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@@ -42,11 +42,11 @@ Therefore, SSSSLLDDLLv3 can be used as a normal anime model. As shown in this im
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アニメ顔を維持しながら、実写のようなファブリックのディテールを実現しています。"イラストや3DCGでは困難だが、AIモデルだからこそ表現できるアート" だと考えています!
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But you guys who see this image will think: "AYAYA
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i have achieved fabric details like live-action while maintaining the cartoon face. i believe this is "art that is difficult to achieve with illustrations or 3DCG, but can only be expressed with AI models" !
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@@ -117,9 +117,9 @@ From here, upscaler was changed to latent and CFG was changed to 3. The clarity
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Also, by
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しかしこの画像を見た多くの人は、こう考えるはずです。「この女性にピチピチのラテックススーツを着せたい。いや、彼女のカバンの中にはラバースーツがあるに違いない」 そう、このモデルは貴方の夢を叶えるために誕生しました。
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アニメ顔を維持しながら、実写のようなファブリックのディテールを実現しています。"イラストや3DCGでは困難だが、AIモデルだからこそ表現できるアート" だと考えています!
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But you guys who see this image will think: "AYAYA I want to put this woman in a tight-fitting latex suit. No, I bet she has a rubber suit in her bag!" , Absolutely, this model was created to make your dream come true.
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i have achieved fabric details like live-action while maintaining the cartoon face. i believe this is "art that is difficult to achieve with illustrations or 3DCG, but can only be expressed with AI models" !
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またSamplerをUniPC、3-5のCFGにして、Hires StepsをStepsの値以下にすることで、3DCGやフィギュアみたいな雰囲気になります。逆にHires Stepsの値を増やせば増やすほど書き込みが細かくなります。
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Also, by setting Sampler to UniPC, 3-5 CFG, and setting the Hires Steps to a value less than the Steps value, you can create a 3DCG or figure-like atmosphere. Conversely, the more you increase the value of Hires Steps, the more detailed the writing will be.
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