import os # from tree_sitter import Language, Parser # # import pandas as pd # import openpyxl import json import time import csv import pathlib import difflib import re from bleu import _bleu from fuzzywuzzy import fuzz import random import numpy as np from transformers import RobertaTokenizer #tokens = nltk.word_tokenize(sentence) folder = str(pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.resolve()) isa_type_dir = folder+"/../../../Dataset" src_dir = folder+"/../../../Dataset/Code_Generation" dst_dir = folder train_lis = [] valid_lis = [] test_lis = [] target_clf = {} def get_target_clf_list(): global target_clf with open(isa_type_dir+"/comback_isa_type.csv","r",encoding="utf-8") as f: reader = csv.reader(f) for idx, l in enumerate(reader): if l[1].lower() == "arc" or l[1].lower() == "riscv" or l[1].lower() == "nvptx": continue if l[0] + " " + l[2] not in target_clf.keys(): target_clf[l[0] + " " + l[2]] = [l[1]] else: target_clf[l[0] + " " + l[2]] += [l[1]] def Calculate_Statements_Ratio(Src_List, Fork_Lis, src_name, fork_name): src_code = "" Fork_code = "" idx = 0 cnt_stmt = 0.0 while idx < len(Src_List): src_code += Src_List[idx].replace(src_name, "").replace(src_name.upper(), "") if Src_List[idx] in [";", ":", "{", "}"]: src_code += "\n" cnt_stmt += 1 idx += 1 while idx < len(Fork_Lis): Fork_code += Fork_Lis[idx].replace(fork_name, "").replace(fork_name.upper(), "") if Fork_Lis[idx] in [";", ":", "{", "}"]: Fork_code += "\n" idx += 1 code_same = 0 code_modi = 0 code_add = 0 diff_code = list(difflib.Differ().compare(src_code.splitlines(), Fork_code.splitlines())) for idx, dv in enumerate(diff_code): if dv[0] == '-': if idx < len(diff_code) - 1 and diff_code[idx+1][0] == '?': code_modi += 1 else: code_add += 1 elif dv[0] == '+': continue elif dv[0] == '?': continue #vega_add -= 1 elif dv.strip().replace("\n", "") == '': continue else: code_same += 1 return round(float(code_same) / cnt_stmt, 2) def Calculate_Gen(): get_target_clf_list() print("############## Exp 2: Calculate Code-LLaMA Gen ################\n") test_lis = ["nvptx","arc","riscv"] avg_accuracy = {} codellama_gcc_code = {} codellama_llvm_code = {} dst_file = dst_dir+"/Input/codellama_gen_output_cleaned.csv" with open(dst_file,encoding="utf-8") as f: reader = csv.reader(f) for idx, row in enumerate(reader): if row[0] == "GCC": codellama_gcc_code[row[1] + " " + str(row[2])] = row[3] else: codellama_llvm_code[row[1] + " " + str(row[2])] = row[3] for comp_type in ["GCC", "LLVM"]: for isa_type in ["GPU", "MPU", "CPU"]: target_lis = target_clf[comp_type + " " + isa_type] test_target_dic = {} cnt_idx = 0 if comp_type == "GCC": if isa_type == "CPU": cnt_idx = 0 for line in open(src_dir + "/GCC/riscv.jsonl", 'r'): dic = json.loads(line) test_target_dic["riscv" + " " + str(cnt_idx)] = dic["ground_truth"] cnt_idx += 1 total_EM = 0.0 total_ED = 0.0 total_PoVS = 0.0 total_BLEU4 = 0.0 for k in test_target_dic.keys(): edit_dis = 0.0 EM = 0.0 bleu4 = 0.0 stmt_mod = 0.0 src_code = " ".join(test_target_dic[k]).replace("riscv", "") if k in codellama_gcc_code.keys(): chat_code = " ".join(codellama_gcc_code[k]).replace("riscv", "").replace("RISCV", "") stmt_mod = Calculate_Statements_Ratio(test_target_dic[k], codellama_gcc_code[k], "riscv", "riscv") with open(dst_dir+"/test.output",'w') as f, open(dst_dir+"/",'w') as f1: f.write(chat_code+'\n') f1.write(src_code+'\n') if chat_code==src_code: EM = 1 edit_dis = fuzz.ratio(chat_code, src_code) if chat_code.strip() == "": bleu4 = 0 else: bleu4 = _bleu(dst_dir+"/", dst_dir+"/test.output") total_BLEU4 += bleu4 total_ED += edit_dis total_PoVS += stmt_mod total_EM += EM with open(dst_dir + '/result.csv', 'a', newline='') as file: writer = csv.writer(file) writer.writerow([comp_type, "riscv", k.split(" ")[1], str(round(float(bleu4),2)), str(round(EM*100,2)), str(round(float(edit_dis),2)), str(round(float(stmt_mod)*100,2))]) else: print(k) with open(dst_dir + '/result.csv', 'a', newline='') as file: writer = csv.writer(file) writer.writerow([comp_type, "riscv", "average", str(round(float(total_BLEU4 / cnt_idx),2)), str(round((total_EM / cnt_idx)*100,2)), str(round(float(total_ED / cnt_idx),2)), str(round(float(total_PoVS / cnt_idx)*100,2))]) avg_accuracy[comp_type + " " + "riscv"] = [str(round(float(total_BLEU4 / cnt_idx),2)), str(round((total_EM / cnt_idx)*100,2)), str(round(float(total_ED / cnt_idx),2)), str(round(float(total_PoVS / cnt_idx)*100,2))] if isa_type == "GPU": cnt_idx = 0 for line in open(src_dir + "/GCC/nvptx.jsonl", 'r'): dic = json.loads(line) test_target_dic["nvptx" + " " + str(cnt_idx)] = dic["ground_truth"] cnt_idx += 1 total_EM = 0.0 total_ED = 0.0 total_PoVS = 0.0 total_BLEU4 = 0.0 for k in test_target_dic.keys(): edit_dis = 0.0 EM = 0.0 bleu4 = 0.0 stmt_mod = 0.0 src_code = " ".join(test_target_dic[k]).replace("nvptx", "") if k in codellama_gcc_code.keys(): chat_code = " ".join(codellama_gcc_code[k]).replace("nvptx", "").replace("NVPTX", "") stmt_mod = Calculate_Statements_Ratio(test_target_dic[k], codellama_gcc_code[k], "nvptx", "nvptx") with open(dst_dir+"/test.output",'w') as f, open(dst_dir+"/",'w') as f1: f.write(chat_code+'\n') f1.write(src_code+'\n') if chat_code==src_code: EM = 1 edit_dis = fuzz.ratio(chat_code, src_code) if chat_code.strip() == "": bleu4 = 0 else: bleu4 = _bleu(dst_dir+"/", dst_dir+"/test.output") total_BLEU4 += bleu4 total_ED += edit_dis total_PoVS += stmt_mod total_EM += EM with open(dst_dir + '/result.csv', 'a', newline='') as file: writer = csv.writer(file) writer.writerow([comp_type, "nvptx", k.split(" ")[1], str(round(float(bleu4),2)), str(round(EM*100,2)), str(round(float(edit_dis),2)), str(round(float(stmt_mod)*100,2))]) else: print(k) with open(dst_dir + '/result.csv', 'a', newline='') as file: writer = csv.writer(file) writer.writerow([comp_type, "nvptx", "average", str(round(float(total_BLEU4 / cnt_idx),2)), str(round((total_EM / cnt_idx)*100,2)), str(round(float(total_ED / cnt_idx),2)), str(round(float(total_PoVS / cnt_idx)*100,2))]) avg_accuracy[comp_type + " " + "nvptx"] = [str(round(float(total_BLEU4 / cnt_idx),2)), str(round((total_EM / cnt_idx)*100,2)), str(round(float(total_ED / cnt_idx),2)), str(round(float(total_PoVS / cnt_idx)*100,2))] if isa_type == "MPU": cnt_idx = 0 for line in open(src_dir + "/GCC/arc.jsonl", 'r'): dic = json.loads(line) test_target_dic["arc" + " " + str(cnt_idx)] = dic["ground_truth"] cnt_idx += 1 total_EM = 0.0 total_ED = 0.0 total_PoVS = 0.0 total_BLEU4 = 0.0 for k in test_target_dic.keys(): edit_dis = 0.0 EM = 0.0 bleu4 = 0.0 stmt_mod = 0.0 src_code = " ".join(test_target_dic[k]).replace("arc", "") if k in codellama_gcc_code.keys(): chat_code = " ".join(codellama_gcc_code[k]).replace("arc", "").replace("ARC", "") stmt_mod = Calculate_Statements_Ratio(test_target_dic[k], codellama_gcc_code[k], "arc", "arc") with open(dst_dir+"/test.output",'w') as f, open(dst_dir+"/",'w') as f1: f.write(chat_code+'\n') f1.write(src_code+'\n') if chat_code==src_code: EM = 1 edit_dis = fuzz.ratio(chat_code, src_code) if chat_code.strip() == "": bleu4 = 0 else: bleu4 = _bleu(dst_dir+"/", dst_dir+"/test.output") total_BLEU4 += bleu4 total_ED += edit_dis total_PoVS += stmt_mod total_EM += EM with open(dst_dir + '/result.csv', 'a', newline='') as file: writer = csv.writer(file) writer.writerow([comp_type, "arc", k.split(" ")[1], str(round(float(bleu4),2)), str(round(EM*100,2)), str(round(float(edit_dis),2)), str(round(float(stmt_mod)*100,2))]) else: print(k) with open(dst_dir + '/result.csv', 'a', newline='') as file: writer = csv.writer(file) writer.writerow([comp_type, "arc", "average", str(round(float(total_BLEU4 / cnt_idx),2)), str(round((total_EM / cnt_idx)*100,2)), str(round(float(total_ED / cnt_idx),2)), str(round(float(total_PoVS / cnt_idx)*100,2))]) avg_accuracy[comp_type + " " + "arc"] = [str(round(float(total_BLEU4 / cnt_idx),2)), str(round((total_EM / cnt_idx)*100,2)), str(round(float(total_ED / cnt_idx),2)), str(round(float(total_PoVS / cnt_idx)*100,2))] if comp_type == "LLVM": if isa_type == "CPU": cnt_idx = 0 for line in open(src_dir + "/LLVM/RISCV.jsonl", 'r'): dic = json.loads(line) test_target_dic["RISCV" + " " + str(cnt_idx)] = dic["ground_truth"] cnt_idx += 1 total_EM = 0.0 total_ED = 0.0 total_PoVS = 0.0 total_BLEU4 = 0.0 for k in test_target_dic.keys(): edit_dis = 0.0 EM = 0.0 bleu4 = 0.0 stmt_mod = 0.0 src_code = " ".join(test_target_dic[k]).replace("RISCV", "") if k in codellama_llvm_code.keys(): chat_code = " ".join(codellama_llvm_code[k]).replace("riscv", "").replace("RISCV", "") stmt_mod = Calculate_Statements_Ratio(test_target_dic[k], codellama_llvm_code[k], "riscv", "riscv") with open(dst_dir+"/test.output",'w') as f, open(dst_dir+"/",'w') as f1: f.write(chat_code+'\n') f1.write(src_code+'\n') if chat_code==src_code: EM = 1 edit_dis = fuzz.ratio(chat_code, src_code) if chat_code.strip() == "": bleu4 = 0 else: bleu4 = _bleu(dst_dir+"/", dst_dir+"/test.output") total_BLEU4 += bleu4 total_ED += edit_dis total_PoVS += stmt_mod total_EM += EM with open(dst_dir + '/result.csv', 'a', newline='') as file: writer = csv.writer(file) writer.writerow([comp_type, "RISCV", k.split(" ")[1], str(round(float(bleu4),2)), str(round(EM*100,2)), str(round(float(edit_dis),2)), str(round(float(stmt_mod)*100,2))]) else: print(k) with open(dst_dir + '/result.csv', 'a', newline='') as file: writer = csv.writer(file) writer.writerow([comp_type, "RISCV", "average", str(round(float(total_BLEU4 / cnt_idx),2)), str(round((total_EM / cnt_idx)*100,2)), str(round(float(total_ED / cnt_idx),2)), str(round(float(total_PoVS / cnt_idx)*100,2))]) avg_accuracy[comp_type + " " + "RISCV"] = [str(round(float(total_BLEU4 / cnt_idx),2)), str(round((total_EM / cnt_idx)*100,2)), str(round(float(total_ED / cnt_idx),2)), str(round(float(total_PoVS / cnt_idx)*100,2))] if isa_type == "GPU": cnt_idx = 0 for line in open(src_dir + "/LLVM/NVPTX.jsonl", 'r'): dic = json.loads(line) test_target_dic["NVPTX" + " " + str(cnt_idx)] = dic["ground_truth"] cnt_idx += 1 total_EM = 0.0 total_ED = 0.0 total_PoVS = 0.0 total_BLEU4 = 0.0 for k in test_target_dic.keys(): edit_dis = 0.0 EM = 0.0 bleu4 = 0.0 stmt_mod = 0.0 src_code = " ".join(test_target_dic[k]).replace("NVPTX", "") if k in codellama_llvm_code.keys(): chat_code = " ".join(codellama_llvm_code[k]).replace("nvptx", "").replace("NVPTX", "") stmt_mod = Calculate_Statements_Ratio(test_target_dic[k], codellama_llvm_code[k], "nvptx", "nvptx") with open(dst_dir+"/test.output",'w') as f, open(dst_dir+"/",'w') as f1: f.write(chat_code+'\n') f1.write(src_code+'\n') if chat_code==src_code: EM = 1 edit_dis = fuzz.ratio(chat_code, src_code) if chat_code.strip() == "": bleu4 = 0 else: bleu4 = _bleu(dst_dir+"/", dst_dir+"/test.output") total_BLEU4 += bleu4 total_ED += edit_dis total_PoVS += stmt_mod total_EM += EM with open(dst_dir + '/result.csv', 'a', newline='') as file: writer = csv.writer(file) writer.writerow([comp_type, "NVPTX", k.split(" ")[1], str(round(float(bleu4),2)), str(round(EM*100,2)), str(round(float(edit_dis),2)), str(round(float(stmt_mod)*100,2))]) else: print(k) with open(dst_dir + '/result.csv', 'a', newline='') as file: writer = csv.writer(file) writer.writerow([comp_type, "NVPTX", "average", str(round(float(total_BLEU4 / cnt_idx),2)), str(round((total_EM / cnt_idx)*100,2)), str(round(float(total_ED / cnt_idx),2)), str(round(float(total_PoVS / cnt_idx)*100,2))]) avg_accuracy[comp_type + " " + "NVPTX"] = [str(round(float(total_BLEU4 / cnt_idx),2)), str(round((total_EM / cnt_idx)*100,2)), str(round(float(total_ED / cnt_idx),2)), str(round(float(total_PoVS / cnt_idx)*100,2))] if isa_type == "MPU": cnt_idx = 0 for line in open(src_dir + "/LLVM/ARC.jsonl", 'r'): dic = json.loads(line) test_target_dic["ARC" + " " + str(cnt_idx)] = dic["ground_truth"] cnt_idx += 1 total_EM = 0.0 total_ED = 0.0 total_PoVS = 0.0 total_BLEU4 = 0.0 for k in test_target_dic.keys(): edit_dis = 0.0 EM = 0.0 bleu4 = 0.0 stmt_mod = 0.0 src_code = " ".join(test_target_dic[k]).replace("ARC", "") if k in codellama_llvm_code.keys(): chat_code = " ".join(codellama_llvm_code[k]).replace("arc", "").replace("ARC", "") stmt_mod = Calculate_Statements_Ratio(test_target_dic[k], codellama_llvm_code[k], "arc", "arc") with open(dst_dir+"/test.output",'w') as f, open(dst_dir+"/",'w') as f1: f.write(chat_code+'\n') f1.write(src_code+'\n') if chat_code==src_code: EM = 1 edit_dis = fuzz.ratio(chat_code, src_code) if chat_code.strip() == "": bleu4 = 0 else: bleu4 = _bleu(dst_dir+"/", dst_dir+"/test.output") total_BLEU4 += bleu4 total_ED += edit_dis total_PoVS += stmt_mod total_EM += EM with open(dst_dir + '/result.csv', 'a', newline='') as file: writer = csv.writer(file) writer.writerow([comp_type, "ARC", k.split(" ")[1], str(round(float(bleu4),2)), str(round(EM*100,2)), str(round(float(edit_dis),2)), str(round(float(stmt_mod)*100,2))]) else: print(k) with open(dst_dir + '/result.csv', 'a', newline='') as file: writer = csv.writer(file) writer.writerow([comp_type, "ARC", "average", str(round(float(total_BLEU4 / cnt_idx),2)), str(round((total_EM / cnt_idx)*100,2)), str(round(float(total_ED / cnt_idx),2)), str(round(float(total_PoVS / cnt_idx)*100,2))]) avg_accuracy[comp_type + " " + "ARC"] = [str(round(float(total_BLEU4 / cnt_idx),2)), str(round((total_EM / cnt_idx)*100,2)), str(round(float(total_ED / cnt_idx),2)), str(round(float(total_PoVS / cnt_idx)*100,2))] return avg_accuracy if __name__ == "__main__": with open(dst_dir + '/result.csv', 'w', newline='') as file: writer = csv.writer(file) writer.writerow(["Compiler Type", "Target", "Idx", "BLEU4", "Exact Match", "Edit Didtance", "Stmt_Ratio"]) avg_dic = Calculate_Gen() for k in avg_dic: print("########################") print(k) print(" ".join(["BLEU4", "Exact Match", "Edit Didtance", "Stmt_Ratio"])) print(" ".join(avg_dic[k]))