse really else go yesterday kind relapsed grades anything came home studying hours straight safety schools study rooms pleased yay dsp finally form control come home normal things go internet redditing such go eat dinner parents start longwinded talk buying plane tickets to india money education that mother started arguing father job lack pay fairly common indian households gross generalization happens friends houses too yes get it abject poverty loaded either want circular argument leads nowhere working ass school get everyday going broken record going continue even graduate get job put arguments fighting ever since years old tired enough already detest crying seem often lately hell family happy school even care people like happy parents saying curfew live singapore fraks sake life going listening parents argue next years like ive done past years really want continue future look forward to point planning move graduate get job something happens parents stuck forever now know looker anything like dad wants stage elaborate play get married something status worried about speculating future even likely want stop stop im going school back hrs time,1 +would like thank emma chamberlain making want flare yoga pants think couldve got sale yesterday hurry,0 +want kill myself im idiotseriously fuck work lot im surprised fired yet fuck everyday life fuck left right surely id world service offing myself right,1 +anyone hereim sure begin ill start now mother advanced lung cancer step father intellectual incapacities shows word wrong im getting paranoid it im alright everything need someone talk to thoughts self harm redflag thanks,1 +mo job no money how in the hell is min wage here f n clam an hour,0 +called redflag hotline way home work last nighti made throwaway account many family members know main last night work particularly difficult one ideation would leave head night know do night kept thinking go another one days could drive car bridge drive exact one every single night way home would easy got work car broke down called hotline stay phone got home know anymore gets better gets worse ever thought possible see future get closer closer every single time im lost thanks letting vent,1 +bruh found good artist songs depressing hell like voice music good lyrics depressing man like dont wanna listen time edit guys name ethan jewell,0 +@stephkate noppee! You should get it for her ,0 +"@mandyluhhsyou manderzz, you and your damn love for ice cream. you make me laugh. ",0 +year half awayeveryday im tell worth it one day closer ill finally able move out still cant help thoughts feel guilty publishing here feel ashamed complaining life know theres people struggle much me recently getting difficult need advice suicidal thoughts since even knew redflag was remember fourth grade told teacher wanted die end it parents going rough time constantly fighting drinking screaming suffer horrible anxiety cant order food restaurant hate using blowdryer cant even stand listening music loud im horrified loud noises talked to screaming really took tole me long time since fourth grade incident divorce took many years settle gotten worse mom bipolar disorder refuses take medication one second happy instant im worst child ever im selfish im sensitive im lazy pig work try hardest im full time student backtalk drugs fight know else do currently live want desperately move father willing get treatment help hes gotten much better person hes gotten help issues started becoming independent sober says loves cares me yell scream talks need it many things could say accomplishments theyre polar opposites mom cant leave mom nice amazing fits come one second tells much mean her destroys it talks me wants perfect isolates friends approve talk people neo nazi cant mixed friends black friends forget hispanics asians ethnicity bleached hate it love everyone im even biracial relationship ive hide year cultures new things ive learned breathtaking beautiful love races wish could myself controlling might sound stupid much serious anyone believes writing messy unorganized feel useless asked recently help step dad gotten fights it said let scream me thats happened no magic pill going fix you youre selfish know pain is go africa see real pain is i care cry room night youre sensitive just stop anxiety stupid shit talk me talk fix problems all automatically starts screaming hours later swollen eyes face flushed acts like nothing happens makes jokes acts happy okay again cycle want end badly want hurt hurting know im ready leave world know cannot hurt ones truly love hurt bad this tip iceberg theres much one knows about know emotional abuse is want label it summary tell im ugly im fat im useless no one loves fat girl every time eat things ive told multiple times stick cant socialize hard talk people hard love ive treated horribly nightmares wet bed hyperventilate go gatherings im wrecked know do even know right place talk it want stress anyone out apologize ahead time occur hurt,1 +damn cold goddamn degrees texas mention powers,0 +@xKAYAKx Well done to you too ,0 +posting song everyday not day everything need quinn xcii months thats cool daily songs playlist httpsopenspotifycomplaylistzilhbtxsnfkgatuareusijourcbpxrkcoozzxcw,0 +ang lee clearly likes ease film catch action characters setting hoof emerge covering haphazard endgame american civil war via haphazard actions young militia unformed mind manhood ideal approach film turns formation personalities adulthood relationships lee also shows beautiful panoramas midsouth silent character enduring strife like hardy parentbr br james schamus script probably standard bearer film close behind number wellappointed performances carry admirably jeffrey wrights name alone could carry film me hes brilliant slow burning role instead treated good if revelatory performances large often recognisable ensemblebr br a noble optimistic film one watch fancy harder bittersweet cold mountain claim example ,0 +enjoy lasts years wont still friends reddit friends wont know users rteenagers ended up wont form contact anybody here,0 +life mine entire society seems odds thismy life mine wish means mine end one thing tremendously important life left constant nightmares despair could demand one thing condition continued existence nobody give itll make look bad im ending life telling anyone could stopped it im telling either unless reasonably think provide it screw society standards makes blackmail manipulation threat institutionalization im going kill myself lost chance something it,1 +obese people like like body way is haters keep hating bruh im concerned health sure love body please healthy cant change it blame you really healthy stop stuffing much unhealthy food treating okay control okay,0 +goddamn motherfucking damn im still person years think ill end for legal reasons thats joke prolly idk well see ,0 +know constantly feeling alone kinder always bullied really make much friends neighbors playmates always felt reason play brother brother throughout grade school one really want friend high school came thought finally making progress friends made drifted away usually fun cousins even feel like fit like would better without there feel like inconvenience people around me right close friend teacher knife wrist x life time could cut kind feel like coward going it constantly imagine family seeing dead pool blood cannot talk mom views people kill weak siblings often told suicide never answer feel like need it sorry long read lonely,1 +day day wake miserable matter want disappear since depression comes gos early around january june best time life almost reason even realized around mid march feeling around start july got worse ever spent every day alone went weeks without speaking single person cried almost every night barley ate anything every day felt like lasted forever could enjoy favorite things like music august nd attempted hanging go trough scared knowing nothing else even though though wanted year since started bad single day wake feel live keep telling going away soon friends want anyi hate talking hate seen want feel happy feels like sight know makes since sense gotten much sleep felt like need say head end,1 +remember felt like anxious one medicine none ones ive put take edge off cant even play xbox live without holding breath get anxious people hear breathe mute mic give lungs reprieve go back holding it thanks reading little rant,1 +hello guysi my parents split for lifei trying balance relationship thembut today realised literally one loves me months ago dad spat facecalled everything imagine kicked placetodaymy mum told love want live heri also speech problem blocking i block certain words traumatised mei blocked name numerous times toxicity redflag conflict caused mei feel lonelyi know do whole life mistake,1 +Waiting for lucyyyy ,0 +heart cant handle anymorethe loneliness ive lonely entire life im almost late twenties cant take anymore everything try never enough theres whole side human experience ill never get experience many people able understand this extremely rare imagine constantly observer peoples relationships never wanted never able experience intimacy hell ive done everything improve myself never enough im ready dieif heart could literally break sadness loneliness thats occurring me cant take anymore,1 +become tired fighting fight depression many years keep goingits battle uphill battle good daysbut really bad days start going hill thenyou seem go backwards worse started,1 +"Uy, Hola followers ",0 +@kristenstewart9 Hello Kristen love your work ,0 +get many girls adding snap weight reasons get many girls adding snap either think theyre overweight actually lbs extremely self conscious way developing eating disorders want lose weight even though theyre fine recovering eating disorder realize repercussions ive also gotten year old guys ask nudes sent one guy pic chest im male said jebaited horny told wants see naked anyway experience im trying bash anyone eating disorder self conscious anything something help so many people gets annoying probably around girls last months im getting little tired ill keep trying talk them make feel better try help them need get something system,0 +us built survivethats lately ive thinking life endless myriad suffering consistently used tossed away miss pills least pills feel like throwing moving car fantasize almost every day want die somewhere beautiful cold somewhere snow survived cult endured childhood full rejection rape abuse beatings death continue teenage years family disowned religion denied education medical treatment place call home fell love thought could cured married foolishly cant seem overcome disorders ive fully diagnosed plethora them broken relationship treat well have im proficient music hold job im good things put hand cant happy nightmares anxiety depression lack friends lack family lack support eats away every day everything overwhelming hurts im afraid want check hospital theyll forcefeed pills ill away wife thing keeps grounded tried start family failed want stop sick used afraid feel apathetic feel resigned ive thinking gentlest best way end come solid decision thinking something quietly put sleep im tired trying ive tried years better situation ive therapists doctors pills tried almost everything think improve nothing working darkness winning,1 +yk dating teenagers relationships fail thomy tchrs adults around always tell relationships dating teen almost always never works end nothingnot worth itetc obviously ppl get married early relationship high school become adults idk man yall real fooling around,0 +"Mom's depression tied to kids' emotional, intellectual development https://ift.tt/2HtVZCE ",1 +converse person uhhh hii want person communicate with talk me plz,0 +vampires there wanna friends vampire oooh werewolves,0 +like i used to get so juice pressed about probably having unipolar depression for the rest of my life i feel tht i ve come to peace w it being either way now w my messiness habit im don t kno wht to think amp my feeling are quiet about tht rn,1 +@MRspinZ i liked that movie ,0 +im counselor redflag hotlineamahi sure allowed work crisis counselor redflag prevention lifeline posted ama job riama people expressed interest figured id post specifically seems relevant discuss detail though were obviously still operating subreddit guidelines im think lot myths misunderstandings crisis lines similar resources prevent people reaching could helpful confidentiality reasons say line work disclose identifying information myself coworkers certain aspects call center works otherwise ask anything afraid coming hostilea lot people deal suicidal ideation negative feelings towards crisis lines valid reasons want better understand feelings inflict people provide useful information perspective can so air grievances wish recently explained views thorny ethics redflag prevention longass comment herehttpswwwredditcomrredflagwatchcommentszbvthe_focus_on_redflag_prevention_instead_of_the want idea stand that note please assume im random wellmeaning mental health professional doesnt get it experienced severe persistent suicidality many years longer do work field specifically know suffering like feel hopeless alone desperately want die everyones experience different would never go far say understand exactly feeling please know im coming career angle ive there try needed lt,1 +is hanging out washing,0 +dont say crosscountry skier never skiied across country instance crosscountry skier,0 +fan paris jetaime went see new york love high expectations gladly walked expectations met funny sweet fastpaced entertaining film starts two cab hoppers bradley cooper justin bartha trying get area arguing way go funny film goes best skits ever seen anywhere four amazing ones good ones four start talking about one features shia labeouf bellhop hotel finds love old lady next one features orlando bloom music maker business woman played christina ricci another one features anton yelchin olivia thirbly two people going prom thirblys character handicapped best one features eli wallach cloris leachman bickering old couple bring attention nataile portman makes impressive directorial debut directing writing skit caretaker ethan hawke maggie q excellent flirting man hooker new york love definitely good better paris jetaime skits wellpaced film shows indie films really be film however many famous directors paris jetaime fantastic live excellence want laugh see great dramatic effects see amazing amount great performances plain entertained definitely go see new york love you,0 +every single night comes back thisi feel like someone never made world never gets better ive depressed eight straight years love partner much love family love dog sometimes connections enough make worth it nothing else education job right now nothing nothing im even remotely good im anxious wreck cant take risks feel like seem lack intuition drive happiness come easily neurotypical people sat awake every night long remember wishing dead hate inside out hate pathetic am crying write this never bringing loud know burden everyone else,1 +"depression nap, brb",1 +winter approaches stateowned broadcaster abc decided reason partial jane austen festival sunday nights commenced twelveyear old movie length version emma last sunday recent versions three novels persuasion northanger abbey mansfield park comebr br the curious thing production ae television networks script everreliable andrew davies appeared almost simultaneously two much bigger budget movie versions one starring gwyneth paltrow clueless modernized version starring alicia silverstone transported plot beverly hills perhaps result even kate beckinsale lead production sank without tracebr br as general rule much lost novels shrunk fit feature movie length adaptations one tends enjoy remember adequate room develop story characters outstanding example brideshead revisited minute episodes back compare ordinary movielength version pride prejudice brilliant sixpart tv miniseries novel filmed page page novels often good ones adapt wonderfully film atonement recent example novels jane austen sort need time space exert full charmbr br given shortcomings type adaptation production ok kate beckinsale gives emma right mix selfassuredness vulnerability mark strong forthright mr knightly he reminded jane tended recycle characters knightly articulate version moody mr darcy pp samantha morton rather limp harriet prunella scales got blabbermouth miss bates perfectly sybil fawlty speed bernard hepton emmas feeble father also excellent saw damp countryside mud poverty well posh interiors case anyone thought particularly idyllic age everybodybr br even though condensed adaptation oddly slow places conversations rather stilted even allowing formalities times id look film sure might due underuse reaction shotsbr br if like filmed period stuff perfectly nice example compares well paltrow version anyway come,0 +doing homework,0 +my mood change fast and i don t think i am bipolar a it s usually a reason why my mood change and it can all change in a day like i m in a good mood and then like couple hour past and i just get negative thought and i m down again like i already lost people this year my ex best friend who used to be my best friend like year ago and losing him a a friend this year didn t really hurt a it wa my decision to cut him out of my life he wa a real bad narcissist and probably a sociopath so cutting him out felt good the one thing that hurt is losing my sister a we used to be so close but recently she became a lot more social and ha a lot of friend and she doesn t even want to speak to me or spend time with me anymore even though i m the older sibling i m and she s 0 it s just scary how easy people can just leave your life and even though i have a best friend that is good to me and i am talking to a girl but i m just worried it will end a i m just bad with my emotion probably because of my anxiety i m really not sure how i can get better like sometimes i feel great it feel like euphoric even like i m more hyper talkative and confident but it never last long and then i m just back to my usual mood just being sad depressed and anxious i know somethings wrong with me probably i tried cbt therapy for anxiety and depression but it didn t really help me i m on an antidepressant a well which ha never worked on me i just take it a it make me sleep i hate living like this i just want to smoke weed and get drunk so that i can stop all the negative thought and i hate it it feel like my life is a mess it s so much effort to get out of my bed and i just hate my life like wtf sometimes i feel like going to thailand and becoming spiritual or something,1 +my back is in bit,0 +never attempted get feelingsi fine reason feel overwhelming irritationhate everything including myself wanting get away ending thoughtsi sit couple minutes passes getting often latelyanyone else relate helps nowhere get urge end,1 +im depressed im worthless ending life would smart thing ive ever doneim awful person ive burden many people years jumping job job looking something didnt hate find doesnt exist gave opportunities jumped ship new exciting place exactly same am job worthless hours week going dr bills dad supporting me sure lifted debt lose everything ive taken much ive given contributed nothing world ive consumed dont want try get back life hated there want die deserve die beyond hopeless anymore feels like tomorrow think finally time shouldve done years ago dont want run away start anew dont like way world works fucking cant accept happiness needs fought for something inside us people tell worldviews cant comprehend it hate world love family dont want around lose them guess makes selfish lazy doesnt surprise me piece shit all like bill burr said people simply dont deserve here im one them,1 +people say hate talk abt time theres girl two friends science classes never spoken properly know shes always hated idek why shes hermione type loads revision get best grades beat without much maybe thats talks abt time im im not apparently snapchat private too like wth,0 +frankly enjoy watching james caan wonderful actor simplicity know exactly hes thinking true probr br i watched show beginning found different thats something unique hollywood new idea rd version current hit show br br i also find show fun exciting i like pacing never bored especially like mystery episode way unfolds big mystery fan read lot great mysteries find stories show well written outcome rarely obvious also extremely interesting me probably gambler different cons gamblers come fascinated number schemes people come rob las vegas music like music top show absolutely perfect showsets tone atmosphere marvelous course james caan,0 +wish people caredsupportedhelped mei know horrible thing wish im horribly ungrateful one maybe would finally courage oldest id hurt many people look cause sibling blindness parents love always tell proud are girlfriend would follow went friends feel way wish none heart put bad luck enter life life prison,1 +@seetickets ,0 +hi guys um know post today ampxb um ampxb uh ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb bet expect spanish inquisition ampxb no one expects spanish inquisition,0 +@ddlovato he should be honored u threw a lime at him ,0 +ways kill myselfive anyone says anything ive trying better long time theres literally point someone please help tell please,1 +i struggle with boundary i either come across a defensive or a complete push over and people pleaser and both of these behaviour come from a place of fear and anxiety i always have self doubt and in conflict with others i straight away believe i have done something wrong and it s not until later i realise i haven t i feel my anxiety wa life long but worsened by an abusive relationship in which i lost any sense of self or autonomy how have you worked through your anxiety to come to a place of self compassion self esteem and healthy boundary i feel unable to find the balance thanks so much in advance,1 +ive diagnosed bipolar im already gay like polar bears whatever im confusion ,0 +ha oh god i don t know why i m laughing so much i think if i could feel anything i would be scared i m laughing and i m cry i don t know what to do i think my friend is suicidal scrap that i know they are and the problem is i m kind of suicidal too i see no point in life but i ve become sort of stuck in a rut of repressed emotion for a while i feel nothing so i have no desire to do anything let alone to kill myself but i m worried they do they said they would see me tomorrow so i don t think they re going to do it tonight they said they want to but they see no point because they always fail i don t know what to do i cant ask for help for them because i promised confidentiality and i know the pain of that trust being broken i can t do that to them that is not an option i know they re safe for tonight the only problem is i don t know how to make them feel better or if i can i m terrible at comforting people at the best of time and now i m half asleep and i think i m a little triggered for context my dad used to always tell me he wa going to kill himself if i left him and he would detail how worthless he wa and way he would kill himself and sometimes he would sh and almost attempt in front of me a well a me being suicidal myself on multiple occasion so it s a touchy subject i don t need people telling me to call the police or tell anyone else i need advice on how to make them feel better i can t bear the thought of one of my friend feeling how i feel or rather how i ve felt it s fucking torture and they do not deserve that shit they said they can t talk because they feel like an attention seeker and i tried to reassure them but i m crap at it please i m begging you give me some advice something i can do to make them feel better the thought of them in pain is agonising they don t deserve that i just need some idea on what to do what to say please,1 +@pixieiggie LOL yeeyeea! im a kick in the pants mom ,0 +gender neutral clothes would look really cute teenage guy filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler,0 +make changei wake every morning dreaming death hate myself bully miserable become alcoholic cope negative feelings stay drinking want alone want sleep means wake alone again pushed away everyone good life surrounded alcoholics hide family feel much shame run credit card debt longer stop spending hundreds dollars every week buying others drinks also work bartender got shitfaced working last night lucky still job cope work sat knife wrists sobbed loudly sure whole block heard insane part debt saved life moment thought fathers disappointment upon finding debt stopped me saved enough money send college degree use realized killing would expose poorly ive managed life alive keep pretending anyway eventually pulled together left work felt horrible started taking shots soon got there fucking stupid stealing bar ended drunk job fired may end losing job anyway money off cant even remember counting register writing woke hating again woke alone couch thought redflag woke thinking sabotaged last night afraid die want different want wake feeling like anymore want make change feels impossible keep trying stop drinking inevitably break end shitfaced things regret make change ounce willpower left cannot see future outside killing myself selfish self pitying hateful person guess im writing realized morning going kill change believe enough trust enough think progress realistic know do sorry bit rant going post change mind need help one turn to,1 +thanks followers ok fine followers follower reddit equivalent what followers social media,0 +depression tavor macht einfach nur m de,1 +jaredleto i can t sleep i need to work on my speech about huka and youth i hope i get the 0 full mark,0 +violence bad also really want punch abuser face wanna feel cheek meat crack gay little fist,0 +people keep wanting help think hanging ceilingi deleted social media long ago hopes getting mental reset feel slowly getting worse someone given number people asking get ahold friends people coming talking negative thoughts feelings theyre going feel like total prick advice shitty since cant even believe im typing think going away never coming back hope ends soon hope get better soon,1 +relaxing night well last years please blow know kidding phone going silent disturb so bye ok quite surrounded darkness one awake comfortable little bored care like night might go bed soon sonight,0 +everything ha just been too much my job suck and i don t even make enough money to afford my rent my husband and i have had to go hungry while we wait for our paycheck which i might add are not nearly enough to get through the week i know i need to get a better job and this wasn t the greatest solution but i m tired of cry and it felt like a relapse when i did it but now i regret it because now someone is probably gon na say something and i m afraid people won t understand how i feel or just haul me off to a psych ward again,1 +@xstex same updates as on website.lol ,0 +@Lizinhollywood Can't wait!!!,0 +love wrong personim love best friend friend doesnt feel same know cares lot know gone life would progressed much more im fucking low life failing school helped many hard times motivated me piece shit cant anything myself know guy slightly better came picture would shoved aside think back time super drunk scared life let guy take advantage almost went room feel physical pain thinking dont know why idk care fucking much someone could forget quick im literally dragging doesnt see everyone else does,1 +Hi hello depression and anxiety are the worst and they can go burn in hell ,1 +nothing wrong theory everything makes want fucking kill myselfi first felt suicidal pretty good taking bipolar meds three days feel like ending yet again countless hundreds suicidal thoughts past six years two attempts dont really know gets better long makes feel like getting better big fucking tease better couple days spend all fucking day inside ive spent six hours phone today think causes depression get worse rambling hours posting posts day across social media gods name wrong me,1 +morning all it s a grey day in holland come on spring you can do it,0 +jonghyunin december singer closely following years committed redflag name kim jonghyun years old left behind band members performing almost ten years since then able listen music without crying removed songs library hid away merchandise try think anything related him yesterday band part resumed tour schedule without him used recorded track voice put empty microphone stand onstage would been placing roses end concert weeks this record company posthumously released solo album working on along music video seeing face hearing voice surreal almost forgot told true remembered seeing videos funeral watching one band member stop break tears procession another pulled hug dead look eyes remembered learning reactions heard news one passed crying one laid sobbing floor several hours one locked room days last member one could bear going see body remembered seeing fans hold memorial events around world hearing crying sang one songs remembered sister telling instance got drunk asked happy broke saying i want happy too feel like im overdramatic never even knew personally yet death affecting life many ways feel pathetic strongly impacted life time suicidal urges already fairly strong hearing news seemed amplify all initially first feeling experiencing envy attempt successful i hand suicidal around years even able attempt feel like coward made out im scared even try im sorry long even directly myself miss him im sad committed redflag respect individual decision take control life however chooses wish it understand it knowing pain blame wanting end all breaks heart hearing suffering wish could found happiness ive struggling issue many years now feel things getting worse worse time goes on feel like im getting close giving up although ill likely even try anything im scared might happen fail im tired sad want happy too,1 +want bleed tw guess want bleed slice feel ok ok get want bleed cant please let bleed im sorry know wrong place im tired want cut,0 +zero day film people gotten see shame isbr br when saw end two main characters descend upon room mercilessly kill people commit suicide made grab stomach shaking thats strong movie isbr br the movie amazing incredible get perfect ten sad people understand true beauty film budget makes film good amount feeling makers put makes goodbr br it leaves permanent impression mind simply cannot get out makes realise true horror shootings especially know person movie makes feel like know peoplebr br i recommend zero hour feel mature enough watch it fourteen feel film amazing put words feels like watching something actually happened,0 +final part kieslowskis trilogy based colors french flag finds director peace metaphysical transcendent nature cinematic image red imagery paramount well obvious clever color coding however rather adhering empty aesthetic contrivances based cinema du look kieslowskis red multilayered densely plotted meditation nature fate love red love fate intertwined complex notions dictated much whims human beings invisible parallel associations seems pass us by sense red really allegory reenactment prosperos omnipresent gestures tempest yet story appears red demands countless viewings viewing something new discovered weaves already immaculately plotted structurebr br although red stands alone masterwork kieslowski best viewed part trilogy elements blue white referenced red knowing viewers enjoy,0 +notthis life beautiful everything perfectly interconnected levels small atoms large worlds ascribe meaning life want do feel live laugh love everything begins must end universal constant ethics everything do say think feel simply is singular happening greater lesser importance anything else same chaotically different life is was perfect reflection choose it meaning interpretation idea holds superiority other all gracefully infinitely beautiful absolutely astounding yet sad given awareness self withheld rationality understand completely inherently unfair existance never know will never know here rather answer never accepted something exaggerated magnificent life cannot simply because thats it because makes one wonder tumult chaos beauty sadness life irrational nature cannot understood reasoned thing reasoned completely absolute nothingness exist simply check out recede darkness whence came granted infinite nothingness witheld consciousness necessary bemoan it that real something counted upon beautiful last exhale life warm embrace nothingness that beautiful anything given currently make one consider life death morality pain wiped forgotten moment nonexistence truly beautiful real question left death is not,1 +maybe knowing literally cannot afford try keep today insurance cover jack shit expect fighting bills would astronomically harder fighting hospital pay pocket let us assume would able get bills even trytia usa people attempted failed big hospital bill,1 +yes dad winning told dad got awards reddit didnt understand said happy clearly something right get ,0 +ive trying decide tonight nighti went bed early last night woke end work day today missed entire shift slept alarms friend shitty day available talk want tell need speak him want decide says possibly blame himself theres light life good times days feel terrible failures life much plan driving middle nowhere getting high cutting arm open bleed out cant go fucking hospital again end end im going write note tonight ill see find quiet spot,1 +goodnight everyone love u,0 +anyone else feel like dont deserve happy life due much pain suffering millions people gone throughplenty innocent people gone terrible things throughout course human history get normal peaceful life,1 +More than 300 million people are suffering from depression worldwide. In this video you'll get some action steps that you can start doing now help treat depression symptoms. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6dOHEwU6U2c … https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6dOHEwU6U2c …,1 +back to classic rainy amsterdam day,0 +world giving signs kill myselfi terrible night friend called hang did pretty much ignored whole time texting awesome fun cool friends laughing good time them pretty much ignored top dad giving shit day today treating like year old im feeling like shit decided call crisis line got counselor minutes hold terrible want listen made generic actually pretty mean comments like i know would upset you that sound like much big deal seriously told feeling suicidal said mhmmyeah told shift pretty much told terrible person quit job going say wrong things people distress seem care hung me called back right way got put hold hour hour phone rang nobody picked ended call im hold doubt anyone answer someone does bet itll another shitty counselor feeling suicidal right feel like world giving signs it people life treating like matterexist whole crisis line thing feel like sign end life really feel like im worth fuck people keep saying terrible things acting like im even human being really want kill right moment honestly everyone would better without burden lives people keep around feel sorry wasting time hate much cant take pain anymore feel soon im going finish bottle pills go bed,1 +mental health advice parent sad edit joke seek help talk someone trust mental health,0 +parents standoff allowed house till give phone im tired bullshit food inside garden hose stay weeks die one us caves,0 +posting ara ara forget day ara ara,0 +"Depression meal: roughly 8 servings of cold peas, an apple, and 3 chocolate/butterscotch chip cookies",1 +much masturabating much im around times day know much know healthy bad you,0 +suicidal thoughts place find comfortive used throwaways point really dont care feel like im going die point next week even dont kill myself happened im probably wrong cant really deny feeling im horribly antisocial social successes either a turn worse failures allowed hope b serve remind piece shit am c both know whats going happen im alive die maybe ill wake year ago things ok really dont think much longer,1 +normal yesterday full breakdown involved smearing blood cuts hands face say hour looking self wondering fuck done this ive done lot smaller time smothered,1 +Last minute tickets to Janes Addiction. Be jealous or don't.. I do not care. ,0 +say gay people fine long dont make personality please kindly f u like seriously opinion worthless deserving consideration fashion would better everyone closed mouth thanks ,0 +Pierced the tongue I wonder whats next ??! ,0 +love left keeps threatening break up parents killed cat friends left me im alone gym thinking deathyah fucking week love life keeps threatening break hes mad dont know career want even then hes mad wont sahm mom recently went killed cat wasonly years old said tired hair getting everywhere put sleep im college min away could found one told me clean house go over ever guess then friends left called girl egotistical rant better everyone else life ive depressed years now keeps getting worse socially thought worst fall got raped brutally family friend nope god damn thoughts want end it im going end it im going write big fuck letter everyone know laughing dead grave,1 +got girlfriend snoo back posts sub rn,0 +Oh my goodness. It's totally nap time at work... ,0 +im runnin low serotonin chemical imbalance got twisting things,0 +think ill mail good bye letters tomorrowgot letter folks latest ex one best friend hand written sitting table need drop post office go take one final hike tommorrow sun comes up god beautiful top,1 +bestselling book honour killings jordan withdrawn publishers allegations surface story fabricated associated allegations authors past conwoman years later resurfaces conceding took certain amount dramatic licence willing cooperate filmmaker prove substance allegations follows fascinating insight pathological personality someone whos behaviour one makes sense unless saying true yet seemingly incapable saying anything astonishingly dramatic unproven best often verifiably false almost impossible imagine ms khouri hoped gain appearing film vindication celebrity achieve project certain image deeply damaged individual even cannot taken face value director anna broinowski appears increasingly camera film progresses increasingly exasperated boot finally rewarded remarkable although scary disturbing tale tell one films reminds us thoroughly weird world live in,0 +madninjacurl hey neighbor neither can i,0 +"Depression is never easy and will never be easy.Please, take actions if you know someone who has it.",1 +@RosasYummyYums Ok...got it now ,0 +pills alcohol rope tonights nighteither kids mom find hanging morning held long possibly could cannot not take another day this everything place ive waiting impulse ill damned fail,1 +@i_stacey wish that I cld stay in bed but there's a whole world outside these doors for now I'm watchin reruns of 90210 ,0 +anyone wanna nsf w buddies im boreddd,0 +i sleep plenty i drink plenty of water and i eat pretty healthy no matter what i do though i m exhausted and just want to nap all the time i m seeing my psychiatrist this friday so hopefully i can find some answer but ha anyone experienced this or have some advice i have taken a couple of blood test too but the result were normal everything wa fine,1 +everyone ha a particular reason for existence everyone ha a motivation an incentive to move forward in their life life is undoubtedly an amazing gift bestowed by the creator and death is perhaps the biggest nightmare but to some it s the opposite sometimes everything seems meaningless someone like me who is afraid to take even the smallest step that involves pain actually doesn t deserve to live let alone succeed besides what are the odds that i will succeed the feasibility of succeeding seems to be lessening a every single moment is fading away they won t return back i am not writing these word emotionally i am completely within my sense thing lately have been very tough and i know how doe a precarious life can eventually lead to depression and suicidal thought,1 +im watching assassination classroom right far bad,0 +see point livinghey so whole bunch things happened recently moved dads im high school still awkward cause cant split rest extended family mom alcoholic albeit functioning one like beats anything now used get drunk would verbally abuse me fucking hate seeing drink makes really really edge tries conceal it too pretty obvious aware life cant talk either cause im barely hanging is cant bring another problem table also probably getting rid horse im sure ill financial means get another one know sounds like stupidest problem horses biggest passion ive put everything learning train raise them goal raise living become olympic rider ive life depressive periods kept going really reason live guess pile everything triggered another depressive episode know know want die theres much stopping me theres nothing hang for gonna say family something along lines brash care people good reason keep living time things change theyre reliable ive got one person might want keep living for happiness feel compare much fucking hate living days everything feels fake real sonot worth it like everything used forseeable would continue living that weird sense describe idea nothing real like real plane genuine feeling nothing genuine like look beautiful sunset something used really make happy notice it feel nothing spent hours night contemplating plan redflag know id do really want die know next,1 +my depression be having me out here hating everyone and everything. shit ain't fun,1 +feeling crush cause thing crush enimies muhuahauaha,0 +today sent sister image something think sent pic dick sickos today sent sister image little kid petting furry looked convincing enough dog still thinks dog wanna ruin her tldr sent picture kid petting furry sister thinks dog,0 +wanna gonna scare creepy fucks dms now id say im minor sometimes fuck gonna now,0 +youtube rewind planning agree dislike youtube rewind comes out feel free give suggestions,0 +"#NYCDCC- In recognition of Children's Mental Health Awareness Week,"" the National Institute of Mental Health (""""NIMH"""") is hosting a Twitter chat to discuss teen depression. The chat will take place on Thur"", May 3, 3-4PM. Follow @NIMHgov for to join the conversation. #MENTALHEALTH",1 +want talk support group wife cant handle much more uncle lives close nh want get news station take story say long ago posting title username hope read comment maybe happened you,1 +looking thru rstreetwear makes wanna fix style time energy hobo fits ftw,0 +gonna spend night writing guess tried omegle cant conversation shit there im gonna work something hours shoot message wanna chat work ,0 +attempting redflag typeive posted story before hits whatsoever posted story depression hits whatsoever girlfriend gave hope decided leave me reason unhappy want drag her gave left unconditional love status shortened permanent residency live friends charity im burden around get see family someone took shot dog buddy security blanket understand people cant get attached animal obi damned ugly old deaf cockapoo mine needed alot needed me wed sit porch drinking arizona green tea hours hed sit lap let know still him im schizo meaning episodes things go bat shit insane me thoughts mine telling much failure one loves me lies loud often worst trip group intangible shadows swarming vision little freaky minutes ive accused touching sistereditstepsister blasphemy highest degree dad gave me momma cant help me feel hope left thats lie im writing guess want go comatose couple years try later becoming difficult focus aspirin every minutes im now pitiful got around im tired hurt last year round bday slept friends mom year long relationship rings ohana whole nine yards dad pissed understandably kicked out estranged relationship there rambling now moved tn nc find work help her depressed abused alcohol month move days bday june wanted see people next day fucked dude long ago knew was right kind woman funny think guy age would right cheating type opposed old woman wrong kids grow bigger kids kids never chance kid funny eh im pill im lost hopeless ive made many wrong choices many bad judgements hurt disappointed much im done now live ill check omg idiot nightsaber comments not read fictional depressing story go way everyone last attempts edit part sheepishly return let everyone know it moment posted momma contacted me couldnt knowing shed lose oldest son superheros last night bro herman back nc old love ciara mentioned above momma no last names anonymity sorry guys getting worked making others worry result bit selfish wanting badly would disregard made others feel primal way happened happened again sorry all last time felt low took field sat bit thinking all time little bit going right now last pill threw minutes posting bouncing back pretty decent pace judgement one last time sorry everybody,1 +ok trust im gonna tell something live asia pls kidnap,0 +"In this episode, we address questions specifically related to parenting teenagers, dealing with respect, the reasons for increased anxiety and depression in teens, and managing technology in the home! https://www.joshuastraub.com/2018/04/25/54-questions-parenting-teenagers-managing-technology-raising-teens-self-motivated/ …",1 +sammo hungs film pedicab driver considered many masterpiece agree extent film greatest parts really gets incredible fantastic hong kong film ever has combination pretty good well written drama interesting sympathetic and also nonsympathetic characters genuinely funny humor truly overthetop hyper kung fu guaranteed make many jaws drop someone familiar hong kong cinema watches film well experienced enthusiasts unique industrybr br sammo max mok siu chung play two pedicab drivers live hong kong middle part last century think drive cabs also desperate love sammo interested local baker girl ping nina li chi max one day meets mysterious beautiful fennie yuen kitying falls madly love with many characters get introduced too remain pretty clear time viewer really concentrates film plot cannot say film confusing could much worse especially hong kong soon get know instance ruthless gangster family terrorizing neighborhood course violent acts affect protagonists too premise incredibly choreographed kung fu fight sequences created well nice dramabr br the film great cast leads good restrained not painfully awful overacting humor sammos otherwise great eastern condors example also thanks carefully written screenplay pretty likable easy identify with cast includes many familiar hk cinema faces directors small roles like corey yuen kwai the legendary action director director films like saviour soul ninja dragons den fong sai yuk masterful composer lowell lo koonting john woos killer ringo lams school fire prison fire among many others pedicab driver included shaw veteran liu chia liang whom sammo furious fight sticks alfred cheung kinting the director dark hk noir classic run late great lam ching ying best known friendly face various hk vampire horrorkung fucomedies name few fact cast pedicab driver one interesting ive seen hk productionbr br the film interesting peaceful moments notably love affair max mok fennie yuen one crisis confront thanks lowell los character really could done completely serious piece wanted discussions human values meaning love matter whats past done living get serious genuinely effective middle part film immediately gets much noteworthy average kung fu spectacle actioner also characters efforts cure things touching tells delightfully much right human relations friendship course love still think fennie says max about future bad cooking unnecessary tones potential whole segment themes pretty effectively unfortunatelybr br but get thing film makers interested in action outrageous overthetop action fight scenes include traditional kung fu sticks meat cleavers like theyre used hysterically mind blowing kung fu scene ive seen film ever jackie chans drunken master ii really great wires theyre used cleverly people literally fly opposite corner room get kicked punched simply amazing something hong kong cinema deliver also dangerous stunts make viewer hold hisher breath film one fast car vs pedicab chase sequence various dangerous looking jumps twisting bodies flying air crushing force hard destination still film makers seem accept violence film sammo is like late bruce lee willing give final murderous mayhem gangster villa think kind morale matter obvious shallow may be good thing even harmless film like this cinema meant much brainless entertainmentbr br the film also witty bits humor im sure everyone hollywood america for example would understand like all hilarious star wars gag beginning definitely among literally forced laugh realized seeing also funny scenes created sammos passion ping still greatest amazementfilled laugh came scenes depicted former pharagraph imagery big tall men flying great force screen walls furniture simply insane breathtaking cannot hide feelings thoughts eastern film makers witness something like this nothing notredflag appreciating reaction coursebr br pedicab driver among incredible hong kong action films ever seen easily among sammos greatest achievements minor flaws there could rate even brighter higher ,0 +roses red violets found end portal lets kill thot,0 +one wants helpas much show signs suicidal thoughts speak clearly one cares feel like one take seriously thoughts try,1 +feeling so shitty about myself everyone my age ha already got their life together while me i still dont have shit no driving license not a part of any community no friend i can count on nothing i m completely alone in my own world i ve been wasting too much time throughout my whole life concerning too much about my academic yet still dumb and incapable of anything me and my stupid anxiety will get me nowhere in life i cant even make friend i got this feeling that nobody want to be my friend why would they i cant even talk to anyone without being anxious cant tell anyone about myself because i believe nobody care and i will just waste their time there no future in me im shitty and totally worthless,1 +@v_a_l_ hope everything is going well! Haven't talked to you in a while ,0 +life worthim lost hurt everyone around time even try best always fail got really bad news today know ill tell mom boyfriend friends disappoint again cant deal anymore sit ask life even worth anymore thing im good biggest disappoint everyone around ever met,1 +really want muffin right reason sadly though none ill eat something else guess,0 +wish could stop existing moment twim sorry want pour heart right now please read vulnerable right now wish could see counselor sooner itll three weeks meet again flashbacks day every day stupid stupid stay him ended things even meant id die redflag suicidal alone him sure friends nobody knew going inside head him let abuse me let rape me let coerce me let slap me let assault me let him five years fault stupid stupid maybe im liar maybe never happened realized sooner flashbacks day every day taken care house sure kid kid nobody never taught take care house nobody taught clean nobody cleaned disaster slept floor floor see due trash dirty clothes such surrounded insects beetles larvae couldve done something right theres much couldve done stupid whatever done something dog shit everywhere dog piss everywhere nobody took dog out smell ate plastic caused pipes get clogged fault take showers standing shitwater pieces shit floating water ankles remember smell fault fault lived house expensive us fault cried mom said move again even now social anxiety depression anxiety schizotyal disorder fault too social anxiety just try endure it symptoms anxious around people just cant help it anxious around people guess fault just want stop while want black without memories thoughts want disappear want hurt know cant want throw up want cry stop existing im stupid useless im slow im awful cant anything right sorry venting im sad right now,1 +"Your loved ones are the ones that will put you into depression, not your enemies",1 +ha a bit of a scratchy throat i hope it go away before thursday and my weekend of fun,0 +i m 0f and i ll start this by saying that my diagnosis is mostly a doctor telling once that i might have gad but i haven t had further test done yet not that i need them because the symptom are all there and it s pretty obvious to me amp nbsp i stress a lot about most thing future plan work health etc being on the phone is something that give me extreme anxiety a well and this is impacting my work i m lucky enough to be able to work from home which is great because i don t have to put on the happy sociable face all day long but there s still plenty of call meeting happening over team and those still give me a lot of anxiety to the point that even a minute talk with someone will leave me sweaty i m able to sound friendly and sociable on the call but a soon a it s over that s all gone and i ll just feel like crap i m not 0 and some day i honestly do not know how i am supposed to endure this for another 0 year the job i had previous to this one wa in customer support inbound call people told me that exposure to it would help me but honestly i hated every second of it and i feel it s only gotten worse since then amp nbsp right now i m at a loss and starting to consider quitting my job over this but i also don t know of many job that allow me to wfh while keeping meeting and call to a minimum if everything wa done via chat email i d honestly feel great about that but it feel like this society wa built by and for extrovert and i m just an outlier that doesn t fit anywhere,1 +@awg_allan @TelegramSam100 I'll agree to disagree. Solving the self-esteem and depression issue stops him from ever getting to the murderous obsession (imo).,1 +think im okayive offline while getting meds check seeing therapist self harmed voices quieted im able sleep little better night things really looking up thank helping even bit last months thank you,1 +@pillowfort by depression removing all self restraint and long-term planning due to the inability to picture a future beyond whats directly in front of you,1 +to me it seems like an empty meaningless phrase people use like cool but it s not going to help the fact that i m broke can t get out of bed some day and struggling through live now,1 +part almost one saw post anxiety attack last night confronted girl today asked said because love you walked away guess made better still panic attack like rest day im okay tho,0 +"@_fleur1 Yeah If I ever see someone tell a person with depression to go work out I WILL judge them silently. (I would say punch but I'm not strong, I would say yell but i'm not brave.)",1 + taken another us rip alex trebek prayers wellwishes family,0 +ey made another dumb quiz finished heres link anybody wants take fun cause theyre bored httpsuquizcomfuid,0 +dropped one of the earbuds of my sennheiser in my tea i really hope it gon na work again,0 +battled depression whole life realizing even depression fighting anymore realized truly place world belong anywhere loved anyone anything taking space burdening people think time go place world,1 +feel lonely feel alone feel restless angry annoyed jealous just like everything s a let down have no friend no significant other family is somewhat sad and broken no job no confidence i m just here living every f cking day over and over again some people from my family can be cold not understanding i hate depending on them for stuff and hoping to get help when they don t even want to i want to be independent and i m sick of it already can t talk to some of these people about serious topic or about truth because they don t want to hear it or won t listen nothing make me feel happy and all i ever hear is all i do is drink or go out and yeah i do cause this shit is sad and it s only time that it s not and i wan na meet people and idk it s just hard i m tired of sitting there in my feeling,1 +art is a universal language art is a catharsis for me panting helped me out of depression latifa stopped painting when she left syria but used it a a way to deal with the struggle of displacement in lebanon now she teach others and sell her painting http t co viijhh ubc,1 +danielcalderonl yeaah i hate that,0 +going to bed! gotta have lots of energy to play with little man and the pooch ,0 +lost uncertaini want write much itll make sadder already am depression eating alive cant breathe really scary think redflag every single day i want alive hate fact exist mean nothing anyone purpose life world would much better place dead nobody would notice gone care did easy way out yet know do,1 +im done ive hung way long waiting things get better dontim tired dependent mom im massive fuck up im never going able support tried every treatment therapy half life theres hope left us werent meant world theres fixing ive already systematically cutting people life dont think anyone going hurt bad ive honestly never felt control happy moment made decision last paycheck isnt even enough cover fraction bills going towards supplies right things get rid of harddrives clear thats pretty much it im going miss anyone truly part motivation want people hurt think did undecided thing im going elderly dog wish could go together im thinking carbon monoxide anyone good info properly advice tying loose ends please send message,1 +high school electives choose electives high school tomorrow know may sound pathetic im really nervous know idea want pursue anything feel choose wrong ill screw things future,0 +streaming fortnite friend playing fortnite wagers want watch go twitch koubtw,0 +experienced worrisome changes thoughts feelings participate online researchwhat purpose study want better understand development psychiatric symptoms adolescents young adults who participate males females georgia usa ages experienced one following unusual thoughts suspiciousness sense special powers unrealistic plans future changes sensory experiences unusual experiences seeing hearing things what participants asked do participants asked attend remote sessions zoom following complete interviews questionnaires life experiences lasting hours complete tasks measure attention memory lasting hours take surveys emotion week using android iphone repeat procedures months later where study taking place online using zoom video conferencing how much cost cost participation will receive payment kind receive baseline month follow ampxb information call lab email canlabugaedumailtocanlabugaedu confidential screening,1 +im even sure im posting thisits first time posting here help all guess im venting want kill myself nothing change mind cant it conservational instinct strong let me night got shitfaced tried jump front metro obviously didnti cant even remember stopped me piss drunk im useless incapableofanything waste space want bring painful existence bloody end fail every fucking time hope someone something kill soon enough ideally painless way,1 +called bro called bro filler filler filler filler filler,0 +whats lesbians b yall doing local bi girl checking,0 +healthy coping mechanismsi bunch unhealthy coping mechanisms want hear healthy things people do personally art therapeutic either painting writing poetry,1 +always nice suprise film made tv turns entertaining little richard watchable film story rock roller little richard played actor called leon never seen good job tv films little tamer made cinema shame sure lot could seen little richard controversial instead see lot religous rubbish thing spoils film eventually spoilt promising career film good acting average fot tv film ,0 +imagine could get pimples teeth like youd also still brush teeth,0 +finally home ,0 +"@realDonaldTrump You won it by 21 points. It was won by 5 yesterday. See you in November!AND, WHY ARE YOU SO SILENT ON THE STOCK MARKET TANKING - HISTORICALLY LOW UNDER TRUMP. WORST SINCE DEPRESSION. SO SILENT!",1 +GoodNight All ,0 +write u love letter one dollar im good writer promise,0 +anyone else barely hanging time im clinging memories better times constantly thing keeping going ive developed extremely strong bonds inanimate things car tv characters take place massive whole joy missing life idk is fear im going breakdown front someone soon gonna come out make worse give strength keep in dig ever growing whole push,0 +i know for a fact i have an anxiety disorder i ve been diagnosed i ve been taking med for it for year now but a of recent thing feel like they re getting worse the more i find way to manage it the more it feel like my body throw a new curveball at me i also have been wondering about adhd which i display a lot of symptom of and have been looking into getting a diagnosis for that i have chronic pain and fatigue been dealing with it since i wa and i m 9 now so it s mostly manageable but i feel like since i conquered that and know how to avoid flare ups and treat them my body is coming up with new way to torment me now i ve found that whenever i get really stressed or anxious i itch and not just a normal run of the mill itch it s an insatiable deep crawling sensation that is impossible to ignore i get it the worst on my foot i scratch and scratch and scratch and it never get better and when it s really bad i m left with cut and scrape from scratching so much it s so emotionally and physically painful it hurt so badly because i know it s not real and that my brain is doing this to me but i still feel it and it won t go away i m literally having a breakdown right now because of it i m making this post because i just need to scream into the void and i want to know if anybody else deal with this if you do you re not alone i just don t know how to make it better i hate this feeling so much this all started btw because i couldn t figure out a chest harness for myself i don t know how to make it stop and it s driving me nut,1 + sons sentenced life prison adelle debbie reynolds helen shirley winters begin receiving threatening phone calls someone fells sons got easy pair decides move california escape publicity trial start new life start dance school soon successful one students rich unmarried father adelle quickly falls love meantime helen busy raising rabbits becoming little infatuated evangelist radio mater time everything falls apart women enter world madness murderbr br cant help compare whats matter helen whoever slew auntie roo also starring shelly winters movie seemed almost restrained presentation auntie roos madness theres nothing holding helen back movie may take good deal movies running time snaps helen one bad mad mutha want mess her winters delightfully demented impossible enjoy performance im going spoil movie things helen capable totally overthetopbr br good winters is reynolds totally ridiculous role golddigging tap dancer got impression thought movie would get nominated award aint citizen kane quit acting serious hey debbie realize main purpose victim winters insanitybr br love formerfemalestarsinthetwilightoftheircareer horror movies whats matter helen fun any,0 +keep seeing amp speaking dead girlfriend know turn toim threat myself think anyone else talk to week ago someone came front door middle night armed thinking brake in found girl sitting beside door asked took hood revile girlfriend died year ago house fire said must dreaming insisted wasnt confronted dead told go hospital reason died caught house fire one longer head injury mixing things up started ask questions like knew lived gone year told amp family all died fire change identities start new life looked since old friend told was talking awhile decided make breakfast about hours paste asked could shower said yes hour hearing water running checked shower dry lights sound rain coming pipes heavily shook sleep walking thingthen happens today shopping groceries kept telling get things liked eat healthier thankfully able ignore her said go home could ask questions like cashier look went behind went automatic doors first im curious anyone advice me thanks reading wall text maybe helping me,1 +theekween heart break trauma anxiety depression pain of losing a loved one thelmasherbs thelmasherbs,1 +im done goodbyereddit made realize im selfish idiot ill never contribute society whats point living im burden everyone know goodbye,1 +almost life meaningi pieces yet feel empty worked hard graduated college good job husband home community friends family charity work volunteer hobbies children pets yet life feels numb meaningless feel guilty things people want happy grateful still dont feel like im supposed to never feel like fit belong anywhere think redflag time wrong me,1 +@Wiggs All your hard work paid off ,0 +originally saw movie boy old rialto theatre part saturday afternoon matine triple bill also featured vincent prices last man earth mario bavas nightmare castle nightmares blood lusting ghosts week afterwards though know then three movies would prove classics genre wonder scared though three films frightened me castle blood profound impactbr br it first bill even get see beginning late getting cinema missed first minutes movie thats lot miss since edited print ran minutes the unedited runs minutes despite this dark creepy atmosphere complete ruined castles fog enshrouded cemeteries shadows cobwebs gothic set design strong acting suspense especially last minutes scared bejeepers made lasting impression took years finally get copy film collection since french italian import movie showed late show winnipeg quite remember title remember get seen beginning film scared witless make matters worse film released literally dozen different movie titles aka danze macabre coffin terror castle terror long night terror etc usauk working title castle blood generic similar dozens b horror suspense films making illusive thanks internet perseverance found last treat finally watch film entirety many years may quite sheer emotional impact boy haunted house movies go stands well compares favourably similar iconic films period the haunting the innocents black sunday film fine early effort italian director antonio margheriti stars s scream queen icon barbara steele features well written screenplay sergio corbucci sceptical writer georges riviere who bet spends night haunted house unsuspectingly becomes part annual ongoing ghostly story hypnotic steele well cast ghostly love interest arturo dominici dr carmus margarete robsahm juliabr br many tricks margheriti employs create films eerie atmosphere cobwebs creaking doors fog etc bound seem clich modern audience work far effectively black white ever could modern day colour rather using body counts special effects film creates scares old fashion way relying good story stylish direction fine set production interesting camera work strong acting performances margheriti marvellous job taking elements building films suspense horrifying paranormal secret house gradually reveals unwitting writerbr br the film without faults pace drags beginning film ironically minutes originally missed probably worsened synapse films effort restore film original length though fans likely appreciate chance see film restored terms intro may hindrance help english voice dubs merely passable and restored scenes language shifts english french english subtitles provided sure annoying viewersbr br however synapse films deserves kudos quality print clearly effort put restoration deservedly sobr br i enjoyed film immensely highly recommend aficionados s italian goth films anyone enjoys good ghost storybr br rob rheubottom winnipeg mb canada,0 +friends years could remember idk starts th bullied lol bunch friends elementary moved didnt feel like doing probably forgot anyway ill never see,0 +paulcoles hmmm greed is good when it motivates the individual to do better not so much when it take away from others,0 +no music today blip fm is undergoing maintenance,0 +last goodbyeim kicked home phone disconnected last chance goodbye ill ever have many things gone wrong life hard know begin everybody know however fault bad decision making laziness inability even get bed real reason life mess is reason im home ive never job see parents sick theyre kicking drive even common courtesy bother helping around house bring money contribute anything im lazy piece shit lingers bed every day ive never date ive never felt satisfaction succeeding ive never motivation try im street ill look place die couple ideas would kill sure itll perfect end selfish end selfish existence misery feel every day crushing cant take anymore know im running away like ever faced demons begin with guess since parents spoiled entire life probably part making am said still fault never evolving growing person truly truly future life left lead im choosing easy way out frankly deserve death person broken selfish deserve place begin with regret point born feel like ive dead years body want stop years im finally gathering courage see through cant wait release responsibility pain anything thats want anymore want read life feel free trawl post history theres alot alot well written is mind place right now anyways guess time finally up finally rest sometime soon thank guys help board theres truly nothing left now guess goodbye,1 +Blisters hurt badly; but it's a worth it ,0 +well so much for being productive on my day off from angel,0 +weird state really calm feel like redflag way problems lifei really tired betrayed lied to put people mostly mother really tells pathetic talk tells quiet shut up fiance also left year ago stole almost money move parents able pull depression even months seeing psychologist please refrain dont it much live for posts literally help psychological level also please refrain manipulation attempts using strategies like giving affirming redflag option looking somebody talk hopefully issues abusive parents relationships found way build positive environment themselves feel beaten barely get bed morning let alone hold job money get leave wish could do want climb whole feel sinking deeper deeper every day every time told something negative encounter anybody know talking aboutbeen shoes update realized simply need get out head house current mindset go know going embark adventure dog rv trailer see us maybe south america far focused money negative things life need get opposite side things peace love,1 +i do for your reference i m now pretty underweight and i look like a yo i know i m not pretty physically i have sunken cheek unwanted mark on my face severely crooked teeth stunted height here are some of my story early high school i visited a friend s house to finish a project her brother were there and i heard them say thought she s a chick but she s just a chicken non verbatim looking back this sound petty but when people start making these comment when you re in that age you re still building that self confidence it just break it all down into dust back in college i vividly remember how i wa walking past a group of guy i have no one walking behind me and i m pretty sure i wa alone that time then i heard them say number out loud i just froze when i realised they were rating me based on my appearance asshole i know and this happened not only once still in college i wa asked a a favor to be in an infograph because they said they liked how i look i wa really excited to see it online but when the infograph wa released they cut my face from the photo they apologised for cutting my face because it didn t suit the vibe i have more but these are most of the memory i remember that keep me up at night i also pieced it together how i think meeting new people they ll laugh at my face for being sooo ugly so i ll just avoid it for the rest of my life ending up alone with my hobby and pet my anxiety wa bad i would have panic attack i would shake vomit refuse to eat but i d also like to add that being ugly isn t the sole reason for my anxiety ofc there s more but when you already have 0 self confidence and other problem you know what happens i m in a i think better place now and in this period where random people s opinion count le than it used to getting brace soon too for my teeth and i would like to share these a a way to let it rest forever here and not in my mind may we all attain peace of mind rip,1 +letting guess maybe looking see guys think ithi everyone title says im letting kind telling story short beware could kind long appreciate help comments thank you im years old turning month girlfriend halfway across country sucks ive bedn dating little year love her atleast thats feel may say im young whatnot thats feel right now ive pretty normal childhood guess never heard medical records problems body brain psychological problems although ive many temper tantrums still do parents well even know understanding always scream what hell wrong crazy tantrums times cry hit punch things break things throw things this patents really dont like them tell anything keep tell minimum spend days alone basement playing guitar surfing youtube alone riding bike like bmx many friends talk people sometimes even know say them id say two friends including girlfriend friend cant really talk jimmabout anything except funny movies video games girlfriend knows everything me school hate it depresses me im okay student last year got c two rest bs classes although never really study never enough parents tell compared people way better grades tell compare people although always compare exbest friend use studies alot ap classes always say cant like stuff say why couldnt alex jason those sons family friends really good ik school dad made go caddying summer went two times second almost got heat exaustion take mentally either lately cant take life know why im done it started cutting december although strong cutter stopped cutting stop girlfriend worrying two months ago way guess ive self harmed years hitting hair pulling last year towards end school year hit guess could call depression pretty miserable mentally miserable compared ive whole life school summer still like even though stress finals homework even study end start junior year two week im already hitting depression again im antisocial feel better alone without deal people plus fit here girlfriend fear pain keeping earth guess cant leave her think loves want her everyone else know f them care them im tired world hate it see human beings destroyers way self loath alot hate earth come enjoy life except time im bike talking girl want deal school anymore want grow never even wanted get old want work im good enough ride bike living want deal anything life girl riding bike im full it im tired living ive contemplating redflag year maybe think me well like thought cutting me yeah think covered it got far thank reading story im sorry wasted time,1 +came told mother sister clinically severely depressedand followed saying depression sad could continue cheer up buck up,1 +ten words less describe film barbara stanwyck appealing great film wonderful except perhaps tackedon ending love happy endings anyway barbara stanwyck however platinumblonde golddigger amazing knows wants goes it film sexy excellent,0 +"I've had depression/anxiety my entire life, I only found out what it was around seven years ago when it destroyed what little was left of my life and came full on for me. While not identical, as someone trying to deal and find out who I truly am now, this thread hits home a lot. https://twitter.com/MyNameIsGaron/status/989200415118974976 …",1 +eat decide,0 +tell shes flirting jokeplatonically seriously ive talking one girl little bit treats like friend would flirt lot even though lot memes still flirting dont know whether push further id wanted to,0 +feel sick and need foood i cant find my camera anywhere last night wa good lindsay s house is pretty ruined eek,0 +well cast summary real event well actually there think may like think two typically american standpoints evident film communistophobia parallels adolf hitler evident independent observers anyway boothe great performance lots wellknown actors last twenty minutes film unbearable mean it anyone sleep well abnormal thats terrible happened probably looked like that but actually last scene air station really take place,0 +messed want killl myselfi girl making coerced sex ive never felt bad something like life ive never ever done anything like before usually vouch womens rights character me everyday ask god that didnt even stop think second wrong talked shes always threatening expose completely understand tbh ive talking god lot telling im going kill may please mercy soul cant live knowing ive done thought friends family finding did thought disappointing family name everyone believes me im fairly attractive popular guy tbh would blow ever came out know cant handle that ive thinking ways kill myself honestly think im going it need easy ways kill,1 +hate muchim ive homeschooled since twelve im graduating highschool weeks nothing plan going college im fucking dumb college became apparent took one easy community college class managed fucking fail it friends im homeschooled extreme social anxiety people talk regular basis family parents unintentionally encourage suidical ideation reminding fuck am ive never relationship really nothing except scroll around reddit day im lazy unmotivated job barely focus simplest tasks fucking hate myself,1 +guess thought really good five finger filet thought so turns im good enough close eyes hand covered blood day going,0 + still feel like weakling nothing dead weight everyone around would better dead person kills world great favor honestly want person fucking dead weight,1 +"uhhh idk if yall wanna see me rant but like i kinda need to do so sorry in advanced: I swear every time i talk about my mental health irl no one cares? Like ppl just tell me to get over it and to stop being depressed. I can't control my depression, no one can and its fucking +",1 +today free pain gripped longi years old india probably gonna be long one thinking killing tonight introvert father diagnosed psychosis disorder lost job it struggling since then everyone like gonna alright give time worse right now struggling anxiety since then anyone go talk this every friend socalled told would hear like story feel sorry sometime thats it wanted little support much ask for wanted talk somebody going person could talk mom already going lot time relatives blamed dads condition dads fault though excessive meditation going one spirtual institutes offering life golden age used meditate upto hrs day days snapped went work sit nothing happened th grade kept shit inside want anyone judging me tried show people around everything control developed anxiety also addiction games seemed much me stress also caused migraines th grade would come home college sleep headache wake play games thats it scored percent th grade felt like going fail th push got percent everyone happy knew go through went college bachelors things spiralled control used play games day also supposed studying started feeling numb time kept myself also started watching tv shows time studied night exam passed somehow times spent night panic mode trying study much syllabus could remember also hallucinated idea going on tell anyone pulled bachelors got job college placements went away home condition worsened confessed mom hoping would understand help get get medical help told natural reaction went told stay strong even told suicidal hold anymore told thoughts pass years managed live hope would brighter days ahead waited years come would write thoughts poem something could feel better today struggled everyday stay alive give up always found solace writing felt like this today amount writing could save it seems one wrote attempt ease pain saw name flashing phone calling zone six feet black mind fighting devil trying leave behind feeling gonna long one two hours fighting constant reminder much conflict im getting harder every time win i win simply means die whole exercise kills inside struggle lasts two three days clear mind contemplate energy takes hope minute ive already lost just scared admit drama come senses rub eyes pick lenses look around aftermath picked phone call back hoping ask id lie neither wear mask im frustrated hold back lost sense time lost track always plan keep moving forward voices make act coward thank reading wish luck,1 +shot shot remake drivers license video singer doesnt understand cars httpsyoutubezplxjmixwf,0 +i m not a big fan of sharing overly personal stuff online so i ll just say that i ll have to take a moderately long plane ride soon a couple week from now i think and every day i have at least one mini panic attack worrying about it there are some minor complication that could happen to me on the flight but nothing particularly harmful or super bad in any sense i m mostly concerned about anxiety claustrophobia and the side effect of that while on the flight this is stressful and feel pointless a i know from past experience i never know how i ll feel until i m there or in this case in the anxiety inducing situation any advice,1 +NICE delays depression guideline labelled 'not fit for purpose' by GP expert group http://www.pulsetoday.co.uk/clinical/mental-health/nice-delays-depression-guideline-labelled-not-fit-for-purpose-by-gp-expert-group/20036559.article#.WuDy8A175Jc.twitter …,1 +since movie based true story woman two children welloff scary real really was acting gave movie push greatnessbr br diane keaton portrayed main character patsy mccartle two sons adored performance made real life story come life television screen hard watch scenes since real happens one becomes addicted drugsbr br just watching loving mother go sweet caring hard true known people gone withdrawl much like happened movie rememberbr br i also thought risky director want make movie happened woman yet done well applaud director making moviebr br i highly recommend anyone known someone ever addicted drugs learn happen become addicted them,0 +im mean you nothing personal im cunt except you know are,0 +deserve woman loves me even deserve love yes depressed yes maybe crazy maybe mental problems yes maybe completely gonebut deserve love right reason kill self always one last drip hope day meet woman going save mebut know maybe never going happen thing need love,1 +best way make voice sound better recording ask lot you lot respond super fast ampxb find whenever record voice sound depressed quiet sound like care talk want change recording youtube videos voice annoying least think ampxb recorded three different videos friends could bring editpost videos reason ampxb ideas going talk louder know quiet especially compared friends take elastics talk braces talk closer mic ampxb else canshould do,0 +Being sad in cold weather is called seasonal depression. Being sad in hot weather is called a country song.,1 +suicidal bc impulses controli hate right now hate myself feel suicidal cant deal impulses anymore whether hurt reckless say something ill regret contact someone past control anymore love people despite time thoughts deal every day causing havoc dont know want emotions results actions im hurting everyone around parents friends everyones letting go one help feel alone therapy isnt option one help bur gave long time ago dont usually think redflag strongly usually push it feel like ill always way always confuse people emotions lately cant even trust ill next minutes dont know im even supposed earth point someone please try give reason stay besides basic people love true dont see light ive cycle years im still,1 +ha got to go into college today in the holiday,0 +is poorly sick,0 +@wynicole well. its just showing in america so its always late here ,0 +bois got free nudes free nude pass fuck yeah,0 +thought would left suicidal thoughts behind parents forcing pursue career despise think years emptiness await me stuck job hate suicide really seems like way out hey might well spite parents too maybe finally regret actions realise killed indirectly suicide seems like way parents forcing something hate,1 +essentially remake original chinese ghost story third installment higher production values greater subtlety acting story tony leung particularly good cgs iii gorgeous moving film,0 +hey babe esex,0 +gamers needed serious inquires only hello friend desperate need help were trying build minecraft house theres much girl gay do were looking nontoxic players help us cannot offer much companionship lots love singular crossbow share friend willing gamer gf depending pretty house is non toxic are please help sever cold were minecraft homless keep getting killed m f,0 +dropped milk whole body like idiot cat wakes gives death stare bet thinking something along lines of fuck owner idiot,0 +lots new changes life hard time adjusting pandemic helprecently moved new city attend grad school live long term girlfriend due pandemic program went online grateful safety measures taken feel like able engage classes nearly well undergrad connections peers professors harder sit hours lecture watch screen rather listen person lecture attention shot barely leave room anymore always working school work worst well classes exam studied hours daily week completely lost got exam itself continuing reach people seeing therapist tomorrow losing hope everyday want end life more ive thinking would would it completely exhausted feel like paying off im miserable supposed culmination hard undergrad work want done,1 +even though i don't have to get up until 7am (luxury) tomorrow i think i'm still going to get an early night - SLEEPY! g'night folks ,0 +@sawyersweetie LOL! Not very! You should! You do have a new job to dress for. ,0 +Farmers urged to talk to allay depression fears - http://FarmIreland.ie  http://ow.ly/gH6m30jFrif ,1 +Didn't get to see True Blood last night. Thank God for On Demand! Watching it now. ,0 +friend may kill soon unsure doi good friend met online years ago finally met person last year really connected much deeper level suicidal onandoff much life due bad case crohns disease stress anxiety depression fortunately good place suicidal ideation months which first me one serious attempt almost succeeded anyways friend struggling chronic depression severe anxiety much life well neuropathic pain disc degeneration spine large number different medications nothing helped significantly tried various therapies seen many psychiatrists psychologists therapists nothing substantially helped him last couple years particularly hard him really struggling point seems decided going commit redflag point near future could days married partner years im sure do capacity needs me listen offer suggestions try distract help devise strategies make day provide perspective emotionally difficult try commit redflag which failed faltered plan due second thoughts regrets told partner somewhat controlling not way abusive high strung would disaster think suspect might make things worse suggestions committed psych ward night due severe issues sleeping according him said worst night life would never want put position again either keeps waiting universe hand miracle sign purpose think universe works way think go make purpose course severely depressed getting bed overwhelming effort suggestions perspective would much appreciated,1 +ok teacher got real fucky math let explain right now advanced studiesits class school makes us take fuck knows why now seeing this wonder whats causing low grade think ive well class gives check see ive got one test grade thats zero gradesincluding test grades s im like wtf whats math email teacher it apparently teachers make certain grades weigh others even within testclassworkquiz classifications absolute bullshit like class instead missed one fucking paper grade pulled points one four test grades s someone shoot either whoever decided school system fucking passable ampxb tldr teacher using creative weighting made one missed test grade singlehandedly bring grade points ampxb hate,0 +so i recently moved to a state 000 mile away from my home with my parent even though there wa no point in it i m and this isn t just the right place for me and there s nothing i can do about it all my family member who lived here convinced my parent to move over here cause apparently it s better when i m here my anxiety ha gone up by a lot i can t even sit still in peace after getting into a fight like my mind constantly telling me we need to go back home i never got along with others in public and got into fight at school already did drug and a lot of stuff like that my parent think this is the best environment and i m still acting like this and they never listen to me i m having a talk with my therapist in a few day do you think they could convince my parent that this isn t a good place for me and recommend u to move out of the state for better mental health for me mentally and emotionally because i just do not belong here i wa so much better a a person in my hometown now i can t even tell if this is me i even have done drug here for the first time and yet my parent family think i m the problem not the environment what can i do,1 +odd goodbye worldtry harder next time,1 +FIFA final USA wins! 2-1 ,0 +@KatGillis Sorry. What I meant is that there seem to be no need to rush. We will get a break long enough to shop around for decent AC. ,0 +anyone else feel worthlessi feel completely useless think anything anybody serve absolutely nothing purpose anyone else feel way,1 +@organicsue How are you this morning? ? http://blip.fm/~6t794,0 +want diei many could wish for apartment share friends one best friends many friends truly care go way take care me parents love support however can two sisters consider friends poor ive love before yet feel despair sadness perpetually keep telling going build life stop lying myself want here ive hurt people past shouldnt get thrive thought could good world remedy past much suffering cant save everyone though wish could want die dont want see suffering dont want cause suffering think forgiven past dealings suicidal ideation since young attempted redflag before survived last attempt chance alone time plan jumping bridge feels guaranteed know family friends distraught suffer also see good come it life one live anymore harm anyone else plan ending soon want die believe god afterlife pray leave behind pray find happiness live lives better could hope make better choices faced decision selfish hope instead make choice help fellow man instead,1 +@CCab oh i think i figured it out!! cornucopia=amazing! i like the chocolate covered ones yyuumm,0 +dweeman why aren t you a happy camper,0 +@DoubleTroubleDi it's me lulu!! follow me on Twitter! ,0 +@TheChristinaKim Kaenons look really interesting.. (but do they have an asian fit?) ,0 +anybody lost appetite redflag attemptim still mentally recovering attempt almost week ago overdosed wasnt hospitalized got insanely drunk since appetite slim none recovered anorexia unlike username suggests normal,1 +remember making account one day appeared nowhere apparently made month ago remember know thinking chose username even know means anyway ill stick hope get bored months make new account,0 +unique film gives us chance see young noel coward ironic glory seems reserved detached hes perfect role unloved cad matteroffactly uses around him however deadly serious no pun intended last act coward must make like flying dutchman hes much less comfortablebr br but way epigram peerless hecht macarthur given gems macarthur really wit pairbr br the film superbly lighted great lee garmes little camera movement aside storm sequence hecht macarthutr cared one thing getting dialogue screen note hm blinkandyoullmissem cameos bums flophouse scenebr br the notable supporting player one alexander woolcott notorious broadway columnist close friend macarthur coward appears one bitchy authors always kept waiting reception room publisher cowardbr br curious woolcott would agree film clearly lampoons legendary algonquin round table founder macarthur something auxiliary memberbr br the scoundrel actually oscar best story though victory probably due cowards imposing presence brilliance plot coward woolcott dialogue remember,0 +sorry bother cannot take anymore want die crying hour tried slit wrists knife cut hesitating take train ticket lorient throw railroad tracks hang father find body want him know life problems day yesterday tried overdose medication work know turn to psychiatrist trust him going back psychiatric hospital want fall back people used place alone home days afraid something stupid sorry poor language used translator affraid something stupid,1 +used escape dreamsi used able sleep suicidal thoughts nightmares dreams kill myself kill sleep like baby really feel like sign nightmares bloody scary fragments life pushed little farther edge best sleep get dreams hanging myself im hitting pretty low spot life always thought things would get better high school college came things got worse im real life mode hitting fan ive failed professionally romantically socially athletically academically cant take pain more feel like dreams really right idea work seasonal area virtually friends moving area weeks im going alone ever,1 +kill one wonder question whyive hated majority life life probably coming close loser ive wasted opportunities better life wish gun wish drugs dont want anymore nothing left here ive abandoned everything good life minimum wage job poor self esteem hope future gave couple months ago walked girlfriend person truly loved me fuck man want die want disappointment failure stop long im alive wont know way make pain stop,1 +kill sleepi grew abusive physical mental parents close two decades taken advantage sexually classmate racially discriminated verbally abused almost every day middle high school years remained introverted socially incompetent mess well adulthood grew treated like subhuman way know treated extremely difficult interact society normally without medication even moments ive somehow managed force way toxic relationship family taking gtk student loans recently graduated masters program desperation escape old life gravely underestimated consequences actions k debt unpaid internship foreign policy institute im obviously underqualified for im allowed stay onboard frequently offer help busy work one else time for managed land two parttimes couple local restaurants order pay rent even though going really straining trying balance internship two part times personal fitness goals researching academiccareer pursuits hope might misplaced least things look forward morning earlier today found efforts might gone waste managed get tangled credit fraud card frozen bank account closed managed explain issue customer support agent phone today case review least business days minimal ways sustaining due sudden nature bank accounts closure made realize inadequate functional member society emotionally crippled difficulties navigating obvious situations brain sometimes literally cannot compute basic concepts lot issues originates self perception view world people around me changing difficult im sure worth effort ps case decide end all someone advise way painlessly go sleep living alone peacefully one goal life would love experience it even brief moment die,1 +off to work,0 +so happened yesterday also first post yesterday science class one kid sitting next me classes lowest scorer sitting next see sneeze mask proceeds wipe snotty mask hand so class finishes passes tries sneakily wipe hand me shove away tell keep hands himself walks away ps end school day took bottle window cleaner thinking desinfectant uses it,0 +im overwhelmed first nobody need help nobody loves cares me try get help internet sites like quora gives answers triggers anxiety saying rely anyone love even nobody else like wtf bitch stfu wanted relatable answer could make feel less alone made feel guilty depressed,1 +rising out of depression and anxiety is the trickiest trip one can take mentalhealth http t co ub9uycqzuw,1 +is tireddddddd want to sleep but i have an assignment to finish and an exam tomorrow to study for,0 +u think biggest issue schools covid wondering u guys idea ,0 +Watching Doctor Who on my TV via the iPlayer ,0 +im really oki future feel like garbage someone got email somehow sent suicidal messages already feel like far truth future keep waiting platitudes everyone throws around kick in seem want to idk anymore wanna die wanna live even less,1 +cant anymoremy anxiety gets worse day day feel like black cloud circles around never get out cry cry cant anything it talked doctors therapists im anti anxiety anti depressants dont help im scared eat sleep fear get sick matter many times say irrational stupid cant get thoughts head know cant kill self id never able fuck cant say want live much longer like this recent thing too irrational fears dumbest stuff taken life feel like cant anymore dont know ok post im planning taking life someone talk would nice,1 + yo male throughout life feel like peaked really early on either selfinduced calamity circumstance combo came crashing down even though lived long time already experienced long term relationship sex life abroad college recognition realize lucky actually tick moments relationship ended became selfgrandiose deemed settling someone me whatever hell meant time life abroad ended forgot nonchalant file paperwork crucial legal standing realized ba ms degrees even though acquired top universities mean shit apparently thousands software programs mastering instead wasting time passing introduction beer ge course college remember used extremely motivated driven three four years ago always deemed best quality could find motivation within ever since times kept falling away subjective optimal human life be find hard motivated everyday tasks grown dislike people think finally realized superficiality modern society least segment know everything seems extremely pointless job since grad school relationship said breakup might grown lazy might severely depressed lucky leech am expenses are time think paid for make stupid mistakes like getting married adopting baby starting business way add anyone anything payroll could retire small bungalow country meagerly live rest life without working engaging society might grow alcoholic severed lung bet going make posing question here writing seriously thinking past couple months want know opinion it think way vertically thinking change position horizontally ultimately falling radar idk make sense folks tired bored hopeless life thinking retirement,1 + months school every year chose alone yet sad wasnt fault,0 +using throwaway screw it losing control mind feel battling depresison years thought gettingt better not getting worse worse troubles likely pretty lgihtt compared majority ones here grades shitty groupmates grades important mean get uni country singapore highly competitivewe submitted shit project worth least onethird grade uncomplete wringle wringler people antoher three projects getting tired point trying hard slept hours day last two weeks starting show ran ragged last two years obtain good gpa provide family going go flush drain shitty groupmates want work last minute nothing all fucks sake working documents saw two come sit nothing good solid hours checked timestamp google slides edits made either them like fuck going oni cannot take anymore nervous breakdown school expects us go ff lessons again want kill myself process writing notes people think guided life negatively positively matter gathering resolve iti chickenfeet die want pain stop dare end two hands wish something would kill done family said would sad died think less burdened knowing deadweight like me wasted years life nothing home gone leeching them let end let end let end,1 +think anything school rest week ive enough now mean whats worst could happen,0 +neither irl dog minecraft dog die today cuz either im literally crying please give fake internet points make feel better,0 +pls guy answer what u feel,1 +now when you say depression are you referring to a map commerce or mental health cuz i know nvmd,1 +polls allowed sub serious tag maybe mods notices consider it like polls think theyd kinda cool sub,0 +sometimes tell someone im vegetarian try brag eating meat like im punishment never day life craved meat something ate completely lost taste it people even get offended like created meat something im telling eat anything either literally dont like dont weird,0 +many years sadnessi sexually assaulted two weeks th birthday guy high school year me spring formal event raped limo dance surrounded friends i cringe calling friends time life were proclaimed christians nonetheless passed back seat section limo monster raped glass bottle sleep drinking alcohol probably rd time life came feeling bottle cap ripping insides startled mortified finding strength kick me remember lot happened remainder night remember kicked people limo took notice something happening someone got driver pull guy raped fled friends tried running confront told stereotypical predator line tell anyone ill fucking kill you memories night remember waking blood bedsheets next morning result mutilating me terrified planned pretend like nothing happened ashamed embarrassed violated distraught next monday school felt like everyone knew least heard version happened spread story around school asked rape bottle relentless bullying harassment received peers broke me everyday went school felt unsafe targeted received death threats several male students disgusting assaulted deserved die child robbed innocence ive never recovered doubt ever will recently learned married newborn baby girl gets move live life without repercussions im lucky get day without selfharm years grief pain isolation cant anymore want live tainted life,1 +hate respondus bio teacher recently made us start using lockdown quizzes exams thats fine dandy answers quiz fucking available idk fuck got wrong idk need fucking study retake get better fucking grade part problem idek wtf quiz prior taking it said protosomes went ppts canvas one mentioned studied ppt quiz info ppt studied fuckin done this prob gonna cheat via sticky notes next time retake,0 +who knew rishi sunak being incapable of using a fucking bank card would be what kick off today s depression spiral lmao,1 +not sure if anyone else ha this issue it seems like notification and txts give me major anxiety i ll put off responding to anyone including family and then it just becomes this mountain in my mind to the point where it s been a month since my family texted me for my birthday and i still haven t responded to most of them this ha destroyed friendship for me too i feel like we all have to be available to text back with smartphones and social medium and i can not deal with that doe anyone have any suggestion to help i just feel lost,1 +dogs street fucking like fuck bitch ,0 +posts fellow shit posters filler filler filler filler first girlfriend turned moon filler filler war ba sing se,0 +ive reached breaking point im sure ill eventually kill myselfcontext im year old trans girl hates life trans extremely conservative transphobic country fucking sucks endure male puberty affected low chances passing puberty im even scared might even able afford surgeries hrt everything expensive trans costly might stuck like guy rest life feel depressed feel trans take parts life never get back like normal female teenage years ill never those never get back cant cut anymore might end cutting open vein lose control also feel like im complete utter failure even deserve live maybe kill get home school,1 +lost everything thing constant redflag nightmares cannot keep living like this rest life fucking want it nothing left,1 +i love alcohol no i m not a problem drinker but i love a good hazy ipa a good single malt scotch and good wine but when i m having an extended bout of anxiety head fog i completely lose my desire for any of it is that odd,1 +joshsharp no money yet i dont know anyone who ha maybe it all just a lie he having u on so we all like him a little bit more lol,0 +life over never chanceits like sick joke lets take someone keep bottom barrel cage reach everyone else way cant express anybody else people miss coworkers would really miss work personally im tired working hard trying everything can getting nothing return people meant here one them thus fact life,1 +i m sooo sad they killed off kutner on house whyyyyyyyy,0 +I'm so excited now these next two weeks... ,0 +help others cope mental illness friend recently told diagnosed mild depression opened honestly idea help told would always needed anything check every then honestly im dark really idea help situation kinda feel helpless really say things like we need help one point another lives ok ask help cheesy shit like im need anything really say kind situation,0 +Thor's family drama is the reason I have depression,1 +im going itmy parents hate life opened opportunities today denied itll consume life im going kill myself,1 +ending life within hoursi anything live for nothing im currently years old friend never really friend im currently jobless never able hold job months unemployed year jobs almost money prospects bad social skills anxiety severe depression majority life dropped high school emotionally torture me people come across seem extremely rude me nowhere turn help contact either parents never girlfriend ever really opportunity get close girl believe would give meaning life every girl tried initiate contact shut down immediately ignored me something hurtful say get made fun every person know virgin jokes etc live small town k people unable move no transportationmoney opportunities town make changes life interests hobbies never found skilled anythingi get nothing joy life consistent misery see reason life continue tried best ability deal issues,1 +blm protests kinda much bad like get racism bad all make government matter something debates courts alli mean bad thing black people get discriminated society cops cops fault cant help wary crimes committed nation black peopleblm protesters vandalizing streets attacking restaurants ruining innocent peoples business equal mean fucked,0 +want overeverything life feels wrong bad good know bad levels fine far know lack effort putting means get bad results pointless not care anyway boyfriend moving countries months amount time left gone im going kill myself thought wanted one summer wont able go without him im sick every day feeling alive finish writing notes everyone ill ready,1 +bananas best fruit heres yummy taste good,0 +gamerdude better first comment else,0 +im ok i goodperfect almost real anyone thinking anger,1 +childrens playground like swings especially butll swing playgrounds empty ampxb happened once empty playground myself happiness serenity ampxb like swings ampxb uwu,0 +meganxnightmare i think so too i always get it,0 +cant relate counting downi told close friends would dead im turning december everyday hell dont leave bed barely want get pee days end fucking personal hygiene stare ceiling hours one moved states harder expected cant take thought staying continuing live sick life nothing live for nobody love nothing do dont cry anymore cant remember last genuine cry session had everyone life hates nobody would miss me even people know im suicidal dont give shit stopped talking everyone ive gone mute nod head think ive started lose mind hear things see things arent there like im constantly taking double takes scary dreams turned worse nightmares cant catch break im sorry family either wish wasnt alone battling demons theyre winning,1 +hey guys dont ya hate moose drinks maple syrup ok americans gone labour day reddit spelled labor day im canada partake labor day sale reddit holding spell right like origins english come from england disrespect spell words differently,0 +welp storm took houses power sucks playstation,0 +@Drewffc I'm awesome. I always suspected. ,0 +redflag subdidnt used sub people considering redflag people seeking help im looking someone talk me tell anything think help etc im looking quickest painless way ive considered nitrogen based pod expensive maybe similar method less expensive afford couple grand would enough post expenses bought pod considering waiting able afford pod plus expenses would prefer wait long,1 +she s guilt tripping him for feeling good about himself she s saying he s the reason for her sadness and she s missing a version of him where he wa at his lowest she didn t even see the depression that lived in her husband because it made her comfortable,1 +might try againthis alt btw name ben yall know fucker named ben hope read cause im much pussy directly adress friends yalls names used make sure know much bitch been tried killing february reciently thought feel like unreasonable try make worse feels although know life shit is ive anxiety whole life point rarely slept well lights on shared room younger brother year ago parents finally decided im big boy ive depressed three dont know started didnt deserve it may mom think do mom tells anxiety makes pussy month like means dont anxiety tells dad know cares therapy waste money dont need it would change mind told happened february would break heart might still get mad telling sooner wish parents got divorced parents like eachother wont lie think lacking love dont match knoledge married cause came along divorce would create finance problem dont think parents would able handle though dad firefighter csm army mom nurse doesnt work often whaterver fucking reason puts lot stress dad get high rank hes one highest batallion position work extra hours low pay job wrecks him also cabbed lyft dont think money get away cause comes back pissed everytime want divorce happen cause root cause many parents arguements thats far im going cause triggers me realized finance shit dumb cause fine im keeping cause backround two years ago hockey first practice back dislocating shoulder minor dislocate week back made sure everyone going easy end little shit named andy made sure hit extra hard shoulder although wrong shoulder worst pain ever experienced later night puked twice unconsiousness next summer laccrosse great met best friend davin two awesome coaches church camp great memories went best friend cabin mutuals friends dumb year old boy shit fun second last day one brings stickbug bouncing side side decide would funny bounce side side like stickbug people fucking like riding shit kinda annoyed expected it jake runs rubs balls face school starts someone must brought stickbug thing started gay ben thing didnt hear while different gay ben thing friends bus made gay jokes got called gay didnt really care heard bus became annoying told stop wouldnt jakes gay ben thing spread getting called fag strangers dont care people say special time cause actually bi havent came yet preety much close friend davin made sure wouldnt mad cause told annoying kids wouldnt stop bothering made question knew then last years hockey fun went resort got called rice honky jew there fun times tried kill self february straw broke camels back davin hanging someone didnt like something memory repressed took handfull ibprofen went bed made sure tell davin everything fault feel bad even thinking it luckily enough woke practice next day davin didnt know told teamate friend aiden took pills got fight said atleast didnt try take pills mad punched couple times made later mad me hockey ended already looking forward lacrosse year school team got cancelled didnt feel comfortable playing high rank team quarantine xbox reciently got ukulele time davin fell bit played aj people met xbox went school frankie peyton mean aj started become like them stayed them mostly cause first super nice depression anxiety way mind aj starting get nicer now got mean constantly telling shut stuff like that lack real human interaction time low still cause whole quarantine shit first thought redflag simply alone couple weeks ask davin party invite things still wierd convinced him started feel good back him playing alot older brothers brothers friends liked them haden ashton dicks tho dont shit anymore im still suicidal thanks frankie peyton id happy try playing blake aj cameron landen right anxiety doesnt let sleep lights cant cause well bright so im staying night day im working plan davin friends im really exited thats basically repost day adding events spent two hours want get feelings now read fuck frankie fuck andy someone know irl finds idc know tell want idgaf anymore chance im dead school starts,1 +judging u based on christmas gifts tell u wished forreceived also u gave others,0 +wife took pillshey wife took bunch pills told friend told me emergency department now idea do first time ever done this feel like this everything changed know support her need do,1 +jazred i told you if i caved i d end up abusing it much like i do facebook it s because i don t have any real friend,0 +get f chat longer upload images big rip yes used emoji please dont downvote high hell,0 +soo like america go war middle east definitely freedom political stability trust middle east,0 +"@Pattiebelle Pattie Going thru my pix, you are in a LOT. lol..I always crop them before posting...",0 +want jumphttpsimgurcomalslsoip,1 +@kekeinaction http://twitpic.com/68a10 - beautiful keke !! don't forget to try to have french saynow !!! kiss,0 +blame weight repulsive look at maybe id stand chance saying fat people repulsive hate bodyas woman weights at least stone feel undeserving love happiness eat calories day refuse to fear ill gain weight also fairly active feeling really fat ill starve long day then ill binge eat whatever shit find nightto make things worse suffer pcos along mental health conditionsi sorry enough you anybody sorry pretty enough skinny enough attractive enough sorry existing sorry making people cringe mere sight me sorry okay sorry worthless f,1 +got rejected gotta vent something im cool respect lying said least little bummed thought good chance least tried least things awkward nothings changed still good friends cant help hold onto false hope know do idk honestly probably best case scenario besides saying yes respectful it cool beans got chest,0 +"it's cold, man am i loving this weather ",0 +"Depression lives inside you, it never leaves you.",1 +sorting new time mission posts one comment dracula loves himself also call new army formed,0 +@iTeedee frenchspin.com it's called movielicious ,0 +im sad right nowwhy cant loved lonely sad thats all,1 +titties amazing dude thats thats whole post appreciate since made night,0 +and tell my that i will be ok and my life is not in shamble because of a stupid stupid decision i made it s been day that i have not slept but just thought about the situation i can t seem to solve i should have just not tried to overachieve some shit and now i am left with nothing nothing and my career is even worse than if i had just done nothing i am shaking i am anxious although i have never had mental health issue before and my life is a mess every stability i knew is getting pulled away from me and i have even failed myself at giving myself some stability everything is a mess please i can t deal with it at all i want to wake up in a different life every morning i can t get a break from being anxious and worrying not even for some sleep that is how badly my brain is coping hope there will be some answer to help me cope ha anyone else hat a full week of constant anxiety,1 +black wasnt imposter black wasnt imposter ,0 +tiredim disability anxiety disorder manic depression live next parents including abusive narcissist mom stove cook im tired microwave dinners thought fast food makes want vomit getting burnt cold sandwiches even stove mom took cooking stuff im limited spoon cup anyway would anything one hot meal meal processed food cold hot healthy meal least healthy thought ramen makes want vomit well im debating picking smoking again obvious cant afford eat necessary tools so quit years ago th month car cant go out buy something dad brought burger bk want onion rings one fast food things make want hurl chunks another meal get skip want seem ungrateful threw fridge would nice stinging pain hunger live middle cant walk anywhere either im tired see fucking point living rate something new years always brings worst depression usually ok even holidays really struggle new years bullshit mention period due day im sure im overly emotional well moment would sell soul fucking hot healthy meal week im isolated friends drop something thats gross hang whatever get house im burnt shit eat regularly im burnt fuck living self injury gotten lot worse recently well legs complete war zone mild chicken scratches cut fuck up im sure ill another session tonight im kind teetering melt down pretty bad skin legs dulled box cutter use im gonna invest another one well anti septic stuff ran anti septic stuff apply legs im done tired even know begin get better change life,1 +strategywoman i am from denmark child of hungarian refugee born here i wa not sleeping well for day after february so i started following all kind of tweeps to get more information if i wa not sick with stress and depression i would be at the border in poland helping,1 +went dentist today forgotten pain worries quickly remembered,0 +@jokoness WOW! What's this partnership all about? ,0 +yes barney nonsense kid made perfect sensebr br i gotten smarter enjoyed it child mocked one could say name changed it ever since ive gone name tina barney could relate different culture im barney huge part life my name came it cant dis show grew matter stupid seems nowbr br i care get blocked nothing say make minimum lines people much say ok done,0 +chrissyxchi real depression is when wow no longer sustains you and your usual off wow game also hold no joy,1 +im failureall ever think ways ive failed things cant undo theres point worthless piece shit like living im absolutely disgusting im ever going hurt people even hurts people itll last action take hurts people right im ready done living theres still much planned ive fucked anyway im desperate pathetic,1 +answer question yes enjoy excellent movie ive seen couple hours ago paris where action movie takes placeand still feel huge trauma received back eyeswhat visual shock ive never seen beautiful blackwhite photo drastic change way animated movies strongly believe renaissance similarly saw pixar movies akira ghostintheshell experiences real breakthrough small world animated movies hope french initiative a small unknown french studio young folks dream named renaissance receive success recognition deserves vive la france ,0 +even point anymoreeven go feel better distract form long enough die natural causes drag pit like last time even strong enough couldent clear mind fire heart stand barely fight left fire barly embers ill honest im sure make happyer think put mind cant help feel lost like nothing change end day im still me everything never wanted be failure eyes sure im living lie now would difrent trading one lie another know hate it cant take prid this would like taking prid scars etched leg reminders ive done am im not never seems end sure live lfe always back mind screaming me beging end it finish all finaly put end over part ive lost never get back remind person miror actualy me dont even see face anymore even name one given one chose none feel like me dont know this truly dont know say should ive seen jorney feel like runing hiding away,1 +im really shitty human deserve iti really want end right now ive dark place like hardly life couple times thought slipped mind never acted it im still really doubtful would act really want to went couple abusive relationships met guy nice me really messed ended seeing one abusive exs contacted couple times know stupidest thing could possibly done know making think good idea guy devastated know hes really hurt it good guy finally go back abusive ones know whats wrong feel awful want punish hard can,1 +dont know say guess want final words explain cant write note right nowi swear tried best every day took meds almost every day went school cant deal anymore anyone knows finds this im sorry truly genuinely sorry know death selfish life way,1 +im going jump freeway bridgeive depressed suicidal years cant deal anymore ive tried everything ive numerous anti depressants talked therapist family members cant seem find solution im going kill see way tell people care mourn you shit matter im dead im finally going im ready finally kill enjoy living anymore suffer anymore would gone,1 +"@plzdntfEdthmodl That happens a lot in Florida, well at the very least you should be proud that you can cause accidents or stop traffic. ",0 +starting with a big one: The top leading cause of dug abuse and alochol abuse is depression. It's easy to get into them when your battling a fight that's hard to overcome. Regardless of the reason it's none of your business anyways so why are people stating their rude ass comment,1 +every american thinks understands world war two see movie hollywood films war defied stereotype japanese soldiers emotionless brutes obeying orders without thinking like think every japanese man ready able fight death right day bombed nagasaki fires plain shows different reality troops pathetically undersupplied demoralized starved point cannibalism euphemistically refer human flesh monkey meat movie novel based also put death myth japanese soldiers preferred death surrender good reason believe enemies mood take prisoners raises question americans would rather avoid japanese military beaten point war necessary nuke hiroshima,0 +baaaaaa ba ba baaaaaa waaaaaa waaaaa waaaaa anyone identify song,0 +cant stop crying want overi depressed long remember getting worse last days find randomaly breaking crying alot redflag mind time isnt new thought years thinking more friends ever friends ever online grown real lives arnt computer anymore completely alone now used dog gave sense companionship gone cant get another one asexual virgin never date life never since interested men women live mother dont get along basically share interests ever ever talks tell something gets drunk yell me happens quite bit nothing far career prospects go education besides high school severe test anxiety tried take emr emergency medical responder studied well day day classes got mid term sorts froze flunked wasting feel alone cant stop crying want pain end dont feel like ever change hear bs dont see how pain years death would relief feel deserve,1 +@BrandyandIce LOL I see you didn't bother disagreeing ! I'll up my use of grooming products ,0 +great comedy highlighting like live next door racist bigot also shows main characters actually bad other based hit itv comedy politically incorrect better it comedy entertain movies real drawback isnt much plot however cast great usual jack smethurst rudolph walker make one hell team playing oneupmanship kind wayits many years since saw movie last week finally able buy dvd fact movie still contains genuine laugh loud moments means recommend movie like would back s,0 +@nealbrennan I recently saw your Netflix special. Your description of your struggle with depression rang so true to me. Hearing someone else say what I have been feeling for decades made me feel like I'm not alone. Thanks.,1 +love air oh shit oh fuck,0 +is at Hogs Breath waiting for a table ,0 +im done healthy peoplr trying saying shit never actually helpsdont get im you im loved seen fucking great talents social skills fucking disposable friend nice childhood people valued existence dont people love leave you struggles lead people getting tired you knowing good leave theyre right option boring toy used thrown away again future job kids goddamn spouse adores you im what kid even live long enough see nieces nephews reach age even fucking graduate me fuck chipper attitude bullshit word vomit gonna open eyes heart fuckers even caring want weight death hands ive never able express anger im finally able goddamnit whats like able yourself without worry friends leaving easy huh ignorant bastards want blow brains til theres nothing left fucking smoothie guess what cant parents care hurts even more yall worry day alone people love die leave rot alone im destined dumped side one give two fucks one look see person one fucking look take time get really know me assholes assume know fuck dont want protect precious conscience see shit like think human think making feel good fuck you know im entitled bitchy im fucking done one even sees beauty me single person even thinks anything ever survive long enough im either going fertilizer arm candy neighborhood creep know im gonna get guts swear everything im gonna live see another week fuck everything,1 +im this year when i finished school i started a business and thing when great too great because i made alot of debt at the time it wa not alot and now over the course of month ive lost the business thanks to covid i now work a a car salesman im married and my son is week old but now i sit with debt that i made while i wa make x what im making now and i cant pay it i cant provide for my wife or son ny wife dropped out of university because i cant pay it anymore tomorrow ill sell my last few possession do i can make it through this month but i plan on ending it soon atleast then my wife can collect life insurance and she will be set for life a for me i just needed to rant ive made up my mind,1 +Jezabel: what a nice offer ,0 +damn my depression really be out here today sup bitch !,1 +watching donnie darko for the first time...love it ,0 +im alonei one matter try still one one would care died,1 +got highly bored today scanning page for daddy had to do it,0 +plans tomorrow includes asking crush mean already pretty late wake dumdum,0 +@kathyireland Sure thing. I really like your connection to Thanksgiving. Excellent example! ,0 +how do you deal with a relapse in your anxiety or stop it before it really take control been doing very well with my anxiety for the past month or so still currently taking mg zoloft but recently have been having some stressful family drama pop up in my life for the past day i ve been very on edge anxious and no appetite the stressful event sort of got resolved yesterday morning so you would think i would be feeling okay now but i m still having trouble shaking this anxiousness any tip,1 +absolutely hate myselfself harm drugsmy life ive got scars arm absolutely hate seeing scars hate reminded weak really am,1 +@SamMen share what ever they give u with me ,0 +Hope is Real: The #UCLA #Depression Grand Challenge http://dld.bz/eetvz ,1 +@mileycyrus Congratulations ,0 +@w4rw1ck meeeeeh shitty youu?,0 +film based true story comes first time director long time actor denzel washington denzel washington given us best performances last decade black soldier civil war glory lawyer acclaimed philadelphia course made special notoriety last year academy award best actor training day denzel washington became first african american receive award best actor guess denzel wanted change pace chose direct antwone fisher also stars fisher played derek luke new silver screen made guest appearances television shows king queens appearing upcoming film release biker boyzbr br truly well done film denzel washington considering first time directing undoubtedly denzel felt kind commitment believed real life story antwone fisher antwone fisher young african american man navy constantly gets fights one particular brawl sent see navy psychiatrist named jerome davenport played denzel washington davenport helps antwone deal troubled past learn move life finding birth mother give birth prison makes film good fact overly melodramatic expecting something little like good hunting lot swearing fighting vulgarity like good hunting swearing fighting vulgarity film place quite contrary however antwone fisher true story think washington wanted sensationalize story dramatic affect film get wrong moments see antwone fighting carrying moments seems like world closing him all first session psychiatrist character played washington devenport asks fisher born fishers response is from rock obvious jab pressures waning antwone fishers soul appreciate fact film sensationalized dramatic affect think shows real character part denzel washington deliver realistic story avoid typical clichs common hollywood films even based true stories one point would like bring antwone fisher acting all performances good film great times think bit obvious main characters actors overall complain performances film would ludicrous one actress would like point film viola davis plays antwones mother says barely two sentences movie all much appears end film shock long lost son antwone found her would like point actress lack use her basically character actress seen play really elaborate roles made appearances traffic sight kate leopold two recent films far heaven solaris steven soderbergs remake solaris played scientist doomed space craft orbiting planet film confronted george clooneys character drawn tears clooney tells particular scene first saw solaris remember seeing tear scene thinking wow woman act could feel characters grief brief shot face gave much expression honestly felt sorry characters sadness trouble film think definite potential actress used often perhaps leading roles rather character driven actress nonetheless antwone fisher good movie denzel washington always pulls great performance gives us great directorial debut also derek luke talented actor think antwone fisher bring immense critical fame portrayal troubled man think public popularity increase release biker boyz also stars lawrence fishburn antwone fisher based book finding fish memoir antwone quenton fisher ,0 +@heartshopping it look lovely ,0 +damn idk nighter slept last days really need sleep think ill stay midnight,0 +nobody believes ill itive decided give life school relationship girlfriend going shit told ive tried kill thought college thought joking told itd okay went last night told scared losing drifting apart scared felt way girl told thatd wed talk tomorrow stopped talking halfway night still read messages think make day,1 +among us code qjpoqq fillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfiller,0 +@lingling_x Yay for happiness. ,0 +im goodive real bad week ive struggled depression long remember think im lose fight ive declining years im basically even real person anymore empty robot nothing happened push over overtaken completely making plans week cant anymore guess get world think im going leave monday know probably seems like nonsense makes sense me thanks reading,1 +"Sope AUMin Yoongi is a blind man who once had a passion for music. After his accident, he dropped out university and entered a critical state of depression. He didn't expect for someone, by the name of Jung Hoseok, capable of bringing colour back into his world. pic.twitter.com/dbEShh6CiA",1 +know talk so hate world little lonely piece shit got friends friends talked like year one left call best friend one really understands me every time try go school friends always feel left out one girl really understood me started crush her fucking messed up previous school lot socalled friends found used me homeworks especially maths used share everyone found stopped sharing homework quarantine started one ever messaged even said hi way kept sane year learning programming expertised arduino python mum always says go out fucking one go out foreigner poland whenever went classmates would talk polish understand much fucking hate world also want friends want homeworks want go them maybe play sports play videogames together go movies,0 +posting everyday get girlfriend day day im hereby celebrating th aniversary death pope adeudatus day day like wood day lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisici elit sed eiusmod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua day one day one thousand day one million day one billion day one trillion day one quadrillion day one quintillion day one sextillion haha sex this today first walked km m up bicycled km usually struggle both day one septillion day one octillion day one nonillion day i love apache attack helicopters cute day day twjgwuwviqheiqniberuwkgueheikwgwiq day piece dead fly wall bed years now day screw fell chair worried day want provoke someone badly rn day qwertzuiopasdfghjklyxcvbnm day fuck magic eye bot day leg hurts say leg still hurts day need electric shock rn day day day day day day day day day day day absoloutly nothing happens countdown day day day day nothing day day day day day day should start random austria fact post series day fzzrjhgttejnpjgugzuijgfuhdojgz day think want change bedding every day fucking amazing change every days want feeling everyday day like cats cats cute day im hungry tired get up day like trains day like planes day today witnessed someone getting pulled m deep canyon helicopter day today yeeted waterfall day want found country day want yeet waterfall day e day day spanish inquisition day day p day day r day day day scam dont buy day buy minecraft instead day thinking erections public worse problem erection public day henry stickmin popular again day day even day qwertzuiop asdfghjkl yxcvbnm day big pp say bought microsoft flight sim day installing hours now day done day already spetember day big toe long pinky finger time thiccer thumb day want socialice hard rn usually hate talking ppl day half year mark getting closer day like trees day like cats day like dogs day today talked girl day d printer isnt working day think im way making female friend day im making progress day like apples day im running iut ideas write day e day ww lasted day like pizza day talked different girl today day like spaghetti too day use ecosia plz thx day u dont use ecosia ur stupid,0 +goodbye guys im sorry im sorry guys cant handle anymore tiring see go on want end im really thankful did think end im sorry really goodbye see you tomorrow ltima sleep ya idiotgt,0 +nothingi job friends family love life failed college one knew knows pain feels like idea anymore nothing college interested me years im still stuck community college sleep hours day hoping wake up spend time awake steam netflix fuck im lonely feel empty life ment me know im posting this ill probably get trolled whatever,1 +leave reality im freaking done bs nice world hiting bricks im still going least try accomplish dreambut oh godthe little something positive view life decided fly away ive studying butt offnow selfconfidence even try helping future self stay room eat day like kids know im talking smack nice kind whole life farill keep kindsomething let ruin peoples lives timebut people need someone talk toi give f homework someone life actually genuinely like give spare time straight leave meyou try harder next timethey freaking leave life way came in starting get depressing again got depression months agohere guess anyone pleasetell next stepim getting tired usually write smilies goes ,0 +getting worseeveryday think ending life though posting ill go thread comment happy comment something doubt im even depressed think im trying get attention fucking pathetic,1 +ow ow ow tummy ache too much candy i never learn,0 +every time fail wife want diethere thing stopping thought yearold son finding me thought putting binbag head sealing it,1 +life sucks years old m gpa about get lower depression started put special math class school years ago absolutely hate school ok friends rarely go out mom died family stress out dad expects much me stepmom gold digger mental problems moved away city liked years ago go school bunch stuck rich kids good everything really hate school district huge crush popular girl grade way league like way out im naturally quiet introverted im lazy ambition recently diagnosed adhd get anxiety everything hate voice find hard talk also hate name sounds weird dont want college one things society forces successful dont want go cc get job hs im kind considering military dont like yelled at life really worth point idea fucking dont see getting past ,1 +think im finally going end lifei never thought id make im feel like ive tried long enough gave good run went therapy took meds even went hospital time felt better crash worse worse every time happiness ever lasts weeks back square one tell people getting sick shit constantly tell things again feel guilty every day im here everyone tries hard still nothing give them say thank you im sorry i love you ill try harder meaningless keep picturing downing whole bottle pills alone favorite park hanging bridge near house ive already written notes people care about walk traffic think might believe accident hide notes find weeks write email write blog post set publish days now want ask help hospital expensive treatment expensive try stop means someone work cover shift parents call make excuse cant go work ill miss semester grandparents upset sad easier die point least around see happens next told friend id see today im scared cancel itll better find dead ive run excuses siblings home school ill catch bus something want find body gotta finish notes first kind want eat one last big meal maybe take nice hot bath one last time maybe ill go catch movie go pet store look cute animals one time take one last walk park go museum one last time want make last day nice feel lot calmer knowing end feel serene knowing pain anymore im gonna make peaceful last day thanks reading,1 +tv w charley she is too cute and too sweet trying to get over the blue cheer me up tweeter,0 +december train leaves central station stockholm berlin much left arrives train passengersbr br this black comedy directed peter dalle acted like used act s also photographed in bw like used period actors must lots fun making it much characters like s story well narrated everybody timingbr br a deadly black deadly funny film see it think swedes capable humour,0 +well since i m too pusy to actually kill myself i ve just decided to tell everyone who care about me i ve past away from a random heart condition it s not like it matter i m clearly and problem and i m not worth their time of day anymore my friend are all long distance anyways it s not like they ll know my soon to be ex s mom wa right i am mental and she ha the right to not want that for her daughter and i respect that i honestly had myself fooled for a little while that i wa worth something and wa actually doing better i m never gon na be able to support her anyways i m a broke sorry fool with gas cost i can no longer afford to drive from the quad city to chicago to see you i ve failed a a man the pill only work so much it s not fair to you j that you have keep track of my suicidal as i honestly want to be able to be someone that can make you happy in the way i did and more with money and stuff i want you to finish college then go to medschool like you planned on i know you re going to make a great doctor i hope you ll be able to go back home to n c and see your family more this long distance isn t right for someone like you on top of it this isn t what someone like you need you were the most beautiful person i ve ever been with in everyway i m honestly glad for the month of an amazing relationship i m even more thankful for the year of friendship guess i just wanted someone to my reason out even though i know she ll never see this and they ll never see it i can t afford to be with you guy anymore i don t wan na be the friend with no money or boyfriend and such it s not fair i hope you don t mind i keep a photo of you guy that reminds me of why i m choosing to get better goodbye guy you re gon na be fine without me,1 +mad tired today callin it in early tonight nighty night twittas,0 +henkuyinepu yeah apparently i have really bad taste,0 +anyone need someone talk tofeel free send message ,1 +quick question filler filler filler converse vans filler filler filler filler filler sksksksksks oop,0 +it wa dumb they were talking about what day do they put out trash and i said something like every day is trash day if you hate yourself but still go outside they nervous laughed and looked at me asking if i wa serious and i said well everyone hate themselves a little bit and they just didn t respond cool just me ok lol,1 +you can be a guy or girl just make sure your an adult that s 0 year old and up just trying to make friend i legit haven t had a friend in year i do get depressed from time to time but i m currently not that much i don t have the gut to end it because i fear the unknown but i m here and gon na continue to do good in life for my own happiness any like minded people i can talk to lmk i m here to listen just don t be crazy,1 +posting random word album adventures modern recording gets back spotify day kiln gt filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler lt,0 +"@rhythmsextion yeah, no one's gonna get anything done today. ",0 +reddit helpive tried past weeks include coworkers achievements wall street fucks see httpswwwredditcomraddictioncommentsqcsmyself check history today banned restricted etc else point,1 +laughed rap yo yo yo laughin this laughin laughin tits laughin sat know laughin bitch yeah laughin up laughin laughin laughin lau fucking dies,0 +people praise sidewalks keeping streets nooses help keep hitting rock bottom legal reasons redflag never answer struggling depression suicidal thoughts find trusted person confide in seek help,0 +dont know doive spent last days wondering check psych ward say fuck it pain losing love life best friend much wasnt son would ended now hes rain living getting morning point dont know long go for cant relax cant sleep feel much guilt shame feel guilt shame feeling way too ive considered going back heroine id feel better maybe would get lucky die overdose needing actually myself dont want get arrested going withdrawals dont want anything want go sleep wake up cant even sleep pass talking enough sedatives keeps taking more im afraid soon stop working escape thats make decision do,1 +guys think this w e p u nhttpsbeepboxcoplayersongnsbklejtmagnjfirotvluaqdfayzccacfbevqpffffetvluaqdfayzccacfbevqpffffetvluaqdfayzccacfbevqpffffetvluqdfyzcwbpcexabiqfadftwgockwpeewypmir_ixdpejujejkzdqlnubjdddiwuopopoorxajalaparhrdqlnudicscscsdhkopooorxaoczveeskczaahljspejejejrtpcvvvwzoporopoqkcywahljsjejejejrtpvvvctdvthaphzkpnyvaparvdqlnvpzysqsooeyysyscsytsecyzysgrwekygxqzajajajattshejejejelscscyysygefkygxvxsgnmptcnappjkvtsxopltr_p_clcprtohwsdvkmntcvvupbpcwmiywlboywlboywlboywlboywljnztiqfwxqet_duyyewasnqvxwzobaeyypcsztzclodwpepolccscgqwfgkzacjejejeibzapajajaihkovgtyczmcsssstdprrrrsqndjjjjjkqtdypw,0 +@chrisbrogan Is this your "summer look" Mr. Brogan? ,0 +come realizations th grade bullied way much theres nonstop violence punching hit hard surfaces pure terror fucks sake kid brought fucking bb gun school metal detectors nothing anyways lead permanent trauma never forget happened everyday non stop get panic attacks fights starting form despite would still try make friends later would realize make friends friends manipulators assholes violent starting friend number one mention name protect lets call raisin stupid name ik move on anyways would always lie inject fear wanted would range giving snacks giving toys money mom gave comply match im tall fight wimp small know fight knew took advantage threatening comply lost lot belongings mom worked super hard used manipulated owm ego moving friend number way smaller let size fool backstabber manipulator blackmailer would ruin reputation say lets say losing reputation old school wasnt fun anyways would always make douche moves kids good even worse friends raisin could instantly destrory others met beat manipulated backstabbed people straight awful running recess accidentally bumped powerful tankiest dude school got mad grabbed neck throw like snowball got hurt really badly vouched never go near againsecond second friend backstabbed secrets crush first ohhh probably get embarssed crush someone kid already with surprise surprise get beat welp kid told girl boy found got beat again tiered tired telling teachers jack shit got pummeled one friends worked nothing got slammed stairs switching schools option living abusive relationship mom dad broke mom popped new boyfriend first thought oh nice guy looks handsome looked nice little know far truth hed always come back drunk yell mom would always something bad manner forced us escape two shelters mom anything forced school want write much cause already long hurts write heres last thing left traumatized crying pain tears one day kid grabbed dragged bathroom threw got sprayer filled pee kids started spraying pee kicking like soccer ball lasted two minutes left crying looking glasses saying whywhyall wanted friends wanted benice i mean harm realized used friends actually friends people many horrible things used knew weak rookie made go really sad angry confused tried commit redflag relive pain take tried recover went therapy telling mom got bit better day still leaves traumatized affected acted middle school forgiven moved life ill still get ptsd time time im chill actual friends im ok school damm long im asking sympathy karma lesson careful want friends weak defend always strong someone insults insult back scared learn forgive matter somebody you must seek help learn forgive forgive live negative energy hold back life although really hard must forgive move knowing forgiving move life longer live negative feeling finally friends see hope wrong longer anyway great day night later,0 +skirt trend isnt dead youre dead,0 +she will stay with u for a year i m introverted and anxious so i don t want anyone in my space please give me some coping idea,1 +pursue help want nothing foreveri care family cares me mother father assholes bringing here owe shit fuck them deserve seeing dead body care cry like idiots may pay funeral want want waste money like waste fine tired getting school care senior high school fuck humanity fuck school pure indoctrination fuck college demanding wasteful money teaching wasteful shit free exist truly free born fuck everyone equally think govment allowed die euthanasia legalized gone slavery oppression true free will ye,1 +i wish i had someone i could talk to i know they wouldnt care but itd be nice to know i have friend,1 +creepy outdoor on the speedway alli is now in portugal seems not so good losing weight not healthy,0 +said redflag reason wrestling dad gun im sick bastard wanted kill rest family know made post know even really got wanted say feel alone almost year since day even today family twisted actions thinking im sort failed murderer,1 +@maggietong just how fat i am dying to know. ,0 +feel like im endi want kill fucking badly talked someone countless attempts apparently harder originally thought great great cant kill irritating want leave let leave please,1 +movie parts every around minutes long based true story life joe bonanno telling see events notice heard different it movie make tied chair till end think possible watch row notice watched row next day row acting movie ok scenes awesome general could bather movie acting special effects glamor one show real thing story key movie one look spectacular rambomatrixtitanic movie skip one good thing movie follow main story long boring love scenes different interrupt something important crime business bonanno,0 +running upstairs get tendies mom calls httpsyoutubewrjgtgukmuthttpsyoutubewrjgtgukmut ampxb filler filler filler text filler filler filler filler filler filler,0 +saying good night till get gf takers ama goodnight yall sweet dreams,0 +still still feeling like shit crazy think depression hit me ask anyone knew would say radiant full joy life insouciance lost completely trust anymore all doubt every decision make end anything anymore tendency shut people noticed matter social could covid make like weekends party like nothing mattered time people stop reaching out never reach ashamed feel like shit every day passes worst self estimei ugly dumb raised abusive household never developped sence identity never successful relationship always chasing wrong guys wrong guys chasing me never said love someone even though felt never guts did even matter played anywayi never recognition parents family friends anymore nothing cati tell everyday go work self worth least something day tired switching apps day tired hopeless future future get uglier day day lose confidence stay alone lonely time cannot reach people lost interest live best life hurt self estime rejected again cannot take rejection time let anyone anymore age people care anymore feel like waiting mom pass away take away life human gave little bit love of course lot manipulation hurt too outlook life different now life cool fun used be sometimes cannot point mid depression growing deep know mostly depressioni went psychiatrist even feel like anymore know wrong cannot fix it feel like alone long cannot get back tonight free amazing party next place hear music people shooting reminds time that think twice would always plans weekendsnow sports cat netflix memoriesi want part club more let writing heard cannot take anymore nothing bad luck life beg over never good was let go away let people happy cannot need vent bit again,1 +this is exactly why a city burn worry me quot a city burn s third and most likely final outing quot from their new album review,0 +Goob was truly the only character that has ever come closer to Deadpool in the comics to showing true depression. https://twitter.com/lnsaneTweets/status/989154383802793984 …,1 +yo trying refresh avail came help welcome,0 +deactivated social media one even noticedno one even people talk every day every day becomes harder dont know anymore disappeared almost two weeks one even cared feel like drop dead one would notice either hate everything want ok cant dont know anymore,1 +man dont like sub time idk different americans wake,0 +@positivityblog love your blog -- one of the few personal development blogs I've kept in my feed! you might check out (@abecrystal),0 +advice boys boy herehttpswwwyoutubecomwatchvdqwwwgxcq really good article found us sort sums us up ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb seriousness ueliminator umerkman really good job general advice us regards relationships find ueliminators post herehttpswwwredditcomrteenagerscommentshyffhadvice_from_a_boy_about_boys umerkmans post herehttpswwwredditcomrteenagerscommentshyijzmore_advice_from_a_boy_about_boys ampxb clear couple things younger boys generally make fun make dark jokes like busy discovering things ourselves however mean think cute means sure like thats hormones kicking in although could completely wrong never relationship ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb like rickroll,0 +I made my twitter yeah (L),0 +"@USQuoteHunter I don't know if you're a real person or not, but thanks for the follow! ",0 +know someone cut really deepacross planet know is way send help please emergency,1 +Good morning tweeps! Now this is a much better morning ,0 +all sorts of anxiety and depression are meeting each other hahaha,1 +wasted whole life hoping things change im back square one know do know long please readi see anything rules age restriction im sorry age makes uncomfortable im going state name want people going personal life trying contact social media etc im female need relevant advice im supposed even worth fighting life anymore born mother met ill call biological father bf know looks weird mom states manipulative mentallyverbally abusive let friends barely let get job got really bad meth refused use protection let get birth control think get it mother even know stayed conceived two sons another man allowed see go town visit with assume brothers lost custody not fault want anymore children became pregnant none me bf took get tests whatever make sure kid make sure actually pregnant see would even chance born live long story short tried convince get abortion strewn drugs nearly financially stable enough support baby quite frankly wish born night found pregnant went moms house drank alot thought do low behold decided keep leave bf met ill call step dad sd decided hell one raise her horrible bipolar disorder suicidal strewn sorts drugs physically violent abusive remember distinctively one time tried kill me chased hallway huge kitchen knife fell onto floor bedroom held inch away face around told acted would put face mentioned several years later said and promise mother stayed sd put life danger years would always go back fight apologize left moved one best friends thats probably best life ever ever be apartment shortly christmas met ill call step dad sd nice friendly first family friends things quickly switched around made see really was theres list things could type help understand tearing head childhood stuffed animal since stole quarters book fair would throw across room in way told stop pussy grow pair tried tell bullied beat school cheated mom ex wife saying things like no one makes cum like do talking women would meet craigslist would constantly belittle me friends mom insult intelligence told friend tried take life slitting wrists swallowing bunch pills said she attention reason to good life would also tell things like deserve happiness im allowed cry feel sad angry beginning years forced life years begged mom leave him years endured mental abuse brainwash first time wanted kill myself redflag introduced social media news books wanted everything end felt unwanted felt like everyone me eventually left sd found messages moms phone wanting move leave basically kicked us out went move grannie moms mom thought everything would finally okay everything would much better couple weeks new school went started issue small school new kid automatically rumors me long people started calling stds spitting football games getting trouble things do things home great grannie kept verbally abusing telling want there flipping off telling everything fault wanted worse sd everything kept getting worse worse eventually tried take life school bathroom overdosing hydrocodone whatever grabbed moms prescriptions went hospital im exactly sure happened brought back summer mom found new house us move deal grannie either went new school bad much better home much better landlord got botched surgery put nursing home selling ranch lived kicked us out mom try new home told wed move back grannie id go back school tried commit redflag in told hell convinced let move uncle cousin month home life even better school absolutely amazing soooososososo great cousin kicked got frozen yogurt without telling freaked out im back here grannie mom first night mom fought admitted inconvenience burden her im told live close enough school went mom moved here ill go one overdosed in ive fighting life telling everything happens reason keep hoping things work obviously never im back here people hell hole get first swear im offing myself im going beaten humiliated maybe even shanked students im back know mom let timeline events happen know deserve this want die im tired worrying told found go school id gash wrists throat open want that need help need answers need something please help,1 +u think u seehear someone commited redflagwhen hearsee internet think relief them hard result gives u worth strong moment respect them,1 +can t sleep and brother is at home with girlfriend and baby so i can t sleep in his room any more,0 +i study in university and started cause liked what i wa doing computer science but now i just plainly hate it and am tired between this my mental health and my family that keep on pressuring over study non stop litteraly even though i study it but i don t want to do this anymore i just feel pain and stress for it i try to feel normal and such with some passion like learning how to draw and sing and also streaming but my family will sure just slow me down and stress me more so i study more and more then will sure interrupt my therapy soon enough saying i either have been cured or cause no money for it but they will say i just got ta study more and more at the end nothing more just study and pain study study study study i can t fucking take it anymore i can t even hurt myself enough to get into an hospital cause my family will pressure me even more later over the lost hour or will pressure and force me to study even in hospital and can t even change cause it is the only thing i know how to do i though about voice acting since i liked that too but my mom just told me the truth that there are already too many voice actor out there so it s useless and i won t get a career most probably so i m stuck in c in pain and pressured while also having to help my family around continously and i can t even fucking vent to them or scream my pain cause they will order me to not scream and say that they will feel sick including my grandma cause of my screaming giving all fault to me and i can t take this anymore i just want to rest and cry but no i got ta be in class like rn and follow and study more and more non stop my only way out then is just killing myself at this point i have no more solution this is it i can only kill myself right now at this point,1 +like episode quite bit ruth gordon good little hammy always was stated music good moodiness exist episodesbr br but one major plot hole exists wide drive fleet trucks it established light work vault think intelligent columbo rest police would thought check light bulb worked think pretty short order would unscrewed bulb found note granted tv whodunit fiction various holes always found seems much glaringbr br it really make columbo hidden genius light work death bed testimony goes unfound apparently days,0 +ruined lifei normal kid high school hung friends enjoyed sports etc got older got addicted sedentary lifestyle porn browsing internet laying bed went skinny kid pounds feet erectile dysfunction insomnia every night struggle sleep every hours torture fixed diet work daily still success besides skinny,1 +keep goingive wanting kill lately actually long time went googling trying find different methods ones maybe wont hurt much others frankly im done pain ive pain emotional pain whole life nothing going me nothing working out dont normal life dont people loves makes want better anyway googling read something along lines stop decide want die grab pen piece paper write love write love listen favorite songs open old photos look good memories im gonna stop there broke me kidding me love one bonds one maybe someone cares me one loves back way dont love anything either im type person ambitions dreams that hate world society everything works listening favorite songs wont shit me make cry theyre sad songs looking memories me one make new memories old ones past thats nothing painful yes even say it yes mental problems dont even mention things valnurable person beg to idea long ive holding cant see bright side things anymore im constantly unhappy ive always been mandatory live like this people doesnt feel like never ever know amount pain might young know im never gonna love living way made world be im sorry world beautiful hate it basically new times slaves calling real slaves million times worse im aware anyone want helpful pm ways go out get would wanna talk it dont waste time want know methods maybe wouldnt endure worst pains last task have,1 +@lhjh70 I've recently come off my medication for depression/anxiety and I know I'm going to regret that tomorrow #numbmetomybones,1 + woke up slept hours get another hour sleep get up clue do yeah sleep schedule fucked went bed like pm,0 +im readyi meticulously planned redflag making painless tidy possible feel great thing motivating right change life moment end pain quick trip home everything need end life quickly thing getting day anyone advice motivation,1 +chill fuck zoom classes turn video off go pcs camera app now go back zoom turn video now video appear bad internet connection go device manager searching n start menu go camera click camera click disable device button top let turn camera itll show camera participants list undo this click enable device button,0 +i swear i can be doing so good doing well with my exercise with my nutrition just overall doing well in life but then that little fucking voice come back and tell me i can t do it it s a little voice but it s so fucking loud i can t keep letting it get the better of me but it s so hard sometimes i just wish i had someone here to keep me grounded but i have no one i wish i wa loved enough for people to check up on me but no one care about me fuck this stupid fucking mental disorder,1 +"Good row and lift then drafted behind a VW Bug, classy evening ",0 +none real todayeverything empty al fading away,1 +i m bored sun it s not present in a sky i deppressed so much i want see the sun,0 +i m so upset that i missed my chat and quiz online because my free internet ha ceased,0 +world horrible people planet needs get job need suck people get ahead need conform people matter right wrong matters majority says conform cast aside matter right talented matters whether conform cannot different constantly submitting people bugs off hate everybody never want get married bring someone horrible world want get old going die want go alone want take people make lives miserable want go alone,1 +warning herzog filmaker tends bit overly dramatic obsessions closing doors may may real part characters life filmakers dramatic embellishment agreed premiere san francisco herzogs usual fascination character dreams perseverance well suited story first published soldier fortune full length autobiographical book the soldier fortune comment brought loud boos politically correct sf audience filmaker main character ensure audience seen film sofs interest misplaced warning rambo survival,0 +constantly fucking up cannot anything right try make changes social lasts long drained back isolating feeling depressive feeling wanting leave it everything enjoyable feels like distraction actually thoroughly enjoyed something since kid kind drugalcohol i often true sure get little fleeting moments enjoyment short lived exhausted even here hate,1 +@taylorswift13 are you going to come to the mets game with me tomorrow? i need to know asap! @coreypullthepin wont be there..dont worry ,0 +nick carter aww nick i like your hair longer why did you cut it off break my heart,0 +dont think live action disney remakes bad ok bye dont know else say fuck mod made part mandatory,0 +@howlingeverett would be cool if he got the rights to Monkey and made the fifth one ,0 +life absolute shitits years since moved another town years deal shit inside head scream every evening beat something friends lose exfriends good work count unemployed lot shit want tell think somebody care it next year last happy new year everyone,1 +time for lunch i m so craving spring roll to bad we don t have a chinese near who delivers,0 +i ve been feeling really down recently don t really want to be alive but i know that if i tell my therapist i am suicidal she ll put in me in a psych ward so while i will tell her i m sad and depressed and why i m those thing but i won t tell her more don t really want to be in a ward probably won t try to kill myself if i m being homest but don t want to be alive,1 +male depressed suicidal thoughts keep yourself become outcast dont wanna become weirdo man up,1 +fucking hate mom cant single bit privacy even online classes also antimask antimask like wtf,0 +cynnergies yep i also seem to get a real slowdown most evening after around pm gmt,0 +got graded e for three of my lesson and it triggered something in me it reminded me of how much a worthless degenerate that i am i m so fucking stressed out i never normally let it get to me but this year last year of school it ha started to hurt me on top of that my rib mostly center part arm and back all fucking hurt it s not even an ache there s this physical pain that hurt and it make me feel weak and even more depressed,1 +ive been awake for so long it feel about pm meh,0 +what can i say something major happened someone died friend of mine i am drunk i dont wan na call hotlines they know me already,1 +sorry botheri saw many people posting realized posting probably task choice seeing im already writing might well finish cry help im posting note plan overdosing want people finding note untill already late need couple hours itll over please understand want this ive tried realized ill keep trying untill physically cant so heres note one many drafted notes final official note hey everyone read clicked link posted know late im somewhere able find ive already ingested fatal amount meds know itll hard im sorry already cut communication months hard people whove stuck time id like thank you asked better friends im sorry friendship end like this anyone asked life im sorry lying im sorry saying i could worse brushing question simple good hbu im sorry mom dad shay know haunt years please know im better place anyone ive ever pleasure meeting remember follow dreams forgive always know cliche heck thats honestly best advice think moment people ive hurt sorry hope able forgive me know are im tired hurting im tired hurt want breathe feel love cry feel life beautiful life curse were stuck with depends cope know choice love guys bye ps checking replying comments already made clear posting note,1 +oh shit forgot day ill spare minuscule details saw cute girl got depressed usual besides cant sleep depressing hours,0 + hahahahahahaha losing fuckin,0 +said caillou gone school apparently caillou show got canceled said caillou gone shit kid class said canon,0 +existing single block dry noodles needs healthy lifestyle lmao dont need em,0 +anyone want silver idk whoever comments first ig,0 +todays th birthday finaly stop browsing sub illegally have amazing day amazing people,0 +Finished a wedding invitation artwork for some friends getting married. http://bit.ly/44Tcn,0 +thats said hey gimme back lettuce kind list it naughty nice list santa mofo,0 +hold damn long life continue messing againfuck life,1 +i wouldn t necessarily say i don t know what i really want in life it s more like i m still experimenting on what i enjoy to draw and to make a career out of it hopefully replace it with the current job i m working in a for the current job i m working a a custodian housing custodian at a university it s a lot of work and you got to be extremely fast pace and versatile i m diagnose with chronic depression anxiety and obsessive compulsive disorder it s so hard trying to keep up everyone s expectation i m always slow and having a hard time trying to finish everything i just feel like i m letting people down and i try so hard to push myself over my limit to match theirs i can only do what i can and i even told my supervisor about my disorder to accomodate me which he did but i still feel like perhaps i m not the right canidate and i m fearing the call of being fired and getting complaint for not finishing certain amount of floor on time my mindset so far i m doing what i can and if it s not enough then i tried my best but i know with my mental disorder i will go back down the spiral i called my supervisor and express my frustration even though he said everyone adores me and i m being too hard on myself i know these compliment won t last long i really don t want to quit this job but i feel like shit when i m bringing other people down with my slow dumbass illness,1 +breaking call think redflag attack start getting anxious almost reason get scared really really scared start feel hopeless thoughts go away cannot happy starts around time day end go asleep days happen days like today does tips stopping really takes over types thoughts brings throughout day usually go away able focus things times like these start overwhelm crush me break again way stop it,1 +guys wtf happened them kurdish people believe ghosts called eshma chetr you find google including parents parents siblings ancestors siblings say mom son daughter died starvation no theyre african american someone trapped basement would feed nan flat circle bread day one day went basement give nan single body found next days people somehow found reported still bodies found guy sentenced life prison tho windows exit escape somehow did could found anywhere incident everyone put whole meal nan left alone hours nan would slowly get eaten everyone started stopped working year so anyways enough bread getting eaten also found showered week specifically wednesdays showered wednesdays hit one got injured get injured died die one showered wednesdays never stopped still going kurdish happened me parents still let us shower wednesdays even tho siblings think bs day sister woke am i awake see pulling nighter shower parents know got injured anything yet proved us bs today went bathroom phone flushed once waited like minutes no joke flushed own thought accidentally flushed think much another minutes later flushed again time positive flush said flushes time gotta get tf outta there another minutes later flushed got tf outta there remembered sister showered am day freaked out believe theyre real siblings believe parents will,0 +I've Been Thinking.. Mayb I Should Go To Sleep Soon. ,0 +im fucking bored people live past like holy shit,0 +awkward cousins play fun nieces nephews fine take care work well little kids,0 +mods guys gotta get god damn game would ban someone getting stalked yet stalker need either get game get new mods team know im gonna likely gonna get banned banned victim instead stalker rjusticeforthewronged for need game care community stalkers,0 +hiim like almost i socially ostracized pretty much whole life middle school important thing start social notredflag went school home without making friendships love notredflag happened high school college mid teens feeling socially behind everyone else around sense teens friends social circles love notredflag etc college already socially retarded could seen me yeah whenever group odd creepy autistic guy guy work life came college workfield different story people mostly s kids longer place interact people similar age interests you really hard time waking up sleeping going trough another day feel like would wake endure hell existence would overlife seems social net start building since childhood accumulate key experiences right time friends true friends first kiss first teenage sexual relation etci experienced crucial milestones feel dead inside also multiple botched eye surgeries left one eyes conjunctiva permanently red people feel even uncomfortable near thanks oddly red eye never part world torments every single waking moment,1 +already gave comment movie name brucev brucev want add something long time seen lot called heroic bloodshed titles many come close action shown john woo movies thats years think strange china white get credit deserves matter version seen action top notch scenerychina town amsterdam unique get impression large district lived amsterdam know small area part red light district happen lot chinese stores restaurants way shot movie actually looks like big important territory people know mess triads chinese mafia besides action china white compelling gangster drama good acting give credit russel wong bad see much latelysince lot potential must see movie,0 +think im finally ready end things im ugly life going nowhereits good thing im flat broke background im nearing spent years working best possible person can got amazing shape started dressing well worked social skills nervous tics got hygiene order studied attraction flirtation well well previously fat body covered hideous face women see me trigger gag reflex people often talk pass them either saying something friend laughing ugly pity comments like poor guy face mother could love ive also overheard coworkers talking look think headphones on today therapist confirms im unfortunate looking trying make point ugly people meet woman slipped saying though im unfortunate looking still find someone realized said immediately tried change topics want embarrass really really hurt nice get honesty though afterwards leave early work interview promotion try damnest get better mood it playing upbeat music though face might disgusting spent rest money paycheck picking really nice outfit wear interview im dressed well feeling little better get there immediately told hiring supervisor interview tomorrow confirmation email say today informed this told tomorrow im guaranteed get position embarrassment wear old baggy dress clothes fat tomorrow something different on since cant afford buy another outfit go interview ill never get another interview position yet another confirmation face disgusting said lucky at least loved ones im broke theres gun store miles away wish could make purchase forever alone stuck place im joke ask please give nonsense everyone find true love anything realistic makes feel worse also want embarrass normal picture myself please ask one know compliments would faux feel like told im ugly already today also im considering plastic surgery id rather give money doctors without borders save children deserve live opportunity darwin clearly wants die years ago would thrown tribe ugly would died soon wilderness thank reading needed vent could stand chance make today fridays payday ill decisions make,1 +cant find words this human end took hours writewrote first words accidentally clicked away showed idiot am need get chest anything further go again brings close redflag around months ago girlfriend together like half year broke me cool way caught cheating broke me told sorry wont still together really love would forgive her time attached her dont understand anymore today thats things used be refused left nothing suffer ptsd paranoia baddest times dumb even staying her never serious total fraud dont know even stayed one second took time im done processing yet gets better back also reddit account gained lot support help im thankful for smoking weed also helps lot helps calm down im full high tense energy time hard get clear thoughts im shaky usually get weed friend town weeks ptsd got worse know weed would savior without searching found profile twitter yes twitter guy ive known long time actually real life seen profile couple times personal page real life stuff etc makes lets plays post said selling weed needed dm him dumb addict would give try would never buy way usually dark hole didnt anything dealer wasnt available so thought okay guy seems cool whatever cant bad mean weed heroin meth virtual friend showed profile time ago must cool wrote dm answered pretty fast bought weed worth him let convince pay amazon gift card im idiot know post traumatic stress bad said fuck it lot real life stuff page would scam someone paid send code gave adress real life twitter account wasnt even active anymore time still lot old posts couple days later friend mine offered go watch movie refused stayed home receive package never came wasted much time waiting it didnt receive week asked couple times happened still fully trust believing legit asking asking finally blocked realized got scammed research found scamming people regular sometimes even doxing them threatening stuff like that wanted go police dont know even call person monster opinion also cyber bullying followersfriends terrorizing people online seems like fun lifes bad thing need make others bad well shocked couldnt believe got into person adress knows look knows lot probably since contacted main twitter dont want cant go police get fucked buying weed could seriously lose job here wish bad could go back time dont know guy going infos know im real trouble know reason wanted could fuck life up stupid didnt pay enough attention one single moment felt bad needed weed what fucking paranoia still trusted him feel worthless didnt wanted problems always nice everybody helped others went shop buying worth amazon without even questioning it dont wanted get ptsd didnt ask it didnt want get whore girlfriend leaves back dirt tbh atm dont even want life anymore thats enough im also wasting peoples time reddit long ass textwhen think bastard good time money work hard im full hate would read hed probably laugh pussy crying reddit help wants see suffer whatsoever reaction seems bit harsh know really boiling right now im bad person always tried get everything right good person get finger butthole every single fucking time finna need stand myself something bout it cant life peace anyway people dont want to state making weed illegal dont want to ex gf dont want to boss paying minimum wage dont want to scum like even exist ankles bleeding punched fucking wall want become total asshole like are okay get it cant go life like this ive point thousand times wont happen againbut happened again people shitting me real life since recently even online world fucked like ptsd paranoia simply cant survive person right now dont know haterevenge answer dont want go jail mean life gets fucked everyday die cancer yes cancer joke im psychologically physically ill something needs change want happy im miles away wish human experience feelings life bad realized always people like before right many humans crying edge redflag every half minute someone kills himself feeling helpless treated fair really makes sad dont see know fact ,1 +i have a sad feeling that dallas is not going to show up i got ta say though you d think more show would use music from the game mmm,0 +always ending ghosting fuck friends need,1 +post gets like breathe know difficult feat bruh need breathe help please,0 +oh yes hb to one of the most intr movie in history let s tell each other the impression of our first viewing of electroma i remember it wa in the year 0 and then this film raised a lot of question for me cuz i wa not prepared to sit and watch robot die of depression,1 +"Brought home 2 #kennewickrescue Eskimo pups to foster for Seattle Humane--cute overload--could use some ShamWow puppy diapers, however... ",0 +i remember back in high school senior year my anxiety wa at it absolute worst it wa difficult for me to make friend so i came home and lost myself in video game to try and forget about how difficult it wa for me to talk to people i had to attend school the next day so i needed some way to cope w the anxiety i d play video game all day and do my work last second i graduated then i took extra time off before heading to college even though i didnt attend h anymore i still had anxiety of having to talk to people when eventually going to college i had issue of self worth i continued to play my video game day in and day out it wa excessive and my family occasionally had outburst theyd say thing like what are you a baby you still like video game grow up keep playing those video game you re never going to amount to anything you re so lazy what s your problem i ve grown out of that phase and my anxiety is more manageable nowadays but looking back i d like to make a point if you know some that is incredibly lazy it may not be by choice their head can feel like a complete mess and they may feel like the only way to cope is by zoning out a much a possible just being alone in a room w my thought made my heart race like crazy and excessive sweating ensued some people just wouldnt understand until it happens to them perhaps some of you do though,1 +dhughesy thats when i have my birthday but we already have plan,0 +brother trying make sick so brother trying make sick ive contracted pneumonia days ago i still it anyways bigger brother trying make sick hes coughing room often even overheard coughing directly room trying sleep parents anything even grounding such do type revenge take him im ,0 +man today is going sooooo slowly today,0 +feel shame thinking suicidaltheres escape endless loop wanna feel like special sad snowflake yet mind craves kind validation see glimpse future get overwhelmed guilt doubt never suicidal begin with ive done attention theres escape loop happiness hope seem bittersweet yet reason prefer something bitter pity need feel control im actually one controlled choosing suicidal make different interesting compared people choosing death secure ending mean im control means im weak let go little pride take feeling miserable others theres escape loop keep spinning spinning im getting dizzy soon ill drop dead ill finally stop going circles behind ill leave trail blood pain others carry shoulders since mine weak wrinkly slightly ripped bag full sharp rocks ripped enough let fall off bag ill put backs around me pretend exist day breaks spine makes unable anything else stay still drown thoughts behind ill leave sphere angst perhaps decided leave life me since tad bit powerful disappear perhaps stay behind help karma perhaps itll hurt ones hurt caused trauma thats pretty monochromatic shiny yet boring fantasies shiny perspective bland peoples tastes course thats completely understandable healthy would strive greater shiny things since im ill settle pretty burgundy tiny diamond put display end tunnel end,1 +wanna talk potentially friends say oh im moody you cant handle emotions yadayadayada take emotions understand feel moody im hardly offended hmu comment end,0 +really need someone talk toi know sounds stupid told friend suicidal thoughts said messagecall anytime want talk anxiety kind feel like putting burden messaging her come reddit find someone talk to feel completely utterly alone moment ever im group always feel like im one always background one would notice disappear also problems feel comfortable posting publicly,1 +i am finally checking myself into the hospital for suicidal ideation i don t think they will be able to help me but at least i will be safe and not a risk to anyone else i am pretty scared it will be the end of my marriage maybe of my job i put this off for a long time but i am not safe i wish so badly i had never been born,1 +" the ones with the greatest capacity for good, are the ones with the greatest capacity for evil O:",0 +sometimes wish rich could much dumb crap like seriously money would rent billboards post gary please come home signs literally everywhere would make bunch second ads post yt like ad would patrick saying love immediately cuts proceeds video trying watch sound like good idea,0 +describe colors,0 +i ve been struggling with depression for basically my whole life i wasn t diagnosed with anything until a year ago but i believe it s been a problem for me for the last year im really getting frustrated with myself because i see where i used to be and the potential i had and so doe everyone else yet i ve been struggling to get out of bed can t commit to school i ve blocked myself off from seeing friend for reason i m not even sure of long story short i m not who i should or want to be ha anyone else struggled with this i know for myself that i really somedays can not get out of bed but is this something that i can control i want to be better for myself i don t want to have these reoccurring thought of suicide and self hatred am i using it a an excuse to be lazy everyday talking to my parent make me feel like i m just being lazy and i m constantly comparing myself to my brother who appear to be doing good in life please tell it to me straight don t tell me everything will get better i need to fix this asap,1 +There honestly needs to be more conversations had about post grad depression.,1 +Great day . Goodnight ,0 +well boys got turned downfind last post context basically talking girl week starting catch feelings today pretty much asked got turned down well theres always fish sea know im saying fellas,0 +hate existing today woke thinking make work again cannot family hates me hate myself never better thought better universe keep pushing dark,1 +think wanted kill yesterdaysomebody told post am yesterday class party day first part finals write pages specific theme day turn paper in celebrate decided said throw party excited day long even went bought new clothes stuff look good really hoped maybe todays day maybe flirt someone make someone really prepared party usual talked lot people drink drive party came point everyone danced fun sober sitting sober dance browsing reddit even blame friends would i every someone came grabbed hand dance afraid it even declined offer girl like thats uncomfortable dancing me went bathroom resist hitting face hated bad probably already tell flirting also making lonely ass drove home late night driving really thought today bought stuff spent hour two bathroom simply hopeful today day usual nothing found funny apparently found really funny hopeful cause laughed laughed really really hard laughing slowly transformed crying laughing back crying cycle stopped breathe anymore breathed really fast unusual like panic attack stopped suddenly crying laughing plain emotionlessnes feel anything moment everything suddenly gone away held steering wheel straight saw turn coming held straight ready smash tree there drove got opposite lane woke again moment realized turned steering wheel back again seriously shocked really kill myself thats coming know might sound like suicidal attempt stopped right time really heavy experience wanted write down,1 +Coding interviews in Nvivo all day! Might understand what I'm doing enough to train someone tomorrow ,0 +seems like everything ive done vain stop talking shed probably never think another time fun,0 +im completely unloved worthlessnobody loves would care died matter do people like around me even cat hates me tried hold bit nipple bleeding even care want jump bridge sleep forever,1 +i am 0 trying to achieve my goal but i stay on bed doing nothing for several month i live alone and feel loneliness all the time i want somebody to get motivated together on daily basis to overcome our problem,1 +cyberbullying workshop start ive marked rant think fits post best however advice would also appreciated way mother recently went cyberbullying workshop feel like mum making much fuss sort stuff now came home sat gave half hour lecture bullying social media different person bullying one kid tell parents bullied receiving text messages committing redflag fourth day happening cyberbullying different cant get away it way stop cyberbullying happening you feel like massive overreaction part partially caused misinformation tells guy workshop mid s ended allowed phone room overnight apparently i let social media influence me teenager wont tell parents see account real name actually social media accounts real name ones made school ive told know yet reason people school like me still know send death threats sht feel like mum massively overreacting here guys experiences like this,0 +I'm not even famous yet I hv a stalker....wow ''I don't want 2 be friends or associates with you'' ..i know ur prolly reading this bcs,0 +disclose redflag ideations psychiatriststoday second time ive tried tell psychiatrist redflag feelings like last one dismissed it dont know expected one psychiatrist two professionals ever disclosed this guess expected least interest exactly thoughts kind inquiry get details feel like wanted get subject with fuck ask help professionals literally supposed deal mental health feel like dont care therapists better either guess dont people close feel comfortable enough disclose stuff theres really one else kind internet forums good enough vent guess far solution want guidance,1 +"This lovely morning = X-Men and earring making marathon. Fun, fun, fun. ",0 +i suddenly miss my flintstone vitamin tablet soooo gooood,0 +want feminine like guys feminine dont know explain it im girl masculine pretty nice since ya know really something thats expected be dont want guy tho cant explain well masculine girl feminine guy seems nice,0 +guys really important like seen memes kid fought back bully gets blamed point kid must loss seem like bully one getting kicked gonna pussy fight back,0 +actually reasonive taken forever work actually post reddit im tears every night understand anyone actually happy living every person full shit im adding it enjoyment people get it,1 +i m a ci straight white guy with a good education and a decent job yet still i can t stop this incredibly self hatred i can t stop feeling so pathetic and desperate and worthless i should be so grateful for all the luck i ve been given but not doing so only fuel my self hatred even more i don t know if this is relatable and i don t know if this is just further compounding how shitty it is of me to be fortunate and still hate myself,1 +button waiting death made mind clearly okay die know it think constant thought years eligible able die since march wish die every day single day mind changed,1 +think going kill myself going use helium place sells helium tanks walking distance place anything week week stop tomorrow buy tank apparently painless quick mess wife clean anything gets home really really really unhappy thought would feel better went camping ended getting flu fleas instead thought killing long time especially got kicked army fucking pot fucking months left would got anyways now college working parttime miserable every day wish meth killed not even stopped using meth still fucking happy started taking zoloft made kind happy also fucking crazy stopped taking zoloft now constantly feel like coming meth tired this fucking tired well hopefully helium stock hi,1 +little brother asked help this im completely colorblind cant tell difference ampxb httpspreviewredditxofcorpngwidthampformatpngampautowebpampsbdfbcfdaefeccebc,0 +parents wont accept im part religion anymore ps know may best community post this im really desperate help support little background knowledge family lutherin entire life know believe basically branch christianity think gay acting wrong believe branch christianity beliefs correct beliefs everyone part it go church every sunday seriously religious case parents also believe god way cure pain suffering thats main problem comes in figured lutherin christian beginning year making realization took huge weight chest rules lutherin christianity really strict agree lot them really stressed out since decided lutherin christian ive trying figure believe in finally settled type deism basically believe god or multiple gods created world interact way ive content beliefs want change anyone bad part situation made friends lutherin church constantly felt like lying them since lot morals lutherin christian never suspected couldve made switch would pray worship talk god holy perfect way would feel alone time gained courage tell closest friends it overall okay it couple disappointed still accepted decision anyway try convince otherwise problem comes religious people church includes parents told parents directly im deist lutherin christian ive given pretty big hints shown im part beliefs system anymore it still force go church participate religious discussions follow religious rules even sometimes force read family devotion even tell really really want to worst part believe pray god give surrender him mental illnesses cured much help me one thing decided get therapist however trust therapists lutherin christians thats big issue first got someone church course work out since beliefs match up refusing get therapist lutherin christian since think money constant war parents this know to accept im different really stressing out tldr parents cannot accept im part religion anymore starting use make life miserable it,0 +whats longest time youve ever chewed gum gum,0 +sorryi want live sadness anymore please help me,1 +@OJGman @FireNoob Was pretty sick for over a month..sure some of it was serious..couldn't breathe etc..but maybe I was in deep depression over ol'sackless doughy kevvy going offline... at least he never 'apologized for 200 yrs of BPD' like douchey de sousa did...,1 +got banned rmemes happen made mistakes honestly deserve whatever reposting meme reposts joke idk,0 +anyone else feel wayi want escape negative emotions want pursue positive emotions happiest life imagine life all really goal however subconsciously know could reach goal stage life attached things loveenjoy much connection real world sabotage myself destroy potential remove personality dream becoming heroin addict overdosing deep down know things free attachment feel alive choice passively let things happen die brave take responsibility life,1 +bf poggers idea wanna say might get harassed bf amazingim gay hes sweetyi love cuddlesim still thinking abt fact found screenshotted first compliment gave himhes simp giggles,0 +great movie two people different backgrounds social status think nothing offer end needs testament heart knows sometimes wonder one man woman vise versa outward appearances say one thing eye offer within cannot see amazing unexplainable nimi thought matthew nothing offer matthew looking fling because open marriage whis wife jenny end realized could want exist without other worth resist family friends thought society said right other movie kind restores faith love,0 +profile say apart horny posts ofc would yall bully irl cuz would,0 +#hoppusday @markhoppus Happy Hoppus day you rock,0 +i really talki feel like im going type type type need talk something really know feel shitty know try hard everything wrong cut scratched starting th grade got caught junior year hs got diagnosed general anxiety clinical depression homeschooled senior year went community college withdrew classes ab w th year university student withdrew classes units away graduation ditched intership team corps members little humans failed redflag valentines day year mute just cant get talk anyone write words down most talk boyfriend via messages skype money issues nothing completely unsolvable preventable valentines day thing really know myself boyfriend trying keep happy try happy every day work parents restaurant smiling nodding running away treated like im two years old someone tries get talk thing gets know head really reason depressed theres table food roof head clothes laptop try hard keep busy take hobbies go places gift people stop im thinking ways kill without failing breaking boyfriend blamed taking flight anywhere parents see cadaver like shit head time want get better fall this know one point pounds year would buy chocolate ice cream go grandmas house id refuse leave underneath covers weeks cant anymore want visit emergency crisis team medication anything shrink nothing good me want talk her feel like want end all want one end it kind jokingly asked boyfriend kill instead reaction really bad felt really bad realized awful say realized thats really contradictory know sometimes im just pretend im better maybe ill get better keeps making feel worse makes head hurt parents going much already really need this worry yearold daughter graduated student financial services just want think right now health issues know popped up im wondering really point if im ending burdening family worrying people better end grieve little go live lives load little lighter tried really did never missed therapy contacted asked help psychologists kept busy outgoing made friends got accepted internship volunteered gave alone time went shopping ate lots lots chocolate candy took pictures made scrapbooks got boyfriend tried nothing worked know im willing try anymore but know know want get want want even right really know want go sleep tonight wishing wake tomorrow want wake see just know feel like everythings wrong,1 +found ex cheated beginning lies whole relationship ya since broke rind sitting knife two bottles vodka friends relationship one gives shit topnof hat know evil person maybe punishment fuvkinh unless pussy,1 +ghostys daily posty flash would great sex cause become vibrator,0 +why don t the hot guy from my gym get on my train in the morning it s always full of dullard,0 +steve carell comes first starring role year old virgin supporting roles films bewitched bruce almighty anchorman work daily show gotten small taste comedy carell truly makes own tell ferrell influenced comedic air carell takes another level everything innocent lovable hilarious would hesitate say steve carell one next great comedians timebr br the year old virgin two hours nonstop laughs or hours see twice like did perfect supporting cast great leads charm audience entire movie script perfect many great lines want see movie try remember all music fit tone movie great tell director knew doingbr br filled sex jokes nudity lot language movie everyone liked wedding crashers anchorman movie along lines absolutely love year old virgin,0 +cant die alreadyif read stories know retarded dad family are constant babying never trusting stuff really getting me think handle right now constantly telling do do letting live life im close end,1 +in this day and age doctor shouldn t take this long with result,0 +world reali really feel like time posting last cry help thats even possible really smart know everything highschool teaching already cant focus enough actually it im failing everything except band love friends despite trying hard make girl almost anorexicly skinny would call attractive enough friend try talk parents always busy talk usually wathing tv mom laptop day doesnt even job reality become video games retreat terrible lifemy place friends which mom calls fake friends know people worse buy cannot stand life become way is rely fake world id rather live all slit wrists tonight get back home ive read lot realised otjer people seem similar,1 +lost dear friendnot redflag cancer struggling suicidal thoughts lot lately things feel different dear friend mine lost long battle leukemia earlier week came remission years last october never gave up never lost hope never stopped fighting thats changed things seeing everyone loves suffer absence given change heart taking life may feel like burden may feel like curse everyone im close to terrible grief share something cannot leave place thank you dear friend everything taught me,1 +might mentally unstable least sixpack now,0 +using sub diary day today great chilled school gave us bio project today math quiz got proud seams like flexing guys accomplishment guys day anything intresting happened biggest accomplishment wee month general,0 +@paper_hand you make me giggle ,0 +@MissAvarice Binary wedding sounds cool! You can write your vows in binary code too. ,0 +embarrassing posts moms facebook account guys mother added teacher respect most best teacher ever had facebook mother posts lot unironic rimandthisisdeep shit mention old embarrassing pictures me fuck always mind grab phone block specific teacher lazy it start calling asshole trust me know much pictures embarrassing much bothering making uncomfortable help,0 +days one big blur mundane mentally trapped mind feel way escape kill myself mentally tired,1 +torrenting slow takin multiple hours download gb file although might hardware cuz ive done main pc ryzen gb ram fine im surface quad core atom gb lpddr slow ghz wifi im torrenting linux isos sure ill go,0 +bouta go nut brb fillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfiller,0 +I wear zee cargo today. Supa coo ,0 +@purplejellybean thank you!!! ,0 +im disappointmenti feel empty useless know fact im disappointment family want want make family proud least feel good myself honestly want give hope rope break again,1 +two weeks since hospital feel fantastic hiding feelings transgender man supported parents finally educated themselves respect me stood edge ran towards it stopped thought that steep drop fall fall lasts long scream anticipation waiting die what actually ascend sat called cops spent days hospital psych ward open feelings also realize me suicide work sound fun put back antidepressants ones work real well feel fantastic worked like charm sure still deal crippling loneliness peers put least tolorable again life precious feel great,1 +ruined everythingthings going well fooled around told loved me next day made huge mistake told sister hes bdsm stuff implied us fooling around consensual part bigger argument first time ive fucked may last good night happened think make anymore fucked everything up fault cant live,1 +madhur chandni bar started making realistic films people called dry br br he made satta another realistic though filmy film great filmbr br aan men work formula film floppedbr br he returns superlative page br br a film dwelves lives journalists brilliant filmbr br the film well narrated though half baked romantic portions konkana could avoided forgivenbr br the entire upendra limaye track superb toobr br while atul kulkarni track great toobr br the dial manoj joshi friends funny first repetitive timesbr br the subplot bikram tara brilliant entire hospital scene also final child abuse shocks youbr br the film open ended ending nicely handledbr br madhur great job music okaybr br konkana excels madhavi using expressions best tara sharma decent except voice sandhya mridul good usual upendra limaye excels part cop one talented actors sadly used well nowdays atul kulkarni good small part boman irani restrained great job rest okay,0 +stop faking happiness if you are not happy say it and see the help depression kill faster than you could ever imagine,1 +what is common between chidambaram and george bush http news oneindia in 009 0 0 sikh journalist hurl shoe at p chidambaram html,0 +ive set datethe day th birthday almost months away ive planned trip abroad friends then im starting new better job im going meeting therapist soon words given every opportunity change mind then know im posting here guess wanted tell story cant really talk redflag people know weirds out enough trouble keeping friends without baggage so goes estranged parents awful people even awful parents standards made deeply unhappy growing decided remove life years ago alone friendships superficial longterm girlfriends never worked out love once ended badly spontaneously developed chronic medical issues past year body starting break down spent last decade trying improve myself made progress become increasingly clear best self great im depressed symptoms im unhappy cant fixed im likely ever life want gave real honest shot im tired want done it so one day th birthday going kill myself long long time coming delayed years hope think im finally ready go thanks reading,1 +one identifie succubus curious meow meow nyah got fill word limit meow meow nyah,0 +"http://twitpic.com/7jbul - finally, i got it! Thanks P'Chol and Tom ",0 +know stopi know typing this fine accounts struggle little fine life people around love me like time bull shit am opportunities got go best school country mostly supportive family good boyfriend still cant help it fucking enraged im itching over twitching picking hands yet cant stop myself fucking lucky born opportunity waste it allowed roam streets free cant even stop hysterically crying picking hands late night even boyfriend lying right next me exasperated yet soon times tell dwindling becoming far between happen revert fall traps feel right hate it hate much feels less forced anything else know negative rumination cycle cant quit feeling right im sorry read this theres nothing here please nice day,1 +care anything anybody years therapist says know notmy sister got accident left almost crippled care it fault trusting legally blind bf drive freewaymy mother married alcoholic kidney issues kidneys fucked doctor sent letter stop drinking wants live years read pint hand give fucki care dead grandmother even though raised protected physically abusive mother abusive point almost beat mother protected me grandmother died even call deathbed fuck her never called mei care keeping friendships matter time get tired complainfuck everybodyfuck yoy care,1 +ive trying get help years nothing changesnhs waiting lists endless assessments triggering unsupportive family ex told stop weak snd making excuses know much longer keep limping hoping want end think irrational unreasonable ive tried tried yet feel like pull inevitability like control happen if,1 +cannot take anymore redflag redflag feeling hopelessness loneliness smallest thing set makes want end all try talk feelings others end scaring friends away making parents mad end getting fights loved ones want kill badly courage feel bad parents thought jumping balcony many times think family discovering corpse cannot iton second thought people say entitled make things head make effort get better might well since seems life worth anyway want nothing never exist,1 +girlfriend threatened redflagnote situation control post learning experience girlfriend messaged skype saying going kill herself tablet died get message minutes turned phone off panicked proceeded call would like point out live different states aware address town lives in rather big town near her dispatch told call town near lives redirected one two possible towns sent right back big towns police somehow little information had able locate address thankfully okay much better point post show matter little information have enough prevent tragedy give know name general location turns out thats need save life edit odd chance dispatcher reading post want thank do dispatch never gets enough credit deserve it amazing heroes it thank much,1 +suggestions good hotlinesi called many get damn thing every time want discern immediate danger not are shunt authorities not want line soon possible lines actually talk ya know help avoid getting bad,1 +"Pulitzer Prize winner @kendricklamar Talks About His Depression and Suicidal Thoughts, and Music as Therapy, @YouTube - http://youtu.be/Hu4Pz9PjolI  @MTVNews #mentalhealth via @picardonhealth",1 +recently finished missing assignments filler text filler text filler text filler text filler text,0 +mom said would rather kill meshe would rather kill committing redflagdoes said make feel better shouldnt talk cause go fucking mad said that,1 +doso ive love girl years balls confess last night talking usual found recently got boyfriend got upset messaged go somehow saw upset asked wrong said nothing wrong said easy read said wasnt asked whether boyfriend lied said nope xd one thing led another asked do like me replied since right im bawling eyes shaking im seriously ready end it cant all,1 +lion king fun addictive sequel expect production values theatrical release expect highest quality direct video releasebr br it set timon pumba begin watching original lion king darkened theater abruptly switch tracks begin narrating story done frequent comedic interruptions example one particular tense moment home shopping commercial pops chagrined pumba realizes sat remote little moments pepper movie whether find entertaining greatly depend sense humor particularly bothered movies deliberately remind viewer watching movie may cup teabr br animation best theyve invested disney dtv line integrated almost seamlessly original material newer independent material uses lot artistic style original voice talents well performed though help thinking marge simpson every time heard julie kavnerbr br many jokes movie well recognized viewers recycled generations presented familiarity comfortable quirks old friends annoyingly repetitivebr br the music made realize much enjoyed miss good musical integrated disney feature toetapping opening feature dig tunnel well choreographed hilarious timon pumbas take lion kings opening sequence introduction paradise also amusing problem reprise dig tunnel end movie switching lyrics tune defeatist upliftingbr br story line pretty well done integration new plot elements done almost perfectly though final bit hyena chased stretched storyline credibility little new story seem handle saccharine emotionally charged moments well better resorting full comedy br br overall worth purchasing like bonus features come typical disc set go it penny pincher still willing invest good flick wait drops four dollars go rent right away br br damion crowley,0 +lovehate relationship horny one hand love sex masturbating hand hate im horny like time girl frineds lucky sex drive stronger guys normal ones,0 +many us wanting die every dayi come often come think yes ive decided now come wanting leave behind something whats life leave nothing behind right cant leave anything behind friends family were repeatedly told hurt killing ourselves course action is try best friends family little memory possible leave memory strangers im doctor first job made ill hours stress repeated infections colleagues patients but especially colleagues got cfsme taking medication depression suicidality got sick march colleague begged work let things remotely meetings telephone consultations happen home as many colleagues different supervisors supervisor agree this is play health go risk covid infections phone calls people type letters cant even stand half hour sure lets make worse again tried apply jobs even secretary past year luck pandemic even jobs family lives abroad countrys borders closed friends health drove off probably helped charming depressive personality ive made preparations already ive started say goodbye people letters finances everything taken care of im relieved everything ending finally wanted leave memory somewhere say happens doctors too get depressed too get sick too like everyone else here nobody take care us either thank reading goodbye,1 +wish deadim tired fighting know much keep going,1 +@JL_Anderson Me too.. I'll try that next time. ,0 +this so called life changing drug ruined my life permanently it gave me permanent sexual issue some sort of emotional issue there seems to be no recovery from this ive never been like this before i only had anxiety it a syndrome called pssd from ssri whats hope amp x 00b amp x 00b,1 +home alone urgesim alone house block knives spent last sharpening razor fine tips urges roof want end now,1 +"so, im gonna take my dog for walkies, and do my maths notes while watching the curious case of benjamin button exciting, brb!",0 +babyvtec geez it s so late for you good luck at work tomorrow i am soooo knackered too love you,0 +think might finally get withtheres hardware store far me ive thought going finding thick rope also know instinct struggle kick in wish knew could take right relax work situation hopeless toxic completely alone world died apartment would probably take months anyone tried reach and ones would reach would landlord checking rent,1 +im dying know actually worth living forthis throwaway post gives basic rundown situation im in httpswwwredditcomrredflagwatchcommentseeythrowaway_i_am_worthless_i_wasnt_meant_to_be_born stuff mind consistently suicidal year two now honest died two years ago missed much yeah may girls accomplishments outweighed whats wrong enjoy sort esteem dropping stuff im pretty dead inside right want know whats worth going shitty life going agonizing self destructive parents fucked bad im well continue well school fail meet goal going michigan tech eventually fail become person want be since requires prerequisite happy live past whatever college is im probably going stuck minimum wage job living sort poverty nobody actually cares wants needs here im going stuck thing next fifty years die either way im going still fucked wishing rather dead point really see point living im going waiting it think live life everything experience negative fucking training cant actually happy happy life since like really nothing makes want alive thats worth years waiting years pain want end reason already killed im waiting see im elected president robotics team would probably die even become president tell this exactly exactly worth living thats desirable pain suffering know love since always turns harm know kids could never bear burden bringing fucked world it,1 +experience snow im floridian know sand alligators know snow tell me snow fun annoying fun make snowmen need know,0 +cant think title atmi felt urge search subreddit tonight browsing post others similar issues open eyes sill need get things chest dont know im really suicidal ill ever go killing myself know persisting thoughts death answer problems problems youre probably familiar with jobless social anxiety feeling guilt burdening family living nonexistent selfesteem know things get better eventually long keep taking steps forward try to im quite rejection streak job applications im applying go back college like last gamble hello debt currently dog im emotionally dependent on dont know good thing not hes look forward day kept going lately family says got go hurts know rightsay matter cant support him hes still currently tuesday im going separation anxiety thinking it depresses theyre sending live relative who doesnt understand cant feed dogs certain things like chocolate cooked bones consequences arent little stomachache person also lets dog wander next town contacted shelter found him back previous owner neglected outside i told tied short chain covered feces bringing endless worries dog laid beside every night last half year spent much effort teach basic commands like stay shake roll over greet hugs kisses every time come back home errand point guess obvious whats got riled tonight ill try convince find qualified person take in love family put loser like me cant help feel frustrated doesnt help comments like stop overthinking im not grow up hurry get job support yourself dog dont know im going this,1 +guys think utherealborse robot comment apple maybe theyre robot,0 +post selfie think differently look like greg heffley live action movie,0 +ha a poorly cat at home i want to be their to hold her fur back and pas her tissue,0 +holy fuckkk opened reddit computer first time theres much info stats stuff woahhh,0 +fantasize killing myselfi want redflag conscious everyone hate want live everyday knowing killed them want miserable am,1 +btw im thinking killing dont flood redflag hotlines mkay would die accidentally touched metal part phone charger electrical outlet im putting in ik sound really fucking stupid answer question cause didnt set spawn point im hardcore mode,0 +"Watching them test the rides from our hotel room! Park opens in 20 minutes - today, Wild Water Kingdom & Thunderhawk again ",0 +misterrabbitt it influence people more than love kindness or friendship it will cause lover to quarrel people to be unkind and others to throw away friendship it brings about depression envy greed and a whole plethora of immoral and unethical behavior money truly rule all,1 +always thought son donald trump normal kid holy fuck kid absolutely crazy,0 +every second i m awake is like a nightmare i want to wake up from except it s real life it s real life and i feel trapped in my head i like being asleep i like being shut away from the earth i wish i could sleep forever i hate life,1 +dad fulfilled peak dadness today today marching band rehearsal stadium put sousaphone away texted dad you didnt know called went found him us stuff band went back car goes phone find message sent guess hadnt looked before deadass types car sitting right next him maximum dad moment tbh,0 +month since miscarried three weeks since got dumpedi much pain last night drive home drunk ex let stay sober im recovering cocaine addiction im probably going get fired im going aa im depressed talk anyone person think killed baby coke knew pregnant cant anymore um much pain ive numb every day month want stop want dead,1 +@geektastic Btw I am jealous of your picture bc I could never get a pic with Paisley like that!,0 +i wan na rock a maxi dress coachella but lacking funding,0 +what love longing hearts togetherness sweetest flower flower love fragrant aroma fine fine diamonds wind love dirt love unlike unlikely unlikened to someone tonight question love take lover hand release power within yourself heard me release power tame wild cosmos whisper conquer heaven one intimate caress thats right shy whip everything got butt leon phelps tim meadows created quintessential snl playboy leon phelps cringed hearing smarmy lisp salacious comments made remote tremble outrage employed click feature once dear readersbr br so film version the ladies man came cable mumbled comments clicked yet again comes day gray forlorn nothing on channelssigh yes faced every cable subscribers torment watch turn tv off was leon phelps smirking making laugh happened succumbed hollywoods dumbdown sitcom humor desperate avoid abdicating sacred throne truth matter like the ladies man should story vulgar playboy sipping cognac leering every female form goes feminist sensibilitiesbr br what began crude snl skit blossomed eyes tale leon playboy philosophy going life helping people solve sexual conflicts i mother teresa boning solemnly informs julie karyn parsons friend longsuffering producer radio show the ladies man hes kidding leaving string broken hearts angry spirits leon manages bed breakfast chicago genuine goodwill callingcard lifebr br our selfproclaimed expert ways love manages get lot trouble husbands boyfriends one maligned spouse lance will ferrell forms victims smiling ass usa club vowing catch lovable juan oh yes revenge croons cohorts showstopping dance numberbr br plus total delight see billy dee williams lester tavern owner smooth narrator leons odyssey find sweet thing pile cash where hiding would choose movie valentines day choice leons search easy life changes many profound ways give nod ladies man can movies close find true happiness one woman still offering outlandish advice stuff dreams,0 +"Dang it! @DonnieWahlberg keeps pulling me back on here. Well hell! I don't give a f*ck! Tweet away hot one, tweet away! ",0 +@Bubazinho Ok ok .... I am currently learning ACDC solos xx,0 +good story wellacted unexpected character twists eg vicious murderous gangster bryan brown teaching son macrame although succeeds action drama hope good guy ledger gilrfriend succeed also hilarious ironic black humour eg bank robbers become radio competition winners reaction buskers revenge etc well worth watching,0 +dog upset tried doi attempted redflag last night werent dog dont know wouldve happened saved life pretty dont know exactly happened know stayed woke started breathing properly soon got left always sleeps side happened went far away possible even morning shes acting weird shes normally happy wake cause knows full day fun together today doesnt care offend wanted leave think dont love anymore,1 +id say one best animated films ive ever seen liked first time really appreciated second viewing weeks ago see sequel great business box office apparently lot people liked moviebr br a gorgeous color palette man looks good lot good adult but clean humor make big winner opening minute scene scat excellent subsequent interludes him sid sloth voiced john leguizano however provides main humor movie usually something funny say throughout moviebr br ray romano voice mammoth big character film literally denis leary ferocious badguyturnedgood sabertooth tigerbr br this humor pretty colors nice sentimental story little baby softens couple tough characters interrupted lot songs either one brief one nothing offensive languagewisebr br if animated movies good id more,0 +well time day tell deep story rdr is probably one best story gaming history extremely tragic end,0 +@Iconic88 Found you through @MrTweet. Looking forward to your inspiration. ,0 +even know write feel sad angry frustrated limitations small brain always stupider group since kid people always made fun intelligence family friends used have teachers pretty much everyone displeasure knowing me naturally converged acknowledgement stupidity i even know sentence makes sense english not sorry poor english actually surprised somehow managed live years hope soon stupidity succeed supposed succeed kill bearer bad genes know stupid like stupid many others things shitty life lived always confront limited intelligence every single time tried something used love history give brain could afford retains informations used love playing piano give brain could afford ability perform polyrhythms used love drawing give perspective complicated brain handled could go long list things tried miserably failed low iq end no learning disability related issues plain simple stupid person pitifully low iq cognitively speaking probably perform forrest gumps level supposed fairly compete normal people cannot everything seems reach even littlest things without thinking require enormous amount cognitive resources still manage fail hell supposed find job stupid acquire skills required it small brain have would hard time simplest job pays minimum wage think life worth living even miraculously manage find job think worth live life stupid enjoy passions cannot understand hell works world living in go money forget unlucky birth accept life complete ignorance frustrated right even hour writing still cannot properly communicate feels stupid probably best way describe it cannot nothing cannot stupid live,1 +seriously considering first time since thought depressionbefore start throwaway account replying theres tracing this last people want reading people may know me recognise type im going through kindly mention it really care believe figured im someone close you either offer advice leave need stress never mention it im depressed im going lot stress related getting life started genuinely see reason keep going past motivation try give myself clich story life ive always one kid learns quickly gets bored gets hyperactive realises cant succeed system made help fail way shape form live country anyone straying regular memorisationfocused studying destined bottom pack mindless routine overpowers everything ive angling move using another citizenship mine parents neglected update so much fun renew decade late several years planning ive finally done it ive accepted one biggest universities world im days away leaving ill financial support first month parents fully cut off could go wrong everything university accepted late conditions tell about explicitly told me need decided tell apply permit done even id started second got acceptance letter perquisite said permit long deadline get courses emailed this reply get automated message well reply days august th well deadline too deadline im appealing deadline pass reply email another side theirs theyll take three days reply much earlier theres that get rejection early excitement something good happening life accepted offer letter even receiving it since theyd told maximum fees exceed budget parents begrudgingly set did woo doubled fact told id getting scholarship whooptidoo email get one guess theyll reply deadline deadline passes moved received student id settled courses ill entrance university revoked pay extortionate fees anyway yay bright side enter country without permit get set foot campus email ask whether this well reply x amount time thats past deadline whatever stay positive wanted console myself just look place stay get them great idea me look place find it perfect right near university im going to price range even perfect email them several weeks pass reply great ill go offices get there need book hotelmotel look one find exactly one thats area wifi integral need internet keep filling paperwork finish get there aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand outside price range option living km away spend money id save transportation im sure theres someone reading rolling eyes spoiled little pompous brat pretentiously posting reddit troubles kids starve peoples republic northern congolese canton philippine state thailand genuinely could give less fuck getting guilt tripped point everything ive needed get done done best could it still enough deadlines overlapping parents willing pay paid sister frugal start working already hampered greatly thus far despite this ive still gotten lot shit done even bother anymore cant find apartment lock get there place near apartment want get university outside price range ill take student loans ill spend rest life paying off work online cant apply work permit ready turn patreon ebegging yay ive got find way get pets thing keeping depressed autistic ass sane there oh mistake theres embargo moving pets three countries live one happens im moving much cost get another one oh small matter welp goes company stand burden im least months stay save well enough even make enough money survive going particular country itd perfect me citizenship gives several months unchecked there uses currency readily available countries im citizen of comparatively safe got university dreams within price range borderline impossible get time unless serious deadlinepushing occurs get kind angel investor give free money somehow knowing luck investor would make fellate or whatever equivalents rest natural life it oh theres small matter picking country cue sobstory music met girl fell hard imagine got immediately turned sent dreaded friend zone woo shell one source comfort somehow end getting there even then cant help think nothing worth anymore degree want nearworthless unless several unlikely things go exceedingly well me often happen love life shambles cheated several times im start looking again financial situation going meh absolute shit ebegging next years plus working gonads get degree paycheck perhaps also protein bar best friends happen speak human language schizophreniclevel bond makes look insane or cute depending gender cant come another half year unless take even bigger loan last couple centuries more tldr im getting sick life ive resorted posting reddit ponder surefire way killing without firearm is ps breaking rules pm know great method would ensure or least chance death hopefully quickly thank you anonymous stranger ive dissuaded it least time being thanks unotnac help people,1 +save eyes browsing memes night settings gt accessibilitygt display gt reduce white point lowers white less bright iphone prob android something like it,0 +think crush replica might thinking wanna point facts similar think we much common nope crush exact height interests decent sports reddit gaming anime ones despise tik tok watch highschool dxd actually watch plot random jojo poses public classes wanna speak front class coincidence dont know,0 +pregnant bf flat broke live week week car stopped working still drug user family money friends point suicide want termination two girls work found pregnant say it know whether tell people complications lost baby kill myself please give advice someone laying bath knife bf asleep couch downstairs calling ungrateful bitch said cannot provide us family verge giving real time,1 +im scared wont able itim sorry writing isnt good right now im scared posts sub always help kinds things ive plan long time now ive date mind later year so ive got enough time fully prepare ive adequate time change mind sort miracle happened life worth living reason chose date thinking little sister im listlessly trying minimize impact death would shittiest thing world celebrate th birthday year older sister died must birthday year less days date time book motel buy equipment im scared cant alive anymore cant bear even think continuing pull bed morning another day fucking horrible last dont even want try think continuing live past date alive living fucking horrible life fucking pain inside always know redflag selfish act nowadays really fucking makes sick listen people say things like family people love you because honestly me dont deserve peace continue pushing pain crying screaming happiness other know didnt make sense know must understand this ive tried medications therapy things never change thats ive learn things never change nothing left except pain nobody real life understands mean so please someone please talk tell im strong enough,1 +fuckjust fuck everything wish could explain properly cant course cant everything cringy fool still this still going years surely thats enough know working im getting worse better matter do slowly surely always get worse im completely cut rest humanity sometimes try figure exact time passed point return could still recovered years ago id quicker tell people depression years ago anxiety became depression watched colours drained world already late even back then really matter late now fuck it ill dead within month reckon,1 +advice fellow young teenagers,0 +put senior quote thought shawty said like way homework momdad either bible verse albert einstein quote,0 +anyone else regret horny posts theyre horny anymore do filler fillher fillher fill cum decide hole okay ill probably delete post horny,0 + yo history severe depression including suicide attempts got around seeked medical support thought getting better found live tried live good life father passed away suddenly kept existential crises see point living anymore years back used cut arms thighs whenever wanted distract pain somewhere physical even feel like anymore lot scarier every person life know super happy person issue hate burst bubble sharing story them point want anyone family know leading double life therefore cannot get professional help me point nothing even hurts anymore even thought loved ones missing gone want kill myself would great could exist anymore please help me cry help,1 +motivation live anymorei depression since taken medication since currently generally ive okay since then occasion relapses however major relapse started back january shown little signs improvements months depressed motivation get bed go outside stopped enjoying use find fun goals future seem pointless starting see psychiatrist therapist adjustments medications since january seen improvements symptoms realized finally buy gun access one really thing stopped sometimes past killing myself gun store street live considering go get one kill awhile might go tomorrow morning motivation live part want die wants help,1 +greet tomorrow finally going back college break im gonna see partner tomorrow greet them hand red bull say angel like needs wings normal tackle hugs i wanna know shitty pickup line good idea not love caffeine,0 +going th birthdayto cut chase im clinically depressed since live third world country mental illness compared hiv meds bec parents cant afford im trying hard live life day day burden anyone eat healthy go gym take care sick dad even work part time still get triggered experience episodes light cutting wrist sharp object find times episodes bad id lock room days id take sleeping pills alcohol im trying really hard live life heres catch laptop got stolen months ago along files pictures memories lets focus pictures pretty provocative pictures normal young adult like goes gym would like see progress someone messages facebook tells something might interest sends screen capture gallery told accept friend request deactivate block willbe instantly posted big bad dark web facebook yeah provocative pictures plus facebook family friends they yey feast right please laugh effort try sarcasm yeah hes blackmailing dummy account hes blackmailing girl depression hes blackmailing still know wants one thing sure bidding feel helpless sad numb feels like life mean bully im joke feel like joke least someone laughing right also birthday coming up october go town trip best friends thats days might live see th birthday,1 +first day school bus cam minutes early causing brother miss it,0 +someone help rinsurancenot sure really allowed not founder rinsurance every got posts asking life insurance redflag noticed one spam queue approved could someone reach out httpwwwredditcomrinsurancecommentsbcccompany_life_insurance_and_a_redflag_clause,1 +Laying in the sun waiting for M ,0 +francoispillet clemenceji ratio pour tenter de comparer un faf meurtrier qui avait de ant c dent dans l arm e de violence avec ton pote qui a fait une d pression tu e c urant,1 +still alivei made post time ago ready go got bunch comments trying convince wrong myself deserved live apologize confrontational then turns major depressive disorder turned asshole couldnt see anything good world im antidepressants ive better times i mean look world right come on grateful people kept alive wanted let everyone know im okay now,1 +dear fellow reddit humans important this horny people warnedhttpswwwyoutubecomwatchvjxuevnlsva,0 +today maths lesson without teacher student school got youknowwhat closed school days therefore maths lesson via skype today well teacher bit late started lesson however line echoed horribly figured someone phone lesson speakers however didnt know was even though wanted lesson continue as like teacher couldnt anything it didnt think way apparently eventually got fed left got bit scared everyday occasion say least decided fix problem minutes muting people name order trying speak found person mute avoid echo afterwards texted teacher managed find cause echo continue lesson however available anymore however wanted give chance come back stuck around whole class teacherless talking crackong jokes minutes lesson supposed end didnt come back end told happened ok apologised getting mad moral story wanted share cuz not,0 +edating cheating blackmail stalking redflagmy life pretty messed im pretty stupid theres lot stuff ill try keep short possible basically young started talking guy online edated years knew cheating me cheating mean sending women stuff virgins as far knew wanted meet him lived really far away mother wouldnt let go didnt want travel see me ended giving money could come didnt work out relationship painful i knew cheating know hard say cheating wasnt real relationship really liked hurt really badly anyways online guy broke up started seeing guy worked inrl still missed online guy messaged told new bf obviously online guy didnt want anything me really painful experience im proud basically became online guys stalker dating someone inrl stalking online guy time lived mother however kept psychotic breaks wed recently moved country friends family live with ended moving inrl boyfriend however still kept messaging online ex practically begged stop messaging him eventually stopped replying ignoring replied hurts most hurts much anyways time couple online friends id talk to ive never social good people one guy id rocky friendship with guy didnt like first met sort became friends betrayed trust years later became friends again started get really close one people felt could honest real life things id done guy started online relationship guy knew bf hed followed inrl social medias years inrl bf knew online guy like best friend friend really guy started romantic relationship months hed always get mad inrl boyfriend tried explain couldnt leave lived stuff know wasnt right basically guy snapped one day decided start blackmailing money else hed expose me lived boyfriends family could mean id live id already given guy money gifts stuff really thought friend too ended give make stop whole experience really messed even more ive always really suicidal depressed im saying sort excuse im saying didnt really see many options threatened came close ending escape know situation brought myself still horrible inrl bf learned stuff happened really mad rude eventually forgave me im genius year later talking online guy threatened me decided talk again messaged guy threatened me basically robbed again think part felt guilty always said cruel horrible stuff inrl life couldnt really much change inrl life anyways threat guy start something up ill love forever youre soulmate etc etc literally every cheesy thing could imagine obviously ends taking money tells cant deal inrl hes going expose ruin life birthday am know stupid know im horrible cheat tell things everyday believe me dont need judge me ive tried get contact threats guy ignores me ive left many messages called many times birthday approaching soon im filled dread makes feel sick disgusting find hard anything inrl guy knew first time online guy threatened me cant bring tell inrl guy stupid enough message threat guy again cant also feel like inrl bf flip out really bad temper sometimes grabbed pulled around couple times found online stuff did know deserved anyways id nowhere live guess used online guy sort escape painful life online guy made reality worse constant anxiety something bad going happen tiring upsetting know dug hole way seems like redflag ive seen lot therapists even told therapist online guy threatened first time basically judged said stupid told tell police woman therapist judged me imagine buff police officer would do theyd laugh me know ive done horrible stuff know that much pain still am im writing theres one tell to one dont really know wait still keep thinking threat guy message something know doesnt really care online guy would chat day inrl guy inrl like knew broken inrl guy would there know im easily broken whenever ive made posts past strong people come like move out stop leech etc one family friends sometimes think lived completely alone thered one stop stop killing myself inrl bf past know inrl guy gave much much me feel horrible feel like im good enough him comes nice family compared im trash online guy really liked much gave much gifts money time threatens ignores me knew online guy years years thought basic level friendship wasnt random guy im lot pain im mentally messed ive done feel physically tired sick time wait feel powerless sorry wrote stupid essay know literally one cares about pathetic self pitying weak depressed well thats everyone tells me everyone also tells im dead inside too guess true couldnt first online guy love cheat me couldnt passionate feelings deeply love inrl guy couldnt online guy love me threaten blackmail me tldr edated dude young repeatedly cheated years started dating someone inrl still liked online guy online guy didnt like me another online friend got together inrl bf which online guy knew about however online guy couldnt handle inrl life repeatedly threatened money lead point felt like redflag escape ive depressed years live fear life going destroyed birthday,1 +@Misskeribaby keri...whats ya next single gonna be? i anxious to find out ,0 +nicolerichie haha yeah they were that band from mmc i used to have a cd but i lost it,0 +kind beggining feel like kill myselfi year old virgin culture brought mom especially made sex relationships heavily taboo actually even know act around people especially women get informal signals nothing wing it come across creepy desperate used think fat ugly holding back lost pounds s muscle great shape also mention im brown dude white city even brown girls seem spurn looks advances friends person talk regularly apart fake interactions coworkers brother beggining feel like rheseus monkeys socially dysfunctional harlows experiments act wrong cues based fact already stereotypical disadvantage begin different color add social ackwardness recipe disaster like monkeys fight shouldnt approach act indifferent picked people get socially excluded begins vicious cycle long term loneliness creates stress inconfidence makes small chance getting somewhere seem unlikely point suffering feel genuine real feel natural urge connect people try meet women however instead simple lack interest people begin dislike take social ackwardness sign malice point life feel problems ingrained change really want look long term solution,1 +@anomdesign lucky you that you have nice warm weather. It is very wet and cold here now. I am 2.5 hrs north of Sydney ,0 +whats best way redflagi know many ways dont want fail im saved would even troubles thing happened future fucked up im nyu student many rooftops nyc jumping good idea ps know lot hotlines also mental health service school calm decision,1 +I'm waiting for Code Geass to come on and then Cowboy Bebop to round up a good Monday night ,0 +unpopular opinion im majority times homophobia gay persons fault people dont care like dont care two guys kissing simply dont care theyll leave alone leave alone gay people think need go tell everyone guy support join lgtb protest gets annoying leads people wouldnt care sexuality act homophobic obviously stupid people homophobic hate gay people everyone like that people tired bothered gay people dont hate gay people respect dont try push beliefs guys think expect,0 +i mean nobody go on this anymore x,0 +utheaggressiveblade appreciation post pog,0 +live anymorehonestly im debating ending it friends lovers one fucking cares say theyre lying im stuck dead end job still live parents cant afford move go college cant apply loans ive seriously run reasons get morning see way,1 +want balls kill myself hate came out fucking scared live lifei tried many times fucking cant take it im sick tired remembering fucking bullshit life done pussy everything im tired all much potential relationships many people wasted never got balls ask girl bullshit anxiety suffer through fucking hate all hate treated child one gave hope struggling suicidal thoughts since age thats fucking normal hate stupid fucking life everything tried kill age l still pussy out im fucking waste human space hate it hate living nothing gets fucking better remembering emotional loneliness since child cant even feel anymore emotions sucked away cant handle shit negative thoughts positive stupid fucking people profiling shit stupid closed minded teachers profiling rebellious gangbanger since age fucking bullshit hate shit cant fucking it want die hate even thought alive wish aborted wish never thought of live greatest gift fucking call bullshit happens strip kids confidence u get miserable fucks like wishing dead one days im going fucking it overdose blast brains something hate fucking living someone please fucking kill something,1 +@aaronmcarroll i try my best to inspire you with my tasty goodness @aaronmcarroll ,0 +im scared death want diethe girl loved boyfriend today feel trapped angry want die,1 +needed someone talk toi found resources page here went wwwcrisischatorg read faq terms conditions sat waited almost hour asked right now panicked told know im currently act anything told chat people committing redflag right place talk someone,1 +mfs like bros hoes dick ass hoe mf,0 +think last night last nighti think today last day im feeling low worthless turned messages phone nobody reach me dont reach anyway ive never wanted disappear much before used scare im still bit scared im coming terms fact nobody wants around dont appreciate love me ive rejected many times today last day dealing pain dont know im even typing maybe write something becomes real want disappear im going eat wings today wine go it goodbye,1 +told try cups tea feel worsei tried cups tea app recommended someone called nigger asked wanted talk sex feel much worse would teed something people looking help get asked want talk sex stranger call nigger im white female call bitch cunt,1 +helpmy fiance inadvertently killed baby cat yelled said tired shit packed stuff left dont know myself dead baby sitting box door im alone bi polar depression constantly think redflag need support please,1 +wonderif friends relationship could normal would still want kill myself,1 +With Brii ,0 +high expectations poem me high expectations little timmy got b showed pride gave friends see show hard tried ampxb friends gave congrats getting good score threw toast pats backs brought store ampxb three cheers tim friends say much surprise parents wanted timmy fucking died,0 +wish wasnt lonelyi one left wish someone cared enough notice gone,1 +"@staceeadams I don't know, but I have theories about what u want 2 write. & I've been there (and am there now) so I just write abt Amelia ",0 +movie among favorite foreign films others amilee life dog similarities movies many great foreign films takes mundane slice life transforms profound heartfelt lesson br br in japan man bored mundane life rut married life sees beautiful japanese woman staring window dance studio instant takes train pass enthralled her beauty faraway glance connection discover share br br shall dance memorable wonderful characters deal painful realities transcending world dance breaking traditional moulds stereo types japanese society risk happiness find joy far away one movies magical meaningful and itself transcends mundane showing true magic miracle life be,0 +day nnn overall went pretty well cousins house chilling whole day done go,0 +ive come far im sure want go furtherive struggling depression years maybe longer hard childhood rough young adulthood past decade completed college found supportive loving partner started making strides toward health recovery finally found therapist ive seen many feel helping me found psychiatrist feel understands need ive successfully medicated year real setbacks long periods deep depression ive made huge strides managing anxiety disordered eating past years everything seemed getting better therapy hard ive facing lot old trauma overall feeling hopeful things around job improving well like recently got nice raise good feedback performance ive focusing making art ive getting better liking myselfbeing kind myself still feel alone ive always struggled intimacy close friendships cant seem bring really let people help me get close me terrifying prospect worked intimate relationship outside one myself partner last ten years april partner bad reaction bout sadness issue him approached long story asked something think deserved his words offended id even ask instead discussion it shut down revealed longer patience issues spent came shock felt making much progress seemed come nowhere turns look like progress outside know hard love me know patient years difficult love close to im finally getting better like real im facing ever have aggressively ever im becoming whole finally slowly weve seeing couples therapist weeks thought made progress recovery another awful fight im thinking im going kill myself shotgun medication would it im trying talk much would hurt people love me trying remember felt like think cowards way out used feel like escape way avoid getting stronger hard work get better feels like rest want rest felt tired long time depressed angry tired imagine much strength need wake monday work time put food body shower let alone fix travesty relationship separate complex autonomous human being even learn alone work put together cant see me strength need theres one life feel safe enough share with one else afford burden guess thats im here throwaway know want want talked it think want commiseration think want leave something behind thought piece me intention hurt anyone love mine want go sleep want know anymore struggle wake up simply wake up maybe little ahead schedule again maybe not all none us really know were going die sure maybe need get chest get past feeling want feel proud hard fought far come think feel proud finally starting feel inherently valuable strong fought hard deserve rest deserve decide done fighting,1 +getting bettersix months ago made anonymous post another site saying answer want give age old question see five years dead throw away account thought id never use again today used again truly thought better thought okay today work really thought last weeks every single day ive thought redflag dont want anymore want talk someone want someone know im thoughts not theyre new tried hang th grade im terrified ask help im scared repercussions life last thursday came home work looked backpack packed it left without purpose destination didnt tell anyone going didnt even know id back maybe cry help see anyone noticed gone one person called talked still driving unsure going listened cried asked anything stupid anything unsafe him didnt checked next day thank you cameron moment think truly saved life woke next day explored national parklt beautiful one else noticed gone which unlike me felt better came back home lasted two days every single day ive thought killing myself ive pills stashed away two years know day coming sunday got couch walked go take them text friend arrived stopped thanks john saved life day thought committed got committed would get fired job probably put medication probably still funny happy carefree shell everyone knows probably not ive become accustomed wearing mask cracks people dont know am people dont want around that id thoughts killing younger sad hurt tired feeling way now feel blank feel heartbroken im heartbroken feel sad im sad feel angry im angry feel like im water time like someone crushing chest literally feel mind breaking slipping literally feel this didnt know could feel happening do know going happen soon im oddly peace it unease feel grandmother shes already lost daughter almost killed her raised me im daughter thats one bit sadness feel,1 +school coming wish could die thenlast semester huge embarrassment failed classes one classes math really well first years th class music getting really good at barely passed semester though feel like deserve teacher gave liked last year friends classes alone day outside lunch would talk one person semester friend one class thing keeping depressed mess semester since responded online months tried contact months ignored messages ive kinda given up though probably fault since gave address crisis center went get help depression ive lazy anything im huge developed eating probably ill eat whenever im bored stressed gotten point ive eating less thats ive feeling full extremely quickly past days kinda full im longer hungry kinda full stomach pains regret eating first place ive wanted kill years done laziness also reason gotten help im years old huge failure scared grow go college get job cry stupidest things ever sorry used many commas got english class last semester,1 +hate working much drives redflag keep fighting alternativesworking years retire living years damaged bones something else die pointless thanks motherfucking piece shit started breeding cycle,1 +f like m ive never called texted girl weve exchanged numbers said hi school go asked number days ago added snapchat via contacts surprise added back interestingly consistently views stories snapchat reposts videos tiktok mainly food comedy musiclipsyncing occasionally politics never unfriended anything were still friends first time six months anything since fired target never ever told boyfriend anything every check instagram two different boyfriends recall one current boyfriend boyfriend girl im feeling women older men even younger boyfriend since tend mature secure professional kinglike monarchic girl really post anything snapchat views story every time make post btw im semitrump supporter i post hilarious musical stuff appeal trump supporters girl cute mexican girl mixing european used ig stories website view story early june regards george floyd breonna taylor stuff going put story saying black lives matter performative activism much stupid idea staying silent injustice boyfriend east asian tell middle eastern armenian kind guy funny thing two tiktok accounts one always keep away snapchat instagram friends family account petitioned hispanic women marry white arab armenian men only black asian men stick got hella likes comments thanks for page promoting it,0 +This day off has been F-A-N-tastic! ,0 +bad day todayrang sick work today drinking since pm bath cut first time ever really sure go here kinda wanna die also know really it gonna keep drinking smoking fall asleep guess sick bad days want out,1 +"@shenoyvarun86 Doubt it, nobody from my college that I am still in touch with is planning to write GATE after this Will keep eyes peeled.",0 +@DavidArchie i hope you'll had ur concert again here in the philippine. i hope u had a great time staying here in the phil . ,0 +im fan actorssingers especially gackt first discover movie watch traileri think silly oneafter long waiting timei watched last heres commentbr br i consider everyone knows storyline going mention itinstead first applause goes actinggenerally japanese movies got brilliant actingyet moonchilds cast simply wonderful got itespecially gackt reflects characters emotions changes pretty welli like many scenes dramatic humorous onesas hyde parthis acting good deliberately staying background actorrespectively character dothroughout moviei like cinematography especially lighting colors due small budgetit still brilliant momentsbut real jewel film storyit cheesy moments ok meand friendship theme movie really well developed touching sometimeson hand story points cruel world ones life guaranteed memorable death scenes reflects theme visualsan interesting note asidethis movie similarities excellent vampire movie interwiew vampire also played beautifulnot handsomebeautifulactors american cinemaactually moon child somehow seen brother interwiewyet original ownonly problem moonchild bit slow sometimesim japanese movie fan used change moonchild useless scenes charactersbut allthis movie really good emotional sometimesas actorssingers duo hope see movies futureand recommend everyone likes vampireactionscifiction romance films ,0 +greetings darkness much anticipated twisted comedy writerdirector richard shepard coming party pierce brosnan actor bond guy gone new guy something else entirely read shepard thought brosnan much pretty boy plum role brosnan proves perfect julian noble facilitator anything pretty underestimate twisted humor one go expect punch lines sight gags regarding types sex killing religion sports business anything else might deem politically incorrect brosnan takes excellent script another level marvelous facial gestures physical movements even sitting hotel bed with without sombrero joy beholdbr br greg kinnear straight guy brosnans comic plenty depth comic timing make partnership click hope davis small subtly effective supporting role kinnears wife whats name bean happens get little excited facilitator living roombr br the visuals settings perfect including bullfight racetrack denver suburb often get killers xavier cugat soundtrack one definitely everyone sense humor bit center enjoy risky filmmaking could you,0 +i ve struggled with suicidal thought for a long time and i ve been close to attempting many time but there wa a day about a month ago on which i stopped drinking water out of desperation i hoped to die from dehydration i wa aware that it wouldn t work since i don t live alone and someone would notice i wa also aware that dehydration would be a slow and painful way to go that s why i started drinking water again on the next day wa this an attempt it didn t really feel like one because i wa nowhere near of dying but the intention wa there,1 +im lonely feel like onei feel way though yes may broken fiance month agobut good reason began getting abusive again stood first time promised got back together ever laid hand again id leave good nine months happened drink first time went complete shit feel happy sticking myself feel happy admitting deserve better deserve better hes right really person loved im going alone rest life person liked actually liked back once ive always gotten rejected used sex justmaybe thats im good for im fucking disgusting im weak im fucking stupid crazy fat ugly bitch whos never going fucking go anywhere life im going die alone everyone says oh youre going places going change lives gonna this gonna that feel it know im though think world hates me thats attempts worked maybe im even stupider think im stupid kill myself knows dunno man wanna stay high wanna talk someone though like alone miss taking care someone made feel worth it im down attempt free since april th amp selfharm free since january th i wanna mess againfuck,1 +dammit i need to stop buying furniture,0 +im kinda bored anyone want talk f,0 +always last choice everyoneit seems like one ever really needs me friends people dont really care even though care much always try them matter where every friend ever chose someone me makes feel worthless since little kid always last choice always people try help them give much never get anything back never changes tired it years old soul heart feel heavy old feel useless worthless i apologize errors mistakes grammar native speaker,1 +im talking guy rn sc hes taking long respond making mad really mad im starting think hes getting bored me date monday dont know do,0 +unhappy want end always end thinking others worse everyones hard time right now feel even guilty suicidalim done anything worth mentioning life far show marriage dog love much change feel many plans gotten execute exactly none im fucked every level really bad physical health top everything else im liver failure feel like shit constantly im sick enough need transplant yet puts shitty position life im kind stuck low end home job energy almost non existent without continuing education pushing back graduation date even concentrating difficult finally enter workforce healthy capable individual knows ever will doctor told start applying ssi job one reasons killed yet but even physically healthy im fucked head knows id actually able accomplish goals im terrified criticism shut slightest inkling sort negative test score lowering gpa passed one semester next semester got b important test realized end semester it next semester gave got two failing grades two five classes gpa like now serious ptsd mental health issues past trauma even healthy physically always held back want risk success failure painful now cares im sick try anyway life direction plans cant plan anything liver could fail completely time could never completely fail could waste life always feeling way feel fucking trapped due covid too least could go outside normal healthy people pretend hours everything ok everyone wearing masks everyone struggling everything mess almost everyone cant escape nothing ok anywhere feel trapped feel like way way out wish wasted good health younger wish wouldve gotten therapy money access neither know much longer this,1 +@pweenciss hey princess! ,0 +what have you learned from depression don t be selfish your experience might save someone s life ashewospace black star,1 +want kill im absolutely terrified futurei think counts depression im constantly sad im able find little moments joy im playing video game whatever always planned killing end high school im grade getting scared ive always hated school grades completely plummeted recent years want spend limited time something hate failed classes last year know im destined failure graduate main reason killed yet im middle show im watching want finish die im done im probably gonna it sorry seemed like rambling typing first things came mind,1 +"@therealWilJ tagal mo pa! don't you have a couple more years? anyway, do you have to line up for all your subjects? ",0 +im lot better nowwell made two different posts year ago wanted die end happy im right im working nhs help dementia alzheimers love it thanks people helped though nights felt lowest,1 +I love spontaneous road trips ,0 +today is my Pap Campbell's 71 birthday! ,0 +@dysconnection Mike's at the station waiting for me ,0 +indo pras festas CLASS OF 2009 I LOVE YOU,0 +help pls ive never horny dont like feeling get rid,0 +hate want die want die hate myselfits cycle,1 +captainseebass sparkyma girlfriend trouble got some serious thinking to do,0 +started dating best friend lesbian also lesbian friends since rd grade told liked me liked since came me hgnjdksojrhshjdshdh,0 +would nice know someone understands feels get ready hell read lots typos story troubles love one sunny day left city boise go summer bible camp mccall arrived ate bible things soon assimilated group friends even earned nickname sheep curly hair fact name sean shawn sheep old show felt well group one day got tip one girls group one comrades liked me spent next day trying find was told was shock person liked almost two years older me regardless began spending time person found likeable really starting like person gave phone number camp ends next day go home problem right wrong texts person week passes texts comrade month passes text comrade give decide interested thatvis leave it night go bed dream awake realize much missed comrade go little panic attack knowing one contact camp try get comrades contact info go little search finally get it text takes days respond finally talk bit ask out says would like cant im sitting waiting sort response feeling empty try find escape talking someone else feels yearning interrupted go talk crush feel yearning now touch starved child u want fill hunger nothing comes know really thinks ghosting me trying let slow hurt please help thank listening ted talk sean sheep,0 +"I ain't stressin, bitch ain't no depression",1 +cant think title ampxb httpspreviewredditkbxllaqoscjpgwidthampformatpjpgampautowebpampsebdacdcadafbeabdef,0 +unsent letter online friend ive gotten use burning feeling settles throat holding back tears time together warped thoughts maybe im hopeless maybe cant let go mistaken last conversation happening much later actually had hit looked back thought talking pity clear now quite understandable wish would given goodbye would hurt less know considered relationship thanks sticking around long did champ ill always consider dear friend,0 +enjoyed attending a bbq with friends on this nice summer evening. Even better: Eric was able to attend with me. ,0 +guys freaking right now new season pixel gun d scp themed one skins logo back new pet scp,0 +hit followers nobody follow want number stay since nice number,0 +just lost 0,0 +hey girl transformer optimus fine,0 +winter makes everything worseim depressed year round bloody hell hate season im really struggling know cope misery misery getting worse,1 +why can t i just do a my mother said and accwpt my body,1 +link youtube soundcloud post music alot songs recorded months ago theyre really bad bad ones exclaim minute ndd misconceptions listen want to youtubehttpswwwyoutubecomchannelucimlzgujuawhuitilfqdqvideos soundcloudhttpssoundcloudcomtheshabomb,0 +so long story short parents terribly abusive im almost took long help wife realize this lots things happened many list single post got much worse last year daughter molested younger brother asked parents watch two daughters due medical emergency thats happened father room eyes glued cell phone involved cps police daughter quite tell police everything investigation could press charges him investigation complete informed parents happened called year old daughter liar face,1 +@hulagirl98 makanna myyy babyy hahahaa yes we were shaking dat booty meat hahaha tutus bday was funn,0 +"Heavy Facebook use has been known to cause anxiety, depression, narcissism, sleeping problems and even stomach aches.",1 +take antidepressants trick dad thinking im okive every different kind antidepressant available past years honestly fucking anything think gives dad peace mind really knew wanted legitimately blow brains every second everyday think would fuck up oh well day dies day die to waiting day,1 +We support those with depression by donating 50% of our profits to @MindCharityPlease re-tweet! <3 http://InMusicWeTrust.co.uk  pic.twitter.com/4gsBPIUAaG,1 +i wa in such a good mood this morning now not so much anymore stupid work stupid cellphone provider,0 +hate myselfeveryone better way school intelligence socializing art sports videogame heck uniqueness even im ugly person nothing interesting even bet eye on tried ignore simply improve myself cant one willing talk me parent fed go study crap got major utterly dislike amateur skill incompetent anything every friend want take advantage me want die want see disappointed face isolated feeling endless amount anxiety,1 +"Is on her way to church! wow i am so sore from jogging, skating and bowling!",0 +supposed be kid past future movie lot problems ghost strong kid man piece crap im still confused also supposed abortion strange strange movie mess mind scary confusing he did the oh cares milo worth itbr br my score ,0 +need someone listen meback story im ive suffering depression years want go back doctor im scared take seriously think im another teenager never talked problems anyone else try freeze unable say anything past couple years tried kill times including pills alcohol trying drown myself current problems came gay finished gcses friends said care within months friends would still talk me went back school pick gcse certificates people old friends classmates included started shouting insults like faggot queer right minutes road hear more best friend time stopped talking months incident friend time still talked right october stopped talking started drugs sorts went new school year start levels made new friends would come smoke weed such month ago exact thing good friends stopped talking me unless need something usually ask cigarette time month last friends baby understand baby stopped talking well even theyve time due child going nearly every day time themselves nothing now friends talk person ive talked today mom words im love straight guy school would talk say feel im scared happen due year group school consisting whole people good friends other plus way get consists finding something make fun f someone taking piss long time say anything whole year group school would hear within day able stay another year people go every day cant go another school one able go since previously electrician training course somewhere else im also poor fuck mom lot health problems unable work dad works job earns enough cover bills ive trying find job somehow people qualifications get picked jobs instead me clothes borderline small least year old im sorry rant thank reading it took hours cigarettes finally get written out,1 +temporary problemi want die want get stabbed shot die way want die now fail fucking class somehow weasel way failing want die want struggle even worse classes next quarter get that want die ill even worse classes get that still want die im alone temporary problem never ending supply temporary problems whats prize end nothing choice end freed suffering keep taking years overcoming obstacles pain time obvious choice like going change world like theres anyone love worth fighting for want die want find someone love fight life happy them im fucking delusional know unrealistic is death lesser two evils,1 +suspected bpd ive fucked everythingi think bpd fit dsm criteria officially diagnosed best friend ex girlfriend currently break talking struggling upset replying messages curt cant deal though thought ever same go back normalcy likes silence prefers gone suicidal thoughts sometimes whenever ask ok remind im ignores hours sometimes even reply mean much anybody ive already sorted loose ends im waiting move two weeks people care love care people love me messed hate cant live it sorry,1 +tf people following google maps didnt even know follow people google maps wtf,0 +i m trying to think of the last time i wa genuinely bored i stay at home a lot but whenever i m not doing something and even when i m doing something i m fighting against my anxiety mentally and physically i almost can t remember the feeling of being totally neutral and looking for something to do just because almost everything i do is to reduce the feeling and effect of anxiety on my body if i watch tv it s to try and distract myself from the heart palpitation and other fun thing and to reduce anxiety eat because i know if i don t i ll feel more anxious eat junk food because i m trying to push through the anxious feeling telling me if i eat junk food i ll get sick or die post online or socialise because again i m trying to push through the feeling of anxiety i get from posting online or socialising my life is anxiety management either trying to reduce anxiety or expose myself to thing that make me anxious which feel like everything to try and reduce anxiety long term oh how i envy people who are just bored,1 +today day boys president going first impeached twice today,0 +"Stupid Maple patch cannot load. Created new Audi ac, looks so retarded. :X I'm going to go crazier over Show Luozhixiang<3! Show is hot!",0 +cutting family mt life helpi know would call abusive theyve never really treated well family kind everymanforhimself kind family see point anymore,1 +want speak someone wharever anyone avaible chat sfw,1 +I can't believe how I'm back at it again! Not eating for the whole day. Why am I torturing myself because of depression? ,1 +dr bock teaches hospital quite good it thing depressed dr bock wife separated children deviant cannot perform bedroom feels good job healing people becomes suicidal meets barbara changes ideas better around story murder mystery group angry protesters outsidebr br the movie well done character dr bock well played out little sad somewhat funny somewhat drama good see couple stories wrapped around hospital even somewhat unrelated dr bock doing great movie,0 +reddit isnt helpingi created reddit feel understood people always suffer major depression mental illness suicidal thoughts come alll see sadness people ready give up ruins even normal moments already fleeting heart goes everyone dont know healthy come always see stuff maybe unhealthy us idk leave reddit ill feel completely alone again dont fucking know whats gonna help me anything really want happy,1 +questions guys im scared ask irl part ever sent nudes like getting nudes would think less someone found sent nudes,0 +fck them therapy get send wall wall long waiting list everything intake examination forget you wating wating wating refer another place waiting intakes waiting organizations same go doctor suicidal thoughts every page suicide stuff says done that would call later not vacation week would back still heard anything called assistent would ask it long story heard back would call monday weeks nothing let us wait another weekend sayyou open up honest suicidal thoughts get help no know medication help right away helps all least someone care little bit health try help you would maybe give hope feel alone feels like one knows do one caresit fucked up physical problem get help right away dad appoinment every weeks forgot one got called is happen me why chance could die therapistsdoctorsetc shocked patient kills themselveampxbi know one many deal country countries mental health care even worse messed up ask help say,1 +aww loved bacc now at miz's house for the BBQ ,0 +"@philmunsey @caseytreat scratch, worry is marketed as manic depression because people cut down a trees without asking first. 2 Chronicles 16, I went on a field trip to lake fennwick in H.S. and some peers climbed onto your lot. Me, walking the board walk looking for a bed to fish",1 +going to NJ for cats competition ,0 +im end fucking ropefor past years ive best fun rocky first romantic relationship definitely ups downs lot passion fighting especially towards end almost family set get married lost baby neither us coped properly wore left biggest fucking mistake ive ever made im alone one im neck deep debt im back parents place failure feel nothing regret leaving best thing ever happen chance ever getting back moved on im currently trying pry lock gun maybe go back home maybe meet kid anything wake fucking nightmare,1 +nicolerichie gossip girl wa a repeat,0 +Wishing I was closer to Bway - should try to go shows we have here. ,0 +day walking away toxic friendship scares yesterday first time ive felt sense self walking away seven year toxic friendship shed conditioned rely happiness walk away thinking it scares me scares bully bitch incredibly smart scary knows exactly manipulate others use whim without ever saying word it takes incredibly strong person walk away her three know ever broken hold best friend one guy friend myself theres others whove seen drawn though takes perceptive person do,0 +@qcattq Happy Birthday See you later at little verse it's going to be like old times! x,0 +"@gdeberti Thank you, i'm just now getting to check it out ",0 +it the holiday and i still bloody insist on waking up at school time,0 +the suicide hotline take hour to respond i ve fucked up every relationship that i had by trying to be funny and the other person being creepy and lied to everyone i know why should i continue self harm doesn t do anything anymore nothing brings me joy i have no future because of my mental problem really why do i stay here the one reason i still live is because around new year an online friend of mine at the time attempted suicide i got so fucked up then i couldn t function properly for a week i couldn t talk to anyone the one reason i am still here is because i thought people would feel that way about me but a ive lived and breathed i have come to realise that isn t true my friend will be glad i am not around them the only disappointment they will feel is that they don t have a vulnerable little shit to kick around my family will be glad that the failure in the family is finally gone and the school will pretend to be sad for a month make it about how mental health is important tell people to be kind about one another then forget about me i won t stand out im another human being in the 00 billion that exist i don t even know if im real i don t want to be here so might a well leave,1 +let the depression stage kick in now so it can be over soon,1 +. #selfhelp #IARTG #ASMSG #mentalhealthLiving with Depression & Anxiety@AmandaGreenUK https://goo.gl/EscrAZ  pic.twitter.com/hXk42humMC,1 +literally used look deep down hoping turn around looking bleak think talk enough much depression ruins looks,1 +is strangely sad about lilo and samro breaking up,0 +ukborn australian helmer alex frayne calls attention strange necessitating meticulous read visually stunning modern love following steps man incapable controlling drastic personality change spurred death close relative pic offers fascinating examination human psychology distributed accent filmaustraliabr br john mark constable wife emily victoria hill son edward william traeger arrive small southern town take care deceased uncles don barker property emily edward check local hotel john begins question locals uncle toms death say committed suicide unwilling talk puzzled john comes theory uncle tom alive well hiding nearby bushesbr br if occasional lines dialog used ease heavy atmospheric tone modern love could easily mistaken sokurov film shot mm camera washedout color scheme strangely evocative russian directors reflective forays human agony perhaps coincidence moscow international film festival modern love premierebr br looking surface unique collage intoxicating visuals however reveals slightly different picture sokurovs films tend remain painfully intimate point intentionally detach main protagonists surrounding environment blurring everything large splash directors preferred yellow modern love much feeds australian countryside johns gradual psychological transformation dependent story progresses becomes obvious nature integral part fraynes visionbr br in sokurovs second circle young man returns russian countryside bury deceased father shack old man lived everything covered dust gathers old clothes scattered around places body father coffin bids goodbye buries it rest film prolonged reflection collapse soviet system loneliness dissatisfaction many left dealing withbr br in modern love somewhat ironically love nowhere seen contrary pain loneliness dissatisfaction modernity suddenly invade johns life unlike second circle however main protagonist opportunity reembrace modern life wife son await him yet walks away slowly surely present begins disintegrate weight somewhat confusing pastbr br i doubt frayne intended modern love strikingly similar sokurov second circle yet pacing particular puzzling framing precisely transforms film near meditative experience difficult enormously brittle approach deconstructing human psychology two directors mastered perfectionbr br mark constable delivers topnotch performance john adding even greater depth highly challenging character facial expressions outstanding victoria hill william traeger match perfectly performances pics tense visual style,0 +"@WaysMeansCmte @RepJohnLarson @stevenwaite2 The fact is that a recession that could have turned into a depression was stopped in 2 yrs by Rep Pres Coolidge cutting Govt spending leaving more in the Free Mkt & Individual Liberty sector creating growth & jobs vs Hoover & FDR increasing Govt spending, causing 20 yr Depression",1 +im tired living im alone tried talking friends todayand keep friendships want die badlyim tired im alone hope dreams loves wish never bornor leats balls kill now even fail that friendsitll while im sorry hear better without me would understand that least,1 +last strawtoday job could made get anxious official im useless suppose time start trying get rid fear pain end,1 +life going great right happy so recently posted got job interview update got job thats awesome right everything awesome im car job girlfriend shes college working hard become teacher im trying make bunch money like everything good clear right now year ago right failing school single jobless car constantly broken down kept chugging along im happy youre thinking giving anything dont get better sooner later ,0 +someone keep me up im at work,0 +"the river seems like a nice place to celebrate the end my friends, this is finally fucking it ",0 +I love playing the chance theatre ,0 +be alone btw it toxic and end up in depression from where i see,1 +kinds people still exist physics teacher found mistake httpsimgurcomaqtgxrzhttpsimgurcomaqtgxrz,0 +test tomorrowwowwowo wanna dieieieeieeeieiei,0 +herebut ami right herei money loving familyi selfishpridefula liar oni bad personi lonelyonly got friend i use fake persona keep him however reason im herei used lonelysince childhood reallyi like itbut adapted it real reason life seems meaningless mei lost motivationsi life deciding exams monthsdidnt study allwhat exactly supposed fighting forto make family proudi already disappointed many times frankly care anymorefor nice little futurejust die one day old person cold hospital roomthats idea life like peoplei think even loved girl onceof course like back one point decided turn life aroundi going gym years nowi studied hardi really triedbut lost acquaintances since started change herea long long time ago like peoplei wanted save others depths depressioni talk people telling life worth itit work somebut looking backi realize much hypocrite end never understand seems easy others liveto happyto friendswhy natural them tired try anymorethe best part day sleepwhen consciousnesses shuts downsothats that,1 +pretty much got fired todaywell title says it training server today since cant carry trays well fell front entire restaurant yet another thing cant do really know im here wanted die awhile cant find balls actually it gave yet another chance ended failing embarrassing always really know get past yet another failure done nothing let everyone down im burden husband pay constant therapy appointments medication money living credit cards cant even fend myself go back school next month idea im going get it cant even wait fucking tables pay rent done myself keep wondering guts fucking end already coping mechanism sleep taking sleeping pills sleep next full days tried taking knife wrist cant cut deep enough plus method usually work wish parents house right fathers shotgun know im here maybe want exclaim everyone im done know else do,1 +rteenagers mod controversy considerable amount rteenagers users believe moderators subreddit arent best intended job often leading insulted like mods gay stinky mods wont fix anything typically funny make fun someone lot people anonymous dont suffer consequences seen lot posts definitely rteenagers often staying long minutes often users delete receiving backlash even moderators specifically summoned name like fan favourite ugitcommitdie apologies example often dont respond timely fashion tends anger users ask questions like even mod going jobwhich good good point moderators defence im sure arent glued screen refreshing page catch posts even though plenty mods able team work together doesnt happen dont know due to believe time andor laziness majority mods apply abuse power reddit fame often really caring goes get position im sure users self behave most time lol act serious need to two sense im sure lot add im likely incorrect things rteenagers talking about generally shitposts one cares p,0 +@half_a_mind yeah... still have a few more cards to be making too keeps me busy...,0 +New! Treasury featuring Etsians in Leicestershire. We're a talented bunch http://bit.ly/aptME,0 +make redflag least painful familyi access helium imagine could learn rig exit bag husband devastated parents spare much pain possible,1 +@HertzeUlla @M47Jakeman @VijayShadean to the reason I do not speak of this I speak of anything else that the sisters love each other and when you love only a strong depression or other can lead to harm to those you love ... I'm not giving reason ... but maybe Italy condemns a lot even if amanda has been cleared and,1 +want fucking die im oldi miss youngest person job im surrounded bunch year olds frustrating turned feel like missed youth im allowed enjoy anymore im approaching middle age im fucking mortified hate fact born early s dial internet flip phones vcrs thing hell social media didnt even fucking exist born feel prehistoric saying that would love someone put bullet head cant take old much longer,1 +stg fucking tape blood test hurts actual needle,0 +"is going today to the gay parade! We're here, we're fierce, get over it. xD http://plurk.com/p/z3vdv",0 +feel hopelesseverything happens seems bad ive lost hope good im tired receiving bad,1 +@heylandsberg @sadTOsportsfan Everyday presents a new challenge. I'm doing my best to make sure the world knows... It's ok to have depression and it's not ok to put other people down #love #peace #chainlink #supportmentalhealth,1 +still in the business plan meeting too many back to back presentation,0 +one best movies could find child lived chipmunk adventure years old years old story film was daves going business trip europe sticks boys miss miller playing around world days video game two villains klaus claudia brother sister round chipmunks chipettes adventure kids must hotairballoon way across globe theyre unaware game really diamondsmuggling ring found airport villains chase ensues ends klaus claudia jail alvin simon theodore brittany jeanette eleanor safe dave miss miller warning now musical quite damn good one that people hate musicals one people frigging love musicals like rocky horror grease sound music cats dance anything except fair lady see this share kids if got any,0 +really wish courage end all scared comes death people leave behind sadness guilt point drowning every day past years felt like want genuinely hate maybe nobody really wants put effort helping mind cluster fuck really unhelpable depressed,1 +close friend considering redflag id love advicedepression often make people feel like absolutely nothing works whats happening friend scary scared know anymore yesterday texted crisis heartbreaking told thinks unloved person failure really cannot see future considering ending life understand needs therapy access it therapy enough either needs support people close too idea do cant tell everything going okay really cant im going exact thing girl heartbreaking different perspective life truly see amazing person really deserves live hellish rollercoasterlike life living point recommended hotlines could call text free could let know something comforted moment crisis thank much reading,1 +im running dampd campaign want join see fill form this repost yesterday got buried quite quickly north spine world west towering reghed glacier frigid expanse dare explore let alone inhabit icy land windswept tundra recently became locked frigid tundra without reprieve hello soon running th edition dungeons amp dragons campaign rime frostmaiden friend looking another players aged campaign relatively long going level level sessions would every week sundays start around pm gmt end pm though time day might move point game roll discord used voicechat im dan dm im relatively experienced dampd roll dming year though im great voices please excuse terrible accents create character session get chosen though idea character want create would help also go information setting session everything now know set forgotten realms arctic tundra known icewind dale sun never fully rises races affected sunlight sensitivity drow suffer negative effects it goliaths get resistance cold damage due mountainous lifestyle races classes spells official dampd books excluding unearthed arcana possibly subclasses tashas cauldron everything depending balanced not expect running away solving things diplomatically relatively often instead able kill everything time theres lot powerful creatures around overall game bit rp focused combat focused reaaaaaally cold icewind dale really really cold want apply fill form httpsdocsgooglecomformsdefaipqlsfyuxfns_umzqieuoeiazqteohadkvqup_ettujgviewformuspsf_link form close week now anyone looks like theyd fit well party opportunity talk bit join discord server anyways good luck look forward seeing application ,0 +Do you run a blog or website on mental #health ? Look! #niche #PLR #content on #depression to add to your ws Pls RT http://smarturl.it/depressiononam?IQid=jbhowto … pic.twitter.com/FkfNJ7XDoH,1 +"@arellarella @aJackieLarsen idk why I think like this but all those stuffed up toys would be covered up with tears, sweat, BO, and depression. like thanks but no thanks LOL",1 +sinner whos probably gonna lord forgive lord forgive things understand sometimes need alone,0 +@NipseyHussle For sure! I'm following you now too Enjoy your night!,0 +j xox ohh i hope so not stopin till i get a reply lol i wunder if marvs read all the v lyric haha i can imagine his nxt blog about it,0 +need someone pain killing mebackstory around last year best friend broke boyfriend person went becuase commit redflag multiple times tell you later major crush her never made move though plenty opportunities sleepovers first one tame second one kissing city dating however second sleepover make move promised would done weeks ago made move asked out interested said big deal maybe ill wait little bit week later found someone me everything gone lost control everything jealous pissed depressed went far tried hanging myself wanted see dead attempted texted come over know houses friends house barged room able knock chair standing on rope around neck needed kick away chair later told selfish act jealous feels strange thinking back it end back story think need help someone talk to friend feel like lost,1 +ripped switcheasy color,0 +something know hang myselfis chance survive avoid it chances get kind permanent damage,1 +im brokenim pretty rough background mom life anymore live college dad talk sports things gerenal feel like really want relationship tend one invite over stepmom nice seems like shes done five minutes talking freshman year never called much interest me grandparents never really life dead friends butt every single fucking joke girlfriend way worse problems tend try hide depressionanxiety friends constantly say im good person problem try hard good try hard help people right thing college study much get cs constantly stressed due money surgery last may reason never healed right combined anytime outside school cant work honestly time extra curriculars i double majoring guess trying hard move abuse used suffer try good person fail theres something wrong me really place belong much wrong me im ugly im smart im good person worth me im short im attracted guys i girlfriend im bi ability attracted guys dad knew would kill him girlfriend would dump me friends would laugh never able see anything else depression anxiety nothing going im worthless broken want fucking anymore one side learned many things correlate usually reason im broken useless piece shit,1 +#Agoraphobia#Depression#PTSD#Anxiety#SickNotWeakI have had a couple of good days since med change. Getting more bold about going out! I hope me & doc have finally found me a little happiness! pic.twitter.com/pgR4BAYSIx,1 +"good night all...... this wookie is retiring for the evening...... yyaaaawwwwnnnn, sstttrreeeeetttccchhhhh........ ",0 +post pretty cringe isnt post me wait till is also hope post something fucked up,0 +kicked table crush fuckkkkk class ended leave classroom leg got caught desk leg let go swung toward crush somehow accident blocked exiting room made really loud sound teacher got immediately asked bolted math teacher noticed me ruined it anyway days fine hows yalls,0 +"Repetition does not transform a lie into a truth." - Franklin D. Roosevelt ,0 +upon time everything greati like everyone else young innocent naive all friends good grades happiness felt nothing could go wrongsuddenly present moment depression washed upon like tidal wave began total loss concentration loss interest anything everything would wake go back bed againi would consume packs junk food life depended iti would constantly feel like memory trash language skills deteriorated voices head telling failed friends laughed called crazymy family kept taking themself thier pain thier life thier strugglesbut me needed most friends family disappeared slowly began descent madness poem depression,1 +tldr here are my question ha anyone had depression symptom improve after they broke up with a long term partner who wa not right for them were you able to see in retrospect how the bad relationship wa intensifying your mental health problem how did you make the decision to break up my current depressive episode ha been going strong since mid 0 0 with almost no letup i m in therapy for childhood trauma for the first time therapist say i have cptsd i can feel my deep self hatred beginning to heal which is something i didn t think wa possible it s awesome but my depression symptom are getting worse no motivation feeling of complete emptiness gnawing sadness my work in therapy ha also illuminated aspect of my year romantic relationship which mirror the emotional abuse i suffered a a child i have been a candid a possible with this about my partner they have been genuinely remorseful and we are working on shifting our dynamic in couple therapy i am pleased to see change in the way they treat me but i don t feel any le pissed off about waking up alive everyday it s really difficult to parse out how much of this current depressive episode is coming from my brain chemistry and how much is coming from the fact that i m living with someone who betrayed my sense of emotional safety i m trying to forgive my partner because i truly love them with all of my heart and want to give our relationship a fair chance to improve but i am struggling to forgive them for the borderline emotional abuse that happened,1 +i really need a diagnosis my body hurt sometimes not in a pain way but like a close relative ha died my heart sink my hand shake but it s over a very minor thing my head is saying everything is fine logical but my body feel horrible like i want to burst into tear i d rather physical pain than this i ve broken my finger punching stuff just to snap out of it which work but the best way is for someone to tell me i m wrong tell me that i m thinking stupidly but it s ok and that everything is alright and then it go away this ha happened for a couple year now and i hate it and i need some help it s happening a i write this and i have no one to talk to to feel alright and my head went straight to punching something so i can feel alright again but i know i shouldn t do that i d really appreciate some help,1 +life definition goes behind closed doors outside everyone sees rich spoil person think happy anything want know trauma went through learned money could give happiness could go while end day still going stuck problems behind closed doors,1 +know doi really know anymore life seems meaningless hope future male turns saturday lives dads basement barely friends never hope girlfriend really making new friends super stressful job cant take break else really go insane written huge amount text explaining ive saw long finished yet ill give tldr suppose started girl known since years old getting quite close shy general socially awkward someone else asked out boyfriend got pregnant blame myself feel stupid always hard myself when step dad moved out first thought great take responsibilities mine have mother pretty much nothing raise two younger brothers year skipped breakfast lunch make sure ok eventually snapped year done moved dad relationship mother side family nonexistent dad never really got along well family lives town honestly say hate family hate too final high school year got terribly ill skin infection miss semester school emotional support family friends spent mostly myself ish months myself alone previously through absolute hell sunk depression never really got of take classes second semester also caused large amount stress added onto depression things finally got point trouble getting bed absolutely motivation to finished highschool started waking later later latest around pm a months ago finally got job get stressful too physically demanding working many hours point absolutely exhausted know cannot keep demanded much longer also cannot take break spend days home talking one anyway apologies long tried tldr kind failed tried summarize things may left out really really need help tried talking different times helped all need help friends none spend time mentally need recover family hates hate back stressful job cannot keep much longer think great would die finally released burdens past thoughts redflag common probably terrible job explaining tired right need sleep please reddit need help end comes soon actually read giant wall text thank much,1 +I'm so hungry. Am waiting for Crystal to come back from Railmall! My BCM!,0 +Depression? Bronchodilation? Palpitations?Call now to learn about Anosulfide™!Do not use in conjunction with Bibioxyphosphoate (sold as Sterosron™),1 +think parents might get therapist would even tell her would even talk about mind would go blank asked talk ab life lol,0 +avatar gang rise ive seen approximately amount users avatars pfps time us capitalize destroy pfp nation one all tiny picture lookin heads,0 +parents always ask us want something say want to hey son want go grandmas tomorrow no im really busy tomor bad going anyway,0 +hey god take back nowmy mom said every one childhood friends doesnt want hang siblings embarrassment society dad siblings make abusive nightmare genuinely waste life doesnt good enough grades doesnt know want living doesnt hobbies friends im done years old years wasted ambition cant myself would hurt much someone run car,1 +so yesterday i had plan to go skating with a friend and we drive there everything is good and we re sitting in the car waiting to go in all of the sudden the overwhelming urge to cry just come over me and i start sobbing two second prior i wa laughing totally fine it took me a half an hour to be able to go inside luckily my friend is amazing and super understanding but what should i do in that situation any tip at all on how to control myself would be much appreciated,1 +memory the last hunt stuck since saw movie far ahead others time addressed treatment natives environment ever present contrast short long term effects greed relevant today cinemagraphic discussion utmost depth relevance top setting beautiful cinematography excellent memory movie end days,0 +little sister started playing gatcha life heck yeet child what chill car corner eye saw gatcha life investigate yep playing gatcha life do,0 +yeah im simp super intense minecraft player,0 +one underseen films late s time oliver stone riding high platoon wall street and opus born fourth july coscripted directed look world radio specifically one radio host middle texas man barry champlain onceinacareer turn eric bogosian wrote original play also cowrote script barry like mix howard stern one pundits hear radio stations many us might turn off hes got ideas mind opinions hes unafraid speak them also stand phone callers callers indeed driving force film barry combat mindless obscene racist purely absentminded goes on also contend boss alec baldwin hit miss deal go nationwide outside confines southern way station hes inbr br while seeing film felt curious see wouldve done stage id imagine oneman show bogosian several side direction film phenomenal stone known almost typecast director loves quick cuts limitless effects montage effects styles camerawork little tricks give films s distinctive almost auteur look s energy feverish quality look film frenzied films order add proper intensity within studio headspace barry champlain dp robert richardson make space seem claustrophobic times gritty unsure definitely edge scenes middle film barry studio fairly standard style along substance radio scenes among best ive seen stonerichardson combinationbr br and one cannot miscalculate performance bogosian obnoxious offensive angered passive everything love hate radio show hosts also funny near distracting supporting role michael wincott kentmichaeljoe prank calls one night next gets invited studio scenes little uncomfortable viewer get much subculture headspace s barry intrigued critical of stoner may get it says its show indeed hard cover everything goes within talk lot it never boring like champlain himself easy ignore bogosian goes climactic tirade air background panning around continuous spin becomes intoxicating reason freedom speech powerfulbr br stone synonymous filmmaker hotbutton issues takes subjects still controversial gives lifeforce always great own skills ambitions get way bogosians boosted anything making extremely skilled vision essentially near oneman show already wellwritten,0 +stuffy nose it preventing me from sleep any remedy,0 +goodbye first last posti great girlfriend amazing kindest person besides slight autism perfect some including would argue autism perfects her shapes her amazing lost today flirted girls traded photos responding anymore blame her live anymore took perfect vase scratched nail fragile innocent crushed those friends turned me hate life took sleeping pills whole bottle even sit feel head starting hurt beginning hard time keeping eyes open goodbye p reading this love you always will deserve best sorry me everything world you lost all sorry thought dick love p become know best follow dreams,1 +whats best part day best part day around pm im watching youtube cat comes cuddles me shes getting old least years always comforting know still loves me think im favourite cuddling comes sister wrong moment dad doesnt time cuddles yes im gonna call kitty even though shes senior got white hairs tail love kitty shes perfect,0 +going to ikea ,0 +imma honest im prob one whenever im singing someone walks mutter extra words like im thinking randomly speaking dont look crazy,0 +@randomblink Hey Can you Follow me please ,0 +someone someone school replaced bathroom qr code qr code leading never gonna give rick astley,0 +traveling around world dawned australia really lacks one thing countries have historybr br fortunately unfortunately australia establish following war civil war political history rather boring nothing big happened mark sort turning point australias history dismissal whitlam government governorgeneral australia john kerrbr br for australian skip paragraph move onto next benefit curious nonaustralians australia colonised british time went on became apparent australia capable standing two feet accordingly uk granted australia permission establish parliaments laws courts on law politics australia would longer provided directly british rather australia would run australians right even though courts precedents parliament largely modeled british system shift codified australian constitution despite fact constitution lawfully establishes australian governments lawmaking procedures courts but curious bill rights two procrown sections included remain day less regarded reserve powers crown kingqueen great britain first group sections relates creation office governorgeneral briefly governorgeneral considered queens chief representative australia described executive branch australian government piece law passed australian parliament constitution states becomes law signed governorgeneral such govenorgeneral regarded nothing rubber stamper performing archaic unnecessary constitutional function behalf crown theoretically governorgeneral refuse sign law passed australian parliament thinks fit instance parliament passed law allows police shoot dead australian age hypothetically course gg could refuse sign would become law land however power theoretical to date never exercised convention which buzz word events leading dismissal governorgeneral virtually acts behest australian government therefore government passes law prime minister instructs governorgeneral sign it will almost always without question fact convention governorgeneral acts accordance advice provided prime minister day and prime minister alone second aspect section constitution states government ministers hold office governorgenerals pleasure events covered film gave rise precedent particular section governorgeneral somehow displeased government andor prime minister would appear section allows lawfully sack government which happened hence title film the dismissal whether at governorgenerals pleasure construed the unfettered right dismiss contentious point though led rather heated exchanges amongst australians time especially considering governorgeneral elected people australiabr br now background aspect way lets get back discussing film well made pace patient drag all drama well contained realistic overdramatise events importantly present point view one political perspective contrary felt fair balanced even though concluding text credits indicates filmmakers probably approve governorgenerals decision dismiss whitlam government describe film overall bias one direction otherbr br in terms accuracy virtually spot on filmmakers certainly homework evidently read books writings principle players concerned number finer details somewhat skipped over largely took long time explain ultimately little impact events forgive that further think difficult recreate public sentiment postvietnam war era noyce pretty much pulled offbr br finally pleased film attempted raise individual policies sides without becoming analytical obsessive judgmental them moreover were raised example connors pipeline great deal relevance story film makers realised task tell story events leading dismissal present political endorsement opposition relation policies viewpoints smart meant film cant accused misrepresenting one sides policiesbr br the dismissal probably incredible piece political history occurred australia short life glad crystallized celluloid essential viewing australian,0 +im sure post thisi woke today news expect hear mortgage paid months parents i may become homeless ive applying many jobs many jobs contacted one need background check tb test hopefully tomorrow grandpa would move another state siblings live two dogs two dogs give reason wake every day want live without them ive always wondered would happen lost separated them genuinely believe would kill myself ive attempted redflag times before redflag note written last year goodbye right now strongly believe things get better might be wanted go back school try become teacher wanted work towards becoming english teacher japan im lost im scared know do im trying find job really know told sooner,1 +one unusual plots ive seen horror film based good solid universal studios fare lots monsters pretty heroine torchbearing villagers favorite part larry talbot the wolf man searching cure lycanthropy dying original wolf man resurrected wanders frankenstein meets wolf man house frankenstein searching way end affliction think firsttime viewers find search particular movie interestingbr br ,0 +fucking alone life it cannot live like anymore told friend reasonably annoyed hung phone spoken mei one friend used treat bad literally scared talk triggers me know sounds like nothing reasons want die plus cannot handle little things nowadays eitheri want fall asleep never wake honest god might finally go,1 +another one unable cope lifeso thing having depression is never knew it always felt way remember anything else includes completely forgotten everything happened life prior puberty one earliest memories is something around remember time children school hanging other except me shy ever anything usually hung alone here thats years past now except consecutive days felt good alone anymore ive always contemplated redflag every day made plans eventually threw away involved wimp actually determined finally end myself sadly day task anyway something rather impactful happened beginning year put another crisis finally got open one friends have turned mistake unfortunately since straight went parents told it convinced get counseling medical therapy started end january now month weekly appointments therapists taking antidepressants convinced ever things helpful all making things even worse huge waste time also feel terrible everytime talk reasons basically regular reminder pf hate alive last week ditched therpist stopped taking antidepressants know feel like best thing do finally feel like could accomplish fatal task made new friend university also deals depression copes cutting places one sees alas mean give tips accidentally anyway started to even think control happening cant deal life moment another thing kinda lost control marijuana abuse know serious drug past smoked one two weekend relax months now consume least gram day soon effect fades away immediately start feeling bad everything take next hit whole text pretty badly structured probably incomprehensive doubt anyone actually cares get there get core problem hate living live without anyone existence caring enough show genuine love me im gomma stay alone forever way around it medication world change fact nothing desirable one would ever want me antidepressants help this neither therapy said trying seriosly trying make work noticed correct along tell me supposed now except killing myself often get lost thoughts driving maybe finally next days over grateful advice give _this whole text typed using smartphone keyboard probably missed lot letters buy hope recognizable also im native english speaker sorry mistakes made_,1 +@davehorine twitpics are required ,0 +i ve lost my favourite mac lipgloss i m so upset about it i never lose thing,0 +open parents mental health ive struggling self harm depression since years old im currently high school ive gone therapist two times visits year apart reason parents even took first place becaue found completely drinking self harming always struggled opening long remember two reasons dont feel safe opening im either met frustration disbelief misunderstood second reason ive always closed person makes extremely anxious even thinking opening dont want upset bad im doing mental health fucking horrible past weeks im failing classes house grades basically equal worth person theyre threatening take things away allowing see friends things keeping going moment dont start passing tell mental health reason im failing classes ive self harming again,0 +"On a highnote,80 alevel girls at work tnyt,might perk me up &maybe some tune-ge for once ",0 +coming parents aka awkward moment life so ago made mistake telling parents im bisexual huge mistake part first context gave little test years prior started realize also attracted sex asked separate occasions would still love gay credit mother seemed kinda surprised smiled told course would still love me dad hand answered i would still love cancer i worth think meant say would love even something control actually told ago bisexual seeing guy kinda lost it knew getting asked questions like how many guys sex with you mean gay have never slept girl what think turned bisexual but know for sure right one point dad even laughed cause assumed joking mother also insinuated going phase took step told seeing someone point onward ever referred my friend continuously said trust them would grow it day make point avoiding discussion involves sexuality like plague,0 +offensiveabsurd statement punchline making previous statement joke thus offensiveabsurd thats make post rteenagers thank coming ted talk,0 +mompontet je savais qu il tait en pleine d pression mais a n excuse pa tout,1 +"Only those who have learned the power of sincere & selfless contribution experience life's deepest joy: true fulfillment." Tony Robbins ,0 +teenagers dreams wondering guysgals age concrete dreams etc mean yall even want life yall wander aimlessly everyday going along flow,0 +im ok im ok im okim really ok im really ok im really ok get triggered hope get triggered faith get triggered redflag hotline pathological liars maybe someone talk wont pry location pick body case fuck get distrust,1 +im tired want wild ridegood night sleep well,1 +laura no im not we are gunna go this hols though i really want to see him,0 +watchin i m not there and missing heath ledger,0 +think quote least correct wrong sticking past days depression started years ago bullied school staff surface sound bad treatment went genuinely left permanent scar me emotional turmoil put young age saw quote twice day kept sticking realized true feel like emotionally matured past point young happened stuck past years still throw tantrums fear alone naivete even methods self harm childish still feel like child literally feel process emotions like child does know even move past trauma think will emotional state including depression everything brought it changed years maybe things feel like getting worse dealing bigger problems able emotionally handle older get biting chew year old problems alot different almost year old problems want get help bad even know start myself let alone financially stuck here you emotionally mature past age traumatized at,1 +anyone think livestreaming redflagi get attention affection might well entertain people myself,1 +eating disorder ruining lifeim eating disorder ruining life already mental illnesses ed making everything worse im insecure point cry everytime leave house im embarrassed people seeing me see doctors medicated dont see point anymore ive abusing laxatives years whenever eat cut go depressive state making anxiety panic attacks get awful everyday recovering last doctors know theyre trying help what ive way years hasnt gotten better im tired,1 +fuck wrong people,1 +"To understand depression better, you have to have been through it. Luckily, I had a strong family support system. For that I'm grateful for my parents' gut feelings",1 +sleep paralysis last night im afraid close eyes yep read that cool anyway sticking usual sleep schedule am trouble sleeping eventually drifted started dreaming normal stuff wake theres something front bed like multiple arms shit long hair bodys natural instinct lean scream didnt body wouldnt fucking move matter hard tried wouldnt move tried screaming silent tried hard nothing worked couldnt physically move all could really somehow close eyes stopped felt like whole fucking hour demon ass hoe standing there woke up moved fingers literally cried slept like baby im tucking terrified sleeping help,0 +failedi one purpose failed it plan foiled know end now,1 +i feel bad for doing it,0 +@jerzyswiader what is what about? ,0 +"hanging with my best friend, giving each other makeovers, and watching Camp Rock ",0 +http://twitpic.com/6bvp2 - Check out what amp i'm playing through this morning. ,0 +@Britty0314 4 a movie? Jeans for sure! ,0 +hihello name emelia using new account want history ive contemplating posting weeks finally decided it im terrified breaking rules tell anything wrong take post fix it live old relevant im going say shortened version story little rant share likely nobody read respond so post deserted feel guilty think redflag alot think might happen consequences are feel reason because even though rest family toxic mum cat two things mean world me used live whole family mum dad two older brothers memories except cousin hating me aunts uncles bullying dad even though lived together older brothers sound nice books protecters loving mine tormented every minute saw me life bad compared others competition dad incurable illness others basically means ache time energy stuck bed days week bad young but said remember much them story going tell weirdly peiced together bare me years ago seeing quite young parents got divorced rest main family lived apart carers would go every weekend remember loving going there mum stopping brothers bullying little know bullied scared too oldest brother angry would pound door scream luckily never touched hurt scared wouldve done anything save mum wouldve taken hit her even though never came that loved going dads money would buy snacks cook dinner me mum working two jobs brother slacking rent trying feed us every day yet felt sorry her wanted spend time dad mistake bullied school weight poor pretended care breaking inside pretended friend took advantage joined gang bullies realised laughed them pretended bothered was one pushed rusty nail went foot cry scream hid pain anger inside bottled up laughed said fine accident purposely pushing rusty nail fine fine pushed knife throat night held firmly head slowly backing away wanted want it selfish thought die would selfish monster yet heard redflag stories think theyre selfish would think strong going long unfortunate felt pain throat look led decision felt bad took knife away crying tear silently put knife back asked mum move soon possible next day stood started leave alone back dad would criticise everything do mum treated woman capable mature age homphobic racist sexist let stay home alone going somewhere hated hated museums parks fairs used visit grew tired felt obligated go one night snapped told get phone could watch war documentry interest in snatched away even though mum texting something important screamed threw dinner snatched back couldnt fight took advantage that brother could couldve killed body dad let even look me knowing would get knife protect needed little unhinged back then still guess guess thats one thing right night wanted leave cold raining coat shoes blocking it trapped mum picked up never went around again never saw him spoke arranged neutral discussion family friend lovely second mum moment seemed blame everything ganged on outspoken mum fight me stopped seeing him learned things done mum past left thousands thousands debt paid child support lied millions times spread rumours manipulated brothers false stories saw was longer brothers dad us two moved stay friend back feet bad seeing little money teens lived tormented much brothers did least better scared grateful grateful mum protecting me finding solution vision clouded rock hers made cry looking struggling wouldve still would given support could hated self able work support us hated thinking saying that felt like let down didnt fast forward years moved away got apartment slowly opening again forgive him tried therapists made anxious hard fill silence nobody talking me blank human free guess cant complain confident outgoing fake persona hide behind it even mum want im gloomy im weird feel like sane belong here good think redflag alot it would look smell feel hear like thought way would go many know stopped me aside mum would think way would look disgusted police would fat body way chin would obvious way would lift clothes see fat vomit sight me thought need lose weight anything cant ugly die would hurt others worthless ugly gay disgusting monster fat weird freak loud think it think things true fat weird loud curvy weird expressive agree both though darkness always consumes positivity makeup dress nicely ugh waist big double chin disgusting makeup blended properly im going attract much attention colour goodlooking people writing good enough ever going get career want disappear eat much get more want world see me feel loved deserve it annoying friends hate me im stupid deserve school deserve freedom homeschooling look like should girl skinny like that get surgery im lazy work more fat obvious jump love way look crop top people see back stomach want noticed want bold,1 +name duncan years old fucked bad want kill myselfso goes two weeks ago super christian parents caught lover a male german shepherdhusky mix consensual sexual intercourse course freak fuck started hitting dog knot still stuck me heard parents talking uncle suggesting exorcism performed me decided send psychological assessment instead went doctor tell always animals fair society puts unnecessary constraints show love affection to okay interracial homosexual couple legally pee okay dog shove dick ass anyways doctor diagnosed asd something like that happening parents put killed lover said tainted found went bed crying woke crying put cherry fucking top little bitch sister told everyone school this im depressed alone skip school go bridge cry contemplate death throw rocks stray cats think im going go hypothermia heard last moments absolutely euphoric,1 +hello thank you for reading my post and any advice would be appreciated so i m a 9 year old guy from southern california i dated my ex for about month and it wa a relationship plagued with many issue she cheated on me at the beginning of the relationship and i later found out stayed with her and then cheated on her it wa this weird situation because we both wronged each other so we saw it a we re equal let s try to make this work though our relationship could be considered rocky at best i still loved her very much and i had never felt such strong emotion for someone like that before she wa my first real girlfriend she introduced me to her family and vice versa we went on vacation with each other we went to punk show and enjoyed music because we had a similar taste in music around december she caught me flirting with girl on my phone and i guess you can say she ended the relationship but everything wa still the same we would see each other regularly have sex pretty regularly go out and do thing with one other and talk all the time like we did it wa almost a like we never even broke but she said the relationship wa over but if i prove to her that i would make a change that we would get back together at first i wa super apologetic and begged her for forgiveness but i soon realized that everything wa still the same minus the fact that we technically aren t in a relationship anymore i did a lot of soul searching and talking to those around me who told me it wa for the best that we didn t date anymore so i started talking to other girl around this time i meet my guitar teacher and started playing the guitar i ve been playing for about month now it s something that make me very happy and i enjoy doing it like i mentioned earlier with my ex everything felt the same except we technically weren t in a relationship but she would still say she love and care about me in december i wa still trying to get her forgiveness she bought me these sick computer speaker i bought her this ring with our name engraved on it but she didn t really seem to like it and even left it at my house and never took it even though that s what she wa begging me to buy for her at one point i told her that it bothered me that she completely just tossed away the ring and her response is why would i wear a promise ring when i ve broken the promise i didn t have a rebuttal to it so i dropped the subject january rolled around and the idea of trying to gain her favor back and earning our relationship back grew to disdain we both were on bumble tinder talking to other people flirting but we still would be in this weird situation where we were in this relationship saying i love you to each other so like i mentioned earlier i had downloaded dating apps and met flirted with some girl and she wa doing the same thing but i told her that i m growing tired of this weird thing and that i want to be back with her and try to make thing work and she wa kinda blowing it off i deleted all the dating apps i wasn t meeting flirting with any girl and i didn t do anything with anyone besides her this whole time so fast forward to my birthday on february st and she bought ticket for u to go to knot berry farm amusement park here in socal we had a good time and we ended up having sex later that night during this whole weird period we were having sex pretty consistently my birthday ended up being the last time we saw each for a while because my best friend said that they saw her on bumble tinder i made new account and i saw her she swiped right on me both time and it set me off because i kept telling her i wanted to be with her and wanted to start over and she said wanted to a well but wanted to make sure but wanted wait and that she loved me and only wanted to be with me would always say she can t imagine being with anyone but me so seeing her on these apps even though we told each other we weren t going to be on them anymore so i sent her this long message telling her how i felt about her our relationship and the whole tinder bumble situation and that i wa through with her then it wa almost a she flipped the script and that she wa the one begging me to get back with each other and she pulled her whole i love you i can t imagine being with one else but you blah blah but i wa done and wa ready to emotionally move which i feel like for the most part i have so i completely stopped talking to her many of my close friend helped me out a lot especially my best friend i felt sorta free in a way and i wa trying my best to move on i met other girl and had hookup with a lot of them i mean last week i had sex with two different girl in one night on friday but every time i feel like happy at first after but then shortly after i go back to this feeling of emptiness that i have been feeling i and my family had a trip planned out to give a visit to our family in el salvador and we went it wa only for a week but it wa the happiest i had been in so long a soon a i came back that feeling of emptiness came back full force a couple of week after i came back me and my friend decided we wanted to try shrooms it wa a whole ordeal to get them but we somehow got them we had it all planned out but it kinda fell through me and my best friend ended up taking the i unfortunately had a bad trip at first the trip went super well but i took about gram and it wa my first time and i started telling my friend i wa depressed then it turned into i m planning on committing suicide when i m older but something came upon me and i wa telling him i wanted to kill myself right then and there and i tried to kill myself but my friend stopped me i have been pretty traumatized since that night and i have been thinking about it so much during the time i wa in el salvador my ex made a tik tok about me saying i wa a terrible person and that i treated her horrible and that she wa the victim of the relationship and it got like 000 view she also posted a video on her instagram story of some random licking her face and her kissing him after so i wanted nothing to do with her anymore but after my bad trip i felt emotionally vulnerable and i texted her back and i told her what i went through and we started texting again she told me that she wanted to see me again and i wasn t there emotionally she came over and we ended up having sex and we ve done this twice now i just feel like i have gone through so much these last month and it ha been so much to handle after i took the shrooms i felt like i needed to better my action and i planning on going back to school i have stopped smoking weed and drinking i never did it often but i want to completely stop i m growing tired of this constant feeling of emptiness i feel every day of my life and i feel like i haven t been trying to move my life forward and i keep going back to the same place i keep telling myself i want to move from i don t know if it s depression or what but i m tired of the way i feel sometimes when i think about my bad trip i just chalk it up to me being high but other time i feel like that deep down i actually want to and that the shrooms just made me realize i love and appreciate my best friend my other friend and my family because they provide me with amazing support but these feeling still linger and i m growing tired of it the thing that ha been providing me with happiness is playing guitar and it s been my escape i would appreciate someone to talk to maybe i need someone fresh perspective,1 +confessed crush went good little bit good close friends platonic relation thing coz im asexual knows im ace thats mutually decided,0 +@mwsmedia doh! i always assume if there is rain then they aren't talking about cali ,0 +anyone relate wth wrong meits year lost ability enjoy anything literally every kind fun activity became actually painful cant listen music cant draw cant read cant play video games etc without starting hate getting reminded terrible things happened past emotional reaction always severe must kind ptsdi even know hell im dbt eat healthy exercise take care responsibilities things obviously help life still unbearably painful start therapy september idk survive then told family friends one seems care much treat tiny bit better im guessing even understand im going through depression anxiety pretty much whole life even difficult accept everyone thought lazy weird thing im going much worse cant express words quality lifenot single minute could relax torture people keep telling im disciplined hardworking could never im doingbut literally nothing else do could stare wall change most amount fun possibly have sometimes get bored get back something useful instead,1 +thinkingive wrote many times want kill myself really want pain stop know happen would die oh scared whats come next do know would hurt mother die cowardly sees broken pays mind knew gay probably now wouldnt matter died going hell anyway direction feel unloved whole life never felt anyone wanted cared existence outside blood relatives feel like monster physically mentally homosexuality disgusts makes feel x worse myself hate degenerate feel less person joke mental health taking toll feel anxious state anxiety getting worse depression becoming crippling jealous happy people especially straight envy normalcy lust life know pain people attraction deserve cant keep living like cant see marrying woman hide hard seeing worth used it feel bad redflag knowing people really suffering redflag brings peace remember back mind might suffer eternally wish knew certain,1 +fucked forgot november fapped ashamed failed first day all,0 +fuck dick going toaster toaster going bath,0 +nobody talk topeople want die it fuck failure fucked up fucked life,1 +amanorris wow that last tweet made me seem like a giant sexist sorry about that,0 +2 DAYS LEFT!! All u gotta do is clik here http://bit.ly/A5Zn8 and RATE MY VIDEO!! Help me meet Ciara!! (Headed to a writing session...),0 +i hope this sub is a source of help and stability for others not my post but the sub in my case when you spend your whole life white knuckling being normal and chastising yourself for every wrong victim stance ungrateful attitude etc a an absolute failure god what the fuck else are you supposed to do i mean in my case why keep trying what is the fucking point the charade get old and sometimes you just want it to stop,1 +well bed time now am sigh back to am morning for a week on wednesday,0 +want antique skin lampshade ww imagine shock house guests faces would amazing,0 +@arbeeezy hah its YOU!!!!!!!!! i knew itt!!! ,0 +request wanna ask guys pls sub yt channel called fb make song lyrics would love look channel pls sub would awe some,0 +creepyscam pms introducing showing face usually try spam post concern intro post weekend received lot scam pms fake jobssus websites reminded another issue reason censor bar face protect identity which turned joke selfie augustish got creepy pms forgot usernames wondering anyone else similar issues,0 +close eyes feel rope around neckiam actually suicial well thought good bad days good days get shit done bad days lay bed want go continue thing is im living actually thogut id like go living everytime close eyes feel rope around neck lay sleep first thoughtimage someone shooting head ampxb know feel this sight something like pro living seems to well slide away fade know do depression therapy parents know suicidal thoughts know im supposed save think am,1 +the action of nitroglycerine on digitalis induced st depression in patient with coronary disease http t co s9uqoyl kt,1 +friend confessed constant visions hanging himselfhe recently failed college rd year architecture rough time drop out consistently told feels inadequate worthy architect failed out hes taking way hard everyone needs formally trained hes actually quite talented bad managing projects due told tonight considering killing himself told extremely upset not that think anything else find good therapist soon please help ive never used subreddit hope help cant sleep thinking die,1 +everything sinking feel like im worthless think want hang tonightmost life pretty decent least compared others experience hell earth ive grown lovely household caring supportive parents time school would find surrounded really good friends know whats happening recently almost friends gone since couple years ive started isolate room away family cant get bed even feel motivation things used passionate about ex girlfriend reason think still trying wonderful person ive met gone even relationship problem rather external cause made us break up many reasons want mention feel theyre stupid thing crushed about really help either feel way friends view me like source inspiration figure look to away truth feel im truly guy good grades talent art music think me like single aspect body even know kind depression since medical prescription confirms it neither ive spoken people experience it also cant stand thought parents looking hanged lifeless body would devastated want feel im wasting resources living worthless empty life wished awesome family raised fucking failure,1 +@jerfresh thanks me too! Arriving at destination on right! Good night? Morning? Aah!,0 +never stressedd im literally shaking im fucking stressed dealing bad math physics grades because math fucking sucks dealing college appliucaton deadlines fafsa nonsenses so many applications senior high school stressful,0 +"@rpisharody I have not used that yet - but if you come to my home, I can sponsor the wifi ",0 +theres many ways could kill right momentive never noticed really scaring me mind absolute chaos right know do everything see potential kill me everything close eyes limitless im young enough people would say much live for feel fake whenever try start conversation depression probably hormones teenager end making halfhearted redflag joke everyone around feels uncomfortable like ive ever diagnosed anything know many people selfharm know real problems struggles lives dont theres always food table money bank may enough money go college definitely privileged person im looking around room right freaking out think im going cry quite honest shouldnt ive crying lot lately im really weak person know much longer this still know could really commit redflag im fake person probably selfharm attention too even though told anyone it really want to would love sit talk talk talk hour straight everything would love tell story start finish see im selfish see many times ive said i im selfish think somethings wrong mind keeps twisting turning think supposed that cant focus anything post getting really hand im sorry cant concentrate much think getting really long im cant go back read edit right cant think properly im sorry tldr completely useless post cant make brain shut up sorry,1 +in the sunshine revising sunbathing maths and media.booming common dreads out into the garden fuck the neighbours eh ?,0 +i have had suicidal thought since high school i am also trans and have always known it since i wa young i never felt it wa something i wa allowed to do i started transitioning a few month ago now at the age of i ve attempted suicide time in my life and i did the least almost hoping i would live or die 0 0 i ve always threatened my family that i would kill myself some of that wa a cry for help some of that is true i have planned to live perhaps extra year to see if truly a everyone tell me it s worth living just wait i believe in my heart i can be great for myself and love myself and yet i am plagued by this obtuse feeling of letting go for good almost every day i have had many therapist i have one currently i have tried med and i truly don t want them in my life i can t even complain i speak language fluently i ve experienced a lot of life and always felt like an old soul although i am disappointed with this world i am disappointed with all the hate that exists i m disappointed with myself and others consistently most day i wake up grateful and most day i go to sleep angry sad lonely and hopeless no matter how much i try to be a force of love and light in this world in the morning i end up depleted and sucked into the darkness each night i have stayed for my family and friend who would suffer if i left i have never once stayed for myself i wish i found a reason to live for myself and not for others i m planning on taking shooting lesson in this year so i may get a gun license hopefully so that i may register a firearm in year and kill myself i m not sure what i m looking for saying this on here just needed a place to say it i hope you re all well and stay strong,1 +or weird habit someone one person two group whatever whenever theres someone around feel like even need pee moment alone realise need pee bad really hoping aint alone,0 +i just feel really alone talking to ppl might just drag them down with me too idk reddit rlly is just the only place i can truly share my feeling on,1 +cant take stress feel option redflag airi work everyday little pay much arguing screaming friends family paying debts society cant take anymore stress past present future,1 +birthdaywell birthday im turning feel like going go downhill here im alone got ditched friends share birthday feel around shitty need someone talk to ive thinking killing past year feel like would pretty good time so,1 +my cousin can t stop playing frozen bubble twisted amp resco bubble bye bye n see you after a week or two,0 +emotional person feel may need talking about mredflag answer something reminding myself problem something remind myself posted got great advice feel maybe address correct issue alive seeming enticing like work school never liked school know nothing anything usless material like video games magic gathering know ky family loves religion really esqued thinking how know love something must grant everyone let religion control without it know am tried discover avail ranting now need help,1 +vibing today bois girls today feel like listening earl sweatshirt beyonce wbu,0 +mother abusive whole lifesuch hitting me threatening me making fun behind back morei even want live anymorehelp please help,1 +ellelovexx haaaaa i want mac amp cheese toooooo hahahaha hey i still got the one u left here i guess im making that today oo lol,0 +end get rid dog im gonna end ithe is quite literally last thing feel deep emotional connection to all emotionally dead reaction literally everyone life months now best friend left one strings emotional connection hanging friends live far away really talk league legends family again trying convince get rid dog calling manipulative bring literally destroy inside lost everything good job best friend rock dog point im gonna leave whether redflag literally catching train across country im done,1 +ive never actually stressed yeah ive stressed bother like right now less week decide next years classes idea whats going math essay really dont know finish keep grades c parents dont get mad lot stress before almost every night finally able go sleep around am laying thinking whats gonna happen dont get stuff done sucks ton also wake go school im able see friends minutes lunch doesnt help either probably dont even bad compared kids sucks stressed like this,0 +start apologizing thought first film hilarious mostly brad pitts performance spot onbr br the acting involved quite good brad stole movie atmosphere perfect respects im giant pitt fan got one best roles everbr br brutalhonestgritty good words describe moviebr br i reading previous review person said reasoning behind earlys violence explained explained thankfully go graphic detail get point acrossbr br overall gave every scene bar effective think humor first half perfect movie underrated,0 +happy for coach stringer hof c o 009 now if i can only finish my term paper on her,0 +teacher teaching stuff but already know thing shes teaching im sam onella,0 +every single belief ive ever betrayed mei remember younger sure beliefs respect people help people obey elders teachers study good boy drink smoke drugs forgive others hurt me ignore negative things focus positive ones etc now know whats true false almost beliefs failed me im prime example good grades mean triumph life almost everyone used know moved without me kept losing friends either conflicts letting fade away acquaintances must mean im wrong or least hold blame sometimes im angry family raised old fashioned beliefs overprotected lot younger least malicious intentionsand know tried best also im angry old high school classmates everything wanted me bullied me manipulated me used tool ignored treated like trash im one needs pick pieces one whos wrong say pain much get told act like victim quarantine ive realized im alone ive ever before realized lost good qualities before would said wouldve another person matter what now fear rejection stronger wish talk people people already moved on went apologize reconnect would probably think im making everything me thus would make things even worse im problem easy answer im problem ive always problem stupid stupid,1 +"Holland today, Chicago tonight and tomorrow for NeoCon! ",0 +curse my yoghurt exploded in my bag on the way to work now everything smell like toffee,0 +nightwyrm no not yet,0 +poem wrote suicidal influences many open meaningshello ive never much interest poetry fact think one lowest forms literature expression events recent past lead writing this first poem ive ever written free will like it id like know not id still like know counterproductive suicidal individuals delete post little argument call you need me need me need me hear cry wonder ever came attempt wave goodbye put barrel temple begin wish could overdose close close need me open eyes mesmerized million lies me surface top scream stop open eyes meant goodbyes stand high way sky finally finally goodbye falling flailing failing close close need me open eyes lying bed cant dead join rest cattle hell internal battle paint smile begin daily mile time bed beautiful lie rings head need me,1 +suffered long managed keep hidden finally began opening people still depression nest place self care know problem itself come home weekend away already crying walked door mother told relax cup tea go bed come bedroom cleared throuhhh whole room without even telling acknowledge ment done it long term back problem regularly take counter medications doctors surgery believe anything wrong me would hidden handbag toom painkillers anti redflag medication in knocked bedroom door asked told without mentioning anything acting nothing happened complete meltdown tried getting online mental health help nothing open feel overwhelmed cannot look anywhere room without able breath think much longer cannot breathe,1 +im stressedi year old constantly think future but one willing help me parents care mentally think im emotional teenager overdosed vomitting whole day without noticing do want future friends could understand would nice,1 +JUST woke up ,0 +two things noticed film this spoiler mistake storytelling cole takes bill first be finds box soon cole finds says the box everyones got box minute later dumps contents floor says were actually fortunate see oftenbr br observation spoiler alertbr br i watch thing three times figure couple things out watched chronological version saw flash backs latter previous time changes points actually watching three different times min wall timebr br that good thing know many times could watch returning netflixbr br color obsessive,0 +life is like a box of chocolate.....smile today is a beautiful day ,0 +dont fear death im steadily running reasons avoid iti find death almost beautiful strange sort way pain suffering anything else category sounds wonderful me ive struggled desire end hope life eventually get better every time find asking worth end know keep going around truth think death fascinated excited become it im sure point post is suppose wanted express feelings place wouldnt judged insane,1 +im getting covid test soon like minutes dads going take drive testing sight hospital wish luck guess,0 +idk anymore hate college hate major know id college incentive live possibility getting gf people keep saying itll happen patience feel like ive patient years think ive lost patience left hope point see happening bother keep going,1 +quit telling never give upjust let die quit relying me anything else give you understand thing gave life meaning gave life purpose coming back shell never come back right leave to fools sticking around blind cant see man knew dead long time im him im corpse im rotted remains friend stupid staying longer stay painful itll you im weak tired anything this im gonna like finally bite bullet tie rope end pitiful joke life look around were exact situation year ago gonna end way except time fail kill myself leave now im already dead anyways like ill them problems need also checking every minutes make sure thrown bridge again happens literally everytime start anything new last time got new job months ago soon really real everything starts happening get hit overhwhelming feeling give now kill yourself gonna end last time get now theres seriously point keep fighting swear all ill kill th birthday idiot kill new year haha idiot like could actually change,1 +really need help liked girl while since th grade were juniors now want tell every time try get flustered chicken out whay do,0 +nothing live foras title says simply nothing left live for family zero friends social life all also talents worthwhile skills fact im pretty sure people would care gone would workplace theyd hire someone new easy peasy forget me want continue life sucks nowadays wake up watch youtube videos go reddit go work eat shower rinse repeat like everyday exact same girl likes guy whos socially isolated anxious depressed anyone makes life worth sticking around for literally feel like prisoner isolation cell apartment thats lonely am wish could meet people social anxiety fucks course cannot name one reason stick around for life sadness live sadness decades could end pain early ive tried many times better physically mentally fall flat face every time told give up options slim ambition energy goals actually felt happy before know went wrong tried get help people said need toughen up im just lazy lol wish simple case lazy also wish real friends see people want friends me im monster would drag too needed get march gates eternal darkness reading tough spot sincerely hope find happiness ive tried many times still nothing changes think god whoever created telling time go really wanna die want pain existence end anyways peace,1 +josordoni yeah it wa good news a y combinator interview next week dunno bout the oyster will just suck it up i guess,0 + OMG... Greatest feeling ever. This is better than drugs.,0 +so lately i been dealing with a pretty tense situation which involves trying to get myself out of a pretty big rut caused by my depression and lack of motivation basically a lot ha gone to shit now i m trying to fix it but there is this thing that happens whenever there is something difficult uncomfortable i have to do in my life in the hour leading up to waking up fully in those moment when i m tossing and turning my body feel terrible especially in my stomach abdominal area my thought are anxious and i feel terrible when i wake up fully all i think about is the thing making me anxious and the symptom i described feel like 0 time worse and i feel extremely high stung and filled with dread i feel like i want to fade away because it feel so bad after about an hour or two the physical symptom lessen and my anxiety reduces to more manageable level doe anyone else feel this and what have you done to cope,1 +"Dang man , late night conversations are the best ",0 +give motivation ask crush advice would nice too anyway ive texting girl while really like her said together would weird best friend ex agree ex understanding person feel would okay please give advice motivation ask,0 +like my sassy girl movie based true story posted internet thats similarities end story generally rebellious guy named jihoon kwon sang woo still trying finish high school whose parents hire tutor named suwan kim ha neul woman comes poor background happens age him add obstacles martial arts thugs always jihoon revenge scorned thuggish lovesick girl him proclivity ditching lessons generally guess whole story mention romantic comedy movie good fight scenes great visual humor lot spunk thanks good chemistry kim ha nuel kwon sang woo bring lot energy story romantic elements also work reason and must say id want girlfriend like kim ha nuel girl my sassy girl personalitywise least spunk cute sweet goodhearted way characters already mostly likable so one might say less hill climb my sassy girlan obstacle worked movie credit movie quite clever interesting way story kind sags though way where sort treads familiar standard fare nothing really interesting happens near end picks bit again overall fun cute movie ,0 +im trying get help workfor past however long remember depressed ignored think might something end soon,1 +not sure if actually anxiety related tbh recently during spring break my stress got the best of me and i ended up isolating myself and feeling unempathetic towards those who tried to contact me so i gave up on trying to express my feeling over text and wa really struggling with messaging and stuff today i realized that i wa having trouble getting any word out while speaking to those at school and my best friend yet i could talk to my family fine it s making my friend uncomfortable and i believe they are upset with me yet i can t even get my word out over text not sure what to expect putting this out there hoping for any explanation or help,1 +forgot tell u guys teacher school got put leave watching porn class n typed high school search bar ahaha,0 +remember last happy today realised long since felt safe comfortable since life feel like constant struggle brought tears think careless highschool student oblivious mental termoil lay ahead miss day alive then lived sprit exploration shared anlther day schoolyard banternow constant feeling overwhelmend unemployment feeling like must scrape survive lost joy existancei honestly wish died child never grow live faliure outcast within society wish hate myself wish reach end seem compelling happiness,1 +Now that's a job Sr. Web Developer *Front End* at Playboy http://tr.im/oDFS,0 +right back square one die already a weeks ago posted thishttpswwwredditcomrredflagwatchcommentsrqaive_become_terrified_of_the_future_and_wish_death things continued go south issue new coworker thought turned trivial head still ashamed approach apologize faux pas help last friday last day work business supposedly slow keep would let know march soon id able return parents business owners know bit hiring laying off believe ive laid completely able return job march period sent email career counselor monday never heard back also posted thishttpswwwredditcomrredflagwatchcommentstgohi_want_to_die_i_finally_have_a_better_chance_of went completely unnoticed considering im really sensitive perceived negative social interaction really well feel completely ignored alienated appointment homevisiting psych worker made realize end issues foster home never end license ended renewed anyway bastards continue run ship exact shitty way always have shitty services abusive neglectful behavior home visit appointment also made realize state workers never really intended anything first place blamed cherry picking nitpicking everything fh excuses simply unhappy here mother thought good help turned instead deliberately humiliate things asked do honestly know believe her know im already regaining previous perception her seems think subhuman animal needs kept leash times difference think everyone life thinks way me true is know anymore social worker met weeks ago said end summer would chance move find better living situations intense redflag desires returned stronger before im seriously considering sneaking find good place die already f m l,1 +meme songs played toy piano a little something cheer make day took long make httpswwwyoutubecomwatchvwnucgzsmyiamplcugxjzkpybxpplfwwitaaabaghttpswwwyoutubecomwatchvwnucgzsmyiamplcugxjzkpybxpplfwwitaaabag,0 +"@benshapiro @KyleDFranklin @Missy__Jen @cparksaffluent @YohannaMueller1 They have, and over the last roughly 150+ years we've engineered grains to have higher yields, which has drastically increased the gluten leavers in them and has caused a myriad of inflation related problems. Grains are directly linked to depression also.",1 +wheres funny ive yet find it,0 +everything now even go seek happiness feels like pointless know distraction time right back started feeling living pointless motivation live ready go exhausting say least means go maybe guts makes feel trapped meaningless existence things stay alive upset others death knows long mentality carry though damn sure recommended one pointless,1 +know whats wrong meheres happens im super drunk always feel im hopeless worthless like one likes everyone hates get emotional think killing think ways kill myself like cut knife previously done several times think would happen overdose antidepressant pills want buy peoples drinks spend lot money but thing is still much fun throughout night also struggled selfconfidence people always call social butterfly friends anyone instantly im pretty outgoing happens come home im alone room anyone experience similar before,1 +yet another person whos called selfishbecause sit around wallow pity tried make life better people understand want life get better way ill even try make things better ex said try again ill go back meds look job tomorrow happened fuck world people it im even gonna attempt talk people anymore im gonna wait end month end it maybe people understand ive given fighting,1 +redflag sort presentdamn man life hits hard know doesnt feels meaningless life feels empty ive antidepressants didnt helpamp im help absolutely nothing c ya,1 +anyone try painkillers hose exhaust window lots duct tapei tried self strangulation so painful overdosing so difficult think best method,1 +details early s living parents well working small business university colleges never completed degrees shuts away everyone extremely difficult contact reach design overweight spends free time playing videogames mostly wow smokes multiple joints day medicationi love brother dearly want try help help himself try stay connected way can setting weekly video gaming sessions him friday spent h playing dark souls bloodborne something requires lot communication coordination us happiest kicking ass vanquished invader sometimes try ask inside spends time talk literally shuts down goes silent hours time see therapist issues work done helped lot believe sees situation dire cannot fathom way out get along well parents extremely bad tempered lashes them know handle all situation completely control emotionalmental ability resolve need help tbh begin brother in opinion professional opinion means august going visit two weeks bringing dog me hope help soften brother bit genuinely kind hearted loves animals goal try find time allow open up share thoughts feelings seems hardened now failed time time get open up help brother let know care deeply wellbeing want seek help needs begin taking back control lifeand bro reading somehow figured me please know buddy believe adult brother depression undiagnosed adhd live h driving away help want help,1 + moved us ceylon married little three years beginning come lesbian saw movie old black white tv terrible reception alone uninterrupted awakening seemed like echo story living small house tucson arizona summertime like everyone else here never forgot feelings images story called forth residue fragile magic treasured hope would see someday ill keep checking in also wish someone would make movie shirley verels the side venus also delicacy persistent poignancy,0 +"drupal @cameron_chapman great article I am just hacking into drupal and am glad you post it on digg, th.. http://tinyurl.com/lybptl",0 +Going to Walgreens. Gonna Buy Some Candy & Maybe a Magazine POSTERS POSTERS POSTERS!! Haha. <3,0 +anyone want exchange youtube channels anyone want share channel name ill check check mine want see teenagers creating want hear feedback guys,0 +eaten hours point common me feel like piece shit cannot leave life would end without money short matter months think emotionally capable providing myself yet day wake hate miserable do going therapy hate makes feel like option stay life currently havethe reasonable way think suicide supposed,1 +imagine actually supporting voting trump post made biden gang yes know post cringe,0 +take train work everyday usually always contemplate jumping front it ill probably never it calms knowing candepression crushing soul today holding back tears extra hard morning truly god ill never understand god created millions millions mental illness pretty fucked ask me man wanna ball eyes out,1 +looking emotional representation depressionredflag feel like short film essay something less clinical gutpunch accurate feels day day anyone seen read art piece anything able use help someone close understand something show partner,1 +i lost a coworker to suicide i wa the last person he talked to at work i wonder if that ha made me think about ending it after what happened a i explained in my post about me be bisexual the leap to this mind set did not seem a far any comment would be good it http good it feel so scary bein g in this mindest,1 +"ah i just had a vision, i saw a 14 hr depression nap coming my way",1 +@sarakiesling im Raquel ..i'm not that new but im a follower and felt the need to introduce :],0 +im backso made post month ago venting terrible experiences ive half years ive lived lifted weight shoulders got positive feedback commenters feeling better yet still feel right all sometimes want cry troubles worry littlest things also read last post got fight old friend mine day posted post longer speak look away see him sits big table friends are im sitting alone tables away dread near him hate alone tables wasting precious time spend people care me hate him hate much thinks wrong friends think wrong nearly broke shin im him th grade met kid would soon turn one current best friends yet hanged kid kid awful would try isolate me pick fights me get trouble annoy me try convince commit redflag almost daily moved away next year now wanted talk something strange ive obsessed with really depressed wad obsessed mutilation face burning scarring name it obsessed want rid people see me see face see that kid thought walking school confidently everyone see mangled gouged face best idea ever had care people saw corpsefaced freak nothing anymore fact slowly planning mind deform half face somebody scary thing never ruin face even think low appearance ill cherish looks im generally getting better say im improving im recovering thank you guys thank activate death clock,1 +is going spend Sunday with my family ,0 +_les acteurs_ absurd story jeanpierre marielle desperately waiting cup hot water story conspiracy actors story aging actors whose careers slowly less active used be stunning tribute french actors cinemabr br supported solid reflection cinema acting the fourth wall hidden cameras play play story film famous actors play role not mixed living life front camera film voyeur quite vague follows actors series episodes make film quite amusing andr dussolier quits film leaves josiane balasko play part great actress hilariously serious especially when dussoliers role bitches herself actors run street asking autographs fights gossip happen recognize pastiche scenes or others playedbr br actually whoever know actors most least s know french cinema movie less interest since references missed still offer good track reflection aging acting public life,0 +rick roll httpswwwyoutubecomwatchvnmlkiashttpswwwyoutubecomwatchvnmlkias,0 +quot bruce springsteen embarks on world tour quot apparently oz is on some other unworldly planet,0 +gemmaface awww gemma i hope you re not,0 +stupid arranged marriage i ll convert so you can marry me love you,0 +mental break hearing chadwick boseman relizing going get worse words encouragement please,0 +best night ever last night walking neighbourhood listening book music full moon lots stars out also threw lot social distancing signs fuck that met brother together hate seeing ugly signs scattered around parks,0 +want tell family girlfriend two people know this ways help could muster keep touch try cheer up feel like enough like done help him tried take life past school therapist prescribe meds makes worried even since liable try again ask again help him friend struggling depression help him,1 +anyone else getting weird ads getting ad stepmom seems sexual like explicit u really tell message trying give,0 +just got back from walking around gatlinburg with kennedy! ,0 +feelings comes want end myself know cannot try forcing go out ride scary shit go unstable online talking strangers night feel fucking horrible talk people it like problems even anymore absolutely force tell bothering you think about hell bothering anyway awful bothering me enough discontented life even alright never alright nothing left lost relatives parent close dying hate jinxing shit up life meant fucked anywayi know even want unhappy years ill old regret taking chances life know damn well able things now like sleeping playing games even fun shitty dreadful feeling hanging behind body like wanting take shit cannot think dying fantasizing die days die feels bit better remember kid thinking least id die id leave thousand dollars stacked floor room still imagine sometimes id run away far away golden gate bridge finish life talking people forced,1 +i m always so sad i hate who i am i wish i wa never born i wan na kill myself but i get too scared i always regret not going through with it i ll never be happy why do other people get to be happy and confident but i can t i wish someone would push on the train track i purposely stand on the edge so someone would it i really wan na tell someone i know but i don t wan na seem like an attention seeker i don t want then to make a big deal or just not care that ll make me feel worse i try hard not to make it obvious so idk i have every i need to kill myself exit bag but i m just scared i know people say suicide is a permanent solution to a permanent problem but my problem feel permanent,1 +"@AliCHale I've added at least 300 pple today lol, yeah!! keep adding more!! *giggles* i know we'll fin our guys... ",0 +ready unreadyi got everything planned out written redflag note plan kill myself think everyday kill finding harder harder talk it,1 +read a word he didn t know and felt his brain preparing to go for the way controller before remembering that real book don t have them,0 +i miss one of my friend,0 +im going start taking care ive neglecting taking care long time now mostly due anxiety want better get fit feel good body downloaded workout routine inspired kratos lol start eating healthier online school stressing motivation work out study anything generally wreck last couple months wish luck ,0 +know si wrong subreddit want express myselfso know girl like think likes ewery time comes feel like paralysed cant ewen hug her dont know do knows hawe depression probably giving me sometimes think im soo boring dont know girl sees me every time im friends feel normal im alone feel like cant even talk her every time alone barely think talk about want hawe girlfriend think would girlfriend would regret first days im sooo boring past days im feel like shit suicidal thoughts crying almost ewey day dont know do think im going end without friends depression shit know im going kill pas days every day im thinking that sorry,1 +http://www.blogtv.com/People/e-dub Learn sign language with Eric! ,0 +@ItsOnAlexa The show with my cat and skateboard http://twitpic.com/exy6,0 +well think finally end memy roommate old friend living moving out able get place lost job car died transmission verge becoming homeless hes pretty much person have support otherwise nothing ive trying hardest rebuild life constantly getting kicked down im battling severe depression bipolar anxiety ptsd next hope making alive hell gone days empty apartment myself worst feeling world everything crashing around once especially put life got nothing back guess another worthless nobody gone forever one notice,1 +"done with Devil Beside You. golly, made me cry! ha!",0 +got accepted university im going bachelors degree majoring history plan become history teacher ampxb im excited think could did,0 +anyone else experience an absurd amount of gas constantly burping discomfort in stomach and chest,1 +so why are depressed people so lazy the first thing to realize is that fighting depression is a full time job depressed people sleep a lot because their brain get tired from fighting negative thought and feeling all day,1 +@CRISCOKIDD i just might jack your style on your twitter replies lol ,0 +yall know youre road trip youre like like road trip fun im kinda horny could stop minutes ive car four days let ten minutes privacy please,0 +"@horseyhands I don't think you can buy Pennfield products in California, but I will check out their website Thanks",0 +know much longer carry onive stuck slump past week feel motivated anything constantly frowning pissed everything experiencing multiple frequent instances lappel du vide the call void filled horrid sense dread unease everything wake up every morning cursing dying sleep night before want stop,1 +beththepq your blog won t let me comment again,0 +well rest peace prince phillip dead today years old almost hey fault,0 +@suzzzxx Glad you liked the movie. Was thinking of seeing that one myself soon. Not sure when I will be seeing A&D now. Maybe at wkend ,0 +sad sad past days ive like sad thinking things dont usually make sad like friends make sad idk something like growing prudery fix it,0 +"@serryberry niiiice 2 hours last night, huh?! ",0 +i really don t wan na self diagnose i mean i don t think i am pero i really wan na get checked by a doctor for depression and anxiety bc everything i m experiencing are pointing to those two idk i just i m so scared of ppl telling me how i should feel or invalidating my emotion,1 +capitalism cruel way survivelike change it think cures people indifferences,1 +"@indiaknight Oh I didn't know that - I was desperate to read it so ordered the hard back, cheers for the tip off! ",0 +starting feel like endive married years give take last wife affair guy try leave move on keeps coming back guilt decided go back lost jobs day thanksgiving lucky enough land two interviews get offer day thanksgiving least today told offer rescinded signed anything yet dealing suicidal thoughts number years aside lack funds dealing personal issues also fulltime student working towards degree years left earn it lost motivation still continue study complete assignments live area job market great could due holidays sure made plan wrote notes tried even talk think getting closer finally ending all son pretty much focusing future even moved back moms finish final year school mother keeps telling im fighter survivor get anything fight years old yeah young spent life working taking care wife could get degree left days later came back months left mom got cancer motives guy claims keeps wanting end side relationship healthy previous job became toxic group employees like guy me accused affair playing favorites making work environment hostile primary person reported someone worked with least month longer made comments asking still favorite prior never reciprocated smiling going day entire department turned scared making wild claims false even started looking work immediately grounds borderline sexual misconduct pursuing career cybersecurity could affect future things like made feel like secret clearance jobs required trustworthy employee going grasp panicked another complaint came department saying texted someone outside work called beautiful got mad reciprocated office full women healthcare environment felt like management everyone suddenly buying it point coo told if feel need go one making stay here said blue investigation spoke people outside work even got legal advice much could done without evidence proof slandered completely cut ties everyone felt like toxic untrustworthy environment made matters worse let go not cultural fit difficult understand things went wrong fault way keep telling nothing needed apologize for every day passes get calls anyone interviews etc makes feel like given sign give up little money unemployment keep roof head long wife left coming back help me little family struggling themselves idea cope much last jobs toxic like was maybe sign dunno,1 + even beats nasty raw almost twenty years old show still laughed much watching last night shows eddie murphy dressed tight red clothesold schooland jokes everything celebertis family years old mustseebr br ,0 +honeyortar the hinge broke it work just doesn t open smoothly and it s pissing me off i dunno i ll see if it can be fixed first,0 +know keep livinghello first time posting here ill get point guess im tired living life like prison im tormented feel like never supposed born live family headed emotionally abusive parents cant take anymore cant cope bullying never stops fight hard basic things like respect appreciation people full unhelpful suggestions deal situation things get tough one around help one fights me theres one call cry middle night feel alone stay alive feel like theres nothing live for things never get better longer stay alive longer suffer,1 +@Mileycyrus said hello to hk ... im soooo happy ... luv her soooo much ,0 +shit hurtingpeople dont care listen see actually trying im trying happy im trying change im trying get stronger gets much harder people shove everything bad face wonder im negative dont necessarily like attention something good right feels like nobody notices fuck recite every time ive messed up expect someone get better tell much fuck up cant someone congratulate once even smallest thing thats help someone dont people understand care,1 +gonna turn year guys wanna ask questions im herewant advice elderlyim ill try reply commentshave nice day chooms,0 +ayo guess found nier country yes read correct,0 +wishing i wa again,0 +hate reddit videos videos suck ass besides problems since s ive thing first seconds vid works properly plays back seconds sped way minute,0 +"Well said! As one who has been battling depression going on 12+ years of diagnosis & probably all my middle school to adult life in retrospect, we must be strong in the battle for #MentalHealthAwareness & never settle for the way we are labeled. https://twitter.com/hatttiegladwell/status/988874666063417344 …",1 +anyone else go phases obsessed fruit like week every couple month like longest time fruit never sounded good tastes kinda plain holy fuck fruit like best thing world cant stop eating it,0 +@adg_clothing Get 100 followers a day using www.tweeterfollow.com Once you add everyone you are on the train or pay vip ,0 +today cried alone sitting corner feeling low depressed,0 +"@macster7 this a relief! Hahah. Telling my grievances to someone. Hahah. Thanks for absorbing. Hahah. Anyway, see you in school. ",0 +@SeandBlogonaut You just saved your Twitter soul. ,0 +killed upper middle class professional class background failedi fallout middle class least end poor feel bad anymore struggled life despite born privilege feel guilty that awful person wish someone else born privilege say since upper middle class people fear poverty experience succeed much parents thing fear poverty nothing positive me matter still want die sill find difficult workfocus anything way life killed life privileges transferred someone else,1 +house three floors know jumping third floor would kill landed feet went headfirst jumped window floor would need die,1 +mom getting really aggressive strict taking away things comfort me close relapse want die know want it feel like sign time die,1 +@Mello66 I need to have a listen to these - lots of peeps seem to like them ,0 +@francescao oh i would if i could. but this is my office laptop ,0 +s comedy mystery the crooked circle band hooded crooks set plotting murder one swore oppose them enjoyable really unremarkable little film movie works simply cast headed zazu pitts james gleason both would later appear together couple hildegarde withers films edna mae oliver dropped series supported great cast actors actresses know may know name i hence lack naming breezy hour long romp movie make great deal sense mistaken identity secret passages ghostly music people seem perfect thing dark stormy night late night viewing one nostalgic late late show,0 +people get things cant even things enjoy anymore lmao sleep much know whyi cant help,0 +non binanry zero binery plz dont transphobic ampxb filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler,0 +"If you ever feel the need to share your #depression secret, we'll be here. https://ift.tt/1jZSDau ",1 +"@JeffKnize Thank you very much, I'm surprised but very happy about it ",0 +thats id sum up said naked gun meets james bond think mine accurate im neutral point o br br this movie kind blast past reminds old movies from s s thats plays time period exact flashback exception mood movie made shows screen main actor who ive told popular homeland france perfect role here hes spy number attached him one character sums movie asking question hes good see watch movie br br very funny indeed like spies mixed comedy old school flair taking anything else matter seriously need watch this o,0 +music recommendation wondering yall could recommend music like rock mainly listen older country even though like newer stuff also like gothic country anybody listens,0 +wondering why i am so stupid need to eat more fish i guess sigh,0 +im going kill myself afraid people talked online dating sites remember face appears newsi severe ocd maybe thats im worried this could really use reassurance please going sound extremely paranoid crazy please bear talk sense me need it im going kill year chronic illness briefly stupidly thought i want go first date kill myself made online dating profile talked several guys sent pictures face several messages maybe guys saw looked like they know name saw many pictures face easily recognizable face ive told lived state me ampxb way im going kill involves jumping building busy city im afraid images face going go news as jumping redflags state almost all theyre going recognize am talk friends much worse post online like i talked girl okcupid killed herself theyre going think killed dating troubles something trivial like that theyre going talk website like i talked girl everyones going remember like that like theyre going type name first thing thats going come online dating profile year died could resist someone want that guys talked chan culture etc active online never actually met them im scared theyll post site heck it want im remembered why im embarrassed it anything really anything embarrassing people remembering girl online dating profile committed redflag im going remembered im going come people google search name want illness struggles stupid online dating thing ampxb know sounds paranoid insane please help me really bothering ruining day please comment dont kill yourself ive made mind im want im immortalized by embarrassing all knowledge really help me want talked online die friendsrelativesstrangersanyone typing name seeing that want legacy,1 +solutionustedes necesitan hierro anemicos suicidas ustedes necesitan cobre anemicas suicidas hierro si eres hombre cobre si eres mujer esto les dara paz energia gentlemans need take iron ladys yo need take copper iron men copper woman give peace energy,1 +Just looked Katty Perry's sushi nail. It's funny. http://katyperryblog.tumblr.com/,0 +im lonely much it im lonely depressed know usual,0 +my doctor think that sertaline is better for anxiety but my fatigue specialist insists that citalopram is anyone with real life experience of either or both happy to share their opinion thanks,1 +eat ass eat lot ass black brown asian eat lot ass affects nutrition ass eating competition would easily win eat ass fucking eat whole damn ass ,0 +still feel slight hope things get better mostly feel empty angry helplessly depressed depending time day fucking years old much trauma person could ever see spending rest life dead cannot even fake okay convincingly enough people dumb enough care worry pain every single day life cannot go one day without flashback redflag attack panic attack body mess trying hold absolutely feel slipping want stop pretending,1 +dohnut cause wanna put hole good use,0 +drunk texted crush yesterdayy l said hello said hello back hours im extremely hung dont know reply wish luck people,0 +mileycyrus where did you find that quote no don t answer better sleep xoxo from germany where it s already morning,0 +opinion social media suck dick thank coming ted talk,0 +all these because of sneaker make una try dey choose the problem wey una no wan get how will this spiral you back into depression,1 +"@softqual well, they have reported the correlation; to answer "why" requires another grant and now they can ask for it ",0 +day posting favorite twenty ne pilts quotes order start dayself titled albumtwenty one pilots quote look mirror ask alright put glitter soul hides behind tyler joseph ,0 +i ve always been told that student life is the best time of your life i want to laugh i live it a the worst my friend are all stressed and depressed by their situation overall i feel that people are afraid to talk to each other in person and prefer network and dating apps people are desperately looking for themselves they re going to school and they don t like it i feel like my generation is massively sad and lost in many way i m is it just me or is that you have the same feeling,1 +die ways redflag war naturallyand contempt idea end one needs know one should even though may care place young man express stuff act inner peace haunting yet calming live thoughts forever end life end life whatever happens happens thats ok,1 +had anyone tried luvox i know it s for ocd but i wa given that for said ocd and panic disorder i m bipolar and am already on medication i just wan na know about side effect and if it ha either worked or given anyone trouble,1 +one favorite movies childhood watched many timeseventually tape wore out huge fan show still amthe thing love movie appeals many people young old watch movie laugh hard first time saw it able appreciate adult jokes never got child favorite characters elmyra foulmouth almost fifteen years later dad a huge fan movie well still quoting lines movie love part foulmouth shirley go movies you save seats shirl ill snag dadgum snacks also loved storyline plucky hampton family going happy world land wade pig reminded lot dad love part finally get happy world land ride monorail movie hilarious appeals children kids animation jokes everything top notch seen it rent it sorry,0 +s music vibe makes want take shirt get dropped jungle huey fight war,0 +jonathanrknight you sure did do some tweet and i missed them glad to see you re enjoying urself always nice to hear from you x,0 +many people actually gun recently bought gun think sane thing ever done bought intent go gun range new hobby think see easy would put barrel mouth end all seen several people made gunshot head think want point want end vegetable nursing home constantly blown pound black dude named bubba constantly mangina smashed maybe mm hollow point gun,1 +i strongly dislike people who make stupid comment and dont know the whole story,0 +miss friends used group around friends miss them two moved away ghosted me one particularly close drifted away another ones made friends talk one girl group conversations meaningless memes miss hearttoheart conversations us miss much,0 +we are going to see them the day after tomorrow and i m already anxious i think i have adhd i show significant symptom but silenced by my social anxiety disorder sad i didn t tell my parent that i might have adhd because they might have freaked out or definitely told me that it happening because i keep thinking about having those symptom and don t try to focus blah blah blah and stuff but what make me really anxious is what if i don t really have adhd or any kind of atypical issue and doctor say that i m perfectly normal becus then that would suck because if this happens i d be the only one to blame for not trying enough and whining about my problem and also what if i don t really have problem but still get over diagnosed with adhd and get amphetamine prescription i have learnt that it highly addictive and famous psychoactive drug that ha many side effect i m y o and a student what if the med fuck me up even more than my current situation my academic life ha already fallen apart but i can forget and restart by getting an admit in college even tho it won t be my desired college but atleast i ll be starting somewhere if i get affected by wrong med it might get more difficult for me to manage my behaviour and it side effect my parent made this decision like hour ago and i m already overthinking to this extent please help,1 +sabotaging myselfjesus christ fuck wrong me im supposed take new treatment depression anxiety keep going therapy saying im taking it taken single pill month im fucking stupid cant believe it im sabotaging realising am still it hate myself wanting end end june now guess coming,1 +@KellyOlexa Hurry out to Calif to experience our earthquakes ,0 +act killing actually done life mental health got fucked covid testing centers motivation study today took practice act test got think make someone help need get scholarship december need least act option left oct want live life hard wanna die parents probably dissapointed idk need scholarship,0 +"If he were Orlando Cabrera, he would call up to the press box and have it changed. ",0 +sooo not motivated to do work,0 +when it rain it pours i can never get ahead in this game of life it s all sort thing that pile on at the same time it seems like i start thinking that maybe it ll turn around wham something new newest one family ha a trip planned coming up and sure enough kid is sick i just don t understand why can t thing ever shift in my favor i know this sound petty compared to other people problem but i just needed to vent to someone,1 +sorry thisdo tell tell kids around anymore,1 +ill Kidz win Toronto DJs of the Year!!! Yayyyyyyy Ricky!!!!!!!! Congrats ,0 +suicidal thoughts calm scaryi pretty much joined reddit came straight really need let something out used suicidal urges lot ive attempted before used mind chaos pain redflag way escape panic desperation last months different ive contemplated life really deeply keep coming conclusion mother dog passes best thing die know want die days do days dont spend maybe hour two day bad days actively thinking killing myself panic seems like cold logic though attempted scares attempts know fight mind rational even know anymore know im suicidal part wants live want live part suicidal even know hope get this guess hope getting help idk,1 +president united states fell fucking satire new article youve got to be fucking kidding this goddamn president man sworn office protect run country falling articles fucking babylonbee jesus christ man im man religion praying god takes guy office ill grab bible right get knees,0 +im depressed kidding people shout im depressed every seconds obviously trying gain attention upset say upset instead depressed its easy mixed up,0 +people keep saying idk can trying make new friends im constantly asking hangout everyone keep saying idk can know that,0 +nudes leakedmy nudes leaked march st ex girlfriend people added snapchat since time exposed me im minor shes age me cant go police mom find relationship girl ive communicating someone strictly internet dont know sacrifice losing little bit kindness family gives find out idea shed found this especially attraction girls want ex fucking pay did even stupid sending pictures first place dont fucking deserve this dont give speech expected ive learned lesson doesnt deserve go life without consequences held accountable even report nothing happens her least could live knowing tried didnt take it cant let win starting make suicidal beginning didnt feel suicidal knew thats wanted wants make feel guilty breaking she verbally abusive shes told shouldve went killing myself referring time trusted tell suicidal thoughts couldnt trust anyone else every single personal thing told confidence used me feel like control cant stand feeling want justice even cant legal means least illegal means either feel disgusted sick fucking stomach sorry wrong community post in actively suicidal rn reason chose here,1 +post cringe break take time scrolling filler filler filler,0 +need partner probably cringy af ive never partner entire life feel fucking lonely time want someone care go dates know cute shit im bi f get best worlds,0 +know dothis first time life ive suicidal thoughts think would much easier stopped existing stress national exam coming preparing last years think pass preparing alright quarantine motivation gone touched books since april worst part parents think studying first time ive lying absolutely hate it fail exam career prospects nil opted stupid stream pass exam life probably spent working job hate making minimum wage start shaking whenever think future really know do great student came top class without even trying everyone know expects achieve great things really want sleep thing keeping redflag family would sad,1 +I carry depression with me every minute of every day.,1 +um well kinda wanna die ngl yeah title says,0 +ha anyone been prescribed mirtazapine or other alpha receptor antagonist to treat their anxiety i would prefer not to use start with ssri s what wa you experience,1 +f diagnosed depression borderline personality disorder comes goes bad bad things going amazing life moment also particularly bad either feel like serious slumpi tried therapy multiple times last years multiple different therapists approaches honestly never done anything alli many different medications throughout years finally one helps others still fully nobody family deals mood disorders understanding go slumps feel like taken seriously one truly understands bad feeli also want try therapy simple fact cannot afford it make much medicaid even good insurance paying almost pocket twice month therapy alone including general appointments medicationi really people talk to one boyfriend years supportive helpful be given fact hes never struggled himself really understand best friend honestly greatest friend general feel like bother talk her last person sister picks chooses wants listenhelpi hate burdening people issues feel do also feel like going lose mind really know anymore,1 +Such a beautiful day...almost! ,0 +wish people didnt worry muchi wish people didnt worry itd make killing easier know lot people want feeling people caring dying wish one cared ive planning girl work seems care dont want hurt her family guess wish didnt exist think killing every night wish first attempt success hardest part people sad know dont want live anymore,1 +babyvtec yeah hw,0 +good adaptation novel amrita pritam urmila manoj bajpai given bestbr br there natural flair movie felt right through looked like bollywood finally gave away glamor quality artists performing screenbr br content wise movie depicted much exactly happened partition showing sufferings particular family also shows trust ones life goes beyond religionbr br the best part make drama lot tear shedding melodramabr br i simply loved it,0 +found way deal brothers blackmail cancel blackmail blackmail cant force something blackmailing blackmail way around pretty much cant blackmail everything goes back normal also blackmailing use reddit dont bad stuff reddit reddit place say whatever want without explain anything parents,0 +want end it im tired hurting everybody lovei left boyfriend broke years major issues untreated mental illness still talked month breakup acting like still together therapy week ago truly left good made really horribly mean comment angry regret saying it every right leave good it years together havent heard since happened telling needs space saying permanently broken wants together need fix our mental illnesses dont know anymore planning get married next yeari regret leaving badly saying things mean literally worthless every man ive ever always left horrible things say know problem think end cant hurt anyone anymore im tired hurting people everyone love always end ruining want go badly want eternal peaceful sleep chicken always ,1 +think im done found rope garage think ive iti quit living,1 +spaming grant morrison tell children theyre trapped like rats doomed bankrupt gangsterhaunted planet dwindling resources nothing look forward rising sea levels imminent mass extinctions raise disapproving eyebrow when response dress black cut razors starve themselves gorge themselves kill one another,0 +self diagnosed mild depression also mild redflagi feel empty times unmotivated many things muscle memory drag work live life normally wouldthere times feeling alright times cycle repeatsthere days want sleep days go out like sharing things people care about voices keeps repeating horrible things know far realitythe think worry moments keeps coming back frequently afraid become one methoughts depression,1 +silverlake life view here absolutely stunning movie aids well gay love relationship images indeed really hard take especially one gay fears aids probably sensitive person watching it easy make movie terrible illness consequences one two peoples lives movie teaches care hard times never gets morbid still shows life time reminding outside theater room life goes on whatever destiny people may be characters incredibly endearing watch intimacy shots never go beyond strict limit never unveiling anything private offensive children certainly watch movie grownups whether deal situations not it regret tears shed,0 +lasting days still someone else experiencing depression leaving mind times like stormcloud exposing sun light long period rain,1 +good morning world s we got snow again,0 +First day of work ,0 +want able talk people suicidal thoughts opening would extremely helpful terrified taken away locked mental institution immediately suicidal think lot way mental health collapses want open suicidal thoughts terrified involuntary commitment,1 +Yaaaaay. Jac is training my sorcerer to level 35. That means I'll be pwn soon. ,0 +"Exercise lowers risk of depression risk at all ages, researchers find http://www.cbc.ca/news/health/exercise-depression-prevention-1.4634002?cmp=FB_Post_News …",1 +always make strides others life life spite voice behind redflag take care myself hope others struggling thread know going life temporaryit pass know ive lower points life making risky decisions drinking drown sadness wanting take care me need take responsibility making shift life make better,1 +http://twitter.com/ashleytisdale Good Luck Ashley!!!! I love you... from Bolivia! ,0 +Hey @donnieklang can u please say hey to anna (donnieklang live > http://ustre.am/3ihw),0 +@richard4481 lol that made me laugh ,0 +comfortable naked scale wear clothes showering get naked whenever can also feel like girls much less comfortable naked no,0 +wiped hard male period lets go,0 +reaching friend yes noim much thinking killing myself years getting worse recently realized dead inside life me outside things brought past still present realized even without them nothing want fight help want wait around future would like done one friend weve distant past three months id like reach talk him though even know would about want ask help know want but somehow want let know bad im feeling even let know want continue living problem arises distant emotional problems bad experiences knowing people committed redflag past figure farther away me less talk less killing hurt him reach out cause great distress im gone and after im pretty sure would blame himself think correct answer reach out positive reaching would help alleviate pain distress would selfishly adding his suppose im looking opinions and incredibly appreciate replies else talk this please refrain telling love me killing would waste talents world beautiful none relevant makes feel terribly ill,1 +"@Quickshooter в Ñ?воем Ñ?лучае - Ñ? прошу тебÑ? так не пиÑ?ать, а Ñ‚Ñ‹ воÑ?принимаешь вÑ?е как мои воинÑ?твенные подъебы. ЧувÑ?твуешь разницу? ",0 +saying lyrics song day one everything said went right head head went right head keep trynna text leave messages read read leave em read fuck em end best freind instead instead best freind instead spent million dollars fell bed bed fell bed dont understand dont understand thay aint hot switch blink eye cant copy see talk topic got babys man life good odyssey wings uptop mother fuckin pull big big chanaleys double c channel feet dnt know whats really seat oversized play boy made tea bad bitch pull ridin jeep got freind passengers seat fuck g treating rari like srt one one tell want cause babe intention seek real baby like could leave also need time breath know wasent honest cause im big dog chasing fleas everything said went right head head went right head keep trynna text leave messages read read leave em read fuck em end best freind instead instead best freind instead spent million dollars fell bed bed fell bed couldnt match flight top speed im far outta league came creek came streets spent ten mil one piece got eights nines dimes tens quarters patek philippe california miami downsouth peice im turbo ride phocahantas meltin ice cream im like tickin time bomb blowing reality yeah gotta juice prove yeah buy boxes buy boobs buy boots like christian loubs switched white girl barely new im sending fire every block aint safe nomore im hot blow like nitro till see fireworks sky cant say belong streets fuck cause im guy dont comprehend cant see eye eye everything said went right head head went right head keep trynna text leave messages read read leave em read fuck em end best freind instead instead best freind instead spent million dollars fell bed bed fell bed,0 +one right minds would give others ternion apparently theres new award called turn something would anyone right minds spend random stranger never met life,0 +cant handle anymorei think redflag option,1 +yo friend super cute laugh side note cat hella overweight,0 +need consolation whole heart sick painful sad one understands me even anyone there comfort me,1 +fish seggs like bloop britney stop moving much bloop bloop,0 +"had super duper fun last night. swervin off that vodka, ate pizza. went swimming on the rooftop today. ",0 +i m just completely un able to let go of the past i m sat here thinking about last year i remember being so much happier and stress free but last year i had the exact same issue except i wa thinking about the year prior to that maybe this is just a natural process of growing up i m and i guess life is just gon na get worse from here on in do you think the past just seems better in my head than it actually wa because i seem addicted to it atm,1 +back horny aaa im hornier yesterday today,0 +need die escape canti die cant live anymore much hate it cant die access anything could kill effectively people say care selfish fuck care want live interests cared okay living emotional pain im sick bed almost im sick bored everything im sick human beings give shit privileged life is fucking hate it whatever angsty edgy teen stuff im done need die cant die ill something else ive asked help got exact opposite safe im saying here getting difficult think anything else option cant talk anyone except strangers text such reddit things like that selective mutism impossible helped suggest hotline therapy please,1 +could right something wanted get trouble rest life idk ways would it maybe take back kneeling shoot ya back head need comingmaybe easy perfectly healthy docs would help unless cancer terminal ever got old cannot walk cannot see need nurse wipe ass id rather taken back barn speak ever made assisted deaths thing doctors letting friendfamily murder you,1 +yo jimo i cant talk on aim anymore it glitching ill cya later and i hope u see this,0 +"@joelcomm Hey, I'm willing to learn more about affiliate marketing - already love social media, love Colorado! can send you resume",0 +anyone know kissing feels like know feels like feel free post emotions story first kiss im curious whether really good thing completely overvalued thanks discussing topic here case cant contribute topic stay anyways imaginary cookie tell anything else like to however nice day stay hydrated guys gals nonbinary pals,0 +anyone available talki seem luck hotline want talk someone really know go,1 +mightve eaten live bugs eating look bowl theres fucking half dead bug god felt fucking sick think spat another one bathroom idk ate im scared feel sick im lol edit im scared eat anything rn ive calmed lol,0 +see yes megathiccc know youre reading this stop go outside take look outside world wonderful isnt it dont lie know didnt even go look well least tried,0 +"@ArtRevel it was done as part of a social initiative drive, Will appreciate your feedback on it ",0 +@bowhaus yesss!! good good. ,0 +think might answer homework whole night ill finish work early due weeks now goodbye,0 +Club time... My name is Adam.....Adam rowlands.... Nice to meet you. ,0 +life kinda sucks right nowscared posting due friends following me im terrified reaching anyone specific since going shit right dont want burden dont even know put words life treating well dont know do im swamped school work time live hobbies watching movies shows socializing etc nothing dont time that go sleep wake give one hour want spend rest day staring screen cramping hand writing much family gets worse worse everyday live twin sister mom grandparents every time talk sister insults calls joke shes mocked bullied throughout time quarantine cant take anymore grandparents sister mom always yelling other especially grandma sister every night dinner ends screaming match grandma guilt tripped lot ive started scared grandpa gets angry easily lashes out mom person really talk to even feel like burden im trying get autism diagnosis well seems one believes me told therapist shes screened social anxiety autism mom said ive convinced myself im autistic sister often use r slur autism insults well despite telling shouldnt still does mention current politic state america pandemic still happening sometimes wish could contract could die people wont wear masks quarantine themselves theyre making pandemic worse ive lost ten pounds since ive started antidepressants im never hungry im never thirsty dont energy take care myself almost fainted shower days ago want end it wish th grade went plan escape besides internet time consume content like ive never wanted kill bad theory would easy im much coward actually it im turning next february wont able move another years im terrified driving dont want hurt friends mom hurts live promised friend mine mom wouldnt leave possibly amazing supportive partner ever would never want hurt him dont see graduating high school dont see going college growing old didnt even plan make far life im suffering it would tell therapist last thing want placed mental hospitalpsych wardwhatever put in dont want entire school knowing im suicidal dont want family hang head dont want old exfriends old religious private school calling selfish sinful dont want sister use ever interaction have would rather kill go that im tired want leave life bad dont know do im scared it people say gets better cant live yourself life someone else and dont think does dont know can need break,1 +lady at olive garden garden ask me if i cared for wine hmm i look 21.. cheries madd?? lmao,0 +aww man yet another party last night i miss new jersey so anyone up to anything today,0 +"Clever scientists! 3-D human 'mini-brains' shed new light on genetic underpinnings of major mental illness: Using human stem cells, researchers create 3-D model of the brain to study a mutation tied to schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and depression https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2018/04/180419141530.htm …",1 +yall motherfuckers get call witches dance around tarot cards offerings spirit readings crap reserve right collect swords quest take holy land yall pretend cast spells hexes shit get babble reclaiming jerusalem deal,0 +so bad place since idk much time much money even work anymore really needed help wanted get help payed private psychologist sessions now sended email psychiatrist that got public system trying die saying transfert case her took sessions that time thought getting help wasted money precious money give lot redflag wasted needed help assap payed private psychologist sessions decide abandon give back public system take long reason payed first place ,1 +want find secret powerful deities world part qks discord server yeah know really annoying see new totally understandable discord servers make feel anxious sometimes hug tell gonna alright lt have streaming channel qotd face reveals much more interested join please leave comment send dm btw international high chances meeting someone country,0 +@RITANIRINGS Thank you! ,0 +@MsNabilalah Aww! you're welcome! ,0 +want life body anymore broken mentally physically,1 +"been keeping my room organized, keeping up a consistent skincare routine, biked home 11 miles yesterday from work, eating vegan yogurt & granola...seasonal depression is over ",1 +im so amazing with my not being late to school thing today. ,0 +jimmy trying kill ever since asked mom fat ass saying truethe best questions go unanswered,0 +alt care anymorei want already thinking constantly recently school coming soon feels like right time suffer longer,1 +theekween vhulivhadza help with anxiety depression heart break any traumatic experience and loss of a loved one thelmasherbs,1 +Mission Statement or something like that | psykoid.com http://bit.ly/l1UcM,0 +hows life going pretty simple lost attraction girls within time span like week get like weird feeling pressure chest whenever look guys guess im fucking gay nowhere want die yeah really nothing interesting going on you,0 +@Kalista24 aw thats sweet of you to say. I still will be taking them for this weekend events ,0 +@Shauna_nkotb_ca Yup....poppin in and out every so often. ,0 +need money fuck lifemy kids dont even know me sure even know exist years old new dad ever able to coming end im dead end go got nothing literally basket clothes box full miscalanous shit money car job house im miles away family members dad wants live life woman dont blame him honestly point better dead ive fucked life im grand debt child support grand liscense owe credit cards combined amount grand owe bank k im fucked money literally way solve problems want able pay family put nice house nice car want able sit worry im gonna pay bills pay things wanna able sit back relax financial problems thats going happen means changing it im fucking pussy kill myself option try rob bank go prison,1 +@crazycool2009 LOL kk your a cuteeeh,0 +ha just discovered the downside of going away for the weekend the food shopping still need done,0 +@PalmPreApps Hey guy the link for Palm is dead! ,0 +is really bored and really sleepy and mad she can t find a custom lanyard maker that wont make me buy 000000 minimum,0 +every episode saw innocent child stupid funny looking puppets called the mitts would always discuss childhood things would play song the mitts part show goes like lets join mitts groucho marx puppet told jokes session man would sing hot fudge right on green puppet teeth called seymore would always see seymore would crack jokes sing every episode always moral every episode one episode man sang liars losers another episode singing sharing caring seymore said tell two little girls sharon karen hot fudge holey moley part man weird stuff played weird music,0 +online hobbycommunity join wanted something part of covid cuz im bored want something actually partake instead learning it suggestions hobbies arent expensive would much appreciated thanks,0 +revjesse ahahah if only it were hot enough i want to work elsewhere like stacking shelf in some grotty shop,0 +anyone tell make noose like robin williamsi exposed beams garage want make setup whole thing crash down possibly leaving vegetable know would actually support weight lb not trying cut circulation rather strangle myself looks like easiest definite method it planning buying rope amazon really want fuck left permanent brain damage want gone im also giant pussy afraid pain want quick im afraid jumping break neck since dont want break ceilingundo knot live permanent damage thanks anyone replies,1 +even current struggles burdens life still wanna diei shitty childhood born weeks early addicted meth heroin alcohol fetal alcohol syndrome autism bipolar anxiety family mostly made drug addicted rednecks ive lived many roachmold infested trailers stepped many needles broken meth bowls abused family partners bullied ostracized im awkward dont understand social cues learning disability anxiety made keeping stable job hard cried every day waitress hated customer service people hated me ive got great paying warehouse job likenot loveeeeee like it great boyfriend get new car rent house hometown ill closer friendsfamily like im still sad nothing sad about im going wait even longer isolate everyone make easier idk ill go work boyfriend cant keep job anyways gonna od dph alcohol used addicted seems like hellish way go im scared wont work ill go back mental hospital need get gun somehow obviously cant legally buy one due illnesses thinking become daydream sweettt escape ive eating much melatonin benadrylbut enough get high bc obvious stay sleep hours straight sleep minus like min increments hard sleep again im trying hard leave boyfriend without thinking fault hes also depressed hard noose last attempt still sitting yardpeople must think halloween decoration maybe take that go dads woods course hell report missing immediately cant think people actually care hope itll find think ran away maybe itll soften grief,1 +subreddit bipolar say sometimes allows photos selfies shit sometimes doesnt like subreddit bipolar teenagers anyway make fucking mind,0 +well one films caught offchance good enough record showed next time if like myself enjoy many s horror flicks branched little norm ie another glut generic sequels think may enjoy this bad guy eventually turns person definitely expected see all go way one like genre watch comes hour half kill guess id give ,0 +Thank you my fans for that two pennies! That gave me a good laugh this morning!,0 +prodigy were ace last night only managed a few hour sleep last night not feeling myself today have a cool day guy,0 +realized im gonna year feel old,0 +"@GiveMe30Seconds http://twitpic.com/6bpkp - that was me in the U.F.O by the way, just so you know! ",0 +anyone else miss magici feel like last years common sensation ive experienced intense brutal nostalgia keeps coming back ive moved childhood home family friends got place started career ive started realize empty life lonely im destined be everything dreadful bleak pointless life cycle suffering stress existential crisis working pay bills living paycheck paycheck spending hours friends even really care about years feel like everything gets darker darker nothing excites anymore want child feel magic used feel world magic running soccer fields friends magic walking mall shooting shit watching sunset outside bedroom window dreaming girls school everything hopeful about magic pushups front mirror feeling like going badass magic long car rides backseat parents car watching roads fly by magic feeling like much life much experience nowadays feel like everything wanted already passed by adulthood long spiral decay unhappiness isolation maybe human beings meant live tiny part lives happy hopeful spend rest lives desperately chasing feeling theres nothing left im empty tired every day feel kind hope want badly feel something deeply kid theres constant dullness im starting see signs age face hairlines receding skins starting wrinkle talked anyone weeks im unemployed single three years soon ill probably homeless ive stopped eating ive stopped sleeping well months ago made car trip old town parents long gone friends one visit walked around old house old schoolyard trails friends used bike around got pang heart intense wanted burst want die want live knowing ill never magic again,1 +posting daily longer single day playing moment mine moment mount blade warband,0 +@maynaseric :beep beep: ,0 +Vitamin B12 deficiency can cause memory loss or depression: How to check your levels http://shr.gs/WZPuzEl ,1 +want outi want quick easy escape permanent one want end pain avoid future pain suffering want die quickly painlessly way wont affect love dont want anymore never asked born,1