maize-diseases-detection / classes_detailed.json
detailed output
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3.64 kB
"classes": {
"Healthy": 0,
"Gray_Leaf_Spot": 1,
"Blight": 2,
"Common_Rust": 3
"details": {
"Healthy": {
"description": "Plants show no signs of disease.",
"characteristics": [
"Vibrant green color",
"Uniform leaf structure",
"No spots or lesions",
"Normal growth and development"
"importance": "Represents the ideal state of the crop, with maximum yield potential."
"Gray_Leaf_Spot": {
"causative_agent": "Cercospora zeae-maydis, C. sorghi var. maydis",
"symptoms": [
"Small, regular, elongated brown-gray necrotic spots growing parallel to the veins",
"Lesions may reach 3.0 x 0.3 cm",
"Lesions may coalesce, producing a complete burning of large areas of the leaves"
"environmental_conditions": [
"Prevalent in subtropical and temperate, humid areas",
"Favored by extended periods of leaf wetness and cloudy conditions"
"impact": "Can result in severe leaf senescence following flowering and poor grain fill",
"notes": [
"Also known as cercospora leaf spot",
"Minimum tillage practices have been associated with increased incidence"
"Blight": {
"note": "This typically refers to Northern Corn Leaf Blight, but could include other types of blight",
"causative_agent": "Setosphaeria turcica (Teleomorph), Exserohilum turcicum (Anamorph)",
"symptoms": [
"Small, oval, water-soaked spots on leaves",
"Spots grow into elongated, spindle-shaped necrotic lesions",
"Lesions may appear first on lower leaves and increase in number as the plant develops",
"Can lead to complete burning of the foliage"
"environmental_conditions": [
"Occurs worldwide, particularly in areas with high humidity and moderate temperatures",
"Prevalent during the growing season"
"impact": "When infection occurs prior to and at silking and conditions are optimum, it may cause significant economic damage"
"Common_Rust": {
"causative_agent": "Puccinia sorghi",
"symptoms": [
"Small, elongate, powdery pustules over both surfaces of the leaves",
"Pustules are dark brown in early stages of infection",
"Later, the epidermis is ruptured and the lesions turn black as the plant matures"
"environmental_conditions": [
"Found worldwide in subtropical, temperate, and highland environments with high humidity"
"impact": "Can reduce yield, especially if infection is severe before or during tasseling",
"notes": [
"Most conspicuous when plants approach tasseling",
"Alternate host (Oxalis spp.) may show light orange colored pustules"
"general_notes": [
"Early detection and proper identification of these diseases are crucial for effective management.",
"Integrated pest management strategies, including resistant varieties, crop rotation, and timely fungicide applications, can help control these diseases.",
"Climate conditions, particularly humidity and temperature, play a significant role in the development and spread of these diseases.",
"Many diseases can have similar symptoms, so careful observation and sometimes laboratory analysis may be necessary for accurate diagnosis.",
"The severity of disease impact often depends on the timing of infection relative to the plant's growth stage.",
"Some pathogens can infect multiple parts of the plant, including leaves, stalks, and ears."