from transformers import ViltProcessor, ViltForQuestionAnswering from transformers import BlipProcessor, BlipForQuestionAnswering import requests from PIL import Image import json, os, csv import logging from tqdm import tqdm import torch # Set the path to your test data directory test_data_dir = "Data/test_data/test_data" # processor = ViltProcessor.from_pretrained("dandelin/vilt-b32-finetuned-vqa") # model = ViltForQuestionAnswering.from_pretrained("test_model/checkpoint-525") processor = BlipProcessor.from_pretrained("Salesforce/blip-vqa-base") model = BlipForQuestionAnswering.from_pretrained("Model/blip-saved-model").to("cuda") # Create a list to store the results results = [] # Iterate through each file in the test data directory samples = os.listdir(test_data_dir) for filename in tqdm(os.listdir(test_data_dir), desc="Processing"): sample_path = f"Data/test_data/{filename}" # Read the json file json_path = os.path.join(sample_path, "data.json") with open(json_path, "r") as json_file: data = json.load(json_file) question = data["question"] image_id = data["id"] # Read the corresponding image image_path = os.path.join(test_data_dir, f"{image_id}", "image.png") image ="RGB") # prepare inputs encoding = processor(image, question, return_tensors="pt").to("cuda:0", torch.float16) out = model.generate(**encoding) generated_text = processor.decode(out[0], skip_special_tokens=True) results.append((image_id, generated_text)) # Write the results to a CSV file csv_file_path = "Results/results.csv" with open(csv_file_path, mode="w", newline="") as csv_file: csv_writer = csv.writer(csv_file) csv_writer.writerow(["ID", "Label"]) # Write header csv_writer.writerows(results) print(f"Results saved to {csv_file_path}")