# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import numpy as np import argparse import os import re import requests from pathlib import Path Path('out/').mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # SSH AGENT # eval $(ssh-agent -s) # ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_ed25519_github2024 # # git remote set-url origin git@github.com:audeering/shift # == def alpha_num(f): f = re.sub(' +', ' ', f) # delete spaces f = re.sub(r'[^A-Za-z0-9 ]+', '', f) # del non alpha num return f def command_line_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter ) parser.add_argument( '--affective', help="Select Emotional or non-emotional variant of Available voices: https://audeering.github.io/shift/", action='store_false', ) parser.add_argument( '--device', help="Device ID", type=str, default='cpu', ) parser.add_argument( '--text', help="Text to be synthesized.", default='sample.txt', type=str, ) parser.add_argument( '--native', help=""" --native: (without argument) a flag to do voice cloning using the speech from --video, --native my_voice.wav: Voice cloning from user provided audio""", # nargs='?', # const=None, # default=False # default has to be none ) parser.add_argument( '--voice', help="TTS voice - Available voices: https://audeering.github.io/shift/", default="en_US/m-ailabs_low#judy_bieber", #'en_US/cmu-arctic_low#lnh', type=str, ) parser.add_argument( '--image', help="If provided is set as background for output video, see --text", type=str, ) parser.add_argument( '--video', help="Video file for video translation. Voice cloned from the video", type=str, ) parser.add_argument( '--out_file', help="Output file name.", type=str, default=None ) parser.add_argument( '--speed', help='speec of TTS (only used in Non English voices).', type=str, default=1.24, ) return parser def send_to_server(args): url = "" payload = { 'affective': args.affective, 'voice': args.voice, 'native': args.native, 'text': args.text, 'image': args.image, 'video': args.video, 'speed': args.speed, # 'out_file': args.out_file # let serve save as temp } # In data= we can write args # In files= sent actual files if provided text_file = open(args.text, 'rb') image_file, video_file, native_file = None, None, None if args.image is not None: print('\nLOADING IMAGE\n') try: image_file = open(args.image, 'rb') except FileNotFoundError: pass if args.video is not None: print('\nLOADING vid\n') try: video_file = open(args.video, 'rb') except FileNotFoundError: pass if args.native is not None: print('\nLOADING natv\n') try: native_file = open(args.native, 'rb') except FileNotFoundError: pass # --------------------- send this extra # print('Sending...\n') response = requests.post(url, data=payload, files=[(args.text, text_file), (args.image, image_file), (args.video, video_file), (args.native, native_file)]) # NONEs do not arrive to servers dict # Check the response from the server # if response.status_code == 200: # print("\nRequest was successful!") # # print("Response:", respdonse.__dict__.keys(), '\n=====\n') # else: # print("Failed to send the request") # print("Status Code:", response.status_code) # print("Response:", response.text) return response def cli(): parser = command_line_args() args = parser.parse_args() if args.out_file is None: vid = alpha_num(args.video) if args.video else f'{np.random.rand()*1e7}'[:6] args.out_file = alpha_num(args.text) + '_' + alpha_num(args.voice) + '_' + vid response = send_to_server(args) with open( # args.out_file is not send to server - server writes tmp - copied by client './out/' + args.out_file + '.' + response.headers['suffix-file-type'].split('.')[-1], 'wb' ) as f: f.write(response.content) # print('REsponse AT client []\n----------------------------', response.headers) if __name__ == '__main__': cli() # assume also video and text for video we have to write some classes for video for audiocraft # then call tts.py on this video with nonempty labels - thus calls audiocraft