func = function (x, y) { |
xup <- if (is.data.frame(x)) x else as.data.frame(x) |
xup$Class <- y |
frqtab <- data.frame(table(xup[,c("Class", "scn")])) |
frqmax <- frqtab[tail(order(frqtab$Freq),1),] |
xup <- rbind(xup[xup$scn%in%frqmax$scn & xup$Class%in%frqmax$Class ,], |
xup[sample(rownames(xup[xup$scn%in%frqmax$scn & !xup$Class%in%frqmax$Class ,]), size = frqmax$Freq, replace = T),], |
xup[sample(rownames(xup[!xup$scn%in%frqmax$scn & !xup$Class%in%frqmax$Class ,]), size = frqmax$Freq, replace = T),], |
xup[sample(rownames(xup[!xup$scn%in%frqmax$scn & xup$Class%in%frqmax$Class ,]), size = frqmax$Freq, replace = T),] |
) |
list(x=xup[, !grepl("Class", colnames(xup), fixed = TRUE)], |
y=xup$Class) |
} |
samplingfct <- list(name = "upsampling to balance Class and scn!", |
func = func, |
first = TRUE) |
fitControl <- caret::trainControl( |
method = "repeatedcv", |
number = 10, |
repeats = 2, |
sampling = samplingfct, |
classProbs = T |
) |
modelperformance <- function(out) { |
res <- c(multiClassSummary(out, lev = c("pathogenic", "neutral")), |
mcc(preds = ifelse(out$pred%in%"pathogenic", 1, 0), |
actuals = ifelse(out$obs%in%"pathogenic", 1, 0)), |
round(twoClassSummary(out, lev = c("pathogenic", "neutral")), digits = 2) ) |
names(res)[15] <- "MCC" |
return(res[c("Balanced_Accuracy", "Sens", "Spec","AUC","Precision","Recall","F1", "prAUC","Kappa", "MCC")]) |
} |
predictpath <- function(varallmod, modeltype) |
{ |
suppressWarnings(RNGversion("3.5.3")) |
set.seed(999) |
inTraining <- createDataPartition(as.factor(varallmod$gene), p = .9, list = FALSE) |
training <- varallmod[ inTraining,] |
training$gene <- as.factor(training$gene) |
uptrainpath <- upSample(training[Class%in%"pathogenic"], training[Class%in%"pathogenic"]$gene, yname = "gene1") |
uptrainneut <- upSample(training[Class%in%"neutral"], training[Class%in%"neutral"]$gene, yname = "gene1") |
uptrain <- rbind(uptrainpath, uptrainneut) |
uptrain <- uptrain[,!colnames(uptrain)%in%c("gene", "gene1","protid")] |
training <- uptrain |
testing <- as.data.frame(varallmod)[-inTraining,] |
cl <- makePSOCKcluster(5) |
registerDoParallel(cl) |
set.seed(825) |
starttime <- as.character(Sys.time()) |
print(c("start training at", starttime), quote = F) |
gbmFit1_2 <- train(Class ~ ., data = training, |
method = modeltype, |
trControl = fitControl, |
verbose = FALSE) |
starttime <- as.character(Sys.time()) |
print(c("finish training at", starttime), quote = F) |
model1 <- gbmFit1_2 |
test_data <- testing$Class |
out <- data.frame(obs= test_data, |
neutral = predict(model1, newdata = testing, type = "prob")[,"neutral"], |
pathogenic = predict(model1, newdata = testing, type = "prob")[,"pathogenic"], |
pred= predict(model1, newdata = testing) |
,gene=testing$gene |
,protid=testing$protid |
) |
return(list(out, gbmFit1_2)) |
stopCluster(cl) |
} |