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# 「プロパティ」エリア → 「テクスチャ」タブ
import os, re, sys, bpy, time, bmesh, mathutils
from . import common
# メニュー等に項目追加
def menu_func(self, context):
import os
tex_slot = context.texture_slot
tex = context.texture
mate = context.active_object.active_material
except: return
if not tex_slot: return
if tex_slot.use:
type = 'tex'
type = 'col' if tex_slot.use_rgb_to_intensity else 'f'
base_name = common.remove_serial_number(
box =
box.label(text="For CM3D2", icon_value=common.preview_collections['main']['KISS'].icon_id)
split = box.split(percentage=0.333333333333333333)
split.label(text="Setting type:")
row = split.row()
if type == 'tex': row.label(text='Texture', icon='TEXTURE')
elif type == 'col': row.label(text='Color', icon='COLOR')
elif type == 'f': row.label(text='Value', icon='ARROW_LEFTRIGHT')
check_row = row.row(align=True)
check_row.prop(tex_slot, 'use', text="")
sub_row = check_row.row()
sub_row.prop(tex_slot, 'use_rgb_to_intensity', text="")
if tex_slot.use:
sub_row.enabled = False
box.prop(tex, 'name', icon='SORTALPHA', text="Setting value name")
if type == "tex":
if tex.type == 'IMAGE':
img = tex.image
if img:
if img.source == 'FILE':
if"\.[Pp][Nn][Gg]$", = re.sub(r"\.[Pp][Nn][Gg]$", "",
if"\.[Pp][Nn][Gg]\.\d{3}$", = re.sub(r"\.[Pp][Nn][Gg](\.\d{3})$", r"\1",
sub_box =
row = sub_box.split(percentage=0.333333333333, align=True)
row.label(text="Texture name:")
row.template_ID(tex, 'image', open='')
if 'cm3d2_path' not in img:
img['cm3d2_path'] = "Assets\\texture\\texture\\" + os.path.basename(img.filepath)
sub_box.prop(img, '["cm3d2_path"]', text="Texture path")
if base_name == "_ToonRamp":'TEXTURE_PT_context_texture_ToonRamp', icon='NLA')
elif base_name == "_ShadowRateToon":'TEXTURE_PT_context_texture_ShadowRateToon', icon='NLA')
split = sub_box.split(percentage=0.333333333333, align=True)
row = split.row(align=True)
row.prop(tex_slot, 'color', index=0, text="")
row.prop(tex_slot, 'color', index=1, text="")
split = sub_box.split(percentage=0.333333333333, align=True)
row = split.row(align=True)
row.prop(tex_slot, 'color', index=2, text="")
row.prop(tex_slot, 'diffuse_color_factor', text="")
row = sub_box.row()
row.operator('image.show_image', text="Image to UV/Image Editor", icon='ZOOM_IN').image_name =
if len(img.pixels):
row.operator('image.quick_export_cm3d2_tex', text="Save as .Tex", icon='FILESEL')
row.operator('image.replace_cm3d2_tex', icon='BORDERMOVE')
elif type == "col":
sub_box =
#row = sub_box.split(percentage=0.7, align=True)
row = sub_box.row(align=True)
row.prop(tex_slot, 'color', text="")
row.operator('texture.auto_set_color_value', icon='RECOVER_AUTO', text="Auto")
row.operator('texture.set_color_value', text="", icon='MATCAP_10').color = [0, 0, 0] + [tex_slot.diffuse_color_factor]
row.operator('texture.set_color_value', text="", icon='MATCAP_24').color = [1, 1, 1] + [tex_slot.diffuse_color_factor]
row = sub_box.row(align=True)
row.operator('texture.set_color_value', text="", icon='TRIA_LEFT').color = list(tex_slot.color) + [0]
row.prop(tex_slot, 'diffuse_color_factor', icon='IMAGE_RGB_ALPHA', text="Alpha", slider=True)
row.operator('texture.set_color_value', text="", icon='TRIA_RIGHT').color = list(tex_slot.color) + [1]
elif type == "f":
sub_box =
row = sub_box.row(align=True)
row.prop(tex_slot, 'diffuse_color_factor', icon='ARROW_LEFTRIGHT', text="Value")
data_path = 'texture_slot.diffuse_color_factor'
if base_name == '_Shininess':'TEXTURE_PT_context_texture_values_normal', icon='DOWNARROW_HLT', text="")
row = sub_box.row(align=True)
row.operator('texture.set_color_value', text="0.0", icon='MATCAP_10').color = list(tex_slot.color) + [0.0]
row.operator('texture.set_color_value', text="0.25").color = list(tex_slot.color) + [0.25]
row.operator('texture.set_color_value', text="0.5").color = list(tex_slot.color) + [0.5]
row.operator('texture.set_color_value', text="0.75").color = list(tex_slot.color) + [0.75]
row.operator('texture.set_color_value', text="1.0", icon='MATCAP_09').color = list(tex_slot.color) + [1.0]
elif base_name == '_OutlineWidth':'TEXTURE_PT_context_texture_values_OutlineWidth', icon='DOWNARROW_HLT', text="")
row = sub_box.row(align=True)
row.operator('texture.set_color_value', text="0.001", icon='MATSPHERE').color = list(tex_slot.color) + [0.001]
row.operator('texture.set_color_value', text="0.0015").color = list(tex_slot.color) + [0.0015]
row.operator('texture.set_color_value', text="0.002", icon='ANTIALIASED').color = list(tex_slot.color) + [0.002]
split = sub_box.split(percentage=0.3)
split.label(text=" Exact Value: ")
elif base_name == '_RimPower':'TEXTURE_PT_context_texture_values_RimPower', icon='DOWNARROW_HLT', text="")
row = sub_box.row(align=True)
row.operator('texture.set_color_value', text="1", icon='BRUSH_TEXFILL').color = list(tex_slot.color) + [1]
row.operator('texture.set_color_value', text="10").color = list(tex_slot.color) + [10]
row.operator('texture.set_color_value', text="20").color = list(tex_slot.color) + [20]
row.operator('texture.set_color_value', text="30", icon='MATCAP_07').color = list(tex_slot.color) + [30]
elif base_name == '_RimShift':'TEXTURE_PT_context_texture_values_normal', icon='DOWNARROW_HLT', text="")
row = sub_box.row(align=True)
row.operator('texture.set_color_value', text="0.0", icon='FULLSCREEN_EXIT').color = list(tex_slot.color) + [0.0]
row.operator('texture.set_color_value', text="0.25").color = list(tex_slot.color) + [0.25]
row.operator('texture.set_color_value', text="0.5").color = list(tex_slot.color) + [0.5]
row.operator('texture.set_color_value', text="0.75").color = list(tex_slot.color) + [0.75]
row.operator('texture.set_color_value', text="1.0", icon='FULLSCREEN_ENTER').color = list(tex_slot.color) + [1.0]
box.operator('texture.sync_tex_color_ramps', icon='LINKED')
description = ""
if base_name == '_MainTex':
description = ["The Main Texture is the primary texture as it will be most visible on the surface of the mesh.", "The Texture path should move automatically at the time of export.", "Please insert an appropriate texture name and withold any file type extensions."]
if base_name == '_ToonRamp':
description = ["This specifies a toon ramp that will be used in the transition from lit areas to shadow areas."]
elif base_name == '_ShadowTex':
description = ["The texture will determine the Color of the surface of the shaded portion.", "Specify the range in the _ShadowRateToon。"]
if base_name == '_ShadowRateToon':
description = ["Will affect the intensity of the Shadowtex.", "This Makes black colors valid and white colors invalid"]
elif base_name == '_Color':
description = ["Specifies the color of the surface", "This setting has no effect when the color is white."]
elif base_name == '_ShadowColor':
description = ["Specifies the color of the shadow. Turn it white to disable it", "This will determine the color of the shadow any object casts on it."]
elif base_name == '_RimColor':
description = ["Specify the color of the Rim light", "The Rim light is the reflection of light that is on the edge", "It is recommended that you turn this off by setting the color to black and setting transparency to 0.", "Alternatively, you can use it though you should use near black color values."]
elif base_name == '_OutlineColor':
description = ["Specifies the Outline's color", "It is advised that the color you choose be darker or lighter then your texture."]
elif base_name == '_Shininess':
description = ["Strength of the Shininess", "This is good for simulating reflective surfaces like Metals, Leathers, and Glass."]
elif base_name == '_OutlineWidth':
description = ["Specifies the Outline's width", "0.002 is thick、0.001 is narrow。"]
elif base_name == '_RimPower':
description = ["Specifies Rim Lighting Power", "This value is often found to be around 10.", "If the value is close to 0. then the Rim lighting will not appear properly.", "Rim Power determines how the Rim light fades at it's ends. Higher values make the fade less subtle."]
elif base_name == '_RimShift':
description = ["Specifies the Size of the Rim Light", "At a value of 1. your mesh is completely engulfed by the Rim light.", "At a value of -0.1 the Rim light disappears."]
elif base_name == '_RenderTex':
description = ["Sets the Mosiac shader value", "This should be left alone."]
elif base_name == '_FloatValue1':
description = ["The amount of pixels in the Mosiac.", "Larger values give you a clearer picture."]
if description != "":
sub_box =
col = sub_box.column(align=True)
col.label(text="Comments", icon='TEXT')
for line in description:
# _ToonRamp設定メニュー
class TEXTURE_PT_context_texture_ToonRamp(bpy.types.Menu):
bl_idname = 'TEXTURE_PT_context_texture_ToonRamp'
bl_label = "_ToonRamp Configuration"
def draw(self, context):
l = self.layout
cmd = 'texture.set_default_toon_textures'
l.operator(cmd, text="NoTex", icon='SPACE2').name = "NoTex"
l.operator(cmd, text="ToonBlackA1", icon='SPACE2').name = "ToonBlackA1"
l.operator(cmd, text="ToonBlueA1", icon='SPACE2').name = "ToonBlueA1"
l.operator(cmd, text="ToonBlueA2", icon='SPACE2').name = "ToonBlueA2"
l.operator(cmd, text="ToonBrownA1", icon='SPACE2').name = "ToonBrownA1"
l.operator(cmd, text="ToonDress_Shadow", icon='LAYER_USED').name = "ToonDress_Shadow"
l.operator(cmd, text="ToonFace", icon='SPACE2').name = "ToonFace"
l.operator(cmd, text="ToonFace_Shadow", icon='LAYER_USED').name = "ToonFace_Shadow"
l.operator(cmd, text="ToonFace002", icon='SPACE2').name = "ToonFace002"
l.operator(cmd, text="ToonGrayA1", icon='SPACE2').name = "ToonGrayA1"
l.operator(cmd, text="ToonGreenA1", icon='SPACE2').name = "ToonGreenA1"
l.operator(cmd, text="ToonGreenA2", icon='SPACE2').name = "ToonGreenA2"
l.operator(cmd, text="ToonOrangeA1", icon='SPACE2').name = "ToonOrangeA1"
l.operator(cmd, text="ToonPinkA1", icon='SPACE2').name = "ToonPinkA1"
l.operator(cmd, text="ToonPinkA2", icon='SPACE2').name = "ToonPinkA2"
l.operator(cmd, text="ToonPurpleA1", icon='SPACE2').name = "ToonPurpleA1"
l.operator(cmd, text="ToonRedA1", icon='SPACE2').name = "ToonRedA1"
l.operator(cmd, text="ToonRedA2", icon='SPACE2').name = "ToonRedA2"
l.operator(cmd, text="ToonSkin", icon='SPACE2').name = "ToonSkin"
l.operator(cmd, text="ToonSkin_Shadow", icon='LAYER_USED').name = "ToonSkin_Shadow"
l.operator(cmd, text="ToonSkin002", icon='SPACE2').name = "ToonSkin002"
l.operator(cmd, text="ToonYellowA1", icon='SPACE2').name = "ToonYellowA1"
l.operator(cmd, text="ToonYellowA2", icon='SPACE2').name = "ToonYellowA2"
l.operator(cmd, text="ToonYellowA3", icon='SPACE2').name = "ToonYellowA3"
# _ShadowRateToon設定メニュー
class TEXTURE_PT_context_texture_ShadowRateToon(bpy.types.Menu):
bl_idname = 'TEXTURE_PT_context_texture_ShadowRateToon'
bl_label = "_ShadowRateToon Configuration"
def draw(self, context):
l = self.layout
cmd = 'texture.set_default_toon_textures'
l.operator(cmd, text="NoTex", icon='LAYER_USED').name = "NoTex"
l.operator(cmd, text="ToonBlackA1", icon='LAYER_USED').name = "ToonBlackA1"
l.operator(cmd, text="ToonBlueA1", icon='LAYER_USED').name = "ToonBlueA1"
l.operator(cmd, text="ToonBlueA2", icon='LAYER_USED').name = "ToonBlueA2"
l.operator(cmd, text="ToonBrownA1", icon='LAYER_USED').name = "ToonBrownA1"
l.operator(cmd, text="ToonDress_Shadow", icon='SPACE2').name = "ToonDress_Shadow"
l.operator(cmd, text="ToonFace", icon='LAYER_USED').name = "ToonFace"
l.operator(cmd, text="ToonFace_Shadow", icon='SPACE2').name = "ToonFace_Shadow"
l.operator(cmd, text="ToonFace002", icon='LAYER_USED').name = "ToonFace002"
l.operator(cmd, text="ToonGrayA1", icon='LAYER_USED').name = "ToonGrayA1"
l.operator(cmd, text="ToonGreenA1", icon='LAYER_USED').name = "ToonGreenA1"
l.operator(cmd, text="ToonGreenA2", icon='LAYER_USED').name = "ToonGreenA2"
l.operator(cmd, text="ToonOrangeA1", icon='LAYER_USED').name = "ToonOrangeA1"
l.operator(cmd, text="ToonPinkA1", icon='LAYER_USED').name = "ToonPinkA1"
l.operator(cmd, text="ToonPinkA2", icon='LAYER_USED').name = "ToonPinkA2"
l.operator(cmd, text="ToonPurpleA1", icon='LAYER_USED').name = "ToonPurpleA1"
l.operator(cmd, text="ToonRedA1", icon='LAYER_USED').name = "ToonRedA1"
l.operator(cmd, text="ToonRedA2", icon='LAYER_USED').name = "ToonRedA2"
l.operator(cmd, text="ToonSkin", icon='LAYER_USED').name = "ToonSkin"
l.operator(cmd, text="ToonSkin_Shadow", icon='SPACE2').name = "ToonSkin_Shadow"
l.operator(cmd, text="ToonSkin002", icon='LAYER_USED').name = "ToonSkin002"
l.operator(cmd, text="ToonYellowA1", icon='LAYER_USED').name = "ToonYellowA1"
l.operator(cmd, text="ToonYellowA2", icon='LAYER_USED').name = "ToonYellowA2"
l.operator(cmd, text="ToonYellowA3", icon='LAYER_USED').name = "ToonYellowA3"
# 0.0~1.0までの値設定メニュー
class TEXTURE_PT_context_texture_values_normal(bpy.types.Menu):
bl_idname = 'TEXTURE_PT_context_texture_values_normal'
bl_label = "Value list"
def draw(self, context):
tex_slot = context.texture_slot
for i in range(11):
value = round(i * 0.1, 1)
icon = 'LAYER_USED' if i % 2 else 'LAYER_ACTIVE'
self.layout.operator('texture.set_color_value', text=str(value), icon=icon).color = list(tex_slot.color) + [value]
# _OutlineWidth用の値設定メニュー
class TEXTURE_PT_context_texture_values_OutlineWidth(bpy.types.Menu):
bl_idname = 'TEXTURE_PT_context_texture_values_OutlineWidth'
bl_label = "Value list"
def draw(self, context):
tex_slot = context.texture_slot
for i in range(16):
value = round(i * 0.0002, 4)
icon = 'LAYER_USED' if i % 2 else 'LAYER_ACTIVE'
self.layout.operator('texture.set_color_value', text=str(value), icon=icon).color = list(tex_slot.color) + [value]
# _RimPower用のValue設定メニュー
class TEXTURE_PT_context_texture_values_RimPower(bpy.types.Menu):
bl_idname = 'TEXTURE_PT_context_texture_values_RimPower'
bl_label = "Value list"
def draw(self, context):
tex_slot = context.texture_slot
for i in range(16):
value = round(i * 2, 0)
icon = 'LAYER_USED' if i % 2 else 'LAYER_ACTIVE'
if value == 0:
icon = 'ERROR'
self.layout.operator('texture.set_color_value', text=str(value), icon=icon).color = list(tex_slot.color) + [value]
class show_image(bpy.types.Operator):
bl_idname = 'image.show_image'
bl_label = "Open Image in UV/Image Editor"
bl_description = "Displays the specified image in the UV/ Image Editor"
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
image_name = bpy.props.StringProperty(name="Image name")
def execute(self, context):
if self.image_name in context.blend_data.images:
img = context.blend_data.images[self.image_name]
else:{'ERROR'}, message="Cannot find the file specified")
return {'CANCELLED'}
area = common.get_request_area(context, 'IMAGE_EDITOR')
if area:
common.set_area_space_attr(area, 'image', img)
else:{'ERROR'}, message="Area to view the image as not found")
return {'CANCELLED'}
return {'FINISHED'}
class replace_cm3d2_tex(bpy.types.Operator):
bl_idname = 'image.replace_cm3d2_tex'
bl_label = "Find texture"
bl_description = "looks for textures in the search paths specified in the Converter Settings."
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
def poll(cls, context):
if 'texture' in dir(context):
tex = context.texture
return 'image' in dir(tex)
return False
def execute(self, context):
tex = context.texture
img = tex.image
if not common.replace_cm3d2_tex(img):{'ERROR'}, message="Could not be located")
return {'CANCELLED'}
tex.image_user.use_auto_refresh = True
return {'FINISHED'}
class sync_tex_color_ramps(bpy.types.Operator):
bl_idname = 'texture.sync_tex_color_ramps'
bl_label = "Sync Textures to Colors and Values."
bl_description = "Applies Textures according to Color changes. (Example: Changing the RimColor)"
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
def poll(cls, context):
if 'material' in dir(context):
if context.material:
return True
if 'texture_slot' in dir(context) and 'texture' in dir(context):
return context.texture_slot and context.texture
return False
def execute(self, context):
for mate in context.blend_data.materials:
if 'shader1' in mate and 'shader2' in mate:
for slot in mate.texture_slots:
if not slot:
return {'FINISHED'}
class set_default_toon_textures(bpy.types.Operator):
bl_idname = 'texture.set_default_toon_textures'
bl_label = "Select the toon"
bl_description = "Select the default toon texture."
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
name = bpy.props.StringProperty(name="Texture name")
#dir = bpy.props.StringProperty(name="パス", default="Assets\\texture\\texture\\toon\\")
def poll(cls, context):
if 'texture_slot' in dir(context) and 'texture' in dir(context):
if context.texture_slot and context.texture:
name = common.remove_serial_number(
return name == "_ToonRamp" or name == "_ShadowRateToon"
return False
def execute(self, context):
import os.path, struct
img = context.texture.image =
png_path = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(bpy.path.abspath(img.filepath)), + ".png" )
tex_path = os.path.splitext(png_path)[0] + ".tex"
if not os.path.exists(png_path):
if os.path.exists(tex_path):
tex_file = open(tex_path, 'rb')
header_ext = common.read_str(tex_file)
if header_ext == 'CM3D2_TEX':, 1)
png_size = struct.unpack('<i',[0]
png_file = open(png_path, 'wb')
img.filepath = png_path
img['cm3d2_path'] = bpy.path.abspath(img.filepath)
return {'FINISHED'}
class auto_set_color_value(bpy.types.Operator):
bl_idname = 'texture.auto_set_color_value'
bl_label = "Automatically set the Color setting Value"
bl_description = "Color settings are set automatically with the Colors in the Texture"
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
is_all = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="All", default=True)
saturation_multi = bpy.props.FloatProperty(name="Saturation Multiplication", default=2.2, min=0, max=5, soft_min=0, soft_max=5, step=10, precision=2)
value_multi = bpy.props.FloatProperty(name="Mulitplication of Lightness value", default=0.3, min=0, max=5, soft_min=0, soft_max=5, step=10, precision=2)
def poll(cls, context):
ob = context.active_object
if not ob: return False
if ob.type != 'MESH': return False
me =
mate = ob.active_material
if not mate: return False
for slot in mate.texture_slots:
if not slot: continue
tex = slot.texture
name = common.remove_serial_number(
if name == '_MainTex':
img = tex.image
if img:
if len(img.pixels):
if len([0].image.pixels):
else: return False
if 'texture_slot' in dir(context) and 'texture' in dir(context):
slot = context.texture_slot
tex = context.texture
name = common.remove_serial_number(
if name in ['_ShadowColor', '_RimColor', '_OutlineColor']:
return True
return False
def invoke(self, context, event):
return context.window_manager.invoke_props_dialog(self)
def draw(self, context):
self.layout.prop(self, 'is_all', icon='ACTION')
row = self.layout.row()
row.label(text="", icon='SMOOTH')
row.prop(self, 'saturation_multi')
row = self.layout.row()
row.label(text="", icon='SOLID')
row.prop(self, 'value_multi')
def execute(self, context):
ob = context.active_object
me =
mate = ob.active_material
active_slot = context.texture_slot
active_tex = context.texture
tex_name = common.remove_serial_number(
target_slots = []
if self.is_all:
for slot in mate.texture_slots:
if not slot: continue
name = common.remove_serial_number(
if name in ['_ShadowColor', '_RimColor', '_OutlineColor']:
for slot in mate.texture_slots:
if not slot: continue
name = common.remove_serial_number(
if name == '_MainTex':
img = slot.texture.image
if img:
if len(img.pixels):
img =[0].image
sample_count = 10
img_width, img_height, img_channel = img.size[0], img.size[1], img.channels
bm =
uv_lay =
uvs = [l[uv_lay].uv[:] for f in bm.faces if f.material_index == ob.active_material_index for l in f.loops]
average_color = mathutils.Color([0, 0, 0])
seek_interval = len(uvs) / sample_count
for sample_index in range(sample_count):
uv_index = int(seek_interval * sample_index)
x, y = uvs[uv_index]
x, y = int(x * img_width), int(y * img_height)
pixel_index = ((y * img_width) + x) * img_channel
color = mathutils.Color(img.pixels[pixel_index:pixel_index+3])
average_color += color
average_color /= sample_count
average_color.s *= self.saturation_multi
average_color.v *= self.value_multi
for slot in target_slots:
slot.color = average_color[:3]
return {'FINISHED'}
class quick_export_cm3d2_tex(bpy.types.Operator):
bl_idname = 'image.quick_export_cm3d2_tex'
bl_label = "Export As .tex"
bl_description = "Save image as a .tex for CM3D2."
bl_options = {'REGISTER'}
def execute(self, context):
import os.path
slot = context.texture_slot
tex = context.texture
img = tex.image
except:{'ERROR'}, message="Mission failed.")
return {'CANCELLED'}
override = context.copy()
override['edit_image'] = img
filepath = os.path.splitext( bpy.path.abspath(img.filepath) )[0] + ".tex"
path = "assets/texture/texture/" + os.path.basename( bpy.path.abspath(img.filepath) )
if 'cm3d2_path' in img:
path = img['cm3d2_path']
if os.path.exists(filepath):
file = open(filepath, 'rb')
header_ext = common.read_str(file)
if header_ext == 'CM3D2_TEX':, 1)
path = common.read_str(file)
bpy.ops.image.export_cm3d2_tex(override, filepath=filepath, path=path){'INFO'}, message="Texture has been saved as data in the same folder. Mission Accomplished")
return {'FINISHED'}
class set_color_value(bpy.types.Operator):
bl_idname = 'texture.set_color_value'
bl_label = "Set the Color setting Value"
bl_description = "Set the Color type of setting Value"
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
color = bpy.props.FloatVectorProperty(name="Color", default=(0, 0, 0, 0), subtype='COLOR', size=4)
def poll(cls, context):
if 'texture_slot' in dir(context) and 'texture' in dir(context):
if context.texture_slot and context.texture:
return True
return False
def execute(self, context):
slot = context.texture_slot
slot.color = self.color[:3]
slot.diffuse_color_factor = self.color[3]
return {'FINISHED'}