GenNet / preprocess /
lnalinaf's picture
Upload preprocessing to fit given vcf with required snps for neural network
2be7364 verified
#!/usr/bin/env python
import pandas as pd
from loguru import logger
import pprint
import os
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None)
to get script working:
- fill required vars in .env
- run in terminal
export $(grep -v '^#' .env | xargs)
standard_vcf_cols = ['#CHROM', 'POS', 'ID', 'REF', 'ALT', 'QUAL', 'FILTER', 'INFO', 'FORMAT']
def record_result(vcf_out_path, vcf_df, required_vcf_cols, samples):
new_info_header = [
'##FILTER=<ID=PASS,Description="All filters passed">',
'##INFO=<ID=AF,Number=A,Type=Float,Description="Estimated ALT Allele Frequencies">',
'##INFO=<ID=DR2,Number=A,Type=Float,Description="Dosage R-Squared: estimated squared correlation between estimated REF dose [P(RA) + 2*P(RR)] and true REF dose">',
'##INFO=<ID=IMP,Number=0,Type=Flag,Description="Imputed marker">',
'##FORMAT=<ID=DS,Number=A,Type=Float,Description="estimated ALT dose [P(RA) + 2*P(AA)]">',
'##INFO=<ID=AC,Number=A,Type=Integer,Description="Allele count in genotypes">',
'##INFO=<ID=AN,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="Total number of alleles in called genotypes">'
with open(vcf_out_path, 'w') as vcf_file:
for s in new_info_header:
vcf_file.write(s + '\n')
cols_header = '\t'.join(required_vcf_cols)
for _, row in vcf_df.iterrows():
chrom = row['#CHROM']
pos = row['POS']
id = row['ID']
ref = row['REF']
alt = row['ALT']
qual = row['QUAL']
filter = row['FILTER']
info = row['INFO']
format = row['FORMAT']
genotypes = list()
for sample in samples:
sample_genotype = row[f'{sample}']
genotypes_str = '\t'.join(genotypes)
vcf_record = f'{chrom}\t{pos}\t{id}\t{ref}\t{alt}\t{qual}\t{filter}\t{info}\t{format}\t{genotypes_str}\n'
print('vcf recorded')
def convert_columns(snp_df, vcf_df, required_vcf_cols, samples):
global standard_vcf_cols
snp_df.rename(columns={'CHR': '#CHROM', 'bp': 'POS', 'allele1': 'REF', 'allele2': 'ALT'}, inplace=True)
vcf_df.rename(columns={'#[1]CHROM': '#CHROM', '[2]POS': 'POS', '[3]ID': 'ID', '[4]REF': 'REF', '[5]ALT': 'ALT',
'[6](null)': 'INFO'}, inplace=True)
for idx, sample in enumerate(samples):
vcf_df.rename(columns={f'[{idx+7}]{sample}:GT': f'{sample}'}, inplace=True)
snp_df[f'{sample}'] = None'snp_df.cols {snp_df.columns}')
snp_df['#CHROM'] = snp_df['#CHROM'].astype(str)
vcf_df['#CHROM'] = vcf_df['#CHROM'].astype(str)
snp_df['POS'] = snp_df['POS'].astype(str)
vcf_df['POS'] = vcf_df['POS'].astype(str)
snp_df['REF'] = snp_df['REF'].astype(str)
vcf_df['REF'] = vcf_df['REF'].astype(str)
snp_df['ALT'] = snp_df['ALT'].astype(str)
vcf_df['ALT'] = vcf_df['ALT'].astype(str)
vcf_df['INFO'] = vcf_df['INFO'].astype(str)
snp_df['ID'] = None
snp_df['QUAL'] = '.'
snp_df['FILTER'] = 'PASS'
snp_df['INFO'] = '.'
snp_df['FORMAT'] = 'GT'
excess_cols = [col for col in snp_df.columns if col not in required_vcf_cols]
snp_df.drop(excess_cols, axis=1, inplace=True)
return snp_df, vcf_df
def main():
input_snp = os.getenv('input_snp_path') # Annotations/UKBiobank/Input_SNPs_refseq.csv
out_file = os.getenv('fitted_vcf')
target_vcf_snps - .csv file with necessary info from VCF, can be obtain by
bcftools query -H -f '%CHROM\t%POS\t%ID\t%REF\t%ALT\t%INFO\t[%GT\t]\n' example.vcf.gz > example_snps.csv
target_vcf_snps = os.getenv('target_vcf_snps')
samples = os.getenv('samples_to_extract').split(',')'samples: {samples}')
vcf_df = pd.read_csv(target_vcf_snps, delimiter='\t', dtype={'#[1]CHROM': str})
snp_df = pd.read_csv(input_snp, delimiter=',')
required_vcf_cols = standard_vcf_cols + samples'required cols {required_vcf_cols}, snp_df.cols {snp_df.columns}')
snp_df, vcf_df = convert_columns(snp_df, vcf_df, required_vcf_cols, samples)
f'after convert snp_df shape {snp_df.shape}, {snp_df.columns}\n, fit_vcf shape {vcf_df.shape}, {vcf_df.columns}')
merged = snp_df.merge(vcf_df, on=['#CHROM', 'POS', 'REF', 'ALT'], how='left', suffixes=('_snp', '_vcf'))
merged.rename(columns={'ID_vcf': 'ID', 'INFO_snp': 'INFO'}, inplace=True)
for sample in samples:
merged.rename(columns={f'{sample}_vcf': f'{sample}'}, inplace=True)
merged[f'{sample}'].fillna('./.', inplace=True)
merged = merged[required_vcf_cols]
merged['ID'].fillna('.', inplace=True)
pprint.pprint(merged)'final_df header {merged.columns} \n final_df shape: {merged.shape}')
record_result(out_file, merged, required_vcf_cols, samples)