import numpy as np |
import warnings |
__all__ = [ |
'mean_average_precision', |
'ndcg_at', |
'precision_at', |
] |
def _require_positive_k(k): |
"""Helper function to avoid copy/pasted code for validating K""" |
if k <= 0: |
raise ValueError("ranking position k should be positive") |
def _mean_ranking_metric(predictions, labels, metric): |
"""Helper function for precision_at_k and mean_average_precision""" |
return np.mean([ |
metric(np.asarray(prd), np.asarray(labels[i])) |
for i, prd in enumerate(predictions) |
]) |
def _warn_for_empty_labels(): |
"""Helper for missing ground truth sets""" |
warnings.warn("Empty ground truth set! Check input data") |
return 0. |
def precision_at(predictions, labels, k=10, assume_unique=True): |
"""Compute the precision at K. |
Compute the average precision of all the queries, truncated at |
ranking position k. If for a query, the ranking algorithm returns |
n (n is less than k) results, the precision value will be computed |
as #(relevant items retrieved) / k. This formula also applies when |
the size of the ground truth set is less than k. |
If a query has an empty ground truth set, zero will be used as |
precision together with a warning. |
Parameters |
---------- |
predictions : array-like, shape=(n_predictions,) |
The prediction array. The items that were predicted, in descending |
order of relevance. |
labels : array-like, shape=(n_ratings,) |
The labels (positively-rated items). |
k : int, optional (default=10) |
The rank at which to measure the precision. |
assume_unique : bool, optional (default=True) |
Whether to assume the items in the labels and predictions are each |
unique. That is, the same item is not predicted multiple times or |
rated multiple times. |
Examples |
-------- |
>>> # predictions for 3 users |
>>> preds = [[1, 6, 2, 7, 8, 3, 9, 10, 4, 5], |
... [4, 1, 5, 6, 2, 7, 3, 8, 9, 10], |
... [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]] |
>>> # labels for the 3 users |
>>> labels = [[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [1, 2, 3], []] |
>>> precision_at(preds, labels, 1) |
0.33333333333333331 |
>>> precision_at(preds, labels, 5) |
0.26666666666666666 |
>>> precision_at(preds, labels, 15) |
0.17777777777777778 |
""" |
_require_positive_k(k) |
def _inner_pk(pred, lab): |
if lab.shape[0] > 0: |
n = min(pred.shape[0], k) |
cnt = np.in1d(pred[:n], lab, assume_unique=assume_unique).sum() |
return float(cnt) / k |
else: |
return _warn_for_empty_labels() |
return _mean_ranking_metric(predictions, labels, _inner_pk) |
def mean_average_precision(predictions, labels, assume_unique=True): |
"""Compute the mean average precision on predictions and labels. |
Returns the mean average precision (MAP) of all the queries. If a query |
has an empty ground truth set, the average precision will be zero and a |
warning is generated. |
Parameters |
---------- |
predictions : array-like, shape=(n_predictions,) |
The prediction array. The items that were predicted, in descending |
order of relevance. |
labels : array-like, shape=(n_ratings,) |
The labels (positively-rated items). |
assume_unique : bool, optional (default=True) |
Whether to assume the items in the labels and predictions are each |
unique. That is, the same item is not predicted multiple times or |
rated multiple times. |
Examples |
-------- |
>>> # predictions for 3 users |
>>> preds = [[1, 6, 2, 7, 8, 3, 9, 10, 4, 5], |
... [4, 1, 5, 6, 2, 7, 3, 8, 9, 10], |
... [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]] |
>>> # labels for the 3 users |
>>> labels = [[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [1, 2, 3], []] |
>>> mean_average_precision(preds, labels) |
0.35502645502645497 |
""" |
def _inner_map(pred, lab): |
if lab.shape[0]: |
n = pred.shape[0] |
arange = np.arange(n, dtype=np.float32) + 1. |
present = np.in1d(pred[:n], lab, assume_unique=assume_unique) |
prec_sum = np.ones(present.sum()).cumsum() |
denom = arange[present] |
return (prec_sum / denom).sum() / lab.shape[0] |
else: |
return _warn_for_empty_labels() |
return _mean_ranking_metric(predictions, labels, _inner_map) |
def ndcg_at(predictions, labels, k=10, assume_unique=True): |
"""Compute the normalized discounted cumulative gain at K. |
Compute the average NDCG value of all the queries, truncated at ranking |
position k. The discounted cumulative gain at position k is computed as: |
sum,,i=1,,^k^ (2^{relevance of ''i''th item}^ - 1) / log(i + 1) |
and the NDCG is obtained by dividing the DCG value on the ground truth set. |
In the current implementation, the relevance value is binary. |
If a query has an empty ground truth set, zero will be used as |
NDCG together with a warning. |
Parameters |
---------- |
predictions : array-like, shape=(n_predictions,) |
The prediction array. The items that were predicted, in descending |
order of relevance. |
labels : array-like, shape=(n_ratings,) |
The labels (positively-rated items). |
k : int, optional (default=10) |
The rank at which to measure the NDCG. |
assume_unique : bool, optional (default=True) |
Whether to assume the items in the labels and predictions are each |
unique. That is, the same item is not predicted multiple times or |
rated multiple times. |
Examples |
-------- |
>>> # predictions for 3 users |
>>> preds = [[1, 6, 2, 7, 8, 3, 9, 10, 4, 5], |
... [4, 1, 5, 6, 2, 7, 3, 8, 9, 10], |
... [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]] |
>>> # labels for the 3 users |
>>> labels = [[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [1, 2, 3], []] |
>>> ndcg_at(preds, labels, 3) |
0.3333333432674408 |
>>> ndcg_at(preds, labels, 10) |
0.48791273434956867 |
References |
---------- |
.. [1] K. Jarvelin and J. Kekalainen, "IR evaluation methods for |
retrieving highly relevant documents." |
""" |
_require_positive_k(k) |
def _inner_ndcg(pred, lab): |
if lab.shape[0]: |
if not assume_unique: |
lab = np.unique(lab) |
n_lab = lab.shape[0] |
n_pred = pred.shape[0] |
n = min(max(n_pred, n_lab), k) |
arange = np.arange(n, dtype=np.float32) |
arange = arange[:n_pred] |
denom = np.log2(arange + 2.) |
gains = 1. / denom |
dcg_mask = np.in1d(pred[:n], lab, assume_unique=assume_unique) |
dcg = gains[dcg_mask].sum() |
max_dcg = gains[arange < n_lab].sum() |
return dcg / max_dcg |
else: |
return _warn_for_empty_labels() |
return _mean_ranking_metric(predictions, labels, _inner_ndcg) |