import multiprocessing import os from tqdm import tqdm from sklearn.preprocessing import MultiLabelBinarizer try: from import Data except ImportError: raise Exception('You need to install torch geometric and its dependecies to use this model please refer to') import torch import numpy as np from .conversion import convert_nx_to_pyg_data try: from graphein.protein.config import ProteinGraphConfig, DSSPConfig from graphein.protein.features.nodes.amino_acid import amino_acid_one_hot, meiler_embedding, expasy_protein_scale, hydrogen_bond_acceptor, hydrogen_bond_donor from graphein.protein.features.nodes.dssp import phi, psi, asa, rsa, secondary_structure from graphein.protein.edges.distance import (add_peptide_bonds, add_hydrogen_bond_interactions, add_disulfide_interactions, add_ionic_interactions, add_delaunay_triangulation, add_distance_threshold, add_sequence_distance_edges, add_k_nn_edges) except ImportError: raise Exception('You need to install graphein from source in addition to DSSP to use this model please refer to and') from functools import partial from .graphs import * from .utils_dataset import * import os import sys import subprocess import wget class PDB2Graph(): def __init__(self, root, output_folder, config, n_processors=int(multiprocessing.cpu_count())): self.root = root self.output_folder = output_folder self.map_secondary_structure = {'-':0, 'H':1, 'B':2, 'E':3, 'G':4, 'I':5, 'T':6, 'S':7} self.init_ohe_edge_type() self.config = config self.features = ['phi', 'psi', 'rsa', 'asa', 'ss', 'expasy'] self.n_processors = n_processors self.raw_dir = root self.processed_dir = self._processed_dir() self.raw_file_names = self._raw_file_names() self.processed_file_names = self._processed_file_names() def _processed_dir(self): #processed_dir = os.path.join(os.path.split(self.root)[0], "processed_new") if not os.path.exists(self.output_folder): os.makedirs(self.output_folder) return self.output_folder def _raw_file_names(self): return os.listdir(self.raw_dir) def _processed_file_names(self): return [self.pdb2pathdata(pdb_path.split(".")[0]) for pdb_path in self.raw_file_names] def create_nx_graph(self, path_to_structure): return construct_graph(self.config, pdb_path = path_to_structure) def create_pyg_graph(self, path_to_structure): pyg_graph = convert_nx_to_pyg_data(self.create_nx_graph(path_to_structure)) graph = Data(edge_index = pyg_graph.edge_index, num_nodes = len(pyg_graph.node_id), node_id = pyg_graph.node_id, name =[0], sequence = getattr(pyg_graph, f"sequence_{pyg_graph.chain_id[0]}"), distance_matrix = pyg_graph.dist_mat, distance = pyg_graph.distance, coordinates = torch.FloatTensor(np.array(pyg_graph.coords[0]))) #create the features x = np.array([np.argmax(pyg_graph.amino_acid_one_hot, axis=1)]).reshape(-1,1) for feat in self.features: if feat == "ss": feature = np.array([[self.map_secondary_structure.get(feat_node, 0)] \ for feat_node in pyg_graph[feat]]) else: feature = np.array(pyg_graph[feat]) if len(feature.shape) == 1: feature = feature.reshape(-1,1) x = np.concatenate((x, feature), axis = 1) graph.edge_type = graph.x = torch.FloatTensor(x) # y = self.annotations["_")[0]] # if self.task == 'GeneOntology' : # graph.y_mf = torch.FloatTensor(y["mf"]) # graph.y_cc = torch.FloatTensor(y["cc"]) # graph.y_bp = torch.FloatTensor(y["bp"]) # else: # graph.y_ec = torch.FloatTensor(y["ec"]) return graph def init_ohe_edge_type(self): = MultiLabelBinarizer(classes = ['peptide_bond', 'sequence_distance_2', 'sequence_distance_3' , 'distance_threshold', 'delaunay', 'hbond', 'k_nn'])[['peptide_bond', 'sequence_distance_2', 'sequence_distance_3' , 'distance_threshold', 'delaunay', 'hbond', 'k_nn']]) def process(self): """Convert the PDB files into torch geometric graphs""" # self.pdb2graph = PDB2Graph(self.config) to_be_processed = self.get_files_to_process() # pool = multiprocessing.Pool(self.n_processors) # for _ in tqdm(pool.imap_unordered(self.graph_creation, to_be_processed), total=len(to_be_processed)): # continue # pool.close() # pool.join() processes = [] for prot in tqdm(to_be_processed): p = multiprocessing.Process(target=self.graph_creation, args=(prot,)) processes.append(p) p.start() for process in processes: process.join() def graph_creation(self, pdb): """Create a graph from the PDB file""" # Define the path_to_structure from the pdb name file path_to_structure = self.pdb2pathstructure(pdb) # Convert the structure into a graph g = self.create_pyg_graph(path_to_structure) # Save the graph, os.path.join(self.output_folder, self.pdb2pathdata(pdb))) return None def pdb2pathdata(self, pdb): return pdb+'.pt' def pdb2pathstructure(self, pdb): return os.path.join(self.raw_dir, pdb+'.pdb') def get_files_to_process(self): RAW_FILES = self.processed_file_names PROCESSED_FILES = os.listdir(self.processed_dir) to_be_processed = set(RAW_FILES).difference(set(PROCESSED_FILES)) to_be_processed = [path.split('.')[0] for path in to_be_processed] return to_be_processed def download_alphafold_structure( uniprot_id: str, out_dir: str, version: int = 4 ): BASE_URL = "" uniprot_id = uniprot_id.upper() query_url = f"{BASE_URL}AF-{uniprot_id}-F1-model_v{version}.pdb" structure_filename = os.path.join(out_dir, f"AF-{uniprot_id}-F1-model_v{version}.pdb") if os.path.exists(structure_filename): return structure_filename try: structure_filename =, out=out_dir) except: print('Error.. could not download: ', f"AF-{uniprot_id}-F1-model_v{version}.pdb") return None return structure_filename