poet-validators / utils /poet_model_utils.py
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import torch
class PoetModelInterface(torch.nn.Module):
"""Pytorch Model Interface. Abstract class for all Poet model types
torch (_type_): Is child of torch.nn.Module for integration with torch and huggingface
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
""" Constructor. As child Class needs to construct Parent
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def forward(self, input_ids=None, labels=None, attention_mask=None, *args, **kwargs):
"""Compute model output and model loss
input_ids (_type_, optional): Model inputs. Defaults to None.
labels (_type_, optional): Language Model labels. Defaults to None.
attention_mask (_type_, optional): Attention mask where padding starts. Defaults to None.
NotImplementedError: Abstract class
raise NotImplementedError()
def generate_forced(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Generates model output with restriction on inputs and past generation
NotImplementedError: Abstract class
raise NotImplementedError()
def rhyme_like(rhyme:str):
"""DEPRECATED: Check string in rhyme format
rhyme (str): String with possible rhyme
bool: Boolean if string like rhyme
return rhyme.isupper() and len(rhyme) in [4,6]
def save_LM(self, LM_path):
"""Save raw LM
LM_path (str): Where to store the LM
NotImplementedError: Abstract class
raise NotImplementedError()
from transformers import GPT2Config, GPT2Model
from .poet_utils import StropheParams
class ContextModule(torch.nn.Module):
"""Module for understanding poet context
torch (_type_): Is child of torch.nn.Module for integration with torch and huggingface
def __init__(self, block_count, input_size, n_embd ,output_size,*args, **kwargs) -> None:
"""Construct the underlying small LM for context
block_count (_type_): LM number of blocks of GPT2Block
input_size (_type_): LM size of input
n_embd (_type_): LM size of hidden layers
output_size (_type_): LM size of output
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.config = GPT2Config(n_positions=input_size, n_head=(n_embd//(768//12)),n_embd=n_embd,
n_layer=block_count, output_hidden_states=True, output_attentions =True)
self.context_model = GPT2Model(self.config)
self.linear_downscale = torch.nn.Linear(n_embd, output_size)
self.input_size = input_size
self.n_embd = n_embd
self.output_size = output_size
# Context is getting injected from Outside
self.context_ids = None
self.context_attention_mask = None
def forward(self, hidden_states,layer_past=None,*args, **kwargs):
"""Compute Context LM output, Data are injected from outside
hidden_states (_type_): Current hidden states
layer_past (_type_, optional): Past layer outputs. Defaults to None.
_type_: GPT2Block structured output (hidden states, layer past, attention, keys)
down = torch.zeros_like(hidden_states)
model_output = None
# Sometimes there might be no context
if self.context_ids != None:
model_output = self.context_model.forward(input_ids=self.context_ids, attention_mask=self.context_attention_mask)
# Take only the Class token as
down = self.linear_downscale.forward(model_output["hidden_states"][-1][:,0,:].view(-1, self.n_embd))[:, None, :]
return (hidden_states + down,
down[None, :, :, :],
(None if model_output == None else model_output["attentions"],
class PoetTypeModule(torch.nn.Module):
"""Module to classify poet type
torch (_type_): Is child of torch.nn.Module for integration with torch and huggingface
def __init__(self, block_count, input_size, n_embd,output_size,*args, **kwargs) -> None:
"""Construct LM for poet classification from inputs
block_count (_type_): LM number of blocks of GPT2Block
input_size (_type_): LM size of input
n_embd (_type_): LM size of hidden layers
output_size (_type_): LM size of output
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.config = GPT2Config(n_positions=input_size, n_head=(n_embd//(768//12)),n_embd=n_embd,
n_layer=block_count, output_hidden_states=True, output_attentions =True)
self.type_model = GPT2Model(self.config)
self.type_predict = torch.nn.Linear(n_embd, len(StropheParams.YEAR))
self.softmax = torch.nn.Softmax()
self.linear_scale = torch.nn.Linear(len(StropheParams.YEAR), output_size)
self.input_size = input_size
self.n_embd = n_embd
self.output_size = output_size
# Context and labels are getting injected from Outside
self.context_ids = None
self.context_attention_mask = None
# Store for loss for model itself
def forward(self, hidden_states,layer_past=None,*args, **kwargs):
"""Compute Classification LM output and loss
hidden_states (_type_): Current hidden states
layer_past (_type_, optional): Past layer outputs. Defaults to None.
_type_: GPT2Block structured output (hidden states, layer past, attention, keys)
type_prob = torch.zeros((hidden_states.shape[0], len(StropheParams.YEAR))).to("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
model_output = None
# Sometimes there might be no context
if self.context_ids != None:
model_output = self.type_model.forward(input_ids=self.context_ids, attention_mask=self.context_attention_mask)
# Only Class token is taken
poet_type = self.type_predict.forward(model_output["hidden_states"][-1][:,0,:].view(-1, self.n_embd))
type_prob = self.softmax.forward(poet_type)
# If type labels are present, inject the true labels to future blocks
if self.type_labels != None:
loss_fct = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
self.indiv_loss = loss_fct(type_prob, self.type_labels)
type_prob = (self.type_labels.type(torch.FloatTensor)).to("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
linear_up = self.linear_scale.forward(type_prob)
return (hidden_states + linear_up[:, None, :],
linear_up[None, :, None, :],
(None if model_output == None else model_output["attentions"],
from transformers import PreTrainedTokenizerBase
class ModelManipulation:
"""Static Class incorporating methods for Manipulation with LMs
Code Inspired by article: Fine-tuning the English GPT-2 in any language with Hugging Face
Link: https://github.com/piegu/fastai-projects/blob/master/finetuning-English-GPT2-any-language-Portuguese-HuggingFace-fastaiv2.ipynb
def exchange_embedding(poet_model: PoetModelInterface, new_tokenizer: PreTrainedTokenizerBase, old_tokenizer: PreTrainedTokenizerBase, mirror_imbed:bool=False):
"""Exchange embedding matrixes for GPT2 Models
poet_model (PoetModelInterface): Model to manipulate with
new_tokenizer (PreTrainedTokenizerBase): New tokenization
old_tokenizer (PreTrainedTokenizerBase): Old tokenization
# Get old Embeddings
if hasattr(poet_model.model, "transformer"):
old_embed_in = poet_model.model.transformer.get_input_embeddings().weight.clone().detach()
old_embed_in = poet_model.model.get_input_embeddings().weight.clone().detach()
old_mean_in = old_embed_in.mean(0)
# Generate new Embedding based on new tokenization
new_embd_in = old_embed_in.new_zeros(new_tokenizer.vocab_size, old_embed_in.size(1))
old_vocab = old_tokenizer.get_vocab()
vocab_hit = 0
# Keep as much from old Embeddings as possible
for w, idx_new in new_tokenizer.get_vocab().items():
idx_old = old_vocab.get(w, -1)
if idx_old >= 0:
new_embd_in[idx_new] = old_embed_in[idx_old]
vocab_hit +=1
new_embd_in[idx_new] = old_mean_in
print(f"Vocab hit rate: {vocab_hit}/{old_tokenizer.vocab_size}")
#Exchange Embeddings and Decoding
new_embd_layer_in = torch.nn.Embedding(new_tokenizer.vocab_size, old_embed_in.size(1))
new_embd_layer_in.weight.data = new_embd_in
if hasattr(poet_model.model, "transformer"):
new_decoder = torch.nn.Linear( old_embed_in.size(1), new_tokenizer.vocab_size, bias=False)
if hasattr(poet_model.model, "transformer"):
new_decoder.weight = poet_model.model.transformer.wte.weight
new_decoder.weight = poet_model.model.base_model.embeddings.weight
if hasattr(poet_model.model, "lm_head"):
poet_model.model.lm_head = new_decoder
poet_model.model.head = new_decoder
# Update LM config to reflect possible change in vocab size
poet_model.model.config.vocab_size = new_tokenizer.vocab_size
def exchange_embedding_roberta(metre_model, new_tokenizer: PreTrainedTokenizerBase, old_tokenizer: PreTrainedTokenizerBase):
"""Exchange embedding matrixes for Roberta Models
poet_model (PoetModelInterface): Model to manipulate with
new_tokenizer (PreTrainedTokenizerBase): New tokenization
old_tokenizer (PreTrainedTokenizerBase): Old tokenization
# Get old Embeddings
old_embed = metre_model.model.get_input_embeddings().weight.clone().detach()
old_mean = old_embed.mean(0)
# Generate new Embedding based on new tokenization
new_embd = old_embed.new_zeros(new_tokenizer.vocab_size, old_embed.size(1))
old_vocab = old_tokenizer.get_vocab()
vocab_hit = 0
# Keep as much from old Embeddings as possible
for w, idx_new in new_tokenizer.get_vocab().items():
idx_old = old_vocab.get(w, -1)
if idx_old >= 0:
new_embd[idx_new] = old_embed[idx_old]
vocab_hit +=1
new_embd[idx_new] = old_mean
print(f"Vocab hit rate: {vocab_hit}/{old_tokenizer.vocab_size}")
#Exchange Embeddings and Decoding
new_embd_layer = torch.nn.Embedding(new_tokenizer.vocab_size, old_embed.size(1))
new_embd_layer.weight.data = new_embd
new_decoder = torch.nn.Linear( old_embed.size(1), new_tokenizer.vocab_size)
new_decoder.weight = metre_model.model.roberta.embeddings.word_embeddings.weight
metre_model.model.lm_head.decoder = new_decoder
# Update LM config to reflect possible change in vocab size
metre_model.model.config.vocab_size = new_tokenizer.vocab_size