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Browse files- w9sSw3oIhO8.txt +0 -880
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what is she say uhoh Here Comes granny
2 |
it was on the radio on the radio granny
3 |
listen to what I'm saying to you I was
4 |
like spit on it go to hell dude I love
5 |
Fireball it's like my spiritual calling
6 |
H this is a crazy conspiracy theory I
7 |
don't know if you've seen
8 |
9 |
this okay welcome to my front porch um
10 |
we got Maddie over here this has been my
11 |
best friend for 13 years you got you you
12 |
already know her I'm not even going to
13 |
introduce Chelsea you already know her
14 |
and then you got a Lista over here this
15 |
is Chelsea's sister this is our little
16 |
friend group right here this is
17 |
CQB we can't nobody knows no you will
18 |
never know what it means ever um nobody
19 |
knows we all been like a friend group
20 |
since high school what does it mean it's
21 |
top secret will die before I tell you
22 |
what it means we told you we'd have to
23 |
kill you there's one person we went to
24 |
high school with who just happened to
25 |
guess what it was you're watching this
26 |
keep your mouth shut keep your mouth
27 |
shut so the night it happens okay we
28 |
were all there from your perspective
29 |
okay I don't want to hear her
30 |
perspective anymore yeah I'm tired of
31 |
saying it too so y'all be my gu okay
32 |
okay I feel like we tell the story
33 |
differently yeah we definitely do you
34 |
you like to add details in there and I'm
35 |
like that didn't happen maybe it did I
36 |
don't know I was also little I you're
37 |
trying to get away from there too though
38 |
while I was standing there holding my
39 |
own okay so we were all there you were
40 |
there I was there except you weren't
41 |
there I weren't with like I wasn't with
42 |
y'all okay we're all at the CMA Fest we
43 |
all went together right but we sat
44 |
together yeah we all sat together um
45 |
then like after we were like oh yeah
46 |
let's go out you know and me and Haley
47 |
and Alyssa and Carly right yeah we're
48 |
just walking down Broadway Lys and Carly
49 |
like oh let's go to this bar I mean haly
50 |
like okay we're going to go Lolly
51 |
gagging down the street you know and
52 |
we're just walking and we see like two
53 |
dudes you know with like a big
54 |
flashlight and a camera and I was like
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haly a camera and we would go over there
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and I was like are you'all vlogging and
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they was like no we do YouTube we're
58 |
like oh okay I was like do you'all mind
59 |
if we ask you a few questions we were
60 |
like never once told us what the
61 |
questions were those were the last
62 |
questions I was expecting to hear me and
63 |
you both was like oh what's your
64 |
favorite color mine's red you know
65 |
that's why I passed it to you and here
66 |
we are you set her up I did but hey I
67 |
felt bad at first but now I'm I'm proud
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yeah y'all had to come get me after and
69 |
I remember I got in the car and you said
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we messed up I said why you said we did
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a street interview and I said what did
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y'all say and you were like I don't even
73 |
know what we said I don't yeah I
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literally I was but we were all
75 |
like yeah like I forgot about it I was
76 |
like it wasn't that bad that's what's
77 |
funny about it as soon as the first
78 |
video come out like the actual hotk to
79 |
we're like okay that's it seen it at
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work and I facetimed each one of you I
81 |
was unconscious I got to get their raw
82 |
reactions to this video cuz I was dying
83 |
and Haley's like asleep
84 |
oh yeah she didn't even know we're all
85 |
like Kay's about to sit her pants and
86 |
then well at first it was like it wasn't
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getting views at all and then by the
88 |
time she woke up it had like 500k yeah I
89 |
was uh oh and then I saw like 1.5 mil I
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was like they we were like okay you know
91 |
it's going to blow over it was fun yeah
92 |
I thought it was going to be like a haha
93 |
couple hours later drops another video
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yeah and I was like that was the only
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part of the conversation that was funny
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he keeps dropping more videos as like
97 |
the weeks go on and I'm like no I you
98 |
called me after he dropped the next one
99 |
and you were like Chelsea this is bad
100 |
you were like balling your eyes out and
101 |
I was like [ __ ] so I left work real
102 |
quick and I was like I'm coming over and
103 |
I came over and we didn't leave the
104 |
house for he dropped that second one
105 |
which one was it which one was the
106 |
second was what I love you pie or the
107 |
Cobb the cobwebs that's the one you were
108 |
the most worried about like I was
109 |
literally at my aunt and uncle's house
110 |
and I was like oh I want to go see their
111 |
Garden they took me down there say their
112 |
garden and everything else I got a
113 |
cousin from or cousin I get a call from
114 |
KK and I was like
115 |
what's she calling me for I was like
116 |
that can't be good Hunter calls her back
117 |
Hunter's my little blond-headed
118 |
curly-headed cousin he's my cousin not
119 |
my man get that right please and thank
120 |
you Snapchat stories drives me nuts um
121 |
and she's like there's another video and
122 |
I was like what could I have possibly
123 |
said I was like I don't remember I was
124 |
pretty damn drunk in that interview I
125 |
was like I don't know I was drinking
126 |
those slushies all day me and you both
127 |
were yeah I remember nothing it was like
128 |
some kind of
129 |
blue what was in it it was vodka right
130 |
it was like Tito it was
131 |
yeah it's pretty good we were drinking
132 |
them all evening you anyka and you said
133 |
these have nothing in there and they're
134 |
like I don't know what you want me to do
135 |
about it like put another shot in there
136 |
and you said I paid for it she did she
137 |
took him back she's like there's no
138 |
alcohol on this and they put another
139 |
shot off in there for us I went with Y
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and I I was paying for it so I was like
141 |
I'm paying extra for this you better put
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it in there exactly and then after they
143 |
released that one video where you could
144 |
really see my tongue that it was blue
145 |
after I've been drinking all day they're
146 |
like she sucked off Papa Smurf and I was
147 |
like well G okay you know but we were up
148 |
there and we got that phone call and KK
149 |
was telling us about this other video
150 |
and I was like are you [ __ ] me right
151 |
now like you're pulling my dick there's
152 |
no way there is no way in hell they done
153 |
post another video I don't remember
154 |
saying that hunter gets this video to
155 |
pull up and I'm
156 |
like I was like that is not good I was
157 |
like okay I got to get in my car and go
158 |
home cuz I'm about to have a nervous
159 |
breakdown me and Granny are on the way
160 |
home and I'm over here and there's a sad
161 |
song on the radio I'm like keep it
162 |
together granny has no idea what's
163 |
happening granny has no idea at this
164 |
point she's like why are you in such a
165 |
hurry I was like gr I I just need to get
166 |
in the car and go I was like I'm ready
167 |
to take a nap I need to take a shower I
168 |
was like I just I just need to go home
169 |
we get home I go in my room I was like
170 |
171 |
Jesus time either she didn't and when I
172 |
told her like about the whole thing it
173 |
was like a really when I told her I had
174 |
to explain it to her like three times
175 |
and she was like I don't get it and I
176 |
was like granny listen to what I'm
177 |
saying to you I was like spit on it and
178 |
she's like oh and I was like granny
179 |
Jesus Christ I was like don't say that
180 |
that I was like let me end up telling my
181 |
daddy you know whatever I'm going to
182 |
explain it to him to which he knew about
183 |
it but he didn't understand it either he
184 |
was like I don't [ __ ] get it but I
185 |
should have known somebody in my family
186 |
would have said something to his ass
187 |
before I did so he knew before you even
188 |
told him he's heard about it but he
189 |
didn't really know what it was so I was
190 |
like okay well I guess I'm going to have
191 |
to tell him then granny he gets here
192 |
she's like Haley come in here and tell
193 |
your daddy what you told me and I was
194 |
like oh Jesus Christ and he's hotheaded
195 |
too that's where I get it from so did
196 |
you tell your brother or did he ask you
197 |
about it first I told Austin about it
198 |
now Andrew I think he seen it at work
199 |
and he's like what the [ __ ] he texted
200 |
Austin he's like do you know our little
201 |
sister's like Tik Tok famous and he was
202 |
like yeah Tik Tok famous it's kind of
203 |
funny I didn't think it was big until my
204 |
dad was like awesome bu has at work show
205 |
meet you on Facebook you and Haley in
206 |
Nashville I was like oh did they it was
207 |
rough I literally locked myself in that
208 |
bedroom for like 2 weeks I went to work
209 |
and then I'd come straight home I
210 |
wouldn't even go to the store and get
211 |
gas I was like everybody and their mom
212 |
knows me around here I was like I can't
213 |
do it they're going
214 |
like yeah dressed in hats and hoodies I
215 |
didn't think it was getting bad until I
216 |
started seeing people like do merch that
217 |
said it and I was like what or like that
218 |
girl that pretended to be you oh yeah
219 |
like the one that was like trying to get
220 |
getting the benefit hey those people
221 |
done deep investigation though no they
222 |
did but they didn't well nobody really
223 |
know who you were so like yeah they they
224 |
didn't know your name I was okay with it
225 |
I was okay with it she I was like she's
226 |
claiming to be me yes sister you take
227 |
that that wasn't that wasn't haly W I
228 |
don't know who the hell that was you go
229 |
to D meet your attorney yeah shout out
230 |
your mama yeah shout out Mom I love you
231 |
shout out Mama D I love you telling my
232 |
dad was like an awkward conversation so
233 |
he's sitting here he's like mean mugging
234 |
the [ __ ] out of me while I'm telling him
235 |
and I'm like okay this is not going to
236 |
go good and I'm trying to get it out
237 |
where it doesn't sound as bad as it was
238 |
cuz at this point I was like this is
239 |
going to be a mess then you have granny
240 |
over here
241 |
just spit on it
242 |
hot to she doesn't even say hot to she's
243 |
hot toy I was like granny stop let me
244 |
let me finish telling him she's over
245 |
here okay spit on it I she's just over
246 |
here I'm over here like this trying to
247 |
tell him cuz I'm laughing trying to tell
248 |
him and he's getting mad cuz I want spit
249 |
it out and I'm like oh my [ __ ] God I
250 |
like all right Daddy I said it I said it
251 |
I was talking about spitting on dick
252 |
[ __ ] like it's just a joke though he
253 |
said I know not to take you [ __ ] I know
254 |
not to take you serious cuz you can
255 |
never tell what comes out of my mouth my
256 |
whole family has said
257 |
that know that I don't think anyone was
258 |
surprised when they seen the video
259 |
anyone that knows you everybody that I
260 |
spoke to about it like when it first
261 |
happened they're like that does not
262 |
surprise me that come out of your mouth
263 |
I'm like thank you even if you weren't
264 |
drinking and you were there like you
265 |
would say it if we were here yeah to
266 |
y'all I'm like scatter brain we can have
267 |
a conversation like this and if I see a
268 |
cow or something I'm going to jump to
269 |
that and I'm always going to have
270 |
something to say about something else
271 |
definitely the hardest part was like
272 |
coming out of my house after all this
273 |
happened I was like I'm embarrassed
274 |
death I cannot show my face anywhere I
275 |
was like mortified of it now I kind of
276 |
embraced it I wish I'd have done it
277 |
sooner I'd be like quit being a little
278 |
[ __ ] and get your ass up and go see
279 |
your attorney just do it and we did that
280 |
and did and you sat in that meeting with
281 |
me I do there's this man the other night
282 |
at dark spinley he tickled the [ __ ] out
283 |
of me he was like I what he how did he
284 |
word it you remember that older man and
285 |
I was
286 |
like I don't know what you're talking
287 |
about he's like I can't mistake that
288 |
country twang from anywhere he's like I
289 |
know it's you and I was
290 |
like surprise yes me what's the craziest
291 |
rumor I think I want to ask you guys
292 |
what's the craziest
293 |
shy let's talk about shy that's not a
294 |
rumor that was like real thing that
295 |
296 |
yesterday it wasn't even my Shir tussy
297 |
though that was the best com I've read
298 |
since this only start wasn't shuss
299 |
imagine waking up from a nap like you're
300 |
taking this really good ass nap I was
301 |
waiting on you to tell me if you're
302 |
staying within or if you're going home
303 |
so I was like all right I'm going to
304 |
take a nap my comforter is drying
305 |
whatever took me a little nap I wake up
306 |
I don't know how she timed it so good I
307 |
had like a bunch of messages and
308 |
everything else I was like what's this
309 |
about I wake up she facetimes me she's
310 |
like haly go to your Instagram I was
311 |
like what what is it she's like
312 |
shsy like people are talking about your
313 |
shirt tussy and she was like oh my God
314 |
she already knew what I was talking
315 |
about cuz we we seen it I was like why
316 |
does it look like that that's not right
317 |
all the comments were talking about it
318 |
and then someone said sure tussy and I
319 |
was like that is the best thing they
320 |
could have ever said no as soon as I
321 |
seen it I was like that's literally the
322 |
picture we said not to post no he
323 |
literally sent like a or he said are
324 |
these pictures above like good for the
325 |
post and I was like yeah those are good
326 |
you sent the ones I sent that picture
327 |
was not in there I did not send that I
328 |
would not have done that to you Jamie
329 |
you're done for so a shirt tussy is when
330 |
you have a fat Coter and your Coter
331 |
decides to take a bite out of your shirt
332 |
that's exactly what a shirt tussy is and
333 |
don't act like you haven't ever had one
334 |
or I've never seen that before actually
335 |
you're the first well hell it's better
336 |
than a camel toe it's basically the same
337 |
thing I think it's worse I don't know
338 |
I'd rather have a camel to the shirt it
339 |
least like you're wearing the pants and
340 |
it's not your
341 |
shirt I hate to say it but those lips
342 |
look too little to be
343 |
mine I hate to say it I was looking I
344 |
was like there a no way there's no way
345 |
in hell that's
346 |
mine what's that girl off me girl say
347 |
just because I have a WID set
348 |
vagina oh my God you keep saying what I
349 |
like in the backup pack of the cat
350 |
wait what' she say what I la in the back
351 |
I pack in the cat she didn't even know
352 |
what that means I was like Kay that
353 |
literally means
354 |
you no it
355 |
don't big Martha what yall know about it
356 |
who is that what you call her yeah yeah
357 |
her name is Big Martha
358 |
actually oh
359 |
God no she tried naming ours actually
360 |
she did she sat down she's said why
361 |
don't we name yours
362 |
Doug she went one by one trying to come
363 |
up with
364 |
365 |
no nobody thinks what I think stop what
366 |
you're doing right now I'm serious
367 |
whatever app you have open right now
368 |
close it whatever text you're reading
369 |
shut that down trust me I'm doing this
370 |
for you now take your finger and head
371 |
over to the App Store and download
372 |
better better pcks is the most easy and
373 |
fun daily fantasy app where you can win
374 |
up to 1,000 times your money and new
375 |
users you'll get up to $200 as a deposit
376 |
match plus a free pick tell your friends
377 |
to sign up and how you can turn $1 into
378 |
1,000 play better picks and hit those
379 |
1,000x lineup download better and play
380 |
better picks how did you guys meet so we
381 |
met in high school me and her have been
382 |
best friends since like third grade yeah
383 |
something like that third fourth and
384 |
then we survived two other friend groups
385 |
and we kind of kind of guess come to our
386 |
last destination best for last final
387 |
destination well we met in high school
388 |
we all cheered together yeah got into
389 |
some trouble together in cheer L bot
390 |
trouble actually no we met because I
391 |
made you take us home like that's how
392 |
we've been friends Chelsea we were
393 |
leaving school yeah cuz my sister left
394 |
me we I kind of knew you all before
395 |
though yeah we we knew each other same
396 |
grade yeah and we knew Jordan too but I
397 |
was supposed to go we were supposed to
398 |
go home with my sister and she left us
399 |
dished us out of the car so I was like
400 |
what am I supposed to do thank you H we
401 |
appreciate that can we hay ride with
402 |
y'all and I'm like yeah that's fine both
403 |
of them actually tried dating my brother
404 |
that was before I tried being your
405 |
friend that's how I met y'all y'all
406 |
Carson was my man Carson Was Your Man
407 |
Carson was Brooks man Carson belonged to
408 |
everybody he went through the whole gang
409 |
man yeah yeah that's he grew into his
410 |
ears though oh yeah he did have some big
411 |
ho ear yeah BL is hard no no I met you
412 |
before you had braces and we were just
413 |
little and my teeth done the Cha Cha
414 |
Slide to
415 |
the but I don't know I don't even know
416 |
how I became your friend that reminds me
417 |
I looked at my DM's last night and
418 |
somebody told me I need to buy veneers
419 |
for what I wore braces for 5 years and
420 |
then Ellie over there decided to eat my
421 |
retainer so I didn't get to wear it but
422 |
maybe like two weeks which I probably
423 |
wasn't going to wear it anyways but she
424 |
saved me the trouble this is actually my
425 |
daughter over here come here she doesn't
426 |
have a Daddy it's okay there's nothing
427 |
wrong with
428 |
that that's okay she needs to go put on
429 |
her Halloween jammies it never right do
430 |
they even fit her I don't know I haven't
431 |
put them on her yet I haven't brought
432 |
myself to it cuz I'm scared she's going
433 |
to like piss on me Pooky made her piss
434 |
the other night why I guess she got
435 |
excited she was like oh a handsome man
436 |
and like started pissing she don't get I
437 |
understand well yeah but you're not a
438 |
handsome man you're a handsome woman
439 |
handsome yeah you're handsome be yeah
440 |
our typical going out night was like
441 |
last night I ordered $80 worth of
442 |
dominoes just for us to like sit there
443 |
and like all devour it and then we'll
444 |
watch TV that's really all we do we play
445 |
UNO bu yeah that's what we do for fun
446 |
around here we normally drink wine too
447 |
with it if you can't tell she's drinking
448 |
out of the bottle that's a classy lady
449 |
right there the qu is not no the qu's
450 |
not in it either there's little pieces
451 |
just floating around it's okay it adds
452 |
character I think it adds character too
453 |
we prefer Barefoot too though it's cheap
454 |
we don't really go out all together
455 |
though I don't think we've ever all been
456 |
out together besides like the chat
457 |
Halloween party when oh man Halloween
458 |
last year was a blur to me my boots that
459 |
I bought like the same day to complete
460 |
my outfit they're like some really tall
461 |
like Gog go boot in go go
462 |
excuse me I love saying that so I got
463 |
tired of walking around in him my feet
464 |
were hurting so I took them off and I
465 |
was sitting beside Alyssa cuz you know I
466 |
just stir up at that point Fireball keep
467 |
it away from me uhuh I told him I said
468 |
one more shot and y'all taking care of
469 |
her I was not I fed her no I told y yall
470 |
give her one more and I'm done dude I
471 |
love Fireball it's like my spiritual
472 |
calling she's already like been over the
473 |
floor before there like the last one
474 |
dude I was having a ball before we even
475 |
left like your apartment I had so much
476 |
fun though until Pooky called yeah until
477 |
Pooky called he screaming and crying and
478 |
throwing up that's why I didn't like
479 |
Pooky me and Haley sat outside for like
480 |
45 minutes and she was like [ __ ] you
481 |
[ __ ] you just cussing him out and he
482 |
kept hanging up on her every time he was
483 |
literally out too and then she'd call
484 |
him again see I'm giving hope right here
485 |
you're like two or three yearlong
486 |
situationship can turn into something
487 |
more I'm giving hope to the delusional
488 |
girlies right now well the thing is I
489 |
blocked pooky's number before she even
490 |
started calling him again he was having
491 |
fun the same thing I was I'm just
492 |
dramatic except she was at a frat party
493 |
he was at a bar with his friends was
494 |
this Harley or Haley Harley came out
495 |
Harley comes out there's no you can talk
496 |
to her but she's not all there you got
497 |
to explain what Harley is Harley is your
498 |
Alter Ego that when I drink dark liquor
499 |
that is Harley yeah once Harley comes
500 |
out there's no going back until Harley
501 |
is done put down I got some Halloween
502 |
costumes of you my boy
503 |
what why are they in like a work suit
504 |
like what is that hot to jumpsuit
505 |
I think they should do like a mask I
506 |
think it should be like the outfit that
507 |
you wore that night I know what is up
508 |
with Johnny and them wanting to like
509 |
chop that up and sell it in little
510 |
pieces no one will ever get my Sheen
511 |
skirt I live by that thing no one will
512 |
ever get itar that it was $3 no one's
513 |
ever going to get it and your she top
514 |
let's talk about the time Haley punched
515 |
her ex in the face I actually smacked
516 |
face it smack it was like a
517 |
hard whack that's what I loved about him
518 |
though like me and him can be into it
519 |
and then like an hour later we're fine
520 |
like that was my favorite thing about
521 |
him no but no we were at the beach on
522 |
his senior trip I got secondhand
523 |
embarrassment I feel so bad we were in a
524 |
room full of all his friends and I don't
525 |
know if he was joking or not you can't
526 |
joke around with me too much cuz I'm
527 |
like really hotheaded and I take it a
528 |
little too far he bumps into me and
529 |
Spills Dr Pepper all down I had a reflex
530 |
and I rared back and I five starred him
531 |
right in his face and it got so quiet in
532 |
there that's not the first time she H
533 |
someone in the face yeah that was in
534 |
your name keep my watch name out your
535 |
[ __ ] mouth that's that's exactly it I
536 |
wasn't even there I no idea what was
537 |
going on you can say whatever you want
538 |
to like about me but when it comes to
539 |
them or like anybody else I'm really
540 |
close with just don't do that and it's a
541 |
concept they got really close at one
542 |
point in time and they were like really
543 |
good friends and I'm all about being a
544 |
good friend I try really hard to be a
545 |
good friend I always have and they're
546 |
pretty good friends too thank you yeah
547 |
of course but this girl she got really
548 |
close with us and
549 |
especially with her she got really close
550 |
with her and then we found out she was
551 |
texting her ex-boyfriend behind her back
552 |
and she's done been [ __ ] talking me at
553 |
this point so I'm like ah whatever you
554 |
know what you call me stupid idiot
555 |
whatever it was she called me that's one
556 |
thing but you're sitting here being a
557 |
good friend to her or think you are and
558 |
you're texting her man behind her back I
559 |
was like I got something for that ass I
560 |
got a FaceTime call and they was like
561 |
Hey so and so's texting him and I was
562 |
like okay like I'll text her and they
563 |
was like no don't say anything Haley's
564 |
going to handle it she's
565 |
I not to nobody believed me I I know
566 |
when I done it everybody's like H why'
567 |
you do that everybody in the room told
568 |
me to do it no I knew you were serious
569 |
nobody else thinks I'm serious right now
570 |
and then she that was the best face time
571 |
call I've ever got Wasing it on and
572 |
after you did it she was like Haley why'
573 |
you do that I was Alissa you told her to
574 |
y' know you tell Haley to do some things
575 |
some she be oh yeah like and she won't
576 |
actually do do it I was not expecting
577 |
her to actually do that I don't got
578 |
gassed up at that point I
579 |
ponytail told her boyfriend she's like
580 |
if you get a phone call it's cuz I beat
581 |
this bitch's ass he left she had even
582 |
been at the house for 10 minutes not
583 |
even 10 and he leaves gets right back to
584 |
his house hey can you come pick me up I
585 |
knew it come he said please tell me
586 |
you're not calling me for the reason you
587 |
said you would I was like yeah I am he
588 |
was like hey my [ __ ] and he come and
589 |
got me me and him click so good that was
590 |
bad you miss him that was like my best
591 |
friend so yeah not like that way it's
592 |
okay but like we were friends before
593 |
that we were really good friends before
594 |
that it's nothing but love over here
595 |
same way with that girl we don't have
596 |
issues or anything we're good after like
597 |
few weeks after that I don't know how
598 |
that come to be either but that was like
599 |
a we were like why are they it oh the
600 |
next day y'all were like best us it your
601 |
prti yeah we fine and me and look each
602 |
other we
603 |
said sometimes I think people need to
604 |
just get their asses handed to them
605 |
sometimes and then they get back on the
606 |
right path you know one and done type
607 |
girl this is a hell of a podcast set up
608 |
yeah the cow
609 |
field in case you're wondering where my
610 |
porch is it's out in BF bum [ __ ] Egypt
611 |
um there's literally a cow field over
612 |
there they're just I guess living their
613 |
best life quick show of hands if you
614 |
want to turn $1 into $1,000 listen up so
615 |
the last episode I told you about better
616 |
picks the best daily fantasy well I
617 |
played that thing in the first week at
618 |
NFL and it was so much fun all you have
619 |
to do is pick two or more players and
620 |
predict how they're going to play and
621 |
you've got you got a chance to win up to
622 |
1,000 times your money it's literally
623 |
that simple and here's my promise to you
624 |
I will be hitting that 1,000x lineup
625 |
before the season's over so download
626 |
better and play better pick I don't know
627 |
if you guys have seen this yet it might
628 |
be a skill though naming
629 |
people former some people read hero this
630 |
is a this is a crazy conspiracy theory I
631 |
don't know if you've seen this wait till
632 |
y'all find out she's loky a former
633 |
Israel Soldier C how do you say that
634 |
cospl cosplaying a Southern bell after a
635 |
billionaire dad hired a PR firm to scrub
636 |
her past off the internet par
637 |
particularly her old Tik Tok where she
638 |
ain't even speak English let alone had a
639 |
fake ass southern accent a fake ass
640 |
southern accent you know there's times I
641 |
wish I didn't have an
642 |
accent let let me just see
643 |
that you hold my bottle
644 |
okay Trill bur who sent you H you're on
645 |
to me you're so good how'd you catch me
646 |
stupid ass people are so ignorant like
647 |
where do you sit here and come up with
648 |
this [ __ ] like out of the time of day
649 |
where do you have the time of day to sit
650 |
here and come up with [ __ ] like this I
651 |
wish I was a soldier I feel like it'd be
652 |
kind of fun I feel like going to the
653 |
Marines and stuff would be really fun I
654 |
feel like I could do it but I wouldn't I
655 |
wouldn't be serious in it spot like I
656 |
flip a tank over if I drove it you walk
657 |
up be like wait who am I supposed to
658 |
shoot that's exactly what you would do I
659 |
couldn't do that I walk out be like okay
660 |
he's kind of cute I don't want to shoot
661 |
him no you I don't want to kill him you
662 |
know know I be like I should hook him up
663 |
with Maddie I try to go over there and
664 |
like hook him up with MADD and he'd
665 |
shoot my ass I'd be
666 |
done internet particular how old Tik
667 |
Tock where she ain't she ain't even
668 |
speak English let alone had a fake ass
669 |
southern accent uh oh here comes granny
670 |
granny oh she can't even get in Granny's
671 |
here we're
672 |
broadcasting everybody this is Granny in
673 |
case you haven't met her this is where
674 |
my mouth comes from you're the best what
675 |
are you doing here me yeah nothing I
676 |
came to see you did you oh oh do I eat
677 |
enough we need to get this out here do I
678 |
eat enough what do you mean do you eat
679 |
enough do I eat enough how much do I eat
680 |
well I guess you eat till you get full
681 |
everybody says I need to eat more cuz
682 |
I'm shaped like a chopstick kind of n
683 |
you don't need you don't need to eat too
684 |
much more yeah you get fat we're
685 |
drinking that liquor that was in the
686 |
fridge what liquor y drunk no bun of
687 |
drunk have you tried this no get you a
688 |
sip it's got a cork screw in it but yeah
689 |
it's extra
690 |
flavor what is I know me the other day I
691 |
just kind of put it in the fridge I
692 |
didn't think nothing about it she said
693 |
whose liquor is that in the fridge and
694 |
liquor I went there and looked I was
695 |
like oh that's
696 |
wine ain't no liquor y'all drank all
697 |
that no I don't want none of that stuff
698 |
there's a cork FL floating around in it
699 |
do you drink wine granny nope I don't
700 |
drink period mhm that's how I live to be
701 |
80 years
702 |
old we told her she start smoking her a
703 |
joint she feel better what are your
704 |
secrets to youth how do you stay so well
705 |
I guess with all these Grand young young
706 |
ons and Grand Youngs you know You' got
707 |
got four young ons nine grand young and
708 |
I don't how many great grand Youngs i'
709 |
have to stop and count them were you
710 |
were you surprised when she got
711 |
famous she didn't tell me for a week I
712 |
think it was a little bit more than that
713 |
no it was longer than a week it was like
714 |
two is they say they know more than I do
715 |
I'm not going to tell her she was she
716 |
was scared to tell me she's afraid I'd
717 |
get on her for what she
718 |
said you thought it was funny I say I
719 |
bet you thought it was funny then I got
720 |
think about well I guess if she don't
721 |
say anymore or do anymore well I had got
722 |
nothing to worry about well
723 |
actually yeah I just heard the
724 |
last little remark you made which one
725 |
what was it something about something
726 |
being you something in a hole and
727 |
oh what
728 |
was I was on the
729 |
radio yes you hear radio you can blame
730 |
Johnny for that Johnny's like that's
731 |
funny say that you came up with it
732 |
though tell what you say so what's all
733 |
or how did I word it what's good for the
734 |
hole what's good for the hole and always
735 |
good for the
736 |
soul that was on the radio here tell
737 |
them about the telemarketers
738 |
what about tell them what you say to him
739 |
of make no that ain't what you say to
740 |
him that ain't very nice yeah and tell
741 |
marketers of us worry
742 |
the crap out of me look she's putting a
743 |
filter on now you ought to he early in
744 |
the morning filter
745 |
off bad
746 |
granny you know that movie Bad Grandpa
747 |
yeah got [ __ ] on bad granny i' hate to
748 |
749 |
the I got 18 one day 18
750 |
calls they drive her nuts oh gosh that
751 |
phone is always ringing yeah it drive
752 |
you nuts when you're trying to sleep in
753 |
at the ash crack of dawn too yeah I
754 |
don't blame you I'd say the same
755 |
thing what am I cooking why' you start
756 |
stud I said what do you say to the tele
757 |
markers quit [ __ ] calling
758 |
me go to
759 |
hell call somebody else every once in a
760 |
while I'm tired of you calling me what's
761 |
your favorite thing about Haley
762 |
don't look at me like that it's a smart
763 |
ass mouth ain't it H's this is my
764 |
granddaughter she stays here with me
765 |
takes care of
766 |
me oh shs don't don't sweet don't talk
767 |
about me like that sweet as I can be now
768 |
you're bluffing right there K this
769 |
[ __ ] she's making me look good that's
770 |
what I say she's just she's just my
771 |
granddaughter now put the camera and ask
772 |
her what she really says months
773 |
old yeah put the camera down and ask her
774 |
what she really thinks about me to cry I
775 |
know this story and it makes me
776 |
emotional too I don't know why but she's
777 |
very independent very independent word
778 |
that's out go ahead tell them you
779 |
independent too now you don't need a man
780 |
for [ __ ] tell
781 |
them well I guess that's why I had got
782 |
one you're damn right me and you both
783 |
great I know that's right now she's
784 |
always told me own thing we no man to do
785 |
it for do it yeah right now you have
786 |
always told me not to ever bring you a
787 |
man home unless he's got one foot in the
788 |
grave and the other on a banana pilling
789 |
that's right that's right and I ain't
790 |
seen one yet he's got a [ __ ] ton of
791 |
money so he can just slip right into his
792 |
grave and leave her all his
793 |
money now I live by that she tell them
794 |
all my secrets yeah it looks like it I'm
795 |
kidding now I'm the one money I don't
796 |
need a man for [ __ ] I just got one
797 |
because I got one do you like Pooky
798 |
I guess I hadn't met him but two or
799 |
three times but I guess Pooky is all
800 |
right you get married when did I what
801 |
age were you when you got married I was
802 |
17 years
803 |
old yeah I got a little bit to lose yeah
804 |
I did too I I wouldn't advis it yall
805 |
wait till you're about 37
806 |
37 what about never never I'd be better
807 |
what's Granny's alterg when she gets mad
808 |
huh grantha gran Brenda that's Brenda
809 |
810 |
Jane No when Granny gets mad she's
811 |
Brenda that ain't granny no more that's
812 |
Brenda amazing you Taco Bell let's get
813 |
you let's get yeah so here we have our
814 |
local Taco Bell this is my favorite
815 |
place to eat you could never offer me
816 |
Taco Bell I'm like ew no I'm not in the
817 |
mood for that I'm always down for Taco
818 |
Bell you want to buy hot freeze I've
819 |
never had one they're good we're taking
820 |
your Baja virginity with
821 |
you where she
822 |
be right with you what is she say so you
823 |
need Carol's raw reaction to a Baja
824 |
Blast mhm dude have you ever went to a
825 |
gas station and got like a Coke
826 |
freezy that's my [ __ ] so if you look to
827 |
the right right here this is where I was
828 |
working at it's my little spring Factory
829 |
oh a got very many people up in there
830 |
you worked inside there I see Trevor's
831 |
there that was my best buddy old pal I
832 |
just put Springs in a box and we shipped
833 |
them out I check them occasionally I
834 |
didn't like doing it I had to sit still
835 |
all day we're driving through Lewisburg
836 |
we're going to Cornersville to see where
837 |
we went to high school at they literally
838 |
had a tractor day people used to drive
839 |
tractors to [ __ ] every homecoming did
840 |
you drive a tractor to school hell no I
841 |
can barely drive a
842 |
car what do you call your car
843 |
Kirby why do you call them Kirby cuz I
844 |
run over a lot of Curves oh look at
845 |
these people planting trees okay and
846 |
they got B okay those are ghosts I was
847 |
going to say they got PL bags in their
848 |
[ __ ] trees remember they used to give
849 |
us the trees at school huh they didn't
850 |
ever give yall a tree hell no they
851 |
didn't give us a tree we were pouring
852 |
Corners well they wouldn't give us a
853 |
[ __ ] no thing of toilet paper to wipe
854 |
your ass on that's true or toilet paper
855 |
I swear to God that damn thin one little
856 |
poke through your finger now you got
857 |
[ __ ] on your finger going to graze that
858 |
[ __ ] up real good too maybe I should
859 |
make an ad tired of thin toilet paper
860 |
and walking around with skid marks in
861 |
your drawers after all day but You'
862 |
wiped nine times vote Haley for
863 |
president she'll fix that in your school
864 |
systems vote for Haley W and she's going
865 |
to spit on that [ __ ] campaign so
866 |
we're at our high school um we used to
867 |
cheer out here you don't got anything to
868 |
add W CS W CS go boogs I think have the
869 |
w foot are weading or no uh I got you
870 |
talk to her wait TI talk to her
871 |
subscribe to that thing this is Miss
872 |
Remy Jan and I've had her since she is a
873 |
baby she likes apples if you can't tell
874 |
she's going to give you a little
875 |
ASMR you like that yeah she likes that
876 |
and that's a wrap on this episode and I
877 |
hope you guys had fun hanging out with
878 |
me in my hometown and make sure you like
879 |
comment subscribe on this podcast
880 |