/*! |
************************************************************************************************** |
* Deformable DETR |
* Copyright (c) 2020 SenseTime. All Rights Reserved. |
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 [see LICENSE for details] |
************************************************************************************************** |
* Modified from https://github.com/chengdazhi/Deformable-Convolution-V2-PyTorch/tree/pytorch_1.0.0 |
************************************************************************************************** |
*/ |
#include <vector> |
#include "deformable_detr/ms_deform_im2col_cuda.cuh" |
#include <ATen/ATen.h> |
#include <ATen/cuda/CUDAContext.h> |
#include <cuda.h> |
#include <cuda_runtime.h> |
#include <torch/all.h> |
at::Tensor ms_deform_attn_cuda_forward( |
const at::Tensor &value, |
const at::Tensor &spatial_shapes, |
const at::Tensor &level_start_index, |
const at::Tensor &sampling_loc, |
const at::Tensor &attn_weight, |
const int64_t im2col_step) |
{ |
at::DeviceGuard guard(value.device()); |
AT_ASSERTM(value.is_contiguous(), "value tensor has to be contiguous"); |
AT_ASSERTM(spatial_shapes.is_contiguous(), "spatial_shapes tensor has to be contiguous"); |
AT_ASSERTM(level_start_index.is_contiguous(), "level_start_index tensor has to be contiguous"); |
AT_ASSERTM(sampling_loc.is_contiguous(), "sampling_loc tensor has to be contiguous"); |
AT_ASSERTM(attn_weight.is_contiguous(), "attn_weight tensor has to be contiguous"); |
AT_ASSERTM(value.is_cuda(), "value must be a CUDA tensor"); |
AT_ASSERTM(spatial_shapes.is_cuda(), "spatial_shapes must be a CUDA tensor"); |
AT_ASSERTM(level_start_index.is_cuda(), "level_start_index must be a CUDA tensor"); |
AT_ASSERTM(sampling_loc.is_cuda(), "sampling_loc must be a CUDA tensor"); |
AT_ASSERTM(attn_weight.is_cuda(), "attn_weight must be a CUDA tensor"); |
const int batch = value.size(0); |
const int spatial_size = value.size(1); |
const int num_heads = value.size(2); |
const int channels = value.size(3); |
const int num_levels = spatial_shapes.size(0); |
const int num_query = sampling_loc.size(1); |
const int num_point = sampling_loc.size(4); |
const int im2col_step_ = std::min(batch, static_cast<int>(im2col_step)); |
AT_ASSERTM(batch % im2col_step_ == 0, "batch(%d) must divide im2col_step(%d)", batch, im2col_step_); |
auto output = at::zeros({batch, num_query, num_heads, channels}, value.options()); |
const int batch_n = im2col_step_; |
auto output_n = output.view({batch/im2col_step_, batch_n, num_query, num_heads, channels}); |
auto per_value_size = spatial_size * num_heads * channels; |
auto per_sample_loc_size = num_query * num_heads * num_levels * num_point * 2; |
auto per_attn_weight_size = num_query * num_heads * num_levels * num_point; |
for (int n = 0; n < batch/im2col_step_; ++n) |
{ |
auto columns = output_n.select(0, n); |
AT_DISPATCH_FLOATING_TYPES_AND2(at::ScalarType::Half, at::ScalarType::BFloat16, value.scalar_type(), "ms_deform_attn_forward_cuda", ([&] { |
ms_deformable_im2col_cuda(at::cuda::getCurrentCUDAStream(), |
value.data_ptr<scalar_t>() + n * im2col_step_ * per_value_size, |
spatial_shapes.data_ptr<int64_t>(), |
level_start_index.data_ptr<int64_t>(), |
sampling_loc.data_ptr<scalar_t>() + n * im2col_step_ * per_sample_loc_size, |
attn_weight.data_ptr<scalar_t>() + n * im2col_step_ * per_attn_weight_size, |
batch_n, spatial_size, num_heads, channels, num_levels, num_query, num_point, |
columns.data_ptr<scalar_t>()); |
})); |
} |
output = output.view({batch, num_query, num_heads*channels}); |
return output; |
} |
std::vector<at::Tensor> ms_deform_attn_cuda_backward( |
const at::Tensor &value, |
const at::Tensor &spatial_shapes, |
const at::Tensor &level_start_index, |
const at::Tensor &sampling_loc, |
const at::Tensor &attn_weight, |
const at::Tensor &grad_output, |
const int64_t im2col_step) |
{ |
at::DeviceGuard guard(value.device()); |
AT_ASSERTM(value.is_contiguous(), "value tensor has to be contiguous"); |
AT_ASSERTM(spatial_shapes.is_contiguous(), "spatial_shapes tensor has to be contiguous"); |
AT_ASSERTM(level_start_index.is_contiguous(), "level_start_index tensor has to be contiguous"); |
AT_ASSERTM(sampling_loc.is_contiguous(), "sampling_loc tensor has to be contiguous"); |
AT_ASSERTM(attn_weight.is_contiguous(), "attn_weight tensor has to be contiguous"); |
AT_ASSERTM(grad_output.is_contiguous(), "grad_output tensor has to be contiguous"); |
AT_ASSERTM(value.is_cuda(), "value must be a CUDA tensor"); |
AT_ASSERTM(spatial_shapes.is_cuda(), "spatial_shapes must be a CUDA tensor"); |
AT_ASSERTM(level_start_index.is_cuda(), "level_start_index must be a CUDA tensor"); |
AT_ASSERTM(sampling_loc.is_cuda(), "sampling_loc must be a CUDA tensor"); |
AT_ASSERTM(attn_weight.is_cuda(), "attn_weight must be a CUDA tensor"); |
AT_ASSERTM(grad_output.is_cuda(), "grad_output must be a CUDA tensor"); |
const int batch = value.size(0); |
const int spatial_size = value.size(1); |
const int num_heads = value.size(2); |
const int channels = value.size(3); |
const int num_levels = spatial_shapes.size(0); |
const int num_query = sampling_loc.size(1); |
const int num_point = sampling_loc.size(4); |
const int im2col_step_ = std::min(batch, static_cast<int>(im2col_step)); |
AT_ASSERTM(batch % im2col_step_ == 0, "batch(%d) must divide im2col_step(%d)", batch, im2col_step_); |
auto grad_value = at::zeros_like(value); |
auto grad_sampling_loc = at::zeros_like(sampling_loc); |
auto grad_attn_weight = at::zeros_like(attn_weight); |
const int batch_n = im2col_step_; |
auto per_value_size = spatial_size * num_heads * channels; |
auto per_sample_loc_size = num_query * num_heads * num_levels * num_point * 2; |
auto per_attn_weight_size = num_query * num_heads * num_levels * num_point; |
auto grad_output_n = grad_output.view({batch/im2col_step_, batch_n, num_query, num_heads, channels}); |
for (int n = 0; n < batch/im2col_step_; ++n) |
{ |
auto grad_output_g = grad_output_n.select(0, n); |
AT_DISPATCH_FLOATING_TYPES_AND2(at::ScalarType::Half, at::ScalarType::BFloat16, value.scalar_type(), "ms_deform_attn_backward_cuda", ([&] { |
ms_deformable_col2im_cuda(at::cuda::getCurrentCUDAStream(), |
grad_output_g.data_ptr<scalar_t>(), |
value.data_ptr<scalar_t>() + n * im2col_step_ * per_value_size, |
spatial_shapes.data_ptr<int64_t>(), |
level_start_index.data_ptr<int64_t>(), |
sampling_loc.data_ptr<scalar_t>() + n * im2col_step_ * per_sample_loc_size, |
attn_weight.data_ptr<scalar_t>() + n * im2col_step_ * per_attn_weight_size, |
batch_n, spatial_size, num_heads, channels, num_levels, num_query, num_point, |
grad_value.data_ptr<scalar_t>() + n * im2col_step_ * per_value_size, |
grad_sampling_loc.data_ptr<scalar_t>() + n * im2col_step_ * per_sample_loc_size, |
grad_attn_weight.data_ptr<scalar_t>() + n * im2col_step_ * per_attn_weight_size); |
})); |
} |
return { |
grad_value, grad_sampling_loc, grad_attn_weight |
}; |
} |