from typing import Optional, Union, Dict, Any, List import torch import math import PIL.Image import PIL.ImageSequence import numpy as np import PIL from PIL import Image from transformers.utils import TensorType, requires_backends, is_torch_dtype, is_torch_device from transformers.image_processing_utils import BaseImageProcessor, BatchFeature from transformers import AutoImageProcessor from transformers.image_transforms import to_channel_dimension_format from transformers.image_utils import ( ImageInput, make_list_of_images, valid_images, is_torch_tensor, is_batched, to_numpy_array, infer_channel_dimension_format, ChannelDimension ) def recursive_converter(converter, value): if isinstance(value, list): new_value = [] for v in value: new_value += [recursive_converter(converter, v)] return new_value else: return converter(value) class MiniCPMVBatchFeature(BatchFeature): r""" Extend from BatchFeature for supporting various image size """ def __init__(self, data: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, tensor_type: Union[None, str, TensorType] = None): super().__init__(data) self.convert_to_tensors(tensor_type=tensor_type) def convert_to_tensors(self, tensor_type: Optional[Union[str, TensorType]] = None): if tensor_type is None: return self is_tensor, as_tensor = self._get_is_as_tensor_fns(tensor_type) def converter(value): try: if not is_tensor(value): tensor = as_tensor(value) return tensor except: # noqa E722 if key == "overflowing_values": raise ValueError("Unable to create tensor returning overflowing values of different lengths. ") raise ValueError( "Unable to create tensor, you should probably activate padding " "with 'padding=True' to have batched tensors with the same length." ) for key, value in self.items(): self[key] = recursive_converter(converter, value) return self def to(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "MiniCPMVBatchFeature": requires_backends(self, ["torch"]) import torch def cast_tensor(v): # check if v is a floating point if torch.is_floating_point(v): # cast and send to device return*args, **kwargs) elif device is not None: return else: return v new_data = {} device = kwargs.get("device") # Check if the args are a device or a dtype if device is None and len(args) > 0: # device should be always the first argument arg = args[0] if is_torch_dtype(arg): # The first argument is a dtype pass elif isinstance(arg, str) or is_torch_device(arg) or isinstance(arg, int): device = arg else: # it's something else raise ValueError(f"Attempting to cast a BatchFeature to type {str(arg)}. This is not supported.") # We cast only floating point tensors to avoid issues with tokenizers casting `LongTensor` to `FloatTensor` for k, v in self.items(): new_data[k] = recursive_converter(cast_tensor, v) = new_data return self class MiniCPMVImageProcessor(BaseImageProcessor): model_input_names = ["pixel_values"] def __init__( self, max_slice_nums=9, scale_resolution=448, patch_size=14, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.max_slice_nums = max_slice_nums self.scale_resolution = scale_resolution self.patch_size = patch_size self.use_image_id = kwargs.pop("use_image_id", False) self.image_feature_size = kwargs.pop("image_feature_size", 64) self.im_start_token = kwargs.pop("im_start", "<image>") self.im_end_token = kwargs.pop("im_end", "</image>") self.slice_start_token = kwargs.pop("slice_start", "<slice>") self.slice_end_token = kwargs.pop("slice_end", "</slice>") self.unk_token = kwargs.pop("unk", "<unk>") self.im_id_start = kwargs.pop("im_id_start", "<image_id>") self.im_id_end = kwargs.pop("im_id_end", "</image_id>") self.slice_mode = kwargs.pop("slice_mode", True) self.mean = np.array(kwargs.pop("norm_mean", [0.5, 0.5, 0.5])) self.std = np.array(kwargs.pop("norm_std", [0.5, 0.5, 0.5])) self.version = kwargs.pop("version", 2.0) def ensure_divide(self, length, patch_size): return max(round(length / patch_size) * patch_size, patch_size) def find_best_resize(self, original_size, scale_resolution, patch_size, allow_upscale=False): width, height = original_size if (width * height > scale_resolution * scale_resolution) or allow_upscale: r = width / height height = int(scale_resolution / math.sqrt(r)) width = int(height * r) best_width = self.ensure_divide(width, patch_size) best_height = self.ensure_divide(height, patch_size) return (best_width, best_height) def get_refine_size(self, original_size, grid, scale_resolution, patch_size, allow_upscale=False): width, height = original_size grid_x, grid_y = grid refine_width = self.ensure_divide(width, grid_x) refine_height = self.ensure_divide(height, grid_y) grid_width = refine_width / grid_x grid_height = refine_height / grid_y best_grid_size = self.find_best_resize((grid_width, grid_height), scale_resolution, patch_size, allow_upscale=allow_upscale) refine_size = (best_grid_size[0] * grid_x, best_grid_size[1] * grid_y) return refine_size def split_to_patches(self, image, grid): patches = [] width, height = image.size grid_x = int(width / grid[0]) grid_y = int(height / grid[1]) for i in range(0, height, grid_y): images = [] for j in range(0, width, grid_x): box = (j, i, j + grid_x, i + grid_y) patch = image.crop(box) images.append(patch) patches.append(images) return patches def slice_image( self, image, max_slice_nums=9, scale_resolution=448, patch_size=14, never_split=False ): original_size = image.size source_image = None best_grid = self.get_sliced_grid(original_size, max_slice_nums, never_split) patches = [] if best_grid is None: # dont need to slice, upsample best_size = self.find_best_resize( original_size, scale_resolution, patch_size, allow_upscale=True ) source_image = image.resize(best_size, resample=Image.Resampling.BICUBIC) else: # source image, down-sampling and ensure divided by patch_size best_resize = self.find_best_resize(original_size, scale_resolution, patch_size) source_image = image.copy().resize(best_resize, resample=Image.Resampling.BICUBIC) refine_size = self.get_refine_size( original_size, best_grid, scale_resolution, patch_size, allow_upscale=True ) refine_image = image.resize(refine_size, resample=Image.Resampling.BICUBIC) patches = self.split_to_patches(refine_image, best_grid) return source_image, patches, best_grid def get_grid_placeholder(self, grid): if grid is None: return "" slice_image_placeholder = ( self.slice_start_token + self.unk_token * self.image_feature_size + self.slice_end_token ) cols = grid[0] rows = grid[1] slices = [] for i in range(rows): lines = [] for j in range(cols): lines.append(slice_image_placeholder) slices.append("".join(lines)) slice_placeholder = "\n".join(slices) return slice_placeholder def get_image_id_placeholder(self, idx=0): return f"{self.im_id_start}{idx}{self.im_id_end}" def get_sliced_images(self, image, max_slice_nums=None): slice_images = [] if not self.slice_mode: return [image] max_slice_nums = self.max_slice_nums if max_slice_nums is None else int(max_slice_nums) assert max_slice_nums > 0 source_image, patches, sliced_grid = self.slice_image( image, max_slice_nums, # default: 9 self.scale_resolution, # default: 448 self.patch_size # default: 14 ) slice_images.append(source_image) if len(patches) > 0: for i in range(len(patches)): for j in range(len(patches[0])): slice_images.append(patches[i][j]) return slice_images def get_sliced_grid(self, image_size, max_slice_nums, nerver_split=False): original_width, original_height = image_size log_ratio = math.log(original_width / original_height) ratio = original_width * original_height / (self.scale_resolution * self.scale_resolution) multiple = min(math.ceil(ratio), max_slice_nums) if multiple <= 1 or nerver_split: return None candidate_split_grids_nums = [] for i in [multiple - 1, multiple, multiple + 1]: if i == 1 or i > max_slice_nums: continue candidate_split_grids_nums.append(i) candidate_grids = [] for split_grids_nums in candidate_split_grids_nums: m = 1 while m <= split_grids_nums: if split_grids_nums % m == 0: candidate_grids.append([m, split_grids_nums // m]) m += 1 best_grid = [1, 1] min_error = float("inf") for grid in candidate_grids: error = abs(log_ratio - math.log(grid[0] / grid[1])) if error < min_error: best_grid = grid min_error = error return best_grid def get_slice_image_placeholder(self, image_size, image_idx=0, max_slice_nums=None, use_image_id=None): max_slice_nums = self.max_slice_nums if max_slice_nums is None else int(max_slice_nums) assert max_slice_nums > 0 grid = self.get_sliced_grid(image_size=image_size, max_slice_nums=max_slice_nums) image_placeholder = ( self.im_start_token + self.unk_token * self.image_feature_size + self.im_end_token ) use_image_id = self.use_image_id if use_image_id is None else bool(use_image_id) if use_image_id: final_placeholder = self.get_image_id_placeholder(image_idx) + image_placeholder else: final_placeholder = image_placeholder if self.slice_mode: final_placeholder = final_placeholder + self.get_grid_placeholder(grid=grid) return final_placeholder def to_pil_image(self, image, rescale=None) -> PIL.Image.Image: """ Converts `image` to a PIL Image. Optionally rescales it and puts the channel dimension back as the last axis if needed. Args: image (`PIL.Image.Image` or `numpy.ndarray` or `torch.Tensor`): The image to convert to the PIL Image format. rescale (`bool`, *optional*): Whether or not to apply the scaling factor (to make pixel values integers between 0 and 255). Will default to `True` if the image type is a floating type, `False` otherwise. """ if isinstance(image, PIL.Image.Image): return image if is_torch_tensor(image): image = image.numpy() if isinstance(image, np.ndarray): if rescale is None: # rescale default to the array being of floating type. rescale = isinstance(image.flat[0], np.floating) # If the channel as been moved to first dim, we put it back at the end. if image.ndim == 3 and image.shape[0] in [1, 3]: image = image.transpose(1, 2, 0) if rescale: image = image * 255 image = image.astype(np.uint8) return PIL.Image.fromarray(image) return image def reshape_by_patch(self, image): """ :param image: shape [3, H, W] :param patch_size: :return: [3, patch_size, HW/patch_size] """ image = torch.from_numpy(image) patch_size = self.patch_size patches = torch.nn.functional.unfold( image, (patch_size, patch_size), stride=(patch_size, patch_size) ) patches = patches.reshape(image.size(0), patch_size, patch_size, -1) patches = patches.permute(0, 1, 3, 2).reshape(image.size(0), patch_size, -1) return patches.numpy() def preprocess( self, images: Union[Image.Image, List[Image.Image], List[List[Image.Image]]], do_pad: Optional[bool] = True, # TODO: add pad for MiniCPM-Llama3-V-2_5 max_slice_nums: int = None, return_tensors: Optional[Union[str, TensorType]] = None, **kwargs ) -> MiniCPMVBatchFeature: if isinstance(images, Image.Image): images_list = [[images]] elif isinstance(images[0], Image.Image): images_list = [images] else: images_list = images new_images_list = [] image_sizes_list = [] tgt_sizes_list = [] for _images in images_list: if _images is None or len(_images) == 0: new_images_list.append([]) image_sizes_list.append([]) tgt_sizes_list.append([]) continue if not valid_images(_images): raise ValueError( "Invalid image type. Must be of type PIL.Image.Image, numpy.ndarray, " "torch.Tensor, tf.Tensor or jax.ndarray." ) _images = [self.to_pil_image(image).convert("RGB") for image in _images] input_data_format = infer_channel_dimension_format(np.array(_images[0])) new_images = [] image_sizes = [image.size for image in _images] tgt_sizes = [] for image in _images: image_patches = self.get_sliced_images(image, max_slice_nums) image_patches = [to_numpy_array(image).astype(np.float32) / 255 for image in image_patches] image_patches = [ self.normalize(image=image, mean=self.mean, std=self.std, input_data_format=input_data_format) for image in image_patches ] image_patches = [ to_channel_dimension_format(image, ChannelDimension.FIRST, input_channel_dim=input_data_format) for image in image_patches ] for slice_image in image_patches: new_images.append(self.reshape_by_patch(slice_image)) tgt_sizes.append(np.array((slice_image.shape[1] // self.patch_size, slice_image.shape[2] // self.patch_size))) if tgt_sizes: tgt_sizes = np.vstack(tgt_sizes) new_images_list.append(new_images) image_sizes_list.append(image_sizes) tgt_sizes_list.append(tgt_sizes) return MiniCPMVBatchFeature( data={"pixel_values": new_images_list, "image_sizes": image_sizes_list, "tgt_sizes": tgt_sizes_list}, tensor_type=return_tensors ) AutoImageProcessor.register("MiniCPMVImageProcessor", MiniCPMVImageProcessor)