schema_filter /
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import numpy as np
import random
import torch
from tqdm import tqdm
from transformers import AutoTokenizer
from utils.classifier_model import SchemaItemClassifier
from transformers.trainer_utils import set_seed
def prepare_inputs_and_labels(sample, tokenizer):
table_names = [table["table_name"] for table in sample["schema"]["schema_items"]]
column_names = [table["column_names"] for table in sample["schema"]["schema_items"]]
column_num_in_each_table = [len(table["column_names"]) for table in sample["schema"]["schema_items"]]
# `column_name_word_indices` and `table_name_word_indices` record the word indices of each column and table in `input_words`, whose element is an integer
column_name_word_indices, table_name_word_indices = [], []
input_words = [sample["text"]]
for table_id, table_name in enumerate(table_names):
table_name_word_indices.append(len(input_words) - 1)
for column_name in column_names[table_id]:
column_name_word_indices.append(len(input_words) - 1)
# remove the last ","
input_words = input_words[:-1]
tokenized_inputs = tokenizer(
is_split_into_words = True,
padding = "max_length",
max_length = 512,
truncation = True
# after tokenizing, one table name or column name may be splitted into multiple tokens (i.e., sub-words)
# `column_name_token_indices` and `table_name_token_indices` records the token indices of each column and table in `input_ids`, whose element is a list of integer
column_name_token_indices, table_name_token_indices = [], []
word_indices = tokenized_inputs.word_ids(batch_index = 0)
# obtain token indices of each column in `input_ids`
for column_name_word_index in column_name_word_indices:
column_name_token_indices.append([token_id for token_id, word_index in enumerate(word_indices) if column_name_word_index == word_index])
# obtain token indices of each table in `input_ids`
for table_name_word_index in table_name_word_indices:
table_name_token_indices.append([token_id for token_id, word_index in enumerate(word_indices) if table_name_word_index == word_index])
encoder_input_ids = tokenized_inputs["input_ids"]
encoder_input_attention_mask = tokenized_inputs["attention_mask"]
# print("\n".join(tokenizer.batch_decode(encoder_input_ids, skip_special_tokens = True)))
if torch.cuda.is_available():
encoder_input_ids = encoder_input_ids.cuda()
encoder_input_attention_mask = encoder_input_attention_mask.cuda()
return encoder_input_ids, encoder_input_attention_mask, \
column_name_token_indices, table_name_token_indices, column_num_in_each_table
def get_schema(tables_and_columns):
schema_items = []
table_names = list(dict.fromkeys([t for t, c in tables_and_columns]))
for table_name in table_names:
"table_name": table_name,
"column_names": [c for t, c in tables_and_columns if t == table_name]
return {"schema_items": schema_items}
def get_sequence_length(text, tables_and_columns, tokenizer):
table_names = [t for t, c in tables_and_columns]
# duplicate `table_names` while preserving order
table_names = list(dict.fromkeys(table_names))
column_names = []
for table_name in table_names:
column_names.append([c for t, c in tables_and_columns if t == table_name])
input_words = [text]
for table_id, table_name in enumerate(table_names):
for column_name in column_names[table_id]:
# remove the last ","
input_words = input_words[:-1]
tokenized_inputs = tokenizer(input_words, is_split_into_words = True)
return len(tokenized_inputs["input_ids"])
# handle extremely long schema sequences
def split_sample(sample, tokenizer):
text = sample["text"]
table_names = []
column_names = []
for table in sample["schema"]["schema_items"]:
table_names.append(table["table_name"] + " ( " + table["table_comment"] + " ) " \
if table["table_comment"] != "" else table["table_name"])
column_names.append([column_name + " ( " + column_comment + " ) " \
if column_comment != "" else column_name \
for column_name, column_comment in zip(table["column_names"], table["column_comments"])])
splitted_samples = []
recorded_tables_and_columns = []
for table_idx, table_name in enumerate(table_names):
for column_name in column_names[table_idx]:
if get_sequence_length(text, recorded_tables_and_columns + [[table_name, column_name]], tokenizer) < 500:
recorded_tables_and_columns.append([table_name, column_name])
"text": text,
"schema": get_schema(recorded_tables_and_columns)
recorded_tables_and_columns = [[table_name, column_name]]
"text": text,
"schema": get_schema(recorded_tables_and_columns)
return splitted_samples
def merge_pred_results(sample, pred_results):
# table_names = [table["table_name"] for table in sample["schema"]["schema_items"]]
# column_names = [table["column_names"] for table in sample["schema"]["schema_items"]]
table_names = []
column_names = []
for table in sample["schema"]["schema_items"]:
table_names.append(table["table_name"] + " ( " + table["table_comment"] + " ) " \
if table["table_comment"] != "" else table["table_name"])
column_names.append([column_name + " ( " + column_comment + " ) " \
if column_comment != "" else column_name \
for column_name, column_comment in zip(table["column_names"], table["column_comments"])])
merged_results = []
for table_id, table_name in enumerate(table_names):
table_prob = 0
column_probs = []
for result_dict in pred_results:
if table_name in result_dict:
if table_prob < result_dict[table_name]["table_prob"]:
table_prob = result_dict[table_name]["table_prob"]
column_probs += result_dict[table_name]["column_probs"]
"table_name": table_name,
"table_prob": table_prob,
"column_names": column_names[table_id],
"column_probs": column_probs
return merged_results
def filter_func(dataset, dataset_type, sic, num_top_k_tables = 5, num_top_k_columns = 5):
for data in tqdm(dataset, desc = "filtering schema items for the dataset"):
filtered_schema = dict()
filtered_schema["schema_items"] = []
table_names = [table["table_name"] for table in data["schema"]["schema_items"]]
table_comments = [table["table_comment"] for table in data["schema"]["schema_items"]]
column_names = [table["column_names"] for table in data["schema"]["schema_items"]]
column_comments = [table["column_comments"] for table in data["schema"]["schema_items"]]
if dataset_type == "eval":
# predict scores for each tables and columns
pred_results = sic.predict(data)
# remain top_k1 tables for each database and top_k2 columns for each remained table
table_probs = [pred_result["table_prob"] for pred_result in pred_results]
table_indices = np.argsort(-np.array(table_probs), kind="stable")[:num_top_k_tables].tolist()
elif dataset_type == "train":
table_indices = [table_idx for table_idx, table_label in enumerate(data["table_labels"]) if table_label == 1]
if len(table_indices) < num_top_k_tables:
unused_table_indices = [table_idx for table_idx, table_label in enumerate(data["table_labels"]) if table_label == 0]
table_indices += random.sample(unused_table_indices, min(len(unused_table_indices), num_top_k_tables - len(table_indices)))
for table_idx in table_indices:
if dataset_type == "eval":
column_probs = pred_results[table_idx]["column_probs"]
column_indices = np.argsort(-np.array(column_probs), kind="stable")[:num_top_k_columns].tolist()
elif dataset_type == "train":
column_indices = [column_idx for column_idx, column_label in enumerate(data["column_labels"][table_idx]) if column_label == 1]
if len(column_indices) < num_top_k_columns:
unused_column_indices = [column_idx for column_idx, column_label in enumerate(data["column_labels"][table_idx]) if column_label == 0]
column_indices += random.sample(unused_column_indices, min(len(unused_column_indices), num_top_k_columns - len(column_indices)))
"table_name": table_names[table_idx],
"table_comment": table_comments[table_idx],
"column_names": [column_names[table_idx][column_idx] for column_idx in column_indices],
"column_comments": [column_comments[table_idx][column_idx] for column_idx in column_indices]
# replace the old schema with the filtered schema
data["schema"] = filtered_schema
if dataset_type == "train":
del data["table_labels"]
del data["column_labels"]
return dataset
def lista_contains_listb(lista, listb):
for b in listb:
if b not in lista:
return 0
return 1
class SchemaItemClassifierInference():
def __init__(self, model_save_path):
# load tokenizer
self.tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_save_path, add_prefix_space = True)
# initialize model
self.model = SchemaItemClassifier(model_save_path, "test")
# load fine-tuned params
self.model.load_state_dict(torch.load(model_save_path + "/", map_location=torch.device('cpu')), strict=False)
if torch.cuda.is_available():
self.model = self.model.cuda()
def predict_one(self, sample):
encoder_input_ids, encoder_input_attention_mask, column_name_token_indices,\
table_name_token_indices, column_num_in_each_table = prepare_inputs_and_labels(sample, self.tokenizer)
with torch.no_grad():
model_outputs = self.model(
table_logits = model_outputs["batch_table_name_cls_logits"][0]
table_pred_probs = torch.nn.functional.softmax(table_logits, dim = 1)[:, 1].cpu().tolist()
column_logits = model_outputs["batch_column_info_cls_logits"][0]
column_pred_probs = torch.nn.functional.softmax(column_logits, dim = 1)[:, 1].cpu().tolist()
splitted_column_pred_probs = []
# split predicted column probs into each table
for table_id, column_num in enumerate(column_num_in_each_table):
splitted_column_pred_probs.append(column_pred_probs[sum(column_num_in_each_table[:table_id]): sum(column_num_in_each_table[:table_id]) + column_num])
column_pred_probs = splitted_column_pred_probs
result_dict = dict()
for table_idx, table in enumerate(sample["schema"]["schema_items"]):
result_dict[table["table_name"]] = {
"table_name": table["table_name"],
"table_prob": table_pred_probs[table_idx],
"column_names": table["column_names"],
"column_probs": column_pred_probs[table_idx],
return result_dict
def predict(self, test_sample):
splitted_samples = split_sample(test_sample, self.tokenizer)
pred_results = []
for splitted_sample in splitted_samples:
return merge_pred_results(test_sample, pred_results)
def evaluate_coverage(self, dataset):
max_k = 100
total_num_for_table_coverage, total_num_for_column_coverage = 0, 0
table_coverage_results = [0]*max_k
column_coverage_results = [0]*max_k
for data in dataset:
indices_of_used_tables = [idx for idx, label in enumerate(data["table_labels"]) if label == 1]
pred_results = sic.predict(data)
# print(pred_results)
table_probs = [res["table_prob"] for res in pred_results]
for k in range(max_k):
indices_of_top_k_tables = np.argsort(-np.array(table_probs), kind="stable")[:k+1].tolist()
if lista_contains_listb(indices_of_top_k_tables, indices_of_used_tables):
table_coverage_results[k] += 1
total_num_for_table_coverage += 1
for table_idx in range(len(data["table_labels"])):
indices_of_used_columns = [idx for idx, label in enumerate(data["column_labels"][table_idx]) if label == 1]
if len(indices_of_used_columns) == 0:
column_probs = pred_results[table_idx]["column_probs"]
for k in range(max_k):
indices_of_top_k_columns = np.argsort(-np.array(column_probs), kind="stable")[:k+1].tolist()
if lista_contains_listb(indices_of_top_k_columns, indices_of_used_columns):
column_coverage_results[k] += 1
total_num_for_column_coverage += 1
indices_of_top_10_columns = np.argsort(-np.array(column_probs), kind="stable")[:10].tolist()
if lista_contains_listb(indices_of_top_10_columns, indices_of_used_columns) == 0:
if __name__ == "__main__":
dataset_name = "bird_with_evidence"
# dataset_name = "bird"
# dataset_name = "spider"
sic = SchemaItemClassifierInference("sic_ckpts/sic_{}".format(dataset_name))
import json
dataset = json.load(open("./data/sft_eval_{}_text2sql.json".format(dataset_name)))