import os os.chdir("/data/public/GenNet") import sys import glob import numpy as np import pandas as pd #sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))) import matplotlib matplotlib.use('agg') import tensorflow as tf import tensorflow.keras as K import scipy import tables tf.keras.backend.set_epsilon(0.0000001) tf_version = tf.__version__ # ToDo use packaging.version if tf_version <= '1.13.1': from GenNet_utils.LocallyDirectedConnected import LocallyDirected1D print('= or less then 1.13.1: tensorflow version is', tf_version) elif tf_version >= '2.0': from GenNet_utils.LocallyDirectedConnected_tf2 import LocallyDirected1D print('= or more then 2.0: tensorflow version is', tf_version) else: print("unexpected tensorflow version") from GenNet_utils.LocallyDirectedConnected_tf2 import LocallyDirected1D studyname = 'test_GN_ref' def layer_block(model, mask, i, regression): if regression: activation_type="relu" else: activation_type="tanh" model = LocallyDirected1D(mask=mask, filters=1, input_shape=(mask.shape[0], 1), name="LocallyDirected_" + str(i))(model) model = K.layers.Flatten()(model) model = K.layers.Activation(activation_type)(model) model = K.layers.BatchNormalization(center=False, scale=False)(model) return model def add_covariates(model, input_cov, num_covariates, regression, negative_values_ytrain, mean_ytrain): if num_covariates > 0: model = activation_layer(model, regression, negative_values_ytrain) model = K.layers.concatenate([model, input_cov], axis=1) model = K.layers.BatchNormalization(center=False, scale=False)(model) model = K.layers.Dense(units=1, bias_initializer= tf.keras.initializers.Constant(mean_ytrain))(model) return model def activation_layer(model, regression, negative_values_ytrain): if regression: if negative_values_ytrain: model = K.layers.Activation("linear")(model) print('using a linear activation function') else: model = K.layers.Activation("relu")(model) print('using a relu activation function') else: model = K.layers.Activation("sigmoid")(model) return model def create_network_from_npz(datapath, inputsize, genotype_path, l1_value=0.01, regression=False, num_covariates=0, mask_order = []): print("Creating networks from npz masks") print("regression", regression) if regression: mean_ytrain, negative_values_ytrain = regression_properties(datapath) else: mean_ytrain = 0 negative_values_ytrain = False masks = [] mask_shapes_x = [] mask_shapes_y = [] print(mask_order) if len(mask_order) > 0: # if mask_order is defined we use this order for mask in mask_order: mask = scipy.sparse.load_npz(datapath + '/'+str(mask)+'.npz') masks.append(mask) mask_shapes_x.append(mask.shape[0]) mask_shapes_y.append(mask.shape[1]) for x in range(len(masks) - 1): # check that the masks fit eachother assert mask_shapes_y[x] == mask_shapes_x[x + 1] else: # if mask order is not defined we can sort the mask by the size for npz_path in glob.glob(datapath + '/*.npz'): mask = scipy.sparse.load_npz(npz_path) masks.append(mask) mask_shapes_x.append(mask.shape[0]) mask_shapes_y.append(mask.shape[1]) for i in range(len(masks)): # sort all the masks in the correct order argsort_x = np.argsort(mask_shapes_x)[::-1] argsort_y = np.argsort(mask_shapes_y)[::-1] mask_shapes_x = np.array(mask_shapes_x) mask_shapes_y = np.array(mask_shapes_y) assert all(argsort_x == argsort_y) # check that both dimensions have the same order masks = [masks[i] for i in argsort_y] # sort masks mask_shapes_x = mask_shapes_x[argsort_x] mask_shapes_y = mask_shapes_y[argsort_y] for x in range(len(masks) - 1): # check that the masks fit eachother assert mask_shapes_y[x] == mask_shapes_x[x + 1] print('mask_shapes_x[0]', mask_shapes_x[0]) assert mask_shapes_x[0] == inputsize print('mask_shapes_y[-1]', mask_shapes_y[-1]) if mask_shapes_y[-1] == 1: # should we end with a dense layer? all_masks_available = True else: all_masks_available = False input_layer = K.Input((inputsize,), name='input_layer') input_cov = K.Input((num_covariates,), name='inputs_cov') model = K.layers.Reshape(input_shape=(inputsize,), target_shape=(inputsize, 1))(input_layer) for i in range(len(masks)): mask = masks[i] model = layer_block(model, mask, i, regression) model = K.layers.Flatten()(model) if all_masks_available: model = LocallyDirected1D(mask=masks[-1], filters=1, input_shape=(mask.shape[0], 1), name="output_layer")(model) else: model = K.layers.Dense(units=1, name="output_layer", kernel_regularizer=tf.keras.regularizers.l1(l=l1_value) )(model) model = add_covariates(model, input_cov, num_covariates, regression, negative_values_ytrain, mean_ytrain) output_layer = activation_layer(model, regression, negative_values_ytrain) model = K.Model(inputs=[input_layer, input_cov], outputs=output_layer) print(model.summary()) return model, masks def get_testdata(datapath): # ytest = pd.read_csv(datapath + "ytest_"+studyname+".csv") h5file = tables.open_file(datapath + studyname + '_genotype_processed.h5', "r") # ybatch = ytest["labels"] # xbatchid = np.array(ytest["tot_index"].values, dtype=np.int64) xbatch =[:] # ybatch = np.reshape(np.array(ybatch), (-1, 1)) h5file.close() return xbatch def predict(): xtest = get_testdata(datapath) pred = model.predict(xtest) print('model prediction: ', pred) datapath = '/data/public/GenNet/processed_data/' inputsize = 6986636 num_covariates = 0 genotype_path = datapath l1_value = 0.001 model, masks = create_network_from_npz(datapath=datapath, inputsize=inputsize, genotype_path=genotype_path,mask_order=['UKBB_sparse_connection_mask_refseq_alligned'], l1_value=l1_value, regression=False, num_covariates=num_covariates,) model.load_weights(datapath + 'bestweight_job_diabetes.h5') print('weights have been loaded') predict()