--- license: cc-by-nc-4.0 --- # SONAR [[Paper]](https://fb.workplace.com/groups/831302610278251/permalink/9713798772028546) (TODO: change for external link once published) [[Demo]](#usage) We introduce SONAR, a new multilingual and multimodal fixed-size sentence embedding space, with a full suite of speech and text encoders and decoders. It substantially outperforms existing sentence embeddings such as LASER3 and LabSE on the xsim and xsim++ multilingual similarity search tasks. Speech segments can be embedded in the same SONAR embedding space using language-specific speech encoders trained in a teacher-student setting on speech transcription data. We also provide a single text decoder, which allows us to perform text-to-text and speech-to-text machine translation, including for zero-shot language and modality combinations. *SONAR* stands for **S**entence-level multim**O**dal and la**N**guage-**A**gnostic **R**epresentations The full list of supported languages (along with download links) can be found here [below](#supported-languages-and-download-links). ## Installing SONAR depends mainly on [Fairseq2](https://github.com/fairinternal/fairseq2) and can be installed using (tested with `python=3.8`) ```bash pip install --upgrade pip pip config set global.extra-index-url https://test.pypi.org/simple/ pip install -e . ``` ## Usage fairseq2 will automatically download models into your `$TORCH_HOME/hub` directory upon using the commands below. ### Compute text sentence embeddings with SONAR: ```python from sonar.inference_pipelines.text import TextToEmbeddingModelPipeline t2vec_model = TextToEmbeddingModelPipeline(encoder="text_sonar_basic_encoder", tokenizer="text_sonar_basic_encoder") sentences = ['My name is SONAR.', 'I can embed the sentences into vectorial space.'] t2vec_model.predict(sentences, source_lang="eng_Latn").shape # torch.Size([2, 1024]) ``` ### Translate text with SONAR ```python from sonar.inference_pipelines.text import TextToTextModelPipeline t2t_model = TextToTextModelPipeline(encoder="text_sonar_basic_encoder", decoder="text_sonar_basic_decoder", tokenizer="text_sonar_basic_encoder") # tokenizer is attached to both encoder and decoder cards sentences = ['My name is SONAR.', 'I can embed the sentences into vectorial space.'] t2t_model.predict(sentences, source_lang="eng_Latn", target_lang="fra_Latn") # ['Mon nom est SONAR.', "Je peux intégrer les phrases dans l'espace vectoriel."] ``` ### Compute speech sentence embeddings with SONAR ```python from sonar.inference_pipelines.speech import SpeechToEmbeddingModelPipeline s2vec_model = SpeechToEmbeddingModelPipeline(encoder="sonar_speech_encoder_eng") s2vec_model.predict(["./tests/integration_tests/data/audio_files/audio_1.wav", "./tests/integration_tests/data/audio_files/audio_2.wav"]).shape # torch.Size([2, 1024]) import torchaudio inp, sr = torchaudio.load("./tests/integration_tests/data/audio_files/audio_1.wav") assert sr == 16000, "Sample rate should be 16kHz" s2vec_model.predict([inp]).shape # torch.Size([1, 1024]) ``` ### Speech-to-text translation with SONAR ```python from sonar.inference_pipelines.speech import SpeechToTextModelPipeline s2t_model = SpeechToTextModelPipeline(encoder="sonar_speech_encoder_eng", decoder="text_sonar_basic_decoder", tokenizer="text_sonar_basic_decoder") import torchaudio inp, sr = torchaudio.load("./tests/integration_tests/data/audio_files/audio_1.wav") assert sr == 16000, "Sample rate should be 16kHz" # passing loaded audio files s2t_model.predict([inp], target_lang="eng_Latn") # ['Television reports show white smoke coming from the plant.'] # passing multiple wav files s2t_model.predict(["./tests/integration_tests/data/audio_files/audio_1.wav", "./tests/integration_tests/data/audio_files/audio_2.wav"], target_lang="eng_Latn") # ['Television reports show white smoke coming from the plant.', # 'These couples may choose to make an adoption plan for their baby.'] ``` ### Predicting [cross-lingual semantic similarity](https://github.com/facebookresearch/fairseq/tree/nllb/examples/nllb/human_XSTS_eval) with BLASER 2 models ```Python import torch from sonar.models.blaser.loader import load_blaser_model blaser_ref = load_blaser_model("blaser_st2st_ref_v2_0").eval() blaser_qe = load_blaser_model("blaser_st2st_qe_v2_0").eval() # BLASER-2 is supposed to work with SONAR speech and text embeddings, # but we didn't include their extraction in this snippet, to keep it simple. emb = torch.ones([1, 1024]) print(blaser_ref(src=emb, ref=emb, mt=emb).item()) # 5.2552 print(blaser_qe(src=emb, mt=emb).item()) # 4.9819 ``` See more complete demo notebooks : * [sonar text2text similarity and translation](examples/sonar_text_demo.ipynb) * [sonar speech2text and other data pipeline examples](examples/inference_pipelines.ipynb) ## Model details - **Developed by:** Paul-Ambroise Duquenne et al. - **License:** CC-BY-NC 4.0 license - **Cite as:** @article{Duquenne:2023:sonar_arxiv, author = {Paul-Ambroise Duquenne and Holger Schwenk and Benoit Sagot}, title = {{SONAR:} Sentence-Level Multimodal and Language-Agnostic Representations}, publisher = {arXiv}, year = {2023}, url = {https://arxiv.org/abs/unk}, }